HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-08 - Orange Coast Pilot10111 CUil SUNOAV AUG US I B 1'1137 . ~ .. Ylll 11111111 DlllY NPll ORANGf COUf'll Y C ALIFOHNIA ~O C.E: NT'> Lebanon hopes up But Israel reportedly nixes PLO pullout plan By Th .Aat0elated Pre.a Lebanese official.a expreaaed cautious optimi.lm Saturday that the PLO would begin evacuating west Beirut in a lew days, but aourcea close to Israeli Prlme Mlnhter M enachem Be gin dismlaed the latest withdrawal propoe.ala as "fraudulent." 'l'he laraeli sources, who asked not to be identified, said the reports IBJ"ael has received about the nego tiations in B e irut indicate that it will not be acceptable. "Appa re ntly , the plan Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Wazian is talking about is to get several hundred terrorists out of Beirut and then have a French force between them and ua. Then the PLO w ould not have to leave, and this would prevent Iarael from putting pressure on t hem . That would b e a wonderful plan for allowing the PLO to remain, but this is the oppoejte of what we are trymg to achieve," one source said. Jerusalem conveyed t.o both Washi ngto n a nd P a r is its oppoeitlon to tne deployment of foreign troops in Beirut before au the guerrillas pulled out, the Israel's state radfo reported The Israeli reaction tossed cold w ater on hopes expressed by Lebanese leaders tha t the negotiation."! to end the siege of Be irut b y evacuating the P a l esti n e Liberation Organilat1on fighters were about to succeed. It also c ontrasted with opt1m1stic Israeli s t atements issued earlie r Saturday . A Foreign M inistry spokesman, Yoss1 Am1hud, had said that while Is rael did n ot have .. anything concrete or final," there had been "moveme nt" by the PLO during t h e w eek , thanks to mi litary pressure applJed by Israel. lsrael launch ed a l 5-mmute art1Uery barrage on west Beirut as the sun set Saturday, but apart from t hat, there was little fighting reported. SJC adoptee ordered to report for deportation to Liberia Me mbers o f a San Juan Capistrano family said they received unexpected bad news Saturday: an order for their adopted Liberian 80n to report for deportation on Aug. 17. "We're going to try to get hold of an attorney," said his adopted mother, Ruth Willett, who laat month received a stay of deporta t ion that was lo have allowed her son to remain until Feb. l , 1983. She said no reason was given for the change. Samuel Willett, 26, was adopted in 1972 in Cape PalJnas. Liberia , by the P e ace Corps family he had been eerving as housekeeper for eight months. The family arbitrarily set the boy's age a t 16, since he had no birth record, and then obtained a Liberian birth certificate. SAMUEL WILLETT The stay was received just prior to the Fourth o f July weekend Then, on Friday, the family returned from a week's vacation and found an in!onnal note askjng them to confer with an Officer Howard on Aug. 12 to discuss their son's immigration status. Saturday, a letter arrived by certified mail ordering Samuel to report to the INS in Los Angeles on Aug. 17 for deportation. Both letters we re signed with a name stamp, with the namE: of Michael H. Landon, INS district director, Mrs. Willf1ll said. The te l*?phone at the INS office in Los Angeles went unanswered Saturday. "It setms that we are n ot dealing wath peo ple, we arc dealing with robots," Samuel said in frustration . SL~ING ON BALBOA -Miss Huntington Be . Kerri Carr. left, and Miss Orange Co nty, Lori Leonelli, right, didn't want Miss 0911y Pflot PMto b')' ~ "llYM Newport Beach, Coleen Pellett to fall while modeling. They tned hard to keep he r upright as you'll see on the S tyle cover. P age Cl. But under U.S . immigration I.aw, the youth was too old to be considered as an adopted child and was thus ineligible to live in the U.S. without a special act of Congress. A private bill to that effect has been introduced by Rep. Robert Badham, R-Ne wport Beach. Samuel entered the U.S two years ago on a student V1S8 that has since expired. Mrs. Willett said the family is puzzled by the lmmigrallon and Naturaljzation Service's acuons. His fa the r , Dave Willett, described the youth as very patriotic t oward the United States and said the immigration struggle "leaves us sitting on air all the time." ''Can you imagine what the government spends to play this game?" sa1d Mrs. WiUett Terrorists kill 6 Ill airport ralllpage • ANKARA. Turkey (AP) A scr eaming Armenian su1c1de squad exploded bombs and sprayed submachjne gunfire into a c r o wd at Ankara airport Saturday, killing at least six people -including an Amencan woman and w ounding 72, officials said. Parucked people d1vl'd through w indows and trampled each other trying to reach safety dunng the three-hour rampage. authorities said. A terronst group calling itself the Armenian Secret Anny for th e Liberation of Armenia claimed responsibility for the attack in a telephone ca II to The A.ssoctated Press office 1n Beirut. Lebanon The terrorists said their first attack within Turkish borders w as to avenge thr purported massacre o f I 5 "llillion Arme n ians by the Ott oman Turks in 1915-16. The Turkish g ove rn ment refu ses t o acknowledge the claim A witness, Nihat Erdeb1l, said one of the terronsts kept hring NATION on the fleeing passengers while screaming, "More than a million of us died. what does al matter 1f 25 of you die?" Earlier, the state radio reported seven people were k11IC'd. But a communique later by the martial law command said o ne terrorist. three Turkish policemen and an American passenger died No reason was given for the change The sem1-offic1al Anatoha news agency quoted w1tnes.-.es as saying a West German engineer 1dentif1ed as Herbert Osanowski, 53. also was killed The report was confinned by the engineer's Turkish interpreter In Washington, the State Depanment saad one American was killed and another was wounded. Iden ti ties Wl're not immediately r eleased but the dead woman wa_<; reported to be around 60 years old. One terrorist hurled a bomb into the crowd o f waiting passengers and the others strafed them with submachine gunfire Hiroshima remembered By Tbe A11oclated Pren . Protesters sprinkled ashes at the P e n tagon, painted shadows on sidewalks and held prayer vtgiJB a cr oss the country Saturday to mark the 37th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. WORLD . Kidnap victims 'seen' BULAWAYO, Zimbabwe (AP) -Two Americans and four other Westerners kidnapped by guerrillas were seen alive a fter a death-threat deadline exptred July 30, villagers claim. Memories of a sad day Nixon farewell crowd members remember 'moving experience' By JEFF ADLER of the Deity l'ttot llaff Orange County may have played only a bit part when the drama of then- Pres1dent Richard Nixon's final days unfolded in early August 1974, but for many county r esidents that final fareweU here never will be forgotten. The national trauma that marked the Nixon resignation -August 9, 1974 - came to a cl06E' on the tarmac of Orange County's El Toro Ma rine Corps Air Station shortly before noon on a warm, sunny Friday afternoon. At 11 :56 a.m., the former president stepped Crom the "Spirit of 76," where he was warmly greeted by a crowd of locals always partisan to the Nixon cause. From El Toro, Nixon was to head into seclusion at his San Clemente retreat "Having completed one task does not mean we will sit m this magnificent California sun and do nothing," said Nixon to the several thousand who had gathered to cheer him just one last time. "We are going to continue to be very proud of the fact that we, like you . are Californians and t h at we are home again" Dean Davisson, a former public relallons man for Knott's Berry Farm. STATE now a public relations consultant in Fullerton, remembers the event weU. "He waved to the public, walked to a chopper and took o ff," DaVtSSOn recalled. "I felt very sad I'm not given to tears. but I'm sure I was foggy at the time. I'm foggy now even as I talk about it," the longtime Nixon supporter said. Out of a sense of duty, Davisson said h e d ecided to attend the former p r esident's arrival a t El T oro not knowing what to expect. The base had been opened to the public at Nixon 's request -his first appearance as an ex-president. "It was a moment of hlStory. 1 went out of sympathy for the president," he explained "At an event like t hat you don't know 1f anyone's §oing to be there to say 'Welcome home." As it turned out, howeve r , Nixon received a warm reception, punctuated by cheers and applause "The people who were there loved the guy." Davisson said. Indeed, news accounts of Nixon 's arrival telJ of one woman sporting a Nixon straw hat and red ribbon with "For Nixon" written across it. "They were not there to gloat. They were there to welcome 90meone home I they felt sorry for," agreed Frank White, long active in Republican Party circles. White, who then was Walter Knott's administrative assistant, said he went to EJ Toro that day out of a sense of duty to the president. "I thought 1t was a sad day for our country and l was sorry that the whole thing, the resignation , had taken place." White pointed out that even then he didn't believe that Watergate was the tragedy that oth e rs dee med it . •·1 thought that 1t was a political mistake on his part. but we weren't there to defend him" One o f White's colle agues, Carol Ardrey, now a computer documentalist with Knott's Berry Farm, explained she went to El Toro out of a far different loyalty "I did 1t as much for Mrs. Nixon as for the president. She had been through a very emotional thing," Ms Ardrey said. "My feeling for Mrs Nixon was greater than anything." M s . Ardrey remembe r e d an uneasiness among those gathered at the base as if people were not sure what was gomg to happen once the plane bearing (See FAREWELL, Page A3 ) INDEX Vons pulls eye, nose products Classified El/E3-6/Fl-6 Crossword E3 Ann Landers Movies C5 06-8 E3 B5 Bl-4 Cl-6 E2 LOS ANGELE'S (AP) -Volll hu become the second local supermarket chain to remove eye and nose drops and nasal sprays from shelves after sulfuric acid was found in 90me of thoee producla at Alpha Beta outlets. Credit cards targeted LOS ANGELES (AP) -Several more major oU companies -Exxon, Amoco and Mobil -are moving to discourage the use of credit cards, petroleum Industry analyst Dan Lundbeta u$d Saturday. COUNTY Death Notices E3 Delaplane C6 F.c:lltorial Page A6 Entertainment 06-8 Featuring C5 Finance D 1-5 Robert Gardner A6 Horoecope C5 SPORTS Public Notices Real Estate Sports Style Television Theaters Travel Weather 06-8 C6 A2 I I l 'I Italian premier resigns Surf the jerry with a jet Dodsers do it again 1 I ROME (AP) -Premier Giovanni Spadollni The weather may be perfect, but IOl'lktimee thaee The Dodpra pulled out yet another victory over resigned Saturday, ending Italy'• 41st postwar btg wavee jult aren't rollina in. The wrfer1110lution? Atlanta, edJz1ria. the Bl"avet 7-6 ln a thrtlllng 11-lnnlnl I --,_,~aov __ ernme_~~~--n-t~af_te_r __ a_d_w_p_u_t.e __ o_v_e_r_•_pe __ tro __ lewn----tax-------,~-----A--s_urt_j_1 J_e_t_._P_eae __ D...,.1 .... ___ ~~~-----.,...~~~~~-------~~~~----:~~----ball--·1~ame--e_··-~P-.ataae ___ s_1_. ____ -t-------------~------...1 ( 1 -mi ... • --·- Crashes, ·holdup kill 2, ·hurt 3 Two pertona dted and two man W9N Injured In a pe1r of auto acctdenta Saturday ntaht, ther pera:>n WM •rioUlly ln an attack tbat ed an apparent aervioe atatlon robbery, official• in ~ communlUe. reported. .. A woman belleved to be a 1'..akewood resident wu killed ln 1f untlnaton Beach when she ,apparently loat control of a car 'a'he wu driving. cJ'08led Pacific ~t ffiahway and hit another .~ bead-<>n, poUce ln that city :~d. ' The woman waa not positively 1dentlfled late Saturday. The 'driver of the other car, Michael ~W1on of Newport &ach, and ;his wife Susan, 2~. a passenger, were acheduled to undergo surgery at Fountain Valley iCommuni ty Hoa pl tal late Saturday, police said. ... ',Girl's condi tion ' Sl.xtttn-year-old LaRuna Hills 'resident Ramona Lauriano 'remained ln aerious condition at .UCI Medical Center Saturday 'After Friday's surgery to re- attach two partially severed legs. . Medical center spokeswoman 'J'oby Milligan said doctors wiU ~t know for several days if the -attempt to save Ms. Lauriano's legs was successful. In Anaheim, 1 '7-year·old Zachary Thorbu of Ch.I.no dJed when a car ln which he waa rldl.ni WU ltruck from behind and left Route !17 aouthbound on the· exit ramp to Route 'H wett, California Highway Patrol offlciala aaid. . The driver of the auto which collided with the car ln whloh Thomu wu riding waa charaed with vehicular manslaughter ln the incident, according to the CHP. That driver's Identity waa not available. In Cypress, an attendant at the Arco .ervice station at Ball and Moody waa severely beaten with a wooden board and posalbly other weapona In an apparent robbery, police in that city said. The victim was reported in critical condition at a nearby hospital but no other detaila were available late Saturday . . 'serious' Ms. Lauriano was injured in an accident o n P acifi c Coast Highway just north of the Laguna Beach line Friday when the car she was driving collided with a large truck. California Highway Patrol o fficials reported that Ms. Lauriano apparently was attempting a U- tum on the busy road when the accident cxx:urred. 0.., Pfkl4 "'°4o by .. ~ Koetller AFTERMATH -A Tustin po hce officer and coro ner's investigator Bill King investigate the Tustin apartment fire Saturday that killed two residents. Authorities said th e fire may be o f s us picious origin , but details w e re s ketc hy Saturday. Missing • sitter found A babyattter 1ou1h t for queaUonlna In conn.ctfon wtth an lnjury by t h e alle1edJy W91ltimate baby eon of ltate S.. John 0 . Sohmits hu been found In a paychlatric hoapital, police .. y. Tustin Po1ice inveaUgator Jim Hein Mid the woman who called henelf Gloria Smith wu located ln Loa Anaelea Paychtatrlc Hoapital. Schmitz, ft-Corona del Mar. told Oran,e O>unty IOC1a1 worken the woman, wha.e reel name la Mary Acosta, may have injured the child. The 14·month--old boy, ca.lJed John Jr. by h1a mother, Carla Stuck.le, waa injured when a hair became ao tightly wrapped around hls pen.la that it nearly .evered the organ. The child has alnce undergone recon.atructive aurgery and is ln protective custody. The case attracted widespread attention because Schmitz, an ultra-conservative, allegedly has fathered two children by Ma. Stuckle. although he has been married for 28 years to Mary Schmitz. Ms. Stuckle, 43, has been charged with felony child neglect for allegedly falling to take the baby to a doctor for more than three weeks after her 23-year-old daughter and a friend told her the child was injured. She pleaded innocent to the charge Tuesday and faces a preliminary hearing Aug. 23. Ms. StuckJe's other child, a 6-week-old girl, remains in her mother's care. Tustin police Capt. Woody Williams would not say whether Ms. Acosta, who worked for Ma. StuckJe for one week before the daughter'. s birth, was suspected of abusing the boy. "We still consider that it was done intentionally," he said. "But we really don't have any way of pursuing the investigation at this time.'' T wo kille d i n T us tin blaze Two Tustin residents perished Saturday afternoon when a fire of suspicious origin swept their ~tero Circle apartment, county fire officials said. The names of the victims were not re leased Saturday night because relatives had not been notified. The fire erupted shortly after noon and s pread very rapidly through the s tructure at 13628 Fstero Circle. fire officials said. The fire caused $80,000 damage to the a partment and ita contenta, a<XOrdang to reports. ~\~ W ar1n and hu1nid Coastal Ov.-out .. coutal wele<a lrom POlnt Conc;epuon to San Nlcolu !eland not1'-mt Winds 12 to 22 knot• with 4 to 6 toot 1e1a through night South of Si n Nlcola• ltlend mostly w .. 1 to northwest 10 to 16 knoll El-11efe. tight verleble Wind• e•cepl -to eout'-t to 10 111 knot• afternoon end evening South-1 ...... 1 to 2 feet l ow cloud9 dur1ng nient "'° morning ,_,,.., ~ _.ny 1n .. noon U.S. sunu nary H"vy r1ln flooded P8111 ol !owe and lllinole oo Satu<day aa thunOentonna mov9d ICfOM the ONo v...-y. Thunderall o wers ware -nered ttwough the Gun Cout etat98 and the aovthlrn Atlantic eo.t. wtllle II WM partly cloudy ~ ttla N«tr-t. Sunny lklee atretc:hed !Tom the P1aln1 through the NorthwM1 In to Cellfoml• The fOf'ecaai for today called for thunderatonna over the South, through the Ohio Valley t o _,.,_,, New EnQlend Wit" tunny atllee In the North. moat of the P\lllrw and the Weet. T emperature• MAT'M* ~ .. ... =-... ea • 11 .. ~· ., 70 ..... °" 711 67 AMiii! .. 71 ... .. ... ., . Btrmrnghm 8lam11rck 8otM Boa too &Nalo &nlnoton Charlatn SC Charlsln WV Charllte NC Cheyenne ChleaO<> Cincinnati Ci.vetano Ctmbla SC Columbus Dal-f't Wth DaytOl'I Denver Des Motna 0.11011 Dullllh 87 69 84 63 96 59 83 63 85 59 85 56 90 78 83 69 88 63 8A 54 8A 67 87 ,, 83 60 87 68 83 69 98 76 83 70 85 59 88 74 83 61 77 61 Statlonlf'( •• El Paso F111rban1<1 Fargo FlllQSIBN Great Fa111 Hartlord Helen• H~ukJ Houston lndnaplls Jacllso Jacksovtle Kan1 City Knoirvllle 101 88 76 so 87 65 82 55 82 50 8.4 61 88 54 88 75 80 73 88 7• 86 73 92 72 86 7• 91 67 C ALlf OftNIA Apple Valley 102 107 101 101 Gueclelajw9 65 Guedelouoe 71! Haven• 77 57 90 72 88 73 90 78 92 715 95 72 72 41 91 75 91 75 L .. V90a1 Liiiie ROClt Loulsvllle Memphla Miami MllwOIYkN Mpls-St P NMl'lvllle New Or1Mn1 M9w Yotk NorlOlk Okla~ Omaha Orlando PtilladpNa Phoenix l'lttabu<gh Pltend.Me Aeno Ak:twnocl(! Salt l.Mle Sen Antonio 8Mttle = 81 LOUle s~ 8~ T~e T_, Tutee Wutllngtn Wlc:Ma 101 82 85 72 89 72 90 74 80 80 117 86 91 86 1!7 70 117 73 111 87 .... 73 92 76 M ee g1 n aa ee 112 87 98 12 ~= .... 74 ae az 91 n 18 11 112 73 90 80 87 715 95 79 85 se 87 73 101 76 92 76 62 76 67 78 Belc .. tfleld Barstow S-umont Big Beer Blythe Catellna Eureka Fr-.o Lancutw L~ Beech loe Anoetee Monrovia MOOt«ey Ml. Wiiton Needle9 N4lwPott Beecll Ontario Palm Sptlngt Paudena Paeo~ ~ Aedwood Cfty lac;ramento Sal!lM San hrnarc!W> ..,, Diego S... Francllco San Joea Senta AM Santa Batbata Santa Mana Stodlton TlllC>e Vall9y Thermlll Torrence Yuma ... -.... A,,. • Z&.wne 2 a 10 1 a.ma MOfllOa 2 a 12 1 NalWpoft a • 12 I t 881\ Olai).> County 2 4 1~ ,<>utrooa for Mondaiy: Uttllt OflMga_ •• 78 108 71 83 101 117 93 ea 103 71 82 108 77 99 109 lie 102 t2 84 80 70 103 IO 70 94 90 74 7• .. 75 108 13 108 78 Klnge1on 83 Mazatlan 48 Merida 84 Mexico City 88 Ne.-i 55 S•n Juan. P R 71! Trinidad 88 73 90 73 8A v .. 1 Cruz 87 89 86 58 65 ee 87 .. 78 87 83 74 66 72 61 ee 71 58 83 87 81 56 72 69 73 83 llO Ext en ded weather Tuffday· Thursday· -Hight and morning low doud• -Iha COHI, otherwlH f1lr . High• ranolno from low 70. .. beed-. to ihe ,_ 100 --~ Lows In IOa. Moum.ln ...... fllr excet)t i.olated aftemootl aftd eveni ng thul'lderehowe tl T~, ~ andlna ... In .,.r1o4. N°i.tl• 1l to II. l ... moetfy In'°" Smog 117 71 17 77 61 41 90 eo .... .... -'* 2 2 2 • NO THUMBSUCKER -Mark Thomas ii 18 months old and he's part of a family spending the day on Balboa. No question about it, h e .,.., ......... .., .......... ......, knows what to do with himlelf to while away a long day on the beach. Is jud ge's position open or sh ut race? By DAVID KUTZMANN Of ttle D.., ....... ._.. A Long Beach attorney who lives in Irvine wants to run for the judicial seat now held by West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold. Her June 8 re~lection haa been invalidated in Superior Court. The problem Is, no one was sure if Judge Ronald Owen's ruling last Wednesday, calling for a new election in November, would allow any new candidates to run or whether the two attorneys who faced Harrold in June would be the only contestants allowed. Harrold, who can remain on the bench through December, is prohibited from running. Owen ruled Wednesday that Judge Harrold was not a legal resident of Orange County when she filed her declaration of candidacy on Feb. 23. She claimed that her residence at that time was in Newport Beach, but the judge ruled that she was actually hving in R iverside. Har rold'• attorney, Eleanor Stegmeier, said the ruling would be appealed. AJJ part of hia ruling, Owen said attorneys Dan Charles Dutcher and Ronald Nix would face each other in November. Dutcher ftnlahed a distant aecond and Nix third in the June contest, which waa invalidated by the suit filed by Dutcher. Attorney Paul Robbins, a Long Beach city prosecutor whose home is in Irvine, said Friday he wants to run for the office, too. He was an unsuccessful candidate laat June when he ran against Harbor Municipal Court Judge Robert J . Polis. Robbins said he contacted the Registrar of V o ters o ffice Thursday and was told he could not take out nomination papers because on one there was sure if Owen's ruling pe rmitted additional candidates to Cile. Robbins aa.id he would sue the registrar's office if necessary to have his name placed on the November ballot. 250,0 0 0 hit Coast b e a ch es Saturday morning's fog broke shortly after noon over Orange Coast beaches and ushered in a peaceful day for the approximately 250,000 local beachgoers, life~ reported. Cdntle surf that ranged from two to four feet caused few problems and o nly about 100 rescues on all local beaches, lifeguards said. Newport Beach lifeguards reported about 120,000 person.a at the beach, and a crowd of more than 100,000 filled the city and state beaches at Huntington Beach. LaRWL3 Beach lifeguards had no official crowd estimate but said there was an "average summer crowd" at the beach, and a reported 14,000 people enjoyed th e su rf and su n at San Clemente. Several thousand Laguna Beach sunbathers also enjoyed a wome n 's open volleybalJ tournament. Water temperatures in the mid-60s were reported along the coast. ONE DOLIAR OFF at The Big Yellow House Restaurant Pie.aw prttent to 1'1llitres.s wh~ ~Ing seated. This coup<Jn '"good Im 1.1 t)() off lh<' regular d"iner pncP of so 50 Al illl\I Bl<! v .. 11ow House Restaurant Pnc"' applil'S lo oduh tw11rPr and adult m .. mb.<rs of h1; ht'r 1)411y (. .. upun \l<.~xf through 'Wph>mtwr 2 ICJK:? Coup• 111 nf nil '"'d~··rrMbl~ rnCJnl'l<ll\' vi1lu1.• Mo,1y nol lit· u!oo?d In" 11111m< 11on \¥\th •Hh«1 c.J1..c•111111 ,.,,,.," All you can e.at each day of the week for oDly $5.50 I t's the best dining deal in town! Simply bring the coupon to any Big Yelloo.v House, any day of the week, and every adult member of your party will dine for only $5.50 (kids even less). That's a full dollar off our regular dinner price! And what a dinner it is ... with seconds. thirds ... even fourths and fifths on the house! We always seJVe two delicious en trees: our fa mo us fried chicken, plus another that varies from day to day· beef ribs with barbecue sauce, roast beef, trHip steak • pori< chops with stuffing, and so on. There's also a tureen of steaming soup. a crisp garc;len salad. vegetables. rriashed po tatoes and gravy. and plenty of hot cornbread and honey butter. Save again and again! When you give this coupon to your waitress, she'll give each adult member of your party another dollar-off coupon for the next visit. And since this offer Is good only through September 2, you'd better huny on in. The sooner you start, the more times you can save. / • Oller good through ~ember 2, 1982 , ~ru~g'~r~~~~~use In Coata Me•a •' 3010 Harbor Blvd. Comer of Harbor 6 Babr acijaoent t.o Fedco RettivaUom Meel>t.ci (714) ~9-0310 In Garde n Groye at 9100 Traak Ave. RtHrvatlom Acoepi.ci (714) 891-2809 In Centtm at W05 E. 183rcl St. Ml.Ion Viejo at 28381 ~ Pkwy.. ROMMttloN accepted. (213) 924-8120 ReMMltk>nt llCICepted. (714) 495-3:MO j • • ~ I From Page A1 FAREWELL. • • the former president, his wife, daughter and son-in-law arrived. She said she was asking herself, "Are they here to protest or express moral support?" ~ Nixon stepped from the pla.ne, her fears evaporated as the crowd responded with cheers and applause. "I had tears in my eyes. The emotion of the time was sad. I was sad all this had to happen, sad for the family and regretted for them all," Ardrey continued. Looking back on it, she said that the day was a very moving experience for her. "I look back with some pride that there was enough feeling for them that we would come out and offer them our moral support," she explained. "It is something I will remember. I was pleased to be there and be part of that experience we all went through." EX-PRESIDENT 'S RETURN -While at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station on Aug. 9, 1974, to shoot his prize-winning photo, above, of Richard Nixon's return to California, Daily Pilot staffer Patrick O'Donnell also aimed his camera at Dean Davisson who had joined press corps for the eventful day. county vetera~ The devutation at H1rolh1ma and Nacuakf atlll haunt Park B. Dbwd of Laguna Hilll, who u a 34-year-old Navy Lieutenant l~ a team that visited the two Japaneee cities two months after they were hit by atomic bombs 37 years ago. Dowd and his 30-man team, who arrived in Japan 73 days aft.er the Aug. 6, UM5, bomblna of Hiroshima, were charged wttli evaluating the destructive power of the bombs and establlshina ground uro for the blasta. which killed more than 78,000 people ln Hlroehima and almoet 75,000 in Naaasaki three days tater. "The only thingB left standing were metal poles," said Dowd. "Everything else -trees, buildings and people -had vanished. Pieces of human flesh were mixed in with the debris in sheltered places. Whole families were blasted into a gray, ghastly ash that clung to my boots as I stood there." Dowd, now 71, retired three years ago to Orange C.ounty aft.er working as a s h oe buyer for Bullock's department store in San Francisco. He recalled last week that he saw other horrors during that viait to Japan, including people burned and dlsflaured mlle1 away from cr~nd zero. tbf center of the "We found on OM retntorced- C'oncr,te wall that !f H 1U~t •tandlna. the shadow of a man~ a ladder who had bMn pelntins that building when ·the ~mJ> went off," Dowd aaid, adding that he wlll. never for14:!_!.~t "hon'lble, lickenJ.na..weet ·~ of death." : "The bombl that d~troydi thoee two dties are but a fU8e ~ the uwnal in ihe handt of man)' countries today," he Mid. 1 "lmalfne a bomb the size OJ. the one that 1truck Htro.hima being dropped on a different dty every day for 13 years. Only thep can you comprehend the amount of power and destruction that is contained in one bomb that cap be carried by a single rocke,t todar. · 1 "My greatest fear -one ~t hu haunted me for three decadeis and deeply concerns me now ...:... is that someday t.errorista may obtain poeaesaion of even a small atom bomb and our world couic.t become a hostage," Dowd said. He is no t a member of any organU:ed anti-nuclear group ~t speaks on the subject to ae~ groups and clubll as often as if can. . ~---DAMAGE PICTUR ED -Park B. Dowd, 71, of Lawna Hilla documents the destruction he saw at Hiroshima anoNagasaki. DeIDocr ats tout alternatives County is 'classic case of Reagan's economic del etions' By JEFF ADLER Of the Delly "°' ltd Democrati c National Committee Chairman Charles Manatt claims his Republican "friends" in Orange C.ounty are complaining that a depression is wreaking havoc in the local real esta~ industry. investment in human dignity and jobs in the times ahead." He called the administration's domestic policy a "classic case of the mismanagement of the economy." months ago. he said. • • • CALIFORNIA R epublica Party leaders called a news c onf e rence last week to underscore their support of 43rd C.ongressional District candidate Johnnie R. Crean. How TO GET'"'oFF THE DIET ROLLER COASTER And it comes as no surprise, then, ~t Manatt, who met with reporters in Orange C.ounty last week, places the blame for t he country's economic woes squarely on the shoulders of the GOP's standard bearer, President Reasan. "Orange C.ounty, I think, is a classic area when it comes to growth, developme nt and exciting new plans being deferred or deleted because of the economic policies of this administration," Manatt said. He pointed to the president's veto of a $3 billion housing bill he said would have created 700, 000 man-years of work, reduced unemployment and equalled an $18 billion savi ng s in unemployment claims and added to tax revenues. "It's clusic as to the thinking of the administration," the Democratic chief continued. ''They think of the cost of the investment, we as Democrats think of the return on the In drumming up support for Democrats seeking election this November, Manatt said, "We think the American public has had enough and is going to be very much in the mind of evaluating this program , whether or not it is effective, whether it is fair and whether it brings t o us what we a s Americans want." Alternatively. Democrats are offering an economic package that differs in the size and duration of deficits, recommends a productivity-oriented tax cut and invests in both human and physical resources, he said. As for Democratic prospects in November, Manatt predicts a gain of 15 or more seats in the House, which would establish a Democratic "working majority," perhaps a gain of one or two Senate seats and four to five governorships. Reagan's own pollsters are now finding that voters are 15 percent less likely to mark their ballots for congressional candidates who support Reagan policies than they were six ORANOE COAST Daily Pilat CIH•"i.d ectv.tttalng 7141142•5'71 All other depar\Jneftb 142~21 ThotMa P. 'H*' ~ -a-.~ Ollar ~~ ... ~ .. ~ Tom Murphtne ... Mike Htn9Y ~-~ ic::--1 ~Qodderd '*--.. Operlllorw ~Mec\Mn Tom McCann .......... Ntor MAIN OFFICE DO Wes1 a.., St., Corte-· CA. Mell edd,.._ · 8o11 1 SM, Cea1e Mew, CA . .,.,_ C-•'9M "" Or .... Coes1 "'*lllllftt '-• No,..... ""1ff. lllvttr.U..1, ecMot\el "'-Of_. verUM,._1• ,_,.,,, mey .. ~-"""""' -···~-.. ,-·-· In making it clear that the GOP's support oC Crean is not jus t tokenism, state chairman Tirso del Junco said Crean has the "enthusiastic support ... from the entire Republican family.'' The news conference seems to have been called in answer to a statement by write-in candidate Ron Packard that Crean would receive only a token endorsement from the national party. Crean edged out Packard in the bitterly con tested primary by fewer than 100 votes. Eighteen candidates vied for the GOP nomination In the sprawling district, which includes. aouthem Orange and northern San Diego counties. • • • MEANWHILE, Packard has picked up the endorsement of the California Teachen Asaoclation, representing 197,000 teacher. statewide. Other CT A endorsements', selected by secret ballot at an endorsing convention, included Democrat Frank Barbaro, in the 32nd st ate Senate District; incumbent Democrat Chet Wray in the 7 lst Assembly Dtatnct and incumbent Democrat Richard Robinaon in the 72nd Assembly Dtatrlct. • • • THE CHAIRMAN of the U.S . Commlaalon on Civil Rights, Clarence M. Pendleton Jr., spoke Saturday In Santa Ana on economic growth in the private sector. Hla appearance wu 1ponaored by the Black Republican Council of Ora nae County, which it seeking to create an economic development propam to promote greater opportunltiea In areaa with large numbers of poor and unemplored penona. We're Listening ••• Whal do you like about the Dally Pilot? Whal don't you Ulte? Call the number below and your mn111e will be recorded tran1 crified and delivered to \he appropr11t.e 41dltor. ' The ume 2-C·hour an1wertn1 service may be used to recOrd let· ters lo the editor on any topic. Mailbox cOfttrt&utors mutt &ndude their name and telephone number ror vertflutlon. No ctreuJ.._ calla, pleaae. Tell us •hat's on your mind. How many years of your life have been wasted riding the diet roller coaster? How many times have you lost weight by depriv· ing yourself of your favorite foods, starvation, fasting, and strenuous exercise, only to see your excess weight regained faster than you ever imagined? How many suicidal bingeing episodes have you experienced in your hypnotic, yet perfectly human, defiance of tasteless and boring diet menus? Statistics bated on epidemiologic and biomedical studies show that more than 95 percent of the peo- ple who go on various diets regain their weight. usually in ex· cess of what they lost. DIETING PROMOTES OBESITY! Recent scientific studies are now confirming the striking obeervation made by Dr. Dan R. Kirkham several years ago: DIETING ACTUALLY PRO- MOTES OBESTTYI Dr. Kirkham, a Newport Beach phyaician, who la currently Medical Director of the HART Inatitute. la a graduate of New Ycwk College of Medicine. haa teeeived many awarcb for his ac:hlevemente in the medical pro- letslon. He wu beetowed the American Medical AnociatJon Achievement Award. The LaRocbe Award, the O..n'1 Award, and ht la litted in "Who's Who International,'' "Wbo'a Who ln the Weat.," and "Who'• Who ln tta. United Stat.a." "When we dlet-1.e., cut down on our food intake and eet only· tht amount. and typea of food pnecrfbed by a siYtiD doctor or ..qht 1oee plan, .. lncNaM our 8'ttaboUc .tftdlnq. Our bod'- ...... to~ vtry ..u with the f.., caloriea they ndew OD a sf vtll diC. and they atop bUrm.._ c.bt ltond r.t. In otlw word1. we hit a p&ate.u and atop kMdDc _, ...... M•nwhUe, lince dWe art ..-t to be IO'W on and off ,.i, .mat n.,w evmtual· 1Y rewrta to .,..1 •tlna or ~Uni: anct .. tod up put-t.hll OD alf tbl at ftiaht.-plu .....-1111-.. CIQI' .... blw .... .... to U. low c.ilarto lntaa and cannot use the extra calories consumed when we go off the diet,·' Dr. KirlU\am clarified. Dr. Mitr a Magbuleh, Kirkham's co-worker at the HART Institute, has conducted considerable research on food and alcohol addiction, Dr. Magbuleh explained that diet programs perpetuate Fat Mentality by DAN KIRKHAM, M.D. MITRA MAGBULEH, Ph.D. M.P.H. reinforcing the obue pel"IC>n'• preoccu.pation with food. Slhe it told wbm, what, and bow much to .. , at well u which foods art OK to pie out on. By diaallowinc c:stain food.I, diet plant aet thlmeelvee up for failure. When a penon II OD a d.Mlt, rJbt ii qii ... bfe and I• alway• lookfns fOMJ1rd to the ct.y tlhe can 11t normally apln. The "forblddell fruJl' • effect ia prob.bly the mall cauae ot the painful blnaee mott. diet.en aperienee In tbelr wejpt Joea .none. .. THE WAR 18 ova Ora.~-...... explain to their overweight pa· tients how to stop dieting once and for all as they atart losing weight on the HART NO-DIET PROGRAM. Th.is unique and comprehensive program encom· l pa888s all the major aspects of i auccessful weight losa: i.e .. nutri· tion, physical activity, manage- ment of inner feelings and social environment. By attending 10 weekly sessions of instruction, : periodic individual consultation, • and a two-year follow·up at the : HART Ins titute, t he par· : tlcipants learn how to make : peece with food, how to change : their fat metaboli8m into a thin ! • metaboliam. how to safely enjoy : fooda by applying the principles • of thin behavior and how to 1 achieve beat resulta through ' individually·tailored, s hort· I duration physical activities. I The feellnp upreseed by the , graduate& of the HART Institute ~ indicate that this rational aolu· tJon to "~"ght problems is indeed aueeeuful in ptting people off 1 the Diet Roller Coaster. i "The HART Program helped • JN both mentally and physically. I I b.c:ame the way I wanted to wtthout the usual fruatrationa ! aaeodated with weight reduc-! tion." : "Whenever either of ua dieted f In the pall, the other family l memben always suffered along , wit.b WI. Since we joined the •1 HART Prosram not only have • oar own eattna · habita been : poaitlvely aff~Wd. but the ; chiJdre an actually enjoying it ; too. TWa 11 deftnltety a rewardlna ~I famil7 affair." Once th• patients on the I HART proaram realize that I diet.Ina 11 lnatJonal, they besln to -Uoy food• that they had fcqot. ten Win ao cWicloua. For tbam. the •• le ovw at laat-tht)' can I have their cake, eat lt, and •till loee w.tptl j If .you wiah me>l'9 informatloD , about the HART.,,....., call (114t 162-eoel. TM HART In-1 td&u.. Inc. 11 )oeated a& 4ll0 .......... SUit.a 111. N..,,on ..... Callfornla ..... g disappearing SOa"' OOWlty dl..ncu l•lat to charse I or sehool ride11 N~UNNSDY ftW~ tn"n.~saon for = .. ~~=~= ,.. ... the onn,. C"Ollt .. idumtlml offtcWI are c~ bul ,... In • ICnlDble '° ba1inici ~ Ca9l1~rano Unified and Seddllbedc Valley UQJ11ed have Jevs.d bw t .. on ltUdentl In ~ PM' three weekl In au.mp .. to cut traiwportadon coeta and ta1M revenue teveh for 'baste education. Jflf'J, 'nwlmlely, tupll'tntendent of the Capt1trano dlatrict. "AJthou1h the aervlce l• not ~ b)' Jaw, tndtdonally lt'a been free. But b.eauH tha budltt ~ti tlahter 9'ICh ~.we a~feewould be a way to pnier_ate revenue for buic educaUon," he eald. Thornal•y said the dlltrict'1 t40 million bud1et had to be reduced by O million for 1982·83. The reducttqna lncluded Under the tree tranlpOr1aUol\ fytle!n 1alt ierm. both c.ADllCi'ano and 8addJebeck bUl.t only ~ 1tudent1 who lived far from echool. But under the pey (M"Oll'Ml. all ttudenta are ell1lble for bua ridet. School offldalt uy they hope thll wW encourace other students to pay the fee and ride the bua. • The Sacldlemck dbtrict's tM milllon budlet alto II fadna J.arae - PROUD LABOR -Eagle Scout Bob Westphal Jr. looks over sign describing the work he and his troop did to restore Fountain Valley's flrat wawr well into a historical landmark. The work was Westphara F.agJ.e project. TheH two aouth cpunty dl1trkt1 join Newport·Meaa Unitied and Irvine Unified u the only public achool ayatema In Ora.nae Cou.nty to charp feet for a tervf.ce that traditionally h.u "Because the budget crunch gets tighter each year, we decided a bus lee would be a way to generate revenue." been free. layoffa of teachen, coumelora, budget deficits -$3 million - Other county dlatrtcta have administrators, nunee, librarians, and echool offk:ialt estimate that considered bua .feet and more ll"OUndakee. pen and office help, this bus fee will generate may climb on the bandwagon 11 a fie Mid. between $3~.000 and $400,000 Well restored as landmark · bill by AIRmblywoman Marlon Although the state reimbunee annually. Thia wW pay for most And scout earns Eagle status for saving sit.e from neglect Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, ICbool dbtrlcta for part of the of the t.ranaportation coeta and • pallet as expect.eel next month. tramportation coeta, Thornaley tree other funds for education By PHIL SNEIDERMAN That was the way it looked lix months ago. Her bill seeks to extend an u.ld the dbtrict spent $371,000 programs, system offidals·say. °' ... DeltJ,......,. Bob mobilized hla fellow aoouta In Troop 654 and expired state law that clearly lut year transporting studenta No paren ta opposed t h e Becoming an Eagle Scout ia no easy task. began clearing the overg.i-own foliage with hand legalizes bus fees In public and maintaining the buses. separate achoo) board actions that Bob Westphal Jr. of Fountain Valley found tools. Four city dump truck tripe were required education. More than 6,600 students took instituted the fes, but Saddleback that out when he accepted as his Eagle project to haul away the greenery, he recalla. The four fee-charging diatricta bu a es u n d er t h e f re e officials say they've received the challenge of turning his city's first water Bob and hla troop memben filled an~r 70 sill provide free transportation transportation program. He said several complalnta atnce. well into a local hlatorical landmark. for low-income students and each next tenn he expects about 5,500 trash ::Jr, with additional refuse before e plot haa various discount fees for to pay fees and continue to ride Don a l d Ames, acting Well Number One, located in Westmont was f Y cleared. famllies with numerous children the buses, which will generate superintendent, aaya a survey of Park near Warner Avenue and Newland Street, It was not always easy to persuade his riding buses. about $300,000. parents of the 6,000 students who had not been used for the past eight years, and fellow llCOUta to asslat with the difficult project, But the basic annual fee for (On Aug. 16, Capistrano took buses last year resulted in Bob di8covered that the poorly maintained city he saya. Somet.lmes Bob told them it was their each student is as follows: trustees also will consider 2,500 responses In favor of a fee grounds had turned into a mini-jungle. obligation as acouta to complete the project. Once, Newport-Mesa $126, Irvine, charging student athletes a fee to keep the buses rolling, and 79 "There were weeds everywhere, chest he resorted to bribing them with plz.:za. $100, Saddleback, $118, and for bus transportation to and opJ)Olled. high," Bob recalls. "The trees were growing out After the grounds were cleared, Bob and his Capistrano, $68. from games, Tbomaley said. That The Ocean View School all over the place. Trash was everywhere. The troop memben repainted the pump and its "None of the trustees or staff fee wW range from $15 to $60, he District in Huntington Beach also fences were all rusted . . . " (See EAGLE, Pa1e A5) was thrilled at thla dedalon," said u.ld. (See BUSING, Pa1e Ai) .~~~--------------------------.....;;_ ________________________________________________________________________________________ .....;;_ ____ ~--- Taste loss studied HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -Over a 30-year period Thomas F. Curry gradually loet his sense of smell and taste, but to avoid embarrassment, he pretended his physical condition was normal. "It's just not a handicap you talk about very much. I was afraid people would think I was crazy," said Curry, a 53-year-old television produ cer at the University o f Connecticut. Curry was among the estimated 2 millio n Americans who are believed to eave lost their ability to taste and smell. Up to 14 million are believed to have loet some portion of taste and smell senses. To cure his problem he turned to a group of experts from Yale University and UConn currently working on smell and taste dl.aorders. The researchers are participating In a three- year, $2.3 mllllon project funded by a federal grant. Distortion or loss of the two senses can be the flnt indication of aerloU! medical problems, such as strokes o r brain tumors. Temporary or permanent loss of taste and smell abo can follow head injuries or radiation therapy for head or neck cancer. Some elderly people also report the gradual 1089 of smell and taste. Curry's problem turned out to be a typical cue. Doctors found small Ql'OW1.hs called polyps ln hia no.e just below his eye sockets. After two operations, he recovered the temeS. Curry'• cue abo was typical In that h e coul dn't c learly di1tln1ul1h between ane1l and taste. Dally Living AIDI FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 'tit ... ,.. • ,.,,.,,.. WE OEUVER 'Aid-"-"" (!,.. 2117W.WMJ,U . 2: .. 5:31 "2·1712/TOO Regular Or Light Olympia Beer Olympia Gold Light or Olympia Regular Beer in 12· pack. 12-ounce cans. 1.70 24.97 Limit 2 50 Heavy Duty "n'ash Can Liners Heavy-duty 1.5-mil plastic liners fif 20-30 gal. cans. Box of 50 with handy ties; each liner measures 30x37". 2.22 12.88 Wicker-look Laundry Hamper Holds ... and hides ... a lot of clothes until washday. Crafted of wicker-look vinyl with cushioned vinyl lid. Fully ventilated. 2.56 Ea. 2.97 Toni• Silkwave• home permanent ' .. Hot Beef Sandwich With whipped potatoes and gravy Smudier'1• Favorttu 10-oz." jeHies or 11·to-12-oz. • preter1es. 'Nelwt 42-quart Cooler Steel belted; rein- forced comers. Tray. Ru1t-Oteum" Spray Stops rust• . Beautifies as it protects. 13 oz• 'Net wt. Auorted Tumblers Pkg. of clear plaallc tumb18ft. Reusable. 2 For$3-::' Silkience™ shampoo or conditlonel' 7 oz." Adorn• hair spray in 9- .. ....... .... - ~ Onlot• Mon. Thru lat. I OI c,_,,_ (UO IO & Qh tOW301f4WIOOll• lupetl:I Moto< Oii I a in.1a1111 -· twono Olllll .. > 0.0.. lut>fic:ohon IN ""Ot••hO) Savel oz.• aerosol. ·Ne1 wt 1 ......... -..... . •• ..., .. .-it .. •• ' ..... -· . .......... ~ ... ...... ._ ......... -.......... .. . -· . With Exchange 37.88 -.mo. ~ lnetaated For many cat'I and light trucks. Onlote Mon. "''" ' .... . ,15.88 'ront-end Alignment We wtll align ffont tnd 1nd give a K oere• Mfetr eheck. 8'*1at for many U.S. car9. ~ Clfl . excluded.~. ~ ....... _...,_,,_, ... ,..... ....... .. 14.97 FM Converter Unit Compect 12·V unit convtr\1 AM radio to full-fld•llty FM tul'let. ~~.~ ... 16.97 i I ~eir-artwork doesn't} last Mon S.wdult .F..Uval wwb ot art lMt for ~ but not Chua WeraeJa' '!be OW'MI' of the sxud Stable, he Mlli one pound fully-ctrcr ~ potatom. ''Thil ii my MCOnd )'Mr with the Sta~ " he laid. "l had a l•therctattl booth for the lUt flve y.n. but I drew too hllh of a lott.ery number tb&I tlme ... Stutf1nc the llx-lnch 1ona baked ~tatoet with IOU.r cream and cheete, and cooklna b1* trench fry-re1emblln1 unfrtea hu kept him happy, thouch. "I like workina for my11elf," he ..sd. ''I'm 34, and I've worked for myMlf linoe I WM 20," he aaid. "I WM •·cook and I owned a motoreyde ahop. I don't know 1f I could work nine-to-five." We~les ai.o enjo)'I the positive reection cuatomen have found toward hla watta. He aaid that when the ahop II particularly bu.y, people will pay for a potato and wait up to an boUr for il "I wouldn't do that," he lauched. He aaid aome people have waiied al.nee last year for the booth'• return. ''They say no place e1ae haa potatoes aa good," Wergeles said. But there ii a price for such praile. Wergeles usually atarta the ovens at 8 a.m. and finishes clean-up shortly after midnight. He worka 13 hours a day, excluding breaka. Nor were the montha preceding the festival restful. Wergelea and hla girlfriend, Barbie Hawkes, came to the site In mid-May to Install aewer, gas and water lines. They also built the booth-kitchen, using wood they bought, acrounged and took from an old l:>arn. No contractors helped them. · "We're trying to make a little profit," Wergeles said. "We had to buy bigger ovens and refrigerators this year, so we were In the hole when we started." Wergeles' Inspiration for the booth was his own love for potatoes. He also noticed that there was a limited variety of food.a In the festival area. Delly ,... ..... "'*° HOUSE SPECIALTY -Fully-dressed baked potatoes are favorites at the Sawdust Festival. Chazz Wergeles and Barbie Hawks cook up the treats. With the encouragement of frienda, he and Ma. Hawka started the booth laat year. Although manning h1a leather booth at the same ume made life hectic, it's a problem he enjoyed having. "Leatherworking is my career," he said. "During the year I aell my work In Laguna. I think rm the only peraon here now who does custom made leather sandals." The Spud Stable ls located next to the festival entrance. · ~ 0... DAILY ,_.LOT/~,~ I, 1H2 eep eye on· the ball l~me oplometri•t• help atbletes improve vision ~J..~O Jn • oommon lflht amonc both w..und Md prafrlildonal athlit.9 -two playww have limOir phytilquee and tralnina. yet orw t. far ..,. tfian the othel'. Why? Dr. Michael 8pltaer and Dr. Ronald Oromnan, two Irvine optometrilU. IUUllt that viaJcln mlaht meke the dltferenoe. In fict. they not only IUCPlt it, they otter a 1por1a Wion coune. A =ttw 1ub-cateaory of vtaton therapy, 1pocu ~ lmptOVet eylllaht and reactlon time throuCh the UM of prilma, lenaee and exerd9ee. It t. pnlcUced nationally, with Olympic athletel and memben of the Lakers, Dodgen and KaNu Oty Royala unona the traineee. "MCllt opt.ometrlsta believe In vtaton therapy, but they may not practJce it," Dr. Spluer said. "A lot ju8t don't have the time." But tor the 1port1 enthuaiut, six to eight ween may be time well 1pent to lmprove In the fol.lowlna areu: -Put focus. Thia allow• an athlete to quickly MrO In on different objecta. For instance, a aoccer player with the ball can look up, focus on a teammate downfield, and make a fast pus. -Depth perception. A lkill needed In any sport which Involve. judging a ball'• location ln space. Tennia, racquetball and baaeball are just a few examples. -Peripheral viaion. Again, a skill used ln just about every sport this aide of running. lncreued peripheral viaion allow• you to see . more out of the comer of your eye, especially important for basketball players. -Visual acuity, or the ability to see moving objects clearly. Sporta viaion al80 1trengthens an athlete's eye endurance, allowing him to aee comfort.ably at different &nlles for extended periods. This can aid an outfielder who has to stare up at a fly ball for several aeconda. Dra. Groemnan and Spitzer, who must know their trainee'• v1aual weaknesses before they can start sporta viaion therapy, recently screened anon than 400 Irvine Ut\M Lequen tor thAI pu.rpOle. ''J'lrat we i.t\ed them for v1lual ec\dty, pertphenl vWorl and doJoro YWan.'' Dr. Spa. Mid. '"Ihen we did an oc:War. mobility -• depth perception test, and • left.-rtcht awarenem tett. "LMt of all, we tested them for peripbenl reaction time. We do moet of theee teem ln a regular vi.lion therapy exam." Uaually the teltina and oorrect1on methodl are the same. For example, watchlnc a swtnainl Sports vision strengthens an athlete's eye endurance, allowing him to see comfortably at different J angles for extended ~ periods. ball reveals and d........,, I~ dlfflculd<s. , "I tell the penon to f0cus on t is letter," Dr. Spitz.er said, pointing to a small X on a softball A dangling from the celling on a string. "If the trainee moves hla head to follow the a X instead of merely shifting hla gaze, then he'll 10 be spending additional tJ.me with the exerdae." For peripheral vision, Dr. Spitz.er holda two sticks at the sides of the trainee's head and aska 1J him to look straight ahead. The trainee then has "iJ to slap the moving sticka. w Reaction time is treated and lmproved by a circle mounted on a white box. Lights are located l on the outside of the circle, and the trainee must rl touch them as they flash randomly. ·., "In sporta, you also have to be able to focus " under strained situation.a," Dr. Spitz.er said. "We ti; plan to have a balance beam installed. It's a way of making the exercises tougher." (See SPORTS, Page A7) C _.. AOYlllTIHO MfllCHANOIH l'OllCY ......, __ , ........ ......_,,.._ .................. ~-~-,,,. ........... _ ·-............... ;> ,_._ ...... -~-.. ··-. _. _ ,_.-.... -· ........, "" .. _.,,,.._ --.. _, .. ~ .......... ..,_ ........ _. ... ._ .... --..... ............. __ .................... ._._,,.-... ......... -...... EAGLE. • • (From Page A4) storage tank, repainted { the pump lot fence and crafied a redwood sign as a permanent historical marker. r I GOLDSTARI 13" ~Color TV The restoration project was suggested by James Dick of the Fountain u Valley }iiatorlcal Society. 't.l He said the well was !:; drilled in 1910 by the 1 • Ishii family, which v;. owned a farm at the site ' J and needed water for v'• Irrigation. I 12"• AC/DC B&WTV Compact. lightweight portable features raptd- on picture and sound. 100% solid state circuit· ry and low power con- sumptlon with DC cord 'Oiag.meu With rapid-on picture and sound. auto color. Integrated circuitry and hidden control panel. Low power consump- tion. Model #CR407. /IC~C:/ 6 Pr. Toddlers' Tube Socks Comfortable tube socks of Creslan I stretch ny- lon. White with color stripes. Fit toddlers' 4-5 Yll, 6 - 8 Yll. Save at Kmart. · Amencan Cyanamid Reg TM Kodamatlc™ Champ™ Klde' '"" Undefooa• Boys' Of pofynt8f/COt· ton; glrfs. poly"t8f. • UniOn UncWweet Aeg. TM Kodak'se lowest-priced instant camera features aim-and-shoot simplicity. Battery included. , Today's Look ... $14 0urReg. ~ 17.96 m ~ 'I i..; Prairie Skirts Great styles in denim, sheeting. oft pnnts. suede-looks and corduroys. Sizes 5/6 to 15/16. 6.44 Ou.r Reg. 7.96 Prairie Petticoats Lace edged, flounced pettJooats. Sizes S·M·L Dlapouble Ruore Dtsposabfe Daisy• for women. 2 pack. 4.97~o. $Q Pr., ~Diapers With elastic leg1. 36 !Mdlum or 24 large. An court lneaket• Durable Whtie eanlfa1 aneaktra In Men and 8oy1 alzea Savel ... .. F1tll ..... '1Yt·11 1.22 &-pr. Pkg. Knee Hi's Of sheer stretch ny· Ion with nude heel. 110. 126. 35mm And New disc 13¢Each Kust°"8t 4'' Prints 22¢Each 17.97 Get textured, bor· derless prints from any Focal* or Koda- color41 negative at these low prices. LC.D. C.lcullltor Memory, ppwers, roots. squares. logs. Batterlet Included. 4"• Potted HoueepCants ChooM from several vari-eties of fo· liege plants. 'COnt. WZI IQl.•Kmart• '°Hing loff Odorless. sttr· lie. ready to use on all plants '°'YMMMt IS-~f 74.88 M•Hbu Light Kit Using less energy than 2-60 l#att bulbs. With automatic timer. 4.44 Frln'led Door Mirror. Walnut· took frame. The well was the first , acquired by the city ' several years after 1 Fountain Valley was ' incorporated in 1957, Dick said. 'I ) "It's important that J things like thia are kept up u an indication of • what the city was like," , Dick said. ·:1 think Bob ; did an excellent job.'' , , The prospective F.agle ~" Scout, who is 16, will '" begin h1a junior year at ot. Fountain Valley High ··J School in September. He participates on the , . &ehool'a track and field ' team, com~ting In shot j put and discus. .,, (From Pase A4) l!l has considered busing •· fees, but because gas prices have stablll:ted, ;~ diatrict officials say they , , have put the fee concept " on hold. · r However, Ocean View • 1 offidala say that surveys ~ show that most parents, ·~ by a three-to-one 11 margin, are willing to 1J. pay a fee to keep the • tranaportation for their children. 1,. 0 ff I c i a ls i n the JI neiahborina Huntington Beach Union High • School District aren't '· considering fees because •J they have reduced bua i) tranaportation costs by •1 reducing the number of · students eligible to ride r the bua. ' hee bu1 tran1portatlon for ~hildren toina to mnd from public ,chooll afong the Orange Coast la 1otna the wa~ of the one-room .:hoOlhouae. It It fading from the Two aouth Orange County chool dl1trlct1 -Capistrano nlfled and Saddleback Valley nlfi«l -have reciently decided charge 1tudenta a tee to ride the uaee. They join Newport-Mesa nlf1ed and Irvine Unified as the y publiC education systems in range County to charge such ~eea. L Officials in other Orange U>ast distric,ta. however, also are ~onaider~g a charge for what traditionally has been a free oe of public education. The reason is simple. In these t financial times, school lals are scrambling to find ~venue sources to balance their udgets. They contend that bus ansponation ls a service that is t legally required of the public ucation system. School officials say they ould rather spend district funds n basic education than on eeping the buses rolling. Various district surveys have dicated that pa.rents are willing pay a fee if it's necessary to eep the transportation system pen for their children, school fficials say. But tome parentl proteet, aa~ they already pay taxes for public educat.lon. . The four fee-cbarglhg districts atlll provide lree transportation for low-income atudents and each has variou1 discount feet fbJ' fam1Ue1 with numerous children riding buaes. Buie annual fees for each student is as follows: Newport- M es a $12~. Irvine $100, Saddleback $118 and Capistrano $68. State funding cuts have affected cities, social servl~es. community colleges and state university systems, as well as public elementary and high school education. So it comes as no surprise that certain non-required services are being eliminated or a fee is being anached. Those tiistricts that charge bus fees, however, should take a close look at their boundary systems . In some instances, students who live closer to a particular campus are required to attend a campus across town because of an odd-shaped boundary. The fees may be inevitable during these budget-tight times, but districts shouldn't combine the burden of a fee by ·forcing students to attend a campus across town when there is another campus within walking distance. Negotiate, don't litigate When the Orange (.;ounty 'Board of Supervisors voted to pose a dumping fee last month t county-owned landfills, epresentatives from local cities raised serious protests. Nobody likes to pay for a rvice that was formerly free. e unaniinous July 13 decision to charge $7 per ton for trash hauled Jo landfills and $10.60 per ton for 1trash taken to transfer stations •ngered municipal government ~fficials for several reasons. ' They complained that there "was no real reason given for the $7 fee -although most felt some ;charee was warranted. They also ~rgued that they had already ~ their 1982-83 budgets and fl.hat only three days notice was ~ven to study the lengthy county staff report. ~ The proposed increase will traise trash fees paid by Thomeowners about $1 to $2 a fmonth. Some cities will have to !FY for the increase, directly out of f\he municipal treasury. ~ Many city councils have been 1 angry enough to consider backing fa proposed lawsuit by the Orange J County division of the League of 1Califomia Cities'to block the fee. t So far Orange Coast councils ~Im Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Laguna Beach have f VOted to 1upport the proposed legal action that will be voted on +by league memben Thursday. Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Irvine will consider the matter this week. We would urge them not to support the suit. We agree that the Board of Supervisors should have given more warning time and perhaps thought to the question before voting. The fees, however, are reasonable. We agree with Costa Mesa Councilman Ed McFarland who said, "I have a dlffJcult time supporting a lawsuit because I think in the long run, taxpayers will be asked to pay at both ends.'' Asking Orange Coaat residents to pay for litigation would be unfair to the constituents, that the Board of Supervisors and the city councils are supposed to represent. All too often it is easy to head to the courts and forget who is picking up the bill. In the end, it could be the same taxpayers who are shelling out for the cities filing lawsuits, for the county defending its position and then paying higher trash fees when it's all over. Surely, this is one time that our city officials and county government officers can sit down at the negotiating table and settle the matter without a judge arbitrating between them. Our local government should be operated from council chambers and county seat, not froll) the judicial bench. ines 1night stop spills Fortunately, just in time for this weekend , a swimming' ban was lifted from Orange County's Aliso Beach at South Laguna. But it was indeed unfortunate that during four beautiful beach days last week, the water was quarantined. The reason? Another sewage 1pill, ttUI time 00,000 gallons of the .cuff d\.Unped into Aliso Creek ~UM of a pump malfunction one mile in.land at the Moulton N~l pumpina station. Duinpna of raw sewage into the sea ha1 been an all too fttquent occurrence durinf recent tlmel. While thousands o people are trylna to beat the heat, responllbJe offidala seem to take a rather cavalier attitude toward the spills. One official was quoted as saying the fouling of the ocean has "only happened once or twice this year." One time ls too many times. It's too bad the pollution control agencies don't slap the sewage treatment districts responsible with some hefty fines. The only trouble with that course of action is that the fine payments would probably come directly <>Ut of the taxpayers' pockets. Perhaps a better way would be to levy the fines against the individual operators, to be paid out of their own pockets. That might really slow down sewage spills into our ocean. A lesson By TOM WILLIAMS Tom WllliamJ Is director of Parents for a Re1ponaive Board of Education, Newport Beach. I am au.re any parent who read the Sydney Harris column, "Role Models Miaing in Today's Society," July 14, in the Daily Pilot, read it with as much sadness aa I did. How can this be, I ask mysel1, that a pip-1queak druggie like Mick Jagger has replaced the Waihing1ons, Lincolns and Churchilla as the heroes of our time? How la It possible, you may be asking yourseU, that out of a representative polling sample of 2,000 eighth graders acroea this nation, not one child picked a statesman, a patriot, a medical researcher, a scientist. • physician, an architect, a lawyer, a common working man, or their dad or mom as lheir t\,ero? Can It be that America doesn't have any real heroes anymore? How does one explain this alarming commentary on the value system of the youth of this nation? I SUBMIT THAT there is a logical, if not simplistic, explanation for this seemingly paradoxical phenomenon: America has just as many heroes today as It ever had, but we are not teaching our children about the real heroes of this nation with the same passion that has inspired past generations. We have been so buay educating our youth for "life adjustment" and "adjusting them to their peer groups" that we have forgotten to educate them for their own survival and the survival of this nation. The burden of this failed responsibility cannot be laid solely on the shoulders of our educators, but must ultimately be born equally by all of us. We stand Idly by while our children are incessantly bombarded by the media with the Hollywood-hype that glorifies th.e drug culture, the Mafia. the bizarre. or the unconventional. But where is patriotism and Its glorified heroes? Nowhere. ln many cases, not even in the home. IN NO SMALL WAY, the survival of any great nation depends upon patriotism. Patriotism Is , to a very significant degree, baaed on hero worship. Many of us have Inadvertently withheld the glltiertng sword of patriotism from our youth and the hero worahJp that goes with it; and therein lies the core of the problem. When was the last time you took your child by the hand during a Fourth of July fireworks display and explained how on just such a night more than 200 years ago, It waa from the aarne "rocket's red glare" that Francia Scott Key, as a Gardner's column No crowing By ROBERT GARDNER Robert Gardner ls a semi-retired juJ16t, ~uent M'X'ft' and aen.lor body surfing enthusiast along the Orange Coat Durlna my years on the juvenile court,. our younger generation went through a phase of lrre'8ponslbillty known as playing chJcken. The-practice consisted of two carloads of YOUl'\I people careen1na headlonc at each other at breakneck speed. One of the drlvera, the chicken, would pull away at the last moment and aVOki a bead-on col.Ualon. If neither chickened, the re1uh1 were d1aa1trous and aomeumea fatal. ~ I remonatrat.ed with yo'una people as to thl• practice, 1 couldn't help but remember a t1milar 1 praatb ln my own inwponslble youth. IN HH, NEWPORT ee.ch inalalled the concrete Jetty on the Corona <Id Mar aide of the harbor entrance. lAter dredalna extended the concrete jetty with a rocx jetty and filled in the main beech. In the· ea.rl1er days the beach 1to~ about wt.. the conCllllona are now. Thw the jetty "°""'*' of an 800·foot eoDClw&e lliwl' '*'Ml oUt Into the Padfk Oallln. TW ~cy dlda't help boeU. vet7 IDUell M It tlNll a ...... to ..r.n. It =.:: w-.v. out ti llUlii waws anit GU' ol bll ~AWL Aa the furl ldt .. -~ the. ·Jll*y 11 ...... ciUrl Cift . ' \ Y»loo! A~L T~rrs, AN~ $%00 .. 5y~ TIME l PASS dO ! in hero worship prilloner on board a British ship, was able to aee that "our flag was still there" and ao inspired him to write what was to become our national anthem? Have you ever reiterated to your children the words of Nathan Hale that still catch in your throat two centuries after they first magnificently echoed through the corridors of our history. "My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my country?" It la not enough for our children to remember George Washington only for cutting down the cherry tree. They must be made to revere and appreciate the aacriflces that he and those courageous Minutemen volunteers made as they trudged on frostbitten feet through the snowy Pennsylvania wilderness that was Valley Forge. It I.I not enough that they know only that Abraham Lincoln helped free the slaves. Let them thrill to the cadences of the Old Testament that ring throughout hia aeoond inaugural address with proee as, "It may seem st.range that any men would dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of another man's brow." Today it is seen as passe to glorify the deeds of our nation's heroes by many parents and teachers. Much of our history and most of our heroes are now taken for granted, with nothing assured and nothing reaffirmed. It doesn't have to be this way. We can make the glorious history of our country and Its heroes come alive tor our Chll<ll'en. A MAGNIFICENT history ii waiting there to be had for the asking, but our children will never have the opportunity to savor it if we squander years of their youth teaching them only about the agrarian culture of the Pueblo Indiana, or BUI and Susan's trip to the ioo when they could be standing in the ''shot swept shrouds" of John Paul Jones' ship, the Bonhomme Richard. and thrilling to his words, "I have not yet begun to fight'' when called upon to surrender by the British. With their time spent on such trivia as Tom and Jane's outing to McDonald's Farm, what time is left to excite them with stories of Kit Carson, Wild Bill Hickock and Jim Bridger riding stirrup to stirrup with our pioneer forefathers out across the west to take and settle our frontier? What time is left to inspire them with the inimitable eloquence of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: "Fourscore and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth on thls continent, a new nation conceived in liberty ... That govenunent of the people. by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." JN TOO MANY homes and schools across this nation you can search in vain for these towering phrases. Nurture our children with the legends of our rich history and you w ill see genuine American heroes re-emerging for our youth just as they do for those who know our nation's past. We all have it within our power to rekindle our children's interest in our nation and to bring to life its real heroes once again. There is no magic to it. All that need be put forth is the effort. Our children are waiting there to hear it. if only Wf will take the time to tell them of it. Only when we do this will the youth of America once again feel secure in the knowledge of their past, and eager and confident in their future and the future of their country. over chicken gante ' ln fantastic shapes. The board surfers aiayed off the end, the body surfers worked next to the jetty. The wavee would roll alona on the jetty holdlng a perpetual shoulder. AU you had to do wu ,et ink> a wave, take an 800-foot ride, the climb up a chain ladder, run back out on the jetty, dive ln and do the same thlna over qain. lt wu • surfing machine. The deck of th4t jetty WU corwtantly covered with water. As a tesuh, 1 ll"OWlh of marine moee devilos*.l. It w• 10 t.Upp.ry It WM a1molt lmpoiiltbae iC> wauc on. Thill .tick IW'face P.V9 rile tD what · v pn ,ably the orl1lnal ••m• of 1 'en. 1ma,....two......-~ 111tt \Oward .., ..._on _._ti thl jetty. They would throw themselves down on their bellies on this slick mass, slide toward each other, then Jift themselves on fingertips and toes and head toward each other on a colllslon course. Theoretically one would chicken out at the last moment, drop to hLt belly and the victor would slide over him. However, sometimes neithf:r chk:kened, ln which case two careening bodies hJt head to head. SOMETIMES BOTH chickened and dropped to their bellies with the same resuft -an awful crashtna of headl. Heads were bashed, necks were crunched, blood ran. h WU really dumb but we did It. Every day we would walk from Balboa down to the Potnt, swim acro11 the channel and would have a fun-filled day trying to fraclu.re etlCh. other's akull&. Today 1 have an arthritic neck wh.ich ~tata frequent uaia of a bnce. l•can probAbly at\rlbute thJt condition ln part to thOlt hMd-on c:oWllonl. Jn addition I undoubt•dly 1u1t•lned 1om• brain damap which probably a«'OUntl foe ..-iC. my. more bban'e bebitW!r. 1Y I IDDk bidl an tblll kllQ.r:J I -• little emtaur .... d about mt stera .... to~ .a.out thit JGll7 all ~jh'i'xt:l Wll a fine OM IO ... lidYlee. . . ' ~ ...... - -10 o'alack _.#tll'W belll tber8, lt'1 ltWllDa"l'OCllD ...... Tanh. 'Al"lliart ID. ft'1 ~ fancy, At hi MW JamUoD.19\ letb Md t;; thi new '1'Wcti IOokl Pi about Ului tbtoldone, acept. •~to .. columMI Herb Mlchellon ....... out, the new plac. la cleaner. ~tte linoke hu yet to darbn the whA• UM. Ownen Bon aed elyn Texeira aren't worried about tbe tuture. Al tome teetlmony to their 1uccet1, the billlst .• Of conversation around the Capitol on·~ wu the Fand open1nc pu1y at the Ton:h that nflht. Houn before the 11re1urrection pla," M Texeira C9l1ed It, wwkmen and Toroh ~ were busy fixinc the air conditionlnc. edj.wdna the JJcht that beama down on a portrait cif W.~ Flelda (hold1na a &lMI of whilkey) and •Dina Torch Oub T-ihlrta. Texeira WM hwy pulinc out coupona for a drawil\I for a free~to Mtndco Qty. One petr'OP to Improve hil chance9 of wtnn1n.I by wrtttnc the word "vethan" on the entry form. "That won't get you any extra points," Texeira joked, drawf.na another cold one from the cooler. And the Torch burned.on. SPORTS VISION TH·ERAPY .· . . (Pn• Pqe Al) Depending on the initial state of the athlete's eyes, he can Improve fast enough to comcioualy notice increased peripheral vision and enhanced depth perception, Dr. Spitzer said. In IOMe cues, sporta vision can help a top athlete 10lve com_p~ttona. "Univenlty High'• Chrla Greer was the No. 1 tennis player (ln ClF alnglea), but he got headaches when he played and. when he read," Spitzer aaid. "Through vlaual training, we relieved the headaches." We111ake at White~ oulaµgh e pnces. ../!I JuvenDe Beach Towels lOO's of designer comforters · at unbelievable prices •. 'IWl~·FUW·~·IUNGS $J.499to $4999 We're crammed to the rafters with a dazzling collection of comforters~ Huge selection. Tremendous values. FEATURING A COMPLETE UNE OF FIRST QUALITY DESIGNER SHEETS AND MATCHING COMFORTERS BY UTICA-STEVENS". Entire lt.Ock (•11 r.lte•) Fu11 •J;3tt QuHn •16!! "'· 50~ 40-:W OW•• 0.... DAILY '-tLOT/1Und9Y, Auou-t I, 1812 hock possible = li1ke WM&ld be W more " ~ thit 1871 OI' 19'79 Cll'tl& ''Sneru t. now • much lal'fll' ahare oT our Groe1 National Product, IO any price lncreue wlll reverberate much more loudl)' throuah the economy," Yll'lln Mid 1n an lntervt.ew. .Y-........ who prePll"fd "Glob91 ln.cWity'' 1n c:onjunetion with Martin Killebnnd of the Atlantic lnlUtute for International Affatn ln Paril, 1ay1 the current l'9CelSlon hat lfwn the U .8. tome breathln, room on the eneray quHUon becauH of lower ct.mand for oU. Bu• b9 wama that M the economy ....,.,,.., we aoWd apin flnd OUl"lllWll .. the mercy of. the Or~sadoa of !Wol.um ExporUn, eoua.n.. "When we do"' a NO&fV9r'Y, we may tee a more -...&flcani rebound in mera ~ than la expected. "You aet the diabolical combination of recetelon and inflation 1tmuhaneou1ly a~ that'• what'• so difflcuit for pollcymaker9 to deal with," he aaid. Scott Brotzmann Piano Technician RECISTERED CRAFTSMAN P.T.C. FIE 1\IMG ' muJ>llG SltCE 1970 FOR APPMTB. CALL 875-1927 ~.-ACtt NOTICE DISSOLUTION OF PARTNl~SHIP . . PUBl.;IC AUCTION ... a IY 111 ITTIUIY Fii IUll llTIUITllUL H11dm1d1 P1rsi1n I Ori1nt1I Rugs We have been commissioned to llquldate the entire Inventory plus others for Immediate cash. A8 PER INITRUCTIONI ALL BIDS WILL OPEN AT 25• ON THE DOLLAR AND LOTS WILL BE SOLD FROM THE NEXT BID ON. RUGS FROM: China, Persia, Afghanistan. lndla, Turkey, Pakistan, Roumanla. Egypt, and Iran. Sizes range from 2'x3' to 18'x12'. · AUCTIONS WILL TAKE PLACE IUNDAY, AUGUST I AT 2 P.M. HOLIDAY INN 25205 LA PAZ RD. LAGUNA HILLS MONDAY, AUGUST I AT I P.M. MARRIOTT INN 800 NEWPORT CENTER DR. NEWPORT llEACH Preview 1 hoor prior to auction -Pleue attend preview ~..1.. At .• A Inc., Liquidator• _.0: :ns -,,....... NOW IN HUNTINGTON BEACH 714 ADAMS AVE. SUITE 103 -........... 511-2541 + + + Dr. Marcy Mc Dowell · + atlltOPMCTOA . + Aaoc/ate to Or. C.ry Rothenberg ... -4_...~ .... ~ •• ~~~~~ • • • • • • • • I PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY a FINe PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SILVER, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEALERS WELCOME Don't miss this Important salel Fine China, Crystal, Porcelains, Bronzes, European Furniture, Olis, Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemp<>rary Jewelry Including fine watches, solitaire diamond rings, earrings, gold chains, clu1ter diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SAl£ NIGHT Fri., 6th, Sat., 7th Swt., Ith. 1:30 p.m. INSPECTION 2:00 P.M. • 5:00 P .M. ' 7 • I P.M. S• fl&ht1 Property of MVeral prominent Leisure World resident•, together wtth Inventory of well-known L.A. jew9try In flnanclal trouble. Also, out-of-~wn merchandlM. TERMS: Vlu • Ma.tterCard Pereonal check -CUh. Some extended term• can be arranged. Property moved for convenience of eale to: Carpet• Available In every price range ALL AT BIG SAVINGS · I 00~ NYLON PILI PLUSH • Tl&ht rrm Dense Pie • Sol Resistant • H•d W1n1 • FalM*MiS Colors , • Solds, E~Tones & Twttds ......... t. Inst .... If you ar in the market for carpet we strongly urge you to vlsl BALBOA CARPET MILLS Orange County Plant -Y 'II be surprised at the large selection and low prlc -closeouts, mill trials and slightly Irregulars ar priced below mill cost -If you REALLY want save money come to where the carpet values speak for themselves. Balboa Carpet Mills manufactures a wide range of quality carpets. In addition to our standard numbers we specialize in custom carpets and colors. XTRA·HEAVY PREMIUM QUALITIES ALL AT ONE LOW PRICE AllSO IV or AllTROll PLUS SOME SMALL DENIER YARNS YALIES TO s24 s •. Y4. PLUSH NYLON PILE $ 95 Sq. Yd. FABULOUS. COLOR SELECTION A w ide array of the most wanted colors Including all of the popular earth tones. Custom colors on some qualities at no extra charge on • minimum dye-lots. OPEN SUNDAY 12 to 4, DAILY 9 to 5 Since 1974 CARPET MILLS ~ BAKER L06 ANOJ!LES (AP) -The U...Anaelel Dodcer'a believe that ,.eouna outfielder Mike Marahall ,. ct.Unecl few IUper...i.ardom and u far u the 22-year-old rookie II concerned, he made hia flrat major contribution to the CSefendlng World Champions Saturday night. . Manhall, • the Minor League Player of the Year in 1981 when he won th~ Triple Crown at . Albuq_uerque, singled \n the winn.lng run with two out in the bottom of the 11th inning as the Dodsera nipped the Atlanta Braves 7-6. It wu the third atraJght extra- lnnini triumph for Los Angeles over Atlanta and moved the surging Dodgers to within 2~ pmee of the flrat-place Braves in the National League West. It was the Dodgen' eighth straight win over the Braves. "rd trade everything I did at Albuquerque in the last two years for what happened ~onight..:• said Marshall, who liJ)ed hi.a game-winning hit on a 1-2 pitch from Steve Bedrosian, 5-5. "It's not just because I got the hit that won the game, it's because of our situation. And I've been struggllng." Marshall~ who was called up from Albuquerque on June 25, now has 16 hits in 60 at-bats this year. He has been used sparingly since being recalled. There was another reason that the big hit made Manhall happy. ''This WU the first time that my dad has ever seen me play in the major leagues," he said. "That hit was for him." "We just seem to believe that we're going to find a way to win," said Los Angeles Manager Tom Luorda. "That's a great feeling to have. "All those guys are really plugging hard, pulling their ahare. Talk about a team victory, that's what we got tonight." Dusty Bake.r started the winning rally with a one-out llngle to center off Bedrosian. After Pedro Guerrero flied out, Baker stole second and came around on Marshall's single. Joe Beckwith, 2-0, the fifth Los Angeles pitcher, blanked the Braves over the final two innings to earn the victory. The Braves tied the game 6-6 with two runs in the ninth with the help of two errors on one play by Dodger shortatop Bill Russell. Bruce Benedict led off with a grounder to short, but Russell bobbled it for one error and then threw wild past first for another, allowing_ the runner to ""reach eecond. \ Glenn Hubbard knocked in Benedict wlth a double and then Dale Murphy singled home Hubbard with the tying run. Perry, Mariners out Witted SEATTLE (AP) -R o n Jackaon drove in two runs with a homer and a aacrifice fly and Mike Witt scattered nine hita Saturday night as the Angela defeated the Seattle Mariners, 3-1 Saturday night. Witt, 6-3, worked out of jams ln the fl.nrt and fourth lnningJ when Seattle's leadotf batter doubled iJ'l both CMeS, but gave up a run in the eighth on Al Cowens' RBI single. Witt struck out five and, walked one in p1n1n8 bit third complete game of the aeMOI\. Gaylord Perry, 7-9, allowed only eeven hits while atrik1ng out al• and walking two wnlle compleUni a game for the fifth time. 1Jack1.on 'a aecond-lnnlng aacrtflce fly acored Reggie Jldmon, who Md led off with a .... and ldvanted to third on Fred Lynn's double. ID the Anaela' alxth, Brian Downln1 doubled home Bob Boane, who Md drawn a Ltlld-off ...... Rein Jacbon hit hil leQOnd homer' of the MUOI\ wltb two OUll In the twmth. •at• Jacbon wu ejected frilm-ibe pme by home plate umpire Dale J'ord when b• complained that Perry •H dadortal chi bill after~ -a' , ,. at. Perry ptd Iii -......... In addition to ~WO.. with Ford, Jacbon ~at the OdMr' ~ TM>u=t the pme Ford ....... tiul .... him the ... ..n ....... . drkanu1' Lou Holu uys college football needs a real No. 1. B2. From AP dlapetelaes ,. NEW YORK -Accol'd1ng to a publlahed atory here Saturday, New York Yankees pitcher Tommy John and ahortetop • Bucky Dent may find thmwelves with new employera by the C!tfld of today. · John reportedly will be eent to the Angela in exchange tor pitcher Bruce K.iaon, while Dent Will go to Texas for outfielder Lee Mauilli. The Dent-Mauillt trade has been agreed to by the Yankees and RanRen, a source familiar wlth the aeal told The New York Times. The unidentified source said the team agreed to de\ay announcement of the swaJ> until , after their doubleheader Sunday at Yankee Stadium. Th-ere was no indication Saturday that the John-~ison • deal had been completed. But the New York Daily News reported in today's editions that the pitcher trade w ould be announced after today's double- header along with the Dent-• Mazzilli deal. John is scheduled to start the second game. "To comment on something like that would be Improper." Yankee owner George Steinbrenner said of the reported trades. Bill Bergesch, Yankee vice president, confirmed the team had been in contact with the Rangers and Angels. "There have been discussions, yes, but nothing is finallt.ed. I don't like to comment on trades unless they are made." CHARGING UP -The Rams met the San Diego Chargers in a scrimmage Saturday in their final tuneup before the team's pre-season opener against Denver at Anaheim Stadium next Saturday. Above, Charger linebacker Linden King puts an OellJ ltllot Pllotoe by Patrldl O'Donnell abrupt halt to the scrambling intentions of Rams quarterback Jeff Kemp. Below, Rams rookie fullback Gary Carr, from Fresno State, looks for a hole to run through. Maz:zilli, a former New York Met who has been eager to return to the area since his trade to Texas on April 1, said Saturday, "I've just heard about rumors. (See JOHN, Page 84) Catching Floyd won't be very easy TULSA, Okla. (AP) -Ray Floyd. a noted front.run ner, continued to grind along at a recor d -se tting pace a nd established a bulging five-stroke lead Saturday in the third round of t h e 64th PGA national championship. And he was just a tiny bit miffed about it. "THE RECORDS are very rewarding," Floyd said after his 2-under-par 68, but was quick to On TV today channel 7 at 12:30 add: "The round could have been a 63 very easily. I missed that many short putts. "I should be looking at an 11- or 12-shot lead." rounds over the course and left him out of the title chase in the last of the year's Blg Four events, around which the 42-year-old Golden Bear has built his awesome reputation. The hopes of Watson, currently the dominant player in the game, also came to an end. Watson, who beat Nicklaus in the dramatic climax to the U.S . Open and then went on to acquire his fourth British Open title, needed this title to become only the fifth man in history to 1eore a· career sweep of afl the Big Four tournaments. • But Wat.on could do no better than a 71 that left him at 212 :- 12 strokes back with only 18 holes to go. Floyd, who counts a Masters . and PGA Htle amone hla 17 career victories, has earned a reputation as one of the game's great front-runners. "I'm a good player from in front," the veteran acknowleged. "I won't ~o out and play for par tomorrow • in the final 18 holes of the chase for one of the game's most coveted titles. "I'll play aggressively. I'll play the way that got me here." NFL state Of affairs baffles Garrison And that, of course, has produced at least one record a day. "I DON'T think I've ever loet a tournament when I've had a big lead. By big lead, I mean three or four shots." This lead ls bigger. In fact, it matches the biggest in the tournament's hiatory. But. Flo_yd said,· he doesn't yet have a lock on it. "Not at all," he said. "There are a hundred ways you can loee the tournament. But I don't think I'm ~oing to loee my game overnight.' Floyd set still another PGA record with hia 200 total for three rounds over the Southern Hilla Country Club coune. It broke by two ahota the 202 mark he e.tabUahed on the way to hit 1969 PGA title. WHILE FLOYD, le. than a month abort of h1a 40th birthday, WM taking his lJbe.rtiel with the flerce reputation of the tou1h coune that atretchel aome e,ee2 yarda over roltln1 hllla, Jack Nlckla~ and Tom Wa1m0n found it more than they could handle. Nicklaus. who counll fiw PGA champlonlhlpe amont hit recotd co 11 e ct lo n of •,1.7 ma Jo r pro(-'ol\al uu.. ~ to • ~.:oYer-pw 72 that Wt him at 218. That'a lbc fNf!r par few thrile Talk of strikes, drugs in football gives this good ole boy something to chew on Two of us were talking about the rather forlorn state of affairs in which the National Football Leaaue finds itself for a variety of r~aaons, some of them complicated. . One of ua was Walt Garrison, the old Dallas Cowboy who fell out of professional football and landed on his feet. Walt comes to Loe Alamitos once a year to promote a ttuarter horM race. Quarter hone racing would wait for a few momenta while we d.l8cua9ed the NFL and the strange events transpl.rtng therein. "Aa a matter of fact," Garrison aaid, "f!'{ery day you pick up the paper and you wonder what will be the latest agony." The current agony hu to do with an lJnpend.tng atrike and drug expoeures and ~ not nec"'arily ln that order. '1 don't know a lot abou.t atrlkea," Garrillon aai4, "bec:aU98 1 don't believe ln them. But I wonder what k1nd of strike you have when everybOdy doesn't &<> out. 1 have talked to .veral Dall.u playen and everyone ot them aa1d they would not IO out. 111 think it wl11 hurt the union If eome oi the leldlltl charac1en of pro football r.tuM to F out,. hr .....,._, T.-ry llradiblw won't IO on atrlke. 89\ on that." IY fOr the dfU8 thlni. OerrilOil -n some Of the ~ nUiht be • Uifle awntone. "l'or tnatan~~" he aald, "Sports lllultra&ed (let y, lt w• collaborator Don.._) md that cocialne oantroll the NrL. I daft't think It hi9 pw ~uhle that tar. Tblt II not to ay they dGD t have a SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER problem, or won't have unlem :;:I check lt. Society hasn't done a very job of checkin8 it and aociety has a problem." If there ia a problem in football, it la a modem matter, according to Garrison. "I never even heard of cocalne when I wu playln&," he Kid. "About the only thine I •w wu pep pllla. I popped them once in awhile but they didn't do me ao much good that I would ever have become an addict.,, Garrison la an addle\ of tbe produce which IUckl becwwn the ~ and pm. He had benW be. the lt\lff .. been very ~toha . W~ fol' ttie SID1 people keesie Walt movlnc around the c:ountrJ vtalun1 a couple of ~ he W. bii9t. lodeo and quarter horw l'llcbil· Ria people lponlOl" th• Ska.i DUh for CUh l'uturlty and MaturU.1 at Loa Alamlto1 and Cham1*atiip rtldlol ilraUdd the naiion. 11Wear; alao 1entna Into aioc:k car ~." Garrllon says. 0 fthlnk lam aotna k\Aike it but I baYJ to 1-m a li't.le more about l' and pt to mow IOIM Of the iOOd Ole~" He alnldy knoWI how to talli Ha thin: The Mt ~ Walt dOliif ti a PG9D he recltes entitled ".People are Funny Critters." He performs it a few hundred times a week u'P.!',n request. If you haven i heard it on the radio. you should see the words. The trick Is to recite the entire work without taking a breath: People are funny critters . . . There'• apple pie bakers and crooked bookmakera and bfondes and brunettes and blrthday forgetten . . . and chicken fry lovera and blue-eyed soul brothen ... and drinkers and boozefl and winnen and loeers . . . a nd e lephant trainers and tireless campaigners . . . and fixers and menders and paper clip benders . . • and goers e.hd st.ayers and pinochle playen . . . and handkerchief u.eera and U... abueera • . . and Interstate backers and wUdemeaa hackers . . . and joggers and Mlclida and handball fanatics .. and~ and tellln and friends of the fellen . . . and IOvsa. and f.iahten arid ~ nail b6ten ..• Md newspaper reedera and drlvera and ......... and ~· hOOk8ri and muulne 1ooken and ·~ With ........ and" bottom!.-danmn . . . and qUlvedna Ouftlan and bMbcbe1l dunbn -•• ::; IN1 reMlen and. ~ and double iaOtCh ddnken • 7 • and ._. -c:ryen lirid hllh roWnc nMn 8M Uad8I and atitiiiri anCl Peilllve reeilton and WtUOUI Si~ and aW.les and lqUiNWel • . . and wetreiOI and alcldee And 6Ve-dollar ~ . • . arid 1aw._nera and nappers and one- ~appera and r.lppy old ttmen ind lunatk rhymers . . • people are cnnara. ON~ 0oMt DAILY '9LOT/luncllW, --I. .. ..,..._ __ ~~"""'---......... ~~ Young Red Sox fan hit by line drive From AP dl1pal~et BOSTON -A ~-year-old II tpeetator'1 akull waa fractured when he wu struck by a foul ball Saturday at Fenway Park in the Chicqo White Sox 7-3 victory over the Boeton Red Sox. Jonathan Keane of Greenland, N.H .. waa ho.pi\all.zed in stable oondltion. The boy was aeated in the eeoond row just to the left of the Red Sox dugout along the flrat hue line when he was hit above the left eye by the line drive off the bat of Boeton shortatop Dave Stapleton in the fourth Inning. Dr. Arthur Pappas, the Red Sox team phyalclan, said the youngster waa taken to Children's Hospital Medical Cent.er in Boston where "It will take another few days before this la resolved." After the boy was hit, Boston outfielder Jim Rice picked him up and raced through the dugout and into the Red Sox clubhouae where Pappaa said compresses were applltd to control the bleeding. Quot~ of the day "I'm proud of the fact that after all the incredible difficulties I've faced in my 14 years, and all the discipline I've had to impose in baseball ... that a great majority of the owners, an overwhelming majority, are firmly supporting Bowie Kuhn." - Baseball commissioner Bowle Kuhn. Smith keys Cardinals' victory Lonne Smtth'a two-run triple II broke a 5-5 tie and keyed a four-run rally in the seventh inning that powered St. Louis to a 9-5 victory over Montreal to highlight National League action Saturday. Expos third baseman Tim Wallach, a Saddleback College product, hit a two-run homer in the losing effort ... Elsewhere, Bill Buckner stroked a tie-breaking, two-run single with two out in the eighth inning, lifting the Chicago Cubs to a 3-2 decision over Philadelphia . . . Andy Hawkin• and Gary Laca1 combined on a six- h it te r and San Diego benefitted from a three-base throwing error by Cincinnati pitcher Marlo Soto in a two- ' run second inning to score a SMfTH 4-1 victory over the Reds . . . Renie Martlo pitched a seven-hit ball for 8 'A in.ni.np, acored two runs and drove in another and Joe Morgan rapped a three-run double during a six-run eighth as San Francisco bombed Houston, 9-2 . . . Dave Kl.apan hit his 28th home run of the se.ison, a tie-breakinR. two-run smash in the sixth inning, to give the New York f!tets a 5-2 triumph over Pittsburgh. three-way tie at LPGA event Judy Clark birdieo four of the ~t six holes and pulled into a tie with !I Terri Moody and veteran Sandra Palmer for the 54-hole lead Saturday an the LPGA Boston Five Golf Classic. · Clark, winless in five years on the Ladies Professional Golf Association tour, fired a ~-under-par 67 with her birdie spree for a 4-under 212 total in the 72-hold event at Radisson Femcroft Country Club. AL All-It.,. edge NY. All-etltl MSW YOllK r-. IWw Whl .... °' the leatU. PlkM ......... lk. Lioulil •own1 oudlllldw ~ l6twn delivered run-eoorlg 'hl\a at &ht AIMl'kl8n ~ All4Aan edl'd the "" York YankMI oldum.n 2·1 1n \hit annual Old 'nrMI Oame Saturday a\ Yt.nk9t 8u.c:Uum. The All-Stan ICOl"ed both \htlr NN In the ftnal lnn1nl of Uw two-lMlna pine on four hit.a. After Larry . Doby 1roundtid out. conMCuUv• llnalet by Bob Alllloft, v~ w...u and Whl\alcer, lronieally a11o a formtr Y..W., produced the fin\ run. After Dom DlMaglo popptd to t.hlrd, Steven lined an RBI doubli '° left. Th9 Y~ IDOr'ed thelr run in the bottom of the lnninl when Jake Olbba walJoS*l. a run-ecorinl ainale \hat bow\C9d oft the rtaht-field wall, I>ut PhU Una flied out \0 AWton fn left to end the pine. Chlcqo White Sox pitcher Billy Pl re. WM the winner, while Hall of Farner Whttey Ford took the lo. in the 26-minute cont.eat. Yankee• greats Mtckey Mantle, Joe IJ;~ato. Vogl Berra and Ro1er Marl• all for the game, but did not play. Quisenberry, KC take it on chin Pinch-hitter Jolua Lowen1tela'1 11 sacrifice fly ln the bottom of the eighth lnnin1 drove in Al Bambry wfth the winning run aa Baltimore edged DH Qal1enberry and Kanau City, 6-5. The lea droppe(t the Royals in\O eecond place behind the Angell in the American League West . . . In other gamea played Saturday, Corona del t.Sar Hl&h product Matt 1teo9P tomed a .even- hitter, Wayae Gro11 blasted a two-run h omer and Tony Armu added a aolo ahot u Oa\dand bluted Minnesota, 7-1 . . . Rick Cer0De'1 two- run single highlighted a four-run third Inning and Mike Morgan 1Cattered eight hits to gain hia first victory since July I aa the New York Yankees routed Texas, 9-1 QUISENRRRY . . . Tony Berunnl knocked in two runs with a double and a tie-breaking home run as the Chicago White Sox potted a 7-3 victory over Boston for their eighth triumph in the last nine games ... Rance Malllnlkl hit a two-run homer and Willie Up1baw and Glean Adami added solo shots as Toronto dropped Detroit, 7-4 ... Von Bayea' two-out slngle in the bottom of the 11th inning drove in Mlpel Dllone to give Cleveland a 4-3 squeak e r over Milwaukee. Lions topple Browns, 24-10 Touchdowns by David Hill, Ken Callicutt and Tracy Porter carried the Detroit Lions to a 24-10 victory over the Cleveland Browns in a controlled scrimmage before 23,000 fans at Bowling Green, Ohio Saturday ... Merlin Olien of the Rams, Doug Atkin• and George Ma110 of the Chicago Bears and Sam Huff of the New York Giants and Washington Redskins were all inducted into Pro Football's Hall of Fame Saturday. Muhammad wins unanimous decision Eddie Mutafa Muhammad, former World Boxing Association • light heavyy.'eight champion, won a unanimous decision over Pablo Ramos Saturday night in a bout that could best be described as a workout !or the winner . . . Undefeated heavyweight Tony Tabbi shook off a first-round knockdown and punched hia way to a unanimous 10-round decision over previously unbeaten Clarence HUI in a matchup of unranked fighters. The win was Tubbs' 13th straight since turning professional. Hill went into the bout with a string of 11 straight victories . . . Twenty-five year-old Tommy Haagbton became the youngest driver ever to win the Hambletonian when he piloted Speed Bowl to a victory in the trotting clas.1ic at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. Jazz Cosmos finished second and Mesaenchmitt. a 40-1 shot, finished third ... World auto racing championship leader Dtdler PlrooJ of France was severely injured when his Ferrari crashed in practice for the German Grand Prik. Braxton crushes Saad Muhammad . PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Dwight Braxton re\ained his World Boxing Council light h~vyweight championship by stopping Matthew Sa:ad Muhammad at 1:23 of the sixth round Saturday night with solid lefts and rights to the jaw. ; Braxton, 174 ~. took the offense from the opening bell of the scheduled 15-round bout and toqk very few punches as he battered Saad M9hammad about the ring almost at will. : Braxton won the title from Saad Muhammad in :Atlantic City, N.J ., last Dec. 19 when he stopped hiJii in the 10th round. Saad Muhammad had won 31 bouts and defended the title successfully eight tidies before losing to Braxton. Braxton, of Camden, N.J .. who never fought as a~ amateur and learned moat of his fighting mechanics while eerving a priaon term for a holdup, collected his 18th victory and 11th knockout against one loss and a draw. Referee Carlos Padilla stopped the fight after Braxton smashed Saad Muhammad with a left and a right in the middle of the ring, staggering the former champion and sending him into the ropes. Saad Muhammad tried to turn away, but caught a left flush on a badly bleeding noee, and Padilla stepped between the two fighters to end the bout before a disappointing turnout of 6,781 at the Spectrum. Immediately after the fight, Saad Muhammad described Braxton's onsla~ght aa "aweeome." "I may retire from the ring," aaid the 28-year-old Saad Muhammad, of suburban Jenkintown, Pa. Braxton was clearly ahead on the cards of the three judges when the bout was halted. DE LO.UI '19,999 · ONLY A PIW Lin 5 YR., 50,000 MILE WARRANTY INCLUDED IMMfDfA TE DELIVERY -YOUR CHOICE -AVTOMATIC or 5 SPEED TRANS O.loreon Headquorten For Entire Valley (213) 332 -6274 888 YOCJf Avrhorlnd 0.LorHn O.al# TATE CADILLAC . HOL:T AVE., POMONA Between the 10&60Fwys at Reservofr Holtz:. I yoffs needed NCAA football has some shortcomings BY ROGER CARLSON °' .. ..., ......... Mary, Nor\h OMoUna State and~ hlil u anawer forfall of the a.rsumenu. CENTURY CITY -Un1venity of Arltansu footbAll co.ch Lou Holtz bteeMd ln and ou\ of Southern Callfomla on the teilend of• whirlwind NCAA-ABC football promodon tout Saturday, and althou1h hl1 1cay wu brief, he left • la1tlns lmpr-1on. In particular, Holtz cook time once .,aln to expound on hit ldeu of jult what • football MUC>n la all 1bout. Namely, a conclualon. One which would ''l env1•1on a playoff 1y1tem by computer ranklno." •YI Holtz. "Southern Ct1. for l.me8nce, plays nonda, Indlana, Oklahoma and Notre DliDt ouUlde of tu cont rence, and that'• pretty~ You would pt IO many polnta for a win, and more dependlna on what your opponent doea durtna cl)e find a 1chool able to leattimately clalm No. l 1tatu1, rather than winntna a popularity vote amonc the CO.Chea and/or sports writera. "I keep hearing one aaylng •we're No. l ,'" aay. the veteran Holtz. ''And there'• four others aa~, 'why aren't we?' 'Division 1 football is the only 1port where the national championship is not determined on the field." aealOD. "Continue lt rjeht through the bowl pme1, then take tour. from ~. bowls. "Everyone uys It would be bad for the bowll, but then, every bowl pine would be lmportant. There would be areater fan support for the bowie. Remember the great pue play from o.n Marino to John Brown with 36 MCOnda left that pve Pitt the 24-20 win over Georgia in ~ Sugar Bowl? "It wu a peat victory, but It didn't live Pitt anyth.tna more than the ability to aay, 'W°Ow, now we're NO. 2.' "It would encourage everyone to play tougher IChedulea. "Preaure?" asks Holtz. "There'• no pre91W'e on the four that make it. The only preaaure la on the one's that don't. "It would mean another week for four tea.ma. than another week for the last two teams." Opponent• (mainly lobbying bowl officlala fearing their New LOU BOLTZ Year'• Day festivities While Holtz offers sound argumenta to every negative ralaed, many feel it'll never ha~~ becawie of the combined strength of bowl o and their allies, mostly smaDer achoolJ within Diviaion I who usually aren't around on New Year's Day, anyway. mJght take a backseat to aometbing blger and better) claim lt would stretch the leUOll too long, it would add more pressure to an alreac!)' sx:e-ured sport, and there is the question of ugurtng out which tea.ma would qualify. Holtz, the national coach of the year in 1977 and with a 91-46-4 record in 12 years at William & Holtz disagrees. "I do think it'll happen. I'll eee it despite my eyesight." he says. "There are people who are worried about the extra work involved, but they really don't have to worry about it. Becauae (See HOLTZ, Pa1e B4) U.S., Britain doniinate regatta American sailing teams win four of six Pre-Olympic classes LONG BEACH -U.S . and British sailing teams dominated the second Pre-Olympic training regatta, with the U.S. winning four of the six classes and the British two. The seven-race regatta ended Saturday on a bree:ty note with winds at the start whist.J..ing up to 20 knots, easing to about 15 at the finish. Several small boats capsized. When it was all over, 205 skippers and crews from 22 countries cleaned up their boats and prepared to ship them home. Top performance among the six classes was tur ned in by Randy Smyth and his crew of Jay Glaser from Huntington Beach, who won the Tornado catamaran class in six races with only three penalty points. The team did not bother to sail the last race. Flames toppled by Vikings, 7 -6 In a battle of first-place teams in the Empire Division of the America n Speedsocce r Associatio n , the Vikings o f Mission Viejo got three goals each from WUliam Prado and Jerry Hall to edge the Flames of Fountain Valley, 7-6, Saturday at Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club. 1bectrlo* ............. 2. .... MMI llUTOt.JTt ...-,,_. J ... ...,._ .... lo40cl? a • ........ ~,.,.·--... .... Also winning in six races waa John Loveday and Jonathon Ward in the Flying Dutchman class. The British team wound up with nine pe.nalty points. Bill Buchan, one of the oldest skippers in the series and a former world champion in the Star Class (1961) showed that he hasn't lost his tiller touch by posting four wins -including the final race to win the series with 17.4 penalty points. Buchan and his crew Steve F.rick1lon are from Seattle. Buchan's toughest competition was Buddy Melges, a former Olympic medalist in the Soling Class. Melges was sailing for Germany with the owner- skipper Gunther Haak sailing as crew. Steve Benjamin of Oyster Bay, N.Y. won the 470 Class by a margin of two points over F . Brenac of Francis. David Barnes of New Zealand turned out to be the hard-luck skippe .. of the series. He scored four wins and a fifth, but two disqualifications - one of which he had to keep - dropped him to third place. The judges ruled that Barnes collided with another boat, but the skipper of the boat he was accused of hitting declared there was no contact. Another cloee series win was turned in by Craig Healy of San I a-II dwop'I .,-oulPUI . ~--..a·-144• , ......... 11,•--·-· ...... -................ WITHTHIS~ ~ t,Clll9cl•-ANO IAV• ~ I. Clledl et--- -Uf' TO 131)00 ,_,.. """C IO CMdl Miit iN llOWt 0€ALf" I war~::--• .,._,... ....... "*'°' -.,_ ... .....,.. __ lhll9"1 - PLUa too0 .... ,. ,_.,.....,...... MIMCl STAT10H ~ ,_.II .... ._I Francisco in the Finn CJ.ass, who maintained his lead deapite a DSQ and 10th place finish in the last two races. He beat Martin Palsaon of Sweden by four points. Chris Law of England was the winner in the Soling Class, beating Hana Fogh of Canada by three-tenths of a point. The regatta ls for acquainting sailors with the wind and sea conditions they will encounter in the 1984 yachting games. Sailors do not qualify for the Olympics in any of three training regattas. Next year's Pre-Olympics will be held at the new marina in Long Beach. Following is the first five places in the best six of seven races: 470 -1. SI-Benjemln (U.S.) 48.7 polnta; 2. F. Bemec, (Frenoe) 48.7; 3. DeWI a.m., (New l.eelend) 57; 4 Mercoe Soeree IBrmill 85.0: 5. Twn ~ (c.n.dal 75. FINN -1. Crllg HMfY (U.S) 62.7: 2 . ...,,.., Plllalon (Sweden) 58. 7; 3. Luc Chol9¥ (~I 82.7; 4. MlehMI Mcintyre (England) M.7; 5. L Ae<:hafdl CFlnl#ldl ee. 1. Fl. YING DUTCHMAN -1. JOhn l.olledey (England) 10.7; 2. Hanoendtr (Sweden) 31.1: 3. St41j)hane RleMr (F'rance) 42.5: 4. Scott Young (U.S) 49.0; 5. Jary Knapp (U.SJ 61.0. SOLING -1. Ctwla lAw (Englend) 48.7; 2. ... _ Fogh (Canada) 49; 3. Dllve Peny (U.8) 51.7: 4. Joee Olu 1&u111 se 1: 5 Ed Balfd (U.SJ 59.7 STAR -1. 8111IM:hal\(U.S.)17.4; 2. Buddy MelQM (Germar·YI 48.4; 3. T~ ll)astrwld ls-den> 57.7: 4. Allen u.t>e1 (Cenedal eo.4; 5. ~(&all) ee.o. TORNAOO -1. Randy Smyth (U.SI 17.: 2. Alex Welter (Brull) 35.7, 3. Van Bladel (Holend) 48.S; 4. 8nan 1..-ts (Auetralla) 82.0; 5. John Downey (enot-ndl 87. '1. lnelude• .. needed: 1. AccMntof IMM'P 2.. PO'ftfwtM $24.98 w"" ~ Ala...,....~ 3. All MC .... ty .-Mia • . ....-MMt-• •Mmtllr $29.98 Wiit Cout*I All•.._,.... cattturwton Moel cen Tiie lbOvt wO<k " perfornled tn IQl)IO••IMlll't 30 1nu1u1es w1lhout 1ot1t1y •all'0111ng Iha ~•11>\lrtlor housing from tne c•r ---·1WO'WA89.'9~ ......... 1.~1-:-.~ , .• : '~ I -1 r·~ -· GRAND LARCENY -Rickey Henderson doffs his hat to the crowd while accepting second base from Oakland owner Wally Haas AP WhpMto after breaking his own American League stolen base mark this week. . Or~ COUt DAILY PILOT/lunday, Auguet 8, 1812 Louganis dives to the front UC lnine •tudent captures World Divins Champion•hip GUAYAQUIL, lcuador (AP) -Ore1 Loupnia of the Unli.d Stac. combined a perfect dive whh c:onlilt.eney and the 81'.C. ot 1 ba1i.t danc:ff Saturday to win the Sold medal ln platform competltkln at the World Dtvtnc Champorilhipe. The &Old pve the Unlt.td Stac. a. sweep of firwt-plece ~ ln the dlvtna. ~. a UC Irvine etudent, won the 1old In \he men'• a&>rtnaboard oompet!Uon, Mepn Neyer of Million Viejo-placed fJrl{ in the women'• aprlngboard and Wendy Wyland of Million Viejo captured the gold pi the women'• platfonn divf.na on ThW'lday. Chril Seufert of Ambler, Pa., a1IQ earned a .Uver medal for the United States, pladng 1eCOnd behind Neyer ln aprlnaboard divtns. LowEanJ,a, 22, of ii' Cajon and a member of the Mt.ion \rtejo Nadadore Swim T-.m, ettabUahed himlelf u the world dlvlna champion by earning 634.26 polntl in 10 dives, including a crowd-pleaalng inward 1 ~ 110meraault on h1I !owth dive, which received a perfect rating from all seven judges. Vladlmlr Alemlk of the Soviet Union wu second with 629.85 polntl and Bruce Kimball of the United Staie. won the bronze with 619.68 points. Louganls' amooth style brought prolonged appauae each ti.me he appeared on the 10-meter platform. '•My one hope was to execute a perfect dive and I did it," Louganll said at a press conference following the medals ceremony. "But once I got it, .it • Dils leads Vikings' -w1n CANTON, Ohio (AP) -Steve Dils, Minnesota's second-string quarterback~ shattered three Pro Football Hall of Fame exhibition passing records Saturday, leading the Vikings to a 30-14 victory over the Baltimore Colts in the season's first pre-season game. wu dlfflc\llt to ,., beck ln a train of thoupt nee mary to k-.p lt up." . In other meet iliction, CorneUa 81rch of l'Mt . Germany mnuMd tM world NCOtd in tht women'• 200-met.er blcklttoke and teanvnlte lw QeWler handed American Mary T . Mea1her her first but~rfly defeat in a 4 ~-meter pool llnce 1978 at the World Swtmmtna Champlonablpt. Slrch wu timed In 2:09.91, to brMk the world mark of 2: 11. 77 by Rica RelnilCh of !'Mt Omnany at the 1980 Olympics. Get.ler tet a meet record of 2:08.86 in the 200 butterfly, while Meagher wu Limed ln 2:09.76, nearly four seconds slower than her world-record I time of 2:0~.96. . The only swimming gold for the Un,U.ed States Saturday night, the conclu.alon of the meet, wu a world record ln the men'• 400 medley relay, giving" 1 the Americana a total of eight awlmming golda in 291 I , events, compared to 12 by East Germany. 1 j In the four different sport.I contested ln th1I equatorial seaport near the Pacific cout of South , i America, the United Stat.es fjnhhed with gold- silver-bronze totat1 of 13-11-10, while Eaat Gennany finished aeoond with 12-9-5. The Soviet Union's totala were 5-9-4. In the American's world-record relay, Rick Carey, Steve Lundquist, Matt Gribble and Rowdy Gaines were Urned in 3:40.84, surpassing the U.S. world mark of 3:42.22 set In the 1916 Olymplca. The Soviet Union saved Its best day for last, with a 1-2 sweep in the men's 1,500 freestyle behind the meet record of Vladimir Salnikov, a meet-record victory by Alexander Stdorenko in the men's 200 individual medley and a gold medal in water polo. Sidorenko edged top qualifier Bill Barrett of• Mission Viejo to win the gold in the 200 individual medley. Toda y's T V TELEVISION It takes a th ief for this j o b Dils, Tommy Kramer'• backup, completed 27 of 45 passes for 313 yards, all Hall of Fame exhibition records. His one touchdown toss, a 14-yarder to Tony Galbreath early in the fourth quarter, clinched the victory. It gave the Vikings a 23-14 lead after the Colts had rallied from a 16-0 deficit and closed with 16-14. 11 a.m. (2) -TENNIS -The men's singles final in the U.S. clay court tennis championships· from Indianapolis. Noon (7) -LONG DRIVING CHAMPIONSIDP -Golf's hetlvy hitters tee it up for a first prize of $1 5,000 in the NationaJ. Long Driving Championship, taped at Tulsa. : R ickey Henderson figures to obliterate stolen base mark 12:30 p.m. (7) -PGA CHAMPIONSHIP - The final round of the final event in the Big Four of. golf Crom the Southern Hills Country Club in Tulsa .. OAKLAND (AP) -Now you see him, now you don't. Rickey He nderson's basepath magic - transforming walks and singles into doubles and t_riples in the twinkling of an eye -is dazzling AJXlerican Legague pitchers and catchers this sununer and threatening not just to better but to belittle one of baaeball'a biggest feats. . In the process. he may be leading the way to a significant change in the nature of the game. , Lou Brock, Maury Wills and Ty Cobb were slowpokes by comparison. Hendenon is leaving the game's greatest base-stealers far behind in his breathtaking punuit of his place 1n the record boOka .. -Henderson broke rus own American League record with his lOlst steal of the 8eUOn Wednesday. U possible, he would like to break Brock's major league slngle-seaaon record when the 'The joy is not the same if you're not winning.' Oakland A's play at home Sunday. Aug. 22. against the Boston Red Sox. THAT BASE, No. 119, would be Henderson's =r present to his mother. Bobbi, who choee over football for her son's career and now c}\eers him loudly at every home game. After that date, Henderson would have 34 games to stretch the record as far as he pleases. He may try to put it out of reach for years to come or he may ease up a little. AB the bueball aeaaon grinds on, Henderson is begihning to show a few signs of weariness. He hasn't slowed down, but it shows in his eyes and 1n his voice. It's the first evidence of the strain he's feelini from the dally pounding his body has taken and the 1omes the fifth-place Oakland A's have endured. He's proud of the record he'll hold. But for a man who hates to loee even a game of PacMan, that's not quite enough. "T. he joy 11 not the same if you're not winnina." llendenon obeerves. At 23, an age when Brock and Wills were still in the minol'I, Henderson will have over 300 lteala, 300 runs and a .300 career batting average. Cobb broke 1n at 18 in 1~5 and had more runs and a htgber average, but fewer steala. HENDERSON WON a $535,000 salary in arbitraUon 1ut winter and may demand $1 million next 1eUOn. He leads the American League in runs, walks and on-base percentage and is a prime candidate for the Most Valuable Player award. Speed la the e.ence of Rickey Henderaon, but there are faster men doinl much lesa. He la daring, almost reckle9I, u a runner, hurtling h1I powerful body headJona into the hues. He roams the outfield like a Y<>Wli Wlllie Maya, making routine plays out of what would be 1pectacuJar catches for someone el8e. He la a player of ~Y Jiftl, capable of coa · ,_.a walks or blast.Ilg 400-foot home runs, but on the baaepaths he ~ a class of his own. No major single-seaaoh baseball mark has been broken at such an early point in the season since Babe Ruth began swatting home runs an solutionary pace in 1920. "Rickey is probably the most feared offensive force in the game," said the Angels' Reggie Jackson, who tipped his cap to Hendrson a fter the two put on a tremendous duel recently. Jackson, pure power, belted a homer and a double. Henderson singled, doubled, homered and stole two bases, including home, in a wild 11-8 A's victory. "rm leading the league in home runs, but I'd fear him more than me." Jackson said. The old Hall of Fame passing records were 19 completions and 30 attempts by Minnesota's Bill Cappelman in 1970 and 240 yards by Baltimore's Johnny Unitas in 1964. An overflow Fawcett Stadium crowd of 23,379, the second largest in this 20-year-old series, watched the Vikings spoil the professional coaching debut of th e Colts' Frank Kush. Kramer played only the fi rst quarter as Minnesota's Bud Grant, who decided to coach after theatening a boycott earlier in the week, chose to go with Dils because of his brilliant performance. The Vikings built a 13-0 halftime lead on Sammy White's 15-yard end-around touchdown run and field goals of 29 yards by Rick Danmeier and 37 yards by Ish Ordonez. 1:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SUNDAY -. Coverage continues In the World swimming and diving championships from Guayaquil, F.cuador. Also: Scheduled -boxing . (4) -WESTERN' 1 OUTDOORSMAN -Segments on ice fishing in Nevada; rodeo clowns. Host Is Ron Hayes. 3:30 p.m. (4) -OUTDOOR LIFE -Tarpon fishing in Florida. 4 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -The Gold Cup unlimited hydroplane race, taped . on the Detroit River. RADIO • I Baseball -Atlanta at Dodgers, 1 p.m., KA.BC .. :.:.1 ~ (790): Angels at Seattle, 7 p.m .. KMPC (710). .. . .. . "With him, if he gets on base, it's a triple. Lou Brock, Bill North and Campy Campaneris were doubles, but this guy's a triple. I'd like to be around Rickey every day. I'd keep him pumped up." Henderson needs no one to pump him up. OPENING WEDNESDAY! • . "BE PLAYS HARD every inning h e's out there," said A's Manager Billy Martin, who still I tells Henderson when to run. "He plays like he loves it and that's the attitude I'd want in all my players. That's the attitude that all the great players had." "I do love it," Henderson. said. "I don't want to I be just a base-stealer. I want to be one o{ the all- time best all-around. !!f't now I thi.nk rm one of the top five playing y. But the best rve ever seen was Willie Mays. I'd like to be in rus class someday." Like an actor afraid of being type-cast, I Hendel'80n ls quick to rebuke suggestions that he is a one-dimensional ballplayer, blessed only w1th fast- lep and a durable, muacular body. " "Most of the guys stealing a lot of bases are faster than I am," he said. "I have more than just running. When you can read pitchers well, you I don't need as much speed. "I know a lot about the art of base-stealing that ~pie don't want to give me credit for," he said. 'You can't say that it's just natural ability. You got to learn." Anybody lntereated In Coaching , A11l1tant Coechlng tor -sie 7 to-14 tof-Coata Meaa Junior All Am«tc:an Football. Aleo Stlll laking llgn upa fOf 8o)'9 aged 7 to 14. Come out to the fleld at TeWlnkle Park W Of Cell Garle Hiii at 842-5920. ..... ILL llUIOll FHTllLL Call 842-587t. Put a few word• to work for ou. IAll 1951 PACKAID MAYJAJI Exc:.llent original oondltlon. Mutt ... to appredata. $1500.00 752·2503 dys 631-0780 IYts Grand Openi ng Special THE WORLD'S LARGEST NATURAL FOOD SUPERMARKET BRINGS YOU THE WORLD'S LARGEST COUPON. NATURALLY. Just bring this giant $50 coupon into Primo during o ur Grand Opening Celebration-we,11 give you so many valuable cou- pons you,11 have trouble count- ing them all! All kind s of cou- pon-good for big discounts and tremendous savings on a wide variety of items in every depart-· ment throughout the world 's largest natural food s uper- market. Buy the PLUS $1000 FREE SHOPPING SPREE- 20 WINNERS! When you bring this $50 coupon into Primo with your name and address filled in you 're automat- ically entered in Primo's Free Shopping Spree Drawing! Twenty winners will each re- ceive $50 in free merclrandise of their clroice, for a total prize best, fresh est, .... ~ ..... A--~t-.,;E..__ ________ _ mo s t n a tu r a I ADDRESS food you've ever ............................. --------- . Shrimp, Fish & Chicken Special '289 had-and save a grand total of PHO~E fl ft y d 01 1 a rs in :::s:::::~-;;r7=s;;:: rea I money at the same time! ($50 coupon valid through August 25, 1982) value of $1000! One winner will be drawn each da y from the total coupons entered, so if you enter early you,11 hav,e Three for the.money-two tasty shrimp, a fish fillet and a whltemeat Chicken Plank served with fresh cote slaw. fryes and hushpupples. 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa lfllt! Soll1h ol S.11 p.,o fwy, .c:rott lrOM fedco 1471S Jtffrey Rd. •I W1ln11t 1~11 oll *~AN rwy.1 Irvin• twenty chances to win, and the earlier you cntet' t he better your chances! ~ . . . . ., . MAolOA UA-ITANIMNU ==-~ W L N. oa ........ 12 ., .Ml ~ Cl(y ., 47 .&es "' Cl*'-00 67 50 .~ 4 ~ M Ila .416 I 41 e3 .432 Ill Tu• 42 M .3ee ""' ~. ae 12 .345 24i.. IAI,_ DfWNON MlfweukM 82 46 .6711 eo.ton eo 41 .669 2.,. ........,_. 511 411 .542 4 o.troh 65 62 .514 1 ~ 54 52 .5()11 71/\ New York 53 112 .505 8 Toronto 50 58 .403 t2'-' ........ ._... ...... 3.S..ttle 1 Toromo 7, Oetrott 4 Oaltlend 7, Mlnn.ote 1 New York II, T-1 CNcego 7, 8oeton 3 Beltlmore 11. Kenaee City ti ~ 4, MllwtlukM 3 ( 11 1nn1no1> r..,-.a-.. .,..... (R«iko 11-3) •• Seattle (Moe<• w~ TH• (Malleclc 5-e and Butcher 0-2) or Schmidt 2-3) at New Yott! (Rawley 11-6 and JO/In &-II), 2 Toronto (Gott 2-e end I.Ml M l al Oetroil (P. Underwood M and ~fY 11-e). 2 Kanaea City (L-d 5-3) at 8.ttlmore (flllnegen 11-11) CIMecego (Trout Ml at 8oaton (Rainey Ml MllwaukM (Vud<OYl<:h 12·4) at C ...... and (8erker 11-e1 Oakland (Langlord 8-12) at Mlnnotota (Havenall-7l Natlonal L.Maue WHTEltN DMCk>H Atlanta WLPCt.QI 62 441 .574 ~ San Francltco Houalon ClnclnNltl 81 50 .560 59 51 .5311 55 55 .600 ... eo .444 40 70 .364 USTEM DM9ION PhUedalphla 51 46 .670 St. Louts 81 48 .600 Pttttburgl't 57 50 .~ Montreel 541 51 .523 New YOfk 48 50 .... Cllago 45 68 .405 ~ ........ .,.._.. 7, Atlente 11 (11 Innings) Chle:aQO 3. Pl'ttledelphla 2 San Franc:llCO II, Houston 2 New York 5. Plttaburgll 2 St. LOUla II, MontrMI 5 San 0Moo 4 Clnclnna11 1 TodllnO- 2\t 4 11 14 23 ' 4 5 13'" 18 Allanla (Camp g.4) at ~ (Welch 11-n New York (Swan 7_.) '1 Pllltburgh (0, Robln11on 11-11) Montraal (Palmer 5-4) at St. Louie (8 F0<9Ch 11-5) 'Phlladelphla (Kruk ow 11-8) at Chicago (Bird 7-10) Houaton (Knepper 4.11 and LeCoas 4-3) at San Frandaeo (Gai. S-11 and Fowlkas 3-2~ 2 Cincinnati (Pa11or1 5-11) at San Olago (Wel9h 6-5) ~RICAN LOQUE Angelel.Mertnen1 ~ aonu lltrllbl •rllbl Oown1no If 3 o 1 1 8lmpaon c1 4 o 2 o Wiifong 31> 4 0 1 0 Cattlllo 31> 4 0 3 0 e.ylordh 300U Bochtalf 4000 Re.Jad<llon r'f 3 11 0 Zlelc drl 4 0 0 0 8enlql.c r'f 1 0 0 0 ec-.a r'f 4 0 11 Lynn cf 4 O 1 O Re\/erlng lb 4 0 1 0 Grldl2b 4ooos-c: 3020 RoJllCkaon 11> 3 1 2 2 a.ma• 3 O O O Foll ta 4 O O O Brown ph 10 0 0 ~ c 2 1 1 o J.Cna 2b 3 1 O O Tolala 31373 To«llt . 34191 9c0Nbfllwlll'9I CalUornla 010 001 100 -3 SNnte 000 000 010 -1 OP-Callfornla 2. Seallll 1. LOB- Callfornla 5, S..ttle 8. 28~. Lynn. M. C..llllO 2, Oowntng, Wlllong. HR -Ro. Jack11on (2). S-OownlnQ. SF-"°. JICICaon. Calllomle • H " DI -ao Witt (W.11-3) II 0 1 1 1 5 ....... Pany (L.7•11) 9 7 3 3 2 8 HBP -by Wilt (S-1. T -2:30. A -40,775 ... ...,. 7, T1gan 4 T0<onlo 002 300 020-7" H I OetrOlt 001 020 100-4 10 0 Ct.ncy. 0 . Murray (7J and Wllltl; Pashnlck, Sosa (4), James (8) and Patr1111. W-Clency (9-10). L-Paahnlelt (2-4). S-0. Murrity (21. HRe-T0<onlo, Muttltolks (2). Upatlew (18). adarns (1). Detroit, G. Wlfaon (2). A-20.508. ...... loll 1, ........ s Cllago 200 011 120-7 10 1 8oa1on 002 000 00 I -3 II I Ooteon. Hlc:lcey (9) and Fllk; Tudor, B Stanley (II} and Gadm8tl. W-Ootson (5-11). L-Tudor (7-11). S -HlcUy (5). HR1-Chlc:1go, Barnaiard (7), Rodriguez (3). A-33,595. .,.,._ .. .._.., Tua 000 ool 000-1 8 2 New Y0<k 114 001 ao.-11 18 0 Tanana, eom... (3), EIOltano (II). Olll'W'ln In, Mltat>ella (Ill and $undt>a<g; Moroan and Carone. W-Morgan (8-8). L-lanana (5-13). HR-Taxn. HO•l•ll•r (181 A-43,248. A'a 7, TWllle 1 Ollcland 001 310 200-7 13 O Mlnnlaota 000 000 001-1 7 O l(IOUQll and ~; B. CutUlo. P-'la 15\. Boria (8). Uttle In and LAudner. W-1(.augh (11-15). L-8. C111111o (5-11). HRa- Oakland, Gron (5). Armn (17). R. WSlhlrlgton (5). A-10,797. .................. Mllwaukaa 010 001 100 00-3 II 0 Clewlland 000 002 010 01-4 10 1 MoOlure. Biiton (II) and Slfnmona. Yoet (10~ Sutdlfta. Splllnlr (8). Glynn ( 11) and e.ndo. Haaaay (10). W-Gtynn (5-1). L- Sleton (W). HR-~. ThOmton 1.<01- A-1U&3. o.w.. .. ..,.. ~ City 300 002 000-5 10 1 e.tt11110r1 000 100 32ll-O 0 1 ' Blaclt, OulNnbeny (7) Ind SlMlght; 0. MetUna, Gflrnllll1 (7). 1'. MartlMl (II) and Oempeau. W-f. Martln11 (8·5). L- ~ (6-8). HAe-Baltlmora, Fonl (I), Singleton (0). l<anaaa City, Bran (17). A-~9.8411. Anllel, Dot11er 11elledllle1 An1et1 on R•dlo -Ant••• on TY. Ch•nnell KM'° (110) Dod .. ra on Radio KA80 (7to) Dod .. reonTV Ch•nnel 11 .......,.,..,._. lunct.y Tuaaday WednHd•r Thur•d•r ,,,day Saturday • • 10 11 11 11 14 Alls• 11 S.1ttlt. 1:0~ ~· II fwlnJ. S:35 1111• tl fwina. 12:1S ._. 11 Otll•lld. 7:SS •-... •t O.lancj, 1:05 Altanll II Dlfl"1 1 05 Rids et o.41c.,.1 &.3S Reds 1t DMctrt, 735 :=• 11 h11na, 5:3~ ~ t It DMI"'• 7:3S Q11nll et DMtM, 1.05 Cla11t1 at DMt ... 1'35 Ctints el .,..,... 7•05 ..\, Aug.11 18 17 11 11 20 21 •Alls• at A's, 1:05 Glints 1t 0l4cft, 1:05 Aftl• 11 0.kland, 7:35 Boston at ~ 7'30 Oedctr1 ti C11bs, 11 :3~ Bo1ton 11 -. •• 7:30 OMctn ti Cub•, 11:35 8o1ton 11 1111• 7:30 llMrert et Cubl, 11:35 O.troit ti = 7;30 ...... It ..... 4:35 •0.ltOll II ~· 1 ._... 11 , rites, f:05 22 23 24 21 29 rt • O.t1oit ti ~·· 1 MilW. ti ~· 7:30 Mtlw. at -·· no a0Mctf1 11 SL l , 5:35 ~ti Bosio~ ~·It Bolton, 4:35 ·~ 1t Boston, 11:20 '!DodP" at Pttales, 10:35 Dod&WI 11 I. L .. 5·35 •Oodcen al St. L .. 5:35 10 Im 1ncl 4:3 p.m. C at .,.._,, 7:35 Cu 11 °"'"'' 7:05 29 30 31 .. pt.1 2 3 4 ·~•at Bo11on, 1'1:05 SI l. al Dodcen, 7:35 Anc• al Detroit, 4:35 Anc• al O.troit. 4:35 .... 11 0.trolt, 4;35 ..... 11 Milw .. 5:30 •Aftc• II Mllw .. 5:3~ Cu s at OMcn 1:05 SI. L at 0Mc"1, 7:3S SI. L. ti Dodtll•, 7:35 Pi11tei ti Dldcen. 7:35 Pi11t .. ti Dodttn. 7:05 NATIONAL LIAGUI • DodcMra 7, .,.,,.. • An.ANTI LOI ANOllLll .Orllbl lltrllbl Ramirez ta 11000 su21> 8032 Hubbard 2b II 2 a 1 Llndraau11 ct 5 o o o Murphy cl 4 1 3 2 Ball.er 11 4 2 2 o Homer 31> 6 1 0 O Guamwo r'f 5 2 2 1 Wll.on lb 500 1 <:.y3b 5222 Harper r1 5 0 1 1 lladlWlth p O O O O Roy911f If 4 1 1 0 MW'9hllll U11 1 0 1 1 8lnldlct c: 4 1 1 0 Garwy lb 5 t 3 0 Wa9hlnoton p<O o o o RulNll .. 4 o 2 1 Pocoroblc o o O O Sctoacia c • 4 o o o Walk P 2 0 1 1 Rauta p 2 O O O Mahler 0000 ~anlUar p 0000 Hraboeky p o o O o Monday ph 1 o o o Unaraa ph 1 o O O Font1< p o o o o Cowley p 0000 Orta ph 1000 Cllamb!IM pl\ 1 0 0 0 Howe p 0 0 0 0 Garber p O O 0 O Roenldca rt 1 o o o P1tk1t ph 0000 Badl'otlan p 0 0 0 0 Totale •3 8 10 8 Total• 44 7 15 7 ._.. bf 11Mll'lga Atlanta 000 012 102 00-8 Loe Anoatae 000 014 100 01-7 Two out wllln winning run ecorld. E-Guarraro. Cay, Horner, For1t•r. RutMll 2, Garber. L08 -Atlanta 8. Loe Angetea 11. 2B-81k1<, Murry· Hubbard. HR-Cey (15). Guarra<o (21 . SB-Bike<. S-L.andreaux, Seloecla. B. Porter. At•te "' H " 1" • ao Walk 6 7 4 4 2 11 Mahler \It 3 1 1 0 1 Hrabolky 'h 0 0 0 0 0 Cowley 2 11102 Garber 2 2 0 0 2 2 Bldroelln (l,5-5) ~ 2 1 1 0 1 LOIMfllM Reuaa S\\53321 Nlld«llulf 'h 0 0 0 1 0 Foretet 2 2 1 0 0 I Howe 1 22001 Bac:kwlth (W ,2-0) 2 , 0 0 0 2 Walk pitched to 3 1>111ert In the 8th Ball<-Reuta T-3:44. A-50,473 Cuba3.~2 Phlladalphll 100 000 001-2 6 .o ChlelgO 100 000 02x-3 7 0 Chrfateneon. McGraw (8), Raad (8) and B. Diaz; Nolat, La. Smith (II) and J. Davie. W-NOlaa (8·9). -Chrlstaneon (7-8}. S-La. Smith (5). HRt-Phlladelphla. Matthews ( 17). Schmidt (221. A-25,1171. Olanta t, Aatroa 2 Hout1on 000 000 002-2 7 2 San Francl9c:o 000 000 3811-0 15 1 J. Nlekro, l.aCorta (7), Roberr. (II), Moffitt (8) and Pvjoit; R. Matlin, Hof and (9) and Branly. W-R. Matlin (5-5) L-J. Nlekro (11·8). HR-Houlton, Gerner ( 12). A-39.551 Mata s. Plmae 2 ~York 000 004 001-5 12 1 Pltttburgh 200 000 000-2 1 I 2 z.ctiry and Slearna; RhoOan. E. Romo (7). Telluf .. (9) and T Pana. W-Zac:hry (6·4) L-Rllodan (tr 10). HR-New York, Kingman (28). A-111,9311. Cardlnala t, l.apoa 5 Montrlllol 101 102 000-5 12 2 St. Louis 012 200 40,._g 13 0 Gulllckaon. Sohatuder (4). B. Sml1h (7) and 81ac:kwell; Slul>Bt, KNI (51. Sutter (81 and 0 . Porter. W-Kaat (5·2). L- Sehatzedlr 11.n A-39,551. ............ , Cincinnati 000 000 100~ 1 11 1 San 019V<> o2'> 001 10x-4 8 () Soto. Liiiey (8) and Van Gorder; Hawkll\I. LUCIS (8) and T. Kennedy. W-H•wklnt (2·2). L-Soto (11·8). s :.....Lucn (•I. A-20.890 UTTU LEAGUE All-8TAR& OM~NT (al a-tt High, u Pwma) ......,. . ._.. Robfnwood 13, e.1 Yorba Linda 10 (Eul Yorba Linda allmlnated, Roblnwood adv.,.._ to ragk>nll tournament 11 8uaett High). MOIONM. TOUMIAMOrT (at a-ft ...... u .._..) Wadnllcle)''ao..M Roblnwood vs. Citrus Valley, 5:30 p.m Loe AIMnttoe IATUN>AY'a M*Ul.TS (Mitt of t2<.f'llgltt .....,.__ maatlftQ) FllllT flAC«. '400 yarda. CMe Pride !~I 8.20 4.40 3.20 Tou11 Jet Too (Pllk9n1on) 14.40 8.eo Phoebaa P1Undlr (Ff)'dl)'l 4.20 Al*>,_,: Mr. Ooul>ll Tall<, Froaty Value. JatMnS BHI, Roye Bra1, Pay The i'lota, Rocl<ll-. Charm On Bar. Time: 20.31 a l:XACTA (10-11) paid $77.20. llCOHO "ACL 350 ywda. Rel>eOlllll (Tr..wal 18.00 11.40 !t.00 T aurur Rab (Hat1) 5.40 4.00 Bladllool Sue (811111ns) 5.00 Ahlo r~: Doctor Smwl. Duplicate Steal, Think It Out, Ouaty Oupa, Sim• Share, Walk On AJr. nma: 17.111. THllll> IUCIE. 400 y11da. O.c:IOV-Charge card (Ctllglf) 7 .20 3.80 3.00 Jlrnklll (Hll11 5.40 4.00 Ima Chic Copy (Adair) 4.20 Aleo r~·e-On Down, Jafll C.-. Klt~Hopa. Time: 20.04 . I FC>Ulfni UCL 400 yarde Go High Tymaa (Fryday) 14.80 7.40 4.00 Sumpln 8r0Wfl 1Armt1rono1 13.80 s.oo Slue POOi (Hatt) 3.00 Alto r~: Mr T1ny Otl. Big Wink. Elty Koc:klt Six, He Can Ring, Saint Court, Moonatrellcer Tonto, Time; 20.).4. a IXACTA (11-10) peld StSll.40. ~ llACI.. 350 Y9fda. Tax Ang4111 (MyMa) 18.60 8.00 4.40 The Fort\1111 Munier (T-ra) 4.40 3.80 llrimonatlaa M•n (AnnatrOtlO) &.20 Alto rlCld: Miii OMP Snazzy. OllWc*, Poo 8Mr MIN, Aid Mllillla.. Timi! 17,lle. 81Jmf MCL 400 yaroe. Mt X Chtttt ~I 3.80 3.20 2.80 lmMelMt (Plllllnll ll7,00 8.20 flyone Hoe>t (Leck.VI 2.80 Alto raced; A ZUra H099, Lid)' I.JM TWo. Tiny• Go Gey, Ml .. Klpy Cat, Fireball Leader, WOii Wl/'J JoM, Azure Humbolt, Tl"'41: 20.21. a •XA.CTA (2-10) paid 1271.40. HYINTH flAC._ 350 yarda. M)' HOM\' And Spc (l..Clcl 3.20 2.40 2.10 Prally Rabetl4I [:rMIUt'e) 3.00 2.80 Audra Oo (Harl 2.80 Aleo raold: Lela Lala. Feature Thia, Up Front Linda, Uttll Mita fuy, ,,..away SUI)'. Time; 17.73. ta UACTA (2~) paid 110.40. ltQtfTH MCI. 870 yarde. Swlet Banker (8rooka) 5.00 3.00 2.40 Hoi•t• Aflalr IPavllnal 3.20 3.20 Hila WHd Rabel (Mllchall) 6.00 Alto raced: Toolln N Rulln. Wranglart Mackay. WhllllH Rocket, Nip N Rad, Pl91dyl Trucllle. Time: •6.38. ta IXACTA (3-2) paid 1111.80. la lltCK alX (4-8-3-2-2-3) pllld S3 11711.40 with 13 winning llclcata , ... llOr-). S2 Piek SI• contolatfon paid 137 .00 with 484 winning 11eka11 (five horee1). 12 Piek Six ac:ratch contolttlon paid 132.40 with 210 winning llekatl (lour ~. one acratc:h). NINTit RACll. 550 vwda. Shewnaa Hoo (Lackey) 5.50 3.40 3.00 Sound Ventura (MylM) 10.20 7.20 A-Heu Tru Rabel (Mltc:hl41) 5.50 Aleo raced: Coda Of The w .. 1. Suposta Win, A-Viking C<>py, St lgnatlul. No ChMOI Al All, Ea Ea Te, Chleka Charglf 811 A- couplld. Time: 21.oe. SZ llCACTA (3·5) paid S49.50 TI!UTH flACE. 400 yard1. Maka Miio (Tonka) 15.40 8.00 5.20 Simple Man (Cardozat 3.00 3.20 Tlnya Su (Adair) 9.40 Al10 raced: Fancy Son Concept, Ooc Luzi>)', 0111r1 Kirk, Nevada Oh, Oulck lnvealmenl. Lota Miio. Resltast Ronnie. Time: 20.25. a IXACTA (1·111 paid $50.80. Allendanoe: 12,535. DetMer IAT\JllOAY'S MIUl.TI (tetll of.,...,~ -tlfte) ~IT UCL 1 1110 mllaa. Combat Echo (Olhlaya) 33.eo 11.00 1.eo SllOwdown (Warr111) 21.00 11.40 T anl<I Flrtt (Plnca)I) :UO AllO raold: Bold EndlnQ, Away Wtlh Gold, Sutanna'1 Boy. Utlo, Rel>'t Outlaw, Miii'• Mag4c. Federal Judge, Chief Zaro. Jualtce For All Time: 1:44. SECOND UCL 1 1116 mllaa. That Momen1 (C1111nlda)18.80 8.00 7.2.0 Ed't Oynatty (HIWll)') 7.40 S.llO R01COtor1 CrMftl (Ramirez) 8.00 Alto raced: Onca.roundthedlc:k, Court Compllane.. Cralty Rlt>ot. Olden Age. Otcu. lncurllon. Club F1uan Tlma'. 1:43 415. a DAILY OOU9lE (12-8) peld "468.eo. TMtM> MCI. 8 fllrlongt. A(t>lna Glory (HIWll)') 3.80 2.50 2.20 lrtah O'Brien (ShOlmaklf') 2.80 2.40 Mlaa Praak..-(Guerra) 3.40 Alto raced: S.autllul Oawn. Cucf O'Or. Mlramla, RaaHty llland. Timi: 1;0ll, • EXACTA (2-8) paid j28.50. l'OURTH "ACI. 11 lurtono-. Civic LlllderJOlhsaye) 19.50 8.80 5.20 OlfenM V91 lc:I (Pfnc:ay> 4.20 3.80 Tular (Slbllle) 8.40 Alto raced: Pt0$plC\IYI Slat, Aral Latrv. Prince My Prince, Royal Ga111, Roger Gummo. King Thou Art. Ivor Streat. Phantom Proof, Clubhol.lae Tima: 1:00 415. FFTH MCI. Ona mile on Ml. Waat1<n Stanet (Guerra) 7.40 3.80 2.60 L..dy TrffPIM (Plncay) 3.00 2.40 Karbfe (Mc:Hargua) 2,llO Alto raced: Barlica, Malell, Countau Cal>fOlo. Rlhuana. Gentle Hinda. Time: 1:38 215. 16 IEXACTA (8-n paid $48.50. SIXTH "ACI. 8 lurlonga. Mkrl (Bleck) 7 .40 4.80 3.40 Atllar (OellhOulalya) 8.20 5.20 Prolound Cindy (M-1 5.00 Alto rlQld: Orena't Or.m. Al>lrb-. o.aga Lady. Mariko San, Paulie'• Oollble. Time: 1: 10 4/5. AVIENTH MCIE. 8 luflongt. llland Whirl (Plncay) 7.40 4.20 3.60 Shady Fok (Cepttelna) 8.llO 3.80 Arnao Brolher jGuatta) 4.20 Alao rlQld: TOOOYerJ)tlma, Stand Pat, Fort Calgary, Another Realm. OomrlfllY. Tfme: 1.08 3/5. 11 EXACTA (s-81paid1115.50. a l'ICK SIJC (11-2-8-8-6-8) paid '20,246,80 With Ila wtnnlng tiata (U l>Or9aa). $2 Pick 91• Contolatlon peld 1173.80 with 234 Winning tld(~ (llYI hOnll). llQHTH MCI:. Ona mtte on furl. Northern Fable (Hawley) 42.00 10.80 7.20 Sangua (SllOlmlklfl 3.eo 8.40 PrlnOlta Ga)'ll (CUtlnlda) 8.80 Alto raced: Alllckar, 8all1toman1, Ml Oulmera. Pink Saflf. 8erf)' Buth. nma: 1:35 115. NINTH UCL Ona mlle on turf. Star Paaturaa (Shoamlklf)ll.80 3.40 3.40 HOM\' Fo11 (Samyn) •.80 4.20 cannon Boy (Mc11argue) 11.20 Alto rllCld: Altnlfe. MIC)la Traa, Cit Flf1, Franch Cllarmer, A Taar Ito •tar Eye. She'a A Swope. Tim« 1:35 215. II llXACTA (8-11) paid $88.00. Altancllnoa -24,803. 1100 Ulklal' • ee-e&-72-20t Cll ltttle 80o7o-tl-207 S-BlllNteroa 11*'811-20I Lanny Wa(lklne 71.ee.et-208 Jim 8lmOna 81-87-78-20t Lon Hlnkte 7()..e6-71-200 Hal 8u1ton 72-U-70-210 Oenny fd'#arde 71·71---210 OH Morgan 76-M-88-210 Frid Couplel 87°71°72-210 NICll Flldo 87-70-13-210 Tom Vllferttlna 73-88°70-211 Maaahalro Kl.rfamoto 71-70-70-211 Craig Stadler 71·70-70-211 J«fY Pata 72~-70-211 Mark HIYM 8$-72-70-211 G9rla uttler 73-12-87-212 Peter JlleobMn 73·7o-811-212 G.aroa Arc:llar 71-70-71-212 Tom Watton 72-80°71-212 Dan HaMoraon 811-N-72-212 8ob Murphy 71-74-88-213 Tom Kite 73-70-70-213 ~" Caidw911 87-711-70-218 Cuftta Strange 72-70-71-213 01\11<1 Grlharll 118-71-74-213 Mor111 Halelllcy 72·7~-214 Gibby Giibar\ 72°73-ell-214 Ed Snead 72-72-70-21• Biii Rogera 73-71-70-214 ~ llet:ik• 73-71-70-214 Miki HOiiand 7 t-73-70-214 Ron Strack 71°72-71-214 JOhn Cool< 7 1-72-71-214 Jim Cofblr1 70-72-72-214 Oaw Barr 71-72-71-214 Doug T""111 72-70-72-214 Mark Lye 72-73-70-215 Miiiar B11t>e< 71-74-70-215 Leonard ThOmplOn 72-72-71-215 George Burnt 72-72-71-215 Brad Bryant 74-70-71-215 IMO AOkl 811-7~71-2115 Lyn Lon 70-73-72-215 Hall Irwin 73-ell-73-215 Tom Purtzer 73-811-73-215 Dan POhl 71-71-73-215 811ry JlllCkel 72-89-74-216 Tom Jankins 89-71-75-215 Vane:. Heat,_ 118-71-78-215 JoM Mah811ey 74·70-72-215 JIClc Nlcklau1 "1'4-70-72-218 R099r Maltbia 71·73-72-2111 Oon POOllY 73·71°72-215 Jim Thorpe 72-71-73-216 Johnny Miiier 711-87-73-2111 Mika Raid 71-72-73-218 Bobb)' Nlchoil 73•81f.74-216 Jim Neiford 73-71-73-217 Scott Slmpaon 71·71-715-2 17 Bobby Wadklnt 71-71°76-217 Mark Pllll 88-73-76-217 Jeff Mltc:haff 73-72-73-218 Pltlf Ooatamull 72-72·74-218 Oon Padgett 72-72-74-218 Ed Flori 72-71-711-2111 Biiiy 0-72-73-75-220 Mllfk McHufty 76-69·76-221 Andy Nor1h 72-72-77-221 Woody 811Ckbum 74-71-711-223 t..annle Clemanla 75-e0-112-225 LPGA tout'MnMnt (etO-..,-..) Judy Clartt 70-75-07-212 Terri Moody 71°71-70-212 Sandra Palmer 74-e1-11-212 J-Blalock 70-71-72-213 Pally Sheahan 73-70-70-213 Jan Staphanlon 72-70-72-21• Jana Loek 73-70-71-214 Mullin Spancar-Oevtln 70-71-73-214 Jo Ann Wiiham n-u-10-215 Vlc;lcl Tabor 71·74-70-215 Lynn Adame 72-73-70-215 Jaannatte Karr 73-70-72-215 Oonna Caponi 77-ell-71-218 Janet Colee 71-74-71-218 Pel Bradley 811-7S-72-218 JoAnna Carner 74-ell-74-218 K•thy Wlll1w0tth 74-811-74-217 VMan Brownlee 70-71·76-217 Pat Glettan 74-74-70-218 Martha Hlna9" 76-72-70-218 Joan Joyce 70-711-72-218 Beth Solomon 71·77-71-2111 Olanna Dalley 74-72-73-2.19 ~Poet 73-73-73-2111 SIMa 8ar1otacclnl 75-70-74-219 Pa111 Rizzo 73-71-75-219 Mwtana FIO)'d·OaArmen 73-77-70-220 Holy Hllr111u 75-74°71-220 Clthy Moral 73-75-72-220 Patty Hayaa 75-72-73-220 Janet A111X 74-73-n-220 Debbie Auatln 73-74-73-220 Bonnie.__ 71-73-76-220 Barbara Mo.,_ 75-75-71-221 Mindy MOO<• 75-74-72-221 Sllaron Barrett 74-76-72-221 Sue Et11 72-711-73-221 ea-I)' 0•'119-Gocl9er 74-73-74-221 Hottle Stacy 89-76-78-221 Carole CNlbonnler 71-73-77-221 Joyce Kazmlerakl 70-74-77-221 Dale Eggalln(I 73i70-78-221 StapNliia Farwlg 7&-:7tr71-222 Cathy Sherk 72-76-74-222 Kathy Poetllwall 70-76-78-222 Vlc;lcl Slnglaton 72-74-78-U:Z Kathy McMullen 711-73-72-228 Olwle JOhn-. 72-76-78-223 Gall Hlrela 74-77-73-22A 8al9)' King 711-74-74-22• Cat'*1na Ouggan 76-74-74-224 6"811 McAHfl1• 7&-73-75-224 Mary~ 75-73-78-224 Jerfl)'ll Bfltz 73-7 4-17-224 M.J. Smltll 86-78-80-224 Amy AA:ott 7S-76-74-225 Lori HuXhold 77-74-74-225 Julie l'y!'9 72-711-74-225 Amalle Rorer 7 4-17 -7 4-2215 8~ Cunnlngl\lm 71-78-78-228 ~ Alllkar 76-73-78-225 ~ P-.on 72-78-77-225 WCMtd Aquataa GamH (etOIMir ............ , ....,.........,,...,...... 1, Greg Louganlt (Mlllloll Viejo), 834.28; 2. Vl..slmlr•Alemlc (SoYlll Union). 819.t5; 3. ~ Klmbell (Ann Att>or, Mich.), 11111.88; 4. TIIOmM Knutlla (Eul Gatmany), 5117.21: 15. U HonQPlno (Chine). 594.311; 8. LI Klna;dlanO (Chlnm), ne.11; '7. Falk Hoflm•n-(EHl Gerl!WlnY), 577.32; 8, Olaler Ooafr (WHI Ga<many). 562.38; II. Chrlatophlr Snode (England), 840.BOj 10. Olltat Plawtca (Weal Oermeny), 637.81; 11. VlaohjMfav Troehln 18oVlll Union), 531.72; f2 Miguel Zavala Maxloo), 5211.8e, ........ ......,,..., 1. United St•IH (Atclt Carey. SllVI Lundgulll, Matt Grtbbla, Rowdy Galnff). 3:•0.94 (world record); 2. Soviet Union, 3:42.118; 3. Weet Germany, 3:44.78. ...., •• l,IOO ,,_.,.. t Vladlmlr SalnlkOY (Soviet Union), 15:01.77 (ma•I record); 2. Sv1a1011ava Samenov ($ovlat Union), 15:05.s.4; 3. Oarjan Patrie (Y~). 15:10.02. ...., ...... 1. Sldor9nko (Sovllt Union), 2:03.30; 2. Biii Barrell (Mlttlon Viejo). 2;03.49; 3. Glovwlnl Fl'lflOlllCtll (1111y~ 2:04.85. ·-·· 2IOO INICltl 1. Comella Slfc:h (Eut Glfmany~ 2:00.111; 2. Georgina Plltc411 (Aualralla). 2: 14.118; 3. Carmen~ (Romania). 2:15.40. ·-·· llDO buttM1ty I, IMa Geltaler (EDI Gltmanyt, 2:08.85 1..-record); 2. Mary T Meagher (U.S.l. 2:09.78, NFL PRE·IEAION Vltdngt 30, .colta 14 ._..,, Ouamn Balttrnore 0 0 I 4 0-14 Mlnnatota 3 10 3 14-3Q Minn -FG Oanmellr 211 Minn -White 15 run (OtnfTMlief klek) Minn -FG Ofdonc 37 Minn -FG Oanmeta< « Bllll -Butllt 4 paas ~om Page4 (Wood kldc) Ball -McMIMan 2 run lWood klekl Minn -Galbreath 14 pau trorn 011• (Ordonlor klek) Minn -Rld .. 1na 67 p111 from Wiiton (Olnmalar kle* l A -23,379 ~ltatlatlca RUSHING -Balllmore. Pagel 1-21, McMiiian U-20. Sima 2-11. Olckay 4-8, Olxon 3-1. Minn.ala. Harrell 2-30, Brown 4-24, S. White 1·15. Nelaon 3-14. Young 4-7, RadWlne 3-8, Gelb<Mth 4-4. PASSING -Baltlmora. Pegai 11-23-0-83, Sc:hllchtar 8-11·0·52. Humm 4-8-0-311. Meehan 3-8-0-111 Mlnne101a, Olla 27-45-0-313. Wllaon 3-4·0-78, Kramer 11-13-0-75. RECEIVING -Baltimore, Buller 7-87, 8oui.a 3-2•. McCall 2-24. RMVH 2· 14. Wright 2-m1nut 2. 8aeef\ 1-35, McMiiian i.e. Sitna 1°2. Mlnneeo11. S. White 4-89. McOola 4-52, 8ruar 4-40. Nalaon 4-30. Jordan 4-211. Redwine 3-78, Rutlld 3~2. Galbrlelh 2·32, San-2-25. Brown 2·111, LeCoun1 1·13. MIM«! flald goeta -Nona. Toronto Hamilton 0t1awa Monlraal CFL UaT'UIH OlVtlfON W LT W ltA "- 3 1 1 126 112 7 2 3 0 112 141 4 1 3 0 115 110 2 t 3 0 311 117 2 ftsnltNOMllON 8rlllall ¢o1um1>11 3 o o 115 ae 8 Winnipeg 3 1 0 124 83 11 Catgtty 2 I 1 103 80 5 EdmontOll 2 3 o 1112 1111 4 Sl9kato-an 1 3 o 112 120 2 ~·---Toron1o 30. Edmonton 22 r..,-ao- ertulh Coiumbla 11 Wlnn19'11) NASL IA.a11UIH OIVlll<* WLGl'QAW"-11-coamoa 21 7 85 43 59 183 TO«>nlo 15 13 50 40 42 132 MontrNI t6 12 441 311 311 131 ~o 11 17 48 59 •5 100 80UTltlllN OMSIOM Fort Lauderdale 18 12 511 88 52 146 'fulaa t4 14 81 411 51 131 Tem(le 8ly 11 18 41 57 34 100 JadlwMlle II 111 86 62 33 87 WHTlllH OMl!Otf S.ttle 18 13 88 45 115 1411 VlltUIWer 18 10 53 43 43 145 San Diego 15 12 58 45 44 130 8an JoM 13 18 47 53 38 114 Portland 11 17 38 0 34 117 Eclmont<in 10 18 34 se 29 83 11..ounctlad dMtlon Hiie. 8111 POlnl• --did for • regulatlon Of o""'1me \lletcwy, k4K point• tor a ahootout victory. One t>onua point for -Y goal ' -.o '1111111 a mulnlum of ttwM per gamt. Ho bonue P01nt .. 8WOed fOr cMnlme Of lflootout '°"" ....... ....... TulN f , JIClkeonvllt 0 Mon!,.., 4, Cl'llCIOO , VlllCOl.nlW 4. Fon L.udtrd• 1 Seattle 2, San JOll 1 T..,.. OoalMI San Diego tit ~on y.,._ 1i1Y at Por1llnd Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS HOLTZ ... they won't be ln\IOlwd. •• AnoUwr wona propment of the Idea .. Penn St.tie co.ch Joe Pei.mo, whoee NIUany Llaae • embetr.-d ,USC et the ,,... Bowl, 28·10. "There ltn't a pwnd rw•ll trend.'' admit.I Holta. MJ:lut men and more eot1Chet1 are l°'fll ta that direction. lt'• aood for footbt.ll and tor the fem . "It would encouna-IChoola to play a schedule like use. South.em Cal aoes 9-2 with char kind of a achedule and they'd still have a abQt. ult'• golng to h~ppen whw peo~le •tart demandlnC ti." '!he promotional tour, whleh included an entouraae of Pl ttaburgh quatterback Dan Marino, Stanford quarterback John Elway, Nebruka center Dave Rimington. Nonh Carolina runner Kelvin Bryant and Arkansas defensive end B(!ly Ray Smith, was keyed by ABC sportscaster Keith Jackaon. The ABC package, which begins with Clemson and Georgia Sept. 6, has only four games finalized. Others are Michigan and Notre Dame on Sept. 18, Alabama and Auburn on Nov. 27 and Arkanaas and Texas on Dec. 4. With the threat of a National Football League strike looming over the fans' heada, Jackson pointed out the college game may be the only game in town. And, with such players as Marino, Elway, Rimington, Bryant and Smith, along with the missing Herschel Walker of Georgia (ill), it's a big season coming up in tenns of name players. Holu, a comedian in his own right. got serious only on the topic of a playoff system. Other commenta from Holtz: •"I plan on recruiting here in LA more. The ones I want are the people on motorcycles on the freeways. I've never seen such courage. •"Our conference, the Southwest, is obviously one of the toughest. SMU is voting right now whether to stay in the Southwest Conference or join the ·NFL. There's been no decision, yet. •"I'd like to have a tailback who can carry the ball 20 times in a game and come to practice Monday without showing up with a lawyer, doctor or agent. • "I have a lifetime contract at Arkansas. A lifetime contract means if we're ahead in the third quarter and moving the football It's not a game at Arkansas, it's a happening. •"I've been to LA many tunes -lower Arkansas." As for television and ABC, it begins Sept. 6. Five days later it starts for USC and UCLA. USC is at Florida in a night contest, UCLA hosts I,.ong Beach State at the ROSI? Bowl. From Page 81 JOHN. • • "All I know is. I never wanted to leave here when the Mets traded me . I think everybody knows that. I've heard the rumors and I think - or rather hope -they're true. It's like Lou Gehrig said, if I were traded to the Yankees, I would consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth." Dent, a start.er on New York's 1977 and 1978 World Championship teams. has been unhappy since the Yankees acquired shortstop Roy Smalley from Minnesota last April "I don't want t.o say anything because I don't know what's going to happen," said Dent . "If that's the way they (the Yankees) feel, that I don't fit into their plans, then I guess it's the best thing that could happen to me," Dent said. John, who also has been seeking a trade after being relegated to the bullpen two weeks ago, said that his agent had been in contact with the Angels. The left-hander has a 6-~ record. "Whatever happens is for the best." John said. ''I know they (Angela) are interested. The only thing is (the Yankees have said) they want proper ~imbunement tor a pitcher of my qUality. But if I'm that much quality, why have I· been in and out o! rotation all yeatr' Kison, a right-hander, has • 6-4 record. He turned down an offer from Steinbrenner tn 197$ after playing out h1' option wtth the Pittaburgh Pirates. He lnltead 1lgned a six-year, $2.A million contract wtt.b the ~ CRATEAU -This is a model home at Chateau Clemente where two-story, oceanfront houses are geared for homebuyers seeking to move up to a newer, larger residence. Chateau Clemente varied plan Home buyers seeking to move up to a newer, larger home oouldn't find more variety in design and financing plans than at Chateau Cl~ente, where assumable loans start at interest rates as low as 6 ~ percent. The exclusive, two-story oceanfront homes in San Clemente come in five floor plans. The developers, Tumanjan Development Corp., have come up with a financing formula that lets the pun:huer choose from mortgage periods of 7, 10, 15 and 30 years. Priced from $249,000 and located on the ocean side of the San Diego Freeway, Chateau Clemente homes range in size from 2,575 to ~.150 square feet. To reach Chateau Clemente, take the San Diego Freeway (405) to Camino de &trella exit west, turn left on Camino Mira Costa and then left on Camino Alondra until you reach the development. Prospective home purchasers -particularly first-time buyers -are invited to a free home- buying seminar to be presented by Barratt-Irvine Priced Out of A New Home? Here's Great News! * 10.87% APR If your gross annual household mcome does not exceed $38,496, you can qualify for a truly affo rda- ble Aliso Meadows home. Just Think! No more rent increases or payments-ever! Most of your home payment will be tax deductible and the rest is an investment in your future! No asking per· mission to hang up a picture. You can pamt, paper, even panel. Build in a stereo, bookcases, or a bar. It's YOUR home! Great Homes! Plenty of room for two-or a young lamily-in these clustered single-level 2-and 3-bedroom, 2- bath homes. And no-one lives above or below you! Your own entry and a private fenced yard. Super Location! Aliso Meadows is in convenient Laguna Hills, 15-minutes from John Wayne Airport and all its job opportunities. You'll love the clean fresh air, the rolling hills. A safe place for children to play. Your Opportunity! Don't give up your dream of a new home! You'll never qet a better opportunity. Pric es start at $79,950. Low, low down payments. Thirty-year 10.6% loans. (Aliso Meadows homes must be owner-occupied and the buyer cannot own other improved real prop- erty at the close of escrow.) Act Now! Jump in your car. Go down the Santa Ana-San Diec;io Fr .. way eouth to Alicia Parkway and tum riQht (from the eouthbound offramp). Orive l Va miles to v.._ iomu. Open daily, 10 a .m. to dUlk. For more information, call (n4) 643-0547. on Tuesday from 7 p .m . to 9:30 p.m. in the California Room at Griswold's at 1500 S. Raymond, Fullerton. Refreshments will follow the seminar. Those interested in attending the seminar may make reservations at any of the Barratt communities' sales offices, or by calling Barratt- Irvine at 549 .. 7520. For a limited time only, home buyers at IDM Corporation's Sea Isle are being offered a low 10 ~ per cent interest rate on a seven-year loan that is amortized over 30 years. Priced from $110,000 to $240,000, many of the studio, one-and two-bedroom, one and two-bath condominiums are highlighted by view's. Furnished model homes and the sales office are open daily from 11 a.n:. until dusk. For further information, phone (213) 434-7385. To reach Sea Isle, visitors should take the San Diego Freewa~ (405) to the 7th Street offramp west to Studebaker. Proceed south to Westminster which becomes 2nd Street, then continue to Appian Way and tum left on Bayshore to the models. Or1n~ CO..t DAIL V PILOT /luriday, Auguat 8, 1882 ViejO, Irvine sales higher. · Mori "°'*9 u. IOld County theoutlca J Mlulon Viejo'• Iha,.. in 1079 when hllh , in pl8nMd aommunltJet houalna demand for t~ ranaed from 11 to · 14 lnt•rut retu beaan than thelr ~ntMparta l•t 10-yean aver.,ed •percent al nee 197 5. attectJna home ulft, the 'durlna tou1h economic about 35,000 untta a y .. r. Irvtn•'• 1hare, whtch atudy reports. time•, accordln1 to a Ourlna thla per1od. there included merc,ha n t "The •hare of the total 1tudy paid tor by the were •t.rona fluctuations bulldera aa well• lrvine aoutheatiern Ora nae lrvlne Company. In lf\terwt rate1. Pacific, the company'• C o u n t y m a r k e t Thia conclualon WH Data Indicated that rettdent!al bulldlna arm, attributable to thhe two reached by Alfred Gobar bo\h Mlulon Viejo and ranged from 19 to 33 planned communlUet Associates Inc. of Brea lrvine areas conelltently percent of total sales. lncreaaed markedly, which has conducted accounted for a fairly The emph..W changed especially 1n the cue of retearch off and on for signifk;ant portion of the In favor of the planned the Irvine ltanch with the Irvine Comi)any the total housing sales in communities. howeverl many men!hant bulldera last 10 years, says Ed southeast Orange during periods o active at thia ume," the ' Portmann, company County. economic streU. such as report lndlcate9. • •pokesm.an. fiiiilili .. lliiiiiiiillilill .............. iil .... lil .............. . Researc h er• un- cove red trends consistent In tnree planned communities in Southern California which Indicated. that, In times of economic stress and high Interest rates, these communities fared much better In terms of residentia l sales than competitors, according to an Irvine Compan,Y release summarizing the study's findings. The st udy e n - compassed Missio n Vi ejo and Ir vine Company developments in Orange County and Valencia in Los Angeles County. It predominantly focused o n Orange County where sales trends were examined from 1975 through the second quarter of 1981 through statistical information s upplied from First American Title Insurance Company of Santa Ana . Information was gleaned from questionnaires administered to buyers purchasing housing in Irvine Company projects since 1977. According to the s tudy. th e Orange a · ~ Ill AND THE SECURITY OF A 30·YEAR FIXED RATE LOAN Brentwood Townhomes -· 1 & J Bedrooms -2 ~ Baths · $119,900 to $1~6,900 100/o or 200/o Down Payment Private Financing Available for Easy Qualil'ying • t'ully landscaped l'orn mon area.~ • Pullo1' • 2-nr J(aral(t11 • Wood-burnlnl( 1-'lreplace11 • Pool & spa • l>uul masler i.uilt•i. • Mkrowavl' oveni. • Ceramic Ille in kill'hl'n and balh~ • 1-'enl'l'd ~ard~ ·Pavmen1 O<l$8d on ;/O"b Oown tor Pr1nc1pa1 d. 1n1ereS1 only Costs lor oro ra1ed 1axes insurance and assn aues are tn add•hon 10 above IN WESTMINSTER Between the Saa Ole'" ond Gard•• Grove rree .. .,, •. jual ooulh or Wntmlnaur Blvd. and 1/2 blffk eul of Goldea•e•l on Spruce Street. 1-'ROM s9so* A MONTH 7101 Brenlwood Place -Westminster Phone 714/892·9607 or 536-8838 Sales office open 10 10 dusk Sal & Sun. Noon 10 7 weekdays . -~-------··---~ ' I ' I· 1j I, I! 11 11 II 11 . ! ,I I I I II I A 1' 1' I I I; ! ~ ,I ~ BRAND NEW ' 1982 TOYOI A TERCEL 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (448217). Don't miss this economy special at only BRAND NEW :19.82 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seat~ and fully factory equipped. (260692). This week's special at only BRAND 'NEW 1982 T0¥0TA STARLET 3 Door Llftback. 5 spee<f trans., factory air cond., AM/FM stereo radio, pin stripes, bucket seats, wheel well moldings & fully factory equipped. (596687). Special this weekend at only ~ 55799 INCLUDES FACTORY AIR COND.! BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP Standard bed 1h ton model with 4 speed transml981on & a 2.4 titre engine. (053974). This tough truck Is fully factory equipped & priced to sell quick at only 55699 BRAND. NEW 1982 TOYOTA 4X4 PICKUP.__..,,,...~ Standard bed deluxe. 4 speed transml$Slon, AM/FM stereo, window package and fully factory equipped. (047663). Go 4 wheelln' for only 57799 Thinking of selling your car? If so, please consider our TRIEX system. We will sell your car as you would but consider our plussesl We will advertise, qual- ify all prospects. take trade-Ins. have available financing & do all paper wor1d When your car Is sold all you do Is stop by and pick up a checkl Call our TRIEX representative to list your car today! 714-646-9303 714-540-9467 BEST USED CAR BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY I 11 1171 OllALLEll&ER SPORT COUPE , Auto. trans .. air cond., ster1t.o tape, power steering. brakes & windows, tilt wheel. alloy wheels. new Tu. Tone paint a. low miles. (1BJK7241 Don't miss this great buy for only 1171 PEI EOT 0 104" DIESEL 4 speed trans.. AM-FM cassette. power steering, power brakes. power windows. sunroof & morel Very clean! (049TZU). A real steal al below wholesale bluebook al s4599 1171 TIYOTA CELIOA LIFTIACk Popular 5 speed, air cond .• AM-FM stereo, rear window shade, custom 2 tone paint & morel (667WPL). A great car and a great buy al Just $5799 1118 OPEL "DELUiE COUPE" Great transportation with an automatic transmission. stereo tape and more! Orlglnal .and clean inside & out. (772ROH). $2299 1911 TOYOTA COllOLU 2 DOOR Economical • •peed with air cond .• stereo cauette, exterior trim package & ·morel Very clean & completely orlglnall (347YBK). s3999 1111 TOYOTA CELICA LIFTllCI Auto. trans .. air cond .. stereo • power steering & brakes. sunroof, cruise control, tilt wheel & morel ( ICGP876). Exceptional In every respect for only $7999 1171 TOYITl SUPRA "'SllllOOF" The ultimate Toyota with full power. air cond., 1tereo, cruise control, tut wheel, custom wheels & morel Don't miss this low mileage beautyl 1571XJ~). $6999 1118 TOYOTA OllllLU "DELUXE 2 10011" Automatic transmlaalon. Fully factory equipped plus extenor trim package. New beige flnl1h wllh saddle Interior. (476NIN). Don't miss this apec!al at only 1111 lllllil .... ...,.,,LFlllll Economlcel 5 IOMd With 11t oond., stereo CHHhe, exterior trim package a more. (7HZLF). An outstanding buy at onty $2999 1971 OPEL ·~DELUXE COUPE" Automatic transmission. air cond .. AM-FM radio. exterior trim package and more' An outstanding car In every respect! (854UPO). FALLmGmSTYLRMissHuntington • athing suits and beauty queens are synonymous. Talent and personality were not significant cqnsiderations when queens were selected in early blJauty pageants. The crlt.erion was: "How does she look in a bathing Alit?" I The bathing suit, :now referred to as a swimsuit, still ' '9 an Important feature of the beauty pageant, and It rem•ln• Important to the style-conscious woman frf,JJddng on the beach or lounging by the pool. nu. year the swimsuit got a late start in Orange C«mty •pparel ules. . An unUAWly cool June slowed down trips to the ~and dlpe in the home poo1a and conaequently It -19wed •tore uln. Thi• prompted •ome store• to .chedule redut»d price promotion• to aid laulng nrtrmult..,.. Bue, ·aow Wltll the ~ days ol A..-, the .... ,. --,,.., ,~., nvbmuit. ...... ..,.,,,,....,.. ~DIJr. . lfMm ~ JiWMftr. ',OI ae'• oa Ne"1J(>n •Y. two-~~ &he n»llJot ~ fo -.U.fn6 ~ually well. Beach, Kerri C.arr; Miss Ne wport Beach, Coleen Pellett; Miss OC, Lori Leonelli t /I played basketball and was selected first team all-league and was on the Southern Orange County An-Star tNm. She is a swimmer, enjoys softball and bowling ud in racquetball she recently wan Outdoor National Women's doubles. Lori Leonelli entered her first pageant juat l&tt March, and she won it. The 6-loot-B-Jncb blonde weighing 114 pounda 18 MJ. Orange County. In April she wu a runner-up in the Mias c..Hlomia contert. Her parents •re Edward and Eve Leonelli of Nf!WPOl'f Beach. She '-!5,Wlte of Oarona del Mar Hl6h and Orange CoMt . ,.. Lori la a luH-tlme with the Buf:MU"ll Tobial ~Tf!:Y in Newport Be1ch. She would JJ.b fo ,_,__an ~ and ahe plans to partlcipate in warbbopt at Ltia 'AiJ/lelet1 thl8 lal1. Mt. Orange County aays lhe 10W111 fo cravW, Md her bobby Ja c:ollectbW match boob AM w had a clYnce so add mme dx»t» Jt8m so 1-' mllldlan liJ i•i when h .,,.ac a month In .,_., 'Jb ._, Jn _,., LorJ ~ 2H .. iilll• each uy, ;19·,• ~ .ad ~ tnm•tliftllll ............ ~ .. ....,, -....... 21ae ~~ Gbl•• .Pe&ct .... d» &fdt tJl.IDlil see~.~a A nip her9, a tuck there can make you look good • By VIDA DUN ............... When I •w my tmncl for t.M ftnt time in eeveral rnontha, I wu arnaMd that a .tm9t. chanlt tn ha1i' ltyllnc could have lmprowct IMt a,.,.,..,_ IO much. I continued to admlre hM' new look • we chatted, and ev«\tuall)' 1M ·~..ect" that 1M hid recent!)' bed a "hrice-Uft/' The two remarkable Ml*tl of thil l10ry la fint that plMUc IW'l9fY la not~ mMnt to c:reate an enttNly "new" penon and l90Clndly, the word "confelled" no lonpr la expected frc)ln n:neone who hu c:alled upon modem med1dne . to atve nature a helplna hand. Look1na &ood la ~ more and more • recosn1Jed u an obllaaUon to frtenda and family • . . . you aho\lld loolc your best becauae It ta · Pleutna to othen. And looldna &ood ta eapecially ; important for one'a career, especiall)' f~r women • In the job market, and aometimea, Jook.in8 your ·belt may require 110me surgical help. COVERUP -Ketti Carr wears a white cotton shirt by Gottex as a coverup for her pink and gray stripe Barely Legal bikini fashioned with a twisted bandeau top. The Newport Beach made suit is in cotton lycra. Exhibitors get ready for Business Women More than 40 exhibitors who provide products or services for women in Orange County have reaerved booths at the' Wednesday, Aug. 11, Business Women's conference to be held at South Coast Plaza Hotel Sponsors of the conference which begins at 8:30 a.m. with registration and continues to 1:30 p.m . are Coil, Ballback and Slater, career management consultanta and Image Works of Newport Beach. At 9 a.m. CB&S asaociates will focus on the new rules, rolea and nonns of business today and how to gain rewards in the work place. To complete the professional image, Image Works will show participants how to present a total look and plan a business wardrobe. Luncheon at 12:15 will be followed by a fashion show featuring business and professional women of Orange County as modela. Modeling the fashions from Nordstrom, Costa Mesa, will be Supervisor Harriett Wieder, Aaaemblywoman Marian Bergeson, Josephine Caines, assiatant director of community affairs at KOCE-TV, Nora Lehman, freelance writer and former Style editor of the Daily Pilot, Helen Barrios, IBM regional marketing program administrator, Mimi Grant, president of Five Star Marketing, Vivian Hall, founder of Women's Network Alert, Barbara Grady, director of development for South Coast Repertory Theatre, Dr. Lona Rosenfeld, Betsy Saunders, vice president Nordstrom, and Sandra Ventura, vice president of Bank of Irvine. Fee for the conference which includes lunch la $28.50. Registration information may be obtained from Coil, Ballback and Slater at ~58-0223. a very special boutiqµe for children at ..t~1' ~a .. Westport ,.fl1~4 : .~ Square jti.~1• · stl1 .C: Up To a ·~c~~ 50% "an 0££ VDA You can toreet t.hme old taboos about belnl branded • a vain creature or one obeewd witli ihe deltre w hQld on to youth; they are relics of the put. Men and women today c:all on 20th Century acienc:e and techniquee wherever the need exilta. What we are taUdna about here ia lumped totiether In medical te.mw • "plutic IW'gery," and lt include• a wide variety of aurglcal RUFFLES -Coleen Pellett, MJSS Newport Beach, likes ruf fies. The bandeau top and dip-front pants of the purple bikini by Keiko for Climax get the ruffled treatment for added flair. --- Nordstrom to feature fashions for kindergarten NORDSTROM: Fashions for kindergarten to college atudents will be shown Saturday, Aug. 14, during a noon show in the Jewel Court, South Coast Plaza. Refreshments, contests and activities will follow on the third floor of the store. SAKS FIFTH A VENUE: A representative of Evan Picone will show fall 82 fashions Wedneeday, Aug. 11, in the Designer Sportswear department of the South Coast Plaza store. NEIMAN-MARCUS: Informal modeling of Merona sportswear will take place Friday, Aug. 13. in the Sport.shop from noon to 3 p.m. BULLOCK'S: A search is on for the most beautiful eyes in California. A panel of fashion and beauty experts will assist Bullock'• in selecting the "Ultimate Eyes". On Thunday, Aug. 12 Ultima Il makeup artists will be at the South Coast P~re from 11 a .m. to 3 p.m. and females--11fYears and older may have their eyes made up. Photographs will be taken and judging will be in September. ROBINSON'S: Informal modeling of Gloria Vanderbilt's new "black denim" jeans will take place from l to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 14, in the Newport Beach store. Tea room modeling af fall fashions will be held in the Lido Buffet 1rom 11 a.m . to 3 p.m. every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ALPHA XI DELTA memben will attend a get-together Aug. 12 in Fashion laland, on the grass in front of the Broadway department store to hear a Christie Minstrel concert. Newcomers should call 639-9635 for information. llEED YOUR JEWELRY REPllRED'l We do It on the premlHI at our Newport Beach 1tore. Al10, we do appralllng, watch and clook repairing, engraving, pearl and bead 1trtnglng, jewelry detlgnlng and manufacturing. proc.duret from the removal of an l&nltlhtly bump on the nOM to total reconatructlon of portlona of the human anatomy. And 11plaaUc," by the way, cto.e not tet... w 1ynthedc material Uled by phy*IMI In 1C11ne aurO:al procidw... "PlaaUc" la trom,.t.M ore.a, an<f it meuw "moldJnc" or "sivinl form." But that te the ltaa& imp()rtant bit of lnformatlon one needs to learn abOut plutic 1urgery, and• i.cture by Dr. Bdward Domanakia of Newport Buch w• a &ood place to start the educaUon. What you beatn to ....itJe when u.ten1na to Dr. Domanakla it that the lkJll of the plutlc surpon hat evolved from many yean of medical experience and that to become a plutlc IW'pOJl certified by the American Board of Plutlc Surgery requ.lne four yeara medk:a1 echool, three to flve yeara of general rsldency and two to three yean u a plastic aurpry resident. What la emph.aaiied la that medicine haa .,..., Not "'4Moe bf L .. P.,ne VERSATIT.E -It's a swim suit, it's an exercise suit, it's the 'Superman' suit by Norma Kamali. Lori Leonelli wears it with a white T -shirt. The suspendered style can also be worn with any bikini top. •tabJJahed ... delDandlnl rw. fOt them prattce pluUc 1ur.,.ry, anct thOM who ail , thU\ldnc about that faCie·Uf\ have ..,... '°"' ~totonoW. • 1 Anolber way lo look al OU lhlo 1 ~don II that they are i.Jlint UI W9 reCotlnlm the uwtainty bWOIYed wtth auralcal procedure• and that there l• suarenc.e the &WuJta wW be what the pa ~for. Domanaldl teUt you that you ahouJd ..- auraeon cerdfied by the American Board Plutk 8ura-Y to have the odda In your fa~ but you'll pt no au-ran•. , · And, theee cautious remarks allo tell w t.hlf pluUc aurpry ahould not be a frtvoloua ~ Aa a mau.r of fact, the careful plMtk: ~ will atve you a Iona conference and •}Wninatidt before you IO Into IW'fel'Y. YOU can check with the Califomia Sodety of Plutic Swpona (213) 389·3669 to set names of certified 1uraeona. Or you can have your ~ phyaician or aome frtendt (who may have Ml occasion to UM aurg'°na' aervlcea) atve y~ further names of IW'geona. Then you will want to make an appointment for a CONUltation. You will 1pend about $~ for See Nip, Page C4 • • • Falling in style From Page 1 •• Newport Beach in June. Previously she had entered an Irvine Juni~ Mias pageant where she wu awarded the prt,.~ for.poiae and appearance and she wu a finalist In a Miss South Bay competition. Miss Newport Beach is 6 feet 7 and weight 117 pounds. She is a graduate of Irvine m,h School and now attends Orange Cout College where she 1tudiea marine biology. Coleen hu been modeling for four years and has been studying acting in i.e. ~eles. She says she would like to pursue both u a career. A$ for the marine biology. "It's aomethlog I find very interesting, but not something I plan to• do as a career. Some day I'd like to join a research team." Greg and Nancy Pellett of Irvine are pa.renta of Miss Newport Beach, who includes water and snow skiing, dancing, boating and beach volleyball as her hobbies. ON THE COVER -Kerri Carr's two-piece turquoise suit by Gideon Oberson wa6 made in Israel. Coleen Pellett selected • . California-made multi-colored Daffy Preview 83. Lori Leonelli skates along in another Gideon Oberson bikini featuring · wide stripes on the bandeau top with ~ smaller matching stripes on the pant. All of·: ·the suits provided by Diane's, 3337 Newport/' Blvd., Newport Beach, are of nylon lycra, ·• The beauty pageant winners were.,, photographed on Balboa Island by Lee=: Payne. THE STAR AT NIGHT ~·unk Cl5inatra His First Ever Orange County Ptrformanct to benefit the South Coast Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 25 AT 8:00 P.M. at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre The South Coast Foundation is a non·profit Ofganization providing diagnostic and treatment services to individu&ls with neurological disabilities who are n0< el igible for services offered by ocher agencies. The Foundation's goal is to htlp these individuals become fully independent citizens through their innovative research, diagnosis and treatment prognuns. Through the wock o( the foundation and your gcnrrous support of the Frank Sinatra fundraising benefit, m~ o( these young adulti will be able to lead a productive and rewarding life. Please mail this coupon with your check, madt payable to the Soutfi Co.st Foundation to: 0 Please make my reservations for tht Sinatra conatt. Tim0thy L. Str.dtr, Btntfat Chairman South Coaac Foundation l'°l Wtttcllff Drive, Suite 2<» Ncwpon Stach, CA 92663 Please respond by Stp<ember 20, 1982. Statin, auignmtnta given In order o( rcsponJt. D Star of Hercules, a2'° per pcrlOCI (lOOll tu deductible) 0 Stu o( Ctntaunis, a100 per pcnon 0 Stu o( Aquarius, ''° ptr pctlOn 0 Total Out 0 rm '°"Y 1 can't attend, but here's my donation to hdp tht South Coast Foundatiol'l't star shint briJhdr. PERFECT MATCH -Tweed jackets of ribbon and angora are perfect matches for the print silk crepe de chine blouses and skirts. The fabric was loomed special for Hayes in the same French factory that Chanel used. Deity '9ot P'tlotoe bT fUcMtd KoeMer FEMININE TOUCH -Hayes' superbly tailored suits have that feminine touch -a soft bow or ruffle at the neck . For that special evening, left, an all-silk suit dotted with squares. Lightweight taupe w ool gabardine is fashioned into a blquson jacke t and a matching pleated' skirt. Many of the fashions featured in the show are special order items. , tibrary group announces I new slate of officers I : Sara Ramsey is the new president of J'RIENDS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH J;.IBRARY. Serving with her will be Claudia Beltzer, B.J . Goeggel and Eleanor Lwnsdon, vice ~re1ldenta; Fran Sloper, treasurer; Eleanor TJo-em and Mimi Hammond, aecretaries; Jane Prell, historian, Anita Ferguson , pe.rllamen~ Bemadine Ullman, legislative ~ Peggy Timmons and Flossie Dunning, Newsletter; Dorothea Sheely and Millie Turley, 1,tUblic relations. Othen heading committee• include Lisa 8aJJ. Donna Hammond, Lynn Dowty, Pat Brann And Dee Edwards. Anita FerlUIOO ta the outgoing president. She hM announced that the group'• lund-ralsing effortl tor the year for the four branch libraries totaled cloee to $9,000. SUSIE FOSS hu been lnltalled as the new peaident of Let PetltN Fleun auxlllary of Children'• Home Society. Other officers are Irene Pierce, Sue McKean, Andrea RI.chards, terry Harri• and Bobbie Hawkin•, vice prnldenta; Robin Voet and Dixie Durham, ~ Lrnne McLelah, treasurer, and Diane 8toekton. pu'llalnentarian. •· 'lbe new board waa lnltalled at a dinner · ••ld ln La CblnolH Reataurant. Outaoing officera were honored and the 1roup'1 4kltRandina member award wu preaented to i.ura uuie. ' "I am Yery aware of th• world of fathlon and Ilk• d.tlg"lno beautffuf cfot+tes,11 says Callfornfo c:Mtigner Oovid ..... ' Hayes lnshts h• alway• k"ps hlt woman fn mind wh.., creatfno aorMthfng exciting and MW· /:.qe means nothing, h• ICIY'I· tt It th• attttu•.'' ~.Is OWMf' and detlgn.r ~f the LOI A ...... flrl'ft with the labef DcMd Hayes, and reeordt hit designs as classics. His beouttfully made suits, dresses and costumes ore in th• flnest natural fabrics and he Is known for quality, perfect fit and superb tailoring. Hayes suggests to every woman regarding her choice of clothes -"look like you" and he says he believes strongly that a woman should be confident and happy in her clothes. A special showing of his fall 1982 collection was shown recently at Saks Fifth Avenue, South Coast Plaza. woman STYLE REVEALED -The tomato red wool crepe jacket with roll-over col.Jar I is removed to reveal a slim gown made with thin straps that buttons down the entire back. For a soft accent a black silk flower is worn on the jacket. ~~~~~....-.;i------,, OOHS AND ABS -Soft pleated pants and top in brilliant colored silk jacquard won the approval of guests viewing the Hayes collection. A large scarf/shawl of hand painted cust.am designed Doral fabric makes a f aahionable coverup. The designer has used the sam e fabric in a knee-length chemise. Wool Crepe Jacket •as Matching Skirt '48 1 • • • = ~ > I I = = < NDOR 3467 Via lido Newport Beach 171 4) 673-4510 PEARLS MAKE THE OCCASION SPECIAL. The cultl.lred pearls in our luminous collect.Ion are chosen with care and strung by hand-to make sure they stay beautiful for generr tions. Just one example: this versatile necklace with hidden clasps. It converts from a 30-inch opera length to a 23-lnch necklace and 7-inch bracelet ensemble. $1.500. Let us show yoo more. •.> • ~;.f he 552 Clu b pl ans tc~· ~pi g summer bash · "-~ . ~r.?-lb VIDA DEAN OfllleDllJ ......... ~ The 552 Club, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. bu again planned its big summer . t-h at :Rancho de Santiago. . It's UIU&lly he!d in late July, but this year &he weatem barbecue will be held Thursday, ~.19. The alxth annual party will feature pit barbecue beef and chic;ken with all the t.rimmlngs, prepared and donated by Pete SiraCuaa and the Rusty Pelican/ Ancient Mariner. •. The Wild Oats a&nd will be on hand to !::. provide western rouaic and there will be square ' i! dancing and hayrides along wlth prizes and ~ special touches arranged by chairman Jon Loeb : ~ and his committee. : Thia year the commitee has been successful • • in aecutjng underwriters for the party allowing <" the greatest portion of the proceeds to go to • Hoag. Last year's barbecue brought ln over .• $16,000. ~. Tickets wlll again be $60 _per couple. :• Reservations may be made by calling the 552 : Club office, 760-5917 . ••• : • CASINO WEST NIGHT: Orange County :. Chapter of International Society of Interior • Designers and the Arthritis Foundation are ~ }• aponaoring a Casino West Night on Aug. 21 at -Warmington Plaza, MacArthur and Main Street, . •· Santa Ana. The 8 p.m. to 1:30 a.m . event will ~. include. food, dancing, entertainment and door . prizes. ~ The sponsors have requested that ·1~<; reservations be made as 900n as possible. The ::=: Arthritis Foundation, Orange County Branch, < 547-5591, may be called .. Tickets are $20 per ~- person. SPAGHETTI DINNER: An authentically cooked and served spaghetti dinner on Saturday, Aug. 14, is promised by the Open Door Chapter of the City of Hope. This is the group's first fund-raising event and it will be held at Brecht Orchid Gardens, 1989 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. i:'·. The seating is limited in the gardens and the group must have reservations. Isaac Weisgal can .~ •• be called at 768-4118. t .. ~. WESTERN ROUND-UP: The Harbor Ridge ~ .. home of Jo Anne and Gene Mix was decorated . with bales of hay, blankets, lariats and horns for ,, the western round-up held by the Sound of •• Music Chapter, Orange County Perfonning Arts ~· Center. ~· The MCN trio, Jeff McLean, Trish Chapman and Billy Nord, en tertained guests with singing and guitar music. •. Before the "cnuck wagon" opened to serve -!.• steaks and potatoes, members and guests had an opportunity to try out the hors d'oeuvres entered .. ., in the country falr appetizer contest. Winner ' : • Mary J ohnson was crowned and received a .r..· certificate for her hot clam dip baked in French I bread. 111 Mrs. Ann McLean was chairman of the 1 I roundup and she was assisted by Mmes. Maxine I 1; • Gibeon, Arpy Anjozian, Ellie Faber, Joan Orr ~ and Betty !o Knickerbocker. ( •• ( . • !,. DEBUT: Huntington Harbour residents are in training for their debut as models in the aecond annual debut fashion show dinner dance aet Sept. 18 by the Huntington Harbour Cancer ~( League in the Anaheim Marriott. if. The models will receive 10 hours of ~-~~. complimentary training by the John Robert t. Powers Modeling School so they will be able to show off the Saks Flfth Avenue fashions. ; ~ Members d.1.-=wBed plans for the gala event f.: recently when they gathered at the Huntington •-~ Harbour home of Nancy Kasaball. t1 Further information and reservations for ti, $50 per person event, which includes dinner, f may be obtained from the American Cancer r~ Society, Orange County Unit, 752-8600. l~i SINATRA CONCERT: The sale of tickets t_ was the main topic of discussion when the · -founden group of South Coast Foundation met ~ -for lunch at Matteo's Restaurant in Corona del , I I I Mar. Frank Sinatra will perform Sept. 25 in the Irvine Meadows Amphitheater for the benefit of the foundation to provide diagnostic and :treatment ael'Vioe9 for per9<>ns whoee llrnitationa make lt difficult for them to become fully independent dtlzena. Tax-deductible seats at the concert are priced at $50, $100 and $250. Cbedc:s payable to &uth Coast Foundation can be mailed to 1501 Westcllff Drive, Suite 205, Newport Beach, Ca. 926e3. Patrons, who have purchued a $2500 or $5000 packap oi tickets will be dining with Sinatra aft.er the concer'o.. Al80 each petron and a guest are beins invited to a mckta1l party Aug. 21 being hosted by Cbanteclal.r Rataurant. . . . N ip and tuck From PageC2 that consultation, and Domanaldl points out. the aarpoo will spend an lnol'dlnate amount of time with the patient before aurpry. "A patient hu to be realleUc about the expectatlonl. •• Domullkil eakL And what are U.... expect.atiOnlf Jn the first f!:.•· tbe patient eh ould undel.a.nd that. 11ft la not aoma to tum t.il cbt dOck. '!1111 ...... 1M bel* to my triend Who had that~ ...... .. Wtiat W ,,_..lift bad done few bef' Wal to I ... = the ...... cheeb and •Y•· She dldn~f ·; ~ ...... .., .... . I llOD gLS -Bill rJnl•ck •nd N•ncy KaaNJJ .re two ol t h e Hun tJngton Herbour re•ldentl •ch eduled to be rnodela at Che Sept. 18 luhlon dJnner dance P.l•nned by Che HH · Ctncer League. • CHAIRP•BIONI - Sally Fen ton. Jett, and JHn Zlmmenmn are ch•ll'lng tb• HuntJngion Harbour Cancer League'• benefit. With t.he two planners ol t.he &pt. 18 event i• LeoJJMd Lady, league chairman. Today's Store for Smart Shoppers· Starting Thursday, you won't have to travel far to save on brand name and designer fashions. Costa Mesa is getting a Marshalls all its own. We'll ne moving in rack after rack of the latest stylemakers, at everyday low prices twenty to sixty percent less than department store regular prices. You '11 save on women's latest designer styles ... men's sport shirts and pro-maker running shoes ... teens' fashion clothes with famous logos. And children's clothes from infants on up - all t he quality classics for less, just in time for back-to-school shopping. We even print comparison prices from other stores right on your t ickets, so you'll see exactly how much you can save. Get to know Marshalls soon. With the styles you'll find, and the money you'll save -you may never s hop anywhere else. OPENSTBURSDAY,AUGUST12 IN COSTA MESA I J\V111llf5hlllllls I ------------lilrondNt:lMl!Sf0rLessl-·---------- COSTA MESA: Harbor Shop. Ctr., at the intersection of Harbor Blvd, nd Wilson St. J I LA MIRADA: Green HIUs Shopping Ctr .. East Imperial Hgwy .. corner of San1a Ger1rud ve NQTON BEACH: corner of Beach Blvd and Terry Or LAGUNA HILLt: Oakbrook Village on "ven1da de la Carlota. take Et Toro Rd e>ut off San o Frwy. lRte 5), adj to Laguna Hills Mall . .. BOUND UP ~ Member• ol th• Sound ot M'&'1lc ~ ~c·:,:,,~ for the round-up held • t the home ol Jo ~. Aline and Gett. Mbt, . f •t rl6ht. With tbe ' bo1t1 11 committee member Betty Jo Knk:brbocJcer. . PATRON PACKAGE:S -Hall Ballman, left, on behalf of Doug Patty, hands over Heritage Bank's check of $20, 000 to Dr. Fra.nk Crinella for four patron packages for the Sinatra concert. Crlnella is president of the South Coast Foundation. In tbe middle of the tranaaction 18 Dorothy Doan, mem~r ol cbe SCF founders support group. FOUNDATION BOOSTERS -Tim Strader, chainrwl of th• South Co•at Foundation Founden Support Group, at Matt#!O's Restaurant with members from left, M•rnle Reed, Tom Casey and Maury DeWald. . :· WESTERN PARTY -Ann McLean, right, was the 'foreman' of the Sound of Music Chapter's western round-up. With the chairman is her husband, Robert, and a member of her committee Maxine Gibson. are slippin' arourid, but liking it less ~ DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a 15-year-<»ild girl who 19 &o'ng with a py, 19. I am mature for my aae and could.,._ for 18. My boyfriend looks < like 21. • My parents bate thla au.y like poison and ~ have refUled to let me IO with him. So we have had to meek around -which makes me feel I ~ lousy. Both Mom and o.d ... h•vy sleepers, 80 my guy hM been caminC ln the back door at night after they have~ to bed. I had a copy of my h<M.-key IDllde, and tJdl la the way we have ' been aettlna tocether· I' ;:· tiiday-nlcht41ly mother caught us and called my d9d. You~ have thought I had committed a triple 9" mwdlr. It WU the abeolute wont nieht of my life. Did kicked .R. (with his 12 foot) out of the ~ and told him if he ever came around again he would have him arrested becaU8e I am undenp. My mother acreamed and 1! Taurus: You are MoHay,A111.t ARIES (March 21-April 19): You get your wilh -you'll be tint in line! Circumstances turn in your favor, you're ab&e to oonaolidate recent galna. Sl.1CCe91 Indicated lf you take initiative, make penonal appearanca and express views · in d)'DADlic. deflnlte manner. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Popularity lncreues, you're invited to join special club, ll'OUP or orpnization. Preltigious ·member of community leeks your aid in charity or civic project. I ~ GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Study Aries "'«l'a&e for valuable hint. You can successfully uUlizit powers o~unar emphasis on I·, friends. hopes. meeting results in future profits. . r· CANCER (June 21.July 22): Communication from a&perior reveala there is room for you at ',tap. DilCem trends, be analytical and get views on paper. Lunar emohM!a on career, prestige and valid opportunity lor promotion. LEO (July 28-Au1. 22): Highlight diplomacy, abllity to discern quafity and recopition of aplrltual valuea. Emphasis on domeltlc adjustment, ttawl. communication and purmlt of educadcmal project. VIRGO (Auf. 23-Sept. 22): Someone attempts to .. pul wool over your eyes in connection wfth money, lnwstments or unusual relatioalblp. UBI.A (Sept. 23-0ilt. 22): lApl coumel may be necelN.r)' -b~m-venture baa many cried and carried on like a lunatic. Nobody is talking to me, and I feel like an outcast. I want to get married and leave this nuthouse. (I am not pregnant or anyt.blna like that.) R. aaya he will man;r me and that we can leave town and make it aomewhere on our own. But we need to know In what state can a girl get married at l~. Pleue help us. -IN LOvt AND MISERABLE DEAR MISERABLE: Tile library b1 tile information y9a wut. I relate to pus It oa. I U,. ft1 "• ttine '" ,... till• letter tlala11 wOJ lilave simmered ....... yoa eu tMllk more clear~ Tllese ••1• •••It• wllo llave an 1t.11 ... JeN an llM ... It...,.. &o make _, .... w.ri.•,lftiat it see .. ,.. WU 1" U.ILw..WM .. f I .......... JM ..... all plus OD llol .. Ask you pareata to eMalffr (aml!f cousell•I· S.. .... J08 mat aD • .., 7elllq ud s&art talkllll to eecla otMr. It'• dte my wa~ere will e..-er M peeee la JMr f.amUJ. Good DEAR ANN LANDERS: People often write to you about how they get tU.1ed for refusini Uoobolk: beveraa-at parties. Well. I have an equally irritatine problem. and I am a teetotaler. My relatives are wane than my friends. I am a vegetarian -which means I eat no meat. fish or fowl. When I started on this diet - which, inddentally, hM done a world of good for invited to join special group HOIOSCON BY SIDNEY OMARA ramifications and expert advice ahould not be neglected. Cancer, Capricorn persona figure prominently. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Project will be completed. It ia necessary to attend to basic issues, to imp.rove special services and to join forces with one who shares your main Interest. SAGl'ITARJUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): &notions dominate, romance ia very much in picture. Accent on creativity, change and a variety of "feelings." CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Strive for more eecure home bue. Check safety hazarda., electrical outlets. Another Capricorn plays prominent role. Lona-fianding transaction can be IUOCe9lfully concluded. Family member teeb your cowwel conc::ernina direction. profeSonal, flnandaJ dedsion. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Gain overall view; fine points, detalla can wait for another day. ~una tum of events might lead to abort journey and competition In which you auccnsfully utilize artistic lkllla. Sagittariatl pla)'l imDcrtant role. PUCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Check details connected with investment, sale or purchase. Study fine print, read between lines. You are capable now of locattna special material and 11aooeafully utillzlna it. LeO, Aquarius, Scorpio per90N figure pronilnently. my health -I expected to 1et some stupid questions and a little pres&re to eat this or that. But It has been three and a half years now, and I am atJll hearing the ume dumb remarlu. People keep alldnc me if I ever feel faint from hunger and bow I expect to keep my red blood count up if 1 don't •t meet. I find It f..;.natfna that at 50 I weigh the same u I did in college, and the morons who ask the most foollah questiona are fat and out of shape. Do you have antd~ comebacks f'lr thole ignorant clods? -G FIT DEAR FIT: Qmck comebaS. wm aot pm u eH &o IM dunb .. eattou. fte fat ud foolld wll1 always be ~ ••· Ask ,..,. doctor ror dte belt book Oil tM ve1etutu diet ud, wllen th qusttou •tart. recommsd die book ud tell ._m. "It'• all la tllere -yoa really oagllt &o read It." lbDf'E IS NOT NECESSARILY SOM E:THING I WOULD RECOMME:ND TO EVERYBODY. For Ad Action Cal a Daly Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 August Sale 15 to 25o/() Off FUUN lJf 0 1928 IN ARIZON A ,, '•II Temt ..,In• S.,t. 14 .. • • Zion, Bryce Canyon national parks offer many breath-taking sights By CAROLYN CAPALBO ~ ...... Deely ,.,. l&pfhlre colon. I: you Co throuCh ~tch, be prepared for a lH1 than · 1,0n the n'xt long weekend, enthuatutlc reception from the why not aee aomething different? natlvee. In aeverti 1top1 in thia Like southweatern Utah, for town, I heve yet to feel that I tnatance? wasn't tretpuain1. Even with · lt'a about 400 miles to St. money lo hand. Oeorae, the hlatortcal winter The Bryce Canyon turnoff ta home of MomlOn leader Brigham seven miles eouth of PNUrUtt.ch. YoUJl8. As 'the town faces IOUth Bryce Point enables viewtn1 to• .catch the aun and a view of from your auto, an aid for thoe colorful hills and rocks, one can who have trouble with altitude. aee how the area might have At Yovimpa Point, you can eee appealed to the winter-weary Ari1.0na, Navajo Mountain (east F ormations exposed below the breaks long ago were about what is now the Grand Canyon ... A beautiful spot here is Navajo lake, set below the rood, glittering in emerald .'and sapphire colors. · j>eorle from the north. I you arrive early in the inorntna. there is plenty of time to explore other wonders before ,Ughtfall. of P~ge, Ariz.) and the Grand Staircase, a series of geologic erosions through different strata to the level of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Switchbacks on the Navajo Loop Trail in Bryce Canyon National Park, Ut.ah Travel up 1-15 to Cedar City and turn east on Route 14 toward Brian Head ski resort and Cedar Breaks National Monument. En route there is a scenic point called Zion View where you can look down and see the tops of the Zion formations. At another lookout at Cedar Breaks (elevation 10,460 feet) there is a panoramic view of western Utah and below is 1-15. The formations exposed below the breaks long ago were above what is now the Grand Canyon. You can continue north across Cedar Breaks to Panguitch Lake and east into Panguitch. Or you 'can backtrack to Route 89 through a geologically recent lava flow which extends for miles. A beauty spot here is N•vajo Lake, set below the road, glittering in emer ald and There's time to take in Zion, and entering it from the east is easiest on the car and offers the best viewing by the driver. Past Checkerboard Mesa, you drive through some strange rock formations. The slanted layering of the rock was caused, according to the geologic information in brochures, by wind piling up sand at angles, then the sand waa compressed and hardened into rock. Then the top was eroded by wind and/or rain and the whole process s~ted again with the wind coming from another direction. Zion is an emotional experience as much as a v1aual one. Its enormity is realized while descending a series of switchbaclcJI and the walls tower ever higher. Once in the valley, there is a winding road along the Virgin River, the creator of it all. Thundering waterfalls in Yosemite National Park, Calif. Yucatan unlike rest of Mexico By STAN DELAPLANE MERIDA, Mexico -The clean tropical town of Merida is named for Merida •iJ1 Spain. The Amerida of the Romana where the Roman forum and theater are finer than anything in Rome. It's an old colonial city, dating ~k to 20 years after the conq._uest. Narrow, cobbled atree~. A bustling big market full" of strange tropical fruits and bright cloth. Hand-made tin pots. Stoves tinsmithed from 5-gallon guollne cans. Fine Panama hats. Woiven from a Yucatan palm. In a comer of the market I found two vintage Victrolas. The kind wound by hand with a bta, ornate born speaker on top. The dog listening politely to his ltlU1er'a voice. A handful of old records to play on the cactus needle. This ta Maya country. In Merida I had lunch with a man wbQ said: ''Three-foul'tha of the people in the beck country •PMk onlY May~ No Spanilb at a.fl. •'In Yucatan, we are 10 different from the rest of Mexico we don't think of ~lvea u ......,,.WeanYucatMGI. 11.tAfe '°" blMwted Jn Maya iuiill? I don't meat\ tbe tou.rllt ,.._that haw'-' ci.ned up. Lib Uxmal and OUchen Ita. I MERIDA, MEXICO Spanish conquistadors founded Merida in 1M2 on the ruina of the Mayan dty of Tehox. Six months later, 400 Spanish told1era with guns and cannon defeated a Mayan horde of 40,000 armed only with stones. That ended Indian resistance In the Yucatan. Many converted, beau.19e they thought it's better to be Catholic than dead. The dty of 300,000 la IWTOUJlded on three aides by jun1le, 'nd vegetation takee root ln every c:iack In Merida'• pavement. Without conatant pruning, the dty could ao the way of the civlHzatlon U repl.ced. The capital of Yucatan atate la known aa the "White City," beca~ of the white, low portlcoed manak>na built by c:olonlal ~ Siaht8eein& ii done by hone-drawn ~ON MENp -Hot.ei. and re11tautant f~ la IC)od, apecialllina In poc"k, chlcllan and fiah cliahea. mean the rutna 1n the deep . ~ I w• in Quintana Roo. You know that'• ao ll1htly Mttledb!:r much Junale that h didn't ne a state until 1974. Before that it WM a *1110l'Y. 11Ther•'• an Indian •lll•••· And only a day's walk from there -. No, I didn't p . But someday -. It'• a whole ctty, they said. Nobody -no white man -has seen it." He said: "Remember the Kon Tiki man? Built a boat of papyrus. Like the Egyptians made in ancient times. He tried to sail to the Yucatan to prove the Mayans came from Egypt. Or f.rom the last Atlnntls. "Maybe it's true. Ma1ans were big on pyramids like Egyptlana. And there's a relief in atone on a wall in Chicben Iua that abowt a boat very similar. Who knows?" The man ln Merida continued: "Tourists take pieces ~ht off the wan. 1n Chichen ltr.a.' The old Maran capital la the moat famoua o the ruina. You dri\fe out in a couple of houn from Merida. There'• a ho\f91 there. The rU.lns have been cleared -impressive pyt'amida and IJ"Mt cemptee. The Merida man 1&td: "In the muaewn at J~e entrance, they had three cerved jlguan. Three me.. Uke the mama-the .-.- and the little one. "Well, IOIJ'e~Y cam.-a1ona and )let put the little one under ht.a arm and walked out! I ieu YoU eame people are bandits at ~;, Of oou.-If the Mexican polke catch you, th:,Jut you away undl you are . and~· ··-··-+ ' Taking national park vacati'on By tbe A11octated Prell U your spirit says it's ready for a vacation, but your budget says it's not ready for the price, it may be time to look at the National Park System for • low-<:ost. close-to-home summer holiday. Most Americans tend to think of national parks in terms of remote wilderness regions. But the park system actually includes 333 recreational areas, many of w~h you can reach without a lot of expensive driving or time away from home. There are 48 full-fledged national parks included in the system; other places maintained by the park over parts of Kentucky, Virginia system range from historic and Tennessee, is less than 100 . houses and monuments to small, miles from the better-known and natural areas suitable for a single more-crowded Great Smoky day's outing. Mountains of North Carolina and Admission to most of the Tennessee, and offers some equal nationalparksitesisfree;only62 attractions, including a areas have an e ntrance fee, wilderness trail cut by Daniel ranging from 50 cents to $3. The Boone. entrance charge does not include The Golden Eagle Passport user fees for things like costs $10 and Is an annual campsites; nor does it include fees entrance permit to all parks, imposed by concessionaries for monuments and recreation areas food, equipment rentals, etc. administered by the federal The Golden Age Passport is free and is available to people 62 and over. It covers ~on fees and entitles the holder to a 50 percent discount on user fees c harged by the federal government. You do not have to renew it annually. You mus( get a Golden Age Passport in peraon and must show proof of age. The passports are available at most federally operated recreational areas, as well as at park and forest service offices. The Golden Access Passport is similar to the Golden Age Passport, but is available to anyone who is eligible to receive disability assistance from any federal program. You do not actually have to be receiving benefits to qualify; you simply must b e eligible for those benefits. Like the Golden Age Passport, the Golden Access Passport does not have to be renewed. For more information about the park system , contact the nearest regional office of the park service or write to the national headquarters in Washington. A booklet descri bing "Lesser-Known Areas of the National Park Sys tem" is available for $4 from the Consumer Information Center, Dept. 192K. Pueblo, Colo. 81009. No booze cruise Duncan Morrow, a park government. It is good only for service spokesman, said this the calendar year in which it Is year's total is running about 4 issued. The passport admits the percent ahead of last year's. h o 1 d e r • p l u s a n y o n e Note: The park service counts accompanying him or her in a "visits" rather than individuals single, private, non~mmerclai because it has no way of keeping vehicle. In places where entry is track of the actual number of not by car, the passport admits people involved. It also counts the holder and immediate family visits in two ways: People who group -parents, children and stop and use the facilities -camp. spouse. It covers entrance fees ing, 'touring monuments or only. Travelers and vacationers who battlefield, etc. -and thoee who You can get it through the are interested in a "Cruise simply drive through; there were mail or in person from the Without Booze," Attache Case 329 million "drive-through" headquarters offices of either the Travel of Newport Beach has visits in 1981. National Park Service, Room made arrangements for a "Sober The park service has been 1013, U.S. Department of the Sailors" seven-day cruise to trying to promote some of the Interior, 18th and C Sts. N.W.. Yucatan and Mexico's Caribbean lesser-known areas in its sywtem Washington, D.C. 20240, or the Riviera, Oct. 16 to 23. Port of and Morrow says it has had some Forest Service, U.S . Department departure will be Tampa, Fla. succeu, partic ularly with of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. For those interested, there wW Cumberland Gap National 20250, or from regional offices of be two AA meetings daily aboard Historic Park, whiche ~.:...;x.:...;te.:...;n.:...;d...;;s_.....;e_it_h_e_r_ag=-ency--:;·.....;· ___ _._ ____ ..:;th::.:.e;::;....;;c;;,;;.r..;;;u.;;.;ise __ l;;;;in;;;;;..;;..er~ S_l/_S_V_e_ra_c_r_u_z. Traveling with baby When Howard and Sandra Weinberg of New York go saillng on their boat, 2-year-old Brett comes along. ''We've been takln8 him on all our vacationa a1nce he wu 2 weeks old," said Mrs. Wetnbera. Seven-month-old Kelly hasn't 1lowed down her parent1, Barbara Sleeper and Bob Chron, either. The Citrone, wrltera and conaultanta who travel fot a llvln1, often to remote locattona, have atmply taken their dau;::er alona. Kelly hM aboUt 19,000 milel th her~-'° IUCh outpoltl • Maehu Plcchu in the Andel and Mount KtUman~ro In Atrica. ----------AOVERTISEMENT---------- Airport Express Starts New MHU-Coach Routes to LAX La Habra, Calllornia, July 1982. 24 Hour Airport Express bas{':! 1tar1ed a Mtnicoech Service to Anaeles IntemaUonal Airpll't from Laiuna Be.ch. Th.la new tervlce will atop at 6 oonYef\Aently located botela near the Pac.we Cout Highway and will provide low coe~ ~uled. van eervfce for lAcuna llNCll, Newport Beach, Balboe, Huntinaton Beach and Lona Be.ch, Kenneth J . Wooda. Dtrector of Markettn1 announced today. Mlnicolicb .aervD wW operai. 14 ttm. daily cm a achedWe/naervadoft bllll to and frOm LAX with • lit11• • four hour r .. rvatlon notice. RMtrvaUou, fant Md .em.:. btltkm can be obtalDid by 0aWnc 14 Ho"r Airport JDapren at 71 .. 738-&108 ar T1~1811 ar b1 . calling your travel agent. Fares per person will ranae between $14.00 and $17.00 one way to LAX. Reduced f.aree are avallable for children 6-16 y.,.. old, ttavel aaenta. famillell or related groups of two or more and aen.lor cttiJlerw 6~ and older. I. RIDING FAST -Dick Dale, the "King of the Surf Guitar," waves at spectators as he er~ in Newport Harbor aboard a Surf Jet at 30 \ mph. Dale is helping promote the $2,300 innovation, powerea by a 15 hp engine. 'Three years of hell' pay off lacocca took over a calamity; today Chry$ler has a fighting chance By Tile A11oclatecl Presa Looking back on the broken empire he inherited, Lee Iacocca'a voice is low and Incredulous. : He sees the Michigan State Fairgrounds jammed with thousands of unsold, dusty, l'Uating Chryalers, Dodges, Plymoutha. He aees foreign ~era_tions sucking life from Ghryaler like a lamprey on a lake ttout. He aees decrepit plants, like the Dodge Main in Hamtramck, Mich., a gray invalid more decayed than the neighborhood it was aet in. He sees thousands of ··men and women on assembly lines where quality t ook a bac kseat to the tempo of production. Cars that needed last-minute corrections, a rap with a bung hammer to make doors cloae was good enough. And he sees himself, coming to government; as with a sick baby, asking for help. That was in 1979. But look at the 1982 model Iacooca. He is beaming, ebullient, elated, expansive, proud. He has more than a billion dollars in the bank" as working ca_pital._ H_e has cleared up all of Chrysler's old bank debL He has six months earnings of $256.8 million, more than a half-billion turnaround from the fint six months of 1981. And he has just come through what he unabashedly calls "three years of hell." Still, stock market analysts are divided on whether he is really out of the woods yet. They wonder at his arrangement with Mitaubishi and Peugot which Chrysler has stock in. They ask about the pmsibillty of merger. When he walked in, "it was bad. It wu fat. but so was all of Detroll. In my last years at Ford we made $1.8 billion after taxes each year. . .But thoee were the fat days. They were paying guys like me a million a year. We became arrogant and we lost the target. "Let's not argue about lousy management or bad strategy. Fifty percent of the problems were ~t mistakes. For instance, (Chrysler) put 10 much of their assets into overseas companies to add a global look. They certainly didn't have styling that was accepted on the market. But more important, they cut cornen. They didn't have quality products. They had cars that rusted. They had declining resale values." lacooca'a tint t.M at Chrysler waa trimmin1 waste. ""The demiae of the foreign empire waa 1# ...... TOUGH TIMES -Chrysler Chairman Lee Iacocca is confident his troubled corporation has seen the worst. Air Irvine skirts ~AX parking blues Appropriately, perhape., when A1r -frvine took o(f tr.om John Wayne Airport lut Sunday on Its fin& regularly echeduled flight, the one paying pallellger was an Irvine reaiaent, Jamee W . Truher. ''I 1ot tired of driving the treewali to Los Angeles and tired o hualtna with parkin1 and paytnc for It." Truhet aaid, explalniq how he came to be amonc paaenaen on the new commuter tervlce'• inauaural flicht. . So, Truher, head of the Costa )hla-a-d Polar18 ~t 01'oup, opted for a fiw-mlnute drtw fnim hia lrvtne home to boud Air 1rvtne on the ftM lea of bh bu1lne11 trip to 0,_llboro. N.C. Don Powell, Costa Meaa buaineawoman Karina Martin, Garden Grove photographer Steven Hall and a Dally Pilot reporter. Leveling off at 31000 feet, Capt. Ken QuJck, who pllowd the alrcraft, quipped, "Some alrlinee advertise 7~ percent of their seata are either on the a1sJe or the window. On Alr Irvine, 100 percier\t of our aeata are on the allJe and the window." Co-pilot wu Air Irvine Prelident Leo SuaJJo who •id the dav had been "a long time ~11 and that he felt ''really 1ood • about 1ettln1 the commuter 8ervSoe off the ll'C)Und. AfW a US-minute~ of the airllne't LA f.8d.UIMI. pOote and p I 1111 ...... -inln'--'fNher who WU Oii hl1 W•J ... , - return.ct to Oran1• County .............. .,. ......... 1WWVatlone for the 4:IO p.rn. ~~ easy becaUle when I arrived they had already talked Peugot into buytna it. Peuaot regreta it to thia day We had already aold off what wu left of South American operationa to Volbwaaen. and they took a beth on that." Then there WU the aaJes bank. Ch.ryaJer kept an inventory of completed care from which dealen could order what• they wanted. ''They built can and piled them in yards, 60,000, 70,- 000 at a clip and they aged and fell apart." "With the cost of money goina up, to carry that inventory of a couple of hundred million dollars was just craz:y. We finally kil1ecl that snake. I just got rid of them. .. he sakl. Iacooca cloeed or coll90Jidated a score of obsolete plants and modernized the remain.iq 21. He persuaded the Unttea Auto Workers to take $17.50 an hour, instead of $20. Executives took a 10 percent pay cut. He reduced his own ealary to a dollar a year. The company aaved $1.2 billion in Wapl and benefita. l.Ayoffa totaled 64,000 . . . Not without yarn. "The penonal aJ'llUlah. pe9 that'• what compauJon la all about. You can worry about bottom lines all you want., but a SUY aeta laid off with 10 years aenlority ahd he'• worked hard all hil life. And he says. but why? What did I have to do with it?" He reduced fixed coats by about $2 billion a year. He reduced the breakeven potnt. In 1979, Oi.rywler had to aell 2.4 million unlta to l'89Ch that map: mark. Today it ii half that. ''Our home la in order now. U I could nm three years on that shoestrlna . . . with a bUlion I can 1ut the next couple of yean with e..e." (See IACOOCA. Pa1e DI) Sbop1Jltlna I• 011 the lncrea•e, and more stores an preu1ng charse11 a11ain•I olleade'n. Pa1Je D2. The Surf Jet. ahaped foe hlah performance alalom tnaneuverabWty, ii powered by a 15 horaepower water cooled enQine that takes water in and pumpt it out at 110 pounds of thrust. It has a maximum apeed of 30 ml1ee per hour and a crulaln& ::?. of 50 miles, Montgomery The apeed la controlled by a hand-held "leash" with an automatic engine ahut-off ~eetµ.re should the rider fall. The hand-laid fiberglass matt ahell is filled with high density urethane foam. And while its designer says the Surf Jet will never replace the traditional surfboard, it has many of the aame qualities. The advantaee to the new board, he -.ya. ts that a surfer can take it out on the flati.t day and enjoy houn nf aood rides. Mon~ said the St. Paul, Minn., firm that Is manu.f.acturtnc the Surf Jet expectl to produce 400 to ~00 of the 110-pound boards thia year. He says he haa ordera for more than 100 of the motorized boarda from Chuck Dent aurfboarda in Huntington Beach, and la marketing the board In both California and Hawaii "It's a tool that adds a new dimension to 1urfln1." ~on~omery aaid. And, apparently lt'a euy for a surfer to adjust to riding a board with a motor. Witness Dick Dale'• third tum .around the pre911 boat without a spill. (See JET, Page D!) JET PO R -Dick Dale, "not doing too bad" in the words of Surf Jet designer Bob Montgomery, controls the machine with a hand-held "leash." The engine is designed to shut off if the rider falls. Deposit insurance: How reliable is it? WASHINGTON (AP) - Television commercials, sponaored by the Savi.op & Loan loundatJon, announce proudly that Congreaa backs your depoltta ''with the full faith and credit of the United States." lt'1 not quite true. .. , I 1 I I Here are the stock market activities of publk:IY tnlded (;)range Couhty flrma for the WMk ended Friday, Aug. 8. Oata provided by Newpor.t Securities Corp. .... f '"" ' '"'"'""" Lff•TtOt I I U tHttl ltl '" I HU llt t I tll l &) ....................... ·············-·-............•......... --································································ ' I I AlO• 1111.. Hiii t ai. .. Ce••· au t .......... .. •• !::t::. ..... ,., ····" •••••• lllt•fff .. WUr llt .. "ft' ..... , •• .............. , .... U ol\ U . n lu• .. ~ Onul ... ll~ Pita ...... ... ::: s.n ... • ••• •::l ·If.:,::~:, '·" • 1., "·" ... . ...... . 1·"··· . ., ... , ... ,.. "·"' ••••• '·"' ·•!m l It ........ u .. ,.. ' ... , ......... , • ••••· '•••· ••c•• ' •••tl••• .... . I ... ~., ..... 1 t k••• hU. H O , ........ .., .. , . t 1 aeatl Ot-t lllltC1 11 t lflr•, 1... 11rt. a ::m!::-i .::: :m: ,, .. , .. ,, ... '" . 16 c.,., l1Ht.1,. CAii. !I :::~:::.::"•· ::: tt Ol,ta111 l•11t • to c.1 .... ''"' • It C1he•l1 It•· • II C1..,,.11, I••• CMJO II o.., ••. Cue Cllrl It C1•l ... \o• COYT• n C:illl ,H A lhtl Cll• II ••'••ow.r eP•I 11 lt l.•&r·•· ., •• , ... ,... ..,,.. '' ...... , ,,. . , .... 3t llCO, h•• llC St Ctr •lo"•· l l'" SI •ldot'9'tt l 1nil I LDa JJ laYhW C•rp l"L•• J• l•olu\hfl T•tft • U 1110111\. h•. 111 )6 ,.,. .. el ''"· '"' Jf raru •••r.t. ''"• JI ""•" c.,.,. ri..• • Jt fluoroea,.•e• t CI•' •o l or l•U•r L. tlTI' • t Oot\t rt l tv\o. 0111 ti Coturel Tt r •• OTCI •) Oohlta V. M. OWN t U Ortatwon•o•' O"I lfS ltt llonet\01 MILi t6 M.,• U .. •1• loft Ir H• Tl '1 lo•t hal\.1'1 MNCI •• l ••ut.roft .... INNU •t l •porhl Pt t. !JOI 'O Crh Ttoll. SIL•&• Mllh U\ SI \.tt•r Pr••· j) llo• Cou11lr1 St Loo &1 l•Hot '' l.uUtt r Me• S• lfoCo•Ot Corp. ct~• LOI& L&JI Otll LUC L.ITMU ST Morowr1 '•-. MJI. SI """'° Oo•ortl .. Jt "'•"••••loo11. MJCCa 60 ... ,.•iauu Ind MUI 6t Mlf OeU Cor, MU 61 •attoftt l I •. l lC t •1 ••w.at•• '••• •aua 6• lo hoa ltf'I •CL• '' lw,t l la l St •. .. 66 ••••or\ C.rp. l lVP• 61 lo•porc. lht t l lVI 61 low,ort Pb•"'• • .,,. 6t ltw .. ,. •• Cee lhW TO l ._ehet> ..... IMU Y 1 O.e\lo• 0011 T I O.n l .. d tee\ OMlt 1) Pa.o&tlO StU• PSX 1• Pari tord Peu Parr fS P•ll Pae.C:o,.91 PPIC: 16 Pt,a,. •Jfl'O PStll ff PrealeJ' Co. POC • fl r,.ht reala PT•t• f t a._,.,.L O.a l. IPTO 11 11 l•1h1•tr I•• llS • I I••· leN~r•• Ill• II J e•lla r tol'p. 11.U I) l ••-•w1t 01 l SIU ~· IS Heoa Sr• SLC•• :: :!:::,.~:~·i. =~i • 11 lowth W. l aftfll SOii II lta .. erd Le1. lfOL• It lt•adar4 Pao. IPF • t o $ttkl t1•r•• STGI t t lweJ 10•1 l••· UID '-••"• .. .. .,,.,.~ ...... ....... , ····" Cr•tftt Of"•••• ..... ,., .... .. ... __ .,., ..... . C.••t• .. .. 'flll•9'11 ,. ,.,, ,.,., .. ... '"'•fill t•• ...... ,. ........ ••w••"' ''"" C•U • Maia laeU i\flllA ...... ,. ., .... ...... ,., ...... '•llerto• lawport la•cti .... u ••• lr•h• Aflll••tle Ce•h fl••• k ilt• ••• ..... ,, ...... f'w•l h' hftU .he 1,.w \na h•h•l• •• ..,,.,., •••cl'I S••l• ha lrwU1a h1•"•l • L•a~aa h1•I ....... ,. fuet lA Janu IA• Senta ,,.. t"" '"· An•"•'' Sal'lt.a Ana Ntvport •••<ti'I La1•n• Ml \ I• Ml••lOft l t eJO La1 .. na •u U' ........ 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Ot•rou ttoa111ttl1 h••r Con• I L• Hrt hfllk'"' H•a l\'ti Ca,.• fe•W"Ofh&l'IOah ,,.ocJ Ol I tro!l~otto• , ........ ,. ,.,. ..... . s ••• ,. •• ,.., •••• \,. .. . Jr t••l I fl• lna l..-u. •lll ,,,. ''"" .... ,,. •• 11 l~tr•'f•1'•u• C•tl\ater ••a\ •H•'• I Part. 01 •.n OSI I, JI OUOAO 0.)1 01060 •• ,o wuoao 10.11 aaJD&O t.n O SOAO • H ~: ;i • ,)I \.1S If,' I .. ., . JI U IDl O 6,11 \,II l&tDAO t.\O •• 00 IUOAO 6.1'1 l.ot u soao '·'' • .11 ••1010 1s.oo •1.00 usooo ·°' .0) OTC •.\O •• ,0 S.n•a• • loan •as ).JI ).1' "loroto .. w\ar 3••h • OfC 1,H t.lJ h•l••••\lolor 1>r••• OTC 1.t6 r.u h 1h 1t. ,,.ooae• u ol'I. l &SD&O I.TS t.lS D•U eftlf'J Wre ltU h aSI 1S,tt U. IS '•••tl•••i frt•M u.w•r lfJC ,, ••• It.JS P•t\ foM ,..1\aur••t llJD&O 1•.6t t i .JI Or"I Ot uo•orr •&ID&O t 1. 1' 1 t .1t ..... ,,.. OTC tS.00 ts.oo La••t"/0,\loa l••b· llJOIO 7t.SO IS.1, lht \. Maur. hu\r. IAS••o 1. 'TS r. '' "'"' •f&"• 14SIAO 6 .,0 6 .]I :::;,~:~:::;. ':~!:·· :::::: : :1: : :;: hro Pr••••••"• '"" Mr1 . Cf aearutara l\at. l•u tr. • •r•· Ol l • Ooa Ot l _,,, Oa a .soi.,. •••llnc Ira. h M Co•atrwot I•• C••vUr prhUra C.Mr•u r•,.••h••• ltUlt P•r•U .. ,, JoJff• •••• ~•r• 11't . T• l••M•• SJa\. 01 l • .._. Ot • "'' l,_l•lr•t-ad Ura "°ltlh "•"• Df>CUll'll tooh • •11· ••nll l"I Dl&l\a\ •J• oomp. 111e .. 001utrt,;a\ Soft .. ,.,. ,. ..... , ... Mt& h•rltoUG Pr ... UIOAQ wUOAO IUI ...... IUSD&O l&IDAO n u T ''° '·" '·" ••• ,JI . ,, .... '.so \.so '·JI . ,, . , . • is 1.00 unao 11.n ''·" IUOAO •,JI 1.1'1 nae 1.n '·" lllt&O t .00 LOO IUHO •.oo •.is OTC 1,1) 1.1' I UDlO l ,OO f,6) UI I.JI 1.1) wtH If.It 10.1) IOIOCO J,JS ).U OTC ),l) ),JI UH •.H •.U IUHO 1.00 T.00 I UO•O '·'' '·" :~:~ '1:W 10 '·" •e 1.n I C . '·' .. ., ... ' .... . . .. . .. , . .. , .... •IJ,6 t. II •JI.I \O,U I I~ '·" lfc 10.0:1 • ... , 0.1 IC , Tl . I.' .... • f.t Ct, U I IC t.lO IC t.U •IJol C0.01) ·If.I ct.111 . ::~ •::l IC o.0 I C I. JO .•.• o.u llC ( 0.011 .11.1 '·"' . .,., .... 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'·''' '°'·'" U,JOI .,o, Jll .. ,,,. ·It• ·:m '·"' • •• .. ., 10,••• EPOSIT INSURANCE: HOW SAFE?. • Money from the f~ la used o pay back d e positors in titutiona that fail and bring bout mergers o f weak tutiona with stronger ones. 1be .FSLIC spent $996 million· at year to bring about 23 er1en of S&Ls, and $115.5 Ulion so far this year for 16 eraen. The FDIC estimates its costs r the recent mergers of nine utual savings banks may reach 1.7 billion. Sen. Jake Garn, R -Utah, thailmMUl of the Senate Bankimr &.;omn11:ttee, aakS "abeolutely yeslf hat legislators would stand hind the insurance funds. "'!be government hu made a commitment." said Kane. •u they b.ck out of thia one, hat elle would they back out " The directors of the two JJilltelt lnluranoe fu.ndl ~ they ve no worriee about Conareas' omlna to their a1d in the LJ.Lal.Y event they need help. s..ley says that for the next several years at least, the S&L insurance corporation "has auffident reeerves," despite the industry's recent weekness. Regulators point to the resolution Cong.rem approved last sprins( that deposita ln federally insured institutions, up to the $100,000 limit per depositor , are "backed by the full faith and credit of the United States." The non-bind ing resolution was de8Cribed by one infonned source as a "painless" move Congress took to give "a psychological impetus to keep money in savings and loans." The S&L industry, battered by high interest r a t es, has b ee n under~olnj{ its worst financial crunch since the Depression. The source, who asked not t.o be identified, said the resolution "was a m oral o bligation sta t eme nt b y Congress expressing its feelings at. that time" to back up the funds. "It's certainly not a law that commits them." 1be FDIC baa a $3 bllllon line of credit with the Treaau.ry the S&L Insurance fund, a $750 mllllon line of credit. Beesley said he believes that t1* funds. aa a ~ractical mauer, have an 'unlimited line of credit at the Treasury.,, The credlt union fund has smaller re9el'vet b9ckJ"I up the accounts it inaw'el and recently Callahan aald he wanted t.o boalt From Page 01 the fund's reserves from 0.297 percent of insured accounts t.o l percent. The other two funds have higher raUoa. 1.227 percent for the S&L fund , and 1.19 percent for ~t Insurance corporation. t.o agency figures. The credit unlon fund'• expenses on Uquidatlona and mergers grew from $5 mllllon in 1979 t.o $40 nillllon in 1981, the agency said. The insurance pools exist on premiums from the inltitutions they ln1ure and from Income earned on the investment of that money . The premium a11eaament1 are baaed on1 the amount of savings held by participating INlltutk>nl. Some of those interviewed described aa "ridiculous" suggestions that the funds ahould have enough money t.o match the amount of deposita they lnaure. "Thi.a idea that the inaurance funds have to match dollar-to· dollar againlt their risk ii a bit far-fetclled" said Wllllam Iaaac, head of the Federal Deposit Inaurance Corp. ••What l.naurance c:ompany do you know anywhere in the world that matches dollar-for-dollar reserves against its e>CpQture?" he asked. The better question, he contended, "la whether our fund of $12.2 billion II J.arae enouah in relationahlp to lta potential kmee. and my anawer to that que.Uon II. Yes." IA<::OCC~ LOOKS BA.CK. • • But ouWde ~·· hawe, ti la • blHk nnanclal •later. outllde Of .._ .. c:Qntrol He ~ tM 1.ck ot a ..... polky, the ID of an ..-sy policy, tbe lack of 11able ~ ~a.198U1acory ~.a... -.ra"a..a policy "to Ive within our llMillllll..,. MOil of an. bit-~.., hlO ..... rat-. Wbm he ..ilD of~ ---,.. hit ilc*l• out. Ilia& -.., can maa 11111n •an Imo-mt De Mammoth EIH"'I Cenler -~-- LAKE BUENA VISTA. J'la. (AP) -TrucU plow th!'Wlh the mud roada. Conatructlon cran.. awlnt tNtck ancl forth ac:nim \M doUd·fill«I aky. Thousand• of hard-batted worken awarm over a/ltt*5 • buay landacape dot\• with bup at.ruct\lr'el ranalnt from the odd-shaped futurtltlc to European ancient. Oriental ttmpl1tt meld with American frontier architecture, William Shakespeare'• birthplace and Parla' EUfel Tower around a bu~~1ineer1" of Walt Disney'• lepcy are bUIY punlna the final tauchea on their late master'• dream: a showplace C.'Omblnina the put and the fu. ture, American technololY with the flavor of fomp lard and cul tun.. The $800 mllllon Epcot Center ta In the final stages of con- struction aloJl#de central Flor- ida'• bluest tourist attraction- Walt Disney's.Magic Kingdom. The center's two theme areu -World Showcase, with pavil· ions representing nine nationa, and Futun! World, featuring the marvels of American science, industry and imagination -will be ready Oct. l for the first of an e xpected 8 million visitors a year . The new attraction, combined with the familiar amusement park next door, is projected to lure more than 20 million people a year to Florida. For the visitor, the offerings of Disney's biggest and moat expensive project are deecribed this way: In F\ature World, you travel the corridors of time and discover what lies ahead. In World Showcase, you travel the countries of the world and dis- cover the family of man. UWll ....... Epcot Center was original EPC0T -acronym for Experl· mental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, a futuristic concept some envisioned as a plastic· domed city where people would live and work in a controlled laboratory environment . GLOBAL VILLAGE -Workers look over construction of 180-foot geosphere "Spaceship F.arth," part of the huge Epcot Center Walt Disney dreamed of building. The $800 million complex is near completion near Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Fla . That idea eventually gave way to the more practical, per- manent exposition of science, Imagination and foreign cul- tures. Disney officials defend it as much more than a giant theme park. ''Epcot will be as different from Disneyland as this was from Coney Island.'' says Disney World spokesman Bob Mervin. "It's a step toward getting entertainment from real things as oppoeed to fantasy." Twice the size of the Magic K ingdom and linked to It by eight miles of monorail, Epcot Center still encourages debate about whether it'• primarily educational or entertaining. Even some of the top l>isney off id.ala aren't sure. Dick Nunis, president of Walt Disney World, put It this way recently while conduc\lng an impromptu tour, "I subecribe to what Walt always said -'I would rather entertain and hope pepple learn than teach and hope they're entertained.'" At a distance, Epcot Center's mmt striking feature la a sllver- aleamlng 180-foot geoapbett, the Spacesl)!P Earth &lobe, at the gateway to Future World. From there, the visitor can wander through pavilions named Universe of Energy, Transporta- tion, the Land, Imagination, New Horizons and Computer Central. Adjacent to Future World and encircling the 40-acre lagoon, the visitor will walk or ride along village streets j>ln.ing Aztec pyr· amida, a Japane.e Shinto shrine, a broad piazza from Italy, Chi· nese pagodas, a Bavarian bier· garten and other slices of life from eight foreign cultures. "I'm as excited aa a kid waiting ·for it to open," says Nunis, supervtsi.na the day-to-day con· structlon of what he says may be the largest private building pro- ject In the country today. There are 4,000 construction workers mak1na the stretch drive to complete the 550-acre project, which ia C09ting twice as much as the oriCinal Macie .Kirfgdom did when it ooened 10 years ego. Some i.800 full-time artists, designers and engineers are in· volved,' plus another 1,000 in consultlna flnna across the coun· try, the Oianey organization says. Epcot will more than double t>i1ney'1 investment In the 27,400-ecre "wcation kingdom" site southwest of Orlando Particlpatin1 In the Future World adventure8 Disney says are a pre\'lew of the 21st century are the Bell System, Exxon, General Motors, Kradt, Kodak, American Express, Coca-Cola, S perry Univac and General Electric. The foreign nations involved in World Showcase's firstf.hue are Canada. France, Italy, apan, China, Mexico, Great Britain and West Germany. The American Adventure Pavilion will feature Disney's first "walking" aµdio- animatronic robot, Ben Franklin, along with Thomas Jefferaon and other historical figures. Everything is big. One single pavilion, The Land, covers more than six acres. as big as all of Tomorrowland in the Magic Kingdom. The lagoon takes up an area equal to 85 football fields. In the Horiz.ons Pavilion, a film made with the help of an elec- tron microscope will present the audience with an ant's eye eight stories high. The 80Uth roof of the Energy Pavilion is equipped with 80,000 photovoltak cells which will generate 70,000 watts of power to help run a 600-aeat ride inside. . Plants in the Land Pavilion grow in seawater, without soil and in the zero-gravity environ- ment of space. Giant tomatoes sprout from roots attached to the ceiling. Shoplifting on the upswing, • more stores prosecuting BJ LOUISE COOlt A1111l11l f P\tW ...._ The cry of "Stop! Thief!" ii becom1na more frequent In the nation'• ltore9 the1e days. • retallen report an l.ncreae in sbopliftina and warn that the cost of the kmes ia beinC puiled on to innocent comwnen. The National Coalition to Prevent Shop- lifting, a non-profit or1anhation with head- quarters in Atlanta, elltimates that ahopliftlnl lOlae9 In 1980 reached $24 billion -up from about $16 billion a yew eerller. For every $1 stolen In bank robberl-., the C08lldon 18)'9, more than $300 WU stolen in shoplifted merchand.Jle. The alltion note. that the io. ftp.re in- cludes the costs ot store eecurity and ~tion a well u the value of the~ Itself. It doel not. however, include the m to 1ta1.el aftd.., Jocal pernment from unooUec:ted alee taxee; nor dOel It include the COit to the tupeyen of ~t law enfOl'eement dvtdel. 'nw antl4hopllftinf coelidon WM formed in 1979 with a pnt from the U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Government funcUnc for the pl'Oll'Uft •XJIUa next month, ~. becau. of federal bUdltt cutMdca and orpnllarl a.re l8eldna retaUen' ~ to ccnUn\llt ~ echatioMI projec\. 'lil-.-f.r, the ntao.n~Nluc:t.ant '° foot tbia bW -the anti .non. JUdl ....... dlnctOr of .... ~ that GNy about ~ftftb of the money needed Md .., rUlld ,by the ....._.,Of .July. The coalltian. whlicb ooncmtntee ltl ef'°'11 :=:::l:!!!"n'=-t:':C:= .......... hi• §...... illoWn tlli& •YT?.• IM man llDll1 ID llit cmllht lbOpllnllll -AD liil.-19.11 ~Of_.. . ._ !:.ooo ~ .. I • • cr•u•• •t1 ·'&~·----1 ::r W-'a Q1ahMlof ·~G•-•=••• -~dik .................. .. • \hose questioned -91 percent -aaid that shoplifting was a crime. At the same ti.me, however, almost half - 49 percent -said they had shoplifted at least once. And 60 ~nt of thoee who laid they had (See SHOPLIFT. Page 03) CLIENTS Who Are Looking For A TU FIB Wrt To Mue ,,_. Money Grow •...... Current lntereet Rate 12.l'I -1001 ~ $etety ~=:'w . ---C.ritllt Inc-., .. """" 'IMIT•..._, --~~ ~~ ... ...... -.... ....................... ... Oli .. tllll ......... 1-~ ~ IWolli. a...c_..-;... . ._ .. ~ ....... -..... • MAKING SCENTS -Andrea Bloom, 50, and her husband Melvin, 55, surprised fellow Their business is .booming LOS ANGELES (AP) -Nearly five years ago, Andrea and Melvin Bloom's accountant informed them that their new fragrance and apothecary shop would have to do $300 a day In business to break even. "I nearly died," Mrs. Bloom says. "I mean. how can anybody sell $300 worth of fancy 90ap?" Last year, Tottenham Court Ltd. In Studio City groaed $326,000 and went into the mail- order business, the co-owner says. Mrs. Bloom claims an average of 100 customers a day. The shop on Ventura Boulevard is patterned after the posh J .F1oris Ltd. company in London, which is known as the oldest perfumer in the world. The couple commissioned an Argentine craftsman to design mahogany floor-to.ceiling cabinets so the store would resemble a Victorian chemist's shop. The couple's ide~ for the shop stems from Mel's interest in history and a vi.sit to London. "My husband and I decided we wanted to do 90mething together. He was tiring of being a literary agent. So on a trip to London we visited Floris. We fell In love with it. We're real anglophiles," Mrs. Bloom says. The 1,400-square-foot business is bulging with more than 30,000 local and imported i~. including bouquets of silk flowers, embroidered pillows, soap and toiletry arrangements and hand-made porcelains. Much of the merchandise cannot be found outside of England. In 1979, the couple made sweeping changes to promote the English theme. Merchandise was accented with embroidered silk, linen and ribbon. Five full-time and six part-time saleswomen -all former customers -were hired to pamper customers. Rather than the uaual prohibitive no eating ligns, Tottenham C.ourt customers are greeted by the messages: "Eating is a joy. delicious and dear, but whatever you're yearning, please don't eat it here." Would-be thieves are warned, "Shoplifters will be sent to the tower," referring to the once common beheadings undertaken at the Tower of London. Mrs. Bloom credits the store's success to such touches, along with the personalized care given customers to replace the computerized counter of department stores. SHOPLIFT • • • (From Pase DZ) 1hoplifted before said they would do it again. Only 17 percent of those who l\fld shoplifted said they had been caught. The coalition study did not attempt to measure the impact of the current recession on shoplifting. Fewer than one-third of those who 1tole, however, said they took the items in- volved because they didn't have the money to pay for them; the rest generally said they acted on impulse, did it for the thrill, or responded to a dare. A substantial number of the young people questioned placed the blame for shoplifting on the atores. One-third of those who said they ha~ never shoplifted and'four-tent.ha of thoee wlio laid they haa expresaed agreement with the ltatement: "Stores force people to shoplift by charging prices that are too high." The coalition also contacted almost ~.ooo retailers for their views on shoplifting. Among the findinp: -Almost nine in 10 uid there had been a definite increase in shoplifting in the past two years. In a 1~9 survey, only about slx in 10 re~ that shoplifting was on the rue. -More than three-fourths of the retailers uld the cost of shoplifting was directly passed on t.o their cwatomen. Three-fourths also said they w1ll. ln general, proeecu':'e!°flifters, but they Alla aaid they actually p charges a.g.alnst fewer than half of the people they eaught. The coalition report concludes that retailen rnuat modify their own behavior if they want to prevent 1hoplifting. "Retailers must exerd.se a CONia1ent policy of prosecution ... In turn, courts and leidalatures muat be c:onvtnced of the lleriousnell of the problem to make the penalty a clet.errent to the comrniJllon of the crime.'~ TACOS N TEQUILA TN•T PreeentaA ..... onw.n ·::~~-~'--~ .~~-~ •,J IYlllm llFFn •2.11 I# .......... me rchants by grossing $326,000 last year selling expensive soaps and perfume. Or1n9t CoMl DAILY PILOT /1Unday1 A •• F ender b ender p r ices up ? New bumper standard to hike repair costs, car inaurance Wl\h th• ...,...t Nadori&I Hlahway Trame Safety Admlnllvatlon (NHT8A) decll!on to wtiMen the current & ml1el per hour no-darnap bumper atandard to 2.0 m~h, motorists can expect more an d co1tller • fe"der ~ndera," ~dln.1_~-W•wm Insurance lnfor"'\!lon s.vlot (WUB). Ind\18t.r)'·funded reeearch ahowa that the Nduced effectlverM9 of the 2.& mph bumpers WW aharply mer... the llkeUhood of damqe to .,... pro~ by bumpen on new can involved 111 Jow.apeed oruhff. Bumpers could be 75 percent weeker than at prnent, in terma of their ability to prevent damap to can, becauae crash torcee lncrftle with the aquatt of speed. • , The lnaurance industry contendl that •uto inlurance increaaes will be neceeaary to meet the lncreued coat of repalrlna damage. Softentna o( the -bumper protection requirement would drtVe up lnaurance premiums on the colllllon coverage by 10 to 20 percent. The collision coverage repre.ents about 40 percent of the total cart of a typical insurance policy, according to WIIS. Depending on varioua rating fact.on, this translate. into Insurance coat Increases of between $22.50 and $150 per year. Insurance industry aources predict an average of $2~7 in higher Insurance premiums over the 10-year lite of a car. According to a study conducted by the bwuranoe lnltltute fOC' m,hway Safety (UH8)1 an lnlUranoe l.ndu.try...upPoned ecienUfk ano educational or1anluUon, the lower bumper atandud will tnrtl.ally ave conlWM,. $20 -'40 in the COit of a new car and will decre 111 tu.I conaumption by two to six p1lonl per y..,. by red~ vehkle weiaht. However, the new atandard would caute lnaurera to ralae ln1urance premaum• tor coll.lalon cov~aae. the '1Udy found . ''The colll1lon portion of the imurance ~llcy," said Wm; }lre1ldent Ueorae Watt., 'pays for da..maae to ydUr car from an aoddent, irreapec:tlve of Cault." BecauH of the lncreHed likelihood of damage to cars under the new standard, policyholders al.lo can expect to pay a porUon of the repair coata or the deductible amount of colliaion oovera,e -usually $100 and up -more l frequently. The huura.nce company pay• the rest. ! IIHS has petitioned NHTSA to reconsider ltl I 2.5 mph bumpe'i requirement. : Results of a public oplnlon survey by IIHS : reveals that more than three-quarters of thoee • surveyed preferred 5 mph bumpers, knowing the effect. of the 2.5 mph bumpen1 on new car prices, improved fuel efficiency and higher automobile premiums. . > People like are talking about ir future with a trosred friend. "------------------At Dean Witter Reynolds, you can find out about the Sears U.S. Government Money Market 'Ilust fund. A great way to keep your money growtng at money market rates. It's nice being able to do this kind of business after work or on weekends ... lt's really convenient. Delighted to know Coldwell Banker offers Home Market Evaluation. Helps you decide what your home ls worth. It feels good. dealing wt th Sean; companies. Sears Is on to something. off ertng all these services In one place. You reallyou~t to talk with Allstate. ffight off the bat. they could show you a way to lower your-auto Insurance rates. -------------------~ The Sears Financial Center the is now open in South Cc>astPlaza. I _. -=~ --.. ·-r I ' " Y,~. .. ' ~" 1' t \:.t.,.!'I • p... ''!.. -t· ft ~,i;.~..-, , .. ,. f i. "?j -m-_,,. , -------.------"' POR nm FIRST TDBANf WB&U, nm FINANCIAL URVJCSS 100 AlfD"fOUR FAlllLYNEED 1108T AB TOGS I DA UNDER ONE ROOF. The roof of the Sears store In the South Coast Ptaza. Because Sears knows that people-even people who make a good ltvtng-nced good. sound advtce about their money. And they need that advtce simple to understand and easy to find. · And ptrhaps most Qf all. they need It from people they trust. That's why Sears has started the Sears Flnanclal Network. What follows ls just a sample of what. It can do for you. TRUST ALLSTAft TO Ha.P Wll'll"l'OUll IJlfMJMPfC& n&ne. The Allstate lnaurance Company. now a vttal part of the Seara Financial Network. continues to lnvtte you to bring In your Insurance policies for compart90M that could save you money. Your Allatate agent can all<> tdl you about Allstate Life .. Jotnt ~ Prote(tton Plan that prov1dea dc!cttaal"8 term life tnaurance that can cover both famllybrwd- wtnnera for le.e than the coat oft1W> polJct"' TRUST COLDWltLL BAJllDR TO DLPwrt'll ALL YOl1ll REAL E8TATE NEEDS. Coldwell Banker. Amenca's largest ruU-servtce real estate company. IS also part of the Sears Financial Network . Among the Important real estate services avatfable to you at no cost are Home Market Evaluation, Homes for Sale. a full de9crtptton of homes that arc on the market. Information on available F1nanclngAltema- Uvca. Out-of-State Relocation and community Information Service. · TRUSTD&\Nwrrr&R Rn'NOU>S TO llSLP wrl'B ALL 1'0Ull IN"YS81'llEln' 1UED8. Dean Witter Reyno!~ Is a full-service Investment nrm. able to help you w1th the eypc or planning people need today. Your questions are welcome on stocks. bonds. mutual funds. money market funds. unit trusts. tax-deferred annulUes. options. retlre-- ment programs and more. including the new Sean U.S. Government Money Market Trust Fund.• 1'RU9'I' ALL8TAD IAVIRG9 10llBLPwrrBAU100'RMVUf08 NfD...,_UIQ, AUsiate S.vt0'9 otren. a t\alJ range of wayw to plan a flnanclalb' sound futu~. Interest· bearing checldng .ccounta. retirement plans, T•Bll ac:counta and the new $-month T-BCU and 3-1/2 yar PLUS certlftcatea. And u one olCalllornla~ larl(eat •vtn&t a loana. Allat.lte a.vi.,.. can help with realden· tlal real mtate loam lncludln& Equity Lol.n9. HOn.l~tt.cuw, P\rat1hitt Oeeda. And AIKate S.vt"" Say Money Machine wtD be located at t~ Smn '1"9ndal Network Cmwr fOf convmlent ~t &lid Wlthdtawal ~. ATTllE 8EAR8 J'JNANCW.Cl:NTER, TllEU'8 NO SUCHTHIJlfO M "Bt\NDR'S BOUlt& .. The Center ts open for your convenience during regular Sears store hours. Monday through ~lday. 10 until 9. Saturday. 9 :30 until 9. Sunday. 11 until 5. WHAT TO DO POR Jl'Ull11mR IJlffOIUIATIOK: lfyoucan'tvtslt theCenter(lt!sat 3333 Bristol Street. Costa Mesa. CA ~626). please call (714)540-3333. R>r your lnsuran~ needs. visit the Center or call or vtslt an Allstate agent at any Sears or Allstate locaUon convenient to you. And the people at Dean Witter Reynolds and Coldwell Banker will be happy to serve you at their other offices throughout the area. As w1U all the people at the eighty-seven other bran~ or Allstate Savtngs throughout California. But no matter how you use the Sears Financial Network. the rf\81n thing ts to use It. Bccau!le today. the best place for your ruture should be wt th 8 trusted frtcnd. At Sears. SEARS FINANCIAL NETWORK Allstate Dean Witter ReYoolds Coldwel Banker Allstate Savings Or1n91 COllt DAILY PfLOT/~. Aupt I , 1812 \ . t ,.. · 1 . \ . l ;\ ' ' . ' ' . t • : r ~I . l ... .. . " . • • I l :r.1 :-. . ,. :.. i't .. . . ,. ;!_ .... - Or1nge OOMt DAILY PILOT/lunct.y, A.-I, 1111 Debby hoping /er long Broadway run 'JJ JAY 18A..QU'n ,,~... . ~ m:w. YORX.-In 1970, Otbby Boone beaAn ln buiill1llli. toUnna·· Japan with her e!l'\lii\I fa· u.. h& Boone, and 'her •iera. A.llO on the _bill: The OliDOnd ~. , Cut to um. Donny Ollnond makes h1I BroAd-~y_. clllbut In "Lime Johnny Jonee" at th• Alvtn ~-· The thow bombe. A few montha 1-ter, the ~Yin .__ a new m~. "Seven Bridet for ~~·· ·· Mill Boone, 25, atan In the lhow, a1lo mak1na her ~y debut. Like Olmond, lhe'a prlmar1ly lmowa • a clean-.cut, wholet0me aJnger of pop ari11. hit b(aie belna a 1977 hit, "You Light Up My Lit.." She concedes that Jaded theater 110phl.aUcates h r u they dk1 Olmond -sugar, spice, Db but just another Ughtwelght pop a yen to play In the majors. "rm nae naive enough to think that lan't going to happen." ~ the lad,, who baa curly blonde hair, and a wide, expre911ve mouth. .. ,..,.,rm not loelr\g sleep over It. I've worked Wirf bard and I feel C have a good reason to be t.eit-•'' Mlil Boone, wed to GabJ"!el Ferrer, son of actor ••N OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN' IS A MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL" ..... ftf.IO Edwllds YlllO Tw11 8306tt0 ....., ...... ,."""'_ _ .... " .... With Burt & Dolly Ilda lftadt Am }a.I coaldn'l kkfall ~/~' •4 Tr~ Mii Sterto WUTIS•TDI Edwards C-Wes! 891 3t 3S NO~-....cce:OTU '°"·--~ .. , .............. "'• 1M1&11 \OUteCI aunolt a yMr m o.vwn Brldea for Sev n Brothert," baMd on the 19&• movie mualcaJ of the anw name. Some of the film'• Gene de Paul-Johnny Mercer eonp remain In the lhow. But new one1 allo ar. In -lt, wrttwn by Joel Hinchom and Al Kasha. The latter, a frlend of Mill Boone'• hut• 'I'd like to Unpack my baqa and stay a while, really study and learn.' band, 1a partly responalble for her aniva'.l here u Broedway'a best-known bride. He first asked If she waa Interested, ahe says. Then his brother, Latty, co-producer of "Woman of the Year," alao based on a movie, persuaded her to aay yea. "We both knew we were taking a big chance, to have my name above the title in a ahow," says Miss Boone, who In her time has played concerts, fairs, Laa Ve1aa and done a few TV apedala. But her credits, which list two Grammy awards and even an autobiography, don't include theater. "l'v4! never danced and acted before, really," she readily admits. However, she submits, h er lengthy pre- Broadway tour in "Bri~ea" conatitut.es kind of a theatrical equlvalency diploma, an on-the-job the- Tiie Retum or the Gre•t MventWe. ••••• 8100lt!llA• 712 6U6 C111TA MffA EdWlfOS C"*N Ce•le< 979 ,,., COITAllUA £dw11111 T-Clflle< 7SI 4194 ll TOllO (dwjt05~~ 17141 Sil ~HO AMIT AUi YAUlT fl/lfWr Twon M2 1241 fUlllllTOll Fo• 525 .,., OIWIGl Milt OrlflQI IUll en oJ•o OUIU UA Cl!VConelna 8343911 WllTM•Hll UA Mal 19305'1 *"J0C'i =~ ..... S1aOUn 0rM In 6391770 llO ....... ""'"'° ,.(Hit fMll lNOAOIMCN1' SCOOT and WILUE BAIO AAMES •wn -..~•uvu ~1..-i "*1 wui.-1..-w llOl'fteWnat for her lack ot the formal k1nd. "I realll.e some people will think, 'Pop atnaer think.a lhe can jult aec on atqe and do It.' But f ve put almolt a YNI' of my life already ln on thll lhow. .. I'm not comlNI (n with a couple of week.I of reheanal, 11yina, •tr.re I am, aoc.pt me.' " Her thou~hta came shortly before the fonnal unveWna of • Brtdea" hen July 8 (colnddenta.Uy the eecond birthday of heT aon, Jordan). One of the four Boone alltera, her 110lo career aoared wlth "You Light Up My Life/' a sugary ballad that not only topped the charts out .00 be- came almoat the national anthem of many cocktail-lounae canaries. She'• cut other alnglea a1nce then. And has five pop music albums out, plus a sixth of religious eongs (that album, her official bl01T9phy not.ea, "waa No. 1 on several of the Chrtattan charts" ln the summer of 1980). . But ln the beg1nnJn1, Miu Boone, born ln Hacken.sack, N.J.1 and ral8ed In Loe Angeles, never thought she'd follow her father, the crooning, clean-cut. white-buck.a teen Idol of the Fifties, into the perfonnln• arts. She aaya that when ahe was a child. she wanted to be a veterin.arlan or a beautician. She confined her ainging to home gatherings, church and achool, not reallz:ing she'd turn pro In her early teens. "It almost wasn't my decision in the See Debby, Page D8 "ZIPPED" (I) 16DIVA" (A) "The Youac Doctors 11 lot•" "IT'SAVERYVERYFUNNYMOVIE:' -KNXT -C65·1V "I WAS I.AID OUT WITH LAUGHTER .. I LOVED IT:1 -WNBC -NBC-1V "INVENTIVE ..• VERYVERY FUNNY:' -LOSANOtLts TIMES "WRINGS OUT BELLY LAUGHS:' • -NtWYOR.K POST "A BRACING NEW COMEDY SLEEPER .. SHOULDBEONEOFTHE BOX OFFICE SENSATIONS OF THE YEAR:' -W\SHINOTONPOST Debby Boone and son, Jordan, 2. A NEW MINSTREL -Mal'tin Beardeaux (front). fonner1y of Huntington Beach and now li'11na in Newport Beech, has joined the New Christy Minstrels and will be playing at Fuhion T.aland with the group Thunday at 9 p.m. Beardeaux is a graduate of Edi9on Hi&h School and attended Orange Coast CoIJeae. He auditioned for the band in May and was accepted. •YA •U ll TGM fDWT&ll HUIT • OIWIDl ~dST-Otnlt< fOwltCIS~ fdW-,MltaWIYllley ~ (7141751•11• t7U15115HO 171411391500 . l/Ut63H553 C'fPllll Cyilfwt71•)U81660 Ullll•lllOH VllilyV-17U119H338 ~·-.,.• '°" r,.. t--.n I • PYesen11<11n 3Smm(Dl oc....._,I "Irreverent, vulgar, eometlmea di99ustlng, end delightfully funny ••• I loved It.'' _....,_ ....... y.T'f,Lele- o B now tourist attraction ~II .... AW Lowae ..... .., o. a.... POL:I m~-, _ I ;••-~----Pt 11.,-r111rd1d at 111111& 100 -.1n the ltUcilo It k11ow1 wluit l ttUYI yo11. .. N~ Tenn. -On a ltMmy tWnmer from ltol until he built hit own 1tudlo at hla IPOI _, m 1"8, mw PNeaey wu rtOOC'dSnC • ~ Or.c.larid ~ 1n Mein~ 1n 1e11. A.mona the ·-····-· -llbum at RCA'• hiltarlc Studio ll Prtllity. hJtl to tmer• from Studio B WIN "A 'l'ool NOW PLAYING Becau. lt wu 10 hot, Pffelty had • tree SUch A."" "It'• Now CIC' Ntwr,'' "I Got 8 ........ and At "' .._.. COSTA Ml.IA 11 TOllO _.. •WllT.-ta ~t Into the 1tudlo and decorated lt wltb the aoundtndl tor hla movie "J'ollow 'nwat Drellln." Edwilft TOWr11Canltr Edwwd\~ ~MC C>tlnoeMll Edw11nc.-aw.u Ouiatmla omamentl to pUt hlm In a holiday mood The audio dewloped IUCh a tine reputation 7$1 41u ~•1 mo m mo HI 3.U wblle he IAJ\f· that noft-<=OW\t.ry mualc .'-'trformtrt auch u the coau MlH ldYl110 c-na een1t1 •OIWIOI UA Co1y CNlll ~ touco of whllmy worked, and charllC'teri· Monlu191. Perry Como, Al H1.rt, Shel Silverstein and m 4141 "4 3911 lld the "feel'' for mUllc that many atnaen were Ann·.Mafiret all \.-cl it for ....ordJ.nc. • able to achiev. tn the famoua 1tudlo on NuhYille'• lt'• ..umated that about 47,000 IO"ll and 16, MUllc Row. 000 ilMlonl went done at the 1tudlo before the The ttudio, built 2~ yean -co, ii known aa the County MUlic Foundation took over the atudio from birthplace of "the Nuhvtlle SoUnd," the mam.,e RCA tn 1977 when RCA dedded It would coat lea ------------------ ol country and rock'n'roll that poUahed "hillbilly to u. other m.idkll. ~'A SCIENCE r' & 11..IT A c.v ft"'"1..£ft" music'' Into a t1lck 1ounci. Today, more than sp,ooo people annually take •rl'\f"llll IJl'IU I ~. Studio B went out of operation five yean -ao. 20-rninute, t2.50 toure of the ltudJo, which wu _,._,~.LA. HEMIJ).~ but not before It had aucceetfu.lly produced the , built for about f4(),000. It't the only tour of itt kind eound that aalv.,ed country music around 1960 at the 120 reeord1na atudiae ln Nuhville. from the onruah of the then new roc:k'n'roll. "We've left It the way It wu, 110 the equipment "It turned th.ii city Into an lntematJonal rec-is allahtly out-of-date,'' Ma. Freeman aaya. "But the ordlng center," •YI Karolyn Freeman, who ma-principles of the way It worked are the same." naget the 1tudlo as a tourlat attraction for the Amon• the lnttrumentt are a 2~-year-old Country Muato Foundation. Steinway piano which Presley played when he Bobby Bare recorded "Detroit City" at the recorded ln the 1tudlo. Touriatt can play It if they itudlo. "Lut Date" by Floyd Cramer, "The End of wish. or play the elec:trtc guitars, drums, steel guitar the World" by Skeeter Davit, "I'm a Ramblin' or other lnatrumenta ln the facWty. Man" and "Good-Hearted Woman" by Waylon "We get people who come in here and 'tear up' Jennlnga alao ~re products of StudJo B. that old piano," Ma. Freeman aaya. And WWie·Nehon'a "Bloody Mary Momlng" TC>UJUta alao get to "mix" a record in the con- wu recorded there, as were "Love Ia Like a But-trol room. Thia means they can ral.le or lower the COSTA •u• IMWNll OUllGl WUTMIUTl• terfly" by Dolly Parton, ''.KJsa An Angel Good level of the varlout tnatn.unenta Uled in a reco~1..... &tnnts Sou1n PKttc·s Chnoe Drove In UA Ctly c-UA liUI ....... 06 eoas1 Piila $58 1022 634 3911 H3 os4e Morning'' by Charley Pride, "Yakety Sax" by Boota Only one~ Nuhville is older -Col-546 2111 "°' __ 0 Randolph, "Welcome to My World" by Jim Reeves, umbla't Studio B. It ~eduled to be dismantled FCMlllTAt• HI.UY F111114y Twin 962 1248 'Ollr .. .-.- ••only the Lonely" by Roy Orbison and "Ob within the year. 1•------------------ , CfOIGf IC1I HIU ,.. llOllt\ t1~ '"l'ME 'l10IW MJX>IDl'>Ci TO G.\ar \IAln' Brn1 Kl RT • CU\' QIN JOit' UTHGOll' --PAJ1lla a:u..E\ -.. ~'lt\tl'DICll -..... ..._ .. JOit.' 11\1.\G _., ~ llOY HIU _. IOllElf l CMITOID _., ClOllGE Mn IGU Dii4• 5ili Iii fiji(tiWl • _.. ..... ._ • .... ~ 0 <c...-:> ... .... •. ~ CHHCHA CMONO'I "THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" DAI&. 'I 11:141. tM, ... Ml.1:41. 10:IO (R) , . .,.-~ ........... _ DAil Y 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, t:JO, 1:30, 10:30 (PO) DAl&.Y l:el, 4.-00 ....... 10:00 CR) THE WORLD ;;:o,.~DINO yr![P·~ t -............ . DAil Y 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, t:JO, l:JO. 10:30 (PO) AN~ GEl¥'J'LEllAN DAI&. 'I 12'.a, 2:'5 .-, 7='0. ..... (R) "THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" .. ......... ~ "~ ~'"~'--. 41"'1,HllU "-" .......... -[!:S3 JHf ONDGE~ OAUCE OOXLEITNEP. DAILY 1:30, S:30 5:45, 7:30. t:30 (PO) NOW PL" YING TOGETHER "T THREE EDWARDS CINEMAS DAil Y 1:00, J:OO, SeOO 7:00, l:OO, 10-AS (Ill DINll ~ The Retum of the GredAdventure. DAI&. Y a:to. <l:i01 MS. 10:00 POLTERGEIST.!'·. .... 1:11. "ltAIDfltS 0' THE LOSf Alt•"'""' DAILY 1:11, .. 10:JO ...... , ....... ,, Cl C .. ICM A CMONG'I "THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" DMl Y 1:.U, 1:3G. 5:lO 7:al, 9:11. 11:00 (R) MONTY "'"'*'a "THE SECRET POLICEMEN'S OTHER BALL" DAIL 'I 14-.. 7•1-tt:• (Ill) ..~Mtl-O<UIAC.lfUftoC••t a&• lOW ... M-•1 ¥AUOAR 6f IOI Ofll'tCI ... ,,~ "' , ...... , •tlll:"tt noa ~'"''"' ~~ ~...:-Fflll.1:30 _,1;v:_--. SAT/SUN. 4:00, 1:30 ttr'o~':':.'~' C!9 "STAR TREK II FftL 1:20. 1:20, t0-.10 FRI. l:tS, 10:40 IAT/lUN. 2-4 SATllUN. 1:50 1:20. 1:20, 10-.20 t :15 10:40 -_,.,,.-.°' "THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" FRI. 1:00. l:tS, tO:JO SAT/SUN. 1:JO. :t:<lS 1:00. 1:15, t0:30 (Ill) • Debby on B~oadway m PapDI ~ .. ah• •YI· "My fath r WU IOlna on • .,. of die Orient that WoWd take hlm out o1 town t two mot)thL Th• Olmondt we,.. htl oi>enlna act. 11He'd been \ravttll eo mueh and 'been -with ao lit~ he thoUl)\t, ~they're on tour with me, Wbl not my family?' And he worked ua lnt(> the ~'she wu the lead llnaer, worklns with her ~rs. ''We Md • areat time and •tarted ecxeptlng r booklnp," ahe aaya. "I think It worked out to t years of \raveUns." Did ahe ever tetent lt, yearn for a taste of or· d1narY kid •tuff now and then? I ''A little bit,'' ahe aaya. But 1he inaiata 1he'd had a "normal happy childhood." "The only difficult thing was that I didn't have '1me to really punue hi.nc:lahJpt bec:au.ae 1 wu out of town on w"kende and hoUdaya for the most P.IJ". And when I had free tlme t wu catchJna up on echool work. 11So then it WU a Utt.le difficult. But it WU worth lt to me." Her next pl la to act 1n a •t.ral&ht play. Yes, the -~ ahe KnoWI thla IMan.I fonnal trafnlna 1n acUJ\8. On·the-~ ·~ jult won'ti do any• more. And ahe 1 aolna to tettle here to 1tudy, lf th.lno work out. "She hasn't yet ohoeen a echool, the aays, "but I deflnlt.ely have a good IOW"C9" -her father-in·law, Joee Ferrer, a re1pectod Broadway veteran who a1llo teachea ac~ here. She 1mUea. 'That'• why I'm hoplng for an extended run. I'd Uke to unpack my ~and stay a while, really 1tudy and learn." pashing Jose Fer~er e:mbarrassed BOLLYwOOO (AP)-It wu an opportunity fhat Jose Ferrer, who won an Oscar for hla performance u the duhing cavalier, in "Cyrano de Beraenc." could not resist. At a Loa Anaeles restaurant he took off hls coat and d1d b.la impenonation of the fencing prowess of Pouglu Fairbanks Sr. AtJ his frienCla watched Ferrer leaped about as the famous silent screen actor did in his numerous adventure films. Suddenly. the omate·looking plates upon the restaurant mantelpiece came crashing to the floor. Fortunately, the platell turned out to not be as valuable aa they looked. "I was ao emQarra.s.ed," Ferrer, 70, said later with a chuckle. "Every now and again I like to have fun. I'm Latin, remember. The juices flow strongly." Production haa begun in Rome on "The Scarlet and the Black," a three·hour CBS·TV movie s tarring Gregory Peck , John Gielgud and Christopher Plummer. Ord« Today -Not Avlllable In 8t0f• Pteue Rulh Me ..... "Valley T·8hlrt1" At '4.70 (Add 300 Salee Tax In Callfomla). PIUI '1.00 Poa1ege And 'Handling Few E9dl T ·Shirt Ordered. Style.: 0 Sltchln' 0 Gag M• Sex: Sin: Colof9: 0 White 0 Yellow N~: ................................................................................... . Addr .. : ............................................................................... . Clty ........................ State ......................... Zlp ....................... . 0 Also Send Me 0 Gag Me 0 Bltehln' Bumper Sticker At '3.00 each. Mall To: Turbl Promottont. 4000 MecAtthuf Blvd., Suite 3000, Newport BNch, C.. 92NO ,._,. l'eftOlr!Q ,-------------------------------------- " An exdtlng, beautlful Hlectlon of ahlny, euy-care, ~••• 8ola'8hlne · tlle. Five etumtno P11ttema. 11 colorl -there'• • peMct one to flt every room. lnateltno • Colof Tiie Mlf..uck floor II• breeze tor everyone who wMta to do-• ..,,.,~,.--tt-hlmMlf end the eurtace my. bnghter, Reg. 99e SALE 59~ SAVE 33% ON OUR FINEST GENUINE OAK PARQUET TILE! Thia preflnlahed aolld Ollk comn clNCt to you from our own fstory to ensure the finest ~flty end grut antnga. 39 Reg. 58e SALE e r 1r1111r HOMY, -~ AUTWIN CLUaK: IA. SAVE 32%1 FABULOUS GLAZED CERAMIC! Add brtHlance, fMhk>Nlble ftelr n _ l 89 129 to baths, kltchena with easy-ncr. . care, textured ceramic tllef S LE • .,.,. 1 • ..,. "'""cnON '"'TnM A IQ. "· ' All 77N C1'olca Mw All 77N our.,.,,.. SANTA ANA WESTMINSTER 2101 So. 15191 Bach Bristol St. ~ward (llls ...... IL) 557-1324 longer with ...,..,.. damp mopping. SAVE 30% ON Vim PRE-PASTED 'NORWA~ WALLPAPER! Redecorate eny room In J•t houra wtth our w81hable wall.,..,.r In beautttul1y amooth •nd rtchly textured Plltteml. lfe .n economtc.I quick-change llct for your honlel We heft M enormoue Mlectlon, In •tock. Dnlgnt •nd colon to IUlt rour mood. enltwen your decor, from the kldl' rooma to the kltcMn and the dining room to the den. 3-STAR GROUP SANTA ANA 322 w. 17th Strttt 547-1781 4-STAR GROUP TEX11JRF.S SAVE '28% 1 ,. \ ' ' , , • T • 'r' (~ 12 Fr. VINYL FLOORING! •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All PerformencH before 5:00 PM (EJcept Spatial Engagements and Holld1ys1 I A MlllADA MAU M1tOOO Of lo••ctan.1 LA MIRADA WAllC·IN 99-'·2400 "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP" 1111 "~~~ .!._~.,l111 .• _, __ ·---..-.-"CHEl!CH a CHONG i•i THINGI "THE PIRATE MOVIE" IN> ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" 1:00, 1:20, l:AO. l:OO. 10-.20 •ta. ___ ..,_ LAKEWOOD CENTER WAllC·IN 'oc111ry 01 Cone11ewooo 213/531·9110 "THE •HT UTT\.E "'' I "YOUNG DOCTORS WHOAEHOUSE IN TEXAS" IN LOVE" 1•1 ---·· .. -l&lo:tl,lia.1-- "ROCKY Ill" Cf'OI I T AR TREK II: IN 10 ... DOUY ITIMO THE WRATH OF KHAN '"' tl:ta. ... t::9l.~• .. 11t1 tHJi::a,.._ ...... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlK IN focUly Al 09I Amo 211/6U·t211 THE PIRATE MOVIE 1"1 ............. '" ..... ... .. • ' ... . JO .•• ~ '.,, , .... , \tfl' .... ~. IMPORTAN r NOT ICC' CNllOfll N UNDER 12 fflH! IWMr ... ·--Ow "' 7'00 • Stt ........... •:eo ... CM-fl S0111tO •Yl)Ujl AM CM MOO 1$ fOUO $l'lM£ll ,, "° ,.,_ Ull llAOl'I WITH -ICCUSOll• IOS"10ll --AM l'OlllMU 1• AU Qlj(.R OIWf 115 Ill Oii Alll - A .. AHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ,,..-ay" ot l•"tOI\ \t THa9elTUTIU WHOlllEHOUM IN n:xAI 1111 -UflaAN COW.OY 1"1 179·9150 ('1-t II WUND -----r ----- ZAH'EOl(ll) TME l"WIATa MOVIE I'll l'\.UI -TME llEDUCTION tttl l ZOMIO, TME GAY Ill.ADE - C<"I fl llOUNO CJtot •1 --==--l<•l"A ~ARI BUENA PARK OIUVf.IN ll'M .. r'I ... We ll of lfl0f1 121·4'070 IUl"A PAl!k LINCOLN DRIVE·IN lH'KO•ft """• W•t.I Of •nott 12t·•070 f(•U .. IAI" FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVl·IN lo~ Ot•oo ,,.,. 01 .,oo•~••ll (lo l 962·2 ... 1 ... ~ M1,.~ 11 t HI WAY 39 ORI VI IN ........... LA HABllA Dil1v1 •N IE.T~ TM! UTitA·T'IEMHTIU~ -.,., ot'.AD lllllEH OON"T WAii l'l.AID .... , THa WOflLD ACCOflOINO TO O""" 1t11 "-U9 "'"'""" "'°' TMIMIT UTTU WHONHOUH .. TEIAI 1111 -Ul'le AN COW90Y Cf'OI CINI II 50l/llO a.ot~ lt•O $0 OI a..-o.-,..._ 191·3693 TM M a T um.I ~·TDA.lflll -·-• - -t .,. .. 1M UMAN COWltOY 4"l tn-IMI ....... 1 O~ANGE lJRIVt IN •, 1• " ... MISCilON Cllll\d IN wTMl ...... J!rV.-INI .--. . D "10Nt0, ... MY aAN· ... lund8y, AuoU•t •• 1882 L~ for a career in tales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification 7100. CtASSlflED INDEX ~.l'ill!f., .••.••..• ~m.*!!.~'! ••.•••. ,~m.~!* ....... ~m.{'!!.'J1 ....... «~!f!t.1!!.!!.'~ ...... !~f!!.1!!.!.~ ...... , ~m.1!!.!.'!! ...••.. !~!m.'9.l!J!. .. ~ ..• J,1.~t!!.{~i:!1J! ••.•.• I' ~!!!:!. •••••.••• }.':fl 1!11!!.IJ. ......... !.':fl '1!~~~t ........ !.~. ~IJ. ••••••••• J.o.fl ¥!!!~~t .....•. .J.'.fl '1r..~t ........ !.l:fl P.!~¥. ......... !.~~ f!."!.~~t ........ !!J .. .. : 111111.•n •••tmr ,.,, w. u~aniru -.,. u' ,.. BLUFFS *EASTBLUFF !:.~ .. ~,~/l:';1!•n~':e~ · ...... , •• Cll 14!·5171 .UlltSAlf ANtlOUMCOUMTS. rmoems & LOST & FOUND --Car Pool. IAl•ll'leb< .. .._., ...... -· loriolCho ... b-· Stme£S BOATS & MAltM£ £0UtPMOCT Just lltted-front row view. Loweat Prtw Ws Bay beytron\. SUpe for 2 bOeca. Spectaeulat 4 bdnh, fam nn, 2 flreplacel greenbelt. Gange w/opnr, ~ tile roof, 1 priced "E" Plan 3 Br, family room. remodeled 3 bdnn, l beth f l.200.000. • Luak 1 level home. Overeiie lot with pool, •1>9 & tennis. 1 yr old. Jog to bch . ·:= ltll •OUM. HOUllMa O .... OltTU•UT\' •197,000 A.9ume loena. Submit on dwn, Ocean & A"Jty views. Marini room, 4 bdrm, 3 ~ ~l. Only $339,000. --••• .,. ltaume $70,600 ln loana, mo. pymt of 1t 2aAa Vista n.-• ..i. ••1•,000 '--•'-37 t ...... 000 r....:..--• t. .; appt. $894. Hurry . won't 1Nt. '87,900. v.., ""·-.., ., 1Mu1, eq. t. •1,._.,, , -.,._..,.ron •T•Tll llWIH• BR l ~ be. 2 Open Sat/Sun 1·5 I.. ... • ... Ul1' • Lovely 2000 8q. n. s bdnn, 2 ~ 3 ' loan.a = = -... := ...., .... batha, fam. rm., wide 0 1f:!Rbelt, near •try. Bltlm. ASSUME $68,000 ln U ILIPFI LUii lM YU a..t .. ... • 1-1 pool. Only $249,000 ...... TM IJll, w/mo pym& ot •642. Seller may ca Prime Lldo Nord beyffOnt, 5 bdnn. 5" baih. Will lease opUoe.fl 1 a!ft. back. Perteet tor investor or lit time -·-llU 2 Bdrm, water vlew, ... ..4 ... only. $9~0/mo t ft LR 2 ........ -11 at•"" 000 b p U comm pool Nr Hunt'"-..... .,.. ... .._e . .. ...,.t ... .,. •"""• . uyer. a o, . ..,....,.. "" --,.,. ·-... ·-·-... I.Jiii Th11 newapapar wttt "°' := knowlngly accapt any 1• advertlalng tor raaJ ... l: tat• which la In vtolatlon :: of the law. BIG CANYON'S •• -JUI( Ziil *"' --'* -2111 -- Hllll1 Advertl· ..,. •hould check Very Best Buy their ads dally and report errors Im· medi ately. The • lmt1a41aJ lrtM .. ., It• DAILY PILOT as-• fHr '"'" .. I P1•llJ 11•· sumea llabllrty for • Lar1t L1t-le1.m.llJ lu4t1111•• = the first Incorrect • S Oar 1••11 -Twt Pltlts : Insertion only. • l111tfftl hlllM Pttl I S,1 . ::1-------1 • • EltotrHIO SttlritJ IJste• : Bi•m.m Wi • It• Oar,.fl, lr1111t I hatr :;:: •• • • • •••••• • • • •• • • • • • • • I•• 11~11 E11rJ FIMr -,,.,,,, 1001 •••• ,., -, •• """'"" :: .....••......•....••.. ~ LAST This is not ~~~16!~! hani lived :: house, but an immaculate home which :: CHANCE will please the most fas~dioua. We !: cannot find any other to~ condition !: to buy thl• t>eautllul 3 separate home i!1 Blg Canyon' for less 4411 yeer old, 4 unit apart-1than S200.000 MORE. ment tlouM In San c.._ 11 EUU -Ill _., mente wtth oc:een-n1111 & d gou coura• vl•w• at • 14 lurnln1 Tree Roa : ::r,c!~~ .. ~i:: OPEi SIT. I SUI. 1-1 = lore being llated with = brokert. Ac! NOWlll Call (ltc1rltJ 1111 lllfllt4 lfH, 0111 144-4110 5'W own.rat (714) 842-0138. fer ,.,.111111 ti Hter). mum• IEW 111un UL11& llWI Vecant and rHdy. 4 First time offered for sale. Charming nr. ~~~~ ~~~::.~";/~ new 2 sty. architectural gem. Quality ~:: chen, nicely upgraded thruout. Designed for guest quarters. iaOI thruout. S 189,000. Realistically priced $595,000. Seller will : HH TWll finance. No loan fees. = IHI S...Y 1·1 211 11111111 lfll UT I Sii 1·1 -142-1!00 ************ * 811 CllYOI ~ :: ~Ele111t M1je1tio* 1~.~nw~u~s~n~ •• ~'* Colo1l1I * ::C Ill IEUYI * Prime location overlooking the * =: Beeut11U1 Newport Beach ""'-8th green of golf coune. Custom ""'- -3 Bdrm. 3 bath pool "'f'"" built by owner/builder for bis ~ PETE BARR En ·,. REALTY -home In Wntcttm Fea-""'-""'-: tur• tre•h palll carry at ~own personal re1idence .. 5 ~ -low retat Priced to ... at ""'-bedrooms, 6 ~ bath1. Elegant ""'- : S234,900 -call nowl ~ muter suite. Abundant with ~ : Me- 7171 *fine marble and wood paneling.* :i1: *Air conditioned. Refrigerated* :: wine room. Billiard rm. Family ""'- : *rm. Truly a masterpiece for the~ : F 0IE0L111 IE * diacrim.inatlng buyer. Serioualy * : Ill~ for sale at $1,950,000. Excellent ""'-= 1) Cherry Lalta ast•I•. 3 lf. financing available. ~ = Bdrm tudor. Veoent. ************ May t•k• lrlldea. ••1 t2tt,IOO -WIEW nu 2) Coit• Men 3 Bdr .Earthto thru t 4 b 2~ '-"' famil hOUH, 1110.000. Way nes OU . r, ..... y •w below merket. Good rm, dining rm. 2,378 sq.ft, View of : condition. Call tor lnfOf'-Pavilion, nite lites & C..ta.lina. : matlon on other bHt •••Ill yt.w •• • • llll Ylll -buf.'· Diana Cappel, -5W ..... - : 83 -12ee · Quiet, park-like setting. Rm for paddle -tennis and pool. Great for orchard. CUI de sac st. 3 bdnna, fam. rm. $379,500. .... 2 ILIOll Tl llWNIT •• : 1111 IAY Charming 4 Br. & family room. 2 brick ~= Ulllllll fireplaces, country kitchen, quiet :1: residential area in modern tract by '"" 4 Bdrm 2 batri cu1tom Bu"""'la. 1not dn. "-6-er carry 10 """· -home with pool and ........, v1" vwu r- =p~ v~~~ YlfW-UlllMlll.-lmWI ••• llghtal Saller mottvatedl Two Story Nantucket 5 Br with mo = 1210,000 -ca11 t~ beautiful Sunset pool lined with 14,000 5 84&-7171 red bricks. Tastefully decorated :: throughout with wallpapers a nd : ~!!!~illl~~~!-1 shutters. Shows like a model home! ...; Many upgrade•. Seller will finance. lmll Submit down. $760,000 incl. land. Thia lldor~~rs1oe WtSUY I, Tin• II., llA&.t•I R·2 home It not In mu._ 2111 SH ,11141111 llllt 1114 tlpla. Not only doea It ~·~EWN~~·~T~O~E~m~·~·~·~·l.~~~~~·~·~·~4~1~1~0 have 2 roomy Bdrms, It • haa a workthop w/ zoning to bulld above. a Fruit tr ... abound.,,.. ':~~~· S~\\41~-~~~s· = lllbla ~ Wloo4WCIA•a.~----- OI call ~=-t~ , •!:"Ci!-~'"'.:'°: -..... ......... ~ -"' '""' lollett °' a. -" ... In 1 ... ol - THE REAL ESTATERS I RUEGFI I I' I 11 I ~led 3 bdrm. 2 bath + lar~ rec:. rm. beam ceillnp, tu.miahed. pe1Jo9. $420,000. · 1.1111 Ill.I IATflllT Laaoon view from 8 bdrm, ll bath1 playroom, darlt rm, den, Boa\ allp. Now $1,000,000 . UYSmE COYE SpeCt.cular beyfront view 2 br, 2 '?8 up; 2 bt, 2 '?8 dn. 2 boat .Ups $1,800,000. ClllDIAID CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail Red. *370,000 w/terma. M.IFR ... Sln&le ltory end unJt. expanded, u~ed 3 br, 3 be on larpst greenbelt. f250,000. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR )41 flny\•d•• D• ,.. ~ 8 f)!~ Oll)I More lamlliff are getting Hew tomethlng you wan1 tha camping "bug" thlt to Mii? Claulfled ad• do year. If you have a cam-It well. 842-6878. per that'• not getting SELL Idle Item• with a uled. Mii It now with • Dally Pllol c1 ... 1flad Ad. Cluallled Ad. 842-5678. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 1511 Klnga Rd., N.Hefghta ·--·-Mlt,000 -··-··----.. ·-··-.. -·-·-···-···-·-15M,ICIO 320 .... •rd, CdM .................. -... '471,000 114 M.rlgold, CdN -····· .. ····-··-·· ... .000 20I 19th ....... Penlnaule -1111,000 1SH 8•renade Terr•ca, lr•lne Terr -·---·------·· SMO.ooo 10I TurQUOIM, Bal. lelaftd --IMS.GOO 2A05 CNft Drln, N. Hefethta -ll20,000 1510 AbeloM, hi. ltland ... -... .....,500 2001 Klnga Aoecl, N. Hefghtt .... S3'1,500 TREE LINED-NICE $115,000 '•mlly neighborhood with ••ry large beck yard. OrHI for emall family or bulldef who want. to expend th .. I bd,. 2 ba. DrlH by 204t Paloma a cell for det.Ha. Coeta MMe. IMMACULATE ON GOOD STREET Con•enlent to Newport a ahopplng. LM1te petlo with elt.J ecoeaa to deUched ger•ge. Two bed + petlo. New eppllenoee. Drlq by m Magnofla. Coate MeH a oell for financing. •112,soo. fn.4IOO. BALBOA ISLAND COTIAGE Uttle old fl!Aloned houM on • eooct lot zoned'°'.,.... .. Both tor Juet lot ptic:e. 2CM Opet. 1211,000. Call f7S.llOO, NEWPORT TWNHME W/DOCk Two atory a bedroom•, 21h betlw '" • quiet location. QrHnbelt •I••• end loweet ,.-loed In a watattront community with bo•t dock. Good •••umabll ftn•nclng. *320,000. GOLF COURSE VU CONDO PrlHCJ, Hrenltr a beautlful decor oHrfooklnt alg C.nyon Golf Couraa. MHter aufte with allyllghta a deck. Cuetom throughout. Cloe• to pool, jec:vut a tenni.. IMl,000. CLIFFHAVEN-VU, VU-TERMS U.../optton or trade doWn fof unite or ~ home. YU with two 2 bedroom unit. on ..,._ lot. Plant fot home plua eueat houM MMf pool fnctuded In lllfloe, lubmlt. ... MO. Dflq bf 2001 klnga "°9d. No9wpcN1. 111-1400. BAYSIDE COVE CONDO-VU •••utlful decor•tor ooordln•t•d exeoutm tetreet with wonclerfUI vu of ••r. boeta a night llghta. 8old oomplet.., fUmlehed thla 2 bed. home + den a dining •• r.•rfact for th• dleorlmlnellng. Th a WATlf"RONT communltJ on... boet .. ,P nel + pool. .... 7,500. LOCATION! VUI LOCATIONt Remod1 .. d :Htory home wtttl c:klel--Up YU of U.,, Mete. OGMlt MMf ~ "9f'ta. lnt.11etft enfor...., "°"' 1tt1a a ~. femflJ rciGm plu• IM'l••t• petto. OWMr "9Jdble with eooct ffnenctng. ... ooo , .. leftcl. IT'8 A 0 10" TM ,...,.._ from CorOftl cMI lilllff 1K flneriatnt. 10-VllW (Oft • lceM of MO). M,nlfloeftt In CIU9ltY WI ..... tr1 I "1 " 111 th• •. ,,. two atorr with 4 bedroom, 4Y. b•th1, •'•\~~= 1nd wwmth. Metnlfloeftt llNtollt o WI wermth, '"""' room. Greenery •nd ~....._ YllW Oftftootl'"9 ..... .. ii[ vwv 11t TD at 1K tntorett. ... . LAQUNA-fORIVIR VllWI Pool ... P'"*'I Oft I llftll tfttll -.., """8 a YU ..._., COft...,..,_, wMd • · •••11 with open a bod. + f•"'·'"'· ...... LAGUNA-IXCHANGa-NIW llTATI l'rtnof,......,,~ ................... . --. V.... et Nlo, ...-a ...... Trt.; ........................................ ......... ......_,.._.+4Md.AI .................... Ul18lft ...... ••• ,, wllh ........ , ......... ow IXCMAN•I. P10110 bo l1tvt"UH A .......... WA TERI RON T HOMl 1n \I 111M" ........................ .,,"- lotl ..... I rw, 1 ltftl . 8111,111 Hrbr. Don't mlsa out. Only •99,600. 1tn Yltfl In* I rw, w1tw pn,-¢gent -Call 968·9222 .......... ,., 1 Intl, .... 2 ... 8111-... PlaJe, I rN wttla 1114 tilt .... 1111 ......... Ir, • ., 8111,HO HELEN B. DOWD IULTlll, 110. IPllNnll1·1 ,, .... OIRI YllW Tarrfflt P111 I, 1111· ..... "" ... " ..... ..... ""'fr•,... ltt. '"' ff 1111111. 81H.HI. I ''"'" '"' 14'-011• DRAMATIC COUNTRY ESTATE 8000 1/1 on 1 ecre, ma111v1 eleclrlc getu. cobbleetone motOf' cour- tyard, eoecteculer enlry. e bdrm, 8 beth•, 6 frpl huge lrplcs. Room for tennla. No. Tu1t1n • Orange Hiiia with view. .,IOI-12-15 min. to ell lrwyt, NEWPORT tl:IGHTS ELEGANCE Custom country kltch. w/antq, lace curtains In breakfHt nook, 4 Bdrm 1ul1e1, each w /Ba & F.P. or deck, 4 flickering frplai, form dining. triple ger, 3200 s.f • 2 yn new. Don't Del•Y C•ll Dl•n• tod•YI OPEN HOUSE SUfl>AY Z-6· I A N A 418 El MOOENA PIETENPOL-VOLPE I R&'M~ of Irvine -• elrpon, So Coaat Plaza. 4 :,u :~., SRiCKALDERETTE LIDO ISLAND .,.. .,... llfflfhl .... ra, '-llJ ra, '" 1, ..... ,111,,~, 10% IOWI ltt•• II 11,111111111 111·44441111· 111 Beautiful open & airy Lido home. Comprised of approx. 2500 sq ft, running · 1 1tlpMrltlff. Iner street to strata, this 4 Br 3 Ba completely wlU 1tet11 wltti flHI· --,,-.. -.-.. -E-O_l_E_ll--1 remodeled home ( 1979) boasts 4 tllf • lfhrt4 11 IPU Sii 1·4 sundecks, lrg indoor jacuzzi in Mstr 811 ,OH. 410 ltr• ti llahtuR, 04I Bdrm su rrounded by greenhouse •lie Ster u. ~~::tl~l~~r,m J~~~~~~ windows, circulating fishpond, spiral SIPllSTIOIRI Creek. Tennie, pool, staircase, 3' skylite running the entire om snu .... guarded gate. $372,600. length of the 2nd story, hardwood floors, FM m0<• Info call: Steve & i tiling. thru ................. Wiiie. ASSOCIATED ext.ens ve out. ..... , ... I ... 4 REALTORS. 681-1 100 11 ltHltt1tt 11111 SEOUHI SPA. •• f1•llJ i•. W1ll1 tf ... Ju11 1t'& OYt the M1tr •1111 1trl•1 "1411' ~~:~eat~=,~~!: 1ar4111 1111 ••Jiii kllehen wttraah compac-rtt••• 11' HlltM tor. oak plenk lloorlng ttlll1p, 11• flttrs, end new •PPll•ncH . .-_.._. _ _. Mlar Many extrul Full price ---·., •m...,.. $129,000. 751-3191 ........ ,.,....., ... ••l•te• ........... . fltllMt ter ... ttftr· 14 .. Silo.MO. 111 •....a..w --'-~-----~~~ -• * 8AYCREST-NB * · COLI OP NIWllGRT MAL TOM H•ILC....ttwy. c-...... 971·Ht1 BELIEV~ IT OR NOT Only $289,000 f•. Lge vacant t1mlly or enter• lelnment home. Prlc.d !Of' quick Hie. et 151,000 belOW lut year'• apprel· .... 2007 Holiday Rd. Go direct or call bkr. 95S-2M1 Of' 760-7292 3 IEW TWllllS 1111• $140/11 IEllCEI No qualifying. Pool home, ,3 br, 2 ba, formal Must .. to bellevel Ab-din. rm, rec rm & den. Nu aoMely no eJtpet\M --crpt. $17.000 CTL. S78, spared to make theae ooo bal. 956-7534. the nloM1 you riaw ev... --------1 -· Bullt juat llke llngta Ill OUYH femlly <Mtached tiom... v e" •II I es 4 B r w I Big, ~ rOOtN. beeutlful OYtttendlng vlewl. Lrg. 111• and carpett, aky-c1en11tudy. POOi. Auum. llghtt, top of the tine ap-low tntereet loan. t796, pllancat, ato., etc. Call 000. 1 RUE VALBONNE. 54&-2313 OPEN SAT/SUN 1-6. THE REAL ESTAT&:RS DAVIDSON RE4LTT I ISllUIU Y.& LI. I at 8'h% on a 3 Bdrm, 2 --------1 ba home with large lot, •-------i wet bar, llrepto and community pool. Relrlg. freaiat, 6 dryer .,.. Incl. Only 1120,000. Oall 978-5370. \t >II I 1/Flf • f t. ' ... '• • • 1 ~ .. , " ' ~~each. fg/ Red Estate llWNIT TUUOI Exceflent financing. Neat thrff bedroom condo. Prtvacy and ocean view. UI I Many extras In thl1 lovely ••• IE ~ 8Meh retrMt. Prtoa redue«I $22.800. BMutlM A-2 lot. Plenty Now 1138.900. of room to t>vlld on the ••111- ,..,. 2 Bdrm 1 bath with ~~~-~~· ~-~~~ added play room. onl~ :: 196 600. 648-2313 filtti-4 : !:~::-~ Loa Alamltoa condo: Nice • into 4br, 2be, 2 atory condo. e usable :::~r'& ~~ 1~: e cash. call $16,000 down or wlll • Dally Pilot :!' !C:t:,-:,:t~ e classified o.m-1 ~S.9 .. t._..64_2-•56•7•8•. - .. ........ ,. Ablolutely Bl:ST BU\' on golf coune. Gol1feCM 4 BR, 1rg fam rm teatur1n1 the flneat In amenlU•. Frtnch doon, crown ino&dlno & tkytJat:l... Reduced .to $1,oto.000. own.ii' flnandna . .. _Yt-1 I . 11~-.U Try small down and seller will carry back AITD at 10%. Very flexible tenTlS. Owner will trade. NOT lease land. Contact Mary or Ken. $625,000 ; .. I 14'-14H llJI lll-4111 Etti . ! '"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I = •I #llllJ ____ , ~i 11.\HB()B llE.\LTY IEST llY GOIOll IEL Miii llllTS If you have been looking ln Corona d el Mar, we think you will recogn.iz.e this as the best income property buy in town! Located on the ocean side of the hwy. just a few blocks from the beach. An ou tstanding rental property reduced to just $229,000 and earning $1,450 per mo. HllllDll ISWD llYFRDIT Newport's most prestigious address! A beautiful bayfront lot with private pier and float. 40 feet on the bay suitable for large yacht. Assume l ow interest T .D . $1,915,000. HVEI SIOIES IAYflllT Private pier and float with 60 feet on the bay. Ideal family home - spacious with a large bayside patio. 4 bdrms., formal d1ning ., family rm., breakfast rm. and a obby rm. This is a great h me for entertaining. $985,000 L . FllllClll IS Tll IH With only $78,000 yo can move into this sharp Bluffs C'' Plan the one with 3 bdrms., tairs and 1 more bdrm. or office downstalra. Located near the pool, a terrific home for entertaining! The full price ls $279,500 L .H. and the financing la 30 yrs. fixed rate. IPEOTICILll IOElllFlllT Located on the front row in exclusive Cameo Shores. A lovely 4 bdrm. home designed for California living. Formal dining rm., famicy rm., h~lc!d'P amd wine vault. Larae patio with orchid hot houae. Owner moving lo Hawaii and priced to sell at $2,500,000. 01100 llL Ill YllW LIT Ocean and bay vleWI from thi1 ovel'lil.e R-1 lot in a quJet section of Corona del Mar away trom the 1ummer crowda 7~1Jfi financin1 available $59~.ooo. ~. <:I " I I ~I ... I . I • . I ' ; ' .... , ""' .., .... .-eMOYW + • "lltence Of Tiie titotth" ,, .. ,,Den~ tyn, 'f°"' lllwrttt. 1n 19't. • yGUflQ -·· INIMeOt to • .,...,.,., IMcil her to • ... of hllrdehle> In the ..... ~of nontllfft c.. a ·N · 6:9CC)MCMI **"' "A Olobel Afleir" (1N4) Bob Hope, Ulo PuN.. A .,_by, lound try • beCMIOf In the lobby of the United NaUOna. la clillrNd by ell thl member M.tlona. t:41. CHNITOPHIA ~ .... ®vue>JU<DOJC l:OO. MUltC AHO TMm 8"0ICIN WON> • YOUTH AHO n.. ..... 1 5A~ WAIT TIU. Wl'AI 16 The lmpor1MCe of under· attndlng !hi Ilg.Ing proc:.a Ind the attttl>dee toward growing old are ... mined. (RI (Z)MOW ** "Kiiier'• Ki .. •· (111551 Frank Siivera. Ir-~. Whan • priz911ghlat Inlet· -to protect 1119 g111. friend'• honor from a dance-hall owner, Iha ~lamuroar. I: 15 Cl) THE SOUND OF ~ Michael Moriarty end Joanna Mllee atar In lhla auapenM drama about • woman and her lollW p1o11. Ing Iha rmH'Oat of her udlatlc hv•b•nd. 1:30 8 FOR OUR TlMU (R) 8 IDEOPJTY I "°8Ul'T 8CHUU.EA OAY8MAKLA. a 8UM CUl8INE EXCITING ODYSSEY -Lane Caudell stars as a young wanderer in search of a legendary wise man in "The Archer" tonight at 9 on KNBC (4). Rhee Zaklell. Cf"'°' of Chrllllan gernM. • TOOAY'l IUO< WOMAN • MUTING TIMI AT CAl.VAl('f • FMDINCK K. PNCa • ELlCTNC COMPANY (ft) IS) AMaA1CA! THIE SEOOHO~ ()) THIE L.AHAYU 8 KNOWYOUA MU CID 8HIE'8 NOeOOY'S 9A8Y "A History 01 American w-Jn The 20lh Centu- ry·• Thi• documentary traoM Iha growth ol wom- an• 1 rolee In Iha horM. •I ~ and at play from Iha tum of the oantury to Iha praaant -1Mturl119 ~ 1amou1 parmonelltlel u M .. WMI, Shlrlay Temple, Ele•n<>r Roosevelt •nd manymor• (l)MOVIE * • "Treasure laland" (11172) Orson Wellee, Kim Burfield A couregaou1 boy )olnt Iha lnfamou1 s>Wata Long John Sllvw In tcOUI· 1119 the -for tfllpt car· • OHNMIHO ()) THl8 WUK IN ... saAU. 9 KIDI AM NM\.! TOO (Joined In Progr-) 8:"-TUM U.8.A. ••'Ai "The Myt1arlou1 Stranger" ( 11182) Chrl1 MakapMIC9, Fred Gwynne. A daydreaming Mlaaourl boy fanolee an ancountat with an angel of dublOua origin In medleval Au1trla. 11:00. ()) TENNll ··u.s. Cley Court Cnain- plonlfllpa" LIW COW4'11Q9 ol Iha men·• final• lrom the lndlanapoll• Sporle Cantat. lndlanapolla, Ind 8 ATONE G~t: photographer Roy Oecatava. 8 111 THIS WUK WITH DAVIO 8AINKUV • MOVIE ***"A Majority Of 0ne·· l 1982) Alec GulnnHI, Roullnd RulMll A Jawllt1 war widow from Brooklyn falll In low with a -'lhy Jap-wtdowar. fD MASTERPil!CE THEATRE ·=~ 9:00 NEWS CONfPENCE i~Gt::'-''Y worth at8*· "Pride And Prejudice" Ell2at>eth vltlll Pambarley and m"" Mr. Darcy llQaln, ehe beglne 10 '9gfet IOl1 09PC>rtunlllel and la dlttrMMd by Iha ,_. of Lydie'• elopement with Wlckhan\. (Pet'I 6)(R)Q G OAOWING YEAA8 TMn·9Q8 tulclda. lhl third leading ~.. of death among young people, la examined. (Part 2) CID MOVllE • • "Scout'• Ho nor'· ( 111110) Gary Coleman. Katharina Helmond A lonety orpnan cons an extremely reluctant happl· ly-alngle executive to ~ den mother to a pad! of Cub Scouts 1:00 I TODAY'S l'EJOION TMAT'8CAT 9 UTT\..E AASCAL8 8 IT 18 WIVTTEN 11 KENNETH COHUNO ·~ • YOGA FOR HEAL TH Cl AMENCA: THf 81.00NO CEHTURY III PU8UC PUl8€ !:!::YMASS * * ••()h H .. Yellly 0og·· ( 1980) Chevy CllUe. e.n~. Wlllle lnveatlgellng a poll11- cel ... scandal In London. a private delac11va It mur- Oatad and reincarnated u a ecrufty dog 'PG' DMOVIE • **'h "Darby O'Glll And The Ltttle Peop6a" (11159) Albert Sharpe, Sean Con- nery. An old lrleh caretaker ~ I• about to IOM hi• job to a younger man capturaa Iha king of Iha leprechaunt and lorcaa him to grant 111r .. wlat\M ·G· 1: 11 (%) CHAllL.E8 CHAM PUN TAU<.8 wrTH .•• "Marta Windsor'. 7:*1. FAITHWAYS WHITNEY ANO THE A080T 8 CAMPVI "'°'1ti: VIEWPOtNT OH NUTAITION • JltN'f SWAGGART I m.JXTHECAT MllTP ROOEA8 (R) AMPllCA: THt 88X>ND C8fT'IMY ()) TV.a LOOKI AT lPINNG ·= TOMOMOW (Z)MOVll * ** ·'The Kiiiing·· 111158) Starling Hayden. Vince EdWarda. An ax..-v1ct·1 tellering marr19Q8 lead• to hie d<Mnfell when ha ploll • r9Qeltradl hal9t. ~I IUNOAY M0AHtH0 THll•THELIR -~ANO ,.....,. • NMONAl a.tlllllONI I LLOVD OOtLVll CARTOONS IUCTNC COMftNf'f ; AllBltCk Tw. .ooHDCPnMY I LET ntlM • UGKT '9'tlfY ,ALWIU. MXHUMMN> uo OO'flUY ~ A9¥ Wanflll "Bud" Dey, campua mlnlatat, L A County COrNnunlty Col· 11gaa end -dlnatew of 8outhem Alrtca Aaaoutoa Prot-et: Of. JalMI A. Sendeft. pr .. ldant of ~I llblcal Menu· ecripl Cant•. 8oflOOI of Tflaotogy, Cleremont: CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KNXT ICBS) e l(N9C IN8CI • KTL.A (Ind.) .!(A8C (ABC) • KFMB (CBS> e l<HJ·TV (Ind) •t<CST (ABC> • KTTV (Ind.) • KCOP·TV (Ind,) • KCl.T <PMI t •kOCE IP8SJ ~1 ()) ORAL AOeERT8 9 80AMIE 8TMET (R) i> YOU ANO THf LAW Ill IT 18 WfVTTfN (C)MOVlf • • • 0·M.oooany·· (1975) Olan• Rou. Anthony Par- kin•. A young bladl wom- an rlaal from the depths of the ghatlo to lntematlonal ,_ ... r..tllon daalgnat and modal. ·PG' .MCMI * *'h •1'oby And The K09- la Bear'· ( 11181) AoH Hema. Llv9 ec11on Ind animation combine to tel thl tale of • young boy end hie pal koa-- 11 In Auetra11e·1 frontlat d•ya.. (Z)MOVIE • ··~ "Vletory·· (1981) Syt-ter Stallone, Mlctlael Caine. Curing World war 11, Allied POWt -their ticket to lraadom In • ma tch between their IOCC*' IMm end Iha Oat· man Netlonal TMtn In Par· la.'PG' 9:30 8 Cl) FAIX THE NATION 8 8 MIET THE PRESS a otMCTlOH8 Glore Feldman pr_,11 a periormance of popullr Jawleh lolk music. (RI 8 DAY OF o.soovEA'f 8) THEWOALD TOMORROW GI) YOU AHO THf LAW Ill KENNETH OOPBAHO CH)MOWE *•'Ai "Hardly Working·• (111811 Wry ~. Susan OllW4'. Aller Iha olrcut CIOMa down, a vetaran clown trlee Na l'Nlnd 11 var- lou• Jobi. falling m'--bly at them all. ·PO' 10'.«>. NEW8MAKEM au.1. Gubemaloriel Can· dld•t• Tom Bradley 8 OHCAMPU8 ··The ~ory of Claremont McKanna ColleOe .. 9 MOVIE • • • "The Kid From Brooklyn" (194e) Denny KaY9. Vlfglnla Mey<>. By a llrange twlat of fate. • mlkman ~· boxar 8 ICI08 AM NOPl.E TOO Gueall John Ritter. IOCC*' etar Giorgio Chi,__ gtla. Scatman Crotharl. 73-yaar.()ld Nnnat Mertlle SellsbWY· (R) I HIMU) O#TMJ'Tli AIXHUMAAN> THa LAWMAKEM G IUfMVAL "We LIW Wlll'I Elapflanll" D1vld Nlwn narrat.. Iha atory of Or. Ian Doug~ Hamlllon't "-'Y9« llucfy living wtth hit family amldat a herd of wllcl IMptlanll In Laite M mnyara Natlonal Paric, Tanunte. (R) QI) UTTL.£ HOUSE ON THEPRAIAlf {1:)MOVI£ •• "Young Joa, The For- got18rl Kennady" ( 11177) Pater Streu... Barbara Parkin•. The eldfft Kenne- d'/ volun-• tor a dangat· ou1 wartime ml11lon whlcll, It tuOCMtful. would bring him back a hero and one ttap ~ to the Whtte Hou .. ®MOVIE *'n ··Under The Ralnl>OW'· ( t118 I) Chevy CNM, Cenle ~. The 150 mldo-t• wno are In 1own for the lllm+ng of "Thi Wlz.atd Of 02:· turn a California hotel upside-down. 'PG' (%)MOVIE • • .... "Old Boyfriend•'· ( 11179) Telle Snlnl. Rk:tlerd Jordan. A conf\lted dlvor· CM trlee LO l1nd Iha k-V IO her pr-I problema by ambarlclng on • journey to look up '"'.. l>Oytrlandl from her put 'R· 11~ 8 TEMY COLE- WHITTAKER ID CHURCH IN THE HOME a;) GROWING YEARS 12:00 D WMf TIU WE'RE .. The lmportanc. of IH'daf· standing the aolng pr-. and the attltuelll 1oward growlno old are examined (R) II LoeT IN SPAC& G iii GOlF Natlon1I Long Driving Champlonahlpa from the Southern Hiiia Country Qub, Tutaa. Oleta. -~ 8) MOVIE • • • ··w11er• AnQIM Go. Trouble FollOwl'. ( 1968) Stella St-•, RONllnd FIUIMll. fiD PAPER CHAM ••Moot Court•• /;, blactl atu· dent, Intent on winning Iha ITloot court CQtl'l$Mlll11on. drlvM hi• poor 1)111nat 10 ~ reblltlOn. Cl> QAOW1NO YUM "MoleeClnl Mamal OeYll- r~ • • • "Manny's Orphan•" ( 11180) Jim 8akat, Malachy McCourt. The boys at an oq>han.,ga rlelc their cMM- ty fund In an etf9mPt to help their -coacfl PllY back a 940.000 debt tothamot>. Cl)MOV!a ()) WUTPH OUTDOOMUIN ;" 8NIWICINTI" ./ Wlll<LY • • * "Tim'. (11181) PIC* Leufla, Mel OlbaOn. A young reterd4d men end • Hnalll¥e, mlddl•·•o•d Cl)MCMI • • * "Out11w 81u .. " ( 1911) Petet Fonde, 8uaan Saini J-. 10:901~~ ~ICHUUaf' J/fM't FM.WILL <Ol On-TV IZJ Z·TV 'HJ HBO ICl ((:lllff'N•J IWORI NY.,N.Y C1> (WTBSI Ill fESPNl I II I Show! I,,,_ I • s.io111g111 • IC.bl• News Ntlworll) -~. CllOM relat1on1lllp of mutull need 8"d ~andklo "'" laedl 10 art unortho-doll n\anteoe. .MO'lll ·~ "In OocS We T~" (1H0) Mwty '814m•n. Arwt-f Kalfmen. A nelw monll II -1 out ln1o Iha W«1d to rlllM moMV few tw lmpOYlflatled moneat· ~·PO' • tl:IO. 9 !'GA~ "POA 0111mploftelllpe" U\19 eovtrlOt of !ht "'* round ftorfl ttl9 ~ ... Country Club, T'lllM. Okla. • MOYll *" "ln¥Uloll Of Thi 2ofnblel'' (1N2) AllNlndO lll•••ltr, L.oraft• v.....-. • eM)'\J1IM VIAN "Clllldtefl "' ............ • OUf'DOO" Liii ltU ApW ..,_ !of wpo!I ................. .................... ••bMGUf .fttl.....,.. I ADAM-ti DAN9M~ ··ni. ,.,.. lttM'• .... IW'lt 111 Ula....,_ M\el' a M11M ~on a ttoo-111-11llPl*f .-. Ctwt ti) i~~ ~ let ••IAed! ~· °' 1N °'*'Cup~ t4YOICICllWl9 lllaot '"°"' Iha Oltrol1 "'4fk women'• .........,.. of the ,,.,... ..,.. ..i Nft (from New z- lend~ "' ~· • ., """ tot Cllltlty (from MllwN•Wlm) .ft.~~ .. (1111) "°'*1 L.o91n, Mlldll Jll'nl- eon.()teon A Widower, hie !WO dtugMatt •• ~ Ind F NMWllY -WFftO. ed on an laolet.i leltnd •ft• enoountattno • \llO- ltnt 1torm et -. 'O' CR)MCMS '* '* "Scout'• Honor" ( 1980) Oary Colarnen, K•lh4Hlne Helrnond. A lonety orpnan cons an extremely reluctant happl- ly-alngl• axeeullvt to beoorM den molher to a pad! of Cub Sc:outa. (Z)MOWI * * * ·•.ioa HUI" ( 1111) Thomrny &atggren, Ml• Schmlclt. "' IOOll ta tekan at the llfe ol labor IMder Joa Hiii ·PO· t:aG. ()) aPORTa IUNOAY Sehedulacl: oo\lefage of Iha World Swimming And Diving Cllamplon1lllp1 (from OUeynqull, Equador). 8 WUTVIN OUTO()()MMAN • ,..TIW>C)P ·~11 -~UNIVl.ME 2:00 8 IUNOAY Location: 11118 from Oak GrOll9 Park. PIAdena. =~·&&al.ANO * * • "Dark Vlotory" (111311) Ba1t1 Davi1. 0.0.ge Brant. G) MOVIE • • • "Little Woman•· (11Mil) Jull8 Allyaor1, Pater t..ewlord. • MOVllE * • • "Sandt Of two J1me·· (11Mlll John Wayne, John Agar. • IH8IOe 8U81NU8 TOOAY •'UlllWI Varnon: Making II In Mall Order•' Ona ol Ille netlon'• IMdlng IMll-«Oat anttapr~ 11111 how Ille did tt. ~=:er UNIVERSE • • ··re11e Tiile Job And SllOW II" (1981) Robert Haye. Batbara Harahay. A young corporate e•eQ.lllva rune Into r .. lttanoe wllan ha return• to hll ~ town to ravtt.itze • compe.. ~br-.y.·PO· (SJMOVIE • • • ··TN Stratton Sto- ry" (tlMil) J-Stewatt, June /;,ltyaon. The lou of a lag 11 overcome by b- bell player Monty Stretton. D TONY MNHE'TT ··My Funny Valanllna" and ··1 left My HMt1 In San Frandlco·· -among Iha old 1tandard1 performed by Bannat1 at New Yortl'a Bottom UM Cele. 2'.30 II GIUJGAN'S 18LAHO Mrt. Howell fQr11'18 a l )'m· phOny or~lfL • PAEIEHT! "Thank Goel And The Aw· olutlon" The partlclpltlon of Chrllt.'-In Nleatague during Iha lnaun'actlon ~ polt·vlctory ~ la .... mined. ., PROJECT UNMR8E Ql)SUGARAAY LE.ONAAD'S GOl..OEH Ol.OVD LoullleM VL Roc:J(y Moun- t.in a.•1 :,:;vou *** ··A Song la Born" ( 1M8) Danny Kaye, Virgin- ia Mayo. • CAUFOAHIA CONGR18tMOHAL NPORT' G PAOJECT UNIWME ~ =:"U. llUNCH • • "The ConquaJor" ( 11158) Jann Wayne, Suaan Haywwd. A mlO"ty Mongol wlnlor IUdnmpe Iha daugtl- lat of e ~ Tartar klno end Mine eon1ro1 of his empire ®MCMI • • ••Attadl Foroa Z" (11180) John Ptlllllp uw, Mel Glbeon. A I~ Aullr•ll•n attack unit panatrtt.. enamy J~­ l'llM llnM to perform • der'ltlg -mlMIOn. • 'ntl QOl.DIEN AOa 0# m.IV18tON "Wind From The South" Ooneld Wood9 and Jullt Harrie .,., In • drtmt11e tale ol U1Waqulted io... oanterecl around -• Amerloen ~ In • tmell lfltfl Inn. (Z)MCMI ** "K_.1 K ... " (1966) F'ranll Sliver-I, 1,_ ~ When I ~ lnlef• --to prcMct Illa ~ ftltfld'• hOn« from • denc .. 11111 owner, the r.,et la murdet. uoe MOWI * .... "The BIO Mouth" (1M1) Jany~. Hwold J. $tone. A ""*'"8n oMcNe • blO ont. ttla MCre1 10 I IOrt\lll8 In ~ lftOflClt, 8 OU1"DOO" UN 11u ~ ""-!Of twiion In '"' £~ end In OC*I ..... oft ttle Flotldl K •• -~WBKIN MvtlW • HUMANrT9I THl'OUQH THI~ .. ~ Mott OtfflOult Of Ml'' (J) tAMtllf/llO ..... ~ lcMdlllld· -· °' "" Go6d °'IP U!lllmltld ...,. .. ,. ... '"°"' 1N OWdl .......... .._, .• ~ ......... _. vMI ""' C1'onl .... ,_. leftd); Al MIGulre'• '11 """ tot Cllertty (~ ........ -). TUBE TOPPERS KTLA (6) 8:00 -"Enwrtainment Thi.I WMk... lntervlew• with Kenny RQPn, Bruce Dern, Yvette Mlnleux and Anthony Qulnn. KOCE (60) 8:00, KCET (28) e:OO - 11Dtuaell." Flrat of a four-part encore dramatization of the private and public lite of the colorful Brltilh stat.earn.an. KNBC (4) 9:00 -'urhe Archer." A young wanderer in a world of witchcraft eea.rchet for a eorcerer. See photo, left. KABC (7) 9:00 -"A Star is Bom." Barbra Streisand, Kria Krlatoffenon in story abput a name star whoee popularity aUpt while his wife'• aoa.rs . eOMATUT~ L..8CIW GMOWI • • '-' "Peyohomanla" ( 11171) George Sanclar•. hf)4 ~ • MOV1I • • "lcalawng" (11173) l("1J ~·Martt leatef. • MOV1I • * "Cherro" (1Ht) El\'11 Prtalay, lne Balln. An out- law rtforme lllmMH and reeGUM • WNfatn town. • WALL tTilliUT WllJ< "WllC:h'I Brew" OuNt: Joen Hugglnl of Stoata, Wellman, Mu"'Y & Stain· bfrO,IRl • HUMAHmU THROUGH THI Allrrl "Af'CN1ethKI : The EYOtll· Wig Sk)'llne" ()) STAA TMK 9 IHTPTAIHMIHT TWllWUK tnteMewa wt111 Kanny Rog- .,,, 8rvca Darn. Yvette Mlmleux and Anthony Quinn; a loOll 11 Iha bual- ,_ 1n1er .. 11 of Carroll O'Connot, Wayne Rogar1 and Miila Ferrall. (D.)MOV11 * • "Only Whan I Leugh" (111811 Mareh• MHOn, Kristy McNlchol. A New Vortl actr-retuma from a drying-out clinic dater· mined to r-her~. her romance with a piey. wright and her relatlonllllp with her 17 -year-old daugtll ... •R' Cl) 'ntl OAA~ DEAD The Oreteful Oeed are -performing many of ,,,.., grMleat hit• In lllla concatt taped H~ night 1 HO at Radio Clty MUlic Hall. DMOWE * 'h "Kin Or Be Kitted" pillO) J-Ryan, Cher· lotta Mldlella-A lormar Nazi commender. who loll an lrnporlant karale match to Iha ,,..,.,_ dut1ng Iha -. -"• 10 .-. hi• dal .. 1 by anllatlllg Iha lac> kung tu figflter• from Wound lhl wor1d In a IOUf· ~1.·PG· 4:11 (Z) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TAUC.I WITH-· "Mena Windsor·· 4:308 MOVIE * * • "Tiie S~ar." (11MI OMn Manin, Stelll St-. II WAIHIHGTC* WEE< INMW!W(A) • HUMANl11D THROUGH THE AAT8 ··Architecture: From Earth To Sky'' 8MOW! * • 'h ··Dirty Din gut Magee" (11170) Franll SI,__ Ira, 0-ga Kennedy. CID IHE'S N0800Y'8 9A8Y "/;, History Of American woman In The 20th Centu- ry·· Thie documentary 1.-Illa growll'I of wom- an't rolee In the hOma, al work and at pi.y from Iha tutti of Iha oentury to the ~I -IM1ut1ng llJCifl tamoua parsonalttlee .. M• Waat, Sllltlay Tamt)la, Eleanor RooMYelt and many more. (Z)MOVllE • • • ''The Kllllng" ( 11158) Starllng Heyden, VV- Eclwwd1. An ax-convlcf• fal1eJlng marriage IMdl to Illa ~fll ""'-'1 he plot• • , eoailradl llelst. 1:00. KUNG FU • f!NNGUNE ••A ftfrter A"'ll'lefl""'"'ldl"'"'""*"'nt?" au.t: ~led colum- ,,,., .i-J. Kiipatrick • HUMANfT8 ~THIAATI .. AtdlltlCtUf'e: Meaning In A Pott'a Vlalon" ()) M•A•a•H Cllar1ae' Fret1d'I nom prao. tldng drtvea H8wkeye and 8.J. to go on a be1h W111• !.= ••• "Mahogany" (1975) Olene Aoea, AnlhOny Pat· 11!f>1. A young bledl wom- an r .... lrom 1111 1M9tha of Iha ghatlo 10 ln19r~ ,_ ... ~ dallgnat end model. ·PO' UGI CM'NIWI ...c..we ~· ())" WILOOM9 IM*. KOTT'IR di MIAlU'T UOfn'I LBllfM "Roberto Cternenta" Holll. a.otV8 Ptlrnpton. ,OUMI! WlleSterpl. ®MOllll *'*~ "Hw~ WonlnQ" (1H 1) wry I.twit. IUMft Qlww. A,. ttle ~ oloaee ~. • ,,....,. c:lo.n ,. hie lland et Wit• kM )Ok ,..... tl'llMr'llllly .. ._ .... "°' (I) W/IO/trt WON.O ~ JONATHAN~ Queel. Pet 9oone. ..... .. ,u. .... ................ ..... ( ,..) .... Hlldlloft. GlfY... • .... Mtlll ........ ,....., Off IN ...... llut II ........ ,...... .. e11•A .. 0M ......... Hot u,n gall\ • -reac>ICi 1()1 aecfl otlllr altat WOftllng 11 an eld 11atlon under hMY)' '"· .MOWl • * "WIUI Thie Ring'• ( 1111) Soott H~, Joyoe DeWitt. • GMATAAILWAY JOUN,....IO#THI WOfU..D •·Thraa Mllee Hlgfl" The hlgt!M1 rlltroed In ttMt WOt1d cllmba Iha Pervvlan Andaa, ~ ltlro.igf'I IO tunnele anc:t «oeaaa 46 brldgaa 10 • height of 16,000faa1 . G NOYA "Pal-Of Oallghtt" A blfllnd·I,.__ loOll ii llkan •I SM Franc:I*»'• Explorator1Um, • un6Qi'8 eoief>Oa ~ ,..,ur'lng c:loM to 500 e•hlblll (R) ~ CMNeWI {fl THI AOaC10AO AlD !~NEWS * * • "S.O.B." (111811 Wll- llam Holden, Julla Andrewa. A movie dlrac1or ~ 11.. Jul1 llnlaNd • rnuttl-mlHlon dollar turit-V goae from atlatft9tad .,._ cldt to • blzarrely lnepifed r~llng of hi• et>le-·R· Cl)MOWE • • • ·"Tim'· (1981) Piper Leurla. Mal Olbaon A young retarded man and • Hntlllva . rnlddla-agad woman dawloc> • c1oaa ralallon1hlp of mutual naad Ind undaratandlng tllat lleds 10 an unot1h0- dox marrl9Q8. litMOVIE * • * •n ·•Darby O'GMI And The Little People'. (111511) /;,lbeft Sharpe, s.an Con· natY An old lrtarl careteker wllo la about to IOM hie job to a younger man captur .. the king ol tha lfe>racheun• and fewc:ea him to il'ant 111r .. w11t1ee. ·G· (Z)MOYlf * * 'h "Hardly Wor1clng" 1111811 wry Llwll, s- Oll\/er. Alt.. Iha cirwa cloaal down. • vetatan clown tl'IM Illa hand at .,.,. loul )ob8, leillng mlaatatlly a1111eme11.·PO' uo D FIGHT 8Aa< 8 THAT'S HOU.YWOOO .THEJEFF'IMONS 0.0.ga hu big p1ana tor • 11ra1 ..... 1. eecond wadding. but Loulee le hftlnQ MC- ond thOughta ())8NEW9 1:00. ()) ., MtNUTU 11 a THf RJNTSTONE8 a a MOVIE •••'Ai "The Bed ..... Beere" 111118) Walter Metthau, Tatum O'Naal. I PAUL HOGAN ..oa< AHO AOU; THfAMTll~ ·'The o.ogr.pny Of Roel< And Roll'. The Cec>teln and T ennlle IOoll at 1N mullc: made try Peul Anka, Bobby Oertn. tna Rolllng Si-. IN &ls>r-. the Temp- tetlonl end mtny ot,,.,._ • ARTHUR llUllN8TEIH "Polend" Al Ula age of Ill, M-tro Artllur Rublnl1eln talk• about 1111, music Ind people whlla travallng ttvougllOUI Iha Medltat· ,_tndEur~ !~GAIUN * • "Shlpwfedt" ( 11118) Robert Logan, Mikki Jtml- eon-Olaon. A ..ici-. Ilia two deughtat9 •• ~ and a ~ -llrand- ad on an ~tad llland eftat enc:ountatlng • via-..,, "°""' •• -·a· ®MOVll ·~ ··Under Tiie Rainbow" ( ttl 1) Cf""Y en-. Cerfla Fllhat. The 150 midget• ~ -In town IOf Iha ftlmlng of ··The Wtzard OI Oz. •• tum • Celllomie hotel l='PO' MO ON llNTAIH ~IN PAa'TIEU (%)MCMI • • ..~ The Reel'' (1811) Oantol\ Ka'na, M"9ft Jtne«I, A Polyne- elln-AmeriGM Oltt wtlO Ilea t1M11 edUCeled ln ttla U.S. ratuma to lier lallllld '- and ,.... In love with • si-rl~.'PO' HO•<ll~ 9UNICmf8"-ACI Atdlle g9ll I MW ....,,.., wflO WflllU to NII Ille ber .. OWi' '"Y· ("l ••a.. Jon ltld ... .,.. down • ""~ Orw.. ""° 1\ltlll out 10 be • .,....., .... plOnlnQ • .,.., dleo motld llelll. (") • INTIRTM""• .... •••fTrT ,,. ... lnteMtwn with K*""V "°0-.... eruoa oem. ~ Mlmteu• lftd AlllllOftY QulM: • ._.. oe IN WI!--...... °' Gerrotl O'CoflMf. w.-._..... ltld .... ,.,,.... I " ..... . M1'QIW; OMi9 ,,,.....,.19' ·~·~"""' T1111ft'"M~end .... ~--""' ........ ..,..,,. .... ,.. ............ ..... ............... .............. ..,..... ... .....,. ·--••• ,,. Of""'..., . (ftf4J 0.. 1u•y 'nle ....... ,..,." ... ~ ............. ................... -~~ '',...AV ...... .._. ................. .......... ,..... llCIW..,. OWNlllMllMllrhll' ...... ;~ TMIATM "DW ... "l~ .... llll'NI _Ill _... ...... .. Ulftl II lllOle11d'1 lftllt PfOl!llntlll ,...~. '*'- ...... o llllld ltt~ (~wt IHlll Q CD>•MOYll * * * "CIUll Of Tiie Tit-" (1 .. 1) Herry .._ lln. '--eN:it OiMlif, ~ lo hero PtrMUI II Mlped by hie f1"'9r z-In • ..... of cMinoatoua ...... .. he It ... to Win lhe hand of • lltloenlden ~ IOllM' the ...,_ of • ~Ill ... godd .... •PQ' Cl)MCMI • • • "l)'e Of The ..... dlt" ( 1981) Ooneld Suther· lend. Kete Ntlllgllll. Wlllll on a remote leottlah lller1d to ,_. • 0.metl eubmar'lne, an Axle epy llnd• llMlteJ from the eior-m In Illa coruige of • menled couple. 'R' t:a0A ONl°"YATA ,... Ala11 goae out on hie flm da1e.(R) ·THI~ TOMOMOW 9:00. ()) AUCll 8'8MOVll •~''The Archer" 11981) Lana Caudell, o-ga Ken- nedy. A young wandatef In • WOf'ld of wtldl«•ll and bled! rneglo Nll out to find • --who .. the only paraon ~ can help him regain hla rlglltlul title. (R) 8 WILD KINGDOM ··Land Of The Coal!" 8 0 MOVIE * •·~ "A Siar It ~·· (11178) Barbra Strelaand. 1("9 Krlltoffenon. Faallng 1111 own populartty lllpping u hit young wife'• car- " on Iha rlae, a big-name ttar turna to the bottle tor comfort. (R) Q G °"-CHO ·MPV~ "Salute To ·~lcatad ladlee' " G~1•: Paula Kally. Hinton Battle, Gragg Bufga. Dea Dea Bridgewa- ter, Terri Klauaner, Marie Fotoe><>uio.. Sondra Gii· man • MA8TEN"IECE THEATM ··oi.,..., .. Encour199C1 Dy I'll• ._.,.,_.,.._._'"'111 t ome ol Enol•n~ • mot1 Pl°"'''*'' pollllel911•. °'"' .... --lott-IOf P-1 (Pen •I !RI Q G) UYST!1'Y "Rumpola 01 The Bailey" Rumpola MCI The Man Of God" Rumpola defend• an elderly. abMnt-rnlndad vicar on • 1hopllltl119 ctlarga. (Pen I) (R) Q (C)MOVll * • ·•young Joa. Thi For- gotter1 Kennedy" (1811) Paler Sir-. 8.,bar• Paf'klnl. The_.... K_. dy \IOM'tl ..... tor. dangar- oua wartime ml11lon which, II ~I. would bring him becll a hato and one atap ~ to IN WhlteHouM. ®MOW *** "E~ Of The.._ dte•• (19811 Donald Suthat- land, Kate Nllllgan. Whlle on • remote Scottllll llland to meat • Gatman aubrnarlna, an Axle epy find• tllaltat "°"' Ille ttorm In the cottage of • young rnarrlad couple. ·R' (Z)MOVJE • • .... ••()Id Boylrlande" ( 1111111 Talia Shira. Rldlerd Jordan, A contuead dlv<>r· OM trlee IO find the •-V 10 hat iir-t prot>lema by embartllng on a joumey to look up thr.. boyfriend• "°"' l'lat peet. 'R' uo. ()) THa .IEff•--ll!.NOltle--Ona ol Oeorga't ttoraa II dallroyad by • fire IA) -~~ IUMVM. I JIQC VN4 !MN lo. ()) ~ JOttN. M.O. A eoclal workw la bN1alfy bell1ln wfllle trying 10 ~•I• a pelt of taan- 1 ~ttvt-. (R) ••• .-wt • THE WON> FOii' TODAY • UNHOLZ A ~tary on Ille NowmbW, IN 1 tlllllblt In Loa Aft!lllM of ,_, tableau• b~ renownao tcvlp1or !.dwlltd KelntloCI and his wife Nancy Aeddln !Y-ted. 1111 FUMaAN>e ''Whet Are Setventa For-?·• Tlla ,_ femlly at Aam- bardl Ollebr•taa narwat lime: Ololl and Chnatlna ra•lndl• their H rll•r romenc-.e. (Pert 11)(R)Q (ll)MOWI * • "81Udaftl lodlee" ( 1118 t) A klllar l\N amok on • hlgll ICl'lool ~· 1111 dey bebe Qf-.Clon .,.. Cl)MCMI **~ ''~ Of TM Wortd -,,.,, I" C tM 11 Mal ~ ........ ~ Maf1•. ltluelftoul llle1ory -"°"' NM141Nllllll -men to Iha lpenlafl tnqu6- eltl0n -,. eJlllt'lllned •• ,. • .MOVll ··~ "e.w'(fteO)Mlf· tin Mui, T~ ...... A llepplty menled M.,ln C-4y .... .,...,,.,. by ..., trendy ·~ Into ............ lltl'Ye ....,.....,, -· LOMiMNllR . .,,...,. ..... " I lllORft••._, ........ . ..,, .... "' .-.-""-'"' DOMnW-TMLOF,..... .... ,,.. _.... ........ .. ..... ........... ... -[if= tUll ·-.. ..... ....... """' ......... ................... INN; .. ~ ...... ,.,. Ill ... Mtll .... .,.., .... "' .. Miil .. .......... ., .. .... ____ ..... .. • omim "°"''"' .... , ...... Alt Llllllllt1er w c.o1i..... ...... ..,.....,_.,._IN ~--~··-­.... I ...,, ,AL.WILL .-NC .......... "°"' ''*' llMf Ollln ..... hOtl 11i1 1t•IMIM looll .. lllMI'• -.. Iha "'°*"(tll) CC>~ •• "Jvr/ Of OM'' (19141 lopflle ~. JMn Gllbln. ,. "'°"* -undet world 00tw 18Cllo11a to flll hit llOll llOqUllted of tllP8 end mut'• dlr ClhMO--'A' (H)MOYll * "T.nan, The,._ Min'' (1M1) AlcllMd Henil, lo Olfek. A yCll#!O ~ ~ le» ...., l'Nlllnt f11Nt In Iha AlrtCM )uftfll wfwr• Ille 8"00UM.,. llil uncMl:Md wtlillt """ Wld llilOt~··"' (%)MCMI * •~ "Vletory" (1H1) S,._tet llMIOnl. Mldieel CMne. Ouring Worttl W• II, Alllld POW• ... tNlr ticket to ll'tiadom In • metc:h balweaft 1helr IOOOW I-end Ille 0.· men Ntllonel TtMl 111 Par· 1a.·pa· t1:111CM .... 11:ao ~ fllNAL ,AIOIMtiiM .... WDICIND l"°"'9 WAAP..uP QIMOYW •'*'Ai "C0tnputefclde" ( 111121 Suun Oaoto•. David Huddlaalon. In 18M, • prtvtt• d.-cthle llwelll- gate, a my.twtout death thll the 1ophlat1catad pollc• computer• have labeled ··acddantal." (R) (D)MOVIE **'A "Honky Tonk Fr ... wr/' 11H 1) a.au Brtdgaa. Hume Cronyn. The tourlat· hungry raeldanll ol • 11MPY Florida hamlet -r-sy Ind W91tlng w119r1 they learn a ,_ fr-.Y wlll cornC)lellly aklfl their town. ·PG· .MOW! • "G•" (11181) Donald Sutllarland. SuHn Anapedl A radkl OJ and a report• try to expoae an oll magnate'• plot to drlw up OU prlcM try contrMng an oll lllor1age. 'A' 1t:A88THe~ F1LU D MOVIE ••'Ai "C0tnputarclde" ( 11182) S uHn Georg•. David Huddleaton Cl) THE OMTlfUL DEAD 11:118 NEWI QJ MOW! * • "Man With The Icy Eyea·· (19711 KHnan Wynn, Fatth Oomargua 12:0011 100 CUJ8 • MtellOH: IMP08lleLE Jim Pllalpa Ind Clnnernon Mlt~upMtar· o-t• for an undal WOf'ld orQlllllUllon known few tta ttr~ lectles. • TALDO#nta IJNIXNCTID "The lM1 Bottle In The World" A WMltlly lndullrl- all11 and wine io... buya • rare lllnt9Q8 to -at art unuauel dlMat party f()f wlneenob9.. ()) STAR TN)( 12:i0 G NIC NEWS ., MOVIE ...... 'Wind• Of The W•I• land .. ( H138) John Wayne, Pllytll1 FraMt 12:418 NAME OF THf GA.Me Jafl Dillon ac>0a9ta Iha chdanga of an Anny QM. Oat and .ubmlta to prison- ., of -training. 8 MOVIE • • ··Thi Female Trep·· ( 11168) Jedi Lord. S- St rHberg. (CJ MOYll • * ~ ··ca110Blanco·· (tll81) cnar.. Bronaon. Jason Rotlarda /Ill eded MUI wtlO llM bought of! Iha tocail p04ioa domlllM9a a ltllall PenMen 00Mt81 town dw1nQ Iha 18408. ·R' t:OO. T'EIH ec:.NIE (B)MCMI ••~ "II'• My 'Turn" ('HO) Jiii Clayburgh, MlcllMI Oougla1. .flUM.IE . .... .,. Moore, Aobet1 ~­ la um• and Sntrman ~--M'edln• ~oflhllllt Broadwey ""'** beead on Oeale Devil'• play "Purtle Vletoriou9." (Z)MOYll •• "Oulelma " (1811) John MIMe, Carol Whtte. A young "°""811MC)9f _.. ttMt "-'*' lof1~ of ,,., rni-ty~.·­lngly lmpo¥erlahad old farmer ·PG· t:OI (I) MOYIE • • * "Outlaw Btu .. " (1811) P9tar Fonda. Suaan Saini Jamee. Or1nge COllt DAILY PILOT/luftCM.Y, ~I, 1112 M11TIOU9 .UH• .. Mm ITA,,_., ~o::WI~ '*"" II dolno The tollOWlftO '*'°" I• dolftil -yiiiCmiOiii"iiUiiiii--DHIM c:aN'TIA MIVlllOH ~ II: I ~~-\.TD. H01 W. MllOArthUF elYf.. a.D.K. AND AHOC., 1222 ff071 lanta AM. ca. ff10I AcMile. !NIM. c.. 92714 ~~·9 '*'°"' .,. clolnt Shirlene A. Pl9rff, •1t4 I.• · Willlem A. M11~:w1, 1222 =0 NOTON HAft80UA = Oltde, Pounlllln v.-. Ca. ~~~by en i----------- ... ~, 1etS7 Thia bllllneel .. o.onduO* by Ill WldMd'lll ._.""! ....... ....,, ce.. lnclMclu9t. Wllllfn It ~ . ,...,. of co.ta ...... ::..l: 9'WleM It ..... l'hll lllMlmlnt -tlled wttll '"' ~ ..... ..., •• 2911 ™' ltaWnel'lt -ftled with the Qoun'Y Cterll of Or.noe County on Ao•, •y= D, Coete MMI, =: Qlrtl of Orenge County on 4UQUll I, 1"2. ~::--'" oonduct9d by• 11'\ibll!;.!,~MO• Col~ Publtltled Orange 001~-:.:: ~ ..;U11LU8 Of' Piiot Aug. t. 11, 22. 2t, 1tla Pilo4 Aug. a, 111• 22, 2t, 1N2 : coeTA MUA, INC. 181~2 Mt3-e2 ~..._.., Ml.IC MnU MUC M)11C( • 1'.. •111nent"' tied wttll the N~ .,..... ACnnoul WH Coutltr' Olertl Of 0renge Cowlty on aTA T-.r llAllll STA,_., Augilmt a. 1MI. ,_ lJI• followlnt peraon 11 doing Tiie followlng s>«•on 11 doing •-•-~ M: bulll"9I M ! Pvblllhed Orenge Co&1l Dally DIAMOND STAINED GLASS COMPUTER TEACHER, 31011 fltloC Mo, t. 11, 22, 2t, 1N2 STUDIO, 414 W. AowlMd Ave., Harbor Blvd., Colla MHe. CA -.a2 Santa AM. CA t2707. t2t2t. =~~ ..... ---------f KRYSTYNA DURIAN, 201111 GARY DAVID Fl.ANZEA, 19 K~l11 l'ICnnout ......... tum ITAT11•N'f The tollowlno '*"°"' -dlOlnG ~-PENNFIEl.O HOMES • UPI.ANO. 11141 Adame, Sulla o. coat• MMa, Ca. 92821 fllennfleld 0.. elopment, Inc. (a California corporation), 11141 Adame, Sult• 0, Coat• ...... Ca. 92828 Callfomla Ofeam Hom., Inc. (• Calllornla oorporatlon), 1110 Mama. Suite 0, Coate ......_ Ce. 92t2t Thia tM.lllneM la conducted by an unincorporated aMOClatlon otllef tllan • parti'14W'atlfo, Pennflafd Development. Inc. '1C ....... f1111711 NAiii STA~ 11 llTICll =.,~ ~unttngton llMoll, CA g'A~'l~~ ~. ~ Beacll, I Thia ._.,_ ta ~ by an Thia bullneaa la conducted by an ---------· lndMdual. lndMduel. Publl•lled Orang• COHI Dally Tiie ~ l*eonl .,.. doing J-L Colfoa, Piiot, Aug. 1, I, 15, 22, 1N2 ~ ae: \ KtyStyne °"'*' Gery o.vtd Aaniiar J011N10N Thia ~ -tied wtt11 1t1e Thia a1at-t -llled with the Prealdent 343742 (1) TREASURE HUNTERS. LTD. Thia 1111-1 WU llled wltll the ----------(2) TREASURE II, LT 0 . ( 3 I08DIARY JOHNSON Coun1Y ei.tt °' OfMgl County on County Cieri! of Or.noe County on ' July 20, 1912. July 20, 1982. County C*1I of~ CcMlnty on rtaJC NOTICE tREASURE SALVORS, LTD. -42· Auguat 4, 1982. (4) SAN JOSE, l TO. (II) VEN CAP, •r••tdent of Verona , '1'1111 P1Mm 'Wltcawtn. PUied away on Publl1lled Orange Cout Dally Publl11'1ed Orange CoHt Dally '1""'7 P'ICTITIOUI ....... L'tO .. 4ee7 MeoArttwr Blvd .. 4th Publl•ll•d Orange Co111 Dally NAiii ITATDmNT Floor, Newport Beacll, Calllomla Auewt ~. 1982. She WU a Piiot, Aug. 1, •• 16, 22, 1t12 PlloC, Aug. 1, 8, 16, 22, , .. ~ Piiot Aug. 8, 111, 22, 29, 1982 The lollowlng peraon 11 doing 92928 . 3500-82 bu.U-aa: J .C . PATTERSON & former f'ellldent of Newport •1~ ~. Ca. She leave. ner ~.~Ji&~"fiJ TDDAT'S CIDlllDID PVllLI Berry. Private lerVlces. ACR.Qss 89 Sk9"'1 181 See 148 so Eye 108 Shy PU ZER g1 RomM Aero.. coametlc 111 Hindu ft:RN TAYLOR Pfl'ZER, 1 Dull nolM court 183 Wyoming 33 Ceuea mantra relldent of Laauria Beach, 4 Burning 92 lrllh women r~ 35 Become 113 Sllonty Ca. Pa.eel away on August 1: ~~:r:~ 94 ~~d ~:~~=la ~:!J12 =~~the :J, 1982 ln i...una Beach, Ca. 20 Luzon ·~ tooll 37 Puah aside words Beloved wife of the late native 9e Singer 170 Synthetic 40 Tred.. 115 63 Aetou. CUUord B . Pitzer, lovina 2 t Tu Franki. _ fabflc 43 Conclullve In mother of Nell T. and Peter "91111ment 98 For Mell 173 Razor honet 46 Ooc1rlne Englend T · B u r to n • 1 o v i n I 22 Flower part 99 Chromium 1711 Heape 48 Aaphalt 111 Abbr. on 1 ll'Mldmother of Anne and 23 P11don1 aymbol 178 Reacuea apraader city map Eliabeth and Molly Burt.on. ccndl-101 8'oedwey 18011 con-49 Brltllh 119 Assigned and srandlcn Bury Burton. tJonally ev.nt cerned county tuk lovlna 1l1ter of Allan J . 25 Saltpeter 103 L.Mle eome 1S2 Weird 51 Pry lnqu111-121 Stranna1nno..t Taylor. Memorial eentces 27 &,....., Nndwtc:hel: 183 WarehOuM tlV91y 122 Fragrence will be at St. Mary'• 29 Summon 2worda prOYlalon 53 Actor Asner 124 Chart again ~ Olurch, 428 PM'k forth 1oe Abbr. on• 185 Stor~ 54 H.im 126 Become a Ave., La1una Beach on 31 Repr• 11.ner 187 WNC>On of polltlon member Wudnesday, Auauat 11, tentative 107 Of tt1u1ge· yore 5e Exelamatlon 128 Icy rain 1982 at ll:OOAM. In lieu of 32 Stage Abbr. 189 Powerful 57 Spanish title 131 Planter flotfen the family request& whl"*9 109 Edllora· explollve 60 NASA's 134 Heavy dollationa be made to the 34 Bollvtan ,,,.,._ 190 Flr•teedet concern perlUme P01)>0na C(olleae of South tribal 110 Submarine 191 Capital or 82 Hits the 138 Mlde- Co•• t Medical Center. :t:= 112 ~ 1g2 =-=~C::2 139 ~-::: ~ Beech. ~ Family 39 Aer!M 114 "Skidded" 193 Poaea... 64 Display point La1una Beach ortuary 41 Pturel 116 Prophete areu: 2 141 One of the ~· PEYTON ending 118 Cycledea DOWN wordl Smithe 42 Kipling laland 68 e.ncs over 142 Son or Ra CHARLES R. PEYTON, poem 120 Church 1 Giant of 68 Poa111 teel 144 Postmen's rmldent of Corona de1 Mar, 44 What? olflcera Hindu myth 70 Disjoin burden• Ca lllnce ll~M. P....S away 45 USMA grid. 123 Animal 2 Monkahood 73 Of b"9 146 Makes ~ 5, 1982. Survived by 47 Tur1clah title trainer 3 Momlng 75 Poker reedy wife Loretta; 1 eon 48 Lett., eddl-125 Struck aong w~• 147 Earn• Char ea R. Peyton, II; l tlon, tor heevlly 4 Nebe 76 Peter. Paul 149 Bread-tree da~er Deanna Kay short 127Dlga(up) 5Scatenote andlvan seeds Wa • 1 brother Raymond 5-0 Pack• away 129 Eternal 8 Greenlet\d 78 Unusual 15 t Phllipplne P r l c e P e y t o n & 3 52 Begin: 130 BactcbOnel Elt!lmo pe<aon• skirt ~ Services will 2 words 132 Thus 1 HllVeSI. In 80 Wanders 153 Palnful 6e beld on Monday, August 55 Ear parts 133 Continent: India 82 Exl1t1 156 Aviator 9, 1»82 at 11:00 AM, P8dfic 58 Type Abbr. 8 Ovefjoy 83 Rigid 159 Smooth View Chapel. Officiating: meuure 135 8'oed grin 9 Unk>cl< 88 Wute 182 Tei.gr .. Dr. John Huffman. Sr. of St. 59 Exclama-137 Knot 10 -pro-altowences pher's ~ Andrew• Pteabyterlan Ilona 138 Common tundl9 88 "-Daum" 164 Bridge Church. Entcmbment P-=mc 81 ReacNe people: Gr. t 1 Denoting 90 Trap pe>eltlon Vl.eW Memorial Park. In lieu acrou 140 Small plea origin 93 Pintail 188 Roman 0 f fl 0 w e u, me m 0 r 1 a l 83 Sand hllla 143 Line • 12 Declaim ducks delpOt b Tb 65 Sharpena fishhook Wiidiy 95 lflde9end-188 Jacob's son ~ ~n_t rl l u tHl 0&'!_! Ft o d e 17 B1gWtg9 145 Swamp 13 Ski.,.. ent one: 189 8rtstle n.uu:r can e .. • un or eg Blemlahee 148 Time, lor 14 Hurried Slang 171 King a. HOSP!tal. c/o Cardiac 71Philly's1tata lllOr1 15 Egyptian g7 School, In "beaters" C &f e · JS a c If I c Vi e w 72 Rough llV9 148 Cut tlmbef toUI Pana 172 Needle bug Mo(tu.ary, dl.rec:tora. 74 Charged: 150 W11er Illy 18 "The Alt11" 99 Aulgna 174 Sliver cone IALTZl8GllOH SMfTM & TUTMtLL IWISTCL.Wf CHAP&. • r t 427 E 17th St ' Costa Mell ' 846-9371 : ... Cl llOTMMS SMITMS' NOUUAIY 627Maln St Hunhnqton Bueti 536-6539 i ' Pe\ClfllC YllW ••e«tA& , ... ~ c.mtt«v Mortu•rv C"-"1-<:fematorv llSO() Pacific View Drive ! NM'C>Oft BHcl'I • 144-2700 NkOIMCK NOITVAllH LaQuna Beach ' 494-~15 l.aQutla Hiiia 788-0933 . SM Juan C.pl1trano I 495-1776 2 word• 152 Dlstance9: 17 Clothea part• 175 Harden• 11 Lyrtc mute Pref. 19 Name for a 100 Fold (over) 177 Egyptian 79 Even more 15-4 NFL eenorlla 11galn cotton 153 Down poaltlon 19 Mlaplay at 102 Account 179 Droop 81 Hobbles 155 Ribbed cerda eritrlel 181 Ceylon along tabnc: 24 Watef vapor 104 Polel, In meaure 64 Indian mui. 157 ~ 28 Greek re-Miidrid 184 Eanh t>«ry tl"MI lett., llatance gp. 105 Opposite 01 goddee• 85 Take back 158 Chl.'1 ltate 28 H11dy broadside: 188 ltallan rtver 87 Hinge 180 Tra followef heroine 2 word• 188 One 0< any FAMOUS sues. 146 We111tlll ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED, • StrMt. Unit A, Coate M-. CA. Callfornla corporation, 4817 JAMES & JANZ CHUNG. 1721 MacArthur Blvd., 4111 Flo«, N-s>Or1 Norlno Ortw, Huntington BMoti. CA a-ti, CallfOflM 9.2921 921147. Thia bualneal .. oondueted by. J-Chung llmlted partnerahlp. Tiiie 1tat-1 wu flled with Ille J. C. PATTERSON County Clerk of Orange County on a ASSOC .. INC. July 11, tt82. J. c. Pattenon F111M81 Chairman of Ille Boerd Publlllled Orange CoHt Dally Thia ltat_,I -fifed wltll the Piiot, Juty 11. 25. Aug. 1. a. 1ee2. County Clel'k of Orange Coun1Y on _______ _..3_2~:..:7-!1 July 22. 1982. NIUC NOTICE Publl•ll•d Orange co.:,': ~ COURT Of' THI Plot, July 26, Aug. 1, 8, 16, 1te2 ITATI CW C~OllNIA f<Ml 3317~ THI COUNTY CW CHWtOa NO, A11CIM ON>SR TO IHOW CAUM ~~Of'U.. NIUC NOTICE '1C11T10UI au.-11 NAm ITATUmNT In the Matter of the Applleatlon of JOHN FREDERICK HEA&EAT. TM following per1on I• doing ~-IMPACT MEDIA, 10192 Vdsy Forga, Huntington 811011. CA 926411. HOWARD L WANOREY JR., W'*-8. the petmori of JOHN FREDERICK HEABERT llaa been fifed with the clerk Of lhla court for an order c111ngln9 Patltlonar'• name from JO)O{ FREDERICK HERBERT to JOHN FREDERICK 10192 Valley Fore•. Huntington CANADAY Beadl, CA t2848. rT IS HEREBY ORDERED tllet 111 Thia bu..,_ ta conducted by an pei'IOOI tnt..ied In Mid mitt« lndlvlduat. appew befOte tllla court September Howard L. Wandrey Jr. 1, 1982, In tll• coutroom of Thie 1t11-t wu llled with Ille Dapert"*"I 3. 10:30 a.m .. to illlOw County Clerlt o1 Orange County on oau1e wllf thl• 1pplloallon lor July 18. 1982. b ,,.,. ~.=,~:; o name lllould not • Put>illhed Orange Co11t Dally IT IS FURTHER ORDERED lflat 1 Piiot. July 18, 25, Aug. 1. I. 1912 copy of tNI onler to allow c:ei.. be • 3232-82 publlllled one. 1 wMlt for lour ----------• c: 1111 .. weeks prlof 10 IN day Of "8.IC NOTICE NICI hMr1ng In Tiie o.ity Piiot, a ----------new1paper of general cl1ou1at1on FICTTTIOUI au ... at prlnt9d In Ille County of Orange. MAm ITA~ DATED: July 19, 1ta2 The lollowtng peraon 11 doing CLAUDE M. OWENS. ~ M : Alllgned JR 'S USED CARS, 4222\t Judge of the Cempu1 Drive, Newport BMotl. CA ~Court 92MO. Publl1lled Orange Co11t Dally JOSEPH YURKA. 21291 Piiot ...... 25 "·-. 1 8 16 18112 SandOollar Lana, Huntington ' _, ' ........, ' ' ~ 8aaotl. CA 92648 Thia ~ ta oonduc:t9d by an lndMdual. JOMP'I Vurka l'ICTITIOUI llU..... Tlllt 1111-1 WU ftMd wltll Ille NAm ITATDmNT CcMlnty Clatk of Orange County on Tiie ronowlng per1on la doing J\Jit 14, 1tl2. ,1111111 ~;'i,LIOA TEO LIGHTING Publlllled Orang• Cout Dally 20e~ Collln•. Balboe llland, CA Ptlot. JUI)' 18, 25, Aug. 1, 83~;~2 92M2. MARC 0 . BLOTT, 2oe~ Colline. Balt>oe laland, CA 92te2. Tiiie bullneel t. conducted by an tndMdual. Mero 0. Stott Tiii• atatement -llled wltll Ille County Cleirt! of Orange County on July 14. 1ta.2. f1Dm Pubt11lled Orange Coaat Dally Piiot, July 1a, 26, Aug. 1, a. 1te2 3t83-82 Ml.JC NOTICE IC....Z l'ICTITIOU8 IUIMn HAim IJTATDmN'f The lolloWlng '*'°"' -doing ~-JANES VICTORIA STREET DEVELOPMENT, 29110 Airway Avenue, 0 -9, Co1ta Meaa, CA 92129. M. 0. JANES CO .. INC., a Calfomla corporation, 2960 ~ A...,_, 08, Coate......_ CA t2t2'. 1--fllC~""'TmOUl~-----.,-.---.-,--1 T'llla ~ .. conducted by • NAM1 ITA~N'f llmlted partnanhlp • Tiie followlng '*'°"' -doing M. o. Janee Co .. Inc. bua1neaa u : • Mk:haal 0. ,,_ OAPA TRAOINQ SERVICES, • Thia =t WU llled wttll Ifie 2006 W. Balboe Blvd.. Suite 231, ~ CWk Of Orange County on NIWpot1 8-:tl, CA 92883· "' 1"12 DAVID FREDERICK NICKLIN, " • "' ' 2005 W. 8e1t1oa Blvd., 8uite 231, • J1t11'7 Newport Beecll, CA 92M3. Publlllled Ora'!~! Coe t .. ~~llY PATRICIA THERESA YOUNG-Piiot, July 11, 25. ,,..,.. 1. • 1 ....... NICKLIN, 2006 W. 8a1boe IMI., 325042 Suite 231, Newport 8Holl, CA 02983. Tlllt bualneea II oonduoted by Inell~ (Huaband & ~ Oevtd , . Nldllln Tllll ~ ... fled with the County a.ti of 0ranoe County °" July t3 1t82. ~ Publlllled Orange COHt. Delly flilOt, July 18, 211. Aug. 1, I, 1"2. ~ MUC N01'1CE ;tCTmOUI ...... ~IJTA~ The ~ peraona -dolnO bulllleea • GATEWAY PAATHEAI, LTD., S3040 Oallll Allledor, SU!tl C. ltin Juen Clplat,_ CA 9;1t78. HUNTER EN!AQY CORP., 33041 Cele ,._.._,, SUM C, 9eri .Juan C4@FMO, CA mn. "'----RALPH L PHii.AM, M., RU4W Calle A¥1adof, lul'9 C, len "'-t Clolltreno, CA tff71. Thll ~ II OOlidU .. 1 I by a """9d Oll1Mrttllo. HUNTE.A lNIAGY CORP. "-L "*"'·Jr. ,.,...... Tllll.... • .... -lllad ..... ~ Clartl rt* ~ COiltlty on o• • 5 6 7 8 D . A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 I ·2 • 5 6 llHfl.+!!\11. •••••• IMM.tr.Aw. •••••• ' '11rftt#. ••••••••• l.tfl Mttr.tt ••••••••• l.fl "45 EASTBLU~F DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. M).C)020 All Oltlll1'lllll UITILIPP ........ Adult «"Cupted, move-ln condition. a Bdrm 2\4 Ba Lu1k built home. Pvt courtyard entry. Formal cl1ni"I + w.nn famUy room. Call tor ahowtnc '225.000. Tlllll, Tllll, TDD Full prloe •1ss,ooo, lit loan. S143,000 fully .. umable, 11 W Ji fixed rate for 80 . yn. C.an't be beat. Bl~ 3 Bdr 2 ~ s. home. Frelh paint. Vacant. OWC 2nd T.D. II Tll IAY FllOIT lllW Olml 2 Bdrm bachelor pad. Privacy. forever bay view, fireplace. '172,000 of low interest financing available. Original leetion of Bluffs. Priced $242,500. WIPE YOll .Hn WIEI YOI LUVI Eaatbluff potential unlimited. 5 Bdrm, country kJtchen, extra lrg family room & 3 Ba. Thia home hu been betrayed, abuaed and then abandoned. Premium locaUon. Fabulous neighborhood but the home needl everything. BofA financing of $1M.~rice $205,000. Not for ~f heart. 2800 Carob, Eutblulf. H lllHl llUll One of the truly great &tat.es Harbor laland -Martha's Vineyard to Newport Beach. A light house mansion built of river rock - slate roof. Hand hewn floors - carved doors • antique fixtures. Lawns & sandy beach. Dock for a lg yacht. $6,000,000 Barbara Aune 644-6200 (N38) 11¥111 OtYE -U111 •MllTY Elegant comfort ln this spacious single level 4 BR -fam rm borne. Lg expandable lot already includes pool-spa-paddle tennis court -dining terrace & play yard. View! Priced to sell -land included. $975,000 Donna Godshall 64-4-6200 (N39) UWY lllYE -HYH 111111 Ranch style, shake roof on approx 1/3 acre. Good floor plan for entertaining includes; spacious fam nn. fonnal din rm & liv nn. 20 x 40 pool + spa. 3 or 4 BR. $465,000 Leasehold Cathy Schweickert 644-6200 (N40) 111111 11111 EITITll 1111111 Reduced to $100,000 below appraiaal! Owner's loa ia your gain. Beautiful "Miramar" plan with ocean & city light views. Elegance for living & entertaining. 2 BR, gourmet kitchen & luxurious master suite. Now only $450,000 Anita Bradshaw 752-1414 (N41) -1111111 OIHI -IOlll YllW Rare 1 story, 3 BR on wide greenbelt close to pool & spa, large patio with view of ocean, . large assumable loans, 24 hour security gate. Tennis courts & 3 pools. $421,500 Maxine Propp 644-6200 (N42) W11UFf I YllWt Lg. 4BR home w/wonderful family rm & den addhion. The family-play rm has an ornamental fplc w/raised. marble hearth, mirrored wetbar & carved celling. Lg. view lot w/room for play, picnic & party. $299,500 leasehold. Tom Allln1on or Terry Hanea 644-6200 (N43) DISTiii Hllll ... Wl1I NIL Thia 3 BR home offers a spacious, light & airy feeling w/lg bedroom• & plenty of storage. The yard la very private w/lg pool, BBQ & cabana .. Good financing is available. $249,ISOO. Bill Wed.mot'@ 551-8700. (N44) • ••••••• ,. 11 ,,,, f llllLlllll De1perate o..vner wants to sell H qulcldy a• P<*ible. Th.la 4 BR, FR, 2 S. home ii located in central area In Coeta Meu. Priced far below the mark:el Take advantap of aood ftnanclna. Need very little down pymt. •1n,ooo. You.na Park 6~1-8700 (N46) Lftll.t -.... , .... TbJa comblnatlon in todaya tnarket make• thi• home the fin••· Completely mnode1ed ldcchee. new carpet & landacapln1, fireplace. Thl1 4BB home la offend at •142,DOO w/a ll J& Owner will cal!)' 2nd. MUU l:Wott 551-8700 (N4e) .... ... IMIY• ,...,. a aa = ~ home W/YfNI 0WB ,.,. pool. Oood -=·Mr I••• -owner ma1 aad w/flaaactna. e111.100 i.-.,..1414 (IM'I) .. • .. IEU VEllE 1120,000 With $57,000 down ... OR $130,000 with $32,000 down! APPRAISED AT $140,000. 4 bdr1J1, 2 bath, xlnt floor plan~ nice yard. Must Sell! Submit offers -· Owner Will Carry· 1111 IUlllU OPEi 111111 1 ·C • SftYI, liltr, (211) 121-1001/(213) 111-JOtl WIDE OPEN SPACES _ 2400 sq ft Custom, Near New house. 4 bdrms, 4 baths, lots of extras. Tastefully decorated -ready to move in. $539,000. Excellent financing. Open Sat/Sun 1-5. Other times by appt. 222 Coral, Balboa Island. 675-6921 anytime. CORONA DEL MAR DlWLEX Close to the beach, 3 Bdrm l ~ bath; 2 Bdrm 1 bath. 2 car garage + carport, cathedral ceilings. TV loft & laundry room. Newly remodeled and carpeted thruout. Like new. Sprinklered & nicely landscaped -all builtins. Owner moving and will finance. $375,000. DFL INVESTMENTS 754-6738 DANA POINT HARBOR THE ll. TIMA TE VIEW LEASE or buy this beautiful pvt 3250' Tn Home with its breath taking vu of the · harbor, coutllne, mtn's, night lighta. 3Br 3 Ba huge Master suite w/sa\lna, spa. Lg oak gounnet kit w/nook. Secµrity. Walk to Bch & Harbor, 20 mins fm Newport. Leaee $f995 Sale $499,900 496-7009 At 12. 78o/o. Three bedroom, two. bath Huge redwood , beautiful pool. Open house 12-4 Sat-Sun 266 Joann, ~45-5808 owner/agent NEW IN OLD CdM Beaut. circular staricaae -Brick fireplace - Oak finish work -Entertaining "Gourmet Country" kitchen -2 patios & 3 decks tiles - Thennal & 80lar equip. -Elegant mstr suite. All for only $586,000. MAURY STAUFFER SEA LION REALTY 673-5354 New Nellie Gail Ranch Custom Want to move up? 4100 sq. ft., big house, big rooms. Luxurious home. Horse property, hill top view, 4 car garage. See to believe! -Op.n House Every Afternoon 26331 Sorrell Ploc. (Off Bucbkln) JENSEN & CO. 714/759-0706, Afternoon 831-6308 PENINSUiA DUPLEX Reduced $26,000 NOW $299,000 with assumable' financing at 12.5% or new 80% financing at 14% interest. Excellent condition and upgraded with parti1tl oeean view. \ 200 FT. NEWPORT B~YFRONT BOAT ON THE BAY, PLAY ON THE OCEAN -Spacious open & sunny all view home w/ panoramic decks, on huge prime Ialand Point, + doc.king & prkg galore, + you own the land, + owner financing, all .....tor $96~. OPEN Sat. 11-5. 4028 Channel ~ewport Island, N.B. 673-0202. * EASTBLUFF * 11.21% Financing available when you take over existing loan on the e legant 4 Br executive home jhat has been extensively prepared for entertaining. One of few homes in area on FEE LAND. WALKER & LEE REAL ESTATE 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373 SPYGLASS ESTATE WITH VIEW OPEN SUNDAY 2-6 New customiz.ed home, finest materials and craftsmanship, 5 BR, 6 baths, game room, dream kitchen, pool, spa & 5 fireplaces. Exciting Newport Harbor and ocean view. #7 MUIR BEACH Cit, CDM 640-6259 975-0303 SHATZEN REALTY GORGEOUS MESA VERDE HOME For Sale By Owner Picture iS from front yard view. Cul-de-sac street. L•rge country kitchen with upgraded appliances includes color co-ord. refrlg. Lovely back yard. 4 Bdnna, 3 ba, lg" family rm. Approx. 2800 sq. ft. $285,000. 2791 Rtdwfnc Ci'de Beautiful mobile h~ right on the water. Approx 1300 1q ft. 2 BR, 2 BA. A..umable loan, $443 mo plus lease. $62,000. Open Sat/Sun. 700 Lido Park. Sp. 31. 675-7886. · OPEN SAT./SUN. 700 LIDO PARK, Sp. 31 675-7886 OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 38 BALBOA COVES, N.B. BAYFAONT BOAT 8UP, prlHte bNch. Lite and chMf'J I bdrm, 2 bath hofM. Flreplece. Prtc. reduced to ... 000! CASH TAU<ln Or '200,000 down • ....., ... ceny 1at T.D. et 12% for 10 ,..,._ lklbmlt el often. *BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES* 813-1117 or 175-7090 EXCELLENT FINANCING BROADMOOR HARBOR VIEW HILLS Exquisite Corona del Mar 4 BR., 2 'h Ba. home . Swe eping ocean view from deck-country back yard. RV access + 3 car garage. $420,000 + lg low int loan + owner financing. . Loretta Cur~i, 644-1367 THE REIL ESTITEIS PICTURE YOUR HOME ON THIS PAGE We'll take the picture! It's so inexpensive you can't afford to pass it up. Reserve your space now for our next Picture Album AUGUST 22 Call 642-5678 for more information It should be about 130°, unless your laundry includes diapers lthey need hotter water). Higher temperatures produce water too hot.to w11h your hands comfortably. Check your hot water heater. If the thermostat doesn't show degrffs, set it·on "medium." Afttr 1 day or so, run a little water, then wash your hands. If thf water Is still too hot, tum the thermostat down a notch at a tlnw until the water feels right on your hands. Betides saving water and energy, you could also save llves. Hundreds of people, mostly children, are burned each year because hot water temperatures are too high. . . For more·en.rgy-saving tips, aak 1 member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® for • frM booklet. There's a REAL TOR® near you Wherever you llvt • . A public service of the ........ CIUlifieds 642-5878 Orange°"" DAILV PfLOTJlunday, Auguet 8, 1112 ....... ... ,llm1-1 .., .... _ Ju1t lleted thl• oompletely remodll•d ........ t bdrm home otue 1tudy. Aleo r.atur• paet tor large boat plu• 1ma11 boat. tffll location on qui.t end of lltand. Only t1,850,000. 1.91 l&nlWr Cu1tom country l!ngll1h bayfront home with pier and lllp, d•lgned by ll'lternatlonally aoctalmed arohlteot . 8 bedroom•. e bathe, gourmet kltehen, format din .rm, MCurlty ayatem. $2,700,~. ..... _. ...... ,1.1 IQl'11Tl- Loweat priced 3 bdrm, 1'A ba, 2 atory In the Bluff1. Freshly painted, close to schools, shopping & pool. VACANT. Reduced to $124,500. Lido Realty 673-7300 . BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT This magnificent 2 story Mediterranean Villa with pier & slip is richly adorned with stained glass, Italian chandeliers, designer wall coverings, unique carvings & fountain. A park-like piazza introduces this 14 room waterfront showplace. Offered at $1,600,000. .... ,,., THE REAL ESTATli:RS Ml ..... llUll 111¥1 Pllll1111111Y 9"11111-1 Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND. Parquet Fln, New Cpta, 4 BRa + F.R. 3 ~ Ba. Separate D.R. Huge F .R . W/Wet Bar. Kitchen W / Pantry. Brkfst Room. Sauna. 3-Car Garage. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock. GOOD ASSUMABLE. Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd. REDUCED TO $1 , 200,000. Call Marilyn Twitchell. ..... Ill, .. Lovely Newport Beach Condo W/ Lrg Patio On Greenbelt. Xclnt Financing. A.Mumable Loan, •110,. 000, 101" ti. Owner Will Consider 2nd T.D. & Lease/Option. Reduced To '197,500. Call Sally Shipley. ® --.......... • 1&1111. 1111 .... -Dover bWde Big Canyon. Owner wantl cuh -afvet a low price. Ltght and airy atmosphere, 2 B<trma & 2 batha. Only $3~.ooo. l '-I l_:i l I I ' I I{ I 1 ) I\ \ I \ '-l I Current Saleable Solutiona JZ.. Tranaactiona Last 30 Daya 1!_ Volume Laat 30 Daya 3.0 mil. REALTORS,6'15-6000 2'4S Ept Cont Hltltw_,, <=«-del Mu For Ad Action Llttt. Miu Muttet aat on • Tuflet, •long came a aplder and read In the Dally Piiot Cl111llled I Nellon about MIN Mui· fet'a Tuffet and bought It 10< $9.115. You can Mii your tuffat and Iota of RE/Mti.X of Costa Mesa ------- .._,..,..na ....... .,..., llMlll Call a Da~y Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 other thing• through Dally Piiot CIHalfled Ada. Call M2·5e78 The f11te11 draw In the Weat ... a Dally Piiot Claultled Ad. M2·5e78. RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVlaS NEWPORT BEACH BEACH COMMUNITIES CORONA DEL MAR ....... 1111,111 Beat buy In the Bluffs! Ready to move Into. Split level 2 BR condo. Greenbelt vlata. Excellent opportunJty In Newport. Good terma. ....... 1111,llO Thia 3 BR condo Is In mint condition. Plus neutral carpets & good location. Priced for a fast sale. Great 888Umable loan tool 111111•mAR1 1111,IOO Beautlfully priced 3 BR, 2 bath home on quiet Newport Beach •treet. Well maintained with nice floorplan and several large trees In private yard. Owner wlll cooperate with financing. .,. ....... 1211,ltO 3 BR Carmelita with private patio overlooking putting green & pool. Very CREATIVE FINANCING & possible lease option. Price reduced. UDllYllW.... HH,111 Fantastic flnanclng for a fantastic property! 3 BR Carmel plan. The owner wlll carry with only $30,000 down or lease option! Name yo-.,r terms & move lnl USTll.lff 1211, ... Executive elegance In Eaatbluffl Fabulous 3 or 5 BR family home In parklike setting with reflection pool, spa & Iota of emotion. Very anxious owner has priced to sell qulcktY. USTll.lff Hll,llO Private courtyard entrance leads to aracloua entertaining & views of Newport. Large family rm, breakfast area, • BR or 2 den/offices. Owner will help finance. UllM YllW... .. • .,... You aay you can't find a 100-' loan today?? Look no morell The owner of this most upgraded Portoflno plan Wiii carry the 1st Trust Deed at 10% with 2o•A. down. The perfect family home with perfect flnanclnglll •llllll 1711,111 Deane Deauvllle. Superb location overlooking the 18th fairway. Thie dramatic 3 BR famlfy room townhom• haa It all. Huge master suite, glua enclOMd patio for outdoor tlvtng. MIWim NII 11-.111 3 BA. ctean, bright & tasteful. Hardwood ftoora, lkyttte, ftoor aale, lnatent hot water & a belt buy however you look at It. Good location neer IChoola, pOOf, lhope & freeway. NIWPORT BEACH OFFICE 21•1 SAN JOAQUIN HILU llOAD PDmlU 1241,IM Lowest priced duplex In the area. Newly furnished makes It an excellent rental or a beach retreat for famlllea. Great locatlon near beach. Seller financing available. llLMI 1211,000 Why rent when you can buy this summer your ~t buy on the peninsula within steps of the bay and beach. Remodefed 2 BR & family room with skylight. Owner wlll help finance. Ult llLI MI0,000 Select Lido Isle locatlon features charm, privacy & a country English flavor! 3 BR. 3 BA, 2 story home. 2 fireplaces, remodeled kitchen & lrg brick patio. Outstanding value + owner financing. Ull 1471,000 Elegant country setting. 3 BR & large remodeled kitchen. Beam oelllngs, wood floors & lots of charm. 2 fireplaces. Large assumable loan & owner carry 2nd. A good house with great financing. Un.I 1411,111 Safe. Secure. Scrumptious descrlbea this Immaculate 2 BR separate office on Fee la~d. Large secluded sunny patio + freshly decorated makea this an outstanding buy. Seller creative financing. IAUll llUll 1111,111 You must see this view property before buying. Excellent oversized corner location with view from the home & the apt of lovely So bayfront. Large guest room with bath. Steps to sand. UM llLI 111 ..... 4 BR Oen, Formal dining room, gourmet kitchen. ELEGANCE ABOUNDS In this Ideal family home. Seller Is offering excellent financing at a very low Interest rate. llWNIT 1U01 IHl,000 Barefoot on the beach! Super Investment. Best oceanfront location, quiet gorgeous sunsets. Duplex, each with 3 BR'S plus a large bonus room. Across from tennis & racquet ball eta. URAllU ........ Least expensive home on thla gate guarded . Island. 5 BR, family room, large pier & allp for 3 .boat•. Lovely bayalde deck & located acroaa from .tennis & sandy beach. Exa.ilent financing. OTHER AREAS _.. ... , ..... When you want to atay tor a few more eunMta we've got something for you In Emerald Ba~I tt'1 unconventlonal, fUll of exciting featurft. 3 BR. A private beach, poola, apa & tennl1 court•. u11• YIEW •w 1no.-1dea11y located 3 BR & den home. 2 coz.y fireplaces. Lovely peaceful setting with beautiful Catalina & sunset views. It Is near shopping, beaches. schools & friends. Owner will help finance. 1111111 YllW •w 1i.1,111 Very anxious seller has made this a great buy! Lusk bullt 3 BR family home with large secluded yard In quiet area. Can't last at this price & owner will help finance. ...... ... .... Excellent close to the ocean location. Spacious 2 BR home with a 2 room guest/rental. Extra side R-2 lot. Owner financing with 25% down. ----1111,111 Sparkling clean on wide greenbelt. 3 BR with large master suite. Plan 6 Earthtone decor. End unit. Priced to sellll UllM YllW MU IUl,IM Combine trees, tailored landscape, park llke yard, accented by covered patio & spa with upgraded 3 BR home & decorator touches plus great terms, & you have something special. ....... 1114, ... Bullder·owned duplex. 4 bedroom + 1 bedroom. Custom decor; antique beams & mantel; walnut paneled celllngs leaded glass, private master suite with Japanese tub. Lovety fixtures & detalls. Owner aaalsted financing. 11111111L Ill U11,IOO The most popular model In Seavlew & the only one on the market. Single story, 4 BR, famlly room, utlllty & master suite. Views. Seller wlll be creative. Gated community with swimming & tennis. .......... ....... Beautiful ocean view 2 BR & den residence. Extra large courtyard, nicely landscaped. Great home for remodel or add on. Qwner wlll help finance. Fee Fee Fee. ----........ Imagine If you wlll a large completely remodeled Cape Cod that overlook• Little Corona Beach. Recognlu If you dare that thta la today'• beet value In COM ~tlon. Quality tlm\8. ...... ., ...... Ocean & ctty tight• from thla private 4 BA eetate on nearly ~. of acre. Selected u home of archlteotural algnlflcance. RHtored In '81. Gazebo, greenhou .. & hardwood beam1. Pr1vacy • ==-EWMll .. JO CMCl 1111111 ........ ....., -KIWWW -~ CUii-~-. Ul1181__, .... a.. , .. ~ 19K • ---cou••• -~ ----::.=.. ------_, .. •llfa&a --........ llLIY \ -cwm1111 _ ... I =n.r-. _ _.. --.... *'---..,.., UY,_ CWIMI .... ··- \ 2 STORY COLONIAL Bad! Bey view 4 BR, den plus pool. Only 12&11,500. Hurryl 111 IHll I UUT LllAllH I FIVE badrooma and THREE baths In thll two ltOfY houM nMI SA and Newport Fwya. Colorful front petlo and lhlded amall back )'Wd. , Two of the bedroom• with one of tM bathe and MP8fat• entrance make up pract1c11, Hparate mo1her ·ln -l 1w (tMnager?) quartera. Another two b«lroome and a bath are upetan. Flraplace In LR, eliding doora ltom LR and FA exit to COVW'ed ,.., pa.. tlo .• Sliding door In M8A open• onto the V!AY ~t front patio. Aaklng 1148,1100 with sas,ooo aeauma.tite and we wtll oooperate In fl. nanctng. FO' Nile by ow-ner. 87N74t (PlellM cell 11-5) 11.M 1111111•1 rmnn•• JuM In time for """"*• ttlla lovely PoOI homt .._,_.. terrific fll\an. olng. • ...,.. bdrma. ..... pelht, ,,.., .,., .. and HflOOla. Offet•d at 11lf,900. ~1111 El With OU1 lnwilt«, M 6 gain appreciation In fantutlc 3 8'. 3 8a. ,_ c:ondo, next to all lhop- plng. No down payment, minimum cuh nMded f()( cto.lng COit. Phone 631~5.5. &42·2000. UTATI IMI ....... This 3 Bdrm home mull1 be aold. CASH TALKS. FHA/VA OK. Call 540-1 151 for more d.- talla. ~HERITAGE ...• REALTORS .. .... ,.. ......, Surrounded by mature garden•. Iota of fruit tr-. Lowt)' 3 bedroom home. FMturea lnc!tude rich paneling In the di· nlng area. Brick fir•· pl*'9. EJccellent toc.tlon. Clo•• to ahop1 and achoola. Priced at IU•t '1211,900. Call 1179-2:)80 ..,.,, ....... ......... Aaaumabte 111. at 10.75% and ltle ......... conalder carrying 2nd. Sp1clou1 4 bedroom home. Famlly room. fot. mal llvlng room, fire· piece. Mlctowave own. ldHI '°' kldal U>tl of potwrtlel. Call for more detalll. $148,500. c.- Hl-llM 3707 SO. BRISTOL SANTA ANA ·r11rbt~1t HI .\11 OH._, OPEN SUN 1..S 2708 Gannet Dr • (MeNV.-) Lg 48r, din '"'• bltn1, vwyctMn.~~ ·~ . llUINW 2 Bdrm, a be. oondo. ""' amer.me. and MO. ...... No~ ... "°°° down. 10.11-lo.n program ..,.,. .... eel Alcfl. 01'Wn•r/AtL 1114-1111 • ........ .,.,11 .... N..r MW Oane Harbor entrence. SUBMIT YOUR Ji,: FINANCING! Bldr. hll 12'A% SO yr loen1. Wiii contlder tredel on ntlW 3-5 Bd home1 In hllll. For Info. 499-5254. !!M!~J~~.!.~1 3 Bdrm TOVfnhouH . 2 beth, f)9tlo. Freeh paint. 1124,500, Agt 875-1771 •••• i.,,.. IHll IHO ..••..•.•..•......•... BY OWNER 4 BR 4 Ba hme, approx 2900 aq.h. Nr. Meadowlark Goll Courae. S238K. 11'ii% loan 1vell up to S110K, 11ao wlt•k• back 2nd. 846-0450 sas0C> down, 2 BR, Iott, 1 year n-condo. Near ocean. Ftexlble ttrm1. 5311-4987 ' No money down, no quallfylng -own your home on our unique 1h1red eppreclallon 11- na h c Ing. We have 5 homea In Hunt. Beech .. 3 BR 2'Aba. 1800 to 2100 1q rt . Peymenta run $1200 to $1800 per mo. Call Geo. Brooke at 714/191-5558 NO QUALIFYING A'411able now -4 bdrm, nr bdl, frplo, mlcfQwave, lndr)' & more. Just 1119, 900. with 1102,000 In Ina. Don't mt11 II. Bkr • 638-0132 *.lllT IEDI OEI* Great term1 on thla 2 bedroom alngl• family H.B. home with add on family room. Flreplece. Only $5,000 total down pymt. Owntr wtll carry tow lnter11t 2nd T.D. LeM tllM I 1000 a month total pymu. Call 720-0391 InUt IH4 ...••..•..........•.•• Brand New Hom•• & Condoe, no money down whll• they l11t. (714) 546-9522 ~gt. Nr UCI, 1 br condo. I 111, 900 Ateumable, no qual, 553-1352, 552-5&83 lalrlflM IY hMrt Turtlerock klghlanda "Monteclto" 2 Br. & den, IMnO rm with frplc, fem rm with frplc, wood noort & ahuttera thru- out, lulft landacpg. atone p1t101, 1pa, mountain view, a/c, 180.000 up- grade•. "Country En-glllh". AppralMd before upgrade• at 1275,000. Aaaumabl• financing. Allclno s210.ooo. Mull NII nowl Conalderallon to AQenta. 97't-to32 955-0745 2 Ir. Aaduced price ..... 900. 148711 Go4den Olen. 497-1037 •11•rNs•U..• ............. , ... 1100 eq tt. South Lake ar"' 1 yr new, prof. lw.d• •fed & deoomed. ,.,., -.in. ao "I' r-•··r 9w owner. '339,900. Ptl .. 1&~3 Of 1125-5343. Woodbridge lmmac 28r 2be. AIC, By owner. Muat ••II. Bkr co-op. ea1 .. 2045 - THnDIOI Cute 3 8r/2ba home. Owft land. Low malnt. Mull ... to appredat•. 1171,tOO. Owner. 7'4/881"'3933 " .... Open hcMM SAT ·SUN 22 FA!AOAWN Woo411rldtC:, Summer- • bdm\, 2 .... ITl*'Y -- 1 ~1a:;,~ a11um. roan. llf-IH3 1 M plut ,AM 9'M or MN 300 e. Co11t Hwy Unit 113, N.8. 875-3347 $80,000 8aV8un 1_. 2UDROOM 430 C1t1lln1 Dr., Npt 8"ch 875-9670 $209,500 Sat/Sun 12_. 452 Morning Canyon, Corona del Mar 873-5354. $259,500 Sun 1-5 #40 Canyon laland (Big Cyn) NB 842-5200 $219,000 Sun 1-5 2308 Cllff Dr. (Nwpt Hgta) NB 642-5200 $397 ,500 Sun 1·5 2020 Tuatln Ave. (EJSlde) CM 549-1400 $129,950 Sun 1-5 117 Marine Ave .. Balboa taland, NB 673-6900 $254,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 322 Marlgold, Corona del Mar 631-7300 $340.000 Sun 1-5 2 BR plua FAM RM or DIN * 19 Curl Dr., Jasmine Crk, Vu, CdM 640-1515 $438,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 7 Lago Sud, RSJ, Irvine 759-1601 $175,500 Sun 1-5 # 1 Pandora (Irv. Grove) Irv. 642-5200 $139,500 Sun 1-5 * 15<M Westcliff VIiia, Nwpt Beh 646-0295 $169,500-fee Sun 1-5 113 Ruby, Balboa Island 644-6200 $600,000 Sun 1-5 2 BR plu• FAM AM or DEN 1536 Serenade Terr, Irv. Terr, NB 631-1400 $240,000 Sun 1-5 10 Balboa Coves, Newport Beach ~ 644-6200 $525,000 Sun 12-6 #4 Rue Fontalnebleu (Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $350,000 Sun 1-5 **827 Via Lido Soud, Lido lal, NB 673-7300 $1,850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #3 Barrier Reef, (Jasmn Crk) NB 675-5511 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 1985 San Remo, Laguna Beach 494-1177 Sat/Sun 2-6 242 Cedar. Newport Beach 548-0728 $139,500 Sat/Sun 3-7 1218 Devon Ln. (W.cllff) NB 631-1266 $239,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 12 Ru Verte, Big Canyon, N.B. 213/470-2880 $499,000 Dally 10-6 266 Joann, Costa Mesa 645-5808 Sat/Sun 12~4 2331 Cynthia Crt. (E.alde) CM 751-3191 $115,000 Sun 1-5 20141 Cape Cottage, Hunt. Bet\ 842-4474 $139,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 315 Iris. Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 •3225 Dakota, Mesa Verde, CM 545-9904 $139,900 Sun 1-4 11 Rue Marsellle, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $450,000 Sun 2-5 113 Via Ravenna.~ldo Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $349.500 Sun 11-1 1911 Court St., Bal. Penln, N.B. 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 1-5 1806 Port Stirling, Newport Bch 720--0505 $214,900-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 *2001 Galatea Terrace, CdM 759--0480 $995,000-fee Sun 1-5 2753 Drake (Mesa del Mar) CM 540-1151 $124.900 Sat/Sun 1-5 116 Via Quito, Newport Beach 673-6915 $299,500 Sun 2-4 1510 Abalone, Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $499,500 Sun 1-5 307 Sapphire, Balboa Island, N.B. 675-5319 $365,000 Sun 1-5 3 BR plua FAM RM or DEN B-111 Surfalde 213-592-3697 $370,000 Dally 2-6 *32641 Adriatic, Laguna Niguel 494-1177 Sun 2-6 2333 Arbutus, Eastbtuff 644-6200 $244,500 Sun 1-4 * 1974 Port Lockstelgh (Hrbr View) NB 644-2573 $248,000 Sun 1-5 22 Falrdawn, Irvine 857-8383 $180,000 Sat/Sun 1903 Yacht Colina, Newport Beach 644-1017 $485,000 Sat/Sun 12-! **38 Balboa eov ... Newport Bch 676-7080 $525,000 ' SaVSun 1-5 1901 Galatea (Irv. Terr.) CdM 673-7781 t795,000-tle sun 1·5 2028 Port Cardiff (HVHmt) NB 873-7781 $199,000 Sun 1-5 25 Malneall (Jasmine Ck) C4M &40-9592 '372,500 Sun 1_. 15 Rue Fontaine, Npt Bch 675-8870 $975,000 Sun 1-!1 471' Cortland1 Carn.o Hinda, OdM 673-5354 •220,000 Sun 1-5 870 8andcatti. Corona dtf Mar 644-8080 9' 12,000 8at/S"'°' 1-5 DIRECTORY **301 North Star (Dover Shrs) NB 642-5200 $526,000 I Sun 1-5 1397 Gattway Ln, Halecrest, CM 979-5370 $120,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2501 Harbor View Dr., CdM 675-6670 $585,000 S.at/Sun 1-5 108 Turquoise, Balboa latand, NB 673-6900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2405 Cliff D~ .. Newport Heights, NB 631-1400 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *204 Via Eboll, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $596,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 2011 Paloma. Eastslde, C.M. 646-9498 $199,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 1301 Dolphin Terrace, Irv. Terr, NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 512 Rockford Pl.(Cameo Hghlnds)CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore Road, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $299.000 Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Or .• Bayshores. NB 645-6218 $299,500-L.H. Sun 1-4 *246 Flower St., Costa Mesa 645-4707 $209.000 Run 1-!\ * 134 Harbor Island Rd, N.B. 646-7171 $650,000-fee Sun 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy Or., Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 102 Via Koron, Lido 644-6200 $685,000 Sun 1-5 1007 Tiiier Way, HV Hiiia, CdM 644-eoeo $349,000 Sun 1-5 I **2616 Bayahore Dr .• Baythra, N.B. 644-9060 S 1, 750,000-FM Sun 2-5 101 Via Quito, LJdo Isle, N.B. 644-9060 Sun 1·5 1441 Galaxy Or .• Dover Shor ... NB , 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-15 18 Cherry Hiiis Ln., Big Cyn, N.8 . 644-9060 $1,095,000 Sun 1-5 213 Diamond, Balboa laland 644-4910 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Rd., Big Cyn, NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 *101 Via Florence, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 2-5 131 Via Undlne, Lido Isle, N.B. 67.3-7300 $539,750 Sun 1-4 222 Via Palermo, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $389,000 Sun 4-6 9451 Gateshead, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $329,000 Sa 10-5/Su 10-3 * 1924 Leewatd Lane, Baycreat, NB 631-7300 $339,000 Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Lane, Westcllff, NB ~1-7300 $475,000 . Sat/Sun 1-5 1097 Corona Ln, Mesa def Mar, CM 631-7370 $149,900 Sun 1:30-5:30 * 1244 Polarls Drive, Dover Shores, NB 631-7300 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 12 Rue Verte, Big Canyon, NB 2211 Waterfront, Corona def Mar 631-7300 $850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 644-6200 $495,000 Sun 1-5 1905 Yacht Puritan, Seavlew 1948 Port Chelsea. Newport Beach 644-6200 $475,000 Sun 1-5 640-7877 $330,000-fee Sun 1-5 1511 Kings Road, Newport Heights, NB 673-6900 $599,000 Sun 1-5 573 Sturgeon, Costa Mesa 979-2390 $155,000 Sun 1-4 3335 Maryland (Mesa Verde No.) CM 979-2390 $158,000 Sun 1-5 3018 Ceylon, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $139,500 2901 Catalpa, Eastbluff, N.B. 720-1211 $230,000 Sun 1-4 Sun 1-4 #3 St. Tropez.L Big Canyon, N.B. 644-4455 ~619,500 Sun 1-5 5 Jasmine Creek, Corona def Mar 552-2000 Sur. 2-5 4 BEDROOM 2709 Gannet Or. (Mesa Verde) CM 979-5099 S 182,500 Sun 1-5 2124 College Dr .. Costa Mesa 759-9100 $129.000 Sat 1-5 222 Coral, Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3113 Madeira, Mesa Verde. C.M. (213)927-8001 $130,000 Sun 1-4 760 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, NB 673-4208 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **2804 W. Oceanfront, Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $695,000 Sat 1-5 *2632 Vista def Oro, Bluffs, NB 640-6931 $185,000 Sun 1-5 20522 Suburbia Ln., Huntington Bch 673-7300 $169,000 Sat 1-5 224 Nata, The Bluffs 644-6200 $300,000 224 Nata, Eutbluff &«-6200 $300,000 Sun 2-5 Sun 2-5 2127 lndlan Sprlnga Ln, Back Bay, NB 631-1400 $539,500 Sun 1·5 4 BR plue FAM RM or DEN **5'42 Harbor Ill Or(Prom. Bay)NB 759-9100 11.200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isle, N.B. 875-3048/673-2568 Sun 1-5 878 Diamond St., Woodacove, Lag Bch 49+8595 1895,000 Sat/Sun 12-S 2682 Tabago (M ... Verde) CM 642-5200 $189,000 Sun 1-5 1800 E. Balboa Blvd., Penln, N.B. 644·9060 $725,000 Sun 1-5 800 Begonia, Corona def Mar 873·63~ $585,000 Sun 1-5 *216~1Cam o Trebol, Lake For .. t 780-1eoC> 218,000 Sun 1·5 748 VI• Nord. Udo ..... N.8. 644· Sun 1·5 *1132 Ebbtlde, Harbr Vu Hiiie, NB 1eo..1eoo MN.000 Sun 1-6 440 Mendoza Terr, Corona def Mar 644-7211 $495,000 Sun 1-5 2021 Port Bristol Cr., Nwpt Bch 760-1290 $347,500 Sun 1-5 29751 Preston, Laguna Niguel 494-8551 $145,000 Sun 1-5 1501 Keet, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $319,000 Sun 2-5 396 Princeton Or. Ctg Park, C.M. 979-5370 $132,000 Sun 1:30-5:30 *1613 Sandlewood, Coate Mesa 546-2313 $138.500 Sun 11:30-2:30 2800 Drake, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $147,500 Sun 1-4 95 72 Ind Ian Weils, Hunt. Beach 963-6767 $189,500 Sun 1-5 20382 Greystone, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $155,000 Sun 1-6 410 Morning Star Ln., CdM 675-5511 $675,000 Sun 1-5 1776 Panay (Mesa Verde) C.M. 645-0303 $350,000 Sun 1_. 4 BA plua FAM AM or DEN and QUEST 532 Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach 494-1177 By Appt. Sun 2-4 **219 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, NB 760-1900 $1,995,000 Sun 1-5 **1038 West Bay, Bal. Penln, NB 644-9060 $1,050,000 SaVSun 2..f3 **708 Via Lido Nord, Lido lale. NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 2912 Carob, Eaatbluff, N.B. 6~1044 S264,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 I KDftOOM *2408 Tu.tin (Eatllde) CM 645-0303 $269,500 Sun 1·5 I M pin PAM Ml Of DIN *ff18 Harbor tll Dr.(Prom. 8ey)N8 759-9100 $1,350,000 88'/Sun 1-5 **752 Ba)'lhore Dr. {Bythrt) NB 759-9100 $895,000 Set/Suh 1..S 1219 Emer.td 8-Y, Uiauna Bch 551-1234 $1.025 mllllon Sun 12-6 #5 Twin L•k• Cr, Spygl ... , CdM 760-1408 *495,000 · Sun 1t4 •35 Afdaell,..., HerbOt Rfdte, N9 780·1tb0 12.860,000 Sun 1-e # 16 Roclcy Pt., Newpor1 IMoh 975-M10 11,178,000 Sun ,.., **3 Muir Beech Cit, Nl)t ldl e1&-ee10 11.ae1,ooo 229~ COiOne 1111 .., ·~ "tlee,000 *#2 Wlnaed Foot l.n, Big Cyn, NB 973-73Cf0 •978,000 Sun 1.5 4 Roct<y Polnt.z. Spyglut Hiii. NB 831-7300 •1.3H,OOO Sun 1·5 •2.ae Francteco. Npt Bch 873-7771 $379,000 Sun 1-4 *•2995 Europa (M ... Verde) CM 845-0303 1249,900 Sa 1-4/Su 10-1 • 1800 Jamaica tM ... Verde) CM 645-0303 $429,900 Sa 10-1/Su 1·4 45 Royal St. George (Big Cyn) NB 8.44-7388 $895,000-fee Sun 1-5 **2500 Bayahore Or., Bayshorn, NB , 831-7300 11,650,000 Sun 1-5 1034 Sandcutle Or., HVH, NB 631-7300 S330,000 Sun 1-e *8 Drakes Bay, Spygr .... CdM ,6«-6200 $515,000 Sun 1-4:30 *1 Muler Beach Cr (Spyglua) CdM 840-6259 &.in 2-e I BR Rfut fAM RM Of DIN * 1848 Newpor1 Hiiia Dr. E, NB 644-7020 '495,000 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM *300 Cagney Ln #107, Versailles, NB 631-2918 $120,000 Sun 11-6 1119 Spurgeon #2, Santa Ana 963-6767 $62,950 Sat/Sun 1-6 2 BEDROOM # 15 Evening Song (Trtlrk), Irv . 675-6670 $169,900 Sun 1-5 100 Scholz Plaza PH 10 (Versalllea) NB 631-7300 $259,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1640 Iowa St. #D, Coate Mesa 966-5292 $89,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BR plua FAM AM or DEN #7 Rue Cannes, Newport Beach 675-6670 .$450,000 Sun 1-5 209-19th St .. Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 411 Dahlia, Corona def Mar 673-8494 $300,000 Sun 1-5 *2428 Vista Hogar, Bluffs, N.B. 673-7300 $124,500 Sun 1-5 343 N. Mountain View. Santa Ana 546-2313 $112,900 Sun 1-5 3 BA plua FAM RM or DEN 7 Rue Vlllars (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2645 Vista Ornada, Newport Beach 640-0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BA plua , AM AM or DEN * 1 Rue Valbonne, Big Canyon. NB 673-9060 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 3 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 10178 Durango River Rd, Ftn Vly 675-1771 $124,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 616 Marigold. Corona def Mar 675-5511 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 1133 Laguna Canyon Rd, #21 , Leg. Bch 494-9623 $20,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 700 Lido Park Dr .. Sp 31, N.B. 675-7886 $62,000 Sat/Sun DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 BA a 1 BR 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 2 -2 •E°"OOM 2001 Kings Rd., Newport Hghtl, NB 673-6900 $399,500 Sat/Sun 1-6 I BR plua 2 M 314 Marigold, Cocona del Mar, NB · 631-1400 $669,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 408 Polnaettla, Corona def Mar, NB 631-1400 $272,000 Sat 1-5 209 David Dr., Newport 8Mct\ 976-1642 $205,000 I M plut 3 llft 509 Acecta (OCMl\llde of hwy), CdM 646·70"48 ~.ooo Sat/Sun 1-5 HOUSE FOR t.:EASE I M plul ,AM Ml or DSM 1155 Port Kimberly, HV H°"*O NB 791-1901 a1H~lm0. ""'2..S 1111 Waterlront~on• del MM tiM-aOO • 1 mo _ ..... ,,_. ICIMI eterter home • elf conditioned, 2 Bdrm, den and 2 beth• with privet• fenced patio. Near pool, Wlllk to ltlop- pln(J. ........ ,1 .. M2·12IO PETE BARRETT .. REALTY Winthrop Model In Town Center. 2 bdrm, and den, 3 be. Double attached garage. Lovely carpet and drapee. Good i- tlon. Anumable loan1. l1CM,600. ...... IOYEll 11111111 14-41 Galaxy Drlw •l:'ff ,. ... .,..,ft..1 4 Bf. Den, Formal Olnlng ~t.~ ~,,.~ RVllfE. Room. 2 FlrepllCll, a c1r garage plu1 lerg• PRICE SLASHED $20,000 Hobby Room. Pool llzecl Good location on gr~ lot. blaut. landtcaped. belt, lwgeet pl111 In .,.. Owner wlll 11111t 1t II· hU oomlortable llrnoe-nanclng. Only $420,000. pti.re w/19P., dining & Open Sat/Sun. 1·5 lam. room•. 3BR up1-Roblnton: AMltOf" tetra, call tor term1.1i~~Ml~;·;•;•;l~~ $125,000 OMrlleld con- do plen 4 low.t price. ... •• ••J.' ••• RVM~ PRIVACY Great locltlon. 1 1tory 4 BR. BR, 3 BA home. aeparat• lam .. brkl1t nook, dining room1. 2 frpk:'I. etnum, AJC. llu 702 dlelgnetlon • whMI chair 1cc111. Call tor t•rm1 ueo.ooo Lea 659-9400 RVM~ ... OllYll Mclain townhome grMt Ylew OI gotf and can)'On. One level Oakcrel1 Model wllh good MCunty. Commu- nity pool and tennlt. M-aumable 11t TD at 11%. . ...,.. ....... IPlllm&Y 1-1 142-1200 PllYIOYt Secluded 3 Bdrm Lulk home nr Fllhlon t.ianct mllLI IAY $375,000. Petrick T•· AWARD WINNER n0te. 780-8702 Ag1 OoMr'I vtewl. 3 bdrm, 4 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijl bl. kit. w/c:onwnlencee. wamnm lam. rm. lge garden, pa. uo, formal din. rm. 1ge ttv. 80' on wat 8 er with pier rm. Quiet cul-d1-11c. and 1t1p. Ingle 1tory ••1·? ooo By owr. home with l1rge brick -· · e7:J-« 11 · deck p1u1 encloeed and Fr.ncb Country Chat.au. 878 Diamond St. Open 12-6. 81t/8un. Armbru1ter, Clurmen. Brown & Co. Inc:. 49'-8595. mlULllAY Price lllltlld $50,000. 3 BR, pool and ipa. private tie.di. *'"·000. 11111 aa. IAY '80,000 below merk.t. 8 BR. 3 Ila. den, take (¥1/9( 1171,000 fln1nc111g. .-.ooo. ..... Beat value In a•te-Ol*'ded .,.., • B"A, fa- rnl!Y room. tormal dlntno room. 2 lllep6eca Low doM\ peyrnent, take (¥1/9( 8311,000 loen. $375,000 . ... , .. , ............ ,_, .... on tNa 3 bdrm, 2 bllttl & detl home. 81t In~ ......... yard and to'-~-· the lftCMl11ta1n • ¥•1 ..... You get• IOt for 'fWl • aaoo.ooo. getld entrance patio. 3 Bdrm• and dining rOCll'n- vlew ol weter from kit· chen, llvlng room and muter bdrm. Much to otter tor privacy and comfortable llvlng. 111 hrtll ltlf .... '"" .... ' 1-1 142-1200 S•PRIME RISIDINTIAL PROPERn * . . atud108, gift shope, antiques. etc .•.. Owner will carry financing fo 25 years. Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-501 or 752-7373. *$48,500* TOTAL PRICE '--.1:.Uii.;_l.lim smashing home in one of nicest parka in area. Two large bedrooms, fonnal dining & air conditioning. Call for detail!!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *103 DOWN* * 11 3 FINANCING* When you takeover existing T.D., owner will assist at l~ on this 3 Br house on FEE LAND in BACK.BAY AREA. Featuring hardwood floor and shingle room. Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. *HARBOR VIEW HOMES *SIA WIND* Lovely MONTEGO plan featuring 4 Brs, private location and assumable financing. Only $249,000!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$19,500 PRICE RIDUCTION* NITILITE VIEW Highly upgraded end unit featuring 2 Br + den, fplc. wet bar +\ panoramic view. Reduced to $175,500 with u.umable financing. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$1,~ +RllATE* On brand new townhome! tNtwing privacy, 2 mstr suite & defloft overlooking Uv rm. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373. *PRll RINI* Choice 4br executive ranch style home'ln prime TlJRTLEROCK location! $1,200/mo rent all applies towards purchase in 6 months. Large, low interest usumable loan. formal dining, frplc, and FEE LAND. 2670 San Ml,uel. 7141759-l!W>l or 7141752-7373 * 12143 FIN~NG* HARIOl,~OMI Gorgeoua MONTEGO mod'S ~.parquet entry, & FEE land. Priced at $279,000 wi. ble loan & .eller Mlisted flnandng!! 2670 San Miguel I.: .~ewport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. * 11.25" FINANCING* . HAllOI VllW HOM•. Senaational MONCACO model on FEE land with large --.unable loanll Featuring 3 br, home warranty & LOW PRICE. Only $223,91W>. 2670 San Mt,uel Dr., Newpott Beach. 759-lGOl or 752-7373 . NEWPORT IEACH OFFICf. 2170 loft MlgMI Drive Nl•rt liooh, Cl 12"0 (n4) 11•1101 * IS llATI* Owner says .ell it!! He will finance this six year new home for ZERO INTEREST!! 3 Br, 2~ ba, plush carpets, ceramic tile, parquet entryway, the worksJ $20,000 down and it'• youn. Priced $20,000 below market @ $139,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams Ave., Huntington Beach. REALTOR MURDlllD This could be the headline next week if we don't eell thia spacious 4 br home near Huntington Harbor. New decor inalde. Seller moving out of area. Asking $125,000. 9032 Adama, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TROPICAL *PARADISI* You must see this backyard to believe it: pool, waterfall. Koi pond & 1malibu lights. The houae comes in threes: bedrooma, fireplace and ovens plus a wine cellar. Sacrifice: $185,000. 556-7035. *AIANDONID+ Artist's chalet w/panoramic ocean view a1f the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. $765/MO Buys this charming 3 br townhome w/on!y $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TURN A FROG+ Into a h.andaome prince. Spacious 3 Br 2 Ba home w /dble attached . garage. Needs help. Seller anxious. Sacrifice $103,600. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *53 DOWN* Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbour. Two and three bedroom modell with two baths. Builder will finance at 12.K and pay buyen non-recurring closlng coatl. Prices •tart at $105,990. Call for complete detalla. 963-5671. 9032 AduN. Huntington Be.ch. 556-70a5. *OWNIR DISPIRATI* Must sell this cozy cuatom pome near the ocean in "Old Town" Huntington Beach. The IO&ring cathedral celllna:s with 5 akyUght1 and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not normally found at thil price. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard completes the pM:ture. Sacrifice for $171,600. 556-7035. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. *~5,000 TOTAL Fii* Real Eatate Llcenaltig School. Walker & Lee Real Estate. (714) 963-5671. *llLOW MAIKIT* This Meu Verde beauty la at leut $10,000~low at $124,900. Cozy country kitchen, a brick firepl.ce, and fruit trees at brick add up to lrremtlble charm. 556-7035. ' *OCIAN V'IW* *'TIPS TO 1•ACH* Senlational Belch oott.ae with ta ..umab1e 1tt T .D., payable '400 per mo. Only $166,000.1670 San Mlpel Ur., Newport Beech. 769-lGOl or 762-7373. .... "'1 ' ., ...,, ·-~ W''f.I· -Ill _.;5 I .._ 1too ~· ft , '""'""' llJOtetra i ,, ·• 1 '' ,,,,.,,~. Hart1r & .._.._...,., Mi~. 1ft Adllllll, 0.llt ...... 1-.-som•ii dOWft owo ....,. .. ~ ...-..: ........ . ... "' ............... ·m IVlftfMf ,. ...... , .. ,I ... , .. 000. A""" ... "91fty. 1111,u.u ,, ........... ....-. H·uu o.t1. o;,t .. °"" ~,......... tt'1K/Oftw, °'* ... Na.tw,1-. ........... dwn. A11u1u •toK I bl', 1~................ IOal'I ll tt..,.; = :' .=:: .::· Agent........ TrMeorlll ~ loolltan for tl11.000 l up fJlllN ..-... • MM Md ...,..., 'rot ... a & •PPfOVall Obiiln9d) nma.i91 •• mv =-~~=""'' Arm It a~ "••l~y ...... Im l'ltil 000 • ,.-• 714-144-2 • ....,..., ,.., .... ..,.... . l\fanl ....... ,. ...... ,, •-....... eoopecl, fltlfY ooouptod, 1--------- • -on al1• men019"'0flt, i... ._. 61a .W ••• ~ ........ JIM 1,,. nnonotno , w111 car-:er..r..~ •••• n'S'n' Pi!Ol.llo VI•• Momorl•I ry Ne· OIYotoe, :Wn'c! --P'W11, NwOt 8ch, Lot 744, HI I Sen lornard no APPt°Olt '~ ..,., WM Mil GrlVM A & a 8aY't'IN .,,,, 'or O•t•ll• oill or joint Y9MUre. v~ Torr• o a . a 2 2 o o. 71"n20-1617. seoo,ooo. call l40-71M 173-7711 -~- .. 1111.lfftt ................ . 1100; 0...-IM 1 IA. .,..._ I •• , la ,_ ":-11::.1 Ill =-....... =~ c· ::::=:::-..~=· ....... &.Mt .. ...... :"f,:"1, ... ,,.1•11 .. , .... ,., .. ,..... . IMf, ...... ,., ~ 1 I PM ~. i...e/optlOn, deelrable T"ILIVIL 4 "· I la UfOO MO.: °' ..... .,_ --.... -. ... 4 Ir.. hou•, xJnt """"'· faM tlOll. 0 •11 atHt at •Ht. Oetta .. /dupiex, .., PoOf. lllww. ooncs. rm, fpla, 111·1110: 141 Iott newly raoondlllonod, t11CJ01Mo. IHo4Na 11t Ma lllO • ....-...... .... 1 .., 1 1 ~~~~~~-:--~iiiii!iiiiii~ii!i&i~iiiil now o.,pet, 1 '" w/ ~ Ol Mndil • -=-' I -.., I ~ MUM I lnocl Yetd. No =: -· 0-, '°"""' ,..., Let1l11 Lnlll11 .,.... t1M7t·111t btwn 1 '"· rw houM. on Vlr· ovarlooll• ''""~'· $ bdrm, a b101, p .. k 7 & l,M Mdye, • 111011 ,.aoe, •425/mo. ....... .............. '*-a to .. _,. ....... V1W Oo9w1 llYd ..0..20M ~ I Ir. 1~ ... ...._ & hi ooNot. Now~ • n.. · 1 Ir, 1 a. hcMe. Off-9'. yard , near baabh . fNINY.,...._,tnOO.I ~..::~tJr;•· A plct .. encl. yard. UtN pd, •1111 I •• HU/mo. 01y1 only w . '6l·1102 l':"':"'~"'!'-'-----1 mo. Ao .~.,. mo. 97f.114a. Otillf we!OCHM, cMcor .. t7M120. Mr T~. HA ... O .. V11W HOMll 11 Aor9 "odulllnt avo-UdO !ala • bdrm, S Ntlt forinal 3 If. ~. frplo, d.r .• tncd tor~. prtwrta yard, AANCH HOUll! ON HILL eu.t~. 4 '*'9\, fMI = =: l~o.:"~ ~.~/:: ~ dining, llmlly, a frploe, yd, patio. quiet M., NP J:..•• wator peld. No "9ady now. Hu orpt/pt, rm, pool. IJ1c•ptlot1al o•le. ltrHm, ot~_IJ 116-0lfl view. aoG0 tq. rt. 12900 get. 115 luoy, tHO/mo. 4a4 "I " Hamilton k Id 1 / P • t I . t 1t0 . rentel. t 1llO mo, pond, Ml!NI ""-' .,.. mo. Nt-1533, Ml-1211. eeo.-3tet 111-4S20. 1111414 out bull~ln91. l11p•r .__ •'--•~ ---3 Ir 1'Ao Ba. g1raoa fncd a IR. HOU81! "4tt .... -view. '4H.OOO. o.n., ;r.~.;::::~•,t, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fully fur• ye;d, 20 !. Wliion. l'llda home: 31R 2ba, 2 Kida S* ok redone ,._ f1n1nG1n8 .__., .IM4 nlthad, View, P•Uo, g.. 1815/mo. e.tt-3127 no oar 00'· MOO. fncd a bdrm""'.,,,.,,,,,.,,*- .... , ~.T .......... 7m·. raga, Adult1 only plaeM, <:* ert I. 548-3511 h~em-i:. 53~;: to Natur• Centet. *'71 lmll.I 11100 "'°' RENT TO OWN· New 28r mo. 941 4MO, 414 NII 11• ,...... • YMl'ly-Weokly-Wlnt• 2 All.,. VMMint 6 rMdy, !181de 3 br, a be, lo-encl. 2'M>a, QOndo 'c.11 Aldl Sll0/1br: bait 1lngla'1 ~ ..... nae 3,4 ldrmt. , , ~ tlJ vltm ~d, frplo. 1750. OWner/Aof M4.em , ·=·1 ~1~ !.~ 4 ... Tt1•••• II.......,. -... ,.,., -., •-IM .111111 lllLTY -~ 1325 Hr Houeol So. CoHt Pl1za-8an11 Llr1r 4 ldrm 2'Ao bath For ..... 2IOO aq fl. I 8•11 0, t,.d. W/g' •• t •----!'1f :o;r.•••••••••••••••••• .... lllT fte •-·•111 Ana. 2 Bdrm '"-t air • , bdrm and den, r.t •· _, 0/3 o,,a,, --patio •·p _;,, "::.'.;. I"~ db gar, quHn1 1111nd Golf OCMll'• ~. Neat terme In fenlaltlo.,... ••••••••••••••••••••• •-~ ,__, • ...., •••••......, -~ • "' _,.., _._ •r kltcnan POOi & ...,.. .&11 O , II It t ~· ml LAKE A~D ~.·.;::r.:::-••••• ..._...1151n 2 Br 1ba, teoo plV9 "'"·· cfudle gu/wtr. lmmed. onty 1717&. 537-3233 A0t cHn. U ..our y, ~ .. !!!l~ ...... I.~ APfll YILLIY , ........ Near new 4-ptax, 2 bdrm. 2 bath Heh unit with ftr91)1eoo, ~ patto. geraoe, ~-1at. Poa. cHh flow. Now 1151, 800. 8111 Grundy, Rltr, 87M1t1. l&YnllT ......... with aide tlo for eo· bolt. e ~ old bulldlng. 0ne of a kind. 6,000 1q. rt. GrMt twma. TwntllltypaterCondo PTHAMILTAIAHOMI LIM.llJal '1 11M111 11411.C....MwJ.,C. yerd1,13n.o garage. ~.o7~22pency . Agt chg · ~7~f::4:f'..,.. 4 ,_ * 1060°r.i; ft ..: FenlMtle LMI• View. ~••••••••••••••• IU&-0 "'" -v .. •·~ ' ' Geted W-. doett. WINTfR ..... , • .....__. I WALK TO B!ACHI 3 ----.. 2 Ir 2 81 COftdo II tm1I-I• MM,000. Owner on~ s er, 1.,. 81 _, .. _. Yrty 575. C4Jte 1 t>r, pa-llll _... Roomy 3 8' 2 Ba. gar .,.....,., • . With POOi I ofbl'IM, nr 11•1$17-0971 ll50 1 utll. Avall furn or unfurn, tlo. G1td1ner furn. A r••• II Peta w11o~me. St76: Bdrm, 2 Bl~, ll'g yd. In Cllff Heve~lo, lobe & fwya, x1n1 tn¥19t• on Diamond, 4 If, 281 flntHtlC IOCltlon w/ 176-3093 or t71Mtt7 2 Br. 1 81. Wettllda. 537-3233 Ao1 chg. M8(), 537-3 Aot dig.. ~Jl1~. lftO. ment. U gr, mutUs*Wor Owl II e.atT '800 l utll. vlaw9, 2 Br, MC. bldg, ........ , l•Mllll !4~~· Weatlllde, big fncd Bacti Boyt'2 bdrm. ,.r. 1 Yr otd 38', He. 2 cer batter. FOf dot* on fll't IJnvtr 1111 on PM11, 4 Bdr, a 81, pool. 11200/mo. yr1y home In Pf9Sllglou9 .,.._ yard. hug•. y 1 rd, I 4 5 . 1t11ch1d gerage, fncd CHARMI 6 br, 8 ba HVH. °' ellJmltt oal.I Ao1. C71"l •••••"A·•~••••••••••• 11000 Incl. utll. • bdrm, 3 bo, name Aak about lnvHtment 637-3233 Agt chg. ydrno·.61~!."r2dbdl. 1760 Frend\ ch. 1 bays.~ 14" ........ --•• -YEARLY ..... "'~ • ..... .. .,._ -llg1tt1. JacuUI. • 1eoo. ............. _.., __ ••• room. Spectacular entry. plant E/Sldo 3 bf, lg• yard, cwo-Exec 31r hOIM, poOI, on Onyic, 3.8' 2 Ba. lo-l.OVlly 4 Bf, grea petlo, Intercom, vao, Some Agent et2-1700 1850. Sept. 1 or 15. No lnlJlt llf4 2523• ~lt3fl. 82 Sharp Unlll. 64 ended mpa, hM ~19 +lg wer of dolJI 11250 & utH. prl!M locatlon, unturn, v1.w of mtn Ind ocean ... bdrm 2 ba flrepl·~e peta, e.45-4481 •••••••••••••••••••••• NWPT HGTB AMA geragM, 12 bldg'•· All MIUl'nabft & bofU lot. lo r a \I• n c • RI tr water/gardener Incl. 12 ooo mo 768-1016 .. • • '""' • Wlllll 2br/1bL No peta.182t . amenltlH. A1klng IS, Trada/Hll. t1'8,000 t~ 11100/mo, ' . Mau del Mar. large 3 BR, farn rm, M ... Verde ........... 7 360,000. 1 .250,000 equity. (714) 741-5408 WlterfrMt..... C.11 #ta 3114 yard with fruit lrHI. HIQhlanda. Grdnr, fnod , 3 Bdrm detacMd hOmM ---,---.-~~--Down. Exl1t1ng loan .. ,.,.,.,, U1 1• •••••••••••••••••••••• 5150, 11t, lut and MO. dlfldran. 1mall pet OK. In llCClllont ., ... Avllllm. .. , .. 14'Ao%. Wiii cerry note . ...,..,, llnu, ... } '1 • Weatlldl 2 8'. 1 Ba. fncd Avall 8/15. 552-3252 9715. Avl appr 111. bl• lmm1dl1tely. 2 BDRM a loft. 2~ battl. 714/145·•• 11. By Ow-...... 11# •••••••••••••••••••••• 't>•tlo. 1ne11d garage, leave ITIMU09 Ownr. 145-8100 taOO/mo on 1 year INN. 8pflC'oul & t>rtaM condo. - ner. ••••••••• .. ••••••••••• 3 BR, 2 ba. nr Maono411 6 ..,... hlaM IJll new carpet•, drapH, 3 bdrm 2 ba 2 cw git Five othere to choo•• Near upper leek II)' Wine CounttY Eltl1o Yorktown. Remocl. gar •••••••••••••••••••••• paint. No peta. $510/mo. large 'erd 1726 • llSTllT •t from. We're the °'* to with mini vt.w. '1repleca 15 Unit•. C.M. M0.000 dn lnvltltlon to bid No pat1 M75. ff63.1777 3 8' 2be, yrty. Submit on plua MCUrlty. 648-5442, Y t73-304& 2 Br. 1 Be. llouM, yard, 1n· large patio, AC, 2 cei •qu1l1 ~ of IXlltlng Sonoma County'• unpa-.__ ... ,..,j llll chlldren. -ta28/mo, cell 770.5121. ll'ICled g111ge. Small pat ~i \\bodbrldne garage w/op«tar. Spa. ty partnerahlp. 118,000 cM-ralleled IClnlc.,... now "'--••••••••••••••••• 873-3821 2 Br 1 Ba. w/ crpta drpa $1200 mo, pert furn. & ok, laundry rm. ..., $800. 646-5092 Lido ea preclatlon deduction for detignated white wine large and oharmlng 1 Yr.., 1725 Cut• 2 br "Ir lard E/1ldo 151°5/mo' poolhouM, 6 Bdr, 3 Ba, TSL Mgmt 142-1603 ftulflJ 3B 2''-B B k I 1tt2. No purc:Meecoatl. Ofapa locetlon PLUS,.. Bdrm hOUN 3 bloclca to '' · • • ·• rs-6oee · · pool 831 Pr11ldlo r. ,. •· ac ay 673-7300 831-4511 fra1hlng OCHn elr; 10 Main be ch & viii• o. prt10e3N•ar water. · ltt-5301, 931.7370, EutllMcllarm 1 Br. ldNI 551·30e0 area. Children ok. ________ _. llYllTm acf11,mo1flyapplH, ~t . :10 Mayg1 . t7 ,t7t-tet7. 3Br,2~BaCondo.mlnto te1-7t22 ~1~·1No":!~·.:;~nowt ltttBuranuPllwy.lnlff 11000 /mo . Att --------1 10% down, no qulll...,."" quiet, ,erlme-frH; )'Hr-Imo. 414-a171 bch & •hopping. Pool. 4 B 2 Ba pet d mo. 142-3850. Uttle MIM Munet Mt on a .. , •. ..., around tpt'lng; 1 hr. 8. ..,... . Jee, & NUna, 111null IM f r.1 · ~ • r~, Ila• '""' 31J1 lllTILI -16-,-.---111----.. ---.-Tuff•t. along came a buya an •Int Oreng• FrancllCO; ,,._. llome, .__,...,. 1111 IMhlm ' S785 mo. 11t & lut + 3,_6·31ar Id=' nc · •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 10 5 bdnna •tarting 11 aplder and rMd In the County rental property, 2460 .,. ft. pra,mlum •••-.c"tt••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• MC. dip. (71') 760-5274 557_;,5e1144 54~8 3 Br egl level, bellutlful 1460 to S'160. 38r, 2BI, Irv Tatr~ Dally Piiot CIHllll•d below market YMie. All con1t., llo roof. Caah CIMn 18'. ~. gar, utll Older 4 8'. MIN!on etyta 2 BR 1 Ba ,_ lloor cpl quiet .,.., rv beach, no Hm, 'T':· grd:. 114:' aoctlon about MIU Muf-flnanctnv .,ranged, PfO-bide "40,000, up, r_,. pd. Winter '800 mo. on home, hu av.ythlng 1n.-atove & Paint No Pet•' Eulllde 4 BR 1 Ba, 1ge pell, avall from S•pt. mo . voll ug 1 . let'• Tuftet Ind bougnt It felllonally ~with ved untH 8/15192. lnqW-Seaehor• 531-778' c:ld fw '*11. 11150 B M . Pl (H-yard. 23t eo.1a M-St. $890. 413-3349 _,_,_s-_1_64_1 ____ _ for 111.15. You can NII ~t~~.,:.. lpotnt ~ ~· 1'.; .. ~•.!'!!!!..~!."' People. wtlo need_........ BEST,.. 53t-e1t1 In back). 91:25 ·, d•p. 1850. 175-1514 4Br n•wly red•corat•d L .... or INN option lar-your tuff•t and Iota of ""' orvn • ........ .,,..,... """' .._.....,g ,.._...... "• • Br canal front oth•r thing a through tlal. C1ll George Neal Ave Sebut()C)OI Box tO. lhould llwaya ctlaClt the BNch, tenn11 ctub & fm. 6411-3484 Coate Meu boautlful 2 br. hM, dOM to aclll. 1900 • · • Dally Piiot Cl1ulfl1d 7to-71t7. R.E. Real El-I 5 .4 7 2 ' C 1 t j Service Directory In the rnlly comm. 2750 eq rt, 2 2'Ai be, dbl attached oa· mo. 2Br furnllhld $500. ~·~.:...~: :::':! Adi. Call 8'2-5878 tale 707-823-78ee. DAILY PILOT car 00'· 11300. 175-1324 Self Idle 11811'19 "42-5878 raga, 1775. 1-496-0353. •93-0202 Mii)' ,,.,...... baactl, 11300/mo farnlly • • ,.,., ltr Wt .,..,, lei i.11 ...... ,_ laJt •••m I• lal1 Bt•m /tr S.11 H•••n /11 W1 HH1n /11 Silt B1e111 /11 Silt 145-3370 aft 5 wttdVL •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• CITY LKlHTSIOCNVI~ lnnal llf. ,_.,., Jin,_.., 1111 lf•1tll 1111 lf•1tll IOIJ C.a111l IOOJ C.a111I 1002 '-•tr•I 1002 tt523CAMfvs ·~ 2 Matr bdrm au1t-. dbl ................................................................... •!···················· ...•.•................ ...................... .....................• ...................... lll1llllll g.,, 'Pa. .......... 1821 I SOUTH BAYFRONT WITH VIEW OF PAVILION Located Just one block from the Ferry with boat mooring avallable, this 6 bedroom Balboa laland reetdence hu 2 kitchens and usumable flnanctng. $1,095,000. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCING! Seller packing, looking for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, ftreplace, wet bar, several eating areas and views flt to klll. $495,000. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEWS A country kitchen and skylight wlndowa wtll llght up your llfe when you move Into this 3 bedroom, 3'f. bath wood condo near beach and shopping. Reduced to $249,500. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom, 4'/e bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry wtth tpa, a tpaclous bayelde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft. of living space. Sllp and side tie for 80 ft. boat. Seller wtll hefp finance. $1,450,000. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE This rambling ranch home la Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms. 21A t;;aths, country kitchen, room for pool and reduced prloe of $163,000. Seller wtll carry wtth 15Y. down or will consider trade down. OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront BIVd., this duplex wtth a 2 and 3 bedroom unit 1 could be converted to a comfortable fart.lly home. Seller wtll carry at 12.5% with 20-1. down. $475,000. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has lmpreaalve city and Catalina sunset views ptua good auumable and Miier financing, $486,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS JUST A HALF A BLOCK TO BEACH These two bedroom unite carry owner financing with 20-25'/• down. $225,000. I RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leaaehold, this duplex wtth 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reaeonable down. Juat a few steps to the sand. $235,000. SUBMIT ALL OFFERS-OWNER FLEXIBLE Try AITD or trade on tbta 8 Bdr 4 Ba beach houM wtth 2 frplc, 1ky1lta, French doors, gor~ pool, tpa, Kot pond and huge lot. $495,000. Open dally 1-6. "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Auume SSM,500 at 11 . 75% on this 3 bedroom, 21/e bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor, Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and ctty lights from large decks. $695,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMSI Seller wlll carry an AJTO of $519,000 at 12.75% for an extended term for a quaJlfled buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 aq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 31/e baths, large decks, 3 fireplaces and family room. Views from this home are lncredlblel $850,000."DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25% fixed or seller will consider trade on this 4 bedroom, 3'A bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 fireplaces, atrium and panoramic ocean and city light views. Seller relocation. $850,000. AMENITIES THAT JUST DON'T QUITI Elegant 5700 sq. ft. home with French marble fireplace, Jacuzzi tub and steam shower In the master bath, 4-car garage, Insulated wine room, 3 addltlonal bedroom suites, elevator, full security system, 4 fireplaces and much. much morel S 1,895,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH DESIGNER UPGRADES Mirrors, celling fans and pavers accent this llke-new 4, bedroom, 21h bath home In close proximity to the tennis courts and pool-spa area. Only $520,000. CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS Premium lot wtth plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. formal French home with no houses behind or bMlde It. Create your "estate" that wlll rlhl all others. Seller mutt llquldate but wlll consider a Joint-venture ~reement. $1,500,000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCEI Located on a lot that la unusually large for this area. this panoramic vtew home can be traded for resldentlal or commerctal property In Orange County or Miier wtll carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms, 7 baths, projection room, wine cellar, family room & large kitchen. Thia home hat It alll $2,700,000. COMPLETEL V RESTORED TRADITIONAL HOME Located on a large corner lot, thlt 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home hu a large patio wtth tpa, cuttom landecaplng, family room and full uM of recreational facitltlet. Try leale/optlon or low down. $825,000. $117,0oc) ASSUMABLE AND 81!LLER WILL HELP Spectecular 2 bedroom OOMn vteW home with twtmmlng pool and additional Miier ftnanang. M50,000. WALKING DISTANCE TO THR PARKS, ~ LUXURY HOllR WITH .. M>AT DOCK TaNNll AND MCMATION pactou1 3 Bdrm, fwnNy rm exeouttve r..tdenoe on Trt=ld Charming 5 bedroom, 4 bath home In exctullve gat~uarc:*t eland, Huntington Harbor. ~mat>te 11t wtth tlddttlonel .., communrty. S7qe>,OOO. nanctng available. '389.950'. SWEEPING OCl!AN VIEWI 1 NEWPORT QLEN-PIUCl!D TO 8ILLI Superb quality 5 bedroom home wtth den, country c:t\arm, jJutt 2 ml. to the Orange Cty •rs>Ort. thte 2 8drm llght l airy hardwood floor1, formal dining, central courtyard with 1pa, upgraded townhome tteturee tlddltlonal dtn +UM of poot, apa & teparate maid'• quarter• and 3 flNPlacee. •1,100,000. 'BBQ. 1120,000. II fo d . Ca r a drenes 644-7020 mo. t84-34lt Lovely 3 br, 2 ba, lam -------- rm, crpll, drpa, bltlna, 2Br, 1'AoBa, W. Nwpt 1880 mo. 1 yr 111. Condo, patio, pool. ape.. t73·5e20 evaa 6 wknda. 2 car gar. Witt to bch, 1700 mo. 873-1158, 4 Br. 2 BL 18171 Antloctl. 4117-4208 11100/mo. ----------Agent 541-6032. Big Clnyon COndo 3 Br. -------"'°"" full golf court• vl•w. Rare 3br 2.,_ w/gar, pool, I po o I , I an n I a . wife NVlfl tcllcn, mulll-11300/IHn. 844-7424 fam olc. 1435. Kida & •m1 Bkr. pet fine. --------BEST fM 531~191 lllfh ......... 3 BR 2 B ~.. Belt bay vl.w In 8luft9. 3 1 """"'0• no pate, br, 2'Ao ba, 11200/mo. pool, A/C, $700 mo. 0.-Wlcdyl t32-102S; evee l n 1 1 • , I 7 e -8 8 5 7 o r _... ... 17 ...... . 552-15-41 '"'".,. ............. . 3 Bdr 2'Ao ea townllome, Patti Udo Condo, 3 Bf. 2 tam rm, petlo, AIC, up. BL lrplc. d9hwlh, lftdry grad•d, pool, tennll, rm, 3 cerport1, patio. park, avall. lmrn•d. 1115. 851-1522 let5/mo. Mlo-1543 3 Yr otd 2 atory, llofM. 3 ••-••• •tt• or 4 bdrm1, 3 bathe. -OH-.. COU.. I 1190/mo. t4t-t71t, TWnhl GOLF n-831·2177 SE. 8pllt i.v.I, 2 br, din. --------2'Ao ba, ale. xlnt vi-. Bluffl 4 br, 2'Ai be. b6ct11t 1875/mo. AVllll. 8ec>t-1. area. patio. Nr ~ig. 754-7800; -55M274 a c ho o I I & p o O I . Super deall • Bdrm, 2'Ao 11000/mo. 640-8931 Bath, Fm rm, gar. 1875. WHtcllff 3 Bdr, •xcetl. 537-3233 Agt d\O cond, ltg ... lendlcped yrd w/gardenar, MC. Univ. Prtl 1 Bf & den or 2 ay1tom. I 1150/mo. Bdr d•n. mo. to mo, 833-1290 1750/mo. Ao1. 552-7502 ----,,...---~,,.....~ or 552-7tte. N9wpor1 8hor9a S Br. 2~ Ba. 2 b4oc*1 to bead\, 2 B d . 2 B a . con d o . cloee to ac:hoof & tennta. mlcfwv., pool, jeez. 1735 te2-e&a3. mo. 41M-50S3. --------• Bluff• Condo. bayfront, ~ ..... ... super 3 br, 3 be, •1200. eMERALD.8AV~s·a,~·; Agent. s.u-1133· BL frple, brldt patio with Big Canyon CondO, Oolf Ip a , I 1 5 0 0 . 2 13 I COUf'll view, S br, 2'4 ba, 175-22N. HC~, 11400 mo. El*. modem 3 8'. 3 81. 844-Even. fanta1t10 oc:Hn, co11t f11W view . $175 /mo . 2matrbdnne,t'A .,._t 213/371-3111 atory lwMcm. l<ldl/llftl pet ok. Johfl , Agt 631·2242 ~ 001M DAILY ,t&.OT/~. Auguet a, 1N2 Pl ·~~~· .. i!·~i!~""';~;.~~~~-.. ;; .. ;~;~:.:Em;;;::::P.1,w=:.~"';---~i?ir;::;;;f!~ . 'l'mi.~~~~~~.~ ... ~ .. iDii;;i;"li~.~ 'i-a .......... llM ... . ....... ~'!fl'l"ii··=:. .... -... • ' ....... --............... ,, 00 .. ag •• rnn.mn "'"'""' IMT ~ --·~ u .. •Oif.\.=11. H... • ...... ~~~~¥:.'~ .. ,..... ...., . •....• .... a· , . ., . ._.~"-'·· -.-;. "'"'-· '400/mo. •1·TOll. • •• .. f7 r:r ..... Tr.tt 1 .,, Owclafl ~ "°" l .... • ........ l'Al'J HO Aft, i • "1'·111' tljot 7 De 1 I ..,.... t OM ~I ·-• .,. ~ • .. IO, I.,, IM. pct, •10 ~:::,'••...:.o • .ft•"· DILUKI I''·~··... ......... £:::!'&; ..... 11t-oio1. '•·MlfftftlU ~ONLY ... r-=.,. .... I~ H9fd'"9· 1a11aoe. tfo -mo. '• • '"'*• OflN. ...,. ti....,. lllftL ....... n;n Nt 0000 ,.,. ....,,. •"'°'HI teo.latO =: ....... -;:.: M l.fMI peta. ... •1tlf 1 ff, GIMtl & el'larp. No l::i ~--= -m 1 Ir. Mt. to 1ntl. l HoUMlftlt• WMtM t•r Lalt• l tOtlD• O~rtO• tMfl ..._ --,... •• •• • •••••••••... ;i y •• ,,, I• a.. 1 • r . p. t • • • ~ • 0 I m 0 aft i ·M·'· • HIW ..... to ''•"· ...... -==--lllf ._,...Inc-.. fl'tc, ftHf 11th ' Newport, ..., ....... .., ..... MOO/mo ... .,.. Wilda Mt-"50. llOM• 'llLLA•• COM· ,_ C.M; .... C.it lt4""" O.M. 1100. fH>OIH, Ctrciw HOIM l.o9M •• I.I 't .. IT & Co. en-MOt I 9t. 1'°' .. , ptfv1te ,.. OlluM ~ ictra 1ar:Ot ~UNITY. 1 t a .,, ~ ._.. 1-MM llA, ..a...aoo M tw. "40-l107. d 1 re Cl t I •" de r • ..,...,..;. bt t ll'enlrl ,. Hr ""' daCll UO. no peq, AV911. now. lbr, t "-"""'--.+W, .. tl00-1IOO '-ft of nT.T.:;wme ••• r.;n ''°'T. ..,~ '°' rant .. c--. Tt41 ..... ltf1 IMutlM par'.&~11~1,. patio .. •••o ,. "· lnctry: Hts. 1eoa II 11m 11. ~~ ~:;9.~0~ pure tu•ury. o.;.; ... •J:::'~:!~ ~!''<~:~3:.':'~,~t·: on •"'°' "anlnau11 ~~.--WtOOWHAl .. rotTO'I rouridlftga T•rraotd ev.11 ... 1. M 0 mo. yriy '4 ... 307 no c.lte att t . 53...aa • mo. •PH In avary flO"'-• Mal . ..-.a1M Ill' a3t mo NoNmllr n .. t to """ loft•. 1:::::. llll LOMI, 10K Up. No PoOI· luntcen gu bbq, t7a..ota or t1S-7tee urn pd 1lr, HOO mo.. m11tar eulta. di"'"• . 11S·1770, tU·H40 10~'. en.'*' ~'·--~It CMok, Ho,_. 1parklln9 fOUl'llllftl . t2t5 n1ot b1iCMtor 'MP gui.t. pallo, nr boll, A.viii aar, ta.. trpto. wtlw/t/IY( ftO~I, WOOd •urftlftO I Dr, .. owe. reftlQ. $ bllll Nancy 1h200tW•fcr,_ pY1 ;.--llt)'. Oaftnl9on A AllOO ''*"°"' rooma. ._.. -®it utll pd no' pata· aept 1 ~N hoOtl.up, new l'\lllt. df'P8 r.,..aoee, Ml0to-weve co bHOh. 100 mo. antry ator .... Qt O.rt _e_1_J._n_1_1 ____ ..... , ... dining lfM. Wllk.ift ~oe C lay tl)'t t · ' & pa Int. I I Tl mo, OWM, jNMate Plftoe & ....Ult MIF lht Hdrm twflhN, llO mo .,.._;25H ' IM ft CIOMtl. ~ 1111• kltotl-· • • •IUITiflL/.-af• MCM012 1ft 4'ftM. yatd1~"" provl· Pool. llnt. v-:ie::-to ---· --------1 • t oetMMta. Wlltl to C.... #J Ill.I UJI 1~r. ano11d. balcony, WALK TO l!.A~. ieiii\, ~m.nu.. ":";'..:= ~.'111, .......... 1.'M =~~.we. ""'· f!!!.'1fffl .... !~!f 1-:.::ii~iftii";Miiiiiii:;:1 ~ •:r% c::. ~ Huntlf'IOton Cemer. ••••••••••••••••ee•••• o ptl, d~. 1101/9, trig. elow a ~ Ill utlla lllend 1 rniftutM to IC IAITllDI CM. Privet• •lmttt -·-I ..... ....... ,~·ct. Alt 1-7~1t 1 90nn-1Urn, ll08 NEW CONDO 1900. pool, laundfy, 'or qui.t p & Id . t Sl 'o IM o Pl ' Q o Al . ' turn. room I ball\, Utti.. l\lnf'IV CdM twMae 911911 rrw. -i 228dldnn·T"!!'_!!~ MOtu 5 Ooaan vlaw. 1 Bdrm. llng'!;_ N..,0 .. 1"!''· Waif(' 538-7979. • Ju~~·.:~. ot Nar.:p0~:. lftCl.1. ralrlg., 1315 rno. 10 '"' wlf~ 21·30!MI, .... um ~rom ~~to ':":; PIP ,,.. t12.0K , .. TO rm """'"""'.. m. trplc, medarn kitchen, gaa !""'· -"mo. llvd I of 8*' Nw l7$-rl544. • aar, 1\49&, poolnS:dftr, NO d9P()tltel Lu1utl0111 rom . a i: ' owner 000\>Pltd tet1c1•i trom M70 dack, 0.,. 973.3271 or 14$ e. 111h 645-2701 CIMn, 1 B<lnn. cllffd ok. , r ' '°•' 9001 ..._..m 0 3 ~ 10 ~. mo. naw ottlcff, lncludlno ._.. ~1· DudJ. AA· Pf'OP Prtn ontv •....... 831-4602 2 er w/QM $450. Crplt, ~27. u~~lt33~:.. ~ 1370. 131~1 ••72 Or__,; ~1 .... 1Pfel'2 .. ,. dmo. ~ .. ~. .... + ~ utll. Pla11a oall r.c.ptlonl•t. •n1..,1ng ~-Inn. •1 2 e>om. T.L.N. 177., "'v.,llde No~ walar pd ....... 6 .....,, """'' Ava eoa;. M.aa. _.,.... " • ._, -• ,.rv " Connie wtc ... 1.-11 or aervloa, oonl•ranc• Call AM. esw223 Av .. N.I . t2183. Utllltlla Fr-.i 2w~~,1.~~.'8:· micro· 1071°"A" Orange OLD HUNTINOTONI 2 " ~~;rct~~IM llm/mag 7eo-el5t room, •c. 782-6408. •WNIT... PHPIAATll MUii Mii LA QUINTA HERMOSA 975.7197 1·6 838-4120 bdrm, ,.,. ba, Charmer, ~· FOl'ltt S bdrm oon. .-00·900 PLUS 1..00 lq. tt. b~Uw office In Can-3fd TD of 111,IOO. 1~ 18211 Paruics. Ln, 1 blk CdM 2 er_ New carpal, I IHM APT ~~t'::· '475. 137-3233 1~k~li ;:.°r.; ~:b3~ ~i,8~ ~~I layfront ~ n•cl VlllaC, 14IO/mo. •tr•t 4 'lflill not•. It, W. ol BMch, 3 bike 8. of drapaa paint HOO 1'4 He lo bMctl l lallt No S*'I 800-tt11 ...., .,. • .__ • ......,, ~ la. par no. p&t101. Br er 11 tit 000 °' beat otter. Irene EdlflOt'. l3l-ll3t Eve~9831_..119 2 Br. 1 Ba. MlnUt•from OOUNTRYCLUILMNO ' ' utll. 111 and lut. 873-1003 Al.rport .,.._. !Jc:ac. Sul-eltar IPM a wlu1da 141 .... 1 -6 wknda. ocean . I• e 81 mo . IN NEWPOflfT 8!.ACH Working r.tnale 25 to 40 l&t-1873 an I tea. From 225-450 eq. n. _8_8f...4 __ 2_1_1 ____ _ --------Lg dhc 2Br 2ba eulla, oe-2 BR 2'A ba duplax. 1500 72o.o844 or 720-4801. A total anvlronm•nr NnonB .':!J!<•1,7~A171>! !'!"~ NWPT: rtep,1CIMnPIM 10 IEWPllT 1001 11 I* eq. ft, Many 1tru. Alta,.,,,.,..' dar, 2 patio., jar. E'tlda. aq.lt. ol lu>Cury. Evary 2 BR & den or 3 Bf\, -.lk ~t oommunlty on . __.. ..-..., •".. ahr nio. 3Drl2ba llorn• Ex.c. offlcel (1000 ti to Cell 657·7010 1,~-•, 'I w1.u• ...,. ,141 1675, ptl IM" 128 :1ra. dbl gar, lncd yd. lo bMch, S800 ._mo. tha Uppet Bay. Prlv11e L-oun• furn rm, pvt ba, onCtnal.etapatooceen. 1850 ft). Attr•ctlva well Foun1aln "allay Offl"'• r~t a ..... if I FRE•e.•;h;;;,~·b~ Nlca clean 1 Br. 1 Ba. •685· 842·Hee Bkr. te2·H11 ....... clubllou•a and hatlth non--tmkr, OWf 40, TV. 1326. 645-2•95 (Moly) malnlllnad bldg. Mr 2s00 It ..:_ -• " chelor ... ,. CatMa tv. -a. ancltd Qarage. petlo. No I .. _,. ,_. ~I tannla coubu rt1, )' P o o I . B u • I P r o f . Fam .. 5 ahr lga lavla" Hoag Hoapltal, carpat1, IP-. eq. . al ...,. ••••••••••••••••••o•• .... .,... 1 1525 1 6 HftH_,. ...,, 2 BR & den, 2 be twnhaa, I""""•• ctoaa to etnaaa. 494o0451 • .. .. mlnf·bllndt. Oadlc•t•d a II. Good npoaura. h••••,,.Mfl I.I• Hun1, pool. Exchange P• 1· Pua 111. Totel privacy. NEW 1 tennl• 6 apa. Nr baliGh. alrl)Ot1 f'uNon l9lancf · twnhM w/raap. wonclng prk'g. Prof. anvlronman~ good penclng, Talbef1 a •••••••••• .. ••••• •••• for oecaalonal nlghl bell IHI. 1200 wurlty. 603 bdrm, gar. 1425. No 2202H ... Cr.teo-3745 Oonva'nlanl lhO~ Room for rant, tamale tem.unbelMlvablerOCHM, • qutat araa. 845-3323 8rookhur1t. Call SCR•M·'"S c•ll at our Inn. Wan1 Marigold. 548·2778 p • t •. 7 5 9 -1 9 1 4 , llte. Unf\Kni.Md 1210. Saml furnl1hed. ovarlooklng brook 6 dyl. 751-8191 n Iii qui.I, retiring, unencum-873·5788 llUlllU WILi lol'9 1 & 2 bdrm tl)t .. nd '91 Albert ti A . CM watart.il. Pool. ).a. lalea, 2nd noor alk fflcal 1·,-,-,-,.-H-,-,.-.-,,-1-4-41-0-I NSWER bared peraon. 881-4808 C.1t• #tu 31Z4 Larga 2 Br 1 Ba with Large 2 Br. 1 Ba. Apta, townhoulae. 531-4380 .ic. NB/CM arM, from $1•"1"•wo1mo-upcoai':t . •••••••••••••••••••••• I S •••••••••••••••••••••• di 1 d. encl1d gar frplc Nr tMO 11000 . '320 180-8045 """ • ., · '· Retall ltore 11 2850 Avon n -~, ·---&. •• ,, 1 Ill. t Ill. a Ill. g!r9a5ge, W, aun ry rm: Hunt. Hrbr. '1535, Chll· "-~-· ... : .. _._ and Furnlthed rm. pvt bllh, . drapae, paneling. dM. .. Flour• • Coupon •1 -• ,.,, $.. ........Bd • .,_.,_,,. 1 COi/ garage, pool, 1180 Rm In lluge •Br. 2Ba dpll, 752-1830 St., 1.,40 lq. ft. ptu1 I Innate . Oeba1a •••• ••••••••••••••••• Newly decor. Ou pd, Aleo irg 2 Br 1 Ba; $490. dren OK. a.co,..eeo7 rm unli. r.eturw fine mo. MB. Ewa &411-Mes •l•P• to bch, 1225 cer garage. &41..e777. KOW1ow. T)'COOn THE ancl gar. dw1hr, pool, Avall 9-l. 846-H25 /nla "44 de91gnal' furnllur• and mo.·yrly. or 115 wkly. Sc1llng Down? Starting PR.ETTY OOOD I ~l5o~~ult1, no peta. Small 1 Br 1325. 1 pweon ••••• !., ............... eccaaaonaa., Move In to-Quiet haven for bull Im mad occupanoy. out? Lower ovarhaad O= .•:: ,;~~·.':~ Oood-looklng young . only Noe:•• Go •H· 3 Br. 1 ~ Ba townhoma. day or raaatW !or aum-axec. Non-emkr, kit 831·92.42, 845-3743 malnlaln Image, omc. at 145.2111 Ask for Joe t hin" at •l~I•• club: •• liDGD Is 1 2 B 1 B ... 25 • · • Patio A/C Ir I WID mar mon1h1. Smartly pool, prvt. ba. NB. $300. Reganoy Cenlar. !11ac .. 1.~• .. ad 11 th 1--a.i.... · pee out r. •·... · 1916 "C" allaoe Ava ' • Pc, • furnl•"_,,, m--'a .... 0..-~. M0-4309. F mov• In lova~ home eultM In ...___ nr Air· •• " """'""' 3 Br. t'A Ba. 1475. · Woodbridge So. Lakaa. ,,... ....,..,. ,.... CM ... ~ Ba '""""""'' Beautiful 1xacutlva olfkle tor Mr. Rlgllt. I'd bt Laundry lac • pool. Don't wall only 1 large 3 poole, tennll. 1776 mo. dalty Fern E'alda CM 3 Br 2~ ·..,,,rm, compl. port, fully equipped a tulle plu• w~M In happy to Nit .. for Mr. -541-9558 12·7PM. Br. av.ii wtth 2 Ba., pa. Call Denny 045·2018 ~ Jambor Ad p¥1°ent. f/p, pY1 ba, QM, ::~~~~~Id prlv. LHll• ~·~~ l~~i? ~ praatlglout d;'718' ~lar PRETTY GOOO." LIFEH 1630/mo. 2 Br. 2 Ba. llo, In quiet area, large weakdaya: 641-5833 8 J .. 11 !! $300, 831-1093 · mo/mo. from 1375. on R~hlll. 17 6 aq. ft. -r---------poot. $875. 645-3381 or eves 6 wkndt. an oequln Hll ""· Rmmte want~ to"'' 4 er 875-3882 from 10·5: _,,I ln•I "" i l!AR.ftOUNC> fUM: Townhouan, car ports, 875•5949 14•1100 Lo Baautlful rm w/pvt condo Npt Bluff• S240 833-9978 644-9539 attar 8. •••••••••••••••,••• .. • S I I ,_ pallo1, all blt·ln1, lndry • LI• ... ...,. 1141 .-bath for ranl nr bell, kit 7""-"S72 • · oc a Actlvltl•• rm, 1mall pel ok. Won't Children welcome 2 a 3 ••'•••••••••••••••••,.• $600/mo 1 Br 1 Ba. .... Pf'lv. S300 mo. 986-2951 '""" SO. LAGUNA. 3 Arch Bay. C..••ttl•I D I r • c I or • F r a• i..11 Br $476-1826/mo. Im-1 Bdrm, tanlullc view. ncai,c:i 1 · 1,;;;·· N B tux condo Harbor 500 ICI It wtt~ hwy b Ul FOlll> ADS ARE FREE Sund a Y TSL Mgmt 642·1803 mad. occupancy avail. $550 yrty. 1 blk town 6 ~ac cloaa"~~~ cit Coll•ge Park •pool 1 "'doe att'y rtlr 1tral0flt vttlblllty. 4t7· 51 ••••• ~ ••• !. ••.••• !!~! Brunch•BBO'a• Aft. 5, 642·1221 now, Mon lhru Sat. 9·5. beach. Call 497 .. 773 olc ·nc, dog . room lnclUdaa utll $250. •Uo'. 752.gi42 dye IUtnnL IPFtOE II lllP t_~leamor•PIUe'. Corner of Adarnt & Fair· 11~ll •---a. "lff TS.L Mgmt.'· 8'12·1803 !,~.) ~5apoe7_,.71~inon 1mkr 64()..2434 evee. • ., ,... In newer b""' on Cout """'" Fireplace, pool, dish-v1-. 557 .. 785. No pela. ,., _.. ,. ,..,., o 6 ""' ~T OllTlll H Soul""" Q R I A T wuher, pvt patio. X LG •••• ••••••••••••••••• LIDO DELUXE 2 er. frplc: Private entrance, dack, With UH of racepllon. wy, h LagunL Ap-RIC RI! AT Io N: Garden 2 B r $560 •Lo 3Br 2S. nr SC P1aza. Winter Renlala Bal haa I brlcll llo Oft Adlta R 0 0 M F 0 R private path, main kll· cont kltdl pnone pro•. 500 1q. ft . ExQel.. Cal: Tenn I •• Fr a a 557·2841. Fresh, sunny, airy. adlt 4 3 Br. 119 39th. st $850 S'Yoso 8f:.es59 · RE?Employed M .. laun· chan 10 thare. Famale eecre~=· 6 word pro~ lent private parking Lenon• (pro a pro ple1t, no u111de 1 Br. 1 213/208-1234 Olclc • • dry facll, quiet CM area. prefarrad. Laguna CMalng. Miii & maaage behind bldg. 1525 mo. ...... ,. •hop)•2 Health &a. New carpalt, brlghl NewDac 3Br B * BAYFRONT * l189.&46-093tan 10AM Beach. 1•261mo lnclda aarv. evall. lllC)atelety ut~T~u~rn~er~A~uoc~~-;,4~9~4-~1~t~77~~~~~~~~~~ Club1•Sauna• lnaert -tfleld """" & c h e e r V . S 4 2 6 ga11ge.°'2 blk: t~ ~: PVT SUITE/GARAGE Sat/baf. 3PM Sun. utlll. Daya Mike RUMall daalt'ad. r CANNERY VILLAGE . Hydro~ F&lllLY Wvvv 851·9522. yny 673•2571 RESPONSIBLE N..SMKR Room In 2 Bd. CdM home. 7141840-3225, Evaa Call: Judy l,lnlqua 2 alory bldg. LOST. Fem. 8lk Lab fl'lllc. s.im~IOC?.~f 2 bdrm, 1 ba, deluxe. 111 l750/Mo.987PM3-1521 Bef. Nr. bch, F, quiet, frpl, 49&-428-4. 71417~100 2600 lq ft. 1'A bL Wet ~Or!wnlown HB at'M. OrMr.,. RL.,,.. B1autllul gardan apta. lk>or wl p1llo, $470/mo tmmec. 2 Br 2 Ba nr Lido w/d, evall 9/1. $325 mo. Profe11lonal Male bare, bay view, Parking, 9fl0.8839- 8 I A U TI ' U l Pat101ldec:k1. Heal paid. 89•·8225 or 1198-1165 lrpl. petlo, cpl or 1 IQI, .. _. _ _. ....,11..,,1, -"y ...._ 844-4028 an. 2:30. Stralnhl, non·amokar. lfflOl WEIT9flmll raar antry acce11. L-M Found Blk/wht German a• •RTM I NT I . No "'"'ta. 2 children wel· no pal• $595. 875-009? ....,,,... .,... ... -"'-" Lawyer• Group Juat --.; .. .. .. • ,... kllchtn, 2 frplo 1. 3 Private balh, prlvala .,,. 25-38, to anare 3 Bt. 2 plu1 Interior lmprov•· Shep, vary friendly, vtc S 1nO 1•1 • 1 6 2 ~-2 Ba 1565 1 i!:.'.N!t~~~~ ~::&iild 2Br, 1 'A Ba Twnhaa. din Bdrm, 2'Ar Bath. Wllh ell trance. newty redec .. Mr Ba. Walarfronl Bal 111. movad out. Carpet•d. mentl. s .. Propertl... S1n1a Carlotta & EJ111, Bedrooma•Fumllhed 398 w. Wlleon 631 .5u.. rm. 2 pallot. balcony, t"8 axpec1ed amanltlaa. wunar/Ooldaftwalt, may con1ldar famala. dra~. panated. l200 Ltd. 873-2810 F.V. 982-2281 a Unfurnlahed•No "°" ok. on the Blutfl, patio, garage. no pate. $850 CaR for appl 537-3233 H.B. S250. 63$-0794 980•2471 1q. It. 1875/mo. Top 1----------.c---------Pel1•Model1 Open Sparkling clean. 2 Br. 1~ view, trplc, enCI gar .. gu mo. 111• 1111 + dap. Agl Chg. location blwn 2 Frwy1. hlHltlll 1••1•14100 FOUND: PARROT dally 9 to 6. B•. $470. Fenced, ulllt atove, dlshw11her, apa, 642·29'9 evaa/wknd• ••lfll •1th 41• 2 Fem. to lhara 3br, 3ba 14302 Beach B lvd . ••••••975•••••••::::.••• Pl .... call & ldanllfy, DIL-OO"" paid. Refrfga. 2 amall lndry rm. $695/mo. for appt. 3 Br 2 Ba. fplc, ~tlo. Dix. ••••••'••••••••••••••• condo In Nwpt. Walk 10 97~9 or 8eO-Of'4. N1.1B. 03 1 BlrC!',1~ 1q. 842-7221 llW • children ok, no pets. SPMC 831-6107 1lapa to wetar. No pa1a. ll&LAll .eTB. beach. 845-9453. Xlnt Hert>or Blvd loc. Jutt · r •11• .., " zone. F nd ameitf black dog llnle• HMIO Wallaoe 642·4905 Vary tr'31 Bdrm, chlld ok. Weatcllff araa. lllra large 1 209 41at St. l 725lmo. Wkly rMtalt now avail. Newport 8Mct'I lownhou-No. of Baker St., CM. Agent 541-5032' g'!m~o Shor .. 9•10~'. a .. ..-__... o 1 20 537 3 33 Br. apt, pool. patio 6 673-3057 11•0 • up. Color T". N.B. 3975 Birch. 3880 '""· CdM, w"--·" ...... -10 ..,._.,_... $500/mo. 2 Br. 2 Be. apt. n Y • • 2 Agt ~rt 8-45--8152 .. " H fully furnl1had. Fa· 580 6 1250 eq.n. ~--· ...., ,,...,, - 1..,.... 880 .... 1 '11a. encl1d garaga, patio, chg Clean, u.pgraded; Br. 3 8[!.Po! JOBd~~~.!!~'. ~~vd~~~-2274 :':::~~o~~.~~~ ~;1~~--~al~~r~ ~~~~~~~~-A zone. Lott Cal . eurmau rvlne frplc, lndry lac Submit Qreal focatlonl 1 Bdrm, Ba. lrplc, pool. 1730/mo. 1150 mo. no pet1. 846-7445 court. epa. $425 mo. '4 549-1388 (Brown), female. Vic (at 16th) on pat. garage. $300 + chg 957-3177. 876-7907_ e40-e004 1750 up. 2160 It. lndu· Nawpon Craat & N.B (714)64 TSL Mgmt. 642-1803 537-3233Agtehg. BE•CH AR U1M. 11r1a1 -ornc..1e101A.-Reward.548-3101. 5-1104 Hmll UOID MT Spac. s Br 2 Ba. tplc, gar. ft [A 12501mo. Avail. lmmedi.· dondo Clrcla 4'M & T 642·9142 ....,.., ..... /... EASTSIDE 2 Br. 1'lli Ba. 2 Bdr, w/w carpellng, bit· ....... 2 blk S""" yrty tal c 1 M .--.. ,..._II Huntlnglon, Beach. ---------1700 16th St Townhouse, enclsd ga-In cabinet stove. Ilk• MOVE II THAY .,..ac.. 1• """ · $11/ k 2'· 0 • 1 118 near ""'r•-'• VSWH 642-2834. Lott: M Hlm1lay1n cal, (0 6 raga,frplc,small petOk. new.548-4162 WATERFRONT-30 ' Nopata.646-1842 W S .. Plaza.&50-9ll0 fAllllllSUll neut.ldaclawed,mlQhl over at 1 th) Oraal loc. DOCK VarMlllaa Condo Sludlo. KltcMMtt•Mald-Pool M/F lo lhr condo, OCMn l300 aq ft. $425 have 10, Turtlero<*, frv. (71:") 642-5113 TSL Mgmt. 842-1803 Bachelor. uttl pd. good 2Br duplex nr Lido VII· ucurlty. 15001mo. Nwpt Blvd & Wlllon vl aw , amanltla1. ltlut PrtfMslH•I 1800 aq. ft. 1570 833-3708 Rewainj. area. no pall. 12751mo la I 11 731 "'"71 55"' "3r" C .. __ ..... 97'"5 1350/ I I tll Front offlca, ltrge rear STUNNING large 1 Br. 8-46-3420 seg7~ ~~~e~~'soOJt~t .._ • ....., -o.ta ..,_ .....,.. " mo no · u '· lffltn door. 1779 Whittler Ave. ll•••M I ... ---------garden apl. pool 6 rac. 2 B , B N dock) 175-0952 Lge pvt apartment. Mo-Yearly on the beach. hotel 8'12..,.891 From Sulla wtth aapvate Daya 540-9352, EvH Grey and blk. Wht flea OCEANFRONT • •harp rm 710 w. 181h. SI. ~™'~~ Av!i1 ~r·1~~: . dem wlbltlna. 2 BR 2ba. room. kitchen & thower. 28r CdM Cottage to ""· .,,trance to tingle 120 eq Me-Oel1 coll.,. Lott vie Cecil 6 2BR. wtn1er. no pell, gar. $450/mo 831•3871 *LUX. Jr 1 br Varulllal. W9lk ~ blk to beed\. 2 $3201mo. plua MC. de-MI F, non-amkr, 1325 fl olllca1 tub-laaaed Orange. 548-35"43 $650 mo. 676-3033 fountain vu, ralrlg, nu cer partllng. Laro-cto-po.it. 2308 W. Ocean· mo. utU lnOI. 720-1128 Sectatarlal/~tlonl1t1 •atlll Wulff 4111 2Br, 2Ba. completely furn, ....... liBllU 2Br. 1 a. S4751mo. crpt, pool, •P•. HO. aata. Oreat tot alngleOf 2 front, Nawporl Baach. Amml wanted non-amkr lelephone/ c opier I c~~·.j;,;;;j;·M·;i~d;~i Lm,.,,., llnana, dlthaa, ale. Nr ~ 1 Br. 1 Ba $415/mo. I 4 9 5 . 6 4 O • 0 4 3 7 • couplaa. Patio. Leund 873--41!>4. Female 1 bile 'trom ocean MNlcel available If de-20 .... kl room, 11 kltch. Whlle with black Shih Hoag Ho.p. Wiii •"ort ••••-rm Unfurn. newly redecora-760-8390 IKll. 17001mo lnol utlt. I •-•-• _.._ 1200 ;,_ utl Call Rov sired. Fraa parking. Call Tru LOlt 8f5/82 Corona " --•• ted. dlw, al e, gas & 2 OrlYI by 6"403 Rl\l9f Ave.. ._ _...,, ,._ · " · ' Miu MarlL prlv In family Mttlng nr del Mar ArM, 72().1148 I• rm I 1 O O O mo. Beautifully land1eaped water p1ld , balcony, Br. 1 Ba Step• to Than call 875 1771 I •••••••••••••••••••••• 536--7960 141-Nll OCC. 1142·8331 ~~~~.5::2~~r:.d r~~:':ed1~.':c:.'n!.9:~ ~~~~~~I a4111~~~~ ~~~hRoi~2~.f:C:.o~~= meg or -~ y A!'.:e.',.:~~170 M~k~:.~· ;i~0m~: ••1la.u//an1I/ F= r.~lt~ bl~ 1 BR. quiet, pV1, prop on bay. Bike to bch. Gar. $411 5 . 87 3-8336; 842·9888. Dix 1 BR. qulat, pvt, prop on bay. Bike lo bctl. Gar. $495. 873-8338 2Br, 1Ba, 1550 mo. 4Br. 2Ba. $750 mo. Acro11 from bch. S1pl ·Juna. (213) 848·2232 Newport Beach, 391h Strae1 1-A bedroom, ~ bile from aancl. Oft 1treat prk'g. Avall Sapl 111. S8601mo Incl utlllllaa. 540-8832 ~!'!J.!A~.'. ••• 1.~~ Attractive Studio, non· 1mkr. phone, Wither/ dryer, bach leltch, q~ bed, prlv en1.,poo1, apa, tann11, walk 10 beach, gate guard prwatlge araa. $350. Avall. Sept 1. 493-3490. pett. 2 children w1I· room. 979-1911. 8-42-3860. 842-1010 2 Br, 1 Ba. yrty $550. Mini apa, W/D. 831--0192 IYO llaatt Ian. 648·8223 come. BEACH/YEARLY vu "~:"ua•n Ni:·.:!~ ~.;::,~·:r: mag •••••••••••••••••••••• Found White Samoyed 1Br $475 2 bdrm twnhH, 1-A ba Dix 3Br 2b a, gar. ---ioc.i..754-()93t l•lblm Hu1tcy, appro11 1 yr, 131 E. 18th 848-6816 garage. pallo No pet1. $800/mo. 421 E. Balboa .... 1•••-_. · Female houMmale, re1-~~ul!f. tt mala, Vic Mannolla at ---$495. Nr 191h/Pomona -·-·-• ..... --pon rtlr 2BR 28A CdM .,, " 3 Br 2 Ba $625 548-8357 Bl. 673-2789, 876-9797 llM1ll -,..., homa 1425 +'A utll ••• ••••••• •••••••• Qerfleld, HB. 8 ·3 . 6 'E 2 · s 5 8 oc a 1 1 b .. 1 11200 mo. avail. 814 to 7..,. ";.... · Join tha leader In lh• 962·3261 1 1 . 111 t. 4 -2408 t•let I .. ....._ 1 .. ~.......... ...•75n/ moro_ n ac .. •P la ,.. __ .. •••• 1012182. E1acut1va 3 6"""""" llwlmmlng pool chemloal ---------... ,..., . ......,,.. -w-... _,. bd d F le Sub-i.t Exac. oMcl serv1ca bu.Inell. Be a FOUND: Fem wtllta Splta. 1 Br, ..,90, ttoYa/ refrigl Lrg Bach w/lrpl, patio a BrOkar M5-38l3 •••••••••••••••••••••• rm •n dan. ocaan ema roommate wanl· Prime airport locale on ... ~a ... 18 watar treat-I M black Lab OC teg, pool. No peta. Adult apt. car l>0'1 S395 1 Br up Naar new 1 Bdrm. apt. view, tMnla, pool, apa. ~: Leg. NIQUtl home. n. M A lh 81 d p 1 ...-~ .. ~. et In u...... ...... 423 w. S.y. 546-9518 pooltlde w/trPtc. cal~ 1 Br. 1 Ba. S1ap1 to with bultt-lna, carpeting ~289 tmkr. $27& '/\ utll, no ac r ur v · r ca 1y1lem1 daalar:· Llc'd '°· ............ aec:t ..... ,.ta BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. 2 Ba. dral pell Ing, d1hw1hr • bHCh. $350/mo. utlll 6 dnll)laoof, lalndry fldllty, Laguna Bch Cott10• pet1. 840-37'2 daya, redUC*I~~~ :rl t Oarar~lglaorCyoaa1vt1alrlaaab, lneo, ::1it==a:'·,~~~ balcohy & garage. $495. paid. Property HouH under r cwportt and Woode,.. __ 3Br f • 831~ tn 11pm. Aak h d 644 3151 8 Mell Verde, 1100 tq.11. No pata. Mau Pinet. &42-3150, 646-1869. publ~-~nll C4urt1 6 wlk to bch,' 160•0:=: for Carol •2500 eq ft lndu.1r1al unit a1per. nae. Wiii train. ea · • • N fplc. lndry, pallo. dstt-549 2447 "---• Airy 1 8d golf ~·-rlgtlt behind 9 ,._ MIF wtttl 325 aq It of ottlo9 + 150,000 full amoun1 _S_hel_l_ar _____ _ Wll'. gar, no pet1. $550. • ..,.,..., "' • rm,"" property Cloea to~ ' $·0071, 494-6942, "'" • pYI b&tt\. _,.,. 5000 eq ft aephalt cove--req'd, 1ome flna:iclng LOST: Plad Cocketlal, 3094 M-. 54&-4016 $4251mo. 1 Br 1 BL apt., pet & chlld ok.1380. Call rythlngl. $395/monlh 494-0349 front. 1350 mo. Incl utll rad 6 fenced yard. avallabla. Wiii net 140, C.M. ar .. can talk. Oen-AYAIWU IOWl lrplc. lodry rm, •II built· 537-3233. Agt chg. Available Auguat 1&. one BALBOA ISLAND 3 Br 1213> 592-3705 •2.-00 eq ft lndu1tr1al unit 000 plua. Call collect erou• ..-ard. 641·1575 Ins, car port ... 9 1 B 1 r 600 1 ea. 1 yrly or two adUltt only & no compl. furn. 111 Dia-M/F non1mkr ahr 4 br with 9000 1q II of up-Mon-Fri 9-8PM. Atk for l~u~~~·N~a?.~:tBI~~~~ TSL Mgmt -2· 412 mo. peta. Call OWMt at (714) mond, Aug 14-21 $400. houM In C.M. Avail. S 180 Qfaded office. Tim 4081887--0111 F:io:..~~!:. :; BMchl .$4 25/mo 931 w Du• ,.,., JIZI 873-3355 842--0131. 80 4003. 813-1401 + utlll. 850-0907 •2400 eq n lndultr1al unit Laundry Mii. Harbor & collar & ,... collar. Vic. 19th St. CM •••••••••••••••••••••• B••ll•sla •••liar-V, f1a Jallh fllf LIVE ON BEACHt wllh 1500 aq f1 of UP· Adami. Grou Income Woodbrldga. 55C.-1472. ..... Q.12 21BrB2rBSa;Ooc.aO Bnovuth' $w52115h. ...f .. ,., •~-, .. ,., ./!!•••••••••••••••••• M/F to ltlr 2 br apt. grllded olfloe. Hava tub· $4000/mo Full price ___ __;. ____ _ .,,. ,. '" ,..,. -_,. Ul'11/UWll XI I I 780-8570 r .... tanant lor 900 eq ft $6000. Fluff & Fold In· l•n••lll lllf OIW & atove. 661· 1192 ••••••••• ••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••• • " oc. of offtc. apece U dnlred. ctud9d. 540-e764 •••••···.···.··.·•••••••• Spacious 2 Br. 2 Ba, new ~ 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo, Couple or fM'lale tow Motlvalld OWnar Is,.... ----------! crp11, drape•. good $475, big 2 br. ocean Kennebunk. port?. Prlncevllla ., ... Fur· bMutltul 009\ view hM cJy 10 malt• a dMl. c111 TRA~LNCAOHENCISE Y lttl...,.I Perltr eaa lllde loc atlon. vlew.C.25081LaCretta nlehld. fully equipped, oanap, /couple Poot' 7141751-4780. Prlncl-.. .,,. •n $4751mo. Matura adult• Ownar 494-8848 tannl•. golf, pool. Spacial tannl• ·,:Curit ·1300• pall only. Be Your Own Bola Open 24 hra • d9Y only. See Manager 147 Wasn't he the Ambassador from Summer or ~.n ,., .. by 2..0.21'49 y. . Comptete Setup 7 day•. week E.181h Sl."4",C.M. B••l/Jjll•• wa•k or by month. On 1880 Newpor1 Blvd.. &training Jacuul, Sauna Locale A,.,,. •• ,, E t Id 2 B B ... ,1 3140 Australia under Teddy Roosevelt? 2131113'-6211. M/F nonemkr * lrvlna 2 1200 eq.n . M50 mo. Yrty exciting t>u.ir-. .. wall .. 1ourl1t1 Ualanlia.&J ea 1 • r 1 a. •••••••••••••••••••••• br, 2 ba Woodbrldo• .... A.Qt. 831-5ee1 Locetlonl BankA.marioerd. Mutar •-down• I • Ir I . n ear WltffLITIH ~fD PALM SPRINGS Cha1MUx w/M 32 & .. -'-•u•"• ...... ..-.. Ch1rge, American E>C· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 chools, no pe11 · ~ PRIVACY? • '' 1a11 ...... "·--.. ,..,... ~ /ili•I UH $450lmo. 631--3165. 1 & ·2 Br. Dlacount on \. :::/"'....:.; Nftl 3 BR 2 BA homaa Old eon (raafdM wknda). --. -ru•n Ml .. lon VlaJo pra11, Olnar1. All Ml· •••••••••••••••••••••• 11<>me modela. Pool. Spa. pOOI bbq 1 • Walking dial. lo lak•, ..... , IUOI lrvlne coma 7141848·3433. Yrty 2 bdrm, 1 bl oac.. Large 3 Br. 2 Ba crpt/ Q y m , S a u n 1 , e I c II you'rr nol sure who (OI what) Ktnnebunkoo<t •as ' epa, • a erao, lhopl)lno .. All. gar. 1310 COMPLETE EXECVTIVE Anehalnl 21 l2 Harbor 81. CM klry. No patL 1450 drp1 nr/OCC. no pelt. 845-0619. dont fttl ~ -You'rr not a1o11t KtnndMlll~ ri' =~~ll ,;~~ Hrv. From mo. i ... utna. $52-41011 OFFICE SERVICES Alto. other arMl In COEDS . Would loYe to 17~9 $550 751-3608 1350 Bach furn. Pool, ont ol 14 drshnctiwfly d411erent IPlflmtnt lloor plans Palm spnng. Reaort Famlle (25-35) non tmkr FROM 1186 to lte5. Otanoe County peny with you. Cal 9'M Yrly 1775. Delu .. 2 br, 1 & 2 Bdr lrallera. 1200 & 1pa. 16992 Flori da. at Sfa•111d V~tace m Hunt1111ton Bfadl StiwrnO Rent.ie 213117M208 wanted for 2ttr 2ba Pro-UNEXCELLED SER· FllllWllU or K1thy aftytlll'la. gar .. prkg. Naar water. up 6 $160 tee. No chll· 842-2834, 842-3172 V1llaRt ts a mull of lol1fly pmonahzed prolt$st0nat LK. AR"'.OWH"'•0-2eti m On Io r y Pt apt . VICES, ENVIRONMENT, 'J1 ...... J.. 913-1583 875--3083, 879-He7 dren or doge 133 E. plann1na Tiie kind ol 1lltnllo~ you dcstrn A ptffect " "'"' 875-3390 STAFF 16th St. IP 42, CM Near beectt 2 Br. 1'Ar Ba blend ol 111turt Ind ~Yflll -nalled Ill. forest Willi MW 48r + loft. 2e.. TM Heedquet1.. ........ .. L9& • ...,. y~ .. 1 ~~~~~I·~~: WESTBLUFF VILLAGE :::;/~:~~~~=: ~bbl·nc brooks and quttl ponds. cooled by nature! :=:.. ~=~= ~ ~:.g:i':.=r".:.·~ 7~1. Central o.c. Location. PHOTO MOOEl.S 876-6el5 C.M. • ocean vlaw. Nr Call 536-0921 ~A?" bleezesndAdd lo INI ltnM courts, swimrnc Sipe 1•. North Shor•. utlla. '300. 544-e011 S90K 'fftt Ol'Oll 135,000. ESCORTS/DANCERS naw 2BR, I 'Ar BA. lrg ,,.,.,.s. i spa • • conttment locatlOll ""' shoPllfnt $2151 91 d 13951 k Prof. omoe apece In Npt. (7141 M3-0220* OVTCALL 2• HRS J.IHa 1 1 8 5 0 ARLINGTON APTS. and employmenl and you've 1ot 1 pllce anyone wovkl w " • w · Matwe working F lllw mr Center tor attorney or aaa -l laJalaJ• ,,01 g7•~;1f o o ' Qulal. 1paclou1 town· ptoudly call hom1 (htn Ke~bunkporll) 1595/mo. 522.ee31 homa. t2.40fmo lnolde other profeulon.I. Ute FALLBROOK: Bu1lneaa --• •••••••••••••••••••••• houM 2 Br. t ... Ba.~ Ollf •od two bedroom. 011e and two bll.h ... Ill ... ..... ullla. 9y Hoeo. Own rm a of racapt1onl1t. Xaro11, opportunlly. Fl•fl Ru·I~~~~~~~~~ 2 Br. 2 Ba. duple1, gl· $490 2 BR. 2Jar10n1, baa ch . I 5 2 5 1 mo. ~lmtnts frOlll Hl5 . .0I Old M!Mrs' o.ye. Wlety/ ba. $46.Q021 law llbrivy. Avall lmmed., laurant. Good location WANTED: MALE MOO· 8 rao- 7 • ~911rp21e, yearly. Bkr. patio, pool. 3 J. 17th HO-ee51 s~~·nd wknd ratH. hr/2ba, ... PltlT. I.I. call for O.talla. Mikki or and rnoMY makar. 138. EL.8 tor photo WOtk. IA-,_ Pt 848-5137 ... 11AM DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba. In fl"OIO. OOlof tv. Nor*'lk,., F. Non-amkr to •hara At1 71.t/956-2411 ~~~.:h~~~n RHlty. glllm•t•. ~ 2 bdrm, 2 ba r-.r dplx. EASTSIDE. Lg. 2 bdrm In 4-PI .. , bll·lna, crpt1, ~1·87M, 412·2181 w1tt'1 t M & 1 F. 4 Bd, Z'Ai Exoalltnt omcea • US> to yrty. Maiure non-ernkra, 4/plex.. Prtv IUndaok and hk·UPI, drpa. dbl gar. 11 •n Huget• ton Vtl~ OCEANFRONT t<AUAI Ba. f'rpl, Otck•. lndry, 4000 eq fl 1801 ~ ~ SUNNY'S ai.outlva no peta. •1eo x 3 y•r.1510. Adlta. no pat•. trplc. 18$0 No pet•. Sunnr romantic Polpll Dan. Yrty, '2711. 19' find Blvd, CM. MS-2111 Alie Want a bulinlla of your St,....Rad\lctlon: 21317tt--t1t5.257·9792 112·2850 540-44MantM-F B•aoh . 11• ,.,OM tet piu. o.p, AYllll a.pr tor Joe own for minimum COit? Offlce-l".fft-0\ltClll l~m llunl111&lon Y1H11e lane Hunll"lton Btad1. CA WA.TEA, l pM>taoultt 1. 873-4742. Exac. Furn Sult•. prime Compl. Mt\IC> p4ua bual- 831 -83 77 (71') 898-9961 ~ ,1 Bt .... 5,•2 Bt. l'rof '9m, WMtcflff .,_, N.9 . too. Phone and =·"=~~ .. <kier. LADIE8: L•• T---...... _ from Ille Sin Olfao fl'tfWJY drl'ft lllftll on S.adl to _,, 4tt.111H pool. tlOft tn*r, no peq. oopler av&JI. f2.2S/mo 1..;.--------1 ' """ """w Mcfaddfn. U1tn .ml Oii Mthdrdtn lo $ta"'11d .,._. ._..,,. " ..... fW I 2 9 0 . 817 • tt 4 1: Ht-1179. UO·U t5 ..,,,.,.., fNll :r:.r::o "&*It'll~ :'lr."::7'•••••••••• .. ..-:T 17$-40t0 (IW) .... lfl ~ writ9 f 118, 1001 '--'-• •-.1 ,_,,_ ..,.,. llJ l1J••1tt M"profnontr!Netn• Ex•outlve office aulla, ...................... w. Belboe lfvd., N.8. UYU1 ,,.... ~ ,,._ Contact laroNt Oey 1n IN. 2 IA 2 8a,t3IO·"' oomat of 405 "-Y. NNw' U. l&mll Oa.12M3 .......... •••••••••••• •••••••tt••••••••••••• M• '8Mlle ~ In utJL 857 .. 7tt, M0-llCl60, HwbOr 8W. Tlke O¥af' ~... .... --.~-LE-1-...,-P0--1 ..... --lo. c.M. MCM71t .-tor """ tMM. 1800 1q.n. at tOt 1 1n tit a Ind '"""' .,. ... ~AP.I '* IAvn.oHT * rmfNlla, IAOUn• H+-n. c.. 111..e1t1 TD'• 1949 Auo 1112•::· l>ffntwn Ui\Sl"fG '1VT 8urTl/QAMOI guel, .... to bcltl, ISIO ..... "' townt Ctaaafflecf A~. 8et1tat NH/CM Info 21i/IM.<tffl Ad Vi~ ~::a.,...::. =~~~11;:~:::. :r~~"== :.~.:m-8d~ gd~~~---1~ irrwo baiO w/d, dtlhw. ANatt_.... V Llllll o.na Pt.., COt1C10 iv. taOO mo. ....atto ~~ fOf I mo., !Nit• tutte ~ i...,.,. ldl. HM. vml ... ....,...... -'.'1 -~ ... !ffl, ••. alu .... wl1' ts-H. luxurious ~ult & l.imlly livint in an 111 1 1, ..,. ••· l'fOIC. deoll, tsii + 1111. ....... country * .... I_ 1 2 & J Bd,_ M•*'"' Ltd" 10 •"•" 4tt-auo '"" oftty, "''" K'\' "0 ' ' • ....... ttom• 111 ooeea Meaa. MO-e111 ctra. 417-417' Amenities Include: MCM 1n ...,.. 1-. un ..... 1t Ref.ICasRantt •T04 lotl""'1beltJ ""'ti lttll. '44tn.1 -,-._-.-... -=--.. -.._.--- * n...1-1. •• ~k ...... ...... w/F M+ +"' utl * 01~hwas~/di l)OS'I r~Mwnun. -"°"-.. -,..-,,-1-.._--... -... ;._,i. 141 mi * Drapeslc1rpttlng • uundrv facllltlet Mn. '"° "'°' a ~ •· •!",-IM-,-",-,..-,-.-,-11-ou-,-. * R.,.r .. ation room * Ai1 condltlonin• '1'° •· "" 1114 Ha. " • • r • • c • , t •a• • ~.. ,. ,.. 0CC •1t11mo, tit & lttt. (OMt Mt Ill..,_ lof liiiil ...._ '* W. fterll N••,•rt a Ir •1~14_1_4'_,_4..;· ~;....;;..~....., l·~-1t~a.lilMll.c.I: TOIMltiMe\,_.Minnll. I,_.• Ir.,....~ • .... ltot •• ,. "•" ·~ F-:_ ....... -... A.... 1114117 u E:"~ L~-~~~!\iliii .... iiiiil ... ~JI You can be a WINNER Jua' by 1ending us your aanie and address and by watcblnc for your name In the classlfled ads of the Dally Piiot. ' Win U~.U to "'• drl!W, al'H am111ement atlrw· ••cm• nr_fPClirtJJ\I IVl'"U Juel nn ou.t tlll• tOl.lpott •M m•H ll ledliy ._,.._, . " .. -l ~· . , . • V.f.1!~0}.J ... l!'.1trtl!llfff •••••••• flr!t9r ••••••••••••••• ~~·········1·· ..,..._., Nied Nip? 9TAIMHG COLUOI lxpert we1tcov.,ln9 in· MOllM.a 11fM01 Cleenlnt. •Mtllllf, .,. 9TUOIHT8 MOVINO el•ll•tlon ..... S>floM, ......... .., ... --,.,,., oootllflO,'OltltlnO, co Lio. T124--4H Con~lt•nt A~ He/QM ..,...., tottt*:. .. ., ~~.fltltt.!\ •••••• 9111.~........... • ••• !tfflM .••••••• WOMll'I doel ftOC ,...... OHllD CAN OOOtt ,...._, dOOl •l.)'I Mc • .lac*te ttMM1 """"-· M 1 .... 17 llt•taeo j , 1----------If YoU Mid e l'IOullk_., WATCH UI OM>WI 'or Quality ln1t1U1tlori, ftn'i!t.!fJl.lf! ..... • ll*'Y .. YoU .,., •• ,..... clll • PRO. COMM/rM . Al#ftl Oo. (Uo'd>. e...ttv call 11s.tlt0. >CJnt reta. Snttn'ruueoeo...... Mf v-. .. 412«15 tM 1yellMI for Ito Me & ...... -·· ..... , by tlodY. _.., -.. • My Coll• M"• ~. edd•d, 'r•11011. entry, lullll I weight lou . No .,. ""'"· "•u . ouatom a lnt•rlor. DeOby v...-...... at4t .....0 11 t3M51t ln)'tlme, .,__ _______ MlllHI, lllj». lndlvlduel, -,._ •1w ~ ~ leo. WfW'I a '"°'· IVWIOe ..-ino Me/work, Mlly. by "'chard Sinor. Lio. it.,.-•• -................. lltlfMtl fr9e • ..._.... HMlllna • '/fd olMr'I up lhlrtey ....... 14' 2'°'". 1S yre of lleppy * *8 AYAN'T'8** ._,.,,,_, Quid! 1 meen. ,, .. 111 ...-.--------1 10C11 outtOl'Mtl. A~~no ~~3 :rr.~: ........... . 00 IT HOWi ~.'111/ff•••••••• ...... ..... ..... No ·~Ho"*"'°° -""' ttllfl ~. , .. , YOVt Deity Pltot city.,._ Mt. tal-15'2 ..,_ Olteotory ~1111Ye Stlltnpoo & lttem dwl. Color brl911tener1, wllt la .... tl, at •. 111 ctl>t• • 10 min. bleech. II'!!!~~~~~~~ Hiil, llYldln. rm1116: -VO _ room 11.50: coucn 110: ,...._.,_ ollr IS. Cluar. ellm. pet "·-.... Mfluw_ ..__.1 •••••••.....,.••••••••••• odor. CfPt rep91r. 16 yra -··~;;;;1 ;,:m~ DON'T AIAD THIS ••P· Do work myHlf ... REMoDil!.\OO:ONi .. UNLESS Retl. 531.0101 a Cvpentry. Llo'd. H You're tired of Bank EXCEL CARPET CARE ~ •xP. lnwln 546-2118 St1t~ll 0t keepl Bulln"• R«lorda. Ca Jecll Buffington ...... ,..__._.___ • ...-....... I ..... ·--t ............ OwnlrlopetltOI' ----...-· ''H&~ ~ c.,pe1. UPhOI. ff• rug Free Mt. RIM. DftOee. (114) M&-1,... dMnlna. Work guar. Ou1l. WOl'tl. Uo. a371et. Free &t. e.t5-f771 131·2345 1~~~----~~~~ RINA. l 0 ' & P .. I· ·--11 ITS..O~ •....ant.• Thank yciu, 831-4410 .,.,._. • llAVICI & "IPAIA ICHOOL OftlNI N~ •:1;1m.............. 1---------........... ,,.......... II. Ml~ Ven Oppene lerlltoe Co HPT. 18T. A•gl•t•r DftVWALL/ACOU8TJC =--~------t ~':: ~~ soth;·. ftAINT!R NEEDS" .. ff.r.,r.;";'~........ (114) 131 .... • Nowl t 1H mo. Open Aepein, new & old, 11 ... -· W~KI 30 Yft l)jp. lnV ED'8 PLASTERING t :30AM-IPM. IOllOOI 'If• lllP· lud &62-9512 •ummer. We'll Cir• for Ex11f. ACOllttlo c.tllnOI. NMt patollle/leictur• ,_, __ ,_ '---• d pllnta, llOUM, •to. Call D•Yll Plintlng 647·51lt All TYPES ·•·":e:::':ll•:rm:-: •••• lllt.n •d oare. Nr Wiii tlJCtu~OO\lltlo Ken H1v1n, 180·8078, 645•8258 Prlv. IMlonl by '*""*' Yorlttown/lroo1tf\ur1t, Hq•TIDl-lt ... 1t\lde ,.,. ivall. •Bllhop a. Son Pllnllng 1_.~~=~..,,,.,,---INtl'\ICtOt, .ii llDll· ,..._ H.B. (7141640 8••• UC. Sl"44 1•632·5549 Z:::::;;J"J:::::ir.:,,,:::---f.!!~~~~~~~~ ---------1 ao Yrl exp. In BHoh PL.ASTER PATCHING rel .. Mlctlael "'"'4724 • ••••••••••••••• .. ••• Joan'• CIMnlno 84ll'\lloe /wl#W ...... FrM 11t, 882-,111 RHtuocoa. 1nt111Ct. 30 -------- n..t.l&al Dootor Schnelder flHI HouMa-A.pt .. "-ttale LOYr;:•rea .. o•••••• Cuatom worlt, Int l ext, yrt. NHt. Peul 64&·2977 fUt ttr.••-.r.............. IMt. Boerd owtlftld Po-omo... 640-1117 A • lflOH, PJUll.. .. •• .f.LiiNari:U:iD .... E~l;T~ICIAN-Prloect dlatrW. 9ak1r St. Colt• NMd 1 maid or a hH· :~o: .. V~~ ~·~~: ~b ~m ~~f.:1r:t h••••••'••••••••••••• Alt Kindt. GuarenlMd r 0 t, , .. fftlmlle on M--. t7~3 k•~•r? Hrly or wkly? 714·080-e3H &:30PM. A TLA8 Pt.UMBIHO I ltrgt or emlll Jobi, FOt comp! MrVlcll cell HEATING • Sl*)ltllzlng Rell. JoM MC)..t217 UC. aw21· ·~" ••••• •••••••••••••••• Vl•lo 81rvtc1 Agy. 1Ad111al•• L BATES PAINTINO In R•J!•lra • R•Pl•c•· Chuck FM Tiie WOl'k uc·o !LECTRICIAN Bin'• complete malnt 913--8000, bonded by St •••••••• ;c:;............ SPECIALI Ext. IOI S&OO: ment (714) 845--1eat FrM Ell. Dyl 64o-61N, Quel. wonc. Aw. ,.t.. a 11ome 1~0Yernent of Calif. lrlck-Blook-Tll•·Conc-~:.1>'~900. 1 co11. im,u •• !Jl .. lr evt, w11na. 87w 100 FrM Mt. 831-5072 Tom MtV. 231 TIRED OF HASSLES? ~':.Tc. ~'elt'o0::1 ••••••••••'l~ .. r.:~ ••• flll,.,.,,,. ~LECTRICIAH Carpentry, Ceblnela, Reliable clMnlng help la CANYON PAINTING • 14 .................... •••••••••••••••••••••• Sml l<>belAlpelra. UC. Plumb .. Orliln Cleaning, here! Rell. H0-7~52 ..... ,. yre In O.C. Satltlec11on Fr91 Mt. Reu. prleel. SLOW RATE.St 23310f..C.10. 641-5203 Elect.. Tiie. Refa.1---------••••••"'•••••••••••••• ouer.484-4541 OUaJ.'WOlil.Uc.337189. Tr91tt1mmlngl~. HM14t ~'!,~~JlnL1~~2NG::m BRICKWORK: Smlll Jobi. QUALITY PAINTING 831-2345 Ill clNnUCll a mowing RESIDI COMM'UIND. ..,7 ..... .., •-• Newport, Coe11 Mela, &54-7017 20 yr-. Do my own WOOi. H0-1239 Exp'd. 548-21 1 IMM. Relt. 875-3115 Ext/Int, r ... ra1• R 0 0 M ADD IT I 0 N s . Uc. 278041 Al MM128 CaU fM tml conttruc11on, Cuttom Bridl-Stona UC BJ.48278 538-2368 Hon.t,,._.bl• • ~ '·~ ---------1 repalre, electr., plum-MAIDS OF ORANGE CO. Bloclc~..S EXTERIOR PAINTINO ranc:.. JCIB Contt. UC. ••••••• •••••••••••••• It--'-'-bing. 35 yrt up. Quality Teem C*nlng tucoo CuttOft'I ~ ....... FrM ..... •347877. 974-788& Mo.t aubJect1. K-14 _.. .. .,.!f ,..__ Bonded, Ina. 831-8222 Rett. FrM •t. 5'4t-a4t2 """" ,.., Dey/eve '5 a S10/llr. ~l'!!!t ............. l!i. .... ma1at1111.nr 1rw MllTllOTill ~ Pli1llng Lot =r.:1.~•••••"iA•••• Remodel Reaid/Comm! A1pa1ta Sealcoetlng. CRPTIUPH. CLEANING ESTIMATES Uc 310229 S&S ~ es1~1nl.k: Deodorlzlng-Scotchgatd Medtterr.,_,.. ---------1 Gulf. FrM •t. 831-5543 Conttrvctlon Inc ~~~ ::='!!.. c.m. •. A#aitli s.~ 1911 .-f°' k. Uc 397~ M2·17 •••••~•••••••••••••• •••••••• •••••••••••• -..-.try· Matonry Rell. + nne 1n1. & atai-.,,,., i.mn Mr. Morgan 845--5178 TllEEI Roofing • Plumbing eneral Hou1ecl11nlng 8rlckwork-1m1ll or lg• nlng. 819119 547~281 •••••••••••••••••••••• ___ .....;;.. ____ _ Topped/removed. Clean Drywall. Stucco. Tiie Relllbte, refl. 10 Yl'f exp. Jobe. 100'1 local r1f1. • PROFESSIONAL RE· W/-4n C/,..,.•l- ________ ,Paint ttloM dirty celllnga. C11• W"4rtflih• •':'. L"-ltt:J. Avg. 3-Br 1111 S226. •••••••••••••••••••_..• ~6.-•••• r........... 851~18 Ktt. Remod .. c:.ram1c 111e. .· Bebystttlng In my h0tn1. cablnete. C.111 now • frM E. Cotta Mell UH. Cl•l•ll C.•tllll tttlfMte. ~2...()881 up' I.~ r-. 751 .. ~7a ~ J.B. ~t9to H2.0510 1ft. 4 Since 1H9. 845-8512 rl-'"* SUM ES & CAREER ••••··~····~••••• ~ .. _..,. ..... u ... ,.. ..... A............. COUNSELING 851..()700 "La1 tile Sunthlne In" Ag•• 1-3, Mon-Fri.•••••••'•••••••••••••• Deco<ator ttyle Int, barl, 548-7288 c.men1-Muonry-Block m11ntel1, llbrarlet. lllgll New baby? Mom can' #~:~~~ue~o:C:.;.~~ •t)'le ralted panel walls & Jeetle'• Oardenl •mflM n..... Exper. Hou•• CIHnlng. #m Fan~ Interior =n Call Sunthtne Window mc.1ean1nt ~· tr~~o-r~ .. '3" ••j;.t;i';R;n~i~·· Ret11t>1e5~e15 ····:!·c·Mov1N"O·:··· :!~::J~~~s~5 !'!!.~#............... c1ean1na. Ltd. 648-8853 . -•· -..., "' Wax. Sw.dlth cralteman. Huber Roofing-all lypea. 20% M"ontllty Dltcount coma? LOS Orandm oelllng. Uc. 538-236e ..... Lm • ....... Since 1947. COl'nmlrM. Clean HOUM by Joy. F~~.~~= :;;v:i·o ASA PAPERHANGING New-recover·deck• WI " ,,__,_ .. ....:. 1 • 111 •1•1 • 881·1189/727-3740 ~erenoee 7 Y" Ioctl exp. Outr · Lio. #411802. 5-48-9734 •• ! ••. ~:::::::':'I •••••• ""' -. "' (714) 873-7212 *& 1 ..... work. Price• ttart at c 1 d Bill/•• • * 18/rotl. Alec 751-7027 h•lj/11tl•• ompu er wor proc••· RON'S OAROENING ••••••""•••••••••••••• Thoroutll ll11cl11nlng, Top quallty. 8!)4tClll care •••••••••••"••••••••• llng. Fut, acc:urate aerv. woold lo\19 to. Alto pa Conoret1-1m111 or lge rtnt vac1t1on1, wknda. Jobe. Remove, repl~ or '-ti.A Call MtrJOl'le 842-2219 r9j:)alr. 845-8512 0;·;;;111~;··.;:~;;~;~~i The fHIHt draw In Ill• OrlvN. Piiiot, walk•. Free decking, repairs & rec:-8 yrt NBICdM. Oulllty DUMP JOBS epeclal rate S30 a day. In hllldllng. 25 yre eicp. Wlllpapertng-Palntlng BUDGET RATES Reu. ratM. Notary. FrM 11 rH1. ratM. Mllnt/ a Small Moving Jobi A 1 k for P •tr I c 11 Competitive RatM RMlc0tn'I. Scandinavian Low mtn. Sim Jobe OK pkup & deljvery •. Len, WHI ... a Dilly Piiot Eat. No job too tmall. over apeclllltt. Douglu Clualfled Ad. 842-5878. 538-2807 Fleldt Co. 873-5779 Landtcape. 875-93N Call MIKE M&-1391 846-8088 No overtime. 730-1353 quality. Hiimer 548-7875 Lie. Free nt 841·751t1 751-1318 ruNuh 1351 ........••.•.•....•.•. L"'wtlcM· Earn Money 983-3337 Prof man deelrtt lama.le ll'oueekeeper & glrl Fri- day, mutt be Otganlzed & capable of llandllng llouHhold dullel, tllop- plng & It c:ootllng. In IX· change for 1p1 In So. Laguna on Ille beach. Pletae cell Terry (71•1 979-2230 btwn t-5. or 499-2293 eves. • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads . Call today for full details. (~. btr• ..... '1.00) 3 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 OLLARS !f..'.il. J!.•!. !'!. .... J.I. '!'! !'11. .'!.'!.'!!. •••• !.{':f ,!!I..'!.'!.'!!. •••• !.{ !f !'11.!!.'!.'!!. •••• !.{'!f !'11..'f.'!.'!!. •••• !.{ !f ,!!I. .'!M~'!. •••• !.{'!f !'.~'I. .f!.•!. !'!. .•.. !.~ '!'! !1..~11. .'!!.". !'!. .... !.~ '!'! !f..~11. .'!!.".!'!. •.•. !.~ ~ Dellvery UI IT11111111 Holtlll/Cullllr Maid Wanted. PfT 8 daye Part time. Sell Ille moll Real Eatate Loan• Rei>I. EJlcln8Umable pro- TELLER P1rt-tim1 Fldallty Federal 11 IM· king 1 m1ture experien- ced tllle< tor our Corona dll Mar/ Newport Beech Office. BOIL.ER MFG CO. CEO OAll P&ll Nllf for telf HMI 1tatlon1 Tiie Oood Ear111 Re9tau-• week. Sea Cliff Motel. edvenced BY<gler Alarm LIU PllOESSlll duct. Min lnvHtment, Proven record u uec In 10 _.... ..__.__, A..-., In P9f'l«I on"' at rant & Bakery It looking 494-9717 Syatem 100$S below Aggrettlve Hltbllalled daye °' evM. 87J..8302 boller bu"'-1 required. ......,.. ,__,to de-.,....1 '1 for 12 full time hard competition. TRUE WAI heed co. wlunNmlted llver "'°POlng ... frM ARCO Station, Sand WOl'klng Individuate who M1lnt1n1nc1I01rd1ner 12000 per month. Al10 firm aaeka qu1llll1d potential. F11ntutlc op-gift certificate boolclet1. Cenyon Aw & 1"5 Fr... enJoy wonting wltll the for apt. complex, expe-need 4 to bulld mrktg FNMA/FHLMC perton. portunlty for the right No Mlllng. Muat be neat wey, lrvlne, dally befM• public. Oooct pey, com-rlence neceua,y. team. 833-8943 & N.B. olflca. Hubor-pereon. Send r.wme to: In appearance. Muat noon. pany lnturanc. a vaca-MB·t5!58 12-7PM. 855-8807 _ Pacific 9&5-0073 Boller CEO Boic 147. San have eoonomx oar or IElll&L .... llon avlllabl•. Apply In ll&ll&llU IUHI HOEPT11111T Juan Capl1tr1no, Ca. motorcycle. pplYi In Ute bkkpg, POllllng, ty· pert0n. Tile Oood Earth PUT TI•E Wllo enjoys people and 92893 pereon 11 32141 Al paz, ping. R.E. loin back· RHt1ur1nt a Bakery. ~.::':JC: :!lfC:fv':'Yg!~ Evea and/or weekend•. can handle buty phonea. BOOKKEEPER w1nted. Suite D, San Juan Cep. ground u11ful. Salary 210 Newpon Center Dr etatlona In orange Responsible adulla, over Muat be IHhlon con- Light work for olllca Dental comrnenturate w/exper. be'-1 3-5 PM County Company eK· 21• with outetendlng, •I· aclout. For elegant Salon space, CdM. 873-0280 Eicperlenoed R.D.A. ,,.._ 955·0073 (1111 for Gall). HouMkMPe', ctllld cere. pandlng a need• quallfl· lr1C11ve peraonelltlea to lull lime. llESTllUIT The flOMt nouvelle rM- 11 u ran I In Orange County 11 tnt9' .. ted In qu1lllled pertonnel. We art 1cc1pllng •PPllCI· Ilona between 9-11 em dally for Ill• following poattlontl "-l•nall 8 month• experience In an S&L °' • Commercial Bank 11 require. dad for OrtllodontlciO, Offloe mature, PIT, xtnt Nlary. ed pereont 10 t row wllll work with youth (agH RICHARD OUELLETTE lllllEIPEI PrlCltc. In Mlhlon Viel<> -•I , lnter•tlng Mull llave drlv1r'1 lie. ua. 01nerou1 ulary & 10• 14). Cell 2•5PM, 200 N-port Cenlflf Dr. •2• ••• arM. 830-3703 poeltlon f0t en alert, In· ... 7•8973 642~321, EJl1. 3•8. EOE N___,..., Beech HOSTESSES WAITRESSES 333 Ba)'llde Drive Newport Beech, Calif . < • ') c . . "' . . . ..,,._ ------·---1 telllgtnt applicant Mee> ,_ btnlfllt. Apply In perton ¥~,.,.. • Trial Belanoe & F.S.. lllf&l Gregor Yacht COl'poratl-~ only. ARCO Station, f.TI• ULll Recepllonlat ·AIR RESTAURANT • WaltrM- Ouattlld candidate• are Heavy Con1t. or R.E. u-on f831 PllC*'ltla, C.M. Main & Mec:Artllur, Senta Enjoy Vlorklng with klda, Aeceptlonltt, typing Ind tH, oook1, bu1boy1. ,..,, 1311 ...•..••••...•..••.... -• ••• •-•••• ..,,_. 1 1_ e•n _,.,_, F.O.S. ln1ur1nce 1111 Ana, Mon tllru Fri tern to __ .... ~ ... Iner·----' .... 1 d 11 .. 1R .. 1 b 11 3 M 5-_..,__ encour_,,.... o con ..... : ...... EJlp«lenoed, IVll time f0t 1_. .. -opening In renewal de-.,.., ..,.., __, -var ou1 u •• ,.. ... pp y twn • on· Etcort for Women exp.• muet. 5-.,..r_ . 2pm. nlng1, utlltza your oot-computer experience. Fri. M·F. A&H Famlly • II 7 • 5 7 2 5 ( b • t w 111&1 •WI Multiple Mtt of boollt buey office. Neer S.C. Self 1111ter required IOI' Plltmen1 for pereon to going peraonallty, learn Re1pon1lbl1 tor entire ~t. 1•5 E. 19111 St. CM. aam.apm) Aocomptlllled Per.onnel PIG.a. S.5-4553 1m111 office. Typlnt. quote and fotlow·up on llOw to become a trained AIR for 1 growing pro-(714) M2....0 s.rnc.s. Inc. Dental Anltlant, FI T, pllonea, nung. 2 yre olc reMWale. Auto rating°' Management HIH counHlor. Call perty management co. Retlaurent -(211) 411-1211 3300 lrvtne, #101, N.B. front & bide expertenc:., expr pref. Nr OC Alfl>Ot1. ~ltlng •xper pr.-ltelt• Mantis 2·5PM. 842-•321, Ext. 538-7551, Linda W A REH Q USE .,.., ... ,., 5-45-9971 • 100% Free ROA. 11.rau lie r-"'red. Call K.A. Anderton Co. ferr9d. Salary c:om,,,.,,._ M _. T I :i.e. EOE "kf;:j.j•••••••••••• FIELITY FED Bookk S1l1ry open. e;";;;flta. ~9--1343 ~·~~115:~ence l•to ra 1111 --------"::!,~ i~ o:'!: REST • P1non ":ited IOI' bkk'g 842-Maa or wkndt/evea UllUI 1ff111 llcht '"' hrMr UAL UT&TI l&LU phone manners. Mature • ..~!.~ •••• !.'!!¥ ERAL and aecreterlel PIT. 973-3403, Npt 8c:ll 1tea. Lit• accounting, typing ~#ICe Start your new car-on :,T' ~~~ Attitude. Ugllt typing,.. GMgeoua gait l hand-********** ..... I L aaa-pleate call 731-G595 Dependeble WGmarl with eo. phonet. One l*'IOn MllE IT YOUR °"'Up 130rd•~.50· u-~ ~· re11..iate ...e. °' 5 yrs quired. Starting Salaty. tome men! Hiring ho9ll -~11111 .. ._.. --..qs .. ..... 1tr"""' --tonal"" u llw ...-.... NB •"1 "'"20 ... ,~ .,... $900/mo. For Interview llottHa, bua people, -n5"9 tllllPIAl110 ~ .. ..--"1 vu-. • · ..., ...., POLICY come more exp'd. Yoo In olller outlida nla? --...1 11 _, ..... AND -l.n compenlonl cootl IOI' Ill b Sufficient flnancH t& call Marita al (714) c.,.. .. • w .. trMt, ·-d IUn _ .. _ Equal Opportunity UllnlllllT Newport Bch woman. llm&L lfflll w • promoted to auppon youfMlf MVl<ll 558-3700 1101t1llo1te11 & luncll ,....,r_. 1 Empl()yllf M/F Clerical reoapt. Beeutllul Mlary negotlable. Reply Part time afternoont. 11 you .,. loolclng 1°' lhe rngmt. & aupervteory II-11 •fAIH•"-llT wait,_ Pick up eppll.-IPIUTHI BANKING buey office. Friendly with r-.ime a refefl!ICll Ute typing, phonet and ~==!,toe:':!';: vele. Call: 714·537-4840. =~1!.::11~n ~!~ " _n..,. cation a JoO deac:riptlon So Cll Training avetll staff. Mutt be CflMrlul, to T.J.0. P.O. eox 814, flllng fOt amatl CPA Arm. make It your policy to ~:~vj~~t:m "::d1 ~1v~ clal and/or uclutlve for front office. DutlH Mon.-Frt. 2~. Line up Nation wide & looll good appearanc», ti.I· Balboe, CL 92881. 841.0125 . talk 10 ua. At catlfomll Mer, Cotta M111 Ind retldentlll Mlel In N--lncluda phonee & typing, for Interview In peraon ~:.!.LACEMENT 11• TELLER ~~ut9~~~"i: Delk Clerti, Mole!. n ... Oeneral Mantger fOt pr• CHualty a Liie, we In-9VefY Tllu,. 9am-noon 11 port Betch? If so. call ~O.:: ~~!"~u'bt~~11~i!~ !~1= A~ ~~~ COl'nplete tuition FINAN· aur1n0c;'bi1i~~put-did, 3 evening tllllta, 2 ttlglou• private oommu-ture IUCOel9 In mark• 1390 N Ctt. Hwy., LIQ. Leo Hanna, Sr. V .P. rltnol not required. Sa-Lido Vlllege. Nawport CING 1vall1ble. Plrf T1"m1 er very helpful. Oreat night •11111, tome ••Pl-nlty. Management l>adc· ting our eupenor life po. Bctl. E. 0 . E. WtsltJ I . Tlfltr Ot. lary open Call Diane at Beecll. 8r.J..•700 CALL FOR INFO: c., e er P 0 ten1 I a I . rlence, cathler/ phone. ffround end proven •bl· llcfat by providing all Aealtora 844~1110 842-4074 or Cindy at Salet s'L1;~~~e.~4AHNR~ The beeutllul Anaheim 631·58&4. ~~~ ~~7~ 13•75lllr. p:! ~!a~~erc:.r:.~ ~~~· J:~":~,~~.N~ ••lfllflrtq Real Ettete 5-4S-e752 alt. 5· Account Executlv11 SVCS · office of • leedlng 11-CLERIC.\L 0 1 rary commenaur111 wttll addition you recetw 1n Manufac:turer of elictro-R£C£PTfcCLERK wanted for Pertonnel · vlnqa and loan 1111 an Entry level po1lt1on wl omalt c HouHkHper, qualification•. Call (714) excallent guarante•d m1cll1nlcal equlpmant S.,.r .,,.,..,ltJ Placement Arm. No u -17~5 So. Douglu, Ste 8 lmmedl•I• opening tor a varied duties, fOt 1 young llve In, experienced, En-494-8571 for eddltlonal ealarylcommltllon ptua need• exper peraonnet In for experlenoecl, tggret· Do you en oy working perlence required. C•ll Anaheim, Ca, 928-0e pan lime Teller. Selected outgoing personality to g 11 • II 1 P • 1 k I n g · lnf0tmetlon end app11ca. tlleM benefit•: Ille lollowlng area: alva rHld1ntl1t retell with people In plullll tuf· D • n F r e n k (Rea. Tmg .• Rialto, Ca) appllcanl will WOf1c 30-38 work In plush Npt Bell 7'1·H55. tlon procecftl,.. ...,...., per1on. Ctll for detelle rounding• • lhen you ,_1_14_1_&5l-__ 11_1_a. ___ _ ********** hou,.perwllk.u.tatlng office. For appt'. DRIVERS, mutt be 18 °' • Bonu111 to 15% of IJtt WtNtn regerdlng tilt• unlqua may be Ille one'°' uat'-•••El Jik ffufl4 1011 our uvlnga and chec· 644-2507 older wldependable car Oenlr'll Help, Mm up to premium • Medloal, --.....AA oPPOrtunlty. we are 1 majors a L. ..., •••••••••••••••••••••• king CUtt<>IYl9B Ind pro-~ _...,T nMt appeer pleue ap: S400 wk ttklng tnap dental, penaton • Ectue. .,_.. lthtela ltaltJ Ml«lng • receptlonltt for .... I - Young married man wlll vkllng beckup to tile New wwrr5e MWUI ply In peniOO wlproof of lhota In your area .. Am• tlonll ~•Office • ...,.., IHtrel 111-IOll 111 ... 11 our toan t«vtce dept. In Unique women·1 ctothlng do U--al handy work. Account• dapartment. Store m1n1g1r. bl· Int ~table M-teur photographera ,,.._ Spece• Secretarill tup. .. _..... "--· .... 11 c di k Call IVH & wk ends, EJlpertenc. la preferred, nnguat German. Mutt be S~vlce, 3001 whi11 did, PIF t""!• no exper por1 EJloellent; and be-d:j;~~u;;"'~ 'ab~n I~ :::;; .. •:11 • ,:.~·;:.·:~ 972-9525. Ideally in 1 11vlng1 Ind expert In co ff e 1 Ave. Bldg 1, Ste 217. Ot Mlting req·d. Wrtte to 111 L 1_,,. I S REAL ESTATE LOANS IY"'"' 45 wpm end poa-tlllon &/0t ............... eit• loan. (ro.aatlng. mixing, CM. 751-0451. UnMonlverMl1....__,:._PO• ,. .. eo. !J~~· Make It your policy to ne •· oca .... n an F11LJ lfPI 1.;;Jood communlc•· .....,tenc:....;;.;;;:-;-::....,ln Mature Lady, Nve In com-IHtl""'), IU"'"""l•ln~n ..._..... ~ ..,_, ew"""e ..... _.....uni-Juan Ceplttrano. Call for ....... ......... ........,, panlon to elderly N-"• ,,_. • ·-,........ .....,..... • IC>C)t A9greulv1 N1wpor1 lion lllt. 8 moa. gtn'I person at AJex1I Netwal Port B11011 La' nun a We offer an excallent miking expreeeo.: IWUI •-u -f/T till with Callfomla C... 11~ '""1 ..... ,. 8eecll nrm -"• motl-ofllca exper. ranulred. FUhlont. 280 Forwat Av .• .,.. tome hou-... """"" ...--·-1 M ... u-...,,_ .......,,......, -·1 ........ ,_ ....... vated lndlvldual. Tettl· Excel company pd be-•-·ft• Beach. • • 11l1ry, pl1111nt work pucclno etc. Muat be • ...... ...,..,~ a. -....... --.,..r_ ....... & • ...... If """' .. __ ......., • .,...._ -.. • .......... environment and famlllar w/expreeeo me-Senior pre . Tllompton •• ·• ............ --1 • prior lnturance expa--tory open. Harbor-nellta Include dental • ..._,,..., 111 v e c 1 r a r •I'• ou1atlndlng ben9flta. F0t clllne. 7141898-5111 Blueprint Inc. 3 188-E xlnt typing, phone per· rience or • ttrong ..... Ptctllc. 055-0073 optical and d•""'ndant S.._.FllNon conaun.nt 7llO-Oa23 daya. ~e 1n1~-1on "'--A I ~a y A C M aonlllty, thln6clng eblllty. .._...._...,.,-"or ...... e IUlllm• ,.. T S """ ........ · .--Dlll11llGTlll r... va , • Non-tmkr, CdM. Send -,,. ......... ...,. """ coverege. Ple11e.c1ll op • frH wardrobe, Btlf. flu"' 1100 call Judy Emeraon at 64~'233 Reauma to: Clualfled Peter ~tton Weblter 11: CHUCK E. CHEESE'S l1111Y11tc lhft Personnel Dept at Independence. 730-90e0 ••• •••••••••••••••••• (71'4) 778-7101 l&LU DRIVER/DELIVERY Ad #eat. Deity Piiot. PO Oallftttll Plua Time Theatre 11 FfT. mutt lllve 3 )'Mrl 587•2480 f0t.,, appt. or 731.-4347 Accountl Recllvl f*:ep * Full or plr1 time, c.tMr Full Time, Muat haw va-8ox 1580, Coe1a ~ lootllng f0t • 11\arp out· eicp. In receiving. Imm AIR computer exper * * * * opportunity In H lllng lld Clllfoml• Dr. UC. & Ca. 92828. a ••• ..., I lift going tndlvldu•I to co-Open. XLNT Co. ~ :;~P::•~bi;,c:;,;~~ *COLUMBIA* f::tr:,c~~o~~on=-clean drtvtng recofd. tin. OROUNDSKEEPER .,... 200 s. Mancllelter :ir:~:t~~!'r!;°'::i ~\.~S:.'=1~~~ ~•rty management co * SAVINGS _.. on lndlvldull Iott. Ave-mediate opening. XLNT ded full time 11 publlc Suite #300 marketll"IQ functlona. F/H Have you rHd lod1y'1 H111e aometlllng you went Clanlfled Ada? II not, to Mii? Clatllfleld ldl clO you're mlttlng the belt It well I Cell NOW, bargllrla In townl 842-5878. Receptionist typing end •nd Lo•n 1"11 rage cont'1ICI now 135, Co. benefit•. 54t·H71 g1rd1n In Coron• del Ortnge, CA 92880 Nell •PPHrance and vartout dutlea:6Je.:7551, * * 000 for 1 1538 eq. It. EOE M/FIH Mer. Some knowledge Of (7l4) 937.0130 ablllty to wor1l with peo-1---------- unda AHoci•lion hOme.. Firm now opera-DRY CLEANINO tr•• pruning • lawn EOE pie. Hrty wage. Call Kally &91/MP.... * * * * * ting •t•te wide. No II· Immediate ttan '°' Mty malnt•nancia required. boyd. 888-0813. TuH. ~... ~ for elderly woman. Llw cenH required. Con-experlenmd Call TerrJ Mon-Fri • ....,.., '""9 llltt tllru Friday 1~. r ~ In. F/llml. H2·1843 910 s. Brool<hurl1 St. ttructlon or real ...... D~ ol••••r 8:30-4PM 8 3-2288. Flair for decorating ,,.. ~ i~'M. \;'·~ ,..,. Anaheim, Ca. 92804 experience preferred. • ... -..,. a.aaary. Fi.x.lble h®r9. MARKETING (. l ~ > ) a.tt llltt ....... ., Equal Opportunity Some evenings & w... • Exe• lent 1111ry and -...... , Excellent oommlHlon. · • E11per1eno1d In a11 .,..B_A __ R __ TEm_EN_p1oy9r_o..;..ER-·l-~•-':-a-1-.-,1 ~-=-~~~~i~'b~~ =~~;..,omp1nybeneftt1 ;:l:i~~~ Wllltretn.489-1~1 MEIOllAlllllll llNTBD ~wn1., •-'JIU ~rg':':·n~~·: ~:i::~·8~1f1.·~~5"c;~ ~::~11:~8~to~:: ;n~~un~.::: ~omml veo. J~~~~~:1:, ~~Jo :~·~ci • l"~~~~ .. ~-.... ~.~I ~ ---------1 Newport Bl. N.B. s.. Mon & 'Tuea 2·5. CIMnlng rm. Health Pt'oductl 11 :30. Ml HI on Viejo 1 4' _ ,,. Automotive Rick w eoonomy • Extraordinary repute-•• ...,_ •n .,.._ 14/hour. 541-33 tt P ART 8 HELPER I lO·t . .::· ~h~,.c~I~, Cettlflec:t HomM !Ion -nra ~CO, ~ after 8 pm. DANER PLEASE. 34117CttHwy, 1.111-1111 ~·=.-..;:re; Nttlngr-J-R.-A-C_C_O_U_N_T-AN_T_w_/1 $14,49! ( { Jc;; ) ) \ ...., ~ , . ..,_ ..,jt Clean driving record. li~~!t:C~7AJ;i:~~1--;Mi0ana~~P~oll;nt~~· .--• "·, ...... tr-'-.~ good prtndpal ICCC>Yn-_ · Some pllf'tl expr. neo. Betti aide 7AM-1PM, OllT ..,.., --• t .... r:. Wll tfalrl. GOOd woftllng Mon.-Frl, Newport VIiia. ltlJid 1111 ClrMr or tupplemenl. t "O "" to IMttt fl.. r. oondltlont and oo. bene. 4000 1111Me Wsy, NB DRY CLEANING PL.ANT, IUPllf ..... Cell Mr~ MN nanola anafyat wltPI " ., H1rbor & MacArthur 642·&181 30l-4e co.at Hwy, 8outt1 1_, 1 -•-I. & 21a/11MW. ~~ J: ~opwty HR VIAR • .. ............. .... 8atery upon qual. LIJgUM. •et-1Ma .. ...... ..... ... tor 00\IMlr woftl "' :..ta. Send~ • llPlllllOI N -i :=·~~n~~:&: mfPll'f·tm IP&•AenRe.t tft-11 faetfood....,Fulor w/~reqtcx~ ~ ewspaper ~·-....--~,..._... ........ 'S'l ~. ~. A • k f o r A r n o 1 d • M • Tftl wltll complete eccoun-HIT 'Sim PIT. Wiii TrWn. Cell • Ml, PO ICM 1411, Coel9 • ear.er a. 7141917-3900 Be 1 t~ promo-Ung •klll• to run ac.-Be • cerrter counNfor Of frlka. 87W152 .._., Ca. 9"2t • Y°""° ~ c · lion dirk tor IOc:al new-oountrng .. tor ln\llU-for. tocal MWeJJ•Plf ...... Mid= """. ... (7f4) te4-6471 . a· rr·1ers 8A8Y81TTEA w_..tld •In tpaper. Privet• dllk, mlllon O.ltiopi1•1I Co. No Hp•rlenoe neo•t· 80f9 PIT,,_, IOll N1w~orti.·!~1r'ie1I ....... ,, • ._ ' for r·outes my Eatt Coat• Mell 99IUll attn. Only~ In~ hecfl NM. wy. Wot91atty1211oure progrem, W train, •-·-_, .. !tome. 649·1200 or rement 11 a 9oocf ptlone 81l1ry aommeneurate a..-171 to MM1 p1u1 831-2'01 Eat•• LI09at1on "rm A111111nt. Front oftt~ • H • D-.;... h ='*14ted ... ::.1ne11ot.ot eninu. ~1'.'l.a•: ... u~~"'r~~ =.:=.ofpert. tlllG :!~~=._~_Jr~ 1n unt1~gton ~c , =-~':.~1:r. Mon-Frt7'»...30PM ,,,::::·r l AOOHtory MW.:::1r~ .. •11• ., =·~.:·1•ry o p•n. MEDICAL MOIPT, ~-Fountain Valley & Newport Beach ..,.,,,,. ht t:30AM-1:aoPM 11111 p1rt-full time 11 ... 'or Interview call l.OOlll firm ,._ M ~ lime, no ..,,_ neo, .. IM.00 to atart. uo+' ltr. Wiii •rain: .,_ 9:00 PM. 642·M7t. ntnge In I Cltfflnnt -.. I.JIM Deho9ry, Ca.fl Pelcl tr411n .... 27" • BIMlnO After 11t ..-. at1et11n 114114e-2413, ... ,. eicu12. '*"'*"" ~.~mw. ftth . ._ panMl'IP!lp profltt, l'\lmttln IUfte H., Colte MIN. ,.._,_ ...... '°'"'........ -· $I 080 ...... ...,.,. o,. oft9ol Cll aher IPM f " Nn91 -' laperleftoe ~eterred, Newpt == ~ , ,. ~~ P*t· 141-1111 or Ad Action Immediate= for ' • but notn1u111iy, 111ery • '-!..ood E--...;.111111'1~ ._...., poitltofl...,. tlT 111 Cal I ~illtld d~ PMMONTHITNmHCa neeot11i.1e wttl\ ••P•· ,...~ ...,._... • unw .. -:i ._... to ""°'* eetw-1-:;::;===== fticturel and 1 .. _.. ,.,.. ~ tn peraon attw. tor tut orOWtfte • e..·.p Trf --. ,,..........,. ,. k• '°' _ ,_.. ...,. •• •• ,.,, .... ,., ... ,""" *·• ,M, 110 '**·="I:.. ~ er IM. _.. •........ To ._....er~ DllJ PIOt =.'"" eo: .,. w... 11 -t..PIW' a..°'·· HIM :,:_-v; _.in,: • Great Ptlu1 ::~ ... ~":: Nedlngpub!k:,IP ... 11 ...... ......,... .• ~ =l~·=i:.: .,.,.. m.VISOt \!Jtl: Cell~=-~ ............... :.-rre:=-e CAJ.l. CIRCUL.At lON OEPARTMi:NT "" e-.2-4321 I ~'--oe .. :'l::.m, ~2· 71 ~ •tL._ .... ....,. ,__.u. .. ......,..,...,.-4111MeMrtfW ., M .. -........-, ., _ ..,_ -• IO 111rt -• .. dll Clerty INJ, ell .. lboe N•wperl l•H'-• .... ·====~=::::,:~-::J~~~~~~~~ llall IM 11111 It .... Ml-ll?a. Pli*nlll,,,.._ _.... -. ' I THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1-.c,c MAA&QA e.-o COHA MHA ~•2 ori10 ••anai 't3 CORVAIA S15'>0 142-7500 1 • ....., ... , E11c.llent meoh•nloel condition. S3,000 rM• ently lnv•ated In ne• ~~-.,,.....__;.1 ~..'1:r'' ~~~~----&;&' ............ . "'" -..... " ..... ...... ..... .. .. .;:f!.':.!!. .,. ........ -- .,..e.atl •·•Pd A.M"M OHi ... fOUt '1I -....._ orig. ft btue pelnt, ,_ 000 fftl~ ,v<-.· . '1---....-------· 1~· ... ' -"' 111111111 ...... fllaok a l'lnlon 14Mf17 ,., .. ' " I • '° I • ~ 6 '71 t t ,...._, , ~· w1/ee111m 11. 117001"' t .-TMAIM, ..... "9llV tlrell. llAnt ~. 11111. w11tt Oll'ftPt' f4t-11 ' • • • "* , .... , r=Vo.(' ,,.-. !!!!'~n1, 'ront Wh•I -,~-'"'------11!.-f ,~.,.,. car10, •Int Im 7t 1110, ale, nu ti ....... , .,.. ....... • MOl'9I • • -~ ........... ~MDT .,,, •Int oond, 67,000 'mi. ..... ONV '1K ) . IPA ht: IO •• .0 hwy MUIT llLU ·u vw .. • ........... •• • -,.._ Jl!P oeALIR :m., .......... •• 12100. U1·417t ... Ill farl lu1. 811d• rt, nw #1 ..... ..., & out, •'-*'' rabJ!!'t ~~-.;..;...;.;...;..;;..;,,;..;.;...;~ In The Weet M AMI .. ,... 1ca•a.•a11tmr .. paint, ant· tttint. ...... 11 .,_. .....,. .,_., 1000. ,_, a. Mn HM Uead.....,. lt.000,,.., My IMded 7S Oattuft 140Z, wfih•1 ,.,, 11111 r Ot1llO) • , , •• I •••• 2 •• 1 . -75 ..... cewlo, good 71 -::~d·;:,~·:~~?.:.~ ~~"r:.f•~m·~ :n!~~,\~4°fo'do~~~ ~a;:.:,:.e;J41u•• ... , m... wa...:.;=°'' 14'4--:7,,. •"'WT =~~i.,::·.:.o;:a =·'·=·· t14~ (530WOl)l:Mt '78~ 846-t211 Iv••· HAULAWAY·ANYDAV1 0Ptl0flalnolud••tun• .,.,;---., ·-OV.R81A8 ... 'IVl .. Y 1t~•.•dr111110. 010.en-tattor OJ&, ,___.._ _..... t51~MM dtya. '72 Datt"n 1200 not roof I 11 r o on d . _.. --..,_ " ""'--· _ .... _.. .. ....... 1..1!4!!~'*~~----.._..... ...... running ... goee .to ti.et (lllYXa). au•""'°' ~:.i O.M. Thi• one le • Pop.Top !XPIATS •• :~; ..... .... ~0,:,,t~•(1 ~l~:;':> '!1.!llr:,_ I. + 0 !..!!t ottertl IMO-l?tt .... , ll4ll ..., .,,.. ..... aoa ~1110 ~. (121RGA). 11 Pinto ,.una out, 1491t •79 Jeep OJ7 Off v '"Y"'.• ..,., " • ...,....~ --· -Tr.': •. ••u••••••••l'.-el1' ..,._ ._ 11.N •• f .tml U&I .. 12 Cllev Caprio•, ,Gd !.~~O.:.~~ ·.200 ml~!: road tlr" a wheal• AM/FM oa11. Sunroof. .11U llTlll 111 °"' •tet!O!\ wegon. 111i 'J'1'm.r.u•···•••• ••• .Mi YILYI oond. Need• pelnt. MOO ~;;· ....... iww. -:mr:.~-r,·e':; 1~~~ P«f r>'1..~1!4&.~ :,.:=. :=~·:.:: 11~~. =~':'n":o; ':::: #J DEALER IN U.S.A. ....... 1'r~*~' or?=,.. 'll -... :::ae0~~or~:f t~'!~ ~ 1111 AMI p11 dltton, otaan1 AMll'M • Hu;r.on twh 11200 . ....._1186 R:J( ~ 11711 awn llvd. ... ... I• t•l .13 COAVAJA IHOO NMJSWOfir. tNO. =~l~~~:::. ~4:1-forr ~m:: ~W!, ;;;~::.~~:~ 1111 ..-:'u 1 &.-.e! ......... 11.ff IO.l.SiOJCE Hu"Mtii.e.ct1 ·~~5w~~·:.:.t~T.r• ea 8*. ~~~:. s IPd. ,,_':;.,,... .w Am/Fm •t•reo, )ow ml ..,, "'' 815-8017 °' M2.01Sl. 0 I u 00 • I UAll A 11U M).Wo40AIEllDNMPOlllCMlll 70 euo New ,,.int NW (1Vfl( ...... • oyt, ·u lie. nu paint. .:i::u •••••••••• : • ...-..n (1APM"3) 17"9. OVER ...................... u .o ... _ orlglnll ....,. -• Nl'M'()lll'~ (lWl6ot04o&M lntr run• or••t i1800 714-e31·2825 11200/080. 667·2tll7 1111 PLY•m ISO JEEPS TO Cti008E • I 0 M 0 d. I 2 10. 2 d r mt-. JUlt ,_ "" With 1'1111 ...... ClOHO 5VNOAYS orxi Mutt ... I ~1. -- FROM ~4.n5?~~:~:: :r.~:·~~t::11·,..~t?c $289 ,...,. ,,,, ~2850 . • ·~..:.2~!;~~~fn~·= ~~r~X~~=~ Thlt eoonomy Qlll " -.._. llAIT · 873-1784. 1ee10H •••••••••••••••••··~·· 11n YW 11150. 876-4295 Aldi. s249fS. ~ 4M-65et tr• ctMnl 1011~,. •t•IP/llUILT '81 Model 210 S/W llLY lllll 811• ~Lwlng WIHI 1• -llLY 12211 2624 Harbor 81vd., CM 14750 L 1 ed ...... per month plue tu UllLDI• Autom1t1c tranem1111on A•ltf. tlNI. _.. M -549·8023 MS.mo AM/FM. !i.i~ ~ 0::: 48 month eloHd en~ 111111 6 an AM/FM. (UH•> ..... ~ .... u.......... mriiii '79 DATSUN LONOBED lllU --873-178'4 vw PORSCHE AUDI :.~c:~ ::?t~. :;:; 111·1141 •M141 llLY 11111 . N!F. ••••••• 1··,·,··2·1Mf ::~~~ ~.1~.~r:: ti~~. 4 '9d&.~~;-1f2950· LU-78 280Z, blue, 49,ooo m1, ..,.6 e. Cout....., 11860 ouh required. IOTHlll DOWI M.... tw satta oeo. e•2·9fSt1 Huntington e.o11 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 831-2040 . 4ff..4949 5 •Pd. m=, louver1, nw7 Come In et\d elk for de-YILllWMlll UILI de)'t. .IU·lm 'T1 "'MC "El Camino". -. ..... -apoller, $5 . 494-1188 ~~h talltl (8«.18885). " At LowAt 18711 "--..... ....... Ill-..... 80 El 01mlno 22K I t-t-9-...;.Fll_:....;...;,_:....;.. __ Ret>J.'11 motor end trana. 2:.::-M;;;;tt. Pkwy '14 nu t+I 87 3-fn.vv 1001 llNITI •14a Hunt1ngtc;'B:;h' ·-v 8 . u 90 e : .. e:. : '1 ' ., ..... POii rear end $1300 Mllelon Viel<> l(Jnt running cond. OOld 848 Dove Street f 142·2• 10 fS73~1fS42, 640·7814 lg 842 -44 97 ~84~S.~1~554~or~fS4~2..f~10~7~l-~(~AVflfY~~Ex~l1~o~rt'~ 11!_·5:>_ with air, tentutlc NEWPORT BEACH PER MONTH. O.A.C. ft l•ttlt frt• r;ne9 71 Plymouth Cricket. 79 Chev. Seottldale, 4x4, Open Sundaye :=;C:.·t&Afi~ lH-0100 $1~2~~ ~ton 7~1~o~a=g~d All option• & oolora TfS :-40:.-N·lcdr, d4 eytA,/C6 =~=."""·reg l.~1119 opllona, roll bar, xlnt. ~·~ M4-0523 or 961·2551 '111141&1 48 m0n1i;;:''c•'P.'°';01t ownr. 11800• mutt Mii. avalleble. Hurry, while :f.r.eo. Mage, ~si: P/B, 79 H«tzon TC..3, 29,000 17100 but offer .~-~ '78 2110%, 4 epd. AIC. 'll IUZIA ILO xtntoond.New tlr"and 17097, re11duel 1318t, 559 -409 5 ~w:.':;.:~ $1995. 833-0328, evee; uey mtta1. Loaded, 951·9981 (Lake Forest). S~Leulng AM/FM cue .. Xlnt eond. 5 SPD, AM·FM breku. 70,000 ml. lotalolpml1. 17117.44 & 1 ... YW 549-0e23. deye cleen, 14395. 53&-2961. Ji•• 1110 '11 IJOt't Ire ltnl SHOO. 975-8984, ONLY 44,817 mllea. 14500. M&-3757 Bet 10 ~~:;:> matket ve· 1A111f llUEL '77 NOVA , 1JM HO •••••••••••••••••••••• Nice s.teotlont 993-<'305 (AJHfS42) lirujf 1111 lue on: Option lnelode AM/ 1111/.-0/llUILT P/S, P/8, Xlnl eond. ••••••••••••u•••:'."'.':': '79 ~· ept, paneled. * '78 2002; 4 epd .. en/rl. 1mu/ 1.111 S2Jllle ••.• 1 • 1 •• 1 • 1 ............... 1••••• .. L,m F M : 1 1 r e :n n d . 2524 Hatbor 81vd .. C.M. $2500/080. 494-29711 1m111 .. .. auto, 2 ,000 ml, 15400. (917PVB} ••••••••••••••••• •••• • (1BEB802}. . 54&.8023 IM5·7no Cl Ii -llll 1213> 42 .. 2.m t:.~~;~r1: •uto .. A1c .._. ••n'I tH _,. 'I• na'!?.!Lw··-OILY 14111 lrd1i "" ••• tr..!!.............. As Low Aa '79 Sportaman, Dodge * '79 3201; • epd .. loe· •Y an.ldl Thia one nu every toYI " •--• ...................... 74 4 dr Chrysler Newport. tl 72 Van, ~~7~~523 dedl (77fSYPC) fEIUll (4 16SMO). 'II 2... Ill• IEE II 49.ooo ml., orig owner. Ji '89 Dodge oemper. A·I eond. V8, euto, nu brakee, $1175. 494-4459 A•tn W••IH IBIO •..•....•.•••...•..... WE PAY TOP DOWR FOi llEI 001 AUii .... PtflTUl/ltUll 2480 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA Ul-4100 141·1•11 WE llY CLUI COS 111111011 COHN ELL CHEVROLET -""'llJrt~11 H .. : 1t '80 320!; 5 apd .. 1111/rl. • •• n-OILY 11411 ~~ •Mlecttlord. payment you YILllWAlll for the largett and beet ~:" =~;~8 vinyl roof .. PE2R ~~-·,01.A. .. C. (859ZOK)-• .,.., 18711 BellCh Blvd. ••leetlon ol new and 1--·-------t ,,_,_ * '80 5281; 1uto., 1111/rl. ll~ ,.. .... TRADE·INS WELCOME Huntington 8"ch uaed Buleke In Orange C..tbJauJ II# 1172 per month & tu on (486ZOJ> 18~~=~d. a. magnon Ml·IOOO eou~todayt . :'Ni.i~·;.;;·;;~·23. ::1e8~n:!:idi?.TPi3~~;~ 208 w~~!;.1J!~a Ana ....... 0••1·T0•••1••f-1•1!'!W ••• T'!1.~f Huntington Beech '61 vw Regtop eunrool. 000 ml. Rust meca111c to1a1 ot pmta. S825fS & Ck>eed Su d • ~ 1 ........... Rbll eng. 11sso or bet ae.ooo 5'45-1718 tax. n ay · Oii PllOEI -• ... .,.. t' /*ti otr •7<> """1 T""' "2711 •~ . Comper•ble martiet .ve-3100 W•t Coul ........ pon lat ·" .....,..., · ........, ~ fS8 Llneoln Con1. rune lue on·. CHOICE INVENTORY .,_, MEISTER VOLUME SALES N~840~ MWll 1111 fW . ~l>Mt ~!, om5 = 'II .I~ & 11. I Come In and eonelder POllCllE/llll Hatborln C~ aMt ... Fatr Or Ill •'' lll~C..tr C . . .. .. •- ' ••• ....... 2925 Har ... -· Blvd. helm, .M. 845-9858• " - I ••a our lelM etTangernent• 13831 Hatbor n...... "'"'·1••7 5"' '""" Optlont ~ an AM/ COSTA.,.,.MES.. c.IWltt H'l'I .... fZMMW •••••••••••••••••••••• Al~ term nn---•ng. UtYU ...... ~_, .... ~ FM. eunroof (1""'19) ,.. 6 -1111 NT "'H;;;'. ol lmpo°rt;:' lne. Gatden Grove ca • "" • 9·79 2100 ,•••••••••••••••••••••• .. 2 llAll Piii 11/. -DIAL 213 71• ... ..... ,.. ftNfl 1111 OILY 11111 • 79, tlvr, air. burg. eyetem. '12 --IOI ltLAllEI llW Sa.les-Servloe-Leulng 850 N. Beech Blvd. La Habra 122·1111 Open Sunday 111111 "''"" ILlllT ... r5 or .. Le~•.. ••1•••••• .. ••••••••••• .a• .... gt ... top, tape, tit, c:rulM r-• Opllone Include a 4 637·2333 ll• ,:--,.2•11 1111 nYITA "ILl·SW••-1983 Riviera, PIS, P/B, magi, lo ml, mln1 eond. You -.et the payment lpeed trant. & an AM/ llW 1111 • • Ml-.U 11111 11 -P/W. New engine & $12500 84e-5479 you can attord. FM. (51085). IHI IB.ll11ll Thia economleal T~ot• 18711 BMetl Btvd. t.rana. $900 545-2020 ' · TRADE-INS WELCOME OILY 12111 ..... Wll 111111 .. ~ ,ht,~=). 20,000 m leel Hu=~-Beeoh '17 SKYLARK 12850 ~l¥. •••••••••• 1!~~ a rnagnon M ..... T • ..-.rii; 4 dr, xlnt eond. ale. am/ 'fS7 Cougar $950. Auto· 1 "1L11W••-hal'• rlghll No front This one ta extra clean & OILY Sllll '70 vw Poptop camper, Im atereo. 544-2152 matle, power, 289 11 -money required, Juat ha a 1 n AM /FM . In -·---... /30 000 11 FAST! 18711 Bwn Blvd. your good er• d It • ..... c:uetom t. .......,,, ••<Ml. 1967 Buick OS400. xlnt w ' m ee. pontiac/sOOI Huntlng1on B.eech (0.A.C.). Cell tor more <307MEF). YkllWAIEI •Ink, FM OHi. $2860. condition. Full power. Call 54o-31n U IU·HOI de t. 11. OILY 11111 549-31e2 s11so.1M2-a1s2 ,,... nll 833-9300deeler ,. ..... 18711 Beech Blvd. 'T2 vw Bug. nu paint, rblt ···"'················· Harbor Blvd at Falt Or '7fS Aat 124, mutt Uc:tl· 1301 Quall SI. Hunllngton Beacil '11 ..... ..... 'IM DART S800 In eo.t• M ... flee, $1000 or bll olr. NEWPORT BEACH VILllWAIU 142-JOIO ~5o~~~~5~2uet Hll Automatic. AM/~M et• XLNT RUNNING COND. 549-4300 5'4&.1457 Saiee-Sefvlce-l.eulng fS73-0205 18711 8eec:h Blvd. '82 Toy Cellca. every op. '80 ""·tlblt d·' A/C -rt reo, air. $3300 548-8535 8 CYL. '711 Grand Pr1x, loaded, IO & RJYCARVER '70 Flat 850 Sedan, new au· IPllT '""' Hun~t;r~h tlonS9500 "'" K.... s' -·. 873-7372 548-0e41 ml, paint, recond. lfSOO. We have over 10 pre--·•-Tl4/780-1393 g7•f~i 5~79 p~~. ~2~~0 1980 Skylark, lllnt eond. · 7 fS an 1 po rte ti on. Alt fS:30, 559-5584 .... HYD ~~~ 53fr3292 :!='~=r~~ ~~ '80 924 Turbo, loaded. '80 11• nYIT& Salea 10836 27 ,000 ml, se.ooo. or s 1300/btt olr. 898-7405 t9fS9 Areblrd, all oflg. 53, Top dollera for Sport• NIW'Olll11"°4 1,..1...,_ '7$ Rats-2000, xlnt quallty SL• r1nntnn In 924. Take over leaaee -•a UI ·•o Dll. vw ""-bbll . ....._ 1150030 & a8lume 1"· •t •-.J ~• 000 orto. ml. Xlnl cond. C B C 1---------d .,,_ , I I a.• • plul ge1 $1,000. ---0 "'" ..,.,.. 2 .43 ~er mo. Mon·,.... ,_. .,.200 It 492-8''''" • • is r ' ,, ~.:-. 1 546-1200 are, tsuga, ampera, 'Jl llO IMW eon , lo ml, new top, pr ee. co ore yeare. 71~1825•1808 Thi • ......., little T tuxe 4 dr AM/FM cae 5 Firl 7''"'5 57 •••••••••••••••••••. ••• -rm. ""''"· 914'a, Audi'• e I••. I 5 8 0 0 FI rm Come In & eontlder our .. 1 ..,....., oyota ' ' , ' JV" '79 FOf'CI F250, 4x4, IUll llft '73 Pontiac Orend Prix. Ask lor U/C MGR AlrCondltlonlnQ, Loeded 875-0468 leUlng atra(lgemenl1. '66 912, 5 apd, all orig. h ... lowlLmYll•1 1 4<433lllZU) ;~1·~~C . 15200 · fSfS Le Sabre. original elr kit, 18600/olr. fS31·7834 runa xlnt, look• good . .Im IAllM and Sharp! (23&821) .... 11n Hou .. ollmPort•. lne. Mu• t "e. S 6 . O O O. COfld. pie. ptb. ext.lint. ·71 FORD Maverldt. Oood Crager whl•. STOO or VILllWAIU 111,111 •••••••••••••••••••••• DIA~,,,27~32333or 714 640-7912, 54+9455 -..... 1111 VW WUU. good eond. rune very eond 3 new tit'" aeon beef offer 1975 Ana- 18711 Beeeh Blvd. IOI ltLAIEI .... .-n•t .... '74 914, 2.0. 14800. K · WUIW&lll XLHT coodltlonl IOw ml-::!·:.:.95· 87 3-.2672 1850: 494-3211 • . helm, C.M. 0.s-9653. HUNTINGTON BEACH We can helpl .. _.__you '82 300D Turbo. Sliver c:eu&iZ. gold. 2nd <YW· 18711 n--..... B .. ·d leage, 4 IPd with atereo . ..,. 0::-11· .. F d ,......,, "5 p t•~ ,. __ _ In ......... ... •.. ---·b··~ I ortho _., ... . A••-tt•. •.•-1CMT7"· '75 Sk h k v• 38K v• ... "" ... or .,...,na, v on -"""''._ .. rune M2·2000 buy, Ch«:k OUt unl>Mt• ....,. ""'"' """"• • r, f\91'. 2078. Huntington Beacil .......... """ ..., Y aw · v , xtnt running cond. New good, mutt Mii. (11t)l22·Nll bl• eeleetlon, Hvlng1 "'''· rear heada, laet 1975 914-1.8, app. group, Ml•HIO OILY 11111 Z1~~7'98311c. ~· 12750. uphol & paint. $925. '400. g.u..7902 Wlll'l"ED! end MfVlce todeyt lnatld mate. mull Hll. "M FM SS ~-971-9181 873-4839 All< 1-------- " I 70 2002 Pert. eond. New lllYEllITT Pvt pty. 7141731..()202 "' I ' 100.0BO. Pvt 81 C4llte. OT, 5 epd, loe· ..... ' ftul#Mzi llfl ~~~~~~PITo/~~!: Int. N-paint, rune per1. .a1 -I 111-• '81 380SEL: Under 9,000 Pty 552..o853. ded, epotleH, 17496. • ~'!! ......... !!!!.;:~=a. 2 dr, fS _,. :-;;-9~·~~·;jj•;rig~~·xi~~ S2675Arm -. •-mllea Orient Red h81J>79911SC,black,lo flrm.PP.84M78& --·-.. ,. _.. / S .,,,. Call ue todeyl •7" "'7'" 2850 H•· .. -· ....... · • ml loaded $22 500 -•5•r-•-auto. Air, erulH eonl. ""'"'· out. 2""". v ..-• ...., COSTA MESA. Chrome Rime, Sunroof, 855.9991; 85.9·12fS1 . 1111 nflfl VW PORSCHE AUDI OUl.UOt Xlnt. $4900. 559--0180 645-9938 Jiarle Ike 79 BMW 320 ~ackage. perleet cond. S44,000. -_ •u 445 E. Cout Hwy w 1 llz 1-------- reeiroi, alloye, ate 140-11.0 Wkdyt 714/557·0711, '68 SILVER 912 PORS· • --Newport 8eaet'I ,: 1:-°t!.i!: ::: 'T4 MUSTANG. 2 plut 2. A•tll UiH 11000 take over pay· , eve a I wk n d 1 CHE etereo, magi, gd. Automatic: tran1. and In 673--0900 tlve & prolestlonel. nw/1.t .,palnt, tlrea. •••••••••••••••••••••• mentt. 963-0418 75 Cvee, •uto, amlfm 714/675-2484. eond. $4995. 84$-8359. AM/FM. (914UBA). .78 Sci 1 1 1 -·it S.lto....talH 11795. 842-7394. ''" "..._. 119& 8tereo, good COfld. minor OILY 11411 roeco. x nt runn ng ..., "'' c .. •• Mfte 77 fS30 CSI, xlnt eondl· need•. S1750 or bat olr. '81 300D, Ivory, fully loa-'77'1. 924 Sunroof. Orig car. radiate, 1mlfm cue, tf ltw 1112 '75 Ranehero, muat tell, ~u .. noJwS40..•o1 tlon. aunr1, 115,500/beel 845-6334 ded. lmmeeulate. A•-owner. Excellent eancf. M..... well maintained. 351 Cleveland. fully TOTOYA·YOLYO '==~~~~:::'.~.lio~tl~er~9~5~1~-7~3~23C===--1 sum• teaae. Cati Mike 32,000 ml. 17200 WUIWAID $3900/offer. 498-8895 ......... automatic, AC, maga, -WE Ill Honda, Toyote, Dateun, dey9 714/835·2931 , eves 497.2993 18711 ,. _ __.. 8...... .71 VW Cmpr, perleet .. II ltMll good tires. $1950/bll 76 2002: Sliver blue. all makes, 1199 doee It. 714/921 1238 .,_., ,.., otr (213) ""' 1587 USED CARS & TRUCKS Setlnelder reblt eng, ,_ No 1at °'tut. No c1epo-• '77 9t1S Targa. Bronze/ Huntington 8Meh eond. Call lor detail• NAllf(R~ · "'"" COME IN OR CALL FOR br'kl, Mle t!ree, air, am/ lit. No lie 1 ... OeOvert '76 280 Sedan. wht ext/ tan lthr. N-tires & top. a.J•JtOO $4400/btt 875-8177, '75 LTD: 2 door, radio, air, FIR IPflAllAL Im cau. 4 apHkara. any INN, buyt 811y ear blu Int., VERY , very All pwr, ate, bleu.amllm 673·5871 CAD LLJ\: new tlr•, 62,000 mllee. Cormler·OeUllo Clean. $7780/080. over our eoet. All Savers elHn, nu radlll tlree. east, 54M ml, petft cat, '12 Ttltfl 41 • ~ Xlnt eond. $2100. 851-3121 evee & wtmd• L•• ........ 834-0189 meeh. xlnl. Muat tell. must .... $18,500 obo ~bed . .,., /f 'H Thing, good tlrH, 2600 ~rbor Blvd. 842-1388. OIEYllUT ....... "" D 955 0 .. 23 ·.,.,, m. snug brakea. mulflar. Xlnt Cosui Mew SM>-9100 t---------1 842-2458 1Y• . .. • evea Ph fS31·5797 llt I. Pd $10K, Uklng oond. S3000. 751·7fS21 '74 LTD. 4 dr. pwr. loa- 18211 BEACH BLVD. 1----------t'fSO AOCOfd, 4 dr, beige, 559-9382. Alie lor Bill. I 18995 HUNTINGTON BEACH 1111 lft .... eupreme eond. Supreme 1 1J PMllll t1• '71 VW R bit with ded. loml $875. pp, __. 1 s 'II 2111 • 'll II I Uffl · e eng. Thinking ol buying or tee-7fS0.0738 Hl..tlll, Ul-1111 Excellent eond. 33,000 1 a er 11 e e fS 7 5 0 · H .. only 40,000 ortolnal guar. Excellent cond sing a brand new Cedll· 1----·-----I m 1. 6 4 fS . 4 4 8 3 Cle. 857-8289 ORIO OWNER. lmmae mllea, Cuetom paint, 788-0580 12600 or best lac? Call Jldi Blvd. '81 ESCORT WAGON 631-3859 evea and '78 ACCORD Sunrf, am/ COfld. 14900. fS73-4728 AnH e>tllauat 1y11em, '77 Ceoea ST: 4 IPd, MW fS73-1835 WESTMINSTER AIT, AIC. PIS, Like new wknda. tm eaae. $3800. ·71 Merced" Benz 250 New tow profile tlr• and tlr ... 81,000 mUea. Sii· 1970 vw Bua. tan & white. ~11·~ l .. tlll 14295 oeo 882-2357 1981 BMW 3201, S450 . · ...,u • Caae. and more. Muat .-.~.a~ .... 178 aunrf, compl reblt '75 11' llJ-1111 ,.llfM• lfn Cell 53&-221fS Sedan Fully ...,. lpfied euetom wh .. 11, Stereo ver, amlfm, run• great • •---11K ...._ 7 Mint Cond. Saerl lee, __,., ~ d al Port c•---S2TOO • "' aseume -· .... ,.. · 9 Honda cvcc, 4apd S see to appreciate Lie u · -·· · • ••••• •••••••••••••• For Your Carl ~947~1-00854 4 3 : • v e •. white. hatch bk. eHa, 4:,~:~a 4 9 4 • 0 ' 3 5 • 789GGP · '7d~ ... 1~yoont•tyW2o.000n, dmepenl on-675-1528 TIE WIEST '11 FOii lllTAll MIMI I SM .. toml, xlnl eond..,Mleh, ..,... '71 Sq b k d SEUOTlll f•.w.•11 U .. Mt $3700 obo, pp (2 9ZQN) 111 •n--.... _ _ c:cmpletely rebll molor. uue ae · goo .. 1 ... Top Dolar Paid lff • '::!1. 6 BMW 2002. lmmae.. Ealtblvff. 644-448t 1 --• lllZ ..._. suoo. 4ge.6559 body, need• tune-up. 01 tat• model, low mltea-llTIA II.Oii eo!:2~:bor 540-5630 muet r;e-~75 '81 Honda Prelude, blue, ~~ o~y ':~o-=~• '74 Corolla Wagon, 4 IPd. $.475. fS45:«>79 ~~edll'f9s!' aor~ AM/FM atereo, 4 apMd, P"'"11um prices .. .,.r1 1111 Ivory. 5 epc1 ale am/fm and 11 llawleu with 111 VW PORSCHE AUDI AIC, runa & looke ltint. ,1• -rilTillU om a UI 1Y1 overdrive trenemlltlon, paid for any ueed ear '::r.:................. can. 10M reek 552-3M6 opttont Including leather 445 e. Cout Hwy S1fS50. 957-0440. ' ;;;r IAIEll power et•fno. (103450) (foreign or domestic) 1111 ... , . 79 Honda Twtnttar ==rte II.In rool. Lio ~~ '78 Corolla SR5. good ~;5~~~~~~ eond. OAllWI aFl~magAV814nabteon· In ~u~:'r· Wll ..n ~~~!5 !~.:-... · loW1800~ OILY s•l,111 '77'-" 924: Matoon wltan condltl~~\~ 79 Rabbit. 4 dr, dleeel, air, 2 fSOOcosHTatt>orA MEBSAIVd. • Thi• one It ftlra elMn & • • · • Int. Xlnt eond. eunrool, . xtnt corid. $3200,. Mon-h .. an AM/FM. (9131). 983..f241 .... . air, 35,000 mltee. 18900. T7 Corolla, 4 •pd, new Fri, 730-5757 IJIO 1110 IMILY .. !!!!I L=~,:X,~~~~~ -...... 548-4148 ~a~:~t~~~cio~ ea Cad~ ,:W brke, wtt, pontiac/.-.11.""U -•~ 1 St ooo ....... 72 '73 914 1.7, 5 apd, run• $2500. 8'42·1085 ti ~ .,_ •-••-..,.. m . • ' ..........., C E r ... walerpump, etar-Harbor BIVd II Fair Or. ·--"'-" 1979 cvcc ..... ,t vw P.ORS H AUDI g r900e a,to'eom '!7· ~ .. • ,•1' I. '74 CORONA. 1 owner I: tar. Mu et ""· 1550. ... "~ta ......... 18711 .,.___.. .,...... wtigon, ·..,, e. 446 E. Cout Hwy 13 • v .,.,.9 d 2• $1• .,: ••2"""""'" "'......., ..._ _,, ..... u lo mllee. xlnt lhape. AJC. Newpon Beach con · .. mpg. .. ... .... • ..,.,., 54~ 5'4t-1457 Huntington 8"ch Mu• t 1 •II s 2 7 0 0 . fS1'3-0900 '78 Porache 91iE. 11.000 720-1fS96, 544--0805. PP. tMO Cad 4-dr, all elect. t---C0------1 :.'11118 i l;irhor 111\·d Ml•JIOI 815-7424 or fS75-9665. ml, lllte new, S 14,300/ofr. 7 C f • Fee tl'k>Wf. 11450 080 '82 NVERTIBLE mf l.J 5'48·5885 e orona, aJ.r, ~M/FM l 1 W llllW "5.o&f1 Cebrlo with everything. ro~ta ~h':'a :M(l(t.1:10 1prl II 1978, ••eellenl .. .., 1111 '10 300SEL 720.()290 '78 PorKhe 924. Bleck/ ~~ apd1 • 13,000 "'"'· YU 1 C•ll collect after 5PM. Hlgheat eea11 lmmedl1tely cond., new c:lutdl, llree. ••,.•••••••••••••••••• .,.. '81 ELDORADO 208-7~ for "OUr vehicle. Do· 12500. (714)53&-7280 71 XK8: Alt ..-, 11lnt •75 4llOSL __._,,._ _... black AM/FM 8 track T!! ,,. nlf XLNf condition, 1 owner, l _ __._.. lo ml $1' ,.,.,. ,,.., ..... . ' .. ---w1 t _ ... ' s"1,.9' 000.,... "'::'' ttereo. Air. New tlrH, .. 4 et pd New TI re 1 __,_., ' '"•"""· ..., _..tang 2 dr llerdt""' mettle or foreign . 7fS C1pr1 II Ohta, ale, cond. $5800 . ....._.2264 "'" ...,....,, • °' ... t good oond 17900 ••••• ••••••• .. •••••• 50 ' ' 147-eeeo 219. 3 •P••d manu81. 651~285 1mttm 1tereo, eunrool, 64 Jag 3.88, blk. 4-dr. ofr. 552·~ 5'45-0439 · 1 .. ,....... (llO TJ) 111' Ull.UI 12000.133-1881 . ·.r Wanted, rcruon•ble tr-orig. owner. 84MOOe ~ :7~b:l•Hlo. Wiit Tl llY 111 ... 1211 lnl.LI tor 1 Sele: '85 l •ee ~ car or truc:lc w/prf ealh. '74 Ceprl, 4 eyl, 4 epd, ' Prv. party wertt9 '73--'78 Equipment lnotud .. air AblOIUt ~· 882·2788 ~ cond. $1400, c:a11 @If -ff 450 &L/SLC. Muat b• oond. & an AMll'M. . 9'Y Ilk~· FUii Muetenga, prl~ht ..._ "'"9 •1• 1m-•A Wiii pa1y r •" (1 .. ~ .. ). power wfth d optlon1. to.-~ Of Of. .. ,., ...... •••••••••• ••••••••• • ... '" 886m ... ..rv.... Uc IOQllM saeoo both. 55142" SOUTH COAST Dodge NABERS CAO .. LLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1979 MlllCIDIS llNZ3000 "SUNIOOP" C735WDD) '17,495 19IO CADILLAC ILDOIADO 81AIRl1'% (t54ZRU) $13,995 1911 CADILLAC SIDAN DIVILLI D'IUGANCI (10FH731) s12,9_?5 1979 CADILLAC COU'I DIVILLI (818YBM) $8995 1911 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD llOUGHAM~ "AITaO.OOP" (1CAAMI) .f}!!1 ••• ~ ...... Cllnl• 1111 1111.YW 115/l20K. 720-1 ., llMI laf 17ffl '87 Multafttl. Cpe, Rblt AU.._,. 111t ...................... r•a• W '74 Mereede1 4008£L, --running 211. pertly ntp. •••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Citroen S.M. Dark Thllonelae,..eta.lcl new 13-,000 pnf, muat 12 ..... ---ped. 1395: 842·0291 . • '74 Alfa GTV epe, nice. bfue, 5 apd. One Owner. (llM4). .... 1 13,100 Firm. ,.......... ,,_,,., =· 5 epd, l'\IM lllnt, 115,000. ~194. •LY... 875-CM88 .... ln.51 1171' ..... IMS. t::l.AMftiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil s14,995 ttl J CADILLAC llVIW ·~A~Y•tOtr 5. fS4o-oot4 Tf l1lf --.75 4fSOSl!L. bleclt/blec*, Super lllar,i, All New, Hunttngton llMcl'I vw l'OMCHI. AUDI ,. I • • ••••••••••••••••••• -_._ __ __. __ .. .., ml Red with Blaotl Trrrn & NJ.a. ....a E. ,,__ ~ 1.1. - ~w-_,.,.,.,., _,,,., '"""' · TOI). 7SK ottotn• Mllea .._.. "-' • •Y 11711 awn IMI. $15,800. 842·1888 11~ ·12 AH tpttflre. := l~==-=·~~~toeoo~rt~a.~a-h-=--~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ -..... •79 Ml .,....,. _._. ........,. ... tit•, mint cond. WEEKEND SPECIALS •'?t> . '16,995 '1111111 ... ..... 5 epd ..... 0.... ~~ .._ Bid wtltl Tan trim. Only 3 11<. (262%AH) ""'· -· ~ _,, ............ beat°"°' te7 15'0 .......... 4 ~ tr•iemlellon & =· 11a.150. Pvt Pty. °' · · 1w 11n CadlleC ladefl O. an M/PMI (S46YOW). 152 TO T .. ' ...... OOl'ld, MW AuttmMIC, W.. Y*, lldnt OC)lld, 1'\11 po-Mlf IMll 74 Karmann Ghia. nilnt 1---"-.-... ----Int., 41K ml, Call Very~(44tl) wer. 1175. 141·1712, lWJ' CA8IUAC - - oond, n•w h .. dllner, -r' "°"'106 •••11 Ml-t741 ...._ 1---------1 _ •-"*' .....-in oo::i Aed/wht HI< ml, new ... • LDOllADO COWi ,,_.,,._ bn**t *""' whle, Ur••· Alloy wh"''· 2 ....__ ~ (4171Pl) 11111 e.oll lllvd. radlal ur.. ~ npc, lope, ·~ ... to...._ :~.-.wr. •••••• u.-.; ~995 Hun~ llMcl'I 15,000, 642·1 ... """' clete l2'11tOO· PIP 1•1 fW ~iifjli=:Ji!fl ""V ---...... Me-t881 • '72 POAIOHI I,.. ,_ -11Al fffl >Ont~=IOIO. Opt6of'91nc11Udetkr00ftd. ~o.::;;•;•.:i..t ••••••••• .. ••••••'.-••• & ., AM/llMl(t~ '*" oend. 'tt,OOGl....t t:.:=~N~~~ 11190Por~ ':.llM •71 ~--_.. .-.MM107 lft/011t. •11901bo, ~an lnaemnu••o. • • .., -. Oii ~ ...... '71 OAMMtOl._M8UtlM •t-1711 TNI OOIWWlllllll •a,... Mf·,_ ~ lllL .... 11 _. WllftCla. 'fl MG ....... Oc!n¥. l0nl "~~·= =•r '10 iiJi. I .... = ........... .. ..... ff:H oaMI. ..... .. .......... nP = ... ""1 'RTI1J' ........... : ..... ";1' 11t.a,. ..... tM; • -~==·=·~ f~ ··.~~~ ~...,.w~ .,..._.iJ:F' "''•· 1••1• o.·1•=91,a .• -;-;·10vw OOfUI, AM , 1 .114 • 7 I· 1 O I 1 , ._.. • --. ... t7.... ~ ......... I • '' JO'-'NHV MILLER ALL . THE WAY " .. ''AND THAT'S '"' SPORTS FOR TON16MT'' TMAT'S SPORTS?!! WHAT 00 VOU MEAN TftAT'S SPORTS ?!! I ALL VOU fOLD US ABOUT WERE MEN! WHAT ABOUT WOMEN IN SPORT5 ?!! ! '{OU DIDN'T SAV ANVTHING Asour JOANNE CARNER( OR SALLY LITTLE, OR MOLLIS STACV, OR BILLIE JEAN KIN6, OR ROSIE CASALS OR SMARON WALSM ! AND WMAT A60UT DONNA AOAMEK, BETH MEIDEN OR MARY DECKE~? DID VOU TELL US WMAT CONN I PLACE MAS 0EeN DOIN6? AND HOW ABOUT ALISON ROWE, AND iRAC\' CAULKINS, AND KAREN R06ERS, AND EVEL'f'N ASMFORD, AND ANN ME&(ERS, AND JVD'r' SLADKV AtJD SARA~ DOCTER ? ! 8-S NANCY DID '(OV SAVAN'i'TMING ABOUT JENNIFER ~ARDIN6 OR 51-tU~LEY MULOOWNEV? WMAT DO '(OU MEAN, ''TMAT'5 SPORTS ''?!! BOY-- ITS HOT TODAY WHY DON1T YOU . GO HOME~ IT's COOLER INDOORS I CAN1T GO HOME TILL THE PLASTERERS FINISH WORKING .. ON OUR WALLS W~AT DO VOU WANi f O WATCH NEXT, SIR?TMERE'R SOME OLD MOVIES ON THE OTi-tER CMANNELS •. n l' TME MEN," ''A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS II AND ''ALL TJ.4E · KING'S MEN '11 GARFIELD® J. OObiT LIKC 10CAleM A9HJ :I .:JUST LI~ 10 FISH} ,..___~ H~IN1 IS f'.l.CJRE FUN! ~IJDGE PARKER Jim Davis By Hank Ketcham <1 <J <l . .. . . t . I I . . I i ~ t . I ~ I MOON MULLINS iHAT HAPPENS AFTER A 5·MlNUTE INTERMISSION . .. How LONG AFTEI<? DOCTOR SMOCK ,, I IF :c CAN cse-r MY HANPS ON I~ ~t-L-5.,-esAL-1-r"/ By George Lemont wet...L., -.r.'M He.Re -ro HE!t...P Yoo, FRUSNP ••• - ' l"fl'b eEEAI r1-11s WAv FOR Ml~0/.15 "{E:A/e:!,f VO/JCMJIT C/4.ANetl: NA7U!a;' • e-s SHOE I us Arriola . • f ..... . .. .. --.. ~--··~~·~. -_____ ..... _ August 8, 1982 ~==:".----·---... I I FOR FRANK GIFFORD. spor1s broed- c.aster Of .. the llpOldDg ...... 'JIOlf/'w ClCllWNd. whldl .... ... the --.....a? -B..A.. Liiiie a..t.. La. • Last year I was at a slci event In Bul- garia, the ftrst cl Its kind held In an Iron Curtmn country. Fat thing that struck me about It was the complete oontta:st to its Amedcan c:ountmpart. Here a ski ewnt is fun; everyone laughs and has Nt:Aa ~ mope on slope. a good time. There It was the reverse. Everyone k>oKed glum and serious. Another odd thing: The crew and I had dinner at the hotel the first night, and, becauw It wasn't that good, we tried another piac:e the next night. Would you bdeve the food was identical? Both were serviced by a oommunaLkitchen sftuatat ~ between the two restaurants. FOR W01UCIA McEN11RE. author cl Mommv rm Hungry (Cougar ~ Holr cm I tw:h 111J c:hld to dilwlop • ..,,..... tair IWIDlll&w bad7 -B.E.. Bec:lde,.. W.V.. •Choose a starting point for your child, even if it is one can of soda pop less a day, and gradually move funvard. As the cnvtng for anything sugary sweet fades skJwty away. your child will discover that nutri- tious food is good, too. FOR PRESTON ROBERT~ chairman, Loews Homt. Inc. V~bea .. tbehlall 'mb~IDdhave ... I , • 3 4-Of .. the ,.... ,.,...,,. ..... to. _....._+ pdtbe-..owrtbe~?-S.L.. lillle ....... W.. •It's got to be Bermuda. I was first there in 1950, and my next visit was last year. h was as though time -had stood still, so Buie had changed. FOR MARY~ nocowding .- Haw,.,. ..... c ll' 211.S.., ...nt-Ame1caa ..... • ,_.. &..,..... ..,_.? -PA. Sa.toe. Pa. •1n general, Europeans like Americans as individ- uals, but resent, as they percetYe it, our proWldal and .t-cadEted att!ttades when deaang with world Isles. During Wab!rgat.e, It was really apparent that countries wtlh parlariientmy systerm had trouble undentandlng the concept al impeachment. THBTI YOURSELF f'ROM 1HE •ASr EDITOR MBlES: Before the birth cl her 900, William, PrlDcw Olma-mentioned that she Intends to outdo QI-. Vldmta, which means that her amt6Jn ls to haYe 10 chlJdren (one mare than the oftspai119 of her husband's gweat-great-great- grandmodm). Advised cl his wife's plan. .,..... a.... gasped, In mode dismay: .. I only hope rm up to It." ... Wad has reeched us that the natural mother of Mmta Bartaa, adoped he ,_.. anodrer chlld? ~ d Alp..... ,_... and Rldmd Burton, has lent the ttan this plea: .. Please let me hold my grandchUd lllter it's born." (Marta. 20, rnanted talent agent Stew Canon in February and expects a baby In December.) The real mom put Marta up for adoption when she was just a year old .... BfJZZ: Heavyweight champ a..ry Holmes re- fused to tee CoMgula, explaining that he domn't enjoy seeing violence on the 9Cleen •••• 61111 Lolobdmlda Is not the oru.; actras who Is as good. f not better. at ~a camera as she Is et wodmg before one. English adrel5 ......, .Aw! uw )ult landed her ftnt photographic contract for Sna,Jp, a pk:bxtaJ boOk on Los Angeles and Lon- don .... ~ McEmoe is said to be interested In another type ol mbiged lnmum8nt. the guitar. He's taking leslorw from c..tr sa.a. .... Artist Wrs dCT Holma o.I, 78, ~ over the dealtl of his wtfe, Gela, an- noonced he's going bm:k to his-... and wtl paint his wfe as the Vkgln Mmy ..•• INGEMJllY: ~ $llilllb, owner of the Holywood Wax Mu.um, II bUlv buying up the ~·shoe pc)W'I, and It's not beaM•• he t. t.aketl over a footwear fadmy. He ne.ds It for 6--. ffw ...... face. George HanUlton's face? "I can't get his c::ompjexlon right," ~ Singh. "'Wtire e>q>ahnentlng With tan shoe pol.sh and dmk we'I hit the ~ formula soon. George must be the only guy in the world with sun lamps, not ngular lighting ftxtuns, in his home ... • . .. MJSIC: When Pllllll ~ met two fD8l'nben of the rock F>UP 1beD in en L.A. studio, he tpJM of the ~ of The Beeda In aha early yws. "Nothq bmgl !IJO" cbe' togltherf .. said the bmlr Beede, "'tMn travelng to a concll't In the beck of a Ind and huddling together to keep from &eezbag to dead\." PRO Alli> con CON S 2 • 0-W ...... .,...._ (P.•N,V.), llllllDbat FIMnce, ... Commtiw Should tlae hdelol ..... s,.an • Put Under the Direct Cotttrol ~the &ecutltle Branda? .................... -....-.._.. That's not the way to an a ti economy. Why put the Federal ~ undsthe thumb of en ad- ntimlllon tt.t ~ produced reccrd-braldiie lnblNlt ndll end Wt kli. 10 .,..u of our work bat met 30 pll'Clnt of our ln- ch.-w Clll*IY? w. need • R..w "-to ,... .. tllchnl- Cllllla in mon JYI y poky. M ready to bltng down ln- tnJt 111191 byooopen8f8 Wlh bolh eo. .. -lnd the PNildll1t on a Sl'09'1m of Nduced .-... wl CMICJll*~ f=J -----· -. -. . . . • • -==--==-=--=-==-=-=-=====~!!!"'!!!!!!-------.~-------------- I __ J WATCH THE MISS AMERICA PAGEANT ON SATURDAY,SEPTEMIEA 11,1112 ON NIC-TV. Growing Up fraid THE 37th SUMMER OF THE BOMB In 1945, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by the atomic bombs of August, bombs with nowhere near the power of today's nuclear weapons. Here Dr. Helen Caldicott, a leader in the anti-nuclear movement, discusses the nuclear legacy, and particularly its nightmarish effect on children. eople sometimes ask. "'Should I tel my children about nuclear war?" The children already know. They know because they watch television. because they listen to the news. Kids know the truth. You can't fool them. And they are very frightened. The American Psych1atric Aseoclation recently ln- tervie\ve:d 1,000 ado&e:scents In Boston and found that almost all of them believe they will never ~ow up, never get )obs. never get married or have chlJdren of their own. Because they believe they're going to be killed In a nuclear war. The greatest single thing a parent can do for his or her children Is to work for nuclear disarmament, work to make sure ~t chlJdren do have the oppor- tunity to grow up. Because why rMke sure kids clean thetr teeth and eat heahhy food If they're not going to 5UJVlve? A year ago, I &eft my practice as a physician so I could devote myself to promoting nuclear disarmament for the chlldren ol the world. Every parent who gets involwd in this movement wtl f.IYe his or her c:hidren an Im- portant 9ellSe °' emotional security. I ftrst became concerned about the Issue of nuclear war when l was about 15 and read On the Beach by Nevtlle Shute. I lived In Mel- bourne, Australia . whk:h Is where that ~ Is based. Aher that, I couldn't understand why the men kept bulld!ng more nuclear wea- pons. I felt the perplex.tty that chU- dren have today, feeling unpro- tected by the adults In OW world. Dw1ng the years I was In medi- cal school. the British, Americans and Russians were testtng nudear weapons. There was a great deal of fallout In the atmosphere, and I began to speak out on the Issue. When my husband was on sabbati- cal ln the U.S. In 75, I got a llttle lnvotwd here by speaking at Ralph Nader's National Crttical Mass By ~ Helen Caldlcott Conference In Washington. After my family emigrated to this country In 1977, I was Invited everywhere to talk on nuclear energy. Always my bMk: concern was nudear weapons, but at that time this country wasn't ready to hear anything negative about these weapons -it was considered unpatr1otic to even talk about It. In 1978, wtdl a group of other docton, I helped form an organization called Physicians for 5odal Responsibility, and It just happened that an ad' we placed In The New England Joumal of Medicine appeared the day after the Three Mie bland acci- dent. We got 500 new members and ewntuallytv- cetved a grant to offer symposia in ma;or dtia around the country on the medk:al consequenoes of nuclear wm. We now have 14,000 members, most of them physicians and medk:a.I students, and about 7,000 acWlional supporters. Each week about 500 new doctors join. Support Is growing elsewhere, too. The Amer- ican Medkal A.saodac:k>n passed a raolutk>n last December condemning nuclear war and pkdging to educate our colleagues, the President and Con- ~ess on the rnecliqU effects of nuclear war. The Na- tional Academy of Sciences paseed a resolution condemning nudea.r war. The American Physio- logical ~ a vesy prestigloa.&s biological 90dety, unanbnoully pas.ed a resolution calltng for eim~ nation of all nuclear weapons. What's the use of studying the very essence of bfe when we are about to destroy It? We have heard people spe.ak In recent months of the po5lllbOtty of a llmtted nu.dear war. There is no such thing. If a 20-megaton nuclear bomb W8l"e chopped on one of OUT dtles, Its Impact would be equlva)ent to 20 m1lllon tons of 1NT -five ttmes the c:oUecttve energy ol al the bombs chopped dur- ing Wortd War 0 . (The bomb dropped on Hiro- shima produoed 13.000 tons of energy.) If dropped at ground level on a dear day, the bomb would dig a hole three-quartms ol a mOa wide and 800 fat deep, converting al the buidlngl, the peosJ6e In dMnn and the earth below Into f radloectlw falout molecula - which would be lnjedl!d Into the l stratosphere through IM mush- room doud. Up to a radius of six mlles. every b~Udlng would be totally datroyed, every person killed. J Many people would simply vaporil.e because our bodies are made up mostly of water, and when exposed to the heat of the sun, w• )'Utt tum lnlo g111. l'hat'a whet happened to people tn Hiroshima -they left their lhadows behind on the pavement. And wtthJn a radlut of 20 irui.-1 ~'*'°"would be Idled ..... ly or lethally Injured. Th• ov•r· ~ (tmnendoua lncNaM In •~)woWdbc t0~1hm people would llMr.Dy be ~ out of bWktingl and conwrted Into p .. ~--~-- mlsslJes traveling at 100 mUes per hour until they struck something. Bricks and mortar would also be converted Into mtsstles traveling at high speeds. 1lle O\lel'-pressura would cause eardrums to rup- ture, resulting In deafness, or lungs to rupture, resuJttng tn death. The over-pressure would pop windows like com, fractuitng them Into thousands of shan:ls of flying glass trave.ltng at 100 m. p . h. , and these shards would penetrate human flesh, causing lacerations. hemorrhage and. in some cases, decaptmtion. And then there would be ter- ltie bums. Hundleds of thousands of people suf- fering from bums, because 35 perunt of the bomb's energy Is heat. Right now In the entire country we have only 1,000 acute-bum beds. In a nuclear war. the thousands of bum vk::tlms would die with no hq>, no medicaJ care. Most of the city's hospitals -and the doctors and nurses In them - would be destroyed. ff you were standing outside anywhere up to 26 miles away from the bomb slte, you'd become a ftaming torch as your dodUng Jnstant.aneously Ig- nited from the heat. 1f you looked at the flash from 40 or 50 mlles away, you'd become instantly blind- ed. There wouJd probably be a fire storm created fOf' about 1,500 to 3 ,000 square miles where everything would tgntte spont.nneously, and fires would coalnc.e as they did In Hiroshima. If anyone managed to get to a fallout shelter, an the oxygen would be sucked out by the fire, and the shelter would 8ll with carl>on dJox.lde and carbon monox- ide, and people would die of asphyx.tatlon. Our faDout shelters would be converted Into aematorta from the heat and blast. Thee would be a buga area of laha1 fa.Bout which woUld extend for thou.sands of square miles beyond the area ol the bomb. If people In rural aras ac:aped betng dtrec:tly hit, they would nonethcJeu t..w to remain In faDout sheJt.n fat approJttmatO,t two months. Bec.aUM If~ came out before then, they'd die of what's c.aDed ec:utc radJation lllnete -vomiting and d'8n'hea, Wan eppeartng on the tldn Ind death from maMIVc hemorrhoge or Infection. Even after months, the earth would be so radJoacttw people would tncur a lethal dOM If they stayed out too long. It is our belief that In an all-out nuclear war bet- ween the super powers -whkh would take about an hour to co111plete -up to 90 percent of the American people could be dead within 30 days. And tf there were a nuclear war between the super powers, It Is not only the Americans and Ru. si.ans who would die, but people In counb1es aD over the world as well. The expbik:Mt of nuclear bombs could destroy much of the ozone layer, which protects us from the uJtmvtolet ~ al the sun. We bellew that to much WlnMolet ld1t could be let in that 8YCl'Y human being on the planet could be blinded -and ~ all the antmaJs_ This ultraviolet radiation could also produc.e teVere sunburn wtthln 30 to 60 minutes, which could lead to death. A nd, of c.ounte, theJe wouJd be millions and m8ons of dead bodies on the tam of the earth, and as they decayed, the bactena would muktp!y and mutate In the radJoactlve environment. becoming men vtndent. lnseds transmit disease &om the dud to the IMng. They are usually kept tn c:hec:k by the l*ds. But birds, whkh are very .tallltiYe k? radia- tion, would be killed and the in.:ts would pro- ..... In the trillions and carry d.WB sa like black plague, typhus, hepadtls, encephallds and typhoid, not just tn the targeted countries. but to the un- targeted oounlrtes as we:Jl. There II only a ~ supply of food tn the entire wodd, Md much of II ls transported by boat &om the United sa... ao octm countrtes. There would be~ stmvdon In the third wodd. And we think that mamtve ~ of debrts would be~ Into the~. cooing the earth'• temperatuN by 1 or 2 ~ andi'C)lltiy oon\Wtlng the wodd .,., _._ kll 191 by Nflec:t. Ing much of the aan'• radlMt ~into~. In tM early Wt we were el~ bece••M of the Cuban mllllde atlll end the ~ al a nuclear war, and we bulk falout lhden. But then we got the Partial T..t Ban Treaty -and the fear disappeaNd. Out of 8'ght WM out of mind. Con- *'1platlng the end of the arm II much wane than ~ one's own dailh. For a l)INnt It l ls our belief that In an a/J.out nuclear war between the super powers, up to 90 percent of the American people will be dead within 30 days." 99% tar free. GROWING UP APRAID (conUn~d) opinion, is not just vacuous but bad, overtly bad. The plan calls for building another 17,000 strategk: weapons In the nex1 W ye&"S, spending $2.2 trillion doing it, as well as building other systems. People are concerned that the Soviet Union Is militarily superior to the U.S . If you look at United Nations data, or the data of any independent organization, you1J find that the U.S . has 30,000 warheads and Russia has 20,000. America has nine to 10,000 stra- M any children are worried that they will never have children of their own. tegk:: or intercontinental warheads (that can reach the Soviet Union from the U.S. in 20 to 30 minutes). The rest are tactical. That's enough to overkill every Russian person 40 times. Russia has 7 ,000 to 7 .500 strategic weapons, enough to overkill every American 20 times. It's warheads that are Important. America is not only ahead in the number of warheads, but Its technology Is more ad- vanced, more sophisticated. And what does ahead or behind mean wher:i you can kill each person 40 tlmes? So the people want a freeze and the Presi- dent has got to give It to them. He's supposed to represent the American people. The nex1 step Is the proposal of George Kennan, former ambassador to the Soviet Union and professor with the Institute of Ad- vanced Studies at Princeton University 50 percent Deross-the-board btlateral reduct\on In strategic, tactical nuclear weapons and Helen Coldk:ott II a pediatrldon whoH 1~clolly II cyltk JibrotJt. She ~ned In 1980 from lh• Cyltk: Flbrotl• Clinic at Children's Hosplt41 Center and Har· IJCJtd UnlucrtltV to w~k full time In Ifie anll·nucleor mouemcnl. ftflJtTWd and the mollt4r o/ lhf'ff tccn•agf' chlld,.n, •he II the au1hor of Nu~ar M.dnua What You Can Do (Bontom}. delivery ~ems. And no haggling over 6gures, because haggling Is procrastinatjon. The next step is a two-thirds reduction of the remainder of the weapons, bilateraUy. If we can achieve that in five years, we're on our way. We haven't yet finishwbecause the two sides can still annihilate each other with the few remaining weapons. So that's my five-year plan. It's like an ex- am: If you have a date to get your studying done, you do tt And If we have a date to abolish nuclear weapons and the whole ! world demands it, we'D do it. We can't leave J It to the polltldans. Eisenhower once said. A "People of the world want peace so much that one of these days governments had bet- ter get out of the way and let them have it." People worry that the Soviet Union won't go along with a freez.e . Why assume that before we try? Both America and Russia have signed 17 treaties on nuclear weapons and neither one has violated them. The Russians signed SALT II and ratified it. Amenca dldn't The Russian Government ls putting Ameri· can and Soviet physici8ns on national televi- sion to talk about what's going to happen to them in the event of nuclear war. What can parents do to guarantee that there will be a bUateral freeze? First and foremost, they can use their democracy - and that means voting. People have the power and they must make certain that their congressmen and senators are confronted on this issue. Many pollt:ldans have supported the bilateral freeze but they're still voting for funds for nuclear weapons. That's hypocrit· ical. The Pentagon has 1,500 lobbyists on Capitol Hill, but who Is representing the babies of the world? The elections coming up this year are extremely important. Parents also can use the Physicians for Social Responsibility. There are 120 chapters now. and doctors will come out at any hour to speak at town meetings, at churches (write to. 639 Massachusetts Ave .. Cambridge, Mass. 02139). And they'll play a film called The Lost Epidemic, which graphically 0- lustrates what nuclear war means. Parents should also join a group I founded called Action for Nuclear Disarmament (691 Massachusetts Ave.. Arling1on, Mass. 02174). We'll supply lnfonnatk>n on where the local chapter Is or how to establish one. The political action committee will send out a list of the members of Congress who sit on the approprlatlons committees. October 17 will be a national day of prayeT 1n Washington. D.C .. organlz.ed by Physi- cians for Soda! Responsibility. with the major churches and many of the country's scien- tists. We hope to attract hundreds of thou· sands of people on the maU In front of the Capitol for prayer and music to celebrate llfe and to call for bilateral nuclear disarma- ment. Organize your friends, neighbors and congregation to attend. Prevention of nuclear war Is the ultimate medical Issue of our time, the ultimate religious Issue and the r.fWI uhtmate parenting bsue. IAiJ ':J ~....--·-~ ~a!YJ>se, the last book of the Bible and now known as Revelation in most modern translations. is a book of unique language and symbolism. Because many persons have their own interpretations of the text, all manner of strange and dire prophecies have been attributed to the author. St. John the Evangelist. For twenty-five years, our pamphlet on the subject has been in print and has become something of a classic. If you are puzzled by Revelation or dismayed by the out- landish ''prophecies" you hear attribu1ed to it. you will find "Revelation, A Divine Message of Ho~" both inter- esting and enlightening. Write for your free copy. No one will call on you. --FREE-Mail Coupon Today! ----------- Please send Free Pamphlet entitled "Revelation, A Divine Message of Hope" T 1\01 off•• is hmtlltd ID -lrH 1>9mpll .. I FM-51 Address ------------------- C11v ________ s1a1e -----ZIP--- CATHOLIC INFORMATION SERVICE KRIGHTS o F co1.umaus 'f· ' _!~--~-19~-~~"'_H~~:.:c::.~~22. _________ J The French-American Connection By fllotllyn Honaen F rench-bom chef Pierre Franey is now all American. He's even picked up on our passion for "'time is of the essence" and ap- plied u to his recipes in such best- selling books as The New Yori Times 60-Minute Gourmet and The New Yort Tunes Mcwe 60-Minute Gourmet (with Craig Oai>ome) . .. I love plain, fast cooking," Pierre says. For example, what could be bet- ter than this quick pasta dlsh using ~ basil: "Cook a potful of spaghetti, lin-j guine or whatever. Take beautifuDy x ripe, fresh tomatoes. scald and skin I them. Quarter the tomatoes, remove --. the seeds and chop fairly coarsely. In Franey cws excess cooking time. a skillet. combine a little olive oil, gar- lic and some chopped basil leaves. heat for just a minute or two, stirring; then add the tomatoes. Heat a litde, just to warm up the tomatoes. Pour the sauce over the hot. ceded. drained pasta. Selve with freshly grated Par- mesan and a little freshly ground black pepper if you wish ... Here are several other quick summer recipes from Pkme's collection. 'i4 ~Give oi I lb • ..,.....,_ ........ ~ s.llto .... z to s a.we doll. gmtlc 1 ~ -llllpped lrah 1 II. alOCblN cbvme l II . .-.,..,.,_. l Np_, I lb. ........ Chopped pu.ky 1. Jn a heavy skillet. heat olive oil until hot but not smoking. SauW onions 11nd garlic first for several minutes. Add zucx::hini and green peppers; continue to CX>Ok, stirring. 2 . Add eggplant and tomatoes; saute. stirr1ng for several minutes. Season wtth salt to indMdual IZISte; add thyme and bay IW. Heat to the boiling point. S. Place In preheated 350°F own for about 45 minutes, sti1Ting once In a while to prevent sticking. Do not add any additional liquid; do not cover. It is Important to do the occasio11al stirring. When flrushed, mtxture should be like "a stew. ft 4. Spcinkle top with a Bttie chopped parsley before serving. 5. RatatQuille is also good 9llJVed cold. Another suggeslion: Spoon hoc ratatouiDe Into a small nuneKin; malc.e a small hollow and slip in an egg. Top wtlh a mile~ P¥mesan or Gruy.re dleae, place in preheated 3500f oven until em white Is Mt, but yolc ii stlll .aft. Makes an e.asy dish for a ~t supper. along with a mlxed-geens salad and austy loaf of French brwad. Maka 6 .,,,1ngs GllWD mMIMATIO LIG Of lMW 1 (6•.)letal ....... bGMd... 'i4 ~ ......... )lk:e ,, .... l <*"-9111k. ..... '°" ... °' 11111 '_ ... rwy 1. Have butcher bone and bunerfty lamb. or do•~· Plac:e In • .t\alow ~or~ pan . .I. In • snal bowl, ~ olve oil, \/lnegllr, glllc and ~-i!f Pour~ owr IMnb, tptwllng pie...,. ewnly. Mertl1* ."· • for 1 how at room tauiperetuN. I pu1p•b19 to cook ..._.or • /: the next ~. lamb should be oowred and ......... ;!':.~ . (~ . ___ ssq Now In His Best-Selling Collection! DON HO The ......._ Wedding Song Tmy 8ubblea PartySheh Beyond The Reef Now la The Hour Sweet Leilani Blue Hliwaii f'I Remanber-\I OU Aloha~ Beyond the Rainbow lowly H• Handa My Little Grue Shack Little Brown Girt Morning Dew Hawaiian War Chant One hddle, I:wo Paddle To You SwNthart Aloha l..aMina Luna Beautiful Kauai TM Huldlau Song NOT IN STORES MAIL COUPON TODAY n,e Most ~opular Hawaiian Hits Of All. TIME Here is DON HO, the Ambas-sador ol Hawaiian Music, with his best-selling collection of Hawail's gnatut hit.i And he siOgs them as only he can. When you think of Hawaiian music and song, you think of Don Ho. Hi& wann and mellow island voice can almost carry you across the Pacific to that tropical island paradise. In this magnificent collection, with the lush sounds al steel guitars, ukeJeles, and all the wonderful island singe-rs and musicians, DON HO performs his island magic just for you • singing the all-time favorite hits. DON HO especially selected his own wonderful hits in this coDection including TINY BUB8LES ... PEARLY SHEUS ... as weD as the unfor· gettable songs ol the islands such as THE HAWAUAN WEDDING SONG ... ALOHA OE ... LOVEL V HULA HANDS ... and so many more. AD your fawrites are hen? s~ as you have never heard them before. A truly beautiful collection. O FFER Will. NOT BE REPEATED We urge you not to miss out on this remarkable offer. If you don't eqjoy this abum more than any ~ you have ever owned ... and play it MORE ... it won't cost you a pmny. &tpleaee order your coUection now. We do not plan to repeat this adwrti9ement in this publication again. ·····------No-RMk Coupon ......... .. 11 DON HO Dept OH-02-82 11 352 E~ Strwt. PM-. NJ t'7'5Z : Plew rush me the DON HO HAWAIIAN FAVOfUTES collet:tioo. f unda ltalld I I that f may return it for 81'\Y l'f!H)n ~tteewt and rec.cNe a complete ~-I I I encio. $1).98 plus Sl.25 for maiing and ~ ~ item. I I o Send 1*ord o Send Tape c.-m-a Smd a. Track a I Collctiorl Co1ect1on c.n, id9e Coktion I i =--~-------1· . ......................... . .. ------~--- • THS l'MJICH.a.RICAll COllMCTIOll (conUnued} 3. Prepare charcoal and litjlt. Grill lamb when coals are searing hot and WBY In color. Grill, turning and basting wtth martnade, w'ltll as wel done as y0u prefer For maxlmum a... a juicy medium-rare Is the optimal chok:e. Mom 6 co 8 tervlngl .~ ... mcdiW hat.:,..,.~ l~ ... ----........... 6 • ......., ,._ olw ol G.niWa.: w:bavy ........ !&111111•-~ W.edtw,qJiW19edtwd- Pllldi .... boAed ... 2 ,.,.,,,. -snipped frah fNlblt/ ground bl9di ~ I. Slee zucx:hiru, place m saucepan with a lltUe boiling water, return to bolftng and cook just a m01ute or two, or until a/ denU!, 015l>'len- du. DrUl and pM1nge zucchiru Into ice water lo chJll quk:k)y. Z. On a large platter OJ individual serving plates, allerna8e slices of zucchini and sloed. peeled tommoes. Make a~ ctre.lng: Corntine oltw oi, vkMgllr. sail and fresh herbs; beat with a bit to mix. Pour OWi' the ~ .VIZlilge!Uenl. 1 The salad may also be gmni5hed with anchovy 51r1Js, &ked tuna and hard-bolled egp. Pasis a pepper mlD tor indMdual twisls ol fresh- ly ~nd blac.k pepper 5erYe with a loaf ol ausy homemade French bread This can make lJTl excellent luncheon dish. Malca4~ ! whcJAe c:Mc:Mm ......._ .... l b!l.htf a cm rwd wine.,.._ ........ ...s bc.-1 114 04» ~ ...... « ...- Dlllb .... Ollba s.-w twt.18 hlhJv ~ 2 ' J oo• snipped hmh bet. tMdl ~ l « 2 ~ oow• a-. '4~burm ~ I . Remove ~ and bone from chkk.en Add salt and pepper. 2. In skillet, meh butter and heat until hot. Add chicken breasts and oook w:ry fast OYe!I' moderarety h}gh he.at. tum so as to lighUy brown both skies. Remove 10 heated serving platter; keep warm. 1 Add \WM! vinegar and shallots to ~ In skillet Heat to boil- ing. stlntng Add cream. if you wisti, "to be fancy," as Pierre says. Pour satace over chkk.en and 9'!l've. Mako 2 ro 4 servmgs l~ = .... edM..,,,...... JC111P9 ............... Md 21.4 c:...--(90"'1'}.... .,. s ~ ...... ~ Plilda .... .,. I . In bowl cl large food prooesi50f, place yeast with 1/• cup waier and prooes 2 seconds z. Add &our; prooes. Add Mk wtUle proc:a::wlt og; add the 2 cups ol Wl!M' all at once. Procea 16 to 20 leCOflds un!ll a ball bros. 3. Tum dou!;l out onto a 6oured surface and knead II briefly. Place In a large (3-qt.), ~ bowl Cover wllh a tea ioweJ and place In a WillTTl place wMhout a draft to let rise until double In bul<. 4.. Punch down dotq'I to reW.ale air bubbles. Cow:r and let ri9e again undl dc:d* In bul< 5.. Punch down again;~ any way you wish:~-2 or 3 round loaves, or make 3 or 4 ooft9e<an breads, flarl9 !Jeated 1-1> . .,ae CW4 hal fuD 6. Jf maldng beguenrs. place dotq'I In long, rwmow bread pmtS. Nlaw to rile In Wlll'r11 place until abnolt double. (If you don't haw the long. narrow ~ pans. *'lPiY tpinkle cornmeal ex~ on ~ cookie slleet and place dotq'l 18f9hs on It to rtle.) 7. When dou!it has rllen to almOlt double. .., top In ~ placa wMtl a ruor blade. Plaol In preheated 425 Of OYen, throw 2 Ice cuba onto the boctom of the O\lltr\ and doe& the door. This wll Cft.llR .-.n. Mer 20 mlnllill, reduce heat to 375 Of and bekir 30 lo 35 minutes kJnger. Says Pete, ., .. my loaws wel cooked." MaAa4eo6~ Hem: For ltM* reedias who do not l\IMI • J.ge-me iood ~. )llO'.l IDllY aiMa th. brad In a ........... piUAM)i, IJlk1g th. iolow- ng 1ng1.-.m ~ 11/i Cl4JI tmlllflld ~ lour, 11,'i OllJ9 unsl&8d wlhlmched Bour, 1 em.te.lope adhle ~ ywt, 1 ~plus 2 &ablaJoooois wmm ~and• cWl ... n. w9 m.M 2 ........ loa\w. FLAlTENS TUMMY INSTANTLY! •FLESH TONE 18 NEAffl.Y INV&SIBU: UNDER CLOTlfES • NO VELCRO TO SUP, NO HOOKS TO POP, NO EDGES • NOT El.ASTlC ... MADE OF LIGHT· WEIGHT DUPONT LYCRA• SPANDEX FULL 12" WIDT H ,.._ ,._,..,_ w-.. Controller~ with....., tone 90 tNt If'• pnctically ,,_.,.. ..,,,.., "°"' ---INng& From lhe moment ,.o.. l)l.lt 11 on it~ out rollt.. -..po pot1s your ** end ~ ,.0.. """ .. yo<# .... down. You'I look 1"9tandy .,........, wfllle W1119t Contrc>llef molds untllghttv bulges "' blmmy, -end ~ And "'9t'9 .,. no t.._ bulQM Of --no hooka 0t ~ to 11iP 0t pop -. COIMortabie 0uc>onc L.ll'C'8" Soendu tMft: ~ IOUt-~ You -be ~Nd 0t.....,......, 30 ~tor rwhn111otm11 hMdy oouoon IOd9y. l.OOK SUllllER. STMD TAl..UR. FEEL YOUNGER DURING vo.JR REDUCING PlAN ~-----------------1 BEEHIVE FASHIONS, a..-. wc-229, 8oa 29S. a.....,._, N.I 01459I ...._. 1\.1.,.,,,. tt>e F1"1>-TO<W Wal&! c_. I ~ 11:u: ''I bolt« 1 undef"Stancl lt\al 111 am noc ~ _ NI~ . I "' _., ...,,,, may ,.."'" " """"" 30 daya '°' • 1u1 refut>d ,..,. P091aoe and handlino1 -I O C>n.WMd~-lyM.N --I plua $I .e() ll"C>IJH19 a s.w£· ,._ -c;.,.,._. ~ ., 2... ~ • -I llk4 1 1 .eo 9'tool:W1Q O ty ----------~.' Ci.cti Of "'°""Yon»< Sl•lec__ ________ I no coo·. cilM• c.nao .. ,, ._,, .. pt9ue Mid I 7°' to t<Xal h>-----------------------------------------.. FREE TREES 3 White Flowering Dogwoods -----___ ..., Why We Love Out Ftiends to Fail Sy fTloty Long ou're relaxing over lunch with your good friend Carol when she blurts out the happy news: She's gotng to get dust b6g promotion alter all. and a big raise to go along with Id You'd like to feel delighted, but something about the announcement makes you chol<e on your cheese- burger. ~. thank goodness, ~ too happy to notice the strain in your vo6ce -you shower her wtdl ~ tulations. She bdews you're thrtDed for her, and you wtsh you could be. but frankly, In your heart. you feel sk:k. Al that ~ you think m1serably to younelf. and Carol isn't evGl very good at her )obi Few of us ere able to suppress an cw• Mionei secret envy at a friend's good fortune. But when someone Is truly suftatng from envy. I ii mare than just a mome:t dary dbc::oenfmt. In severe cases, envy Is able to resbict, distort and blacken al that a person does orf-'s. 11 has been Bi that envy a the one Deadly Sin to which no one re.adlly COO-... It aeems to be the ....amt. th• mOlt servile and the most uteless. The English aaaytst Angus WUeon pointed out that al the otMr Sewn Oadly Sina -ptde, -.r. !ult, du•· tony. avma and ~ -provide at .... tome giwdAi~. In ,,... -Iv 11:11911. But tt.. Is no ~ation to be gllllned horn envy. met noching tl can ever en)oy, tho ugh Its appetite Is ravenous. Envy is not simply ~ over some talent, benefit or object that another penon possesses. That's another vice, caled covetousness. Nor should lt be confused with )ea· lousy, which ls the fear of being replaced In someone's affections. Feeling envious Is also not the same as becoming competittve and te· doubling our own efforts because we are shamed or made insecure by a rival's achlevement. Rad-. the mW>us lndMduel feels his own sef-aaee.m and stab.ls haw been lowered by another person'• adUew:ment, and so he trta, lnap- pop1at.eJy. to demean the other's suc::am. Unllce c:ompetidwnes, mvy is not al al therapeutic. It neYel' spun an lndMdlal to make his best elcr:ts. Ac:wtditg to Dr. John SabSd. iin assistant pcufalor of psychology at the lJntwnity of Penn¥vanla anti co-author of The Motolltfa of Euerv· day U/e (Oxbd lJntwnity ~. attldsm, undemrtdng Oii ~II alw¥ a pmt of g•m*• envy. n- lnatb -aonwtia•• subtle, 9CllM- tlmes not 90 aabde -,... the troops dw erwlous ma to proe.:t thllr emo- tional atablllly, which .. being t..dJy shaMn by the front-line NAult ol 90fl'Mlbody •'• good fooune. The power ol ~ me.:., mo- tion, thoudd Md ....... ean be al bua loll when 9nvy hill. The erwba ~ 1on ao.. ~own~ t.D1q aa.orbed with ~of .. rMll. °""'· ltm ~ ....,.. f.mm • --of "*""'*' .,. the roat al envy. one ftndl lhll this.,_.,,. t. • (a; ·---,... 111 THE~AT - IN CENTRAL PARK •s.-ctone_..., .... __ NJI ....... "' .... ..,.. Number One dun! Top Ten sm8lh We Got The Beat hit Our U» Af9 S-1&0: Automatic: c No. One.a..n wlh No. One~ ~. pualhehlttlte~· Rage In Th9 e.g.; many more. Hll lbp 10 ....... ...cs• hi. pllJ9 A WP11119r S"9dt OI ""*; 8'*1ge Ower Troubled W..W: llllc a, .,..,. I The Top 10 tvt Conlin. In And Out Ot Your ue. Memoty. The Way We ~. a.od IOOf'9 s.>d ,,,., -.caono In l'l• lype £7412E --~ (be-.1ed..ai ..... );. 0 &-'&-* ~ 0 Reel Tapes 0 tarie c...ttee 0 Rec:ordl .., ............. I!-.. .. (doedi-~ (Bur,.,,,....,. Ir .. II> ctioo• from My~) 0 £.-, Ullllr*lg 2 0 TMn Hltl 7 0 c.i...c.i 1 a COl.w*y s (no,..,..-> 0 Jarz .. (no .... ..-> § ... ~""*'° ~-.._ i.-- ,.. .. --~~~~~~~~~--' .... ~ ... ---~- L-------------------J "you,,,..,.,, '°" m., talrrl • sptlCial trial m.,,,benhip and receive ANY6FOR1¢5:: Top 10 title hit Cnm.an And Cto..er (rrn Gonne) Run Away; L.Jttle DrumtrNlr Boy. avY (conllnued from page 12) -Intense dissatisfaction with what he is," explains Dr. M. Barrie Richmond of the Institute for Psychoanalysis In Chicago. "Behind the envy there's usually rage, often originating in childhood. "Children who are envious have the kind of anger that comes fTom a sense of being deprived, not ade- quately cared for, not having gotten what they should have," he explains. .. As adults, this combines with anger at not being able to have or do the things they feel they ought to. We be- grudge other people their good for- tune because we feel that they have what we deserve -we have been cheated In some unknown way. The sight of the other person's triumph stirs up ow own sense of insecurity and Impoverishment, and we reseni them for It." Envy also means constant self· mortification for the envious. After all, viewing others as superior cannot help but produce feebngs of humilia- tion and disgrace. Many never have to face that shame, though. because they never perceive their own envy. They con· vince themselves th.at If they had only a little of the other person's money, glamour or recognition, everything would be wonderful. Or they dismiss their disparagement of others by prid- ing themselves on theJr '"Tealisnc" atti- tude or their acute crttlc.al judgment. One former amateur chess cham- pion tells this story: "For years l was convinced that Bobby Fischer's chess games were very ordinary, and I went around telling everybody all about lt .... Then one day it hJt me -not on- ly was Ascher the player of the cen- tury, but perhaps the greatest chess player In the hlstoty of the game. 1 began to realize how phenomenal the guy was, how much he knew. But for years I just didn't want to recognize that." You can learn to recognl7.e envy by paying attention to those situations in which you develop an excessively hostile and negative attitude, and to those times when you find yourself repeatedly putting down someone else. Tty to think about what you're doing. ls that person really so bad in your view, or are you attldzing him becbuse he makes you feel small or uncomfortable? Are you trying to get even? It's important to remember that no one is completely free of envy, and you shouldn't worty about the occa- sional pang or two. "But when you reach the point where you can't bear other people's successes, especially the good fortune of the people you should be most pleased for, then you're In trouble," says Dr. Sabmi. And, unfortunately, we are most likely to envy our Intimates -our family, friends and colleagues. Stnce the days of Aristotle, who called envy ..the sin against the brother," experts have agreed that the more alike peo- plea.re In terms of age, Interests, start· Ing points and circumstances, the Behind envy there's usually rage, often orlglnatlng in childhood. more likely It is that one will provoke envy in the other. One of envy's greatest Ills, points out Sabini, "is that we become extremely watchful for other people's failings and become hypercritical and hateful toward the people closest to us." But we needn't be that way. Over- coming envy Is largely a matter of knowing yourself and your abilities, coming to tenns with the world and yow place in It ... 1 think the trick In life," says Sabini, "Is to recognll.e that you're not going to be the most ac- complished person at everything, In· deed you may not be the most ac:- Raid Roach Traps are co~red end-to-end inside with roach-trapping adhesive-to kill even tough roaches. Dead. complished person at anything. Now that's a hard thing to learn, but swely one aspect of maturity is recognizing that. To the degree that you're not bothered by It so much, you're less In· dined to envy others." The more mature and respond:>le lndlvlduaJ will· have fm Jess need to deprecate or destroy the good fortune of those around him. He is more con- cerned with his own creating and achieving, wtth making his own good fortune. In the opinion of Dr. Willard Beech- er, a former student of the esteemed psychoanalyst Alfred Adler, this self. reliance Is the best antidote for envy. · Beecher writes that, "The solution to an individual's envy problem Is for him to in~ his courage to face reality and to lemn to be self-reliant in those areas where he formerly belit- tled, brooded over, leaned on and ex- ploited OthE!r$. .. Nothing can liberate the envious person until he sees that he Is the source of his own painful situation," he says. "A person will grow aocord- lng to his own Inner miture -and in- nate genius -when his view Is not distorted by envy." It seems that, finally, perhaps the only thing truly worth envying 15 peace of mind -and freedom rawt from envy Itself. IA4I ' i l ---~ -~~~------------~----------------------------------------------------------------- Helping Babies Befote They'te Born By ffiary Elltn Borrett t was Patricia Glaser's first pregnancy and she wanted it to be perfect. Mer eight years of marriage, she and her husband finally f eh settled and rebdy to raise ch!Jdren ... 1 became preg· nant without any trouble," she remembers, "and I said. 'Gosh, this Is going to be a brea.e. "' But troub&e began about four months later, when doctors discovered a large doctors have given intrauterlrie trans- fusions to fetuses who have Rh-blood incompatlblltty with their mothers, and sJnce 1974 physk:ians have ad- ministered drug treatments (either via the mother or by Instilling the drug in- to the amniotic fluid) to fetuses with vitamin deficiency, heartbeat lr· regularity and thyroid malfunction. But in recent years, thanks to the refinement of prenatal c:U.agnosis, the development of delicate new Instru- ments and the Introduction of drugs to Q A computer-enhanced ultrosound scan ahow• fetal thaapy that lnvolvea using a needle t.o drain excess fluid that hos acrumuloted In a fetoJ c:oulty or organ. cyst on her fetus's left kidney And to make matters worse, Patrlda started going Into labor soon after this discovery was made. For a while, It looked as tf she might lose her baby, but doctors Intervened ju.st In time. Inserting a long. hollow needle through her abdomen and Into the fetus, they dnilned 8uld from the cyst and then gave her a drug to stop the contractions. Patricia's pregnancy continued as p&anned, and her baby was born only three weeks ahead of echedule. Aside horn a nonfunction- tng left lddney, he seemed perfeciJy normal. The procedure performed on the Glaser fetus was Indeed remarkable. Ten years ago an opeiatiof 1 l1ke thJs would not even have been attempted on a human fib.as. But In the past ..,,...... yun, doc:ton have been per- ·fonnlng a variety of new techniques on the unborn. The conoepe of fetal Intervention pc M II not new. 5mce the 1960'1. stop premature labor that might other- wise resuh from surgery ln the womb. doctors have been able to dnunatic- aDy broaden the scope of fetal treat- mef\t. Because the techniques, known as "fetal therapy," are so new, only some two dozen fetuses have been treated with them so far. But continuing raearch offers the prospect that greater numbers of fetuses may be helped ln the future. The new fetal therapy Is comprtsed of several procedures. Most of ther;n, like the technique performed on the Glaser fetus, Involve draining excess ftuld that has accumulated In a fetal cavity or organ (If unchecked, such bulldup can damage fetal tissues or Impede deve.loprnent). "The defectl we've treated pr1martly," says Dr. Fay Redwine, an obstetridan and geneti- cist at the M,edJcal College of Virginia ln Richmond (and one of Patrida Glaser's doctors) ... ant thote where (condnu.t) r----------------------------------~ Finl mmoNS. Dt,t.JM.7113, 340 "''"st.. N•mr, PA nn1 Kllldly send ~ypsy Whlr1 Ofm(es) (M20486n tor just $19.118 udl plus $2.00 slup PRINT IWIC--------------- l hdla. on moMJ-bd fllaralttft AOMESS St11(s) ~s) --------------O ~~l plHH und tht metchin1 8elt(s) cm ----------------- (Mzuq75) fof lust $9 00 Md!. STATE-------ZIP __ _ CMMIE IT: OAmtrictn Up(as 0 Ctttt Blanc:ht 0 DlntrS Club 0 VISA 0 Mtsttte.rd l 'I -''"'==rn- I To Honor the 200th Anniversary of the American Eagle · on the U.S. Great Seal Limited Edition Commemorative Belt Budde On J~ Z-0. 1 • the Continental Congttss officially <k$jgnated the Amer- ican Eagk as our national emblem. to appear on the Great Sal of the United States. From the earliest days of lht> re- public. the~ tw gnud U.S. coins and currmcy. as the embodimmt of American power and natioNJ pride. Radde WJI Not lie ......... Afterl>enmkr31, 1982 Now. to honor the 200th anniversary of the eagle on the Cmtt Seal, lntema- tion.a.1 Monetary Mint's muter crafts- men have created a Commemorative Collector's Buckle, to be produced in a limited edition -plated with pure sil- ver. with a layer of 24-karat gold hand- applied to the surface of the ugle and the rim: Each buckle must undergo three hand-finishing processes and pass four~ inspections before being mdividuollg hantl~bos.sed with its own serial number and approved for shipme:nl And. to protect the integrity o( this limited edition. the dies wiJI be destroyed at the end of this 200th Annj- versary year. F.adt Budde~._ ..... Each individually numbered buckle will be permanently registered with the name of its oOgina.I owner in the OfficiaJ Archives of the International Monetary Mint. It will be <klivered to you in a Special Collector's Presentation~- . Wear this aulhtntic Com~ Colk.ctor's Budde as a striki~ fashion accessory and an unmistakable symbol o( your lovt for your country. Then. hand it on to become a treasured family heirloom as weU. Of course. your satis- faction is assured by our unusual Unlim- ited Money Back Guarantee. • The Sooeer VOii ~-11w Lowsr the Serial NtttUer You WID RectM! Since Reaistry Numbers are assigned to udl order as it is received. we strongly urge that you ordtr promptly. to receive the coveted lower numbers that are still available. (Limit: 6w <SI buckles per order.I lntuNlJl.Wlal Monetary Mint is 1111 ~ndall aamc>' noc allili.ated with the U.Jt Mint °' Ml)' ~mmmt 111111<'.Y· t 1 111 1 1: i 1 , 1 1 1 \,. 1. , •Ii,,, 11, , °' i 1 r, 'i 1 i ,, 1 , · ", •·. . •. • · , . P-----------------------, I 1111w r ,......_,lllllt,1.c..Dlllf..IFC7 a.,.11: · I ........ I' t' .. v..,, PAlllM 0 VISA 0 ~ 0 DiwsCM I I ,,._, send me Siver • nr 24-o ~ t:.-~ I I Klrlf 6* Amstan Eagle ComlnenlOl'llM Belt "-... ...-. I Buddll(S) IS ildiclllld beloW: "'"'u ,_,,._ I o 0ne America1 Eao1e r.omnllllTIOI ~ BIDie SIQnitut1 I II o =~9.95r!:!:...s~~ ~ .. ~,I ping & handling ... "" ..... I O SM S 13 -Three Bucldes just S50. post Addtess I paid I I 0 SMl.10-UmltofAve~justS75post City I I paid I Endoled 1s s . S1lle Zip I IPA ....... llld9'S-.la.I SRl!iHICTlON ~ l , • ..,...-..,y .... I ~-----------------------~ 743'5 13~" oq\.l 74Si-This .... c:ti-futioned do8 has a Ma-brimmed hilt; pet pan- taloons. Panem p6eces for doll about 13lh·: cloches .............. $2.00 133R-Thia jacket ha• that• geat Chanel look from band cdl.-to bcxdiln. Crodlet of shdland style cbNy yam Sius 8-18 Ind ... $2.00 UIR-Deante a room with butmfty panels done In easy emblddery, ac- e.med In metalllc. Otrections. two 8 JC 20" transfers ••.........••.. $2.00 ~~~ there's some sort of mechan- ical blockage that can be by- passed by draining off some fluid." To vent the ftuJd, physicians use needles and draining tubes called c:mhe- ters or shunts. Doctors can see what they're doing by employing a device c.aDed ul- trasound, which sends sound waves into the mother's body and then onto a small screen where they fonn an Image of the fetus. Last August, at the Medi- cal College of Vlrginla, Dr. Redwine and her colleagues used a long needle equipped wtth a catheter to dnstn ex- cess fluid from the chest of a fetus whose lungs had col- lapsed as a rauh of the buildup. After the fluid was drained, the catheter was removed -and today the child Is a healthy 7 -month- old with two functioning lungs. I n another type of pro- cedure, the doctor inserts a mlniscule catheter Into the fluki.ftlled area of the fetus and leaves It there. draining 8uid tnto the amniotic sac, until the bnby is born. Last November, for example, doctors In Chicago inserted such a device into the brain cavtty of a 32-week-old fetus suffering from hydroceph- alus, a condition In whk:h an excessive accumulation of cerebral spinal fluid com- the brain tissues, posd>ly killing nerve cells. If untreated, severe cases of can lead to !mental retardation, blind- ness, apestlclty or death. An even mme advanced technique was pioneered last year by a team of doctors at 1he University of Ca1ifom.ia at San Frandsco: They took a fetus out of the mother's uterus, operated on It for a kidney dllorder and returned It safely to the womb. Al- though this e:x-utero surgery was cons6dered a success, the baby died a f aw hours eltu birth becaute of damage It had sustained prior to the operation. SdlJ other fetel therapeutic techniques are being re· taJCh~ at the National In- t tit u tH of Health In Bethada, Md. Uq mon· lc.ys es models, lnvatfgators are doing further research on hydroceptwua and examin- ing limb deformities. partial- larly of the hands and feet, and spina bifida, an opening In the fetal sPr'8I c:olu.mn that In severe cases can ~ to paralysis and lncondnence of (lack of control over) the bowels and ~der. As encouraging as all these developments are, docton stress that fetal therapy still has tis Wla!!tain· ties. Among the risks , says Dr. Redwine, are ... mtroduc- lng Infection with the needle or inadvertently damaging some structure that you didn't want to." Another drawback is that d.lagnosi., has Its limtts: "One of the really scary things ~ut fetal treatment is the possibility of conediJ 19 one defect In a fetus who had another unre· cognizied defect, .. pants out Dr. Michael Harrison. co- d.i'ector of the fetal treatment program and associate pro- fessor of surgery at the Uni- versity of CaJJfomla at San Franc:i9co. Anally there Is the fact that in Its present stage of deveJ· opment, fetal therapy can onJy be applied to a few types of abnormalities. "These problems me ndattve- ly rnre and it's onJy a small group that we can Intervene for, .. says Dr. Harmon. These limitations, of course, may change with time ... What we're Interested In ," concludes Or. Gary Hodgen, chief of the preg- nancy research branch at the Nadonal Jndute °' Ollld Hukh and Hummi Dewlop- ment at the National Insti- tutes of Health, "'ls determin- ing what we can and cannot do. We do not want to dupe the public into thinking we can diagnose evay defa:t and saw every baby, but tt Is a.i.o unfair to think that no substantive prowas could be made. h Is ~ the case that there wlfl be certain ab- normahtiet of fetal dcwlop- men t where lnterwntlon will produce a better outcome, than wafting until the child Is born. Fetal therapy has po- tential appllcatjons that reach aat>ll an the strata of birth c:Wects and that'• why we're putting forth the ,_ effort." ... "Mii"-' WUJU.)', ~ .. ,. • 11 Q------1 . ltCIO male or lxmk }Ulr iemodeling p1qect. ---cmi-tDiie IO :-~:::.-r:::w • .:~.-ott":-OH2 I M.a coupon co AnderlCD <:orp~ b ll., ..._ MN 5500.J lftd we'll tend JOU cbe FR.EE I ··wmdoW Ind G6dbit Door A.mwcr W°~r-~ I a"Y-~~~~~~~~~~-~s---~~~~-~z•~~~~~ I I I I ~sen~~ I --------------------' __. -~ ourpopaluSolvang Cog ._ ... _........._,.._... ... ,,_,...,..__ . .,...,_, .. ... __ ,..-.. ........ . ...... ""'-6. POtlFMT PEllONAI. SDva ........ ..,, ........ CALL(_),.7-IOOO .............. on1ys1995 ···~ aWtt. Pllb.e.d lo Id your feet bt•the. J ~" cotk wedge heel with~ Nbb.r·~ ~ ~llngyourwaryllllp ~the.,_.. cW,. and nW*. CAMEL, NAY'( WHITE 0t RED. Woamt'1 fulAhlW11W: ~10N,6-10M,AS~9W -------------··--------------------.. ---·-·-· --·-·--·-·-------~=-·--....... _ .............. ..... 0 CAfMOO .................... OllOl ....... ... ..... , l~I -·~ -1 somebody good at mime and small enough to ftt Into He has starred In two ol that r1dJcu)ous llttle hot IUJt. the biggest-grossing movies But at fJrst, I was deeply of all time, but you'd never embanaaed. I .thought, recognize him at the check-what ls this rubbtsh? And out counter. That's because my family and friends you're used to seeing him ~· Of ooune, after the completely encased In a movie was such a tut, they golden mlx of aluminum I all changed their mk\ds." and fiberglass. · ! N.P.R.'s 10-P'Jt, ftv~ Anthony Daniels, a di-~ hour radio broadcast of mlnutlve veteran of the s Empll'e will air next febru- Brttlsh stage, has earned his ! ary and will aDe> feature (llA4PRACTICm YOUPA?•CH .Is nothJng sac:red any- more? Oas:*.e thetr · di- vine oonnedion, l seems not even the dagy can be tpared the wrath of lawsuits. That's why men of the cloth every- where are now ftnding solace In the growing availablJlty of, belleve It or not, clergyman's malpractlce Insurance. It aD began a few years ago when the parents of a teen-eger sued a Los Angeles pastor after the boy kl1led hlmseJf while undergoing derlcal cowuellng. The case was later thrown out of court. but the ever-enterprising lnsunmce Industry soon moved In to toothe alarmed clergy. Patterned c:lose1y after plans available for psychologists, the clergy coverage ls usu&ly sold as a rider to a church's ge"f'81 liablltty plan. Premiums range from $12 to $250 • and may provtde up to $1 million In bablllty coverage. pence playing C3PO, the ~ ....._,_, 1 original cast members MaJk gentlemanly robot of Sttrr 2 Hamlll and Billy Dee ~--------------------' Wars and The Empire HeandC3POaretheonechap. Williams. Last year's Strikes Bock. ln New Yori< 13-part radio venton of SUICIDll AND Tllll llRAIN recently to tape National Public Radio's up-Star Wars was to successful It will be rebroad- comlng adapmtlon of Empire, Daniels, 36, cast this November. for the N.P.R. stetion An abnormality In a told us, "The film makers were looking for nearest you, call toD free {800) 424-2909. spedfk brain chemkal may t-----------r------------------~ be the caute of many sui· THEUNl!ON WAITING Ave ~· VoJe. Amen· cans spend five years of our lives waiting In Une, If you include sttuatlons like get· ting stuck In trafflC and be· Ing put on hold while teJe. phoning. reports Thomas Saaty, a University of Pitts- burgh mathe- matician. And a.1J this waiting around Is mak· ing us feel an- ~. ~essive and beaten down. he says. It seems the Brmsh joyously rush to )otn any available line - or queue -but, says Saaty, .. Amer- icans value their &ee- dom more than any other people; we th.Ink w.'re more 1n controi of our liws. Maybe. that's why waiting upsets us more." Henotathat you can ftght the frulb'aUon by reading()( - perish the KIDS' STUPP Far be it from us to suggest that those folks In Tlnseltown need any more help In acting like children, but Hollywood comedy writers Cathy Cahn and McAdoo Greet obviously think so. They recently founded something called Kidnap- pers, a "regression servk:e" ' that tries to unlock the llttJe kid In us stuffy old edulta. clda and suicide attempts, according to two new studies. After examining the brains of 19 IUJclde vtetims and those of 19 others who died In slmllarly W>lcnt ways, separate raearch at Wayne State UnlYantty and the National lntdtute of Mental Health revaJed that dw suicide victims' braJns reflected much lower levels ol a neurotransmitter - c:ha1llml m v nge -caled ee:rocon.ln. ~ repon.d recentty In Sderx. Ncwe. thll 8ndlng Their motto Is C.0 .0. - Children on Delivery - and for a fee bliginnlng at $25, the duo will show up and encourage you to make a fort out of your mashed potatoes (with a g111vy moat, natch), wear your clothes beckward or throw a tantrum. For a lltde more ~, they'll wr1te a beddme story ltmTtng you as the main character. -..,.... that NglfCUw ol wheths a '*'°" II suffer. eng mainly from deptellb'\, "Nobody really needs to be older than 8, except maybe to dr1w a Cltl," Cder, 31, lold us. "And It'• vay thcrapeudc to regress, you know.~ J<Jdnappers e1so has a Mrioua side. Greer •Yl"20 percent of Its fea ere donated to a local chlkl..._ hotline. thought -talking to thees around you. au. nesses could do their share. too. Supermar- km, he IBYf1 could poll thfllr .... crowded hot.n, .ld dodorl' ~could lnlHMa the tyDrn uaed In many belc.ta -take • number and com• blllCk when It'• your tum. ~ 1119 Ntnr; IP• .,.,._,. #1 ........ A...,""'_,. H.Y. ,_ ..... ~ Vloe~~­ ~lctt10f.Mtwt~ CMlf'IMn ~Monon F"'* IChlzophrenla, alcoholbm or a ~ dllard8r, tM low eeroloM\ lewl mey be th• crltk:.el factor In whether «not IUldde II at• tmrlPWd. Jt ii hoped that famiy rMmbert ol ~ vtcUms and of those who have attempted suicide could be screened at an early age and perhaps even treated with an anddepres· sant drug that enhances the serotonin level. BIRTHDAYS (All Leo) St.mday -Dustin Hoffman 45; Esther WIJ- lams 59; Connie St.vent 44. Monci1v -Rod Laver 44. T~ -Eddie Asher 54; Jimmy Dean 54. w.tn..s.v -Mika Doug- las 57; Adene Dehl 54. lb~ -George Ha- miton 43; Jane Wyett 70. Frtdlly -Adel Caltto 56; Pat Hanington 53. S.... ~ -Su.an St. Jama 36; Buddy (jqco 56. • ----7 • 'Warning: The Surgeon General Has Otttrminad I That Ogaretta Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. .. , ! I l I I • a , ~ .. .. -. . -. --'"4.•-··•• .. ·····--•-• &&&DB a · as aaaaa ---- Hiii HH·WATll H •94&••· ..... ~ ......... ,.. ....... ...,, tflstrt 111 hll-blra wlllta "'" --·· ..... ; ..,... --~ ... ,, ...... . o n--.p.nmJ .... ~ cuwa .... .-~ ..... ._ .. _,11111W• HlaaMttl ... n.; ..., .... ...... .,...,,. lll"MM MowtN ....,: .., a,....,. Als~ ..... S1'• o--.-c11u.,-..... _..._,_ ... .................... .............. , ... -... ... = __ ,__. ..... .... ----···1 -~~ a '*" m ..... Im Wlll"'*I II A "UAP'' WfTM UI· ITll Odd s111pt1, toyt, goodlture wrapptcl 11 a puU ot dr1watr1nll [Intel l1llf 11, \'ult (11~·.10~·1 or ua't 514·.9~·1 dtslon• 8 YWtllfl(0-044 41 .......... lt.1( ..., .... (0-90845) . . . . . .11':4( HI AOUUI lAHLI t• UlllOW COLORI 1dd clltar to m111. end wrltlno return 1ddre11I .lust wet & atlct. 3 lln11- 1t1" ......... "'"*'· 11,. ' 8 Mlll•et1(0·20M21 ......... l):Q °"'""' (35885) . . . . . . . . . n,q A~--~~~~~~~~~~- CITY tTATt,.....::_z1111_ ~ 1-"""''Nm IM'IWTICIGFI' ----------------~ A NAiii TRI••• Itta yo11 be your own basllerl Juat 11lld1 OYlf head fof neat, talY frl111I Qrut for kldal Poly. Bl1d11 11paret1. B .._•("4M) .. ,abq I ..._ (O-f2'°4) ~. HD IUl·IDWI llHlll Nol11lu1 11101 llJ• kHP llttl• new for montllll Non· skid po1y. ,.. et a ,..,_ o .... -.. ......... . .. ........... ((). --........ {0-M705 ·-·~"'"""' Al UNTMTI Pll•&IZI "al· lt11t ttull•" ma 111 ~~!1 Pllrttl Ptnlltt.a nnt dlapn. of 111111. 111vwtllftl LUtfl· erea.CO'ltfecl 111tt11. z~. __ 0 ,.,..bl, (31174) l"'l llHllff OWL NnltLDUI AIE llA•mct A win pair of pan hudlers-tlley edd a cllnry note to kitchen! Quilled rayon/cotton. 6~· x 5"·· let .. 2. 0 ......... (0-&34691 .Ct:tt COUPOI IAVUI CAR kHps ·em organlztd easy to handle while shopping . Sturdy envelopes lor 12 pro-cery grouping• bound into purs•alze bootlfl, s"·· 3~·. 0 c:..i,.. .... (81828) n:q llltlt CAUINI PAL 1111 youffllWHllllta ...... - plan aflead! Has room for dally notn & appoinlme('ltll 1~· x 1114•. Hangin~ hoolc. 0 Cll .. .,,., (50815) . . . . ... tl:q ~ ,I .·-~i Ir. llllllMT VIUL·COATU ITHL CU,. . . Strong enough to hang wasn. decora· tin tnougn 10 hold papers on duk. bulletin board. 2· lg. Ass't colors "9 tf 1!. ~ .. 0 Cefl cu,. (0·9175t) ···~ A QUICI TWllT opens the most stubborn Jars & bottles! Ht-Iner· 1ge Jal Wrench loo11ns lids from tiny natl pOlish bottle lo big pickle jar. Plated atHI. 7y,· 1g. ~ .. o ar.,...(458311 ...••. "" HIDY COH·H ·fMl·COI IPUJll handle pipin' hot ""· Mlltt Ille eating neat IN nrvrno Q!ldou1. SttlnlffutMl.111 •· 0 w ..... (0·59899) .•. lllUlL scum ztps ott crvat & grease lrom bartlecue & oven gr111.t. No messy scour-lngl Salec1 1fot sin that fi1s grill rods-& stroke! Heavy ~UJltmttal. Q .-tll·CI ... (43820) llst IUCf OllOlll "flflCTLY..1 IARLY1 Handy holder hu le stalnlffa llMI prongs 1() grip allppery onions: gulde knife tor perftct. thin slices! Wide handle k11p1flnlllfl11fel 0 ............ (IKI093) lt:4t l9l"IUT .. CAnY .... '' " H •••ett of soup, SHct. drmtng mix" Holda ·em upright . euy-te·Und! Wllile. PIUtlc;coaftd wire. 1• x 3111". 1tlhd1; llan111 ........ 0 1111 ~ (811702) ···~ IO.,. M.., '"'" JB.Lr' wtltn you keec> tit• bar 011 tllis "open 1lr" stand. Air circu· t1tu-b1r dries tlloroughly! No drippy mess ! No w11t1! Chrom•Platld metal 0 .... °"" (21485) ~· lltAT·HfUCTlll HIP ra11 •.t::Joolclng; un power! lleltl C11r0fllt-ptattd steel: 111 notched pan elements. 8 •. Drlf .... (73151) at.q I" DrlJ .... (738116) n:tt A11AZ111 um" cunt11 CUTI AIYTINlll from mtt1I lo tiHut paper-& never nHd• sllarpenlngl Tiit se· cret? Blades of eell-sllarpen-1.!!9 steell 7~· 111, D .. lt•Clt(~m) INf CAil ITBllM.I gift ••"t truts • flllCY touc:fll Mt PllCt on top; apnnkle witll sug•r. nuts; Int oft. ltl ell dtllgns. Aevsabl'il. ~-=-113~ ...... .. twrr fOllll un nun, NVOllT, MA• from pan to plltter easily. 12• lg wltlt wide tints: make lifting 1 clnclll No spt1tt1rt! Wood h1ndles. llt1U. 0 flfl·Llftl (0·15811) ~ OH WtP£ IHn FOi AID 9llT U.Yl A¥oKI accldents due to poor windshield vislont Chemically treated spenge helps keep windows. mirrors lt>g·free fOf neut 0 ...... , (64816) ·~ FOLDAWAY DltlH HU EIDI IPILLI II CARI Flips open to hold e1n or cup firmly. Folds flat to 1llp in glove com· partmtnt. Hooks 11cur~nto window trick. Plastlc.i. 7 • 1 0 DrtK·lleU (1334;,cl I REPMt ro••na aan1 liquid Vinyl· Mend qulclly dries to strong. pll1ble mate- rlal No mllllngl Mend• 1ear1. burns. !flit seams: vtnyt can· YIS, elC. 1 V. OZ. 0 • ..,. ... M (10793)1l:q_ DOl'T LOCI nMlllLF OUT OF HOUSE, CARI Magnetic CIHS hldt apart k:rs aaftfy. Cllng to tron or tiff caw- bellfnd drain, under fender. tic. Sletf. 1~*d\li*.letftl, 0 ..,...._ (0-11831) IT°!'q, Dlllll IPIUllLIR UlllOlll WMU IT Wll to c:irry w1ttr away from hov .. 1 No"'°'' ltood· 1119 from w111r ruslllnl) tllrv don- ' . Poly .• ftlg. ll11c-.tuu; (11712J I ,-lbq IUl1 UPI MDI Ull nu&. ITUnl Sttl-ldtletlft ..... flltlforotcl With flbtfJIUl-r• ...... to 200'" """' W' ... o ... ...--..<4',...' \ Ol·MU•DIFHfl COITllOLI D••PIEll to prnent mildew. mold , clothlng damaoe1 6 oz jar of odorless chemical granules absorbs moisture; lasts montlls. !~ 0 : n rm t (1111823) ···~ DOl'l QfOP Ill Oii IUIT to get rro oi stumpal Pour Stump· Rot 11110 pre·drlll•d 1101ts-1t11t1....,·wMff. Mfll Htlpa dleofllllOll Slllmp by 1low burning. 8 ozs, ""'"• 0 ...,_ .... (44874) I··~ IEAl CdAI PlmCTIOll Cedar lop.slip over llanoera. Cllftlltn more ....... ...., .-tlllil 1111 naNrll wood! hcll ef 11. ~=~·-·····"- Ol~TIMICte ILIHU IQDVe tluvleat a.,,tlanctt witll tJH; ead struggllnJ to rearrange fornlturtl R11bbtr tovs: ntchl·co1ttd bottoms. 2' clllm. let If 4. 0 '"'"' (0·493~1 ~ ~ ~.,. ~~~~--~· )~ . ...... '· -.. , ... 1111 II ,Ill ICHTH UIERI OIWICI tuwna. shtlva, e101ml Pl'llltlly pat- ttrMCI to 11111c11 scent! Wipe elem. 10 ft roll: 1s· wide. B ...... Llller (5"22)~ ...... Utlef (13408) ·~ DOI I CAT l,D, TAii! SllllllUI Slit! tlg lllUfll Plt'I Hft ttlUfll wllell Ill 1uaysl .. ••llJ'9t'•u••· ........ ,....~ •• (P."415 •• 8 ti ... (P."473/ I . lll'P "".lllnMn ... Ulll ftlllll Sott, pllatle pla111c cover comptetetr ltl· clOlll ma1t1n1-.o It -. cltan, newt Alltfgy-fJM.~ B , ... c:.rw1t1"1J •. ,.., c.... tl004) I I HYER HID-UUHH llDH Oii lllHRll AIA•t Oo tfltm 11fet, In WUlllf I dryer wlSll nylon ltrstY Wnller C111t Protects from s11•1.,ri1111 Holda to 1.z ~ o . ca .. (1toe11 '"" IH THf CARDI WITHOUT IUUUI Stand1rd-11u Cuds llave g11n1 m11k1noa 0 f.Z lit DtO 1&11411• (32284) 'al rt.-1111141112) . I . lrlQt (72728) .I taUTI IUUTlfUl tlOOllD RUii II HALF TNf TIIH with Jilly Rug Gun! Just toad, press. reltHt t Knots In pre-cut yams twice u last (up to 800 In one hour)! 0 "'' ... (44099) . ·~ 71 llARllH II A rGUcttl A kid's dream cottectlon of col· or1ul glass "u t's eyes"-ln· c:luOlng jumbo shoaler! All In sturdy dr1walrtn9 b19-ru dy to trade. pl1y or 111all 1!(!1Y._I_ 0 75 ........ (72S04) lr.q llOIMEI' IHf PUCMlll tell th• world a room 11 alt 11111111 Ceramic; ntt·adh1111 2'11· x 1 ~· '"" 1st ..... 0 •••• ,. •• " """ IP-030a1l . sl':ta ley'1 P.030711 It.ti' CHILO'I CIRCUI PARADE HHO·UP makes 11 tun to l>e n11tl 4 color1ul circu s 1nim11s prance 11op wllite rack 3 pevs hang cl othu towel. 1!11 Plastic. 9" 19 0 Clrtn Rut 197030) I~ WOOID llClltlf OllAmaT Skllllutty llalldcrafttcl. It 1111 wlltt11 lhat turn. yarn mane & tall. S\t" Ill. § .......... (9711111!~· ........ (117725 AH Ment (lln41) I . II Dll·FAIMIOIH IOU llFT TAii fNIVlt 3 nosu!Qlc 'Me scenut Merry-colored old-time tao• are 1111vy printed 1tock 2· x 2~·; tie 1t11naa Incl. let et II. .._ O llt~(0-52171)1·-9' ICIClEI IY THf DOZU IPARllf lllf CRYITAL-turn your tru Into a winier wondtrl1nct• Twlll Onion rt· llects t'llfY ~111 Plastic: 5~· 0 Ill II 11 lcltlN {0-43307) . . ·~ MOlfYCOlll n1su1 mac-0111a .... n ,1 ... 11.1t1· "' • ..,. or•" lnto 3-dl· m1n1lona1 gll decorations. Jus1 "'' & sUckl 2~· Ill. ht et 11; 181191 Incl. "--0 ......... ~5.5183)1•~ fEITIYf IAITA AIHTltAY dl1pl1y1 the wlu old tit wrtathed In hotly aoalnll a snow)' wl11t1 background Merry llolidly 1cc1nt any· wllt11. Metal; 5\11 -.., 0 ,..........,,111131111._... 111 PREll·H HOLIDAY IMAPfl ~rl11 •• Ill ................... ~ .. kl .. 7 "" ctlrtltall 1 ... 1llnl ~rtttly c1tco11t1on1 ,,.aa 11 to aoom mirrors wllldows, tilt. , any gloasy surlece. FM! oft wtthout INYfno ,· marts or mn1-111dy to uu IOlln ntxt yNrl Stlf-atlc*lno plutlc. All precut. just punch out. Santa, 11111, rtfnd11r. snow· llat11-1v1n ltlltrl for wlalllno "Merry ......... --. Christmas & Hapt1y New Yttr"I I• tt 111. ftot~.~~~~ .~. ·~ n CtMtlTllAI POIT WH llave ctMtrt .. 11onal 111otll1, lovely 01"fings & tlfin ch11m to win 1111 hurt• of 1111 3 merry d11lan1; 25 c11d1 on lleavY Dl'lntld It~.,,..• lJli•, 0 lWt Clr*C<H2611a)I~ OAZZLIH CRYITALLllf ORIAMUTI are c11v1d wllll joyou1 holiday scenes -dtlllfld.!11.ltWll COIOl'11 ~ ,.. ... ""'J(ll7410)1; a~· 11111 (07436) I . a~· DIH (87499) I . NEWa0 SALE HUii WlllU AIOTNlll RITURI ADOMlll Her1·1 500 gummed l1b1l1 wltll your 1111111 6 futt Id· drtUI J 111t wtl & rttek. Fw Ill st111oft- tfY--kob dltcb. tool lf11lfr11•1. ''" ••• ,. .. • IJI .......... llHt. Dlapenur lloru l1b1l1 wbllt dilpenalnt tllam one-lt·l·tlmt. I ILIMI• r:::.•1..;.,~ ) ...... . RCIWIT1H PllAIUI OR UlllCOU HU II llOWY POllCILAJll Mytllolo01'1 lnontt atttdl rar Dllct- lulty llOP IWfft!Y-cflllllllf btlr1. Tiit wi11tri llOf'lt la old to llan 1pn111g lrom gods • rtt1c111 amono !tit 11111. Tiit tluslve unl•rn. prodllmtd 1 ntltvt of' 111- cltnt lnd,lla la a symbol of purity. Ml ry otutd. Eadl about 4• • fdsa!:~'·····•l:tt f*125) .. ~ .... ·•l:tt all• eNTU ..CH•HSIUI ---tNllCtfill..,1 Ase..-. ..... m=. cookl•f. ,.111t. ,.t I tllltr H · .............. t or i.i. 0 ....... , ........ {mt3) . '.At:. IH·Tllll lJPPD CHE fiOIRll DITS. ·•121111 for stotatt or IJl'Hfl Gr1t1 for s..aters. ttn;trle. blo111es. Zips sht for mot:nprootlng. Httawy pl&stic. 91a 1 O" ll 13". o n,.c.e 1934091 .st:q Ill' SEWlll •ACMIH DUil F•H w11hout bother ot putting 11 away! Plastic covlf heps 4111 out of mechanism & oft your work. Slips on: olf! Ats standard machine. O 1 ... c..er (83980) l°h4t UTU "NAHUll IMCF' • MCI Of ,., IOOlll la 11N1. -.-. *Mt .... Steel "Hool! Bar" Slljll OVlf 4041; hu 3 double hooU. Ca11't ill· terlwrt wlt1I doslno. tZ-Jg . __ O .._.lar(691:l3) .. ~ fYHLAH Rf PAI• lrT lets you tighten or replace lunge screws 1n seconds• l+u minl- s c re wd r Iver maonifyino gtus. 4 screws. Snes trip1 to optlaan-& money! 0 llJHt tut (6959f) I~ ....... -NlllTtM ll11 ,.. ................... ............. _ plus stamps. lnll pact. lwttllwsl ""5onaliudlftb. boou: llrifM "°"'· *· 0 N11U .. 1 tlt3el .. at:q PIJOY UIDl·fllll llfAO. 118 . . Clever Book Siano adJusts for rt1dlng angle & thicllnua of materfal. Handy for reacS1nq while eating: fof-low1ng rtt:1pes. tic. Plut1c. 0 •• 1t111C1 (88336) I~ .. I I .,..__....K .. .,.... __ -...nccrn.u_, -,," ... , .. c:. ca..,, .. .,.,, "r=..flll llt .......... ..__ •• t -. ltO . on c-... QMrwe IO ..,: I I • ' I I I ( .... '""° .... ---- . ~ .,_ U.llM81'IR:AAD 0 VISA 0 Mi1ENCM £lCllMM lll'tCMPTCNID...,. I&: -•111.c.•" llfC....S ... ... - ~~·;';**;; ... ;,.~.::.~~====:::::;;;;;•~ .... ;;;~====='=~c-.~~·~--~-~='= .... ~ ... ~='~ ... ~~ .11----+--+-----+-----+--t------4 f ,___....__~-+-----+-+------t ti--~~--~+-~~~~~~~--t~~~~--~--~--t I I I I l I I I YOUR~ IS GUAfWlfT'EED ma OR YOUR MONEY CHEERFUUY RERJNOEDI lr==:-::~~::'1 ........... . =.~~a: POSTAGEOIART Clr0nupto$3.00 ............. 95C C ... ClllO ·--.. --......,..,llr f<Om$3.01111l5.00 ... $1.35 _....,... ___ .._.. __ ....,. __ .__ lid.cit•.... from S5.0l111S7.00 .•. tl.65 c..:;s1 .45 ... 1 ... .CO.O"'-~~ :r ........ "'* ' '-$7.0l1D$9.00 ••• iti95 1--~,;;,,,.,.;;;;,.~---t ... '°' ........... "l.~ •t... e--. Ti.. Rami9.0ltoSU.OO.. .lli -""-_ K . -'1C/W91S.... F.-11.0111111'.00. 5 Qllll~:..;: v• . .,,. "-"-.., """ only pert of total F'rom 13.0lto 15.Q0.12.55 ;f ~t.ut":r,~~ coelS. WtPIY Ffom 15.01111 lUO.S2.75 .. ....... °"'i>''"''~' CA IM-. fromfl7.0l111Sll.00.$2.95 t-----'--..... --...,. ••. •• r~ ''t..•• MIN. OROOI S2. O-U9.00 .• Addaat,$3.l.5 ~~""'CT "'