HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-10 - Orange Coast PilotI l I / \ l. A~ Wl1'9pftOIO FIGHTING BACK Wt•ndy Pnwsn1k. H, 1s angry A box of candy sht• bought recently d1dn 1 uimt· through with tht• promise made an the slogan, "ii pr 111 · in 1•\'Prv box · ... o Wt•ndy 1s suing No prize; girl, 9, sues Cracker Jack CARMEL, Ind {AP) Ntnl' year-old Wt·ndy Potasnak t.akt" her CrackN Jack so sPnousl v t h a t s h t• · ., s u 1 n g t h ;. manufacturt>r for <dl1•gt'dh forgetting tu pul a prize ms1dt· her box of candy-matl'<i popC"orn and peanut." Shi' fll<'d -;u1l an th£' sm:ill claims d1v1 :.1on of H<1mil11111 Coun t y Court . c1sk1ng 1h1• Cra<.·kt•r JaC"k D1 v1s10n of Bor<h·11 Inc be.' m<Hh· to poy 1·our1 ni-.L' and furni ... h .1 to'> "ThC'V <1dVl·rt1s.· .. fn'\' lo\ Ill each be.ix llc>Wf•ver. lhf'rt' "" .... n o nl' an mine l f1•1·I .... nll I bought thf'ir product bt'i. :1u~· of their da1m, tlll'Y brukt> <• ,·ontr.11 I with mC'." WPndv wrote· in lw1 fatht•r Lm<l ht>r Ii vear old c;1su•r. Roh1n. as w11m~; Tt•h•phone Cdlls Mondc1y night lo 8ordt•11 Inc l~Jrpor:.itt· offll"t~ 111 Columbus. Oh1t>, and N e w York Wf'rl' not answerL•d The h nm 1 • numb t· r [o r Mau r 1 c (' O'H1 ·1 ll y, ,1 l~Jmpany spokt·sman. was d1snmnt'l'tPd . a('('()rdmg to a ll•ll•ph1111<· 1·ornµ;1nv rt'l·ording No 111 \\ 11·l1·phorH• numb!•r was ti-.11·.t H (N P11t.1snak "'lid 1h,1t ~ h1·n 'ht linu,l{hl lwJth h< 1 d.1ughll" '"'' 1 .., 11 f l' r ... k r· r .I ,11 k l ii s t 11111111h H.11b1n g111 .i 111\ hut \.\'1 n1h d1dn'1 1Sr e CR.\f'KER. Page A2J Stuckle • regains custody By DAVID KUTZMANN Oftt. Delly PHot It.ff A 15-month-old boy w hose father as beUeved to be state Sen . John G . Schmitz was back in th e care of his Tustin mother today pending further court hearings on her fitness as a parent and her alleged negligence in not seeking timely med ical attenuon for a genital injury the child suffered. Carla Verne Stuckle, 43 . emerged sm1lmg from Albert Sitton Home in Orange Monday carrying her young son only minutes after a Superior Court judge had autho rized the youngster's temporary re leasP from t.."Ounty care Stuckle, who claimed last month that Schmitz was the father of bot h her infa n t c hildre n , was mobbed by reporters as she (·arried the blond-haired boy m her arms. "I 'm delighted," she said before walking thl' short dt~tance from Juvenile Court Lo the Sitton home. "My son as l"Ommg home." The infant was taken from her late last mo nth by order of Superior Court Judge William Murray aft.er do('turs treated the boy for sl'r1ous inJur1l's to has penis Police offo:1ab havC' said they believed a strand or hair was intentio nally wound tightly aro und th1-• o rgan, almost *verang 1t Shortly aflt>r that July 19 ht•arinK an Ju v(•nale Court. Stuckle Wa!> arrt'Sted by Tustrn police and c:h4.1rgC'd with a single count of felony child neglect r1c•lat1ng to the' tnjury She has pleaded innocent to the c hargl' and fa ces a prehmmary hearing Aug 23 in Centra l Orange County Municipal Court She also must come back to Juvenile Court on Sept 10 for 'ieparate proceeding!!> on her fitness as a mother Meanwhall'. S uperior Court Judge Byron M{·M1llan ruled Monday. s he l'an ma1nta1n custody of tht• l'h1ld until the c:ClSC' 1s completed. Doret•n Mc·Carthy. a c ase worke r with tht' county's Social Serv1<.·es Department. "said she rec om me n d c· d t h e b o v be n•1urnC'd to his mothc·r·s· care be<:aus<' she· fl'lt the· <.·hild would he "'1fe She said cart• of the infant !See CHILO, Page A2) • • I • t I I I I • I Ylll HllllDll llllY PIPll .} Ot•ANCf COUN I Y ' A l 11 OUNIA 25 CENTS Nagasaki recalled 600 in Seal Beach mark anniversary Delly l"tlol It.ff l"tw>4o AT VIGIL Participant in interfaith cere mony in Seal Beach would idenufy h erself only as ''No Guns." S h e said sh e is from Planet Earth. • About 600 partictpated ln what was balled as an mtertaith vigil in Seal Beach to ma rk the 37th a n niversary o f t h e atomic bombing at Nagasaki, Japan. Police said t h ere was n o Violence Monday night and the crowd was exceptionally we ll behaved as it marched about half a mile f r o m M cG augh Elementary School to the u.S: Naval Weapons S tation on Seal Beach Boulevard. Sponsors of the event called for all peop le to reme mbe r Nagasaki by working for passage of the nuclear weapons free~ m1tiative m November and for ehmmalion of nuclear weapons. MaryLou Brophy, a Sea\ Beach resident, said the Navy, station was chosen as the site for the vigil "because even though it looks peaceful, Seal Beach is a nuclear neighbor hood li ke Nagasaki." She drums there is evidence to prove that the station stores nuclear warheads Rabbi Be rnard Kang of t he Shir Ha-Ma AJot Harbor Reform Temple of Newport Beach , gave the opening prayer at the r ally. The closing benediction was given by Father Philip Rountree of St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Corona del Mar The Orange County Alliance for Survival, the Orange C'..oun ty Interfaith Commlllt'E' for Peace and the Seal Beach Nuclear Action Group sponsored the vigil. Newly wed man drowns in lake FRESNO (AP) -A Norwalk man d rowned at Millerton Lake just a few hours a fter he was marned, F resno County coroner's office reported. Steve Kirkegaard, 32. was at the Jake Saturday aft.Pmoon wtth htS bnde. Loudene, and htS best man w hen he sank while trying to swim to a buoy. complaint · "I was n•allv mad wht·n 11 happenNl but· I wa:-. " 111111 nervous wh<·n I w(•nt to 1·our1 .. said tht• girl who Pntl'r., 1h1 fourth r;11lt· this fall San Onof~re warned "lt'c; not mv favontt• 1 .inch but 'iOmc•t 1mi.•s I Pal 11 l'v o• alwayc; goltl•n d toy hd••f•'. -.ho• said of 'metal failure' A ht'.11 ing 111 th<• 1'<l'it' h.os lH'l'll • sche<lult'Ci Aug :w WC'nd y ~vs shl' wtll 1·;dl 11 .. , Noisier 3 d ays due from Toro Tht' nol!>P lC'vel 1n southern Orange County w ill be..> mueasNJ t o da y. W l:d n esday and Thursday. a('('()rdmg to officials al the Manm' Corps Air Station El Toro Due t o 1nc:reased flight operations. the noise lPvel will mcreas<' WC'dnesday from :1 to 5 pm . and on Thursday from 10 a .m t.o 5.30 pm off1c1als said l Jff11 1.tl.., of th1 S.111 Unufr (' 11111 11•;11 p<1w1•r pl.int 1 la1m th1 pl.ml w.1s d1•s1g1wd IP prt•v1·nt tht nll'l.tl h11u ... 1ng around th1· 1.11h11.01 t1v1· n1n• frnm "( rrwk1ng liko · .• r111·u· of glas.'i .. A go\'t•rnml·nl "<ifl'l'> png1m•1•1 It.is \.\drnt'\l Southt•rn Cal1for111.1 f'.d1 ... on ('11 pri1111µ.tl ownpr 11f tlw pl.1111 th:1t 111n:-.t.mt 1'.i.posun· In r<1rl1.it1cm could wf'akcn tht• -.t1·t·I ;ind poc;!!>1bly trigg<'• <1 mt>ltd ow n during emt•rgenc·y l'Oolmg proc-cdun-s David Barron. a <ipokt..,man for Edison. said M o nday th a t "tht>oret1cally" the warning b y [..,._•rnt'tr1r~; L &sdekas, a saff'ty 1•ng1nf'c•r for the· Nul'leor Ht'gulat ory Comm1ss1on as c-t1rre1:1 Rut Rarrnn o.;a 1d Ed1c;on has COUNTY ~\ Mesa attorney leads custody fight A retarded couple fights for eustody of son and a Costa Mesa attorney aids their battle Page Bl. Gala be n e fits art srhool The weather cooperated with the oceanside setting for the "Moonlight Memories" gala to benefit the Laguna Beach School of Art. Page B2. STATE 3,000 seek show jobs Some 3,000 people are seeking jobe at the US Festival to be presented Labor Day weekend near San Bernardino. Page A4. ... _ ----- b<'en aware of thC' theor y for yc·ars and des1gnf.'d the seaside nuclear plant to prevent any chance of a breakdown in the 'iteel vcsst-lc; surrounding the rl'actors · cor<' "We've dont• studies which c;how thC'r<' as no possibility that the· probl<'m would OCC'Ur during the life of tht• plant," Barron said "When you sub.)('Ct a p1l'CE' of metal to rad1at1on over a long period of time. 1t becomt'S more brittle," Barron said "What w f' did was install samples o f the m('tal in the reactor core so we could take them out at p<'r1od1c intervals and see what the effect was Even undt•r the m os t ISee ONOFRE, Page A2) ARTWORK STAYS -George Van Dam who painted his Costa Mesa house a t 466 Magnolia Ave. a rainbow of colors in retaliation for his ne ighbor 's constructio n h as vowed to keep the hand-painted stars and m oon on hts r oof and the splash of colors on the house Van Dam D.itr Ptlot ~o by ,._.~ o,,_.. recently lost an app eal to for ce William Gallagher. 492 Magnolia Ave., to tear down the garage he an d h is wife built behind their home. The painting is onJy o n the G allaghe rs' side of the fence. NATION Damn Yankees form club Damn Yankee clu bs are s pringing u p in Texas as expatriates fight hom esickness a n d c ulture sh ock . Page A8 Slayer to die tonight? RICHMO ND, Va. (AP) -Lawyers trying to stop F rank J . Cop pola 's e xecution tonight and thwart the convicted m u rderer's desire to die in the e lectric chair filed for a stay today with a federal appeala court. Coppola said he wants to die. Rock s tar also shocker Rock star Ozzy Osbourne la kno wn for h ia unpredictability. Read about hla llltelt shock perf ~rm.ance on Page A~. INDEX At Your Service A4 ln t.ermission B6 Boati C2 Ann Landers A7 Erma "Lmbeck A7 Movies B6 Business B4-5 Mutual Funds B4 Cavalcad e A7 Na tional News A3 Classified C4-8 S ports Cl-4 Comics B7 Dr. St.elncrohn A7 Croaword B7 S tock Markets 85 Stan Delaplane A7 Televia.ion B8 Death Notices C4 Theaters B6 Editorial A6 Weather A2 En t.ertairunen t B6 World News A3 Horo900pe A7 SPORTS Dodgers hall-same oui Pedro Guerrero'• home nm off Jim Kem in the 13th inning aave the Dodgers a 3-2 wm ov~r Clnclnnati and moved them within a half-game of Atlanta in the NL .w-. Pap Cl. .. ONOFRE WARNING • • • conservative calculatJona, we still have a number of years to operate without having to take any corrective action at all." ~Jim Hanchett, a NR C i1pokeaman In Walnut Creek, added that Basdekaa' warnings have been exhaustivel y researched during the past two years and nobody else on the r_(RC technical staff agrees with ~ekaa' views. ""The NRC technical stalf has 09ncluded that at this time, pressurized thermal shock does not pose an unacceptably high dsk to the public's health and ~fety," Hanchett srud. "There have been a lot of t1\ermal shock occurrences in l\uclear reactor vessels, but none has ever resulted in a reactor's being breached." In a story published in the Dallas Times Herald, Basdekas warned that metal vessels housing the rad ioactive cores of 14 nuclear plants are dangerously "euaceptlble" to crack.lna during emeraency coollna procedures. "There la a high, lncreutna likelihood that someday aoon, durlns a see mingly minor malfunction at any of a dozen or more nuclear power planta around the United Statea, the steel ve11ela that houae t h e reactor core ls solni to crack like a piece of glass," Baadekas said. In addition to San Onofre, Basdek.as cited 13 other nuclear plants where he said the possibility of a thermal shock cracking the metal vessels exists, including Rancho Seco, Clay Station and Three 'Mile Island. San Onofre is not now generating electricity, although low -level tests are being performed on the Unit 2 reactor. Unit 3 still is under construction and Unit 1 is inactive pending completion of modifications designed to strengthen the reactor's r esistance to an earthquake. Hit, run driver gets 10-day stay The hit-and-run driver who struck and kiUed Newport Beach resident Donald W arner lasl September has been ordered lo begin serving a 240-day Jail sentenc:e. Samuel Gibbs, 21, a resident of Orange who appeared in Orange C.ou n ty Superior Court on Friday, was granted 10 days to ~k appellate l.'Ourt review. Un!Pss Gibbs secures review by the Fourth District Court of Appeal in San Bernardino. he w1U be J8iled Aug. 16. Warner, 26, was hit and k1Ued m the pre-dawn hours Sept 19 while crossing Balboa Boulevard :_it 32nd Street. The dnver and a pa ssenge r s topped briefly, according to witnesses. and then took off. The death car was loc:ated several days later, abandoned m a Whittier shopping center Gibbs has admitted to being the driver and SaJd he panicked after the accident. He has denied that he was driving recklessly. The young driver, who plea bargained for the 240-day jail sentence last spring. went to court late last week to get the sentence stayed and have a fuU- jury trial. Gibbs said in talung his plea- barga.in position, he agreed that he was driving with negligence, an admission he now claims IS not true. CRACKER J AC K • • • "At the time 1 t was very upsetting lo her," Mrs. Potasnik ~id "Sh<' was so sad-faC'ed." We nd y's Cather , Alan J Potasn1k, said he urged his daught<>r to sue several weeks .iftcr shc mailed a complaint to the manufacturer and recC'1ved no reply "Onc night Wendy was askin~ rne what a lawyer does. I had a hard time explaining it." said Potasnik. who is not a lawyer "So when this came up I said, 'let's go to court and file su1 t · "( took her to the courthouse .1hd had her pick up the Corms. frll thC'm out and gave her a tour of the room whe r e th<· trial might be held." he said Employees in the l'OUnty clerk's office said the youngster could barely see over the counter when ~he hied the documents "She's to the pornt now whC're she's pretty interested m how the system works." Potasnik said. "It's a little course in the jurisprudence system ." Wendy said she hopes "next lime t hey'll have toys 1n the Cracker Jacks." ln the meantime, she's sticking to her guns. "I'm not buying any more unul this ts settled." she said to pick site? By GLENN SCOTT oru..~,....., .... A definite locaUon la e~ to be choeen toniaht for livlne'a planned City C"enter, but It probably won't inr.lude headquarten for the local 1ehool district. \ The Irvine City Council wiU review at Its 7:30 p.m. meetlna today at City Hall a recommenda tlon from U1 adminiatratlve staff to develop the long-10ught City Center at Jeffrey Road between extenaiona of Barran~ and Alton parkwaye. The center Initially was envisioned to mlx offices of local governments with retail and commercial buildings, thus creating a oomfortable plaza-like atmosphere that would serve as a central meeting place. That plan still is in the work.a. In fact, an architectural team already is at work on designing a master plan for layout Df the plaza. The city 1s paying the designer $1 27,000 for the design. Until recently, however, most all the officials working on the project had expected that Irvine Unified Sch ool District's proposed new headquarters would be inc:luded. School district leaders have urged others to hasten selection of a site so they could begin construction of their offices soon. But now they say it may be too late for their participation in the plaza, and city officials agree. For the school district, the issue is economics. rt needs to have a location. design and environmental impact report prepared for its n e w offices before the Nov. 2 election. Officials say they need to commit a voter-approved $5 million bond toward the project before the e lection , when a statewide $500 million school bond is up for passage. If that $5 million bond Isn't committed by then, lrvine would receive that much less should the statewide measure pass, said Ron Upton, deputy superintendent. ln a memo t o the council. Assistant City Manager Paul Brady Jr admitted the Jeffrey Road site may not be a feasible location for the district. An environmental report couldn't be prepared until Dec. 14, he noted. Said Brady: "There IS a strong possib1hty the school district may decide to locate its facility outside the C tvic C enter since they require a site location with an approved EIR.'' Other major buildings expected to remain in The center are City Hall, including a new police station , Irvine Ranch Water Dis trict o ffices. a new Senior Citizens' Center. a day care center and a performing arts center. Fair and sunny (.'on.'i l <r l POINT CONCEPTION TO THE MEXICAN BOAOER ANO OUT 60 MILES Small craft adv11ory over ouier coastal waters from Polnl Conce(>loon 10 San NIC<>l8$ 181a/>d 10< nof1h-I wtnds 18 lo 28 koola wtth 2 10 8 loot seas through Tuesday Elsewhere light 11arlable wloda night aod mornlog houri 1>eCOm1og -1 to sovthwesl 10 t o 18 k nots Tuesday altemooo Southwest swell I to 3 feet Night and morning low cloud• and local log becoming mostly lair Tl>Mdav afternoon l ' .. ~ .. ~u1111uarv A cold l root spread 1hunders10<ms across lhe easrern Qullfler or lhe natton with st0<ms from Texea to New Eogland. Where heaVy rain fell ChtCOPM Fans. Mass got 2 10 loches o l r a 10 fr om thunderaro rma, aod Hartlord Conn . gol 3 20 inches W orc•••er. Mass, nad 2 23 1nchea. won 1 06 RI BMlon The Gull Coaat also g o l dr•nched during the mornlog Mond1y with 1 87 loches of ralo •t Houlton. and 1 17 at Corpus Chrl1tl, Texu Th• M id west had mild 19m9«•tures and SUf1ahlne, with noort rNdlnga In the SO. lo Upper, Mlchlgen, •r>d SO. lo the centr9' Pia.Int •od the upper Mlsslselppj Velley Show••• apra11d trom the nortr-n Roek1411 Into the C«'trlll Plalna during the morning. aod ll'Mlt9 -e • 1-lhowera In the Pectflc Nort"-1. T•mper•turo arouod the oatlon el midday Monday r•no-<t rrom 1 low or 50 degrees at Houghton 11\d Marquette. Mlcll .. 10 • high or 110 111 P•lm Sprlog.a For today, •c •tter•d lhunderatonna -e forecast OYer lh• Gull Coaat and aoulh••" Atlantic CoNt 11a1es. with 1 ,_ thundef~ develOplng OY9< the c.ntr9' Plelnt Hlghe In the 70. end SO.-• prec!lct.O lo the north«n atatee. In the 90t In the Soulh, end •bo¥9 100 In parta of lh• d•aart Soulr-1 areas Heavy winds and seas betweeo Point Cooceptloo •nd Sao Nicolas Island are expecited lo decrease somewf\at toolghl aod Wedoeeday EIMwtlere. light and variable winds In the ol9hl aor morning hours are ••peeled to pick up to 10 to t 8 knots t>y al1ernooo1 w.th 2· to 4.root _, M0<n1og low clouds Should cleat by evenlOQ Teni 11er a l11res NATION HI lo Albany 86 67 AlbuQue 91 64 Nll!Onel WHIM< S.MCe Amarillo 88 64 NO O US 0.01 or Commerce Ancho1age 63 51 A$11evllle 82 68 Fronts: Cold .,. Warm ..,.. At111n11 87 70 Ausltn 89 74 Naahvllle 86 73 Ba1t1m0<e 88 72 N-O<leaoa 91 7t Bill logs 72 6J Norfolk 9t 72 B1rm111Qnm 87 7 t Okie City 92 72 B1sm,1c~ 64 45 Omaha 65 60 80<se 94 63 Ph1l&<1phl8 87 73 B~ton 80 69 Ph09f\IX 110 87 81ow1is1111f> 93 79 Ptllsburgh 78 68 Buttalo BO 71 Provtdeoce 79 69 Burltngtoo 81 77 Raleigh 90 70 Casper 88 58 Rspld City 55 53 Charlstn SC 90 75 R•no 88 51 Ch&rlsln WV 82 69 Richmond 88 72 Clterllle NC 87 7t Seit lake 93 65 Cheyenne 82 81 SM Diego 80 69 Chteego 74 58 San F'ran 62 55 Clnclrm•ll 63 7 t Seattle 82 54 Cievet•nd 92 68 St Louis 81 63 Clmblt SC 88 72 St P-Tampa 91 74 Columbus 86 69 Spohoe 93 85 Del-Ft Wth 94 74 SyrecuM 85 65 Dayton 82 65 Topeka 84 62 Denver 119 67 TUCSO<'I 99 75 0.. MolnN 74 59 lulu 94 69 Oetrott 79 58 Wathlngto 87 75 er P•so 01 66 Wichita 05 65 Falrb8"kl 72 62 CAUFO..NIA FlmG•'•" 82 53 HI Lo GrNt Fellt 78 80 Bak era Ii.Id 99 74 Hertford 66 69 Bar•low toe 78 Hel«I• 84 80 Big Bear 83 44 Honolulu 89 72 Bllh()p 97 56 Houlton 85 7' Blythe 108 83 lodo9'>1l1 79 64 C•t•llo• 70 86 Jeckanvtle 94 70 EVtek• 67 54 Kena City 83 60 FrMnO 100 7t Knoavtlle 65 70 lake Arr~ 85 54 l .. Vegu 107 76 Long 8Mch 87 66 llllle Rock 90 72 Loe~ 87 87 Loe A ...... 87 67 Mont•e)' 86 ~ loulevtlte 84 7 t Mt Wlleon 83 66 Lubt>odl 86 85 N...:llM 110 85 Memphlt 91 78 New'p0<1 8MCfl 75 84 Mlernl 87 63 OPiand 65 59 MllweulcM n 111 OnterlO 9e 84 .q SURF RIPDRT ~, a t IWf IWf ..,. .... .... .... ..... " .. .. ,,. •1 ..... CMr l.llme ~ 4 12 2 SW &eM•~ 2 4 12 1 2 SW Nftloport 8Mdl 2 .. 12 2 3 SW 89'1 ~ Coun~ 2 4 12 2 3 aw '°' adnelldey: Uttle ot\aoge. r.:_ Pelm Sprlogt t11 78 Puadene 94 65 Riverside 98 60 Red Bluff 90 ~ Redwood City 69 59 Secramento 85 55 San B&roardloo t03 65 S•o Gabrlet 95 63 Sao Otego 60 69 San Freoctaco 62 55 San Jote 74 59 Santa Aoa 79 85 Sent• Barbera 74 58 Sllllte Cru1 80 6.4 S1nla Merla 70 s.c Saola Monie• 74 80 Tahoe Vatlfly 78 47 mog The Alf Ou•llly M1nagement Olatrlcl pt.Oleta uo"-81thlut 9'1 quellty today In moat .,_ Of the Soulh Coaet Air BUln. with OOOd •Ir lor•ceat lor lh• coHl•I r9Qlooa. lnl•nd Oreng• Couoty, the high •nd low d-11 and 8lg Bear lak•. Unhealthful lllr for ewryor>e It l0<eca1t lo the San G1brlei end Pomon• velr.y. with • Pollutant St•Mard Index ot 215 •nd th• Alv•rald•-S•o B•101rdlno •rae with• PSI or 210 Wh••• to cell (1011 lrH) for l•tHt am~lormetion· O<enge oty: (900) 445-3126 Lo• Ang•IH Couoty· (100) 242-4022 Rl¥erllde and 8811 .,.,..,_dlno count .... (800) 3e7-4710 AOMD !pleode Center. (800) 242-4&ee Tides TOOA't Second high 1:51 p.m. 4.7 8eoond low 1:21 p.m. 2.0 ftOHllOAY Flrat high 1:66Lm. 3.T Fnt low 7:51 Lm. 1.6 ~high 2:11 p.m. u ~IOw t:4S p.m 1.1 81.111 •• today at 7:45 p.m •• 11-w~ et 1; 11 a.in. Moon ,.. toctey et , 1:24 p .m., MtaW~at 11:Na.m. By TM A110clas.d Preti Iaree1 •nt w~ on ra1dl .,.in.t auerrilla ...... ta 1n wen Beirut today and aald lt1 jeu attacked Syrian mi-1.le battert. in eutern Lebanon after Menachem Begin'• government approved "In pr1Qc~le" U.S. p.lanl to evacuate tMLO. The Tel Avtv COmtNnd Mld waf'DlaN9 knocked out a battery of Syrian SAM.e anti-alrcraft miuOn that bad been moved lnto Lebanon'• eutern Bekaa V.U.y despite larael'1 lnaiatence that tM area be empty of IUCh weapom. It wu the third llme ltracl REUNITE D -Carla Verne Stuckle and son John George Bostrom leave Albert Sitton Home in Orange after judge ruled Mrs. Stuckle could have temporary custody of her child. State Sen. John Schmitz, R -Corona del Mar, is alleged to be the father of the child. From Page A1 CHILD RETURNED • • • would be monitored closely and that officials felt "there is no danger to the child." But Tustin police detective Jim Hein, who has been the lead investigator on the criminal case, said later he was not all that pleased with McMillan's dec1Sion. "It came as a bit of a surprise." Hein said "( thought the judge would ret.am custody pending the outcome of the c riminal proceedings." Hein added, "I hope and pray the Social Services Department monitors the situation." Police are convinced that the injury to the child was caused by someone deliberately winding a strand of hair so tightly around the child's genitals that the penlS was almost severed. An elderly babysitter who had cared for the boy was located by police in a Los Angeles psychiatnc hospital late last week. Hein said his intervie w with the woman , Mary Acosta . oonv1ttced him that she was not the one responsible for the injury. He said she d~n1ed attaching the string of hair. Cops hope bandit fled 'red handed' ' • announced auacktn1 Syrian mt11J111 In Lebanon aisace it ac;reed to . Clllll-tlre with 81f'IA on June 11 . "The ttat.e of larael at.andl by lu decl1ion not to permit the Syriana to .move CTound·tcHlr m tulle batterlee i nto tbe Lebanon rqion," the TtJ Aviv command ..rd. . llraell warplanee .i.o a~ PalesUnlan sUerrUJa pmlticm tn the Boura el·Barajneh5f camp eouth of Beirut what the Tel Aviv comO)AD called repeated ceaee-tlre violations by the auerrtllal. It said Bourj el-Barajn.eh w• virtually empty of clvlllan occupan ts and had become a guerrilla bue. The communique accused the g uer rlllaa ot harassing ltraeli troop• with mortar, baz.ooka and Ught-arm1 fire. All planet returned safely, it sald. Meanwhi l e Israel la apologimlg to the United States for three incidents ln which an American military liaiaon team in Lebanon was harassed by Israeli forces, including an F-16 jet fighter. The State and Defense departmen ts said Monday the United States lodged strong protests with the Israel i government and rece i ved assurances there will be no further actions of this kind. Police seek slayer of HB manager Police were continuing their search today for two men wanted in the fatal weekend beating of a Cypress servtce station manager who lived in Huntington Beach. Cypress police Lt. Daryl Wicker srud officers responded to reporlS of a fight Saturday night at the Arco station at Moody Street and Ball Road and found manager Wadih Baran, 26, lying on the floor in the service bay area. _,,.,,. Badran had apparenuy been bludgeoned with a hammer and a piece of lumber. both found nearby. Wicker said. The station manager was taken to Los Alamitos General Hospital. where he died Sunday of head injuries, police srud. Passin~ motorists gave officers jnrormation on an auto spotted at the s tation , leading police to obtain search warrants for two residences in Westminster . Wicker said. At one of the homes. officers arrested seven men on drug and narcotics v10Jat1ons apparently unrelated to the fatal beaung. he said. Fountain Valley police are remove and should help officers Wicker s aid police also hoping the man who robbed a identify the holdup suspect i( he obtained arrest warrants for two local savings and loan office wiU IS spotted elsewhere. men believed to have been be caught red-handed. literally. The man, dest!'1bed as involved in the beating. The Officers said a red dye capsule Caucasian, in his 30s. with brown men, Ali Berri and Mahomoud attached to some of th#? money hair, enter ed the business at Bazine, both 22 and both take n Cro m Fullerton Savings about 9 ; 3 0 a . m Monda y. Westminster residents, remained and Loan, 18020 Brookhurst St.. displayed a handgun to a teUer at large. is believed lo have exploded and demanded money. police Police said the station manager outside the office. coating the srud. had been closing for the night robber's hands with a red dve lnjtiaJ estimates placed the loss when the incident occurred and at about $900. No injuries were may have been struck during a ~~P_o_h_ce~sai~d~h_e_d~y~e~is~d_if_f_ic_Ul~t_to~~reported in th_e~in_c_i_d_e_n_t_·~~~~~ro_b_be_ry=-a_t_te_m.....:.p_t_. PEARLS THE CLASSIC GIFf FOR ALL OCCASIONS. I Our cultured peorls will grow more beautiful every \ I time they're wom, because we corefvlly select only the finest quolity. One unique example: this 30-incn "con- vertible" necklace with hidden clasps, to be wom long 0< os a shorter necklace and l:>roailet ensemble. $1,500. Come see our complete col lectionl SLAVl·CK'S rin.~~1117 Whfr< c~'btsr SMrprtsts ~Rtn. 'llhlOn ..... (714) ..... 1380• Mfwport INc1I Al:lo ~ ~~·s.tl O...· La "9911 t ,., ......... . SAND SCULPTURE -Crowds view one of 59 entries in the annual sand scu ture contest on ach in Long Beach. This entry was called asauced" by John Weinell. Speculation gro succeed Philippin Who will president MANILA, Philippines (AP) - Speculation is growmg in political and diplomatic quarters here on who eventually will succeed President Ferdinand E. Marcos, who has been in office for 17 years and has five more to go in his present term. His wife , I melda, 52, is mentioned often, but she denies repeatedly s he has any such intention. Mrs. Marcos remains Reeond only to Marcos in power and influence in the Philippines. She governs this capital city and its s uburbs. oversees all social services as a Cabinet minister and sits in the National Assembly. She also directs much of the Philippines' foreign affairs in frequent trips abroad. T h e Philippines, a U .S . territory from 1898 to 1946, has strong personal, business a nd military bonds with the United States, but U.S . diplomats have n ot expressed publicly any feelings one way or the other towards Mrs . Marcos as a posmble successor. She has taken a pro-American stand even stronger than her husband's. Marcos' opponents, critical of the U.S . ties, have re tedly called for his resignation. ut no opposition leader has ed as a viable successor giv the grassroots political org tion across the Philippines' m than 7,000 islands of Marcos' ·ticat party, the New S ety Movement. The only op~tionist pote ntially large foll former Sen. Benigno lives in American exile a death sentence on m subversion charges if he His U.S. reside ncy cou make him ineligible f presidency for 10 yean the constitution is chang Marcos periodically d ks rumors that he is dying f an incurable disease or is so k he may have to resign. He been shown water skiing, j ing, playing golf and working t in the palace gymnasium last month said his doctors fo him "clear of any malady." A constitutional chan year s et up a 15-m ber Executive Committee to en the day-to-day affairs of goveunent and take over temporariljl the event of the president'sleath, disability, removal from office or resignation. Saturday, Marcos announced the appointment of ·his wtfe to the committee, saying she would be the representative of the Philippines' women. Marcos so far has app:>inted 11 members to the comnutt.ee. Opposition Assemblyman Ruben Canoy urged Marcos to either call an election for a vice president or designate a member of the Executive Committee as his 11.&0Ce.or if he leaves office before the next election in 1987. Canoy did not name any possible contenders, but at least two others have emerged as possible alternatives to Mrs. Marcos: -Prime Minister Cesar Virata, 51, a loyal technocrat who has withstood considerable abuse for often unpopular economic policies. He stands in Mrs. Marcos' shadow at official functions. -Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile, 58, a longtime Marcos loyalist who has a strong legal and business background in addition to his position of influence over the anned forces. Aillerican cliillhe 41, killed Survivor tells how companion fell precipice PEKING (AP) -"I heard the ice crunch b e hind me and thought it was the wind howling, but when I turned around Roger was gone," the leader of an American mountainee ring expedition said today. "I thought we were safe and Roger was just a few feet behind me, but he slipped on the ice, skidded to the cliff and fell 2,000 feet down a precipice." Steve Creer of Denver, Colo., told The Associated Press. Creer said Roger Kirkpatrick, a 41-year-old English teacher from Princeton, N .J., was killed July 29 after the two men skied to the top of Mount Muztagata, a 24,757-foot peak in the Xinjiang region of northwest China. Kirkpatrick died on the descent at about 24,213 feet, Creer reported. He was the third Am e rican killed i n a m ountaineering accident in China in two years. Last May 15 a woman climber, Marty Hoey of Seattle, fell to her death on Mount Everest, and on Oct. 13, 1980, Jonathan Wright, an ABC cameraman from Colorado, was ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomu P. Halev killed in an avalanche o Mount Gongga, in Sichuan pro . Creer himself was loo r four days without food, nt or equ ipme nt on the untain known by the local pie as "Father of the Icy M tains." All his toes were £ros n, he fell into a crevasse b climbed out, and often he was wblind and could not see h ' feet, he said. "I thought many ti~ during those four days that I, , surely would die and that couldn't possibly be alive the xt day," he said. But he fo his way back to his base at 15,420 feet, reaching it on . 1. "But if you fall o bucking bronco, you get ba on, so of course, I will clim gain," he added. Creer said he and · kpatrick skied up to the s of Mount Muztagata on July d started skiing down the n h side. He said the descent uld have taken only a few h But they were blinding snowsto and lost their way, he con ued. They wandered far from their route and went closer to the edge of the cliff. They bivouacked that night in the storm and started out again next day. They skied until they hit a small but treacherous area of hard-packed snow and ice. They decided to take off their skis and walk acroes. Creer crossed safely on the 20-degree slope and Kirkpatrick was not far behind. They were not using ropes. "Suddenly he was gone," said Creer. "There is no way he could have fallen that fa r and survived." Creer and Kirkpatrick had planned to return to the camp and h el p the rest of the expedition up the mountain. The team included Jerry Clayton, 34, and Karen Ratner, 36, of Lakew ood, Colo., and Bill McDowell, 60, of Glenwood Springt, Colo. They were to leave for Tokyo and the United States today. Creer said no anempt would be made to recover Kirkpatrick's body because the attempt would endanger more llvee and would take too long. ~ -Ollef (JUICUI .... Oflloet Kay Scilultz Vice-. COPY•loflt "'2 Or-Coul P '-'· Ho now• 1'°"91. llluotr1t1on1, edit I rn--. ~ -verUNrnenft l1er1ln may bl r "" wltt.out "ll you climb long f!flO\.UEh and hard enough, it la inevitable that you or a friend will be involved in an acddent," said Clayton. However, he and Creer are planning to cllmb 26,000-foot Mount Xixabangma in Tibet in 1984. -Olrtclor ol ~ Tom Murphlne Edllor Mike Harvey Olrllctor o1 -w .. ino CClrcullltlonl Ktwl Goddard Olteclor ol ()perllllone Ray MacLeen ~~ Tom Mccann ........... ~ 04!y ...... Ot41 • ...., .......... Mon01y Frt<11y II ~· <to ooo -, YoU' -by $ 30 P "' C.11 1>1b1 I P"' ..,.., Y'O<lt COO> ... 11 bi! O.k-eo a.i....sr, -Suncl""" '°" 00 .... =~ .~ c::er _. W.,"' ... 11C: c1e1.-.... &llKll l permlHlon of <OC>Yr'9flt Kirkpatrick had climbed in the Soviet Union, just acrou the border from the Chinete mountain where he died. and In Pakistan, New ?.ealand, Africa. Alaska, Peru, Argentina and Mexico. A bachelor, he had made many tripe to China with Jtudentt on 1tudy tours. tening ••• .What do yo jke about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like~ C•ll the num below and your message will be rttorded, transcribed an livered to the appropriate editor. The same ur answering service m~ be used to record let· tera lo the edit on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name an elephone number for verification. No clrculatlqn calla, please. TelJ \d wh • on your mind. Disease, deaths rise Atlanta report cites nuke plant releases ATLANTA (AP) -Dlaeaae and death rates have riHn markedly near the federal Savannah River nuclear facility, Atlanta'• newspapers have rel)Oft.ed. There have been 75 accidental releuee of radioactivity into the atmoephere since the 19508, the Joint Sunday editions of the loumal and the Constitution aaid, citing a report by the Envirorunental Policy Institute of Washington. The Savannah River Plant, owned by the U.S. Department of Energy and operated by Du Pon t, produces all of the weepona..grade plutonium for the nation'• nuclear anns industry, the newspapers aaid. The plant, just across the at.ate line in South Carolina, a1.ao sits atop the largest inventory of nuclear wastes east of the Miaaissippi River, includlng 28 million gallons of high-level llqutd waste, the newspapers said. A Department of Energy spokesman told The Associated Press the agency had no specific respo~ to the report, but he tended to d.iecount the effect of any radioactivity releases. The J ournal-Consti tu ti on noted that in Jaaper County, S .C., southeast of the plant, Infant dfftha climbed from 22.9 per 1,000 live blrtha ln 1950 to 29.2 per 1,000 In 1980. 1be rate for ~ entire •ta~ wu 38.9 per 1,000 ln 1950 and 15.6 per 1,000 ln 1980. Fetal de.th.a ln Juper Coun~ lncreaaed by 250 percent from 1950 to 1980, while the etate rate fell by more than half during the same period. In Screven County, Ga., also southeast of the plant, the Incidence of heart disease rose from 224. 7 per 100,000 people in 1950 to 776.1 per 100,000 in 1980, a rate nearly five times higher than the statewide increase, the newspaper said. And in Burke County, Ga., the incidence of cancer roee from 46.9 per 100,000 people In 1950 to 248.1 per 100,000 ln 1980, a five-. told increate. Oeor1la' c.ancer rate !04' that period 1- than doubled from 96.lz '*-Pl" 100,000 people to 152.4 per 100,4' 000. . Lu\ week, physicl.ana ln leV~ towne a.round the plant dted 2J caae1 of polycythemia vera, a rare blood diteue l1nked by aome health expert• to· radiation exposure, the newspepen u.ld. "' The dileue, whJch can leed iO, leukemia, h eart attack an!, stroke, hae a naUonwide rate 01 one per 250,000 people, aocordlnf to health officiala. r • ·~-4 Jim Gaver, a Department Q/.' Energy spokesman for the plant,• declined to answer specific questions about the newspaper. report. · Shooting horses stirs big outcry I.• LONDON (AP) -Scotland Yard pensions ita two-legged veterane, but its horses are shot when they get too old to work. The disclosure that four- legged police vet.a end up in cans ~-...-.. and not in green pastures haj brought a deluge of protest.a to newspapers and radio stations. Officials of the Metropolitan Police, as Scotland Yard it known officially, say they're getting "weepy" phone ~by the hundreds. The furor was touched off by one man 'a reaction to the • outburst of public sympathy for horses injured in the Irish Repub\jcan Army bombing lri Hyde Park July 20. The Hyde Park bombin' w8'1 ' one of two that day in which 11 people were killed. Seven horses of Queen Elizabeth ll's Household Cavalry were als() killed or had to be destroyed, but four injured horses survived,• including Echo, a police mount being ridden by an escort for the cavalrymen. Gifts of apples, sugar lumps; flowers and money have poured ln for the equine invalids, and they have become fixtures on newspaper front pages. The lavish attention angered Ron Kirby, 50, a fonner Scotland Yard detective who joined the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals after his retirement. "What If Echo does not sufficiently recover from h(s · injuries to resume normar duties?" he wrote The Standard. London's evening n ewspaper. "The Metropolitan Police policy is to slaughter all their horses on the day they cease to be useful. l think it's disgusting. WAR GAMES -Lebanese orphan illustrates what he is living through in Sablieh School in heart of West Beirut. He is a refugee from Sidon, Southern Lebanon. Local artist Seta Manoukian is attempting to take children's minds off immediate _problems. Actual school time is non-existent in West Belrut. "These animals have given their whole lives to the service ol ; humans and the police force. I l think I am expressing the . feelings of the entire British public when I say it is outrageous and disgraceful." "Rewarded -With Death," said the caption over a picture In.. The Standard of two children • petting a policeman's mount. • Wednesday, August 11 Meet Laura Chappel/ow and see the Evan Picone Collection for Fall '82 from 10 a.m. to 4 p .m. Designer Sportswear, Upper Level Wednesday, August 18 Thursday, August 19 Special envoy Florence Napp presents Rina Di Montella Collection. Exquisite cocktail or special occasion dresses. Designer Salon, Upper Level Saturday, August 21 Children's Fashion Show will be in the Jewel Court, South Coast Plaza Mall. · 1 p.m. Friday, August 27 Saturday, August 28 Join us for a spec/a/ showing of ST. JOHN Knits Fall '82 Collection • DesJoner Salon, Upper Level. All collectlons will be Informally modeled 12 noon to S p .m: South Coast Plaza, 3333 BnstOI St ' I . J . l t ' . ' • t d I ' ' I • • I I ' l , I () '< tJ r I I ) s lb PAT HOROWITZ ifwi.Ollr ........ DEAR READERS: S•mmer brla11 a w1toie aew Ht of haUll ,ro1tlem1 fer laCM11elllold peta w'98 ntJaJre oWHr atteadoa, accordl•I to th SHtlllera Calif oral a Vetertaary MedJcal AllOdaUOD. High temperaturea and the tnabWty of an animal to keep lta body cool can caUlt heat stroke followed by death it treatment la not given to bring the body temperature back to nonnal. One of the moat commor\ miatakea ia leaving a dog alone in a car "for a fe w minutes" while on an errand. It takes only a ·few minutes for temperatures inside a car to eoar dangerously hlgh, even with windows left open . If an animal must be left in a parked vehicle, a minimum of two windows should be left partially open to provide cross ventilation. The car also should be parked in the shade. However, the shifting sun can quickly displace the shade and change a comfortable car into a deadly hot box. A dog left In a fenced-In back yard also may suffer heat stroke If shade is not available all day and cool, clean drinking water isn't provided. Should your pet become a victim of heat 'housands s ek job t show AN BERNARDINO P) -About 3,000 o ple are seeking porary jobs at the US tlval, a musical and puter extravaganza s eduled for Glen H len Regional Park In C jon Pass over the bor Day weekend. h e a ppl ica nts verged on the Citrus ilding at the Orange ow fairgrounds las t w k to apply for the 1,- 4 0 temporary jobs d ring the three-day PJ,8;'~·d a P i r t I e , a U USON Corp . r pre se ntative who c o rd i nat ed th e plfcement program. said tt\e positions ar e for ;} rt-term, unskilled w rkers who will be d $4 an hour. ,Phe said the a pplicants f;all security and some c cession posi lions w,ould be screened t ~r o ugh polic e b'-ckground c h eck s . OJh er applicants, she safd. are being judged on gteral appearance and at 'tude. me job seekers view t~ festival , whic h U USON said it is p d ucing at a cost of $l2.5 million, as a n o ftportunity to make . money and attend Basically, I'll take t I can get. I want to work so I can get In , " said Anthony P Jredes, 19, of San &tmardino. ~herie Russell, 24. of F Qn tana, said "the t i•c k e t s a r e v e r y e>Q:>ensive. I prefer to get ~d to check it out." trickets good for all t~ee days cost $37.50. 'I'he festival 's p t1omoters, i ncluding ~put.er designer Steve Wozniak , said the g~hering will celebrate the rebirth of community s~·rit i n the 1980s f lowing the so-called " e" d ecade of the l!170s. ~Scheduled to perform are such rock bands as The Police, Tom Petty arid The Heartbreakers. Fleetwood M ac, the a1~2s, Talking Heads arid Santana. ~UFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY • ...,.. _ _.s... I '22 HAJtlOI ILVD. COSTA MISA -'141-1156. I Dally Living ! AIDS "OR PERSONS WITH I DISABILITIES I "Lit 111llllp1011 ,._. yourS#lf" 1 we DELIVER ~4«4't-"'" (fe. f 2907 W. WAltfll. S.A. 30-5:30 662-1712/TDO it.toke, ooniact your veiertnartan immediately Emergency treatment lnclude1 placlna the animal ln the shade and cooUna the body by apraytna with cool water ot lmmendna the aninlal 1n a ahallow pool for ahort pertoda. Frequent drlnka of cool water alao are a.enUal. Fleaa, Ueki and moequltoe a1ao poee a speclal problem for pet• durlna aummer monthl. Daily aroomina and ~ful 1nlpect1on of animal's skin a.re needed to detect paralltes and to take measures a1a1n1t them. U an animal becomes infested, it 1a wtaest to consult with a veterinarian. The insect capable of cau.aing the greet.eat danger to dop is the moequito. This tiny in8ect can trantmit heanworm diaea.se which can become a killer if left untreated. AJJ with any other canine diaordera, heanworm disease can be prevented through proper vaccination. • Got a problem'! Then write to Pat Horo-'ti witz. Par will cut l'N rape, gect/ng the - answers and action you need to solve in- equities in government and businNJ. Mail ·your questions to Pat Horowlt•, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1580, Costa mesa, CA 92626. BIRTHDAY -MiiDI CWTan amUel av. Mr birthday cab delllrwd to rtlemble fltNW of her book. "Br•ad ani'l Grapee," durtq her lOtiad birthday puty at the GrMter Loa Anae1-P.--Club. Her book ii about her trave1a 1n Turkey at age 97. One Beautiful Menthol· One Beautiful Box. One RefreShlng Slim 100. .. 8 mg. "ta(. 0.6 mg. nicotine av. per cigarene by FTC method. ·-. ~-- Rock star lets Ii.air down Ozzy Osboume 1pare1 ~ , ihaYes head instead ....... °"' o ....... Who hat Mar1W .. ~deft! ... Mid that docton found the twnor OUBIT -Vtrontca Hamel, felaty publlc defender on televltlon '• .. Hill Street Bluee" pecked them ln u ~ at a brun ch of the American Bar A11oclat1on In San J'ranclaco . The attractive actre11 play s Joyce Davenport in the eerlea. a•idtieoe by btq off the heed f)f a bet. @ft thmft W~ ... t WM ltil1 llDAlJ, 90 t'm IOMa have \hem ' allOtMr ldl'ld of lbock at a p.rtonnance at Qty Park taJll lt out." ln New Ori..n.. - He cut hil halt. Sbonly before takJ.ns ih• •ta... Otbourne of tu. ~ room door, dlapJaytna a wd bald pate. And he held up 'hfa lci\C ln hi.I fiat. "New Orleana,'' he Mid, ••11 a sr-t place to let your hair down." . Caaadlaa Prime Mlal1ter Pierre TndeH, UJ*t at a protest durtna a train atopover, made a vulpr hand a-tun ln reepome, acco¢tna to " Brttlah Columbia radio atation. The incident at th• Salmon Arm raUway atation, 217 miles northeut of Vancouver, came u Tn.adea'-t wu en route to Banff, Alberta, for a v.c&Uon. Shoutln1 demonstrators carrying placards confronted the prime minilter, laid radio atatlon CKXR. One demonstrator, Doug Hughes, laid they were protestfng Trudeau'• u.e of a aovemment rail coach d\lring a period of economic restraint. San Franclxo housewife and mother of six Rosie Marie McGee won a $250,000 jackpot at the Reno Hilton. A spokesman for the Hilton laid Ma. McGee bought '100 worth of tokens for the dollar Pot-0- Gold machine but it only took $11 and eight minutes before she came away a big winner. Former a1tronaut Jamea lrwln, whc explored tt:ie mountains of the Moon during the Apollo 15 11118 I fACIS . flight in 1971, aaya he will lead a 12-man expedition up a mountain Turkey in aearch of Noah's ark. Wreckage of a larse. barge-like hulk has been sighted by many expeditions over the past century on Mount Ararat, Irwin says. "I feel the vessel la definitely Noah's ark," he said. Wisconsin's best-known handshaker, U.S. Sen. WUllam Proxmire, briefly abandoned his usual site at the State Fair in Milwaukee as a horde of hand pumpers moved in on his turf. The Democratic senator shook hands for a while at one of the faiP entrances because there were too many candidates outside the Flower Building, which he called the "best place in the whole campaign." Among thoee pressing the flesh at the fair were state Sen. Scott McCallum of Fond du Lac, who is seeking the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, and former Acting Gov. Martin J. Schreiber, candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor. Former U.S. Attorney General Benjamin ctvllettt says he wants an apology from the city p1"08eCUtor in Baltimore who labeled him a "phony Italian." aviletti said in a letter to Baltimore State's Attorney William Swisher that the prosecutor should al8o apologize to all Italian-Americans. What upset Civiletti, now practicing law in Baltimore, was a remark Swisher made about him during a re-election campaign speech. A judge in Los Angeles says a former boyfriend of actress Elliabetll Taylor can't sue the . National Enquirer for $4.5 million because the tabloid's conunents about the man are true. U.S. District Judge Albert Lee StepbeH Jr. dismimled the lawsuit filed by Henry Wynberg, 48, who had a relationship with Miss Taylor in the mid-19708. Stephens said in his decision that Wynberg sued the weekly gossip tabloid over an article in March 1976 that Wynberg felt "mischaracterized him as a person who financially exploited his relationship with Elizabeth Taylor." "But the record supports this characterization," the judge said. "Each of the allegedly defamatory statements la true." Slim Picken1, the character actor who has appeared in dozens of TV and movie Westerns, calls his brain tumor "a little old thing" and predicts he'll be back in the saddle aoon. Pickens, 63, revealed that he will undergo surgery today at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco to have the tumor removed. The actor wouldn't discuss details of his -Tmftl ....... , •• *** ... I An llOT*** llTlll ---.... "' -..... _ ., """' ,_, ""' a YllEI TAPE lmlTlllY ltJ YIPCI ·-Ult-fl ... llll ..... .. • " z.m -fl 'll"' llll ... .. .. "Ult-fl ...... llll ..... .. -" Ult -fl '11"' llll ..... .. It Rftl WY a,.,.. 111-llll ....... -............ 1i1 ... -...- PRESENTS OUR 548-2224 PrlMe CbflM tumbled fr'Ocn hll hone duitni t a bfuill.nc block ln a polo pme at Wlndllor Parlt I wtetot~. • 'nle II-year.old heir to the Brtttah throne \anded on hla bottom ln the match. He tat,~ anct dued, for about a minute before remounttna hie ~. CtncMreUa. ·After chanlinl mountl, the prince went on to ecore for hJa team, Canadian mllllonalre Galen W"'°'1'• Maple Leafa, who defeated the rival PllMUI equad. To~!:! a~!~~~ !~~~~~~~~s~~?a~~.~rs for a family today. And. who has time to evei;y day! run from sale to sale. That's why more Everyday savings throughout eve ry and more people are turning to Marshalls department. from children's and men's to where they can count on value whenever women's and large sizes. You'll even save they shop. To help meet their demands. on fine gtftware and .domestics for your we'll be opening our 4th store in the home. Orange county area. Marshalls ts today's store for s mart What makes Marshalls so popular. with shoppers. If you haven't discovered us over 100 stores coast to coast, is the yet. what better time then now. quality of clothes and home fashions we With the quality you'll find and the sell for less. Twenty to sixty percent less money you'll save -you may never shop anywhere else. OPENSTHURSDAY,AUGUST12 IN COSTA MES& •....-...., ... .....,,_, l:M .. M. to t:M P·"'· ........... ,. ......... , ..... ' ' . ' (1 ' ,, '-I . . ,, 1 1 New dangers lurk pn eoast HighWay l It has been a gruelOID8 time T hl• la th e newly.opened ">r traffic fatalities in the city of state puk are.. between CoroM ntlngton Beach with eigh t del Mar and La1una Beach . ple killed wlthin the last Sh«ellbe vislton sprint ACl'Oll the ee weeks. The statistics are hlahway. Traffic la moving at. )\onifying. highway speeds in thll region. . Latest among the fatalities Cars p ull out from shoulder eame along the Pacific Coast parking places. Highway stretch near Bolsa Chica Ugly black sktdmarks of State Beach when a driver croaed every possible variety now lace the center divider and crashed into the pavement in the regions of another vehicle. Scotchman's Cove, El Morro Beach -Coast Highway has Ions been and Crystal Cove in mute Ii danger spot through Huntington testimony to panic attempts to ~ach, with r.a::_ of it nicknamed avoid carnage. f'Blood Alley' for.the numbers of State authorities who have l:leaths and injuries that have been 80 eager to o~ this area, bccurred along that stretch of known generally as the Irvine road. Coast, for public use would now 1 In the summer, particularly, be well advised to address the new ftie ~tor is dangerous beause of problem. par~g and beachgoers who~ That problem is public safety. ~he .highway on foot or .Pull out in The deadly combination rehicles from the roadside. . already exists in high-speed 1 Also at the start of thlB last traffic, bicyclists, shoulder parkers rreekend .. however, there was a and crossing pedestrians. We have E-fa~ty at the other end of a l ready seen some terrible t Highway, between Laguna tragedies in this area. ch and Corona del Mar. 1 Here a teenager attempted to More will be recorded if ~ake a 'u-turn across Coast ~~ty .measures are not initiated Highway end her vehicle was unmediap ~~·sh uld be banned smashed by a mail truck . Rescue . ar~'6 o on crews had to use the mechanical the ~hway shouldt;n. Additional ·"Jaws of Life" to extricate her off-~1ghway parking must .be broken body from the wreckage. ~l'OVlded. Crossw~ and w~ She suffered near-amputation of signals should be installed. Bike both legs. The outcome after ~es should be moved away from surgery is still in doubt at this highway lanes. Writing. In addition, citizens using that Summer danger spots such as highway stretch or visiting those the Bolsa Chica and Blood Alley beaches should be aware and alert and Laguna Canyon Road are well to the dangers. known to coastal residents but If corrective measures are there may be a new danger sector ignored, we will all be reading of deve loping along our Coast more tragedies along Pacific Coast Highway. Highway. Hinckley gets time John W . Hinckley, Jr., acquitted seven weeks ago when a jury found him insane at the time he started shooting, Monday was committed to an indefinite stay in K federal mental hospital The judge concluded that lfjnckley is at the present time and will be in the reasonable future, "dangerous to himself or others." We already knew that. Hinckley shot one President of the United States, one presidential press secretary and two law enforcement officers. Considering the jury verdict, however, the federal detention is about the best the citizenry can expect. H e wants cus toiners hack Back in Dover, N .H ., Ernest T.J . Peters, who owns E .J . 's Variety Store, was owed between $5,000 and $10,000 by customers ~ho couldn't pay and were thus '10 longe r patronizing his ~tablishment. Mr. Peters apparently really missed those customers. So he took out an advertisement in the local • papers which declared: "To our charge customers. You bill is paid in full. Start fresh with us." In effect, Mr. Peters had forgiven his debtors. His action may indeed be an indicator of our difficult economic times. bp.inions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authOrs and artists. Reader comm ent Is Invit- ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (71•0 ~2-4321. l.M. Boyd I E lephants • Q . Isn't it true that Asian elephants can be trained to work but African ~lephants cannot, because Asian elephants are more intelligent than • African elephants? A. On the contrary. You've got the first part right. But the African elephants are said to be the more illtelligent. This is also a curiosity ln 'VQlves, incidentally. They cannot be ~ed to work, either. But they're $lid to be smarter than dogs. Copyright law of Israel dictates that a writer gets no royalties until after the publisher recovers his investment. One out of five office secretaries in he United States now is a man. Q. All right, Louie, let'• see you e a 6 out of the numeral IX by lll04'11111K one continuous line. A. Nothing to It. Put an S -That's ne continuous line, is It not? -in nt of the IX. Oil pumped out of Alaska in one y now ii valued at teVen times aa as this country paid for Alaska. Q . What doee the' U .S . Poatal ~ rvice define .. "junk mall?" A. It doesn't. The po9tal folk know i iif1J°lii1at junk mail when they see it, but they have no hard definition for it. That man of many talenta, WUllam Buckley, Jr., would not do well ln England. that's clear. You can't get peanut butter there , and he reportedly craves peanut butter daily, even at breakfast. Q . How muc h does the moat expensive spice in the world sell for now? A. Saffron?. About $130 an ounce. Twenty-two percent of the pharmacists nationwide in 1970 were women. Forty percent of the phannaci.sts nationwide ln 1980 were women. Won't be too surprising U It goes to 60 percent by 1990. Fifteen percent of the members in the United Auto Workers each own at least one foreign-made car. la cocoa a rnild aphrodtatac7 Researcher. CQn tend there'• aome evidence to indicate such. Who's lhootins all the .22 bulleta? The ammo makera in the United States tum out a billion a year, I'm told. Thomas P. Haley Publfsher Thomas A. Murpttln• Editor Ba rura Krelblch Edltorlal Pe~ Editor CONE~ATULATIONS I IMPTON •• ~U'VS ~IT ON A SOLU~ION i'HAT AVOIDS EVERYBO~Y'S 9ACl<YARD! Letters to the editor On shooting MAILBOX 0f CO y 0 teS /'-._ _luxu•~ lnduo"y" composed of "fat To the F.ditor: cats." e are hard-working, honest, 'I am one of the C.o:sta Mesa hillside family-oriented people who continue to residents who protested (Daily Pilot, pay the highest proportionate of never- Aug. 6) the shooting of coyotes. I did so ceasing taxes, and get the least return on for several reasons. They are: them. . -I feel it is an improper use of city As a self-.employed businessman, I funds, personnel and equipment to hunt make m~ llvmg from these people. The coyotes in the police helicopter. boating ~duatry is formulated of many -I feel it is dangerous to nearby small businesseS ~e mine. A vote . for residents for a policeman to fly the even more taxes will be a vote againSt helicopter at very low altitude, set it small business. (On top of the !-18ual down, jump out, shoot at coyotes, jump buslnea taxes assessed, we are subjected in, fly over the area again, and repeat to further state and f~eral exct;ie taxes.) the action over and over. I guess I must convmce my mends and -The shots were fired in an area that customers to never again vote for an has a lot of foot traffic. At no time Incumbent, as their values are not during the day or early evening can you representative of myself, nor anyone I find the area vacant of walkers, joggers, know. . . and children. The area is heavily wooded See you m the unemployment line. in some spots, anP children could be in N .C. VAN WAGNER that area where the shots were fired. PS.: Slick tax break you guys voted The child1'en were warned over the younelves last year. Exactly how stupid loudspeaker of the helicopter to leave do you think we are? And, how much the area, but no check waa ever made to stupidity do you think we are going to see i! children w~re s?" in the area. quietly stand for? Misrepresentations include: The police told me that the coyotes were rabid (they're not). The animal control officer Js this 1·ust? told my neighbor the coyotes were rabid. One police representative told me the:( were trying to completely wipe out the entire coyote population. The animal control officer told my neighbor they intended to completely wipe them out. The poli ce have t o ld ci t y representatives and me that they never issued such statements, and that they never had intentions pf completely exterminating the coyotes. The police have said publicly they have ahot only one coyote. My neighbor saw them load at least one carcass into the animal control truck at night, and I saw them pick up one carcass in rhe daytime. If, indeed, the police only shot one coyote, after several days (and nights!) of low flying, raising dust and blasting the nearby residents with the noise of helicopter and gunshots, then they need to go back to the firing range, because many. many shots were fired. From penonal knowledge I can tell you that the coyotes have been in the area for at least thirty-five years. Why are they suddenly so dangerous? Why weren't they dangerous last year? The rodents in the area swarm to the extent that you can see 10 or more ground squirreJs at a time on the open ground. The hills facing the Santa Ana River are riddled with their holes, which could cause serious erosion and slippage problems. 1f the coyotes are completely exterminated, the rodents will then have to be poisoned at the risk of a pet or child finding and eating the pol.son. 11, indeed, the coyo~ are a problem, I simply feel that there are more reasonable ways to solve it than endangering pedestrian traffic in the area, causing sleeplessnea by late night hunting, ana spending huge amounts of fuel and dollara to kiiI one'coyote. Perhaps this will explain the aituaUon more fully. Your reporter seems to have heard only part of the reasons the dt.lz.ens complained, and not neceeaarily truthful ones at that. LOUISE HAGAN Give 'em hell To the F.dltor: My me11age baa gone out to all conare11men an d aenaton in one malfln1. To hell with wrltlng them individually. None of them 8eem to atve a damn. I ahall ~ all copt• of thi. one letter, and llkew1ae a copy to the a.ortlld media repreeentativea, to make au.re my needs are heard by all. Whether or not you wtll 1il1.eO 11 anybody'• au•. It ta not enouch tha\ California wanta to take a fu.ndimmltal herltap away: .i. rlaht to keep and bear arma. Now, you want to we Che boatlnC lnduatry, and ta1ce my bUttMll away. Your• called luxu ry tax and Co11t Guard ~fee (HR.-el19, HR22&0, 8-Me) will :,~k• lt that much harder for Amilrb to enjoy We. ~ avena-boet OWMr Mnw .... \Mn S30,000.00 per~. and the •YW911 bOiit ta a 1e• outboird. We .,.. not a To the Edit.or: Let me ask, do you think the "New Law" allowing the United States Government to take a percent of their people's earned interest automatically from their Saving Account quarterly is just? This law is unfair as it cheats the people of the United States from earning interest on their interest. It aao will create a new hardship on our banks and savings and loans companies. I am sure you realize that 90meone will have to pay for the service to have your money automatically paid from your savings account. Now the people of the United Stat.es loee the right to earn interest on their interest and they al.so pay for the service to take away this right. U this law is .. not" in the best interest of the people of the United States, why was It made a law? MR. AND MRS. OON BAYLISS Silly season To the F.ditor: It's going to be a long and silly summer. First is your headline (Daily Pilot J une 18) "State School Cuts Towarted." WeH, they s houldn 't "towart too much-already only one-half the students can pass entrance requirementa to California universities and the regents are toughenin8 up. Also, we have the comment on non- smokers rights. I agree with Fran Liebowitz that It is all right not to smoke in the privacy of one's home but . . .between consenting adulta? Then we have Sen. Proxmire's Golden Fleece award for $700,000 in taxpayers' money spent NOT to train minorities in how to make T-shirts. Not one T-shirt made. And the Democrats are kicking about defense ap~ndlng-they have been "towarted." A.a 1 u.y, it will be a al.lly awnmer; not long, not hot, but silly •.. L .REDAY Boeing b en efi ts To the Edit.or: In addition to your California Focus article (Daily Pllot, July 17), ''Boeing'• bank fiaht sipiticant to Califomiana," the facta •trike even doeer to home. R.lcht here In Oranae O:>unty we haw aome 286 b~ In the direct and indirect IUppl)' route to Boeine• ~ • L.t tttra from rt<lMra art wdcomt. TM rfghl to condtnlf ltUtrf lo JU IJIOC• or etf mlnat• Ubtl ii rflfTUed. LAU~• of ""' word• M lc11 will be ptffll ,...ltrne• All leu1r1 mUlt lncludt 1iQMt'"' and maUiftg oddr111 but notM1 mor tw ..ntlllwkf °" ,,. quul 1f 1u/ficftru r101on 11 apportnr. Po•trt1 wW "°'be jjubUIMd. I.Aft~ mQV be ltltp#aoMd ro fC . .,., NorM <Md "'°"' n .. m~r of llw COftlribulor mlllt bf tfwn /or "rf/tcaltoa P'l"°"8 firms represent clOlle to 3,000 jobs which have been seriously Jeopardized by Congress and the a ministration's ~ to cut back the Export-Import This ls a bank that is self-sustaining - it does not cause any increase in the federal budget de!icit and no tax money goes toward the Bank. This Ex-Im Bank has a $2 billion reserve fund accumulated from "retained earnings" to be used for dismal economic days like the present. When we need more Boeing activity to pull up our economy, we get instead government controls and restrictions on the Export-Import Bank and the sales go to Airbus with their very flexible government assisted financing. From here the basics get real simple, (1) non-compe titive international financing equals fewer planes sold, (2) reduced aircraft sales result in reductions in the businesses supplying Boeing, (3) people lOlle their jobs or at least cu~ back on their buying and the dominoes continue to fall, affecting car agencies, shopping centers and all phases of business in our local communities. Now is the time fo r a stronger Export Bank not just saving exports for Boeing, McDonnell-Douglas and Lockheed, but to stimulate more exporting of American made products. Take act ion by letting yo ur Congressmen and Senators know this feeling and need without delay. It's important to your future. JOHN O'BRIEN O ur dog days To the F.ditor: During the hot months of sununer each year a special problem arises. Dogs are left in hot cars while their masters enjoy the beaches, do their shopping or other activities. This ls a potentially fatal problem for the animal. On an 85-degree day, for example, the temperature inside the car even with the windows slightly opened will reach 102 degrees in 10 minutes. In 30 minutes it will rise to 120 degrees. On wanner days even higher. An animal can withstand this heat only for a few minutes before suffering irreparable brain damage or death. What to do if you see a dog in trouble? You can call your local humane organization. Or your local police station. In the meantime get the animal lots of air. "Save a life this swnmer; don't park the dog when you park the car." BRUCE CHARLES Positive thanks To the F.ditor: All of the "Think Positive" Club members at F.stancia High School want to, first, thank you for assigning space to do our story "Thinking Positive at Estancia" (June 11), and, second, give praise to Jodi Cadenhead for her thorough and accurate coverage of this assignment. Jodi epitomized what a journalist was all about and was an excellent extension of the exclusive brand of reporting for which the Daily Pilot has been respected and known. Believing in the aphorism "Do well your part . . . therein all the HONOR Ilea", we say "thanks" to you for allowing our story to be told and to apprtae your readen of our IChoolwide "Think Positive" campatsn. Continued auoce9S to the Dally Pilot. BOB HASSEY Club Advt.er, "Think Positive" JSurnlnt 1.5 million tona of coal In sonna.rvrue. Arts., to provtde elecVidty for Sl>G&J: 11 ttuly a crln:ae .,alrilt nature. •ANN LANDINI •STAN DELAPLANE - Resolution against nuclear war gains suppo~t DEAR ANN LAND&RS: Thank you for your lnvaluabM contribution toward aavir'C hun\anJty from nuclMr annihilation. The column to which President Reagan Nlponded wu auperb. wlM~waanu; • Kiii H 411tabl• H to It perceat of all ,.yalelau, • .,.... ud allet .s...a .._above area aad 1rea1ly t.aadlc•r "• ,..al•l•.1 me41cal persoaHJ ID tt.elr • fort to .. 1, Iii• IHI of . tbH1aad1 of maimed~ bHatd, crippled aad emotioullJ diatraapt sanlnn; It wlll pleue you to know that the reeolutlon aaalnlt nuclear war which appeared In Chlcaao Med.iclne (copy encloeed) has bffn t.ranalated aod adopted by medical and mental health IOCletiea in many countriea, including some aa dlverae as Germany, Yugoalavla, Japan and Bradt. With sincere admiration -JULES MASSERMAN, destroy clvWudoa In ~e next d~. M.D., HONORARY UFE P~IDENT OF THE A.ad wbereu oaly a 1lD"' o ... meaatoa weapo11 Coadema at least 1.v• of lt ~Id,_ ud five of JO adalt1 wlao pnlve Cbe effecu of flt rem1 of beta or pmma radlacloa &o &Jae developmeat of lealkemla1, dlmlal1b real1ta1ee to laf ectloH, ae.rololle dllOl'den ud laevl&able mallpudel of tbe lfver ud pttro-IDtetdaaJ tract WORLD ASSN. FOR SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY. ~ exploded over New York, Wa .. laftoa, Olca10, New Orleans or any olffr major city woald: Alad wlaerea1 tile U1lted States ud dM Soviet Unloa now have ready for lnltaDI la1ncllla1 over '9,oot atomic ucl bydro1ea fl11loa bomb• r•&IDI from a tboalUd to a mlllloa times more powerfal tw tltose dropped oa ff lro1'1ma ud NaaawJ. DEAR DR. MASSERMAN: Thank you for your Demollab all 1cnct•ret aDCI extennlDace tO letter and tile copy of tbat splendid resolution, percent of all peraoa1 wltMJI • fo1r·mlle radh11 w~cb I noted was authored by you. I am taklng die (lncludlal tlsose lD so-ealled bomb 11leltera) and Uberty of pr1Dti.D1 an abbreviated version of yoar burn, blind or cripple tt percent of tile o~er1; abbreviated version. Create a vast fireball tut would laclnerate RESOLUTION AGAINST NUCLEAR WAR veblcles, melt road1, barn boHet and Insure Aad wberea1 a MDM of lmpeadla1 doom 11 already creating an undercurrent of deep anxiety lD all mankind, U.11 a11oclatlon, a1 a lal&t. priority, will exert ever)' effort to avert a aaclear catastrophe, by educational campaigns and b)' bringing all available lafh1eace to bear on Wbereaa at a recent international congre11, additional dev11tatlon and death for tens of miles acbowled1ed experts in laternational and mllltary aroUQd groud zero; affairs a1reed that, anle11 present trends are Ge1trate a maslaroom cload.tbat woald spread revenect. cbances are 4 lD $ that a nuclear war wlll toxic or lethal radioactive falloat to distant, Punch ,,,11~' -~ a · ~· e current record Is thirty-one mirages." • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Wednesday, Aagu1t 11 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Barrier is removed -way is cleared for project which will prove profitable. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Changes occur, you'll be at right place, timing, intuition and judgment are on targeL Moon in your sign coincides with fresh starts, initiative, originality, renewed vigor and populatiry with members of opposite sex. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Family member confides secret. If patient, receptive and understanding, harmony will be restored. You're on brink of important discovery. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Sentimental gestvre on part of loved one touches you, restores emotional balance. Lunar accent on fulfillment, business gains, wishes that come true. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You'll be dealing wifh hard facts -know it, check source material and contact authorities. Lunar emphasis on career, prestige and fulfillment of personal objectives. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You are close to catching brass ring. It is time to leave limitations behind; break with past is necessary. UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Be ready for new start in new direction -make inquiries concerning savings. interest rates and loans. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): First impressions should be taken seriously. Intuitive intellect is highlighted, you gain extra information in unusual, unorthodox manner. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Define terms, give full play to intellectual curiosity. Perceive potential and return favor to one who aided in recent past. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Lunar emphasis on attraction, personal magnetism, 11peculation, dealings with creative, dynamicl atubborn people. You are capable now ot overcoming obstacles. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Accent on home, conservative course, property values and conclusion of negotiation. Check written material, protect ideas, investigate copyright possibilities. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius persons highlight exciting scenario. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Surprise visit by relative could be featured. Accent also on ahort trips, special messages and receipt of Item which had been lost, missing or stolen. Member of opposite eex compliment.a you on volce. Taurus if featUred. Seeking social status SAN FRANCISCO -"Gardening is one of the main causes of back trouble," saya a writer for the health magazine. (I buy it so I can tell how unhealthy I'm becoming.) I got a glass of water and poured a little on our four windowsill pots: Parsley for lamb chops. Oregano because I live in North Beach. Basil for pesto. Rosemary for remembrance. That's all the gardening I do. I already have a bad back. So off to Mama's on the edge of Washington Square for a brace of eggs and a side of toast. \' ou think eggs c;ome easily In supermarket cartons? Not so, my friends. Science finds that laying hens are status conscious. Have a social order as strict as suburban wives working the membership lists. Society leaders among the hens get first dibs at the feed box. When a new hen is bro1u1ht into the flnr\c . itll others stop laying eggs until they find where the new Judy fits Into the pecking order. "DID YOU SEE HER FEATHERS, my dear"! Marked down last week at Saks." Marvelous Marin is full of young matrons fitting on climbing irons for the ascent to Mount Status. It's no easy climb. No Sherpa guide to carry the backpack. • Novtces must assume a humble role. Clean fish in the kitchen before they can get on the culinary aociety tea lists. They gain merit by fill1ng the begging bowls of the library committee, the Committee to Save the Old Yacht Basin. "I KNOW you'll want to give something." I never got the full gale blast of this life. But I was close enough to feel the wind blow. While they aren't busy cluck-clucking about the new hen. chickens are easy to deceive. My great-grandmother raised hens -farm wives were entitled to "egg money.'' She fed them· Indian com of many colors, shucked from a cob in vt rm STAN Df UPI.Alf AROUND THE WORLD her apron. "Here chick, chick, chick," she called. And they came running. When a hen didn't lay, ahe got a ch~ egg Crom her sewing basket. She used it as a base to dam socks. She slipped the egg In to the hen'a nest. The hen came In and looked at the egg. Said: "Funny, I don't remember laying that. Guess I'm getting absent-minded." She then laid real eggs. Scientists could have learned something from my great-grandmother. NOBODY HAS FIGURED out why hens behave that way about Joanna-come-lately. The superior status of a committee member in Marvelous Marin is as questionable but never questioned. Some things are just so. You'd better believe it. I never knew how I stood in the social order in "The County" -as Marin people refer to the homeland. I was a member o( the Tiburon Peninsula Club. It let the children swim in the pool. I could ajgn for hot dogs. · Father didn't have a skiff in the old yacht basin -"Before the Bridge Was Built." But I was there "before they ruined the hill with those dreadful condominiwns. '' I drove a sporty car. For awhile I wore a short-billed cap with leather trim. Noblesse oblige. I la.Id eggs without worrying about who the new neighbor was. I went on some committee. I knew Who Was Whose and Why. I did a little rose gardening and got a back like limp spaghetti. You could call it a Social Success Story. GOREii 011 lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deaJs. NORTH •760 IV' 8 7 0 QJ74 +Q97 WEST EAST +s •1098 IV'KJ106 IV'A953 0 10865 0 932 +J863 +Kl04 SOUTH •AKQJ2 1V'Q42 OAK +A52 The bidding: South Wut North EHt 2 + Pue 4 • Pue Pa11 Pue Opening lead: Jack of IV'. At the card t.&ble, you must curb your natural im· pulses. The obvious play i5 often the wrong one! South's hand was a smidgeon too weak ror a two spade opening bid -we would have preferred two no trump. which would have led to the same contract via a St.&yman sequence. North's jump to game was a special- ized bid that showed good trump. support but denied a first· or second-round control in any suit. Weat led the jack of hearts. East won the ace and returned the three. Declarer played low, East won the ten and continued with the king. After ruffing the heart In dummy, declarer drew trumps in three rounds. then caahed the ace·klng of diamo'nds. He now tr(ed to reach dummy by leading a club to the queen. East won the kJng and returned a heart. Declarer rufCed, but since he had no way to get to dummy to use his good diamonds, he had to concede another club for down one. The fates were not kind to declarer. He would have romped home had either ti:umps split evenly or had the king of clubs been with West. Or. for that matter. had he played the hand a bit better! See the difference if declarer refuses to ruff the third heartindummy,discard· ing a club instead and letting West hold the trick! If West returns a minor suit, declarer wins. draws three rounds of trumps and unblocks the diamonds. Now he can enter dummy.. with a 'trump and take two discards on dummy's good diamonds. Actually. West's best defense ls to play a fourth heart. But declarer can count.er by discarding anot.her club from dummy and ruffing in his hand. He can t.hen reach dummy with a club ruff. Tuberculosis now managed· with medication DEAR DIJ. STEINCROHN: Wbat a sarprtae. We tllH1llit my h1baDd'1 coa1ll was clae to 1moktag 10 many cl1arette1. 81t wlaea Ille be1u to lose welpt and 11teastla we became 1upldoas It ml1llt a.ave uotlaer caase. E1Deda)ly wbea be co.&taaed to feel tired after lie .... ctlt dOWll oa ~I 1mokla1. O.r famUy doctor ordered X-ra)'• ud 1patam esamlutloa. YM've probabl)' petHd I&. He bas acdve hlbercaloll1. He It oaly SI. My two cblldrea and m)'Hlf llave bad cMchpa ... l.,._te.11 are free. I IM•flli& at ftrlt my ............. lliave to be lilolDl&aU1e4 for a ,..,. • twe. an ..a '°· Tltt docton ~ve b.lm oa m1 .. mdla tlllJ ~ wW Mal Mm ad pn*t •• ... ... rrt•ill II lldl Ille .... 1 mwaem•t of ..a.e '*rnlola•'f -MM. 8 . DJ:AA MRS. B.: U.ten to 1'homu L. Petty, IU>., wridM 1n the June ilM.le of the JOW'Nl ot the /umrlicln .r.ctica• Amodatlon: "Another chron.lc dlllMe, ..m With -important toda.l and eCOlllOmic .,_.an the country, 11 piu.1moriaey tuberculoU. "It i. now well establlahed that out-patient chemotherapy rapidly rendera patienta noninfectious. Jolnina the two moet potent oral drugs, laonlazid and rifampln, has provided an eaaily adminlatered oral combination that can ~vene intectlouan4!91 in nearly every patient With pulmonary t.uberculoUi with a ~lapee rate that is almoet nil." The newer drup have saved many tuberculau patlenta from many month• and yean of hibernation In hotpltall. &,ne ye.n aco. I reaall 1endina 10me of my tuberculotl1 i>'\lenu for treaiment at Saranac Lake. HeaUna requlnd many montha of bedreet. DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: A la wrt ... &Mt lite II llaytq a rti,....,..ltJ. la ti • Mrieu CODdlctOD? -MRI. L. DEAR MRS. L.: St. wowd have NJ.lewd you of ~ty II the had limply told you, ••rm F'ftl to • plutic IW'pOI\ for a fact lift, O I DEAR DR. STBINCROBN: 1"•1 11 &be T rou1 HIAlTH DA. PETER J. STEINCAOHN dtffel'ftce betweea a baaal cell cucier ud wlaat'i call• a 14um ... cell cardaomaT -MRS. G. DEAR MRS. 0 .: Eich la uauaily the r.ult of pro~ expoaure to the wind and IUft -and more common In lilht-lk!Med lndivtduala. Tnteted •early. tbele amcen are UIUIJ.ly curable. But &he equamou. typit of elUn *"*' la more ~ve and~ more ras*lly. 1nenm•tal .., miU&arJ deettloll-maken wlA CH •ltllier HIH• • .,.;c(Yllt1aU01 by retlHjl .... , or be re~y to a~ laealcuble ~ ••fferla1 ud deatla. We .Javlte tbe eeoperadoa of odter etlaleal ~. kuultarlu orpalutl .. 1 tlmlluly dtdJcaMd ~ prffervlnc b1maalty ID 111111, tlli• moat critic crt1l1 la oar llla&ory. AM Landen~ fttn.age drtnJcJ1111 -JG m~ its reallt/H. Learn the lacta by rHdln6 •• and You -For Teen-agen Only," by AM La.nden. &nd ~ centa and a Jong, •JJ-addreaed. awnped envelope co Ann Landers, P.O. Box 1199~ Chicago, m. 60611. iJ POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT EVERV NE'W PERSON WHO,S SORN TAKES ME FARTHER FROM BEING THE VOUNGEST PERSON ALIVE. flMA IOMllCI AT WIT'S END No scenes like these You like fiction? ii J L1 , .. I./ A I. h Some of the t:>eiit being published today are the picture postcards of your home town. Ever see w t tourists send from your city? Pictures of downto streets lined with boulevards that look like th""e Gardens of Babylon. A statue to the brave men of World War I with 2,000 people standing around it paying homage. And a view of the city after dark that rivals the Paris skyline. · I used to live in a small Ohio town where the high spot of our week was watching them dust ~ trusses in the drugstore window. There was onf! traffic light, a gas pump, and a karate school above the feed store. The single police cruiser kept a list'' dogs in heat so they could follow up on missing male complaints. · THE PICTURE POSTCARDS told another story. There were attractions for six days, includ3 a museum which no one had ever seen. There w boating regatta on a river that had dried up 20 ye ago. And there was a town full of traffic (including 12 taxis) that boggled the imagination. What should have tipped people off was that the cars on thf cards all had running boards and wicks foir headlights. It has always been so. , There's a new book out about postcards called "Prairie Fires and Paper Moons: The AmericaR Photographic Postcard 1900-1920," by Hal Morgan and Andreas Brown. that really explains a Jot of things. In the early 1900s, postcards depicted one ot two things: natural disasters like flood and fires, and personalized cards showing ordinary people i~ extraordinary settings. THIS WOULD CERTAINLY explain a couplo of old postcards I found In a photo album of m)I father-in-law. Une showed him in the original Wright Brothers airplane, his hair blowing f~~ under a straw hat and a line underneath ~ proclaimed, "FL YING HlGH IN PI'M'SBURGH. There's another one of him in a bar wearing Western attire, holding a mug of beer in one hand and dangling a redhead on his knee in the othet> with the message, "RAISING HELL IN CHAGRfki FALLS.'' , The authors of the book say that after World War I, photographic postcards were replaced b}'. sophisticated glossy pictures of resort hotels, ace~ wonders and scantily clad girls on the beach. 1 • It's still a challenge. A couple of years~.~ of my kids Cound a card oC an Indian and a beat' posing together for a picture taken by a tourist a\' the Grand Canyon. My son said, "Wow! I wish l Uved there." t{e did. . .. ,, By PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach ---· ...................... _ .. ,,.. ....... .. ..., ... _ ... , .......... • IDING FOR HANDICAPPED -Witll their horses and t emselves groomed to near-perfection, a class of English-style ders enter the show ring at the Orange County Fairgrounds · Costa Mesa where the 4th Annual Orange County Riding nter Benefit Horse Show closed on Sunday. The big event as staged to raise funds for underwriting the center's ·-.. .._ ----- Delly "*' ,_.. _, Lee ...,_ therapeutic riding program for handicapped persons. Forty- five special riders are in the therapeutic program in which 45 volunteers log 1,250 hours per month as instructors while other volunteers work in the program to maintain horses and equipment. Damn Yankees' clubs formed DALLAS (AP) -Lonaome •tranien ln the Lone Star State, tu.cl of beina told "Yankee a<> h ome," are organizing fellow expatrlatee to fight homeslcknesa and culture ahoCk. Dami\ Yankeee clube are aproutina up ln Texas. Ii waa the Idea of Irene Konig, who waa born and raised In th~ South Bronx section of New York City, juat three block.a from Yankee Stadium. She aald ahe moved to Austin six years ago at age 30 and went into culture ahoc:k. "I thought I'd like to start a club for Yankees," she said. The Damn Yankees got together tor the first time on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin, where Ms. Konig was a student. "The very first meeting was like heaven," she said. "It was joyoua." Now statewide interest 1s growing in clubs th.at unite people of non -Texas backgrounds, she said. Missing New York is more than just adjusting to a slower pace, southern drawls and people who wait for "walk" signs at intersections, Ms. Konig says. Northerners also have to endure anti-Yankee sentiments. "I thought I'd meet some people from up North who wouldn't hate me just because I'm a Yankee," aatd former Mlcht1an resident Kathleen Mengot, who moved to Texas laat summer and joined the Dallu chapter ot Da.mn Yankeet. Mra. Men1ot, 22, HY• •he remembers pulllng into IH 1tatlon1 with her out-of-1\ate licenae plate• and being told, "Yan~ee go home." .Ma. Konig expanded her Damn Yankeea c lub laat year by openlni the Dallaa chapter, which now haa almost 40 members. Membership ll open to anyone from a •tate other than Texu and to Texans who are friends of Yankees. Yearly dues are $10. "There are many Yankees who blend In ve't. well In Texas," Ma. Konig said, 'but not all Yankees mix that well. We have a number of members who have lived in Texas quite a while, but they also spent a lot of years In the North. They don't want to give up all thek heritage." Later this month, a fourth annual reunion for people who hail from Michigan is expected to draw about 500 people. "I'm not Interested In ·getting people wishing they were back In New York,'' said New York Circle organizer J eanette Vota. "That's not the point. The point is to help people get more acclimated to Dallas and to make the transition." I (;roup • views ~eregulation SAYlllLLO 10 G THOMAS D. ELIAS The deregulation drive begun under ex- dent Jimmy Carter has already led to higher !lir\aJ4res for Californians, a rash of gas and cfric r&'te hikes and the strong likelihood of tly higher telephone bills in the next few years. But the deregulatio n drive and its nsequences have apparently only just begun. For the Reagan administration is about to start a !push to repeal the Public Utility Holding q>ntpany Act of 1935, a classic New Deal law that p~bably is the main reason utility rates haven't yet gone completely out of control. The law forbids utility companies from owning oJher, totally unrelated businesses and forcing utility customers to make up the losses of those other firms. Some state regulatory commissions ClllfDRNll FOCUS have allowed exemptions to the ownership prohibition; thus a firm like California's ~acif~c Lighting Corp., parent of the Southern California Gas Co., can have large real estate holdings. But In those cases, utility revenues are carefully separated from other dealings. Those restrictions would end if a sub-cabinet working group set up last fall by President Reagan gets its way. Composed of top officials from five cabinet- level departments and six other White House offices, the group wants to restructure virtually all utility regulation. Its recommendations will start coming this fall and promise to Include an end to restrictions on utility advertising, a change from state regulation to regional regulation involving blocs of states and takeovers of inefficient and financially w eak utilities by larger, stronger ones. "We don't want this to be just a study," says the group's chairman, former Westinghouse Corp. executive Hunter Chiles, the top policy maker at the federal Department'of Energy. "We want to see action." And action will likely result, if Reagan's track record in California means anything. Task forces like the'Chiles working group were one of Reagan's chief tools as governor, producing recommendations OJ\ welfare reform, property tax cuts and other subjects. In each case, Reagan either carried out his task forces' recommendations or pushed hard for them. What would a ll this mean to California consumers? Most likely it would lead to far larger utility rate increases than even those of last winter, which aroused unprecedented public protests. Says a study by the Washin~ton-based Environmental Action Foundation, • Ratepayers will face bills inflated by subsidies for utility tubsidiaries, investors will have scant lnfonnation for utility stock purchases and (smaller compantea) will be aqueeud out of the market by the power and influence of holding companies. Non-utility corporadons auch as banks and insurance companies (could) finance regional generating companies to promote development of nuclear, coal and oil power plant network.a." But utility lobbyists have claimed change is oeeded to attract investora in utilities. Today's relatively tight regulation, they say, discourages invest.on bt!auae they can make far higher profita In other bUsineaes. The :Edbon Electric lnltitute reports that the power industry must rai8e $340 bllllon the next 10 years just to 1tay healthy and meet consumer demand. It can't attract that kind of money under todaY:'• rula • But lf the rulee are changed, it wlll be consumen who ultimately pay the price. (EJJM 16 • columnlat bued In Santa Monictl.) ·- Plans rejected -1 f01l 1HE ffllSJ'RMI EVER, YOUI llU PllOlllClllRll IS llAlllllG A Siii. SAVI $10·$411ON1H/ESEGfNUINlllLI 11LEPllONIS. ~ SALE ENDS SEPTEMBER 10, 1982. UMmD TO SUPPLY Of PHONES ON HAND. SAVE A1 YOUR NEAREST BEll PHONECENTER: ANAHBJM Anaheim Plau SOON Ruclid ARCADIA 400 S. Bald win Avenue Sant.t Anlt.t Faahlon Pllrk Mall BR!.A 1091 Brt• Mall (C'ln E. lmPfrilll Hwy,) BUENA PARK J~~!,..na Pllrlt Mall '9W'" On The M11ll BURBANK 300 North Third Street C'ANOCA PARK Independence S<luara 21013 Shuman Way Tf.!Plnat ~--66001l'!>lna• r.11.-Blvd. CARSON 7&S '-"'"' M•ll COMPTON 921 8.Compt0f1 Blvd, CORONA Pllrlmdtl' Plau Mall 836 N. Mam Strttl COSTA MESA C:O.i. Mt111 Village 3033 8n1tol CULVER CITY 3818 Culver Centtr 51retl EAST ANAHEIM &11t4!\naht'lm Sh()p!lln1 Plaia 22:16 'E. Lincoln Avenut GARDBN GROVE 11277 Ga~n Cirnvt Blvd. Gl.&Nl>AI.£ 128 S. Cen11111 AY•nu~ If AW THORN£ 120341 llawtht,n1t P\Jlu llOLl.VWOOD l 149 N. Gowtr Street 1&38 N. lllahland Ave. HUNTINGTON rA1H< 2676 ZC!t AV\'1111,. RIALTO-COLTON Clock Tuw'r Shuppina C.nl'r 348 S. R1vt!ra1dl' An RIVERSIDE Canyon Crttl TcJ.,n Ctnlt!r 5225 Canyon CrtAI Or TYier Mali 10106 M111nnh• Avr SAN CLEMENTE Pioo PllUll 69 Clille dl' lndu1tril11 SAN l'EORO Gardt'fl Vllli1at 28098 l>outh W~t,111 Avt'flue SANTAANA S.nta An11 nuartl 1218 E. "17th" Slrnl 5HERMANOAKS 15301 Vtnl\1111 "IYd SIMI 2815 w·hran !\tiwt STUDIO crrv 12112 Vtntura Blvd TORRANCE ~I Amo Fuhion Centtr 21712 llawlhomt BIYd VAi\ "UVS 6930 Van Nu>'1 Blvd. VRNTllRA But!n1 Vt'ntura Ctnltr 326 S Mlllt Ro.4 WOOOl.ANO HU.LS Wnndcoun 20333 Vt111ura Blvd, POOPED AT THE PUMP. DEPT. -It has now been reported in the public prints that the smog-fighters' of our region have been nosing around about 8,000 of our area gas stations looking for bad nozzles. This is part of the anti- smog crusade. According to the reports, out of that number of gasoline e mporiums, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, of which our coastal region is a small part, some 1,918 naughty nozzles have been found. (;;, Back in the old days, T-OM_M_U_RP-HIN-l ~r, when nobody much gave a hoot how gasoline got pumped into your car, a gas nozzle was little more than a piece of pipe that got stuck into your tank's filler pipe. TODAY. IT 'S A M UCH different story. The nozzle looks like part of a zapper ray gun from Star Wars. That plain old piece of pipe is now hidden inside a collapsible rubber-like sleeve that looks like the spring that bounces Jack out of a jack-in-the-box. There's a stopper on the end to trap fumes. There is a second hose, used as a fume recovery line. · If you're one of those motorists who pull up to the Self-Serve pump, you've grappled with this new Star Wars nozzle in an attempt to force it down the throat of your gas tank. Is it worth all the trouble in the smog fight? That's what the inspections are all about. The people that do this work are informally called Nozzle Inspectors. Ins~r uncovering noxious nozzle at 5ervice station HOW WOULD YOU LIKE to have that job title when you dropped by the neighborhood comer saloon for a cool one? The guy on the next stool strikes up a conversation: "And whaddya do for a livin', buddy?" "I'm a Nozzle Inspector." "You're a what?" "Nozzle Inspector." "Get away from me. you filthy creep. You're touchin' my elbow ... " NOZZLE INSPECTING must be a tough life. Nobody gives the Nozzle Inspector a big smile and a free windshield wipe when he pulls into the gas station. If the nozzles aren't in order when the inspector comes, sometimes he'll slap a fine on the service station operator. It was reported that one hapless Newport Beach station operator got hit with a $450 ticket for operating with a noxious nozzle. Gasoline retailers don't care too much for all the new nozzle laws. Steven Shelton, executive director of the Southern California Service Station Association, has been quoted as saying the new nozzles are sometimes dangerous and have been known to rupture gas tanks and blow fuel back out the filler neck. THIS ALLEGATION was countered by a spokesperson for the American Lung Association of Orange County that no complaints have been h eard about the new nozzles being unsafe. Of course if a nozzle were to rupture your gas tank while you were filling it, considering the general location of the car tank, your lungs might not be the part of your anatomy you'd be worried about. CONSIDERING THAT the nozzles are cumbersome and seem to w eigh about 50 pounds each, medical authorities might be w ell served to consider another ailment that could be called Nozzle Rupture. That's what you might suffer while trying to force the new nozzle into your tank fille r line and hold it there for 18 gallons. 1 ourt spectator 1arrested at hearing • A Loe Angelee woman who :fhowed up ln court to watch the arraigm'nent of two frienda on robbery chargel IOOD may have 91\ arratanrnent date of her own. Colta ldeu pol.Ice arretb!d the 19-year-old woma n after a wttne11 Ident ified her aa an •l1•1•d accomplice ln the l'Obberlea. Th e woman, ldenUfled by • Oloda Marta Martlnez, .,.,_ted Friday by Cotta MHa d e tectiVH at Harbor MuDlclp.1 Court In Newport a..ich. . . Costa Mesa pollce Sgt. Bill. Bechtel aald the woman l1 suspected aa the .aetaway driver ln a string of break-ins Aua. 3 at the Mesa Verde VWaa at 17555 Mete Verde Drive Eaat. Rogelio Batllta Gonzalez, 31, and .Tuan Delpdo, 32, each from the Los Angelea area, were arreaWd at tlie 1eene. Both men remain lll Oranae County jail 1n Ueu of $200,000 bail. They are wanted in connecUon with robber1e1 ln LOI ~t. and are c:oneldeNd 1'hJah r1lk prilicnen. Bechtel Mkl. 815 87 88 Tlte .aew liid roa "Oae Day •t • TJm e•• ••11 b e learned of 11/e's b•n lma. las t er b y grow.la• up In TV'• adult world. Pa6e BB. Retarded parents fight custody; . Mesa lawyer leads. couple's struggle to raise boy, 5 By Tbe A11~lated P rell Barney and Donna Travloll, each physically and mentally handicapped, will know after a court hearing next month whether they will get permanent cuatody of their 5~-yea.r-old eon Robbie. Near death, the Cypress boy waa admitted to the UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange last April. He weighed 25 pounds. Now ln a foster home, Robbie's weight is up to 31 pounds. County officials say the boy will be fine, if he isn't sent back to his parents. They say Robbie became ill because the couple was unable to feed him properly. On Sept. 15, Judge Byron 9 seek Newport council With a backdrop that includes a referendum on a multi-million dollar development, nine persons have entered the upcoming Newport Beach City Council race. Voters will fill four of the seven council seats Nov. 2. The ballot will include a referendum on the controversial Banning Ranch development in west Newport. Council candidates in Newport are elected at large but represent geographical districts. Mayor Jackie Heather, representing northern Newport, will be challenged by attorney David Grant, a n Eastbluff resident and a member of the Committee of 4000. The Committee of 4000 has sued the Irvine Company over leasehold property. Councilwoman Evelyn Hart, representing Newport Heights, Bayshores and Cliff Haven, will be challenged by former city planning commissioner Allan Beek and C. F.<iward Wolfe, a land appraiser. Wolfe said he has done land appraisal for members of the Committee of 4000 but is not a member of the group. Councilman Don Strauss, who represents Balboa and Lido Isle, will face Norman Loats, assistant superintendent of the Newport- Mesa Unified School District. Councilman Paul Hummel, representing old Corona del Mar a nd Cameo Shorea, will be challenged by Bill Agee, a frofessional photographer and ormer city planning commissioner. McMlllan ta acheduled to 11ettl.e the battle over parental care that began when the child was born. Barney, 38, and Donna, 37, both mildly retarded, married after meeting at a Southern California institution for the handicapped. She is confined to a wheelchair because of a spinal disorder. He spent much of his life in institutions. In 1976, Donna gave birth to Robbie, whom doctors said was normal except for being born six weeks premature. But Donna's mother, who had tried talking the couple out of getting married, asked that the infant be placed immediately in an Anaheim fC>.'lter home. Onre there, he developed spinal menlngitla that left him blind, deaf and crippled. The couple got provisional cuatody of Robbie last AuguAt, but in January. Robbie was placed temporarily in a foster home because of unusual weight loss. He returned to his parent.a until April, when he was taken to the hospital. When he got out of ~h~ hospital, he was pla~ed again ma foster home. Mrs. Travioli said officials never told them what was wrong With Robbie when he was placed in the foster home. "They said he was almost dead," she said. ''They said we almost lost him twice Rut they never told ua what was wront with hlm.'' The couple later agreed to Robbie'• placement in a foeter home. They are permJtted to take him every other weekend until the September court hfaring. At the core of the couple'• problems. said their Costa Mesa attorney, John Cogomo, is that Robbie's &J>¥tic condition makes it difficult to feed him. Cogomo, who is representiJ\£ the Travlolla free of charge, wa he will seek permanent custody for the couple with t h e stipulation that county social services department employees teach them how to care for Robbif>. SMOOTH R IDE Marjorie Germain, 10. pushes cousin Tina Richard, 3, in makeshift wagon consisting of box on top of skateboard. ~ NOC ~o b1 f'etnc:ll 0 -oo.w.I This form of fuel-efficient transportation was tried out in downtown Huntington Beach. - Both girls live in the city . 'Feed Your Bones' party scheduled The second annual "Feed Your Bones" party, sponsored by the Natural History Foundation of Orange County, will be held Sunday evening, Oct. 10 at Cano's Seafoods of Mexico in Newport Beach. The proceeds from the fund- raiser go to the foundation, a non-profit organization, and will aid the establishment of a natural history museum in Orange County. CocktaiJs and dinner will be served between 5 and 10 p.m. and reservati n.s can be made by calling osa 31-1381. Junior g olf clinic due Huntington Seacliff ·~~ Country Club will be offering t! a clinic for junior golfers 1 , between the ages of 10 and 17 ... on Aug. 17, 19, 24 and 26. · Range balls and golf clubs n.; will be provided. Instructions ru wilJ cover putting. chipping, 1 Irons and woods, rules, ' etiquette and strategy. r1J T here is a fe e of $20. Deadline to enter is Sunday. .• Call 536-7575 for more ,, infonnallon. r MOONUGHT MEMORIES -Patron1 pthered befon 11Wwet at Twin Polnta, the.eatate of Dr. and Mn . Raymond Contino, ...................... 0 few• ala that rued '90,000 fat the i.-... a.ch Schoal ofJ11 An. lfe9d abOut the ftrewoa ka finale on Pace 82. . > .. ...., .......... .,.., ..... GARDENIAS GALORE -Receivine compliments for the aucce11 of "Moonlight Memories" were Dr. and Mn. Ray Contino, hoet and hOltela, above, and Mn. Wtwam Beck, food committee, and Mrs. David Buahnell, p1a chairman. below . • 82 KNOB presents "M & M's Week" begin- ning August 16. listen for .Y.o.ur chance to win tickets to see Melissa Manchester on Sunday, August 22 or Anne Murray on Friday, August 27 at the beautiful Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre. ~ Manchester and Murray, just ~ two of the many -entertainers' you hear on The Great 98, KNOB. We're "The Home of the Entertainers: Give your appliances the aftemoon off. A town is like a model electric train. When the electrical load is evenly distributed throughout the day, there's enough power to go around. But on hot afternoons, factory, office and home air conditioners come on. Add washers. And dryers . And ovens. And ma • other appliances. And· the total eleetrical load can get too heavy. So use your air conditioning sparingly. When you' re home, please set it no lower than 78'? When you go out, turn it to 85° or higher. That way you can help lighten the peak loa9, delay building new power plants, and help provide enough electrical power to go around all day long . I Southern California Edison Gala designed for romantics By VIDA DEAN OftlleDelJNlt•- "You Llaht Up My Lite," said the rich full music of Freddie Martin's big band. And then the whole aky waa lit up by a spectacular fireworks diaplay of booming rockets bursting with goraeoua colon -a rainbow never dreamed of. With the Pacific Ocean as a backdrop and the surf craahing on the craggy cliff:a below, Desi gning Women ataged "Moonlight Memories," Saturday as lta annual benefit for Laguna Beach School of Art. And the event was a work of art in itaelf. For openers, there was valet parking, a thoughtful convenience for suests driving the quaint but tricky atreeta of Lagwla'• exclusive waterside aectlon. 1 Once inside the impressive Twin Points estate of Dr. and Mra. Raymond Contino, ~ enjoyed BeVel'8l h08ted ban and hon d'<>euvre tablea aa they strolled over the gruay carpet jutting above the awooehing surf. Female guests wore or carried gardenias preeented to them on arrival. And Mother Nature henelf waa a designing woman for the evening, havtn; preeented ideal weather capped with a glorious aunaet for the- occasion. Antiques, travel packages, wearing apparel. gift certilicats for peraonal eervices and other items were strategically arranged by D...fgning Women to ca1Ch the eye and the blda of patrcna participating in the fund-ralaing silent auction. Much of the two-acre state WU dotted with pink draped round tablee centered with proteas and candlee for the more than 400 guests who dined on comlah hen atuHed with apples and almonda. Alter dark, lighta twinkled from the trees and outlined the flqpole and suebo at the cliff's edge. The Freddie Martin aound created ~ atmcephere of noatalg:la, and couples including celebrated "hoofer" Buddy Ebsen and wlfe Nancy, crowded a rather~ portable dance floor on a porUon of the lawn. It waa the elahth year Deatgning Women baa ataged 101De manner of fund-ral.llna event to allllt the art 9Chool, and th1a waa the iecond year in auooeaslon that the Contino home baa been opened for the event. Hostels Phyllis Conti.no, president of tl\e .:hool'a boerd of dlrecton, weloomed guests and thanked the Jona lilt of wwlerwritera and .,.i. "wbo.e aeneromty and oommitmenb contributed to the aucce11 of the benefit." The gueat Hat included the Tony Montaperta, Dr. and Mn. Terrance Monn. Dr. Jerrel RJcharda. Mr. and Mra. I.edW.w Reday, Mn. Faith Strong, Lt. Oen. and Mn. F.C. 'lbartn, netchbon of the Continas, 801 A.aft, Virginia and Paul Bender, Float and l:d Schumacher and Dr. Richard Tobin, new director of the i..una BMch School ol Art, plm ::rJ.;. frienda o« the echool mm Newport The dm WM ~Uy accredited, maJdne it one ol the ..ven llCCl'9d.tted art 8Choolt In. Soutmm Cal1fomla. ''The new 1tatua of the echool givee national ...,..Uan," -'cl Dr. ToblD. ''When dM bdl an all pmd. w. aboukl ~ 9bout teo.ooo. The audkln blwabt tn •10.000,:' eald cbalnmn Nancy a.hnel1. Mllltln8 ... with pla arnna-aen• MmH. Wllliam hell:, Ann C-oUn, Jam Qvnbaw WlWam l!cldtns, Gerald ..... 1119, =:!:e:z~1i~!. .. Law•-..,......, Jaak ':hW'a raw. lbarj.· wwam. ...._ ~ ~. 'hmi0w*1 wt --'l'ociMj . '. '~ .• r1. l raHt A. Bryan& IU 11 ~ a Mand term M pnlident ol &hi Newport Harbor Art MUMwn11 bo9rd of tn.wtee.. the newly•lected vtc:e preeldent ti T. l'hllllpe M~an and conUnWn, u vlc9 president. are John E. Dwan n. Robert McLain and Georp R. Richter Jr. Mn. Abert A. Adama la the new ..-wy wtth Ray H. Johnaon •• treaaurer. • • •• 1>at11:E. Gr huaa1e of Newport fourth Wtdnteday 'Of the manth at 7:30 p,m. ln M~ Savlnfl and Loan, Hu.nun.tcft BMch. . * .. • • Or. AnnaMaria Bellin WU lmta1J41d prt1ldent of t he Inner Wheel of Oran1e County durln1 a luncheon held ln the ~t Hotel in Newport S.Ch. OrllP OOilll DAJLV PtLOT /1'.Ueld81. ~ ~O. 11U "' Beach IJ the new president of Lona Buch Theta Unit, CaUfomla State Allddatton of Parllamentarlana. Miu Grlnnage la a retired public utlllty employee, havln1 worked for the Southern California Gas Co. for 44 I yean. * • * Other offlcen inducted durtna the ceremony conducted by Mrs. Allard Gunning, out-1oln1 prealdent, are Mmes. Paul Kennedy and Harry Woodcoff, vice president.; Maxwell Widdowson, secretary; Gene Jennings, treasurer; James Lucas, corresponding secretary; and Jack Feehan, international 1ervlce orfanizer. nner Wheel ls an international organization of wives of Rotarians ln 57 countries. .... ...-.----..;...:.....-:-----:-1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Lat Ola• Toaatmistresa Club has lnatalled Maute Lloyd as president. Other offlcen are Harriet Adams and Lynn Banker, vice presidents; Belen C.Ordo.va, secretary: and Peggy Hayes, t.reMurer. The club meets the second and Philanthropies of the froup are Servicemen's Center o Orange County, Family en.es Center of OC. Community Volunteers for the Elderly and the Women's Transitional Living Center. • • Manager's Special Dinners · : Friday 13 to 10 p.m.) • Monday l3to10p.m.) • Y2 Fried Chicken New York Steak $2.25 Combination Seat ood Plate ... . Tuesday (3to10 p.m.) Breaded Pork Tenderloin Liver & Onions Wednesday 13 to 10 p.m.) Teriyaki Steak Fillet of Cod Thursday 13 to 10 p.m.) Saturday (3 to 10 p.m.) $2.85 Filet Mignon $2 .25 Red Snapper Sunday (noon to 10 p.m.) $3.85 $2.55 $3.20 Teriyaki Brochettes $2 .25 of Beef $3.35 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Roast Breast of Turkey $2.75 Top Sirloin Steak $3 .35 (lncl"de•v.getab••> Breaded Vea I (Pure Veal Patty)$ 2. 2 5 A ll sntrtHJS include choice of soup or salad, potato or rice pilaf, and roll with butter. Delly Pltot le.ff fltloto BEADS LEAGUE -Lee Gormley, right, is the 1982-83 president of The Assistance League of Newport Beach. She accepted the gavel from Elaine Basmajian, at the organization's annual luncheon held at Balboa 1 Bay Club. Other officers installed were Dorothy Reichle, Marion Pickens, Angela Stollsteimer, Marie France Lefebvre, Jean Quinn, Beverly Holcomb and Phyllis Baum, vice presidents; Lois Riker and Jan Bihler, secretaries, and Pauline Beggerstaff and Jean Bonner, tteasurers. OPENING WEDNESDAY ! 00 Irvine 17901 MacArthur Blvd. I I ... MAKING GOOD FOOD EASY TO FIND. Costa Mesa 3125 Harbor Blvd. AXLINE'S SUMMER SHOE ~I I I I I I I 1. ,. Grand Opening Special THE WORLD'S LARGEST NATURAL FOOD SUPERMARKET BRINGS YOU THE WORLD'S LARGEST COUPON. NATURALLY I SALE I: 1: 1., Just bring this giant $50 coupon PLUS $1000 FREE I into Prim o during o ur Grand SHOPPING SPREE- Opening Celebrati on-we'll 20 WINNERS! pons you'll have trouble count-into Primo with your name and give you so many va luable cou-When you bring this $50 coupon I ing them all! All kinds of cou-address filled in you're automat- pon-good for big discounts and ically entered in Prim o's Free I tremendous savings on a wide Shopping Spree Drawing! variety of items in every depart-Twenty wmners will each re- ment thro ughout the world's ceive $50 in free merchandise la rgest natural f ood s uper-of their rhoice, for a total prize I market. Buy the value of $1000! best , freshest , · E One winner will ~~~A~='=~---------m o s t natural be drawn each f od ' .:..;.Al=>l~>R=E=-~~s ________ d f h I o you ve ever ay rom t e had-and save a total coupons grand total of PH<>~E entered, so if fifty dollars in ::se"n~r:~s:::: you enter early real money at yo.u' 11 have -1 the same time! •---• twenty chances ($50 coupon to win, and the valid through ~~IANI.~ earlier you enter I August 25, 1982) ~~ the better your chances! ~~. DOORS OPEN 10 A.M. • JACQUE COHEN •LA VISTA • PEOPLE MOVERS •CANVAS SHOES • 9 WEST • LADIES BASS •BARE TRAPS • IMPO • LADIES DEXTER • FOOTWORKS AND MORE LIMITED TO SALE STOCK ON HAND COME IN TODAY FOR BEST SELECTION SALE STARTS WED., AUG. 11th Jll.l#E'S VILLAIE SHOES 10110 Adams, Huntington Beach 96S23S3 ------------------ Far Salutlans On the c==-==-=---~-~ l Go! • C.tcua.te Bullneu, Scientific, EnglnHrtng Problem• •nd More • Prog,.mm.t>le In E•y-to-leam Pocket Computer BASIC Language • UM Reedy-to-Run Software With Optional Interface and Recorder • 10-0lglt Numertc Accuracy • Alao Functions •• • C•lculator • Ret.IM Prog,.ma and Oat• .. Even When Power la Off Low-Cost Pocket Computer Model PC· 1 w .. t15t.95 14995 In c.t. RSC-7 Add 1 Prtnter/Clnette Interface for $127.951 ~ SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE . COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER A DIVISION OF TA.NOV CORPORATION •1 tl2 Tlndy Colp, PRICES MAY VA.RV AT INDIVIDUAL STORES ANO DEALERS ITAW Of' WITICMlAWAL '1CT1TIOU8 _ .. noM PARTMIRlt• MAim 8TAW OfltlRATIMe UMDD The folloWlfl11 si«eon le doing ACTmOU9Mlll ... NAlm ~-The followlng pereon hu (t) CAROLE BOVITZ & wltlldreMI .. a general pat11* trom A 8 8 0 C I A T E 8 ; ( 2 I C J the pertnent11p operetlng under the ASBOCIATES, 18291 Content 1tcllllou1 bueln••• name of Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 0 C EA HS W E 8 T M AR I HA t2$49. DEVELOPMENT COMPAN'ht 4000 CAROLE J . 8j)VIT2, 18291 MacArthur B~levard, Sulla 700 Content Olrde, Huntington Beadl. Eeat, Newport 8-cll, CA 92MO. CA 92948. The llctltloue buelnaH name Tilll ~ la oonduCted by an .iatement for the Pllrlnerthlc> -lndlvldual. Nad on .My 11, 1eao In the County Cerole J. BcMtz of Orenga. Thie ...,_, -ltle4. with the The full name and reeldence ot County Cler1I of Orenge COunty on the perton wlthdrewlna ... partlW Jvty 11, 1982. le; JAMES P. WARMfNOTON, 314 ,,_, ~ Vlela. Baltio.. CA 92M1. Publl1hed Orange Cout Delly JAl'Q!ll P. Warmington PllOt. Jvty 20, 27, Aug. 3, 10, 1912. Robtn F. ~ 32te-82 IUNlllCMl COURT Of' c~ COUNTY of OMNM .............. A4'11 fl ef .,....,......, ...... ,.,a.iet ....... ..... 1~ ORDO TO IMOW CAUU '°" CMMIQe °' ..... Dmd Anthony M.nlnli hM fled a p«ltlon In tni. ~ tor ~ order 1-------'------1 allowlnO petltk>Mr to ~ hll neme trom DllYld Mthony Merl.Ina to DllYld Anthony lhereton. Ml.JC NOTICE HCllitOUaWaS NAlmSTATDmJIT The fotlowlng pertOntl .,. doing bu*-- Rlcflard L. ~ -· Thie statement -flied w11h the County Clarie of Orange County on It 11 hereby ordered that all p«eon• lnter..ted In the matt• afOreMld appew before thll OCM1 1n Deplltmellt No. a at 100 CMo Centef Drive Wall, S1nl1 Ana, Callfornla, on Sept. 16, 1H2, at 1o:ao o'c:lodt a.m .. W\d tNll 1111<1 ther9 .now ceute, If etf'f U.V have. -------~~---why uld petition tor change or nerne lhOuld not be granted. PtalC NOTICE tt ta fUrthet orci..d t11at a copy of MESA DEVELOPMENT II, 4282 =u• Dflve, Suite C, N-port . ca. 92eeo Dyna-Plex, Inc. (a California ~·•ton). 4262 Cempue Drtve. Suite c. Newport BMch, ca. 92eeG Augua1 2, 1"2. ........ , .. ,M7 ~a,KaNDAU.& HAIW•tCITON A P11t111hnml ~ C-.. ,... _......, ........... -~ ..... C..11111.., , Publllhed Orange COeat Dalty Ptlot Aug. 3, 10. 17, 24, 1"2 : M&M2 w.cnne NOTICI °' 'TM191Wt'S SALE LOAN NO ... 101m1 UNDO DUD Of' TitUaT IMPOA'\'Atn NOTICE TO ""°""" OWND YOU ARE !fl OEFAUl T UHOER A DEED OF TRUST. DATED SEPTEMBER 23, 1H1. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT •• • PUlJC N()TIC( YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE -TO ,._a__ SOt.D AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU ._,_ ..._,_,_ NEED AH EXPLANATION OF THE CAUJN0 '°" _. NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING ~ Dlatrlct IRVINE UNIFIED. AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD Bid o-.n.: 10:00 o'dodl a.m. CONTACT A LAWYER. of the UMh d9y =· 1082. NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN: II'-of llld DISTRICT That under and by Wlue of the Ihle order to 1how c au•• be pubtlehed In The Delly Pilot, Colt• MHa, 1 ne~r of generel elfculetlon, pu In tNa county at 1••11 once a •••II tor tour conaecutM weellt l)flot to the day of Mid hMl'lnel. Diiied AUD> ~ 1N2. Clellde M. 0-W ==-~ ...... c. .... ......., .. .... .,. ......... 11.d .... ,,. Batney Mertln, an Individual, 4292 Campu1 Drive. Sult• C, Newport BMctl, ca. 92980 ~ranll R. Goodman, an lndlvldu11, 77000 Avenue of the 81at•. Pelrn o.a.rt. ca. 92290 Thia ~ .. oondUcted by • Nmlted pertnerehlp. DYHA·PU:X .. INC. Robett H. DaYla, ~· Thia etat-1 wu ltled with IN County eterti of Ofange County on Auguat 2, 1982. C.... ...... CA -H. VICTOft 9UCNa. A cri4J:!:1'orenge Coaet Delly =::,:,a:-....., ~FL P9ot, Aug 10, 17, 24, 31. 1982 tlt'I °"" ..... SM6-82 ....._.,. ..... Ca. - ,.4DMINISTRAT1VE C NTER. 2941 provtetona of that cenaln Oiied of <.J\llOn Aw., lrw.. CA 92714. Tn.181 dat41d September 23. 1981, Project Identification Hame: and recorded In the ofllce of the 1'ROP08ED Ff:NCE AND OATES Record« of the County of Orange. 1----------- AT lfMHE HtGH SCHOOL Slat• of catllomta. on Oc1otMw 2. rta.IC NOTIC( Publllhed Orange Coa1t Deity Ptlot Aug. 3, 10, 17, 24. 1N2 :Me0-42 Plac• Plan• are on fll•: 1911 In Volume t4242 Peoe 1959 1------------1------------ FACIUTIES SUPPORT 8ERVICE.S, of oi11c111 Record•. execut41d by NOTICE OP DEATH OF IUllJC NOl1C( 14eOO Sand Ceriyon, Ealt INlne. !Phillip eunon ane1 Linda BYrtori. CHARLOTTE MARJORIE , __ __;,..;.;;..;~.....;......;..;;,,,,_ __ NOTICE IS HEADY GfVEH ttiet huoand and wtte " Tru1tor, to C L A R K A N D 0 F NOTICE OF DEATH OP ttie ~ Scnool Dtltrtet of lsunklet Service comp1ny, • p E T I T I 0 N T 0 R UTB E. PEBRS, AKA Orenge County, Cllllomla. acting corpor81lon u True1 ... and STATE )>y and through Ill Governlno s Av 1 Na s AND Lo AN ADMINJSTER aTATE NO. RUTH E . DELLINGER ~TdLICT~~ ~ tobutu ASSOCIATION. a Cellfornla AllHH. AND OF PETITION TO '""' " · -·-up 10• corpor81lon • Beneftclary T all he'-benef:fciaria. ADMINJ8TER ESTATE NO pot later than Ille abov .. 1tated And puniUent to the ,.q,_, of 0 .. ., ' time. 8Mled bide for UM IWlfd of• th• owner and holder of th• creditors and contingent AUHtl. contract for·the above onitect. C'leeory note 1ecured by th• creditors of Charlotte To all heirl, benetidariee, 1 llkl .. tlllllbe---lnltiefr:: ofTNl1aboverefettedto. Marjorie Clark and penona creditors and contingent denttlled above, and •ha I be lol'td by ..-i of the detautt tn who may be otherwlae creditol"I of Ruth E. Pehn ~ ~~ ':; = 81 ~..:i ':'t:~~ "°:interested in the will. and/or and persona who may be There wlll be NO deC>Oelt r8QUhd 1ald O.ad ot Tru11 provided, a estate: otherwl8e lnt.ereat.ed in the tor eedl ... of bid dOCulMn1I to Notloa of Dllld and aectlon to A petition hu been filed will and/or estate: oQU•r•ntM their return In good Seti IJflder Oiied of TNll ~ by 'I' a y Layne In the A petition bu been filed cone!tttGn wlthltl daya aft« the bid .,._,duly recorded • Pfov\ded tor Court f Or b A 1 Rid I b oC**'O dele. by ._ 1n lekt Aacotdar·• Ollce on Superior o &n1e y r ene 1e n t e E.act'I ooo -conronn ano .,. Aprll 18. 1982, tn 1n11r. No. County requesUna that Fay Superior Court of Orange fHpon1tve to th• contrac t 82·133447. Layne be appointed aa County reque1tlng that ~ lhall bmlt. the SUHKIST SERVICE COMPANY,. penon&l repreMntatlve to Arlene Ridge be appolnted au on corporatlo". •• the pre1en1 dminl t th ••t f --1 ....._ntalive to tonn fumlef* with Ille c:ontrec:t authorized end acting Trull•• a • er e ea-e 0 81 ~---·-.-- dooumenta, a 11at of IN Pf~ under Mid Oiied of TNlt. elofwald. Charlotte Marjorie Clark admlnlater the eatate of auboontrec1ore on tllil project ea on wedneaclay. Auguet 18. 1982. at (under the Independent Ruth E. Pehn (under the required .:t lh• Subletting •nd Iha hOUr of 10:00 o'dodl a.II\. of Adminiatratlon of J!'Atata Independent Administradm &lbool1ll 18 F• '"'**-Act. Mk! fJ'l •t the Norttl front entrance ... -) ""--~ la -f-of J!'.lltatet Al:t). The -.tdon Go¥t. Code Sec. 4100 • eeq. lo the OBnge County CourthouM ~~ • ... ...., _... -· -~ .. &di lllOdlr _. llUbmlt with hie 700 CMc: Cent« Dr1W Weal 111 1119 beuina in No. 3 at 700 I.a 8et for hearlna in Dept. bid c.nllled or caaht.f'• checll City of Sent• Ana, County of Ov1c Center w. w-i. ln No. 3 at 700 Civic Center ~':.IN~~:. = Orange, State of C.iitomla, WILL the City of Santa Ana, Drive, West, ln the Oty of ~ ~ti 111 an 9ll'IOClnl ~..:J°o::i':1'ru!:;: c.allfomla oa Sept. l, 1982 at Santa Ana. Callfornla on not .... than 10 peroenl of the without covenant or werrenly 9:30 a.m. Sept. l , 1982 at 9:30 a.m. m111lmum 1mount of b id H a regarding tltl• po11e11lon or IF YOU OBJllCT to the fF YOU OBJECT to the vuwantee that the l*lder _. enter encumbf'ancea. al publlc auction, to granting of the petition, you p-anttnc of the peddon, )'OU Into 1he Pfot>OMd contrec:t If lfle Iha ~ cull bidder In lawful al:lcx.ald either the ahouJd either t the earne 11 -erded to him. In Ille money of th• United StatH of appeer at appear a _,. of ta11ure to enter Into Mid America all tll•t certain rHI hearln1 and state your hearlnt and atate your contract, 1uoh Hcurtty wlll I>• property iltuatt in the County °' obEtlona or file wrltten obeUona or fUe written '°':iTAICt ,__the rtgllt 10 =g:; !t~~~ Ca11tornla , ob tlona with the court ob tlona with the court ,.._.wiyorelbldwortoWllManv PARCEL 1: · be ore the hearln1. Your be re the hearl.na. Your ~ "' lnfonNllltlea In tlf'f An undt!llded 115th 1ntere11 1n a~ may be lo penon appeu-ance may be in penan bldl"' In IM blddlnO· and 10 tot 1 of tr!Mlt No. 11148. In or your attorney. or by your att.orney. Pur1uant to the r.:.:;11on1 of 111e city of Colla Mee&. County °' I · Y 0 U A R E A I F Y 0 0 A R E A &don 1ns of the Code °' °'.,. Stet• of Celltornla. .. '* CRlllDMUR or • contlnaent CREDMUR or a continfent the ltat• or Calllornla , the rn-.> r.C:orded 1n boolc 47g, pegea ................. _of .... _ ..o~ d _...,._of the keiiei ..,...,., oteTAICT h• obtllMd ffom the 19 and 17, In the offtca of the~--w• ueenae-, you "'""u.... -..& ... J- Olrector of th• Departm•nt ot County Record« of Mild County. mt.alt file ~ cla1m with the mt.alt file your cl.alm with the lnclvltrlat ~t•tlon• Ille Q9nefal bceptlng therefrom unll1 1 court or present It to the court or present It to the ~ .. ~ .. of..':'-~ ::0.: throueh 6 H ahown u pon th• peraonal representative peuonal repreaentatlve ~ aind ov.1.llM worti":: lht Condominium Plan record•d In appointed by the court appointed by the court fOG!11Y In "'*" INI wort! II to be ~.-0:1..:J ~~· Otftclel within four mont.he flan the within four mantha from U-. peliol•Nd tor eecfl cnft or twie of · PA~L 2: date of first INuance of date of flrat laauance of -rker nMd•d to neoute Iha Unit a H 1hown upon Iha leUen • ~ ID Section 1etten M provided in Section ~"'-:..:.-:,=...°"• ';,.8; ~ '*" Nferred 10 In 700 of the Probatie Code of 700 of tlw Probate Code of ,,_.A-. IJMne. CA 92714. ~ and MOre commonly known aa California. The time for California. The ttme for f'lllWbeObUMed.:a:::..Aoopy 2182·C P1clllc Avenue, Coela f.Wna c:Ja1rm will"°' expln fWnl c1ailm wW not expln 41._...,.... • "-Meal. Calltomla. -""'-.... •-·· -·'--•--o-•-four -tbs ~ ._...._ If t~t 11 no 1trMt addrM1, .,.h_ d..., .. ,,,_f ,.._..h ..... h "1_., r• '• .., ....,.. A.n1U1 11 ....., be IMn<l•t°'Y lotPOf! tM Cllr.ctlone '"'Y I>• obtalll•d b~ t e ate o t e ear n1 tbe date of the hearlnl =::=:.:.0 _: 11; '!; ::"'Loen "';t.~ •• ~~~ ~ ~ ~y EXAM IN I: ~ ~y EXAMINI! -.e 11 ..,_.,under hlrll. to 1191 not Dof'ldo I.,..., ltooll'°"· CA t5202: the file UP' by the C10W1. If &be 0Jit ~ by the court. If ... ._ ... ..,..,...,...to Attention: I.Ou ••rvloe you are ln'9resi.d ln the you..,.. ln'9re9ted ln tlM alWOft!M~~""'""'"" oepwtment. not IM•"*'~ _ _._ .. ,_ ...,.._. ---.J:--y-'-a--~-•oontnct. 17, 1M2,for1Nputpoeeof~ ---.youm.y ..... a·--· --........ ·--No ~ .,__....., hie bid ot11tg1111on .. eourecl by Mid 0.0 ~ with the court to r.celve Mth • court to r.cetve tot•.:=: Of ~TY (IOI~ T"*f ., of ... ""'*«! a peel al ooUee of the epeetal notle• of the = dMt • "'ot**'I ot .,...,.: ~thll-::::..-ta tfn •• Inventory of ft\ete weta Inventory of •ta\e .... ta A pay runt b Oii d end a ....... tntentet: t 13,87'.M , anc1 and of the petiUC.. ~· Ind oUbe pethlorw, eocauntl ,...,_ .. llOftd _. be ,..._ th• ttUm•t•d amount ot coat•, and Npor&a de1ertbed ln and Nporta deecrlbed In 1W11r to-*'! of IN oontt.ot exptNtt Ind adYenoet whlah Wlfl Section ~.& of the Stctton UOO.& of the -r: ..... be In ttle form ... IOl'ttl In be lnMrtd by tM dl'9 of .... II CaU.fomla te Code. Ca1lfom&a Probata Code. ~ a:E =:-::. ~ ''·~r~~:::~. ~at.•;~~ .IJ.:~l ... ~ =::~.':".:rura. BIQ. ·,CllllfNI. ......... _... -cotPOtltlon avom •.•• 0. Lg y • ND ,. =• • ,.. ...... aia ,.. 1y: Tim o. Prudhll, .....,, al Lew lllLD&Sft \ ;a#=":.1:11~ ,f: ~~morado 11M c...-.Drift 1•11,..... .,.... ..... 1111 • ..,.. .,.."°"'..,._ t t,_ ..,_ ...... CA ..... ._ .,...._CA ftlll fl .. ~ . ""'"°"" Calllomlla t620I (7H ftMlll (TH) llMlll "'If D.~ e"'"111' Put.UaMci on.a. Coeet PublMlhed oru. c.o.t ", M•• • • ar.... ~ ~C>Mnot c.. OltllV ~ PUoC. A.,.. 'lG;-u, 17, = PUo&. """" 10, 11, 17, ....... -.... -Not • .Mra7.A14.f ,10,tlla 1 ---........ ..,... -·1"'1 -·- --& ....... A. ..... hll ~ &be Ncwpcwi .._h branch omee of OOIDllMntal real ..taw ~ firm Dllf ........ C•••••f at a marketlnl lilodMI. He -Ylct p-116denl and ....,... o1 AlhWDl MU as company•• 0.kland office, and a broker tor lis ~an1• Countyoalce. Furniture firm ...., .... ..a.tent Ylct pre1ldent, waa named vlct DNlfdctlmanapr of Bl C.mlM laaU't COC"pOnte branch ottb, AnatMllm. \ plans bank For the ninth oomecuuve YMf, the Sal• & MarketJna Council of th• B•U•t•1 la4Hlr)' Auedadoil ef IHtMra C.Utorala will 8J>Ot*>r the MAME (Major Achievements ln Merch.andJalna Excellence) competition. An awardl preeentation will be held at the C-entury PW. Hotfl Nov. 20. Cha1rtnc the committee ii Carole Jamlesoa, vice president of marketln1 for The Meister Company, Newport Beach. CARLSBAD (AP) -McMaban'• 1'\l.mlture Co. planl to open the finrt t.denlly chartered bank , In a Califomla·bued Ntaf.l ltoN by the end of 1082, lta prelldent .,.. The application of February wu approved Monday by the U .S. comptroller of the C?UJTmCY with caplt.aUgtion of $3 mlWon put up by RJchard A. McMaban. pwtdent of McMahan'1. h1t wife and three other execuUv-. Laara L . Meyer of Hun~ Beech hM been appointed usiltant vice prmident a1 P....,....tve S&vlap ud Lou Alsocladoa. She was mana1er of the &MOdat.lon'• Huntington Beach office, ju8t relocated to Newland Cent.er, 19900 Beaich Boulevard. McMahan Mid the Western Family Bank'• f.lm branch will open tn b.11 flaphip Cari.bad "°"" by the end of tbJt year, followed by othen at Coltoo and Fremlo. A total of 72 retail outlets are operated by the family-owned McMahan Valley St.cll9 in west.em states The C1rma-Saadlla1 Groep, an Irvine-baaed homebuilder, Hlected R•ld AdverthlDI aad Pabllc Relatloat of Newport Beach u it.a qency. "It will take a peiod of yean," McMahan aald. to deyel~p the .banldna plan.. . Marsh alls to open • ID store Mesa Walker &t Lee't top sales penona Kea Stevea1 and CyDdlla ~escblt were honored at the firm's quarterly award.I ceremony. Stevena was recognized for aalea at Lake Terrace in Paramount, havi.na t0ld 46 unite valued in excest of $4 million ln a one--month period. Manhalll, Inc. ia opening a retail store ln Carta Mesa on Thunday at 9:30 a.m. The It.ore la located ln the Harbor Shopping Center near Harbor Boulevard and Wlllon Street. PelChalt, ule9 woman for Liberty Village ln Victorville, waa ttCOIJllud tor .U. in excem of $1 million for two ooMeCUtive monthl. Covering over 25,000 tquare feet, the store will be managed oy Carlene Rizzo and employ 1-25. Mauhalls featurea clothing, footwear. domestics, gl.ftware and fashion ecce.oria Manballa hat more than 126 stores coast to oout. It la headquartered ln Woburn. Mam. Walker & Lee ia baled ln Santa Ana. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS N!WVONC~-t.lowCI 1m11: l11fralnd ..... t NASOAO q •tloft• COlr 11e 1 ..... 2'\lo 2'Ya ---~-~ 742 M:1 l11trcEnr NJ --I Oflwa .,, ComOH .. 46Vt ,,....,.., IS'\ It -----•Of CmlSIW 12 IJ lntined 22" 2J MorlOl!I'· ""'°" CIO not CmwTel IN 1' '"'mtGs ~ 100.. lnClude ..... _..,., ~p· UV. M .... -~ Wt m e r kdown or dlt 14 2.414 lw•SOVt ui-2A conunl•1lon lor Croslr1 l~I~ Jam...., !Cl'lo II CullrFd ' 114 t ~rlc.o 11 17\olo Monday. ~T!~ J J'At Jiffy Ma 1142 Stoel! BIO'"" 10\lo 11* Jotlytt' .._,._ AEL Ind It .. 1314 0.Y1M t l:WO 1411'1 K1l1SC JJI IS 1•1'1 AFAPrcl 21Vt u OBeer 4 M24 M• Ka Iver 1).1. I AVMQ> ~ 414 0.111~ UYI 12~ k1mat1 ..... 17 A<adlN 11111 I ... OetCMI 11 11.., K•=• t2 u ~r;~ ....... o.-yl!.1 3 IV. Kl I 17 .. 1114 ~ 10\4 01.Cr°" 22"> UV. Kl1111lm 114 11'1 Adv A-, .... 4 OlanCru 17 JOYI KloOIG ~u-AflBltl 14 .......... OOculel u .. ~ ~~:t:v 14Yo ts OollrGfl 17 17 \4 Allcolnc II S2 ~r~ nv. ul4 •111 t'l4 Am.rH s.. s .. Ku lie lie 19\'J ltfll AFwm S'-Sh Lance 1 21 ... 2214 OvMO 17-11'-Land Res :t ..... AGreet 24 U V. Ourlron t t\4 L.aMCo Al~ 57\la S1\lt EelllVnc 11 .. 12\ll l flnvs ~ ... :-AN•I"' I~ 13 E<OftL.1111 ~ 10tll LlnBnl s 20 20\la AQuesr t4to 1 EIPasEJ 1114 11 ~"' IS!l'i 1' AR11Mg 1111 1'-EIOlrlll s ~ AWeld 2714 27Vt 3714 Jn. Anedlte ~ Sftt EleNUCI 1-. • MCI wl 1~ IMll ~ '"' "' ••Mod. 12 12V. MGF Oii )1' 1"' ~""' E.11r0.V •• "" MMIGE 14111 14111 nrMet = ·~ 12¥1 1").1t I S-1 =pt J\'t ,_ 11111,.. 14\ltl-Ar~ ~ )\Ii EnRsv , ..... ,-. ....... Jiiii Jiii AllGIU 14'-loAo ........ IJ IN -ILP 1t )I AllMR I Dlo\~ EctwtSL JYt ~ ,,,..,,.. .-"" Amtlll 12~ IJ E~IOll ... == • .._ 4\lo :::~ s-. ~ :.> .. ~ wz 7 -tGlllll ~ '"' ,....., ~F¥1 t\lt ~ B-VHE -I~ FIOkw 11 II == tYo IO BiilkR 11 ""' 1 FIBl<S°" • a l4 IJ'lli IW. lass:tFr 26 t•V. f'IBoltn ..... '1 MldtaW 17Y> 1114 BayltMll '"" 10 FIE~ ""' 1• MdlC. 7 ... "' lleellM s SYt f'IWn In ~ Jl4 Mkll"" "" -Bef\IPI II IVI I 9o1' ~:rc\Bka ,...... Mldllll t 20 ~ S.UL I 2S UV. Fl•N"• IMll 1914 II~ 20 .... S...Mt;I. 1 ......... 2A 24 IN IG IN ll\lt BlbllGO 11'tt 14Yt Fe..rocll Silo 1 .. 41Vt G Blrd$Go\ Siii 514 "°'"'° ltYt I llfCel Wt ._ llrtcJW J\lt , ... "-~ 1"" J 16\ll 16'11 Blyvoor 7\o 7 ... .. ,_ '°"' II lJ 27 .. BorlallJ I-2 Frenlll! IJ\lo I 11'-II-BrwTom '"' "" FrllSG -"" 10 Buck• "" II" Fremnt "'" . , .... 7 .. Buff"• DlWo 14 ... FullrHB 1.-I 11 ,, ~~ IOllo \O\'J OftAutm ~ J 21 22 '"' J GnOevcs '"" 2 1..-. 14"' CPT 121'1 lt:W. GnfllEIC ISVI 11 IA!! 17Vt CalwtSv Mlll M GovE'n 12 12 Wt 2llo CaflradH J 3V. GrephSc Mio Nl,kOG S Siii Cap En .... " Grey::-$1 " Ni.IM A 41\lo 41'- CapSW ' ""' 12V. Glllllt ..... tV. NleltltB ~--CapAlr ... 4:W. Gyrodyn .,.. 7 Hike B D¥i I>" careGc> It 20\IJ HlldlOfl 5"" • NC.re;. 1'111 1W. Cetus tv. ·-HemlPI 12 121'> NwtHO. 1014 '~ CllarRlv 1944 "' Herdwll l\lt I HwslPS ,._, 1S CllnnS "" '""' HrpR-... . No .. 11 JS ""' C~rlH 1111< , __ He~ ?214 t2Yt :JiNllCrp ,~,. 1 C mLN t 10\'t He f 11 2114 UlrSy ' 1-. ..... C""Ull ~~ n.~~ IW. '""§ii-"" "" = ~ .... ~~ = Jl'llt S2 .-.-t:!:i"'"' ""' Jl\lt Clt1$oGe '" 1"" ver "'> "" gr, Fem> ~ s CIUUIA ~»Ila Horl1R1 4 4Vt WTP 1111. "" CllJUIB )l\lo S2 IMS lnl l~ lr' PCA lnl '"" Siio Clat._,L 24 2AV. ISC MUTUAL FUND . Pabst& 11\tt t71'> s .. ns. 2\lt Ull r-:ru,p 17 17Y> StrawCI 2A\lt Ullo UPS AND DOWNS 4\lt .-SUll«u JI-S2 .... r • tva 71o'J 1-. ~E PeNEnt 12'11 129' 11t:: 11: New YOftK (AP) -TM follOWlftt I .. PeftlM • 1M 1~ E DC =· IMI,_ ,..... .... .,.._ "" OWr • T:,..· c-.-~::::: 2A\lo uw. IS IS\lo tl«U _ _....,.. -... llP ..... ...,,, IS I~ S1Vt Dlllo "" .......... ._ "" ..... ---.. TICllml" Ptllleffat SRllM TelcmA :m :r' r:-.. .. • ... r ......... Of ...._.. PlffcaSS 12 .. IN Teftant Plnllrtrt 5IY> tl\lt ~::;~I ._ 4'111 No -Uf'I trldl::r.,.. below U -lftcl-PIOrlHI I PIHllM ?214 2211'1 .. 114 2\lo , .. uded. - --can ~are VII • .._ differ-.. .,._ ""~!old clollnl ~:i':.' Po.sis tva IO'lt SYo ~ llld Pfb -~· blil pttda. . PrHGM 2Jl4~ lrlc.oPll 21\ll UV. PrsSI~ ...... ~ TylOfll"d 16\la '~ :b°&~ 2\lo 2111 UnMcGO IS " 12 11.,_ us Enr 7114 , ... Purl Berl 141'1 IS P11t~ 11 .. 12\la us Sur 10 1014 I ~ ... r 1S ISV. US Trell tlll 10\Co 2 UVeBltl :IJ\11~ J R:r~ S"-.01 8~P:.i"J > )14 • 1• 1•111 A11-U U\lt 1211112-. s RoadSv 40 40\4 VNIR ~ 471 ... • RobbMy 10 1~ ValNatl 11\lt 1,.. 7 VenOUJ IV. At • R-17 1714 Velero 12lll ·~ Sacll~ ,_ 4 t Vlc1re54 • ..._ 10 5alKO --JOVt ~= 7 .. 7'Wi 11 StHeiOd 21'Wi ~ SIPaul -..-17\ll I,_ 1J WarnEJ 111'1 II 1J llerlptt s 17¥1 11 WSllEnr 12\la I"' u I=: .... 'Ml 1M I-Wel«m S SYI 1S == 21* 21 ,. Svc.mst 27\lt • $ftMld _. ... -27 17 s-""" Dll& 2A\tl wmon: 1S 1$111 " Sl«•lb 14,,_ IS W.ttnlu 12\lli 12'n " Sllleonll ~ISlli Wl...Oa 1$14 I~ • WOlvAIU ~ • 21 SC•IWV 11 ... 11111 SWEIS.. IS ISV. -'°"' ~ tt Stanctorn UV. D WOMUI M .-. U SIOMkn> --t .,~ 11Yo 11• 14 SldR991 41 ., Zloft ' ~ 2.414 u s-JD '1Vt ...... Nol_.~.» NASDAQ SUMMARY HEW YOflK CAP) -Most ecllve -· ~ doeb '"=led by NASO. Neme VOiume A ... ed Oii-¥CIC .... 11t'.: 11\lo ,,_, • • • SvcMer .. Ta ....... ,tOO 14V. l4'--" D4,JGO IS Ullo -14 Intel ..... 310.tOO mi. 2"" -" • J0,500 INll 12111 + .,_ :rn~ ::. GraptiSc . .Jt,!00 111> 2 S-16 + 14 llt,IOO N .... -Ill SCllerer .. l .. ,1'0CI II~ 11" _.,. ltwTom . 1$1,700 114 ... _ .. lltoadS.. •• ISUIO 40 40\Co -1- ~~ ::~·.:::::··::·::·-:::·:-.:::-.: .. :::".:::·: 1JD I, 17f JAlll .... ~ .................... J.3'2 ~=. i:z·:· .:· .. :· ·.::·:::··.:·:: JP Gr1fl 10.tl 11.. A,,,.. JP lnco 7.lt 7.C G ..... J-I.OS NL 11\Com JOhrl Har!cotll: T • F,. ._ 12.72 11.G MUOI* Grwlfl l.D Ltt MMI Stir USGNt 1.14 I.IS N-T Tu lb I.JI t.11 Net Am K."11fm! Kempw,,_: '"'°"' 7..Jl 7.11 Gt-1.70 t..SI HI Yid 1.57 t.lt 1.,u Fii 10.GI 1 Ull """". =.. Tec·11 T9' lltt 10 2't 26,41..0 1 2 J • s • 7 • t 10 II 12 IJ 14 IS ,. 17 " ,, 20 21 t2 n 14 ts K "" -I.Ill .ci;i, ~t. FIMlt9f'O 7lllo Up 2A.O Swf'ctrt , .... + v. UP lt.O HltlTW\ '°"' + 1'h Up 1'.7 TPC J -Up 14.l + Alt Fie 214 • \lo Up 12.S =~ s-. • -Up 12.S ,_ + \lo \Jp 11.a ~= .. , .... + "' UP 11.1 S\4 + .... Up I0.5 :.= 4Yo 1111 Up '°" + 1116 + I Up ... ~ JVt + 14 Up 1J J"6o + v. UP 7.1 4 Iii Up .., ~ + ~~ ' + 14 Up .., , .... + ... Up u :r.cv It + ..... Up ..., • t J Up u ==-,_ + "' Up u l Vt + "' UP u -"" 1\lt + -Up H PrlaC 11111 t .... Up ~ 2-+ .._ Up ... GmnR '"" + .... Up 45 Herlll<I I • + "' UP u *" • + \lo Up 4..J DOWNS -Lall -~ Pct. Sc-ll'n Off .... LTXQI 1J -4 Off ::: Met.s" J\lo -.. Off PtooftMlll lit. --Off IU AC;tylMl s -I Off 16.7 Cellnel"n l:W. -" Off 16.7 l!mpAlrl '"" -iw. Off , .. , ~::r-,.. '"" -IV. Off IU '"' -1111 Off IM lrrtrcEN 2 .. .... Off It v ........ 4\lo iw. Off N=S t Jllo -Vt Off IU •11rg Wt -"" Off , .. , R6R J \l'J -.... Off lt.J Un Voll JV. -v. Off 1U Eni.Blo ' -114 Off 1U i-B 1\lt -1 Off 11.1 IWClll II -11'1 Off 1t.O B!MctlR "" -"" Off 11.S " ..... siw. -.. Off 11.S 1..-m siw. -"' Off 11.J LA•lcr1 un 17'JS -ns Off 11.S API Tr 2 -"" Off 11.1 Oer191En un 4 Vt Off 11.f Nk-00 ' " Off II.I SnfMI•• 1 -... Off 11,1 _, • • .By ...... A.IMda ........ ln What 1t ~ lo be the fint alCh lpW'Olftt tn Callfomia. a mortaaao lnv•tment company \lndm' fnWIUaa~Ji~tate~o!fJdala hM offered to buy bide almost •12 worth of aecond-tlwt deedll from lta lnw.ton. The 1t.te Department of Corporation• hH approved a plan under which Sierra RNlty and lllvtetmenta Inc. of <>ranee wW attempt co eecure a W.. Joan and UM the proceeda to repay 841 lnveston who are owed about .11.8 mll&n. Sierra eaid it plans to obtain a Joan tr-om Sun Savlnaa & Loan o( San Diego leCW"ed by the firm'• real estate holdings in Orange, Riverelde, San Bernardino and Lo. Angelea counties. Phone bills decision due SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The California Supreme Court will decide whether man than ~.9 million in undeliverable refunds from Pacific Telephone will go to CWTent customers or be turned over to the state u unclaimed property. Justices Stanley Mosk, Frank Newman, Otto Kraus and J\llan Broualard voted to grant the hearin« sought by state Controller Kenneth Cory. Cbie1 Juatice Rolle Bird and Justice Frank RM:hard8on did not partidpate. Gasoline prices drop LOS ANGELES (AP) -Guollne prices, wh.ich usually go up during the peak sununer driving aeaeon, have dropped almost a half cent a gallon nationwide the past two weeks, an oil industry analyst aaya. Dan Lundberg said Sunday the average price of all grades of gaaoline, taxes included, dropped from $1.295 a gallon to •1.29 a gallon in the tw~week period ended Sunday. Credit cards discounted LOS ANGELES (AP) -Several more major oil companies are moving to discourage the uae of credit cards. "The oil industry appears to have embraced the idea that cash customers should not subllidize credit customers by paying the same price for gasoline,". petroleum industry analyst Dan Lundberg said. . Lundberg said a number of companies are lDOVlJl8 in the same direction as Atlantic Richfield. which recently dropped its credit cards. · .• NEW ~KCAPI l'INI 0..-9¥1f-,_ NIDnlleJ, ..... '· AMERICAN LEADERS HEW YOAK (AP) -._, ~ ptloe and net clleno• of th• t•n moat active A-lean Stoc:ll E>ccllange ,..., .. , lredtlll) ndOnillY et....,... INft SI. i>ome lltn · «>,!, 100 .MOIOE1!9Y ,.,..300 Re~t ltl,300 TWOIMb 129,500 ~ :i:: Gt8" PH n .-Qlame Ho .... 100 Tech $ytn '2,500 se--' Jl,toO UPS AND DOWNS nocu · • .... aw:.. g ~ ~..-f!I • Tm N.-!MM •.'1 ltl.'9-ii IS Utl *°' *-19 IOl.IJ ta.ft-•M U Siii mM :m.SJ M .JI •.M-U1 ,...... ...................... s.-,,. TrM ...................... lil'll.• Utl!s ...................... 1.-.a .,,. ....................... . ....... WHAT STOCKS DID • NEW YORI( (AP) AUQ. ' -· T-y cl9Y -...Ced -.. [)Kiined 1106 '10 ¥~'l"l:S .. °" ,,,. 1M N•w ~ • 7 ,.. __ ?27 n• W,.,., A"°UOO NEW YORK CAPI A14 t -· -~ T~~ ~ Dec tined !01 -Un<Mnoed I .. ft Total~ n• ,.._ I ..... .. 4S METALS NEW YORK (AP) -·SC>ol ~ mete! pngee Mondq. C...., 7N-75 oenl9 e pound, U'4. de9ttnetlonl. a.... 28-2t l*IU a pound, ---· Zlfto 3 7-40 1*11.1 • pound, dellvWed. • Tift $8. 1520 Met• Weak CCll'ftC>OllMlt lb. 1 ......._. 18-n centa e pound, N.YJ __, 13e5.00 .,., "'-· ......... ue.4.oo-&219.00 troy CNnOe. N.Y. SILVER Ir TOM Tn'VI . or .. ._,......., Now you .. them, now you don't. That phr ... Juat about 1uma up ~ pair of IDUllcala openlna ihJa w•kend -and clollnl the nexi -at the Newport Th•ater A.rtl Center and the Newpon Harber Act.ore Th•ter. • _L Bowtna 1n flrtt, on Thunday, ta "Pippin" at the Ana Center, a youth ahow peopled with •tan of the future. Arrivln1 Friday 11 "When the Bouah Bnakl.'' an ort1tn&l muatcal by the Stop·G•p eompeny at the Acion Theater Sn Coeta M ... Debca Sato la dJ.rec:Uns "Pip ln," the 1tory of Charlemaene~ 1n eearch of f~illment. Ted Tot>ln plays the Utle role, with Paul Mllet •ha.ring the apotUaht u the Leading Player and Michael Grenie portraying Charlemagne. Otbera In the cut are Blair GUlt, Chri1tle Sweeney, Michael Kelly, Pattl·Gene Sampeon and Jeff Davi•, while the chorus con1i1ta of Teri H,.mllton, Nancy Herman, K. C. McCook, Zachary Selden, Suzi Mellrin1 and Peter Gonsalves. P.ertonnancee are Thunday through Saturday of th1I week and next at 8 p.m. at the Newport Beech theater, 2501 Cliff Drive. Reeervatlot1B 675-3143. "When the Bough Breaks" la a creation of Stop-Oap'a Don Laffoon, Victorl~ Bryan and Ron Cftager baaed on the company's work with the children of Orange County's Albert Sitton Horne. Caat members include Rochelle Savltt, Meta- Suz.anne Lyons, June Sison, Karen Gedlssman, Jackie Kandt, Cathi Skillman, Kri1tln Kiefer, 'E.T.' suit minus rne.rit? · .LOS ANGELF.8 (AP) -; A woman's lawsuit ch4af'glng that her one-act pl.y was stolen and nullde into the film "E.T. Tne Extra-Terrestrial"· was bran'ded "com- pletely without merit" br' the parent company o Universal Studios. The Music Corp.' of America said it had re\tiewed with "E.T.'' producer Ste ven Spjelberg the lawsuit by Llia Litchfield, who said the moyie has numerous similarities to her play. ' ' L o k e .y f r o m Maldemar." The company and Spielberg found the complaint "completely wii.hout merit," an MCA . press release said . It added that all six parties sued and their insurance attorneys would defend the lawsuit "to a successful conclusion." . "A FIRST RATE, BEAUTIFULLY ACTED, THOROUGHLY INVOLVING ROMANCE." -Jenet MHlln, Nl!W YORI< TlMU G ------NOW PLAYING ----.. 18PIOll VIEJO OAAltOI OllAltGI WHTMIHTlll Edlurds VNtfO Twon Conec!Ome P~1toe s Oranqe Or••t In ECIW~rds Ctnema West 830 &9~0 634 2~~3 ~~8 1021 891 3935 With Burt & Dolly dlU much fun }uat d<>Uldn 't k l~1all •4 TRACK MAG STEJIEO ~ I l\HIOH 'QUUI ~ • fHfAfAIS I long coa t hilt not for long 1111•111• Robert Knapp, Betty Y ou.na and Kleni.n JtbMn, Performanc11 wlll. 6e &Jven 1''rlday and Saturday, and Tuaday thtOUIJ" Saturday of next week, at 8 ~k and \M next two Sunday• at 2:30 p.m. at the Bly ff.lab School audlt.ortwn, 390 Monte Vllta St., Cotta Meea. Retervatlona 631·5110. Completln1 a flve-week rul'\ with flnal perlormancee th.la wMk La the world premiere of • SCOTI a d WILLIE BAIO n AAMES I ''ThomhUl" at \he W,Una Mou.lion Playhoute. Curtain la 8 p.m. Wed.Mlday llu'ou@ S.tUrday at the p&ayhoUll, eoe Lquna c.anyon Road, i..,u.na Beach. l\elervatlona 40"-4-0743. Other ahow1 remaln1na on the boarda alone th• cout lnclude: -110eor1• M" at S.butian'• W•t Dinner PlayhOUM, 140" Ave. P1co, San Clemmi. (402·1>950), playtna nJChtly except Monday8 at varytna CW1ain t1me1 throuah the aummer. -"Sqar" at the Harlequin Dinner Playbowle, 3503 s. Harbor Blvd., Santa Aria one.&511), on SETSAILroR THE MUSICAL CONlEDY ~NTURE Of THE SUMMER! *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday lhru Saturday All Pertorm1ncH before 5:00 PM (Eicept Spic:ill Engagements and Hollday11 IA -.illilA[JA MAil Mtrooo 01 loaecrona LA MIRADA WALl(·IN •••·2•00 "THE WORL.D ACCORDING TO GARP" 1R1 ,, ... _, __ "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" tRI ·----- "NIGHT 8HtFT'' t~t ._ ...... __ _ "ROCKY Ill" !N I '"' ___ .....,_ "CHEECH a CHONG 1~1 THINGS "THE PIRATE MOVIE" <POI ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" 1:00, ~. 1:40. 1:00. 1C1121 ·------LAK~WOOD CENTER WAlt< IN "THE BEST LITTLE 1111 WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" .-.---- •ocultv ot Candl••Ood 213/131·9110 "YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE" tai .,., ....... ~ ... STAR TREK II: "ROCKY Ill" tPOt IN 70 MM OOLaY 1~10 ,.,., __ ,_ ..... ,111. THE WRATH OF KHAN tPOI LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN focul!y At Del lvno ' 21J/6U•t211 "NIGHT SHIFT" !RI ·-----. ' I ..... .,...,... ... _ THE PIRATE MOVIE .,.., ··--·"- ... .. "'"., ..... 1 JO '"" ..... 1· 's \ .... ,,.,. "' .... IMPORTANT NOTIC(! CHILDREN UNDER 12 fRlE! ........... ·-Illa "'"'ffl 7 .... Sal.. s.... ........... CINf.fl S0UH0 • Y0\111 AM CNl MOIO IS lVUll Sl'fMlll If J10 AM CNl 1WJ10 wmt iGllllOI ~T l'Olll10N -llUHC A» l'Oll1¥1.l l•llil Qltt-A OllYMIS IJO Oii .all llAOIO ANAHEIM ANAHEIM DRI VE·IN l1ee•OT ti OI lelftOfl SI 179·9150 ZAl"Pt!DI 1•1 PLUS Ttta aaDUCTION !RI C1i.t fl SOUHO &UINA PAllk BUENA PARK DRIVE IH llMC>ln A•• we•• ol Cno" 121·4070 aul"IA P1<11• LINCOLN DRIVE·IN luicoln Ave Welt ot ll'lott ' 121·4070 I IJ.li!:fllbii 5on Ot•oo ,...., 01 l t000,..,111 (lo l 962·2411 .. ,,,1\1110<',ll p Hl·WAY 39 DRIVE IN THIHITUTTU WHOM'.HOUll .. 'RXAI I'll 1'1.118 tMaAH cowaov 1N 1 THI l'ttllA'R MOVta t•I l'LU• ZOllllO, Tita GAY llLADa tPOI C•Nt " !.OUHU l . T ~ THI IX'TllA· TUlllHTIWIL l'LU8 (HI DaAD MlrN DON'T ftAll ll'UIO (POI THl WO..LD ACCO..DINO TO QAlll' ftll -All'TlfUft (NI leocn l l•d So ot GofOtn GtOtt ,,_, 891·3693 NIGHT ltwT (II) I YOUNG DOCTOfltS .. LOVll tlll l'LU8 -ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN (N I ~<NI CINI fr- ZA'9'1DI t1111 -TM N9'1CTIOM (Ill CINl H SOUllO I• H.A.&k'A LA HABRA ()l/IVf IN ............ , ...... -.......... 17MM2 ------.... ~~ . O RANGE DRIVE IN ""::I~ STM TMtC Ill THI --Tff Of' tlMAM INI ""' ., . MISS ION [)QI V( IN . . .· THS MIT LITTLS WMOMHOU• II TIXAI 1111 . -\IMAM COW90Y <NI •t.110 nJthlly exc.pt Monda)'I at varytni um. thl'Ouah Sept. & • "hlltrlt lll• Wl1•" by lhe lrvln• Community Th .. ter at T\a.r1le RoCk c.ommunacy Park, Sun.nyh1U ao.d at Turtle Rock Olive, Irvine (667-7297), Nn.nln1 Fridaye and Saturda}'I at 8 p.m .. Sunday• at ~:30. throuah Aq. 28. -"'ht G11ebo" at the Hunt.lnlton ee.cb PlayhoUM, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue fn tht Seaclift Village 1hoppina center (8·t7·44U), prt'llented Friday1 and S.turda)'I at 8:30 throuch ALI&· 28. ' I ,, '-""-.............. -'-' .. TR F"•IL\' c1actM by Bil Keane "I'd feel better if we hod four leoshes." ••No, George M Ju1t tht f11pj1Ck." ,_ARMi\Dl'KE by Brad Anderson Hank Ketchum ~· 8·t0 . ' I l "Heyl That isn't why I dug that hole!" ~ •I SUESS M WAS A AAWt' fNOI~. 1 l<IC.\) l LU<\S Jt:DGE PARKER &AO WHEN IT WAS OIER. n - . 1 RE.ALl.Y DIDN'T THIN!< IT WAS so SAD WH~N SHE: ST,ARTED T.A~TO , 1-/E~ PL.ANTS. t' J by Harold Le Doux by Ferd & Tom Johnson ... BUT W~EN SHI: SITS n~eRE WAITING FOR ,ANSWE~S ... .. ---- SHOE MNGER 8LASTINV t----- .... ·.· GORDO YOIJR. ME01TAT1/.J& IS L.DIJS!Ne UP OUR SIJ!STA.f • • 0---- by Ernie Bushmiller o--,-...-... by Gus Arriola ' I {)M-81RD11 II /£> I ANVTH!N& l &JT l cALM!Nef l by Tom Batiuk ~NKLC.( I 1 WI~ UE'D NEVER (J)Nl,E UP Wf'TH 1J415 I PIZZA&RAM I I DEA ! ~. 1'~~1·~ C1t<A" ... rr \Utu. u\l/E. ME !JOME.Ot.&E. 'f O 'fM.K 1"0~ ·1 ' , - . ~.rh ,I ( 'l • :n _..IT S W ·.··;~ . io •A ... · .. ,, ;:; q 'jqZ ··~.J ... a •• 1') .- -·" ~I ·~ 11 I '>II\' -EVENtG- l.'001~~ WILD. Wk..D war 1 I.WAT. HAWM~ -~IA8Y 04.lelt: COllnle Halnea. (R) • HUMAHn'IU ~THeAMa ··~ Continuing The I== N9CHIWI MOVll * .,,. "Raggedy Man" (1981) Siiiy S~. Eric Robert• In 1M4. a , .... ~ operator In • amatt Tana town NGtlllcel her ltandll>g In Ille community when IM hU a lh0t1 altalr with • combat-bound Hit· or. ·pa• OMOVll! • * "Siience Of The Hol'th" (1981) £11111'1 8ura- tyn. Tom Skerrftt In 19111, •young woman·• marriage 10 • tripper l .. da her to • Hf• ol hatdlhlp In the WU· <lernea ol nortl\ern Cana· da.'PG' 9:.10 I DICK CA V£TT AMENCAH GOV'lAHMEHT "Women"s Rlghtl" (J)8 HEWB 9 8AAH~ MILi.ER 7:00 8 CM HIW8 D N8CHEW8 8 KUNGfU Caine helpl a man chOOM ~Ille and death 8 A8CHEW8 IJ THESAIHT m M 0 A"8"H Cot. Potter 11 told that new mllltary money I• being 1--i In hOpea ol conlu•· 1_!!11 lhe counlerlelter1. ., JOKER'S WILD e G BUSIHE.88 REPORT ()) P.M. MAOAZ™E An lnlatvlew with Biiiy Gtaham. a viii\ to • ventrl- loqulal"• convention 9 EHT£RTAINMEHT TONIGHT An lntarvl-wllh Lou Rawle. 8 THE MUPPETS GUMI Splice Miiiigan. (D)THEWAVITWAS (%)MOVIE * * "Klllet"I Kl"" (11155) Frank Siivera. Ir-Kane When a prlzellg111er Inter· 11en.. to protect 1111 girl· lrlend"• honor from • dance-hall owner. the reault II murder. 7:30 9 2 OH TltE TOWN Featured a Journey thf'ougll ancient and mod-"" ...... D IOOY WOflKB "The Olgalttve Srttem" Of. Tlmolhy Jollnton llu<l- lel the prOCMa of dlgel- Uon. 8 EnOHLA. FNlured • profile ol • Iran-Uta, a IOOk at the lives ol airborne trafflc repottera. a very unusual poll11e< • M'A"8'H When Hanry gall his dia- ~ga. Frank conc.rne hlmMff w1111 liking com- mand. 1(1) TICTACOOUGH MACNEIL I LEHRER AEPOA'T m> MONEYMAKERS "Shelt•ln9 Income From TuM" 9 YOU ASKED FOfl IT FNtlKed: "World'a F .. 1811 Bike Ride" and "Talking s..1 ·· QJ FAMILY Fl!UO (ID~FOATHE P£HHAHT Barry Tompkin• end Tim McC-cover all the b-leading to Ille 1982 CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KNXT CCBSI 0 G KNBC (NBC> ! 0 KTLA Clnd I H G KABC CABC> e Q l<FMB CCBS> f l C) KHJ TV (Ind > ..., e KCST CABCI f • KTTV Ctnd.I s • ., KCOP·TV (Ind.I • .• KCET CPBSI • D l<OCE CPBSl TITLE ROLE -Robert Duvall stars as Dwight D. Eisenhower in "Ike: The War Years." Second of a three-part drama airs tonight at 8 on KTTV (11). WorldSerte1. (D)aMEBAU. Clnclnl\lltl Red• al Loa AngelM Dodger• 1.-00 9 ()) UHIVIMI Wa4t1t Cronkite report• on verlou• occuuenc.a and pnanornen• In th• world or aclenc•. Q aJ FA™l!R MURPHY A miner and hit partne< team up with a llCl'looltaaclle< to protect • group ol young11er1 left orphan• by a gotd cl1lm con!rontallon (Part 1) (RI 0 MOVIE * * * "The Laat Ou1po11" ( 195 t) Ronald Reagan. Rhonda Flaming Two t>rotll«I fight on oppc>91te lldea during the CMI Wat 8 @) HAPPY OAV8 Roger and Fonzie unknow- ingly date the ume girl, and Marlon ... rn1 the HCtet behind Howard's old love latter• (R) O D MOW ••'It "Pyto" 11"31 Betry Sullivan, Martha Hyer. AHer loalng hl1 wfle an<1 chlld In a llre, 1 dllllgured man plot• to •"'9n0' their CINIM. • IK.E; THE WAR YEARS Robert 01111all, LM Remick encl Dana Andrawe lier In this film that follows EIMn· flower In England lrom th• ten~ WMk1 leadl~ lo D- Day through Iha culmina- hon of Iha battle tll•t turned Ille Iida ot Work! War II. (Perl 21 Cl) MOVIE "The Myltery Of Tiie Gold· en Eye" ( t978) fJil DAHGERUXB "With Love From AdOll" en.n's lnlurlel ha\111 Jell lllm 111a11ered and lie won0.,1 II he can return to norma! Ille or II he has t>eoome addicted to the dangerous 11te 01 bomb d1-c>0aal (Part 13)(R)O '1i) NOVA "Anding A VOICe" $ever el vlct1m1 of -• tpeeeh dlaablffttet relate flow they overcame their llandte•P• ~iov1E • • • .... "Tiie Way W• Wara•· (1973) Barbra S1r .... nc1, Robert Redford A young College couple In Ille 111308 discover that their polltlcal dlll1tencet ere llrong enough to leOP· ardlza their marriage {B)MO\llE * * "Attack Force 2 ' ( 1980) John Phillip Law. Mel Olbaon A lop-aecret Aultrallan attack unit penelrBIM enemy J~ nese lines to perform • daring reacue mlllk>n. (S)MOVIE * * "Flatt 01 Fury" ( 11173) Bruce LM . Marta YI. A martial arts expert rrn01 unexpected danoer wt1en he gon 10 work '" • B•no· kok Ice factory 'R" QM0\111! ** • "Get Out Your Handkarchi•I•" (1117 8) Ger8'd Oeperdleu, Patrick Oewaera A young and oplimlsllC nuebancl goes to a lmoll unbellavaable On TV l TV HBO CC1nemaK) IWOR) NY .N Y IWTBSJ CESPNI C Sllowttme I Sp0U19ht length• to en141re hi• w111·1 happlneN 'R' 1:15 (%) CHAALU CHAMPLIN TAU<lwrTH ••• "M"'le Wlncltor" UO 9 ()) THI TWO CW U8 Natl llCCUMI Brentwood ol being dlaloyel when hi comfort• a rtval talk allow llOlt-.(R) 8 9 LAVI.AHi & SHIRLFf' Lanny and Squtggy'• lrllll'ldllllp la lhrMlened b)' the ,.appearance or Squlggy'1 ta1her. (R) O (%)MOVIE * * * "Tiie Kiiiing" ( 1958) Starling Hayden, Vince EdwMdl An ex-convlc1'a lettar\ng marriage lead• 10 hie downfall when 11e plot• • ,_track halal 9:i>O II ()) M0\111 **'A "The Solllaty Man" ( 1979) E.atl Holliman. Cat· rte Snod9r... The world ol a blue-collar famlly man II torn apart when hll Wiii 1ne•ptlcably demand• • dJllOtce. (R) o a BR£T MAV£RICK MaYllflck trlM to catch the leader ol • ulOC)lan group that hu lleeced s-twa- ,., larm8'1 out ol their land. (Part l)CRI a a ™AU• COMPANY Janet undergoee • drastic pe<sonellty change when Iha t>ecornea • blonde t>ombtlhetl (R) 0 fl) MVSTEAY "Rumpole Of The Balley Rumpole And The c ... Of Identity" Rumpole tu .. on the CAM ol • man Who etand• accuMd ol allack· Ing the manager ol • liquor •tor•. (Part 2) (RJ O '1i) DANGER U>C8 "With Love From A<IOll'" Brian· 1 in)Urlea have 1111 11lm 111attered and he -nde<• II he can return to normal Illa or II he hH become addicted to the 0angeroua Ill• ot t>omb dlapc)UI. (P"'1 13)(R)O II:'° 8 111 TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT April and Jacki• try to force a r•conclllallo·n bel-Henry and hi• brotlle< BIU (R) (H)MOVIE • • 'Friday The 13111. Pan II (1981) Amy StMI. John Furey The grlaly kllling• continue at a eummer camp that had bean CIOMCI down altar • --of bizarre murders occurred there. 'R" 10:00 D Qt MCCLAJN'8 LAW The only wttneea wtlO can Identity • pelt ol rObberl II a tO-year-olc:I boy whOM learlul mother relUMI 10 let him IMtlfy (R) •••• NIW8 G 9 HART TO HART Tiie Hana decide to play along whln aomeone trlM tobrNk themup (R)O EJ;) WITH 088IE AHO RUBY "Two From Lang1ton" Actors Robert and Kwln HOOk1 -lather and eon - join Oalle Davia and Ruby Dee In Iha dratnltlz•tlorl ol two lhort atorlM by Wflter LanQl\on Hughes (RIO G Mv8T£AV "Rumpole Of The Balley· Rumpole Md The c ... 0t Identity" Rumpole tllk• on the ~ of • men wtlO 1tand• eccuMd ot alladl· Ing the manager of • liquor 1tora. (P"'1 2) CR) 0 ~MOVIE c::. ·:=. ":" La ---........ ~ ................. ... ~ ............ ·=··"' • • ''T"• , ... ,.-1~1• ltwV* .. WlfMll"(ttlO) IJIVT ...... ~Gfo­dlll A,.,_.."'* It ~to.,....., Ille ~~toefV1NI .., .... 'l'O' (l)MCMI • •'4 "V!Ototy" (11111 ~ ltellone. MIOtlNI ~ CMtflt WOtld W11 "· AlllM ~ ...... *" .... ~In. "'•tell b•t•Mn 111e1t .... ~MdlMO.· _,, Hatlonll Taem In,.,. le.''°' tO:IO ..... -YOU.,..., "POftralt Of TWO M .... " TN -" of ,.,....., l*lt· -·~~and Jaoob ~ ...... tured.(A)Q 11:00 I~.:;;;;-Alf' .we • eAT'Uf'DAY NIGHT Hott: MlcftMI ,...,.. a-t· J_,,.. T aytot, • YOU MKID JOf' IT F•1""9d: "IPllin'a Mlldlo Otymplct" and "V~ vta'1 Kiiter Whtie R~t." m M•A•t•H Outing • GOid "1tp, • pW ot IOngjotlna IMI lo H9Wll· • from home becomee • much-.oughl•atter com- lllOdl1y. • MNNVHILL &enny deGklM to give hll elcl4llck:ll a holiday In t1141 llln. • IUllNQI MPORT '9 OOCT°" IH THI HOUll Of. Upton appllee for a new poet In an attempt to evade a nurM with • crush on him. ® Mca '°"THI PEHHAHT Batty T OfnPll In• and Tim McCatwr -all 11141 b-INdlng to the 1982 WorldSerlM. 11:$0. CJ) AUCI! DQJTONIGHT Hoet: Johnny Caraon. Gueata: Or Ruth Wwthelrnet, RoyClark. e 111 MIC HIWI HIGHTUHa D MOVll • • "An Eye For An Eye" ( 19ee) Robert Lanalng. Pat Wayne. A bounty llunler ....,, ~on thOM r~l>le for the CINtll of Illa wile and son. m THE JURMOH8 George claim• lo be • dee· c.ndanl ol Thom•• Jeff.,. son. • LOVE. AMENCAN 8TYU G CAP'TIONID A8C NEWS (B)MOVIE • • • "Th• Enforcer" ( 1976) Cllnt E"twood, Tyne Daly. "Olt1y Harry" Callanan la jolf>ed by a lemM rooltle In hie purlUft ol • group ol California revolutlonal1ee terYorlzlng s.,, Franelaco. • R" (D)MOVIE •• ··eou1 To Coast" (1980) Dyan Cannon, Rob- ert Blah A runaway hOuMWlle and • acrappy trucker hauling cattle cout to cout lleCOn'>e the '"'Oii' ol · • wild er-. country ChaM. 'PG' Cl) AOMANCI: LAUM IW!EflAURA (Patt 2) OMOYIE * * *'h "T .. Me A Rid- dle" (1980) Melvyn Doug- .... Liia Ked<ova. A with· drawn, ald11rly woman. un-8'• that etle la dying. embertl1 on • lonO jOumey to reacquaint herMlf with her geographlcally end amotlonelly 1eparated lamlly. •pa· 11:~ CC) NCHAN> P'ff'fO.. IN CONCERT The _., ..... _ comedian "'°°'' pointed barbtl •t almoat ~ lnetltutlon Imaginable In this unoan- aored, no-hold .. barred c:otlCert petformance. 12:00. EHnRTAJHMINT TONIGHT An lntervl-wltll Lou Rawla.. 8 111 FAHTMY Ill.AHO A bMulttul deaf d- want• • ctlance to become • atar. and • OOl'l\CKMMt gambler er~ lent ..... wtth a aoclat woricer. (RJ • MOVll ** "Son 01 La .. le" ( 1945) Peter Lawford, Jul'9 l.oclthtlrt A rell;Ctant ~ ow ... ..,. Illa glllfrlend encl dog to -In the w.,. ., LOVI, AMINCAH ITYli "Love And The Mountain C.bln" A couple !Inda tMt their ~ mlgtlt contain • lot of uah. "love And The fighting COupte" len Md CC•ble News N111work) •·~ "Cheaper To Keec> He<" (1980) Mac Davia. T ovah Feldanuh In order to meet Illa allmOny pay• mania, a r_,tly cll'tlOfC«I pr\Yat1 detective \racll• down delinquent 11uab.ncs1 tor• dl110t'OI le~. 'fl' (I) M0\111 ---h....._ Ruth deolde I~ need hetp from • manlaoe ......... ....---"Return KTrV (11) 8:00 -''lb: The War YNn." Second In 1 thre•-part wartime dramar.Juc.lon ol Oen. Dwlaht D. Dlenhower'• cereer. See photo, Jett. KNXT (2) 9:00 -1"11\e Solitary Man." I.art Holliman. Carrie Snodar .. 1tal' ln 1tory about a blue-collar lamlly man whoee world ii tom apart 'when hll wife demandl a divorce. KCET (28) 9:00, KOCE (&0) 10:00 - .. Rumpole of the Baney." Rwnpole takee on the cae ot a man accuaed of att.l!Ckini the ma""ger of a liquor 1tore. KA.BC (7) 10:00 -"Hart to Hart." The Hana decide to play alon1 when IOmeOne trlea to break them up. (l)MOWi ..... "Aagoedy .. .,, .. (IN t) ~ "'**'· Erlo ~.,, 1144, ...... ~ °'*''°' In • ernall Taua town MCtlfloee '* •tending In the community Whirl .,.. h ... lhort altalr with a comb•l·bound .. 11. or.'PO' CI>MOVtl • * "Beyond The ,...,. C IH 1) Denton Ka'ne, Maren ...,,_, A Poiyn. llan-Amerlcan glrl who hu bMl'I educ•ted In tlMI U.S. return• lo her llland home and f 11111 In IOI/a with a PMl'I dlwr. 'PG' 1a.. Cl) MCCLOUD McCloucl llndt a dMCI gVI on an epenm«1t belcony, but the body dluppear1 before he can 1t"1 hi• ln-tlgetlon. (R) 1l:IO D. LATI HIOHT WITH MW>~ GuMta; author JM H8'old 8runvancl, Frank Zeppe and 1111 daughter Moon. ·=IJUCAH ITVLa "Loi/I And Formula 2fB" Chuck Invent• • ,_ lo'l9 potion et the wrong time. "L-And The lnlNCler'' Matllln bottOWI e com~ ny-ownecl ap.,.tm«1t to entertain hie glrllrlencl. 1i00e MOVll • •~ "'Cynart" ( 1932) Ronekl Colman, Kay Fran- cia. A Btltllll berrllla< u- hll wtt•·· ·~ ... time to take up with • girt lrom the worfllng cl .... • MOVIE • *'h "'The Dirty oam.·· ( 19e6) Henry Fonda, Rob- ert Ryan. An Amenc.n apy chief recall• thtea of t1141 moat daring ••ploltl In his car-. (C)MOVIE * * ·~ "Shogun 111 .... ln" (1981) TomlHburo Wa"4ly· arna, M8Mhlfo Tomlkawe. A former lhogun ......in whO wu maneuvered out of Illa poeltlon by • ruth· IMI clan of llC>lee vowe to talca bloody rawnge OMOVtl •*'A "HllPPY 8lt1hday To Me" ( t980) ~ SU. Andenon. Glenll FOid Aa murder beglnl cftoOplng awey et her circle of elltlel trlenda. a prep aChool ..,,.. lor worrlM lhlf aha may be the next 111c11m -or poaal· l)!y the kHler. 'R' 1:0l®MOVIE *. "Att... Force Z" (1980) .JoM PlllMlp Law. Mel GI~ A lop-aecret Au1trallan •ttack unit Pj*llllr•t• "'f"IY Jlj)e· ,_ llnee to perform • d"'lng -rnlulon. 1:toe MOVIE ••~ "ANlgnment K" ( 11188) Stephen Boyd. Camille Spwv. An lncogN- to aaaet .gent b.comM Involved with a Sweclllh helreu. alto an A911nt, who 11 trying to dlacover hi• contecte. 1:11~= •• "Cerbon C4py" ( 1981) George s.gal, SuMn Saini J-. A -ful whtta bu1lna11man dlacovar1 that he hM • or~ eon whO la black. 'PO. 1:ao D Cll Hee NIW8 OYUNQHT (%) MAIAAGI.: THI TOUCH 0# I.DYi The ...,. lnvolwcl In oiv- lnO Md reoeMng a ma. MO' -pot1rll)'9CI .. c:ou- plee ~lret• how to relaa Mell .,.. ot Ille b<Mly. 1:11 (I) MOVl9 •• "Thi u,,_ .. 11oa11 Betbll• Bech, Slclney Lu- ... A TV_.,, encl '* two aeelltenta llnd lodglnga .. • bOetdlng hollM Inhabited by • di .. turbecl brothet and el11er 111\cS thelf rnonalr-off. ~lng.'A' ... MOVW * * * "Ullth" ( tN4) Wll· ran 8eetty, ,,_ Seberg. An employee at • mentll lnatllutlon falla In kMt wtth one ot the pellenla. (%) AICHAN> PlllVO.. IN CX>NCeAT The Wiii-known comedian lhOOI• pointed berba ., almoet ev«y lnetltutlon Imaginable In thla unoen- aored, no-hotd1-barred oonoert performance. 1:111 HeWI 2:111 VOYAGI TO THI .orTOM OFTHI MA !=. • • ** "The Flur" ( 1He• Olttc Bogerde, Alan Bat•. 8aMd on • novel by h<natd Malamud. A lum- o l -t lla•cenlury Jewlah peaeanl 11 wrongfully lmpt'-*9 '°' the death of • cNld In l(lev. 1:408 NEWI (HJMOVIE • • 'h "Hardly Working" (1981) Jerry Lfi'll. 9uaan Ollller. Alt• the clrcu1 c:IOIM down. a veteren clown lrlel hit hand al VA<• lous jol>a, falllng ml-•bly lfthem ... 'PG' 1:489 MOYie * * "Gunfight Al Blaclc HorM Canyon" (IH2) oa1e Robertaon, Georoa Kennedy. Alter being r--.cl from prllOn, en ouu-oata even wt\11 the Welti Fa<go agent wtlO pvt him there by makll>g him the terga4 or bounty hunt· -· a:00•MOV11 •~"Under The Rainbow" (1981) Clle\I)' Chua, Carrie Flther. The 150 rnldgeta whO .,, In town tor the filming of "The Wlurd OI Oz, .. turn • Celtfoml• hOtel ~'PG' S: tO Cl) lADtU NIGHT OUT ITMNNQ~YI ComedMnM Pudgy ,_.. an ea.male nip allow In • MnNtlonef e¥11rtlng ot entertelnm«1t from Chlp- pendele'• nightclub In Loa Angelea. S:20 (%) MOVtl • • "Dulc:lma" (1971) .JoM Mlh. Carol White. A young llOU.-Mper C0\1'919 the 1tNllecl lortune of her ml-'"1' employer. • - lngly lmpoll9flllled old ,.,.,,_ .• PG. a:ao. YOVAOa TO THI 90TTOM ~THEMA "SecNt Of The Deep" <&: 10 CID MOVIE *** "Clu h Of The Tltena" ( 1981) H"'ry Ham- lin. Laur-Olivier. Myth- ic hero Peraeua II helped by 1111 lather Zeu1 In • ....-ot dangeroua llM• aa he tr1M to wtn the hand JOHN DARLING ... ,....~ ...... .......... ,,,. __... ......... ..,...,,....-. ..... * * "T"9 CN °" ~ lt19M" (11MI Anlfte Merlll. OWi MoMtt The ""1 ......... " a~ .... Dl'I ...,... 1.-nd .......... to~ !tie Ylololit _,.. Nft'llNll't• ... .... VOYAMT01* IOTTOM O' T'4I llA ''TM A~ 8no¥t- lllM" (J)MCMI • ·~ "llllcluaf Memo-,.. •• (1MO) WOOtly Allel\, CMftone ~,A MIO- OIMl\ll ~ "'* • per10NI crielt .. he friea to mall• tOlnl -ior declo lkln• In"" llM. ·.-ca· 4:41.MOVll *** "Gel OIAI Vow Handltarolllafa" ( fll71) Oerwd Dec*dleu, Plfrklll oew-.. A )'°""O Md optln\latlo hllebencS ooee t.o •1"'9•1 \.lnbelleveabte leftOlhe •o tnlYI• 1111 wit•'• ~~·'"' ... CC) MOVll **~ "A OloOll AltW'' ( 1N4) Bob HOl)I, U1o P\lhler. M'edne-sda11'• Da11fl•e /tlorles t:00 (C) * * * "A Uttle Romance" (1979) Leu-,_ EMMer, a-Lana. An elderly con artlat join• 1wo young run•w•Y• In love on a mad duh actON Ille European continent with t.he children'• parent&. and the police In hOI pur • aull ·pa· CID •• ··eoe.t To CON1" (11180) Oyen Cannon, Rob- ar! Blake. A runaway ~·and a acrappy truckar hauling cettl• coaat to cout beCOme the t8'gel ot a wild crOM- country ct\eM •pa· 1:48 CI> • • "Oulclme" ( 1971) John Miiie, Catol White. A young houMkeeper C0\11118 the 1t•ahecl t0t1une or her mlaerty employer •• --lngly lmpoverl1hed old termer 'PG' HI() • *. "$1lance 01 The NOt111" (1981) Ellan Buta- tyn, Tom SlcerYltt. lfl 1919, •young woman'• marriage to a trapper i.ac:t1 her to • Ille of herdlhlp In the wll-o.n-ol nonhetn c.,,. de. 'PG' 10:00 CC)••* "MatlOgany" ( 1975) Diana ROM. AnlhO- ny Petklna. A young black women rl-from Ille depth• of the g114111o to lnta<natlonal tame .. a faaNon ~and mod· el.'PG' CID * *. "HM""' Can Walt" (1978) W8'ren 8Mt· ty, Jutte Chrtatle. Altar a pro football 1ter'1 Itta la pr-turety clelmed by an lnepf angel, 11141 men II giv- en the body ot • mllllonalre lnduatridtt to oontlnue llv- lnQ In. 'PG' Cl)••• "The 81ra11on Story• (1949) Jamee Bt-- "'1, June Allyson. The lou of • leg II ~come by b ... ball player Monty Sttalton. 10:.l0(%) *** "JoeHlll .. (1971) ThOmmy 8erggren. An)a Schmidt. A look 11 tuen " the Hie of labor IMcler Joe Hlll.'PG' 11:00 0 **'A "The Blue Legoon" (1Mll) Jew\ Slm· mona. Donald Houetoo. A young g ltl and boy lhtpwredtad on a Pacific iatand come to love each other .. they mature 12:00 D • * ~ "Cerry On Con- 1tabl•" (1982) Sidney J-. Eric 8"'11• A IOcel precinct ~ I med- hollM with the arrtval ol • group of -.II-meaning rooklM. • **'h "SOUlh OI St. LOUii" ( 11148) Joel McCree, Zechary Scott. Aanchenl battle North and South to pr-their tpt..01 lrom the oa..ut .. tlon of the Cl\lll Ww • •••1t"Y11t-U. &ite'· '*" __,.,... .. ..... ......,;-.. . ~ ...... _ ........ ............ . llUlll,•d•ll, llllHfef' ............... Nlle•INltlflt ....... 11 .. lnO~.t'O ..... ln --CC>*** "l.adyT .... A Cll111ce" ( 1t4SJ .1•1111 Wer-1 ,,..,, N'/tv, A worN11 flnde en ~ cendlcle.. f~ ll'IMrNiee wNle llu~tlng Ill t11e,,11w•. (8) * * ''W~ Wonk•~ Tiie ~ "eatoty'' (fl7t) 0-\Wder, Jedi ~.AW«tdf­ OOtlleC'lloftW ~ • .... lllM ~ ot candy to IN flW winner• ot • ,,~. llunl. Cll * •• ~ ''Oertly 0'0111 And The Utile ...,,.. .. ( ltff),...,.,, lt!Mpe, s-CoMety. An old lrlall _ .. tMlet lilflO la about 10 10M hit Job to a ~ntet """' ~iw• the klnO of Ille tepteclleYn• and toroee 11111'1 10 gtll'll thr ......... ·o· 1l:a0 {%) * * ~ "Hardly WM· ll>g" (1981) .,.,."' ~ • Suaan Oliver. Altet the olrcua ao.. dowt1, • vet· er11n clown trlea Ill• hand at varloua jol>a, falling tnleer•bly et them ell. 'PO' 1:IO (CJ ••• "Hondo" (19$4) John Wayne. Gereldlne PllCI' A Clt\'9lry dl11911lotl rid« encountera • wom1t1 and her son. an Apeche chlel' • blood brother 2:00 (%) * * *'It "Euy Living" (1937) Jean Arthur, Edward Arnold An unem- ployed 111nog,.phar Ct-path• with • m¥- Uon•I,. benlter when he I~ hl1 wit•'• aable coat OUI a window. a:ao 00 • • ··arN.111ng G1 ..... (1980) Ha.tat O'Connor. Pllll Oanllll A 8rltllh puNc pop .,.,., llleatyla ultl- matety INdl 10 tragedy ·pa· S:OO (8) **"Coat To Cout" ( 1980) Dyan Cannon. Rob- .,, Blake. A runaway hOUMWil• and • ectappy trucker llaullng catll• cout to cout become the 18'gel ot a wlld CIOM- country~. 'PG' 0***"1Hate Blonde•" (1981) JHn Rocnetort. Enrico Mon-'""'°· ThleYn d~ I hat a wealthy novetiel' I latMt W0ttt deecrlbee In delall the MCUrfty aystem protecting the vetuablee In hlll hOme. s:ao (%) • • •1t "Old aoy. friend•" ( 1979) Tall• Shira. Richard Jordan A contuMCI divorcee trlM to find lhe key to her pr-I probleml by embarking on • joutney to loolc up thrM l>Oyfrlend1 lrom her put 'R" 4:00 a •• 'A "8oollegger1" (1974) Slim Plclten1, Jec- lyn Srnllll T-bad< hllla f amlllM tight lor Ille rlgllta to • moonenine run 4:30 CC) • • 'h "Marco Pok.. Jr:· ( 1973) Animated. Voloe of Bobby Rydell. A o..c.ndant or the lamoua •~er jOurMyl to xan.. du In .wCitl ot the other hall of the Golden Medal- llon of Friendlhlp 'G' (I)*• "lnvadlr9 From The Deep" (1981) Puppeta. The World Aquanaut aecurlty patrol encl oombaf ctalt Stingray bett"' en army ol aquatic alien• ~ a<• detenntned to tell• OWf lheplanei 0 * * "Mr Roel< And Roll" ( 11157) Alan Freed.Roel< 'n' roll dlec jodcey Alan Freed tt- lhe origin of \Ml muM: of IUCll 9"''' .. Lionel Hampton and Chuck Berry from their root• In IC)irltu· ... and ,,,. bluM 5:00 (D) * * * * "The Bank Didi"' ( 1940) W.C. Fleld1. Una Market A man lned· vertenlly IOlll a robbery encl ii -ded the JoO of bank guanl, foreing him to f-• "" holdup l:aO (%) **'A "Hardly Work· Ing" (1981) Jerry Lewie, Suaan Ollver. Alter the clrcua c:IOIM down, a vel· .,.,, clown ,,.... hie hand at ...,IOue )oOa, falling rnl-•bly at them all 'PO' by Armstrong & Batluk Growing up on TV no problem for teen star .. By Jl'RED ROTHENBERG ,;,......._..,.., NEW YORK -Growing up ever ea1y, and doing It in c, on televlsion, makes lt even harder. Glenn Scarpelli, the 16-year-old ector in CBS' "One pay at a 'nine," aaya not to worry ~thim. . "Since I WU 8, rve been living tn the adult world," h• eaya. tl've pown up a little quicker. 1've teen heartaches. I've seen oecll>U! tired. I know ru have to ftrOnl. But my valuet on kid haven't chanced." 8c:arpelli LI Alex Band.ria. the dopted member of Ann Romano's family on the lon1- runnin1 CBS comedy on Sunday nights. "We're a lot alike, but I don't get into as much trouble u he doea." Scarpelli recognizes that the hlgh profile entertainment bwineas has many pitfalls. Some have dogged the youq actre11u on "One Day at a Time." Mackenzie Phillipe had a drug problem, and the tabloid preu has been reportina that Valerie Bertlnelll'• marrlap to rock star F.d Van Halen la rocky. "Pm very muc h agal.n1t dn.ap,'' aaya BcarpellJ. "My Ute 11 in ehltpe. It may IOUnd corny, but I pt my hl&h from performtna. , I Drugs aren't juat ln t.hia bUlinell. I know kJda from my grammar IChool who are into cl.rup. But we showbiz type• have a responsibility. We have to be role models." Scarpelli recogni.zn that even If he keepe hie nbee clean, the check-out counter publication.a still mJght keep him in headllna ''l figure It will happen, and I won't love lt. It'• not fair, but I'll C¥>{M! with 11..'1 Scarpelli 1ound1 llke a kid with hll career ln ~ clouds but with h1a feet on the p:ound. He arew up on N.w York'• Stat.ml laland, ..wt now dlvk* IM tlmt between hil homl bli'9 and the condomlntum he ~ fciir htt mother anCl falber In Califomle. 81.nca Mtinh, wheft '~ 0.Y at a Tlmt" ftntlbed JMa llMOft'e prod~ tiipeUi -~ the part of an adolHcent enjoytn1 coin• to movlH. Yankee games and IOl'ne showe, Lncluding "American Buffalo," starring an old colleque. "Al Pacino and I keep in touch. He'• always telling me to come back to the theater," .. Y• ScarpeW, who wu the Duke of York when Pacino starred in "Rkhard ID!' "l don't think he watchet much TV. l told him I want to IO b.ck to the theeier, but I don't want to do juet Bro.dway ." Scarpelli •tarted doln1 commerclala, at the 11e of e, bec:au. he WM • ham. A ,.,. later, director Arthur Penn cmt him • Oolda Mtlr'a ean ID the Broadway produe1lon of ·~'' IWrfnl Anne Bwroti. "I love what I'm dOlnc." he .. ya. "At-. l knoW what J want to be wbln \~"; up." Colle •• ,_. ty -u hll ~ falten -and, hire llMlft1 child lllCtorl, he'• .... '° IC:hool on the "'· Chua Libor laws require him to take three ~ of achool, but no more than four houn a day of WOl'k. "Valerle 1ay1 1 ehould appreciate belnl youna. She •ya once )'O'ol're 18, they'll work you forever!' Scarpelli jolned \he abow in 1980 because It needed more lldol~t appeal aaa&Mt NBC'• competln1 ''CHll>a." Like Sc.wpelll, the AltlC character LI pvwtnc up Nit. In one lbqw, Schnelder (Pat H.an1nctcn) WM explaWnc, with major di1COmfort, • aclentlflc proc.91. "It ..... like artitidal tmemtn1..-/' Alex aid quite OOl'l'tC\ly. ln another epilOd• deaUn1 wlth 1un control. Alex wae 1UpPGeld to be twtrlinl a 9Wl-•r LIJl'B'S LBSIONI -OleM kriOW tbe ..,.,... b11tW \Mn &arp.W •ya he'1 learned the anybocb, and I know Alex hanhMti ot life Wcker bv wOWdn't thank that WM cool. I Q.l I' told the wn""' Ud ibe1 took I& 1rowln1 up tn t•levt1lon 1 out.'' idi.ilt warld. raves' oll&Pse ~wif t J _ RAL BOCK J.f.,_....., The nl9htmare began 10 tlenible days ago for Atlanta and ~town hasn't been shaken th1a uch alnce Gen. William cumaeh Sherman and the ion troops methodically burned It to the ground 118 years 9 during the Civil War. ' The Braves' once-fat lead ln ~ National League West ls just lbOut gone with the wind, to t)orrow a phrase, thank.a to 10 1f-s in 11 games. That revene €OMMENTARY 11ting was constructed in large nteasure by consecutive four- s•m• weekend sweeps by the Lf>8 Angeles Dodgers, the first in Atlanta and the second ln LA. •What's more, Atlanta's Auguat ~oon has resuscitated pennant hfpes in such diverse spots as spn Di~, which has never ever won a flag, and San Franciaco, w'hich hasn't won one ln more than a decade. Up and down the california coastline, the Braves are being welcomed with open anns these days. 1The collapse started most unexpectedly. The Braves had JU.st dispa~ed San Diego with a fdur-game sweep that ballooned a five-game lead to a nine-game b lge over the Padres, who Merned finished. The Dodgers, at t•at point, were meandering idong, winning one, losing one, aJld-making no particular ~-~• The sweep of the Padres ln the t head-to-head crucial series the season sent Atlanta lnto a d-emature case of pennant fever. 'Dhe scoreboard flashed an ekuberant "We're (in the) World f:ferious," to celebrate . But },Janager Joe Torr-f called a EI halt to that Ruff. He has hrough enough baseball rs to know that leads can rijelt awfully quickly in Auguat, efpedally when the schedule has ypu playing consecutive four- pme series against one of the m on your trail. 11 and all, things were ing up as the Braves (f'epared to face the Dodgen. ~e fans were pouring in and in ap effort to accommodaie a few !\lore of them, 2~0 seats were ~ed in the left field stands ,her:e Chief Noc-A-Homa, the ttam's mascot, had his teepee. 1'he chief would simply have to do his cheerleading elaewhere. • t Well, Indian legend tells us tflat you don't mess with the tribe's cer e monial stomping fO'Ound. If you do, that's asking ~ trouble. And trouble la what Braves got. With Noc-A-Homa evicted and relegated to wandering the ball <fee COLLAPSE, Pa1e Ct) I I I I !You can C5 Nobody:' s hot . like DeCinces Angels play Twins tonight I MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -If Doug DeCinces needed excuaea for not playing well recently, he could polnt to a bout with the flu a couple of weeks ago and a sprained ankle last weekend. But DeClnces won't be needing any excuses. Sinoe coming back from the fl~ on July 29, the Angels' third bueman has hit 11 home runs in 10 games -I including a pair of three-homer games in a five- game span. He hit three against Minnesota in Anaheim in a 5-4 loss to the Twins last Tuesday, then blasted three more S unday in a 9-5 victory at Seattle alter taking Saturday off with a sprained right ankle. The two three-homer gameJ ties an American League season record set by Ted Williams in 1957. Five National League players have matched the feat. Throughout his eight-year career, first with Baltimore and now with the Angels, DeCinces had been better known for his fielding than his power. His best home-run production was in 1978, when he hit 28 and knocked in 80 runs. DeCinces now has 23 homers this year and has hit .512 with 19 runs batted in during the past 10 games. HAPPY GROUP -Pedro Guerrero gets a hero's welcome from his Dodger teammates U WlrepfHlto bottom of the 13th inning against Cincinnati Monday night. The victory moved the Dodgers within a half-game of Atlanta. DeCinces now has 23 homers this year and has hit .512 with 19 runs batted in during the past 10 games . On Monday. he was after he hit the game-winning home run in the Stewart getS to the meat of the matter Reliever continues domination of Reds; Dodgers continue to climb LOS ~GELES (AP) -Having sliced the index finger of his left hand instead of the hunk of bologna he was trying to cut, Los Angeles pitcher Dave Stewart didn't figure to see much action for the Dodgers when they opened a three-game series against the Cincinnati Reds. In addition, Stewart was acheduled to start Wednesday night's final game of the series. But, circumstances dictated a call for Stewart Monday night, and it was the best thing that could have happened for the Dodgers. ROOKIE RICKY Wright, who started the game, had to leave after three innings because of a blister. Joe Beckwith ran into a little trouble and had to come out, and Tom Niedenfuer, pitching for the third straight day, hurled 1 ~ innings. Since Steve Howe is nursing a tender left shoulder, it boiled down to Stewart or Terry Forster. Stewart got the call, pitched six no-hit innings and benefitted from "Pedro Guerrero's leadoff horner in the bottom of the 13th inning as the Dodgen won a 3-2 decision over the 1teds to surge to withir. one-half game of first place in the National League West. 1n only 11 days the Dodgers have slashed 10 games off Atlanta's division lead. The entire division has tightened as fourth- place San Francisco has moved to within 4 ~ games of the Braves. "THIS WAS a big win," Guerrero said after slugging his 22nd homer of the year. We saw Atlanta was losing just as the 13th inning began, so I went up there looking for a pitch I could hit out of the park. -P9dro Oueffero "They only wanted two innings out of me," said Stewart, 7-6. "But after two, I felt,better, and then after two more, I still felt fine." LOS ANGELES Manager, Tom Lasorda, noting his depleted staff, remarked, "He was O\..tt there for;: the dur;:.tion." . Stewart has been remarkable against the Reds in his two years in the majors. Last year. he allowed them only two earned runs in 17 innings while posting a 3-1 record with one save; this year he's given up one earned run in 13 ~ innings against them. The Dodgers scored twice in the first against Cincinnati .starter Bruce Berenyi on Dusty Bake r 's RBI single and Steve "We saw Atlanta was losing just as the 13th Garvey's sacrifice fly. Cincinnati was inning began, so I went up there looking for restricted to one hit the first five innings, a pitch I could hit out of the park." but got to Beckwith for two runs in the He got it, and he hit it, off loser Jim sixth to tie the score. Kern, 1-5, and the Dodgers had their The Dodgers missed a big opportunity in seventh win in a row and 11th in their last the l lth when they loaded the bases 12 games. But it was the remarkable work of the against Kem with none out, yet failed to 25-year-old Stewart that kept the Dodeers score. In the 12th, they had two on, but in position to win. He entered the game ln missed again. the eighth inning, walked the first batter Howeve r , thanks to Guerrero, they he faced, then reitred the next 18 in a row;..:.. ___ di_dn_'t_nu.ss_· _in_th_e_l_3_th_. ------- always take the bus HOT BAT -Doug DeCinces has hit 11 home runs in his last 10 games. named the AL Player of the Week. He attributes the power surge to his feeling in control at the plate. "It's staying completely within myself," he said. "I've hit all kinds of pitc hes in every direction. "I've pulled the ball. I have insigh t Into every swing. Even when I foul a ball off, I know exactly. what I'm doing and can adjust on the next swin'g." His streak has h elp ed the Angels build a l 1h-game lead over Kans a s City in the American League West. The Angels begin a three- game series tonight against the Twins, against whom DeCinces has homered five times during his 10-game barrage. DeCinces said the ankle sprain, suffered last Friday night as he was catch ing a foul fly, was "sore, but it was good enough to play." Looking back on last season, he remembered having a similar h om e r str eak that ended abruptly . "l had a streak last year when I hit seven home runs, and then the strike came along," he said. Angels Manager Gene Mauch has seen a lot of players hit a lot of homers, bot he's nevertheless impressed with DeCinces' streak. "I've never seen anything like this," Mauc h said. "The way DeCinces is swinging the bat, it doesn't matter who's pitching." Rams' Jones likes what he has seen From AP dlapatdlea Bert Jones has had ample time to become familiar with his new surroundings, and he likes what he sees. Orange County Transit District eyes Rams season "I don't think I 've been associated with as talented a group of players since I've been in the league," said Jones, the quarterback who played 10 National Football League 9e880ns with Baltimore before being I .JllM1 P1uk N Htdt ; 11 r •• ' Seal 8eec:h -°"'"' .. itllle ( ''l'!ftl o- 1llM r:t0""" '*' 1"1111 , ..... ...... , ... ,. .... ,. IMl'llll 1•1'1111 To""" Conte•• At I< n , fly I ltlP Atl Acr 'i Iron lGI ffllJr.y ~I ..... a.... ,_.., ...... C:..• 1"11111"41 ,,,_ .... 11111 ........ .... ,. .. .... , .. .... ,. .... ,.. '"°' .. llOl"tll' UOl"tll ..... ,.. 11• ... 11 ... ,. .. U:IOAM ll:IOAll 11.llAM meo •• ., ..... OrMAllll ,,, ..... llteAlil 11MAlil II.MAiit ll:IOMI II •Allll Newport Center 0LI!\ lnp tJy J c ~·c-.M·V' .......... c-.. ........,. ........ Y'9le ":-.._, c:.....,.. ... oww . ..... ....... Utl"M UOl"M IUOl"M .. ,. , .. l :IOl"M ....... ....,,_ .. ,. , .. ........ .... I'll 11°-0Allll 11111AM 11.IOAllll "'llOAM 11:11Alll 11.MMI ,, ..... II II Alll ,, .... lllOAll ti.ti Ml ., ..... ,, .... , ....... . ,.,.. "'',. .., ..... Ull"lil &:llO,.. ..,., .. lllOAllll 11·NAlll ,, ..... 11.MAlll H .. AM llMAlll 11111•• 11••• ll•IOAM IUIAM ,, .. ,.. ., •....• CROWDED CONDITION -San l'rand.eO Olanta flnt bMeman Real.e Smith .,. on hll Mi ind mto uw erowa '° mare a pop 07· off the bat ot Atlanw'1 DliJe MUnahy. The OWite kePt the 8rave1 on th9lf. ~ lldd with a ~ victory • . .. · tcaded to the Rams earlier this year. "From what I've seen since I've been here, we've got IOD\e very fine football players." Jones ls seen by Rams' management was the man who hopefully will end the team's carousel of quarterbacks. Lut 1ea10n the injury-pJacued team uaed four different players - Pat Haden, Dan Paatorinl, Jeff Rutledae and Jeff Kemp -at the position. Haden retired, momentarily clearine up 10me of the pcmble oonfuaion a.bc>ut wbo'a really No. 1, but the return of Vince Ferra1amo from the Canadian Football League hu kept the Rum~ -quarterbeck apot a eow-oe of dellght for~ who dabble ln aeoond-KUelllna. Jonea, nieenwhlle, hM ltdroftly handle d the ••quarterback controveny," jokln1 about It wtth teammata and the media. Perhapa contrlbutln1 to hla cheerful mood t1 that Rama' Colctl Ray r..Jayllll hM add \Mt Jot. ii pnt*Y fimily tntnmched •the club'• aww. Jonea a.id •ttlnl Ul9d to • MW tMm hll not pOlii9d IDAft1 pnblMnl for him. •1Jt'1 not ta.t b1c a ........... he Mid recentli at IM ..,..._ J\au.non 8tatll ~ -." I ailey says plea was career saver From AP dJ1petcllff CHICAGO -lnllatlng he wu m mlatak.enly ldent1tied, Chlcaao Bulla rookie Quintin Delley .aid he decided to plead guilty to an assault charge stemrnmg from an attack on a University of San Francilco nuratna student to protect hia chancel at a p,ro basketball career. 'I didn't plea-bargain. They (the proeecutora) plea-bargained with me," Dalley aald in an interview with the Chicago Tribune. "I was fully ready to go to trial. but they aave ua everything you bad to lfve in order to keep my career going. "I Still would have went there (to trial) lf the National Basketball Association draft was in July or had already been over." DAUY . Dailey i ni tia lly was charged with five felony counts in connection with the December 1981 incident, but pleaded guilty two months ago to aggravated assault following an arrangement worked out between prosecutors and defense attorney George Walker. Superior Cour t Judge Edward Stern sentenced Dailey to three years' probation. "If that's the attitud~ he takes, he can come back here and withdraw his guilty plea and we'll try it," said Bill Fazio, an assistant district attorney who handled the case. "I don't want a not-guilty man to plead guilty." Stem would have to consent for Dailey to withdraw his plea and refused to speculate how he might rule on such a motion. Walker, who said he had not discussed the prospect of such a move with Dailey, added, "Obviously, Quintin controls h1s own fate " Dailey, however, has not indicated he planned to contest the conviction. "I think she really misidentified me," Dailey told the n ewspaper during the mid-July interview. "But the case was that if I didn't get out of it, I wouldn't have got drafted and I couldn't afford to do that. "I had ~uilt up a career by myself," he continued, "and to let all fall down just because a girl says that I did it . . . " Quote of the day "If you want t.o drop off the face of the earth, just be an assistan t coach ." - Former Miami quarterback Bob Griese after announcing his decision to leave the Dolphins' coaching staff and enter private business. Lions' Towle announces retirement Detroit Lions linebacker Steve [!] Towle, suffenng from a recurring c. t groin pull, announced Monday that he was re tiring from professional football. Towle, 29, came to Detroit last season from Miami, where he had been a standout for much of his six-year career ... Running back Doug Paschal, the Minnesota Vikings' fifth- round draft choice in 1980, has also retird ... The Cleveland Browns roster was reduced to 77 plavers when free agent kickers Harry Oliver of Notre Dame and Stephen Stelnke of Utah State were placed on waivers. The moves virtually assure that Matt Bahr will return as the place- kicker for the Browns . Cummings to play for AIA? SAN DIEGO -Terry m Cummings' agent has told the San Diego Clippers their first-round draft pick from DePaul will play for Athletes in Action unless the National Basketball Association club signs him by Sept. l. Agent Tom Collins said Monday he so advised Donald Sterling, owner of the Clippers, in a letter last weekend. Meanwhile, another agent said Clipper draftee Ric hard Anderson is making arrangements to play in Italy "if we don't reach agreement with San Diego very soon." "I honestly don't know where we stand with the Clippers," said agent Don DeJardin. There hasn't been a single discussion , he said, concerning Anderson, the 6-10 forward from University of California at Santa Barbara who was the Clippers' second-round pick this year. ~ one llfM Mole ot Angell ................ bl .... A1Mt10lli0J11czW-.fhorW and• m ........... n&AI .... .... • KT F QtJ IOUtld :1-~~l! to ~bliahl ..Uan ta UM =Aailflll•.:.=-:.~ ~~~ ~ Jn thl AI: Wtst .•• l:llewheN, Gns ~1'1 lMdoff honMtr trtgered 1 atx-run MYenth !nnlnl u the ChkqO White Sox ralU•d from 1 tlve·run deflclt for a u.o dedllan avw Beluman . • . Jerri M••Ja.t.1•1 two-out. double~• p9d a thrH·nan ellht.h and comDlei.d • carnet.ck rom an ear)y 7-0 defleh 11 th• New York Yankee• rallled to beat Detroit, 9.7 ... Mike Mlfl'T Caldwell pitched a lix-hitter for hla third CONeCUtive victory and Robla Yout drove ln tour runa with a dou"ble, IJ'OU.llder and aacriflce fly, leadlna Milwaukee to a 9· l drubbtn1 of Texa1 ... Raace M•lll•lkl trtaered a three-run elghth-lnninl rally with a aame-tytna homer and Bar_ry _Bouell and Uoyd Mo1ebj acfded RBI .sn,ie.. llf11nl Toronto to a 4-2 victory over Boat.on . . . Davey Lopes drove ln four runs and scored three, leadJng a 13-hit Oakland attack as the A'a pounded Seattle, 9-4. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1981: After a tumultuous 10-week players' strike, major league baseball re-opened its full schedule of games. Philadelphia's Pete Rose heralded the start of the majors' first modem "split season" by lashing a single off St. Louis Mark Littell, his 3,63lst career hlt, allowing him to pa.as Stan Musial as the all-time National L eague leader. The Cardinals, though, beat the Phillies 7-3 before more than 60,000 .fans at Philadelphia's Veterans Stadium. , On this date In 1971: Minnesota Twins slugger Harmon Killebrew became the 10th player in major league History to his 500 home runs, belting his 500th and 50lst off Baltimore's Mike Cuellar in a 4-3 loss to the Orioles. On this date in 1901: Frank Isbell of the Chicago White Sox set a major league record by stranding 11 teammates on the basepaths in one game. Giants keep Braves tumbling Jim Barr pitched a three-hi«er Iii . for his first victory as a starter in two years as San Francisco stretched its winning streak to eight games, defeating the staggering A.tlanta Braves, 5-0, to highlight National League action Monday. The Braves suffered their seventh straight loss, and their lead in the NL West dwindled to a mere half-game over the Dodgers. The Giants are now 5 ~ back ... Elsewhere, Alan Aabby slammed two solo home runs and Don Sutton and two relievers combined on a seven-hitter as Houston edged San Diego, 4-3 . . . Willie McGee slugged a two- out, bases-loaded triple that fueled a four-run, fifth- inning rally and carried St. Louis to a 7-2 triumph over UM the New York Mets ... Bill Buckner went 4-for-5, including a pair of solo h ome runs, to lead the Chicago Cubs past Montreal, 9-2 ... Pinch-hitter George Vactovlc .. drove home two runs with a bases-foaded double in the eighth inning off relief ace Kent Tekulve, enabling Philadelphia and Steve Carlton (16-8) to edge Pittsburgh, 4-3 in the first game of a twi-night double-header. Mike Easltt drove in four runs with a two-run homer and a two-run single, as the Pirates rallied from a five-run deficit .to take a 9-6 lead with two out in the eighth inning or the second game when it was suspended under a major league rule. Short jail term for pizza thief North Carolina St.ate University • basketball player Lorenzo E. Charlet agreed Monday to spend 34 hours in jail in exchange for having a charge ol stealing two pizzas dropped ... A Dade circuit judge ordered Don Reese, accused of violating his 1977 drug-trafficking probation, to report twice a day to a private investigator until an Aug. 31 hearing on the probation-violation charges. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Baseball -Angels at Minnesota, 5:30 p.m., K.MPC (710); Cincinnati at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). Muncie leaves Chargers' camp .... This time, however, it's with Coach Coryell's permission LA JOLLA (AP) -Running back Chuck Muncie left the San Diego Chargers train1ng camp Monday for "a second phase" of drug rehabilitation after missing practice and Sunday night curfew, C.oach Don Coryell said. Muncie, the No. 2 rusher In the American Football Conference last aeason, reported eight days earlier and told a news conference that tests had cleared him of dependency on drugs. "We've been advised by the people counaellng him (MuncJe) that he ahould go through a eecona pbue of rehabilitation and that'• what ne'a ctotni." Coryell told reporters after Monday night'• workout. Although Muncie wlll miaa an unknown number of practice daya, Coryell said "that's not important. The only thing that'• important la that. he come e>Ut completely cured of his problem, and there'• just no doubt in anyone'• mCnd that that won't happen." The Charaera open preaeuon pl._y In the National Football League at hom~nat the CbJmao Bean next Monday. The 1euon bepll Sept. 12 apinlt the Broncoe at. ver. Muncie lhowed up briefly at camp Monday but left wtthout parUdpetlna ln the afternoon .-tcm and ref~ to talk wf th a reporter 'bout hJ1 u..a. Munde'• .,-._t announced ln Jul~ that the Pro BoWl runn.lnf ' belck, who tied an NFL 1-.onl 1ut year with 19 touchdowne ruahlnc, would underao thrW dayt of drUa·rehabWtaUon. tn •!l'fG!ltliiil Xue. i, u. am day ot tn1n1na camp, Muncie read I 1t1t•1D•nt at a newa .. conference saying hia drug involvement waa "a terrible mistake on my part" and vowing, "I do not intend ever to \lie drugs again." Muncie aald that, aa a witness in a federal drug cue in New Orleans, be had been lnatructed by the U.S. District Court then' not to dt.cuas the cue with anyone. Rams' rookie charged Rookie Loe Anaeles Rama' lineblcker Mlke Reilly hu been d\arged with felony drunk driving and vehicular manalau1hter In connection with a fatal traffic accident laat weekend. Reilly, an eighth-round draft choice from Oklahoma. wu ordered Monday to,. appear for arraignment ln North Or~ County Municipal Court on Aua. 26. The acclden\ occurred late Saturday afternoon about three mJ.18 aouth of t.he Runl' training camp at c.a1 State Fulle~1,:here Reill=played In • acrtmrn.ae t the San Chatpn MJ"llerthat <Aly. SoOtt Thomai, 17. of Chino w.. killed when a car he wu rtdinl in w11 ltnadt by ReWy'1 vehicle. Rally WU tree-.d at Canyon General Ho-pltal and booked at the Orange ~~U. He waa releaaed on hi• own leYfta1 houn &ater. JaalDI -..ct • brief llaWnmt Mondav that &My are "cooperatJq with authorttieit.'' R.Wy wu not at tnln1na CMlP Monday, the N•donal FOOtbiall W.,U. w.m aid . Jtful '1oop ww NOOnd le• of Pan Am Cllpper Cup Rri,,. HONOLULU (AP) -Windward ..... , .. , a a-A 71-fooc Maxi 11oop out of Atlenta, won f~pi.. honon tn Sunday's 27·mUe triancJe l*le, the llcoftd w.nt ol. dw PM Am Clipper Cup Yacht s.n.. Sec:ond _place went to Bermuda'• Con~~r1 which wan 8atwday'1 tllL'e delpfie a prot-1 nMG by KiaJoa of 0.Jaware. ~ PfO'-' claimed Condor came wo dGM to Kialoa at the atart ol the ...,., but l ·11 BO~TING a )lry of world-cl.ua aa1lon ruled Condor wu not ,wlty of anr. violation. Sunday I C1all B winner WU Marpret Rintoul m of Sydney, Auatraua, and Bravura out of Hawail took C1ul C. Clue D went to Japan'• Super Wit.ch, and Newport Beach'• Shenandoah led Clul E. Overall reeulta after two dayw of racing had Margaret Rlntoul III in flret followed by San Frana.oo entries Bull Frog and Great Fun. About 80 boats from Au.tralia, Bermuda, Canada, England, Hona Kos. Japan, New 2'.ealand. South Africa and the United States are entered in the aerlH, which continued Monday wltb the Molokai Race. tf l•d•llder e1'eat •tllru LONG BEACH -Sixty.five Wlndglider sailors from 18 countries started competition Monday In a pre-Olympic regatta inside Long Beach Harbor. The regatta will oontinue through the week. The Windgllder la the sailboard selected by the International Yacht Racing Union to make ita first appearance in the 1984 Olympics as the seventh class in the yachting games. WindJJ for the first race were in the 15-to-18 knot range. Top sailboaters from the U.S. and Europe are in the lineup. Top five finiahera were Klaus Maran from Italy; Don Yoakum, Fort µuderdale, Fla. (the U.S. champion); Sf.t!phen Van de Berg, former world champion from Holland; Onno Tellier, Holland; and Nevin Sayre, Vinyard Haven, Mass. Lido-I 4 tu1ll•rs busy Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club was host to Lido-14 sailors in two regattas over the weekend. The annual Luna del Lido regatta is a moonlight race. The winner was Chris Drake,. Voyagers Yacht Club; second was Fred Pawall, BCYC; third waa Roger Jones, BCYC; and fourth was Claire Snow, South Shore Yacht Club. The other regatta was the "L" B oat invitational. Trophy winners: UOO-t4A -1. JKll FrMCO, Balboe YC; 2. Chuck Cummlngt, .t,lemltoa Bay YC: 3. Da\19 Prildlatd, BYC; 4. Lou Broou. MIUlon Bay YC; 5. Cllrl• Rub, Huntington Hlll'bOllf YC. LI00-148 -1. Chtla Drake, Vc>yage<I YC; 2. "' Perez, BYC; 3. Jldc Hallan. ABYC; 4. Roger Pattereon. MBYC Laser sailors swarm Newport Thirty Laser sailors from throughout thP. west swarmed over Newport Harbor in_ the Western Rfftonal Championlb.lp Ke•Ha. One NCe w• u1Md 8etwday and two on Sundiy. J'int place Winner wu Mike S.ntovlcb of Alain.UOI Bey Yecht Club. The trophy for the tint P'I wet to Ondy Beck of a.lboa Yacht Club. Top five finJlhera: 1. Mlke Sentovlich, ABYC; a, Keith L•by; Voya1en Y•cht Club; 3. Alan Ledbetter, Ian Dlego, Yacht Club; 4. John Bubb, Balbo1 YC; ~. Rod TUmer, Bahia Cortnth.lan Yecht Club. Newport Harbor Yacht Club wu beet for the event. lloelcet .• •• adde4 ,. W1•4••rn•• WindlU.rftng International h.u announced the addition of the nigh-performance Rocket-99 to itl internationally popular Windturfer aallboud line. Ftnt aailed at the recent Malibu Grand Prix of board aallina by Windturfer'a C&l1fomla turf team -led by three-time world champion Matt Schweitzer -the Rocket 99 haa been acknowledged to be the new wave-jumper of the dlacriminating surf aallor. • The nine-foot, aJ.x inch Rocket dellped by current Windaurfer world champion Mike Waltze (formerly of Newport Beach) and veteran board designer Gary Seaman, la a aquaab performer with a tri-plane, double fin botton). The liocket W comes complete with a 55 square foot mylar sail, lightweight aluminum booms, a 14 ft 2 in. reinforced fiberglasa maat, footatrape and two akegs. From Page C1 COLLAPSE • • • park. the Braves went into their tailspin againat LA. They blew an 8-3 lead in the first game of a Friday twi-night doubleheader, bowing 10-9 aa Ken Landreaux hit a pair of ~me runs. The Dodgers were ao encouraged by that win that they 00ne right back to win the second game 8-2 0n a six- hitter by Bob Welch. Ron Cey homered in each game and the 10 lh-game lead waa down to 8 ~. LA won again on Saturday and Sunday, Dusty Baker homering In each game aa the Dodgers cut the deficit to 6~. There was a momentary ~very last Monday when the Dodgers lost at Cincinnati while the ~es were winning in San Frandaco. But Atlanta lost the next two to the Giants when LA was beating the Reds. That reduced the Braves' lead to 5 ~ with a four-game series in LA coming up. The Dodgers won three straight one-run, extra-inning games and capped off the second straight sweep with a 2-0 victory on Sunday. And presto-chango, just like that, the Braves' lead was down to 1 ~ games. , August and September can be a terrible time for teams with P.ennant ambition s . See the Brooklyn Dodgers o., 1951, who blew a 131h-game lead in the final six weeks of the &euon, and the ' Boston Red Sox of 1978, who saw a 14-game bUJ.ge slip away over the last two months. ~ ~· llJU111N mai'lfet IJterest 'IJtal dEdtlng ainvaEnce. ., Market-Rate Checking combines the high earning power of money market funds with unparalleled checking convenience. Open Market-Rate Checking with $2,000 or more. Immediately, every dollar over $2,000 begins to earn a high money-market rate of interest. All funds up to $2,000 earn the highest rate allowed by law on a checking account-51A%. The $2,000 is insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. Funds above $2,000 are not a savings account or deposit and are not insured by the FSLIC. They are backed by United States Government securities. With Market-Rate Checking you may write checks just like with any other checking account, or arrange for the e:itclusive TELE-PAY .. system to pay bills by phone. You can also withdraw cash at any of our seventy-two 24-HOUR TELLER locations. A.MMAM. Y11UI • Get all the details on e:itciting Market-Rate Checking by calling The Financial Line-direct or collect- (714) 231-4023, or visit the nearest Association office. 15.33% ............... ~ ... ................. ................. ..... ................... . .-. ... o .. ... ....... ,. ... .. , .... ~<>nip~ ........... ~ Fedelal Peibplcsf'edml .................... .............. ... .......... ...... ..._. ... OM._,._ ...... -a.. ... .... ... J ......... ...... ........... ..... ..... ....... . ....................... , ...... ............... ~ ....... ............ ... , 'II • ~ . . . .. " MAJOR LIAQUI eTANOINQ8 AfMfiun LAlllaue WQTIMDMibt W L tlet. M .,..... 13 41 673 K.,._Clty '2 4t $64 I CHteoo 51 61 w ·~ S..ltte 64 57 4M ·~ OMlend eo 13 ~2 141~ T-43 M 31M 11" Minn..ota 38 73 3-42 251'1 EAeTPN OIVlltON M""'9uk.. 64 45 681 Boeton e 1 48 .565 Sit 8elllm0re at tlO ,64 , 6 ,New Y0111 56 53 509 8'_. Oetroll 56 65 500 ..... Clwelencl S4 S4 500 l 't T0tonlo 53 51 0 7 12 ........ ,. . ._.. Toronto 4, Bollon 2 CNcago 9. &.llll/nore 5 Mllweuli .. t, Texu 1 New Yorll 8, Detroit 1 Kenau City 12, Cleveland 2 Oakland 8. s .. ma 4 OnlV o-eclladuMld Tonlgflt'e O..-Aft9• .. (K ForKll 10-7) •• MlnnHOl• (Wiii ...... 3. 7) Boaton «Torrer 7-81 •I Toronlo (Sl .. b 11·111 New Y0tk (Andujal 0-5) al DetrOll (Ulcl• 5-6) Balllmore (McGregor 12·11 el Clltcago (Bum• 12-4) T .. u (HOUQll 11-11 al MH..,eukM (Slaton 8-3) Cl••••and (Walll 1·10) al Kaneu City (Blue 8-8) Oakland (M<>Celty 8-1) al SMIU. (Clark 2.01 Nettonel LHaue nenf!N otv1t'ION "'"'"'a ~ San Diego Sen Fr ancieco Hou1ton Clnclnnall W L 62 48 83 80 80 62 68 ~5 41 82 40 72 EAeTf:RN DIVISION Pct. oa ~t .... 638 3 513 5' ... .441 13'1> 357 23 Phllael.Cpllla 82 47 569 SI Louil 62 41 559 1 Pllleburgh 58 5 I 532 4 Montreal 5 7 52 523 5 N-YOtk 48 82 436 14';, Chleago 47 66 418 17 .aoncs.,·. ec-~ 3, Clnc1nna11 2 t 13 1nn1no11 Phlledalpn1a 4·8, Pltteburgh 3·8 (2no 0-euepen<led 7'A IM11'9t) St LOUla 7, -\'0tk 2 Cllleago •. MonlrMI 2 Hou1ton 4, S81\ Otego 3 • $911 Frenoteeo 5. Atfante 0 Todey'a a.me. Cincinnati (SHver 5· I 1) al Dodgera (\/llenl~• 14-8) PIU11>ur911 (Sarm..,,lo 5-1) 11 P111ladelP11la IBrttrom l-41. 2 1111 game comp1e11on 01 ~game) SI. looill (Mure 9· 7) el N ... Y0tk (J.,._ 7-8) Chleago (Martz 5-7) al Montreal (AoQers 14-4) Houalon (Ruhle 5-8) et Sen l)laoo (Lollat 11·8) Allanla (Mahler 8·81 •• S11n F1encl1co (LaMey 10-8) American Leegue 8lue Jaye 4. RM io. 2 8o11on 001 000 010-2 15 2 Toronto 000 010 03•-4 8 O Eck•lffly. 8. Slani.y (8) and Ali.neon; Laal. Sellrom (8). J Mclaughlin (8) and Whlll. W-Sehrom ( t ·0) L -Eckarsley ( 11· 10) S-J. McL.aughlln (71 HR-Toronto, Mulllnikl (3). A-20, 105 NATl<*AL LeAQ~ Dodcter9 '· .... 2 Loa ANOnl• CINQ•t.n Su 2b Landr•• of Baker 11 Guerret rf Cey3b G•r\'aV 1b Ruaaallu Sck>Kl• c Balangr pr YNgar o Wrtghl p Baci<wlh p NMldnlur p Orte pn 81ewan p To1a1e lbrhlll allrllll 6 1 2 0 Lawteea 2b 6 1 2 1 4010 EMMllMlf 4011 6121 Leeleyp OOOC 5 I 2 1 BUtner ph I 0 0 0 3000 Kamp OOOC 300 1 Cnq)Ctl. 5000 S 0 0 0 ~ lb 6 0 I 0 4000 Cadanoct sooo 0000 ~,~ 5000 0000 HoafltcMr .. 5000 1 0 0 0 11"1Grdr c 3 I 0 0 1000 llar9nylp 1000 0 0 0 0 Walka!' II 2 0 0 0 1000 1000 39 3 7 3 Total• lcora by llW.,.a 412.2 Cloclnnafl 000 002 000 000 0-2 Loe Angetea 200 000 000 000 1-3 Nona out Wl>an winning run ec«ad E SI-art. LewleH OP-Clndnnall 2, Loa AngelH 1 LOB-Ctnclnnall 4, Loe A~ 10 2B-Su. HA-Guetrero 122). SB Sa• (36) Landr-.ix (24) S-8eref¥, Sta WWI $F-G111V9Y. Cincinnati P H II UI .. eo Bert111~ 7 5 2 2 2 S Lalley 3 0 0 0 1 I l<Afn (l. 1·5) 2 2 I I S 0 LoeAnoatea Wright 3 10012 e.dtwtlll 2¥t 3 2 2 1 3 NMldenluer 1¥. o o o o 2 SI-WI (W 7-81 6 0 0 0 I Ii K•n pllc:l>ed lo 1 ball• In I~ 131h WP Wnghl T-3.22 A-34,708 CulM t, Eqioe 2 Chicago 021 310 200-8 13 1 MonirHI 000 010 010-2 8 0 Jenkln1, W. Hernandez (8) and J. Dav11; Sandereon. B Smith (6), Sc11atzad4w (81 and Caria•. Btack.,.11 (8). W-Jankln1 (1-13) L-Sandereon (6·, 11 HRa c111cago. 8uclc,,., 2 (8). Sandbafg (5) A-29.278 FWl8T~ ,,....4.,., .... , P1t111>u1g1> 011 100 000-3 7 I Phllaoetphla 010 100 oax-4 11 1 Candelarta, E Romo (8). T•u•ve (8) and NICOtla. Carl1on and 8. Olai. W-Cartton (16-8) L-T·:~~~)QAMI (1~0-) Pl111burgh ooo 012 ~•-e 16 O Phlladelphla 005 001 Oll-8 7 I Oama WM ~ wltn two OUI In Ille eighth Inning Game will be rM41'Md al lhal pQlnl IOClay McWlltl.,..., Ouante (5). E Romo (81 and T Pena. l'ermar, Monge (5). J Raad (8). R Reed (7). McOm" (8) and Virgil Hl\l-Phltaoe1pn1a. :scnm101 1..i.11. Aguayo (2). Ptlleburgh. Eal* (9). A-5 l,W Ml.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE P\alC NOTIC( FlCmlOUa BUS .. EH Or1n19 a.. DAILY fltLOT/TueecMy, AUgUtt 10, 1111 a...Alaml ... llOtmAY"a Meul..ft , ..... ......_. .................. , NtT RAee. HO ~-..... IHwll ito 2 eo t 40 e-A-di (Adalt) 22 IO 10.00 Oectla ~ (~ uo Aleo 1tQld: Ll111a Tgp Chlcll, 81f Jet !JuO, Toma OrHm M1clllne. Mr. S.Un Oecll, Sllldlo Ori,,., 0~ Co..tn , Soma Flgllfe. Tlme.17.99 91 IUCTA (Ml paid S123 40. NCO..O RACI. 350 Y•da 11ot10<111 Ull .1e1 <T oNia> 1 40 e 20 ' eo P-" Tru (P1411antort) 22 20 9.40 Junie loona (lfryday) 3.10 Aleo r~: Genvtne Rab, H~, Flying Ctllc:lller, FOUtth Aaquaa1, a, TM All1Q O! Fire, Aeb A Jet. T(me, 18.20. TI4MD IUCI. 350 yarda. LMll Sport• Ori (C1rdOU) 4.40 3.20 2.90 OM BrlgM Chick (Creager! 4.20 3.20 Flag RI.-(Ward) 3 20 Alao raced· Sliver Baracuoa, GauchOa ChOloe, Funny FMlher Tima 1781 '°""™ RACC. 350 rard1. Loollln For Low (Mytea 4 00 3 20 2 80 Doll T• (Adair) 14 80 7.80 REO SpMC!Wagon (Tonk1) 4.00 Aleo raced· Thlnle s-1. lllctOtlan Copy, Klpb«lndoo, Zoom V11oom, Clualc Polley. Caelllar• Checit, FMture The Seti Tim« 18.08. 12 IXACTA (8-10) paid $48.20 '1f'TH IUCll. 870 y91<1a. Fleet Mickey (Harl) 7 00 4 00 3.00 A9pMI Rodlet {Treuure) 5 llO 4 00 Gallant &ltd (Frydayl 3 80 AllO rac.d: Krypton Aoci(et, FIMt Cupj(I, Tor1Ula Ali. Moneyed OrMM TllM. 45 73. lfXTH llACI. 400 yards. Chick• Native (Frydey) 5.20 3.40 3.20 Lotu Mlae Honey (~) 16.IO 8.60 Slleekolroub .. (Chavez) 18.00 Al10 raca<t· Truly i<ay, HayH venture. Erin• Luck, Southern Storm, ClllClte Gr .. leet. Eloetta Bug, UnconlMtad TlfM 20 20 '2 UACTA (7·9) paid 147 80 PlB.IC NOTICE .,....., MoNOAY'8 MSUl.ff v=t.:c:~ ~:= .. ,......., CMi ~" (Ouemi) IUO 6 00 4 40 Oulltw Lundi (o.ill'IOl•~I UO 3 20 ..,.,_ Of ()tnUbe (c.taMdel e 00 Alao reoed: ~loll. Wlllllow Way, H•IY Worll, JeM11a'1 tlo.. ()rpherla' Cout1. "8al Pflyt, RMdom Wind, Tim« 1:4<1 116 MCOMO RACL 8 IUrlonge. N.-od lloV (MdW0U9) uo 4 00 3 40 FUii V\lllon ~) 5.10 UO N..._abob (C-) II 00 Aleo r~· 811g• HIGhway, C•all lflO, H.nc1 M.,.., I'm a ... , .... Slleater OM. AJoq Royally. R.J P•ndar. Mr Szabo, Nita BoullOtlt. Time: 1: 11 116. a OAL 'Y DOWLI (2·51 paid S38.40 THlli'D llACE. 1 1118 ml!M. 8...C,dO! Hono< (~) 1860 140 680 111Ztar (T.ooroJ 10 eo e eo Aamblillg Joe (Caatanadal 8 oo A110 rac>ad C.,laln Orient, KareliUn, A FN1 "-. Oao11'1 o.nc.t, Chaelll-ega, Bandelalre. Nln1h lnlllng. Time: 1·43. • IXACTA (4-81 paid $664 00 fOU"1'H RACE. 6 l\lrlonge. unc1e Dull• (Ptncayl 4.20 3.20 a.60 Oaquoyah (CUl....0•) 8 60 4.40 Sir RulMl1 (8tadl) 3 00 Aleo rac>ad· Ar1'e Ludty Son, KCNlA Hiiia. 0111ent River, Alumlnaut, Marti'• llfeu•. 8oa•I ... Too ~ For T v. Time 1'11 115 FWTH Rt.CL I '4 mllM on turf Came Warrior (Pierce) 18.00 5.20 3 60 The Hague (Oe4ah<>UUaye) 3 00 2.80 RoyeJ kb (Mau) 8.20 Alto raced: Blazlngllong, Plinth, o.g.n, EMclueJve Kid, With Dltcretlon, SwanMa Bay, Gap A TWo. Ooneld. flme 1 48 315. • HACTA (1-8) paid P6 00 NE OF CIOLF'S 'TOUGHEST SHo,-s 15 A HIGH-FLYING, SOFT-LANO\NO PITCH FROM GREENSIOE A.OUGH 'TO A '"'T\GHT '' ·. PIN POS\'TlON- ' E'SPl!:CIALLY . WHEN THERE '· I& AN ~ INTERVENING HAZAP..O SUCH AS WATEJ:\ OJ:\ A I e,uN\.'<ER. ~; .. , J ., ·-· FICTITIOU8 8U ... H AC1TTIOU8 .,..._ •• ....,.,.. lfttern."°"81 cMlnf.:tehtp let .-0) ,.,.,.....,~ Mertln WotlenhOlme (CanecleJ del. Rick Fagel tu s.~ 4.9, 8-3, 8-4; Jolln F11~oere1<1 (Au1trall1) def. Elle Ffomm \U.8.), t-4. 3~. 1..e; Ram"h t<rttllnan (Ind •I d•t Marcel Frwman (U S.)1 2-e. f.2. M : HaM l.aoonla (Fr-) del .ieroma Pollet (Franca). 7-6, 4-e, e.1, Ben T•1arman (US) def Mark Edmond-(Aualrllle). 4-41, 8-4, 11-4, Mate Wllandar l8weden) def T Ofll' Grll/\am (U 8 ). e-3, 6-4; OIMfJ Hooper (US) def Mell 0ovta (U.S.). 7-8, 8-3, Slllomo Gllckattln (larHI) def Oi.n Holroyd (US ), 7-8, &-0 *"'• tournament ( .. ClaVelaftd) l'ltet ,__,. 811191M \/Ince van Pallan (U.S.! del. Sc11a1wtte vai1 Der ~(South Alrlc•). &-2, 3-8. 11-1. Tim Wiik.iean (U.S.) del Mike Bauer (U.S ), 6-7. 6-4, 8-4; Nduh Odl2or (Nigeria) def Lii')'. St•fmnkl (U.S.). 2•11, 11-4, 7-6; Roblrl Van I Hof (U.S.) Clef. Jtrl Granai (~alOaJ M ,&-4. Attanta Clnelc (at Al ..... la) ,lnt~8lnl ... Wancl't Whlla (US ) def, Merle Pinle<ova (CUctloeiGlfal<la) 11-2, &-4; Miry LOU l'llt• 1u.:..1 oa1. Mar1011• isl~kwOOO (Canada) .. 6-0. 8-0: Ann t<tyomur• (U.S.) def. EllH Burgin (U.S.), 8-3. 8-2: Yvonne llermuk (South Alrlcel del. Ouk Hee Lee (South KorM), 8-4, 1·8, &-2, Candy Reynold• (US I def Sa!Jlna Slrnl'lon<I• (lilly), 7 -11. 6-1 I MOSTLY P~'I .SUCM SHOTS L\KE A SOFT e>LAST S::~OM SANO, OPENING \HE CL..ue>i::f\cE AT ROOR•S~-~ PICKING 'TH£ C\,..U!:1-HER0 UP SHA~PL.Y IN THE bACKSW~NG , THEN OROPPING O~ ~\..IOING TME CLU~~E.AO UNOER-N&:ATM \HE e,RLl-. MT'9 Ll:&!;fif Nv~;-al' ~ ........... . -.Avtn LOC*9 ........... -,,. .,.,. 4 .,.,.., ... ~ " ..._ ..... '~. 1.IM -roel< titn1 4a ..,.. "-8. 1 ..,.,.., ... beM, I ~.,.,tr11~. OMIA ...... -111 tnllera 2IO ..... 70l>Ollllq,IN,,....,.., , ..... _..._if ~..... Mst,2--. ••• 011•0 (Ma .. lufl1tt> -o z ....,. ..,. -~· Moftder"• ................ ..... AU. ,._....~ DETROIT TICU!"a -.. H lored Mitt Wiicox. pitcher. 10 lhelr acllv• ro•ttr. Oe>llonad Dav• Oumpert, e>hcllar, lo Ille 8trmlnQllem 8Mona of the Soulllern \,Hgue< NatloMIL....-PHILADELPHIA PHILLIE& -R.UO.O Jarry ~. j)llellat, lfOtll OkllllOma Oii)' of the American A•tOCllllOl'I and oplk>ned POrlt Atlamlr-, j)llQtllf, 10 OklanoM• City lfOOTMU ....... , ....... ~ BUFFALO 81LL8 -CUI AocfL .. and Jlrn DIH>can. ltlllde reoalveta; Aaron Andi, Clftter, Jolln Schroader, ollanelva llckla. Aon c,...,, dalenalve end; end Miile Slmpaon encl Cl\111111 Harbleon, dafenlllw beclt1 CLEVELAND BROWNS -Waived Htiny OI•-an<I Stephen St.Cnlle, klCllara. DETROIT LIONS -Announced ll'le 1at1raman1 01 Sieve Towle, llnabacker. AalaaMd Jim Slczec>an+uk. llMbadler MINNESOTA VIKINGS -AMOUnOA<I Illa 11111_,1 of Ooua PllCl\11, n;nntna bad! NEW ENGLAH(J PATRIOTS -Cut Don WaalbrOOll, wide , _ _., and Lou P~. quanatback NEW ORLEANS SAINTS -Cul Larry Jenn. ruMlng beck. ano Gtan Redd, llnebackar PHILADELPHIA EAGLES -Welved Ca1ay Murphy punter; Rich Oruba, oltenalva tackle, Dave Wegner. qullllarback; SI-HlnM, clelanllve b-; and Craig Nlcoloputoua, Unabacker. ST LOUIS CARDINALS -Cul Ralph Clayton "'Ide receiver; Chrl1 Comba. del-ve t<neman, Dolle Field, llnel>ac*ar St•ve Carpenter, d•lan11ve back, J•mM WNhml. defenalve and. Law.enoe Reid, Ker Jonneon encl Greg Foetet, runlllng bacll• and Joe Yoy119, quarterback WASHtNOTON REDSKINS -Walveo Jonn Andreoli, llnebacker. and Oerrec~ PHIS, runnlno back. HOCKEY Mallon., Hoell., Lagua DETROIT RED WINGS -Signed Toll' Rowe. llghl wing. IF 'IOU OECIOE TO TF\Y THIS TECHNIQUE, ~ACTICE rr OFF T~£ GOLF COUF\5£ FIR~'T !.' 1982 Kong F .. 1 ..... Syndlule. Inc World IOQllU , __ N!l.IC NOTICE Pl&.IC NOTICE Pl&.IC NOTICE ltfOTICI OF NOTICE OF TitUSTEE'a aALf ~ NAllR ITATDttENT •The following person 11 doing tli.m.a .. FICTmOUS •ualNt!H NAME ITATEMENT lflCTTTIOU8 9U .. H N.,._ 8TATDIUIT The loCtowlng peraon 11 doing bu·-- NAME 8TATE•NT NAME ITA~ The lollowlng pertonS ere doing The followlng ~· we doing '1CTITIOUa llUalNIH MA* aTAT'OlmNT The followlng person 11 doing bu~- nwanra •AU r.s. No. 119»4 tttMaUANT TO T 0 SERVICE COMPANY u duly R & B'S TOUCH OF CL.ASS, am Anabel. Garden Grove. CA I Anna Loulle Fletch«. 1813 W ~lend• Pl .. Anaheim, CA 9280•. 1 Thie bullnesa Is conducied by an ll)dlvldual Anne Louise Fletcher I Thi• •1atemen1 -med with Iha Qounty Cl«ll ol Orange County on Joly 20, tll82 F113702 Publl1hed Orange CoHI Dally PJlol. Aug 10, 17, 24, 31, 1982 3576-82 The lollowlng pereon I• doing butlnees as BE BEAUTIFUL BODY WRAP, 6028 Warner Avenue Huntlnglon Beach, C•. , Joy Barrios. &e71 Palme Clrc11, Yorba Linda, Ca 92888 This buslneu la conducted by an Individual. Joy Barrios This stetemenl was !tied wi1h Ille County Cletk ot Or•ng• County on July 30. 1982 lf1M97 Pubtlshed Orange Coest Delly Pilot. Aug. 3, 10, 17. 24. 1g92 3458-82 HONOLULU LEI COMPANY, 158 E Cucade Cour1. BrM. CA 92821 Deanne Wegner. 158 E. Caa<:ade Cour1, er ... CA 92821. Thia bullneae I• conducted by an ll'ldMduel. o..nn.w~ Tht1 1111ement wee llled wllll 1111 County Clet1t ol Orange County on July 16, 1982 ,.11Ma Publl1had Orange CoHt Delly Piiot, July 20. 27, Aug. 3, 10, 1982 3272-82 bualneu .-: bu.._ aa: M SAFA. 1535 S Slenderd. THE DULL RELIEF. 424 101h Sanll Ane, C&. 92707 StrMI, Huntington BMdl. Clllllorl\la Mohamed Sele, 8091 MerMllle 92648 Or . Huntington Beech, C•. 921547 Den J Moee, 424 10th Str•t. Fortunato Av Ila, 3508 W. Huntington BMcll, C1llf0fnla 92848 Cheltnut, Sant• Ane, C•. 112704 Ellen 0. Mou. •24 10th Street. Th•• bullnea II conducted by • ~Unglon BMch, Celll0tnla 92848 llmttec:t pwtnaralltp. This~ It conducted by an Fortunelo Avtle ll'ldl'o/ldual. Thll atetemenl wu flied wtlh \lie Din J Moat County Cieri< of Orange County on This stat-I wu flleCI with the PEPPEATREE APARTMENTS, 801 S Lyon Slf•t. Slf'lta Ane, ClllllOfnia 92705 PhNlp H: McN-. 1178 SE Mein Street. Irvine, C.llfornla 9271• Thia bullMN I• conducted by an lndl'o/ldull. Philip H. Mc:Nemee ,1 ... Publl1hed Orenge CoHI D•lly Pllol • .My 20, 27. Aug 3, 10, 1N2 3292-82 July 30, 1982. County Clerll of Orange C:C-.ty on lf1Mm July IS, 1982 1------------ Publlthed Orange CoHI Dally '1m:r1 rtaJC NOTICE Piiot Aug. 3. 10, 17, 24, 1982 Publllhed Orange CoHI D•llY1----------~~~- 3428-82 Piiot, July 27, Aug. 3, 10, 17, 1N2 FICTITIOUS llUSMH DECLARATtOH OF COVENANTS, appotn1ed Trualee under Iha CONOfTION8 ANO lottow1ng deserlbed 0-' of lruel M8Tl'llCTIOH8 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTJBN YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER TO THE HIGHEST 81DOE"R F R THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF CASH tP•Y•ble •• lime ol .. In COVENANTS, CONDITIONS ANO lawtul money ol the Unlled Stet•) RESTRICTIONS DA TED MARCH all right, utle end lnt-1 conveyed 2 8 , 1 9 7 5 0 F T H E LAG U N A to and now held by It under uicl II ILL AGE 0 W NE RS ' OeeCI ol Trull In the properly ASSOCIATION UNLESS YOU hereinafter dllcrtbed TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR TRUSTOR CONNIE L SEl.l. an PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLD AT A unmerrled women, DEBORAH ANN PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN COLLINS, • m81rted WOtlllf'I, JOHN EXPlANATION OF THE NATURE T BURRIOGE •nd KARIN A OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST BURRIDGE, huabend and wlle. MO YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A NEIL FOSTER •nd PATRICIA LAWYER. FOSTER, huSblf'ld end wtla ------------1 --------:------3389-82 NAME 8TATE•NT PlB.IC NOTICE Ptlll.IC NOTICE Plll.IC NOTICE Th• 1011ow>ng pereon 11 doing FICmlOU. •"SIHEH P\&.IC NOTICE FlCTITIOU• .... -., --,-IC-rmou---a,...au~ ... ~~ .. ~-1----.. ---ll'_un_""'_r ___ ~ u : NOTICE IS HEREBY Gii/EN thel: BENEFICIARY. L. S. BERNERO. a On Sep1ambef 3, 1982, at 10:00 11no1e man A.M., or •• soon lherealter u may Record•d October 8. 1979 H be reason1bla, II Iha IMPERIAL "1slr No. 13100 In book 13344, BANK BUILDING, 8115 Town Cenlllf page 180 of Officl•I Record• In tt1e DrlV9, In the City ol Coste Mes•. ottic. of the Aecordw of Orenge County ol Orange, S lete of County: Mid deed ol lruat deec;ribee Caltlor11l1 LAGUNA VILLAGE tl'le lollowlng properly Tha OWNERS' ASSOCIATION (tha Soulheuterly 50 feet ol Iha "Auocletlon"), through Ill duly Nor1h111Hterly 300 feel of the appointed egenl •nc! attorney, NortheHlerly 150 feet of the Oevld P. Bergland, Esq., who .. Soultlweellfl)' 330 feet or Loi 88 or atreel addre11 and telephone Tract No. 378. In the City of Coate number 11 allown below, Will SELL M ... , County ol Orange, State OI at public 1ucllon purauanl 10 the Celllornl•, u per map thereof power ol Hie conferred In 1het rec0tded In Book 15, Pege 29 of cer11ln Declar1tlon ol co-anle, Ml1celleneou1 Meps, recorda ol Condition• and RHlrlcttons (the Mid Counly ,... --rUUU\I nut~ MOUNTAIN CREEK II, LTO .. NAMI STATEMENT FICTITIOU8 8U81NeH NAME ITATEMINT NAME aTATIMINT 1200 Quell St S lie 2$0 Newport The IOllowlnQ person 11 doing NAMI 8TATIMl(NT The lollowlng 1*90n• .,.. doing The followlrfg pereon 11 doing F'ICTITIOU8 .,..... 8Mclt1 ca. 92-aeou ' t>val.-u . Th• followlng peraon la doing buall)MI u bull,_ -..._ 8TAn.NT L ' 11111cent Mayall Inc (• .~ PARK PACIFIC APART· bua1nees u : MESA DEVELOPMENT I, 4282 BUSINESS ADVERTISING & ~~~ penone -doing Cell!~ C«J)Of8tton~ l200 Oulll ..._ENTS, 10250 La Hacienda (a) OCEAN VIEW PLUMBING (b) Csmpu• Drive, Sulla C, N-por1 COMMUNICATIONS, 22874 El Toro .,..__ -St Sult 290 Newport e..cti C. ~ .... Fountllln Valley, Callf0tnl• OCEAN \/IEW MECHANICAL, 2737 Beech, C• 928e0 Roed, El Toro, CA 92e30. PE.RCO CLEANEllS, 1 teo s. 9ateo • • . g2708 S. Croddy W.ry, Unit D. Sant• Ana. Dy11a-Plell. In<:. (e C•lllornl• W•llaca Edward lrlell. 24818 ldehc>, No. E, la HIM1, Cllllfornlla This ~le c:onductld by a , Phlllp H McNemee, 1178 SE Celllornla 92704 <!O'PO'lllon), 4282 Campo• onv., lakefleld St .. El Toro, CA 92830. Leelle I. Parelft, 23 N. Vlete de Umlted pwtnetlhlp. ""'1ln StrMI, Irvine. Cattlornia 92714 John W. Sundqulll, 2737 S. Suite C, Newport BHch. Ca. 112880 Tiiie bualneea Is conduc:lld by atl la Luna, South lagYn•, California L \/INCENT MAYELL INC This t><11lnesa ta conducted by Croddy, Unit D . Senu Ana, Barn•'Y M•arrtln, en tndMdual, lndlvldull. 928n · v •• ...11' • Wall EdwarCI trlall J~ft M. P-..... a. 23 N. v .. ·-... _ Bp~~nc.nt t .... ,_ • •!' lnCllvtdull. Cellfomle 92704 •282 C•mpu1 Or Ive, Sulle C, ece ,..., --.. '"' , Phlllp H. McN-Thll b<lalnHI 11 conducted by an Newport Beech, c .. 92880 Thie lletement WM ftlecl with the le lun., Soult\ Laguna, Cellf0tnle Tllll alal-t wu flied with the Thi• 1ta1ement wu nlecl with Individual Thi• bullneN 11 conducted by • Coun~ Clerk of Orange County on 92~~ ~ 11 conducteCI ..., County Ctent ol Or11t191 Cou11ty on U)e County Clarll ol Orenge County John W. Sundqulel. llmlteCI per1nerehlp. Aug. • 1982. lf1M911 1_ .... A ..... 811 (H'_ .. _ .. • ..,,._). vr July 30, 1982 .. on July 18, 11182 0...... DYNA·PLEX. INC. numvv _,.. • .. ,,. '1M400 F1ta50'7 This elatemel'll -flied w1IJ'I the Rober1 H Divis. Publl•h•d Oreng• CoHt Dally ........ I P9rW'I c 0 II "CC&R's") a1 recorded In Book VOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A 11384, Pagel 1711, lnctu1lve, DEED OF TRUST DATEO Oflldltl Recotd1 ol Or8nQ9 County. OCT08~ 3, 11179 UNLESS YOU C.Uloml•. end, without c:ovenwtt or TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR w1rranty regarding uu •• po1nnlon PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLD AT A or encumbrencee, lo Iha hlgheat PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN bidder. In lawful money of Iha EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE Publlthed Orange Cou1 Delly county Cler1t ol Orange Cou11ty on Prealdent PllOt, Aug 10. 17. 24, 31, 1982 This stalement wu ftled with tt1e Publl•ll~ 1~~;4 ~~ • Y Pt1o1 July 20. 21. Aug 3, 10. 1982 July 1e. 1982. Thll 1t11-t wu 111ac1 wnh 111e 3578-82 County Clef'k of Orengoe ~,.L Piiot Aug. • • t • • 342.5-82 3281-82 lftmGe County Cieri! of Or•noe County on ·-Publl•h•d Orange Co11t D•lly Augult 2, 11192. PlB.IC NOT1CE Publl•hed Orange Co111 Delly rtalC NOTICE Ptlll.IC NOTICE "CTITTOU8 8US!Ne81 NA• 8TATEMENT The lollowlng pereon• ara dolng ~ ... HINDES. ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES. 2081 Bualnen Center Or Ive, Suitt 180, lrvlne, Celllomla 92715 Kenl Gordon Hinde•. 822 8•ywood Drive, Newport BHch, Cellfomla 828e0 Herold W•yne Ancter1on, 2335 M ... Drive, Sanl• Ana. California 92707 Thia bull-11 ooncluc:led by.,, u111ncorpo<lled euoclallon olhef lhen • pertner$htp. HwOld w. Ander.on Thie 1tatement wa ftted wllh Ille County Cl«1I of Orenge County on July 1&, 1982. Publllhed Or•nge COH.ly Ptlol, July 20, 27, Aug. 3, 10 82 3 82 '1CT1110U8 ....... NAfl9•TATIMUfT Tiie 10110111l11g pereon• are doing buelMel M: Ttill! COMPUTER BUSINll!H STOA!, 2790 Hatbor Boilleverd, Coal• Mele. Cllltoml• mat CAl.1,0 ANIA 8U81NU8 IVBTEMll INC ... C•lllor11I• oorpo,.t 011 , 2790 Herbor loUle\Wd, Coe!• ....... Cttllfomle '2121 Tllll bu9IMM ,. condueted by • oorpor1tton. CAL"OflHIA 8U81N08 8VITlM8. INC. AoOer1 A. CMote, Preeldent Thie Nt8fMn\ w.. flled "'1th ""' COunty °"" of OtMOlt ~ on .Jiit t, 1'12. M.LINMm~n .-no _,. .. u. ....... ,..10•••" .... .,. ...,.... ....... c••-,,_. NlllMd or.. Co.I ~ l"lot. ~IO, 21, Ai10-I, ,0, 1M2 U6M2 Piiot. July 20, 27, Aug 3, 10, 1982 ,,.._. a Up. It IO.. CO U II T o' Pllol, July 27, Aug. 3, 10, 17. 1982 3284-82 H. VICTOR IUC .. lt, JR. CAUf'OflNIA 3314·82 P'tCnTIOU• IUllHIH United Sl•IM of Ame<lca. •II lhet OF THE PROCEEDllllG AGAINST ___ PtaJC ___ NO_TI_C_E ___ ,:.N:.::...~. '-"'fl. COUNTY°' HUM80LDT -----------11301 Do-. • .,... ... lttl •• ,... MUC NOTlCE t1Am ITATI..,,., certain rMI rr0per1y lllueted In the YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A Tiie lollowlflg penone .,. doing County o Orange, State o l LAWYER. FICTmOUS aua•H ~ 8Mof1. Ca._. .. ~~etlfomll t8I01 ACTTTIOUI auelmH bu*'-u : Cellfomle, deecr1be6 u fOltows: 288 & 288,,. S1nto To mu NAM!! 8TAffMIENT Tat (714) M1·*1 PETITIONER: VALERIANA LYNNE NAm aTATDSNT TRAVEL ACCOMMODATIONS/ Unit 181, Loi 2 ol Tract 83S3. Avenue, eo.t. M-. CA 92827. The lol!Owlng peraona .,. doing Publlehed Or1ng• CoHt Dally ASCENCIO Th• foUowlrlg petlOn ,. doing bull.-U: Piiot Aug 3, 10. 17, 24, 1982 RESPONDENT: JOHN CHRISTIAN ~ M ' CLOTHES QUARTERS. 18110 3481-82 ASCENCIO INTEAl.UDE. A catdlao Care TRAVEi. NO. 1, 30131 Town Center .. cont.in.cs Ill Booll 342, Paga 12 "(II • •l•MI eddr-Ot QOl'l1mOn Drive No. t05, L•gun• Nlguel. to 18, lnclull11e. of Mi.c.1181\eou• dnlgnellon 11 1ho111n •bove, no Celllomle 82977 Mapa In Iha Olllcl•l Record• of werrenly h given •• lo 111 Euclid, Founlaln \/alley. Clllfornla aUMMOM~-=-y UW) Pro gr• m ; INT EA I.UDE, a 92708 CAM 1oaa Poel-Cudllc Opportunity; C EdwuCI Mulln. 1813 "8.IC NOTICE NOTICIJ INTERLUDE. e Pr-ttve Cotonary RadCllng Way, Upl1nd, C•llfornla You h-IMlfl wed. Tiie OOlllt Cat• Progr11m. 330 Pllttl Avenue, e11ee. ,~nnoua -··-•• ........................... , .......... _~ Sulla No . 7. L1gun1 Beech, Ktren Jeanne Marlin. 1813 ": ..... aT·-TI ..... .-_, -...-.-rw """"'"" (;&Ill 2e5 d -.. -• rour be Ina "•"ti unl•H r•u omt• II 1 Red Ing W•y, Upland, Catlfornle Th• tollowlftg peraon la doing ,......... _... • _,., Reed .._ Berber• R. Wright, Pll.D~ 3080 Allen T. UMYlch, 26122 Wllll• Or•nge Cou11ty, C•lllornl•i. e11d compl9'-or conecn-)." The Place. l •gun• Hiiia, C•lllornle more commonly kl\O'#fl u : z3365 be11aflclery under Hid 0..d qi 92"3 Cemlnlto Telmo, Uiouna Hiils, CA. Tru11. by ,_.. of • ~ 0t Kathi"" M . Uaevlcll, 25122 RECORD OWNER: Oavtd J Cheng default In the obllg9tlon1 MCUred WllkH Pl•c•. Lagun1 H lll1, el'ld Sabrina t-t. Chellg. thenM>y. l'lerttol~ executed 11/ld Callfornlt 92853 Said Mia w<n bt made lo 11lltty dellvered lo the unClerslgned • Tiiie buelneea t& conducted by th• obllgellone 1ecurtd by, •nd W!'ltlen OecCaretlon ol Default and lndMdu• (Huebend a Wife). pur1u•nl to lht power of HI• Demand for Sate1 and wrlttan llOtloe 9178e ~ ............. • 111...__..... ......._ M t. View Drive, l.•gun• Beecll, This ~ It oonducled by .......,,_ ·--• --· Cellfomle 92951 ~ T. Uaevlc:tl oonterred In Arllc:le VI ol the abow of brMch and Of el9c1ton to ~ (Hu1band & Wife). CAONEYS 8Y THE SEA, 4ot " '°" .......... tM ..... .. Thie ~ .. oonducted by .,, Kmthleen M UeeYlctl reterenoecl CC&A'a. tind. purauanl th• under1lg11ed 10 Hit H id Tiiis 811t-t .,.. llled with tne to Artlol• VI, Section 8 1 of the property to 11t1ety Mid obligat.lonl, COUnty ewtt ot Orenge County on OC&R'e, the Nouoe of Ann "*•t •11d tllerHller Ill• underelgn.O Jut>/ t8, 1N2. eno Cl•lm ol Lien ••• recorded C9l.lted Mid notice of bf'Mdl and of ,,.., eo•lntt lh• •bov• dac:1'1bect ,..., llectlon to be rwoof'Oed Ap(ll n. Karen Jeanne Mwttn = =n~:le Huntington ::..... ~ ===Ill tMI :::. :;:, tnclMdUtl. Thia 111t-1 wu nled Wl1tl the Mb NI 1718 Ptlloftl8 Drive -: If --Bw11era A. Wright, Ph.0. County Cle!'k of Orenge Coullty on Newport ~ Cellfomla 92te0 ' ·..........-·--·•• "-~ Thia etaternerit wea llf9d wtth July 20, 11182. Thia ~ .. oonckicted by • ... fled ... *':'VllOI Coun~ Cleric ol Oranga COllnty Publl•h•d Orange Coa:1 1= "mlfoed ":1111~P· t,: .::..wo ..:-..=: U:: =~ &. ::0..,. P11bllelled Orange Coul D•lly property fOf nonp•yment of duee 1982 u ln11r. No. 12·140tA4 of MIO ~,. Juty 20, 77, Aug. 3, 10, 1082 elld -t• on Mercih $, 1"2, Ofllclel Record•. 3271_.2 u lntlru!Mlnt No. 82.077728 In tllt S•ld Hit wlll ba made, b11t Piiot, July 27. Aug, 3. 10. 11, 1982 Thia •l•tement wu nted wltl'I !fie tin eudlmota 1 -.,. Ud. AlterMJt et U. 3372·82 COllnlY Clerll of Ormnge Cou11ty on ,..,.... ...,.. • • .... i.... le lw••.,.....,. ........ ------------I.Jut>/ 11, 11182. Metil Ulln........ -W.Wl81't rta.tC NOTJC( ,.,.._ 81 Uetell tlHH Htleltar et UfW ~CA_, ITA~ OI' MUIDOl..wT Publlehtd Orange Cout Dally ....... 4111 WI ...... ... .... ,,_ OI' ..-. OI' '1Cm10Ua .,..._. Piiot, July 20, 27, Aug. 3, 10, 1"2 ee•nte, f••erh "••Hie Publllfl~ Orenr. Coett D•llY PtCTmOUe • llllJI ..... NAm aTATIMINT 322~ 1tw1111lhhnt1 .... 1111 .... w., Pl'ot, July 27, Aug, .10, 17• 1N2 Tiie lollowlno penone "8ve The follOWlng l*tonl .. dolng w ,.1,nu" • 1t1111t1n. • .., ~ ebenclOl.S ttte u. of tM flc1111aue bu"':reoot<EAY. 1s2 Cenl• ~"°TIC( ~,......, ,.., •• , .... • 1----MUC---.-m----1 ~ni>RPORATION db• Street. Sit. A, Cott• Meu, 1. 'TO THE RESPON0£N'T UNITIO YACHT IROl(l!A9 OF C4111fr~ ~2:2J 0 I N Ee RI N 0 & ".'°~A~N ~==:.~ti::,":: .......,. =..IT~ .w.... ~~~::02"~h:S.'~!~I~ :::~t~: DRAFTING, INC ... C•lllOrnl• Th• followlno petaon• .,. lo .... ,~ within~ Cl• of ~~ ----... ~.,. Celfomla .. corporation, 792 Center StrMt, Clolng ~ • \he date tllet Ihle tum111or.e le -H-U N T 1 N 0 T 0 N w I! 1 T TM llOllCIOut lullneM "WM 8ulte A. Ooete Mff•. C•lllornlt NAVARATNA 01!~0 °"* °" yioi,, Yo11f defeuft 1f1M1 t)t .. ITI•( ... NT COHDOMINIU .. '"', refeffed 10 obove lllH ftltd In 82927 JEWEi.RY. a211t Paaeo o. ~_...the OOW1 -~a " " ... ... .. <>renoe Oaunt\t °"' ~ 23 1M1 Thie~ le oondUG!ed by• 811111 4A, 8 J, Oepletreno, ~':amllr*IO ~ Of 18I01 ~ ttr.t, ~ ,.. No. fl1'4~. ' ' ~Ian. c.llfomlt m1e ottMr on9er1 -I08JM'9 CIMllofl Of ~CA ~t lion 8 Harold '· Oeborn, 177•fl l OVI tHGINffRIHO .. RIOtlOtd .,_ "°""· "'·· m Pf'OP•"Y· '90U•el ~pport, cfllld """me ....... rue Corp • Al~elde Ave Hewport --" DAAFllNO. INC. Loo11t1 lltMt, 1.1oun• 1 .. 011. outtody, Cfllld 141P"Ofi. euorney C•lllornl• 001poret1on. 1H11 OlllfOmll neli' ' FfWIOte ZOoll, Clllfomle 9*1 ,_., 00949, end 8lldl 01f1et r911ef • fltofld• St ..... , H\iftttneton e..ctl. ......,.. 0. Olbom. 111-11 Pre.tdanl Nin• lrown. HI LOOUtl ~ be • ..,.., w the aourt. The CA~.:..__ .. ....._._ .... ~~ ~· ....,on 9"otl. Tll!e etllt"'*" .,.. ftled Wiii! the 8tr"1, Ll91illl ~!\. Callfortlll ..,nllhMnt of ...... .... of • •---....,._ •1 .......,._ ., • .._ Coun_1y Olertl of Otenot OOun'Y on t2tl1 l'llOllfY « Pf°'*1Y °' °"* ooun ~"":i-~ Corp TNt ~ .. ~ Nlf't f , 1M2. Thie ~ It OClftCluoted by ~ Pf a pU. ... mey Ilea ...._ J _ _.._ ' by a ~Mkltlt. M.L8 AND "-An .,, lndMdlltll. ,...,.. ._, _,.,.._ 00 ~lltlOll ....,..,. .. ..... Notwd • ltwll. Jr. Dell9ct· .. .., 11 tMI ~ ........ 08llorYI .. ... ... .... ••• T1lle ........... Mad .. OONALD fl MtCHAl.L. ,..... _...,,..,,......... ,,..... • ..... .,. .... County'*"' of OrtWfle County CliWtl C4M'ftY Olertl fl/I Orange~ Ttlle 3111 Cl -... Wfttl ...,.... ~ c• • :_ °" Ntt If. ,..._ ,__ ey; oa.ina M. Vollu, JtJlt/ 11. 1... .. ~ ~ of.Orwltt CouM)' (lllVINllMCI Oflnte Cout Oelty ~er,... 0.... ~ (111Vi11..::''8renee co .. t D1Hy °"~ C..-Olillr fl'tlot. Ntt IO, 11. Aug. a. 1~81aaa7 ... .-.ot. -Mt 20. 21. Ml,•· 1!~. "'°'·Mt IO. 11, q . a. 10, 1e11 ,...., ./llllf-. n. Alo!O·· a. to. ,_ .......... -~ ~ ., ..... Offleltl Record• of Or11nge Covnty, wltl'loul covan•llt or w•rr•nly. C&lllomle; •nd, further, Ille Notice tllp(eei or Implied, rlQlfdlng 11111. ot Default and Electton 10 Sell poseealon, or encurnbr-. lo •flecUng .. Id rHI property ••• pey lhe remaining prtnolpel aim of record ad Apr It U , 1 H2, u \lie note(•) ..cur.ct by Mid DMd of 111s1rumen\ No 82· 142331 In the TIW1, with ln'-1 .. In Mid Mte ~ '*°'°' o1 0renoe County, t.~m. T~*':f r,: The tOlll ttnou111 of tnt unr>eld ,._, ctlar~ and ..,._. of IM ~ of \M otl4!0tt!Ofl tor d Trust .. and of the ttutte crteted by enCI H1111me1111 I• t t,57&.oo. ~o..ctofTl'U8t.leld.-wlllbt lncludl11g due.a end ...... Mtf\11 held on Wadnnd•r• A~ lh•O\ICll\ JUiy Gt, tN2. lttt ..... If 1082 et 2:00 p.m., • tM epplfc•bl•. lntarHt Hen l•~J Avenue antr-to the CMc tllom.f• leM and eotte l!Qltiw l11lld lng, 300 hit Chepl'l\an prlOt 10 the elate ot ..... and ~venue. Ii\ Ille Olly of Or.- .. t 1 mat• d amount of coeu. At 1111 llm• of th• lt1ttl t l ..,,.._. and acMl'°88 ""'°' Pllblleattoft of u. noetot. tN IOtll be lncllmd by Ille dale of .... lf'AOUlll of IM l.l1Plid .,...,_ OI ltle u "' oe 0Clli04itlon aecur9d by tt1t ~ 6'.\TIO; ~ 21, tM2. docrlb•CI dHd of t r11•I lllCI LAGUNA VILLAOE .. ttl'lll\.o coete, ••S>eft'"· ef\CI OWNIN' ANH. aoonote le 111,140 tt To ~ f>. ~. EIQ. detelnt!M tnt. I Ol**ICI bid, Yoll mty A ..S....,.,. Cllll (114) t37-48ef .. fOf MOot1tlOll OA TIO .)/It 21. ltll. ... Town c.n.. OrlW, T 0. tlfMCI OOIMf'Atff, 9""'IOO · 1111._,T,...., COlll8 Mela. C&. tMll 9y Vtcllr.I J. ANMdfl . Tel (714)111-INO ,......_~ PublltMd Otenee Co.et 011 One City -._ W.. Noe A418 I. tO, t7, ftla Orwlae •. CA ... ,,.,...... 11'¥Mlltlad Ot-.. a.... ~ No4, Alll· a, ,o, 11, tMt. ,,_.. OIH!tm for Cup improved? "" ........... ~w9;o"" w11t l~:' AOINOY, lft W. t9'11 ''"'• ......., ...... ~ · lllte llrod11•0e1t•, In••· • 11 Pll.OIAAM ~ MrtOfMIOn, "~ ... ..m PILJ*AN ,.,_, ,._,.,........ Dl,INDANT' NANOY •-: ~ • ~ ~ 1 OlllllNHllM •nd &fl,HIN ollf'porttloft O~ltM.,i.~UWU 10 lllte l'roduotlON. IM. CAI&~'*' SA8T BUTtU:R· FORD, N.J. (AP) - Th• 1enlor vtoe su-ld•nt of the world eocoer 1overnlna body uy. th• F1F A AlJ-1tar ~ NlumlM. N0'1Ce , ...... --.... ,,....,.. .......... wtttl u. '""' .... .., .......... ,.. T"'9 "•*'*'' ... -::_._ .1 ....... , ... , ... ,._ ..... , .. '11/.'11rlf ••••••••••• P!!fm.{'!.~''······· !'.!!!!.!~~.'! ...... . !~m.~.~ ...... . •· match at Olanta Stad.lum County Cletl! of Or111g9 .......,,ty on ..._ ,_,..,... ....... •...,.. July 1•. 1.U. , ................. JllR .... . ~!'.·J. ..•...•.. !.l.fl F!!!!l;l. ••••••••• 1.1!;. ~~'!.~{ ••••••••• J.~I waa fittt dut and may boo1t the Untied State11 chancee of ataatna a World Cup. "Now that the 1ame II • over, I can aa_y it wu a tremendoul IUCICeSI from many points of vtew," aald Harry Cavan of Northern Ireland, the eecond hJ.gheat officer of the Federation of lnterna\ional Football AllociatJons. 1 11 Y'Qlll llllWI to _. tM ~ of ll'11t1U1hed Or111oe Coaat D•8 11Y '" ettor11-v 111 thl1 m•tt•r, you ll'i!ot, J'*I 20, tf, AUQ. ~. 10, 18 2 thOUld clO to ptomptly IO thtt YOIH 52""'2 wr1114111 ,...,onM, If any, MliY N -----------flied on lll'M. PUIUC NOT1CE AVllOt Uated lta aid• PICTITIOUI IUIMH deMa1td1do, II lflllYHI 1t9Me NAMI aTATIMINT ..... MMI Ud. 1111 .... ,= Th• lottowtng p111on le dOl!'O :.'':'.: .:-.. :.=..,..,. buelnlll .. : .... "·'· INTERIOA8 . uu l• 'u•t•d du .. eollolter •1 woodlend or1v1, Anah1lm. CA OOlllllO di un M>Oai40 an 11te 8280~iCHARO OWEN SCHMITT ... unto. deb1rf1 111oorlo 31871 Cell• R1ynold1, 11, San lnr1*11a1amen11. di 1111 llllMl'I. Juen Caplttrl/IO CA 82t7S tu ~ta Mc:Jrita, el hey llOU"I. • . .... l)UIOI .., '9Qlaltadl • tlefnpO. .,J.:~ It oonduetld wr an 1, TO THI! OV'!.NOANT· A cMI Ncwd Owlfl 8Ctunltt COl'l'lpllinl '"' ~ lllld by thl Thie allt""9nt w .. l\lld wtlh thl plllnllff egaltlll you. II you with 10 i IOU~ HOUllNQ Oll'll'ORTUN11 Y -............... . AYlll •LY Tilll ad0rab61 l!ASTSIOI R-2 home '' not In nu. tll)le. Not only doea It h~ a roomy ldnne. It ., .. a workal'lop w/ 1.on1no to bulld •bove. Fruit t,_ abound. Fi. Jdbi. flMncjng, Don't delay Call Diana today! DllM :=.=-VOipe LlllllU•U .Prime Ltdo Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. G YI bath. Lae L.R .• 2 lxllit '1Jpe •uoo.ooo. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + wee rec. nn . beam oeWno, fumlahed, 1>9doa. fo4_20,000. A cheering crowd filled the sold-out, 76,891-aeat atadtum Saturday night as the European all-star aide turned a 2-0 halftime deficit into a 3-2 victory over a select team repre9enting the rest of the world. defend tl!ll leweutt, you mUl1. within County CMtt1 Of ~enga County on so d•Y• •1t1r thla 1ummon1 It July 11, 1812. "~ ..wet on rou. 1111 with Ihle court • !i Al• ,..., ••at• odvertlaed ,.. In "''' newep•per 11 := 1ut1Joot to tho l'ederal IW ,.., Hov.ing Act Of 1"8 .., wNoh mak11 " llleo* to :: odvertlM "11\Y Pf'9f«en- 111t oe, !Imitation M dllO(lml. 1"' nation baMd on r•~. --------.:= oolor, rollglon, IH or 1w 111Uonal origin, or any I: Intention 10 rn•k• 1ny UIU llLE IAYFlllT "The crowd and its enthusiasm drew a fint- class game out of the P.layers," Cavan said. 'How many frie ndly matches do you see where teams come from behind like that? My colleagues at FIFA will be very pleased to know how successful this was." Cavan had earlier said the United States is "a strong candidate" to host the 1986 World Cup if Colombia is unable to stage the 24-team tournament. and that a successful all-star match would fortify the North American bid. The fans , many waving Italian flags, held festiv e family picnics in the parking lots before the match and then roared nonstop when the world 's greatest soccer players, most of whom pla:fed in the 1982 World Cup, were on the field. Giancarlo Antognoni, of the world champion Italian team. sent the crowd into a frenzy when he scored the winning European (081 with two minutes remaining. Zico, Brazil's most prolific point producer. netted the fint goal on a rebound in the 29th minute. and winge r Lakhdar B e lloumi o f Algeria, the African Player of the Y ear , tapped in the second goal six minu t.es later. Putlll•h•d 01111g1 Coaat Delly Wfllt*I fwPOflll to thl oomplllnt. ••2 Uf\leM you do to. ~ dllllllt wtll Pllol, July 20. 27. Aug. 3. 10. 1..., · M antttld on 11>91lcatlon Of the 3214-82 plalntttf, llld lhll OOVfl :i; anltt I ~~~~~-~~-NO-Tll'~r~~~ ~dgmentegalnllyoul~ hlrlilll euch prefertnee, llmlta• i• tlon Of dltet1mlnatlon." l"\IUU\I •~ dlmanded ill tM compjalnt, whloh oould rtault In gunl1hm1nt ot Wagll, \llclng Of montY ~roperty Of othlr r•ll•I tlQUHtl In lhl FlCTITIOUI ., ..... N.AMI aTAftlllNT .... i)llt ·-'* ,. lllt Ttilt MW9PIPef wtn not knowlngly accept any adv.rtlelng tor reel 11-1111 wtlloh II In vlo!Mlon of the law. Thi foltOwlng ptteona 1r1 doing bualneuu: RINALDI'$ CHILO CARE CO NCERNS. 19888 Educ:atlon Lana, Huntington Beedl, CA 82848. complalnL DA TEO: Marc:h 10, 18112 J. PETERSON, Cllrlt. ·-1• r.:: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Roy J. and Kathlllll M. Rlneldl, 2030 Calvut, CQate M111. CA 92828. Thie DualntH la conduetld by huaband and wife. Kethlllll M. Rinaldi Roy J. Rlnaldl Tllla 1111emen1 WM flied with the Coun~ Clerk or Orenga County on Aug. , 1982. '1MM1 BySuaan MOMt, WIWAM ~"" & AHOCIATH WllUAM L aAICIJI 13nN.9rMdwey, atttt1 Alie, C .. ltornt. 1270I Tai: (114) m-1•1 PtltllC NOTICE "-P\itNllMd Publlthed 011ng1 Coal! Dally ___ ;...;;..;..;;.........,.~==--Hoo.. unrvr11i•"-'I Piiot, July 27, Aug. 3. 10, 17, 1982 •ICTITIOUa IU ... 88 1-"'"'°' uar 3373-82 NAMI 8TATSMINT =:::::::: ~~· Tll• lollowlng per1011 la doing Tow..__"'"' ---Ult DSO -"" --.mo = ---- HIHlt Advertl· ser1 lhould check their ade dally and report errors lm- m ed I a tel y . Th4t DAILY PILOT aa-eumee llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. Publl1hed 011ng1 CoHt Dally Piiot, Aug. 10. 17. 2.-, 31, 1982 3523-82 P\8.IC NOTICE tiue1..-. .. : T:;...""':~~·' ---~~~~==--AT y 0 u R s ER v I c E. 15 °"611tU• u.r FICTIT10U8 llU8Mll SendplPlf, lrvlM, CA. 8271... Apil r.ra :: ................ ! NAMllaTAnMt:NT ALICE PARIS SORENSON, 15 A.llb Uorwo TM lollowlng p111on 11 doing lllldplPlf, trvlnl, CA 82714. ~r•or \Jot = ...... ,.,w. .. •••··•···•············ b<Jal,_ u: Th .. oo.i-.. c:onduelld by an -a -.d 111 CEOARBROOK VILLAGE tndMdu.I. == = ,..,,,, JllJ P\8.IC NOTICE l'ICTmOUI IW ... H NAMeaTAnMINT ESTATES; f2 OASIS SAN FELIPE: A11Q1 ~ ........................... tllll Th• lollowlng p1raon 11 doing tiullnMI u : PROFESSIONAL PARK · 4. 881 Oov•r Drive, Sulle 15, N1wp o11 8eech. Clllfomle 92&e3 J eck R OeBruyn, 27342 Becldu. Miiiion VlejO, Cellfomla 92875 Thll boll,_ la eonductld by a Mmttld pwtlWWllp. Jeck R. Dl8Nyn This 1111_,t w .. 1111<1 with the County Clefk of Of'tngl County on July HI, 1882. F11S411 Publl1h1d 011ng1 CoHt Delly Piiot, July 20, 27, Aug. 3. 10, 1982 3268-82 113 RANCHO BUENA VISTA Thia 1tatlf'lllflt wM lllod With thl ~=i= EST A TES: II 4 PALM AS OE County Qert1 of Orangt County on a-auiosur.- CORTEZ ESTATES. 115 CABO SAN July 18, 1ff2. &"!1!:':.:'a1"•• LUCAS ESTATES; •8 BAHIA f1WC9 ....._.11.-1 CONCEPCION VILLAGE. -1 CABO PuDll1h•d Orange CoHI Dally ~· 11-.i SAN QUI NTIN ESTATES. 8383 PllOt. July 20, 27, Aug. 3. 10, 1N2. =: ~·.- =Ct. /17, Fountain V.;tey. CA 32M-82 11 ... lloM.U 827 ~. R Long, 9393 Emery Ct. P\llJC NOTICE IUSIN£$$, llfY(Sf. ... ... ... ... --·-UM -- •7. Fountain Valley, CA 92708. FlCTITlOU8 llU..... MDU, nNAMCE Thia 1ta1-t wu lllod with the NAME ITAn•NT ~ = County Clerk ol.,S>ranot County on ........,. ..,_111 o.-t·, JOU Aug 8, 1982 • Thi following ~· ltl ~.., •••"'*Ill tlfi•'4 -FtWM buelnlu ... _,,.i-a -Publlahed Ot1nge Coal! Dally IRVINE CAPITAL, 1544 1 _,,...-- Piiot Aug. 10. 17. 24, 31, 1982 TootouM Cltcle, lrvlnl, CA 112714· otl&~~nlnlf$ -' 3574-82 JOMPh Peter P.m-, 15441 """9VftHIUft , ToolOUM Circle, lrvln., CA 92714. PEISOMALS & -----------GIMy L. Yoong, 17982 GMlmen. LAST CHANCE to buy thl• b11utllul 3 y11t old, 4 unit aper1- ment "°'* In San Clo-"*"' wtth ocean-htn• & golf COUfff YI-a II I trtmendout 11vlng1 di- rect from the owner bl-tore being llatld with brokert. Act NOWlll Cell owner et (714) &42-0138. ---------1 Ml.IC NOTICE 1rv1ne. CA 82715. LOST & fOUNI P\BJC NOTICE Thi• bullnlll la oonductld by a "---l"ICTl'T10U8 •UtlHllt g1111t1J part""11Np. Car "'"' llOI IWIEI = lllT IELLI fl'ICTJTIOU8 llU8MH NAMa tTATeMINT Ginny L. Youog ~·~"f= NAME 8TAftllll!JIT Thi lollowlng peraoo1 ara doing Joeeph Pller Palmeat ..__. Th• lollowlng pereon I• doing bualnMI .. : Thia 1111ement wM llted wttll the WCM•• DualllMI u : NEW YORK WEST MODELS, C t Clerk t Orangt Counl)' Of '"'' PHOTO INNOVATIONS. 23312 875 w. 18th StrMt. Newp<>'1 S..C:h, oon~ 0 ' SOYICES wo Beauttf\11 lrvlnt T errece 3 ;: Bdrm 2 beth tiom1, In s.11 great femlly erea. Ml- nutN clo .. to beaches Cemlnlto Juanico, Laguna Hiiia. CalHoml• 821183 Aug. ' 1982' F1Mll00 11 s.rv ... o..-..., C1lll0<nla 92853 Elltl Producttona. Inc: .. e Publl1had Orang• Co11t • Y EMPLOYMENT & -end Faehlon l1lend Shella Ellen Kellett Br1n<lweln Callfomla C()l'pOrlllO(I, 875 w. 18th Pilot, Aug. 10, 17, 24. 31. 1982 eka Shell• Brend & Shalla Kent. Sl•eet. Newport Beadl, CallfOf'nle _________ 3_5_1_e-e_2 rtf PAIATION 23382 Camlnlto Juenk:o, Legune 92&e3 PtltllC NOTICE Hlll1, Ctlllomla 92$63 Thie bu.U-la conductld by a -------~~--Thll Dualnna .. oonductld by en corporellon. flCTITIOU8 ..,... .. lndlvkluel Bit• Ptoductlona, Inc. H.._ 8TA~ Shella E. Brlll\d'Mlln Allan Neumenn, Th• following p1r1on la doing -IV'I) , .. -... Thll atat-t w .. lllld with lhl PrMIOent ~ ae: County Clert( of Orangt County on Thia llat-t WM lllod With lhl FLAMINGO PRINT WORKS. 70 A-11U July 20, 18112. . County Cieri< of Or1111g1 County on Sanclplplr. lrvlne, CA 82714 ~= 111_..... = F1'*2 July 18, 1982. KAREN FA IT H FINE, 70 Cuwru•~w,._M -PuDll1h1d Oreng1 Coaat Delly ,,,.,.., Sendplc>lr. trvlne, CA 82714. c:.ta -Piiot. July 27. Aug. 3, 10, 17, 1982 Publlahed Oreng• Coelt Dally Thia~ la OONluCtAld by an ~ .. v... = 3370-82 P1101, July 20. 27. Auo 3. 10. 1882 ln<IMdoal. """",.. ------------1 3270-82 KMen Faith Fine c;._s.i. - l'ta.IC NOTICE ™• at•t-t wu 1111C1 wttn IM =::..... c-: FICTTTlOUI llUllNEH l'ta.IC NOTlCC County Clert( of OrlllOI Co\Jnty on -, - H ... •TAnMENT __ _.;_--~"."'."'.:'.'==--I July 18, 1982. ,,,._ Ll-k - ehOll'l)lngl Anume loan and 111i1r wlH carry! Sall pnc.d •t 1225,000 -act nowl 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS The tollowlng perlOllS we doing FlCTITIOU8 9U ... H P\lblllhed Orang1 COHt Delly ~ = DlllH No'lcls ~ 11. MAllll1 1 aTA~ntf"{a doing PllOI, July 20, 27. Aug. 3, 10, 1N2. -11 -~i~ ~~_. = SUN-MOON LIQUOR & JR. The fol ow ng pereo 321°"'2 ~h.t.•"';.;: •----------• ~:,,~~:h ~ BHch Blvd. ~w':oRT MEDICAL AN D l'ta.IC NOTICE ~'°'C = THE REAL ESTATE RS Wan-Mo Chen, 7 Glenn, 1rv1ne, REHAVIOAAL GROUP. 1300 B<lltot =.•J!.... = SMITH CA 82714. Straet North, N1wport Buch. NOTJCE OF DEATH OF -··•-.,. a.r - A L BE R T v I R G I L Pl-111'1 Chen. 7 Glenn. ltVlne. CA Clfif~~2ro Schmitz M 0 711 PAUL H. POTTER AND OF ~~HJF'l.SW.0 = SMITH, resident of Corona 92i~:· boslnas 1a conductld by an Ooun AVll'IUI, HuntlnQton 8"cn. P E T I T 1 0 N T 0 . IOATS l MAllNE de1 Mar, ea. Passed away on lndMdull. c11110<n1a 92848 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO EOutnmn A\.lgU!t 6, 1982 at the age of Wen-Mo Chen This bull,_. 11 conductld by an A llHH. O-•I 52. Survived by ._,_ eon and Thi• lletement wu filed with the lndlvldull. Sch 1 To all heirs beneficiaries -.lloont s.rv1 .. ... -ma ,..~. 0 ,.._.. Robef'I E. m 12. • • -...11an-.1tqu1p f wife Mr. and Mrs. BradJey """n~ Clerk of renge ....... nty on Mo c r editors and contingent ............. --:smith of Laguna Hills, Ca. July 2 ' 1g82· ,,1 .. 111 Thia atei-t waa lllld with 1n. creditors of Paul H . Potter t::!:t'r ci.an .. Services wiTI be held on PuDll1hed Orange Coest Delly County Cllftt 01 ~engt County on and persons who may ~ ... u.si;,. Do<h • --Tuelday, August 10, 1982 at Piiot. Aug. 10. 11. 2.-. 31, 1982 July 15· 1982 ,,1nae1 otherwiae interested in the :::::-=.:~· l :OOPM at Loma Vista _________ 35_7_5-8---l2 Publlahed Oreng• Coaal Delly will and/or estate: TIAMSPOITATIOM Cemetery, Fullerton, Ca PllOt. July 27. Aug 3. 10. 17, 1882 A petition haa been filed ~,...·" .s.i. 11 ... Pacific Vie w Mortua ry. 337142 by Mary B. Potter in the ~eon N Beach di.recton 1921 t o 1941 where he ----------Superior Court of Orange J;:.~-.n· cars•bikes• ewport · worked at Payton Boat PlB.IC NOTICE County requeating that -"-.s.ie II•"' *skateboards• {f Tr......_Tra .. t BODENBOEFER Works for the war e ort, au pr" 1 o" co u "T o" Mary 8. Potter be appolnted Tr011an.uiu1ti trucks* baby JACOB .BODENHOEFER. then m h is primary trade CALWC>NtlA u --al re...-ntative to -'-Semfft'.:: E ·a es•tea h ked f C ... ..._.. Of' OMHOa. _ _.!:::::;::;:ur ..... !'"es-ta•-of Paul AU_ -Ill earn g born in Auatria-Hungar on upholstery e wor or ...,.,.., • .,...,w>Yocc u.n: ""' t •t ·k July6, l901.Pu.wdaway on Men Upholste~y.a nd a :!,~::!~.=: H . Potter (under the =.!etu•><• ::: car S n es August 5 1982 after a short venture m boat building as a MAMtAO. Of' PETITIONER' Independent Administntion E:!:f!.Z : rollerskates• il.lnem. ~came to thl!! U.S. boat builder with Central J 0 R 0 E BR IT 0 8 0 T 0 of F.atates Act). The petition ~u'°""' = Walkers•toyS . in 1908 and to Los &ftneJes. Boat Works 1946-1948. He RESPONDENT· CARMEN TOMAS la aet for hearing in Dept. v-._,. •wagons•••• ·~oe I t d t P l ESCOBAR 00 c· i Ce -'-w .. ,.._ Ca. in 1920. He lived at hia ae m • r e •re o . a m -~ (fAMl.Y LAW) No. ll at 7 iv c nter A-•--scooters•hot Balboa Ialand home from Springs and then retired !n CAR""..U...ft 0201411 Drive, w~ in the Oty of AUTOS. IMPOITEI -----------L-anders, Ca . J1cob is HOTICIS Santa Ana, California on a-.1 ''" rods•coupes• survived by his wife Ethel. vw NIM ...... eued. The oewt A~ 25, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. ~..;."-0 ,,. trallers•hard ,,~-------...... W""--and "----th --deetlM ........ J04I wtttieut YOU o .......... r th '"""""""" = t • t , '9HCI lllOTMHS 90ns ........... . no:JU"" • 1;~r 1111n1 llHrct 11n1111 r•11 ,.,.,Jl:A.# • to e il11w • '"' ops conver -SMITHS'MOITVAaY grandc h ildre n Peter. ~ wlthlft •.,.. "-'.,.. grandJ\g of the petition, you c-. riu ibles•motor 627 Main St M ichael, Stephen, Kerl, 1nfonMtloft 1114ow. ahould either appear at the~ ::r, h *I ~nllngton Beach Stacey and Kenneth ll and K,.uwta1110 ..... ttt11dwtolof hearing and state your~:', ::l: omes awn 536-6539 ai.o 4 great-grandchildren. ~~~=-/:! obi·ect1ona or file written:;:... :m mowers•1tmos The fami l y reques t• 191t10ft110fp6Mdlnf,Kany,_, obectlons with .the court '"'""' m1 •corporate donation• be made to the 11e tltM on 11,._ be ore the hearing. Your = .. 0~.. ;:: headquarters American Cancer Society. AVllOI appearance may be in pel'IOn ~ 9111 •garden carts 'ACIAC YllW MIMORW PAil Cerret•ry Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 McCOti4tCX MORTUARll5 l aigun1 Beech 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-<>933 San Juan Capistrano •96-1ne Mus of Chriati.an Burial will Uetld Ila eldo "'"•nd8do. II or ~ your att~--y. :~-.... mi tftbllftal puect. .. ......., oontra ........ u '"' 1110 ..,.. Model A's•H• be celebrated on Tuesday. Ud. •In Mlcllenot. •MIMI 41.,. uct. 1 Y 0 A R E A 111011 :!!: AuRUSt 10, 1982 at 5:30PM at ,..,_.. cteftn dll ao .._Lee 1e CREDITOR or a contingent ,..,:.,. ::~ •typlngtables St. J oachim'• Cath ~-.,. ... -credltorofthedeceued,you .....,. .,. wheelbarrows• Church, Costa Mesa. No ~•:d..:u•e '°"~•:.:: muat file yourclalm with the ::.':: :I: recreational other aervice9 are planned, 1111n••· d•tt~ .. .,,. court or preaent tt to the ~11.,t• := vehlcles•golf ~ cte .u ...-., peraonal representative ~· JI:! *tnodel WILSON 141 ,.._ .. • ..... lltoft. If "-' appointed by the court cc,,.· -carts BONNIE WILSON, •ge ••111n1, p1ttd• .., "•1••rect• e within four months from the i:t::,.. ;: trains*blkes 65, long time resident of ~THE RESPONOEHT date of fl rat Issuance of ~=·• .. • ;m • planos•cars Corona de.l Mat, Ca. Pu.ed Thi pttltlonlt hOI fllld a P11Hlon leUen aa proyided in Seed.on Wfl$. lt(W refrigerators away on Ausust 8, 1982. She concerning YoUr mtm._ "you fall 700 of the Probate Code of • • s"ates• • • • • • w a 1 a m e m b e r o f to Ille e reapOnM within 30 cSeya of C Hf t Th tlrae tor o-o1 " Com mun it y Chu r c. h ~·: ~.t.J:,• ='= .:! fWnc 0~ wW not exptre a-.i ~IS1 1$[1 .· = Con1regatlonal and had antered and t111 OOUl1 mey _,,., e prlor to fOUt montha ~ AMC I llW TWll•S 1111111 MU11 111 to bllle¥al At>- eolutlly no 1Xpen11 wu 1p1r1d to make thaH the nlcelt }/O'J heV9 ...,., ...,_ 8ultt jult -e tingle lwnlly dettlehld hOmll. Big, big rooma, t>M&rtlful tll• and carpota, 1ky-llghta, top of the tint ap- pil1noe•. etc .. otc. Cell 5*-2313 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS WlllAIU YA LI. 11 8'A% on this 4 bdrm holne on E'alde or Coall M ... with pool, ape, and many other 1menlt1e1. 1110,000. In H•umeble 1oe111. owe. On • cul- dl-uc tool Reduced to 1159,900 Cell 979-5370 \ f ~·I l I 111:' If I' I :. • •, •, • ! •.• t ~. • • ..lllUll Ul.IMISUll Flrat time offered for Nie. Chermlng nr. ,_ 2 aty. arc;hlltcturel gtm. Qu1t11y thruout. De- 1lgn1d for guHt quer- ttra. ~•Ucelly prloed $595,000. Seller will II· nenoo. No loan i... 144-4111 ----- l'I'AYI.OH CO. ' ' ' Laaoon view from e bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark nn, den. Boat allp. Now •uoo.ooo. IAYSlll llVE Spec:tacular bayftont vtew 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat allpe $1,000,000. 01111111 OAYI Coronado Ia1and CUit. bayfront lot. ~· boat dock. Plana avail. Red. $370,000 w/terma. ILIFFI HIH Single atory end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest areenbelt. .250,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J•I ' Buy\od1· Dr••• r< 8 bl~ bib! FORECLOSURE •HU.. War ••••rtnffJ Steal thia NEW plush 2 ~ ACRE 360 DEGREE VIEW ESTATE. Orig. listed for $2,200.000, foreclosure price $1,128,350 appx. W/$350,000 dn. Don't delay, contact PATRICK TENORE 760-8702 or 631-1266 R&IM~ of Costa Mesa &SllUIU Y.& LI. 11 8'1i% on a 3 Bdrm. 2 b• home with llfgl lot, ~~~~:;~:;;;;!wet bar, llrtplc end communlly pool. Rotrlg. Ir-. & dryer ore Incl. Only 1120.000. Cell --DRAMATIC COUNTRY 121,llOMWI Tll ILlffl Owner wm c;a.rry 30 ye1r nxld rate loon at below m11111t retea. Act noWI 4 bdrm. ·•c" Plan In prime locellon In the n1w1r North eectlon. Full prlee just 1279,500 L.H. *amrn* ........ w. Pllf Dn Zoned for en 1tudloa, gift 1hop1, 1nllqu ... Mc. .• Owner '<11411 carry fl.. n1nclng for 25 y11r1. Only I 13S,OOO. 2670 San M lguel Dr, Newport Beach 759-1&01 or 7151-7373. ~ Walker & Lee AttractMt fOUf bedrOOfl'I home. l(J«:flan and family tOOl'I\ completlly upgfa. ded. Wet bet with Wine rack and refrigerator. Newly recar,,.ted •nd peAnted, IH0.000 979·5370. .\ (:·I l / 1l/~' // ESTATE 8000 1/1 on 1 acre, m11alve eloctrlc gate•. cotlbleltone motor COYr· tyard. tpoctaculer eotry. 6 bdrm. 8 bath1, 5 lrpt hug• trplc1. Room tor tennl•. No. Tustin • Or1noe Hiii• wllh view. 12-15 min. to alt frwys, airport. So Coast PlllDI. 11,400,000. ~·I td • ' " •, ~ l '. 1 ,,,. E 11t 1 ';, RICK ALDERETIE 1talter/ht1l•••r ll1-444t/111·1111 ..... " ··-, .. t WoMt ... ·-·-10.. ... ....... 10""• •••on..,. )16.(l'f!N .... n• ... ... ... .......... - 1• '• .... ........ ..... .. "'" ..... ..._ ...... ••• ttu. ... •w'4tt ·-· ..-. . "°"' ,,,._,, ....... ..... ...... Ott• '10., ~~.~::n...~ u ••• ttCW.tt •• ,~.i .. _ ... ~~E:!!I ;::;. .... un .... J'J,...., ,."'" n...,..., .. ... 1'1 .. " ..... .,+ ... .... . .,...,,,. .. _.. .,o, .......... , .. .. _ .. o.o ··"·~· ...... ,,, ... ........ .,_ .... .... ... ._ ......... '"• ..... ....... .... ,.c. ..... . .. .. .. .... ,,..._...... •. "~" ,._.., '°''-' .. . ....... .,,_ .,_ .._ .. , .. ·-., ... ·-. .......... ·-... {>Nfw-1 .. 1 SlllC & RNlt INOIVIDUAL SPORTS H G H 0 R S E 8 A C H R I 0 I H G C I l I 8 E N R E 0 I l G E l Y S K I 8 H I l C N I A T H U 0 H I I H H t R C H E R G F A H H Y R H S 0 8 8 Y C L G A G I G R 0 G I C 0 N 8 H l H A T E H N F l R I U 0 N I T I H U G I Y A I T H C N I C T L H P C 0 L H Y H I L R H U H I P I F I C S K 0 0 T D I M L A 8 R l U 0 G H A R R S K Y 0 I R Y E G H U H T t N G G N I H A K A T B Y C Y C L R H 0 H U G N I T A K S S W t H H I H G Y G I N G L t 0 A R B A G N 1 D I R K C A B E S R 0 H C S 1 .. ~: Hlddln _... .,.._ ... forwwd, .... i _., uo. eo-or dlaeONllY. flrld Mdl end boll It In." Arehtly Olldlr Moun• Clilllblnt ~ llcvde Hlkl"' Stoti"' u Flko!wy Honelllcll Aldlnt hydMne • Fielllne Huntlne T "flllifte Si#tlllrnlnt Seiling oomne Tomoflow: MOllntM ':~~· S<C~~~-4£~s· ------..,QAYlc- •=':~~~ ............ '-_ .. _. .... .... H•DOI U.W"-MT. OUYI Mor1uaty • Cemetety Cren.tory 1625 Gisler Ave . been auociated with the judgmtnl eontllllllng lfl!IM,:1: °'the date of the hearin1 ~ .. ;: · ... : ..... :·:tt Paceant of Malt.era f« many othlt ordlrl conoemlllO d noticed above c..-. . . . . . .. •11 yeara. Survived by her ~~~· 0~u::P=r°~~io~~~ YOU MAY EXAMINI ~ = I f R y U P I hu.band Joeepb. children, 1111. ooit.., and IUdl °"* ttlW .. the file kept by the court. U ~i .... · : '.: : I' I I Jacqueline Moffatt of mev be grlillled by tbl OOUtt Tltt you are lntereai.d in the oiw ... l• • • -If It's got .. Lm19I . . . . = Beach, Ca., Debra ~t °' WllGll. tlklnO of •tate J:' m&1 file a r.que1t ~. ... .'. · ·. .'. ·· : wheels, 111-7* C:O.taM.S. 540-5554 ~lllOJHllS ~UOADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadway CottaMeN 642-9150 , f ., __ Dl~ro-moMy Ot ptOC)erty, or otflw OOVtt h ' i ;;'I"; • · · •··• ····· · -•U1'Ml'f * I P " R A S I o ~· ........ , llUI~ Pfoceedlf9 mey allO wit e court to rece vet=',•. . . . . .• ~ ~ou'll move •T.. 11 ! J .A. Wtl90n Ill of ttle, r.utt. epeci._l notice of the 1 .. ..nck .. : ... ::.:·;;; tf•sterlna .. 31 I I I I • W a 1 h In & ton. a 11 o 3 Oo.ttd: '*U#Y t , 1H2 tnventory of .. i.i. uaeta 11~~ .. • ••• • -a 8paclou• ' t1ory. . . . . . l 1randchlldren, brothera ~A. •RANCH, and of tt.. pettdona, accou:nta 11'"'~ ...... ·: •. :.: : . : Dally Piiot bdrm. 2 beth~ Warren Hamilton of Lo• ..... c' ., ...... , and renoru detctlbed in=-.....:'.. •· . :. E classified ~i!':'-ectC: r_,.;.v_o_1 ,...E_,T.--11 • ~ c. L Hamilton UJ• ,_ P' 2 0 0 a t h = "'"'9> .......... .;.. teOI I I I r All hi• 1111 he'• bMn • oultt• · Y"I\ OaoutY Sectlon 1 ... o t e ,,.,.:::,.,,.;, .:.: '.: •.• ""' ad. Call l l'llUGft ~. aa&... .... ____ __....._.J rlddenptr1011.He1t1111a11h11 of ta Ana. ea .. Lowell "°"""It. 'AUM°"' CaUfomla Pr'Oblte Code. v ......... _.......... .,. M2·5678 and a INCWOU THI I.ANDI --------. OOl\¥11Hllon• Wttll "I'm -" Hamilton of Iowa, 1teter • caa.""""" W-. Brut 6 Pettitt .,....,..w. .... llr .,.,_ I T w ROG H I Macfae Cnwt~ of C.Orona =.. 0 • ,.... Ahonn at IAw friendly ad· ... ,n 1--...1, ..... 1;.1-.1 ....... 1.......,1.--t G ~= ............. ~.:... ... ,~_ .. del "l.hr, Ca. Metnorlal Putiliehod Or1na• CoHt Del H WUUln 81••·! s.ite Viser Wiii l~~!*!'!,.!!!!-~!·~~I '-· --i.. _., _ _.. _ __,_..__ __ ....... .,.. ;;.,;.,,. ,_;.""' .,...: Hrvlce• will be held on Pllc>t • .1u1y 21. Aug 3, 10, 11. 11ta CM To=. .;:-"'9 help you _ - -~~& iT'. \1• t1~! 1-----------i~aMl:.'r.ef" •n ,.:::*· turn vour P,11GP!!-.O neecs...,.,.. • "'~laoZ-u!;,umu ... r t r r r I comm u n tty ch u r c !': Publlahed Oranp CoMt o.itr Not wheels Into ~.r,:J~ e "i~'tt'1#' 1hf11f I I I I I I ~don&l, c.orona aei C•"~'u~2;,~!.::;.rd• Dally PUot. AUCU" a.•. 10, ¢1......., l4MIT, caSh. lllMCI D4MCTI)frf _ • • • • • • Mar, ca. Ralph w. Shannon towotk tor 1912 .......... -~1~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~1==~·~-~...,_=1t1==:L.•~~,~·~u~m~~-~·~·~·~la~•~·~·~·~· ~·~1!1 !1!•!!:.. J'uDWal ~. Ort.np. ...,_.....':.! IMtft.tr.~....... lfttn.~l.W....... letftf.tf..~ ...... l!Ml.t-11.w. ...... ltim.~.'M. ...... !mlr.IWftMf.tt.. IMlr.ftl/JrMMi! .. IJB.frlls.-C •. ,,.,,_,, .,._,..i'~ ~~~.: ....... J.«I "'11.lffff ...... !.4f1 lrtttt ........... l!M fl!l.mlLfmLJl.ft !'.fiffl.W. .. J.~ ,,,,.. ~I* _.,.._ '1itlrif.td. •• 1Mf ... ~ .......... illf"lflTI. ...... . .. .. ..... -.w ..,..., ~~~'1r. it';":"~~ ma.• Tllll ....... -:.~1~:riii':: ··~;.;.A.AMI ·~r:=-t•:e: !'.ef.fm! ..... "11i.lffft ...... 1Bf ~ • -~~=-.:· Mu•• .. 11.' lllr oo·ol), .... .. lnlov View from terr• 14M1N • • t·IOr'• NOC> to llOOO olOM to IGftool ~ ..-: wun 1-. "'N~\.~ I -fft ~ ....... a.nt\ of 1127 ,000. owner wlli HMO•t ~==~~?f: 11r1v1t1 com1t1ut1lty .,,ii 1 'a del\ dupiu. 3 Ba. 1 7eo.»1• °'*' 1-0.Yt 112-MN. ~':IJ ::. :;~ ,,,. mlll te .,....., Peclfto OOU1 Hlgh•:t ~ 1at loen. IY... r::,n:~:~= Cit g1t, pvt oourtyard, WALtC TO HACHI S l !Vff1 Condo, ba,front, l\4MU,_..,. ~ -::r::;:i. ~1 i:t llr ••tlrAlil Mr, Poolli pa, , bdrrn, 1 .,. •••• llMI 4 eorm "-~ GOm9f lot, MN/mo tno. ldnft, t lettl • ..,, lfO yet, _,..., 3 ... ~· 3 be. 1200. h!.CJ!!r1'!1 .... m Laro• t tr. 1 1 1. with "°°"'to expand P~ Ml-l!lt M, 1~,_ ~ -. -lcltefWI ~to tt9111otd fM. No C*a. AV911 Im-IMO. 6'14233 Aot ohg. ...,,, -1133· I br ,.,. M. 1 bit to bdl, OWIOt. dtw, !Mlnclry rm: Gall'./ 1o4 pttoe. '2sa.ooo. l~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!I IUIMllle. 1178,000. Ne-LUCl,.NI: I •lory 3 _,. patio. a725.000 in-mad. ~9'-l''f.3 Llroe 4 ldrm, 2.,. btth Vl rH lll" luxury 1 Ir.. ctiHdrenl'* OK. Meo. l4ff: Clllfewon Colh. LI ... , UITlm lotlablt C•H for eppt. bdrm.""'' bdrm,_,.., cflXltt lend Vriy W6. cui. 1 bf, pa.. dbl'oer, qllfffl• lt l•nd oourtya rd. UH/mo. ...2..-71974-722& ~!I l'r ~~ CUM air hoUM. Owr'9I' Sl-1078, 144-4•'2 wl~. vi.w. --.imeble 141•1211 110 . Q e rd•n~n . k":1;· r= & ..,.. All 707'4' ActCle. M0-41.. . • "'•'1>19. IN!r 83t-14lu 1v °*'*· ~IY Pn ~T~, '::6,.:.~.!g!tm uwoa °'" cwily 77 • 03Hm Aet ar.at iooetton 3 Bdrm 2 ~,. 0on·1 "" on1y 1 ..,.,. • (,[OH\~f HKIN S (.0 S er 2 I• w1t11 l•rge n.o.t ,,. I• ong la gar, only 1160 chg, f.nn.Jlj" If. •Wiii wttll 2 II., pa.. ~'°' ftool'plan, (2 or 3 y11d.' Open 'Haute Sun. Bkl. flOIM1n-.,:.;t;:U.~ ... 1 Vr Old 3Br :lie a Olf 0374233 Agt ...................... tlo, In QIAiell .,.., ,.,.,. 1-==~='~~~·I er. 3 h MW condo).'°' 12·•· ,,..,,too. Cell • bdrm, 3 ba, gem• 1ttec11•d gir1oe tnod "1M Ill"" ## poo1. MH. 14s.331i °' •IJllT..., oo-purct11M with fri.nd 5514922 .. ,., •m )'cl 5blttetromb0ti 1750 ... ~ ....................... t7&-H41t, lnetantty, llOmtl e.tull· or '91at~. l!njOy ~ • TtWllllll =o!~=~ 1';!:;Y9 m0. 1-82N24e ' T ... •t•t Y:Zry~ N~:!i,~ ~ Dedl, -C-tll-ld-,.,,--Mlklome---2-&-t h.1tu ..-.. • d ntt (t.X & IPC>f«ll•llon) La.to...... J.M 2 • 1 la V ... . .......... f t ..... a bdrm 2~ bt DMI Ootf ...-Br. "47f·ltl5/l'llO. Im· ·-•r upgr-• eco-ot ownerthlp. &uptr ::1'.~•••••••••• •••• .. r. et'Y pr .... att "-o m n .,.., ooeM. WALK TO 91ACHI I • • 117a.<13411 rated epecloue a Ir a loc.tlon with Ill amenl-,.., f.•tlo, Immaculate, ... Ju. 92,000 mo 75'-1015 bdrm 2 beth nr-iaoe cour" view, Hourlty med. oc:ieupancy •viii. deft 3 81. Welk to bMct1 -••• •ay p(1n 9190 000 all cat11 ' ' .,.. ' gete tennl1, pool •nd Yrly 1718. Otlulle 2 br, rtt:lft. Mon tnru Bet. t-6. & .reorH tlon feo11111... • .... No down, mln.ltnum A-wA·o•w1~1R . &4W1H • C1-'•tru1 1n1 3 BR 2 le.•.:. View,,_ g~g•7 3P!13otet. 1500. Jae. t1400 mo. 557-7372 I"" prkg. N•ar wattr. Comer of Adame & ,.,,. c1011nl coet. Cell " "'"' ••••~•••••••••••••• pe1n1&cpt1 •1,000mo. c . .,,83 ·'~IQ 7f.3083,t711o-tet7 vtew 567,..785 No =·:.:.:: :1m~·~~ 831·505 or e.42·2000. OoMn v.._.. 3 bdrm, • El1g1nt 3 Ir a den. HOO mo. p1yment for Agt. 1eo.oi01 SUPER SPECIAL 3BR UPPER BACK BAV . 38r, . . ,,.. .. a be, kit. w/eonvenleneet. country etyle hom•. 2Br, 2B• oondo.11·~ VA IBA l•nced d ., 2Yi8a Exec l!Ome. to golf Yrty IO airy 1Bt, •t..,. to •Lo 3er Zia nr fC Plaza. ~is1~1~,~rloe 239, ICUll VllW rern. rm, 1ge gwden. Pt· French doo,., bay Win· 101n, 11klng 19•.500. larhr View 090 ohg /37· /233 couree view lot, c1Mn. boll, •II amenltlet. MOO F'91h, 1UnftY, elty, ecllt • 2 Bdrm, 2 be, condo. Full tlo, formal din. rm, io. llv. dowe, hrdWood noor1, 3 ee 1-3380 1tta4' ... r AOT · · • new opt•, S 1000 mo. No mo. t75-34 t2 ple11. no p111 opl prat lrMrlltlel anc1 "°· oate. tm. Oul•t cu1-e1 .... o. trplo'•. '"'Jir lot. owe l..J "''' IOlf Beaut. e11eclfemlly hma · teee. AQt 8'~3850 J.lNI 9525. 117t·24118. &-1/M No qullltylng with l8000 rr~~· 9y owner. lOtll, 15% , xltlt ioc.. •••••••••••••••••••••• with • 8111, 2 81, plu1 Nr8 8t>Mc0 h 21obr, huge gar NICE 3br w/tunny pool •-'-_, ••ft Large EU1tldt 1 Br. 1 Ba. down. 1o.75 % Io• n tlOn. S 1711,too. Fee lend. IY IWlll powder rm. perteof for • • Pll • pet• *"50 bak«t kltctl, more $375 •• !'.~':!':!~~ ...... f~.. New eerpet1, bright a ~··••1 -"t-' ' ~ jl >t ' t ' • program evellable. C1ll r.-.., '1fl811 IHI By Owner 831-2134 Private B••"h "ommu· entertelnlng w/wttblr, 0C..RENTAL8 750-331' OC..RENTAL8 750-3314 2 er. 2 Ba. duplex, p.:• ...-. *"215 851·'522. Rich. Owner/Agt. -::r.-::: •••• ,........... "' " d t __ , -nlty. New 3 bdrm, 3"4 ba. pvt yar ' cut om trff 1"Q1 3144 2 br 2 bl w rage. frplc, yMrly B r PINE BLUFF PTI •• 1164-8l7I s•LE OR TRADE .i-c roof garden Peno-houM for the chlldr•n •••••••••••••••••••••• • dUple}I, ..,,.,, t75-4tt2 A .... " • " BIG CANYON ramie view $370 'ooo ,,..... cell 720-0332. El-L.0••111 dryw, frplc, Xtrl lge P• , Br. wtth '°"· 2 ea. Child Now only 1230,000. And UI I 2 U TWlllll 3 Bdrm, A· I Condi 213•1592..s11117 &.111 11en ArtUkovletl Alty. -.. llo. Pet OK. S77S yrly. 2 bdrm, 2 bl newer dplll. ok, on the Biun., petlo, no nffd to quellfy lor ::r" f~.~~h:~ doe:: ~o=l~~:~~t B'!":: OPEi IOUSE Surtlllde. oi*t 2·5 Chermlng 3 br llom• In ~n =.~-:,~ = es l·2te0 ~typ!~tV~ TIM'lkrt, =-~'~.h==. .. ::. ~~:.·e:!'r:m31:J,~. and pymt asllltted prog· E'llde C.M. Part trade, 11 llll Ylrfl Of&. I / •-belul. Shoreclltf. Avail bl• lmmedlltely. 11 ::,:r 4 e.$ = 1q ft. 213/799-4195, 257-117112 lndryrm. Sllt15/mo. ram. Call Rick. Owner/ xlnt financing. Cell Kerry I I II lO •II H .. 1111 yHr'• leue Sept. 1. 1800/moon 1 yeerleue. v •IP'· 2 mo. SPMC 831-8107 2 beth plu1 pool and Agt.1164-8171 wkdyt 548•0331. other ••• 1 J •• ft •••••••••••••••••••••• 111100. eoyd Reiltora, Five othe" 10 chooH 4 Br 2 Ba, bonu• rm, ... 50. 2 Br. utll. pd. 410 ---------p1t10 on corner. Neer 1-...=...-------551•2812 .,.. #1ill1 ••••• 1175-51130 from. We're the onea 10 comm. pool. $11115/mo Harding. B1lboe. No Great locatlonl 1 Bdrm. :~::d1:n:.=:: $10 0 0 T 0 TA L Ldt ,,,,,, 10s• 3 BDRM . 2~ BATH ,,, 1.11 1100 CHI•.... ,IU iJ....... 3 Br 2 Ba, comm. pool, pell. 647-1165 rr•g•. 1300 + chg. ratil ~ 8EST BUY IN CANYON ••••••UH.Pali•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~i \\OOdbrldge ~~~~r !t~ Pf=. Y 1 e r I y 1e11 e 1 Br . 37 -3 233 Agt chg. watertr---.. DOWN •••••••••••••••••••••• $499,000 Owner/Bier OC..RENTAL8 other'I Fred Tenoie egt 1500/mo. Sevaoe. Wiide Very lrg I Bdrm. dllld ok • • 1 -_ 1 • .. -•" 1.,1 ... , ....... .a 211-410..lllO Ooublewlde,llkenew, 1·5br'•l200toS2000 RHltlj 831.t2eeor&3l·27;1 &Co.117~ Only$320,537-3233Agt • 'IVV Piyment ONLY ..._ large llvlng dining kit 750-3314 open 7-daye chg - W1\llHl~ON I llOMI '-boc. REAL ESTATE fl.II 14011 eeautltul 2 bdrm 2~ be llaYIH LHlflH aree. Large patio, llgllt 551·3000 It• Cll•l'lllf 3111 8""-'1 becheklr, yrty rent·i--s'-------oondo. frplc, 2 car gar, Secluded ep1. over 1.000 llWNIT llllm Interior. A&111m1ble loan Weettld• 2 Br. 1 ea. fned 112t1lhrr1nra p~_.y,lr.ln.. •••••••••••••••••••••• al. 201 E. Belt>oe Blvd. El Ide 2 br. 1 be, anel. yard•. both bdrm• ere aq. ft. of decking, 2 Charming 28r 2b1 col· t1% pet1 welc:ome. patio, •ncl•d ger1ge. lllTW -B"utllul 3 Bdr 2'n Ba, 875-9582. 648-t3111 gar, pool. yard. No petl. melter sultea. Set/Sun custom llreplaoee, atrium tage. Huge lot. Fin. evall. 540·5937 new c arpet•. drapH. ooean & golf cour11 vu Ten. Pt: 2 bdrm, elec. 011. 1•95. 673--0731 12-5 c•ll 83 1·3•05 or olflamllyroom,dMlgner $185 000 548-7145 .70 F pllnt.NQpetl.$510/mo. 1 to5bdrma,stiartlno•t $800. ERA HomeeeUer1. Sun dk, pet, laun, no 2 Br. H~ ea. No pell. weekdey• 850·11778 or draperlea, centrel air. &42-8Bll8 · ' leetwQod, 12x40. plut NCUrlty. 548-5442• *"50tol1200. Doc . 58 1·1210 or pe t1 , yrly . 1826 . Laundry. Evet 963-&482 Ranch •tyle 4 bedroom. lurn .. NEW range & re-770-58211. 731-1873 875--0963 875-79911 *"50/mo. 831-3871 2 bath. Excet'•nt at•·~ frig, Starlight VIII. 714/ .. . '* OWNER WILL FIN .. v -Ullll 11111 8 7 3 • • 3 2 8 . 2 1 3 / 2 ..... 1 ea. w/ crptt, d11>1, ,..,, W•UU 3111 C.t1•I l1l #1r #U 2 bdrm twnh11, 1~ be. 12v.% m•ble loen. 1115,000 -•• YllW 799-1022 yard, E/tlde. S5115/mo. ••••••••""•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• i!rage. patio. No peti. Ill ••-• equity, wlll consider __.. 675·50e8. •CHARMING 8eacto Cot· ..... -•-· ~ 75. Nr 19th/Pomon1 -· 2 New Dix Cu1tom trade for North orange lnterlof Oeelgner'e Home Laguna 8ch, 2 br, tge pvt ---------\age 1 Br $825/ XI t ...... O&ll PllGI Homa County pr()peffy. Mlaalon • H~ master bedroom deck w/1101 tub. Pet OK. 38r, 2'n8e Condo, min to raft only: 49s..44":· n CORONA DEL AR. 1 _54_8-135_·_1 ____ _ Dover lnald• Big Canyon. 2 BR. On, 38•, OR, FP, Viejo AHlly. Owner/ wltl\ retreat lncludlng 120,000. 494-111123 bell l shopping. Pool, room With V. ba, walk to $425/mo. 1 er. 1 e.. apt .. owner wanu cull • Meny ammenlllea. Buy 1 •gent. Aak tor Carol fireplace & bullt ·ln Jee, & aeune. annual IM C..'-'•I••• beach. •II utll pd .. no frplc, lndry rm. 111 built· glvee I low price. Light or both. Atklng 179K ... 111-011 bookcaaee. 2 lg MOOn· D•1l1x11/ $765 mo. 1•t & last + u.1,,,.J1j• 31tf k I t 0 11 . II m 0 I I. • Ins, car port. 1nd airy atmote>here. 2 1754 Santa Ana St. Call dary bedroomt, 3 b•tht, U•/11 lll l•ll JIOO MC. dep. (714) 750~27• •••••••••••••••••••••• '325/mo .. ref. 5'11·11322 TSL Mgmt 8'2·9412 8drm1 & 2 b1th1. Only _e_7_3_-o_3_5_9_____ 111-1000 lam rm w/llrep11ce & •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 er. 1 Ba houee, off-at. 11.5z1c• .. 111aaft..,,fnuw11: Lux. 28r, 2e.. S.C. P\u., Mon·Frl 2 bd ,..~ b A_.~ $350000 1 I Wife , Fl bullt·ln bookcases Huge C .M. Duplex ""'n encl yard Utll pd .., l "ro"'"~ "'""1; Yu. AC, pool avlll 11•1 NI 1 B B rm, •· r...,-. ' . •••• I, r I le 1---------custom wet bar. A1tu: S175K/Olfer. Only S30K Ani."$375·mo. 6·75-18'2: '575 N ' t Sher. ee c H n 1 r. 1 a . Ol1hwaaher. prlv patio. UNIVUI: 11VMl:S STRIP & DIP II~ •• ,..... 1-· mebl• s 211•.ooo loan dwn. A11ume I 145K --·-------TlltTLllllOI 97"'mo23'90°~ •. • enclld garaoe. patio. No Oar No pet,t $520 mo • ,---N Ill I ., -... _,, u L I 3 b 2 b f ry ... w,. pets. $525 plul 111. & ...... · .... ,8 . Realtor•. 1175-6000 o qua Y ng to make ••• ••••••••••••••••• $725.000 Mauree n loena 11 10.5% 1111 I Pf11 II ove y r. •. •m -~ thll epecfactiler 3 bdrm PlllVICYI White. S..~200 Agent 8'2·91166 2 Br. 1 ea. Wetttlde. rm. crpte. drp1. bltlna. 1 BR, So. Cst Plaza. pool. laat. 1200 aecurlty. 803 --------- ..,_ l1lul JOH pool home your o S950 mo. 1 yr tie. tennl1, no pell. $475. Marlgold. &48-2778 Luxurlou1 townhouM, 2 wn. Secluded 3 8drm Lu1k l • •AAA *"75 bdr 2~ bl F 11 Ju et S 117 900 8kr •tl•I rllNtt. .vvv · 1173·5620 ev" & wkndt. 8'2-20211 $480/mo. 1 'n blkt to ma, · •m Y 648..0709 · · home nr Fashion talend. •••••••••••'"••a •••••• 4 e r. Wettllde. big tncd room. k"ctlen· ger. $700. $375,000. Petrick Te-62 Sherp Unltl, M enclsd yard. 4 8r. 2 Ba. 181171 Antioch. flftilSlll cc.en. charm 1 8r. ga. 557-3988, 5-45-7780 ....•....••.........•. llWI OHllll Redecoreted 3Br 2b• on prime location. Oarege. tun~. patlot. Nr. No. Bey. Owner will c:on11der flnan . 675·53111 , 1173-5291 1100 PH II. $20,000 dwn for e 25% Interest In property wl1ex thelter benefits. Owner oce<upled or lnvettor't Polltlon I Vlll Call Rich nore. 760-8702 Agt garagea, 12 bldg'•· All Atk about Investment $1100/mo. 1 ·-' &..~ 311z11 rage, lndry rm. 1 yr leaM, amenltlea • kl S3 planl Ag-t 54t 5032 ., .. ,.,,,. "' "' no pets, a vell 9 · 1. t 8R, quiet. large, gtr .. ~/agt, 11&4.e111 I c,,... 111 #u llU •••••••••••••••••••••• ltwly Pal•tt4 11..,. YHr lffer 4 bdrm, 2 b•, fenced Home+oueat+lncome c o r n e r I o t . L a r g e OWC 111 • Flex. Term1 garage/wk·shop Under 509 Acacia CdM nr bch S 100,000. SpotleM Vacent Duplex 646-8386, M2·4 172 Huge 5brl3ba+3br/3ba l-.-.. -,,-,,,-1-,.-.----440K own/bkr 8'5-7048 lfK IHO STOL m ··········•··········· 0 I II Id I S6500 down, 2 BR, loll, 1 wnere mu• qu 1 e year new condo. Neer deluxe 4 Br & 2 Br du-plex. so. of Hwj. Only 3 ocean. FleJ1lble term1. yre old. Great term11 S36-4ll37 $419,000. Darrell Path, egent. Re/Milt 75&-1221 S 11,000 DOWI P1'9mlum duplex. So. ol b1y1lde. Darrell P1111. egt Re/Max 7511· 1221 C..11 #,,. IOZf .....................• I 1111 STEIL A beauty on Goll Couree. 1124.llOO. Agt. Fred Te· nore 631-1266 CLOSE TO OOEll No money down, no qualltylng • own your home on our unique ahered epprecletlon II· nenclng. We have 5 ~ In Hunt. 8eech .. 3 BR 2'hba, 1600 to '2100 sq It. Paymenll run $1200 to S1600 per mo. Call Geo. Brooke et 7 141891-55511 *JUST REDUCED* LITl-LITI II you want to bulld your own caalle, this opportunity ot a llfetlme wllf fl9vet come ~•In. 3 Iott on Harbor Ridge, slde-by-•lde, with plans for a 10.000 aquere fool home with TENNIS COURT and pool for only $2,500,000. The Owner wHI JOlnt venture, trade or you can take over the whole project. $ 1.•00. 000 ol assumable f l· nanclno. WOWI 111111111 UUT LIOATlll I FIV E bedrooms and THREE bathe ful front pltlo and ehaded small beck yard. Great term• on this 2 Brand New Homes & bedroom 1lngle lamlly Condos. no money down H.8 home with lldd on whlle they lut (7 14) !amity room. Flreplace. 546-9522 Agt. Only $5,000 total down liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Two ol the bedroom• with one or the bathe and M91rt1le entrenc. make up prec11ca1. aeperate mother -ln·l •w (teeneger7) quartert. Another two bedroom• and a beth are upttalre. Flreplece In LR, alldlng door1 from LR and FR exit to covered rear P•· tlo. Slldlng dOOf In MBA open1 onto Ille VERY pleUant lront Piiio. pymt. Owner wlll cerry low lntereat 2nd T .D. Leas than S 1000 a month total pymll C ell 720--0391 fnUt 1044 ...................... Brand New Hom•• & Condos. no money down whlle they lut. (714) 546-9522 Agt. llYllE S1Dt,IOO ILlffl IUWI You own the lend. 2.000 aq ft, 3Br, f1m rm. 2'n Ba, wide Greenbelt. near pool. Far below market S245,000. Wiii ..... op- 11 on. 8 .'t.77 SQ. FT. PRVT . CO MM , '"V··~.~11 Wiii Ired• tor property, TD'e. Wiii le ase-option or low down. RHdy to deall Owner/Broker . Takes only $13,500 dWn 11.--5«..()814 to get $830/mo P•Y· 1---------mentt. 3 Br 2 8e condo 8ayfront view condo, 2 BR Don't wall, cell nowl 2 e.. NC bldg Boat allp 631-7370 IVlll. $500,000. 8y ownr/blcr. 1175-8637 LIN ll·lllE PEITllllE 1 Bdrm. 1 beth. Fantastic bay end oceen vl ew1. Sub perking. pool. secu· rlty bulldlng, walk to 1hops and re1t1urant1. Sllp evellable. $350,000. . .... ng . ..... • . •• ............ ••••••••• 7 1 4 I 8 6 3 • 2 7 2 3 new Carpet, ~pvt. Wiii 350,000. 1.250.000 Agent 662·1700 l·3-8d_r .;;.2_'"_8_a_t_own __ home __ • NEWPORT C R ES T 71 .. /337·"""8"11P .... conalder Pett. 1375. Down Exl1tlng loan TWNHS by bell 4 br 3 .. °""' .,. .., 14,L.,, Wiii carry note. 3 bdrm. 2 ba. 2 car gar, l1m rm, patio. A/C, up-· · • 537-G233 AGT ,.n I.,""' d 1725 d d I t I ba, w/d, pool. Jae. tennla. 0u..i-, 2 bd, t ba, ear· ---------7 t4/ll45·4411. By Ow· -.-Y~..:,30•6· gr• • · poo • enn '· 2•n 1 .,..... L t"· freshly...__ .,,..,. .. perk, evell. Im med car g.,1g1. yr. lea· P•t•. drapes. gar. pat. g .... ..,_.,,11ed. n«. $685/mo. 1169-l543 M $1300 mo. Need la-clHn. no pet•. 1525.1 garage. Open dally or llYHTHI I t200 mo. pert furn. & 1---------m 11 y 11 1 t / 8 2 . D • y • 541-7234 call 545-32211. 1118-4 B. poolhouM. 5 8dr. 3 ea. 2 Bd . 2 Ba. condo. 633 -5 806 , eve• ,.__ I Anehelm St. 1350 mo. 1~. down, no qualltytng pool. 838 Pretldlo mlerwv .. pool, Jeez, $735 1175-71177. 673-233e. .,..,, #,,. #If 545-3229 buy1 an xlnt Or1nge 966·5306, 831·7370. mo. 49•-5063. •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------~~~y ,;:,~1:,1 ~~:·".l.i ,_116_1·_7_1_22 ______ ,.s_u_pe_r -d-e-•l_l _4_8_d_rm_.-2·-~ Aaatl•l•I• ,.,.,,.. 1 ••. 2 II. a ... ; N=~ ~:~'~!.8~e~ ~~· E ' -'de .. 8" 1 B ~ 8th F $67"' .,.•••••••••••••••••••• Newly decor. Ga1 pd. S .. 50 60 t .. 1·8 . llnanclng •rranged. pro-ea.. .. n •. • I • m rm, ger. u. C1t••• Iii #II J11Z encl gar, dwthr. pool.I ... · . • .. or tesslonally menllg9d with yard 236 Costa Mesa t. 537-3233 Agt chg •••••••••••••••••••••• bbg. Adults. no pett.,_5_4_8_8_6_75_. ____ _ lldm no headeches. Xlnt tax S850 1175-15114 Huge 4 Bdrm 2 ea, bulll· Ocean view. be1utllully 8'2·5073. Lerge 1 Br. 1 Ba. dlhwr. wrlt~tt & profit poteo-Coate M ... beeutllul 2 b<. Int. pell o61, S700. CllO furn. townhoute, lrplc. Spac:Jou 2 B 1 Ba _..25 lndry rm. cerport WI tlal. Call George Neel 2·~ ba. dbl aneched g•· 537-3233 Agt. 6Poo7 .. 1"~,J•llo. 1895/mo. 3 Br. s 1 'A 'ee. iH 5 : tide. $390. Av•ll 8· 11. :::!·7187 R.E Real e.. 'IOI· S775. 1~9&-0353. l-LO_A_DE_D_2_b.;;.r_w_/_ee_.-COOl--I .....,.....,. Leundry lee • pool ,_e._~_2_5_. ____ _ Lido Realty ---------IE/Side 2 er. 1 ea. n-Spa, novel kllctl. S560 C..11 .... 3111 548-9556 12·7PM. Nr. s. c. Plaza. 38r 2Ba, Hll /11 hit ZZOO cerpetl. drapes, 1 ltory, OC-RENTALS 750-3314 •••••••••••••••••••••• UPJ* dectl patio pool 673-7JOQ •••••••••••••••••••••• private patio. S545/mo. NEWPORT VILLAGE Plreplace, pool, d lah· children/pell o61 '$825° I~;~~~;;;~ 111111 lllHE 360 16th. Pl. 851-9522 W•8'111 IHfi 3111 8elutllul ehldy apt. wuher. pvt patio. x LO 673·8086 or a..5-3eee · Approx 'h ecre. Witt Mii ••'••••••••••••••••••• Pat101 & deck, gu & wtr G arden 2 8r. 15110. ---------or Joint venture. Value E'1lde home: 38R 2be. 2 EMERALD BAY. 3 er. 2 pd, pool & aeune, tennis 557-2841 . 2 br apt. N.E. tide, lanced ssoo.ooo. can 6'0-7665 car ger. S800. e.. lrplc. brlci< pauo wtth crt1. 11nd, volleyball crt. lront. cul-d•aac. quiet. BEST IN 548-3561 :f~22:5.15O0 · 2 1 31 rec rm, 1Br furn. $470 .aJ.-tfiield 14115. mo. (71').594-18e1 •••llJI RENT TO OWN· N-28r l---------I mo. Jr 1Br furn ... 30 mo. •~ eves. BLUFFS •••••••••••••.••••••••• 2'~be, condo. c.i1 Rlctl. 3 Br 2 Be, ocean vu, Clll ~7--0075 fAlllLY "'1 -WE--STW--l-Yl-Wl--1- BHHI l•1•UiH ,_<:M_,__,_A_g_t_9&4-6 __ 1_1_1 _ 1825/mo, Arch BHch Du1111'111 31# Beeutllul garden ept1. 1 & 2 er aptt avell .. LIQUIDATION ••••••••••• .. ••• •••••• A 3 e 2 8 H lt • • Av a I I II / 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• PeUos/declcs. Heat paid. pool, spa. lndry rm. no .. BHll'llflN r::'l wai:ome. 's6~•;: 1_63 __ 11_2_12_att_3_P_M_. __ Super neat 1br. em older No pets. 2 children wel· pets. lmmed occupancy. Owner .. 11y1 Sell my JHej 3lf0 537-3233 Agt chg. HARBOR OCEAN FRONT >./Ille , cou rtyd. prv. come. 1 8r. '425-$.440 Homes He wlll reduce •••••••••••••••••••••• , ____ ...;;._...;;..__ Nu 3200' lux hm. on ... 00/mo. 497-706e. 2 8r. 2 8a. $585 2 8r .... 115. the prtce by the amount 3 8R 2 be nr Magnoll• & Lovely 38r, 281. lg lam bluff. 180 deg. vu· ol B••''•i"'-'11 398 W. Wiiton 831·5583 Call tor eppt. C 11 Pk 11 · IUn, m 1• r, •··• 3110 Sparkling clean, 2 Br. 1Y• mvm · .,.. • £« ol your down payment•. Vork' tow,;. Remod. ~ar rm. lrplc. 2 cer gar. nr 11 bor .. tn 3b y , •• TSL u... t ..... 5 81"" No pell S675. 963·17 7 ° ege · no pets. 3b•. ucurlty, uuna. -.. e $47 1111 Ykta ••I lft S700 mo. yr. 54a-.834 or S 9 •••••••••••••••••••••• •· O. F1noed, utll1 Du• 1.S.I UU 2 Bdrm, 2 yrs MW. '" ffl!:.~~.~'.t .. !.~~~1-84-2·_9_,_79______ :~1009. 1 9 5 / m 0 OF~,:~ JSu3~~~·P!o1~ ~:c ~l~;~~.1~ ~:.m•ll 2·.;;re;:~;.:'5·;5~ ~~t· ~~1!:Y A~~ Clal• ..... UpH 3 !~· ;.,~ :, ':U:•;::;;. •-J,,-,.-.. -,-.. -1-i•_•_t_l _J_Z_S_)_, rm., 1euna. encl1d 11•· 1911() Wallace 8'2~905 1 er $400 Both with $305,000 $195.000 loan ondo. 2 bdrm. 1 be, " See 2530 Santa Ana. ••'•••••••'••••••••••• rage 17301 Keelson oft $500/mo. 2 er. 2 Ba 1pt, DIW & stow 861-1192 et 15Y• VIA. <:Niner will rent, leaee or option to DO NOT DISTURB TE· Niguel Shores pvt comm. Slater. M 2•784B enclad garage. patio. help finance ~k· _11.000 mo. S350 NANTS S 1200 mo. 4 br & lamlly, 2 ba, W.ulf lflfj 3141 lrplc, lndry fee. Submit 221 • Yht I _.. ...._ 85 8 atrfum. 3 car gar. Pvt ••'•tt•••••••••••••••• on pet. I •r-• Atter 3·30 494-9378 1-226 beac h & rec center. FREE, well·furnlahed ba· TSL Mgmt. 8'2·1603 Excel 38drm "E" plan on or 494-8138 3 BR. tam rm. Meea Verde 11250/mo. 759-14115 chelor apt. Cable tv, epa, 1---.:;_ ____ _ wide green belt. Being Hlghlandt Ordnr lncd .. ,. I at,i 3_1 Hun•. pool. exehenge EASTSIDE 2 Br. 1'h Ba. redecorlted, new C¥Pet. #ntMrt lflfi 3111 chlldren amell p91 OK. i:•.::.'.!!.~'!i! ••••• !':'.. for occulonal night bell Townhouae. encltd g1· $285,000. ll tll.000 loen ·•·•"••••••••••••••••• $7115 Avl • r 911 HOME FOR RENT c111 II our Inn. Want rag1. lrplc. trnell pet o«. et 11.5 VIA wm NII for Winter. 2 bd, 1 bl, W/D. Own M5-t1~P 3 Bdrm. & • Bdrm. •"'"'5 quiet, retiring, unencum· OrMt loc. u llnle 81 10% down. Ava II Alter Lbr Day r. .. -TSL M t. 8'2 1603 • Cell Agent '°' delllls.. 673-30311 BEST LOCATION $860 10 $600. Fenoed yard• & tiered per'IOO. 811 l~808 gm • See agent sl open hou-LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm. lam gall 3BR 28A. ger.. g1reges. Kida & pet1 • ._,, IHfj 3111 STUNNING lerg1 1 8 r. se, rm 4 Ba StOO day bullt·ln•. new airpet and welcome. 5•5·2000 .•• -.-.""•••••••••••••••• garden apt. pool & rec. ••• 11.,1 .. ... ,. #41 ............••.••••... WllffLITUE 1 & 2 Br. Dl1count on tome modet1. Pool, 81>' Gym. Sauna. etc 64&.oelll . $350 each. turn. Pool. 1pe. 18992 Florlda. 8'2·2834, 842-3172 1'73 Vista del Oro · ' · more. chg. 537·3233 Agent, no lee rm 710 W. 18th. St. DAILY 1·5 OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, 1_A_O_T_. _______ 1Famlly Sized! 4 Bdrm 21!o THE N .. r beach 2 Br. 1'..+ Be. 1 8• $700 m o . 8111 ROOMS, 2 8R, c arpet, Be gal', large yerd, bullt crptl, drpt, blt·lna, trplc. , .... , Grundy. Rltr. 675-8t61. drtpH, fenced yerd. Int , wul!er/dryer. S726 9'e8tiB.AU ~19<1 gar~. S560/mo. lf0..U11 111-IOU Clean 1Br, den, gar, utll Much more. ONLV S1llO chg. 537-3233 Agt ··~oon ..., 53&-0t:2l pd. Winter $500 mo. On chg. 537-3233 AOT. .___, lfuj Jiff UI A1Uf9DTI. ARLINGTON APTS. s.aenore 831·77&4 E.lldl 3 Bdr lamlly home •• -.-;ce;;•••••••••••••• 8e1utltully l1nd1ce_ped Quiet. spacloua town· Atklng S 1•9,900 with 185.000 uaumable and -wlll cooperate In II· nanclng. For Nie by ow- TR,\DITIO\,\l RL\l.T\ $700/mo tit a IHI & OC..RENTALS LIFE'' garden apt1. Pool & Sp•. houM 2 8'. 1~ Be. NMr lllWPllT lllllTS E1t1t1 home completely ' 1·5br't $200 to S2000 Covered parking. No be 1c11 . t 5 2 5 /mo . Older houH ov.r 1300 turnllhed. • br. jlcu:z:zl, 3 MC dip. 5'8-96117 75()...3314 open 7-dtye pell. 2 clllldren w•I· 116G-ae5e sq. It. plut 11rge dell· car garage In gated 3 Br. 2 ea. gal'llge, lrplc, ft.AR~ FUN: come. died double gar1ge on community. Mo to mo y1rd. Nu pell. 848 W. EASTBLUFF: 3Br, 2b•. Socl1I Actlvltle1 1 Br. $.475 Deluxe pool.ide xtra large elley. New p1lnt, 1ome rental $•500. 7~. 18th. 111 plua sec. AYlll Now. 11200/mo. D I r ect or• Fr•• 131 E. 18th. S.-6-8818 2br. 2 be, bltn1, dWWhr, ,_, 1179-2748 (PINN call 9-5) new plumbing & eMK:trto. C'C.Jn1 "'*'~;ri 1785/mo. 4119-11117 840-llOlll sun d 1 y ,.,., mllet bellctl. Adult•. 50x117 Rt lot. Owner -flV,.lc)l\;.. B •• •.•.•.n ••• u. • ..i ••• •.m............ Bnincll•B80's• 3 Br, 2 ea. $1126 no pell. S500/mo. PUI nffdt cHh. s 1at,ooo. CD---f HIT Tl Im Newport Cre1t. Plan 4, Ptrtlet~• 151E.2111 St 648-2.-08 _636-83 ___ 62 ____ _ ::1'-3~~~·:.,.:~·~~ -.l\.CCl1fTr lfa.!~~'.t •..••••• !.l!!.1 ~~5R Duplex ea.e111d• :.t-:=~·A~:re,~·~c!; ~~AT . , er. S390. ••ove1 reMgJ 2:o:ea. frple. W1hr1:ryr TIREE J llEl11LI 2 8A 1 BA. We1t1lde 11200 ....., mo. will con-"1 c • pool. No pett. Adutt apt -up, MW rugs, rpe *'' IWIEI* 111 .... 1~ u 541-504'1. ~~~~~~~ ,..... n EAT ION: 423 w. say. 646-115le & paint 1 575 mo. In Turtle Rocle. 4 bdrm. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -Yearty·Waekly•Wlnter, 2, ~75 11 d • r 3 Y' · 1••1 • · T e n n I • • F r • • 840-$)82 1ft 4PM. 2·,i, be. Ore1t lnt lde -···r.. YllUIWI 3.• Bdrm•. .. BR WMtslde, lenced 840-8208. agent. Leuons (pro & Pf'O BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. 2 Ba. OLD T NOTONI 2 1oce11on.c e111odaywon'1 -11 -m Delu•• 1 bdrm condo JAOO••flULn Agent 1162-1100 Urllftl e11o p )•~ He11111 M ... verde,11ooaq.1t. HUN 1 DOLLEIE PAlll S12111llD Ml·IHI lut long et 1241,500 llWPll PenthouH. Bell loc .. 2 8R, nr SC Pill. Adult 3 bdmi hm w/lovely view Clube•Seuna• lplc, lndry, PttlO, dill-~'~1i't~:: ~%~ FEE. ElltenllW 1980 remodel Fountain Court. Sea.trlty PllOP condo1. Pool, Jae, full to Niture Center. sa75 H)'clrom.....-Wit, gtr, no peta. $550. A 1 ......., PIYlll IEllTU1 HAVE GOOD INCOME??? SHOAT ON DOWN PAYMENT??? PAVING TAXES??? With our lnveetor, IM a g1ln 1pprecl1t1on In ftntutlc s er. 3 e.. new condO, MXt to all shop. ping.. No down P9>'"*'t. minimum cun needed for OIOelng COii. Phone 831-506$, &4MOOQ. I --~ HERITAGE R r Al TORS REAL ESTATE TAX IN~ VEITMINTI HOOO CUhlll 11•1,000 lharo ~ MINIMUM till daduclton 11t. y.., a1~t 000. °""* nnv.tor) .. euppty total do.n pay- ment I.IP to 140,000 '" ---------• equity. ltlef• putcllUO In new lullurfoue 2-a tmnllMI ldr"'. a la. Condo, Cute 38r/tba hom•. ~ w .... Ml.llmum own 11nd, Low malnt. Int. Clepro,, _., ttruoo .._. ... to IPPfocNM, turedtor~.~ a 111.eoo . Owne r . 4·1 b •neflt. Pf\ofle 71"1•14'a 7t 4 /t l1 •50lf , w 7W'Mt4000 -Ad H91p? . "42-15'18 hH left no itud untur-g•te, pool, 1p1, gym, llllllMEIT H e, carport. Lux unit. sw1m,m1no~I 3004 Maoe. 5416-401' II -.. n9d. New tredltlonal clubhouM. Ellc.tlent fl• Grett Loe. No Peta. 9550 mo. 5'~. 494-03115 Driving RL..,-Large 3 Br. 2 B1. crptl Clain. 1 Bdrm. ctllld ok. 1tyle o•k floor1, new nencing Fum 91311.000 171-1111 p I u, a 3 5 u t 11 It y . NWPT HOTS AREA I I AU T If U l. dr"" nr/OCC. no .... 11, All utll• pd. Onty $375. roof, wlrH and plum· Owl'9rf141·11a3.2521 'i---------I 5~1829.776-2680 2brl1be.Nopeta.$825. APA,.TIUNT I : ss'50.751-38H, ..... 537-3233AotchQ. ~·. ~~ .. tw,~l'!,;__kutlt; i---0--EL_IO_H __ T-FU_L_B_UY_IN-.. ,., ... ,...... ---------1 ____ &45-6'M ___ 7 ___ I s In 0 1 •.I 1 a 2 ..,_, ...... ·-.,_ .. 2 Br. Iott In e.1toell•nt Avd. lfnmed. 4 bt, 2 b•. 8edroe>m.-F\lml9hed 1 a 2 Bdr trelleta. 8200 & ...... WILi l\1lly IOClted 38R 2b• CORONA HIGHLANDS frplc, M.a del Mer. Lge L .... or ..... optlOn ,.,. • Unfurnl•h•d•No up & $150 MC. No eNI-Large 2 Br. , 9&. Apta. pool 11om1 1 rare H#d'twood flool"•. • brlctt locetlon on £dOtwl1er. yerd wllfult tr .... SllOO ge 4 Br. oanil front. Pett•MOd•I• Open dren or doga. 133 E. encl•d gar. lrplc, Nr "one-<>t·•·ltlnd". Prl~ nreplaoe 1nd trult tr... Sl200/mo. mo. 1•1. lut plu• aec. yearly, avell llo-1, commty dally 9 to 8. 1eth 'St, tp. 42, CM Hum Hrt>r. $535. Chlldr- et 1267,500 with an u-enhance t1111 2 Bdrm 562·3252 Ill mtg. Pool• •,:~~·· write 1~ DILWOOd I IL 1 _. en OK. &40-ee07 eumeble 1,, TO. 0111rm•r wt beach ac· CMl/lltdh/llf. NICE 1 br bMctl, ~ mo em.,. a -..._1111 ceN. Just lltted at $185, 28r den, clean 1 neet. 2 w/all utl.__. MW370 alt II wkd)'t. lir4M *"90/mo. 9250 eecurlty Clean end quiet, 2 BR t'~ 000. FEE. e•+7020 bike to bell. teOO/rno. '"l"" ' lncludlng ullllttH. No BA, ohlld OK. 8m. Pet Wiii QAL llflll $hlfp Kltdl MOfe '325 lllffl rwf ... lfartwt• pete. OK. ONL V $4100, ohg . ... ... ,..... OC..AENTALS 750-3314 e.t blyvt.w In Blufft. 3 ............ ,... Cell a.th 031-11230 037-3233 AOT. UITIUff 700 lido Park Or. (8). 8TU...NINO 2bf br. ai.4 be, •12ootmo. 880 ltvlne • ..._. a.. • ..a. ~ Try S10K down on t200K Call for detelle. 1700/rno, wllrv petlo Wlld)'t 832· 1023; 9V9I & ~at 16th) 9490. 2 BR. 2 /er1on1, ·••.C"tt••~ .• r:.-:t proPertY. Max levenlGI. Witt__. ..... handy llltctl, kldl $400 wMlde O~ petlo, pool. 32 J . 17th NO FEEi Apt. l Conde Ownr/lflcr 840.9019. "'_. OC..Rl:NTAL.8 760.-331• Ptrtc UdO Condo, Ser. 2 (71 ) 945-1 104 Pl. 1416-5137 ift 11AM 1'91'1ta \Illa lllenUllll. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--ii 1 _____ 1_l_J._1_l_l_1~--i --------• 8a. ff1)1e. dthwth, lndry ~OO ..... /le. EA$T&IOE Lg. 2 Wfm II\ _"Witii7i"';Miiitiiti1iiiliiiill'Otiiiiiw;;.t PRESTIGIOUS LINDA ISLE J.1Nf /du4 ,., Loaded 2bf, lo oar. .. rm1 3 01rportt, P•llo. 18th St. 41/l)lft, Ptl't eundeck and Yll .... m ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• u111-pc1, blt·ln1 9425 S7w8. 151·9522 (Dover a1 18th) gar.1510. Adltl, no pete, p .... ..,. 3 er 2~ yrty, Submit on 00.R!NTALS 75043141-"Niiiiiiiiiil -I (71,4) 842..S11~ '62·2550 NEW Vt.ct 20 Town· ,._,.._ chlldren. St211mo, c.11 a.--...,_1 .. _ ...... ... 2 ... ,..1 .... .,. ,..__ home ILLAOI COM• LH4trl ,.,......,. 87'3· .. 21 -... ,_ ,._ 8--to be9cfl, I br wll '---------' .,., "'0#· -""· ...,.,,., MUNITY. a & 3 er. I~ .111 1 t-.t. 1,..,...~~~-----1 ••••••••••••••U•••••• lrpfc l dbl. 01r. lier. water pd. Ba. 1fl00.1800 eq, ft. c1' • ..,... .... Vriy a725. Cu1e 2 bf, gar .. 48r newly ,.decorated 17Mtl2. OCEANFRONT • eherp 1f71 "A" Orange pur• h111tury. Oarao ... 180 deg. Bay view from thb ~c prkg. Neer toter. llae, CIOM to IOhl. StOO Hf\ wt• no'*9 oar 1·5.,....120 •PH tn every home .. '700 ~ ft. Gttate • .Encloeed pool and 815-3063, 1179-9887. mo. 28t fumlllhed MOO. Vr okt I etOtY, hOIM. 3 ...0 mo e7~ • . 2 I A 2~ bl clul*X. I maater tulle, dlnlnt 1---...;..-----1 493-4202 MttY or • bdrm1, ~ beth1. •----·-----n 1 room1, wood burnlnt lpe, wine C91.lar, pier and .Up for 8~ ft. ..., II •-••H • 1100/mo .... e.uet, a•. , ... IMO mo. 411r, •q •• ot luxurl. v fl,.eec. "''°' _.,,. yach t. Anume e>datlng lat TD of ""'-•• '111 ••• :::: •••••••••• ~ tat-1111 aea. lflO mo A.croee i'i•e :~1 11gf2 . r: le CMM, ~ .. ~ l $1,6~,000 a t l~. Lender wW negot. .. .................... LAl<I! 'OlllUTI LoV9ly 3 .,.._•bf, 2'it ~ bkflC from botl. 8ept•Juna. t1MMt y1rd•4~1d:no1 provt- f bl UOO tQ fl 3.._ ~ 8a bdrm, 2 bath, outtom w, patio. Nr ~IO. (lf3) ~ ___ ...;.._ ___ _, deel. MIO orll/ avora e t erms o n balance of ~ 1 =. .. ,_,.o:' oa rp•t throughout. • 0 " 0 0 '' a p 0 0 r. Newport IHoh , Htll .......... a.t 11 ~ fNm,....,.. finandne. Broker co-op. 1 yr i, ... 1'11f0 mo'. dlltl•.....,ldllpOMI. NA 11000/l'llO. MCMN1 lttMt 1\6 bedroom, " Total priva cy_. ~W 1 lllencl, 1"*"'*"8.CA •l&f u.-I &.Ill Call Olck or oonn • only 1100• O\o 137..ana 1111 "°"' Mftd °"..,.. bdrrft , oar. t•H . No 111•• or O.C.Alrpor1. l1•/IUIA'-11l .--If-.. Mon .fr I , 1 t II\ Cl ... l"od Ade .,. the prtc't · A.vi ii l e,tt 111. I)• t 1, 71t ·1 t 1 4 , '/::. r: :J :. .. ~rt • -- --a1t.tM-11n ..... to •• all UM "'°'""° IMI "'"''.... tfM1tl °"" ,., 'RN 1~,,.-....,..,---"--'=-...,.. In town? Ct9nln.d llrllllOotYMf-..ft'•• MO-teN 1---------1 ''"Y· ttOOI Mo 1 ILL Idle ltef'l'la witll 1 OM Mlp ~ "== t1ettW _ _, to .. '"'9 WANT ACT10N? U1_..., Hn °'Wiii .1 !t'A~°!J "'. "'111*1.."' ll&f f ri! .;J. 'LASTI'-,ATCHIHQ ~ • • ............. v,::. ~I ~.t. Day r ~................1.4'1:.M.......... "•fUGOOI Intl•••· 10 ................ . '"'YWAl.IJAOOV8TIC ~ 141 .. 'TH NMI ~JON lrlo •lloo ... Tll•·Cono• Y't _ NaM '*" 14f.tt71 v!'=.t =.:::'CO ""' .,. ~·. MW & old 11 & Smell MOYlnD Jobe Oec*e, C0¥9te, ~. IJ,,,_M_ (114) 13t 4tM Y'-tlCP lud 662-15'2 ........ -.MtM Call MIKI ... 1it1 "'° Uo. Ooug.141.o?et C_A_HY_OH ___ p"'~-l-N-T-IN_G_·-14 ••::-::::1'•••••••••••••1"'!:'.~-------...... DO ITNOWI ... .., ...... Wall .... ~atlo Mowing, edOlno. rltllf)Q, H ..................... Clean-up .__ yfl '" 0 c . latleflCl11on ATLAI PLUMllNO .. 1."' H~_..a...i ltllft 1w1ep)~ng. ,, •• ettl• :::;:..~.. ..-.,..~ ........ a' :mlr.fe••••••••••••• ,. ... .,, 4~1 HIATINO • lc>eGiellilnQ ••••••u••••••••••••• tJo ..,. met• 146-17~1 7"'•• ~· ,,...,..._ 1•""KW°"I<' Imel jobe •-Jn Atjlalre & Aaplec.. TILi INITAl.LIO '·.,...l·l6't · PtOI>· mgmt. AIGk ~ cioeta Meta.' .....;;...Q_,.U-A~L.-ITY---, ... A-t-NT"'"l-NO~-mttlt (114) 146·1811 All Kinde. Guaranteed &#Ml._...., OAYWALl TAPINO K&D ~ Malnt. at-4M&. Krll a 1.ot6' trilne. fW.. 1111-31711 Ext/Int,,.... rat• ~.. JoM MO-t211 mr.;.m1;ft •••••••• ·---------All Teictu ..... ACQl,lttle JIWld/Comm. C!Mn-UO. PAOI' llAV!Ca uo 134121& 6'&-23te ~.11a.1•-11 Gnuc:tc '°' Tiie Wort( Your Delly Pllo' kYlot Directory "9p'9Mtll•tlve No 8tMl'nmo Shampoo AM._._._..__...... ,, .. •t K.vln 87&-llOll Ute hMlllng. 148·24h Heull : yrd olean up Cuetom ltlcll-8tOM ••••••••••"•-::rr.•••• Stain g--.•afiet. F .. t •..--....--n.. I ...-..01 .._ "9 ......... F t 1Nodc.Conotet .. 8tuooo EXTERIOR PAINTING &U'n.:a..lca41..... l'r• l!.tt. Oya IMOwlltlt, ......, ,,. .. , AMI. of'IOta ll#fllHI ..,,., , ..._no. r«Mftl.,.. Oulck & ,,_,, ,.. .. Rafi.,,.. ttt. 64~t4t2 Cuttom wotk. FrM Mt. ' A4iM &Ya, wt111<11 t7Mt00 dry. ,, .... 1. l38• 10H Ouat. MKk. Lio. 33? 1et. •••••••••••••••••••••• the 3 A'•· , .... retlable. f7"3-0ll4I Retie. + tine Int. & Ital· ~~ "\ Uo · f3~cirot Ml·lltl; .... Ill 81\ampoo & tteem o!Mn. 031-23'0 ILICTAIOIAN-Prloed Rlotl. 481·3070 .. ._,_.,_ lrlolework·tmell or to• nine. Steve 641·4281 a ' w:;l·23C& ' r!!!.1!!11~•••••••••• Color brlghl•n•re. Wht llW ___ right, free Htlm•f• on Compl.•t• LlWr\ oar• ••••~•••••••• Joba. tOO'• locel r•f•. ---------1 ILOW RATElt CTPll . 10 min. blHCh, -· .. -·-teroe or ltllall lob• j • • c EANINO Sine. 111&11. 445-8512 8111'1 Pelntlno. lntr/E11tr. ROOM ADDITIONS. Tr .. trlmml"". ,__,.,, ~ .... _ • 5 A.model AeeldlComml Lie 39"21 er3...03118 cl••n•UPI. ,,.. Mf'V oe, lllOllN'., L. RMIO/Comml, 8 YI'• ••Pf Honeat,Rellable & Rel• ............ . T.Ueei:~.11........... Hall, llV/dln. rme 1 : •vo ESTIMATl!S Lie 310120 · • •pr 1nk1 er'. MI k • s.Mce. a tllOf'ouafllV #mar a. Ctt atM High qual. & cae c all el.anup1 & mowing DON'1:~faTHIS ~:m111~7~~r~.·~ Medlt ... reneen LIO'D ELECTRICIAN &31-1070 clMn tlouN. ~llT •••••• ••••••••••••••• me1 ... 1a11. LOW prtcee. Fr ~~7i. 1174-7~~~ Uo. ____ 1104-_1_0_,_1 __ _ You're tired ol Bank odor. Crpt repelr. 111 yrt Con1tructlon Inc. Oual, worll • Reu rtlM 1'111ft Lli..._111 Joan'• Cteanlno 54wVio. • ABC MOVINO • Mii & refe. 48e-11117 r I ti Statemente or kMpl"' ••P• Do work myHlf. 649-1078 aM IOI' J09 FrM Ml, 831•5072 Tom TrM trim, ~en: clnupe. HOti .... Apt .. Rentale F~~t~r~I ::::fo ---------lf! .. t ltmft• ........ ~/.••••••••••••• ButlnNa Aecor<11. ca 1 Retw. 531...0101 CatM WIM'flWkla!f ., e1Le~y~1AN ~~~ ~::,..· f~ Mt. OfftGel. eA0-12117 1--.-.-1-11--.. --.--· t~l!!.'~I.............. P•R ();(8sioNA L .. RE: Moet eu~•. K-14 theAocureteP9ople. -EX-C--fil_C_A_R_P_E_T_C_A_R_E_'••••••••••••••••••• • .. ml ob..,._alr1.Uc. • . an,.me. Need I mild or' hH· Ill" Fartl'llnglntertorDMIOn SUMES & CAREl;.R Day/.velll&l10/hr. H&e Aoctg Servlcle. J.clt 8ufflngton Kit. Aemod .. owamlC ti... 233108-<r10 6'48·11203 ••• , U kHper? Hrly or wkly? Top quality. 8pectal care HANOING/STRIPPIN'G COUNSELING 151.0700 Mr. Morgen '411-11178 ~~~~ •.•......•.... C1141 44a..7444 Own9r/opetltor cab!Mte, Cell now • ,,.. RESID/ COMM'L/IND. • •••• l!'!.............. For compl NMcM. can In hanclllng. 26 yr• •XS>· Vila-MC Scolt &45-113215 car-•• .-... • .,.. r•"" •tlmate. &42.0881 20 ..... Do my own WOfll. a.n•a complete malnt Vie Jo Service Ag~ Competlt"'9 Rel• ---------l#IJ.• Wlalw Cltula• ,....., ..,....... .,.. ,,_ & "~I a73"""" bond..,""' t No --1-130 1353 '""R p•·PERH'"NOINO ••••••'••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• cteanlng. Work guar. Decorator etyle Int, beta. Uc. 278041 Al e.41-812& ,....,,,. mprov.men1 • • ..,.,.,, ... "'' • v..... ..... · ...., " " Huber Roofing-all 1ypea. "I.At the Sunahlne In" ~ Partclng lot ~"· s.elooallng. F,.. E1t. e.45-1771 mantet1, llbrerlea, high eerv. "4-11231 of Calif. STARVING COLLEGE 7 yre local np. Guar New-recover-decl!1 C•'I a ....... ,,.. w•-"'~ t.dtm• work. Price• etart et ., --".... "....,.... C•t•l'f.l1"6tlllltY ttyle raleed panel walle & ........ -. ............ Carpentry, Ceblnete, TIRED Of HASSLES? 8TUOl!NT8 MOVING la/roll. Alec 751•7027 Uc #411502 ~1-11734 Cleaning, ltd. 548 1853 S&S Alphll 1131-4199Uc Oen Hallt>«g Grading .•• ~.-••• r. ••••• ~.... c.lllng. Lie. 1136-23ee TIEEI Plumb., Drain Cleaning, Qua61ty ci.tnl.no help 11 CO. Uc. T124,..3e "11AI Ila 20% Monthly ~nt CRPT/UPH. CLEANING T Elect" Tiit. Rel•. here! Ref•. H0-7452 ''*"*'· &41-8421 -w-~---lng--P-aln_l_lng __ ,·······~! .. ~ ......... .., ', ·'- & Paving Co. Ree/coml. Uc 3878l>4 842-1720 Oeodortzlng-Scotc:lard ll«lhlA opped/remov.<1 CIMn "6-0l4ll MAIDS OF ORANOE co. WATCH us OROWI Rel/com'I. Scandlnavfan BUDGET RATES ::!! ••• ~mt ..... . G.uer. F"rM Ml. 838-543 0~·;;;.11~~ .. .;:i:;.;;~~j up, lawn renov. 151-3478 H0-12311 OUellty Teem Cteanlng Ii/all•• quellty. Hllmar 548-7&75 Low min Sim Job• OK Computer word proce .. ~~~~ .......... . Ctlllll..f, Att•lfll decking, repalre & rec.-MOWING . CLEAN UPS Call lor eml conetruc11on, Bonded. Ina. &31-8222 ........................ fll 11 1 1 Lie FrM •t &41-7581 ting. Fut, aceura1• eerv ;;;t,....=:•dl~·~~ll•n•g•,· over epeclallat. Oouol11 Haullng • Landteap= reptlre, •lectr., plum-General HouHcleanlng Fiii PAllTI• lJi~~l:n~ ~:~:rpn~c~: •-tHal R ... ritM. Notary Free Loving mother wlll baby•ll full tlrne. Nr Felrvlew & Beker. CM. ~&-.8853 ,..,.. • •1 """ -""-'d• Co •7"577" FrM Ml ·~2 7 bing 35 ~up -pkup & deliver"' Len, Avg. 3-Br hse $225. r-• v _. • · '" • . ,.-. Rellable, r.te, 10 yre •l!P· by Richard Sinor. Lie. Coneultant AHlgnment •••••••••••••••••••••• 751•1318 ' 851-8878 Jeetle'I Gar<19nlng CarP91'1try. Muonry 11&2.0510 aft. 4 280&.44. 13 yr• of happy 581-8590 MOBILE SERVICE ---------..,,.---.,.-----!'!"!!!!!~............. CINn-up•. 1r .. 1rlm & Roofing -Plumbing E H Cl I local CUllOl1*'1. -.---.---.• -.---· Retcreene/New ecreen• Selilng anything with a Delly Piiot Claullled Ad 11 a 11mple matter jutt caH &42-5&78. ~!.'!!~!/.-:!!!!!!! ••••• •KATRINA'S: LIVE-IN malnt. lerY. 540-80311 Drywall · S1Bucco ·Tile ~~T!bte.0R'!t:. ean ng., __ Th_a_nk....;.you_._83_1_-44_1_0_ !~~~ •• ~~~!~••••••• NB/CM &42-ll552 Orlvea. palloe, walk•. Free hskprl, dally maid .-v. Remodel J · MS.-1199() 553·1875 •&llhoP & Son Painting ••BRYANrS** Make your ehopplng H · Eet. No Job too emell. office clHnlng. crpt lalH. Law• I lar•• Sh h 1 • 30 yr1 exp. In Beach Watlcovertng Removal 1111 by u11ng the Dally S3S-2eo7 cleaning. 835-2118 ltnlat. N1·1141 wt~~ :.~~=·~2~5:~:r want Ada Call 842-M78 area. FrM Mt. 8&2·'718 All Typff. 6•2-1343 Piiot c1a19Jlled Ad• ' DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed items for cash. If It doesn•t sell, we'll run It another 3 LINES Cadillac• to Go-Carte Whatever the Fad Roll ·em otf the mar1<et With a Clasallled Ad Call Nowl &42-5878 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no reat estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Noft.....eundeble. lhtn llnN 11.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 1"'G!:/:'' fnll 5031 !!~!'.~' ...••... !.~~~ ...................... • * * w1DOw HAS sd '°' TD'• AtlHtls Parlor RE Loana. 10K Up No Open 24 hrs a day Credit Check. No Pen-7 days a -- ally. Dennison & Ateoc. Jaeuul, Sauna. Locals 873-7311 u wall as tourlau. Ai~:;.~:::.frtd ;A,.u:i.:;;,H f~!M!!!.!!~!~.!J.f!I! ~!. .. W!.!!.f~~!!.!.~'!f! ~!~~ ... ~!~!~!.. .. !.~~ ~1.'h! . .'.~~!!!1..!.~!f On San2~a!?ente du-~~~~::.·~~~ic~~~ ........... ....... .... •••••••••••••••••••••• N.B. 1a.2 er. weekly, atepa 400-900 PLUS 1400 eq. tt. Relall store at 2650 Avon 1 21% """"d 134 000 pre11, Diners. All wel- #i fl ltffi Jllf #, I JH i Jllf to bch. $275 up. Great Slhha;•b:yBl. rho.'"~c~~~~ PenthouN Bayfront Sul· St.. 1640 eq. h. ~Jue 8 ~:s~d. AlJI t':75S...03l8 ~~~·H:r~~:~~.5c~433· • .'."!r. ................• !."!r.! ..... ! ......... locale. 754-0938. Aval!. lmmed. 875-2637 le, parking. pa•los. car garage. 641-8 77. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS I STEPS TO SANO IW NI-alt ePM. 873-1003 Office and Laboratory P/P Med• S120K 111 TD, COEDS • Would love to I 2BR. trplc, ONLY $600 "' space • up to 7500 eq tt. owner occupied reald'I party with you. Cell Sue Call 537-3233 AGT CHG. S 1200 mo, avell. 814 to Fem. to 1hr 2 Br 2 Ba MEWPORT IEACH 645-2111 ASk for Joe prop. Prln. only. pie.... or Kathy any II m •. 1012182. Executive 3 condo on BI u t I•. Exec. olfleee (1000 11 10 T L N. 177-F Rlverelde 1153-9363 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING BEST SETI 1325 All bdrm and den. ocean S 3 5 O I m 0 L v m 1 g . 1650 fl). Attractive well Beautllul executive office Av .. N.B. 112883. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '!.t.'I. -~ !!'.~'.~ ... .!.'. ~ !f.t.11. .JI!!.".~'!. .••• !.~~ bft llHt lettalltr BOil.ER MFG CO. CEO Ex pe rlenced 1 n a II Proven record u exec II\ phatee 40 hrs Beneflll bolter buelneu required H u n 1 1 n g t o n B c h Wiii heed co W/unllmlted 53&-e581 potentlal. Fanta11lc op- portunity tor the right Babyeltter needed 2-3 P9ftor\. Send resume to. llmH per WHk, Co•te Boller CEO Boll 147. San M ... area &48-8782 Juan Cepletrano. Ca . Babylltter needed for 8 yr old child In Newport Beach during day, Mon· Fri. Pref my houN.' but wm conetder your houM If on Penln. or Udo area. Please call Jim Ray- mond, day 642-7640: eves 675.0850. 92893 Olllln.amG HOEnlllllT IN NEWPORT BEACH ulll pd, pvt prkng. view, tennis, pool, spa. 831-5832 maintained bldg. Nr suite plus warehouse In DESPER'"TEI .. t s111 537 3233 chg AGT 493 6269 prHtlglous design center " mus Liii& I YIOll'I A total environment • · • Fem. rmmte to ehr duplex, Hoag Hoepllal, carpets. on Redhlll. 1776 eq. It. 3rd TO or $12,500. 12% PHOTO MODELS BABYSITTER wanted, ex- apartment community on Bach Apt. S285/ mo. Laguna Bch Cottage • 1 blk to beach S300 mlnl-bllnde. Dedicated 675•3882 lrom 10•5: straight 4 year note. S9, ESCORTS/DANCERS per a must. Clerlcal recept. Beautl1ul busy office. Friendly elall. Mull be cheerful, good appearance. heal- thy outgoing & enthu- llaatlc. Knowledge of ln- aurance bllllng Comput- er very helpful. Great c a r eer p o tentlal. 831 -5684. the Upper Bay. Private 1 Adult• prel No pets. Wood• Cove. 3Br. trplc. 675-4340 bet 5PM prk'g. Prof. environment 644•9539 etter 6 000 or best otfer Irene OUTCALL 24 HRS 645•0327 clubhouH and health 548-2682 wlk 10 bcb. $500/wk. • quiet area. 645-3323 alter 8PM & wknda r--------- 1pa, 8 tennl• courta. 7 •95 0571 •94 6"42 3'1 Company, male room-dye. "••••-J·' 556-4211 111-0207 Banking "0011. cloN to buslnees, 11• Clt•talt 3111 .. · · .. · • ' mate needed to com-"' ... ~ 'i:::::::::::::::;:-1--·j~~~~~~~~~ airport. Fuhlon l1l1nd. • • ••••• •• •••• ••••••••• 494-0349 plete our trio Beaut NB -2n_d_ll_oo_r_w_al-k--u-p_o_tt_lces--.· ••• ,.,, ff7f I A I / Convenient 1hop1 on Near new 1 Bdrm. apt. V11•llt• l1•t.J14ZSO Baycre•t hm. Linda Sl50-S2SO/mo. C1rpeta. •••••••••••••••••••••• •;•••tth/• 1 elte. Unturnlahed bacrn.-with bullt-lne. carpeting •••••••••••••••••••••• 552•11400 or 642-88l0 drapes, panellng, CdM. OFFICE II lllP .,,.., WANTED: MALE MOO-, ELS tor photo work. le-I gltlmete. 499-5835 lore, 1 & 2 bdrm aptl and & drapes, laundry facility, YacatiH Tra4tl 752-1830 In ,_ bldg on COUt Wll I Ft••I townhou"' under root carport• and Furnllhed 3 bdrm. 3 be. lnl'I etewardeu will •hr Hwy South Laguna. Ap-••••••••••••••••••••• • liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $540 . SlOOO public tennla courts & furn. CdM ap1. gar. w/ Scaling Down? Starting prox. 500 aq. tt. Excel-W.1 I l•••I 5300 SUNNY'S Executive Several bachelor• and 1 golf courN right behind ~~~p::::;;:og;:ir nonamkr, 1111 , S400 out? Lower overhead tent private parking •••••••••••••••••••••• $tr-Reduction· Bdrm unite feature llne I property CloM 10 eve-(SANDPIPER PALM OE-875-5148 maintain lmege. office at behind bldg. $525 mo Offlce-hm-outcall dHlgner lurnlture and rythlngl s395t mo.nth. SERn Want Oceanfront MIF 10 ehr home In lrvlne, :f!n1~y N~.n~~~r~ Turner Auoc. 494-1177 831-6377 eocnsorlel Mow In to-Avallable Auguet 15· one Month Of Augull for $290/mo. + y, utl ll port. fully equipped & CANNERY VILLAGE FOUND ADS ......, Of ~ ta< eum-or IWO edult• only & ".0 month of your Choa. 551-2255 Michael u 1 2 bid LADIES· l et Tom show ;;'e'r monlha Smartly pet• Call owner at (71 .. ) 675-3782 • ttalled ·tor every busl-n que llory g . ARE FREE · 642.0138. Slngle Lady, muet lfke nesa need lndiv ottloes 2600 sq It. t•~ ba Wet n you a great time! For a furnlahed modela open I Avall. 3 blks ocean. 1325 Kid• to •hare home In mo/mo from S375. bars. bay view. Prilng dlecreet Intro & the belt !t'lly. S1at1 A.• 3110 week. 842-0377 or Colla M"a Sept. 111 833-11978 rear entry acceu. LMM Cal: neon wrlle 11 l l 8, 2005 • On JamborM Rd al 11·9;·;~,~·c1~·,;;7;.;:& 675-1516. move In S325 plu• ·~ so LAGUNA. 3 Arch S.y. ~~~,~~';~~orp~=~':~ ~a :;~• Blvd · N 8· • San Joequln Hiiie Rd Main S3251mo. l1•t1J1 It 6'1n 4300 u 111 1 5 4 0. 411 711 or 500 sq tt with good hwy Ltd. 673-2810 142-llll .. •••· 1IOO 836-0708 ••••iij.finmi.iife.... 546-1074. Btwn 8-llPM vlelblllly. 497-2351 J.l•ilrl.J Jtalll4f• I~~~~~~~~ L~~~n·:J!!· '600/mo. 1 Br. 1 ea. apt, 1J;o,~r;:urn., utll• pd. Contact largest Gay ff!!l.e.~f!!.~!.a.!!.~~f 1r!!m11 ~. •••••••••••••••••••••• LOST; Fem. Blk Leb mlic, 083-3337 ~c•l•d garage, lndry 838-9003 Male Female service In 2 CAR GARAGE uwr• vs;111s; N.B. 3975 Birch. 3660 eq. Downtown HB area. 1---------~., close to beaeh. Cat So. Callf. 540-6718 STORAGE ONLY Wiii! uH of reception. ft. or !~"50· M32 1A zone. 9e0-8e311...... Lon Weight, lose Cellu- d A , , • I a.-...1 $"" HB ""'" ~260 con!. room, kltctl, phone, Agent .,...1. . lltel Easy. natural. •tart • no oge. ,.r ••• I• •t• ••-Lu11 Dana P1 v1-Condo '"'mo. ..,.,..., _;;....._ _______ Loet M Hlmeleyan cat , now. Carolyn 857-6628 TSL Mgmt. 642-1803 fl Uaf•t• JIOO for 3 mo., master suite -La_r_g_e-1-10-r-e_g_e_g_a-re_g_a_, secretariat & word pro-$750 up. 2180 11. lndu-neut. & declawed, might LIDO DELUXE 2 Br. frptc •••••••••••••••••••••• with frplc. pool. •pa. near 19th & Newport. ceaslng Mell 4 mesuge atrial· Office. 18101 Re-have 10, Turtleroek, Irv. 1m•••I Jrg brick patio DR. Adlte. SUWllD 1-496-2661, 644·9539. C.M. s100. 759-0268, :'.Z~~vall. separately 11 dHounndtolnCgltrocn''. "eMea'chT. L_83_3_-3_7_0_8_R_ew_a_rd ___ 1 ltrrifff SJIO $1050 675 ..... 59 I 640 8107 .-•••••••••••••••••••••• · . ..., · YILUIE Lake Forest 3 bdrm eon-• · Call: Judy 842-2634. LOST. Pied Cockatlel. 1 Br 1 Ba. yrly New 1a.2 bdrm. luxury do. 3 be. Sun a11d Sall Storage garega for rent 714/78().()100 ---------C.M. arM tan talk. Oen-EHLlll llllTUllAll $600/mo. apta In 14 plane. 1 Bdrm club prlvlleges. $350. 'h on Balboa Pen I neut a 1~~ ~."it.'=~~5 eroua r-ard. &41-1575 Escort tor Women 873-3355 fromS515,2bdrmlrom utll. 1111 and last. next t o Fun Zone. Front office. large rear Loet:M.uble/wtttCollle, 4117 -5725 (betw 28r. 1V.Ba TwnhH. din S570. Townhoun from 859-11173 aft 8 10'All20'1t 873-2943 IEWPllT OEml door. 17711 Whittler Ave. vie. Dana Pl/Lag Nlg. 8am·8f>m> TELLER rart·TI•• Busy Brentwood Savino• & Loan hH an lmmedllle opening In Its Fountain Valley bra.nch lor • Part- time Teller We Hek • rHponalble lndlvldual with ene<gy. enthullasm and a llalr for working with the public Teller experience 11 preferred Position requlr• a lle•I· ble lndlvldual to work varlou• hours lncludlng Saturday•. For further lnlormetlon, please con· 1ec1· Duane Arnold (714) 963-a398 BREITWOOD SAYINGS I LOii 17llOO Megnoll• SI. l'ountaln Valley, Ca 92706 rm. 2 patio•. balcony, $840 + pool•. tennle, Fem, 45 shr 1g11 lavish Olll1t ll•lll 4400 Fllllll llWI Daye 540·9352. Ev•• li240~·~2~14~8~. ~R~-~a~rd~. -=:.i~~~~~~~~~ garage, no pell. $850 waterfall•, pondel Gae twnhse w/r .. p. wor1dng •••••••••••••••••••••• 646-0681 LO'ST: Small female white Equal Oppor1unlty CLERICAL Entry level position w/ varied dutlel. for a young outgoing peraonallty • 10 work In plush Npt Bch o ffice. F or e ppt &44-2507 OOFRE DPDT Store manager, bl· llngual German Must be ••pert In co ffee (roalllng . mllll ng. IHtlng). supervlaln~ In making e11preeeoe ee.p- p ucct no e1c Must be lamlllar wlellprtue> ma- chine 714/898-5111 ClllOIElllE NHded for luxury La- guna Beach Hotel Flex hour• • weekends a mu11 Contact Mrs. Vaughan-Purdie. 4114-84eo c11m111ELP DRY CLEANING PLANT. 30846 CoHt Hwy, South Laguna, 499-1985 c11m11 HELP Mon thru Fri. Super S andwich , C .M 545-4&67 mo. 111, laat + dep. lor cooking & heating lem unbelievable rooms, 1617 WHtcllff. NB 258 •-i p a-•• 1 I •-.1 Employer M/F 842-29411 eveal wknd• paid. From San Diego overlooklng brook & to 4000.,, tt 111 lloor -u• "••n1tla .1 .,, dog. appro• 10 Iba -•6natal iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CWnter help. PIT HarbOt F d I N h ..... tfflott ••• 6 ...... /6•Hll/ poodle type nr Knoll St & ···"'··~--••••••••••••• for 1Ppt. rwy r ve on on waterlall. Pool. Jee. lake, Agent 541-5032 I. ,. .. , S , n ta An a D • • 1• lfiHll ~ IEIT PAIT TIME c 1eanw1, te475 H11bor Beach to McFadden to etc. NB/CM area. lrom 450 .,,, ft. 11 00 nar ..,, From Suite with eepar•t• •• .. 8 8 1 • Blvd Fountain Valley, S e • w I n d V I 11 a g • S325 76()..8045 ...., ,..v -.... entrance to tingle 120 eq ..,·•••i• ••••••••••• •••••• 548"8 1 l•ltntti•• 100 .Ill II TIWI 8311-2555 Wntcllf1area.xtre large 1 (714)893-5198 · fl . 4001 Birch . N.B ft olllcH sub-leued. ,..,, S.al....i•tt •1a•tlt •••••••••••••••••••••• a. a telephone promo---------- Br. apt. pool, patio & Rmmtewanted toehr4 Br Agent 541-5032 Secretarlal/R~tlonltt/ • ..,,..,,.. 6'05 Male.";';;.t vt:'Ttie Tar-********** !Ion Clerk for local new-OP& Ir AettHftllt carport. 645-8152 ,.,., 4000 condo. Npt Blutts. 1240· telephone/ copier/ ••• ·..c-~;;;;;-.;'•••••••• llMl·TIMl HIYElll •P•P•r Private dHk. with complete eccoun- •lUX. Jr 1 bf" Vflf'Ulllel -EA'"srsioe .. CM •• Pri~;~; 720-0572 aervloM avaltable " de-Join the leader In th• r85•5C ·7~" 5 ~711 • ~.3 8 1 • ANO caaual attire Only requl-ting •klll• to run ac- t ' d b ·•r ..... Free ...... kl"". ,..... -..1-......., poo1 chemlcal _.. ""· 4• •1--4 1un EtllPllllT 1 ti ..._, f 11• fountain vu, re rig, nu turn room & beth u1111. N B ux eon o. Her or .. .., ,._ ... ..,... ............ .,. rement a • good phone eoun no oep1 '°' mu r crpt. pool. epa. HC Incl retrlg . S315 mo. Ridge, att'y stir. stralgtlt Ml" Marla. service buetneu. e. a Loet brindle pit bull milt -·1-1 voice and Iota of enttlu· mllllon ~t Co S 411 5 . 8 4 o -O 4 3 7 , 873-7544 S550. 752-9442 dye. ./ .. ,.~ •••tall "eparkle w.ler treatment dog. hg• Vic. Brook-_.Ii_ -liulT'I In Newport Beach Ar•. 1eo-8390 640-2434 eves. ;; ,.._.__, _,,... 1y11em1 dHler .. Llc'd hurat & Vlctorla, H.B. So Cal Training avall Houre Salary commeneurete -Working temale 25 to 40 .1:--... territory aval lable, 818 CallnoonlDcoltorl Natlonwl<le&local Mon-Fri S·3<>-ll:30PM w i th ex per Cell 2 Br. 1 Ba. Step• to non emoka. '"' blk bch. Private entrance. deck, ;;,..,_ IEWPllT IUOI Orange Coul area. no &42·1028 or &42-115l7. JOB PLACEMENT H· Sat ll:30AM-1.30PM 714.545,...459 tor lnter- be1ch. $825/mo ulll s NB $300. 875-1708 att 4 private path, main kit-./ ,.., ---· 0 S ITE ex per nee. Wiii train. elatance 184 00 view 1 pd. PROPERTY HOUSF. chen to ehare. Female ./ ~ ,.._ FFICE U overloo-$50,000 lull amount FOUND· Golden male, Complete lultlon FINAN-Alter 1,j ~~':1are In app &42-3850, &42-1010 Fem E'elde CM 3 Br 2ba, p r eferred. Laguna /Mlflo,..,.,. king Newport Harbor. raq'd, eome financing o-Leb mlic, approx 7 CINO available, Decorator/Acceeeory __ B_EA_C_H_/V_EA_R_L_Y__ pvt ent tip, Piii be, gar. Beach. $425/mo tncld• \~~'cf~ av,al~ Ap~~~ available. Wiii net 140, moe. Bonita Cyn Dump, CALL FOR INFO: part~\~1~::.!. S11e1. part-full time. DI• 38r 2 b•. gar. $275,831·1093 ullla. Daye Mike RulNll 714-645-7100 000 plue. Call collect 1144..0257 (714)834-3988-24HRS cellatter 8PM S20+ hr. Wiii train laOO/mo. 421 E. Belboe College Park .pool 1 7141840-3225. Evee Mon-Fri 11-&PM. Aak for SUPERIOR TANG •• 2 .. 17 714/548·2413,8-1. Bl 873-21811 875-117117 room lncludH utu $250. 499-4264. ---------1 Sub-let Exec. offloa Tim 408/867.0111 SCRAM LETS SVCS. •u I Delivery · ' 1100 depollt (non amkr -p--1 --1----1-*llllH IFFllEI* Prime airport locale on • 1725 So. Oougl11, Ste B llT 312 •••• , .. 11 .. LY Open l Airy. 1 Bdrm, em pref.) 557-2783 r 0 • 1 • 0 n •I Ma • From t room to 3 rooms. MacAr1hur Blvd. Price *ILIEPlllT OI, ANSWERS Anehelm, Ce. 112806 -., ., pet & chlkf ok. S3eo. Cell Straight, non-emokar. From $1.18 a eq It No reduced. Mull ... 1 Centrel O.C. Location. (Ree. Trng.-Rialto, C.I l~~~iiii;iiii;i;i~ 10 people needed lo d• 531-3233.Agtchg. Room ln28<1 CdMhome. ~!~~~fer~~~~ ia~rj,~ INH required. Adj. Air-833-2111 $90KyrlygrOMl35,000. Purity -Sharp ********** Ii I llverahopplngeg:1r .. Seemed ce1Qng1. 9'v 111e-:~d.bac:~u ~·,1~u:~5 1~~: m•y conelder female porter Inn. 2172 Dupont. WEST COSTA MESA <714> 883.0225* o.tiy ·Growth Jdl W,.IH 1015 For Id Act'IOR ,~:=~~~.,be ::!i kitchen, 2 frplo'e. 3 844-4026 alt. 2:30. 890-2471 Call AM. 833-3223 TWO OFFICES S300 .lllfTHIAL SORRY •••••••••••••••••••••• n In app0eirance. ·Muet Bdrm. 2'h Bath. With all Airport ., ... Exec. Sul· mo tor both M5·1021 Want. bullneea of your All hi• Ill• he'• bMn a Young married men wlll CaH a have economy ear or tn. expected amenltlee. Private bath, private en-Newport Beech townhou-tea. From 225-450 eq. ft. own for minimum coal? guilt-ridden P«ton. He do general haricty wortc. motorcycle. AppJy In Oall for •PPI 537-3233 trallQe, newly redec .• Nr .. fully furnl1hed. Fe-11 pereq ft. Manylltrt•. Compl Mt P p1u1 bu•I llart• all hi• convern-Call eve• & wkend• Daffy Pilot .....,.,...,. at 32141 Alfpaz. Agt ctlQ. warner/Ooldenwe1t. mate 26-35. Own bdrm Cell 557•7010 *llm lbll* nee• Coneu~tenti. Qua; tlon• with "I'm SORRY," I 1172-11525. ' Su'it;'o, San Juan C•n. H B. 1250. 53&-07114 and be, Pool, tennle O O Airport area Prof ..... 3 Br 2 ea. tplc. patio. Dfll, court, epa. 1375 mo, 'h Prof. omce epaee In Npt. e~vlronrnent, run Mrvioe; profit. 850-021.11 F,ound,_S~~,a A,n~bHei;l!ht8• MatUf'e Ledy, llVe In com-AD-VISOR .... to wat-No ....,, Room with kitchen ptlV Nr utll. "'~" .aivu Center for attorney or f Ill lndlYld ·• f • • ema ...... le "'"' m.,.. panlon to eld«l" N-· ..... -- 2011 41•1 si'."'1125/m'o: •hopping center & bu-"'"v-vvv"' other profMtlonal. UM f~0 a:~ ~~ 1SO ="' inll mo. Spayed & hH •II port Beach, Ligun1 ....... 873-3057 ellne. H.8. 1182-7520, 1250/mo. Avall. tmmedl•-of recepllonlet. Xeroic. ft 3500 eq ft 1 MO IUI lhotl. PIMM glY9 her • ar ... IOl'IW houa.work. 642 5678 knock• often wl'len you t•ly. Costa M•H neer Jew llbf"ary. Avtll lmmed., ~EE. 7511-81118 · · ••••·,· ... ••• .. ·:mu•••••••••• good home 54&-15703. h • v • 0 a r a r • 1 ·a • uae r .. u1too09lllng Dally Spec. 3 Br 2 Be.=· gar. !'.'!J!,J!!.'1!! ••• !.~!f S.C. Pfau. 850-9180 cell for detalla .. Mikki or -Found dog, tan CUl'fy hal-_7~CIO--Oe23~~~d~a~ya.~~~.::_j~~~~~~~~~! Piiot CIHtlfled Ad• to ~~ :C:.-1:S2 yrly. IUIJll lltTIL Share tieautlful 3 br furn. Art 114111115-2411 Xlnt Harbof Blvd 10C Juat ....... If, 1... red mete. Hun!. Bch. ••l Walel TIN More tamlllee are Qettfng :=:a1t.he Orange CoMt Wtt>J rental• now ...,911• houH, Jae. ger. $3115 EJicellent Offlcee • Up to No. 01 Beker st .. CM. SPtGlallZlng In 111 & 2nd Magnolle/Hamllton. •••.,.••••••••••••••••• the camping "bug" thlt PhOne &42•54178 VerNl!let Condo Studio, s140 & up. Color TV. Incl. utlls. 731-ee30 -4000 eq tt. 1801 Newpon ll80 a 1260 eq.ft epecee. TO'e trnce 19't "2-8181 Ull•ITUTIWI ~t II y0u htY9 a com- eocurlty. 1500/mo Phone• In room. 2274 Femi~ roomm•'• went· Blvd, CM. &4&-2111-"" Flult>i. teu.. Cell Proe> Robt. Settler NH/CM Found· lor10I t ' I •-•-1' per that'• not getting 73t-3371, 11511.0353 N.wport Blvd CM NIQUel '°' J09 Mgr , 0 4 5 • 1 1 0 0 : R.E. Brok• Bel ~Ol'I · •ea • • w -•-• ueed. Mil It now with • Lo-pvt apartment. Mo-84&-7~ . :k~i270 i.. ~·nn~ -=--. Furn lultt. p"'-• llo4~138e M2·2171 1145-0&1t collar. bet. ttll & 1th ,_ ... ...., Claallled Ad Claslltled Ad• &42-5178 .,.,, w/bltlne. 2 BR 2ba. t &40 3142 d ..,....,. "'" •------------------• ~oeanfront , N 8 Vloe PrMldent off .. ,.•------------------ w.iic 'A blk to beach. 2 BE I c H I RE A 83fPOf•1~~ 1i1 11pm. •i.:; N.8. loc. Phone and co-Claaallled Ad• &42-5178 /Went Ad• Cel &42-5178 2-3843 growing CompoeltH ·.·' a1·1y P1·1a1A .. .. . .... .. ..... OM pwlltno. Large clo-n n ..,.,.... pier avell 12211/mo • T OMllotl located In !MM •• eett.Or•tlOfMngleOf 2 $ 988· 17?'0, 840·82111 ~ . -• 1 11 Nelllng tn ~ couplff. Petlo. Laund 77/wk M/F nonemkr •hr 4 br (eve) I .~ ~r ....... ~~ You can be a I : ~ Mlf •tarting Ulle• f_ .... , ITOO/mo J•"' \1111 Klt...__ .. , ........ P__. Mua9 In C.M. Avall.1180 E"ecutJue office eull• 'l ..1. ., • 1 ,.,.., with excellent edfnl· _., AllllfAIT ~ by 5403 A,; Av.. ~iiivd &Wii~ + utlla.. 850.ol07 corner ~. 405 ,ljpy, ,...; ' WINNER ! . : nl1tratlY9 & aecretarlal 1111111 .... Tllen c~ ~'!.~:1111 Iv Colt• MtM Hf..0755 L!Ftve ON 8!!-'CHI ,....Hlfbor1~· Tttlk•1~ I .., ... :~1:· ~nT ~:h~ C:~~:: A • wHk temporary aulgnment •• _IMll_._Ot_ ....... __ ......... ____ ,yMl'fy on the~. hOtel Xln~ ~.0 ,,,, • reo-8re10 tt. Call m-e91tt. a --I : ~ oro•nlttd and r•ll•bl• lmmedlatety ·~ In • ~ buly cw.ct" • lll Wllll room, kltenen a .now.. 1------,...,.--11 J t b di d f lndlYl<IUal Who••'*" In depettment Of• dally~· Dutlte Wiii NewpOtt lei. duptex. 3 Br 1320/mo. plu1 MC, d.-Coupl9 Of ltm•le to lhr Founteln Valley Office us y en ng us your name an I •n ent,......,rlal •tmo-lnclud,• Pt•P•r•tlotl Of ,•nk d•PO•lt•. 2 ea. frpl, wet bar, boet po1lt. 23011 W, Ocun• beeutltul OOMn view hae, IC)oet, 2500 eq.tt. It 80t address and by watching for .YOUr IP'*9 A. btcl*Or d.-updel no Of tectlvoblt •11 ,,9, ane...-lnQ lltp, no peta or aml ohll-front. Newport BHch. Oen• P1, w/eouple, Pool, • tt, Good Hpoeur•, oi-In a buelneet ,..,..,. cuttomtf lnqult• Md hondttng ~tlon dren 11200. t7M42t e1M1°". ten"''· aectumv. aaoo. uooci '*"1ng. TllWI a name Jn the clas lfled ad or the I eci lleld 1e deelrat>tt, tiut C8111. Prior eooounta ~ endtor~ ~ IMnd 2 er. grou-, ___ ,_,.11 4,_ 2AC)..2,•ll f;,~~:rurtt . Cell Daily Pilot. not ,,.,....,y. uptrl•no• required. Thi• temporuy .... floot utlll pd 11175 .:;::::: ••••• :: ........ ll"Yln9 lr1J rm, tlOn-tmlcr, ' 1 Htltnment oould l••d to • P••mant"t ,.., • • 1 ..... ..i.-.... ~ ..._,._ ,.... 2• ... 11 ..... 1.,.. ... ..,., -..-W• ort•r an ••oel ens poeftto,, T"'t Dolly •11ot I• •n eq"al -,..tt. 142.,334 days -·........, ... --,,. ...... v..1.-!:.: .., .. en• • " -Wm hckrt& io ~he c1r~1.1 . 11<rc1& omuacment llltrt.1<' •1.. lllfalyainctoompeny...,.id • " w'" '" ,., .. , from bHO•I UUll. AW. 644-I01• -·-Uta tlons or 11poruna ('\:ents J\Ul nu oul thla tOl.IPOfl and • I btn•flt•, ,. .... Hnd C»PPO't~· °"""end mlnofttlla Y°'I don't need • gun to &20Sf'M(. e1S..80N M/F 11'1t' 3 bdrrn ....... t ..... , N .._.....I 1 L r1 1111 t"'·I l th ~ -.....-t:rUrref'll ..... I~. "draw ••• , •• Wiien uou , _________ , ·-""' 0 ........... UICU CUI mu ... uy (J t". J 1·· --.. ~'A'lim , WIDLf mt'IU bCtl H.8. Meat ldr, prty ,,.w office•, lncl~ng ~'''to: HA =~.:'~i~°r: AvtllllOle ~' 17M170 b&.Jlf'IYbl!lo,w/d.dleihw, reo911t1onlit, •n...,•no ClHllfltd Oepartm~t. 010)' Piiot ._ AIACAA11' ~ • ., / 14WllTI. Clwlfted Ade M2-H71 ~v. HOO mo. ~~:~~.1:2~.no• 330 w. Bay Strttt, Costa MC'H, CA tmt I a ... '':!: :-:::,:,,. ... ~H.~~~.~.~. ~.~~~~ ... · " WE COUIITT 186$ CO~IGI lttl 1.MW.tM.YD .. AMAHmM II A PROFISSIOMAL MAYlfUM-LIAIM-N•AH * SECRET ARIAL •LEGAL •EXECUTIVE * WORD PROCESSING * ACCOUNTING •BOOKKEEPING TO ADVANCED * DATAENTRY ML TIMI PLACIMINT ASSIST AMCI Cl.ASSIS MOW FOIMtH• Call Now 772-6941 AccreditecT Member Association ol lndec>endent Co11eoes and Schools Financial Aid Progrerne AVlileble. hi 111-. .......... ....... , ..• ..,. IAIN WOii MOMIY Become a Word Procelllng Specialist E•cellent Career Opportunltill WORD PROCESSING AND INFORMATION 2232 S.E 8r11tol-S~~:'ftLnt1 Ant. Ct 82701 ....... .,~ ............ -.-.-....... PEISIU~ 011"111 OUISEI ,., .. , ..... I ............. ,,..,_ •• IUlll • Th8M 3 weak d ..... deaigMd IOI' ownert of Texu lnatru"*ltt and Ill other ~ computare utlng BASIC language. • S.tur•eye and T. Th. Cl ..... In Coate Meaa atartlng July 31•1 or Aug. 3. Total tuition only •:se-. UL.L .. Pill• mo1 844-771 , ...... ... ,,..... Ceter .......... .. ........ Le.a ... .. ..._. ......... a wer4r••• fer •~• t.w ..... Call 845-1308 or 851-9352 for Into. rfiN..~:ro ~ 11For Active Chldren" Fall: After School Program 11 :30 a.m. -6:00 p.m. · Bowling/Skating/Hiking Cultural Awareness/ Manners TRANSPl>RTATION FROM SCHOOLS • Ideal fc>< Wonting FamlllM • Free Tranaportatlon : ~C:,~~-e (714) 631-1668 . •Irr ••trmaat lrlfaal OaANG• COIJNf'Y'$ OLOUJ' 4t "Nllf' l'alYAf'a !CllOOL GtodesK-8 ISU W. M.W., ........ "'-714, IHI CHRIST LUTHERAN SCHOOL \ Openings !Available In New 1st Grade Session and Kinde~arten "A CARING SCHOOL WITH A CHRIST-CENTERED EDUCATION" Extended Day Care Available 548-6866 780 Vlctorl• Coate M ... • HUNTINGTON BEACH 9861 Yorktown A~. Also offers Kindergarten 968-8833 • NEWPORT BEACH 1691 San Mlguel Or. Harbor View Hiiia Also offers Kindergarten 640-8820 • NEWPORT BEACH 2601 Vista Oeloro 644-0232 Pre-SChaal & Child Care + .., I I _________________ ....;.. ______ ...,... __________ -i------------1 Forfurther information reprding advertismg placement in the Seboole & Inatructiona Directory -call Louise Griffith 642-5678 ext 330 CHILDREN learn By 2 Years To 5 Years Old Doing FOR YOUI CHILD'S IEST ST All CHOOSE OUI ~AILI DAY CAil! cenB OPEN 6:30 A.M.-6 P.M. 815 KNOXVILLE STREET (On e..ch Blvd .,_,_,Adema & lndlanapolil) .. , ..... 91711 PARI PRIVATE DAY SCHOOL Now Has Limited Openings For September in Grades 1, 2, 4 211 IHI• Vista Awe. Costa 1111 1•1-11l 1 Nl-8CMOOL. KINOUIGARTIN PIRST • HCONO ORAIMS Organized For The Development Of The Whole Child Emphasizing Scholastlc Achievement & Creativity Reading Development Belore & Aher School Care Full Time & Hall Time SMALL WORLD PRE-SCHOOL Ac•• 2-3 I 4 Jr old Cl111e1 2950 McClntock Costa Mesa 141-3111 I --" @ IEWNIT I CHILllEl'S CEITEI lll-1241 1 I IOITESSORI SCHOil Aces 2-1 1 Academic Day & Exlft>ded Day Care Hot nutritious IWlChes 6:30am-6pm DISCOUNT for 2 or more ' children per family FREE $35. , registration first 10 enrollee• · I with ad before 9/1. ALSO: , Acting -Dancing -Gymnastics · 1 Horseback Riding ~ns. 20221 Cypress Sl (Newport Back Bay) 1 p•••••••••••••••• 1 Carden of 1 I Huntington Beach I I • Kinderiarten -6th I I • Stmner School I I (Pubhc School Students Welcome) I 1 • Academics-Art-, · I I • Music-Field T'1>s I I • Pre-School I I • f&j or Part-Tine I I • Ares 2-Jlllior I I ENROLL NOW! Summer:.f all! I I 121 Utica. 'n blk. I I W. Beach Blvd., H.B. I I 138-3188 I I Coupon Expires Aug. 31 I I Open 8:30 a.m.-e p.m. • :11-----------------· Rinaldi's Preschool o,11i11: Sept. ht ~ $111.01 ••• ~l''>s -rf ~At- e.>... . "P'(/~ SllOVllO<i All 0 1 OllANCl ~OV .. J<r IH COST• MlSA Anna's Day Seit()()/ &Nursery 1..pstw..wfwftll • Ye1t1 A0wn0 • 09¥ C.t• Atea 1 .. • Cutts• MWIMrt·~.nt· Fuff & '°'0.-;• '' .. "" Sult· S.•• uwn..o • -CtMlwe ......... ._ HOUH: 6:)0 .. ._ ... "10 fHURIN •COSTA MESA ht...,, Bay. Yw;tont ·~' . l J '!.1.'1..Vf.•.-.!'!. •••• !.{~~ !1..~.11..~!.-.!t!. ..•• !.{~~ !1..'.11..~!~!'.~ •.•• !.{~ !1..'.11..~!~!t!. •••. !HM !•!1..'!.~'!!. •••• !.'!.f !•!1..'!e.'!!. •••• !.{!f1 !•!1.'-.'!.'!!. •••• !.{ •• IJ.1.'1..Vf.•.-.~'!. •••• !.{~ !1..•!1..'!.~!.'!. •••• !.{~ !•!1..'!.~~ •••• !.{'!! · Dental~ F .G.S. hH opening In General Help, Mtn up to Lloht Oellvefy. cUh ~d New Accoontl RepreMnt· Aetteurant IAUSPlllll lalet Pono1 Sales ~~r~~·:0~ Huntlngt°"' Beech otnc. 1400 wk taking anap dally. Apply 779 W. 19th. allv•. lor laat growing ~!!11.,• ,.rtu.... W A R E H 0 U s.c For new ladie.' clothing Material handling be.ck-lmlEIT Pl'actloe In Mllabl Vle)O lor Automobll• SalH lhota In your area. Ame-Sult• H., Coeta Mela. bank, opening new otnc. for .:".::..1e11C1d, .....:.!.... ~ atore In Laguna Niguel. ground. Call: 559·5813. Looking for extra In-area. 930-3703 Rep. lnald• aalH, No teur photogr.,.,_.. ne.-Live In companion tor.._ In Newi>ort &each. Re· .....,..._ -....-REST Sec:l'.Carlal or boollk--ask lor nm. come? Try Part-Tim• -----·---• Prospecting, Attractive ded, ~F time. no exper darly lady on Bel boa qulrM z yra •llJ*' 1n ,_ alve realdentlel reall• , ping Miii• a PIUI. Merda. ..._, Tu.ctey ttvu ~ lllTIL compenaallon packege, or Mlllng req'd. Writ• to Penlnauta 7eo.ao30 accountl wlbeckground '*'°"· Cell le>< detallt Gorgeoua ga.lt & hend-831-0523. SILllPllllll/llYll dey, 9 AM to 12 Noon. • XLNT fringe beneflta. In-Unlver'tal. PO Boll 1223, . In IRA & KEOOH. Apply regarding thla unique aome men! Hiring hoetl SALESPERSON. Chll· LADIES' SPORTSWEAR Apply PENNYSAVER,.~ cv~~. lull time for cludlng company paid Montebello, CA. ~o MelntenancelGardenar at Orange City Bank. opportunity. hotteu. but people, d,.,..., •tore. E>lpr'd only. For goll ahop, private 1680 Placentia Ave. bu';' office. Near S.C. CJental, and rapid a~-1._..1 --FIT for 8'>L complex, e~ 4525 MacArthur Blvd., lltlttthl ltaltJ cocktall waltrffa, hNd FIT & PIT. Petite Mar-club. 30-35 houra WMk· Cotta Mee&. Alk for Mrs. ~ $45-<lS53 vencement potentlal. ~ .,..r._ rtence neceaaary. Newport Beach, .......... lN-1111 hoatlhoateu & lunch che CM 642 .... 714 ly. Incl. eome WMkend9. Whit• Some euto experience Mature expar tec;l'etary, 648-955e 12-7PM. Joyce. EOE waltrlla. Pldl up llPPI-• · Hourly wege + comm. ------- Dome.lie Hou .. keeper, and caeull't' llcel'9I. xlnt typing, phone per-IUIAllU .... Part time. Seti the moat REAL ESTATE LOANS cation & Job deect'lptlon Sell Idle Items &42·5878 496-5767 Clasalfled Adi 842-6678 llve1 ln,hexperlencedk 1• En-~~154/.:~ppt, call ~k~~~.':Zi by majof oll cornpeny to advanced Burglar Alarm FIB.I lllfl Mon.•Frl. 2 .... pm. Line up ~~;;;;====;;J.;::=======::L=======;- g I• • P • • n g . Resume• to: Claulfled manege .. 11 "rve g11 Sytt•m 1001$ below for Interview In peraon 751·De55. Fumlturt Ad #Sitt Del"' Piiot PO atatlona In Oranne competition. TRUE Aggreulve Newport hm-10pm Aug. 17 & 18 DRIVE .... --...... 1• ----eo~ 1.....;.., ,.:!...a M·.... • 12000 th •1 ae.cn firm Mika moU-only. 3450 VI• OPOrto. .... .. .... , ... .. ... .,,_ ... .~ ~ ....,., County. Company ••-per mon · "''° valed lndMduat. Terri- older widependable car, PlTTDI lilll CL e2e21. pending & needa quallfl-need 4 to bulld mrktg tory open. Harbor-~~~~~;~•wport ~In~ ~ ep-of tmmedlete openln9 fc>< ... -._ ed perlOr'll to grow w!ttl t •am. e 3 3 -8 9 4 3 Pacific. 9!5-0073 .... , ....... ~ • ..,.......... qualified and •xper"d Jig ... .,., ua. Generoua Hlary & 855-6807 SALES Ina. Rellable M•••nger ftllturee and pettem ma.-Elq>er. atyllat w/clllnt• benellta. Apply In pereon llRfTillllT Service, 3001 Redhlll 11., for c... ......... luf-to Jo1r1 progreulw talon. only. ARCO Station. PART TIME, HIH ledy, Who anjoya people and .... I ... Av• Bldg 1 St• 2'17 _... Cow-8 a I / com m I v a c . Main & Mec:Arthur, Santa IJ)edaffty lfW>9, Faahlon can handle bu9Y ...._ • ....... .,. woman·1 cto•hl..,. CM."1a1~i. · C': ..... .., · on Weat 540--8889 Ana. Mon thN Fri tam to 1a1enc1. 714-759-9951 Mu11 be taahicrn"";;;,;; ;i~'i. '""' eneri~i~ ORY CLEANING 1. p. ... • Help, need 25 wpeM-2Pf'n. pllf f1m ::::--.,,:or elegant Salon ==-&/':h~ :. lmmedl•t• atan for fully ....... IOfS PIT. nu Might lou ............. EVM and/or ... and.. RICHA"O OUELLETTI: pertenoe .,...,,'UI. Apply In ·~ 1111 L.,., M. proreo•m. wttreln. Manufec:turer of Metro-Reepona41>11 ectutte, ovw 200 Newport Canter Dr. l*IOn at AleJlla Neturll Olllllr ..... lei UJM 631• 1 rnechanlcal equipment i!.c:= ~!!._~/notlM' et~ Newport Beach Fuhlo(la, 290 Foreet Av .. E .. d HOUMkeeper, Mon-Frt, '~ Meda UP9t par90Mei In ,.,.......,._ L8QUn1 Beach. ' en1 1 ary an Ill l1 ii Im .. _to --for 2 ....... & the folloWI"" erw: work with youtll (agaa -n1•1t strongCompanybeneftta -•• _, -· ..,,,. ... 10·14). Call 2-&P~ _. a.e.FMNon Conluttant ewatt you for Mlt ..,,... at•tlona. 1 tNn, geMr•I haecl· 111'"* 842""321. Ext. 341. E~ ~~i. Out!M ToP ... frN wardrobe, • Gr.at opportunity w1t11: AWt In penon on1y neng, NI ...... 17i-2332 s,.t W.W.. gooc1 1111111 a .~0 tnOeoe11deoce. 730-IOIO lnt'I r900gnlnd Or..,ery ARCO Station, Sand -........ Pa~l•HL meet the pubtto. lxpe-ot ~1-43-47 Cla8nlng flml, a.yon Ava & 1-S Fr... F.G.8. lneurance hH ......... lilllrtl TMCl\er for H.B. 8chool. rtanoe not requnct. a.. -,.,..-------I • Extraordinary repute· w.y, lrYIM, dally before opening In r..-11 de-..._. ~lenoe ~· ovw 18. 1a1y °'*' Cell: "aft• a .............. don noon. pwtment tot person to Excellent weoe and i. Ceil HC).87 • PM." Diane et '42-4074 To di.tribute TM ,_., 141-1111 llmM. .,. =: ~ C: n~llta. Locafed In 8an p Tm ULll or Cindy at 1M1-t7aa. EuropHn £1fortlH• • ._. ::.~':mo~ng, uncl«wfltlnO ••I* Pf• J'*'t ~eno. Call for EnJoY'wotti1ng with klde, .. nl•H ~~01::.i ~11T1!'!.· ... ,, ~ f111no 2 ok: !erred. Salary commen-IP9 · and W11t1 '"4lfHHlf ear· Nead•d with tYPll'IG """""'· ,._,, _,,. IUlllT • •-_,,, PNf, Hf 0c ~. aurate wtth •:pertence 714431·"40 nlnet. utlHu your out· tklllt. Mutt haYe neat ::-, ~~:' 1111 Lepli ... I. & Cell k.A. Andenlon Co. Cell ~. 64 110t Mature pereon to do It• golno 1>«10n811ty, IMrn :~ranee, plHHnt •--------i 64• 1"43 llOWetl-.. & ti.Ip In how to beoOIM • trained voloe an4 toOd Ill.II lri II llll8ft8' ...... ... cerlng ..,;-; 1mall ctlll· ulH counHlor Call publlo ap,roeofl. Houts NIT fm1 General~ for P'9" Flalr tot d80orltlnO ne-dren. Non-einkr, ref1 '-l·SPM, 842·4H1, bt. tor .. '~·l'rl. Phone N•tlonaf oom.-ny .... tllgloue ,,,._. o8Ully. ,,..,. hold. ~ 17e-H11 it 34' 10& ... _..... king pettlttma .... flfldllr Be • oattl« OO\ln"4or ntty, MMIQement Ne*-l•Mli.nt oommlnlon. · ' _. ie.o to MCM• looattofte tot fNoro ··='",•.~n-.. : ground Ind pnw9n ebl-Wll nin . ...,.1411 MIDtCAL A~IPT, • 1Uf. DTlft ULll .._ •-_ --... phot09rap1110 vendlnt ............ .... lley to "*"'°' Miii peo. time. no ..,,.. MO, Wiii Do -.. MYe: 111 I. lloM-._.... --.. ·--·~ maolll,.... ~on .-y, orttonty 1tlloUt9 pea~ .............. Janitor, pit, evH, .,.,.. -.2111 •'"f'!J:.~=· ·_.,111 peny. pOUf'Ct fir oppcy, +..,,,,........,,..,. •--. 171 ki ~ plua laty Mon-l'rl. 1:80 pm to r ---.............. "*'8 .., ,...,. ... ~ adcllollll._.of,_.. 11•'•"*~:;: 11·30 MIHlon Vlelo MedlallMltlfMhntof.,.., OtlYf't OOfttum•"'te pr 0 od· ........ i~&.....,! ,...,a -11!~ .. !!1~ ...., " llNia. 14,,... 841~11 floe poeltlon, Ml•lon In °"* °"'..., ..._., ., -·· A ,_.-r.;.-to61 4~._. ~ Vloto 411-1080 !~°".!.~'"!!'.J! :.. T.'r'al" ... " ~=u= ... l'l1tellt ......._...... lllfOt" 1•1 I Ind ........... I pm, ' t -· ,__. -• tlM. °' ,.,..,;;..... ................ a.pi IUFllln Medlall "'°""'9 wN1e tm ••• MITAUMNT • W... IM.9&;;,._.., ... .,.e:oo,.. .... -M11; NtwPOf1 Con•er"H' ,_,.,. .. , .. ....,"'.......,.. .... MOii• ...... ,. .... E::._. 9t 111. --.. ....... ... htat• Lhlptlon "'"' ...... 1111 ....... ClrOllP olel Mdlet notuot•e A-. MWf'I t14 Meft-I 9'· ~ e tN ....... ''bul'' ,... ........ _,. ...... ,.. I llldUllllll ... Iii ..... p;1: ... ,, A&tf 'r.':z -· ... M.,. '19911 lf'W-1--. .... -..,..,,...... "" ....., .• "' Oii .... , .... 1••· Oii •--· ..... . per 111e1•a not gettlnt Slf*-Ind,-~ • lllMd u. ott11111ed 81111 w Leo ....., e;. V.lt. M-1'! ........ • flOW..., muat. t •l•r1 opH. IM'*'_. .... lfM· w.liir & Tlillr'll. 1'1"41 wt••'L°" •••• ,,.•,--1-u-.,..--nw--....,'""'!'!-.1 Qu MM. 140lllO IMnt ....... Mt-1111. ~ --.-10 Ollr""'C111r•1• OllrlllMQ• •••M. , ( (, ) ) BNTBD {,.--as':::m-=---.> > Newspaper Carriers tor routes in. Hun.tington Peach, Fountain Valley & New.,ort • GoodE.W~ • -erTrips ........ ,,,_, CALL CIRCULATION • DEPARTMENT ,. • , I ·eo Aooof9, • *·...., l~~!!!!!!!!!:~!J , .. ....._., AvaMI, ...................... eM00.11M111. WM•• uerltlu 1010, , ..... 111 ,,, •• .-11-7-........ •,...,...,..,,.....,, __ _ A•bll m1r, n .. paint. nMCMO .... _..... 71 AOCOM>...:""'1, """'i-Prllf--f!-r._• ___ t/._r.ff_-4 N;Wi~iiiii1i'Oft"'Ai;;;10i;J------------i New ~~ ... ,. ...... -""~ &H-2111 • • •• ........ •• ~liiiiii;---.. ct::, °1Me•jc: .... "' tMOt.=::=o Plcwy ·1~. rt)lt ""'' AM"W •1 DULEA &N U.S.A. ---------1 ••,:o.•~.;iQ';;•~·· Vlnyt hdtp Xlra ote1n (A~e:!'~I) .t29BNMpo d7-6t81 ~ ,I I d I .. 14.000 010 .... 1271, .,.,.. ...... ._,. t.'rht~Yn~!~f. •0:~i ••H810 ~ 1MO Honc1e oMo • aoci. -M2·27.. •--1-.-.. --........_---.. -1--• )Cini 00fl4. H MPG. New --M>~c:t~ ..:.::;.;:..:.;;;::.;..:.;:::..;;.;,.:.:;:__~"!:"-:---::-4::"'""--:~-:I _..,. radiate, ~nroof. 14900, ~lllN'M 111•1.., .... MlOIO....,,., Gold ChMW .. ,. ''" "" llCCtlltnt meoh1nlo11 ~I.Maino "3-~7 ClOHO WNOAYI llltfr1oer1tof. w1111er, mambauhtl, 111 •••••'•••••••••••••••• oondtUon. ts.ooo rto· 'ti llll' ar. ..,.1 ~~~:; :i:.h::r., • ~~':'!' r~ 1 '400). '0r'' :::g:• ,:J.!.~·:::tt.· r,·~~: i~=~·:.~t r:: tb ~1on1 ~.~ ... !!.~ f~ .......... !!.!I • Olk Plnlth O 1b1t 4 X2 .. /4M0-02H I IO Cl """""' nterl« wortc. f9,000 or * '78 2002: 4 te>d .. tn/rt, '74 l<Mmlnl\ 01'111, IUS*b 8........,.,._.LMlinO ~ ~i,;t.-:~~~'6.li up~rd oi:-~~. TWtn bed a Qflb :,\!a.,ii. IU·Ul 1. bttl oft«, 84Mlal '!1~::~201: 11Jto., A/C ~:Ont~·=,~~·~·~~; M!!!,!1111 rttno Ooodt 81fH Slllflty '4M148 IMf, idnt conct. 142! <• OOod conctltlon. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil'&e T·bfrd, A~ .it ttieee (S..81780) btuahed alum Wiiia, ttMI - • ~ l*'AOn lot 1-E..,.L_l!..,,.C_.,T~R-IC~O~l-O~T~H..,.l~S~ atMI). 482..-..~ &45-0327 , ro~~O;,b~~ .. ~= * '711 320!; 4 te>d .. lot-rtdlll llrtt Gat:r ktflt. 111·"40 .. ....... .. teUON. lxS*' nee. DRYER, W••ttnoflouN. N&AR NEW SOFA. htttl· 81Mt ..... 2 ••• 72X80," ~ cs.di C778YPC) '4900. 842-711 tV .. / • , ... , l?S-0281 hvli du'il. vl"t oond tonte. MUl1 Nit. Wiii MC Harbor Vlt'"' Monaco. --CAT c>flo mll1t. 2 toPt. Mint * '80 320!; 6 tl)d .. Wrf. wlcndt. ,._,, •• ' ~ '' · 1200 F del .. ·-cond. (209) 532-6483 (t511ZOK) ••1••••••••••••••••••• 8tW11no H .lte/new pro-S1 5. 7 1344 · ':w721 New $810, now 1500. •-Y°'"'• * .80 l52ll; auto .. an/rf. "••h 1131 '11 .., ... Le. ... duct for care. Not on Corntnowara Rano• top 144-t.428 '64 Riviera, Of'lg, 425 ang (480ZOJ) ~··••••••••••••••••••• Automatto, powtr etr., 1Mf11•. Show a ltlf Item. w/OOfl'IP .. I• vtenlll "' Capi.ln'• '*'· 4 1n 1, 1no1 Allnt lltw ht w/dual qu1d1, 12800. 1 .. ._1171 17 l•ncla Bttl 1100, rear wiper and more. Have a dellrt to make ,175 Xfnt cond remo-cnw.e, cabinet, bed a llulMl 11 ffetlal ........ 147~tfl9 • maroon, 1unroof, 1/c, 11538vze) money? ~ l'leW cw. d9led 5341-7._2 • dale NO 5157-8448 ,.,,,.,,.,,,, Convertlbl• •73 Caprio• 208 w. 11t, Senta An• p/W, Ill xtr ... OOK ml.... 14 ... 1 . Pr~ed tenttotlta. We . . •••••••••••••••••••••• $2 995 ct auto. XLNT cond. C1oeed 8und1Y oh• r r Y con d . .,. .,. u. manulr. Cell Bob RCA Whlrtpoot WHh•r, Oreen vtnyt vtbnllno rec> ~I P.A. wltfl 15 "'°"' f 12485. Eva 4114-5669 CHOICE INVENTORY IOOQO/OBO. 931·&640. 8Ut Maxey Toyota lot appt. &48-t173. 8Hre Kenmore dryer, llntno chllr. )(Int cond. epeakera, home & o THE WORLDS' FIRST ~ 1111..--J A-I 11•1 VOL~ALES #1.U 1131 1t202 ~~~ ' STOCK PERSON ..-i11on OOod oond. Wiii Mii to-$38. &4&-f144 Shirley. \lef9. l500 pr. 751·8510. HOBIE DEALER , , •-.,.,... ~' •••••••••••••••••••••• Hnttnotn Bet\ 29 ...-· gather or 1ep1ratefy. r ...... ltM .... Hobie Dena POlnt •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ =mr: .=:; Both yellow. 847-Hts l!arthtont .......... 1115• 2 341115 eoaat Hwy 11 OMC Jimmy, nHd• ·~~r~• w,.i:.i: :rn:· ,.... 1162 2408 ..-...___ p ...... 1 • o m • bod y w o r k . retell 1tort. Pl .... In-• round bfalded ruo•. (71 ..... 4) ... :1· .. 11 11550/ofr. 1162·27&6 IO I Io L AIU I S1S50. 1157-0440. quire Tuea-Frf, 10-8:30 22 cu rt Stgnatw. retrlo. brown, 1315 Ind SM. 1 AL TEC LANSING 120 .._. & Mk for Jlm 760-8650 froat-tree, 818 d1'9. S22S. Ortwttal ruo approx 10 X • d p A k 1.ARGEST JEEP DEALER llW 'IO TllOIL e W I M M f N O 54t-2564 20 rt. 1150. Port. colored ~:· 100 ntt IP ra, In !he W~ 881 ... s.Moe-Leaalno 6 speed with air cond .. tNSTRUCTOR·Equaffy Kenmore delu•• wuher, TV S50. e<t0-9tet "'" with c:rouovare. II' UOllE• UT ~~e'P:-' 850 ~=•Blvd joo~~,jt=~ /;:or•· ln1tructor/lll90uard for offer. 831·111117 , 1dn1 cond. 1125, AOUl'd, Ideal for audit race wall equlpptd. Call Gary Gray & • ~~········"" 111 n Plll11 Wt ~ I OOOd .....,._ tlon ol NlW & UllD ChtWoie.et COMM H~ CHfYAOU T . .. . r '.'. S46 t lCG ........ Aulo , aJr cond., tow mll•• and clean. (1RSW475) IMll Bin Mu.y TO¥Ota 19202 e.ct'I 81Yd. Huntington 8Mctl 09~-0829 qualllled 1wtmmtno wonc1 iclnt, $1115 °' belt K=n MatlreH & boic Xlnt cond., loud, clMn w/prtme moorlno, fully Hlghelt 00tt11 Paid i•J-llll 1•171 pet1c In C.M. Cettlf .. d. 25 cu rt RCA retr1g h•· 111 rlum1 and/or large s 3 2' K . tl.&llll MllT Open Sunday Biii Muey T~I• 557•7234 fOf' appt. .,.., gOld, 3 df', srs. le»-Teak dining room .. , ~.ul10o ~;\~·~:i:"o' S3t-3Sll6/&4S.9569 AllG/.IUP/IUAILT .. , .. I Ollm'I ,~·:~Ju. ~ Hn~~:~ ~2~~211 ·~o~ c~:·in::: fteet1er, Pr•achool FuH male.er & water dtsp. In table w/7 chal,.. Xfnt wUI trade for other mull 15' Gt ... ~lc wltrafter & 2524 Harbor Blvd .. CM lllllT NIXT MAIDA. ,76 Corolla SR5, good & out, rtcent~bulft !::1.'=~~· F:irr::: door, 1550. 538-9901 cond. seoo. 851-0984. cal equipment. 547-18415 motor,$ 11 11 OBO. 549-8023 145-7770 & ntf IY & condition. S1800 engine. 11000. 1481 Cllll 540-111111 Apt IZ gu etove. brand VIOLIN, fulf-1lze Roth. t4M72e lft. 3· .,..... 1510 lfmf •.. ... 840,.1447 , ... ..n new. whit•. $400 or bat 11111 AIU -•H u__... .....,, Cw--01-1 •• Q , --_,one•-·..,.....,....,, •••••••••••••••••••••• fACIUYTI '78 Corolla SR5. ale, am/ -•••• •• T=:,'8; t~ by the otr. 84&-8720 art. 3 e:~,,e~Q ~ ahag for atudent. MAKE OF 18' Hobie Cat, yellow wt '71 LIY PIOllP Sal ~Li I tOIWllSl ctSTU!U)41JJ14 tm atereo. tmmec. ltlape, 29,500 mlfaa, good beac h, 1300• 110001 UHd retrtg. 150. Oood 63&-0'832. art. 6:30 FER .. 84&-85411 teq. sunrise sall1, Like E1<tra clean wftfl very tow ~ CAR\!ERen no • 25K. l3800. 731_8830 shape, 4 te>d. men. trane. week. Call 536-7511. :~8~ condttloh. Oultar, Alvarez ota11cat new. 12500. 676-8181. mites. (1505407) l'L.../I u J'L 11., 13111115 080. 842·9691 HO. Also Eplphone Vagabond 14, w/treller, 13171 Jt:l.LS1()i('E•llt\'1W '79 RX7 GS, 6 apd, air, !!.~!!!~f!~••••••••!•'• days. Tao~' ~ntelt ~ .,_IH 1011 R:,,~n:=:., ~~:11". ~~ acoustic I i50. MIJ.2487 Ilk• new, blue Hiii, many Biii Maxey Toyota ~ ...,,. ..,, " ~""' '~'"' n.-ttrH. great etereo, MUST SELLI ·ea VW S•· -.7-8_M_on_za.--2-d-r.-4-cyi-, -5 .,..,....... n.edt(. 0 • ...,.. ::;';"•••••••••••••••• ton -•nt condition •~25 After 7PM xfru. S 1850. 4119-1443, 19202 Beach Blvd. ..,_,.., 11"'" 11111 ... 1..., P • r f • c: t c 0 n d · fart Bus. Sllda rf, nw 1pd, XLNT Cond., AJO ..... _...__tor -"~'no .,_......., 1 t _.. ·"' ·... · ""7 323' $8895/0BO. 760-1634 ,_ ., .. ...,. .,"""" ...,,,..,nn Crueer, r• or-.. 8 ---'-•·-IUU~ "--J._-a ,.., • " Hnllngtn Ben 962-06211 '70 2002 p-.-. cond'. N~ nstnt """" tran1 ... ti et~-M~a PIS/ P/B aprae out oartllto111 to new 24" men1' raat gooee ,....,. _ .. p .,..,,.,_ •••• , .... • '""' .. -... -· -... · • ........ • • '• boolcleta. No experlenee eprlnger: pd 1250• wllt S50. 497-2621 LmJ.-nl IOI 11 ft 1t•I 0.t 073 El Camino, new tlree, tnt. New paint. rune per1. #lllHll If•• 1110 t I r • •. 4 9 6 • 2 8 O 1 , $1995. 93 -0328, evee; necMSltY· S~ & cah tua $145. 831-9197 Eerthtone Comer Or()Uj) ••~•°"'"•••••••••••• Complete I 1100 da brake1, rune good, $2875 Firm •••••••••••••••••••••• 844-9539. 549-0823• d•YI bonu• dally. Apply In I-"~'-2 bed/coucl'IH, oak Beautlfuf Oak offloe deal<, 048-4483, ev & wknda need• paint. 12000. 676-9740 CATCH II W1Tll '69 BUO. Rblt ang. '77 NOVA paraon at 32141 Altpaz. ..,.,., dreHer. oek deek w/ 145. ca11,,:_~77 831·36511 847-8188 1171 llW llot Oii PllCES cuetom tntr. Rune great. PIS, P/B, Xlnt cond. Sult• D. SJC. lf41ftU.ll 1111 dlalr, ..... comer W>le a .81 Datsun 4ic4 king ~·b E 11 d 33 000 DOWll 12300/flrm. 1161-3042 125001080. jl9+2978 TtU.-•••••••••••••••••••••• temp, Ji $3&0. ~91161 IBM Peraonaf Computer ,.,,,, llJJI 12,000 ml, f~lly eq';;ip: micl~ :~'o ~~A a 3 d a , '72 VW BIJO, nu paint, rblt '07 Malibu, 152,000 ml, ... ........ llW Ho/n. PtltH......._ ................... ._, °' Aw4e 2 l 2 Pr1nter1. lltfb 1110 ped. 17800. 561-2756 031 ·3059 evH 1nd Come In and conaldat' eng, clean. must .. 11 good condition. 1800. -·-,,....._ ........ _.. M~t 1811. 673-7422. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ... nda. our 1MM •rvigernents Redwood 2ic8 decidno. worth 1180 ... MC. $80. Slfp1 avallable, Corona ·73 FORD 350·1 TON ..... or........, t~m ................. 52950. 720-0572 ,1213 4-20' tong; a11o redWood &45-11177 --------~... .... ... __ "..,. we need good people to tenclno. Cell Jim or Ken D11ka. Ille cablnet1, o del Mar area. $9 pr ft. Stake bed, V8, rablt A 1118 t BMW 3201. $4~0 Hou• of Imports, Inc. ·eo Rabbi! dll. A/C, enrf. '87 IMPALA Ht up appointment• anytime, 775-14111. ..,.. "" equlpmenl, ahoe> equl P • g g Y or Carr I e 1pd, dual whts, lumber auume leaM, 11K, dYt. DIAL 213 or 714 5-epd. 37K ml, 18250. 2 ve. auto. pa. tilt wtlt, rromowNewportBeectl •••••••••••••••••••••• ment. Refrl~., dbl bed, 1155-2473wkdys8-S. rack.$2900.557-0058 640 -8443 . ave1 . 637·2333 875·15711 P .W. AJulo goodc:ond.ln&out,rww office In the evenino fOf' Railroad ties, good -.0-5 yr. old mare. Appy & ~~13~~:.~ly 4o• BalbOa Cov ... Avail fur 1510 4117-1005 •HOEIEI lllZ Salee 10838 Ilk• new, $850/obo. Holldey Inn'• new traYal tlon. 18.75-113.50 cut Arab. WtM t,.ined, gen-1~ ... ~ .. 1021 now. $300. Pwr or fold· •••••••••••••••••••••• ,..,.r1 111& '80 vw Rabbit Convent· 5S4-8062 ctub. Salary + commi.-11z .. avail. 25115 L.eguna lie. Nice w .. tem pie•· .....,.. .. .,....,.. down m 11 t . Ao t '66 Dodge V1n, auto. ':!r.:••••••••••••••••'! I• SILIOT111 bte, 18.000 mites, Ilk• -.8-2_81_.c_, -2-d-r,-,_,.--13-tl)d-. ~!~'l7'!n b_enu1•· Call ~:tI~;.. Rd. Laguna, eu,~ horMS1000· ''15· 1"!6<'511e8 a lell IOI 845-StOO: 549-1388 greal buy at 1875/otr 73 Capri, good condition SO llWI LWE new, IOjlded. $9200. d•YI 8 cyl, ·93 tic, nu paint. ~ """'•••• pm ...... · .., · •••••••••••••••••••••• 662-2788 $950 or ~t olfer That'• rlghtf No front 752-7311 . ...,.. & wknd• 11200/obo. 557-2187 Beautlfuf gold bath room IAllt.I Red Lored Amazon Parrot "'''' 1,..11 · 840·1A99 money required. Ju•1 41111-4351 faucet, n-. $200 (I of s co WESTERN Young, Tame. Muat Self. lkl IOIO 79 Dodge, cpt, paneled, your good credit . c1 ... 1., HIS WhOIH•I• or dlecount ( IM ). 845--811811 5411-8874 Wk •••••••••••••••••••••• auto, 26·000 ml. S5AOO. CitrH• 111• (0 Ac) c II t ·eo Oii. vw Rabbit. De-.... ,."': •••••••••••••••• Too YOUNG price) 41M-2895 Hardly uMd, model No. Alie for Jol'ln ' · '77 Jet 18' 460 Ford bat (213) 424-2427 •••••••••••••••••••••• · · · · • or more tuxe A dr, AM/FM c:aas, 5 '72 Newport Cullom, aH · 482e. 1450. &40-91116 & b~ printed. Nu 'pnt. •79 Sportiman, Dodge '73 Citroen S.M. Dark detalla ··· 833•9300· 1 pd , A IC . S 5 2 O O. pwr, a /c, am/Im, good FOR AIRLINES? COncrela pad• for walks, • L-U If-~ llf• Ill.., In-,., Xlnt cond. $8,000. v 11500 bo blue. 5 IPd One Owner. JIM SL.EMii 760-1334. cond. S850. 494-5060 Patios. etc. or broken ...... .,. -• ~ ••••••••••':3 ••••••••• 54S..9033 an, 0 $15 000. 645-319.4. IMNllTI •. •••••••••••••••••••••• BUSH & . LANE Upright call 979-2523 ' 11170 VW Bui, tan & White, 78 LeBaron. PS, PB, AC, lmmed openings for 15 concrete, 115• 040-7382 YELLOW SHAG CAPT piano. hand carved, A W: tH ISIO O.t1sa 11ZC Authorized aunrf, compl rablt '75 FM. Buroundy w/Vfn top. ~:'.~':. BsYt.:,o~·~ru!~ c ... ,,,' Good quallty, 12x14. $2200. 840-8888. '!!!!'l!!Wl!! •••••••• !.'!.' ••• !!........... ...................... M~~~~~ dual Port. Clean. 12700. Lo ml. S3tl00. &40-0857 ;/o~~'.q~: -~~:~n::c~ •• !el~~! .... ~ L::o~. Din rm.==-F~~~~.~~~.e~k:~:: !~!~~!.~.~~!!.!.~~! WE PAY NEWPORT BEACH 67.~;5:nrm1u ~!!!!~.-. .. !'1. ••••• !!.3-f Tranaportatlon fur· Omega D·2V entaroer. Refrlg. TV, Stereo, Pain.-xtnt cond. 11450. Pucn Mo-Ped, mint cond, TOP DOLLAR '82 300D Turbo. Sliver Low mllH. xtnt cond. '11 u ... , nt•h•d. Mu•t be 18 or Xfnt condition l400. tings. 1202 Donegal, 845-07112;..,. 84&--0721 tow mllaage. 1400. Call blue metttblua, 1/r, orthO $6795. 84µ 151. l400. 5411-5279 OYer. 81note. well groom-4117-2021 Coat• ....... 841-9312. ·~ If--~. ' 842-2483. FOR USED CllS ... , •. rear head•. tact ,,, I. -tn1tld mats, must self. '69 &Jnroof Bug, ftawleN C.1•11 Hll ed a,, .. to itatt lmmed. 20 roll• Kodak fllm, any llhltlluNU 1111 • ••••• •••••••••••••• #elfr'Tflll/ lW llAIHI Pvt pty. 71.41731-0202 paint, body, Int. Rabi!. ,•••"'••••••••••••••••• For pareonal lntarvl-Ifie & expoeure. $8. fOf' •••••••••••••••••••••• -ya•t • •---fl'"'I •150 --•A/A•••t 70 Co gar KR7 very call Sheryl Stevana -u 545-7452 A tlque mahnnany cabt r ... --., 'JI r-•--'81 380SEL: Under 9,000 $2275. 1161·3982 u ' .... · n -~ • Regulation Ille solld • •••• •••••••••••••• ••• 2-480 Harbor Blvd. 0 d =cond. 833-0570 or apply In net with orig. RCA radio • ·eo ......... 1 tow 1._. 650 m If a 1. rte n t Re . '7"' vw """"lop ~·-.,..,, . ..."1333 peraon at tfle Newport C.11 1131 & record player-$75.00; oak, mint cones. 1725 · ~ .... · m ,_, COSTA MESA Cflrome Rime, Sunroof, ~t"' anu~ ...::'g;;d .,...,.. Sherton, MacArthur ~~·~·CAT•CA;: "JVC" table AM/FM Tread Mllb '125 MUCH. shaft. 12000· S4&-l333 141-4100 perfect cond. IA-4,000. 13gs0/08oe3;~812 Im IHI Blvd ., N .B . btwn stereoredtowtth8treck MUCH~.,.,R!.:,89 1980 PE 400 Suzuki 14f-14f7 Wkdys 71 41557-0711, ---------t•••t•••••••••••••••••• 11AM·5PM Wed, Thur, 1T200LE8'!.!*Jh .. ~',~70 ·8UMd & racofd ptayer-475.00; .,._.._ Secrlt~. $1100 obo eves / wk n d s '78 Rabbit, Int/ext lfke '71 fllSTl ..,..1.....,.. 1 .. 52 ..... '77 B210 Hatchback, 4 1 eo 12750 Fri only. Parents wef· · bathroom "marble type" FISHING Rod IGFA 201b ., ..,....., WE llJ 7141875-2464. new,• er · · Low mt111. clean and d 1pd, 11ereo. rune & lookl ---------• Mika 831-.4015...,.. coma at lntervtew. ,._, IHI link In 1 door & 2 raww Par ucenenc:. S 110. '71 Yamaha Enduro 125cc xlnt 12850. 957-0440 '87 Ml3Z 220$ convert. ti ---------1 anarp (43 IVXV). Redu· ~~~~~~~~~ ~•••••••••••••••••• cabinet pfUI ma.tc:Nno 2 551-0261 1200 '81 YZ 80cc. CLUJI CDS cyl, brown wtbrown top '7A BUG. n-paint. re-cad to TOPLESS MODELS lee lh'ltHt ..... ~~~~!!,.~•~n:.!.,t n: w.ie, 873-1133 or 675--1788 Ill TllCll '73 Daliun 24oz. wttfte. & Int, all new, 47K mt. 25 d lat1. A·t , xtntl 121150 $75 DAY. PAID DAILY Sign up nowt For Info: .,..... <..=. atereo CHI. Mull Miii mpg. Beautiful car. OBO. Evea. 875-11288.. no exp nee• 82&-2583 can· 847-7888 FV all for only $100.00; IUIJ. lmN I .. ,., Bean l1lf/ $2700 548·1~31 S2 OBO 67MS8 12111 Biii .,Cu.y Toyote 111202 8eacll 8'\ld. horse btanket·S20.00; ••••••:I'••••••••••••••• i..tl llf 1 llH 7•9001 • 1 OILY 11_1000 WUTD/WAITlllS CHINESE SHAR PEI g fr I· s r Id t n g hat BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA ••••• :r.· ••• !~r.•••••••• .~A2UDL 8Ai'auA~-~N2~gA:~t MllT I.I .01 VW Truck Hnttnotn 8ch 982~ Wltfl car for wicker baa-Melea, 1 black, 1 dark Csmalf)-$25.00; new eat Color TV Ula. 2 'If wrnty. Rent 28' motor home, ket kmctl 9erVlce. ll:30 to fawn, 8 moa. 54&-1395 rtoor mats (A1·120.00; 1148. Fr .. deffvlry. lfps 8 fully IOaded runnlng.o xoes to best '70 300SEL 720-0290 84&-2840 any time. '71 FOROM~.Good cond. 3 new Urea. econ. $850. 4i4-3211 1:30 pm. Mor'-Fr1. Earn AFllAll new 1A Inch I ght alloy TV John's 64&-1786 ' 6'4W616 · offerll · 721 'll ~ Partfno oul '71 Bug 1150 to 1170 wkly. Mu1t 828-0e35178<>-2811 rims (BMW's) Ht of Am It• u r Red Io For ren1. 20' motor home. -"--------1 1110 IATSll 210 Red/wht 361< mt. new Ml 4114 be nMt. l*'AOf'llble, en-•---------~~;_:<>.,::,cc;: Equipment-Swan 350 Very clean. Comp. 1111 llYlll 5 •P••d tran1mt11ton, ttru. Alloy wheels, 2 -.7-4_VW __ P_op_T_op_C_am_per--i ~:·.:~747 at 10 llllllAl llllY dlal tire• 195170 HR transceiver wltfl 117c equipped. 873--5133 Top dolfare tor Sport• low mites, excellent con-top1, must -to appre-Etec Tat, Butane Stove, '11 a.IT Air cond. & atereo. (23024) AKC, F. 3yar1,1150 14-1100.00; 8MW 3201 =D';°'o'f%~r:::'!:: For rent: Clan A motor ~::.!·. :~~~ Campera, dltlon, cfHn, AM/FM clete ':ls..~:/P xlnt cond. 14500, WANTED: Cntld care for OBO. 891·9868 hoodmaek-$20.00; mtr-•r.•r• tubes aft ,.22... home, ale, mlcfo. compt. radio. 2 new tlr ... '83 II· ev 960-5SA3 14171 lnf.nt .ft.rnoon'nltes 1---------d I I • " Ask for U/C MGR cense paid & MUST '78 ~50 ...... t w/navy top Purebreed Sable Shettle r o r m • c n • I 14) 644-8285 returblehed, 32', lfPI 6. .. · "" · "•I-11" wkly $1.26 hr. 496-5063 bl t $20 00 c II .... IUll•I s ELL I I 3119 5 . ca If xtnt cond. $25,000. 91 .... •• Biii Maxey Toyota 19202 8eacfl Blvd Hnttnotn 8ch 092-0829 pupe, without thou 175. ca ne • · · • ..... to. Motorola. CB ... ~ '450/Wk. 983·0594 675 3017 ... 2-0138 7 .... 1~,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• ftl IPDATlll M1lel. 641-4774 642-0l38. """' ,,_ YOLISW&IH · or "'" · "r """ # 1 YtlQ hlltr ..__,.rt Center Broke-3 Id d f I --··--ai-;ii•iiiii•ii•iiiiil •tatfon,w/c:ar !n~!'!'!'·· fr•Uft!t. r11nl 1110 18711 Beach Blvd. 78 280Z, btu•. 411,000 ml, 'II 220 ....... •• Ir•-· A-...... ·--.... yr 0 •pay• •ma • &.-40 en. 100. 84............. ••••••• •••••••••••••• HUNTINGTON BEACH 5 spd, m~a. louvere. ... - -•• ,. r9ge Firm. Hr1. 5:30 to blonde shepherd tor lo-a to 20' •~ 3e. per It '711 Ootden Falcon 25'. S Auto. A/C Pwf brekes. 4 1:30. Good typing ... vlng home, calf 1163-9-443 775-149~~Yum• . FOR SALE: THC 1000 • e It c 0 n t a In. d . 142-2000 spolllt, 5 . 4114•8188 epeaker lltlfllO CUI. Aux HI H ···- '81 ESCORT WAGON AIT, AIC, P/8, Like MW 142115 OBO 1162~7 aamlal. Salary open. Call ------· --1 Real to Real Tape Dack $5500/0BO. 962-7520. '74 210' •+2 tank. 33 MPG. $4250 -•• -·--Marjorie 844-2«2 1tH If Ffl IOf5 JEEPS • Government 1100. 842-5228. WAITED! • & 499-35&4 UI LIASlll '75 ORANAOA loaded, bronze cream. 85,000 mt. I 1850 iclnt priced 1188-1771 •••••••••••••••••••••• Surplus Listed for $3, fr1J/e11 UtJJJtsr IJll Xlnt running cond. Gold ---------1 OVERSEAS DELIVERY 6mooldkltten,wntw/Tlte l98. Sold for S44. For Sony 1548R with remote•••••••"••••••~••••••• Late modal Toyo111. w ith air, lantaltlc •IST SEW EXPERTS ~ brn back to gd home. Into Call (3l2) 931-1091 and custom stand. Xlnt ALL STEEL 8Jl8 TRLR Volvo•, Pk:kups a Vane. stereotcasa., AIT, mega. SOOD 11180, Snrt, nllw •••••••••••••••••••••• 89&-3092 Ext 22311 condition $4115. Saneuf Hvy duly tlr .. + spare, Call~ todayl $4000. otr. 951·1344 or b"-1115 75W Dolby quart-tock good cond, 1395 or beet 844-0523 or 9!11-2551 Orea, very cleerl. s19.ooo WU llE !!~~•••••••••~ •••~•••••••••••••• Fr .. 10 good home, male ... lllUllP r-'vw. Attal OXC 730D otter. 494-2695 or bit ofr. 092-8392 YILYI '77 B08CAT. Augo .. Ttl••llt••..... BHgle/Dacfleund mt1<, RACQUET and SPORTS atereo cuMtt• player.A •--Z ' '711 ~OZ, A spd. AIC. '11211 1"6Harbof81vd. moonroor. 11500. with phone, American ~f1P ~7°8•2 A Y" · 01 d · club, Fountain Valley. P~ quart loci( turn-'!:' -..-.n,_,rullHll __ r .... o._Y .... o .... r.-&.._Y .... Ol ..... Y .. o_.. SA~~ OMO c~:; ~~ ~·. Xtnt cond. $7200/0BO. COSTA MESA 831-1163. LHva m .. ~ 0911 11200. Old Mo.lef .... "" $1250. 546-3208 table. Sound r•HltCh • Attnunn r .... ...... ••• 141-1101141-1417 .. on phone. Sal• 1950. Singer Se-Mate puppy, 4 moa, ,... No. 1243 spaekers. Ste-•••••••••••••••••••••• 1193--4305 ..:636-:..:..:..:56A3:..:...:.:.;· ______ .1_::=:..:::.:.::.:...;:..::::..::..:.:..:...="'-:--------:;;~~ wino machtnua I 150. Oofden Retriever, all Outltendlng DE WINNE reo 1tand Included. Xlnt All Chevy truck part1: ~ c......... 1 '77 Dateun 280Z, xlnt #0 1144 '81 VoAVo OL. tfmlted ecff. #•1ta1, llfl Secretary dHk, ch"t shot a, nda tge yard. u1I painting, 30x38" cond 1900. 497·2&21 ton to dteeat'. Rb ft ""Ul-UOJ • S40.t4'7 cond, 53.000 mllea, ale, •••••••••••••••••••••• tton, all luxury opts. 4 dr, ~,:5••::u•11 •F•/•b':,::,"9•::,• type. HOO. Burl wood 831-3089 14500 ($2000 .... thar a. lranemlnlon from $165 ---.--.-IT----11tver, amlfm 8 track. 77 Ill 119' 0.114, aunrool. Tiki over ..... "N.:.' dr1-tr-atn"i' p-':n71'· cena Chai,. $125 ... DI-gallery). 87S.7978 ........ •'* n & up. 554·1850 $8200. 752-6408 d 12750 1425/ 759-0222 .... ... .. • ,......, room table 8 rt X 5 People wtlo need People Model V·116600A. $1, USED CARS & TRUCKS 1)'9. Mull NII. ' mo. redlMa. wlr'I wf*. $3000. ·~..,. Kida lmalt ltze mot......._.. OOO .... 808 '72 DATSUN 1200 •in·J 11·•• 631-4003 _..,. .., .. "173 11, 12 h'th back chafr1 That'• what the -~,....... . .,.,,_.. COME IN OR CALL FOR ~, _, -A I n.~ """'.,..... ....... .... _,__ ... • .. ..,.,... ..M 0-'IL y PILOT hat meta. I 15 or 2 fo1 Nol Running flfl a ... ateai ••••••••••••• ••••••••• D-1 l" .. I S U'I .,... , C Rblt ..,.....,., -....,.,., "' 125. 64&-5883 Packard Bell 1tareo. Goaa to bait ollerf .,..r__ -·-1 --:r.:, '' ••••• •••••••••••••••• 67 Mu1tano. pa. mint cond. Muell, mueh SERVICE DIRECTORY need al b t ptc Hauf away. An)'dayt Cormler..O.Lllto ·---• • ·• ;..,::••••t••••••••••973 l•ltk HI rvnnl, 289. partly etrtp. more. ~33811 ,. all aboutl Claaallled Adi 642-5678 _ .... :.~·i::. .. ~ ~911 ,. •~n "'721 01maa ll"lr llLY llTlll1Zll ..,...... It.at.on wegon. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• P•d 3119' 842-02111 A . 0 SOON YOU'LL 8£ SEEING SIGN8 AROUND TOWN CALLING A'l'rENTION TO SALES! Tl llYI 1 llllDIFI~ 111111 SILi (orY.-cl ................ ._) 1. Place your td In the Dally Piiot Claallfled MOtlon (It'• best to run 3 daya for maximum expoeure~ It you pay for your ad In edYence we'N run It 3 dlVI and only Cherge you fOt 21 2. Get your FREE Ger11ge Sale aigne (.at you hew to do It oome tn to the Dally PllOt • pay fot' your 9d In ad¥anCe -we wtll gtve you two 11 x 17 Stgnt - FREE of Chtrge). 3. Prlee MCh ptece ~ merchandlM •. 4. H•vt pltnty ot change on narto (nlokel1, dimes, quarter•, halvM, one and five dollar blll1). 5. R4M>t, Mw run. end count your~ •• the end of the ay. .... ,""°' C~ADS AU.6Gl671 "'"" -... ........... .,_,-., --· modal 1900, motOf' reblt, SEE IS . . 1880 vw Melen trenspor· 18211 BEACH BLVD. f!IUlll culllng dwn to 1 car. ,_Laur __ • ______ _ ,.,,, I lf4tl•f tar motor, 40 H.P .. 12 HUNTINGTON BEACH IUl.llS IPJ $1200. 848-1195 lot the largeat and beat 11175 Mustano Ohla. AC, ~sl..f!••I vo11 Poreclle generator a 147..Ull, 141·1111 I I salactton of new and AMffM, runa good. ,.. ••• • •••••••••••••• voltage regulator. good ~ r!.S~!•••••••••••~~. ~used Buick• In Orange k 1 n o I 2 , 15 o O • "'" hw1 H41 cond. $200. 846-1288 T Doi • •••• a 1112 714-6&2·2424 ·····'················ op ar ...... • ClaHtc 18' Lapttrak• '05-'116 Mu1tano•. parting PlllllT IOt I 01'......U. 1111 c.ntury bly bolt, 4 cyl, out. 848·8882 Ilk for Paid Tllll lllSIL •••••••••••••••••••••• Grey. 13500. 075-6161 Tom or Mike. · 3100 Weat Coast H-#Y. 1111 Ulllfl.I '711 lnvldtr. 111ft. lux bay A ..., , __ •-• ~UO ;,.. N~:-Ch $289 lltLMI --a •kl boat. 280 hip .!';':.~.~:!........ .... 2· 5 ,,. IAO~C...ty ...... -.i ~f;s.tear · IUOO. IM:oO=~~~,rsoz~~ ~:~.;~'=~ !!!!. ••••••.••••• l!.~f per month plva t&lt 2925 Har60f' Blvd. ~~~~oC:: ADVERTISERS Coeta M... 540-5630 '78 Fiii 124, mutt Mell-48 month CfOHd end COSTA MESA cart (H&YJE)-42' H Matthewl, twn dal. "' ed Ill 2111 =~=~~loJ-'~·P~~i•;g; ~..:,1e:ro~•d::: ~'r;"';'/=ear ~73:o~goo or bat otr. ~C~ ::~~15.:S:; • ..~ : .... 8 9 0 • 2 5 8 1 , ( 7 1 4 ) tare In tflt vehlde C1...... (fOflfOfl or domettlc) '70 Flit 850 $eden, new I 1950 Cllfl required. 'll ltpl .... ~Ouel eta. 78<>-1178. tied •dYertfllno cotumne In good condition. paint, rtcond. HOO. Corne In lr\d 8* for • Automatic. AM/FM st• NEWPORT HACH ---------1 doH not Include any Set Ut At~I saw2e2 tallll (S.. tee85). reo, air. S3aoo 54•8635 11180 50' H1tter11 con-appllcebl9 taxea. lfotnM. IDOi IMPllTI 87$-7372 Ill •II ver1tb19. lullY loaded. real 1ran1far faH, finance •-"'• 11D &48 Dove Stt'Mt 1 ...... Sk"'ark, xtnt oond. 'lt ....... IW-lo lira. 1480,000. Evte dlerOtl, r.ee for llr Pol-•••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT BEACH ......, oo'' It OOO -175-Nn tutfon control device -MIM' 27,0 "''· • · or Ir Mutt Uq\1tdate 28' Well· certification• or dMler We OM lltlC>' lefore ~ 112-1118 !50030 ~3 usume INM. at Otda 8t1rflra . Sporty Otlft Hove w/trlr. 8lpe 4, dooumentary pr.para· ~. cf** °"' unbealao .2 ... raf mo. on· flttctlbectc. Alt, ~,,. xlnt cond. •12,000/blt. lion Charo•• unttu bit Hftcllon, e1vtnge ,_.. Hlf Fl1. 710-6 157 1ttrff o .... tte. 1111to. s.rtoue ~ ~ pp otharw1" •~Hied by and Mn'loa todeyl •••••••••••••••••r~•·· '75 8kyh1wk, V6 3tK u.ne a power~ a..s-1230, '154-eMi · · 111e ldvwt1ear. .'lilt& 11.111~,, llhct lllYllllTY r.llSTER ,,,...... t10. power b1ao. 12.eoo oeo Mt· 28' Chrl• Craft Olblft b= \'•'"'·' \h..,,1 MU l~.fll Wll I..... .W/Yll 548-7tU 'JI Olde 8tarflre, low orulHr, eno. ~ trana. H• w t9d 2980 Hlrtlor llvd. ....... CMlllw lllf ""'" H .000. Celt J9ft reblt, recently refur• •••••••••••••••••••••• :; or t~ ~ COSTA M18A 13131 Hlt'b« INd ••••• .. ••••••••••• .. • .,_ °"'Y 111-fll:t lft I ~. belt in. rlldlO. -. ttt"al w ~ -.. a.aa aa.u OerOln Or0¥9 MC•Utm n -.. iiii Mwpt a11p 1no1. x1n1 SMy ~ '**• 4 M2·2718 ..,.......,. •• .. ,.... Ill' 1 ,., :t!!M ........ :r.':f •ha -•. I 1 1 , IO O • ooupH. 4 to cl'looH JllAM. Ji.;t;;I ,_ -1 ~ wa __.....,.. 1n ...... '71 HortlOn ~ •1000 e~see 1roin1 = .. , (ltk. ~·~:' ... ,..... .. ~.~ .,, 11.~1•1 '°' .;:;-~ ~ ... , 11111 ... \.oH-4. *. w •-A30N). ~ M -WI•• tM ooncl,, l lttttO. ...-. • tMI & fllOfllllll'llll. d9M, l4IM; ..,..,, winner 0~01er ., ..,_. •• M .. w'iiii'i;t;' (,Om.Al...,_. to •eo '24 Turbo, ICMlded. ·eo Lfr. 11111•11 ._,._ ws I ' ,, ........ 17' )('-t .... -........ Illa tl4. Tall• 011er It.... ... 1-i:n':n'••••••••••lml 01 IJ.vt. m ..... "-,_, loec:ltd 9111 ~ Toyota t 000 -• l'°"'90 C)orwert. NN bay orulffr. tttoo or """°°'· fld oon4. like ttaot leictflMS p1ue r:t1~ilOI 11•111 IOOd. lllUll 111. beet °"9f, 171-7871. new. 11),400 010. Hnttngtn Iott -.oeat .. II Ill.al MIO tM-not 20' , ... CH!llla cMn ... 8 •• a 1 1 Ev.. • '17l' H4 tuMQOt. Orta ,_ ....... _. ___ .....,. __ luper l port. ,O, wl p1..e14 ~ Hond•, Toyo~ Dataun, ..., •• hCMllleftt ooncf. ~~ c:ar.t Pltll; ... t-. I lftbOatd ttO.tftt. Ideal ~" ..... I+ I... Ill ,..... • ,.. 11. •.ooo ""· tnoo *· .... ~~ :=.--· MVM>I MA-I tlld. ( oyl, AC ~ : 1:, C:0 i.:.. ":..~ .. ,..... , =f~1J;f'Mt1::. IALll 171o1110. 'IS ltuoeti.-°'*"'*"' Mlt'tA Oltl tuMeof. lf'IY ...... ~ _,. -'n 1'4 U, I IDd. "" 3111....., ll¥d ..._ ..,.,..,, TW I HM~· .. ""' • , ... opt . Miff ••r • ....., oonct. ~IOO CM!' our .... Al---.,~~,.L~utl', HJI, c_,,.._,.., "'•• ~lM! ...... ftlttl. ~ Olltio It.... tsreo. a111-..1nt 417 lAMlng. IM-01• ~.,....,., --W B-,RFP ADLER °' .... ...., ........ Stalled plan• to begin lmpr.ovementl at Cry1tal Cove State Park have moved off center H a state A11embly· Sena~ conference committee 1ave tentative approval to a three-year $3 million development program. The plan approved unanimously Monday by conferees slates $6 mlllion in 1tate park bond revenues for "buic development that wQuld expedite public acceaa," explained Aaaemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, the compromise's architect. The allocation would be used to construct parking lots, restrooms and a viaitora center at the pu:k, located between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach. The money will become available to the state Parka and Recreation Department immediately upon approval by both the Assembly and Senate. Such approval could come in the next eeveral weeks. Construction of the proposed facilities could begin in early 1983, aooording to Mrs. Berge.eon. .,..,,... . ..., ....... By PATRICK J. l.ENNEDY °' ................ A Stanal Landmark Co. request to state of6ctala to kW a bill tMt would •trip the state CoMtal Commilllon of authority C1V« the Bolla Chica manh WU · eXJ>ected to be acted upon today. SlcnaJ la major landowner of the 1,800-acre mauh near Huntfnlton :ee.ch and -until today -hu ltrolWy IUpported SB 493, au~ ~ state Sen. Paul Carpenter, D-C..'ypre91. The bill 11ekl to approve the Oranae County housing and marina development plan for the mar11), over the objections of Coyote CoMtal eomnu.&on oftidala. The bill wu 1cheduled to be conatdered by the Aaaembly Enerl)' and Natural Reeoutte9 Committee. • However, Tom W1llouahby. cbiaf conlUltant of the A..embly committee, aald Signal lobbyist John Knox lndicat.ed he would uk that the b111 be deferred, aUowtnc it to die becauee today's the 1Mt meetinl of the committee tbia ~tive -'on. WillOuahby aaid Knox aald he would ult Carpenter to propoae a l~gillative resolution later this month urging county officials and coastal cornmlasion oftldala • • • ~ I to compromlae on th controvenial deve)opMnt plan. S CoMtaI aommimion and coun~ offlclal1 recently a1reed to attempt to negotiate differences to re1olve the development oontroveny. Coa1tal commluton offlclali object to the county'• Dl'ODOMl to allow development of~ and marina in the 1,200-acre low~ aection of the Bola Chica. ! That aection haa bee a! Identified by atate Flab and Game officials aa a protecie wetlan~ildllfe habitat. , When conuni81ion and· oountf: (See BOLSA. Pase A%) , . • r , issue simmers I • • ..t • -I' I 'Range wars' stopped but shooting disputed By JODI CADENHEAD OftMDeltr ........ The "range wars" over the wild coyotes roaming J,he west aide of Costa Mesa appear to be over, but the controversy surrounding last week's shooting is still simmering. Pollce said they began shooting the animal• from nelicopters after receiving numerous complaints from residents about coyotes kllllng pet cats and~- But then neighbors began complaining about the &hooting of coyotes and so it was stopped. Pollce insist that the only shooting last week occurred Tuetlday night, while neighbors and city officials say that the shooting continued until Wedneeday. Police Capt. Ed Glaagow aald he ordered the shooting stopped Tueeday after . ne!Jlhbors began ~~about tbe noise~ "I don't believe that was the case," said Glasgow when to¥ that neighbors believe the shooting continued Wednnd.ay. "I would stake my money on the fact that when I stopped it they did. 'They would be insane to do that." Allan Roeder, assistant city manager, said he ordered the (See MESA, Pa1e A%) The compromise funding propoul was worked out during the summer legislative recess by Mrs . Bergeson, Brown adminiatration officials and the Parks and Recreation Department director. Administration officials indicated the governor would veto a bill that would have slated all revenues and fees derived from the park for development. That open-ended allocation would have meant approximately $1 million a year from the general fund for park development. AT VIGIL-Participant in interfaith ceremony in Seal Beach would identify herself only as "No Guns." She said she is from Planet Earth. Irvine Center plaza proposed Irvine Co. executive to present plan to council However, Gov. Brown said he was reluctant to budget monies out of ~ general fund for lol'\g periods of time because state coffers are tightly strapped. 600 attend vigil in Seal Beach By GLENN SCO'IT OftMDlilr ........ An Irvine Company executive will sugeat at tonight's Irvine City Councll meeting tlult the dty ahouJd forgo plane to build . a City Center either at Jeffrey ROMS.qr~ Town Cent11tr. (Relaiied *"Y AJ.) Instead, the council should chooee to develop the civic plaza at the proposed Irvine Center which, according to Thomas Niellen, the company'• senior vk:e president. is "ideally luited to function as a real 'downtown' or:'diY.mn• t« Jbec:iUY." "I think it waa a long, very tedious dellberalive battle, but ooe very important to the people of Southern California," Mrs. Bergeeon remarked following the conference committee's action. She said the committee's action will help to complete the kind of park that will be available for all typee of recreational activities. Crystal Cove State Park was purchased from the Irvine Company In 1979 for $32.6 million, making it the me>5t expensive park acquisition in state hiatory. The 2,791-acre park includes sandy beaches, inland rolling hllla and the El Morro Mobile Home Park and the 45-cottage (See CRYSTAL, Pap A!) About 600 participated in what was billed as an interf.aith vigil in Seal Beach to mark the 37th anniversary of the atomic bombing at Nagasaki, Japan. Police said there was no violence Monday night and the crowd was exceptionally well behaved as it marched about half a mile from McGaugh Elementary School to the U.S. Naval Weapons Station on Seal Beach Boulevard. Sponsors of the event called for all people to remember Nagasaki by working for passage of the nuclear weapons freeze initiative in November and for elimination of nuclear weapons. MaryLou Brophy, a Seal Beach resident, said the Navy station was choaen as the site for the vigil "because even though it ·Cops hope bandit fled 'red handed' Fountain Valley police are hoping the man who robbed a local savings and loan office will be caught red-handed, literally. Officers said a red dye capsule attached to aome of the money taken from Fullerton Savings and Loan. 18020 Brookhurst St., ia believed to have exploded outside the office, coating the robber's hands with a red dve. Pollce said he dye la dlfficUtt to COUNTY remove and should help offlcers identify the holdup suspect if he is spotted elsewhere. The man, described as Caucasian, in his 30a, with brown hair, entered the business at about 9 :30 a .m . Monday , displayed a handgun to a teller and demanded money. police said. Initial estimates placed the loss at about $900. No injuries were reported in the inddent. Mesa attorney leads custody, figlit · A retarded couple fighta for custody of eon and a Costa Mesa attorney aids their battle. Page Bl. Gala benefits art school The weather cooperated whb the oceamide 1ett1ng for the "Moonlight Memorlel" pla to benefit the Laguna Beach School of Art. Page 82. STATE looka peaceful, Seal~ ta a nuclear neighborhood like Na aaakl." lfrellen .ertt ~ Jetter Monday to ~he cla1ma there ii evidence to prove that the station stores nuclear warheads. Rabbi Bernard King of the Shir Ha-Ma Alot Harbor Reform Temple of Newport Beach, gave the opening prayer at the rally. The closing benediction was given by Father Philip Rountree of St. Michael and All Angels ~pal Church in Corona del The Orange County Alliance for Survival, the Orange County Interfaith Committee for Peace and the Seal Beach Nuclear Action Group sponsored the vigil Ring holds up plaza jeweler Costa Mesa police focused their search today on members of a Loi Angeles gang they belteve are responsible for the "smash and rob" operation at an exclusive South Coast Plaza jewelry store. Sgt. Bill Bechtel said four men entered Bailey, Banks & Biddle Co. store Monday morning shortly after 10:45 an4 used hammers to smash g.laaa cases to steal $150,000 in gold watches and jewelry while horrified employees looked on. One of the four had a gun on three employees while another two uaed hammers to break open the jewelry caaes. A fourth man 1COOped the loot into a hAR· ARTWORK STAYS -George Van Dam who painted his Costa Meu houae at 486 Magnolia Ave. a rainbow of colon 1n retaliation for bis neighbor's conatnaction hu vowed to keep the hand·painted st.an and moon on his roof and the splash of colors on the hoUle. Van Dam Dlilr ................ O'D•••• recently lost an appeal to force Willlam Gallagher, 492 Magnolia Ave., to tear dowa the garage he and his wife built behind their home. The Painting ts only on the Gallaghen1 side of the fence. NATION INDEX HOUSTON (AP) - A atat.e diatrict Judge laid today as many as 22 people ln 11.x dtlee may have been killed by a bus mechanic who haa offered to help eolve the lJlurden in exchange for a 80-year prilOn term. The victims were alain in Houston and five other cit.lee atretching to Wlndaor, Ontario. Slayer to die tonisbt '! RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -Lawyen trytnc to It.Op Frank J. Coppola11 execution torqbt and thwart the convicted murderer'• deelre to ·dJe Tn the elecaic chair filed for a stay today with a fedenl appeela court. Coppola Mid be wanta to die. Rock star al80 slioclcer Rock atar Ozsy Osbourne la known for hi• unpredictablUty. Read alJout hl1 late1t 1hock performance on P• A&. • Damn Yaa.lcees lorm Club Damn Yankee ch.abl are .......... up bl TeDI • expatriatel Ul)lt ~ 11nif'cUltun ~· ;PaleAI. A4 C2 A7 1M·6 A7 04-8 B7 87 A7 C4 .u Be A.7 ln1el'milllon Ann Landen Moviea Mutual l\and8 Natlcmal Newa Sporta Dr.SteJncrohn &odlMark• Tel9¥tllon 'nlieatll9 Weather World New. ahootinC •topped Th~y aft.er recel~ a Phone dill ·~ home Wed'ne1day al1ht frona ... ,:eoundlman Dainn Hall about U"9 ahootina. ~ Roeder aald l t wu hla r u.ndentand1na that the lhootina ,. continued Wedne1day froOl · about 5:30 to 10 p.m. and that ,,•1two ooyotell were kll1ed on both . tdaya. 1, ''Our fee1J.na WU we needed to , do 1omethlng to reduce the r~nwnbet ot coyotes.'' aid Roeder. · ' IOUr lntent wu never to ao out :there u 110me people have Mid '{ and kill evet'Ythina that movee." • • Hall who Uves ti\ the area near ·''the blutta, aaid he never heard the shots himllelf, but received a -complaint from a neighbor. "' · "I have no factual lnfonnatl"On .. but from the noiae I hear I would ·· "iuets that there are 50 to 100 • cM>yotes, .. said Hall. Louise Hagan, who -. near the bluff.a. afd she complained to ~police about the ahoo~. '1 "A plan should be made, not just someo.ne getting in a helicop~r," she said. "It aounds like 1omeone Wen& oU tbt handle.'' Althowlh Ol>yoc..,.. ki1owato ~ 'ihe dtj'a blUff ... CID ~ Welt of th• ctty, on• WU captured alive Au1. 1 at an apartment complex alon1 FairvieW Rc*9 ~ ano1het WM kWAMi May 11 at the eo.ta M .. C-ountry Club. Capt. OlH1ow Hid he 11 ·worried that the coyote population l• becomln( more bruen and could eventuaJJ.y hurt children. "People are l°'h\I pets and we're afraid that lf they run out of peta they ~ht start •ttaddna anall children,' he ..ud. A chll<l wa1 attacked ln Burbank last week. It WM the lll9CQnd rePGrted ati.ck .,.Wt .. child ln the LCl8 Angeles area lh two years. Glugow aid that police are considering h1rlng a profea:lonal bunter to he~p shoot the coyotes. City officials have called a halt to the s hooting until other alternatives can be explored, said Roeder. 1 • • • -"= c.-. -..... d Wl6· a W and MW Nta1J ... ....., ...... ,, Jetfiey Boed, --the location af vw.,. 12 i.. ·~·dmtnlttratora hav• nte0mmendtd th• 1ite on the aouthMlt aide of J•ffi:et:~ tU ~'9UllQJended ..,,nca and ~hon 111arkwa11 •• ih• Mioation ot tM dvte ..... Tb• ~\\POU la ex,_.Wd to dlddot at "* 7:80 mMUSW which location 10 ;Qhoale, The Lb.lid klcadcln •till Undiir conlideratSob ii on Campw Drive acroa from UC trvlne ln the phnnlna area known a• Unlvenlty rt'own Ceni.r. UCI off.ldala havt recently puahed for apP.fOVal of Uwt location. Nielllen u.ld In hll letter that the UCI aite ta preferred to Jeffrey Road by the com_panJ, althouah he favors Irvine C.enter, tbe land ln the IO-Called Golden Triansle bounded by the San Diego, Santa Ana and Laguna freeways. Tbe lrvtne Company owns all three parcels of land under review. Nielsen said the company ls w1lllna to donate any parcel ln exchange for future development rights. He noted, however, that ooeta for on-site improvements will ~BOLSA CHICA . • • va.Jrhe J effrey Road location, becauae of the San Diego Creek channe l running through it, would require about $3.3 million in improvement.a. he said. •,officials a~reed on July 30 ., to continue negotiations at staff Jevels for at least the next five months, Robert Fisher, county planning director, said he would urge the county Supervisors t.o llso withdraw their support of .'.SB 493. County superviaora are .-scheduled today to consider withdrawing support of the bill. • "Sen. Carpenter's office hasn't ·officially withdrawn the bill , yet," Willoughby said, "but I 'have no doubt that Carpenter . will do what the sponsors of the bill wiah." The county's proposal includes 5,700 homes, a 1,800-slip boat marina, a 700-foot-wide ocean channel from the marsh through the state beach and a 600-acre wetlands system (including 300 acrea already owned by the state.) The Bolsa Chica currently is undeveloped and includes a 200-acre state wetlands re9erve and an inland oil field with about 200 wells. It's located south of Warner Avenue along the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway . Israeli jets pound Syrian missile sites By Tbe A11oclatecl Pre11 CRYSTAL ·COVE ... Israel sent warplanes on raids against guerrilla targets in west Beirut today and saldbaits jets attacked Syrian missile tteries in eastern Lebanon after Menachem Begin's government approved "in principle" U.S . plans to evacuate the PLO. The Tel Aviv command said warplanes knocked out a battery of Syrian SAM-9 anti-aircraft missilet that had been moved into J.,.ebanon's eastern Bekaa Valley despite Israel's insistence that the area be empty of such weapons. · Crystal Cove community. Since the state purchased the park, residents of the 50-year-old cottages and the state have been embroiled in il battle over the cottagers' right to stay. State plans call for the eviction of cottage residents so that the aging structures can be rented to the public or used to house a hostel, but cottage resident.a claim they were promised 20-year lease extensions by state officials in 1979. The matter is pending before an Oran ge County Superior Court judge. Residents of the 239-acre mobile home park already have signed leases with the state extending their residency for 20 years. It was the third time Israel announced attacking Syrian missiles in Lebanon since it agreed to a cease-fire with Syria on June 11. D.eputies grab pot harvest "The state of Israel stands by its decision not to permit the Syriana to move ground-to-ajr missile batterle1 i nto the Lebanon ~on," the Tel Aviv command aatd. HAMILTON. Texas (AP) - Deputies filled a tractor-trailer ~ith 11,000 marijuana plants ln a · .. harvest" at a 1,000-acre ranch in central Texas following a two- 1'?.>nth investigation, authorities $8id. Hamilton County Sheriff John Harvey said Monday that arrest.a are e~ 800ll in the case. H'."arvey said he "accldentally stumbled" on the marijuana field after beoomlng suspicious of the owners while working o n anot6er cue. Israeli warplanes alao attacked Palestinian guerrilla positions in the Bourg el-Barajneh refugee camp south of Beirut following what the Tel Aviv comman3 called repeated cease-fire violations by the guerril.la.s. Fair and sunny Temperatures Coastql Frk and tuntJ'f todtry wltrl l'llgt1ll ranging from 70 to 75 at th• beKllM to mld-eOa ln!Md. Fair =:s:t with exception of low by let• -"'II· Qvwnlght lows 80 to es. eartv mom1ng low cloudt on w~. otNnoltae lalr. Hlgha -TO at the bMdl9I to mld-80e lnla!1d. Eleewhere, from Point Conception to the Mexican bOrder and out IO mllee: Smell cr.n wernlng over oui.r coaetal watett wtth ~wind• 11 to 21 lc1'10t9 and 5 to I loot ..... Wind• a.C -decreulng on W~. LOClllly. llght vwlable wlr\dt nlgl1t 8nd morning houri, ~ _, to eouu-t 10 10 11 knoc. In the late aftwnoont with 2 to 4 foal .... ScMh IWall 1 to 3 !Mt. Night and morning low clouda, mottly clearing In th• afte rnoon• todey and w~. U.S. summary Thundertt«ma accompanied by hall and two tomedoee ltNdc MSt.arn Colorado today, but no ma)Or lnjur1ee _.. reported. Shower• and tllundet'ttorme fanned out -'*" of Idaho, Kan•aa. Nebraeka, and to•a. 81mllar 11orm1 dampened th• South•Ht and part• ol New ~· ... pravall9d over Iha reat al tile nation. The Natlonal WN1her 8eMce ~ -tt•ed .._.and thunderatorm• today from Arizona eroe• the Rio Grande v9llay of T-ltwough Iha lo-. MIHIHlppl valley and to the Atlan1lc eaaboatd ltet• .. u,.. ..... 1.11 91 86 .. 86 112 ee .01 87 70 .01 n " .12 " 72 .19 ae 7' .10 74 81 .01 87 71 .04 M 39 94 59 80 53 1.34 93 n .27 80 83 11 sa .oe ae se .01 90 72 .31 12 83 .22 S7 70 .OI 44 57 .04 74 55 83 69 82 12 88 70 .08 ee 58 94 78 112 59 119 58 74 58 ..29 71 SS 83 ... 91 • sa 43 S2 55 78 53 .02 N 88 2.20 44 54 " 71 .01 15 74 .11 n eo 12 n ... 71 1.97 13 IO .02 .. 72 .le 107 112 to 71 44 12 80 ... 11 74 .. 71 .21 .......... 72 Mple-St.P 71 Hettwllll .. H.w~ 11 New YOl'lc S7 Norlolll 91 No. Platte 75 ()j(Ja City 92 54 41 86 72 71 73 52 70 Palm 8pmg. Paeadena .11 ~ .OS Red Bluft . 11 AedWOOd City .18 8Kt-IO .18 San Bemardlno 111 IM .. 90 88 15 103 Omaha 82 ONndo t2 54 us 74 ==-San Frandaco 95 80 82 74 79 74 80 70 74 7S 78 81 eo ee 58 55 85 $1 • 55 PNladpNa 11 74 Ptloentll 1 10 92 PltUburgtl 71 CM.llCMMA 118 .. " 1oe 83 97 108 70 17 100 85 S7 17 ee 83 110 75 es .. • 13 8lon Joaa 59 85 58 14 64 IO 47 Senta Ana .13 Senta~ Senta Cna Lo 8.,,,. ........ 74 Senti Montee 78 Tahoe Vllley 44 --~ ... ~~--~--~-se 83 ee 54 71 54 ee 17 &I .. N ... It 84 Smog The Ajr Oualtty MaMgetMnt Dtlltrlc1 predict• unlleelthM air quall1)' todtry In moet .,... of the South CoMI Air llealn, Witt! OOod air lorec:Ht for th• COHlal region•. lnlend Orange County. ::., "t.:nc' IOw ...,. and Ilg UflMltltlful elr I« ~ It foreoaat In tM ..,, ~ and TeTtra111t .. before dawn ';f.?f.,•10 t.0~ .U.~~·~~"·· --------------------- POlnC>N v~ with • Pollut.ent 81and.,d lndP of 118 tlnd tile ""*tide-San lefnerdlno aree wtth a PSI of 210. lllf 1111111 Whel'• to call (toll frH ) lor . ~-~44loMlt Lo• naetH Co11nly: (1001 111.i ... iiiill................................. 242....0U ,._..... .,.. ..,, BanwdlllO ooumi..: (IOOI H7-4710 AQMO ~ C«tter: (IOOI 241 ...... TOOA'f ~ .. 1:11,m. ~law 1:11 p,m, 4,7 a.o ' &r .. rm:L~ Her name l• Mar1uerh• Kannedy, but tM 80 Of IO early ~~ ... atche&.n Juan ·-~ tn1n de~ call ...... ~ .. .... .. wan:mn ... the wide--brim Ml. ..,...., bot coft.e and doMakne chit-chat to .,._., I Ml\ ln tm.. ... 'iidtl and Ji-1' ....... llound fOC' Santa Ai.or LC.~ on the Amtrak 671 which DU1ll away frOm the ltadon at 8:33 a.m . Mt. Cott. operac. out of• colorf\il wood puahcart, laden wtth a 82-eup coffee um, fresh oranae ~. tea, hot chooolate and her own crrwnbly conooctlon called •iccmmuter Cooldee." It w11 barely daylight thla mornlna u commuten be.ran ahowfnC up to help her celebrate her first year ln bul1netl at the depot. A four-piece , band playetl country music and yellow balloon• reading "Grand Opening ll'' floated on 1trinp from the pushcart. "Have some coffee," the attractive entrepreneur smiled a.s her friendJ gathered around the familiar cart. "It's on the houae today." The band members, attired ln cowboy outfits, slugged down shots of tequila, chased with coffee, between eeta. & Marguerite paaaed out the popular whole wneat oet.s, nut.a and carob cookies to her friends, she glanced down the railroad tracb. ''The train should be here any minute," she said. But the commuters didn't seem concerned. They just stood around lipping java and chatting like old friends. Which they now are, thanks to their pel'90nable depot hostess. The coffee woman lives just across the tracks in a 100-year-old wood house that has been declared by the state a historic home. "I used to look out my window and see the commuters just standing around, nobody talking, nobody smiling," she said. So, she had a friend build a pushcart and she began selling • Deir ..... ..._....., ............. MS. COFFEE -Marguerite Kennedy sells coffee and cookies to her commuter friends at the San Juan Capistrano train depot. Her clients turned out this morning bright and early to help her celebrate ))er first anniversary. coffee each weekday morning at the depot. She get. up at 5 each morning, brews the coffee and loads up the cart for tbe short. JO.foot trip across the tracks. Marguerite does a lot more than sell coffee and cookies. Her friends say she lends them cha nge when they find themselves short. She also hands out Amtrak schedules and even stores bicycles for commuters who forget their chain locks, keeping them in her house across the tracks where she installed a large school clock on the ou~ide wall to aid commuters. "She really get.a my morning off t.o a good start," said Barbara Bradley, a legal secretary who • commutes daily on the 571 to Los Angeles. Pat Marovich, who works for the Fashion Institute in Los Angeles agrees. "Thie is my favorite train station," she said, munching on a cookie. "I tell all my friends in Los Angeles about Ms. Coffee." And it appears no one enjoys the morning coffee klatch more than Marguerite. "I love it," she said. "It's like inviting a neighbor in." More like 80 neighbors. San On of re w-arned School board eyes leasing of Lindbergh of 'metal failure' Officiah of the San Onofre nuclear power plant claim the plant was designed to prevent the metal housing around the radioactive co~ from "cracking like a piece of glass." A government safety engineer has warned Southern California F.dilon Co., principal owner of the plant, that constant expo8ure to radiation could we.aken the steel and po1aibly trigger a meltdown during emergency cooling procedures. David Barron. a spokesman for Edison, said Monday that "theoretically" t he warning by Demetrios L. Basdekas, a safety engineer for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is correct. But Barron said Edison has been aware of the theory for years and designed the seaside nuclear plant to prevent any chance of a breakdown in the steel vessels surrounding the reactors' core. "We've done studies which show there is no possibility that the problem would occur during the life of the plant," Barron said. "When you subject a piece of metal to radiation over a long period of time, it becomes more brittle," Barron said. "What we did w as install samples of the metal in the reactor core so we c~ld take them out at periodic tAntervals and see what the e,,~t was. Even under th e m ost conservative calculations. we still have a number of years to operate without having to take any corrective action at all." PEARLS Trustees for the Newport- Mesa Unified School District will meet tonight t.o consider le&Qng Lindbergh Elementary School in Costa Mesa to a private Christian school. Di s trict officials are recommending that the closed school s1 te be leased to Carden Christian School, which was the highest bidder during di.9cussioris last week. Carde._n has offered to pay $90,000 for the first year of operation beginning Sept. 1. Also on the agenda is consideration of a lease proposal for Woodland Elementary School. Last month trustees approved a lease agreement with a local pre-school to operate at the Costa Mesa location. The board wiU meet at 7:30 in the Harper Community Center at 425 E. 18th St .. Costa Mesa. TIIE CLASSIC GlfT FOR ALL OCCASIONS. ' Our OJltured pearia will ~ more beautiful every time they're wam, bemute.,... <Xff9fully aetecf only the finest quality. One unique example: this 30.lnc:h "a>n- vertible" neckloot with hidden doipt, to be worn long Of ae a lhoner neddoca ond broc:e6et ensemble. $1,500. Come aee OAJr oomp&ete (1)1 l«fioeil SL~Vl€K.§ , .. ~~1117 WMft ~ 'btst swrpnws lqin. ,...,....,m,, .. ,., . .....,.'*" .... ar-........ ,.., ......... ~ SJj\ 1 L Riv.ers1de fires ell• 2~000 acres lUVDSlDa (AP) -ftne ...-ktne O:atona. ~ 1.000 Mftl in .......... ~ 'lbe~ofeheftrelburned l,OOOICIWOf IUna'lkle County,~ •_moblll .._Ind brUlh In~ Vau.y, near s.n.i. ecaordtna to MWW two ftritftchwn fnjuMd. a\l~ttll Mid. Beverly Tinker ot the atate .Department of · Fonetry in Perril. The fire, whleh wu only Wlth temperaturee toppinf 100 f« tht ftith ~ oon\&l.ned by Monday n.lehtt WU not coneecutive day, flreflahten were ~H~ ~to be btouaht under control unUl J.ate their battle with tu. nH1' Hemet. Perril j-r1 today, ·Ma. Tinker aald. Earthquake r~ttles iMonterey Peninsula MONTERIY (AP) -An earthqua.M ra~ the Monter-.y Peninlula Monday nJaht, ahaldJW eome bulldlnp. but there were no report.:! of damap. A aj>okesman at the University of Calif Selamo1raphlc Station at Berkeley .. id the qua.Mat 7:11 p.m. reptered f .3 on the Rich• scale. It wu centered 20 mllee 10utheut of Hollister, "probably on the San Andreu fault." he aald. Judge ref uses to. end Dederich probation LOS ANGELES (AP) -A judge Monday hu refused to terminat-=. the probation of Synanon founder Charlea Dederich, who w._. convicted in 1980 of conaplring to kill an attome-)' by having a rattlesnake placed in his mail~~...!. Dederich had requ~ that his five ,~· probation be ended to allow him to travel mo~ ~ly to participate in "Synanon Games" - NATION group dl9cualona organized by the drug and alcohol rehabllltation iJ"OUP· He still has three years of probation remalnl.ng. But Judp William P. Hogoboom denied the request Monday, saying "It was u a participant in the 10-called 'Synanon Game' that the problem began." Hinckley's doctors working out therapy WASHINGTON (AP) -The trial over, the diagnosis done, doctors at St. El.iz.abeths H06pital will now work out a treatment program for John W. Hinckley Jr., who still "thinks daily about killing Jodie F06ter." Hospital spokesman Wayne Pines said Hinckley and a team of professionals will jointly work out a mix of group and individual therapy, the proper dosage of medication -anti depressant.a -and activities ln which he can participate. . Hinckley was sent to the federally-financed facility on June 21 after a jury found him innocent by reason of insanity on charges of shooting President Reagan and three other men. Panel moves toward tax hill agreement WASHINGTON (AP) -The congressional panel negotiating a $98.9 billion tax-increase bill has reach ed agreement on most parts of an $8-blllion package aimed at catching careless or cheating taxpayers. The legislation would provide the Internal Revenue Service a way to tighten tax collection on income from savings bonds, capital gains, barter agreements and state income-tax refunds -large chunks of which now escape taxation. The agreement wu reached by a Senate- Houae con ference committee as President Reagan stepped up effort.a to win congreeeional support for the entire bill. The measure would raise about $99 billlon in taxes and cut spending, chiefly for Medicare and Medicaid, by about $17 · billion over the next three years. Yields on treasury securities rising WASHINGTON (AP) -Yields on short- tenn Treasury securities have risen about one- third of a percentage point after falling for five straight weeks. About $5.5 billion in six-month T-bills were auctioned Monday at an averajte di9count rate of 10.94 pera?nl, up from the 10.~71 percent of last week. Treasury Department officials said. The government also sold a~ $5.5 billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 10.025 percent, up from 9.633 percent. Pilot error blamed in carrier accident WASHINGTON (AP) -The Navy has concluded that pilot error, possibly caused by an excessive dosage of cold medicine, contributed to the 1981 crash of a plane into the deck of the aircraft carrier Nimitz. In a report released Monday, the Navy said the crash, the worst carrier landing accident in the past 29 years, "resulted from a combination WORLD of environmental, mechanical and human factors." Fourteen Navy and Marine men were killed and 42 injured on May 26, 1981, when an EA-6B radar-jamming plane smashed into the deck of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Nimitz during night operations off Jacksonville, Fla. - Two Americans killed in terrorist attack PARIS (AP) -Two Americans were killed and two wounded ih the terrorist attack in the ancient Jewish quarter of Paris, police and U.S . Embaally officials said today. Evanston, ID., WU killed and her husband David, 37, a professor at Northwestern Univeraity, suffered minor shrapnel wounds, police said. Another American woman aged about 50 was also killed, but has not been politlvely identified. The Americans were among the six people killed and 22 wounded in the attack Monday on the city's moat famous Jewish restaurant. officials laid. American tourist Ann van Zant.en, 31, of Another American towilt, Eva Shure, 65, from Illinois, was also wounded and hospitalized, police said. 10,000 homeless from volcano eruptions JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -A ntw eruption of the Galunggung volcano, the mountain's 125th in four months, aent colwnn8 of black smoke and a.sh 2.4 miles in the air ahd blanketed three districts in West Java with ~ and sand, officials aald today. They said about 100,000 people have lost their homes and have been evacuated to other areas since the volcano flm erupted April 5. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomu P. Halev ~ -Cl"9I {xeQllM Ol!loer Kay Schutu Vice l'Nlklenl lf>d Olrec1or oA ~ Tom Murphlne EdlWW Mike H81WY ~"'~ C~I Ken Goddard Dir«* oA <»ere ... "8Y Mecl .. n ConltOlllr Tom Mccann ......... ldllor ~ ........ ..., ............ I CIHetfled tdVeftteMg 7141142-M71 All ottt.r department• 142.,..321 MAIN OFflCE sao Wm -St •• COit• ..... CA. Mall..,._: Boa UIO, ts .. Mew, CA .... C1111yr19M !ta Or ... c.st ~IW>I .. ~. Ho -,_,_., llhntrMlenl, MMonel,,..... W ... .,.,u .. .._.. llenfn m.y lie r.---"'*" -la• """"*"'of <or/Yi.tit-. Harry Karl dies after surgery LOS ANGELES (AP) - Harry Karl, ahoe rnanut.cturer, a nd former husband of two Hollywood actreaa, bu died after heart au.rsery at CecSan.; Slnal Medical Center. Karl, 70, waa martted five times. twice to Marie ·"The Body" McDon.ild, briefly to J~ Cohn, widow of Columbia Ptcturea executive Harry Cohn, and most recently to aetreH Debbie Beynolda. Hla (int wife WU Loi A.nplee aodalite Ruth Lam . istenlng ••• What do y\>,J like about the Dally Pilot? Whal dOn 't )'tu Uli•! Call the l)u•r below and your mea•••• will be reeorded, trantcrtbtd arrtd delivered to the appropriate editor. • The same M·.hour an1wertn1 aervlte may be uHd lo rectrd let· tera lo the edlt91: on any toptc. M,ailbox contrtbut.ora 19uat lnellNh their na..-. anq· telepbone number for vertfleatkiri. No etredlaton callt, pl ..... Tell a wha ., oa your mlnd. ' Ir SANDIE JOY or ... ...., ........ Irvine Unlfiecl School District official.a have come up with at least nine sites for dlatrkt head~uarten lf the City Cound1 d0811 t dedde toni&ht on a dty cent.er alt.e. The achool district II up agalnat the wall tlme-wlJe with It• cen tral oUlce site declaion becawie of fundlna complexities. Dlatrict officials would like to have their headquarten In the city center, said achoola Superintendent A . Stanley Corey, "and, if that looks at all pomible, we'll probably ao ahad with It." That means school district headquartera will be part of the dty center If the council acts as expected at tonight'• 7 :30 meeting and approves a cent.er lite. Meanwhile, district officials are attempting to cover all bases. REUNITED -Carla Verne Stuckle and son .John George Bostrom leave Albert Sitton Home in Orange after judge ruled Mrs. Stuckle could have temporary custody of her child. State Sen. John Schmitz, R-Corona del Mar, is alleged t.o be the father of the child. Corey Is ready for his board of trustees meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday with nine alternative central off.ice sites, including one in Village 12 near what appears 'to be the council's top choice tot a city center. Stuckle awaiting "We stand in an a rray of opportunities depending on how you look al it," Corey said, ". . .and, Wednesday night we'll sort it all through." . 'fitness' hearing Schools Deputy Superintendent Ron Upton has said if the school board doesn't settle on its headquarters site Wednesday night it risks losing $5 million for the district. By DA VlD KUTZMANN or.-~"°'''-" . A 15-month-old boy whose father is believed to be state Sen. John G. Schmitz was back ln the care of his Tustin mother today• pending further court hearings on her fitness as a parent and her alleged negligence in not seeking timely medical attention for a genital injury the child sufiered. Carla Verne Stuckle, 43, emerged smllinj from Albert Sitton Home in Orange Monday carrying her youn g aon only minutes after a Superior Court judge had au..thorlzed the youngster's temporary release from county care. · Stuckle, who claimed last month that Schmitz was the father o f both her Infant children, was mobbed by reporters as she carried the blond-haired boy ln her arms. "I'm delighted," she said before walking the short distance from Juvenile Court to the Sitton home. "My son is coming home." The infant was taken from her late last month by order of Superior Court Judge William Murray after doctors treated the boy for serious injuries to his penis. Police officials have said they believed a strand of hair was intentionally wound tightly around the organ, almost severing it. Shortly after that July 19 hearing in Juvenile Court, Stuclde was arrested by Tustin polloe and charged with a single count of felony child neglect relatina to the injury. She -has pleaded. innocent to the c harg e and faces a prellmlnary hearing Aug. 23 in Central Orange County Municipal Court. She also must come back to Juvenile Court on Sept. 10 for separate proceedings on her fitness as a mother. Meanwhile, Superior Court Judge Byron McMillan ruled Monday, she can maintain custody of the child until the case Is completed. Doreen McCarthy, a case worker with the county's Social Services Department, said she recommendoed th e boy be returned to his mother's care because she fell ·the child would be safe. She said care ol the infant would be monitored closely and that officials felt "there is no danger to the child." But Tustin.police detective Jim Hein, who has been the lead investigator on the criminal case, said later he was not all that pleased with McMillan's decision. "It came as a bit of a surprise," Hein said. "I thought the judge would retain custody pending the outcome of the criminal proceedings." Hein a,dded, "I hope and pray the Social Services Department moniton the situation.'' Police are convinced that the Injury to the child was caused by someone deliberately winding a strand of hair so tightly around the child's genitals that the penis was almost severed. "This stuff Is really coming to a head," said Upton, "and Corey. achool board President Elizabeth Sicoli and I will be at the aty Council meeting tonight to listen." Six of the nine alternative sites for th e school district headquarters are vaca n t properties owm j by the Irvine Company, said Upton. The others are existing office buildings in the lrvinP Tndustrial Complex. 6 seeking posts on Mesa council Six candldlltes are seeking Costa Mesa City Council seats, including two incumbents. Mayor Arlene Schafer and councilwoman Norma Hertzog are each seeking re-election in the November race. Filing closed at 5 p.m. Friday. City Clerk Eileen Phinney said that Chris Steel, a businessman who has run for council twice before, was the last candidate to fUe. He took out papers at 2 p.m. and filed at 4. Planning commissioner Lynn Van Aken also is in the race. Other candidates are Claudia K elly-W eyer , forme r vice reslden t of Kelly M arin e Engineering and Dave Wheeler, a Newport Beach attorney who lives in Costa Mf"'AA . Wednesday, August 11 Meet Laura Chappel/ow and see the Evan Picone Collection for Fall '82 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. J Designer Sportswear, Upper Level Wednesday, August 18 Thursday, August 19 Special envoy Florence Napp presents Rina Di Montella Collection. Exquisite cocktail or special occasion dresses. Designer Salon, Upper Level Saturday, August 21 Children's Fashion Show will be In the Jewel Court, South Coast Plaza Mall. 1 p.m. Friday, August 27 Saturday, August 28 Join us for s spec/al showing of_ ST. JOHN Knits F~ll ·s2 Collect/on . Designer Salon, Opper Level. All collectlons will be Informally modeltld 12 noon to 3 ~.m. South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristo/ Street, Costa Mesa ,, ' l 11 I I ~=Y, AUG. 10, 1982 • 86 Tbe new kid on "0•• D•y •I • Time" u7• be learaed ol Ille'• h•nbne# •tier 6y Browlo• UJI In f'v'• allalt world. P.ap BB. COMICS TB.EVISION 87 88 POOPED AT THE PUMP, DEPT. -It has now been reported in the public prints that the smog-fighters of OW' tegion have been nosing around about 8,000 of our area gu stations looking for bad nozzles. This is part of the anti- smog crusade. According to the reports, o ut of that nu,mber of gasoline emporiums ln the South Coast Air Quality Management District, of which our coastal region ii a small part, some· 1,918 ~"_A~ naughty nozzles have been TD_l_M_U_RP_H_l_N_l,W lt foun~k in the old days, when nobody much gave a hoot how gasoline got pumped into your car, a gu nozzle was little more than a piece of pipe that got stuck into yoW' tank's filler pipe. TODAY, IT'S A MUCH different story. The nozzle looks like part of a zapper ray gun from Star Wars. That plain old piece of pipe is now hidden inside a collapsible rubber-like sleeve that looks like the spring that bounces Jack out of a jack-in-the-box. There's a stopper on the end to trap fumes. There is a second hose, used as a fume recovery line. If you're one of those motorists who pull up to the Self-Serve pump, you've grappled with this new Star Wars nozzle in an attempt to force it down the throat of yoW' gas tank. Is it worth all the trouble in the smog fight? That's what the inspections are all about. The people that do this work are infonnally called Nozzle Inspectors. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE to have that job title when you dropped by the neighborhood corner saloon for a cool one? The guy on the next stool strikes up a conversation: "And whaddya do for a livin', buddy?" "I'm a Nozzle Inspector." "You're a what?" "Nozzle Inspector." 1 "Get away from me, you filthy creep. You're touchin' I my elbow ... " NOZZLE INSPECTING must be a tough life. Nobody gives the Nozzle Inspector a big smile and a free windshield wipe when he pulls into the gas station. . If the nozzles aren't in order when the inspector comes, sometimes he'll slap a fine on the service station operator. It was reported that one hapless Newport Beach station operator got hit with a $450 ticket for operating with a noxious nozzle. Gasoline retailers don't care too much for all the new nozzle laws. Steven Shelton, executive director of the Southern California Service Station Association, has been quoted as saying the n ew nozzles are sometimes dangerous and have been known to rupture gas tanks and blow fuel back out the filler neck. THIS ALLEGATION was countered by a spokesperson for the American Lung Association of Orange County that no complaints have been heard about the new nozzles being unsafe. Of course if a nozzle were to rupture your gas tank while you were filling it, considering the general location of the car tank, your lungs might not be the part of yoW' anatomy you'd be worried about. CONSIDERING THAT the nozzles are cumbersome and seem to weigh about 50 pounds each, medical authorities might be well served to consider another ailment that could be called Nozzle Ruptw-e. That's what you might suffer while trying to force the new nozzle into yoW' tank filler line and hold it there for 18 gallons. Court spectator rrested at lie~ring Co1ta Meu police Sgt. Bill Bechtel 1ald the woman la auapect.ed • the getaway driver ln a atrina ot breek-tm Aug. 3 at the Me.a Verde VW. at 17555 Me9a Verde Drive Eut. RoaeUo Bttilta Gomalez, 31, and J"uan Delpdo, 32, e1eh from the Loa An1elea area, were arrea.d at the 1eene. Both men remain ln Ora.nae County Ja1l In lieu of $200,000 ball. T"hey au wanted in oonwdon wtth robbmW In Lal ~-imd are eooi6d.nd 11hllb "*I ~ Beehtel llld. Retarded parents fight custod}l Mess lawyer leads couple's struggle to_raise boy, 5 By Tile A11oclated Presa Barney and Donna Travioll, each phy1lcally and mentally handicapped, will know after a court hearlna next month whether they wW get permanent custody of their ~~-year-old son Robbie. Near death, the Cypress boy wu admitted to the UC Irvine Medical Center ln Orange last April. He welghed 25 pounds. Now In a foster .home, Robbie's weight ls up to 3l pounds. County officlall say the boy will be fine, if he lsn•t sent back to hJa parents. They say Robbie became ill because the couple was unable to feed him properly. On Sept. 15, Judge Byron 9 seek Newport council With a backdrop that includes a referendum on a multi-million dollar development, nine persons have e ntered the upcoming Newport Beach City Council race. Voters will fill four of the seven council seats Nov. 2. The ballot will include a referendum on the controversial Banning Ranch development in west Newport. Council candidates in Newport are elected at large but.;represent geographical districts. Mayor Jackie Heath e r , representing northern Newport, will be challenged by attorney David Grant, a n Eastbluff resident and a member of the Committee of 4000. The Committee of 4000 has sued the Irvine Company over lea!ehold property. Councilwoman Evelyn Hart, representing Newport Heights, Bayshores and Cliff Haven, will be challenged by -former city planning commissioner Allan Beek and C. Edward Wolfe, a land appraiser. Wolfe said he has done land appralsal for members of the Committee of 4000 but is not a member of the group. Councilman Don Strauss, who represents Balboa and Lido Isle, will face Norman Loats, assistant superintendent of the Newport- Mesa Unified School District. Councilman Paul Hummel, repl'etlenting old Corona del Mar and Cameo Shores, w ill be challenged by Bill Agee, a frofesaional photographer and ormer c ity planning commissioner. McMlllan 11 echeduled to 1ettle the battle over puental care that began when the child wu bom. Barney, 38, and Donna, 37, both mlldly retarded, married after meetin1 at a Southern California institution for the handicapped. She ia confined to a wheelchair becaUle of a spinal diaorder. He spent much of tµa life in inatitutiona. In 1976, Donna gave birth to Robbie, whom doctors said was nonnal except for being born six weeks premature. But Donna's mother, who had tried talking the couple out of setting married, asked that the infant be placed immediately in an Anaheim f<>Rter home. On<'t' there, he developed spinal never told us what waa Wroftl menlngitll that left him blind, with him." deaf and crippled. The couple later aereed to The couple got provlalonal Robbie's placement In a fotter custody of Robbie last August, home. They are permitted to take but in January, Robbie waa him every other weekend until placed temporarily in a foster the September COW'\ hearing. home becaUle of unusual weight At the core of the couple'• km. He returned to his parents problems, said their O.ta Meu witil April, when he was taken attorney, John Cogomo, ii that to the hospital. When he got out Robbie'• spastic condition maket of the hospital, he wu placed it difficult to feed him. aaatn in a foster home. ' Cogorno. who ls representtnl Mn. Travioli said officiala the Traviolls free of charge, aa.la never told them what was wrong he will seek permanent cua* with Robbie when he was placed f o r th e co u p 1 e w i th l h e ln the foster home. stipulation that county socW ''They said he was almost services department employ~ dead," she said. "They said we teach them how to care for almost lost him twice. But they Robbie. · SMOOTH RIDE -Marjorie Germain. 10, pushes cousin Tina Richard, 3, in makeshift wagon consisting of box on top of skateboard. Oelly Not PMto bJ httldl O'DoftMI This form of fuel-efficie nt transportation wa8'· tried out in downtown Huntington Bea~h. Both girls live in the city. 'Feed Your Bones' party scheduled The second annual "Feed Your Bones" party, sponsored by the Natural History Foundation of Orange County, will be held Sunday evening. Oct. 10 a t Cano's Seafoods of Mexico in Newport Beach. The proceeds from the fund- raiser go to the foundation, a non-profit organization, and will aid the establishment of a natural history museum in Oran ge County. Cocktails and dinner will be served between 5 and 10 p.m. and reservations can be made by calling Cano's at 631-1381. Al.lo, the party will feature a fossil display together with a raffle. To make donations of goods or services for the raffle, call 640-1541. Junior golf clinic due Huntington Seaclif'f Country Club will be offering a clinic for junior golfer-$ between the ages of 10 and 17 on Aug. 17, 19, 24 and 26. Range balls and golf club& will be provided. Instructions will cover putting, chipping, irons and woods. rules, etiquette and strategy. There is a fee of $20. Deadline to enter is Sunday. Call 536-7575 for more information. '· MOONUOBT MBMOIUEI -PaU'Onl •thend before..- at Twin Polnta. the ettate of Dr. Md Mn. RaymOnd CGiatlno; -·=-CIMe ti: H="a. = "'l=--C._ = . ,...::::-c._:: 111-l~C-. ~·:~ lift ~·t 1t! t:: s II·!' E! g F l3 ·~f1 ij;f ~ :~"i 'j ~··'J Jt:; I , ·~, ::: ~·.. ! ~.. 1 f .ii.:·i6 ·''rt '] .... -::c; .... = , .. ~~ iR:': I =t;c ::~ as::·: = ~1J1, ~'! ~~;5 ~·~-:: f~M , ~ ~:g .. 6.·~1·'T !! ·ID ~· .. :t.i !f.1 ~=I ,. i;: II"'~ === ·~1'' J,~ ::~·ij j ., • :: 1'· : ~:.~ 111 11 : .. J 11· .... ~·1T = ~ .,. "": ~ =o:11·.~ ~ \1~•·1i; 1 I' :: .. II t •1•1 t "'•Yo '-'• I 'J m .. '· 'i' = -M~"' .,... 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' t + ~ ~c.·t;·iJ.!i!•= ~.:. ·:ft .e~.~ ;·:1n.itiitl! ·:i· ..=;ii' ,_.~= ~ ·~ii; 1·~ ~~u ~":f~ =.r'.111 ~ ~·~ ~~ 1 :ai ! . l1~. .::~ .. ~ ~:~· ~ ':11:t1 ~·" ·~J· ,:.r1f'I:!:: .,,. ·• e: 1,·= ... ~ -~~·~ .... • mt:.: "' , ... , \'t..... li.'4111 "'' J ' ·cl .. ~ 9'1 ll .:.I '""•. .... , 1!. ..... ..,,. • • ....... ~ I .... I.IS , t·-~ ;Jt• I " ~-., J"1 4lf """ SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A retailer of ~raonal computer., cUulaton Md computer ~ hu filed • federal 9'lit -tunc mote than tlO mWJon dama,.. aaatnst Hewl•U·Packard Co. and • co- defendant. Computer Plaee Inc. of CArmel, which openteCI • retail 9tON and nwil order bu.1ln ... , alleaed Hewlett- P a ck a rd of Palo Alt9 and Compu1*iand Irie., a competitor of the Olelnutft ~ In a manner whkh' ciawid Jt to lllUffer a total ic. ot IC. lilidl Ofdlilo "-tr• Prfllel ·~ com~tol'y cs.....,., th• court wu uked to awaid'1at ._.. .. IDilUon punlUw cfwar fram wb .,..,.,.~ Cutback idles • tuna seiners SAN DIEGO (AP) -The t1met are ct,..,., fot• ihe U.S. tuna flahlna lnduetry. A majority ot the nation'• 140 eelnen Ill moored 1n port. unabi. to ail yet unable to unlo.d. Fithing profit.I are ,one. tor nJ¥W at leut, and cut-back canneries lino"9 the CAtcb. The American 1\&naboet Allocladon aald a total of 77 1elnert wer. Idled Morl<'Uly ln San Daeao and San Pedro in Callfomta, Puerto .Rtco and American Samoa with four othera due by weekend. Viejo S&L earnings up Beverly Hilla Saving• & Loan Auoctatlon of Mission Viejo report& net eam.lnp of •2.2 million, or •t.80 per share, for lhe eecond quarter compared With a net lou of Sl.7 million, or •l.39, for the like period last year. For the lix months ended June 30, the ..odaUon reported a net loa of •u million, or •t.52, compared with a net lam of •s million, or .2.49, for the like period a year ago. The improved resulta were attributed prima.rily to a gain of approximately $9 million (>n the prevloualy announced sale of a portion of the 8S80Ctation'1 Joan servicing portfolio. Discount brokerage due Home Federal Savings & Loan Aaaocl.etion of San Diego says It will be the first savinp and loan in the nation to offer discount brokerage services. The service, which begins Aug. 16, will be provided by Fidelity Brokerage Services Inc.. the nation's second largest discount broker and a member of the New York and American Stock Exchanges. H'ome Federal customers may apply for a brokerage account at any one of the association's 130 offices. CompCare joins Tier 1 Comprehensive Care Corp., of Newport Beach, announced that. last-sale quotations and running volume figures on the company's ~n stock are available through the NASDAQ national market. system. CompCare, along with 12 other ~ASDAQ companies, was designed by the Securtties and Exchange Commission to join the Pier I group of 48 securities which have been quoted on the NASDAQ national market s.ystem since lta public debut J~ 1. The companies qualified for Tier I on ~ basis of their stock's performance during the first two quarters. Home loan rate at 15% The rate for Federal Housing Administration and Veterans Administration home loans has dropped to 15 percent. The half-point reflects the recent easing of interest rates. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES t; . '• w~!T y~101~~,s.~1~ ,,,.., .. "' AMERICAN LEADERS ..,,_ DO•MP"'•"'• .. 9 T-y ...., ~~~rn: '°' ·= "°' ,.. C• Un<henQtd ,,,. llG i ol•I IUut' NtW hlQM • I New tows 211 ,.. W'*"t-1 AM!la 00 NEW YOAll IAPI A\111. t ........ Tooey l Advenu<I IOi O.cllned '°' Ul\C~ I .. Toltl ll-1 n• New '"OM 1 • HIJ• tow"I .. -"' SILVER . Handy & Herman, 18.375 pet trpy ounc>9o i:f GOLD QUOTATIONS t'• I ' CHURCH ISSUE DELAYED -A dispute involving residents of the Cliff Haven area of Newport Beach and St. Andrews Presbyterian Church concerning the propoaed building of a sanctuary that would soar 8~ fee t remains after the Newport Beech City Council delayed the issue. Towering chui:ch issue delayed Council balks at taking sides in St. Andrews matter By STEV'E MARBLE or ... .,..,,...,..., The Newpo rt Bea c h City Council. asked to settle a dispute between a c hur c h a nd neighboring residents, has balked at taking sides in a fight that's been summed up u the good guys versus the good guys. The neighborhood spat centers on plans for an 85-foot-high sanctuary at St. Andrews. Presbyterian Church, located adacent to Newport Harbor High School. The lofty wave-shaped sa n c tuary would be the centerpiece of the church's $9.7 million expansion. Council members said the dispute has generated more mail and phone calls than any other project in the city in recent years. Accordingly, the council acted Monday night with caution, unanimously agreeing to postpone the item to Sept. 13. The council asked representatives of both sides to meet with two ooundl members to strive to settle the fight and restore peace to r esi3ential Newport Heights. 1R e s i de n ts , w h o have complai n e d the six-floor sanctuary will be too tall and too massive, criticized the project Monday. Homeowne r Bob Cooper suggested the towering structure will look like a "Chicago grain Weapons station protest site OPENER -Rabbi Bernard King of N e wport B ea c h offered the invocation prayer at candlelight vigil. Seal Beach vigil c,.Jled 'peace£ ul' About 600 participated in w.J& waa billed as an interfaith vi&il in Seal Beach to mark the 17th anniversary of the atomic bombing at Nagasaki. Japan. Police said there was n o violence Monday night and the crowd was exceptionally well behaved as it marched about half a mil e from McGaugh Elementary School to the U.S. Naval Weapom Station on Seal Beach Boulevard. Sponsors of the event called for all people to remember Nagasaki by working for passage of the nuclear weapons freeze initiative in November and for elimination of nuclear weapons. MaryLou Brophy, a Seal Beach resident, said the Navy station was chosen as the site for the vigil "because even though it looks peaceful. Seal Beach is a nucle ar n eighborhood like Nagasaki." She claims there is evidence to prove that the station stores nuclear warheads. Rabbi Bernard King of the- Shir Ha-Ma Alot Harbor Reform Temple of Newport Beach, gave the opening prayer at the rally. The closing benediction was given by Father Philip Rountree of St. Michael and All Angels ~~pal Church ln Corona del The Orange County Alliance for Survival, the Orange County Interfaith Committee for Peace a nd the Seal Beach Nuclear Action Group sponsored the vigil ~ewly wed man drowns in lake FRESNO (AP) -A Norwalk man drowned at Millerton Lake juat a few hours after he was married, Fresno County coroner's office reported. Steve Kirkegaard, 32, was at the lake Saturday afternoon with his bride, Loudene, and his best man when he sank while trying to swim to a buoy. • Trustees to mull leasing plan elevator" while another resident said the sanctuary is ''an oUice building disguJ.m u a steeple." Resident Barbara Jean Whitford worried that the church expamlon would lncreue traffic and described Sunday mornings in her neighborhood as a procession of people "performing U-tu~ $-turns, Z-tums and jaywalking." Church member Milan Dostal, a former Newport Beach mayor, said the expansion project has been in the works 20 years and that the church needs to expand its facllity. Dostal noted the church already had dropped plans for a 105-foot sanctuary to meet residential concern. Dr. John Huffman, pastor of the 3,000-mernber church, said fSee ST. AND~ P~~ A eantzoYenial plan to permit condomlnlum conversions ln Newport Beach, more than a year in the maldnJ, hu died ldlently and ,qWddy. Tbe propcieed law WU undone by an apparent conflict of interest Monday ru1ht on the part of five of the seven City C'4undl members. The ~ law, unpopular with rent.era in the dty, would have allowed persons owning duplexM and trlplexe9 to convert their units totoondominiwm after meettna .a Jona llat of conditiom. P1ve Counclf members -John Cox, Evelyn Hart, Phil Maurer, Paul H~l and Mayor Jackie Heather -own or have interest ln duplex or triplex property, lt wu reported. Council memben raised the confllct-of-intereat conoem themaelves. The state Fair Political Pract1oes Commilsion, asked by the city to investigate the potential conflict, ruled that there mlcht be some. The commission Mid it would nt:e<f detaila on each council member's Turbulence hits jetliner, 5 hurt DETROIT (AP) -Severe tu~bulence buffeted a United Airlines flight east of Denver and three pa11eJ1gen and two flight attendants were injured, an airline spokesman said today. The DC-8 jetliner, Flight 825 from Detroit, ran into the turbulence about 3:30 p.m. PIYr Mqnday, United spokesman Joseph Hopkins said in a , telephone interview from =· ~said 146 people were ' • real estate holdinp to make a final judgment. : Rather than Co throuah ~ proce.. the council WM ~vt.4 l t could aim ply 1hlp '! condominium law b.ck to city Planntn1 CommlMion uk that unit to kill it. : The oouncil unanimoualy tooll that course of action wlthoul comment. ; Current law ln Newport makd lt virtually lmP*fble to converi apartments to oondominiwm. Frontier fight backed . • I •.. Newport Beech has agreed to put eome lesal mU1Cle behind Orange County's legal fight with Frontie r Airlines over th, 588-mlle perimeter rule at John Wayne Airport. The Newport Ci ty Council unanimously agreed Monday to support the county's effort to preserve the perimeter rule and asked ill attorneys to appear at a legal showdown on the issue Aug. 16 in Loa Angeles. Frontier, baaed in Denver, has challenged the rule whic)l prevents airlines from flying non-stop from Orange County to destinations any further away than Salt Lake City. The federal government has intervened on behalf of Frontier, supporting the move to strike the county perimeter nale. Trustees for the Newport- Mesa Unified School District will meet tonight to consider leasing Lindbergh Elementary School in Costa Mesa to a private Christlan achool. D i stric t o ff icial s are recommending that the closed achool site be leased to Carden Christian School. which wu the highest bidder during di8cullions last week. Carden has offered to pay $90,000 for the first year of operation beginning Sept. 1. Also on the agenda l s consideration of a leue proposal for Woodla nd Elementary School. Last month trustees approved a leue agreement with a local pre--achool to operate at the ~ta Mesa location. The board will meet at 7:30 in the Harper Community Center at 42~ E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. ARTWORK STAYS -George Van Dam who painted h1a Costa Mesa h0\.l8e at 486 Magnolia Ave. a rainbow of oolors in retaliation for his neighbor's construction bu vowed to keep the hand-painted stars and moon on h1a roof and tl'te splash of colors on the house. Van Dam D.ilr ............ .,, ....... O'D•• •• recently lost an appeal to force William Gallagher, 492 Magnolia Ave., to tear down the garage be and his wife built behind the~ home. The painting la only on the Gallagben' side of the fence. COUNTY Mesa attorney leads custody fight A retarded couple fights for custody of eon and a Costa Mesa attorney aids their battle. Page Bl. Gala benefits art school The weather cooperated with the oceanaide setting for the 11Moonllght Memorie1° pla to benefit the Lquna Beach School of Art. Page B2. STATE NATION HOUSTON (AP) -A state dletriCt judge Mid today aa many aa 22 people in six citlee may have been killed by a bus mechanic who hM offered to help 1e>Jve the murders in exchange for a 80-yeer p18on term. The victiml were slain in HOUltOn and five other ciUes 1tretching to WindlOr, Ontario. Tonisbt's execution delayed I INDEX SPORTS Be A7 Be JM A:J Cl"" A7 B6 88 Be Al .u ... •/ AP ...... • ~IGHTING BACK -Wendy Potasnik, 9, is angry. A box of 'eandy she bought recently didn't come through with the promise made in the slogan, "a pr;iz.e in every box," so Wendy .la suing. ·:r;.uerrilla targets taided by Israelis PY The A11oclatecl Preu · ~el· sent warplanes on raids .~guerrilla targets in west Beirut today and said its jets ~ttacked Syrian missile batteries ,ip eastern Lebanon after Menachem Begin's government approved "in principle" U.S. plans to evacuate the PLO. The Tel Aviv command said warplanes knocked out a battery of Syrian SAM-9 anti-aircraft misailes that had been moved into Lebanon's eastern Bekaa Valley despite Israel's insistence that the area be empty of such weapons. It was the third time Israel announced attacking Syrian missiles in Lebanon since it agreed to a cease-tire with Syria oo June 11. · ''The state of Israel stands by its decision not to permit the Syriam to move ground-to-air missile batteries into the Lebanon region," the Tel Aviv command said. · lsraeli warplanes also attacked Palestinian guerrilla positions in the Bourg el-Barajneh refugee camp aouth of Beirut following what the Tel Aviv command called repeated cease-fire violations by the guenillas. It said Bourj el-Barajneh was virtually empty of civilian occupants and had become a guerrilla base. The conununlque accused the guerrillas of harassing Israeli troops with mortar, bazooka and light-anns fire. Meanwhile Israel is apologizing to the United States for three incidents in which an American military liaison team in Lebanon was harassed by Israeli forces, including an F-16 jet fighter. . The State and Defense departments said Monday the United States lodged strong protests with the Israeli government and received assurances there will be no f~ actions of this kind. ~ .._.. a tree toy In Wh bOx. Jlowewr. ~ Wll none In mine. I feel •Ince I bou&bt ...... ~ ---of .....,.._ ~ .-. • aanllW:t wtda me." Wendy wrote In bit ~'nL :.Wu ... ally mad when it h•PJMfted but l WU • little nsww when I went to coun,•• uJd the 1trl, who enten the fourth radi om tan. "It'• not my favorite candy, but 1ometlme1 I eat It. I've Development backed f"Or Crystal Cove BY JEFF ADLER avallable to ~ 1tate Parka and or ... ...,........ Recreation Department Stalled plan1 to begin immediately upon approval by improvemeni. at Cry1ta.l Cove both the Amembly and Senate. State Park have moved off Such approval could come in the center aa a 1tate A .. embly· next teYenl week.a. Sen.ate conference committee Conatructton of the propoeed cave tentative approval to a facilities cou.ld begin in early t h r e e -y e a r • 5 m i 11 i o n 1983, acconiing to Mn. Berge10n. dewlopment program. T he compromiae funding T h e p 1 a n a p p r o v e d propoaal wu worked out during unanimously Monday by the summer legialative recess by conferees slates $0 million in M r 1 . Berge 1 on , Bro w n state park bond revenues for administration official.a and the "basic development that would P a r k 1 a n d R e c r e a t i o n expedite pu bllc access," .Department director. explained Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport . Administration officials B each, the compromhe's indicated the governor would architect. veto a bill that would have slated The allocation would be uaed all revenues and fees derived to construct parking Io ta, from the park for development. restrooms and a visitors center at That open-ended allocation the park, located between Corona w o u 1 d h a v e m e a n t del Mar and Laguna Beach. approximately $1 million a year The money wl 11 become from the general fund for park development. However, Gov. Brown said he was reluctant to budget monies From Page A1 ST. ANDREWS out of the general fund for long period• of time because state coffers are tightly strapped. Sunday worshippers have been turned away becauae of lack of seating. He described St. Andrews as a good neighbor in Newport Heights for 30 years. "I would not want to pastor a chureh that has in any way raped or hurt the community,'' he said adding that the church has bee~ forced to build upward because of its limited real estate. The sanctuary would increase seating from roughly 700 to 1,- 335. Architects for the church, in an effort to meet parking demands, are striving to reach an agreement for using parking facilities at the nearby higb .:hooL Robert Curtis, chairman of the church's building committee, which has railed more than $6 million for the project, said he believes the church h.aa done all it can to meet the worries of residents. He aald be is unsure what further negotiations can do. City Center location vote likely An Irvine Company executive will suggest at tonigh~s Irvine City Council meeting that the city should forgo plans to build a City Cen ter either at Jeffrey Road or University Town Center. (Related atory A3.) Instead, the coundl should chooee to develop the civic plaza at the proposed Irvine Center which, according to Thomas Nielsen, th e com.f,an y'a senior vice president, la ideally suited to function as a real 'downtown' or city center for the city." Fa.ir and sunny Nielaen 8e11t a letter Monday to member• of the council explaining his position and is expected to address the group tonight when the topic of the P"?poeed civic center comes up. Coastal Felr lllld aJtMY today with hight renglno from 70 to 75 et th• ~ to mld-808 lnlend. FrWr !:::s!'t with exception of low by .. -*'0-o-nlght 1owe eo to 86. E*'Y morn1ng 1ow c:loudll on Wedneedey. otherwlM ,..,, HIOM ,_ 70 111 lhe ~ to mid-so. "*"d. Temperatures .. Lei ll'c9 .. .. 1.18 91 e5 aa es 82 H .01 17 70 .01 n ee .12 n 12 .19 .. 71 .10 74 11 .01 87 71 .04 .. 39 ... 69 80 53 1.31 93 n .rt 80 13 ln the letter, made available to the presa today by the company, Nielsen said the scooe of. the propaeed City Center, combined with a hospital and new retail centen along Jeffrey Road, make the location at Village 12 less a P·l"'"uu'18 always ~ a to)' befON," the Mid. ' A heerilw tn the caM hat been° ICMdUlild Aue. 30. W-6)t Mys the wlU call her ta&Mr and her 8-yeu-old lllt.er, Rotimt. wt~. Te~ cati. Monday nlaht to l!atden Inc. c:otpOf'ate officel •ln COlumbu1, Ohio, and New York wen not an.awe~. The home number for Maurice O'RetllY, a company 1pokemnan, waa di8Connected, aooorcl.Jni to a telephone company ~rding. No new telephone n umber WH u.t.ed. ROie Potunlk uJd that when the bought both her dau,hten boxH of Cracker Jack lHt month, Robin got a toy, but W~y didn't. ''At the time it WH very upaettJ.rli to her,'' Mrs. Potasnik Mid. "She WU ao lad-faced." Wendy'• father, Alan J . PotHnik, said he urged his daughter to aue several week.a after lhe mailed a complaint to the manufacturer and received DO reply. "One night Wendy was ukina me what a lawyer does. I had a hard time explaining it," aaid Potasnik, who is not a lawyer. "So when thiS came up I said, 'let'• go to court and file suit.' "1 took her to the courthouse an<i had her pick up the forms, fill them out and gave her a tour of the room where the trial might be held," he said .. Employees in the county clerk's office said the youngster could barely see over the counter when ahe filed the documents. "She's to the point now where . she'• pretty interested in how the system works," Potasnik said. "Ifs a IJttle course in the jurl.aprudence system." to 'drop Bolsa bill BVILBTIN To all•• c••tl•••• attttlatleH belWH• Or ... e Coaat1 aad Siu coallal comml11loa lea. Pa•I Carpeaaer, b -c1lre11, ••••••c•d toda1 e ••• wltbdrawla1 Ma bW dla& ..... taave 1trtPPtd 1M com•...._ 81 a1Uaorlf y over 8011& C~lea mare•. By PATRICK J. UNNEDY orati. DelllJ,......,. A Signal Landmark Co. request to 1taw offldala to kill a bill that would 1trip the 1tate Coastal Commtaion of authority over the Bola Chica manh wu expected to be act.w upon today. Signal la major landowner of the 1,600-acre marah near Huntington Beach and -until today -haa 1tronaly 1upport.ed SB 493, autho~ ~ atate Sen. Paul Carpenter, IJ.(..~re91. The bill eeeka to approve the Orange County hou1ing and marina development plan f« the marsh, over the objections of. c.oa.ta.l c.ommisefon offid.als. The bill was scheduled to be considered by the AHembly Energy and Natural Re.ourcea Committee. However, Tom Willoughby, chief consultant of the Aasemblf committee, said Signal lobbyist John Knox indicated be would uk that the bill be de ferred, allowing it to die because today'• the last meeting of the committee this legislative session. Willoughby said Knox said he would ask Carpenter to propose a legislative resolution later this month urging county official. and coastal commission officials to compromise on t h e controversial development plan. .,. ............ .,.... ....... I WANT YOU -Applicant Joe Pamellii reviews job openings offered by American Microsystems Inc., one of 32 firms featured in a two-day technical job fair that concludes today at 9 p.m. at the Registry Hotel in Irvine. PEARLS l!leewher•. from Polnl Conception lo th• Mexlc•n bofder end out ao mMee: Smell Cf'•ft wemlng -outer coestel welers with norti-t wtnd9 18 to 28 k!IOtt end 5 10 a fool -Wind• end -decrN81ng on WedMedey. Locelly, llght V1lrlebte Wlrlde night end morning hours, ~ng WMt to ~ 10 1.0 11 k~ In the lete lift8l'l'IOC>M 11 aa .oe 88 H .01 90 72 .31 12 13 .22 87 10 .oe ... 57 .04 74 55 ......... Mple-St.P NulWlle 72 .. 71 ... 111 ... .. to 71 86 IO 18 68 55 85 83 DIE C~IC GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS. • with 2 to 4 root -· South .... 1 to 3 *"· Nlgh1 end morning low cloud•. motUy cleerlng In the eft e rnoon1 tod•y end w~. U.S. suniniary Thuncler1torm1 eccompenled by hell end IWO IOl'nedoee atrudc Mlt«n ColotMlo todey. but no ml!Or lnJurlel -. reported. Sho-ra end lhunder110<m1 fenned out -perta of ldeho. Ken111, NebrHk•. end lowe. Slmller 11orm1 d•ml>9"ed the South•-'~ end p1r11 of New e:· .... ~-IN ,. of the nellon.. The Netlonel Weether ~ ~ ec:.t1er9d .,_. encl thunder1torm1 todey from Arlzon• croee lh• Alo Oren~ Yfllltly °' r-ttirOUGfl ttie 1ower MIHIHlppl ••ll•Y end to th• Atlentio IMboerd 111111• • Tempereturee before dewn renqitd from 42 et ll•merck, N.D .. toM•~·~- California 13 58 12 12 aa 10 .oe ee se ... 78 82 • n sa 74 69 .2t 79 56 aa ..a 91 89 M 43 82 55 78 53 .02 18 • 2.20 ... 54 at 18 .01 85 74 . ,. 79 80 92 13 ... 71 1.87 13 eo .ot as 12 .se 107 12 IO 71 ... 82 N M 91 74 85 71 .25 .._ °"""" New YOf11 Norlolk No. Plelt• Ollle City Omehe Ol'llndo ~ • ea .11 11 72 .()5 17 7t .18 91 73 .18 75 52 .18 92 70 12 54 us 92 74 17 74 .13 110 t2 Pltabufgh 71 59 CA&.WOtlMA .. 1111 toe 13 97 toe 70 ff7 100 85 87 87 ae 13 110 18 85 .. SURF RIPIRT " • • as 103 9S 80 82 74 19 74 IO 70 74 78 • 55 58 86 sa 54 5" eo 47 4.f LO .. I Our cultured pearta will grow more beoutifvl every time tMVN worn, t>eimu• 'Ne corefully 181ed onlr tM flMlt quollty. One unique example: this 30-lnch a:>n- Vilrtfb6e .. n.:kloal with hidden dcnpe, to be worn long Of Cll 0 ~ neckloal Ond brooelet entem~. $1,500. c.ome .. our ciompl ... ooli.ctionl ,. ......... Ma tlJ7 W1wft ~-Sl SM'PNfl bqin =·=~,~~=== OFF 1.05 CLOSING 771.IO Cutback idles • tuna seiners SAN DIEGO (AP) -The timet are cSr.ry for the U.S. tuna fiahina lnduttry. A majority of the nation'• 140 eef.nel'I alt moonid ln port, unable to IAil yet unable to uruo.d. Fllh1ng profita are gone, for now at leut, and cut.beck canneries i.nore the catch. Tb&Amerlcan 'runaboat A.ociatlon uld a total of 77 .einen were idled Monday in s.n Dlelo and Sen Pedro in Caillomia, Puerto Rico and American Sa.mm wtth four othen due by weekend. Viejo S&L earnings up Beverly HlU.. Savings & Loan AaaoclaUon of Mission Viejo reports net eamiJ\p of $2.2 million, or $1.80 per share, tor the .econd quarter compared with a net 1ol8 of $1.7 million, or $1.39, for the like period laat year. For the six months ended June 30, the amoci&Uon reported a net km of $1.8 million, or $1~2. compared with a net la. of $3 million, or $2.49, for the like period a year ago. The Improved resulta were attributed primarily to. a gain of approximately $9 million on the previously an1lounced sale of a portion of the a.ociation'• loan eervicing portfolio. Home loan rate at 15% The rate for Federal Housing Administration and Veteram Adminiatration home loans h.u dropped to 15 percent. The half-point reflects the recent euing of interest rates. CompCare joins Tier 1 Comprehensive Care Corp., of Newport Beach, announced that la1t-1ale quotationa and running • volwne figures on the company's common 1tock are ' available through the NASDAQ national market ·1 system. ?t CompCare, along with 12 other NASDAQ :.• companie1, was de1igned by the Securitie1 and !~ Exchange Commiasion to join the Pier I group of 48 .. eecurities whkh have been quoted on the NASDAQ national market system since its public debut Jtme 1. The companies quallfied for Tier I on the basis of their stock's performance during the flnit two quarters. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS MflALS . NEW YORK (AP) -Spot non1Wn1Ua "'9181 Pf1clee toct.y: c.,.., 11-14 c.nt• a pcMlnd, u.a. deetlnatlona. ...... ~4-28 °'"'' • pound. Z1M 37-40 canu a pound. dal!Wred. Tin $8.1500 Metala w .. ~ lb. A*rttr m 1 .. n oenta a pound, N.Y • ...,., '3e5.00 per ...... ......._ '284.0042 •. 00 tl'Oy --· SILVER Hand~ & Harman. St.S75 per troy ounce. GOLD QUOTATIONS