HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-04 - Orange Coast Pilot... -···· DUNlif CIUT Ylll lllfTIWI llllY Ml. WEDNESDAY. AUGUS T 4. 1981 OJI AN<JE COUNT V. CALIFOHNIA 25 CENTS \t r I L __ -p- CHRISTENED Britain's Prince William Arthur Philip Louis 1s the center of attention today al his christening m the drawing room of Buckingham Palace with his parents Prince Charles and Princess Diana Laguna 'governor' snags a real one By STEVE MITCHELL Of the Oeffy Piiot Sien It was pretty obvious from the st.art that Gov Edmund Brown J r. didn't wan1 anything to do with it. He arrived at a hilltop Laguna Beach home for a $50-per-person fund-raiser. and was met in the driveway by "Doc" Blacketer and Blacketer's 12-year-old pit bull Buck Now f?oc. as you may recall. 1s on e of five candidates seeking election as honorary governor of the "state" of Laguna Beach. The hopefuls are selling votes, at a penny ap1ec.-e. to raise funds for an end-of-the-tourist season party for Lagunans only at Main Beach Park So Doc. yvho currently 1s running a poor third in the vote-getung compeuuon, thought it would be a great boost to his campaign were he to get Governor Brown's endorsement When Brown climbed out of his baby blue 1974 Plymouth. there stood Doc . attired 1n cowboy hat and string tie. with Buck sitting beside him "What's this all about," the pc•rplext'<i real governor asked? Doc's daughter, Belinda Blacketer, a former p lanning l. om m i s s 1 o n e r i n Lag u n a . rxplained to the governor that, since Proposition 13. the city no longer can afford to sponsor the once-annual Village party "So we have lo c al organizations raising money by selling votes for h o norary governor," she said. Brown allowed as how that sounded hke a great idea to htm, then -hesitatingly -asked how he might be of assistance No sooner were the words out o f his mouth than Belinda whipped out a proclamation endorsing Doc and asked Brown to c;1gn at the bottom "What ar(' you running for Jgain," Brown asked. hurriedly n •CJding over the proclamation "I 'm running for honorary govt•rnor of Laguna Beach," Doc bNlm<'d Then. pointing to the (See LAGUNA. Page A2) Fertility drug aids quintuplets' birth PARK RIDGE. CU (AP) A 31-year-old woman who had been taking a fertility drug gave birth today to quintuplets. four girls and a boy. a spokeswoman for Luthl•ran General Hospital said The infants were born JUst after 6 a m PD'f with the boy coming first and his s1s,C.ers following at intervals of about 30 seconds, according to hospital spok eswoman Cathy Barry lpema. The infants ranged m weight from I pound 8 ounces to 2 pounds 14 ounces and were delivered by Caesarean section. Ms. Barry-lpema said . They NATION wt•rc· listed in "cnttcal but stablt>" rnnd1twn. she said The mother. Amy Ch1kara1sh1 of Glenview, was reported in good condition. Mrs Chikara1sh1 and h C'r husband , James. 32. alrt>ady have an 18-month·old daughter, Enn Mrc; Ch1kara1sh1 had been taking the fertility d rug Pergonal. and was hosp1talazed t'1ght weeks ago after doctors detennmed that a multiple birth was likely The father was present in th(' delivery room for the deUvcry, whic h was performed by four doctors Marilyn Monroe murdered? . .. A private investigator who insists actress Marilyn Monroe was the victim o f murder. not suicide, is looking for her diary. which he says will provide solid Pvidence o f his belie f. Page AS. Acid air, -cancer linked Acid air, in which pollut.anta mix with humidity, has been linked to high lung cancer ·rates in subtropical regions such as Florida. Page BS. Tax.payers spared BOSTON (AP) -Massachusetts taxpayers will aave about 20 cents a week under a last-d itch election-year tax cut filed by Gov. lliward J . King and af'proved by the Legislature today. Beirut deaths soar Tanks attack; U.S. considers embargoes : By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 Israeli tanks and a rmored troops steamrolled into west Beirut today, other~ruts battled toward the PaJeetine Liberation Organization stronghold from the north and sou th, and artillery and gunboats hanunered Yasser Arafat's guerrilla enclave from all sides in furious barrages that continued after 15 hours. make "virtually 1mposs1ble the conduct of d1plomauc efforts" to end the ftghung. The possible sanctions included military, diplomatic and economic penalties, according to the sources. The Israeli military command said it had n ot launched ·•an alJ. out attempt at conquering the city" and the attacks were to s how Israel "will not p_lay the game by PLO-set rules." After eight hours of intensive f1r1ng from both sides, 1t appeared the Israeli thrust was con centrated on the no man's land between the city's Moslem and Christian sectors, the seaport on the northern edge of the PLO redoubt in west Beirut, and PLO entrenchments southwest of the city The Israeli attack, wh1c-h • began about 3 p.m . PDT anf shattered the ninth ceue-fire ~ two months of flghllng, waa covered by intense sh elling "Hundreds of shells burst within yards of each other and w1th1n seconds, t h e ent i ri southern belt of west Beirut W8f shrouded in smoke and names, Associated Press correspondent Terry Anderson said of on« I 0-second Israeli barrage At least 50 people were killed and 730 wounded m the attack and the toll was expected to ri9e sharply, im tial police reports cited by Lebanon's state radio said. The broadcast said most of the victims were civilians. Education appeal due Israel said its forces suffered 20 soldier s wounded, two seriously, before the attack, and that as a result of the assault its Does medical schooling count as community property? ed ri 60 ds By DAVID K UTZMANN a t the ume of divorce. annor captur a st P yar 01 11>e oe111 Piiot s1en d.,,..p and 600 d• to g But on Monday, in a surprise "" yar .. n on a The Newport Beach lawyer north-south axis a long the Green who first won and then lost a 2-I vote, the same appeals court L . dJ ·d · U h Id reversed itself and held that the me v1 mg8.ern a-e west state appeah court fight on 0 -t ( h lied med1£'al education could not be ~1ru rom ristJan-rontro whether a spouse's medical east Be Ut ('Ons1dered ('Ommunity property 1r · education ts commuruty property That ruling was a maJor Arafat called on every able in a divorce says she now will v1C'tory for Dr Mark Sullivan, Palestinian to take up arms and take her case to the Caltforn1a the phys1c1an, and a setback for de f end west B l' 1 rut , and Supreme Court. his ex-wife, Janet. President Elias Sarlus appealed Attorney PatnC'1a Herwg said •.Natur a 11 y. we w i 11 be to Presiden t Reagan to stop the Tuesday she ft.'Cls the issues at appealng to the California fighting and protested "what is stake are significant enough that Supreme Court ... Herzog said happening in Beirut where the state's high court sh ould hear Tuesday. "They're not required innocent civilians ar e bemg it to hear it," she said, but there is subjected to mass killing and She represents the former wife enough statewide interest in the destruction" of a south O r ange County caseand1ts ramificationsthatthe T op advisers to President urologtst who separated from her panel should consider it. Reagan met for three hours at husband in 1978 "( think it's essential the the White House today to~ In what was considered a California Supreme Court hear the latest attacks and sources in landmark ruling last January. the case," she said. the admimstrat1on said a list of the 4th District Court of Appeal During the Sul11vans' 1980 "theoretical sancuons" had been ruled that a professional school divorce proceedings in Orange drawn up. education qualified as community County S uperior Court, the Reagan told the advisers to property judge ruled that a physician's meet and make recommendations As such, the t'Ourt had ruled, a medic: a I e d u cati o n not be to him. The attacks. presidential value could be placed on it and a consid e rcu as community That resulte d in H erzog's appeal to the San Bemardlno- based appeals court, which upheld her arguments last January. "The court said where there is a professional education, t hat educauon ts the separate poperty of the person obtairung it," she said The panel had ruled that a value could be placed on that education, determined at trial, and that it could tx> shared with the other spouse ':Vhen property was divided. ln its new ruling Monday, the appeals court said that 1t now felt that "the starting premtse for the holding previously reached 1s wrong." Herwg said the court was now saying it was more lake a gift and not community property when one spouse put the other through school. spokesman Larry Speakes said , spouse was e ntitled to share in it property . ~~~~~~-'-~'--~~~~~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COME ON IN! 'the water's fine off of L Street on the Balboa Peninsula and there's one space left on the tube between Chris COUNTY A push for 911 line Orange County would Uke to get the word out on its best-kept secret -the 911 energency line. Page Bl. Jazz Exch ange on Coast Plans are to be unveiled Aug. 13 for a $2 million Jazz Exchange to be built in the Newport Beach- I.rvine area. Page 84. STATE R enegade bear hunted RIDGECREST (AP) -State Fish and Grune warden.a planned to UN a dog team t.oday to track an injured bear that mauled an lnyo County man in the mount.alna of eat.em Kem County. o...., "°' "'°'° .,, lee ~ and Alicia Rich. Behind them are S haron Halderman, Leslie Sm1th, Kami Kenny and Tyler Walker. INDEX Al Your Service A4 Horoecope All Business B4-5 Ann Landers All He rb Caen Al 1 Movies B6 Cavalcade All Mutual Funds B4 Classified 04-8 National New. A3 Comics B7 Public Notices B2,Cll,D4 Croesword B7 Sports Dl-3 Death Notices 04 Stock Marketa ~ Editorial AlO Televtalon 88 En t.ert.ainmen t A9,B6 Theaters 86 Food C l -10 Weather A2 Hy Gardner All World NeW11 A3 Art Hoppe All SPORTS DeCinces hot; Angels not Doug DeClnces bwted t.hJ'ee homers for the Angels, but they went for naught aa the Halos' pitching again failed to take advantage. Page Dl. ' • ------------------_____ ....-....-.. --------- \I ·I .. • IOW61'9 • Mesa Council OKs high • rise By JODI CADENHEAD or .... .,..,,... • ..., The Coeta Mesa City Council haa approved the coNt.ruction of '.MIJc bronze mirrored buildings 'eiat will rise from the SakJoka-lfN.. n ed beanfle lds like a glittering Emerald City. {•'Taking the yellow brick road •1*id by the Segerstrom family's ~by Town Center, developers ~. the project acrapped earlier for low-rise buildings in r of the 10 to 14-story · mercial o ffice buildings ~oved Monday for South t Metro Center. 'J 1 ''The decision to build this was ~ on the product success of 81own Center," said Mike Oberst, re_rojec t manager for Curci- ~ngland Co .. following the ~~~i. said that officials plan '\d begin construction of the first t)hase of the 1.3 otillion square foot South Coast Metro Center lbcated east of Town Center m "March. approved plan. tor the entire 165-acre pa.reel bounded by the San Diego Freeway, Main Street and Sunflower Avenue calling for 1.3 million square fet;t of commercial devefopment and 1,500 condominlwna. Financial con11deratlons hampered the mammoth residential a nd commercial project and in May the developer submitted the new proposal to Ci ty Hall. The publicity-shy Sakioka family has signed a 65-year lease with Curci-England for the South Coast Metro property and an additional 35 acres that will be used for residential development. Curci-England officials plan to submit a proposal lo the city within 90 days for a co ndominium prOJect . Construction of the residential development is not expected to begin until the second phase of the commercial project starts. WELCO M E D -India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi displays the gift presented to her in Los Angeles Tuestiay. S he will return to India after a two-day visit in Hawaii. \111'Construcllon of the f1rsl 11 ·!ltory building is expected to be completed by July, 1984. Oberst declined to comment on the rost of the project. The building designed by Gin W ong & Associates of Los Angeles would feature solar bronze· g l ass a n d g r a n 1 t e aggregate and would have bay windows and terraces on the 10th and 11th floors. Innocence pleaded by Carla Stuckle > .iThe first phase of the proJE!Ct i&D 46 acres along the San Diego Freeway, east of South Coast l'own Center, calls for two i.Ll-story buildings, one 14-story building and parking for 2.252 ~. 1, Curci-England's plans for the s ·• co n d p h as e 1 n c I u d e donstruction of two 10-story !buildings, one 14-story building Uld several parking structures (t)r 1,868 cars. •1,0berst said he expects about :t ,000 jobe to be created by the lproject that will house mostly !~porate users, account.ants' and attorneys' offices. ' 1 Two ye a rs a go t h c l' i i y t • • • 1Ene r gy secr e tary l··ll llo atte nd blast ... 1. it , LAS VEGAS (AP) -Energy ,Secretary James Edwards and 40 .l)eWS media representatives are ·~ be present Thursday when an underground nuclear weapons "test LI scheduled at the Nevada 'Eest Site. !,!•' Edwards and reporters will •w4tch the blast from a concrete 1control center 10 m iles from ~ground zero. By JEFF ADLER Of the Deity Pffot 8taft Carla Verne Stuckle -the 43-year-old Tustin woman who claims state Sen. John Schmitz fathered her two voun.e children -pleaded innocent Tuesday to a felony charge of child neglect in Ce n t ral Orange County Municipal Court. Wearing a light blue dress, Miss StuckJe nodded her head and replied "yes'' when asked by Judge Gary F R ya n to acknowledge her not guilty plea The arraignment proceedings S tate trans it c hange a s k e d SACRAMENTO (AP) -State Transportation Director Adriana Gianturco h as asked a s tate commission to change its five- year plan to restore funds for mass transit, bicycle trails, park- and-ride lots and roadside rests -and cut money for highway construction. Ms. Glanturco said Tuesday there are two million adults in California w ho do not have a driver's license and almost a million households without an au tornobile. "Most of these p eople are young, elderly, disabled or very poor," she said. lasted less than five minutes. Ryan set Aug. 23 as the date for a preliminary hearing into the charges. Meanwhile, the defendant remains free on her own recognizance. Followinll the arrai~nment, MISS Stuckle's attorney, Michael R McDonnell. refused to comment on the case, but said a statement would be issued next week. Miss Stuck.le did not speak to reporters. In refusing to answer reporters' questions, McDonnell said, "People believe everything they read in the newspapers and I'm not sure it's always put down an the newspapers the way it happened." He said his client's case would be aired at the preliminary hearing. Bab y boy kille d in c r i b b y sn a k e SPARK S, Nev. (AP) -A 21-month-old boy found dead in hlS crib Tuesday apJ¥ll"ently was killed by an 8-foot pet python, police said. Sgt John Long saJd the reptile was found near the crib where Jesse Dorland 's body was discovered. An autopsy was being conducted to determine the cause of death. Slightly warlller \ ..Uanl• AITa~-­ Aualln 1Coastnl 111 Oww OVle< ...... lrom Point 1Conce pt1on 10 Sar: Clemenl• 1 \lland no.-th-t wlnda 12 IO 22 f.'nota with 4 10 8 1001 combined tau lhrougll night EIMwhere. ~lghl variable wlnda WHI to "puthw eat 10 to 18 llnota attemoon. Sotltllwwt ...,..., 1 to 2 tti.I. Mostly aunny attemoon Ii.__ uch ol the n1llon hi d very werm to 1101 . muggy wellher Tu••day . b ut arrong thunderatorlT'I• were common over northern Michigan end aouth«n FIOrlda Sho-ra end lhunderatorma lli9o m~ ll'om aout,...,n 111d -1em Attzona lnlo far -tern T••H end from aoul heulern T-lnlo Loullllana. Showara 1110 fell 111 th• 11or the rn Rock i e• a11d thvnderlhowen d.....aop.d trom e11tern South 01kot1 end Nebr11k1 Into aouthern M lnneaola and nor111wet1ern Iowa. For today, aoettered ahowers were fore<:ut over lh• Pacific Nortllwwt wllh lhunder1howera over the Roc;kle• and aouthern lntermounlaln area S~• end thunderahowera were foreceal acrou the upper Mlaalaalppl Valle)', Greet Lek• end north«n Allantk: atat• Thvnd.nh~ alto wer e l orecaat o ver the oentrll Gulf COMt and IOUlllern Ronda. Ca lifornia Southern Celft~nla wlll be fllf through Thured1y. but low ~can be upectecl elong coulal ereea Slightly warmer ~ County hlgt\I 7 t 10 78 tod;'.~ to 82 Thurwday Lowt 6' to 88 Inland vel\9)' hight In the upper 10a tocs.y, 90I Thursday Lowt In eo.-Mountalna can ell.pec1 tltohl 76 to 8" both daya. LOW9 In !50a. Wast to toUtltwelt '#Inda 16-21> mph In northern d•••rll atternoona and ~. HIQh1 In '°" .-tel low 1008. lowl 82 fo 72. Soutflem dee«! hlghe 102 to 110. loWll 72 to 82. ·Hofttlem and C.Otral Cellfomla wilt be f11r Inland through Ttlur'ldey. Hight and morning IOw. olovclt with local drlule along OC*ll. Moettr lllmY afttmOOfl, .. Temp~ratures 1 llA,... 10 .1 • IO 82 .. 41 ... t 9anlmora 91rmlnghm Btamarck Bolte Boston Buffalo Burlington Ctlarlatn SC ChatlS1n WV Charttle NC Chey9ne Chao<> Clncinn1t1 Cle¥elanO Cl.mble SC Columbus Oti-ft W1h 0.yton o.n-°"'Mot,_ Oetroh Dvtulh EIPuo Flllrbanka Fargo Fllgst1N Grw1F11111 HartlOfd H.tena Honolulu Houston lndnaplla J11ekan J11Ckanvtte Kena City Knoxvllle Laa VegH Ullle Rock Loulavllte Memphis Miami Miiwaukee Mpl....St P Nulwllte New Orleen• New York Norfolk Olli. City Omaha Orl&Nlo PNledpl\la ~­Pittsburgh Piiand. M9 Piiand, Ore Pr~ ~ Richmond Salt lak• S111 AnlonlO S..111• Shfewport Slou• Fill• SI Loult SI P·Tampa 88 76 98 84 92 89 81 70 76 71 90 88 86 83 95 92 86 89 89 94 91 88 98 78 82 97 64 88 80 16 80 78 88 94 92 93 92 101 88 101 97 90 94 90 93 95 91 90 81 82 94 98 92 64 105 80 68 73 73 72 88 91 98 70 94 98 9S 66 85 84 Wednesday August 4 78 •Ho h Temperatures 64 67 53 49 64 58 55 70 64 67 81 68 67 82 88 83 76 63 NOAA u S Oeo• o• Comme<c" ~~Fronts COid ..-. Warm WW 65 53 72 « 81 56 50 85 48 75 80 87 74 73 61 65 73 75 71 77 73 68 79 88 70 67 71 74 77 76 89 83 58 80 sa 85 42 88 71 75 55 73 78 78 78 Spokane SyrecvM Topeka Tue.on Tulaa WUhlng1~ Wlctllta CAUf'O..NIA Apple Velley Bak-flek! Baratow 8-.lmont Big Bear Bty1he Callllna Culver City Eureka Freeno Lancuter Long Beach Los Anoelea Monrovt1 Monlebello Monterey Needlee Newport BNch Oallland Onllf'lo Palm 5'>flnoa P ... oena Puo Roblee ~aide Red Bluff Redwood City Sallnaa San Bematdlno San Oebrlel SM OleOO San Francllco San JoM Santa Ana Senta Cf\4 Senta Maria Santa Monica • 11 58 Stocltlon 62 55 78 40 103 65 78 83 108 81 74 52 T1hoe Valley 98 11 Thermal 95 70 Torran<ie tOO 79 Yuma 88 88 -----------102 71 90 53 Sm og 98 67 97 74 <92 50 76 38 107 11 H 66 81 85 62 5-' 92 80 88 64 84 66 76 88 93 67 88 66 85 54 105 80 74 88 87 56 89 84 103 88 88 83 65 48 87 81 83 59 88 58 88 47 92 83 88 86 16 69 82 53 73 53 81 68 711 114 10 115 71 82 Ttle Alt Ouallty Management Olatrlol predk:ta unhNlttlful air quallly lor eeneltlve persona loday In th& ~•reld•·San Ber11111d1no area. ul good air quallty In 111 other part• of the South Cout Air n Unhealthful air wtlh • Pollutant Standard lnde• ol 150 la fOfecul for the Rlveralde-San Bernardino .... Good elr quality wllh • PSI of 100 la pr1dlc1ed for the Sen 01brlel and Pomona valleys. A PSI ot 92 la for9CUI fOr the S... Fernando end Sant• Clarl11 valley•. with a PSI of 87 tor 8annl09, 68 !Of metropolltan Loe Angel .. and 50 10< the Hemet· El•lnOfl region A PSI of 42 II predleted fOf all other reglonl, lncludlnQ lnlmd Orange Cowty, coaataf er•••· h igh and low "-1a I nd Big Bur Lake. Where to cell (toll frH) for llllMI amog lnf~matlon. Orange County (8001 44~H Loa AngelH County. (SOO) 242-4022 Rlvertld• and San Batnardlno counll•: (8001387-"710 AOMO Epleode Center: (800) 242·4888 Tides SURf RIPOil TOOAY S.OOOd low 3:27 p.rn. 2.2 Second 111gh 9:38 P m e. 1 ~ht - ' ..... A\11 1 t 1 1 .... .... 2 2 It 2 ..... Dlf SW aw aw w ntullllOAY Flrat 10W 4:44 a.m 0.$ ~le-11:09 a.m. 4.1 ...... 4:03 p.rn. 2.2 9.cond hlQh 10:10 p rn. e,o 8un Mtl today et 7:61 p.m,, riMt Ttlur9dey 11 8:07 Lil\. MOOt1 "-IOdty 91 l:Ge p,m., Mm Thur9dl)' 11 S·4S a.m • ) AetiYists enter race Two '4,000' members seek NB council seats By ITEVE MARBLE or ... Olllr,... .... · In a move that could brin.11 • new tone to the upcomfoa Newport Beach City Councn raco, two actlvlata In the Commit• of 4,000 have atp1ed th ey'll enter the November rontest. Barbara Young, prealdent of the committee that la batt.llna the lrvlne Company over leaaenold property In Newport and Irvine, haa taken out papen to run again.at incumbent Evelyn Hart. Radio peraonallty Pat Mic haela, also an a c tive committee member, haa picked up norniMtion papel"'S. He would be running against Paul From Page A1 LAGUNA. • • • unimpressed pit bull, Doc said, "This here's my lieutenant governor." "State of Laguna Beach ," Brown repeated . "Laguna doesn't need to be a st.ate. It's alread1 a st.ate of mind, 1.an't it?" Then, pulling a pen from his pocket, Brown quickly scribbled his signature at the bottom of the proclamation. By this time, Brown's aides were attempting to pry the real governor away from the local cont.ender and his canine running mate. But first, a photographer asked if the governor would kneel next to the dog for a picture. Lo o king down at the nonplussed mutt, Brown shook his head and said, "Naw, why don't you just shoot it with us standing up like this." Make-it-qukk was unapoken, but implied in the tone of his voice. Four rapid-fire shots with the help of a motor camera, and the governor was gone. "Good luck," he said over his shoulder as h is aides led him away. Humroel, the Incumbent from Corona del Mar. Four of the aeven councll ... ia will be WJed ln the •lectlon and 10 peqple, lncludtna all four lncun{benta, haYI taken out papen to run. Candldatet are elected at large but repl'ftent 1eog raphlcal dl1trlc t1 t n Newport. Ma. Young, owner of a n escrow firm and a Bav1ho.rN ~t. hu been the mo9t active and rDOlt vilible membef of the Committee of 4,000, eo named becaUM there att "°'ilahlY ~.000 ree:Jdenta In Newport and Irvine who leue land from the 1rvine Company. The commlttee, which it aulng the Irvine Company, la battling lkyrocketlng land leue fees that· eome homeowners have been hit wt th. Doc just stood there smiling. "That picture ought to be worth a lot of votes," he said. For Doc that is. . No telling how the photo will aHe<:t Brown's chances for the U.S. Senate. De61y "'°' ~ 111 l left •dlell BRO~N'S ~BACKER. -"Doc" ,Blacketer (left), one of five candidates m the strictly tongue-in-cheek campaign for honorary governor of Laguna Beach, got solid support in the form of an endorsement from Gov. Brown. With the pair is Buck, w ho would be Doc's Lieutenant governor. Residency decision due today S uperior court to d ecide Judge Harrold's future We s t Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrofd's future was to be d ecided today by a S upe rior Court judge who has heard testimony that the diminutive Westminster jurist was not a legal resident of the county when she ran for office in June. Though he took the case under submission Tuesday, Judge R o nald Owens may h 'ave provided a clue o f what he thought of the complicated case when he sharply told Harrold's attorney: "She (Judge Harrold) was no more a resident of this county when she was appoi.nted in 1980 than the man in the moon ... She deceived the governor, she deceived the people, and I'm very upset about it. Everytime she sat on the bench she told a lie." Owen's unus ually a ngry outburst came at the end of closing statements by attorney Elenor Stegme ier , wh o represented Judge Harrold. Harro ld's decisive e lection victory June 8 is being challe nged b y second-place contestant Dan Charles Dutcher, a Santa Ana lawyer who alleges that Harrold was not a legal resident of the county before the election . Owen s was appa r e ntly ange red Tuesday by testimony he heard the previous d ay in which Harrold said that she may have used a Ne wport Beach address in 1979 to establish her Orange County residency when she a pplied to the governor for a judgeship. In fact, she said, she wasn't actually living at the $2 million Lido Isle home owned by her grandmother. At the time, Harrold said, she listed two addresses on t he application to the governor - one in Orange County and the other in Riverside where it is claimed she h as h e r t r ue residence. What Owens must decide today is whether the jurist was a legal couuty resident 54 days before the June 8 election , as required by s tate law, a nd whether she was truthful in fillmg out campaign documents hstang the Lido Isle home in Newport Beach as her residence. Owens has the po w er to nullify the election and vacate the position or possibly order a new ele<:tion. Dutcher and his attorney, Kenneth Golden, claimed that Harold attempted to falsely create an O r a nge Co u n ty residence after she discovered in mid-March that her opponen t planned to make her status an issue. Har r old testified that she began moving into the Newport Beach home in late November after her grandmother gave her keys to the home. Golden claimed, however, that Harrold had a quit-claim deed giving her possession of the house falsely dated and notarized in 1982 to reflect that her grand m oth e r signed the document in Novembez; 1981. TM Ultrasonlc Pest RepellertM Effectivety Eliminates lnMCts and Rodents Including Fleas SAFE -For children and pets, No poisons. messy traps or costly exterminators EFFECTIVE -Covers up to 2.000 sq. ft. ECONOMICAL -Uses less than half the energy of a nlte Ute POWERFUL -Up to 10 times more than any comparable product on t he market today SALE PRICED ----~ •49•• Llmtt.d To ~ On Hem more than you expect In a hardware store ..,, ••••• HARDWARE , All 8tor.e CIC*\ 1 Dllyl W'9tdlff Till t:OO Thure. WHtottf'f ~ COC'OM def Mer Harbor View Center 1024 tMne Aw. 3107 E. Coeat ~. 1114 San MIDuel Dt. Hewpof1 leactl 11'-ID> ~ lfMch '42·11S3 144-1170 • ---1--.. • ..... _ • - LAKE FRONTI E R DA VS -Sunny skies were just not enough to dry up the huge puddles in the arena at Cheye nne's Frontier Days Rodeo. Bull fighters Wick Peth, behind the bulJ, and Bob Romer help an unidentified AP Wlrephoto cowboy after he was thrown in the mud. The downpour was welcomed elsewhere in Wyoming where it is usually extre mely dry at this time of year. ~Anierica 's allies in Europe blast Reagan as 'hypocrite' WA S HINGTON (AP) - When Ronald Reagan says farmers are very much on his mind, it could explain something about why he thinks it's all right for Americans to sell grain to the Soviets and all wrong for the Europeans to sell them pipeline parts. American grain farmers will be voting in this fall's elections. J"'rench and Italian turbine mechanics won't, no matter what happens in Poland. Farmers are critical to the Republican Party this year, for the party is stumbling in the Midwest, even as it seems to be doing pretty well in the rest of the country. If farmers blame Republican candidates for the high inte rest rates and poor commo dit y prices that are squeezing profits, the GOP could be in d eep trouble in the American heartland. Huge grain sales to the Soviets would he lp ease some of the pressure on farmers. And that's just what Reagan paved the way for with his decision last w09k to negotiate a one-year exte nsion of the gram sale agreement w ith the Soviets To make certain farmers get the connection between grain sales and the elections. Reagan NIWS ANAlYllS flew to Iowa to talk to farm groups. "The granary door is open and the exchange will be cash on the barrelhead," Reagan told corn growers in Des Moines, adding that "the farmers of America are very much on my mind." But martial law in Po land makes Reagan's courting of Fann Belt votes a tough game. Indeed. charges of hypocrisy are bemg hurled at Reagan from America's allies in Europe, for Reagan has strongly condemned the situation 1n Poland and the Soviet role m that repression. To punish the Soviets £or their support of repression m Poland, Reagan has pressured Europeans not to sel I the Soviets the turbines and other equipment t h ey n eed to complete a 3,500-mile natural gas pipeline. Companies in France, Italy, Germany and Great Britain - backed by their governments - have given every sign they will ignore Reagan 's sa n ctio n s, pomtmg to the grain sales as they make their defiance clear. T he Reagan administration's gesture in the d1rect1on of punishing the Soviets on the gram matter has been to refuse to negotiate a long-term renewal of the U .S .-U.S .S .R . grain purchase agreement. Farmers would much prefer a long-tenn pact. for it would assure them a steadv customer. In ·any case, the diffe rences between this one-year deal and any long-te rm pact that might someday be negotiated will not become clear until lo ng after Election Day 1982. And it is the <'k'Ction that is on the White House agenda these days. With the voting about three m onths away. the p o l1t1c al currents in the Midwes t are troubling for the GOP. For one thing, four GOP governors are not seeking re- election. Among th06e four are William M iU1ken of M1ch1gan and Robert Ray of Iowa, two of the most durably popular and electable moderate Re publican politicians in the <.'OUntry. And Wisconsin Gov . Lee Dreyfus stunned party pros by re{us1ng to run again, ('ven though he was considered a good bet for re- ele<:tion. And Minnesota Gov Albert Quie, who won m 1978 when the GOP swept the Statehouse and both U.S . Senate seats there, is also bowing out. State GOP asks death penalty Cites 'esp ecially h einous, a trocio us, cruel' murders SACRAMENTO (AP) -State Re publicans are proposing the death penalty for "especially h e inou s, atrocious or cruel" murders -the same language declared unconstitutional by the state Supreme Court. "We're going to test the court again," Assembly Minority Leade r Robert Naylor, R-Menlo Park, told a news conference. Added Republican attorney general ca ndidate George Nicholson, a senior assistant attorney genera l: "Just because that court speaks does not make it iD}PlUtabJe." }( 1978 death penalty inHiative approved by the voters provided for death or life without parole for more than 20 spedfic kinds of murder. such as muluple murder, murder for hire. murder during a rape or robbery, and murder by torture. One of the categories was any murder that was "especially h e inous, atr ocious or crue l, manifesting exceptional depravit y." That is seldo m charged. because a more specific category, such as murder b y torture, would usually apply. The court. in a 5-1 decision July l , said the "he inous, atrocious or cruel" language was unconstitutionally vague in that the terms were so general that they failed to define the specific conduct that was to be punished. The rest of the death penalty law was left intact. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIH1lfled •dvertl1ln9 714'842·5878 All other dep•rtmenta 642-4321 Thomu P. Halev ""*""-' -a.. (,....,.,... ~ Ki!Y Schultz Ylot ........ t ..... ~Ot of A4-tlolna Tom Murphlne Edler Mite• Harvey DnclOr of MMc911nQ ~) Ken Goddtll'd oir.-,_ Opw- ~LMn Tom Mccann ........... ""°' MAIN OFFICE J:JO WHt Ir, St Cool• AMM. CA. ""°" edctrfll Bo• IS.0, C•te llNM, CA ~ CooyrlgM 1"1 O<-Coot Plll>ll"'l"O c_., Ho,..,., •torle•. lllU$1retlon" ed"orlel m-or -,,.,tlM"-11 herein mey be reprod11<ed wlthoolt 1pecle l permlulon Di <OPY•IOlll-ner VOL. 75, NO. 218 Naylor said tn a statement. "The-court's action left Caltfornia with little more than a shadow of a capit.aJ punishment law " He explained that court rulings have made the law's broad provisions difficult to a pply. even though there are more than 100 men on Death Ro w . His attempt to reverse the decision· by a bill. AB547. has several potential problems. Because the 1982 session ends Aug. 31, the bill would probably be vetoed by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr .. an opponent of the death penalty. And even if it became law, the Supreme C<>urt would likely find the language too vague. Also, the 1978 1mttattve can be amended onJy by a new public vote. Naylor said. however, that he wa s n 't pro p os ing an amendment. but rather a newly defined crime. As a b ackup measure, the Republicans are proposing a state constitutional ame ndme nt, ACA34 by Assembly woman Cathie Wright, R-SimValley, that would prohibit the state court from striking the Jaw down und e r th e Ca l ifornia Constitution. .The court cited both the state and-tederal constitutions in its ruling. but a dissenter said the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the aame language unde r the U.S. ConatltuUon. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot'? What don't you like" Call the number below and your measaae Will be recorded, transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox conlrlbutors must Include their name and telephone number for verification. No clrculotlon calla, please Tell us what'!i on your mind 642•6086 ,. Orangt Oout DAILY PILOT/W.cfnefd.y, Auou-t 4, 1912 Lebanon trip 'costly' Thousands return to rescue families TABARJA, Lebanon (AP) - The distant thunder of exploding shells shattered the calm aboard the small ferry Liban, waiting for docking clearance from an lsraell gunboat off the Lebanese coast. "Oh, m y baby," Catherine Ibrahim, 23, cried softly, c lutc h i ng a pic ture of her 6-month-old son, Camille. Her 30-year-old husband, Adel, said they had left the infant with her parents four months ago when they went to Kuwait to work. "We are worried to death because her parents live south of Beirut whe re heavy fighting has occurred," said the young father. "We have sent them telegram a fter telegram but have heard nothing from them." Government and military authorities estimate up to 1,000 Leban ese a da y have been returning from overseas by land and sea since Israel invaded the country eight weeks ago. They come back to be reunited with their loved ones and, if possible, to take them out of their war- torn country Fot most the homecoming 1s costly The Cyprus-Lebanon ferries have tripled their one-way rare to $150 for the 16-hour voyage. A news photographer said he was asked by one ferry to R8Y $40 extra for a cot on the open deck and $150 extra for a berth in a L'abin. F a d y Badawi, a lawye r returning from Saudi Arabia to get his ftancC<.'. said on an earlier trip by land via Syria guards at each of the seven checkpoint• between Damascus (Ind Beirut demanded "presents." "The Lebanese people leaving Damaacua for home are routinely told by taxi or bus drivers to take cartona of foreign cigarettes or SlO bills for thete boya," he said. With Beirut closed to air traffic, many travel through Syria. But Lebanese Christians prefer the sea route via Cyprus because the ferries land them in Christian territory. A Lebanese businesswoman from Marseilles, France, said she paid $2,000 to a broker to get a visa for another Arab country for a sister In Beirut. "A lot of other pe<>ple have done it thro ugh these brokers who hang around the consulates," she said, asking not to be identified. "You jus t have to pick a right one with right connections." As the artillery and naval bombardment continued, a group ••• 1 ot Moelema knelt to pray at .91111! corner ot the sun-baked ·~ deck of the 23~-ton conver~ military landlng 1hlp. • J~ "I had to rome ~ to _aee 11))' parents ... they Ph<?"¥<' CNILM> say bombs llnd rockets w~ falling all over the place," Arline Tachdjian, a 56-yearll e lectrical engineer w emigrated to Toronto, Cana .• four years ago. ..~ "Because of people like ~­ Kis111nger who think o f d\e in terest of onJy the big powe~ the expense of sm all count~!& like Lebanon, I had to ua~qt year's saving for this trip." !{ Karin Kabalan, the ferrl'~ 29-year-old captaln, said he felt "genuinely sorry" for the Li~'ll poor accommodation s a nd tflf increased fare. Jl "I asked for several milita(l- type movable toilets because M! have only one aboard for 200 people, but my superiors t~ me down," he said. .J ·h Bill would return welfare benefits ,_, ,/ ,~ WASHINGTON (AP) - Mattie Dudley . who sells newspapers from a wheelchair m Charlottesville, Va .. would have her federal and state welrare benefits re instated under a measure pending in Congress. In the big tax biU making 1ts way through Congress 1s a -~ 'I provision requiring the government to disregard prepaid burial policies when it adds up'i\i person's assets to determine eligibility for Medicaid and other benefi ts. 1.t Miss Dudley, 67, whose lep are atrophied as a result o{ a birth defect, lost eligibility fQr welfare and Medicaid on Aug. 1, Her $1.000 burial policy eamad just enough interest to push bes' "non-essential" assets above u.e $1 ,500 maximum allowed a single person receiving Supplemental Security Income, a federal aip pr ogram for t he poor and disabled. .: .. Receiving SSI had made her eligible for Medicaid, a state· f ed e ral program that pays medical expenses for the poor_._._ In passing the tax-increue tNll last month, the Senate accepted an amendment by Sen. Howd W. Cannon, D-Nev .. that exempts prepaid burial and cremation po Ii c i es Crom the assei:s calculation. Current law already exempts a home, car and some life insurance. :tJ ' ' S S I a p p I i c a n t JS are .. confronted with Ufe realiz.ation that their final resting place may not be with their spoust' or family. but rather in some pauper's grave chosen ~ the state," Cannon said in urging approval of the amendmenL .::i) Sen . Bob Dole, R-Kan., anj the manager of the bill, agreed. ''Forcing many elderly citi~ to, in effect. choose betwef~ welfare be ne fits over thlir funerary plans is an unfair and horribly insensitive choice," he said. AP Wlrepl>oto MANIPULATING MATERIAL Artist concept s hows sc1ent1sts in an Orbitin g Quarantine Facility analyzing Martian soil samples in a s te rile containe r. Stainless steel ha nd manipula tors prevent contamination of both scientists and samples. NASA is considering such a facility to prevent potentially deadly microbes from contaiminating Earth. The Senate approved t ~ amendment unanimously an the bill is now being consid by a _Senate-House confere"f comnu t lN'. .• The change affecting Mis Dudley would become eff~>.­ as soon as the bill ls signed · law, which could come by tb end of the month. Gem Talk JJ.vJ.C. HUM/WRIES Crrt1fi"d GemoloRi8t. AGS ORIENTAL TIME and iu hi11ory Would it surprise you to know that Oriental civilizations were very invevtlve in builclins some of the earliest timepieces? Horol ogical historians flnd fascinating evidence of Chinese and Japanese clocks that were "different," to say the least. A Umeplece In Su Sung, China in about 1090 A.O. measured the hours by the flow of water. It was considered one of the scientific wonders of the time. The Japanese developed a "stick" clock, which featured a de9Cending driving weight that indicated Ume with a pointer u it moved down an inscribed pane l. The Japanese alao developed a romantic incense clock. A trailing wiap of lnoeme smoke wound ltl way through a maze to mark the passage of time. Theae frag rant devices were often useJ to time t he visits of guesta in gtesha hoUln. But, deaflt.e the creativity of Orienta Umeami\hs, when mechanical witches were introduced to the Orient by European tradeamen In HSf2, these Immediately became t0uaht-after ~11 in the Eu\. FREE GIFT . DURING AUGUST We have been In our new larger location at 1809 Newport Blvd. almost 3 mos. Our pride In our beautiful new home has been enhanced by the great response of you, our many friends. In order to show our appreolatlon we are glvtng with any purchase the above lovely allver t rimmed 5" c rystal bowl. Limit one per customer, with 1 1500 purchase. MEMBER AMERICAN GEM IOOE'TY 1809 NEWPOflT BLVD., COSTA MESA SINCE 194e e1rikAmerie1td-M .. t•t cnetge .. ' 1: () lloCo .1 1T .... ·L4 ' •I ,, .. J .. 11 v ~ • Record's list available erl :r}lv PAT HOROWITZ rfi( ............. ,,., DEAR READERS: L.R. "Let" Doclu, 11~bwner of 80,000 old l'eOC¥'da and author of . • '4 'Amerlcan Premium Record Guide" (Books llf Americana Inc., norence, Ala.), hM teVlled ; hla "SMllac Shack's WA1\t Llat of 78 RPM ., *.Reconta." The 1982 copYrlahted lilt. deqned ''to facilitate purchase ol ofd n!COnta by mall, nlcontalna 'thou.aanda of 78 RPM records on _ commonly found labels (Bluebird, Brunswick, olumbla, Decca, Victor. Vocallon) individually listed by tecord number with apeclflc buying prlcea for each disc. Also included la: a llat of preferred labels and number seriM likely to contain sought-after recorda; a aectlon dealing with the last 78 RPM record.a laaued; a aection defining preferred labels and number 1eries ol 45 RPM records; pictures of many record labels; and packing and shipping instructiorw. Docka Invites anyone interest.ed in selling, buying or obtaining information about old records to write to him at: P.O. Box E 32924, San Antonio, Texas 78216. The guide and information packet is available for $2 to cover printing and postal costs, which is refundable when records are purchased. · ' Simple wills may stand DEAR PAT~ Som'e of my friend• tell me their attorney• bave recommended they draw up new wllla In view of the estate tu c:bangea In the 1981 tax act. Can you contact an expert In thla field of law and tell me tf a new wW la really nece11ary? H.M., Costa Mesa Denis Clifford, author of the Nolo Press book. "Plan Your Estate: Wllls, Probate Avoidance, Trusts & Taxes," says that only people who previously e ngaged fn ·sophisticated tax planning, with complex will provisions designed to maximize estate tax savings, are likely to be affected by the Reagan Tax Act. Those who have simpler wills are most unlikely to need them revised. Here's why: The most important estate tax changes introduced by the Reagan Tax Act were: to increase the amount of money and property that can be transferred free of federal estate tax, from $175,000 in 1981 to $225,000 in 1982, with continued yearly increases of the exempt amount to a maximum of $600,000 in 1987; I and to allow any amount of money or property to be transferred to a surviving spouse free of federal estate tax. · U a will contains a clause designed to minimize estate tax liability under the previous estate tax laws, that will may need to . be rewritten. The Reagan Tax Act provides that the old law applies for any will written before Sept. 13, 1981, when a "formula" will provlalon la uMd. ror example, lf I wUl, written before that dai,, provtd• tba& a •J>OUM ll to r«ielve "whatever lbe/be can receive free of eMat.e tax.." that •1rvMna ·~ will receive only the ex.npt amoun11 under the earlier •tat. tax exempdon and marital deduction, not all of the pl'Olllfty, • ahe/he would if the clau. were lnterpnte(I under the cu.mmt law .. Slm.llarly, where trultl were •bUahed bued on the prevtoua tax-exempt Umita, tN.e truata probably have to be reviled, 1n Uaht of the increued llmlta, especially if a verbal formula wu u.aed to define how much would be In the trust, rather than a aet-dollar amount. Denla aaya, "In aum, If you uae(l expensive eatate tax plannen before the Reagan Tax Act, you may well have to pay f« their 1ervioes once again, to get you out of the no-longer-clever tax avoldance achemes they used." Should it happen to a dog? DEAR PAT: I've seea parvo vlrH vaccine lDJecdon kit• for aale la pet atom. Tiie pet oner i1 to atve t•e .. 1ot. ftl• 11 macla claeaf>er dwl tdla1 a ••1 to ~ vet, but I'd like to know If tltJ1 coald tie d.aqerou for the. dog. K.M., Hotla.atoa Beaclt An untrained person could nit a dog's nerve or blood veaae l when giving an injection, aooording to Jeffrey Weitz, DVM, of the Back Bay Veterinary Hospital. Dr. Weitz said that veterinarlana examine pets before giving injections plus usina vaccinea with very high quality control. Thia accounts for the higher cost. He said that some veterlnarlana do offer reduced-coat Injections with no examination or when they are administered by a veterinary technician. He lugges1S that you write to the manufacturer of the vaccine kit you are considering buying and ask for data on studies conducted prior to its clearance for use. Ask your veterinarian'• opinJon of th1a data before using the do-it-yourself vaccine. · • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat" ·~\..l Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, "' getting the answen and actlon you • nee d to solve inequitle1 in n government and bu&lneN. M•il . _ .. _.. your questions to P•t Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Cout Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Uwta Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters u possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader'• full name, address and business hours' phone number .cannot be considered. · , ... Robinsons ATIEND OUR FALL PREMIERE- OF NIPON BOUTIQUE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 AND 6 IN NEWPORT. If you count yourself among that special breed of American women who love Nlpon Boutique. we Invite you to experience a collection filled with the most elegant. the ~ost luxurious Nlpon has ever offered. Here. our 2·piece ensemble of purple polyester taffeta. 4 to 10. $285. Just one from the fabulous designs you'll see during our informal modeling, from , .4 p.m. In Robinson's Designer Dresses. 85. I MELON AIRLIPT -A truck driver 1oada 3. 500 pounds of wat.ermelona aboard an airplane cargo bin in Memphb for lhipment to Afaaka. ~-JJPlll The melons are bound for Tok, a small vWaae 260 miles northeast of Anchorage, and will 6e used for a watermelon festival this weekend. ·A biography .of two Browns Pat shelved own. career to he lp la~nch Jerry's .By DOUG WILLIS SACRAMENTO (AP) - Former Gov. Pat Brown waa anxious to challenge Ronald Reagan for governor m 1970, but stepped aaide to help 1e>n Jerry Brown'• political career, a biographer of the two Browna saya. In "California Dreemlng: The Political Odyaaey of Pat and Jerry Brown," published thia m9nth by Nolo Preaa, author Roger 8-poport deecribes how Pat Brown waa "excited" about the prospects of attempting a 1970 comeback against Reas~ after key aupporten approached him. But, Rapoport writ.es, Bemlce Brown, the current governor'• mother, "put a damper~n his enthusiasm," and persuaded her husband to stay off the 1970 ballot because her eon had just entered the race for secretary of atate, and she feared .Pat's candidacy for governor would hurt Jerry's chances. "Jerry haa just' announced for secretary of state. I don't think you ought to be doing anything , to interfere with his career," ~poport quoted Mrs. Brown aa telling her husband. • , The younger Brown did win 'the secretary of state'• office in 1970, and Ufed that poat 11amewfully aa a stepping atone to the aovemor office iO 1D74. Rea1an, who thwarted the elder Brown 'a bid for a third term in 1966, was re-elected by 500,000 votes in 1970 over Democrat Jesee Unruh, and Pat Brown remained an attorney in private practice and never resumed h1a political career. The incident involving the 1970 campaign is among numerous previously unreported anecdotes of the political careen of Pat and Jerry Brown in the RaAOport book, which i.a baaed on per9onal interviews with family members and both Browns, the University of California oral history of Pat Brown's career and Kapoport's persona l reporting of the younger Brown's performance as governor. The 292 .. page ~k. whi~h is .:heduled for Aug; 1~ publication at $6.96 in paperback. traces the Brown farnlly'a early daya In California, Pat'a early political ~r and amusing anecdotes. Among amusing anecdotes are Pat Brown'• unaucceaaful attempt to prosecute Jane Ruaaell'a "The Outlaw" aa a pornographic film, and a childhood incident in which an unruly 8-year-old Jeny BroWn tied a playmate to a tree "lit a fire beneath him and then whooped his way around the trunk.'' But while the book is well- writ1en and rich in color in aome point.a, particularly the' Brown's family's early yean, It i.a tedious in style and diaappolnt.l.ng in both insight and content when it gets to Jerry Brown's tenure as governor . While the first two-thlrda of the book is a finely crafted biography, the final third reads aa if a dllferent person wrote it. When Rapoport turns to the younger Brown, he puts too much emphasis on tedious and repetitive details of a few instances which the author apparently wltneeeed in ~ • MU. APPBAR -NagJya lollhenltayn. wUe of Nobel Pr lie -wlnnln1 au th or Alexander SollheiU~ hu ...-to appear af~ a· fund· railer for Rep. Jame• Jeffarda. a penonal friend of the Soviet couple, on Au,. 16 ln Putney, Vt. II roaT t.AUDDDALI, ..... (AP) -A ............ Ylpor l,000 ............... thu Mid rala hu been _ Unied to a h1Ch dea\h rat• from h1n1 cancer , ~ J'lortda'1 Atlantic eo..t, a nilUch '8Un •YL -.... U T'i'_....,.-· r .linked to Jun Unl.S lta• a. .ad. AoJd .... ~bl:Y cto.n't c:aam __. by lt•ll, he .ad, but It. may ma1nUy the effect• of 1ub1tancH that do, 1uch H dpret•llDOU. burned. WhUe acid rain l• dlluted, acid air 11 ht1hly conmncnted. It II cr.ted when DOUutanr. NllCt wtth waw vapor In the air and •ta>' ther"e. l'lorlda '1 warmth and humidity Dl'0Yid9 plenty of Wiier vapor wtth which pollutanta can l'MCt, produdft8 hlch year-round lewla of add air. And that can lower the body'• rnlatance to cancer, reeearchen believe. ---------------- The a.pec1ed c:ulprtt II ''add air," mlde up of IUlfwic add and related pollutant1, uld John WlnchHter, a profH1or of atnmpherlc c:hem.lltry and hMd of the Florida Sta .. Unlvenlty "I think we have 1tron1 drcunwtantial evidence that IUCh a link exlatl," Wlnchelter told The Fort Lauderdale Newa and Sun-Sentinel In an Interview. "I would •Y lt'1 1-airUCht than claarettea and cancer, but it'• probably M IOUd U that link WU "People live ln that atmoephere. They breathe lt; lt'1 nonnal to them. What lt ere.tea l1 a mild Irritation ln the reaplratory tract," 1ald Tlm Aldrich, a Unlvenlty of Miami 1'91earch tHm. • Hh findln11 ahow "a lipiftcant correlation" between -.acid air and a hlch rate of Iuna- cancer deathl ln the aoutheut back when peo;--:•tarted taklna action aaatnat ti..." Acid' rain ,.n acid air result when coal, oll and 1a1 are SFA 's Final Consolidated Clearancet Todar through Sunday ·in ··south Coast ·Plaza. Original Prices!* We've brought in huge assortments of · merchandise from our other ·saks stores all over the country and consolidated it all right flere, so we can r;ffer you the largest selection, t~e most and the best of summer fashion at simply incredible savings! Find ~ off on great selections of fashion from: c cer ~ who Ml l&udltd · Wtncbe1tir'1 work. ••aut J~ 1molcer1, It allO crHtH!I incn111d rilk of lUftl ..,.., ... WindMster and Aldrich the ~ flndtnp miay ~ why tuna -"*' n• alanc the COMtl of Florida. CJeorsia and South Carolina .... amona the hl1he1t In the nation, even thOuch death rai.. fram ochel' fomw of cancer IN about DOl'IDAl. In llnklnc luna cancer ct..tht to acid alr levela, Wlnchnter found both reach a pea1' at Jack1onvllle, which haa the hi&~ Iuna-cancer death rate tn the nation. \ • Better Ready-To-Wear • Contemporary, Updated • Designer Sportswear and Sport Dresses • Updated Sportswear • Casual and Active • Cori temporary Fashion and Beachwear Sportswear . Right On! for Juniors • • • Fifth A venue Dresses Additional Savings In Men's Sportswear At ~ to -93 Off -Selected Children's Merchandise At ~·off l T~ may"'~ bttn 1nrmnedtl1e pti<;e red11CllCH1J takM on some llM!\ ptl()( 10 lhti wle Not 1!~h1na in l!~Y Sil~ •nd color AU SALES FINAL - , 3333 So. Bristol, Cost• Mesa.~ OPf!n ~onday thro11sh Friday, 10 am to 9 pm; 5aturc.My 'ti/ 6 pm; Sun'/ar Noon to 5 pm . . - t ' • • • • ' ·t I J.. .. 0 t hold tiut net for ·tong • • • • " . DM!y f'llot ll'IMltoe bJ lAe .. .,.... BIRDS OF A FEATHER, ETC. -These dead -near the Coyote Canyon Road dump in Irvine appear to have leaves but a closer look reveals it's birds hanging to those bare branches. And a closer approach sends the birds flying off to hunt for a roost elsewhere. The birds, most sea gulls, favor the dump site as a feeding ground. draws Seminar set iss Universe op TV audience US Festival gets big response • for Saturday Event could become Woodstock of the West LOS ANGELFS (AP) -The Universe Pageant, telecast from Peru by CBS, was at head of the Nielson television nltiNES for the week ended Aug. 1 Karen Dianne Baldwin, Miss QlrlaCla 1982, was crowned Miss ·vene at Amauta C.oliseum in on July 26. Bob Barker w~ t e master of ceremonies and J Van Ark was the hostess. · The ratings for the pageant h lped CBS to another first place · the ratings compiled by the . Niel.sen C.o. had a rating of 14.1. ABC 12.4 and NBC was in distant t rd place with 10.3 . The orks say this means in an prime-time minute 14.1 nt of the nation's homes th television were turned to comedy, was in second place eTop 10. ere are the Top 10 shows: ias Universe Pageant," a ng of 24.7 or 19.7 million ewis & Clark," NBC ; · tstones-League," a special, households, CBS; ''Too Close for C.omfort," 19.7 or 15.7 million, ABC; '"l'hree's C.ompany," 19.5 ~r 15.6 million , ABC ; "60 Minutes," 18.0 or 14.4 million, CBS; "WKRP in Cincinnati," 18.0 or 14.4 million, CBS; "Trapper John, M.D.," 18.0 or 14.4 m illion, CBS; "The Jeffersons," 17.5 or 14.0 million, CBS; "Hart to Hart," 16.1 or 12.9 million. ABC; "Laverne and Shirley," 16.1 or 12.9 million, ABC; "Gimme a Break," 16.0 or 12.8 million, NBC. Here are the next 10; "Alice," CBS; "Hill Street Blues," NBC; "Diff'rent Strokes," NBC: "Mag- num, P .I.," CBS; "Happy Days," ABC; "The Love Boat," ABC; "Private Benjamin," CBS; .. ABC; 8AAKIER "Facts of Life," NBC. HP.re are the five lowest-rated shows~ "NBC Magazine," NBC; "C hicago Story," NBC ; "Scamps," a special, NBC; • • on nutr1t1on Nuttltionist Elaine Lynn Willis will give a seminar entitled "Totally Healthy" on Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon at c.osta M~'• William Parker Holistic Center. The seminar will explore methods to live longer, healthier and stress-free lives. Tickets cost $10 and will be available at the doo,r. For information, call 661-0937. The center is located at 148 East 22nd St. Les Brown band at Fashion Isle Les Brown and his Band of Renown will appear at the fifth concert of the Fashion Island Sununer Music Festival at 9 p.m . Thursday, at the Center Stage C.ourt. Fashion Island is located in the Newport Center between Jamboree and MacArthur boulevards and San Joaquin Hills Road and Pacific Coast Highway. .. LOS ANGELES (AP) -After only a week on the market, more than a quarter of the 250,000 tickets for the US Festival -a three-day, $10 million-plus rock extravaganza and computer fair -have been sold, organizers say. "The latest count is a little over 70,000," Dr. Peter Ellis said in a telephone interview from t he San Bernardino C.ounty 6Uices of UNUSON C.orp. He ~ producing the festival at the county's G l en Helen Regional Park in the Cajon P~ some 55 miles eaat of Los Angeles. Ellis iB chief co-ordinator of the Labor Day weekend event dreamed up and financed by Apple computer designer and UNUSON chairman Steve Wozniak. The idea of the Sept. 3-5 gathering is to celebrate and promote a rebirth of community spirit in the 1980s following the "me" decade of the 19709. Aside from such varied rock acts as the Police, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Pat Benatar, Fleetwood Mac, Jackson Browne, the B-52s, Talking Heads, Santana and the English Beat, there will be a technology fair featuring displays of computer ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I L::::::W===:E~LC~O~MES ,uddy Barnett , For The Utmost In ' phlstlcated Halrdesign + ' And Hairstyling GIVE US A CALL + We're On The Island + 673-4013 ~--------------...... + -------+ NOW IN HUNTINGTON BEACH 114 ADAMS AUE. SUITE 103 t 531-2541 • 7~en + siftAILAESrANoL Dr. Marcy Mc Dowell ·;, ~-=1 t: CHIROPRACTOR Associate to Dr. Cary Rothenberg I ..,,, I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~~ September 18, 1982 8:00 p.m. Irvine Bowl Laguna Beach ----" • I I I • Video GamH for the Fa I I •A Rclaud Family Ar •Fas H t Delivery 10 Your e>oo.-I I I I I I I I I •• only •7•• 1nolude1 Tas I I Wltb your oboJce ol 4 or more loppbJ6• • I I COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH I 17111 M4 ""-tltl ........ H.U ·I •, 646-7136 lapwe e.s1.u 847-1214 -\I ~-..o.-;,_. ..... ._ __ ...i.., ____ _... ____________________ ,_ graphics, home computer and UFO exhibits as well as robot races and musical demonstrations. "I'm really blown away by the response," Ellis said. "We have charter planes coming in from Paris, we've got busloads of people coming from South Carolina, 'rennesse and Boston." US Festival organizers, anxious to avoid any repetition of the massive logistical problems that mar k ed the famed Woodstock festival in New Yor~ State 13 year s ago, have announced plans to accommodate the expected crowds. UNUSON spent $2 million alone to build the world's largest outdoor natural amphitheater. There will also be 382 acres of parking lots and space for more than 100,000 campers and recreational vehicles. A special U.S. Department of Transportation permit has been obtained for construction of a temporary freeway offramp on Interstate 15, the main road from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Ticket sales end Aug. 30 and no tickets will be available at the gate; those who have not purchased the three-day, $37.50 passes will be turned away at the site entrance. There are no tickets for individual days. Hundreds of drinking water fountains and some 2,500 toilets are being installed. Campers are warned that there will be no RV hookups and that fires or open cooking flames are banned. H owever they are encouraged to bring their food, soft drinks in plastic containers and coolers with ice. Those who leave their lunches at home can patronize more than 200 booths run by community and nonprofit groups that will sell everything from danishes, bagels a nd pizza to ice cream, beer and personal odds and ends -all on a cash-only basis. A security force of 1,100 - including at least 300 members of the San Bernardino County Sherifrs Department -has been hired. There will be a temporary hospital, several first aid stations and 11 ambulances at the site, and one air ambulance will be on 24-hour call. · Dally Pilat clHSlfled ads 642-5671 Olw\ll Ollll OAIL,V l'tLOT /Wedntlday, A.,_. 4, 1811 Watt to lead c lellrity antelope hunt • lnwtor 8eciietarY Jam .. W1U wUl leld 1 t9lln of three hunc.en ~-Clwinl U. annual 8h0t Antelope Hunt '*' ,Wyo. ~ the event. Heh hunwr .. allowed • ~ ahot to bri"I down ono of th• pronahorn aa1elope that thrive In the area, hiant committee 1pokeeman Art w ...... aa.1c1. The celebrity hunt hu been hiSd for ~' put 38 ~ on the tqh pralrie around the central Wyoming town of 9,000 realdenta. The other memben of Watt's team haven't been named yet, aid committee president Garve Cllapmu. Paat partiCIJ>a nta include former Interior Secretary Cecll Aadna, World War II flier Gen. Jlmmy Doolittle, countey alnger Tex Ritter and former Mlaml Dolphins fullback Larry C101lka. Ron Vickery, of Fountain Valley, and Bowartl Slmp1on, Hacienda Heights, were winners ln their section of the Zuni ()pen Paris, Flight B , a one-day American Contract Bridge League champtonahlp in which 1,060 players competed. Albuquerque, N.M . Brid1.• playen of ewn. cl .. ot •kill compete du.rtnc 'tl\e m.t; OM of th ... thr" ma]or tournament• each year 1pon1ored by the ACBL. Jollaay Payc•eck, a c:ountry mu1lc 1ln,er known for hi1 rendition o the~ ''Take 'Thia Job and Shove It,• has been ~ in Ralelah. N.C. for not r.ylng a $26,000 judptent for llin1 to appear at a 1979 concert. Paycheck 42, wa1 releaaed after h1I a.treat Sunday when a 'AYC .. CIC t be ju d g-ment. ball bonds· man a1reed to guarantee payment of the civil judgment r.lus $6,219 in nterest and court costs lf the singer later is de- clared in default of 11111/11111 ~Mfit the North Carolina 8wn C..nt.er. StackhouM Mid he loet t28,606 out-of-pocket expen1e1. --Stnaer·1e>nawrtter Carole K.la1 HY• she'• lo\ a friend and huaband ln tclk Sorea10D, the foreman of the taolat.ed mountain ranch near Stanley, Idaho 1he bou1ht lut year. Mlaa Kins announced 1he and Sorenaon WPre married Jn a 1unrl1e ceremony Sunday at the Robinson Bar Ranc h , lo- cated on the Salmon River near here. At a court hearing In May, Soren- sen said he betcon ln \h• fortll or llet and th4t'" of rumon." Thoee are the worda to a '°"' about henelf that 1he'1 1tarted but haan't flnlahed, she added. She wrote the hlt 1on11 "You've Got a Friend," "It'• Too lAte" and "So Far Away," among others, She won four Grammy award1 for her 1972 album "Tapettry." Bicycle marathoner Jolla Martao of Irvine helped launch the Amerfcan Lun1 Aasoclation'• "Blke Trek,'' a th~day fund- .raiser. About 7:S blkera participated in the event, a round trip tour between Oran1e County and San Diego that ended Monday. Lung association. officials hoped to raise $10,000 to support research effbrtl in respiratory disease. Marino began a crou- country trek today as one of four contestan ts in The Great American Bike Race. I "Some airlines advertise 75 percent of thelr seats are either on the aisle or window,'' said Air Irvine Chief Pilot Ken Quick, "but 100 percent of our seats are on the alale and the window." ,.,.,,.. ..... ! The event was among six North American Championships, 12 lesaer title races,~ 60 other events which drew 6,000 players to 10 days of competition at Paycheck's arrest after a performance at Music City was the result of a flurry of legal maneuvers aimed at collecting damages resulti ng from Paycheck's failure to appear at the 1979 concert in Greensboro. Jolln Stackhouse of Goldsboro had arranged the concert to owns 5 percent of the historic ranch. Miss King is involved ln a lawsuit over an access road at the ranch, and she announced the marria~e MonW.y in a telephone call to a Boise TV ·station while she was in town to make a deposition. She also Issued a prepared statement in which she said her life and music "shine like a The new commuter service out of John Wayne Airport, which Oew its inaugural flight to Los Angeles International Airport on Sunday, flies two nine-passenger Navajo Chieftains. TAKING TIME OUT -Kim Fields, who plays Tootie op NBC's "The Facts of Life," kicks up her heels before plungin into her pool in Hollywood. Kim likes to relax at home, but WATER HEATERS GAS OR ELECTRIC ANY SIZE COST + 510 GA RD E N G ROVE 537-6919 ·~ ·~ ~·~;,1,.'~,~ ~ ~d 53 7-6333 SAVE 1100" THIS WEEK ON OUR PROGRAM FOR WEIGHT AND SMOKING RESULTS GUARANTEED OUR METHOD APPOINTMENT -964-8879 Gifts of . Cotton Elegance Lei Scandia Down• help you choose the perlect 0111 for the bode As 1n the Eufopean tradition. make your Choice a Ufelime investment 1n quality. Choose a Scandia Down• COIOIA DEi. llAI 2786 E. Cout Hwy. 728-0373 LACOA llACB 1890 8. Cout Hwy. 4t7-33tl ' d(lt 1 comforter end fashion en- semble Now for a limiled hme we halle ll'llPOffed EUfopean 1 ClO'!f. cotton stieetcase ensembles 6N SALE. Give a gift made IOI' memoi'fes Limited To 5uppy On Hind . ~!J':J' J~ Unique Gifts For The Home! COME IN AND JOIN THE GRAND OPENING CELEBAATION AND SIGN-UP FOR A GIFT TO BE GIVEN AWAY ON MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1982 * CONSIDUATK>NTOOHtGNHS * FIXED HATE MOHT6A6ES FULLY AMORTIZED SECOND TRUST DEEDS CALL (714)754--1801 FOR CURRENrf RA'f ES ASK FOR: LINDA ·SHEA ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT 1700 ADAMS AVE. COST A MESA, CA ------~ ~ --· ----- Sale ends August 7 ANNUAL SAL.E ALL OF OUR "346" SUITS 25% OFF FALL WEIGHT reg. $295 to $385 now $221.25 to $288.75 With the Fall season ahead, this once-a-year sale is an excellent opportunity for you to choose from our complete stock of regular weight new "346" suits. Included are unfinished worsteds, worsted flannels and mid-weight worsteds. All are reduced from regular price. • TROPICAL WEIGHT reg. $230 to $280 now $172.50 to $210.00 (Of polyester-and-worsted blend) SELECTED TWEED SPORT JACKm-25% off reg. $165 to $290 now $123.75 to $217.50 SUMMER ODD JACKm-25% off reg. $110 to $270 now $82.50 to $202.50 SELECTED ODD TROUSERS-25% off · rtg. $45 to $98 now $33.75 to $73.50 Uu your Brooks Brothers card ttr A mcncan Express. HTAIUJktiY 1111 ~~~ ~~~~ furnt5hingt for lltn. Womfn ~ loy~ 530 WR~T rrt f STf< hE1'. LOS ANGH L~S. CA I.If. FAtUHO~ ISl.1\~ll. NEWPORT BEAC H, CAI.Ill. ' also keeps a very demanding schedule at the studio. U8 JCPenney Laguna 'ills Mall -Aug-.st Furniture Sale Prices Effective through Aug. 28 ( Great Savings on Furniture for every room in your home Save 5400 5-piece inclin~,group. Plush seating plus 1ncltne mechanism lor lean·back comfort Set includes two 1-arm incllners. 1 armless 1 corner and 1 standafd armless sleeper. Add1t1onal fabrics available at the same dollar savings. or custom order from our Incline Modular II catalog at 20% savings. s50 to s150 oft modular units. Attractive modular furniture units of oak and oak veneers with plenty of storage room Choose from door or open units or lighted desk Save 5250 3-piece sectional Plush, versatile 3-pc. sec- tional In Herculon • oletln.' Group includes sofa, love seat and ottoman. Save 20'Yo on Granada catalog selecllons. ·Additional fabncs available • at the same dollar savings Oriental Rug Sale Save 25°/o on our large selectlon of room size and . area rugs. Many patterns and colors to· choose from. . L11un1 Hills 1111 I ' GOING UP -Where some day an elevator will whisk guests to penthouse atop 17 ·Story hotel the Marriott cotporatlon plans as part of nine·building Koll business center in Irvine, one of two giant cranes works on site at Michelson and Von Karman Avenues. Cost of Koll Center Irvine is estimated by city officials to be about $19 million and project is scheduled for completion in September 1983. oupon CaRll:P VIDIO DIP01' IDIEllllP llLY 112.11 (1 Jr.) Discounts on rentals, accessories, blank tapes, cartridges, etc. 11411 lreekll•nt ........ , .... , AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE SPECIAL S·Poiit Check Reg. S24.i5 •14•5 ~ -~ 1115/H pi... ""'11 -~ LARRY HUNT AUTO CENTER 1825 lll\N Canyon Rd. Lafllli Beach 494-3322 497.2030 ENGINE TUNE-ti> $29.95 (Pin Pam) With eleetronk: equipment our profeNionala wlU fine tune your cw'• engine -lnstalllng new point•. new DIUQ9, and 111 new oondenlOf'. With~ -ElplNI 1115112 LARRY HUNT AUTO CENTER 1125 l•Cll'I Canyon Rd. lll'l\I Beach 494-33U 497·2030 COfTRE FOR C<llftODSM tDl TH CARE "Chlropr9C1k: with a Hollstlo Approach" 254 a.ch St. (a.t. OcNn & F«•t) Laguna a.ctt. Calllornje 92&51 WOllGMG W. KOCotm, D.C. "Dr. Wolf" (714) •M-9643 (24 ~. Pbont) By Appointment) . Marilyn's diary hunted Investigator says actress was murdered LOS ANQJ:L&S (AP) - When Marilyn Monroe dltd 20 yeua aao. the untimely deialh at .,. 30 WU ruled a IUidde cau.cf by an overdoH of dru11 followln1 an autop1y by Dr. Thomu N01UChl, who la flchtlna to reaatn hla job u Loi Anplee County Coroner. But a private lnve1tlgator offerina •10,000 for the actre11'1 m1ll1na red diary, laid that the book would reveal that Ml11 Monroe wu murdered. to keep her from talking about CI A efforta to kill Cuban leadel" Fidel Castro. "She waa on the out. with Bobby Kennedy, and she wu planning on holding a preu conference," aaid Milo Sperlgllo, director of Nick Hanis Detectives Inc., who has spent more than a decade probing Miu Monroe'• dt!9th, primarily on a voluntary basis. "He promiaed he would marry her and then he said no, and the was going to tell all," h~ sald. Sperigllo said Nogut:hi overlooked evidence of murder when he conducted the autopsy in 1962. Noguchi,· who spent Monday at a Civil Service Commission hearing fighting to get his job back, has said, ''There is nothlng new about this talk and nothing new I know of about how Marilyn Monroe, dJed. The case has been investigated again and again." However, those who believe Miss Monroe's Aug. 5, 1962 death waa murder are adamant: They incluae a man who said he was her close friend 16 years: the police sergeant who went to the home 900n after the call came in about her death, and the coroner investigator who said he w as coerced into signing the death certificate saying Miss Monroe committed suicide. . Robert Slatzer, who sal.s he was Miss Monroe's ctose riendt and authorW!d bkJCrapher, ukl tM llCtt'ell lhowtd h1in the red diary with lnform.atJon about the C 1 A p I u 1 d eta l h o f h er relatlonahlpa whh Robert F . Kennedy and Pretddent John F . Kennedy. both laier .... lnated. "The lut 1wnmer of her life, the and Bobby Kennedy were havtna an affair," aald Slatzer who wrote "The Life and Curious Death of Marilyn Monroe" published in 1974. ••He criticized her for forgetting things he told her, so the eot a diary and started taking down notes. What she wrote down just couldn't be ma{ie up," he said. The red diary was lut teen at the coroner's office, and it disappeared without being entered on an inventory list, Sperigllo said. He said the exact amount of the reward for the diary will depend on the book's condJtion and whether any pages are missing. ... . Slatzer said that two weeks before Miss Monroe's death. K en nedy severed his relationship with h er, disconnecting his private phone num - ber in Wash· ington, and refu sing to allow her llllOMRO-calls to the Justice Department to be put through. "He just turned his back on her and this was a woman who co;:tldn't take rejection," Slatzer said. "It was something that went back to her childhood." In a phone call the night before she died, "She said that if she didn't hear from Bobby Kennedy that weekend, she was going to call a press conference on Monday and blow the lid on the whole thing," Slauer said. By the MXt nJcht, Saturday, ahew11dNd. Form.r Loe An1eln Police s,t. Jack~ of R..sa- Ullined to the W..i LOI A,.a. atatfon in 19e2 -Wll amoftl the flnt offlcen respondlne to the call that Mt. Monroe died. "I received the phone call and 1 went to the ecene eoltly for the purpo1e of determlnln1 that someone waa not playina a joke on ua," Clemmona laid. The autopey report convtneed · him that Mill Monroe had been murdered, laid ~. 1 I "The autopay report show• that she had a lethal doee ln her • blood, yet It shows her digestive tract without any trace of it. They didn't do a complete autopsy, but they did enough that there should have been aomething there, particularly in view of the amount she was supposed to have ingested." .NIW'l2 v. w. IAl81l' . l CONVIRTllU fully equipped: $40.500 Cap,Colt suoo R•lld'fQI. ·I NO CAP REDUCTION. ' 41 month i.a .. PGYTMnf plUI kJX *208i7mo Ofdef Youn Todayt Qg]S. call Bob.ana11 Give your appliances the afternoon off. other appliances. And the total electrical load can get too heavy. So use your air conditioning sparingly. When you're home, please set it no lower than 78? When you go out, turn it to 85° or higher. That way you can help lighten the peak load, delay building new power plants, and help provide enough el~ctrical power A town is like a model electric train. When the electrical load is evenly distributed throughout the day, there's enough power to go around. But on hot afternoons, factory, office and home air conditioners come on. Add washers . And dryers. And ovens. And to go around all day long. Southern California Edison ~............ ...-... ~·-----·-.. , ROMANCE -Costa Mesa's Kathryn Johnson, shown in a scene with Michael Cummings, stars as Olivia in the Grove Shakespeare Festival production of "Twelfth Night" in Garden Grove this summer. Call 638-6747 for ticket information. cott show-i.ng ighter s ide By JAY SBARBUTr Ill Dr-. Witter NEW YORK -In his turbulent 30-year career, George C. Scott has played such diverse types as Shylock. Gen. Buck Turgidson of "Dr. Strangelove," Willy Loman, Sen. George S. Patton of World War II and Richard ill. And now, something completely different. The two-fisted, broken-nosed, raspy-voiced, broad- ahouldered former Marine from Wise, Va., is in a Noel Coward play. He stars on Broadway in Coward's "Present Laughter," essaying an aging, debonair, worldly actor. A fine part for a Noel Coward type. But George C. Scott? "Well, yes," George C. Scott says. It may be high comedy, stiff-upper-lip, urbane , sophisticated, cigarette-holder comedy, but it's still comedy, "and even though people still th.ink of me as a -forgive the expression - 'dramatic' actor, rve done a lot of comedy over my career.'' His film comedies, including his four-star lampoon in "Strangelove," include "Petulia" and one of his favorites, "The Flim-Flam Man." The M-year-old actor sh.rup when asked why he'• ao quick to return to Broadway. "Atih. it's much more exciting," he says. "Films are boring for actors." Be that as it may, he's been in some 30 films not all winners for sure, but in enough good roles to win him three Oscar nominations. The first was for "Anatomy of a Murder" in 1959, followed by one for "The Hustler" in 1961, and for "Patton" 10 years later. He won the Oscar the third time out. But he didn't take it home. Having soured on the behind-the-scenes politicking in Hollywood at Oscar time, be refused to accept the award. Raised in Michigan, a graduate of five lean on-the-road years in stock com~es before Joseph Papp gave him his first break here in 1957 in "Richard ill," Scott was haunted by expectations of fmlure in his early career. His personal life, even as he moved onward and upward professionally, wasn't serene, either: Three busted marriages, well-pu~cized fits of temper and heavy.duty boozing that now is a thing ol the past. He seems downright mellow now. He chuckles when reminded he once called acting something that was his "means of survival," ·"Well." he says, "it's supported me very well - !at least it began to after a while. But as I've said before, it helped me to get away from myseli. In 'acting, you get to live in a fantasy world without suffering the oonaequences of psychosis. . .it's nice to be IOl'DeOne elae periodk:ally." Scott now is considering another Broadway project, the fi.nt musical of his career. He says that next February he may start rehearaall as a singing Long John Silver in '"'l'reuure laland," the acore by veteran Broadway wne.mith Jule Styne. Something else completely different for him. Singers to appear The Showcue Sln&en, a mua:lcal comedy, pop and opera ememble, will be featured at the Orange County Bu' Amoclatlon'1 Secreiary Day on Aug. 20 at the Dlmeyland Hotel. Tlcbtl for the annual show, open to all Orange County -=retarlee and bo9es, are $15. To make re.ervaUona, call Karen Ba.. at 838-9200. . • (1 I €onnor dry; cueer afloat 1,mmm LOI AMOSLS8 -"Thank ...... -Danald O'Connor,'' Wn>W critic lyMe l:Jlide in her Loi .\nCe1- 'nm. rwtew of 'the la&Mt edi~ of the WDll'9b&e ""SbOw bt." , AUdieMft at the Muatc C•nt•r -.a to...-wtth ber, u the veteran IODC-and:ctanae "*' ~tly -tosit the lhow by lfvina U\MD tM old IOft lhoit. O'Connor, wbo will b9 5'7 next month, ftnde ehow bu1tne11 lntoxic:atJ.na. That'• all he Medi at th1I time In h1I life. But lt wu dltterent a few yean ICO· 11My down period ltar1ed 10 yeen -co when I Md my been atteck," he uid. ''Then, f« a year and a hall, I wa. on the booze ... My wife, Gloria, had left me. My frtendl tried, but they couldn't do an)'\h1nl f« me. It looked u lf I WM permanently on the lldda. 11But I lived. I didn't die," he laid. •1Wbat bapaed wu tut l wae ~·lect a who pul rm In 8ou OU. w Oft Loaa Wand, N. Y. I wu there fOf' three montha. and I cum oul whole. Aue. 20 •'ill mark four yeart 1Jnc. I've had a 'drink. .~ dJd I drink? a.ca'* rm an . ll'• • mnP1e u that." O'Connor ta1ka In nu dNmlna room ln a matter·of-fact manner. He Oo.n't ... public conf..aon.11, but h• doe1n't avoid them. He la coneiantly •ware of b1t alcohoUam and tnatl It• a fact of hla life, He Ml epent l'009t of hJ.t Ute ln the apotliiht. IW1in8 wtth hJ.t family In vaudeville. He became a child ltar In the moviel with hla 1938 debu\ u the kid brother of Blna Crosby and Fred MacMutray In "Sina You Sinners.'' After 1ervtn1 In World War ll, O'Connor teamed with Peggy Ryan In Universal musical.I, co-starred with the famed mule In the "Francia" aeries and reached a peak with .. ~, in Uw Rain!' Pereonal pfobJetm contttbUt.ed to the IUde Into~ . "After my recovery, I had to .. iablllh my r.putaUon ~.': he eald. "l Md· to ~ that I WM a reliable performer. The Academl 1how two yea19 .,o dld that fOI' me. • He was referrtn1 to tbe rou1ln1 product&on number which ~t • •tandine ovation from the audienCt at the Academy Awwdl. He' followed with three ventW'ft into~ theater: ''Bril'\I Bick Birdie," "Weekend WJth Feathers" and -·s.y Hello to Harvey." • "I had m three bombs," he qhed. "After ii at, I wu ready for aomethlna ~. " 'Show Boat' la ft. The new production was staged by the Houston Grand Opera, 10 the voicH are magnifk:ent. The producers went bllCk to the ortstn•l 1how and restored tome of the deletions that were made ln the tryouts.'' 0 oh "l COMEBACK -Donald O'Connor ; baa recaptured his career after a '.) bout with the bottle and ti1'1 knocking them dead in "Show' ~, Boat .. '1'8 $20,000 . , M < A • movie • paying dividends for director.;~ HOLLYWOOD (AP) -It seems absurd, a feature movie that cost $20,- 000. Yet that was the budget for "Chan Ia Mluin§," which Varlet~ reports is 11aizzllng • In New York and "boffo'.'. in San Francilco. Wayne Wang, a 37-year-old alx· footer who was born in Hong Kong and educated In California, is the man behind "Chan ta Mi8sing." He was here recently for the opening of his film at Laemmle'a Westland Theater, and he happily related the history of his improbable achievement. The son of a Hong Kong businessman, he grew up reading Photoplay magazlne and seeing American movies twice a week - "Bogart•, Waynea, and Audie Ml.p'phys -lots of B westema." The films were subtitled In both Chineee and English, he recalls, so the ecreen wu often two-thirds covered with printing. Wang continued hi.I passion for movies at a student at California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, Foothill College, Stanford University and San Franciaco Art Institute. He then apprenticed at the PBS station KQED. "I started making short films,'' Wang said. "Then 1 decided I should learn acting through doing acting. Ten llUllllfD yean ago, a bunch of friends and I pooled l'e90W'CeS and made a picture called 'A Man, A Woman and a Klller' for tl5,000. lt waa very European, almllar to Roman Polanski's early film, "A ·Knife in the Water.' " The movie created a stir at European film festival.I, but was seen little elsewhere. Meanwhile, Wang decided that he wasn't happy with who he was and returned to his Hong Kong roots. He worked in local television including a series akin to "All in the Family," and returned to San Francisco still undergom,c an identity crisis. {ti He fashioned a scrirt about 1 ~· Chinese-American tax drivers ;.> searching through the byways of- Chtnatown and Manllatown for a Taiwanese business partner who disappeared with their money. The American Film Institute agreed to a $10,000 grant to help get the film start.ed. Wang enlisted friends to join him in working 10 weekends to shoot the movie on San Franciaoo locations. "Chan Is Missing" grossed $38,223 in its first New York week, and $27,- 000. In th'e San Francisco opening. Wang is now planning another film set in New York's Chinatown. . --· . ' ' . ' . . ' ' ' ' All throUlh August. On United's "K" flidtts to Phoenix, Portland,lleno, Sacramento, San Francisco and Seattle. All through August, each kid aged 2-11 can fly absolutely free when accompanied by an adult (1 kid per adult). Just ask about United's "K is for Kids" flights to Phoenix, Portland\ Reno, Sacramento, San Francisco and Seattle. 'V .. is for "V" means VIP flights for the busine~ person. Vt P~ The friendly skies have flights just for business travelers, too. Peaceful. Quiet So you can really get your work done. Just ask for one of our many 'v·· ·e;. convenient "V0 flights. f' '~ J, Free flights for kids. Quiet flidits for business people. Only one ~ ((a~ atrline offers you both. United. So call~ • 'Ihlvel Ag'ent or United at 973-2121 for information and reservations . ' I range Count¥ wins one; loses another There appeara to be rather mixed newa on the tl'aMportaUon front 1n Oranae County today. · In one key development, Nlelnblyman Richard Robtn.on. D·Garden Grove, Tue1day !Nlthdrew from legialative deration hi.I blll that would e allowed Orange Co\lnty MRten to ballot on an increased ~es tax to finance transportation wc>Jecta. Robinson's measure would ~ve permitted our county voters ~ decide if they wanted to boost Wes taxes up to a maxitnwn of l~ven percent. It is now six .,ercent. : The additional penny would be expected to yield $150 million each year for local transportation funding. I County in -fighting apparently killed the measure relative to what would be the com position of the commission responsible for administering the 1funds. The agency involved is the Orange County Transportation jCommission, a state-created board (Of five members, including two jcity councilmen, two county ~upervisors and an at-large !member. I . Robinson's measure would thave increased the commission t.o leleven members, including five ~uncilmen and all five members of the Board of Supervisors and one public member at-large. This lineup was apparently seen by some of the cities and other supporters as giving county government too heavy a voice on the commission. The opposition Irritated Robtnaon and thu1 he withdrew hi. bill. It la un fortunate that. our O range County voten did not have an opportunity to vote on the added penny propoaltlon for transportation fundina. There II grave d oubt that any additional taxing meaa,ure would have been adopted by the voters In the current economic cllrna te, particularly if pause required the two-thirds majority rule. The opportunity to ballot, however, would at least have been a solid indicator on the levela of support, or lack of it, for financlng new transportation pr ojects in Orange County. On a second front. however, the Californ ia Departm~nt of Transportation has withdrawn its opposition to an $80 million proposal to repair and upgrade the Santa Ana Freeway through Orange County. This program, approved last June by the state Transportation Commission, includes $50 rpillion for reconstruction of the Santa Ana Freeway-Costa Mesa-New- ort Freeway interchange w hich has long been a chronic bottleneck for traffic. Caltrans Director Adriana Gianturco had for a time oppoeed the Orange County allocation on grounds that th e commission's statewide program called for too much money being s pent on highway projects. S he wants more fun ds for mass transit. At least now, she has withdrawn objections to the Orange Coun ty segment of the statewide program. This is a most welcome signal out of Sacramento. _ ~arah strikes again Sarah Mt'Clendon. the feisty, 72 -year-old Washington correspondent who ls now covering her eighth President of the United States, got into what Was described as a shouting mat.ch with No. 8 at his press conference the other day. ~ It was little different for Mr. Reagan than the treatment Sarah has administered to his previous seven predecessors. Sarah has a sharp tongue and ~ presidential press conferences, when she gets the floor, she is noted for coming up with often- ~mbarrassing questions and then ~ging on with them with all the ~nacity of a bulldog. She was blamed for President Eisenhower's high blood pressure-. President Kennedy once accused ~er of character assassination aithough it was said JFK couldn't resist the temptation t.o call upon ~er . when his press conferences qpened to questions. ' Sarah got into it with Reagan over the question of whether or not he had received a report on sexual discrimination in the wording of federal law. Reagan said be hadn't seen the report. Loudly, Sarah insisted he had. McClendon's questions that sometimes inject fire and brimstone into presidential press conferences seldom deal with the monumental issues of the day like the economy, taxation or the U .S. role in Lebanon. But alas, at the televised press conferences, most q u e,tion s on these vital issues are spoon-fed Ute president ln diffused terms and the answers come back equally in shades of gray. The Washington press corps seldom p ursues the issues in a vigorous or perslst.ent manner. The result ts that these days, presidential preas conferences have degenerated into a sort of media-hype for the television cameras and do little to transmit vital information to the world or the American people. If Sarah McClendon's outbursts have done anything, they have proved that point. A really welcome protest One service station chain in northern California this week started discounting gasoline a whopping 60 percent during ~rtain hours of the day at its 58 outlets. The action came as a protest against a measure by Assemblyman Walter Ingalls, 0 - Riverside, that would reduce the amounts of lead allowed in gpoline. Ingalls' bill is known as AB 508. To commemorate that number, the gas stations lowered prices of $1.26 and $1.33 per gallon to 50.8 cents. It is difficult to suggest what· the result of this kind of price- slashing protest will be, but one point is certain. · Consumers could sure use more protests like this one. ~ame script, new result? . •' A n e w E q u a 1 R i g h t s Amendment has recently been ~troduced in Congress. This one eclares, "F.quality of rights under he law shall not be denied or bridged by the United States or y any state on account of eex." Of cou rse, this new ERA • propoeal says pttdsely the same thing as the earlier version that failed to achieve ratification. It says nothing more; nothing le11. Thia time, sufficient states should join California and ratify it lnt.o law. lnlOnl ••pressed In the space above ere those of the Dally Piiot. Other views eic-HMCI on this page ere those of their authors and artists. Rt•der comrnent 11 lnvlt· • Addntu The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mes., CA 92626. PhOf\e (114) 2·4$21. ORANGE COAST ~Daly Pilat ,,_..,...""" -ff lM .,.., •I NO Wiii l •y t.c .c ......... ,...,.~,.~· .... • ,,.._, .. _..,CA.,._ Thomas P. H•l•Y Publlther TfMM'nn ~ Mu,_llte Ed itor Barbara Kritll»lc• Ealtorl•I Paoe Editor Letters to the editor Real pork barrel To the Editor: The Department of Agriculture is investigating why pigs' talla cu rl clockwise ln the northern hemisphere and counter-clockwile in the sou thern. Appropriations for this work are known as "pork barrel" bllls. Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wisconain, states the country has gone "hog-wild" over this issue. ON OCCASION the magnetic poles do a complete flip-flop so that the South Pole is changed to where the North Pole ii now. In that event, many scientists fear there would be mus insanity among hop. as the curl of their tails would be out of sync. Jerry Brown recommencjs the hogs in the United States be taken below the equator ao their tails would again be in sync. The governor of Arkansas, where the l'azorback ho~a live, has recommended Hinckley s psychiatrists be uaed to allay the mass inaanity of the hogs. ON COMPLA INT that these psychiatriata were noi fit to deal with hogs, the governor defended them saying they were fit to deal with them. The hospitals became involved and abandoned their cow hide restraint straps and substituted1>igskin, And that way they could has tie them better. Even the pre-teens became involved, and the girls began to put up their hair in pigtails. WILLIAM KING -Housing n eeded To the Editor: One of the moat critical problems facing Orange County is suitable housing at a reaaonable cost. Without housing there will be no new industry in our cities and therefore no new jobe. The problems of housinl are dlrectly re1-ted to the high interest rate which has stopped the average citizen from being abfe to afford a home. One major reason interest is ao high ia because government is oompetln& in the lending market for funds to pay off enonnous national debt. We must force Congress to stop spending beyond the means of the American iaxpayer. A reasonable approach to a balanced budget is needed now. It ap~ that ates-are being made in the-right direction after four years of Democratic waste. Sixty senators now support a Constitutional Amendment which will make it mandatory for the budget to be balanced, except dUJina war. or when three-fifths of Congrea vote for a deficit. The Reagan Administration is approaching the problem correctly. The budgei muat be balanced, however, it must be done in a reasonable manner. An attempt to balance the budget this year would cause undue hardahJp for many . Luckily, the R eagan Administration reallies thia and la willing to work for a balanced budget tn the future. The president, by 1u5orting the balanced budget and apen lng limitation amendment&. has placed powers of his office behind this effort. DENNIS R. CATRON Enjoy the jam To the Editor: In the July iaaue of Spectrum ma1 uine, th ere ia a wtiteup on the French !'Jch apeed railway from Paris to Lyons. Stmllar to the Jas-ne-"bullet" traina, the French tralm run a\ a top apeed of 260 km/hr (about USO mph). • 'they compete well with airlinel on tJw aame run. From time to time we read about ~ mw traNtt liDei in \he Loe Anpl8-0ranp County ...... Che IUCh Un• would be a Lot Anplee to San Die8o nan. It woUld be W'Oftderf'lol! But it "1.lf" probably l'WWI' be built for MYeft1 .. "' ...... tlllQtllYll, None of th• preMnt SP uvk and rtP.i.ot .. ,,,ay could be Ul9d ... ~ new UM lhOUkt be double trilcMc1. It lhauld have vti'tually no Fede ~ It cannot t:9 U8ed lnlere~ wtlll ,......,~. MAILBOX All curves should have extremely long radius. A completely new right-of-way must be eatabliah ed, for example, elevated structures in the cent.er lanes of freeways. Many fewer stations would be feasible, compared to the preaent line, in order to maintain the highest speed. OTHER PRO P OSALS, like the Wilshire l:<_ine and a subway are mentioned now and then. The cost of b u ilding such lines would be astronomical. Even if built, it is doubtful whether they would be used by the public. Look at the low ridership on the present OCTD lines, such as #'J7 which goes in a wandering path from Laguna Hills to Santa Ana. Except at perhaps early morning and evening runs these buses are only partially filled. LET'S FACE IT . . . the territory is essentially "automobile country" without well defined "cent.en" toward which maas transit lines might be directed. high speed thruways creating a grid wherein towns and manufacturing or commercial plants are s~ad all over the ma-&e p~ just k,inda grew that way over the years and there's no changing [t. A. new developments are opened up there is .eldom if ever any consideration given to mass transit. With ye.ar-around freedom from snow and ice and storms, the automobile ls literally king. SO ... SOUTHERN Californians, pray that we never run out of gasoline.Uthe natural supply disappears, as it must up ahead aome decades, be ready with a substitute liquid with the same properties as "gas" which can be readily and cheaply made from a never ending, always renewable supply of raw materials! In the meantime ... enjoy those freeways! It Is probably later than you think. S weet music To the Editor: GENE PEARSON Recently I was visited by an unusual friend, Ray Nelson, who rldes, "The Fastest Guitar on Wheels." I called the Daily Pilot and Lee Payne of your staff took photogfi!a ha of hta unus ual mtorcycle, aha like a guitar. We were p eased when the picture appeared on your froni page. The only difficulty ta now instead of simply enthuaiutic waving and shouUng and cheerinC him on when people eee Ray riding around town. people stop him to get coptea of the newspaper picture autographed. On Ray'a behalf, I send gratitude for your kind aupport of his motorcycle croaa-country tour to "spread tmiles acrca the land." PAULA HUNTER BARTH Keep air clean To the Editor: I have ~tly heard of the efforts of consre-nan John DtnaeU of Michigan to weaken the Clean Air Act. Ria propoaala would extend air quality deedUnel md wM.ken tarpt air quality at.andardl, not only In metropolitan --. but alao ln rural ar.a and national \he problems ol add rain are uch mon ~\than we knew we crMted the Clean Alr Act. I oppoee any weakenlnl of th.it act and I want add rain provtsloN added to lt. for the ~-one. I IUff• WMn the air I bnathe ta not dliln. value my health a J0t. and M J Cf""' Older 1 I value It mo.re and more. I know that ally pollution I breathe will diminish my chances for a long healthy life. Alao, I enjoy the beauty our country haa to offer,· its lakes, st.reams, forests, mountains, meaCJowa, plaina, seas, and wildlife, and I want to continue to enjoy it. P E R SONALLY, I am willing to exercise aome discipline in my life to reduce pollution of every kind . I conserve water and energy, recycle everyway I know how, bicycle more and drive leas, and avoid conaplcuoua consumption. I do my pa.rt and I feel it only just to as~ American Industry to do their part. Despite their childiah pleas to the contrary, the technology and ingenuity exist to create a cleaner America, and to avoid dirtying what is now clean. It really depends, as a people, in what we're interested. We must chooee to be interested in a clean and healthy country rather than in a slightly higher botUlm line for certain American t.rufustries. Our wealth cannot be measured by money alone, but also by the safety, aecurity, health, and beauty of our environment, and of ourselves within it. It is a beautiful country we live ln, and it's time to stop pretending we don't care. Please help keep our air clean. Support a atrong Clean Air Act. Thank you. STEPHEN J . PEW Help n eed ed To the Editor: My son is enrolled in a special work training program at High Hopes Neurological Recovery Group for traumatically head-injured young adults. These young people were, for the most part, leading productive Lives until their accidents. I have been informed that the workshop may be closed down due to a lack of sub-contract work. I would like to appeal to your readers to ask their husbands and friends to call High Hopes If they have some work that these young can do. They can, and have done simple assembly, mailings, collating and packaging. This Is the onl-y pro1ram for traumatically head-injured youngsters available in Orange County. It is a tremendous program and my son really looks forward to working each week and receiving his own paycheck. If .YOU know anyone who can help, ple~ have them call High Hopes at 646-74'J8. EILEEN CATHRO Biker view To the Editor: There are many people driving can and motorcycles who complain about synchroni,zatlon of traffic lights. Perhaps If these same people would ride a bake or walk across some intersections, they would understand the problem more. I ride a bicycle, going to work in the early morning to miaa a lot of traffic. When I have to Cl'Olll Harbor Boulevard at the Mesa Verde East intenecUoo in Ccsta Mesa, I use the aame rules that cars use. I look north and south to 1ee how far any traffic might be . If there la no trafllc within three blocks, I push the button and wait for the green light before croaaing. However, sometimea a cat or whatever, even though it rniaht have been three blocks away, will find a red l.lcht that holds him up. Thu will cauae a disruption ln aynchronhation. WINFRED J, ARMSTRONG llllll• DEAll BEA.DEBI: Almeit n•rJ ay n ...... •'9•t yet •••••er 1•b1taace tllaat 111ay c•••• cueer. ne 111Nla uve1'DlaJ .. ., 1te11e1 lboat eialhrrt11. uce'8rla. Mfr d)'t ud coffee -botb wtdi caffelae alMI •ecaHe•a&M. AfMr mllUou et MODlt were 1carect wlUet1, we read uaoq Site ini1 ad1 ud pl•••• orea1111 tut 11101t ef tlle re1tlt11 of die earlier ctatm1 were naab1tuttated or fallf)' researola. ~aloe Mr9'1t1. la fa~t. maay 1eleat11t1 Hdmate tllat It perceat of all cucen may be ce• ... by ow WHtylea -wlaat we ea&. wlaetber or aot we 1molle, dip 1HfJ, cllew tobacce, tile 41uUty of th air we breadie, wt.ere we work, ud, yes, eve• tllae am .. t of 1h'ff1 bl oar Uve1. HERB MEN OUR l\1AN IN SAN FRANCISCO Cab driver ·takes bait RAW RAW RAW: Dan Snell, a veteran cab driver, picked up two obnoxious (it turned out) tourists just the other day who loudly put down San Francisco, the weather, the hotels, the food and so on. Finally one sneeM to Dan, "Is there even a decent sushi bar in this town?" "You bet!" beamed Dan, dropping them off at the Municipal Bait Shop at Polit and North Point. REV. IGNATIUS WANG objecta to reports of friction between Italians and Chinese in North Beach ("A chimera," he insists), but that may be because he's a Chinese priest who's pastor of a Catholic church named for an Italian ..:_ St. Francis of Assisi. Rev. Wang was born in Peking ... These are not happy days for Alexander (Sasha) Fillpov, the world-class dancer who defected from the Kirov and became a star of the S.F. Ballet; not .only )las Dancer Nancy Dickson divorced him, (she's also a member of the S.F. Ballet), his contract is not being renewed by . Director Michael Smuin ... The street clock outside the old Albert Samuels store on Market, perhaps the most beautiful in the land, has been standing vand.allz.ed for months now; the new owners, Auslanders, are ma.king no move to repair it so Albert Samuels Jr. may chunk in the necessary $5,000. Meanwhile, the clock outaide Matteuccl's on Columbus rules as the best of the big tickers. OK.A Y, IT'S LIKE THIS: the city has railed. by donation, $8.3 million of the $10 million it needs by Sept. 1 to qualify for the Feds' $44 million to repair ·the cable car system. Even if we miss, work starts anyway Sept. 21 because the State has kicked in $3.5 million to go along with our 8.3. If you have the missing $1.7 mil.lion rattling around in your jeans, we'd be obliged ... STILL, THERE'S SOMETHING wrong with our priorities when the glorious merry-go-round in the children's playground at G'Gate Park remains unfinished for lack of a few thou. But, as Ray Clary says. "Kids don't have a lobby" . . . . Randy Shilts, who wrote the best-seller about Harvey Milk, "Mayor of Castro Street," has.been 1 hired by Carol Burnett's husband, Joe Hamilton, to write the screenplay; Joe is after Alan Alda to play Harvey. THE WORLD IS TERMINAL: Tom Finnigan forwards a "Public Service Notice" from Pacific Telephone advising us that it is seeking an increase in rates "t-0 offset an increase in depreciation expenses that reflect the shorter lives of the equipment brought about by advances in technology." Who can afford all this progress? THAT SASSIETY COLUMNIST wrote a great piece about "Real Women," but left out the most obvious definition: "Real Women" don't ask for alimony ... Far be it from me to put the knock on a local product, but the new cult movie, "Chan Is Missing," filmed in Chinatown for $20,000, looks like it cost about halHbat; Chan isn't the only thing missing .'. Nobody asked me, but the new California St. traffic "plan," with the lanes cut down to one each. way, is the greatest dog since Rin-Tin-Tin; start repainting, gentlemen. Puneb •HIMt:AIN ••AT HOP'! t 'ht Americaa Cuff'r Sodtty l1 cr,tq to fllMI u1wen ud tM)' lleed ••r lltlp. la S.,tember t'9 ACS ls lalllleldQ a llluUc ,roJect. I& wW alk more taiU :·a mUO. peopae to uawer a foa,..pa1e coafld .. tlal ca.ae1tl0Halre about c•etr 1aUa1, 1mo~ Ud drtUllll Ubltl, tlaelr txpo11re to c1le1Dim1 aJHI d111t1 aad dielr aH of coumner pr .. mct1 ud mtdlcatloa1. 81 1tadm-1 aacll a laqe sroap, Amertcu Cuoer Soele 1cleatl1&1 · a.ope ti fhUI oat exactly wut la oar "tyle ud Hvlroameat lacreaH1 &lie rl1k of developla1 caeer aid wut mlalat Mio tre•e1t It. Tilt Amtrlcaa Caacer Society aeed1 volaateers to •~• •• "rttearcllers.'' Tbey wlll eo11tact aboat 10 famWea a. wklcll oae penoa 11 45 or alder. Tbeae families -frlead11 ael1bbor1, relatJve1 -wlll be uked to 1111 n& tbe qaestloualres. Tbe oaly otber. tblDI Nolanteen need to do 11 coatact tbe1e families once every tw9 yean .for tbe next six and report back to tbe Amerteaa Cuctt ,loctety OD dlelr beaJtlt 1&ah11. U '" wut to Mlp (ud are Hor older), wrtte to Au Lucien, Amtrl~ Cucer Society, GPO BH 14M1 New York, N.Y. 1011'. And tUllk you lD advuee ror voluteerta1 ao be part or ~. colo1sal effort to onck tlae code of tile most feared dlaease bowa to moldDd. I fte followla1 letter 11 J••t oae of ltuadred1 I ree.lve OD tbl1 subject every Wffk. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Pleue check with your medical expert.II and tell me it chewing tobacco lB hazardous to one's health. My husband chews be\ween one and two pouches of tobacco a day, and I am concerned about the long-term use. He insists that chewing tobacco is safer than smoking. ls this true? • . I love my husband aQd want him to be around to enjoy our grandchildren. Please print my letter and keep me -ANONYMOUS Te11 ·it ta the teller I read that New York's huge Citibank is considering charging ~ustomers more if they insist on dealing with the human tellers inside Instead of the automated ones out on the sidewalk. That makes sense. Particularly if you're a banker. ' So I wasn't suprised a whit at what ha~pened when I .went down to get a twenty out of the machine in front of our innovative First Local Bank & Trust Co. It ~ted me as usual with: "INSERT-YOUR- JIFFY-B/lNKlNG-CARD-FACE-UP-ARROWS- POINTED-FORWARD-IN-SLOT-A." I sighed. All life was becoming so impersonal. I think the machine heard me. "DO-YOU-WISH-TO-VERBALLY-INTER- FACE-WITH-A-HUMAN-BEING?" it inquired. "Oh , gosh, yes," I said gratefully. "Human beings are so ... well -no offense -human." ''DEPOSIT-FIFTY-CENTS. (50f )- IN-SLOT-B," it said coldly. I DID SO, HOPING I HADN'T made it mad. Two panels behind the machine slid apart revealing an open window with homey gingham curtains and the head and shoulders of a neighbovly-looking fellow puffing a pipe. "Hi," he said, re.aching out to shake my hand. "I'm Tom, your friendly First Local Bank & Trust Co. human being." "Good to see you, Tom," I said. "Nice day." "PUNCH-'IN-YOUR-SECRET-JIFFY- BANKING-CODE-NUMBER," said the machine. "Be with' you in a minute, Tom," I said. "No peeking now, ha-ha." "Oh. your secrei's safe with me." said Tom. "They're forecasd.ng rain for tomorrow." "DEPOSIT-OR-WITHDRA WAL~n said the machine. "In times. like these, what do you .think?" I demanded testily. "DEPOSIT-OR-WITHDRAWAL?" said the. machine, unperturbed. ''I must say you're looking great, old man," said Tom. "Haven't you Jost some weight?" I frowned. "Have we met before?" I asked. He said, "Well . . ." and -CLANK! -the panels clapped shut. "Hey," I said, "where did he go?" "DEPOSIT-FIFTY-CENTS-(50¢)-IN- SLOT-B," said the machine. . ART HOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER *** I did. There was Tom again. "You don't come cheap," I said somewhat testily. "Sorry," said Tom, "but I thought everyone knew the basis of the current technological revolution is that machines are cheaper to operate than human beings." "CHECKING-OR-SAVINGS?" asked the machine. "Who's got any savings?" I said. "And where did we rueet before?" "BOTH-QlJESTIONS-ARE-INV ALID," said the machine. "CHECKING-OR-SAVINGS?" "I was asking Tom, not you," I said, my dander rising. "Well, I do have a few dollars tucked away in a passbook account," said Tom. "And surely you remember when we met. It was ... " CLANK! ''DEPOSIT-FIFTY-CENTS-(50q)-IN - SLOT-B.'' Damn! "It was," said Tom, reappearizlg, "when you first deposited 50 cents in Slot B." "Checking," l shouted angrily. "Now give me twenty bucks and let me get the heck out of here." "Look out!" cried Tom. "Look out for what?" I demand~. CLANK! "DEPOSIT-FIFTY ... " . '1Shµt up!" 1 said, atickftl.g my last two quarters in Slot B. \ "Look out," said Tom, "for that guy behind you with a gun." CLANK! ON THE WAY HOME, I passed a sleazy jbint with a sign saying, "Tlllk Ti> a Naked Girl for $1 .• " But I'd learned my lesson. Instead, I walked into a bootb on the comer and talked to a naked telephone for a dime. I told it to have a large martini waiting when I came in the door. It's nice to know that we 'human beings are far more valuable than mere machines. My only worry is that soon I won't be able to afford us. GOREN ON IRIDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deals. WEST •95 '\:1 10U~2 0 A8 •K988 SoatJa l 0 2NT Pua NORTH •AH <:;;1 J1 t 0 952 • AQ104 SOUTH •KQ8 '\:1 AK 0 QllOU •752 The bidding: Weit P .. PU1 Pa .. North 2• 3NT EAST • 107832 '\:1 Q98' 0 KU ., Eut Pae• Pa11 Opening lead: Three of '\:1 • To say that every finesse has a 50 percent chance of success is not the same as saying all finesses are equal. Consider this hand. The auction was routine. South had nearly enough to open one no trump, so hiS decision to rebid two no trump meets with this department's approval. North's raise to game was one of those easy decisions we all love to make. West led a heart and declarer won the king. ~Y someone who looks no further than his own hand and dummy would now try to set up the diamond suit. Beclarer must give up the lead twice to accomplish that, and by then the defenders will have collected at least three heart tricks and two diamonds., • With six tricks in high cards, declarer has to develop the club suit to produce the three extra tricks he needs. The percentage play is to take two finesses. If clubs are 3-2 and West bas at least one of the honors, that will guarantee foll.( tricks in the suit -and it makes no difference whether declarer first finesses the queen or the ten. But what if the suit splits 4-1, as will happen almost 30 ~rcent of the time? If East has four cards in the suat with both honors, nothing matters. Similarly, if West has both honors fourth, declarer can al~ays maneuver to score four club tricks. The only problem occurs when East has a singleton honor. If East's singlet.op is the king, there is nothing declarer can do about It -except double dummy. Whether he finesses the ten or the queen on the first round, the defenders will always have two stoppers ln the suit because of the spot cards. But what If East's singlet.on is the jack? U declarer finesaes the ten, East wins and West still has a second stopper in the suit. But if declarer finesses the queen, he catches the singlet.on jack. Now he can return to hand to finesse the ten, and ·will collect four club tricks together with his contract. She wins olle, loses one Q: My U •yur-old modaer·l•·law lives wltb me ad wlll •o to tlae ead1 of tk eartb tQ prove tile 11 rta't .... , 1oa1ediiq a wklcll we dJusree. Siie claim• tUt Ll&a MlueW was oaee married to Tommy Suds, u4 I uy aevtt. He w11 married to Naaey Slaatra. ~lso, 1llae asked wlat Jack Ltule&ter ••• ., to tMse day1. Her '" clalm1 lte died a CMlple of 1•n qo. Me UJI ao ••1· Please HUI• tllh family fead. -PHrl J . Beap1, A.rllapea R.tptll, Ill. A: OK. On Tommy Sandt. mother·~ law la Wf'Onl· It w• Nanc;y SlNtn he w• once married to. About Jack ~tter, ahe't riahi. ffe't alive and well. ti wee h11._ who died a lew years -ao I.ft a fall from • bulldlna. PflSOlfAllR Q.&A. av MARILYN ANO. HY GARONER A: He'1 a watchdog and he's wtnd1ng htrmelt up. Q: T .. Balttmort Orlolt1 maaa1er1 Batl Weaver, .... , to .. a~ Job •f cemmaicatlq wldl Ma llallplajen. How 4loH M do lt? -Litter R.,PlllllMliO-·. A: 0 Th11 la a youn1 man'• &•••·" lidal--aow-11'-.W.wr. "~ JOU '** ....._ Wieb tlw".--. And ,.a .,._. Uw UM litl~th.if' '"· rw .._ ..,._ ..,. tha\i" • ~ ~ ~r:=~~~· ~ i > a D!:AR KEPT ANONVMOUS1 J coatacted °' James B. WyDgaarden, the recutly ap~iaila director of tbe National Institute of Bealdl ~J profes1or from Duke Medical School. Dr. Wyngaardeo sent me the re1alt of rec.iK 1tadie1. And here are tbe facts gleaned from tlloie 1tudJes ud a con1uJtaUon with a f.byslcla.D at·IR Porte• Cancer Prevention Center D C11.tca10. . Tobacco that ls smoked is the maln CH&u1eiR{ cancer deaths 1D America. Wblle chewing toba~ Is 1omewbat Jess lethal than smoking U, lt 11 fii' from harmless. It is, la fact, one of tbe ma!fl factors 1D cancer of ·the tongue, gum and cheeks. Jf your husband wants to enjoy bl'i grandchlldreo1 I hope be will put an end to bis Jo~ affair witb tobacco in any form. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH f:!RILLIANT ~ l LOVE INFORMATION - WMAT I DON11 LIKE IS HAVING TO [)O SOMETHING WITH IT. 1961 A•lll•IQh l tllh .. nl Alt R+QhO R,..,,.,....,t 0.•t Tf!O...,.t (.offlp,11'1~ Str\O•t..••• ''''° • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA ,,, JO Thursday, August 5 *' ARIES (March 21 -April 19): OppositiQDf figures, your capabilities are tested and you discover position is stronger than originally anticipated. Those who attempt to block you ~ ~~be~~~~ • 0') TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Emphasis QJb promotion. production, added respo~ibility ~ chance for increased in<.'Ome. Personal relations~ grows stronger -decision is Qecessary t~ connection wlth future. 101 GEMINI (May 21-June 20); Spiritual values loom large in importance. Lunar and nU11lericdl cycles highlight distance. language, phUosop}\yt4 education and reli~ion. •-te CANCER (June 21-July 22): Lessons ar'e learned concerning savings. taxes, interest rates ari1t financial status of one close to you, includittK business associate or mate. Cct LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Follow through on fifd~ impressions. Accent on teaching, learning, chara~P analysis and rapprochement with family meml>ei?! Emphasis also on legal affairs. . VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.. 22): Dig beneath surf~ indications; true story bas yet to unfold. Emph~ on job \f'aining. basic issues, tasks at hand resolutions concerning nutrition. health. r B J1 LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Sudden chan~ft appears ominous, but will ultimately boomerang Hill yolir favor. Romantic involvement is exciting buf storm~. You'll express yourself in clear, d~0 graphic manner. 011 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You do best by sticking to familiar course -aid comes from home base, including older family member. Lunjr emphasis on property, security. safety measures . f\ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Flurry of activity occurs in connection with remodeling, domestic adjustment, home improvement, thft beautifying of personal surroundin~. Gilt pure~ is part of exciting scenario. w CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Focus OR locating lost articles, payments. collections andlJi more precise definition of terms. T~hniques are streamlined, you'll see places and people in D1Ql'$ realistic light. .A AQUARJVS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Subtle nuianriU' are deciphered; you detect trends and now ~~ta~ to ride with tide. You get finger on pulse of publfl'» "/ou'll be at right place at crucial moment. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)! Let go of feaQ doubts, suspicions, guilt feelings. You need ~ carry someon~se's burden. You stand on brink of important discovery. Self--confidence, aelf-esteem are necessary ingredients for success. •A of Laguna Beach TRAl.-'f:.. ~<SE rh~Y RCA. CotOrTrak 25" ........ $2·97 Carousel Microwave New 1-cubic foot interior and slimmer exterior facilitates use in small spaces. Carousel rotates food to assure e ven cooking. Variable • cooking control with 5-settings. 57! Bedding Plants Pony-Pack bedding plants. Flowers, vegetables. •737 I ColorTrak 2000 '"'" .. , O" eno OH ACltutl Of mule VOiume s.i.ct et"f VH' Of Vt-If cMnnel ••11\ef ouec:lly 0t by· tcaf\1111\0 119 Of down All l•OM Ille ~Ofl'llO•I OI rou• (t\t11 With Infrared Remote Control RCA 's Super AccuFilter 100° block motrlx picture tube Automatic color c ontrol &. fleshto ne c orrection Chonnel ock q uartz crystal tuning. Energy-efficient Xtendedllfe c hassis 19" Dlag. Meas. Color TV Super Video Ra nge Tuning Auto-Control Color System Rehable z · 1 Cha sSIS 100% mod~a r . Elec tronic power sentry· for energy eff iciency. Chromashorp picture tube 1.27~ l·GaHon • Plants Your choice of Italian Cypress. Juniper Tams.· Star Jasmine or Veronica Lake. ·eont -·Net wt. • . . Stereo Component Music System IDUl\IDflllilCI AM/FM stereo with digital frequency readout/clock Cassette recording/play· back deck with LED bor graph meters. 2·way speakers Magnetic record player. ltand Un•H•lftlllld In Corton 3'NlrN Model N1310 ~278 s27.4 -13" =·Color TV 9" :. AC/DC Color Tri-Focus 100° picture tube sys· tern. trlple·plus 100% modular cha ssis. Automatic control color system. ln·llne quick start color picture tube. Adaptor cord included for car/boot cigarette lighter Twin telescope VHF antenna. 3 ·Por DELICATESSEN SPECIAL '4111 A'i.l·ldblE.-<;11n ff'rnftr'l\l< ,,,,. "N1 r1dm111 0' Bt-nun1onf Chopped Ham Sandwiches Try our chopped ham sandwiches mode fresh dally. 1·Plnt Vffamln 1-1 Use to prevent shock when plant· Ing or transplanting any flowers. shrubs. etc. 6.97 ·40·Pound · Fertlllzer A complete iron·rlch fertilizer for every1h1ng you grow Savings• 3.33 2-Cu. Ft. Gromulch Premixed and reo· dy to use. Weed· free. will not burn. 2.77 Fertlllzer • Weed Sprayer Accurately muces and sprays liquid ferttllzers. weed killers and insect· cldes 14.87 12.47 7.9·7 PaceTCll21eta 4-lbl.. Of 3 ~ lbl.. Pace t~ta. Concentrated pool cnk>Matlng. 4 recovery RICKY TICKY POLITIX: You can tell that the Republicans are very serious about the upcomln1 congreallonal elections. Not only have they started malling campialgn literature, they're actually writing on the outllde of the envelopes. One such l'niasive alighted upon the editor'• desk only today. Typed all over the outside was the following: "Before you open the encloeed urgent letter to you from Senator Roger Jepsen, I want you to telephone this toll free number ... " The number was then given. But outside the ~\ env.elope, the typing 1D~1~11~0-1-P-H-m-r continued, thus: Ill~ I _"Senator Jepsen is --------';.;:i-~.a...:-aruoous to speak with you ~prior to~ou reading the contents of the letter ... " I didn't go any further, even though there was more ·typing all over the envelope front. IT WAS OBVIOUS what this was all about. Senator Jepsen had sent me a dun. He figured I owed him money. Then he realized his mistake. rm }u6t 6ittiog around the place, waiting for ~-.. That's it. He wants me to call so he can explain the mistake and I won't get mad. Further, he wouldn't want me to aend him a bunch of money I don't owe him in the first place. '"Funny," I mused. "It would have been a lot cheaper if he just twldn't mail~ his erroneous dun in the fir'lt place." Anyway, I went ahead and dlafed the toll-free number. I haven't. talked to a real senator in a long time. I STILL HAVEN'T. Senator Robert Jepsen's urgent message, in which he wanted to speak "directly" to me, was recorded. He just wanted tne to know that a response to his letter would help determine the success or failure of the campaign "blueprint" to win the election. Somewhat irritated, I ripped open the good senator's letter and found out I was wrong. It was a dun. The good old solon did want money after all. JEPSEN SAID HE'D been yakking with President Reagan. He said there i.s a great threat to the president's economic recovery program. "I'm ahead of you," I said aloud while reading on. "High interest rates. Few housing starts. The auto industry shutting down." WRONG AGAIN. None of those things are threatening the president's economic recQvery. It's the Democrats that are threatening it. . In order for us to recover, Senator Jepsen explained, the Republicans need to get $850,000 which would be used to whip anti-Reagan Democrats in 38 targeted congressional districts. So you could clearly understand the extent of the threat, the names of Ted Kennedy, George McGovern and Fritz Mondale are mentioned prominently. I don't think .they're targeted this time, however, since one is a senator, one is a fonner senator and two are running for president. ANYWAY, SENATOR Jepsen's message was clear. If you want to help recovery, send in anything between $25 and $500. It was a nice offer, really, but I think I'll pass this time. You see I haven't quite recovered enough yet. I CATS ON PROWL -Thirty Tornado catamarw fight for position in light weather start of second race of the Pre- Olympic regatta being sailed a,ll week in the ocean off Long Dlllly Not f"tloto lf1 Almoft Looer..., Beach. The 20-foot multihulls are among the fastest craft under sail and are one of the six Olympic yachting classes that will compete in 1984. (Story on Page 02) County wants '911' word out Free hillho~rd space sought. to puhl~cize emergency number By JEFF ADLER OftMO.-, ..... ltafl If the 911 emergency telephone number is one of Orange County government's best kept secrets, it certainly la one that never was intended. That's why the County Board of Supervisors authorized its public information office Tuesday to solicit free billboard apace, to be donated ·as a public service, to publicize the 911 system. "The publicity sort of slipped through the cracks on 911," explained John Bushman, coordinator of the county public information olfice. "It appears nobody on either end of planning or in.stalling the system budgeted any money tor publictt:lnc 911." Consequentl~. when the countywide emergency .telephone system went on line in mid-April after ela!le to 10 years of planning, a wide-reaching campaign to inform county Color house protester loses fight A Costa Mesa man who painted his house a rainbow of colors in retaliation for his neighbor's construction. lost a bid before the City Council to force the removal of the garage. George Van Dam of 486 Magnolia Street contended that his nexkloor neighbor's garage at 492 Magnolia Street could be turned into a bootleg apartment and is one quarter to flve inches too high. Carta Mesa planning offic~ admitted that the structure was higher than the allowable 15-foot limit, but said they couldn't justify asking WilJ.Wn GallaJther to lop off a few centimeters from the nearly finished building. The council agreed. William Gallagher, who also •was at the meeting to api>eal the planning commission'• )uly lZ decision, won an appeal to inatall a shower that had been rejected. residents of both what the syatem is and bow it works never was undertaken. Bushman said a lot of county residents a,Pparently still are unaware that emergency aid of all kinds can be summon ed simply by dialing 911. Since the system went into operation it has been under- utillied, Bushman sald. He added that about 50 percent of the calls received at the 911 communications center still are from people testing the system, far more than expected at.er several months of operation. The billboards, the first step in a larger publicity campaign, will cost the county only about $600, to be used to purchase paint, Bushman said. The cost of putting up the public service messages will be .borne by Gannett Outdoor Advertising, United Outdoor Advertising and American Bus Shelter Co., who also are providing the free space. "We're looking for freebies first," added Bushman. who said Bradshaw named to UCI Med post Ralph A . Bradshaw, an inte rnationally recognized specialist in the structure and function of proteins, has been named .Professor and chairman of the Department of Biological Chemistry at the UC Irvine College of Medicine. Dr. Bradshaw, who has been on the faculty of the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, brings a special protein-nuclei acid analysis laboratory to UCI. The Lake Forest resident has he ld positions as a visiting professor at the University of Zurich , Switze rland, the Rockefeller Study and Conference Center in Bellagio, Italy and the University of Sydney and the University of Melbourne in Australia. The biochemist has served as c o -directo r of two NATO Advanced Study Institutes in Italy. One dealt with proteins of the nervous system. The other focused on the subject of surface membrane receptors. Bradshaw also served as co-chairman of the Peoples Republic of China-USA Conference on Proteins in Biology and Medicine in Shanghai. His biomedical research earned him the Passano Foundation's Young Scientist Award for Excellence. He also received the St. Louis Section Award from the American Chemical Society. phone stickers explaining 911 will come later. A big boost to publicizing the 911 system will come in November when the telephone companies publish their new directories. The new phone books not only will list the 911 number in the front, but also will provide several pages explaining how the system can be used to Its maximum advantage. Coastline College sets • • reg1strat1on Fall semester registration for Coastline College has begun with the mall distribution this week of the college's "Passport" class schedule. The college plans to offer about 1,100 classes at learning cent~rs , public and private facilities and neighborhood centers in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valle y, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and other cities. The semester begins Sept. 7. BecaU!le of state cutbacks, the college has cut more than 300 courses. About 60 of these will be offered on a fee basis as conununity service activities. The deadline fok" Coastline mail registration is Sept. 3. More infonnation can be obtained by calling the college, 963-0824. It's expensive to lose, too. County's campaign reports reflect high cost of electioneering. It coat a lot to win a primary alection in Orange County In l982 -and it often coat as inueh to lme. The hiah cost of electioneering n Orance County 1a reflected in he final campaign finance i9pOr1a that candidates for state lftd county office were required D file With the ()ranae County leptrar of Voten Office by luly 31. UM! heated CIOlltest between ~IPUll:at' Amelnblyman Nolan ~r selle and former Irvlne yor David 81111 for the pub~ DOl'Dination in the Ith AH~= Dlatrlct, for• lpmt $111,973 thl ncmlnat.lcft; Silla ,.. • ,118 lind loll. Sllh col)tcted e•ah ~tfttilitdOlil tota.Una $102, 707 thll9, IDlill cantrlbuUioal. whkb iacJudH loana anCI aervlc•- donated to the campai8n. reached $123.080. acoordini to the reJ>Ort. Contributors to the Silla campaign included the California Teachers' AHociatlon, which kicked in $2,000, Fluor Corp., ·which 1ave $7,000; the Irvine Company, which checked in with $10,000 and th• J!xecutlve Council of Orange C-ounty, which contributed ~.ooo. Among expenditures ~ on the SUJ.J report la more than $12,.00 paid to Nellon-Padbq Con1ultln1 for that Urm'a polltlcal experti.e durtn1 the cont.t. ~ Frb:r.ell~ on the other hand, collected $98,287 in caab contrlbuUona whlle total contributiom topeed out at fl41,· 219, the report --Th• lneumbent 1e1l1lator recelvect oontribuUon1 frOrn 1 lon1 ltat of polltlcal aetton oommitteea active in Calllornia. .Contributors included the c.automia Medical PAC. ~.ooo, Callfomla Service Stations. $1,- 000; fund for Insurance, $2,600: Farm PAC, $3,100; Callfornla Dental PAC, 12,000; and the California Reel Estate PAC, $3,· 000. Other contributors to the Frtaelle ca.mpatcn were Getty OU, $2,02&; Loe Alamitoe Race Course, $1,000; the Irvine Company, $1,000; Aminod, $1,- 000; and Tieldstead and Co., $10,-000. Democrat Bob Hant0n, who will hoe Frluelle tn the November pn8ra1 election, spent '51401 to win hla party'• nomination. Hanson ran ~in-~. coll•:~ ~r:: ~0~!': contrtbutiorw and dalmld tOtaJ contnbudionl of tll.N?. ART OP W~G -Glendale reaidenta a...,. McC>.·~ and Hai.el Putha we~ 10th ln line ... tiluna a.oh r.uvai ol Ana 1rouada, '.UUN'~for an opportunity to =· ..... fDlhe ~t of tlie MuWa. '• a line of ~ vWtan ~ day ll • \. I f. I Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Schweitzer· Schweitzer-DuF or·t 1 Sherman Gardens in Corona del Mar was '1ie setting for the marriage of Gisele Cecile DuFort. daughter of George Henry DuFort of San Frandlco, and Bradley Nichola Schweiaer, tlon of Mr. and Mrs. David Schweitzer of Calta Jt{esa. The newlyweds are residing in Newport ach after a Caribbean wedding trip. . and Mrs. William F. Revely m Jlt!Vely-Davis Martha I. Davis and William F. Revely III, in St. James Epiacopal Church, Newport will live in Tustin after thelr return from ding trip to Hawaii. Thelr parents are Mr. Mn. Hugh Davis of Granburg, Texas, and and Mrs. Fred Revely of Newport Beach. 'hastain-Borucki St. Nicholas Church in Laguna HU.ls was the tting of the marriage of Karen Borucki and y Chastain. The newlyweds are residing in aguna Beach after a honeymoon in Puerto allarta, Mexico. Thelr parents are the Norman oruckle of South ~r1na and the Terry of Laiuna The bride araduated m UCLA and her husband la a Cal State erton alumnus. eterson-Chunka Michelle Chunka and Todd Cllnion eteuon , married in Mt1110., San Juan ~platrano. are at home in Loe ~ Tbelr ~ti are Mr. and Mrs. MJcluael J. Olunlca of '1.aaW1a Niguel, Mn. Edward L. Parker of J)mard and John C. Petenoo ot Sen Frand8co. issner-Allen I Milligan-Bowman Newport Beach wu the setting for the marriage ol LeSlle Bowman. of Costa Mea, and Jinf Milligan, of Fountain Valley. The newlyweds are residing \n Huntington Beach after a honeymoon in Hiwail. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Monk Monk-Banks Maura Helen Banks. daughter of .Edward Joeeph Banks of Cerritos and Dorothea Davis Banks oi Mlasion Viejo, and Jack Winfred Monk, aon of Howard Monk of San Clemente and Janet Monk of O)mard, were married in St. Kilian Church, Mission Viejo. They have established a home in Carlsbad. . ... _... ....... u=.:=~ ......... ,.. -=-. .... ._ , • "" rz 0.• ,., "I• :f 1 1 f W •I I Em' AL C 0 1111, UT If\ , & ._, °'..... ft, -EIJlil. .. e>r.,.., CA MIO ..,,.. MM& aft.. r.oela~~· tM TOIW. _, vlle I O,.,.ownttl" Vtfltp~ llel en·r~·=.1.:t:i a.111 • ~':'..: """ I.~ H1r111:7'e11t11to11:.t~·~••"1· ::W ~-f:, ==: ::. .... dlttr 1 ~ at 1110 · !!~J """"-&.w. ~ o11a...-' 111 thl• ,,0"' ,..,.11.,11 AUIWI• Awo1111e. Gall ...... II..,......., llY Ill Clllforflla..... ~ ....._..... ......... ....... lllM lllR ic.tTMin T~Olfttl O. Weell1~•l1' IMllof~~ ... '\ 4 =.=--; 'nlll ll 11111 _. .. ....,., .,.._ ~ •rtf Ml'*"°" WW*lt 10 ~ ttldl In ~ '*--~"'; C:.. ~ Oii ~~..:.. .,.,..., by 1 011•1hl1 '-Pllc1Uon m1~ 11i. 1111 ~.,. ..... ,:.-:._::: .-• ... ---__, M • ..--... co111m1n11 In wrllln9 with the CeftdllltMMdlpulP rdc • • ~ -L ._._.. Oomptrollar ol th• Cutttnoy, ftOW Oft• w ::=:':;f "'91lltled Or.._ c.... Deilr nw 11111 fl'lllll .. lllld wlOI Ill Admlnl1l11tor ol Nallonll t111k1, :".._..._of .. Put .... ., ... ....._ • t1 ..... ~a.ti of°""" OOl.lllty Oii 8blth Nlllonel ..,. AIGIOn Mt ......, Ml ' ._ ' iait:il Mt I. Ml. ,_,. 2700, PMGtlll'M Otln ~-. iat ot::: ~'·=~·=-........... '*II 1111 P111>l1tnH Ofanet co .. 1 Oell'f Peecllttff '""'· N I! • At111111, l>ld * o.elfllet"• ci.c1t, c,,tlfted MJC llnlCI ,..,. .. .., ,, 2 , II.•·-4 ttll G1org11, 10303. II 111y Ptr•Ol'I check, or ••ctder'• bOftft•;; ™•...... . _, . . . .._. 1'111-12 =:" .. u.;: = ,oran~: pe)'IOll 10 "" .,.,, "' ... ·iiiiilTA~ .. _.,. _.._ eo1t'f:trlel1wr1tt1nno~othle ~ ~~-TM 9oll0Wlnt peraon 11 dotno ,._ ,,,,.,_ Intent With 1111 COl!lptroller of:.~"' ,....,,' lw. .,.0:: (Kl ot "'9 _. ~a Currenoy within 2 I dayt Of IN wit• bid 11 1 guer111t• llllt IN ~ ,. ·MOO( IOPTWAM, 418 ,.., or 11111 publlctllon. Th• 111 enter 1n1o t he propo••d Drh1e, llOI, Co•t• M111, CA Th• tollowlnt pet1on 11 doing nonoonlld1nt111 porllone ol th• Contract tt IN Mmt le llWtlldtd to ..... ltwlllMI 111 1pplloauon ere on Ill• wllh th• him 111 IN IY90I Of 1~ to .,.... ·01.INN JOHltH OLANDUI, (I) P'llLD MAflll<lTINO,· (bl COl!lptroller of the Owrency .. part Into. IUCI• conlrllCi, ttll ,,.,..... • 4tl P'eir OrM, .f20I, CC.I MIU. PRO•MAAK, (ol PAO·MAAK Of \he public 1111 Tllll flla 11 the cNcil wt11 be I~. 0t tn the OA tH1t I l f11 v 1 c E I • d ) M U LT I • tvall1bl• tor publlc ln1p1cllon cue of • bond, the ful Mn 1Nreof T'* llll*Mll WM llltd wllh ltlt M A AK I! TI N 0 , ( •) M ULT I· dut1nCI regulll bull!'-. lloure. will be forfeit.ct to Mid OolttOf c-ty OWi\ °' °'llltt County on MAflll<fTINO WtST, 1NOO ,.Clllld Pu61f•lled Ot1n9• Co11t Dally dlstrlel. ;-\ flllt tHltiMU It oondllctld by an A*"'8.1Mnt. Calllornll '2713 f>lH\t, Auo. 4, ttl2 No blddtt ~wtlMttw ,.,blf lndlvlclull .. tdf«d J. Pitz.. I Wiiow Trw 847342 tor 1 petlOd of -tlYI ( .. } ~ Otenn Olendtir Lane. ININ, Clllfomll t2718 l'talC NOTICE atter the c:tat• Mt or 1111 oPl'*'I Thia llatetMnl w .. filed With 11'1 Thie ~ It condUotld by an ui-t. County Clttk ol OfMQe County on lnctMdull. T·111'1 TM Bottd ot Tru.teea t...we Ju~ 1t. 1g92, ltldlO<d ltll& NOTICI Of' 1111 ptMltge ol reltetlna lflY Md .. 'ttill74 T .. ltlltmtnt w11 llled With the TRUflft'I IAUI bid• or to wa1w tily lfrioullttt• ot ttubllllled Orange Co11t Diiiy County Clttll of Orange County on T.•. fie. t-t'T1tl--C lnlormalltlt• In any blcl or In 1111 Piiot, Jul"/ 21. 28, Aug. 4, H, 18f2 June 23, Ul82. YOU ARI IN Dll'AUU UNDtlll A bidding. :'1?~1-112 't92117 D1aD Of TllU8T DARD...... NORMAN I . WAT.80N ----.. ---.,.-..,,. ..... .,.,.-11:'-----Publl•ll•d Orang• 00111 Diiiy UNLmll YOU TAKI ACTION TO Seeretary, , __ ....,..,,.~-,.."' ..... ""....,' ..... """~ ..... -1 Pilot. July 21. 28. Aug. 4, 1 '· 1g52 ltllOTICT YOUR ftllOltlllTYl IT Boetd of Trutt.. I 3294·12 MAY 1 1 IOLD AT A ttU• IC COMI Communl'Y -----------I AL I . IP Y 0 U N 11 D AN • College Oll\liel ' P\BllC NOTIC£ IXttL.ANATIOH °' Tit8 NAT\#11 Publl•ll•d Orange Cout Oatw llU..... °' THI ltllOCllDtNO AQAIHtT Piiot Aug. 4. 1 ,. 1912 HEWPOfl'T OUH BAC)f(EAAOE. ~ATUllNT YOU, YOU IHOUlD CONTACT A 34417-42 IPI Newpon Bou~•rd, Coeta TM lollOWlng per900I .... dOlng LAOnwvutT~·-.. 0 t 28 1"8" ... __ .,,. Mft1'll'IE' I Meal. CA 112t27. bl*'-u; , .... ..,ay .... ugut • • ~ •• r~ ""'~ -' T H 0 M A 8 A T T I L I 0 WIENERSCHNITZ£L NO. 390. 9:00 A.M., TIU. lnlur1111C9 and TrlJll SCEBERl'IAI. 2087 See Colle L8l'9, 4501 Jimborn Road Newport Company, H duly appointed I U ft 1111 O lit C 0 U lit T Colla MeM OA 92827 Beech. Cllllomle 92eeo ' Tru1lff under and pur1u1n1 to CAlMIORNA CHARLES CAAHAM. uo Robert Frencl• Sommtr1, Deed of Trutl ,_dad AUOUlt 28. COUWTY M OAANGa f Biker •·a.120·-. eo.ui M-. CA 1878, Viewpoint Line No. 24l, 1980, 1111111. No 38388, In boOk 700Clvtac.MeJDftMW"' , 92828. • Huntington BMcll. Calllomla 92847 13721, p1g• 239, of 0111c111 ... .. 1 Thie butlneee II conducted by 1 Conttance LaAnn Sommert. R8COl'dt In the office of the County a.nta AN, ~ t2'702 oar-al ~Ip. 18781 Viewpoint Lane No. 241, Recorder of Orange County, MPETARIUITIOANQIEEA~. HARRY ROSE . thomu Scebltrll Hunll ton 8elCll Cllllornl• 92847 Calllornl•. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC Tiiie 1t1l-t wu llled wtth 'tie Th~tlnMa 19' condUClld by an AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER RESPONDENT: YOLANDA ROSE ' county Clettl of ()range County on lndlYtdull (llulbend end Wiii). FOR CASH OR CASHIER'S CHECK, tulmM}"Am. y LA*> July 19, 1982. COnetllM9 L. 8omm«• (payable at time ol Hie In lawful CAM M.=:1w -: ,,tlf71 Tlllt etatemant WU flied with the money o• tht United Statee) II lht You ... _ ......... _._ T1'e ...:. Publlllled Orange CoHt Dally County Clerk of Orange County on front entrance to the Old Ora1: ...... _, Pilot, July 21, 28, Aug. 4, 1~2~2 June 28, 1982. fttim7 ~~==~18.vct .. ;:'!, ~'o:!':'J !:.'.::-;:: D 1 (formerly w .. t 8th St.) Santa An1, ,........ • .,.. lltNd H PllotPubllelled Orange Co111 • ly Clllfomla. 111 ngM lltle and lnlereat """411 ttn ....... PlCT1TIOU9.,..... • July t4. 21, 28, Aug. 4. 1982 conveyed to and. now hlld by 11 If,... wtllt to.-h...,... • 3181-82 under Hid Da.d of Trull In the lft........, 111 *' ......_,,,.. propeny 11lu1ted In H id County ._...do•..,......,•.._. NAm ITATl!MalfT n... 1o1ow1ng pereone .,. dotno rta.JC NOTICE bl*"'-u; 1--------------(AI CIRCULATION NOW: IBI l'fCTmOUl llU ... JI MARAIA~ MAO£ IN HEAVEN. Nll.m ITA,.._NT 219, Vitti lntrade. Newport Th• followlng pareon 11 doing a.en, CA t2eeo. bull,_ aai • OEOROE KAUO, 2191 VIiia EXTENOEX, 1017 Nancy LMHI. Entra4e. Newport llMctl. CA 92MO. COit• M-, Celllornll 92e27 ELIZABETH KAUO. 2,111 Vltta Danl9I J. Mlkultcll, 1017 Nancy Enltlde, Newport leectt, CA82880. Lane, Colla......_ Celllornla 92827 Thia '-"'-11 oonductld by Thie buetnMa le condUcted by an llulblt1cl and wife, lndtllldull. Eltzlbelll Krug Oanlel J. Mlkullch Thia ltlttmtnt -flied with the Thl9 ltatemenl -tied With It'll County Ctettt of Ofanol County on C0un1Y Clerk of Orange County on JUiy 23. 1982. June 25, t982 • ,1..-Z I '1tl2M Publlelled Orange Co111 Dally, Publllhed Oreng• Colll Dally Piiot, Jul"/ 28, Aug. 4, 11, 18, 1982 !Pilot. July 21. 28, Auo. 4, 11, 18f2 332$-82 4007-82 PlB.IC NOTICE and Stale dactlbed 11: ,...-er ......... If _,, ftARCEL 1: Lot 97 ol Tract No. be ...... .... 3433 In the City of Colla Meaa. Avtaol County pl Orenge. Stat• of UltMI i. etde delllt•a•r Callfoml1, .. per map recorded In trilMIMI ,_. ....., .....,. book 178 pegea 48 to 50 lnctutlve, • 1ttll11M161 • ,..... ... ol Mllc*llMCKll Mapa, In the office ,..,_. ..... di to .... U. of 1111 cou11ty recorder ot Hid ...,., .. ~1111 .. ..... CC)IMlty. II Uated deH aeUettar ttAflCI L 2: A non·•XCIU•lv• cOMete ........ -• ..-nt tor •nor-and egr ... ettt•••· d•91•rf• lt•••r from Mid Parcel t through L..ola 188 111•1111•1 ,,.... de ..U _., and 188 °' Tr9Ct Ho. ~. In the Ml I 1111 lllU e .... mchn. el ~ City of Coata M111. County e>I •'9tt11&, pMde "' , .. letred• • Ofanol, Slate ot Clllfornta. 11 I*' .,....._ map recorded In book 171pegea48 1. TO THE AESPOHOEHT to 50 lnclullve. ol Ml-rtaneout The petitions hM !ltd • petllJon Mape, kl the offlol of the county coocen•io yourrnerTlege. tt "JOU I~ r8COl'der of Mid county. to Ille a reeponee wllllln 30 dilYI ttAllCIL I: An exclu•lv• the d•I• 11111 tlll• 1ummon1 I eaaement to pleoe and maintain a.ved on you. )'OUr def1&1h mey utlllty linel acroea Loll 186 and 168 anteted and the court mey enter ~ PUBUC NOTICE of Tract No. 3433. In th• City of judgment containing lnjunctl¥e ~ PICT1110UI eue .. 11 K.-S Cotta MHI, County ol Orange. other «der• conoarnlng dlvllion o~ , NAMI ITAft•.NT PICTITIOOI 8UllNlll Stlll ol Calllornla, " per m1p prppefty, 1pou11I 1uppo,1, chll ~ Th• following peraon la doing NAM! ITATl!MINT recorded In book t78 PIOlll 48 lo cuatody, chlld aupport, attorne butllnMI u: SO lnclu1lve, of Ml1cell1neotn f-. ~11. end IUdl other relief 8' C H I L D • 8 W 0 R L D P R E. The lollowlng pertona 1" doing Mapt, In the office of the county may be granted by tht COUr1. Th4( SCHOOL. 2129 w. Edtno-. Sant• bu~R~Y'S, 2424 North Grind r8COl'der of Hid county, 10 pr~ gami9hment of wagea. taking of Ana CA t2704 water. etectrlclty, gu, telephone money or propetty. or other court 0LOUISE PAGE EAOLESTQN Avenue. Senti Ana, Cellfornla and -r•ge Mrv~ for llngl• au.Ulortlld proc.edlftgl mey ..., 1212 Mvnller Drive, Huntington 1>270~EAL ESTA TE COMPUTER lamtfY retldenllal UM to aald Parca reMllt Belch. CA 92M8. C I I. Mid IUtn'l«lt to be along Iha 0.tld: Match 9. 1982 Tllbi ~ 18 conducted by an SYSTEMS, INC .• I allforn I llhor'l•t llld moet con-'letll ro.ne LEE A. BAAHCH lndlvtdull corporttlon. • Corporal• Plaza, bet-INI uld Parcel 1 and tile Clel'k. LoulM p Eagteeton NewpOt1 8elch. Cellfornla nelrHI public ullllty Httment By NANCY WAGGONER. Tit" 1t1tement ·-nled wttll the Thie ~ It conducild by • WIOWn on the map ol lald tract. Deputy County CMr'k of Orange County on corporll':a, Etl•I• ftAlltCRL 4: A non·uclu1lve Publl•h•d Orenge Co111 Dally July 19, 1982. Compulet Syateml. Inc _,_., -LOI 98 of Traci 3433, Piiot\ July 14, 21. 21. Auo. 4, 1982 ,,.... Petrldl MU<phy, In the City of Coela ~.County of 3190-82 Publlelled Oreng• CoHI Dally Prealdenl Orange, Siii• of C1Mfoml1. as P« Ptllt.IC NOTICE Pilot, July 21. 28. Aug. 4. 11. 5198!, ™• llllament WH flted wtlll UHi m1p50rec, or,ded I In oo:'~.',78 ~laget 48 -----------32 1 .. " Count" Clerk of °'*"""' COUnty on to nc ut ve. o ... ace enaoua NOTICI _ TllUSTEl'I IA&.I -----------• -..... Maps, In 11141 ofll~ ol th• county ..,... rta.JC NOTICE July l8. 1982· ,,--recorder of Hid county, for the T.a. No. IOIM-4 -aJ f 11 T.D. SERVICE COMPANY u duly 8'ftNOfl COURT Publl1hed Orenge Co111 Oally m nten,!"°• 0d Pr;!Yi:• 1 0~ appointed Trust•• under Ill• M CAU'OMIA Piiot. July 2 t. 28. Auo. 4, 11. 1982 ~9~ llldbOU~ ~llcel ~ followtng ~lbed Security Land COUNTY Of' ORANGE 400842 PAlltClL S: An undivided .62 Contrec1 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC 7'IO Ctwto C.• DrtM Weet •-II' NOTICE percent lntareat u tenint In AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST ..... AN, CA ll2701 ... ~ common In and to Lott 185 and 166 BIDDER FOR CASH (payable II MARlltlAQI OP ftlTITIONEll: flCTITIOUI eua .. ll of TrlCI No 3433. In fhe City of lime of Hie In lawful money of the LAUIWM L CtoTT1 NAm I TATDllNT Coll• Mesa. County Of Orange. !Jolted Sl•I•) Ill right. title and lltllltONDINT: AMTHONY I . The following pereon 1, doing Stele of Callfornla, 11 per mip lnterwl con~ to and now held ctOTT1 ~ 11. recorded In book 178 pagee 49 lo by It under Hid Security land llWM ('Am.Y LAW} EASY LIVING DESIGNS 2850 50 lnclu1lve, of Ml1cell1neou1 Contract In the P<operty '*'91nett• ""'~Y~ ... ~~ .......... Hltll 1217-D. Cost• M .... CA Map•. In the office of the county dftcribed: ..., '_, -.....,. --92628. riicorder of H id county. VENDEE: JEFFREY K. COLLINS, TM-' IMJ decide etJllMt JOU GEORGIANNA HALVERSON No S treet addreu or o ther I llngle man wfttMMlt ,_ bell'I Nerd ...._ ' d I I h b VENDOR· RONALD 0 . LEE, a J'Oll NltlClftll wtttllft IO clap.,..... 2850 H11t1, lf217·D, Coate MMI. common 11 gnll on " Hll tM IMonNtloft bMow CA 92628. furnllhed to Ille Tl')lllM. you may "1!:::C, o-ntblt 5• 1979 u 11 you with 10 IMk ihe advice of Thi• bual,_ It ccnducied by n obtain directions lo the proper1y by lnttru. No. 48eO In boOk 13421, •n attorn•" In thll matter you Individual. 11Jbmlttlne 1 written reqUNI within p-1131 of Offlclll Recordl In the • • Geor""'anne Hl/Vereon 10 dl)'I from the llrll publgtlon of -.-lholJld do IO promptly'° that your Thie atll-~:.... llled with the lhlt nollcl'\o. Alfred J. McEvtlty end offlc» of IN ~der of Ofanol NIPOMI or ptaeding. If eny, mey be ty Cllt1c of Or•""'* Coun"" on Gerald c . Vtn Der Klomp, po. Box County: u ld Security Land Ned on time 10 -... -'' 32 F llert c.llf I 92832 Contrect deecrtbft the tollowtng listed Ni 'lido demandlldo. El 1 ' 11182 pmmJ T~or ~· recor°'iJn !,,,.. DADE propetty. lrlbunll pulde cleddlf" conlfl Ud. Publltlled Orange Co11t Dally ENTERPRISES, INC Loi 32 ot TIKI 30$8. a per lln llJdllncll 1 menoe CIU' Ud. July 21 28 A 4 11 1982 The underalg11ed Trust•• map~ In Boole t3. Pagea 9 ~~~ ~:O. dlla. lei la • · • UO· • 3'22a.92 dlactilme any llablllty for any to 11 lndu11ve of Mlac.ll1neou1 ~.,.,..._.,, ... ~ --I of ht teat add Mepa, In tlHI office of the County SI U1t1d d•••• 1ollc1t1r •I 11111mt1C NOTICE =~~~ ~1~~ ~of Mid county. oonaejo di un aboDldo en aste rVIK. • any. anown '*91n. YOU AAE IN DEFAULT UNDER A 11un10. deberre heoerlo .. ,~ Said Hie will be made, but DEED OF TRUST DATED ~!:":·~i:i1:n.m:"ra~ NOTICI Ofl ttUe&JC without covenant or warranty. ~f~;~~ro:rb9~~Ju0:: -..----v SAU.Of' upr"' or lmplted, regarding lltle, •lgunt, puedt Hr ,.gl1tr1d1 I ftElllOHAL ftflOfl'ERTY pouallon, or encumbrenc ... 10 PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLb AT A ~o THE RESPONDENT: The .,:~.·.~~~~,J~f~;:. ~~: ~:rl(~~·.:c~::sd b~·~!~;·~d·~~ :XU:t..~::i~ ~ y~E N~~v: P•tltloner hH flltd I petition Cod•. Stat• of C1lllornl1, the Trust, to-wit: $58,522.00. lncludlng OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST :lQ)'OUrl'Mltl'llge.lf)IOUlall underllgned will Mii ii publlc Ille H provided In uld nole(1), YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A to Ille • ~ within 30 da)'9 of by competMlve bidding on tht 24th adv.,,..., 11 any. under the terms LAWYER. the dlle that thl• 1ummon1 11 day of Auguet. 1N2. 1t 3·30 o'c:loc* of Hid o-s of Trust,•-· chetQM 2289 Golden Circle , Newport MrWd on rou. 'fO'oK delfautt may be p.m .• on UHi pr.,.,._ wt11te uld •11Ptn119 of 1111 Trust .. and o1 a.en. CA • end • court may enter • property 1111 bHn alored. and Ille truata CtMlld by Mid Deed, of "(If • 1ttM1 ~ « common I contllnlng ln)uncllw « wt11c11 -located at Publlc SIOtllge. NII. dealgn1t1on It lllown above. no ordlrl ooootmlng dlVlalorl of Inc. 2095 "-Illa Avenue In IN The benellclaty under Mid Deed warranty 11 given H lo Ill roperty. apouHI 1uppon, clllld City of Cott• MHI. County ol o1 Truit 11eret:>fore uacutld Ind complel-or woeetn••)."" Mody. dllld 1uppot1, allorney Or1n9e, State ol Calltomfa, the dallvered to the under1lgned 1 The ~ under Mid a.ourtlY COltl. and eyctl other r911et • 1b1ndoned .good•, c11111e11 of Wfftten Declaration of OeflUlt and Land Contract. by re11on of • !MY be oranlld by 1111 court. The perton11 property deecttbed below. Demand for Sale. end a wrltter brMCtl Of default In the otlllOllllOI• arlahment of wagH, taking of 111 the mattere of: Notlee 01 Delaull and Election to Heu red tllareby, haretolore or property, or other coun Eddi• Ziemer -Tool•, copy Sell. TM und«llgrled caused Mid executed and d•llvered lo lh• INd proceadlngt may eleo mectllne. Notlol ol Oefault Ind Election lo 1111 und9"llgtHICI • Wl'lltlll Dedw•tlon • Getald Levine -CIQ. machine, to be ...corded In the eounty wtter• of Dtfalllt end '*Ylend lof Sale, DATED Fe. 2, 1N2. Juke box. 3 Ill• caba, add"g the,.., property le located. and written notice ot ~and°' LEE A. BRANCH, mlehlne. 2 . cablnetl, refrtg., mlec. Tiiie Insurance and electlon lo cauea Ille und9rlllgned Cltr1c box... Ttutl Comt>lnY to Mii Mid P<Ol*'IY to MUlf)' Mid By ~ Goddard, Oreg s. Blddle -BBQ. Wire, 4 u Mk! Tt\lll... ol>lloetlona, and "*"'* -....ct Deputy C tit-. 8 box... • Barbati Qevle uld notice Of brt1ctl end Of ttubll1hed Orenga 0111 Delly L..llrldtOtd , __ the 11gtt1 to bid Truetee liectlOn to be Recotdlc:f MWdl 30. t. .JM>/ 14, 21. 28. Aug. 4, 1912. 11 th• Nie. Purcll•"' mull be Truat .. °' peny 1912 M lnllt. No, lt·1098tl In 3186-82 mede with cull only and peld for at conductlno Nie OtflQet Alco«tl. •----.. ---.,.-NO-Tll'IE' ____ the time °' ~· Al JMkChlMd TITLE INS\IRANCE AND S aid 1111 wllt be mede, but •--=-===,._~:;::=:-;":'~=;::;-goodl It• IOkt u Ill, and mu., be TRUST COMPANY without co111n1nt or w1tt1nty. 1-·-81 .. -a -1'1-T rerno¥1d II It'll time of purc:NM. 3540 Wlltflfre Blvd ~ « lmpllad, ~ We. -·~~...... S... IUbltet 10 pr1of cancellatton In LOe AnoelM CA t0o10 po111111cm. Of ~ '° DMl111CT OJI CAUPOllNIA the .-t ol Mlllernenl between Attn: Hilda WHllln ~ the remelnlftg pr1nolpal eum • Al•TIPPt a•aAR80M/ llndlord and ol>llGMed pally. Dated 1213j 3944000 Ext. 2719 Hcured by H id leovrlty Lend Al ~ICM! IXPMM -. 11111 41h and 111n dlY of ~. O.te: J.Jtf 28, 1982. Contract, with Int.-• "*""' D••INOAMTl1 lltO•ALD •• 1912. PUbllo Storaoe Inc. llftdlo«I. Pubr•h•d Otang• COHI OfllY ~ -:-::-~ = ~·· .... elMIVtaVI ~b:,;~. w.a~a CONI Dally Piiot, :;ouet •• 11, , •• ltl8~44a-.s2 Conlracl, ftu. ollar9H atftl CM& MO.• 1m MM 3«M2 ::""~':,=:-mid °'a.!: • ~" "8.IC flmCl ~ NOTICE ConlflC'I, 1e1c1 .... -~ Oii ...CTmOUa .._.. T!wftday. AA.lgllat fl. 1111 .. 1:00 TO TH• Al Vl-NAMl!.0 "~ NAlm ITA~ 11.m. It ..... Clllplftell Ave11u1 Oll'IHOANT.!:...,.. .... _.., ITATW °' MAMDDl-rT Tiii tOlloWln ptrtOM -doll'tl entrance to lflt Clvlo center Y8ll .,. ·--"7 ..._... .... °' ._ °' ~Iii: ~ * L ~AW. r....-s to_... llPOI' ~ H. MflliOUe ....... ..._ DELANEY 9A8H & 00011, In tf'll Olty of~ CA. OQAN,Nof 1Cllf'IAL1 .• VOU1NG ~ Tiie lollo•lng peraon 1111 IMC , 17100 Qlt .. lte, lrvlne, CA Al the time of tlle lnltlel L 0 QA , A r O I•• On a lllllrldolied 1111uee°'"-11cttt1out t2714. pub1oet1on °' N nolOI, IN _.. -.,...,._., ~. ~ neme Ct401CI TAAVll WAAMtNGTON INTU'l0f'8 amountofthaut.-ldbllllftOeof .. .. o~ '!...~..!..·~ CINTM et IHI Dupollt Ofllle, AND OUION •• O•lllornl• ............... 11¥ .. --IOI .... • _,.. ,,_, .....,,. -....... no,~~ t21t8 OQl'PAfation. 17100 ~ IMl'lt, ......, ._._ LMd ~ l'80M110; ,.._... ~ .... fl0"11~• 1111a1n ... neme CA 127f4. llld .,...,.._., ...._ ....-. ... 11t .....,., ., ..!'.!!'.!,: ~ refefftd to allov• wH lll•d In Tiiie ~ 11 conducted by• ldlleflOll 11 ... At wNdl II,__,..,, --~ Oii ~ tt. 1111. oorpor1tlon o.i.: Jll/lt to = '°" tOU Wltlllll 20 d•Y• efler K• lttu.f. lf141 ltetfl,. WlfmlnOlon lnter1on. T.O ii ~lq!IV ot ltlll ......-upon JOU. ~1.. Hunttnoton '-'• Ctllltotnla DetlOfl • • eeld • j.-111111~ of IN -of ....... " wnw W"' I . K,...._ leer. ~ IMl'lt ........ 1e11 to do eo. Juq!Mnt by T1ltl .....,,._ ... OOllCMlted ~ Tlllt 11at91Mnt ... Med wlttt It'll ~ ......, J •• ,.~r.::::r::',~:': :..~~....., ~ ~.'=i.°'a...~°" =i==--. 1llll r•1 ,..,,. -._...., tfll ,..,. ret lu~ ::' 1111 c.MIJ Cllrtr of °'11111 ~ • W; I >Mm I Die PIWlld ~ _. ............ -...... --"--"'9 ftT'IM ........... . ...... .._ ......... ~ ....... Mi.... C..Ollw ..... .,., ... °"'----~· --=·-,,,,.. ............ Ofllill9 ~ Pv~ ~QAo:oOMrr-:-~ ........ ~~~ ...... - "" "" .... 11 ... ..-.: ·~ ,..., """' .,, .. ~ ~ , ,, ... -.. ,..._ ...... f Mr~ -Mn. Robert Andenorl ol Loa ~ and PitUburah. Pa., annawa the .......,...nt of &Mir dauahter, l:rl!'.J to Hu1h HutlOn m, IOO of Mrs. Morey Mirldn of Newport Beach and .,,_ly HWa and the lat. H\llh ~utmn Jr. The bride-elect attend• Peppenllne University and her !lance attended Robert Lout1 Stevenlon School. Pebble Beach, and UCLA. Lindi ors-Dickel ~ cktober wedding at the Hacienda ln Santa Ana ls 'planned by Karen Ann Lindfors afl(I David M. Dickel. · Announcement of their enaaaement wu made by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Undfon of Irvine. Mia Lindfors ia a graduate of UCI. DICkel, IOn of Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Dickel of WesJminster, attended Orange Coast College and Cal State Long Beach. Stimmler-Quarto Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Stirnmler of Huntington Beach announce the engagement of their daughter, Jane, to Dale Quarto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Quarto-ef Glendora. Their Oct. 9 wedding will be in Sta. Simon and Jude Church, Huntington Beach. Mlss Stimmler is attending Goldenwest College and her fiance ls a graduate of Cal State Fullerton. Charlotte Fowlkes F-owlkes-Sadler The engagement of Charlotte S e an Fowlkes has. been announced by her parents Jack K . Fowlkes of Hilton Head Island, S.C. and Ann G. Fowlkes of Laguna Beach, all formerly of Newport Beach. The future br idegroom is Henry Montville Sadler ill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Sadler of MidJothian, Va. Miss Fowlkes graduated from New l\lvw Collete Of :V~ and her ttanoe II a Slldu.ee ol The Collea• of WOUam and Mary. The betrothed MIH FowlkH and Mu. Sadler CW'Nfttly l"tllde ln Alpen, Colo. and &N Plan.nm.a a fall weddinal. Smith-Vogel Th• •naaaement of Kathryn Jane Smith to Martin Duane Vo1el, ion of Mr. and Mra. Milton Chrlatopher Vo1el of Hunttn1ton Harbour, is announced by her parents, Dr. and Mn. Roter PhllJp Smith of Arcadia. An October weddln& la ptann,d. The bride-el t and her ftance are graduat.ee of UCLA. Crane-Sakioka UCI graduates Stephanie Wfila.rd.Cra.ne and George Mark Kataumasa Sakioka will ,be married in September. Their betrothal was announoed by her parents, Mr. and Mn. Theodore J. Crane of Newport Beach. The future bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny K. Sak.ioka of Santa Ana. • Tumyour •• unusables . into e usable e cash.caU. e Daily Pilot e classified • 642-5678. ,,..,_,.,,.., .. S«Yitl .. ,.,,. -,,,,, """""' lfMllJltd -''"""" lhl f ,., ,,.., <• /Jf/W*I) ..-. ..... ~ ,, ..... In Fountain Valley 16835 Brookhurst (714) 962-3312 A Private School of D~lnctlon Founded In 1942 ' IET mental attitude that can last for tHe rest of your life. Call or come In to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum today ~u can do It. Join now. URRY/ RNAL DAYS ro,, ~·CONST,,UC110N CHA"Tt!" M~MtJt"5HIPS. Charter memberships now 1M1llllble. Join today and get• frff Nchllrd 51mmons Anatomy Alylum J.-1tlrt. WOOOtNtD HHJ.!t • 23210 Ventura 1'/vd. • 884-2202 ~•ZOO N t:Jrand OIVd • !500-04Z.5 ~ HIWI • 9306 Llttl~ Santa Monica IJIVd. • !5!50-8879 "°""""" WJ.rY• J80.50 "rookhUf'5t964-8880 IW'IOMM01Y4843Z IJanNuy51'1vd.•89J-879l • WATOl l'Olt """NArffT LOCATION COMING SOON ro ~N OllOWI 60-year • marriage celebrated · Mr. and Mn. Clatr C. Pr.le celebrated thelr 80\h weddt"I anntveraary In their New~ Beach apanroent. Jolnln1 them for th• celebntlon were their daupter, Medelyn, her h~. Wendell W. Harter of Manhattan Beach and their son, Dr. Richard C. Pyle and wtfe, Scotty. AllO attendlna were friends and relative• includina el1h& 1randchlldren and flve area~ grandchildren. Clair and Fem were man1ed June 24, 1922 ln the Palllldent home of her parents and travelef to the San Bernardino MountalJW for their honeymoon. Fem was bom in Wlnte~ Iowa and wu graduated from UCLA. She taught third lfllde ta Pasadena. Clair, a native of Arborville, Neb. is a sractuate al Occidental College. After Clair's retire~t from the automobile busineaa the Pyles moved to Newport Beafh• TRIPLE CELEBRATION: Mr. and Mrs. ~ey .E. Halse~t celebrated their 90th end 85th birthdays on the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary at the home of Gen. and Mr~. Richard P . Ross of Laguna Hills. The celebrants make their home at Leisure World where they are still active golfers and belong to the C.alifomia Dance Club. He was vice president of the Harbor Senior Cit.Uen's Club at Newport Beach, where they were both considered very good bridge players. He also eerved • president of the Voyagen Club of St. Andrews Presbyterian Chun:h. ,~. NUTRITION~ VITAMINS RADIANCE 1111111 · MEGA POTENCY MULTIPLE VITAMIN WITH CHELATED MINERALS 60 Tablets Reo. 13.49 OR. DONSBACH'S PREllTIL FIRIUU MULTIPLE VITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENT 120 Tablets Reg. 7.75 ~ RADIANCE CALCIUM llllESIUI AMINO ACID CHELATE 90 Tablets Reg. 4.25 ALPHA -L.P.C. 8.99 3.75 2.45 STARCH BLICKER 500 M.G. 50 TABS REG. 9.95 100 TABS REG. 17.95 5.45 9.75 RICH LIFE C-1000 TIME RELEASED 250 Tablets Reg. 15.95 RICH LIFE E-400 0-ALPHA TOCOPHEROL 100 Capsules Reg. 10.50 RICH LIFE IEll llE · MEGA POTENCY VITAMINS l.95 5.50 AND AMINO ACID CHELATED MINERALS • TIME RELEASED 4 50 30 Tablets Reg. 5.95 I EIUIEl-C EFFERVESCENT NUTRITIONAL DRINK MIX 35·6.2 Gram Packets 6.95 Reg. 9.95 ·soUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 LOWER LEVE'l CAROUSEL MALL GROCERIES WESTBRAE GRIPE JUICE 1.3& NO SUGAR ADDED 32 Fl. oz. Reg. 2.45 HEALTH VALLEY PUIUT BUTIER 1.45 CREAMY-LIGHTLY SALTED 16 oz. Reg. 2.19 CAROFFS CARROT CHIPS 1.29 SAL TED OR UNSAL TEO Net Wt. 5 oz. Reg. 1.59 CELESTIAL SEASONING ICED DELllHT TU 1 26 • ORANGE • MINT • LEMON I 24 TEA BAGS REG. 1.75 HAIN SAFFLOWER Ill PURE COLD PRESSED 32 Fl. oz. Reg. 3.45 2.4& GOOD STUFF LUNCH COUNTER Weekly Spet:i•I COMB/NATION SALAD PLATE Egg S11l11d, Cottage ChHS6, Fruit, 1 9 & Liverwurst, Cheddar Chwse . . . I REQUEST FRllTALOE ALOEVERA JUICE BLENDS • ORANGE • CRANBERRY . • PINEAPPLE COCONUT 4 99 32 Fl. Oz. Reg. 1.50 I BULK PRODUCTS #O#Er IRAIOU'I 99 • 7 GRAIN • ORANGE I • APPLE BLUEBERRY• APPLE IJAlll 111•1 •II· 1.11 ALTA-DENA 1.11 ·" , .. •• .71 I I Mii g•llH ol Colla MH• announced " al &Wo ...... In ll• .. Serl" of band·beW clAta entry OGIDJN'8rl. Tbi ~ tM Aki W\lll With the........ I The W.anmil unitl IN the MSl/lle and 88f. both d11l1necl for remote 1ource d•'• •n,ry applbtloM whilin IArp mMWJ and complete ~&1 .. ~. auch. field Mrviol ~ Utdl&y lllNr Nldina. rouc. KJDOUntll\C, ,.~ )lrtce audldftl Md dlrec't l\OC'e deUwry. • I • MIDCOM cer,tnllM ot OruWt announced an lddJtian to lC. lll'oduct line, the XORllN IPL·ll flle tran.afer uUllty. The aohware J>~•cka1e ta ~ to trUwfer f1lea between DllC PDP-11, LSl-11 or VAX·ll oamputera. CLUB PLANNED -The Jazz Exchange, set to open in mid-1983 wfu .,; Competer AlitemaU. be., formerly of lrvlne, -combination music and comedy showcase, and business co~ference which m•nufacturea rnlnicomputer and ~nter. Plans for the facility will be unveiled Aug 13 mlcrocoroputer productl and 1y1tema, .. td It . . lmplernentAld a manaaemmt reorpnbaUon. 8tilart F • Dale WM elecUJd aenior vice president for OJ>eRtlom for the Boulder, Colo.-bued firm. Jazz showcase eyed ~xchange to be nightclub, business center Clvlc, professional and entertainment l~adens are expected to be on hand Aug. 13 in Newport Beach when plans for a $2 million Jazz Exchange are unveiled.-~ 1 The celebration will be at the Balboa Bay Club. Hosts "Budd Bonnewell, Gary Edwards and Richard Ward have invited 500 per.sons to hear about the entertainment and restaurant complex on a site to be determined ln the Newport Beach/Irvine area. Music will be provided by Ollie Mitchell's Sunday Band and a gourmet menu will be prepared by chef Emerson Holmes. Jazz radio station KKGO will broadcast a portion of the party. IDW....,_ The project' is to be funded by individual and corporate investors. Managing Partner Richard Ward, also a'n investment broker at Merrill Lynch in Newport Beach. believes the community will support this venture. Two others have been elected corporate off'Fera: Cllarle1 L. SmlClll, Naked Mtn1 dlvtaion general manager, and Ira L. RoblHOD, legal counael, were elected corporate vice pre.identa. J. Roser Holbrook of Lake Forst joint Arilu VOHI a Compaa~est realon director of Federal C.ontncta . He will be hued ln the Loe Angele. office of the International accounting and consulting firm. BerUa1e Bank, based in Anaheim, -established a trust department and named CUrlea G. Conway of San Clemente vice pre1ldent, trult manager. He was vtce president and trust officer of Crocker National HOUflOOK Bank'• trust and investment office ln Palm Springa. Bank of America announced that it is low~ring lnterest rates by one-half of 1 pereent for certain adjustable-rate rnor1gages. The lower rates will apply to adjustable rate mo~ages conunitted on or after Aug. 3 under the bank s custom home loan pJ'Oll'llln. The rates will be 16 percent, down from 16-It\ fltddDt, fOr IOlinl " 'I IO fllO,DQO; IDd 11-~ m.:=:.~==-"= rtftnance °' ~ ... ,..., ..... C~r11 M. Paal of Mlllion Viejo ha• been promoMd to ~r ta tM bual...-edvtaol')' •vi• ~t of res a C••fUJ, CerUffed Public Aoaounun• Ill• port Bwh. PlllllJ 0,IHIHIHlltl ... Mtaoewne IM. of Irvine aftnouncld a concnct to euoPly Uaht· emluln1 device•· for uUttadon. n.e. dirYicm will be u1ed a1 aourcH tn Army meuap IWltchee produced by •AUL GT~ Corporation. communk:ation 9)'1lema dMllon, Needham, Mui. Santa Ana Amerlcaa Dacacom aareed In prtndple to acquire Cal Dacacom, a O.:year..old arm In the telecommunications industry. An addtUonal atock i.ue will be announced later thi1 yftr, the company Hid. American Datacom manufacturea and market& a line of desk top, CRT teleprinter tertninala with word proc.'le9)r capabilities. PSA says It will lndeflnltely suspend aervice to Puero Vallarta, Mexico, effective Sept. 9. -The suapenaton ta a result of the continued non-profJtabWty of the route, accordina to Byro• Miller, PSA vice pl'ftident of fleet and market planning. . PS.A entered the Puerto Vallarta market ln April 1980 and hu been operating three fiighta a week during most of 1982. Geaeral Aatomatlon Inc. of Anaheim announoe.d the signing ol an lntemational sales and eervice agreement with Cameo Electroalc1 IDc., Anaheim. The agreement calls for General Automation to diatribute and service Cameo product& through GA'a newly formed World Trade dlvtaion. Cameo Electronics, established ln 1980, manufactures cartridge disk sut.yat.ema (baaed on Western Dynex 10 megabyte di1k drives) for personal and small business computers. ~ CADO Sy1Cem1 Corporation of Torrance named Aabrey Ea1terliD vice president, sales. He had been with MSI Data Corporation ln Costa Mesa. nained Tb• appoADUMat of Alan m&Mbard. M, • editor of th• lryln• M1nor and MMllon Vtejo Mirror, eUectlve lmmedlauly, wa• announced todaY by Tom Mc:Cann, former edJIOI' ot the weekly publlcatlona wlilCh are owned and p.l'?IUlld bY Or~ Cout PubUehina Company. ~ McCa.nn will aerve u editorial 1upervt.or of l the two weekllH In ,. addition to hia duties I •• newly • appofnt.ed ; managing i editor 1 of the t' Daily Pilot, ' a I s o • MeCMtM published by Orange Coast Publilhing, it Wtll announced by Dally Pilot lliitor Tom Murphine. • Blanchard formerly t was asalatant managing editor of the Dally News-Journal ln Clovil, N .M ., and handled extensive freelance and part-time assignment& in the eastern New Mexico-West Texas area while a student of 1 McCann'1 at Arteaia (N.M.) Christian College. McCann ha• been editor of both weeklies since the •first edition of the lJvine Mlrror. Scheduled to open in mid-1983, the Jazz Exchange is designed as a showcas'e for music and comedy entertainment as well as a business and financial meeting center. It is to consist of a nightclub with seating for up to 500, two ~~ts featuring gourmet Frenc~eole food, a financial information center and a conference room with projection facilities and food and bar service. "Newport Beach does not have a jazz ·or comedy club or an elegant Creole restaurant. Statistics show this is a wealthy community and we believe people will continue to apend time and money on quality food and entertairunent.'' Ward, 26, of Newport Beach, is an lnvestment broker at Merrill Lynch. J9h search class set OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS The men are from diverse backgrounds (a stockbroker. an electrician, and a former club owner) but have a mutual interest in jazz music. Chef Holmes has been associated with Harrah's, the Brown Derby. Borden Corporation, Movea6le Feast and studied and worked in Paris, London and Vienna. Architects are Scheer-Braden Aasociates of Santa Ana and interior designers Raygall Design Associates of Irvine. The Irvine firm of Saffel & McAdam, Inc. is the contractor. He will handle the business and investment management and the parent corporation, Bonnewell, lliwa.rds, Ward & Co Bonnewell, a star football player at C hatsworth High School, was manager of El Torito restaurants in Westminster and Tustin. He will be general manager of the exchange. lliwards, a UCI graduate in marine biology, managed the family business, lliwards & Sons Electric, Inc., and was an instructor at Rancho Santiago Conunu.nity College irl Santa Ana. He will be responsible for overseeing the construction phase. Tainted dye recalled Looking for a job? Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa is offering a class on the subject. Fall semester classes begin Sept. 7. Titled "Job Search Techniques" (Psy- c h'o 1 o g y ·l 2-1), two aections of the nine-week class are offered. The first, beginning Sept. 7. meeta Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. The second gets under way Nov. 9, and meets the same hours. WASHINGTON (AP) -The years ago because they can cause governmedt says an imported eyelaah permanent eye injuries, including. F 0 r reg is tr a\ i 0 n and eyebrow dye containing bllndnessOy . t .. i ... i ..... ooal . information. phone ingredients that may cause blindness es con~~ tar ingredients 556·5772. is being voluntarily recalled by a "have been cited repeatedly ln the California cosmetic distributor and scientific literature as strong contact i----MUC ___ NO_TICE ___ _ beauty salon. sensitizers and have been shown to The Food and Drug Administration cause blindness," the FDA said. "As a F~A~N said Odette De Paris of Tarzana. is result the Food Drug and Cosmetic Th• 1o11ow1119 per.on •• oolng recalling tubes of the Refecto Cil Act requires that hair dye products bu*'--= permanent cream dyes that contain containing coal tar dyes bear a E ' 8 SALES. 10221 Slat• coal tar inaredients -outlawed for cautionary statement that they must ~~o.8_"fl• 103 • FounUlln Vf/ltJltt, use around the eyes more than 40 not be used for dying the eyelashes EARLE H. HUMMER. 10102 =====-=--------;;.._ __________ ---r _ __::__:::__...:._.=::...:..:..:_..JMomlf!oekSe DrtYe. Garden arc-. OA 92643. ~ • 'Your T111t 11uo1n.o io conc1ue1eo by 11n Professional If It's got wheels 1nctMou.iE.rt. H. Hummer • c:1or1'st you'll move It Tlllo m•-• -IMecS wtt11 tho r i faster In a <founty Clerk°' 0range County on R..ORIST 29 15 Red Hill Avenue Daily Pilot 'f''Y 2a. 1t112. A-108 Costa Mesa classlfled · Publl•lleO Or•ne• eo.:'=! Stone Mill Business Parle 641 ·0810 ad. PAot. July 2e. Aug.•. 11. 1~ DqulJ!e )Ulr monq twice 1n twelW? years TAX-FREE Now. y~u can benef.it from the latest thinking on tax-free municipal bonds. Kidder. Peabody is offering Compound Interest Bonds. which let you multiply your Initial investment dramatically because you earn high tax-tree Examples of how dynamically your money interest two ways. can grow at• 12% compound lntereat rate Through &-~°' the magic of com--...... OR ~!19ICI ~ M•"""'t ~ pounding. you earr •10.000 1994 • 40~ tax-free interest · s 10000 2002 rn~eoo on your principal !'!~aonotteii.:,1.:t i. Mie400 and again on your . • "'~ tax-free Interest. Interest 1s compounded semi-annually and is paid at maturity As the chart above shOws. your investment multi- plies ov~r 4 times in 12 years. 10 times in 20. Think of what these tax-exempt, lump-sum pay- outs at maturity could mean in financing college costs, funding an attluent retirement, or building a truly sizable estate. For details on how invest· ment~rade Compound Interest Bonds can generate dynamic tax- sheltered growth of your money. call or r'(l&il the coupon. Dally Living AIDS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES "Lit llS l#lp you ,/Nip fOfHWlf'' WE OEUVEft ~41111i-""'4 e.. 2907 W. WAltJD, S.A. 2:30·5:30 662-1712/TOO If you don't smoke, I can offer important savincs on autt insurance. Claim your rwwwd from: Ul8ITT INUMCE 4410WNH,......._ .... ,.. ..... ea. 111.n• ".::.:,~ .,,_,. .......... Md -oftw8 111 ................... °' T.__,,..._dol\CIC -rwtell _...., 111artlldOWft or c omm1111011 for T~ Sloe~ 8io Ast. AEL lno IJ 'l', AfAProl JO n AVM Cl> • • ... A<edlnl I~._ 'lloo Accur•v I\ 11~ Add1'"W o • ,0, • """'"°'' • • . AU8\h ., ... I Al•corr>e :ll JO Am•"~• ~ .. ' ,. AF'.urn )•• ~ .... AC.r'MI 1> /) • AlnGD S4 ~··· ...... ,1~ •J ••• •o....v , • '""" AAoM9 '• I AWetO ) • 11 • ·~·t• • -""9SA • ·~ A"QAGcl se . -APOI• 'J 'l • ... PIOMI 1s1• t).&.. ArcMnGo ) . )" At1G1Lt ••'-•4 •• Al•enR • 1 •• 7) • 4vnl•k ')'· \J\4. 8a1t0(.p \•, • Belly PP •'. .. B•r19HE '°"" •O'-BMICR 9 , .. J • 8M\1Fr , •.. ,. . ••••IMI< ,4,, 10 e .. 11,,. • s• • BenlPI II ' ... , ... B•lrL • 1' ,. .. 11 .. "'91 "'· ~1-tllbbC.o ,. ...... lll•dScwl >'• • B1rtc1w • • • 81yv-••••••• eon .... 1'. 1 .. e ... rom ... • lluck-'''• ,, Butt.is , ••• 14a. ~~'L~ 10'• ,,,. l'' )'• (PT I• "''• ~elWIS• ,. ... ,. •nracfH )'• ) ... C..pEn •·1t II tt ~Sw • 111 1 111 I pAlr ""' ''• C•reCP 10 701, ,., ... • , .. C. ... rRI• lO'' ,, , ....... ~ ,, .. '"· C ... rtH , .. ,, .... (llmLH ' 10'1 (hHU11 IV , II ,_ D ,,,. (lrflCO •. ' ••• Clti,SoGe '"-,,. ClllUIA )jlo. .... ~ilJUl8 lar1'JL Jtl.. Jt\ I 1•1.. 1• ... ~ l·Jl • ..,, lnlri lnr Com~ ,., .. ~ .. '"'""" ~"'I •1 ll .,,,_ "'wT•I ,, .. '""• lnlmlC.. ~Pc 1' 1•~· 1111~ d i• ,,~ Jj'_. ••• ~·~T•• ,,, .. " J•"'SO"t ullrfd \ ,.. , .. J•rloo (y'"'"" , ... ,.. vlJ •ll• Ol•DH • IP,, IJ .. JMIV" \ 0.J'IM \ t)J.. U,1 J KellSI Pl 01 ... • 1-12 .-. .. IC.•tw•r g:~~~ t1 ... ,, K•m.n II ""-K•lvSw ' o.-•"' J , ' Kl,,.INll OleCrv• n ... 13•. l(lngl"' 01•..C•u 2t )''" ltlootC. Ooc:UI .. Ul· ,. l(n•CMV OollrC,.. ,, .. ,,~ Kr•l0> ~~.~~ ,~ ,., .. tlullc~• .,, 1 , ..... L•nce • OunliD ,, ..... •1"-LenOR~ o"'''°" '0'' 1()4. L•neCo E•tnvnc 114r.t .,. , l'""'' E<CM\Ut> ,,. 1 ,, .... Lin8ro ' E•P••E' '1'. " ... ~or.t" E•Cl9<e. s s ' E•e~wc:' .... .... MC• wt E•Moo \ ., .. ,, ... MGF 0.1 EnrOP• ,. , ... ~f: Enr-...1 ~.,, '>-••' S.•• ""''"' f:nR•• l'• • ""'''°" Etttw1~t1 ll .,... ~Vt LP EQutSl , .. , ... ~,.,, EatO•I ~ .. , MAynOll ;:i: .. ~ '·• J.-•• Mc(Orm ~ »--M<Ferl FIOlcor •Pt. ..... M<Ouotv "'181iSv• 1'11·1 114. McAH() FIBosl" J7\.• JI•. MlduW ll'tEmPS •• 11' i MOlclCtcl l'tWnF1n ) 3'• MIOIR_. =:r:i,e"' u .. ,,.,, Midi&~\ ... , ,.,. Mllllpt Ft .... r.. 7S 2!1•'• Min VIG f=ll.tf'"O(.b ~ )'J Mo••• ForHIO , .... ,, ' Mont CO' =~:t; J ) . 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()tt 11 7 11 u ) ff'w•n ,.._ ... I'• ()ti •SO .. ,.__. ,. .. ... ~ ... .., .. ~ API ~ ....... _. • "' , c· " . , 0 11 , .. , ••• ,,, i Ille<-' .. \IOc.k• '"r.'.:'"' by NASO s 0"''''> ... .. Ott , .. ?>. 1'• .. _ VOi-•0 ASl<.O ":"' • ,,.,,., . ) . Ott .. ) y.. • M(.1(. .,..100 •>'• u ' "'1t<Jf..~·· • ... ()ft 13.S ........ AtrF-•• /IS,IOO ''• ... .; • (it(,(."" •• , .. OH t),1 .,,., ., .. AOOl.C '(•' 101 ll ,, .. •• • C.•-!>< 10•,. 1•1 0 11 t1' lJ11 3S1• T•~· 1 ) IQ(j 1)•. lj• J , ... 11 6r...if q ) I 1' ' ,. Ofl 11 s .,,. tl'. Int•• tl~.100 ,, ... ,, I t7 t'W)nWll >·· '• ()ti 11.l " 11• • ... ,.~.' '''·!iiOC.I ... '"" . "' 13 RhP<t• )', " 0 11 11.S ""'OS C.••e>lli>< xi..~ 10111 to•. ••• " Sl-,.y ' 1 Ott 17.S l s.I. JS'• V•IN•I' ·"&•Oil ,,,. ,., . •S ~-f("'C . . .. 011 11.1 ... '• M•1f:•o ,..., -VJ . . . .. .. t:I< "'° 1J' 4 J ()ti 11.3 :n n•. .. ,,,., ... ... ,(Ill ~·. >·~ . .. II 8k•V<I~ ' .. Oii 11 I •1'• ,, II ~•ro••• 1 '• ()ti It. I J1a.. n 1•• AO,,enc.o ... 19 inc.-. ... I OH IOI »'• nt.. O.C•u-!00 20 J ..... wt, ,,, '• Otf 10 • s p. Unc ....... 1.••• J I T..,.,._,, 0 ''4 I~ Ott I0.1 .... ,._ toe.-•'""""' J.-,, C.....Clr , .... t.. Ott 100 • S'. S.lot N•wn-., u c. ...... 1 , .... -.. ()ff 100 ., •• 11•1 New ~ I• ,. TOii« , .. ... Otf IO.O . '~ .... """ Toi•• w•~ ,, ... ,, .-1S l!>c. 171, , ... Off •• µ. ' ,, .. ~· 8 Dougl&s eye<I for Navy plane WASHINGTON (AP) -The Navy Is awaltma prtco propoeall by McOonn•ll Ooualu Corp.. for future prod'UCU9n of the 1"·18 ltrik.e fiaht.er. whkh may determine whether Pentqon offJclilt cut beck planned pu.rchuM of 11388 of thete carrier-bMed planet. o8Sdala aaJd, . Off lc&al• Hid Monday one option uader oonlidention 18 to buy improved and Jow9I' COlll A-t light au.ck bomben lmtead of perhaps 700 F-181. Grwnman Aeroepece Corp. wu aald to have come ln with an "attr~Uve oU•r'' to "Product .,. upgraded A·6 at a reduced cost I« the Navy. Irvine firm orders improve • ~ta Corporation of Irvine had a 97 ~t lncreue in lta backlog of orden for data p«)ct:lltni systems in the first six month.I of 1982. Mlcrodata, a wholly owned subsidiary of McDonnell Douglu CorporaUon, reported a backlotr of $50.1 million u of June 30, compared with $26.4 million a year earlier. Orders booked in the first half totaled $71.2 million. compared with $52.8 million for the period Lat year. Skins lawsuit settled SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state attorney general says Neiman-Marcus has settled a lawsuit filed against it for offering items made from endangered species animals at its Beverly Hills store. Attorney General George Deukmejian said Monday a stipulated judgment was entered without the Dallas-based firm admitting any wrongdoinf. Under the judgment. Neiman-Marcus is enJOined from offering any product of c:rooodile, python or any other animal protected by the California endangered species statute. Deukmejian said the products offered at the Beverly Hills store were made of crocodile and python. DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW YORKIAPI FIMI Dow..Jonn -for T~. E14 J. STOCKI ~II~ 11r,. ~I~~ 11._"2 311.35 JOUJ JIO.-,_ 4.ti 105." 101.,. 101.JO 1°'. IJ. 0.4' 111.0 320.o> )lJ.D Jl4.0J-t.11 .. . .. ............ S,i71,. .. . . .• ...... .• •.•• 1.5'2.IOI ............. 1.-.-.................... WHAT STOCKS .DID lfEW YORK IAP) AU9. J Tuead 7 ay A.dv~.o ·.o Declined 1'1 Uncll.,.O J.a Totel 1-lat7 H-lllOM 11 New -~ -.1 Aa,t(Al)O H EW YORK IAPI A"9-l T~ -207 1SO " u ~ ... .. ah 11J 117 711 • 11 METALS NEW~.~-Spol nonten-oua UPS AND DOWNS • • I : If it's got handles you'll grab a sale fntlrln DallyPllM clanffled ad1. Cllll MZ·5'11 Pc.t. Off 15.l Off 11.J Off II.A Off I0.7 Off ... Off .... Off u Off u Off u Olt l.1 Off l.O Oft '·' Off 7.6 Olt 1.S Off 7.l Off 7.3 Oft 7.l Off u Off 1.2 Off 7.1 Off 1.1 Off ... E ... ~1 u ,,_.. T • ~ 72-75 c:«tll a pound, U.S. delClnatlonL &..-26-211 oantt • pcMld • . . ZIM 37-40 cants a pcMld, ~. Tift M.2179 Mee• Weak oompoaHa lb. A._.,..1 7&-n C*\ts a pound, N.V • ......, '3e5.00 I*' llallc . ........ UM.004290.00 It~ ounce. N,Y. SILVER T~ Handy & Har111an. H .170 per troy! ounce. GOLD QUOTATIONS ., Tiie .......... Pt-. selacted world gdd prto. ~- &--.. momlnO ftlllno: '355.60. uo 14.15. L...-.. afteme>Oll ~ .,_.2$, oft '2.10. '-'-att«noon flitlng: 1354.49, YP S7.ot. • ,..._. ftlllnQ: ~.oo. 11p 14.02. Zurlclt lat• aft«noon: 1350,00, off 11.ao bid: S3a0.7& aaltad. ltMMly • ~ only dally q.,. IS49.25; off S2. 10. .... '-* oNf tWtt ~ .... ic..-. .....)1. off 12.21. 1 '"AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN' IS A 'MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL" MllllCHI YILIO Edw110S vieio T won 830 6990 -A•• Reed HAlllE" (N) "DIVA" <"> "Tit•, ••• hottn ..... ,,,, For Ad Action Cal I Daly Plot AD-VID 642-5671 I = ,,. fSbia u. IAMn 1n 11ei.1 mWlan ·an 02 "WhoNhouli," ....... , ~ nau, ~ • a ~m and Burt Rlynoldl • ._ i.wraan , hu drawn •28.4 mll1lon tn 10 day, Of~. 'l'he two Onlvenal ftlnW' neue.t competUor wu aometh!M of• IW'~: Paramount'• "An Offtcjr and. Oentlemm' .. bbed ta.3 n:aUlion •1 only 3'8 theaten durtna lt.1 llnt Wffkend of ........ The fllm, which lttn RSchard O.re and Debra Wlnpr, II an unabuhed rornanct-d,..,_ and w11 not expected to ehln• In a crowded field of rnottly U,hter fllml that pnerally •ttnict summer audlenct11. LUXURY THEATRES lat TwtMathlttDilwlet109llYS2.HU.ltasOUitnriwlllttd S ll3Mjij•Xuil6I~ 25ss1~~,) S FOR FOOi EXCITEmEml V111tOvr... "tf - gqrp' ... n .... ~ .. Sflo~ at 12100 2:41) 5:11 1100 10:40 •BARGAIN MATINRl!S • Monday ttlru S1umtay All Perform•nc:H before 5:00 PM (&ce,I ...... flpfll'llllfa IM Held1YI) A U1Li~ A U" M11000 ot l o1•c1on1 LA MIRADA WALi< !N •••·2'°° "AN Ol'P1CIR AND A OIENTLaMAN" t"I ----- "ANNll!" '"' -· ... -· ... -'THE WORLD ACCORDING ' TO OARP" c111 ·--·-- "POLTERGEIST" c-1 "ROCKY Ill" . -----,.... -HI. --~.::--DOUI~ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN "'TI4E MaT LITTl.I WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" 1111 ---·· .. - loc111iv ol Condlewooo 211/Hl•tHO "YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVl"1•1 ............. _ "ROCKY Ill'~~ .. !Wm OOUY a 0 ---. ....... ._ "ITAR TREK II: 1THE WRATH OF KHAN"" I AKEWOOO CENHll SOUTH WAI • IH "NIGHT IHIFT" ----U"' A"44~H 1~ ANAHEIM Dlll\IE IN .... "'°"' .. ol l•mon st 17t·tl50 "COMAN ,,. .:.AMAl!Wr' (Ill I "THI T'l9tG" "" ........ - f I t-'f .-_ ~A "1 • BUENA PARK OlllVI '" 1-11111 ,.,.,. ...... lftO« 121-4070 ------- • .., .. ~ ... tll LINCOLN Ol>l'vt IN ....OCK.:.lll"INI "CLAIM OP ntm nTAtfl" IH I Clllf·H- "MIQHT IWT" 4111 -"AMY MelCH WAY YOU CAW' ..., Ctlll .. IOUlllO .. . .. ~ ~ ... LJ\ HABRA D'"•t •'I • 1•. .... .,... __ _ -·-----"lltll HIT UT'TU WMC>flattOUll IN TWXU" 1•1 -"AU NIGHT LONG" 1•1 Cllllll----------- 1.T~ TM9 EIT'RA·~ITNAL" fNI -...,..., .... DON'T ftM.P\.Ar "' "'Oe WOM..D AC:C:OlllDIMG TO~I•> -•t\Jlll«M" !NI "nt9 MIT UTTU WMOMMOU';L • TIXAS" (Ill •AU. NIGHT LONG" 1•1 c..,.,,_ leOCll llfll So OI ) Oot-Gl ... k- 191-3693 •ntatp"(lll "llLAM MIMNl'll" (Ill CtW • R '°""° --- "Y~ DOCT:!'I .. LOVI" i-, .. ~, ... , Cllll .. .,., ORANGE ""'' ,, '"' "It must be tough bein' an only child. You're outnumbered by parents." MARMADUKE "Every time I turn my head, the lemonade goes down another two Inches!" 0 \(fJ "It Wit the only way •could hold the llne on the good ot' ten cent hot clog." TWAN<:t iWANC, I by Jim Davis HAVE VOU EVER AWAt<EN£P WITM A WMISKER VOO JUST COOC..PN'T ~ ANVTMING wrrH? SHOE MY, YOU PO HAYS. S1'"~e1"CH MARKS IN "TMI!! S1"~AN<Ses-r P~S M~. "f'RUM~L.I!! /- I CAN'T WAIT T05EE WHAT ITIS ~ r.£Af\ rr'~ ,M:11JAU:i VCW.,\&..£ 10 MA~E. Po9- ~ltol ~~A"" El.El· 11t\l ~R1? ~00 lAM ~C11)ALL~ ~ f\ ~AR CA.0 ~'{~£. ?? ~~ ~AA.~~ by Ernie Bushmiller c---......... - by Kevin Fagan MOW I~~ 'f~ P\00~ M\)Sf AA'JE fU.1 l . by George Lemont - --~-· .. , ..... waeGIR _,,,.,,..... l ,...INNT·~ • • a.W.A.T. • '' HAWAI P'1YtM ·~IAe't "CllllOlr'' 0.-U: eetr ... Mary..._ H1)'91. Dr, Vln- '*'lt O.Vlta, Dr. Er.-1 ~~ nw>uQH,... Aln'I "Arc:hlttenn: From Earth ITo~Nl'WS A8CNIW8 ~NlWI' MOYIE ··~ .. ~~Orl'lBe ~ .. ( 1 t7S) .!o1!.o. Llfllowttz. Unde De Cott. A Brooklyn printer epptoedlltlg Ille 30tJ\ blrthdey ..... lhal he'I going oown..t, IHI he mMt1 a bHutJlul ec1r-.. 'PO' U)·~ GOYIANMENT "Supreme COIK1: tnttueooe 01~11 .... (J)(9NEWS 9 M1'HEY MIU.EA CC) DON'T CHANGI! MY WORLD A CON«V"lonlllt lrlet 10 -1119 home l•lld "om d9'WllCl*'I CID !\ACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompldne end Tim ~co... .. lhe buM teedlng to Ille 1942 Wor1d Sertel. 7:00 8 C8S NEWS l ~NIWS KUNG FU 8 McNEWS • Ko.JAi( • w•A•a•H l<Jlnger end Felller Mut- c:.hy rl8ll lllek M-lo recover llolerl rnedk:el euppllee from • Merby bombed-out ec:flOOI • JOKER'S WllD •• 8U8IHE8$ "90RT (J) P.M. MAQAZJHE A men wtlo CINI• cot- tumee IOf Well Dllney World; a ,_,.ege wom- eo'1 erm·wr•tllng cllem- plon. QI ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview wtlll AnlhOny Quinn. at THE MUP9ET8 CID THI! HACH BOYS IN OOHCERT The ,.,,_ group from roek'a Oolden ere perform their gr•l•I hlta, fndud. Ing "CallfMnla Girt•." "Surlln' U.S.A." end "Bllr- ber1 Ann.'' (D)MOY!l ***"Menny'a~" (1980) Jim Beller, Melachy Mc:Court. The bO)'I ., .,, Ofpt\ar\age ritll ltlelr cllarl- ry fund tn en •tlempt lo help tJ'9lr llOCCer coec:n pey baclc • $-40,000 debl lo Ille mob. (%)MOVIE * * * "Tiie Of•I Get1by" ( 1949) Alen Ledd, a.try Fleld. Sued Ol'I Ille ~ by F. Soou AlZGfrllcl A wealthy 19209 boolleoo« dellol" 1111 Ille 10 reclelm- 1_!!9 tlle womeo lie io-. 7:30 9 2 OH THE TOWN Featured:• town In Kenau wllefe aome Hollywood lreeMK" ere llOfed In • film veutt 25 llOflee undel'- eroun<1: llllQle lldutt• wtio edopt otill<lten; Ille S1111e Anlll HOtM Stlow. D at FAMll. y Ftuo 8 ~OHL.A. Feetured: • report on the Nl9ty of the Loe Mgelee CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 ICNXT ICBSI 0 8 KNBC (NBC) l 9 t<TLA lllld I " e KABC IABC) c D KFMB ICBS> •J) 1J KHJ·TV (Ind.) llll e KCST IABCI l • e ICTTV (tlld.) rt 'e KCOP-TV (lod l " . e ICCET IPBSl • e KOCE (PBS> ·By FRED ROTHENBERG llT .......... Wttw TELLS STORY -Shlg~ko Sasamorl, who was severely burned ln Hiroshima and underwent 25 plastic surgf!rr. operation.a, La interviewed on "Survivort ' tonight at 8:30 on KOCE (50), and at 9 on KCET (28). '"'""''lonel Airport; • prOllle of • profeMlontll .. rl ptlotogr8')Mr, • look el the meglcal wpWI of apeolal ettecte; • lwlury crulee 10 Cellllnl. • M•A•t•H Colotlel F1egg lumt up ., the 4077111 wwtllng penlcll- "" lo blrter for lnfomie-tlorl. • (J) TIC TAC DOUGH • MAOHEJl / l.EHAEA R!f'ORT • 8UfMVAl "We LIW With Elepllant1" David Niven ,,.,.,.... the 11\)'Y of Ot. Ian Oouglal- HemHton'• 11...,.Y'MI' 11udy Ulllng wllll 1111 family emldtlt 1 herd of wlld elept\erlll In Leke Menyere Nltlonll Perk, Tenunl1.(R) 9 YOU ASKED FOR IT Feetured: "Mexico'• Trelned Cen1rlee" end "The World'• Youngest Eecape Mill" CIPECE~CAKE A lonely old mall ~ e Clwtetmu reuniorl with 1111 OllUQtller. t:OO • (J) C88 AEPOAT8 "Aller The Dr-.n eon- True" Cher1-Kurall vteltl 01111 Perk Mal In~ for e look et how 1"' 1itK1P" ping C«'ller end othtr'I lie• II hew 11tec;1ed our Iii. •l)'lal end phlloeop'1lal. D at MAL. P£OPU F•tured: e 7$-yellt Old voluot-fireman; • ,_ leurent where the menu1 .,. wrlllen Ol'I Ille wel- lr-: lhe preppy v.. anlH>reppy contrOYerl)I. ti!) 9 MOVIE •*'A "Cold S weat" (197•) Char._ Ettoneoo. Uv Ullmenn A mall 1 and womeo .,. vlctlmiz.ct and held tloltege by cr001t1 from the man'• 1>1111 wt1o Wltll .,. old l•llOI' reoakl. • QI THE GREATEST AMEACAN HERO Ralph lnedverlenlly ""'*• '"'• of "" l8lllow IH~ner• 10 l•k• wtld ~.(R) II MOVIE * * * * "The Seerdl" ( 1948) MOl'l1gomery Clfft. AllM MacMatlon. Whtie Ille mottler 19 -c:hing for him, 8 WW Ofpllan accepts IOOd lll1d lhelter "om a GI. ... P.M. MAGAZJNE A men Mio cr•t• COi- t-lor Wall Ol9ney World; 8 IMO-&gll wom. 8r'l01 enn-'M•lllng cham- pion. ., MOVIE * * • "Tiie Bingo Long Trevellog Att.Star1 And Molor Kll'IQI" ( 19781 Biiiy 0.. Wllllem1, Richard Pryor. Two bleck bueball pl1yer1 enooooler ~ lion wllerl llley IMW Ille Negro Netlonel 1"9QU1 lo 1939 10 lorm tflelr own t~.-..J. • IMIHVlVAL "We U.... Wllll Etephaotl" O.vld Niven nerrelel Iha llory of Dr len ~ Hemlllon'1 flv..)'Mr study llvlne wltll lllt llll'nlly emldll On T\I Z·T\I HBO lC•nemu) IWORI NV .. N.V !WTBSI IESPN) !snowtlme) Sootllont (Cal>lt' Nt'WS Nt'lwork) • herd of wlld eMpt\Mtl In Lall• Manyw• Nallonlf PMI, Tenunll. l"I (C)MOVIE •• .,. '"TM Gumblll M- l'(' (11781 MlohMI 8arr1- 1ln, Tim Mdritlre. A ~ bell ~ II IN grand prtze In a New Yonl-lo-1.oe Aogelel cw r-wfllott bMgl ... eortl of Zin)' c11arect•t1 01110 th• oeUon'1 lllgllw1y1 eod bldl roedl. 'PG' CHlMPVIE * * * "Clelh 01 The Tit-" (1981) Herry Hem- Ho. L-lllOI Otlvter, Mylh- lc hero P-I• helped by 1111 father 2-ll lt1 e WIM of dengei'OUI tukl u tie 1n.. 10 win 1"' lllllld of.~ ptlnceM egalr\ll '"' ...,_ of • veogeful M• goddeH. 'PG' Cl>lllNWE "Blind Dita" .MOVIE •• 'Ao "Ser111" ( 1980) Mer· tin Mull, TUMdey Weld. A llapplly married Marlt1 ~ty coup. -apurred by "'* trendy Mighborl Into axplotlrig lltemetlve Nfearylee.. 'R' "30. 000 C<QIL.i Alter being l*#lled by Olcar for being eoft. Mw· rey Ille cop -•• 1111 poker-pleylng l>uddlH dutlngegeme. ID WOALD 8PECIAl "Survtvon" Archlvlll IOOI· ege, lllllmetlon end lol•· YI-with A,.,.nc:an oltl- Ztol wt\() -· In JIC>ll\ during World Wer II recall Ille bombing of Neglllkl and Hlfoetllma. Cl) THE Gl;'ATEfUL DEAD Tiie Grateful Dead ere _, performl11g m111y of their gl'Mt8'1 ""' In '"" coocert leped Hano- ~ 1980 •I ReOlo ~ Mllllc: Hell. (%)MOVll * **'ttl "Tiie lHt Tycoon·• (11179) ~ OeNWo, .,,..,.,,_ Mot-. "' Ill• Hollywood of IN 1130a, -mat1'1 8'ICOIM mlk• '*" lhlt fl1lnd ot '""' the 8"Y)' of sio-· l'lungfy eJ!fCUtlwl, and "" most eHgjble bac:helor In town. 'PO' ~ 9 (J) MOVIE •*'A "Sky Rlderl" ( 19781 James Cobutn, Rober1 Culp. A prlvele 11rtny le Mnl In 10 rettleve a weeltlly bu1lneHm1n·1 llldnepped family from • ~ terrortlll. (R) U QI THE FACT&~ UR 8191r and "" boytflend go along on Mrt. Gemltt'1 111"11 dale In 11'1~ )'Ml'I. (RI 89 THIFAlLGUY Colt cl--with • baeull· ful llwuranoe lnveetlge1or wllerl tie 1ttemp11 to bflng In e ,_..thief. (R) • Ml!JW OAlmH ~II: Bob Anderlon. Una Wertmuller, 0- Kanln, 8lly Crylt& • WOfU) SPEaAL "Survtvorl" Atefllval foot. •• animal.ion end lnl«- Vlewl with Am«tcari oltl- -who --In Jepan dutltlg Wortd Wer 11 rKall "" bof'lll>ing of ~I and Hlroetllma (D)MOW **'/\ "Slardul1 .._ l'lel.. ( 1980) Wooay Allel\, Chertolle Rempllng. A euc-oeulul dlreclor ,_ a perlOt'lal crleil .. lie lriel to tnllk• eome me)or ded- lion• In hie Nie. 'PO' 1:30 D at LOVl, K>NEY On 1111 '"'' vacatlOl'I, sio. ney'1 crenklo.s llf4irly rultl1 I Cwlbbean crulM or.refuge? NEW YORK -C harles Kuralt ia on the road again. Thia road leada everywhere -and .nowhere. This road enda In a lhopptna mall. .. After the Dream Come• 'l'rue':"'1.ont at 8 on Channel 2, anchored by Kuralt, ia CBS Ne'wa' left·handed tribute to •hopping malla. Are they a couection of convenience atorea -«:Of1lln1 to the reteue of busy ~?Or are they cofflnl of ,our culture, burylna what wa1 real and •enuln• about thl1 conversation. They'll never know diversity. They'll never know America. Twenty-five yeara ago shopping malla didn't exist. But 20th·century ploneere, the developers abet real eatate aalesmen. rediloovered America. To tee how far they traveled, CBS went to Overland Park Kan., where the Oak Park Mau doea nearly twice the retall buelneaa of ~owntown Kan.as City. "Some of the critics say that aome of the buic verve and life ii miuing In a abopplng center, which f.a pomlbly IO. "But lt'a nice to know that your wife and lddt can come to O.k Park Mall and not worry abou\ rwuU.na ecrcm a wino out bM:k here by the compactor." tountry? . ' With a wlltf ul 1Jance .,ackwarda and a hard look •lclewaya, tbl1 wonderfully ubtle and aentlmental ~wnen.,-y repa11a that, tn the . ••;.:!. pro1reu, huure wm...-11nowthe md Pa ~-'lbey'll know ihe .. of. frtendly • Oak Park doem't pr®dly call ftlelf the "Vf!CY Beet of the Heart of America" for nothina. lta 134 atorea, aHtact_l nJ 80,00C c:uat.orneh Qn a typlCa.I Sat~y have all the belt: year-round comfortable tem.,..iw., door- to·doot Muzak and aafe thoDD&na. ''Then. are aome thinp a~t ~ centen that llMIY be a uttie· toO eonttoUiid." •18 Dlw Sprlnkle, -~ of Olk ~ But are •hopping malls 1olutlon1 to the problems or refugee from them? Are America'• cl\lee decaying and beina nel1ected while attention and lnveelment money move to the auburbe? Saye one ~ty officer In OM Park: ''A lot of people 10 to the naal11 to kM~from Clit1aln rlldal bM aid th8t -' of thlnl. 1 ddlik ~ ....,. ~ --., _, ~ from the ;nil I ff of U mtilia'·..n." 11 ..... -.n to ... ttllO i,.,. of fnlD -....: ........ •ho lhop, ~ --~ wM ha,itl OU\. KNXT (2) 8:00 -.. After th• Dream Comll Tnie." CharW. Kuralt takei a look at how ahop'*'8 center. have atfeC1ed OW' We1tylel. SM revieW below. KOC.! (&0) 8:30, Ken (28) 9:00 - 11Survlvon!' To mark the 37th uin.lve..,., of the HUo.hima bOrriblna, a doicumentary ex.amb\ee hpertenee1 and cunent hardahlpe of IW'Ytvon. See photo, left. ' • KNXT (2) 9!00 -11Sky Riden." Jama Coburn, 'Robert Culp •tar ln 1tory about a reacue Qf wealthy bu1lne11man'1 kidn,apped family. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Quincy!' Studenta • are auapect.ed of a cover-up after a college man di• during fraternity hazing week. deofle <Nlok Nolte) '**-• leltler. .MOYll • 14 .. .,,.._, ... nie ou.t" ( tte 11 Jlttrttfrf McM-°"°'· Jlnlll Jullell. A lllOfl IOflool ~ "" !tie .no. tOWll Otl .. trail wflerl he me11 .. off wfltl "" "'°'~*" ~ end heedl '°'°" the ..... In a --of ..... IUl-bllel. 'PO' 11;40 Cl) MOVW • • "' "Hillary Of nie Wortd -Part I" (1841) Mel Brooke, Medellne Kllhn. Men·, llluetnoue 11111ory - ffom ~lderttl&I -rnan to the ~ I~ eltlorl -11 eumlned. 'R' t 1:41 CC) MOVll ••• "Get Oul Your He11dkerolllel1" ( 1978) Gerll'd Oee>erdleu, Pelrlell Dew-•· A young end optlml9tlo hult>lllld goee to •lmo•t uobelleveebl• lenglhe to llllUr• Ille ..,.., ~'R' 12:00 • INT'l!RTANllNT .~ wtlll AnttlQny nLOYE~T Julie tr&Mforme a pllllrl J""8 Into • QllmolW otrt. V!c1t4 Ind a boy hlllp a ltownay end a men -orw.--.of mekltlg PM'" et Ille ..... (R) • MOYIE * * * "Tiie Court Mlrtilll Of Uy Mllc:MI" (1168) Gery Coopw, Cher1" Bid(ford. A "*" 19 put on trlal ...... he Miiie ,,._ tery bf-In order to -.,,,., Wortd Wer II. L LOW. AMIENCAH .CB>MOY!t: • * '''rldey The 13111. Pan ff'! {1'81) Amy Steel, JoM ~. The gr1lly kllllnge COl'llltlue et I IUmmtl' camp that had .,_, cloeed down Iller • _._ ol bizarre murdeB OOOUffed there. 'R' t:ttO 8 at LA Tl! NIQHT WfTH DAVID &.nTl!MIAH ' au.: dlemplon _... r~H ., ~MM • • ·'T· Thie Job Md snow 11" 11•11 Aober1 Hey9, e.Mrl Her9hey. A yo&#IO corponi .. exeouttwe ~ Into ~ when tie reeume to 1111 ~ town to rt¥ltelln • c:ompa- !!l.. ~·'PO' t2:41WMOVll' •• 'A "Once lo •P.,19" ( 1979) Weyne Roger•. Geyte Huon6cutt. C.ited 10 Paril to doc:10I e movie ·KrHt1pt1y. • merrlfd Amel1can flndl himMlf ...... Ing In love with 1 married EnglWI womM. 'PG' 1:00• MCM1 lit** "The Waetamer'' (19401 Gery Cooper, Wii- ier Brenneo. the lyranrll- cat Judge Roy 8-1 19 OOf'- ,,Ol'lled by Ille powerful "Wasterner." • MOVll * * * "Th• Eap101lv• GeMrellOl'I" (1981) Patty McCormeok, Wllll•m Shettler. • MOVIE * "OM" (1981) Dona6d Sulllerleod. Su••n ~. A redlo OJ .;da ~ tty to expoee en oll IMQM,.., plOI to drive uo OU ptloM t>y OOfltrMtlg .,. oll ehottege. 'R' t:tO• MCM1 •••'4 "lor11 "'"" ( 1Ne) \llrglnil McKeMa, M Tr-.. A pe1'N1 WV· °"' end Ille wit. ,..... thr• llorl ow. In Kanv• unlll 11\ey -forOld 10 ,..._ "*" 10 _..,,.,. the w41de0tl .. -. 1:111= ..... "P:OI Your E~ Only'' ( 1tNI1) Roger Moor" Topol. Jemee 8otld treclll • crlmlnel who putlolned • top Metel Brillth ~ devlot. 'PO' 1:aG8 at~ HEW8 OVlllNIGHT ®MOYIE * * * "Helverl C1t1 Welt" (191'} Werreo Bellly, Julie c1w111i.. Arter • pro root. ball ,,.,., '"' -II ~ turely olallMd by en fn19t eno-t. the men le QMf'I the ~ of • mlllonlilre lfldlll- ttlellll 10 oootw. IMng In, 'PG' 1•1= ••i.. "9oulevard Night•'' (1979) Aldlard YnlguR. Denny De LI Paz. A Ctia. tlO ~II Utltxpectedly rebllt egaln9t !tie eca'ld- •dl end lfldltione of hie oelgtlbOrllood ge11g In order 10 fulftll Ille own dellr• to gee rnen1ed end help .. trou*'9111g1 led younger bf(l(hfr evolcl ..,, _ dellruc:1lon .• 'R' t:00• MOVll •• "SNwk Rlv9r" (1954) SI-Cocllr1111, Carole Mlt'-9. AcQiaecl of mur- der, eon.lime CMI Wer loldler llldel • out In lhe Everg!IOee. 2:11. MOVIE *** "The Seclel Ufe Of Jollo Cllepmeo" ( 1978) Relph Welle, Su11n Anepeoh. A c:on.oe pr..,_ detll .... • ...... ol •blenoe to beoofne a oom-mon laborer. ~!: ***'6 "The LHI Tycoon" (1978) Rober1 OeNlro, ~ More.I. 111 IM ... wood of IM 1930I. -,,,.,,., ~ mak• lllm the Mend of ..... '"' 8"Y)' of ~­hungry uecul~ end the ~ tllglble bectlflOI In town. 'PO' 1:401 NEWS 2:41 MOVIE ** "New Yfllr'I Evl" (19101 Roi Kelly, Kip Nlvetl. Tiie dlec JOCkey ., • punk rodl dub reoelvee • --ol pllOM celle prom-lllng tllel eomeone wttt be murdered In her llOllOr ~ hour ~ nine and midnight 011 New Y-'1Eve. 'R' 1:00. MT PATAOl 1:11 (HJ MOVIE *** "Cletll 01 Tiie Tllena" (1tNl1) Herry Hem. tin, L-enoe OIMer. Myth-- IC hero Per_,. Is helped by 1111 lather z..u. In • --Of dMgerOUI tukl u he lriM 10 wlrl Ille hend ol • Phoer**9rt ~ egelnet Ille ..,_ ol • vongefuf -godo .... 'PO' JOHN DARLING LET'S TAKE OME MORE. CAu..S FROM OUR 'llEl/IERS! Tlt11nda11'• Dat1f lmlf! Mo"I•• -MORt•tG- l:OO CC) • • "The llelllmot• Bullet" (1 HO) J1me1 Coburn. O!nw ShlrH. A emeU.tlme pool t1u111er must ,.,.. $20,000 end win • big 1ouro111ne111 ~· he CM have I ,_,ch with .,. Old C>Pl>O" Mtll -Mio llH -loel atenygame.'PO' t:IO (8) *it* "SSTt Dleuter 10 The Slcy" (19nl Lome Gr-. Burgele Meredith. Tiie rnalderl ftlgllt ol a MIPtrlOnle traoaport tums 1010 a olgtllmar• when Nboleu" ........ 8 deadly vlrul. 0 ***'A "Derby 0 '0111 And The Unit ~" ( 1959) Albert Sharpe, a-.. Connery. An old lrllh oere- leker """° ti about IO to.. 1111 Job to • your1ger men c.ptur. "" king of IN 1epremaun. end roroee him to gr.,t thr• ...,_, 'G' 10:00 CC) •• 'A ''Med w.one. dly" (1947) HlrOld Uoyd. Fre11c;ee R1m1deo. Ao ernbltloul ..,..etarter of Ille 19208 leetnt thlt IUC- -llM Ill prtoe. C8) * * "Attldl Forcer· ( 1980) John Ptlllllp Law, Mel Otbeon. A top-eec:ret Au11rell10 •lt•ck uoll peoetr•l• enemy Jepe. ,.... *-to perlorm • derlng reeoue rnlulon. Cl)**"' "The Trouble Wllll Glrll" (11189) Elvis PrMley, MllfHyn Muon. A t,.lltlllng anowm111 rune Into all lorll of lfouble while ltlylng In a Mldweel· ern1own. 10:*> 0 * * * "Tiie Conoer1 For Kempuc:Ma" ( 1HO) Piii.ii MoCartM)', The Who. A lloet of rod! penormere, """Y of ~ get IOf9111- ., "' .,., .... I., rod! orcti.tra, -leatiwed lfl I* r...,O of • ..-of COtlOfft9 ...... fof the~ flt of rellf to '"'"""'Old Cembodle. 10;40 (%) * * "Fridlly Thi t Sttl" ( 1980) 9ltly P.,,_, Adrt. -!Ong. The·~ of • ---c:&n1C>. doeed 20 ~ --lfl• ""-murd«•. 111t·FK11 • vlndlo- llv• killer who kollH UOIUIPfCtlng I~ 'R' t1=*> CC) ... ** "MatloQany" (1975) Diena Rou. Anlllo- ny Per1cln1. A young bleclo Olr1 reiMO In the llume o4 Clllc:lgo ~ e IUC· 'oeaflll !union~- 12:00 II * * "The Lady Aod The MOl'ltler" ( 1944) Etleh YOl'I SlrOhelm. Ver• ~ IOl'I. A m1r1 ~ lotll· ly IMlaved by • powerlul bflln. • ••t..t "Aelrtal, ...... , .. (tl!l1) Fr1t1k Lovefoy. Rlctlerd Certeon. Soldier• In Ille 1<0ffln War refuM lo bide off In the ,_ of ""enemy . • * * "Legend Of Loch ....... ( 19781 Documenta- :.-:.= .: .. = .. .:: ....... •'•· ..:r=i:.. OMtl '=· "" *' ................ ......... .,..,,. ... nOfO.. .. ...,.•C.W· -...... uti••• ..... . ¥ ..... ~ .. .. (tt77),....,.... .... lelfttJJIMe.W•• OOUtllfy· ... leM ~ ............. a-ooft ''''' d .. P•••t•lr 10 ''''"'"• "'' ,...,~ ... rtoltt• _... ~ ... polNie ...... •• "0."(tMt)Oono etd htflfftancl, tueen AlllOedl. A , .. OJ end e tepotW Vy to ...-"' oll ~· plot '° drM uo .. .,,._Dy ooMrMng lllOll.._.. ..... tl:tt CZ)** "P:rld9y The 1WI, Pttt II'' (11111 Alff; ...... ~ 'lllfll· Tiie ~ lllio ""' oonclflue et • IUfMW ~--'*'~~ dOWI\• .... • --ol btarr• ~ ooioutNd ""'9 ..... 1:IO<J:) *** "LedyT-..A C11111c." (1141) Johll Weyne. ~ Atttu. A W01M11 lltMM an ~ cetldldel• for merrN191 wtllle ~WI theP:•w.t. t :41 (%) * • "OUtflQllOWI" I ••m Crelo ""-I, .... MclMen. A ~ed heir~. wflo ~ llgh11uen~ of l•m•I• celebrlllH, ttwlt•.,. ~· erJd. pl .. Ofllc , .... lorllhlp wltfl • IC!llzopfltftllc young ~ "'· 'R' 2:00 C8) ** "eo.t To eo.1" (1HO) 0y811 Cennotl, Aol>- ert 81eke. A ruo1w1y llouMWlf• lll1d • '°"'PPY lruoker ll1ullt1g oettle oout to cont become tbl terget of • wlld oroe- c:ountry on-. 'PO' Cl) ... 'A "Rllgoedy ...., .. (1911) 8IMy ~. Eno Roberta. In r1~, I tele- pl\OM openitor In • ..,.. Texu town MCtlflCel her lllndlng In the oommunlty when ..... hie • ltlor1 an• with a combat·bo&#Mt .... OI. 'PG' a:ao CZ> •'A "Under The Aalfl.. bow" (11181) ~a-, came FllNr. The 1so ~· ""'° -In ·~ tor the fllmlng of ''The~ aro Of Oz." lWTI • Ctltot- "" tlotel ~-'PO' .... * * "P-'lrlQ U4Y ..... (1943) Ju"1 Ger- latld, Vllll ~. A young Olr1 with II.,. In her e)'fl lllml IOI blQ·llmf - Ol'I Broeclw9y. ·CID **'A "Hll'dly Worti- lng" (1981) •ry ....... 8--. Ollver. Atter the clf'CUI dOMe down, I 119t· erltl dowfl ,,... hie herld al verloul jobl. f.illng mllerlbly IC INm Ill. 'PG' 0 • * * "Siem MOiiie'' ( 1978) M9I 8r001t1. Marty Feldmen. A former mcMI dlrecilor 111d 1111 two conorta trr lo 9'¥e • ll'llfot ltU06o-ffClfl'I l>lr*f'\ICllCY Dy filming the """ ...,. -ieln~'PO' 4:.IO Ct:> * • i.. "Marco Polo, Tt." ( 1173) Anlmet9d. Vti'oe of Bobby Rydel. A c1teoe1•11 of ttla ·-~~to~ du In -cti of the ottw hell of the Golde!> ~ llon of Friendlt •• 'G' 8:00 cm ••• "10 Rilllngton Pl_.. (1171) Rlcherd AlleN>orougf\, Johrl Hurt. A young Brftlth ~ f .. victim lo • ldndly neighbor wtio ofter'I to lljllp them out of • 8"ioue ptedlce- ment. •: 11 (%) •• "Tiie 8elllmor• Bullet" (lHO) JamH C<>bum. Omer Sharif. A .,,,.u..11me poo1 11u111er mull ,.. $20,000 lll1d wlo • big 1oum111ne111 before he e1t1 have • rematOh with 111 old oppo.. '*'' -wtlo llM -IOlll "Mygeme. 'PO' l;IO Cl) * * * "The Strelton Sloty" (1949) J-S'-en. June Allyton. The io.. of • leg Is OllfrCOtne by b•Mb•H pl1yer Monty S1te11on. Three for tM money-two tasty shrimp, a flsh ntlet and a whltemut Chicken Plank Mrved with fresh <.'Ole !Slaw, fryes and hushpupples. 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa flW So\ilfi o/'"" O!-tfo ,...,, kl°'I f10ftl ••11 1'(715 teffrey Rd. •• W•lnul !mt ofl ....,., Ant h•y I lrvl,,e COLOR CELEBRATION -Seasonal fruits in tempting array are an invitation to relax and enjoy midsununer days. 1:- Summer 11 the HHon for cei.tntanc fnmn.. and ... qualit)' dWW to prden-lreth produce featurtna the mellowelt melonl, 8Cr'Wnptioua ltrawbeniee and pwha that come dole to perfection. And, what b.;)tter way to celebrate -and 1urvive aummer'1 dos days at the same time -than with tall, cool variationt on summer'• f19hest fruit t.utet. Frothy inrawberry frappea/cooled with a hint of mint, a rainbow of melon aherbett and a frotty fruit aoup apiced with fragrant cinnamon are e>lcellent refreahera guaranteed to cool temperatures, quench thi'rata and perk up wilted aplrltl: MELON SHERBET 1 cup water IA cup augar 4 cupa watermelon , honeydew or cantaloupe chunka 2 egg whites Combine water and augar in a medium saucepan. Heat over medium heat until mixture boil.; cook for 5 minutea to make simple augar ayrup. Cool. C.ombine half of melon chunka, half of sugar syrup, and 1 egg white in blender or food proceaaor with steel blade. Procem until mixture la pureed. Pour into ice-cube trays (with dividers). Repeat with the remaining melon, sugar syrup, and egg white. Freeze melon mixture until firm. When ready to aerve, put one- fourth of fror.en melon cubes in blender o~ food proceseor with steel blade. Process with on and off motion until frozen mixture is smooth. Transfer to serving dish. Cover and store in freezer; repeat with remaining frozen cubes. To serve immediately, 9COOp aherbet into serving dlahea and garnish with freah fruits or wafers. Remaining sherbet may be refrozen in an ice-cube tray with dividers. When ready to eerve, ~e from freezer and process aa directed above. Makes 8 (IA cup) teJ'Vino· N<Yl'E: trae about 1 IA pounds watermelon, 9eeded and cut in l 'A-inch chunka. Uae 1 medium honeydew melon or cantaloupe; pare, halve, remove eeeda, and cut into l 'A-inch chunks. MINTED PRUIT COOLER 1 pint fresh strawberries or 2 cupa dry -pack frozen Chilled s oups are creative refreshers Cooks who want to put 10me divenity into their menua should take a cue from accomplished chefs who have created exotically different blender aoupe. The restaurant chefs have ahown how, with very little Ume and not much effort, it's poaible to prepare smooth, satl1fying eoui-for any oocaaion. Blender IOUJJ9 are versatile and adapt to man.y flavon, whether it be a seafood bisque with ahrimp and avocado, a cream of watercress or a fruity cooler that could substitute for de.ert. A Chilled Blueberry Bisque, created and titled by Downey's, a lively pub-like reataurant in Philadelphia. is pre)*ed with condensed chicken broth, fresn blueberries, heavy cream and other inaredienta including a nip of Kinchwuaer or other cherry flavored liqueur. Served chilled and garnished' with atrawberriet and lemon allooa, ft is appropriate at any time of day or evening. CHILLED BLUEBERRY BISQUE 1 tableapoon chopped ahallota 1 tablespoon butte r or . margarine 1 can (10~ ounces) condenled chicken broth 1 pint (about 2 cups) blueberries, waahed and aorted IA cup heavy cream · IA cup cherry flavored liqueur 1 teaspoon augar Jn saucepan, cook ahallott in butter until tender. Add broth and blu.eberrlea. C.over; bring ,to boil. Pour into electric blender; blend until amooth. Return mixture to 1aucepan; add rernalnblC UJaredien11. Hat; at1r occuionally. Chill 6 hours or more. Gurmh with ttrawberrlea and lemon tUcea. Mak• about 3\A cups. atrawberrtee 2 freah peau (about 1. pound) 2 frelh peecbel (about \Ii pound) OI' 2 a.as-dry-peck ~ aUced peeches '-' cup hQney . ~cup IUpl' • 12 tablelpoona lemon ~ ~ teaapoon peppermint extract Waah and hull fre1h atrawberriea. Pare, core, and quarter~. Peel, quarter, and plCfresh-jliaches. Combine strawberriea, ~ peaches, honey, supt, and femon juice in a heavy saucepan. C.ook over medium heat for 16 minutes, or until fruit la toft; atfr oocaalonally. Transfer fruit to blender Ott food procemor with steel blade. Add peppermint extract and proceaa until fruit ia pureed. Cool Store ln covered jar in refrigerator. To prepare fruit drink. pour 'i4 cup fruit puree over ice. Add ~ cup high quality water; at1r well. j Garniah with fruit kabob and mint leaves. Makes 12 (6-ounce) · drinu. . J NOTE: If deaired, sweeten with all honey or all aunr. I . I FROSTY-PRUIT SOUP ~cup sugar · 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1 quart water ~cup raspberry jelly 2 tablespoons red cinnamon candies 1 cinnamon stick 4 cups fresh fruit chunka (peaches, pears, apples, grapea) or 2 pkgs. (20 ounces each) d.ry- pac.k frozen mixed fruit Combine augar, cornstarch, water, raspberry jelly, and cinnamon candles in medium aaucepan. Add cinnamon stick and cook over medium-high heat for 5 minutes or until mixture begins to boil; atir occaaionally. Cook. atirring constantly, for 6 to 8 minutes, or until mixture la clear and thickened. Stir in mixed fruits. To terve oold, cook for 1-2 additional minutes over med,iwrt heat to 10ften fruit slightly, oool to room temperature, and refrigerate until serving time, Makes 2 quarta eoup. NOTE: To .erve soup wann,' cook for 2 additional minutes over medium heat. Serve immediately. The Ftench clulic, vichymolle aoup. helped to popularile the IWWl aM mild·taltinC leek to American palatea durlna the early part of the twentieth "'°wry. A French chef at the Rlu Carlton in New York lnU'odueed hit native aoup of frnh lHka and potatoe1 to Almrbnl, lpU'ldftl mthulimn And....,. for thil 1.lqll' CIOUlln Cdtbit~onlon. FRENCH CLASSIC -Vlchyaoilee la •vory cold M>Up, flavored with leeks. Libd~~ ..... 81f!1!:1~ ·.n•WtiOleleek -•~aea+.,....-..,of ...,_ t1J11 "°" Yau elD ...U, -~ --tM hwty Jlreaola favorite wtiloh 11 w..-rtul Mthlr cold or t.O&. ._ JO" buy 1Mi11, km tor bunctll• with trnb lookln• • I In cndlnary con-tUN to _., I&; ~-. a ver,aUon and lore a lkiu.t .... ._. 11jubllee'1 hu oomt '° But. .......... ~ .. mean • cltth that hu at tbl tafM wall tD-. "puHd throu1h a The brandy bum. olf, flame." In oth.1-....._ a le1vU>t behind ODlJ • flambe. Perhap1 thl• hint of flavor ani • cametobebecewe~m•mory of the f1lmld ctw. .. ndt.emlDt ot ~ the celatntt.nc. blueberr1H 0 pu1tn1 1 ~ Jub09e hM tbouP thit fWDit." r boCh --ot the word ao&nc for It. It celebntee BLUBBBIUllBI a happy Ume, hal cute to JVBILEE make the partaker 1 jar (12 01 .) jubilant. and .. flambeed. blueberry preeervee The drama ot the diah h bell•• lte ea•• of 1 ~ pta . fr ea =Uon. Only four blueberrtea, wubed and ta, jwt a few ~ "'---' ... u ot time and cup unulUy there you haw It. It a Blueben;j llWirl let cbatinc dllh II handy, be creun with spir.1 In 1kUlet • ohalt1t1 Heai wtdlOUt IUrrtM b dleh, c:ook blueberry • few llliRute1 .. Ll•bt c11•nw OVW modlra'9 brandy With match. eat until mlxiure It I Poon fl a ,. I a 1 n.uuiy. Add bluebtniel: blueberrle1 over ice 1~i!~.1•ntly untn well cream. Yield: e-e lri!Ud. PoUr ln brandy. Mrvi.np. Super sweetness THOMSON, Jll. (AP > -The c:o rnftelch of America'• Midwest wlll aoon be supplylna the natton 's c:al - orie-consclo u1 con· sumers with a substance sweeter than suaar. Production of pure crystalline fructose has been started by American Xyrofln Inc. Fruct(»e la a natural sweetener found ln all fr uits and vetetables. Whtie it hu aa many calories, 4 per ttam, u common table au1ar, fructose taates much sweeter in ac:ldJc, cold foods and beveraaes - a n d c a n 1 u p p l y the a am e 1weetne11 with fewer calories. WEVE ·GOT25tFOR-·EUERY CAUFORNIA BODY WHO . WANJS A DANNON BOD~ ,. '< Now your Callfornta'bOdy can save 2sc on two cupsofoannon-Amertca'Sbest·setllngyogurt. Of atl leading brands, oannon ts the QDLy fruit yogurt that'S IOwfat and all-naturae-wtth no added eolorlng, flavor1ng, or starch. Start a program of exercise and eating right. Make refreshing, a~·natural oannon part Of ft.And your good 10ok1ng C.altfornta bOdV can be a great k>Ot(!ng o.tnon IOdy. WOW! • SPIRITED CELEBRATION -Luscious blueberries are flamed with brandy and spooned over ice cream for a festive dessert to complement any occasion. Trifling· with ·tradition · AC' in the Ladies Com on ln 1753 reada , as f ws: . "Take a Quarter of a Pound of Naples Biscuits, put them in a deep China Dish, with as much Red Wine as they will take to soak them: smooth them with the back Part of a Spoon, then 'Whip Half a Pint of Cream, as for a Syllabub, with Sugar, Lemon· Juice, and ~ Spoonful of White Wine, and lay on the Froth by Spoonfuls till covered thick. If it dont froth stiff, add the Whites of two Eggs. You may gamiah when you serve it, with Appler,..peeled Walnuta, or any Fruit that is in Season, as you like." Just in case this 1753 version of the·traditional trifle sounds a bit complicated, here's a 1982 version whipped up with several of today's convenience foods with fresh peaches. Fresh peaches are available through mid- October. When selec ting a peach , look for a creamy or golden undercolor. Avoid peaches with brown spots or traces of green on the s k in. Peaches can be ripened at home by placing them in a looeely dolled paper bag OI" ripening bowl for a few days. Ripe peaches will yield to gentle palm pressure. You may· store ripened peaches in the refrigerator but to get the most of their peachy taste, 1erve at room temperature. When shopping, remember the versatility of fresh peaches. And if you 're in need of a special de.eert, try our venlon of the traditional En8lilh Trifle. Ro doubt if the Ladies' Companion was still around today, they would be pleased to feature Peac h y Jee Cream Trifle in their rlroo ICE CREAM TRIFLE l ~ quarta vanilla ice Cl'MDl r-------~--------~-----~---------------, PEACHES AND CREAM - A traditional English trifle dressed up with fresh peaches and ice cream takes advantage of bakety jelly roll and commercially made ice cream, packaged custard mix. 1 bakery jelly roll (3 inches in diameter) 4 fresh peaches (about 1 ~ pounds) Nutmeg or chopped candied ginger to taste ~e(3ounce) 2 tablespoons cream sherry (optional) THl .. HAM 50 GOOD ll89~~ 2lbbb SAUE25¢~ ON 2 CUPS DANNON YOGURT DEALER: Redeem this coupon tor a retJll customer In accordance with the • ill terms of this offer. We will reimburse you fact value plus 71 handling charge. Customer must y tax where ii revalls. The Oannon Compan • , Inc .. P.O, Box 1703. &fnton . Iowa 5~734. Void where prohibited. • LI] ~ licensed. taxed or otherwise restricted. cash value I/20th 011e ~-~ ~ OFF£R~RH12/30/13 99972 116877 fryinc Chicken $139 BREAST .......................... lb. · Allow ice cream to soften slightly. Cut jelly roll into 6 slices; then arrange against sides of 2-quart bowl. Coarsely chop 2 of the peaches; stir into ice cream along with nutmeg or ginger. Fill center of bowl with ice cream mixture. Freeze. 'Prepare custard as packaae directs, omitting eu yolk. Sttr in sherry. COOi and chill. To serve, 1poon aome of the custard over ice cream. Slice remaining 2 peaches; arrange on' top, Spoon into dessert dlahes. Garnl1h with touted almonds, if desired. Serve remaining custard in amall bowl. Makes 12 (or 6 large) .ervinp. WI BUl~T A STORI AROUND IT. • Boked ond amol<ed up to 30 houra. ' • Sc>ltot deed Ofound the t>c>M • •Cov.,ed with O\N .-cret glaze. •Beat ot room tempetotute '°no heo~ nec...ary. •Just c:all. order and plctc It up. WE DO CATERING• GIFT CERTIFICATES • • w co . 3Ja\1W-'M ·~·ftW "hallway ~· for d&et·Wile coolm: l. To cut down on eoy uuoe Mltinela: dilute It with equal perta elder or aherry wtne. Repeckqe the comblnaUon In a 1haker-top vlne1ar bottle. 2 . J'or a half-aa· qafy, half-as-fattening breadapread with fretli fruit llavor. muh freal) atrawberrlea wlth atrawberry jam. Store ln the refrigerator. 3. Combine aupr-free diet pancake ayrup with real maple ayrup ..• rear maple taste and cloee to halt u fattenina: 4. Sweeter than either one! Stir together equal amountl of sranulated fruit~ (fructoee) and gran u lated sugar substitute (the kind you use spoon for spoon ln place of sugar). Fructose and aaccharin-baaed sugar substitutes have a "synergistic" effect on each other: they are sweeter together than either one would be alone. 5. Fork-blend equal parts mayonnaise and low-fat unsweetened yogurt for a tangy dressing with 50 percent fewer calories than plain mayonnaise. (To cut calories even more, use "light " low -fat mayonnaise.) 6. Combine fresh fruit juice with an equal amount of club soda or sparkling water for a nutrition-rich freahly- flavored "soda pop" with half the calories of plain fruit juice. 7 . Make your own "diet butter": whip together equal amounts iee water and softened butter (half-cup water and a q uarter-pound stick). Refrigerate to firm the mixture to spr(!adJng cons~ncy. 8. Make your own diet "cream cheese": combine three o unces cream cheese with half-cup cottage cheese in blender or food prooessor (using the steel blade). Refrigerate in margarine cups. 9. When making salad dressing, use half as much olive oil. Add an equal amount olive liquid (from a jar of olives) for more "olive oil" flavor. 10. Make your own "half-fresh" low-fat milk. To make one quart, combine two cups fresh whole milk with \wo- thirds cup dry skim milk and two cups cold water. For even lower fat, use fresh "part-skim" milk instead of whole. 11. To cut down on egg yolk cholesterol without going all the way, make a scramble or an omelet using fresh eggs and liquid egg substitute together. Use one egg and quarter -cup substitute for a "two-egg" breakfast. t 11.Cut~~ 11. l•r•t b•lrtCI "' Mlf by llnlle stuUtcl pouw halve•: crUlt p&ee; u. a ttam •S>Ut baked potaioe11 CfU8t and ftll wtth fruit. remove \be .POtato and Cover the fNlt wtth a math or w'lHp wHh rOund of foll to prevent cottaa• ch..... chtvH, the f~ frcm bui'n!NI. other HMO~, then Or make a dHp dlan ....,.cuff the to and 11bottomle1e" ple: cover b • k • u n t i h •a t e d the fruit wlth a lattice thfouah. pu~. Serve ~· frult . 19.-,.... ~ f-..." and paatry toppln1 ln aan dwichea a nd cu t de.eert cupa. I breed caldriet lil half, •• DDuw. the wl\aM of 1•laU1i de ... ru by wblppln1 the 1•lattn af~ft'1 Ml. 21. Combine equal ~ cocoa wtth Cll'Ob powder (tti• naturally IWHt t aate·•llk• for chocolate) and UM half •• much au1ar to tweeter\ chocolate cS.rtW ord-ru. 22. c:o.nbine dry white r STAR·KIST 159 ~~~~.K T~~~can ' Off CK Wat.,-PICll BUTTER s 25 ways . bun. (Good MWI! aplit hot doP 1ote more of their fat when they re pilled.) win• wltt) an •qual 1round meat mlxtur .. : aanount of aeltzer and cut .. ~ tn half urve over lee •• a and ellmlna~ ea yolk 1prlt aer to cut wine cholelterol. c&loriea ln half. 24. Slit hot do11 In 25. Ol1re1ard the pecket dirteUona when makiq ..i.d d.....inat from a mix: uee halt u much oO and replace the other half wlth water or fruit juice. 23. Ute two eq white. half len~thwlae and ln place of one whQi. ea combine • 'hot dot half" ln meatloavea arid with a pickle 1pear ln • Combine real auger CANNED & PACKAGED HARVEST DAY 57 DELUXE BREAD Round TOC> 24 0? loaf e CK Sancl'MCI\ Wtllte CK Wheat DAIRY & FROZEN FRESH MEAT FRESH CROUND BEEF Jll>S Of More ooes not e•cNCI 3°" rat BLADE CUT CHUCK ROAST eoooeo ee.r Lt> .89 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK "249 Lt> 129 ARMOUR DEEP FRIED -O<UOCW-AIG•P 1 49 MOIACQll.,•rr•s • . • • • . .. ta • rJo~ ~~YER SAC~~ -2.49 FRYINC CHICKEN CROSS RIB ROAST ROUND STEAK . ll ·.55 ll 1.89 ll 1.79 !,;2~E CH~CK ST~AK "1.29 ~o~T CU.BE STEAK ll 2.39 ~~~~~OHN SAUSA~E-.64 ~~~ ENO RIB STEAK 11 1. 99 !,;~~.!~,;K RIBS " .89 DOH lilOl llCR O U"' , .. ll 1.59 .. 1.49 Suzette Toole Saved s1s.02 'Q.ucky has a much larger selection, and much lower prices! '' Suzette's own week's shopping totaled $122.89 at Lucky. The same or comparable Items at the supermarket of her Choice totaled $137.91 That's a savings of $15 02 at Lucky! Te11 1a1<en July 19. 19112 HOUSEHOLD & PET r:~~STIK ClEANERnorni .99 DELICATESSEN ITEMS ~?~~.2 .~c~~~~~ T'';!~~ 4.28 ~~DJ.J!~ r~CON , ,, -1. 77 ~~~.1:!~.~oOR WINGS ... 37 rAMERICAN 198 ,. •; ~ 'J ... . . ' '~ .! ., '· .. ;J :· ;-, f'!· :1 ., •'J ,., ,., 1:) ,, ,... ,, ii . .. IJ .q I•> /\ d 12. COmbine salt and No-Salt in equal amounts in your salt shaker. Then, gradually increase the ration of No-Salt. 13. Combine salt and pepper in the same salt shaker . . . to restrict the overuse of salt. rCRISCO 209 SHORTEN!~fcan r BETTY CROOCE!()9 ~~~E ,~!?t~~O r :i)EANUT 149 $tippy 1101 Ulr creamy Of Chunky rVANCAMP'S 69 PORK & BEANS r MINUTE MAIO 59 ~!~~A!?! Can e lltgUlilf Of Pink PLATTER STYLE BACQN £H!-"~~! ~; ~ . • • . . . • • ll llOl-1.97 ••01-1.69 ~ ({ fl) r11 14. Make your own "soft-serve" fresh fruit "ice cream" by mashing together equal parts crushed fruit and vanilla lee milk or hmm yogurt. It will taste better and have fresher fruit flavor (and mont vitamins) than any commercial fruit- fl a vo red ice cream. Calories will be lower, too. 15. Subs\itute plaln selatin and real fruit juice for commercial set.attn dmel1a ... no sugar needed! Sprinkle one packet aelatln on half-cup fruit jukle. Walt one minute, then beat until melted. Stlt ln one and one-half cups cold fruit j u ice and I refril(erate until aet. (Don't u te fre-.h or frozen pme.ppkt juice; it contalm an emyme that prevent. 1elatln from t•ttlng: ule cann ed plneepple )doe bllteed.) 18. Halve the ca1oriel In ro& Ol' French brMd ~y pullin1 o u t the ~ cmte.r: •t only the en.wcy wll. Pull out &be ..... ol bllnbur8lr or lao t cto i . r:·o·1r.. (lAftDvw. Weill .an be clrW. thiiri crWhed lnto C!l'UIDbl.) FOl.CER'S 253 E2!~~ 16 oz can r~~~~:.~1~.000l<AN 1.89 r~.~~~~. KR~~.~~~ 1.19 £~~~!£ ~EU~H . 1101 1111 .89 r~~·~.£~~SSl_NC •••" J79 r .~~~!!~'$.. . 1...0H• .33 r~~~~~'S.~~.~J ... 1.29 !!!~IE SUPRE~~~ 1.55 r~~ .. i?RINl<S •OJ <• .67 . r 2_E~s.~. MIUC~e~ '°' 4. 99 I r~ ~~.~ ~tc~. itOll0• 2.19 £ ~!!'S APPlES~, .. • .99 l~!~ PRESERV~uat• 1.69 \ r~~~INE MU~!., .55 S1 Oz Can . r HUNT'S FRUITS -(O(<tM "'°'""°' 1Uf100""'"'' •\OI CAii .45 !LIBBY'S VEGETABLES 39 M Olf:I•--WIC)IJ IT"-' ~Olt .. 11 t•ot (A .. • UOl IT\ .67 r~~~.;.~!~ERS. 1to1 eo • .99 r~1~1T1 COCKTA. IL 89 -~ IOOI <•• • ~~FAT ~&TI 1ss r~~~~; •IOl<AA 1.57 r~I~~ M~R?~RI~~'°'°" .78 !!'~~~~~~~~ILK GA< II\ 1.93 ~!0~ .Afl: ~RCE E.~~°" • 75 r~~~~~s .om-1.83 r~!~~.~~s . . .. JO "'G .69 r~~E~~~ ~U~TS''°''°' 1.99 ,,.,.... ........................ ..,. ... lf'f''Hr• .. ,.,, ... _eo<°""''" ' !~~.IC RED SNAPPER " 1.17 DUNCENESS CRAB BUTTERFISH FILLETS ... IH ••• ~2.69 ~ 1.29 22~~~.s~·E· ~IL~ET ... 2.39 !'!5'.ER~ .~~~TE~·s•OOI H 1.69 HOUSEHOLD & PET r~,.!~~~. ~~~~Ct_ 2.29 r~~~.~. ~~~1~. !'.~~~ 10X • 7.3 £~.~CATR?OO •·oor<M .29 r~~~.~~~~.~1~or-2.29 l~ J~~~T.~ ..... iOU•o .37 .~ ' ,)} { q ~, LIQUOR & WINE h rMElON LIOU.EUR 9 35 I•' -•-. .--."' • N 3 f~..!.~.SA~~ ~~~J.C.~ 17.99 '• l!~~c.R~!1 .... ?10eun 4.99 ! PRODUCE ITEMS COLDEN BANANAS .... 111 .. oy to llt •l .:.> .. N= beall \he Mlt :'~· chUWd~=a d Md cold IOUpt. 'A mo1t everyone 11 f nnUiar wlth popular ((II' IOU pt like --~ a~}'molle. ~t you p °tlb a 6 l Y !lh a Y. ft It a-.Mdtn<l makJ.ril IOUp a nutrltlou1 and v economical ataple _. bean. I an Soup al P'l-.co lJ a~ eeautttu'l u lt 11 rdlftahing. Made with dr¥.'edlble navy beana i a variety of fresh letablea, berba and s llea, it's a flavorful for lunch or supper. Served up in your ~~rite tureen, it'• a ~tfht ~or the eye aa ~ a quick cold bean soup, made with canned pdrkl and beans, try the rec~ for Summertlrne B~n Soup. Its quick co6l&g time keeps both ydlt 'md the kitchen cool. 'Whether y°'(.-e inside ot>~ut this summer, secve up a bowl of cold bekH aoup -it's an euy antt I low-<XJSt meal that w'D keep you cool, too. un BEAN SOUP 1'>ri AL FRESCO . ,1(1 cup dry navy ooaHs <' ~ cups water '1 •Jt medium onion, chdpped v !i medium carrot, cMptped ·1•111 stalk celery with Jell'>~. chopped n1;2 cups chicken broth gs\lh cup milk or half and 'half u .th teaspoon salt .4l• ~ teaspoon blac)t pepper .. , fl t a b 1 e s p o o n s ch9pped fresh parsley .>f IA teaspoon dried m~ram • , 11.4 teaspoon ground nuOtleg ~1 ~ teaspoon dill Place beans and water infl• large saucepan. Bi(11.k to a boil; boil 2 mi11utes; remove from helrt! Cover and let stand one1hour. Add onion, carrot and celery. Cook un~ beans are tender, aboiut 2 hours. Drain, . reserving 1.4 cup liquid. Wlitrl in blender or food p~r. a few cups at a ti~ adding a little of thi;reserved cooking lic#o'd if needed, until miJtU.are is smooth. Add br0lh, milk. salt, pepper, p~ley, marjo ram, mlttheg and dill. Cover amrf chill. Garnish-with adtlllional dill, chives or pa~ey before serving, l• tll Italians -11 h~ve a way w.ith food I! I' li:ine Italian cooks rightfully have been called culinary wizards. Hese, again, they <.show th~·.best way to utilize our seasonal foods with frih tomatoes, sausage an ,::heese. ow that fresh torli4'toes are plentiful and ·~;f_ine quality, t ry I~n Stuffed Tomato re~pe as a low cost, h1g.~y satisfying dinner e nf' e e o u t s ta n d i n g e r\j?iU g h to i m p r e s s gu~ts. ITALIAN STUFFED TOMATOES 11<4 l a r g e f i r m to!Wiltoes , Salt and pepper b 2 tablespoons butter or 'ttlargarine e 1 •1 l a r g e o n l o n , ch~ped l !Jl clove garlic, ch~ped ~ pound s weet Ita»an sausage, removed f rib m c a s i n g a n d cn.itftbled ·•rll,4 c u p g r a t e d Pa.l"ft'\esan cheese tn~ cup c h o.ppe d pataley q1~ c up crushed sealoned while bread dreaing mix Slice iopa from tottl'lltoes. Scoop out toriatoes. Reserve ahella. Dlihrd leeCls and juice fr"'1 pulp removed. ChOI> pulp and simmer forl'lO to 15 minut.ee or untl. thlckened. Stir in cht•ae, paraley and stllffinJi mix. Spoon mlacure tnto reaerved to~to thelJs. Place aide byltlde in a areaaed ahdow ~Je. Bake ln prehe.t*I moderate OYeli (250 detPw f'.) foe 30 to 36 mmu• or until biowaild. 8erW wjlh ..sditlonal ,. ND cheH• pd finely chopped pjrlley. Makea 4 811'Vinp. -~· Maket about 8 ~: Thi• IOUp •• juet .. delldoul ae&-v.d hot. Heat alowly until aoup la bubbllna: pmiah .. ~. SUMMERTIME BEAN SOUP · 2 tabl.poona .~,.., 1 CUpe Chopped leeka or ~ cup c hopped ICalUona with tope ~ c up chopped onion 1 can (16-ouncea) pork and beana ln tomato aauce 1 can (ll·ounc .. ) tclnatOll 1 cup chicken ~ l twpoon cherYtl ~ blay laf, c:naah.cl \.1 teupoon ult ~ wapoon dW ~ ..... poon tarraaon ~ teaapoon blac:k pepper ~ cup milk or half and half In a mediwn MUC8J*)1 heat butter until melted. Saute lealc:a and onion & mlnuta. Stir in beans, tomatoes. chicken broth, chervil, bay leaf, salt, oEE SMITH PRESIDENT • dill, urratoa and pep,per, llmmer II anfftQ\91. UhriDI occHlon•llJ. WJalrl mlxnare In blender or food proce11or a t•• eup1 al a tlm• until llriooth. Onduall1 bllrMI 1ft milk. °'1D for ., .... 4 houri befoN ~· Oamlah with chopp.cl panley or chlve1, a1 • dell.Nd. Makel 8 CUpt. NOTE: Thi• IOUP 11 Juat • deUdoua aerved hot. Heat alowly until IOU~ la bubblJna; garnish .. directed. BEAN rve your favorite tureen for a 1wnmer meal that's FEATURING USDA CHOICE BEEF, I INTRODUCING SMITH'S DOUBL- COUPONSI YOUI .... cnmn ...... 11womt DOUU THE FACE AMOUWT WITH -Of •mrl DOUIU CGU .... m DOUILI COUPOI fOI COllPLITE llllllllATIOI. H•R• 18 AN •XAMPL• ~:::§.':::.~+ r-f~1t:rfl=8t L-~0!~~-J L_c..9.!'!2.'!.J FF SAVE 2.16 WITH THESE COUPONS! BESTFOODS .. ,~ .. I ' e U-GZ. JAi . OPIN 1 All TO MIDNIGHT ' \I . 0 merchandise? ar MAllftN ILOANB ~ deddld that aha unoomfOMable. But ttUi On her au. and ftiia1 • .::;:! ~ made a very IUIH th• reat. How cw\OfMrl are hll "*"' I NCenOy reeelwd • wan'*l ao~. IMIN to have irily JMde trip, I.he It.on ~ I .--n. But there would you fHl lf (.ou The "::Jly of deterpnt letter from • neder ln She bo~ th• tint her more det•:•d. uli.cS Mr whit the WU wa1 only enou1h tor uw one thou.ht HI ll Um1 , and he want.I Philadelphia who, for five boMI with her Alt.er waittna ou for dolq. She told h1m that u.ch ~ to have OM auett la.ct I plate wlth 11 many cu1tomtrs II the ... Of anonJa:'ty• I u1ual pW'Ch&MI. Then five mlnutet, ah• went lht WU 1ticktn; to the ilice. you ~t the three 1Uce1 when you po11lble to enjoy tht WW call Sally. he told ahe went b9ck lnto the bllCk lnto the ltOr9 for a knew that two othen at 1&vinp. me thil ttory: 1Upermarut tor another fourth "round." 111111111111 lllP.Pll the end of \he llne would h thl1 re11onable? S&lly opened tht food flve boxee. She made the Thia dme the caahltr ihemon m1al out on the Should we 1UpermarU\ l9Ction of her M~ eecond purehale, added mentioned aomethinf deelert? 1h~per1 rHpect hi• one day and notl a that thoppil'\I bic to the about ·= fair," an Not very aood, I'm w es? aupermarket ad -other1 In ~· trunk of Sally I to ro:\ her five-box llnUt and \hat dellert out of the kitchen lute. vertlaement featurlnt her car an went back danaer up. A• on1 u 1he had the rlaht to and placed lt on the Some people uy that I'm eorry that I can't a ttemendoua !::Jialn on lnto the 1tore apln. ahe made •parate tripe make her purchuet. 1ldeboard, you Hked Ulla lln't the Mme thing i•ve our friend In deterpnt. In print On the third Ume by walldl\I In and out of Sally wrote to me your ~ue1ta to help -but lt 11! For the hiladelphla any moral waa a note aaying that around, ~noticed a the 1tore, ahe didn't aee aakln1 for aome moral themae vea to "jult one 1upermarket manager aupport, becauae l am there w11 • five-box a few ral1 eyebrowa anythlnt wron1 wlth •ueori. wu w rtiht? 1llce, ple .... " who putt the deter~nt convlnced that the ll.mlt. and be1an to feel what ahe waa dolng. t11 •Y that you gave Now, you can probably on 1ale, all of is ~t WU riiht. FINEST QUALITY FRESH PRODUCE. NATIONAL BRANDS AND SERVICEI GROUND OUAR!~~.~P.DPORK ~L8~K~~!ftl ~ · 141 11TtHMa110T•X~•.o"°"' ~ LB. ,. ~~.~!~~~E FARM •. ----· ... u 231 ., !!.~~!~2 !E~~··· ........ -····-····· .... u . 211 BONELBSSCHUCKROAST 111 ~~~~~~~ 8 llMACMOICIM" ...................................................... _ ... . "-~;;;miiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;. _____ _,. ~~.~~ L_av~.R ....... ·-·-· '" ........... .•• 99e RIB STEAKS UIDA CHOICE HI' • LA .. QI aND ~.2~J?.2~~~2c1~ 10-. .. -................ 21• ~.2~~~!~ .. ~~llE . .!!._~AKS .......... u . 211 CROii RIB ROAST 111 lllOA CNOICI -. IOIOUUIP~ -........................ I.a. ~.~.~~! .!!!~~! ... OVl.Olll CHllCC .............. U . 23' TOP SIRLOIN UIDA CHOICI 811' IONILHI 8TIAK 7-BONE ROASTS LEAN GROUND BEEF · TURKEY DRUMSTICK FRYER LEGS USDA CHOICE llHF • CINTI" CUT CHUCK FAT CONTl!NT DOH NOT l!XCHD 22% 1'! MUSHROOMS . BELL PEPPERS .DOLE• l ·OZ. PKQ. Q"llN • '"llH • C"llP 5~1 PEPSI MIATY 41~. FRESH CORN IWllT GOLDIN IA"I 5\1 LAROE MANGOS • 69- ,_AI. TllUY.--·-······· .. ·· ... ··-"'""' ......... IA. SALAD LETTUCE 3~•1 -Al-.MOOA-LIAP ................. -.................. _., II PINEAPPLE 121 ,_ MAWA" ..................................................................... u . CRISP CARROTS s~· 1 fOH 0,.,............................................................................... I NECTARINES GOLDIN • IWllT BLUE BONNET MARQA .. INI • HQULA" QUA .. Tl"I • 1·L8. CTN. SCHILLING PIPPER 95e M.ACC.-.4.0Z. cu ............................................... .. ~~~!!Ll<?,~1-1~0 ........................ 39- YOPLAIT YOGURT 2:11 Al-* l'U-.Mll.CW ................................... -.... • IT. R!Oll PLATll 1 St '"""· ,. .. °' "'~·-·-·--.. ··---.......... _ ................ -...... .. -SMAC~RAMEN AllOMID PLAYO"I • M>Z. lltKQ. II~. LARGE TOMATOES FRESH SPINACH 4~1 ZEE BATH TISSUE ~~~C~.MIOl'T•AllO"TID I• OLCfllll • 4-"0LL lltACK aac FRISKIES CAT FOOD AllO .. HD YA,.llTlll • l~·OZ. CAN 1~111 Ill (fl c LI p IN , ., IL~· I ftEJl'UNDI 11 i Clip out thJa fU. I ktte.P it with 1lmllJ.r. cuh-off coupon• a!l bever.,. refu.rid oft4if;i wttb beverac-cou~ for example . Star , collect1n1 the need proofJ of pu.rchaae w looklna tor the req~ refund form• at the aupermarket, ~n new1p1pera an4 ma1ailnea, and wt\et\, trading whh frlenda•t• Offen may not b~, available ln all are11 qf.•, the country. Allow lOJ1t weeka to receive •••h: refund. :• The following ref'"'4 , offers hre worth $17.7~ Thia week's refUJ.l&J ,. offers have a total value Of $30. 78. I '•' This offer doe1~·, require a refund fonn~rYJ EKCO $1 Sale, P,Q,EI Box NB-897, El. Paft:>.wi Texas 79977. Receive , • $1 refund. Send tb.e Universal Product ~ symbols from two Ekoo: kitchen gadgets and th4t register tape with thtt1 prices circled. Offe~1 limited to the following products: Lifter Drainer (No. 03040), Flexible Spatula (No. 3010i\h,.1 Stainless Peeler (No. 00050), Fruit and Butter Baller (No. 00110),1 Cheese Slicer (No. 03270), Tongs (N~ 01120), Jumbo Turner (No. 30410). Can Opeiwr. (No. 08840), Peeler-Bean Slicer (No. 00040), Pizza Cutter (No. 00140),n Dough Blender (No. 00100). Expires Sept. 30, 1982. , '' These offers require refund forms: • 1! FRUIT OF THE LOOM. Receive a U r refund . Send the required refund form._ two package front panels and-or hang tags fro~ any Fruit of the Loom .• casual knitwear styl~•:• (excluding pocket T.,, shirts) and the regis~r~ tape. Expires Oct. 31.,1 1982. '·' GENERAL ELECr- TRIC Silicone House .. 1 h o 1 d R e f u n d . R e -. ceive a $1 refund~·: Send the require.d. refund form, one prooj, of purchase from any G~. Silic one hous ehold product and the regis~r1 tape with the storelei name and the pric~ circled. The proof is th~ GE monogram from the., back of each cartridg~1. and.or 2 inches clipped .. from the blister card. This offer is limited to 10 per household. Expire"·· Dec. 31, 1982. • JOHNSON'S ODOR- EATERS. Receive a ~ of Johnson's Odor-F.at.en\ insoles . Send the required refund for~. and the back panels frohi two pairs of Odor-Eaters insoles. This offer is good on Johnson 's Od0'1'"' Eaters Regular, Superh: Tuff, Foot-Warmers er l Leather Brown insolHJtt Expires Dec. 31. 1982. u RAIN DANCE, Weather Guard Rebate" Offer. Receive a f~ r e f u n d . S e n d t h ~·· required refund for'!l/' the guarantee statement" from the back of oll,e. Rain Dance Weathe'~11 Guard box and thef' register tape with th£'1 price circled. Expir~si.r· Dec. 31. 1982. •Tr RAID FREE Coupon Offer. Receive a package,, of Raid Indoor Fogger. Send the required refund form and t~e 1 net-weight statements from the fronts of tw.arl Raid Indoor Fogger packages. Expires ~t. .. d 31, 1982. RAID FREEPlayin&iuJ Cards Offer. Receive • r two-deck set of Rald 1 • playing cards. Send the · required refund for11'1•' and the net-welght 1tatement1 from thA, front.I of two Raid Strip Bug Killer package1,,s Expires Oct. 31.J. 1882. •'lit l\A Y ·O· VA\; Heav)'! Duty Lantern Batter~" Offer. Receive a re~.'l< of $1, $2, $3 or $-t. ~. the reQUind refund f~1 on which you h•~ert'J written the Unlveraal ,,1 • Product Code numbel'OO ,. • 1 from Ray-0-Vac H•~rl'J Duty Lantem Bltteritt1J and the re1l1ter te,.,,, wlth the price clrclefl,1'•' Send one proof Qf'<'' pwchllle for ,1, two ftc.rt-,2, three for t$ rw ro.· ril for f4. J:xpu. Sept. ~ UIU. o~ Heft'• • rel.uild ,... 1 to wrlu for: HI U-Ounce Offer, P.O.,.· (8" SBOP, ,. Ct) l)ll OPIN 1 AM TO MIDNIGHT Cl ·' I \ °'8T o-t DAtLV N.OT!Wldft;I=~·· ~ •· 1• 4 .... ep fish cold to freshness Cutlet is top seeded I When looking for something for a special menu, look to veal for veal provides an open sesame to a treasury of eating enjoyment. Especially appealing is Open Sesame Ve a l Cutlets. Delicate ly- flavored pieces of veal are browned and braised to tenderness with a delicious break crumb and sesame seed coating. Cutlets are one of the most popular veal cuts. They are thin lean bonelem slices usually cut from the leg section of veal. While adding prestige to mealtime, veal also contributes significantly to the body's nutritional needs. Like other meats, veal is an excellent aource of high-quality protein, the B -vitamins and the minerals iron and zinc. OPEN SESAME VEAL CUTLETS 1 ~ p ounds v eal cutlets, cut ~ to ~ inch thick 1 egg 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon pepper ~ cup fl n e dry bread crumbs 2 tablespoons touted ..ame 9eeds 3 tablespoons flour 3 tablespoon• cooking fat Cut veal it lnto 5 to 6 Beat egg, lemon salt and pepper. crwnbs and eesame seeds. Lightly dredge cutleta in flour, dip ln ea and then ln crumbe to coat evenly . Retrl1erate cutleu on waxed paper tor 'ti hour 'before cooklna. Heat oook1nc fat ln a lar,e frJin1 s-n. Add cutlets md brown en both tdde1. · Reduce heat, cowr and cook elowly U to 45 • mlnu• or until done, e ~ . ' PRICES GOOD TBRU 10, 1982 ~...._..~I SEFDLDS ~/GRAPES •• I! aw •. fl COii•' •• flt• COi Golden, first-of-the season, local/ Hand picked, packed In Ice and dellvered within hours every day to each Irvine Rancf1 Farmers Market( I NECTARINES · •• 49fb.&59fb. AVAILABLE NOW! SEEDLESS WATERMELON 22~ .. ---.. ~ ROMAINE LETTUCE ••• 3/'I ·.NA TUBAL FOODS ......._-DEI,J-_____,, 'CHIPS LOZENGES I oz .... Rec.3.29 ... J 98 CHEESE OF THE WEEK· 398 Eucalyptua-MenthOI. · Uoorice. Glacial Mint or Cinnamon. Ea. NEW HOLLAND CHEESE 4.98 II. L•. BARBARA'S BAKERY Low fat, tow In Mlt MINI PRETZELS ............... Rec.1.09 89e ::;,~:=M~:ADA Salted or Unsalted FRENCH STYLE .. . !~R~if.s:!~!~EAL 12 oz. ~ec. l.39 J I 9 =a:,A~ ~·~·~·~·~·~ ...... 6.4911. 5 ~!------~TS-~ L.A. J 29 FINEST IN FLAVOR ... HORMEL 3 49 TO p SIRLOIN ._ APPLE BUTTER is oz. . ......... Rec. l.55 BAKm HAM ............. : ........... 3.9811.. L•. STEAKS '. CHICO SAN · CRESCEDA FRESH SLICED 298 · RICE CAKES 4 oz. bac ....... Rec. 69c l!!.9 c PROVOLONE CHEESE ....... 3.4911. L• All Varieties d MADE FRESH DAIL VII • GREAT FOR A BAR·B-QUEU IRVIN6 RANCH FARMERS MARKET IRVINE RANCH 98 C .PEANUTMBMUTADTEER 1 98149 COLE SLAW ................... 1.1911.. L•. 16 oz ........ Rec. . Made Fr~ Dally from the finest dry routed Virginia Peanuts. Great on Aloe Cat<u with your ravortta Jam R~c. 4.98 Lb. 3 9 8 L•. or Jelly!! ----BULK GOODS___. PROVISIONS GROUND BEEF PATIIES 5 lb. box Rea. 9.49749 (Not to exceed 30% lat content) •x .-----------------------.. IRVINE RANCH MIX ...... Rec. 2.9911. 249 AMORE J 99 ......,._-SEAFOOD ,_ Bulk or padlaged Lit. TORTELLINI 1 oz ....... Rec. 2.19 WHOLE WHEAT . 79 TUSTIN, NEWPORT ONLY FRUIT BARS 2 39 I TheM ematl puta thefts .,.. stuffed with C'"9eM and Ag, AWle °' PNCh/ Apricot Lit. add your favorite pasta MUC9. l bulk only ..... Rec. . lb. then freeze-dried. Just elmmer them I• bolllng watw and J 98 ~ .. NUTIY NUT MIX .............. Rec. 2.9911. 229 1 .. ----------11 MAHI MAHI Rec. ~.9811. L•a,, Bulk Only Lit. SNOW 798 .. BA IRVINE RANCH \ NANA CHIPS ............... Rec.1.8911. J 39 FARMERS MARKET CRABMEAT ....... Rei. 9.98•. Lit. . Bulk or Packaged Lit. " COOKED Al 98 BAKED GOODS__. THIS WEEKS IRVINE RANCH BAKERY SP.ECIALS HOMEMADE IRVINE RANCH MARKET SMALL FRENCH* ROLLS PKG. OF 12 ' I 1u~ 18 oz. Pkg. LARGE EGGS. Rec. 86C o.z. 89. C .... \ ' Our eggs are fresh from the ranch, delivered straight to our stores dally. You can realty tell a difference -they •taod up bright & yellow when you crack 'em In the pan. SALAD SHRIMP Rei. 5.9811. 'a L1t. ~VITAMINS. PHENYLALANINE Res. 9.05 7~5 500mo-eoc~ CHOCINE .............. 111. 6.15 !!!. 55 250Tab1Ma .. . ..,,.. . 14002 MJford Roed at ...... Ana ,, .... , 131-2111 I 8.m. to 7 p.m. Mon.·8at. I a.m. to I p.m. aunc1111 • NO DEALER SALES • LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED r.oper pro :key ·to computer dieti ·~ ln. prbep OU\.'' ThUi buio piinttplt of 1\ac.'c!ttllful computer Ull appUee to oomputen that Wl)'M cUeta, ioo. ••Y• a r•1lltered Ctiett\l.an. Jane Rubey, a COO&&ld"8 nutrttionllt ln Walnut Creek, •YI that computer analy1i1 of dJeu for nutritional adeq uacy can,be very Uleful. But, lhe autiona, lt .. only .. accur.te .. the Information to be , analyzed and the Tortillas take to chicken Here's a delicious filling ror tacos plus a layered tortilla dish, (.;hicken Tortilla Stack. CHICKEN TACOS 3 cups cooked shredded chicken• 1 package chicken taco seasoning mix 1 cup water 1 package ( 10 count) taco shells 'h head iceberg lettuce, shredded ~ to ~ cup grated Cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese 2 tomatoes, chopped chunky taco sauce Combine chicken, chicken taco seasoning mix and water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer. uncovered, about 10 minutes or until liquid is absorbed. Heat taco shells in 350-degree oven 5 minutes. Fill s h ells with chicken filling: top with lettuce, cheese and tomatoes. Top with chunky lace sauce if desired, Makes 10 tacos. •Chicken may be shredded or diced . Turkey may also be used. CHICKEN TORTILLA STACK 1h t o ~ pound cooked, boned and shredded chicken 1 package chicken taco seasoning mix 1 cup water 1 can (8 ounces ) tnm ion 1'AUt'e 4 corn tortillas 1 can (41/• ounces) chopped ripe olives 1 can (4 ounces> whole green chiles. rinsed and seeds removed 'h pound grated Monterey Jack or Cheddar cheese In a large skillet combine chicken , chicken taco seasoning mix, water and tomato sauce. Bring mixture to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, 10 minutes. Coat a 2-quart casserole dis h with vegetable spray. Dip one tortilla in chicken mixture. Place tortilla in bottom of casserole. top with •,; of chicken mixture. Sprinkle with v. of cheese and top with a tortilU.. Layer the whole chiles on top of tortilla. Sprinkle with olives, reserving ~ tablespoons tor garnish. Sprinkle v.. of grated cheese over olives. Toi: with tortilla. remainin~ chicken mixture, v, of grated cheese and tht last tortilla. Garnist with remaining cheesE and chopped Qlives Bake, uncovered, ic 350-degree oven 15 to 20 minutes. Cut each stack lo halt to serve. Makes 4 servinis. Include eggs I\ If you take hard- cooked eaaa with you on ~ out.lnp. it'• eaay to keep them eool. Pack them in their carton or in a sealed container in your cooler with ice or coolant along with other chWed fooda. lnformaUoin etond ln \tut comp u ter. Iii• recommen.ch that conaumtrl .... p1onc11na '° advtrtl .. m•nta lor computer diet analy ... examine the Hrvlce carefully. ''Check the credentiall of the penona wrltJ.na the pro1rem that analyiet' the data. Are they re1l1tered dletitlana, or have advanced degreea ln nutrition from a reputable univeralty?" U no&, the v~ty or the analy1l1 may bt qu.Uoi\ablt. ''Check the data bue of the c:ornpUter pl'Oll'anl for tlmellntll and the amount of lnformation It oontalN," Rubey advilel. The USDA food compoaUlon t1ble1 ahould ~ uaed u the prlndpal IOW'Ce for the data bue, but lhe notes that the number of foocial trom tho1e tablea ii critical, with the greater number more desirable. "An t.heni 2,000 or only 200 fooda lncluded? 1n addition', are data on fut food1, packaaed and ftoMn fcioda included?" The actual form of the Information reque1ted from the conawner la al.lo crillcal, 11ya Rubey. "Ia the lnformatlon ln the form of a food recall, where you are uked to U.t exact amounta of all fooda eaten? A food recall 1upplle1 the c=riuter with enough 1 fie information for MlCW'ata analytit. "Mmi people don't know "Or .,., Uw qu•tlont how to make MNll out of a t n • r a 1 ' n 0 n • dat.t that oonmta of lllta quan&l\atlv~? Do they of nutrient•, numbett aak for eub)ectl vt and percent•IH1" 1he Jud1menu? ' Such uye. Thoy neec:t to have queetionl do not provide the data lnt.erpttted by a apedfic lnformatlon, and knowled1eable ~rton, •• a reeult cannot auch u a retil•tered provide an accurate d let It la n, or the analyail, 1he uys. computer prosram need.a B e I a r d I n I t h e to have an educational prtn\out that the component that make1 oon1umer finally recelvea the Information uaeful ln u hll, Bubey c.uUoJ\* terms of eating habits that the lnfomunJon can and the foods a penon be e8'ily millnterpreted. can chooee to eat." Double Coupon Some computer prlntoui1 do lnt,,...,ret the data, but Ruboy wama conaumere to"~ 1u1plclou1 lf the interpretation of the data emphaalt#. r rno Do computen hav.111rt place in nutrltlQa t counHllna? Rub~lfd beUevn that computillld analytla of diet• hi • rec:ommenda tafdn1 "great potential ••~ vttamln or mineral teachlna tool. • rlt aupplernenta rather than eating aelectlonl of fooda • •workln1 w l th1 from the four foo~mputer, a penon ' group1 -rnllk, meat, how cUf(er.nt f vegetablea and trulu, c otce. rniaht charlae and breadl and cereals. level.I of nutrfenta "Food• -not pills -calories they would are the baaa of a healthy gettl03-It can p balanced diet," she immedlate feedback." ,J d f9b 1&11 ')'(I[ ., (flJ •CO r 1.&:J "" liw tn ml I ~b Ma ')({') Present this coupon along with any one Manulactureis' cents otr coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the 11em Not to include retailer'. ·tree · or grocery purchase .. coupons or ewceed the value of 11\e item E~ctudes liquor tobacco and dair\I products Pr11sent this coupon along with any one Manutacturers "cents off" coupon and gel double the sav•nf!S when you purchase the item Not to tnctude ·•retailer '. free· or "grocery purchase" coupons or e•ceed the value or the item. E>1cludes liquor. tobacco and dairy products Present this coupon along with any one Manulacturers "cents orr coupon and get double tne savings when you purchase the item Not to 1nelude reta11er tree or "grocery purchase coupon~ or exceeo the value ot the 11em Excludes liquor. tobacco and dairy products 1 11& lJlo iol lTW l'l.82 Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupon Per Customer Coupon Effective Aug. 5 thru Aug.11, 198~ limit One ·ltem Per Manufacturers' Coupon end Limit 3 Double Coupon Per Customer Coupon Effective Aug. 5 thru Aug. 11 , 1982 Hillthlfe '911.i. 0t Smoked Sausage l'real\.Sllced Beef liver llfflloln Steak Tails F;;~b0Me~tLoaf •••I Chuck 0-Bone Roast Frozen Patti Jean Cornish ameHens Limit 6 per lb customer per .79 Flllel·PactJic Fresh Red Snapper per lb Fro;ien.Delrosted Beef Back Ribs per lb . 99 Wesson OU 24 ol.bU .99 ---Dairy/Dell Values---• Aalpl>t.-llllche11 F•Hh Potato Salad '::' 2.69 ••oz .69 CllP .88 per lb qi 1.19 , .. Wltole"' Hall Aelr.,.ted Vlaslc Plckles '::' 2.49 1001. 1.79 1)119 Mitt Wltc0naln Medlum0Sha<p Longhorn Cheese .,., 1.29 lb. lib. 9.99 pkg, iililliiri&~· Ham 1.59 pet lb ••••Bakery Values••••• Atlp/lt -Fisherman's Cove Values••• Egg 'N Honey Buns 114<.9 oll Sal.cl s1 .. Cooked Shrimp Frozen O.lrotMd Eastern Scallops Frttll Fll .. 1 Dover Sole ':' 5.29 '::' 4.99 '::' 3,29 --•PIAINWRAP Values--• "ti" Wrap F1clal Tissue 200CI b .. .57 .45 -Appetite Shoppe Values--• fr' Hetti 01"!&41 Ot J'MCll liream lihee•e•• '-~ 1.69 swirl"c~'ii8'8 "'ciiie "-lj)l\1>Chocolt1t Mtll"IJU."' lemon Pie • inch •••Frozen Food Values AtllOlled lla11ellH Jeno's Egg Rolls Elilla Alcll Ralphs Ice Cream 81111ell• Coel Whip 60~ pllg trot !'kt ---•liquor Values••-• 11 N NA PLAllWIAP Beer Thompson Seedless Grapes Limit ~ lbs. per lb per customer .49 PLAINWIAP Potato Chips .79 Assorted V01teue1 Kai Kan Cat Food 6VJ oz.can .29 . Chl.11ed 100%Pwe ita·Pakt Orange Julee 1,1 oat btl J49 ••••Grocery Values Alllp/lt Snack Crackers Aalpllt·Htwallan Pineapple Juice coifeU.ate Popular Gro..ftd Orinda Folgers Coffee Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon ard limit 3 Double Coupon Per Customer Coupon Effective Aug. 5 thr" Aug. 11, 1982 .63 1101 boa .79 4601 '"'" t2or 2 38 II' I Sweet Juicy Valencia Oranges Limit 5 lbs. per lb per customer .29 Ralphs· Honey Rutl or Natural Grain Bread 1112 lb loa1 .69 GreenGaant Nib lets Com 12oz can .97 Personal Care Values --1.29 Deodorant 2'1 Ot 1'419 ..... .., 1.19 Mouthwash 3201 bll IUllWIAI . 99 Shave Cream noz "" --•Produce/Floral Values••- 1o ~rlJ )IUJ 'AW nm: '! 1mi ,., OU tod lo ..nd ) 'Z& Jrlf fu-r 'ltiz 10 uq ;..a 1 uO 8 '.) 8W nq lo ) Hft f9J t'lO'.) 00') 'Olm JO'{ r 11t1 s d ''l/2 llW 10 J(W J J ,., llT02 ,~ S9V l>29e US'l 3 qO u::> 11afl 9'IA o l J9b bna ') ~ ciT •nod 101} G~ I{ 01 noo , oJ "9fT J a ei 18Jrl •-8 'lUn ''IO Hot atmmer daya call foe lilbt aummer fboda. A ..,.ml ea aalad may b• J~·t wn at you're lookln1 tor. Combine •II•· aou r . cream or , )'08\lft. ~ and yo u r favorite ewnmerU.me v.ptablee CIMWl+e. ~ ... Coo ... d z 89 Rare Ro11t Beef.. .,.": • • • Av~llablt at Aalpl'ls Appetite Sf'loppe Only. Jfi1lctHnann's Gin .. :: 2.38 1,TI~~~ 8.98 -c ucumb er, 1r••n p,e p per• 1 hred ded suoehlnl, bfoadl. pated emroea -for • cool and Nlrmhlnc tftel. i • 2 0...,... OOIM DAIL V M,Of Nttt*c1•w. ft:•d A. 1111 nother gift c g the ,.ape.vine ~ . • .J :S:. 0f:.~ -o7°lO:-l=• ~it: FrUelloe ,,,... .. ne. or you rney have NOtiwd a dlillct m.u brochure If you're on maU1nc u.11 ClOl\Metled wt\h win. and food. At any rate, th• lat.It pmnlcky lift ln the world of wine 11 mlmbenhip in IOIMthlnc ~ ''The Society Of California Wtn.arape Orowera.' Cametol f'ICklp OI Na,. Valley,~ are tndWd to Jotn the IDMty ror Y.f' .nou. t.e. n.. vlDiia '° for Jl26 ..... and memtiefthlp and a IUbaipUon to \M eodety'a newaletter IO few another tu mnually. The only catch u ,...... the vtne la that you can't dO mueh ot anythlnj with It bUt look at It and bn& about ownbw It. ""'. 1111111111 So. for • Utt.le more than • hundred dollan, )'OU pt tlti. to hand the vtnt)'ard 11 litclWnate; l"OWI IOIM Of the best Chardonnay and Pf.not Nolt in the .iate, ~ top DriL'a from 10me very famoua N1p1 Valley wtJierltl. Htre'• bow It worka. If you purchue one or ~ arape vlnea ln a particular vineyard ln the • vine, 1 plaqu. th•t •YI )'OU're an owner, • map depicUna the exact location of your vine, and 1 duplicate of the name i.a on your plaque placed on the vine AoClordinl to a... brochw-. plUCllna the iodety: ''To ....,.. proper mn and mainc.nanct of your srapevinle, they ..... ~ beck to the landoWner, ~ with production rtchta, ren~frw for l& years. In lieu of rent, the> lanCSowner a,reee to care for, malntain and repi.c. the vine lf necetllU')'." "At the end of the i ... period, the vine may be r.moved by it.I owner. U the vine la not removed Aa • 1ttt tor the wine freak who h•• everything, it mJ1ht be juat the thing. U you'tt interested ln more detalle, write to: WllWIS'1lpe Sodety, P.O. Box 2200, Nape, Calif. 94,58. 11 Mistakes eaten h•lf. · Alao , • quarterly newaletter, the opportunity to but IOl'ne aped.ally labeled wine, . an<j vineyard tours, taatlnp and •AD rah.lp revert to the landowner." 5 ee3 .. tho end ol the Jew, vine Now, I Mk you. What the dJckena la anybody going to do with a 16-year-old arapevtne? INFLATION -That C11a de Sonoma Cabernet Sauvl,non, circa 1941, just releued by Sebaatlani at $100 the bottle, originally sold l>Kk ln the fifties for •i. Don't you wlah you'd have boueht (Contlnaecl on Paie ct) SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) -When Linda Stein goofa up one of her portraits, she just eats at. She's a cookie artist, the creator o f lifelike portrai~ on gingerbread cookies. "I wanted to comblne the two thinss I really like doing," she said. "In a way, I wanted t o elevate the eating of a cookie to a new place. I want it so that a cookie becomes something else." Ms. Stein painted her first cookie portrait eight months ago as a joke. A friend wanted his picture painted in return for a f avo r . H e got h is portrait, on a t'OOkie. But Ms. Stem was a bake r at a Sea ttle r eataurant the n, and didn't have lime for muc h besides pas t ries and cakes. She changed her mind after people sta rte d ordering cookie portraits. She was onto something both challen ging and pro fitable. "It's like bringing new sounds or e l e m e n ts i n to a medium," she said. Moving to Spokane to recover from an illness. Ms. Stein went to work ' perfecting mixtures of food colors. S he also discovered a "special kind" of frosting. "It's like a combination of watercolor and oils," Ms. Stein said. "It has some of the advantages and some of Ginger • spices s teak To add tropical appeal to your cookout, prepare Pacific Flank Steak. The marvelous beef flavor of the family-sized ste ak picks up exotic accents from a ginger- spiced marinade that combines pine apple juice, oil, vinegar and soy sauce. While the marinade is flavoring the steak, it is also tenderizing it. T o further assure t e nder results, it is recommended that the steak be cooked just to rare and that it be carved diagonally acr oss the grain into ver y thin slices. PACIFIC FLANK STEAK 1 beef flank steak ( 1 to 1 ~ pounds) % cup pine apple juice 'h cup oil 'A cup vi~egar 2 tables poons soy sauce ~ teaspoon ginger ~ teaspoon salt Combine pineapple juice , oil, vinegar, soy sauce, ginger and salt in a small saucepan and cook slowly 5 minutes. Cool. Score flank steak in diamond pattern ( 'h inch deep), if desired. Place steak in a plastic bag and add marinade, turning to coat. Tie bag securely, preHing out air, and marinate in refrigerator for 6 hours or overni.ght, turning at least once. Remove steak from ma'rlnade.. re9erving marinade, and place on grill top 3 to 4 lnche9 over uh-covered coals or on rack in broiler pan. Broll steak 5 to 6 mlnutea, turn. brush with marinade and broil aecond aide 5 to 7 minutes (to rare). Carve aieak cltagonally acroa 1raln into very thln aJkes, 4 to 6 aervtnp. Ah1el food cake, homemade lee cream, and stlrred CU8tard •uce are 1 ummer d e11ert. favodt.ee. To make them ewn mon tpedal (and more nu t rltloua), combine them with peach e1, aprlcott, urawberrlH, blue· berrl•, or other freah tndca. I the drawbacklt of both. But that's why I like it." dlnnera with fellow memben of the aodety. While on the one hand th.II offerina appean to be aort of a wine world "Pet Rocle," on the other a~ •THOMPSON PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 DAYS 8 A.IA. THURS .. AUG. !i THRU WED , AUG 11, 1982 SEEDLESS SEEDLESS eRID Fl.AMI SWEET , eCARDINAL •EXOTIC Doi1y Fr.sll ... 32-oz. 5·1nch Auo11ed TROPICAL JUICES ................. EA. 1.19 INDOOR PLANTS ................. EA. FRISH BllF BRISKIT Hormel Cvre 8 I BONELESS HAM BONELESS IN BAG WITH RECIPES 9. .. Rudy''· I 2-oz PORK SAUSAGE PATT IES EA U S O A Chot<• Beef U.S D A Chot<• Beef Chuck CENTER CUT CHUCK ROAST LB 1.29 0 -BONE ROAST l B 3 .29 t8. 1.59 llvdy's LB 2.19 U S 0 A Choice Beef. Chuck Cut BONELESS CLOD ROAST USD A Chooce Be.I. Chv<k Cut CENTER CUT STEAK T "mmed Whole or Point Holl FRESH BEEF BRISKET LB 1.89 LB 1.49 -~B 2. •9 BONILlll BEEF FAMILY STEAK C~~~KLB I • 99 PORK SAUSAGE ROLLS Does Not Eacffd 22% Fot LEAN GROUND BEEF ............ LB. 1.79 Lottie Juon, 20.B·ol FAMILY PACK CORN DOGS EA 2 .29 Hot or Mild ltttle Jvon, 10-ot HUGHES ITALIAN SAUSAGE tB 1.89 BURRITOS . Bor M Wote< Ad<Md Foster Form1 Frelh Chkhn CORNHUSKER HAM tB 2.69 FRYER WfNGS FISHERMAN'S BAY EA .69 l B .79 IMITATION CRABMEAT EACH PIECE MIN. 9/l O·OZ. MRS. FRIDAY'S SEAFOOD SECTIONS 6,o.1 78 Mont..-•y FRESH SQUID ,.,.,...., & '"""' f, .. ~ '·"·" 89 HORS D'OEUVRE 4 99 DOVER 11 • SHRIMP 11 • SOLE II 2.79 fOOCS f)f Ttf£' r~£t'lt' ·---·Cit" FRllH IUGAR PIAI 1(01-Hon Oo.,,I, 2 2 01 lonlo SOUP STOCK ..... .. 99 Poni.o, 6 01 P\o BREAD MEAL fo>•er Forr••• Fomoly Po<~ .99 FRYER DRUMS l B Fo"er Form>, fom1ly Po<~ 1.09 FRYER THIGHS l B fomir Form> 1.39 FRYER BREAST W /RIBS LB fo•l•r fo1m\ Frying 1.99 BONELE SS THIGH MEAT 18 FOSTER FARMS FRYER LEGS • f::~~y 89 ... WJOl E lEGS LB • 1.75 LTR. BACARDI RUM ._h 99 !boot ,...,,,_.., 2 28 TOOTHBRUSH .......... • AGREE SHAMPOO • ""'""" ,...,,,, 62 Ot DRIED SEAWEED .. .. ~.~! Gi °"""'"' 9 •• lonle I 75 II• Co,,..._. Motl 11.•dttd .. as OYSTER SAUCE . .89 CANADIA N l LO (hobt' iiw•t vadr lo~ REACH TOOTHBRUIHi~sr~~o 1.27 49·0l Boa DASH DETERGENT .. ................ I . 94 2 -LITER SEVIN-UP . .. IJ -c•• .... llAlllt .......... Col •ow IO lb ISKY 11 99 I .C9 BOT AN RICE ........... 2.39 WH .. · • IO.Oa Con BABY CLAM ......... . 12 PACK THOMAS' ENGLISH MUF.FINS .'f .. • PLAIN LABEL 99 WINE ..... . 2. "• t • • • • • WJ (....._ Pll9 Cl) talc• )lace oa lu~1. Au1. I at Sonoma atamped eaveloDe. will brtq complete ,...ulta ~up In IDlll'W and men Cokl-. at~ • .-. Gil.Clmf The .O.y-. 114 nd .-Ui nDl ~~--WilMllDr. c.iuomta. s,._ will not of die .,_., .Central CoMt Wine c.oiDpeUUon,· ~ 11 __. .._ ldll:.by the way. t mete Ill die numy areicW Md rve 108 of f•eurtn8 1 the b91t winll produoed &om PP'I Thll cooler hill a Ult ot ~~I). nm'I -'n.. WJ,N.Q ,.,._. hill a MW Wta _..MD be after.s, w to IMfttlon .,el•Uy ~ .IA lanta Barbara and San LWI °'*PO whh 'iealif~ whlta wine, .nd~I ~ for9att and you can recel"• 1 free copy of au._..... bo&di9 ol wtne that wtll be on the eounda write to: W~ P.O. Box eel, Santa sperldiJw w•*· natural lemon, limit. .-Ddt allhl Alliiltm't only neW'lletW de'ldetd to C109W baaai. rw111 tieD ~ chat a whole cw of 1834 Slml Marla. Calif. 9,.&4, f{:pefnilt JWcea, fruictoM, dtrtc antf na...,..,, ewap vanow wtrie nrtta. Md ourkllldil Port wW be iOlil. end that It only CXlltl PO for While •t , ....... t •-.;.. a ""'--"•'"ul and well .a~-·-." 1-•. a~•U-addreiilldM~..._ti44._C: _ .. _'&tanoe and a blddln~ddle. ConUnental ~ -· ~. .-.. wi _.. ....... -~~ ._ map ot the ,..son. lnclud~ all k!nds ot useful 8' emt• to: Trader, .v . -• m.ktMt at 9 a.m.: the a beclna at 10 a.m. ...r-1o-1-• ...,_ ,_ ·-"-b 1 •1 to the 'lbe end NIU!t II atx percent aJcohol. about hall Francteeo, Uf. 84120. The l•tnl tuue also Wine lowl'I from all OYW the ~on attended 1Mt ·--""ormauvn .. •·-or • same of normal table wine, with a taste more than a Ut11i'n ~ ~ labela from UMn8 tM m.d.U yeer, end an eve.,..,... browd II xpected In 1882. add.rem. remlnlacent of ''Squirt" the way It ueed to 1M1e ln wlnnen1at the wt ar.n.. Count)' I'd. For details: Wine Auctloft, . . Box 434, REAL POP WINI:-I wu prepared to reallr, the toocf old days. Poured over Ice on a bot day MAluc YOUR CALaIDld\ -Don't fcqet Heeldlbura. Calif. 9Mt8. . hate a new J>C'Oduct called .. Ca.Uloml.a C.ooler ' can ~ lt actwilly betnc plewnt. 1 do the second annual "Sonoma County Wine AUC1Jon" 'ANOTH.D J'Rn:BlE -A Mlf-addreseed, (about 7~ cents for 12 ouncet) which baa been recommend It with any food . • SHOP (Prom Pase C6) Box &&236 , Houston, Texu 77255. This offer -aood for a $2 and two 26-cent coupons - expires Sept. 30, 1982. . Send for this form aa 90()(\ .. poeaible! Stir-fry bok choy easy dish To conserve energy and to avoid overheating the kitchen during the warm summer days, stir-fry cookinJ ts a tensible choice. It's quick and euy, as well as a method which preserves the fresh taste of the choeen i~nta. Bok choy ·or "Chinese chard" is a good .election I for many stir-fry dishes. The contrast of the bright green leaves and the pure white stems adds interest to many 'l"edpes. Nutritionally, the deep green leaves of bok choy I offer Vitamins C and A, aa well. as several minerals, including calcium and phosphorus. When seleetlng bok choy. chooee a head with fresh, bright leaves and unblemished white atalks. Uthe bOk choy is not to be u!sed Immediately, simply refrigerate in a tightly cloeed plastic bag for up to three days. Wash the bok cho:fl'well before cooking. .--~~--,....,-,.~~~~--...,-~~-,,-~~:--~...,...._,....~~~__,.~"--~~~~~__,.~--_,....~...,...._,....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__,.~~...,....--~ l'RESH CALIFORNIA GAOWN 7acQFarms Chicken Drumstlck8 --oa Chicken· Thlahs 9t · s ~ult uUeat ffiat vUade Clk 'tfamousf pYou~~!! "•t •J .... t ~' 1! I .,. o h Olll a&&l'LOIN T·Bone steaks LIMIT • 8TSAlt8 Pita l' AMIL Y WlllU 8UPPLY LA.8T8 BEEF ROUND BONE-IN . -. 8 • H - -. . I • 7 11:\ '"' I "-:::ii.._ ' a, I 10'1 J '~~ '" ~ 1)(11 •flLo ~ l l & Inv 1tl~ lnJ .iq ,,,,~ I • • 1111 J. '°"I M • '1 "'I h> -:Ill You can treat the leaves like spinach and the stalk.a like celery in c o o k I n f f'o r t w o complete y different vegetable ac com- paniments. For stir- fry dishes, use both leaves and stalks. OI • •o>C\ Bok choy's mild flavor combines well with many garden vegetables and blends well with a variety of meats and fish. Here'• an idea for a •up.•er summer supper dlah: Cut a head of bok choy stems into diagonal allces about two inches long and one-half inch wide. Tear the leaves into pieces about two inches across. Cook the 9leJn pieces in a bit of oil until transparent. Quickly stir in the leaves and about a cup of left- over m eat , suc h as chicken, pork, or beef. Mix well and cover to heam just until the leaves wilt but are still bright green. Flavored teas add panache Gelatin desserts, an all-time American favorite, are taking on new taates this summer with the addition of Oavored teas. Here's a recipe for a I deuert that la elegant enough to grace a party table, yet can be made for just pennies a ~RIA SPECIAL 2 lemoril 1 packaa• lemon flavored platin 1 ~ cups freshly ..... tea . WhlpPed cream (or hipped' toppna) . Grate nn.ly ihe aklna °' -lemom. PllCe the 1elatln ln a plnt~alze CO!Dtalner and llCld tea. SUr until 1elatln is dl11olved, then cool. When the mixture la aU8hd1 thkkened, .ur in the sr•ted lemon peel· and pour lnto J.ndlvidual molCl1. CbUl. Before Mrvin1, lm1ll1h wtth whipped dream OJ' ................ ,... wdltJ, a.bllitute ~•or Duid\ apple• w ~tea. ··-------.. ... ..,...._, # ...... ......... ............... _ ........... ... -..-, e AMII C*ICIC .. IM -.._,..,... .. _, __ .... _ ,.... .. _____ _ __ .,.. • STATEIUROS. CRUSHED OR SUCEO PlllAPPLE CHUIKS »OZ REGUt.All OR DIET All"-AVORS SHASTA SODA IHM>Z .... ,. AA EGGS :::,;,u~ son 'ASflLa [•:S10saw OlllOnl'llllNTS AURORA BATH TISSll • UL Ull DOIF•~~~lUI' ' .....""" ............. ... 11.DI Patti• ... 11.89 s l'l<G. ..11.19 12~ARTEA 3 99 l.12.19 =~s AMPICAN CHEDI 1ooz 49c ·~37cJ .•.0:37c KRAn SlllGLES 1.0Z • FllOZtN •• 11.89 .. 12.39 .. 12.u .. 12.19 , .. 12.89 SALUTO PARTY PIUA l'llOZIN u 11.19 .. 12.09 ..12.09 .. 12.39 .. •a.11 JUMIO 8UTT1!AMILK, 12-0Z,... Oifl 1c;o,.. REGULAR DOWNY FLAKE WAFFLES ,. ............................ °"" ALU 'I uc llACAmUlM .... ~ ¥AU.['t IUCIO fO OOU• '1 c9 SllS$ l:llESE " UI I ill IUCf.O fO OllD(~ OOOIUO 000 '1 79 .UUll ...... • -DESIGNER aoum TOWELS 14'0U roll LAUHOllY GIANT 11Z1! BllD 3 DETERGENT - • · .. ti •l.i! • lL 'le IC I:> •11Jt u~ I u;I t i;>IJ; I I ':t J )31 '>1~ 161 Gib ,13 I '>Iii? ~q O) >W{ . u~ ) llUl I 108 a Ii 00'.> JO".> nj >ni asfq Gd IUJ r I I I aters to ~· ~ampers One thl n1 every per COfDe9 equipped th la an enormoua petite! Whether the y'• activities lnclude Jdnl, fishing or juat joying the great tdoon, a hot, filling la as emen\lal u a matinfl campfire. Please hungry bunch with eae robult dl1hea - th quick to prepare cooked in juat one mp pot. Ingredient• compact 80 you can what you need from -to-site (or buy them ng the way). Chili-0 Steakwlches sily satisfy the artiest of appetites. t cube stealca in 1-lnch bes and bro\¥ft in a eavy Dutch oven or et. An envelope of ning mix adda the ht amount of apicel to tomato and chee9e . Spoon onto crusty and gamlah with ditional 1hredded • onion and pepper . Serve with carrot, ery or %UCChinl 1ticka, wy brownies, and big · p of coffee or milk. U you enjoy back-to- ture cooking, th.ii dish can be simmered over the open campfire. To assure easy cleaning, coat the outside of the pan ~th liquid 908p. Another sure-fire tnner for ravenous a.ppetites is Chili Chicken. Juat brown the th:erm:r~~ sauce made from g mix and a cup 9~ DE r . Serve with fPStant rice for a menu men will enj>y preparing -an important consideration for a •Jlare-the -c hores vacation. CHILl-0 : STEAKWICHES 1 'ti to 2 pounds cube aka 2 tablespoons oil 1 envelope (l IJ'i -oz.) seaBOning mix 1 can (8-oz.) tomato 6 large rolls, split Onion and green pepper rings Cut cube ateaka into 1-inch cubes; brown in oil in large skillet or Dutch oven. Stir in seasoning mix, tomato sauce, and water; simmer, covered, 10 minutes. Add 1 cup chee.e and s1mmer until cheese la just melted. Spoon onto rolls and top with additional cheese, onion and pepper rings. 6 se~AMPERS' CRD..I CHICKEN ~cup oil 1 frying chicken, cut in cup all-purpose flour 1 W cups water 1 cup beer 1 envelope (2 'A -oz) chill eeaaonlng mix l teaspoon sugar warm w.U..-a.I. The dellciout dNlllna le 1 aimblnldan OI Wfilpped arMln. --~ and fine1)' cho9,ped chutnf)'. Chopped w1lnuu .1cfd t.eX'tUN and cnmch. If you•,.. unfamlllar with chutney, thil ll • 8ood way to Introduce a MW food to the family. Chutne~ la a 1p1Cy rellab th8t of'ill.n*ted tn lnd1a and la now euUy found In ·mott eupermarJteta. O,utney <!all be almoet a puree of raillnl, garllc, ahallot1, plmientoa, '• LEMONADE ...... &al d apple, • .....,.. Wowla ::-.=-c::i ~ .,., Md ..... tine American and BrtU1h chutney1 are made of applH, banan11 and, pMChet. In thla "Summer Turkey and J'rutt Salad,'' a lmA1I amount of finely chopped chutney add~~ eubtle hlr\t of brln1tng out the deUctoua fiavon of the turk~ and fr.h fn&ita. SUMMER TURKEY AND nun MUD 2 ~ N\.Up Oooad t~ l cup freah p&neeppi. cbW\kt OR 8 ounce can pineapple chw\b,dn&fted lcup...-1'_,...... snpee, balwd 1 cup cantaloupe chunka ~ cup chopped walnuta ~ cup wh!ppln1 ~ . W cup finely chopped chut,ney a table1poon1 amyal'll·IM Dllb cl• LetU.lee .... Jn • hr1• bowl, combine turk•J, pineapple, 1rapH, can~pe and walnuta. In a rnedlum bowl, whip c:reamj fold lJ\ chutney I mayonnal .. and Nlt. Add whlltl*S crMrn to tutkey nilXn&re; a. to combine. Refrlaerate eeveral houra before IM'Vtnl· s.nie on lettuce lee ..... ~ ... ~ (~cu.-). I 2-0U'1Ct CJ\ti-FROZEl'i REC<.1.AA Cit ~ REO PRICE ~ PRODUCE ~~Peppen fA -10 Ofsp8Ce1ery EA .33 &,~~Moel fA .59 ~Watermelon • U1 .08 ~~~ta U1 .39 l.AllOC~"9EA Hawaiian Plneapple E• .99 ~LPJ-nt f>.299 FROZEN FOODS ~~~RU 4~100 ~ r::e 'S':~a«'<~ 129 LIQUOP 8~:.C 699 ~~799 • ~["'~ 349 ~g;r~1:r 289 ir.;rollla1f C'Q,a. 349 ~~1§:CAM 229 ~i:-OllSl..U. 499 Df l.ICA TESSEN ~~=::.~~ ~t~-~~ GROCFRIES ~~Peechtt8Ma .57 ~~-OllMOTOOOe59 S~ns~ne Kltlpy Cr.eke,. Aa°i;'Chll Con Came .79 219 137 ~~~ .98 179 Wu..i;:. lnatant Tee t::;~~ Mllrtnad• .89 ~rf:i Puppy Chow 2 29 JJ~mm~~"'"' .33 l SUMMER SALAD - Beautiful frultt of llWIVMI" -cantaloupe, 1reen 1rape1 and pineapple -team wt th turkey for a ref rethlng main di1ti f rult 1alad with a creamy drelling. TIO DET RGENT .µJI _.., l.98) ~89 MEATS MEATS ~Id~=· Ll 209 ~'ey~sttcics U1 .69 s~st:r.5 Ll 248 ~'rTu~ey Breast LI J69 ~Cs~ UI 248 ~nuti(ey winas LI .69 l~IUI" llO'«ILl5 LI 229 r.::.r~ c5'fl:t ..... u 1 gg Fa St•ks ~l:UT~ti:k LI 209 ""°" "11.D MOT -CNflIUAS 29 ltllan nge..u,..rc...i. LI 2 ~':&iuc:k Roast LI l 99 llUD'fS~"""-llCO OllHOTJlaOI Mf -11112 29 PC>ft( Sausage Rola LI SLIM PRICE SLIM PRICE ~~.Mlyonnlllte .99 ·~~~ Sm e nut 129 ~~.Apple Juice 139 ~~Seline Cndcen .59 ~~'1:: .59 s~ ~ Uquld Blellch .72 _ 4 ''rvln1 recipe · packaged pre-<lOOked rice Heat oil ln larae akillet. C.O.t chldum in flour; brown in oil. Pour off Atxceu fat. Add water, beer, eeuonlng .69 .45 .89 ~-w.:\\:':: r:;::&'~ ~~,,.. ~~--s:..~ ~ ]19 .89 159 129 . 149 SFRVICf St _'\f OOD 3:-~h... \.I 189 ~,.,.,~-~ 399 r='.la~Al.c\'""Cft .. 4 99 ~1'~ .47 L~PlperTowela .55 &~ ,99 ' 91;\r.Tolet Tluue .76 ~. and .upr, lt1nina (o blend. Cover ana lbnmer 30 mlnuta, until tneder. Serve chicken dlkl aauce over rice. 4 ~ h 109 99 .98 179 DAIRY PJ<O l><JC I:--, J 29 N:r.I~..... 119 ~~~~,--115 ~·-~ 289 S::."1:.. fllll LI 2 98 ~'1r.r.~-"'~89 '"'~~..;,_. .89 ~~~ .49 ~~ 169 ~.:&.n tee THERE 18 A DIFFERENCE -.ce. ~1'NCM. ,_WID..MO. f 'rOMIG. 11, Illa. CMJ.(21) ·~ POii 1.0CAlatOPft°'9fllMilT~ "°' AU.ITW fllllO .... l'I nll AD ~Af YOM. llOO W, fiD> aw.,..,, W. IOT'M If-L.OeNIClll.A ... DeOO, ,_.,NfO IA WIMS. tiMllll""""'ezwtftr• ••• ~ ITOMa o.et l /IA TO 11 Ml Di'YI A-. ~~~v ~~v C & C COLA SCHWNQ ~~&r' · ~~ HAWAIIAN PUNCH DETEROENT O~ENT REOOLAR & DIET BLACK PEPPER iaoz. l .l4 DETEROENT MIX ~.UOl'1') ).Jl ·~ 2.14 J.&g l.69 'IZ.OZ. 2.29 &QT~ASSORTEDRAVORS • HI' Ol UH ll)C :a.1e ,st!~teq~, aq1 -{)'; teq.M. S! s!qi ;_dn .. aA!~) II' G~ 3'10NVH V ff.LIM S:ildUl.LS TIV8 DNnA\08 3.L:illl::>NOO' SPEAKER -Mary F.astman lUgney will be one of three 4peakers at the Annual Conference for Women 's workshop Aug. 21. Seniinar . slated '.' #J Mesa . •Self-Employment: 'adiae or Panic" will be the title of a presentation by Mary Eastman Rigney at the annual conference for women at Coastline Community College at 10:15 a.m . Aug. 21. Participati ng in a workshop e ntitl ed "Self -Employment / ·Entrepreneurship" will be one of three speakers exploring the ti1ks and rewards of self-employment . • She has been principal ot "her public relations firm in Newport Beach ~ 1971. Psychologist Dr. Tessa Albert Warshaw, author et "Winning by ~egotiation," will be the ~rincipa l confe rence ~aker. l The conference will be }jeld from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m . at the South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa. The Rev. Terry Cole- Whi ttaker, founder of the Terry Cole - Whittaker Ministries and a motivational speaker, also will appear. For information, call 963-0811, Ext. 256. Class d ue for OCC children Orange Coast College's 'Childre n's Center is offering a development program for children between 6 months and 6 ,Years. Fall semester classes begin Sept. 7. The ~nter, staffed by certificated personnel who are assisted by students in training, offers services t o children o f the Costa Mesa college's students. The cente r is o p e n M o nda y thr o ugh Fridays. OCC's program , funded by fhe s ta t e Department o f Education, provides a morning, afternoon, and full-day program. Fees are based on a sliding 9Cale, dependent Upo n income. First consideratlon &.s given to low-income parents. For regist rat ion Information, phone 5 56-5772 . For Jnforma tion about the child d evelopment ... program, 556-5569. 1-occ o f f er s n e w course Orange Coast College's community service office l• s po n •o r i n g an ixcuraion to the Long ~ach Terrace Theater to vie. w the mualc_al1 l•ifello, Dolly!" pl'e9e'niea hy the Long Beach Civic tiaht OP.es"•· 'l'be trip la slated Aua. U. A b\.&I will leave the (>CC auditorium circle at i=. Fee It $16 per • Th:kett may be bMed by phone, at 5527. KNITIING YARN 100% ACRnlC SOLIDS, OMIRlS REG.,,C 94c · SKEIN SUie 4-ply yo~ in a. roinbow of colors. Solids in 3-1/2-oz. skeins, Ombnts in 3-oz. skeins. Easy core, machine woshoble auyllc. IH. 1.1' •n ALW_. ~ 79 MOOIS, ,, I , II. I. OI J SIDS YOUI C1M1K1 c CREST CLAIROL TOOTHPASTE LOVING CARE REGULAR, MINT OR GEL SHAMPOO-IN HAIRCOlOI REG.)39 ~~.219 - 1.49 YOUa CHOIQ 6-4/10-oz. All the dental Full selection of beoutiful protection you'll Med. Save. natural colors. A ~lue. TABLE WINES • CAlll.-T SAUVIGON • FIDKH COlOMIAID • 6llY lllSUNG • CMENIN IUNC • llNfANDfl OUR lOWHT PRICE IN YEARS BUDWEISER BEER PAm SIZE 12-PACK REG.399 4.19 12 ounce com. ALBERTO VOS SHAMPOO GENTU HAIR CARE REG.79c 1.19 YOUa CHOICE 15-oz. Normal, Neutral Henna, X-body or Jojobo. SALLY HANSEN OGILVIE KWIK OFF 'HEAVENLY BODY' NAil COlOI REMOVER ' PROTllN HAIR CARE IEG.)19 1.49 REG.)69 2.79 YOUa CHOICE 4-oz. fast, effective 16-oz. Protein formulo nail polish remo~I. shampoo or conditioner. MEN'S ' UNDERWEAR • .;; PACI Of 4" REG. 3 6.59 POI PACIOf 5" T·Sllm 3 REG. 7.69 POI 50% polyester/50% cotton Weon longer! Sizes S-M-l -Xl. CLEAR EYES EYE DROPS REMOVES REDNESS REG.)39 1.99 1/2-oi. Soothing & moist-...... _..._ urizing relieves tired eyes. ROYAL OAK ~ CHAR(O~l nlQUITS rl: SALE 2" PRICE 10-ta. WIUIO CMAICOAl 1 •• UGHT1l. QT. llG. 1 M . . . . ! -GEBHARDT TAMALES IN ZESTY CHIU GRAVY SUPER59c PRICE 15-oz. While Stoda Lotti limit 6 per customer. I • '! ) . , '· I ., ,,r ., I f ... I( CllSSlf 110 ~ I HAPPY TIMES? -That's how it all appeared Tuesday night at Anaheim Stadium for the Angels. Manager Gene Mauch and Luis Tiant (left) were enjoying the scene, which was provided by Doug DeCinces and his three home nms: DeCinces is greeted by Don Baylor (right) after slugging his second four-bagger. Delly l"llot Photoe by IUchald ic.- But ... the Twins turned the Angels inside out again in the late innings, pulling out a 5-4 victory. \"It's bombs away again,, to no avail for Angels Minnesota finds a haven despite being r ocked by DeCinces' three home run blasts -By CURT SEEDEN l or.._~,... • ..,. DeCinces and DeCinces made Ange1 history by hitting all three over the left field fence. ninth, going down on a check swing with Rob Wilfong on first base. the other three hits the Angels collected, and fortunately for Havens, both stayed in the ball park. home runs. It was Felton who retired DeCinces in the nii;tth to send the Angels down to their second straight defeat. Brad Havens looked confused, and justifiably so. The young Minnesota Jeft-Jumder had just beaten the Angels ~-4. and teammate Tom Brunansky was getting most of the attention. But Havens, who himself was former Angel property, allowed just three more hits the nmalnde!r of the' evening, and the end result was one very unhappy DeCinces and a pleased Kansas City Royals team which moved a full game ahead of the Angels in the American League West race. "It would have been nicer if we won, but you try to do everything you can and som~times things don't work out," DeCinces said after the game. Havens, meanwhile, admitted he was lucky to come out of it with the victory and said DeCinces simply hit three Sood pitches on his first pitch to the Angel third baseman in his first three plate appearances. "If we win four from these guys, it Corbett cut loose, See 02 "I knew I had the opportunity to come up one last time,'' DeCinoes said. "What if I could hit the fourth one? It just didn't work out that way." "What did he do?" Havens demanded as cameras and microphones closed in on the former Angel "He had three hits," another teammate responded. Indeed, Brunansky played a key role in the Twins' victory before 26,184 disappointed fans at Anaheim Stadium Tuesday night. And what did Havens do? He merely threw three pitches to the Angels' DouR Havens survived homers Nos. 17, 18 and 19 by DeCinces thanks to a two-run, eighth-inning homer by Gary Ward off loeer Steve Renko (9-3) with Brunansky aboard. And, in an ironic twist, it was DeCinces who made the final out in the "It wasn't a good feeling. I figure DeCinces bombs a couple of them out of here and then the home run king of the world <ReiWe Jackson) steps up. So I just went aTter him," Havens said. would be the ·greatest thing that ever happened to me," Havens continued. "I really don't know anybody on that team but I would love to. beat them. It's a pleasure just because they're the Angels." Havens managed to go 8 Y.i innings before giving way to reliever Terry Felton, a pitcher with an 0-9 record, 4.63 ERA and a man who has served up 17 Unlike the night before, Angel Manager Gene Mauch stuck with bis starter, and it was Renko who served up the game-winning shot by Ward in the eighth inning. "I hit mine in the right spot. I knew it was gone when I hit it," offered W-ard, who now has 19 homers on the season and is one o!~~eral blossoming stars on (See ANGE~age Dt) Jackson, in fact. accounted for two of One thing i s almos t for ~ure Raiders are open for business, the hours are from 10 to (j The young lady on the phone identified herself as Michelle ot the Los Angeles Raiders and said she was just calling to bring everybody up to date on what the franchise was doing. Excellent public relations, I thought. and told her to go ahead and bring me up to date. "The number to call for season tickets," Michelle said, "is 744-1611." IT WAS INTRIGUING enough that the Raiders were peddling tickets to the Coliseum and I asked Michelle how many they had sold. "l don't know," she replied, "but the ticket applications are being processed at the Sports Arena." Okay. How is Marcus Allen doing at the Raiders' camp ln Santa Rosa? "I don't know," Michelle said. "The ticket hours are ten to slx and we are open every day." Fine. How is Jim Plunkett getting along? I understand he is still having some trouble with his bad thumb. .. I DON'T KNOW," Michelle replied. "The deadline for purchasing season tickets ia Friday." The next day the world read how Ralder executive Al LoCasale was ln the Raiders' temporary offices ln the Univen.lty Hilton and was 1 drowning ln a sea of teaaan ticket applications. "We mlcht go as high as 70,000," LoCaaale aald. It seemed .ornewhat lnconUtent. then, that the Raidera would be hustling tickets on the telephone. On the other hand, it Is well known that the athletic ticket bustnem la hard .ell and inconslatencv rnav be the leMt of a community'• worries. ·Ga.-vey gets off er ~ LOS ANGELES (AP) -Loa Angeles Dodpn executive Al Campania confirmed Tueeday that the National Leacue club made a contract offer to first bMeman Stew Garvey 1aat week. Gervey, wbo played ln hla 1,~2nd comec:?UdW eune at ClDctnMti 'l'ueeday nl&ht. la In the final year of a IAx·yeat contnct and could become a free lfll'l at the ConclUIColl of Che leMOO. Campania. the Dodaen' vice pre9ldont tor player~ would not divulae my dN1lll of .. otter. o.M,Y, 33, bas been quoted l8Yel'al tlmle .. ~ ,....ted to flnllh hJa W' In~ He hat Ulo bem QUOted .. tlMabt • to whither he 'would be with ......, .,... ... ,...... SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER Then. too, it should a1ao he pointed out that the genUeman in charge of moving the Raiden from Oakland to Los Angeles la not engaged entirely in an act of philanthropy. Al Davia, entitled m~:~J general partner of the Raiders, has ex grief and dismay over the injustice of the Loe Angeles Coliseum being without profe&lional football. but be has alao paid some attention to the financial aapecta of the ma~r. Among the items with which Davia concerned himself was that of the moving expenses of a football franchbe from one part of the state to another. It was agreed that the Coliseum people would aee to a ' loan ln the neishborhood of $6 mllllon at very low interest with wblcb the Raiden could pay the tab of the moving and stol'age firm. It wu later charged that a clause ln the loan docwnenta states that U the ftaidera move aaain within a period of ten yean, they will not be required to pay beck the money. Of COW"le. lf eventa tnn8plre in tile manner expected by Davis he will not move out of this p•radise for anything retembling a paltry .UC million dollan. FURTHERMORE, AL DAVIS baa 1pent t'ODlklerable in aarwytna the pocential in Southern Callfomia for that somewhat wt.py vehicle known u pay or cable \eJevtakJn. '!be revenue from UU. medium la ~ to make the emtlna National Football LeqUe TV ~ of f2 bOliClft look like IO much Jooae dianae· ''The Rama oppoee ua comina w Southern Callfomia --. they want It all for~ .. Davis lald du rirur the reoent anti-trult trial of. tbe NFL. "and I dOn"Tt blame them." The fJc\ane Qlwta WU to.iq around at the time involved two million homll at tlO per haml per ~~t la, u there aPJ19U' to bi ...... Of ~ nOw and thin. CIO nol 8iW ll anOthlir t&uat. AJ Dlvtl ~ arouad • lo& ibaUt .......,, ··' But tie ...... _,.._ .... at .. ...,.u ....... "Pro J'oot&all'1 Dynamic Or1anlsatlon" and prom1aee what he ~ "• toSal commitment to ~.·· . Preunably, we ~ be bpt up to date on Ua ~·--by MIChitDe Oft the telephana. • . Ca rey salv ages lone U .S. v ictory · Gaines surprised again in 100 freestyle SHUTOUT Bob W elch spun a five-hitter Tuesday. Welch uses GUAY AQUIL, F.cuador (AP) -Rick Carey of Mount Kisco, N .Y., used his international experience to salvage some pnde for the United States at the World Swimming Championships on a night when East Gennans won four of five even ta. The U.S. boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow, but that doesn't mean that American 1wimmers have had no chances at all te-"compete againat ·foreigner•. Olympic 200-meter Curve h all backstroke champion Sandor Wladar of Hungary was at the U .S . Short Course to Stop Reds Championahipa last spring and defeated Carev. but the CINCINNATI (AP) -'Bob l 9-year-old learned something. Tueeday nlght, be .et a w0rld Welch, accustomed to taming championahlp record of 2 hitters on straleht-forward minutes, 0.82 lleCOnda'° win the fastballs. went the round-about 200 backstroke, with Wladar way to beat the Cinclnn.ati Reds second in 2:01.36 and Frank Tueeday night. Baltrusch of Eaat Germany The Lo• Anseles Dodgers' winnina the bronze medal in rblghkingt-haballnder reliedC on h11 2:01.51. rea to shut incinnati "I've been }OC)kina forward to out for 1even lnninga, and this race ever aince Sandor beat reliever Steve Howe came on to me in April," Carey lald. "In that complete the taak for a 4-0 race, he beat me with a very victory that reisnited the Itron.I third 50. That la always Dodgers' surge ln the National my atrateay In thia race, to Lea,aiue West. -""~"--the ~don in their 'Toniaht. I would haw been in ;;.:; of the .... :;';. b&a trou61e without the bftakina "The race in April WU very ball." llld Wtlch, 11-8. who WOf! bnport.Mt and I learned a lot in hiaWthirdl ~llratchht pme11 d. h that race and lt halped me e en, w o re • on t e • tonleht!' faltball when he c:ame up to~ East Oer!!_l•n)''• atron1 major le~JH, went to tbe performance T'Ueada1 'lil&bt -breakina Tu.day wbm bla lour 1Qk11. two llOvel' inidill imd fMtball Wiii below par. one bronle m five~ -pw '''1'.nltllid of U'yinl to throW the It totala of f+2 1il ~ bell by ICJlmbody, rm ~ Mn compirid to lllilClaftOt.all ci how to D&teh with the bnet;t;i '4-1 tar the~ bell." W"lllieb llld. 'Tw = to • th ln h 1,11 l &aat O•r• .. •1 1 mou ""!• JjK)~ t w fte row t wr,,...... ~ ,... Ui th• ~;,wttba3-end-2~or IDlft'I IOO fr•~= 2..-.;1:• j ,:f'', de•llllilnliltlll .. ~,'Miich --*ild ftW hill av.; faatett twlmm•r ., Nineteen· Clie DODO._,..... m> · year-old Jorg Wolthe edged world r ecord-holder Rowdy Gains of Winter Hav~ Fja., by a mlnusctile .OS seconos. Wolthe's Ume of 50.18 seconds was more than one-hall aecond slower than his preliminary time of 49.60, which established a meet record. Per Johansson of Sweden won the bronz.e in 50.2!> a nd Chris Cavanaugh of Saratoga, Calif., was just behind him although his time of 50.32 was only .14 slower than the East German's. Gaines, 23, is becoming the hard-luck story of the ~t, with two losses, ln events in which be holds world n!C:Orda, by a total of .11 seconds. Michael Grou of West Germany beat him Sunday niaht in the 200 freest)'le by .08. "I just awam a dumb race. All day long, my coach told me to go out with him in the firlt 60, and I didn't do It," Gaines aald. WHAT'S NEW? YANKS SWITCH ., I ' rl ; r •. I .. f •• I 11! FromAP•llpaldtl · NSW YORK -South Africen •• beavywelCht Genie Coeuee, twlc!e <Weat.ed in World Boxll\I ~tion Ude bout• in hl• countryJ_ aald ~y he WU movtna to the united StatM and wo~J!!la "M loryi u lt takn" to win the ch&m&;°~.P27.,a wtth 15 ~ta, hu fOU1ht only three tbnet outaide South Africa, whole aputheicl Polldee have made lt toUah for him to IChedule bouts. "If fJ&)\ten dqn't want to ftaht me becauae of pollticl, I can understand thelr ~ .. he uid. ·•we don't want to cake any fllhta in Sou,~ A.frlca, I want to stay here as long ult takes. The WBA.'s fourth-ranked challenger, now llvtna ''modestly in New Jeney,'' with his family, will Ugh\ Stan Ward -who hu beaten WBA heavyweight champion Mike Weaver - on Sept. 11 in Atlantic Oty. "I'm a proud South African," Coetzee said, addtna that he would not seek American cltizenallip. "We've got things wrong, and fm trvina to help correct them." -,,-~You've got to have politics with the fighting " he admitted. "You can't throw it out the window. People won't buy it." Top Hank Inc. promoter Bob Arum said Coetzee '1has been in the forefront in his country in advancing the cau se of eliminating racial prejudice" and added his move to the United States should make it "much easier" for him to get fights. . "He's here to fight in the United Stat.es )USt like any other American ~hter," Arum said. "For a long time, I've felt he needed !A prolonged stay in the United States to avail himself to the best of training," Arum aaid. "South Africa ls a small country. There la a limited number of heavywei4{ht.a and getting sparring partners is a problem. ~·-;:;..;.~--=:..:...~~~~~~~~~~~~~-., Quote of the day "I'm not an auto mechanic. You can tinker with an engine but you can't overhaul it." -Forme.r Cincinnati Manager Joba McNamara, referring to the wholesale changes on the Reds this year. Baseball today On this date in bUeball in 1963: Playing for the first in two months after breaking his left foot, New York Yankee alugger Mickey Mantle's game- tying, pinch-hit home run in the ninth inning helped the Yan1u to an eventual, 11-10 victory over Baltimore and a apllt of a Yankee Stadium doubleheader. Today'a Birthdays: Dallas Green. Chicago Cuba general manager, ii 48. Johnny Grubb, Texas Rangers outfielder, is 34. Francis to enter ministry SMITHFIELD, R.I. -Wallace 5l Francis, who the New England ••• Patriots were counting on to add experience to their young receiver oorps. haa retired to enter the ministry, Patriots' Coach Roa Meyer said Tuesday. The Patriots, who tried wuuocesafully to trade for the nine- year National Football League veteran, claimed him on waivers last week from the Atlanta Falcons. . .San Diego defensive tack.le Loale ltelcber, explaining his decision to retire at age 28, said that he's lost interest in football. A seven-year veteran for the Char!era, Keleher aaid in a prepared statement that• the one basic reason" for his retirement is that he has "loet the desire at the present time to continue playing." A's seek NBC title In Wichita The Orange County A's take a their 23-1 summer record to Wichita. Kansas, Friday, in quest of the National Baseball Congress championship. The A's, managed by Brad Smith, are scheduled to meet a team from Alaska in the first round on Aug. 11 in the 32-team, double- elimination setup. Among the standouts on the A's are former Angels pitcher Clyde Wright, former Orange Coast College star Bobby Smith and former Saddleback College pitcher Brad Kinney. Kinney is 10-0 on the mound. Others on the team include Tony Champoux, Robin Townley, David Castillo, Alan Schardt., Greg Swain, Bobby Gray, Bobby Owen. Brian Kinney, Bill Stickley and David Torres. Bettenhausen's In auto accident The wife 9f race car driver Gary • Betteabaasea was listed in serious condition Tuesday night from Injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Wavelya Bettellhaaae•, was being treated for a skull fracture and other injuries she received in the accident Monday. Her husband and two sons suffered various cuts and bruises Television, radio .... TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Baseball -Minnesota at Angels, 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710). THURSDAY'S RADIO Baseball -Minnesota at Angels, l p.m., KMPC (710). .. I D.ilr ...... PhotN 111 '"°'*'d Koehtef GETFING A TIP -Angel slugger Reggie Jackson greets IJ:oug DeCinces as he crosses the plate on one of the three occasions Tuesday night after belting a home run. Smyth, Glaser soar Winds pick up I or regatta By ALMON LOCKABEY DtiMy ""°' 9Mtlft9 wn. LONG BEACH -Olympic type sailors .from 22 countries found the wind to their liking Tuesctay as 1~-20 knot westerly breezes sent the 205 boats in six classes around the course iu record time. It was the first "normal" weathe r the sailors have seen in three days of racing. And the winds were steady, increasing from about 12 knots at the start to about 20 as the sailors negotiated the final legs. It was a little too much for one Tornado catamaran, which was dismasted on the course. The brisk westerl y a lso resulted in some of the favorites in each of the six classes moving up to the top respective of their venues. It was particularly advantageous to Randy Smyth and his crew Jay Glaser, who scored their second win in the 20-foot Tornado class, crossing the finish line nearly two minutes ahead of their nearest rival in the 30-boat fleet. The Huntington Beach team is leading the fleet with 14 points. seven points ahead of Alex Welter of Brazil. It was trapei.e time for all of the cl.asses except the Star and Finn, and they had skippers and crews hiking out almost to the water on the beats and reaches. On the "D" course for Stars and Solings. the Solings, with the advantage of spinnakers, virtually sailed through the Stars which had started 10 minutes earlier. Peter Gilmore of Australia won the Soling class. but his performance in the first two races still leaves him far behind in the standings. Maurizio Bolens of Italv leads the class BOATING with 2.64 points, only a half point ahead of Dave Perry of the U.S. The Jong-time favorite in any . class, Buddy Melges of Zenda, Wisconsin, moved to the head of th~ Star class although he has yet to win a race. His consistent finishes of 3-4-4 gives him a low score of 21.7 points. Winner m Tuesday's race was Stephen Gould of the U.S. The favorites in the 470 class -Dave Ullman of Newport Beach and Steve Benjamin of Oyster Bay, N.Y. -are not living up to their expectations, but each has a poor throwout race that may bring them up in the final standings. F.ach skipper may throw out bis worst race in the series. Winner of Tuesday's race was David Barnes o f Auc kland, New Zealand . Leading the scoring after three races is Peter Koskull, Helsinki, Finland with 26 points . Craig Healy of .K1chmond nas been the top scorer m the one- man Finn class. He has finishes of 2-1-4 for a low score of 11 points. John Loveday of England is dominating the Flying Dutchman class with two wins Pity--it's not for him One-arme lail has arn1-lock-·on opposition. ONTARIO (AP) -When opposing team members go easy on little leaJlue pitcher Jay Ambriz, he rips it down their throats.· He's not one to look for pity -in fact he can't stand it. Like most of his baseball teammates, the 12-year-old all-star on the National Little League in Ontario haa dreams of being in the major leagues some day. But Jay is different from his teammates, he WU born with only half his right ann. JAY SAID RE had never heard of Pete Gray, \he one-armed American Leaguer who played in 77 He doesn't hit it hard but he'll kill you with the looper. · ' -Meneger John Hemlra 'liames in the outfield for the St.~ Browns in 194~. But he wouldn't mind following in Gray'1 footat.epa to the majon. Tbe you.npter started to play baleball at age ,ix With bla brother Gabriel. He didn't want to tettle for jult catching the ball, he wanted to pitch, MM1 b1a record this le8SOft of two wtna and two pves in the flrat seven games ahows he wu 1erioua lbout it. Jay '°1ew when he 1tarted out that there wouldri't be anyone around to help him learn. "He Wied to ·~ a lot ot &ftemoona woddna on hia pitchlna. aay1 the boy'a father, Jobn AmblU. • ••In Buena Prk, porch that was made of the big blocks that are used for walls. I showed him the approximate location of a batter's 1tnke zone. I told hlm where to put the ball and he worked at it himaelf." The elder Ambriz said Jay would spend hOUJ"8 throwing pitches againat the brick porch. He worked on his 90Uthpaw delivery with a tennis ball before graduating to a hard ball. His family moved from Buena Park to Ontario after last baseball leaSOD. Because he was born with only half a right arm, Jay's pitching hand la a1ao his glove hand. With the ball in the pocket, JMy tucks his glove under his arm as he starta his windup. He then pulla the ball out, firea the pitch and puts the glove back on all in one motion. IT SOUNDS RATHER complicated. Tecbnlcally, he probably could be called for a balk, saya hia all-atar manager. "Coache. overlook it because of the effort he's putting out," all-atar manager John HerTera aays. For Jay effort was n ever a p~roblem and neither was pitching with one arm. 'l()nce I bad It down, It wu easy,'' be aaya. . To hta teammat.es, Jay la ju.at another player. Just another player good enouah to be an all-star. Playing ahortatop or second baae when he wasn't pltchlrla. Jay batted .29~ for hll reauJar teMOn teem. Jay beta left-handed, uatna hta imal1 arm for ,wcs.nce. "He doesn't hit It hard but he'll k:111 you with the loopet," Herrera U)'I. Gary J'ranklin. an an....w OOllCh, aa)'I, tor the mmt pe.rt. Jay wun't treated differently by other playen. •1P1TCBBJUJ Pnt!BED t6 hlm ~ like they did the odleJ' ld.da," hi •11· .. And whln he tiieitl to etea1 a a-. they went to ~ him out JUtt UR anyone elle." John Ambitl •YI thaJ'• ti» way he • Jay waf'ted lt. "When 1 ftnt 11...s him. u, I w .. Ml:ltant," Ambdl ay1. ''l'clldiflw.M people to talll It _.,on him. I've ralnd Jal• to b• equal and not ~·· I ..,. -.... a WftJ of ..... Witb opp .. ,.,...,_.,._..._ • • "f tMr wmtto W ~--hD ht'll rtp ~ bell." ... Ambrt8{ • • te1er 1 Corbett ou for Angels Doua Corbett won't have to Uaien to the ~ any ....-, at Mt nOL ln ANMUn. 1\mcl8y afwnoon. thit ~ ~they bald optioned rilht-ha.ilded mw ..,.....,.,. Spokane of lbe PactfiC eo.. ~and caUed up U.,..- rlaht-hander Ricky S\eler repi.ce hlm. q ''He'• never been faced Wit tht. klnd of advenlty with fana riding him from the 1tand9,' admitted Angel Mana1er Ma\.ICh. Corbett, acquired May 11 w ith Sl!cond baseman Ro Wilfong from MlnnetK>ta for TQl!l Brunansky and Mike Walt.era had lost seven In a row an sported a ~.19 earned ru average in 26 appearancet u Angel. Monday night, Corbett w asked to hold a 7-3 An e advan~~ut the Twina pie up three runs oft the sinker specialist and eventually went o to a 9-7 victory. Oiq Corbett's Monday nighl outing affect the AngelB dedsion.1 "It 'sure didn't help any," Maucll aaJd. Corbell came to the Angel and quickly recorded three aav and a victory in his first fiv appearances, but' things sou after that. "We feel It. will be helpful to Doug to work on a more regu basts and he should get tha opportunity with the lndi.ans,'1 Executive Vice President Buzzi€! Ba~~~'.d~ steadfast supporte~ of Corbett, added: "I'm stil satisfied he's the man I know h will be. H e will be back , definitely." ~ Steier was 6-6· with 10 sav and a 3.52 ERA at Spokane, bu in second-half competition, h had fashioned a 4-0 record an six saves to go along with a 2. ERA while a ppearing in 13j games -all ~~ rc~iiT SEEDErJ.l From Page 01 ~~~~~~:.d~ . 1· "This club (the Angels) is no, different than Milwaukee's. fd~ hate to be a pitcher to have to, face this team," Ward continued. "All you can do is come in here and play your game and do your best to win." Have ns disagreed with his teanunate. "Milwauk ee's tougher. They're more con sis tent. I believe Milwaukee has nine guys in the lineup that can hurt you with the long ball." Among his eight victories ~e wins over the Brewers, Boston twice. Detroit and now the Angels. He bas broken out of an early-season slump in which he was 1-4 with a 5.65 ERA to earn victories in seven of his last 10 games. DeCinces is also in the midst of ~ rebound, of sorts. After a bout with the flu, the steady third baseman has hit .522 (12-for-23) with seven home runs and 13 RBI. He became the fifth Angel in the club's 'history to hit three home runs in a game and the first to turn the trick in Anaheim Stadium. The last Angel to sen three out of the ball park in a game was..Er.ed Patek who dfd'Jl' in Boston on Jul)e 20, 1980. "Last year there was a week • when I hit seven home .runs," DeCi.nces recalled. "Ask anyboclj who hits home runs. ; They come in bunches. You El have to take them while they re coming... r * 0 ANGEL NOTE8: After m..int !tie lest ~ 0-.,_,.. ol • aclatle MfW ~ eecond t>-.n ...., Oftdl r.lumad to tM lineCl9 and promptly elngled ... hill """ .... TUWS.y nlgtlt ••. ..._IWMe. Int b..-"od Care• mllMd hit elQhth con..cutht game wttlle allowing • etraTned right C8lt • !'IMI ••. Wltll Tueadey nlgtlt'I crowd of 2ff.~. 18'4, the Angel• now nMd to attr9C!1 l'llt 3~ 329 to raech the two l'lllllon mwfl lny attandanoe. It will be the MrllNt d9M Angela h--hit t..o mMllon • • , Jaolleo11 had • pair ot alngloa Tua• llW awning.. but tie at* ,,_. ""'° more ..,,. .,... hlUI to tie._ c:~ at ea ft)r.., ~ on the .. ~tima e11tta ti-. hit 111t • .JI.' tho Angota and Tw4na go at ll ...-i toflldli (1:30) wllll Al Wlllla111a (3-)') go111; W Mlnnoaoto aoa1n11 IC011 PorMtt ( 10·?r. TI!\lfoday'a Oll'fM la a t p.m • .n•""" Liiii T1eltt making Illa MOii debut ......... 0~(4-3). From Page D~ DODGERS. ... llA.IOlt LIA ... et~w' ~~ w ~ ,.., -KM ... City 68 44 .811 ....... St 2• .&ea 1 Cllli'Jloo 14 9 _524 11 S..ttte M 52 .806 7 Oeklln<I 45 82 .421 18 Tuu 41 81 .402 17~ Mlnneaot1 37 39 .Mt 23~ UITlllNOI~ Ml!Wlull.. 80 44 .5'17 &oeton ao 46 .571 ~. llllllmof'9 58 47 .Mii 4 Cle....ilnd 52 51 .&06 1i. Oe1roll 51 51 .500 8 Nft York 50 SO .500 II Toronto 49 64 .471 t~ TUM41r .. ._.. Mir-115,A ..... 4 ~ 1·14, Nft YM< 0.2 Bllllmor9 7 -e, Boe ton 2· 7 cw..tlnd 2_.., Teu1, 0-& (2nd g1me 10 lnnlnO•I Mllweuk .. 7, Toronto 4 K.,_ City e, Dttrott a Seattle 3, Oekltnd 2 T°*1'•0-MlnnHota (Wiiiiams 3-7) et A111•I• (Forxh t-7), n Seattle (BHltle 8·11 end Bordi 0-1) el 0 1ldend (Ktngmen 2-1 and McCltty 5-1) l:111C-cio (&Kn• 11-4 end Hovt 13-9) et New Yoril (John 8-9 end Quid~ ICM). n MJlwaukM (Cwtd-11 8-101 11 Toronto (Gott 2.e). n Tex .. (Medich 7-11) at Cltvtland 1we111 1·10) n Boaton (Ecktr1ley 11-0) at B1lllmore (Aen-7·91 n OttrOlt (Pwtry 11-8) et Kanau City (Qura 12·71 n ... tlonet LHaue ftSTINI OMtk>N W L ll'ot. Oii 82 42 .6118 67 50 .628 8'A 58 50 .1529 7 51 55 .481 12 48 58 .482 14 39 17 .388 24 USTlllN OMltON Plllllldtlpl\I• 80 43 . 583 81. Loul1 511 48 .5412 ' Pllllbu<gll 55 47 .530 4'h Montrtll 54 411 .524 • New York 45 58 .437 15 r:111eaoo 42 85 .3113 20 1--,·.~ Dedftr9 4, Clnolnnttl 0 Clllcego 5, New York 0 San FrancllCO 8, Atlanta 3 PllH9delpllla 3, Mont,..., 2 St. Louis. 4, Pltllburgh 2 Holdton 7. San Diego 8 (11 lnnlngt) . Tod9Y'eO-Dod9ere (Wright O·O) at Cincinnati (8trtnyl 8-10) . New York (Swan 6-4) •I Chicago (Jenkins 8-12) Sin Diego (Mon1etuaco 8-11) at Houston (Sulton 10-11 Si n Fr1nclaco (Lakey i-8) 1t All•nta (Cowley 1·2), n Montreal (~ 1-9) at Phlladtlpllla (Cortlon 14-8~ n Plnaburgll (Clndtlarta 8-4) at SI. Louis (L•P~nl s.n n Al'Mficaft Leegue '1118TQAm lncll-.2. ......... Texaa 000 000 000-0 4 0 Cltvoland 010 010 0011-2 10 0 Schmidt, Darwin (llJ and Sundb1rg: Sliker, Splllner (8) and HUMy. W-8arker, 11·8. L-Scllmldt, 2·3. S-Splllnor (15). HA-Cltvtlend, Heuey (3). eacOMDo... ...._.. .. ,...... Texu 000 000 020 3-5 8 0 CIWeland 000 010 001 2-4 10 1 8uteher, Oenvln ft). Mall-( 10). Corner (10) and w-. Sundberg (II): Sorenatr1. Spl4lner (I ) and Band<>. W-MaUack, 5-5 L-Sptllntr. M . S-Comer (8). HR-Te .... Perrl1h (7). Clevelend. Harrah (221 A-111.754. l'tlllT GAME on-. 7. "°" So• 2 Boeton 200 000 000-2 8 o 8111\morl 000 043 OOJl-7 10 1 A1lney, Burgmeler (5). Aponte (Ill end Allenson; O. Martine Ind Oernt>MY. W-D Merllnez, 11-11. L-R1lney, 8-4. HR- Boeton, Rice (18). •COMDO..-llood Soa 7, Dftolot 8 BOiton 120 010 030-7 11 o Baltimore 000 800 000-8 8 o Torra.. a.... (4) and Qedman: Stewart, Orlm1ley (5). T. Martinez (8) end Nolen. W-Clear, 9-4. L-Grlm1ley, 1·2 HR1-Boston, Evana ( 18), Rice 117). Lanalord (8), Slaplaton (SI) Baltlmore, E. Murray 1181. Salcata (41, D#)'er (15). A-40.1177. ., .._. 1, •rue .i.,. • Mllw1uk.. 301 200 100-7 12 O Toronto 000 300 100-4 9 2 Vuckovich, Fingers (7) and Simmons; Clency, Ottlll (4), 0. Murray (8) 1111<1 Whfll. W-VUCl<ovlch, 12-4 . .l.-Olenc:y. 8-10 S- Flt1QW'1 (24). HR-Mltweuk ... Cooper (21), Simmon• (18). Motltor (11), Toronto-Whltl (10). A-16,575. O.trott ~~ ~ :00-s 10 i Kan ... Cit~ tOO 011 101-• • 0 P. Undtr]IWOOd and ,..,rlell; a otelllo, AtrMt'OftO <•)Ind 8tauon1. w-u~. S·7. L-AmillfOllO, 3-:I. HR.:..~ Chv. Wllll• ti), ~1\11 1111). Ottrott. Lemon (1~ A-27,li ... MetlMnl,OakleMt 8•1111 ooo 102 ooo-3 1 1 Oakland 000 000 200-1 I I Ml.l',loor•. Vandt IWg (7~ ClllCIMI (ti an<! 8wa tl, L1n,ford Ind M. Heath. W-Ml.MOOla, I . L-Lll'IQIOfd, 1·12. 8- Caudltl t19), HA-8Mttle, Zlllll (11), Bocllll (7). Ollllland. LCIPll (t). A-10,318. Twlnel,A....,_4 MINN .. OTA OAUl~A •rt11tt arhlll Mltchtll Cf 5 1 0 0 Downing If 4 1 0 0 Wlllltngtn 2b 4 0 1 2 0.0,_ 311 5 3 3 4 Srvnan1ky rt 4 2 3 0 RtJaci<ton rt 4 O 2 O Hrbek lb 40 tO Baylordh 4000 Weld II 4 1 1 2 Lynn cf 3 0 0 0 GHlll 3b 4 0 0 0 RoJteleeon lb 3 0 0 0 JottnlOn dh 4 0 0 0 Grlcll 2b 3 0 1 0 8uter1 c 4 1 1 0 Foll • 4 O 0 0 FHdo 11 3 0 I 0 Boone c 2 0 0 0 Wfllongpr 0000 Totll• 36 6 10 • Totlll1 32 4 8 4 looN br 111ft11198 MlnnMOfl 000 120 020-5 Celllornle 102 010 000-4 OP -Cllltornll I. LOB -Mlnneeota 6, Celltornte 1. 28 -WHhlngton, BNnaneky. HR -OtC1noea 3 (111). Wtrd (11~ 8 -Ro. Jacttaon. Mlftneeota "' H 11 111 N eo Hlvtnl (W\8-71 8'1\ 8 4 4 5 4 Flllton (S,3 ,.. 0 0 0 0 2 c alltorlllll Renko IL,11-3) 8 10 5 5 I 8 Qotu 1 00002 WP -Renko. T -2:23. A -28, 1114 AngetaY8fegM IAT'TlMO AlllHHflMlll'ot. 345 ee 100 14 54 .2" 3t8 51 95 1 29 .m 399 74 117 18 « .293 374 58 107 19 &4 .288 3311 54 .. 25 80 .277 410 50 112 18 66 .273 Lynn c-Oownlng O.Cinces Re. JadtlOn Baylor 8tnlquez Ro Jtckson Boone Qrlch Foll Clark Fe<gulOn Wit long Burleson Kel-Totllls 93 14 26 1 9 .2811 83 7 22 t 13 .266 308 21 82 .. 38 .288 334 42 811 11 48 .283 330 38 88 2 311 281 8-4 8 18 2 5 .250 55 s 12 1 4 .218 125 14 22 0 7 . 175 45 4 7 0 2 .158 31 .. 1 0 0 032 3581 509 977 113 472 .273 mcHtNO It' H M 10 W-L lllA 0 0 0 0 0-0 0.00 53 315 30 28 2-1 1.70 Tlar>I HUI Mr Witt 109¥> 101 37 54 5-3 3.45 A He Aenli n Zelln Kleon ForlCll Sine,_ Qotu Corbitt Totals 52 45 23 40 3.3 3.48 121Wt 1211 a1 66 t-3 3.50 14&¥. 141 51 52 11·5 3.82 88 78 32 411 .... 3.152 159 150 3& 51 10·7 3.74 53 53 24 33 3-2 4.311 54 53 24 311 S-3 4.87 12.... 65 33 48 1·9 5,23 1182¥1 907 345 463 59-48 3.74 Netlonel Leegue CulM&,...._O Nft York 000 000 000-0 3 0 C111ceao 200 201 OOx-5 12 2 011f. O.oaco (&). Zach~ (I ) and Stearns; Bird end MC<elond. W-Blrd, 7-10. L-Qetf. 0-3. HA-ClllCago, Ourl)am 115). A-13.070. "1llllet 3. IE•poe 2 Montrtll 000 002 000-2 8 2 Philadtiphfa 000 003 00.-3 IS 0 Pllmei. Burrll (II). Reardon (8) end Carter; Kn.lkow, Monge (8). Reed (81 end B. Oiu. W-Kruko~. 11·15 L-Palmar. 6-4. S-Retd 18). A-34,306. Cerdlnele 4, Pkatee 2 Plllaburgh 000 010 010-2 8 1 St. LOUii 100 030 OOx-4 8 1 o. R~neon. Niemann (7). Scurry (8) and T. Pena: Forsch, Sutler 1111 and 0. Porter. W-Forscll, 11·5 L-0. Robinson. 11-6. S-Su11er (22). A-20.253. MtrOll 7, "edrM 8 San Otego 003 002 001 oo-e 11 1 Houlton 010 131 000 01-7 111 1 Welsh. Chltf" (8). O.Leon (Ill and Swtal*': Knepper, LaCose (6), LeCorte (8). Moffitt (9) and PuJol1 W-Molfftt. 2·3 L-0.Leon, 4.4 HR-Houston, Pujols (3). Howe t3l. San Oltoo. Leltbwr (11. A-18.801. Qlente8, 8rawee * Sen Francisco 000 101 004-8 12 0 Atlanta 003 ooo 000-3 s o Gete. B<etntno (7). Minion (81 and Mey. Brenlev (71; Camp. C. Diaz (II~ Garber (1). Hraboel<y f9). Beclroaien (II) and Bentdlet. W-Mlnton, 11·4 L-Uarber. 8-S. HA-Allenla. Horner (221. San Frenchco. O'Malley (2.1. A-21.4811 Trevino pulls out 64th PGA title up for grabs t ' T ULSA, Okla. (AP) -Lee Trevino, recovering from surgery on his back , w as for ced to withdra w from the 64th PGA national championship. _ Scott Hoch,_ winner of the New Orleans open earlie r this year, former PGA champion Doug F ord and J im Ferree a lso withdrew from the 150-man field that will begin play Thursday in the last of the season's Big Four Rolf event.I. They have been replaced in the pa1rlnp for the first two fOundS at the Southern Hilla Country Club coune by touring pros Bill K.ratzert. Jim Nelford, Lyn Lott and Mark McCumber. A spot al8o had been reaerved for the C.anadlan Open winner. Since Bruce Lietzke, who won that title fOf the eecond time last weekend, p r eviouely h a d qualifled for the PGA. that place went to Jim Dent. . The PGA did not 1peclfy ,reuona for the w it hdrawal of Hoch, Ferree or Ford. Hoch, however, baa m ined 1everal prevtou1 toumamenta due to a m\llcle pull in h1a che9t. Trevino, who has auffered chronic back e~~blem• since bebtc ftnd by UChtnil>c dwina the 1970 Western Open, widerwent IW'lfJl'Y t,o relieve a ne.rw problem ln hia blick latt weekend and II ~ in a ,... hie -.1n Dallu. °' ... Wll lnduewd -Grid~ Rall of ram. i.t ,_.., t.t lllt.k Nick.IMa tor the 1974 PGA championship and has two U.S. and two British Open titles among his 38 career victories. The last of t hose came last season in th e Tournament of Champions. This season , however, the back trouble bas recurred and Trevino has struggled through the worst year of his career . In 18 starts, he bas won money in only six tournaments. He has missed the cut iJ? six others, been diaquallfied in one and withdrew from five more, including last week's Canadian Open. He played only nine holes in that tournament. waa in pain BO severe he could not bend over to pick the ball out of the cup, w ithdrew and we n t home to Texas· for eurgery. Tre v ino •aid he w ould be releued from the hoepital today. b e playing g o lf again by Saturday and be able to return to the tour in two weeks. "It (the ~) ia one of the reuons I haven t done well th.la year," he said. "l went ahead and tried to play anyway. I waa too har~-headed to get anythin1 done before now. 1'Wbeft VOW' back burtl, )'OU get weak,'' he 'ldded. ''I Md no power to bit the ball any place. It bu.rt all the Ume, but °'°'tlz when 1 wu IWtnalna. I Cou.ldn t hlt down on the ball. I jun Sot dnd of lt. I dedded to to abMd and aet lt con'eded. '!be tbnlnc 18n't the be8t, but I jult Md ta pt it done.'' Ood11n.e...._1 CINCIMNATI 1.M .,._,., ........ .., ..... MW..cf aooo kaat 4 1to w11111er 11 ao10 ~°'•tu \'Mtf 1000 ..._ 11 3000 ~ M4010 Ouerrwo rt 4 010 OrlMMn ti> 4 o o o Ci9Y Sb 0 0 I 1 8-lfl 311 4 0 1 0 owwv 11> 4 0 0 0 HOtlllotd« rt 4 0 0 0 9'llMll M 4 0 0 0 O..ter 21> 4 o 1 o 8ololcll o a 1 2 1 TteYlno o 3000 WtlOll p 4 t 1 o P .. lote p 2 0 1 0 HoM p 0 0 0 0 ~p 0000 8llltl'* Pll 1 0 1 0 Harrle,p 0000 Tollll :u o 8 o To1.r1 SS 4 10 4 ~lty ..... Loe Angetel • 000 010 210-4 ClnelnNll 000 000 000-0 DP-LOI Anotlee 1, Clnalnnatl 1. LOI- LOI Angel" 10. Clnclnniitl 7. 28-Sax, Sclo1cl1, Bllttnar. HR-L1ndrHU• (6), Scloec1a (4). &B-E. Hllner. 8-8••· 1. .. .,...... ... " ........ 0 Welcll {W, 12·7) 1 8 O o 2 7 8.HOM (S, 12) I! 1 Q O 0 0 C:IMl!IMll P .. tore (L.H) 8... 8 3 3 8 2 LMlty '1\11101 Hertle I 10001 W9lcll Pllclltd lo 1 llelltr In the Ith. WP-Yle loll, Liiie y. 111111-Weloh. T-2:37. A-18,319. Top 10 (hMdlllt:llltMt9) AfdRICAN UAOUI Wll90n, KC Yount, MH Herrlll. 018 Whllt, KC Pectorell, Clll Hrbell, Min Gentner. Mil Cooper, Mii Ottol1, Tor Bonnell, Tor QAl"HP'ct. 79.3-43 47 117 .341 ee see 111 132 .332 102 402 711 133 .331 t 1 332 60 106 .328 80 293 37 IM .321 111 351 54 114 .320 80 265 21 84 .317 117 40fl 85 128 .315 99 425 93 134 .315 111 295 411 113 .315 Home ltuM 0 . TllOn'lu, MllwllllllN. 25; "9. .,.._, Aftllle. •; ThOrnton, CltYelend, 24; OglMe , Mllwtull ... 23: Harrell. CltVtland, 22. .. _ lettecl In McAH . K1n1H Cl1y. 94; Thornlon, Clevetend, 81; Cooper, Mllweukee, 78; Luzinski, Chlce go. 72: 0 . Thome• MllweukM, 11. l'ttcMftg (1' DeoleloM) Vukovich, Mllw1ull••· 12-4; Burns, c11101go, I 1-4, Guidry, N..,. York, 10,4; Caudlll, S..llle, 10-C; Clllr. BOiton. e-4; Sutclllfe, Cleveland, ~; Zttm, Aftetle, 11-e. NA TIOHAL L.IAOUIE Ottvtr. Mon 102 381 ao 123 .317 ~ .. ~ 8127&48 81 .318 McO.., SIL 71 248 28 717 .313 Knlohl, Hin 104 397 54 124 .312 Ourliem, Chi 99 393 51 112 .309 Carter. Mon 97 351 51 l()f .308 J. Rey, Pll · 102 415 &a 128 .304 Lo Smith. SIL 101 3811 85 118 .913 Ru. Jont1. SO 89 323 58 98 .303 T. Pena. Pit 811 331 31 100 .302 ..._.._ Murphy, Ati.nta. 211; Klngmtn. New York, 28: Horner, Alf1111ta. 22; Ctrier, Montrtel, 21; lelltr, .,.....,_, IOI Clark, S«n Frencilc:o. 20: o-o, ~ at: J. Thornpeon, Plttsburgt!, 1~ Schmidt. PNi.cltlpN1, 19. 11-htttdln Murplly, Atlenta. 74; Oii-. Montreal, 70: Hendrick. St. lout1, 89; Cla rk, Sen Francisco. H ; Klngm1n. New York, H ; C8rltr. Montretl, 81; LtzcMo, Sen Diego, 87: o.mwo, Dodten,ee. ""°""" (1) DeolaMM) P. Nlekro, Atllllltl. 10-3: 81\ow, Sen OleQo, 10-3; Rcgera, Montrtel. 13-4; Foreeh, St. Loull. 11·5: Lotlw. Sen Diego. 11-5; ......_ Dod9tf•, 11-7: O. AoblMOI\, Plttaburgh, 11.e; Krullow. PllHadtlphla. 11 .... LITTU! LEAGUE AU-8T ARI ~~-~tr::=> (al ........ f'Wtl, .... T--, .. .,._ Horlhaut S1nta Ana 1, MIHlon Viejo Nortll 0 (Mlelion VltjO Nonll ellmlnlled) Central Garden Qrove 4, WHt Yorb1 Lindi 1 TOllltflt .. 0- WHI Yorba Und• Ya. NortheHt S111111 Anl. 7 """'*''• a.... Cenlr•I Qard•n Qrove ••· Wee1 Yorba Und•North9Mt Senta An• wtr>ner (enother game will be pl1yed Friday nigh! 11 1 II Ctl'llrel G#den Oro... IOeM Tllutadty) IECTK*AL TOUMUH•HfT (etlloell1wood) ,......,. . ._.. Ocanview N11lon1I (Olttrlet 82) 8, W•1 Lakewood (Olatrlet 31) 2 Tonltlhr1 0..- (et "-tll11wood) Norwalk Ctntrel YI. OcMnllltw Natlonel. 5:30 (al Ocetn ... w A-1All U. , .... , 8el1 Gardena YI. W..t Lakewood. 5:30 11-...,-olde DIVletONAL T~ (at a-tt "'9h. La "'-'tt) TOflllflt'e 0- Eut Yorb• Uncle VI. Eacon<tldo-BeldWln Parll wlnn«, 5:30 Fiiimore VI. Culver Clty•EHI V•lley winner. 5:30 TiluncltJ'• 0..-Corona Netlonal n . Koblnwood. 5:30 OUT -Lee Trevino pulled o ut o f the P GA ch ampionships because of recent back surgery. Area athletes vie at AAU MEMPHIS -The MU/USA JunJor Olympic Gamee, featuring athlete• 18 and younger, Jett under way today and ~ the competitor• ls the Newport Water J>olo Foundation wam, coache d by Newport Harbor Hiah C.0.Cb Bill Barnett. Barnett'• crew~ of Dian Crow, Brian Del Valle. Jan n.Vrt.. Art Jeppe, Lett Jemen, Andre LaWIOft.i. ans Lulcmky. David OO>anntll. Orarit a~. Matt Tlnaler, Colln ~ and Mib lllrue. Thu rear =rtMy .. hi.., , 4 I • 1 TwtM at ~ 7·30 .,....,. .. • 9:35 r•at ..... 1 AMlll~N5 ..... al s..llM. 7·35 ..... et s.ttle, 1:8S Atlanta tt .....,., 1:35 Allllll• at ....... 7:J5 11 12 11 14 ~alfWlfll.5'35 ... at Twin., 12:16 • .._. at ORiand, 7:3S • ... at OMllM.1:85 at ..... 7:H Cltntt ti 09dltn, 7.35 G.llllb at ......... 7:85 &..-.......... T\IHDAY'I ..,.,.,. ~ ..... , ............ _....., .... ... llACa. 380 ~"' e.ner ,ludOtmlnt (Hlr1) 3 IO a,eo 2.40 Wtt Vieforlan (OrHQtr) 2.IO 2.IO FMCtnltlng Widow (!Aick~l 1.00 Al~ r**91 M• ._......, """811evtll~. 01'(1 Pauta. CllOu Fleur, Ml .. Snuiy Mdon. v-l\tQueet, Roc:k Of! ~· Time: f7.943. • UAC:TA (1-41plUd 114,80. MCONO MCL 400 yard• Ml• SllYtr ~ (Crilf) 11.40 11.00 3.20 1 uo s.oo 3.20 Dille Sis (T rM1<1re) \ 5.40 3.20 Fly Llckldy Spilt (Adllr1 2.80 AllO r~: SIMI< Batacuda, Win For Tiny, Etdahl>O, TWo Ambtee. Tlme: 20.32. TitlllD MCL 350 yvd1. SllOOI tBard) 8.40 3.80 2.80 ~ 8hM CIUllc (Ctrdoz.11 4.80 2.90 Proud Mtmorlea (Hart 2.80 AllO r1ced: Camlllo De Oro, Overllm• Fog, L9llty'1 Rebel, Slngln SwNI. Time: 17.tO. •C>Uttnt llACI. 3SO y11rd1, Str1t1 JMll (Btrdl i2.20 11.00 5.20 S.11 8ondtm1111 (P1<1llnt) 5.80 3,00 Top Em Up (Frydey) 2.80 Aleo rec»d: "'11 .Jewel, Codya Pop, Moat Hippy ClllC•. Mr. Comic, Bvg• Ml4ltllne, Smooth Dell~, lndlafl war O.ncer. Time: 17.91. • IXACTA 11·21 peld 178.00. . """ MCI. 350 yerds Hae Kolek (Cr9111tr) 8.llO 4.40 3.20 SOlllllY Jet (Pauline\ 8.00 5.80 Ar"*I Jon (Bard) . 8.00 At10 rtced; Jett 0 Luck, Sooner Kltarrlvtd, Duck N Run, ToP Racer. Time: 17.91. SIXTH llACI. 350 yerd1. Lil S~y Six (H8r1) 9 40 4.40 3.80 Cold RoQ11111 (L.lekey) 3.80 3.20 Euy Oouble Too (Almu...,.) 5.IO AtlO racod: Me Chetott ... Quick ScrMn, Baltlln lnnaoon. Caretul Calflneota. Noconu Cherolleo, LIOI Soont, Gotllta C Rocket. TliM: 17.113. • • UACTA (8·41 paid $3UIO. llYENTH M CI . 350 yard1. Joi Sel Re0 (Htrll 14.00 5.40 3.80 o--1 Son (F~dly) 3 .00 2.40 No Pot Limit (Tonka) 3.80 A110 raced: Annie F1ye. HH In Fllght. Klnnlklnnlck, Heppy Hazurd, Bat S.tty. Tim« 18.21. 12 HACTA (4·81 ptld $32.40 l lOHTH llACE. 870 yard1 Anni HI (Hllltl 3.00 2 60 2.40 Town And Sack (Arm1trong) 3.60 2.80 Noll)! A-'> (Paulintl 3.00 Also r1ce<1; Win Polley, Bobby Oh Oh, E~ FuhlOn. LuYdeck. Time: «.S4. 12 IXACTA t3·7) Plld 113.80. 12 fltCK IMX t•· 1-1·8-4·7) pllld 1 13,1177.60 with 3 wlnn•r• (llll horaH): 12 Pick SI~ coneolatlon peld 1121.20 wl1h toe wlnnera (flvo .__i NINTif llACI. 350 yardl. 8llhop Cit (Hlllt) 7.00 4.00 2.80 Whel Trouble (Pauline) 18.20 8.80 StudlO Orlve (Bird) · 12.60 AISO rlOtd; TumbMwetd Ace. Tretln. B<ed in the Purple, D•m• Oi""°"d, Sir Jet Bug. Corporlle Jtl, AUIOCf811C. Timt· 17.114. 12 EXACTA (Ml plikl $122.20 .. Altendenct -7.113 All'T'S u.-=:o er .... "='1..cti) -58 angltrl. 108 b-. 1 barrtcuda, '17 bonito, I 11at11>ut, 84 mackerel. 15 rock ll1h, 1 cebuon. II acu1p1n. 4 ~· DAVIY'I LOCKlll (NewjHH't ... ch) -185 engtere. 10 barrtcud•. 14 bonito. 243 ctlk:o baM, 107 mackerel. 135 rock cod. 4411Mndb-. OANA WHAM -313 eng1tr1. 800 blM. 8 bauecuda. ISll bonito, 2 halibut, 1,082 mactteret, 207 roek 11111. SIEAL elfACH -t 15 eng1er1. 1S barracuda, 1 bonito, 3 llallbul, 300 mecktr•I. 794 und ban. 10 sc:utpln. (_,,.) 58 englerl. 7 hellbul, 285 meckerlll, 1 ICUlptn, 220 ~ 1111\, 225 wtllle crteker. SAN DIEGO (H&M l.a11dh•o> -68& 1n911r1. 772 elbacore. 1 bluefln tune, I ytllOWfln lllf\I. Giant• at .,.,..,., J :es WOl'NAeudoca.... ( .. -it:'......,}. c...-......,., ......... "~ 100 ,, •• -1. Jor;o1111e ~··' OtrmlnyJ. eo.1•: 2. RoWC1Y o.in.. u.1.1. 50.t1; s. ,,., JofllMIOll (llw.dtol), ~; 4. Ollrl• Cav1nauoh (U.8.). 60.32; 8. Olrk Alcllter (t! .. t Germany). 50.10; 8. Pelle Hotmer11 !8Mden). IUl; 7. Cyro Ottgaclo (Brull), $1.fl; 11, .. an1 Kro.. (Holl1n<1). &1.88. 200 blCk -1. Akik Carey (U.8,), 2:00.12 (Meet record~ 2. Sendor Wledar (Hu'1Q1~). t:o 1.3 1; 3. ~ank 8attruac:11 (Ell1 Germany). 2:01.51; ... Vl1dlmlr Sllemeloz ISovlet U!'IOnl. 2:01.72; 8. St-8"nle0tt {Miaalon Vl1jo). ~:03 00; 8. Carntron Henning !C.n1d1). 2:03. 11: 7. Sergei Zabolotnov Soviet UrJIOnl, 2:03.64; 8. Ricardo Prado Brllllj, 2:04.~. •-·• Swlmflllnt 400 frH -C1me1a Schmidt fEHt Germeny}. 4:06.98: 2. Petri Scllntidef IE.Ht Qenn1111y~ 4: 10.08; 3. Tlfteny Collen (Miiiion Vleto). ,.; 11.15; 4, Annetlet Mau (Hotlend). 4: 12.21; 5. Joleoda van de M-(Hotllnd). 4:12.40; 6. M•~b•th Llnzmtltr (MIHlon Viejo). 4;12,72: 7, June Croft (Britain). 4:1(48: I. &al Beumer (Au1trlll1), 4:15.52. 100 lleck -1. Krhtln Otto IEHI Oerm1ny), 1:01.30 (Mfft rec~d): 2. In• Kl•b•f (EHi Germany). 1:01.47; 3. Sue Wiii/i (U.S.), 1:02.88: 4. LttlH• Oorchakova (~Union). 1:02.92;'5. Ctrmen SUNciu (Romenla). 1:03.32; 6. Mmilon Alzpors (~r•n~•I. 1:0 ... 77: 7. Jol1nda de Rover (Hollend). 1:04.78; 8. Yolende Vander Slrelen (l!elglum). 1:05.21. u.1. c1a, coun cfulmolonaftlpe (al lltdlon"' ale) ...,, .• ,.,.t llOUftd ........ Peter McNamer• (Au•tralt1) def. Georges Qoven (France>. 8-3, 4-8, e.1: ...., •• IMOlld .. _... ........ Hen1 Slmonteon (Swoden) del. Guillermo Vllu (Argentina). 8-4, t-1; JOit Luis Clerc: fArgenllne) def. Jerome Potier (France), 8-4, 8-1; AndrM Oornt2 (Ecuador) del. Thierry Tut11n• (France), 8·4, 6-4; Jimmy Arias (U.S.) dof. Bred 0r .... t1 (Au11rtlla). 8-4, 8·•. Mel Purcell (U.S.) dal. Stamo1 Birner (Czechotlov1kl1). 7.5, M : Joedllm Ny1trom (Sweden) dof. 8tl1121 Taroczy (Hungary). 6-7, 8·3, 8-C.; Guy Forgtt (F•anca) det. Jolln Aleunder (Auatrella). 6·4, 6·4, Freddi• seuer (South Alrlo•) d•I. van w1n11skl (U.S.). 8-3, 8·0: Jimmy Brown IU.S.) de . RlmMh kmhnan (Ind~). t-2. t-2; MIU Cel\lh (U.S.) dtl. Fernendo tuna (U.S.). 8-1, 2-8. 8-6; Meta Wllander (Swtden) def. Jose-Lui• 011mlent (Uruguey). 8-1, 1-4. ·-·•IMOllCIAOWlll ........ Virginie Ruzlci (Rom1n111 def. Suun R~llnlOn (Soutll Africa>. 3.e. M . 8-1; Pller VUQUN (U.S.) def. Pam Caule IU s.i. 0-8, 8-1, 8-0; JoAnnt RuSMll IU.S.) dof.Corlnnt Vtnltr (France). 8-2. 2·8. 8-2; Ouk HM Let (Soulll Kore•) dof. Petrlcta Murgo lh•I)'), 8-0. 8-0; C1therlnt Tanvter (Frenct) Cltl. Leura Arrey• (Peru). 8-1. 8· 1; tv1111ne Medruga- OIHI (Argentine) det. Jennifer Mu'ndel (South Africa>. 8-1, 8-0; Olene Fromhonz (Au1tr1ll1) def Rena11e Tomenova (CztchOllOV•kl•). 7.5, 4-1 retired; Kalhy Rlnllldl (U.S.J def. Elise Burgin. (US.). l-1. .... Min'• toumanMnt (otC ............. OMo) first llound ..... ... Jimmy Connort (U.S.) def. Merk 111"'9 (U.8.). 8-0. 8-2; Vlo1or Am1ya tU.S.) del. Andy Andr.-(U.S.). 8-3. 8-3; St-"e Denton (U.S.) def. Meu.W:. Hunler (U.S.). 1-3. 2-8. 8-4; 8r1en Gottlrled 1u.s .1 del Tim Qulllckton (U.S.), 8-4, 8-1, Chip Hoo~ (U.S.1 Ott. Mike l.eoc:to (U.S.). 1-6, 7-8: Bob luu (U.S.) def. Wr..,. PlllllOn (U.S.1. 8-2. 7-5: Ernie Fem.Moz (Puerto Alco) def. Pat OuPre (U.S.), 8-4, 1-2; Kim Serton (Au1trall1) def. Sten Smith (U.S.). 7-6, 4-6, 1-3: Jotin Sedrl IU.8.) dof. 011111t VI-(South Alrlce). 6-7. e-1. 8-2. UITA champlonltllpe (at Ktlomaroo1 Midi.I Third ......... '"' ... · 11o,. 11 Rlchtrd Lnch (l1111une BtliChJ def Larry Scott (Merrldc. N.V.I. 7-8. 7-5: Tim Pawaat (Santa Anel dtl Jim Beuman (Ptloenla), 6-1. 8-3 . ..,. ,. Joaepll Blake (Henderaon. N.Y.) del Scott Brownet>erger (Corona <let Mtrl, 6-2. 5-2. 11ore 1,. MlcllHI Brlgg1 (Newport Beach) del. Rlymond Aslltre (81oornlleld Hiiia. Ml<:h.), 8-4.8-2. •• •••• .----·~ ' .. -· I NAICAR•..._... llCMNTL.UData 1. Terry Labonte 2. Bobby Allll()ll 3. Deuell Wlltrtp 4. Buddy Arrlng1on 5. Oele Earnhtrdl ~: ~rya!:'~ard 8. Morgan 8htphtrd MOMY L&AOCJll 1 Dlrrtll Wellrlp 2. Bobby AIOIOn 3. Terry Labonte 4. Dalt Eernhardl 6. Richard Petty 8. Ron Boucherd 7. Benny Parson• II. Jody Ridley 9 CINI Yarl>orough 10 Harry Gent CART etendlnge (lhf~h A119. 1, 1112) 1. Gordon Jollncoct< 2 Marlo Andrelll 3. Bobby Rahal 4 Rick MNrt MofttrlMdtrt 1 Gordon Jollncock 2 Riek Meera 3 MtrlO Andrt111 Pro bowtlna NA TOUfUtAMINT (81 WaulltgM. Ill..) Flf111 lllMHMf ~ 1 Mike Ovb<n 2 Jim Miiter 3 Ray Buctctey 4. J1mm1e Prllll Jr 5. Guppy Troup 2.112 2,7'17 2,6111 2.3811 2,312 2.2M 2,255 2.240 1446.375 395.230 21511.llM 257,925 241.355 2 14.441 211.lltli 194,930 177,815 150.200 161 151 138 125 $450,800 309,814 169.130 7.1155 7,843 7.797 7,788 7.721 Tueectar'• Tranucttone 'OOTaALL NatltMI, ............ CLEVELAND BROWNS -Wetvod Kovln McGiii, olfen1lve teckle. Announced the retlrament of Henry ShlPP•rd, offtnllvt ou•rd. · GREEN BAY PACKERS -Announced the retlremen ot Mika Hunt. HneblCker. HOUSTON OILERS -RtlffM<I Larry Jones. running back: Johnny Even1. ouarterback..pun1er: Donnie Lo-.., a1rong Miily: 1nd Kelly Klrcllbaum. Hnebecker. K.ANSAS CITY CHIEFS -Waived Bob Certer, cornerbeck; Jim Klldahl, quar1erback: Pele Perry, delen11ve ond; Doug Sanks. running back; and Gerome Beordon. 18fety. NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS - Announced tha retirement ol Well1ee F rltlcis, wide receiver NEW ORLEANS SAINTS -Traded EfOll Grooms. defensive lineman, to 11141 St. LOul9 Cerdlnlls for an undlllOloMd dfan cllolce in 1983. RelffM<I Caleb P-to, JIJllen M.,.. and Larry Weru. llMback.,... NEW YORK JETS -Acquired Cllerlea Cook, d•lenalve tackle. lrom 111• New England PatrlOta on w.,.,.,.. Aeltaod Peul Hlll, linebtcke<; Fran!< Monetto. comerbtck; and Chuck Cook. Nlety, SAN FRANCISCO 40.a -Signed 01ve Pear. delenllv• llneman. Sieve Kretnock. quarterback; and Al Kiigore end Peul F-1e<mal:er. wtdt receiver's. Had Arctltt "-· Uneman. retU<ned to them u part ol • eondlllonal trade with 1ht Ken111 City Chltf1. QOLF PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS ' ASSOCIATION -Named Louie King ex~ttw director. HOCKIY Neltonll 1toc:t111 l.eogw NEW YORK RANGERS -Signed Scot Klitnendortt, def9Nlt<Tltll. IOCClfl EnelWll. .... WOLVERHAMPTON WANDERERS - Flrwd Ian Gr1avt1. man-. Cosla Mesa celebrates No. Blackketter, Costello team up to win top honors The Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club 15th anniversary tournament is history and those who participated say it was one of the best events to date at the club. Jack Blackketter and Joe Costello, both form.er club presidents, teamed tQ&ether to win the charter member tournament and to finish 10th overall. Mike Dowd and Jim Rembold won the two-day competition with 82 points with Rafe Riley and Mike Riley in second place. Lou Bellone scored an ace wjth a six-iron recently. The club membenhip is now up to 600 with several openings still remaining. The men's group will s tage a Las Vegas 111Cramble tourney Aug. · 14-15. Thi.a is a four-man .cramble event with playen on different teama each day. Deadline for entry is Sunday. • • • JOE COSTELLO REMINDS one and all that the.10th City of Co.ta Meta golf. tournament will be staged· Sept. 11 and 12 and will again be known as the WW Jordan Clamic. Jordan was first president of the men's club at c.o.ta Meea.. The format for the tournament remaiN the same with two da.l' ·of golf -one on each ol. the two oounies, Lot Lap and Meea Linda, for all players in all tuchts. The dwnpionlhlp f.Uaht will be compeUna for $6.000 in prU.e money, up-tl,000 from lat yt1et."The entry fee i8 $60 and the field 11 fllllnl f•t IDCOl'dJ.na to Cclltello, More than 100 pi.yen were tu.rne<l •w_, 1Mt year. 1tntry blanka .,.. available in moet area pc'O lbope. • • • BL NIGVBL COUNTllY CLUB'S Sea c.oufttry Claulc 11 .cheduJ•d for .ThurlMlay ttiroulh Saturday, Aq. 12-14 with the ClOIDpiltldon for lwoem -limltlld to 71 •Via Tbe ftllld II f\dl 11JM1 tMre .. a~ ii& al lbe ~-~·--· .... ! ~'Tt:to1'°a~~=-= HOWARD L. HANDY. represented with prizes· awarded for the 12 lbw net and three low gross teams. • e • WINNERS JN THE UTH annual member· guest tournament at lrvirie Coast Country Club were Don Macke of the host club and Dr. Eugene H. Elvin of Costa Mesa Golf Club with a net acore of 250. John Lornma of ICCC and James McGuy of Mountain View CC flnished.aecond with 265 ~ with a tie for third. Chet Paxton with guest Bob Cunard of La Quinta CC along with John Teele and sueet Jerry Helperin of Big Canyon CX:, each fih.l.shed at 270 \h. In the ll'088 competition, Billy Donovan .net guest Tom Pulliam of Willowick defMCed C..n Wt.an and gul!!llt Chap Beehler of. Calabuu CC on the first hole of sudden-deeth to win the title. Both teema finished M holes with 9COret1 o( 303. -·=ii!l!Plf '!:--:..= " 411111 If Ill 1'11111 °"~-M erfll1Vll"'"'" -.. E~ ,.~·~•,~·mm Ul• 12 ~ ,.~, .... ...:.nu; .. == ~· -..... of ......... -lJlibMlel •r ~~ . .. :n. .... • .. 9fll .... f ~ J~ ~-:..;:-:..-:.~ ~ -"~~ ..... ,~_.:= ·~.=~·~~~ •0 1n1 of', .. -. :'!:.:.·.:1 --~ .... .._ --Qr-.. .~ --.. ,.,.., ............ "'"' NelM: -··· ·-•'-.. , ......... .,~ ~trtH •f·DHiM • ... MIM,li '!!P..~ ,,..._,_,,,_ lo149o" Wot• O.llt11e IHrD Ollfl end~ from ~lnidlullonl .,_ ..... , ... or Ort"I• Oowtttr .......... ~ :1.= lft ..... ~.... :.,,..r: · "8el•llilw .. "' Mel Ofloe e4 ~~ .. Ne. 1C111 0 ........ of Olfw u.-, Gowrnn*" IOl'lolel C .. toc~ WI llWW*lt 10 "'9t _.. ,_ 1::.,0:,.....::,~ .... '..!..'!....~ .. ---.... :'!o=:·~ .. =:~'!-:. ._ ,,,,:::.~,°",.:S~ enGOOll*--I001IO :::.:.:.:: .. ::.•:.:~~·~ ='11 •''=' M. ,_, ........... -K ,_ _ .. _ -• ~ C..... DlolttOt, 1'10 Joi. Pettet, 00 .. 1 C~ All 0CNr......... Aont 7, 1HI M lnllr~ ,.._ .. ,.,. .. .. ..... .. 1-............................. = ........ ,...... -..:,Tr•,...,, COiee 0011 ... Oletrlet 1170 A••M• fedenll M* told and eeouridet pul"GhMed 1.a-110011. In DOOk -. -. of .. ~ "' ........ r-wller•I" MONTIOILLO TOWN........ • .... ,_ M1M.CA ..... ~~-.a107. ~ue. Goete ~· Oellfot,.._ undlf 181'911 .. to,...; 0 '· 4,NO OfW"8oordlofMldc-.cr, ........... ...., ..... ~ Hou• 1 • o o,.,. u N 1 T v ~ • • ... ... MOTa 11 "' inv ON1N '** -. , ..._ r:: ,..,,,,..... · ~ INI pur-..,t to ..... .,...., ,.....,..... • ..,,,. _ AUOOIAnoH. • ~ ........ -.... .. ... .,,. ,..,.. ....... Dleertel.. NOTlOI • HINIV GNIN ... --l ..,..).. 14 408 I TNlt ..... pullllo euodcwl far..... -.... Profit Oorporallon, tho •Dove ANOt 0r-.. Oouftly, ~......,. .,.. .. ,~&°""*"' ~ lnoome ......_ 1 ___ 1-............. '17 IMl.tlnion.yoftNUnftod...._ol A¥1801 E'•' 11• •ltl• n1Mod '. taltttUf•, o•t•lnod • ~ a. ..._~ ...... •d ... ~on• '"'011 h It• Clovornlng OftM9 ~.. _.. lAel: AIO••ioe tor poeeiuiw ..,.., -Alnttlce, •f tllo "°"' entrenoe to ....... ..._.. ...-.....,_.. ....... crt ......... -,.... -w. ,....,,..s '° .. l>y u• ""... • lovernlng Lolne ... 1 I 1 .... oounty ~, 700 CMo .... ...... ... I •5pp. W .... ...,.. LAI.Aft JANIQIH • t r 1'1 • -• M " , wlll ttollW 1.111 to. Diii ...,_, ._...,. ,...,,.. '° • IAw -~ reo91vablet Oflt•r Drive Weit, l•nt• A_11_11 .-.-Ui&. •=="'·...,. w ~ JN«UN, ... ..,ldenta, ...,... ...... ,..,...\.oell not 1ew ltlen 111• a1>ov.0 •tae.d "OllTNOT", _.,.......,.to, taut .. _-' , .. -........... &.-u.._ -~"" .... tu-and otMr • ell that rlgh'1 tltte -• _...., aate ·•· _. f~ 1111 ~"' of On• 111ouHnd ....,"!~ttlR .-...... ,_... 1 lllM. ...iod Dlcle tor tho ewent of• not lalet tftln uie ~1tated -"' Pfll"'I-• '"'"""'• .. ,.. "" ·-· ~to"'° now held ...... ~two & no/100 Oolw9. i.t\11 II .,1tell llHH HI ..,..er ft ooMraae far tho M10Yt OfOMOI, t""9......, Mela fot tflO owerd of 1 ..... NIPflHnttna benk .,,.,,,i... by lt Mid Deed of TN9f In tho II U1toct de ... eollolter ol ~ °' tN United ltMee. end by _..... • • .._. ell .... llde-.. tio reoalWd In \fie"°' oonw.a tor._._....-. AMI 9ltate owned other than bank pNm"81 proPOfty oted In Nici County oonMto c1e un ...._.. en .... vl!M Of• Wit of .... .......,. In Utiflte, ••'•rr1 ·tto1Ht• ld•"Hflod al>ove a11d 1hell 1>0 ..,..._ ... .....,.tti.Dtooo All othlt..... 535 endlta'° u: uunto. d1berfa ttacorlo MNtotlonlloueclon"""°l.1Ml.11P•1-1t1JP•••·•---. °'**'end~re.dalolldet ldenUll•,i •::a:i.,•nd 111ell bo T~AL e 25,108 PAM1Lt1 ~.:.:::,..~ .. " oom"'ended to ••II 111 t~ :.~:: '~ .... ~ !' .. ~ -.. 911o,,. .-.d tlrM end~ OllOfllCI lild r..o elOlld 111 Unit 1u • dlllllOd on Oil ~ .. o let _.. a ~ In tN County Of OIWlt' • ............. .., ,...,.....,_ • T'*9 wtll be a IH.00 d~t tho OllO " elMOd tlrM llld ploOe. · tll•t cort1ln condom m = ••oune, pu,...1 .., reg r-• 9*' Of ca11ton'111. ...,.. • ....._T THI-· ...... ~ requlr•cl tor 11011 Ht of l>ld n-. will be • tll.00 __. o.manct dlpoah9 of lndMdultl, partnetlhlpa roeordod Al>rll/11 1t71 ti• mp o , tollowe: 1, TOT _."'"~"' doolJ 11111t1 togLWent•"*t rtwm required ror .. ell Ht of bid and oorporltlont • 3,824 112t44, PIQI tt °' Oflldel de 1.ot 2M, o1 T,_ No. 11~1 • The Ptt"'°'* llM lllld a.,Pll~ II\ OOod oondltlon within 10 dey1 ~:!°ic&'::"'.:..~10NCum Tl-.-.-.... --"'-~. of lndMduale, 'f Oronoo11County. Calltornlia. '900!'dofl In lo.-111,,.... 4U IO CIOllCltnfnO '/OAltl tn#f110a, ~ -.,._ tflo bid oci.r11ng c11te. ., 900d dl)'I .,_ •N _,,. • ._ -· ..._ rARC& l 41, lnclu•lvo of Mleoen1"1ou• ~ 1t1o • *90"M wMNl'I 30 c11Y1 of 1aof1 bid lllll8l OOf1b1" ..,,o bl en.r VII bid opening date. pettnerlhlpa Ind ~lttonl 13,7~' /tll undMdld 11eo !n*911 In end ~In tlll Ofllol ol the <>renge 1111 d1t1 thel 11111 1ummon1 II ruponelve to 1111 contreot !Mfl bid muet oonbm Ind bl Oepoettt of lJnlt.O Stai• Gov9mment 37 to l.OI 2 of TrlGt No. 101S7, • County "8oorcllt, COllfotnl&. _,....,on Yoll· '/OAM dtleult "'-Y bl docutnoftta. r11pon1lbt1 to tll• oontreot 0epottt9 of 8tlte9 and polltlcal aubdlvtlk>nt 9"0Wft on• llllP rooordod 1111 l>oOll Property 11 more commonly 1nt.-.d end the OOllf1 ffl"'J enter • 1ae11 l>ld6ef eflll IUbmlt. on thl fOOurnenta. 1 ha Untted 8 100 4 a e . p • o • • 4 I to O of =n-~1toge We~ ~~~":i: =i:~~ ... -i:~== ,:,::.,~-:;"o:.,:: Allno:.,_depoeltttatM S ~::nc:.=-~oo:>'O:..:,.:: T.,_ wflfl .. Ind ~ propeny, 1pouM1 ovppon, clllld eubcontrac1or. on tllll protecJI ae dOClulnlntl. a 1111 of the propoee0 c.rttfted and offtoer9' check• 766 with 111 lmprovemont1 llloroon. t1"1m1nt1, 111r1d1t1m1n11 end. cualody, clllld eupl)Ort. 111orn1y req11lrM by 111t IUblett1no a11d tuboofltractott on tNI prOflet • Totat depotttt 18 588 IXCIOtlna thltoflom oondo•M~ ~ lhlrounto belonglno f-. COiia, encl Midi OIMr relllf M 8uboontractMG '* PractloM Act, required l>y tllo 8ubl1ttlng and T_._. ...__and ~, 4, 721 ' 11nlti t'f throuoll 158, lnalutlve, 0t ~ ~ may bO tlfMled by the court. Thi OCM, Codi loo. 4t00 • .eq. Subcont~ Fek Ptlctloeil Act. .,.., ""9t" .._.,.., located ttwoon. Pu•L1c NOT1ce ra Hl!REIY gernlltlmlnt of W9QIO. tailing of £ICl1blOOlr""*IUbmltwith1111 Gcwt. OOda aeo. •100 .. oeq, Totat time and MVlngt cs.poeltl 13,847 bc..,tlno therefrom 111 o11, 011 GMN Tilol on THUMDAY, AUG. money or property, or otlllt ~ bid c:ertltlH or c111111r•1 clleok E.cfl l>ld6ef mutt Mmtt with hie Federal fundl purch.aed and aaeurttlM 80ld rlgllta. mln1r111, mln1r11 r1011t1, 11, 1"2, It 10:00 o'dOC:tl, A.M. of eu111ottzod prOCOldlnQI mov _, peyllblo to 1111 OISTRICT or • bid bid certllled or oa1lller'1 cheok under ....,_,ta to 1'9pUrchaM 574 natural gH right• 1nd other t II e I d 1 y et M 1 In Lobby, ,_,i1, bond In 1111 form Mt fortll In 1111 ~ to Ille DISTRICT or a bid All 0 • ..__ l'-blllt'--1_ llydrOGOtbOn ~batenco1 below I Courttloule. 700 CMc c.M• Ortw D111d. Flbnlwy 18. t882 oontrllClt docMnollte II\ en amount bond In tlll totm 111 forth 1n the u... .. -'"' depth of 500 ,_. under tho Pllfml Weal, City of lent• Ana. I wlll Mii LEE A. BRANCt4 not 1111 then 10 percent of 1111 contrect doeument• In en llmCMlt TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding IUbordlnated of lend h1r1ln1bo111 d01crlb'd 1110 lbove d11orlb1d properly, ewtc, mulmum 1mounl Of bid 11 I not .... then 10% of the maximum not• tnd debefttutel 19,338 wlthOllt tho ~t of IUrlecl ll'lt<ru .. ::= ~~ ~ ~~ ~ M. Otten. ~~t!."~::'o::i:.:'r,'i: ~1~:.~.:i :~.,': '.'::'! Subordinated not" and dabenturee ~:;:!'ft0~~11~0~ ~'~\"mu:~ to Htl•fy Hid Judgment with Publl1h1d Or1ng1 CoHt 0111)' 11m1 I• 1werd1d to him. In tho prOl)OMd contrOllt " the -1s P•rtnetllllp recordH M•rch 30, ln..,...t• end ooet•. to 1111 hlQMlt P11o1, July 14', 21, u . Aug. 4, 1982 IYOl'lt of ''"""' to enter Into Mid 1w.,dlcl to him. 1n the ewnt of Common atootc No. lhar• authOr'tzed 810,000 187t 1n 8ooll 1aoe1. Page toot of blclcllr, f<M' ceth In lewM money or 311i-82 con1r1ct, 111011 Hcurlty w111 bo r1111uto to enttr Into Nici oonttOllt, No. aharea ou1atandlng 800,000 offlclol r-clo. the Unlt9d Ste-.. torftlt. 1U011 MQUftty w11 bo fMllt. ( .. 1 .... 1) ~ 000 PMCIL a bolld et Sant• Ana. Cal"omla. Ptlll.IC NOTICE DISTRICT r~ tlll rlglll to Tllo Dt8TAIOT ,...,,_ the rtQllt S 1 1 per v __ 2•982 A11 1xolu1lv1 a•••m•nl ror JUt t 1tU _._,. -or Jiii bid• or to wolve ony to r•rr: """" ~ Ill bid• or to wM urp U • partclng lllCI related purpoo11 CNer 1 ----.-.. -.,.-------...........:... · FICTITIOUI .,..... ·~,..... :-.z ...... r-::;~1 ...... -1nf--u10-In Unvlvlded profit• and rea•rve for tfl•t portion of Lot 2 of .aid Troct rvywv ""''""" .. -.. LAe a Ven~ N·--ITATI-11rogu1 ....... or 1nronne111111 In Oil)' -·· ...... -·-"" ........ -.,. ------~~~----te1T • .....,. om., l4lltl 1114 --· bide or In 1111 blddlnO· eny bldl or In the bidding. contlnaendet , No. 10137, Mellown on Exhibit "A" T·1- ....,_. 8No11, CA... Thi following Pll'IOlll lrl doing Pureu•nl to 1110 provl1lont of Tho Dl8TRICT 1181 obte6nod from and ot'her caoftal r.....vea (212) to tho ~lion of r•tr1c11on1 ror NOTa °" ~ Att1n1ey but111111 u: Soc\IOn 1m of tll9 Lob« Codi of the Director of !hi Dlpertmeftt of TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL 6 770 thl ~condominium, ,._Old .,,.,.,_.. IALll BRAD OATES, Sllerlll· ( •l H ILCO, (bl HI LCO, tho St111 or Callfornl1, the lndullrlel R1lat10111 tll1 general TOTAL LI ""BILITIES ANO EQU'ITY Apl1t 21, 1978 In Book 12844, Page ....,.., .. COronlr MANUFA~RERS' REPRE· DISTRICT llU ol>t•lllld from 1111 pt9111111ng r•t• of per dlom weoee 1n "" e20 of omclal record• end ro· YOU AM • DOAULT ""°"'A County of~. CA SENTATIVE, 858 8uport()( A..,._, Director of 1111 D1pertm1n1 of llll ioc4Wlty In wtllctl lllle work ll to CAPITAL 26, 108 r.oorded Mey a, 1978 In Book DaD Of' TllUIT DAftD AUCIUeT ey K. B¥own. &1r9Mnt Colt• Mw A 82827. 1ndu1trl1I Rtlellon• 1110 91nora1 bO paiiolmod tor lldl cnn 0t type Amount• outatandlng u of report date t2MO, Page 578 of offlcllll record• tt 1 ... , UNL•t• vou TAK• PubllthlO ur1ng0 c;ou1 Delly lilltlwd AllOCle111 ll'IO., a prev111t1ng ,.... of per dlerft weoee of workll'I noeoocs to ....,._ the Standby lettert of credft total 1 024 or Or1ng1 County, C1lllornta, ACTION TO PROT•CT YOUR Pllol • .Ntf 21, 28, Aug. 4, 1982 01110 corportllon, 1858 Sul>l"lof Ind tho g1n1ta1 pr9\llllllng rate tor contrOllt. Suell ratae •• .. folloWe: Time certificated of' depoalt 1 (111r1lneft1r ror1rr1d to 11 ~. fTllAY M IOUt AT A 3174-82 Avenue, Coate M111, C111rornl1 holldll'/ llld OWJtlme wOfll In tlll Tiil lotelt publllhod W9 ,.._.. n .. Oocl1r1tlon" 11 c1rport 8peco lllUaJC IAlA. •YOU...., ltM ------------1 82827 tocellty Ill wtlloll thll work le 10 bO lrl on flll 1nd IVllllDll for d«lomlnatlont 153. Said H11m1nt It rurlhlr Dl'\AMATIC* °" ntm .... .,... Piiot Logbook - Candid comnwntarie• ezclu.aively in the Thie bu11n111 19 c:onductod by• porfotmod for MCtl cnlt or type of ln1peotlon In the office of 1111 Of $100,000 Of more 8,783 dotlrlOCI end d.cr1bed In Attldll M °" TM ~ w.'f COf'POflllon. 1oc11111y Ill wHch thll work II to bO Director or Plly11ca1 Fec:lllt111 Other time depoetta In amount• of lllCI UI of the dodlnllon. YOU, you tHOULD COMTAOT A Hllllerd a Auoclel• Inc. perlon1*I tor~ cr1ft or type of Plannlna.. •100 ooo or more ,.Mea 4: uwva. John H. Hiiiard, worker llHdld to ••Kut• tll• Thi roreao1na ldlodUte of por • I A non-.xdUllve IMlmltll for I.a On the 20ltl -of """"*' Preeldlnt conit1C1. Ti-rei...,. on file 11 diem ••o•• r, bH•d upon a Average for 30 calendar days (or enc1 en)Oymlnt of tho common -1992 " !hi llOur of tt:OO a.m, It Thia • ._1_t wu lllod wttti 1t11 111e: wortdng ~of alQtlt (I) 11ours. Thi calencfar month) ending with report dolilgrlatld 1n 11'11 dldltlllon, e9'd IN 8tl'l str11t .,._·of thl,;.. County Clerk of Onlngl County Oil DISTRICT office localod II Cout rat• of llolldey encl ~ work date: ....,,,.,.. being furttlor dlfll'9d Md COUnty Cour1tlOwa. ~ It 700 I ' 1•1y p•1m4. Juty 111, 1882 ~nit'/ eot11g1 011t11ct, Otflol lflel1 bl 1111111 ttrne encl -.ll.llf. Total depc>lttt 16,285 delcftbld In Ar1ldll n Md Ill of IM CMc canw o.tw w-. fotmerty I '19Ml'7 of Phy Fee PlannlnQ. 1370 Ademl II "*' bl menclatOty ucion the we t.._ un-a...--dlr__...._ att__. t ... ---...--...-. of C>ec:Unltlon. Tho etree1 add<-of known 11 100 w111 1111 8tr .. t, PubllahH Ortnge Coaat Dilly AVlllUI. Coet1 M-. CA. Coploe CONTRACTOR to wllom tll1 • '"' --v•-.i -.,..,,. _, '"'""''-.",_ Mid property: 153 S1r11mwood, lltulled In lho City oJ 8lnta Ana, Piiot, JUiy 21, 211. Aug. 4, 11, 1982 may bl obtelnld on roqu1e1. A copy contract 1s -dod. lllCI l.IPOC'I erry thlt atatement of r..ouroee and llabllftlet. We decfare 1rv1n1. CA 92714. County of Orange, Stot• of 329&-32 of tt1010 r1111 lhall bl poet Id '""° aubooll1rac1or undlt lllm. to PIY not that It hu been examined by ua, and to the beet of our N "" • 1 n d • d d r •" o t 111 • c • llf 0 r n I•, co HT 1 NE NT A L _D_l_l_l_H--N-DJ--1-C_l_B..._ ___________ Job tlt1. loll than tile Mid~ rat• to knowtedge and betfef It la true and correct. blnetlclery •t wllOll req..-1 I~ AUXILIAAY COMPANV, • CllltOtnla II ..,.,. bl mtllOll~ upon lhl Ill worillr'I ~ by "*" In thl JOhn p Blnattd Jr. I •I• 11 b. I ll G c 0 ll d u c t. d . corporotton ... Trueeea under Died CONTRACTOR to whom lhl execution of 1"9 contract. . I SHEARSON/AMERICAH EXPRESS of TRiit clltld MIG&* 2t 1982 oontrlCI 19 ewerdlcl, llld upon 1111'1 No bidder may wttlldrlw 1111 bid Dirt< C. Eldredge MORTAOAGE CORPORAT(ON ldCUtad by l&MC oouCHI en aubcontrector undll" Nm. 10 PIY not lor 1 period of forty-five (45) ~ JOhn L. Caahlon 1n~f1Ct tor RHODE ISLAHO unmarried pll'IOll who ~Ired McRORJE 1982 at St. Catholic Church. '-thantlllMlchp•dflodr•t11to 11terthedet1Ntforthoopenlngof Olrectora HOSPfTAL TRUST NATIONAL 11111 .. 18AAC.DOUCHI. Oil JOHN MCRORIE . a Ma.ofChrlstianBurialwill 111 wor1llr'llll'lptoyldbyllllmlnthe blclt. I Karel Garrison A11l1tant Vice BANK. 1201 EsHIQhllnCIA ..... San unmorriod man llld ~on 111ecutlort of IM contract. A p a y m 1 n t b o n d • n d 1 • ' Bomerdlno. CA 92404. Dlrectlonl to Slcltembor 22 1"2 • lnelrurrMnt resident of Costa Mesa, Ca. follow on Friday, August 6, No b4dder mey wttlldrew 1119 bid porfonnenoe bond WUI bl required President 1111 11>ov1 property may b• No 28581 .,; 8oolt 137S2 Page Puaed away on August 2, 1982 at 9:30AM, abo at St. ror 1 period of lorty..flvl (45) deye prior 10 execution of tho oontraot of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this obtelned by req~ Hm• In 2:z.e of offic1.1 Aooord• eoUnty of 1982. He was 8 mechanic for Joachim's Catholic Church. •tier the de11Mtr~1111 opllllng of lllCI 111111 bl In 1111 romi Mt lortti In Repott of Condition It true and correct to the beat of my ~t~om ~~ llrll bl~:,111~ 0renoe. Clllfomla. C to NCUr• the S, __ , Gas Com"""n}l for In•-rment at r.......-1 Shepherd bide. 1111 contrecl document•. know1ed,,. and belief. t ... , ..,..,__om P"' en lndoblld,_ In avor of Bwlk of '6'-.. ..-· ""' """'Y" . A p • y m 1n1 bond • n d • Purauent lo S«:tlon 4590 of tho •-'" ,..,._ Amortca NatlOllal TRiit encl s......_ the past 19 years. e la Cem etery, Huntington pertonnenoe bond w1l1 bO requlrod Government COCll of tlll State of Karel Garrison Said ..ie Wiii bl made without Auooletlon • netlonll b:~ survived by his daughters Beach..a. Pierce Brothers prior to exlOUllon of 1111 contract Cefflomlo. tho contract wt• oonlalll July 28, 1882 covenant or warren1y. Hpr-or IMOOletlon j,y,....,,. of tho J a c k 1 e B r 8 n n 0 f Bell Broadway Mortuary lllCI lhlll bO In lho form 111 1~11 Pf'ovllion• permitting the euecwtui Publlahed Orange Coa8t Dally Piiot. Aug. 4, 1982 lmpllod, u to 1111e. poe-lol'I or of 1111 ~lone_., thlraby, directors. In tlll contract documll'lta. bldclll' 10 aubotltuto eoc:urillll for ~2 ll'Q#nbranclrto uttafy the unpaid notice of wnlctl woe ~ on Weotminlter, Ca. and Irene purauant to Sectlol'I 45to of thl In'/ monoyl wlllll*d by tho Dll1rlct . be1er101 due on tho note or notoe Men:tl ao, 1ta2 II INllnllnlnt No. Bridges of England, brother JONAS Gowmmlnt Codi of tho Stat• of 10 ..,_. porf~ under tho ·-.,. MftTIM'. r.a.IC NOTICE OtOur*9 by Aid Died of T""9t, to 82-108175 of Offtalll "-'di of WU1iam McBorie of ~n MILDRED P . JONAS, Ca1Hom1a. thl contract wt11 oontlln conlrect. ..--""'~ wtt: '28,900.oo. 1*.11 tho ro11ow1ng MldOrengoeounty,ondlftOf'ltNn "'d'"'IJ" resident of Newport Beach, prcMltoha pormlltlng the ..-.ful ~ Boord YOU AM. QIPAULT UNDml A "..-Olllm•lld co1t1, IXpllllll end ttwll rnOfltlll lleve ~ ..,_ and 3 grandchil ren. Ca Pueed w Aum11rt blcldlrtoaubttttut .. eoc:uritleelor 8y.NonnanE,W1'-'i DllD Of TRUil DAT•D NOllCll°"T""8ftrllALa odvan0111tthetlmloftllolnlti. IUdlreoordation.wlllll1toutllc Services will be held on · a ay on --· any money• wlllllleld by tll• s.c:r .. wy. DICllll•R H , 1t11. UNUll T.._ ....... +#'I publc:lllon of ~ Notice of Sele: auction to the hlgho9t bidder .tor Friday, August 6, 1982 at 3, 1982. Born October 30, DISTRICT to eneur1 perlormance Boord of TN9l-YOU TAKS ACnoM TO MOTICT ..oRTMT NOTa TO oatlmatld truat11' ,_ end ooeta e.n"' 1 Cl8llhllt'a dlOOIC dr"'1 on l l :OOAM at the H .trbor 1912 In Coshoct on , Ohio. under the contract. Publlthld Orange Cout Dally YOUR ,llOPIRTY, IT MAY II HIUf!Uh OWM1R;: of 1992.00, plua lnlerHI on tlll 1 stall or natlonel blM., liUtl or t..wnBWCurryMemo ... ~~pelwith sur;i;ed}y ~dc~~1~~ ::=t=. P11ot,.Altf28,q .4, 19e2~ =::.~=:-C:= ~~~ttr\!o~!, ~6~~-!!~~:: =::=.-:=n..:;:..=:. ...-nu.:Setvices an .. r11; . a.r.ury, ...... ofTrwtMI NATURIOPTif8PROCllDMQ 1N1,UNLES8YOUTAK£ACTIOH 1-t-82 to dltl of 1111, plu1 clomldled lrllhll aa-.~11 8 urea u 0 f f I c I a ting . FuneralTh··~A will bes bel981~ Pu;;tt;hed Or1nge COHI Dally r.aJC NOTICE AQAl•IT You.::_u IHOULD TO PAOTl!CT YOUR PAOPERTY, IT ~~.: ~ moy 111'111 of .... In '""" money of N Interment 11 e r v Ice• on .....,.y, ~ • ~ Plot. Aug. 4, 11, t"2 ..once°" cowrACT A LA MAY ee 80U> AT A PU8UC SALE. of lt51'74 ° · ..-• GOI United 8111111 of Anwlc:a> wfthout Immediately following. at 4:00PM at Paclftc View 3471~2 TRUITD'8 UU NOTICa °" l'RUSTD'l IAU If VOU NEEO AH EXPLANATION YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDEA A covenant 0t ~ • ...,,_ or Servioesunderthedirection Mortuary C hapel with "-' .... ~~ T.LMo.W OF THE NATURE OF THE DEEDOf'TRU8TDATEQJULYt3 lmpllod,MtOtltlo.11c11111IDt10t Of Harbor Lawn-Mount interment at Padlfc View r.a.IC NOTICE T.8. Ne.11..,_. NOTICE IS HEAEBV GIVEN, thlt PAOC&DtNG AGAJHST vou. YOU 1981 UNlESS YOU TAKE ACTION encumbr1nc11, Ill• lnt1r111 on~ AuQllll 28, t882. at SHOULD CONTACT A LAWVER. • ~ to llld now held by the Olive Mortuary of Costa Memorial Park, Newport MOTICI °' '""'9'TD'l IM.I He .. ME 8 , IN AN c I AL 9;00 o'c:lodl ..m. rA Nici o.r. In the On Augult 111 1882. OI 2:00 p M TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT lllcl 1"nat• under Nici Dlld Of Mesa. 540~5554. Beach, Ca. Pacific View On Auguat t1, 1882 It tO:OO a.m. ~~•~t~f= room Ht Hide for cond~~llng C.. COllt Moria.. lne., • ~ :r:J::~~~";.A~~~lti,~ Trull, In 1nd to the tollowlng MAJtELY Mortuary directon. ShHrlOn/AmorlClll Expr111 dllortboddoodoftrulltWIU..8Ell TN1t11'1 ...... wtttllntfloolltol8of 1ppolnt1d TrultH under llld OF THE NATURE OF THE dller1bad propeny ll1Uotod In the · JOHN. M . MAKEL y ' HEALY &cf•• owS01Coltllm11POi1rnnyC, ltomw1Vtl11 i"c,_,row AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE REAL ESTATE SECUAITIE8 ~to Dlld of TNlt reoordod PROCEEDING AOAINST VOU VOU County or Orange. St111 of ree.ident of Coe1a Mesa, Ca, VINCENT HEAL y a "' 11111 I!! HrGH!ST BIDDEA FOR CASH SERVICE. loeatH •t 2020 North Mey 2t, 1•1· •"*·No. . In St40ULD CONTACT A LAWYER. C&llfomle. to wit: resident of Newport aea:m. ~or-sZ'=.dT~ (peyobll ll ttrne of 1111 In llwfll1 t..,~~=::·~:;.c:r;: ~"°~'.h.":.~0:= ..,__.,,........_,..,._ PA~1\1mp l 1 11111 10 Paued away on Au~~ Ca. slnoe 1937. Paseed away tt1llt c.rt*t Dlld ot Truel eJl.oouted money of tM United St•t•) 111 o4Collfomla. WASHINOTON TRUST Rocordln of Orange County Stltl ..._ C..W...,, ~ condominium unit no. 188 (the 1982· He is survived y on A t 2 1982 He was a by Mldlael F. Arlllldorl end PetrlOI right, tltte end ln-..c :::rc'O.: DEED SERVICE COAPOAATION, a of C&llfomle. oa.ec:utocl by JAMES ..._ _ ~ C..... "unit"), H all own 11pon 1110 wlfe Marion, 4 daushtera, b k~o 'th Lid Real K. Aranldorf, hlllband end wtte. :f"r:::'~~----C•llfornla corporation, 11 duly FARLEV and SHARON ~ARLEY, ::::-.. c • ..,...,,........ condominium pion {1nt1t11d Mildred Johnston o( Costa ro er r e 0 lllCI '9COtdld AUQUat 24, 1881 ., dolcrlbld· •PPOlnted Tru1t11 under end llutblncl end wife, WIU.. SEU. AT ~ "condomlnilHn P4an fOt lot t ol tract Mesa, Ca., Roaamond ~teCompanyfortbepaat tn1trum1nt no. 28870, In book TRU.STOR · JAMES F pur1u1nt to tll1 power of Hlo PUBLIC AUCTION TD THE =-r""'° A no. 10517"), county of Ortn~I, Holmes of Post Falls, Idaho, 35 yean. He was a member 14182, p1g1 303, of Olllclet ARENSDORF e~d MARITA 1· conferred In tllat Cltlaln Daod ot HIOHl!ST BIDDER FOR CA8H 111' .. ~ c.:9U.0. e1111 ol Celllornla (1111 "pl•n '), Jacqueline Grinnell of of the the 552 Club Record• ol Or•ng• County, ARENSOORF hulbandendwtfe · Tru11 uoouted by BRIAN K. (poyebll 11tlrnlof1111 In lawfUI (71";=;;9' recorded on July i2, 1178, .. Lompoc, Ca .• Michelle Goofoffen Club, The Hump ~;:1::r~1':4o~r:. p:r·o:~!11'1~ ~~·J BENEFICIARY: MERCURY g:A~;:c:Ri.R~.:.i;,: .~: :.~: ~~~~'It ~fo•::.,un~t,.dH :a::·~.,·J Publl1llld Orano• CoHt D•lly ~g~2;:•;!0~~· 7~5~~~ou~ll b1o1o5~ Parker o f Wickenburg, Organlzallon, the YMCA Ellctlon to Siii thltlunellr reoordlcl 8 Av 1 NG s AND Lo AN lllCI MUfllEL GI.ASS, en ..-nod '•111t1rmaker, o prof11.11on11 Piiot, Aug. 4, 11• 11, t982 ~.of olflclll r9o0fdl of uld Arizona, 1 aon Runell Board of Directon, Newport AprM 8, 11182 . ., lnatrvmOnt "°' ~~TION, • C•lllornl• woman. raoordod Januory e. 1978, oorporeuon, 820 Nlwport Cet\11( :M4M2 Or11n99Coun~. -==pertllnl ·Makel f Ceystal Cov Ca Beac h Yacht Club The 92,11114e1, 1n booll ~· ~ Aprtt 2. 11171 • lnltt. In Boot 12991 of Oflldaul AIGordoof DrM. Suite 211, Newport lloodl, "8JC N011CE to tllll pr090rt)' In trlC1 10 gr!n°dchlidren a:d 10 Balboa Bay. Club a,;d tt~e :1~~':u!ient to .. id No.24831nbooll95t.t,P11Qe157of ~:~~.•7s'a~~~ =:~="t:.,~ NOnCl°"l'UaleaAU ~Tt~:-=~ great-grandchildren. Mr. Lid~ Tenn11. Club. H e ts Dlod ol Tt\181 ... et publlo llUCllon =., "-:'~:r. °'.: rouon Of 1 breoctl or defeutt In under Mid Dold of TtUlt In the On Auguot 1I, 1w 11 11:00 a.m. m1p1, record• of Hid Orono• Makely waa a member of the IWVlved by his wife Patricia tor ceeft, lawful money of tile Unltod dHd of 1ru1t dHortboe 1111 p~mont or P•rf0tm•nc:1 of th• propony eltue~ In ~ COunty at tho RlntOI Ollkil, 3883 Pwkvi.w County. C r etera Union Local of Newport Beach, Ca .. 90r\S Stat• of Alnlrica. It lhl North 1o11ow1ng praparty: obllgetlon• Hcured tll1r1by, end SIM•~..: Lone, lrvlne. Calllornle, the PA~l 2: # 11 ·p, and ·'--v f Vlncent and ~ette of front •nlrinc• 10 tho county Lot 517 of 1rlC1 No 1712. 11 lnclvdlna that ~ or c:toteult, Lot 34 ol Tract No. 7485 M P11' rollowlng d11orlb1d p1r1on•I All undMdod .00530 percm11 4$3 .,,.. eteraN o .' . OOUl'lholl ... 700CMcConWo.M d d I 8 k 50 NotioorAwNctiwea-dodAiwt 1MP~ln&oolt3CMP1011'4 property wlll b• 1old 11 publlc ln..,_lnendtothlcommon-World War I Association. LaQu1 n ta. Ca. r tvate w111. Same AN, Celllomla. .. tllat ~~r =~~If!' a: i:Ciu:fve oi ao. 1982. .. Aloordlr'• 1nottumont to 48 lnclullff of rn\leellan.oua ~ wttllout -11 .,_ enc1 dlftl'9d on the p11n; VJlitation at Pierce Brothen 9el'Vices were held under the rlgtut. Cltll ll'ld lnterwt oonYe¥Od lo ml~tteneoui mao• r-d• of No. 82·150038, WILL SELL AT """' In the omc. ol ttw COUnty (l) f:umitu,. tnoludlrlg 1 OOUCll, Eao1p1 •It 011, \:.~cl Bell Broedwa Mortuary on d1.rectlon of Beltz Berg.:toCI encl -held by It under Mid Dlod Oronaa COUnty ~ PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Aeoorder of Or-. County. 1 Cor~llc llodr1c ~ llydr~ ~ . • ~ :<, .... tat 4. 1982 Smith & Tuthill Westcliff of TRiit In 1111 pr090fty eltll9tod In 'ftN -In d.f.utt under. dlod HIGHEST BIDDER FO .. •CAIH, The ltf"LaddrHI Ind Other ltll CHI, 2 llHtld lablH, 1 ~ oJ 500 .... 9rOlft .. .,,_,. w~y. --· I Chapel M 6'6-937I utd~.lnd8tat.edwdlod~ of""" dated Aprt 1, 1971 ....... IOWM _.,of IN United a... OOtMIOt' dOIJlon•lol.!-" OtJY~.ol• r..int t&Me. t wlllg ollolf 1 ol Mid lend --.no~ a--. from 4 :00PM to 9:00PM. ortuary · L.A 517 oC Tr.ct 1712, • lhowl'i you tllkl action 10 PfOtoct your or 1 COlll!or'1 Gf*9I .,,_ on a tMI propor1y doeoltbod llboY9 11 tnlng dlalr, 1 octeoonal dining 0111ry •bove 500 '"' frOfll tfle Recitation o f the Holy BOSOMWORTB on • IMP reoordlcl In bool( 50, propony h bl IOlcl et' put,lc ltllt• or ""'°""' bor*. • .-. or purported to bot 2 nw1* c:Nlts 2 oockt .. Mfeoo of Mid lend.•,..,. by R will be held at MARIE JOSEPHINE pag11 32 to 38 1no1u1tv1 of Illa." .frN ~ 111 t1ep1o110don of ...,.,.. oredl union. ot 111tM1 0t HU Bl•cktllorn, 1rv1n1 e ~ 1 f10or11mp. 2 w..n J. ce,noy, an UIWMrrted oaary BOSOMWORTR. 25 ear MllCOll•-• Map1, r100rcll of thllllt\#'eoftfle~lll fldlreiM!Mgeendlolll~ CallfonMt271C. c:Nn lr.clwooclcN61e. nwu,lntlll'OMd~lnbOdl 7:30PM ThW'Bday, August~. -'d f n-ft..! Couny ty Orenge County, C1lllornl1. Tiie you you lllould oontlC1 1 ~ "''* ...... 11~11 Tllo underalgned Tru1t1• 1 dt9WlnQ tabl9, 1 .._ upright eseo, boot! 131 of oftk:M1 _., n::ai ent O ...... -.. ~ • w.c llddrW Ot orhor common •2020 MonnMa A · • !ho !Ima of .... II rtgtit; tltM end dl•clelm• 1ny llal>lllt~ lor •n) acuum 1 elngl• box 1prlng PAACEJ. 3: -------------.paaed away on Auguat 2, dollQnatlon of Mid propeny: ~ .._,CA -. lntoroet llotd by"· .. Tnllteo, tn 1t100111Ct1.-of tM..,... addrW -·a,...,.,., 1 nlQlllllWld, 2 An 111c1ue1n rto11t end 1.41.Tl IB~HOH SMITH & 1V1'HtlL WHTCUFf CHArEL 427 E 17th S t Costa Mesa 646-9371 NICl•OTHHS SMfnfS' MOITUAAY 627 Main St Huntlnqton Buch 536-6539 rACtAC YltW ....., ..... , ... Cetl'el*Y Mofluarv Ch•e>el-Crematorv 3500 Pec:1r1c View Oruve Newport Boech 644-2700 l*COllMIQ( NOITUAlllS &.aQuna Beech 494--941 5 UIQun• Hills 788-0933 Sin Juan Capus1rano •9S-1ns lmCl•iTHlt• m&.llOMWAT ,55 ... ,IO 1982. She waa a member of Mon<ovla Avonue, COit• ..._,CA "{If • itre•t •ddreu or that reel P'OC>lflY lltuat• In Mid end ottlS common dll9\etlOll. h reaure, 1 tebl• limp, 1 ....,_,.to 1.a.,.. bMlony.,.. th I I C t C t 82827. d 1 ti 1 11 County end Steta, c:toeortbod N .,,,,, "'-' tlenln. /tr..,. dllfOMtod a.1ee on 1t1o '*" • e rv ne oaa oun ry N1m1 •nd eddr111 or 1h1 common II on• on • • own followe: &old ••I• wlll b• m1d1, but w-·· . I bllrlQ.epput10nant to the unit. Club and the ~lorenc!e bll'loftclary et.,_ reqw11 the .~·'::':'~~~.~he Lot8-1(7).llocll "O'',ofTract w1t11011t covenant or w1rr1nty, ~ 18 ,:::.*f. :=::: PAACEL4: . C r ittendon Society-Sea Nie II being condUiolld: ~ ~ benoflcl1ty under Hid No. 518, •per map rac:ordlcl In elqll1l8e or !mpllld, f'90Wdlno W.. 10 llngelio. e 19c*1t1, 1 ooat. t An 111clu1lvo rt.tilt ind Circle Auxiliary. She Is ""*9clll~~Corp., D••d of Tru•t by ro .. on of 1 8oolt17,pegeo93toM~of POHOHlon, or ena11mbr•nc:e1, 2bottlillQNtl. t-W 2 IOOllnllllto1.athlpart11ntllPI08 iurvlved by her hwband t201 E. Hlgh11nd Ave., San bfMdl ~ dlfd 111 IN ot>IQltlON Mtlolll&lllOl.9 Mope In IN of9loo of lnoludlno feH. ollaroH end . t wt penta, 1 tlgllta: 1 CllllQMtocl on tN '*" • ~ Frank iatert Juli Harris 81merdlno, CA jn.404. DINc:ttonl to llGUrtd thereby llorefofor• tllo County Rocordor ot Hid OICPOfllOI of ttlt TNltoe Ind of the """'*"' 1 tut muff. epeoe no. PS--112. and J • 1 n--A-e L-•'---th• above property m1y bl ixec1ited Ind detiv•rld 10 0,1 County. lru111 orMtlcl b'/ Mid DMcl of (SI Appllenci• Including 1. Tho addr.el or°"* OOft'lllOll emie ....., • ._....,., uav....,.. obt1lnld by r1qu11t1119 ••me In uncllr'•lonld 1 written DecllwltlOll Tho llrwet llddrW or otllot of the TNlt, Iii> pey !tit ~tCIOOI a-. ""1 f clOC* e 1ron1, 1 ""'*° dHlgn•tlon, If eny, of th• tMI Julius Heller and dear friend wrlllng from 1111 belllnOllly wlttlln of o..~ end Demond fOt '*' , •• , property h1r1lnoboY1 °"""' ol lhe ll04t(•) by Mid bOI, 1 Oop100 coff1om1lctr. 1 j property dHcrlbocl obov• ,. He I en Murr a y -H 111 . 10 d•ye from tho nnt publlclillon of enc1 written not1o1 of tlfWdl llld of dolcril>od 11 purportld to bl 2114 C'-4 o1 TRiit to wit: '47,000.00 l1et1J•r blender. 1 Sony "" llUrPOf1od to boi 100 ..,. ,_. Memorlel Mau of the tllla notice. lllctlon to --tho undl1160nod Mlram•r or1v1, Newport BHoll, wttll ~ ttioreon "°"' ~ reootdlt. 1 8reun oolfM grinder, 1 #210i= llloMJI, CA t2tlS; Seid NII wit bO made wttllout to ... Mid property to Mtlery ~ Ceillfomll. 5, tN2 o119 pot'Ollll ptt '"""'"'" ockot oeloulator 1 thermel U!O un 1"*" cltlldollN Resurrection will be held on cownant or warrenty, axpr.-~ bll 11 d th fl 11 Tllo uncl1u1ontd ti•r•br ptowtdld 1r1Midno41C•J1*11 ooe11 muuoer 1 aun'bum foo d enyllabllty anylli00i1eot1,..ot Wedneeday, Aupt 4, 1982 llnpllod, 11 to tltll, pc111111on 0t ~.CS::io::·O:::..O .:C,"~ J dl1c11lm• all llablllty for any and 1ny adv1ncoa (to I>• PiOOIMOf· ' Ille eddreu or olll•r coM111on at lO:OOAM at Ou.r Lady oncumbrll'IOll to NI~ tt'tO ~ br11011 end of 111ot1on to bo lnoorr«:t~ln Mid etrtlt lddl'.ol dletl11**' ll tlrnl ol .. , wlttl (4) Ml•oellaneo111 lt•m• ~~.:l.; "-....,.., Queen of Angela Catholic :': :: .:s ~"°: rn:.: "9oOrdod ACMI 12, 1M2, M ...... Of=::: ~without ~-~under Mid Dold lnCIUdlnO 5 bOXH :.!n~.0~8, ~ ltreot ':dreae OI ~..::: Church, Newport Beach. Ca. wtt: '81.950.00, plue 1"' '*""'° ~lU7et Of Hid Ortlol•I w1rrenty, expr .. 1 or Implied, of Trwc """ob•_,.. Md=~"":::: noot91pdlt~ 3 dUIQl~clllrdonl•toi-to The family requests in lieu 11t1matld co1t1, llll>Ofl ... •nd a..-.. ,.. bl medt. tM r191rdlng t1t11, pOHfftlon, or dttl~ .. to 1110 unW.lgnecl • plllowt, '1 plotur" In tram••, t 1ooete e11011 prop•r!r 1111y •• of fiowen donadona w the advenoeo It tho t111'11 ol lho lnltlol without covanent 0, watranty, onoumbrenc11, to 11t11fy tll• wrltton o.delltlOI• of deflUlt end ll'lllttJ6o-. 1 b0.11 of_.. 2 ObUIM<tttoftltN••o•IOllllr~ A rl Cane Sod t ~ of 11111 Ho-. of lallc _,,,_ "' lml*od. rtllltdlno ....; Pf'lnCltpot HIOllOI of 1111 Not• M o.n.nd far ....., Ind a _... .__ .,.._111 1 OOfW9 ..._ Hid O.od or Tr1111. •t wflOM ~ unde J! _.,___!,!: ••tlmeted tru1tH f"' In tll• pa 1111 Ot ~ to e>tMf *6aatl0fl MCIUNcl by uMI Nattot of~ oncl Bectklrl to 1 ,_..., ...:.. 1 °"""' tr.wii ,.qwltt._ ......... ••••ll. r ~--• 8'llOllnt of 11,571.18, Pia .,_.. fNIY .,. ~ ~ Nft of DeM of f'Net, wtttl ln..,_t end W. Tiie widlitlllllOCI ...,. llld ...., 2 .,... r'*' ~ I......._ 3 pur1uon1 to a wrlUett ,.._.,.., of Belt:I Beraeron-Smitb & • 11.71 poroent per IMllt'h on lM tM note(•)_.. by ll6d Dold of "°' 9'llM M Pf'O'<tidod ltleNln • ....._ ol 0.. W ......,. '° tow•I• 20 etuftecl doll• 1 IUtlmltltd. ~ * _. .._ ... Tuthill WeetcliU Ch1pel unpeld pr111olpel belenc. from TNll.-. ""--• 1r1 Mid note '*'° actv.ncM, lf ...,, undlf IN ... to bo rooonMd In• OOl'"'1 oo"'rorier. 1 1tHPlno 1>11: 1 tnt tM n111klfl of • ...._ 10 Mortuary 646-3971 1·f-ta to....,,._ ld¥anOl8 tflo ptOYtdlcl .,._ """ unaor t1tma tMr'OOf and.,.,... on M:lll ........ ,... ~• IOOatltd. ---. 1 tur NII. 4 m11 Oloe. a 1VOfl '-"~"" '" ....... FREEMAN boneflclery llorevndet "''Y ba tho wrM of llld 0..0 GI Tt\lll, odwwloll, end 1)1118 ..... oft8tOM 0.. .MJ IO, ttea , .....,.. 8 tcwu. 1 '"°"" 1 lllile. "'° ....._ IMM CW AMPllCA IUttlorilod or ~ to .,.,, II ... -Ind ...... -.. WI ........ °'"" TNllteO -ol c.. c:o..e Merlo 0 llllc. TNI ... ll tMdo ln ----HATIONA&. ~ NI) ~w. L E N A F R EE M AN , W'I· llld W'I ocavect • cNtQoe. r~-;:;'"of ._ ~ ON111M., .,. .,_,. or..-d ., _, Deed o1 .. 111e1 ~ _. Col9or* CMI Code ...,. A a 1 o o 1 A T 1 o N • &. o A N f'Mldent of Seal Beech Ca. YOU AAI IN DIPAUlT UH0P A .-cl Deed of TNet .......... bo TtWt. Tiie IOleJ OfMUftt Of M6d AO___, CenWr Ofhe 1..., and 1-. br 1111 widof .. hed AOJUITMINf 0.,A,.TMIMT PUied aw•y on Au~· 2 DElD °' MUl'T DATm AUOUIT ~ °" ~ ·~ 11.,.. ot>JIO•Uon, lncflldlna ~MMY ... 11, ' IMdfar49 to --of pwlOflAI 14317, flOM!Ol.OIUM ~ U182 SIM la IW'Vived ..,,; 17, 11181. UNLIH YOU TAKI at a·oo p ........ Cll•g;= Htllll•t•d , .... oll•re•• and ~~CA ... ""'""''lllft"' l.-o end ...... 41 IOUTl4 HUDION AYINUI. • ACTION TO P "OTIOT YOU" A~ .-...0. lO tlll °""° ..,..... of tt10 nw.., .... *"9 7,......_1411 Une*weod 6'7 a.,_ci "'°" 'AIAD&tA. CALJflONM t1tl1, dauahC.S Ftaw llar1mM 'ftDPl!ATV,ITMA'(lllOU>ATA lulldlttt, HO .... Cll•P"'•" of~,..,.11•onot•nottoo.• lrN1............ • ......... ,.... ~·of tfle 'nletCllllllllMWllof ........ of Anahltm, Ca. Geri~ PUeUC ~ If YOU HUD AM A--. Jti llO *Jet~ GA. 1111....... "'blllMd Of._ Coeet ~ l8ndlOr'd and .,.., ftOlllo8 to llllld .....,_ of tflO ...... _.. 'llr ol TbouMnd o.lcl. C.. end l>O'LAHATIOH Of THI NA'NM At Oto llt•ll of tll1 lnlUal OM.ii=~· "90C. <Mt II,~ 4. 11. 1tlt ..... Mid 0..-fl n.t. ... __... Ruth Mlller, 1l1tert Mary rou~H-1ot~~=-I :::::.•:t".::...~ .. e.: :.=="GOU .. ; . · ....a rwrt:1~1tM,;1rf,0 :::..·.~~~::.:.:!.::i Ber' .. r of DUnioU and &.ii LAWVlll cllautar ....... ., .. ..._ oC WI••••-.: ffaJC mncE ~M'TWHfl Mid~ of 1'Nll. ..,...._ Dlelcman of California. DATIO: <Mt.,, 1"2 dHorllted , .. 0 ot trull on• •,......... ~ • .. •ll•rt" aftd ••= ... ot ..... brother David Rwnick of ....._.,AIMrkml ""m••• -t•, ,..,.._ ... ..., 1 MM.lnA'n~ Mm--• ,o/o...,_Well~ ,.,.._, • .,.,. .... ..... CalUornl• and M•urlce ==Compeny formlfty edvenn• •• •tt.IH.41. To •C• ........ 14 TM .... ITA~ d ......... UM rJ:..T_.,of .. .._. ..... . R•••nlek of uunol1. AllO ""°"""'°""""'°"* ::•ri'~i":'~'*·'°".._ ~r-~ r 11u1t11r.-~..,.... otnt trw..DAC:::....,.~ ttUM.-...,. Md,......, I U t v I V e d b 1 1 4 borow Colftpeny, • t>ATID 1MI. a ,_ PACIPIC YIDIO, tt•t·D _ (1~!f'l47t T.._... ......., : =-=. • 1undchlldren. Pinal :OA.lltoiM! .. ,,.M~~NANC•A&. ~ ~=-=::•~•• ,.-..1 ==NY~A~,ua .. ~ rniarment •rvtc:. will be ~ Vlcle,,,....,. OONIOAA ,._,..._. 0r.,.. Oout Dolly ,......_ o-......, CIA_,_ f:.:i!~ ..t..: hold.on Thunday, ~ S, 1201 L ~A...,. C ~ OOt/W'Attt Not. AMI. 4. 1t. '" 1911 1"61.,..... a. •lllA••., lfl 41 ... ...._ ...... 1~82 •t ,.,. family plot at ... ..,...._CA .... · • 141MI ..,.,._. c r • -"'...., · Weatlewn Cemetery. ~ ... 11,, ' ~Lente-. n.a. ."='9w.-.._... ,._ --.,., ~ JDmol&. HettiCJr -• & .., ,....__ ~ I I 191 :z.:. ,......... ar... -....._. Lawn -Mount Ollvo "'""*' °"'* eeeot o.., OlieCIWlet•r•-. , ~.,.,.....,.. ::1.'=.e1o..ea .... .MJ-.-.~ -.... 1Mortuery of Coeta Meta l'IOl,.-11, Iii~.,,_ ~Hiii 1'111'•""'81.. m ' ~ lforwardln1 dtrac:tou. ,,... o..e D111J ~~'°"" ...:.;•.::~~ l•I:. ~ ':: ~ ,:" ~~ fllll.""ii'lr.'ll"liS f'IL• ·'---.---~_,,, IMO-&SM. ~Ade .-em ,...,.,.,.,, ...... ,,.... ..,....... I ' -.. • ......i?l.. .....iw... \ ' -· ~-llU c ... ,,,.. IAaol N._ .._.,. ... ..s p.., ....... -Clubo• Tn vtlt SERVICES s.n,.. Otrtelory EMrtOYMENT & PIUAHTION s.-,..._lioft Jot>WMled• ~·-.-. ...... MflCHANllSl ~ ~-., Awu. = MMrtab C.tntfU6 ,,. ....... M <Ala Dop rn.1ev ... Plontkwn c ..... ---~ ~ ... _,. ·--11--w ... ..i 11-a1 1...,._ou Olllff f'\ore 6 &tl'"P .... t=t.~1:,: ~=. .... , ~"'"·-" IOATS & MAllNE E•IPMUIT Ge-.al e...11.lhl• li«~ltt -. ........ .: .... , -....... Boou.ll«M o. .... , -..sout -.Sii .. 0..h -=•Sii• -. on e• TIAMSPOITATIOM l!ftm.tr.M. .. ~!& !!ftft.;.~ ...... ~.W.!\'1 ....... flllft.t!ll.'1. ...... l!ft!.{t!.t.* ....... ~ftf!.~!!'! ....... ~.~.!M. ...... ~.!fti:tfd. •••• ~ ......... llC'ff ~ ......... ! ~t ......... J .l!! ...... /Mf 1.9.'llHt.flilA .. llJI l.Eftf.fm! .. l.«t ll!llff!.frld ••• l!M ~.~6'1 .. 1.~'d -.... ,llllf ,.,,2 ...... ~ .... ..... .. :-'· .... dCll oer fA',:• tlnl m\ATION llW•IU pello. thllk• rf>Of. ertne PllllllllU ll!f!lD TWo l •cwy Nalntueket I ~'::'::.• tiomt'. ''C""' 2 If 1 la v~ prlv••• ~: r.-::: ~=·A': =:::s~~ti ~~~ •-. ~0f1~n:r:.t' = :!:~Wltt!J2'c!8° 1412 Sanuaao·Dover Shores, Lra ~~ f.i'~.=~='. 1s 111oomo. IL~· ' l•d brl11k1. Ta1tetulty 1.e lollft ry Spanish pool home. Jl'EE. Reduced from 8-46-310.. ~ JJ ~ Ocean & jetty viewt. Mal'Jn• room, 4 d1oorat1d througllout .., Iii•• lltr $426,000 10 $318,000. 11 , ·<a.-~-~;.,u. bdrm1 3 bath, 3700 Ml· ft. $1,380,000. w11h wallpap1ra 1t1d ..__,,'!'! ' ' UJI • ,,,.. .v~ .. Oceanfront ehulltre. Showe Ilka a -D C.-'1t1u1 1111 B'-ll" • mCldel ~I M&11Y up. 1918 Seadrlft.-Irvine Terrace. Remodeled ••••~••••••••••••••• G/3-?.rt " .. ..._ .. __ ,, ·--1 1.111 llLI ... IJradet. 8eilw wtn flnan-•tlP ll~ATll'I i l home FEE Now pnly $326,000. H OO mo. peyment for _ 1 c....-C4lll -_,_ oe. Submit down 11eo. • · • ~ : 28<, 2Ba condo. 9~ VA -· • ~,.., Alt r .. I •Ille edvertlMd Prime Lido Nord beyfront. 6 bdrm, 5~ bath. 000 Incl. lend. • !I! m\.l!l will be 19ld. Call nowl 10 1n, efklng 194,600. • ii, , In 1111• new1p~er II Lp L.R., 2 boelt alls-$1,600,000. ~11 No Qualllylng to mall• atrTck oredTenore, 631-1266 or 681·3380 "i!,,'ar"' 1141 eubjeot 10 Ill• ecterel • ttlle ~tar 3 l<ltm 760-8702 .,_ta •-·/ .._. •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,r HOUllng Act of 1981 Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + ~ rec. nn, pool 110111• you r own, • ....... • ltl6-"" ,..111t 3 BR, 2 ba, "' Magnolle a wtllctl l'llU .. ltlt~to beezn-m .. -..,.,_,_.__. Ju1111 17,800. Bkr. 'f.-:-;";••••••••••••••••• Yorktown. Remod. ger ed'l9rtlM "tnY preferen-.......... _. a..w.naancu, patbl. 0,000. Ml-0709 #HUI .,.n No pet• 1875. "3-1177 oe!tlmllallon or dtacrlml-Ii Ill I I II n1tlon baMd on raoe. Ulll llU llDlllT <> &I 181 • •• !!. ••• !••••••••••••• •~ ..... 1111 color, rellglon, H x or ••mt l N9WJ>Of1 Beach oe· Anu .;.~;; ............. . n1tlonal origin, or any Laaoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 beth, ~)1'0QID. IMl l8J Aree "'-E·FOAECLOSURE b eyf ronl P1rk. Min i W8'elfrMt Intention 10 mak• 1ny dark rm. elm. Bo.t alfp. Now .1,800,000. 2 Mui ... 4 bdrm 3 ba r s er. 2 ea. on 11199 ~ '""'' ''" COfld. '78 dbl wide, llr• .... 1111 ... eucll preference. limit• llflm OIYI Stl5K, ~ ftnanelng · With many 1men11i.. a ••••••••••u••• .. ••••• IELIEYE IT ,.. plec:e, t>rlCk petlo, S58. 2Br 2 ~ bllh, u un•I :: tlon or dltctlmlnallon." Spec:i.cuJar bayftont view 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br, OWN R 754.;555 , IPL Br end New Ho mu l 011 llT ~~~·15~ 111 Grund Y pool. 501 Udo. 8111 "°°'· Qllt Thie MWlp&per wt" not 2 '--.. _ 2 ...__ -" •1000000 $115,000. ~doe. no money dowfl · Furnlahed. $3000/mo :: knowlngly 1ccep1 any ... un. uuat ... pe • • · PElllllU PROPE~L~~H OUSE whll• lhey lut. (71.C) ~·~ B::n~ ~ Ull PAii ~~1.t,J~~ Writer, Agent {: ~:er,:::g,1f~ =•t: NlllAll OA IAYnll'f w/M' u, &42-3850 5.C8-9522 Agl. $25.000 down and at· Double wide. 1111• n-. -------~~ ::: of the law. YI EXCITING VIEW and 11¥111 f 1H,... 1um• 175,000 • 30 yr l1rg1 llvlng dining kll Winier. 2 bd. t b•. WID, -':Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l Coronado Ialand CU8t. beyfront lot. 85' boat bMuttlut ,...,oen1 11'1 ltlll IY DWIEI T-.... only 113,..,.,. dwn loin. Seller la fle11lble. arH. Lerge Piiio. llghl Av•ll Alter Lbr Day ... 11 doclL P1am avail. Red. $370,000 w/terma. grend 4 ~home with IE•• IEL llll 10-0•1 ,8301mflVVo P•Y· mot1v1led and will cwry Interior A11Um1ble to•n 973.3039 -fovety entertl'lnl""' room• ... men11. 3 er 2 ea condo. b*ltnce. A •Ptclou• 2 Br 11% Plu• welcome -v--,-11-act_l_ve_c=ntt~H-•ven-= !!,~lslhloauAlddcvheecrtkl· ILIFFI 11111 •nd decoralor~llln. Ltg.CBr&famllyrm,onty Don't wait. c all nowt condo wllh communlly 5"0-5937 ~dor2 Br. 2 BL com- :: '""'" 11,750,000 1132•000 wlS73,ooo u-531-7370 pool •ri:.~•1·211112"·950· ·10 Fleetwood, 121140, mty pool, complete w/ ' = report errors Im-largest greenbelt .• ~.000. WATI Kl'MONl llulble. 91'-2559 frig, S1trllgh1 VIII. 71.C/ long term. 11000/mo . -their ads dally and Single 8tor)' end unit expanded 3 br, 3 ba on -aum1ble. Mak• offer. I'm -furn .. NEW range & re-dlltHN, TV. etc. Sh<>r1 or -di I Th 1t0Mt!>o111c.1 •LY S•lll 8 13 -.c 328 . 2 1 3 1 975.1051. me ate y . e REAL ESlATf 799-1022 --.,...,...,,---"""'.'""'- 11• DAILY PI LOT as-6~11-1400 MOVES YOU IN LIDO ISL~. 3 bdrm, fem -sumes llablllty for ------------, TODAY rm, 4 Ba, 1100 d•Y· : llWNRT IEltm 3 Bdrm condo • wilk 10 lllHILUF oe.nfront 2 bdrm, 1 B• -the first Incorrect L~. low priced 3·Br w/ So. Cout Plaza. No SELL 011 TRllE Double wide 2 bdrm. $700 mo. Biii Grundy, -Insertion only. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! llvlng & dining .,... qual. 11% fin. 963-4759 . Nr U~I. 1 br condo. S1 1, ....... RlllE Cameron with •Uached Rltr. 875-8151. am opening 10 eecluded pa-900 Auum1ble, no qull, .._.. sun rm. and c1rpor1. = l•--------1----------~~ll!!!I----tlo. Nr b11ch, 1<:hool1, EAST SIDE: 458 Co111 553-1352. 552-5683 Prime realdentlal lot. Aa-Lota ol atorage, walk In ,_ FORECLos• IDE lh"""'~. Cu••om ~-bl· M ... St. Low anum Int. king $500,000. 9"0·7665 CloMll •nd pride of OW• -Bn1n /11 "1• un ........... ... -SHARP END UNIT, = •••••••••••••••••••••• netry. GOOd at11.1m. IOll'I. Lo dn. 3 BO 2ba, llp, JUST LISTED! nerlhlp. Cholc:e locetlon M1•1t1 U•f,,,.JdM e.;;;;j ···-··· ···-;;;i -C.••t.J lllJ 1111&.m l1UL Priced 11 $175,000. Call $149 ,500. Ow ner . Rincho Sin Joaquin 10% llWI, In 5 S11r Adult Perk 41• •••••••••••••••••••••• Binnie DIJ1on. 531•1093 view condo wilh 2 Br 2 10% lmREll S3.C.SOO Illy lllfma. ······················ REITlLS = 1-------•I P ickup over 1 600,000 EQUITY SlllER DELllMT B•. trplc. dacki, land· Paceselter execullve 17141 67l04400 = .. llm overnight. Once in a lifetime. rhive Your own pool Ind ta· ecaptng, glr~. UM Of hOllM located in Wetlctitt 12131 6Ja.2121 y.,,1y.w.-1y-Wintllf, 2, 3,4 Bdrma. :: Nil 111111 never seen a better buy. Won't last. 7 • ..._1100 cuzzl ~with thl• 3 p oo10001nd .. !Pa70.20owc Grove priced In the mid HARBOR -Just $2.C9,500. Bright & Prime Orange Cty 2~ acre hilltop ...-bdrm home In on• of $159, . .,....._ S.C00.0009. Ready for JACOIS llUL'n ""' IAlllEllEIT !: brHry. Carmel tamlly OCEAN VIEW NEW ESTATE. Pool, Cosl • M .. 1 .1 b .. t Lllll RUL ElllTt immediate occup1ncy. -"°°' plen with gorgeo111 neighborhood•. Enler ---------1 Ouahl y tng avaltabl• -pool & IPL An1ncing 11 spa, waterfalls, electr. gates, 5800 eq ft IRUT FllAllOIMI through a prlvlta cour· 111111 through bulldllf. Call IOI ample and rHsonabl•; w/360 degree view of all O.C. Tennis Owner wlll c1rry tln•n· lyard and enjoy 1h• DOWI PlYIEIT al 6"6-S092 lll-1113 -MM Mil --=· , .. 1111 im ~ t.211 ----'IOU , .. -... •u -----..., -----911 ------------.... -.. ------ ~~~::ti~~~ bp~~':n:~ court + HEWCOPTER pad area . clng on lhl1 lovely 4 Br 2 many amenlllee th l a T•k• over Histing loena . l· - .al S2.C9.500. A titling of ASSUME LOA N·S & ,TERMS. Ba home located In home otters. Won't tut on thl1 bHulllul alngl• ii 81ylront Condo/N.B Ber A Colla Meaa. Walk to 9a71,. s5317309 . 9 0 0 . C 111 famlly home In wood· · ~ 1 ... 1 eedy. Originally listed for $2,200,000. 9Ctiool1 & anopplng. Full r-brid ge Creeksi de 3 u.-..1001: t1()Ml:S Sacrifice at $1,128,382.63 approx. with pr I c. $ 1 0 9 . 5 0 0 . bdrm ' 2 b• Poplar Realtor•, 675--6000 $350,000 approximate cash down. 1531"7370 Model. Near park · pool - Legona Sch, 2 br. lge pvt deck w/ho1 tub Pet OK $20,000. 494.9923 2 Ddrm condo In aecurlty bldg. Vlewe. Avall turn Of unturn $1200/mo yrly. Only the serious need call directly to ~~~-ie:~~~· n __ PATRICK TENORE 760-8702 or J (l(,f31/f1F TR\DITIO\ \I RI \I I' C•m11 J..11 ..• ~rn!~ ........ !.~'!f CdMIMonthty/unturn 2 Bdrm, den. clean & neat 2 blk1 10 bch. $800/mo 631-1266 RE/MAX Realtors, agt. *'' OWIER* 3 111 .... 1~ ll REALTY Pacific View Memorl•I Brokers weJoome. Park, Nwpt Bch. l.01 744, B1ylron1 Condo/Unfurn. Graves A & B, Bayview on Lido Park Or. 2 Bdrm, R&IM~ of Costa Mesa COLLEIE PARI $1211000 142·1111 IEWNRT IElllTI Te rr ace . S 2 2 0 0 . dan, aecurll y b l dg. Older house over 1300 1_6_73_·_77_8_7_____ $2500/mo sq. tt. plus 1arge deta· Ct•••n i•I Wlttrfrtet 1 .. 11 ched double garage on '-llH U1·140I alley. New p11n1, some •••• ~~&..' ••••••••.. ~~~~~~~~!' Loi Al·-11~ condo: Nice --· -· new plumbing & electric. APPLE vau.n _ .. --· --50X117 RI IOI. Owner 4br, 21>1. 2 llory condo. EASTSIOE 1rl-level thrle HAVE GOOD needs cash. $169,000. • Tu Slttfftr Pool 6 1p1. Re lrlg , bedroom condo. L1vl1h INCOME??? Wt l11nt lrcf 481 Santa Ana Ave. Near new 4...plex, 2 bdrm, .. , ... 1111-' ,. ....•................. 3 Br 21>1, yrty. Submit on chlldren $825/mo. call washier & dryet fndoded. uu of wood and used ••••••••••••••••••• 631-3520. Eves & Wknda 2 bath each unit with IE•• VElllE $15,000 down or wlll brick. Wiii lr•d• or fl. SHORT ON I WM4e4 5"8-5041. llrec>11ce, enclosed patio. .. I~ for elute •utomo-n1nc:e. $155.000. DOWN lfltfft garage. 9"'•-1st Po1. -.-_,.._-_------ 673-8821 FllEll bile, motor home or ? 111•1111 PAYMENT??? Rnfet LfflffH BAVFRONT, 1977 lurn. cash flow Now s159, _,_ Ownert7agent • S41Cluded sp1, OVtf 1,000 mobile home. 2 bdrm, 2 500. Biii Grundy. Rltr. l•m18l• 3#1 Low111 priced 4 Bdrm r6&-4589 I Q 11 of decking. 2 ba, blt·lns. S 125,000 67s.,6161. Old•••;::··er··:::=:.::·.·:_:: !tome In M••• Verde. -------=~••JM bJa4 ,,. PAYING TAXES??? CUiiom nrepllOM, atrium 873-0807. 213-99~55 -.. ..... ........ ··- Light Ind •P•CIOUI New In lown? CllSllfled •••••••••••••••••••••• It, lly ..._.... i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "'-11•"'"'' home hH evetythlng I~ With our 1n~1-. llve & 0 em room, ---vner .,. A I I ;_ rooms lhruoul. Huge cul can help you meet tn*'Y ISUll CUii ·-~ araperlea. central •Ir. I.Ill ISU U. fl /, S.I llOI cid •" rent. de l4C lot. Super toca-. of Y041f need1. M 2'-5eTll ... g1ln epprec11t1on In .,. __ ..... 1.....,. 4 bedroom, •••• '! •• ~.!! .... !...... . BEST tee 53M191 tlon. Nffd• aom• TLC -~------~iiiiiiiiiiiii~-~ Redecorated 3.,. 2ba on f1ntu1lc 3 Br. 3 Be. MW 2i,';.i,, ·e;ce4Jenl uau-IAYFlllT "--·• ~ ... / •·r 3 ••• end wlM be worth much prime toctllon. Garege. condo. next lo d lhop-m1b1 .. 1oan. S 115,000 F A N T A S T 4 C LAST ~:~ .. ~': .. ~ .... ~ Bey OWner will consider minimum CHh needed equity, wlll conal der ... • S1ep110 beachl 2 br. den I Call 6"8-2313 aundedl. pallOI. Nr. No. ping No down peymenl TERMS Owner wlU car ~ i 7;.~~ • . tor clOllng Cotl. Ph°"9 County property. Mllllon 10 NII.. large yech1. $1, 1795. Agt 6"2-1183 ;I =~ ~I 11 . 5 7 S 5 3 1 9 tr1de for Nor1h Or1nge ry 111 Trust Deed. Priced 2 ba S 1070/mo 2 br = JS jf 8 1 531-5055, &42·2000. Viejo AHlty Owner/ 300,000. CHANCE 2 Br & den duple11, 3 Be. 1 ltala1al• lotn Br, 3 Ben-condo). For lll-411t corn« 101, S895/mo inc .... Perlecl llOOfplan. (2 or 3 1genl. AMI for C1rol. -car gar. pvt courtyard. DRAMATIC COUNTRY ESTATE ' Rf.SIOENllAl AEAl ESTATE SERVICES UH,tll Just listed! The new owner will enjoy the classic elegan ce & pride of ownership of this 4 BR home plus pool, spa & bonus rm. Extravagant uses of used brick. S A.qEUY I I I I r r~•rc"'---.... 1h .....__.. 10 buy 11111 bel ulilut 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .. -·-.., ,.,_tu 111· 1000 gH. No pets. Avail Im-or rel1llve. Enjoy bene-yHr old, 4 unit epart· 83 HT Tll IUT fill (I•• & apprecl1llon) 1 _________ 1 menl houM In Sin Cle-med. 303-"94·74 Shiny new 1111ch•n and of ownerehlp. Super Lido ealty mente wllh ocean-hllll 6 -c-.-,,-.-.-... ----,-zu- ·dlolnlng femlly room, loe1t1on with 111 amtnl· 67 '!l_7300 golf couree views al a •••••••••••••••••••••• formal dining roo m, 3 1111. No down, minimum .. '!!r.f! ~j 1111 .r tremendous ••vlng1 di· CC-RENTALS Bdrm and 3 bath, to11 of 0101 1 n g co1t . C• 11 ..... • •••• •••••••••• 1, ... -,;-.-.-......... _-......... -.-.-.-.-_... reel from the owner be-1·5br'1 $200 to $2000 1torage, aundeck for prl-531-5055 or 6"2-2000. 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim I lore being lleted with 750·3314 open 7-cl•YI t ten I I Livi I' brOkers. AC1 NOWlll C•ll 'Ille en a n ng. ng Exec. Home. Owner NYI au••& nlll, owner al 1714) 642..()l38. EHtllde 2 Br. 1 Ba., pallo, room l.,tur•brlcil ftre-aelll $10,000 unde r __. new ly dec orated place, walk lo beach Ind mlfket. 5 Br. 3 e1. 12% OlnllE Lrg units E.ald• C.M. wl (Ouplu). S565/mo. bay. A11um•ble loi n. Interest Only $155000 Abaolulely charming 3 garage•. Lo w dwn 851·9522 $449,500. Clll Bllt Gold Prlnc;lpala only. Tony: BR t>eacll cottage loca-631-4584 , 5.C 2·8233 -w-.. -1-lld-.-2-B-r-. -1-81-. -fncd-142·1200 Agent, office 73()...1222. LITl--llTI t•d on superb Belbo1 m1g. pello . encltd g1rage. home 548-8533. Penln1ula corner 101. •-,.-~--,-,,-,.-,.-,,.--_,,--• new c1rpet1, dr1pea, A PETE BARRE TI REALTY llUTIT&alll• .................. It you Wlll'lt to bulld Steps to park & t>eacne.. •••••••••••'"";;'•••••• palnl. No pets. $510/mo. you r own CH tle, Outetendlng. S325,000. Huge 5br/3bl+3b<'/3ba plus MC:Urlly. 5"8-5-442, thla opportunity of Sur Inn e Shu I e r OWC 111 • Fle11. Terma 770-5629. a -lme \lrill MWf' 644..e200. 509 Acaci• CdM nr beh ---------come Ilg ... 3 IOU 440K ownl bllr 645-7°"8 2 Br I Ba. w/ c:rp11, drpa. on Harbor Rid~•· yerd, El•ld• S595/mo. Id b Id .. 62 Sllerp Unlt1, 64 enclsd 675-5068. I e-Y·I e, w tn g1r1ge1. 12 bldg'1 All ----------- platw lor a 10,000 1inenlUH. A1klng S3, °' Br 2 BL lharp & c:IMn, equare foot home 350,000• 1,25o.ooo t1mlly ok . 1850. grdnr W Ith T ENN I S -;~~~~~~~~' Down Exl atlng loin Incl COURT and pool i 14~%. Wiii carry note. 5"6-9950 for only S2,500,000. lllllH RINE 11•18.C5·4411 By Ow· 38<, 2'h8e Condo, min 1o The Owner will )olnt '*· bc:h & 1hopplng. Pool, venture, trade or LUCERNE: 2 11ory 3 •-L... •-• 4 ._ jac, & aauna, annual 1aa you can take over bdrm, mstr bdrm retreat _,, ,..,. ~• -1765 1 t & I 1 + If ptc iew bte • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • mo. I •• ~~ • ~ o'O'g":'; 7at~ FUte v priC.i -:9~ooo llAllN ... , MO. dep. (714) 750-527• a 1 au ma b It t I· Xlnt 1erm1, 840·8900 Appro11 'A ecre. Wiii NII 2 BR 1 Ba, new noor, c:pt, A•'"'"'-. WOWI Bkr. or joint venture. Value 11~ & pelnt. No peta. ·-""'"' ssoo.ooo. Call 640-795S 1950 B. Meyer Pl, (Houae OCEAN FRONT • ,_ .._ ...... In back). $525 & dep. --c.te ...... 714/750-1900 BY OWNER. XLNT LOC. • •• , ... , _,,.,,., 649·3464 ....,, "" ----~.,.--$400,000. 6"0-7990 •••••••••••••••••••••• Sm•ll 1 bf', ger., big tnc:d OWNERS ANXIOUS Plffect tor the flrl1 time txi)'9t" or retirement c:ou· pie. Sll1rp 3 Bdrm 1~ 1 _________ 1 ball\, ftr9P1ace. P1loed •t Br 1nd New Homu & only $110 ,000. C1ll Condoa. no lnOfl9Y down 540·11 51 tor more de-whll• they IH I. (714) verH lllM condo, 1 Br 1 ~tfrfft/ ... lffllr yerd. $455. Drive by 790 Ba. southern expoaur•. 5975,000/otter. owe or W. Wlllon. 573--5339. aub1err1ne1n ptrlilng, lor other 1vall1ble pro-2 Bdrm, 2 alory condo nr sec urity entranc:es, p • r \I • 1 , a a 11 191h & Herbor. $520/mo, ouu11nd ln O pool / 714-8 45 ·327 8 or 531-5897 eft8pm. clubhouse. By Owner. 714-337-3535 wknd1. Nice 3 BR~ In Mell ~d~~~2~11~emable. Agl. Verde, 1775 mo. Alll lor .,----,..---.,---,--"'-t t/ 1t.Utf Biii, 531-12" sr:1acular Harbor Ridge -,, .-II IL"" UIUll BR 3 B _ __,, 1 --ff ctr E/61de Cll1rm 1 Br. NO talla. 546-9522 Agt. ~~HERITAGE .. REALTORS You own the land. 2.000 a ""'"'0· mus •••••<Ii·•~••••••••••• peta. Avd. --------• eq ft, 3Br, t1m rm, 2t,t ..it. 5%dwn, 7eo-9307 Ul,llt 641·3937 A9u hUf 1111 Ba. wide Or.nbelt. neat IG CANYON Buy• 111rter home In 1 Bt 1 Ba hou9a. dll-et. ·----- .... -:'I:':':••••••••••••••••• l)OOI. Far beloW merk•1 B Lake Elalnore, good • ••"' 9Y O.WW. • It S 8&. '--•~&~. Wiii ..... op-cond. High l dry, lake pkg., encl. yerd. Utfl pd, Xlnl ioc.llon 3 Bf. 2 Ba. ll'llly rm, ape, 15% dwn. tlon. ""' t.U-0134 OPEi llllE view. Wiiy pay rent. ow-.J,gt. 1375 mo. 576-1M2. llv & din rm. lg rem""·.. owe 12\4% 11\. 33101 12 I " ner 1~07 Spec:l•I 2br 2b• w/lluge ;~· s'ic:= ~°t_ lucceneer. •M-0..75 Nft 4 BA. 8ectlbay .,._, H wlfte •--•II le get, petlo, blt..fnl '496 Jo.roo1 . . bftM llH 3,200eq.ft.pm.oomm ....... ..., 1hll .. -,, OC-AENTALS 760-3314 ••••••. •• •••• •••• • •• •• s:te7 ,500 Wiii trede tor ._ l'-.lui._ T -HOT 2br tiome ~ • .._. llll -• 1111,111 pr operty, T D'I . Wiii ..-. •• ;:';";'::':'A"; ••••• •••• H... cut. :'::n'enn':••••••••••• Adorable I It hOtM In l eHe•OPllOn or low 3 BOf'M ·2'A BATH Ltt'l lll*t l... W/hk~ blt..fnl~1• LI IWI/ IAltw loYelV ~ lx· down. RHdy to dHll '499.000 OWW/81tr. Cofl>Of'•tlon dealrea to OC-ALB 1 Cut. 21t "°'*· o.,. .._,, hnotnQ ·~ 0 w n • r I I r o k • r • 11Mll-Jm tr• 135,000 equtty kl 3 It 1~ Ba. lrV lo4. P9ta flexlllla. lllr ae-1413 ..., ~ .,,,......_ 1n-L.f1~14-~S.U~-oe~1~4·:__ ____ l~~~~~~~~~I ewoeptlonal 3 Br. New-OK. MSO/mo !net. ow· ~lnlltt,...,call •-rontV\eWoond0,28A Elegan1 3 8r & do, Por1 IMch Condo. All denet. 131·12". JO)'Q9 • -21 •'-............. --· ...... t t I• .. 0 _ .. 1umabl1 lln1noln9. w.n. RIAL llTATI TAX IN· --""""' .....,, -coun ry 1 Y " • .,e, Want lnC0"'41 ptcpeny, ------~~-V l 8 TM l NTI t6000 avail. uoo.ooo. ly Fr9"0h dOOf'I, bay win• , .. tlllUfanl, or wtial lle'i9 Charming 2br w/double a.111111 t145,000 all•r• ownrlbkr. t78-M37 dowl, llrdwood l!Oort. 3 you? Aaktng IHt.IOO. gc·= petto~H jMOl\eM MINIMUM t• lllfh/......... ::.::aa~ =t = Agem t4-1044 · Al.8 14 deeluetlOn 1at. '/WW 110. •• ti 11_ 800 ......_ •• ~.. 1 . 81<1•· a bdrm, I ba. 000. OWf* (lnw.tOf) wll -• 111 LIB lonlta plan, 3 llt It -on. r •• • .---"'· ... ,.,, ~ deo F~. 11tt•. euppty tote( dOWft ~ '°"'* ..__ mcli 18 end u1111 . flvt pa 110, 1_ey __ a... __ ..,_ea_1_-a_1_a. __ •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ., ger, gardaNno. =1~~~~0:.: loHtec:I ,11111 011 tlle ,, .. nb elt. Ownar Piii. -..__ ,..,...,.._. 14M71tatl4 In n .. luautlOU• l·I ..... °"""' wtll tetlt I0-1091 Of 1flM11. + nuesr APT. :;emi.-.n~ •••• 3 "·den."'*· J .r., lnod l drltl 3 l a. Oondo, .._ "-' 1~ dwft. M. I AYC .. llT: 3!':!. pool, ~ ... -~. ... yet, IN!do=== Coeta MtM. Maiclmum ~ 1111,too. .... flrtDlt. 819\1 Very ........._ % ... Ir /.I 119'· W Int ....,,. .. etn.teo''""a ... 1----·~ ~I JentMtio ...,,. TO lllO+.... ..l.We•i•······· •• lli.tllt. . , . •• • ...,.._ ·~ ....... fll'8nOlnO • '°'"'' 4 '"· -nn; ..... pod WIMlr ...... ------.-----' l l ' .......... " .. ~ ... ... ... • ............ .,.11'1,. ·• d 11-..i ~.,. ;.,~~"rn:Wr ...... ~~i~~~r•a::: ~--.,....-: ,~:::~ ~r,-:: 'r':; .. ~".~· ... -=. ,,., ..... aooo. ....... -M ""· Mf.1141, rm,.,,.... HO/MO +. d••otlt ....,., ....., ... 7'0·7111 Aft. l?lolltl ....... ... ... • 2-5878 !~m.V~.tp!~{~~ .. f!!m.~ .. '-'!!!!J!~ .. ~~.If.~ -r-.;tfl. ~:~ I "'1Jt,.'ll!t!f ... IJ.. lllit"1.t!.9el.1 ... C.11 ...... _.._ i.-. .. a.a.A Jta ,,.,, b• .l#f _, a.-1i .tftt •••••••• • ..... .... ••••r.:::nr;;-•••• •••• B E A C H A R E 1 Live on OCffll In NB, ••••••;;;';1••••••1'·~ ;;"A..,..i"J•tt••••~~':' •••••••••••••••••l'•·•• ::;-.-~•·r.:Jn •• r.·.-.i 1!..f,. -. .llM .__. ._,. ~ ft MIF •o lhr 2ar apt. °'"" ,,.,,, ,.,,, '""'"' •tt:···················· ....... , Illa EJic.•Jent °"'°" · up to ••• ~;m!r •••••••• 4()00tqft.1801 Newport Want 1 butlMea o1 yovr 81vCI, C.M. 84S.2111 Aak own for minimum 00.17 E/Slde 3 br 2 ba, ~encl. EHO modern 3 Bl. 3 91, 13211 Renta I br dptx 28r, tea, oompletlly tum, m.:r.ttm••••••r.;:s; •• -....... ":r.'1:" ••• TT.';J s' Yrly 1 .. 790·81110 baol( l:d, frptc. 17110. laniutlc OCf.ln, oout THc:l:err'· AY~~~80 ' llnena, dlah ... elC. Nr .... , YH IQllft m 77 /wk &.,nny CdM twnh .. evd 54()..3 v I • w . •I 'I 61 mo . fM Hoao Hoap. Wiii anort llllt•ITI NI W 01ted 20 Town-Kltonenett•M•ld·Pool to anr w1r1m 25·301111. for Joe Cofnpl. Mtup PIU• bull· ftWNIT IUOll n"• coneultent. Ouer. 13U Hr H(N"I 2131371·3119 Jacunl Pool enh1noe t •rm · I 10O0 m 0 · ... 0 nome VILLAGE COM· N'"-" B"·d • wi~ 2Br. 1'A84a, .._.380rdnr, t II .. •,. br c d p t 87S-U43 or A~ Ad 2 -· hlldrena M01ton. N TY 2 I .. 8 2u "•" •• • _,.,, ti""' lllT '" UM1H ........ a Nnt ·g:,!:.:.. : ~.on o. y #281, 842-4300 24 tire. 1320/mo. plu• utlla. In· MU I • • r .. Cotta MIN 8<4a.9755 3 bll(• to bch, s mo llMOll UTll prollt 850-0219 No dtpoalt•I Lv•urlou• Pll• ....... " 8 , ... ,..,.,. ""-tl1 OClAN VIEW. 2 ba, 2 s4'80 "'c'~itne'BEST lant only. No pet1. No Ba. leoo-llOO eq, ti. Of + 'A ulll. PIHH 0111 '"y •'rd-. 'n oflVYo.,_• r aug •''. trpo 1 1150 mo Incl watt(. , .. · "'"S. .. 1"" 1bBA. quleBlk t, pvtb, ~o~ on weterbeda. 24110 New· pure lu1tury. QarlgH, YMrly on tn. belch, ho111 Connie Wk 8<41·81111 or new offlc11. Including Fully op•ratlng pre· 'IHif'>llOnlat, 1ne~rlng actlool With room lo ••· Hrvlce, conference pand. Owner tllJClbte on 790•8378 "" v ..., •V· • to c ...... ar, port 81\!d. •PH In every home • room, kltehln & thQW«, nm/tNg 7&o-68"11 548-0113. lftfA ,,. ... , llll SO ii . 673-UU: ...;_---------! rnaater 1ultt, dining 1320/mo. plua HO. d• -------- 2Br, 1ea. garage, 1g fncd u.1., •l.•tll '"J ••••••••.,.•••••••••••• 842-0888 Oh1 1 BR, 1820/mo. 3 Br. 2 81. F.R. room•. wood ~rntng poalt 2308 w oc11n· Stir 2bd 2ba furn apt, room. etc 752-840t. term•. Redueld to • 1'4. ooo. 751-3111 yd, pelt a. klda OK, 2223 ';";"'•••••••'•••••••••-.. AUreqtlve Studio, enh qui«, pvt, Pi'09 on bay. Clean, rrHhly p1lnt1d, llreplKlt, micro-wive front, Newport BHCh. heetth club. tennlt. Pool• Newport Airport Area.400 c. Pomona Ave. 1575 I.AKE PARK • Fo1tglove ployed female. non· 81111 to bell. Gtr. IAH. good nelgnborhood. ovene. prlva• pallot I 873-418<4. 1375· 8<44-t817 to 2•00 1q ft ofnce mo. 84H238. 845·2042 Mdl, •v•H 5191 1. saoo amkr. c~ TV. phOne, 873-8338 Agent, no '" 171·2200. yarda,91rd1ner provl· ' I , I 4Jll NB 1ownhouee, 3 bdrm. IPIGe lrom llOC all In- mo. on 1 yr IM. Corner w/d, been kltch, clean 2 er 1~ a.,, frplc, pOOI, ~· .!,~ar;t llvl~,J: .~.'!!'!!! .. ~~.!.!...... 2'h-ba, paol, Jee, laundty. eluding l•nllor Hrvtce. c:=. ... -t-"' ' .. 1111 I PITS K lot w/vlew. 2Br. den. bed,. private entrance, A,ttl•llll apa. attac:hed gar11g9. No ~ m • rom 1 Br • .....,. 4. ICtOll the etc. SHO mo. 'la ulll. AIC, elc. tmm.ct occu 2 Br. 1 81. WHtllde vaulted cell~I, lg m1tr Po<>I. apa, tannlt, walk t~ 0.fi a/ iH pet a . Ave 11 now . lallnd, 7 mlnut .. to SC. a tr Ht from be a oh. Avail 911 851-1824 pancy. LH or mo/mo. #Mtt If,,.,,, 1115 $475. · bdrm. 2435 Borrego beech. gall guard pree-•••••• !! •• !••••••••••• 16251mo. 63t_..984 Plaza or O.C.Alrport. 1295/wk 675-5088 Lall• Foreat 3 bdrm oon-540-2960 ••••• •••••••••••••••• 4 er. Westside. big fncd Court. 831-2230 or tlge arH. $350. Avell. •·"·-· hli•I ..... Jult eaat of Newport ---------1 ---------lPvt lnvettor h .. S&00.000 yard. 1-323·1llt0 Sept 1. 493-3480. ffl!'!'!'.••••••••••"-~ 2 bdrm twnhM. 1~ b1. Blvd. & ao. of San Diego 1 blOCk trom belch, 1 Br, do. 3 bl. Sun end Sall 400-llOO PLUS 1400 aq It to loan on Ill TD on Aak about 1nv11tm1nt .,,_~ ••at Vrly 2 bdrm. 1 bl. C>lok. g11age. patio. $4115. Hr Fr w v. 111 0 0 I mo 1leep1 •. with gerege. club prlv!141Q11· S350, •.+ PenthOUN Bayfront Sul· prime rental Income #111/N us• -WnlllciUlfl 3Jfl 1850 I II th & Pomona 631-54311, 2473 Orenge Prlv. pttlo. 931.12ee ulll. ht and last te, parking, patio• property. 3-5 yr1. 16'.+% plant 662· 1700 ••••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ldty. No ~~341 648-6357 Ave .• Cotti Meta 859· 11173 alt 6 673· 1003 4-5 po Intl. Call (7 t 4) Agent HOME FOR AENT Ger-oe. shop. dbl sharp 2 • --------WHILY IHTIU --------499 5254 New 2 Bdr condo, nr 3 Bdrm & 4 Bdrm. seg5 br, country kltch, pvt llJ&.--Eutltde 2 Br t Ba. Avallabl•. Agl. 875·8170 Empt. F 10 shr Irvine NEWPORT IEACH 1---------- db' & bk d to &800. Fenced y1rda a fncd WO. Kida nne. -• Clown 11a1r1 . near home. pref nonemkr. E n•~ (1000 .. 1 •11rrtiJ•IJ II f.r•ll mo~'e31.4~;r, y: garagea Kida & pet a BEST fee SSS.6191 1tlll•llll ~•11 •ch o o II , no P • 18 . N.B. 1&2 Br. -.Illy. 11801 S300 + ~ ullls. 544-6016 ,=fa·~). Attractive ·~ .. ~ ,., DHll ' 1111 ----------• welcome. 545-2000'. "' ~ 1._1 2·w;;,••2·b~·;;;,·d;i.· $450/mo. 631-i1155. :~:~·7:~31,· Great -•-"'--------maintained bldg Nr •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 bdrm, 2 ba, 2 car gar, Agent. no fee ., ••• ,. IU,.I yrly. Mature non-1mkr1: ! II. 1 IA COUNTRY CLUB LIVING _________ 1 Fem. 45 ehr lge lavlah Hoag Hoapltal, carpeta, I .I. UTTUI large ya~~s~Jg:e · L .. ae Mlulon VleJo. 770 ••• !,!!!~!~!!. .. !.~~! no pet1. $750 )( 3 S460/mo. S~ aecurlty A•~:.~";'~~~Tr:~c•~t 3Br 11pa 6. 1)001, CCIM. twnhae w/resp. working ml~l·bllnd1 Dedicated ••rfs•I• o •. ltt. ---------Mad,rld Del Lago, Lake Lu>1ury CdM. Bey front 2 1317911·4105, 2117-9792 Including utllllle1. No apartment community on $400 wk/S1250 mo. Aug. fem. unbelievable rooms. prk g. Prol. environment Specllllrlng In tat & 2nd Nice Eaatllde 3 Br. large vi-. pool, apa, 4 er. 2¥• condo. 2 bdrm. 2 ba. $450, 2 Br, utll. pd. 410 pell. the Upper Bay. Privet• 525-53511 qvertooklng brook & • quill area. 645·3323 TO"a alnce 11149 jar a ge , f ncCI yard · Ba. $1400/mo. Owner. frpl, spao lvg rm a patio. ..ardlng, Bel boa. No Call Beth 631-5230 olubhouH and hHlth CCIM 2 br, 2 ba apt. So. of :,~1."~~';[:'~r~8:: ~~~ dya, Robt. Sattler NH/CM 600/mo. $300 dep. No No pell. 855-0830 alt New paint. cerp1t1 & peta. 547-t/55 •2 BR. Ou"""'x 1475. apa. 8 tennis courta. 7 PCH. aundeck. Avail. 818 1325. 760•8045 Share new office IP with R.E. Broker Bd RealtO<I pete. 645-5527 6PM. appl. 2 car garage with -----'-----.,.... poole, cloae to bullness •. to 914. tSOO wk. or ---------us near Oyer. SIA up to 842-2171 545-0811 1 Br. 2 ea. carpet. drapes, 11.,,,..,, IHii 31,1 opener, $2500 I mo. 2BR 1B.4 yrly. adulta, no N-: P2~~1• 1~P~ enclad airport. Fashion laland. 11600 rno. 873-3415. Rmmte wanted to 1hr 4 Br 700 aq. ft. Prefer Ins. trptc gardener Incl ,-;.-;. •••••••••••••• 720--0783 pet1. 1600 mo. Incl utll. g,: {j 1 •• omone, Convenient atlopa on Bal Pe 1 blk 1 beactt condo, Npt Blulla. $240. brkr or almllar ofllce use. HOT LlllE 1825. '3244 Idaho Lane.· •••• TiiE ILIFFI _W_E_S_T_B_L_U-FF-V-IL_L_A_G_E_, _A_g_en_t_8_7_3-6_8_80___ 5• 494 lite. u ntumllhed beetle-petlo."s';;a. 13s8 pr wtc'. _1_2_0_.0_5_7_2 ______ 1_14_1_54_9_·_2_120 ____ -1 There are aeverat op· 557-4569 545-2428 3 br. 2'A bl. prof. dee. C.M. Nr new 2BR. t'h Y •• r I y I• a•• 1 Br . Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. crpt/ IOrt, 1 & 2 bdrm aptt end 855·1743, 673-11384 N.B. lux condo, Harbor Newport Center Office tlon1 ra1her than fore-Jh.1 ifl•I 3111 amenltl ... $1250. BA, lrg gar .• pool 1650. $500/mo. Savage. Wilde :~~·. ~;',~~96.no pell, townhou.... BAYFRONT PVT BEACH Ridge, au'y shr, straight Space 1187 aq ft.• pV1 closure. Without °"tt or •••••••••••••••••••••• ._5_2_9_-8_9_83 ______ , 875--0'18 a Co. 675-8908 ----------1 s-!f!~~':!°and 1 Balbot P.;,ln Jull com: ~i43~5!~!.442 dys. offlcH. Lge recept. rm f~~~·~:d~e~~:h :'~ 2·•ty. 4 Bdr 3 Ba. fimlly OC-RENTALS Npt Terrace. 3 Bdr, C111•• l•I #a1 311J 1 & 2 Bdr trallera. s2oo & Bdrm unite fHture fine plated • fabulou1 view. ---------supply rm. Telex & word would be bett 10< you. rm, frplc. epa. 33 tO1 1·5br"I 1200 to $2000 $750/mo. Family prefer· •••••••••••••••••••••• up & ll50 NC. No Chil· designer furnllure and Pvt prk'g Sra. 28r 2ba Private entrance. deck. proceHor tacit I l.90 Circle Home Loana. a Buccaneer. 4116-11475 750-3314 open 7-days red. 645-3765 2Br. tBa Collage. 1850 dren or dog1. 133 E. acceuorlel. Move tn to-plue convert den, alps 6. private path. main kit· per a If Mr Green d I r e c t I e n de r . II 1111 3131 EASTBLUFF. 3Br, 2b"a. ----------1 ~~.·~~t~'. ~~~Ii:~: 161h St, aci. 42• CM day or r~• fOf" sum-$750/Wkly. 62-9511 or chen to share. Female _64_4_·_99_oo ______ -l 714/499-2261 exec:2•;;;:;-t,;,·3•t,;, Av1il Now. 11200/mo. ~r..'.'!!~~.f!.~!!'J!!'!. 552-0300, 840-7390 ~~=·RN~~~· Beam c:.I· :::~~la~:c,nt~~e~!"~~~ 57S.S4lll &;:~:rs:2d5./~:~n~::S: 2s1~~~~~~upC~~=:.w __ l_DO_W_H_A_S_SSS __ l_0<_T_0_'1 lam rm. eec. gate, gar· 640-90tll .. Iha NEW CON DO 1900. 2285-D Maple 845-9494 dally. CdM. Avail Aug 1· com-u1111. Days Mike Russell drapes paneling CdM RE Loan•. lOK Up. No d-$850 720-0375 ~ I YI 0 1 pletely turn 3Br home. 714/640 3225 E 752.1a3o • Credi! Check. No Pen-. · · •II' " 11•i•1al• 3101 cHn view Bdrm, $375. I BR. paol, Piiio, 1 Short walk to bch. 499...-264 • ' ves ally Oenniaon & Aasoc f•Hld• V•lln 3134 l1tft .... IQ •••••••••••••••••••••• lrplc, modern kitchen. peraon. 14110. 2 BR 2 On Jamboree Rd JI• S500/wkly plua Clep ---------1 Scaling Down? Starting 673-7311 ••••••••••••••"••••••• 3 bdrm. 2'A baths twnnae Beaut. custom 2 Br 2 Ba deck. Jar. 673-3271 O< adltt, p1t10. 325 J. 17th San Joaquin Hiiia Rd 673-83411 '"Laguna Charm«"" 2 blks out7 Lower overhead --------- Pool Seeker• grab this 3 s1200 per mo Eves & blk to beach. 1plral _83_1_..0 __ 2_____ Pl. &46-5137 alt 11AM 144· 1100 from Beach 2 BR houae maintain Image. olflce at 214 Tl Br. 2 Bl home In family k di 1179 8986 da stairs. skytltes, patio, 1(>8 Ct1I• •• ,. 31U IW PlllT $340/mo. 1st & last Regency Center. Exec On San Clemente du· area. $595. Lota ol xtra1 ~2" 1023 • · & gar . U t 11 Inc I . •••••••••••••••••••••• EASTSIDE. Lg. 2 bdrm In $500/mo. 1 Br 1 ea. apt, s1:ioo mo. evel~ 814 to 4117-2621 suites In Newport l'lr Air· ptex 21% yteld. $34.000 BEST fee 539-6191 -$1200/mo. 673-9384 att 1 II 2 .. a II 4/plex. Prtv IUndlCk and encalsd garage. lndry 10/2182 Executlv• 3 ----------1 port, fully equipped & reCl'd Agt t-758-0318 2Br 2ba pvt ~ar apt 6. N 'd 'G ' gar S510. Adlts. not f~ c•-~ to ....... _ .. C11 bdrm and den. ocean Professional Ma le staffed for every bu1I· B •• ti.I,.. ••o<1a•n.0 lo11 o sl0<0 ..,.,.,·, •wly ecor. 11 pd. "-'1 o-k. 0no"'d-,v ... .,...... •. ... '" -..-"' ~ I .. 3••• ,......, · ..._. view. lennl1, pool, apa. Straight, non-smoker. neaa need. lndlv offices A•••••tt•••ll/ hat 3140 walk In cloHts, 2 car "•n•I •f ,.,, ••• encl gar, dwahr, pool, • 752-2550 · TSL M 642 1903 403-6260 25-38. to 51\are 3 Br 2 1 I / •••••••••••••••••••••• prk"g. walk to beech (1 •••••••••••••••••••••• bbg. Adults, no pell. ----------1 gmt. • Ba. Waterfront Bat Isl. mo/mo. lrom $375 •11••• I OC·RENTALS Blk) ST50 Incl utll. Avail Ocean view. beautifully 842·5073. 1 Br. Garden Apt. 110~ & LIDO DELUXE 2 Br. trptc Vat1lll• lt•l•ll 4150 may con11Cler female. 833.-9976 I.•11 I fH•I t-5br's $200 to $2000 812 0 . 9 8 0 . 5 6 4 4 or furn. townhouH, frplc. B B •• ref r I g • No Pet•. lrg brlclt patio OR. Adlta. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1160-2471 Xiii lnllt Lto. •• •••••••••••••••••••• 750 331 7 d pool & patio. $895/mo. SplCIOUI 2 r. I •. -25. $370/mo. 546·1377. $t050 67 .. ·"59 OCEANFRONT 2 a • Br. --------A•HHtt•••I• SIOO • 4 open • eys 645-1771 (Iv mag) . 673-0896. 3 Br. n~ Ba . S 4 7 5 ---· --~--·---1 Avall. now. Weekly thru S.11•11 l•r lt•I 4350 at MacArthur & Jambo-•••• •••• •••••••••••••• 5 Btks to ocean Elegant 2 ILIFFI CHM Laundry fee pool 1 Br. clean & sharp. No * BAYFRONT * summer. 673•7873. ••••'••••••••••••••••• ree.J11teraection. Lovely Dance enthusiast M /F Br. Family R;,, & Oen . C..t• #•N 31Zf 548-9558 ·' · Pe 11 S 3 5 0 I mo · PVT SUITE/GARAGE ---------Garage wanted lor 1mall garden style building earn as you learn to $850 Mo. Plush crpta. •Br. 2V.Ba. and unit. •••••••••••••••••••••• 546-9950. RESPONSIBLE N-SMKR Bal Penln waterlront, 4Br. 1port1 car. vie Oakwood 820· 1200 sq ft Month to S 1000 mo. or m0<e. PIT 2~ Ba. ce4ar & glus .• 2412 Vlata Hogar. No CASA IE ORO M~. ~~~n~.~:~~~~t .• -2-8-r-.-t-,,.,-8-1-.• -pr-lv-a-te_p_a· 1750/Mo. 873-1521 Bet. 2 sty. canoetletlon oppty. Gardens. No. 645-7278 month avail. Call Sandy as a travel club contut· aun-Cleck. dbl car prv Pe 1 9 · S 8 5 O · m 0 · ALL UTILITIES PAID 1 A 11 J 1 C 1 tlo no nats Avail now 9PM StOOOwk. Aug, S900wk. 7 1 4 • 6 3 3 • 0 8 2 0 or tent It's easy. lt'a fun garage, fully malnt. yard 760-1573. ~~··a=.° va u y. a $5.25. lS52 8 El~ st: 1 Br 1 Ba, yrly Sept. (213) 476·7738 Of/itt l•at1J 4400 213-820·8857 Mr Franks 960-6866, No pets. Inquire at 527 WHTOLIFF 111¥1 Compare before you TSL Mgmt 642· l603 646-3627 no calla af1 8. $800/mo. lt•llll 11 llNn 4300 ••••••0•ITIY••••••••••••••• -S-0 -. L_A_G_U_N_A __ 3_A_(_Ch-B-ay~ _5_4_2_·90_47 ____ _ 18th. St. 980-633t. .. Bdrm 3'.+ bath, 2 year rent. Custom dealgn ----''-------873-3355 •••••••••••••••••••••• m E 11ms 500 sq II wllh good hW) ,,,, ', ••• , S300 Nr BCH 2br home w/huge old P1C1Mtter executive leaturea: Pool, bbq. Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town-•IUITifll/tlln• llJ I•••• .. • IRVINE. Phone answe-vlslbllity 407•2351 •••••••••••••••••••••• gar, aun1tt & petlo, 1430 l'IOme with library. family cov·rd garage, aurroun-house In quiet complex. 1Br. enclaCI. balcony. Large Bluf11 condo, 2 C ring, cont rm. utll pd. OC·RENTALS 750•3314 room, formal dining ded wllh pluah landece-large pool. garden HI· crpta, drp1, stove. frig. bdrm, 2 ba, 2 car gar M~l~·~;~~~:g~lc~~~ sctry aervs. etc. Also IUITIFIL room and 3 lireplec... ping. No pets. ting. $675. 645-3381. pool. laundty. For quiet with opener. Greenbelt. So. Celll. 540•6716 deak space. $150/up IEWPOllT CEmll fQlJND ADS Clean 3 Br. 11.+ Ba lencd s2100 mo. oc leue op-1 8'. furn. $515 675-59•9 Slngte No Pets. Water & Bay View Secluded pa· 5•0-97•5 l:~~i m"o~·~aby:ao~~Y lion Call agent at 465 W.w ti.on 842·1971 $530/mo 2 Br. 2 Ba. gaspd S375mo llo 1925.830-0645 ROOMMATE -52_0_aq-.-,t-.-,-1-.00--per--aq-:,•~r r':!~~~11'!~'J'~: ARE FREE 846-5092 NEWPORT VILLAGE TownhOUMI, car ports. 145 E 18111 845-2708 Cozy 2 bdrm, 1 ba. be•· It .• 3975 Birch .. N.B. secretarial & word pro- _9_7_9_·_5_12_0_._M_r_T_a_y1o_r __ Spectacular view In pr Beautiful shady apt. patloe. all bll·ln1, lndry 2 Br w/gar 1450. Crpta. med cell"•, Patio, Ga-fllDERS Agl(lt 541-5032 cess•ng Mall & meaaage RANCH HOUSE ON HILL stlgloua Harbor Ridge, Patlol & deck. gas & w1r rm. arnall pet ok Won't water pd rage. Npt Helghtl No 1617 Weetclitf. N.B. 258 serv. avall. separately 11 Call: k Rea 1 dd 1 y 1 nop 9w11Nu Scr 7 p1 51p01, pool. spa, tennis, sec. pd. pool & sauna, tennis '8:11 1571 '"A'" Orahge Pets. S525. 645-1682 Oldest a largest agency. 10 4000 IQ. "· lst. llOO< destred 1~2·Hll g a' e $ t 5 9 5 I mo . crts. sand, volleyball en. T L Mgmt &42-1603 ___ 1._s_63_s-.. __ 120 ___ 1 1 bdrm. yrly. atep1 to All cli....11 tcreened wtth Agent 541·5032 Call Judy ,. 631-"320 790•9307 rec rm. 18r tum. $470 Alf 5. 642-6221 2 .... ·-b 11 • p1'0toa a relerenc.a. -'---------• ___ ,_,,._,_160_-_0_100 __ .-1 •--------mo. Jr 1Br furn $430 mo •----------... , eac • garage prk g. ,_ 2 BR. HOUSE $495 JBr, 281. 2 paltos. no Call 557..0075 Fireplace, pool. dlah· t'n mite 10 beach. $475/mo 770-2404 or Credlls Cotmoc>olllan la$j•n• ll•lll 445 Kids pet ok redone peta. yrty. •teps to bch. waSher. pvt patio X LO Eve 6-9 631-4816 _7_3_1_·54_4_6 ______ • Good MO<ntng Amenca. •••••••••••••••••••••• hu bit-Ins fncd nr bch S800 mo 631•3417 Bulillfl•• 0 a rd en 2 Br S 560 New o.cor 38r. 281. lrplc;. The TomOJrow Show Retail store at 2650 Avon Loll Yorkshire Terrier, 1111 seen 1n F V nr Tai· btrt & Magnoha Benji .. 12t31430-4153 BEST ree 539-6190 ---------1 •-, .. a. 31,~0 _5_5_1._2_a.._1 _____ 2 BR 2'n ba duplex. 1600 ... 1..,.n 141·18" St., 1840 sq ft plus 8 ---------E STB FF 500 It 3 -•• ., f I I E ga.r1ge. « blk• lo bch, , .,,., 8777 $390/ 1br· belt 1lng1e·1 A LU 1 sq. · •••••••••••••••••••••• NEW BREED APTS aq. I. 0 uxury. very yrly 673-2571 ;i-a.c-... car garage . .,.. • padl Yd 4 pet & pool 4 Br 2'it Ba lrplc. 2 ca• 1 Br a loft. Frplc, rec xtra, dbl gar. lncd yd. ----------• Qor~1 2br, 2ba condo .1,:"' ,_... Office and Laboratory Lost Guoc• purse In Univ you. S3Mt90 am fee gar w/elec opener. com-H.l.'s FllEST roorn. pool, 1pa. gas & 1_S66_5_._6_4_2·_9_666 ____ Lido bayfront. yrly '-· 3 w/pool. spa, amenities. ./.10oo• space · up to 7500 sq It Dr. lrvlne 8 15 pm. Fri mty pool, quiet neigh· water peld No pets 393 "••• 1•hll 31·•~ Br 3 Ba. 4 f3 VI• Lido Xlnt loc. Nr SC Plze, ./M --845-2t11 Aak '°' Joe July 30, Reward Please 3 Br 2ba, lrplc, good b0rhood.540-9350days. SpanlshEaiattLMngl Hamilton . c M . ~~••••••••••••••••••~! Soud . 673-1283 or OCC,Flouf.662-2247alt --caJl644-9U9 n •lg h bo r hood N r 780-8398 evH. Mr. Begg BeauUfut park-like tur· &45-4411 2 Br 2 Ba, ocean vu. S525. 875-3551 $1250/mo. 4 & wkndl or 1179-4180. ./ ,_... ,.._, C••••rtlll Bushard /Hamilton . Eutblultexec,ooeanclty p'~~~dJ~~:~Tg•;:•~:q~ ---------t Br $400. Both with lmmec.2Br2BanrLldo * BAYFRONT * lt•llll 4475 CanvasSa•IBaSg w1thSalls $725fmo. 409-4737. le pt pool jac 3 D/W & atove. 661·1192 r~• lo I 1 I PVT SUITEIGA"•GE •••••••••••••••••••••• Inside 181h t. bayslde 962·7945 v w. v · ·• sparkling foun1ain1. ••1 fl._._. "'"pat • cp Of" ag , ....,. L t 7 27 REWARD Bdr. 2'h-Ba. din rm, lam Spacious rooms. Sepa· ••E&l R3ili, H•;::,sl•• no pet1 $695. 675-0097 RESPONSIBLE N·SMKR OFFIOE 11 lltOP os • Im•• 3244 rm. beautiful amenltlH. rate dining area. Walk-In aa••Jllllll.~ ••~ 175-0tmo 673·1521 Bet. •IRllE IFFIOEI* Inn-bldg on Coast _5_4_6_·00_30 ____ _ ••••••••••n•••••••••• $1500. &40-8233 closets, home like lllteh· ArAfl •••••••••••••••••"-~• ~~ •• ~{'."!!~.'! •••• !.~~f OPM From 1room 10 3 rooms. Hwy. South Laguna AP· Siamese wllh Ilea collar LEASESU BIG CANYON TWNHSE en & cabinets. Walk to Beautiful garden apta. WllFFLmH Near new 1 Bdrm. apt. F $1 16 It N prox 500 eq. It. Excel· Hall grown At Newport 3 Bdrm d.tac .. __. hom~ Bl C GollCouraa Huntl,.,.,ton Center. Patlos/dtckl. Heat paid. · Ith b 1111 ti Lu• Dani Pt view Condo ..!~ · adsq.d' · 1° lent private parking Animal Hosp .. CM '""' v. on g nyn ...... ..,. No pell. 1 & 2 Br. Dlacount on w u -nt. oarpe no for 3 mo .. maater suite ·-require · A ,. Ar-behind bldg. 1525 mo. In e11cetlent area. Avella· 2Br, 2Be +den, prof 1Bdrm-furn.1505 2 Br. 2 Bl. $565 some models. Pool. Spa. &drapes, laundryfaclllty, with frplc, pool, apa. pa<ter Inn. 2172 Dupont, Turner Aasoc. 494•1t77 LOST: Brown ··aurler b 1 e 1mmed1at t1 y , decorated. beautifully 2 Bdrm-furn.lrom $605 398 w . Wilson 63l·5583 Gym , s au n •, 91 c. under roof carports and 1_..98-2661. 844•9539. Call AM. 833-3223 type .. walltl. vie Car- $800/mo on 1 year leaae lndscpd, pvt tennis & 2 Bdrm Townhouse furn. 848--0619. publlc tennl1 courtt & fal•1lr/1I lt•l11f500 away 0 r I v•. C M , Five others to choose awlm1ng lacll $1500 mo from $675 Sparkling clean. 2 Br. t •/, golf couree right behind Super view, pool, spa, lfWNIT IUCI •••••••••••••••••••••• 546-3t47 from. we·re the ones ro Reis req. Contact owner Ba $470 Fenced. 1.1111• $350 Bach. furn Pool, property. Clol8 to ev ... aec . gate. tennis. Executive office In Can-N.B 3975 Birch. 31160 sq. --------- ti..._ 976-1680 or 857-4964 No pets. paid Refrlge. 2 small spa. 18092 FlorJda. rythlngl 13115/month. $245/mo. & hekpng nary VIiiage, $450/mo. 11 or Iese MIA zone Found gray & white M Utllltles Freet children ok, no pet1. 842-2834, 842-3172 Avalleble Auguat 15. one 7511-1428 Bloker 67$-4912 Agent 541-5032 striped kitten. vie Ha· \\bodbrldnc 3 yr old Npt Hts. 3 plus 1960 Wallace 642-4905 tw dull ly & ---------________ _._. •-~--------1 ml lton & Bushard. ~ loll or 48r. 3 ba Frml din LA QUINTA HERMOSA Ne81' beectl 2 Br. 1'A Ba. or o a . 1 on no Prof F ltlare pluell model WISTllllml $750 up 2160 It. lndu· 968-2572 Reillllj rm. I/rm. $1290. O<dnr 16211 Parkside Ln. 1 blk $500/mo. 2 Br 2 Ba. 1p1, crpt1, drps. bit-Ins. frplc, pell. Call owner 11 17141 townhome, tennl1, gala. 1200 Of 2400 sq. It. De-atrial -Olflce 18101 A.---------- S5 1·3000 0 Pen S • t I S u n W ot Beach. 3 blks S. of encl1d garage, p1t10. enclsd g81'age. $560/mo. _&4_2_--0_138_. _____ beech, patio. lurn. 1500 luxe office or at ore dondo Circle •M & T Found Blk and wht 646-6769. 631-2177 Edi""'-. lrptc. lndty lac. SubmlC Call 538-0921 ..... ._a•lf ..__,.&." eaotl. 493-"947 apace. 14302 & t4304 H uni• ng ton. Beach Spril'!ger Spaniel/ Lab 1'211larnnn Pll•).l r\lnr .. .,... on pet 1¥9"...,..• •-----------842 283• mix VIC CM Tennis Clb. HURRY' 3rm w/pool Lg Ml·l4t1 TSl M 1 642·t603 ARLINGTON APTS. 11 U.Jrua '"° LADIES ONLY Bttul Beach Blvd. Btwn 2 1--·--·------1 841-7524 llEITALS gar. cute kltch NOW ---------gm Quiet. apacloua town-•••••••••••••••••••••• N B .... JH.IV home. Avell Frwya. C1v1C Cent9" Vil· lfflltl! •••1·..-11 ---------1 to 5 bctrms. ararttng et $375 •ffniiAffSi•ti .,1ff EASTSIOE 2 lJr l'Th'"tla. flouae ~Br. . ear IDWflD now 845--9515. AO.-sl'i()Jflmg-cwnter. IYti ~ ,_,,, F-0und Stbertan Hually. 1-450 to S1150 OC-RENTALS 750-3314 •• -.-.~;•••••••••••••••• Townhoull. enclsd g•· beach S 5 2 5 /mo Prime toc.tlor\. 979-6889 Approx 2000 •q ft Nr Vic. Newport Beech. July Veraallles. lrg 2 Br 2 Ba rage. lrplc. amall pet ok. 960-8656 · YILUIE Mature Lady lo snare 0< 660-0144. Crown Valley Pkwy, & 3111 984-3906 't513 CAMM~IRV!Mt TllntllOI Lovely S t?r, 2 ba. fam rm, crpta, drp1. bltln1. 1 950 mo. 1 yr It• 673-5820 •vea a Mindi. Turtlerock 1750 111. 2 mstr bdrm1, country kit· chen. 2'h-bt. next tel pool. Ava II Sept t . 633-8277. 752-6492 CALL NOW 2br 2ba SUNNY pool, ac>a. blt·lnt 1580 OC.RENT ALS 750-33 14 Turtle Rock 4 BR 2'A ba, 3 car ger. f•m rm, patio. grdnr Inc. I 1200 mo Avail now. 833-11127 4 ~. 2 Ba. 18971 ,4ntloctl 11100/mo. Agent 541-6032. Rare 3bf 2ba w/gar, pool, wtle aavera kltctl, mvltl- fam Ok. IA35. Klett & em ,.. nne. . BEST f .. 53M111 For leate Of lease option penthouse, roomy klteh.. Great loc. N 162 bd 1 home In Coate Meaa. ---------FOf"beS Rd · Mission vi. $2,500 mo or $690.000. din rm, trplc. l>MUI. view TSL u-mt &42-1603 Frelhly painted 3Br 2'A8a, ~In 14 ~';'· 1 edr~ Move In 8191. 111. $325 Airport area • Exec. Sui· Jo (714) 545-0215 Found White Pigeon with Trades considered Avail of ocean. Year feue '"V frplc. dbl att gar. petlo. ~om 1515, 2 bdrm from plua ~ utlls. 540-4979. 1 .. From 225-450 aq. tt •-1.;.300_...;_sq_. -tt-. -S-42-5-.---• httla "**'· red feet & now Laf1 make a deal. S900. Sandy 642-8149 STUNNING large 1 Br. 1650 mo. 1164-4633 1570, TownhouH from Btwn 6-9PM. St r:; aq. It. Many xtru 1800 sq 11 5575 b • • k Vt c C d M · Jodell model. Harbor 1 Bdrm collage. furn Utll gar~ apt, PoOI a rec. DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba. In Sl40 + pools. tennl•. Fem. Rmmte. 1 blk lrom _c_ii_5_57_·_7_o_io____ Front olflce. large rear -6-73---34-2-5------~~· f~; view. By pd. Secluded. rm. 710 W. 18th. St. 4·Plex, blt·lnt, crpt1. weterfalle, pond•I GH t>Hch. reep, $225 tit & mOITIYE SlfTEI doe< 17711 Whittler Ave LOii Gr~y & White &male $475 645-3477 Lall, tll-'t l•lft•--hlt·upa, C1rp1, dbl ger. tor cooking & heeling last 531.5see evea 881 Covet. NB. 631-3651 Days 540-9352, Evu cat wt.. blk collar• 111· 2 Ek. I'~ ba condo, patio. 2 tBr. poo1a(de w/gar-;o; fr pie 1950 No pet1. paid. From San Diego 646-0861 ve< bell 675-4111 car gar Pool/ape. S7.00. 1-485 B 11 /pall 1 540-4484 1n 6 M·F Frwy drive North on Non 1mkr, 3 BR condo. Prof. orllQe spece In Npt. I l1 .., -~ ~~-FOUND Sh•f mix pup p h 4 9 7 • • 2 o a 0 r 1 1.ac05 "'f 1 °· c r1• Beacti to Mcfadden to furn. 1200 mo. & 'Ao utll Cent'r for attorney or •• •.•.'·••'••"'·'• •• •.I ....... " • .,_••• vie "-i-·I• .. onr-"'-·. 673· 1856 THE por I .. d. rpao. poo • DELUXE 2 Br. 2 Ba. In s e. w I n d v I I I • g. $ 150 dep. 1184-3654 HB, other profnslonat. Use FAM"Y _ __..I ·-br .. ___ c··.·~5°':25g2 .... v•-apa. aun ry. ulet. no 4-Ptax, crpta, drp1, bit· 171 ... ,.3•51,,8. nr OCC 1 ti 1 1 x ~ ,_, .. '"'"... "' ~ t M Pl .. ,..., " 0 recep on 8 • arox. to rent or I••••· REA----------Btutta. 3 bd, 2 ba. 2 pat.. P • • · • 1 • n • • · Ina, eoc:lld gar. hk-upe. ---------law llbra"' Avail Imm.... Found yg M Pheraoh lrpl, grn bit, view. u"rCI, 5411·2447 I $525. No pets. 540-4484 ,,.., ~-. RH~onalble rmmt CdM. 11 f Cl.,. 11 •• 1 .... ""1 ·• SONABLE. 642-2150. u nd 't .. '' . OOD 8 M F .,..., 13 5 ptu1 utlla, pool, ca or eta s. "'"" or .... ou . cen .. eep. <Nl'-WID. charm! Only 1150. •tt • · •••••••••••••••••••••• Art 11•/95" "'•11 ..,...... .. ~-(21") . 720•1280 Pool. tennle, l•k•. club, frplc, c1rport. Avail. Aug ___ .. __ .,.._,_ .. ___ l•ll•n•i ltrnl/ ~~-C::,!o ,..,.,..... ~ o.tuxe pool1tde lllra 1arge Wlllh«ld~. full El Toro __ 1s_1n_._1_20_.1_4_11_5 ____ 1 l!.x1c. Furn Suite, prime •'•l•ff --------- HARBOR VIEW HOMES LIFE'' me8tiB.All 2br, 2 ba. bltns. d1wnr, houae prlv. 'It utlll. 1290 Newport Beach loft for N.B. IOC. Phone and co-•• !.'•················· Found. lrl•h Setter M, Customlted, 4 bdrm. lam p•MtLY an.· ~~ mpl!~·s~h0 t1d~l!,8: 111. & laat. 588-<4038 Iv rel'lt. Faml~ atmoephere. p ier a11all . $225/mo ••ll•HI purebred. 2-3 yta old. rm, pool. Exo1ptlon11 .-. .. .._~ ...... .....:.. ...... -.,.,. ~ mag. Full ·-0 .. ~ .... NMr 966-1779. 1140-6215 ~ I I ,,00,11 vie. Nwpt Bch. 545-7091 rental 11550 mo. ·---~ r"'"' BHutllully land1c1ped 538-8382 ---------,._ '""' ( 1 'Ml •• ,. ., ., 955-3454 Soc111 Actlvltlu garden eptt. Pool a Spe. ---------·•Female. Beaut. room w/ pool & park. Rent Incl eve ••• --•••••••'•••••••• Found Mele kitten, •P· DI rector• Fr•• Covered par le Ing. No lltWtJ lt4fftrattl blth. Kitch prlv. HVH. utll. 1375 mo. 759-0790 Executive olflce 1u1te. Join the IHder In the proK 3-• mo. Orey & blk Underltlled Eteganc:e 8 u n ,s • y pet•. 2 children wel· 2 bdrm, 2 ba, no 1)9ta, S290 plu1 utll. 720<0375 1 ... NB ho p of ••• cornet of 405 Fwy. ~r swimming pool ohemlcal Tabby. 845-7240 ltw T....... Bnlnetl-BBQ'a• am•ll cNld ok 1315' ~ ~v · me. ~ · ..... Htrl>Ot Blvd. lake OW/I Mrvlce bu1lnH1 Be a Pertlll•Piul come. • mo. EASTSIOE CM. Privet• non-amkr. 28-35. Avall. '"" 1800 ..... ft 11 90I "aparkle watar tr•trnent Found White 11raw P'JrM. FOf IHM 2eoo tq tt. 2 _....., 1 Br. IA711 tea-9114 unfurn. room & bt1h. no¥r. t3110. Diana. ... ,..,:,1751 ,.---.19._. ayatema dHler." uc·cs Call to l~Uty bdrm and den, 2'1t be. """"''mar.. 131 £. 18th. 848-8811 3Br. 28a 2 tty, bltna. trplc, Utlft. 1ne1 •• refrlg .• S315 83t·12M " ....,. "" ' 84&-9194 g:~.~ou~llvl::~u~t~~~ ::::ITATIOM: ~ll~rE~ :,~,St. 548-r~: !v:~~~~7~· :~P.!.'3-7544, betwn _M_u .. t_er_8d_r_m-.-b-a-.-... -.-,n-1_F_o_u-nt_a_l~-V-a-1-1e_h_O_fl_~-·-1 l::,~~~:~oa~~1a1r1:.~1:~ Wtiat I Wondetf\11 Wand Clvb With pool. epa. ten-f • n n I 1 •fr•• cloaet. Nr beech & epeoe, eq. ·at HPtr nee. Wiii train. o f Shopping. right at nla. 714-073-0475 leeeona (pro a pro 1 Br new c1rpet. newly lzftJN 1144 1 blocJc It btlcll, WIDYr. Adame. Pvt. ye rd . • U. Good Hpo1ur1. U0,000 l ull amount your nnoert191 ~ayt ahop)•2 Heal th painted, IA15/mo ptu1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 28oroldef •• 2tSmo, fat &250/mo 9110-7874, r,!'0 /:':~~I~~ req'd, aoMe llnanc;lng Delly f>llot OlaHllled Roomy 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo Clubl•s.un.. S200. utu pd, no petl, Orang4tt,... Condo 2 Bf. 1 & tut. NO peta. H0-8e18 tel()..6030 761 .. 101 available. Wiii net $40, Adi. To place '/04lr Id, In Cliff Hllven. lrplc, H)>dlOITl fl ~ pool, Idell ror quiet,,,.. Ba. pool. ltOO/mo. • F I ,. •·. "•· ..__ ....... ~to --------000 plut Call collect c.it 842..$878 Ind ... I commty pool. 1850/mo. ~ lure working couple. 957.9017 Tr~. ..van lmmld. Ufn, un & .......... ,.......,....,.. H1¥t ~ to Mil? Mon-Fr1 •~PM. Aalc tor Cleallled AO.Vleot help 675-1051. 11 .. UT•, UL 541-7MO. 11&5. 11t, !Mt. 'A utll. OM an are, out rageou1, ,..~ ............ _ ......... It--". Tim 40ale6T-011l ...,.,, .. i-..,. .._, Jl4a 811-6510 Lagu"a•l.lberer Mele. _,_ -"" -1~ CHARM! 5 br1 3 be HVH. Lo• 2Br 2ba aondo Nr '::"l'.':':':'.r;;:-;:........ 49'-e216. f' You can be a I : French dB. a ~. m· : rn~~ ! :. I,..~ 8 i lo. Cit Moat ulll pd. .......n :., ":'Jc::"· No _H_o_u_ae_m-at_e_w-an_t_e_d_f_o_r' ~;53,c~'~· · ledloomte~ ~f.·,f~01' apa. H 75· Meet ~ llPt. bldg. 831-4734 lft 4•30 21r t\ol\'le In Colllal f>tc, a Unfurnlth~•No "' LliOUM IMcll, "'*' . C.M $3311. Cell M alttw NWPT HOTS AREA P1ta•Model1 Open Nr. s .c PINI. 31r 2bt. loc:atlon In 1(1Wf1, !nett!-WortUno ~ Ill to 40 #259, &42·4300 14 In. 3 BA 2 Ba oondo, no~·· 2br/1bl NO pete. S025. ,......, t to I upper, dlctt petlo, l>OOI. talltno Ylewl, d bl.lllt-tnl, non emote•.' \.t blk bet!. pool, A/C, 1700 mo. 0.-6454441 _, • dttlldten/ Pit• ~. MIO. h •• I. d t 0 0 I . NB. NOQ.17&-110l lft 4 PtOf *" '°"'w a Of find WINNER ,, Just by sending us your name and I~ address and by watching for your name In the classified ads or the Dally Pllot.. nlee , 978·81117or 1--.----,-.-.. ----1• ....... 173·804leor64Wtee t~'::.r'ie~T'.:· Lagvna rurn rm, pvt be, ~i=:::s1.:.~- 552·98<4t 2 BDRM a Iott. 2!.t bait\. .... lNIUIU ...,. 330 Cliff 0r: 41-44093. • llOn-lfl'lkr, Olllf 40. TV, • Turi'-......... t L'--' I br 8 ·-· & ... r.t wA-... -• ••• 1 bdrm oar"o.. pool p 0 0 I • • u • I p r 0 '1 F rrnm'9 Z0.21 ""*',or ,. """"' r..,......, • PICovvl "" ""'""'' .,. • ..-... 1 n • " ••1..1 • •wrt a.MA •-1111 :494-04::::=5..::1·~--....!:~M!~b' apt In 1rvlne. 2~ bl oondo. Pvt pttlO. NHr llPP•t IOk lay ....... ~.. ., dry. No , .......... o •• -....... Til'l •••• ~ 1~ /rr,o 911-15118 frplc, alt. 2 ctr gar., -1th mlnlvtew. ~. 880 .. .,,.,. BMchl t.c211Jmo. 131 W NO 'HI Apt. a Condo......... flM1----· ----- ttnnle cu. poof + more. lero• patio. AC. 2 car i•t 1_) 18th St. CM rff'ltall. VIiie ~ ~....... ••••n Prof. F 2l-30101t1t 2 bf, 2 UU. Ohlldren OK. OltlOI '11/o,.ner, 8pa •. ,71 ,,.~v._m11,u f4M411 8'1f..4ttllrolter. -~.•M• bl CdM •Pt wlfri>IC I 85M142 NOO. 646-8002 , ----""IV !'Mt. now ...ii. O•· liN mo Nonenlllt ,___.,...... .JMI Hr. 2~1e. laok lay ...... llMl/.. 8peclOut 2 If, 2 It. new iC)M. 3 lfU I& fDlo.oer. 1140 & 11p. Color TV. 173· f7fl. IU·HU ::Jr.":'7:' ............ .:r.t eree. Children Ok. 1100 1et9' at. crpte, drep11. good beMtl 2 bike. MOO"· .. ~ .,, room. 1114 _,..._-_l&'l_Y __ ...__ ...... __ EMIAALOllAV. t Ir. 2 I 1O0 O f mo . At t (00.-at 111h) U1t•l d1 l ooatlot\ No,.._. .. a.1eei .......,, INwd. CM. Ba.~ bttc* HtlO wttfl M2-3NO. (11~) 142-411$ .. Tl/mo Mlt\n 9dtlltl iwwf,,.... ....,~., .... 7461 •pa. • 1100."t U / 1---------i onfY, ... MIMQS 14? eltecttw ci .. al .... 11t·22N. Clwffted ed. 842·5111 ,._ _______ .j I. t"" It. "4'', C.M. ..,.,.,. - Win ticket• to the clrru.. 1r•• em\&Stm•nt aurar • tlon• c>r 11portlnt tvt'ntt . Just fill out thl1 tOUpc>n ind j : mall it today to ttlt J ' a.Allled D{part••t..L. OaHy PUo& JllW.BQ8'net,C'Mil11 .. ,CA- tCtaHlfled Adi ere the enaww to a lucoeMful fJW8ge or Yard aalel It'• a ffttw way to tell l'nOf9 peoplel ~!!.'!~I. ............. . Huber Roortng-all typea, New-recover-decks Lie. •411802. 548-9734 To plaoe your meeaage before the reeding pubtlc, phone Dally Piiot ctualfled. 642-5878 ft!!·'·!.•.!!!# •••• 1 ...• ¥!!1..'!M'!!. •••• !.~!! !'11. !!!!'!!. •••• !.~'! !'11..'!.'!'!!. •••• !.~!f ¥!!1. .'!!!~'!. •••. l.t. !'.11. .'!.'!'!!. •••• !J. 'if ·!'.11..'!.'!'!!. •••• !.~ !f !e/1. .'!M'!/. •• ~.!.~ff !!!~t.~!~!!!!.......... ~11.'!!!t..,_ .••••• '1.!! Found 2 dogs. Vic. Hell & .Account• R-lv/Recep DELIVERY DRIVER. F/ JEWELRY SALES Part lime. s,11 the most Receptlontat. AIR Salet --------Aati•••• 1005 Apartment size. •tacked Springdale. 'AIR computer ex per. time. for buay Photo advanced Burgltf Alarm Receptionist, typing and Wanted ttll·motlvated llE M Yll IEEI ••••'••••••••••••••••• washer & dryer. new. 846-7171. Responslbl• for entire Studto. Good driving re-·Hfoh llne store. must be System IOOSS below varloua dutlea. AIR persons Inter.Hied In • IS wAttlNG Ttlt•llHt IHtll $245. 642-9732 AIR fOI' • growing· pro-cord a must. IM5-3840 eKperleneed. 35 Fashion competition TRUE comp\iter uperlence, developing own bullnees FOR YOU NOW 1 Found small black & white perty ,111enagement co. Dental Aatfetant, FIT, lalend. 844-2494 for $2000 per month. Also RHponalble for entire w/newly marl<eted pro-But It won't be waiting 0~: rr2ooe'o~::Io';i':r s:~~sO r~~~ ggodR co;:t ~~~:ioodbrldge area. Receplfonlst typing and front & bade ellperlenc;e. eppt. need 4 to bulld mrktg AIR for a growing pro-duct. Mlnlmal lnvestm~t long. A representative Safe 1950. Singer Se-5200 OBO ;..a.:3398 · vartousdutlea.536-7551, ROA. x-ray lie required. JR. ACCOUNTANT w/ team: 633-8943 & perty management eo. needed. Ph PBR Intl fromSTOP 'NGOwlllbe wing machlnue 1150.1 _____ . ____ _ lltlf•lll S3SO Linda Salary open. Benefits. good prfnclpal aceoun-855-6807 536-7651. Linda (714) 631-3296 dya or et the Stop 'N Go market Secretary desk, chest licn/11 IOZO •••••••••••••••••••••• Auto dealer needs sharp 642-6680 Of' wknda/evee ting bkgrnd to assist Ii-(714) 675-5418 eves. located at 4555 Pac Cst type. $800. Burl wood ... ,•••••••••••••••••• * * * gtrl for switchboard & • 673--3-403• Npl 8ch area. nanclal analy1t with PAIT TIME RESTllRlllT lal4witlt lalltr Hwy, N.B .. on Thut1, Aug cane chairs $125 ea. 01-Boys Bike, ,. Atl.ltls ,.'It' bkkp'g Sall C"-olet budgeting for property Eves and/or wtekends. The finest nouvelle res.-C 5th between 9 am & 1 ning room table 8 fl x 5 Schwinn Sting Ray 24 . . .. ... vr • h t I •--1 ..__, -'t R lb'-_ .. II 0 for sandwich shop. all t I lk t bout $40 955 2949 Open 24 hrs 8 day L 8 g u n a B 0 h 1 a "" ••-mgmt co. Xln company espon1 ,., '""" a. over tau rent in range 645• 1100 alter 4 PM pm. o a o you • ft 12 high back chairs . • 7 days 8 week 4894·1l3lxpertenoed tn Bfll.ngual and ROA prefd. beneflta. Send Resume 21, with outstanding, at· County la lnterHted In ---------llllEllATI IPHlllS ~iisslon Oak $6500. All l•i1'i•I Jacuzzi, Sauna. Locals all phues. 40 ht1. Bene-Tues thru Fri, 9-12 Sat. w/aalary req to: Person-tractive personalftles to qualified per90nnet. We SITlf/IECEPT I• ••w,.rt ltecll mint oond. Much, much .,. t i l I0'4 S as well as lourlsta. fits. Huntington Bch. 648-2411 net. PO Box 1486, Costa work wltti youth (agee are accepting appflca-Sales Rep A~ency In Ir-Dey and evening posl-more. 633-3389 ••• ~~.!!.~.~••••••••~• eank•merlcard ••aeter 53"656l. Meaa. Ca. 92626 10-14). Call 2-5PM. tlons between 9-11 em vl'ne. Typ·ing, /H. rtllng & " 1 Charge, Amerio;;, Ex-"" Dependable woman with 642-4321, Ext. 346. EOE dally for the following phone uper required. lion .. ava lable. TtltJhtH IHtll llOW 36C /FT. Presa. Diners. All wel-strong personallty 88 llve Ltcal SttrtflrJ H positions! c 11 J tt 54"' 11H4 •t EXP •EOEWIY, with phone, American Redwood 2x6 deekfng, come 714/645-3433. am IEOIAllOI In companion/ eook for Newport Center Real ·:Person Friday" -ome HOSTESSES a eanne e, ......... Good starting salary. lull Oak $1200. Old Mosler 4-20' long; alSOlredwood **Tune up w/arnog lie. Newport Sch woman, Estate Litigation Firm Decorating Shop. Answ. WAITRESSES Sculptured nall designer company benefits, great Safe $950. Singer Se-fencing. Call Jim or Ken 2112 Harbor 81· CM **Brake & front end salary negotiable. Reply needs exper legal secre-phones, •Hiit cust's, 333 Bayside Drive wanted. Laguna Beach. career opportunity! For wing mechlnue $150. anytime. 775-1491. COEDS • Would lo11e to **H"" line with resume & references tary. Xtnt typing, dicta-minor bkkg. etc. Custom Newpon Beach, Calif 494-6577. more Information. cell Secretaru desk, chest ---------rt .... h c 11 .,.,,_ ., t T Jo PO 8o 614 Shade & rapery Shop, ---------• 17 o ' Rall oad ties iood selec-pa Y ... 1 you. a """' o . · · · · x • phone and shorthand e 3535 E Coast .......... CdM. ROUTE PERSON S 11 bkk & 4-921 type. $800. Burl wood r • o95r3-K931163t hy any t I m e . Busy & fast growing In· Balboa. Ca. 926e1. m64~s6t960. Salary open. 673-7630 ""' Soft Water Co. SJC area. tyl'CP~~gta~~~ S::1 bust~~. e O.E. cane chairs S125 ea 01-lion, $6.75· 13.50 cut de....,ndent shop h·-Im C .,. M/F n'1ng room table 8 It X 5 sizes evall. 2595 Laguna ... ¥ --Oeek lerk, Motel, nee-Truck drlvln~ exper. $900. 957-8388 c Rd L med openings. Top P•Y ded, 3 evenl"" lhffta, 2 LllE OHi P.TI•E ULH ....,,1 1 1 Good I 1 fl 12 high back chairs anyon aguna, LI-• I YIOll'I & xlnt working conditions .. ,, •-P u · r v ng re-SECRETARY TOPLESS MODELS Ml al Oak $6500 All 494-4764 "-'°' quail!'-" tndlv. (714) night shift, some expe-Experience preferred. Enjoy _,king with kids. COl'd a must. Pd VtK;, Ins, 1s on •• · _ .. ---------PHOTO MODELS 492•7815""' rlence. caehlert phone. bul not necessary. salary and wish Increased ear-etc. 493"'4535 Sharp person needed 10 $75 DAY • PAID DAILY m nt cond. MUCh, mu.,.. Franklin Stove & misc. ESCORTS/DANCERS l~~~~~~~~~I Wilt train. Start $3.75/hr. negotiable with expe· nlngs, utfllze your out· work In test paced N--no e11p nee • 826-2583 more. 633-3389 · fixtures, S250/0BO OUTCALL 24 HRS 1: Call 95'7-3063. rf:?ce. Apply In l)efSOn going pereonallty, learn lalJs/lllltf .,,, port Beach commercial n-•~• Pr ol old hand cralted 645·7730 (7-9:30pm) ••• 0201 Babysitter & Housekeeper b 3 5 PM 2 0 hOW to become a tratneo Mature woman to aaala1 real estate ott~. Exoet-rs~• n;n ~I ht btK;k chrs Dark 1J • • weekdays 8AM-6PM. DINNER COOKS. exper In • ween,._: • 1 sales cou'neelor. Call owner In managing de· lent oppt"' tor a person E11pr'd. Phototype, paate · · .,,.,,,.I • N_,... ti~. Mr. Hood home style Cooking for Newport """'ter Dr .. Npt 2-"'PM. •42-4321. Ext. signer llngerle shop. ' up and stat camera. 'c.rved finials. up-r..-• I 1030 ."....,.' ""'~ smell retirement home In Ben " " w/80 wpm typing. and weekd"" 7141898_~28 holstered seat & beck .•• ~!!f!!!! ...•...... WANTED: MALE MOO-760·8863 L S k d Tl. (IHI R••fl 3"8. EOE Sa I es ex Pr n e c . top dtctaphone skllls. ,_ AUractlve Spanish/Med LEICA FLEX SL. with ELS !or photo wotk Le----------1 Pa/Tg.u4n914 .• 94058me w n e. Equal Opp Em-p•-IUL EITATI ••• RI 673-7710 aak for Judy. gftlmate. 499•5635 · Bath aide 7AM· 1PM. ~,~ -Cont ff ct Peg g·y Typist, lull time, Mon-Fri, accent. $45 ea. or $85 50mm and 35mm. wide SUNNY'S executive Streu-Reduction: Offlce-hm-outcall 631-8377 Mon-Fr1. Newport VIUa. Do .. RE 1 ... _ SALIS 833·2900. 8:30-5. $5 per hr. 50 both.S.4-5977 angle l35mm ~ $1100 (000 Hilaria way. NB Domestic HouHkteper. LIOtJOR CLERK. full or 1 Y20U navee.;,_;..:_08......,1n'-wpm minimum. Call Patti •llT se• • OBO "•2-5861 live In, e•perlencec:I, En-part time. 21• Broa ..... ·ey. ee yrs ~...-· ""' Ollla. I 11111 t 548 5525 M F i _,. · ,... ¥ 11 a h s p e a k 1 n g " "" real estate aales or 5 yrs IEOIPUY ;me. a -on-r · 726-8081 51.9655. . Laguna BOh. In other outalde salea? Unlquewomen'solOthtng I I ~ ,American walnut slngle1---------k 11 Marketing dept. haa •l•H ,,.,... bed, beautiful cond C•I• 1035 ---------1Ll11e-ln Sutflclent finances to store set • tnerge c opening In NPT i CH. Investment sales 0 . $150 080. 847-1528 •••••••••••••••••••••• EYElllll la••lt ...... supl)Oft yourselt M\lef'al people with flair for ta-Fin svoes firm Good tu . . "lt I ._ 1 shion &/~ modeling ew · · ,. Mus. t be prepar. ed for 40. STE•MER TRUN" Himalayan " tens. sea . , .. T n.E •10 care for 2 year old months Wnile becom ng ~ ~-ping. S/H Skills, Exper. s "' " bl bl 1 t Be a tai.phone promo-b 11 1 established In commer-peri.nce helpful Apply in N 1 r~p1d advancement to S 100 or best oiler. ue. ue cream po n . tlon clerk '°' local n--Be a carrier eounselor oy, vet with ather. clal end/or exctu1lve peuon at Alexia Natural rceq·d. on-31ml<r per . Vice Pres. of Marketing. 645-7730 (7-9·30pm) CFA, shots. 831-1607 spaper. Private dHk, for a looel newepaper. Small salary. room end resl<lentlal sales In New-Fashlone, 260 Forest Av.. 811 640·012 3-5 yrs exper pref In oil · IOIO IEIT PllT·Ttlll '91 • TIWI casual attire. Only requl-No experience necee-board. Newport Beacl\. port Beach? 11 so, call Laguna Beach. program lnve11men1 & Antique walnut & marble ¥!/.~••••••••••••••••• Need Person to share ex-rvemenolce 'andi. •togtsoodof penhonethu-~osr~s°ily !2 ~°':rs 63~7772, 535.9993 Leo Hanna. Sr, vice pr• -S-af-'es--------1 S~vf~~ S~tlf ~~:;d:;'t. i:"ture eap4ta:ihLoo~lng -;::W~d<7 :~go1o)eo. POODLE. Male, 7 wks. rt Mid a . o·• a Pus LIVE IN: 2 Of' 3 da)'9 per sldent. ?ll•E•S Ill llMP pr . PP y •· r person w en re· --: pm AKC. bu•. 645-2420, res. :=:go~!1.P~8-312:9t. alum. Hours ~~!':.:IS:~~~:. of part-:e::i ~~~e~!Y~t~~!~ .JfHltJ I. Ta11tr Ce. Con11d:r1ng • career tion. 17thlil'\line, NB. ~~~~~~~~·&·~~r~~11e;t~'. A1J.liuc11 IOIO S150. 962-0175 Judy AnderMn wtltfe ere you? Urgent • call Biii von Nagel. 213/548-3682 or 2131834·7213 Prof man desires female Mon-Fri. 5:30·9:30PM A real fun Jobi 673•3023 F\eattors 8«-4910 change tn 1982? Con-S.••" lsslstaltf Salary negotiable, send • •HARBOR.AREA•••• he lltt41t1ot Clan houaekeeper & gtrl Fri· Sat ll:30AM-1:30PM Management opponunl.. IW. IT'Tl I slderlng entering the needed for bu1Y Hlon. Inquiries to Attn: Mr. APPLIANCE SERVICE Sign up now! For Info: day, must be Ofganl.ted S84.00 to atart. ties. For Interview call Live in companion for et-E • ULE ranks of the 1elf em· Lie required. Newport Ch1r'les Carol, Exec. Vice we NII recond guar. Calf: 847-7688 FV a capable of handllng Attet 111 week.~~ In after 6:00 PM. 642-5678. derly lady ori Bel boa N~ 2 expet'. people In plO';ed? fl you are tntar· Beach. 631-1390 Pres. Oougtaa A. Sparlls 11 549 3077 ---------househ Id dutl ah rtnet9111 flt ext 312. PertinsYIL 760-8030 comrnerctal and lndu-tsted ln.-operatlng your COl'p. 808 E. Oceanrront, app ancet. • Free to a loving home, Ping &011 cookl!!·. tn op-ew. pa F lpt~~-~· strlal real estate for •uc-I • ace a n SINWSTI MRUMCTIONRG-Equally Newport Baich, CA I Ill •-UAHES Australian Sheep dog . . .,, ~ °' n .,n,.,.., Genefat Offlee, Interesting Maid Wanted. PIT 8 daya own " ur n ge cy. .,.T f ad 1 old change for· apt In So. call alt• 6PM l)Olltlon f lert 1 week s Cliff M tel ceulul and grownlng invest 1 hOUrofyourtime qualified swimming _9_2_68_1 _______ Lea ______ 9_5_7·_8_1_33_1 ,~:;c,,;,Pgre~i wi!; kids'. Laguna on the beach. 1•2 1171 ll'ft t .°!.!'a! M' n. a49•971'7 ea o . firm. Best WOfklng con-at our F'acte Seminar. I II to /Ill d fo USC d k t 64 3 ~ • te -ven ......,. ........ 1. ae> ..-dltlons In Newpon Call Bonnie tor dtlalla at n rue r eguer r gra see e any em-Refrig/ waaheratdryera. 832--0237, 0-442 Please call Terry (714) tlT 312 Gregor Yacht Cofl)OfaO·, .. ________ Beach. 714/8'16-5051 963-4518 park In C.M. Certflled. porary work. Rtla. Ex-Many to choose from. Playful Lab mlK. black F. :~:::;:~ !:.n 9·5. or 1~~~~~~~~~ on 1631 Placentli, C.M. ,. Management ---------_s_s_7_-7_2_34_r_or_a_pp_t_. __ :~~3,:ependable. SlOO/up. 859--0682 25 lb .. 55 10 good home. I~ Hair Dresser needed, Vil· II I M L h REOEPTillllT Sates help wanted, exper Swimming lnstruelor (Red --------Refrigerator, washer, (213) 559-4294 11,.,..11 BOILER MFG CO. CEO lage Faire Meli, Laguna t t• lfat with tyPlng skflla for real pref'd . eall or apply Cross ce"lfted) wanted Waltr11aes/Wafteu PIT dryer, dishwasher & Cocker Pups, M/Fem 7 ltmtn SJIO ::;n ~=-:i.:~~~ Beach. 494-1600. Mc•t. TrtflHS =~~=;Non amo-~r:~n ::i~d;"!~~· ~6~~ for little girl. 4 yr old, In da, over 18, wlll train. freezer. 646.5848 wks. Family oriented. •••••••••••••••••••••• H~IRSTYLIST. PreJ-ma-a......a Y 0 644-8570 Matt private pool. 3 llmeat Stiiraz 548-7948 $ C I 968 38 Will head co. w/unllmlted "' --.•I tlf trffr week. 966-5341 KENMORE WASHER 125. a I -4 4 EllLlll IEllTlllllll potential. Fantastic: op. ture with cllentele. CM Stan your new career on R~eptlonlet/Oflfce M•· ------------------WaMed Woman to help W0<klng s7o. "'·--rt for wo-portunlt~or the right are a. 5 4 8-4 2 9 l or our 3rd lhlf1, earning $4. nager. Orthodontic of-Salesperson on slralghl Telephone Sales refined lovely lady. Thurs Call 63 l -9197 SllEllAll llSl(f ,.._., ,,_.. 54"2766 $4 flee, downtown Laguna eommlaafon for Compu· Earn B"' Mon-by th• & Fri night. -"-e llltf"" ----------i •"C F 3 ~s $200 4 9 7 • 5 7 2 5 ( bet w perlOn. d resume to: o-• Up to .50 as you be-t ted b ll'I "' _, ....,,.. ... "'' • · • Boller CEO Box 147. San .... lmllT come more exp'd. You Beach, Hpetlence P,.. er genera ue •11 beach. $300· S 1000/ help needed. 644-4897. DISHWASHER. Working 080. Jeenn 891-9868 8am-8pml Juan Caplatrano, Ca. mun wtll be promoted to ltrfed. Full Time. graphs aervlces. Involves week. Call 536-7511. condition. Butltln -pale --------- • 92893 Exper. styltet w/ellentale :fimt. & -··.....,,·'"""' •~ 497-43281 •94-1417 ealllng on buslries ... In YACHT CREW NEEDED yellow. $40, 631-9197 FtH to ,,. IOIS .. I s.a•o t ..... _ ..... _ t _,..... • .,_,, ...... Orange Co. Info Gr•· Ttlt .... Ht ·-··· Must be 18, lntelllf;nt, •••••••••••••••••••••• •lift 7;,1 1---------1 0 ,.,.n progr-• ., saon. s. Call: 714-537-4840. IEOE-llT P'" -d 1 oomed 7 ) KENMORE DRYER llT'ft!•S • ••••• •• •••••••• ... RUPEi s 8 t / c 0 m m / v a c r 11-phlca inc. 675-4385. Best pay In townt Apply an w11 gr . 14 "," ric°ket" Chlcag~. llllnola. • . llRED? 540-8889 . ~:.:~~;~8w:mh::d1:1v~ Country Club ln Npt Bch ---------779 w. tilth St. Ste H. 846-9387 :~r;r,~9~5:r 631--0477 1300/ be st <1ffer. ---------1 18eks lull time receplfo· s•LES Coata Maa. Part ttrneor ----.-_-------------..... ---------557-7196 • Help, llee<1 25 llUPtfVI· Mar, Coata Mesa and lcvt n 8'11•1 -In t4 mo. old Golden Re· If you ll!'e a full charge sA•s PIT, nu weight 1011 ev..,., Thure llam-noon at nlat. Mus,1 be •,".. I ate,, T I h It It lull time. ••••'••••••••••••••••• REFRIGERATOR llke new, tr lever needs good ~!f'!'!!!! •••••••••• ,,..,,,, S 8 .,, -., cheerfu! pro eas ona . e ep one so c ora ---------IH II F ost Free Two door =P:ri:':nlsp=~t. ~ :J1~~00a,m · W /train, = E~ 0~~'. Hwy., Lag. Abflfty to handle switch· wanted. no exper nee. T::J>h~~ sc;>llcl:!t nee-!'J!r.!! •.•• !••••••••• ,;55 ' 893.9060 _home __ ._63_1·_7_99_2 __ _ &111adl•• 10IS would Rke to talk 10 you. l~~~~~~~~~I .board & excell. typing Tues thru Fri 9 AM to 12 · s ra • r co. Chftstmaa In Augultl Calleo Kitten, 10 wits. has we are 8 young, rapldly Hospital 1: skills ere euentlaL Some noon. A.pplY Pennyaavef. '°' Laguna Shorea Pro-"Juel 8 1econd" yerd MOl'e famfllee are getting shots. B'ox trained. growing aervtce com· 11 ... -a.. .............. 10..GlllRINMITIO weekend houra. Cati 1660 Ptaeentle Ave. r"Y· Xlnt workl~ conCatd. sate. Aug. 5-8. to.dusk. the camping "bug" this 675-4941 8-5:30 ..... _ w111 -~.. ---. ... Asalstant. Fr'ont office IM4-5404/0fane. Costa Meaa. op cornpenaat...,.... 1 1819 W. Balboa Blvd, N.B. YMf. If you h9V8 a um----------peny "'"' Pf'v• .... e a Genera.I offlee poaftlon ---------11---------Tim 9am-6pm per thet'a not getting Ktttens, Bleck & Orange. challenge and • future. avallablt In Corporate up. lnaurence, & /Teetie· ctuittted Ao. &c2·5e78. Want Ads Call '42·5878 494-0748 SELL Idle Item• with a uMct. Mii 11 now with a wilt furnfstl shots & neu· ·················~···· Lo c • t • d In Gard• n accounts recelvabte of-dulfng, Benefit. P •1-.......... Piiot Ctullfled AIJ. CIMalfted Ad. terlng. 546-1326 Gr o v •. C • 11 lice. ~lcal bllllng exp. ternoona. 541-0433. ....., SUPERIOR TRAINING SER'l lCES SE MI TRUCI( OHIVfRS I and 714/891..()253 er pref'd. Good commu-MEDICAL RECEPT, part· Carpenter nlc!atk>na, mathematical time, no exper fl8C, wtll "Jedi of All Trades" to and typing 11<1111. Muet train 895-2798 tielp buftd our new 85' be dtpendat*, tNP<>n----------1 aaltl>Oatt. o...at fu~re. slble and MCf motivated-Moth« Sitter needed PIT, MecOranor Yacht ,., __ 1_rene __ Ru1z __ 1_14-&40-8_· ___ 95_o1 will train. $135 P' wk. -· " Hunt. Hrbr •rea. Call -National Job placerntl\t ~9tlon 1831 Plaoentla, Hoateta/Caatllet Peggy 84&-8183 C.M. The Good Eertll Rattu----------1 11f !YY EQUIPMI ~' OPERATORS •8'1st •-coc--K-T-Al-L--lt----i rant & Bali_, 19 fookf"" Mover/driver ·Ananclal eld available wa ""'want· for 12 fuiiiime ha'r~ Starving Oottege 8tu-·Acoredlted member ed, n1Q11t1. prefd. Apply working li'ldlvlduai. wno denta are tooklng tor N.H.S.C. Mon-f:rl, 1'1AM-'4PM, •nloy working will\ Ill• eJCl)er mover/ drh-er, , -Correapondence/ 541 W. Baker St. CM. public. Good pay, com-must haw good dr1111ng realdenoe training Tiie Huddle. pany INUrance a veca-record, 21 or oY8r. Cah FOR MORE' INFO ...... lion avallable. Apply Ill IM1-8427 1725 s. Dol.iolM. &lit• e Mature. for eldtrty lady, peraon. n,. Good Earth --------• Anlhelm, Ca. 92t0t WMkenda. nQtl...amoker1 Reatfurant & Bakery, _...,Ill.Ill T141&34-39et 548-3888. 1 210 ~ Centel' Dr Full or part/tltne. Som. between 3-5 PM eicpertenoe preterrect. (FWetdeflC'A T Ing, NMd!:~~ry le· •HHIPD/... ~7~; r t 8 e I c II . ~~~Rlalto~~ea,;~!!~~ guna IHctl Hotel, 4 Balboa 8-vfront "°"'41. t --------:; deYI a .... weial(etld8 ... only. Elderty .,.of-...... I~ rtuw "11 _, mu1t. Contact Mrs. teman nda •~·d peraon lw'®• pereon w/pOoct .::":'.................. v~• ttom Aug 29 to Sept 4. btl • bdtgmcl ~ "::n:.=;~·~~ 494-64e0 Muet have OllWI oar to do torktfi time otno. help, Cati ev .. & wk•"d'' ~ & Muonry ;;:r~2:. ... ;y open. non•emkr, Bal. Penfn. 912 .. 82!. 5 'I' pool dec4' exper. 87345'1 8fyM 541-5341 HouMt<...-, child car.. •unatlNG Matin LedY1 ... tn OOf'!"' !M1Uf•, PIT, ..,,. .-,y, STOP '1111\11\ paNcln to etd4M1y, N9w• •S••• llLP Mutt ha11• drlv.,•• no. port Beach. Laguna E•perte11a1d. Part/ti,,._, 847-1973 ~ 1'lMI atM. aome llo\.IMWOfll. ~r.!!1. Cleantra,•------UI-------al 1'111 have oer & tel'•· ......... ..., - - - -7ecMle28day.. ·-.. -,-...... -,-.,-.. ---~.G.e. tnautanc• haa MAKE MOflY -openlnfl In r~t _. lmmed openlnf for ao· plll'tment '°' p«eon to Your own tlOurt lo liMOll meona eltper In Data quote anct fO!loW-up on otll•t• about new and entry. Caft""'9 ,-. tor ~. Auto ming or untq11e pro~uota. New Input of merollandlH undWWl'ltfnCI ~ Pf• ch•wlno oum •top• lnfo~of r.potta. lerted. 8afiwy oommen-smoking liablt., Nr. Wll • '"'' '*'Ct eur1te with eic~ ~l'\ICIOM Diet Dtlnl! llld lllM eoftde. Cal .._,, 54t-:81Gt l'ftClfe. Qlnnle ...,....., . ~Mgr u-.... --__ 1_1_ .. _ •• _ .. _2_• __ ... .,, , •• .AllC!n• ......... -.,. Q9ftlno .... H.i. ....... IM ~. • .,.,.,... -to .... m .. Ade ....... W91it, If ;o., Nw I ... ( ( ) ) lmD ( ( Tl •• I llllDIP& W_A• ULI (tf!'Y ........ 1.-. ..... Mo.) ~. Piao• your ad In the Dally Piiot ~ NCtlof\ (It'• belt to run 3 ~ tot mulmum mcpo1Unt). If you P9Y fot your ad In adwnoe we'lt run It 3 d8yt end only ch.rge you for 2t I. Get ~ FflEE oar-.ge Sate elQna (elf YG'I hew to do le come Ir! to the Dllty l'ftot a PlY for 'f04M ad In lldvence - -.. alW ~two 11 • 17 Signe -~ofottero-).. 3. PrtCe MOt't piece Of ~. . . . ~•·n~._. MUIT 1u.1·uvwe.; ...._ ~: ~· ~·,"Tca '::: ••r• lu1. llld• tf. nw n~... • ••• • • o o o / .. • • • • ...,,., eno • .,.,.. _.., HWING MAQHM ,. 11 ' ' ,.. ' r ' t It I 1 4 , I 2 I I ' 0:lliri~~~~1~!~~ -7-'u-:9"-~"-.-~-r-,-~1-n-i-!,-~-r-~g-.1 ;..~::;, ·tti:j! -~-~-· ~1.'7'-~.;..~;;:.:r:;::S~==--:~·c::'.l.::"'.t86'."::1~"':t:".•i:':r_:4_1_~ l-·~~~~~M~;:.,;7~,';.n~:oo~O~~.,!~'.!l~:;::.!t~ln!_!ll; ' • -· -........ .... H1·U~ !Wt .... TULi ·---I "'.---.. ..... 8ellQ Ohrome '*"· ~ . . RIQUll!IOn •IH IOlld , .. , TOYOTA ... 8 "'°" _., _,.... 't7 Impel•, 4 dr. euto. upFiol. urtl\tonet. Gd 8TROLEE TWIN II roller oak, mint oond.' 1725. :r:·, ":: n ~~to:e r~·:: Ma• I. all& llU ..... N.w engine, ~M* =v:..::•p:t~~ oond. '80, 93t-3H1 ::to~c:4*' oonoltlon. TrMCI Miii 1125, MUCH ... fl ,_,, 140•1109 art IPM/ .... 'et lquar..-CW, runt alnt 1160/btt ofr. ' WATEf'8ED. King, Ml# II· MUCH MORE •••••r••••nn•n••••• wtlndt. . nunt t:.·· 11800. AedlO. 16'..eot2 I !.'!!l. bladder.. Helter. COCKATIEL with c•o• 133-33111 Clut•c 11· Lapetral(• ~l.T.~,1~·000"'U(lnt ~~ ·~ .... '"' f52-1 1 . .-. M2-7tee 155. Kltchelt teble Wltfl 8 "' ..,, century bay boat 4 ~ • . '711 Chev 'A tc>n 81fveracl0. f(Jy' CARVER u':':.";,";."U':.nr.'uuuu '11 Bug, reblt w/r«lllpt•. '11 ..,. ........... cha11'9 tea. 551·1393 '-~.,,. ~ ,,,, Grey, 13500. 87M1$, • .....87" .,,., • A-1 cl••n..r.. lo mil auto. at"V I C.lr'M""r,l.l!U\AI UTll • wm MW radii.It. c .... )(lnl 360 V-1 ""°· P/8, P/8, ,ull l)fdroom aet, dbl bed, mn, • ...,.._ 2 '11 Hondl CR125 Eltlo PB, P8, !I~. tilt wnl., rel· """""""7'""""i;; av1n Oii PllOll t23SO Mt·3M2 AM/FM ....U. tt-.o. • Open Hearth. Tor, cond. 80tt ~In. IOft CoPP« ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 17' Mtl'C1UIW 110HP, 110 nor.. new In ·12 w/S rtlt Hd I>~ Air Schook•. .,..... • .,~a""~ Mualcal horn. 11200 'I '~~;~;; R:~:;.·8::~-:~; a~~rt~:: =~:,~~~~T:lr~ ;;:.::: 5=~~7• -~f.!~:: .'',:F1~F=':;~= ~,,.,::;-=~~ t~~~;.~~~:. ~:;co2;R~V~l~.,&Aft CM ported, oft white, lvO 1980 M•rc Outboard, ... •i..,..-, -.. •et lnt'I PU 4x<4 new .... ., lrm or lono tttM tlntnelng '73 VW f .. tback. Look• ..... "" ~ i 556-0998 OBO. 894-89<47 enyttme Solid walnul Paotcard 8941 140hp, pwr tllt & trim, b.,LllttP., Ill 11\0Cll• bf'Me.. radiator 57M748 Houee ol ll'llPOf1 .. tn~ and run• orMt. 042.·7500 UllPll lllU 1t1teo: radio. phono uMd 10 hra. w/11' bott R~~t~ 2a~·;0,~·h·;,;,~~ c.,.b, t~n•up. xtre 11~ ·1e 2002, mint eond .. nu DIAL. 213 or 71• · t1t115. 536-8521 '52 e11e. 2 dr, reblt 3 IC>d, L~u~~~~n t~~~4u2"5 For em.ii PICk up S300 1100. >Ont 540.0318 &Mlltt tr•llr'·,~~~~5. •IP• 8, fully loadld. ttnk & 2 xtra rmid & ano llrN 6 br•"· AM/FM 837-2333 '94 B•I• vw with '72 e cyt, '83 lie, nu palm. • ·I l 8 ow d o I n P I C M Ponum pouch f0:. truck IHll I. d. ~1'-0~ on y ). e.45-8815 tire•. Have recelptt. c .. • .. lo ml, Hrv. re· Haven't you waited long Hl35oc engine. Du•I $12001080. 551·2187 556-0998 bed, ro.41 1oP MOl'tllflll • •• , For rent: 20· motor hOml. 112001080· 49&-1814 00td1 M700 or ~t ofr. enO\lgh to own a Mer-c1rb9, ~IW ti,.., runt '88 Impel• 2Dr. 1460. f 9 n ttlr'IO rec pley.,, tape dk, rt.dlo, flashing llghta. SCIOO. 2426 Bowdoin Pl. $75. Roaa Dune Rldef, 5 •• !t!'~!! ......... 28 Chrl1 Oraft cabin Very clean. Comp. VUI Hfl t53·57tt cedH Benz? Oo11't llt well.S2400obo.CaUAns owner, run• good. IPd 1100. 548-7«4 IHll. .. _j_ crul11r. eng. & uane. equipped .ar3-5133 •••••••••••••••••1.-. ... 72 Green 2002 new tn• thl•owortuflltYPUl'JOU Ad ,813 842-4300, 24 576-4172 "_,., reblt, recently refur· · '88 Ford Van, B!Top glne alnt cond 13700 by 1et nowl We have• htt. •---------Patio Sale; Bookc11e. Lal-••I H# blahed, belt tanlc, radio. for rent: CIHt A motor Ctnpr. 15-18 mpg. Slpt 0 ' 042•1eee · · 11iii11t1c 111ecuon or , '78 Nova. 2 dr. ale. amlfm Stereo, Crack WhHt ••~':"'_,.tt•••••••••••• Nwpt tllp lt1ol. Xlnt horn., ale, micro, ooinpl. 2, table. 11500 090. eye modelt & coior1 avella• 1• 1111 Litt In ttereo CHI, gd_ eond. 10 pc din aet, aolld birch. M a c h I n e , M I t c , 11 CHEETAH Berkeley ah a p 1 . 11 1 , 5 O 0 . refurbllhed, 32', llpa e., !1511-1833. '78 BMW.:._xlnt cond, 40. bit. mu I I I el I. S 2 5 0 0 . Mutt tall. S2900. dyt S6SO. 2425 Bowdoin Pl, 557-4821. jet, Ill new pnt/ Intl eng, 875-9585 $450/Wk. 963-0594 000 ml, .0750. 557-8847 ... ........ 875-1399 7'30-7893, ev M0 ..... 10 CM 5se-0998 mull He to apprec:. Ford 72. 5 cyl. runt well, • ~ CM 556-0998 I 8 M p ER s 0 NA L S849t. PP. 894-1045 11' IUO IAY LAllOI Ttlll•n r11nl 1111 lllOO or offer. • '11 lft IOll ..... Tl '71 Paneled bus. new '55 Chevy 2-dr,. CIHn COMPUTER/ t78K, IH Only 3 mo. old ah nw-•••••••~•••••••••••••• 980-2823 L.o ml lmmac. QC>nd. 1301 Quall Street t1re1. 10.000 ml on body, nu eno & trent. ~ 'Cuatom oeb ber w/amall f refrlg. Storage space. printer, software, war· 11 ,,,,., fflO glua repro 0; T f 23 ft Roadllner. 1g retrlg, • s2995 NEWPORT BEACH motor. am/Im cua 12bolt Poll rear end. 11. , $300. 2425 Bowdoin PL Donna 85 7 ·2812 dya 42' H Matthews, twn dsl. cen ury pee • • w ue grea\ oond Or"t buy et SCl75/olr. "7" • ..v ranty. Muat 1ell $5500. •••··'···••••••••••••• t • k t u'J:,j0 • f(ont kltch, back b•. ·ea Dodge Ven. auto, 831•3188 wtl""-9_5 '1 t•-S2600. SC0-8209 or strip. 831-3880 859•8871 evea • Brlttol. Live aboard. aurrey top + tide cur· 04S.90e0 538-3905 . H2-2788 "••rl 111 , '74 412 STATION WA.-·73 Caprice clualc con-' d d I di · $49,500 PP . (213) talna, cornea w/klll co· • ':fr.:••••••••••••••••• 82 300 Turbo. Sliver GON, Gold, AM/FM v1tllble. XLNT Cond. S N:,.~02° cap~~1~ ... ~~alr~ Rancho San Joaquin Ath-6 9 6 • 2 5 8 1 • 1 7 1 4 ) ver, 12 hrt on one chit· ft!lll•n Ullllhr 1110 Alln WulN • llH ,73 Capri, ttlck, •tereo, blue metllblue, 1/r, ortho cast. auto. AC. gd. cond. $249S. EvM, 494-5589 CM 556-0998 1 125. 557_3119 letlc Club couple mem-760•1178 ge. Purchaaed tor $17 ••• :"t:. •• ~••••••"'••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• euper clean runs great seats, rear heads, tact $2200. 760.0138. 1110 •m berahlp, S 180 Incl. 1980 50, ·Hatteras con-0 0 0 . 0 ff ere d a f 6'>18' Utlllly Trallef, $275. WI PAY l900/obo 642•2944 • lnatld matt, must 1111. •70 VW P 1 Oak Flnlah Game table, 4 transfer tee. 553-0045 $14,500/bll ofr. PP. Oaty 8«-7111 ' Pvt ply. 7141731-0202 t 1 ~P ~ ca~per, Olnml 1 upholstrd chrs, oct;xon, HO TRAIN LAYOUT. N-;:~~~·~~~o·~~O~E~ ... ~ 573-3147 2 whMI utlllty treller-4x10 TOP IOWI ,!!~! .......... !~{. '81 380SEL; Undef 9,00Q ~~:k;,,~ c;::.ns2:;~: 29 ,500 mlles, good ' leaf, xln~2~· 142 (a Athearn engene, Incl. 575 9877 with llght1 FO• 1111 CAlll '73 Citroen SM 01 k mlles Orient Red 549-3192 shape, 4 spd, men. trans. : steel). 4 1 cars. Make offer . • 1978 27'hlt BA.YLINER ll50 · 531.19118 n blue S lpd oM ~r Chrome Rima. Sunroor: s3g95 OBO. 842-9691 I : Nt~!.N~ts::i~w~~ 731-2133 24' SEA RAY weekndr "Victoria." Fly bridge, Afllf ,.m · r. AUii ili• Sl50oo e.4·5•3194 · perfect cond. 144,000 .. 53 vw BUG rebll eno 1_d_•'JS_. _____ _ L.awn mower. gaa. near"' w, m'SmLIPe.oA.11 o$p1"2· .Leoonor•.· VdHFthrfalddlo, bait tank. I n, '1111 ~/lllAll ,. I . . .11 Wkdys 714/557-07t1, xlnt cond MUST SEL.Li Qnnl•t 1121 $200. Free del. •r •P n er, outrigger•, A«HHtin HIO "• I I e v e s t w k n d s $ • 0 09·· 0 •••1•••••••••••••••••• 559-8721 new, xlnt condition. 675-2929 w/treller. Wae Nlllng for •••••••••••••••••••••• 2480 erbot' 81vd. ~··••••••••••••••••••• 714/675-2464. 1v5 . 581-2932 '82 N-Yorker 5th Ave , Make offer. 646-8549. 21, Ski Boat 1977 model 122.000. ucrlflce at All Cnevy truck parta: •A COSTA MESA 74 COLT. 2 dr .• 1t11to. xlnt ave Edition 11 000 mllet. : BABY CREWIB MIMIU•". IP wa.lklkl, mini crul·-. 455 S 13. 900. HAVE TO ton to dleael. Rblt. MMltO r~nnino condition, gOOd '8d1 d3oo,o . tvory., fully I~-Eves 87Ms07 . LIKEN --SEL.L. tranamlHlon from 1185 .... 1411 tires, 72.000 ml. S1.695 • • mmecu •te. nl· '11 OllYllTIILE · i' $50 955-2949 RACQUET and SPORTS Old1. Jacuul Jet, new 846-2843 & up. 554-1850 O.B.O. 857-2819 aume leue. Call Mike Super Beetle black w' 1962 Chrysler Newport club, Fountain Valley. canopy & new cover w/ WE llY , days 714/835-2931, eves • · Seden mint tac orig HUTCH $1250. 546-3208 treller. $8500 080. . Spray paint booth for D•ll•• 11 7141921--1238 gold trim, xlnt cond. As· Radio 'heater air· cond. ' Hard meple $450. 5 3 1 -3 9 1 2 • home llMlll IPIOIAL rent. $15.50 hrly. $40 for CLEAi 01111 •••••••••••••••••••••• king $9500. 642-1620 S22s0 645-e0o1 . • 530-9497. 536-0187. SCRAM-LETS 962-0034. 22· Chris Craft. 180 HP 3 hrs. 775-02'78 n-1 1141 73 s eeeu $3 ooo 1---· -----: lnbrd c II Clbl II ••• TllOIS :-m.................. uper •• • . 11u1·1-·•t•I n·•o Lat,,.. Redwood Burt tab-1 •• Alum. Fishing Boat, • u Y n, a •7• M•ftta xlnt ...... ext or beat offe<. Xlnt QOnd. "' ,.,.. • t •-.. ti o N t d k " .. ' • "'...., ' ... 5 3 73 • • • ••••• •• • •• •• • • • ••• • 4 le, 611 $195. ANSWERS 9.5 Johnson. Galv. mt op na. wp oc · A•ln /., lal• many xtras. Reblt eno. ,... • 1 ·74 MARK IV. Very clean, 642-9732 trlr, many 11tres $1295. $3800. Or trade for •••••••••••••••••••••• $1100. 494-2239 White 1978 vw Conv...... all leather Interior. sun-• 0 EI 0 '70·'80 Merced et. IMPORTANT NOTICE .... ' Sacrifice, Must setl Oual. H'!!:'i:~aue:.i 642·1 25 eves. • 557-7196 TO READERS ANO l•11ei• 1150 Chempagne Edit. Clean, roof. 72()..1111 ! Sofabed. 1300 MONEY IWllllflll ·79 Champion Bass Boat, ADVERTISERS •••••••••••••••••••••• many extrll. $8000. Ex· C.ntlN lfll f 720-1280 My doctor dOMn't bell• 23' Seai:ratt. turbo die-150 V6 Mere, Troll The price of ltema ad-MEISTER eel cond. 838-8244 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Sacrifice, Must sell, Be-ve In unnecessary sur-set, AOF, Loren, 2 radios, motor. dual locators. 2 vertlsed by vehlcle dea-• 6 9 BUG. Rb It en g . 79 Corvette. all pwr, xtras, t' droom Dresser Set (4 oery. He w.on·t operate tower. plank. 3 station chopper props. tourney lera In the vehicle cla..,._ 1111 llYll PORSCHE/AUii custom lntr. Runa great. 350 aufo. new tires, !>") $300. 720-1280 unless he really neecn steering, too much to rig, 82 + MPH. $7995. fled advertising columns $2300/flrm. 661-3042 custom wtlls. 841-4913 ~ Furniture: complete hou-the MONEY. ~~10 1~~.0·6b7°5~17 818265.: 548-8321 ~~:11'c.~~ 1~~~~:l. ~~~.~C::~~=. 1~a~~:~~~ 13~:,::~~o~~d. ·72 VW Bug. nu peJm. rblt IW•• 11'5 J. seful all near new save 914·s Audi' •-• .. _.. eno clean must sell •••"'••••••••••••••••• l • • ••lle•I 87&-2640 .... IPWI transfer feea, finance ' s 1980 Datsun 210. 5 •peed _... ....... $2950 •. 120-0' 572 ESTATE SALE: 4 dr '77 ~ $100's each piece. Pvt ,_ IOI" Winner 01 Character charges. teee for air pol-Aek lor U/C MGR trana .. low miles, euper Ltul•I Dodge Diplomat wlfull party. 645-1320 ,.,,,..,.,, <1 '78 25' Apollo Flybrldge Boat Parade. 17. Xlnt lutton control device .... ...... clean & In exoellent con. ll" 131 233 ·10 VW Sqrbk, auto, gOOd pwr, ate, emlfm radio. , New sole & loveseat, loo-R~~d~ii"f.:;~:;;h·;;;~ Sportflaher-225HP Vol-bay cruiser. s2500 or certifications or dealer YIC.llWAID dltlonl 1983 llcenae fee ,. • 3 trana. asking $2000. Call Benk of Amar. for ~ se cushion. cost $850, speakers. horns & co-vo. galley. head, VHF. best offer. 673-7677. documentary prepare-18711 Beach Bl d already paldl Mu at '80 924 Turbo, loaded. '80 760-3834 9·9:30 AM details. Wkdys only 8-3 ~.. Mii for $500. 645-1320 vers. S500 pr. 751-8516. ROF, CB, OF, FF, 120 lion cherges unleu HUNTINGTON BEAY c·H sell. .. aaklng $4195 or 92•. Take o"er leases Eves. pm. 759-4382 volt generator, QC>lor TV. ,..,, •••I otherwlee specified by best otter. Call 642-0138 ~ • • Oriental din. rm set. new. Signet Selmer 100 Clarl-dinghy; sllp Huntington Ci~ll•t HSO the advertlSfJf. MJ.a. or 675-3017. plu• get ~1.000. '80 Rabbll dsl, A/C, snrf, •llT S&OllFICI coat $8500, sell tor net, $200 Harbour. $16,000. (714) •••••••••••••••••••••• •-7t4t825·l808 5-spd, 'J7K ml. 16250. '78 Dodge 100 ate ' $4500. 645-1320 955-2949 594-8422 40· Viking tor Charter -tif•H/ WAITED! Wiii sell Part• or a1 nxer '11121 Persolie 675-1579 P .W. Auto wn-roof, AM/fl,4cus.'. ' BABY Furn. Baslnette, Elec. VIOLIN: Barcus-15' Packett Claaalc FIB Fishing, diving &. en-c1 ... 1e1 ISZO Late model Toyotea. upper. '75 Dattun 110• Loaded! 12.000 ml. Sac Sales 10836 PIS, auto, jet black. new awing, car bed, walker. Berry. with hard shell lapstrake, lnb/Atomlc 4, t er ta In men I . Ca 11 •••••••••••••••••·--·~ Volvos, Pickups & Vant. call 536-91139 eves. $3t,700. 840-8786 '80 VW Rabbit Convert!· tires. alrdam + llares. ' 673-8520 case. Xlnt cond. $550, console/steer. $4250. 662-2788. llHIL .. l"sl Call ua today! '74 Oataun 1200. ble. 18,000 miles, like Immaculate condition. : Cap•&in·s ...... 4 in l , lnct obo. Tracy 673-6071 OBO. 640-8985 Oal •. •o -•-••• I Shay replicas; pickups & good cond. S995 Sharp 79 911SC. black, lo n-. loaded. $9200. days Mus T s E LL Now 1 j ... .....-.. • • ..w coupes. 4 to choou 536-3008 ml. loaded. $22.500. 752-7311. eves & wl<nds $4700 080. 720-0566or i dra-•. cabinet. bed & Poly Tone Ampllll.,,_ Mini Mutt llquldate 26' Well-Newport. 7141631-3600, froml (006768) (Stk . 855-9991; 859-1261 499-4351. 6-41-4801 dak. $50. 557-6448 Brute, xlnt cond. 1250. Cfelt Nova w/trlr. Sips 4, 494-4806 A3093). Pricel 1tertlng at ·73 610 Wagon, 4 spd, Must Sell Now! t965 356C ---------1 Tradltlonal Mahogany 7 dr 494-4881 xlnt ~ond. 112·000/bst. IHtl •-iJ .._.. •LY lt,Hll xs1~so0.0;5d5-0. 0,"5'2 Owner. Porsche, xlnl cond. All V•ln 111 XLN.T64ROUANRNTINSG600coNO. ' ~ d sk I M h tu11 ., I I Serious buyers only. P.P. i -~ \. ""....., ... lg $5200 OBO R ...., •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ e • wn a ooany Vine•,.,. tar• 645-7230, 754-6862 •••••••••••••••••••••• C..teMete or · · llv, #1 Yetwe haler 6 CYL Pembroke end tbls. L./ ••I llJll 16' Hobie Cat. yellow w/ ~U .. tllhrUO.toJ ·n B2l0 Hatchback. 4 to deal! 979-5090 Bob. 548-0641 chrome top Wedo-ood •• ~:~•••••••••••• PartHr W..W teq. sunrise aalls. Like spd, stereo. runs & looks days la lrHI• Otll8fJI --------- range. trip le 9 drwr 3-M ORY PHOTO COPIER For 25 ft flberglaaa boat n-. $2500. 675-8151. WI Ill xlnl. $2850. 957-0«0. ,,,, IHO painted dresser. Other $49.00 OBO. with slip In Long Beach. Sabot, good condition. USED CARS & TRUCKS ·71 Oataun 510 2 dr, 4 ~!'9~!!!. •••••••• !J.~~ SALES, UIVIOE ~i1"i'=oRD·M~~1~it:a~ misc. hshld. 496-5559 Call 673-7311 Great for fishing and di· needs sall. $350 or bat COME IN OR CALL. FOR 'Pd. runs good. nd1 IEW All UlSlll cond. 3 new tires. econ. Bedroom suite, glrl'e Office Desk (wood) wlllle ving. Fly bridge. $3400 offer. 673-4640 Fllt •-aaeu body work. $800/ofr. OVERSEAS DELIVERY $850. 494-3211 hit I I c • II A n d y w k lll'T--846:2027 '12 ....... L• Oar ""'PERTS w • prov no al. Incl. & executive chair 111111 • · SAIL.BOAT. 25' Clasalc COrmler-OeUllo """ '78 Ford LTD, 4 dr, air, cream colored, an elec., loaded. like new. 17,000 ml. $3500, 497-2244. 494-4657 dresaer. nightstand ca-cond. $250. 662-22.28 714-536-2547 home Ludera w/allp In Npt Attention collectoral 1959 _11 ..,, ·75 B21~ Many to chOOM from. "°""bed. Make off~ 714-960-<>698 • . Edtel Ranger In good _.," -· Must --•1. S 700. Immediate Delivery "' 6"5-854& Saxon 1 olfictt copier, . Eich. $30001080. See 11 0 ...., $800/best otter. For sale by Owner. 35 28th St Mar In a running condition! NLY ~~~\1N8a~8~ :iJ.8i1 673-11472 $4111 WLE llE YILYI I ' HHla lt'ft self 963_4228 Grand Banks, alnt cond.. 213·592-49Se ' S550I Call 642·2073 or ••n·••i l'l'•'-' Serial 011380 • sleeps 6. $59,500. Fl· . 545-6974• II no ans-. 1.1 .... 1, Ml-1111 !!' •• :!~•••••••••••••~ WE'VE GOT FUEGOSI 1986 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 1962 Ford T ·Bird, fully restored. $7.000 spent. $.4900/bst ofr. 631-9276 Earthtone plald $175, 2 l•I• I011 nanclno avail. 979_1650 SCHOCK 20. 4 sane. O.B., please keep trying. llAllll Ol&IT round braided ruoa. •••••••••••••••••••••• wtcdya, 840-8600 wknda. clean. $8000/ 090. .53 St debaker Champion T Doi IUlll OHITY'I brown. 135 end S85, 1 Cocketlets. Baby Alblnos. 673-3984. 5 pa~s cpe. Nice Cir. op ar llLY AITllNIDI AllC/.IRP/IDllLT 141 .. 1aoa MO·t••t Oriental rug approx 10 X $40 each. 40· Npt Bch mooring 2524 Harbor Blvd CM A I n ~ 20 ft. $150. Port. colored 979-9348 wt 18' Inboard. Oink & Lido 14, dark blue. white $3750. 2131592-1792 Pat'd FERRAii 549-8023 645-1710 .... !!1.'!!!'!' ••••••••••• ·73 Country Squire Ste· TV $50. 640-9166 oera Incl. S10,500. deck, 1979. Ullman sall1. 1962 Ford T-Blrd, fully llALllllfPt . AllC llO . \Ion Wagon, 460 eng, --------Tame Cockatoo w/cege 5"5-8734 cover. tr a lier. $2700. retlored, 17,000 spent. For Your Cerl ••Ill ltn. 11SI •••••••••••••••••••••• runs beautifully, air. op-NEW MATTRESS SETS S850 or belt ofter. 586-6287 S4900/bst ofr. 631_9278 MIMI I 111 n ·.•••••••'••-••••••••••• '82 AMC Eagle SX4. Only lions. $1600. 675-4627 Oue«t, reg. $399-$218 fishing boat, 125 John· LIDO 14• # 1222. racing ••-' ..... ...... UHtll·l•rHfJ I. • . . $3.000~~:ss..~~9ovar 1t'11 L11 Mr King. reg. $530-$248 642-8906 19' Glastron, ctr console I~ 1 DEAl,;.R IN U S A 2300 Cutt. Del. 754-7350 !!~~ ... '.!..'!!t~'.1.0!! eon, tandem 1rlr. Compl :~~r. n~:u:~11~~· ~~~ 1946 Ford Woody Wa-2626 Harbor Blvd. L1J mr" AD\ /CD Roomy car AIC F/M reg eqpd. All In xlnt cond. 1 Costa Mesa 540-5630 "-""' V U°' l•iek Ill gas. good oond. HI mr- • Medlt. style drk wood crvd Player piano. Needs only $4500, 538•1820 $1350. 673-3600. gon, 13.000. . Pr-lum ..,,~ -~ ••••••••••••••••••••••. I•*"•. lo prlee. ; top coifee tbl, gla top. rebulldlng. $800 OBO. p,..a...-t •--.awH .... .......... · l'l...../l~IJ IEE US -.. t beaut. $200. 862-2228 499-3138 Classlffed Ads 642-5676 n.-v -m 1929 Ford Model A Town paid for 1ny used C)8I 3100 West Coast Hwy. ·l!>Cl__,.AO~CENllJI 640-5228 alt 6, wknds ; 8 • COUCH 1958 Hellberg P-28 die-Sedan, $10,000 (foreign or crom.tlc) Newport Beach ~91/0! t7 .. )6C>-6M4 for the largest and best •75 L TO· 2 door radio air $ 80 ael. See at 20th St. In COl\dltlon. 642-9405 ClOSEO SUNDAYS selectlon of new and new tires, 62,0oo ~11es'. 549-3573 N e w p or t Be 1 ch . 1963 Studebaker Avantl, fi•I 11Z5 used Bulcks In Orange 1( 1 n t con d . $ 2 1 o O. WHAT'S NEW FOR 84s-s2s8 ss500. 675-61e1. • ••••••••••••••••••••• la • 1110 County tod•'/1 • 642-1sa8. ••n•I IOIO ....... ••••1111 ·29 Dodge, Rumble Seat. 1978 Flat 128. 4 dr, xlnt •• !••••••••••••••••••• ~ -.. ------,,-111-0 ••••• • ••••• •• ••••• ••• • -• ..-A ood __ _.. cond new tires Mull ftft'flllr ~' 5 yr. old mare. Appy & Lido comp. $1700 una g ·,,_.,body see." $1650/bet ofr. I.WI A 1112 llAI ••••••4/fo•••••••••••••• Arab. Well trained, gen-BOATS Santana 20 Xlnt S7200 & paint work. S3~95. 04.2.1701• 631_..287 toO TllM 4.... ·71 ·Colony Park. superb tie. Nice western plea-Cal 20. Sharp. $5500 630-0992 cond., w/trlr hitch & tur• ~ ... Inc. saddle & O'Oey 23 Loaded Bat ofr. otlYlltTIIU '78 Flat 124, rr.ust Herl-$328 60 . Ir.ans. cooler. 1950 or bit tack. $1000. 751-85l6. Santana 23 e.rgalnll flee. $1000 or bat otr. 1 Ill 1110,..,.c.-, ofr. 962-96t'4 673-2050 '63 CORVAIR $1500 ;.'888 llurbor Khd 573-0205 2925 Harbor Blvd. M I 11$ Reg. Ouerter Sorrell Oel· Th 0 ·1 P'I 'II bli h M2·7500. Co11l:i Ml~:i ~OJ:IO COSTA MES ,..,,... I ding, 18.2H. Xlnt QC>nfor-e a1 Y I Ot WI pu S 12· Sloop with triller. •••• 1111 per month plua lllll A • •••••••W-'••••••••• .. ••• matlon. Very gentle bu1 b t . t d . S950 oeo 1941 Cad. Model 61. Se-H""helt Clth edl ty •••••••••••••••••••• -:. 48 month cloaed end Ill 2101 'lt .... .., I S 0 Oa plC Ure 8 S Starting 55,.1933 danette, mint OfiO, auto, '" Imm ate -• ...... , leese on approved Cfe-•. PS, Air cond,··am/tm work1 wel . 250 . .-radio, 83,000 ml. s15, for your ve.hlcle. Do--1 C $ · 535-0351, 75&-1882 Friday. August 6th -we'll 000·"·5 "001 . mettle or foreign . We can help! Belore you d t . Ott • 15,375; ~I IMW stereo. trecil tape. All t k . . f 21 ' Sloop: Need• work. . -..., 551•8285 buy. cneck our unl>eet• $18112 cath required. Fo Y A-.. y n....•~·a. 1ea1her Interior. Very IAlll.I •·even a e a picture 0 yOUr No lrlr. S950 OBO I Com. In & Hk for de-"" ""''"'• · i. 'l.o I (20 000 b f Y ' 559-t833 11H Penolle 111 ble Hlect on, tavlnge tall I (t6924) ' Xlnl thruout. L.oeded. o an. m . • ) (SIMCO WESTERN)~ oat or your ad. OU cant Reblt mtr. new paint. A ,., , ... "' and ..vloe1od1Yf • . New tires .. •lnyl top. 720-1111 Hardly uNd, model No. beat the price. if we take 11· Alpha Cet. Perfect. N-upholstetlng. Extra ...... '/ •• .-,.-!.......... lllVElllTY IUCll llNllTS 12500/bst ofr. 642-1701, •n .... T·T•ri 4826. 1450. 640-9166 1200 or trade. Jim Ste-ciean. 11,000. oeo AUi 11n .... 11 ·--845 ~ SttMt 831-4267 .._,. ~,..· .. itlo s 800 J 1110 the picture. your ad will ~~;_e14~;11~~2 days. 1HI .. ...., Ht "ii·w·iiiiT".;h" 2850 Hari:"e~~ NEWPORT BEACH eutck ·111 Reg11.11ke new. """"'~99 ... 287 .!!!~al;iiij•••••• only COSt you $45 -if you lllHY llllllllll Vl~hdt,. Xtr1 ctnn 2a,ooo mlla, f\llly loaded COSTA MESA 112-0111 Air, power. crulae, lllt, •65 Muat Ftback. 8 cyl, Investment grade rubles, provide the picture. your ad •:· 0 0 · 498-7271• tunroof, od cond. Like 140·1140 tape. 32M. 15695 or of-New drive train/ paint l.UIT, 4 2-7570 new. ,13,400 oeo. '79Subll00Turbo,loa-ftf.P/P759-1257 r.Olals,wl!'IWhla.$SSOO'. a7:::::.~:.~· 7o% ott Will COSt $40. Alum Mut, curved 11111nffeJS.1 645 ·8211 Eve a. '81 Accord L.X, AM/FM d ed. 38,000 mll1t. 1983 Riviere. PIS, P/B, cal1&46-3173 873-0841 de, 673-2366 boom, lee Sall, All llnM bc•llant mech1nlo11 857·"84 days caes., 5 •P· AC, l9,000 $8000/ offer. 750-9088· P/W New en~11e & nd fltt1no1. leeboard, condition. 13,000 rec-· ml., alnt cond., 170119. ,_ .. __ 1•11 trana· .,,_ 54" 20 01"aHU1 1111 ev '11 ...... I + I 0,. 4197-2580 ...,.. #' • ~ .,. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ••..£ -aa • SAMPLE AO r'dder comple1~ • r~ ently lnve1ted In new 5 •pd. 5 eyt, AC Blpmkt •••••• •••••••••••••••• tUJ.. Ill '74 Outl•n, Se!Otl. L.an- ...... --1': ~~.~llorMlk~ P•rta. '"8d• paint and At.4IFM 0111, Sunroof. '79 wegn. 421<, air, AM/ S1i..-S~L.eulng •••••••••••••••••••••• d1u toP. xlnt cones .. .- S700 640-8688 6.44l-0505 ln..not wort<. $9,000 or Patt cond. ,13.600 FM, rectl, $4900. white u.!Ull ~-11 r • • I b r a k • 1 • 1 Y.Ct Diamond Solitaire. belt ott.r. 640-8828 '4t1·~ w/tan Int. 552.-1651. llUll u..&Jlt :!~~5~~0. brwn/tan, Appr. 19200, take S4500 IHtl, lllp Sharp! Good~. 11113 Jlffl llll 1981 Honda CVCC. White U1·ZMO 41MHt wa. apeclallze In leaHS•-------- blt otr. PP 531·9275 ,.,h H'/i Mercury Meteor 2 dr ••••••••••••••••• •••• VfltY clean, Auto Trane.. • 1.,1• tC>f the t>utlnela execu '81 Old• Cutlau, Broug. •••••••••••••••••••••• coupe. $1176. 042-<l810 A/C, Stlf'eo wllll c ..... __., #' ~ tlve & ~·•on11. ham. All ot>tJont. U500 Wanted· SUp for 25 tt ~"'6 20K "-.. ..,.-................... ..,,v,.... PIP t1 ... -~" ...... 1 !'.~~ .. !.~~ ••• l!:!f Antique mahogany oebl· net with Of'lg. RCA radlO & record playef·$75.00; "JVC" tel>la AM/FM 118fl0 radio with 8 trectl & record DllY9f•l75.00! bathroom '•marble type" .ink In 1doot&2drewet c.blnet plut matc:hlng 2 door wall cabinet & ''marble iype•. well "'4111. all for only I t00.00; flotH blanket-120.00: r: lrl 'I riding h•t lmllll)-'25.00; MW cat loor mat• (4)-UO.OO: new 14 Inch ligM al(oY flnll (8MW'tJ Ht of 44200.00; two new oon- tfnental •t• belted ,. dfal tl,.t 1911170 HA 1•·1100.00; BMW a201 hOOdm..ac-tao.oo; mlr· for mad lolne ,•bln•t·H0.00. Cell 142.01M. ...... w flMDMIW ..... lllf ... ported, <•ff·wftlt•> tl0/1t1J ofr. tt..,tl4f ~ 1J1V For more '[lf orma\ion and to schedule your I ad, pfease call 642-5878 and ask for Ctaeslfled Advertising. · · '5t T·blrd. Aner tlJ thele ........ m ..... .,ea1nne '78 Celle• OT Llftback, 1 --• S.I...... ....._.._... .. power boat M 0 h dlclded llUI. 1157 .M/ mo. End -• 662-278& Fo'iell;:., ;.bl:;", «.OOO of , .... 1 8·30·l3• Buy tnrf. air. S41800. Daye If .. 1111 '1t llllllY out $4185.ee, 9\.lrctl... M2-0755, 840-8704 ...... "d!Oot. IOaded, $!1700 Ill• ftr ,. .. UUIA orig m11•· 2 tOf)t, Mint pranow.te013.13flrm. ·eo Ccilca. Hatch bdl. 15. .. II..._.. oall 4N-72a• OHi 1111 •• concl. (io9) 53Q-8493 c e 11 An 1 Ad II e 9 2 000 rnfs. IM00/080. No ,.,. Hl1 111 ... lt •#111"""1 &42·4300, 24 -.fl. air. 54&-7994. ~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Sllpe • · 11 bl• co one fdlcln II# en .... ,. '75 Cvoo~ood cond. .._l!T.!• a 1 • '73 llc.tat1onw19. Pt!'lto, va a • r •••••••••••••••••••••• -1 11750 ·9 ,. low 1"\111 gold 11250 del Mer ., .. , Ill pr ft. 11170 ~ ton Rtnoer WI 91,t' W-m nor n '· Of lA>l1Q "' anllfm tnUO • 833 • p •II g Y or C • r r I• Cab over camper Hwd 831-2040 4ff.~Nt bit ofr. ~ fll IM!t. Pd •10K Mklng • 2600 Harbor llvd. 080. 65-1 955-2473 wtldYI M . Jlekl, 12900• Nloe eonct: IMP 9 ,_ .. • ....... Ah ffM aetts ' CON ~ S40-9100 '75 Wagon. euto tren:t. 183-<41182 28402 .... ___ Pll F:::;;: ......... .-.u 'ti U I l2ttl 100~ oond, 1tereo. ftUl..,,•JIM ~Vflelo,,.. wy 14 Ktrmtnn Qhll, mint 786-0MO 51 c.cs .. new b1111, l>ett, 1 0 0 0. 413 1 • 12 7 t , ~~···~.•••••••••••••• f nHI l!!?f! Qll (AYefY l>ltt Off t-5) conct, n•w l\11dllner. t1rt1 watef'purnp. tllf• 552-5252. Jey. ~ 1411 •••••••,,•••• ••••••••• °'*' ruo•, ...._,ttcln oover1, '11 celloa ST:~· new ter. 1 Mu1t Hll, 1560. """"' .., ...,, ., II 1ttl 1111 84 lundaye bNltled 11urn wtll9. ••• 11r11, e1.ooo • su-&42·toOe .................. r.·r.;-•••••••••••••••••••• • M 'Ill ...,. ~~ rlldllt iw.. ca-. kte>t. ~/tm, r~na o,..t, '7t Gf9nd Prtx, toadad. 1o MUil .. 11 ,ull equipped ~tor WOf1insti5), ~1'~ t&.000. 8'2·7"1 ~ • 643-01 8 ml, c • b o v er o • m P-• r • --~••IHI wttnda. • •11 Toyota wa.n, clePtn· An &:30. Mt.SSM MOOJbMt otr. Mt-aeo. ... .. a .... ~IMelflll ,,,,... 1u. dlbtl. Oflly 2.1>00,,.. on .. ..,., 'II ... Ire llnl ~ ................. r:.r. oomplet:l.sM« motcw, N=~t~H Nloe leltotlonl '71 M .... <6 cyt, get oond: 11100. be 1' '112002: 4 ll)d., 111/rf. "8W ~ Id nne cw •741 eor-Wagon. 4 IPCI UI •H (t17PV8) 111G0111et: ilMI04 • AIC, rUN A lootlt ldnt: ~;.;;.;;.;...;..;_ _ __;;..;_.;-.:~~=-=--:'""~~-=--:-I 1' '11 UOI; Mo •• AJC .... .,. ......., ...... -(Mf17~ -·-·-· '* '" . 4 ~ .. loe-dedt (71t't' ) '* 'Ill not: .... "''"· ~~·"""· -!!!!!!~!!!!!!!Jl!l ~~~~--r""~i •W.11l; ..... AN ~ a.iled..., ", Oellr ..... '""°'° bf ..... IMohell BROWN'S A BACKER -"Doc" Blacketer (left), one of five candidates in the strictly tongue-in-cheek campaign for honorary governor of Laguna Beach, got solid support in the fonn of an endorsement from Gov. Brown. With the. pair is Bue~ who would be Doc's lieutenant governor. Laguna 'governor' snags ~ real one Br STEVE MITCHELL Of .. DellJ .......... It was pretty obviotJ.s from the start that Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr: didn't want anything to do with it. HearrivedatahllltopLaguna Beach home for a $50-per-penon fund-raiaer, and was met in the driveway by "Doc" Blacketer and Blacketer'& 12-year-old pit bull Buck. ·Now Doc, as you may recall, is -\ Geothermal plant mulled by Huntington Huntington Beach officia.lS said today that a pending study on possible geothermal energy Wlder the city'• oil fields could lead to a pilot plant using tlie hot water to heat homes or businesses. Aided by a state grant, the city is to launch a $41,500 stutiy next month on the potential of getting energy from the thousands of ~:N°na of hot water pumped up y with crude oil from depths between 2,000 and 5.~ feet. CUrrently, the crude oU from the dty'a 1,000 wells ls .eparated from the naturally heated water and the water is cooled and dumped into the ocean or the city'a sewer system. · '"nlat water is being pumped out anyway, so if we can find a Ul8 for it in cloee proximity to the oil wells it aeema that geothennal power could be economically (See PILOT, Pa1e A%) NATION one of five candJdatet Mek1na elect1oo as honorary governor of the ''state'' of Laguna Beach. 1l\e hopefuls are ee1llng votes, at a penny apiece, to ra.Ule funds for an end-of-the-tourist eeMOrl party for Lagunans only at Main Beach Park. So Doc, who currently ia running a poor third in the vote-getting co~petitton. thought it would be a great boon to his campaign were he to get Governor Brown's endorsement. When Brown climbed out of his baby blue 1974 Plymouth, there stood Doc, attired in cowboy hat and st.ring tie, with Buck sitting beside him. "What's this all about," the perplexed real governor asked? Doc's daughter, Belinda Blacketer, a former planning commissioner in Laguna, explained to the governor that, since Proposition 13, the dty no longer can afford to spoNOr the once-annual Village party. "So we have local organizations raising money by selling votes for honorary governor," she said. Brown allowed as how that sounded ~e a great idea to him, then -hesitatingly -asked how he might be of assistance. No aooner were the word.a out of his mouth than Belinda whipped out a proclamation endorsing Doc and asked Brown to sign at the bottom. "What ate you running for again," Brown asked, hurriedly reading over the proclamation. "I'm running for honorary. governor of Laguna Beach," Doc beamed. Then. pointing to the unimpressed pit bull, Doc said, "Thia h ere's my lieutenant governor." (See LAGUNA, Pa1e A!) Marilyn Monroe murdered? A private investigator who lNlats actrea Marilyn Monroe was the victlm of murder, not suicide, ia looking for her diary, which he aaya will provide eolld evidence of his belief. Page AB •. Quints born in Illinois PARK RIDGE. m . (AP) -A 31-yeu-<>ld woman who had been taking a fertility drug pve birth to qulntµpleta -four litll and a boy-today. The toCI were lilted in "critical bUt stable'' condJtlon. Taxpayers spared • tax Fountain VJlley voten will decide Jn November whether they with 10 = a apectal tax to help oft.et poilce and ~ protection experwea. The City Council ••r:eed ~y to place the •pedal tax propoeal on the Nov. 2 ballot. If approved by two-third.I of thoee who ~t the polla, the tax would produce-funds to be collected with county property taxes during the 1983-84 fi8ca.l year. The city's current budget conta.lns no funds fot employee salary raises, even though contracts with police, firefighters and other dty employees expire in November. If approved, the tax would .. ~rate $~1.380 to help bring local police and fire employee salaries into line with similar aalaries in other Orange County cities, Fountain Valley officlala said. The ballot meuure calla for the followiJla annual charges to be lmpoeed: •Owners of single family homes would pay $17. •Occupants of apartment complexes or mobile home parks, would pay $10.20 per apartment unit or mobile home apace. •Owners of improved commercial or industrial parciela smaller than one-half acre would pay $30 per parcel; for parcela smaller than one acre but larger than one-half acre, $60 per parcel; for parcels one acre or larger, $120 per acre or part thereof in excesa of one acre. •For ownen of vacant land, (See VALLEY, Pa1e A%) t , , ~ A N ( I I t I ) I I N I '< ( ;, I 11 ( ) I I N I " I 'i c f N ' <) Beach high "rise? Huntington submits plan to coast panel llY P~C& J. UNNEDY or .. ,... ... The umtnaion Beach coutal land Ute propOlal could replace agina brick bulld1np in the city'• downtown with mod~rn 1ky1crapera overlooklna the etaht rn1lel of beechfront. belivered to the ttate Couta1 Commiaion Tuesday, the land UJe plan cal.11 for development incenUve1 giving additional square footage In buildings if private land holdings ar~ consolidated and lltrUCtutea are built tall and thin, allowing additional open apace at ground level. The proposal iJ the aeoond of three atagea in the state· mandated Local Coa•tal Program. The final stage, scheduled for city hearings in September, would establish zoning regulations, including 1peclf lc rettrlctlona on bulldiq interwity and hetchta in the areu JlOC'th and IOUth of the pier. However, the land uae propoaal approved Monday on a · 4-2 vote con.forms with the dty'a propoeed apectflc plan that would allow h1ah rt.. of 12 stories and more in leCtioha of downtown cout.al r.one. More than a dozen citizens opposed the propoaal at the Monday meeting, urging the City Council members to put hetsht re1trictions o n future development downtown to retain a "village atmoephere." However, city officials aay they expect the coastal conuni.tonera to re6dily approve the city's plan because commiaaionera earlier recommended a downtown building formula twice aa intente. The Co11tal Commiaai rejected· the dty'• lint land ~ plan submitted in January 198~ larply becauae it didn't ldentif bulldinC intenlity and becaUle l proposed development on coutal stretch south of Beaclt Boulevard that'• been idendfie4 by state officials u protectecl wet.lands wildlife habitat. ~ Mike Multari, cttr coast~ planner, said the city 1 curren proposal is a "medium intensity plan that also aaka commial1one to delete the controveraia wetland ai:eaa for futur consideration. Multari said that with th~ controversial wetlands out of th4 picture for the time being, th4 commissioners moat likely will accept the city's downtowii redevelopment plan. ' If Monday's two-hour hearinJ (See DOWNTOWN, Pa1e A%) Judge's fUture mulled Superior court to decide Harrold's residency " I BULLETIN legal resident of the county when lie." Tbe Jane a election of We1t she ran for office in June. Owen's unusually ansr)' ORu1e Co11nty Mulclpal Court Though he took the case under out~urst came at t he end ol Jadge Joanne Harrold wu submission Tuesday, Judge closmg statements by attomel' voided today by a Saperior Court Ron a Id 0 wen a ma y have" E 1 e n o r S t e gm e I e r • w h ~ judfe wbo 11ld Harrold waa provided a clue of what he represented Judge Harrold. • gal ty of aabmltttng falle thought of the complicated case Harrold's decisive electioia campalp docament1 related to when he sharply told Harrold's victory June 8 is be in i ber residency ln Oran1e Couty. attorney: challe~ged by second-place West Orange Co un ty Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold'• future was to be decided today by a Superior Court judge who has heard testimony that the diminutive Weatminater jurist was not a "She (Judge Harrold) was no contestant Dan Charles Du~, more a resident o1 this county a Santa Ana lawyer who allegs when she was appointed in 1980 that Harrold was not a lega;l than the man in the moon . . . resident of the county before the She deceived the governor, she election. deceived the people, and I'm Owens was apparently ve.ry upset about it. Every;time • anjCered Tuesday by testimony she aat on the bench she told a · (See JUDGE, Pa1e A!) COME ON IN! -The water'• fine off of L Street on the Balroa Peninsula and there's one space left on the tube between Chris .,.., .... ft.ee.., .... ~ and Alicia Rich. Be~d them are Sharon Haldennan, Lesl.le 'Smith, Kami Kenny and Tyler Walker. j COUNTY A push for 911 Une ~County would like to get the word out on . lta ~kept aecret -the 811 enerpncy line. Page Bl. • • · }a?:f Exchange on Coast Plana are to be unveiled A\JI. 13 for a $2 million Jazz Exchanae to be built in the Newport Beach- Irvine area. :P'ace Bf. INDEX At Your Service A4 Bualneaa 84-5 Herb c..er.. All Cavabde All CIMltfied • Dl-8 Comlca B1 Cn.worcl 87. DMth Noticea IM l'.dltorial AlO t Jn*1a1Dment Ai.JM l'ood Cl-10 HyOardDer All Artlloppe All n Horoa'll;>pe All Ann Lenders All MOYiea B6 Mutual J\inda B4 Nadonal Newa A3 Public Notices B2,C11,Dl Spc:llU Dl-8 Stock Marke111 =· TeleYWoft Thea ten • W•thlr · A2 World NeWI A3 ustate of Laauna Beach," Brown repeai.d. "Laauna doeln't need to be a etate. lt'1 air.dy. state ol mind, lln't lt?" Then, ~ a pen from hi.I p()dcet, Brown -quJcltly ICl'ibbled h1a ldpature at the bottom of the proclunatlon. By thla time, Bl'own'a aide• were attem.Ptina to pry the real ~ lfOVel'nor away from the local • contender and hla can1he running mate. But firat, a photosfapher uked the arovemor would kneel next the dol for a picture. Looking down at the pluaaed mutt, Brown shook h1a 'hMcl arid .ad, ''Naw, Why don't )'O\l ~ ~ lt wUh UI ':¥! up Idle 1hla." •-It-quick WU u~pok:en, but plied in the tone of hJa voice ~rapid-fire ahota with the help of~ motor camera. and the aovem<>t WU gone. "Good luck," he Mid over hil shoulder as hla aidet led hlm away. Doc Juat ·~ there anill.n8· "That picture ou1hl to be worth a lot of votes," he Mid. For Doc that is. No telling how the photo will affect Brown's chance9 for the U.S. Senate. ~? UDGE HARROLD ... he heard the previous day in which Harrold said that she may -have used a Newpol't Beach address ln 1979 to establish her Orange County residency when she applied to the governor for a judgeship. ' In fact, she said, she wasn't actually living at the $2 million Jtjdo Isle home owned by her 9 Mandmother. b c. At the time, Harrold said, she "listed two addresses on the lpplication to the governor - ··She ln Orange 'County and the l<?,ther in Riverside where it is ~aimed she has her tru e ~~dence. 9 d i ~hat Owens must decide 9 -maay is whether the jurist was a ~e~aJ couuty resident 54 days 2~fore the June 8 election, as '{Ill required by state law, ana whether she was truthful in filling out campaign documents listing the Wdo lale home in NewpQrt Beach as her residence. Owens has the power to nullify the election and vacate the position or possibly order a new election. Dutcher and his attorney, Kenheth Golden, claimed that Harold attempted to falaely create .an Orange County residence after she discovered in mid-March that her opponent planned to make her status an issue. Harrold testified that she began moving into the Newport Beach home in late November after her grandmother gave her keys to the home. ~PILOT PLANT. . . <Jdl feasible In Huntington Beach," h~ke Multan, city, coastal b i.Th .b ' !l:JI e nny scalding water 1 ~es in temperature from 100 a~grees to 150 degrees, Multari ~~pid, adding that some "hot Ji!\~ots" produce water at 'l,wmperatu.res above 300 degrees. ba.1The Cal lf or ni a Energy U>mmission hu awarded the city a $22,870 grant to conduct the geo~ermal study and the city is adding $17,130 and the county is adding $1,500. Southern California Edison Co. is interested in the project to determine if geothennal power can be used at the steam 1senerating power plant in .,liuntington Beach. Officials of iAMINOIL USA. the dty's largest ·oij producer, aho support the study, adding that they pump out blJ0,000 gallons of. hot water daily Ha oil operations. ~!County offid.ala Mid they are interested in determining if geothermal power is feasible in other oil-producing cities, such aa La Habra and Brea. Multari said the geothermal heat could be transferred to clean water and used in radiators similar to old-fashioned steam heaters. He said if--the 12-month study indicates strong potential for geothermal en~rgy, the F.nerc Commission co\.Qd award the dty a larger giant to build a pilot geothermal energy plant. The Energy Commission geta funds from federal revenue that comes ffQm leaaes of federal land used for active geothermal projectl, he explained. Multari said the most likely use for geo~ enero would be in new housing and buaine9I developments where the plumbing could be destcned for hot water heaq. CITY SHAPING UP -Huntington Beach'• coast land use plan applies within dot~ lines. . ~,...­ Commercial and residential uses ~ ahown; IJtaded ateU could be hiah rile. From f'age A 1 From Page A1 ' DOWNTOWN PLAN. • • VALLEY. • • II any lndlcatlon, there will be much oppoaitlon to hlgh-rlae development from residenta and dislenting City Council members. City Council members Kutb Finley anq Ruth Bailey oppoeed the building incentive plan for high-riae structures. Mrs. Finley said open space can be obtained instead by zoning. "I can't imagine anythin§ worse than a skinny high-rile, Mn. Bailer said, adding that the location o downtown far from freeway accesa will discourage businesses from moving in. Councilman Ron Pattinson disagreed saying, "Thefe's nothing worae than a fat lowirlae that blocks my view (of the coast); I think it's time we got a little modern and did something downtown." Currently, the dowptown core, from Sixth to Lake streeU and one block inland to Walnut Avenue, is a cluster of aging brick buildings built in the 1920s and 1930s. The city's proposed specific plan unveiled last week envisions tall, thin mixed oorrunercial and residential buildings up to 12 stories hlgh wlth large open spaces at ground level in this area. Bkndit hits photo store A man wearing a red and white beae~ cap bearing the phrue "Another Day Shot to Hell" robbed a Seal Beach Fotomat store of an undilcloeed amount of cash Tuesday afternoon, police reported. The man approached the store at 690 Pacific Coast ffiRhway, diaplayed a long-barreled pistol and demanded cash, police &aid. In other ~ona of the coutal downtown, from Golden West Street to Beech Boulevard, the plan envisioned four-story buildlnaa, al though taller structures y.rould be allowed, especially' in the vacant areas between Huntington Street and Beach Boulevard, where the . greatest building intenalty would ·be allowed. · J Council members Bob Mandie, Don MacAlllater, Jack Kelly and Pattlnaon approved the land use plan. Mrs. Finley and ~. Bailey dissented. Cou,ncllman John Thomas wu abeent. the char&e la $30 per· acre or part thereof. The state lealalation that pennita cltlee to collect special taxes With voter approval has been extended indefinitely, city officials. 1aid. A1 a result, lf Fountain Valley voters approve the cax in NoYenlber, the dty can continue to collect the funds annually unless the charge ls repealed by the dty council. The prop.at to· place the tax meaaure on the November ballot WU approved ... 0 by the council. (Councilwoman Barbara Brown was ablent.) Day canip. plans Disneyland trip An all'-day trip to Disneyland will hl1hllght Se81ion 5 of the YMCA Day Camp· being conducted in Huntington Central Park, Huntington Beach. This 1eaalon will extend from Monday, Aug. 16 'through Friday, Aug. 27. Other activities will include field trips, roller skating, hikes and sporting events. The camp Is open to boys and girls, ages 6-12 .. Information on fees and registration is available by calllng the Huntington Beach YMCA. 847-9622. meetin1 begim at l-0 a.m., followed at 11 a.m. by Ms. Lewis' talk at the Huntington Beach Central Library, 7111 Talbert Ave. LOg pressure from U.S . • , Tiie Mteela ... Prell braell tank• and armor•d troopt ltHmrolled into w"t Beirut today while other unl111 battled toward the PU.tlnla.n LlberaUon Or1anlutlon •tronchold from the north and IOUth, and artillery and ,Unboata hammer•d Ya11er Arafat'• ,uen1lla enclave from all lddee ln furious barraget that continued after ,18 houn. (Meanwhile in Washington, D.C. Pre1ldent Rea1an today lidmon.lahed the PLO to get out of Beirut immediately and lectured larael on .. the abeolute necesaity of re-establ.lahtl18 and maintainina a 1trict cease-fire.") Israel uid IJs forces IUHered 20 1oldleu wounded , two 1erioully, before the atiack, and that u a result of the uuult lta armor captured a strip 60 yards deep and 600 yards long on a north-south axia along the Gn!en Line dividing guerrilla-held west Beirut from Chrutlan-controlled east Beirut. Arafat called on every able PaJestlnJan to take up anna and defend west Beirut and President Elias Sarkls apPealed· to President Reagan to stop the fighting and protested "what is happening in Beirut where Innocent civilians are being subjected to mau killing and destruction." Top advisers to President Reagan met for three hours at the White Houae today to Ulle98 the latest attacks and aouroes ln the administration said a list of "theoretical aanctiona" had been drawn up. Reagan told the advisers to meet and make recommendations to him. The attacks. presidential spokesman Larry Speakes said, make "virtually impossible the conduct of diplomatic efforts" to end the fighting. The possible sanctions included • m ili tary, diplomatic and economic penalties, according to the sourcea. The hraeli military command said it had not launched "an all- out attempt at conquering the city" and the a~tacks were to show Israel "will not play the game by PLO-aet n.ales.',. After eight hours of intensive· flring from both sides. it appeared the Israeli thrust was concentrated on the no man's land between the city's MOllem and Christian aecton, the seaport on the northern edge of the PLO redoubt in west .Belrut, and PLO entrenchments aouthwest of the city. -warmer • Joanne Lewi1, past coordinator of the Southern California -Chapter of Adoptees Liberty Movement Association, will be guest speaker Saturday at the monthly meeting of the Oranp County GeneaJogica1 Society. The group's busineaa Ms. Lewis will discuss the sources of information open to an adoptee, foster child or orphan in conducting a geneaJosjcal search. "Hundreds ot sneus burs1 within yards of each other and within seconds, the entire southern belt of west Beirut was shrouded in smoke and flames," Associated Press correspondent Terry Anderson said of one IO-second Israeli barrage. U.S. summary HMVY ~ bl8med In two deetlw continued ~ from eou1tlenl MlctllOan to ~· end lowe. end 1111o1nder1torm1 tlnglred '1Vfll ~ .......... end nor1hem K--.. Aelrl8 whipped by wtndt of 70 mph fell In wHtern lowe. A realdenl of Sioux Olly reported .... no • tornedo, Ille Nellonel W•lll« 8eMoe Mid. The wlnde lore llmbe trom lrMe end downed po..-., llnH, but low• ofllclel1 reported no maJor property ~-Bey, Wle., Ille wind • oareoe enc1 mOYeC1 11 75 .... """°"' dlll'NIQlno the LJncoln Continent• 11111 hid De.I petMd ........ euttlof1tlea Mid. Poloe In MeMnlhe. waa.. Mid • ;~ men WH kilted by In • lllUfllclpll '*"· And lin "'8illllowoc C'ounty1 1 "" .. gtaln elelletor neer A••devllle ooll•P••d under preNUfl from pounding wlnd1. ...,. one deelfl. lllOWlrt end lhunderttorm1 ,,..,. wtd91Y ec•tt•ed over tile °'""11.end ~ """ ..... ..... In .,.,_,, Aortd• end .. '°""*"' ~tlllnllo eo.t. " ... --OloWd)' from AltloNi to Ill• l:>11Cot .. end over 111e 'eclflo NOtltlw9tt, *tth moetly .............. ~ tonWlt lftd Thur9dey. ...... w....~ 101tt1r1d 111ow1re •n ~OflM from lhl m4ddll lftd flOf1Mf'n Attentto CCMllM to tM ...., ••• lll'P" v.._ encs 1n tt1e flOf1Mf'n end ..... Aoaldel. loettlred ·~· ....... ~ °""' IM l'Of1lllnt ~ -r.,.;.....-.. ltMMt fie lllllon tarl1 ted•Y. t•nJ•d ft om 41 --Ill ~ • .,,.., to" ...,.. . ...,_... Temperature• .. Le ,,., Albeny n lit = to IO .02 IM 91 ~ ... 82 Atllf'lte .. 70 Attentc Cty 78 87 Auetln .. 78 8eltll'nON ea ... :=hm 12 eo 12 70 811mel'Ck 89 51 BolM 81 51 eo.ton 70 81 BrOWNVtle 95 78 BuffelO 78 87 .48 Burlington 71 88 CU9« 91 57 Cllertetn SC 88 74 Chenlle NC 88 70 Clleytnne 83 82 Chlc:ego 96 74 .22 = 12 71 88 71 .92 Clmblll SC .. 88 ColunlbUI 88 70 Del-Ft W111 N 7S oey,on t1 7t o.w.r IS 80 .22 O..M<** N T7 Dlltroll 83 74 Duluth 12 M EIP-17 70 F*1>enla 15 51 'fwgo IS M ~,... Hstford Helene HOftOIMIU Houlllon =::-:.. ~ 1(.-Clty ~-:.. Uttle Rode LOU11Yllle Lubbodl Memphla Mleml Mllweuk• Mplt-81.P NMIMlle ..... ~ New Yoftl Norfolk No. Pia"-Okla City Omllhe OrWldo =r.-~ Pllend. Ore ProYldell08 ="City .AeftO SMUM ..., Antonie! 7i It 71 • = t3 ta 10t .. t01 17 91 98 IM It 13 95 11 90 81 12 17 ... .. 12 ... toe eo 88 7S n 17 ... 72 ' It " 4t It .. 75 IO 72 7t 7t 71 .. 78 78 73 71 79 78 78 78 70 73 70 .. 85 72 71 73 .. 84 88 87 51 eo .., 12 44 97 71 I Smog IO 53 N 87 f7 74 12 IO 71 31 107 T7 74 .. ~= t2 eo N 84 ... es 1a ee 93 87 ae ee 85 54 tos eo 74 .. 87 1541 .... 103 .. 18 u es " =~ .. 59 18 47 12 u Where to cell (toll ftM) for lllteet '"'°II lnfonnetlon! fin '7 OrMp county: (800) ~ -~~~-----------~-"!"ioi------Loa ~ne•IH County: (100) 242-4022 • SURF llPIRT • ....,... lind ..,, 8lrnlfdlno ~· (800) HJ-4710 AQMO ~ Center: (IOO) U2-44Nle • •Joa Brl11maa of 16165 Mt. Olancba St., Fountain Valley, and Alu Bell of Los An1ele1 were winners in their aectlon of the Taos Open Paira, a regional bridge tournament held in • Volunteen are needed to assist at retirement and convalescent facilltte1 In Hun tl n g ton Be a c h . Individuala are needed to take charge of a aewinf room and Albuquerque, N.M. The event, in which 1,260 players competed, was one of six North American championships conducted by the American Contract Bridge League. to lead activities such as crafts, exerci9es and bingo. Tho1e interested can contact the Volunteer Bureau of West Orange County, 898-00,43. Firemen gaining control of blaze· AUBERRY (AP) Firefighters predicted an end today to a 7,670~ac:re grass and brush fire and another 1,004-acre bl.au about 100 miles apart in the Sierra Nevada foot.billa. Damage was about $210,000 to watershed and grazing land in th~ larger fl.re that straddled the Fresno-Madera county line, fire officials concluded. Ult•asonlc '!••• Repellel' iff.ct1vely Ell~inat•• lnMCh and Rodents lnclucllng Fleo. ... SAFE • For· children and pets, No polaons, meesi traps or costly exterminators EF.FECTIVE -covers up to 2,000 aq. ft. ECONOMICAL • uaes 1eaa than half the energy of a nlte Ute POWERFUL -Up to 10 times more thin 1ny comparable product on the mltket todly SILE PRICED s49••' ~ To 8""" On Hand MSA" I ~ . I STATE .. Alta Dena Dairy raw milk recalled 8ACRAM&NTO <AP) -Bt•t• hHlth oftldall have ordeNd 11 bltdwm of Alta Dina Dl1rY raw whole and Ulm m1llc removed from IMft lhelwa and .,.. unPnl CONWMn not to drink lt. Th• actlon TutldaY, the MQOnd In el1ht ct.ye, came after a federal laboratory found ea1moneUa ~ ln raw rnUk thet wu IOld ,,# ln Reno. thv., Hid Beverly Powell, 1po1& .. woman for the HHllb 8ervtc .. Dl~t. A 1p0kffinan for Alta Dina, the lar1Ht producer of raw rn1lk tn the COW\try, lakl much of the mllk haa alrMdy bMn told and conaumed "whh no Npol'W of afunffecu.'' NAACP to target studio for boycott HOLLYYlooo (AP) -The NAACP, fr\A•trated by frultleu meettn11 whh film executives over rninortty h1r1na pncUoel, •YI lt la about to ae1ect a major film ltudk> u a pcmible boycott taraet while {t al8o preperee to take on the televlalon networkl. "Ouriq the put eisht months we have been meeUni ancf neaoU.tlna with the movie industry with varyin1 reaulta,'' Benjamin L . Hooks, executive director of the &00,000-member National J:.aociatlon for the Advancement of . Colored People, uld Tueaday In a prepared 1tat.ement at a Loe Anaelel Preu Club news conference. ''We found that the problems are lerlou. and deeply entrenched. Now that we have the structure .et up for dealing wtth rad.al problems within the movie indu1try, and among TV networka, we will act," Hooke aaid. SF handguri ban awaits legal showdown SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -State Attorney General George Deukmejian thinks San Francisco's new handgun ban is illegal, but Mayor Dianne Feinstein says she waill for the dpinlon of a higher authori'l. "We stand by our caae, ' Ma. Feinstein said Tuesday. "The attorney general's opinions are only advtaory." The mayor, who surrendered her Smith & Wesson .38-caliber revolver to Police on Friday, noted the city attorney'• office-believes the city ordlnance will withstand a Sept. 22 test in the state Court of Appeals'. The ban went into effect Thuraday, but residents were given 90 days to tum in their pistols. Exemptions are available for security guards, shopkeepers and others who need handguns for ijielt work. Rifles and shotguns are still legal and residents need no exemption. Sex education parent consent bill killed · SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Assembly Education Committee has killed a bill to strengthen the parental consent requirement for aex education by requiring parental approval. The measure, SB1841 by Sen. Ollie Speraw, R-LonR Beach, would have changed the current law thit lets students take sex education unless their parents object. " After hearing._ opposition from teacheril' groups, the Parent Teachers Association and other educational organizations, the committee defeated the bill Tuesday on a 5-8 vote. $200 million suit filed in copter crash LOS ANGELES (AP) -Five companies and nine individuals are being sued for more than $200 million for the helicopter crash last month in which actor Vic Morrow and two children wer, killed. The suit wu filed Tuesday in Van Nuys Superior Court f<»: the parents of Renee Shin-Yi Chen, who dted July 23 along with Morrow ~d NATION 7-year-old My-a Dinh Le during the filming of "The Twilight Zone." Among the 14 defendants are Warner Bros. Inc. and producer Steven Spielberg. On Friday, Warner Brol!f. and three individuals were fined $5,000 each by state labor officials because the scene was being shot at 2~30 a.m. State law says cpUdren may not work after 6:30 p.m. Trapeze artist hospitalized after fall DALLAS (AP) -A ci.rcua trapeze artist attempting a 3 Yi somersault fell head first into a net after he apparently lost his grip on the bar and collided with his father, who was suppoeed to catch him, witnesses said. Gino Farfan, an 18-year-old member of the "Flying Farfans," was taken by ambulance Tuesday night to Baylor Univertity Medical Center. His exact injuries were not daclosed, but he was listed in stable condition today and the circus scheduled a news conference for later in the day. A stunned crowd of about 15,000 people watched Farfan fall about an hour into the three-hour perfonnance by the Ringling Bros. and Barnwn & Bailey Circus at Reunion Arena. Senate adds debt limit to amendment WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate has added new national debt restrictions to a proposed constitutional amendment to bar deficit spending, a move that leaders of both parties said could lead to defeat of the baLllnced budget measure. C.onservatives, joined by senators opposed to the balanced budget amendment, vo~ 51-45 to prohibit Congress from raising the national debt without a three-fifths margin in both Houses. . "It was just too delectable for conservatives to resist and, in accepting it (the debt ceiling limit), they may have just turned . down the prospects of a balanced budget this year," said Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, a sponsor of the balanced- budget amendment. Birds unharmed after massive oil spill BYRON, Wyo. (AP) -A preliminary inspection indicates a massive crude oil spill in northern Wyoming has cauaed little damage to waterfowl in the area. although it may be too soon to tell. Fish Department spokesman Bob Gurney. The spill occurred early Monday morning or late Sunday night when a 12-inch Platte Pipeline Co. pipe southwest of Byron broke, spewing about 6,000 barrels of oil -225,000 gallons - into a private lnigation ditch that drains into Whistle Creek, the Shoshone River and the Yellowtail Re9ervoir. "We've seen a few birds that had oil on them, but we don't have a number becaus4E we couldn't catch them," aaid .Wyoming Game and WORLD .. India airliner hijacker surrenders NEW DELHI, India (AP) -A Sikh carrying a fake bomb hijacked an Indian airliner wtth 134 people aboard today and attempted to force it to Pakistan, but when landing permission wu denied, he rele his ca tives Iri India and was arrested, according to press accounts and airline offldall. The Indian Airlines Boeing 737 was carrying 129 paSlle en and five crew members. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thom• P. HeleY NlllMr Ml Clllll .6-i!M Ollloer ~,~ •oirector-~ Tom M4.lrpNne ... Mike Harwy ....... _...._ !Cir• 'ell ., ........ Del • .,., ........... ' ' CIH11fled advertlllng 7141142·5'71 All other depertment• 142-4321 MAIN OFFICE DD WHt Bay St., C•te Mew, CA. Mell addrMa: lox 15'e, C•M Mesa, CA. nu. C..rllflt 1"2 Or .. CMst "'*liMfte ~. Na MWS ~ lllvltra1klft., editorial mtttar.,-. ffrllM,,_ta ..... nteJ lie r....-.C4ICI wftllOllt • Nlklal ~ .. ,~ ..... -. Mesa man injured in La Jolla blast LA JOLLA (AP) -Two chemilta were burned over the face and arms when a glaas breaker exploded a1 they conducted an experiment at BloReeearch, Inc., police aaid. The most .erioualy injured was William Fuller, 35, a senior reaearch chem.lat who 1uffered flnt and M!CIOnd-degree bums on· the face, arma and shoulder. Mark McMW.a. 26, of C.O.ta Mesa suffered apparently leller bums. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally i-llot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your me1111•e will be recorded. tranac:rlbed and dehvered to the appropriate editor The same ~·hour answerin1 aefvlct may be used to record ltl· tera to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors muat Include t._elr name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, please. Tell us What's on your mind, 171-o----.;.. CHRISTENED -Britain's Prince William Arthur Philip Louis ls the center of attention today at his christening in the drawing room of Buckingham Palace with hi. pa.rentl 'Prlnce Charles and ~ri.noesa Diana. " \' Assessnient district delayed '·'· •!) !}f County mulls liability in Soutf! Peak development .. By PAMELA STEINRIEDE regarding use of tax-free proposal does not meet \1.e ofttie Delly Piiot 11.n municipal bonds for this type of criteria for "dipping Into bJ'~d project. may change in two market fundl." ,1 The Orange Coast County weeks. At issue in the South P~ek BQard of Supervisors has delayed project ia Whether the $21,1\~·- formation of an assessment "They (Ute b&nk and builder) 639 needed for construction,9f district to finance more than $21 may later feel they were misled, sewer and water line, stqqn million in improvements for a and the county could be held drains and other improv~ts proposed gated community in liable," said McCourt. for the community is for ffie Laguna Niguel. In an attempt to .produce a "public good'' and within lee With a 3-2 vote Tuesday, the m ore definite board policy requirements of board g:UcY~.;£0 board initially approved tbe regarding the use of municipal be d etermined after ibso~s t di t · t f th bonds, the SU""'rvisors earlier report. assess men s ric or e .. -"It is not a new concept by any 1 d S t h P k instructed analyst John Gibson p a n n e o u e a o f t h e J!: n v i r o n m e n t a l meana," said Harold Roget•, development. But after warnings furth au 0 r n e y for south p elk from a c ounty attorney , Management Agency to er A . d 1 f th supervisors Harriett Wieder. study the limits, prioryJ:ies and ssoc1ates, eve o~era o Te Thomas Riley and Roger Stanton impacts of bond funding for Pr"?,~ Franclaco, San Diego and Changed the, .. votes The board various types of projects. His 11 .. w d .. · Los Angeles have a uae unanimously decided to postpone report is due Aug. 16· assessment bonds to finance action two weeks. • "Should use of tax-free utilities for this type pt Assistant County Coun sel municipal bonds be expanded?" development," he said. '' William McCourt advised the asked Board Chairman Bruce Also, Rogers said, tbe supervisors that the county may Nestande. . supervisors must consider thpt incur liability to the bank and Although Nestande supports the project would stimulate the builder involved in the 204-home the use of bonds for assessment area's building Industry al\~ project because board policy .districts, he said th~ South Peak provide nwn~ro~ jobs. ·~ Cities joining dump lawSuit Huntington, Valley, Laguna protest use fee 11 By JODI CADENHEAD 0( the Delly ll'IOC Slaff Reacting to the county's decision to impo&e a dwnping ree at county-owned landfills, several Orange Coast cities have voted to join a lawsuit by the Orange County division of the League of Cities to block the program~ City <.:ouncils in Huntington Beach, Fountain ValJey and Laguna Beach voted this week to support a proposed suit against the county. Costa Mesa council members decided they'll consider th~ lawsuit during a special meeting on Aug. 9. Newport Beach and Irvine will discuss the matter during regular meetings next week. Last Thuraday. directors of the league, representing the county's 26 cities, voted unanimously to ask their city councils to take Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Certified Gemologi1t. AGS ORIENTAL TIME and It• ltJ1tory Would it ~prise you to know that Oriental civi.IJz.ations were very invevtive in building aome of the ekrlleat tlmeplecea? Horological historian• find faaclnating evidence of Chineae and Japanese cloclcs ijiat were "dilferent," to say the least. A timepiece in Su Sung, China in about 1090 A.O. meuured the hours by the flow of water. It was considered one of the aclentific wonden of the time. The Japanese developed a ''stick" clock. whtch featured a de.cendlbg drlvtna wetaht thet indicated time wtth a point.er u lt moved down an ln1crlbed panel. The JapaneH alto Cleveloped a romantic lnc:eme clock. A trallina wtap of incenll lmOke wound ff. way thf'OUlh a maze to mark the pa ... ae of time. These fraarant devlce1 were often uaed to time the vitltl of"*" in at.ma hOUlllJ. But, de1plte the creativity of Ortenial tlmeamlth1, when m echanical watch•• were lntroduc:ed to the Orient by European tradeunen in UM2. tbHe immediately bec•m• '°'Cbt...tw pc;lptl In the Slit. positions on the autt. The league will meet Aug. 12 to decide whether there is enough support to pursue litiJ;(ation. ''I'm not sure this ever will come to a lawsuit," said Ruth Finley, Huntington Beach city councilwoman, "But there must be dialogue with the Board of Supervisors to discuss the way it was handled and the amount of the fee." Most cities have opposed the Board of Supervisors decision of July 13 to charge $7 per ton for trash ha uled to landfills and $10.60 per ton for trash taken to transfer stations. The service had been free. City officials argued that the fee came after their fiscal budgets were adopted. The fees will be paid by the cities either out of their funds or by passing on the costs to individual homeowners. League president MarvEn Adler (a Fountain Vallely councilman) aald he believed that there would be "strong auppof'\1' for litigation. ,. He said the league would consider pursuing the litigatiOISlf as many as 15 of the 26 cities support it. "The whole object of this ill la get the cities and the board t4 come to an agr~ment," Adle~ said. "You just can't do this id three days." I In Costa Mesa, City Council members decided Monday to delay action on the matter Aug. 9. "1 have a difficult tim supporting a lawsuit because think in the long nm taxpay will be asked to pay at bOi e n d s , " s a i d Co 1 ta Me,. Councilman F.d McFarland. It is estimated that the laW'IUi would cost each of the county' citfes about $1,000. , . . .. .•. v ,, et . ,, FREE GIFT DURING AUGUST We have been In our new larger location at 1809 Newport Blvd. almost 3 mos. Our pride In our beautiful new home hu been enhanced by the great response of you, our many friends. lh order to show our apprectatlon we are ~Mng with any purchase the above lovely allver trimmed 5" crystal bowl. Ltmlt one per customer, with '1500 purch-. -t GM, Toyota eye • • Joint venture WARRJ:N, MJcb. (AP) -1be vecaiit Oeninl Moton Con>. lllMmbly plant In Fr•nw\._ C.W.. 18 tbt prime lite fOC' a jotnt pl"Oduetlon woture oetwem Gii and Toyota Motor C.O. ot Japen. OM'e chalrman •ya. Rot-' B. Sniith aleo llkl at a JWWa ~ Tueldaj ~Una an ~twed CCJnC9Pl mr for the fUtJ&N that llM and Toyota wW 1DMt ._., "about ~ OC' late end of th» month." He added, however, tbat dleeuMlon1 wW oontlnUie and that the South O,te, c.ut., plant -.i.o idle -rema1nl In the nmnin. • weU. Stores occupied SAN DIIGO {AP) -Recent we.at.eel tt.cn1 ol the JledMart Con>. may be taken QV9I' b)' Tarpt dllcount stotes, a dlvf.son of the Mf.nneapou.beled IlaJtcn· Hudeon Corp., a newspaper •YJ. The Trfbu.ne In San Dleao u1d an announcement that Tarpt and Ralphe supermarket chain will i... certain FedMart eltea tn Southern California la expected at a news conference Thunday. · Tar1et hu 161 atores but no outlet. we.t of I Denver. Ralphs it a c:liviaion of Ctnclnnati·bued Federated Department atores. 'Blender' bill gains SACRAMENTO (AP) -LegialaUon that three ~ retailers MY could put them out of buslnem 8i advanced deaplte one of them aelllng at a 60 percent diacount to dramatize the protelt. The 9-3 vote Tueaday by the Aaaembly Transportation c.ommittee, advancing the bill another atep toward puuge, wu a defeat for the retallen, ai.o known M "blenden." Regal aervtce atationa, which import from the People'• Republic of China. are at.a&1na four da)'9 of sales th.la week at 50.8 centa per -gallon to attract attention to lta opposition to the bill, AB508 by Allemblyman Walter lnp11a. D-Rlvenlde -a play on 50.8 centa for AB508. Eye drops recalled LOS ANGELES (AP) -Alpha Beta supermarketa have yanked eye drops, noM drope and nual sprays from Loi AngeJ.s..area ahelvea aft.er two women suffered eye lnjurlm from u8iJl8 Murine Plus that had been laced with IUlfuric acid. Market ottidala ilsued the recall Tueeday and Mid the state health department waa investigating the apparent ~· ~ motive for the oontaminationl WU DOt known. Cultomen who purcbued IUCh lterna in the 1Mt 30 daya were urged to return them to the nearest store for a relund unlem the drope had been u.ed or no harmful effects have been auffered. Holiday Inn nixed SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Holiday Inna bu dropped p1ana to build an 805-room hotel ln San Franc:Uco'a Tenderloin area. but a project i.e.del' aid the hotel plan will poceed "with aDocber operatoc." STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AHif DOWNS DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOAKCAPl l"IMI Dow-'-..._. ~~.-y, E'°"' I. 0... Hlllt ... Ql9e Cllll JO IM Ill.JC G I.Al 11U• tl6 ..... S.11 20 Tm '16.JI JILJS ... n m.~ ._. IS Utt lCIS ... 107.IA 105.Jf IOI.I>+ OM '5 Stll rt7M J20JIJ Jll.Q JIAJl$-1.17 ~=-:.::::·:.:·:::::::::-.-.·: {~:l: Utllt ...................... ,,._ '5 sni ....................... • ...... WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK (API A ... I ~ '""· IUJVencAld ~ Oecll-161 116 UllCNnged "° Jft fOUl l-.. ., *8 .. _ M!IM 11 lA ..... _ " -WH•l 4WUOIO HEW YOlllK IAPI ....... J ~. All't.ad T~ -;, Oecll--rt> UtlCNrllld --Tot .. 1-,. "' ..... '""" 11 • ..... -. 1' 11 METALS NEW YOAK (AP) -8pot nonl•rovt ,_.. prtc. tOdeoy; o.,...-12~115 ~•••pound, u.a. ~ U..lt-19-*•~ ZIM ST-40-*•=·........_ ""•• • .1011 ..... =··--lb. lb f' ,.._1' oenta I poulld, N.Y. -..,-.00.,...-. ....... hM.oo-atel 00 tto, -. N.Y. SILVER , I .I , l .. ] ·. ') I 1 # • J ~Not.._...., ........... BROWN'S A BACKER -0 Doc" Blacketer (left), one of five candidates in the strictly tongue-in-cheek campaign for honorary governor of Laguna Beach, got solid support in the , form of an endorsement from Gov. Brown. With the pair is Buck, who would be Doc's lieutenant governor. Laguna 'governor' ' ~nags a real one V.!~L~ It was pretty obvioua from the atart that Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. didn't want anything to do with it. He arrived at a hilltop Laguna Beach home for a $50-per-penon f\md-ra.laer, and was met in the driveway by "Doc" Blacketer and Blacketer'• 12-year-old pit bull Buck. Now Doc, as you may recall, is Election of judge rules void BULLETIN Tiie Jane 8 election of We1t Orange Couty Motclpal Coart Jadge Joanne Harrold wu voided today by a Sapertor Coart jadf e wbo 1a1• Harrold was gal ty of nbmlttta1 false campalp docament1 related to lier residency in Oraqe Comity. · West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold's future was to be decided today by a Superior Court judge who has heard tetttimony that the dlminuti~e Weatminater jurist waa not a legal reaident of the county when she ran for office in June. Though he took the case under submission Tuesday, Judge Ronald Owens may have provided a clue of what he thought of the complicated case when he sharply told HanoJd'1 attorney: "She (Judge Ham>ld) was no (See JUDGE, Page A%) NATION one of five candidates -.kina eleedon as hono.rar)' aovemor ~ the "state" of :t.suna Beach. The hopefula are ~ votett. at a penn:z:, apiece, to nme fundl for an enCl-of-the-tourlat aeeeo11 party fot ~only at Main Beech Park. So Doc, who currently ta running a poor third in the vote-getting competition, thouaht it would be a great boost to hia campaign were he to get Governor Brown's endonement. When Brown climbed out of his baby blue 1974 Plymouth, there stood Doc, attired in cowboy hat and string tie, with Buck sitting beside him. "What's thia all about," the perplexed real governor uked? Doc's daughter, Belinda Blacketer, a former planning commissioner in Laguna, explained to the' governor ~t. since Proposition 13, the city no longer can afford to spoNOr the once-annual Village party. "So we have local organizations raising money by selling votes for honorary governor," ahe said. Brown allowed a.a bow that sounded like a great idea to him, then -hesitatingly -uked how he might be of aasiatance. No aooner were the words out of his mouth than Belinda whipped out a proclamation endonin& Doc and atUd Brown to sign at the bottom. "What are you runnln.g for again,.. Brown asked, hurriedly reading over the proclamation: "I'm running for honorary governor of Laguna Beach," Doc l>eamed. Then, pointing to the unimpreued pit bull, Doc said, "Thia here's my lieutenant governor." • (See LAGUNA. Page A!) Marilyn Monroe murdered? A private investigator who inllsta actrem Marilyn Monroe waa the victim of murder, not suicide, ia lookina for her diary, which he says will Pf9Yide 801id evidence of his belief. Page AS. Illinois . . Low-power ....una·. ol the San Onofre Nuclear Oeoeratlna Statlon'a Unit 2 reactor wa1 re1wned thll morntq at e:ao .,.... betNI halted 8u.ftda3J --motora diat ratae ancl low•r ' control rods became cwwb-.'9d. Dew Barron. a "P'>kM'MD fOf Southern Call.fwnla J:cU.ari Co., m9r owner of the plant three rnUiil aouth of San Clemente, Mid en1lnHn are monttorlna the re.ctor to determine what caUled the~t1ng. "We .UU have a ~ ot reeolvina that prob)ern," Barron aald \Oday ... We can continue low-power teat1n1 with that condition wtlhoUt any problea." The low-level Wt. bepn lMt • week H ' prellrolnary 1tep •before the production of electricity for the public. The • .,okeaman aald the ma1fu.ncdOnln8 conti"Ol roda and overheaU01 motors pose no Mfety huard. 'The 1.1 mlllton-kUowatt reactor cootaina 91 rodl filled with .pellet.I of boron carbide which ab,orb neutrons from aplitting at.aml and regulate the 'nuclear rHC'tion. Barron 1ald the reactor suffered "probably tome kind of electronic problem," which prompted F.diaon offldall to lhut down the teet1ng 1ut week. "It could be 1omethin1 H "1nple aa an electric connection that has. to be replaced." he uld, add.Ina n are attempting to ttna the p lem. He 1&id the or will be generating 1 1 percent power for aome time while low- '}:>Ower tmt1na continues. '1'hat'a why we're tettting, to find probleme and repair them," Barron aaid. EW MAYOR ...._. La un i °"' ........ ~ fire cause? each 'Councilman ~ei itzpatrlck was th unanimous council choice td serve as mayor. Councllmaii Robert Gentry was nameq mayor pro tem . By PATRICK J. KENNEDY ' or .. Dlllr,... .... A preliminary report by the Orange County Fire Deper1ment blames a low-flyiq fighter jet from the Marine -Corp• Air Station, El Toro, for the~ bnmh fire July 15 ln the Laguna Hilll-Woods canyon area. The preJjmln.aiy determination is bMe(f on a wltne11•1 account that he aaw a 0 fireball" come from the jet. to the lfC)Und just minutes before the bruab area went up ln flamea, county fire offldal.I said Tueeday. Meanwhile, officlala of the Marine bue admit that a flg)lter jet with a broken fuel line flew at low altitudes over the area July 15. But they deny that ft cauaed the blue becau.e they aay the jet fuel ia almoet 0 impomible" to Ignite outalde the jet'• engine. Jeff Taylor, spokesman for the fire department, said the investigation of the fire i1 continuing. But be said if the investigation encl udee tba t the A -4 M Skyhawk fighter jet cauaed the blaze, the Marine hue could be billed for more thau $30,000 to paJ for county coatl of fighting the five-hour brush fire. Taylor said a worker for Southern Callfomla Edison Co. aald that be aaw the alleged fireball c::oroe from a mill tary jet flying alonpide anpther jet at about 1_.~ feet altitude. The wood Canyon blue Wali out of controi from 12:49 p.m. to 6 p.m.. Taylor aaid. He uld 80 COME ON JN! -The wa~r'a fine off of L Street on the Balboa Pe~ and there's one •J>llCle left on the tube between Chris • flttfightera 8l8igned. to 19 engine companies, including two from theMarinebue,finallyatopped the blaze. No one was injured and no structures were damaged In the open brush. Marine Sgt. Cindy Reid said the fighter jet was on a bombing demonstration at Camp Pendleton Marine base when a door hatch on the belly of the jet broke and ripped open a fuel line. She said the pilot, Lt. Randy Myers. flew back toward the home base in El Toro and at one point considered landing in the Woods Canyon area because his engine SJ>~ttered. She a.id .P.jyers got the engine started aPin and returned to the El Toro bue, .e9COl't.ed bv another (See BRUSH, Page Al) Fitzpatrick named mayor of Laguna Laguna Beach City C.ouncilman Neil Fltzpatrick wat unanimously named mayor Tuesd~y night after former mayor Sally Bellerue announce4 one year in the top elected post was enough for her. · Councilman Robert' Gentr~ wu named mayor pro tern. When Mrs. Bellerue wa1 named mayor a year ago f~ the post vacated by departing Mayor Wayne Baglin, she said she would lel'Ve only one year in that capacity. Tue9Clav night she fulfilled her (See MAYOR, Pace A%) 0.-, Net......_ "r LM p.,_ and Alida Rich. Behind them are Sharon Haldennan, Leslie Smith, Kami Kenny and Tyler Walker. A4 84-~ All All I>M B1 B1. JM AlO A.9,B8 c1.~o AU All SPORTS I All All B6 B4 A3 82,Cll.D' Dl-3 M 88 Be A.2· A3 • ••a .... of~·• •m," 8r9wa repeHed. ''LafUD• cklliia'tllMcl .. ··~· '''' ............ GI mtnd. llia't ~ ~ ,,....= ~ fNal .. ~.t ~bottom-= proaljmaUon. By tbil time, Brown'• 1ldn wwe e-..,pttna to -pry the real aovemar away from the local coe111ndet and hil canine runnJna mate. . But ftM. a phototra})her uked lf the pwnor would kneel next the cbr for a p&cture. • Lookln1 down at the nonpl'*ld mutt, Brown &hook RUSH FIRE. htet Jet from the iquadron ?.fi~at conducted the bombing exen:t.ea at Pendleton. She said the jeta ejlch had two live 500-pound bombs. -''Our final word la that the jet was traveling at 3,000 feet per second and it was totally itnposalble that it caused the fire.'' • • hadn't have. been the fuel i1 "non-combuatible'1 9'.ltaide the jet · engine. She also dlacounted the witness's account of the alleged fireball, saying that ahe'd heard of another witness's account that the jet had landed in the brush area and taken off ap.ln. CITY SHAPINO UP -Huntington Beach's cout land uae plan applies within dotted nne.. ............. Commercial and residential uses are shown; shaded areas could be hiah rile. Beachfron-t high • • rise in HB City submits de~elopment proposal to coastal commission By PATRICK J. KENNEDY or.._.,..,,..,..,. 'n\e Huntlnlton Beach coutal land uae propc».al cowd replace aging brick bulldinp in the city's downtown with modern skyscrapers overlooking the eight miles of beachfront. Delivered to the state ~ta! Commilaton Tuetctay, the land uae plan calla for d~lopment incentives giving additional · square footage In bulldlnga tf private land holdings are consolidated and structures are built tall and thin, allowing additional open apace at FO!Jnd level. propout approved Monday on a 4-2 vote con.forms with the city'• propoeed lpecific plan that would allow high n.e. of 12 stories and more In aectiona of downtown coutal zone. pressure from U.S. BJ fte An1cMW Prile llraeU tank• and .,.. .. troope 1teanuolled Into .,_ Beirut today while • battled toward the L I beratlon Oraanll oa •lrOnlhold from the Md eouth, Md artillery and ~ hammered YaHer Arafat'• '4 auerrilla enclave from ..u .... Ill f\lrloua barna• that condnued aft.er 18 hows. (Meanwhile· in WaahtnaSOD. D.C. President Reaaan today ad.mon1ahed the PLO to Ill ou& of Beirut Immediately .and lectun!d Israel on ''the ~ necemlty of re-eetabUahllW and malntalnlng a ltrlct ~trre.") Israel said its forcee suffered 20 aoldlera wounded, two seriously, before the attadt. that as a result of the --.alt l anno1; captured a strip 60 deep and 600 yard.a 1°"1 on north-aouth axil along the Une dividing guerrilla-held Beirut from ChNtian~ east Beirut. , She said travelins at that speed, the leaking jet fuel was "~lltpersed and that even if it "I've ne<iet heard of a jet taking off frOm a bn.&ah field but that's what another witness had to say," she contended. From Page A1 The propol&l ia the leCOnd of three stage• in the atate- mandated Local Coastal Program. 'fhe Jlnal stage, More than a doien citlzerui opposed the propoaal at the Monday~. urging the City Council members to put height restrictions on futur e development down~ to retain a "~ atmo.phere." \ Arafat called on evf!tf'/ abl Palestinian to take up .... defend west Beirut, an'd President El.laa Sark.ta appealed to President Reagan to atop the fighting and proteated "wharJ:· happening in Beirut whe e innocent civilian• are bel I subjected to masa killing and dest.ruction." / .' ~l\tA YOH ELECTED ... · ~tomlse, announcing she was l'Stepplng down "to tum the job irover to someone elae." ~" Both Fitzpatrick and Mrs. !ISiillerue have one year each left f"jn their four-year terms. 1 "I appreciate the honor to vserve for a period of time," <Fitzpatrick said after the 5-0 >Vote. "[ hope we continue the .,,. tradiUon of paaaing the Job aI.ona. and I'd like to see the three remainiJtg council members get . the opportunity." In a separate mo\ion, the council elected Gentry to the post of mayor pro tem on a 3-2 vote. Council members Fitzpatrick failed in his motion to name Dan Kenney to the post. JUDGE. • • more a resident of this county when she was appointed in 1980 than the man in the moon . . . She deceived the governor, she deceived the people, and I'm very upset about it. EveryUme she sat on the bench she told a lie." • Owen's unusually angr)' outbllrat came at the end of closing statements by attorney Elenor Stegmeie r, who represented Judge Harrold. ~cid spill snarls lraf fie in Viejo tJ• Harrold's decisive election victory June 8 is-being challenged by second-place contestant Dan Charles DUtchet, a Santa Ana lawyer who alleges that Harrold was not a legal resident of the county before the election. Owens was apparently an1tered Tuesd~y ~y testimony he heard the previous day in which Harrold said that she thay have used a Newport Beach address ln 1979 to establish her Oranae County residency when she app~ed to the governor for a judgeship. Traffic was snarled in the M.iSon Viejo area for more than three ho"1'i Tuetday afternoon after about 15 gallona of swimming pool add spilled from a truck when its load ahlfted. The spill of muriatic acid, a chemical used to clean swimming poola, occurred near the 1 intenection of Alicia Parkway ~ Muirlands Boulevard abor1.ly :before 5 p.m., according to a '€a1Uornia Highway Patrol spokeswoman. o:: • Although no one w.. injured i by the acid or its fumel and it ~ DO damage, traffic in the U.S. summary ._y ~'*"*'In two .... oontinued todey from ~ Mlet!laen to Mlnneeo4a •nd low•, •nd thundef1torm1 llnp..s-~~ Md norttwn K-. Mlw Mllpped by --of 70 mph tell In wut.,n low•. A '"16ent of Slou• City repotlt<I 1fflng • torn•do, th• N•llo1111 W•lhtr 8erw. Mid. Th8 wlnde tor8 llmbe from tr-llftd downed po-lln11, but low• offlcl1l1 reported no m•Jor property "-:Treen 88y. Wi.., Ille wind lftld • g11rE\E8nd mo¥9d It 715 Miit without Ille Uncoln Cont1Mnt81 ltMlt h8d !*Md lnllde. 8Uthcwftlle Mid. Pob In MenerwN. WI&.. lllld a H·yeat-okl men wu llllled by. In • munlclpel !MR-And " U9nltbwoo C'Ountyt ,,,,.. Of&ln eieYalOf llMI fll•1d1v111e collapHd under :::-''°"' povndl119 wlndl, one did\. 8howlW1 end thunderetomt1 were wfdlly Mellwed over "" .,.,.. lfld '°""*" hlQfl ,..,. -..... -In '°""*" ~ lfld "'~ "'""* eo.. ..... ~ *1vOt from MliDna to th• D•llota• and over th• Pecina Nort"-t. with -tlJ .................. ,. tanlltlt Md Tllund.y. "" NdOftll w... e.w. ~ eoaHarecl ehawere lftd ·~~ frOfll "" .... ind "°"'*"' ,., .... eo. '° .. ..,_. Hll'l 14 P' V-.it MCI In "'9 ..,,,.,.., ............. .... loettetecl lf\OWlf't .... ,... .......... °"".,.......,. ~ CoMl. T ................ Nlan eerty today .. ranted from •• --ln~ ...... toll .......... ~ area was tied up until 8:30 p.m. when the potentially hazardous liquid waa cleabed up by Oranp County firefiabtera and a cttW from the county's Environmental Management Agency, Capt. Gary Stenberg, a fire department spokesman, said Fir:ef~ftc'!!era built small earthen to contain the acid until it could be mopped up, Stenberg explained. The tractor-trailer rl1 was carrying about 200 contalnera of the -acid when the Jmd ahifted, apparently caualna the spill, authorities aa1d. In fact, she said, ahe wasn't llCtually living at the $2 million Lido ble h~e owned by her grandmother. At the time, Harrold said, ahe Hated two addresses on the application to the governor - one in Orange County and the other tn Rlvenjde where it is claimed ahe has her true residence. Slightly warmer .. Le .... 71 II '° to .ot .. . .. . .. 10 n .., • 11 16 M 12 eo t2 10 89 51 st 51 10 81 95 78 78 17 .... 71 158 91 67 .ell 74 ee 10 83 82 M 7• .22 " 71 81 71 .H . .. • 10 N 71 11 71 81 IO ~ = v. u 61 t7 10 • 11 II M M •Y 1i •1 11 ., n• .. 11 .. IO .. 1t Ill 71 .. 11 101 7t .... tot 11 ' t7 11 11 73 95 11 .oe H 7t 81 78 .21 93 78 .... ff 78 81 70 90 73 " 10 82 • 91 ea M 72 M 7t 12 73 .. . 105 .. IO ea .. 17 13 .. 11 IO f7 f7 ... 12 44 11 11 " 71 Smog to .. t7 • n 107 7• ,, 12 " .. .. 71 93 .. 815 108 ,. 81 • 1oa .. 18 17 • .. .. t2 Where to 0111 (tOfl ''") for letMt '"'°II lnfomwtkln! Ofenge COWlty. <soot ........ lo1 ~noet11 Counly: (tOO 2U--4022 """9rllde tnd Sen ....... ~ (IOO) M7 ... 710 AQMO ~ Oemw: (IOO) 242 ....... ' . scheduled for city hearings in September, would establish zoning regulations, including specific restrtctlona on building intensity and 'heights in the areas north and aouth of the pier. However, the land use However, city officials say tney expect the coastal commlaslonen to readily approve the city'• plan becau se co mmlaalonera earlier recommended· a downtown bu.lldin1 formula twice as inteNe. Career talk set for Laguna BPW The Laguna Beach Bu1ine11 aqd Professional Women'& Club la featuring auest speaker Ju Lutford, an expert in training, manaaement, personnel practices and career development, at tis dinner meetiJ11Thunday,Aug.19, at 7 p.m. The meeting i•' at the Lacuna Federal Savings and ~ 260 Ocean Ave. The Laguna Beach Democratic Club has elected new ottJoen for 1982-83. Dan Wooldridge 'was elected president. Other elected offlcen Include Bill Buckley, treasurer; Toni :r,.man, second vice presi ent; Jackie Skjolcl, secretary, and Pete Rathbun, llrat vice p~ent. ~he t:a·iuna Beach (.;namt>er or Commerce baa ach~uled itl Ai.l\&lt mixer meetinc on Aue-12, from 5:30 to 7;30 p.m , at the Laguna Be.ell Women'• Club. Sponaored by the 1Acuna . Be.ch Lumber c.ompany, the · Ms. Lankford's. talk will include, toric• of writing aucceaafu rnumes and alternative careers for teachers. Club officiah are requesting that non-club memben send prepaid - $5.50 -reservations to Laguna Beach BPW, 474 Aster, Laauna Beach 92651. For further information, call 4H-1324. The Lacwia Beach club is an environmen.talist and human rtghta organization, a club sPOkemlan said. In the i-t year, the club has asked. repraentativea of the La1una Greenbelt, .Alllanoe fOf' Survival and the America.n Civil Liberties Union to be guest speakers. For further cl ub information, call 499-2006. mixer will include musical entertainment, hon d'oeuvres and door prizes. It's located at 286 St. Ann's Drive and the admiaiOn donation ii $2. For further information. about chamber programs, telephone 494-1018 . Top advisers to Preslden1 Reagan met for three hours at the White Houte today to uae9 the latest attacks and 90W"CeS in the adminiatration said a list of "theoretical sanctions" had been drawn up. Reagan told the advisers to meet and make reaimmendatiom to him. The attack.a, presidential spokesman Larry Speakes said. make "virtually impossible the conduct of diplomatic efforts" to end the fighttna. The possible sanctions included militar y, diplo m atic and economic penalties, according to the sources. The Israeli military command said it had not launched "an all- out attempt at conquering the city" and the attacks were to show Israel "will not play the game by PLO-set rules." - After eight hours of intensive firi ng from both sides, it appeared the Israeli thrust was concentrated on the no man's land between the city's Moslem and Christian aectors, the te.aport on the northern edge of the PLQ redoubt in west Beirut, and PLO entrenchments aouthwest of the city. Conner joins LB planners Robert F. Conner, an aseociate professor in aoclal ecology at UC Irvine, has been appointed to an unexpired term on the Laguna Beach Planning Commission. Conner, a seven-year Laguna resident, was selected from among seven applicants to complete the unexpired term of Ray Newton, who resigned the commission laat month. The new planner's term expires next July. Conner told coWlcil members Tunday hfh supports a limited- development philoaophy, and said he aeea his aelection as an opportunity to accompllah se nsible growth and redevelopment in Laguna Be.ch. Ultrasonlc Pest Repeller' .. EH.ctively Efl;.,lnat• lnMCtl and Rodents lnc"1dlng Fleaa SAFE • For chlldren and pets, . No p0laon1, messy trap1 or costly eMtermlnator1 · EFFECTIVE • Covwa up to 2,000 aq. tt. SILE PllOED •49•• Urntted To hppty On H.nd -Delrflllot,......,, ............ BROWN'S A BACKER -"Doc" Blacketer (left). one of five candidates in the· strictly tongue-in-cheek campaign for honorary governor of Laguna Beach, got solid support in the ·form of an endorsement from Gov. Brown. With the pair is Buck, who would be Doc's lieutenant gove rnor. Laguna 'governor' snags a real one ·~L.~LL · ~ fi was pretty obvious from the start that Gov. Fdrnund Brown Jr. didn't want anything to do with it. Hearrivedat ahilltopLaguna Beach home for a $50-per-penon fund-raiaer, and was met in the driveway by "Doc" Blackete r and Blacketer's 12-year-old pit bull Buck. Now Doc, as you may recall, is Election of judge ruled void .. BULLETIN Tbe June 8 electloa of West Orange Coaaty Municipal Court Judie Joaaae Harrold wu voided today by a Superior Court Jdfe wbo aald Harrold was 1at ty of aabmltt1n1 fahe campaign docamentl related to ber residency lD Orange Coaaty. W est O r ange County Municipal Court Judge J oanne Harrold's future was to be decided today by a Superior Court judge who has h eard testimony that the diminutive Westminster jurist was not a legal resident of the county when she ran for office in June. Though he took the case under submission Tuesday, Judge Ronald Owens may have provided a clue of what he thought of the complicated case When he sharply told Harrold's attorney: "She (Judge Harrold) was no (See JUDGE, Pace A!) NATION one of fjve can~dates eeekina , electkJ6 as honorary aowmor-Ol the "state" of Laguna Beach. The hopefuls are ae1llng votes, at a penny apiece, to rai8e funds for an end-of-the-tourist 8eUOrl party for Lagunans only at Main Beach Park. So Doc, who currently i1 running a poor third in the vote-getting competition. thought it would be a great boost to his camp aign were he to get Governor Brown's endorsement. When Brown climbed out of his baby blue 1974 Plymouth, there stood Doc, attired in cowboy hat and str.i.~ tie, with Buck sitting beside him. "What's this all about," the perplexed real governor asked? Doc's daughter, Belinda Blacketer, a former planning commissioner in Laguna, explained to the governor that, since Proposition 13, the city no longer can afford to sponsor the once-annual Village party. "So we have lo cal organizations raising money by selling votes for honorary governor," she said. Brown allowed as how that sounded like a great idea to him. then -hesitatingly -asked how he might be of assistance. No sooner were the words out of h is mouth than Belinda whipped out a proclamation endoning Doc and asked Brown to sign at the bottom. "What are you running for again," Brown asked, hurriedly reading over the proclamation. "I'm running for honorary governor of LagWla Beach," Doc beamed. Then, pointing to the unimpressed pit bull, Doc aaid, "This here's my lieutenant governor.'' (See LAGUNA, Pace A!) Marilyn Monroe murder.ed? A private investigator who inllllta actress Marilyn Monroe wu the victim of murder, not suicide, ts looking for her diary, which he says will provide solid evidence of his belief. Page A8. Quints IHJrn in Illinois . PARK RIDGE, ID. (AP) -A 31-year-()ld woman who Md been taking a fertlllty drug pve bb1h to qulntupleta -four girl.I and.a boy-toc¥Y· The tota were lilted tn .. critk;al but stable" condition. BY JOEL c. OON or .. Dllr,......., S.Ckent of the Irvine MedJcal Center (IMC) are ax.,.cted to Barbara Wiener and Larry announce plane Friday to aubmlt. Aaran not only wen elected a ~rmit application to 1tate J~ 8 to the 1Mne Qty Council ., health official• for a major with equally broed community .. hospital ln Irvine. support, but they aho apent • 'the move would make IMC 1lmllar amount. of money on the aecond croup to file a their campaAcna. :. certificate of need (CON) Latest carnpalp contributfon application, with the Office of repoc11 filed at City Hall lhow -Statewide HHlth P!ann1ni and that Mn. Wiener rat.ed a record Development for lrvlne. La1t $32,078 for her camrip and week the Chat1worth-b1t1ed Aaran ~ $39,16 . Health West Foundation ~oth alao ended \&p with submitted a .CON fbr a 00 campalan deficita that reflect million medical center to be money they loaned their located at UC·Irvine. cam~ in the final weeks of the race. Mn. Wlenert1 Qampalap\ show• a $3,300 deficit whfle Acfan'I lhoWI a 1 ~f $'1,52~, according to tbelr campal10. reports. The IMC propoeal, IUpj)Orted by the 8J'Mlr00ta group, People for an Irvine Community Ho1pital, call• for a 222-bed hoapltal at the bub of a major health care complex planned eventually to include a library, health museum, restaurant•, 400 .... t auditortwn, an exerct.e field, hotel-like lodging for patient• and famillu and facilities for a nuning achool, educational programs and raearch. The medical center ii to be built ln the Vlllage 12 planning area of the city, near Barranca Parkway and Jeffrey Road. Ini ti.al plana call for construction of a nl11"1iJW education buDdLnc t4 serve heafth care pro·~ Saddleback C«nnu= which Qpetatee a u te adjacent to the prolQed center 'lite. -Saddleback Oo offlciala have indicated at preference for the IMC plan and are ne1otiatin1 a land ~t with rned.lcal cente4 1upporter1. , Con1truction of the entir4 medical center complex would bf done ln a piecemeal buia ~ the nursing achoo! and propoee<t 1ix-1tory hospital tower hav4( been built, according to IMQ precldent Dave Baker. 'lbe J>riat (See HOSPITAL, Pa1e A!) : I ' • ?i cause .. Aafan WU top vote ,etter ln the election with 8,lHO votes. Mn. Wiener wu next with 8,157. They won two open council aeata. John Nakaoka, who flniahed third with 5, 778 votes, railed $26,824 and reported a $6,136 deficit. Fourth-place flni•her Edward Dornan, with 5,470 votea, uid he rai8ed $3,933 and Low-;flying fighter cited in canyon blaze · had a $270 defidt. Bjll Pozzi rai8ed just $857 and received 2,041 votes. He reported a $114 surplus. which refleda the refund given candidatea who initially paid a $300 flat fee to have their quallficatlons statements printed lh a sample ballot. Marjorie Ket.er, who did not aollclt fund1 no.r 1pend any, tiniahed last with 1.1~ votes. · 'lbe conventional COit-per-vote breakdown •how1 that Agtan and Mra. Wiener •P81lt virtually. the same amount of money for (See CAMPAIGN, Pace A!) By PATRICK, J. KENNEDY o('tM Deir .... ,..,, A preliminary report by the Orange County Fire Department blames a low-flylng fighter jet from the Marine Corps Air Station. El Toro, for the 90-acre brush fire July 15 in the Laguna Hilla-Woods Canyon area. · The prel.iminary determination ia bued on a witne98's account that he saw a "fireball" come from the jet to the ground Just minutes before the Dl'Wlh area went up in flames, county fire officials said Tue9day. Meanwhile, officials of the Marine base admit that a fighter .Jet with a broken fuel line flew at low altUudea over the area July 15. But they deny that it caused the blaze becaWJe they say .COME ON IN! -The water's fine off of L Street on the Balboa Penlnlula and th.ere'• one space left on the ~be between Chris COUN 7 Y Low·power ce.tma • Unit n rellCtclP at the San Onofr~ Nuclear Genera~ Station was reaumed today after being halted 8'.mCtay when control motors became overhMted. Jazz ExCliange oJi Coast . . . ~ a.re to be unWllled A"'C. 13 for a $2 millton Jan ·~· to be built ln ,the Nttwport Beach-IMM area. J>ace JM. { • the jet fuel is almost "impcaible" ~fighters assigned to. 19 engine to ignite outside the jet's engine. companies, including two from Jeff Taylor, spokesman for the the Marine base, finally 1topped fire department, said the the blaze. No one was injured investigation of the fire la and no structures were damaged continuing. in the open brush. But he said if the investigation Marine Sgt. Cindy Reid saia c n cl u des th a t th e A -4 M the fighter jet waa on a bombing Skybawk fighter jet caused the d e m on s t r a t i o n a t Cam p blaze, the Marine base could be Pendleton Marine base when a billed for more thau $30,000 to door hatch on the belly of the jet pay for county oosta of fighting broke and ripped open a fuel the five-hour brush fire. line. She said the pilot, L,. Taylor said a w orker for Randy Myers, flew back toward Southern California Edison Co. the home baae ln El Toro and at said that he saw the alleged 0ne point considered landing if1 fireball come from a military jet the Woods Canyon area becaUR flying alongside another jet at his engine sputtered. about lJ~ feet altitude. She said Myers got the engine The wood C.anyon blaz.e was; started agaln and returned to the out of control from 12:49 p.m. to El Toro base, e.corted by another 6 p.m., Taylor said. He said 80 (See BRUSH, Pa1e A!) --"'------~-'--------------~----~ r. . Mir,... ...... '9 LM ,.,_ and Alida Rich. Behind them are Sharon Halderman, Ll!:alie ·smith, Kami Kenny and Tyler Walker. , INDEX At Your Service A4 Horcsope All• Bulin.. B4~ Ann La.ndera All Herb c.ri All Movlel IMS c.v.bde All Mutual Funds B4 " ... fled DM NatloDal News A3 c.omk:a ~-PubUcN~ B2,Cll,D4 Cl om word spor;a Dl-3 Dlath 'Nodca Dt Siock Markei. 85 J:dltarial AlO TeleYtllon B8 SnWtalnrnent A9.B8 'l'blatiln IMS Food Cl-10 W•iber A2 ~~ AU WorldNewa A3 All HOSPITAL P.ERMiT. • . lVeatern Medtcal Center drop~d lta plan• to build a' hospital and hU lnatMd pro~ • flO miWon outpatient me&ca1 ·cllnlc offering 1lrnilat 1ervtce. r~ by HealthWeat and "J" The atate hu 80 daya after ~ t!i• CON ia complete to ·-.... ~'"' pu~lc h~ are expected tlDili OM "'°"' ~ tD 1bPt of hMlth care fltCW~ tn the):tiy. Alao, 1roupe vyLna to build a hoapltal dlapute an Oru1• County HMltb ~ CouQiifl report that the Irvine .,.. will · ha9e tOQ "'-ny ho1pttal bed1 ~ 1090 to warrant a m1jor medical facilJty ln \he dty. The debate over Irvlne'• health care rwedl will be eettled ln public heerlnp. K'COr'Cllna to health ~ coundJ offidall. The CON review procet9 could take a year or more to complete, _they said. AGUNA GOVERNOR. • • "State of Laguna Beach," 91Wown repeated. "La1una doesn't need to be a 1tate. It's already ._ 1tate of mind, isn't it?" ·-Then. pul11ng a pen from hla PoCket, Brown quickly ICl'1bb1ed his slgl'\8~ at the bottom of the proclamation. By thia time, Brown'• aidea were attempt.lna to pry the real governor away from the local MJntender and his canine running ~te. But fl.rat, a photographer asked if!the governor would kneel next ~the dog for a picture. lo L o o k i n g do w n a t t h e inonpluaed mutt, Brown shook ~n . BRUSH FIRE. I his head and aid, "Naw, why don't you just dioot It with l,St standing up like th1a." ·- Make-it-quick WU Ulllpoken, but lmplied in the tone of his voice. Four rapid-fire shot.a with the help of a motor camera, and the governor waa gone. "Good luck," he aald over his shoulder aa his aid~ led him away. Doc just stood there amlllng. "That picture 0111ht to be worth a lot of votes," he said. For Doc that ta. No telling how the photo will affect Brown's chances for the u.s: Senate. • • ~~hter jet from the aquadron hadn't have been the fuel la tnat conducted the bombing "non-<X>mbustible" oubide the jet rci8ea at P endleton. She said jets each had two live )..pound bomba. .,rl"Our final word ia that the jet was traveling at 3,000 feet per ""cond and it was totally ~ssible that it caused the ) ,,She said traveling at that speed, the leaking jet fuel was ji}.spersed and that even if it engine. She also discounted the witness's account of the alleged fireball. saying that she'd heard of another witness's account that the jet had landed in the bruah area and taken off again. "I've never heard of a jet taking off from a brush field but that's what another witness had to say," she commented. 9lcid spill snarls traffic in Viejo Traffic was snarled in the Mission Viejo area for more than three hours Tue.day afternoon atter about 15 gallons of IWlmming pool add 1pWed from ~truck when ita la.d ahJ.fted. l 1'he spill of muriatic acid, a chemical used to clean swimming 'doola, occurred near the 'lntenection of AUda Parkway '.wi Mulrlanda Boulevard ahortly before 5 p.m., according to a California Highway Patrol spokeswoman. · Although DO one WM lnjw'm by the acid or lta fUDMe and it caused no damage. traffic ln the area waa tied up untU 8:30 p.m. when the potentially hazardoua liquid WU cleaned Up by 0ranae County fireffghten. CITY SHAPING VP -Huntington Beach'• oout land use plan applies within dotted Unet. Delfr ....... Commercial and residential ~ are shown; 1haded areas could be high rile. Beachfront high • 1n HB • rise City submits development proposal to coastal commission The Huntington Beach couta1 uae plan calll for development propou.t approved Monday on a land uae proposal could replace incenUvea givln1 "additional 4-2 vote contorma with the ctty'a aging brick bulldl"'8 in the city's square footage in bulldlnga lf propoeed sped.fie plan that would downtown with modern private land holdlnga are allowhighrtae.ofl2storle1and akyacrapera overlooking the conaolldated and structure. are more ln NCtiOlU of downtown e~ht miles of beachfront. built tall and thin, allowing coastal zone. additional open apace at around More than a dozen citizens bellvered to the state Coaata! level. opposed the propoaal at the Commiaaion Tuesday, the land Monday ~Una. urglng the Oty From Page A 1 CAMPAlGN each vote received. Agran paid $4.31 and Mra. Wiener paid $4.34. Nakaoka paid the most, $5. 70, while Doman paid 77 centa and Pozzi spent 42 centa. Mn. Wiener'• $32,076 was the most ever raised in an 1Jvine City Council race, according to records in the City Clerk's Office. Her total la a narrow $222 more than was raised ln David Baker's 1980 bid for office. . She said lGday that she hadn't given much thought to asbeorblng the campaign deficit or 1ta1in1 some sort of funcf- raiaer to pay it off. "I imagine it would be wile for me to raise the money," she said. "But at this point, rm spending my time at the city and not trying to raise more funds." _ Mrs. Wiener took office last month. Energy secretary I to attend blast LAS VEGAS (AP) -Energy Secretary James F.dwards and 40 news media repreaentativ~ are to be pre9ent ThW'IClay when~ underpound nuclear weapona teat ii echeduled at the Nevada Test Site. Edward• and reporten will watch the blast from a cmxrete control center 10 mile. from sround JJero. The proposal I.a the second of Council memben to put hellht three stages h1 the atate-re1trlctlon1 on future mandated Local Coastal development downtown to retain Program. The final 1ta1e. a "village atmo8phere." scheduled for city hearings in ·However, city official& aay September, would establish they expect the coastal zonln1 re1ulatton1, including commlaslonera to readily approve specific .restrictions on building the c It y • s p 1 an because intensity and heighta ln the areas com m i 11l oner 1 ear 1 i·e r north and south of the pier. recommended a downtown H owever , the land use building formula twice aa lntenae . ~rom Page A1 . y JUDGE HARROLD. more a resident of this county when she was appointed in 1980 than the man in the moon . . . She deceived the governor, she d~eived the people, and I'm very upeet about lt. Everytime she sat on the bench she told a Owen's unusually ansr1 outburst came at the end of closing statements by attorney Elenor Stegmeier, who re~resented Judge Harrold. .ttarrold's decisive election victory June 8 la being challen1ed by second-place contestant Dan Charlea Dut.cber, Smoke, fire to 'be seen near Irvine • • a Santa Ana laW)'er who alleges that Harrold was not a legal resident of the oounty before the · election. lie." Owens was apparently an1tered Tuesday by tesjimony he heard the previous day ln which Harrold said that she may have used a Newport Beach address in 1979 to establlsh her Orange County residency when she applied to the governor for a judgeship . In fact, she said, she wasn't actually living at the $2 million Lido Isle home owned .by her grandmother. At the time, Harrold said, she listed two addreases ,on the application to the governor - one ln Orange County and the other in Riverside where lt la claimed she has her true residence. Slightly W'armer Orange County firefighters were plaJ)nlna today to bum off brush from Lema R1dae north of Irvine, 10 dark smoke from the hilla ahoukl not signal danger to ot.erven of the big smudge. What Owen• must decide today is whether ~ jurist was a legal couuty resident 54 days before the June 8 election, as required by state law, and whether she was truthful in filling out campaign documenta listing the Lido Isle home in Newport Beach as her residence. CA&JPICWU 51 =--= IO 91 17 Capt. Gary Stenber8 of the coun&y Fire Department said from 100 to 200 acres on the ridge was to be aubjecl of a "controlled burn" beginning at 10 a.m. Four erigme.. two hand creww and wveral bul1dozen were eet to be at the 1C1ene to emure that the fire wlli kept under control. he said. ·1·be burn 11 part of the department'• eHorta to pt rid of chaparral and other fuel that could be the ~ of a wild fire al a later time. Owens has the power to nullify the election and vacate the position or poesibly order a new election. Dutcher and his attorney, Kenneth Golden, claimed that Harold attempted to falsely create an Orange County residence after she diacovered in mid-March that her opponent planned to make her status an issue. Harrold testified that she began moving into the Newport Beach home in late November after her grandmother gave her keys to the home. pressure.., from U.S. .,,,....u .......... lata•ll tank• alMI armored troope 1teamrolled Uito ""' Belnal todaJ while Olhir una .. batu.d toward the ~ LlberaUon Or1anlsaltOD ltroftlbOld from the north and -..th, and artillery and IW\bQltl hammered Ya11er Arafat'• ,uerrtlla encllve from all mct. ln furioul ~that continued after 18 houn. (Meanwhile In Waahlnpn, D.C. Pt>ealdent Rea1an today adrnoniahed the PLO to set out of Belrut Immediately and lec:tured larael 0n ''the ablolute necealty of re-eltablJablna and maintaJ.nina a atrlct oea.e-fft. '') llrael Mid tta fon::ee aulfered 20 1oldlera wounded, two 1erlowly, befOl'e the attack. and that u a result of the ... ult Im armor captured a atrip 60 yarda deep and 600 yard.a lone on a north-IOUth ax1a along the Green Line dMdlngsueniUa-held west Beirut from Chriat:lan-controlled east Belnlt. Aralat calJed on every able Paleltinian to take up arms and defend well Beirut, and President E1iaa Sarkis appealed to President Reagan to atop the fighting and protested ''what ta happenin1 ln Beirut where innocent clvlliana are. being subjected to mass k1lllng and destruct.ton." • ToNdviaers to President Reagan "'met for three hours at the White House today to a.- the latest attacla and sources in the adminiatration Mid a lilt of "theoretical aanctions" had been drawn up. Reagan told the advisers to meet and make recommendations to hlm. The attacks, presidential spokesman LarTy Speakes aaid, make "virtually lmpOsSible the conduct of diplomatic efforts" to end the fighting. The possible sanctions included military, diplomatic and economic penalties, according to the sources. The Israeli military command said it had not launched "an all- out attempt at conquering the city" and the attacks were to show Israel "will not play the game by PLO-set rules.• After eight hours. of intensive firing from both sides, it appeared the Israeli thrust was concen trated on the no man's land between the city's Moeletn and Christian aectors, the aegort on the northern edge of the PLO redoubt in west Beirut. and PLO entrenchments southwest of the city. State transit change asked SACRAMENTO (AP) -State Transportation Director Adriana Gianturco has asked a state commission to change Its five- year plan to restore funds for mass transit, bicycle trail&, park- and-ride lots and roadside rest.a -and cut money for highway construction. Ma. Glanturco aaid Tuesday there are two million adulta ln California who do not have a driver's license and almost a million households without an automobile. "Moet of these people are young, elderly, disabled or very poor," ahe aaid. .. l.e ...... 7'3 H 10 80 .02 14 ~ 14 t2 .. 70 1• fl1 " 78 MM 7i 41 11 •1 1. 48 • 78 14 IO n 12 t3 71 ft ·11 101 79 .. . 101 78 17 79 ., 73 a.mow ~ Blg8-=-~Clly e.u,.g F.....o DEC.· 1 ~Ml ~~"IJl"'"''I l ~ . i' • w, ,JD&,. .JllJJi,,11111. 87 14 t2 IO 71 II 107 T7 74 .. 11 ee II M : IO t2 eo 82 70 89 57 81 51 70 81 95 78 78 87 .48 71 541· 91 57 89 74 .. 70 83 82 95 7~ .22 t2 71 .. 1t .82 .. .. .. 10 N 71 91 71 se eo .22 "" a 74 82 58 87 70 ea 51 .. 58 M 47 911 11 .oe 84 79 11 78 .28 83 71 .48 85 71 81 70 90 7S S1 70 82 et 87 ea 1M . 72 N 78 82 73 84 .. 106 84 IO ea .. 57 n • 73 IO 17 17 • ea n .... 81 17 .. 71 SURF lf!IRT ' l.ancMt• Long 8Motl Loe~ Monrov Montebello Monl«-V ~ Newpott 8Mc:h OaklMl<f Ontlltlo Pllm Spftngt Pl!Md4IM Paeo~ RMnlde Aid 8IUff Redwood City 8lllllM SM 141merdlno Smog M 84 88 71 .. 93 87 ee .. .. 54 105 eo 74 .. 87 lie .. ... 103 .. ... 83 • .. 17 11 IS .. • 91 ... 41 82 83 Ultrasonlc Pest Repeller' .. !Eff.ctively Ell;,,lnat .. lnsectt and Rodent• Including Flea1 SAFE -For children and pets, No polaont, mesty traps or costly exterminators EFFECTIVE -Covers up to 2,000 aq. tt. ECONOMICAL • Uses less than half the energy of a nlte llte POWERFUL -Up to 10 times more than any comparable product on the market today SILE PRIDED '4988 Utnft.cf To &IC)ply On Haricl TM .,.., .... ..._....., ........... BROWN'S' A BACKER -"Doc" Blacketer (left), one of five candidates in the strictly tongue-in-cheek campaign for honorary governor of Laguna Beach, got solid support in the form of an endorsement from Gov. Brown. With the pair is ~uck, wh~ would be Doc's lieutenant governor. Laguna 'governor' snags a real one By STEVE MlTCBELL or .. .,..,,... .... It WU pretty obvioua from the start that Gov. J'..dmund Brown Jr. didn't want anything to do with lt. He arrived at a hilltop Laguna Beach home for a $50-per-penon fund-ral8er, and wa1 met ln the driveway by "Doc" Blacketer and Blacketer's 12-year-old pit bull Buck. Now Doc, as you may recall, is \ Two arrested in attack escaped cons Two men who allegedly beat up a pair of women Tuesday during a Newport Beach robbery try have been identified as prison escapees from South Carollna, police reported today. The men -listed as Darrel Winston Haselden, 21 , and Randal Edward Sides, 20 -are being held at the Newport city jail on conspiracy to commit- robbery charges. Detectives said Huelden had been serving time for armed robbery and Sides for narcotic sales. Police aa1d the men eecaped after allegedly stealing $2,000 from the priaon canteen. Police said the men originally gave officers fake names and claimed to be tourists from out of atate. In the incident Tuesday,-the men reportedly beat up two women outside the, Rusty Pelican, a restaurant on Newport'• Mariner'• Mile. One woman suffered a broken jaw. NATION one of five candldatee eeeklna election u hononry ~of the ''state" of Laauna s.ch. The hopefuls are aeJ..1ini votes, at a penny apiece, to rai1e funds for an end-of-the-toumt eeuon party for Lagunans only at Main Beach Park. So Doc, who currently ia running a poor third in the vote-getting competition. thought it would ~ a great boost to his campaign were he to get Governor Brown's endoraement. When Brown climbed out of his baby blue 1974 Plymouth, there stood Doc, attired in cowboy hat and string tie, with Buck alttinS beside him. "What's this all about," the perplexed real governor asked? Doc's daughter, Belinda Blacketer, a former planning commissioner in. Laguna, explained to the governor that, since Proposition 13, the dty no longer can afford to aponaor the once-annual Village party. "So we hav e local organizations raising money by selling votes for honorary governor," she said. Brown allowed as how that IOWlded like a great idea to him. then -hesitatingly -asked how he might be of aaistance. No aooner were the words out of his mouth than Bellnda whipped out a proclamation endonlna Doc and asked Brown to algn at the bottom. "What are you running for again," Brown asked, hurriedly reading over the proclamation. "I'm running for honorary governor of Laguna Beach," Doc beamed. Then, pointing 1to the unimpreeaed pit bull, Doc said, "This here's my lieutenant governor." (See LAGUNA. Pace A!) Marllyn Monroe murdered? • A private investigator who inli8ta actrell Marilyn Monroe wu the victim of murder, not suicide, la looking for her diary, which he aays will pJOvide aolld evidence of his belief. Paae A8. Quints bo..rn in Illinois PARK RIDGE, ID. (AP) -A 31-year~ wcmu who bad been tak1na a fertility dnaa pw bU1tl to quintupleta -four glrla and a boy -today. The tota were lfated in "critical but at.able" condition. in home drama Judge Harrold on Elec.tion win voided over residency issue BY DA V1D ~V'l'ZMANN or .. ....,,... .... . Wett Orange County lh BARllY EBERLING Municipal Court Judie Joanne or .. DllW .... .... Harrold'• June 8 elec:tfon victory The bodill of two men~ w• volded today by a Soperior found today after police fired Court Judie who u1d the jwitt tear IN lnto Ul Oranae relldenoe wu auUty ol aubmlttlng talae tn which a man.· with a sun wu cam~d~nta related to beUewd ~. her ln Oran&e County. The teme mornina drama ln Superior t Jucfae Ronald the Oak Street nei1hborhood Owen, in a atartltn1 ruling, ended when Orange officers ordered that • new election for aaaigned to SERT (Special the office take place ln November Emergency Response Team) between attorneys Dan Charles closed In on the fourplex apartment unit nearly five hours Dutcher and Ronald Nix, who finished second and third retpectlvely behind Harrold in the June primary electlon. Attorney Eleanor Stegmler, who represented Harrold, said she wa1 surprited by the ruling but promised that an appeal would be filed lmmedlately with the Fourth District Court of Appeal ln San Bernardino. 1'he ruling this mornlna in Judge Owen's Santa Ana courtroom appeared to stun onlookers as well as Judge • Harrold and Dutcher. The lat~ filed a lawsuit last mont challen1in1 the Weatmhute jwiat'a decta1ve election ~ becaute, Dutcher had c she wu not a legal resident Orange County. Judge Owen, in his rulin• from the bench this moatn1 said that there were two l8auea to be decided -whethe Judge Harrold WU a resident~ Or e County 54 days bet th:;fection, u required by ata law, and whether she violated the law by fl.ling a declarati°h:d candidacy on Feb. 23 ln w t:e~ ~~o •. m. report of ahota . Be a ch After flr\ng tear gu through a visitor, 18_, rescues fisherman , window and enterinl the unit, polloe said they found the bodies of two men in the master bedroom. 0ne· body w• on the bed, the other wu on the floor, ~ relations officer John she listed a $2 million NeWpot1 Beach home aa her residence. i Owen said that the evidenof indicated that Harrold wa4 indeed a resident of the Newpc:>rt Beach home from generallj mid-March onward, a time period which exceeded the M-day requirement. At the same time, pollce reecued a young glrl. believed to be only 2 or 3 years old from the tiou.e. She was not banned and wu taken to the police station for questioning. At midday, the police ha"d not diacla.ed how the h\;o men died. Nor had identities of the victims or the YOW'l8 glrl been releued. Polloe said they al.lo found a shotgun in the residence but declined to say whether it had been fired. The police said they were . att.emptina to determine whether the incident at 396 N. Oak St. was related to a 6 a.m. incident ln which a woman, Triah Bryant, 27, WM uuulted at a residence at 2200 W. Palmyra Ave. Police said she was struck with a blunt instrument An 18-year-old beach visitor found henelf playing lifeguard Tuesday when a fisherman tumbled off the end of the Balboa Pier, striking a piling as he fell to the water. Vemona Fath, a Santa Ana, resident and a police Explorer Scout, took a running jump Off the end of the pier and swam to the man, who was floating face- down ln tl)e water. · Newport Beach lifeguards said the young womar\'s efforts likely saved Pete Milosavijevic, listed ln stable condition today at Hoag Memorial Hospital. · Guards said the f.lahennan was sitting on a ra.Whg at the end of the pier at 1 p.m. when he fell backward lnto the water. "I just heard a ~ and ran up and aw hlm ting ln the water," explained the yQUJ\I woman, a swtmm1ng instructor COME ON IN! -The water'• fine off of L Street on the Balboa Peninaula and there's one apace left on the tube between Chris COUNTY Low·power teetlna on Unit n l'HCtor at the San Onofre Nuclear Generatanc Station wu resumed today after betna halted Sunday when control motors became overJieated. Jazz Exclianse on <:bast Plana are to be unveiled Aue. 13 for a $2 mllllon Jau Excbanae to be built in the Newport Beach- Irvine ..... is.,. JM. STATE who was at the pier on a flahlng outing. ''Nobody aeemed to be corning ,to hi.a aid ao I just jumped off and swam over to b.lm;" she said. "He was face-down and wasn't moving . I think he was uncol\ICloua. "I turned him over, tipped his h ead back and he started to breathe." Lifeguards said another pier visitor, Charles Grant, 21, also jumped lnto the water to &l8iat ~e young woman ln her reecue effort. Guards said the Santa Ana woman and the man held the dazed fisherman in the water until a lifeguard boat pulled up. "rve never done anything like this before," the young woman said. "I just did wbat i had to do." But the judge ruled that he was convinced beyond a (See JUDGE, Pase A!) Three seek ,, Mesa seats Three candidates have entered the Costa Mesa Qty Council nee. Two are lncwnbents. Mayor Arlene Schafer and Councilwoman Nonna Hertzot were joined by Plannlnt Commlasioner Lynn Van Aken, who filed pape,rs this week. , Dave Wheeler, a Newport Beach attorney living in Costa Mm h.aa talc.en out papen, but has not filed them. The deadline for filing ia Friday. .,.., ......... _'-...,.. .and Alida Rich. Behind them 8{e Sharon Halderman, Leill~ Smith, Kami Kenny and Tyler Walker. 1 INDEX At YOW' Service AC Hcroecope All a.me. M-5 Ann Landen All Herb CMrl ' All Movt. B6 Cavabde ~ Mutual l\mdl JM ""'fled Natknll News A3 c.oma B7 PublicN'*-82,Cll.D4 Cro.word B7. .Spal1a 014 3 O.th Noticee D4 Stock Marketa BG l'.dltorial AlO ~ B8 J:nwrt.alnmlnt AO.Be Thea .. B8 l'ood Cl·lO W•tlwr A2 Hyo.rdMr All World Newt AS Art Hoppe All SPORTS ' JUDGE HARROLD. • • re11onabl• doubt that the We1ttnin1tet jurilt WAI not ll retldent of Newport Be.ch on I Feb. 28, when her campat1n I declaration wu filed. Owen Mid that her uae of the ! Newport Beach property on Lido I Isle was "occulonal only." He 1 said utijity ceoorda introduced u 1evidence in her week long •residency trial ahowed that full ~ use of the houae dtd not itommence unUl mid-March, just er she became aware that tcher was golng to make her dency a major issue in their lcampa.lgn. Dutcher alleged that Miaa lhrrold waa a resident of lftf'Verside County, where she ~a home, when! her children ,&Q to school and where she is ~giatered to vote. Owen, in citing his reason for setting aside the election, said that Judge H~ld's "credibility ha1 bHn •h•ttered beyona repair" by dt..IOIW'M durlni the trial that ahe UMd the Newport Beach addretl in 1979 to apply for an Oranp County judpthip even thou1fi 1he wu llvlnc tn .Riverside at the time. The Santa Ana judge a1lo cited admi•ion by Harrold t~t a deed turnlns over ownerahlp of the Newport Beach home to her from her grandmother had bee n backdated to fallely indicate that she took control of the residence ln November, 1981. Dutcher, reacting to the judge's decision thla morning, said he was "pleased wtth the results. It's been a six month battle." "I can't help but feel for Judge Harrold," Dutcher said. "I know this has to be a bitter pui for Mr. But this was the correct thing, the right ~:" LAGUNA GOVERNOR~ e e "State of Laguna Beach," Brown repeated. "Laguna qoesn't need to be a state. It's i4Weady a state of mind, isn't it?" Then, pulli.ng a pen from his ~ket, Brown quickly scribbled l)is signature at the bottom of the Rroclamation. ''"1 ,By this time, Brown's aides flFre attempting to pry the real WfVernor away from the local @>ntender and his canine running j'l8te. • But first, a photographer asked {~ the governor would kneel next to 'the dog for a picture. ;J..ooking down at th e nonplussed mutt, Brown shook r.1• his head and said, "Naw, why don't you· just shoot it with WI standing up like this." Make-it-quick was unspoken, but jmplied in the tone of his voice. Four rapid-fire shots with the help of a motor camera, and the governor was gone. "Good luck," he said over his shoulder as his aides led him away. Doc just stood there smiling. "That picture ought to be worth a lot of votes," he said. For Doc that is. No telling how the photo will affect Brown's chances for the U.S. Senate. ~ ,. Council action '; The Costa Mesa City Council took the followi~ action thi.s 11 week: '-'·• Saldoka -Approved the construction of six high rise offi~ buildings covering 1.3 million square feet of development on 46 acres owned by the Sakioka family, east of Town Center along the San Diego Freeway. Maasage 1tadlo -Denied an appeal from the owner of an adult entertainment business to legalize the nonconforming use at 1733 Fullerton Ave. Garage -Denied appeal from George Van Dam, 486 Magnolia St., to force his neighbor to remove garage at 492 Magnolia (See Page Bl.) Condomlniam antt1 -Uph eld a Planning Cbmmlaslon / decision to allow the construction of two condominiums on ~1• property at 1528 Orange Ave. Mortaa1e bond• -Voted against participation in the county , mortgage bond program to help moderate-income familles : . purchase six condominiums at 675 W. 18th St. . .,.., ....... CITY SHAPING UP -Huntington Beach's coast land use plan applies wttbln dotted Unes. Commercial and resldentlal uses a.re shown; shaded areas could be high ri8e. HB? • 1n Beachfront high • rise City subl))its development proposal to coastal commission The Huntington Beach couta1 land use proposal could replace aging brick buildings in the city's downtown with modern akyacrapers overlooking the elaht miles of beachfront. -Delivered to the state Coastal Commission T uesday, the land use plan calls for_ developmen! Marine jet blamed for brush fire By PATRICK J . KENNEDY ()('tfle ~ .... ltllft A preliminary report by the Orange County Fire Department blames a low-flying fighter jet from the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, for the 90~acre brush fire July 15 in the Laguna Hills-Woods Canyon area. The preliminary determination is based on a witness's account that he saw a "fireball" c6me from the jet to the ground just minutes before the brush area went up m flames, county fire officials said Tuesday. Meanwhile, officials of the Marine base admit that a fighter jet with a broken fuel line flew at low altitudes over the area July 15. But they deny that lt caused the blaze because they say the jet fuel is almost "impossible" to ignite outside the jet's engine. Jef! Taylor, spokesman for the fire department, said the Investigation of the fire is continuing. But he said it the investigation cnclud es that the A -4 M Skyhawk fighter jet cauaed the blaze, the Marine base could be billed for more thau $301000 to pay for county COS1s of fighting the five-hour brush fil'e. incentivea giving 'additiona.l aqua.re footage In building• if private land holdings are comolldated and structures are built tall and thin, allowing additional open apace at ground level. . The propoul is the aeoond of three stasea ln the state- m anda ted -Local Coastal Program. The final stage, scheduled for city hearings in September , woul!i establish zoning r~gulationa, including specific restrict.Iona on building intensity and helghta in the areas north and JK>Uth of the pier. However, t h e land use proposal approved Monday on a 4-2 vote confonns with the city's propoaed specific plan that would allow high rises of 12 atortes and more ln sectioru of downtown coastal zone. More than a dozen citizens opposed the proposal at the Monday meeting, urging the City Council members to put height restriction• on future development downtown to retain a "village atmolphere." However, city officlal1 say t h ey expect the coastal commiasioners to readily approve the city's plan because com ml11ioner1 earlier recommended a downtown building formula twice aa intense. T he Coastal Commlaalon rejected the city's tint land wie plan submitted tn January 1981, largely becaUle it didn't identif~ building intensity and ~use it proposed development on a coastal stretch south of Beach Boulevard that's been identified by state officlals aa protected wetland.a wild.life habitat. Mike Multari, city coastal planner, said the .city's current proposal is a "medium intensity" plan that alao asks oommissioners to delete the controversial wetland areas for· future oonsideration. New-port student UCI essay w-inner F.4warcl Lobel of Newport Beach has won UC Irvine's firat annual Howard Babb Eesay Competition. from 1969 to 1972 and again from 1975 until his death in 1978. The competition is open to all undergraduate humanities majon at UCL pressure from U.S. ., ,... .UMdl ... ,,.. Iaraell tank• and armored troopt 1teamrolled l~to w"t Belrll\ today while otnttt' unlla battled toward the Palt..unian Liberation Oraanhtatton •wn&hold from the nor th and eouth, and artillery and j\.tnboata hammered Yaaaer Arafat'• guerrilla enclave from all 1 idea ln fwiqua barrasea that con tlnued after 18 houn. (Meanwhile ln Waahln1gton, D.C. Pre•ldent Reagan today ~nished the PLO to get out of Beirut immediately and lectured Yt:ael on "the abliplute necealty of re-eatabllahing and maintaining a strict cease-&e.") Israel uld ita fOl"CeS suffttred 20 aoldlera wounded, two eeriously, before the attack. u nd that u a result of the usault ita armor captured a strip 60 yards deep and 600 yards long on a north-IOUth axis along the Gretm Line dividing guerrilla-held we at Beirut from Christian-controlled east Beirut. Arafat called on every abl•e Palestinian to take up anns anc I def e nd west Belru t, anol.. President Elias Sarkis appealed to President Reagan to stop the fighting and protested "what i.s happening In Beirut where innocent civilians are being subjected to masa kllling and destruction.'' Top advisers to Presiden Reagan met for three hours at the White House today to asaesa the latest attacks and sources in the administration said a list of "theoretical sanctions" had been drawn up.· Reagan told the a'dvisers to meet and make rec.'Ommendations to him. The anacks, presidential spokesman Larry Speakes said, make "virtually impossible the conduct of diplomatic efforts" to end the fighting. The possible sanctions included military, diplomatic and economic penalties, according to the sources. The Israeli military command said it had not launched "an all- out attempt at conquering the city" and the attacks were to show Israel "wUJ not play the game by PLO~set rules." After eight hours of intensive firing from both sides, it appeared the Israeli thrust was concentrated on the no man's land between the city's Moslem and, Chrutian sectors, the seaport on the northern edge of the PLO redoubt in west Beirut. and PLO entrenchments southwest of the city. Slightly w-armer The competition, which carries a '100 award, is sponsored by UCl 's Department of F.nglish and Compuative Literatute in memory of Babb, one of the departme nt'• founding members and it. chairman Lobel, a junior majoring in &glish, intends to study law. His essay was titled •'lmagination, Reality and Illusion in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.'" State transit change asked SACRAMENTO (AP) -State Transportation Director Adriana Gianturco h as asked a state commission to change its five- year plan to restore funds for mass transit, bicycle trails, park- and-ride lots and roadside rests -and cut money for highway construction. .Coastal doud"-8 QI) be expect.Id tlofig COHtal ar.... Sllgtllly llrtr"*' ~•nge County hlgtta 71 to 78 tod11Y, 73 to 82 Thurtday. Lowa 84 to ea. lnlend Wllttv l\lgtl9 In lht upp« llOI today, 90t ~. l.owa In Fair today with high• al lht llOa. flMctlM 70 to 74 and Inland .,.. Mountain. can eJ1PtCt hlaM 78 "' to 114. F•lr tonight but with to 84 bolll dtya. ~ In 60.. IPl'n9 low Cloud• late tonlOhl trom Wtet to IOU1'-I wtrio. 15-25 \.'!:Ing 8-:fl IOUtllw#d. C>wmlgtlt mph I n north tr n d •a tr ta low9 .. to 81. Thuradey oontlnutd 1ftemoont ~ -*1C19-Hight In , ,,., with hlgN at the beacflel 70 to 90I and low 100., IOW9 t2 to 72. T4 and Inland .,... 80 to 86. Southern "-t hlghl 102 to 110, ' E I a e w h t rt , fr o m P 0 I n I tows n to 82. eono.ptlon to the Mexican bofdtt Northern and Cenlrtl Celltomie and out 80 mllea· Ught Vw\tble wlll be ftlr Inland through wlnd1. becoming wtat to ~-Hlgtl1 Md rnomlrl(l low uthwe11 10 10 18 11no11 11111 cloud• with local drizzle along ml'l\trnoon. Southwwt IW9lla ol 1 c:oMt. Mostly tunrlY afternoon. 2 .... Night and m«nlng low -----------loud• wltli 1ome local fog tcO•lllng mo1tly 1unny 11111 ..,ttmoon and ~. .S. summary ~ tnundtralorma blflfNd In two dMtha oontlnutd today trom IOUtNm Mldl!Qtn to Mlnn.ot.a and tow•. and lhundtntorm1 mlll'~MI -IOUthtrn Ntt>r•t tnd~KanaM. Alllnt wtllpptd by wtnda ol 70 mph 1•11 In wtlttrn low•. A rHld•nl of SIOUJI City rtported IMlng 1 1orn1do. the Netlonel W•lhtf 8ervlc. Mid. The wlnd1 tore llmbe from ,,.. •nd downed powtr llnH, but low• offlel•I• rtported no major property detnege. In Qr .. n Bay, Wl1., lht wind Ufted a g&rtQt and moved II 75 fwtt wtthc>ut dameolno the Ltncoln Contlntnttl 11\tl hid 1-n pwlllld fnlldt. tuthotttlta Mid. Pot1ot In Mtntnlha. WIL, Mid a 23·yHr-o4d man ..,., kilted by ~In • munldpel pwll. And (n l(ltnllowoc C'oun1y1 lal • Nrtl (lfa•n -v110t ,,..r ft•tdevlll• colltpHd und•r ,, ... ure from pounding wind•. cau11ng. one dellth. Siio-• •nd tllund.,1lorm1 wtr• wldtly a<:alttrtd OVtr lht .. tnd eoutMrn high Pltlna ...... In IOUlhtrTI FlOOdt tnd IN 10UtNm AllMltlc CoMt. Temperatures .. Lo "'°- AlblnY n se =:r.: 90 eo .02 1M 86 ~ 84 t2 Attenll ea 10 AtlMIO Cty 78 S7 Auatln 98 71 Beltll'llore 85 .. Bllllnga 112 eo Blrmlnghm 112 70 Bl1mtrcll 89 57 Bo!M 81 51 Botton 70 81 erownavlle 95 la BuffliO 78 7 .48 Burlington 71 56 Ca.per 91 57 Chtrllln SC 89 74 Chernte NC 88 70 CMytnnt 83 82 CNcago ff 74 .22 Clndmlll 92 71 Cllvtland .. 71 .92 Clmble 8C .. 88 ColumbU9 " 10 Otl-Ft Wth 91 7S Oeyton 91 11 Otnwr aa eo .22 Ott~ "n o.lrolt 83 74 Duluth t2 58 EIPMO t7 70 Fllrbenb es 51 Fargo II SI t.n M •7 Ot..i Falla 78 41 Htrtford 11 81 .....,,. 71 49 Honolulu 81 71 Houl1on IM IO lndnae>ll 112 72 J**'1\ MS 113 71 Jadtenvlt 12 71 Kana City 101 711 KnolC\llllt aa 19 LU Vtgaa 101 78 Uttle Nick 97 78 loul9ville t1 73 lul>bock H 71 .08 Memplill 94 79 Miami 81 78 .28 Mllwtull" 83 78 .48 Mpta-St.P 95 78 Nuhvtllt 91 70 Ntw Or1Mn1 90 73 Ntw Yont S1 70 Norfoffl 12 89 No. Plait• 97 85 Oltl• City H 72 Omaha H 711 Oflando 92 73 =r.-84 et 105 84 Pltltbufgh 80 M f'tttnd. Me .. 57 Plltnd, Ort 73 69 Pr~ldenet 73 eo ='Cnv 17 61 .. t2 Reno 72 .... SM! I.Ilk• 11 t7 San Antonio .. 71 It -oert'Y oloudY from AtRont to the b t l!.Ot .. end ovtr lh• ,aclflo NMlllwett, with mo11ty .......... " ... FOf tonlatlt end l'tluftdey, the NatlOMI W".-ttw 8trvtoe fOteOM1 tc•tt•r•d 1 llO•tr• tnd ttiundel'flonnt from the mldctlt tnct nc111Ntn Atltntlo QoMt to tlle ...,,,., Mint 1tr114 V*Y end In tlle ~ eino Q9fttrll ~ SURF REPORT aoett.,ed eh0Wer9 •leO Wlf• ~ fl'tttf IN not1Mrll '**lo T~ arCMld N nettoft •arty today rented from 48 ...,..... In ~. Mont., to t2 ...... In~ California ~ c.ltDrnle .. be '* r•lftll Thut1d1y, but low c~ =--= 90 83 .. 17 Bar$tOW 97 74 9-lmont 92 50 BlgS-78 31 &lytN 107 n C.tallna 74 .. CUiver City 81 as E~t 82 54 Fr.no 92 eo Lanc:Mttr ea M Long 8Hoh 94 81 l.OIA:r.-7S 88 Monrov• 93 87 MonltbellO ae aa Monterey 85 54 NttdlM 105 eo Ntwpot\ a..cn 74 88 Otltl•nd 87 58 on1.no 19 &4 Palm SP'tng1 103 88 Paaaclent 88 83 PMO "'°'*' 15 ... Alvtr1ide S7 ., Atd Bluff 83 69 Atdwood City .. M Stllnu et 47 San Bernardino 92 113 Smog Wh•r• to call (1011 fr") for lelwt ~lotmatlOn: °':Ti · ty. 1800) 44WIM LOI ng•IH County: (800) 242-4022 ... ....,.,. lltld 8an ~ C'OUntlM: (800) 3'74710 AOMO £pitode c.ntw: (800) 242-4tet •Men and women wanting to get.. back into the work force. an? invited to attend a nine-week OOW'le this fall at Orange CoUt College. "New Horizon• for men and Women" or Psychology 101 will meet Tuelda~ from •For the aecond straish t summer, Newport Beach ls hosting a. bellyflop oont.eet itt the~ meter pool at Newport Harbor High School. 10 a .m. to noon to discuss academic and career planning for re-entry adults. Registration for fall classes will continue from Aug. 12 to Sept. 10 in the college admissions office. For more information call 556-5772. The contest will be h eld Saturday .morning at the high achool. To make reeervations, call 760-3347. There is no charge. Ms. Gianturco said Tuesday there are two million adults in California who do not have a driver's license and almost a million households without an automobile. "Most of these people are young, elderly, disabled or very r," ahe said. '\ llfl\'~I ~ml::\1111 . ,,, ,JJJJt, .JJlll/1111//I/. TM Ultrasonlc Pest Repeller' .. 0 Effectfvely Eliminates Insects and Rodent• Including Fleo1 SAFE -For children and pets, No poisons, messy traps or costly exterminators EFFECTIVE -covers up to 2,000 sq. ft. ECONOMICAL • uses less than half the energy of a nlte llte PO.WEAFUL ·Up to 10 times mote than any comparable product on the market today SILE PRICED 9 49••. Umlt9d To 8uppfy On Hend VISA. ' Deir ........... ~ ........... BROWN'S A BACKER -"Doc" Blacketer (left), one of five candidates in the strictly tongue-in-cheek campaign for honorary governor of Laguna Beach, got solid support in the form of an endorsement from Gov. Brown. With the pair is Buck, who would'be Doc's lieutenant governor. Laguna snags a 'go~ernor' real one Sy STEVE MITCllELL O(' .. DllJ ......... It was pretty obvious from the start that Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr. didn't want anything to do with it. He arrived at a hilltop Laguna Beach home for a $50-per-penon fund-railer, and was met ln the driveway by "Doc" Blacketer and Blacketer'• 12-year-old pit bull Buck. Now Doc, as you may recall, la Two arrested in attack scaped cons o men who allegedly beat up a pair of women Tuesday during a Newport Beach robbery try have been ldentlfied as prison escapees from South. Carolina, police reported today. The men -listed as Darrel Winston Haselden, 21 , and Randal Edward Sides. 20 -are being held at the Newport dty jail on conspiracy to commit robbery-charges. Detectivea said Haselden bad been serving time for armed robbery and Sides for narcotic sales. Police said the men eacaped after allegedly stealing $2,000 from· the prlaon canteen. Police said the men originally save officers fake names and ¢la1med to be towiata from OU~ of 1tate. In the incident Tuesday, the men reportedly beat up two wome-n outside the Rusty Pelican, a restaurant on Newport'• Mariner'• Mile. One woman auffered a broken jaw. NATION one of five candJdatea .eekina election .. honorary aovemor ol the "state" of Laguna Beech. The hopefuls are lelllng votee, at a penny apiece, to ra1ae funds for an end-of-the-tourist 1eUOn party for Lagunana only at Main Bearih Park. · So Doc, who currently ls running a poor third in the vote-getting competition, thought it would be a great boost to his campaign were he to get Governor Brown's endoraemenL When Brown climbed out of his baby blue 1974 Plymouth, there stood Doc, attired in cowboy hat and string tie, with Buck sitting beside him. "What'9 this all about," the perplexed real· governor asked? . Doc's daughter, Belinda Blacketer, a former planning commissioner in Laguna, explained to the governor that, since Proposition 13, the dty no longer can afford to aponaor the once-annual Village party. "So we have local organizations raising money by selling votes for honorary governor," she said. Brown allowed as how that 9ounded like a great idea to him, then -hesitatingly -asked how he might be of assistance. No sooner were the words out of his mouth than Belinda whipped out a proclamation endorsing Doc and asked Brown to sign at the bottom. "What are you running for again," Brown asked, hurriedly reading over the proclamation. "I'm running for honorary governor of Lagw\a Beach," Doc beamed. Then; pointing to the uni.mpreaed pit bull, Doc aaid, "Thia here's my lieutenant governor.'' (See LAGUN.t. Pase Al) Dow index. (alls sharply ' NEW YORK (AP) -The •tock market gave up rec:ent aailll today as the Dow Jonet index of 30 stocka lost 12.93 points. to 803.46. Quints born in 1Hinois PARK R.Ii>GE, ID. (AP)-A 31-year-old woman who had been taking a fertility drug 1ave birth to qulntupleta -four glrla and a boy -today. The to1a were liated ln "cri~ but 'Stable'' condition. in home dram·a Judge Harrold Out Election win voided ov_er residency issue By BARRY EBERLING or .. .,..,,... ..... nw bodies of two men were found today a1ter · police fired tear pa in.to an Orange realdence ln which a man wtth a gun wu believed barrlcadtd. The teme moJlblng drama ln the Oak Street neighborhood ended when Orange otflcera a11igned to SERT (Special BY DAVID llUTZMANN °' .. ...., ......... Weit Oran1e County Munlctpel Court Juctae Joanne Hanold'• June 8 elecdOn victory wu voided today by • Superior Cow1 judge who Wc:l the jurist wu guilty of 1ubmittln8 falae campaian docwnent. related to her iesfdency ln Orange County. Super16r Court Judge Ronald Owen, in a startling ruling, ordered that a new elect.ton for the office take place in November between attorneys Dan Charles Dutcher and Ronald Nix, who flntshed' second and third respectively behind Harrold In the June primary elect.ton. Attorney Eleanor Stegmier. who repretented Harrold, sald ahe was aurpriaed by the ruling but promised that an appeal would be filed l.mmediat.ely with the Fourth District Court of Appeal ln San Bernardino. The ruling this morning in Judge Owen's San ta Ana courtroom appeared to stun onlookers as well as Judge Harrold and Dutcher. The la~ filed a lawsuit last montff chal1enging the Weatmlnate~ jurist's decisive election victory, because, Dutcher had claimed: she was not a legal resident o~ Orange County. Judge Owen, ln his r3lln from the bench this mornina said that there were two '.Emer1ency RHponae Team) cl~aed ln on the fourplex apartment unit nearly five houn after the 6:30 a.m. report of ahota betna fired. Aft.er firing tear:; through a window and ente the unit, police -· they t the bodies of two men ln the master bedroom. One body wu on the bed, the other was on the fioor, ~relations officer John Beach visitor, 18, rescues fishernian issues to be decided -whether Judge Harrold was• resideni ot Orange County M days before the election, as required by ltate, law, and whether she violated, the law by filing a declaration o! candidacy on Feb. 23 ln which she listed a $2 million Newport Beach hor;ne as her residence. Owen said that the evidence indicated that Harrold was indeed a resident of the Newport Beach home from generally mid-March onward, a time period which exceeded the M-day requirement. At the same time, police re9CUed a YOW'\8 girl, believed to be only 2 or 3 years old from the bowie. She was not harmeCl and was taken to the police station for questioning. At midday, the police had not diacloeed how the two men died. Nor had identities of the victims or the y9W\g girl been releued. Police said they alao found a shotgun in the residence but declined to say whether lt had been fired. The pplice said they were attempUng to determine whether the incident at 396 N. Oak St. was related to a 6 am. incident in which a woman, Triah Bryant, 27, wu ... ulted at a residence at 2IOO W. Palmyra Ave. Police said she was ltr\lck with a blunt instrument · An 18-yea,i--old beach visitor found heftltll playing lifeguard Tuesday when a (isherman tumbled off the end of the Balboa Pier, striking a piling as he fell to the water. Vemona Fath, a Santa Ana resident and a police Explorer Scout, took a running jump off the end of the pier and swam to the man, who was floating face- down ln the water. Newport Beach lifeguard.a said th' young woman's efforts likely saved Pete Milosavijevic, listed in stable condition today at Hoag Memorial Hoepital. Guards said the fisherman was sittiJ'li on a raillng at the end of the pier at 1 p.m. when he fell !backward into the water. "I just heard a splash and ran up and saw him floating ln the water," explained the young woman, a swimming instructor COME ON IN! -The water's fine off of L Street on ~e Balboa Penlnsula and there•• one apace left on the tu~ between Chris COUNTY Low-power teetlnl on Unit U reactor at the San Onofre Nuclear c;.nera~ Station wu resumed today after being halted Sunday when control motors became overheated. Jazz Exch81.JS~ on Coast Plana are to be unveiled Au,. 13 for a $2 million Jau Exchanp 10 be built 1n the Newport Beach- IMQe ~· P-ae 84. STATE who was at the pier on a fishing outing. "Nobody seemed to be cotning to his ald so I just jumped off and swam over to him." she said. "He was face-down and wasn't moving . I think he was ~ous. "I turned him over, tipped his head back and he started to breathe." Lifeguards said another pier visitor, Charles Grant, 21, also jumped into the water to assist the young woman in her rescue effort. Guards said the Santa Ana woman and the man held the dazed fisherman in the water until a lifeguard boat pulled up. "I've never done anythirig like this before," the young woman said. "I just did what I had to do." But the judge ruled that he was convinced beyond a (See JUDGE, Page AZ) Three seek Mesa seats Three candidates have entered the Costa Mesa City Council race. Two are incumbents. Mayor Arlene Schafer and Councilwoman Nonna Hertzog were joined by Planning Commissioner Lynn Van Aken, who filed papers this week. Dave Wheeler, a Newport Beach attorney living in Costa Mesa haa taken out papers, but has not filed them. The deadline for filing is Friday. Deir ............ ~ Lee...,... and Alicia Rich. Behind them are Sharon Haldennan, Leslie Smith, Kami Kenny and Tyler Walker. INDEX At Your Service A4 Horoecope All aum-B4-~ Ann Landen All HerbCaen All Movies B6 Cavabde All Mutual Funds B4 ClulWed ~8 National News A3 Comb B7 Public Notloee B2,Cl1,D4 ere.word B7. SporU Dl-8 Death Notk:m Of Stock Marketa 86 Edltcxial AlO Televilton B8 Entertainment A9,B6 Theatera B6 Food Cl-10 W•ther A2 Hy Gardner All ' World News AS Art Hoppe AU SPORTS JUDGE HARROLl) .. • reHon ablt doubt that the I WHtmlnattr jurl•t WH not a re9ldtnt of Newport Btaoh on I Feb. 23, when htr campatan I declaration wu fUed. 1 1 • Owen aaid \hat btr wie of the I Newport Beach property on Lido I Iale wu "occaa.lonal only.'' He : aaid utility recorda introduced as l evld~nce In her week long ;.resfdency t.rlal ahowed that full 1 Ume UM of the hou.ee did not flCOllllllenoe until mid-March, just ~er she became aware that tcher wu going to make her dency a major lasue in their :campaign. L,Dutcher alleged that Miss ~rrold waa a resident or t'ft1venide County, where she liMvna a home, whe.re her children , g9 to school and where she Is "'registered to vote. . Owen, in citing hls reason (or setting aside the election, said that Judge Harrold's "credibility . . hH bee" thUterec:t beyono repair" by dllCloluree durlna the 1rlal that ah• Wied the Newport Beach addrel9 ln 1979~ap y tor an Ora.nae County ip even though ahe WU ll n8 In Rivendde at the Ume. The Santa Ana judge aJao c!ted admlMlon by Hatrold that a deed turning over ownership of the Newport Beach home to her from her grandmother had been backdated to falaely lnd.lcat.e that she took control of the residence in November, 1981. Dutcher, reacting to the judge's decision this morning, said he was "pleaaed with the results. It's been a six month battle." "I can't help but feel for Judge Hanold," Dutcher said. "I know this has to be a bitter pill for her. But this was the correct thing, the right ~:" LAGUNA GOVER NOR. • • "State of Laguna Beach," Brown repeated. "Laguna .doesn't need to be a state. It's :"1ttady a state of mind, isn't it?" his -head and said, "Naw, why don't you just shoot It with us standing up like this." Make-it-quick was unspoken, but implied in the tone of his voice. Then, pulling a pen from his Fgpcket, Brown quickly scribbled his signature at the bottom of the ~lion. Four rapid-fire ahota with the help of a motor camera, and the governor was gone. :, By this time, Brown's aides :~ere attempting to pry the real .jpvemor away from the local ,cpntender and tus canine running Jl)llte. "Good luck." he said over hls sh oulder as his aides led him away. Doc just stood there smiling. "That picture ought to be worth a lot of votes," he said. 1,, ,But first, a photographer asked u ,the governor would kneel next U> the dog Cor a picture. ', ~ o o k i n g d o w n a t t h e nonplussed mutt, Brown shook For Doc that is. No telling how the photo will affect Brown's chances for the U.S. Senate. ~· ' Council action The Costa Mesa City Council took the following action this week: ' SakJoka -Approved the construction of six high rise office buildings covering 1.3 million square feet of development on 46 acres owned by the Sakioka family, east of Town Center along the San Diego Freeway. Ma11age 1tudlo -Denied an appeal from the owner of an adult entertainment business to legalize the nonconforming use at 1733 Fullerton Ave. Garage -Denied appeal from George Van Dam, 486 Magnolia St., to force hia neighbor to remove garage at 492 Magnolia (See Page Bl.) CoDdomlDlam aalt1 -Upheld a Planning Commiuion decision to allow the corutruction of two condomlniuma on property •t 1528 Orange Ave. Mort1a1e beds -Voted against participation in the county . mortgage bond protram to help moderate-Income f•mlliea '• purchue six condominlums at 675 W. 18th St- VI OA· M RVING COMMl.RCW. .... DINltTY M ltDINTIM. N R .,..., ......... CITY SHAPING UP -Huntington Bea<:h's cout land uae plan applies within dotted lines. Commercial and residential uses are shown; shaded areas could be high rile. , Beachfront hig/i • rise • 1n HB? · City s ubm its development proposal to coastal commission The Huntington Beach coastal land use proposal could replace aging brick buildings in the city's downtown with modern skyscrapers overlooking the eld\t miles of beachfront. belivered to the state Coastal Commission Tuesday, the land use plan calls for developmen! Marine jet blamed for brus h fire By PATRICK J. KENNEDY ~the Delly Not It.ff A pre liminary report by the Orange County Fire Department blames a low-flying fighter jet from the Marine Corps Air Station,' El Toro, for the 90-ac:re brush fire July 15 in the Laguna Hills-Woods Canyon area. - The preliminary determination is based on a witness's aocount that he saw a "fireball" come from the jet to the ground just minutes before the brush area went up m flames, county fire officials said Tuesday. Meanwhile, officials of the Marine base admit that a fighter jet with a broken fuel line flew at low altitudes over the ar ea J uly 15. But they deny that it caused the blaze because they say the jet fuel is almost "impossible" to ignite outside the jet's engine. Jeff Taylor, spokesman for the fire de partment, aaid the investigation of the fire la con tin um,. But he said if the investigation c n cludea that t he A -4M Skyhawk fighter jet caused the blue, the Marine hue could be billed for more thau $30,000 to pay for county costs of fighting the five-hour brush fire. incentives giving 'additional square footage In buildings lf private land holdin gs are consolidated and structutta are< built tall and thin, allowing additional open apace at ground level. The propoal ls the eecond of three stages in the atate- mandated Local Coaital Program. The final stage, schedu led for city hearings in September , would eatabliah zoning regulations, including specific restrictions on building intensity and heights in the areas north and 90uth of the pier. However, the land use proposal approved Monday on a 4-2 vote confonns with the city's proposed specific plan that would !illow high riles of 12 stories and more in sections of downtown coastal zone. . More than a dozen citizens opposed the proposal at the Monday meeting, urging the City Council members to put height restrictions on future development downtown to retain a "village atmosphere." However, city officials say t b e y ex p e c t th e co a 1 t a) commiJlioners to readily approve the city's plan because commissioners earlier recommended a downtown building formula twice as intense. The Coastal Commission rejected the dty'a first land uae plan submitted in J anuary 1981, largely because it didn't identif~ building intensity and becauae it proposed development on a coastal stretch aouth of Beach Boulevard that'• been identified by state officials as protected wetland.a wildlife habitat. Mike Multarl, city coastal planner, aaid the .city's curren.~ proposal is a "medium inte~ty plan that also aska COflll1liaion~rs to delete the controversial wetland areas for future consideration. Newpon student UCI essay • winner Edwant Lobel of Newport BNch has won UC Irvine's fint annual Howard Babb Essay Competition. · from 1969 to 1972 and again from 1975 until his death in 1978. . The competition ia open to all undergra<luate humanities majors at UCI. pressure from U.S. BJ n. AINela ... PNll braelt tanks and Jrmc>ted troopa 1t.eamrolltd Into Wfft Beirut today while other unlta battled toward the Pala8Unlan Liberation Organ hatlo n •tronahold from the north and aouth, and artlllery and gunboeta h ammered Ya11er Arafat'• prrilla enclave from all aldel in furtoua barrages that conU.nued alter 18 hoW'I. (MeanwhJle in Waahlngton, 0 .C. President Reagan today admonished the PLO to get out of Beirut immediately and lectured IarMl on "the abeolute neceasity of re-establiahlng and maintaln.lng a strict ceue-fire.") llrael Mid its forces auffered 20 soldiers wounded, two .erloualy, before the attack, and that as • result of the amault ita annor captured a strip 60 yards deep and 600 yards long on a north-eouth axil along the Green Line dividlng guerrilla-held west Beirut from Chrlatian-oontrolled east Beirut. Arafat called on every able Palestinian to take up arms and defend 14~ Beirut, and President Klias Sarkis appealed to President Reagan to atop the fighting and proi.es1ed "what ls happening in Beirut w here innocent civilians are b eing s~bjected to mass kllling an d destruction." Top advisers to President Reagan met for three hours at the White House today to asaesa the latest attacks and sources in the administration said a list of "theoretical sanctions" bad been drawn up. Reagan told the advisers to meet and make recommendations to him. The attacks, presidential spokesman L¥ry Speakes said, make "virtually impossible the conduct of diplomatic efforts" to end the fighting. The ~ible sanctions included m ilitary, diplomatic and economic penalties, according to the sources. The Israeli military command said It had not launched "an all- out attempt at conquering the city" and the attacks were to show Israel "will not play· the game by PLO-set rules." After eight hours of intensive firing Crom both sides, it appeared the Israeli thrust was concentrated on the no man's land between the city's Moslem) and Christ.Ian sectors, the seaportl on the northern edge of the PLO redoubt in west Beirut. and PLO entrenchments southwest of the city. Slightly warmer The competition, which carries a $100 award, is sponsored by UCI's Department of English and Comparative Literature in memory of Babb, one of the department'• fo u nding members and its chairman Lobel, a junior majoring in Engli.<lh, intends to study law. His essay was titled "Imagination, Reality and Illusion in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.'" State transit change a s ked SACRAMENTO (AP) -State Transportation Director Adriana Gianturco has asked a state ,Coast a l doud"-a can be eJCl)eCted 8long coellal areaa. Sllghlly warmer ~ .. County hight T 1 to T6 todey, 73 to 82 Tlluraday. Lows &4 to &8. Intend velley lllghe In the upper 80e today, 90e Tlluraday. LOM In Felr today with high• at the eo.. -~ 70 10 7'4 and Intend .,_ Mountalne can expect hight 76 illl to 8'4. Felr tonight but with to a. both daya. LOM In 50s. epme low QtOuda late tonight from West to ~ winds 15-26 'Cong ee.d\ eouUlwefd. OYemlgh1 mph In northern deeerte 1ow1 &4 to ea. Thunday oontlnued anemoone and ~ Hlgtla In "* wt1'I hight 8t the bMdlM 70 to DOe and low 100., lowl 82 10 72. 1'4 and Inland .,.. 80 to 85. Southern o-t hlglle 10210 110. E I e e w II e re , f r om P o I n t lowl 72 to S2. Conception 10 the Mexlc:#I bofder Nor1hem end Centr.i Cellfomle and OU1 60 ml!M: Light vlllable wlll be fair Inland through w Ind •, b •com I ng w •II to Thur9day. Ntgtit and rnonWig low thwHt 10 to 11 llnott 11111 elouc:ta with local drtzzle along ltemoorl. Sout'-1 ....... of 1 COMt Moetly tunny afternoon. to 2 teet. Night w\CI morning low -----·-----cloud• with •om• local log becoming moatly tunny thl• ehemoon and Thunlday U.S. summary l1MVY tnundemormtl blamed In tw0 deethe continued today "om eouthefn Midlloan to Mlnneeota and Iowa, and thunderttorm• llnOered -IOUthern NebfMlla and nortnem K-.. Raine~ by wind• ot 70 mph fell In wettern Iowa. A realdent of Sioux City reponed tHtng a tornado, Ill• Nallon1I W•ther Service Nld. Tile wind• tore llmbe lrom tr-end downed power llnH, but low• olllcl1I• reported no mator properly d-:::T'-Bay, WI• .. th• wind titted a gefllge •nd moved It 75 .... wtthOul damaolng the Unooln Conttnent.i thll hed ~ petiled lntlde, authOrll ... Mid Polloe In Menentha, Wla., Mid • 23·yeat-old mtn waa llUled by llglrtntng In a munlc:lp9I pettl. And ~ " Uenttbwoo <:ountyt tald a Nrel grain -110< n .. , A••d•vttle collapud under pr-r• from pounding wind•, e8Ulllng one deelf\. Showere and thunderatorm1 were wldely ecattered over the trll and tOUthem hlgfl Plallw ........ In tOUthem Fl«lda and IN -"'*" Allantlc Coaet. Temperatures .. LO "'°" Alben)' 73 !it Albuque tO eo .02 Amartllo M &8 ~ 84 92 Atlenta ea 70 Atlentc Cly Tl 87 Auttln D8 7S Baltlm«• 115 84 Bllllngt 92 60 Blrmlnghm g2 70 Blamerelt 89 67 BolM 81 51 Botton 70 11 BrowntV!le 95 78 Buffllio 76 87 .48 Burlington 71 56 Cat99' 111 67 Chert•tn SC 119 7'4 Charttte NC Be 10 CMyenne 83 62 Cfllcego 95 74 .22 Cincinnati 92 11 ~ M 71 .92 Qrnbla SC ID .. Columbue " 10 ~tWth te 78 oey,on 91 71 Denver ea eo .22 O.Mo!Ne ts n Detroit 113 74 DulUlh 82 58 El PMo t7 70 ,...,., 65 51 F11rgo ea &1 ~;" M •7 1i '41 11 11 7S '4t ea 75 M 80 112 72 113 71 112 71 101 ,.. ea ae 101 Tt 117 79 91 73 15 71 llA 7g 11 78 93 78 95 76 111 70 tO 73 S1 70 82 at 117 66 M 72 .. 7t 112 73 84 .. 108 84 80 66 .. 57 73 St rs eo 87 IT .. 92 72 ... t1 8T N 71 .08 .28 .48, " .,.. '*">' dtl4Mly "om NtzoM to th• t>ellotu and over the '•olflo Nortl'lwHt, with moetly .......... ,.,tlai •• ,Of tonl!IM and Thur9day, the NeCtonll w .... 8tr"'°9 loteCMI 1 01t1er•d 11uwer1 end t~tOfm• from the middle and "°"'*" Alllntlo 0oaet to ttle ""'9f MIUI lfpl Vf/Mcy and In Vie "°""*" MCI .ntral "°4111 ... SURF RIPIRT lo11t.,td •!lower• allO -· ~ ow« Iha nonhem Paalflo eo.t. T.,,.,.,..,. around 11'1 neUoft H rly today ren.t •d from 4f ....... '" f<MlllMll, Mont .. to t2 ...,... ... ...-- ( ~ =Ve/fir/ tO SS eraftald .. 61 Bartlow t7 74 8-lmOnl 92 eo Big Bear 78 38 Blythe 107 11 Oetalna 74 ee Cul¥er City S1 e5 Eureka 82 54 ~ t2 flO L.ancUI• 88 64 Long BMdl 84 68 LOIA~ 7S 68 Monro • 93 61 Montebello 88 88 Mont11rey es 54 Need .. 105 80 ~BMCh 74 88 67 H Ontario at 64 Pelm Sprlng1 103 88 Puadena N 83 Peao Roblee 85 ... ~ S7 ., Red Bluff 83 H AeOwood City .. H Salt.nae ee •1 8ah Bem«dtno 92 83 Smog Wh•r• to call (toll free) fOf lal•t amog lnfonnatlon: Orange COUnty; (800) 446-312t Lo• AngelH County: (800) 242-4022 RMnlde and San 8emardlno oount._: (800) H7-4710 AQMO Ef)leode Center. (800) 242 ...... ' J .Men and Women "'anting d commission to change its five-.... 10 a.m. to noon to 1scuss I c d f to get back Into the work academic and career planning year p an to restore un s o~ f .......... are invi'ted to attend a dul mass transit, bicycle trails, parl-vi-....-for re-entry a ta. and-ride Jots and roadside rests nine-week coune th1a fall at Registration for fall classes -and cut money for highway Orange Coast College. will continue from Aug. 12 to 1 "New Horizons for men Sept. 10 in the college construct on. and Women" or Psychology admissions office. For more · Ms. Gianturco said Tuesday 101 will meet Tueeda~ from information call 556-5772. there are two million adults in • California who do not have a •For the second str;ight The contest will be held driver's license and almost a summer, Newport BHch t. Saturday morning at the high million households without an hosting a bellyflop contest l.n school. To make reeervations, automobile. the 50 meter pool 't Newport call 760-3347. There ls no "Most of these people are Harbor High SchoOl charge. young, elderly, disabled or very '-'------------------------o1--.-1?00•r," she said. , " lll~~ll\"1111 1~~1~~~~\\\\ It,,, ,JJJ/t, .JJ/Jl,,,11m Ultrasonlc Pest Repeller™ Effectively Eli.:ninat•• lnMCtl and Roclenh Including Fleas SAFE -For children and pets, No poisons, messy traps or costly exterminators EFFECTIVE -Covers up to 2,000 sq. tt. ECONOMICAL -Uses less than half the energy of a nlte lite POWERFUL -Up to 10 times more then any comparable product on the market today SILE PRICED '4988 .,u.ne.t To 8uPPfY On Haind more than you expect In a hardware store TM ••CROW• EB HARDWARE VISA" • • •