HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-14 - Orange Coast Pilotl 4 • DRANlil COAST YOUR HOMETOWN DAILY PAPIR OH ANGE C O UN 1 Y C ALI F O fiNIA 25 CE NI S Federal judge to rule on airline suits Monday MaJOr decisions affecung the future o f John W ayne Airport will face a U S District Courl Judge Monday during what 1:. predicted to be a lengthy, and po8Slbly acrunoruous, hearmg m Los Angeles. J udge Terry Hatter Jr, tht- JUrlSt who has presided over federal airport llligalloin for I J mon ths, will face four 1ssut's They are: -A request by Oenvl'r-b~&'<.I Frontier Airlines to overturn a rule that prevents carriers from ~·rv1ng destinations more than 588 miles away from O r ange County with non-stop fUghts A n:quest by Continental Airlines and parent company, Texw. lnternauonaJ Airlines, for ri~hts to bt:gin servu.•e m Orun~t> County w1lh Boeing 727s A proposed setllt'ment under whu:h Pacifa· Southwest A1rl1nes, tht> U .S. Justice Dt•partment and Western A1rl1rH•s would drop le gal <·hallengt>::. to a plan lO regulate HANG ON View (rom th<' Pnd of 180-foot-high crane shows workC'rs adding sevf'nth floor to o n e of thr<'e new towers under construction at Koll CC'nter Irvine Project WORLD Prince aids crash victim LONOON (AP) Prince Charles came to the rescue of a 69-year-old man who was in1ured when his car plowed into a wall outside the prince's mansion Friday night. NATION Panel approves MX missile WASHINGTON (AP) -H ouse and Senate ne gotiators entered the home stretch of bargaining over defense authorization· bill after deciding to go ahead with producing the MX missile. IBM suit inquiry nixed NEW YORK (AP) -A federal appeals panel barred a judge Friday from inquiring into the d.lsmilsal of an antitrust suit the Justice Department had filed against IBM Corp. t ~ which <.'Ommert·1al 1.11rhnt-s serve the rurporl. A demand by A1rCal, the dorrunant earner at tht-airport, that the county be blockt!d from further implementing an airport access plan that gradually will strap the Newport Beach-based l'arrier of fhghts tl now ~ As has been the ease 10 past court h e arings before Judge Hatter , scores of attorneys a re expected to be present for the -I p m . hear ing at the federal {'Ou rthouse 1n downtown Los Angelt'8 Fronller ts da11rung that tht· c:ounty's I 'I. yt•ar-old pcramt'tt-r ruhng restractmg the length of non stop flights has no relat1onsh1p t o controlling takeoCC noise Frontier, which now operates two fhghl8 daily from Orangt' County to Den ver via Las Vegas, wanL'! perrmssum lO fly lht> 850 m iles to Denver directly County oCCtc1als, however, say that lht• added fuel Frontit.>r's Deity Piiot Photo by Gery Am.,,._ Superintendent Bill Holmes says a journey on the cra ne's catwalk 1s "our E-T1cket ride." KolJ Co pays $25,000 per month to 1·ent and operate a crane. More on Page B8 STATE Car insurance bill killed SACRAMENTO (AP) -A long-delayed bill to toughen California law requiring motorists to have auto insurance died Friday after its third trip to the Senate Fina nce Committee. De ukmejian finances released LOS ANGELES (AP ) Republica n gubernatorial candidate George Deukmejian released a financial disclosure statement Friday listing his personal wealth at $204,941. COUNTY Talent shimmers in 'Pippin' Youthful talent, imagination and e nergy shimmer in a sple ndid production of "Pippin'' at the Newport Theater Arts Center. Page Bl 1. •• 1u rcra ft wou Id rt:qu1re lo 111.1kt· thl' Orange County Ot•nvl'r fltgl11 would boost Wl•tght d11d therefore, mcrcru.e l<lkt•off 1101~· Continental i:. among '>t'Vt'fdl c111 carriers mtertslt.'d in .101nm1< thl' five t-ommerc1al )l:l c111 ltm •., now ~rving Orangt-County A stumbhng block to Contirll'ntal's rt-quest 1s that 11 1s st•t•k1n1< approvul to uttl1w &x·ing 727s an aircraft type• that 111•v1·r ltt1:- lx•<m pt.'rm1tu-d ot John W,1yrn Airport PSA, lhL· fl"'flc-ral Kov1111mt·111 um.I Wt·stt·rn art-w11l1ng to drop lt•gal act1oru. 1n light of a federal appt'ob court ruling that, in t·~·nn:. gavt• l'tlUnty govt·rnment lhe nght tu 1mple•rrwnt whatever t;. pc• of a1rp1Jrt JU:t'sS plan 1t w1sht'<.i Cuunty supt-rv1:-ors, tn the wakt-of that ruling. adopted a p I a 11 w h t• r e b y t• x 1 s t 1 n g guarantc•t-s on flight allocations t·nJUyt-<l by tht-ftvt· incumbent l'arnt•rs would Ix· removed Und1·r tht.' 1·ounty's reallocation tSee COUNTY. Page A2l Prime rate cut to 14.5 percent NEW YORK (AP) Tht· pnml' lending ratl' fl'll .i h;ilf point to a 21 -mun th lo\.\ 11f I I 5 pc.'r<:f'nt Friday and olhPr tnll·n· ... l raws plunged after thl· 1'\-ch·r;tl Rc>serve Board cut ll'> cf1.,count raw LO 10 5 i:x·n·l'nt It WJs tlw third rt.'Ciuctton by tht• 1' l'l.I ... rn< 1· July IY and ldt tiw d1Mou111 ratr· at the lowPst point 10 two v1 .. 1rs A report of a $2 b1 llwn sui i.w 1 n the nauon's basic monl'y -,upply in the first wt.>ek of August. usually a dosely followt·d indicator of interest ratl' tn·mb was widely ignored 1n thi· rallv that swept tht' nat10n'., n t d1l markets "I::uphunc. 1s pc:rm1·c1tmg 1h1· markt>ts nght now " s.ml Holwrt Sc·hwiJr l7 sc-n1or f111.1n1·1.il ~·onorrust at th1· mvl'sll11l'lll f11 n1 of Mc·rnll Lynt'h, Pr<'rl'I'. 1"1•nrwr & Smith In(· "Wt• should 1·n.1oy this whtlt· WP can I don't lh111k this 1s i:x·rrnancnt .. The prime ralt• cut {rum 1r1 ~n::ent was the fourth h:llf p<•tnl cut stnc"e July 19. and l'(onorn1-.1_... predicted 1l would 'P' 1·<1d throughout thl' rndustn 1wxt Wt.'t.'k The last t1ml the· pnnw rate wru. at 14 5 pc'rct·nt w,1s Nov 6. 1980. when 1t was drmlnng l11 .1 rt'l.:ord hrgh 11f :! I 5 1wn t·rit 11 st0txl a., high as lh 5 Jl"n1·11I 1111 July IY The· prrmt· 1s the· l><1 st• up1111 whwh banks 1·ompull• 11111·1 •·sf 1·liargl's on short tt·rm loans to thl'tr bl'st -r1 sk l'Urpora t e c·ustorners Tht-dti:o(;<,unt rate 1s tlw m tl'fl'St tht.· !-\'() charges on loc11lS to banks Among bank~ t ull1ng their primt· r..ile' lal1· fra<lay were. l'hdSl' M<tnhJttan Bank, the n.1t11m's third larg(>:.t b.ink, No 4 M<mufot·turPrs l lanuvt-r Trust, No ti Chl'mtcal Bank ..i11d No. 15 Mc·llon Bank ( )rw rc•ason an:.dysL'i s:-Jld they <'X JWt'I lht· prime ratl' c·u t to ... prl'<Hl ts the i,harp rc'Cluct1on m th•· l'Ost of banks' funds JIB shooting probe d h)' c·o p llunungton &·ac:h Poh<-e were 1nve-,ttgating what appeared to ht• a mult1pl£> shooting involving at least one fatality in the I lunungwn Harbour area early Saturday The shooting OC('Urrt'd shortly tx·fon' m1dn1ghl Friday on Nalu l'rrdl . Lt Gt-orgt• Rcmek !:aid. He .,dtd thl' '>hooung appeared to have lx'<'n al'crdcntal. but as of <·arly today ht' was unable to vr-nf.. anv information because, 111 ~id. ;,WP'>llgators were suU "'' lhl· :><.·1·ne. tra1.:k111fo( down cl ues 11 n « po s s 1 b I t • ~ u !<> p t• c t a n d nt'tompo.nying vte·t1rns to loc·al hosp1tab for m1>d1c:d aid Drill ruling praised by Coast officials By PATRICK J. KENNEDY 01 the Dall) Piiot StaN Officials of Nt•wport B1 · .. d1 and Laguna Bc>ach t·xprc ... s1·d optimism Friday th<il futurt offshore dnllmg ctJuld lx· h;iltc•d becaust' of a court dt'<·1~1on rt· quiring Interior St l n·t..iry Jame::. Watt to make sun oft shore dnllmg plans .in ~·on ... 1-. wnt w ith ->tall' <."Oa!>t<ll plann1n~ goals "This 1s very exnt1ng for our c-rtv heeausf' Wt' have• f11u~h1 long and hard lo prt'Vt'l1t 11ff s h orP drrlling." s<11d Ev1·ly11 Hart, mayor pro tt•m of Nl'wpor 1 BE'ach "Newport &a<'h and L,1Kun.1 ~:ach have• been untll'ii •'K•lln~t offshorC' drilling {or se•v\·r.11 years and it would l><' nu 1· to finally end the thrPal om 1· Jnd for aB:· Mrs. Hart said Off1c1als of the two t·11ws op pose offshore dnlhng bt'i.<1Us1· of possible t'nvtronmt>nWI .11\d VIS ual damage to the 1·0.1 ... 111111· ra tt'd by a 1981 f edl'ral r!'port l<> bf> among the most St't•n1r n>n~t;tl arc>as in the sLJlt<' "We certainly think this 1c; good news and one stt>p in g1•t tang the Departmt>nl of the• In tcrior to take n ollcc of 1mporl<lnt C'nv1ronmental concerns." c;.ud INDEX Classified C l n Comics 81 0 Commen t B6 Crossword 810 Death Notices C2 Enter tainment Bl I 13 Movies Bl l l:i Public Notices C2.:J SPORTS Jum• Catal;1110, planntng direc- tor for Laguna Beal'h . "Thus f:Jr. Watt's not Ix-en responsiv~ to anv environmental concerns. Boih Newport and Laguna nff1c1<1ls have supported local and <;tale hugauon against past fl·tlE·r<d prnposals to lease o ff- ... hore trat ts for gas and oil ex- plorauon The Thursday ruhng by the ft-dc•ral appeals <.'Ourt capped a t 1 Vt'-yt•ar d 1spu tc bet ween the [ nl!•rtor Dl•p<1rlm<•nl and 35 1 oa.,tal stales. said plamt1ffs, w h o t' c1 11 e ci t h l' cl e c 1s 1 on a "s1grnfwanl Vll'tory " Tht• lntcrmr Department had -...11d t·<1rl1cr that offshore activity "nuld havt' no direct effect on l'altforrna·s Sl't.•me c-oast and that 11 wa.., therefore unn<'CeSSar)' to r .. v1e"' 1l'i t'Ons1stency with the sWl(• roastal plan Whrle Thursday's ruling set pro<.-<'<iures the Interior Depart- ml•nt musl follow, more court battlt>s are PXpcctt'd on Watt's plan for Least.' Sak 53, which include$ 243 tracts in five Cali- Cnrnaa ('Oastal basins including two down off Orange County. Watt. who is withholding rommenl until after reviewing the decision. will be the one to tSee OIL, Page A!I Religion B9 Sports Bl-4 Television 8 14 T heaters Bl l-13 Trivia 812 Weather A2 Youth 87 Angels rip Oakland, 9-0 Reggie Jackson blasted hls 27th homer of the year in the Angels' 9-0 win over Oakland. Page Bl • ......:.;;.::-~-..... ···--· ........ .._._.. _________ __, ..... ,_~ ................. __ ~ ...... -~--· .. ~----~--·-------~----- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /9&1urday, Augult 1_., 1982 ~\ ,,~ Continued stories Israel stiff ens OIL DRILLING. war demands dedde whether th<' sale c.'Onfhll.:s with st.ate: lntt.•11..11tis Howe ver. 1f he rules there 1i; no conflict, Sl ll t.e off1c1al!i say they will challenge his op1mon m court "l do expect Secretary Walt to send a thrt-t.· St•ntent't.' ::uu-dornc lt•tte r ~ay1ng. 'Yeuh, wl"vt• looked at it and Wl' think It's con S1st l'11 I ,· " sa 1d M l<:ht-it·I Flsch er. dirt "IOI uf the.· Caltforn1a Coastal Cc>1111111:,,..,••n "We tht•n 1·x~l t.o challcngc that in court Bul thl•n wt•'ll bt- hghung ov<•r the• fat·ts, nol JllSl procedures," he· sa1J Fischer ac.~·wwd Wan of fight mg state effort..., to pr1•vt•1il off shore driUmg "C'vt'r y stcp ol tht• way" "He's bc_.._,11 1humbing has nl™ at us. and ht•':. l.11.~n caught at ll," J:o1scher said This ruling <ilso dou1.b W<1l t's .1nnounc.'t'<.i f1v1· yt.•;11 plan lo UJ>t'" virtually tht· t•nt1rt· U S toa.stl1m· for offshorP dnllinK The appt>al l'OUrl rult•d in favur of Watt on two point.'>. -'l'hal 1 ht• t•nv1rCJn 11w11t;il impact rt'pw I on lt·.!si• Salt• :1:1 1' adequate • • And that the Interior Sec- re tary may reject Gov. Edmund G . Brown's recommendation LO delete the northern 32 tracts of the Santa Maria Basin south of Point Sur from the sale. Watt choee to go ahead with the Santa Marla sale because of an "overriding national interest " U S . Distric t Judge Ma ria n Pfaelzer ruled earlier this yea r that $220 million in bids on 29 t racts off S an Luis Obispo County should be returned and that California had a n g ht to vew federal plans. Thursday's ruhnM came in an appeal of that case "We conclude tha t Lease Sale 53 cannot proceed until the Sec- rt.'ta.ry of Interior ma kes a deter- rrunallon that the proposed lease 1~ consisten t, to the maximum extent pr acucal, with the Cali- fornia Coastal Zone Management plan," said the court 1t added, however , lh<1I tht• h1ds need not be returrn-d unul thL• issue lS resolved. C h ul'k B randes, a dep uty d irector 1n Brown's offic:e of Planning and Research , said it was a "ma.]Or de<.'lSton supporung California's position." COUNTY AIRPORT. • • formuld 111.1.:ht~ would b1• ,1wardt·d tu , arr 11•r'.'I 1·11!11 r wanung 111 l1e•g1 11 111· 1·xp.1nd -.t•rvtt't' t11 < >r a11g1· l'•iunty Tlwr 1• would be. no 1m H'·•M'. howt \t·I In Lht• 11 d.1 ii) d1•p;1 rlllll' pc•nn1llL-<l frc1111 llw .111 µt1rt A1r<..:al I'.'> 1101 h.1ppV with llw 1·ount.~,i'' rc•Jllot ,c111111 pl,111 A1r{.',1I tod.1, c 111\11111'.'> .1boul .!:! 11 ( t h e p e r m 1 t t t· d d a 1 I y c lc•parture,. Th l' ( 1 rm h as s t c.• a J fas 1 I y opposed any plan that will r<'duc·e 1t~ .Jllocauon A1rCal's •• r g u m 1• n t 1 s s 1 m p I f' A n y reduction in flights \\'lll mean a 1·omml•nsurate loss in revl·nuc A1rCal values each departurt• as worth ahout $2 m1U1on annually Consumer of lice By The A11oclatf'd Preu Israel has duublt't.l 1l'I demand:.. rna1st lng on the evac:uauon of 13,000 Palestinian guerrillas from west Beirut l.l.lld deployment ot the Ll'banese army ther(' before the arrival of .m 1nt~rnat1onal fo rec, SOUl'l'l'S d c >St' t.o th t• talk!! said Friday A new t·case ·f lft' held. ml•anwh1lt•, and Israeli officials scud they hopt.-'Cl the withdrawal will bt•gm m•xt wet.•k U S pres1dC'nt1aJ t•11vuy Pl11lJµ C Habib refuM•d to talk with rt•pOrlt'r::. .dtl'r r1:sum1ng negollatwni. wi t h Ll•banese Pres1dl'lll Elia.-. Sarkis and Pramt.' Min1slt·r Shaf1k Wazzan, w ho suspt-ndcd talks Thur sday tu prolJ.'~l brat:'h atr strikt"S that left at least 156 dt'ad by police l'OUnt. Wazzan said Habib had gotten PLO and Lt·banl'M' resporlSt:S to lsrat·li dc•mand~ and that t he answt•rs would t•nable h im to "cond udc the negotla t1ons and b t'gl n th11 1mplcmentalion prCX.'t'SS " Wazzan did not l'laborall'. b ut P a l t• s l 1 n t• L 1 b e r a t 1 o n Org<101iat1on spokesman Jamil H1Lal said Israel now wants the Leban(.'SC' army to d eploy m west Beirut at lht· first swge o f the cvat·uat1on. r<1 lhl·r than a n advarH'l' tnn u ngl'nl from a proposed full'l' of U S , F'rench and Italian troops Israel ob.)<'C·ts to U N observers a nd French tr<>UJ.b. d<t1m1ng they are ant1-lsr:wl1 and oro-PLO Several days ago HllaJ ltsh-d 7, I 00 guerri IJas for t'V<IC'Ua lion. but Sacb Salam. a k ey intenncdrary between Habib and PLO chief Vasser Arafat, said Isra<•I now wants 13,000 guerrillas c·vaeuall'd e1nd has demanded thl•ir names T h t' re was n v 1 n 1111 t• J 1 a t e l'ommt•l\t frCllll brac·l. where m11lw.ry 110un:es have said up to 9,000 guer-rillas and between 3, 500 and 4,000 S yrtana <."Ould be In west Belru~ Previous estim.al.e9 of guerrilla strength in west Beirut ranged from 6,000 w 8,000, but 1t0urces dose to the PLO gave revised esu mate11 Friday that put the figure a1 13,000. 7,600 from PLO fac:t1ons, 4.400 from the Pa lestine Liberation Ar m y. and 1,000 foreign volunteers. In addition there are said to be 1.000 Synan troops m west &>1rut along with an esllm<1ted 2,000 Cu ll-lime leftist Lebanc-se m1Lt t1amen Vaccination proof needed in dis tricts The Foun tain Valley School D1str1ct req u ir es proof of vaccina tio ns before a s tudent may ente r kinde rga rte n or fo r new s tude n ts e nter ing th e d1stnct T he district also keeps track of w hen students require booste r shots Two reminder notices are sent to parents, and a child may be suspended a fter tha t if he or she has not obtained the required shot Cheryl Snowden, director of staff serv1ces, said beginrung m early 1983, the district w ill keep vacc1nauon rt!<:ords on computer for regular refere nce The Ocea n V i e w Sch ool D1str1ct m Huntington Beach also requires proof of vaccina tion against cl)lldh ood diseases for kindergarten an d s tud e nts transft'rrmg from other districts. Dally Pllol "hoto by CllM ... Sl•rr HAPPY FRIDAY THE 11TH H<'rhnd:.i Gonzales was the guest of honor at a bash thro wn to c:ell'bnitc her 104th birthday in Huntington Beach . S hl' k e<'ps busy at the Huntington Va lley Convalesc:en l 1Josp1l<ll tTO<.:hc.•ting a nd playing the piano. Lueky 13th for her Wes t county woman cele brates 104 th By ROBE RT BARKER Of the Oalt)o Piiot llaff Herlinda Conzales had a swell birthday party in H u n tington Beach Friday. S h e w o re a n e w dress . complime nts of a de partment store m Westminster Mall. rC'a.....ons for her longevity. I.Jut she said sht> ne1thL•r smokes nor dnnlc. "Smoking 1:. for men <ind dnnkmg as for Llru11kards," she s;;1d closure protested A 1111 11il11·1 11! th1· 01 an"'t' l'ouu tv l'11111rn1s"<>n 011 t ht• <-;tatus l)f Wnnwri has 11-s1~m'll 111 protest of rc'\.'c•111 .11 lion hy l,>urHV ,uperv1,ors 1u d1..,b.ind .1 Ms Baum desc·nbt-d hl•rwlf 1n ht•r letter of resign~t1on clS both a · • f r 1 e n d · · a n d · ' I o n g t 1 m l' supporter" of Mrs W1t'der Dollar frozen accounts in Mexico The Fountain Valley Woman's Clu b provided a big cake that s he sharc.'<i with about 70 friends. And best of all. profession al musicians Laszlo and Karen Lak of Costa Mesa played violin and piano sele<'tions fi-ee . "The music was her one big wtsh," said a friend. But an ubM•rver l'Ouldn't help but notice a six-pack of Dos Equ1s on the table for Herlinda "WC'll, sht• rea lly doesn 't drink," said <1 frit•nd "Bul she "'It's a t ell you . shame to rm '104. onsum1·r .1ff.111.., p1n~r.in1 And, 111 .1 r1•l,1l1 .. t tlf·v1•lop1111•11t. the C'onsumc·r ('•1.cl1l1011, a 1,1u111v 1 unsum1•r .cdvrn at v ~rnu11. h." d1-c1ded lll>l Ill jo(IVt J plJnlll cl 1omm111d11111n 111 tl.1rri .. 11 W1cdL•r 11111· uf thrl't' n>u111v 'u perv1..,111' v. ho s 11 pporl1'll dosurc· of lh• 1 onsunll'r .1ff,11r ... program Sherry B.1ur11. ,, I lu11l1ngtor1 Rf•ach l 1111111 l l 1gh Sc hncil 1>1str1ct 1111..,tc·l' '"'cl 'ht• v. ,,, l<·<1v1ng lh• v. """ n's t orr1n11 ..... -.11111 .is .1d1i·c'C..'l11•sult ot Mt s W11ikr " \'Ole• 111 1.1VPI 111 th•· nm ... Ullll'I affair, 11ffic 1 'hutd11w11 Ms Baum has St.•rved on the women's t'Omm1SS1on 'mt't' f'arly 1h1s year Ms Baum said th<· Co11sum,·r Cuaht1on. with a memb('rsh1p between 40 and oO consumN rt;>presenlal1VC'S, V.ds ~chl·dulC'd next Friday to give Mrs W1t'C!Pr .in <1WC:1rd for her fl'L"l eonsunwr .df.t1r.. work. not.ably her fight to r l' t J I n I t (' rn p I' I l' I n ~ I n -.u1.wrmark1•ts. That t'Ommendalu>n has hc1·n withdrawn Ms Baum s::11d An <1Ward will be .i;(IVf'n lo t\ssl•rnblywoman Sally Tanner. [) Los Angell-s, for h1·1 1•fforls on lx•ha If of the ''lemon 111 I I " MEXJCO CITY (A11 ) -The gov<'mnwnt (roz1· doll<1r aC"COunts in Ml•x1can bank~ Friday and suspended trad1n~ 1n foreig n currenc:y in a move· tn sc.tVl' tlS dwindling dollar rt-st.•rvt ..... lt later allowed ban~ to n-sunw dollar buying Bank s.il{~ of dollar; and other foreign currt.'nlll'!-a rt" 1.Janned unul further notice Tht-fn'E'z.«> t reatt·d confusion and (par 1n tlw M1•x1can business l'OmmunllY still n't•lmi;( from the impact of "an m1·rpase this month 1n gasol1nt• .md has1c rood prices and a dt•valu.it1on uf tht· pt.•so last Wl't'k Slow burn off Ra in ~ SnowO 1 '11 II I pt> rfl f 11 rt' S ;..:...:.::.t..:;~;:..:.::~~~-....--...--S-how_e_r_s.::Klilllll=_F_177ur....,rr1e_s:;:.lfi)=;* Ov~r eru1~1 r.o;it.thl .-v,JtA, \11111'•1c.t lo norU1w('5t w rnJ~ 'l t 16 ~rh1tc; with sea~ • tn 1 '""' tt •n\1 JI n1gnt Ov~t ,,,~•·' wit IP•" ti9tt1 v&ueb'4J w111'd' n1~M df1tJ mr.rn1no hOUf 5 l't~ n I Nf•"-1 t ~outtiw~"il '' I tf ~t,OI-. .1t1ernooo ':;o 1ttowe\1 c;Wf't1 I t' J teet Lo"' ., 1<t w '" Vet••"' r learmg 1f1t•ruc r AllJUflY A1t1UQ\Jt-1 Anrh<H lQt'I All.tnlA Allanlr l,ly Austtr1 Aa1t1mor,:. 6•rm1t"Qhm ij1~rT111f{_ .. 8tM" 8<'~1(, Butt ti> Au'' ••1t Jll NATION HI 70 89 65 82 71) 98 81 86 84 <j) 7 I 7• n 88 80 lo 56 62 46 66 67 76 56 69 48 56 62 57 s~ 75 5'3 "•QA/14 I"' I.. "'Pl ut l {,r\m~c. l' ( ,., .. 'illlll/IHtry lhun<1er~lurm" (t•1btw-f~C1 ,,tlrh ot fhA Mtd'lttP~I AritJ w .. -.111t fru.1tty ( r1.trl"frl sr Ctwl~tn WV l ~~rlllP NI C.tw-1PnnP Ch•CllQO c,111t.1nnoh •• 'Q 68 Fronls Cold ~ W;irm WW O• 55 <:;1 1101 onJry • • In NRbr H~ d 1nr• Na 11 on81 Weatntlr Sfl!rvu f~ ,,,. ... d1c. u:uJ Hrn worsl 11ood1ng ""'" 1911 on th!' 819 Nemonn Aov<>r Al 1 Alls <:11v ,, town ot 5 200 .1tHJut tOO mil••• south of Omahtt Nr1w..-• \ "'" httrt was rec:orde<I In the Wfltst hfjAVV '-"''., ,,, th" mo,mtam~ wP\t ot L,ts VOQU'• on Tnursdey n111111 ,niu 11ooe1walf'1 1 leet deep 1nrn111Jh qlrl'(JI• nn 1111' soutn side 01 1hR r.clv (.1 .. w1land C1m111A SC' C.1"Jlumhu!l (I") r1 Wth Oayl'ln C>i>nver ()t-... <. M11u1~" ll<Hro+I Uulu1'' (I Pa~n rAirl11m~, r111gn HJg•tan Grnat f,.11• Hftrllord Hl'IRna Hnnolulu Hn-Jston lntlnaolls Jecksn J9Ck,nvll" Kens Crly The rorecast lo< Wdl\V 111~h1C11MJ thunde<st()fmS ov•., Fln<1d11 snrt &ealtered 11croH lhf'l 1'8,l&rn Gull Cont into thtl lowf'r M1n11s1pp1 Valley, as wPll ns 11lnng "'" southern A1l111111c Cn1>•I Thunderst or"'• &190 W"'" f'lxpeGte<I 10 tlR .Ctlllf'lfld OYl'r ColOredo. ano lrom nortnecn Nt"N Mexlc.o to norln!'rn A"1on11 Snowets anti tnunoe<atorme we<• pre<llcted to '"' 11Call11<A<I from KnoitVille iowa 1nrough 1n<> low« M1uou11 • lH Vegu V1ll11y with •nnw•r• exlf'lndlng llllle Roell over mucn "' Me•ntr ano !tom Loullvllle Wa1n1n glO" 1n1n •outne1n Mflmphl• Oregon Clnun\< •k'"" waif' M111m1 eitpec;tecl ov&• <;oolh nnkole witn Milwaukee clear p lf!S Ovflr tnA '""I OI lhfl Mpls SI p nallon N11"Jnv111., Ni!w 0•198118 New Yo•~ Ca liforni;1 Sool1-n Calllorn111 ~n e•pecl 1ow cloud• and !oral rog ••lendlno Into vell.-;1 n'""""'" lelr through Sund•y Orange Counly ctn ••P.,Ct h~ rod•Y an<I Sund•Y In 701 IOW9 60 10 66 NOffolk O~la City Omoha Orl•ndo Phlle<lpt>ICI Ptl04Nll• Plllll>Urgh P11Md, Me Piiand, Ore Provt<hlt!C41 77 76 17 81 77 99 78 85 78 79 li5 114 fi7 85 72 85 76 89 89 94 81 91 93 75 80 94 83 80 81 87 74 n 16 91 79 80 100 79 91 80 97 76 67 70 76 5 1 54 47 ,, 49 i7 54 62 65 48 53 67 51 65 54 50 60 H 76 80 5.l 74 12 66 81 70 69 65 75 78 51 62 59 72 63 60 73 62 73 82 79 41 59 81 69 Reno R1cnmon1I Sall Lake San Anlorno Sea111e Shreveport S•ou• FRIIS St Louis St P·Tempe Spo~en<• SyrnCu!M" Tope~a TuGSOlt Tulsa Wasn1ng1n Wl<:hlta CALIFORNIA Apple Valley Baken~d 8ar•1ow B&aumonl Big S..r 819"()9 Blylhe Calalln• Eurelca Freeno Lancv te< Long ee11<:n lot A~ Monr0'1te Mont..-ey Mt Wll.of1 NN<llet Newpor1 BMoh Oakland 0n1Nlo Palm Spring• P U&dena Pa90 Roblea River aide Red Bluff 88 80 86 99 66 92 80 H 61 62 70 81 87 100 Ill 'l6 HI 9t 96 97 89 74 93 100 13 IM 96 111 79 11 87 ~ 76 103 71 7'J 112 101 82 75 80 g3 48 61 64 7!> 58 73 &4 64 16 S4 so 10 67 18 6.' 11 Lo 64 74 74 ~9 45 57 78 65 ~5 66 67 66 65 66 56 61 62 66 ~9 84 75 6t 51 6t 6.1 Inland vatiey. -Mii have hlOh• en 801, cooling by 3 d11gre.,. Sunday. lOW9 In 60• MountalnA Wiii have lllQh• 11 lo 1•. Iowa necir 80 llolalad 111under•howt1• In •Outhern '"'='*" cl-1 htQIW "" eo.. 1owt 98 10 711 Soutfltnl IMMtt 111g1w 91 to t07 lowt 71 to " ttolat«I ttlw>O.,.,_. -tern deaat1L ~---; ?=-er. ..... su ....... R_f R_IP_DR_T I Ftlt ~ lh•OUOh ~In HottMm and c.n1111 c.iito.-nl• l o w o verca•I atono c;oa•• •PIH Olng Inland. local d1lzil• north cout Coolet In Cenlr•I v..., _,Id "'°"'*" !flt~ 8wt Swt •wt .... .... ..... ..,_.. AWW lln l'H A.. .... Dlt Zuma 'J 3 10 I 2 SW Santa Monlctt 2 3 tO 1 2 SW Newpot'1 8Mctl 2 4 l'J I 2 SW San County 2 ' 14 1 2 w for 8uncl1Y Sltght ~In 90Wth to~ ..... Re<lwood Cny $9cremen10 S1111naa Sen 811rn11tdlnO San Gabriel Sen 01'!QO <:Rn rrencisco Celguy Edmonton Montll'lAI Ot1awu rto01nu loronlo V&nCOO'Yttl w1nnl1>9Q Extended weather 77 63 64 87 83 75 66 HI 71 68 69 7 I 86 71 61 81 61 57 52 66 64 68 55 Lo 43 '" 58 54 46 53 61 57 Mond11y Wednesd11y Moally '•" a•cepl some night end mo1n1ng tow Cloud• coeatal ar ... •n coutal MCllOn• Htghl ranging ''°"' •bout 70 al the beectla to 90• 11nd lower 90e inland, 10'<0'9 In 601 Moun1111n highs 75 lo 85, lowe In upper 401 and 509 . ..;;mog The Air Out llty Manegement Ol1111c;1 predlclt good air quality IOO•y In much ol the South C<>ut Air Bu1n Unhe•llhlu l •Ir quality lor ten10lve people I• torac: .. t tn tile Alver•ld•S•n Bernardino •r••' With 11 Pollut1111 Slandard Index of 183 1nd th• 81n Oabrltl ind P0montt Y911eye wttll PSI 138. Good llr quality with I PSI 75 II predlcl.O for melropolltan lo• A~ Ind Benning. A PSI 100 I• p<edlcted ror tne San Fem.ndo tind 81nl4 Cltlilt v911ey9 A P81 92 11 forac:Ut for 8lg 8Mr end tlle high 6-1. A PSI 68 II tor-=-t lor 11141 Htmet·Elalnoc-e WM. A 'PSI •2 1a ~ tor tne OOMtal -· lnlend Ol'Wlge County and Ille IOw o-1. (I "It can not be denied that. h1storically, this is the most difficult momen t since the (1911 -1917) Mexican Revoluucm The s1tuauon 1s very grave." said a prominent banker here Tht• 8dnk of M exico, t h e l'uUnlry's centr al ba nk . suspended foreign curre ncy trading all morn ing But it allowed banks t.o buy dollars and foreign currencies around noon after the peso h it 150 to t he dollar in private tradmg on the strC't'ts The sur p rise Treasur y Department announcement late Thursday said Mexican banks would honor d ollar accoun ts only In terms o f th t• n a ti o n 's weakened peso. This. in errect. frore those aCC'Ounts. Hardest hit by the measure are foreign a nd n ational businesses. as well as pn vate c1t1w ns who have been changing the ir pesos mto dollar s in recent months, afraid t h e cu rre n cy wou Id continue losing value Tourists ent.cn ng Mexico have not been affected much . T hey sold their dollars privately m the mommg. and at bank counters after the ban was li fted But who could deny that wish F o r H erlina, after all, w as celebrating her 104th birthday Friends say she keeps busy at the H u nti ng to n Valley Co n valescen t H ospital, crocheung and playing the piano She takes care of herself and styles her own hair M rs Gonzales didn't offer HB investigates seven-tree fire Hun ti ngto n B eac h f ire investigators are seeking the cause of a fire that climbed t.o the t o p o f s ev e n tre es Frida y morning and spread t.o the roof of a home . Fire Capt. Roger Hosmer said the h o u se at 8101 Ellis Ave . wasn 't d amage d se r iou s l y because 1t had fireproof asphalt shingles. Flames destroyed c ables running thro ugh t h e trees. h o w ever , and knocked o ut telephone service in t h e area near Ellis Avenue and Beach Boulevard. Hosmer said. It ' too n1uch . '' hkes to take a sip of Mexican beer at umes " She really d1dn t seem loo impressed "at rE.'at·hing the m1lesWnf' "It's a shame to tell you," she said, "I'm 104 It's too much " Friends say she appa re n tly a lmost d id n't reach h er 104th birthday "She had pneumoma l.ll April," said volunteer Helen Utting "She told everybody the n she was going hom e (to heaven ) Whe n she recovered she told us It was a false alann." Herlinda's ni('(-e, J ulie Brown , who attended the party from her h om e in La Verne. said the w oma n was a n accom plished pianis t a nd composer in her younger years. She also was a very sut'C.-essl ul seamstress, spec1aluing in formal evening gowns, said the nJt'('e. Mrs. Gonzales 1s a native of Mexico City who also hved in Texas and Call forma S he has been at the L'tmvalescent hospital for about 12 years AMLING'S Newport Nursery and Garden Center ~ POTTERY SALE 20"~FF ALL • POTTERY & SAUCERS • REDWOOD CONTAINERS •BARRELS •STRAW BASKETS • POTTING SOIL • WIRE BASKETS W ASKlNOTOM (AP) -A lenat.-H°'*t committee --Prlday t.o a hefty CU\ in \he deduction lor medical expeneea and ·to tllrnlnaUon of the flat tl&O write-off for health u.nnce Jll-.ntuma. Th9 ~would mean h!Oer iaxea f0t the 18 rnlWoli muW. and lndlvtduall who clalm deductlona lor ln1uranae and other medical and denial .xpen.aee. The chancea would cmt them tax1>9yen ta.8 billion over the next three YMl'I. The chanpl w.,.. appl'OYtd 11 the panel Mttled ln for a lone nJaht of work ln an effort to complete a bW that would raile taxee and rewnue collectlona by about tH bllllon over the next thrM yMrl. Food stamp reductions approl'ed WASHINGTON -H ouae and Senate neeotiatora. struggling to draft a comptOD1lle $12 bllllon pack.age of spending cuts, agreed tentatively Friday to trim $2 billion from food 1tampe through 1985. But they abandoned effortl to complete their work by day's end when a tentative agreement to cut federal pension costs by $4 bllllon fell apart and nea0Uat.lon1 on C:Utl ln dairy price 1upporta were po.tponed. OffJdala uid the largest chanae ln the food 1tamp program would hold 1ncftuel ln benefits each year to slightly below the rate of inflation. Democratic aldee said the proviaion would redupe future benefits for a family of four with no other Income by about $2.50 a month. Wholesale gas prices decrease NEW YORK -Wholesale gas prices dropped slightly for the second two-week period in a row, major oil companies reported Friday, signaling modest relief from earlier increaaes that had fueled inflation. Major oil refine rs repor ted scattered cuts of 0.2 cent to 2 cents a gallon charged in early August to gaaoline dealers and d.iatributors. That followed who lesale price cuts ranging from 0.4 cent and 2 cents a gallon ln the last half of July, which led to a hall-a mt drop in the national average retail price at the pump early this month, according to gasoline marke ting analyst Dan Lundberg of L os Angeles. Thunderstorms flood Midwest Thunderstorms swamped the Midwest with more than 15 inches of rain in places, routing hundreds o f people Friday in floodwaters deep enough to cover ho use trailers. Three deaths were blamed on the storm. The de luge in n or thwest M issouri, southeast Nebraska and northeast Kansas inundated mobile homes and stalled countless cars in cities such as Kansas Oty, Mo., where up to 15 'h inches of rain fell in the 24 hours ending at 7 a.m. One motorist drowned in deep waters in Kansas ~i ty and another drowning was reported m Missouri. A 60-year-old Mlaaouri man died of a heart attack while working to clear a flooded basement. Military· payload failure told WASHINGTON -The main experiment of a secret military payload carried on last month's space shuttle flight failed because a telescope cover did not open, sources cloee to the project reported Friday. Officials briefly considered an astronaut space walk to correct the problem. The pro posal to d ispatch astronaut Thomas K. M attingly into Columbia's open cargo bay was rejected because of a tight STATE flight schedule and more impo rtant test priorities, said the source6, who asked not to be identified. An infrare d t e lescope, the major expe riment in the De fense Depa r tme n t package, was protected by a metal cover. Whe n astron au ts Mattingly and He nry Hartsfield tried to open the cover remotely from inside the cabin during the June 27-July 4 mission, it would not budge. Drunken murder rullng nixed R~ING -In a setback for those Watson guilty of two counts of vehioular seeking harsher punishme nt for drunken manslaughter and upheld Watson's felony drivers, a supe rior court jud ge Friday dntnken driving conviction. overturned the convictions of the first person Phelpe aentenced Watson to three years in California found guilty of murde r in a in pri.lon. drunken driving case. The judge said he took the action because Shas ta County Judge William Phelps trial evidence failed to show implied malice overturned the two J uly 9 second -deg ree and because the jury of seven women and five murde r verdicts by a jury a ga inst Robert men had not been properly instructed that Wataon, 37, of Redding. Instead, Phelps found Watson could be convicted of a lesser offense. Great white taken to Sea World S AN DIEGO -A great wh ite shark accidentally ne tted by a commercial fisherman off San Diego was taken to Sea World Friday in hope s tha t it can be saved, a pa r k spokeswoman said. l!Btimatect to be about three years old, the 6 'h-foot. 140· pound shark will be kept in a whale and dolphin petting pool, rather than the shark exhibit tank , spokeswoman Diane Wolfe said. _ By using the pool, park aquarlans can ex p e rime nt at lo w e r i ng the wate r temperature to 60 degrees, or about 20 degrees colder than the water in the shark tank. Top 60P fund-raiser booted out WASHINGTON -The chief fund-raiser who made the Republican Party the richest political orga nization in history was fired Friday. months a fte r h e d escribed th e recession as "a beneficial thing and a cleansing thing." Ca li fornia Lt. Gov. M ike Cur b was named by party Chairman Richard Richards to succeed millionaire businessman Richard M . DeVos. The abrupt firing was attributed by sources to his outspoken views on the economy and to a tendency to talk down to contributors. 'Kids-in-trucks' bill approved SAC RAMENTO -A bill a imed at barring children from riding in the back of pickup trucks and other open vehicles was approved by the Senate Friday, after the author promiaed to delete a provision applying to dogs. The measure, AB3048 by Assemblyman Larr y Kapiloff, would prohibit untended childre n 12 years old o r younge r from traveling in the open trucks unless they were protected by a barrier at least ~ inches hjgh. It was approved 25-10 and was sent to a tw o-h o u se confere n ce committe e for amendment. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat 'Thoma9 P. Hetev ~ -°""" 6ec:ut"'9 ~ ~.=tz -~of~ TClm Murphlne .-or Mice H9"19¥ D11.-or of Merlet"'O ~· ~Goddard CJlli9clor of Oper81- ~ Mecl.Nn ~ Tom McCenn .......... ._ ....... ~ , .......... Clua"led •dwertlal"fl 714/M2·5178 All other dep•rtment1 &42-4321 MAIN OFFICE J:a0 WHI eey $1., Cotl• ~.CA Mell--·9o•l'60.C•ta-.CA ._ C•v•leM ,_,Or_,.. Coed "'*'"""9 ~. No ,.._, ttonff, llf11Slrell0fl1. ed"•lel ,.,._ H _.. ... 11 .. ..-11 ,., .. ,. mey be '"'Odu<_. wfttloul _ .. , Ptrmlu lon Of u • ...,,~ a.Mr VOL. 75,. NO. 226 Two die in Navy base a ccidents CORONAOO -Two peraona died in 9eparate Navy acddentm Friday. one on an aircraft carrier and the other ln a rappelling training tower ml1hap, Navy officiala said. An enlisted Navy man waa killed when pinned under a metal jet blast deflector while performing routine maintenance on the USS Con11ellatJ.on, Naval offid.ala uid. 'Ibe other victim wu a U.S. federal police offJcer who wu ualng tralnina fadlitln at the Naval Amphlbloua Ba1e In Coronado. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you Uke? Call the number below and your meaaa1e wlll be recorded, I ranscribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour anawertna aervice may be u.aed to ,..cord let· lera lo the edJtor on any toptc. Mallboll conlributon nuaat lnchack their name and telephone number for ver1flcaUon. No circulation u lls. please. Tell u.s whan on your mind. t .,, .......... TYING ONE ON Volunteers tie balloons filled with helium to 3,000-foot chain of beer can tab tops which was st.n.mg across the Ohio River Friday from Ne wburgh, Ind .. to Kentucky. The success of the exercise wu marred somewhat by the fact the chain broke in several places across the half-mile wide waterway. Attorney wins round in effort to disqualify Harrold in cases A Santa Ana attorney has BCOred a victory In an effort to have embattled West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold removed from hearing two drunken driving cases. It's the contention of attorney ~ James Riddett that Judge Harroid, whoee June 3 electoral victory over two contenders has b e en invalidated , is biased against him because o f h is ba c k i ng f o r o n e o f th e challengers. Harrold'a courtroom Friday afternoon. Court sources said the judge was on vacation and not due to return to work until Monday. She hu not been at work since her election victory w8JI overturned. Rlddett ra is ed th e disqualification la&ue Thursday w ith superior court Judge Luis Cardenas. Cardenas ruled that Ma. Harrold mwit either disqualify h erself from hearing the two cases or explain why she is not prejudiced against Riddett and/or the defendanta. Ms. Harrold is presiding judge at west court. In that capacity she assigns caaes to other judges for trial and conducts pre-trial hearings. The jurist is currently ct>nsidering whether to appeal the Aug. 4 ruling voiding her election victory. In making that ruling, Judge Ronald Owen said the only two candidates who can vie for the seat in November will be Dutcher and the other June candidate, ·• attorney Ronald Nix. Riddett supported Santa Ana attorney Dan Dutcher in the race in which Ms. Harrold collected 62 percent of the votes cast. It was Dutc h e r who subsequently contested whether Ms. Harrold was a resident of the county. A superior court judge ruled she was not and voided her victory. "She announced 1he would seek revenge on those who s upported h er c hallengers," Riddett said Friday. "I d on 't know what's the matt.er with the woman." Evans says he can't pay for suit defense N o one wa s p resent i n A former aide to state Sen. John Schmit% says he ha1 no m oney t o pay a lawyer for defenae of a $10 million lawsuit in which he and Schmit:r. are alleged to have libeled femlniat Condor chick taken for captive breeding S AN D IEGO (A P) -A California condor chick , one of fewer than 30 birds left of the critically endangered species, was taken Crom its rocky netrt Friday as a first step in a program to save the giant v ultures from e xt i n ctio n , a f e d er al spokeswoman said. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Audubon Society received penn.i.s&on last week from the state Fish and G ame Commission to remove the chick. one of two known to have been born th.is year. It is the first wild condor captured for a planned captive breeding program. Offspring are ultimately to be released in the condors' rugged, sprawling range north of Lo.t Angeles to replenish the dwlndling species. The young bird was taken by van to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, which along with the Los Angeles Zoo, will tend captive condors. The c hic k , its sex s till undetermined, "appears to be in gOOd condition," 881d lne:r. Connor ' of the Fish and Wildlife Service in Washington, D.C. "The whole thing went very smoothly." A scruffy looking condo r nesillng, covered with white or grayish down, grows into a great black bird with ~ that can span nine feet -the largest land bird in North America. Ms. Connor said the chick was apparently the one Steve n Herman, head of the state commission's Condor Advisory Committee, had desc ribed as potentially threatened because it WU being inadequately fed by it.a pal'ellts. DECl ·MATE TM ULTRASONIC PEST REPELLER EH.cttv.ty ltlmlnot .. lntteh and Rodents In· duding PMo. IF,.CTIVI • eowra up to 2,000 eq. n. ICONOMICAL • u... .... than halt the 9MtVY of • nit• llt• POWl!R,UL • Up to 10 time. more then llY)' oompwable product on the INtt!.e today SILE PllCED '4999 Umlt4ld To~ On Hand attorney Glori.a Allred. Brad Evans, of Sacramento, confinned that the Senate Rules Committee decided th.la week to not fund bis defen1e in the lawsuit filed In Loi Angeles County Superior Court. Evans was the author of a pt'ell release on Schmitz' Senate letterhead in which Allred was termed a "slic k , butc h lawyeress." The press release was l.asued aft.er Schmitz held a hearing in Los Angeles on a propoeed 1tate constitutional amendment to limit abortions. The release was l.saued while Schmitz was serving as chairman of the Senate Committee on Constitutional Amendments. At the time, Evans was employed aa a member of Schmitz' Sacramento staff. In the uproar that followed, S chmitz was stripped of the chairmanship, and Evaiu wu fired by the ~GxnalL.t1ee-- Because hmitz was working as a state senator, the Rules Commi decided that the state must pay or his defense. Hut ot 90 for Evans. In telephone Interview Friday. Evans aald he cannot afford an attorney. He uid he has not decided how to proceed on his defenae. SALi 13.•9 ....... " fLEA sroe -6 oz. New formula FIH Stop lclllt both .,,..adult and adult fleot. more than you expect In a hardware store • •••• HARDWARE 1 I l ,, Interest-free financing PLUS savings up to 33o/o Harlow's is having its greatest sale ever! Plushes and hi-lows, saxonies and velvets and if you're having trouble finding just the shade and hue you want, don't worry-we have over 200 colors to choose from. Best of all, they are on sale at savings up to 33°/o off. So hurry in for the best selection! ® Look for the Monsanto wear-dated tag for quality you. can trust! Every sale carpet features Harlow's Ten Year Guarantee on Carpet, Pad & La.bar This dense plush will stand up to everyday wear and tear of family living. Easy care Ultron® fiber construction makes this carpet unmatched for wear and beauty. 18 decorator colors. Sale 1395 Priced • sq. yd. A rich, thick plush crafted from Ultron® yarns of outstanding performance. 25 vibrant colors add to the desirability of this long-wearing carpet. 't is one of Harlow's best values. Sale Priced 17!~.yd. . Random textured heavy cut and loop . made of Ultron® yarn. Saft and beautiful in 15 shimmering two-tone colors. This lovely carpet is probably the' best value A luxurious saxony plush made of stain , and soil resistant Ultron® yarns-today's most durable carpet fiber. 23 fashion colors make it easy to coordinate with your particular decor. ~~~ed 16~~.yd. WITH FIBER BY Monsanto in our sale. Sale Priced Convenient Credit Term• Available CElllNTOI OAlllDEN QROYE 12802 J<nott StrHt 11 1111 No O•rOen Orovt flr•VI 11 ~ Soulh Strwt cAcrou trcm ""~ Mlilll· (714) 1 ... 1157 • (213) 5M·M21 I ,LAC!NTIA 127 E Yor~ Linda c. "" WHt Of "'Minert (114a•HUt (2, ...... LONG llACH 340 E. 4th Street (AcGll '"'"' .... C21a•mt . HUNTINGTON llACH 15073 GoedenW..t , ..... ncl Ooft JoM'• ' Cooo't» (114-.1111 •cant .... , LAGUNA MILLI 23361 Avenlde de la c.rtotta (letww II Ten & LIM "°"" •Mat "'~-, ... Orenge Oout DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Auguli 14, 1982 talian papers, Paris official eulogize Henry Fondl:f Italian new1papera Frlday ed front . .,.,_ reporu of the •th ot tllm 1W' Hear)' Foacla, Ith the naUon'1 larpet dally, orrlere Della S ra of Mllan, salllnfi him one of th• laat ,iania' of Hollywood. I-Fonda waa "a democratic fllure In the jungle ol the rnovte f'Orld. He hAd the face of the ~ who alway1 sides with the ~r and the weak," Corriere rE-Sera said. • He was "a civil and proud hero," Turin's daily La Stampa Wl'01e. In Paris, meanwhile, French 5 1er of Culture Jack Lang a telegram to Fonda's • ghter, actress Jane Fonda, •xpresslng his condolences over the dea tn of her fit ther. the ullnistry said. t "The American film industry \las lost one of its great.est actors, fihose personality and talent was tecognized throughout the !'orld," the minister's telegram read. • r -- 11111/FICll aayina he did not want to ao the way of Whtatoo Cburclalll and other leaden who 1tayed In office too long, Israeli machtnea before hlttln1 th• wtnntn1 comblnatlon, w•r• S~lrley and David Blnttela and Morrie and Barbara Blnder, who laid they lived In Southern California. The middle-aged couplea aaid they would 1pllt the wlnninp between them. newspapers said. The d ail I ea M aa rl v and Mayor Joba Reber of El Cajon Yedloth Ahronoth quoted Begin pleaded guilty without appearing as eaylng he promised his wife, In court this week to charaett of Alb.a, he would quit in two years, drunken driving and wu given Ponarnout.h, Ohio, Mid. The Port.amouth RfcoanJUon Society aald lt 1athered 11veral thouund alanuure1 on an tnvttatlon to ROcera. Roiert, an actor ln numeroua cowboy filml and on televlaton, will part.ldpate ln the parade and at ceremonle1 honorln1 him. Rogel"I grew up 11 l.A!ona.rQ Sly In nHr6y Duck Run In Scioto County In aouthem Ohio before · atartlng hia movte careel'. when he will be 71. "and you three yeara' conditional don't break a promise to a probation. CoastGuardofflcialasayPetty. woman." Begin first dlaclosed his Among the conditions, he must Officer 3rd Clan Jeffrey desire to quit earlier this year. spend Aug. 2~ and 26 ln jail. Bron1don was doing a good job Municipal Judge Ellzabeth -but having a aleepwalker at Two California couples, Riggs accepted the plea from sea was not wile. playing the quarter slot machines Reber's attorney a day before the So the Coast Guard was forced at Caesars Tahoe casino, irl mayor'• acheduled arraignment. to give the 21-year-old Wellfleet Stateline, Nev., were down to The oth er condl tions of native an honorable dlscharge, their last three coins when they probation were that Reber enroll and he disembarked at Boston hit the $250,000 jackpot this in a six week drinking driver from the Cutter White Heath fo' week, a casino spokesman said. course, avoid any alcohol-related the last time this week. "It ties the record for the offenses for three years and pay Bronsdon had achieved hla largest payment ever on a a $586 fine. rank in 14 months, the minimum quarter slot," said Phil Weidioger ta me required for such a of Caesars. "It's amazing. ll1s the Actor Roy Rogers will return promotion. second time in the last five days to his boyhood home in Scioto In March, however, he was we've paid out $250,000." County on Labor Day for found sleepwalking aboard the The lucky gamblers, who Portsmouth's annual "River 133-foot White Heath based in u~ ClllEF MEETS TALL -President Reagan has someone to look up to as he meets Patrick Ewing who visited the White House Friday. Ewing, a summer intern on the staf( of Sen. Robert Dole, is 7 Ceet tall and a Georgetown University basketball star. Prim£: Minister Menacbem Begin of Israel Friday stood by !'18 decision to retire in two years, dropped about $120 into the Days" festival, officials in Boston. ~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . t WEDS -Astronaut Sally Ride, scheduled to become the first American woman to fly in space, was married to Astronaut Steve Hawley in Salina, Kan ., last month, they told friends this week. Banned books t teturned in NY • ISLAND TREES, N.Y. (AP) -The Island Trees school board has returned to school shelves the nine books it banned six years ago, but the has not exactly closed the book on the case. The board said that when a student takes out f the books the librarian must send "a notice to parents that their child has withdrawn a book -.Vhich may contam material that parents may find qbjectionable." : The action, approved by a 6-1 vote, came two months after the U.S. Supreme Court intervened in the case. "It's a clear Vlct.ory for the First Amendment," said Steven Paco, 23, a former student who filed a lawsuit challenging the ban with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union. "It's really been worth it," he said. ''People now know across the country that school boards are gomg to think twice before they ban books." Pico, who now works for the National Coalition Against Censorship. said he would talk to the -i-CLU about whether to fight the parental ~tification requirement. In 1976, school officials banned "Laughing Boy" by Oliver LaFarge. ''The Fixer" by Bernard Malamud; "Soul On Ice" by Eldridge Cleaver; "The ~aked Ape" by Desmond Norris; "Slaughterhouse Five" bv Kurt Vonnegut; "Best Short Stories by J'iegro Writers" edited by Langston Hughes; "Go J}.sk Alice" anonymous; "A Hero Ain't Nothing But A Sandwich" by Alice Childress and "A Reader For Writers" by Jerome Archer : The board caUed them anti-American, anti- Chrlstian, anti-semitic and obscene. The ACLU argued the ban violated the First Amendment to the Constitution by limiting freedom of expression. In June, the Supreme Court ruled a trial sh ould be held to see 1f board members had .. constitutionally valid concerns that justified 1'moval of the books." 1 The resolution said the board Celt that by continuing to fight the lawsuit it would be '!surrendering local control of the schools to the cburts." It said the board was ''committed to parental control over a child's education" but felt the continued "preoccupation with the book assue" was dvershadowing other board actions. The Island Trees district includes parts of Levitt.own, Seaford, Bethpage and Plainedge on Long Island. <;anip Pendleton I to auction goods Surplus property will be auctioned at the Camp Pendleton Marine base Tuesday beginning at 9 a.m. in Building 2241. Items will include clothing, hardware, recreational equipment, furniture, amm\!nition boxes. off.ice equipment, tires and rims, sleeping t.gii and vehicles. These 11ems will be on public dlaplay from 8 a,m. until 3 p.m. Monday. To reach Building 2241, turn off the San Diego Freeway at the Camp Pendleton exit in Oceanside, and go to the bue'• main p1e for dl.rectiona. For Information, call Sonia Johnson or Ed Calac at 725--4331. Dally Living AIDS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 'tit Ill """ yOfl Mlp IOIJfUI('' WE DCLIVER ~-""~ 2t07W.WMm.U 2: .. ~ M2-1712/l1JD 35 TH BIRTHDAY SALE RCA XL-100 19" -- RCA 19" llllOllL • 100% Sol\d Stat• • Si9nalo<k Tuning • Block Matrix s2'9·99s GEIERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Hu&• Ca111city Only 21" Wide • 13.9 cu. ft. Manual Defrost e Vegetable Bin un sao ••• s3999s SONY BETAMAX • FRONT LOAD ·• BETA SCAN .._ OILY $59995 SAYE $100 ---- --------------------------------·---·------ RCA 11" COLOR TRAI w/REIOTE • s.ft Tevch Controls • 24 Hovr Programmable • llemonic Tvner • 100% Solid State • Color Trak • Xtended Life Chauis MOW OILY $259 95 IEIEUL ELECTRIC . ·4 CYCLE IUILT-11 DISHWASHER • Energy Saver • Tuff Tvb Interior • High GloM llodi 0- llW ·$279ss OILY GE SPACEMllER MICROWAVE OVEN WITH AUTOMATIC COOK • 1 0 Power levels • 2 Speed Fan • Cooktop Light •umbel' 1: •in Ions We • In rowee~ repa1n1 • In lowee~ Ml"lloe ooete • 1n nat.IOnwlde preterenoe fa.-! on a naUonal IU1"19,Y UkJnlJ oonsumeni which brand or wuher U\117'd llke IO own> DISCOUNTS? YOU BET PLUS:. * FREE DELIVERY * HUGE SELECTION * FINUCIH * FAMOUS BRAIDS YOU KNOW & TRUST • Nobody got.a your da.hee cleaner • J!!nercy S.ver Drytna Cycle Olteu~tel air without heat • Exctu11ve tel! ole,e.ntng Mlaro.Mt11h FUl.er • 3 level .Jetwuh 8ys\em At Orange Oout DAILY PllOT/8aturd•v. Augutt 14, 1882 FAIR POSTER -Dick Halbert displays his transparent watercolor poster depicting a o.n, Plot atefl Photo Laguna Beach scene for the Art-A -Fair Festival. It has sales of more than 600. I rt Watereolori t winner fick Halbert's Laguna posler selected for ari lair ly BARRY EBERLJNG "Thia 11 a tricky medium," from m11Una 3-D I)(* po.ten to OflM Deir,.._ ,..., H lbtrt Hid. "l like to u1e a 1eulpturtn1 for a company. Wattrcolorlat Dick Halbert'• hairdryer to control drylna time. He bt'came a fulltime paint.er art.form 11 not for the ea11ly A color must be fully dry before three yeau ago, and , even fn.1.1t.rated. you can lay another ovf'r ll." though hi.I wile hat a Job with a His paint.ins'• white colon and He finlahed in three daye. travel agency, he ca1b the tt.ep llaht ahades are derived solely Halbert derivet several "acary.'' from the white 1udace of hJ• beneflll trom being the poster But paintln; for a livfn~ hun't paper. Once he makes a mlltake · made him commerclally-mlnded with colors, he cannot recover "It's 8 tricky when picking scenes. He merely this whltenesa. paint.a what Interests him and 111 have a full wastebasket," he medium,·" h e says. hopes It will interest eomebody admitted. else too. Prefeably, 1omebody He alao has the Hrmarka of with money. aucceu. For example, his artlat: his booth ia near tne Halbert's Art-A -Fair poster depiction of Laguna's Mal!' featlval entrance {where the costa $10 and $45 framed. His Beach was picked for this years poster la sold); his name has booth ls near the fair's entrance Laguna Art-A-Fair poster. Over visibility; and his original exit. 600 sales have made It the lair's painting has increased in value best-selling item on thla side of from $575 to $1,750 because it coffee. . has been reproduced. · lta evolution is typical for a Halbert painting. He wanted to submit an entry for the official poster judging and knew it had to portray Laguna. In mid-May, he started looking for a scene which struck him. He found it In a stretch of beach with cliffs In the background. He made a sketch and returned to his studio. Painting on a beach may sound romantic, but for the transparent-watercolorist it is also inconvenient. Such fame must have given his regular line of watercolors a tremendous sales boost, right? Wrong. "I don't think that the posters have had much of an effect," Halbert said. "Sales have been up for two years now. I hope it's because I've improved." His painting time has certainly increased during an eight-year fixation with the medium. Originally, watercolor was only a sidelight to jobs which ranged FV woman wins bridge honors Cynthia Harvey of 12090 San Bruno St., Fount.am Valley, and Jim Terry of Tulsa, Okla., were winners in their section and tied for sixth overall in the Navajo Open Pairs Flight B, a re~o~ bridge championship in which 840 players competed., The tournament, held in AlbuQuerque, N .M ., was sponsored by the American Contract Bridge League. 'The Big Easy' with Bill Devane is entertaining TV hour By TOM JORY A-c:i.tect Pr"8 Writer NEW YORK -Jake Rub- idoux is a character foJ; those who may have found Bill Devane tough to swallow as JFK in "The Missiles of October" and a bit overbearing as Sgt. Milt Warden in "From Here to Eternity." Jake Rubidoux 1s a tough- talking private eye. and Devane has the part -with sneer - down pat. The show is called "The Big Easy" -it's on Channel 7 Sunday at 8 -and the resemblance in name to "The Big Sleep" may b e more than coincidental. It's an entertaining hour of television nonetheless, even more appealing for the Dixieland ambiance of New Orleans. Rubidoux is hired. off a French Quarter stage -he' plays the clarinet in his spare time -by Nunnally Hayes to find the Texan's missing "daughter." He gets a tip from Walker Garrett, the inevitable gossip columnist, and in no time tracks the elusive Cynthia through New Orleans Garden District to a lodge on Lake Pontchartrain. That's when the fun starts. Nunnally, it seems. is a hired killer aft.er Cynthia. And Jake has a new client -himself. He's N' 'l'A" .... ,oS v ~"-, ~r11/. ~" .:'.:.'~~~ ~ I ~ TN 'r {" u. ..,,.,,, DYNAMITE 99c BREAKFAST Saturdays 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. 3300 W. CH1t H,,,. 548-2224 #w,ort ••tj 6th Annual FALLBROOK ANTIQUE SHOW . & SALE At The High School Mission Rd. at Stagecoach 11 a m to 8 p m Friday August 20 11 a m to 8 p m Saturday August 2 1 11 a m to 6 p m Sunday Auqust 22 Dona ti on $ 1. 50-F ree Parking-Door Prizes I · FALL BROOK Chamber of Commerce TVRIVllW got t.o protect the young woman and find out who is paying for Nunnally's seedy hotel room. "I like to see the good guys win at least every other day," Jake assures the audience off-camera -the sneer is assumed -"and $200 a day helps if you like eatin .. " Mary Crosby plays Cynthia and Nicholas Pryor, who looks something like a fleshed-out Don Knotts, is Walker Garrett. Real- la f e heavy Hugh Gillin is the TWO DAYS ONLY! ALL PATIO FURNITURE MUST GO! ~BROWN IQI . .JORDAN Tam/am/ SALE 1419. Mallin WESTWOOD CHAISE Mallin OCCl\SIONl\L TABLE -i--.... SALE 1399. MaUjn Tl\Mf#ICO CHAISE ·, . hired gunslinger, Lane Smith plays Jake's buddy, police Lt. Frank Medley, and Ja'Net Dubois is Gloria, who runs The Big Easy, the nightclub where Jake spends his free time. The lush, humid-green setting is swell, and the story is not a bad one. "The Big Easy" 1s a cut above "Bourbon Street Beat," the old ABC series set in New Orleans and, presumably, shot on a backlot in HoUywood. "Hardcase" on Channel 4 at 10 Sunday is a gritty, unpleasant cop show set in the selfsame Crescent City . But for a riverfront chase, they might as well have done the program in a studio. Carting all of that equipment to Ne w Orleans to catch the characters speaking in overdone drawl was hardly nec.'eSS&ry. Lt. Grover Harding Case is suspended by Muehlberger, the chief. for roughing up a small- time perpetrator . He calls himself bat.k to work - unofficially -whe n P erk Dawson starts killing policemen and their wives, part of a plan t.o spring his brother Mingo, who is about to be executed. Case -"Hardcase" t.o the bad guys, "Casey" t.o his friends - enlists the help of "Stretch," a vice-squad colleague anxious to make a name for herself. "You'd actually order me into a joint like the 500 Club to strip?" she protests, then suggests n routine in which she peels off a nurse's outfit. "Hardcase" says it's necessary to get Information from the "seb-sational" Laura Tinkerbell, a French Quarter stripper who's also Perk's girl. What motivates ''Hardcase"? "Every police force needs a bone-crusher, one trooper who can punch tickets and sleep that night," the rogue cop tells "Stretch." Danish Outdoor Fumtture The Plummer's · warehouse Plummer's low prices on Danish outdoor fum1rure make fun In me sun even nicer• The pieces are constructed of natural beechwood frames and have durable canvas covers In three colors You II want the convenient little table too• prqgram.means big savings on our terrific patio and outdoor furniture! Direct frOm oenmar1'1 Fantastic new patio collectton I me 47" round table has a ~--=-ll stUrCSV steel base and durable flberQlass top. The goOd·looklno high back chairs sport durable blue and white striped cushl:>ns on pfastlc-coated frames 'The umbrella stand Is adjustable on free-standing base .~-~ r Ctuo cnalr S49 vatue s35 s19 oeck cna1r S39va1ue s29 White ear Trolley 35 $49vat... . . $ 47 01a Table S 99 70 d1a Umbrella S 59 $139 var .. . . S89 val Chair $99vat umorella srana S22 vat Raiders put show on road SAN FRANCISOO (AP) -A sell-out crowd waa expected today as the Super Bowl champion San Francisco 49ers opened their 1982 season against the Raiders, who may or may not be a cross-town rival. The teams, winners of the last two Super Bowl games, meet at noon in Candlestick Park in a nationally televised exhibition game. The Raiders are all but assured of playing their 1982 home games in Los Angeles, something team managing partner Al Davis has fought for since 1980. But as far as the National Football League is concerned, officially it's still a Bay area rivalry. Commissioner Pete Rozelle's office has refused to attach the Los Angeles prefix yet to the Raiders, the team which has been freed by federal court On TV today channel 2 at noon rulings to o p e rate i n the Southern California metropolis after 22 seasons in Oakland. But unless attorneys for the NFL or the city of Oakland can come up with a w1nn10g last-minute legal trick play, the Raiders will be playing home games in the LA Coliseum. As for the 49ers, they're playing a new rival from the Los Angeles area and it isn't the Rams. "The game contract we signed ls with the Los Angeles Raiders," said George Heddleston of the 49ers' front office, adding that the visitors probably will be listed as "LA" on the stadium scoreboards. On the field, the Raiders will seek to come back from their first lOl!ling season in 17 years. They finished 7-9 last year while the surprising 49ers were 16-3 including their victory over Cincinnati in Super Bowl XVI. Raiders coach Tom Flores said he was ready for the season to begin. "There's a lot of excited people in camp. First pre-season games are r eally an exp e rie nce. Everybody reacts differently. Running back Mark van F.eghen will probably get sick . If he doesn't, w e worry We won't leave the locker room until he does," Flores said. Van F.e~hen is known for his pre-game ptters. Jim Plunkett, the Raiders' Most Valuable Player in Super Bowl XV, is back in the starting quarterback job, at least for the exhibition opener. He was sub- par physically last season, with a bad tbumb his major problem, and young Marc Wilson took over the passing job midway in the schedule. Many other Raiders' first-J.ine players went down with injuries in 1981. Most are healthy now, including safety Mike Davis, middle guard Reggie K inlaw, and van Eeghen. Among the Raiders' new players are Marcus Allen, the Heisman Trophy- winning running b ack from Southern Cal, a nd former Cleveland Brown stars Lyle Alzado and Greg Pruitt. Sail on Bunny, By Yawl vie From AP dlspatcbes Sail On Bunny, the 2-year-old winner of more than $757 ,000, and By Yawl, who ran the fast.est trial for the Faberge Futurity, figure to be the favorites In that $1.2 rnilllon quarter horse race tontght. Sail On Bunny, who won the •715,000 Kindergarten and the • 1 million Dash for Cash F\&turity earlier this summer at Los Alamitos, geta the outside post poaition for the fint running of the rich race. The horse, to be ridden by Gary Sumpter ln the 440-yard event, was recently purchased for a reported $4.5 mllllon. Trained by 75~year-old Jake CalCio, Sall On Bunny can 10 over the •1 million In career eartn8)t lf he takes the $411,540 winner'• prile. By Yawl, the powerfully bullt 1101n of Duh for Cuh, bu drawn the No. 2 post po.tUon. Danny c.arctor.a wW be aboard. BY Yawl b.ed fJ.n.i.hed behind •ii 0 B nny ln both th• and DMb for CMh IWritl; ..Uy def .. a.ct him ln IMtr::,4l'Jalifytn1 r~~· for t.he ~ wtth • CJoddnl ot 21.79 RPilr IATUM>AY, AUG 14, 1111 COMICS ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION 810 811 814 Rookie of Year battles heating up in both leagues. B4. o~ 0 Rams unv.eil Jo·nes, '82 edition Broncos give new look a test By JOHN SEV ANO °''" ~,... ltaft The Rams have spent a lot of money, a lot of energy and a lot of publicity ln hypin£ tonight's pre-season opener against the Denver lkonciia. Visibly shaken and tamiahed after a dlsma1 1981 campaign, in which the Rama finlahed 6-10 (their worst record ln 16 years), owner Georgi.a Frontiere vowed the team would have a new look, and a revitalized attitude, in 1982. Tonight, starting at 7 o'clock, a crowd in the neighborhood of 67 ,000 at Anaheim Stadium will get its first peek at Frontlere's interior decorating. You can almoet cast aside the fact the J:<a.ma are playing the Broncos. The Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders could be the opponent and most of the attention would probably still be focuaed on the Rams' side of the line of scrl.mmage. The most notable debut -and change - will be at quarterback where Bert Jones will hopefully add stability to what has been an unstable problem to the club for a number of years. The Rams, and most notably Coach Ray Malavasi, believe Jones, if he can stay healthy, ia the team's ticket to Super Bowl XVII. Of course, Malavasi felt that way about Pat Haden, Dan Pastorini, Bob Lee, et all .. The true test, at least for Jones, will not be making a believer of Malavasi, but making a believer out of the fans, who a.re not the easiest critics in the NFL to please. "rm under full knowledge I'm taking the hometown favorite's job," says Jones. referring to stablemate Vince Ferragamo, who ia not scheduled to play tonight. ''The fans pay to see what they want to see, and they're going to say what they want to say. I just hope they'll be objective." language. You try to learn in Engillh, but you speak in French. It Wees ti.me to develop." Time, es~ecially in this area, is not a quarterbacks ally. Re1ult1 are expected lmmediately, if not sooner, and Jone. doesn't figure to be an exception. Rutlecfge, who will follow Jones, will be in a somewhat different situation. The Alabama graduate, looked upon aa nothing more than a 6.ackup, won't have the same pressures exerted on him that his predecesaor will receive. "I just go out with the attitude and the frame of mind of making no mlatakes," explains The fans pay to see what they want to see, and they're going to say what they want to say. 1/ just hope they'll be objecllf.e. -Bert Jones Rutledge, who performed admirably in every substitute situation he appeared last season . "To me, It's no different than any other game. All 1 can do is go out there and give it all l've got." The Rams figure to start all their first- 1trlngen1 ... with a few exceptions. Jewerl Thomas will replace Wendell '!)tier (slight groin pull) at halfback, while Mel Owens (remember him?), the team's No. 1 pick of two years ago, will get his first start at left linebacker as Jim Youngblood nurses a pulled calf muscle. Dennis Harrah, an offensive guard, is also listed as probable with a groin pUll. Jones is penciled in to play the first half tonight with Jeff Rutledge expected to play the final two quarters. Ferragamo, reportedly nursing a groin pull in his stomach , and Jeff Kemp figure to see their first action when the Rams play Thursday in Cleveland. ''This is like an orientation period for me," cautiqns Jones. "I'm still trying to get th~ system under my grasp. It's like learning a forelRn For the Broncos, who finished last year at 10-6, the same record as San Diego (the Chargers advanced into the playoffs on the basis of having the better record within the division), they will be without the services of quarterback Craig Mort.on, who is sitting out the contest, and All- Pro linebacker Bob Swenson, who hasn't reported to camp yet and is supposedly fishing at his home in Colorado. &n Francisco 49er castoff Steve DeBerg will start at quarterback for the Broncoe with Purdue graduate Mark Herrmann expected to follow. DellJ Not "'°'° br Gery ~ THINKING IT OVER -Be rt Jones was a study in concentration during the Rams' preparation for the 1982 National Football League exhibition season. Tonight he is expected to take his first snap of the ball for the Rams in preseason play at Anaheim Stadium. SHUTOUT -Mike Witt tossed a four-hitter for Angels. Angels extend Western Division lead, 9-0 Witt hurls four-hitter, Jackson rips 27th, Kansas City I alls 1 ~ behind OAKLAND (AP) -Mike Witt knows hia continued 1tellar pitching performances are essential to the Angels' pennant drive. ball. There was nothing we could do about it." The Angels chased loser Mike Norris, 6-7. with one out in the first inning. A walk and two singles loaded the bases. Norris then walked Fred Lynn and Don Baylor to force h o m e t wo run s . Third baseman Wayne Gross threw away Bobby Grich's grounder to bring in the third nm and Tim Foli's suicide squeeze bunt made it 4-0. ''I didn't start thinking that way until about a month ago," said Witt. "I had been pitching so inconsistently that I didn't think it mattered what I did. But now rm in a good groove and I know it's very important for me to continue pitching this way if we want to win the pennant." Meanwhile, the AnRels pounded out 11 hits while four Oakfand pitchers issued nine walks. "It all starts with good pitching," said Angels Manager Gene Mauch. "When they Witt starred Friday night by tossing a four-hitter against the Oakland A's, last year's American League West winners. But it was the Angels who extended their first-place lead to 1 ~ games over Kansas City with a 9-0 shellacking of the A's. Witt, 7-3, hurled his first shutout of the seaaon and second of his career. On TV today channel 5 at 1 (the A's) get good pitching, they look just like they did last year. When they don't get good pitchin'g, they look like a ballclub that's struggling." The Angels added four more off Bob Owchinko in the fifth. Doubles by Foll and Bob Boone and run-scoring singles by Rod Carew and Doug DeCinces were the big blows. Oakland's Richey Henderson, who has 107 stolen bases, nine short of Lou Brock's major league record, was thrown out by Boone attempting to steal second in the third inning. The Angels' catcher has thrown out Hend erson four times this season. "What can you say about him?" asked A's Manager Billy Martin. "He moved the ball around well on us. Pitched almost perfect Witt was backed by four-run bursts in the first and fifth innings, while Reggie Jackson hit his 27th homer in the third, a tremendous drive to straight-away center field. _, .......... Gale warning just a breeze Dodgers slice up Giants, 6-1, extend West lead to 2~ By CURT SEEDEN Ot"ttla D.., Not a.... LOS ANGELFS -Ever since the wounded Atlanta Braves left town, the fans at Dodger Stadium have been pulling double duty -keeping one eye on what's unfolding in front of them and another on the Braves' via radios and the Dodgers' message board. But through the first five innings Friday night, the crowd of 53,125 kept a close watch on Dodgers'' starter Bob Welch as he rolled through the first 16 Giants he faced, allowing just a couple of hannl~ walks. Duane Kuiper, a last-minute insertion in the GI.ants' lineup, finally allowed the fans to go back to their transistor radiOl!I and listen to the Padr~­ Braves game when he delivered a mighty two-out infield single in the fifth. BUT ONCE AGAIN, t here was d o uble enjoyment in Loe Angeles. While Welch went on to pitch the Dodgers to a thrft-hit, 6-1 victory, the Braves were dropping their 11th straight ln San Diego, 7 -4. "You know, he's bloaoming lnto that real veteran-type pitcher," Dodger Man.-ser Tommy Luorda noted of Welch. ''He's juat pitched superbly." Added a pleued Welch: "I feel good. Of cou.rae I'm disappointed that I didn't get a ahutout. But we've got a little more breathing room now." The victory Friday nlght wasn't as easy as lt aounda. The Dodaen banaed out 10 hJta off Olanta' atarter Rich Gale, but could muater only two firat- lnnlng runa. IT WASN'T UNTIL the siX1h lnnlng when Pedro Guerrero, •till mnartlni from being hU by Gale ln the fourth, mUIClled a three-run h9Jner off reliever Alan Fowlkee to aive the J)odaen a 5-0 ie.d and provide Welch wlt.6 a little breethina room of hla own. things are falling into place," noted third baseman Ron Cey, who cracked four singles on the night. THIS IS PROBABLY the most meaning:f ul. streak we've had. It's turned our season a.round a. lot sooner than we anticipated. We thought we'd be in a position to make a run at them (the Braves), but we didn't know when." Welch came into the game on a roll, having won five straight. He was also in search of hia 14th Anytime you go out and put that many men on base and get that kind of pitching, you know things are falling into place. -Ron Cey victory of the .eaaon (which he eventually attained) to match his career high. So after he held the Olanta hitlea through the flnt four inning1, the rumbling in the crowd became louder wlth each batter he ddpoled. Kuiper'• lntleld 11nale was a high bouncer over Cey'1 head at third; WhJCh WU fielded by BiU Ru.ell to no avail. The Olanta added a eeventh-lnnln& double by Durell Evana, which rnt.ed clearing the rilbt fleld fence by lnchea. WELCH LOST BIS SBOUTOVT BID in the ninth when ex-1-mmate Regie Smith led ofl the lnnln8 with hJa 18th home run of the teuon. The pme ~another banner per!on:nance by young Dod&er .cond bueman Steve Sax, who alngled in the llxth and broke Rudy Law'• record for atolen a.-by a Doctaer rookie with hill 411t theft of the IMIOI\. FRIDAY THE UTH -Tbat'1 eUctly what It wu for lhe untornmaie Mike Noni.I, who wu rtPS*i for four Nnl ln the tint lnninl· He could only &et one Ancel out before beina lifted by Oakland ~ Billy Martin. " . The Yic:tol'y lmprowe the Oodeen' teed over the Bravw to 2 ~ P"* In the NatloNl I..e1M Wtmt. aDd at the..,... time, movea the Olanta tw1her out ol contienUcn at llx PIDlll t.ck. "Al\ydme you to out and put that imny men on ._ and pt that kind ol Jl(tchlnc. you mow Sa ~ the ni.ht with hie eecond heme run Of thi -.i OYW the left field fenCf, Which at the time pw the~ a 8-0 lad. "Don't bold your brMth wa1Una for the next. one (homer):' SU eak1 Jokinlly. On tila ltolen bMe: ..,,. ,... ...... t \0 ifw mt U\ ovation like (8" DODGER& hp 81) ' Braves may not be . superstitious, hut. . . ATLANTA -The tepee Ill belongl.na to Chief Noc-a-Homa, the Atlanta Bravea' ma&'Ot, will be back In plac:e at Atlanta-Fulton County · Stadium when the Bravee host Montreal next week. Braves' oftlciab inatai they aren't being supentitious, despite the suggestion by many fans that the National League team'• current alump began when the tepee was removed July 29. "Basically, it's in response to the deluge of phone calla we've been getting," said Al Thornwell, the Braves' executive vioe president. · . Atlanta's record s ince the tepee was · removed ls 2-15. Officials had dismantled Noc-a-Homa's · home to make room for 250 more seats at the stadium, which attrected capacity crowds during · the Braves' stint atop the National League West standinp. Now, team officials say, the tepee will be reassembled Monday and will stay in place during home games for the remainder of the baseball season. Quote of the day "The game contract we signed is with the Los An$teles Raiden. The tickets just say 'Raiders', but the media credentials say Oakland Raiden. The flip cards rosters in the pres,, box will say Loe Angeles Raiders. I'll probably tell the scoreboard operator to go ahead and list them the LA Raiders." - San Francisco 49era public r elations director George Beddleston, explaining the dilenuna caused by the Raiders on again-off again move to Los Angeles for toc\ay's first exhibition game. \ Dave Wilson sidelined for the year Dave Wilson, a former Fullerton [!] College and Katella High product, c. t will sit out the 1982 season with the New Orleans Saints following surgery Friday to repair a damaged ligament in his left knee, the National Football L.eague t~am announced. Wilson, in his second year as a pro, injured his knee in the first quarter of the Saints' 22-20 exhibition loss Thursday night to Houston • ' . . . Running back Paul Hofer, whose career with San Francisco ended after two major knee operations, filed a malpractice suit Friday against the team's doctor, his attorney said. Attorney Rick Goethals said the suit was filed in San Francisco Superior Court against Dr. Fred Bebllng. . . . Veteran WlllON linebac ker Jeff Siemon, acquired by San Diego in a summer trade with Minnesota, has decided to end his 10-year career in the NFL. San Diego Coach Don Coryell made the announcement Friday . . . The Atlanta Falcons boycotted an annual NFL security meeting Friday in a sohdarity stance to prod negotiations for a collective bargaining agreement . . . Cbet Simmons, commissioner of the United States Football League, said Friday he is unaware of any violation of league rules for signing players by George Allen, coach of the Chicago Blitz. Weaver-Cobb fight Is back on EL PASO, Texas -The World m Boxing Association heavyweight title fight between champion Mike Weaver and Randy Cobb, twice postponed by injuries, will take place Oct. 23 in Las Vegas, the fight's promoter said Friday. Ron Weathers. a spokesma!'l Cor Tapco Promotions Inc. of El P890, said the afternoon fight wall take place in the Caesars Palace outdoor stadium and will be shown live on CBS-TV. Weaver will receive $1 million for the fight, while Cobb will get $500,000, Weathers said. The Weaver-Cobb bout was originally scheduled for June 2 in Atlantic City. N.J .. but was delayed when Weaver injured his hand. The fight was rescheduled for July 25 at Caesars, but was again delayed when Cobb -ranked eighth by the WRA -suffered a split lip. The WRA championship committee then changed its mind serveral times before deciding to grant a second extension to permit the Weaver-Cobb fight. The committee had refused at first to allow a 90-day extension. ~'~ A littlle cash? Or a lot of cash? TMncall clasalfled. Those thlnga taking up space In your home, Item• you haY•n't uHd In aget, may be Just what aom410n• •I•• nffds. So give uaa caH ... lt'aeaay to uM claaalfi.ct to g9t your ti.Inda on tomeCUh. A _·1~ Bueball tOday On th1a ~&a in tie.ball ln 1888: On an Off day after th•Y had been tw•..P' In ttuw •tralcl\t aarne1 by Kou.at.on, the N.w York Meta fell t.o \hlrd pi.ce ln the NaUonal 1AuUe !Cut, O~ pme1 behJ.nd pace-aen.tnc Chteqo The M•ta were about &o embU'k on a two-month Joy rido whkh would carry them to tho World Champlonahlp. To<fay'• blrthdaya: Baltimore Oriolea ma.naaer F.ul Weaver la 52. Colorful pitcher Mark "The Bird" Ftdrych, \he 1978 American t.e.,ue Rookie of the Year. la 28 .. Yankees cool off White Sox Rick Ceroae'• aeventh-lnning Ill homer snap ,. tie and gave New York a 4-~lctory over Chicago Ftld•Y night, snapping the White Sox' !our-game winning streak. Cerone'a homer handed the White Sox only \heir third lam ln the last 15 games. while ending the Yankees' three- game losing 1treak . . . Elsewhere in the American League, Loa Wbltaker belted two homers for the third time thta season to back the seven-hit pitching of Milt Wtlcox and Pat Underwood and power Detroit to a 10-1 victory over Kansas City . . . Jim Gantner singled home Milwaukee's go-ahead run in the fourth inning and Pete Vuckovlcb scattered seven hits, leading the Brewers past T oronto, 3-1 . . . Jobn CE"ONI! Tudor fired a five-hitter and Boston's first five batters hit safely, producing three runs, as the Red Sox snapped a three-game losing streak with a 5-2 victory over Baltimore ... Dave Hostetler's sacrifice fly in the bottom of the ninth inning capped a three-run rally which produced an 8-7 T exas won over Cleveland . . . Gary Ward and Gary GaeUI rapped consecutive run-scoring singles in the sixth inning and fonner Dodger Bobby Castillo threw a three-hitter as Minnesota edged Seattle, 3-1. Pirates, Expos tighten East race Don Robinson pitched a nine-Ill hitter and Tony Pena and Bill Madlock homered to lead Pittsburgh to a 7-4 victory over St . Louis and further tighten the National League F.ast race. Coupled with Montreal's 3-2 victory over Philadelphia, St. Louis now leads the Phillies by a half-game, with the Expos three out and Pittsburgh four behind . . . In the Expos' win, Doug Flynn tripled home two r_uns in the ~nd inning as _ Montreal beat the Phils for the third time in two nights. Pete Rose tied the all-time major-league record for at- bats in the game, singling in the eighth inning in his 12,364th at-bat, tying him with home run king Henry Aaron . . . George Foater AoatNSON and Ellis Valentine singled ln the tying and go-ahead runs during a three-run seventh inning as New York snapped a four- game losing streak by beating Chicago, 6-4 . . . Ron Oester and Alex Trevino knocked in second-inning runs and Frank Pastore tossed a five-hit shutout in Cincinnati's 3-0 win over Houston . . . Tony Gwynn singled in the f.O- ahead run and pinch-hitter Kurt Bevacqua 1 three-run double capped a four-run seventh inning as San Diego extended Atlanta's losing streak to 11 with a 7-4 victory. Perrault makes Del Mar debut Sunday Perrault, who has earned nearly Ill $600,000 in only five outings this year, will make his first Del Mar appearance in Sunday's Eddie Read Handicap. A five-year-old Irish-bred, Perrault could become the nation's money winner for 1982 with a victory in the 1 ~-mile ~ test that offers a $96.300 winner's pri:fce ... Rick Mean outdid even his own expectations Friday, soaring over 200 miles per hour and shattering the Pocono International Raceway qualifying record by nearly 10 mph in winning the pole position for Sunday's Pocono 500. Mears, driving a Ford-powered Penske PC-10 to his fifth track record of the season. wheeled around the 21h-mile trioval in just 44.780 seconds, which translates to 200.983 mph . . . Former heavyweight boxer Bobby Halpern was arrested Friday on weapons charges in the Bronx, police said . . . French Grand Prix racing driver Didier PironJ, severly injured in a crash during practice for the German Grand Prix last weekend, is improving and will probably be moved to a Paris hospital next Monday, the West German sports agency SID said Friday . . . Irishman Jobn O'Leary shot a 4-under-par 68 for a two-round total of 142 and a share of the hal!way lead with Maurice Bembrtd1e ln the Irish Open golf championship at Portmarnock, Ireland. OUTSTANDING &\VIJii ON REMAIN• 1982 321's! LIASIOaMM Roy Carver BMW 1640 JAMBOREE AO., NEWPORT CINTlll NEWPORT BFACH. CA. 9l660 Tl~ OflPf lllNDAY Peacock Run upcoming LA Zoo, Channel 4 co-hosts for race WHAT'S GOING ON: PreparaUonl are already under way for the KNBC Peacock lOk Run, ranked amona th laraeat race1 tn the nation wtth over 6,000 runner1, Sunday, Sept. J2 at 8 a.m. at tho Loa Angeles Zoo ln Griffith Park. KNBC't .. Sunday" lbow wW feature \he event later that af1emoon on Channel 4. The nm la preeent.ed annually by KNBC and the Greater Loe Angeles Zoo AIBoctation (GLAZA) tQ ln.~p1re good healtb, exerdte and physical fltnea. All proceea. are for the benefit of GLAZA. Th1t year, the run will be limited to 6,000 entranta, with pre-registration closing Augu.tt 30. Entry fee for the 6.2 mile race will be $10 per runner and will include a T -1hlrt and pass to the LA Zoo. Trophies and prizes will be awarded to the top male and female runners ln 13 divlsiona, including handicapped, and a drawing for additional prizes wW be conducted. The race Is sanctioned by the Southern Californ ia Long Distance Committee of The Athletic Congress. Entry .forms are available at KNBC in Burbank, the Loa Angeles Zoo and most of the TAC-sanctioned race11 run each weekend prior to the race. More infonnatlon is available by calling the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association at (213) 666-6133. MILE SQUARE PARK ln Fountain Valley will be the site of the Tokai Bank-AIA 5-Miler on Oct. 23rd at 8 a.m. The race, in Its fourth year, will again be held on a flat, fast Mile Square Park course. There will be a 2,500-participant limit and pre-registration is due to close Oct. 16. The cost for this event will be $9 with a long sleeve T-shirt and $4 without the T-shirt. Proceeds will benefit the Athletes in Action Track team, and a bonus of a free one-week membership to the Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club will be given to the first 2,000 registrants. For more information, contact Fred Carpenter at 957-1655 or write to AIA 5-Miler, 17102 Newhope St .. Fountain Valley, Ca. 92708. THE ANGELS AND the American Cancer Society will be the co-hosts for the second annual "Run to Beat Cancer" on Sept. 11 at 8:30 a .m. The course is flat and fast and starts in the • USF booster stops support RUNNING DENNIS BROSTERHOUS parking lot of Anaheim Stadium, circlea the stadium and enten the Santa Ana River trail. F.arly registration wW be $8 with a T-shirt and $4 for the race orlly. Proceed.a will benefit the Orange County Unit of the American Cancer Society in lta education, aervlce and research programs. "UMlng eoMdule ...,, • ..-11 CIUIC T--it hft.e 1111 eM I',......._ I'., •1111 -IMeirw I 11.m et 0(1ff11h Peril. F .. le M with T -tNr1 end 13 wlthOul.. a...,.~-Dtetnct • CtlanltllaMMp -Beglne I Lm. 1n Orenge. FM 1e ta le>< f'l.ln only. 10ttl AM4MI IMu Monlce Helt-end ,......_..,.... -2-'0oe> courM through the 1trMt1 of Sent• Monlc:e. F .. i. $10 wtth T ·llhltt Ind $5 without. Contect Sente Monlce RecfMllon MCI Pet111, 11111 Mein St., Ce. Today's TV TELEVISION 9:30 a.m. (11) -TRACK AND FIELD -Boys and girls ages 10-15 compete in the national f1nala of the Jesse Owens games, taped at UCLA. 11:15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -Baltimore at Boston. Noon (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -Two teams headed in oppoeite directions, the Raiders and the 49ers, meet in an exhibition game in San Franci.8co. 12:30 p.m. (9) -AUTO RAClfG -Coverage of the NASCAR Pocono Summer 500, taped at Pocono, Pa. 1 p .m . (5) -BASEBALL -Angels at Oakland. 2 p.m. (4) -GOLF -Third round play in the Sanuny Davis Jr. Greater Hartford Open. 4 p .m . (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S · GOLDEN GLOVES -Highlights of earlier bouts featuring boxers from Louisiana, Kentucky, St. Louis, Rocky Mountains. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPOltTS - Trevor Berbick (21-2-1), the only man to go the distance against Larry Holmes in a heavyweight title bout, vs. Renaldo Snipes (22-2-1) in a scheduled 10-round bout, taped at Cleveland. Also: :Overage of the Salvador Sanchez-Azumah Nelson featherweight title bout. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A wealthy 10:30 p.m. (11) -NFL FOOTBALL -Taped University of San_ F_rancisco aj_U!!ll}US says th~ _ CQVerage...fil the Rams.J:>enver game played earlier- sclloof ''threw me &o the wolves" after it learned he in the evening at Anaheim Stadium. paid basketball star Quintin Dailey for a job he RADIO never performed. Football -Raiders at San Francisco, 11:40 Luis J . Zabala, who has donated large sums of a.m., KNX (1070); Denver at Rams, 7 p.m., KMPC money to the basketball and other university (710). progr9:ms, s~ld Tuesday he has ~nded. ~II Baseball -Angels at Oakland, 1 p.m., KMPC connections with the school because of 1ts decunon (710); San Francisco at Dodgers, 7 p.m. KA.BC to drop basketball. (790). I ''Taxes Cleaned Me Out BEDROOM #2 / MASTER BEDROOM ..., 1. w 0 FOYER l.ast Year'' DINING ROOM r I I 1. , ,._ ( I... '>'IACll llAll LIVING ROOM ... ~. "So I Bought at Affordable Allso Meadows" / Dan Owen moved Into affordable Aliso Meadows In May from a Huntington Beach apartment. A rac- quetball player, Dan Is the operations manager for the Video Division of Fotomat Corp. In Fountain Valley. Here'a why he bought a home-and why It's at Aliso Meadows: "Federal and state Income taxes cleaned me out lastyear. So I'm p1,1ttlng my money into a house and taking all the tax deductions. I want to bulld up some equity. "Allso Meadows Is the best deal In Orange County. I couldn't believe the 10.6% Interest. My payments might be a little more than rent, but I stlll can afford all the things I did before. • "Thia It God's count'}', the best part of California. It's the quietest place I ve ever lived. When I walk outside at night, all I hear are the crickets and all I aee are rabblts. ''Thlt ptace really It W9ll dnlgned. It gives you a lot of privacy. You don't have people a taring In at you. No-one llve• above or below you. Why, I can't even hear my Mlghborl. "And we havee good group of people h•re. Lota of Pf'Of ... lonalt. Man•ment people. Policemen. eng1Mef'a~ Many single men have bought a home at Aliso Meadows. It makes sense, dollar wise. And. It's a great place to live. Affordable Alilo Meadow• WU chc>Mn by theM men becauM It haa: • Affordable prices-from S79,950 • Low Inter.at rat•s-from 10.8~ for 30 ~ • Hlvhly cteetrable 10~ down paymenta • Bright, apecloUa two-and three-bedroom 5*1na • Quiet, pnv.te atnga..tory condominiums • F9nced front ytfdl • A beeutlf'ul Mtt.lng • Convenient location It doesn't make sense to t>e stuck In a drab, noisy apartment, collecting worthless rent receipts when you can enjoy llfe In your own home at affordable Aliso Me!ldow9· Cheek It out today! Furnished models open dally, from 10 a.m. to dusk. (714) 043-0547 . • • 25751 Vie Lomu LegunaHllls Or""9e COllt DAILY PILOT/ ... ufdaV, Auguet 14, 1111 IUllRllB• • ID world-class swi~ming? Is U.S. slipping Handball touraament The third en I p Champlon•hlps ~~: ,.,·~!~lcA Coa;1 Handball Newport.M-. Alhletlc Club 254 u9. 6-29 at the M9N. . Vlc1orie SI .• Coeta Entry IM I• $35 ,..,., c.t_,,,._· S ...... i>eraon tor open •nd m .. ,.,. be..,,,....._, 20 tor •II Olher dlvl1lon1. A T·llll $8.~rehaMCI tor an &ddlllonat $6.00 (tong.~ Entry ci.dllne 11 Mond A Cout toumamen1 1~Y. ug. 23. The Pacltlc Nevacta. Ata81ca, Arizona, iJ:~ eoZ: California, Idaho, Muleo. Otegon and W•......_ Illa. H .... 1111. Stllrtlng '"'-are• m -~-v•on. a.m. Saturday and S~ey: ~ay and Friday, 8 For more lntorma11on, phone 831-2000 Body sarllng The alx111 •nnuat W ~Pionst1lp1 are Mt tor A~ I~ 8220 d Y Sur tin 9 compe1111on la e•P9Ct -.,. In Oceanlllde ~ Iha U.S .• Canada en'J' ~~,::ract 400 en1ran1~ ......... • to men and women over 11111 natlon1, and 11 n.......~l>ellllon begfne II 7 a. Age Of 12. :.:;"""'ntlde Pier and ..........,, ........_ m. °"~20 ef Ille -•Ill llnat -""""'-on Call 433.-~lfon In alt age ~aclceta. .o4ug. 22 tor "'We Information. Sanday balllllJbts Thr" of Mexico'• molt dating matador• are boolled for Ille corrlda Sunday In the bu•rlng by the -. Plaza Monumental de TI)uana.. Action begin• at 4 p.m. Antonio Lomeftn. Curro Rivera and Manolo Arruza will each lace two bull• from the Tequlequlapan rench. Additional Information and tlclurte are avaJlable al the bullfight olfic.. 921 A~ld• de fa Revoluc:ton, or by calling Granl'1 Travel In San Diego at 232~S88 or 239~112. Tlcketa ere atao available a1 all Murray'• and Tlcketron outlet• ar WILLlill a. BARNAaD ~ ........... OUA Y AQUIL, D:u.ldol' (AP) -'nw United Sta&ea h.M lolt lta dornlnant poeltloJ\ ln •wtmminl. 11 · the r.ultl of the World AquatJc Champlonah.lpt are any lnd&caUon. th• Guayaquil meet only a wttk aJ>.art, the IWlmmen tried co ''hold t.helr taper." Th1I woWd work If they were~enouah rondluon io 1tay awa from "hard for another few weekl. ~ 1978 World pioNhlpe were held ln late Autu1t and U.S. 1wlmmen were in better U.S. awtrnmen won only •taht of 29 even~ and thN8 of the vk:1orie9 were ln men'• relays, where deoth can overcome lndivSduaJ brUllance. 1n 1978, at the World Chunplonahlps ln W•t Berlin. the United Stat.et won 20 r.cee. COMMENTARY But Succe11 ln world-d.ul ·~·t juat a matter of divina ln the water and fut. It requlrel eruellni tralnlni followed y a aradual dropoff tn workout.I, call.ct "taperina." 1hape to do t.hll. At Guayaquil, the late-trlala 1tratea)' bliclc!ired. '1A1 much aa we talked about the World ChamplonehJps being lmportant because we rn.1.-ed the laat Olymplcl, there's 1Ull no way we take It aa 1erloualy u an Olympics,'' Schubert aa.ld. "We can blame being ICaJ'ed for havtna the triala too late," Mid U.S. Coach Mark Schubert. abo the COICh of the M1ll1on Viejo Nact.dorea. With the end of the tria& and the begl.nning of >..head of the Nadadorett, Schubert hu been the mmt 1UCOe1Sful club coech in the United States for three years. But he may have jeopardized hla SHOW OF UNITY -Members of the Seattle Seahawks and St. Louis Cardinals meet at midfield prior to the game to shake hands in a show of union solidarity despite threats of AP Wlf9ptloto hefty fines. The NFL Players Association said Friday that if the players are fined, it could lead to a job action. Robinwood seeks clincher There's a baseball team from Huntington Beach with an undefeated record and a team batting average of .377. U that isn't enough to whet the appetite, look a little further into the record books. The team is averaging 11 runs scored a game, has won 13 straight in district, sectional, divisional and regional play and if it wins one more game today at 10 o'clock, it will be on the way to the World Series. The Robinwood entry in the 13-year-old senior Little League division has posted this amazing record under head Coach Richard Ulmer and auistanta Paul Matlock and John Bartuzick. Tpday's game will be played at Bassett High in La Puente and a victory at 10 will forego a second game around 1 o'clock. But Robinwood could still loee one of the games and wind up in Taylor, MJch., site of the World Series for the 13-year-olds. Pitching for the Roblnwood squad are three right-handers including Chris Ulmer, Matt Hattabaugh and Ricky Vanderriet. All three are in the starting lineup at other positions when they aren't pitching. Here's the lineup for the heavy-hitting Robinwood aquad: Keith MaUock, lf; ChriS Ulmer, ss-p; Matt Hattabaugh, ss-p-3b; Ricky V anderriet, p -3b; Scott Harper, c; Mark Jenkins, rf; Micky Hitchcock, lb; Todd Sanders, 2b; Jeff Darling, cf. Reserves include Matt Waz.ewaki, Brian Rochow, Brian Boaae, Todd Evergerd and James Buchert The team has gained ita lofty position through heavy hitting and solid pitcher. Four starters are averaging over .400 at the plate and all but one starter is hitting .370 or higher. It all started with the district tournament at Edison High on July 13 with teams from Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Westminster. This week the Regional competition involves two teams from California (including Robinwood), another from Arizona and a fourth from Washington. Should Robinwood win the Regional, as expected, it would mark the first time a team from Huntington Beach has advanced this far on a national level in any division. Taylor is a suburb of Detroi1 and is located near Dearborn. chancee io become the Olympic aoech beclu. Of deblM:Je in Jl'.cuedor. •• "I'll probabl)' watch the '84 Olymlikl from mr Jacuui ln MJllion Va.Jo,'' Schubert Mid at Che ..S ot the World Championlh1519. But h.e defended h1I coechlnc, clUnl JUcardo Prado of Brazil, a member ot the Milllon Viejo team. Prado eet a world record In Gu.yaqull In thl 400-meter individual medley. 11He waa automatically a member of th Bru:Wan team, ., be dldn•t have any trlala =ta for. So he got in two more weeka of lood and didn't have io hold hll taper u 101\I u the U. 1wimmen," Schubert aid. : "lt you take the r.-ponelbWty of being ~ head coach, you have io bear the CONfJquena!l9," ~ added. "I'm not aa bothered penonally M much ~ I'm bothered by how the U.S. performed in front~ the world." I l Kenney sharp ' I . I i ' Seahawks blank St. Louis KANSAS CITY -Fonner San Clemente Hi~ and Saddleback College atandout Bill Kenney tossed a palr of touchdown paseea to Carl~os and Nick Lowery kicked two field goal.a, lifting th Kansas City Chiefs to a 26-20 National Footba League exhibition vlciory over defending Conierence champlon Cincinnati. Kenney, who was expected to batue ~teve Fuller for the quarterback job, connected with Canon on scoring toesea of ~ and 21 yards. Lowery was perfect in four attempts aa the tw~ AFC rivals opened their exhibition season, connecting on kicks of 24, 27, 46 and 36 yards. Seahawks 14, Cardinals 0 ,SEA TI'LE -Jim 2'.om, playing for the firlt ~ in the Kingdome since fracturing an ankle in a game last Nov. 29, fired a 41-yard touchdown strike io Paul Johns Friday night as the Seattle Seahawlca beat the St. Louis Cardinals 14-0 in the National Football League exhibition opener for both teams. Just before the game started, all the players froQl both clubs crossed the field and shook handa in a show of union solidarity. The National FootbaD League Players Aasociation has been without J contract since July 15 and there have been ~ negotiations with representatives of the league'• 28 owners since July 23. The crowd of 55,525 greeted the show of NFLPA support with a cascade of boos. From Page 81 DODGERS WIN • • • that. But I've gof to forget about that one and g0 after the next 40." : While Welch was calmly disposing of tht Giants with a minimum of effort, the Dodgers weft receiving Gale warnings with what seemed lik~ every plate appearance. : The San Francisco starter didn't do anything tO quell the ancient rivalry that has existed between the two clubs after brushing back several of th~ Dodgers through the first innings. He naile<i Guerrero in the left shoulder in the fourth. · Guerrero angrily flung his bat away and glared back at Gale while walking io first. He then Jawed with first baseman Smith for several minutes while Frank Robinson tried io calm down his pitcher. · The circus atmosphere usually surrounds t4 Giants-Dodger game, and Friday night, Gale w~ the Ught rope walker. He got into trouble in the first inning after getting Sax to ground out and then striking out Ken Landreaux. Dusty Baker singled, Guerrero walked and Cey and Steve Garvey followed with consecutive RBr singles. Gale then labored through the next four innings, but he managed to escape unscathed. Until Guerrero's blast. the Dodgers' biggest threat cam~ in the fourth as Landreaux singled and moved to second when left-fielder Jeff Leonard m.i.ahandled a hit. Winds put out Flames The Santa Ana Winds capitalized on two first. half goals by Frantz Krauthasen on the way to • 6-2 triumph over the Fountain Valley Flame& Friday night in speedsoccer at Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club. Krauthasen also had three assists for the winners, who got a pair of goals from Brian Boyle and single tallies from Peter Farrell and Zavin Andrachian. Fountain Valley was out of it at the half, trailing, 4-1. Scoring for Fountain Valley were Gordon. Green and Rick Agnello, each with a single tally. : Norris on record-setting pace RAMS TICKETS 751-9800 COii ....... A ... IOllAL CO...ullll? Floyd, Levenson trail by three at Greater Hartl ord Open WETHERSFIELD, C.Onn. (AP) -Tim Norris fired a 7-under-par 64 Friday to increase his lead to three strokes after two rounds of play in the Greater Hartford Open. bogeyed the 18th after a drive into the trees. Floyd, meanwhile, shot his second 65 of the tournament. He miaaed several birdie putts Among those making the cut were Mark McNulty and D. A. Weibring, who each shot 659 on Friday to stay within four ttrokes of Norris. ' Eight playera were at Celling Pana so" OFF ITllllMIUTU , • ......., 11,, ..... 141-1111 .,.. l ..,. Norris, who held a one-stroke lead after the opening round, had a 36 -hole total of 127, 15-under-par. That score set a two-round record for the 6,634-yard Wethersfield country Club course and tied the low 36-hole total on this year'• PGA tour. On TV today channel 4 at 2 10-under-par, Including Mark Calcavecchia and Bill Britton, 1----------who had shared second place after the first round , and defending champ Hubert Green. Despite Norra' record-setting pace, PGA champion Ray Floyd and Gavin Levemon managed to stay cloee io the lea~er as both finlahed the aecond round tied at 130. Levemon, 28, of South Africa, abot a hole-In-one on the par-3 fifth and blrdled seven other holea Frlday to ahoot a 7-under-par 64. He wu 13 under with one hole to play, but Wall shares lead DENVER (AP) -Art Wall, bit 0-\mdm'-p.r 85 b01ltered by an eule. and o.r !Jlt'ftWer, who ran oll four 1tr91Cht bUdJe8 en routit io a ee. ldMlnd the lll!COftd. round lead l'rid•r in the Champion• of GoJ Hnlora ~-- Friday and said, "I guess we always dream of the round you make all tha&e putts. If I'd made them, I could have been tn the 50s." Eighty-one golfers advanced io final two rounda today and Sunday as the cut wu made at 3-under-par 139. Calcavecchla 1tiot an erratic 3-under-par 68 to give htm a two-day total of 132. Britton shot 88 on Friday, while Green bogeyed two holee on hll way to hll eec:ond comecutive 66. Daniel up five at LPGA event JERICHO, N.Y. (AP) -Beth Daniel. lhootlng a tee0nd ltraight 68 on Friday, u1umea a 5-stroke lead after two l'OWlda ot the WUI Claaaic at the Meedowbrook Club. The 25-year-old Daniel, alreaciy the winner of four Uta on lh.e LPGA iour, atarted lh.e day in lllCOiMl 'pl8ce, but her 138 put her five lhota ahMd of Lynn Adanw, who had a par-72 on the 6,3"7-yard coune. Adana w• at 141. Martha Hanten and Dianne Dailey, whO ahared third pi.c. with Adami on Thunday at 69, had ldenti.cal 73e and were tied for third at 142. Carole Jo Calll1on, the opening-day leeder wtth a 87, a shot 7! to fall into a tl\ree-Wa)' deadloc for fifth place at 143. Marty Dlckenon and veceran Dot Germain. each of wbam had a 72, ded CalH•on, who and a 3-over ae on the beck ftlne. Defendlna champion Donna Caponi, wlnleu tn 19 tournamente thh year, rebounded with a 72 after lhoodna a 78 on Thunday and W11at100. I .. Worried about making an expensive mistake? Confused by unfamlllar terms and confllctlng clalms? Take the guess work out of buying a computer for home or business use. An Independent consultant can analyze your needs and choose the right system for you. Over 17 years experience. FREE lnltla~ consultation. Call llchard 979-5641 Practice makes perfect. .GGGGGG GGGG&G &G&&C98 Wl SllYla Timi llTTll llCAUSI IMW'I All AU WI lllVKL List of candidates I or Rookies of the Year remains long fl~ ---be .... &Mbttw.. ~Maleh, the1 come to major· lta1u• tralnln1 camp1, unknown. untrtect and ~ •~·,; sm aDd rnelJeebWty an their-....w. And .. ~. MY9Nl --p .. the brt.ht. ~ 1tan of tiarrarow. i,,_ mllbt be a Carl Y•taamld or ... ln Junit, the ~ 1..-.ue rookie aw.res .. an wt CIOD09dilicf' to Kent Hrbek. an.~ ftl"ll b I IRllll'l for the Mlnn•eo'* Twlna who w11 named to UM ...... All.Star equad. Hrbek ll hltUna .11'7, eevent.h ln the l~ue, with 11 homen and 88 RBI ~,.nm of Weitn.dq. In II Nm. DlaYlal In 2'1 feww Pl'* ~ Hrbek. II lie'lialn&a&Md b11 c:wnnt ,..._ Holledei' would came dme to t.M rnlJal' ....... rookie reoacd ot. Nimen. ~ C9IM to the Ranpn • the throw.tn in the deal that Mftt flnt· t...man Al OUvw to Montreal for third baaeman Larry Parl'l1h, whom the RMan oonvwe.d Into a rtcbt tielder. "f' ~t l had a ehot to mab It tn Maner.I. but lt'a worUd out pert.ct, .. Ho1tetler aay1. "I've 1ouen th• opportunity to play every day, and hopefUlly ru be wttb Texaa fOI' • Iona tlrne." Vande ~ of \he S..ttle Mari.Mn. Vuwt. .., .. a U·yeer..okl •ouc.hpew, .... the~ ln ·~ wtt.h M. ~ wldi Bill C.•HHJJ to form one ot the ~. man eft.cuvw bullpm111. Vanae Ber1 hat an Hrn•d run .a~ oC l.11 and a ncord of M wttb two •va Watch him. for PhiledelPh!a. Ray cumintly hll ll-7, SulM. Ray and 8u ~ bad w.. .. to fill: Ra,1. hltttn1 .IOO wldi 00 Ul, replaced PhO a.mer, whom the PLreW· Crided to Houltab for him. ea; bltllal1 .283 With 11 RBI and • ...... a..1. Ryan tmon1 them. 'nMn could be Re. or Jt,D Palmer 1n the crop. .....,,, l'emando Vai.mu.la of the Loi Ana•l•• Dod1er1 and Dave That w-. ln June. Now, there'• a nice tn the American Leuue. The National Lea1ue'1 11 a more wi&t-open not. ~ ~=-·· decede-old lntWd ~to 0.~ey Lopet, who Wat, of the New Ycll'k yana.., both won tbetr 1-aue'• Rookie of ear honora. Tb1t year, the betu. for r9COplUon amo"a bueball'a rookiff Dave Hoatetler, ')'f.year·old flrat bueman for the Texu Ran1er1, J1 IWina1na one of the hotWt hClne-run beta In ihe ~ leq\Me. StMe comlnc up to the parent club late In May, Haltetler bu hit 20 hcmen and driven There'• atlll one more name to c:onalder In the American Leque -F.d NamH commonly mentioned are Johnny Ray of Plttlburah and Steve Su of Loi Anaai.a. Both are eecond buemen and both nave ~ to become the fim men tlnce 1N2 to pt 200 hit.I ln their rookie Nation.al Leape aeuona. Dick Allen had 201 ln hia rookie eeuon One other NL roold., San J'r'lndloo outfielder ChW Davll, alto II on Wiii" for a 200-hlt lllUOI\. Davta hM 123 hlta. &7 RBI and 11 homen for J'ranlc Robinlon'• rookie-*ien equ.d althouih hia bettlna •veraae hM dJ;;;;;d to .288. ~ . . ' ., .. MA.K>R LUQUll aTANl*tGI ='~ W L flot. Ge ..,..... ee 48 .57t ~City ri : ::= l~ S.7 MM .481 10 Oeltland 50 .. .431 17 T-45 er .'402 20 ~· "° 75 ,,... ""' ua,..,. OMSIOM ......... .. 41 5" eo.ton 62 51 .&4t 5'A ~ 5t $3 527 • o.trolt 5t 55 513 9'A NRYOR 5t M .500 11 C1ew1wM1 6" 67 •llMI 12'h TOfOnlo 55 11 474 14 ,....,..._.. ......... 9, Oellleild 0 Bolton I , llaltlmofe 2 H9w YOtlt 4, CNclQO 3 MlrVleeOta 3, S-ttle 1 Mllw9UkM 3, Tot0nlo I T•a I, C1evelMd 7 T..,-eca.-....... (Aenllo 10-3) el O•lencl (Keough ~15) ~ Ctty (Gin 13-1) 111 Oelroll (P91ry 12~) B•lllmore (P•lmer t -3) •t 8011on (Ee*....,. 11-10) Toronlo (Stieb 12-11) •I MllweukH (Celc!Mll 1().10) ~ York (Rai.My 9-7) •I ChleeQO (HOyl 1$-10). n S..llle (Moen 9-8) Ill MlnnMola (H....,. M).n ~ (e.nt• 11·7) al TUM (Butci- ().2). n Netlonlil LMaue nSTIJIN DMtk* W L flot. Ge ~ ee 51 .564 Alllnlll S2 12 .&44 2'A Sen Diego 12 &4 .63'4 3'A Sen Fr...-0 IO 57 .613 e HOuelOn 11 &:I .447 13'/l Clndnnetl 42 73 .386 23 uaTDllN OMelOll 8t. lOIM 14 50 .581 ~ ... 51 567 ... Mon11981 e1 s:s .m 3 Ptt190utgti eo 6" .52t 4 MR Yor1< 49 14 434 14"' CIMclOO 49 18 419 18~ ,........._... =•Sen Frwpaoo 1 7, 81. Loulll 4 3, PNledelphla 2 ClnolnMll 3, Houaton o ..... Ycwtt I, ClllolGo 4 Sen Diego 7, At .... le 4 Todllr'•ca.-8en Fr.ndlclo (lferr 2·21 et ~ (8t.wwt 7~n Ptltllldelptlla (Canton 16-1) et Montr.., (8enderwon e-11) Chlcego (JenklM 9-13) •I H9w YOtlt (Sw.,, 7-5) 81. loul• (Stuper 4·2) •I Pllteburgh (c-Mlerla ~) Hou•ton (Knepper 4· 12) •I Clnc:lnn•ll (Pa.lcwe ll-9). n All•nl• (Peru 0·2) •t S•n Dl•go (MonteMco ~7). n ~RICAN L.aAOUE Anaela t, A'a 0 cALJPONIL{ OAKLAND ..... -. .... -. Downing" 3 2 1 o Helldeoeon" 2 o o o c... fb 402 1 Murptiycl 4000 '#Wong 2b 1 0 0 0 ~ lb .. 0 2 0 o.or-311 5121 """-" 4000 AllJeC*eOn rt 4 2 2 1 Orem 3b 4 0 0 0 Clilrtl rt 1 0 0 0 l..OCl89 2b 2 0 0 0 ~cf 2101 Mol(ay2b 1000 ..,.__c:f 0000 Heetll C 3000 -'°' ell 3 1 11 Pege dll 3 0 1 0 Gridl2b 4011 St....,• 3010 AclJtd(eon 1 b 1 o o o Fol• 41 11 eoone c 5112 0 o TOlll9 37 9 11 I TOIAll9 30 4 CalfOn* .... ..., ""=T °"° 000-9 Oek*>d 000 000 000-0 E-OroH . Murphy. DP-O•kl•nd 1 L~ 12, Oallland I. 28-0tlell. Fol 8-le. HR-ReJac:UOn (27~ 8-t'Oll, ~ • " lllll•to Wltto::.:.:) 8 4 0 0 2 4 Norrl9 (L,6-7) 'h 2 4 3 3 0 Jona ~21110 ...,,,.. 'I\ 1 0 0 1 0 OWchinllO M't 8 4 4 4 4 H9P-by H•nn• (Downing). T-2:40 A-28.330. ~City T19anooo"~1'o-1 1 o OelrCllt 200 500 CXb-10 14 1 Froet. c-tro (4) and Wlltlen: W1IOoll. P. Undetwood (I) and L M. PerfWI, W-Wllooa 1~. l -Fnllll. M . 19-P. unoerwoocl (1). HAt-Oetroll, Whllllll• 2I11). ~en. A.. W11011 (II). T,_.,.. (1). A-30,J51. _.._1,0rtelMI ~ 000 001 100-2 I 0 9ollon *01 001 00.-11 11 0 "•naoen, st-•rt (1) end OempffY; TYdCW Md ,...,,_,, W-Tlldor, M . l -~~ 10. HR-lllflllftot'9. lekate (6). .............. 1 ._.. 100 000 000-1 I I ~ 000 002 01•--I I 1 PwyY and a-t: .. ClllllllO end Laldrl8r. ¥11-1 • Culllto, 8·1. L-~arry, 1·10. A-1 ... . " ..... 1110 4444 2 32200 1 2 0 0 1 1 lled91.AMl'MI ~on 000 000 000-0 5 0 ClnclnMtl 020 001 00.-3 • 0 J . Nlaltro, Aotlerve <•> _, "'**' AllllW; PH1or• and Trevino. W-Putore, g..t. L-J. Nlekro, 11·9. A-11,06S. ...,....1,~4 81. LOIM 110 000 011-4 9 1 Plttebu<gh 211 011 10ll-7 13 0 Fonc:ti, L.ahtl (4), Met11n (5), 9W (1) Md D. POf'ler; D. Roblnaon and 'f. Pena. W-0. Roblnton, 13-5. l-Fonc:h, 11·7. HRe-Pltltburgh, T. Pen• (7), M•dlock (12). A-25,700. ....... C ... 4 CNceao 202 000 0()()-4 I 2 New ~ork 200 010 30x-8 12 0 Bird. P1'0ly (7), W. Hemenda (1) and J. D•vl•; Z•chry, Oro-(7) •nd Hodge•. W-Oroaco. 2·7. l-Prolr . 2-2. HA - ChlcaQo, Bucltner (9). A-12,917. ...... 1.mr-• . Allent9 100 200 001-4 9 0 s.n OleOO 021 ooo 40ll-7 9 2 Came>, Hr•boaky (7), a.dt~ (71 and Pocorob•; Dt•Y8Cky, Deleon~) •nd T. Kannedy. W-Orawclly. 3-1. L 1 M . HA-41111nla. Qwnbla (13~ A-30. 2t. Top tO ( ........... , Alml!ICM ~ QMllM ..... W.W119on, KC 18 311 15 132 .Me Hamih Cle 110 431 ... 143 .332 • 112 4t3 72 156 .321 Gerda, Tor 107 441 73 t"44 .321 ~i.tt... 109 442 83 141 .319 l>actorek, Chi 12 2" '40 t6 .3 UI Mc:RM, KC 113 421 M 138 .317 Ht1>ell. Min 100 314 57 121 .3111 Rice. Ben 104 40t 541 128 .313 a.nm.. Ml IO 302 34 94 .311 ......... Cl.Thoma. ........... 2t; ............ A11e•t•, 11; Thornton. Ct.vel•nd. 28; Herrell. Cl9¥elllud. 24; Ogllvle, ......... 24; o.c--. ......... M. ............. MQRH, K•nH• Clly, 97; Thornton. Cleval•nd, 81; Cooper, Mllw•ukM, 17; G.Thomu. Mllw•uk••· 8~; Luzln•kl, Cllicaoo. 7"--(14 DIMWeM) Vukovich, Mhw•uk••· 13·4; llurn•. Chlc:ago, 13·4: Ouldry, ,._ York, 11-4; Ceudlll, SMttle, 10-4; :z--. ~ 04¢ P91ry. Ollttoll. 12-e: Gura.~ City, 1 ..... NATIOMA&. 'fA°'f. " ...._ Ollver. Mil I 12 423 CS 1M .322 McGee. StL 78 2111 31 11 .321 Knight. Htn 114 433 67 13b a 12 ..... Dodoer'9 -401 .. ,,. ... Lo.Snllth, Stl HO 420 91 121 .307 Ou<ftam. CN 109 3N 541 121 .308 Ru.Jona. SO 91 323 II N 303 r...-~ ••a • .-Meclloe*. P9fl 112 417 11 1 :M .I02 c.rw Mii 101 316 a 111 .301 .......... Murphy. Allenta. 21; IQnarNn, New YortiL, 21; Schmidt, Phll•delphl•. 26; HorMr, Attenta. 23: ..,_~II. ............. ~. Alina. IO; Oll'ww. Montre91. 79: Clark, S•n Frenc:l•co, 71; O•errere, ~ 7-Hendrtdl6~~ ~ 71. ......... ("' l Ac>gef•. Montreal, 14-5; D.Aolllnaon, l'ttt:9tlurGfl, 1W: Cemon. ,.,....,..... 1M: ••lcll, Dade•••· 14·1: Y•l•1t•••I•, ~u.e; KNcow.~11-1: Forecfl, St. L.ooAa, 11·7; lotlM, 8en Diego, 11-7. UTTLe L.eAQum ALL.-8TAltl 11-~ nSTUlll ••MALe , ........... , ,..,.. ...... T..,..0- l!MI Koot.nal (o.-ci'alaM, Idaho) w, K-lnternetlonal (Utalli. II p.m. South a.y w. C.. Orencle !Ml.'-I p.m. ........ o.... Copper ::Z~(N.M.) "''· Klrkl•nd Nettonel (W J. l :IO p.m. North eould•r (Colo.) "''· Northern Oe1ttorn1e ~I p.m. ~ ..... Cody~ ... ~~l'.IO p.m. ~ ~.., '--v ... c.ntrt11. I p.m. '--........ ....... ~.,. c-........................... , ,..., "AC& 180 ... ,,.,_, t1W11 11.IO 1 UO LOO l.oofll Ion(~ 10AO f ,ao Caldw MM cw.;:Jo,i. a.oo Aleo ·~ 9elM, Cinder Cite. Cap1atn lplrlt, Top lnt•nt, COOi Kl-. Loudly Lall, Qot Hit ~ TlfM: 11.00. • OACTA (NI paid 1419.20. •COM> MC9. 380 r-cll. ~._.Lu (Ctdul e.eo uo uo .._ 1n F1tgtt1 (lll4Mnll 2uo 9.ao A4l!lt Olri (Wlltd) uo Al•o r•o•d: C•uu Im• Polley, Klnnlklnnlc:k. Plundera lndl•n. H•PPY Haurd, ,unnr-Reb, AMle Fsye, OMclrt Son. Time: 18.07. ~ MCI. aso yarda . ~ N Oo (Hett} 4.10 3.00 2.20 "'*" lk.IQ~nldeyl a.20 uo Mt Boone (C.dou) 2.40 Aleo raoed: h• 8elta, T oombe Azute Bug, FOll Clllbonle. nr-17.79. '°""'" ftACL 650 ,.,._ T ... 0 T-ler.o-l ·~ 4.IO a.oo i.mtoo (Paen1on) 111..20 l.IO .......,. Lemll (Adair) 2.IO Aleo ~: L-llladl llMr. lnlteptd Coln,~~ Rebe Stoty. Ptlantom "CC:mr-· • OACTA (~1) lleld 1127.80. ,.,,. MCI. 170 ..-- ............ Red (Hett) 23.00 LIO 3.IO 9ot1t1y °" °" 1a-..1 5.'40 3.20 C-. Wet.di Me Fly tCardoD) 3...20 Aleo racec:t: Whlatle< Strip, Noi.y Aeb. Emperor Miiie. 1'lme: 41.04. 8Q'TM llACI. 400 yWda. Not Too &Ir (TrMMK•) 31.IO 11.00 '·"° C.... In IMaltl UO 3.IO F-1 MIMI (Oelomba) 7.00 Aleo rlle*I: Doc NMI, Midnight Polley, ....,_ Saint, Cell Shot, eti.ollM4. nm.: 20.11. a IXACTA (15-8) paid 1144.to. NVDmt MC& 350 yard•. NatlW Emperlor (CheYel) 111.'40 8.IO 4.IC Aoc*et a. (Tona) 2 3.'40 UC F-1 Aepttnt (HWI) 3.tc Aleo .--d: P-Em lloy. St. Rain a.r Toe> "-• Trlpol PNne, Billy Cottlet, ,,_, Vallla. Time: 17 .llO. • DAOTA (1·7) peld Ml.20. IJQHnl MCL 3"° yerde. Mr Ouicll-(lllevtna) 24.20 t .20 11.00 ltWI P.....,_ !"8111 1.ao •.~ t<Jttye ~et (8toolla) 5.IO Alao raoed: OrandmM 8ojaca, F~ Tl'\ldlln, Tu ()II r-, 0yp Chic*, Oetla Tum. My ~ M-. AMKe4 'ro Win. l'"'8:'17M . a DACTA (7~) paid 1122.IO. • Plett 80I (f..e-6.6-1-7) lleld MI0.20 with 12 winning Uok .. (lout llon9). 12 ""* Sia contol•UOn p•ld 115.40 with 1, 1eo winning Uc*eta (thrM ..,,..,. MWnt MCI. 400 rwda. Wlllelh Him T l'\ldl (Omgz) 1t.'40 9.00 5..20 9lnln on Ille CMll (Pllntn) 7.00 4.80 8""tly 11 Geyte {T-.) 5.00 Aleo r-6: Moont Olene, £Ny Jet KlnO. Fortunee F--119, P81nt Me U-, Meggie Mollon, C-o.nc-. 811Wr w.11-. TllN: 20..20. a IUCTA (6-10) peld 181.40 . T'INTM uca. 650 rww. Lucky Moonllgllter (Adelrl 3.80 2.eo 2.20 Weyton AWfl'/ (L.ack9Y) 4.'40 2.80 Blue Poot (HWll 2.IO Alto raced: 'Ther• No Doubt, Go H'9fl ~. 8pen1af1 Ament•. Meke A Bid, Hemp BM, T oolln N Aullft. Tlmlc 27 .34. M DACTA (t4) paid 114.IO. Attendence: 11,084. •COM> llACa. e ~ "8llCll SIM (OIMrw) 1.00 4AO 3AO How MWhlll\i (V .......... I 1UO 7.40 Untllllabla (811*1 12.AO AlllO ~ .._. VIiion, OonlCriy Ardll. Honer Oon'\ 9teriel a.ti. TIIMIY DellOM. ~..... rt.lo. "' l -c:en. 8oggaf'• Otr1. ""'* 1:12. • OAIL Y DCM-..a (9-12) pelCI N0.20. 'MllO u.ca. • luttonga. =.~.§='-,., l .'40 ~:: ~: Wlc*tow ( 1.10 AllO r•c• : P•I'• Pet, Jo• M•H. Petttlntlleclwtl. ""* 1:0t 315. • DACTA (1·1) peld 187.00. lftlNnl ~ 1 111• ....... Oft turf. ~ flta (~ 4.80 IAO 2.10 ,.,_ ,.,. {~ a.ao uo ~(V....., 4.10 AlllO r!ICed: Ovluloal, Telepft:ro..=,b WN. ~·Low,~. My • '°"'' TIMI. Ulelt Loot. T1tne: 1 :.ea 415. • UACTA (1-11) paid Ul.00. • P1C1C aoc (12·7~1·7) peld NM.00 """ 124 winning tld*t (ell& ........ ., ~ 19111 conM>l•llon palcl t11.eo with 1,441 wtnnlnO tldlela (11¥8 ..,,..,., '*"" llACS. 1 1/ 18 mtlle. Aotnet1 ...,_., !CatlNll l .IO 1.40 2AO Ch«Qlno SIM (Plnc:8y) 1.00 UO ·~ LMdw (Ou.r•l 2.eo Aleo raced: Long UW the King. Ubanon, Welhamo,_. Time: 1:42 1/11. 1911" MCI. 1 11 ti m11a VtMll llrln (DIN9y) 7.IO UO 3.IO Tloge (oiw-) 20.00 10:t0 Nina l.O. (lllamlrU) 14.80 "*' taoed! Lowelle, l'lgurellMd, candy Olue, AH th• o:~onlno aplrll. Cuteey' Fendtate. 8 9tlelk. nm.: 1:411 2/11. • UACTA (11·7) peld 147UO. A~1t,Mf. ~c.... , .. ~ o-wtllllil ........ a... Twoczy (Hungaly) def. Oulllermo V11a9 (U.8.). e-3, M ; AilaOoe T-(U S.) def. Kim WltWldt (U.S.). 3-e, M , 7~. ,..,.,.. lntemedonel (•T.,_..) 0.. .............. Jol1n McEnroe (U.8.) def. Hefvl '-te (F-). 74. 9-2: Vita o.uteltlt (U.SkS St-Denton (!<uetrlllla). 74, e-3; Connotl (U.8.) def. UOyd llourne (U.S.). 1·2; lv•n l •ndl (Czecho,1ov•kl•I del , Slllomo GllCUIWI (latM1~1..-,1~2. OwWftMI l.endl (Czec:hoelovalll•)-JOMf 8t•l>enec Jr. (c.n.da) def. Mwtt C.,,._,,ey l.llPidul !U.S.). 7~. U , OlntM-Merk Edmondeon Aut1ralla) Oef. Martin D•vl .. Chrla Ounll U.S.). e-a. M . w .. temci..ec (et ~ aw. ............ Scoll D•vl• ~ det. Victor Amey• (U.S.). 1-4. M : Ven't Hof (U 8.) ci.I. Hri l'ftlter (U.~, M : Sandy Mewr (U.S.) ci.I Oa..td (U.S.). ~1. 6-7, '-3; Tim Wlllll•on (U.8 def 4ndy Kohlll«O (U.S.). 7-1, ~1. 0.. ....... 0........ Am•ye-Pllt1er (U.S.) def. llred Ou•n· WWTen Meher (AUltralle), M , 6-1; lMry St.lenkl-Ven'I Hof (U s.1 -Slegler-~ VM Patten (U.8.). ~t. W ----0.-... M•ll Mllcllell·Cralg Wlttu• (U S.) Oel Me)'9r·T..ry Moot (U.8 .). 7~. 3-1, •t. AttentaC._. n.JatA ...... ) Chrl• hen L~U~,.~~f. Yvonne Vermau (Au11tall•). t-3. •1. Mary Lou Platek ('U.S.) def. W~ W'lllle (U.S.), 9-2, 8-4: Suun MHc•rln U.S.) def. Dl•nna Fromholtt (Auatt•J. , ~. 9-2. NA8L ...,....OMllC* W LGf'OA .. "9 a.co.mo. 21 I SI 47 IO 114 Toronto 11 13 54 41 146 141 Momreel 17 12 11 31 42 140 CtllC:9QO 11 11 ao a 47 t 11 80U'1'NUN~ Fort L.alderdeie 11 13 .. 70 52 I .. TUllN 14 15 ... $3 64 134 Ttme19 a.y 12 11 44 91 31 10I ~ 10 19 SI M le te naTPN DMaM>M s..ta. 11 13 10 .. a 151 v_,_ 19 tO 16 44 44 152 Sen Diego 17 13 ... 53 50 141 Sen JoM 13 11 47 113 SI 114 PMland 12 17 43 43 37 108 ~ 10 20 37 II 32 18 •-dlnched dlW6on tllle. Sia point• --ded '°' •~or -'Ima ...ictory. kvt point• few • lh004out victory. One bonu• point tor _,, 008' -.0 wfUI 8 ~lnlufn of WM I* game. No bontM point • -ded few -1tme or lh004out ooei:-.....,.. ,__ TamcMI ~ 3, Sen Diego ~ , .......... o-J~lltloronlo v-et Edmonton Porttancl Ill Sen JoM PURSUER -Ray Floyd trails by three at the halfway point of the Greater Hartford Open. NFl.Dlmme>N ........ 14. ~ 0 .... .,, Qwotw8 St. L.ou1t 0 O O 0 -O 8MttJa 1 1 0 0 -t4 s-.Doorn1t* 1 run (N. Jolw.on kldt) See-Johna 41 PAN from Zorn (Wagner klelk) A·55.526 ................. RUSHING -St. LOUI•, Mltcllell 1-57, LIKl'I 3·21. 4nderM)n 4-21, Ferrell 3-11. Low 11-1d', Lomu 2·13, HIWT'8I 1-7, McCord 1·4, Morrl• 3-4. SHUle. Smith 10·39·. Ooom1nk 6-27, T. Brown 1().11, z.om 1 .. , Hugha 1-7. Jodat 2..S. KMg 1-1. P'ASSINO -St. Louie, i.-11-15+11, uac:11 1-11-1-7:9. Hart 3·11·1-39. s .. 111 •• Zoen 8-1$-(1.140. Ktieg ~- RECEIVING -St. Louie, R. Thompeon 3-11. Whitley W7. HM .. 1·21. ~ $-22, ,.,.,.... 2· 11, eow.. 1· 10, M8'811 1·9, Low 1·9. Tiiiey 1·6, Gray 1·5. Mitchell 2·3. Ander90ft 3-fNnue 4. S..ttlCI, Johna 2-48, McOullllm 2·28, LMgent 1·28, Wall• 1·25. HUO!lft 2·21, Mel2etura 1·14, Tice t-8, &nl1h 1-6. Ooomlnk 1-4. FIELD GOALS MISSED -St. loul9. 2 . 8M111e, 0. Chlefe21,........_. ._....,o-t.n. C6ndnnetl 3 1 3 7 -20 ~City 3 20 0 3 -2t KC-FG l-,24 ~l!lnedl 50 Kc-FGL-,27 Cir>-Curti. 13 .,_ from ~ (er-tt kldt) KC-FGL-,41 Kc-canon 5 p.a from KeM8Y ll-r kldl) K~ 21 .,... from KeMey (l-.y kldl) ~9'-=tl34 ~ 2 .,_ l'rom Tllompeon 8t'MCfl Ilk* Kc-FG L-,M A-39,815 ............ ~ AU8HINO -Cincinnati, Jofwieon 6-22, Anderton 1-<I, Ateundet 15-32, Hergrow 1-1. s.n-2-8, Griffin M . ~ City, 8elt0ft 3-1, Hednot 4·13, llled-7-3~, Jackeon 7-17, oein. 3-12, Tllompeon 9-30. c:fouea e-12, G8Qllano 1-mlnue 2. PASSINO -Clnclnn•tl, Ander•on a-e-<>-21. Sc11onc1t1 11-11>-1-48, ~ 12·22·1·108, Fereoey 1-1-0-19. ~Ol1)'. Kenn9'111-19-0-1IO, ~ 6-12-cM5. AEOEIVINO 1~. ~ 1-8, Cuni. 1-13 11olman 2·24, v ... 4-22, Tllompeon 1-1. ~ 1-18. 8ederd 1·11, 8attta 2-39, Sidney 3-36. K.,._ Cli,. 911ton 1~. Diiion 2-36, MUl1lflr 2·11, Cer9on .._.., 8ladaoe 1-2. Scot! 2-25, HetlCCIQI 11-10, Oelna 2·2t. FIELD OOAlS MISSED -Clnc:lnn•U. none.~ City.,_, CMllCllM foodlell l.Mgw IAITIM OfV*ON W l T llP PA"9 3 2 1 1113 148 7 3 a o 149 1ee • t 4 O 114 1M 2 1 8 0 • 117 2 .. .,..,..~ WlrWpeg 4 1 0 153 89 I 91t1.1111 Clrnba • 8 I 0 131 1111 8 Celgety 2 1 1 103 IO II Edrftotnon 2 3 o 112 11t 4 a..~ 2 3 0 1 ti 131 4 Mlaf'a .... Hemlton 37. Toronto 21 T....,_...0-Celgety • lltltllll ~ ......,....,40.- ( ....... 1111 l Cell&) Tim Horne .,,... -12'1 ~ l'IOyd 11-M -1IO Oevln ~ .... -130 ...,.~ ..... -111 O.A. Wtb1ng ..... -131 Joflll AdMl8 ...... -132 -lrll1on ..... -132 Men C..weocNe ..... -132 ... Oalclwll ...... -132 OrM !dwerde ..... -132 Huban Of.en ...... -132 ...-~ .....,._112 Jodie Mudd ..... -132 OrM OrllNm ..... -133 TllOMM Orey .... 1 -133 ci--AoM 7o.e3 -13S Mick Solt et-f7 -133 Bob bltwoocl ..... -134 Pet UndNy ee-ee -134 Ao0W Mallbte 1747 -134 s t-Meln)'ll 1141 -134 Victor Aagalado 87~7 -1lM Cur1Je Sirena-..... -134 Rldlerd Zokot 17~7 -134 Antty llMn .... 7 -1$4 Jim llooroa ...... -135 Rod CUtl 11-81 -1$4 ,,., .... .....,. -135 Oreg ,._.. 11-ee -131 Howwd Twt«y 11-411 -135 K8l'l'NI Zar'9y 15-70 -135 IMO Aolel 71-e& -138 0-ge Ald!M 11.--138 Jim Dent er.--1se ..,.,., .ltildlel 11 .. -1N SWIOe U1b1er 11 .. -138 Jim 9imofw ....., -131 8Mu 9ei;gfl 7M7 -137 Oonlllee ..... -137 0-ga Burne ..... -137 T °"' Cflaln N-7t -137 l"r91111 Conner ..... -t37 -Wt Co'6d ..... -137 T1m Oren.n ..... -1a1 lyn Lott 87-70 -137 Jol1n Muza II-a -1:91 Jell M"c:Mll 1M1 -137 Leny Ml2* 11-ee -137 lon Nelleon .._ -137 Mwtt PW 85-72 -137 Robert Tllompeon 7M7 -187 Sooll W•lkln9 ..... -1:91 ~ Arthur 7CMI -139 CNs> Beck eo.a -111 Bob 9ymen 7o-tt -131 T_.y OWtl ..... -131 Mike Donald 7147 -131 l.M Elder .... -131 Oery H...,_O 17-71 -131 Mn o·....,. 10-ee -139 Oen PoN 7G-ee -131 Don POOiey te-70 -138 Sc:ott 9tmpaon M-72 -tie Tim 8lmp9on 7CMI -131 J.C. 9nMd 7CMI -131 Rey llatt •10 -139 Ronnie llleok te-11 -131 o.oroe Cedla M-73 -1N NCallM 71-41 -188 ~ Clementl 71 .... -131 John Cool! ... 10 -1311 ,.,,. H~ 11 .. -131 Chat"9 ~-... 10 -tie """Miier 8&-71 -131 ~ Nellon 7G-4ll -1311 Jedi "9Mon Jf 11_.. -1111 9oOCly Nlohole 87-72 -1311 .,.... NlcCllell• •10 -119 Rod Muckotlt •10 -1• Dena a.., 1o-te -1:st Jedi Renner ,..m -1:se ....._138 •12-141 •13-142 ... 71-142 71-72-143 17-71-143 11·72-143 7t-7S-144 7Ml9-144 71-13-144 12·72-t44 73-71-144 n-ea-145 73-72-141 73-13-141 71-78-148 72·1-141 73-73-141 75-11-141 72-74-141 11-75-141 70-71-141 73-7-147 73-7-1'7 73-7-147 75-12-147 '1'3-74-147 12-75-147 7$-74-147 74-74-148 79-72-148 74-74-141 70-71-141 73-75-141 12-71-141 711-11-141 76-12-141 ~70-141 74-75-149 75-74-14' 7:9-71-141 17-12-148 70-11-141 74-75-l4t 711-74-149 73-71-149 71-14-148 Tg..7'-149 7'-71-1 .. COOKING CURTAILED - Clint WUU.. a Diamond Bar vlaltor to Laguna Beach's Heleler Park, uaea one Qf city's barbecue 1tanda to prepare a picnic dinner at blufftop park. But atwr Jan. 1, grilla will bf taken out of park -following edict from Laguna Beach City Council. Nearby residents complained of smoke and fire clanger. I?()_,, AL T tiAI CU Iii~~ • Royal Champa1n• Brunch '7 .95 10:30 to 2:30 673-3322 Newport kllCh TALE of th~WHALE Sunday Brunch 14 .75 Fe a tur ing Eg gs Bened ict ss so w .1h lt•gulor Menu A/so Served Chompogne SUNDAY IRUllCH ON THE WATERFRONT 10 AM to 4 PM Feoturing Huevos Ronchero1 675-0474 2318 W. Newport Blvd. i1:Zefa SUNDAY BRUNCH 11 A .M . to 2 P.M . COMPLIMENT AR Y COCKTAIL 759-1854 S unday Brunch 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Complimentary Champagne Fresh Summer Fruit (five Pointe Loc11ion Onty) 18603 MMI St. 842·5111 ftllttlnatan Stich .891·2372 .. R egistration juggling act CIJolce claa time&, wan t ed teachen IJO fast-=--,......,_.--.,tc~=~~ el:J~.f.i. DON , h w11n't Utted in the fall catalo1. but thoueanda of Saddleback Community CoU.. atudenta got a quick le.on ln tJMt art of Juallns u they reptered for cluaes. "The btgeat problem ii trylf\I to pt the teaehera you want at the time. you want," obeerved Scott Stapleton, 18, of Dan a Point. "I'm trying not to take any night cl.Mlel. Everyone trytns to get clalees in the 9 a.m. to noon alot 10 thoee are the hardest ones to get into." Regi1tratlon for continuing 1tudents began Aug. 3 and by Thuraday, 14,227 atudenta had enrolled for claaaes at the college. At the same time 1ut fall, 14,058 continuing students had registered for claues. Fall semeater la set to begin Aug. 23. Morning claaees are favored by students who work or thoee who enjoy the afternoon off. But due to a 7 percent cutba~k in c1au olterino, aome ttudenta tobered up to the knowledae that they wouldn't nec:euarily have the luxury of takina ci... at the time Of their own Choo.inc. 8elSdel the probi.ma created by a trimmed down llat of cour1e1, one atudent noted thil semeater did not favor people whoee lut names be~ with the letten P th.rouah S. They were acheduled for the last day of reaiatratJon for continuing 1tudenta. "Don't be an R," whined 23-year-old Howard Ribaudo of MluJon Viejo, who took potluck In cla11 times becau1e of his name. "R ls the last day for continuing 1tudent1 and it seems like everything la cloeed." Saddleback had been experiencing an average 16 percent yearly enrollment groWt}) until cutbacks last year limited the number of sections offered for some classes. Robert Boaanko, dean of admJaslons, said total enrollment A ii expecteet to be about a1,o6o 1 lt'Udentll cllil year, l&m1lar to lllid yew'• fa,ur.. • u "Wt haven't yet turned AWllJ' any atudenta," he emphMt.111.;•f Bolanko noted total enrolllMt\tt h11 leveled off 11 potentla\ 1tudent1 can't tlnd claNet at'f 1pecWc tlmea or u othera opt ~· enroll during the 1prin eemetW I f Saddl~back, which ii located tnfl Mi11lon Viejo and operatu •~I aatelllte campu. In lrvlne, la..-• favorite among part-ti~, students. About 5,000 1tudenta are considered full Ume bued on a 1peclfic number ot coune W\ita taken each aemeater, Boeanko said. Pleas ignored PEKING (AP) -Eight men turned a deaf ear to a peuant mother who knelt down and begged them to reecue her two drowning sons, the China Youth News reported. Sunday Blich ~ II t /' '1'4Qf/, TN''I' ~., OPEN AIR PATIO DINING Champa1n• Brunch '4.16 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Restaur ntJ _ _J. Guide . Buffet By The Bay · CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 110.9 5 (S.4.95 Under I'll Saturday 11 to 2:30 Sunday l O to 2:30 11Mu1 A ma· On The W•terlront In lido M•rln• Vlllege Sunday Champagne Brunch 10 a.rn. to 3 p.rn. 56.95 A4al11 54.95 Clail4rta ~ fxt allllt Ci1•111•• l tHli -,,,..,..iH )f I l lnl/l•I ll•rJ11i/ IHI I O:JO •·•· • J:JO I·•· Complimentary Valet Parking llle REG I ST~ -. /fotel ....;;--_ 18800 MacArthur Boulevard Reservations Requested (714) 752-1777 SATURDAY 99' BREAKFAST 8 A .M . to 11 A.M . 3300 Coast Hwy. 548-2224 Newport IHch Sunday Brunch & Jam Session DINNER & J AZZ NIGHTLY 675-7760 c11 ... ,., .. l rH olt """" Crul1ts Depo rts lO o.m . & 12:30 Reservotions Required 675-7522 1010 W ArETTE ArE. llEW'°~T IEAI# mAnDARln Geurmet ....................••••.•.• : OHI E~TA t CH A'.\-1P \(;~E : : RH l '\t:ll • : I I ::i4t ro :l:ftft : • • : ~7.50 : ~--························· Ch1mp11ne Buffet Brunch •1.11 1C:OO to 2:30 l 4982 Redhill AT Edinget , I I erlin Wall: 21 -year reminder of communism 1 DA V1D K.Bll'RL Y David Kelch.l.y, who ~ • • State Dtputment lntem with Che U.S. Ml.ton In Berlin, te•chff poUtlc.tl ~l•nce •t Lynchbwy Oollege ln V"1lfnl•. On the hot •um.mer ntgnt of AUA. 13, 1961, Eut German poUce and mllltary unite aealed of( the 28-mile boundary .·Pelween Eut and West Berlin with ~~nt blocb and barbed wire. 1, Through thia action Eut Germany l1ammed abut the 1ut eec:ape route out of a drab police tta•, a police state wblch to tbi1 day i1 btl1tered by 18 Soviet dlvillona. Aa Prelldent John Kenedy not.ct. the Berlin Wall WU an admJlliob of fa11.uN. By 1961 the 1tream of refuieea from Eaat Germ1ny had reached unprecedented JeveJa. Between UM& and 1960 about 3,300,000 r...t Germana - one fifth of the population of the Soviet zone -had fled to the Weit. The majority W• YOUJl& people and a llz.able Nati onal park conflict '.moves to s tate islands 'By THOMAS D. ELIAS Thomas Elias is a free-lance columnist based In Santa Monica. Nowhere are the implications of b\terlor Secretary James Watt's policies ·clearer than in a small California national park which is now almost inaccessible to the public. Watt's avowed policy is to spend the national park system's reduced budget on facilities like restrooms, campgrounds Clllf DRNll FOCUS and roads, rather than buying up new parkland. His opponents charge that by the time another secretary once again starts buying new lands, the prices will be prohibitive. What's more, they warn that Watt's pro-development policies in and around some parks could effectively destroy the resources that make them worth visiting. IN THE MIDST of that controversy, the park service this summer released a list of possible developments for the West's least-used national park, the Channel Islands. The park, on a chain of islands lying across the oil·rich Santa Barbara Channel, is accessible only by boat. The cheapest access is by a $22·per-person motor launch tour from Ventura to Anacapa Island, a rocky breeding ground for seagulls and brown pelicans. wildlife, the unique marine r"e90WUS, aa well as the an:haeJoatcal reeources. II (Congresa) had wanted to emphasize recreation, they would have aald eo." But Douglas Cornell, the Denver- based park service planner who produced the list, maJntains that under any plan the park aervice might submit to Congress, "the hJghest level of acc:es1 would be in a limited area. But we were stymied in studying the resources because the families (owning property on the islands) are not cooperating." NEVERTHELESS. the lines of the buddinR controversy closely follow the national pattern. The park service, under Watt's supervision, issues a list of possible developments. ComervaUonists, meanwhile, are leery of any new development. Their complaints sound much like those voiced by Nathaniel Reed, a fonner assistant interior secretary who supervised the park service under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. "For too long we have been preoccupied with the trivialities of bricks and moJ'tar," he told a congressional committee. "The secretary (is) defaulting in his responsibilities to the public interest." Reed said Watt's policies could result in destruction of the very values for which the parks were created. And that's exactly what California conservationists fear may happen to this state's newest national park. numMr con1l1ted of profeulonel11 iechnlclan1, en1lnMr1, teechen ana docton who had becorM diaWuelooed with what their leadera had called a •tworkel''• pu'tldile." In the flu& halt of 1081 more than 1&01000 had ''voted with thetr feet" .,.mat U'9 Eut German reatme. Ourbla July alone mote than 30,000-had fled. In the wotdl of Secretary of St.ate Dean Ru1k : "Ea1t Germany wee hemo1Thl81nl to death.'' 1ht Berlin Wall reflecta the repne'1 need to auerantine iteelf from the "infection'' of Western ldeu. 'lbe = bu oonslatently demonltrated ite re uaal to adhere to the third "buket" of the HelaUlki Accords, whJdt alms to widen Eut--West contact.a and to facllltate the flow of lnfonnatlon. Lawa puled in the summer of 1979 prohibit Eaat German writers from pub1J1hlng in the Weat without the repne'a permilSlon and make unoffJcia1 contact with Western journall1t1 a crim1nal offeme. In the fall of 1980 Eut Germany railed the required exchange rate for vimtlng the country. Upper and middle level party members are forbidden to maintain contact.a with West.ernen. The regime'• continuous desire to isolate itaelf ahows that lta sole interest in the Helsinki Accords is the recognition of poet World War ll boundaries, not the freer exchange of ideaa. THE WALL THUS serves as a reminder of what communism atanda for in practice: first, the denial of individual freedoms and equality before the law, which are the comentones of West.em democracy; second, the ooncentraUon of power in the hands of a party elite that disdains criticism and opposition of any kind; third, an ideology that totally subordinates the individual to the state. The Wall has had far-reaching effecta upon the political situation in divided Gennany. It extinguished the last spark of hope for German reunification while in certain ways strengthening the East German regime. East Germana, reaJ.iz.ing the total absence of an alternative, tacitly support the regime and work for their own material prosperity. Political stabllity has brought tremendous economic advancement, and East Germana have become conscious of the -. -.. ,-,_ .. ---·--~ ..... .: .-. -. r: fact that thelra la the richest of the Communist states. The Berlin wall stabilized the F.ast German regime, strengthened the country economlcally, and therefore brought it international recognition. Prior to 1961 the very survival of EMt Germany, drained of ita strength by the constant Oow of refugees, was doubtful. Its economic and political stability enabled the country to become a member of the United Nations and to establish full diplomatic relations with most countries. Viewing the Wall, how can one respect a regime that is anathema to all Western democratic values? What kind of regime ii It which needs to wall in its d tizens in Order to maintain economic and political stability? Thoee who are relieved to hear Soviet professions of peace -despite Czechoslovakia, despite Poland, despite Afghanistan -need only to gaze at the Berlin Wall for a silent but penetrating reminder of the harsh reality of communism. Friday was its 21st anniversary. It should not go unnoticed. Museums operate tours, for even higher fees, to two other islands, Santa Barbara and San Miguel. But two other ;islands included in the park, Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa, remain largely in private ownership. Now the park service says it's . considering placing extensive tourist : accommodations on two islands, ;including an inn, cabins, more ! campgrounds and an airstrip. All would : aim to expand use of the park. Government might imitate business · The park service insists its proposals are not a definite plan for the islands' future developmen~ but only a response ·1o a congressional demand for creating aome sort of plan by October 1983. But conservationists were furious with the proposals, arguing they never should have been issued. ' One Sierra Club spokesman noted that jthe 1980 law that converted the Islands from national monument to national !park status "intended to protect the By FRANK GOBLE Frank Goble is president of the Thomas Jeflel'S()n Research Center that fosters improved government prnctices and responsible citizenship. Most Americans believe that the United Stat.es is the very best place in the world to live. Ninety percent of Americans agreed that this was so, according to a November poll ta.ken by the Rope r organization. Eighty-one percent of those polled believed that the U.S. has a special role to play in the world today. When asked if the U.S. Government He .. ,. he wants to follow me home ••• was r esponsive to people's needs, however, only 34 percent of those polled said yea and 20 percent agreed that the federal government was "efficient and well run." ls the public perception correct? ls our government inefficient? Peter Drucker, a management expert says, "I see government as obese and muscle bound and having lost its capacity to perform. It's senife to the point of being incontinent, and it ought to be in diapers. "IN THE 19TH CENTURY, nobody worried much about government's capacjty, because it did very little and did it well. It promised to deliver the mail and run the railways -and it did it. In the 20th century, by contras~ government measures have had the opposite result of what has been promised." Richard McKenzie, Clemson University economist, says that recent presidents, Ford, Carter and Reagan for example, have gone Into office with the respect of much of the country but are soon subject to violent criticism. Why? Because the job is no longer manageable. ''Today," writes McKenzie, "the president is expected to cope with unemployment, energy, inflation, drought, volcanoes, nuclear power, deregulation, regulation, value·added taxes, equal employment opporturuUes, military registration, money supply and a budget measured ln pounds rather than ~ Social Secwi~tvbazarda in the workpllce, illegal · ts, equal right• amendments an deciding whether cataup la a vegetable or not. All that we have to do to understand what's wrong with government and no deterrent? society, according to Northcote Parltinson, famous for his "Parkinson's Laws," is to observe ''the appalling contrast between the competence of our industry and the abysmal ineffidency of our political systems, concepts and leadership ... Political institutions are incredibly outmoded and political behavior has brought a growing sense of disorder, confusion and collapse." One thing essential to the success of any organization is leadership. Organizational success or failure can change almost overnight when leadership changes. Bualness leaden usually are eelected by a board of c:llrectora -a small group who are knowledgeable about their buaineaa, concerned with results, and work as a team. CONTINUITY In leadership is another secret of business success. Competent executives serve for many years and are responsible for the development of future leadership. It is rare for the entire top echelon to change as happens when a new political party takes power in Washington. The board of directors of a well managed business is seldom more than 20 people, usually less. They are knowledgeable about the business and work toge~er as a team. ~ne .. if you can, a business corporauon trying to operate with a ~00-person board of directors. as our federaJ government does. Imagine that these directors are chosen ln a popular contest without any real con sid e ration for their qualifications for the job. And to make it more ridiculous, imagine the board compo!led of members with two different theories about company mana,gement. Then split the board into two groups which meet separately but must reach agreement on all major corporate plans and policies. in the quality of its training programs. Anyone who h as studied the organization of the federal government knows that coordination is seldom present but desperately needed. The situation is even worse in the relationship between federal. state, county, and city government. It is not unusual to find city departments operating under four ctifferent sets of rules. one from eac h level of government. Our government has degenerated into a huge, uncoordinated bureaucracy -a bureaucracy where the incompetent frequently direct the work o f the competent. The selection of political leaders is incredibly archaic and lnefficlent. We select and train football quarterbacks with more care a nd Intelligence than we do mayors. governors. and presidents. Can the management techniques of industry be appJied to government? SeveraJ pioneering efforts demonstrate that they can. In 1965. some leading New York City business firms~ concerned about skyrocketing costs of government, formed the Economic Development Council. WITH THE ASSISTANCE of full-time executives on loan Crom their companies, this agency created task forces to work with various city agencies. On July 1, 1970, a 12-man task force went to work on the New York City criminal court aystem. In less than three years, the backlog of unfinished court cases was reduced from 59,000 to 13,500, a 77 percent reduction. The average time of detention was cut from nine weeks to less than four weeks and the number of defendants in detention awaiting trial was reduced from 4,200 to about 1,250. Mandat o ry priso n j' By KEVIN COSTELLOE necessarily reflect the department'• Au ,.,._ ,,_ wm.r views. other factors. "Hiahly ambiguous statistical 1e1wt1 ahould be a aource of caution to ~ who promlae that mandatory •ntendng will &.liver mor:e oertatn pwllah.ment. har1her penaltlee and reductions ln crime,•• the raearchen aald. 1t seema obvious that such a system would bring disaster to any corporation just as it is creat.ina chaos in government. The city of Niagara Falls ended 1975 With a five million dollar deficit. The dty had had budget deficits every year since lli68 and financial institution• were unwUling to refund $21 million in bond.I. Niagara Falls businees leaders took the lniUatlve. Major corporations contributed several thousand houra of manaaement conaultina time to dty govemmenL It took less than one year to eUrninate tleflclt spending and in 1976, dty income e>CL'eeded expenditure1 by $86~.ooo. WASHINGTON -The threat of President Reagan In a 1peecb last mandatory prison terms for lawbreakers September called for mandatory primn doesn't neceaaarily reduce crime, tenm for anyone corwlct.ed of catT)'in8 a aacording t.o a new study prepared for gun wblle commltdna a felc>ny. the Justice Department. Thirty-two atatff have mandetory In the atudy, re.leased this wee~, eentencee. many of thfm far p-related , reaearchera examined New York• c:rimea. aocotdina to the American ClvU required 1mpri8onment of c:er1aln drus Liberties Union. Several stai. mo have offenders and a Mauachuaetta law variou.a related plam ratricUnC Judaes' mandatlna a one-year prt.on term for authority to gnnt probAUOn or 9bo11en Wepl hlllon of a gun. th l ... -... of --temw. "Alt ouah the Intent haa been to e e...... ..--.. rtduce crime by l.ncl'eulng the certainty The conaultiq flnn. Abt Allodaie. and severity of puniahment, the Inc. of Cambrtdae, MaM., noted that available evidence 1how1 a Iara• sap foJlowtna enactment o( mandatory between=• lative intent and actual eentenclna lawe, d.rut death.a in New pract.lce," the report aald. York City fell, and enMd -Wt. armed ''lt II fficUlt. perbapt fundamentally robbery and homicide• dlpped ln • ., \mpQ91bl9, t.o ~·t.e the popular Mallac.h....ua. dalm thet mendaC«y ll!D~ '9 en But It 8akl atvlbudnf ~ reductlonl .u.cuw tiOol for Ndudnc c:rtm;:i?'1t 9lld. to lnandatary ..,~ ... dlttlcult '° O Th• report. prep.Nd by a prtvat. aubtltantlate, 1lnce both lawa were comwttna firm for the department'• ~at tlrDll ol UftLl!l'IAlly hllb dime NaUoN.I ·lmtftut. of JUl1b, doe. not ra* and the clic:rttft coWd be due to T "In view of the uncertain =uencea of mandatory tientendna om. such prorni.ee8 c.a.n only be on falth, not fact,•• they added. For example, the rwearcbetl utd they found that police aometlmea are reluctant to enforce the lawa lnvolvfnl mandatory eentences becau.e c;ourt CMm drac out loqer and defendante often flee tn the interim. "Perhape the cleareet leaeon o1 the experience ii thet aentenctrw la only • pm:t of the whole picture of Crtme and puftiabment, and that the Nlultl of le1li1atlon depend not only on the provl1lon1 of law, but on the ~tla wb6cb ~ n OI*••" tbe~tmd.. SUCCESS in buainess revolves around the establishment of 1peciUc measurable objec:Uves. There It. in other worda, greet emphaaia on rnulta -the bottom line. The annual repon. which, in the cue of public corporaUona, must include an independent audit, forces buainea finna to discloee their pertormance in measurable tenna. Bu1lnesa leaden know that the aelectlon and pn>motlon of workert - the rl1ht ~ fOJ' each talk -la eaaentlel to or1anlzatlon•l aucceas. Oovemment lHden know this too but thetr abtllty to telect and advance the right people 18 ar-tly hampered by the dVU MrY'lca bW'Hucrecy. Tnlnln1 and development for all leYela m the cqt.nllatlon II ---UJ f8ctm' tor ......... ..,.. ,,. ,t.cllral ID:'W•llDID&. ...... It ...._ hUlt 'llllf Pllil The comment P•r•olthe t>atly Pllot aeeks to inform 1nd 1Umulate readel'I by pnaent· ln1 a variety ol commentary on topics of lnlerut ind 1l1nlncance from tnform9d ob· Hrven and apolil .. men. Thomoe P. HakJj. Put>lf•htt aplndltune fol' trab*I& ............. '° quallftid ~ lar'l>ehind ~ • ._ ________ ....,._.....,....,.. lllTH • • • Vacations drawn out If nothlnf else, Uncle Len learned th 1 week that hie raden are well-traveled. He'• been literally flooded with picture• of your favorite vecetion 1pot1. We have people who've gone everywhere from Disneyland to England. The most popular spot by far la Hawaii, and Len won't argue with that. He went there himself when he was a young man (and, pleue, no cracks like "I thought it was still underwater then"). Because of the large volume of entries Uncle Len doesn't have apace for his usual 10 paragraphs of jokes. So he's going to do something that Johnny Carson never does and cut his own monologue short. The $5 first prize goes to Michelle Strand, age 11 of Costa Mesa, for her depiction of Avalon. Uncle Len's not sure il Avalon really looks like this because he's never been there. But lf it doesn't, it should. a.ta ina Len did something special for aecond plpce. Because many of our recent winners have been in or near their teens, he decided to choose someone under 10 years of age. FIRST PUCE: l loh1ll1 Stra1tl, Cuti 1 111 He finally awarded the $2 prize to M isty Bulley, 8, of Corona del Mar. And don't think that she won only because Len made a stipulation. As you can see, her picture stands on its own merits. There are many honorable mentions this week, so let's get going. In clud ed in each participants' vacation ~hoice: From Corona del Mar -Heidi M. Edmunds, 9 (Len's unsure of the picture's location); and Kimberl y Montoya , 14 , Gennany. From Costa Mesa -Roya Fouldadi, 13, England; a nd Janine Keating, 12, Hawaii. From Huntington Beach - Kim Carlyle, 13, Hawaii; Debbie Hughes , the beach and Disneyland; and Laura Johnson, 10, Hawaii. 0 From Laguna -Eric Sands, San Francisco; and Neil Sands, 8, the redwoods. From South Laguna -Scott Townshend, l l , his grandparents' house on July 4th. TIE A\i~\ Next week, Uncle Len would like to see pictures of himself. No one out there knows what Len looks like, so use your imagination. And don't worry, he doesn't insult easily. SECOID PUCE: Misty lull11, Coron1 tltl l1r Draw your pictures on 4 by 4 inch white paper and put your name, age. and address on the back. Send it to Uncle Len, the Daily Pilot, P .O . Box 1560, Coltta Mesa, Calif. 92626. And make sure it gets here by Wednesday. Oooooppss. Just enough space left to say -Good-by! Canine c ompetition really ugly PETALUMA (AP) -How to describe the winner of the annual Ugly Dog Contest? "He's unique, he's hairless - he's just kind of funny. Kind of like a rat," said Dane Beezley of Sunnyvale, owner of Chi-Chi, officially the winner of a contest that attracts some of the most bizarre canines in captivity. But Chi-Chi didn't just breeze to victory. He had to master competition that i ncluded Humphrey, the drooling bulldog, and Toby, a moth-eaten chow. But Chi-Chi was hard to beat, Dog of tlle Weelr -------. Dellr .... •laif' ,,_... CUDDLY -Bullie, a 5-year-old pure bred Pek.inese male, la available for adoption at the Orange County Animal Shelter, 661 City Drive South, Orange. According to oftidall, Buftle haa a great diapolitlon, LI gentle and well- ~ and likea children. Heb houaebroken and haa all of hit lhota. with his home-grown Mohawk haircut and generally ratty appearance. Beezley's mother. Doris, asked that Chi-Chi not be described as a punk rocker, while admitting that she had planned to dye the pooch's Mohawk orange. She changed her mind for fear he'd be disqualified. Tripod, another slobbering bulldog. was brought to the contest on a sailboat. Tripod, who lost an eye and had both ba.ck legs broken in various mishaps, was "living in the fast lane for a while there," said owner Dan Kelly of Carmichael. "We had to bring her here by boat because she was too ugly to take on the highway," he said. Snuffy , a tiny , rheumy Chihuahua with a red neck and jutting ribs, has won the contest twice. Owner K ena Hibbs of Petaluma decided to let her dog sit out thla year "to give eomeone else a chance to win." Also resting on hia laurels was Fawn II, a Chinese Shar-Pei with bad breath and a suit of clothes 10 sizes too large. "You get aomething that ugly, it just wins every time and discourages other entrantl," said Doretha Tennyaon, chairwoman of the 13-year-old competition. T hey scout for o wn h elp BOISE CITY, Okla. (AP) - Three Boy Scouta ran three milea to set help when palling mot.orlata refu.ed to atop to help six of their buddles injured in a hlahway wreck, one of the ICO\.ltl aa~he nine youth• and their aroup leader all were injured when their min1-bua ran olf the roed before dawn Wedneeday en route to Cltnarron, N .M ., for aummer ~p. ,.I ran into town to pt hele -lt WU three miles," aid Bob 8iml. 15. "l Wll 1n my W\Clenhoc '8. with blood on me, arid people wouldn't stop. ti LEARNING THE ROP ES -Elcape artitt and magjcian Charlie Myrick gets eome competition from hi• 3-year-old son, Charlie Jr. The youngster perfonned this trick during hia dad's AP~ opening act at the Napa Town and Countty Fair. After completing the act, the child tQok his bows and left the stage. ' \ Video screens whizzes' focus NEW YORK (AP) -Sixty high school studenu a re spending up to 12 hours a day in a cinder block basement, ataring at video 11Creens. But they ~n't TV addicts or Pac-Man junkies -they're becoming "computer literate." allows the students to use computers of various\types. For example, knowing COBOL allows them to use business management and planning programs, as well as to create new programs. "The purpose of the course is to get them completely computer literate," said Mullish, who is assisted by two former students -Ogan Gurel, 18, who will attend Harvard University 'bis fall, and Anna Klein, 19': a computer science student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institui.e m Troy, N.Y. - The 1tudents will be exposed to robotics, programming a computer to manipulate the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints of a robot arm. These teens are New York's math and science whiz kids, who are taking an interlllive five-week course in a basement classroom at New York Unlversity to learn how to program computers. By the end of the session, ~ students will have learned six computer languages, and will be able to create an air traffic control system, a missile guidance system or a simple video game. "We try to pick kids without a previous background whatever,'' said Henry Mullish, a senior research scientist who has run the summer high sch ool computer program for 16 years. "They go back to school, and not only do they teach their fellow classmates, they teach the teachers. "We've reached the point where students know more than teachers, because computers are so attractive to kids," he said. Each spring, more than 300 students compete for the 60 posi lions in the class. They submit their grades, teachers' recommendations and essays about why they want to learn to program computers. They learn FORTRAN, a scientific computer language: Basic and Pascal, two general purpose languages: SNOBOL, for word text processing; Artspeak, graphic language, and COBOL, business language. Knowledge of the languages AP Wlrepfloto PILLOW TALK -KaJim, a month-old female orangutan , wakes up from her nap in the Los Angeles Children's Zoo Nursery. KaJim was brought to the nursery section because of parental neglect at birth. She has been on a steady diet of a milk substitu te and is doing well. world scope (10 point• for Heh quetllon 1naw1,.d comtctly) 1 The Reaaan Administration recently an- nounced that EJ Salvador (CHOOSE ONE: Is, Is not) making sufficient pr0&reu on human rights and land reform to entitle It to further U.S. aid. 2 Employen may find ii easier to hire studenu at 85 percent of the minimum wage If new labor Department proposals take effect. The current hourly minimum wage Is .. l .. a-$2.75 b-$3.35 c-$3.65 J Environmental Protection A1ency officials said new reaulatlons wlll soon reduce the amount of .. 1 .. allowed In gasoline. Ex«ssive amounts of this substance In the bloodstream can cause kidney and brain darNge. 4 The government of Daniel Arap Mol, Presi- dent of .. l. .• suNlved 1n attempted military coup. President Mol leads one of the most pro-Western nations In Africa. 1-Zlmbabwe b-Ethlopla c-Kenya S Smoke from a fire burn Ina In (CHOOSE ONE: British Columbl.l, Washington) helped to lower temperatures slightly ICf'OU the northern U.S. The fire also temporarlly closed tht Alaskan Hlahway. newsname (10 point• If you c.n ldenllty thl• pe,.on In th• new•) My family obseNa the chrlstenin1 this month of my newett grandchild. He Is second In line for tht British throne 1fter hit tither, Prince Charles. Who 1m I end what Is my new grandson's n1mel matchwords (4 "°"'" '°' •• CIOmlCt mMcll) .. requlremettt, demand -...air, objecilve S-uncanny +.umpire kltlmtWm Answers appear (upside down) beneatll qolz • news picture (10 point• II you 1n1w1r lhta que1Hon correct!)') President Reaaan rKently a1reed to a on~year extension of U.S. araln Siles to the Soviet Union. The agreement protects the Soviets, who could buy American grain on the ~n market, a1alnst embugoes such as the one President Carter Imposed tn 1979. What event trlnered that embarsol peoplewatch/sportlight C2 point• for Heh quHtlon ''"""'"correctly) 1 Walter Polovchak, a 14-year-old from (CHOOSE ONE: Poland, the Soviet Union), told members of CongreH thlt he feari • life In prlwn If he la forced to return there. Two years ago Walter ~fused to retum with his ~rents to his homeland. 2 Doctors are keeping a dose watch over the nation's oldtst living former first lady, .• 1 • ., whowasadmltted to 1 hosplUI In l(ansas City, Missouri, recently. a-Crace Coolidge c-Mamle Eisenhower !>.Bess Truman J Mayor Dianne Feinstein of (CHOOSE ONf: Houston, s.• Francisco), the nation's 13th largest dty, turned In her handaun shortly after It beame Illegal for most ~tlzen• there to own such we;apons. i .. l , ., who holds the record for most home runs, and .. 1 •. , the' first bl;ack man;ager In the major leagues, were Inducted recently Into Baseball's Hall of fanie. •• • s Sugar Ray Leonard says his c;hances ot retUml"I to the rl,,. become smaller with each d1y he Is ewey from h. ltoNld wu'1 1bout to defend his title ti the WOfld ~HOOSE ONf: welterWelght, llghtweltht) C'h.tnplon when he tuffered t , pertlalty detached ...cine and had to underso ey9 IUfP'Y. roundtable YOU.. ICO..I; t1 10 tOO ,_ .. -TOP ~II It .. tO ,_...,, -I•~ •VIC, l..c..n.IZ I . I Fringe benefits I ( 'f ou always have be~Utif uJ, views' ~ ' '"1:igh-rises _ go up in best locations' :· •• Bt:GLENN SCOTT °'lteDlllJllllM .... :: Joe Coemano 1pend1 four houn on moet work day. inlide a arnall cubicle near the top of a ... yellow crane hovering 180 feet from the ~. :: They call h1I workina residence a houae, but it lhJly ii more lJ.Ja; a anall room, maybe even , thf!interior of a cuatomiz.ed van. There ls a single ... teWral aear ahiftl and leven, no steering ws.et. TRUE GRIT -As concrete spurts out of hanging snorkel and is spread by manual and automatic trowels, the workers get spattered. Below, crew levels concrete across floor using automatic screed. It la decorated with famlllar paraphemalla of a workln& man'• life: a Tbermoe, djarettel, a cue for 1Js n, a bottle of Excedrin, a roll of Sucreta, a plutJc Jul of water, a few faded pinups and a canvu handt.& Wied to holat it all up a rope. Cosrnano ii a crane operator, a job he'• held for 28 yean. He workl at the busy construction site at Koll C.enter ltvtne, where workerl are erecting three new multi-story towen at Von Karman Avenue and Michellon Drive. A crane operator worb a aolitary job. Usually, the only direct contact with othen at the work site ia through hia skill "flying" conatruction materiah between floon of the concrete skeleton or through a walkfe-talk:ie to coordinate lifts with a worker perched on one of the buildinp. It ls not often a reporter or photowapher makes the hand-over-hand climb up the crane's ladder to the top to share Cosmano'a view of the activity below. Bill Holmes, Koll'a euy-golng project superlntendart, accompanied them. Holmes and Cosmano, it should be noted, were not nearly aa nervous about climbing around a crane equal to 16 stories hlgh. Cosmano was happy, in fact, to .have IOmeOne visiting his workplace. He said he likes the job, doesn't mind the altitude and loves the scenery. "One thing about being a crane operator," he said. "You always have the most wonderful views. They're always putting the high-rises in the best locations. My last job was in Long Beach and I had a view of the Queen Mary." From the solitary seat inside hia cubicle, Cosmano can survey all ~of the construction site, as well aa the can ruahing along the San Diego Freeway. He even can see the mid-sized paaenger jets floating down to land at John Wayne Airport. The landing fleld la one of the country's busiest for private aircraft, and the operator said he sees a lot of planes. "We see their shadows," he said. "They go right over ua." Cosmano normally isn't looking up, however. He's concentrating on what is below, , where the complicated task of building a hlgh- rise takes shape. · Two of the three structures are being built by Koll for a combined $40 million. They will each be 11-atory office towers. The third, built 'The two most important things are sch eduling and safet y, and not n eces- sarily in that order.' by Marrion Construction Co., will be a 17-story, 504-room hotel when completed in September 1983. The Koll towers, al.lo partly financed by next-door Parker-Hannifin Corp., art! expected to be completed next May. One will be part.ly- owned and mostly-occupied by Burllngton Northern Air Freight, the other by Connecticut General Life Insurance. Coemano, from hia vantage, can see a score of workefS employed by subcontractor Green Brothers of Orange spreading slushy concrete onto plywood-covered portable panels on one of Koll's structures. They are creating the seventh floor. The concrete haa been pumped up from the ground and spread th.rough a wide hose, called a "snorkel" that hanp from a large boom. When the concrete dries, the panels will be removed by the crane and "flown" to the next story on Koll'• other building, where workers will create the next story. The wet concrete la poured over steel reinforcing rods and cable• that later are tightened to create more strength in the so-called "post-stressed" method. The technique ls still fairly new to Southern California, but Holmes predicted it IOOn will be common because of speed and coat. About 26,000 yards of concrete will go into Koll's two structures. Pittsburgh Plate Glall Co. haa a $5 million contract to outfit the towen in aluminum and brownilh-tlnted glaaa, Holmes said. -The trio of towera are the first of as many as nine buildinp, including a restaurant, planned for the hi8h-vialbillty KOU C.enter just IOUth of the San Diego Freeway. For now, however, Holmes and .. tatant auperlntendenta such as Fred MonfCOmeTY are interested IOlely in getting the tint two of their ~ completed. It'• a tight tchedule. One story la added each week, tint to one tower, then the other. DellY Net ,...... .., ca.y AMllf9le "FL YING A P ANEL" -Construction workers floor is extracted and used again for next story. on Koll tower guide a portable floor into place With so much going on overhead, hat.a are to be covered with concrete. When that dries, essential for employee protection. If rain or wind disrupt the schedule, workers must make up the day on a weekend. Winds are bad, but August breezes are heaven, eapeclally for the men covered in overalls handling the concrete. Said Montgomery: "It gets real hot up here, but about two in the afternoon we get a breeze. I think that's the only way these guys make it." The breer.e hadn't come up yet as Holmes leaned on a rail at the catwalk on the top of the crane, Anytime the wind reaches 30 mph, the crane must shut down. It's the law. Koll pays $25,000 per mon th· to rent and operate each of its two cranes. So far, high winds have disrupted work only once, Holmes said. "In all these jobs, the two most important things are scheduling and safety," he said, "and not necesaarily in that order." Safety, of course, means everything to someone like Coamano, who not only works in the precarious cubicle but who also wields a machine as powerful as hia. To Cosmano, hia high-flying job is never dull. "You never get tired of doing it, like a normal job," he said, "because it's like a challenge, Uk~ playing video games." PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY A FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SILVER, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEALERS WELCOME Don't miss this Important satel Fine China, Crystal, Porcelains, Bronzes, European Furniture, Olla, Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary Jewefry Including fine watches, solltalre diamond rings, earrings, gold chains, cluster diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SAi.£ NIGHT Fri., 13th, Sat., 14th Sm.. 15th, 1:30 p.m. ltSPECTION 2:00 p .M. -5:00 p .M. & 7 -a P.M. s. ftchts Property of several prominent Leisure World residenta, together with Inventory of well-known L.A. Jewelry In flnanclal troubkt. Also, out-of-pawn merchandlae. . TERM S: Vlaa • MasterCard Peraonal check -Cuh. Some extended terma can be arranged. Property moved for convenience of Mle to: 108 Tuetln Ave. (Corner Pee. Cot1et Hwy. a Tuetln) Newport lleilch IDAHO WHITE WATER FLOAT TR•S On The Famaus S... llh• Forlnfonnatlln Cll orWrb: Salmon Riv• ~=~ ,... ..... , (208) 7'1-3215 j l 1 -- Orlftll OMM DAILY lltLOTllat""-· ~ 14, 1112 Pastor casts line for inmates Success seminar set Terry COie-Whittaker to conduct aeaion ~ ~1--Whitiabr, m1nlNr of lb• La Jolla Church of ReUstoua . ldenc9 and a naUonally ~ lpealcer, author and televl1lon penonaUty, will be ln HuntiJ\tton S.Ch th1a month'° conduct a 1\1CC1!91 lllmlnar. "l:xperience Heaven on Earth" I.a th• dtle of the ~ to bec1n at 10 a.m. Aua. 28 at the HUJ)tiftCton Beech H18h School audttorlum. fkket lntonnatlon I.a available by calllna the Church of ReU1iou1 Sctence, Huntinaton Beech, 536-51~ or "6-9336. lllllllll llTEI PROIPECTIVI!: MBMBKRS of Temple Iaalah of N•wport Beach, friendll of the cemple and newcomen will be honored at a brunch Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Bunu.n,ton Beach home of Mn. Sara Roberta. VACATION BIBLE School for ~ throuah 11.xth arade will beatn Monday at lhe Church of the Nazarene, C.C.ta Meu. Houn are from 9 a .m . to noon Monday throush Friday. nl8JfO <AP> -The a.v. a--u Knllht ...... .ov.-ftlh hook in h.19 jldcit .... to il)'lllho''• hli work. 'liM eD.y....-.OW mlallW llD't atcer trout or 6ua. He ca1te hi• line for prilocwl in u. ~ County Jail. uwe IO out atw deed mm and brina them beck .Uw 1n Chrilt.'' Kniaht ..sd: Mil MrYtce to lnmatM belU\ in 194-f when an Anny chapla1n'1 wtle llktd for hll help. He -.ned, 1aytnc, "When I fint came '° the Lord, &here came • deld.re in my helrt to help other people.'' ln the Mrly lHOI, Krifaht WM Mkecf to cootdlnate relip>ul .. rvicee in the county Jail and tend to individual aplrttual cowweUna. Tblrty-et1ht )'~ara after hia lntroduct:ion to a minLltl'y beh.lnd ban, Kni1ht coatlnuH hi• re1ular 1troll1 ~ cell bJoclca. ''Can I abake your hand?" a p.rUonez: uked. "Sure vou can," the minhter answered. r.sdck It out here." Another inmate obaerved, "He'• a good man. He takea care of our problems f!Very time." · ., ......... A VIDEO taped study aertee on evangellam will be conducted over a a1x·week period at the Community Presbyterian Church, l...quna Beach. The Mllliona are achedu1ed at 7:30 p .m. Wedne1day1, beginning next week. DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE will be the topic of a aeries to open Thunday at 7:30 p.m. at the Believen Faith Center, Tustin. DR . JUANELLA EVANS, miniater-director of the Churcb of Truth, HunUncton Park, will be the guest speaker at 10:80 a.m. Sunday at the New Thouaht Ch.riltian Church. Servtce. are held at 2101 15th St .. Newport Beach. Kni1ht chided another prisoner for requesting three postage stampa instead of one u U. customary, aaying, ''Oh, you be quiet ln there." Kni1ht 1upervlae1 miniatertal pl'Oll'&Dla at the main Jail, a branch near Caruthen, Valley Medical Center and Sierra Hoapltal throuah a non-profit organization called Valley Milaiona. JAIL CHAPLAIN -The Rev. Russell Knight has spent 38 years ministering to inmates at the Fremw County Jail in an effort to "bring them back alive in Christ." GUEn PREACHER at Voya&ers. we can do nothing." BARAi BELIEFS will be the topic of the 10:30 a.m. ..rVlce Sunday of the Unitarian Universaliatl of Laguna Beach. Speakera wlll be Lorelei Hammond and David Lan1ne11, memben of the Bahai faith. Church, Northwood VWaae, lrvlne, will be the Rev. Stanley Colllna of the Forest Home Chritttan Conference Center. The Sunday eervice will besln at 9 a.m. Hia cheerful, fatherly tone has brought a ahare of 1ucce11ea in a program aupported by an ..utant and lay coUNelon. Knight believes hla sincerity haa broken through to aome Inmates. "There i.I a love that nows through thetie men. Sometimel the fellows will say, 'How can th8e tuYB come in here? Do they love me? They can't love me.' It'• hard for theQl to believe," he said. "That geta them sometimes." inmates may have gro wn more responsive because of confusion in their lives and the world. Hostile prlaonera used to awear at Knight on his rounds. Some now "practically beg me to stop and talk about the Lord. Very seldom are we cursed out again," he said. "We just had to accept the abuse we got and go ahead. I felt this was a way to break down the resistance the fellows had to the Lord." MEMBERS and friend• of U nl tarian-U nl veraallst aocletles throughout Oranse County and adjacent areas will have a picnic at 1:30 p.m . Sunday at the Anaheim Unitarian Church. "I tell them that many timea you may lead no one to the Lord. You may just ah.are your own experience or what the Lord will do for them," he said. "Unless tl)e Holy S lrit had gone before them, The jallhouse atmo9phere has wanned in recent years, Kntsht says, adding that • e If it's got e handles TEMPLE ISAIAH of Newport Beach (Qmaervative) will resume lta religious school program in September, conducting claaaea on Monday and Wedneeday afternoons. Claaaee will include Hebrew culture, reading and writing in Hebrew, music and dance, and knowledge of the Sabbath and Holy Day aervicea. i Re1tstratlon appointmenta can be made by calling the temple office at 548-6900 or 646-7512. BUSING ~ South Coast Community Church • you'll grab a sale • faster in • Daily Piiot e classff ied e ads.can t 642-5671 TEMPLE BETH EMET RELIGIOUS SCHOOL IS PLANNING BUSING STARTING SEPTEMBER FOR AREAS $0.UTH OF. ANAHEIM. CALL (714) 772-4720. Services 8 :30 A.M. & 1O:15 A.M . Corono del Mal HJoh School, 2101 EollbluH Or .• Corona d•I Mor "Our Vltlm•te Objective" Rudy Marabll, Speaking For Info: Call 644-1350 · Orange Coast .RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY ·,.You've Tried the rest. NOW try the BEST/" Rev. Dr. EINnor C • .-.eon -TiloUGM aw-~ NEW THOUGHT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday 8eNtc:e & Junior Church 15th & lr'lllne, Newport BMch 10:30 A.M. .......... .__. .... -4 .__... ·-----..-. Church Office: 1929 Tuatln. Coat• Meea ,..... -.1oa OW..A .1111 •ee •• ••• 1st CIUCH of R£lJ6ilOUS SCDCE Of JDPOIT BEACH --Cllurdl Unitlll Cllurdl ol ~ Sdlnt:t Cl!Ll!llRA T10N OF Ld'e ll!RYICI! 10:00 A.M(j .... S.,"4.y Sct..1-ChlW c.. . . '1>tdlnlc Ycu tNmitldnns'' :\J: ..... ........ av... s,..ll• '"· Jv4y 0-. "Dk-'-An-lnspiration" -760-0504 1011 Camelbodc, Newport leach ( ... .,.,,.... ..... ) • Mwk Dir.a. -Marie '"9lah 760-9474 Church of St. Matthew by the Ses (Tradlttonlll ~ • HOLY COMMUNION -Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Boote of Common Prayw -1128) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev. Jamee Hohfeld -532-2201 8T. JOHN'S THE l!Pt8COl'Al. CHURCH .. C09TA •IA .., atreet at Onnge A"""' Holy Eucharist 9:00 lnfont end ChlW C.. tM ..... COIV9d Nofdqull4,, V1cer 541-2237 ST. JAllES EPISCOPAL WELCOIES YOU 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach ......, w u.. ,,.,., ..._ ...., c.mmua .. ~ = w A.II. a.n.1t ....... _.. w.a11e-dliu.aaa1•110ft• ... A.IL...,.......,,,,.,., .... ....,c.. .......... ,s ....... ...., • .-tat. ..... MO a 10:00 A.II...._, C... ~-.lllATIC lllAll , ""'......, ......... -7lOO fl.IL T--., -... A.IL Ho1r 11 1fl•1ll ....... ..... ... LaJlllll 0. Of ..... .,.. ..... """"fl. MNlf ......... -...... ;,..... fEWPORT tlM8Clt LUTIDM CIUtCff ,. o...-·Dr. ........, IDctt .... .................. ..... A. ... ,,...., WORSHIP SERVICE ....................... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EOUCATION ............... 9:18 A.M. WORSHf P SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. ~--·· CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES llMHCttea Of' THI MOTHEJI CHIMC:ff, THI '1MT CHUACH Of' CtWl'T, acEHTll'f IH 90lf0ft, ~· "SOUL" Sunday, Au9u1t 15, 1912 Coeta Meu -Flrat Church of Chrtat, Sc,.ntlat _ ..... VerdeDr.,c.t. ..... Churdt A ......, loMot -10IOI A.II. .._...._......._ ....... v.,.Dr. • A.M.-4;al ...... Mon.""" let. Wed. 7·7:IO fl.II. -lo.e:ao fl.II. l"tne -Flnt Church of Chrtet~tlat IWMlhoa.nJoequ1ntn•m111t1 .. ~ lllldlulun (NMr Y•) c..... • ......, 8cMel -... A.II. Q4&D CNll l'ftOYIOUI AT IUNOAY lll'IVICa Huntington Beach -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat -• °""' Hunttnaton lleectt Churdl a._.,..._. -10:00 A.II. .._..,. ..... -m Metn at. Newport Beach -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentlet l30I V&I Udo, Newpon IMch ChUl'Ch • 8undar &c:hoot -t:oO • 1~ A.M. RMdlftt Room, 1111 V&I Udo Mon. thtv ht. -t A.M.-5 P.M. Tuea. -7-1 P.M. Dllld C-PrOO!Oed T~ -9:30-11:30 AM. lot SIVO, Time Newport Buch_. Second Church of Chrtat. lclenttet a1cio P9C1MD View Dr,. CONNI dll -Cludl a ..., kflool -... A.II. ........ lloefR -_ .... L COMt ttwr .. C. WED. l!VENINQ Te8T1MONY MlmNG8 - I P.M. ALL CffURCHll "" ere OMctlel!y lfrftlM 10 ettenct Ille otlWcll -"'-•nd enjOy tlM ....... ol 1119 ....... "°°"'8. CMld C... "owtd1d AT ALL lmlVICll wm.tSTER LUTIDAN CtUtCH 11141...-..A• (Ned .... .,....,,.,, ................... , -WORIHIP •RYICll -l:IO a 10:00 A.M. PAITOf' JOI&. A. IWIQCIUll1 PMONI -1111 Al. L<1rm.-.....w Aua ... te,..lt2t .... _.c_...,_ 18M2 Bushard, Fountain Volley 963-3801 11¥. llU t•t W ...... llCTOll tlOLT coe1:1No.t •••••••••••••••••••••••••• w A..M.. • ~ PIAna.ctMCH ICMOOL •••.•... till A.M. ~NA•oaa111NOM •••••••••••••• 1111tA.¥. tWrC 'In ""'a nw...., 11 A.Mo --.. ,_......,fill A.Mo Sermon Topk Aututt 15th 9:00 • 10:30 A.M. "Now 11 Th. Time" CUCH ~ lll.lmis sciJa M9mblr of.,,. Uneted Ctudt of""= .... llMUP V1UAC11 Mrm~llll ITWT HUNTINOTOH , CA .... ~ I .Jt. QfM'otl At .,lformeaon 10 I 1ctao IM-61IO, NI II. A CORDIAL WELCOME FROM TIE lllTED CIUCH Of CtmST C~CtUCH COMltEGATIOfW. 1111 .... bopeA"' eor....dll ... 144-7400 DoftlldW.Kutz, .... ~ad.oo.~~ fE6llM)RHO(JO CONGREGATIOfW. CIUCH l41 ll Amt'•'*' .....,,..Liem .... 4M-I061 JOHii ii. lmDlOS llMllCM(J -IE1'IGDS ...... ltA.11.-...., ... Cllrdlldlella...., HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dtlctplee of Ctwt.t) 2401 lrYIM at a.nta ._.,.. ..,..1 Momlnj WorMlp 10 A.II. Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MARK PMUYT!RIAN CHURCH bellll .. Dr .................. poo1 .... Rew. Wlllm ll1oGuold ""'· Teftf Wo"8 ......, Mloct9 .. PMtor u.. ......... ll1ullo Dhotof Churdl Sc:nool & Adult a.--t :OO a.m. Wonlhlp ~ -10:00 a.m. ......,, c... .. ~ ...... ,., lntDc Call ..... 1M1 A Cord .. I Welcome from The UNlnD METHODIST CHURCH Coate Mela PlMTUNITID MRTHODllT CHURCH 18th St. & HM'bor BIYd . ce.dtldloelta Wonhlp10M CNt'lll o. Cferk, Mlnllter co.ta Mela North Me8A YIRDe UNl'RD MftHODtlT CHURCH ....... °""""" ....... llil·10IOOA.ll. Dr ...... L ..... CHllllT CHURCH Huntington Beech FIRIT UNITID METHODtlT CHURCH 2721 17th Sl 536-3537 WonNp ._..... •11 e.m. ......,0.. ......... Chunllt lohool-MO &m. Hun11ngton Beech North COMMUNITY UNIT8D MITHOD18T CHURCH IM2HellAv..142-4411 w....., ...... -a--.. ....., ....... 10IOO BY THe MA Fourtttln V*'f 1Jo-::~8:°'11Yd. flRIT UNmD &7s.380t MITHOOtlT CHURCH Aw. Robert ~ Jt. 1822& lulfwd at. ...... ~....... •1111 ... A.II. Of', oarrol I. W«d, Mlnllter ,,.,....... w.,.... ~ ....... c.. ... A.IL ,.... Alma ... ..... NSWOllT C.NTU UNITD MSTHODllT _, .. ILlll .. Aft.0... ... -...... Worahlp I Church 8cttOOt -8:30 A.M. Rw. KM Md-.,, ' I I I -~ t"\ This Sunday Worship In \. ..l&T. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 800 St. Anclr.wa Roed •Newport Beech • 831·2880 Dr ........ A...._.,"·,...., Worship Services -8:45 and 10:15 A.M. "Being bcited About God Can a. A Lonely Businen" Dr. J.hn A. H11ffmon, J,, l'reo<hin9 PROGRAMS 8:45 a.m. -Infants Thru College 10: 15 a.m. -Infants Thru 6th Grade MC Helpttne 145-2222 Community Preebyterlen Church '11 P:.....e Awe., UOUM 9Mctt ....,,,_ Rev. Atthor J. Tankerlley Rev. Craig W1lllwna W«shlp -9:30 A.M . NURSERY CARE PROVIOEO OURlNO SUIVICE PRESBYTERIAN CtUCH OF THE COVENANT -P:elmew Rd .. Coeta ..... -111.-8ruce A. Kunte, PMtor Terry Mc:Canne, Director of Youth Mlntstile Howard KllUon, Director of Adult Mlnlttrtel Don MaddOx, Direct« of Slnglea Mlnil11111 hftdeJ Wonttlp -l:IO A 10:00 A.M. Clturcft khoot -ChMdren ttwu ·Adutn 10:00 A.M. fturMrJ cere _.,.....,.. -l:aO a 10:00 A.M. v...-.-~P.M. CHURCH OF CHRIST 287 w. WMeoft, Coeta .... ....a111 We'ra A Going -Glowtng -Growing Church tUHDAY ARVICSI ..._. eTUOY I A.II. WC>RaMP 10 A.M. A I P.111. 10 A.M. -CtUCH SERVICES 6 P.M. -CtUCH SERVICES ..... 11MNMI, ......... -Doug Cele, Youttl ......... *-TEMPLE SHARON . I (ConMMltM) P,..SChool -._,..a~ &:hoot a.!MltMlfl Trllftlng Youth Qr~Slat<Wttooo • SeMoae; j , t :1S p.m. lat. t :1 a.m. IUn. t :30 a.m . MDf H!AlfflL IAOCKS 111 ....... "''"'"" eo. ....... •1..- .. .. .. :· ~ Virgil Partch (VIP) P&t IJTI "The ranger said the river dug the canyon, Mommy , and you said God did it. Who's right?" ~,\RMADl'IU·~ by Brad Anderson "One hot dog, an orange soda ... and seven hamburgers without rolls!" Jl'DGE PARKt;R Ht\VING DEC.IDEO 'TO INTEPMEW UJ~E AiiHE COUNTY JAIL, D.~. FINDS 1-tM ARPOG,6.NT ANO OFFEN51VE ' GARt'IELD l'V£ LEARNEO NIV LE.S~N. l'M N01' NIES51NC:t WITH 1HING~ IN HOLLOW STUMP5 A&AIN (' "George, If you're going to umpire thl1 g1m1, at IHll l tly IWlkl ." ,. ' ' 1 ' _.,-~' ~ 813 } ·wHEN SHE CALLS ME '~NG ~( r13 Ja)USU.1 ~ ! by Harold Le Doux YEH ·· WHAT T~EYSAY 15 '110E, LINC.LE lH' WH~EL IS TH1 W~LD'S G~£,ATE5T INVENTION .' 9 If ACROSS 52 Oles 54 Spirll WILLIE ... FRIDAY'S PUZZLE SOLVED 1 Befriends 58 Mr Smith 8 City map 59 Plummet 10 Zodlec lion 61 MOl'e 14 Foretend cunning 15 Helper 62 Faroe nallve 18 Fr.nzy 63 Sicitness 17 Slight 5-4 Sea birds 18 Dam 65 Coested 19 fJciamatlons 66 Cantne 20 Stll lf91t IOOnd 22 Rule 67 Soared 24 Aecelpt WOfd 28 Wlfilet' DOWN 2 WOl'dl 27 Wat m1941fly 31 Man'• name 32 Bird• 33T~ 35 M8'111a - 38 Eatlllle - 3t Exira 40 Etodt 41 F11: Pr.r. UWfWll!tecf ~Pwtut "'°' 41 lne0fll9 "' ~ lflCf """ ...... I Bad actors 2 BalefUI 3 Cloth weave 4 Holding up Prefl• 42 Neclctacn 5 Aiits 25 Cattle type 43 lnstrum41!'11 8 Flipper 27 Venetian 44 Made ready 7 Told l1b1 blind part 4e Tappet 8 F•rtwell 28 Struggle 47 Mining oelll 9 lnteet• 29 lrrllat• 48 Cycle pen 10 Rubber· 30 Rallrotd Cir 49 Atltn neclled 34 Co11comb1 50 Fat>tlc 11 Blbllctl hatlOt 35 eovno 53 1nner 1111 12 OhalcldonY 3& Kiin 55 Neophyte .. 13 lllH Otltf 37 Son of Ztot 5e CtMtta ptrt ~..._.....,.._. 21 8Mtt drlnll 39 Annlwnlry 57 Ctlllc 23 Tflouoll1: 40 Knife ...._ eo Etltrgy ,_..A 50lF N AWfST TM! STEf'5 19 6000 FOl ~ lff~E~S SHOE I LOVE TO GUESS W'H ERE AUNT F RITZl'S MAIL COMES FROM f'.ORDO DRt\BBLIE rve. Fl~All4> Ff~OOT WHl,> ! CAWf ~POFF OF 'THl5 H~ DIVE! 'fMANK~,W'fS ... I "4AO A N\CE. 'f1ME At 1'~~ ~lt ~ AHO THE IAU. SAILS ~TME UV1N6 ~OOM M INTo THE KITC~Et~ &&MERE IT MITS VOOR SISTER ON i~E LE6 ..• L.......L...--Y' SNIFF --- PERFUME --- THIS ONE SN/FF--- Tl-llS IS A RECIPE FROM MRS. SMITH 19 FROM MRS. SWANKL Y r ! f t F~f c,A.>J,A.r<'I! FEEO THf FIJRN ITIJJ<J:( • ) -'IP F I RSI, l 've by Jeff MacNelly ·Af( .. , I CAN S MELL ONION S by Tom Bat1uk THE ~D'S 100 Hl&H ... MID UFE. 15 100 f>40RT ! by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont G01"" 10 G~"f" ~ R IC:> OF MY ~ HANG-OPS.' !! j ' I' ... • . . , . r -' !ilC> , :: .. .. .. ...... ..... Orange OoMt DAILY PILOTJa.turMy, Auguet 14, 111a ippin' a real pip in Newport • • I TOM TITUS .......... Jrnaltnadon and •nerl)'. two vt4aJ aucmenttna toroee, blend with raw YOW\& talent to produce a «ionflqratton of entertainment in the youth ahow 11Ptpptn° at th)t Newport Thutet Artt Cent.er. Debra Sampeon, a .up of a Fl .U.U 1n her t.eena, haa put toteth· er a young P•Ople'1 production ~tcan1tand "'" aaalnst any. similar community theater effort with more experienced performers. ' Functioning aAMHON aa both producer and director, Mias Sampeon has left her stamp of pace, pizzaz and production quality on the Newport offering -which, regrettably, ia on the boards for only a two-weekend run. It's not an easy task. This rock musical set in the days of Charlemagne by "Godspell" creator Stephen Schwartz is a volatile mixture of song and satire which must be constantly stirred to maintain audience involvement. More than most shows of its genre, its success is dependent on the charisma of its actors. llllll- Thi• quality l1 preHnt ln abundance ln the 9ersona1e• who head . Miu 81mp1on 's company -Ted Tobin In the tit.le role of Chlrltmunt'• IOI'\ on • IHl'Ch tor •lf·fulllllment and Paul MU. • the LHdinC Player who pu1la the ltrinp of the plot u a hiahlY vlalble staae manapr. bch la no 1-than outatandinc. Tobin ia perfectly cut aa the young, confUMd Pippin whoee quixotic quest for a reality to match hie lofty aspirations crumbles comically at every turn. And Miles, with wide-eyed chicanery, gleefully sets up Pippin's pratfalls, backed by an enthusialtic choral corps. Also impremve in demanding double duty iB Michael Grenie who plays both the deapotlc Charlemagne and (due to a cast vacancy) his feisty old mother whose rousing hymn to life is a high spot of the show. Blair Gust will rattle some cages as the sexpot queen, while Christie Sweeney is properly bland and virtuoua aa the young widow at the end of Pippin's yellow brick road. The hard-driving musical aoore of "Pippin" is splendidly handled by the theater's equally young orchestra. The aongs are not of the memorable variety, bUt they ft t the ah ow comfortably, blehdina smoothly with aom• marveloUa technbl effecrta. · Only fOU.r more pertonnanc. of "Pippin" remain -toniaht and Thurtday throuah Satutclay of next week -at 8 p.m. in the Atta Center, 2501 Clift Drive, Newport Beach. It's a aparkllna ....,... A mullc8I oOllMldy by ~ 0 . Hlnlon end Stephen 8chwert1, directed by O.bre 81mpeon. pretentect Tllurec11y through S.turdey of next week only llt I p.m. Dy the Newoort n-ter Arte Center, 2501 Cllll Drive, Newport 8HOh. AeMNetlon• 875-3143. THICAIT Pippin ..................................... Ted Tobin LNdlng Pleyw ............... , ...... Peul Mllel ~Berthe ..... MleflMI Orenle Futrede ............ ~. ...... ..• . ........• 8lell' OVt1 C.ttleliM •................... Chtl9tle Sweeney ~ .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. ~.ics::= Ple)'9ra .................. Teri Hemllton, Nenoy H«m111, K. C. Mceoc*, ZaoNry Selden, 8uzl Melltlng, . Peter OonN1YM package of youth and vitality. * A YOUNG man on his way up in a hurry -Irvine's Robert Macnaughton -will be seen on the tube Sunday night in the Emmy-nominated movie "The Electric Grandmother," at 7 p.m. on NBC, Channel 4. Young Macnaughton, who played the older brother in the super-hit movie "E. T.," portrays one of the chUdren of widowed ldward Hermann who come wM.ter the care of a female robot, enac:1ed by MautMn Stapleton. The TV tnoY1e 11 bMed on a ltory by Ray Bradbury. whleh wu preHnted oh 11The Twillahl Zone" two decades qo under ltl ortatnal title, "l Sina the Body Electric.'' The Irvine actor's la~ project la th~ movie .. I Am the Chee9e," in which he oo-stan with Robert Wagner, Ho~ Lange and Don Murray. It 11 be released in December, on Robert's 16th birthday. * THE M~ION Playhouse has ~ officera for the 1982-season. Heading the board aa president will be Joe Kindrick, while Allan Stone takes over as vice president. Other members of the board are Alice J ohnson, secretary; Ellen Harbottle, treasurer, with Willy Silvera, Linda Lewis and Dick Vara fllling other board posts along with past president Betsy Southworth. The MVP, which produces at the Forum Theater on Laguna Beach's Festival of Arts grounds, will hold its annual membership meeting on Sunday, Aug. 29, at its rehearsal-office facility, 23011 Alcalde, Suite L, Laguna Hills. Infonnation may be obtained at 830-4396 after 4 p.m. ROY AL FAMILY -Featured in the musical "Pippin", at the 1 Newport Theater Arts Center are (seated) Ted Tobin in the title role and (from left) Blair Gust, Michael Grenie and Michael Kelly as members of his family. World according to Robin Williams a neW one By BOB THOMAS Napa Valley. He had completed "-H OtatedL "'-L y WwittetO 0 D _:' T h e "Garp" more than a year ago, and now he had to deal with the amazingly versatile world of reception of critics and Robin Williams a89umes a new moviegoers. dimension this summer with a "I'm pleased with it," he said film role that bears no t.races of tentatively. Mork, Popeye or the wildly His acquaintance with "Garp" improvisational comic himself. began when he was filming He now can be seen on the "Popeye" on Malta three years nation's movie screens in "The ago. World According to Garp," the "There isn't much to do on Warner Bros. release directed by Malta except read and drink George Roy Hill (''The Sting") Maltese wine," Williams said. "I and written by Steve Tesich read 'Garp' and was immediately ("Brea"i~ .. Away"). It's based on CllAU'6 in~rested in doing it aa a film. the popular novel by John Irving When I returned I made inquiries about a young author trying to and found out it was owned by cope with the absurdities of the Warners and George Roy Hill. United States in the middle of We began having meetings with the 20th century. ts d 1 h Williams' bland face reflected agen an managers -unc • h l b d f lunch, lunch. more t an its usua ran ° "I went out tb George's house wonderment when he came here ·at Malibu to talk and do a for the opening. He had been on reading," Williams said. "He said a 30-clty tour with his stand-up I had interesting qualities, but I comedy. And before that. he had read too fast. I was still talking spent an idyllic three months on the way you do in television _ his ranch in the wine country of four words a second so you can ·cHEERFUL AND INGENIOUS." -..laMt Masin. THE NE'tt' YORK TIMES A l'llWOM PCT\R ~ -·--.. --.......-~­·--.. ·---·--....-. . -. COSTA MESA FOUITAIN ¥ALLEY Edwards Mesa Thearre 646·5025 Family Twin 962· 1248 HO PUSES ACCEPTED FOA THIS ENOAOEMfNT Tiie Retun1 of Ille Great ............ COSTA MllA Ec!w11ds Ctnema Cen1e1 979 ., •• COITA MESA Edwa•dS Town Cen1e1 H I 4184 fl TOllO 10 .. ~1ds S.idd~~ S81 5880 FOUllTAlll HllH r•m•ly !won 962 12•8 ·~,~~~ ~~,..~~ FVllBTIMI !QM** mm, --·°""' WUTMIUTU- UA Mal Sladlunl OIMI Ill 193 os•& ue-eno SETSAILFOR THE MUSICAL COMEDY' ADVENTURE Of THE SUMMER! ·~ .... ~ '"" P-+"r-f ~ ,,. ...... . r I 1 \ ~ I I I \ I \ ~ NEW LOOK -Robin Williams adds dimension to get all the dialogue in. "Two or three months passed, and I guess George was seeing other actors. I don't know who they were and maybe it's better that I don't .. I know that Dustin Hoffman at one time wanted to play Garp. That makes two said. "One day I might be Garp at 32, the next at 18, the next at 25. Some days I played two .. 1 ages." Having turned 30 on July 21, Williams is looking for new caree.r challenges. He has mixed feeling about the end of "Mork ''That's two pictures I've inherited from Dustin. He wanted to do 'Popeye'." his talent in "The World According to Garp." pictures I've inherited from him: He had wanted to do 'Popeye' with Lily Tomlin." Williams joined Mary Beth Hurt, Glenn Close, John Lithgow and other members of the "Garp" cast in December 1980 for rehearsal of the entire script in a Harlem rehearsal hall. 1 "Th.at was helpful because we shot out of sequence," Williams ---NOW PLAYINQ--- 1Rv11n WESTMINtTER Edwards Woodbridge Cinema Wast SS 1 ·06SS 891 ·393S •ORANGE Cinedome 634-2SS3 • ==iF70MM ,,,,w .... ..-1 and Mindy" after four seasons on ABC televisiQn. He's sorry to leave his buddies on the show, but content that the series had run its course. "There are two things you can do when a series starts to run down: Find some promotional hype to give it new life, or eaae away gracefully," he said. "I'm glad we eased away." At llidgemont High Only ffte Rules gef 8usfedJ "A FIRST RATE, BEAUTIFULLY ACTED, THOROUGHLY INVOLVING ROMANCE." -JeMt Mulln, NlrW VON( TllRS ji"71• ..•.• -t:.J~ -~ -}II ·~ ~ 0 1 ,f!.I \\I .. . ... ..._ --- 1>0PULAR -Raquel Welch, surrounded by . admirers, signs autographs after her Sunday matinee of "Woman of the Year" at the Palace ... wir.ptioto Theater in New York. Miss Welch succeeded Lauren Bacall in June for a six-month run . Why try to change Las Vegas? Norm Crosby b emoans domination of 'high rollers' By ROBERT MACY Aaeoc:let9d Preu Wrltw LAS VEGAS -N or m Crosby.the man w ho murders meta phor for a meal tick et, believes Las Vegas could benefit from an old a)Ciom -if it works, don't fi x it. Having started in the city's lounges in 1964 with the likes of Don Rickles, Shecky Greene and Dan Rowan and Dick Martin, he's watched Las Vegas grow while he evolved into one of its premier entertainers. Now. he says. corporate chiefs with computerized minds are changing the city. . "When ( started playing Vegas it was a lot more fun, less regimented ," h e said . "The corpora- tions came in and now there's a vice presi· dent of vice presidents, a ch airman of c hairmen. I th i nk the people com-CROHY ing to Vegas feel the difference too. It's not wnat the original concept was s upposed to be. ''I don 't understand t hese people who came in and thought they could make the city better . It was already a winner. They came in with their computers and comptrollers and said this lounge is X number of feel and it's never gonna make this amount of money, so take it out and put in a Keno parlor." Crosby said that the lounges served a purpose, as did many othe r aspects of the city that have been eliminated. "They were not Rhodes scholars , these people who founded this town," Crosby said. "But they were brilliant. They knew everything to do and they did it. ''The secret was to give the customer as much as you could as cheap ly as you could because whatever he had left, he spent in the casinos. Today , the corporations fifure if a s teak sandwich costs 7 they'll charge $15. In the old town, if it cost $7, they'd settle for $5." The builders of Las Vegas had a reason for the bargain prices, he said. "They weren't crazy. Nor were they philanthropists. They knew if they gave you the best of everything, you'd be back. You could lose $100,000 and couldn't wait to get back. Nowadays, a guy who comes here and loses $100,000 goes bananas when he has to pay 75 cents for a Coke. That's what's driving them away." Crosby recalls anothe r era. when he and other en tertainers would go to the casino between "THE MOST SAnsmNG FRM or THE YEAR so Fil." -<ltarles Ownplln, LOS ANGEl..E.S TIMF.s NOW PLAYING COSTA MESA Edwards Bristol 540 7444 ['No'PA!SES ACCf~TfD FOii THIS EHOAOEM@ With Burt& Dolly th/11 much fun jut1t couldn't be legal! lftS,._.Ttl ~~1lllW•t3IOl_.flt .. , "'" (::.~-=~ .... ~ ... l ...... ,., • ..,..._ ......... • IJt t100 shows, deaJ blackjack and mingle with players. "The people loved it," he said. "We'd look at their cards, say 'Whatdaya need? A 4? Here's a 4.' So what if you gave away $30, $40 You got $8 mHJion worth of publicity." Stars demanding, six-figure weekly salaries have driven hotels to production s hows, Crosby says, eroding what was once a prime job market for America's entertainers. When stars began drawing as much as $350,000 a week. the $2 million cost to stage a production show no longer seemed out of sight for ho tel management, since the show would run up to three years, Crosby said. Hall the city's major hotels have not opted for such shows. The s witch to produc tion shows is a cycle the city has seen before. "The regular customers are the o n es who wi ll bring the entertain ers back." Crosby predicted. "Once they see the revue two or three times, they will be the ones who go to the hotel owners and pit bosses and say, 'Hey, I've seen the show six times. Enough!!' " Crosby. who used to work the town 24 weeks a year and now does eight to 10, says he can weather the storm because of his lucrative beer commercials and club dates around the country. SCOTI dWILLIE BAIO an AAMF.S EP • " ....... v .......... Ci...,, ............ .._,::::".;:"'~ • Stretch 's 7 tops lt w11, \0 quote one trivt.ddlct, a "bed weiek at Black Rock" u all three oo-1.udef'I ln the column •ttl9d for llx pOlntl and only Stretch MU1Clecramp, with •ven, wu able to advance hla cawie. Thua, now we have bo\h a three-way tie fol' tint place and a two.way d4*dloclk for MCX>nd. The MCOnd placerw ar lix pol.ntl blCk, but there a.re atlll aeven columns remaining In Trivia Bowl XX vn, eo anylhlng LI pomlble. We're dotna 1omethlng dlfferent today - repeattna a question that w• asked a month ago. The quesuon I.a, Who waa the flnt director to win a TRIVIA BOWL XXVll STANDINGS 1 fd Sdlmerler (I)..., 54 5 Nency Prior (4) Over the Hiii Qang (I) 54 5 'The oton)'llena (l'Ai) Traq OoOfrey (I I 54 1 Alell Wwn« (1) 2 81,..ch MIAC!ectamp (1) I Jonn Auuell (2) 41 8 Welter Wiiiey (0) 30'"' 15 11 5 1 Cobf• 11 (5) 3 rile Behr ~Kte (4) 4 'The Oroup (151 ... 3e 33 • no 91'1try nioeMMt -11•11 ot lut M:Oft awwded. Golden Globe award'! Send your reply with your entry next week and it might be worth an extra point. Onwar4 and upward to a lineup we hope isn't quite so mirid bOggllng. l. Marta Burges found a name that sounded a little clearer when sh e came up with what? 2. Which character in "Peanuts" puts his faith in the Great Pumpkin? 3. The chant "Two, four, six, eight" opens what popular TV series? 4. Where wouJd you go to find the United States' only mobile national monument? 5. Name the hJgh school James Dean attended in the movie "Rebel Without a Cause." 6. Dolly Parton was a member of her high school band. What instrument did she play? 7. Seattle's Tom Paciorek and Bill Buckner of the Cubs led their respective leagues last season in what statistic? 9. ln the movie "S.O.B." two recorded Frank Sinatra songs are heard. Name both. 10. "Aries people are forceful and dynamic, they dote on noise. They Jove banging things The comedy sleeper of the year: MtGHT SHtf'T [J{J • Al.AOOCOMl'NIYlllllAS£ -·..,..o CITY cenTER ~ •I\ IH n•C(fltf .. f ......... ,,.. ,,., THE ORIGINAL IS BACK. ~ MAM HAMILL HAMISON Fa\D CAAN€ FISHER PE1€f\ CUSHING crc1 Al£C GUINNESS _.,,. ~'!r... -crclo-...Jlol> JOHN WILLIAMS GAAY t<.Ut~TZ G€01GE LUCAS If • Edw s.c. Plue In Dolby Stef90 • in bad -week 111111 IY l.l uound," aid what ac.vem on her way to an Olcar fo'r what movie? Lat& Week'• AA1wer1 l. Mr. T (name ch.ant ) 2. John SmJth (J~Uyatone ranaer) 3. "Playing With the Queen of H eart•" ("moonlJsht" lyrtc) 4. l<ecording artt•t (Harriet Atwood) 6. "Inherit the Wind" (Spencer Tracy moVU,) 6. San J obal Prison (Wagner in "Thief") 7. Durham, N.C. (Rote Bowl) 8. "Ring Around thP Moo n " (Practice Born belles) 9. (a) "Quo Vadis," (b) Robert Taylor and Deborah Kerr ("perfection" quote) 10. "The G reatest Show on Earth" (movte quote) (Send your answers to TRIVIA, c/o the Dafly Pilot, Box 1560, Cost.a Mesa, CA 92626. All entries must be received by Wednesday, otherwise half the player's last score will be swarded) Boston Symphony sets crowd record LENOX, Mass. (AP) -The Boston Symphoey Orchestra's opening summer performances at Tanglewood drew a record number of listeners to four concerts and a recital. Judith Gordon, assistant d irector of publi'.c relations for the orchestra, said 35,456 music lovers attended the performances, breaking the 34,854 mark set the opening weekend in 1980. A performance of Beethoven's 9th Symphony and Roge r Sessions' Pulitzer prize-winning Concerto for Orchestra, directed by BSO musical director Seiji Ozawa, drew 11,246 on Friday night. *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Pertorm1ncH before 5:00 PM (Exc1pt Special Engagements and Holidays) IA MlllADA MAii a Muooo of Ro••c•on• LA MIRADA WALK ·IN 994·2400 "CHEECH & CHONG THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" 1•1, tut. .. ·-..... 10ttl \ "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" 1•1 .-.-uo.-- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIC ·IN "THE BEST LITTLE I WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" ·---...... -1•1 "ITAA WARS"'"°' IN DCX.aY ITUIEO ___ ..... _ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN "FFllDAY THE 13TH PART 3" 1•1 .~ .. ,.. ............. "ROCKY 111" '"°' t>:Je.l.:Jl.•!219.•» ........ "THE PIRATE MOVIE" 1•••11 1:00,3:20,5:40,I~. 10:20 focu1~ 01 Conoiewooo 213/531·9510 "YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE"1•1 \:1:11, ta. .... l:'M, ............ "ROCKY Ill" CPOI 11J..1Af ........... THE PIRATE MOVIE '"°' 1• JM ...... , .. Ht:lll "FRIDAY THE 13TM PART 3"1•1 IN X> ---·--·- • .., '"'• ""'' ..,_. 1 lO ,~ .• ~ 7 tS '"""•' \••'", •• ,. IMPORTANT NOTICC! CHtlOREN UNDER 12 fRU! HorMr w •-Mon. Tin frl 1 00 • S.L Soll. 11111 HI Pli Cllil.fl IOUNO •<rOua AM CM MOIO IS Y0\111 Sl'lME• HI NO IM CAii 11A011J WITH -~S3(111Y IOSllVI --NI.~ l•AU CIN("' -l30 Oto UI IWJIO ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN •ZAPP£Or "'' /,'fir -.... h e•wo' 91 Ol lel'l"Of' SI "Tit£ SEIT LITT\.E • :· :·~ Wl10flfl+OUIE IN TE:UI" 101 .... 179·9150 --- "'ORCID VENGEANCE" t•I -C 1NI fl SGIJ'IO I -.. ANOFFfcE .. AND A GENTLEMAN" 101 -l •THI FINAL COUNT ,DOWN" tH I Cl"' ' IOU•J --- "ICARID TO DEATH" 1111 CIHt llSOU»D IUI NA 'AllJ BUENA PARK DRIV[ IN l1rteotf'I Ave Weit of lnon 121·4070 BUI NA PAllK LINCOLN DRIVl·IN l•f'ICOlft ... W•W of .. ~tt 121·4070 IUUNI AIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVl·IN '°" O.eoo •nrr ot atoo\nv•i.I (So> 962·2411 'N'f',tMIN\TIJI Hl·WAY 39 0111vt IN "f'oi.CCD~1111 -· H9CAfllD TO D«Anf" (II) Cllll II SDU!10 ZATJ'"'' Ttc MDUcTIOM t•l Cllll It IOUllD ,. ~4 -" ..... LA HABRA DlllYI IN _ ....... ·--·--17M .. 2 ---- ............ 1 E.T. THE IXTRA·TUlREITJllAl ...... (PO) DIAD MEN l>Off'T WEAR l'lAtD "FRIDAY TI4E 1'TH PART J" (tll -"YENOM" 101 "·FAIT T'Mllln!I AT RIOGHIONT KIOH" 1111 -"THI lfOU. YWOOD IUftGNTr 1111 C•~l I IOU~O te«n ll•O SO Of <Nto.n c;. .. , '"'"°' 891·3693 "ITAAWAM"!HI -"lllllGAFOtlCI" «"I :Ml '' SOUND ----CHllCH I CffONQ TltlNGI AIQI TOUQt4 All OYIR t•I l'WI ITillNl IRI CIHt It 10U110 "ITAll WAflll" CNI -.._OAl'Ofter fHI Sonto A~o fl'W\' ~ ORANGE DlllVf IN I Ito•• Colle9e ll.flifi1' 634·936l '•11:7, "f'RlOAY ntl 1tTHP~:L"ITAR WAlll"CN1 1.,:1~ --•YWlfOM'" 11111 .._OAPORCS" , .. , ' ''• I ....... MISSION OlllVf IN . . "THI MIT UTTU WMOMHOUl8 .. TUAI" it. "'*4N cow.or INI • ,. ,, BY JAY lllARBUTI' ,,, ......... NEW YORK -Ml• Dtllon 1peak1 Sou&hern In th• Broadway comedy, ••en""" of the Heart.'' She phya a M1-llelp.Pf mlm in 80me U'OUble, ha.ving ifiot her hWlbend becaute •he "didn't like h.la looka." Oft-ataae, ahe •P••k• Pennslyvanian, If that conatitutm an accent. Next month, tho\.\gh, ahe returns to Southern when 1he report• to the Berkahlre Theater Festival for a new play, "The Place of Amateurs." "It's funny," ahe waa saying recently. "I eeem to do accenta in pairs. I had an lrish accent whe n I did • D a' on Broadway, then was Irish again ln another Hugh Leonard play, 'Swnmer.' undmtuct1·when Jcmph Papp Look thl Peet to Uncolft c.ow. Undtn= Ii a aw W.)' from ap , "but a·t ·rtMt I aot my ulty card," ahe Mid, me.nlna memberahlp In the actors union, always a difficult Wk for younc nwndklan• here. "That WU a lucky brM)t,'' Mle continued. "And It forced mo to move to New York. But the •how clo1ed after 10 weeks.'' S he Jaughed. "Then the trouble started." It was back to making the rounda. begging actor-swamped agents to represent her, and facing the old Catch-22: ''They w<>n't see you unleaa you're working and you can't. get work without an agent." A lean period, she said. "I dJd a little taste of everything - waitressed, worked as an office temp, took ticket orders for the Metropolitan Opera Guild. Finall v, I got another show. Orengl COllt DAJLV PILOT/laturdmy, AutlUll i4, 1N2 ... Ben ereen slated for Irvine &Wl Ben Vereen, the mulU·talit'Md atar ot Broadway, fllma and telev111on, It echeduled to appear at a tund-r~ concert for Uie Laauna a.th Mu.um Of Art Clh Sept. 18 tn the lrvine BoW'J, La.gun.a Beech. Vereen first achieved r ecogni lion aa the Le•,~ Player ln the Broldway m hit "Pippin'' and continued career with television portrayali of "Satchmo," in the TV docudrama "Loots Annatrong - Chicago S.31C," and Chicken George ln '11 presentation 61 "Roots." Tickets for the f"nd-raiaing concert are on sale daily excefll Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 4:3P p .m . at the Laguna Beac b Museum of Art, 307 Cliff Drivq Tickets a.lao may l;>e obtaineCI by mail by calling 494-6531, for ordering information. Tickets are priced at $25, $17.50, $15 and $10. "It's lucky I OIUON p i C k U p accents very qwckly," the young actress said, with great fervor. "But I can hardlywait to do a play in New York where I don't have to use an accent." However, a quiz show proved the biggest break of all then. Urged by a friend to audition for "The $20,000 Pyramid," she became · a contestant and exited $10,000 to the good. It enabled her to survive. COOLED OFF Timo - thy Gibbs of the "Father Murphy" TV series gets doused by race competitors, from left, Allison Arngrim ("Little H o use o n t he ~ Wir.photo Prairie"), Tra.cy Gold ("Shirley"), Ma tt Laborteaux ("Little House") and Missy Gold ("Benson") during a benefit race at the Malibu Grand Prix race track in Northridge. Patrons who contribute $100 or more will h ave reserved loge seating, reserved parking acro6111 from the Bowl · entrance and be invited to a private cocktail party. A tiny woman with a big smile, Miss Dillon was Tony-nominated la.st season for her work as Babe, the youngest of three strange sisters in "Crimes," a Pulltzer- winner written by Beth Henley. She decided she wanted to act when she was 10. She formally studied her craft at Penn State. r.ar1y in her career, she was what you'd call a commuting aspiring actress. Daughters realize Moni 's jo~ worth it She traveled regularly from her pare nts' h o m e n ear Philadelphia to Ne w York, Where she tried out for low-or no-pay "showcases." It was a life of auditions, anxiety and Amtrak schedules. Her heart was broken when she almost got -but was turned down for -a part in a piece called "Th e Shortchanged Review." The h eart mended when the director remembered her and c ast h er as an His 'Kingdom' • not running out of animals By JAMES SIMON A-'eted Pr-Wrtter BOSTON -Martha Davis' two teen-age daughters no longer ask when she'll come home for good and give up her dream of becoming a rock star. "Th ey certainly had their doubts, and then all of a sudden they started hearing our songs on the way home from school and realized we had succeeded," said Ms. Davis of the Motels, as the group's third album, "All Four One,'' stead ily moves up the charts on the strength of the Top 10 single, "Only the Lonely." "They've had to go through it all with m e," she said . "For years, nothing would ha ppen, and when we got to year eight Maria would say, 'Are you sure it's worth it, Mom?' I think she now realizes it was." NEW YORK (AP}-With 272 The 31-year-old singer was a ~pisodes of the TV series "Wild divorced teen-age mother with Kingdom" under his belt, Marlin two children when she started Perkins still isn't worried about her musical career in 1971. She running out of animal subjects. h as never tried to hide her The narrator and star of the domestic situation from her fans series says he and his producer -many of whom are the same drew up a list of 300 ideas for the age as her children. show. ''They stay on the list until they get filmed," said Perkins, It was a relentless desire to 77, interviewed in the curren t perform that convinced M s . edition of People magazine. Davis to start a band with a Perkins spends half of the year girlfrie nd in Los Angeles 11 away from his St. Louis home, on years a,li(o, even though she was the road and filming shows. receiving no child support from H e said he's appalled by the man she married at age 15. n egligent extermination of The band evolved into the wildlife, although he has no Motels, a six-piece group whose objections to hunting in general. newly found popularity comes "We don't have a moral right ed to elimin ate any species, no after years of scatter sue<:eSS matter what happens." he said, and internal personal conflict. "because we don't know how Man y longtime Motels fans they fit into that little bio-first attracted by the band's ecological area where they live. rough-edged, guitar-oriented So m e ca n be enormously sound, seem upset with the more _be_n_e_fi_· cial_· __ to_mankin __ · _d_._ .. _____ polished and commercial songs on the new album·, which was produced by Val Garay of "Bette Davis Eyes" fame. "People have SaJd that we've sold out, that we're too slick," Ms. Davis says. ''But I can't think of anything worse than working hard on every album and having it ignored by people." With the success, the dark, mysterious figure that Ms. Davis once put on stage has given way to a more engaging bandleader pose. Her swirling dark hair still serves as a Motels trademark, but her on ce icy star es at t h e audience have been replaced by smiles, and the extra pounds sh e's added have lessened her old image as a down-and-out street vamp. However, the lyrics on the new tunes are again true to her personal situation, as they have been since the band's debut album in 1979 when Ms. Davis vowed she would sell her soul for "Total Control" over her man. H idde n behind the mesmerizing beat of "Mission of Mercy" is an autobiographical tale of children worried about their mother and hoping their long-lost father will eventually return: "Mam a has n't been sleepin' well at all; As she lies stretched out in the hall; Waiting for him to call." "Rock'n'roll tours aren't the best atmosphere to raise a couple of kids in,' Ms. Davis says with a laugh. But she says the hit album - now lodged in the nation's Top 20 -will finally give her enough money to occasionally .take 15 -year -old M aria and 14-year-old Tricia out on the road to see what their mother does for a living. MOVING UP -Martha Dlrvis (center) and her rock group, the Motels, are achieveing new- found popularity after acaftered lua?ell and ~ ......... internal conflict. The 31-year-old ·singer started her career in 1971 as a divorced, teen- age mother. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- DAil Y 1:15, '='° 1:00, l:20, 10'.JS DAILY 12:30, 2:30, ~. '''°· l:JQ, 10:30 (f'G) 12:a0, 4:.41, UC) "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO QARP" DAILY~ 1:00 "THINOa ARE TOUGH ALL ~~ OYER" 2:00, 1:11, 10121 2:M. MG, 1C>:IO *AILY1:30 3:45., 1:00 llf 1:15. 10:.30 (A) POLTERGEIST-~ DAil Y 4.'00, 1:00 DAILY 1:30. l:OIS r':~ DINU 1!1 OAJL Y 1 :30, 1:00. 10:30 llL~ 11UlflfFlf DAI. Y 4:00. 1:00 "FORCED VENGEANCE" DAILY 2:11. "11, 1Ct11 (10 DAI\. Y 12:111, 2:30 ~. e::ao. l:JO, 10:IO POLTERGEIST..!la DAILY l:aO. l:OO "RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK"'"°> DAILY 1 :00, l:OO S:OO, 7:00, l:IO. 10M fA!r TIMI'! AT ltlDCCMONT HIGH l!!I • .,.,.,.,._ ...... "'<"Um" DMLY 1:00, J!OO, a:oo· 1:00, l:IO. 1Cbe0 "THINGS AAE TOUGH ALL OVER" DALY 3:15. ~ 10:ie5 MtGln' Slltn ~ •P--llUTTO-MY-- '1Al.IOA .. Af--c==~ ~1111/1 ~....,~ 'f'M.fD.._. "THE BEST ~"'Ille • • LITTLE r-M-:-4 TUCK WHOREHOUSE .,...1•.::-DOL.aY aTIMO -~..,"", ....., · · 4 IN TEXAS" •o• ,,... ~ ~ IWlll PU l'N. l:GO, 8:11, 10:*> AU. ... a:at. 10141 UT/auf4. 1:al. ll46 UT/euN. 1:00, a=-MO, 8:15, ,.._. (") 10M -·' II Ott -.011 I I -·~M91Qnta llOT'fOM Oii THI IM •M'ICl••OUJ lo40 (J) MCMI ........... In The ._. .. (1M3) .,.. .. G .... IOft, a-. WCO-,, A ~ ...., ldolllW hie ---"· wtlO -. get• '*" out °' ,,..,., --1···---TP Wfl*llY ,,_.TAUC lllMa.Y ,,,Nit WICIOP AtlllDlnJM ~;:::'AnNM * * "Yount Joe, The F~­gottwl KeMedy'' ( 11177) ,...., ~. Bart>wa Pattlln&. The eldaat Kenne- dy Y01ur11-. fDf a danoer- o ua wartime minion wNcn, If ~I. would bf1no him Ml* a hero and -8'9P ~ to the White.__, CH)MOYll **'Ai "The Sc>lr-' Stalr- caN" ( 11177) JiaoqueUne 81aHt, Chrlatopher Plummer. A bMutlful deef- mute .. lerTorind by • mystertoua klller wflo lwU In the lf'9dowl _,.ound- ~ ::r· menelon. ** "Tw1la The Otter" (111711) ~twy. Nar- re1ed by P91er u.tlnov The llfl9 of e ~I ottat la lreced from hie birth In • hollow ltW to hie epic bet- tie wtltl the ._,.. of • hCM.lnd '**· 'G. • MOYll * * 'h "The Myaterlou1 Stranger" (1N2) CMa Melt.-. Fred Gwynne. A dardi Ml11lnQ Mluourl boy lendea "" ~ter with en angel of dubloue origin In madl9v91 Auetrie. t:aOQINIWI e::ao• ~· TMEHCJUM 7:00 I THATICAT ,WittM ILAICUU. WATCH YOUR MOUnf l::..OA8C .... (I) voec. °" AONCULTUM IT"8 YOtM • ll1NEl8 Dft.INUGeCD ICW>N.D QI THI ruNT9TONU M-.U.MAM\.e g.,........,. DAW\' AND OOUA'04 r-. ... .....n' ,llDTO«V V'OQA P'Olll HIM. TH WNT1NG '°"A NA80M (I) IN1'.l""A TIONAL. HOUR 7:11(%)~ *'Ai "O\artle Chall And The CurM Of The O!'llQOrl ~" (1N1) Peter Ua"- nov, Nc:twd Hatdl. Cher- .. CNtl .. 8lded by hie bumbling grend1on In eoMno • airing of mur- dera.. 'PO' 7::IO. Ml MOON'S MAGIC ~ l ~-==LU 0 flCHll NCH I ICOOeYDOO I ~=:; VlllAALmM •ewEMAM&.E WllTINQ '°"A NA8C* (I) IN'T8'MATIONAL HOUR ~~""D-t,.1Mt.v'fWAft. .. 1N7 P'UaCIN -~ *'Ai "Under The Rainbow" ( 1118 1) CtteVY Chaae. Carrie Fllher. The 150 mldOet• wno -1n town ror the lllmlng of "The Wizard Of Oz. .. "'" a Cellfornle hOtal aooft!?:1' ·~ .. ,.,.,. Sue" (11M1) ~ Autry. Sm~ Bur· nett•. l'lench9'• come c:tc.e to Nin wt.l thelt r:::=:"" • ia-.uoN DOUAA MAN I ::.:.~U.S.A.? Wlll'T1NQ P'Olll A MMON (C)MCMI •• 1,4 "Pliplllon.. ( 11173) Si-~. Dustin Hoffmen. A pelr of o..tl'a l9erld OCl!Mctl IP9fld their time pl-*'O "*' eec:epe (l)WCW. . * • * ''Tiie 8tnMton Sto-r(' ,, .... , ,,.,_ 819WW1. ...._~ T'he'-of• leg .. OWi~ by ti.. !NI~ Mom)' 8tre11on. ... (I) TMIAN I LONI ~ ... .,..,. ""'9t~ ••..aea1~ MYaMHe ....... 1 ..... , • 0,.,. OOMt DAILY ftt&.OT~. AU1Uet 14, 1HI CHALLENGED -Mr. Roarke's (Ricardo Montalban) ownership of the island is challenged and a young woman, seeking a perfect husband, gets help from a genie she freed from a bottle on "Fantasy Island" at 10 p.m. on KABC (7) and KCST (10). • GETTING TO l(N()W ME Ci) WAITINO ~A AEA80N ®MOVIE *'A "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981) Cnevy Chue, Cerrte Flah«. The 150 ml~la wtio are In 1own I~ lhe ltlmlng ol "The Wizard Of OJ," tum a Celllorn11 t>olal ~own.'PO' 9:009 LEAVE ITTOHAVEl'I I LAVEANE a 8Hll'ILEY WIU>.WILD~ O#AHMM.S • THtl WU>< IN UIDAU. I EANOT ANGLEY ~AOOEAS TAU<8 WIT'H PAAENTS A80UT SCHOOi. Sandy Hltl end educe1or Ellen G911naky join Fred Rogers and • 11u<1lo eudl· erica for • dlacuulon about young children'• mlaconcepllon• about going to tchool for Ow1 llrat llme.(R) "l!) AMEIUCAH GOVEANM£NT (%)MOVIE • * "Lumlere" ( 1976) Jeanne Moreau, Francine R-11• The relatlonahlPt or four ac1reu .. of differ. Ing agee and backgrounda 10 each olhet and their car-• are eJ1amlneC1 'A' t:ao 8 (I) 8UG8 BUHNY I AOADRUNHVI DQl~AH D OZZIE AHO HARRIET f.I di HEATiiCUFF & MAAMM>Ut<E D WILD, WILD WOALO O#ANIMAl.8 m TRACt< AHO FIELD .. Jene <>-'I• Games" Oiclt \Ian P1tt1n and Gii S1ratton take ua to the Arco JMM Owen• Gamet National Chemplonlhlps ID AMENCAN ~ .MOVIE * * "Wiiiy Wonlla And The Chocolate Fac!ory" 1111111 G-Wiider, Jack Albertaon. A world lamoua conlec11oner offer1 a llle- llme aupply of candy to the !hoe wtnn«1 ol 1 treasure hunt. 10:00 D QI SPACE ST AAS D SHANANA 8 9 THUNOARl'I I GOLOIE OOl.D D MOWE *'h "Oodzlhe \11 The CoMnlC Monller 11978) J.0. Palence Carot Lvn- ley. I BOllJOHU THl8 OlO HOUSE Cl> AMElllCAN GOVEANMENT (J)MOYIE **'A "5-na Like Oki Tlmaa" ( t 11801 Goldi• Hawn, C"9vy Chue A toft-hee<1ed lewyer 11 torn ~ her hopeless ••· hu abe n d -tu rn'ld· bank robber end hat uptighl pr--.t hu1band who 11 running for Calllor nl• attorney Qat*el PG' 10:10. AMENCA'8 TOP TEH • NASl. IOOCEA KICt<S • IQVAAE FOOT OARDENINQ ID AMERICAN GOVERNMENT CH)MOYIE • • "Scout • Honor" ( 11180) Gery Coleman. Ketherln• Helmono A k>t*Y orpllen cona an extremely reluctant happl· ly-alngle uecutlve lo become d9'I mother 10 • pad! of C<ib Seoul• 10:40 (%) CHAAl.EI CHAMPLIN ON THE FllM 8CEHE 11:00 • TAAZAH 8 dl WUK!.HO ~ "Zeclt Artd The Magic Fec- lory" T-young peop1e combine thal' 18Mn1a to open up • magtc: ehOp. (Pert 2) (A) 0 • IOUlTMIN ., THE PRINCE ANO TMl!PMJPfA Sudbroke end RulhcMn -on the _.oe of dllc:ov-eriflO Tom'a tNe IOenUty. EdWWd la lalMd I~ a rob- bery that he -lofCed to tMle pert In. (Pert IS of 8) I OOOKINO MIXICAN PPIONAl FIMAHCE MOYll *** "MahoOeny" (11175) Olene Aoee. AnthOny Per- klnl. A young ~ wom- en rteM rr~ the depthe or the ghetto to lntematlonel lwne U I IUhlon deelgnat and modal 'PO' (%)MOVIE * *°" "E1a1e1he1d" ( 11178) John Nance, Char- lotte Stewart Aller giving bll1h to 1 monster Cl\lld, • weird young woman ... .,.. the baby •~ the fa1hat to relM akHle In wh•l- IUhlon he chOOMa. 11:30 IJ QI BA8EBALL Reglonel coverage of 811111- more O.loiM et Boaton Reel So• . 8 (I) BlACQTAA a a AMERICAN 8AH08TAHO Gueata: Loverboy. D WILD, WILD WE.8T • THE PAINCe AND THE PAUPER As he II being prepared fM the COfonetlOn, T~ reel· 12 .. he la being uMd u a pawn In a geme of ~. (Part 6of 8) fll MAGIC Of OIL PAIHTINO Ci) PEA80NAL FINANCE UMOVIE * • "Seturdey The t•tn" (11181) R~hard Benjemln. Paula """"" A coupi. Olecover thet the house they've Inherited I• being occupied by vampires, gllOeta end utO<led mon- ster• 'PO' AFTERHOOH 12.-001J CJ) Hn FOOT8AU. "Pre-Seuon Game" Oak· lend ~ 11 Sen Fran- cl8c:o 411er• Iii LOST IN SPACE m MOVIE • • "Claudine" (1117•1 Olahann Cerroll, Jemea Earl Janel. Romance bloe- totna ~•down­ lln()-ou1 mother ol ... and • bage eollec1~ THE AOOICJE.8 AICK'8 AHIMAL.8 Ci) PERSONAL FINANCE "Investing: An Overview" ©)THE OOU>EH AGE Of TELEV1SIOH "Marty" Rod Staiger end Nancy Merchend atar In e t1155 production of Paddy Ch1yefaky'1 taleplay about •homely butehat who lalla In love with • plaln girt (S)MOVIE • • "Shlpwracll" ( 11178) Robert Logan, Mlllkl Jarnl- ton-Obon. A """'-· hla two daughterl, • report• end I runaway ere alrand- ed on en llOlated laland after encountering 1 vio- lent at~ II -'G' 12:.30 8 PORTAAIT Of A LEGENO 8 AUTO AACIHO "Pocono Summer 500" filD VIC 81'W>EN'8 TEHNl8.FOA THE FVTUl'IE "Slnglea Strategy I" \Ile Breden lhOWI .,.._, thal no amount of atre1egy can o-come 8 lecl< Of good fundwnentela (R)O "1!) PEASOHAL FlNANCE "Eatate, 0 111 And lnherl· lance Tax"" ~~LO * * * "Clnh Of The Titans" (11111) HatTy Ham- lin. Laurence Oltviat Mylh· le hero Per-.a la helped by hll lather Zeu• In a Mflet ol dlngatOUI llUkl u he tri.. to win the hend of a Phoenician prlncell egaln1t the wtlhM of 1 vengelul NI goddeH 'PO' 1:00 8 IA8UAU. Calllomle Angel• at 01k- l1nd A't a wow 'A "Queen 01 Outer So-" (11158) ZN ZN Oebor. Eric Fleming • MOVIE **'A "Aotll-Cru- On Mere" (11164) Paul ManlM. \lie Lundin. 8D MCMYMAKEM ''Profeaelonet ln.,..t~·· -~ leOU>OY 111 ENT'IMAINMSff THelWllK lnteN!ewl With Lou Rawle, David Steinberg, Laureri Hutton. Jeaon Roberdl and Fl'Wllcle \lalil (C)MOVll "-~ , ... ~ Wflif'C*'J._,.,... ... ~A~ __ ,..._.._. 111111 leiMI !HIM .. ...... -~ ............... .. ""° !WW Md lljlGltlflO ~·jllQ• 1•• tlltN~ ··~AV .... ''kwrel ~ of -apaeGfl .... , ... ,... .. IMlw tMy ~ "'* ltendlcllipa. ;~AAD t• llfllOV1 OOU80TIO~ A. proftle of Anwicla'a di .. tlnguleNd .,... end flCMI.. ... Mlllllf• lrtter\ltawll with Nemerov, hi• l1m1ti . lr'9ndl encl~-CD) MOVW *** "M111ny'1 OrpNiM'' (tlltO) Jim taqr, Mattel'ty McColin. Til9 bo)'t II Ill ~,.. ttlalr cfleri.. ty IUM In an attempt to help I'*' eoooer coeGh pey Mok • *"0.000 debt totllemob. t:OO 0 8 NA GOU' "lemmy Davie Jr. GrNtw Htottf~d Open" lM COY· erllgt of the thll'd round lrom the Wetheralleld Countiy Club, Hartford, Conn. GMO'M * ~ "Ooomaday Machine" ( 11172) Heniy Wllco•on, M911 Power1 • MOvte * * * "The Hwv.y Glrfa" ( llM8) Judy Gerland, John Hodlllk. 111 MOVIE * • "The Lut or The MOhlcana" (11177) Steve ForrNt, Andr-Prine. (S)MOVll! • * "Penelope" Anne Bergman, George Mu~. Two men ettemp1 to Mlle the anc:.atr.i Miiie ot 1 cMc:adent 1em11y. 2-.30 8 IUCt4 MAH, POOA MAN:800t<I Alter en un1ucce11ful -en for hie wtte end eon. TOITI (Nlctl Nolte) returns to Illa rtng and becOmel 1 eparrlng part- ner for Joey Quale• (G~ge Mlherla) • IAIELANO: A ~ION Hl8TOAY "Ferilana; HM&-1117" The growth ol eeuet aocletlee llke the F«llanl c:ulmlnatN In the eatabUlhment of the lrllh Republican Brother- hOOd In 1858. Ii> POA'TIWT 0# MAACEL MARCEAU The unlverNlly acctalmed pent~lnl1t la -et hOMe In Parll dlec:uaalng 1111 thOUghta on pllHOIO- phy. 1111 •nd the evolution of hll ~k In • film review of hlacar- CH>MOW • * ·~ "The Spiral S1a1r-cue" (11177) J9CQU811M 8l11et, Chrl11opher Plummer. A t>Nutllul deal· mute la terr~tzed by • myeterlout kllle< who lurfcl In the llledowl .urrounc:f- ~ .,, elegant rnenlllon. 2:44 CI) 04ARl.JE CHAMPLIN ON THE FllM SCENE 3.-00 IJ LAST 0# THE WILD 1J INSIGHT m MOVIE •*'A "Chrlallan The Uon" (11171) 8111 Traven. Vlfglnl• Mcl<anne A tame llon la forced to auM\le In the wtldl of Alrlu. (I) IAIOAU. 8UHCH (BMOVIE *** "ShOw Boat" (11151) K•thryn Grayaon. Howard KMI Slnger1 end danoera en1ert.in on 1 lhowboet u It trevall up and down the Mlalulppl RM< D {%)UOW * * * "T~my" ( 11175) Roger Oeltr9)'. Ann-Mar- gret 8ued on the rocti opera by The Who. A young boy •lrudc deaf, dumb end blind by the eight of hla father'• m<Kder bec:OmM • modern-day fM8llah explolted by I g,eedy uncle 11\d • ~­ llllC)plng public 'PO' S!I08 MOVIE **'h "Betreyel" (11174) Amandi 8t1ke, Dick Haymea. Greed compeq e glrl to vlc:tlmtze • lonely widow. D AGRICUL TUAE U.S.A. ID WEAi YOU THERE? "P0<1ral1 Of Two Ar1l1t1" The W0<1I of muter pelnt- .,. Hughie L-Smtth end Jacob i.a-ence la f ... tured.(A)O CiSi) IVENINO AT SYMPHONY SPECIAL The Bo.ton Symphony O.a-tre under the dlfec- tJon Of Sel~ OUwe pre- _..,. an ewnlng of muml- cet work I , Meturlng I he ciornple1a per1ormance of Arnold Schoenberg'• dra- matic "Gurrelled« " (I) MOVIE * *'~ "Go ,.,... Atlee" ( 11173) Wllllam Shatner, JMnle Smllh Jecllaon. A ,..,,_.age girt 1trugglea to overcome her dNQ habit. (C)MOW! * * * "No NultM" { 11180) Jacllaon Browne, Cfoet>y, Stille & Nuh. Footage OI I ..-ot entl-nudeer pow- ., c:oncert• held In New • y oril City during. Sep tern· ber, 111711, i..turing the Oooble 8tother1. Carty Simon, Jamat T~ and &Noe Sptlngaleeri, .. - piled In thll document 'PO' (D)MC>vtl **'4 "It'• My Tutn" ( 11110) Jiii Cleybu1011. MICllMI OOuglae. A brll· hrtt CNcaoo math ptot.- eor nlllltlM the problerne In '* ...,.., tela11oMNp wMn Iha flndt a ~ io,,. wNle In .,... Yotk IOf '* ....... ~'"' ._,...aALOINTP Gll.IJG,,t}f8......,., CHAllE. LISTINGS * * • * "The Fixer " ( 111N) Olrti Bogerde. Alan .. , .... BeMd on• nowl by Bernard M•emud. A turn- Ol· t lle•cien t ury Jawl1h p .. eant I• wrongfully lmj)riaooed lor tna death of I Cfl4ld In ICle¥ (D)C.8.HPOD ni. 9llleed praeident of revolutlon-torn country '4ltlltattlelllilncl. 9 KNXT (C8SI 8 ICN8C (NIKI • KTl.A lllld.l .l(A8C IA8Cl • KftM8 <CBSI 9 KH.J• TV llncl I • l(CSl' tAIM:I e KTTV (Ind I e ICCOP. TV lttll'I ) • ICCET <PBS) e KOCl INSI 0 On f\I 11 Z Tl/ ffll HBO ICI IClrwm;u l IJl CWORI NY , N Y !f71 IWT8SI I IESPNI 1•1 lsr-11~) • Sc>olltQlll • IC•ble ~ew\ Nillwofk I A tNdtat latNt end hie Cfllldren ... °"' on • ~ ery -~ OOl'llj)ONd Of two n1111y, 1~ tf\ICIQ lll'ld. ·~· tooklno taxi thlli -to be fOlowtlto "-'· -~ .... Moote, Aobart Oul- teume and •h•fman ~ -tiNt'i'.O In • per'°'"** of tilt 1111 ~ ll'lllllOll bMed on 0-. Dl¥tt'• pie)' ''""""' .. ~:..... QUJ\19 "HIOflllOtltl" (Pitt I) I:'" *. •14 "Hott!-' p-....... (1840) ..,.._Tr .. oy, ~ v-.o. • QlJ9 ,MA. u.u..' "V-'IOn ...,_~"The ,..,.. ..... Catmen to ... ~ FlcMldatodla- --.. IO""lllh hat!-.... TUBE TOPPERS K.ABC (7) :1:30 -••ftkh Man, Poor Man: Book l ." Nick Nol-.e •tan u a prlzefiahier In ~arch of hll wtf e and IOI\. K'M'V (ll) 4:00 -"Northwett Palufe." s~r Tracy and Rob&rt Youna co..1m ln th.ll 1940 epic IOOMly bued on the Lewta and Clark expedition. KCOP (13) 6:00 -"The Flghtlns Seabeea." J ohn Wa yne and SuHn Hayward co-1tar tn a World War Il drama about the birth of the Navy's oonatrucUon unit. KABC (7) (10) 9:00 -"Love Boat." A doctor traveling with a ferpale companion runs into an old girlfri~nd and Gopher falla for h is former achool teacher. lll THI~ N.u (Jl)YUTQYtAll .. 1t11 OiGk Ca...it hoetl I pano. ramie ovet\11-of the _,. and people that thllPed one Of the moet lml)Ot1ent year• In Amelt- can hlatory. (l)~THOH A comedian llOet Md four COITllc contMtenta WllO compete 1geln1t one another .,.. fNtured In 11'111 unoanll<>fed comedy g•me lhow. ':$0 8 OtLLIOAN'8 Ill.ANO ID a0ccM MADe IN GEMIANY ())MOVIE ••'A "Stardu11 ~ rlee" ( 1980) WOOOy Allen, Charlotte Rampllng A auc- CNllut dlreclor lecee a paraonaJ crleta u he frlee to make aome major decl· Ilona In his Ille 'PO' 6:00 8~ OONF'£AEHCE PAEVIEW 8111 Flemming look• ., the player• •nd IHm• to wetch for the 11182 SEC MllOn, D FME.+AU 9 KUNOFU 8 WIDE WON.a 0# SPORTS Covert!Qe of the 10-round hM"'fW9lollt bool bel- Trevor 8erblck (Ca.nada) I Renaldo Snlpea (U.S ) lrom Cleveland, Ohio, llighlighta of the Salvador SancMz I Azumah Nelaon W8C world fNlhenw91ghl Cl'tam- pionlhlp boot from Medi-'°" Squate Getden, N.Y fJ Gl'llZZL y AOAM8 ., 80UDOOU> Ho9t1 Andy Gibb, Marilyn Mccoo. Oueata Ollvla Newlon-John, KISS. Eddie Rabbitt, The Four Topa, Mike Love. Allele Bridget. Ronnie laWI. (I) M •A•s•H Altet a deley of five week•. riv. ~ or mall fln911y antve et the 4077tn l~wwc "Salute To Nuhvflle" ®MOYIE * 'h "Under The AelnboW" ( 11181) C"9vy Chale. Carrie Fl9Nr The 150 midget• wllo we In town f~ the f1lmlng of ''The WlzMd Of Oz. .. turn • Celllornl• hOtal ~.'PG' * 'h "Smok9)' 81te1 The Ouat" (1981) Jimmy McNI· chol. Janet Jullen A high ec;hool delinquent gell the whOlll town on 1'111 trait wllen he m•h• otf with the hornecon'llng QUMn and "'"°' ec•ou the 1tete In • aeries of etotan automo- bllM 'PO' (%)MOVIE •"A "Charlie Chan And The CurM Of The Oregon ~" (11181) Peter Uttl- flOV, Richard Hatch Cher- 119 Cha(I Is 1Jded by hll bumbling grendaon In IOMng a airing of mur- deB 'PO' 6:30 8 IMO 10 PREVIEW 811 Flemming lookl at lhe perennl91 oo-• ot Iha :f =fer-• ONCEUPOHA CLA88tC "The leatherllOCklng T.,_" Although Hawtceye and Jell S-'Weter ere bo4h In love with Molly, Sgt. Ounh1m admlrea Hawkeye and prefet1 him .. • huabend for hi• deughtat. (Pert 4)(R)Q eD aQUAMFOOT OAM>ENNQ (I) WB.COME BACK. KOTTPt di WIDE WoRLD Of 8PORfl Coventoe of the 1Ckound '-•rwelQht boot~ T,_ 8atbldc (Canede) I Aeneldo Snlpea (U S ) from Clallalend, Ohio; hlghllgl\11 ol the Selvedor Sa~ I A1umah Net1on W8C world tutherwelQht cnem- pionehlp bOUI ff~ Medi· -Square Garden. N Y (C)MOVIE *** "Ledy TekM A Chance" ( 11143) John Weyne. Je8fl Arthur A woman find• an unwtHlng Candidate lor marriage wtllle hwetsend-huntlng rn Weat CG> •1Ur'4 "The Elephant Man" (1NO) John Hllt1, AnthOny Hoplllnl A Oedl- o alad phy1lcl•n t•h• under ht• tt;fng 1 horrll>I)' dlformtd "*' wflOee tlfe untl !Mn had ~ apent In CflMP ff.all IUChlb111one. 'PO' l'AHltG' .001== I * • * "TWl'lfllY Tel Me True" (1M1) 8aftdra 0.. John GllWI. A tMl*WOOdl Olt'f .... '*' heen ~ 0411• ting. ~ ecNcl11on • N:TY ,..,,.,; PIUI ~ • t ..... Wotldlr,,._..._, 8°' Mlr1ey. CfllilCI T Nik, N•t•ll• Cot•. Mloh•I i..enct. -~MmaWILK .. ..,..,0,,....... .. .MOYm *** ~ "Tiie "flltlno 8Hb#a" ( 11144) Jo n Wayne, 8UNll Haywwd A O'OllP o4 World Wet It hel>eM II ...igned rtpllr mllttery lnltell•t dat\Q«OUlly doM to eM- i territory. ANIMALI WOOOWAIGH'T'I ~ "At Lut A Chence To 8 " Roy Undert\MI melt rung-.nO-poet chair ( ())MOVIE ***"'"Derby o· Ill And T'he llltle p . ( 111611) Albert Sheri>.', SHn Con- nery. An old lrllh care1aller wno II about to io.. hla Job to • younoer man cec>turea the king ol the '->rectuwna Md l«c:ee him to grant thr .. wlahea. 'G' e:ao • • Cll a HIW8 I MAI('( TYLP MOORE 1111 NATIONAL ..au.P SKATING CHAMPK>N8Hf P8 ID MOTOAWEEK OMOVIE * • "The Incredible Shrinking Women" ( 11180) Liiy T~lln, Charfea Gro- din. A hOU-'fe flndl II hatd to cope wller'I ahe IUddenty beglne to thrfnk lnllza. 'PO' 1:40 (%) CHAN.D CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM 8C€He 1:00 8 IN IEAACH 0# ... "The Tl1en1C" D FAMILYFEUO 8 HOU YWOOO: Ct.OU UP D THE HAAOY 80Y8 / NANCY OM'# MYSTEAIU The Hardyl dlacover cor. fln1 cont.inlng their pho- toe In an -i. bayou 1Par1 2) .. Nn. FOOTBAU. "Pre-Senon Footbell" o.n-Broncoe VI LOI AngeMll Rama • CAUFOANIA CONOAE8810f4AL Rf.POAT (I) IH IEAACH 0# ... "Spjtlt \loleN" di P£0Pt.E8 COURT QI THE MUPP£T8 Oueet; L..,le Uggam• (C)MOVIE * * "The Baltl~e Bul- let" (11180) J-Coourn. Omar 81\arff. A amalt-tlnw pool hutller muel ralM 120.000 and win • big tourn-t b91ore he can have• '*"•1c:ll with an Old oC)pC>nenl -who hu never loll et any gwne. 'PO' ®MOVIE * * "Scout'• Honor" ( 11180) Gery Coleman. Katherin• Helmond A lonely orpl\WI cone en extremely raluctent heppl- ty-alngle executive to become d9'I mother to • peel( of Cub Scout•. (%)MOVIE • * * "Eye Of The ,..__ die" (1981) Ooneld Sutllar- land. Kate Heilig en While on • remole Scottleh lalllnd to meet 1 Germen tubmerlne, .,, Axl• apy find• atlelter Ir~ the •t~m In the cottage of • VOUnQ married couple 'R' 7:11 Cl> THE MAKINO 0# IWOERS 0# 1HE LOST ARK vie-. ere taken behind Iha -.. during the malclng of GeGf'ge Luca. end 51.....,.. Spielberg'• apeclecutar movie "Raid- .,. 0t The Loe1 Ark" I~ e look at hOw the adventure n1m catne 1oge111ar" 7::IO 8 DANCE nvEA ~ty Ju<ION: Rip Tay- lor, Suzy Chaff .. , Jeff Conaway. Gueet Chan, MoQM'I I =~ FIGHTMCK EYE ON SAN OleGO F .. tur'ed: en Interview with Ctvlatopt.er ......... ; San Ofeoo'a 11191-i!'owlnQ high lec:Mology and eleci1ronlcl lnduatry; the training of lclller whelel et SM World. 8WUXENO MAGAZINI FMfur'ed: hotM racing II Del Mar; • ....... with ,,. Sen Olegan Snapper Pteroa; wor1d ~ lfllp MlbM golf player: • jUggllng ~tlon and the ,..,... of • yeart worth of llffon put on • Renne/el: -Feettvat '" Belboe Petti. a:ooe<1> ~ ADYINNMI °" UTTl.I LON) ,AUNT\..IROY Young Cedrto bre•ll• thrOUQll the oentanlCtrOW vtneer of ht• llngllltl or•ndlether, l lld •• bell'fellded by a OOy wtlo -"I Oii IN eatate. ........ eootia 9ooft\at ~ • ltrwtded bfottw and titter througfl • afcwm 10 ~ In en -le f'llallllon, • MOVll •• ,,. •• .,..,.,.... Jour. ,.y· c t94a) Enol ~- "'°'*' ~· °"""' WOtld W• N, a Gef'INn Ok' eldll ... ~ °' Ameftoen pjllot9 rPOltl ttle Oeel_.!PO. eo TODAY'a ... .., ~tot. wMIVI)' ---· .. wtlo llM ..... ~"" .MO'M •• ''WM .... Aurltte ""'" (ttftl lheltey Wiii•••· M•r• L.ter • -~ ............... (1t7t) ~ ~. 14*11 INin ....... A,...• ..................... ..., ......... =:=:·..,.... rfWllRQMMI ''V .. Of .... wA*- wnliMr In tlla ICll!oGf'• ...... Oft Aalllatanoe "°".,,. l>Ho111•• •'"•tlon1t1y ~ '""' • PollUI* ........ wM ,. l>tlf'CI held In IGller')' 001111111e11l9/lt Cll)MOY91 *** "~ OI The.._. le" (1H1) Doilald .,ther· land, Kitt Hellolrt Wtllle on • temoto IGolttlh 1111anc1 to ,_.. • o.r- IUbll'Wlne, en Allie 1C1Y llnde Mleltw lfom the "°'"' In th9 ootttiga of • ~llQ Mtmed couple. 'l'I' Cl) 9'0TlJGHT ON JO//ftUW. The uny oomedlM per- lonna on atllgt M Ille Sehate Hotel In LM Vegu Aleo, • bedl.atllgt Inlet• .,,_ end cttpe ffom -Of~'•fflma. ewovw *"' "Under> The l'lalnbow'' ( 1111) CMvy ChaN, Cetrte FllMr. The 180 mldOet• wtio are In town f« me lllmlng OI "The WIZMd Of <h," turn• Celll«nl• ho1et uoG;"°~~AU.l!Y Stella end Bueter IMll) up 10 -• onoe-1)0pUlat Harper \letle)' Mtery lrom •~ectoeur• by the l'letllyl. (l'I) ID THE MAKING~ 8UPEAMAN: THE MOVll! t:OO 8 (I) MOVIE * + "No Place To Hide" (11111) Marletle Hertley. l<•INMn Beller 0 QI HICHOl4 ANO OYMEI Two country boya whO become F4lder1I egerill try to lnffftrate • truek hlJeck· Ing ring. (R) •a:t LOVE90AT A doctor travelling wl1h • female companion runa Into en old gtrlfrland. and Gopher felt• for hi• f~ IChooltNCher. (Al O • OOY88EY "The lncu" TMM archae- Oiogllt• ,,_ the ···-live netwot1I of roedl, •o-• end egrlculturat roglonl fM901'191ble f M the proepenty or thele 18th· oentury Peruvfana. (RI o (C)MOVIE **'Ai "Peplllon" ( 11173) St-Mc:a.-. Ovltln Hoffman. A pelt or Oevfl'• ltlend convict• apend their time planning their eecepe. ®MOVIE * * * "Ctull Of The Tit-" (1981) Heriy Hem- lln. Laur.-OIMer Myth- IC llerO p.,_,. la helped by hll fat.her blue In • --Of dangeroua tallcl u lie trtee to win the hand of a Phoenician prtnceu agaln1t the wtthN of 1 vengeful ... goddffl. 'PO' (l)MOYIE * * "Saturday The 14th" ( 11181) Rlc:hard Ben)lmln, Paule Prentlll. A couple dllcover that the houM thty've Inherited 11 being occupied by vamplrN, gllOatl Md aatof1ed mon- llert. 'PO' (Z)MCW'IE * ~ "Hontty Tonk Frae- wr," (11181) e..u Brldgee. Hume Cronyn. A. new llatM hlgh-y lhull off • small town from the t0Uf'la1 bullnau, forcing them to llnd -and exciting attrlCtlona.. 'PO' e::ao ID UOHT8I CAMEAAI ANNIEI "The MllJclng 01 A MaJof Hollywood Mualcel" In three eritertelnlng ac11. aonge, lnteMawl and ape- dal produc:tJon numbetl lllgllflght en lnlide look et life on the Mt of a big Hot· ~mUllcal. 10:00 D at Hee MPORT8 "Jepan \11. U.S.A. -The High Teen Shoot-Out" Lloyd Oobyna uamtna the J~ lhrMt to American 1L1perlorlty In high technology and the eftec1 that Japan'• auccaea would have on the acono- mlee of both countrlee 11 =-AIY 181.ANO Mr Roertta'1 ownerlhlp of Ille laland II Chellenged, and a young -.... Ing • perfec:t huebend get• help lrom • genie ahe freed ff om a bottle. (R) 0 D IVl*fQ WITH THE STA~ 8"0'THEM Frlandl end auodatw gather to ~ the Statler 8rottMn end ttMllr oontrl· butlon to country enter, telnmen1. • IOUDOOl.D Hoeta: Altdy Gibb, Merilyn McCoo. Oueat1: Otlvle Hawton.Jotln. KISS. Eddie Rabbitt, The FOUi Tope. tiflta Love, Allele Brldgee, Ronnlala-. • MOVll • • •'4 "Julie" (11177) Jene Fond•. vanen• ~--CD> QUIHC'\' JOHD: NR.ICTIONI Petit AIMtln, J-Ingram end "foota'' Thtelemen -among the at1tlt• per- fonnlng eonge wttfl "- frcm 11111 hit album ''The Ollde." -~ •• "Saturdey The 1,111" (1M1) Alctlatd ._,,j9mln, Paule Prentlll. A oouplO ~ tflM tllO hOllM ~·119 w.tt.o .. '*'IO oooupted by vemplrea, QhOet• encl aeeorted -.-..·PO· 10:IO ...... '°°T8AU. Taped c:overege 01 Rema• Otnwr OMtle llll)ad .. ,'* Ill Alllflalm 8ted1Um • • MAION9M0A01•H ~ 11¥ Maly T)ter ...... tNI ...... ~ al ...... ,_.., OONldlt IO ..... _def~·· .... ~ ....... (J)mAllM ........ ~·a .... --r~CNWUt TMIMM-'*P.•<1>•• ...... :'PEWIT '""-....... a.. .... .... --.. L.-.. ............. ....,. _,,...v .. • lllCMI •••M ...... , ,..._ -..;l:oi...., .,.. ; "°"" v--. •••M "Tlw Oa••"' Moura .. '!:Jo~., ..... ,, ...,... QI) .... DllAOl'l eMm Thi'• ,...,... lflll'INI .... ,.,.~ ............. ~-.n·~ tn91y tnnooent vlOUlfl, George •et••· Jtevor .._d, ~ Motley ""' llllfrn Wlllll'll .. ., fi ~Y'IO'f ON THINl4 * • "Loo.t 8llOM" ( 1t1•> 1111 Murray, Howard HHHIT'lln. Nothing I• -ed In tNa .. llflOll loOll ., ~WOOd lftOYlt.fnM· t!~~·"' * • 14 "Magic" ( 1t1t) Anlflony Hoptilna. Ann· MMOl'Of . 11:ao•n.~ ....... 8 QI lo''TUN:>AY HMIHT LIVI Hoat: 8at~t ....... Oueet: Biiiy Joel ( l'I) 1:-..w * *'-" "~ Of T'WI Bar· bery Coeal" ( 1945) John Wayne, AM Dvorak. 111 MOVIE • • * "Wallctng Tall" ( 11173) Joe Don Beker, Ellz, •beth Hartman. .MOVIE * * "Student 8odlee" /In eggplant, paper clip Md blackboard erner are eorne of the "lethal weec>- ~" Uled by 1 kltler on a ~ IChoot campue 'A' 11:40 CC) MOW * * "F-No Evfl" ( 11180) Staf111 Amorim, Kath!Mn Rowe McAllen. An 18- yNt-otd high IChool .. ~ dent delight• In declmetlng hla hOrnetown 'R' 11M. MOVIE * * 14 "Loa1 Horizon" ( 11173) Peter Flnch. Liv UllmlM. 12:00 ii IWI! JEAH NETWON<, "Blue Oyster Cutt" D MAVERICK (D)WOVIE *'A "Portt 911 Of Seduc- tion" ( 111n1 \llctlle Lyon, Jett Stone. ·x· t2: 11 (I) MOVIE * * * "Eye Of The Nee- dle" ( 11181) Don.id Suther- 1.end, Kate Nelllgan 12:30 8 MOYIE * * "The R•t Race" (19e0) Tony Curll1, Debbie Aeynolda. 12:80 CH) MOVIE •• *'A .. Allen" (111711) T~ Sk•rltt, Yaphet Kot- 10. The cr-ol 1~ Ing let'ep Garl'let follow • myaletloul lllgn91to1 aup- poeedly dMd pt-• and, alter tandltlg. dllcover that the meeeage -• wam-~ to atey away 'R' t:OO D AOCK COHCEAT • MOVIE ** "Godzilla" (111581 R8)'111ond Bun. T91cuhl Shimura. The terr~ of • monater'a ettad< la wf1. ..-Md by e _.,., In Tokyo. 1.:.0 A'f THI IMPAOY Hoat: Shelley Berman. FNtured comlGa: Tony Moleew0<1h, Rick Shyder. Sandt• Bernhard. Mualcal r;.:v. Rough Trade **'Al ''Serlel" (1980) Met· tin Mull, Tueeday Weld A happily married M1rln County couple ere apurred by thalf trendy neigtl~I Into e.q>IOrlng lllematlve llfeetytw. 'R' {%)MOVIE • * * "Tommy" ( 11175) Roger Oeltrwy, Ann-Mer· gm. 8ued on the rock opera by The WhO A young boy •truck deaf, dumb end bllnd by the eight of hie father'• murder ~ • modem-dly mwalell uplolted by • greedy uncle end • wor- alllpplng publlc. 'PG' 1:ao9 MOVIE ••'A "Petmy Day•" (11131) Eddie Cantor. 0-ge Raft FM""91all- lng oon wtlata lnvaoe • fMlllonabla hMlth ape • MOVE •• "Decoy For TerrM" ( 111701 Wlff..,,, Kirvin. Jean Chrlalopher. (C)MOVIE * * * "No Nukea" ( 1980) Jacborl Browne, Croaby, 811111 I NMh. Foolege of I Ml'IM of antl-fludeer pow- ., concerti held In New Yori! City during Sa9tem• ber, 111711. teetunng the Dooble 8rother'I. Catty Simon, J-T~ Ind 8rvce Sprinolteeri ... com: piled In Ihle ~tery. 'PO' (D)MOVIE * '4 "Woman In The Hight'' ( 1117') AJll• Wllllon, l.omllN OeSelle. A )'O'#IO marl -.0 ~ of Ill lncndlble -flnde hie 1111111.-y ooming we. 1:411 A8C NllWI l:OO NIW8 1:11 MOVtl • •14 "Slefdutt ~ ,._ .. (IMO) WOOIJt Alltn. ~"9mpllng ~18NIWI • MOVll *** "ht Ovt Your Handlterclllefa" (tt71) 0.ard Olpotdl9u. Plllrldl o.w..r.. ~-MOvtl ** "Ood:dla'• ~" (1t10) ,AkJnl H4Mihl, TON ~I. A VMt penoply of montMn ........ MlfOO whll• oontandlnt for ..;r~Tw:> ...,., ..... TtlewldMd...al\Y ... ~~--­d\af90tatl. lftCllUOtng • llroua doMI .,,. • ~ .. otia110• •1114lent, In ~....._, ... "'°"" •••. .,..... Md,,.. ..,.,..,., I *IJ LeNl'8 Y-.,W.........,11\ ... ttOOI., ....... ................ ., . .............. .............. _.. .. ....... -- -, - ,. Cll IFIEI 81turd1y, Augutt 14. 1ea2 Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. -·~ ---G;<e: .I, ...... ~ ... -1)J~:tT11 . ~ •• " ) ;~~·~".•11 ..... 1: .. 1~·~ ... ~ ... > ...... •tft: :~~~ "'11tf .M!!ff'J ••••• ~"!!.~..... £~~!/.~m!!..... fe.'1!!.~.~. ~ •.......•... ~ ........... . OIEN!RAL eu&INE88 C«Mnt-Maeonry-81ooic o.ooretor atyte Int, bite, TllU UWI IAll ~~!t?!!!r ...•.... /~~ ........... . LOW AAT£8. OtflCH , bldge v.aanctee, 11rlp & wex . et o . CHRIS 71~08 DO IT NOWI &KftrlM4re Your Delly Piiot 8ervloe Directory ~tetlve Ml-Hll, eat. 121 SERVICES Wall...Outi, work. UO. mentela, UbrerlN, high T~/removed CIMn ,._,comm. Nl/CdM TIRED OF HAHl.U? Oulllly cteanl~g help l• her•! Reft. 980·1452 ~tor tm•ll bUtlnett e #311057 Rob 547·Ha3 =tlMCI pane1 well• & up lhl'l reno'I. 7B1-3411 Aeltible, Oull11v Wortc phone clll 1w1y. Rec· ..._ .. _ t•-~... .. • Uo. 636-2311 ' 8tt"" 845-T412 •• IDS OF O"•NGE CO Ofdk••P•no. ,.,, prep, .. ,. .... _, P• '""" ......... r.. MOWING • CL!AN UPI .. ....A ""' • 8utln•11 oounH llng. e.1. No lob t~711NM. .....Ill Heullng • l.and~ng ., • .,.,. Oulllty TMll'I CIHnlnQ 491-1255 630-2vv •••••••••••••••••••••• ,r .... t. 842·tll07 •••••'" •••••••••••••• Bonded, Ina. 1131-8222 Cuetom conoret• brick-•KATRINA'S: LIVI-IN Cerpentry. Ctbln•t•. Oanertl HOUHCIHnlnn c. I hakpra. deny maid Ml'V, JeM19'• Gerdenlng Plumb .. Orlin CMNlnlng, • !~ ............. . BRICKWORK: Smell lobe. N9'#por1, Coate M .... lrvtne Ref• 175-3175 .'Hr..".."1. •••••••••••• b lock wells-patio•· office oleanln,, crpt CIHn-up9,tr .. tr1m& eiect . Tiie, Re is. Aelteble,rtlfa.lOYft•ll9 0 h I l ound1t1on1 . Llo'd ..................... "'21 8 malnt. *"• 540-8035 .... A 14,.. 902-0510 an. 4 Brlcltwork·•m•ll or 1'4• oor ang ng, remodel, as0-5013 ..._.,."' --........, • cabinet•. panellng, eta ---------A.......-·-,_ RON'S GARDENING ---900---1-2-30 ___ Exper. HOUH CIHnlng. IObl. 100'• IOCl l re •. Painting, ~t. R•I•. Concr•t•·•m•ll or lg• - _ .. ,.. 8 ,. NB/Cd .. ,....,_,,7 lo Relleble. Ref•. Sine. 1900. 845·8512 " •••••••••r••A•••••••• Y .... ....,.. Call tor 1ml con1trvct n, 5153-1075 Jerry 5 &-4413 job1. Remove. repltoeO< Ooort rapt.a.cl, dOOl'Waya 11 r .... retM. Malnt repelre. elec:tr .. plum----------Piii UTIIATISI repllr. 845-8512. edded, French, entry, Lll'ldtcaPe. 175-11388 bing. 35 yrs exp. Gen'I c:teenlng, window.. #tn•• ,.,.,,, 11. cu 1 tom & Int er Io r . etc S1fl1f1c1lon guer •••••••••••••••••••••• Reuon•bl• prlcel; IUI . .,.,,,, _,. ... ,., .. 28 ll'lytlme. Verd melnt. & Clean-up Cerpentry . Masonry ..... j ble IO I E . • ABC MOVING . prole11lon11 work .. •••••••••••••••••••••• "" " job1. Loct l rel. Day & Roofing . Ptumblng ""'• • ,. ... uro-Quick, Careful 8efvlce. custom WOl'lt tool No~ob Atlertchl cere for your '!!r.! U ....... 842-87115 Neat n-....au -Stucoo. Tiie peen. 240•2148 Free Mllmatea 1152-0410 II b"'I child Mon-Fri, tren1 lrom I .,,,,. too 1m1 or too '"' •· locel achla. Ages 8•12 •• ••••••••••••••••••• lll"l:t W-..a-..t Remodel J.B. 848-9990 HOUSECLEANING, nd .,.1 ll"lll* blnet1, kitchen remodel DRYWALLlACOUSTIC -·-some help? Call btwn • & llnlahed cerpentry 83l-3089 Repelr1, fl## & old. 11 Mowing, Ing, raking, Call Handyman Jim. 11'1 7-9PM, 842-9887. CM/ Top quallty. Spectal care elect/ plumb/ cabinets/ Ct•lrllllll Ct.nu yrs ••P· Bud 552·9582 1wHplng. FrH e11I-Ilk• having help from CdM area In hendllng. 25 yr1 exp. countertop1. I do every-•••••••••••'•••••••••• Wal A m11n. &CS-5737. your temlly. 538-111157 Competitive Rltet 4!!".~'!!f!.f!!~.f!_.. thing from start lo flnllhl REMODEL/ ADD-ONS H~~~;~~';1~~~~~1 K&D l.andecape Malnt. dyl, 538-3884 eves. BHllllttlaf. No overtime 730-1353 Applied r•applled guar Call Bred 11 'Carpentry. Llc'd. 25 Lie. 3891144 1·532-5549 R .. ld/Comm. Clean-up. Ben'• Maintenance Serv R•••••;b,:.• •j•"ic;-;o.• Insured, llo'd. 41469;· (114) 111-aJIO yra exp lrwtn 548"27111 DRYWALL TAPING Lite heullng. ~8-2489 Plumb-41«;-carpentry ~ 1o ~.:..1 thl: 73()..1900 Iv mag. C I ltnlu IU'H·htlca-le•e4. All Textur .. & Acoulllc Oval. weeding. remembtN' Palnllno Call 964-5231 summer. We'll care for A.-'•11 •~•••••••••••••••• Free ••· Reu. prlc4MI. FrM Ml Kevin 875-9088 the 3 R's, r .... retlabl•. .. l''-pltnll, house, etc. Call ••~••••••••••••••• Shampoo & 1team clean. Oual. work. Lie. 3371811. Rick '497 3070 111• Ml.,( Ken Haven, 760-8078, Drlwweya, Parking Lot Color brightener•. wht 045-4010 lllfttioll · · ••••••ouMP•j08S•..... rel• ev11t STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO. Lie. T 124-438 Insured. 641-8427 WATCH US GROW! Repairs, Seatcoetlng. crpta • 10 min. bleach. ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• Complete Lewn care, & Small Moving Jobi TRAVELING? S&S Aaphlt e31-4199LIC Hell, llv/dln. rms 115, avg RI!!'..,.• .. UTIR~~CommTltll I E1ECT~ICIAN-Prlced clean-ups, tr" Mtvlca, Call MIKE 6-46-1391 SELLING HOUSE? r~!!.'!~1. .•........... room s1.so; couch I lO; .,.,..,., .,....., r ght, ree estimate on 1 pr In It I 1r1. MI It a 1 11 b FllE P&llTlll Dan Hallberg Gradlno chr $5. Guar. ellm. pet ESTIMATES Lie 3102211 llfge Of small lobe. 831-7570 HAULING-GRADING MeH coupe ave • 1• & P1111ng Co. Rea/coml. odor. Crpt reptlr. 15 yrs Mediterranean Lie. 3118&21. 873-0359 ----------• demolition, c lean-up mid-September to ma-by Richard Sinor. Lie Lie 397804 8'42-1720 exp. Oo work myself Construction Inc. LIC'O ELECTRICIAN AYlllH UHtHflll Concrete & lree removal nage your home In New· 280644 13 yra of happy ~I ,,_ Reis. 531-010t 549-1978 Mk tor Joe ,..._,_, .,.___ T I I Outctc MfV, 842-7838 port, Laguna, Huntington local customers. llui• ...,...., wonc · ._,., ,.,.. r" It m, gen. c nup1, or MeH. Exper. Refe· Thenk you, 831-4.C10 ••• ••••••r••••••••••• 1_N_o_S_t_e_a_m_/_N_o_S_h_a_m_poo ___ C_u_a_t_o_m_r_e_m_o_d_e_l _•_·1 Fr .. Mt. 83 l -5072 Tom cement work. Free est PROF. SERVICE rencu. Can atrange for Loving mother wlll babysit Stain s---1a11st. Fut eddltlona, free eat. Ova-ELECTRICl•N Call 649-l604 anytime. Haullnn . yrd clean up viewing II house tor Hie. PAINTER NEEDS lull time, Nr Fairview & ,._ "' ''• WORKJ 30 "rl evp Int/ Bak•, CM. 546-8853 dry. Free ell. 839·1582 Illy 2nd to none. Bandel Sml Job1/Repalra. Uc. Gardening, exper. land· Quick & clean. Free est Don't worry about empty ' ~ · r~h.~1 .............. ~fl!l!'!ll!:m!! .. . 0~:i71~ ::~N'~= ~'n~, Uc B348278 538-2384 r ..... .--. Pf!Oel. ~al. work. Uc. 3371et EXTEAIOR PAINTINO 64~10 CU•tom work Fr .. •I lftH ~ •. + tine Int. & ttal· ••••• ~!••••••••••••••• nlno. St•v• 647-4281 MOBILE SERVICE Biii'• Painting. tntr/Extr. ~·'~ tcrMfll ~/Commt, O Yfl •XPI' NB/CM 842·11552 S. Cal "" High qual. & 1Herl"1 lnlMI m11.n111. Low prto.. Fr ••••••~•••••••••••••• M ii & ret1. 496-5717 Alarm Co. (UC'd) Security II f 1yt1em1 for home & .. '/!.~!J,............. bullneea. Sec 1Uf"V9Y I Farthing lnl•lor Oellgn .. umet• trM. 845-545118 HANGING/STRIPPING l•ti•kllll VIH·MC Scott 545-9325 .......... •• ••••••••••• ASR PAPERHANGING SERVICE & REPAIR 7 yra local exp. Guar. Van Oppen1 Sefvlce Co. work Price. alert 81 (714) 83MMO S81roll Alec 751-7027 fill EJCpert wellcoverlng In-····r1i.eiNSTALLeo···· 1tellatlon. Ren prlcH. All Kinda. Guaranteed Consultant Asalgnment Refs John ~·11217 581-8590 r!r..'..~!~~!~! ..•.... **BRYANT'S** Walleoverlng Removel All Typea 842· 1343 r!~!!!!tC~!~!i. ••••••• ED'S PLASTERING Neat patchesllexlurea ALL TYPES 845-8258 PLASTER PATCHING Reatuccoa int/ext. 30 yr• Neel. Paul 545-2977 Cttuclt For Tiie Wortc Free Eat Oya 840-5188, Eva, wknd• 875-5100 1tH lfmt• ...........•...••..•.. S LOW RATES 5 Tree trimming & removal, all cleanups & mowing 554·7017 ~'!~'.'!~~ •••••••....•• Moll aubjecll, K-14 Dey/eve S5 & S10/hr. Mr. Morgen 645-5170 Const Lie 4 18570. 233108-C-10. ~8-5203 ecaplng, tree trimming, 873-0548 houae whlle tway. Exler. Acouallccelllngs. EXCEL CARPET CARE 5 8 271 545 42 0 Davia Painting 647-St86 11 L · Ju "-lfm Jack Bulflngton 4 -4 RESID/ COMM'L/INO. clean-up1. 6-45-2122 "' ,,,.,.i, -4 ••••• ,, ..• !~ ..• 'A •••••• ~... Owner/operttor 11.J, ll1tf••1 I lel 20 yra. Do my own WOfk.. ALL SERVICES. lncl. •• ~!! ....... ~f •••••••. EXPERIENCED. MA· Custom work. Int & eJCI, A0TLA0S0 P0Lli°~eiNG .. l ~{~!!!.~~~Mr ..... JAYS "SPEAKEASY" Carpet, uphol. area rug Lie. 308888. Remodel, Lie. 278041 Al 6A8-8126 maintenance. 1pr1tlr1. ROBIN'S CLEANING TURE. prof. parson llc'd 20 yrs In area, refs HEATING -Speclallzlng Prot. B4ftendlng Ser.1. cleanlng. Work guar Add'na. Cabinets. haullng, clean-up1, ex-Service· a thoroughly who'll teke Clfe ol your Harb <714) 52 1•8012 alt In Repairs & Replace- "Let the Sunshine In" Call Sunshine Window Cleanlno. Ltd. 5.C8-8853 2cw. Monthly DltcOUnt Any occaalon. Portable Free Ell. 6A5-1771 646-8586/845-46A4 Fu•ll•ll l1ll•l1A pert l1nd1c1plng, etc. cleen houN 540-0857 home pjanta, & anlmela _5_:_3o_P_M______ ment (71.C) 645-1888 bar. 889-1414, 521-8141 1"c, ____ n_&._J ___ ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• S1t11lactlon guar Lo Joan'a Cleanlnn o--A--wtllle you're gone Guard L. BATES PAINTING J Ml' ~J , w.,, lr...,,.•lll·., ., .. , I t1••I 1l•rr C I w_.,a _.,,_ Custom Reflnlehlng-Furn · .... ""'.,.... X 1 1 w1 ... ... ,.-·'··"••••••""•••• •• •.• •• •.• •• !".1~ •• !19 ....... ,ui.!f. & Interiors-All Repalra rll ... free .. ,. 240-2148 Hou-Apl .. Rentall agaln1t thelt. Int oca SPECIALI Ext agl '400; •• • l•f. 11,111 ••••••••••••••• •••••• ClaHllled Adi are the CRPT/UPH. CLEANING Otflc:ea. 540-1287 reta. Avall. l mmed. 2 sty S550 645-11383 •••••••••• ••• ••••••Computer word procea-Klt. Remod .. ceramic Ille, Call f()( eat. 844-52114 p 642-8334 R 0 0 M A DD IT I 0 N s . •Ing. Fast, accurete -~. an1Wtlf lo • aucceasful Deodorlzlng-Scotchgerd bl c 11 tr eople who need people CANYON PAINTING 1• -· ca ne11. I now • ee :T. d old tt r ---------• .. Honeat,Rellable & Rere-ReH. rat-. Notary. Fr• garage or yard aalel 11•1 a Guar. Free eat. 838-5543 8 2-o881 Put your advertising mea-1hould 1lway1 check the 1 • ra e your stu or -H bettw way to tell more•----------estimate. 4 sage wh«e the readers Sel'vlce Directory In the new goodies with 1 WANT ACTION? yra In O.C. Satlalactlon rencea. JC&B Const Lie pl<up & delivery. Len. people! Seti Idle Items 6-42-5t178 Classlled Ads 642-5078 ate. 642-5678 DAILY PILOT Clasatned ad. 642-5678 Cluslled Ads 6A2·5078 gu8f 494-4541 •347677 974-7665. 751·1314 l••/t:::t:•n•t/ f!!!.~.f.'!.!! •••• 1.~'!! f!!!!!'.{' •••••••• !.~!~ ¥!}1..f!!!'!!. •••• !.J.'!! IJ!}l..'f!!tt!. •••• !.l.Oj ¥_~11..'f~tt!_ •••• !.J.!! IJ.~11..'f!!tt!. •••• !.J.Of! ¥_•}1..'f!!t.'!_ •••• !.J.Of! •••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND; lem Spaniel mht LADIES: Let Tom 1how IEOIUTIH OEllTEI XLNT Opportunity for ••· HOSTESS Newport Ski Co. now hl-l•U.nt puppies. blk., fem Spa-you • great tlmel For • 1111' PUT-TIM Wanta dec:O<ator for of· perlenoed Dentel Aaal•· ting• few speclal people o. rt../"1 SOOS nlel wht & bllt puppies, discreet Intro & the beat M II TIWI floe management. Hunt-tent with ROA, Busy, 10 help •how spectacular S•lea exper req'd. Ski ... ~r.~ .... ;'•••••••• male Spaniel mix tan & escort write 11'118. 2005 Be 1 telephone promo-1no1on Beach. 891-6704 pleasant. Laguna Beach Newport Beach execu-wear dept Call Vicki Laundry Mat, Harbor & whl pupplea; fem Au11. W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. tlon cterk for local new-Dell_,,, Office. Full or Pert-time uverMldenceto-allhy 631-3277: Theresa. ;~~~~imG;.o~'ui'i"~~~= ~:::. ~~i:,, 1~1~~~~. ~e: Ca 92683 spaper. Private deak, WI Piii Ullf 494-9788 pro1pect111e buyers 'h _83_1_·_32_80 _____ _ S8000. Fluff & Fold In· grey & wht: male mix 1•11•a1/ casual attire. Only requl-10 ....,..,..._needed 10 d• F.G.S. hU opening In days wk Brighi and NURSE · AIDE, House- IJ.•.'1..'!.•!~t!. •••• !.'.~ ¥.•.11..'!!!tt!. •••• !.~'!! Recept1onl11/ Secretary Sales. Retell Position PT .. Mature Preatlglous N B. Nies exper rec,ulred, flex CPA firm. 780-6206 hrs. apply In puraon only . RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST Maneger, WEISFIELOS Permanent full llme. Air· MISSlon VleJo Mall pan atea. Hrs 8-5 Cell Secretary, 1 girl office.;' 5 4 0 • 8 2 0 2 Mon ·Fr I Must be 1111 starter 4 ,•. 9AM·12PM. reliable. 64-4-8494. • • c~ .... -... •~n .. 754. Newf di d blk & t n •-'•~ rement la a good phone ....,........ H ntlngton Beach office excltlno personality, e•-keeper, clerk cook for ... ....., ~..., oun an ~· 1 -mtlf f,.110 voice and Iota ot enthu-llV111' shopping spree free u cellenl conversallonellat wllD. Numerous ltll en1 •••••••••••••••••••••• alum. gift oertlllcate booltlets. for Automobile S1IH and super grooming Ind elderly JapeneM couple llET&IL OLEJll SECRETARY • Generel B,~:n~~rs:.~~~~ ie;f'sta~ ~~:1i!~!\821 ~~: ':,~'. EllUll IEllTUUI Hours r:,o :-'PPll~r~~~~~~~:: ~~cfsp:~11~:. ':111~:~,~~ appearance are ebaolu· 't"p~.BS.C6h~.a~.118~~~ OeQendablesalesperaon o lllce work w/some Balboa Pen 873-577 c 1 .. Mon-Fri. 5:30-9:30PM 11 k tely easentlal RHI ea· 1 Opm 842 7348 d d 10 s M th b<>Oltkeeplng, mual ha.,. . os a ...... &cor1 IOI' Women Sat 9:30AM· 1:30PM have economy cer or co~pe,nu on P8f age, late lie. la helplul, but not _ • ......;.. ___ ._____ nee e • on ru car tor iome bu11ne11 l•1lan1 11 \ Found: End ot w'.rh Bllt 497-5725(t>et 8am-8pm) sa.c.oo 10 start. motorcy1c~21:1P~:r In ~~'dTn:'ro'm~:·~~~d required Send replys 10 lllHI lllH ~r:n"~1~1t 2:fg'~81r~ use. Full time. 645-4877 lailani SOJI male Lab. t yr. col· Aner tat week, lhare In '*s 1ton0 as J Cpaz, Dentel, and rapid Id· Oally Piiot Ad No 104 1, Exper'd all 1111n1 Excel-bor Blvd. CM secretery, lull time, am "••••••••••••••••••••• ler 6A5-9032 ••'• .. ••I partnerahlp profit• u te • an uen IP vancement polentlal. P 0 Box 1580, Colla lent benefit•. Conv Hoa-engrg lab, typing, lhor· OPA WllTI" m oundl~emal TortolH •• :.r:"" .. ••••••••••••• For Interview, DELIVERY PERSON,_. Some auto experience Mesa. CA 92628 pltal, Newport Beech. llET&IL MU&IU thand . gen ol c. Sal Loc:al prectic., conflden-hell kitten t Btuna Sf6Hll I call aner 8PM ded tor buay trvtne travel and ~•lty llcenN de-HOUSECLEANERS 642·8044 Dress 1hop NB or Irv comm wle•p. lmmed. ce. Reply to PO Box ee. 14 laJtrHli.. lHI 142-llll ~. Mo1or bike Pl'• alrabla. For appt, call Flex. hrs. PT/FT. Own --.-,~-e-,-.. -1-k-lal-1-1-1 Re I a 11 ax Pr n • c , opening. 5'49-1083 1332 Newport Beach IT •12 lerred. Hrly wage +ml· Henk 549-8909 1 E 'd 540 0857 544·2470 Marge __ _;;. _____ _ 92863-0332 L~l·cl.: miDoa~e~"shSeor•.lpol •• nNtBe •.•• PIANc)iNSTRUCTio~i· • • leage. 957-2700 Marie •1111•1• ...... -·· rena. xp . • Ill••• Oraobrs ____ S_A_L_E_S ___ s;g~E,:~R:~.fr~ED~: • • I • • Prlv1cy your home. aat1NRIY/1T-• !'ft .,... -.-Janltot. pit, eves. 11111111 Tele1r ... 'G::/,"' 1191 R-ard. 842..Q062 Claaslcal. popa-juz. ll&f O&lfEITD -•nm; -Experienced llberglH1 Mon-Fri., 7.30 pm to Bright, dynamic phone Cn•. I 11111 Orapery/ Bllnd contrac- 1 S03S Found: Young fem. dog. Work •ho P •. BA . Mull ba t 8• full time, molder1 to bulld Cata-11 30 Ml19lon VleJo personality. ellentlon 10 Untque women's clothlng ~~~:r::'ndM~~~~1~f.~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Golden RelrleVer & Shep 559-575.C ~x=enced • wented Wadnea/Thura, 11"8• m,4•.2r5a_nS5.S2•5 1 Pl bero •hollur' area. S4/hour. 541"3311 detall a musl. PIT: Tues, store seek• energetic Call 673-0760 be1ween 8 1,1, UT1\ll ml•. 548-3397, 642-2919 m · Fri/Sit 2"11• Sun. l0-7, af1er 8 pm. Thurs, Sat. 1400 per mo people with lltlr lor II· & 12 AM .. ..__e "-, 110. J &. w, 1-~ 1010 •Must know cabinetry & 495 E. 17th St C.M. plu1 benefits depending H•lfllW. •pply In ---·~ 9 •M to shlon &tor modeling IX· --------··•--Found. Cockatoo. Back .!!'.' •• '!~!.~ ........ ~ woodWorltlno. Apply So. perten A 1y In •-" .. -·-· " Sec SpeclTaDl~•ng•I~ 1,•L&9 2nd Bay atea, CM/NB Young married man wtll Cout Boet Yard. 2270 Dent•I Chalralde AUii· ~~~=on ~RI t~ 0 N Part/time work. nights. Nl IBAM 215 Rlveralde Ave !!:',~~at~Pleluxll1ANppat1yur'•n' P/~~fYHAS NEED FOR Robt Sett~-NH/CM 83t-1810 do general handy work. Newport Blvd. N .B ~~~cfE•o~-~~~· :-:.~;,: YACHTS, 1931 Deere M -F Wiii train hard-F;shl~a.2eoForestAv .• AN ACCURATE v.v. R.E. BfOktN' 8d Reel,Ol'I FOUND G Id I d Call evH & wkenda, 675-2837 d M ti 1 d I Ave, lrvlne. Calif 92714 working, rell1ble per-PART-TIME, Mature wo-L B h WPM TYPIST GOOO 6-42-2171 ~5--0811 stripe ~ow~ ca:. M~ 972-9525. BOILER MFG CO. CEO r:dl~ldu~I. v:i ~oroc::r;: •--••I lffr sona. 557•7480 man (pref. Wh hH had agune eac ' C 0 MM UN I c 'A TI 0 N Verde eree. 545-9712 Lie. European nurH / Proven rllCOfd u exec In 830·1130. --L I le et children) lor aner IChool SALIS OllSULT&IT SKILLS WITH LIGHT WIDOW HAS S$I tor TO'• 1---------companion, home care. boll« bU•I~ requlred.1---------1111 .. ler/len MH •I• or ~ chlld su~rvlalon. Must Big money-making OP· SECRET ARIAL EXPE- RE Loans, IOK Up. No Found: M Shepherd/ cook . etc . Live out. Wlff head co. wtunllmlted Dental Full ume )Ob, must have ~:1~f:r~11fgea~::~ F~~ have car Start Aug 20 portunlty tor dlrecl con-RIENCE Thia position Credit Check, No Pen-Bugle mlw. bllt/ brn 548_8572 potential. Fantullc op-E.llperle4ic.d R.D.A. nee-good driving record Re· Call Answer Ad 260 sumer aalee ot lnt'I pet-w111 be trom August 23rd alty. Dennison & Aaaoc. S • n t • An a / 2 0 I h . ---------'-portunlty for the right ded for Orthodontic ferences required. Pie•· need• •xi* legal aecre-642-4300 24 hrs. fumes and cosmetic:• thru November 24th. 673-7311 548-0072 Houeekeeper &/or Cook person. Send rnume to: practice In Mlulon Viejo 11 send phone number ~~l~ty.'::~~·h:~~t•~ PART TIME, 11181 lady, Mike net S2501S1 .000 Working houra, Mon-Fri, -w-.-need--2-nd-T_ru_l1_Deed __ ,_Lo-,-1-F-em--red--C-oc-ker-.-111c-• Fir at cla11. French· 8ot1411 CEO Box 147, San areL 830-3703 and partlculera to Box mull Salary open. apeclallty shop. Fashion wkly For more Into call 9am-1pm Please con- on Lido laland home E. c M. Ana 10 "Penny" Englls h Pre I. NB. Juen Capistrano, Ca. Dealt clerk, part-lllY':. 1051 Delly Piiot. P 0 640•8960 Island 71,._759.9951 213-274-0382 l1cl Lynn Stenalleld Property worth 1350. Fam Heartbrltn 6A2-5241 492-t517 92893 SKY LARK MOTEL <c274 Box 1500. Costa MeH ------------------64•-5800, E•I 75411 or ooo. With n ew 2nd, ---------• Newport Blvd CM CA 112628 Light Delivery, cath paid Part time. typing. filing, ULES/lre11 ••• , 7853 loan-to-value ,.110 will be Loll: Doberman with Bil• WialM 1100 lllllEEPEI 6A6•7445 dally, Apply n9 w . 191h. homemake<, 1tudent. vie. C M need• axpr'd ma-&YOI FIUIOIAL 30%. 2131761•7813 Idaho tags. red coller. •••'•••••••••••....... Conaultlno engl.-firm General Help, earn up 10 Suite H .. Coa1a Mesa Fair & Fairview. CM ture saleswoman. perm •riv- V I c FI Ir & Me s I llfertlslq nMr 0r81'ge County Air-DEVELOPMENT S400 wit taking snap ---------556-2791 p I 11 me I m med -,,._ 548-9154 ••••••• ote• port Mektt experienced. ENGINEER snot• In your ate& Arna----------6-45-571 t 820 Newpo(1 Center Dr Alla•utn11at1/ .. aet1 mo1lv1ted lndMduaJ Oealgn & bulld lormu1• I teur photographer• ,_. LIU IFFIGEJll PUT TIME Newport Beaotl. CA 11111a'11/ LOST MACAW type 65 wpm, S/H pr9f. to perform all job cosu type race care for con'-ded, PI F time, no exper . Eves and/or weekends. Selea E 0 E Hll I 1•••' 3-4 moa ego. 644-5289 Pleasant telephone vol-accounting payroll. AIR, petition on WOl'ld Grand or aelllno req'd. Write lo ~:f;h•~1~~e~lte,w~~;1~ Responllble adults, over FHIHI Orl11t14 Security Guard, PIT N.B. •••••••••••••••••••••• L~t male Tabby Cat Vic. f'o1iow11te1!~~~k!!'.llt6r~ AI P, banking lnve11-Prix circuit. Mull be able Unlverul, PO Box 1223. vated Individual Terri-21. with OU1standlno. II· to distribute The New Location, $4/hr Call A.e II SIOO -menta. contracts. ate. 10 design racing c:ompo-Montebello, CA. 90640 tractive personalltles to European Ellortleu 875•2575 be._, 5pm ••• ~~~'!!!!! •••••••• Woodbridoe85 _8. 2 1rvl27ne phle knowledge helpful. Excellent opportunity nen11 from 1cretch & MULTI Clll tory open Hatbor-work with youth (agea EJterc l se Macl'ltne & 6am. Mon·Thura. 85'7-non-amok• pret Salery and wor1tlng condition•. Integrate them lnlo PeclllC. 95s-oo73 10·14) Call 2 -5PM . Comm Wiii train. Terri·--------- THE LIFE EXTENSION LOST. vie. Rlver/49th, NB. commensurate w /expr · Many benefit a. Selery competitive unit. Direct & UUIEI LH II R• 6-42-4321, Ext. 3'46. EOE tortes 1s11gnec:t Contact SECUllln &Ullll SOCIETY TORTOISE. 7" 10 8" wd. Apply 62 I W. lllth St. commen1urate with 9X· auperv!M er-ol mecha CM. Anh, MV, HB, GG For conv Hospltal. Ex-Jennllef 213·592·42351 GRAVEYARD SHIFT. 2 otters cremation• & ..,. r-ard 6-42-3669. Model Builder Megaz1ne. perlence. FREDERICK & labrlcatora. Able to 1ocat1on1. 48 hour weell. <*lent benefits and WOI'· PllE..SOllMl v1oM at sea with elmpll-----------• 8 to 4pm Aalt for Mrs. B R Ow N A S S O C . uH bulc mech shop Salary Plus commlulon, Teacher lor H.B. School l&LH position• open 12•30 am city and dignity "We Found: Bllt Lab puppy, Northrup S491195. tools + welding, fiber-1 o S 2 5 . O O O ( 7 1 4) king condition•. Com-Experience pref o...., 18 Growing corporation IO 8:30 am Prefer me- belleve that death Is Eastalde Costa Mese ------------------glaH & tabrlcetlon BS 859-1983 petltlve Nlary. 642"8044 Call 960-8788 needs 11rong closer lor lure or rellreea NEW- llmply a part of lhe Ille 646-8012 lLltlATllll Bookk degree In Engineering, 5 NB pet shop sales Mual IQve PORT DUNES. 1 13 1 proce11". $10 charter Found cute friendly amo-Woman In Corona del eeoer )'rt tralnlntor exper. HELP Maintenance/ Gardener. PROFESSIONAL anlmals, experience • Back Bey Dr N.B .\?ply memberahlp fee (In key gray cat part Per-~r!~· .:::~~!:.,?c:i!~~ Lite bookltee/lng end Mull have SAC Chief prefer over 40 yrs tor plus. Ask tor Gary or _9_A_M_1_0_3_P_M_...,-___ _ organiz.tton) For M9m-al dk 1 • 831 5056 office work. Pert time Mech.me. lie. or equMI. YIM IDS£lf apt complex. experience TALENT Pamela 640-ooSl 1 SELL KODAK ALM berlhlp Info wrllr. P. 0 . an, a<ie • your home IOI' small r• 63t-n7o FIT $20,800 per yr. Ad uun necu11ry. 548-9550, No expr nee. Fun & pl Box 3 162. N B .. Cal II 1•ru•lll S3SO 1811 anop.S..~~!11~b pd by Emp. Report to Te I letter OetHr 12-7 SALES time. Mr Fuller 964-3457 928&3 ••••••••;•;•.;•••••••• _B_e_b_y-1-11-1.-r-n_e_e_d_e_d-2.-3 t~~~~~~ln· ~1:';'~ rE~~ nO~c In OC Join a company that'• NEEDED! ~l~~o;~,~=P1~1~Y11~'!; Sewing Mtchlne Opere- Atl11tl1 Parlor tlmea per week. Costa lmum 1-. Beeutltul la-12415211007 061.010. going AFTER THE BUSI· la1q ... ll Join • company that's to secure locatlons lor IOf. ex!*lenced. QUallty PUT ZIP M &4&-8782 cllltl• In lrvlne NESSI Serious. ambl· Owner-Maneger tor Dtstr going AFTER THE BUSI· photographic vending minded, piece rllu. I. 'I.II ,All" Open 24 hr•• day esa area. IEHU Wln DRY CLEANING lloue lndlvldua11 can coniulllng Bualneu. NESSI Serious, ambl· machlnH Commlulon Costa M•a. 6-42-9051. 7 days• week BABYSlllER NEEDED lmmedllle lllrt for fully earn 1ub1tant1a1 dollera Start aper• time without t1ou1 lndlvlduela can +expenses Ideal job for RENT a VIDEO GAME Jacuzzi, Seuna. Loceli My home. Eut Costa 111·"40 experienced with many benefits. For lnvatment end d~op earn aubstantlal dolltr1 ,.tlree with some prior lllP'l /110, lllll Pecman, Defender, Ga-ae well 11 tourleta. Meu tor 17 moa old boy. Clerlcel, P/tlme, tor fa-D I an exclllno 11le1 poaltlon a luture with unllmlted with many benefits. For Ula upertence E•P· nee. Costa Meu lega, etc. We deliver & BankAmerlcard, M11ter Mon lhru Fri. Daya · lull h I I I I n 0 llftlr call Les Ketaln Income potential an exciting Nlee poeltlon (7l4"'~"-8082 mfg co 031-0700 pld(up. Call 556-e370 for Charge, American Ex-time. Mll-3200, Pl 3200 1 0 n m P 0 r • r • Exeeitent Hlary end 540-4300 ~9·1457 831·5008 call L .. Kai.In ,.,_ detll press, Dlnert. All *•l· Of &45-8023 lft 5i>n1. dl11rlbutor, xlnt WO<klng strong Company benefit• ~o..4300 54g.1457 (213)628-3550 Sporting Good• Selu la. come 714/645-3433 oond ., typing a plus. await you a magnon Manicurist needed lor a p Clerk. mature perton lor lllT & STiii 2112 Harbor Bl. CM BABYSITTER, mature lo-7 1 4 • 9 7 9 • 4 9 4 4 • • GrMt opportunity with: • progresalve beauty ulon magnon S.IH eml ell ae11on1 Expet nee 1----------1 11lng peraon for Infant, 2t3-783-3770 Of In lrvtne. 157~ Mull be agorHllve end 673-0215 Be the talk of the town, COEDS • Would love to mu home pref. Wltdw1 lnt'I recognlled apery • wortc long houri for top1--------- the llrat In your neigh-party with you CaU sue ' ' ........ Clelnlng firm. t' /suba Mature .-eon to do Ill• ...., Call be1-\ 2 PM 1S1art1ng 11leal n-pro-..,._..__,to h..,,. • .,...... 7:30-5:30. CdM. Rel•. "'Mt eordln•ry repute pon •~c (U ,...... . ,,_, N t ""''"""" .,,.,,~ or Kathy enytlme 760-o&86 ....... LIVE IN to help dre11 • ""'r • IV houMlleeplng & help In pont•~c/"'"'"U and 5 PM. duct for care. o on fly to 'fO'ol' baby lhower 953-9383 lady. make mHlt and tlon caring for 2 tmall chll· IV ~ 730-9111 marll•t. Show & NII Item. Of holpltal room dellve-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil UIYllTTIR llght hOuH work. Must 140 1388 Hlll'bor Blvd II Fair Dr dren. Non-1mkr, refa Have • desire 10 mek• ring chempegne. candy u• I YIOll'I ror two 1 yr old•. Non· hive Cir. Newport -In Coat• M... plNM. 875-2178 Harbol' blvd It Fair Dr lele• Pene1 money? MU91 have car. o r 11 o w• r •. C • 11 PHOTO MO...eLs 1 m 0 It er pr• 1. M . F Beactl. 548--0805 COIT -u;••••-Mature ~~ ... or ......,... In Coat• M.-Mllertll handllng beck-Protected tetrlloriea We (714)652-0701. ~ 71m.4pm Nwpt Bch. ._H -" ........ ...,. ....... ~. P.Tilll IWI ground Call 559-5013, are the manulr. Call Bob •~t a• I, 03H ESCORTS/DANCERS Own Irena. Sta.rt s...-.i. OlllPUlll ll&PllY OUllUI expet"lenced only. varied to OV1lfMe 8 unit apt In uk tor Tim. tor eppt. 548-8173. -• •IU ii OUTCALL 24 HRS ... Sh h I I" 1 f L I I 1hlll1 at Ben Browns H.B. cloM to ocn. 1200 Enjoy working with k1d1, 1---------1---------i•il••11·~·~··~·~·:••:·~··:·~·:·"~·-·.·1l;;;·;·;·;·;•;l;O;l;;a-:..~4~~~5i/m~7i:f: i8n4,•·1111_79~o-r wc!':n. &":,!.c~ ~":~1_1_1_l __ .. __ .. ..,.,..A_,_e_,~· R .. taurtnt, 31100 Coeat allowence on '450 unl1. and wtlh lnorMMCI eer· UUSnllll/llYEI STOCI< =O~tlon king. Nwpt Bah lfH. ENJOY THE CREATIVITY Hwy, South L1gun1. (714) 533~107 ltt 8PM. nlng1, utlllzeJour out-LADIES' SPORTSWEAR open, ... -. ovw FNU\ ADS IAIYln'Tll 873-IOOO. OF YOUR OWN ART Pleiue epply In P9f'tOtl Medical lull time tront of· going peraon lty. IMrn For golf 1hop, privet• 18 yrs, fUtl time 1°' 8'Nll UUl1U SUNNY'S !x.CUllW Meture lady to bl.byllt 2 BUSINESS, WITH THE flee po11tlon. Min ion hOw to beGome 8 tfalned club 30-36 houri week· retell atore. PletH In· St,....Reduc1lon: yr old In my home. Nwp1 Cook, up.,lenced for 8 up p 0 RT 0 F A For Clllllfled Ad Vlejo. •ll&-loeo HIH couneelor. Call 'Y• Ina. some weekends. quire Tu .. ·Frl. 10·5:30 IDE FREE omc.-hm-outcall Bch. Mutt have own gourmet reat-ant. Cell NATIONWIDE COM· ACTION 2·5PM. 642·4321. EJCt. Hourly wage+ comm. Alk for Jim 780-'850 M ... 1 ... 77 trena.tVVtatlon. Ref•....... 8 AM -9 AM 0 r PANY. CendldltH Wiii C•ll. Medlctl A11l1tant, front 34e. EOE 4111-5767 ••• , .... "'" ......, "'!"""'' ._.. 10PM·11PM. 4114-M24 ~11.. Piiot otfloe el(p. bllllng peg----cal', 7am-3pm, 3 dayal week. have • ftalf IO< dee«•-A'O::~tSOR ' ~ ' UAL ISTAtl UUI SALES REPRESENT A· llOlf'TWT Cell 840-4283. CotlMI~ llcenM req. ~end ...... WM! n., 642-5078 ~F~·l1 5r,-~:~ Need 2 ellper people In . TIVE Mlture peraon kif 110<* Ml-1111 bttle lleHMs fir _Ba_b_ya-ltt-er-. my--h-ome-.-• ~=r=) :~~~:'~ top =.ni~~ 80~27'0& oommerolal end lndu· Local new publloatlon brotlertQe firm, N9wPOr1 Bechelor/Bed191otette M·T·W. 7-3. non·1uro1c11 fee• lift TRAIN. lnteNlew9 10 AM 1trlat rt1J .. 1tte for euc--"•FIT dlepley ldV91'· c.n1er. good 1YPlno '*'· Plrtlea. The LUI Hutrlh. 640-5152 '" 5. mechln• nHded. Qen· to 2 PM on th• hour, 811. ·· ' a1·1y P1·1at ................. ~-··.:. CHlflll and grown Ing 1l1lng ..... repr..enl... 81lery open. Mer Jorie 7se.-e&38 '""" Do • firm. Beet worillng con-tlvH In lrvlne. Cott• 844-2442 LOST: Cootce1tel 1>9tween 1~~~!!~!!!!~~Babytltt•.ma1urewoman eroue comm .. trelnlng Auo 14, 1vvv .,,. ut. d ltlona In Newport MeM. & MIMlon vte)O, ------,...-:::--:~ '4111 end BelbOe Bl 1: to care for amell lnlent In provlcMld. 91t·2* t uft• 330, Newport &Motl, 7 l'4/84&-505l Streloht commlHlon. Teectlera Needed.1,. T~d-) Whllttea •tot 07~08 :WANTED female to lhete my home. Lit• hou... ll•llL• 1_a._ct11.iftiiiiiiH'--•arJ AllllTUT 213t808·83e8 19f'a. (AO-.. mo-& Y' ...... -tide & expel\ ... to Flo-kHplno. '85 wHlt. 1 111,.1•1--.a• Expet'lenoed tf1d e.c E -·-rid•. lMVll\9 Auo 23rd. 842·0154. FULL TIMI!, MS Social ··--= -....,./.,... .... Stlel • muet. "'"time.·~ ~=:~~ C~ Ht-4020 _BEA_U_TY __ O __ P __ E.,...RA-T"'"o'"'A,....·-IUll-1 ectenoee or 8PMOh P... PAIT Tm A 4 week 1empor1ry u1lgnment le : tt you.,. good with fl-llmlllT A,.. 933-1650 .. • .. ti _.. ttlolOgr. bP« wttn treu-le e carrier oounHlor : ~let:f evllllebte In e Vftt'I bUty tndlt ; gurea, oroenlaed, neat l.ooltlno tor •·tr• In· r~.._ ........ •c ... Ind ArM. 1"6 yewa. Chol!• .._..... ....__ or P-·· me, 1-• over m•lla."tr.,=~~ut9d tor 1 tooel n-p•"""r. ..ta...a.._ Of• .it.a..~· Dut .............. • end d pende .. le • " -·-·-... '"" ............ ~ .. , ,.... ,..,_ ......., ........... , ... _, --+ ..... ..,.. ..._.. ...... , _, -.....,, • " • w come? Trv Per1-Tlme e•perlenoed. ,ult or "'-...'.:. ~~-• ·-115 81M318 ::o-81• 8•0""8 79 0 ''''e"" ..... ·, • ldulta/ • No •11perlenc;e neoH• lnolud• prep1t•llon of ank depoelt1, : r-..cs YO\# In our front ol• .... -. T·~-lhru Fri· ..: .. ,. .. _ ....... aao ev, ... ,_.._., • • • • · alrtble. SelltY oommen-MfY· Wonc only 12 hour• updating of reoelvebl• 1n1np,. enawerlng : not oro., ~ fOf bUey -........,. ,.... '"•~ ~ ....... Prot. l'len w/emell Ctllld 8'4'1-'490.4 tu rate. Dr. Hendrix e ..-.... 8 .. 110 ...... p~-1 • • t 11 t 0 1 1 dey, 9 AM to 12 Noon • ..;.... _______ _ Lot4 LQ wM ~ oet, nHdl hOUMt!eeper·gln ---------1 .. ~ .... ~ ... EOE ...-• ., .. , ""' ouetomer nqulr .. and hendl no cof*11on · men• o •"I o n r· Apg1v Pl!NNY8AVIA, T•l••ll••:!J: ...... w/IOT191' Uly. Vloo4th & = Ofoanlucl. hou-1um _..,._. eddlt!OMI lhlte of '*1• .· °*' Prlof eccounta'90llvetble end/or cndlt : Vine l!lcP« ,.q'd, 10 key 1f O Pleoenlll Av• • ..,. .._...._ to ...... Av o o e do . Cd M . , lloht oflloe, poe.. Oeollllencl. 1porut1her """'f~='"jObl • eicperleno• required. Thi• temporery ; touot\, Type 50-ec>. •1. Coate MeN. Mk for M,.. ;~ '°' ~ • 81&-MN etl>fllty to leetn OOMPUt• PIDn•lll U&.11 y9Cht In Ba.Ja, Oct.Jan. : Hllgnment could IHd to e permenent • ooo oomp PHk•g•. Wlllte •Pr•• gift oertlfloet• ~ 2 ~ ~ word pr009M0f, So. l.t-LOOkln!J to add to our Del melnt, e11p. rtQ'd. Mfl'~t opportllnl-: poaltlon. Tl\e Delly Piiot It ·~: 714•640-073? bo«*leta. No~ ( , fO'" -~(Fl. ........ room/beth & tmall 1tattt • 1 tharrtpoo ,,_. "•hlng •xp. deelred tlet. or Interview 0•11 • -~·w--__ .. • .......... PfT ........ ,_ ...... -a .. ••"I .--. a~ ....... Whit• "tur."N;"20i" l ;;i;';y, or Hlery only. tone 2 ...... .,,.. ,...... ,....llDeoluWy~. !:'a:fO PM.142·st1•· : ;;;-···"'' to • .-·-· .. N : ~~T~'!!:.'~~!. ii:'.. c . .:.."··-.,..., b':n::'iaiiY: ... kP1Y'."i. 1~n tMta Ant A¥11 • ..__d, fllle11lble hour•. Berry lxoeltenl training P'OO-~ ""'11 to low .,._, •---·-----•• ='l'lan : ~ ... ..._ • ........ ,... (7t4""-41 4040 per.on It 12141 Mpu. Ml-873? a.m.. 414-tNI ram. Rletlerd Ou .. lette ~ Not CoeW ~ even. IOme eJ<pet req. ,. "* o IJC .. Ion. 200 Hew port Ce tam Have IOl'Mthlno you Wtm : 3lO . .• : """"•I Hwport Hert>or SALES Pl.MONS: ' . Center Dr., Nlwport Hew '°"*.....,.. to Mii? to Mitt CltMlflea eci. do ', AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IMllt.OVER : Anlmel Ho1pltel, 125 1 fll\11 &..lllA clr919 thop. ~ Ade.~ cw. 8eaoh . Qwlfled .de"do It...... It ...... 542.af71. "· • 11 •• ,.... .. .. • • • .. • • • • ..... ,.. Mw Or .. O.M. _ N9 M+t410 Maroe ''°" ~ '*""· . 1 • • .. 11 I II \ • -'::!~' §c.cu:Ali<-4t!Jis· : .:..4 llj Wt I 1'9U• ------ •rfu ~c:~ " I~"'~~ f l\·0 I 0 c ~ I ) M ·~ ,) 1-1I'1 ·11, I !~ .. L v o o 1 L j · e_v "7-'. [I' I I I . I -I "' -' t ·~ ~ 8 L E E R I I Vac1t1on lime 11 Ol'Ml 'fov I I' I I I • 1100 dall~ry ot lh• peper, ! (111111, g1ocarlH 1no hitl (varyono think• VOii'" 11uy l H E N L I B 1 •ntlHo or -. t: I I I' I I o ~= ~~t:::.:, "=~ , ......... lop ,,_ ~ No' 3 ... ,_ ) • Sign ban struck down SAN F RA NCISCO (AP) -The 9th U.S . Orcu tt Court oC Appeals has ruled that a Loa Angeles ordinance forbidding the posting of signs o n numerou s types of public property ia unconstitutional. The court said the law violated the rights of free speech and said the city failed to present a convincing case that it was constitutional and that there was no other way to handle the situation. ln reversing U.S. District Court Judge William G ray, who had upheld t he ordinance, the appeal court said he should grant a summary judgment to Taxpayers for Vincent and Candidates' Outdoor Graphics Service and set damages and attorney's fees. PUBUC NOTICE f1CTTTIOU8 BU81MH NAMI: STAT£MENT The lotlOwlng pertona are doing buslnaaa u . HOW"IRD'S EQUIPMENT CO, t7•35 Newhope, Fountain Velley, CA 92708 . Or Dan A. Howerd, 1169 Prlneau Ct , Costa Mesa, CA 112828 M lchaal L Rose. 8871 Mannettan, Huntington e.ach. CA 926'7 Thi• bualness Is conducted t>y a o-a1 partnarshlp Mk:haet L Rose Dr Dan A Howard Thi• atetement was llled 'Mll'l thO County Clerk ol Orange County on Aug t1, 1982 f1M172 Put>t11hed Orange Co11t Dally Piiot. Aug 14. 2 t. 28. Sept 4, 11182 • 3580·82 PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The fotlowlng per11<>ns are doing t>uelnoss as ACTION CONSUL TING TEAM. 420 Prospec;t St .. Newport e.acn, Ca 92863 Anthony C Agep1nan 420 Prospect St Newport e.acr. Ce 92863 Prlscltt& Portillo Agap1nan 420 Prosoec;t St . Newport Beach Ca 92863 This busln.ss is conducted by a llmlled portetn&hlp. Anthony C Ag11pln11n Thia statement W1IJI !tied with thO County Clerk or Orange County on Aug 11. 1982 PU8UC NOTICE NOTICe Of tTOCll SALE NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN that on August 111. 1982 at :r.oo p.m. a Publle Auction or alt l11ued and ootstan01ng anarH ot capital stock or J D. LITTLE ENTERPRISES, • Calllornle Corporation wlll be held at 463 I Teller Avenue, Suite 120A, Newport Beach, Calllornla. Pubtlahed Orenge Coast Dally Piiot. Aug. 14, 15, f8, 17, 18, 19&2 36'4-82 3642·82 Kethr """' 34101 U Saf-. Apt. 8 r Ml.IC NOTIC£ 3581·82 P\ELIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS MJ .... 88 NAMe STATEMENT The loll owing pef90f'll ., e doing bualneuu. PARROT PROMOTIONS, 20381 Adklnaon Lana, Trabuco, c.lllO<nia 92878 F1M157 Publlahed Orange CoaSI Dally Piiot Aug 14 21 28 Sep1 4 1982 3818·82 Rlcharo Lynn Brown. 20381 Adkinson Lane. TrabucO. C.llt0<nla 92878 -------------! Dennis Kaye EvaM Jr , 409 W PUBLIC NOTICE S.y Street. Costa Mesa. Ca11r0<nte DM18 Point. CA t2t29 Put>hshed Orange Coatt Dally Piiot. Aug 7. 8 14, 1982 3562·82 --F'."'"l~C~Tl-TIO---U-8_9_U_8_1NE_S_S __ -I 92827 NAME STATEMeNT Thtl bu1lneH ta eonduat9d by a The tollowlng pureon 11 doing general partn~thlp. buslneas u : o.nnta Evans PUBllC NOTICE • • . -.C llJ1ICI .....C M>TICl MUC llOTa ~ ----"'°""*" MW81 '90Yi1IOU9 Ml• ill ~ PI01mOUI .... • Hi'ri'ffiGilT"' I Mr\MleTA......,,-NAlllefA~ U.eYA~-,'.,..IT4 fM toilo•1nt pat1on •• dolnt TM followlnt PW110n1 .,. ~ Tiie ~ f*SON .. ._.. f"9 ~ ~ .. ~ Mlt'*'l=H 11Mm8TA "'*'-.. buaint9 -~.. ~ .. CUITOM IHINI, UU OHAAIOT AUTO 1.IAllNG, OOAN IOl'TWAIU, 18 J a I LAUNDAOWAT, 10S TM ~ S.IOill .,. dOinO buelMle ... .-C)4ARD8QN IHTll'HA TtOHAL-10 Wlnd1ono court, Newpo11 IMar:ll, CA HW Ooolldoe Ho 41, Cloel• Mau, Ca 17'JIO NtWrhOP9 "'"· ,011ntaln WM ..... Ot . Col'ona dal Mat, CA Pain\, lllboa. CA t2ttl. •7•U ' v~. CA 117ot mu. .JAY I.LI WAOOOHIA. t t402 D!llllal Joe.on Wottlndtfl, 3011 ~IOHAI L OAl'llC, tO?H Mien ... Hatold Comellton. H IAtll'IOnlf•LMw,Hun1lfWl!Oll~. oooOcloe, No d , Cotti M ... , c.. LaPonda, Po11n1a1n Valley, OA Wlihtwaw Ct., Ciifone dtl M.,, CA CA 12t't C .. AAl.tl R. MACl'ARt..ANO, 10 Wlndaono: Ooutl, N••port a.acft. CA 12N3 t1U1 927ot. 12t21 IAMAAA IUI WAOOONIR. Tt\lt ~ 11 eoncllle1td by an 0 I 0 I( V A U Q H N , 1111 t Aollert Letoy COr~. Jr .. 21-'0a L~tr• Lina. H\lntington CINO'f " MACFAALA .. 0, 10 Wlndtong Court. Nawoon IMdl CA ta. lndlvtouel Hewho~. Pountaln Vallar, CA H ~ Ot .• Corona• M.,, ~~.~ Oat11a1 J~ Wofnndan 12708 CA 121H. • ·---la oondUc:«td tly lft Thia etatamant wtt lllad wtUi tt1e Thia ~NIM la condUC:ted b'f 1 Maro•••'· U ,01111 Lorne. ~ CollnlY Cltrtl of DfanQ9 Collnty on 111'11180 C*1ner91\lp. Newport leech, CA t2"0 Jfl1 lM WIQOOMr Tl!lt ~ le eonduc1-' by et1 ~ Aug I 1 1N2 MICNll C«Olft ' loott CmlQll, 11 MOlllOO, TNI It.II-' Wat filtd .+111 Illa ' nt111'1 Thia 1talamlnt -llled with I~ ~ 8-oll, OA t2HO Courlty c..t1c o4 OfMOt County on Chartle R MeeFartand Tllll flalemant wee hied lllftlh Ille COunty Cltfk Of o..ano-COunty on Juty H. t1182. Publl11'1ad Orano• COHI Oslly Count~ Cltrtt of °'llllOI County n This ~tAne. II COl\dUCltd br • iJuly 22 ttS2 ~ot. ~UO· 14, 21, 21, t.pl. ~8\~i~ J<Jtt 2 • 19ta. ,,.... OIMftl ~~~lul Publl1had Otenge Co!~~y PUbllthad 011110• COHI Dall) • Tiii• 11119111811, ..... tlleel with 1111 Piiot, July 24, 31, Aug. 7. 14, 1982 Pt.a.JC NOTICE Piiot, July 24, 31, Auo, 7, 14 1ot2 County Cl&l'll of Otange County on 834 t -12 SS1M2 AUO, '· 1N2 111~ .. 11111.IC MftYIM' P1MZAI Publlthld Oreno• COHf Dally PllOl.Jul'f31,Aug "1, 1o4, 21.1982 33t0-82 PICTfTIOU8 IUIMll -•• ~-"'"~ NA* 8TATIMINT ---.. -IDl-"'-..,,.-'""--r--·1 Publllllad Orange Coa1t Dally ------------ TM totlowtftg WtOn• et'9 Ootr"1 • '"""""''"' ""'~ Pttot. Aug 1, 14. 21. 21, 1912 bullnaM .. 347142 'ICTtTIOUI 9UllM88 NA•ITAru..NT l'\8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllNCH N.uttl .-rA TIMaNT RAIN80W D!COAATORS, PICTmOUI _,....U NA* 8TAT!MaHT Th9 IOllOwtng Plf90nl are doing tkl•lllMI u . ---MlJC---N0-TIC£----·I ALL CHURCH SOFTWARE 3004 Hetdl1'1Q Wey, Ootla Mtaa. CA fhe fOl!Owlng pereone eta doing 92828 bullMN N : -----------.....,.--I DISTRIBUTORS, 24322 Parkalda Thi IOllOwlnO p.,tton II dotng buelnau 11 Catharina Murphy, 3004 HIS PLACE. 1116 South Coe11 Herding Way, Coate Mall, CA Hi..ttwe~, ~uni 8aaGl't, CA 112161. ,ICT1TIOU8 9'18 .. 81 Oflve EHi. Laguna Niguel, CA NAm 8TATE•NT 92117. CLASSIC TUBS, 1001 Wall 11th St .. Unit I(, COiia Mall. CA 112127 112828 "' Thom11 E OrlmH Jr., 209 SH "LE WEISS, 3302 Calla The fOlloWll'IO l)ltlOnt tt• doing AICHARO A LES NETT, 24322 FloM l..aM, Coat• M .... CA 112827 Laveta. San Clement•. CA 92S72. ELAINE DAL TON. 383 Cella This bullnala 1• con<IUC1ed by 1 CueymH. San Clemente, CA b1Js1ntM u : Perlllid• Drive Eut, Laguna Niguel, THE HOUSEHOLD STAFF, CA 112877 NEIL DOUGLAS EVERETT. 209~5 Saacoest, Huntington llMch, C-'\ 1128'8 2813 Na•port 8tvd . Sulla 124, MARJORIE M . LESNETT, ganatal Pl'lnertl'llp Cat"-lna Murphy 112872 Tiii• etatamanl w11 111-d with the Thi• butlnMa 11 c:onduc:led by a ~ a.acti, CA 928e3. 24322 Pllltllda Drtva Eut, t.aouna CARAI. MUSSELMAN. I 11 NIQual, CA 112877 T hll bullnMI 11 con<Ncted by tlf1 lndlVldUll N O t:_.91\ Coun•r Cla<ll or ()fAIVWI Coun"' on gen&rll partnarllllP -..,.... '' ShltWr Walu Aug. l, 1982. Th.II 1tl1emenl w .. 111-0 with the Qfc:hld, Corone del Mer, CA 112825. 'this bualnau 11 conducted by JOYCE INOALL.S. 401 E. lndMdual1, hulband and Wile. Mtrlpoaa. Attadena, CA 91001. Richard A leanett Thia flllernent was 11*1 wtlh the County Clark of Ofange County on July 28, 1982 F1•11S Published Orenge Co11t Dally Coun1y Cieri< ol Oranoe County on P .. July 28. 11182. DAYNA PETTIT, 1741 Plue o.t Thl1 llatament W81 rtt.o wllh lhe Sur. 8111>99, CA 1128411. County Clark ol Orenga County on 1"1M2AI Published Orange Coa11 Dally Pltol. July 31 , Aug. 1, 14, 21, 11182 3377·82 !lot, Aug. 14, 21, 2v, Sep!. 4, 1982 f1'4a0 __________ s_s_82_._82 Publl•h•d Orange Co111 Dally Thia bvllnaet 11 oonduotad by a July 28, 1982 P\8.IC NOTICE Piiot, July 31, Aug. 7, 1o4, 2 ~.~:~:2 general par1Mfllllp. F1MMI C.1'11 MulMlman Pubtlthad Orange CoHI Delly Thll 1\alamtnt wu ni.o wtlh the Piiot, July 31, Aug. "1. 1•. 21, 1982 MLIC NOTICE NOTICe Of' •ULK TRAN8RA caa-1101-4101 u.c .c.> TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice 11 hereby given to tha Credltore ol JO LEE GRIFFIN and LES GRIFFIN, Tran1lar0<1, whose bu1lna11 addreu 11 c/o 2383 Collage Drive, Colla Maa1, County or Orange, Stele ol Cellfornle 92825, thal a bulk trtnaler 11 lboul to be med a lo PATRICIA KA v SMITH, Trana!-. whOM bullnaaa address Is 343 Via Lido Soud, Nawport Belch, County ol Orange. State or Cellf0<nte 92663 The prc>perty 10 be lranalerred Is located at 7 I' East Balboa Bouleverd, Balbo1. County ol Orange, State ol Calllornla "?6et. ~••o property 11 dast bed In general u All atock In 1 ada, llxlures. equipment and good will or that alf1 bualnftl known aa NEAT THINGS 6 FLOWERS TOO and IOC1i18d •• 7" Elll Belboe Boulevard, Betboa, County or Orenge. State of California 112861. Tha bulk transfer w tll be consummated on 0< ef1er the Arst dey of Septamt>er, 1982, and c:tetma may be flled at WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Eacrow Department. Re Escrow No. 6•3·4009, Sutte 1230, 660 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, County or Orange. Slit& or Cllilornle, 92880. or by mall to Bo• 7280, Nawpoo Beech. Cahfornla 92683 All et11im1 muat be re<:allled at this address by Ille 3111 day of Augu11, 1982, unless the bulk 11an1lar also Include• Iha tranafar ol llquor llcanH. In Which cue, ell clelms must be received prior to the date on which lha ltquor llcanae Is trenalarred by tne Dapartmenl or Alcoholk: Beverage Control So lar u known to the tran1leree, all business names and llddr-used by Trans1.,or1 for the three years last put. II dlttarenl from the abOva are Serna Dated. "lugutl 2, 11182 PelrlCle Key Smllh Put>hshed Orange CoHt Dally Piiot. August 14. 11182 3848-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI aU8tNH8 NAME STATEMENT Tna tollowlng person la Oolng business as· KHA. 282• Carob. Newport Beach. C-'1 92660 Julian Feldmen, 282• Carob, N-port Ba&Ch. CA 92660 thll business 11 conducted by an Individual Julian Feldman County Cler1I or Orange County Ott 3397 ·82 July 22, 1982. FICTITIOUS eualN••• F1.... NAME STATEMl:NT FICTITIOUS eus...u. Published Ota.no• Coatt Dal~) FICTmOUI 8USIH£at The rollOWtng persona .,. dOlng Pla!C NOTICE POOLJC NOTICE HAM« 8TAT£MeNT Piiot. July 24, 31. Aug 1, 14, 1982 NAME STATEMENT bualnass as The lotlOWlng persona ara dotng 329l4 2 The lotlowlng person 11 doing NEWPORT-MAIN, 111152 bvllneN ••· bullneaa u Marble Arch, Sant• AnA, CA 92705. MILES·RANOOLF, 26178 ----Ml.--IC-NO--Tl-CE----I AAA SANDBLASTIMG, 325'h Rot>ert W Dawson, 111152 Stockport, Laguna Hlllt, CA 92853. --------------! Sapphira. Balboa Island, CA 92862 M11r1>le Arch, Santa Ana, CA 92705 RANDOLPH LEE HARMER, &TATIMINT Of A•ANOONMINT RAYMOND NYlE GRUET· Charles E. Dugan, 8668 King 25178 Stockport, Laguna Hiiia, CA Of' U81! Of "cmtoua z MA c HER' 3 2 5 ..... s. pp h Ir •• SI . Chino, CA 917 10 92853. 8U81 ... a8 NAMe Balboa ISiand, CA 92662 This business IS C0<1duCled l>y I SHIRLEY LAWSON Mt LES. The followlng persona have Tltlt bullneaa II conducted by II\ O-•I partnership 25178 Stockj)O(l, Laguna Hiii•. CA lblnc:loned the UM ol lhe FlctlllOUI lndMdual Aobe<t w Dawson 92853 Bulln4191 Name Raymond Nyle Tr.is ataternent wu lltea with Iha This buslnel• ts conducted by a NEWPORT M"llN, 258 E 20th Gruatzmac:har County Clerk or Orange County on g-•' Partnership. St • Coate Mesa, CA 92827 This Slllamant WU filed wtlh Iha Aug .. !982 Randy L Harmer The Fictitious Bu11na11 N1ma County Clark or Oranoe County on "1MS70 Published Orange Costa Dally F1M318 Pilot. Aug 7. 14, 21. 28. 11182 Thia atatemant wu llled wllh Iha referred to above w11 llled In July 211. 11182 County Clerk ol Orange County on Orange Coonty on Mey 8. 1981. July 28, t982 Robert w Dawson, 11962 Marble f1M2A7 Arch, Santa An•, C-'1 92705. Published Orange Coast Dally 3480·82 Pltol, Jvly 31, Aug 7, 14, 21. 1982 PUBLIC NOTICE Publlahed Orange Coast Dally Robert R. Ziemer, 258 E. 20th St . Pltol, July 31, Aug 7. 14, 21, 1982 Colla Mesa, CA 92827 PU8UC NOTICE 12-217'54 3388-82 Thie bustnaaa WU conducted by a ------------N 0 Tl c E 0 F DEF Au LT .AND ------------1~al Partnarlhlp ' FICTIT'IOUI •U81HE81 EUCTION PUBLIC NOTICE Rol>er\ w Dawson NAMe ITATEMENT T 0 • ELL p u .. au ANT T 0 This statement WU llled 'Mlh the The lottowlng persons ate dOlng DECl.AllATION OF County Clari( of Or1nga County on bu$lnea$ 11· COVENANTS, CONDITIONS a FICTITIOUS 8U8tHIES8 NAMe STATEMENT Aug. 4, 1982 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED. 9882 ft&STI .. CTIONll The following pereon 11 doing bu11ne11 •• TORESCO. 1760 Monrovl8 Ave , Unll A4, Costa Meea, CA F111'31 Publlahed Orange Coall Dally Piiot, "lug. 7. t4. 21. 28. 1982 3481-82 92827 1-----------~ Adrtaan C PN)'SH's. 323 Eut PU8UC NOTICE 18th Streat. Coste Mesa. CA 92827 1---,.....,..,,...,,,......,~,.,.,,.=,.,,..,,,......-Th11 bualneu 11 conducted by an FICTTTlOUS 8U81NES8 lnd1vlduet MAME ITAT£MeHT Adnean C Pruy&MtS The following pen<>nl are dotng Th11 1111ament was flleO with the bu"'-u : Coonty Clark ol Orange Coonty on WESTERN U S ENVIRON- Auguat ot. t982 MENTAL PRODUCTS, 1120 E. f1Mt71 Garry Ave .. Suite 228, Sant• Ana, Publl1hed Orange Co111 Delly CA 92705 Piiot. Aug 7, 14. 21. 28, 1982 T W. ASSOCIATES, INC., 1 3490-82 C 111 I o rn la co r pore llon, 7 2• ------------Industrial Rd , San Carlos, CA PUBllC NOTICE 94~~ ~ Is oonducled by a FICTITIOUS 9U81HEU CO<l)Ofallon. NAME STATEMENT Rob Ramsay lh• tollowlng person 11 doing T W Alaoc. Inc buSiness 11 Ray W Hardy, PrH. ADVANCED MOVING AND Thlt llltemanl wu lllad wtlh the STORAGE CO. 421 Felr Drive, NO. County Clark of Orange County on 201, Colla Mesa. CA 92826 Jury 22, 1982. PETER ERNEST STONE JR., f1NIM 421 Fllr D1lve. No. 201. Cotta Publlahed Orange CoHt Delly Mesi. CA 112628 Pllol, July 2•. 31, Aug 7, 14, 1982 Thll bulllnea. Is c:ondue1ed by 111 3339-82 Harbor Point Circle, Huntington Part I Beach, CA 112846. "IMPORTANT NOTICE" CHARL.ES R. WASHBURN, IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN 9882 Herbor Point Circle, FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU Huntington Beach. CA 92646. ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS, RICHARD L HURWITZ, 28 IT MAY BE SOLD WITHOUT ANY &cepada Court, N8Wl>Of1 Beach, COURT ACTION, and yoo may have CA 92583 the legal right to bring your account Thi• t>ulllnau Is conducted t>y a 1n good standing by peylng all of buslnau trull your pall due payments ptua Chltles R. Waehburn, permitted costs and expanses Co-Ownerstilp Within three (31 months from the Thia atatament w11 llted wllh the date this Notice ol Default was County Clark or Orange County on reco1d&d a,s sllown In the upper July 22. 1982 right hand come< above F1t3111 Thia amoont oa $1,885.00 •• ol Published Orange Coast Dally June tO, 1982, and wilt Increase Pltot. July 24. 31. Aug 7, 14, 11182 dally until your account t>ecomea 3340-62 curtanl You may not have to pey ----Iha entire unpaid portion or your P\8.IC NOTICE account. -11\ough 1u11 payment •TATE ... "'NT ""' ABANDOHMENT 11 demanded, but you must pey the -... vr-amount Slated above OF USE Of FICTmous Unteu tile Obllglllon 1>•1ng 9UllNESS NAME r01eci0Mld upon permltl e longet The lo11ow1ng parson has period, you have the legal rlgl!I to abandoned the use of the Flctlllous atop the foreclosure only by peytng BullnH• Name· the entire amount demanded Dy TORESCO, 1760 Unit A·• yoor creditor within threa(3) months Monrovia. Coall Mesa, CA 92827 ettar the date ol this doeumenr1 Mlehael L Swaim, 320 7th St . recordatlon which date ol Hoollngton Baac:h, CA 92648 rec0<ding appears hereon Peter Ernest Stone Jr This buelneas was conducted by To fin<! out the amount you must Th11 ata1emen1 wu toled wtth \ha PUBLIC NOllCE 111'1 Individual pay. or to arrange tor peyment to lndivtdual County Cl«k ol Orange County on NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Michael L Sw8'm •lop the loreelosura. or fl your July 28, 1982 CALLING FOft 81DS This etatement was filed with the property IS in t0<eclosure 10< any f1M254 Scr.001 District· OCEAN VIEW Counly Clerk 01 Orange County on other reason. contact. PubllShed Orange Coest Dally SCHOOL DISTRICT Aug '· 1982 Lee H Durst. Anorney at Law, Piiot. July 31, Aug 7. 14, 21, 1982 81d Dee<ltine· 2::>0 0·clock p.m ot F151500 695 Town Center Drive. Suite 800, 3424-8 the 23rd day of August. 1982 Put>llshed Orange Coeat Dally Cotta Mesa, Cahfornta 92828 Tel· FICTITIOUS BUSINEH NAME STATEMENT The lotlow1ng person 11 001ng buM~~ STEvE·s APPLl-'\NCE. 1848 Thia statement was med with the Placenll• No 1. Costa MMa. Ca Coun1y Cletk ol Orange County on This stalernent was lllad With the County Ctetk or Orange County on f1t5111 Aug ~ 1982 92827 Aug\ltt It 1982 Steve H1ro10 Delong, 1848 Ptacenua No 1. Costa Ma11 Ca Published Orange Coall Dally F1.-n Place of Bid Receipt Business Piiot, Aug 7• "· 21• 28• l982 171') 641-1397 PtJBllC NOTICE Office. Ocean View SchOot Dlalrk;I, 3489•82 ti yoo have any questions, you ------------i16940 "B" Street Huntington no-IC NOTICE ar.ould contact a tawyar or tile FICTITIOUS 8USIN£S• Beach, CA 926'7 .-~ government egency wtloc:l'I may have PROB 25 W MacArthur • tO Cosll M CA 92626 Lawrence T Lydlci<, Jr . 320• 1 Virginia Way So Laguna C A 92677 92627 PllOt Aug 14, 21, 28 aoa Sept '· Publlshed Orange Coast Dally 1982 Pilot, AUg 1 I• 2 t 28 1982 NAME STATEMENT Project ldentlllca11on Name: K niz59 insured your toan Th& I llowl ...... R I r R I C I -v REMEMBER. YOU MAY LOSE busln~ 81 ng persons 1te ""'ng G=~t=k~~~725~~~~ NOTICE OF DEATH OF LEGAL RIGHTS tF VDU 00 NOT Thia statement wu toled with the County Clerk or Orange County on Aug 4, t982 This business 11 conducted by an 1nd1vlduel 3582-82 s ieve " Delong nom11c NOTICE Thia stat-I wa1 llled with Ille ____ .-_~------- County Clertt ol Or1nga Coonty on 1'1CTTTIOUS 9U81M8S Aug t t . 1982 NAMe 8TATE•NT F116171 Tha lollowtng per90n1 are doing Published Orange Cout Dally bu"-u · Pilot. "lug 1•. }1 28. Sep1 ... 1982 DA T E M l N D E Rs 0 r 359W2 DATEMINDERS. INC •• 3090 Pullmln Streat, Cotta Meaa. Calllornla ::='.=-::::-:::=:::-~:=-:=::-=~:=-~~~~~~~~~~~l 9H28 DEATH NOTICES CO<~~=noera. tne .• 1 Calllornle F1Mllt Published Orange Coast Dally P11ot Aug 7 1' 21. 28, 1982 3•79·82 HEARD HAROLD HEARD , resident of Westminster, Ca for the pa.'ll 4 years after movmg h ere from lhe South Bay Area. passed away on August 11 , 1982 He was a Chemical Operator for the past 20 years for the Allied Chemical Company H e Is s·Jrvlved by his daughters r - rlHCI AOll4BS SMJTHS' WOITUilY 627 M ain St Huntington Beach 536--6539 PAClftC VllW MIMOllA.L PMI CetTetery Mortuary Chapel-Oematory 3500 Pac1foc View Drive Newport Beach 644·2700 McCOIMICll MOITUAlllS Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495-tns HAalo. LAWM-MT. °'-1¥1 Mortuary• Cem1uery Crematory 1625 G1sle< Ave Costa Mesa 540-5SS4 NICI llOTHBS _,_MOAWWAY MOrlV.UY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa &42·9150 l.t.l.TI ...-ote IMTff 6 TU'1"foM.l WISTCLW CHAl'IL 417 E f7tll St Ca.ta MHll Marlene Ring o f Fountain Valley. Ca., and Darlene Wood of TorranCE. Ca .. sister Louise Lindsey of Redondo Beach. Ca Servtcn will be held on Tuesday. Auguat 17, 1982 at ll:OOAM a< the Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel. Services under t he direction of Harbor Lawn- M oun t Olive Mortuary of Cost.a Mesa M0-5554. DOBLE HIRAM ALLEN DOBLE. resident o f Hunttngton Beach. Ca. Pueed away on August 12, 1982. He Is survived b y his wife Doreen. son Robert Powell of Westminster, Ca. and Patricia Young of Villa Park. Ca. Niche services will be held on M onday, Augult 16, 1982 at 2:00PM at Harbor Lawn M emorial Park. ~rvi.ces under the direction ot H arbor Lawn-Mount Olive M ortuary of Costa Metlll. 540-6554. WILLIAMS PEARL A . WILLIAMS, resident o ( Phelan, Ca. PUied away on Auguat 12, 1982. She 11 survtved by her ION Lewll E. and Robert J. R oas, daughter Janf1 A . Jones and brother Leiter Lewi.a, 9 grandchildren and 13 pat-gradchllem. Chapel 1ervtcH will be held on Monday, Au1uu 16, 11t S:OOPM a t Westmlnuer Memorial P•rk Mortuary Chapel. Private lntermtnl. Westminatu Memoritl Parit Mortuary d1rec:ion. CAR.SON Thie buSl~a 11 conducted by I e0<porallon. DATEMINDERS. INC. JameeR KNM, PrMIO&nl Thia .... _, WH tiled with the County Clark or OrWIO& County on Aug tO. 11182 ,.,~ Published Orange CoHt Dally PllOI Aug 1•. 21, 28, Sept '· 1982 3821·82 PUBUC NOTICE FICTmou• 8U8MU NAMa 8TAT!MaNT Tna lollowlng pereon 11 doing bull~ 89 MACHO HAIR SALON, 1590 S Coul Hlgf\'Wll'f, Laguna 9Ndt, CA gH51 Richard Talamentaa, 143 t2 DenO&f St, La Puente, CA 917•8 This bullnau Is eonduc:\ed by en lndlllldual. Richard Tatamantft This llatemant WU "*' With the County Clartl ol Orange County on Aug 11, 11182. '1•114 Publl•l'ted Orange Coatt Dally Piiot, Aug 1•. 21, 2S, Sept. 4, 1"2 3593-82 "8.JC NOTICE flCTmCM.11 IU ... H NA•ITA,.._NT The followlng pel"IOnS we doll iG ~M: Tl1E RIPPTIOES, 318 Catalllle Orm, Newport 8aeoh, Calttorn11 t2963 Aencly p Aeclmon. 315 Cal*llna Drive, Nawpor1 a..ch, Celllornla t2&e3 Miiia 8rown. 1571 lndU& Street, Santa Ana HtlOl'tta. c.lttornla 02707 Tom Doyle. 2212 VII Lido SOI.Id, N~t 8MCll, Cllllomla t2t80 Dav• MOOfa, 4111 Lenwood, COit• M-. ~ t2121 Ed wnit.. a 10 lltn Street, Apt 0303, Newport e.ac:ri, c eurornla t2983 lllle bull-la oonduG1ld by et\ unlnGo<poratad uaoolatton oilier than I pat1ner.rtlp. IWdy P. Aedf'llon Thie llat«Mnl •• ftltd Mill Int County c*" o1 Ol'WI09 COunlY on Auolll& 10. 1'82. A.U.Mlllt ~-L.Mt tlt'IDMelt....,..m ....,......,o•s•-""b'""" Otano-Coul Dally ,._,., Aug 14, 21, H Md 1ept -4, ·~ 381M2 3552-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTTTIOU8 •USINEH NAME STATEMENT Tha lollowlng parson ls doing business as ROYAL CREATIONS, 88 Feit Drive, Costa M818. CA 112707. MICHAEL DALE TYNER. 20-452 Santa "Ina Avenue. •C. Sant• Ana, CA 92707 Thts business 11 conducted by an tn<11vidual. Mlch111H Dtla Tyner Thlt statement was filed with the County Cletk of Ora.no• County on July 21, 1982 F1t3'7SS Published Orange CoHt Dally Piiot, July 24, 3 t. Aug 7 14, 1982 3331-82 Pt&.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •U81NH8 NAMI 8TATEMINT The following person 11 doing butln&U IS PARK PLACE SALON. 111171 M1gnolla, Sulla 19, Huntington S..Ch, CA 926'S JOAN MARV MARCELLA. 2033 Balearic Drive, Colla MHI. CA 112826 Thia bullneu 19 conducted by an lridlvldual. Join Mary MerOllla TNs statement WH fll9d With the County Clatk of Otenoe Coonty on July 28. 11182. P1M251 PubUlhad Orange COH1 Dally Pilot. July 31, Aug 7, 1', 21, 1982 3379--82 PtaJC NOTICE SlN8AD'$. 368 South Main View Lane, Huntington Baactl, CA WILLIAM DALE DOR· TAKE PROMPT ACTION StrMI, Orange, Ctlllornla 92868 1128•7. RELL, aka w. D . DOR-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the\ OoonchOO Vongruksukdl, 2234 Place Plans are on me Business RELL AND OF PETITION THE TOWN SOUARE OWNERS Eett Walnut Avenue, Orange, Ollleo . 181140 "B " S treet, TO ADMINISTER ESTATE ASSOCIATION.INC hasatlanupon Callr0<nla 112867 Huntington Beach, C-'1 926'7. Iha real property known 81 600 Sengdao Vongruksukdl, 223• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thet NO. A -114537. Wal t Third Street, C-104, Santa Eut Welnut Avenue, Orange, Iha at>o.,,.named Sciv>ot D11trlct of To all heirs, beneficiaries, An•. Cahlornoe, which IS 1ega11y Catll0<n1a 92667. Orang• County. Calllornla. acting cr ed itors and contingent Oeterll>ed as· \c Thia bullnett Is conducted by an by and through Ill Governing UM 42 ot tot t ol Tract 10680 tndlllldual Board. herainalter ralffred 10 81 creditors o r WILLIAM u per map raco<ded In Book ot87, 8oonch0o vongruk-dl ·'DISTRICT", w1M r-iw up to, but DALE DORRELL, aka W . Paga 33 6 34, 1nclul!Ye. ot wl\ic:h not later than the 11>ova-11eted D . DORRELL and persons Delores CheVton 11 the owner or uma, -*' 1>ld1 10< the award of a h b th raeo1d and said uan has ar'-1 by Thia llatemant wu fli.d wlUI Iha QOntract 10< the •boVe protect w 0 m ay e 0 erwtse virtue of a Dect arellon o f County Clerk ol Orange County on Bid• ahatl be received In the ptaca interested in the will and/or Covenant•. Condl1ion1 end Aug. 6, 1982. ldenttlled at>ove. and shalt be estate: Reatrlcttons lh&raln11ter "CC&R't ") F1M1'tll opened end pubtlcly reao aloud at A petillon has been riled recorded on May II, 1980 In Boo!< Publlalled Orange Cout Ually the •~•llted lime and place. by J OHNNIE MAE DOR· 13603, Pages 671. lnclullva Ollic1el Piiot, Aug 7, t4 21 . 28, 11182 Eac:h t>kl rnust conlomt and be RELL ln the Superior Court aR9ac9orn~xedor sai10 dthec~bn!!;...Cpral~. 3550-82 reapon1lve to the contract ·--,....... .,,,... ., ------------1document1. of Orange County requesting NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN \h81 P\8.IC NOTICE E.edl bidder shin submit. on Itta that JOHNNIE MAE DOR-• t>rNeh ol the obhgallon for wtllcfl ---------------1 lorm 1urnl1h9d with the contract RELL be appointed as per -1&ld Lien was grven as security hat FICTTTIOU• •U81Ne88 doeurnenll, a 1111 of 1n. propoMd . d OCCUffed in that the payments or NAME 8TAT£Mt!NT eubc0ntr1C10<s on this projeet aa 90nal representative lo a -auaument11 and ehergea dul~ Tha lollowtng person 11 doing raqulrad by the Sublattlng end minister the estate of WIL-levlad by H Jd Allloct1llon iagalnst bu.in ... u Subcontr1etlng Fair Pr1ClloN Act. LIAM DA!.E DORRELL, Iha aobJect property -• not paid OOF WEST '83, 2750 S. Harbor Oovt. Coda see. 4100 et aaq. Coeta M esa CA. (under the Wilen due, and 11111 remain due, Blvd., Unit D. Santi Monie•. CA Eecn l>ldder mutt submit wllh his ' owing and unpaid u loltow1. 11270<l. bid eartlllad or eHhlar'• cheek Independent Administration Auaasments which er• more DALE p MASTELL, 27802 payebla to the DISTRICT O<. l>ld of F.ei.tes A ct). The petition than thirty d•y• Pall dua. plus Tr..nao. ~.El Toro, CA 112930. bond tn thl rorm Ml toflh In ttta is set for h earing in Dept. aubsquant 1-.ment1, together Thia bullnaaa It conducted by et1 eontr.a doc:umentt tn an arnount N o 3 at 700 Civic Center with Interest thereon from said data, lndlvldu1l not ll u than 10 percent of th• Dn. W San Ana CA II the rate of 10 paroant par annum, DP. Mastlll maximum 1moun1 ol bid u a ve est, la ' In addition to attorney• '-· OOltl Thie atetament wu flied wtth Iha guaret1taa that the blddtr w1t1 enter 92701 on September 8, 1982 and late ehargae u Mt lor'\h In aeid County Ci.rte ol Orange County on Into tha propoled contract If the al 9:30 a.m . CC6R'1 loge1het with any and all July 22. 11182 aama 11 1warded to him. IN THE IF YOU OBJECT to the turn• advanced b)' the AeaoclatJon ,,._ EVENT OF FAILURE TO ENTER ( h ·u O< ii• &genii. under Iha ''""' and Publl•h•d Oranv• Coal! oaoy INTO SAID CONTRACT, SUCH granting 0 t e peti on. you provlllon• ol sald CC&R'•· Ptlot, July 24. 31, Aug. 7, 14, 1982 SECURITY WILL BE FORFEIT should either appear at the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN lha1 3336-12 DISTRICT raaarvea the right to hearing and at.ate your ob-Mid ANOClallon, through 11• duly ------------• reject any or all bid• 0< to waive any =ON or me written ob-appointed agent, h8I axac:uted an<t Ml.JC NOTIC£ lrregularttlaa or 1n1or-1111aa In 8"1 ons with the coUrt ~ ~autt~~ ~~~ .. ':'':.Ion . .,:l -----------• blcll or In th& bidding th h .... _ y ..... .. ... ..,...,_,.. flCTTTIOU8 9U8Ml8 Pursuant to th• provli lon• ol e e .. mg. our ap-hH 1utrandared all oocumantt NAMI aTATl.a.HT Sac110n 1773 of the Labor Code of pearance may be in penon evidencing obllgt\lont 1&curad The following l**)nl are doing th• State or Callfornla, 1h• or by your attorney. tn.aby, ltld 1111 dac:lar.d end doea t>ualnaaa N . DISTRICT hu obtained from Iha IF YOU ARE A CREDI hetaby declare all aum1 ~ PLAZA "ESU.ME SERVICE, Olractor or the Depertmanl of • • thereby lmrnadlataly due and 1'1CTIT10U8 •u•••• 2021 8ualnMt c.n1., Drive, #212, 1ndu1trlel Ral1t1on1 the general TOR or• contingent cttchtor p1yeble, and hN alaclad an<I dOet NAMS ITATaMINT lrvlna, Cl\ 112715. prev•ltlng reta or ~ diam Wll9" o( the deceased, you must elect to cauH the property ·The following person la doing P LAZ A SECRET A" I AL and the Q91W•I l)ftvaNlng ,.,, !or flit' your clalm with the dHorlbad above to be 1ole to bu•lnMS u : SE~VICf, a Calllomla c:orporetlon, holiday alld oW!ltM work In tl\a court or preaen\ lt to the 11ll1ty the obllgatlona due H id s I G N A N D D E s I 0 N 202"1 EkillMM C4ntar Or., #212, locality ln whletl 11111 wortc la 10 bt J -u..... Aeeoc:lttlon. ENTERPRISES, 1101 SaHnat "Ive •• lf'/lna, CA 12716 partolmed fOf .actl cretl or type ol penona ttpreeen.. ""' ap- T 0 DE T E R M I N E I F Cos1• Meu. CA P2t28 Thie ~ .. oondl.lcted by. workaf' needed 10 axacllta '"• l)Oin\Od by the COW't wtthin REINSTATEMENT IS POSSIBL.E ROBERT WISNIEWSKI, 1101 eorpotatlon. oontrtc:t.1"-rllaa-ontllaat lourmonlhlfromthedate o t ANO THE AMOUNT. IF ANY. SallnH Ave , Coe11 Mau, CA Plaza Sacretarl e l th• DISTRICT olttca tocetao at flr'lt lMuance o f letters 81 ~F~~~:.~l~.CURE THE 92828. ~ tlll40 "8"8traa~tlngton ---ed ln Section 700 of , _ H. ""'-t, Attot....., ... • -. Thie bust~ la oonducfed by an EV• c MOOta, p,._ a..ort. CA 92147. may bt ., .... _.!... .... ....... .~, .. ....... lndMdual. Tl'tl• a1a1~1 waa flied with tile obtained on raquett. A oopy or ~ Probate Code of Callfor--. Town c.n1., DrM. Suite 800, Aobart Wltnlawlkl County Clark Of Oreng& Courlty on tl'taM rel .. 111e11 be l>Oltad at the nla. 't'he \lme for flllni Oott• Maaa. Calttornla t 2t28 Tat: Thia statement wu Iii.cl with ltte JUiy 22, 1982. IOO llte. caiml wllJ not ~ prior (714) 8-41·1397. County Clel'k of Orenga Oountr on ,,._ It ahall be l'llenclatory upon Iha f •'--., th da OATEO: Ju~ 10, 11112 July 22, 1082 Pubtl•had Orange CoHt Delly CONTAACTOA to wllom th• tb our mon ..... tom e ~ THE TOWN SOUARI! P1a.1 PllOI, July 2o4. G1, Aug. 7, 14, 1N2 conttec1 .. ~.Md UCIOll f/lt)' of the hearina notked above. OWNERS ASSOCIATION, Publlahad Orano-CoHI Oal!) 333Ma tubCOl\lractOf'und41tl'tltft,tC>P8Jnot YOU MAl' EXAMINE INC. PllOt, J\ko/ 2o4, 31, Aug 7, 14, 1982 ._ tllefl ttie Mid IC*lfttd ,._ 10 \he file ktpt by th4l ~ If By: L.EE H DURST, 333s.ea "8.JC ..,,._ .. WOttt.,. ~ by "*" 111"" ln •• _,;..~ ln 111 •tt~'~ ' ""'~ IQCllllOfl Of the COl'\1'901 you ate ~ ... 8TATI OF CAt.JFOl\NfAl l.,. rta.IC NOTIC£ J111Cnnoue .,..... ~ bidder may wttMr• hll bid tat.e., you may file • Nqu.t r · MAim •TA~ tor 1 l*IOd of'"'""' 1111 ~~ wh.b the court to ~Ive ~°'o.~Jf~,,.. in. '::.no:'/.~" ~~~ P8ttonl .,.. doing .,.., ,,,. ctei. ... '°' thl ~ o1 pdaJ nodclt of the inven· un:,..._J, 8 Hot.iy ""*in' ind Ttl• 1011ow1110 ~tton la dol,.g (A) KIM'AL. STAIN QLA&I; (I) '*:·peyment bond and a 10l'1 of~~ ... ta andandof for the 81at e of Oa1tfott1lll. bvllnaal eer KIM'Ai 0£COM' 2f22 J-andll. pertormanoe bond wttl bt """"*' \ht pett...,.,.. eccounta pt11ona11y appaar•d Ll!li H. ITRICTL y MAZO A, 1"808' Ofanot. CA •Hee. P'iOt' to aaartlofl ol Illa oon"1IGt reporta dacrlbed ln 8«tlon DURST.•-lo,,.. to be tnUuly Aeoonoo OlniN, Unit f, Huntlng1on KIMIEALY DIANI OAAHA, end IMll tit In 1M form eat f«ltl In 1100.6 of the Call(ornle lllthorlud and dulgnal•O 8-ctt, CA 112141 S10 Tanowlnt lane, &ant• AN. CA lM contraot doeurNnll -....... Code r~11tiv. of lht Alaoclatlon RONALD IQNN6TH HOLllN. '270"4 Pw1U9111 to 8act1on 4110 Cfl IN ~=.: wn .......... whlC:ll eceoutad the wllhl n 21141 8hepllard LMM, Huntington ALLIN Ll!OOWtKI. HU ~·· CMt Of tfla ..... ol ........... ~. lnltrurnent. known to,.,. lo be IN leectl, CA t2M8 ~and .. Orange. CA ..... ~ "'-oontteot .. _,.. A&tNMJ ., Law ~ton wtio •a.~ted 1M wtllllft T'hlll buelntM • COftMltd tlY Jn TTlll bllelneea It~ tlY a ~· ~tno lfla UIDlllM ... , ~ Blft., Seltc lnatru"'tnt 011 btll.•lf of H id tndtllldllll ,._11 i>ert'*""O bido.r to 1Ub111t11fot ....,,,_ tiw let aaocMtlOft) anCI ~ IO l\oftlld I( Holben Klmtlertly 0 0ertMr ~"1 mon1y1 wUMtld by IU ~ a.d, CJ\ ti... "'It lhal MICI AlllOCMllClfl __,.. This lt.tl41!Mnt ... ""° """" '"' T'hlll eta*'*" .. llted 1itlf1 .,. Dl9'TNOT to ..,...,. ... ~ ( • ··~ l ,.,,,.w IT N"'.... M .. "A ... 0 A .. D County CWk af Ortngt County on COUfltt Cl«tt °' °'.,. Couftly Cl!\ undlf .. oun1ftct ~ s; 0 T "'" Jv~ at, IW. P1 n. Itta. ~~ . PubHabed Or .. Cout OfflOIA~:::.'M ~" L .. ~8-937f -• --!~ HELEN HUTCHINGS CARSON, e1e 63, pUMd away on Au1u.l 12, 1882. Survtved by her bu.band Clarence Carson and chUdrm Anabella DeWitt tnd wruwn ear.on. Private IUMral aervic9 will be held, In lleu of the hlmlly fUU..U dOMtJoa.e to )'OW' favOrite charily. ,11blltt1ad Orange Co:.~-:=, f'ublllf*t Or•"fl9 co~ ~=-a,= COUt Oel~ ~ PUo\. AU,. ll. 14• JO, f'llbll•lled Ot•noo Co.,t Oally Hot. Jviof 31' Aug 7, 14, 11. 1"2 "'°'~ Jvty N . 31, q , 1, fl, fNI ll'loc, ~ 7, 14, ttlt a..... l 3e0l-82 fllot. JlJit U , S1. A14 T, 1~ '~ I . • ' S3IM2 Nf»;tl • • . -- r I I I l 1 I I I I ......... ' ca .,....,,..~·~ :. ~J.~ .....••• .., ..... -.--.---11":'Cf'! =-'cJi1.v 1..;..;.;...;....--. _ _....;,_._1 PrN toO:::-~';?: M I.:. N74tN ,. .. ,. • ..... -------.;.....-.._. .... • I.all. OOllCft/ 1ov .... 1. A¥0• .;,. · 1 ~ yre 1t1011, very oedo, out ...._-owved ~ ·-·~ ftlendl'jl 001\tl Ot beok'800.4ft ...... 1 .... 14-15 -· ....... .....,. GAIAGI IALI ADI NOW _,__ 1'M1N NIM NIW IOI'~...,..,.. ,.,.., .,, .. ..... ... cu1111•1 '' cm1 tonM,"""' ..... wt11 uo -...... HI ULOW ~·e.J /:!If! saoo. '~21 Jiii •..-t .. ., ......... Open 10-6 Nlwpeft Oln• In*.. ..__.... ........ CM 'lflt "'"'· Hrt. l !IO to n30 ._.._, mm1, 111•1111 1;JO, GOOd typl"I ... .,._ J.i-.1 &.11..-.... ..,_ ISHHO ..... _,. ...., a.a.y Oii ~~ •••••••• fn"tr.mn, .......... n~i;r;................ •••••••••••••••••m"ff ~ .....=· MOVIHO IALl llDIWAl.k IALI -All Muett·'wn!IY ,_ht......, hnl,.• WMtem atiow hdcl4e FIU PITS 21-114' lft '\Im, ~l'IQI. TV, w.. n.w ..,_, below wtlo-Unl\f, Patti, S1 Wttltewo-•••••;r.;•••••••• •••• wl'*"-, Jdnt OOl'ld. Men..,,._ -Movtno to yeofit , mutt -~ M~.1r1o.~':° IHlll ~r~oHd Plftll, od Wey. Qotl\lng, oyoif MNl'llno brown vtnyt tof1 NOO/OllO. t?S.15641 ~re:..·~·~ ~~di "-~--.... toll t09 delk, round zt~'.'&.C llllnd. Y ~~~~t•' + .: .. n:•~::i'J ~!!.'1"~..!oortokb•._t!Yr'' ~l_!',!"~•d,1, .. ~u ..... n,~ .....,, ""'~I tor .,...1 • WrOAlllJl>l won Ol8ll YMr~V9 e ctm• = ~-=· ::!:,~r:r,•;: -------.... "-'•-b Goode. Miio. llO Joenn ~~71mo•u1:.:-:.: au. ;~101. ..... r-·~ ••••••••••.••• per tllet'1 not oetuno Meece oner. tst-2096. Antique le!Mub •••••••; • ...-zr:::::..... It., OM. PtVa.t M . frMlel, INltll bOOklflelf, 1 ¥toe fot I ,, 8ollUll-~~~~~:..:!!~:S..::!!!::....::!~::.....:::~::;....;:;;;.-=.. =.:: ~."°"'with .Cl _....;...,--ltl;_led--Adl--"2--... -7-ll .~1 Cht10• ••ll~n. well !<\JAN. MllO. l :SO AM to "OllHP" lov. ... , •• l ~~:!:.:.Tq=nra re" pattern, 1410. MM.,,,,_ ... , ::::::::::======l==========i========= unltCh1'nknltGlle1 ~d 8e1'11212u14n !:...~. a.tcM· only. 7112 BMo muc:tl mllo. . oNllr IOok• l1tce IMthtt. 113e-1411 eft. 8cHft. ~.~ ... :;;::-::;;:r ........... m-.. '9Cml0Ue ..... llAl98TA~ The loloWlnO perwone -~no ~-ANA EA$TlALIN EITHETIC8, 15 Rippling Slre1m, lrvlne, Cellfotftle t21U An• Eatterlln Ae1ettoh Elthellca. 1S Alpplln9 8tream. IMnt. Cellfotftle 92715 T1111~11~ byl COl'POl •dOn. Ana EaaMrtln "-"di httlellot Thie ltltemant WM fllleO with Ille County Clerk of Orange County on Aug.'· tM2 ICMY & ...,.,. c-1111rwAtuw ,,__ ... ....Altlwf ........ . ..... -~---.c ... ,,.._ Publl1hed Orange Cont Dally Ptlot, Aug. 14, 21, 28, Sept, .C, 1982 •. 3820-82 NllC NOTIC( N011CS OI' APflUCATION f'OA CMANOll IN OWNIMIW OI' ALCOHOUC 9ftlMOI UCDU .... To Whom It MIY Concern: PIZZA PAL.ACE, INC. 19 applylng to the Department ol Alcollollc &average Control for "41" ON ~ eeEA I WINE lPU8 EAT PL) 10 ... elcollollc ~IOI' 11 1812.2 8eedl Blvd., Huntington 8eec:hl CA 112647. Publl111ed Orange Co11t Dally Piiot, Aug. 1.C, 1M2 3892-82 Ml.JC NOTICE ......... ~ NOTICa TO CMIMTOAa OI' 9ULJC TllM•H ( .... 1101 .. M7 U.C.C.) . ~ -.. Mflftct te tM c• •c-.-..c:Gde ............ Notice I• hereby given 10 crodllore bl the wllhln nemed p1rt111 that t bulk trenaler la Intended to be made on peraonal ptopetty htrllnllter delcribed. Thi ,,_ end but"-lddreae of the lna.nded lrMIMrort -= GALE Wt11TA:!:t. 1949 Vllta Ceuctal, Newport • Cellfcmla. JEAN WHITAKER, 19411 Vl1t1 Ceudtl. Fourillln VIJ/Wt, Oellfomle The~ and~ tdclr.- of Ille Intended .,.,..,._ arr. ARTHUR V. ZIEGLER. 1711 La Z.Pllllle Clrcle. Fountain Valley. Celtfomla Tt1ERESA M. ZEIGLER, 9711 La Zlpetllla Clrdt, Fouriteln Valttlf, Celllomla The pr()plrty pertinent llerelo II ~bed In genertl u: Mttortall, .upplee. merdlendlM. IQUtlomenl, flxturea, lurntture. 8u1lne11, Goodwlll, Rxtur• & ~· on the Coln Operated Laundry loCated at: 2750 Harbor Bl¥d., No. 4-A, CoeUI ........ Celfomla. That th• herein detcrlbod .,.,..,.. are to be conaumma1od. ~ to the at>oYe procltiona, tt YOUR ESCROW SERVICE CO . INC .. 18511 M19noll1 •t Hell. WettmlMlll'. Cellfomll 92t83. on Of.,.., Auguet 31. 1982. There ttMlll tie no eltlm9 ~Id Into -ow attar Auguet 30, 1982. 80 fer 11 11 known to ••Id Intended Tranafereo (a) Hid Intended Trtn1fororl1) uaod followlng name and 1<1dre11H within lhr• YM/'I put. (II "no<IO," IOltlll) 0.tod: August 8, 1982 Atthur v. z.lglot Thll'MeM.~ Intended Trenefer- YOUR HCROW llAVICI CO., INC. ." .......... .... ........... ea1e .... ~ (714) ..... Publllhed Or1n91 Cou l Dilly Piiot. Augl'8t "· 1942 3&45-82 NI.JC NOTICE MOnca OP Uft.ICAnoN '°" CMANGll • O...,.ltlr OI' M.COMOUC MVDA•ucm.. ..... To Wllom It Mey Concern: PIZZA PAL.ACE. INC. le applylng to the Dep1rtmen1 of Aleohollo Bever191 Control lor "41" ON SALe KEA a WINE (PUI EAT Pt.I 10 ... llcotlollc beYorlgle et 1007 i Ademe Avtnue, Huntington lleldl. CA 92847. Publlalled Orange C:0.11 Detty PllOt, Aug. 14, 1812 3630-G Ml.IC NOTICE l'ICTfTIOUe ....... NAm81'AftMmff Tho followlng peraon 11 doing buol,,.. .. : P.8. ATTORNEY SERVICE and PROTl!K SYSTI:MS, 3037 Warren LMe, Cotta ~ calllornle 92e2t Patrick Donnie Sendera, 3037 Warran Lano, Co111 Me1a, Cellfomle 92828 Thia bUllneel la condUcted by an lndMdual. Pttrlell D. Sanders Thia •tat-t ... llled with Ille County Clett of Orange County on Aug. tt. 1982 ,, .. ,. Publllhed Or1n90 Co11t Dolly Piiot. Aug. 14, 21.28.Sept.4, 1882 • 3M4-82 NlJC NOTICE NOTICa INVITINO _,. ..,fTDINO.• NOTICE 18 HEREBY glwn thal 8"leCI propoeall-DI,_ O'f Ille City of Cotta Mlle. to wit: The City Coundl. P.O. Box 1200, Colla MHI, Calllornla 92528, on or before the hoUf' Of 11:00 Lm. on Frldiy, Augumt 27, 1882. It 9hel be tlle reaponolblllly of the bidder 10 Clollver hie bid to Ille City Clett'• Ollie• by lhe proper announced time. &Ide wMI be publle:ly opened end r..O llloud at t 1:00 Lm., Of u aoon thetNtt« .. ptactlcable on Friday, Augull 27, 11112, In the COUfldl Chembora, City Hall, n Fu Drive, Colle Me11. Celllornlt 9282f. lof Iha lumlllllficl Of LAWN MOWERS. Addlllonal 1011 of the "*'11cttlonl may be oOtalnod 81 Ille Ofllot of tlle Purctlallng Agent 11 11 Fair Drive . Co1t1 MHt, Cellfomla. 8ldl lhOllld be returned to 1111 attention cf the City c..11, Wfttlln llfO time limit. '" • loelld .--Iopa, Identified on the oullkle Miii the BIO Item Number and tlle Opening 0.... &di bid IMI apedfy Md! and every Item 11 11t torth In th• 1pe clllc1tlon1. Any end a ll ox~t1on1 to the 1pedflcatton1 mutt be ai.rty tt.led In Ille bid, and ftllura to eet lonh "'Y Item In the apeclllcetlonl """ tie groundl lor retecaon of Ille bid. &di bid lhal -fOtttl Ille fvtl n1m11 and re1ldence1 of all pereone end pertlee .,,.,..., In .. pr opo1el. If the b Id 11 by • corporetlon. state tlle nernee cf Ille offloerl wno cen a1gn 1n 11111-1•11 on bef\el1 of the corporttlon and whether more than -Offtotr ..-t llgn. tt tlle bid le by a pattnerlhlp or a joint venture . .tat• tlle nlll'n9 and addr-of 111 generll pwtnera Ind Joint venturera. " tlle bidder le • lole proprtetorW!lp or another entity that doll bull-under. ftc:tlt~ name. Ille bid lhell be In the reel name ot t h• blddtt with a deelgnatlon fOllowlng lhOWlnCI "08A (Ille flct1t1ou1 name)"; provided , h0w9vof. no llctltloue neme lhall be UHd unle11 there It a current reglttr a11on wtlh the Orange County ~cler. In CMe of corporltlonl lnc:tllde Ille ~ of Ille Prtaklent, Seoretwy, T,...,,..,, Ind Manager. The City Counell of tlle City of COiia Meoa rlltll'WI Ille 11gt\I to reject "IY Of all bldt. DATED: Auglllt 10. 1982 Publl•lled Or111i141 Cou t 0.11,,. Piiot. Aug. 14, 1981 3e3M2 " . ""-.I . O•r• S•I•. furniture. ms. 144·1701. SHAO AREA AUG An•""w. maheoany Cl&ll.-tocnWI A.to Team 8lonlo to.a Tooll, ~. df1ll ,,_., new f1brlo1, cloth... 12'119, w/frtnged Inda. rw1""w1th Of1D.1'Cl rldlo raclnO .... 207 om. new, STEPS TO SAND I br. men • women·· doCtMa. hOUHhOld, kltollen. H~iv:· = ~ 125/0bo. 1136-tas2 9¥9 " reoord ple)itir415.001 1115. 146-13CM 1¥1 w/d, OOMI\ vleW, ~. ColCume ~. dllNe, mllo. Aue· 1' 8em-2prn. "3-6125 r ._. "JVC" table AM/FM • ~ Olll 114.f7a..ts4J. atMMI lhoel, l'900tda Foxhll, IMne. ,,.,._,_ -II .-_, redlO with I tl'8dl -~-...... --41i & l .. I b'edc Crwdenz.I, Antique White .;.-.";";''••••••••••••••• • d -. 475.00: er::'::':'t'.r.;;:';••••••• C.... ., ,,., • • )W• llllT ..,.. ULI S75 Men'• 1I K Mo w/3c:t9 of • reoor r.2~ .: FISHING Rod IGFA 20lb •••••••••••••••••••••• ~e. olothe1 raok1, SAT M &~ow. Drexel. . diamond•. APr 11600 .• 1>91~0Qm ]'Wble type Per~ 1110. AntlqWI, fl.lrnlture, 1111-M•J1 ~~~'Md~ Furniture. TV'a. 'lldeo 1 23 ' TIUl2800PPf31-t27e =:n..1~&2~ 651-o2t1 ned gl .... oollectlblte, • -F• · · I004IM clot.,_ bOok• BeeuttM dining room Mt, 3 t (I 1 di · ,...... mat--,. funk. Fri/Sat 8-4. 100 OAAAOI! SALE: UH too11.' recordt, ml10 good eondltlon, 1300. 1~:~•eo1;0::t A:; ~oort>l:'~~·~n:!J A'9 f"" F~•: ,:'!• Avooedo, CdM. Wl1terla Clrcle, Coate houHllold ltemt. •to. 844-1033 l92o0. Take 13700 PP a'::8:or only 1100.00: ~&Olo.ueif-721• • MOVINQ: L .. t minute MIH. 5411-1118 Se ti Calfl only. 17921 Butler u.nl'I.. '31•t271 horH bl1nk1t·l20.00;l----'''------- 1aorlflcMI Plantl, hM-8un/Mon. St, Irv. (Unlver9lty Piii.). BEAUT"UL, outtom 91 r I •• , Id Ing h. t PING PONO. TABLE WltM, plc9, toy1. lit. 1i ... 1w ,..,,_ MOVING Quee n 1ofa made bedroom Ht. llltnllalnl 1#1 (amall)-125.00; MW eat Foldlno. delu7..,_~·73w~ <:M-oney M . 1129 Mw~ •••••••••••~•••••• tlffper, w•1her/dryer, Deek, Dr111er, corner •••••••••••••••••••••• floor m111 (4)·120.00; _,..;..,....:..:..''..;. 1•..;.25.:....·_,_.,.., __ ., __ rftl (leyvtew "Pt•I 17992 Elm St, 11-3. Fum.. ateamer trunk 10' ext. group, 2 bedt, qullted L=c~~g!.:~ new 14 Inch "f "t alloy rr. WS. GARAGE 8ALE·A•frlg, ::!::9cr· ~=M~~ llddef. 559~7 00¥1rt I plllow•. Like off wtllaale. Sit AU, 14. ~lml!JBOOM~· ~~ ~;; ,;.,.. ,,,, dinette tbllehra blkff · -·-i.-. •• a.a.a. ,,.., ... to appreciate. S-5PM. 23281 Del LAgo, ._ .. .,.,. : ...... ·--•• ~t••••••••••••••• OU BBQ l much more'. ... ,,_._ .. j ttJ'.~.~•••••••• New 12250/Hll for Laouna HUit. For appl. tlnentll llMI belted~~ BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Priced to 1111. 520'A •••••~A;;: ••••••••••• 2 Famlly s ale, 1nt1quM, 11695. 545-9223. call 844-7008 dl• 1 1 1 t 00 lr• 00 • .1 ~~~0 3201 Color TV ..... 2 yr wrnty. A'IC>Cado, CdM. S1t1Sun FIEE IEEI wllhtt ,.._,mite tum., 0 1 14· . , •148. Fr11 dellllefV. e-a. elothlng 'lappllineH. A~~!n~. ~:i:'. ~~ Owner M•mb•~ In h00dm11k-l20.00; mlr· TV Jotln'• e...-11ee C.lt ,,,,, SAT/SUN 22341 Hunu'.t 438 C1nyon Aore1 Dr. ton, xlnt condition. 1425. ~'!"~': 1~~•1 .' ~: ~:;ln•t·S2~.~b~ ~~~ Sony 1548R wtth remote •••••••••••••••••••••• ton Beeotl St, nr. P.C .. Sit. 8-2. 497-3713 Br111 gooae neck Jamp B1nnlnglldy llwlld, 842-0t38 and euttom atand. Xlnt Appll1noH, furniture, • ......., .... __ ... 150. d7-2821 13000/ or tr•d• for ? . condition 1-495. S1n1UI TWO FAMILY OAAAOE elotllM. ..-.-;I';;;.~!!.••••••• E-... lltone COrner Group 983-8291 -·-211 --75W Dolby qu1rt-look SAl,EI Lota of good .. ... MULTI-FAMILY -· 8 to 20' long, 384 per ft. reoelver. Akll oxc 130D quallty lt1m11 Antique CARPORT SALE 2 bed/oouehH . Olk MUST SELL 775-1491 anytime. llereo e ....... player. bedroom fumlture, clo-YAll ULI Sat only 7:30-2:00. ~:~·~ :':i:~:.. ~ True 50 gal. tlll aqua-u-•HLINI Ploneat quert Ioele tum-tllM, bOokt, toy11, ll'tm-Fri/ Sat/Sun 8:30...a:30 Fum, appllMCM, hthld l--p· 1111350 536-9981 rlum, 175. 838-0125 . H -table. Sound r1M1reh mower, oa• BBQ, eto. 5851 Mlddlecoff. HB ... _. 1700 Wlltolttf Dr. -.. • · Send aomeone you love No. 1243 ....... .,.. St• S I t t S.t • Good ~ ........... __. ,_,,. Pageent or the Muter• 30 ....-1 • _. 1' 1 " .. ug. --,. ---(Alley behind We1tellff lJ'I rm. Din rm, Bdrm furn, Ticket• for Hie . '25. 1 beeutltul bouQU9t of reo lland lnelUOed. Xlnt 14111. 3242 Or9'>0" St.. , ... ULlt Pleu) Aefng. TV, Stereo. Pein-58&-5CM&mo-9514. Miium blltoona. Ptrfect oond •900. 497-2$21 C.M. 54 1M>6 79 81t-Sun, 3 famlly 510 Sliver, Gold. Furniture, ~:·~2J1~~12~1' Elee Frigidaire wtaher & !~ ~heck~f :=:.~ ....... .,_ M 4 femi"' ............. Fum 10th St. HB (Ill dey) Acce11orlH , Cllln1, dryer '350. 873-4418. Model V-1/8500A. St, '' _..,,... • ,.___.., Antique. Mull 2 black leether eh1lra "'7"' ,. .. ,... ooo .... , ..... elothlng, &oyl. etc. In If· Office I llHhld ltem1. ;;{i";n 's.t18un ~5 118 •100 IQr both. v .,...__ .....W __ ._..., _ _...,., ____ _ ley behind 970 Vllencle 18972 Flegttltf, HB. Sat Via ~o Udo Ille. &40.()895 Wedding dre11, tz 5·7, RACOUET and SPORTS P1ek1rd Bell 1tereo. M Sit end Sun. M . (Oarftlld & N9wland) ' · oood eond, off wlllte w/ club, Fountain Valley. need• repair but apkra SA GIGANTIC YARO SALE All Bleck le1t,_. couch & iact 1 $80 8e2 2029 xi t 140 53&-9981 MISC. GARAGE LE Frl/811. On Mii & Box kind• of g,. ltuft, Seti uphol1.tered IO¥HHt cape. . • $1250. 546-3208 n • . SA~o:.L~~ ~~~~~ Sun.28128roedSt .. Npt S tOO. Good eond. ..... CARPET, t0llt2 9htg. All Fltller atereo Am/Fm ¥en wood t hadH, old Beh. If loet call 842~8 640-0895. MAGIC ISLAND. Gold or pwt 1100. r•e•lver with reeotd GARAGE SALE. coucn.. pwr mow. 334 Crell or SAT 9-5 430 Plr•t• Ad., Phil~ wletcer ctlelrt, Member9Np '850/offer 444-not p I 1 y. r J.,,. d ' 2 = '::,,..:'= e.11 ~1280 N.B. (nr lrvlne/Clay). woiih $180 ... MC. MO. 597•2058 LAROE LAWN VACUUM 231/lnx10ln 3 way IPM'- hold ltem1. Sat/Sun Old footed bathtub, IOltd Frig•. tablet. •~fe/ 846-9177 New outllde llanglng light: 1250. k•rt. perfect. S400. 8-tPM, 2948 Je¥a Ad .. wood cot & eno tbla, 2 lo'IMMt. 2 to IPd •. 8 Clllldrene bdrm Mt, twn l11ge. epecteculat. bf' .... -..:iOn.:548-~~2489~;;;;""'.Ajjl~~~~Sl~54~~~~~~ Cost• MMe wll'!Qld bk cfl,. IOI mlr-water 1111'· toolt, garden bed, ·dattc a dre11ar, 1200 ('A of who+etlll or r; PET to 12 en All ror. qn wovan' bdtprd, furniture, 45osL Much $86. Xlnt cond. 844-0591 d I• e o u n t Pr I e •) · CAA · ~ IQ. Quuar II 25" Color eon-Y1td Ille, baby Item• & twn mitt Mt. lawnmo-More. 831-7229 111 4 .ce...2895 or part StOO. tole '200 cloth ... kltcillen llama. -· Cllotl'lll, muc:tt more. s--"-· Do'IW Shor91 fl 844-no1 . 551-tt49 tooi.. 2 loww d1'9. ladlee ,......,....,_ Deeofellw BlllCI< & white 20 roll• Kodlk Im. 1ny anow boot1, muett more. s.A0 T/~U':.'.!·~·2~5~~ eolg•r•g• 1N1B1e·s 14t 31' .. ~Jn· writing d .. k with gold 11%1 & •XJ>C*K•. SO.lroll. t9" Color Portebl• TV • Sii/Sun 8:30-2:30, 908 """' .... ....,,., n Ll'I. • a· • ...., 1erolled wrought Iron 545-7452. ..11111 Ilk• MW. 1125. PMCe Pt., CM Buthard/lndlenepolla. llher........, trim, •Ingle oenter dr1-Brun1wlcik pool table. &1tt••nll 1111 751-3nt , t Antlqu., 10 IPMd bike, T I ol'.--.lblff _., barrel thaped mat-8'X4', %" 1l1t1, 1500. •••••••••••••••••••••• ORUNDIQ (thort wave) Stereo•. urn.• tpor 1 odd lumber petlo ellrs urquo M , e ...,, · eh 1 n g eh 1 Ir. I 1 O O. Y1m1h1 1eou111c guitar equip., toy1. tickle a mllC 18201 Shwon " 1rtlflci1, l>oet goodlee. e30...a;e.. Xlnt eond. 844-0&91 • w/UM, never uMd, xlnt radio, 11tellll• 2100 to more. Sit/Sun 10-4. · 0\--. water bed comp. Famtly memblrlhlp. N.B. cond. •225. 875-0787 bend. 0r~91ngES&T 1052 Tulare (off So .... ,,_,.,, .,,..,,, Hundredt Of ltemt. 4208 8' IOll, 8p1nllll leather T I Cl b '850 Dr Wln'lllly COlllt Dr.) ••••• '::':It.............. Al¥lf Ave 875-1355 dining chair•, teak delk. L=~ :t3t:i"2t-4440. . ALTEC·LANSINO 1205 OFFER 982-0431 . Harbour G1r1g1 Sile F 11 S ,_ t ...._.. cheat of dr-. & Pnlee. powered P.A. 1pkrt. ,.....,,.. F 01tege 8*: tOOll, plum-Sat. only s-12. Cemplng 3 am Y ..... wn ....... t 1 b I•1 & 1 •mp•. Lftl NI I 1111 Built-In too watt amp11. Klmblll p1eno ......... t '· ~~~ld~d:1:c. e!~~~::d ~ .t°f:, t'H~·. ~ =•n.::.m~ ~ 840-ft84. ~~or'°: ~~:,• c::,': .. er:u•r;::. ~~~~~:~ S~~~eln2e5io~ aqutJ20 ~Bl, C.M. (~dln!er/Counteu). 8·5 908 W. Bilbo• (In King n bed 1100. Dining '*""" bllloona. Perf9c:t tound, ldMI for audlto-_&44-82 ___ 1_1 ____ _ Frt/ Sun 5 Mo-eo45 elley). rm tbl Mt 1200. Earth· tor ell occatlon9. OrMt rlum1 end /or large REFERENCE Quadr1fll• Dinette ••t. 1t1lnle11 •-J--Doore. Bir 110011, HW 1 0 n • 1 0 1 a I 2 O O · decor 111 n g Id•••. group1. Out1t1ndlng Stereo S)'ltem; tUf'nte- lmperl1I hood, r1dlo1, ~•••••••••••••••• chain, paint •prayer. 55t-tt4I 87~11 tMJy. 1700 for the S*r or Ille. em/rm receiver Ool- dl1hw11her. 1t1lnl111 AAAOE 8ALE-lrvln• !ledge trimmer, MUCH W1terbad. king tlu, dk win trldl for other""*-by Cueette. 2 IPMk.,.., 48" kitchen unit, ~ Ranch Hoover tlr po-MORE Mlec:. set/Sun If· wood, bookeua hdbfd, Welder (Olen Roberti) ~op cal ~I. 547-1845 With 2'h yr Mr.¥ w1rr. l\Old, Stt. 9am. 348 E. llaher, tremee, ofd toola. ter9em. 1b1kSoof1fttl mitt. & h11ter, S195. crenk, xtra long ee 1• $550 or beat ofter. 19th. gl111war1, ment lee St. off Irvine. Oppollte Cell Arny. 875-9302 9'4. 1120· 842-3379 YA MAHA 8H• Amp. 494-2714 1k1tH. Aug 14, 9-4, HarbOt High. 2224 ~ Flbefgl ... ellopper gun, Heed wltll a double 15" ---------B~~~:.~~.!~ 5118 cnateeu. Irv. Pl. Newport 8eh Matetllng 8 ft eouc:h, ~ tl"-9 1Y91em S900. Pvt PV 1p11ker cabinet ... ,,' llulat 392 Prtnceton, C.M. urtlerodl, furniture, ac:-548-Haa =i~:~;:',W,111 · Pty. 7M-1507 ~!~~ B111 Pr~tlon L.J-..t Sofa. gaa fr1)4e loge, mlec:. s.tf·propelled power lewn ....,.._ wltll c:aae • .., b · •• ttl':'"Atte••••••••••• SAT/SUN 11-2. 2 bolt ,.. eeuorl~•· u e relH 1915 Hlghlend Or. Sat. ..,.. UUt -. s..r. belt. Xlnt tr11 -111 In excellent ... II 1111 dart, comm'I flthlng medl. en atger, ttweo, only M Furn. appllaneee (tm•ll ......... 1135. T80-0620 c:ondKlon. •••••••••••••••••••••• 911r, frzr eomprMaOr. elothln9, jewelry, entl· · Ind ter-). Mlec: houl.-"""""' UMlll 1..,. 1981 12· Aluminum Boet. corr .. tbl, much mlao. quea, toys. bltc11. August ... J ... C.al11t,.. ..-S-1 belt 21· l!Ymlnum 4~ HP/Mare 08 & .,.._ 225 Co1t1 M••• St. 14, e-5. 18181 Sen Au. ••••••••••••~••••••• hold ~tld• ind out. utanalon ledder $100. ler. 3 •P••d trolllng '..:44::2:.:~::::3:::3:.._ _____ ._nno __ . 1_rv1ne __ . ____ 4 Famlty Sile. 25892 Vie 842·0s53 ... ~ "..~-;oon 6"0-2033 Ill Ylll.ll Ill motor w/b1ttery plua ,_ Del Rey, Harbor Line wkd&. it......,n .,, ey. 542-3378 xtt•. 11000. 548-2083. Furniture, delk. wicker, !The f11te1t draw In th• Hornet, SJC. Fn-8un. .-AA •-a..-....S HOT TU8 Wooden I etc. 2035 Fullerton Ave Weit. . .a Dilly Piiot -• -Equipment, Ex. Cond. A 4 pc Ludwig Orum Mt, no Apt 5. 545-91n Clllllfled Ad. 842-5878. PRICES START AT: ,, ... It '700. 542-5872 eymbal1. Cell •ft• 4 PM .,. ..... Sol• bid• 1197, toll ' 3" ·-love Hit S187, bedt• 10-4 _&4;__:5-0__; ____ ~-t , .... -••J• · •••J M1ttr111 Ind IOYndet.lon Altle V1nt111tor Turbine OIH1t 1.,./huf ' Pwr/Nll for tMly, Mii, fin., A.II.-aMI ~-''•-••I C.11 -.. Ntl, twine In, full S91, Cooler w/baH. 1 10, !m~I •-ln1., or donation pur. ••• ~r.~~••••••••:""•~~f ':.T~~~-:,•••••••••~• •••••••••••••••••••••• 11•7 kl'l 1181 .... 5941 , ... ~· CAPT. LARSON. queen .. • · _. •••• • •••••• •••••••• Meir. : T1pp1n microwave w/ Aby11lnl1n1: Be1ut1ful, Corner groupe 117, 3 Phon•m•t• telephone IBM Per1on11 Computer • ~.Newport. AntW•e probe, never uled. retail healthy. Grind Chim· pc ll'llng rm t1blel '87, 4 anawar mach. se9. W/ or Apple 2 & 2 Prtnter1. 2.C Hr pager "'t" '500. 1275. &42·9008 pion Sire. 1141532-3e32 chllr dinette Mtl '97, remote control $139. ~M~ui~t~Mll~.~8~7~3~-7~4~2~2=. ;;;::j~~~7~1~4-~9~54-~9809~~~ bunk bed• wltll m1tt1 ,.,. .. 1 1 Advertisil 30 INCH t":. RA.NOE .... ,,,, 11n, lempa 118. Warr. 1~ 9 Oealtt, fltt eablneU, office BOAT TRAILER. 10,000 * .... Sllf* 548-1021 :-;'A';.................. .. •• .,. ,_,., Celling Fan. All brW w/4 equipment, thop equip-QVW. Duel axle, 1Urg• uaJ he •••1111 ltw 1111 lar•tr, ltlfl tullp llghtl. Cott 1230, ment. A.trl, .. dbl bed. br1kH, xlnt. 11450, AllW NI,_ OE refrlg, ldnt eond. $140. 8._ up nowt For Info: Mii lor $99. 552-07" bookeatea. 780 Monro-645-e134 .. • Tll Tin CdM ..,.. .... ~Unit C-13, C.M. Delly!--------. 4146-7872 Cell: 847-7881 FV ,,,..... ROBT. WOODS PAIN· t-ec>m. 845-1021 .. ,, ..,.,,Ulllf lfttt. IW .... .,... GOLDEN AET. PUP AKC ---------~~:·1~-:o:O~~:j Lge metal dHk, good ..:. "" •••ii ILIYI, ILi ..._,_ 11Jf champ. llne, xlnt hlp1, Bofa Bed. beige and wNt9 1111 873-1733 eond. gray flnleh, 150 •••••••••••••••••••••• .. ~,;:;;.............. •yH, pp. 838· 1248, IWMd •100. Good cond. . nrm. 536-7488 aft. 119m. AUGUST SPECIAL "81l0 Ill I I wom1~.! ~ghwlnn v,:t l200. 523-8185 ~-=-~":~.: EA .. llll ~-~~.-1wax *• 11, 14, "* ~. ltOo. a::.::&e. Dt~~~=~~ 8:::!'~:1:~ ~:': :~~ for alum. n.hlng boell curi. 84Mt83 ,bottom pelnt. Fr1 l Sat t-10 lun 12-e 8etlwlnn to IPMd men·• home ()( but. Sall• for 552-4108. motor. 540-5311 BUY . RENT . TRADE BASlN MARINE INC. ~ llTIL Contlnental bike, ..... lt,000, Wiii tlk• 1550. Bunk 8edl w/Mattreee., TWn bid '60. Blk• een1ar Xerox 3100 LOCI IBM Since 1939 . 87).()3«) DEALER INFO (213) lent cond. l80. 840-:2033 &M-3M8 &45-1122 8 dr•-DrMMf/Dettt 115. EZ ctlalf tao. Mo-Memory. Maybe you 431-11n Setlwlnn Setamblet Moto MA Home 0og Training, I tao . -'40. 546-2528 111v1 equipment wlllcll .. ,,, ..,,., x. w/tutt wt1 .. 11. •75, Obedience & problem aa&-5CM&n7M5M TRASH COMPACTOR r:,~ !:'r'.Q ~ .. ~! ••.. ~ Cotledor 8 .... , rwe ~ 844-5941 IOMng, we UM I low I Otme Table Medlterr• FrH 1tendlng, g'Old. pricle .,.. peytng •••• ,,... drent entlq\IM, mint OM pr-. mtrthod. We ear.. nein atyl•' Aoullett• wortc1. '60. 7~135 .... 1 !!'..1~ ..... 1 •-·-..., 51 Pea. Ou11t1. Sit. 1·3.. ..., ... ,....... ..... ........ ,.__., · ......__ .... c' '"' ......... ·-· '"' -.... 0 18 -_ .. ..., .._gernmon "'-•• New Gold Lay Boy Chair emount. Th1t'1 whit !50 hp Mero. • neow Sun. '29 · 848 " 8109 • 20' Fllf ~·New Dog Hou11, lg 32xH, (8 dirt) ISOO,obo. '85. llappenld to u1 -Let'1 81 eng. Newf' In llWtt. l42-3t3 '85 080 1021 cu.tom mede. •II ext• ,.7o-a311 846-1469 or 548-1411 Treoe. we need 1 word ll500. 535--2578 Never...,, anytlllng Ilk• It Scllwlnn Var.ity, men'• 10 rtor maWlel, tinted win-1 Po wllt Frenoll Pro'I proe111or, par1on11 Boat traller up to 25'. .. hand carwd couch & tplld. Xlnt cond. 170. dow '60 Firm. CMll only. bdrm Mt. origin.Illy 12. Bedroom aulte, quHn comput«, pleno or 1 Call Brak... 10,000 lb cap. cllr. Nied• •tripping a 844-8989 Hl-4980 ooo. 8111 llOOlbll on.r. ""'*· curio cabinet•, 79-0322 or 988-1143 11800. 551-8327 uphola1ery. '850/bll ofr. H "C ..__ ••• ...... luggege, COUC'h, 0'111 rug, I# 9e()..4147 Aalalgh 3 •Pied rebullt Siberian ulfcy, A" • ...... .,........,..... drawer ohe1t. Lampe, 1ft1 a· Dinghy, Sabot type, 1---------·I antique. 1150 3 Yf'*. '60/ofr. 89t·tf81, New ltlll In-...... toP cioftee table, end table, •••••••••••••••••••--• oart, very good. 190. AntlqueplnellutotlHlnX 892-3525 _,..,.... .. ..., etc. All xlnt oond . Ill.I HS 2551 ee in. Xlnt cond. 1311. . 569-1629 of llne P•tlo rur1n. '°' 540-2412. ... --·-------14M2M AKC 8lllllt puop, 8 wtl1. prlce, PP. ~ ~ 199, Pit 8utlt All lflota, ¥9t ohtl'd, A'llll I Dritta 5/e H.D. Mllwlukte. 12H, Kitten• 1101111 ... ,, ""' ,.,, MUii Miii Ladlea' d......, A-lf.M-, 9/1 '300 54&-7S17 W,\TEABID. weve ... Good condition ao MllttnMaoaw t815, ·····'················ I .. ~ ,_.. 1 • ..._ · m1ttr .... frame, deoorl --1 •-w/O'll ....... ..., m rror. •MIWI _.. Coctler fem llOtlt bun. 8 lleedbolrd Incl ~ Hell, or take •II 8 for FREE ET EXAMS ..-••-- 1171. 83 t-20t5 •••••••••••••••••.,..":':' wk1. I t2ii. Pure bred 1215. 646-2123. l300. t4t-4l2t ded w/put'CIMN f1f pup-Volvo Pen ti 190/210. MUST SILL .. Htl n. temlty dOO· Ml-4»4 OUnc:en P"Yf9 din t•ble, ~' kitten. Parker'• Sturdy, f11t. 0111110, ANO OAK TABLE 1100 "-dwood be deotllng. AKC A I M It a -Wl•nmat t:w ... pew ..... bleut, 2 640.()090 :r: contole ltllrtng. 83t-20t5 4-20' lono: 1110 r9dWood fem. ~ ~ele~ e":tti. 131, ...._l'CMM 1MW111711, 646-2873 P~~ & tw. '40. f1S-;MO °' as.ero1 fwnctng. Cell Jim or Ken 1215/H . IO·U 11, TWo '"00\ICNI, bOil '" •HIHLCHAIA In OOOD l lfJI anytime, 17S-14t1. 818-2482 u:.d condition. Dave CONDITION. 175, call 541 5440 '11 ... ~ ........... Franklin ltove & m110. AmerlCJll !lklmo pure-141S BUT Offvt 1136-11&2 W a ... tlMltrr ......_,. HAAIOR AMA fhttur .. , SHO/OBO. bred dog, w/peP-ert. ~.a. bell. Slall Pool Table. 110/090 ...._.201 Ouelom bull. Dtllel .,.. APPUANCE 8EfMC£ Ml-7'730 (7-9:aclptll) MUl1 1111, • mo. 1100. IClnt oond .. llO. ~"ball, S125. PIG!ONI: "ollera 1nd glne. Lota f1f ...-..000. We ... r900nd~ a..ltfful GOid beth room &42-8208 llCM>101 CdM 4146-7112 bl de ......... oruAIW. er.. 9'Jplanc-. r~. MW, laOO (f of Bprlntlf 8,.nllt pupa Like new dbl bed, •Ire OAOW UGHT ~~84~ :,..; =t:::,:orn:r· I llY ~ who1M1t1 or dlacount AKC. l¥et & _,.., ~ rt rm. l11J/bHt offer. 1000 watt, nwtal Helde. a:*"" , ~ 161-11.S Pftel). ..._21N 1100, no.141 6'46 I038 ~ 1100. Ms-9316 ,,__I...__ SO comm1rc111 boat, Aefrlger1tor, w11h1r, Wlndowe w/lcreeni. SAMOYID PUf'PtU Pll-MoeenhJt OM VICtOf'lan Coftleettll, dflftllng !Ndl., .......... ';".,,r.;;". ... ::':'.;:':'•-.':; d er dl1hw11her & I 'd '. 0~ condition, ................ no,._ •lorn Delli. Cott 11800, 8iio. b t I detk ICH.Vl9' & I ON....... a t b t ~ .••• 5141 '21/obo, &47-11'3 llft. 5 .·--121112.,._....1 H-51••· a1zoo. to41-1410 ., • 00 •• I pi.no ..... --.... Dlckm1n'1 oe •• u "-bdlpntl. -1494 •••• "47-1017.. -146-41 .... w.;o"=· Ma c:=,~°' ~l~t• 0=;.n:";= l'Ofll~ eeo ...,.. ,.. ,,.,.. ~ ~ pi.. 40' Npt 1 011 moorlnJ ,...._, 1, ONl\vf. oorterete7. ~ ...... It>. .. ..,._ 1 "'°'Old. ....,_1as1 NO OllM. MM1N no l'ftlflOO. twoty k.,a w/11 lnboet:, ~0 K"'""" _,.. ""*· ell.MO-NI. ~en..,....'°" 2 po..,..,-.:.., .. rnc1. IWIUl111 :...C,~~~1a1 ~~ot. 1 ' . WOf'k.I IClnt ... °' belt Ci•llW I ¥I rt I . ~ o"' e • S I 0 • _... ""'*1 qn • ..._ Cltfl. .....1N ... n ... -K:....._ Pl'""O I ~1 1114 flG. OMO oflw. IS1~1t1 ...,_, "" 4MolCll bed wi t orwr freme ,. --..,,_ -· IO awwy ~ wl\nllr 1...;......;;.;....;. ____ ~-1 ... ";1~.......... lleedtloerd & -. ~ Sl'DIU 1 l:'ft ..,_, 111111 ,_,, .inut a 1100. Pvt ftarty: NIC4i, 1mell r9frlflJ•tOf. Om4111 D•IV tflleroer. llfll M f• Mlf lllrlt CIOnd. 11'"°411 \lftftm"~hl llOO. t42-114t IH·HOI or worll ::..~too d ' I 4 O. >Ont condition ttOO. • ........ Jl'•••H•ml Hld•·•·wey b.0 •tao, I~ tvera & Pondt Uprloht 141..._ •1-m1 M.ACf<l<ITTIN ......... -.. NW~ ~-..;;;.;.,.;..ll.;.;9;.;.d.,;.;_Sl....,•d:-1-:-111~1-.... ~ ci. ~°"troat Cannon l14>cL "'"' t Wiii Unlllfl lflOta & neu. ttl •• O.W. =-~ """ -to ....,._ M ,,.:;-, •. •.,. •Oto _... fftCMI w. w/ i.tne. ...._,.,. Din ""' 111 '--lM-...C.. 1· .,.... '*"°• *' toM. ,.._uJp1M1U & oonra. ell -· new. 1110 • ..._ Lab ~ In-._ ..,.._ •t0 Nao I VIClttlofl t""9 .. ..... f"'"'"""9, tHOO P.111'. 17WO, ... t4t0 w-.,, ICMIMte i4 o,4, ll1-11... .....,._:... M 't .. ....._ _.. M . Oii You .... dliWefYtf .. ?Motl07 1t• IOUT"OOAIT, ,...,, t1!J·~ 6" W ken. M. 7 lftO • ....._, 141 "--J9"' ..... y-1ta UM_, fCllMlll e "• -T IHA P II °'"" -· rm.-.. -..... .rr.u w... ~ ......, .,.. -... '-"*"... ,..,. • ._ ... llOOO/OeO, ..,_."1 WAlt9 & OftTP ~~.:i.'i"' NM>' "= :....~ lllilldl 'f#I t ft ..... -,....._... ,_.,..-., _..... of f Yf. •· Oell ...,r I JM. ....... IN, M6o1111 ... "it'~... -· ti .... ,... ...... .• '1MIR4 9"0a.. ... ,.. .... ...... • .. .. •• I 28' Ericson Fully equipped cruise. 6 $alls, UHF, compass. covers. Perfect condition $16,500 123-4567 Set your course for fast sales with a Dally Piiot boat picture ad. Each Saturday. the Dally Pilot wlll otter you ad space that not only describes your boat. but pictures It as well. The price Is guaranteed to buoy your spirits -$45 If we take the picture, and only $40 if you provide the picture for a 2 column 3" ad. For further details about how Dally Piiot boat picture ads can work for you and to schedule your ad, call 642-5678 and ask for Sally Lee. I Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-line Bring them or mail them with correct caeh to Dally Pilot. 330 w Bay St.. Costa Men. CA. 92626 • Each item must be priced with no Item over $50. 20c per line -$1 .00 minimum. • No livestock. produce or plant• • No commercial ads allowed our famous DIMES·A~LINE DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS. 642-5678, ext. 319. WHITE plastic window OVER 800 used metaphy-OSCILLOSCOPE $10. DRAPES hand loomed, CAMERAS 110. Mattres· BEACH crulMr $45. Olrla OLD thlp propeller, 201n CHAIN ftnk fence 5ft, 6ft BRASS dining fixture $10. DESK $50. Twin bed $50. shadee, various 1lzes slcal book•: Splrltual, Tuba voltage dlgltlzer b9lga &fut about 40 total Mt 110. Radloa 15 and 241n 3 epead with car braH $25. Two bar and 8ft $1 per loot. Pipe Slant board $12. Bru-Magazln .. 3 for 11. $2-$3. Window screens Christian. Indian, Astro-$15. Metal cabinet wkSltl $40. Mr. Coffee $8. $10. Lampe $15, $25, rack $30. Boya 201n 1toota with back, ad· 'hln·21Mn 20o. par foot. nette wig and cue $5. Booke 3 for $1. Jewelry In wood framet, various logy. Philosophy. Parac>-201nx29'AlnK291n S15. Waring Juicer $8. New $35. TatMI $10 and $20. (rabullt) $25. Lead eol· juetable height S25 MCh. Phone pol11 $1.50 par Plcturea and frames 25c. Beach and ... 11. sizes $1-$4. Red scallo-sychology. Psychology, VW Bug hood $30. VW hand mixer SS. G.E. Bedfr81MS $10 and $20. dlaf9 $1 .50 and $4.50. Stereo AM/FM with foot. Lumber all alzea $1-$5. Hair dryer 14. 16502 Thamea Lana, pad bricks 25c a foot. l\lledtcal and Salf·help. tire and rim $15. 8WW AM/FM digital clock Blcyctee S20. $30. Toya Crib and mattreu $25. 1Urntable $35. Norelco 10c par foot. Brick and Patio alze drape• $15. Hurrtlngton Beeott. Screen door In wood OletandHeetth.~ rlghl door $30. Shrink radk>S12. Longlneeet• and gamea $2-15. Clo-Babybacilpactc'2.FOOd coffee maker, Ilka n-block 25c. Nylon tarpa Peralan vaee $10. Pair BABYbedS15 p..-.c:f\al frame, etandard sl%e $10. Fiction, Flytng Sauoera. tube thermal flt V.ln S2 reo phono, separate that S1..SS. Tape recot· proc11sor $115. Fondue S 18. ~1033 20ftx20ft and larger 10c car mats $1.50. CUt Iron 15. ChHd'e c:W -;;:.t $5~ Doof'wtth 'hwtndow$15. poetry and novels. bag. Turbo flex 1001t speakers $20. 541n waJ.. ders $7.50. Kirby va-pot $2. Touter $2. Toye FM T 88 to 108 MHZ par square ft. Bulldlng aklllet S2. 10-4pm. High chair 15 Trlple White porcetaln bath 25c-S7. 724~ W. 19th, $1.50. Steel pipe wren-nut coffee table s12. cuum $30. FOiding chalrt and~ 25o-$2. ChH-uner matarlala $1. 83e...4933 &42-5872 dt'flNf 125. nWo table s'~~u:~~h ::~~~~s s~:~~ ~~~~r~:i;.~::~t~~:: $~ ~. Wn w:·~ ift:=r:nt:: .. 11:. ::·~ T;;,dtr!:i~ ~r~ g~ ~ r~: k 1~~. ~ t~tr~a~~. ~i~ s6~~~~.ancda~~:,n~~tt~~ T 2~~ !1t! ~:: ~ ~·~~a~a:": 115.:;;.~ $3-$8 pair. Push mower 548-9572 or 979-5027. 12·3 axtanelon cord• Amalgamator SS. Uni-naca with controla S50. 10c-25c. Saturday only table .E. Phono Wood table ,5, w~· It&. Boat net s12. Sheltc Doub'• h----d 110. $5 ~711 $17 $11 •7 200 Amp ·--•-a ... -m-..... __ .. Down faather9120. Tlr-g.3pm. 392 Princeton, with record c~an_gar. ~·~-,. .....,.,.,,... . TWO DINETTE sets $50 • • • . ..__ .. ..... --..... -R II ti S"' 101 s lid hlkl"" boot• *• 7 S20. pole or reel $18. Lawn ,..._ ........ and 2 __ ,_ s•o. a E 250 volt double pole flv inti $8 Stereo phonee . $2. Saturday 9am. 3<48 Cotta Mesa. ee ' 0.. .... o .. ,. """""'' --· ' UE N bed with heed-each Couch $50 Stereo · C East 1gttl St eat Cott State etareo ampflfler N-Noralco lea cream mow.r 110. Yamaha 100 BRM chaftng dllh 125. board and sheets $50. console S50. Childs deak sable dl~connecl '25 7·50· J. · Penney blen· r ' a PICK up toad of con· $20. AM/FM transletor maker $8. New cryatal enduro parts $2-150. 519 Acacia, CCfOfla del Air condltlo!'lar $50. $35. Double btU:ls $25 •,•ch. 1 v.inxlln anc der S4.50. 2 way •PH-M.... atructlon aorapa CJl'HI radio $8 CalCulator with glea .. • $4 gift boxed. Capri air conditioning Mar. 873-9545 631-'4535 each. Sh,lps wheel coffee ~:!ns~°'~~': ~ ~~~· ~n N~~'T'n':! SMALL oak deek $35. Bar firewood. All clean, aa pow. ~pply $8. a lnctl MICfowave eookWera gift power unit $25. Sierra GIRL'S Uln 10 apffd OOLO aree rugs with l!~ 12~~S~ rd..!~; mlnum flex at 200 It. length natural leather etoola 18. gftxOft wool much u you want $10. speaker In wall box $7. boxed 12. 32 piece g: or reel $14. Zet>co bike ew.centftt condition fringe, nice gx 12 oval s•s. End table• """s2s. Hend -•tad ~ncfl $7. boota llze 9 Sl~PocMt rug with pad $20. Wool Omall deek $15. Conf• Oval mirror In wooden glusware Ml, gift boxed au rod$ $8. Boet pOle '50 '&4W•f2 $50. 5x12 rectangular .. ......-· ft Cif Kodak ... tomat ~._ braided ruga 9ftx12ft ranee tabla 140. holder $5. 15 book• on 110.Newplacemateand holder 2. Berttley trout · • $50. MB-4682 Plcturaa 12-$35. Lampa ROe>e 3ln at lOc · . • -""'~.. $40. 8ftlt10ft 13(). 3fut5f1 845-0118 bust-$15. Electronlc: napkin• $8. N-2 Ml• pole H . Tackle boJC, STEEL table SSS. Rad S8·$20. Love eeet $45. c:ultbreakera$l.25MCh. camera With llOht s14. $20. 271nx481n $10. . 1>ookt S2 each. New dt.h towels and pot hol· loaded $30. 490 Co.ia patio brick• 25<: each. FABERWARE rotisserie TV trays S15. Old ICtloOI 3 H.P. gaa mot~r '24" Two celllng fixture• S4 Hoover vacuum cleaner TWO large crockl. 1 larga Realletlc A.M Olgltal der, gift boxed. Book• Men Streat, Cotta Fence biO<*e S6c aedl. ueed once $35. Electric d12e0sk Sst11e~o531tea5 tTa•b,!: ~.~;1z~ ~ = !~~.c~~~e~~:o:i•ci with attachment• 128. milk can old, elecaltent LE.D. cloek radio 120. S1 -S3 each. Elactrlc M..._ Corrlgatad aluminum lee crueher $8. &4&-0553 ·~ .....-Ele .. --1 Emud radio combo 125. condition $10 eech. Olaee vaeee $1. Deak tieater $5. Baakett $1 roofing 33$ E. 18th POKE.A $25. Electrlc oven dedca S40 724'~ W 19\l't S4. lectrlcal ewltche• • n d t 0 Y1 2 5 c -S 1 · Flreptaca tcreen 12. Chatt very nice $20. lamp $7. e Inch speaker each. Revere ware pot STEREO converter (for Street, Coeta MaH. $20. AdJuateble dress Strae~.~a9t157tn2d 1iqu6r :~~b·~c,"0t:~~~~~ '~t~ 780--0G1& Firewood baaket S 1. 675-6274 $5 pair. 2130 Ooctora and pan• $1-$3 each. car) and 2 oval 8PMk••· 842-3379 lorm $20. Dbl. doors and ttore. ,_.,... ..ch. Screw drtvera 50c FISH rod a and reels Elactrtc halraattar $2. STEP tabln Jt BlcYCle Circle, Apt 0 , Cott•· FOiding ch1lra $4. Anti-almott new $30. Speekar'~s-IA_R_S_pO_rt_a_bfe __ z_lg_zag_ hard-re $16. Room 'di-ATI'IC cooler turbine and each. New l'18rd hat $5--530. Tackle 25c-$2. Pop Corn popper 15. $18 Truck tire 070· 115 Mele. &42-7589 qua plant atand SS . 101roc8~1n $7. Record• Hwln machine US-. vlder S 15. Cenlatar va-baM new $10. Schwinn $3.50. Circuit breaker Jeep can SS. Book a Lawnmower wlttl catoMt se · M 1 f I k Cenlster vacuum S4. any kind *2.50 aaoh. M&-23~7 an 4pm • cuum need• hose $20. Scf'amblar Moto x ~ l>oxn 13, $5, $7, u . 10c-50c. Saturday 9•3. $15. Surfl>oerdl $15 Md · eta oot oc •r WA8H£R $60. Dryer $50. Oust ruffle and llnana Electric heater 110. 3 ., · Portable gu BBO. Paint ole $50. Tuff Wheal• 115. Wood~ drift bite $4; •281 E. 19th Street. Coete $35. Kayak paddle 12. 120. Bar ttoo. 15. lM DllhwMMr 150. Vacuum 11-$4. lrvlna Blvd end tabla lamp1 $3& aich. REFRIGERATOR uaed. •rv-'50. Tent 81tx6ft G.E. portable stereo l7 .• 11• 1 ..... , .......... ..._ ~ Outboard Hydroplane clock radio e. an cleaner 125. Electric Orchard. Sunday only 530-3154 er wot!lna condltlOn .... ·-i~ • ''" ...,.... _..,. ~ M t...,..._,. flel!Mte ocienenS4. Smallc:omet mower a45. Electric 557-1725 11 &45-'340 $35. 14 Inch chain saw rec:of'd player $35. Mag-$5, 17. $9. ¥.In~ pue. STElllEO an1/lm apaak.. · o -·-1-table $8. Lampt $1-15. ed08f J10. Flah~ ' LARGE a.qlJ#lum W1tf1 fll..i--·.!'-"~-~,!'_'IU~-,-~= $50. Pachlnko 120. navox fV. aterao, record leyS, tlnglea $5. OOublea $25. N.-turntable J211. Bike cerrlaf $8. Mani Sterao'a 18~$17. Pie· and ~ $6--$30. 221 BLONDE oak bookcaM tar, bubbler $411. W t,AMPS: TWo <48ln tell W Electric hedge cutter coneole $35. Sony ttll>I 18.trtotea $11. Shtletclel Walnut end t1ble a10, 281n bike 115. Tumm~ tUrH. etcture ftamea Flower Street, Coat a headboard and frame ttand $20. UnulUal l8fOll eacll. TWo 31n tall 115 120. Moultnax meat recorder Real to RMI •2..s&. 4ft ptailtlo berl'lf Modullr haadboard, ;::::~$8, M~ S()o.$3 T0ye Md f8"* MMe. (lull) $35. Tall yellow decoupage plot~ us. each. Two gold !>arr.I grinder S25. 2224 L111.1rel $30. Metal bedframe $7. *2.50. ~ cf\aln binder foot board $25. Small R .... t i Hotd 25o-75¢. Pottery dlehee bookcaae eolld wood Chalee iounoe wtth f!ed c:Mlrt 110 eeoh. Vacuum Place. Newport Baeeh. 1 Scout outflta $5. 8el'ge 3 114. 100 amp 220V meo-dtllk 110. ltonlncl bo«d 2:Cd fiigv. ot!So r~T &o-800. Houae•arat THREE couchH, 2 of 140, 10ft yellow dHk S10, Booka &0o41. 0.. 110. CaM and Outler block Sou1h of 18th St.. piece boys 14-18 eult, ter 1ock•t and circuit u . Iron as. PfatteJ•. 500· ~1,,o, ... 50c·l2, Traverae rod• them match S25. $30. SSO. Full llZI peetel pl91d coratl\19 11\0faOI Jar Ml 110. 687-0103 . ofl lrvtne, opposite H111-coet $112 worn once breaker box •11. 200 pota, macrem•' s1-15. Pllttlc dl•h•• 12 A•h 11. Surf flthlng aand sao. &45-2953 ~l~er and~'!'!!!! 15. Sofa pllloWt $2. ,.. NEW an aOdlnn OIHa bor High. 548·9685 '40. COPPttrtona aioOla amp 220V meter tOCket Coflff pot, toaater H t 25 GI . ~Ike 13. Saturday and FOUR Pontlec Tran•Am -v . ..,own u,.,"'"' ... _ oorda llOc. Old RCA ca-'" ......._•bf WHEEL chair ISO. Invalid door refrigerator . need• end main breaktr With NGh Double~ ray• c. aaawara Sund•~-Attar oam. ~b wtleel• $50 llvtno room oh•lr S35. btnet •1&. Tel>I• 110. door~2_.?;r toilet ... , $5. Safety rail work S25. Golf cart $5. box $23. 125 amp circuit 15, N.w "'°'"' QUt'taln i~$250o~-:l: ~ aaoh. • Tr.,,..Aln end 2 Elctra firm mattreae '40. Shower curtain n . a -"°-------- for tub SlO. Twin beds Snow ekta S20. Water br .. kff l>oa with main SI. 190 W. Wiiton (55). AC Watt Meter 12. SWR STAINLESS lteel doUbl9 z-:za r•ney wtieele S25 Extra firm boll eprlng yeare Pf'l¥8fttlon mll9*· $25 each. Chain S 10 •kl• 130. 1•1n wooden braakar box with main BetwHn Fairview and Bridge M. Metronome tlnk, In carton S25. N.-eaoh. • etock '97 Ca-$40. Beeutllul queen Zln8e 110. 182e ~ BtKI 1211. ~ bMt'CI aech. SacMc eoolcer u . :~~n~11!•1 3158c,8••Pcoht. tbraak5•0r 101.1 "s"pb,b1 er Newport. 846-M71 ,15. Rntgflt VTVM StO. lcMlvered doofa S-20lcN. mafo wtt .. 11 with hub ~lt'°!1~· ~· oteen, rite, corona del r. uo. El!d ~ '!:....~ 06Q clipper Ht s 10. .. ..... ., .. · .. r •P• o ro · ~ · · HMthldt VTVM Ylttl'I RF 1•2axao. l•Mxao ftulh 01p1 110 eaoh. H.0. ... .. • -v. &541-eoet Saturday only. Call l1ldlcle • _..,,...,. ,_... Tai>'" s20 each. Plant =~:~;,~~:':P~~ ~~~:";'O~~eticiein s:~:~201~·.~-:8~2~'. Probe t25. ~ rneler AM &Mold doora, all uo Ttaller hitch receiver LACE 5c·20o. Lari•· tMo-1SM H. lronlnt boetd 'Ii Pote 12 bole. Coucr1 S50. Beach $20. 30lnll30lnx<40tn ~. Wrought Iron bar etoole tr1nam1tter and recalYer Hoh. i.. "" elt\lttera a10. 2-eo eertaa 11tn •mall zipper• 15c-o. Four fotdln&.:,..,. a1 Color TV needa filter · • ..,. h 3 f •~5 121. Qra)'l'Mtt l1ldlO $8. 18xA2 ta Midi. ...._1083 t"9e 110. 4 SBA Flt... Many buttona 1c·5c. SIARS fl'ont fhrOW ~ ~. Two one 150. Lampe 15 eacll. SWING SET aet, nffdl ~~:~~~~.:.::: ~~. ~.:n ... se: Stereo ampllfler U . 12 MILK botll .. (WOOd tone QA70·1Sln Urea, ~ateflal aao.aoc. Pan'8 mo,.-, 4 cycte Brlffi MCJll, Ctoq\19\ rr •tt. Slluttara S10. Room wort<, great fOf ontld'*' H.P. Lawn Kl-'Mtfier two d,....,. StO Mef\, Avwrtl 2 /Mtlf antenne c•••> ai~ Pln'9P .. -1, MW $211 aaolt. 2-t.7a.15 etaatlc 30c yard. Ooll• and Stratton • .. •· Ten ':'l.:::'?• ~ heater 110. Picture $1, 6-45-1553 • ._ S • taS. Hermon 1<arito11 tu. ~. .,., hetl 88R Aoadhend· &Oc-IU. New teflnll CarOUM1 trays tor~ ~ -· ._. fremae 2ac aaolt. Mirr S50. AHOrted plat ng New Planter l>Ox 1u. nar SI. 0.IMUQpt ltO, table arid CMldd 11 , tart Ille MW 13& each. dl'IMM $2. L.edlM ofO. 'rojectora 11 Hell'!, e ltO. Ooletmt .. 11 •10• 00" houea •1°'o. BOYS 26 Inch dirt bike enuls>ment 12~13. I~. Ven elf condition. l20. H-.. .. ,. ..._ ........ ~ a1a ao °'"" ,,.,..._ QM .......... IC __ ..,....., ··--.....1 A 8 1 11 8'cl llllOOll • • t1&. ':3l: 20 ll'dl kn-tao. e.tllfd-Hair d';Jar •s. Blow _,,.._, llmpn•-"'"" .._. . -.... If~ -I<·-~·. ..-,·:.'""' 8 tMa llllt 1..--.. _... . ear• oou• a an•• .... --... ttO. 3117 Dublin, Coate ~"nn 1211 -~ w 17th··s A...C... • ....._ ................... --~ l 11l eln,.... to pot 110. c.. to,....... "· tH9 ""' rm lln ten IS llW9I llQtlt .... He91'1 lctt °" . '=-M .... blCk of-,., e . ,.,...,,,._ 829 . t., ..._.., ...,,__~ _,, .,..._. ftlef teOOfder 110 Pflo. 1111. EM table 13. Clo-= MPXradto 1311. grffn tamp' ehade 13. Htampt11.AJ12..._ ..._ .. ._'!.O'*'f • ._.._,... reot1Wf.etereol3&.°:I ......_ •ta.,._•••• ... ..-thee llOooN. 1ooU lftd IMnt room ot1e1r ..,,_ • ..,..ao. o.. 115. Mattel'• 1~ ~t1.~...., ... ·~~~:.~r.::o~=: r.;-:! ~cr:t.::ea,,ci ~.t:..1':..i ;,:= *" Mcimtt ~:.o~.tt ~·°"'*9nr.: ,_too.a.°".,.. """"°'* sa. :...i:-c1 •• ~.-!! . (flftll) 135. Tall yellow ehada $3. 8oit blCyola TWO SC'1wfM tllk-. Ofle 110. TOC* 806-I&. 1JeO. ~-111f CclJe09 2212 ..-.-~ °" · o. f' ~ 'a·1 ~ft 930. Larae table rlldlo ,..... '"" ... jec ta. hiu pii; f;ir;'; bookoHe eolld wood [el3.Lif91bltdcti09 a •it_Hd and 1 lfgtu tfOftlC ~II eactl. A'le.:..J. Coate Men.. ..........-......... s.::." c en h • H . Mani 1t1trt1 Ho . .,_ 1otdl llft, ..... eut .. It pair.,.,,, S-40 ,Oft yellow dftk 7. 50ft ex.leoltC>n COfd W91ont ,.._ S3I ..etl, Tlllfl*°'9 11461 Tort ~..:v12 Of Wiiton, 0.-. IOl3 looke Uc:. 220 0....... 500A 111. 1 llaa........ ......_ Mii ll9d ~ 950: FIAi 1119 ,_..,plaid .. Motorcyot• ~lmat Botti~. U1-42M and~ !lo-fl. look• MOWIR ~ t)pe 11 ~ TAN ootor oooct uHd \.Ma.~ MfN. Set-W°'aa~ ~ia~ 14.. ..._ Clwll' 11. PM comforter end Ml rulfet • ~ IEAVTIFUt. IUltua 100-'IOo. 2172 Green• Cfllftamen MW C>Qndl· WfllOUQHT tron ... (Old ~. TWo f ..... "'*1 • -~· M Jr CICllf dllllt tlM .._ S20. Brown ~ad CAATOPcamerl&.Ooocl deattl•tt ,......,"!'!:, ~,..~~~ tton. aacrtUoe tu. ""'°'9 leaf dealQn) llO. :".r'C:a~pena1, TWINmett,..~. ~:;\;._coete n•. a,_•lllkt,,,,...,. ft'llno room chair HS. tlf.70 HA13 ,.... tire erowrt-Jotcron chair• 0 CC 11f.G71 ,our 11roro11o~t Iron • p.t tlft•t1ft 'Gf. 11toellant oondlt1or1 fl•._.~~ h ='IC'.:·:::.-..= ~~ •• '::'1:::.:-':0 = ~T!~"'~ : . . z-::: =;:; = ==·\i.".... ~.:.: " ...... : -u..-... : .. "=*~ ~"lt.!.1; 140 ... auttful ""Hn . •PMCI Wllffl •t llke ctt>IMt 111 Co Aa1a1 0 ,..,.. ..,,..: J? lndl ild\. ,_ Pt'lll9Y __., "I lnWil hrt,lalt 10 "°""' 1 ..,_ =· claMlr9 .. "' tit ..... '*"i'1i. =~· E:'~~uo .s2 .so . :r.=_:i: .-. ~·'"°"tu. V.'~ii:•••·1,,..11 ~ .... ,, •• u -=~&:;' :;.Tr,.1.'9CO:......: :rt'.='"' .-. . .__ _, ,. • 31' UNIFLIGHT Sport Sedan Fresh 310 h .p. engines, new canvas, sleeps 6. LOADED. $29,500. 644-5983 33' SPORTFISHER CRYSTALINER BOATS "Quality First" 21' C11t1r C11sel1 33' S111rtfi11lor 21' IJ•rt 43' Oust•• Personallzed to meet your requirements. All models available with gas or diesel engines. Order Now. 548-1385. 1121 Plac11tfa, C.I. Aucust llow Out 11 s,teill EditiolS THE WORLD'S FIRST HOBIE DEALER Hobie Dana Point 34195 Coast Hwy., Dana Point (114) 411-1211 1982 Close-Out Sale on SRV-172 Retal $11,700 Sale $8,995.00 w /120 h.p. 110 and trailer HIRRISOll SU RAY BOATS Garden Grove 554-8500 Newport Beach 673-0940 Of~ Ooeet DAILY PILOT/81turd1y, Auguat 1'4. 1882 • M~ .. ,M ........... ~.-..,,.!Mlr.f4 ....... ~.lftAftt¥. ...... ~!'1"1.~·.~~t ..... ~.'.'!!1."'l!!!H. ...... ~!!!1.'.N!!.~...... . "'1fll .......... n AIJMl.M ... 11.ff !!Hlft1.fl'Pl. .. l!.ff tmP.. ......... l!.ff 1.~'. .......... I!.! 1!1PIP. ......... 1!.f1 '7• ICanMM ~ • ...,e 11119 n llWI Ul'ISTER '77 OILIOl IT 11 TA7, AO, lo m1. I epa, OOlld, new hHdllner. • .. HO IL, only 21 ,00CI ... Coupe with"' condltloo AM I , M c I I •• ~;;;;J~lll~ !e'. "'91· lheepellln ~11 ml, 1howroom oond.. NfllOlll/1111 n lnt and 1ter1 0 Ut75/orter IH·I002 iii brYINd llutll Wflle. 119111 wNle wldtl'lc crn Int., A 13431 Hlft>Of llvd (1f af:031) ctyt, 157_.,79 tM redlel ttr• Gat.:r !Cape '°" lop, bleck hefdtop 0111Hn Gro11e ' Sll'JI Vi ll 11'/if High-qua lty racer cruiser rom n •n . Complt\41 r9cing lnwnt.ory w/Kood ulla Incl main, 120 & l&O aenou & spinnaker. Kenyon lnall'\lmenta. Teak deck & interior. Fut new ~·\On detl(pl by EMnd Still. dealaner of I.he F'lnnfira, tt ·ton world f"llCOl'd hold«r. A 1"81 'Baby BalUc • New dealer'• demo offered et ucriflce price. Offers & tradei conaldered. NORD YACHTS 3700 Newport llvct., S1e 303, Newport hod\, CA 92663 17141 673·18 ITALY'S FINEST, °"1gn and Performances respected, admired and envied throughout the world. GM871Tl'a, full elect and extras, 4 heads, 4 1howers. sleeps 8, very fast, low houn1, truly like new Loan 10.7" low down. Newport slJp. Appointment only. 646-0651 HATTERAS 45' Convertible, GM871'Pl's. 15kw generator, loaded with electroruai and extras Fast, a.lip available. Real beauty' Low down, interest only 2 years. Good condiuon. will ~ trade $48K under survey value . IEWNllT IEACI 141-0111 BY OWIER 36 ft Grand BatMS. EJcelent concitlon. Sleeps 6. $59,500. f1m1Cinc Anbble. Wttkda1s 714-171· 1110 Wttbds 714-140-1100 ~IOO. M l·f .,.., Orig~ llOl'lt1. 9'c. llltt-a."ltt Biii Maxey Toyota .! •• !!'!!r.!'. •• ••••••• wtlnde. One of few m.O. '*°'• 112oa e..ct1 81vd 'U eat• vw with ·n '73 KAAMANH GHIA, Xlm 'et tllul avoiding UI Lt..... Hntlng1n lc;h M2"4829 11Uoo engine Ou1I cono NeW eno ,,..,,, & modlflca11on1. Andy, 71• Ill 2•11 cn 11 2 new ur ... rune Int. Mull .. 1i •3160. e7w2.a • • • ·74 CORONA 1 OWIW ,d. w l. 12400 ot>o Call Ana 842·7007 ·11 4809LC, t11ue11an Int, '80 924 Turt>o, lo8ded. '80 ~~~~8:: ~~~J~4p~· Ad nu 642-4300. 24 ,_. ____ ,... __ ,.I wlrH, eunrf, 122,1110. 924 Take over IHHI • · hr• I.ad• 11#, e4Maee. e..e-esoe p1u1 q,-~4~~~808 '71 OflElllDl -,1-,-.. -,,-u.-.-,-.. -'Tl IATlll 210 OIHn incl tune greet. (391NLQ) •1111 BILL JAXEY TOYOTA 10202 Beach llVd. Hntlngtn Bell 982-4829 '11 UTHI 110 II Uttback with lfel'eO ca1- M1t1 Ind 14,000 mtlM. (1CGF347) llLL ti~~'YITA 11202 ...... '"'· ..... , .... .. 112·1111 ••••••••••••• ••••••••• ·10 4509EL, bleck/blact(, LOllded with IKl1o .. PCIW9' mu 1 t 1e11 S 2 o o o •77 Lancia let• 1100, eunroof, alloys. 48K mt '77'A 92• Suntool. Or1, 1tHrlng. alt condltlo· 878-1399 m1roon, 1unroot, ale, •13,900 842·78&e ~~~ ~-~~~'to' con · nlng, 11.,IO. (884UX&I ,70 VW B A d pc/wh ·.',11 ,xtrll. 800K0~11•d ', '71 M8Z 300 SEL 3.8, 111 ' Te1.2993 IHH s2 ~ioB~ vety ......... 1 ' Y0 ... 1 .... ~,. 1xtru1 new "'"· t>Mutl· Biii Maxey Toyot• clean. S.:4-0530 evvvv 084 ' "" -· t u I a 8 5 O O O B 0 1g202 Bactl Blvd i,.181 11'1 759-0980. '12 POlllOHE Hntlnglfl Bch 982..0829 '75 VW pop-top camper, ••••••••••••• •• ••••••• OlllHOLn '78 Corolla SAS, ale, am/ ~~~:J~C~3 ra1:°" ''I'• Europa JPS, 21K ml, •111\sOOD 4 door e• an. 72 K orlglnal mllH. To-Im 1t.,eo, lmm1C t111pe, mint, orig .. fint11Uo 1 Pertee. t cond. Lo ml--tally Re conditioned. 251< S3800 731·8830 '78 Rabbit, Int/ext Ilk• o wn r S 8 7 O 0 · N • d 1eege Ughl b!Ye. pty &right Red with Bli c k new. 11.,eo. 12750 S.8-7245 Day 548-0355, Evea Top & Trim. (135MME) '11 COllOLU Mike 831-4815 •••I• 1111 873-549• 19910 Very clean with 11ereo ·74 BUG. ~ paint, ,.. ••••••••••••• ••••••••• ceuette and air condl· cllala. A· 1, xlnll 12950 nt IP mirll:a. #I f14J tlonlng. (2708GA) OBO. Evea. 875-9288. ····1·:·.··,· .. ··n···,··1·1·00···· $2888 ,. t980 Vanegon, eittr1 or bit otr. 875.0872 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA cleen, 22, 00 ml, L· 1~202 Beech Blvd modal, AC, 11.,eo tape. 1111• 1144 Hntlngtn Bch 982-0829 I 9 5 0 0 . o r o f 1 • r . ,._ ---'------1 848-3580 '71 D1t1un 610 2 dr, 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• '82 Toy Celle• every OP·i-------- IPd, runa g ood , nda 1171 MU --------lion, S9.000 '74 vw Pop Top CM"tpe< body work. 1800/otr. HI US r-1 RIUml '78 930 Turbo. U K ml. 714-780-1393 Elec relrlg, Buta ne 846-2027 '01 TOUI • Wire wheeta. new lop & Eng & trans rbtt by An· Stove, xtnt cond S4500, 1110 D'Tsu" 210 pjlXTMAZOA. • new paint. (829BEX). dlal Racing et 231< ml. I '12 TEROEL 960·5543 •• L' .2 .. 1 ~anual Turbo boost. (1EAT046) --------5 apeed trenamlu lon, If• If I Titanium rings. 935 cam '79 VW Bug convert .. -M.. IUCH llPOllTS t4675 everything new Incl low mnes, excellent con· ~-• ""' & more St 1,000 epent $2200 Ferreri red paint dltlon, clean , AM/FM f&aurtl 848 Dove Street for thl1 rblt & BBS whls Job. compt Ille Mull be radio. 2 new llrM, '83 II· IOI Miii ST ctSll lllU 141 UJ4 NEWPORT BEACH Repainted 10 '81 factory I llLL WY 70YOTA seen • In storage, appt cen ae paid & MUST 712-0IOO cotore $39,500. Will 11202 leach llYll. o nly S9200 firm SELL I $399 5 . Ca ll •74RX4,1900/0BO trade. 673-83•7 953.2100 Iv msg 675-3017 or 842..0138. GOOD GAS MILEAGE '71 MOB Con~ertlble, 11lnt •68 912 Targa XLNT It It I I If I I 0 h -------- '80 Mo del 210 2 dr 552..0701 mech, paint, Int. ne'tllr thru-out Rbll Eng New 112-0121 71 BUG xlnt running & • wire whla & radlata, mint looking, new int . paint, 13350 AM/FM, radiate, #1tfffll lfH 1140 $2500. 833·2324 Carbs s 75ool obo 1·79 Corolla OIK, auto, air, brakes. clutch. Great lo mlles. Perfect cond .• ••••••••••••••••••. •••• 645· 1410 new brks vJnt cond 25 car! $2175 544-7969 673-1764 A I 1146 . • . ~ . ' . · CATCH US WITH 'fl!. .•• •••••••••••••.. 77 1r 924 Sunroof Orig 0 0 0 m I. $ 44 0 0 I o Ir 1-. 7-5-S-U_N_B_U_G_, K-ln_t_co_n_d_ln_ 81 Model 2 10 S /W OUll PlllCES '70 0pelGT.yellow.ctean. owner Excellent cond 646-3638 & out Gorgeous. Must 13850 Lo miles, radtala, run a we It . s 1 o o O 32.000 ml S7200 'lt TOYOTA Sll·I sell S3450/otr 842-7057 AM/FM Like new cone!. DDWlll 714-840-2098 I 497•2993 PIClUP 673·1784 67 VW Baja Bug, 1835 CC Over 100 new & used '71 Opel Wagon. Rblt eng 73 9488 Wllh air conditioning , en g , extra a '78 280Z, 4 apd . A/C. Mercedes-Benz. Come In Sacrifice $900. Call • very clean. (1R61610) S1800Jlle111ble 498--0081 AM/FM cass .. Xlnt cond. & consider our lease ar· 631·6041 • S 7 4 O O . 9 7 5 . 8 9 8 4 , rangement1 or long term I I $4 3 7 5 73 VW Bug, am/Im cas- 993-4305 ll~~:ci:.,~, lmpons. Inc. r!.•A!!!. ••••.••• !.~~! ·~r~8·~~ .. need• res-:;~~4~~;~~~e5a~ •• ~~~oo '71 Da~suo'6o28~Z, 11lnt DIAL 213 or 714 LUii 11112 •(2 t3) 592·2110 llLL llUEY TOYOTA '76 BUG Conv Am/Im ~~:~. !;,,11mm~~~.·~;: 837-2333 PEHHT IOI I ·77 Porsche 924, S1:;\Jo 11202 l11cll llYll. casa, new radtals, tmmac S6200 752·6408 days. 11£RCEDES TllN llHEL t>elow wholesale, lo ml M I t ~ I I t I I c h cond must sell. $6900, • I Sunrt, AC. 4 spd, attoys, 112-0129 bst ofr. 759· 1970 '78 9 210, 4 spd, ale, am/ BEllZ Stunning blk Int Runs .76 Corolla SR5, good $289 perfect sllver body fm, 501< ml, Kint cond, fantastic Never hit. cond ition 11600 71111 011Y1rtllll1 $2950 963-9365 per month plus tax $6150 548-7245 s40.1447 Metallic btue whte lnl & 48 month closed end ·75 914-1 8, Appearance I top Blauplunkt AM /FM F11111i ITZJ leate on approved cr•· 1 Group, am/Im, $5000 '10 TERCEL cass, must see to ap. •••••••••••••••••••••• dlt. Cap co1t·S15, 138: Good c on d pp 5 speed with air condi· prec S8500. 558-1115 OUllE co1m•s s 1850 cash required. 552.0853 tionlng, AM/FM stereo '74 Bug, rblt engine, nu OILY &mHllEI Come In and ask tor d• ind more (302ZTI) 11res. xlnt cond $2500 FERllAlll tallsl (Ser 166851. le .. alt 1755 $35 75 642-1689 IEILERSlllPI IUCH llPORTS •••••••••••••••••••••• _6_9_v_w_B_u_g_._a_)(_tr_e_m_e_1y I ~dl lllE IEUOYlll ·f t~i~H ~~~f ==~:,t;; .·~~~~:;.:·:;:~. f :~~::,::-::~::; · W $ 0 1174 PHIEOT I Mags, Rack & Pinion H2-0121 mileage 3100 West coast Hwy. I04 llEIEL Steering, Front Wheel $1975 631·1054 N-port Beach Drive & Morel '81 Calica GT. 5·sp. air. --------642.9405 Sunroot, AM/FM ate<eo EPA Eat 30 city. 4o hwy cruise, PIS Ill. AM/FM '71 Camper. needs paint. DOWN LEASE & low mllea (916MIG) $4989 ens sharp P P $7000 runs very welt $2375 no Fill 11Z5 OILY UHi 846-4788 PT, 213-592-2110. .•79·;iAr··9RAVA~·xi~i nat'• rl1lltl •• tr11t IEACH llPORTS (serlal 0 113801 '17 CELIOA QT '69 vw Convertible, new •••• ' r.•1lr1• .. .J••• WE'VE GOT FUEGOSI I top, good lntr Need• cond. N-clutch & val· , ,,.1 848 Dove Street OIUJlll COAST Coupe Clean and Sharp paint s3 3oo Steve. ~:..82~.500 O BO , .. , , .... ,.. t NEW;.~~O.oe:CH lllC/.IEEP/REIHLT (1EBE031) _7_5...,..4-4-499---.,...-"""""'.'" (0.A.0.). Oall fer .. ,. 2524 Harbor Blvd., C M $2975 '71 Sqrbk, very clean, rblt '72 850 conven. ,_tires, 41tall1 ••• lll·tlOO. 1171 PlllEIT 549-8023 645-7770 eng, $1950. :~:~·/~B~P96tf1~1;1 JIM SLEMQNS 104 WAIH 1975 R 17 Gordin!. new llLL llUEY TOYOTA 675·1798 .71 124 SPYDER Air cond . AMIFM cas-bait & muttler, 40,000 ml, 11202 leach lh4. 67 vw Bug. 11lnt cond In Air. good cond, s2100 IMPORTS aette & au111tlary fue l x Int S 2 5 0 O I Ir m • • f i 1 I I 11 I C h & out, very clean S2300 548_03031536-6839 tank. (206XXL). 1 548-7377 I ll2 0821 673-6996 Authorized llLY 17111 -80 Vanagon, amlfm cass, * Meroedn Dealer IUCJI llPORTS lol/1 IO'f.tl ITSll ·15 Toyota Pick-up, very sunroof. L model, tinted FANTASTIC* 1301 Quall St. 848 Dove Street •••••••• ••••••••••••• clean well m11ntained wndws. clean brown * FIATS * NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH "l DEALER IN U.S.A. Blue w/wht sPOke whls $8400 960·6325 '81 380SEL· Und-9 000 O New uphol. new rad11tor.1 · tlJG[ SELECTION mlles. Ortani' R0ed , 712·01 0 Dr1V CARVER new shocks & 1gnlt1on 73 Sqbk. 97K. fuel In). Chrome Rims, Sunroof, l"-....11 comp 70000 m1 S3500 headar1, Kint cond, PRE-OWNED perfect cond $44,000 f!!!!~! ..•....... !.~~~ R()[lS-R()}CE firm Mike dys 540-70101 S2500IOBO 552-5476 ToUIJ :,.~ :'!~Y: / ~4:~5~-~711 , ,77,.., 924 Maroon w/tan ~ ...... ~ ... ;., -'";-:f~~" ext 2881, evn 875-9833 ~u:i•l~,~~:· ~S::i 4:lii FIAT SPIDERS· & 71M875-2484. Int Xlnt cond sunroof I ClOSED SUNDAYS 'IO COllOLU $1000 Call 673-2912 air, 35,000 mlles. $6400 L1n1&Cl I FIAT X l /9's lllST lllll 5•8-4148 Sid 9160 With power steering and Volro 1112 Many lo Choo5e fl"Olll 300D 1980 , Snrl, new '82 928. Platinum metallc. •••••••••••••••••••••• air conditioning (6436) •••••••••••••••••••••• M Vltidn Qiarlllletd urea. very dean. $19,000 leath« Int. 5 spd 9000 79 Sub 900 Turbo, loa-$4688 11 1 YltH l1aJ1r or b11 ofr. 962·8392 m 1, s 3 4 5 o o I ded 38,000 m it es I O C ._. 7 1 4 • 7 7 6 • i 0 8 1 , $80001 Otl8f. 760-9086 I falCI 111•1• '78 3000, llvr, extra tank. ;~:~f 75~ 1:o?koo. He rb .• :260;:4•;;4 Red, am/Im !~~~ .......... !.~~~ 1111L2LOll2ill•E•YoTh01Yt!~'. SIUS,-SERYICE DICK MILLER MOTORS l.?IJ W 'f<l.irnpr A~t Sales-Service-Leasing •• AH LWlll '7 1 250. sunroot. air, auto, ster cass, iunroot, ale, SlllLEUCI lhti•cta lch o rlglnel xlnt cond 1 all e xtra s, perl cond. St•••t sS.oo 759-0eSo I 14,900, call Mona .an "••~, l'l'"T owner. . , 71•1558·800 1 8:30 to 1•1 20.ao 411 4141 ~~ •• 4:~••••••••••••••~• MUST SELL 300D 78 5pm. • • ,. • 111111 lllT1111 Ivory Sunroof, 113•900 •n • .. 924 Int cond ..... '12 SUllRU H/I We can help! Before you 97s-o579 or 87~024 io:. S67~ or bat. ll~da buy, check our unbeata· '11 2100 644-8141 Mon-Tues. Fiiiy E~llJ,.4 Sanla Ana '>'>l n 37 OVERSEAS DELIVERY H2-0l2t EXPERTS ........... '74 Corolla Wagon. 4 spd. Ellllf Ill ale New paint & tires VOLVO Run11to())t1 Kit $1650. Bii olr 957-0440 1966 Harb<>< Blvd COSTA MESA ble aelectlon, 11vlnga s 1 d hi S11l •11tllly +fat t and Mf\'fce todayl unroof, a' con · w 19 '76 911T, mint body, new Cap Cost $5405, real· ~ U"IYE"lln tan Int-Clean. Best otrar ang 118,000 or trade for dual 12432, totlt of pey-c I\. Att 8 850-9709 M8fcedn dsl 780-7371 me nta tor 48 months f\ IALll I llRY10E M«~ Benz '81 300D '78 92•. anr1, A/C, magi . $5618 +tax. (118973) '80 Cellca Litt bck yellow 141-ISOI 140-1417 w/btf\ lnlr sunrool, ex· trH. $5690 Qu•ck sale' '66 VOLVO 122S. com· 681·7515. p letely reatore d, n w motor, $2200 845-2534 0 2850 HlrbOI" Blvd . Loeded, xlnt cond. $22, elereo, clean, $7450/bat a. magnon ~ Q COSTA MESA 000. 841·8997 ofr. 213/592-1792 ~ " ou" 140·1140 '80 450SL,allver,greylnt , '78 9l lSC Tari•· 1 18, 1'!!~!'!1~ ••••••••• !.~!? '7' Spitfire. great t op A•I•• U1H cond. runs good $3.000 ••••• i •••••••••••••••• 848·4916 or 841·2547 AllC llOS ...••••.•.••.......... ' -( Wit~!? c~~~~g end ~:::~:::i:~ ~l~e:·o l~· • ;~~:::~:~1!~.· need• pontiac I su~aru .. ~ ~n ~ \ stereo. (102TXA) Aedu· '69 MB280S, Oflg. own.,, frame work 55995/bat Harbor Blvd at F1lr Dr 40 ft. De Fever Design Trawler 1U Ced IO 11lnt cond . $'4900/olf.,, olr. Consider Ired• In Coetl M ... 13211 673-4728 496-8313 549-4300 549·1•57 79 TR 7, conven , 19M ml, xlnt cond .. belt otr over IAYE OYER U,000 $5500 644-5-043 '82 Eagle SX•. low ml Have 1omethlng to sell? 648-4829 Ctassllled eds do II -II She has twm diesels, Lewco battery ~tt~\1 (\\ BILL MAXEY TOYOTA charger, canvas, VHF. Fatho, RDF, tl\\l'at C\a\\\~t ' 19202 Beech Blvd. Fiberglass. Dealer Demo. Underpricecl \\ 'a yttc>\ Hntlngtn Bch 962-0829 at $89,500. Slap Included. ~ c.-r\"t \)-al1 Honda, Toyota, D1t1un, 'N£WPOR7 YACHT E.XCHA NGt 3404 Via ""'-to '-•t O all m•kM, s 199 does 11. Vt"" \e\W' To reserve No 111 Of last. No depo-Suite 4 sit. No lie tee. Dallvert apace call any le&M, bUY9 lny car Newport Beach Sally Lee over our COSI. All Slvetl Ill 1100 LUiing 634.0189 ~~~~~~iiiiii.iiii~~~~~~~~~~~!~~!2!·!~~7!8~~~A~md,•~~~~ tupreme cond. Supreme 1a c r lt1ce 18750. ~!'.~'.'.f!'!t~!!!~ ....... ~-".~'.'.f!'!t~!!!~ ..•.... ~-".~'.'.f~r.!!!~ ..•.•.. f!l!! .•.•..••.•.. !.~!f ·18:7~~:Ro Sunr1. Mlt lllfl ITU lllW ITU JD 111Z ·73 Capri. 4 epd, 4 cyl, •Int Im cau. '3800 . ... •••••••••••• • •••• •• • ••••• ••••• •• ••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••• ••• mite.age, good condltk>n. Catt 538-2218 ..,,.,,,,. ~ CHOICE INVENTORY $ 1195, 845·8252 98 1 HONDA CIVIC ~---" Iii' I u;. VOLUME SALES 0.IHa rJIO 10X1300. Sllv., me1alllc, Sale9-5erva-Leaalng ~ · ~ •• ••••• •••• • • ••••••••• red lnt.,lor, POfygtycoet, te• •201' & I I ' \tll ESTATE SALE at«eo. $5200 oi bit otr. · -• I rt tro 1980 Datwn 2oos x •Int can Scott 875-094-4 , Nice Selectlonl I 0 I M O L l R E I cond. Orig ownr, aCc.p. 1-, ----· ----..,= * 78 2002; 4 apd .. antrt llW ting bid•. Wkdaya plMae 78 Clv H.B., 4-apd, 45K (917PVBI call. 759.4229 ml, 13200. Xlnt cond. ~~~~~0•• IUIO. A/C ULQ..lllYIOI s~;i.;: '78 B2 10/Hatchb1Ck. Diane 538-2884 * '19 320!: • apd , lo• lEASlll La Hibra Miny reblt·nw ltemi. WANTED: Honda Trell 70 dedl (778YPC) 831·2().4() 495-4949 IJJ•IHI S 2118 0 I 0 B 0 , K 1 n REASONABLE * '80 32ot: s 1pd., antrt IUILWOl lllW 0pen Sunday 581·4108. 838-3898 (659ZOK) 2M02 MMgUerl11 Pkwy '78 280Z 45 000 mll gel '78 ACCORD, 5 apd at• * '80 5281; auto .• an/rt. M"*<>n Viejo Ila. lllm'I cond. e>el;.,, SHOO, reo, AC, extra CIHn, (488ZoJ) (Avery E>tl1 off 1·5) IUUT 648-14•7. 14500. 642· 1178. Nf.1111 Open Sundaya & '82 8210, at•reo, a/c , J1••11 1111 208 W. 11t, Santi An• Relit whla 3000 ml xlnt ••'••••••••••••••••••• CloMd Sundey '78 3201, reel, very c:tMn. 111..,. ~SOC) • ·ee XKE 2+2 Sllver/blk, 8acrttlcle 17450/bat off • ·7•9 •• 5 82,000 ml, chtome w1r ... '79 320I. Btown, tin lntt. 1 ne.aoe7 · s .... Slf\llc»-Leutno 875-742418 .... "" 15500, good cond. am/fm ..., cell, aullff, -~ 78 D1t1un 510 W~n, 4 770.2230. = ~ .. ~!!t '7au,9•.:S~300W. 3~~ap<12r/r.~: fO!SiOe'E~ ~kog ~~c~~c .. ':!',,o~f~,11tti /!!.'!.'; •••••••••• !~~I . """'. . ........ ...,....,.,..,(I~ .... p o. vwy • • ...... '14 ........... ·19 u• • "*°· 1eatn., 1H1 Hll llW · ~ .... """'~......, 13200 Ht-M20 '2&oo oeo. 642-1"3 188 wti ... 1. Ellc.llent aunrootJ. AM/FM c:ueet· /!.a-' 1111 ·n . 8210 h•totlbtl. Lo m1.1,.,,,.....~-------:­ c 0 11 d · t 1 G '5 O O · t•, A/lJI Allov rim•. r:r.:••••••••••••••••• 11ereo, runt/100k1 11lnt. 76 lnt•1 ceodptord:~~.·1 64<4-1321, 169-&«f Auton-111 c, low mllH. '74 Ceprl. \18, aunrl, At>lt IH80/blt 957.o.MO Wiit " we> -:.•.1. '""" '12 2002, new engine, 114,aoo 0< bett ofr. eng, xlnl ru1111ln8 cond. Detain ,77 2008X 13200 ml, 121,150. 1'T0-111W11. m&,~· I::' conct. <71•1S.u.e202 =~::~2o ~~ u or Elloelllnl oonct. cutt°"' ..,..._,,._ nu 142 1 87 C1u91c: Sharpl • door, pelnt. Low mllM AMI™ ••••••••eo••••O•••• .. Mell• ~ lhopptng M· model 2000. Aunt gr ... I '79 Captt, 10eded w/>elr... 8ter90 5 epd, aC> PIUI '12 !<#Minn Ghia a-IQd, '*by uetnv the Dilly 12100/0BO. 719·1877 Ui~ c ond. 14000. mp9 , orto o wn•r . 11110. rune good, CfMn "°' a...lfl«I Adi or 831.otOO '" 612·7103 meo. 213t•-1m A•IOI "'" 1100 A•IOI 11.,, HOO A•IOI ""' 1100 ••••• i ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• i •••••••••••••••• Aol01 Ntrt 1100 . .... ~ •...•.......•••• A•IOI N•rt 1100 • •••• i •••••••••••••••• ~************************************************• : d~ ~ Ill Trucks Ire low : ~1~.. SALE PRICED ~ : In Our Huge Inventory! : • • : .7% _Q~.--:: : ,. ••• ,, .. , l!2£a iiaa~ J. A : 01 ILL -rJI : TlllOISI : ! •• DATSlft PICKlP Fully ,.J:-:ya.r::.;;::l~~d.,. .. i.$5999: .... chrome ll•p bumper aide mirror•. • (112124). • ,..!P!lll!lm~91!111~ ... ~ • • • .. • .. .. • • .. .. • • • .. • • • .. ·--=......__ .. ·····"·'·"'·"·····: $6299 • cyl., • spd. trans .. pin stripes. body-glo . Ser. 129599, Stk. 1177. New '82 F-100 56599 1979fHD Mu ...... s3995 ptlons Include sunroof. power Thia one's loaded with all the extra• lleetlng & wire wheels. (102295). lncludlng a T-Top. (129980) 1979MDCU.Y C.u.-rD·7 s4495 1977 TOYOTA ~ .... s3595 Loadedl Options Include cruise Economical 4 cyf. engine, tool box & control & power windows. (708330). ready 10 got (088023). · 1982FHD .... SAYE lnclud91 air cond .• pwr. steering. crulM control & sunroof. ( 132885) 1980 MAZDA ••·7 s7995 Rotary engine, 4 apeed trans. & AM/FM stereo. (613635). 1980A91 4000 s5395 Ilona lnclOO. elr cond., sunroof & om wtieela. (00. 180). 1980•ATIUll MOD '9995 1978DATSUll 2001X s2995 4 cyl. engine, 5 speed trans & AM/FM stereo. (1•90<M). 1981 ClllYY ...... v ... SAYE hie one has all the extras Including arpetlng & paneling. ( 104827). I 977 CllUllA .. v-c. ......... s5995 Automatic trana., pwr. ateerlng, atom paint & morel (020983) 197••-·-·· s4395 TN• one'• tutty equipped Including 6 cyf. engine, llUto. trana., air cond. \l9loUr Interior. (214644). extra dMnl (1062M). ·············• ~ .. !~.,!!4 .•......... ~~ .. !m .......... . .. ..::• f!\fttW ........ M ftlmrtlft ...... 11.ft na-w•-IU n PMm 1• u= •--We ll•Y9 a aood Mltetl• llft.All ---1 D on of NIW l Ul&O Coupe. Auto. Hane., Cti.YtOlettl eoonomlcal dleeel power t• o~ .... ,,.. 1 loeded1 ,~,,.At"'°' All op ti one & oolore 11111 cart avallabl•. Hurry, wlllle •Y Mltll Mleotlon lute. .............. •• ,,. ...... ~/au.II'''· IUlll llUf NtWPORT HACH .. ,.,, ....... , .,. ..... 2524 H11bor Blvd;: C.M. '10 DIRITTI '80 Toronado OleNI ~9·8023 U o--TT70 Auto. trane. and air con· 38,000 ml, t op oond lll!~ ........... ~(f SEE II tor tl\e largat and beet Hlectlon of new and uaed Buick• In Orange dltlonlno, tow mW. and Asking •eeoo. oa11 Lau-clean. (1RSW475) ,., BILL n!~~YOTA :-:.::::. 4 ::.: 19202 Beech Blvd, *II.It 'ti* Hnllngtn Bch 992-0829 One Owner. Low mll .. '75 Mallt>u Claaalc, good Air. All powet Aune oond/1 ownr, Moving great. 1595/0fler aale $1476 nrm 956-3052 559-5010 ~ 'T• CheYelle Mellbu c1 ... "•" HIJ lllo. P/ 8. PIB. Auto. Air, •••••••••••••••••••••• 350 va. cleer llt le. '72 Pinto, auto, radio •I 111 Or_,. CCM!ty 2925 Hatbor Blvd. $800/0BO. 9&4-3206. $1200. COSTA MESA '69 Impala, auto. 3!0 V8. ---~--4_7_00 __ _ air, p/1, p/b, ru119 good. '74 Pinto Sta Wgn, enQ $525. Call S48-8e21 ah need• w ork, rune . 919-2100 10AM. S•OOtolftf. 700-9731 Buick '79 Regal, llke new. Air, power, cruise, 1111, Cirnl11 1111 11 .. Hli IHC tape. 32M. 15895 or of· ••• -,.-••••••••••••••••• ••' .... ••••••••••••••••• fer. P/P 75g.1257 78 LeBaron, PS, PB, AC, '71 Plymouth Crlctcet. FM, Burgundy w/vln top. Stick lhltt, reg g11. 1110 SIYURI Lo mt, $3800. U0-0857 1700. ~!5-1716 LllllTEI '73 Newport, new tlre1, '50 PLYMOUTH xlnt cond, ... to apprec:. 2 dr cpe Deluxe, xlnt With only 8,000 actual 11200 8-48-8887 cond. $1150. 5-44-2188 mllee. Immaculate, haa 1----------------automatic trana., power C .. tl•••l•I 1130 IHllH IH5 atterlng. alr condltlo· :••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• nlng, crulae contrOI. lllt 77 Llneoln Town car. 25, '12 t•All Al wh_., stereo and more 000 mt. Rull metallic n (1ASE9t2) $5500 S.5-1718 Pow. wind. 4 lock•. tllt, auto .. cuat. air, crulae, fully equipped. (54•532) $8811 '70 4 door Conllnental, BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ;~'{'.i~~~ In & out. 1850· 19202 Beach Blvd. Hntlngtn Ben 962-0829 '66 Llncoln Continental, • fine mech1nlc1I cond. 75 Skyhawk, V6, 38K Needa aome body & trim mllet, 1/c, power. $2750. work . S 4 9 5 / o BO . S.5-7983 642-7033 '80 R41Jgal Cpe, fully Cttnlll 1132 equipped. cream color, •••••••••••••••••••••• like nu 18K ml\ $6300 1111 CHYITTIJ ~-9138 4 apeed Irani., air cond. 'IO IUYIHA & toadedl (1CBU427). Sharp I OllLY S 13,1111 12•1 ••lti.IJ +tu Cap. co1t 112, 1!0, r .. 1. dual $6357.06, total of payment• for 48 month• 111.588 +tax. a. magnoo pontiac / subaru Harbor Blvd II Fair Dr In Coate Mna 549-4300 S.9-1457 Grand Prix, Ille 1980, 2 All options. black w. black Int., xlnt cond. $8200. PIP 640-6931 1llO OOIVmEl dr. whte, w/blue Landau, C.~1•11.,,. ••is Automatic trans, air xlnt cond. (10,200), ml, •· .. JJ cond . & loaded I loaded, Incl AM/FM •••••••••••••••••••••• (1BEB067). A beautyl caaa, 15500/ofr. Tue & oom•PUTlll OILY s12,•11r.1 Fri (dys) ev1 Ill 7PM, OlllWOt ~ u 5•5-9636 We speclallze In lease• lltw••i "LtYrtltt '78 Grand Prix. Orig ow-for the business execu---ner, Imm Cond low mt-tlve & prof"5tonat Dove/Quall Sts. le""". 55g.55~ L •-f fl NEWPORT BEACH ...,. •r&t -to •• ·n Grand Prix, full elec:· Of ltw 1112 833-0665 tronlca, xlnt cond . C .. lllHI .78 Corvette L82 4 apd. $2800/bat olr S.5-9246 It• 11 Steo•t All option•. Mini! 15,000 '63 Le Man• convertible, NABER~ ml. 759-0685 fully '"tored new rldlal ,,. '76 CORVETIE tlr81, $1900/bll ofr. C 1\l)I LL1\ ~ Loaded, T-top, orig. ow-_8_5_9_·8_6_13 ____ _ 2600 Harbor Blvd ner, lo ml, xlnt cond. Flreblrd '77, Formula, Com Me\41 540.9100 $7900 845-7107 auto, xtnt cond, brn/lan l l.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.I c ..• , 1133 ~~8-~~=ed $3395. PP, ·91 ELDORADO •••~••••••••••••••••• --------Loaded. lo ml, $14,500 '87 Cougtr $950. Auto-fiH,fltlr' 1110 847-6660 matte. power. 289 •••••••••••••••••••••• w/30.000 mllaa FASTI 1963 Thunderbird. many THE URIEST Ca.II 5-40-3177 new llem1, tnoroughly . reconditioned. Musi NII SELECTIOll 7~~~~~r KR7• very $3750 759-1914 of Ille model. low mite•-¥2000 5<48-1333 ·73 T-Btrd 4!0/hp grMn ge Cadlllacs In Southern 73 000 ' ' Calllornlal See us todayt f•r' 1140 $16oo.' 8-48-2807 llllERS •••••••••••••••••••••• --------'11 ESCORT ·74 Thunderbird. Sunroof, ClDIWC Low mites air condition A/C, •II power• good 2600 Harbor.Blvd. 11ereo (3024) ' con d 111 on . S 185 O. COSTA MESA 14•11 _5_5_7-0860 __ . ---- 540•1880 Biii Maxey Toyota '69 T·Blrd, looks & run1 111202 Beach Blvd. xlnl. Mull see $595. 79 Eldorado BlarrlU Hnllngtn Bch 982-0829 _96_2·_8068 _____ _ 33,000 ml, yellow on ye!-'71 FORD MIY'ltrlck Good VH• 1114 low. top cond Asking cond 3 new tires econ ••'••••••••••••••••••• Stl.300 Cllt Leura. S850. 4114-3211 ' · 1976 l{ega Low mites, 494-979214~· 1909 runt 'g"T ea I S 1 2 5 0 '78 Sevttte, lulty equipped, '71 FIESTA 957•1666 dyl. 875-7197 to ml, 18000 Oya Low mll81, cteen and----·------• 8«-7940; avs 675-1257 lhatp (<431VXV) ·ao Cpe de VIie. take over $2515 A11t11 U1td ···•···•·•······••··•· loweat monthly teue BILL MAXEY TOYOTA p1yment1 for $150 & 1 19202 Beach Blvd. NABERS mo. or sale. Good cond., Hnllngtn Bch 962-0829 " 10 ml. Loaded w/many ---"--------1 (~ADIL l A ,C xtru. 559--0769 MUST SELL '70 Sta Wgn, ; "' JI ~ ~ .68 C d b ak b 4 door, good cond. S850 a . nu r es, all, 751-3771 CLEARANCE tires, waterpump, atarter 1--------Must 1811 $550 642-9008 '64 Falrtane. 8 cyl, stlctc, OAllLUC smu.E ~:O~f'$9s8'~;;_95~od SALEI. 11181 White and Taupe , 493-287<1 or 1-346-5426 71 Country Squire Weg. evening• S800 Firm 631 .. 757 '78 Fleetwood Brougham --------1 Immaculate. Low Mllea· '81 ESCORT WAGON ge 17495 675-5977 AIT. AIC, P/S, Like new --------· $3995 OBO 8e2-2357 ·77 Coupe de VIiie. 39K, , . loaded. teether 15650, 70· 71 Maverick, good Call 6<40-1 146 trans. MUST SELL 975-7978 ff~M! •••••••••• !!.H '73 l TO 9 PIH wagon . ·79 Camero auto air Pwr/luggage rk Gd AM/FM casi, n-cond: c o n d P P S 7 9 5 . $6500/ofr. 646-16<40 U4-59" 1 lfL I , .. ,,., ·75 GRANADA, very good ... ~.I J Ir. Cond $t500. •••••••••••••••••••••• • 931 .. 7994 78 CHEYROLn Iii llSO CHEYETTE •• !~~~!r •••••••••••••• 4 apd . Only 55K '77 BOBCAT. Augo., (908AJU) m o o ,, r o o f • $ 1 4 8 5 . S 1991 631· 1153. Leave mt1-eage on phone. DICK MILLER MOTOR S J,'(I fi 'fi 11nP• lw• s~nl j •··· ·i'i: .' l l.' 81 Caprice Clualc, A/C, et.c aunrf, many xtru. 873-3883, $8700 t978 El Camino GrMn 1-346-428 '78 Capri 11. V8 eng, s.-. clal Edition, tmmac .. beet otter. 639-1146 !!!!~!f •...•.••• !~!~ '82 CONVERTIBLE Cabrto with everything. Call coll.ct after 5PM. 208-726-8583. '88 Muateng. Air. pony Interior. $2850/bat ofr. ~0-9<459 '78 Chavette, xltn cond. 1875 Muatang Ghia, AC, Must sell $2895 or best AM/FM, rune good. A .. ofter. 875-8888. k I n g S 2 • 5 0 0 . 714·682·2424 1110 OIOllUT '79 Mulling, iclnt cond, OITITlll IDAll pie, p/b, air, • ~. am/ Automatic tran• .. air Im can. 14200/080 . oond. & aunroofl ~9-7374 or&40-9439 (528XWG). Front·Whffl '78 Muatang II, 8 cyt, 42, dttvet 000 cer•fully driven llLY SC4111 m11ee. or1g owner. a.au. ltWUI ...,,.... tllul cono. Radio. AC, Dow/Quall Sta. 12400. ~4-0259 NEWPORT BEACH mf 1111 I llMlll 'M Met. er. Mua~ 1111 '78 NoYa, 2 de, ale, am/Im r;:in!. •t:;, ~~:Tr:; tt•r•o c11•..1 gd oond. pony Int, 111111 con", Muat eell. dtOO, dye 16800 firm. U8·5205 730-7893, fN 8-40-4•10 dlyl, U8-0g2t evaa. 1912 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD llOUGHAM (1EAL~5) $16,995 1980 CADILLAC ILDORADO COUPI (802277) $12,995 1977 CADILLAC SIVILLI (488259) sg995 1979 CADILLAC COU,. DIVILLI (316YBM) sg995 1911 CADILLAC fLllTWOOD HOUGHAM COUP1 "ASTIOIOOf" (1CAA592) s14,995 1981 CADILLAC llVILLI "fACTOIY ~TONI" (889170) $16,995 1971 CADILLAC · llVILLI (971VNI) $9895 onw Good Thru Mondey, 8-18-82 ·eo l!.I Camino. 22K ml, Mike v e, I 5 e oo , exoe 1, -,-11-,-.... -... -.-1.-·NABERS 873·te42. 8•0-111• 10 mtg 857-Se&t '77 NOVA ...... ..., CAl)ILL1\(~ ittt, P/8 Xlnt cond. ~ ................ T;e~'• 2IOO HA~ a.o '2800/0IO 49'-2971 ":~ ·~=·:.::: COITA MIU . '11 llee., 2 Cit, retllt ~· run• great, burgWld) 540 J860 t cyt, IS ff!t. nu t. 00'*. ll.1.400 I/Ir be9t Of· . • •1200/0bO a7-t1 7 f9r. ttl1•r111 .. SUMMER CLEARANCE '81 M1rqui1 lrou1h1m cfttT •9999 PA'v~i~rs 1294 41 PT';J1 Air, pwr. wind .. pwr. lock, tilt wheel, AM/FM 8 trt<. 36 mo. lease cash down required 1917.06 Realdual $35•3.05 Stk. #838. '81 z .h JI D CAP •5399 LEASE •13JIH PLUS ep fr • r. COST PAYMENTS • TAX Pwr. ateer., A/C, ttereo, 36 mo. lease. Residua! $3170.67. Caah required $722.78. Stk. #931. '81 Cou11r Sedan CAP '8095 LEASE •112s1 PLUS COST PAYMENTS TAX Stereo, pwr. tteet., A/C. 36 mo. tease Realdual S3050 20. Cash down $751 05. Sttc. #927. '11 Escort Wacon CAP COST 15095 LEASE 113711 PLUS PAYMENTS TAX Automatic, A/C. 36 mo. lease. Aealdual $2643.20 Caah required $597.59 Stk #924. '81 XR-1 CAP '1898 LEASE •22111PLUS COST PAYMENTS TAX A/C, pwr. eeatt, stereo. cruise, tilt. 36 mo. lease. Residua! $3353.60. Cash down $831.18. Stk. 11872. '81 Zep. Viii. W1n. cf6:T 17595 PA;E~~~Ts '20911 PTifxs AM/F~ stereo. A.JC, PIS, cruise. tilt. Residual 13•40.86. 36 mo. lease. Cash down $673.1• Site. •760 • 5 0 1• CAP s9J150 LEASE 120011 PLUS lew '82 Capra • lfre cosT ~ PAYMENTS TAX •8 mo. tease. Residua! $4751.00. Cash down $529.90. Stk. #6325. CAP '58&0 LEASE • 12512 PLUS COST PAYMENTS TAX llew '82 LJnX 3 Dr. •8 mo. lease. RHldual $2853.90. Cash down $406.05 All leaaes 9llbject to approved credit. Offer ends Aug. 15, 1982. '82 Capri Demo $500 Under Invoice Bea.utlful white, elr. auto .. PIS, P/B, P Locke. T-Aoom. spd. control. AM/FM stereo cass .. meny more extras. Stk. #6307 '81 Cou11r Demo 2 Dr. Coupe$1000 Under Invoice Air, PIS, P/8 , powet windows, apd. cont. & more. Site. #9004. '82 Continental Sedan $860 Under Invoice Fr. vanllla. air, PIS, P/8, leather trim, cass., garage door opener. All the best In lactory equip. Stk # 1125. '80 Pontiac Sunllird Price $5295 4 apd , 4 cyf. A gaa mlMf'. AJr. AM redlo, 969• mlles Like n-. Stk '799-A Uc #1CTA864. '19 Volvo 4 Dr. Sed1n Price $84&0 White b9lge leather trim, auto .. P/8, PIS, air, P/W, cruise, cassette quad sound syet•m. tun roof. Stk. #2641A. Lie. #972ZEO. '71 C1pri Ghia Price $4998 BlltlflWMI with tan Interior, auto .. P/S, P/8, air, cau .. cruise contrOI, tilt wheel, very low mllea. Stk. 1811. Lie. #841WAH. '79 Uncoln Y1rs1ille1 Price $84&0 Shining black with red IMther trim, P/S, P/8, etr, atep control, CNlse, quad aound & much more. Stk. 052. 'll Li1ooln Tono1r Price Slll& Yellow with beige Interior, tactory 9qulpped Incl. AM/FM atereo. pOW« entenna, IMtt & wlndowt, very ct.an, low mlleS. Stk. #814. Set. #624948. 'll U1ooln M1rlc '01rtier Price $1111 &lrgundy w/&lrgundy .... her trim, whit• hall top, P/W, P/ ... I, CfUIM, AM/FM.,.,.., & mote 1M. Ulce new, won't laet long at thl1 price Stk. #922. Uc. #1CTA937. .. DEADLINES For TUMdllY through Saturday publicatlor., 5:30 PM the pnwious day. For Sonday and Monday publlcatlons, 12:00 noon Saturday. • ERRORS ~ ahould check lh9ir a dally and report errors lmmedlately. The DAILY PILOT -.irrea llablllty for the flrst lncorrect lnaertlon only. 0 ·~~ ~~~& n 642-5678 n n 0 a PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All rHI--~lead In thll ,......,._ ,, aubject to the Federal Fair Houalng ~of 1988 which rrekes It lltagal to ~IN "any preference, ltmltetlon, or dlacrlnVnatlon b..ad on ,.., oolot, religion, Mx, or n1t1ona.ortgln, «an ln1*1tlon to INke tlfl IUCh pr9ference, llmltatlon. or dilctlnVnatlon.'' - Thl9 newspaper will not knowingly accept Wit .,_1ieloo for,.., ..._ wNc:tt ii In vlolatton or tM i.. ---ltll -----= --·--·---1• -,. ·-... ""-........ ~ ..... ,.,_ ..... ~ -, ~ C.,,ta ~m:...."=', ~11 .... -. -.. --·-~ ·-11 t !Al ....... -~,,, ...... -.. ..., ~-a. e"'·-. _ ..... r~ =·-. ·/!ta In this ca•eoory mutt &»e p,.plld ·-·-IJ3I ·-... ,.. ·-.. ---------,,. = Open N :30, Satutdly I-noon CQoeect on 8u'*Y) liD W. aav 11 .• co.a U... Ce._,.._. -----418 ... --= ----= 760-8333 .llllllE CREEi Ever popular plan #1. 2 bedrooms and den. Beautifully decorated. Lovely patio. Ideal location in guarded community with tennis and pools. Sensational price of only $318,000. 760-8333 URIOR RIDIE YIEW HIME This elegant condo has 4 bedrooms, and 3 batha. It has been elegantly designed with a dramatic entry, gourmet kitchen and flowing spaciousness. lt is beautifully decorated with loads of mirrors, plantation shutters and many custom extras. Asking $650,000. 760-8333 PRICE llEllCEI 2 story condo with Back Bay view. 3 bedroom, 21h bath. Family room . Private patio. Community pool. Owner financing. Asking only $119,000. 760-8333 IEWHRT HEllllTS--$111,100 Once a 3 Bdrm home, expanded into 2 Bdrms (now with some elbow room). Remodeled kit. and baths. All copper plumb, brick fireplace. Large yard w/sprinklers front and rear, cov. patio, room for boat and/or motor home + 3 car garage. Soper location, and terms available. 675-6670. • A Division of • 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA IEWNRT IEllHTI Split level 'Doll House'. 2 Bdrms, used brick fireplace, redec. kit., large patio, shake roof & new landscaping. Fantastic buy at $209,500. Great asNmable loan. 675-6670 HllHUID 1u1n This beautiful traditional 4 bedroom, Camily home is accented with French doors, stained and leaded glass windows. This home has a gourmet kitchen, special children's room, pool, spa, wading pool and so much more. $895,000. 760-8333 ELEUIT IPYIUSS This elegant 5 bedroom, 5 Y\ bath home is located high atop prestigious Spyglass Hill. Breathtaking views, family room, library, master suite with fireplace. Pool, spa elevator, 3 car garage with motor court. Full security. $1,995,000. 760-8333. UYnllT . ..., • ..,.., ............. n.. Beautifully maintained 4 Br, study & formal dining, 3 Ba (spa ln master). Complete blt-ln kit. Surrounded by loads of used brick. Onwer will finance entire balance. Aaking $1,395,000. 675-6670 .r JACOBS REALTY, INC. 675-6670 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92683 </?:OPERTIES 760-8333 OllmY FIEIOll This home is located on an estate-si7.ed lot overlook.lng the golf courae in prestigious Big Canyon. 5 bedroom, 4 baths. Tavern room. Study. Formal dining room. Gounnet kitchen. Superb custom construction, covered patio and pool. $2,650,000. 760-8333 TIE EUIUOl 111 IEOltm If Ill COY• are found in this lovely Dover model with dramatic dty lishta and Bay views. Excellent Rller-aasisted financing to qualified buyer. 2 bedrooms and den. Expanded living room. $450,000. 760-8333 I llUI OIME TllE This home ia for the di8crlminating. Old English Pub. All beamed and paneled study. Music center, French doors and 2 fireplaces. Solid oak stain:aae, beveled g1aas, silver cabinet and wine cellar. Located on the exclusive Big Canyon Country Club. 3 Bedrooma. The best that money can buy $975,000. 760-8333 DllLUITlllm Super sharp 2 Bdrm & study in excellent location w/view of . backbey. Formal dining, pool, tennis. No payments on 2nd for 2 years. owe 3rd. All for only $189,500. 760-8333 . • . A Division of 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA IPDT&laAI WMllWITD YllW from this 4 bedroom. 3 bath entertainment palace. Pool and spa are located in private courtyard. A stalrway leads to a beautiful private Cameo Shores beach. $2,225,000. 760-8333 DOEP111111L IEOLIMI Ill .. llllE 3 bedroom, 3 bath heme on quiet cul..<Je..sac. End unit with ocean and night-light vieWI. Wood floors, mirrored din1ni room wall. Skylight, private patio with spa. $675,000. Oller your terms. 760-8333 · PlllUlllO VIEW Magnificent Lautremont ln tabuloUi cul-de.sac location. 4 bedroom, family room. fonnal dining. 3 baths, custom oak paneling, ceramic tile flooring, alr conditioned, desl&Jler carpeting. 2 lovely patJoc, automatlc sprtnklen, guarded community, pool and tennil. $795,000. 760-8333 I JACOBS REA~TY, INC. ; 675-6670 --------- .. I l r I l ! l l I I I ! I PRISCILLA REA PRESENTS: PRIVATE, EQUESTRIAN AND WATER PROPERTIES from Lake Mission Viejo to the prestigious '·'Hunt Club" to exclusive Cyprus Cove. VIEWS• WATERFRONTS• PRIVATE COMMUNITIES• GOOD FINANCING -AND MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL - YOU OWN THE LAND! PRfSCIUA REA TIES VllT&I -II TIE WATDPlllT Magnificent country French estate with 90 feet of. Lakefront, offered furnished, In an area catering to water enthusiasts who appreciate the ultimate llfesty1e. $1,900,000. EtlEmlAI EITATE llMESITE Located In the private community of the "Hunt Club" with 2.7 acres. Terms. Subordination. $375,000. •• TIE wan• II TIES YllT&I Just reduced wtth 5 bedrooms, 5 baths, terms available. $825,000. MllSlll VIE.II WEFIHT Probably the best priced home on the water with $300,000 Arst and owe. $750,000. For a private sh,,wing ol these properties CllTlll "lllT OLll" IElllEICE Equestrian one 8Cfe property wtth 5 bedrooms, 5 baths. Terms available. $875,000. .., ~ . ~;~ ~· - ·' s. .. M Tll WI II llSSIN YIUI Contemporary wood and glass 5 bedroom, 4 bath residence. $1 ,400,000. . 1111 .... ll¥E ...... WILL II YIRI Tl llE Three bedroom Ranch house for Just 10% down. Private community. $395,000. . . ' Lingo Rul&mt UPI 11111 llPE .. OIUIEI Just 10% down moves you In to this 3 bedroom, 2'A bath resldenoe. $257,500. . U1•1•11UP1• Three bedroom, 2'A bath home with private beech acoeaa and terms avallable. $320,000. Call · PRISCIUA REA 493-8812 -, _ _....._ _ _...._ ,.06Jiraft1e.counay.au1.Eet..._-~Mv~1•.StW~,,torJM •DAlkii._ ~omceet~,,~totrw2 -/II -- ( NEWPORT BEACH SOUTH BAYFRONT WITH VIEW OF PAVILION Located Just one block from the Ferry with boat mooring available, this 6 bedroom Balboa Island residence has 2 kitchens and assumable financing. $1,095,000. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCING! Seller packing, looking for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, fireplace, wet bar, several eating areas and views flt to kill. $495.000. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEWS A country kitchen and skyUght wlndow.wnl light up yourc llfe when you move Into this 3 bedroom, 3'11 bath wood condo near beach and shopping. Reduced to $249,500. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom, 4111 bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft. of living space. Slip and side tie for 60 ft. boat. Seller will help finance. $1,450,000. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE This rambllng ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms, 2'11 baths, country kitchen, room for pool and reduced price of $163,000. Seller wlll carry with 15% down or wlll consider trade down. OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront Blvd., this duplex with a 2 and 3 bedroom unit could be converted to a comfortable family home. Seller will carry at 12.5% with 20°1• down. $475,000. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller fl!"lanclng. $465,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25°/t down. $225,000. RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has seller flnanclng with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $235,000. . SUBMIT ALL OFFERS-OWNER FLEXIBLE Try AITO or trade on this 6 Bdr 4 Ba Harbor View estate with over 1h acrel Beach house wtth 2 frplc, skylltea, French doors, gorgeous pool, spa, Kol pond and huge lot. $495,000. Open dally 1-5. HARBOR VIEW FOR FAMILIES Submit all offers on this 4B/3B contemporary home with financing and flreplace. $310,000. (.__ _____ N_EW __ L_Y_L_IS_T_E_D ______ --') LUXURY HOME WITH 35' BOAT DOCK Spacious 3 Bdrm, famlly rm executive residence on Trinidad Island, Huntington Harbof'. AsaumabJe 1st with additional seller financing avallable. $399,950. NEWPORT GLEN-PRICED TO SEW Just 2 ml. to the Orange Cty airport, this 2 Bdrm light & airy upgraded townhome features addl(lonal den + use of pool, spa a BBQ. $120,000. SAN JUAN EQUESTRIAN RANCH "Hunt Club" 6 bedroom. 6111 bath home .with pool, spa, 4 fireplaces. owe. S1,500tooo. ( ______ HA __ RB~_O_R_R_l_D_G_E ____ -') "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Assume $564,500 at 11. 75% on this 3 bedroom, 21/t bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor, Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city llg_hts from large decks. $695,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMSI Seller wlll carry an AITO of $519,000 at 12.75°!. for an extended term for a quallfled buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 3'11 baths, large decks, 3 fireplaces ~d femlty room. Y.Jews from thls home are Incredible! $850,000. "DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 Arst at 13.25•;. fixed or seller will consider trade on this 4 bedroom, 3'11 bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 flreplaces, atrium and panoramic ocean and city light views. Seller relocation. $850,000. AMENITIES THAT JUST DON'T QUITI Elegant 5700 sq. ft. home with French marble fireplace, Jacuzzi tub and steam shower In the master bath, 4-car garage, Insulated wine room, 3 addltlonal bedroom suites, elevator, full security system, 4 fireplaces and much, much morel $1 ,895,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES Mirrors, celling fans and pavers accent this like-new 4 bedroom, 21/t bath home In close proximity to the tennis courts and pool-spa area, Only $520,000. CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. formal French home with no houses behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that will r ival all others. Seller must liquidate but will consider a Joint-venture agreement. $1,500,000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCEI Located on a lot that Is unusually large for this area, this panoramic view home can be traded for residential or commercial property In Orange County or seller will carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms, 7 baths, projection room, wine cellar, family room & large kitchen. This home has It all! $2,700,000. "EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MODEL "Estates" 3 bedroom, 2500 sq. ft. townhome with spectacular vi~. Terms with low down. $575,000. ( EMERALD BAY ) . COMPLETELY RESTORED TRADITIONAL HOME Located on a large comer lot, this 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home hu a large patio wtth spa, cuatom landecaptng, famUy room and full UM of recreational faclllUes. Try lease/option or low down. $825,000. $517,000 ASSUMABLE AND SELLER WILL HELP Spectacular 2 bedroom ocean view home with ewtmmtng pool and additional seller financing. $850,000. WALKING DISTANCE TO RECREATfON Charming 5 bedroom, 4 bath home In exctuatve gate-guarded community. S7QO,OOO. SWEEPING OCEAN VIEWS Superb quality 5 bedroom home wtth den. country charm, hardwood ttoort, formal dining, central courtyard with apa, aepatlte maid'• quarters and 3 flreptecea. $1, 100,000. I \ I e= LM Ill.I DAllM--llSTIM lllFlllT 85' ovenooktng the yachting of Newport Bey & ekYttne of Newport Center. Thia generous 4BR reeldence preeenta a mood of tutefut- amblance to be shared w/famlly & frtenda. Gracious entertaining areas abound Ind. a bayakte terrace w/pool. Rk:h woods thruout. Wine rm & eeperate maid's qtra. Air cond, eecurlty, p4er & sltp. $6,600,000. Dona Chlchelter (P11) PIUTllL El Ell• • 11111 lllml Magnlflcenl1y designed 5BR French Regency and Greek claatlc styte residence. Approx. 5600 sq. ft. of IMng apace overlooking the bay and formaJ entry courtyard w/pool. $1,575,000 Incl. land. Barbara Aune (P12) ..... 11111 lllTlll Traditional Southern Colonlal Ideal for a coup4e or small famlly. 3 BR, 3 Ba, formal dining, library or music rm adjacent to llvlng rm, study and spacious fam rm. Expansive mountain & reservoir VIEWS. Senslbfy priced Including the land. $1 , 195,000. Martha Macnab (P13) QIEl1llll DTl11 Statety Georgia Colonial on 2.2 acree. 6 BR, 5'h BA, dining & famlly. Pool, riding rtng & stablee. Substantial price reduction to $1,850,000 Including land. Martha Macnab (P14) 22 IPTI. N ILIFFI If ..,111' IDOi Over1ooklng nature Park & preserve. Each apt. has 2 BR, 1~ baths; most w/flreplaces, 2 car garages or carports. Comm. pool nearby. Excellent financing. Walk to Corona del Mar High, CathoHc Grammar School, Eas1bluff Shopping Center. $1 ,800,000 Leasehold. Jan Young (P15) I 111111• IOUI VIEW Split level home In guard gated community w/fabuJous vlata of coastline, city llghta & ocean. Excellent financing avallable. Submit aJI offers. $950,000 Anita Schandel (P18) ................ Total security In this beautlful luxurtous condominium -Bay & city view, underground security parking, Pool & ape. Magnificent entrance salon w/crystal chandelier, Pool rm & deck area to private boat sllps. $8-45,000. Barbara Aune (P17) Liii iii.i wm n11111• Cape Cod custom -2'h yra new. Perfection. Bank of America assumable 1st T.O. Bring offers. $685,000. Call Oona Chichester (P18) wmFIL llTilll WAY Traditional with dramatic extras! Built by tvan Wells, Spacious rma for entertaining. Glass retractable roof, 3 fireplaces, mirrored walls, handsome murals, 4 bedrms. Lushly landscaped yard with pool, spa & waterfall. Offered at $675,000 Including land. Cathy Schweickert (P19) llllllllME Dramatic 2 BR apllt level with large formal dining room, den & library. Spectacular ocean and city tight view. Immediate poseesalon. Great terms. $580,000. Belle Partch (P20) llVIR TDIAll USTm Super ocean & bay view from this apactoua alngle atory reetdence. 2 mstr atJltes, plus 2 more lg BR, 4 BA, fam rm, & game rm. Poot In courtyard. Great for entertaining. $595,000 LH Donna Godlhall (P21) ----- Ulml Fii I IUl.1 Private lender juat forecloMd -Must aell lmmedlatelyl 5 BR, Spygtau Hill home with pool, apa & pastoral view -under mart<et @ $515,000 lndudlng land. Mwtha Macnab (P22) ... UlllTlll ••••• ••• ·-VIEW Fantasttc ocean & canyon view 3 BR, 2 BA, dining area home la situated on very IQ lot-room for expansion a poof. $405,000 Fee land Donna Godshall (P23) . MlmY lllTlll • ... EOl.IFF' Just steps away from three prtvate beaches, featuring a 3 BR, tam rm home w/lots of charm & 2 fireplaces. This apllt level home has Its own master suite with a view of the ocean. A fantastic buy. $495,000 tncl. land. Sharon Smith (P24) Fii LUii • 1ALE Charming 3 BR, 3 BA trl·level In otd Corona del Mar -prime location with peak bay view + 1 BR guest over garage. $.495,000 or $1850/mo. Martha Macnab (P25) H YUi lllMllU LUI Best flnancl!'.9 ever -Harbor Ridge -$75,000 will move you In "Renaissance • Model In fantutJc location. Be sure & see this one. $475,000 Anita Schandel (P28) "IUYIEW" ... _ New on the market. This fabulous "Bar Harbor" Is situated hlah on the hlll affording superb view of ocean, city llghte and coutlme. 3 BR. eeparate fam rm. Showa better than model. $475,000. Anita Schandel (P27) IUWIW Ooean & city llghta view from thl1 4 BR 3 BA, formal dining rm and fam rm. Single story community poof & tennis courts. AvaJlable now. $459,000 Donna GodahaJI (P2~) ...... 111'" Prestigious HARBOR VIEW HOMES -6 BR, fem rm, formal din rm, pfua beautiful poof & spa. Completely upgraded-French doora & windows, plantation shutters, paneling & new kitchen. Too many amenities to llst. $429,000 lnct fend. Donna Godshall (P29) VllW-YIEW-YllW Lovely 3 BR, fam rm, 2 ftrepl-=-. Jacum. Immaculate "Fantastic" Ananctng Avallable. $425,000 Berlt Mitchell (P30) .,....lllTll_ Construction -Solld walnut cabinetry -formal dining room - Living rm w/vaulted celling -family rm & country kitchen -4 BR -Lg corner lot. Sparkling pool w/beautlful country garden. You own the land. $424,500 Barbara Aune (P31) -11••• 11111 Gate-fauatded community. 2 BR+ an. Tutefully decorated. CIOse to pool & tennis. $395,000 Bertt Mltcheel (P32) llYll• •YE The "legend" modol -one BR, den condo attuated with atepe of the bay. COmpletely redecorated. The mater autte OCCUDlel the entlre second floor. Financing It excellent on thll pr .. llglou1 hon,• •. $395,000 Fee Donna GodlhaJI (P33) 80 84t-1211 y • ' , • I • ------r ·------------- I • Ullll YllW llLLS -111 .. 111 Attention Decorators! This luxurlous 4 BR trl-level home needs your creative decorating. Forma~ ltVlng area w/vaulted ceilings. Afford great privacy. Secluded park-llke garden. Seller hlghty motivated $369,500 LH Bplle Partch (P34) 10 MOIR llWI 100% FIUIClll - TlllTLEllCI UllEI l•E Model home 4 BR, 3 BA, spa, 2 covered patios, 2 flr8i)1aces, mi- crowave, community park. $329,000. Owner wlll finance 100-~ total cost to buyer $895.00 to close escrow. Barbara Callihan (P35) IEWf •T IEIOl--llPLD "ITIPS Tl Wiii" Excellent rental area. 2 & 3 BR. Both units has fireplace, new drapes & paint. Owner wm help with financing. $320,000. Bertt Mitchell (P36) ••11.m CUFTSIUISllP On a fine view lot wtth 4 BR, plus library and sauna. Everything a great remodel should be In a neighborhood worth caring about. $320,000 Coby Ward (P37) Ill.Ill PElllSIU CITTllE Absolutely charming 3 BR beach cottage located on superb Balboa Peninsula corner ~ot. Steps to park & beaches. Outstanding terms! True seller motivation. $310,000. Suzanne Shuler (P38) U1T1L1n aum Never before on the market. Original owner has newly remodeled this beautiful lg. 4 BR residence to take advantage of the site & gorgeous view. A real pleasure.to seel $310,000 LH Coby Ward (P39) UGI UY GISTIM You're going to love this custom bullt landmark home. In great condition w/bullt-lns & 2 massive fireplaces & 3 lg BR. $296,000 Coby Ward (P40) llST SELL -lllMIT IFFDll Customized "Delores" end unit w/bay & ocean vtew. Lg master suite w/JacuzzJ tub & sun deck. Two secondary BR, 2'A BA. Gourmet kitchen Includes new oak cabinets, Jen Aire c:ook top & BBQ, sub-zero, Convection oven. 3 Prtvate patios. $295,000 LH Maureen White (P41) . llUT YIEW II EISTILIFF An outstanding 3 BR w/one of the belt viewa In the area. Private front court yard, separate fam rm, formal din. rm. lg breakfast area. great condition. $279,000 Maxine Propp (P42) TllYLDIOl-llEI UllEI -Monteclto model featuring 3 BR, fam rm w/lnterlor Garden Court. formal din rm, 2 fplc, & many upgrades. Great loc:atloti on cul-de-sac: w/fantastlc view of mountains Community pool & tennis. $267,500 Sharon Smith (P43) IEWLY ........ llPLll This "Best Buy" Is an even better b\IY nowl Owner has just upgraded thla tow cost duplex In Corona del Mar & wtll Mllat In financing to make evetythlng euy for the new owner. $248,000. Coby Ward and Barbara CaJllhan (P44) • DOEWIT UYI• II EllTILlff Private courtyard entrance leads to gracious entertaining. 2 Patios, view of Catallna, lg fam rm, breakfast area, 3 BR, 2 fplcs. Owner will cooperate In financing. $245,000 Leasehold Barbara Aune (P45) ILIFFI II llEEllELT One story, 3 BR, 0 Bonlta", newty painted, carpeted, shutters, lovely wallpapers. Perfect for small famlty or retired couple. Comm. pool nearby. Excellent financing. FULLY ASSUMABLE! $225,000 Jan Young (P46) I IEWPlllT IEST· Ill Absolutely Immaculate Mclain Big canyon condo. 2 BR, 2 bath. Dramatic step down llv rm adjoins enclosed garden patio. Hlghty upgraded throughout -shows llke a model. Excellent financing. Security gated, community pool, spa & tennis. Only $205,000- Suzanne Shuler (P47) ITllTEl •E Cute & comfortable 3 BR & 3 BA home. Quiet cul-de-sac locations adds to great family llvlng. 2 brick fireplaces, loads of charm. $178,000 Terry Aune Hanes (P48) · I IElmFIL CllllMllllM -1111,000 This exciting home has 2 BR, 2 BA, fireplace, wet bar, brtght patio for entertaining. Inside stairwell to double garage. Owner w/help w/ financing. Comm. pool & tennis. Mary Lou Marlon (P49) UIT OllTI mll 1111 .. 2 doll houses, each 2 BR, Separate yard and garage. $170,000 Berlt Mitchell (P50) llPLD 11111 IUI Great Eaststde locatlon - 2 BR each -Large corner lot. Great Investment at $160,000 Betit Mitchell (P51) ....... , .. Charmin~ "Redwood" model -S BR, 2'n bath•. dining area. pro- feealonany decorated In spring colora. Lg patio -aJr conditioned. Community pool, tennta courts & take. $155,500 Fee Donna Godshall (P52) UIT lllTI •II OllM 2 BR, 21A BA, atrium large enclOied patio. Lota of prlva~. 2 years old. Immaculate. Assumable loan $147,900 Berlt MltcheU (P53) Fm••PAIUIE This 3 BR home has It all! Wonderlul flnandng Is ·available, c:lose fo freeways, •hopping & culture too and a wonderful floor plan Tom AllltOn and Terry Hanea (P54) ...... -IM,lil Pluth & Immaculate upgreded, Oowtyard I fountain view. Club- hOUM, pool I apa. Excellent fin~. Q.4,500 lnct IMd. Dick Halderman (P55) . _..,,_ ----------- RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTA TE SEIVICES NEWPORT BEACH BEACH COMMUNITIES CORONA DEL MAR nuu•n 1111,111 Enjoy the adult living In this private area. Pool, spa, rec room, etc. 2 BA condo for get-away weekends or to live In all year. Owner will asslsr with financing. unam u2a.- Beaut1tu1 custom home. Remodeled, redecorated & ready to move Into. French doors enhance the brick & lattlced patio. Family room, 3 BA. Owner highly motivated. 1&11111 PH,IOI Warm country atmosphere wlfh stable for 2 horses. Gourmet kitchen, lg dining area. Panelled famlly room, 2 lg BR's. Excellent financing. .......... ., ..... The good life Is within your price range. Consider this 4 BA home with pool & separate guest quarters In one of the most deslrable areas In Newport with low down. lltmST Pll .... "Sellers have moved & reduced prtce. Spacious 4 BA, 3 BA, formal dining Am, remodeled kitchen. Terrific famlly home. Terrific for entertaining & terrfflc financing. Assume 1st & owe 2No. .......... ...,... Beautiful 4 BR Portoflno plan. Teenage wing, 1mall basketball court, view, Jacuzzi & workshop. lovely famlly room. Backed to nature park with super financing! The owner will carry at 10-1.. · ···-IUll ~n.-A touch of the east In this perfectly enchanting 3 bedroom home, Circular drive eet off by green areas & cotor. The neweet of new In this remodeled kttchen, & a bft of view from the master suite'• expansive deck. •111111 .. ,... Reduced $35,500. Lowest priced Monaco In Big Canyon. 3_ BR, cathedral celllnga, freshly painted & new landscaping. Large private lot. Owner will hefp finance. Assumable, long term, flrat trust deed. Would con8ider trade . . ,..,.,___ a .... Redeemed In forecloeure. Beet buy In lrvtne. Lovely bright 3 BR. den & f""111y room home In country setting with park view. Lrg. 888Umable loan I m111Ullll ..... Fabulous No. Laguna prime McKnight Drive addre11 walking dl1tance to ocean. Well maintained 3 BR home recently r~ed & new security ayatem. Seller win autst with flnandng. NEWPORT BEACH OFFla 2161 IAN JOAQUIN HILU IOAD Lm*-...... Enjoy private beach & tennis courts. Close by. Two BA, large family room on 35 ft. Street to street tot. Excellent home & Investment. LmllU ...... A perfect combination of prestigious llvlng on lido Isle + privacy & apactouaness. Custom French style 5 BR home with lrg yard & sp8' & corner prime location. Owner financing available. PIWIU 118,IM Count your steps to the bay -It's that closel Thia NEW '4 BR country 1tyfed home offers the ultimate In quality of craftsmanship. "Extras" abound make this a very spectat property, &al llll 111•• Located on tip of lido Isle. This lovely gracious home has all amenities! 6 BR, 5 bath, maid's qtrs, spacious rooms with high beam celllngs, gourmet kitchen, private patio & spal Owner wlll assist with financing. Ill.JU llUll ...... Substantial reduction! Prime Balboa llttle Island bayfront. Two 3 BA units both with full water view. Owner says "sell." Wiii tallor financing to buyer's needs. a uma111.1 11,ne.- Exqu1s1te 3 BR house on peaceful lagoon In . one of Newport's moat exclusive Islands. Offering top eecurlty & total privacy. Vaulted beam celllngs, & mellow color• provide warmth & space fOt this lovely setting. II~ 11,IM.- Save $300,000111 Owner says bayfront MUST be eotdll Thia spacious 4 BR home enjoys a prtmo location for a1J the harbor activity. You own the land & there Is ftexlble financing. Lm.. p,-.- Spectacular 3 story bayfront with vista• of mountains & ocean! 4 BR & maid'•, 41A BA,. gourmet brick kit, stained glaes windows, Imported woods & cu1tom wallcoverlng1 by distinguished deetgner. OTHER AREAS _ ... , .... Charmlngl Great funl All deeortbe th• exc:ltlng 3 BR home surrounded by tree•. View to ocean, steps to prtvate beech, trench doon. epa In master BR & designer hardware, etc. ..,,.._. .. ,... Price drcpped $200,000 on oceanfront '4BR home ln·guard gate community. 180° vlewl Private spa, pool, tennl1 & beach can be enjoyed In this euper spot. Sale, leae or trade Flexfbte terms. Ml 1111 mD pn,- 2 +den. Decorators own "garden home" with a peel( of the blue pacific. Stop by & see the prettiest house In this guard gated community with pool & tennis. Take advantage of a fantastic esaumable loan tool ..... YllW -.u ...... Can yoo Imagine 4 BR, a separate Fam Rm with wet bar + a cozy fireplace & a decor to welcome you all avallabte In one home? This Is It & If that weren't enough there's a water view, tool ---....,... A very special 4 BR Is now avallable In Harbor View Hiiis. It has been outstandingly Improved with the finest workmanship & materials. If It's "SPECIAL" you're looking for this Is ltl ---• un.-Thls 2 BR wins the personality contest! So. of the hwy & full of charm, style & taste. Just steps to the beach or enjoy a dip In the "hot-tub" situated In the secluded patio. UU.Yll'Wal.S ..... Big ocean/bay view plus lovely remodeled 3 BR & family Rm contemporary home on huge lot. Prtvate poof & patio. Outstanding financing with minimum down. IPIUU ....... Popular portsmouth model home with sparkling poof. 3 BR with family room on corner lot. Quiet area near lchools & shops. ---..... Immaculate remodeled & expanded alngle-· famlly realdence located on 1 1~ lots just 1 btock from beach. Large front bt1ct< patio w/ocean View+ back courtyard+ covered carport. .... _. ., ..... Uke TOJ)aY this home Is growing! This already euperb ocean-~. poof home wlll ofter 4 large Bdrma, each wttti bath & a hobbyist'• dream wot1<1hop. Price lnctudel land. I.Mm-11.-.-Prtvat• eetate on ~ acree tucked Into mature garden & treea wtth panoramfc views! 3 BR + Maid's. Recently remodeled. Hardwood noora, beamed celllngs, and Old World Charm. Nothing Ilk• It anywhere In area. _... 11-- A mt1gnlftcent troplcal Mttfng wfth waterfall & 1parkllng pool meke thl1 5 BR home epectacular In fNflfY wey. e.t awtmmjng beach on the cout. Owner wlh c.ry ftrlt T.D. CMOL~ EWllll.,. »cm.mm ........ ...... ....... a.CA911ll. CMO---"'™ ._._ UM.IDIMCllO OlMla. ,._...i 111KIW l&Ul'I- CCllA ....... n•ccmm ---=-··=-----.ULLMM UUDI£-. --UlE --Ill.BI'S -om CWIRJUWI -ma --.aaun -----ua------..,_, UY,_ C'llRIM--... ,_ --------- Orange County Allll &tat.I An Adwrtlllng Supplement to the DAtL Y PILOT /Saturday, Augu9t 14, 1912 -9 , I ) l ~------------.--- , f _ ·.;~1't "'' •,.1•pul\ 't•\b111tti?.\ l"OJ1•1 \ Jl!,Cl ~rll .:JI 1:wm1o1lqQuP. &"ll.1t1,wbA nr. toUUt:I lt.;,tH '<tr.uc:.J EiQfll'\10 -- 10 -Orange County Real Est ate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 14, 1982 BALtsOA ISLAND PRIME SOUTH BA YFRONT WITH PIER a SLIP Family Estate Consisting 0( Two Detached Slngle Famlly Homes. Two Adjacent Lota. Desirable Corner Location Commanding VI-Of Newport Bay. Walk To Shop•. Owner May Assisi With Financing. $2.700.000 Call Don OeThomaa. OLDE CORONA DEL MAR On The Brutte Overlooldno Bav & Ocean. Cuetom-8ullt Home. Architecturally Dealgned. Magnificent VI-•. Beautiful Wooda. Hand.ome Appolntmentl Abund11nt Cloae1 & Storage Space 160 Ft. Frontege On Ocean Blvd. For More Information. Call C.thryn TennNle. ON A LONG WHITE SANDY BEACH In Private Gated Community. We Mu1t Seti Thie Lovaty Spaclou1 Cu1tom Wood & Glua Home, Featuring Spectaculw Vlewa Of Beach & Wa\l'M. Uvtng Room With Sowing Ceillog1 4 Flreplaces, Grec:.ful Spiraling St8'rc:aM Leading To Muter Sulla, Private View Deck & Skyllghted Bath With RoMan Tut>. Anxlou1 OwnerlBulldM Wiit Finance Alklng S 1 450 000 Call Marilyn Hill CX 8uMn Trtvl9on. . ' ' . WATERFRONT CUSTOMIZED BEAUTY In The Best Baytrgr,t ""-of 8alt>oe PenlnMlla. Vwy Larae Brick Patio, With Private 60 Ft. Dock. Thia Homa Hu Too Many Amenltlea To Mention. \'ou Mu1t Sea It To Appreciate It. ~ WIH Conalder ~.Or ~/Option. 11.295,000. Plaua Call Marla &efcollftz Or Dion Schmetw EXCLUSIVE BAY8HORl!8 BA YFRONT P._ & Dock. Quality 15 Bedroom In Daalrabla Gated Community. Prlvata Beach. e-utlfully Upgraded. Prot>ably One Of The Flnaat Wat9'front Vlew9 Avallable. Right At Turning Ba1ln. Reduced To Only 1896,000 ~. c.11 Marilyn Twltchefl. JUST COMPLETED Cu1tom-Bullt 6300 SQ. Ft. Home. Marinara Point, San Clemente. Gorgeou1 Oc.an VI-. City Llohtl. Entertalner9" bellght. Nu~oua Amenlllea. Sea To Appfeclata. $875.000 Owner. WTll Accept SyndlcaWI Or Trade Submit All Otfera. Call Marla Bet'covltz EMeRALD BAY MODERN Exciting Ocean View Homa.~ Contemporwy StyllnQ. tn Praatlgloua Community. 3 BAI, 3 BA + Oen. High e..ned Celling• In Dan, D.R ... L.A. Sun Decka. Spa Off Specious MBA. BBQ Priced At 1635,000. Call Joyc41 Oabott. 8UNNYMEAD EIGHT-PLEX Two Anrac11va Spanish 2 BR Furnished 4-Plex ... No Vacancies. South Ot Alve'-'<le Just Ott Highway 60 Neat Heacock St. Excaffent Term•. Raduoed To S2•9.000. Call Sally Shipley. JASMINE'S FINEST Top Quality Home In Gate Guerded Area. 3 BR End Unit On Quler Cul-De-Sec Beautllully Decorated Home, Surrounded By Wide Greenbelt•. Perking Space• Galore. $427 ,500. Call Murie! Barr. BIG CANYON TOWNHOUSE IN NEWPORT BEACH"S PRESTIGIOUS BIG CANYON SHOWS LIKE. A MOOEL -BRIGHT. CHEERFUL DECOR. HUGE MASTER SUITE PLUS PRIVATE GUEST BEDROOM & BATH OWNER/AGENT WILL FINANCE $405.000. CALL JOHN MERRILL COUNTRY LIVING Juat Completed 3800 Sq. Ft. Custom Ea1ate. Floor Plan II Ideal For The Large Famlly & Entertaining. ~ Sk\lllQlltl, 3 Flr~I~ c.nt,.i AlC & Wet Bar ... Bedrooms, ••A Bath•, Den, Huge l='amlly Room,-J>tu1 8.oarat• Formal Dining "Hall." Neatly 'A Acre, Leval & Zoned For Hor ... At The End Of Prlvati Paved Road. The t>ullder 11 Altclng $397,500, & Will Aulst With Financing. HM•OR VIEW You Cart't Find A Batt., Montage>, &pended, Uporaded. Mull 8ee To Apt:>reclat• Tlp~Top Condition. four Bedrooma. Large Sunny Rooma, Alarm Syatam, Automllic Sprlntd81'a, Tiied Entry. Cho!Q9 Wallp~. Community Pool, Cio.. To P8'k, A1klng $3&6,000. Call Joan Lambe. BRAND NEW Juat Compteted In A Woodey Selling With 3 Bedrooms, '2 Bath Family Roorn. Dining Aoom Atao 2 ftreplacn. Franch Ooonl, Central AIC I Secluded Location. All Thi• Mak• Your N-Home A Oellght For Many "EQulty-Growth" Years To Come. Preient A CtMtlva on.,, You Mey Be SurprlMd At TM Owner'• Flaxlblllty. EA8T8LUFF Rare Five BR LulJC. Two Flraplacas, L.R & F.A. Highly Upgreded. Kitchen Remodeled. 3-Car Garage. EJtcallent FlnandnQ Onty $274,000. Call "Salty Sfllpley. CUSTOM BA YFRONT 819 HARBOR ISLAND DAtVE, NEWPORT BEACH, OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 Promontory Bey. 5 Bdrm Homa. Large LMng Aoom, Formal Dining. F.R. Powder Room. Gourmet l(lteflen. Slip For 55 Ft. Vachl & Sida Tie. YOU OWN THE LAND. Owner Witt Aaalll With Financing. REDUCED 'A MILLION 1$ To 11,350,000. Cell Cethryn Tennllla. BLUFFS BEST BUY EXCELLENT FINANCING AVAILABLE. Large Auumable Loan A 11 'n'Yo & Owner Wiii Con1lder 2nd. Beautifully Upgraded Carm.tlta W/3 BRa + Cozy Dan. Large Patio On Lovely Greenbelt Near Pool. Vacant REDUCED TO $225.000 Call Sally Shipley. OPEN HOUSES FAMILY RETREAT AT AFFORDABLE PRICE Larga Knotty Pine Famlly Aoom W/Brlck Fireplace & Expensive Views Of Ctewtand Natlonal For"t HIQllllght The Comfortable Famlly At~ Of Tiw. 3 BR. !l Bath Homa. Excellent Orange Unified Schools In A Aural Atmosphere Le1a Than 30 Ml!i" From The Newport WARMINGTON IN NORTHWOOD Beautlrul Shadow Run In Irvine. • Bedroom. Bonu1 Room. 3-Car Garage. All On Quiet Cul-0.-Sac. Huge U\lfng Room, Separate Family Room, Handaomety Landacaped Grounds. Very Good Aa1umabla Loan, AND, Owner Wiii AHl•t In Financing A Great Opponunlty For Your F11mlly To Live In Oealrabre Community. Call Carol King. CHARMER Delightful 2 BR Tradltlonal Spanish In Coata M .. a. A4)oantty Aemod .. ad & Redecorated. Sparkling, With An Air Of Perfactlon. A.aaumable Loan•. $159,000. C.N Binnie Dixon. TERMS, TERMS, TERMS •••••••• Seller Wiii Even Consider A Long-Term L .... /Optlon On This Vary Private. Wall-Built Family Home In Aurel North Tullln Setting. 3 Bedrooms. Super Slone Flrapt-. Hom.y Kitchen. And A Aamatk•ble Sol•r Water Heating System, Including Solar Heated Spa. Nloaly Upgraded. The f'rloa la Righi. The Tarma Ara Ftaxlbtell MOVE A1GHT INI Four Bedroom, Two Beth Waat1ld• Coat• Mesa. TOTAL REMODEL. lncludlng French Ooora, Celling Fan•. Textured Flnl1h On Walla, & CelHng1 N-Carpeta & Paint. SHOWS LIKE A MODEL On "" Quiet Street Near Shopping & School• $129.000. Call Mary Ann LaFleur - THIS WEEKEND 618 HARBOR ISLAND OR., Prom. Bay, N.B. $1,350,000. SAT/SUN 1-6. S..2 HARBOR ISLAND DR .. Prom. Bay. N.B. $1,200,000. SAT/SUN 1-5. 2752 BAYSHORE OR., BAVSHORES. N.B. $896,000. SUN 1-6, 114 VIA ENSUENO. Mariners, s. CLEMENTE $875,000. SAT 1-5 1126 E. BALBOA Bl., Balboa, N.B. $1,295,000. SUN 1-5 #1 RUE Vll1.ARS, Big Canyon, N.B. ~ $725,000. SAT/SUN 1-5. 2642 VISTA ORNAOA. Bluffs. N.B. $226,000. SAT/SUN 1-5. 587 W. BAY, COST A MESA $109,900. SAT 1-4. 619 W . BAY, COSTA MESA $115,900. SAT 1-4. 19791 CLAREMONT, HUNTINGTON BEACH $89,000. SUN 1-5. 1862 BRAEMAR WAY, NEWPORT BEACH $365,000. SUN 1-5. 759-9100 Fraewa tn Ore • Or The San o Freeway tn El Toro. Maka ~his TM 'i:aa1 Home For • Famlly Saaklng A Quieter Plae41 Of Ufa. Priced To Sell At $120,000. Celt Mary Richard• Today. INEXPENSIVE Great 3 BR tfoma With Large Added Famlly Room, Plua Flrap4aca. Excellent Financing Available. Patio With Spa Only S 1 t5,900. Call Donna Wat>1t8f. COSTA MESA R.,-nodel.cS Home W/Lovaly Decor. New Bu1ener Block Oountw, OlahWUhaf. Slldlng GM .. Ooo< Oft Eating Ar-. Enctoaad Patio. Large Yard W/Fnilt Treee. Reduc.d To $109,000. Cati Donna Wab1ter. CHARMER IN "OLD ORANGE" Neat Starter Homa. , .Handsomely Rafurbllhad 2 Bedroom Cottage On Comer Lot FOf Prl'laoy. ldHI For Either Couola Or Stnpla. Low Maintenance Yard. Only SH.500. With FantUltc Aalumable v A. Loan. Don't MIM Thia OpportUfllty P08 81BL£ LEASE/OPTION 3 Bedroom. ltn Beth TownflouM In Huntington Beach. Flreptace, FHA AaaumeOla Loan. Ol'Mt Starter Home. Or Poulbl• Income Property. A "Fixer." Ranted liii '82! Month. '89,0QO, C.it .lay Hackler. • --------.. _, ,_ --------------~---. ----·---·-·.-.--- I ' Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlllng Supptement to the DAJLV PILOT/Saturday, Auguat 14, 1982 -11 SPECIALS Many owners are offering substantial price reductions and terms. Some will ex~hange and ."cash speaks" - Lower than listed price, if you have cash ... Call for details and submit your offer ... __ , _NE_W_PO_RT_B_EA_CH_ll .__ _B_AL_Bo_1_1s_u_1n_ll -_O_ll_W_AT_ER __ I IMMACUL.A TE CONDO-LO CA8HI MMilNlbte toen a low ceet. wW tl"9 owner.Mp to thle a bed. In Newport Creet. AatlJr'I t1tl,IOO. COUNTRY FRENCH CORNER-NEW NewlJ decereted Wout wtttt gounMt ldtcMft 6 qulltr epplenoM • cuetom ....... a totel bedroome + nice Jeni. ... Ziii ........ Dr ... .... WEEKEND SPECIAL-NEW CONDOSI GIANT PRICE REDUCTIONS 12 w11 ..._ NOW SM0.000 #I w11 111t,OOO NOW 82lil.ooo H w11 --NOW tl7s.ooo u ... M1t,000 _ NOW aeo.oao •UJ OM Of ..... OWMf mwt IMft ~. WIM ~ on notee eerrted bed! efter coets. DUPLEX-TRADE FOR BOATI ,.._a bed. 2 be. unltl wttti flnpl1c•. °"" ..... to oceen 6 hf. Aeeume 11t T.D. Onww woukl Ike M ft. ..atboet 11 pert of dowft peJIMftt. *'50,000. IS1·1.00 DEVELOPERS: om. bf 1421 aupeno, • eel for ...... """"' ...... UM: S reetdefttW condoe Of poMltlle medlcal compln. A9111ng -.000. FOR TRADERS: PENINSULA PT. Wondeft\11 ..,.. 4 bed. home et as ..,._ Lane. owner Wiii HcMnge fort?? MOf,000 LOCATIONI YUi LOCATIONI ~ 2-ttCWJ home with cloM-up VU of .. ,, boet., OCMn 8ftd night llghte.. In._.. enJoJebty from ttti. a bedroom, twnllJ room ,._ prtyet1 petfo. OwMr flexible ...... good flnenclng. --,.. leftd. VISUAL PLEA8URE-81Q CANYON Courtrerd entry Into • home oomblftlnt rormalltJ • ~ tMne. QoN oourM v.w "°"' .. roome. Mattt • 111ry """""9t model 2 bed. + deft. &aUR A8Sli1WD ANANCtNG. -.000· LIDO ISLE -55' LOT + POOL Counb"J tttcMft In tN1 I bM. 2 be. Oft lerge lot. PwfMt for enterWnlftg "'"' ..,.. '*!° wt 40' pool •1.000 PRICE SL.ASHEDft ONN All WOK, 117 ........ AV9. NOW 1114,GCIOI On IOxll ft lot. Ador ... 2111 1 be W/IMtdr ....... A 8UNR YAUMI BALBOA ISLAND COTTAGE uttle old ......... hw en. good ......... tor ...... ... h for full lot prtc.. .. Opel ... ,000. c .. l1MIOO. BALBOA II-FURNISHED DUPLEX An ....... ., ............... 2 ............. lM9e .....,, ..... loeM.~ BALBOA ISLAND HOME ++ MDUCEO TO ,.,. Quiet Uttte IL oorw wlttl a bed. home bf dlcof ... + ,...... ............. l1MIOO. BALBOA 18. LEASE/OPTION Charmine comet 2 .. '°'J home 80l.D fURHlaHED. 3 bed. + den wfth YU of hf. 2 c=-..... + cerport. Submit. .. .ooo. CORONA DEL MIR I OWNER 8AY8 "NO QUALIFYING" MDUCllD AGAIN ••• MW tnl.000 ler tNI ..,.,. comet I bed. f'OOL wt ........... , ..................... °'*' ..., ... 1 .......... y.,,._ JA8MINE CRl!EK_.M:> UNIT st ••eoheo1Rber Open ••11. Q11let o.I de HO In .............. ...... .... Ol•MUOllJ. Prefl 1 lhnel deo8f wt lenclecepfnf. An IM4lllNllll1 toen en W. I bed.+ den end cuetom ..,.. ..... UAUTM'UL DellQN ••• N1!W Hom Feb11toue t •1•'1 cuet"' with 1"8 nfteet detell• a .,...,. ....... '" Corene ...... Ooelin~ YUi ....... rooftop lundeotL L....., gerdeM 114 ... 1111,000 NEW ON MARKET-BALBOA 18. BAYFRONTI .. .,,., ...... View Oft ..... hlnllntl ....... wtth ........ ........ "°"'9 8ftd MM dooll. ..,._ fMtwe of• one ~· A ,..,._ aocatton Md • telr prtoe. 8AYFRONT GRAND AND 8PACIOU8 ........ ,... .. ,, locetloft, ............ from ... .,.,... 4000 ~ft. NllflAOe. PW ler IWo II' J80Me, ...... wt open I lw .. ....We .. 61¥. ..._,...a fill d ~den end ......., _,.. with ..._ • ,. 111 r • owe TD .. u." Int tor ................. --.. .......... t1,JW,AllO. LINDA 18LE-10% CA8HI •••utlful cOlfllf propertr wllh the 1te11 In decor thro111"oul I bed. + •II .... ,,. entertelnlft9 root111. ,..,,111p tor a ......_ ow ,.. .._.. @ 11" """ '°" ceeh down peJtMnt. ~ -.. for ,....., IMng a edutt -~ t1.-..VllM4GO. OCEANFRONT HOME-REDUCEDI ........... ~ ................ ~c:ere•detatl. Two llofJ 4 bed. IYI bL OwMf wW help ltNnce. 8411* ewt 6 ... aaACtWRONT. Now •t.000 W8'11bf2IOt W. OCMl'll'ent a cell tor....._ OCEANFRONT-LAROE LOT R-4 Lot with I ....... _.... oen lllll ren1ad111 d or torn dewn. OW ~ Pht T.D. or ............ to btllldw. -.-111- 0N WATER-FORMAL a LAROE LMfMt .......... "' .............. Lide~· ....... oon1pl1x. Apft.-...11tJ UOI IClo ft. wteh .... .,.... Md dfnlnt ......... two IUdl'OCMft eutlN Md den (4*1141 be Int ......... , V1IW '""' .,..,. Md ..., to wtlllnL ..... ,,., •••• 1. Deoot .............. """ ......... oo•lflf'll. .... '--9e MM llp 11W1"1tl1 8AY81De COYE BAYFRONT Prtnte ... OM.and plen °" w lewef """1 •1dr001M,2 betM ... deft. ,,..,. ,..,.,.. deoor. Prtw ......... .., ..... pool_~ .... ••owttr .............. .., I t11 . ,.. a.Ml. '711,m. BAYFRONT _.LEQANT-FEE lletftftlcent c•'-' dHllMCI .......,, r11ld1nce wlttl b1nttr111 deoor. '•rM•lllr end qHlllf detellln1 • ..,... ............. bed. wtth ...., ............... for .............. '--9e ....... -.+ ............... . ,..,, .... vu .. boelll'1I eotMly ............. 11 ........ tn1ludu leM. A....., .... b tM 111 l1 ..... . llAYPllONT--80AT ... .....,... ........ ..._.vu ....... .:c••••..._.. WA1"1WRONT......._1Mwe....... +1•1111"111111 tor ....... :'C':I. "· ............. """' .. .... _............ ... ..................... = • ....,_. ...... _,...,..a ,,,,,..., ....... t1,no.-. ,_, 111-Mlli. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REALTORS " SaJes. Rentals. Prope':'Y MMagement 2436 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 63r-1400 31 S Marine Ave. Balboa Island 673-6900 Specialising In property on lhe waler ••• near the waler ••• and with View of wat~r .•• r--------------------------' 12 -<?range ~unly ~ea1._t;st'l~{~/.-'i'r~r1il!"9 ,~yqPJ•O\fHlt ~1t~~P,~L;y.,P,AlQJ~$,a,l#lr(j_~y,.,-Aug~Jt \4.i \98a ... ,,,,_, I' . Dalebout Bay 8c Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE. EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 IEIA YEllE ... Highly upgraded four bedroom home. Roof, kitchen appUances, and carpeting -all new within the last two years. Convenient location. Owner will help finance ...... $134,900 IEWNIT mUOE ... Excellent financing. Neat three bedroom condo. Privacy and ocean view. Many extras In this lovely Newport Beach retreat ..................................................... $136,900 IEWNIT HllEI ... High beamed celling in living room. Skylighted kitchen. Atrium off master bedroom. Two bedrooms and bath plus bonus room upstairs. Walk to beach. $179,900 IUllOU Ill .111e111 . . . A two bedroom (plus den) condo with a fabulous vltrN of golf course and green belt. Just reduced ... Now $179,900 Clllll llllWll ... Never a better time to buy! This three bedroom dwelling has extreme value. Large secluded cul-de-sac lot. Pool. Lease/option available ........... '" .......... $199,900 HYH SHIH ... Exceptional value In this lovely four bedroom home. Located in an attractive neighborhood ... well screened from street noise. Restful family room and formal dinirig room. Fascinating upper bay view framed by two huge ornamental trees. Motivated seller. Price reduced $40,000 ............... Now $209,500 IHTIWMI II llYllE . . . Spacious three or five bedroom home. One large bedroom and bath downstairs. Two bedrooms upstairs plus bonus rt •Om ................................... "................... $253,500 WHTCUFF ... NEW PRICE -NEW FINANCING! An abundance of reasons to buy. Convenlently located. Three bedrooms. Open floor plan. Pool and spa .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $255,000 Open Sat 1-5 ....................... 1016 Dover Drive TIE YEHllLLH . . . A place of dignity and elegance. Two bedroom penthouse overlooklng the bay and ocean. Security gate. Pool/Spa. Clubhouse. Gym. Excellent financing. $259,500 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 .... 100 Scholz Plaza, PH 10 OLIFF UYEI . . . Three bedrooms. Dramatic llvlngroom. Secluded pool. Owner wlll consider lease-option. Call us for details. Reduced $10,000 _.,, ............ -.--..... -..... Now $289,000 l&YHHT ... Wonderfully diverse three bedroom home. Designed for easy entertaining. Huge livlng room with soaring beamed celllng. Quality and Informality. Just reduced $40,000. Now .... . . . ... .... . ..... .. ...... ........ ........ .... . . . $299,000 Open Sun 1-5 ·-·-1837 Commodore Road lllltl YllW llW ... Conveniently located. Expanded Tiburon model. 88x 109 view lot overlooking canyon. Five spacious bedrooms. Parquet floor in den. Extensive view decking. Beautlfully maintained grounds. Immaculate Interior. • ............................ " ... , .............. ~ $330,000 l&YllUT . . . The Inspired work of a master craftsman. Completely rebuilt with rare artistry. Four bedrooma. Poot. Spa. Seldom does a property of this caliber come on the market. Don't mtu ttl _ ....................... -... -•• S3915,000 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE COME WITH US TO ••• 1--- Ill OllYH ... Magnlflcentl ... In its charm and 1 elegance , . . In Its warmth and comfort. The 1 superior quality and fine craftsmanship will be 1 obvious when you walk through this spacious 1 five bedroom home. Formal dining room. Immense family room. Pool and spa. Another 1 outstanding feature Is the location ... overlooking the 18th fairway of Big Canyon Golf· ~ Course .... , ...................................... -... -...... $1 ,495,000 1 -~ -· ·-----, UYClm . . . Elegant tour bedroom home. All rooms are exceptionally spacious. Two huge fireplaces. Wet bar. 3,000 square feet of living space ....................................................... $449.500 llYH IMHH . . . Magnificent four bedroom waterfront. Enjoy the dramatic view of wa~er and night llghts. Large pier and slip. Priced reduced $135,000 """ ....................... "' $460,000 WHTCLIFF ... Prominent builder's own home. Prestigious four bedroom home. Lavish use of trench doors and windows. Extenslvtt built-ins such as bookcases and china cabinets. Loads of storage Including at11c. 90x132 pool size yard with gazebo and off-street parking tor six cars. You own the land. liberal flnanolngl $475,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ........... 1118 Somerset Lane HVH HHH ... The quality runs deep. Fantastic view. Four bedrooms. Dining room. Family room. Pool. Excellent owner flnancJng. Excellent buy .......................................... $475.000 IEWNIT llUll . . . 116' of waterfront. Three bedrooms. Large den or bonus room. Huge patio. Your own pier and slip ........... " $479,000 IUllOll llHE . . . Spectacular front row view of mountains, city lights and lake-like reservoir. Three bedroom "Renaissance" floor plan. library/loft overlooks huge livlng room. Wet bar three view decks. Pools and tennis. ............................................................ $510.000 llYH s•u ... A home or distinctive charm and taste. Four bedrooms. One of Its many teatures Is a ten foot solld oak bar, complete, even to brass rall. Pool. Dramatic view. Exciting financing ..... _ .. _ .. ,_ .... ____ .. _ $550,000 llHI SHIH . . . Owner wlll assist with financing. Impressive two story homo. Lovely bay view. Excellent bedroom arrangement with one downstairs and three up. Sparkling pool In front courtyard. PRICE JUST REDUCED $150,000. ,_., ... _ .. ____ .. Now $550,000 IPYIUll llLL . . . Undeniable value. This property takes the laurels for amenities and comforts, plus a dramatic front row view of ocean and olty lights. Four bedrooms. Pool. · Spa. Llberal financing. ··-··--·--$825,000 HYEI lllHI . . . Extraordinary value. Two master bedrooms In one wing. Separate third bedroom In the other wing with own entry and private bath. Faaclnatlng alt-down view of ocean, upper bay and city tight s. All rooms open to Indoor dehumidified pool. Security system. Servac vacuum 1y1tem. Located on cul-de-eac street with only eight homee. ·········································---····~·····••t••·· $835.000 631-7300 Ill O&IYll ... This elegant four bedroom home measures up to the name ... "The Versallles". It ts rich but not gaudy . . . glamorous but not ostentatious ... just a comfortably prestigious home. Custom decorating throughout. Extensive use of beveled glass. Parquet floors. Co~ner lot. Great view of golf course. $850,0001 Open Sun 1-5 ................................. 12 Rue Verte 111 OHYll . . . Prestigious home. An ideal environment for entertaining and family enjoyment. Huge corner lot assures maximum privacy. Four bedrooms. French doors and windows. Ten skylights. Irreplaceable at its price. Generous financing. ................. $895,000 llYll IHIEI ... Dramatic entry of carved wood and Italian fosslllzed marble . . . and your impression becomes more exciting as you continue through this spacious four bedroom home. Carved wood and marble bar with temperature controlled wine vault. Solar heated pool. Spa. You own the land ............. $895,000 Open Sun 1-5 ....................... 1244 Polaris Drive lllYllE TEHAOE . . . Life is never dull In this enchanting three bedroom home. The spectacular ocean and bay view is enjoyed from the en1ire llvlng area plus the master bedroom. Imagine tying in bed and watching the boats go by ... or the Catalina sunsets. Huge patio with spa. You own the land ... worth as much as the total asking price. • ............................... $985,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ......... 1301 Dolphin Terrace UYllOIEI ... Extraordinary opportunity. This residence sits on prime waterfront ... with the prized advantage of its own giant private pier and sllp. Hlghly privileged gated community. Very special owner financing ls avallable. Oh, yes. there Is a three bedroom home set on this treasure. • ........................................... " S 1,250,000 IPHUH llLL ... Elegant English Tudor. Superbly cratted. Two story beamed celllng living room. Format dining room. Family room with wet bar. Five bedrooms. Spa and wet bar In master suite. Four fireplaces. Lovely mountain view. Four car garage. You own the land. Seller extremely motivated. Submit any offer ""''"''''"'"'' ...................................... $1,395,000 l&YUllll . . . Bayfront Mediterranean vllla In exolualve Bayshores-on fee land. Spectacular bay view. Private courtyard entry. Massive hand carved entry doors. Library with stained glass skylight. Antique mahogany fireplace. Country kitchen with alt amenities. Five bedrooms. Elaborate sound system. Owner motivated to sell. Wiii consider lease/option. -· $1,650,000 Open Sun 1-5 .. ---2500 Bayshore Orlve llftl1W.llm.IPIU Prime locatfon In eaetslde Costa Mesa. Nearly a full acre at 18th Street and Orange Avenue. Plana and permit• for 28 condos are available. Purchase price also Includes a near new trlplex. Excellent terms. Owner wlll conatder trade. Call Harriet Perry---.. --.-. ....... $1,~50,000 ""11,TllU Choice parcel 13.85 acres. St1,1dy ~mplete for 55 duplexea or four per acre. Uaage • . • duplexes, condos, apartment• or lnc:luatrlal developmeot. Near new hOmes and lhopptng c.nter. Call Ronnie Maravlch for detalls -$453,000 NEWPORT BEACH _ .. _, --------~----------·-·~-~---- Orange County Real Estatv/An Ad~~~n~ 8?P~t to the•OAtl:Y PllOT/SatUrcta A LIDO ISLE OPEi SllllY 1·1 LIDO ISLE 121 Yi1 Ll4t Stu4 Just completely remodeled this elegant 2 bdrm, 3 bath plus study. Pier & slip for large boat. Large sundeck off master suite on bay side. On quiet end of island. $1,850,000. OPEi SllllY 2-1 LllO ISLE 240 Yi1 E•tll Corner location on 40' lot, Nord side. 4 bdnns, 3 baths, 3 car garage. South patio. This home is looking for a new owner to utilize it to its full potential. $450,000. OPEi SUIDlY 2·& LIDO ISLE 224 Yi1 11111 Three bdrms plus guest/den, 4 baths three car garage on sixty ft. lot that is street to street. Two patios radiant heated. Lots of storage space. $675,000. OPEi SUIDlY 1-& LIDO ISLE 121 Via E~tli Beautifully decorated 4 bdrm, plus den on large corner central strada lot. 3 car garage, large master suite. Generous owner fin. $650,000. OPEi SIT /SllllY 2-1 LIDO ISLE + Pttl 204 Via Utll One of the few homes on Lido with a pool. Extra wide lot, 3 bdrms, 3 baths fabulous decor. Assumable fin. $595,500. IPEI lllllAY 1•1 Liii ISLE ' 211 Yl1 11111 Permanent bay view. Large 3650 sq. ft. of good living. 30 steps to Nord beach and playground. 6 bdnns, 4 baths, sunny south paito. Separate guest quarters downstairs. Best financing. $575,000. LIDO ISLE OPEi SlllAY 1·1 LllO ISLE 121 ¥11 Ll4o S.•4 Designed by internationally acclaimed architect. Custom country English bayfront home with pier & slip. 6 bdrms 6 baths, gourmet kitchen, formal dining room, security system. Owner will carry 1st T.D. at low interest rate. $2,700,000. IPEI SllllY 1·1 LIH llU 101 Yl1 Flort100 A dramatic large custom built pool home on big 50 ft. comer lot. 4 1Al bdrms., 3 baths. South patio & pool area for entertaining. Must sell & priced right. $595,000. SHOWTIME ••• SUNDAY ••• YOU'RE INVITED OPEi SllllY 1·1 LllO ISLE 113 Yla llatt111 Close to clubhouse and tennis court. 2 bdrm, 3 bath in main house, 1 bdrm. 1 bath over garage, separate entrance.Priced to sell .............. $349,500 OPll llllAY 1-1 Liii ISLE 111 Via W1lltr1 Fabulous Mexican Hacienda. Hand painted tiles, roof top garden, sunny patio with fountain, 4 large bdrms, formal dining room, family nn., 3 car garage & many extras. $495,000. LIDO ISLE OPEi SlllAY 1-1 LllO ISLE 222 Yl1 P1lor•t We are proud to off er so many choices on Lido. This home has open beamed ceilings throughout, 4 bdrms south patio, remodeled kitchen. $389.000. Biii CANYON IPU SIMll 1·1 Ill OOYll #2 Wl110• Fttt Lao You must see this unusual customized home. Indoor-outdoor pool with sliding gla,s., roof. 3 Jacuzzis, 18' bar, gourmet kitchen, screening & theater rm. 5 bdrms, 7 baths, maid's rm & much more. $699,950. IPEI llltT 1 ·• Ill CUYOI 21 011111 lsl11• Ir. Off Ford Rd. -Greenbrier Model with outstanding golf course view. Owner is out of state and will consider all offers. Good assumable loan. Submit! Submit! $265,000 . NEWPORT CREST OPEi SlllAY 12·3 IEWPOIT CIEIT 21 Aries 011rt No outside maintenance, Pool, tennis, near beach. Customized Plan 4, 3 bdrm + retreat end unit. New carpets, 2 car garage. One of a kind. Just reduced to $239,900. BLUFFS IPD llllAY 1~1 ILIFFI . 2•21 Y11t1 101• This condo is the lowest price 3 bd.rms. 1 ~ baths in Bluffs. Just painted and ready to move in. Near schools, shops and pool. $124,500. \ I . I - I I' j _______ , --------------------------··---------------·--------.... ----~~~ 14 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 14, 1982 This Weekend! Keep this handy directory with you this weekend as you go house-hunting. All the locations listed below are described In greater detail e~sewhere In today's DAILY PILOT classlfled ads. Patrons advertistag open houses for sale or rent In TIM Dally Pilot may list such information in these columns each Saturday and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE *1016 Dover Or, Westctltt, NB 1 BA pCua FAM AM or DEN 624 W. Wiison, Costa Mesa 759-1501 $129,500 Sun 1-5 2 BEDROOM 2915 Aouneevel Terr., Laguna Bch 494-4748, 678-2122 Sat 12-6 31 Sllkleaf, lrvlne 857-2045 117 Marine Ave .• Balboa Island Sat/Sun 631-1,400 $25-4,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 313 Onyx, Balboa Island 673-4062 $325,000 Sun 12-4 512 Redlands (Npt Hgts), NB 760-8333 $199,500 Sat 1-5 430 Catalina (Npt Hgts), NB 760-8333 $209,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 2308 Cliff Dr., (Cllffhaven) NB 642-5200 Sun 1-5 * *827 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, NB 673-7300 $1,850,000 Sun 1-5 1970 Church St., Costa Mesa 5'46--2313 $97,000 Sat 12-4 2 BR plua FAM AM or DEN 209/215 19th St., Penlnaula, NB 631-1400 $255.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2571 Waverly Otlve, Newport Beach 631-6475 $235,000 Sun 1-4 123 Via Zurich, Lido Isle, N.B. 675-4630 $247,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1829 Port Sheffield, Newport Bch 760-9060 $320,000 Sun 1-5 8 Whitewater, Jasmine Creek, CdM 644-9060 S335,000 Sun 1-5 *19 Curl Dr., Jasmine Crk, vu, CdM 640-1515 $438,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 3 BEDROOM 2018 Anaheim St.. Coata Mesa 5-48-1168 $118,000 Sun 1-5 2298 Redlands Dt ., Back Bay, NB 831-1400 $248,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 307 Sapphire, Balboa Island, NB 673-5291 $385,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1538 Serenade Terr, Irv. Terr, CdM 631-1400 $230,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 11 Batveleto, Npt Crest Condo, NB 631-1400 1195,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 31'4 Mertaotd. Cerone del M., 831-1400 seee.ooo Sat/Sun 1-a 587 w. 8ay (W ..... ) Coeta Meee 1-...100 t109,too Set 1~ •• ,.,. w. a.y, ,...., Pt. N8 87M181 t1,200,000 S.t 1-6 *204 Via !boll, Udo ..... NB 873-7300 '516,500 631-7300 $255,000 Sat 1-5 2653 Vlata Ornada, Bluffs, NB 644-9060 $279,000-Fee *2685 Alonzo, Costa Mesa Sun 2-5 631-7370 $132,000 Sun 1-5 1718 Port Wettbourne Pl (HVHms) NB 759-1501 $223,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 •27 Ima Loa Court, Newport Bch 642-1603 $225,000 Sun 1-4 1911 Court St, Bal. Penln, N.B. 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 1-5 * *21 Beacon Bay. Newport Beach 676-6000 $695,000 Sun 1-5 13 Canyon Island (Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $320,000 Sun 1-5 13 Canyon Ridge, lrvlne 675-6000 $269,000 Sun 1-5 2753 Drake (Mesa del Mar) CM 540-1151 $124,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309,500 161'4 Santanella, Co<ona del Mar Sat 2-5 646-7171 $250,000 Sun 1-5 1838 Port Charlet Pl., Newport Sch 646-7171 $189,500 Sun 1-5 **210 Grand Canal, Balboa Island 875-6000 ....,.9,500 Sun 1-5 -415 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar 675-6000 ....,.9,500 Sun 1-5 23-45 16th St., Npt Hts, N.B. 642-2171 Sun 12--4 102 Via Koron, Lido Isle, NB 644-6200 $685.000 Sat 12-4:30 3 IR plua GUEST 2211 Waterfront. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $495,000 or $1 ,850/mo. leate Sa/Sun 1-5 3 IR l'lut FAM RM or DEN 1700 Oahu Pl. (Mesa Verde) CM 764-6835 $184,900 Sun Noon-5 3711 Seuhore Ot., Newport Beach 673-8578 Sat/Sun M 283'4 Catalpa, Newport 8Mch 497 ~ '205,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2845 Vlata Omada, Newport Beactt 84CM>020 '315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 819 w. Bay (W.llde) Coete ~ 759-9100 t115,too Set 1~ 1907 ChubtlllCO T..-, Ir. Terr, CdM M4-7211 ..... tun 1.a ••• a.ltoa ca... ... #POf't lkltl t75-1'0IO taa.ooo eun 1.a 1883 "-"*.:ti NIMport 8wtt 7 ... 100 .ooo lun 1"'5 644-1017 $485,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2405 Cliff Ot., Npt Hta, Nwpt Sch 631-1400 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2268 Golden Cir. (Balboa) Nwpt 8ch 842-64<t6 $299,500 Sat/Sun 1o-e 3422 Sagamore Ot., Hunt. Hrbr, HB 644-7020 $399,950 Sun 1-5 62 Otakes Bay (Spyglt) NB 644-7020 $495,000 Sun 2-5 1218 Keet Ot., Hrbr Vu His, NB 631-1266 $375,000 Fee Sat/Sun 12-1 16 Rocky Pt (Spyglt) NB 760-8333 $1,900,000 Sun 1-5 5 Jasmine Creek (Jasmn Ck) CdM 552-2000 $415,000 Sat 1-5/Sun 1-3 55 Jaamloe Creek (Jaamn Ck) CdM 552-2000 $350,000 Sat 1-5/Sun 1-3 1837 Commodore Road, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $299,000 Sun 1-5 *2263 Waterman, Costa Mesa 631-7370 $235,000 Sun 1-4 224 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $675,000 Sun 2-5 2921 Jacaranda (Mesa Verde) CM 751-3191 $13-4,500 Sun 1-4 113 Via Ravenna, L'do Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $349,500 Sun 1-5 *1901 Galatea (Irv. Terrace) CdM 673-7761 $795,000 Sun 1-5 1000 Grove Lane, Westctltt, NB 646-5092 Sat/Sun 11 -5 1607 Cornwall (Westclltt) NB 642-5200 $289,500 1301 Dolphin Terr., Irv. Terr. NB Sun 1-5 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 30422 N. Hampton, Charter Terr, Laguna Niguel 494-1177 Sat 2-5 1907 Tradewlnds. Baycrest, NB 644-9060 $325,000 Sun 1-4 1218 Key Wett, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-4910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-5 2501 Harbor View Ot.(HrbrVuHls) CdM 760-8333 $585,000 Sat~Sun 1-5 3335 Maryland Cr (Mesa Verde No.) CM 979-2390 $158,000 Sat 1-5 307 Carnation, Corona det Mar 644-9060 $850,000 Sun 1-5 3018 Ceylon (Meta Verde) CM 5-CS-2313 $139,500 Sa 1-4/Su 1-5 616 Marigold, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 870 Sandcutle, Corona del Mar 844-9060 $312,000 Sat 2-5/Sun 1-5 11 Ru.atllng Wind, Trtlrk, Irvine 844-9060 $235,000 Sun 1-5 218 Via Koron, Udo Isle, N.B. 644-9060 Sun 1-5 748 Via Udo Nord, Lido Isle, N.B. 844-9060 Sun 1-5 1615 Cumberland (Westclltt) NB 5-40-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 ••26 Flower, Costa Mesa 646-7171 $209,000 Sun 1-5 2627 Buckeye Eastbluff 8«-8200 t279,000 Sat 2-6 *1514 Ruth Lane, Newport Beach 848-7171 $234,900-fM Sun 1-5 182'4 Por1 Stlttlna Pt HVH, N.B. tMe-7171 *214,900-f• Sun 1-6 120 8hotecleff Ad., Corona del Mar 644-e200 *485)000-FM Sat/Sun 2·5 2111 Cira. °'J..._.,,_l N8 '46-ll1e 11,llGO-UH Sun 1-4 * t412 GMlxy Dr. ~ Shot91) Ne IQ.2610 •ne.oao..... 8atl8un 1-e ,....,.. 18412 Grtm.ul Lane, Hunt Heit1»our _ (211) 439-0271 •1.111.000 a.tJ8Un 1-e :.-.----------_,...... ____ ~·-·----.I . Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 14, 1982 -15 575 center St., Laguna Beach 497-5411 ~9,000 Sun 1-5 2709 Gannet Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM 979-5099 $182,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 320 Seaward, Shoreclltta, CdM 631-1400 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 943 Cedar, Costa Mes.a ·6"5-3000 $125,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 760 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, NB 673-4208 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 34 Sequoia Tree (Univ Pk) Irv. 760-6333 $129,900 Sun 1-5 1142 Doraet, Costa Mesa 631-7370 $128,900 Sat 12-5 1222 Suaeex Ln (Westclltt) NB 642-5200 $237 ,000 1589 Skyline, Laguna Beach 494-1177 222 Coral, Balboa Island Sun 1·5 Sun 2-6 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 115 Via Wazlers, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $495,000 Sun 1-5 2915 Cassia, Eastblutt. Npt Bch 720-0290 $283,000 Sal/Sun 12-5 240 Via Eboll, Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 $450,000 Sun 2-5 222 Via Palermo, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $389,000 Sun 1-5 134 Harbor Island, Newport Bch 646-7171 $650.000 Sat 1-5 1948 Port Chelsea, Newport Beach 6"6-7171 $330,000 Sat 1-5 •388 Granada, Costa Mesa 6"6-7171 $210,000 Sun 1-5 *2020 Calvert (Mesa Verde) CM 642-0303 S 190,000 Sun 1-4 *2221 Francisco, Newport Beach 675-6000 $260,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1606 Mariners, Newport Beach 644-6200 $239,000-Fee Sat/Sun 2-5 4 BA plua FAM RM M DEN 9 Banyan Tree Ln (Univ Pk) Irv. 552-2000 S 179,900 Sun 1-5 2000 Port Chelsea Pl., HVH. NB 675-2373 $289,000-fee Sun 1-5 20191 McKinley Lane, Hunt. Bch 962-1085 $209,900 Sat/Sun 12-5 114 Via Ensueno (Mar. pt) San Clemente 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1-5 230 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar 673-8-494 $450,000 Sat/Sun 6-8;30 **542 Harbor Isl Dr. (Prom. Bay) NB 759*9100 $1 ,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **1204 E. Balboa Blvd., Peninsula 631-1400 $1,750,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 21512 Camino Trebol, Lake Forest 760·1900 $216,000 Sat 1-5 * 1132 Ebbtlde, Harbor View Hiiia 760-1900 $695,000 Sun 2-5 2021 Port Bristol Circle, N.B. 760-1290 $3"47,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 * 1412 Santiago, (Dvr Shrs) NB 631-1216 $318,000 Fee Sat/Sun 12-6 18150 Redbud Cir, Ftn Valley 720-02« S 165,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 1 Warmsprlng1, Woodbridge, Irv. 6«-2999 $345,000 Sat 2-5/Sun 1·6 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hiiia, CdM 644-4910 1299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1244 Potarla OrM, Dover Shrl, NB 831-7300 S895,000 8un 1-5 12 Rue Vtrte. BIG c.nyon, NB 831·7300 $860,000 Sun 1-5 1118 8on...c Ln., Weeteffff, NB 831-1300 "4751000 Sit/Sun 1-5 #8 Rue Vlllara, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $775,000 18 Cherry Hiiia, Big Cyn, N.B. 6«-9060 $1,005,000 1749 Port Hemley Cir, HVHms, NB 6«-9060 $395,000 Sun 1-5 213 Diamond, Balboa latand 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2862 Tabago (Mesa Verde) CM 642-5200 $169,000 Sun 1-5 1007 Tiiier Way, HV Hiiia, CdM 644-9080 $349,000 **319 Morning Star, Dover Shrt, NB 644-9060-Fee Sun 2-5 1823 Port Car1ow, HVHomea, N.B. 675-6870 $295,000-Fee Sun 1-5 11 San Sebastian, Harbor Rdae. N.B. 760-1900 $1,600,000 Sun 2-5 * 101 Via Florence, Lido lale, NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 1·5 210 Via San Remo, Udo Isle, NB 675-30"48/673-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 9451 Gateshead, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $329,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 121 Via Eboll, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $650,000 1255 Somerset, Npt Bch 631·7370 $384,000 Sun 1-5 Sun 1·5 222 Via Koron (Lido Isle) NB 642-5200 Sun 1-5 1101 Grove Ln., Weatctlff, Npt Bch 646-5092 Sat/Sun 11-5 1124 Dana (Plaza del Sol) CM 6"5-0303 $280,000 Sun 11-2 * •45 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 675-6000 $595,000 Sun 1-5 1851 Braemar, Newport Beach 546-2313 $340,000 Sat 1-'4 **2616 Bayshore Dr, Bayshores, NB 644-9060-Fee Sun 1-5 226 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $585,000 Sun 2-5 1057 Tulare, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $199,000 Sat 1-5 *#8 Winged Foot (Bg Cyn) NB 760-8333 $795,000 Sun 1-5 43" Begonia, Corona def Mar 644-7211 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1-441 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM **708 Via Udo Nord, Udo Isl, NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 #3 San Sebastian. Hrbr Ridge, NB 760-1900 $2, 100,000 Sun 2-5 18251 Santa Lauretta, Ftn Valley 546-2313 $199,000 Sat 1-4 * *4028 Channel Pl., Nwpt 181, NB 673·0202 $965,000 · Sat/Sun 11-5 5 •R pfut FAM RM or DIN **618 HarbOf' 111 Or. (Prom.Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **2752 Bayahore Or. (Ba)'Shores) NB 759-9100 $895,000 Sun 1-5 *32 Rldaellne, Harbor Rdge, NB 760-19b0 $2,650,000 Sat/Sun 2-8 * 17 Muir Beech, Spyglua, CdM 640-9405 $2,800,000 Sun 12-8 #'3 Muir BMct\ (Spyglell) NB 7eo..1333 $1,90&~000 Sat/Sun 1-6 546 Wtndtof, Laguna ~ 4M-11n 272 .. Mendoza, CoM .... 831-7370 •1•.000 Sun 11-3 ·~vgr =.:a Oyn, N8 8un 1-t ••2SOO a.y9hoN ~~ ....... et1-noo· •1.eeo,uuu IYn 1-. *1800 Jamaica (M ... Verde) CM 645-0303 $429,900 Sa 3-6/Su 10-5 *1608 Galaxy Dr., DoY9f Shor ... NB 646-7171 $&49,90().fee Sun 1·5 I MDROOM 233 Via Genoa, Udo Ille, N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 1.5 **525 Via Udo Soud, Udo Isle, NB 673-7300 $2,700,000 Sun 1·5 I BR plue FAM RM or DEN 70 Hlllcreet, Big Canyon, NB 760-1900 $1,595,000 Sun 1·5 * 1843 Newport Hiit. Or E, NB 6«-7020 $496,000 Opn Dally 7 llR plue FAM RM or DEN * 1406 Lincoln Ln., Dover Shores, NB 213/289-7728 $580,000 Sat/Sun 1.5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 IEDROOM 80 Tangelo, Irvine 631-7370 $79,000 Sun 12-5 *300 Cagney Ln #107, Versalllea, NB 631-2918 $120,000 Sun 11-6 2 BEDROOM 101 Scholz Plaza. Veraallles, NB 631-1400 $149,000 Sat 1-5 100 Schotz Plaza PH 10,Versallles,NB 631-7300 $259,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 #6 Summenvalk, Npt Terr, N.B. 6«-7211 $121,500 Sun 1-4 2 BR pfu. FAM RM or DEN 1634 Iowa St, Unit C, Costa Mesa 979*4788 $96,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 #"40 Canyon Island (Big Cyn) NB 642·5200 $219,000 Sun 1-5 S BEDROOM **1126 E. Balboa Bl. (Penln) Balboa 759·9100 $1,295,000 Sun 1-5 *19791 Claremont, Huntington Bch 759-9100 $89,000 Sun 1-5 *23 Aries Court, Nwpt Crest, NB 673-7300 $239,900 Sun 12-3 *2428 Vista Hogar, Bluffs, NB 873-7300 $124,500 Sun 1-5 *25 Canyon Island Dr. Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265,000 Dally 1-4 S BR plue FAM RM or DEN #7 Aue VIiia,., Big Cyn, N.B. 759-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2642 Vista Omada, Bluffs, N.B. 759-9100 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 M plue FAM RM or DEN 300 E. Cout Hwy Unit 113, N.B. 675-3347 $80,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2 KOROOM 1845 Monrovia, Sp 77, Costa MeN 548-1188 $27,500 Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 28Rplua1BR 315 Iris, Corona def Mar 844-9060 $309,500 Sat 2-5 28Rplua2M 2001 Kings Rd .. Newport BMCh 631-1400 $399,000 Sat 1·5 2 -2 • plue GUlaT 317 Larkspur, corona def Mar 675-4822 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 , ....... 2. '4 11-411 '-i Oahlla. Corona def Mar 673-8494 $625,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 .......... , .. 609 Ac.eta (Oceenllde of hwy). CdM 646-7048 '440,000 8at/8w'I 1-6 HOUSES FOR MNT .. ,,..,.. 5403 ,.._., A•, tis p Dft .._.. teo-5144 MMJmo &el 10-12 .. ,._, ___ _ ..1111!1 Mocfllna. NDt H1a. N.IL ~10 ~M ---- ----------------------- 16 -Or'•ng• Oounty Real Eatate/An AdvettlalriQ Supp~t'1o the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 1-4, 1982 / co1t nrnLrr © mvrs1nrn1 conrnnr ROOM FOR TENNIS COURT NNtfy 1.1 Kt99 of MC!Uded pfheey With e ..,_tlllna pool end ..,. end • ..,,_ ... gUMt houM IN NEWPORT llEACHH OwneJ wlH tred9 end tMt8 ls room tor• tennis court. Good ... umtlble ftfulnctng end owner wllt ... t. Aeduc:ed to .-.ooo. LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT R9CenllJ reduced U00,000, t"I• cuetom I Mdroom IMturM • It. C...,._ ldldleft tor the fuMIMt gourm.t cook. NMttJ new end W1J lllOdem. the home ~ ~ery Newpor1 .._.......,..,A...., end ellp to eccommodet• • "uge boet I• Included, owner wlll exchange. 11,115,000. LOCATION • WATERFRONT • LOCATION TNe Unda Isle cuetonl ....,.. on tM llWn C"-nnel "-reoenttJ bMft rectuc.d lo s1,m,ooo. Unique In cMelan end Nedy to mon In., tN9 home "-5 bedroom9 Md• ...., end •llp to ec ca INftOdet9 a boebll o.t• tua'ded wtttl It• own ptfvete beech end....,. court, this twallJ home ha• It all. Owner wm exchange. LINDA ISLE'S BESTU " country French ~ la JCMlr tat• end hevlng "THE 8E8r' flta Jout nn..c.., JOU need look no furthef. Over 1,000 aquere feet with 127 tin..r fMt on the ••* end • p6er end allp tor boe .. °"' 100', thl• premier ~operty with • s car ganoe end pool I• ss.000.000. SPECTACULAR BAYFRONT On private Harbor lelend with .onlJ 12 homM theN, thte 5,000 aquare foot cuetom, ottertna the moet modem kttchen evallable, lncludM pier encl ellp tor boeb °"' 100', •home to rfvef enJ end• HUGE FRONT YARD ttoht on the bay. PrlveCJ I• the k•J for Ihle edult orlenfed Htata. Reduced to M,200,000. ON THE 18th FAIRWAY One of Big CenJon'• ftneet. Ihle I bedroom custom With • eeperate 2 bedroom-deft eua.. end IMld'• qu.n.e, re.turn a MCluded poof end J•d end ta perched rtght on the 11th felrwer. The owner. wtM ...,., with the financing end wlll TRADE f« other propet1J In aouth Orenge CountJ. Priced to Ml at S1,IOO,OOO. CONTEMPORARY GOU: COURSE " JOU're tired of CCMlfttrJ FNndt fK COUfttrJ Engllalt tMn thle loffly cu.tom .. eanr ........ ..., be the one tor JOU, Toe.fly remad1l1d I• i ,_, -.0 end tNturtnt 4 bedtOOfM, • fel'l\llJ room AHO .wctJ, ... home le en en:Ntectvflll etudy In modem dM6aft. VERY 1MtYate pool end .... •nd on.tr.et pert(lng.., i c--. 11,7!0,000 end IM owner wll ftMnce at below martcet , ..... LOT8·LOT8-LOT ... LOT8-LOTS ti,... wut to bullet row own....., tMe opportuNtJ of • .......... ,..._ CIOMe llfllln.. I IOfll Oft ...,., IUdge. ........, .............. .., • --...... toot ....... _.. TPNee Co4MT WI pool ler ...., ·--The °"""' .. ....,. ................ ,.. ........... .. ....... pNfeot. 11,400,000 of....,. ..... ......_ WOWI OPEN HOUSE 3 IAH 8EBA8TIAN·HARI RIDGE ................ -... $2.100,000 11 SAN 8HA8TIAN·HARI RIDGE .......... _ ........ $1,to0,000 35 AIDOILINE-HARB RIOOI ............................... $2.IS0,000 1132 EUTIDl!·HARI VIEW HILLI h .. _,_ .............. ~000 70 HIUCRllT, ING CANYON •. --$1,-,000 21512 CAMINO TRE90L.UKI fOM9T ...... -. 121,1,000 CALL FOR DIRECTIONS 901 LIDO -PREMIER ADDRESS Louted on the llh floor of the ntoet prHllgloua waterlront condomlnNln In Orenge CCMI. 11tr1 thl• edutt1 onlJ untt oflw9 2 bectroome. 21h betha end apectec:ulet beJ, OOHn a night Ngh19 vtewa. 2A hout guarded aecurtt, a rour own doonnenl 1111,500. OCEANFRONT CONDO -LAGUNA BEACH llluated rtght on the beach, thl• S bedroom, 2 bath home I• Ideal tor the retired couple or corpoHt• executive. Beeullful whitewater vie••· 24 hour HCurltJ end VERY deelrebfe locatlon meke Ihle Legune RoJale offering • 1t .. 1 •I S2tt,500. Owner wlll flnence. LAKE FOREST • CORNER LOT Hlghly upgreded 4 bedroom, 2YI betlt' home on pool-al1:ed corner lot with cu1tom 1huttera, plu•h cerpet ind plank floors. Thie 11 • auper femlly home In • lovely famllJ .. tung end the owner hH ll1ted the propertJ be4ow merket et 1211,000. ESTATE SALE · ESTATE HOME Enter thrU • 22' atrium Into a buutHul 4 bedroom, s beth home with formel dining room end • VERY lerge femMJ room. LMee ~v•t• ..,. end taee.tut d9cor make thle Harbor Ridge Eatate home • bvJ at $790,000 .U behind • guarded gete. · NIGHT LIGHTS -DAY LIGHTS Another of the mainr Haft»or Ridge lletlnfe Cote ReattJ Me, tMe lovely Kenemtrton model ........ 4 bedrooma end a loft pfue temMJ room with pteo......,. ehutten and a wondetful 4"' ~ ... Tentftc: ..........,.. loene and Pf'4*I to Ml at 1,000. FORECLOSURE 8ALE • 81Q CANYON ,,. '"91J(1) ...... (It Medi .,,.. .... pelftt) ... recentlr recover•• In a foreoloeuro proceeding. , .. ,A.:4 bedroom• end • deft ... • aff down ber In the room, the rent .. to be IW llded end the..,. le femllJ I Huae ..,.,..,.. .......... With ...... llMgtMtloft end lltttlt Meh. tNe oOIM IN the holM of JOW clNeMe A Ile a raN ...... 1. Prloed to Mft et •S,000 760~1900 OCEANFRONT WITH A PERSONALITY Where, In .. , of louthem Callfomte Cllft JOU find • home with an oceen view, baJ view, )ettJ view, beech view and have them all within erm'• length. Corona del Mar'• beet ottering tor thl1 charming a bedroom home. The owner wlll ... 1at In lhe ftnanclng end to the quallfled builder, wlll aubordlnate. J1,210,000. 1n ACRE • OCEAN VIEW Aeduc:M to .... 000. th .. Corotte del Mer cuetomlnd home la prollebl)' the ftMet ottering In the cltJ • ....., r9mOdeled to Include frefteh doon and wWlow ... cuetom pool (VERY PRIVATE) end e front Jent the! 1ook.e Nke ~out of c..ttrel Pn (r~ green~ bedroom home elect fMtw4le a cuetom Europeen •""-!' fttted c:.ablnel9 end appMencee.. -.000. GET OUT THE TELESCOPE, MOLLY Thia lov~~ HIO home, with I BEOtK>OMS, 4 bathe, 2 end • pmate ..,. oflw9 the beet In nltht fight. end city llghta and deJ llghta end .. ltahta. Vecant end reedy to move In, the owner uya "Mil It," which mean• the rtght b41Jer cen buJ It befor. double digit lnftetlon creep• up on ua egaln. Priced at 9115,000. JASMINE CREEK • REDUCED TO $389,500 Thi• lovely 3 bedroom, •lntle etorr home wllh large temllJ room, ell behind • guarded gete I• one of the beat ottering• In Coron• del Mar, en end unit with It• own putung grMn, your good credit wlll Influence th• Hfler to •cerrr • lerg• not• for• long tlroe. You reallJ 1hould ... thl• one •.. It'• • buJt Wiii e11cheng• or lea .. /optlon. TURTLEROCK -UNDER $160,0001 Chermlng In It• decor and • ~lvete, low maintenance Jard thl1 3 bedroom home ls weUdng dl1tanco to UCI end the merket. Huge BBQ petlo end greet ftnenclng mete• this lonlJ otfertng one of the bnt In ell of the South Coeat area. Priced to Mii at 1159.900. LAGUNA BEACH-SPECTACULAR 8paclo4.l1 executive 4 bedroom a bath aplll level •"" oc.an and canron v1ewe end proteMloneltJ lendKepod on row own cut de eec, rou .,. aurrounded on a eldee bJ • netural peRJltle Mttlng, Retu '" rour own c11etom ~ 1pe OR UUNt end let "'9 wontee of IM wCNtd peae ,_ bf. Thi.• epedel wood end 91 ... home on~ 8Cf'9 '8 the .. c .... of Laguna" and prlMd to mow In at MM.MO. BIG CANYON TOWNHOME ENO UNn'. Lo"9fJ lofdn •• modef with I bedroom• end a ruet bethe. ...._ MCt unit ,_ • ..,..., 1ow metntenMco Jent and All ... CAANT AHO PA*T. It'•.__. 9"d rMdJ to "'°" "" """ t:C: ......... ftnenctne. Prtoed at ..... Of J041 OM It at 12.000 per """""- HARBOR RIDGE-REDUCED $200,000 Thi• elegant cuatom home dffttnM bf Robef1 letl 18 the country "lnelteh mode of old haa efmptJ the beet vllw In elf of Newport. I hdrOOMa, 4'11 bett\e and 2 famltJ room• with S1,IOO,OOO of AllUMA9U '1NANCINO ••• WOWll owner wnt exo,_.. or aeeh out. a.1 MMtloft. WATERFRONT CONDO-WITH BOAT SLIP. Thi• lot• Herdlnt dooOfeted home, with over l ,'700 ..._. fMt, .... ..,.. I ll1drooma. a IMthe end la RIGHT OH the weter. VMJ Mlltral In decor wlth en .... .,.. of hordWoode' """°"· conoldef the fc*IOfftellat price of Mlt.500 aftd JOU ... a ltOAT .... oo • 220 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, Callfornl~ - .. _ . T DOES IT TAKE TO SELL A HOME IN 30 DAYS AND Nill "BUY 'IHE FARM"? A full tim e employee , 3 computers, a con1mittee of appraisers and 25 "lean, mean and attractive" sa lespeople to determine the precise value of a property. HYFllHT WITR '° n SLIP -View. airy, 4 Bdrm. large master suite/fireplace. 3 sundecks, cheerful and quiet. Owner will finance. $595,- 000 FHO LllE YIEW -Best from Irvine Terrace. 4 Bdrms, pool and ov.ner will finance. Only $600,000. Leasehold. HEE 111 CWll -Family home, Beacon Bay waterfront, tennis, needs TLC, owner will fi- nance. Leasehold Is attractive. $850,000. ICW FllOO UCLISlll -Llttle corner of the local coastllne: surf. dramatic rocks, exquisite 4 Bdrm, pool and spa. Nothing else like ltl $2,- 500,000. HllEllS llME lCOIUTt PlllOE -Big Canyon (McClain). Tasteful upgrades, gorgeous ap- pointments, assumable 11% ll)an. Security, serenity, swimming & tennis. $320,000. TIE YIEW HIVE llYllE -Turtlerock Glen, woodsle, top view. Dramatic 3 Bdrm Jasmine model. Upgrades, Redwood deck near pool & tennis. $269,000. lllT SEWH llU -Low malnt .. no noise. Ja- smine Creek 3 Bdrm, one level, Immaculate $355,000. OlW 1•1, IUT LIM -Jasmine Creek single level 3 Bdrm condominium, lush patios, spa. Assume loans -less than 12%. $369,500. AllLT otl ... fllt• -South Coast Center, neat as a pin. 2 Bdrm, A/C, wlll work to sell! $88,000. llYfHIT, HH,HO, 1144 IPI -Vacant In Beacon Bay, owner retired, wants to sell 3 bdrm, 3 ba Bayfront. Financing at 10°1. APR. Asl<tng $695,000. EXAMPLES OPEi HOUSE SAT. 3 Bdrm, spa, Jasmine Creek, ............ $369,500 6 Jetty, CdM OPEii HOUSE SIT /SUll. Back Bay. 4 Bdrm, pool, vac ............. $269,000 2221 Francisco, NB Spyglass. 5 Bdrm, view ...................... $925,000 5 Point Loma, NB Low price, view, ownr desperate ....... $295,000 978 Sandcastle, CdM OPEi IOllE Sii. 40 Ft. slip ............................................ $595,000 45 Balboa Coves, NB Bayfront. 3 Bdrm, beach .................... $695,000 21 Beacon Bay, NB Big Cyn, twnhome, top cond. . ........... $320,000 13 Canyon Island Turtlerock, super view, 3 Bdrm ......... $269,000 67 Canyon Ridge. Irv. LT. Isle, Canal front, dock .................. $575,000 210 Grand Canal, Bal Isl 3 Bdrm home w/apt. 10% loans ........ $449,500 415 Heliotrope, CdM 2 Bdrm, den, HV Homes .................... $229,000 2307 Port Carlisle, NB Big Cyn, low price, seeks cash .......... $350,000 4 Rue Fontalnbleau, NB Corner unit, ocean view ..................... $144,900 21 Seamlst, NB IEWPllT'I llllTill 11,111 -Thie one Is a leader! 5 bdrms, 3 ftreplaoes, unlimited view from Spyglua. Sunny, oozy, exciting, practical. S925,000 wtth $200,000 down. •• OUYN Olnlll -Quiet on Buck Gully. Mtn view, must remodel. Owner wlll carry at 1~/o. Asking $275,000 with 20% dn. llllll YIEW ... , IUJ.Slll -Newer Monaco $20,000 price reduction. Pavers. mirrored wardrobes, patio overhang! Owners will help finance. $229,000. e1n1n PllL HIE, "llT IHl,IOO -Bright Carmel, famlly floor plan, pool & spa. Financing Is reasonable; priced right at $249,500. UWUT Pl• PlftDI -View home wtu go at non-view price If buyer has cash. Leasehold and priced accordingly. 4 bdrm In HV Hiiis. Interesting view, only $295,000. A llatlng of Dottle Valentine. • •PUJ llllS lllTI -Neatl 12•1. financing wtth 20% dn. Rents are steady. Tree lined street convenient to library, shops & beach, $289,500. llMI Tiii. ,.. MWI sn.--Fee land, s bdrm, mini view, 2 fireplaces, a large family room, owners wlll oarry 1st trust deed. $362,500. ..... • UI ••-.. -Ocean view, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, hardwood ftoor9, free & clear. 10 yr. financing. $329,000. 1111 IAY ,_ .. -4 bdrm, 2'A baths, vacant with 30 yr. loan of $150,000. Anxious. Reduced to $260,000. ,... ..r • • ........ -3 bdrms, 2tn bath•, Immaculate. Air cond. patio, flnancfng under 12%. Priced below competition. $149,500. Ill .. • U11U an. -Charming 3 bdrm, den large family area, up to date. A block to the t>Moh. Apt renta at 1800/mo. Large 11'A% loan. '475,000. U~IVU~ ti()M~i, ~ULT()~i. f3~ti-f3()(){) PAClflC COAST HIQKWAY AT Ma.cAaTHUlt 80UUVARD IN OOllONA DIL MAR · 1 ---·---.... * * 11.21% Financing available when you takeover exiat.ing loan on the elegant 4 Br executive h ome that has been extensi;~ prepared for entertaining. One of few homes in area on LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *ARTISTS.PRIME RESIDENTIAL 1 PROPIRTY * Zoned. for art studios, gift shops, antiques, etc .... Owner will carry financing for 25 years. Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$915 per mo ••• •* is all you pay when you takeover existing loan on this bright and airy townhome! Featuring 2 stories, 2 Br, master suite w/ balcony & 2 car garage. Priced to sell at $129,500. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7313. *103 DOWN* * 11 3 FINANCING* When you takeover existing T.D., owner will assist at 12% on this 3 Br house on FEE LAND in BACKBA Y AREA. Featuring hardwood floor and shingle room. Only $135,000. 2670 .San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. *HARBOR VIEW HOMIS *SIAWIND* L ovely MONTEGO plan featuring 4 Brs, private location and assumable financing. Only $249,000!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. S 1,279 Pll MONTH *TURTLIROCK* is all you pay when you takeover existing lat T.D. Spacious 4 br executive detached home. Featuring frml din, fmly rm & frplc. Only $212,000 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newpurt Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$8,000* •REBATE* On brand new townhome! reaturing privacy, 2 mstr suite & de/loft overlooking liv rm. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373. *FRIE RENT* Choice 4br executive ranch style home' In prime TtJRTLEROCK location! $1,200/mo rent all applies towards purchase in 6 months. Large, low interest assumable loan, formal dining, frplc, and FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373 * 12 '.4 3 FINA,NG* HARIORli~ ~ ~ME Gorgeous MONTEGO mod--s. ~~ ~.parquet entry, & FEE land. Priced at $279,000 wl. !':iiumable loan & seller assisted financing!! 2670 San Miguel I.: •• ewport Beach. 759-1501 or752-7373. * 11.25 3 FINANCING* HARBOR VIEW HOMI Sensational MONCACO model on FEE land with large assumable loan!! FeaturiJli 3 br, home warranty & LOW PRICE. Only $223,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE' 2870 San Miguel Drive Ntwpon leach. CA 12180 . (714) 751-1501 * llATI* Owner saya ae1l it!! He will finance thil aix year new home for ZERO INTEREST!! 3 Br, 2 ~ ba, plush carpets, ceramic tile, parquet entryway, the works! $20,000 down and it's yours. Priced $20,000 below market @ $139,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams Ave., Huntington Beach. REALTOR MURDIRID This could be the headline next week if we don't sell this spacious 4 br home near Huntington Harbor. New decor inside. Seller moving out of area. A.aking $125,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TROPICAL *PARADISI* You must aee this backyard to believe it= pool, waterfall. Koi pond & malibu lights. The house comes in threes: bedrooms, fireplace and ovens plus a wine cellar. Sacrifice: $185,000. 556-7035. *ABANDONED* -Artist's chalet w/panoramic ocean view alf the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. $765/MO Buys this charming 3 br townhome w/on1y $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TURN A FROG* Into a handsome prince. Spacious 3 Br 2 Ba home w/dble attached garage. Needs help. Seller anxious. Sacrifice $103,500. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *53 DOWN* Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbour. Two and three bedroom models with two baths. Builder will finance at 12.K and pay buyers non-recurring closing coets. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •OWNIR DISPERATI* Must sell this cozy custom home near the ocean in "Old Town" Huntington Beach. The 80aring cathedral ceilings with 5 skylights and th~ ~tic bay window add grace and charm not normally found at th11 pnce. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard completes the picture. Sacrifice for $171,500. 556-70~. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. *$45,000 TOTAL FEE* Real Estate Licensing School. Walker & Lee Real Estate. (714) 963-5671. *llLOW MARKIT* This Mesa Verde beauty is at least $10,000. low at $124,900. Cozy country kitchen, a brick fireplace, and fruit trees at back add up to lrresistible charm. 556-7035. *OCIAN VIEW* *STIPS TO llACM* Sensational Beach c:ottage with 1~ assurpable lst T.D., payable $400 per mo. Only $165,000. 2670 San Miguel Ur., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adom• Ave. Hunttngton leach, CA 12941 (714) 511-7035 t. n." .. 1 •:ir..l ''·~~ ·~M1·(')~ r.;.rnri•"l · ~~ ... ~ ...... .,,.~~~1·""' .... ~~~·,.,.,,....,.... Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. August 14. 1982 -19 TERRIFIC HOME Prof. Decor. Warm remodeled 3 Bdr. Fam Rm, Big Ki tchen, HI Beam Celllngs. fireplace, plus a large private manicured yard. A real value at $375/Mo and you own the land. Petri .. TH•r• 631-1266. MESA YUH Outstanding 4 Br. 3 Ba. 2 Story home. Ve<y private yard on cul-de-sac. Seller wlll help wtth flnan. Full price $207,000. Call a... •o .. a..4 631-1266. WESTOLIFF 3 Bdr. Pl• baths. large llv. room, country kitchen with fireplace. Owner will finance below market Interest. Drive by 1218 Devon Lane, priced at $239,500 or Lease Option. I. Fr941erta Alf, 631-1266. • LIOllDATIOI • Forced sales. TWO BEAUTIFUL NEWPQRT pool homes valued at $800,000 + Will sell now for $325,000 am $318,000. HARBO~ RIDGE lowest priced. Steal It at $399,900. W/Vlew. BIG CANYON lowest priced. Won't last at $179 ,900 W /Pool , spa+ tennis . NEWPORT 2 lrt 4 bdr. beauties. All new decor. Only $215,000 & $199,500. Must see. NEWPORT full on OCEAN VIEW 3 Bdr. only $259,500. These won't lastl NEWPORT 2 Bdr. beauty NEAR BEACH. Take It at $149,900 . No better time to buy. All with TERMS. Will sell, lease option or trade. Serious only call htrlok er Frd THere, 760-8702 or 631-1266 nowl MLF 001111 PllOUMl Fabulous, contemporary custom home on 'It acre view lot. Featured are 4 bdrs., lg. fam. area, gym & rec. rooms, pool/spa, paddle tennis crt. & the sunset tool .leolle ledle•H 631-1266. ,. U-1-1-E-l·T Must sell now! Property reduced $20,0001 4 Bdr. fam, pool/apa. Prime Mesa Verde loc. $265,000. ""'le IHftf•H 631-1266. ao UllTI -••• I lllU Assumable 8'1t% 1st T .O. plus owner financing 120/• -Hurryl I•• Ll••h ., ... ,, .... , 759-1221. f PRIME IEWPORT IUYSI CLIFF DRIVE VIEW! Reduced $75.000 4 Bdr A MUST SELL! Submit offers CLIFF DRIVE VIEWI New exclusive listing 2 Bdr Super view. FINANCING! $350,000. JUST REDUCED $100,0001 BRAND NEW 4 Bdr. In NPT. HGTS $349,000. Country Cottage in NEWPORT HEIGHTS. Vacant and ready to sell at $235,000. NEWPORT HEIGHTS CHEAPIES: 1 Bdr. Fixer 2 car garage $147,000 2 Br. fixer with unit $169,000 2 Br. family room. Spotless! $189,000 All ready to Sell -Submit Offers! Ru lle4c•n 631-1266 HYU ltlOllES WSE 4 Br. 5 Ba. pool, spa, formal din., ram. rm., fab. vtew, wtll lease op1ion. S 1,850 mo. I•• ., ..... '"'· 759-1221. LllO WATEIFlllT LUii 2 br, 3 ba, f.r., sec. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2800 sq. rt. PoH. boat dock/fantastic vu. All nu palnts/crpts. $1800 mo. Ill er NWll lllP 759-1221. UllOll 11111 LUii 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r . f.r., study, beautlfully dee. lge decks, fab. vu. Prl. grd. gate, pool & tennis. $2500 mo. Submit all offers. Ill ., MYll IHP 759-1221. IEWPHT OllEIT Ulll 3 br. 3 ba. f.r .. d .r., huge master ate/sitting rm, vu, largest model. $210,000. Submit any offer on terms. Ill er HYll lttP, 759-1221. DIEOI TIEii IEIT llYI vc.M: 3 br on R-2 lot. $89,900 vlrvlne 3 br. corner lot home $129,000 vNewport Bch. Nu 3 br. pv1. yd. $169,000 vCDM 4 br. pool fee $349,500 vEastslde. Nu 4 br. mini ranch $199,000 All have tremendous financing tool Call ......... , 759-1221. . Ill OAIYU Elegant Versailles with $458,000 In assumable loans-. 4br. 5 ba., pool spa on fairway. $795,000. Call Marr Lewis 759-1221 or 631-5963. •••,ooo llEllOTIOI Unbelievable price reduction on this air-conditioned prestigious Turtlerock home. 3 Bdrm 2 1~ Ba, family rm. huge utlllty rm, romantic Mstr suite, nice sized yard. Seller leaving country-his 10 .. your gain. $259,000. THI Merrle-Lerfl•l4 559-9400. llJCl'Dl)(Nl MD10 lllOl<W llVllE • ••12 UIUIDA PIWY. OllTA .. U -2M I. 1m IT. ' ·~ t BOB and DOVIE KOOP LIDO PEITHOUSE 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avall. In Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/notlce. $525.000. IOI er HY11 IMP, 759-1221. IUPLH-ODM Country antique, different. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba. highly upgraded kitchen, brick fplc, $295,000. Seller wlll finance. Must see~ Submit any . offer. IH er HYll IMP, 759-1221. llWNllT lllllTI 4 Bdrm 2'~ Ba w/game room. Beaut. decor In every room.· Over 'A ac. w/Jac. Asking S340,000 Fee. W iii trade for smaller home or condo. IH er Hvtl IMP, 759-1221. IEW OISTOM FREIOll 11 .. MAIDY You must aee to believe all thl• tfne wkmnahp 4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 fp, oak cab. beaut. t ile, choice of crpt. Npt. Hgts. Only $385,000. Sir, carry lge 1at at 13%. IH er '"11 IMP, 759-1221. IOYEll 11101111 Name your terms on this lrg. 49R, 49A. Home W /ocean view+ Sep. In-law qtrs. $297,000. Steal! L.H. $200,000 1st T.O. 121~•/o with excel. terms. Low dn. or trade equity for C.M . or N.B. home or condo. .... , '"" '"'· 759-1221. ICUIFROIT -OOUIFROIT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prl. res. & live on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd of $250,000 at 12'1•. S teal at $650,000. IM er MYll IMP 759-1221. MUIOll RlllE 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, hlghly upgraded, ltallan marble In Lr., d.r .. kit f.r .• study & f.r. haa beaut. paneling & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to see at $895,000. Ill., .. ¥11 ltlP 759-1221. OAMEO SIOREI Fab. Ocean & coaa111ne vy, 3 br. 3 ba. form . d .r ., f .r., study, lge. pool & courtyard, prl. bcha. $895,000. Fee. NI ., NYll lllf 759-1221. OOUIFROIT HOME Just 2 years new, very contemporary, 3 br. 4 ba. corner toe. fab view, two kitchens. Best oceanfront buy today. Very motivated. $650,000. Submit any offer, seller needs cash fast. ~ er hYle '"' 759-1221. WE NEED MORE LISTINGS BOB or DOVIE KOOP 759-1221 . NEWPORT m:ACH OfflCE l I • .r 20 -<>nnge County RMI &t*/An AdYwtlllng &~to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 14, 1882 1•1 ~ L AMI,...., .... ,_, W. -..... ,_ 1111 ..... ,_ ... -.... lei i.11 •• ~-~~! ••••••• !!!!!.~.f!'1 ....••. ~.!-!!:*....... . •••••••••••••••••••••• ···••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• 11 1111 ....,., I~ ,.,,.,., I~ eouM.~ Of'f'OftTUNITY P1al1l1r't ..... Al ,..., --echwUWI In thl1 n1w1paper 11 aubject to the Federal Fair Houelng Act ol 1MI wtllctl mMal It= to ~··llft/-r-ce. llmlt8tlon Of ~ nation bued on rec., color. rellglon, "" or netlonal Ol'li!ln, or eny Intention to maka any IUCh pteterenoe, limita- tion or dlec:NMiatlon." Thia~--not knowingly accept any eclWrttMng for rMI ea- tna wtNoh 11 In v1c*t1on ol the,__ 1111111 Advertl- eera should check their ad• dally and report errors Im- me d I ate ly. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect lnaenton only. ........ ~·········;·;;; .....•.••.....••..•••. LAST CHANCE to bvy thle beautlful 3 yeer old, 4 unit apart- ment hol'9I In San et. "'*"-wfttt oow~ l golf COVfH Y'-9 at e tretllendoue MYtno-d._ reot from the owner ~ fore being lllt9d with brok.._ Act NOWlll Call own. .. (714) 642-0138. JIVE ........ .,_.,... In thll two stOJy hoaM nur SA end Newport Fwys. and SC Ple:r.a. Two of the bedroom• with one of the bathe and ~ entrance make up prac:tlc11. Mperele mother -I n -law (teenager?) querter1. Another two bedroome ancs a bath -upatan. Areplace In LR, llldlng doora from LR and FR eJtlt 10 ~ ,_ p-. tlo. Siding dool' In MBA open• onto the VERY ~t front patio. A.eking t 147.800 185,000 ASSUMABLE ( 11 .4%) 1nd w l ll co- ap9flte In l!Mndng. For .... by ownlt'. tTt-2148 (P-...clll Ml ,....i ]lfj ,,..,., lllJ ,..,,,, lllJ -...,a1 llf1 ~ ••....•.....•...•••••••••••••••••••••••....•.•..•......•...• ...................... .••.•......•....••.•.. ••........•.......••• , ..••••.....•........ . - --------~--PR-1-CE_W_A_R-!!!--TNI ~!;.!.a. . ~·it·:;;r..! ' \ ~ I . _ ' ', " . TAYLOR C0.1 f \ i . •\ r ·; I 1 i , ·-, ...... .., -Builder's own penonal residence. Not the avenge speculator built heme. The architectural design and meticulous attention to detail reflect the owner'a desire to create an unusually high 3!::t%!ome built to pleaae the l1lOlt ting family. 5 bedrooma. 6 \Ii Just listed-front row view. Lowest LIWllT ... • .U 111111 ~n':"ioom with fl~ ~riced "E'' Plan 3 Br, family room. For a fashionable, 2200 Sq. Ft. 4 pl8ce. Fernty room wttfl Sl97,000 AmlAlne loam. Submit oo dwn. bedroom pool, & spa home. Model =. ~~.:; 2645 Vla1a Omada $316,000 ,erfect with lpeCtacular firwx:ing. See ~ renoe. ... a Open SaVSun 1-5 for younelf on Sa\/Sun 1-5 at 3165 mlcrOW¥a. Ankle deep ll.lffl LUii 2 Bdrm, water view, $ff0/mo. Allo 3 Br, front row view $1200/mo. ..... 11Mtll Bermuda or Call Lota Miller. Only cariietlng. Shtmmenng $150,000. 631-1266 C:.-:!.t':t. ~ to ....... C4ll kif .,,... ...~1.3 bath&, plus all the amenities me would -------------.anticipate. $1,950,000. Owner flnanclnic. INTRODUCING. • • LIWllT ... • UIT lllm $10,000 lower that} any other aingle family residence 3 bd. 2 ba. Owner will carry huge 2nd startln4r lK -Only $175,000 -Call Loia Miller for further info. 631-1266 mm ............. First time llated. Charming nr. new 2 aty, archlt.ectural gem. 4 bdrma. fam.nn. Quality design and decor. throughout. ~ for guest q\W'ten. Priced to eeD $595,000. Seller flnanne. No loan fee 111 •mt• tNI UT I -1-1 -m.&.a ,_ma 11 au Unquestionably the beet buy in Bia Canyon. Four bedrms. and family room. Immaculate throughout.. New carpets, drapes, marble entry & decor. Electronk lleCW'ity ayat.em. Wet bar. 2 fireplaces. 3 car garage. Artiatic pool and spa. Priced right at $695,000. Gate guarded area. Call 644-4910 for permission to enter . 1.......... UTl-1-1 YllW -LU I m.l -lnlUll Two atory Nantucket 5 Br. with beautiful Sunaet pool surrounded by 14,000 red bricks. Tastefully deoonat.ed throughout with wallpapers and abutters. Showa like a model home! Many upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 Intl land. J --" .... , -Charming 4 Br. & family room. 2 brick fireplaces, country kitchen , quiet residential area in young development by Buccola. 1~ dn. Owner carry 10 yrs. ..... ,.. .. __ ,_ Ouiet, park-like •tting. Rm for peddle tenn.ia and pool Great for orchard. Cul de UC st. 3 bdrma, f.am.nn.1 $379,500. 1211 m WIST, -... -1_. -ntt.m-YllW .. F.art.bt.onea thruout. 4 br, 2~ ba. family rm, dining rm. 2,378 sq.ft. View of Pavilion, nite lites & Catalina. 1n1~• u11•1 ... WllLIY L TIU. ... IUL.Ym J111S. ........ .... •1En11•1ft1MTT !I!!, LI. MMl1t LIDO ISLAND 11!.Mn ''$250 PLUS'' EXCLUSIYEL Y FOR REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS REALTORS BROKERS ASSOCIATES •11111 I CUllE1 Before you do, STOP-explore ou'r career beneflte and BRAND NEW LOW COST 10094 COMMISSION CONCEPT. THE "$250 PLUS PLAN" Finest quality ocean view suites-private and aeml·prlvate at NEW. LOW AFFORDABLE PRICES! Exclualvely at our Fashion Island locatlon. can Bob Licata today. 759-1221 15 Corporete Plue, No. 100, NB RV M ~ of Newport Beach 1111111 EITUI! Extra nice 4 Bdrm 3 be, bat extra lpedal family rm w/wetbar, akyltgbta, 2 peua., many, many UplJ'adea. Super family home ln extra convenient area. $147,500. LUllll.,ULTI And must llell now! Llaht & airy 3 Bdnn home. Enjoy the ocean breezes. Bike to beach from th.la Marina Hl&hlanda home. Priced at $120,000. Call Delpha Oswald. THE REAL ISTATBS 546-2313 UWDTPl••WllMIWI For a Wannington Townbome, 2 Bd. 2 Ba., beamed vaulted oel..Ungs 2 doon to adult pool. 1 blk to lake. PiC'tw'e perfect. $137,000. Loia Miller 631-1266 R&IM~ of Costa Mesa NEWPORT tEGHTS B.EGANCE eu.iom Country Kitchen with Antique Lace Curtain• In BrHkfHt Nook. • Bed..-Suite, eac h with Blth & F lr1place or Deck, • Fllekerlnt Plrepl1ce1, Formal Dlnlnf, Triple Genip. l200 Square ..... 2 Y-.nNew. .1 .• ,. tJ • - J _,, DIAM PETOl'U.·VOLPE 5S9-9400 R&IM~ of lrvinP. ,, •.. , .. "musm 1)EAST81DE Cape Cod, 2 Mitt 1Ult•, dbl O&rt S13,00C1 dwn. Vacent ena unit. 2)C. MESA twnhm 4 Bdr, fem rm, upgraded, encl unit. Only J 110.000 3)1RVINt 1 Br l loft. M-- 1ume 11t T.D. of tn. IOO. Only Sle,$00 owr1oc*I ..,_, A/C.. Ctil Clarla - raal m ... lllW Belt model. Npl Terrece. Lrg a Bdr 2\4 ea ~ hofne wlftont loCatlon I ttrllclng view. Lov•IY Bdrm autte & loft. o.11 fbr financing d•tella. Full price t 131 .000. 1514191 1M AIMlllol condo: Nici ..,,, 2bl. 2 ltory oondo. Pool & •P•· Aefrlg. ---·dryer~ REWIDnJ t18,000 down or wlll MU trecte fol' c1ae1o wt~ $60,000 reward If you purcbue 1901 blle, motor home or ' Yacht Maria, Newport Beach. Tb.at'• °"'*' ~ Beautiful open & airy Lido home. Compraed of approx. ~IQ ft. nmnlna street to 9'trata, th1a 4 Br 3 Ba completely remodeled home (1979) boa•t• 4 aundecka, lrg indoor jac\lai in Matr ~~~~~~~ Bdrm surrounded by creenhouae .............. Jt NORTH Off UOO COMPLEX * it 11••n•1a * * ~ HcMg "°"*" * right; ju.at pu.rcbaae Uii• beautiful 3 •-=====~ Bdrm 2 b•th home and you ·*•~* aut.oroatkall. y put $50,000 equity rlaht in •T ... your pocket! lt la located in the pvt. PAfVATE COMMUNfTV, oomm. of Sea View on a larp )at with a 314 bdrm ftom.1, ou1 ... ..., llllY llWt.lrllty, home4 ...,.... fUlly l,4'0fad.s • deoo- ra'*9 ..,.atou1 2 Br I den, 3 a.. Wiik to bNCfl a. r.ueatlon faclllt .... Pueed for lmtn9dl1t• ..... a... ....... nenM. '"" ,no. Int. 000. 7514191 windows, circulating fishpond, aptnJ atalR:ale, 3' akyllte nmn.lng the entire lengt\t 01 the 2nd story 1 hardwood Oocrlt & extensive tilina thruouL Try mna11 down and eeller will carey 1-=k A1TD at K. Veg_ Ocx1bW t.enm. Owner will trade. NOT lease land. Contact Mary OI' Ken. '676,000. H• t•I ..,. llMITI 1'91 Jt • nw .. etoty ; ~ • OoNn._ P9nthol.lel w/2 Cer Gar. ~ • 8wlr\ U.. w/Dedca * : :::.:.=:e i ~ • OWnlr Wll -11,500,000 ,..-;'. ~ ........ 10.000monttlty 1********** part. ocean & city lJghta view. Thia ::~~NT~~ prstilioua comm. hM a hup pool & spa httet hUrry on thelel & 2 championship tennla crta. For a Startl!'g at t4H,OOOI redUl'ed price of $339,000; xlnt finandna. ~~FOR IAL· low down, and motlvatlld .uen· nu. ..... .., ..... thi• the bHt buy In Newport. For ., ... ,. further 11\fo WI David Q)oplr. , ........ . 111-1111 ..,,n, =~-~~~-~ m II& Bl!f!M 81(~ '<'le Item• With • -~Not Cl ..... Ad. 11.\ltB(Ht U E .\ LT\. .lllT LllTEI OlllU IEL IAll Well built 3 bdrm. 2 bath home with fireplace located South of the Hwy. Just a few blocks from the beach. Room to build 2nd unit on this R-2 lot. Owner will finance with 25~ down at 12~ interest. $240,000. I ClllllA IEL ••• lllTI Excellent rental J.-ioperty South of the Hwy. Currently earning $1450 per mo. Motivated seller has reduced price to $229,000 and will finance at 12 ~~ interest with just 20% down. COlllU IEL IAll VIEW LIT 0¢ean and bay views from this oversiz.e R-1 lot in a quiet section of Corona-del Mar away from the summer crowds. 75~ financing available. $595,000:- CllllU HL IAll YIEW You have jetty and ocean views from this fabulously designed home only 1 block from the beach. Abeolutely the finest craftamanship throughout with lavish uae of wood, brass and stained glua. A showplace that we doubt could be duplicated. 3 bdrma. and batha. $1,350,000 submit tenna. IRIU IEL IAll llUllFlllT Finest location with spectacular whitewater view. Ideal family home -3 bedrocxns and batha plua l.ervice quarters, formal dining rm. I and family rm. custom built quality !home with built-in wine vault, 1hobby rm., 10lar heating, wet bar and much. much more. Motivated aeller moving out of atate. Price reduced to $2,500,000. INVESTt.INTS 111 AOllE OITllll UIOI Located In faat growing Hemet. Top producing grapefruit and orange groves just listed! Terrific upalde potential aa future sub-diviaion. $2,500,000. 100% Wiii Prime corner location on Segentrom ln South Santa Ana. Nicely land8caped 4 yr. old tilt up bldg approx. 15,300 aq. ft. with 5 quality tenants. $1 ,040,000 excellent tetma. 1714) 673-4400 IJ I lt 621·2121 n. H.tMw """'' '"°"9"• ..... ..., .... h .. c.._.., -tpc>t ~"'t 1I·uiiu1' .in'5,·11r.8''1<.'fl1~ YJt/;"O nltr r.t ~')011r.; ,.,,,l,JhevhAMf' tb~ ! R ·Jfn'--o:') 4'l ,..,n --()t" 0...,.. Coultty A9lll ~-'An Adwrtillng ~tJ01he DAILY PM.OT/ ... ay, AuguM M, 1M2-21 200 n . lllWNllT 1&mei'r BOAT ON TliE BAY. PLAY ON THE OCEAN Specious. open & sunny ell view home w/ pen0f'am1c decks. on huge prime latend Point, + docking & prkg galore. + you own the land. t own8f' financing, all fOf' SG65,000. Open Sat/Sun. 11-5. 402! CNnnel Place, Newport. Newport ~ mEULI Ill Best ocean view in all of Laguna Beach, this superbly appointed custom home h as every possible a menity incl. imported mantels, tiles & balustrades. Approx. 5000 a.f., it features 5 Br, 2 ban, gourmet kltchen, 4 Ba, 2 decks and gorgeous spa in a beautiful aetting. This home offers a million dollars -in financing. Priced at $1,925,000. (Call for entrance.) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 12-5 1219 EMERALD BAY WllTlll UTltD llALn 111·1ZM t1 ..... ~­••EASYTEAMS•• Wood/,,P.. vie.., 3bf • 2ba. Small but c:s..y1 487-2322/487-5447 Wllertm 2 8' 2 Ba tow! •'lotne. Pvt and -*'ded. Full MQAr. ~ monthly peyment a. dlted to purdleee pnoe. W-.,,-,-Ada--Celf--&4-2--58-7-11 S 10 3. 00 0 . Ag t. Jay 75S..8100 1n111111uar • 11 •••nflH _. Don't mia this beautiful customized 5 BR Portifino! French doors, wood ceiling in kitchen. brua fQctures upgraded bathroo ms . Must aee to appreciate! Shows like a model $450,000. Giaela Jenkins 5~1-8700 (P61) lltlLY IPllAlll tll&.11.Alll -. OverJook:ins reaervoU & mountains. Decorated in earthtones with lota of wood flooring & abutters. High uswnable loan. Gisela JertldnS 551.azoo <P63> WALi Tl PllH11 HHI Tbl• cwtom home haa recently been renovated by owner and t. the Jwt ~ve home available In th.ii exclullve area of Dover Shorea. Seller la ht1hly motivated. '87&,000, Duffy Riebe 651-8700 (P64) .... 111.1-. 1•Y1&L9I_. wa• 1-1 Prime Udo Nord bllyfront. 5 bdrm. 5 ~ beth. Lee L.R .. 2 boat alip1 Sl.500,000. Remodeled 3 bdnn, 2 bath +large rec. nn. beam cellinp, furnished. patiaa. $420,000. u• llll 11YF1m Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark nn, den, Boat alip. Now $1,000,000. UYllll PUOE SpeCtacular beyfront view 2 br. 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 be dn. 2 00.t lllipa. Reduced -$1,500.000. ClllUllCAYS Coronado bland <'Ult. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Pla.m ~wail. Now $370,000 w/tenna. ILIFFl-Sinale l10r)' end unit, exp.nded. uJlllWled 3 br, ~ t. en largest ~t. ~.000. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR JJ ;;, ,.,.,.:.,. u, •.. •4 e tJl:. ~ ti Cele ')) .,. ........ ......... / 615-5111 J ...... 1 ... ••num lmtm.1-... ......... .............. . ............. .. ...... , , ........ . atu• .,... tllf4Hr ,.,.... .... . .. , ... ,. •••• 11' , ...... HIU11• •M flttn, ..., ......... ...... .................. ................... .................... Par'nr1ll ,. ....... DAZZLER on C\annel Roed, 3 Bdrm•. 2 kit- chen• and new bathe, '3&9.000. BIO THREE on Mlramw, 3 Bdrma 3 bllltla, formal dfnlng, M1W kKchen, ta- mlly room, huge llvlng room with fireplace, aundeck and more. 1449,500. OLD CHARMER, with o6d C.,. Cod illr9, 2 Bdrm and tar~ room, doM to • l«lnla. -... '300.000. TIMELESS GRACE. IPI· clooa 3 Bdrm 3 bathe, large family room . MHter aulte hH fir•· place, privet• aundec:tt. Excellent financing. 1485,000. EXCELLENT DUPLEX, w1llll to 11oree and bee- chel. 3 Bdrme 2 blithe Mdl unit Top '9nttll ,. cord. 1355.000 . TWO IN ONE. MPV9t• IM1lta CK alngle family UM. Oood aummertwlnter rental °' long wm tlmM) run on Mlrlnw. For more lnfonnatton, cal 911 Gold,·~- 142-1111 A PETE BARRE IT REALTY :~11,111. 111 ~~~~~ • UIYll TUTI -•-C... '-/ 11M 1111 .... ,.. _ cou °" MaWCMn .. ;;ruu.·oo;;.;:w; .. ELEGANCE ABOUNDS FROM THE MAI.TOM 13.5% 1oen JMmine er SECOND YOU PASS THROUGH THE 11t1Lc-Mw,. Owner evt M0-1515 INNER GATE SURROUNDING c-•-41'-LIT FLORAL BOUQUETS ..AND STEP 611•5111 With 3 Br. 1~ ea.• ONTO THE TILE ENTRY WHICH -------•--ey~_0wner __ ._64_&_e_Ne-.-- S WEEPS YOU INTO FUIYMIU ..... , ...... INDOOR-OUTOOOR LIVING AT ITS ITlfl Tl 1111 ~ FINESr. FEATURING BOX-BEAM!".D ~ bMcfl llOUM. 508 AC*le CdM IV bd't CEILINGS, OOUNTRY FRESH LACE CNIC '°' 10 yrs. Unt. ~ V8Clnt Dupee11 CURTAIN$, ANTIQUE AMERICAN Uevable wme. vec.nt. HUoe 5br13be+31w13be OAK FIREPLACE, FRENCH JX)()RS, Cel to -. Diana c.p.. 4-d< """*' 141-7048 MASTER SUITE WITH USED BRICK IUL DTl11 UL.a FIREPLACE. $22,000. FABULOUS 8roller9«81l11P40pte FINANCING. ~ NI « Pw1 Time ~ TO SEE IT JS TO WANT IT! CALL DIANA FOR YOUR PRIVATE SHOWING. Jafln ~ °"9. AECI ... ..., 1-4 t*Hfilj!i;h@ljJi ~~!: r REALTOM 171-77111 well groomed home? "_, .. u 8•11• ..,. I L.OOll no f\M1'*1 Come CALL DIANA PIETENPOL· VOLPE by 2293 WNr1Mn Wsy, ...... located off 23rd & lfv In 1...-ito luelk home on 669-IMOO C.M. 4 Et. 3 la, """ '-lend. S 8'. 2 Ba. tlv & pool. Thie home tlM lu•. din rm, lg fam rm, all ODw9d ,_. SZM,000. ec-.,,,.ttttea, ID tree lot. By cell. llnandnQ........,.., Owner. •sn.ooo . R&"M~ of Irv ine BEST IN BLUFFS U1-!!.!!! ...o.oi12 _ _M0-__ 100_1. ___ _ TR \f)! 111 I\ \I l<I \I I I ....... , ...... 80. of Hw,, A·2, 3 8r ~Lvrm~to pvt beclcywd. Mo,,...ln oond. ~ ..,.,,.,.. ~ IDT MY. Lovely 2000 aq. ft. 3 bdrm. 2~ ••II tllla •••k. Della, baths, fam. rm., wide greenbelt, near •a-,.,_. J.• t3M2M, .._ pOO}. 1~ 12'9.ooo. ••u••• m ..., ~:mm ... •••• mn a.1. WI.I. ...... By appL .. - -,.... THIS WHKENDI Pre-.. 1.. 111 llYI pwe to ~ ~ 1111 .......... 4 "· ::d~ -::.e.tu~ ~n:. ~~ f.I. WfllM 111.. datd .U. lot. 0WC n-Hgll~.cl ttalrwell, only M1.._ ........ .,, '*'°""' aa.ooo. aea.ooo. Tiie «** ,_ 1 ....., .W Pl'-"' @I' • b•Y Vlftr, I bdrm, 2 • .._ a "• • ..., 1171.m Ill tllH ~~.io~r~ou~~oo~t 11., ........ ~ ... ., ....... -.-n1111r °'~··.,... Ill.EN B. DOWD 1111• = =~ !u~u~,~·~··=·~~· ~~::=•=•=•=·~·='! A1dm ..., •.. ~ t1J vllot . . ~o:::~ ..... ~-To pilW your~ •t•i&lf -'m!J ~ .... knookt oft9rt ~ YCMI ffnen. 171-1111, ~. r98CIMg JIUt*, .. ,.,...__ ~ tn-Ul1 ..... o...t--~ Plto• C'8Mlflecl ~-t• ..... f1L ._,.,. -~ Pllol rMOh ltie 0,.,... 0..-of OUITOM HOUll. ..i.= Cl•tlttd. 142-'tfl nwttel,..o.. ... ....,. .,_... ..... -.,.... ....... --.... 000 ........ .,... ...... 111-91.t C1•1•A M. Mt8"1. l ' I 'I , ""' -:" ~\.' ... ., •• ..,, ; "'f't-•• t~~' Tl'\ 11a v lt'\f "'1' r-• 'rt"ln"';.!,.,;.":;:> "'"'•l~•Jf-""°' ~l\\"\4ff•~=I ,., .. A •t~n ,..,"'\ ,.,,,,..~('I · 22 -Orange County RMI &tate/An Advertlamg Supptement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Augu1t 14', 1982 i ..... '" w. Ar. •••HI /tr w. •••H• /tr 141• ••• ,,. ,,, ,.,, ,,..,. J.1 w. • ..... /•r '"' ..••..................•••••.....•.........•. •···········•········· ••··•·•···········••·• .......•••.••••••••.•................•••.... ...... ,., ,.,, ..... '" 1411 ~.w.~ .. 1.1S ~.4!1.!IH •• 1.tM ~.!!! ...... J.'Af ~.!!!! ...... JI.ff r.~~.r!R'z.J!!f •.......••.....•. !!! .•••.••••.•..•........ ••••.•............•.. ~.'1/e. ... !.ljf ~.!'m'. .. !.lj' INVESTORS ..... ,./ ... TWU.1111' .... 11111 38r, 28&, dbl cw oweoe. MESA VERDE ll5000 dwn a S200 P' mo 2 patloe. nag.tone frpic, Open S.tJSun 1·5. negatlw cun flow for 1 3 1 W1rm1prlngl, Wood· brldg•. Baaut .. model perlacl, 3088 IQ ft. 3451(. 11t TD 211R, '/1>n bl, Woodbridge ·COltlOI Home. C11mal Plan, hM rutty upgredad aw111n· cet, crpt1, drp1> A/C & landtcaplflO. N4llllr pool & perk plus UM of bNch-- club & lak•. SEUER A-NANCING AVAIL S149, 900. 844-67112. .... .... " By Ownec. '°""* mdt, A 1*fec:1 delcrlptlon OI Br. epaciecular W CM thll iOY9ly 4 bdrm hofne g 0 If C 0 U rl I , I I If I Refreshments, sparkling bay & ocean view & 2 beutiful custom homes. Sacrifice prices, for sale or exchange. owner-cuttom btt home. 2709 GANNET DR. Br 1 Ba tgl fl!Tllly dlt•· $127,000. Owner wlll Owner wtll carry 111 TO, ch•d hom•. Call Rich, ca1ry 11t toen. low rate, xlnt t«ma. 4Br, OWflf'/agt "4-1111 • ., ....,~! l"', 1t1Ba. 2 ety, lormll din .. =-, 141-nn rm. perk Ilk• re1r yd. ••• IHI Enjoy gorgaout IUntelf l)'ltam. llYad In 5 mo a mounteln vlewa frorT Price reduced, $385,00 hi.It t _ _. ..__ Mult NII lmmed. Atlu• er IM ::.:fy&''ck;; I<*!. 714/4115-4223 to tenn11 courte.. Pncec lo Mii It $255,000. IHI UT a 111 1-11ao Pl 2J0.2HllUUlll, ... 1~~~~~~~~IV9fYcie.n,1ove1yne1g~ 1= borhood t1a2 000 Agt •••••••••••••••••••••• 979-5099 ' . . BY OWNER 4 BR 4 Bl *'' IWIEI* J 11 .... 1~ II hme, epprox 2900 IQ.ft. Nr. M•1dowl1rll Oolf EXCELLEI ' •• , .. ((,~J'UJ 1~0 t!Rl ul{,q;,, · Plwjw/tlU!a 67-J-8~9~ CIUEll Piil $1211111 IU·IHI Courie. $2381<, 11 'A.'4 FIXER loan IVlll up to S 1701<. ~~Ill• back 2nd.1----.-EW-----1 4 Bdrm, 2 ba, femlly rr 2 frpk:t, epa, e-t 88< p1110. dbl g1r. com pool. Pl1yground. R per1dng. S 145,000. 3641 E. Coils1 Hwy., Corona del Mar $98,000 1---------1 E111tlld1 Co1t1 Me11, $6500 down. 2er. loft. 1 yr USTlll llClllO..........., ..__°'_' H111cum & Horn R.E. ,,, .. ,.., ... ,.17 494-45!1 IPll llllll 1·1 1HlA ...... llYllE mutE S1tl,80I FIRST TIME OFFERED: C11t• #•N IOU ...................... 3 11111 STUL A beauty on Golt Course. $124,900. Agt. Fred Te- nore 83 1-1266 PIYlll llEIT111 s21.ooo unc1et ~. OWnef dleper1t1. Hunyl HAVE GOOD INCOME??? SHORT ON DOWN PAYMENT??? 645-0303 MW condo. New oceen. Flexlble terms. 533-4987 4 bdrm. 3 be. Kensington Model In the Oe1n• Hom•• Customized an1k1 lroot. Good ltz.d yard -decking and patio are1. Good locetlon. '249,000. -------w. ,,,.,, 115 s111,ooa ..••••••••••••••••••. ••EASY TERMS** Wood/glUI. Views. 3br 2b1. SmeH bvt clulyl 497-2322/4117-5487 ..,. ......... Thia neat 3 BR 2bl with .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim over 1800 IQ ft wtlh lo- veky patlot and gwdenl. Owner wth nnanoe eut>- 11an1111 1tt TD at 12% ln1. 7 yr. term. A leaM- hOld eet1te. Priced to NII PAYING TAXES777 COLDWC!U. BANl(eRO flUVll '1IWI Pool·alXe praperty on ~ ~ wtth epa, eauo• a vu dadct. ContMIPOfll) wooc1 a g1u1 w11h open :: 1>9d. & l•m rm S895 000. lawJM LtutlH Secluded spa, over 1,0C sq. It of decking. custom llfeplaoai, 11rtu .olf lllT'llly room, dellgrlo draperle1, central a l Ranch ltyte 4 bedrOM 2 beth. Excetlant 1&1• mabl• loan S115,0C equity, wlll contldt trade fM Nonh Oran' County praperty. MIN!c Viejo RHlty. Owner eoent Alk tor C111o1. Intel. 144-1211 /Jn 'of!GEL QAILEY ~ ASSUCIATf.S A Corona del Mar llfor· dlble bargeln, If you hlVI S100,000 Cllh down p1ymant. low.at priced per IQ. ft. tor thil e4egant 3 Bdr oceen vie'# home In guarded com- munity. $440,000. Ownr/ Agl. 840-1212 JASMINE CREEK Security guarded. pool1, spu, tennis! OCEAN VIEW. 3 BR, lam rm, 2'n ba, red~ 10 Mii fut. $415,000. FRESHLY DECORATED, 3 BR. fem rm, 2'n be. $350,000. SACRIFICE SALE. 2 YRS old, lovely 2 BR, den, Mlllr tremf~. $300. 000. 552-2000 COU>Weu BANl(eRO Mllllll-Hlghly upgrlded 2 & din, lfte & brlt• with A/C. Mu1t b• 1otd • priced right et 1336,000 with 1dn1 flnandng. Agt. Ca- rola McMllhen 644-0080 M 844-«>97. ..... 1 .. INllWllD tftlllTl• 1·1 11lUll ... Baautlful dupl9x. Front unit, 2 bdrm. 2 beth, n~. Apt 2 bdrm. 2 beth & larga patio plus MP· ciu-t room & beth. 3 CM gerage. $475,000. R~ -:.~-:~:~o ~va•TMaNT• ;/1.J rnw"llf'\e ... ,.vie t>••DOe ·••e'1d 87~ <182a 9'£~.! .. ! .•.... !.'Af ~~ IHl..U Y&I on thl• 4 Bdr Colfaga Park ttom. apct ~ wtl hlfp with ---nnMdnO, Fun prl~ la Oftl)I t 1auoo. Dol\'t .-• oel ..,....70 NOWI \ I /I I ti/'!( -LOI-.--... MISI I With our 1n-tM. IM&!~~~~~~~~~ llUT Lto&Tlll I gain 1pprec1111on In S 2 I O O I I W I (with uaumablet) fantutlc 3 Br. 3 BL MW FIVE bedrooms and ~No~;!~ OILJI THREE baths In this two minimum cHh nMded SharJ> 3 Br 2·1ty condo 11ory houM ,_,SA and IM cloelng coll. Pt10041 w/frplc. A bMuty. ,._. Newport Fwyl. Colorful 831-5055 842-2000. s.c. Plaza. Forced ...... ________ _ froot p1tlo and ahlded ' ooly $112.500. ~a!Md lnlM -1144 ---------1 smell bacil yard. IOVE IP It $120,000. Avell. lor •••••••••••••••••••••• 11ITUllOI II you need 1 lerger lmmed. move-In. Cell Brand New Hom11 & Be1utllul Pre1ldent Two of 1h• bedroom• houM, try ttlll 5 bdrm 3 Fr• d T •nor 1 . • g I Condos. no money down Home, 4 br. 3 be. 3 car. with ona of tha baths •nd be home locatad In MfMa 1131·1281 Prln. only. whit• they 1111. (714) 111cellent term1. S379. eep1r1t1 entrance nW!e d.i M1t. For only Sl59, Slit.. 5-48-9522 Agt. 000. up prect1c1I. separate ooo, It hH frffh pllnt 112,111 llWI If .... m o t h e r • I n -I a w end new cerpetlng. Call 5 br Turtllrock °'911. 3 (tHn1ger?) qu1rtera. now for viewing appt. • mt Tl "'11 ::_oi:;e_~ ~ ~ cer gerag•, -..tow IP· Another two bedrooms 83l-7370, 5-49-35MI Sptdoul SBr. + 1 2y,aa. aumat>te. 1175.000. ... Piii.ai at S3-49.000. Ind • bath ere upetalrl. fr'plc, r9dwood patio, IP4l gotl1ble Call for appt. GorgeOl.ll 3 bdrm on 'A Flr-•ece In LR, &Udl~ In Hcluded perk-Ilk• 551-1075, 644-4492 ~•lot. Ov.135,000 In .. .,. setting. Open 11·6 S/81-----~---1 edel •"""OOO door1 frqm lR and F 1 1'-7. 8 4 8 -5 8 8 0 or Low11t prlc•d In Univ. upgr · _...,, ••fl to covered rNr I>&-831·2253 ,Prk. 811ut11ut condo, IT'S A "10" Ten mlnutea from Co· ron1 d•I Merl 10% fl· nanclng. 10-VIEW (oo 1 acale ol 1· 10). MagnlR· Cini In qulllty ~detail. lt'I a "10" till Iha wr;. Two 1tory with 4 b•· cfroom, 4V. b1th1. •I• ganc• end warmth. Megnlfloent brtc:k, bMrTll ind wermth, lamlfy room. Gr~ Ind pti- Vf/Cf with VIEW O\Wtoc). king Emll'lld Bey. OWC 111 TD at 10% lnterwt. $869,000. 831-1400 tlo. Slldlng door In MBR ldMJ tor couple or etngte. Suparb 2 bdrm town· opens onto the VERY * ms&.NL ... 8 $1111.500 w/S20,000 cfwn hou1e with city llghl1 0-- p4eaaant froot p1tlo. Model pertec1baeuty 00 your monthly P&I will be view. Tak• ov•r low -mlfl ---------4 tree llned 1tr .. t. 3 bd, 2 around 1950. L••H/ lnt«Mt len. $275,000. _., A1klng s 147 ,900 with IT'S All HERE... ba. upgraded home. option evlllable. Bring IN w E H·A v E MA Ny Prlvl!Cf, greenery. cloM $85,000 111um1bl11 Gorgeoue 4 bdrm trl ... Wilk 10 ell IQhoole, ten-ott•re. Call Inga. •ot. OTHERS lo 1111 on almoe12 ecree. (11.4%) and -wtU co-vel b11uty So. Co11t nli court•, end perk. 552•7502 or 652•18ea. CAll NOW 553--0$40 Views of hllll, oeean a operele In financing. FOf Pleza . Tiie roof. m1ny Owner n.JUbla. 1137.500 0pn S.t/Sun 1•5. 4185 lllllLL UALn llght1. Trl·l•1111 home 18141 by own.r. upgrtd•. Alldng S229. Jody/A"" 557•1289 Brllblne. wfth ;enerout emenlllll. · 900. 861r 848-0109 ,,.. ---------• 111 meln •nt•relnlng 979-2748 .. YIWW .U By Owner. Unhwllty Penc roome & 4 bed. All new 6 (Plelll-call 9-5) ... POI •· <48r, 28a. oompletaly r• 3 Br. 2 81. with lerge ,_ llYld In. RegulatlOn S20,000 dwn for a 25"' modeled. New roof. Ylfd. Open Hou.le Sun. tennll ooun with llghtl & lnt«•tlnp-apertywhax plumbing pelnt&carpet. 12·4. t10.1100. Cell t•nclng. OW EX.· lhalter beMflll. ~ .XJnl llne~I,. A euper 551-2622. CHANGE. PINN ba In-t.ti~ occue:.,ad or lnvHtM I barg1ln II 125.000. _T_UR_T_LEROC __ l<_H_IL-L.S--1 wntlll'I a aibmlt 12,800, • ---poe11 tvlll. c .. Rlc:l'I ~$-3000 3 Br 2 Ba.comm.poot1 toot. 000. 173-419C>O lltMPbll --owner/egt, 964-el71 . t1nn11. Wiii trade, Mii. 1·5. 575 c.nt« St. -1tt TO ot $80,000 fully .-.. pa11ttt4 MESA VERDE-38r, 2Ba, tell• opt., or elr•lght well, etcr. 497.5411 . WMI HI HONt 111um1ble. OwnM wfll -••1 FR, lrplc, lR. COY patio, ..... ,.7,.. ... ..,,.. . llOMI., i.c. cerry 2nd TO 1110. 3 4 bdrm, 2 be, f•nced xtnt fin. S1401<. Owner/ • • .,........ 'Cit. ._ lllNllTIJ REAL ESTATE Bdrm lemlly hOme. good corn• r IO t · L 1r0 • rltr. 751-34M2 WOODBRIOOE 2t>r/2be Flf'llMtlc ocn view. 28r 6.lt 14CXl loc1tlon. OWNER AN· 1arage/wtc-1hop. Under VA REPOSSESSION 41>1', Stctlflce. ()pert &it. 28a, •e:lt-1911•1. 2 bike XIOUS. Alttlng S124,llOO. ':&..~. 842-4112 3bl, pool. '8000 dn. 31 Slllileaf 857·2CM5 from Ch, $1115,000 '~~~~~~~~~ Clll 540-115f ---------1 1130,000 • .-.gt 5'&-n3t 2 bdnn concso. gar uncs. M•k• off•r. 494-<'741 F1nfHtlo buyl N. end. 11.,.. te...... Mkt. 188,500. 14818 878-2122 I~•. ~ 3 YI LMI r•IUISL Goldlfl Olan. 491-1037 lowHt prlc•d 3 BdrrT br. 2 b•, 1rp1. 11m1 Ii~==~==~, with VllW In Llguna. 1°" kltdlen plue 1 bf gueet 4 bd, 2 ~. zoned ~2 lO\l'lly 3 bM. home on a down or 1.... option apt. MIUma loln. OWnlr mint cond. Rm to bid taro• lot. A11umabl• W II• •T 8-46-4719 carry 2nd. P•g All•n. llt•••I g~:~~~ :1~:8~~j'~? ~ bul you muee hut-FOUi ~ 0t 1me11 ta-Rl\r, 494-7578. YI U. 847070 WatWfront Homae. ~~'.': ~ ! 8:: SILE • TUil ~---.1 lllJ AMftor-. 831·1400 di ..... --. •ow melnt.. Orell OCl9if' view. nv .. :;"l'.tt:.;-:r.r. •••••••• It llNAt on ,,. 4 bdrm M•H Verd• 4 BR, n-...,..... .. c I I --• hom• on •••t •Id• of pool a 1pe, n-cpt1, ntn0e prden and petlo. Arch Bay. omr. •t• > _., -• COltl'M ... wl1h pe>ol, r•dec. $ 114 ,900. amllTlllJ Naef' .. ~ lndll~ f~~~J~·1:''"' 3 ... 2,L•Baon•-!:_. ,......., irpa and m1ny other 754-41135 ~-..,..It Ind you· .,.., .... .. ,. ..... ,..,,.. ~HERITAGE REALTORS 711-41H 111-1IOO !!'!!!!' •• ~!'1!. ••• !.'!: HELP • &crow fell out IOld 1 $135,000 4Bdr hofne w/vu for 1112.00 $1186 PITI Biii 11 ever • 111 lnveetor'a do light. Cell m. quldc Pe Andru1. Landmark A SOClllH 770-1118( 4117-3928 !'!'.P.!!.!m! .. !.~ IOVEll SlllllES 1441 Galaxy Drive 4 Br. Oen, F0tmll Olnlr Room. 2 Flreplaca1. cer gerag• plu1 lerp Hobt)y Room. Pool ~ lot. beaut. landtc• Ownar wnt U1ilt 11 nenc:lng. Only '420. ()pen Sat/Sun. 1-5 ~:Realtor ... ...., ...... .... Seclu.lon Ind epecbi n111 combln•d for 1J*:1a1 flleltng In our Bdml home. A large Pl tlo lnvtt• the <Mdoof lndoore. Offer•d f S726.000. Ml-1211 j PETt BARR En .. REALTY •manltlff. s1 t0,000 In ---------t Elloef)Uonal v-.... 4 BM 1111139,500. 1111 • TUii 1pa, dack, Fr. dra, nu 111umabl• lo1n1. On• lllT MYE •W ~r~P.':.-~~:-ro:. 142•120I lOMt Thr" Arctl 8•) otJIC/tlle/ptlnt. 1185,000 ~~~~~~~ cul·d•-110 tool OWC. Operi houM Sundey 1·5 OOOO In lo•nl f or Pvt Ar••· OcMn View &OWClrg2nd.CaltTad, 111 ....... 1 Reduced to S 159,900. Drive to 2018 An1halm I l096/rno paymam, ,.._ l 0 1 0 t. own 1 Ag1 495-5451 .... .. c11t 97M37o g:;r~oA.;tt~ ~ king a12e.ooo. Opn HM •ot.S1« •-Clullflld----M-. -114-2--&e-1-e. ~:::,f0o~T!:'~'9:;, ~ and ramode6ad kltc:Mn ::~ Mtg. ~~rMt. D.R .. F.A .. blQ ltl~c oniy t11e.ooo. ORAB • • ~~t.'11!! •••• !.llf~.!!.'!! .... J.'.ff hl9'I belm «*llnga.~ PHONE. CAntury 21 Gold I~~~~~~~~ plu8 a "9 manlcur-' CoNl ANltort 548oo 1181 I: Wiii Ill.I w/1 3 cw gar. A r VI ......... ... at '376,000 and ~ 12.ll~ &HlllJIU ':It': ~ ~~ = llW lellie W ...... Cafl• iwn tfl~;~,~alrlc ..... Oolf courM tioma. Ow-8aU1 &llldelf, ~ 1n tllM '°' ...,..,,.,, ""w111 hllP finance 167-2046 Want IO rnove-up? 4100 aq. ft., bl& thl1 lovely pool ho 3001 ~ aut> Or. •a-II llY h--bla -.. Luxurt"" •• home t•M11t•• terrlf~ flnan OPEN SUN 1•&, C·21 , ...... r,.n-laM -• v_, • ,_..,_ ....... · e1ng, 4 11191 bdrrna. ~ ........... ;o:;-A.J.-.:r. o .. tUeld 28'. 2Yi81 Hone property, hlD top YMrw• 4 tar pafnt, near park• end tn..831t: 661.9320 er.,., Meadow..,...., rwm.. owe ~ ..,... See to believe! C.orWder trade 1ohoot1. Offered a -4 If 2'-' ... Wn rm, eep. OOLDl!N ~If your bom9 or T?? t1».toO. 540-1f51 2 ~OU811 on 1 LOT. dlnlnt ""· lltefl') rm., ____ n_z_._, .. ______ • E llcf• C.M. Ollte It>•· do .. '° eotlOOlliffwyt. - -0,.. ..... (_, Miia• nllfl 2 Bdrm, 111L Opn Hae let/hf\ 1f,.., , .. ,....._ _.. •• e..-... -.., NIM -...i....t.a..) ~ unll • ...,.,.._ .,._ 11150 ~Qt. wort{ A II-' buy. l~, M ~ -,,_ \-•. - tr..,. 114uoo °""' a a,., 112. ho,...• 2 1a. '"" lend •"1. JEN88N a CO. Aet· .... ••aa 120-0244 eoo. °"'*· •~ \(>II.I tll:'fft •• • • j •• '• ~HERITAGE .· ,.JA1T~ Ill Idle Ham• with• ---------1.r ... ,.... t*I ltllff Por °">' "'" Qaeelflad AtJ, ~ IOIMCNnl .. ..., .... ~., ........ ''!!!!!!!=:::==~~=======~~!!!!!!! 142 ... 7f. CIA:dft&d .. do It.. C.M•ll9d .... .....,. I• --· ---- ...,,.,i.i, ...................... ~.'!P.!!.~ •• I!! l&nmJW/NI TWo ~· lllpe. 2 Bdm18, 2 betha on ~2 -llU to be the beet 1M1Y In New· Port h•ch. '300.000. Call '°' detalle. Ml-IHI ' PETE BARRE TI Rf.ALTY ·-------·----- Orange County Real &tate/An AdWrtJaing Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 1•, 1082 -23 . ...... .... ...... -... . ..... -... . .... "' ,.,, ..... -... . ......................... ..., ...... .... ..., """" •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... •••••••••••••••••••••• Ill J"':J':Z ...................................... . ~.'!r.!!.~ .. !.'-fl ~.'!m?.~ .. !.'!! ~.~! .. !.'.!t ~!!!~!!.~!! .. !.'.!t "-~~.~ .. ! .... !!f!f!!.?!!11.'!Z ...... f!m!f.ft!l!t.l!!f Brend New Homea & •---•• • l&.-S VllW Condoe. no money down 194' MWI, -~ OPEN SUN, 1_. .Qlolce 811"'9 locaUon white they laat. (714) 194' •11111f ADULT MOBii.£ HOME 2571 Wrteftt/ l)rtw, NB -Poputer E pUin 646-9622 AQ1, PecHetter executive ;~~ :~ r~ 1 Cher!l'llng 2 bd home ·You own the tend ..... -hometoc:Med In Westdlft be .. ALSO RENTALS. with ou-t room & beUI. -Owner tin at low rete •w Grove pt1ced In the mid Lo brick 1>9tlo & frpl. ff. Cell todey. 13'8,000 SEAVIEW • Elegenl & 1400,000•. RHdy for $25,000 to Ma,500. 300 Or•. e.t price In Bay-Oennla Alcketta Mr chermlng Hempto lmmedlete occupancy. E. cat Hwy Unit 1, New· 1hor••· 1235,000. Flex 851~24 model, lebulou1 view•. Oualllylng avallebla pen ~7,,.· !'!7 Term•. Own I Ag t decor, ape, p\11 com ltlfough builder Cell...... v _.._ 861-8300 °' 831-8475 --------w/pool & tennl9 laclllt at &46-5092 . ..... ________ , ... ..... 1n• ... aa.ooo. open Hou a 110T HY " ,....., • ,..., ~··~·;·;··;·;·;··;·r··,·;·;··~·;·;··;· Vecllt Colina e.«-1011 Lovecy Eutbtuff• 3 e ::',. ~ ::'~: 1n Ml · .......... llPLD Fantuttc: loc:atlon & fantutlc terms. • bdrma, 3 bathl up; 3 bdrma, 2 bath• down . Ft replace, • car garage. aundeck. Price redyced to $450,000. Ullll Pllll. MPLD .... ,11-1 Sat/Sun 12·5. 1903 ·$ii-·· .' 1 AHO JUST LISTED. S.U.. ARE NOT ct.lpe-p-'W -WIW New 4 BA. Badcbey erM. 3ba home with matur olferlna their "Model -I • -m WlltaJff 3.200 aq. ft. prvt. oomm., .. • ll'ull tr-. Prtoed to Pwfect'T 4 bdtm ,... In •,. r••· 1 1317..500. Wll trade tOf fut at '206.000. Herb« y-. ~ '°' ll 8 hr, 1~ Ba, lrg llv. property, TO'a. Wiii tNa ...und. 28S4 ..... A i.rge, IOw .,,_.. U1ot1nu1_.. oPC)ty for • bdrm up, 3 bdrm down duplex. Oreat area for eumnw rentale. All ln\IMtora muet .... Only 5 yeen okl. Belt buy on the OCMnfront. $525,000. room, country llJtch•n l•••e-optlon or low ~ tatrM. 8encty OeYta. "Gt rate loan 19 llUUm&blel lnvHtor or owner. 4 wtltl .,.._, Ownw wll down. Ready to d .. 11 r'LJ) • 4t)'-414C Fee I.Arndt ~ bdrme + 38a, flnence below market o w n • r / B r o k • r . { I ----------1 Open SUN 1 TO 5 + fem rm & ..c bet, & lnt.,..t. Orl¥e by 1218 714-544-0814. REALTY 11¥11 ... U 1823 POtl Cwtqw 1om1111dlNnQ""+3 cer =~~\::~c~ 8ayfrontlllewcondo,2 8R ~~~~~~~~I SPANISH VILLA: ~""*-"'enAgt. gerege, trade3 down H fr e d er I c" a., t 2 Ba. ..:. bldg. Boel 8llp ..:E Bdrm, ltMlth, ,_. f 87Ml870 pymt. Muat ASAP. • "' • · avall. 1500,0QO. By legent 3 Br & den. rm. pool & ape· •. + -2800 aq It w/aphl ...ir- WllT ... llT es1-1298 -/l*r. 875-8837 country style home. _..., rwnod. S580.000. ~ ceee, locemd on top of a ~ 3 Br. 2·~ Ba. --------French cSoor.. bay win-Cal Cent. 21, Al + lt,IFllt IHtl hlll oYef'lootclng Paclf!G • bdrm & 2 bdrm duplex, 2 door• from wide beach & excellent aurflng. The belt In rentale. Owner wlll leaM back • bdrm upper unit year-rou11d. Make offer. $310,000. In 8eylhal•. 1299.500. Anxlou1 Owner moving. dows, hrdwood floorl, 3 bow Nty. A8k ~ Ruth A.A Oen . .,..... Clll lor de- 1 LH. t1HK ,_ ~· Muat Miii Whet a buyl lrptc'll,WfYlgelOt.OWC 21anae-n21 , .... tell•. 131-4517 or alon. Renewal 1H1. 8'1ng the whole lwnlty. 5 total,~ dwn. xtnt 1oca-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif Cu•tom bit on toe lot: 931.2253 2911 Clfde Or. &4$-41218 Br. huge 2 level •tale tlof'I. 1179.900. Fee i.nd. .... -drda drM; toe pool er• ~~~~~~~~ 111.ed lol, completlty prt.. By Owner 831-2134 off fam rm; good ato· ::: vat• plU8 Owner will n--"-------IT ._ rage: doO run8-oould be la J ... n•~. No lenders. Aa-ftlUl.LU -Sharp, ocean view 3 quden apot. 1320,000. C.Jl!!ll,.. 1m king $2&4,500. LH. New 1argeat 1 bdrm bdrm, 2~ be, 8011 81f111-Agt. 048-4380 .... .. ............. . Tien"• del Sol Reelton. .,_,..,,.. pool Aeduceel tone decor, .•P• & all IE1W,,llT IEllm 1800 mo. payment tor Hedda Mar<* &4$-1044 ;;;' 'bec.u.' no rMlt) other extru. 15()(),000 & --2Br. 2Ba condo. 9~ VA POAT,..,_.,. 4 .... 2,._..a + t-1 lt20K. 831·21t11 re• t term a , Thl9 unique new 3 Bdrm loan ... king 184.600. L.fTl..4m vr•nv ... ,_ --------,.. 1n. 2b• la for thOH wtto M1--3380 bonua rm, fee land. IEIT H Liii I~~~~~~~~~ demend a Mduded quiet -------- H you Wllnt to build your own cattle, thl• cpportunlty of 1347,500. T80-t290 Loe new cuatom homt i: home with the eacurtty °' IEW EllaAll lllfft/llttrtu on t'Ai lot•. Open S.t1 llYlll .. a tall oement bloclc wall 1r•te• Lido Realty 673-7300 • llf•lmer· lM!Y9I' come . a iota Banlte ptan, 3 Br 2 ea, Sun. 1-5. 210 Via San .... ,_ --and electronlc 1lldlng ~ end unit. Pvt patio, Remo. Owner/~ flDI.... ~extrW:, gete. Lo. Thia elegant ouatom country home .. located In en uciu.Mt 8an Juan on Har or Ridge. 1tde-by-1lda, with Y8t~~~:r'~52~1~~r e7WCM8 °' 8 255e ~.~:=.~,~~!:; IMI 1• It,• Newport Bay -... turtng .......... 11, Cap I •tr ano n elg h bo r • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hood, minute• from p4en9 '°' • 10,000 aquare foot home with TENNIS COURT and pool for only 12.500.000. The Owner ... )olnt venture. trade or you can tllk• over the whole project. 11 ,400,000 of •••umeble fl• nandng. WOWI SILL• TlllE ..... _ Prime reeldentilll loC .• ,.. king $500,000. 640-7M5 816 CANYON OPEi IDISE 11 IH Ytrte ..... ..., 1 ..... .... 3 BDRM -2~ BATH 8£ST BUY IN CANYON 14M.OOO Ownef/Bkr. 11Mn..n. PRESTIGIOUS LN>A ISLE ., ..... UMlnfer11111 ... . , ......... 180 deg. Bay view from this majestic 6700 aq ft estate. Enc1oeed pool and spa, wine cellar, pier and slip toe 85 ft. yacht. Assume existing lat TD of $1,650,000 at l~. Lender will negot. favorable terms on balance of flnandng. Broker co-op. ... , ...... ..... 11•1 ..... 11, .... 112 ., .. lllf M- ' •••••••••••• llEIUCED $211,DDD : Ill lllffll'I llll llY 6,000 sq.ft. of family living, • entertainment facilltlea for • entire family. 5 Bdrm, 7 bat.ha, • plu• maid's quarters .• Indoor/outdoor pool. 3 jacw::zia, 18' bu, IOCla fountain. complete e sauna room, enormous play • room. gourmet kitchen, 3 sub zero refrig. and many more • amenltle1. $699,950 . By • appointment with Marci Cooper 844·7844. • INl llllAY 1·1 e = UM 1111.n 111·1• e f •••••••••••• BEST I Bl.lff S 2800 1q ft, 4 Bdrm, 3 11-4 beth, formal dining, de-•••• " .... downtown. beadl & frwy • ..,. .... ····-c:onted In "'1htonee., _________ _ Sttueted on • comer lot ... " l1UU Thfl maonllk:ent home 1« ,.-11 10% down. no~ lndudeet 1 1 ecn wooded1 •••-••••••••••••••••• buy• an xlnt Orenge equ .. ran zone w th Double wtd9 20x60'. 2 er County renteil PfOt)efty. Llnlll\ATION that la proleHtonally 3 8d ptua •tudy. 3 ba, "(VII' maintained. 128.100 Nam• your price & hlllllde and cen)'Oft vlewa 1~ba, Newly painted belaW "*""' .,._, All from 9WfY room. F .. -extr. Adult park. a21. ~lf'rllnged Owner HYI "Sell m) doWn. OWC belMoe. Full ter~ Owner very an• Homee". He wtll r9ducl price 1289,000. Agent idoua. J. Mar•h•ll Agt. Iha price by Ille arnovot l·SM-1HI 831-2242 turH Include und ooo ph 842-4294 ~· ::h bluted bfick, exteMIYer--'...;._ ______ , oak panellng1 4 Bdrm, 4 BEACH LOVERS -no helrdachee. nt tu betha, 3 ,.,..... and Dena Point Aur. Double write-off & proM ~ m•n" more a.menltl••· wide, 2 bd. 2 be. Thou-tlal. Call George Heel of your down 1>9ymenl • · r--llDl---,.-111'---, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1111 Whta "' '" ey own.. a bdrm/2 be 2 Bdrm, 2 >"" ,_, ,_ Weet Newport. 15ff.OOO land, back bay view , ___ 845-__ 7_47_4 ___ , prof. decclfaled. Alk'"' l&YfmY '306.000. 1195,000 loer Lovely 2 bdrm, 2 ba at 15\41 VIR. Owner wll mobile home. furn. "1i~ ..... 1125.000. 213-"5 9866 Excel 3Bdrm "E" ptan °' -..al wlde green belt. Bel"' LOW9et priced Palermo redeCOl"ated, ,_ c:erpM model In Harbor View $286,000, 1119,000 loar Hom ... Spacloua 4 at 1 t.5 VIR. Win ... for Bdrm on large COf'nef. • llttte • 10% down. Fee lot, reduced to • Cell Agent tor det81a. 1289,000. Seller aaye S.. agent at open hou-"SEU."I ... 6. e.rt..\, Agent 1973 Vleta del Oro. 875-2373 cw 720-0740 Bl.lfFS COfl>O E1chan1e Possi· ble , d k 790-7187. A.IE. Aael e.-Ownw .. trade and °' Hnd• un er mar et . ..._ con8'd9f burtno down Au l'lnandng. ,..._ O.K.1 _______ _ pNMnt fOan ·-fane.tlc Call Maw. (AA81012) DUPlEX 2 & 1 low down terma. Cell '°' -Ir). Agent. 522-40e0 $205.000. 1 -to t1c:t1' formation end •PPI t ~ I« » I• 87M1210 ...,., & ..... IOQO tt;';;K'; •••••••••••••• -._----.--.-.... --MUST SEU HOWi lOAC -n••n --------• tlorM rwlCh !encl. e.nta 90%..,.... In 1 yiaar o6d Thr• bedroom, 2 ba, 1 ,,.,. Au t• Barbare. HO degree condo hear So. Cout •t<My charmer. End unit •••••••••••••••••••••• view, 10% Int. O•ll•r Pin.a. Tiiie• over P•Y· on wide grHnbell. 1111 ... Nlmf 917-44S4 ment8 tel Itta. Qaeutlfully remodefed: 2 br, 2 be COndO nr lo. ew .. ., l,M6 COSTA ME.IA :!.n~r:5.~ == Coeat PIH•. Tennie, ~ I• By Owner. Ttirff two • nMr U. pool, tipea. ~ tet, ••• ~J"~••••••••••••• ll<lfY --on one lot • •-• 800, 181 TO w/monlhty Space 8 of Plot #20t. T'hr9e )'Mt9 o6d. Fenced nt.11n pymtaot1e5t • .....,w1t ~ ~ 1n Har· ywd8 and gerllg8a. LM· ~ bel. at 1~ A8klng bOr lawn Mount 011 O• euumable. C218) DAILY 1·5 3 bdrm beauty In New· 9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; port'• Upper 8ack a.y. i ,._., Gd value •t 1299,500 tl7,000. CemeMrv Cotta Meaa. "6-a787. N7""808/5H-7't55 1475. Writ• Verdie A. -2-Co111--not-on_4-_P1u_-. __ toe>_ hid.-I Thltmon:r::· .. .!:. RouM7_.1,10r. ~ ~-N!..!!: ••• c:.-1 .. ~~~ 1 ..... 11 ......... _M_2_-644e _____ , HARD RIMI .... ..... .... ... ...... ,,,.... Jodelle Model. ~ to a5es..1.ooo' 3 ~T. TROPEZ CUSTOM LOT HARBOR tl.L ar•t ..... of OCMI" and otty 11g11ta. Wiii aubordl- nete. Will buMd to -.ilt. 808 HALI.EV, f\EALTOA OALL 844 446S NEWPORT BEACH 2 IN FORECLOSllf'E • Vecent lot tor duplex, It blk to oceen. •l•P• to bey, l186K In ia.na. • e..utlful 1 yr new c» plex, 'Ao blk to ocean, loena of '3eOK. llTMm Alf.... . Cell Ag1, 640-7814 .. ........, ..... No ~. IO down. 38', 2~ den. •Ulned g1.... a trptca, aeourtty aya. A...2 lot oen be 2 un1t1. Wiii trade fOf In. oome property. '820, 000. 3111 Seaahof• Or. 87W578 A IUl.11UU 8aycre•t lemlly enter• talnment hom•. aer. PoOll tpe.. Juet reduced to t21tJ..O~ fffl 1007 Hollday ..a. V.-nt, lo«* bo11, do direct. or cell etcr.tl&.2841, 7to-72ta OPEff SAT/SUN 12--5 Large Eaa1bluft home. apa. *"· MOK dn cw? 2916 c--. 720-0290 UDO ISLE 1ta ... ,.... ..., .. , .... 1141 .... BURR WHITE REALTOR . INC. 6 ]!).46 JI) •••••••••••••••••••••• l'V~ cvv u.111 uw.• ,~ ........ .., "'"""""'9 I .. -< ,, q 1-1312 a. rMCfy for oft.rt AQt. 2 ldtm, 2.,.ba, low c .. fffMI MM100: 549-13M dOwn. 1°"% "'* ..,.... ,,, "' '"' ... Unft8, Lang 8dl, 8.4X Call Rich Owner/Ag! .... ::r.!i........... 131,000 dn, t152K tuti "4-8171 1800 aq. ft. 1torefront ~'4000 ceefl floW. property, Harbor & term ..... Owner ,,.., ..., ,,,.,. Adema. COit• M•H. (213 •••••••••••••••••••••• hMvy tralfta 14M7M ----------"""" .... . ' (I) 2 bf unlta, UX, t30. ht laJt 11• C.•r glw/ ooo dn, 1110.000 full .•••••.•.•••...•..•••• r.....a.... '"" pttoe, '4000 oalft now. lMma .. ...................... Ag1 (213~ 24' £el"'GAHHIAIEA ~::."2~~r. 25 Unft8, I.IX, t2K 08llfl .. - HOME. tge LA. Din. Rm. IH t d It L h now. IU,000 dn. IMO. f 1-4 Kit open• to Fam Rm u en un · ua 000 fUll prtoe. Hr Hartlof --ff Wlltb9'. 2 BA 2 8A. Ught =~,,~~~ fwy , L . A . Ag t • llY _ 1nt. sauoo. 115.ooo on Owner. 91auso. PIM-(213)le0-0038 lt't eaay to own a home be1 at ~7 broo1t et WllMNm. CM. ,,.,, /« laJt ,. In ~ 8eechl ONL 'I T~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1211,000 down a11d ea-'70 f'lfftwood, 12x40, "'S'J:i~ --1ume •n.ooo • ao yr furn.. New ,..,,_ & ,.. "Woll .,. ..._ w.i ... loan. a.&ler I• ftellllble, frla. Startlght VIII. 714/ II » IM OI Joint wnt\n. v-.. rno11Wted and will c.ryy I f 3 • 4 3 2 I • 2 1 3 I •••••••••••••••••••••• ll00,000 Cal 840-7M6 .. ...__ "-.-.. 2 .... ......._ t022 Huge C .M , Duplex --·--·-------. "--,._ a17111</0flw. 0tttt '30t( FANTAITIO OCEAH condo wttPI communlt) .... ••1,111 dwn. Au.,me •toK Vl!W LOT, San Cl•-pool end..,.. 1121.1100. .. io.. .. 10.W. .,., .. ""'""* ...... I l1••tnr1 .. , l•t &s:: :0:.8:::0:.: Aetnt 142..... uiw•blctld *-· bMlii Tarr 1 T"' 2 I 1 & Oen. l't. Mertn&. 0... .... llU IP 1 . nlt r ba ._ MM ,,_ 7141....._ :!°i':: =In..::,:: lft!P..is!fl!fl.~ 8~ACIOU8 HOMI llT!, thl• prio.. c.,,'"'Y 21 a ...,.,... ~ 1 '°' .,. **'°" t. -..... eo. Q o Id C o a at A t re l -9icle 0.M. 1145,000. len 018"19ftte Own., ~',• ' . ~ ' I • • ' ' ' .... 11.. owe, .. •t '"'-'41. 1141...,.._ 000 dn. 114·110: 1M 1111. so , p 24 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the CAIL Y .PILOT LSatutdl\)', ~~u8114\... 1982 OfMIMlhff ...... lttabW ...,,,,alaaJ.W ...,,, r•mn1111• !'.'.~?!! .¥~!~!!:.;e~ •• ...... l/"'9nldM ...... llahtallW ..... rw.nu.w . •••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... . •........•....•.•.•.. ...... w. ,.,, '1.'!ft!! .tmA •• I.~ !! t:.N.... 1114 ,,,,, .... 1114 ~! ••••••••••• IY.1 ~.!'1¥.t.!¥.l ¥!.!!P.!!.~l. •• 1.1:!! ~!!.~!! •. !4!! •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .... Eetat• home oornptet.il 38r, 2~ Condo. min to . 3 BA. i BA 11550 mo. LUlllU Nigu.I Snot• pvt comrn. llUT lllTAU 3 Br. ·~h'9 dtn. H1rbor ..... f\lml8hed. 4 bl', i-ouzzt, bch I •hopping. Pool, plut ch•ro-. Dbl• gar, 38drm~hom. 4 br & family, 2 b•, 4 Br 2 Ba. bonue rm, vr.w omte. car garage In f,ated JIC, I MUM, WWUal IM bflelc ffl>C, formal patio, atrium, 3 car gar. Pvt etc«• 759-1501 ...... DT&11LIT c.ommunlty. Mo o mo $7115" mo. 1tt I last + fenced yd. 973--0791 In exoetltint area. Avella· bt1ch I r•c center. 2800 t .f., comm. poot, ..,. ..... 1'9nl81 $4500. 7eo.eot0. MC. dep. (714) 750-5274 bl• lmm•dla .. ly . S 1250/mo. 759· 1485 $1195/mo NWPT HGTS AREA Femlly-tlnd 4 bdrm, 2'A $800/mo on 1 .,.er IMM. 3 8' 2 ea. comm. pool, COSTA MESA 1.6 8Cf'll with letge bull-BEACH COTT AGE $500. Cott-c19 2 BR 1 BA, ~onus rm. dbl gar. Flv• others to choo11 Lrg 5 8' horM liwlocean. $750/mo, nr S.C. Plaza 2br/1ba houN. No pelt. dabte pad. All cuatom 2Br 1ba. Olk to beach, dining ., .. , fncd yd, ~II, . Chg 537-3233 egt. from. We're tl\9 onea to golfcours• I mtn vu, Or try INN option. H-$825. 645-~7 propertlH In excluslv• avail Sept 1. $650 wlntw, .,.,... dean. CMdren K, MESA VERDE·3Br, 28a, cell tori.. .... huge ~ool I spa. For other'a. Fred Tenon1, agt veraalll" 2 bdrm, 2 ba area with value of hOfM9 $750 yrly. Utll pd. no pet•. 213-471-1871 S850 mo. 1st & ltt + MC [Uj) \\Oodbrldge execut Ye or profnllonal 631-128e ()( 631-2711 l)«lthOUH, ocean Ylew, from $700,000. Priced 646--8943 btwn 7 I 8PM wtulya. dep. No cats/lg dogs. w/famllL No pets. WettcHn 3 Br, den, office, patio, S800. 752·6317 $50,000 under market. Re~l•g S2300. 49 223 Aaaumeble 1st & Seller Bn1n Dahnl1i«I 1325. Cottege/dupl•x. Avail 9· 15. 751-3642 2'Ai ea. 2 car gar. gar~ HARBOR VIEW 4 bt. 3'Ai wlll aubord .. Asking ...................... newly reconditioned, 4br/2ba encl. yd. condl· 551-:tooO ,,., ,.,,,, 1111 ner. no 1>•t• 11050. ba. ram. rm. bonU9 rm, 1125,000 Ctural 3211 new carpet , 1 BR w / tlonel commercial. W •.•...•.•••.•....••... 1-637-1458 spe, gardener, 11800 995-6022 837-5519 sauna I fncd yard. No 19t h . 548-5598 , lt?Ollarnuira Pllw).lr•ln~ 130' on water, 3 br + den, mo. Agt. 759·1078. ...................... frplc, a/c, pvt dock. OCEANFRONT duplu, 0.1 al C•••IT IEITlll peta. 213-471-1871 btwn 63t-2372 1mau Avai l . Sept 10 . S850 up, 1750 down, 2 Ocean view Condo In Yeatfy-WMkly·Wlnler, 2. 7 I 8PM wkdya. FANTASTIC PRICE 1 to 5 bdrmt. starting at $1050/mo. 754-7900 or Br 2 Ba , lrpl. gar. N-port Crest, 3 Br. 3 .. ~~ ...... ~~!! 3,4 Bdrms. 3 bdrm, 2 ba, 2 car gar, 3 br, 1 ba, hugeJ:ard. $4150 lo S 1200. evea/Wknds 559-4274. 640-4111 Ba. pool, ape, tennis. Mountain Market, San .llOOll IULn large yard. $725. $650, Agt, 642· 11 • !'.'!!!~!:..~{•}! •.•• 1.~! Btulta large condo on w a I k t 0 beach . Bernardino Mountain 873-3048 EASTSIDE 2 Br. 1'Ai Ba. 11_~ greenbelt, 3 br & den, 2'Ai $1200/yearly lea.le. Call Market. Pott Office, 3 , .. , 11200 mo. pert furn. & TownllOme. 1150 sf. Ip, HOME FOR RENT a, 2 patios plus deck. Delores Apte, Arcade, Plue Lot. •AlllEMEIT pOOlho\IM, 5 Bdr, 3 Ba, dw, yard . 1815/mo. 3 Bdrm. & 4 Bdrm. $695 Avell. Sept. 1. $1400 mo. TSL Prop. 842-1803 on Lah and ski lilt. Sale. 111-1113 pool, 838 Presidio 552-0853 to l800. Fenced yarde & ShOwn by appt. only. PllY&TI Pill lease 0< trade 10< home 988-5308, 831-7'370, ~-~,-garagtt. Kida & pet• 644-0350. 2 muter bdrm1, 2'Aba. or condo In N.B. or Eut 661-7822 1 & 2 8'. spacious apt .. welcome. 545-2000. ltYlllltlU C.M. Aaklng $350,000. O.•••l la,mrt pool, carpets, drap11, Agent, no lee ki ds, eml pets ok . (714) 887-2831, P. 0 . Avall lurn/unfurn, lant-Back Bayl 2 bdrm. ~ar, secluded, but/prof peo-SPANISH VILLA; 7 $725/mo. 831·2242 John Box 355. Green Valley &1110 toe wtvtewt, 2br, huge yard , 14 5 . pie. S340·1450/mo. ._llW 1750 geta 4 Bdrm, 2 Ba. bdrm, 5 bath, huge fa· Marshall Agt. I Lake, Calll0<nta 923'41 sec . bldg , pool 537-3233 Agt chg. 642-7312, 731·8829 ~73 CAtwsDl:fRv• g;r. built-Int, more mlly rm. pool & spa • ~-~~'!. ••• !.-!?, I 1200/mo. yrty Lovely 3Br, 2Ba, lg tam 1411 I IHll 7-3233 sot chg. completely remodeled. •1'1 lal•lf Ottta ltta/hhra rm, frple, 2 car gar, "' 4 Br. 2 Ba. 18971 Anlloeh. Freely Pelntedl 3 Bdrm, 2 12600/mo. Cell Century Beautiful 3 Bdr 2'Ai Ba, ••• '!.!~~I!. ••••• !!!f RETIREMENT APT. 2 Bf, College Pk. no pets. OCC ., .. lnclda 2be. a11 $975/mo. ba. ,_ carpet thru-out. 21/Grambow Rtty. Atk ocean & golf course vu clean quhtt loc. relrlg $700 mo. yr. 543-4834 or bltlnt, shady yd for Agent 5"41-5032. 1700. 537-3233 Agt. chg. f0< Ruth 213/289-7728 $800. ERA Homeaellers. WUY IWPT IOI .. bbq't , much mor•. Oat Incl. $400/mo. 842-9178 details at BEST LOADED 2bt w/ec, coo4 !•.~!!.!m! .. !ljf USTILlff LIU ~ Doc, 581·1210 or 1 To 1200,000. Axer OK. LNe hlt/lefan 3 Bf. 2 ba on 'Ai acre w/3 536-8190 NOW em lee Spa. novel kltch, $580 4 8' 21~b•. $1300. Early 731-1873 Have City VleW Home on Hollywood Hiiitop. Trade Fantaltlc loc. 28'. "i:· car JI:. plua C' hou-L.la ... /IUl.Tllt OC-RENTALS 750·3314 NEWPORT HGTS, 2 Br, Sept. Dyl 833-4785, f!Y/ c..,.ah/.., I 195,000 of equity. Price rernod kltch, trml din ng, ee. 2530 anta Ana. 48r, UnlYefSlty Park. 1900 den, S 1000 mo. to mo. I wltnd e..4-2224 Uuuald• 34ZS • $287,000. Blllle ~t Btlght/alfy 11100/mo. DO NOT DISTURB TE-Fast, fr .. tenant prov!· mo . 835-3208 or garden«. Ree Rodgers, •••••••••••••••••••••• I 213-484-22 0 Irk •;.· htates/l1 NANTS. 11200 mo . ders. Call th• BEST 752-1194 agt 831-1266 NEW I BEAUTIFUL Lux. 28r, 2Ba. S.C. Plaza. 851-8226 539-8190 Prof. decor. 2 br, 2'A be Vu, AC, pool. avall 9-1. I 3 Br w amlly rm, 3 OC-AENTALS 2 bf. home centrally toca· frples. Exe.I views, spa. EJlde 3 Bdr family home Eaattlde 3 bdrm $850. 2 Turtle Rock executive, 2 1·5br"• 1200 to $2000 twnhN, frplc. Back Bay. S575 mo. No pets. Sher·lt ted In Chui• VlatL Just aec, comm pool/tennis. $700/mo, 1at & last & bath. ga~tlo, nice matt••· 2'Ai ti., garden-750-3314 open 7-days S850 .... 673-443 1 ry 979-2390 dya I' mllft south of dwntwn $2800. MIC. dep. 5-48-9897 yard. 537 Agt chg. er Incl $1350. 861-9350 1~ llll l&OI Ill 1 BR. So. Cll Ptaza. pool, I' Santiago. Lrg. lot, zone EASTBLUFF: 3Br. 2ba. WATERFRONT HOMES ..... R3. 12¥. VA loan. H&Ye Inc 3 lk 2 Ba. gara,oe. frplc, 3 Bf, 2'Ar ba, 2 car gar, nr Avllll Now. $1000/mo. Avail. 911. LUK. twnhte. tennis, no pets. $475. 1 about $20,000 equity 831·1400 yard. No pets. 848 W. tennis, poolf1pa. Avail w.-..11 640-9019 $950/mo, 11t, tut & ..:. e..2-2029 I exchange for almllar now. S750/mo.631-22A2 3 br. 2 ba, 3 cat eleo. 18t h. ht plus sec. TWNHS ON GOLF Newport Crest. Plan 4, N9W 2 BR 1 'Ai ba. PlllO, I equity In Orange coast. .. , ... ,"•-' "" $785/mo. 499-1617 J. Marshall COURSE. Spllt lev.I. 2 gar., multl-level. frplc • gar, $550 & $100 dep. 1 Condo or , .. 7 Joe ...................•.• br, den, 2'Ar ba, ate, xlnt Immaculate cond. !ant-cathedrel celling, 1kyllte, 773-4719 or 732-8141 Yrly $725. Cute 2 bl". gw .. •BACK BAY 3 Br. 3 Ba. Dlu '"•' Jiii Ullc lllew. Avell. 911 lor patio, Incl. water. New N o pets . Cralg ,1 view. 1975/mo. Avail. S 1200 per mo. wlll con-&45-t370, GG. ' otfloe. prkg. Near water. bu11t-tn1. trplc. garage. . .••.••.....•••.•..•.. Sept 1, 754-7900; crpt. No pets. Comm. I 875-3083, 679-9ee7. yard, full rec fac. 28r, 214Ba Condo, $890 9YS sider 3 yr , lease. pool. Agl 549-79e2 Oceanfront leaae, 2 Br 2 1 559-4274 PllH DIPLD 1725/mo. 642-8477. mo. Ganige, spa, lrplc, 1 840-8208, ao-nt. S.. smaahlng location, 1 .... ml to beech, 497-8455 WM•lllE 2 BR, remodeled hH w/ TO EXCHANGE I 189, IEIT Tl llYJ WUTOUFf lltYE iar, 1'/\ blka off sand. on Cove. AduH compleK. 000 equity for Income lt•IDal• 3111 1 BR Duplex Eastelde !~!.~!~.f ~~.!.¥.1 Condo, 2 story. 2 bdrm, 4 Bdrm 3'"' bath, 2 year 150 yrly. Aek for 8111. N!J:eta. 11500/mo. .......•..•........••. 1 ..... b•. Firer~· s875 S I, agt 494..()791 propeny. Call Mike Crr¥W Baylront minus 30', 180 $476. old Pacesetter executive 831-1286 of Very nice 4 Bt 2ba. new mo 675-717 hofTle with flbrary, farnlly I deg. YU, l}OUl'met kltch .. 2 BR 1 BA. Weatalde ... LUii IPll Taylor, Crow & Co. 1 Of 2 Br & 2 Ba, tum/ $475 cptt/drpt, frplc, bltlnt, Woodbridge condo 3Br room. format dining om uens "'"' 1PllttlPtl : &42·1423 or e..6-3178 unlurn, Yr lease .. BR WMtalde, fenced fenced yrd. 2 car gar. 2'Arba. fem rm, ftp, 2 car room and 3 llrtplac11. HUI YtlW 11350/mo . Winter Agent 682-1700 1ttlleat plua dep . gar. ale, walk to tehl1, all 12100 mo. or leue op-2 Muter Br SUit ... dbl 1947 Vitt• cau~. NB. 31 balll• 1950/mo Opn Aug 29. $900/mo. Avail Sept 16. rec~ tacit. 1950/mo. Avail t l on. Call agent et crage. ap~ au extru. br. 2'Ar ba oondo In t •••••••.••...........• 673-0433 or 558-1810. 2 BR. nr SC Ptu. Adult 1164-4778 8122, 833--8964 648-5092 20. 964-3 Cle., beautiful Eutblulf.' g..,.,., lrumid# Cmr 10th/Bay. condos. Pool, Jae, lull ··~s"· I 1000 mo. 1tt & IHI I •.••.•.......•....•... aec, carport. LUK unit. Panoramic vi-. Rancho Under1tated Elegance toWI FUil month. sec. dep 1500. 1 ~"'°' "" 3 BR 2'A ba, lge gar, 1 Great Loe. No Pet.I. $650 1140 San Joaquin 2Br. +def!, ... 1 ....... 4 8'. 21A ea, deluxe du· cleaning dep $2.50.1 block to beach, library, plu1 135 u l ll lly . . ..................... pool, spa. $875 mo. A9t. For I-2800 ~ It. 2 Adults only. no pet1, call .....•.•...........••. OC·RENTALS plex, rrplc, gwage, 2 pa.. Clean 3 br. 2 ba, lrplc, merket, bus. In quiet 556-1826, 775-2580 1·5br'• $200 to 12000 Pal 831-0711, 831·8304 bdrm and den, 2'A ba. tlOI. Avail sept 15 • June Jack Galvin, days I patio, gar. Winter area. Can be furn. Call Golf courae view. Near 752 ·1730 , IYlt. 873-5369 AYllll. lmmed. 4 br. 2 ba. 75()..3314 open 7-daya Nortll lrvtne Racquet 111. 11000/mo, no pets. 586-0629. $800/mo. 875.-3883 frplc, Meea de! Mar. ~ Club. lrg 3 Br. 3 Ba. on Ocean. Full security. Wayn. 848-8818. NORTH BAYFRONT DPLX THE POINT 4BORM yard w/lrutt ,,..., S Nr beach 2bt", huge get oornll', ale, fem rm, din Club with pool, ~· ten• &LUFFS LEASE 3Br. 288 nr S. Ctt Plaza, Each Unit 38'. 28& 2'A ba, den, din. & lam. mo. 1st, lut plus sec. B-8-0~tlo, pet• $450 rm, frptc . 1895/mo. nil. 714-873-047 park·ll«e Ntllng, AC, lg Fronl.$1200 mo. winter rm•. 11350. 875-9324 552-3252 Iv mag. OC-R TALS 750-31114 544-9835. i..ae or 1eete option tar-2 Br, W8tef YU, $950/mo. patlo. spa, pool, eto. Alto 3 Br, front row vu Ohlld OK. $685 mo. (213) Rear unit I 1200 mo. yrly C.nul1lllaz 3W NICE 1 br 3 bdrm, 2'Ai be Harbour Ideal for coup'9 or young ge 4 Br. canal front, 11200/mo Agt 640-0020, 780-1977 875-1541 .........••.•.•....... .,/all utll-pd Area . seoo mo . family. 2 bdrm. 1'4 bath, yearty, avail 9-1, commty '7eo-M78 964-2686 213-4 31 -1114 or =I tennis, wall! to • ...,, Y1tw Sharp Kftc:h Mor• $325 ~·~· flrepl809. $575 . L~ llU, 3Br. Ptnthou- Wini• Rental avail 9-15. .,......, QC.RENTALS 750-3314 714-943-6781 hg 7-3233 agt • • 11300/mo fam!IY. llf A ltUIYllW ... cat g11, aec gate. 2 8'. nice yard I gerage. 4br, 2'hti., 3 Cll' OW· 'Hf 645-3370 aft 5 wtcdya. 3Br. 28a '"''"-Terrace Lei• world, 544-5258, Beaut. execlfamlly hme STUNNING 2br 1700, 4 bdtm, prlmo Home. 18 tg Bonnie 544·"2111 I 1700/mo. 87~2. with 4 BR, 2 Be, ph11 w/1tg patlO ~h 4 echOolt . Fum. location. Low move In. Pllk Udo Condo. 3 Br. 2 Doone. 11400 mo, Incl .... powder rm, perfect for Mody ll"ch, kid• t400 avail. 11150. M4-50te 531-3233 aot. chg. Ba. frplc, dahwat\, lndty gerdnr. 875-1541 ..... ,_. I raw.i. 31n ent•rtalnlng w/wetbar. OC.REHT Al.8 750-3314 Roomy 3 bdrm+ def!, 2 Univ. Park 1 9r, den or 2 rm, 3 °''fiorte, patio. 81Uff• 4br/3ba, 11300 pvt yard, cua1om lrff baths, dbl gar. l.andec. 8', mo to mo, 1750/mo. 1795. 861· 522 &luffs condo. Sharp 3 Br 81uttt sbt"t2ba. seao ••.•.......•...•.•.... Loaded 2bf, lg gar: .. up, 1 down 3 be. I 1250, 2'A Br, 3 Ba. f\lm, oc..r1 houN for th• chlldren. ..W..pcl. bit-Ina $425 ped, al.,.m syattm. Ex· Inga :di'· 652·7502 or w .. tcllff 3 8dr, •xcell. s.c. Vltlu lbr, S4SO I front east. Penlntul1 ,,..... call 720-0332 OC-ReNTA\.S 760-3314 cetlent looatlon. $7oo+. 552·7 •. oond. lrg wtll landrltf*I 644-2907 AQt. NM, 844-2999 I Winter $1050. 875-1245. e11een AttukOYlctt Rtty. Cho 537-3233 llQt. yrd w/oar<len•"• He. ~...,.JUI 3Br. loft. 3ba. 3 yra old • 1 I Charming 3 br hom• In ........... H.B'a Flne•t. t525 3br, •Ytt9m. 11 tOO/mo. Nr blk from Clllf Of . Barus• •• • •••••••••••••••••• park & actloou . ~!?.~!~'A : beaut. horecllrr. Avalt O.COrator perfect. ..,._ 2ba, d .. lr9d .,... Iota EMERALD BAY. 3 Br. 2 848·878t or 846-4110 ~ 3140 year's leaH Sept. I. CIOul.2 bdrm, 21Abe, MW for .,..., ""Giii or tamt.-ea. lrplc, bttc:ll petto wl1h 833-1290 , ........ ...•.•..••.•........•• 11500. Boyd A .. ltort. Cape Cod. Pool, iec. rec. -Wlkxln'le. 100'• mof• epa. auoo. 2u1 ... ...,.. .... lllMI nfl I 3 BR, 2 b8. nr Maignolla I 875-5930 ., ... pvt P•tlo. belOony, Nil't .... at BEST Cal to-878-2265. 3 bdfm. 2\t be. ~ fOf' ··•••9••••········· ... Yorktown. RemOd. ~r wine oellar I lge gar-c19. , ....... IHMIOpllon 1 i'· No Win•. South ~ont. 4 I No pet• le75. 963-17 ~ Crtllk, IOY9ly 3 bf Decorator wall paper, day, "IOV. tonight. 8"1 3 Br 2 ea. oceen vu. 3 bdrm, 2~ b8. beat ~ mon•Ji dn. 123 ~ bdrm rurnlth . •1200 :1 llnQle ...,.. on Of'Mnbelt. r.eee&1 '82Sfmo, Arch 9each mo.SOOS*' mo 87&-8121 ~~!t!!A .•. 1.~1-! dragerlet and mor•. courH vl•w. ••cur ty 24 hr Mcurlty. Poole, 11 50 /mo . G ell NMtll ~a , AYall 9 11. g•••i tennis, pool lf.!d to /turohaH /rice ot I.~ 2 8' 1 Ba, aveU. 9111. .............. tennla. I f800 mo. Agt. 548·2239, 10:30 to 5:30 Welle 1.0 l>Mchl 31>f 1~ 8a. • 212 aft 3PM. ec. 1'400 mo. 557·7372 13 1.000 •• 1·0130 I 80 I ulll, yrly. Agt Carole McMahan, Owner/ AG'flt Condo. 2 bdrm, 1 ba, &«-eoee> or &«-8087 pm. lowly y:ard. dbl gerage HARBOR ~EAH FRONT UPPIR 8ACK BAY · 38r. 873441,+ r.m, 1eue or option to on~ seso + chg . Nu 8200' I~• hm. on 2'A8a !le19 hOme. ~ Gr .. t 1ocauon1 ano. 2 .... buy. $ ',000 mo. saso Spilt MM! 2 Bt-den. bM-Darting Spanish 28' 1be 537 233 agt bluff. 180 d•~· vu or courM vr.w lot, c en, wrm. t'h beth, flniptaoe. .... mlld celltng. 171&/mo. wllh 1 c ar la"f•· 3240 Br~ Bdrm. 1V. twt>or, tiuff, m ne. 3bf. ,,.. ~t. s1000 mo.. No 637-32'3 agt, cf\O, , .. ,,,,. 1111 Mer 3:30 494-9378 707\.i Ae«:IL 8-CM188 '825/mo. U ·883 & 3ba, seourltg. •auna, i.e.. 842-38$0 ...................... 673-1182 bath, Of(. 1521 •j.•· a11 5 /mo. Super fOf' ~t 1100, 3 la•ltlft~ Of 4844136 c.,,.,,,,. '"' + ctlg. 637~3233 .. 7009. NICE 3bt wl~nny pool bdrm, 2 b•, gu. 11A blkt to ttao , I !'.'!e!t.~ •• l}.!f •••••••••••••••••••••• -.~ se~e~ .. bdrrn, 2 bath, t>akera kitctt, more 1375 537~tQI.~ bdrm•, 2 b•, aplret OC..AEN'fAt,.e 2 new cu.tom homee., 3 1·5br'• '200 to S.2000 F;r.•~. fam rm, pluall newly car~ed. Ill ap· ~NTALS 750-3314 4 Br. 31A la. Portoflno, stair•. s11v11at1t• and Wint•. 2 bd. 1 be. WI D, 750-3314 oPlll t~ c 1. 1 ml from bctl, 2 ~lenc••. greet view, br, 2 b&. 11) Woods Cow 2 br, 2 ~ duPelC, WUher, lndda :1 nwltl-Pl.ll'PGM ttr..,i-. Patio, IC)t, ~ Avall ~ft., Lbr Oay car gai:, qui.t st. No P'f•· t1500Jmo. (1) ~amlc tar~· I 1200 '* mo. 813-3038 w ..... 2 Ir. 1 ... ;;;a ~ HOO mo. for th• 7 ~233 ctl9 llClt vie w 120 O/"'o. dl)'lf. ffS)IC, lrtr• r p .. anne11e studio w/ba. S 13H/rno. 14CH290. 343Matt«t petto, enclad garage, fltftlly~ 84&-1637 0... for YOU09 famllyl 3 '4t7-23D uo. P9• 01<. sn Y"1y. LIDO l8t.E • 3 bdrm, fam new carpet1, CirapH, ~. Wi be. NJG, !ft t3t4MO 8IO Caf!YOn TOW!mouee. ~t. blk ~. '*°"· , rrn. 4 88111 ~. Altr, EMttlclia 1 8A. ~. Ulll Modem a It. 3 ea. peno. pelnt No .... S&10/mo. m0¥6 In. CflQ &37-3281 Newport CtNt 28' dphc fUll r,. OOUtM .,..., 2 & 8 , n•w turn, utll pd, 87Mtt1. ~ aacurtty. 648-5"442. Inc l, ye rd,&•' ok. eot r~ ocean/ co.t W.W. a r . S 1$00 /mo . 1480 mo. 21S.M1-30ll l4001mo. M. ow A,gt. MIO/mo. 21a/311...$1tt. conoo. attacMd DI'· di-C.... tit. den, gar, utll C).612t. 64&4178 ot ~142a ....... ::,..,. .,.... poot. ''"""' 64+1424 lllr. ~.~!'dl .• 1!M pd. WlnW l500 mo. On 2 8'. 1 Ba. w/ errs:· drPt, f:Wr.!'e!! •• 1.¥.f • ,., Wllct GooM, HlrtlOf' Aldoe. mOIMMln .. .... .._, 631·1784 4 8R, 2'A .,_, tormfll • COMo. 2 *'Y 2 '*"" ~ to l'looNeloga OcMn va..-. b9e11t1tultr yard. !lelese.. H51mo. , ... b•. ,1,.,IAU, .. , ~~.••.i1a. . n l n8 ti'eU Vard•~ ...... ........... ,. to In~ to Wiid Goo-fum. tnmttouea. ffl*., PS.eota. t 11 Olmo, grdnr Incl. baeutlfutry don• • oonll , t700 mo. .............. baedl. ••· "'° mo. (t '3) 11400/mo, Avall. rrow. ~·'"""'°· ~1.agt. 111-1111. t1900.llt~ •wea1 ly Owl* , ... 1177 ' - j ~ ~ ,. --~ ~ Tl I -' :0 --------~-- - ~~!!.~ ~!!.~ '7:.::w e... 111 • n11 ,_ a •• ,. 1111 ..................... . ""8rfll•~ AJMl~Mn -I •• ,,,,,_.~ -... '!~!!,~!I. .......•.• ~ ••...•. ···'~~ ...... . .,,,,.,.,, OaJ.,.JMM ••••••...•.•.•........ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• c.ti ... "" 8adl96ot apt. Pvt nr-2 bf, 1-A b&. 1 bl! to bctl, ••• .! •....... ••••• •••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• ,... "" fJ! " ,..._ fr.H.!'!! •••••• !'.fi ..•.•. ~........... ~ ........... ~ ~ ~~ •• II!! ce off 11119y. AY8111. '360, children/pet OK, 14&0. p11a utJt. e'7s..ee11 •tt-6837197•·7225 Hice 2Bdrm 2 k Adulta.'OoMn llttw. IOMt di*. 2 3 Br, 1"41 aa townt\ome, p ref. Molt utl·l-pd--:1 Br 2 Ila, deck, 3H11 Patio. A/C, '"*· W/D, ..... _,,8 .. 11 t525/mo. M&-8150 artl Coleglo. Opn & avall. Woodbridge So. Lale ... P!fHt Hf W POf· l f.PAHlMU~::, ~-~-~! •••••. !!~ ,,.,,...,, SUC* neat 1t>r. em older falan.JdM ~_.. ~ 8t>m wkndl. 8 I 1 8 . S 5 8 0 I m o • Poe*. tennll. 1175 mo. COUNTRY CL.Ue LMNG IPlimin-2 1 3 / e ••••• 2.. Call Denny 145-2018 IN HEWPOAT BEACH ~cr-blka~ uoo. 873-3813, 875-9305. vltla. courtyd, prv, •••••••••••••••••••••• SAOO/mo. 497-7088. ...Ill •2 1 Br, aml, utll. Incl., '360, 1-888·2231, (14·15), w .. kday1; 541.5133 A total environment Baautlfully landec•c;: pr«er tlngle. 1--489-5375 (18) 8¥9' a .tcndl. .,ar1ment community on 1 Bdrm, r9frla, stov., gar, no pell.. 1425/mo. ~ ti.a pd. Qwal 648-1 181 Super neat 1t>r, am older vllll, eourtyrd, private, '4001mo. 493-7354 ..•••.•............••. ~~=:;f~.':fi'n:. No tea-7940 Spaclex11 OOMn View 3 81udlo oonc1o. avail 915, · tM Upper Bay. Private pet•. Duplo, 2 t>r, 1 ba. ear-bdrm) 2'A bet~ Tennie. lac .. !°°'· alnt' clubhouH and health Bectl. '416 '*'· drapas, ger, patio, tpt. Ho pate.. 1725 mo. 1oc. Aarld)' ••~8 apa. 8 tennl1::::.;.: 1 er. '485-$470 c:tMn, no peta. '525/mo. 714-t7...,.2aa pooll, elOee to • L9111'9'Mlf 2 Ra1ponalbl•. retired Adult• (M/F) wlah to rent Mobile Homa fOf 8 mo. Muat allow p at. ... ,,.,,.. 9&4-8110. INc} j141 1~------ 2 Bf. 1't.8a. 1535 648-7234 • ra"-tM Woodtlndg9 oondo, 2 br, Mpott, FaNon lelend. 2 Br. 2 Ba. S580 Private patio adult apt.•-;.,. 1141 ~~mo. ~~v~oCc.: CIHn 2 Br. Adu1t1, lg 3 Br. 2 ea.~ beadt t73-<4311 2131212·1733 •••••••••••••••••••••• Garden Grow TownhouM ~:S~v::t:'!905 "-erpt, drpl. pelnt.. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... iota. 1 & 2 bdrm ..,uenct kitchen l-460, 2-421 E. Quiet Junlora a 1 Br. 2 Br. 1th Ba. patio, no From 13 7 5. Pool, rec 1...;.pat_•_. _1_~_1_21_2 __ ~­ rm., aauna, encl1d oa-~ ~ "" rage. 17301 KMleon off ••••••••••••••••• ••••• Slat«. 842-7148 Yrly 1775. Deluxe 2 br. b r , 1 b I , £-a Id•. ..nnm '----INd ~ t~. 11\h St. 6'$-6109. man UY111 S.autllul park-Ilk• 1ur- ro u nd Inga. Terraced pool. Sunken gu bbq. 1parkllng lountalna. Sp1clou1 rooma. S119a-ra1a dining ., ... Walk-In c4oaeta. home Ilka kitch-en a cablne11 Walk 10 Huntington Center. 1 Bdrm-furn. S505 2 Bdrm-tum from le06 2 Bdrm·TownhouM lurn. from 1875 No pets. Utllltlaa frMI LA QUINT A HERMOSA 18211 Parttalda Ln, 1 blk w. of eeacn, 3 blka s. ol Edlnget ... 147-~t. !'JP.!.~!! .. !!.!! THE "8080 LIFE" ftAlwlOUNO FUN: Soclal Actlvltl •• Olrector•Free Sundey Brunctl•BB0'1• PertJll•~ much more GREAT .. EC"EATION: Tannla •Fraa l.IMOOI (P'O & pro lhOp)•2 Hallth Clube•Sauna• Hydromauage- ~ IEAUTlfUL APA"TllENT8: Slngla1. 1 & 2 Bedrooma•Fumlehed & Unturnlahad•Ho Pet1•Modal1 Open dally 9 to 8. 81kwoo• ..... ., ... 9 ... ...,.,. ..... , .. 880 lrvlne (at 16th) (714) 645-110"4 ...,.,. ..... / ... 1700 16th St. (C>over at 16th) (71.4) 642-5113 gar .. prkg. Near water. 87~3083. 879-9887 Yrly lg alry 1Br. 111191 to beh, 111 amen111aa seoo mo. 87~12 Clean 1 br, 1 ba, lrplc, 1tova. ralrlg. Yrly seoo1mo 875-34183 .... halnsh Jll1 ...•.....•..••...•.••. 2 bdrm, 2 be ,_ dplx. yrty. Metura non-arnkre, no pate. 1750 )( 3 213fl90-4185, 267-9792 J.450. 2 Br, utU. pd. 410 Harding, Balboa. Ho pate. 547-1165 Small bachelor, yrly rent· al. 201 E. Balboa Blvd. 875-9582. 646-13111 BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. 2 Ba. 17~6 1 & 2 Br. Dleeount on ::7.tt;'u•••••••••n•• '640 • S1000 1·2-Br-.-Duptllll---~---.,--- MeM Verde. 1100 aq.ft. NEW BREED APTS 90r'M modell. Poot, ap.. Moel ••FFmf 8-91 becMllorl and t from bffoh. S750/mo. fplc, lndry, patio, cW1-BACH. ~. Frplc, rec Gym, S 1 u n a. • t c . tllepnt ..::· = Bdrm unite fMture fine 521-4714 Of 13e 1183 war, Qlll, no peta. 1550. room, pool, )ecuzZI, gaa 84&-0e18. :::C..~ town, breath-delloner furniture and 3094 M-. 54~18 & water paid. No~·· 1350 Bach. furn. Pool, taking vlewl, ... bullt-lnl, llCOlllOflaa. Move In to-8ay1lde Of. THE COVE, 1::t~.2~·f2r'J.'~~~ti ::~1~mllton, .M. 1pa. 1012 Florlda. hut ad pool , ~:r~:,=.~= ~:.~:iii!:: Pl. 84&-5137 aft 11AM 142-283<t, 142-3172 eub.·oar•g•..;'Ov:tor. furnl1hed m~ open 11050/IMM. 59-1092. Oeluaa 1 BR up par• ARLINGTON APTS ~c:~· M-80e3up. dally. Newport Cfeet condo. 2 Ulll pd 1 Br. 1300 mo.. r.•lnted, patio. 1375 a Quiet, apacloua to;.,n. · 4 • On J8mbof'ae Rd II Br 2'Ai ea, 2 car get. walk qui.t, patio, nr bch, Avail ut, Cfadlt ref, 1145-103 l'lollM 2 Br. t'Ai 8a. NMr J450. Spaclou1 Laguna San~ H .. Rd. 10 bMch a comm. rec: Sept 1.~958 E'alde 28r, gar, view, beach. 1525/mo. =~·~:~· 144-llOO facll .. '875rnoM2-t111 0on·t Walt only 1 large 3 dee*, laundry, $485. No IM50-8e5e LICO DELUXE 2 Br f\'ptc Smelt OoMnfront i.:ti.- Br. avail wllh 2 Ba., pa. doOL 64&-T93J o.luxa ~ ra 1•09 UnfUm. SCf, 2.ba. 8IP' on Ira brjdt patlO. OR. Met.. tor, J3e0. Bkr tlo, tn qule1 arM. large Aedac:ofa1ed 2Br, pvt~ 2br, 2 ba. bltna. daWtV , ~ .. ~ •• Couraa.W/D, ~. t1050. 875-e358. &45-W3 pool. 1875. 845-3311 Of tlo, encl ger, W/O hook-1th mllM bellch. AOulb, .,_,.. ,_, .._.. 175-59411. up, '475 mo. Ho peta. no pate. 1500/mo. pool, at. garaoe. J760 1er1 ea. yrty 2 BR~ condo. Welt- *' n 3 ... 2 .. _ ~SC,..___ 131-5647, 842-04e1 53e-83a2 mo. Pag Allan, Rltr, teOOlmo. cllff r .• nr ahopplng, ..,. "" ... on ,..,_., 494-7579. 873-33&5 but, pool. Sl50. Avl Fraatt, aunny, airy, edit 4 SPARKLIN0-1Br, ut• pd, OLD HUNTINGTON! 2 S..,t. 1. 8-41-48-44; ava plH, no pata cpl praf quiet, no pet-. pool, get. bdrm, 1'~ bl, ctlarmer, Ill-'-n.M "'1 Winter~ 8ch llM .. 8-3117 1525. 979-2418, 8-115-3 '415 mo. (714) 648-7&19 Ho pet1. t475. 537-3233 •••••••···.71•••••••••• 3 Br. 119 31th. St. te80 ------------------1------..-,----1 Agt dig e.aut. 2BR 2BA ¥9Ulled 213/l!OS-1234 Dick 111(, 1S., 1partclngatall,1 PINE BLUFF APTS 2Br, pool, Weetalda '416 ceillng. 1ovety balcony, b4k to oc:n. 1 Br. with loft, & 2 Br. 2 mo. 11t & llllt, a.an. 1 Bdrm. c:Md Ok. carpet1drap11. Great 28r, 1-ABa TwnhM, din Agt, 873-e210 Ba. Chlld ok. on tha 833-8533 All utlll pd. Only 1375. pool, gorgaooa oe>mj)lex. rm, 2 patloa, balcony. 1 Br garage waahar/ Blufta, patio, vtaw, trple. E/Slda 2 tw adUlt du"'-537-3233 Agt dig. Bldg 9 Unit 202. Adult garage, no peta. •160 d . 2 ' I t encl ..K:·· OU llov.. di. $460. Encl. patlO a-;; Ci-t and ~t. 2 BR 1~ IMng. no pate.. aeoo mo. mo. 1at. laat + dep. ~.•r. paraona, • n Ten Pt. 2 bdrm, alac Oar, ~5/m0 ape. lndry rm. Ho pets. 548-1425 BA. chlld OK. Sm. Pet 711-34e5 ~c!2.:!!,49 evea/wknde ~·7~1Tist•SO/yrly. Sun dk. pat. laun, no SPMC . 131-8107 WHtald• SPARKLING OK. ONLY ••00• chg . ..,,..,, ~ •• __ ....... _~ _____ ""'1 Pa I a . Yr I Y I 8 2 6 CLEAN & SPACIOUS t & 537-3233 AOT. :-~: ............. ': Clean, upgraded 2 Br. 3 ... CJ.81f Jltf _&_7_s--0983 ___ 11_1_s._7_998 ___ 1 OrHt tocatlonl 1 Bdrm, 2 Br. Newly radac, crptl, DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba. In HO FEEi Apt. l Condo Ba. frplc, pool. 1730/mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• frHt garage. S300 + chg dr'pa, dlhwr, range & ,. 4-PIH, bll-lna, crpta, rental&. VIiia Rentall 957-3tn. H .. r n-1 Bdrm. lj)I. 2 bdrm, 2 ba, wlnt« only 537-s233 Acri chg. lrlge, view & ocun hk·upa, drpa, dbl g11. 17~912 Br<*•. BEACHIY£ARLY re:;:.~~~ 1725mo 559-1892 Varylrg18drm,chlldok. braazu, no pate. trplc, SHO. Ho pet1. Yll ... ftm Dix 3Br 2ba, gar . underroot~and -c.r.--.-,-~-.-1-1111:----::31~U~1 Only '320. 537-3233 Ao• $3115-$476. 842-0864 & 540-4-4M HEW o•t•d 20 Town-'800/mo. 421 e. Belboa publlc tenn11 cour11 & •••••••••••••••••••••• chg 552-9723 2er, 28&. fl'SHc, ar'°'°'9d home VILLAGE COM· Bl. 873-2788, 175-9797 golf courM r1ght betllnd NEW CON 00. 1900. E/Slde 2 br, 1 be, encl. 3Br, 28a Condo no nt. S. garage, patio. '485 mo. MUNITY, 2 l 3 Br. 2~ ()pan & Alfy, 1 Bdrm, em property. Qoee to - OcHn view. 1 Bdrm. gar, pool, yard. No pet1. Cit Plue, pat1c-*• eet-~ ea. 1900-1800 eq. ft. of pee & ehlkl Ok. l3e0. Call rythlngl 1395/month. trplc. modern kitchen. '465 673-0731 ting AC 1g patio epa, pure luxury. QaragH, 537-3233. Agt dig. A~.!'~~S& one deck, gar. 873-3271 0< · pooi etc' Cflltd oK'. aea6 DuplH, 2 bdrm, bit-In, •PH In every home -Of two ........ """7 no 831-0602 2 Br. 1-A Be. No pata. mo. (213j "'4-281e wllher dfY*' hook up. maater aulta, dining Belmad oellnol. "'l' llt• pet .. c.11 owner at (714) ---------1 Lllundry. Obie gar.1585 av911 now. room• wood burning kitchen. 2 lrplc 1, 3 642-4138. ......., a.t '450/mo. 831-34S71 2 Br 1 Ba, Covlniton cal 53&-4921 fir~ micro-wave Bdrm, 2th Beth.~ -··1-Br-pyt--ded!--ofd--woi-1d- CORONA DEL MAR. 1 2 bdrm twnhM '"' ba •-plu, gar , nr .c. ~3BA.2'ABA.Neat OY9M. prtV.1. petloa a g:.,~~t =~ charm, apeetaculer room wtth V. ba. walk to garage, patio. ·No 1>9ta. P 11 z • · I 4 5 O / m 0 · n-. lrplc, WO hit-up, yard1ier.;::ner provf· Agt dig........ OOMf'I vu, Mill to bwtl beech. 111 ulll pd .• no 1475. Nr 19th/Pomona 8124118 pantry, bttne, arid ow. to ded. llvtng only '49$. Contact Mgr at apt k I tch II m 0 I I. • ~1 LllllY Cllllll p. ti 0 . e I c . n t5. 15 mlnut• trom FMtlton Sf*. 3 Br 2 Ba. Is*. ger, c. 332 Encino Ln.. S325/mo .. rel. 54~9322 545-38CM. llland. 7 mlnutee to s.c. beedl 2 blka. MOO )'l'ty.•--------- Mon-Frl 2 bdrm. 1'A be. A,._ ft le le. ... Pll:a Pfau or O.C.Alrport. No pets. 145-1812 ,..,, Au ,,,, ---------1 Dt1hwuher, prlv patio Frplc, •l,anl Franch '1117 AU Juat eaet of Newport •u•••••••••u••uuu 2Br. 1Ba, pvt entrance, Gar. No peta. 1520 mo window•. c. In home 1 a 2 BR apte, ba.eut. Blvd. & ao. of Sen Otego t.oe pY1 apertment. Mo-1 er. Apt. Cfoae to 17th. & patio. oaraga.~tur• 543-5"71 1eourlty, 211r 2Ba, 1Br lall• & etreeme, compt Fr w y . It O O I mo . elem w/bltJM. 2 BR 2be, ~. "25/mo. ~· raq. mo. Luxurloua townhou... 2 18a & studloe. amenltl••. no pate. Fr 831·5439, 2473 Orenga wlMt 14 bfk to t>Mdl. 2 IM-07oe bdrm•, 2'A ba. Family 1Br & studio Incl Wahl/ '4e0. 14M591 Ave., Coeta Mau.. car parking. l.Afoe 2 ... ,. ~ 1111 1 bd garage apt. patio, room, kltctien, gar. 1700. dryr, 1tao lncludM pvt 8eaat'I Paeoh beHw 1 Br c'!'•!p· Ofee'" 1p':i~:nd •••••••• •••••••••••• avall t-4, $530. w/garaga 657-3981, 54~7780 club w/tennl1 courta 8 1 .tie '* ioW Tr.de )«If old atufl tor "" • • 11A apt w/ ltove/~. 3 1580. Incl utllltlH. pooi., ,~. aaunu: 1~. i .11 t:! BEST new ooodlH with • ~ !_!~!~,..:: :!: bloc~• to bch. Quiet 976-0578 Of 87~4 1 BR, quiet, large, gar .. bHutl ully dacorat•d 5:MMJ190.... ~ad. '42·54178 TI.""' "7 ii'i4s-1111 IV ..... ....atl a. UO· Bachelor, So. of Hwy. ~=·P~.~3~: clbh1e & much mora. S -~ --,,.;norc:.0.SMC ..._ fM Quiet pereon. $325 Incl. 537-3233 AOT From 1450 mo. Incle Priced~! htl 285. 1 •1 ••••••••••••••••••·-· utll. 873-3415. moe1 u1" too. 5414421. Bdnn, 537-u.as ,,,, Verum .. IUICUI)' 1 Br .. EASTllDE CM. Private -------.,,-,-~ ,.._ 2 er. 2 B&. No peta. 3841 Bear St. (btwn -Agt, •••-••••••••••••••••• courtyard . •&ti/mo. tum. room & beth. Ulll. C.11.... #U Avall approx Saot. 1a1. 8un11oww a McAtthut). • 84CM181 Incl .. refrlg., 1$15 mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••5o 110-111• or Kennebunk. port?. 173-1544 1 •I IA I & 54M81s 1 bdrm, upper. "450 Ind • .,.Wl111 ---·----Nawty 'decor~ Gaa pd, . u111, frpl. very cozy. ~ llL duC*IC. 3 WOl1llng ~ 2& to 40 encl gar, dwehr, pool. Large 1 Br. 1 Ba. dlhwf. 131-o821 eft• •:30 Isn't that the boat 2 le. trpt. _.a., patio, non emolce. .,. bit bch. bbg. Adu1t1, no pell. lndry rm, aarpor1. WI 1 BR. utll pd, J330 mo, that won The America's CUp in '75? get .. boeit ...,, no-. NB. '300. 175-1704hft 4 8-42-5073. :U23590. Avall 8·11. btlah or~ mwr1ed cpl ~t"V'\~ lddl. 11200. 87&-4411 Laouna twn 111'11 pvt ba. Spec:lou• 2 Br 1 BL '425 . pref. Call It 648-7072, I f...,I 8TEP8 TO 81\HD non-emkr, OWt 40;1V, 3 Br. 1 'A B •. I 4 7 5 : 2 br apt., N.E. aide, fanc.cl uk fOf Dabble Of Joe If you' rt riot ~ who (or Whal) l'.tfln)tlunkport 28A. ~. OHLY MOO P o o I • 9 u • I P r o r • Laundry tac .• pool. front, cu•-de-aac, quiet. 1 b drm f3'0. utll pd. Wl!S. don't feel bld-~rt noutone. C4lll 531~ AGT CHO. 494-CM51. 5'41-956t 12·7PM. 1625 mo. (71•>St4-tet1 Carport. good foe. Ho Ken~ Is ore°' t4 cisti~ 8E.ST BET1 t3at AU. .. OOM/8AL80A. 1230 OCEANFRONT -a harp F I I d I h evee. P • t I · 3 I 3 W • 8 a Y • dl~t ll*'tl'l*•l floOtfU\s It SNwlnd Vil9 utll pct, pvt ptkna. mo. ¥111W turn 8Y1t> 911 2BR. winter, no pat.a, gar. ~~~:,/:.~i0. x 1L() 1 BR. '370, OU pd. Gar-541-9518 In~ 81ac71.s.Md vi-.1s. t1IS'-'t 5374233 ClllO-MIT f/U +'non -em II r : 1160 mo. 875-3033 Garden 2 er. '580. den view, W/w orpt•, EM1aid9, Ltg. br1Qt1t 2 bf. cft.et.dy ~prolGl60l111 pllnnlng. J den I b th 1_t_n-eo __ 18_. ___ ..,,.__ -· Ila ea.,. •8t 557 2841 drpa' ' bit-In stove. ,..rig, 1~ bL petfo, avail. f/t The kind cf aatnliOn ,_, dl$lrW. bdnn Of .:..-I • I ---"---a '"'2'8a,1i"ia0';'o~~r~ • · ~ blk buMa & ahop1. '6&0. e..o.ot97. • A~ *'Id d ~Ind IMnQ-~= ,,_. ~·;;-~;;; ~ from bch2J:Pt-June. 1Nealflekl ~-~~CMlt. of a IOncll l200 flat, n.odlnaforatwlthbltltlllngbrOC*tandqLtlat 1 ;., 1 ... trot. tar-ea. f70. 8*1111. <213> 84&-,._, "'1 · .... pool, spa. lndY'f rm. t._ It. 1 d"<t tine. rrol pofdl. ~by Mtllnll ocmi ~~to b each 2 blh. ,rry. W1' '*=.! Bdrm WI HT EA A EH TA L. • Beautuul garden apte no pate, lmmed occu-low clepoalt. Oont watt. tNt tlnNs courts. tlWlmrning ~I Ind 1714111, l7a.M7 .,... w1 911tt1-for bdrm, 2 b9. Avell 8-pt Pattoefdecil ._1 peld. pancy, CAH now 53t .. 1t0 Im a alfl'4111nt 1or.MJon w thclppnO n ,..., ""'9 req. 15, MOO mo. 878-0303 No pell. 2 ~ "*" 1 Br. '440-l450 ,.. et._ BUT t11'*'711in Ind yuu·11e got 1 pin.._ woukl ~ ~ ~ ......,1, 2 Br. '525. -•• -· ---Cllll-.. (E\41'1 lt-..u.-..I) ~ • --_._ • ....._ ........ 1 bdrm, patio, llaep1 4. come. Cellfofappt •-_.. ,,.._., '""'"" ,_,,'II_.._.., '"' t7flllfto. Yfl ..,_.._ .. _....._.. atepa 10 baKl'I, ta601 2 Bt. a Ba. S5M TSL Mgmt. .,.U122 8ptl0foua e .&ld• Al)t1. one end two llldr'oom. one Ind two~ ....-..,bOe "•ollNe. a .. :Z~: .. , .;;~~~1 ... ; '\~~a.:rr:. ~=·=:. -~~~·.,,·~-31-:.:=: .::r:.:.~~ Ba, upper unit, 1150, t d .. ' ~.. 2 ... 2~ "" ·-........._ -.. bellt, ...,_ prtw. C.M. Coaet Prop•rtl e1 • "1 "'Oat, '""' Y ·Felde 2 at 1 beth, pool, -.. Newport• ... -. a.-411..._ '13-6410 I e 0 5. • • • 2 -9 •I•· aov'd pert11ng, laundry ~ · Al4 Ctit OOlldo; ......., IT -.... 17M33t no peca. S4IO/mo. TC*ii t42-7toe l!l!l!S ~ ..._ i.. ~ e.oi. CA :'f.:-"11~ ·-Large 2 er. 1 ••• with "'°""' 1750, m.-1-. ~"*JI!! l1lf ,,, .. , .... , --s ldml. 1 0.. 1171/mo .,.,. dlw &eur*Y rm: 8*1t47 T:Trr. •••••••• •• • P'l'Olll tw 5111 Olllt,,......,.. *"""on llldl ID ~~'° --"-_..•---1911 ________ _ ...,.., .. ~ oP-..... • • fl, --ltudtO, ,.,.. Md'adl:lllll. '*' .... Oii .,.... tD 9-llCt........ -.. n-. don. Jdln ......... AQt. Meo 1rg 2 er. 1 a.: $4IO. 8hoo _. hofne. "'• ..., ~ prtnte patklne, ~ ..... '-' • 10 Ml,..._ ... I H .... (111 9S1·~ A¥91 .. 1. 141 me wfth Cll....iflsd t4l..at78 IS7.at:il W1·1A1 :;....,..- l !'!!H ........... l!M !~~!f!ffkl!!f .... 19!.!f.P.i!!.1 .... ~'!!J.!!.P.ett!Jf 9!~.~!~ .... J!!f !1!1!'11!!!!.~H!!!M Furn rm, fem. pref, pvt 2500 ,iCilfCondo. wlif ec. N.B. 1 blk bMch, ct.an SO. LAGUNA: 3 Arch Bey. 1300 tel· tt. '460 1 ~~~1111111111111~~ home. kltc:h. prtvtleoM, MAUl·KIMI 181' IUX. l30 cept adhe, or 1 adh rHp. non-1mkr, prkg 500 aq ft with QOOd hwy Front office, large rear Meaa Verde 549-9'47, p a r d y. Oen view. wt1 child Of' Just 1 lldlt. avall. $225 mo, S100 vtelblllty. 491·23111 dOOf 1789 wtllttlllr Ave. 842-454e ~87~3-8~2~1~0~, ~f7!!!5-!!!9'3e~~~~I Pool, lg kit, 2 pattoe, lg d • P · A I Io wk I Y · ........ Dayi 540-9352. EvH I FEM . ..,... room and bath. ~ balcony w/bay view. 8711-7025. G46-0$81. ... •• • ..... -·-557-7883 Of' t540-Q39 --. -.....,. lllTll 1--------_,..,. FV, non-1mkr, S235. - -1-------111-1 "11 ... /tt 1Mtf3$1 With uM of ra<:-.>tlon. Ull WalM 4111 963-41218. SOUTH BAYFRONT. 4 Shere Beaut. Weetc • ••••'•""•••••••••••••• cont rOOf'n kltc:h phone •••••••••••••••••••••• AvaU 911, Nwpt Sch quiet bd rm . 812 1 • 81 2 8 . 2bd 2ba apt., W/D, pool, Storer. garage for rent eecretatlel' & wOrd pr0: ..... Tl haven for buay exec. i--f7_5-88 __ 29______ w/r~ ernploylld adult. on alboa Penlnaula CMllng Mall & meuege PIU..-r Non-emkr. Pvt bath, Laguna Bc:h-Rantall llpe S325 ~ u1tl. 642~92 next ',0• Fun Zone. a«V. a~all. -.parately If ~ly moved to ·parking, pool. $300 mo. 8 $450wk. HM llpa 8 + Educated ledy Ilka to lO'Atx20~ · 873--29-43 dealnld. Reply An..-Ad #701, S850wk. Aug-Sept. allare ~ w/aame for Single vicinity Ogle & Cell: Judy Callfornla deelr .. quality 842-4300. 24 hni. 497-300e 1 mo baQlnnlng Oct 1. Weetmlneter, Nwpt Hte. 7141780..()100 PALM SPRINGS LABOR 842·1802. Pvt. $85/mo. 840-8585. Sub-let Exec. office Female to ehr 2Br tum. apt .• private bath, kit· chen prlv. pool & car port, nr J.W. Airport. 557-7678 DAY N-Condo 1 Br. slMpa 4, pool, ape. ten- nle, avail. anytime. $50 day. Owner 548-5689. No. Ulg Ocean front. 2· Eut aide C.M. Stngte ga-Prim• airport locale on bdrm, 2 be, beau furn. r11ge for ator11ge. $'75/mo MacArthur Blvd. Price $425 mo. Fam prof Pf'I-645-7234 reduced. Muat ... , rd. Sharon. 640-2912 wk 1-G-ar_age __ f_or_Ren_t_, -S50--per- 1 ____ 49_7_.eo34 ___ _ Pleuant room evall. Bay •• da month. 2864 LaSalle, WEST COSTA MESA St., C.M. Working per90l'I l••l.tll ,. AMf 4,., Woman with Carffr de· C.M. 957-2740 after 8 TWO OFFICES~ ly t150 548-3663 •••••••••••••••••••••• mo fOf' both 645-1021 on . . · hJ ........ air• eame. CdM. 2 bcl, 1._Pnl ______ _ B•ttl1 •tlh 4111 Contact largut Gey ba, •34o Incl hHkpr. Ol/Jn lt•lti 4411 ••••••'••••••••••••••• Male Fetnate aervlce In Avall 9-10 975 ... 0578, •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 HI lltTD. so. c.itt. 640-8716 875-4024 mlltlYI nms Wkly rental• now evall. Mature working F ellr my Prof. woman to Shr 3 Br, IRVINE. Phone anewe- $140 & up. Color TV. home. 1240/mo. lnetudee dep Npt Shorea home, ring, conf. rm, utll pd, Phonea In room. 2274 utlla. By HOI"'. Own rm 1 comm. pool, tennle, 1ctry aerv1, etc. Aleo Newport Blvd. CM. 646-oo2-.. etepa to beech. $350 deak epace. S150/up. *llmlUU* O.C. Airport area. Prof. environment, full MfY!ce, or no frllll. lndlVlduel of. fleee or dMk apace. t 50 eq ft • S500 sq ft. 1 MO. FREE. 759-8978 848-7445 b&. 7· Incl. utll. &45-9567 aft 8. 540-9745 Prof lemale to ahr CdM 1-1-6_17_W_ee_tc-llf-f,-N-.8-.-2-58-l~Xln!!!!!!t!!!H!!!ar!!!bor~!!!8Nd~~loc~.!!!Ju-1~ BEACH AREA $84/wk Perk Newport 3 Br. Townhouae, pool, tennta, view Back Bay. Jan 759-00.8 hM, S300 mo. Incl utll + to 4000 eq. ft. tat. flOOf'. f B S CM dep. Avail Sept 1. Agent 541-5032 No. o aker t., . 675-5838 450 ""· ft. $1.00 ,.., .... 5&0 & 1250 eq.ft. lpa()e8. Refrigerator-Maid-Pool Nwpt Blvd & Wiison Fem, 30 ehr lge 1avl1h .... ,.... ...., Flexlbla ....... Cell Prop twnhae wlre119. working Female non-emkr, 2Br, ft., 4001 Birch., N.8 . Mgr, 8 4 5 . 8 1 o o; Coete M... 548-9755 fern. unbelllYebleroome, 2Ba, pool, $255 + utll. Agent 541-5032 549-1386 overlooking brook & 1_96_2_·_14_7_o_90_2-o930 ___ _ Yearly on the beach, hotel waterfall. Pool, Jae. lake, Shr my CM home, good room, kitchen & ahowW', etc. NB/CM .,.., from loc, pref mature prof $320/mo. plue MC. de-$350. 78().8045 w o m a n . C a 11 S u e poalt. 2306 W. Ocean-F move In lovely home 1-75_1_-0_50_5 ____ _ front, Newport Beach. CM. Pvt rm. ee & cornpl. NON-SMKR. 3 br. condo 873-4154. houHhold prlv. Leelle S200 mo. ~ utle. $150. 1 ... a l••l.tll 4ZIO 842-32n, 548-&480. de p . n r o cc . •••••••••••••••••••••• Share beautiful 3 br tum. 964-3654/HB WlllLY lllJW hOUM, Jae, gar. lrvlne. 2 rOOf'nMatee to ellr Bel- Avelleble. Agt. 6711-8170 731·8830 bOa Pen. houle, 3 br. 1~ UU '9111 2 Fam. to el'lare 3br, 3ba be, frplc, fenced patio. $1200 avllM 8/4 t condo In Nwpt Walk to S287lmo. + utlla. John WESTCLIFF BLDG. NEWPOR• BEA04 " . \.• ~ ; .~ . . .... Cali '-Ir Howaro 645 6101 Exec. suit•. fuM eerv. lnct cont. rm. 1182 SE Brletol, bet. Redhlll & Nwpt Blvd. 957-3451 TIP LIUftll 1200 IQ ft. 14304 8Mctl Blvd. Weetmlnater, btwn 2 frwye, 73• a eq ft. Won't last! 97~ or 860-014-4. CdM dlx .utta, A/C, ample plcg, uUI pd. 2855 E. Cat HWy.11711-8900 101219'r' Exec~uve ~ beach. 645-9453. 97M287 bef. 5. bdrm and den. ocean M/F nonamkr lhr lrvlne 2 Spac. Zbr houae, 1tepa to ---------42=° ~ft C:: ::-8':$ view, tennl•. pool, epa. br 2 ba Woodbridge beeeh. fully furn. Avail. *Ill.ID ...... * w.' 1tth ·st. Coeta M .... 493-41289 C~MUX w/M, 32 & 4 yr Sept. No leaH. $325 From 1 rOOf'n to 3 rooma. 845-8830, He Mra. old eon (reeldee wl<nde). u1lla pd. 873-8339 From $1.18 • 81dft. NO Northnlp. ...... ,........ $300 wk. 1 'A bike to beach. 873-9384 Walking diet. to lake, F to lhr 2 br. 2 be CdM ~errequlM.1'9d2,7·2 ... ~·. •-s-U_N_N_Y_N_aw. _p_o_rt_B_•_•c_h_, ehoPPlng .. Att. gar. $310 apt wlger. $337/mo. ....... ..._...... <>mc. mo. & '.+ utlta. 552-9018 Walle to bell. Nonemtcr. Call AM. 833-3223 ;~~. 2• s~a~'. 1 Br. 91eepa 4, acroea tile f W ff 873"-1775/f73"-8340 llWPllT... 094 atreet from th• beach. P~ em, ••ktctl !".,..., -Tl-••• 1_63_1_._1 _____ _ *"""/wk 87 ... IUU>• .,.,...., non em r, no ,......a. --ExecutlW ornc. In Can-"nd r.----... AC ,,,_1 _.,., . ..,........., S 2 9 0 . 8 5 7 • 8 9 4 1 ·, u~ • ...... ·-el • mt. to VIII ••501 ' r.....,. ""-· '.,.-, ........... ........,. .. nary age, .,. mo. view, 325 aq ft. eo. IQ ft. CdM 2 br, 2 ba, So. of 873-4060 • beach. Haa pool, Jae, Bl'olcer 87S..912 1 Ofc 2nd !tr, 375 aq ft. Hwy. Sundeck. Avall. M/F el'lr 3 bdrm Ilea 6 bike P8111. frple. piano, wuher Airport arM • Exec. Sul-50t aq ft. (714} '74-1921 6/20 to 9/4. $400 wk. bch H.B. Maat Bdr, prtv & dry«. Wint pleuant, 673-3415, ... ..,.., bale. w/d, dlehw, •table nonamkr, M/F. tee. From 22~ eq. ft . PVT. OFC. 1175/mo. Nf. ...., ,..,. S300 C8rol at 54&-e803 Sl per IQ. tt. Many xtru. O.C. Airport. Conv pat· V1111tln ll•tfl1 fJll Cable TV. s3 oo mo. · · Call 557·7010 king. pvt entrance, In· • • •• • • • •••• • •• •••• • •• ~280 Quiet reepon91ble Female ex__,.__1 Off•--• Up to cfudee u111. n ...... ton avail OCEANFRONT 2 6 4 81'. • t ... 2 Br 2 "• ....,.,_, .._ """"'' A all Weekly ttl Int I etewarde .. wlll ehr o ... are my · .... 4000 IQ It. 1801 Newport by anengament Taylor, v · ~73-1873 N furn. CdM apt, ger, w/ Twnhorne nr·UCI. S375 Blvd, C.M. 845-2111 Aak Crow & Co. 842·1423, eummer. · nonamkr. 911. $400. ptua 'h utll• .. w/d & ga-'°'Joa 845-3176 Utll/UWlll 875-6148 rage. 553-1562 Evee. Fumllhed home for rent 8M80fl&I or tono term In LagUna Ballch. Newport &eedl. Corona del Mar Contact (714} 494-3757 cars*blkes• •ska1eboards• trucks* baby carrlages•tea carts•trlkes rol ler skates • walker~ .oys •wagons•••• scooters* hot r ods•coupes• trailers* hard tops•convert- lbles•motor homes*lawn mowers*limos •corporate heac:tqua rters •garden carts Model.A's*"' .. Reach over 86,000 of the Orange Coast's most affluent adults ... Advertise in the Orange Coast's most successful real estate magazine • • • Call 642-5678 to see how little it takes to reach so many 1---------t---------Exeo. Furn Suite, prime 1111 11111 -New 2 81'. 2 Ba. Condo, M/F to el'lr home In lrvlne, Coeta MeM Executtw LI-N.8. loc:. Phone and co-Attractive ruetlc upetalrw Prlncevllle erea. Fur-$290/mo. + v. utile. vlng In a 3 Br. Twnhae, pier avail. 8225/mo Ing w detlc nlehed, fully equipped, 551·2255 Mlcheel lowef' bdrm & be, OWn« 966·1779, 840-8216 :1aca.'OO:.;i>~ auP: tennle, golf, pool. Special In upper bdrm & den, (.V.} ...., ,. .,.5 Summer°' Fall retee by Single Lady, muet Ilk• trplc. pool, clubhae. $300 "'7 phone, ,. .., pr mo week or by month. Kid• to ehare home In plu• ~ utlla & phone. Executive office eulte, pr delk, C .. l 844-7211• 213/873-5211. Coeta Meea. Sept. 11t. 54M448 & 673-3313. comer ol 405 Fwy. Neer hdalll latt.I HU move In. S325 plue ~ Harbor Blvd. Take ovw •••••••••••••••••••••• LK. ARROWHEAD-2aty utile. 540·4979 or M/F ltlr beeut .. Beck Bay teeM. 1800 11e1.ft. at &a. Office and L•boratory •typingtables l~~~~~~~~~~~~J wheelbar rows• · recreational vehicles•golf carts*model trains*bikes •pianos•cars refrigerators n-4Br + Iott, 2S., 2 548-1074. Btwn &-9PM. ~~0• ~f:>°'51• 15ac, tennis. ft. C .. I 751-e191 epaoe . up to 7500 IQ rt. frplea. 2 belconl ... ce-_.,., ~.,.. 4 f 11\edral celllng, color TV. MIF 10 ehr MIMlon Viejo Founteln Valley Office 845•211 t Afk or Joe Sipe 14. North Shore. condo, lndry, gat .. pool. Female/thare epecloue 3 lf)ece, 2500 aq.ft. at 80$ S.Utlflll exec:utlV9 office $285/wknd. $395/wk. S250. 588-3551 b r B 1 u f h c 0 n d 0 · • ft Good expoaur• tull• pllJa waratlouM In •---------$300/mo Terri 644-4399, · T ' $595/mo, 522-M31 Rrnmte wanted, non-780-8795 QOOd part(lng, elbert & praetlgloua deelan center iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii amkr mature prof nr Aro o k h u rat. Ce 11 on Redlllll. 17f8 IQ. rt. MAUl-Klhet 1Br tux, sao oc •ii n , H B , s 3·50. Rm mate wanted M/F, 751-e191 876·8812 from 10-5; per dy. Oen view. 980-1590 1225 mo. Incl utll nice smi-n11 -·-644-H3t ettert. •7 .. "'"'10 87" ,. • .,,. •---------area, Condo 545~999 _, '~ -... 2 000 11 •• ·V~..-v&~~· ~ ..... ~-~~~ Fem. n/emkr ..,, w/wne. 4IYI .... um ,..pprox • aq .,Of9, -NB 2bd 1be poof Jae d/ · N ..._.._.._1 L 1 choice tocatlon, AC. OCEANFRONT KAUAI w911 8250 ~ Iv M/F non-4mkr, e11r 3 bdrm o -...--uxur oue Newport Blvd at Harbof. *ska1es•••••• Sunny romantic Polpu r · mactllna hou ... I!. Coet• M.... new ontcM, l!!cludtna (714) 814-1921 B •a ch . 1 5 • FR o M meeeaot on · Sao o / mo. 1-t 11t11 . raoeptlontet, •nawerlng ....... --------If It's got WATER, Spectacular Apt to .tlr M or F non· 0411-7917 bef. 1oem. Biii eervlca, cont•t•nca c....n.I wheels, vtewa. 1 er. "45, 2 Br. emkr $280 mo. No utlt room, ate. 7&2-MOe. ,_Mb 4111 *· 499-11121 N • w port e ••oh . ~ to IMf• 2 bdrm 400-eoo PL.US 1400 eq. rt. ...................... you'll move 84f.300I IC)t In co.ta M..a a..,t PenthoUM leyffont Sul-CONDITIONAL OOML. It faster In a , ..... T'*1 ,,,,_ ... .._ CdM 111. '250. 8411-1219 ta parlllno patloa PROP. Plue 4br/21>• Dally P'1tot Fumllhed 3 bdrm 3 ba. ..,..., ""• q11,.. ·-' ... ' ' ' houae, W ttth mt Coete Atr1um -· cond~ new ..,. bdl, Mol prof wo-Fem rmm•t• want ... to •-;:87;t~a;:1003;:;-:::;;;:::::--::;;;;:::-'i..::M::..· ::::~::::::56H.=:.:=:..:N:::.:1:;:2:,371:.::.,· C lasslf led .._ man, W/D, fp(c. '325 elw atlt, GfMt 3 BA 2 .. ept '2nd floor wlllc..up omote. pool and r,:nurr;;· bllla. 844-4029 eft 2!30 In CdM. t2AS "'° & I.rill. S150-l280/MO Catpete. l..l-W11I "-la/4"'11a ad. call ~=:.: ~,,:; MIF "° p1ua to w . Na. 673-5492 -m~. ~. Cdliit. ::rr..-:rnr.r: .... :r."';l 6-42-5678 and a M h f A f 2 ... 2 ...... A1 10C M.....-.. Aeep non-llMr M/F rm-712· 1UO N,8. 3t76 Bntr. MIO eq.. ont o u~ or -t..;. MC).2eee-"'~ m•t• went•d for 28r rt. or I•••· MIA 10"9· friendly ad- month ~ ' otn • 21a -nl' s. Cet PID loetlnQ OOWn? 8t•rtlno ~ 641"9032. v Iser wt I I ____ w __ 702 _ _,_ Npt Bch Wwtclln 8200 Me-0584 ~ o ut? L.0••., ovarflaacl 780 up. 2180 "· lndu· help you Avell. Aug.. 20-l.ebor 09y, MnlN ,.,,.. to __. NI .... ,. .._ .2 ..... ......, ==• ~· ~ • 1frM1 -Offtoe 1810, ... corona dal Mer. 2 br w/..,,.. lovely 2br 2b• • • '"'" • "'• -iii _... rl ..,...ter, ..-eo c1ondo c1rc1• IM & T turn yOUr ::::~'. ft~i& a.:!~~ lrO l.r. pool. tS14'99. C:.,~~""'18-pot1. :i~ .. =;!c. ~ ~~·~"· I Heh. wheels '"to 1142-0Sn Of f7&.t611, lo. Leo-• ...-CS.,.._ pnv, Me.et•r Mrm w/prlvele l t.tt9d fOf -..,y buM• ..,__·--·---...,,....-• Cash. be & eftt., *'°°" N beMh. btl Avlll lfnmad Wit-,,_ ,..... ~ ~ um lo todefa ~ WAPfTACTION'> U t a.,. utll. , .. , . .y. .or.. 3 a Wtcndll mo/mo. from H78. for tfl• b ut bu~•·llYh""!!!l'!1~ ..... ~,,~-1111411..,.•111.,.~g C)aMlteCt ~ M2·861• 414 '"'· """'122 . -...180 .....,.. 141..aere .._ -_ llily Md Newport Beach •Costa Mesa Irvine e Huntington Beach l ountain Valley Laquna Beach == ' OrMge County RMI e.t•te/An Ad~ Supplement to the DAIL. V PILOT/~~. ,Auguat 14, 1982 -27 We deal in real estate ~: .:~c But our real business ~ r~~ • IS PEOPLE Real estate is not just "three bedrooms, two baths, double garage." Or "18,000 sq. ft, zoned industrial, near railroad siding." It's welcoming a new family to town and helping them feel at home as well as find a home. It's helping someone who wants to start a business find the best location in terms of purpose, place and price1 It's working with other concerned citizens in the community to improve the quality of life by helping prevent vandalism, revitalizing a rundown neigh- borhood or doing whatever else we must. It's helping protect the rights of home- owners by becoming politically involved in the issues that affect them, and advising the lawmakers of our interest and op in ions. We're the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® -an organization with more than 706,000 members nationwide. We're real estate profes- sionals, but our real business is people. A public service of the ..., .... Classifieds 642~78 . ~ "' 0 ' ,. "' t ..... 2 M I LIT1 -+ l9lD -Custom 3 Bdrm home! Separate duplex with 2 Bdrm unite! Like newl Close to blue Pactflcl Assume loans; no negative cash flow! Great In.vestment! Call 963-6767 llUlllD Ull ..... -Oceanfront unit on ground floor, 200 feet to the beach! Unit faces oeean and la 0n fee land! Only $115,000 -call for detallsl 646-7171 IOU MAUK • •• USlllllU -Executive 4 Bdrm estate! like newt Gigantic family room, genuine beam celllngl Plush new earthtone carpeting throughout! Freshly painted! Assume flnanclnq; no quallfylngl Call 963-6767 Ull 111111 TWI STiii -Beautiful home In mint condition. Located In super area. 4 big Bdrms, big, big llvtng room with fireplace. Family room· with second fireplace. Formal dining, space age kitchen, spark~lng pool, spa, etc., etc. Call 546-2313 lll,llOl IUITRL 2 rrtlf -Garden setJlngl 2 car garage! Community pool! $6,300 down, $915 mo. pays all; FHA $2 .. 51 Call 963-6767 1K MWI -Costa Mela _. Bdrm, 2 bath family poof home! Take over loan and Miier wtll carry! Lowest priced at $135,000 -call today! 648-7171 JU11Y • m IUIT -Fragrant ftowera and fruit trees offset the landscaping In the front and back of this beautiful home. Huge rambtlng two story home In mint condition, In Mesa Woods. Has huge llvtng room wtth fireplace, big, big rooms throughout, big cheery kitchen wtth bullttns, etc. Setler highly motivated. Call today, 546-2313 llllTlf IL lllTll 1111 -Truly one of the moat lovely custom homes In CM. No expense has been spared In the upgrading of this beauty. Over 2600 sq. feet of sheer luxury, the llvlng room has Rosewood cabinets and bar, Rosewood fireplace, famlty room has Teak paneling, Teak cabinets, rock fireplace, kitchen has every top-of-the-llne appliance plus Culligan reverse osmosis drinking water. Master bedroom with sunken Roman tub, stained glass, etc., etc. Shimmering pool with diving board. New equipment, much, much more. 546-2313 WILLI + PHL, 1124,HO -Mediterranean penthouse! Steps to sand! Crackling flreplacel Master suite with private balcony! Assume $62,300 loan 9%%, $554/mo. or try $12,500 down! Call 963-6767 fllD FM-PLO 1111.--No negative cash flow: Super assumable loans -$89,0001 Units need work! One 3 Bdrm & Three 1 Bdrm units! Hurry. . .963-6767 LIWllT ,_·_Condominium In Mesa Verdel 2 Bdrm With custom Oak atalrway, microwave, fresh paint, community poot and located near parka and shops. Setler will carryl Only $89,000 ~act nowt &46-7171 TOP PRODUCERS 1111,-ITU&. n -1100 square feet hornet Huge family room! Wine cellar! Only $5500 down, $974/mo. first yearl Call 963-8767 IOU llTTlll + IRILI LIT -Bulld a second home on large lotl Existing home Is a doll house. Decorated to perfection! Assume long term financing; no qualifying; no balloon payments! Hurry ... 963-6767 llU • EllUIU -Elegant 5 Bdrm 4 bath Dover Shores view home on fee land. Sparkling pool and spa round out the many amenities of this large spacious home! Seller will exchange or carry! Reduced to $8_.9,900 -call nowt 646-7171 lllRIRI Ill llllY -Beautiful Harbor View Homes 3 Bdrm 2 bath home on fee landl Aasume loans at low rate and seller wlll carry. Owner must selll Low priced at $214,0001 Call today! 646-7171 ~ Tl llU .. -Motivated eefler will conelder all offers on thta Costa Meee 3 Bdrm home! Owner may carry for qualified buyerl Sale priQed at $105,900, cd nowt 64&-7171 All Zantnnegar, Julie Sturdevant, Steve Arndt, Ron Rogen, Don Quinn, Mary Jean Cromllng, Leslie Pisciotta, Whit Plummer.