HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-16 - Orange Coast Pilot' OUlll CDABT YIUR HOMODWI llllY PIPll I MONDAY AU(olJS 1 11, 1'111.' Ol~ANCf LUlJNI Y <''I If UH NIA ;~C E.NJ <; $ ~ 00,000 loss-- Laguna hillside fire • Ill Laguna Beach firefighter~ quickly extinguished a blaze in a hilla1d.~ home Sunday that blew out ocean-view windows and caused an e11tlmated $100,000 damage. A fire spokesman said no one was hurt in the 2:30 p.m . fire at the home of Michael Noll, 1105 Miramar St. Four engine companies and nearly two dozen firemen battled the blaze for 15 minutes before bringing it under control. The f~ caused an estimated $9-0,000 damage to the home in Arch Beach Heights, and another $10,000 damage to contents of the structure. The spokesman said cause of ~ { the fire, whic h damaged 80 percent of the home. has not been determined. Early clouds .will continue Th'e same early morning cloudy con8itions that kept weekend bea~h crowds smaller than average are expected to continue at leas t through Tuesday. Tt;ie clouds will burn off by mid-morning with Tuesday tempe ratures predicted at 70 along Orange County beaches and 80 inland. Night lows will be in the 60s, according to weather officials. FISHING RIGHTS -The "arm-waving" fishermen at the left lost the argument over who was to have fishing rights at this rocky spot off Bayside Drive beach n ear the U.S. Coast • Thousands mourn anniversary MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - More than 5,000 people, some Weeping and placing kisses on the tomb, gathered at Elvis Presley's grave early today to mark the fif~h anniversary of the rock 'n' roll singer's death. The fans . m ost clutching candles, walked single file on the quarter-mile, winding driveway of Graceland estate to Meditation Garden, where the singer. his parents and grandmother are buried. The graves are just south of the mansion where Presley lived. A memorial service was planned later today across the street from the mansion, wlth admission $7 a person . Earlier, there was intermittent drizzle as fans paused briefly at the grave. Through their tears, some kissed their fingers, then knelt to touch the grave, before kissing their fingers again. • "I think he's looking down; I think he's smiling real big right 08'tJ ...... "*°.,, ~ ....... Guard station. Steve Phillips of Garden Grove, the fishennan on the right, caught a nice bass there. The pelican flew away. death of EI Vis now," said J .D. Sumner, who was the leader of Presley's backup s inging. group, The Stamps Quartet. "I don't thjnk ··that anybody that has ever been born, except for Jesus Chrisr. has fans this loyal." Presley, whose hit songs included "H o und Dog," "Heartbreak Hotel" and "Jailhouse Rock," died Aug. 16, 1977, at the age of 42. The cause of his death was listed as heart failure. Bizarre slaying probed Equestrian project weighed Housing tract near stables sought in Huntington An 18-year-old Huntington Beach man remained in police custody today while officers continued their investigation of a freak, apparently accidental shooting in which one teen-age girl was killed and another was seriously wo-unded. Huntington Beach police Sgt. F.ci McErlain said officers would meet with Orange C.Ounty district attorney's deputies to determine whether manslaughter charges should be filed against Richard . Berge, who had been living intermittently at a Huntington • Harbour physician's home, where the shooting took place. Pronounced dead at the scene Friday night was Rise Lou Tucker, 15, of Redondo Beach, daughter of well-known Laguna B each parking meter e nforcement officer Rosie Miclette. By ROBERT BARKER Of ... .,., ...... ..., Huntington Beach C i ty Council members are scheduled ton ight to consider a large residential development aimed at the "harsy" set. Officials have scheduled a public hea ring on the Ellis- Golden West specific pl.an shortly after 7:30 p .m. U approved, the project would permit construction of up to 870 homes on 290 acres of bluffs and rolling terrain near equestrian stablesfand r iding trails in Huntingtt>n Central Park. The plan cal l s for accommodation of horses for about half the homeowners, either in c:Ommon \stables or at home stables. Approved by the Planning C.Ommission last month, the plan calla for construction of three homes per acre. Planning Commission provisions would allow two horses on a 15,000-square-foot lot, three on a 20,000-square-foot lot, four or five on a 35,000-square-foot lot and six on a 40,000-square-foot lot. The City C.Ouncil will meet at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall Chambers, 2000 Main ~t. The agenda includes: ' l"U9lJC .. AlttNG. An appeal of denial of • r.queat to permit en elecironlc o•rq: ercede et 4911 Werner A,,.. An 11PPMI to eondltlon• of llPP'OVel ot Signs et 8eactl Bouleverd end Holt A-..nue. Conelderetlon or th• Ellla-Golden Well specific plen. Conaldll!'etlon of ell~ In land dedication or ,_ for park end recrNtloneJ tecllltlea. Coneld.,•tlon ol lend ecqulaltl0n lor pollce hellpor1 CONUNT CAl.DC>Aft R•roollng of ()ywmyef ~olr Flacal yeer 1982 budg91 revltlon1 Aciceptence or bidder for trelflc slon•I malntenen~. Flnet parcel mep for erea loceted ne•r Lot Peros and Lynn Final peyment for conttrucllon of Hell/ Aloon<Juln -• Accept traffic llgnel wor1c at Golden West Street el Telberl Avenue Call tor bl<la IOt publle llreei lmp<-11 at varloos locatlona Extenelon ot term of rehebllltetlon loan program. Approve changes In city"• notification poflCy on zoning eppllcatlona. Approve epproprlatlona for peyment of ooara rell11ed to lltlQetlon for MeblHty ca.. Eatabllsl'lmenl of • plen cheek .. 1en110n lee AOMINllTRA 11V£ In ... A reporl on fNalbUlty of eflowing hMd-ln perking In col·d•sa<:a. • DEPAftTWNTAl. ITDIS R11quest by tire chief f0t r-flreflQtlt81' program. Request tor ordtnence requeatlng llre reterdent roof co.,.,1nga Reombur_.,.,,t or s..gate H~· Auocletlon fOt onergy c:oeta peld by mlt111k•. OROINANCES ~mendmenl to ordlnence1 relellng to temporary 1torege DI recreet1one1·~ In M 1·A dlstrle1. Ordinance relettng to teklng off or !ending of ullr•·light eJrcrett A requeal to permit conaumptlon ol ak;ohollc. bevefege& et cempe/1M. ftEDEVU0"91DfT AODK:Y Ad0e>tlon ot ruin governing pertldpetlOn and re-entry preferences t or owner•. bualneHes end tenen11 In r~evetopment pro)eci ereaa. Estebllshment of plen lor relocetlon of lamtlles,.peraons and bu.in.-dlapleced 11y redevelopmenl ectlvlhN The girl's friend, Dena Farrow. 18, of Huntington Beach, remained in critical condition today at Fountain Valley (See FATAL, Page AZ) Prime rate cut to 14 percent Figures by Bankers Trust lowest in nearly 2 years Bicycling bandit gets $100,000 u ..,.,.,,.. NEW YORK (AP) -The nation 's 10th largest bank cut its prime lending rate today to 14 pereent, the lowest in nearly two years, as a drop in a key rate charged by the Federal Reserve System touched off new interest rate reductions by banks .. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A bandit who stuffed the cash in a backpack and made his getaway on a 10-speed bicycle stole $100,- 000 from a check-cashing company, police said. Police w ere alerted after a cu stomer found a company e mployee, Fred Ertado, handcufied and trying to dial a telephone. If OOVES OF HAZARD -Hundreds of thrill seekers clear out of the path of 16 Mexican fighting bulls and cows during Sunday's running of the bulls in downtown Tecate,. Mexico. About 50,000 people jammed the streets to view the spectacle, Mexico's version of the famed event of Pamplona, Spa.in. No serious injuries were reported. Bankers Trust C.O.'s decision to reduce its prime rate by a full percentage point brought the prime, a guide to the rates banks charge thei r best corporate customers, to a level last reached in mid-October 1980. • • WORLD Boat explosion 'kills four ST. GEDIDN-D' ALMA, Que~ (AP) -' Four members of a family were killed Sunday when the mast of their sailboat hit a 161,000-voll power line and the boat exploded. S PORTS Angels, Dodgers tumble The Anfels and Dodgers continue their roller coaster ride J'll'OUih the majQr league campaign. Now the Ansell are in second and the Dodgers' lead is slipping. Page CL Hualcies to repeat? Wuhin.rton'• Huakies are the preseason .favorites to earn another trip t<> the Roee Bowl. Page Cl. COUNTY Bouncing quarters has rules Rules for bouncing quarters into a glass of beer? You bet, say two Costa Mesans who have published a rule book. Page A5. . Johnnie Cream faces challenges Johnnie R. Crean , millionaire Republican seeking the 43rd Congrttsion-al District 'J>09l, face.a a challenging campaign. Page A8. UCI facilitr., gets new housing A new apartment complex for faculty ls expected to eue a h ousing need at UC Irvine. Paae Bl. Homemade trimaran gets berth . A Mlsalon Viejo couple can 'uae the backyard again after movt.na hU&e homemade t.rlmaran · to a ~rth at pen. Point Harbor. P.,e 84. Citibank, the nation's second largest bank, and Irving Trust Co., the 16th larges t, today dropped their prime rates to 14.5 percent, matching s imilar reductions Friday by four other big banks -Manufacturers Hanover T rust C.O., No. 4; Chase Manhattan Bank Chemical Bank. No. 6; and No. 15 Mellon Bank, of Pittsburgh. On Friday the Fed reduced its discount rate, the rate it charges on loans to banks and savings and loan associations, to 10.5 ' INDEX percent. It was the third half- point reduction in a month. The move was seen as evidence of the Fed's con cern about the w eakness of the economy, analysts said. Economists predicted other banks would drop their prime rate. The prime is the level of mterest charged on short-term corporate loans, although some commercial lending is done below prime and it is considered a bue rate from which other lending rates are computed. At Your Service Erma Bombeck Businefl.1 Cavalcade Classified Cornlea Crosaword Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Horoecope lntenniasion A4 A7 B4-5 A7 C4-8 82 B2 B6 A6 Ann Landers Movies NatlonalNew.s Public Notices Sports A7 B6-7 A,3 B6 Cl -3 A7 B5 B8 86-7 A7 ~ NATION Dr. Steincrohn Stock Markets Television Theaters Weather -World News • Reagan speecb on TV B6-7 A2 -_A3 NEW YORK (AP) -Channels "2, 4, 7, 8 and 10 and Cable News Network plan live broadcasts of Prelldent Reagan'• 1peech on taxes tonight at 5. The speech will be bro..dcaat. from the White Houae Oval Office . .. ·. I l ' ",. .. 41 8 Qreng• Co .. l DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augu1t 18, 1982 \ AP Wlretlfioto HOVE RING -Marine One, with President Reagan aboard, is not alone as it heads for a South Lawn landing at the White House Sunday. A flock of birds seemed to be scampering to avoid the rotor wash of the helico ter. ... Stock prices rally in opening hours NE W YORK (AP) -Stock prices ran up a s trong gain today, responding to falling i nterest 13 horses found s tarved C L O V E'R, S .C . (AP) - Thirteen Arabian horses left be hind when t h eir own ers moved to Florida were found s ta rved to about half t heir weight, w ith no hope of ever becoming completely h ealthy. the owner of a stable says. T hey w er·e "the s kinniest b\mch of horses I've ever seen," said Michelle Miller, owner of a horae boarding business, who is caring for the animals. Wh e n the ho r ses were d iscovered, their bones nearly poked th rough the skin, their eyes had a blank, listless glaze a n d th ey were hardly recognizable as the well-bred Arabians they apparently are, -Ms. Mlller Said Sunday. rates and the. hope of a merger agreement for Cities Service_ The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials climbed 9.99 points to 798.04 in 1he first hour.' Gainers held an 8-1 lead over losers among New York Stock .l!:xch.ange-listed issues. After F r id ay's close, the Federal Reserve cut its discount rate to 10~ percent, marking the th ird reduction in that influential rate in less than a month. N umerou s b ank\ quick ly responded by lowering the ir prime lending rates from 15 to 14 1h percent, and in a few cases, to 14 percent. · Bro k ers said Occidental Petroleu m's offer to acquire Cities Service Friday also was a plus. Many professional stock traders have been fadng large losses as a result of Gulf Oil's withdrawal a week earlier of a bid for Cities. Cities Service shares were delayed in opening. Directors of the company were scheduled to ' meet today to con sider the Occidental offer. Police seek i n g r apist Police were hopJn g to talk today with a 43-year-old woman. beaten and raped b~ two men Friday after being abducted from the Airporter lnn parking lot in lrvlne. The woman, a resident of Orange, was found tied ·up in a field n eur the Sanu Ana Freeway outside Chula Vista where Chula Vista police said the men abandoned her before driving olf in her station. wagon. "It was a particularly brutal ra pe," said Irvine Police Lt. Robert Lennert. "I understand a ll the bones around her eye socket are broken." Lennert said Irvine police, who are coordinating the investigation with Chula Vista police, haven't yet talked with the woman who is being treated at Ch ula Vista Community Hosp ital for a broken hand, broken nose and numerous bruises. According to Irvine Sgt. Mike White, the woman was forced into her car by a t h in, dark- complexioned man as she walked to h er car after leaving t h e Airporter lnn. t "The suspect, w ho stated he .had a knife," said White, "then drove the victim to an unknown address, possily in San ta An a. where s he was r aped a n d sodomized by the suspect and one other maJe ... " The woman then was tied up, forced back into her car and driven to Chula Vista where the men again beat her. 2 c ritical in Newport cycle cras h ' Two Irvine residents, thrown more than 35 feet f rom a motorcycle they were riding late Saturday in Newport Beach, remained in critical condition today. Paul Weber, nd a still- unidentified 1 -year-old male were serious} in jured w h e n their motorcyc slammed into a van on West CoaS Highway near Cano's Restaurant. Weber, the d r iver, was arrested on suspicion of felony drunken drjving. 1i.e was rushed to t h e F4 ountli in V alley Community Hospital trauma center where he remains. The 17-year -old, who unlik~ the driver was not wearing "'P' protective helmet, was taken to the t rauma unit at Western Med1cal Center. Officials there said he is in extremely critical condition. Slightly warIDer the northern d--1s to 64 In tne low Gete<t. Boatera from Point Con<:eption ----------10 the Mexican border can ex.peel Coasta l Low clouds, cfearlng In 1he 1f1ernoone todey and Tuesday Hlghl IOday tn the IOW 70. at Iha ~ to near 80 In '"' Inland II-. Fw tonight and TUMday with Hrly morning low clouds Highs Tu.d~ et the bellchel 70 to 74 end Intend are .. 80 to 86 llgnt variable winds during the rl'lght and morning hours. 1>eeomlng south-terly at 10 to 18 knots durtn,11 the af1ernoon1 with a 1-lo·3-foot southwest Swell Ne>r1hwest wind• could reach 18 knots with 3-to·5·1oot seas fanher than 60 miles olfahore from Senta Rosa llland Elsewhere. from Point Concepllon 10 t he Mexican border end out 60 mll'el NorthwMI wtnd1 10 10 18 knoll wtlh 3 to 5 foot -over outer -t-today through TuMday Loc:ally. light vertable winds nigh! and morning houri becoming -i to eout!MMI 10 to 18 knott In the afternoons and evening Wind w._ 2 to 3 feet Night 111\d ~ low cloud• wtlh mostly deetlng In the afternoon• T e niperatures NATION Albany Alt>uque Amertno l\lhevllle Atlanta Atlante Cty Auslln Balllmore , Billings U S Blrmlnghm ,· • • SUtnntary Bismarck Solle Thunderatorm• pelted the Boa1on MIMiM4Pl>I Vlky from northeast Browntvlle ArkenHI to c:entrel Ml11ourl. Buffalo ._,,..., atreeta -• -•11'1 In up 10 Burllnoton 8 lncNI of rein. Cuper Showera and thunderstorm• Charlttn SC extended Sunday from toYlhern Charlstn WV towa end eouthern llHnol1 l!CrON Cheyenne MllllH lppl Into Alabama and Chicago a I o n g I h I 0 u 11 C O a I I Clnctnnall Thundentorma 1110 developed Cleveland near t he Rock I•• end were Ctmt>l1 SC ecettlnld from central Colored<> Columbua acroH northern New Mexico. Oel·A Wth Ralr1 '#H acattered along the Dayton central and eouthern Mfantlc ~ o.n.,.., ~. OeeMOIMI TM .._tlonal Weathet ~ Detrol1 "•Id t lnchel of rain fell tn Quluth AtmetrOng, In Cllttral M&Nourl, In El PMO e 24..f!Our period ending et t 0 F1tQO a.m. SuncSay. ,,.tan TM forKMt called fOf mOfe oa.1 Falll tllunderetorme Ir.om w1111rn Hartford Te11ne .... ac:roH the •Htern Helena Gulf CoMt. lndLldlng Florida. and Honolulu scattered from Utah acrou Howton northern Art1ona with sti-• lndnaph -""'* Michigan. F~r lllles Jacken MS -• predlc'9d OY9I the raet of Jlcilenvtle ttle neUon. K-Cl1y Tt tnperaturH around the Kno!Mlle ....... nlldodl¥~ rMCJed l.11 V...,. frOf'll ta et Bllllngham. Waeh.: Uttte ~ HOCW)IUll..1._ WHh .• anO Sexton Loulevllle Summit, "" .. ' to 104 at ~°'1 8111. HI Lo Pre 82 49 . 94 63 102 71 81 62 • 87 69 71 61 100 76 82 58 88 63 85 72 04 86 64 .01 89 ~ 85 85 97 79 81 56 83 62 .03 82 58 86 73 87 56 85 80 84 80 84 SB 84 56 88 66 84 54 102 78 83 58 84 83 78 BS 32 84 58 79 58 100 78 87 &4 78 52 oe 85 40 80 53 87 49 81 78 1.19 " 81 Ml 58 94 75 90 70 .41 87 72 09 8Ni7 IOt 83 1 83 62 Lubbock Memphis Miami Milwaukee Mpls-SI P NUhvtlle New OrlNnS New York Nortofk No. Platt• Okla City Omaha Ortendo Phlladpnla Phoenix PlttsburQll Ptland, ~e Piiand, Ore Providence Ralelgh Reno Sall Laite San Antonio Seattle ShrlYIPO"I SlouK F .. 11 St Loula St P-Tempa St Ste Miiie s~ SyracuM Topeka Tucaon Tulla WuhlnQtn Wichita 103 80 88 80 84 88 90 86 79 92 103 75 01 85 103 83 83 77 79 ea ee 87 " 72 95 83 78 ea 78 79 80 83 ea 104 85 ... 74 75 23 80 06 64 6S 66 25 75 65 1.33 se o.c se 74 87 .09 74 .23 86 IM 53 56 03 52 eo IM 41 71 78 49 78 87 88 49 n 12 50 6t 55 73 .22 10 78 8& 76 07 113 71 10& q ~50 92 83 t3 68 OtllL ~'!'".!:"~~~---------------------------..- California SURf RIPDRT ~ NMtontl W•ther s.vtc. aay• •ovllltr 'l,. ~alllornta ·, ...... lflOIAd fetr TU.CS.V e11c9'I lor low olovd• In lllt ... ... ... .... .... .... Lo. l\ngelel 78 82 Merysville 87 Need ... 10S Oakland 57 Puo Roblet 94 s. Red Bluff 88 65 Redwood Clly n 58 Secramento 84 58 Sallnu 89 49 San Diego 75 87 San Franclaco 71 55 Santa Barb1ra 71 58 Senta Marie 75 Stockton 87 81 Thetmel 105 • Batatow 98 71 Big Bear 80 41 Catallna 74 82 Long 8elch 79 80 Monrovia 90 55 Mt. Wlleon 82 81 Newoorl 8eac;l1 10 eo Ontario 17 56 Pelm Springe 103 71 Pasadena IM 56 San Bemardl!10-_ 92 57 San Gabriel 83 55 Sen Joea 79 55 Santa Ana 79 ff Tahoe VflWt 11 41 Smog Whara to o•ll (toll lrH ) tor lllteet~llon! Or l'f. 800) 448-3826 Loe notlH dounty: (800) 242-4022 ~ ......... ~ counties: (IOO) H1-4f10 AQMD Eptlodl Center; (8001 2~2-4tee Tides ., 'Y'OOAY Second tow 1:30 p.m. u Second high 1:&t p.m u TUHOAY F1t1t tow 3:01 a.m. 1.1 ' D9ly f'llot Photo DOWN WITH SP ELLING -Though the Daily . Pilot is co- sponsoring the upcoming appearance of "Up with People" at Orange Coast College, the ne wspaper did not write (or edlt) th e announcement sign currently appearing on the Costa Mesa campus w hich lists the Sept. 5 and'6 attraction as "Up Whith People." --- Princess Anne 32, tenJperarnent e y ed LONDON (AP) -Princes& Anf)e, only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II, turned 32' with the British press debating whether she's an adoring wife and mother or a r ude and jealous woman whose marriage is in trouble. During the past few months, Fleet Street's tabloids have been running hot and cold on Anhe, whose s harp tongue has made h e r one of Bri ta i n 's mpst controversial royals . Her birthday was Sunday. Along with her divorced and ~quall y controversial aunt. P rin cess Margaret, 5 1, Anne regularly finishes at the 1:-ottom of royal populartty polls. Rumors of trouble in Anne's nine-year marriage to Capt. Mark Phillips, 34, surfaced last Setpember and have been fueled by her solo travels during the e_ast y e ar t o N epal. W est From Page A1 FAT AL. • • l.i1:!nnany, the United qtales and Canada. Before Anne flew to Canada last month, ·the 4 .3 millio n· circulation News of the World said in its lead story: "Rumors persist that the marriage is in serious trouble." Phil lips was quoted the following day in th e tabloid Daily Star as saying the marriage is fine but the pressure of farm work at their $1.7 million estate. Gatcombe Park, was kee ping him at home. Gossip column ist Nige l Dempster wrote in the Daily Mail: "Princess Anne may not be the world's favorite member of the royal family, but even she does not deserve the totally false and uninformed rumors -yet again -about her marriage to Mark . . The truth? They are very happy." . In an article-last Thursday entitled "Suddenly ... Her Radiant Highness," the con servative Daily Express cqhcurred. "Surrounded by a loving Community Hospital. family, a husband and two Potice said a single rifle bullet children she plainly adores, she WOWlded both girls as they were dismisses totally the rumors that leaving a room after visiting with there's anything amiss with her Berge and a 17-year-old youth marriage," the Express said. whose name was withheld by Buckingham Palace routinely police. refuses comment on the private Berge tol d police he was ! b f h 1 returnin~he rifle to a sh elf lives o mem ers o t e roya family. when it · harged accidentally. Anne spent her birthday at officers said. Balmoral Castle in Scotland with The incident took place in the her children. Peter, 4, and z.ara. Nalu Circle home of Dr. Jorge I. the queen and other members Del Toro. The physician . and a of the royal family on their daughter were home at the ti.me annual vacation there. of the shooting but toltl police Anne was criticized in the they were not aware of the British press during her visJt to presence of the girls and Berge, the United States in June over who sometimes Uved at the Del her apparently cool response to ..--T_o_ro __ res_id_e_nce __ · ________ the birth of Prince William, hack • I D Beirut By Tb~ Anoc:lated PreH U.S. presidential envoy Philip C . Hoblb returned to Beiru t today with Jnojor conceulons from the Israeli government on hie plan for the withdrawal of Paletitinian guerrillas from wett Beirut. Lebanese sources said the evacuation could begin as early as Saturday. After co nsultat ion11 in Je rusalem on Sunday between Habib and Prime Min ister Menachem Begin, the Israeli Cabinet withdrew objections to navlng French troops spearhead the entry of the multi-national peacekee ping force into west Beirut and to the timing of that deployment. A Cabinet communique also appeared to softe n Israel's insistence on checking each outgoing guerrilla against Israeli intelligence lists. It said some sort of verification must be made but left open the mechanics. At least one major stumbling b lock rem a 1 n e d : Is r a e I"' s insis~nce that the PLO return an - Israeli pilot, Aharon Ahiaz, who was shot down and captured in southern Lebanon on ~he first day of the invasion June 6, and the bodies or nine soldiers missing since Israel's 90-day invasion of southern Lebanon in 1978. Lebanese sources said the PLO proposed a swap for guerrillas captured by Israel. But the Cabinet communique insisted the "pilot and the missing persons will be handed over to the International Red Cross before the beginnin~. of the terrorist departure . . . Another possible problem was Isr ael's d e mand that Syrian troops in Beirut leave Lebanon. Syria reportedly has offered to move its l.500-2,000 troops in Beirut to the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, where the bulk of its estimated 30,000 troops in the country are concentrated . Israel is expected to turn its gunsights on the Syrians in the valley once the PLO leaves west Beirut. Jerusalem has insisted since the outset of the invasion that it will not leave Le banon untiJ all foreign forces depart. Meanwhile, Mother Teresa, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, helped evac uate Rima and 36 other retarded and handicapped ..,children from a shell--shattered ~irut hospital on Sunday. Rima had sat in a corner sobbing softly and threatening to kill he rself if she were not allowed to return to west Beirut. But there were reassu ring words for the girl from Mother Teresa. "Tell her that I promise she will return as soon as the shelling stops. I will open a house there on the west side and she will be the first to go back, I promise.'' the 72-year-old nun said to an interpreter. But Rima was n ol to be consoled as she gazed a t the strange surroundings and cried for her lost friends in west Beirut, the target of Israeli forces who invaded June 6 to drive out Palestinian guerrillas. Sarrua, who is so d eformed sh~ can only move by c rawling, overheard Mother Teresa and her face immediately lit up at the thought o f returni~to the hospital she has called"home for the past 12 yellrs. r ., "The toss ot the child is the beginning of au the trouble in the world . OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT ·- "' HEHIR CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC DR . STEPHEN E. HEHIR PALMEt . GR ADUATE Longtime resident of Newport Beach has now opened an office In the area to serve residents of the ctty end surrounding area Dr. Hehir has had vast experience In treating patients foe 13 years. The dOCtOf maintains a large prectlee In the Los Angeles area and Is now elso available IOI' conaultatlon and treatment here In Orange County. Dr. Hehir orlglnally practiced In Australia for a nymbe< of years. If you have any ~roblems that may be chlropra~t~relat~. can the doctOI' IOI' a consultation. Gon•!.eod Full Spine T ech.Jique Cs/I for an appointment. You wlll be pleased you did. 631 -7494 1731 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa 92627 -llo- mor111111 1nd 111enln' and a .... Ayt .... ~ ... .... CMr oll a n oe or t ao a l ed '"""".-0..,• from MUtMm Zume , 3 13 1 2 SW ~ t :H a.m. 1·1 ' low 2:H p.m. , ......... '° ..-rn ...u. Senta MOftlo4 1 • 3 13 .J:I:: wlll range fro"' Ille Hewoort Beach a 3 14 lllLae ........ to M lll Sen 0teoo COvnty 2 3 14 Owe111 Valley, In Ille 10• In ~ ...... fromH to tOl 111 Ov1IOOlll for Tu.day. Litt le CharlOa· , 2 8W 1 2 SW t 1 w hoond hi9ll Ut p.m. 1.0 ' 8un Mte IOdl y II f:31 p.m., • '"" Tveeclty at 1:11 '1"· Moon rlMI today at 11:2 t p.m., Mii l:Ot Lm. JI I • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Mond1y, Augu1t 18, 1ff2 s "' P~nama power play National Guard still calling political shots PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) -Tho national l\W'(i, after toran, President Aristidee Royo to realgn, la openly utertina the polltlcal power lt hu wielded Ii.nee 1968. Althouah anQther clvlllan , • Vice Prealdent Ricardo de la Eaprlella, aucceeded Royo on July 30, the commander of the 10,000-member guard, Brig. Gen. Ruben Dario Paredes, is Calling the shots. Soon atter de la Espriella took the oath of office, Paredes ordered all newspapers to suspend publication for seven days and "suggested" that all cabinet ministers resign. They promptly obliged. "Real power still lies with the national guard; we will not utter fallacies," the general told a meeting of business and political leaders. Panama Canal In new treatJee with the VnJt.ed Statea. He named Royo president ln 1978, a move aeen u democratic wlndow -dreuine to make Panama'• tmaae more palatable to the U.S. CongreM when the canal treaties were In trouble there. Aa commander of the national guard, Panama'• only military force, Torrijos continued to rule from behind the scenes. Torrijos was killed in a plane craah on July 31 of last year, but Royo, 41, failed to assume his men tor's authority. As the rightist and leftist factions of Torrijos' Democratic Revolutionary Party feuded more and more, he became increa.slnSly unpopular and was blamed for labor unrest, inflation and administrative corruption. Florez, who wu le. lnclined to l.nvolve the guard ill polit.lc9. The guard'• leader• viewed Royo, a fonner student .ct.lvtat and education minister, aa a dangerous left.I.It. He waa forced out a week after he vlaited Venezuela and called for creation of a regional organization that Would exclude the United Stat.n and include Cuba in reprlsa.1 for the Reagan administration's support of Britain In the Falklands war. Three days after becoming president, de la Espriella, a 47-yea r -old U .S .-trained economist and former banker, told a news conference the United States should not be barred from any inter-American organz.ation. AB president. he is expect ed to con centrate on managing the economy. J LIGHTHOUSE LEASING? -The Coast Guard is asking district commanders to consider leasing the nation's 450 unmanned lighthouses lo agencies and individuals. They say it is the last resort lo prevent the nautical AP Wlr9ptloto landmarks from deteriorating beyond repair. One of these lighthouses is the Portland Head Lighthouse sh own h ere on Maine's rockbound coast. Paredes stressed that national elections would be held on schedule in 1984, whe n "authority will return to the presidential palace through the magic power of the vote." He reportedJy plans to retire by then and run for president. . P&n!des, 48, started his power bad in March by toppling Torrijos' successor as national guard conunander, Col. Florencio AB president, de la Espriella is barred by law from succeeding himself. Japanese-Americans to ge( reparations? Vatican :Pressured tO clarify its role in financial scandal The ouster of Royo, who said he quit because of a "throat infection," ·and Paredes' display of authority are par t of the power struggle to succeed the SACRAMENTO (AP) -from state civil service jobs in late Brig. Gen. Omar Torrijos as Japanese-Americans who were 1942. strongman of one of the few fired from state jobs after World The firings followed passage of Central American countries not War II broke out could get up to a legislative resolution directing ROME (AP) -The collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, Italy's largest private bank, has brought new pressure on the Vatican to.clarify its role in one of Italy's worst postwar financial scandals. The controversy centers on the relationship between Banco Ambrosiano's late President Roberto Calvi and the Vatican bank, headed by A,merican Archbishop Paul C. Marcinkus. threatened by civil strife. It is a $5,000 in compen.saUon under a the state Personnel Board to It also involves Calvi's rise country where the United States bill approved by the Legislature. investigate the loyalty of all state from ambitious banking clerk to has 10,000 troops watching over The Senate sent the bill to workers. president of the company, his the security of the region. Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. on a Under the bill, those former suicide and an international trail Torrijos ruled Panama as a 24-4 vote. employees could receive up to of murky busin~ deals. populist dictator for lO years The measure, AB2710 by $1,250 for each of four years, The Treasury Ministry alteracoupinl968.Heskillfully Assemblyman Pat Johnston, D-Marchll>42toJanuaryl947,that liquidated Banco Ambrosiano balanced leftist and conservative Stockton, would authorize they were denied state jobs. Aug. 6 and named a group of interests at home and abroad payments to 314 Japanese-In 1947 the st.ate gave those Bizarre note aids 'forgotten woman' seven banks to take over the while wimning control of the Americans who were dismissed employees 10 days to claim their financially troubled operation. Conner positions. Only 10 did. · Banco Ambrosiano's problems Johnston estimated that only stem from $1.4 billion in loans atx>ut 100 people would apply for that Calvi engineered -the payments. allegedly on the strength of a Supporters said the bill woulp letter of patronage from provide a partial reparation for Marcinkus -for se~ral obscure wages the workers Jost as a result ·~· NORMAN. Okla. (AP) -A note tossed out a window of the county jail led to the release of a 42-year-old woman who had remained locked up for 56 days after officials apparently forgot atx>ut her, a prosecutor says. "Somebody please help me," her note read. "I think somebody goofed. I have been in jail since June 14 for not being able to pay a $35 fine for trespassing on an OU (University of Oklahoma) sidewalk after midnight." The woman, who was arrested under the name Kay Hayes but uses several other names, dropped the note out the window ?r,1onday. She was transferre9 tnat afternoon to Griffin Memorial Hospital as a mental patient. "I have never known anything like this to happen," said Larry Tedder, Cleveland County assistant district attorney. "I've never seen a case like this and I don't imagine I'll ever see one like it again." Tedder said the woman was arrested June 15 on a bench warrant for failing to appear in January 1981 to pay $136 on a 1979 misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence of alcohol. She was under a court order to either pay the costs or serve time in jail in lieu of costs. Tedder said. At least 21 of the 56 days were served in excess of the judgment against her, Tedder said. "In a case like this, everyone muat share the blame to some extent." Tedder said Ordin.arily the Jail administrator keeps track of paperwork and is W1 charge of releasing prisoners once their time is served, Tedder said. Sheriff C. W. "Bill" Porter, however, said the jailer thought the woman was awaiting a trial because her jail records showed an arr.aignment appearance before Special District Judge Bill Hetherington the day after she was arrested. . Hetherington said he thought he \old an assistant district attorney to see to it that the woman was committed to a mental hospital. According to Tedder, and alter lengthy research into the case, he said no one in the office recalls a conversation like that. "I'm not saying it didn't occur. I'm just saying if it occurred, 1t was done informally and not as 8.J1 official proceeding," Tedder said. At the appearance before Hetherington, she denied being the woman named in the misdemeanor charge and she was returned to jail until officials could verify her identity. Tedder said. "The verification was made by our office, and that was our last contact with her," he said. Tedder said he believes jailers should have contacted someone in the district attorney's office if they thought she was having severe mental problems, "and certainly they should have released her once she had served enough time to cover her fine and costs." Apparently she has no family or friends in the area, so no one checked on "her. and she never asked for an attorney~ Tedder said. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Ctaaalfled advertising 7141642-5678 Alt other ct.partment• 642~321 Thomu P. Hatev . Pu~ end ~lllf E'ucuu .. °'"'* Kay Schultz lllc:el'J....,..., .,,., OlfeclOt ol A-.llllnQ Tom Murphlne EdttOt Mike Harvey Olr«IOt ol Mer\etlng (Ci<culeliOnl Ken Goddard - Olf«IOt ol °'* llllOn• Ray Maclean COflV- T om McCann ....... !411or MAIN OFFICE lJO Wilt Bay SI , Coote MeM. CA. ~11 addrau: &o• U.O, c .. ca AM..-,.cA. ntlt C09yrf9M 1"2 Or-eo.st P-lllllno '-' No,,_,''°' .. '· lllut1rallor11, ... llorla l m.n ... or .O verllM.....,t> ,...,..,. m•Y i.. ••swoctuced •fl"""' -··· PtrmlHIOtl ol <oPY•'9/>I OWNr .VOL.. 75, NO. 221 Panamanian companies that of their dismissals. apparently were unable or The firings demonstrated that unwilling to repay the debt,. civil liberties can "be lost by a Marcinkus has denied any vote of the Legislature," said wrongdoing. Senate Majority Leader John Apparently because of that Garamendi, D-Walnut Grove. letter and reports that the But some conservatives said Vatica n o wns part of the preeent-day taxpayers shouldn't P a n a m a n i a n co m pa n le s . have to pay for the actions of a Treasury Ministei:: Beniamino past generation. Andreatta called on the Vatican "An awful lot of taxpayers bank to assume its share of were not even tx>rn when this responsibility for the debt. 1tappened," said Sen. H .L . A4 president, Mardnkus has Richardson, R -Arcadia, who virttlal autonomy in runnirig the referred to the firings as a bank, known formally as the "so-called evil." Institute for Religious Works. It "Should they have to pay for provides normal banking services the crimes of their parents?" for its estimated 7,000 customers, Richardson asked. mostly religious organizations He said that if some wanted to and members of the clergy. "take up a collection (for the The Italian government and fired employees) I might be the Vatican have been at odds willing to kick $5 into the pot." i:ince the scandal first broke in Sen. Nichola~ Petris, D - June. That struggle escalated last Oakland, called Richardson's month when a Milan prosecutor comments "the most outrageous investigating the Calvi scandal statements that I have heard sent Marcinkus ant: two lay since I became a ·member of the officers of the bank official Legislature. notification that they were being "There are burdens and investjgated. benefits in this society," he The Vatican refused to accept added, saying that young the notices, saying they had not taxpayers benefitted fro m been sent by proper diplomatic u ...,......,. American war efforts in World channels to the independent MOCK FUNERAL HELD -Libertarian Party gubernatorial War II but did not have to pay city-state. candidate Dan Dougherty kneels beside a casket on the steps for it. It was not known what the of the state Library and Courts Building near the Capitol in "Should we stand here and notices said, but Italy's leading Sacramento. Dougherty held a mock funeral service for talk atx>ut so-called wrongs?" he daily, Corriere della Sera, quoted Proposition 13, saving the state S u preme Court had killed 1.t. asked. "l cannot believe my unidentified sources as saying the J~· ears.'' ~ree men were sus~c~d of 1-----------------------------~~~--------~-- fraud. How the Vatican got involved in the scandaJ is a complicated story involving the wheeling and dealing of Calvi, who rose from a bank clerk to president of Banco Ambrosiano. Because of his success -the bank's profits tripled ln 1981 - Calvi was allowed a· tremendous amount of leeway by.the bank's board of directors in making financial deals. Accordlng to financial sources and presa accounts, Calvi used that power to arrange $1.4 billion ln loans from a bank holding company to three other subsidiaries of Banco Ambrosiano in La tin America and the Caribbean. The subsidiaries then loaned the money to Panamanian front companies, the aourcee aald. Calvi reportedly raised. the money for the high-risk loana using a letter of patronage algned by Mard.nkus. at-czascz. fbr bJy.s ... thz. classic knit ,aasy catlZ P?ly/ooLton b'kz.nd. in a minlxw or color.s . aiztz.5 B-20. " D.-,,.. .... _, ............ We're Listening ••• ct L(i;::~:B=).~.~ J .-, Wha~ do you likf about the Daily Pilot? Whal don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded transcribed_ and delivered lo the appropriate editor. · ' The same 24 -hour answering ser vlct may be used tb record let· ter~ to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributor• must Include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, please. ' Tell us what's on your mlnd. 1001 \4.btwood Blvd .• Wntwood "'"•. 213/208-3273 ' -.,.....---. .. Ortnge Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augu1t 1e, 1812 SING A SONG -The Sheffield Youth Choir, on an American tour from England, appeared recently al Estancia High School in Costa ~~~\ Deity l'ttot ll•ft f'tlolo Mesa. Choir members stayed with Cost.a Mella families during their three-day stay along the Orange Coast. ... ,,~ •' Gas-savers suspect By PAT HOROWITZ Of the D.if1 l'ttot lteft DEAR PAT: I've tried to reach a person wbo was selling a gasoline·savlng device at tbe Orange County Fair, but I haven't bad any lack. Do you know of any way to contact tbb man or bis company? D D 1 ID .. , rv e The marketing department of the Orange County Fair provided the information you want and it is being mailed to you. A YS won't mention the name of this device or its seller because of the several hundred devices on the market which claim to save gasoline. few do any good. several may be marginal and some actually can do harm. Air bleed devices are supposed to allow additional air to enter as a way of saving gasoline under certain condition s, such as acceleration and hill-climbing. They can increase engine wear and clog carbure tor passages. Vapor injecwrs are similar to air bleed devices, but the air is bubbled through a mixture of water and antifreeze. Promoters of these devices often advertise their claims in bold language and frequently use consumer testimonials to praise the product's soundness. To mean anything, advertising claims must be supported by independent testing using a standard Environmental Protectiol) Agency dynamometer test to determine fuel economy, emissions and drivability. So far, federal agency tests have not supported the manufacturers' claims for these devices. Don't assume a device works because it's being sold. Preparing a court case to remove a product from the mar ket can be very expensive and time-consuming. Even when a case is successful the product may reappear under a different name and the game starts all over again. Booklet on cholesterol DEAR READERS: Cholesterol deposited in the arteries of its citizens has become a national health problem in the United States and many investigators believe it to be a major cause of heart disease. Cholesterol is a whitish. lard-appearing substance that is only found in animal tissue. When cholesterol collects in the arteries they become constricted, leaving less space through which blood can flow. Circulation becomes impaired, often seriously -sometime fatally. Oxygen and food reach the tissues less rapidly ,. and gradually the tissues ~ harmed. Visual problems are said to be complicated by cholesterol narrowing the blood vessels to the eyes. Similarly, it is believed that clogging of the arteries with cholesterol causes leg cramps -particularly a.t night when inactivity further reduces circulation. To limit cholesterol intake it is necessary to limit ~nsumption of foods rich in saturated fats, such as meat, butter and whole milk dairy products. "The Cholesterol and Food" booklet, published by Consumer F.ducation Research Center, a national non-profit co~umer group, is a pocket-sit.ed reference source with an alphabetical listing of the cholesterol count ln a wide range of foods from anchovies (275 milligrams in one-and-one-half ounces) to yams (no cholesterol). _ The guide, written by Dr. Sally Johnson Lerager and Carol Franz, points out that the average cholesterol count in blood sample should be approximately 150 to 230 milligrams and advises that daily cholesterol intake should not exceed 300 milligrams. The guide is available for $2 (check or money order) from Consumer Education Research Center, 17 · Freeman St. West Orange, N.J . 07052. . Boss can't use W-4s DEAR PAT: I'm tbe sole proprietor of a s mall ba1lne11 and I bave my tbree employees fill oat W-4 forms to take care of tbelr wltbboldlng1. Cu't I do one for myself and avoid maldng estimated tax paxment1? K.L., Buntlngton Beach The Internal Revenue Service says, "No!" You cannot b e an employee of yourself. Because you are self-employed you ·are required to make estimated tax payments on a quarterly basis. • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat' Horowitz. Pat will cut red tJJpe, 't l getting the answers and action you • need to solve inequities in r1 government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pi.lot, P.O. Box 1560, Ca9ta Mesa, CA 92626. As many Jett.en as possible wi1rbe answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's full name, address. and bosiness hours' phone number .cannot be considered. :J.eminine · ALL MAKES! :833-0555 W For Roy, W$( SPlCIAllST ot HOWARD Chevrotet eo.-of Oo'4 -°""' '" EACH _ _, • • If lt'Sgol e handles I you'll 1r•b ..... · faster In · Dally Piiot clautfled ads. can 642-•n • Posture • Circulation • Slim Hips • Tichten Buttocks • AEROBICS Deeltned for th. Mature WomonO • Bad Back? Try Our Therapeutic Lounce~ • Homl lAtlts Av1i1ble AIW•Y• A 8uperv1Md Progr•m • (714) 964-5242 Murder trial delayed • By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL MIM 0.-, ...... 8Wf A two-week delay wu ordered after an expert in the "batlered 1pouae'' 1yndrome teeUfled in the eecond trial ln which Newport Beach p1ycholosl1t Telford Moore la facing murder charges. Moore, 37, ii accuaed of the gun.1h12t slaying of his former lover and busine11 a11oclate, Stanley .Eapinda, with whom he lived at a fuhionable Spygl.aaa Hill re1idence. The 1hooting occl,.UTed in November of 1980. The jury in Moore'• fl.rat trial was unable to reach a verdict. Nine jurors voted for 1econd- degree murder, three favored a verdict of v o luntary manalaught.er. During Thursday 's proceedl.ngs, Moore waived his right to trial by jW)'. Instead, the outcome of the case will be determined by Orange County Superior Court Judge Myron Brown. He is the jurist who presided over the first trial. Aft.er the waiver was entered by defense attorney Al Swk.ke, psyc hologist Lenore Walker testified that Moore was unable tD form the intent to kill Espinda because of his overwrought emotional state. During the first trial, Moore testified that he was physically and emotionall)L abused by Espinda. Moore claimed Espinda was preventing him from having a relationship with fl female friend, Glory Lane. Moore has remained free on bail during his lengthy legal proceedings. The trial is scheduled to continue Aug. 27. 662-year sente_nce BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - A Thai woman ac cused of e m bezzlement has been sentenced to 662 years in jail, the English-language newspaper The Nation Review reported. MIC•75 24.88And 27.88E<L lntdtvleAon" Actton 4tom•• E~y the super-octlOn lhllll of NFL• Footboll Bowling or Space Ho wk'• cort11dges Bf JAMES DIPESO OfUMD.ity ..... lt.ft There'a no doubt that om.-e movie fans la t.ch onto a particular set of characters it's a safe bet prOducers will crank out sequel after sequel to m ilk the market. Two ot the m dre popular films o f this movie-going s ummer are sequels, "Star Trek U" and "Rocky [0." 1n the..fonner, Captain l(jrk, Mr. Spock and the rest of the ol~ gan~ from G ene Roddenberry's n ow -legendary television series face something called the wrath of K.han. In the latte r , the ihdefatigable boxer from Philly teams up with his old n e mesis, Apollo Creed to reclaim the heavyweight title fro,;, a thoroughly detestable character na med Clubber Lang. Considering the millions of dollars both of these sequels have rake d in, ther~'s no doubt we'll be seeing a "Star Trek ID" and a "Rocky IV" some summer to come. But therein lies the problem. 01Puo Mr. Spock, undoubtedly the most popular character in the Star Tre k pa ntheon, appa re ntly d ied in th e latest adventure as the Enterprise crew battled agai nst certain d_oom_. TJ:1e thoug~t of Captain Kirk w ithqµt his Vulcan side kick is almost incomprehensible to Trekkies. Rocky also has a proble m . Afte r wresting the heavyweight title back from the fearsome Lang, he has no ~ore worlds to conquer. He's even become chummy with has old enemy Creed. The solution to both dilemmas 1s very simple. Bring together the talent, cut the production costs and save the fans some ticket money by combining t h e two stories. Make Rocky Balboa the n e w executive o fficer aboard the Enterprise. . ~t the ve r)o'. leas t , the re la tion ship be tween the mtu1t1ve, dynamic Kirk and the emphatically down-to- earth Balboa would be worth e xploring in a new film. And for t_hose who love action , the -prospect of the Ita lia n Stallion battling cosmic villains has got to be e xciting. Instead of the Vulcan death grip, th ere would be lef t hooks and ':1ppercuts. In place of pure logic would be the eye of the tiger. . Perha~ even the sullen Clubber L ang could team up with the Klingons and really give the Enterprise a r un for its mon ey. (Anyone who has se\?n both Star Tre k and Rocky would have to agree tha t M r . T has far mo re credibility as a bad guy than some washed up Chrysler salesman.) It just might work. Perhaps such a n experiment could spawn other hybrids. Superman wit h E.T .? C heech and Chong with TRON'? The possibilities are e ndless . Mon. Thru Wect., Aug. l6-1a,4f9a2 c:=-r-.... The Saving Place,. • K marr Sale price Less Factory Rebate - Your Net $ Co~t After Factory Rebate 1ntell1111s10r1• oet1vers on unprecedented te11e1 ot plover 1nvot11e ment with o spec1011v oes1gneo Moster Comoonenr that mo~es this on eJrtremetv 11ersollle game unit 1nte1111111s1c:>n'! offers o w ide 'onge of fhlllls trom the e•c1ten"lent of on lf"le·flelcJ " sporting events to the out-ot this w01td ct1011enge ot 'l bottle 1n outer space toe:,._ CO'~ tOIO .eoarot ... ...... ~ •f'flOl'VOCV... ,...,..,...,_ .. • AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL Kmart ' ,. -. Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augu1t 18, 1882 Al Putting In their two bits Costa Mesa entrepreneurs sive their undivid ed a ttention to 'Quarters' By STEVE MITCHELL OfeM Dellr ......... One would think the beer drlnken of the world could set along juat fine without an official rule book for the aame o t ''Quartera." Not IO, aay Co.ta Mesa entrep~neura Erl.c Franz and Brad Howe who recently published 24 pages outlinlna•the doe and don't.s of the popular dr1n.klng game. . And what could be more simple? "\'ou just bounce a quarter of( a table into. a half-full beer glaaa. If the quarter lanc:b inside the glass, the bouncee polnta to a fellow participant who must drink the beer. It's one bounce per customer as their turn comes up and the game continues unttl 1) the beer la gone, 2) the participant ls gone, or 3) 10meone wanta to quit. But, as in all games ot skill, there are rules, the two Orange Coast College students insist. Thus, the "One and Only Official Quarters Rule Book," published by the Enc Randall Co., P .O. Box 7200, Costa Mesa. The price? Twelve quarters. '). The boo klet is chock-full of rllles, variations, description of equipment needed, strategies, and even a glossary of "Quarters" vocabulary. For example: KERPLUNK -This is the result when a "Quarters" player s uccessfully bounces a coin off the table and into a g lass. Flipper wins-unless he tells opponent to "drink" insteaa of "swim." "lt'a not polite to point," Eric Mid. "And the foremott concern la to keep thla a polite lltllne." "Politeneea la the malnatay in 'Quart.ert' ," agreed Brad. "It'• almoat p repple In concept,'' he explained. "No profanity la allowed, no potnUng, and no bouncing the quarter Into a full ashtray." The conaequencea of auch vile vt$tiona? The offender must awlm. Now, Eric and Brad do not advocate the use of al&hol. "Quarters," they say, can successfully be played with a glass of aoda, water, or even milk. It you like milk. On the other hand, advanced players may substitute hard liquor for beer. Or margaritas. Even boilermakers. One might surmise that bo uncing quarters into a full martini glass would make for a much shorter game. If ''Quart.era" rule book sales take off like ,. the enterprising duo expects, you'JI find other products in llquor stores and market.9. Eric and Brad h ave design s for "Quarters" glasses, towels, and even a bumper sticker. In the meantime, they're working on a second book. "The World of Drinking Games." COIN CO~CENTRATION -Eric Franz prepares to bounce a quarter mto a ~lass of brew as his partner, Brad Howe looks on. The two have published a book of rules outlining the game of "Quarters." One must not say "drink" when ordering an opponent to down the glass of brew. One must say "swim." If one does says "drink" instead of "swim," the culprit must himself drink--er, swim. Another "Quarters" no-Q,S> is pointing to the intended with the finger. When the su~ful bouncee designates his victim, he must point with the elbow. "Basically, we're both incredible capitalistS.'1 Eric said with a smile. They fully expect to be millionaires in two years. That's when they both tum 21. You know. The "legaJ drinking age. A Robinsons Sale TOWLE STERLING SILVER SPECTACULAR FOR ONE WEEK ONLY ~U CAN ACQUIRE 4·PC. PLACE SE1TINGS OF FAMOUS QUALITY STERLING AT OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR • It's the ultimate touch of elegance for your formal table and a shining symbol of the quality and good taste your home reflects. And our famous Towle sterling is carefully crafted and perfectly balanced to give you a lifetime of beauty and service Select your favorite from our six lovely patterns-you can purchase as many settings as you wish. to begin your silver service or add to your present set. And you can buy 6-pc hostess sets (butter knife. sugar spoon. cold meat fork. gravy ladle, plain and pierced tablespoon), S275·SV5. tn matching designs for a lmal luxurious touch But don't delay. our offer is 1n effect August 15 through August 21 ORiy , so hurry 1n to Robinsons Silver Flatware. 181 To order.or for Silver Club information . call toll-free 1·800·345·8501 TOWLE STERLING PATIERNS 4-pc place selling place k111le place fork salad fotk 1easooon 16 PC sPrv1CP lor 4 tour 4 pc plrlCP <;Pll<noo; '32 pc SP•v•ce tor 8 P•Qhl 4 pr plare <;Pltonqs Q1d Ma~'"' ~I Grandre Oueen Elt1aoe1h Grand Ouchesq Now S356 Monthly Payment $25 Now S396 Monthly Paymen1 $25 N ow ss16 Monthly Payment $25 •The Solver Club Plan Is available only lor purchases or S200 or morP ·•Add only 6% sales tax for deliveries outside ~os Angele$ county Now s712 Monthly Payment $35 Now $792 Monthly Payment ' $40 Now Sl,032 Monthly Payment $50 411 oc o;PrvorP tor 1;.> lwelvf' 4 PC O' 1C"t' Sf'fl•!'tQ' Now s1,068 Monthly Payment $50 Now Sl ,188 Monthly Paymenl $55 Now Sl,548 Monthly Payment $70 JOIN OUR SILVER CLUB: UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY. NO FINANCE CHAROEt Here's an example ot rtow lhe plan works a c;erv1("(' tor 8 1e1ghl d pc place set1ongs) 1n the Old Master pattern 11 S792 plus 6 '11 •;, sale~ taii• • ol S51 84, tor 11 iota I or S84l 48 Your payments will be S40 lor 21 mon1hs wlth e llnal payment of SJ 48 (Sub1ect _. to credit ai>c:>rorc11 ) tNO FINANCE CMAAGE II reQu1red monthly payments are made by the billing date The amount ot the mtn1mum monthly payment required is ttle greater ot S25 or 1124th or the highes1 new balance owing at any time rounded to FINANCE CHARGE ol SOC as permilled by law. or a FINANCE CHARGE 11 1mp0sed wtll be compuled al a per1001c rate ot I 6'1, per month ( 19 2o/o ANt.llJwii. PERCENTAGE RATE) on Average Dilly Balances of S1 .000 or iess and 1 % per month (ANNUAL PERCENTAG~ RATE OF 12-,..) on that Portion ol the'Average Deity Balances over the ne.111 111gnes1 whole dollar A FINANCE CHARGE may be •moosed 11 required mo.ly payments are not paid when due and m1w ba 1moosed unltl lhe accounl 1s no longer 1n delault we charge the greater ol a minimum $1 .000 FINANCE CHARGES will be computed on the Average Dally Balance which 1s ·determlned by lolaling the balance ou1111ndmo lor elch day du11n~ the IT)Onthly bllltng period and dividing tr111 total by the number ol days in the monthly billing period The balance oulstandlng lor each day Is determined bv subtr11c11ng any payments end/or credits during that day lrom lh~ previous dev·s outstanding balance The Sliver Club Pian is available on1v lor purch&1ea ot S200 Of mo1e • .( .. ____________________________________________ ..................................................... .., .... ..... l ROllNION'S COMPU!EBIZID WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY •, MAKE AN APPOINT•NT WITH OUR CONSULTANT AT YOUR NEAREST ROBINSON'S. ., · WEU RECORD YO~R GIFT PREFERENCES IN MR~ .ITORI VIAntE ONLY COMPUTERIZED SERVICE IN SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA. J • ( I , • . ~ "" I ·"1 Al O,_nge Cout DAILY PIL.OTIMC>f'dl'f, Augu1t ~e. 1082 Watt takes a knock in court oil ruling To the undying gratitude of almost everybody concerned over protection of our natural coastal assets, Interior Secretary James G . Watt got napped on the knuckles rather well last week by the courts on his offshore oil campaign. Watt had been appealing a decision by U .S. District Judge Marianna R. Pfaelzer of one year ago on the secretary's push to sell oil leases off the San Luis Obispo County coastline. Judge Pfaelzer had ruled that Watt must operate "all activities on these tracts in a manner consi sten t with California's coastal manage ment · plan." This develops as one clear case where the California Coastal Act has provicted som e real protection for our Pacific Ocean and its environment. It s lowed Watt down for a change in his apparent all-out drive to plant offshore oil rigs all up and down the California coastline. Nevertheless. Watt appealed J u dge Pfaelzer's rulin~. Now a three-justice panel of· the U .S . 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled generally to uphold the judge in her trial court decision. The justices, however, did not support all of her findings and in fact did modify the wording so that the federal oil campaigner need not conform t<r the absolute letter of California's coastal protection laws. . The appeala court aaid that Secretary Watt must hold up on selling off the 29 oll tracts until he has compiled "consistent, to the maximum extent practicable, with the California coastal zone management plan." This would suggest that the court is saying Watt doesn't have to comply with coastal rules every step of the way, but he does have to come close. Gov. Edmund G . Brown, Jr., hailed the decision as "a victory for everyone" and Coastal Commission Executive Secretary Michael Fischer has indicated his belief that Watt has been caught up short in his efforts to bulldoze through the oil tract sales. Before everybody should become totally enchanted with the turn of events in the appeals court, however, it shouW be noted that Secretary Watt has proved to be singl e-minded and bull-~eaded in his drive to sell off 011 land beneath the sea. He has been quoted as saying that should the decision go against Interior's plans. he would appeal the case all the way to the Supreme Court o f the United States. It can be anticipated he will do just that .. Our prayer, then, should be that the outcome of that appeal remains as it did at the 9th Circuit Court level. Free speech hacked U.S . District Judge Malcolm M. Lucas has now knocked down a federal dictum that said public broadcasting stations cannot offer their listeners or viewers editorial opinions. Judge Lucas said this is a clear violation of freedom of speech under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The jurist note d that the courts "have consistently held that statutes restricting the discussion of public issues can withstand scrutiny under the First Amendment only if they serve a compelling stale interest and are narrowly tailored to that end." Judge Lucas found no such compelling interest. Clearly, if commer cial television and radio stations are within their rights to broadcast opinions -and we certainl~ think they are -there is no reason whatsoever that the same right of free speech s h ould not be extended to public broadcasters. .Judge Lu cas made an e nlightened and proper decision. Parole action 'justified Patricia Krenwinkel, on e of the Charles Manson killers who participated in· the bludgeonings and stabbings in the seven Tale· LaBianca murders 13 years ago in California, was denied parole last week. The parole board said the ~rimes were so shocking and • bizarre that Krenwinkel would be an unreasonable risk if she were freed to roam amid the citizenry. Board members said her ghastly acts would weigh heavily against any consideration for her release in the years ahead. Good enouj!h. Opinions eicpressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pi1_9:mtner views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and art is ts. Reader mment is invit· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P 0 . Box 1560, Costa Mes.a, CA 926 6. Phone <714) 6'2·,321. L.M. Boyd/ Hitler's words Q. What were Adolf Hitler's last known words? A. "I hope the> room reserved for me in hell has a ceiling fan." That, according to former SS Lieutenant Friu Oberg, who claims to be the next-to-last person Hitler spoke to. Last person was Hitler's wife, and their remarks before their double suicide were unrerorded. Ambulance attendants always load patients into ambulances head first. Life support gear is right behind the driver'S'se.at, that's why Q . Can you name any famous writer who really committed • crime so he could be sent to jail to get Ume to write? A. That's suppoied}y the story of England's John Galsworthy. Claim ls he put ori old clothes, wrapped a brick • ln a brown paper bag, and threw it ~ a plate glaae window, then spent the neX1 lix months in prilon under an .. wned name. Out of that came hia play, "Justice." At noon on Jan. 15, 1919, ln Bolton, an explosion kicked open a huge molulet tank. The cylindrical sides toppled outward, knoddna down 10 ~ buildlnga. Two mllilon pllona of molulel oozed into' the streets. Twenty-«ie people died and another " ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat .. IAll ...... ~ ... , °" , ........ , :no -••• '4 . c..i~ ,.,. ... ...., "'" u ... ,.,._M• 1• It• IMO., .... -· CA tu:i. l J 50 were injured, JnOS1 trapped in e sticky deluge. No disaster quite e this one ever happened before, and certainly none since. Why can't somebody figure out an easy way to get' sunflower seed hulb out of artificial turf? Players spit them out. G roundsk eepers at s ports stadiums say that's one of their toughest chores. More than ha11 the restaurants In the United States won't serve blind people with guide dogs. Thirty-five percent of the American women are starved for physical romance, according to a recent study by the. Western Psychiatric lnaUtute of Piftaburgh. How many men are likewise hungering lll not in \his record. Quite a many, no doubL Still, our Love and War man rejects the notion that the government ahould 1l8ue .ex atampe. Too trtvolous. Sad, lf true, this report. Certain b ig cockroaches on Carlbtiean 'lalanda hial loudly enough to be heard 50 feiet away. r -"""-Nobody in Juav.au, Alaska, 1ot there by car. Did 1 tell you cen:nU• are blind? Thomas P. Haley Pub II sher Thoma1 A. Murpfllne Editor Bar~ra Kreibich Edltorl•I P• Editor Letters to. the editor Traffic views miss the mark To the F.dltor: Your editorial on the traffic problems of Irvine's CuJverdale residents, as well as previous cov•rage of the situation, (Daily Pilot, Aug. 3) is woefully inadequate. The main concern of Culverdale residents is not with the , i.rritations of having a long wait to get out of our community but with the danger involved to our children as well as the fear of automobile accidents. All of the people who testJfied at the Irvine City Council meeting made that perfectly clear and if you would read the tranacripts, you wouJd find this to be the case. A price of $180,000 is cheap to put on a pel'llOn's life or limb. The lack of technical need, whatever that means, is a ridiculous, bureaucratic term when our children must cross six lanes of traffic to go north or two freeway on-ramps to go south without benefit of traffic: control. We were promised by the City Council that our problems would be rectified and I for one will remember at election time if something is not done within the next few months. It is outrageous that we must wait until a child is la11ed or seriously injured to get the traffic control we need. KRISTIN COLWICK Our tax ing ripo!f To the &iitor: The Tax Rip Off Game has become an American traditi!)n. President Reagan has fed the American public a large dose of "Supply Side F.conomica." This hog wash has had disastrous results. To date almost 10 percent of the American work force is unemployed. That totals over 11 million people. We now have an estimated budget deficit of close to one }J.undred and fifty billion dollars for 1982. The only untouchable sacred cow is defense spending. With our military mentality i.rl Washington, D.C., rumor has it that defense spending will exceed two hu.n~ and fifty billion dollars. This probably doesn't include the CIA or the FBI budget. The victims are the taxpayers and senior citizens who live on Social Security., SSI and small pensions, etc. NOW TO CALIFORNIA : In Sacramento we face Governor Brown's "medfly mentality." The victims are the taxpayers. the college students, the college professors, and, of course, the senior citizens who live on Social Security, SSI, and small pensions. IN LAGUNA BEACH the tax rip off game is different and it is unique. It is kept a deep, dark aecret. For example a taxpayer made a written request, and a public request at the Council Chambers. The citiz.en wanted to know how much money waa collected in the past three years in dump fees. Here Qty Manager Ken Frank was at his dtteptlve and evasive best. After much probing, he admitted the following: the total collected for 1980-81 was $30,000, that the year before it was approximately $70,000 and that it was probably more than that the year before. It ta reasonaf?le to 888ume that theae figures with prior years included could eaally exceed $500,000. A reasonable question: why were not theee funda put into a trust accou.nt and with the accrued interest I.lied for the purpoee for which the money was collected? HOW MANY OTHER tax collections over the yean have played Ruulan Roulette at taxpayers' expen.1e? How many other time. have the dti.zena of Laguna Beech been taxed and overtaxed by theee ~ htppenlnp1 Ia the dty manapr dolng the NIM th1na w1th in-lieu parking feee? When WU the lu\ time Lacuna Beech had a complet.f and -(hOT'C>'-'&h outalde •udlt of our pneral tunda! Concerned dtbem l"eclU.t th1I audit bet:ndnow. ALAN E. ADAMS Pothole city To the Editor: Now that the Peclflc Fect.ral f adllty !a r'MC.hln, compt.Uon at the comer of Newport Boulevard and lN\ Street J.n c.o.ta M-, tt la perhape appropr1ate to draw atten t{qn to the fact that th• it.retch of 18'\h Stte.t In front of \hi.a MAILBOX handsome building between Newport and Harbor bo~vards is probably one of the worst in the whole of the city of Costa Mesa. lt has been probably one o( the worst stretches of street in Costa Mesa for at least the past 10 years. , We have heard recently of the catastroph~ in Los Angeles when the city volunteered to repair poth oles on around-the-clock basis. In the space of one day over 1,000 people called city hall to request that their own "private" pothole be repaired by the city; needless to say the cost of running such a program would be prohibitive The stretch of street I am referririg to in Costa Mesa is very close to becoming one very large pothole. It would seem to me that, in accommodating Pacific Federal's heavy trucks which frequently use this stretch of street in hauling materials in and out of the building site that the city might have worked out a program for the improvement of this very useful frontage which now services this lovely headquarters for Pacific Federal. May I make a plea that some members of the City Council or whoever take a good hard look at the road surface between Newport Boulevard and Harbor Boul~vard and perhaps institute some kind of Improvements albeit that the taxpayer will now have to pick up the load. DAVID A. W YOUNG Nuclear horrors· To the &iitor: The review of the resistance o f Californians to the new nuclear evacuation plans is of importance to us all. We remember perfectly well that Gov. Thornburgh of Pennsylvania was more terrified of what wouJd happen on the highways if he had announced a general evacuation during the Three Mile Island crisis than he was of the possible meltdown. Quite rightly, too. We must all side with John Garamendi in the matter. He said to briefers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, "l can't believe it. Have you gone insane?" BUT THE REAGAN Administration is not insane. only insanely logic.al. It all makes sense . . . given that the nuclear holocaust is inevitable, t h at our belligerent enemy will be Ruaia, that its attack will be preceded by its evacuation of cities, giving us several week:a' notice, that its attack will be on our cities (of 50,000 and up), and that the whole scenario will be poll tely def erred until 1998 when FEMA will provide complete protection. However, all these givens are highly questionable, if 1 may be permitted ~ rude intn.1Sion upon Pentagon revenes. "Nuclear fission changed everything." as Einstein ruefully remarked. ONE CHANGE NOT accounted for in the Pentagon scenario is continuing nuclear proliferation, an automatic by- product of nuclear power proilleration. Thia puts thewe weapons in the hands of the wise and the foolish, the powerfuJ and the weak, the sane and, poeaibly. the suicidal man.tacs. Another change is that we have mined our chief cities with the world's largest boobytrape. San On.of.re, for example. !a a loaded gun aimed at the 10 million people from Tijuana to Malibu. ln The Fate of the Earth. Jonathan Schell quote. two M.I.T. telentlau' ot.ervation that "the destruction of a reacto.r w1th a nuclear weapon, even of relatlvely small yield, such u a crude tem>rist nuclear devtce, would repneent a national catHtropbe of laatlng OOlllequeoce. ... TBlS APPLIES pe.rUcullrly, they note, to the lon1-laeUn1 11otope1, lncludfna the ovenupply of spent f\.ael ln the react.or'• hold.Ina pond. . The dlllincUo.n la lmporta.nt, Schell comments, becaC. wbereM ''the lnien. but compenUvely ahon-Uwd redl.adon from the weepcm would kill people In tJw flrlt few weelu and mont.Nt the Jct\l·llwd rtd.iltian ••. could pnYenl anyone from Uvf.nl on-. vast ana of land. for dec::mda.." · ---" Thus the bomb that h olds Los Angeles·San Diego hostage is already m place. All it lacks is a trigger. This is only to say that the nuclear world has arrived, whether Washington, and Ronald Reagan, has heard of it or not. It is one where added weapons create added Ln.security It is one where our physical-science knowledge has far ou trun ou r social -organization knowledge. lt may be a world, as Jonathan Schell suggests, where force itself, &.s the ultimate arbiter, will have to be given up. It is certainly not a world where glib ignorance, official secrecy, or elitist arrogance have any further value. WE ARE ALL, some four billions of us. at risk in this nuclear world . San Onofre ticking away at our doorstep is our local reminder. But does anyone m authority in Washington know this, as our globe whirls indifferently through s~ce? Does anyone there know it is a globe? DAVID ALAN MUNRO Tax the rich I am against Reaganomic:s because the tax cut 1s too disproportionate. There s h o uld be a flat -rate tax cut proportionate to 50 percent or the profits only of rich people and maybe only the salary of other people. PAUL LUXLOR Help is needed To the F.ditor: Citizen help is desperately needed to stop passage of uruon·sponsored agency shop bills. . This Is the tax payers' last chance to defeat legislation designed by union bosses to fill their coffers with money from non-uruon public school employees. The State Legislature is abo_ut to act on two far-reaching bills to fund the unions through forced payments by non-members. These bills have passed the Assembly and are now before the Senate for final action. Assembly Blll 404, s ponsored by Assemblyman .Curtis Tucker, D· Inglewood, would strengthen the uruon's grip on public school employees by mandating a system whereby they could force the automatic deduction of union dues or a service fee from paychecks of non-union members. An employee objecting to paying dues or a service fee to the union would be tenninated. Another bill. Assembly Bill 2967. sponsored by Assemblywoman Gwen Moore, D-Los Angeles,, has been amended to become a blatant reward to the Los Angeles affiliate of the California Teachers Association Union. There is no doubt whatsOever that this bill will simply "open the door" to future legislation which would affect all public school districts. As 1t now stands. AB 2967 w~ld require the Public Employ nt Relations Board (PERB), upon pe Uon by the union to conduct an agency shop elect.ion even though there has been no agreement reached on agency shop through the collective bargaining process. A simple majority of those voting could bind all employees, including thoee who choose not to join, to pay uruon dues or a service tee against their will or be tem\inated. U this bill i.s approved, the elected school board would be powerlees to protect non-union employees from thia subversion. It is absolutely essential that these union power grabs be stopped. Let your Senator know of your opposition to AB 404 and AB 2967. ROBERT G. SAMPICA .., Doean't lnduttry have e nouch problmw nowad.ay. without havlrll to take cue of employea' c:hUdren ln day care c:enier.? A Mam • ~---- I •ANN LANDERS •STAN DELAPLANE •ERr,.dA BOMBECK Orange Ooatt DAIL V PILOT /Monda)!, Augua1 18, 1982 Calorie .counter calculates 'just desserts' DEAR ANN LANDERS: You probably thhtk you've heard everything by this Ulne, but here is a brand new one. I have thia friend who Is thm as a rail She c.arrles a calorie count book with her al all times and checks it out before ordering dlnner. The woman drives everyone around the bend becaUl:le she can't decide whether to have the grlUed fish, the broiled chicken or the lamb chops. A person <.'Ould go crazy until she figu~ out which has fewer calories -a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers or one with grape.fruit and oranges. •When it comes time to order dessert she says. ''l 've been very good up to now so I think I'll have the ohocolat.e fudge cake, an"J please put a little vanilla ice cream on it.'' With that she sprinkles artificial sweeiener into her coffee and eats every crumb of the dessert. How can people be so dumb as to behave like this? -BUG-EYED IN BETHESDA 11111111 ! By PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach «> 1981 lh'IU r .. 1u'~' SynOIU\• IMC: W otkf UQ.t'•U !~ ·'Lively little wine, 1sn •t 11"~" T YOUI HEALTH DR, PETER J STEINCROHN Knee surgery a possibility - . DEAR DR. STElNCROHN: For tbe past few years I've suffered from a had knee. Lately, I call It a worse knee. The pain is so bad at times tbat I can't bear welgbt on it. I've been taklng as many as 16 to 20 aspirin tablets a day. Sometimes beat belps; sometimes, ice appllcatloos. . DEAR BUG: Jt'1 ea1y. I do It all tbe time. DEAR' ANN LANDERS: I am wrlung to you about running away. A week before Christ.mas J left home. When my mom found ml", she took me badt and gave me one of the worst beatings J ever had She then grounded me and made up a list of dumb ruleii for me to follow. It got so bad I couldn't use my light at night because it was "h e r electricity." • l got mad again and left. I've been gone more than a month and a half and I want your advice about going home. Should I? I mean, I'm happy, I'm safe, I've had u few bad times, but l think I can make .it on my own Should 1 go home and take a chance? I'm afraid if I do I will get a worse beating than the last one. What do you think? - CONFUSED DEAR CONFUSED: You don't give me a clue as to your age, your sex, where you are now or bow you are supporting yourself. Without tbese facts lt'1 difficult to adviae you, but my ln1Clnct1 tell me to send you home. u you get anotber 1>eatlog, eollu tbe help of your favorite teacher, an aunt or uncle, tbe pareol of a friend -some atdult wbo can intervene in your behalf. r 1u1pec1 you bave bad a poor rel•tlonsblp wltb your motber for a IODJ tlme, and tbe fault 11 never totall,Y oae-11lded. Maybe if YOU cbaogc a llJtle, your mom wlll change a lot. DEAR ANN: The letter from ''B.T.," who wanted your readers to be aware that hearing is the last sense to go when a person Is dying, brought back 8ome unhappy memories. My grandmother died 38 yean1 ago at home with the whole family present. r was 20 al the time and had read somewhere that the dying oft.en hang on to their hearing until the very last moment. As grandma breathed her last, my mother cried out, "Mama .. .'' I clamped my hand over her mouth and whispered, "Be quiet, she can still hear you." f Book.S hound for good S AN FRANCISCO -I opened the package and out tumbled a dozen books. "Dear Sir: We are pleased to send you these complimentary copies .. .'' It's not "Gone With The Wind,'' but it's mine. Rand McNally, the map people, are doing some guide books. They asked me to do the lead pieces on California, an offer I couldn't refuse.•(Fact, 1 don't refuse ANY offers.) What I am getting at is it was almost impossible to open this package. You could hold off a r,uclear Mtack with the materials used by book publishers. I get an occasional review book and have developed a technique. First: Get out a large screw driver and the household pliers. Second: Examine RQckage. You will find it is made of unbreakable cardboard. It is bound with tape that cannot be cut with a chain saw. The ends are sealed with staples you could use to shoe a horse. Third: Go to the kitchen. Pour a little cooking sherry. THE POST OFFICE did a study on American stamps. They said: "The United States is producing the best stamp glue of all nations. Also it does not have a displeasing taste." They were pleased with this study_ They boosted the stamp price to 20 cents. Private industry met the challenge. Minnesota Mining turns out a lot of our stickiest package products. Theirs is the tape that seals the book package forever. "You a writer?" asked the man who came to fix the TV. I said: "Yeah, that's why I keep the typewriter on the table." • I said: "Hold the end of this package while I pry the staples out with the screwdriver." · He said: "Maybe you should use a claw hammer. Wait a minute." TV men carry a leather tool bucket on their belts. He found a hammer and began tugging at the staples. "Ugh! Ugh!" The Roman Empire was built on roads . ~ ¢ 0 '\ ~.· STAN DELAPl.ANE ~;.. ARO_UND THE WORLD You can follyw the Legion flagstones !rom the Watling Street at London to Hadrian's Wall. From Italica in southern Spain to the garrison towns of the north. America will be remembered by its packaging -some stiU unopened. r imagine. ''What's in it?" the TV man panted. He had most of the staples drawn. He was clawing at the cardboard. In print the carton said: "Lift tab and ull " p '1 said: "It's a book I did." He said: "They don't make it easy. do they?" The end of the carton split a little. I could read "CAL" on the cover. I said: "Let's stop a while and have a beer." In the kitchen drawer there's a package of picture nails. I've never been able to open it. It was a pretty little package. It hung on a hook at the hardware store. A lazy susan of hooks and household things. Tacks. Screws. Plumbing washers. The fixtures are enclosed in a plastic bubble mounted on a small sheet of cardboard. THE BUBBLES CANNOT be pried off the cardboard. They cannot be cut with scissors or knife. The picture hook package is a wreck. Cardboard has been peeled off. It shows dents of a hammer and chisel. The bubble is intact. The picture hooks, bright and shiny, rattle when you shake it. The pictures are still on the floor. "That's it," said the TV man. Strips of cardboard and tape lay on the rug. The treasure was U{learthed. "What a job_" "I -didn't promise you a rose garden," I said. "Let me sign one for you. And have another beer." X marks the spot q _AN_N_LA_NDl_RS __ - I have fell guilty all these years for hushing her up I now reahz•• my mothl'r may have wanted to say somt• spet·rnl word:i or farewe ll a nd that grandma might. havf! enjoyed h e aring her daughter's voice as long as she could. Please t'Omment. '-J lAf) TO TELL SOMEONE ()EAR HAD TO: It's beeo 38 years. That's a long time to carry a load of guilt. Put ii out of your mind, once and for all. You did what you tbougbt was right at the lime -now forget ii. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT CAN IT 6E THAT YOU ARE BECOMING IMPORTANT TO ME? > #f( ,,---_> I -OR. AM j '" -StMPLY / ~rars-~IMAGINING :. IT'( . <.: lte.1 A.UI .. ~ ~l•IMt 411 A•tfl•• At..,..., l>t11 lntl\irw Cutno~u'I, S•nct11C•1• ll\i:. • HOIOSCOPf ~ BY SIDNEY OMARA Tuesday, Augusi 17 _ ..... , ....... ARJES (March 21-April 19); Direct approach brings desired results. Highlight independence, oc.eativity. willingness to get to heart of matters. Sudden change ot policy proves beneficial. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Focus on land, securhy. potential, willingness to close deal and move on to other opportunities. Trust hunctl. follow through on first impressions. Take advantage of surprise element GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Emphasis on flexibility, versatility, dealings with relatives and ability to laugh at own foibles. One you admire relates story which triggers creative process. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cycle continues high; financial opportunities are more plentiful than in recent past. Scorpio, Taurus, Leo persons figure prominently. You'll add to special coUection. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): You finally get your way in connection with creative project. Moon in your sign highlights personality. individualily, correct timing and judgment. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Work behind scenes is necessary if favorable changes are to occur. Basic policy adjust ment indicated. Focus ~lso on beautifying surroundings. caring for garden and pets. I'm not wbat you ml~bt call an old relic; I'm only 56. One ortbopedJst I ve visiied bas said I may need surir:ery. h there anything else to do medicallyf -MRS. K. DEAR MRS. K.: Whether you require surgery will depend upon what it is that's producing the pain and disability. Several' events have occurred since I did the column on how "territorial" women are in aerobics classes. First, I arrived at my class one morning to find my "spot" in the back row had been set apart by white tape. I felt like Les Nessman on "WKRP" with his imaginary door around his desk. ERMA BOMBECK LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 2Z): Friend is sincere blJt , could also be misinformed. Know it. protect self in clinches. Someone wants something for nothing - you could be prime target. Steer. clear of schemes. . .. · If the cause is inflammation of the lining of the knee {synovitis) it can oft.en be controlled by use of physical therapy, splinting and drugs. If not, then surgery can remove the synovium that is causing the trouble. However, if your trouble is actual degeneration aad destruction of cartilage, bone and other joint structures it may r esist conservative medical therapy. After a complete evaluation by use o f laborat.ory tests, X-rays and other methods, your doctors may decide that surgery is the only treatment that will offer you relief. (Ask for a free copy of your local Arthritis Foundation booklet: "Surgery: Information To Consider.'' Dr. Steincrohn welcomes questions from readers. He cannot answer all individually but will include those of general interest in his column. Send your questions to him in care of the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa~esa, Calif. 92626. Then I received several letters of disbelief. One of these letters (unsigned) came from Sunnymead, Calif. She wrote, "I was glad to see in the end of your column you said you were just kidding about losing your spot in aerobics. Aft.er all .• it is so silly. "I WAS NEW AT JAZZERCISE and unknowingly 1 made the mistake of standing in someone's spot , . . someone's terriiory I intruded on. "The woman proceeded to tell the others aroWld her what a d.ingaling r was. Aft.er class she chewed me out. Here was a woman in her 50s acting so much like a child, I just stood there with my1..1nouth open. "I do not like to argue and the reason I go (to Jazzerdse) is to have fWl, relieve tension and have one hour away from the kids. I was tempted to come back with a piece of chalk and mark her spot so no other poor soul could sutler from her childish behavior_ "Needless to say I stay clear of her and exercise .. ATWIT'S ENO on the opposite side of the room. But guess who always is the first one at the door? That's right. 'Miss Seal in Mating Season!' "IF ONLY MORE WOULD follow this counsel from Luke: 6:38: 'Practice giving and peopte will give to you for the measure you are measuring out they will give or measure out to you.' Or Matthew 7:12: 'All things you want men to do to.you, you also must do to them'." Well, of course I was kidding. Women aren't all THAT protective. I used to exercise in a class with Sandra O'Connor and when s h e went to Washington to join the Supreme Court, they teU me they retired her mat. · All I'm asking is that they retire my "space." Or in the counsel of Matthew 5:5: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." And that includes whatever space is not spoken for . SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Emphasis on intensified relationship, pressure, challenge. authority and increased income. Superior trusts you and you now have chance io vindicate view s. policies. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec. 21). Popularity increases, you sense pulse of public and you can successfully inaugurate long-range policies. Break with past indicat~. burden 1s removed . CAPRI CORN (Dec 22-Jan. 19): Hidden resources surge to forefront. Optimism and vitality make comeback. Accent on credit. down payments and special relationship. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb 18): You meet someone who flatters you. imitates you and could have ulterior motive. Know it, be realistic, protect assets. Locate needed legal documen~ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): What appears to be a routine task could actuaUy becOme a creative challenge. Highlight versatility, ~nthusiasm and humor. Your artistic talents play unportant role. ~.. GOREN ON BRIDGE ~-------8--Y_C_H'i_A_R_L_E_s __ H __ G_o_R_E_N __ A_N_D_o_M __ A_R_s_H_A_A_l_F ______ _ Q.1-As South. vulnerable. you hold: •Q762 <=>853 ¢ AKS +983 The bidding has proceeded: North Eut Soath Weat ) • % 0 2 • 3 0 3. 4 0 ? What action do you tl\k~··t A. -Oouble, but don'i expect to need an armored car to bank your winnings. Here your double Is a warning to parLner riot to compete to four tpadea. With so much strength in the opponents' ault oppo41ite known short nen in partner's hand, that'' t.he last thing you want lo hear. If you don't double, partner may infer that your values are out1lde the dla mond suit and bid on. You ahould be able 'to beat four diamond•. and even if it'11 onl7 one lri~k. ~ content.. Q.2 -Neither vulnerable, as South you hold: •QJ98532 <::>82 +KJ&a The bidding hns proceeded: North Eaat South W eat fl <::;> PaH l + 2 0 Obie PaH 2 + Pa11 Pa11 3 0 Pa111 Pa11 Dbl• Pau ? What action do you take? A.-When you removed 'partner's double of two diamonds. you informed him that you bad a weak hand, un· suitable for defen1e, with a long spade suit. Deaplte that warning. partner has elected to again wleld the axe against an opposing diamond contrict, and this time he has doubled them into game! You must rcaptlct his decisfdn Q.3-Aa South. vulnerable, you hold; •AQt ~AJS OJ7f2 +Q9a The bidding has proceeded: EHt South W e.t North l + Pa11 Pa111 ·2 + Pua ? ' What do you bid now? A.-H you could be sure that. partner was full value for his overcall, .YOU would jump to three no trump. Bui. partner'11 reopening bid in the balancing position could be made with quite a weak hand. even vulnerable, so a bid of t.wo no trump Is suffl· clent. If par1.ner has a sound overeall, hcl will go on to game. Q ... -Both vulnerable, as South you hold: +JU <::>85 OAtM +10852 The bidding hat proceeded: WH& North £alt S..dl I + I + , .. , ? What action do you take? A. -If you ralae apade•, t.here is no guarantee that partner can make eight tricks. Also. he might play you for a better hand. Never· theless. you should raise to two spades. A preemptive raise on this type of holding is a recognized tactical movt'. If you pass, opener will ha ve an easy opportunity to con test the issue, and the op· ponents could evPn get to- gether for a game. In hearts! Q.5-Neithctr vulnerable. as South you hold: +tO!M ~AKJ98 0 84 •AK7 The bidding hu proceeded: South Watt North Ea.t I <:::> P•t 2 + PaH ? What do you bJd n()w? A.-Olt.arly. 1our heart auit la good enourh to rebid. Nevertheleu. we would tr,. pnss thal action in favor of a rl\ise t.o three clubs. Firsl, it is important t.o estnblish a fit when you have one, nnd thnt. is especinlly true when you have such a good fit for part· ·ner's suit. S~cond, a raise to three clubs tends to suggest ttlat 1ou have a beU.er !than minimum opening bid. Q.6-Easl-WeJJl vulnerable. as South you hold1 +6 ~AQ5 OAKQJJ0$2 •K6 The bidding hn prO«-Cded: Norda Eut Soutl ' 3 . PHI T Whnt do you bid now'/ A.-We think thal four dlamond11 111 conservative. but. your chaneea of making five diamonds are not all that brfght. Four spades might have some play. For our money. hOwever, the winning bid i1 thr" no trump. lf the oppon1•ntll lrad t•ithcr a hl'nrl or 11 ('l11h. you will have ninr fasl tricks. And even with 11 spade or diamond lead. you will still he a favorite-ate of spades nnd nothing else in partner·~ hnncl 11ssures your contrnd. Rubber bridge th1b1 throqhoul the country Uff. the four•deal hriclp format. Oo they know 110metlalq you don't? C harlH Goree'• "f'•ur·D~•I Brld1•" will t.Mb you tll• ttn~• ud t.act.1<1 of th.11 fut·pMed ac· Uoa 111.111e that provWH tho car• for uoeJMff.. n1b1Nre. For a eopy ud a ~pad. MDCI •t.75 to '"G.,....Fov D•al,1' care or title .. ...,.,.,, P.O. ha 259, Nonr .... N.J. 078'8. Matro dtodr1 p&J•W• a. Now .. ,.,erbMb. , . .. : . \ I Al Orange Cout DAIL)' PILOT/Monday, Augu1t 18, 1982 Crean hits bumpy road on Congress capipaign trail By J~FF ADLER 0(""' 0.-, ""'\ ..... Electio neering 111 not ('Omlnti easy to J ohnnit· ){ Crt-iara, the mllll o nalrt• R .. pu b ll c an 'newcomer s et<klng the 4 3rd Congressional Dtstr1ct M'nl The 33-year-old travel-trul lt>r manufa cture r and S a n Juan " Capistrano resident admits he mad e "ta c t lca.J" and "mechanical" errors in his $809, - 740 primary bid that set a !!pending record . In fact, at was· Crean hlmaelf who became the contest's biggest issue. Now, t:rea n finds himself campaigning in the two-county district on several,fronts al ont-e: He ls trying to endear himself to GOP leaders as w e ll as the party'$ rank-and-file. He must fend oU a write-in bid by one of his Republic an prim a r y opponents. There is a Democratic c and i dat e who mus t b e answered. And there still is tha t poor public image wtth which he feels he has unfairl y been saddled by the news media. However, there are visible signs of progress. Crean has mer ome • 1gn of progress after fence-mending with <.iOP lt'iad"ra iand they lil\ce have boon lit ht. •Ide at meveral ne w1 confe r e n ces off e ring unqualified 1upport. Even som e of h1a 17 GOP primary opponl'n~ are orft•rlng support and Crean has a ttempted t o patc h up his s haky r e la tlonah1p w j th n e w s organizations tha t admauedly w ere "Ignore d " during the primary. But Crean is not apolo~izin,g for lhe conduct of his primary campaign, in which he roundly was (lccuse d u f e mpl oy ing underhanded tactics. "My campaign was a positive campaign putting forth what I thought I offered the people of the 43rd," he explained during a recent interv}ew. "I hired a lot of inept people, there's no doubt about that, and I hadn't met a lot of people in the party," Crean continued. "And we were really chastised by the media for the mistakes we made in both tactics and mechanics." He said he is hopeful that the f all campaign will be more. 11ub1tantlve In nature focu11ns on IKNul'!J nitht>r than pc-n1oruallty itnd campo.Jgn tactks In fac t, Cr ean d cdlu ed to outline his campaign strategy for fear of re ve aling d e tails to oppone nll. All he would a»y of hls general election effort bl that he doesn't "expect" LO spend a.s muc h as h e d id during the primary. ' The founder of Alf a Leisure Inc .. a Chino-based travel-trailer con cern whic h pos ted sales totaling $6.2 million in 1981 . said he decided to run for Congress because the nation Is losing its freedom. "I val~ freedom and 1 don't want to retire into a declining socialist state," Crean explained. "The more government we have the less freedom we have." C r e an s a id h e s t y les his political ph1Josophy after Thomas Jefferson. "The C ons titutio n was a document inte nded to limit federal government," he said. drtnk .nd 1 hav«!n 't for 13 y~n d oc•n't d l1qu11Jlfy rnt-(rc>m becoming o congreaaman," he aald. , A 1porl1 flablng and auto racing enthusiast, Crean alao avidly fUet hia own airplane. He ls married and has two children aged 11 and 12. Referring to hla success aa a buslneuman, Crean commented that, "If we could do u well with lhe country as I do with my business, the country would be better off." A conservative, Crean named both the econo my and the building up the nation's defenses as the prime issues he would like to address before th e November election. i-le described himself as a n adherent to supply-side economic theories and an admirer of Rep. Jack Kemp, R-N.Y., Congress' most visible supply-sider. Crean said he thinks national defense expenditures should be increased not only to provide needed security, but also to provide the troubled economy with a boost. "!At'• 1how t hom (th ... USSR ) wo want to r•Ol'. thllt we lruWlt on 1uporlorlty," Crea n aa1d "Let'• •tart tht! race and tf they ritce Wt>'U beat them. tr they ogroo to o lowe r levt!I of t'>Cpcnditurea we'll al8o agree to that." On other issued Crean: -S uppo r u th t' pro lif e amendment propoeied to the U.S. Constitutio n , but per1onally oppoees aborUon no matter what the cu·cumstances -Opposes the Equal Rights Ame ndme nt because it w o uld only ''Institute new lawsuits." -Believes the Unitro Nat10JU1 should be ''removed from our shores." -S upports o ff-sh ore otl drilling. "The main danger to beaches is shi~" and the need for o il n eed s to be weighe d against the danger of spills, he said. -Suppo rts the Isra e l i inva$on of Lebanon LO remove the Pales t i n e Lib e r a t io n Organization. When asked to name the three most important issu es in the campaign, Cre an a ns wered quickly. "Pursuit or· the Reagan program, I would say that three times.'' Delly Not awt ...... LO O KIN G AHEAD - Candida te J o hnnie R. Crean, Re publican nominee in 43rd Congressional I'.>is trict, is t ry ing t o put primary problems behind. He desc ribe d himself as a Keagan con se rva ti ve who admires suc h presid e nts a s Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower. A resident of the Orange Coast since 1958, Crean graduated from a private miUtary academy in . Carlsbad and went on to attend colle ge at Fullerton Junior College. Chapman ColJege and Orange Coast College. He did not receive a degree trom any of these institutions. H o s p ital h elip _ad considered Crean also said he has been a m e mb e r of A lco holi cs Anonymous since he was 20. "I. ho~ the fact that I don't Import quota h il l rapped WASHING TON (AP) -The nauoruu economy would be hurt by legislation to limit imports of automobiles and parts, according to a Congressional Budget Office study. Facility would be used for emergency patients . By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(°the Dett, "teot Si.ff The Fountain Va lley City Council will consider a proposal to build a heliport pad adjacent to F ountain Valle y Community Hospital for transportation of e mergency patients. The council meets at 8 p.m. Tuesday in City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave. A r e presentative o f the F o untain Valle y M e d ica l Deve lopent Company, whic h owns the hospital, said helicopter landings have been taking place two or three times per month in conjunction with the hospital's role as a regional trauma center. avoids residential areas and use of the pad only for emergency patients. l"OUNTAIN VALLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Aug. 17, 19S2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES WRITIEN COMMUNICATIONS. IChe<luled mallen ooly PUBLIC APPEARANCE -Orel Communk:elloos (scheduled matter• ooly) CONSENT CALENDAR· Se1 public hearing on !food damage p<eventlon <><dlnance Approve plans and spec111c1t1on1 and au thorize edve rtlSlng f or bid• on rocon11ruc11on end resurfacing of Edinger Avenue from Bushard Street 10 Brookhursl Street Approve plans and 1peclllcallone and autho<lze advertising f<>< bids on construction or real room and concession building at Fountain Valley Recreation and Cultural Center Approval of agreement with Herman Kimmel and ·Associates, Inc , authorizing additional payment of $3.370 .88 for new studies and a report required by tM Federal Highway Admlnl11ratlon Approval of addenda lo reimbursement egr~ontt. .. tor qu1ckse1 emulalon a ggregale 11urry p<ograrn Approval of atn.ndment 10 ~r-*lt with city attorney ror 1ege1 MNicN Resolution rel1t1og 10 the cla1111tcat1on, compensation end l8'ma ol employmet1t of pan-lime, temporary, hourly, llmlled ~ and apeclal-tunded empt~. PRESENTATION OF DEMANDS Rallhc.llon ot PllV'Oll -July 17 through Juiy 30, 1982 r.ontlde<atlpn of reglller of demand•. AGENCY FOA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Review or 1>9rmll requested by Fountain I/alley Medical Oevelopment Comp1ny f<>< hellpor1 pad adjacent 10 Fou11t1ln I/alley Community Hospltar Loa Caballeros Club -Completion or t8fml of agroemen• lor lmprovemflntt at LOI Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club. , PUBLIC APPEA RA N C ES -O RAL COMMUNICATION -Unscheduled matte.-a. COUNCIL COMMENTS Senate gym io be reviewed AP Wlrepfloto HELPLESS -Baby m\.lrrets relax in hands of Ingrid Willsie of Monterey County SPCA after scores of the young sea birds were found dead or dying along Monterey Bay beaches this week. Parent birds are abandoning their young, but the reason is unclear. The CBO s tudy, says that while t he so-called domestic content legislation would have the effect of reducing imports, "the bene fits that would probably accrue to the U.S . automotive Industry could be m ore than offset by the costs imposed on the rest of the economy." The council's approval is needed before the hospital can obtain slate and federal approval to designate an area adjacent to the hospital, at Warner Avenue and Euclid Street, as a legal helicopter landinf pad. The proposa a lready has r eceived the approval of the Fo untain Valley Planning C ommiss io n ,. w i th s evera l s tipulations. These include designation of a !light path that "Pproval of plans and apeclflcallons and au thorization to advertise for bid• lor modllleatlon of lighting II lhe Recreation 8Jld Cultural Center for b81kelball, racquetball 11/ld N nd volleyball coons AOMINISTRATIVE ITEMS Review of permit requelled by Fountain I/alley Medical Oevefopmena Company lor erlvete hellpor1 pad adJacent 10 Fountain alley Co111munlly Hospllel Aooeptance of bids and award of contract WAS HINGTON (AP) -The question of proceeding with the con s truction of a $736,400 senators-only gymnasium in the new Hart Senate Offiee Buildir.g will be reviewed Wednesday by the Senate Office Building Com miss i o n , the panel's chairman says. .. ........ Effortless Exercise: · The Story .Behind Electronic Exercise Usang the muscle stimulator. combine d wi t h Bi o -Health Center's fa vorile d 1el . Brad As pan went from a size 38 pant to size JO in JUSl 21'1 weeks Has mother Norma saw s1m1lar results csize 12 to size 8) ·in the same 18 day period These are just t wo of the many successful & happy B10-lleallh Center customers. Tha t's why people a re Clocking to 8 10-tlealth <.:entei' on 17t h Street an Cost a Mesa and becoming regul ar participants or elect ronic exercise with a m azing results The prin ciple behind this phenomenon is straight-forward In a so-called "voluntary" contraction. thal as lo say during e .1eryday movement. the brain ~ends a signal along a nerve to ~e ·motor 101nt' or a muscle This signal. samal ar to a weak electric current. 1s a message to the muscles to contract I n electro m u scula r sti mul at ion at Bi o -Health Center . electrodes in the rorm or conductive rubber pads are placed on the surface or lhc skan over the motor points of 16 major muscle groups When a very weak electronic current as applied through the pads, the signal finds its way through the skin to these motor points and causes the muscles to contract. jusl as if at had received a signal from the brain. During the contraction of these muscles, the muscles are actua lly expending e nergy and doing the work Patrons or Bio-Health often comment that the e xercise reels thorough and really works the entire muscle. Most say you have to try it to appreciate it Doctors say that 45 minutes or stimulation is equivalent t<Y800 to 1,500 sit-ups· and/or leg raises. Despite ex er cisin g your muscles 800-1.500 times in 45 minutes, persons feel no pain during treatment and most don't even feel that familiar soreness like In normal exercise. The current stimulates, clrculallon wh\ch at the.same Um~ rids the muacln or waste produc{I and \qid n 1. Blo·HealCh Cent._r participant.a do reel a Ughtenln1 .and flnnlng of their muscles and' very orten after th• l at -treatment. As Seen on Channel 7 Rio-Health Ce nter as currently treating men and women from the ages of 18 to 87 years old Some come to Rao-Health Center JUSl for the exercise firming up t heir flabby m u sc les a n d 1mprovan g their overall body tone Ot her~. who are over we11:ht. combine this electronic l"<erC'ise wr th Bio Hea lt h Center's favr>ntc diet program Jllowang a substantial weight and mch loss At firs t people say it reels strange and are amazed at how thoroughl y it exercises lhe muscles Then they relax and pro~ressiveiy wo rk throug h their 45 minute tre atme nt. Afl l'rwards persons expe rience a fi ve minute relaxation cycle that feels like a massage Doctors are s-endin&-t heir patients to Bio Health Center for I h is ou t stan di ng e xer cise progra m In some cases, these persons are unable to do normal exercise due to back injury. etc . allowin g them to now exercise must'les for the first time an years 8 10 -llealth Center has a nominal charge to try this wonder machme. On your first v1s1t a trained technician will do a Cull set of body measurements then let you lie atop a padded table for treatment that will take approximately 45 minutes. During this tame the technician will educate you further on what is transpiring, which gives you further under standing of the sensations you are feeling After your first treatme nt. the technician will remeas ure & calcqlate the results .. First time uaera have experienced chanee varying from 2" to 9" overall. This change is primarily caused by the toning of the muscle due to the extensive exercise It has just completed. This tyS)e of equipment has ~en widely used in both the medical field and In areas or professional sports. In m edi c ine , elec tronic stimulation has been widely u sed i n hospitals for t he re-education of para lyzed muscles. In these cases, where voluntary exercise Is Impossible, there·ls obvloutly no 1 u bstllute for electrica l stl mul allon . ln case1 of pa r a pl egia o r ho m1pleg1a followin g a s troke. electro musc ul ar s timul at io n as invaluable for preventing loss of tone or atrophy in affected muscles · Olher areas of medical use include lhe treatment or bed sores by improving muscle tone and blood circul ation In Sports. hamstring, muscle ~train and other injuries have been treated by doctors without rask Top soccer clubs in Europe have long known lhe benefits of m uscle s t imulation in the trea tme n t o r musc le and ligament tnJuraes_ The practical advantages of greatly reducing the time spent by top players inactive due to injury can be imagined East Europeans became L"ae foremost exponents of electrical stimulation for muscle power tra ining. Other countries are usin g muscle stimulation to train every type of athlete - from the endurance needed by lon g dist a nce runn e rs. to e xplosive power require d by sprfnters and high jumpers . The fastest girl in the world, Angella Taylor , for example, uses muscle stim ulation in training Electronic e xercise. however, is not fo r e ve r yone . The stamulataon could interfere with pacemakers worn by persons with heart disease, pregnant women and persons who carry m e tal in lhe ir abdomens because or surgery Long gone are the days when control of calorie intake was believed td be the only way to keep in shape. Modern thinking now concludes that exercise is an essential factor In the quest for total bodv health. Bio-Health Cent.er ln Costa Meu, Huntington Beach & Milalon Viejo, al9o 1pedallz.e!I in other European concepta which Include Cellultte Control and U. V .A . Tanning Be d1 and Equipment & • new power unit for mu.cle atrerurt,h. If you want to 0e more active, allve and have a 1reat lootdn1 body wKhout the drudfery of etrenuoO• exerclst and uncomfortable dlet .program• • get ln on the action and t.r)' alvln1 Bio-Health Center on 17th "in Co.ta Maa a call. S4S-7717. \ -- Kelly Young is in her bathing suit, catching up on the local news, while her machine is keeping her in shape with Its electrical impulses. The famlllar sign of Bio-Health Center on 17th Street In Costa mesa conveniently located In the Von 's Shopping Center .645-n17 \ TIE ClllT 1111 THE caum lllJPlll MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1982 COMICS STOCKS TELEVISION 82 86 88 ee Page 88 about the job Tom didn't set. to ee n yder . 0 ~ a Keep off truckin' Academicians get apartments KEEP ON TRUCKIN' -lf you were to attempt a poll to determine the numbers of people who ever got to and from our coastal beaches in the bed of a pickup truck, the project might take a life time. They have been legion. You see these pickuP. t.r\ICk people every day. As the noon hour approaches, here they come; kids galore filling the back of the pickup as they streak down Beach Boul eva rd t o w ar d r-\ Huntington Beach city or TD. MURPHINf ~-(-state beaches, down ~~' / Newport Boulevard ---------'----through Costa Mesa for Ne wport or Balboa, or along Laguna Canyon Road headed for Laguna's Main. · They're a happy-go-lucky bunch, waving, hooting at passers-by and laughing a lot. HOURS LATER, when they're all h~aded home, you don't see them so much . That's because for the most part, they have exhausted their little bodies and are now huddled, shivering, on the floor of the pickup bed, fighting with each other over who gets the damp, sandy old beach blanket. The scenes, both coming and going, are repeated daily along our beachfront, and will be, through Labor Day. Pickup truck crew whizzing toward destination at the beach Pickup truck crew on their way home afU!r day at the beach You had to have ridden at highway speeds in a pickup truck bed to fully realize there are certain dangers to the practice. The truck might careen and toss you out. One of your fellow passengers might do the same to you if you snatched too much share of the beach blanket. Pneumonia ranks far down the list of pickup penls. Actually, you may h ave worried more about those e pickup drivers who allow their dogs to ride unattended in I the back of the truck. Sure, those dogs are well trained. But : will they stay put if they spot a chase..:inviting cat on the sidewalk, or maybe anothe r dog of the Ofpos:ite sex? CANINES ASIDE, state law may soon make it illegal fof people to travel to the beach, or anywhere else, with kiddies in the back of a pickup truck. A bill authored by Assemblyman Larry Kapiloff, the ·Democrat from San Diego. would make it illegal to drive on · a freeway with unattended childre n 12 years old or younger in the pickup truck bed unless the bed is surrounded by walls almost four feet tall. Kapiloff's measure has already passed the state Senate and now returns to conference for amendments. Of course, it's already suffered a couple of amendments. Originally, the San Diego lawmaker wanted dogs included in the pickup truck ban. BUT CALIFORNIA farm interests, headed by Sen. Walter Stiern, the Democrat from Bakersfield, howled foul on that one. The farmers claimed banning dogs from pickup truck beds would be discriminating against agriculture. If you follow that. Also, livestock is exempted, so cows and goats are okay in the pickup. Additionally, it will be all right to have a youngster 12 or under in the pickup bed if he or she is accompanied by an adult. Again, you guess it doesn't matter if that adult back there has drifted off into dreamland and isn't monitoring his young charges. THERE IS ONE OTHER interesting aspect of the children in pickups law in that it proposes the youngsters ahould a1&o not be riding in "other open vehicles." You are left to wonder if this means convertibles, sports cars, dune buggies and the ~? . . Things sure do get complicated when the lawmakers .et out to protect us against ourselves. VCI faculty housing jinx eliminated? By JOEL C. DON Of tM 0eMr ...... Staff In recent years, recruiting new faculty members to UC Irvine has been like tr)Ang to coax a dog Into a porcupine's lair. The Orange County housing crunch, fueled by high interest rates and skyrocketing home prices, has been the Achilles' heel of thia university that touts an international reputation and a prime, smog-free coastal location. Campus administrators. however, expected the rather bleak academic picture to change Sunday as faculty members began to mo~ into newly buih faculty apartments. One hundred units, located on the outskirts of the campus ring near the unde r -construction University Club facility, will serve new and young faculty membe rs as w ell as older professors and, in some cases, university staff. Two-and three -bedroom apartments are available with rents ranging from $555 to $665 per month. The units are light beige with tile roofs a nd command impressive views of the campus or the nearb y expanse of chaparral-cover ed hills. "If you have a wife and children it's going to be very nice," said biologist Stuart Krassner. who has been on the UCI faculty since 1965 and will move into a unit with his two children. "This is going to be the first step to a nice residential area," he added. Dr. Krassner was referring to UCI's eventual plans to build condominiums and single-family h o mes adjacent to the apartments, called Las Lomas. He said the rental units, with 970 to 1,200 square feet of area, will help eliminate the major obstacle to UCI's desire to bring in talented young scholars as well as attract more professors to the university as visiting researchers and instructors. "For the faculty members who decide not to come here, I would say housing is the No. 1 reason because it is so expensive and so hard to get," Krassner said. "With the high cost of housing, this may be the wave of the future." Indeed, a UCI official noted apartment complexes have already gone up at the UC's San Diego, Los Angeles and Santa Cruz campuses. More than 80 percent of Irvine re ntal apartments will be occupied by today and the rest will be filled by the beginning of the fall quarter, said Dr. William Parker, assistant vice chancellor for planning and professor of physics. Deity Piiot l'Mtoe by 0ery AIMrOM PROFESSORIAL PADS -Las Lomas· planning director points out advantages of apartments on campus await UC Irvine faculty locale. m emb ers. Be lo w , David Neuman., UCI Parker said the university envisions the apartments as "way stations" for n ew faculty members. giving them time to search for permanent homes in surrounding communities. "I would agree that housing is the biggest r eason we lose people," he said. T he Las Lomas apartments were built at a cost of $6 million, with funding to come from revenue bonds, Parker said. Architect for the project is Mary Bulota of Fisher-Friedman "If you have a wife and children it 's going t<> be . '' very nice. and Associates of San Franciaco, the firm that designed the Promontory Point and Baywood apartments in Newport Beach. The UCI apartments are built in clusters of six units, all with views a nd outside patio o r balcony areas. The Spanish-style architecture is designed to blend in with the surrounding hillsides. Biologist K rassner said the close proximity of the apartments to the campus offers him added convenience because of frequent visits to his laboratory at all hours. "The apartments will have a very positive impact on attracting new faculty," he added. ...-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__..~...., Adoption agencies nix older parents The odds are stacking against Corina and Che t Partin of Huntington Beach and several hund red oth er couples in Southern California who would like to adopt an infant and start a new family. While there is a growing list of childless couples eager to start families, Uberalized abortion laws and other social factors have led to a growing shortage of white, healthy Infants offer ed fo.r adoption. couples like the Partins. Several years ago. he related, there weren't as many couples· in&erested in adopting children, a n d t h e guide lines were expanded to make 'as many couples eligible as possible. Now, however, w ith the shortage of whi~e infa nts, agencies have focused on ma tc hi ng the in fa nts with couples between the ages of 25 and 35. And with good reaso~ . Anderson believed. •. STARTING OUT -Linda Granell of UC Irvine finds apartment accl>mmodations com fortable and attractive for new profeaora. To cope with this problem, both public and private adoption agencies ~ paring down the list of applicants b y setting guidelines on the ages of potential adoptive couples, and to the Partina, that's the rub. "Moat of us who are in our 60I are working toward reti.reme1't. and are not ready for the streeeet and strains of raisi ng a teen-ager," he said . easies J.isirig; immuriizations pushed To Mrs. Partin, who Is « and has t wo grown daughters, Orange Co1 · •y'a practice of disqualifying women over the age of 36 from adopting children under the aae of 2 smack.a of dllcrim1Nr\1an . In Orange County,' Andenon said, of the 950 potential adoptiw couples about 67!5 want white children under the age of 5. In surrounding Los Angelea and San Bernardino countlff, adoption agenclea have lmpoead similar standards. BY GLENN SCO'IT ............... Orance County bMlth offidala will be monatottna back-to-achool unbation pl'Olr'8IDI thia fall th • careful eye o~ rubella he ntd. involved young adulta -thoee too youn1 to have developed natural immunities u children but too old to have received state-mandated vwx:inaUonl. But becauae tranam.IJeion of the diaeaae baa "claaalcally • occurred throu1b the 'IChool ~:· he aid hMlth oftidala wlll keep a cloae watch on lmmunlr.atioo l'f!COl'dl. In other 'an!Mi e.pedally Sen Dleao, lncre .. ln meMlea have been .rwported. ~ munp and nabella vacclnadone \alUJy ' are given ln one shot at age 15 months. Said Pr'e ndergaat: "We're concerned about rubella, of coune. &ecauee I\ ii more 1ertoua ln ltl lmpect on pregnant women. It carrlea more lona-term tmoUcationa. '' St.ate law requires children enterinf kindefprten to be lmmun aed for d&ptherla, whool)tna cough, tetanua, polio, IDIMf•, mumps and rubella. School dletrtcta c•n kJep ch11dren out of IChool until they are Immunized. Dr . Gerald Wagnl!r, direct.or of the county'• immunisation program, aaid parents can obi.In lnfonnatJon on the requirementa from their IChoola. They can arrange for ahotl either from family physidana or frcm one of the county'• cllnk:9, where the thota are free. If parenta have no recorda u evidence1 they can cert.Uy lJ\ wrltlna tM month and year of vacclnatlon1, he aald. But he!' liwatkm la not u.nique, according to a canvaaa of adoption qenciee ln the region. -,.It juat turn~ out that in p~. we atve priority to thoee couple• who would be of the appropriate aae to have tboee children," aaid Ron Andenon, prGll'Uft ~ of the Oranae CoUnty Social Service Aaency adoption pn>O'am. He aald there was .. no hard and faat rule., to eliminate .. When there ia a choice, and there uaually ii, between patentl in their 40s and younger couplee, It would go to the· younger couple," said Elie Scnnitzer, a auperviaor with the Vlat.a del Mar Child Care Service'• Community Service Department.. ''The rule of thumb la that by the time the child reachea adulthood, the parents ahould not be over the ... of 6&,'' the .kl. - ,\ I I .. Oranoe Ooul DAIL y PILOT /Monday, Auguel 18, 1882 THt: t 'i\MILl' C'IRCtl by Bil Keane BIG GEORGE •• by Virgil Partch (VIP) ''Why not?" "I didn't SAY It w11 1n HIJ cous.e, did I?" MARMJ\Dt:IU·: by Brad Anderson "Why couldn't you just have a burglar alarm like other people?" I KNOW VOU'RE. HUNGRY. GARFIEL" ; l CRUNCH i CAUNCH ~ CRONCM '-Q B·lb ACROSS 48 ComparllOl'I SATURDAY'S 1 Solid: Pr9f. 51 Inn« PUZZLE IOl.VED 6 ConwrM 52 Pretend to 10 Enrtdl 54 Of pottery 14 ~up 58 Cheer {tor) 15 Htwlllan city 59 Vetch 18 Ending for 61 Dwelling cell Ind cfrc 82 Noun endlhg 17 H#ldy 63 Gelling egent illiiilR.f.~ EfMIHifl:t:Wf 18 Wine city 84 Went out 19 NMt -with 20 More Joyou1 65 ObMMld 22 coett 68 NYSE 11gu,... 24 ~long 67 Uneven 29 OIMrt 27 Tt91nbted DOWN :JO Nufftbtr in-1 lmpect IJ• 2 SMfloocl 31 An tmOtlon 3 Eterne *2 Oo oount1Y 4 Upbrlld 25 T tech 43 lndi.i region 37St1Mc At*. 5 All 27 t<lnd of rug 48 Coneumed se t<tnc11 e Hired 2a c°'on• 47 M1tott 40 By~ of 7 POl*llve 29 Print 1ty1e: 48 LIYtly do S2 41 ~ 8 81nff'1 prov. Abbr. 49 Mockery .-ct: t eo.turne 33 Mufflert 50 Elk'-kin M 2 wordl 10 Mid one 34 Oedlr• 53 Stitch 43 TN IMMt: 11 C#rolt girt 35 Tingt 55 Con -: Let. 1~ Mltlne lid 3e No4 herd Splrltld 44 ~ 13 Attn 3t Happy IOok se F1-b 41 .-on -21 Oflin es>"• 39 8tend 57 Grent 23 ~of -42 Wandered 80 -- CRUNCH CRUNCH ' .... Hank Ketchum I GUE5e 'ltJU'O 50AT OF CALL ME HIS PE~NNEL MANA0EP. ! 'IOU t"INOW WHAT I MEAN?' --------------------........ ~--- PIEANl:TH TMEV TOOK AWAY YOUR BASEBAl.L Fl&l..D.tCMARLES, AND Y001RE NO t'OIN6 AMVTMIN6 A60Ui IT? by Ch1rl11 M. Sehulz _______ .., 15 TMIS HOW YOU'RE FIQITIH6 SACK .. 8V 80UNCIN61"AT STUPID 60LF SALL A6AINST i WMAT DO VOtJ EXPECT ME TO 00?1 po.tr SCltfAM,CMAAUS .. IT'S EMBARRASSING ... THOSE STUPID STEPS ? l f I ... JLJl l'VE FOOl\IP 001 YOUR HANPS ARE: AS l'IG' AS 'tblJR FHT ! by Tom ,K. Ryan MIU "'11 A tWWMU. CDCJlltr WrTlf IN A 1HC>t.\MNP Ml&.al \J by Jeff MacNelly . ettAUSE. WE~ TO 4 ~t ~1UEJ?AM~tar t>&RJ~~ AEAIN5T~ ~~IN1U~~- by Ernie Bushm1ller OKAY--- THATS FOR TAKING THAT NEW GIRL OUT--- AND THAT1S MY FIRST AID TH/!ICE $00AI 'It/ILL NOT l!JE l:/t/OV<::7H POOD FOR 60'TH MAN AiJD ~fiiTf PRACTICE * ~ I 0 -lb~ .. """"1i ...... ~-'M..... ....... ...... '• - W<SP i~ Al'frtl)OE. CON· 1'RDL wrn~ ~ u: rr AAt40. f~E.K &E.N1\.'i ~e. ~({ R\~1' IM\>E.t A~btR oM 1'~E. 1.~SEf{ &uifo~. I I ! by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont THE WEDDING PICTURE . " M"M.itstcr -Purcilly The Weddlna c:Oremony for Pamela PuNllly and William Edward Mc Muter Jr. ot Wuhlngton, 0 .C. waa performc>d In the Laguna Beach home of her parents, Maj. (Rel.) and Mrs. J . C. PurclUy Jr. The bride earned her bachelor's de~ at Stanford University and her master'• degree at Georgetown University. Her husband graduated from the-University of Maasachuaetta. After their Tahitian honeymoon and a year at the Naval War College in Ne wport, R.I .. the newlyweds will return to the nation's capital. Young -Andre St. Paul's Lutheran Church In Laguna Beach was the setting for the wedding of Cindy Andre and Martin Young who will reside in Long Beach. Orange Oo .. t OAILV PILOT/Monday, Auguet 19, 1982 • ~ Mr. and Mrs. James Andre of Newport Beach and Col. (Rel.) and Mrs. F.amest Young of Tualin are parents ~f the bride, who graduated from the University of Southern California, and the bridegroom, who graduated from Cal Poly. Pomona. Mrs. Brian Blaney Mrs. Arthur Manni Manni -Haubrick Teresa Ann Haubrick and Arthur J oseph Manni exchanged their wedding vows in St. Joachim Catholic Church in Costa Mesa. Parents of the newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. Rpbert Haubrick of Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Manni of Binghamton, N.Y. The bride graduated from Orange Coast College and her husband graduated from Broome Community College in Binghamton. They will reside in Santa Ana after a wedding trip to the Virgin Islands. Dinner fetes Gershenson, 80 Harry Gershenson thought he was going to a small dinner~ party last Thursday to celebrate his 80th birthday. But, when· he arrived at Chez Lautrec Restaurant in NQwport Beach there were 47 of his Orange County friends on hand to help him observe his special day. Gershenson and his wife Dorothy are residents of St. Louis, Mo., but "They have a lot of friends here. They come out to visit every summer and they spe nd th e Christmas holidays here," said his daughter Dot Clock of Newport Beach. Besides Dot, family members pre9ent for the celebration included his son and law partner Harry Gel'Menson, Jr .. a municipal judge for two cities in St. Louis • County, son-i n -law Ralph Clock and andchildren Eliz:abeth .. ffarriman Clock and GERSHENSON David Ralph Clock. The party began with a reception, then dinner was served at tables centered with French baskets of flowers and dessert, of course, was a birthday cake. Gershenson ("He looks about 60," says Dot) said jokingly "I hope when all of you get to be 35 . you will have a nice party like this." The birthday celebrant was born in 1902 in St. Louis, received his LLB from Benton College of Law and was admitted to the Missouri bar in 1923. He is the senior partner in the firm of Gershenson . and Gel'MenBOn. PIRATES PLATTER Steak & Enchilada Dinner Special 5:00 to 6:30 Daily Feinberg -Gorman USC graduates Gretchen Suzanne Gorman and Ross William Feinberg recited their wedding vows in the S hennan Gardens, Corona del Mar. Mr. and Mrs. James Gonnan of Newport· Beach and Dr. and Mrs. Sherwood E. Feinberg of Encino are parents of the newlyweds who are making their flrst home in La Jolla while he attends law school at the University of San Diego. Blaney -Blanchard St. ~drew's Church in Newport Beach was the setting for the wedding of Belinda Blanchard and Brian Timothy Blaney. The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and · Mrs. Roger Hancock Blanchard of Ne wpor t Beach and a graduate of Newport Harbor High School, and her husband, son of the Doyle O'Neal Blaneys of Fountain Valley and a Fountain Valley High School alumnus, will reside in Redondo Beach. Kipper -Robine tte Jolie Robinette and Michael }{jpper were married in the garden of their new home in Santa Ana . Their vows were solemnized by Gary Lewan. a long-time friend of th~ family. T he bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ptaks honored Mr. and Mrs. Thoo9ore Ptak of Costa Mesa celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at a reception in the Dean French home, also in Costa Mesa. Seventy-five friends and relatives were on hand to help the couple celebrate. A toast was proposed by Chuck Howard, who was best man at their wedding, performed Aug. 13, 1932 in Glenwood, Iowa. Hosts for the celebration w ere the Frenchs, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ptak and their families. The celebrants have seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. NOTICE DISSOLUTIOll OF PIRTllERSHIP PUBLIC AUCTION Ordered. by the Attorney for Globe International Handmade Persian and Oriental Rugs We have been commissioned to liquidate the entire Inventory plus others for immedlat13 cash. · At per ln1tructlon1 ALL BIDS WILL OPEN AT .25• on the dollar, and Ioli wlll be 1old from the next bid on. RUGS FROM: China, Persia, Afghanistan, lfld.la. Turkey, Pakistan, Romania, Egypt, and Iran. Sizes range from 2'x3' t o 18'x12'. AUCTION WILL TAKE PLACE ON Wednesday, August 18, at 8 P.M. HUNTINGTON BEACH INN 21112 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY HUNTINGTON BEACH Preview 1 hour prior to auctlon-PleHe attend prevl- A1 A, 6 A Inc., Llquldetore INFO: 213 -1ot-G028 Term• Cull, C-. Vlaa, MO -----• 1$7MFI I Redeem ·11i1s coupcn IM a Carry Pack g I 1oaoec1 wllh 1111 .. n pieces ot tufty. ~ gotoen brown Ken1uc"t Frled ChlCken Z l•mtl IWO olftrs per purc"'st Coupon good Only fOf CO!llbtllfllOfl wllfltlctark oi6tn I L111111 two offers 0tr purch. .se Coupon good I only IOI corn6'11auon whllt/~r11 «6tr1 c Cu11omer PIY' 111 apph"ble »ltl lb ustomtr PIY• 111 1pplie11Mt salt• IU . Offer taplres Au1ust 29.1982 I Ollereaplres Au1ust 29, 1912 I Pike• "'-Y vary 11 Pllltt"'*'l\:fc '""••ions 1 Prien may vary at par11c1111uno IOC1tlon1 1 c .,..,. .,.,.., Coupon good only In Soullltrn ClllfOlllll whfrt ouoon good on1y In Soul!ltrn Call ornl• w11tr• JOU '" lilt f!ltll!Dtfll'llP seal of !flt Ktntuclly vou ... lllt membtUhlp Mii di tilt l<tnivcky rttd Chicken AM«latlon Frltd C'lllotn Auoci.tlon 9 --·--COUPON --·------- Wayne H . Robinette of Olathe, Kan., and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert I. Kipper of Costa Mesa. Mr. and Mrs. William McMaster Price -Sha{ onsky C. J . Price of Laguna Hills is announcing the marriage of h is son Donald H. Price a nd Shirley Joy Shafonsky who will reside in Irvine. . The bride, a graduate of Allan College m Saskat.Chewan province, Canada, is managing director of Plai.a Newport Travel. Her husband, who graduated from the Art Center School of Design, is vice preside nt of Price Corporate Communications a nd a staff commodore of the South Shore Yacht Club. Roffina -Tanges San Diego State University graduates Susan Elaine Tanges and Mark Steven l\Pffina exchanged wedding vows in South Laguna. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E . Tanges of Costa Mesa, .Mrs. Edith Roffina Sholtz of Laguna Niguel and the late Mr. Clifford J . Roffina are pare nts of the newlyweds who attended Estancia High School. . They will reside in San Diego after their wedding trip to Hawaii. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Young RUFFELL'S Announcing a Summer~ram ForTeens! .~ti 101 lret 1n101111~•·on Ul'HOLSTERY ............ .MS-. 1922 HAlllOR ILVD. ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN & COUNTRY. ORANGE (714) 547·8228 COST A MESA -'541· I 156-Jonn Root ri Powe" M\ OtS•QnN d 'Of(tdl Svm1nr1 P'OQr .tm tr1 mttr tnt ~It omOIOvtmenl netO~ OI lfrOdQflS Call 642-5678. Now 1ne lttnaqe1 tan esll<'(1d1t1 1u•n lo 1e...:n h'' ru11 t>0ttnt1dl int Pll•~\ I Put • few words to work tor ou. wdy '"' tnt rtt~•tO atmo\pr'lt•f ?f '>unvnt'f tld\\t \ Rt<•••t \ub\ldnhar lu•t1on d•S<Qul'!t\ by ftWh,+nQ t,hW\ 1'\(1- Overweight? Just a little out of shape? Or both? Don't give up. "Live-It'' up at Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum. Now with 5 locations, and many more to come. ft5 all here. The fun. The fitness. The results. All the right Ingre- dients for your success formula. Join on a 1-year membership and get 2 years of fun and fitness free. That5 ~ years for the price of 1. Get started nov,,: Richard Simmon~ 111/ve-lt" concept w/11 work for you. /t5 an exciting comblna - tlon of exercise, proper nutrition and a positive .- mental attitude that can last for the rest of your life. Call or come in to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum today You can do it. Join now URRY! FINAL DAYS ·roR PRE-CONSTRUCTION CHARTER MEMBeR5HIPS. Chllri.r tMmbersl]lps now available. Join today and get a free ftkhllrd Simmons Anatomy A5Y.1um 1-shlrt. Richard Simmons WOOOLN'fO HIU!S•23210 Ventura Blvd. •884-220Z <Kllfl>AU •ZOO N. Brand Blvd. • '00-042-' ilewr-Y HfU.S • 9 306 Litt/~ Santa Monie et tJ/vd • 51S0·8879 f'OCJlflNlf WUY • ~ 80-'0 Brookhu,.,t 964-8880 "t- MNO~ C(TY•84JZ Van N~ tJ/vd •8Sn·8 79l WATCH 'Oii OUlt ~LOCATION COMING SOON TO GMWN GlfOV.I • I\ .. ' ' I l t l ' e J . u --- Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Monday, Augu1t 18, 19H AT&T • nip s phone cheats NEW YORK (AP) -The u.id the ret1triction waa a1ao 1n telephone company la cracking effect 1n eome area.a or New York down on cheaters who make ltate. lona-dtnance call• from. pay Marty Devi.a, a 1pokemnan for phoneeandblllthemtoeomeone American Telephone & elae'a number -a acam that coat Telegraph Co., said the company AT&er more than $44 million l.aat would aee how the 1yatom work.a year. iri the selected areaa, and then Operatol"I in eome pa.rte of the consider making the requirement nation are required to verify any nationwide. numbers given for billing by The companiea hope the dlalln8 them first and confirming requirement will cut what Davia with aomeone who answers that described as the telephonic the caller lives or work.a there. equivalent oC shoplifting - If no one answers at the which the phone company says number to be billed. or if eyentually means higher charges someone answers and says the to consumers. person calling la unknown to Such a policy would mean that them, the call la rejected. • people living alone, a growing "CHEROKEE" SHIPMATES -Dave Culbertson and Andi Adams spent three years constructing 42-foot trimaran in .,..,,... ........... their Mission Viejo backyard. Now that the work's nearly done, they're making plans for a South Pacific voyage. The program began July 1 for proportion of the population, Pacific Nortflwest Bell in would be unable to make such Washington and Oregon and calls and bill them to the home Aug. 1 for Pacific Telephone in number unless they used a phone California and its subsidiary, credit card. Nevada Bell. New York Davis said AT&T is reluctant Telephone spokesman Joe Crotty _ _.Jo cut back on the third-party- Trimaran takes trip Viej o couple move craft to Dana Harb or By STEVE MITCHELL Of .. .,..,"°' ...., The sleek "Cherokee" 5.at in the Mission Viejo couple's backyard for three years, dwarfing the rambling one-story home and making gardening impossible. But the 42-foot-long lrimaraJ:l is in Dana Harbor now, afte.r a huge semi-trailer and crew showed up earlier this week to truck the behemoth down the driveway and onto El Retiro for the 10-mile trip to the marina. Dave Culbertson and his shipmate, Andi Adams, built the tri-hull Cross-design cruiser on weekends and vacations over the past three years. That, and six months the couple took as a leave of absence. Early Wednesday morning, the couple got their yard back. "This .thing is a floating condo," said friend Dennis Carrington, a bearded shipbuilder who helped construct t he custQm interior of the 14,000-pound v_essel. And a tour of the spacious c4bin of the "Cherokee" is proof that thousands o{ hours went iiito her construction. · Mahogany cabinets surround the cabin, which sleeps six. Tebles and counter tops shine like mirrors -the result of a S ign on t o p Center bank ~final st e p ' ·As a symbolic final step of an l.riterior and exterior rem~eling, a·· sign went atop the 7-story o•fice structure in South C9ast Plaza Town Center, now known as the Sumitomo Bank Building. :Named after the bank that has occupied the first floor of the· Cpsta Mesa building sin~e .its CQnstruction in 1975, the building is part of the growing South cOast Plaza Town Center office/ c0mmercial/cultural center. The building was recently purchased by C .J . Segerstrom & Sons, developers of the Town Center complex. The remodeling im - provements, estimated at more than $1 million, include an eplarged lobby and several ipterior and exte ri or appointments. Two street-level monument signs have also been censtructed. ; The roof sign measures 50 feet ~· Each of the eight letters ~four feet In height. ; In addition to the Sumitomo oificea are the offices of ':Cranaamerlca I nsu ranee Chnpany and Lynn Carol, Inc. The building i.s at Sunflower and &istol Street. ·south Coast Plaza Town <lenter also has the 17-atory ~perial Bank Tower, the J.Win l~·ator'Y American CJty Bank and cire.t Western Savinp Towers, 8'>d the 5-story Bank of America BW1'1tng. In all, T own Center cGmpriaes 1.7 million aquare feet of ipulti-uaage apace. dozen or m ore coats of marine varnish. "Andi did all the hard work," Culbertson said. "I asked her if she wanted to do a little sanding and painting, and she agreed," the 48 -year-old planning consultant said. laughing. When Culbertson and Ms. Adams began working on the boat, both were employed by the Jack Raub Company, he as vice presideht of planning, she as manager of environmental analysis. They are now both partners in Culbertson /Ad ams and Associates, a planning consultant firm that operates out of the Mission Viejo address. And "be.ing the boss" allowed the couple to spend a lo9>f time working on the boat. After all, who was going to fire them? Now the boat's in the water, it's just a matter of a little rigging, some adjustments, and they'll be off on a shakedown cruise to Catalina. Future plans include a trip to the Bay Area and, in a few years, an extended cruise ~f the Soul!' Pacific. . The cquple won't even have to take along a radio operator. Ms. Adams, who is 30, is a general class ham radio operator . Culbertson can handle the 50-horsepower P erkins diesel and they'll both be pulling lines and hoisting the sails on the 43-foot-tall main mast. "We'll sail it locally until we're sure of the boat and sure of ourselves," Culbertson said. Then it's off to the South Pacific. If you have any consulting work that needs to be done, call the house. But don't be surprised if you don't get an answer. FINAL ST EP -Workmen add the final -letter to the Sumitomo Bank &uilding in South Cout Plaza Town Cente. r .as the remodeling, estimated at more th@n $1 mlWon. nears .completion. The sign measures 50 feet across and each of the letters is four feet in height. Irvine developer launches con:iplex Conatl'Uetion and pre-leasing are under way for a downtown La Jolla commercial complex, the t 11-millioo' Greenwich Plaza/ La Jolla. 1be exclusive leMt.nc agent la the John Burnham & Company c.ommerctal Brok.,.. Dlvt.ion of La Jolla and the developer, hy Avenue Pu1nen of I.rvtne. Ground wu broken to late "J u ly for t h e three-atory, I 30,000-equare toot retall/offie» ~. project being bUilt on a .32-9Cl'e lite on Fay Avenue near Proepec:t Street -fonner location of two rec~ntly-demollahed bulldinga which ho\.lled the Fay Avenue Dance Stud.lo and J>.rofeutonal offlcee. The partnel"lhip petd $1,- 6~2.0® for the lite. Greenwich PlualLa Jolla will leaae flrat-fioor ape.ce to retail Mop. with the MCOnd and thltd f1oon available for profemional oUlcH. The complex wu deal1ned by Hill-Plnckert Arcbitecta, Inc . of Irvine. McDonald Interetta, Inc. la the aeneral contractor with apace plann.lng by Manhall-Brown. Fay Avenue Partner• la ..a three-way joint-venture of two Irvlne·baaed ~rma, M .A . Ntcholat and C il'npany and Guenwich D veloement Company I and the Beverly Hilla Savtnc-~ Loan "-odatlon. • ' c.cnipleuon la Planned for the th1rd quarter of 1083. caum 11111111 In a move that expands office space from 2,000 to 7,000 sq. ft., J on Sbarnborg & A11ociates, a Costa Mesa advertising and public relations agency, has relocated its Costa Mesa office. The firm, which had been at ·3116 Pullman, Suite 114, is at 130 McCormick, Suite 106. Wescon 8%, a high-technology electronics convention and exhibition, will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim Marriott Hotel and the Inn at the Park in Anaheim on Sept. 14-16. Mast.er'• In teriors of San Clemente is providing the interior design for the new MarlDer's Ba.Dk in San Clemente. RLM A110ctatea in Anaheim selected Madeline Zuckerman Public Relation•/ Advert11lng of Tustin to handle public relations and advertising for the real estate firm. Wi lliam B. Clark Auoctatea, national executive search consulting firm, appointed Jolla J . "Jack" GobfJell as a vice president and partner 1n its Los Angeles office. He managed the Newport Beach office of an international executive search fam. Her bert C. Moon of Santa Ana has been named manager of Tranaamerlca Title l nsara nce Compa n y's Orange County o perations . He w il l be headquartered in the Santa Ana office,. 830 North Main Street. He waa an area manager for Tttle Insurance and Trust Company. West ern Perlpllerala of Tustin has appointed Northwest Marketing Asaoctates, Inc. as manufacturing sales MOON representatives in the Washington and Oregon area ')f Its Western region. Western Peripherals is a iivision of Wespercorp. Pacific National Ba.Dk of Newport Beach has appointed three persons as vice president and uaistant viee oresident. Seven R. Ra b ago becomes vice president/- manager alter being assistant vice president/senior loan officer at American City Bank's Orange County regional office. Cashier Tay McNally of Long Beach was promoted to vice president. Dawson Wallace of Irvine is assistant vice president in the loan department. He was commercial loan manager with Crocker Bank. The directors of Cushman Electronics, Inc. of Newport Beach elected Joaepb Stemler of Corona del Mar to the board. He has been president and a director of Bentley Laboratories, lrvine. Sprlngdale Sbopptng Center in Huntington Beach was sold according to MarCDI & MIWcbap, lac., investment real estate brokers, Newport Beach. The property sold for $3,200,000 to a Los . Angeles-based investor. The principals were represented by Jack C. HopkiD1 and Sam Wong of M.arcua & Millichap. The 66,000-aq~-foot shopping center ls at Springdale and F.cllilger Streets. Hoffman Vldeo Sy1tem1, established more RA8AOO McNALLY WALLACE than 34 years ago in Los Angeles, has expanded in to Orange County. Hoffman's office, at 17752 Mitchell :Street, Irvine, encompasses 4,200 square feet of space. Heading up the office is Jobn R. Mlles, di.strict sales manager, formerly with Tapette Corporation. lnmac has opened an Irvine sales and distribution center. lnmac is an independent source of computer accessories and supplies. The new facility at 17421 Daimler Avenue, encompasses 22,000 square feet. EIP Microwave, Inc. of Newport Beach reported sales for the quarter ended June 30, increased 40 percent to $3,820,000 compared to the period a year ago. Net income rose to $428,000 (37 cents per share), as compared to a $263,000 (23 cents per share) in the period a year ago. The board of directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of three cents per share payable Oct. 1 to shareholders of record Sept. 14. The 76-unit Cinnamon Hollow Apartments in West Covina was sold, according to Marcus & Mtlllcba p, lnc., investment real estate brokers, Newport Beach. The property sold for $3,275,000 to Dr. Benjamtn Kraot, a private investor. The principals were represented by Gordon E . Reese, senior sales associate, of Marcus & Millichap. Annual c ar sales rate up slightly DETROIT (AP) -Domestic new car sales in early A~t fell 26.4 percent from the period a year ago. ut auto industry analysts say the figures actually sn wed improvement over the past two months. The automakers reported they sold 112,839 cars in the Aug. 1-10 period, compared with 153,383 in the period in 1981. The daily rate of 14,105 was the worst for the period since 13,458 were sold each day in 1958. But analysts were encouraged by the increase in the annual rate, which is the number of cars that would be sold in a year if the sales period was extrapolated to the 12-month period. "The rate of sales continued to improve at a very gradual rate," said Harvey E. Heinbach o( Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. in New York. "It has been improving from the June low" of 4.8 million annual rate. "July sales were at a 5.1 million rate, and early August was about 5.5 million," he said. Analysts said the decline resulted from comparison with a good selling period last year when all the automakers had successful sales pro~tions. English li t classes set ~~Hutton A variety of Enallah literature oounes will be offered by Oranp Cout College's Engltah Department. Couraea on the fall a,enda include : " ntroductlon to Literature," ''The Bible aa Literat u re," "Children'• Literature," "Humor ln Literature," "Film aa Literature," "American Literature Before· the 20th Century," "American Literature ln the 20th Century," "Callfomla Literature," "World Literature Throuah RenaiMance," "Survey of Contemp,orary Literature," 'Unlque Topics in Literature," "8haketpeare," "Man Myth and Maaic,' 1 "Literature of k111Dded Awarene••t~F.nd Lltenture.n ·ror Information, pbone 556-5772. PRESENTS: THE OUTLOOK FOR REAL EST ATE IN THE 80's WE WI LL DISCUSS Populat ion Trends Possible Solutions to housing shortages How you may participate in p rofit opportunit ies PIMH plan to be at th• Grand Hotel, Wed., Auguat 11, 7 P.M. Cell Pam at 114-547-0101 or 213-e25-7111 for. reeervetlona. I. f. Hutton ~4 N. Mein Street a Ana, CA. 92701 ..... / - . ".: .. • .. ' I I 1:1 ... 1 ,. I • ~ r . I i t l ._ • Orange Co•1t DAILY PILOT /Monday, Augu1t HS, 1Q82 , ; I J .. ::· .. .. YOUR HOlllllWI ~1lY PAPlll R~ . ORAllll COA81 11ERE ARE Read all today's news, every day To keep up with • all that's happen_ing in your eom?_Jlun•tY you need th·e Dally Pilot · ••• every day AEASOrtS 'Yl1Y. • • ~· .. '• ... ·" ·. Local, county, state, national and international events , come to your doorstep in the bright, light and li- vely Daily Pilot. lifl_ Follow your teamf '-r/ The sports . action at 15 Orange Coa~t high schools, three community co1- leges, ·uc Irvine and Cal State campuses . Enjoy your ~Sunday ~Family Weekly, color comics, finance, "Style" section and tea-. tu res about you &;) Keep an eye on ~ Joeal government . No other newspaper brings .you more news of your city council, planning commis- sion , schoOI and college districts a~d county government. --~ ~ Laugh, ery or get ..... ~smart Advice from Ann Landers, humor from Erma Bombeck, interesting is regularly reported by the Dai I y Pi I o t sports staff. Keep up with nationally ranked college and pro teams, too! B Save money and <!) shopping time Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised every day in the Daily Pilot. Because the ads are from firms in this area, you save time, effort highlight the inter- esting reading packaged l n )' 0 u r ,. Sunday Daily Pilot. :::t;Y Enough to read - and enjoy. . (ijJ Tune in to the {/ latest TV logs The latest, most accurate televi-. . sion gu i de is publ ished each weekday in the Daily Pilot. On Fridays, Pilot TV Log charts the tube in a conve- nient, easy-to-find features on people, and money. ·format. o·pinions, informa-I I tive columns-8nd A~ Get into the Daily Pilot oa·11y P1·111~ comics brighten for only $4.75 per mon h. your world . ----~------~~-~~~:~-~~---7---~~=-~-~-:~~-~-----------• 642_4321 : I'd like to enjoy the comforts ·Of a home . ' 111111 .. o Posuc1 1 1 delivered Daily Piiot every ·day. ~:i;:;,~:~· : '• ~-----•'Enclosed Is $4.75 for one month. · · v .. ,i'1"o';,1.11 ~ .._ _____ ~ I BUSINESS REPL y LABEL I ·: I •••\f <l•n~t•_...,,.011co\1•o11i11f\•f•t••o•,,.•• I •, . I : Na me .................................................. "CIS'"Ol"'";tM:P•<>tt••l" . ..,,.,., I I Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange CoHt Dally Pilot 1 : Ci ty , ............................. Phorre ............... ~==t~S:eu, CA. 92626 : I . • : : Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . CIRCULATION DEPT. I I ' • I • 1~0•0111uv~1 0lstr ic t ... : ................ Rate . .. •. . . . .. ... . . .. . _ _ : ·------------·------·-----------.----·-----------------------· Complet. t~• coupon .•. glu• or ta,. the prepaid label on •n envelope for malUn9, or call 642-4321, Alie for Circulation. ,1 . • ~ ,, -------- ~. -Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Monday. Augult 18, 1912 DEATHS · RSEWHERE 'Bough· Breaks' jarring tale CORONADO (AP) Rel.ired Roar Adm Ralpll WaJ .. r Ot1111&aa Wood1, 80, 1 1tr1 .. pl ln alt lnvuiona ot North Africa and Slrlly 1n World War n. daod STAMFORD, (;(Jnn (Af') -C a rtoonl•l Eral~ BHimlller. 71S, creuor or Sh• comic 1ulp "N1ncy" died S unday. f'or mure lhM.n 40 yeara, Bu11hmlller deHahted Cans wath th~ exploits o f Sluggo , Aunt Friu:i and Nancy, a Utlle girl wilt\ black eyes a nd a red bow. LONOON (AP) -Pllrlck Ma1ee, 58, an Irish actor who specialized an slnlst~r character rolea and won a Tony Award for his Broadway portrayal of the Marquis de Sade, died MADISON. Was. (AP) P. Goff Beacb, 67, retlred chairman of the Oscar Mayer & C.O meat-pock.mg firm, where he had worked for 43 years. died NAVASOTA, Texas (AP) -Joe Tex, 47, a soul singer and recording artist. died Friday. His hits included "H old What You've C °'" "Skinny Legs and AU," "I Ain't Gonna Bump No More (With No Big Fat Woman)" and "[ Gotcha." LOS ANC:i ICLJ!:8 l AY) - Ar\or Joe £. Ro11, 67, who played tho ahorl, 1\ock y Ottlc,.r Ounthtr Toody In tho telovlaion t'<lmedy tenet "Cat ,., "Where Are you?" 1tn<l a c·av~man ln "h'1 About Time," dlf'd Friday Ho iWo playl'd In "Th.-PhU SUv~tt Shuw" on IA!!levialon. LOUlSVll..LE. Ky. (AP) Tbur11on Ballard Morton, 74, a former U.S. t1em1 tor, t•on11renmMn and national ch.11lrman of the Republican Party. died Saturday. Morton's ancestry Included 90me of the plonettr found~ra of Kentucky. LOS ANGELES (AP) Cb arles Waller•, 70, a form~r dan c er and choreographer who directed him musicala and romediee stamng Judy Garland, Cary Grant, Frank Sinatra, Fred Astaire. Bing Crosby and Crace Kelly. died Friday. WASHLNCTON (AP) - Sol Joupll Tal1lloff, 77. editor and co-founder o! Broadcasting Magazine. died Sunday. Seminar scheduled By TOM TITtJI OflMO..,NM ..... Nol .wry child born into lh• world m'OWI up In an atmo9phtrt akin to r.The Partrld~• Family'' o r "The Brady Bunch • And $hat la wf\at "When the Bouah Breaka" at lhe t:ilewport H&rbor Actorl Theater i. 1111 about. The young people depicted In lhla ortstnal play by Oranae Oounty'1 Stop-Gap theater company are realdents of the county'• Albert Sluon "WH9N T .. ltOUQH INtlUI" An 011glnel p11y with mullO by Don Lancon, Vlct()(ll Bryan end Ron Creaoer. directed by Don Lancon. tllg• men•&•• l et• Ho111hmend. H I de11gn t>y Vlctorle Bryen. preaanted by Slop•Oep In llnel pertormenoea T~ey through SeturdJY'liit 8 pm .. Sunday ea 2 30 p.111. 11 the Nawpon Harbor AGt()(a ThH ter. 3t0 Monte VIII• 8t .. CCIII Men Raellfvet1on1 831·8110 TMI CAIT ear bare J. J. Suaen Mien.lie Debbie Joann• .. Ll;J ............ _ .......... . David Shir lay Mark Ellen Aoehalle 8eVln .. . June 8llOl'I Kereft Oedluman • Jecille Kendi Celhl Skillman Krletln Klafef Mete-Suzanne Lyon• ..... Rober1 Knew Ball'( Young Aon CrMger Klefalan Eb1«1 1111111a101 abuae and ne'1ect relawd by th 11ri. In tht' sh ow are taken from actual event.a durtns more than a year of drama therapy at the Sitton Home. The plAy follow• the 0 rNidtmta and their' t"OW'IMlora throuah a few typical day• at the county facility, focualng on the personal anguilh of one Kiri (Mias Lyons) aa she 1Jowly 1heda h er cloak o( hoetility and learns tO truat. Miss Lyoru haa the only singins voice In the mu.slcal, but hers ll a powerful one, carrying the hurt and retentment of young people who can't go back and aren't ready to move forward. . Two notable performancea are g iven by June Sison and Krbtln Kiefer as other "ladies" of the home. Miss Sison is c aptivating In her natural approach, while Mias KJefer touches the heart as a rich girl whoee divorced parents have no time for her. The counselors, all •ympathetic with di!fering individual approaches t.o their work. are nicely played by Rochelle Savitt, Robert Knapp, Betty Young and Kierston }t;bse n . Miss Home, victims of child abuse. They're Savitt I n particular projec ts the confined in an institution because of fr u s tr at ion s o f her c h o a en the s ins of their parents and they career. The only villains ln "When grow up in bitterness and confusion. the Bough Breaks" are off stage -ln "We have t.o play the cards we're painful memory. The show's conflict dealt; no o~ promised fa.Ii," smgs the is basically internal, as the girla come star o f the show, M e ta-Suzanne to ~rips with their lives, and the Lyons, as s he comforts a younger girl. , closing scene at Miss Lyons' 18th If there is a message. beyond an birthday party ls genuinely m oving. A semi nar will be education of the problem, It is this. Creager's mus.ical score hammers HAPPY DAY -Meta-Suzanne moment are girlfriends (from left) DllTH NOJICfS offered to small-business "When· the Bough Breaks ,'· home its theme, opening the world of L ( t ) bl h June Si'son , Cathi· Ski'llman and I ~I e ntrepr eneurs. owners developed by St.op-Gap founders Don the abused and abandoned for the yons cen e r ows out t e and managers Aug. 26 in Laffoo n and Victoria Bryan with outsid ers of the audience. And, like candles on h er birthday cake in a Karen Gedissman. along with \he Fullerton Savings original music by Ron Creager, is n ot Laffoon's script, it offers h ope only scenJ? from "When the Bough c ou n sel ors Roc h elle Savitt, ADCOX and Loan, 12860 Euclid so much a structured play as it is an through sell-realization of one's own Breaks" a t the N e wport H arbor Kiersten Ebsen, Robert Knapp GLENN ADCOX, JR • St .. Garden Grove, from eye-opening experience. The stories of worth. Actors Thea t er. SharinJ;! her a nd Betty Yo ung. age 73, resident o f 8 430 ·=======-====-==----------------------------'--------- Huntington Beach. Ca :45 a.m. to : p .m . PlB.IC NOTICE PlB.IC NOTICE Nil.IC NOTICE P d Co-spon sors will be asae away August 14, h S . C f 116 J9•} ~.56311 K~l27 --1,..,. '""'.I 1982. Mr. Adco x wa s t e e r v ace orps O l rJ.ore J) fl NOTICEOfTIWtTU'•tALE NOTICETOCMDfTOH ...-.w;..c'Oi.M,., involved in the newspaper Re ti red Exec u t i v es ~ Of' auu TllANanJt COUNTY °" ORANGE business in New York and (SCORE), the U .S. Small ' ' YOU A.1'1 1H A TUN.DER A (a.ca. 1101•107 U.C.C.) .!O_!IC,.!.Of'c,,!A1L_!• S F C f Bus. Adminis' · gi•ants 0110 Of T"UtT DATED Nollce la hereby given 10 "".,., .,.. "5 ..r an rancas 1 co, a . or mess tratlon, JANUAltt 20. 1112. UNI.Ill YOU creditor• of the wllhln named fORICLOllME approximate y 50 years and the Garden Grove TAKI ACTION TO '"OTECT tr.,,.lerora that a bulk branaf..-•• Woodbridge Parkside , eac .. Survived by Wlfe Gertrude Chamber of Commerce. YOU" '"OrlRTY, IT MAY er about to be made on personal Plalnlln va oavtd Elijah Smith, et Services Tuesday at 2:00 For information call remaJ•n • aOU> AT A rueLIC I.AU'. If' YOU Pf'opert)' herelnal1..-deecr1bed. a1 . ~fen<lanl, No. 365263. PM, Peek Family Colonial NllD AN IXPLANATION Of' THE The~ Ind bullneu eddrees 1.1i.. undenlgnecl. BRAD GATES, 836 2709 NATU .. I OF THI P"OCllOINQ of lhe lnlended tranafllfora atr Shetln-Cor C nt 01 O Funeral Home. Family • . AQAINIT YOU. YOU IHOULD WILLIAM A. McEWEN end s• I 1c·?if·'· •• oud ~ b ranget11y' 'Suggests in Ueu of nowers, -By BOB THOMAS CONTACT A LAWYU. CLEOPHUS c. McEWEN lh·.~0by -;;.~~';' o~ o!c~= ol contributions t.o Heart Fund ____ PlB. __ IC_NO __ TICE _____ 1 •-lated.., ... Wrtter On Auguat 27, 1982. al 11.00 211'4 W Ooeentronl Forecloaur• ano Sale In the (714) 893 -3525 ; (714) NOTICE.Pf'TllUITU'tlALE HOLLYWOOD AM ., Statewide Porecloaure Newpor1Beach,CA92e&3 Su1M1rlor Courl of lh• Coun•v of 539-9549. LMn No. 7090S3I The d eath 0 { Henry Services. Inc. II duly appolnled The locallon In Celllornla of lhe Orange. Siii• o• Calltornla, entered T.a. No.. 11045-e F ed Trustee under end pursuant to Chief executive office or prlnclpal on July 9, 1982. and recorded on E s K o . F E o M o AT G AG e onda remov a giant Deed 01 Trus• rec()(ded Febru.,y 9. bualneas office of the 1n1anded July 9, 1982 In lhe 1bove enlllled FARB R CORPORATION u duly appolnled from the movie world. 1982. u lnllr No. 82-048378, of tranatlfor 11: Same u aboYO. action, wharelri woodbrldga DAVE W. FARBER, 87. a TruSlee under 1he tollowlng l f ., Ofllclal Recorda. executed by: All other bualriell name• and Parktlde Maintenance Aasoclallon, resid e n t o f Huntington described deed of 1ru1t WILL SELL Are there any et. James Lawrence Wade and Jay eddre11aa used by lhe' Intended a ca111orn11 corporation. the above Beach, Ca. Passed away AT PU8LIC AUCTION TO THE Yes indeed . Some Marlon Wade. u 1rustora, In •he transferor wlthlri lhree yeara 1111 named p1a1n1llf(a), obtalried a S "'* A 5 19.,., HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH . _,.., 0th office of tho County Recorder of paal so lar •• known to tl'le tudgment and decree ol foreclosure un""'y, ugust I , o"' at (payable at lime of .. ie In lawful reJnam -.. ... ve. ers are Orange Counly, Slate ol California, Intended tr1111teree are: none. and sole .11galna1 David Elijah Smith Hun~n lntercummunity money of the Untied Stelea) all in graceful retirement: WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION The name and b\Jtlneaa •ddreu and Julie Ann Smith delendant(s). Hospital. Mr. Farber was right, title end lntllfMt eonveye<S to Fred Astaire, Ginger TO HIGHEST e100EA FOR CASH ot lhe Intended tranalllfee are· tor 1he tum 01 One Thou11nd Elghl born in Ryan, Oklahoma on end now held by It under Mid Oeed Rogers, Car~ Grant, :payable et time of ule In tewtul RUDY' ~AKIN Hundred Twerity One and 101100 February 4, 1895. In 1926, he of Trust In lhe Pf'<>P«1Y hefelnalt• money or lhe United Stal•) el: 2075'.\ ewpor1 Blvd. Dotter•, lawful money 01 the United d«crtbed: Bette Davis, b Hope, South Iron& entrance 10 the Orange ~ta M .... CA 92627 S1a1n. and by virtue of e writ of was a deputy sheriff o f TRUSTOA: MARTY J. MANDELL K h • H b Courity 010 Courthouae, City of 1'hal lhe properly pertinent enforcement In Mid acllon lasued Garvin C.Ounty, Oklahoma. and MARILYN J. MANDELL. at artne ep urn, Senta Ana. Stet• 01 Celltornle, all hereto 11 de9Crlbed In general u · on July 23, 1982. 1 em comm811ded From 1927 lo 1932, he was a husband end wife. James Stewart, Barbara 1lght, Hiie end 1nteree1 conveyed 10 General Slore end 11 localed II to Mii all 1ha property In the County f ' h R BENEFICI ARY : SKO-FED Stanwyck, Greta Garbo, •ndnowheldby lt1U1dereeid0eed 2114 W. Oceanfront. Newport of Or1nga. Stet• of Cellfornle, arm er In t e ya n. MORTGAGE CORPORATION. • M 1 D l i h of TNtt "'""'property altueled"' ee.cn. CA 92e&3. described .. lollows. Oklahoma area. From 1932 corpotetlon. a r en e e \ r C • said County and Slit• dncrtbed u The bu"-name uMd by the unu 4, Lot 1. ot Traci 9658, u t.o 1937, he was a trucker ln Recorded Augull 25, 1981 .. Claudette Colbert, James Lot 23. Ellocll 234 ol Lalte Tract. aaJd trantterorw at Mid locatlon I• r~ In Book 429. P8QM 30-33 the !>klah.o m a area. He lnatr No. 32800 In book 1419-4, r .. nney Rita Hayworth recorded In boolt 4, page 13 of J.J.'1 GENERAL STORE tnc;(utlYO of the on1c1a1 records o• mov...4 •-W-•-lnster, Ca. page 1090 of Offlclal Recorda In the Lana""""6"' Turn• d f ' Mltcellenaous Mapa, Olflclel That 11ld bulk lrenafer It Or1noe County, State ol Calllornle. ~ "" """ou ontce of lhe Recoldlf of Orange er an a ew Record• In the onlee of the County Intended to be consummated et the Th• propeny 11 more commonly in 1937 and worked with County;Mlddeedottrul1deecr1bee more. Recorcter, Orange County. otllc:a of· ESCROW ENCOUNTERS. known 11 27 Eegle Point, lrvlne. C a di I I a c P e t r o I e u m the following property;. l • rth . ha Celllomle INC . I 7 3 2 O B ••ch BI 11 d . California C 0 mp any u n t 1 I h 1 s IXHl9rr 1. t S WO noting l l The atrHt 1ddrH1 ano olher Hun\lnoton ee.cn;Cellfornl1 92647 Together wllh all and slnguler the . . 1957 H DESCRIPTION Henry Fonda and most common deatgnatlon, II any, of lhe on or ettlf Sec>&. 1. 1982. 1enemen11, heredllements and reurement Ul • e was a PARCEL 1. An unllvlded 1114 of the above achieved reel Pf'oper1Y c!eecrlbed 1t>ove la Thi• lxllk tran1t4W 11 eubjec:t 10 appur1enenca• t!Mfaufllo ~no member of the Huntington lnler•I In and to Lot 1 of TrllCI No. d h 930 purported lo bet 303.303•;. 34th Cellfornle Uniform Commercial ()("' enywlM eppenelnlno Beac'b Church o f Christ 10095. In the Ctty of Coll• Mesa. star om in t e 1 S, StrMI, Newpor1 Baach. CA Code Section 61Qe. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Belo\ted father of Vallon County o f Orange. State of that astonishing period The undersigned Trusl•• The name i nd eddra11 of lhe GIVE N Thal on Tu esday.I Farber, San Bernardino. Ca., Callf()(nla. u per map recorded In When H 0 11YW 00 d dl1clelm1 any 11.-blllly for any perton with wt1om clalma may be Sepaember 14, t982, at 10.00 Ferr l ... Farber 0 f Lake book 4 6 4 . page• 6 en Cl 7 , . ed b f incorrect,_. of lhe 1tree1 eddr... llled la Eacrow Encountera. Inc.. o'clOck. A M of tr.11 day 11 Main ~ Mltce41aneou. Mapa. In 111e office of expertenc a urst o end oth..-common designation. II 17320 Beech Blvd., Huntington Lobby. Courthouae. 700 Civic Havasu , Arizona, Leo thecountyrecordafofaaldcounty. cr eativity that it had any.lhOwnha<eln. Baac:ti.C. 926471ndthe lul dey can1erDr111eWeat.CllyolS1n1e Farber, of Huntington EXCEPTING THEREFROM Units kn bef Said ael• will be made. but torn11noe1e1m1byanycredltorllhall An•·• will M41 the et>ove dftCrlbed =Ca B 1 F ber t 1 1o 14 lnelullve, u anown on the never own ore -without covenenl or warrenty. be August 31. 1982. which la the property, under aald writ eM .. yr ar ° Condominium Plan recorded In or since. exprNI or Implied, regarding tltle, bu a In•• a Cl• Y be for I I h • deCtM. or to mueh lhereol es may d , Arkansas, Helen bOOk 13628, page 1339. Otflclel Sound movies arrived ~. or encumbrance.. 10 conaummallon dete apecllled be neceaaary to ntl•'J seld of Monroe, Georgia, Aecorda. pay Iha remaining prlnclplll sum ot above. 1udgmen1 with lnter•ls en costs. Wanda Miller of Saugus. ,t,LSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM simultaneously with the lhe note(•) MCUred by said Deed of Dated August 9, 1982, 10 lhe highest bidder. for cuh In Ca.. Nev a c h a nd 1 er 0 r the eitcluaJve right 10 Po-.lon ot W a 11 Street c rash , Trust, with lnter111 thereon. ea Aucty Lar'ldn lawful money oil he Unltll<f States. Pixley. Ca., Roy Farber of all lhoae ereu dealgrialed u providing the much provided In aald note(1J. advances. Intended Trenaferee Deled at Sent• Ana, Cellfor111a. balconlea. garegee, pello end deck ti eny, under the terms of aald Deed Published Orange Coeal Dilly Auousl 2. 1982 Rogers, Arkansas and Nonna ere•• a e s ho wn on said n eeded escape for the of fruat, 1au. charges and Pllot,Aug.16, 1982. BRAD GATES, Day of Fair Oaks. Ca. 3 1 CondomlntumPl811. Depression masses . e11Pllf!MtoftheTru11eeendotthe 36-41-82 Sheriff-Coroner grandchildren· 48 great· PARCEL 2: Unll 11 u lhown on Studi'os developed a tru111 crelled by Hid Deed of County ot Orange. cent -~A..hlldre 'd 7 the Condominium Plan above Trust. tor 11\9 amount reuonebly By: K. Brown. .,..,_ nan l great-relerred to fac tory system that Mllmetedlobe:S5,t72.78 Se<g .. n1 great.grandchildren. Friends PAACEL03: The oGluatYe rlghl 10 ed The beneflclery under aald Deed PlB.IC NOTICE NI'-A L" mayi(:ill at Pierce Brothers • ~ ot thoae portion• ot Loi requir stars to make of Trust heretof()(e executed end ------------1 1200 Nof1ti Mein •t. 1111te e1:t Smidt Mortuary from noon 1 dHcrlbed In p.,cel 1 above. the machinery operate. dallvered to the undersigned • NOTICI INV1T1NQ 81DI lanla Ana, Ce. 92701 till 9:00 PM M da h deslQnaied' ea cr-11. ClCll.1>-11 and The stannakers hired ...rlnen Declarlllon ot Oefaull Ind The County Sanitation Olttrlcle ol l"lalnUff'• An_, f · 1 .on Y '!'11 ebre P-11 on aald Condominium Plan pe rsonali' tt' es by the Demand f()( Sele. end a wrlltet1 Orerige Counc~. Cellfb rnla. wlll Publlahed Orange CoHI Delly unera services w1 e and •• appurtenant to Parcels 1 Notloe of Oelault end Election to r41Cl111W -led b4dl unlll Tlllir.cSey. PllOI, Aug 9. 18. 23. 1982 3-499-32 conducted at 3 :00 PM and2ab0Ya. hundreds. They w e re Sell.Theundarelgnedcautedaakl Augu.t28,1962.at11:ooam.Bld1 ----------- Tueaday with evangelist YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A '*--' und v ye Notlee of Oefault and Election 10 must be received et the 0111r1c11· 1111un11c NOTICE DEED OF TA ST D•TEO •oous pUK.-.::u er se en· ar s.11 to be recorded In the counn. Administrative ............ ""' the dll• rUU\. Alan Bailey Mmist.er of the u " "' T tracts 'th · th ., v .. ..,.. _, ---------- H I 13. t981 UNLESS YOU TAKE con Wl SJX·mon where'"-reel property Is localed. end time hereln•boW .., lor1h, el Comptroller of Illa Cwrrtne)' untington Beach Church of ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR options, assigned to DATED. July 23. 1982 which time 1hey will ~publicly TreHwry Dep.t'lment Christ officiating. lnt.ennent PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A acting classes, cast in B Stllewlde Forecloaur• opened end examined •1 Ille otflee of Iha Unll.cl 81•1 .. will be made in the Tipton • PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEEO AN SOrvlcM, Inc. of the Olatr1cta. 10&« En•· A-. Weahl091on. o.c. Pixl~y District Cemeter y EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE pictures and sent o n u said Truatee Fountain Valley, Cellfomla. tor lhe WHEREAS sa11s1ec1ory evidence . , Ca Pi 'OF THE PROCEEDI NG publicity junkets. BySuballtutlon '°"°= ' rtu been presented to 1ne ~~· M~rtu~r; ~7::~.: ~g~~~gTTXOJwlE~~ SHOULD What about today's ~O:~:·v::·~~Miden1 ... ~:~• ~.C:,~~~~~A~6~:L i~~~~6'.c~~!: 536-6539. 2151 Pacific AYO. No. A 104. Colla movie "gian U ." Will Slatewlda Forecloeure Servlcel Bid• mull ~ eubmlued on lhe 1n Hun11ng1on eeech. Stale 01 M .... Callfoml• their deaths, aometime In 5925 c.rrnoe Avenue tonn aupplled by the Dl11r1c11 In C1111orn11, has complied with all rAClltC YIEW .MIMO•IAL r.Aak Cemitery Mortuary Chapel·Cremalory 1 3500 Pacific View Dri ve NewPOrt Beach 544-2700 McfOIMtae MO•TU.AllES ! LaQuna Beach 494·9415 LaQuna Hills 768-0933 !?an Juan Capistrano 495-1776 H+UO. LAW~MT. OUVI Mortuary • Cemetery • Crema1orv • 1625 GISier Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_CIUOTHHS ML&.•OADWAY MOSTUAIY 110 8ro 11<1w11v Costa Meaa &42·9150 IALTl ... •HOH SMrTN & TUTHllL WISTCLIH «;HArtL 421 E 17th St Costa Mesa 8•6-9371 ~ rmc1 eeont•s SMIYMI' MOITVAIT 627 Main SI ttJntt~on BHc:h 53M639 • .. (II a 1tree1 lddr ... ()( common Cypr .... CA 90830 accordenc:ie with all provf1lon1 of oro11111ons 01 111e 'stetulea 01 lhe dH lgnatlon 11 shown above no the 21st century, make (714) 828·3280 tha apeclflcellon•. United States required to be warrenly 11 given •• to 111 front-page news? Publlahed Orange Co111 Delly Speclflc:etlona, bid blank• end compli ed wit h before De1n g complel-()(correct-~" Stardom is different Piiot, August 2. 9. 16. 1982. !Vr1her lnlormallon may be obll.lned author11ed 10 c ommence the The beoeflclery under Mid Deed 3408-3* et 11>9 above 1ddre11: telephont bullneu or t>enk1ng as a Nellonal of Tru11. by reuon of a breech or n o W . They' r e called 5-40-2910 ()( 982-2411. Banking Auoc1e11on default In the obllgetlon• eecurecl superstars, and they can 1------------.a. Warne,,..,_..,,~ NOW THEAE~OAE . 1 '1ereby 1her1by, heretorore e111cule end l I f $ PlB.IC NOTIC( ~of IKNctora. C-tr cer tlly 1na1 th• abov e-nemeel dellvered to the underalgned I attract Sa ar es 0 5 I------------l8'llt.tton Otet'1ote ...... f, lllOClllllOn II authorized to wrluan Oeelaretlon of Default and million (Burt Reynolds, '1CTIT10Ua ~•a 2. a. I, I, 1end11, of commen?e 1rte bualness of.banking NAlllll ITA~ ...-•• Damand for Sale, and written notice "The Cannonball Run"). The tollowtno ,,_.,,.,. .,. doing Ofeft9tl ~. c-._ 11 a National Banki"il Assocllllon of breach and of electlon to C:.UM ...--•• Publl1had Orenge C091t Delly IN TEST IM 0 NY W HE A E 0 F, the undersigned to Hll Hid and $4 million (Duatln bull-.. : Piiot Aug. 18, 1982 wl1neu my 11gn11ure end aeal ol property to aetlaty aeld obllgetlona, Hoffman, "Tootsie") that NEWBAY · 17992 Mltche ll :1840-82 office thlt 2nd d11y of June. 1982 end lhereelter the underalgned South, ll'Ylne. CA 92714· C T. Conover ceuMd aald notloe 01 breech end of C 1 a r k Ga b 1 e and LINDA CHORBAGIAN. 9613 1------------Comptroller of Ille Currency elecllon to be recorded Mey 4. Humphrey Bogart never :;~~ron, Founteln VallfY· CA "8.IC NOTitl Ch111er Numbe< 11306 t982, .. Instr. No. 82-153590 of dreuned of. LESLIE GREENING, 6001 flCTTTIOUa .,..... Publl•h•d Orenge Coeal Delly Mid Otflcrlel Aaoorda. But 1ome Of toda~'I Newport Shorea Drive, No. 1, ...... ITATWMINT Pllol, July t2, 19· 26· Aug 2· 9· 18• Said Hie wlll be made. bul ~ 8aech CA t2M3 The rottowln9 person 11 doing 23. 30, Sapt 8, 1982 wllhout co11en1nt or werranty. superstars -Jo n ~OBERT YAMAE.UJI, 2 bualMMea: 1----------3-13_5_._112 ••~ ~ lmpnect. regatdlng lllle1 Travolta and Barbra Sunburl\, ll'Ylne.CA 917t5. HUDSON MFG co .. t260 .. -IC NOnrr ~:;,~ 811CU~no::n :: st rel a and -have DON AL D R co A 81 N. 3 7 LogM A...-,ue, Unit!!, C09t• ...... 1----..;.'"..;;.;.~..;....;__,;-..,'~--~-- the note(•) eeoured ""'Miid Oeed o1 di'acovered t .... at lt 11 Montpelller. Newport Beech, CA CA 92t2t. '1CTfTlOU8 ...-u ., _, a 92MO. ANDREW L SANDOR, 2019 NAm 8TAft....-T irvel. with lntereet • 111 Mid~· difficult to l\\!ltain film Thia.~ le conduCt9d bye ~ Strwl. No. C, Huntington the ............... --dolno provided. edvancee. II any, undet ~ "'""'"I '"""'-""' ....... ~-the term• or Aki Deed of Tniat, ea.reera without •tudloe oenw• · e.d\, CA H-~ea: .1.. ,_, c:hargee and~ of 1M •In.--th Uncle ~ Tiiie ~le OO!'Ouet«I by., 8AIOHTuN INVESTMENT Trullee and of the lrueta crwted by to support uicm aver e Thie Ntement wee flted wtth the lf'lllMdl*. OROUP. H5 Town Center Dflve, Mid Deed of Truet. arid patcbe9 th.At plague County ewti ot er.,. County on Ancnw 8etldOr 10th Root. eo.ta MeM. CA 92829. •·~-' 13 !tea Thia atetemanl .,., 111-• with 1--HTON A"'SOU""ES., INC., Seid •••• wlll be held on -··ry ---r ....._. • ,_ .,. """ c """' "'•"' --·-· Coun'Y C*tl of OrW108 COuMf on eN TO'M' C«1ter Dn¥e. 10ltl Floof, Wedneed9y. Sac>tambet '· IN2 11 Othera U e ~lve.icr Publl•hed Oran~• Co111 Detty on Nty 27, 1H2 ea.ta MtN. CA tH2t. 2;00 pm. aa U'8 ~ AWftlle p~ •·-16, 23 .._ ...... .-.. ... ~........., entrencl 10 the CMo Center Stallone, Cht It~ -'•....,.. • • _..t. 6, 1-.. ,.,_,..,. Tllle ~ta....,..,....._ b)' a Bulldln . 300 Eaal Chapman Reeve and i;,......,.r 3e3M2 Publltlled Or1nge Coaet OeUy oorporatlofl, Avenue. U'8 City of ()rMQe, b bat"'1i'" l Pllol, Aug, 11, 2', 30, hpt. t . 1"2 ~ Al the time or tll• lnJtl•I have ltroul e eecl a phng "8JC NOTIC( 3HH2 ~~ pub11G41Uon of 1hla nottoe. the ~., t e a ngu i.r ro e l at P'IClltlOU8 .,_81 Thi• 1tat.men1 -n1ec:1 wtth 111e amountoftheUl,.,.id~offfle .._,,, ... l.t t ... _ "·--.. _.,. ..,,._ obllgetlon MCUttld by tlle ·~ .,..,.,..., ucm u1utc um eTA~ ~ ""''~ County a.ti of Otanoa County on dHOrlbed deed of'""' •nd Henry ro,nd• Wal ~~ ~ -dOlng HCllUOUt,.,...•• AuQuet t3.,,,M2 ,,... ""m•ttld co1t1, ••pen .... and fortunattt at w J\l ... no COOi< TOOM, INC. dbe ..... ITA,,_, coev N. ICll.Uft '~:r:i:!'·~'·~'"9 bid. be1ni • rare, individual llLAHOI IN T~I .euN, hu I The 10::.-lng '*""I• doing A....,., .. '- VOii mey call f714) 93'1'.otee, pel'IOnality and a nl .ur.t ~=•Ill. Newport l8loll, CA ~PPP LAHTI· (I) "'IAN • T:.c::-Dr. Date: A~ e, tte2 born actor. He c.Jne to Ti D •OOOK TOUA8, tNO. a 'wnliA'M8 PL.ANTI, 4i'I' llftte Me C.... ..... CA - • O·FEO MOATGAOE Holl)(Wood ln 103~ when Callfornl• oorporallon, Hu A""'F:A~i:::t'·4~ 'a"':· Publlalled o,.nge OoHt Delly COAP. .. Mid T.,...., the ltar·makina medUne ~·"·· Newport laach, OA 'All• AWl\ue, Newpo..i leeoll ·~ Ptlot, Aug. , •• ta. llO, Sec>t~!!~ ~o. 1arvtoe co.. wu ln peak operation. Tlllt. ~ • oondUCled by a '2:' ~ .. OOllduoted ~.,. 8yl Vldtl J. Andriclge, He appM.ttd ln hJ~ and oorpou11100. lndM4MI ~~ flopa, but hi• ·~udlo 'nlll•••T=·==-~ttle ~.....!::.W.:::C.w1tt1m. [ ca111u-1111. 1 °"""'. ~ tate contracta provided a ~an of Or-.. Countv on ;;.!T C!n GlcC ... 0oumy on Put a fewworda rw~M contlnUlly that ~ ~ ti. 1•· ,._ ,... to worll fer you. Publl•lled o~ eo .. 1 Diii)' hJI career undl hll .t ,_ ,_ __ ...;.;;...;.;..;;..;.;;.;..;:;.;.~;;;...; "°'· Auo. , .. n , ao, 1en / _ .. _-.-._. ~~ .. ~_.. ~ .. l Oa11: "'l>ftlfled OrMCM COMl 1>111y "'2-G WU v~-· ~-.. .._. J, tll, --..r Mt Plot, Aue,. 11. a, 11>, ea,t, t, , ... .. 1CM2 ·----------~ -----~-~--------~-~-----------·~---------~--~--~ J.---~~-- t I •BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Performences belore 5.00 PM lhtepl Speclel Engagemenls and HohdaysJ lA MlllAOA MAU o "11fOOO 01 1Josec1on• LA MIRADA WALIC ·IN 994·2400 "NIGHT IHIFT" 1•1 ······'° "ZAPt'EOI" l•l '"°'• r•o. ,,. "CHEECH 6 CHONG THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" 1•1, ta:tO,t;M ............ 10'.M "FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3" 1•1 1:t:JI J JO •JO •:-• t.JO \HI "ROCKY 111" l"'l ,,. .... , ............ ...... "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" 1•1 tl;':ll, >• ..... --lt:JI "THE PIRATE MOVIE" 1""1 I 1:00. ,:20, S:40, 1:00. 10'.20 LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIC·IH "THE BEST LITTLE I WHOREHOUSE IN TEX.AS" 11:41. >• t2I rM. ... IRt "ST.AA WAAS" !POI IN OOLl't tTUIEO ft.al. Ht~ .__. ... ,. " ... "NIGHT SHIFT" 1•1 t:toUOUA.~..a .. , lO focunv 01 Cono1ewooo 213/531·9510 "YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE"1•1 tt:>IJ-_... ................ "ROCKY Ill" 1"1 111.ue,ua,La - THE PIRATE MOVIE 1"01 t ,. J.Jlt. .... ,, ,.,.. "FlllOAY THE 11TM PART 3"flll IN IO ,. --. l..• , .... ,,. IMPORlANf NOTICl ' CHltORlN UNDlR 12 flUl! IU<bor ood 11., ... 111o On fri 7.00 • Sal '411 Hlh. 6 00 "' tWI n IOUHO •;DUI AM tAll MOO II ;~ Sl'l.UI~ " "° ·~ t411 M()ll) wn• IGNl'OOH •CCIUMY IOSnlC)I; -MIN(; AM l'Oll1AIU "~l Ctttf.11 OM't.t!IS I.JO l)lj AM"°'° 4NAH!IM ANAHEIM l'IUVE·IN "ZAPt'EOl"1•1 :#J ~·~ ,,.,_.. ..... ''•••Of 91 ot l•~O" 11 "THE HIT UTTU ••• :_ • WHOllEHOUIE IN TElCAJW 101 "-.. 179·9150 ~ "AH OFFICili ANO A--- "FOllCED YENOEANCE" 1•1 GENTLEMAN" IOI ""' ""' "SCAl'IED TO DEATH" t•I "THI FINAL COUNT DOWN" tP<lt ____ c_••_r_•_wu_ ·~ __ 1 &UlNA ,Alll BUENA PARK DRIVE IN E.T .. THE UTllA•TEllllEITillAI. ...u. ("01 l•nc:o•n " ... W••' ot ""°" OEAO MEN DON'T WIAll l'LAIO 121-4070 &U!NA PAH LINCOLN DRIVE·IN ,.,.co•" ••• wev 01 ""o•• 12H070 wlSIMll\ISIH' HI-WAY 39 DlllV( IN "fOllC•O VINOl*:r tll> ..... "ICAl'llD TO OIATH" 1•1 "FlllDAY THE 1'TH l'AllT 3" <•I ..... "YENOM"t•I iltO<' 81>0 so .. ~O•n GJo•t f. lfWGV 891·3693 "tTAll WAlll" ll'OI ..... "MtlGAP'OllCI" IPOJ --~C~IH~l-'~•SOU;.;:.:.~:.:..-----1~--_:;~':;::...~ ~SOUtiO __ _ ZAPt'EOl t•1 ~u• THI U'OUCTION 1•1 Cltlf 11tou"1l ~ • UAl\PA LA HABRA OlllVf IN ............ ·--·-.... 17MH2 - ..... , ... 1 ORANGE DIUVf IN ... .......,AY TMll llTlt ,Awr I" 1111 -·VWNQM"f!lll ... ,., ' • "lilil MISSION DPIVf IN \o oOll o e ' +' tj ,4 '• M I ' WAQNEll C•lll vl 1N CHllCH 6 CHOHO TMHOI Alll TOUGH~L OW" <•I ITll"I t•l CltOI h SOUNO SO"IO .. "O ,,..,. • S•o•• Co"•o• 634-9361 .. ,,_ .. IT UfT\.S WHOM..oUM .. TUAI" .c "UllaAH COW90Y" INI ·u~mrrA ,. 8CILft u-. ...... __. I I [ I d l ; t .. AJl~o SAY "GHEESE" -Ringo Starr and wife Barbara Bach ham it up for photographers at London's Heathrow Airport before boarding a flight to the United States. -.. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augu1t 1e. 1oa2 . Frankenheimer revs up for race fi l m LE CASTELLET. France (Al') -The ranc tlarunt of John Frankenhelmer. with hi. tndemark hat of bltt4red corduroy, ll blck on the arand prlx auto racetrllCka -"Spctld" ln hll eye.. Sixteen years aao. Frankunhelmer made the clualc auto ractna film "Orand Prix," when the 1port waa In Its profe11lonal Infancy and just crawling out of the day1 of the gentleman amateur. "But then f l<>1t my lnterest In motor raci"i, l:>eqluae IO many of my driver friends were killed, and I &Ot involved in the Qther thino.'' he 1ald ln an lnterview at the French Grand Prfx. Hla eyes were sUll ahining after being taken on two quick lape of the track ln a turbocharged aedan by Ferrari driver Patrick Tambay. "Little by little my lnterest ln can came back -and it really returned when I bought my 6.9 Liter Mercedea and my Porache 935,'' he said. Fran.kenhelmer shyly admitted that as well as making a new mol9r racing film next year, to be called "Speed.'' And he said that his dream was to drive one time in the Le Mans 24-hours race. He has taken three course• at Bob Bondurant's race driving school in California to prepare, but has yet to run a race. He admits to being 52, but then actor Paul Newman is older and racing actively, having placed second al Le Mans in 1979. _ Frankenheimer said that tds-lnterest in the sport coincided with "the realizaliW< that no one is going to have me make a movie that I want to make, at the salary I command." So the answer w as to do the entire job mysell -from the idea to the production. "What do you know aomethln1 about?" Frankenhelmer uked hl.mMlt. "Cook1na. livina ln ltu.ropt. Women," he added quickly. "Not ao much." And motor ract.na. which not many movie d1r~ know about. ·•Grand Prix," he l&Jd, "wu a aort of 'Orand Hotel' about a group of drivers aet ln the confext of a aeuon. Thll will be about one American drtvet, •ied about 42 -becau.ee that la the ace of mott top American actora -toward the end of hit ~r and driving aranda prix and Le Man1 -and about hi.I son." He haan't thol.lght of who will star, but said The comedy sleeper of the year. MtGilTSHtn [R] -A LADO C0Mf¥.NY llElEASE ... 1,,,. ••• •.w ........ :~o ' - that lt N~ called tomorrow. h4='d a11n him fOJ' th lead. With the aport havlntJ b"come a hlihly profe11tonal. multl-mllllon dollar bu1lneH, Frankenhetmer haa joined forces with a CO'- produoer. He la Bernard Eocle1tone, the Enallahman who hu played the major role ln chanatn& the •pert over thoae 16 yeara and who now oontrola th• fln~rw..-e. of the grand prlx eerlee. j. "The complex polltica of the sport theae <Mlya • and the sponaorahip, w hich didn't exist ln 1966, will definitely be elements of the ftlm," Frankenheimer aaid. Singer r ecalls 'r e bel Years' By ROBE RT MACY Au ootNct ~ Wrtter LAS VEGAS -Anne Murray flops her bare feet on a coffee table and laughs about those daya in 1971 when the shoeless girl in hot pants shocked Las Vegas audiences with her unorthodox attire. "I was a bit of a renegade," she says. "No one would believe it now, but I wa8 revolting against the whole idea of Vegas and show business. I thought the glamour and glitter had nothing to do with what I was doing -the singing and the music. "So I showed up on stage in hot pants and bare feet. It just appalled everybody . . . just appalled 'em." . For three weeks, two shows a night, as the opening act for Glen Campbell, the throaty contralto from the coal mining town of Springhill, Nova S cotia, flashed her defiance at the establishment. "I just hated the idea of glamour," she recalls. "Everybody was a flower child in those days. 1 didn't wear shoes for three years -from the time I started ih 1968, until I began to wake up and realize shoes had nothing to do with what you were doing." Following her first big hit, "Snowbird," in 1970, she experienced a worrisome 2 'h -year drought before rebounding with "Danny's Song" and "Love Song." In the mid-70s, she took a two-year hiatus to marry Bill Langstroth, the man who started her in show business, and have their first child, William Jr. She returned in 1978 with the smash hit, "You Needed Me," and a fresh perspective on her career. "l got married on my 30th birthday," she said. "l had always wanted to have kids. As 900n as I had William, I was really ready to have a career. When I decided to come back and give it another shot, my attitude was completely !llfferent." She schedules moat of her 100 performances a year on weekends, and refuses to go on the road more than two weeks at a time. An exception was a recently completed month-long tour of Australia in ....-:• COSTA .... -·-°""•"' _..,,. .... .., llt 91SO S•O 1•" .U llT--lrA P\ul l-S-00.• Stt SJlt Sii SHO llAMOl-1 !dw-Wts111r°"' $30 UOI ..... ll"C"YC:.-1 n• 3911 WllTMllllTUI P~.-C l .. Wl'f lt ,,,,.. "' At• :1693 "ONE OF THE HIGH-RANKING SURPRISES OF THE SUMMER. rT IS A MOVIE TO BE SALUTED." ~--Colltna, eel Nl!TWOIU< ·. • " AUlAIOl!ff l'l:TI)U ~ ~·WCML.011.,............,.,-::;.eo,::: "~ ----NOW PLAYING ---- au.1M llWPOIT 11ACM GaMIE WUTMlllTlll Pacitlc's Ana11t1111 Edwanls Hewpon Cllledome Edwatds Cinema West Of1ve-ln 8711 9850 Cinema 6U·0780 634·2553 8111 ·31135 ....... llfJO Edwants Vlejo Twln 830.fllllO -NOW PLAYING •l!!'!f!L. which her husband, son and 3-year-old daughter, Dawn, participated. "Being a wife apd mother are far and above my top priority, she says. "The career is worked a round my family. I find myself passing up opportunities all the time. "We're talking about people here,·· she says of her family. "My career is very important to me, but it's a 'thing.' These are people we're talking about, and there's no contest at all." When she walks through the front door of the family's 13-room home in suburban Toronto, talk of show business is taboo. Despite the wealth garnered from a room full of hit records and a seven-figure annual income, she shWlS the trappings her money could provide . "I couldn't remain sane if I had to live in the world of show business, with people waiting on you and all that. I have to get down and scrub a floor once in a while." ~William Jr. saw a different side of his famous Mom when he saw her perform for the first time in a Toronto concert on his fourth birthday. "I came out on stage and he said 'Mommy's got a dress on!' He was so used to seeing me in shorts or jeans and a sweatshirt," she said. "When I came off stage he whispered, 'Mommy, you look so pretty'.'.' Would she walk away from the business today'? "I think I could walk away right now and not miss the adulation of the crowds or anything like that. What I would miss is working; being busy al something I enjoy." · With Burt&Dolly lht. much fun }IUI couldn 'I ~l~gal/ CITY CEnTER f'~ ,.._ fH( (11" COrfUf Ott•~ • ,,. 111) TH€ ORIGINAL 15 BACK. .. t ' 1 -, ........ 1:001,4,7,1,11 MAGAN TALK P1e1ldenl m1ke1 t1x ~ 10 p.iblle. 40 (P) 8AM8A11. K1n111 City II New Vorh Y111h- .... NIWI ~WOMAN I TMllAIHT I.WAT. HAWAM PIVE-0 • • OY8'IAIY o-t: ~ Jof\nfty 0.. mond.(A)Q G w.GIC Of' OIL "AINTINCI I == .CHlWI MOW • • "8blpwt9Ck" (11178) AolMwt LOQll\. Mlllkl Jaml- M>f'l•Ollon. A wld-, hl1 two dlUgillltl. I repor11t and 1 rvnaw1y are 11rand- ed on an leollled llland efter lf'COUfllltlng I vio- lent llO<m 11 ~ •G• euow ** "TUGk E111N1•11"0" (11178) Fred Kelter. Joeeph MecGulre. A young glrl mMll an lmmortll !amity known u the Tudl1. t:IO I DO( CAWTT 'A8T FORWARO "G.,,_" A look 11 Ilk.,, 11 the uM of 01mee •• edueltlonll Ilda, mllllary lld• and aophl11tc1t1d comput1t .,.,,_, (])alHIWI 0 IAMEY MIU.ER Clluow **~ "VIiia L.u Vega" (IMC) EMe Prealey, A11n- Margre1. A Lu Vegu •wlmml!'O lnatructor ~ the obi.ct of •ffeo11on lor • lj)Orta car nut and hie 11.itan friend 7!00 I CM HlWI . .CHIW9 KUNG FU A blind prMCher r.tgne 111- -lo .,,1111 CllM'I help. G KOJAK • M•A•a•H WMn Hot Upa thlnlla she might be pregnant. the only rebbl1 a...ilable lor the , .. t .. Al<IM·• pet Aul- ~ NATA.LIE Ulor.,, Bacall. 9et11 Davia. Karl Mllid«t, Ruth Gordon, Ann JHllan, Sir Llluf9nOI Ollv*. Michael Caine. George Segal. CM1topher Plummet and otherl pey • epecill lrtbule to Nlllllle Wood, I friend and co- woriter. .. ........ NPOfl'T (]) ... M. MAGAZINE A loolt at hOw old B4lrble dollll are becoming YMr Mlle collectlblea. 0 Mil. PM llA80H IJOOTM1.L C~ 8Mt'I YI. 8411'1 oi.go Cflat9et'I (8 THI MUPPETS G.-i: Ell<• Sommer. (11JMOVll * • * "10 Rllllngton Piece" ( 11171) Rlcherd Att.nbotougll. John Hurt. A young BflUell couple fell Ylc1lm to • lllndty Mlghbor wflo otterw to helc> them out of • Ml10ut predb- ment CZ)MCME *"' "Ql.n.e CNn And The CwM Of The OrilClbf1 ~" (11181) Petit Ucll-"°"'· Alchwd Hllctl. Ch111- lle Chan la aided by hl1 bumbling gr1ndaon In IOMng 1 airing of mur- Clera. 'PG' 7:aG. 2 ON THI TOWN F .. tlnd: the burial ~ of -,.,,_ people: • VIRTUOSO -World renowned vtollnist ltzhak Perlman gives guest performance on "Evening at Pops" tonighi at 8 on KCET (28). 111111 to • maneton that once belonOed to comedi-an Hllfold LIOyd: I prollll or lhe Topano1 Canyon "mtlllldy." I Cll 'AMtLY FEUD u •A•t•H Wllert Hlwkeye '1 P1119nla 11e notified that he'• dMd. he find• It no -)' matter 10 •llbllah lhll hl'l II/Ye. • MACNEIL I LiHAEA AUOlllT • f'LEDOE MEAi( Regularly echeduled pro- gramming m1y be delayed due to pledge b<Mk•. (I) TIC TAC DOUGH QD WHAT OH EAR™ / OrM>f'I BNn hoata lhl• rut-~. rect-tttled ac1- 1ne1-i... 7:..a 1 IEWNIHO AT POPI l.1IO ()) PNVATE IPf,JAMIN Captain L~#ls beeornM • ...,.. 10 taking order•' 1lt1t liking a -.ilnar In lell·-11 .......... (R) Dal LITnE HOUSE OH THEf'MINE . Mra. Oleaon'a newly ldopted d1ughler Mta out lo become the ater or lhe ecnoot t .. 1111.i. (Plt1 2)(R) • wov. • • ~ "Luc·y Gall1n1" (11155) J-Wyrnen, Charl- ton Heeton. Thi ambltloul °""* of • htghty ----ful ladlM' boutique pt-=- • Q'Mler Yelue on ,_ c:1t1er then on the roman- tic oner lhl get• rroru • Tuu Oilman. 8 IUT Of' THE WEST Sam and Dll1lel aquare ott IQllMI I big man and hla bully Ion In ~ of the Beet famlty hOnor. (R) euov. **'A "A Min C1lled Adem" ( ttee) S1111my Dftte .k .. ...._ LAwfotel A tJladl ""'"'* ~ lolee hlmlllf In • pool °' ..,_ pity Ind --thl delth of 1111 .... Ind Clllld. .......... w A prOfle of lterete dlemp end "'"' ltM ~ Norrie; • lltell to the s.. of o.Mlee. • MOYIE * * * "LOlll With The Proper St~" (11164) N1tlllle Wood, Steve ~. A young couple f 111 In io... end ... mlllrild •It• the girl ~ pregnant on tMlr flrlt dlll • IEWNIHO AT POPI JOOI! w........ and the BOiton Pope 0ra-1r1 -)Olr'9d by vtrt-vlo- llnllt ttztlall Plrlmen tor 1 perlormence of Bructl'• Vlolln Concerto No. 1 (R) (C)MOW • *'-' "Th1 Octagon" (1980) Chucll Nortll, L• Ven CIMf. A WHllhy young women hlrea 1 .-llred mlllllal 1111 Cflarn. pion lo protlGt ,_ trom terrorllta trlll>ed by the m'f91"1oul Ninja cull. 'R' (BJMOVll * "Tenan, The Ape M1111" ( 19811 Rlcherd Harrta, Bo Derek A young woman -Chll tot her mlllinO tither In the Alrlcllll jungle where eti. encoun11n an uncMllBd ~· man and an onngut1t1 'R' Cl)MOVll ** "Thie le EMI" (1811) Oc>Gumen111')'. Fiim loot• Ind dramlllle r.Gl'llllOne ar1 ulld 10 tell 1he •tory of EM1 Preele)''• 1111 and Cit-. Dwow * • "Siience 01 Th• North" (111811 Ellen But .. lyn. Torn Sk1trltt. In 111111, •young woman'• mlfTiag. lo • trepper "-di hit to a Nte of hlltd9hlp In ,,.. wtl- OlfnMI of northltn c.,,. d1 'PG' U0 8 ()) WMP IN QNQNNAT1 A 9'1p of the tongue landa A""'f and Venue In big lrouble wl1h MMll Catl- aon (RI • MOYll • • • * ··The Liii Pk:1ur1 Show" ( 11111) Timothy Bot· tome. Jett Bndgel. Al lhl only moYle lhelllt In 1 email T eltll IC>Wfl of the 111509 prepar• to cloM. the ...... of the tOWT>•• ... dent• becoml lntMl'towlned. • SINGLES MAGA2JNE 9:008()) M•A•t•H The unit I• OYll'joyed by 1 9U<P<IM thlpmen1 of frllh ~(R) UalMOVIE ••~"Loving Vou" (11157) Elvie PrHley, Uubeth Scott. A emlll IOWT> llnger ITIMt• • hlrd·bOlled pr- IQl'll whO tranalorm1 him Into an OYll'nlgllt ..,. ... tlon. (R) .imWGIWl'IN ~ Olnnll Mllllr-Wll- ll1m1, Ge rry Spence, 0-ge Milter, Timothy Dery, Robert "Goodie" W!lltfteld. .GM.AT ~ "Dence In America: Two Duell" Mlkhlll Bary9hnl· kov and Netall1 MlkatOYI perlorm Jerome Robblne' "Other Danciee" to mu11c by Chopin; and lb Ander- ..,., and H .. ther W11ta perform P111t M1t11n·1 "Cllclum Night Light" lo ~by Charlll IYM (R) &9 GAU C:W STAM ttl2 a.-ty Sllll l'IOlll an ..,.. nlng or perlormancee by top 111111 In the world• of oper1. dance. eympnony. ct\lmblf mutle and thl !Miter: Jamee LIYIM i. mulllc director for the gale.. (a:lMOVIE l lt70)~~ a.tao, .. the '°" muelOll ~ .. tN .... 'IOl~ll tM ~ rook OOllOlt"t lllld In ...,_., New YMi, Int .... -· (J) LOU llMHT ~ tlelo• 1119 jOb wfllte wotttlllt Oft • -~ 00!'· oernlnQ 'nllfd WOl'ld 11111• • YI ... ; NIWW AH IY8MQ WfTH ILL MONROI ANO .......,. The 100 •ter• 01 btuolgt- mueio, lnctucllnG 1111 Mon· roe and IN Blue Gr- loye. TrOIMetlMtlo .._. Ot ... and tN Gt.ngt'-Cloooef•, petfotm In 1 OOft09f't 18'*1 •t Aodlee- .., •• M1Mat11n SQuat• ,..,..In 1N1. 9 YOU AlklO POfl IT '"turotd: "The 8or8'm M~ Rollet COUl1t" and "IEngllnd'1 Pet P1y- Clllleltt•I " (C)MOVll ***'-' "The Wey We Wire" ( 1t73) 81r1>r1 111'91Mnd. Aoblr1 R.cfford. A young c:Ollege -'* In the 1~ di-that thelt polltlell dlff9t- -111ong enough to feOl>-111dln their m8'r1ege . CH)MOWI • * * "HMY«I Can Wiit" ( 1971) Warren BMlly, Julte Chrlllle. After • PfO loot· blll 1tar'1 1111 11 prema- turely clllmed by 1111 Inept lfl09I, lhe 11'1111 II g!Yen the bOd)' Of I rnffllOnalrl lndu .. trlallat to oontlnue IMng In ·PG' (l)MOVll! * * * "EM9" ( 111711) Kurt AulMll. heeon Hubley EM• Pt'llle')' ""-from poYerty and o«iecuttty to IChi.Ye fame and lortUM u • auperllar m'*<:ll Pit· former. 1C>-;IO • ..we 9 INTPTANIWIT TONIGHT An lnlervlew with Shaun c...ioy, (Z)MOVll! *** "Eye Of The~ die'. ( 1118 t) Donal!I &.other. lend. K1t1 Helllgan Whlll on 1 remot• Scott11h lllll'ld lo mMI 1 Germen M.lbmerlne, In Axle apy llnd1 ahlller trom th• etorm In the cotteoe or 1 ~ mMtted cou(IM. 'fl' 11:00eue(])<11a NIWI • IATUAOAY NIGHT HOit: Norm1n L*ar. GuMt: Boz Sceggl. G YOU ASK.ED FOR IT FMlured· "Hend·FMdlng OMdty Morey Eela" Ind "E.nglleh Butler SchOOI " • M•A•t•H ~ 191Mda lllroughOul the CMnP that 1 CMM-nr1 II Imminent. • ....., ... u Binny pertlclpet.. In the Gl'lll lnvllkl Ch1lr Race. 1::.--MP<>tn' •• "c.tboll Copy" (11111) George Segal, Suaan Saint J-A -tu• WM• bu1tn111m1n dlaco1111a 11111 he hM • orown M>f'I tioflo II~. 'PG' 11;IO. (]) OU9CY Quincy .. crltlellly wound- ed .wftlll lnYMl'Olllng I 111\Kder. (R) D alTONIGHT 0.-t holt: Joan RllllfJ. Gueeta· DMlll J. T1111anll, Dllna Mclellan. • A8CNIWI NGHTl.INE • MOVll **It "Thi Girl Hunt ...... ( 1M3) Lloyd Nol1t1. Mlekey ~. Wilen I pr1Yal1 dllKllYe QOH Olf In -ch of 1119 MCtWlary wtM> hu mytterioualy ~ ~. he mek• thl ltertling dlec:overy that lhe hid bier! • 99Y· • TMeJU'nMONI 0eorve and Lou._ _.,.. UPMI by Uonel'I chOlcl Of roommat•. • LOW. AMUICAN STYL.e "LOlll And The Longeet Night" Luther Ind Dolor .. lfl on lhelt Woty 10 lu VIQll, but 991 loe1. "LOY* And The ~·· Boyd and Dec>hne return from • lormel pwty. TUBE TOPPERS KCET (28) 8·00 ........ "Evening ol Pope." Bolton Popa Orche1tra 11 Join d by lntemaUonally acclaimed vtoUru.t Itzhak Perlman. See photo, left. KABC (7) 8:30 -"The Last Picture Show." A.a the only movte theater ln a small Texu gown preparet to closa, lives ' of resldenta become intertwlned. Tlmothy Bottoms, Jet! Brtdaea 1tar. KNBC (4) 9:00 -.. Loving You." Elvis Presley plays a amall town 1dnger who Is tran.afonned into an overnight idol. KOCE (50) 9:00 -"Gala of Sta.rs 1982." Beverly Sills hosts performances by top stars of opera, dance, symphony and the theater. .MOWI *'-' "Murder Can Hurt YOU" ( 1HO) Jamie Farr, G1vln McLeod Eight 1uper-1l1 u1h 1 b ind logelhlt 10 bltlle a COin• mon foe, the blNllanl but deedty "Man In White." (R) • MOVll! **'A "S1v• P1mpu" (1M1) Aoberl Taylor, Ron Randell An Army officer trtel to keep hi• mllltll)' unit lnteot 1lt1t 1 band of rebel Argenlinlan dMlft- .,.. and ll>Cllant 111\MClcl lhl countryalde. • Low. AMPICAH STYLI "LOlll Al>CI The Setloul WeddlflG" Two p<ICllcal fo'ler• dec:lde to get mer- rted "LOYI And Mr. Nlc:e Guy' .. A ntoe guy 11 per- tutbed ~ .. girt• ,, .. , him Ml budd)' (C)MOVIE • * ~ .. C1boBl1nc o" C 1$11) Chartea BtonM>f'I, Jaeon Aobllld1. An exiled Nut who hu bought ott the toc:ll polkle domlnatll • amall Peruvian cout.i IOWT> during lhl 1MOI. 'R' t:z:ao D Cll LA TE NIOHT wm4 DAVIO LETTlAMAN Qu11la Liiii• Rlcherd. IYthor J I)' Robert NUii. (R) IE:8™0.8 One of the country'• hOI· '"',_rock ICll ting 19 M>nO• lneludlng their hit 11no11e ··we Got The e..1" 1nd "Our Lipa Are Sealed .. (l)MOVIE * * "Return Of Thi Dr•· gon•• (11172) 8Nol LM . Chuck Norrta. A mllllal 1111 expert )ourneya trorn Hong Kong to Rome to hel9 • friend who .. In trou- ble with the mob. •R' .MOVll * * "Oelt• Fox" ( 11171) Rlch11d Lynch. Stuart Whitman. A proi.atonll amuggllr meet• hi• match In 1 bMAJtllul woman wflo trec>a him with 1 mlMlon ~In hot money • (%)MOW • * ''°' "Er1aer1111d" (11171) John Nance. Chlr- lotte St-1. Alter gMng birth to 1 "'°""" child. 1 weird young ""°"*' ..._ ~ the bl.by tor tne ~ to ,.. alone In wtlat ...... IMhlonhe~. 12:.«>•{I) cou..teO Columbo QOll to England to '-YI aomettllng !tom the ct.tectl\lel at 9cottand Yllld end wlnda up hllplng I'*" eolve I lllUl'der. ( R) 1:00 I = AUTWt ••• ••Lllbon" (1115e) Ray Mlllerld, Cl9ude Reina. A llNp ·a captain la hired to ,_,. 1 woman·• hul- blnd from Cornmunl•I ~tori.. 1 ::20 CH> MOVIE * * * .. Flrtl F1mlly" (1NO> Glld1 RM!Mr, Bob Newhar1 The HXUIJly rep411Hd daughter of thl oountry'a .W<IMI. prell- dlnllal lernlly complk:atM her tlllher'• 1t1ernpt1 to oonducl thl lff1lra of at1l1 •A· • 1::ao e a Nee NIEWI OYllMQHT • Qu.IAUTM 1:«> (C) MOYlll * * "Honky TC>NI Fr- wey" (Comedy) 8Hu Brldgee, 8-ty O'AnQll<>. A amlll town In Florid• Ilk .. matter• Into 11'• own h•nd• When they .,. by- pUMCI by• new hlgnw1v. 2:oo eMCME * • "Friday The 13th" (11180) Belly Palrnw, Adrl- .,,ne King The reopening ol • aummer ClllllP, cloaed 20 yeera 111llet 1f11t 1111 .. murd.,I. 1t111C11 1 vtndlc· tlve klll11 who knll11 un~lng IMn·IOlf•. 'R' 2:06 Cl) MOVIE * * ~ "Hlatory Of The World -Pert I" ( 181 t) Mel Brooke, MlldellM Kihn. Men'• lllu.trloua hlatory - t1om Neanderth•I OIY .. 1119" lo the Spanl9h lnqul. llllon -1• examined. 'R' 2:118 NEWS (%)MOV1e **'A "M1glc" ( 11178) Anthony HoC)kln•. Ann- M1rgr11 ~ neurotic Yentrl- loqul•I. conlllnc»d !hit hla lltge dummy contrOll hla IC11on•' eludel bordering leme llld fortune to find 1 girl he loved In Ille youth. 'R' 2::10INEWI 2:41 NEWS 3:CO (8) MOVIE *.. "Atleck F0tce Z" ( 11180) JOhn Phillip Law . M .. Glbeon. During World Wiii II, 1 lop-MCt'el Aus- llall1n lltecll unit ~ trll .. J~ llnee 10 perform 1 d11tlng reacue mllllon 3:188 MOVIE * * • "The Min Who Could Tillll To KICK" ( 11173) Peter Boyte, Robert RMd . A torm9nled ldolelcent w41hdr1W1 Into 1 lonely lhell until the oompaulon or one man br4Mlk1 through nla Icy wall. 1:30 (C) MOVIE * •*'A .. Tiie W1~ We W111" ( 11173> Barbr• StrelNnd. RotMwt Redford. A young con.oe couple In the 19308 dllCOllW lhll lhelr polltlell dlllerencea ar1 11.rong enough to feOl>- lltdlze their man1alge. S:AO Cll MOV1I • t .. Br11klng Glua" (1980) Huel O'Connor, Pflll OMllll. A Brltllh punk pop allt'a llfeefyle ulll- mltll)' IMdl to trlgedy. 'PG' 8:..aeMOVlt! **'A "HIPPY Blr1hdl)' To tM" (IMO) M111M1 Sue Andltaon, Glenn Ford. Al murder beglna chcJ9plng • IW1I)' II her drdl of ellllat lrtendl, • preo adlOOI -- lor worriel lhal 9'11 1111)' be the ne.c1 Ylc:ttm -or poul- bty the klllet 'R' 4;00(%)MOVll *** "E)'lt Of Thi~ die" ( 11111) Donald Suther- land. Kiie Nelllgllll. Whlle on • 1emo11 Sootllah lallnd to meet 1 Germen 1Ubm11tlne, .,, Axil 9PY llnd• •helter from lhl atorm In the oottage of 1 youi» married ~OUOle. 'R' JOHN DARLING • .... -~T'ID ....,l&L n.Wllllfld ... ~MWI ~,..,,,.. ..... "'.,....,., ~ . ....,. ..,_" . ,,._ H1ll•n1• •ll.ldefll, In -°"' lllle4cMa. T1W•da11'• Da11•I•• Mol'I~• -MOAt•tG- t:IO (C) * * * "Hondo" ( lllMI Johll Weyne. GerlldlM _.. A cavalry d19C>alch rider enoountera 1 wom111 and hit ton, M Apache Clhllf'I blood brother. CJ) ***It "De/by O'Qlll And The Liiiie P*OPI*" ( 111&11) All>lft Sharpe, SM11 Conn.ry An old lrlah Cit• laker whO II lbOul 10 1019 hi• )ob to 1 VoU"OI" men c.ptur.. the t.1no of the leprech1una and fOtc.t him 10 or11111 tllr• wtShee 'Q' 7::IO. •*'A "TOby Al>CI Tiie Koet1 8elt" (11111) ROii H11111t Live IC11on and anl· m1tlon combine to 1111 lhe 1111 of 1 young boy 1r>c1 hi• pet koall In Au1111111·a lrontlet d1ya 7:..a (%) .•'A "Ch"'11e Cllan And The CurM Of Thi Oregon OuMn" (111111) Petit Uttl-"°"· Rlehlld Hitch Chai· lie Chan la aided by hi• bumbling gr1nd1on In IOMng • •Iring Of mut- der• ·pa· I*' (C) **'A "The Glrta In The Otllo4t" (111711) Suun Saint J-. Barbare Eden. An 111nbltloua woman atope at no1hlno 10 connive "*' w•r Into • poeltlon of pc>wer In • luhlon•ble d-c>•r1ment 11or1 ' •:ac>Cll •• "Sllurd1y The 141h" (1981) Rlcti•rd Ben- jll'llln, Paula PrenllN. A ooupte dlacOlll< th11 the llOuM lhe)''ve Inherited II t>etno ocwpted b) wm- p1r11. ghottl Ind uaorted monater1. 'PG' t.oo D • ~ "Smokey Bu .. The Duet" (111111 Jimmy McNlc:hOI, JIMI Julien A high achoOI d1llnqu1nt ltll• lhl whole town on Illa trill whlfl he m1kn ott Wllh lh• homecoming q..-n and he1d1 ecrou the lllle In 1 M<lla of atolln •u1omo1>11ea 'PG' e::ao (Z) • • ··r11e Blue Llgoon" ( 111801 Broo1t1 Shlelda, Chrlalopll1r Atklna Two cut-•y Chll- dr.,, grow to ldolelc4nce on • remote. South Pacific leland and ·~ lhe pang a of ""-1 io... 'R' 10:00 CC) •• ~ "p lplllon .. ( 11173) 811111 McO..-n, Dualln Hottman. A pair of O.vli'I llland convlcta 8')lnd lhelr time plannlng their 11C14>9. (ID * * • "CIUll 01 The Tltana" ( 11181) Harry Ham· lln. LAur~ OOYler Myth· k: hero Pl<a«JI II helped by hie lither ZIU9 In 1 --Of dlngl(OUI IUltl .. he , .... 10 win lhl hand of • Phoenician prlnceae egalnal Ille ...W-ol 1 WHIQlful Ml QOddlH 'PG' (I) * *'A "Af!Y Number Can P11y" ( 11Mll) Clllk Glbll, Aleitll Smltb. An honelt llncl Cltefr .. gM'l- bler'I Ille IA !>Met with ~ _ ... ol lrlgedlee • 11:30 (%)**'A "Plplllon" ( 11173) St•ve ~co-. Du911n Holtman. A pllr of O.vll'a laland convtcta 8')lnd their lime pl1t1nlng thelr..upe 12:00 G * *'A "The fMg Hang-_ .. ( 1950) Van John.on, Ellubeth Tlylor A youno lawyer ov1rcom11 Illa pec:ullar drinking p<obtem ' before II deetroya hll 1111 •••"TheCttmM>f'I Plf•t•" ( 11152) Burl LM- c:M1er, Nici< Cr11111. An tllh-cenlury plr111 cap- tain becc>mll Involved with ' an em'-"f Ulign.d to put down 1 reb9111on. • • •• "Thunder~" ( 11151) Rol>lrt Mltc:hum. .... ----~-...... U......., A ...... .. 1t.,_w._.. .. ... ............. ~ .. ..................... lrl'lroMd .............. . 11111r;r:1~ ... ... CB>-• • • °"8f ... Of The MounUtn -~ d'' (tt7t) .. .,.. .......... ~ 9oCtoML '"* ~ ....... l(ln. lllOftt, ~ ...... !*90 bow."•.....,,., ---llfttl -~ ~•new iow.,,..... ,_ ... . Cl) *•'A "VICIOry" ( ttl I) ·~-81111clne. MldlMI Cline During World Wer N, Alllecl r>OW1 -tN1r f!C*91 to f!'Mdom 1n • m1toh betwee n their ~,..,,end the Ger- men N1llonal TMm In P111- 1a 'PO' • **'A "It'-" (11178) CltartM llfOMon, Jaoqu. 11ne lllaMI. A former cnm. repor1er•lurned-detect1v41 .. hlrlcl by • ""8lllUly fllm 1ane1er to r-1 811 °' Incriminating~ ·PG' 1:00 CC) * * "Young Joe. Thi Forgotten K•nnedy" ( 1977) Peter Stteu ... a... b1111 Parkin• The efdlet Kennedy YC4unl-• tor 1 dlllQll'OU9 Wlltltne mlS- llion wtllch, If 8UCCllll\il would brlno him 1>ac1< ~ hero and one atep cloeer to the Whll1 Hou11. 1:30. * * * "Tommy" (11175) Roger Olltrey, Ann-Mer· ~ 8111d on the '°" • opera by Thi Who A ~ng boy •1rudl deaf. dumb and blind by the llglll ot Illa tether'• murder becomee • modern-d•y n....ian •xPIOltlcl by • grMd)' unGll end • --ahlpplng pu bllG. : PG' 2:00CH) ·~"Under The Rain- bow .. ( 11111) Chelly CNN, C1ul1 Fl.,,_. Thi 11SO mldQlll who 111e In town for the lllmlnQ or "The Wtz- erd Of Oz," turn 1 C111tor- nl1 hOlel up11dl-down. 'PG' {Z) * * • "Soldier In The Rain" ( 1"3) Jldcll Glll- aon, St-~. A young IOldler ldoltlw Illa -geant. """° llwl)'I Ol1a him out Of trou.,.. 8:00 Cll * • "Saturday The - 14th" ( 1118 t) Rlchllld Ben- JMlln. Paule PrentlM. A couple dllec>\llf th1t the l\OUM the)''ve Inherited I• being occupied by vam- plr ... gholtl and Mlorted mon•lerw.'PG' 8:30 CZ> • • "Deedly BIMllno" (11181) M1ren J 1nHn Sunn Buckner. A young woman, merrylng Into 1 atrlcl r1llgloua ••ct opj)Olld lo rnodltn 1111- ltytee ... puraued by dan- glfOUI. unllnown lorOll. 'R' 4:00 G • • • "Bltun" (19431 Robert Taylor, ThornH Mllc"-11. American Gia fight • 011111111 but hopelell blllll In the Phlllpplnee. (C) ***"A Llt111 Rom•nce" ( 111711) LIU· 11ne1 OIMer, DI-l..lnl. An elderly con Miit )olnl hwO young run-1y9 In love on • med dlah ICr'Oll the Europeen continent with ,,,. c:Nld<en'• per.119 and lhl poltce In hOt put. IUll 'PG' 4:80(1) • ••'-' "P.,byO'Glll And The uttll Peo911" ( 11159) All>lft Sharpe, SIM Connery. An old lrllh Cllle- tlker who la 1bout lo ION hie lob to • younger man captur .. the king o( the lepr1Ch1une •l>CI forCll him to grant lh<M ...,..__ ·o· 0 * * "Wiiiy Wonll1 And The QhoQolM1 Fectory" ( 11171) Ger>e Wlldlt. Jecti Alberlaon. A WOf1d lamoua confectioner on.n 1 Ill• time IUpply of candy to the 11111 wln""9 of a t~ hunt. 5: 11 CZ> • ,,. "Ch8'11e Ctlan And The CutM Of The Oregon ~" (1981) Peter Uatt-"°"· Rlctlllld Hetcto. en.t- ile Cn1111 ta llded by hi• bumbling g11nd1on In eolvtng • airing of mur- ders. ·PG' by Al'Q.1strong & Batluk CHANNEL LISTINGS * "Tlr'Un, Thi Ape M1t1" (11181) Alchwd Harrll, Bo Derek. A young women MlrchM tor h« m1111ng l•lher In lhl Alr1cln JungM1 wfMlr'9 ~ encounterw an ~ wNte man and an orenout_.... ·A' (Z)~ <II Hf\. .... l€A80N IJOOTM1.L ~....,. .... San Diego Cltergera ~---------------NO, WITH "THE OTHER N e ws P~FVMS/ 9 KNXT ICBSI 0 KNBC (NBC) 9 KTLA (Ind.I D KABC IABCI • KFMB ICBS> D KHJ·TV (fnd1) • KCST IABCI • KTTV (IQO ) •• KCOP-TV l ll>CI.> 0 On-TV Z Z TV H HBO C =Cone alt) (fJ (W I NY , N 'f ll1J BS! l (f'SPN) S !Showto~) 0 SPOll•Qhl * * * '4 "Cllrl1tm1s In July" ( 19'0) Olclc POW911, Ellen Dr-. Mllllk*'11y bell9\llng he nu won • for- tune In !>fin money, 1 ma!\ pl-hlrnMll hellllty In dM>I. 9::IO. (]) l'llTMY NCH 11: ... CH>MOW ** "Cout To Colet" ( tffO) Dyan ~. Rob- ert Bl1ke. A 1unew1y houMwlfe Ind I IC#1IPPY lruc:••r hauling cattle COU1 IO COMI becclM the terget of • wild c:r- oounlry ~.'PO' • KCET IPBSI 9 ICc!ll>I' N'ws N"""°"') The greedy &eclla try to dllpfOYe Wiid Biii'• klnahlp wltfl1bloodteet .MOYIE 1HO. INTIYn',...,..., TatmHT An lntervlfw wtth Sheun Caalidy. • l<OCE (PBS! •••'A "Woodetock" ff he job Snyder didn't get .y FRED ROTHENBERG UT...,........, NEW YORK -Tom Snyder will anchor the 11 o'clock news for Channel f, ABC's flaphip station in New York, ttarting next month. And that means the +ne-time hoet of NBC's "Tomorrow" ihow won't get the anchorman's job for ABC's mldniaht news 1,rogram, ~Wed to.premiere Oct. 2 , Tba& may sound a bit like tnan-doem't-~ite·dog, but there la an enterta1nina eff-Qmera story to be told. NBC let Snyder's contract las-e earlier lhl• year, and the controversial hewwnan'• name wu linked al.moat at cnce to the ABC network umgnment. Sourcea at KBC Nld the stories tell wUh Snyder'• a1ent. ABC a-,,ftrrw-t ..,..,U.tiom wtth Snyder, but be W.. jult OM of MVeral candidatft ar the new roldniaht shift. .f\'I commQn pncUce ln t.elevtalon for to ~ names to the media to te lnw.t ln their cllenta. In thll ~ ~wever, the Snyder-ABC ""tiaaaal ___ ... ___ mede .... --· •,wt I.I a nationally~ TV benonalJty. He had a followina on =-•ow," and no one denied UWt be cnat.e tmcarat recocrittkm tor the as-yet unnamed 12-1 a.m. AtK.: program. Further, Roone Arledge, president of ABC Newa, haa been courting high- ,recognJtlon correspondents from other networks for some Ume. He wooed Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw, but those negotiations only eerved to make Rather and Brok.aw more attractive to their employen, and ultimately wealthier men. Rather atayed at CBS, Brokaw remained wlth NBC. David Brinkley did jump to ABC from NBC, and wu given hia own Sunday show. lkll Brinkley had IOW'ed on the latter network, and had decided in any case to leave NBC after 38 yea.rs. -When ABC hired Brinkley, he aUll wa1 a respected newa broadcHter. Snyd«'1 newa credentlala, however, had been wn1lhed by celebrated -co batU. with colleaaue Rona Barrett on "Tomom>w," and a spicy interVtew he gave to "Playboy." In addition, Snyder'.-bnah and jocular style made hlm objectlonable to some vtewen and newa •xecut1vee. Aooordina to the aou.rce at A1llC News, Arledee feft S">'dft ~ iO° &uince-hiawelf !rorn t.M tunDIM "" ~ \otWUft'OW ••• Snyder, meantime, will have other news ~bWU. at Channel 7, and repe>rtedly will work at Umee for the l network's other owned statioN. The apparent choice for the network news job la Gregory Jack.Ion, although ABC has not made a n official announcement yet. Jackaon wu an ABC correapondent from 1968-7~ before becoming an independent producer. He waa the hoet of '1Healthllne,. on public TV, and, ~~was the off<amera interviewer on Cable'• "Slgnatun!." The eource said the network W&flted tomebody who would complement 'PhU Donahue, who, lut spring, wu gtven a slot on the mklnlaht show. Donahue'• segment. which wtll be taped in front of a studio audience, probably will be a one-guest interview peaed more cloeely to the day'• oews than the IOCial llfues dl1cu1ted on Donahue'• •yndlcated mominc .How. Plana for the rest of the Protram have not been formulated, but ABC ll l&id ~ be leanlnl toward a Uve bJ'09dcut, Keep an eye on local government in the .lllllJl!lll -------a ·a HOT STUFF ON POPS! SUitry, slzzllng . Bernadette Peters teams With John Wllllams and the eoston Pops fOr an evening of musical magic . .. . ...... ...... Dilly Piiat ., MONDAY, AUG 18. 1982 ClASSlfllD C4 f !I s Kuhn I Ion the l • :way out? ~..v.:!.~h2~~y fight that matters A's • Will A n gels ban ish e d from firs t • • I Whether he's pushed or ;ieparts gracefully. all signs pomt ko the exit d oor for Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn. I The 6 -6 former Nallonal ~eague atlorney, who has eoretically governed the game r a dozen years. will get the d new s this week m !lan Uiego. Ehere clu b own ers of both agues gather to determine his ate. ' A cursory telephone poll shows lhat as of today the votes are 'tacked heavily against him -• ~OMMENTARY the main anti-K uhn sentiment \>revailing in the Nation a l League -and only a last-minute tniracle can bail him out. "It's sel in concrete," on e National League executive said. :'Unless there is a compromise or be agrees to accept a lesser role, Bowie is out." · ''You can't say positively," tnother NL executive said. "We thought -and some of us hoped -that he might see the writing on the wall and make a de<>ision not to continue. 1 "But he is a tough, headstrong guy and he's carrying on a vigorous campaign to survive." Actually, lobbying on the issue is as intense and frenetic as in some of Ii v e Ii est po Ii tic a 1 campaigns. At the momen t, three NationaJ League teams are apparently unalterably opposed to retaining Kuhn -the New York Mets, Houston Astros and St. Louis Cardirials -and two others. the Cincinnati Reds and Atlanta Braves, are le aning heavily toward the firing squad. PILEUP -'I;'he spor t may be baseball, but this scene is reminiscent of a scramble-for a loose ball in football. The S<:uffle startC'd 1n the AP WlfetlfM>to fourth inning of the Angels-A's game in Oakla nd Sunday. Giants' Reggie Inakes-mark Ex-teammate comes back to h aunt Do dgers in 8 -6 win • LOS ANGELES (AP) - Reggie Smith's long. successful career appeared to be finished when Los Angeles didn't o{jer him a contract for the 1982 season following its World Series victory last fall. However. the 37-year-old switch hitter is far from finished. The Dodgers can attest to that. games of the first-place Dodgers in the National League West. The defeat was only the fourth in the last 18 games for Los Angeles. Smith, who gave the Giants the lead for good Sunday with a run-scoring double in the first ·inning, collected eight hits in 15 at-bats during the series, giving him 21 hits in his last 41 at-bats. mean more because it came against his former team? "The thing that makes it sweeter, and I hate to use that term, is that the Giants have had trouble playing ag'ainst the Dodgers in the past," said Smith. "The intimidation factor no longer exists. We're a good ball club and can play well against anybody." OAKLAND (AP) -Doug DeCinces said It was something that "had to be done." Brian Kingman said he was "totally surprised" when he saw DeCin ces moving to ward the mound, bat in hand w ith runners on first and second in the fourth inning Sunday. The exchange between pitcher and batter cleared both benches in a game the Oakla nd A's eventually won, 3-2, over the Angels, after Mitche ll Page's ninth-inning leadoff homer. The Angels dropped out of first place in the American League West, a half-game behind Kansas City, a winner in Detroit Sunday. 411 KNEW DeCinces was a bit angry," said Kingman, who pitched eight strong innings but didn't figure in the decision. Tom Underwood, 9-4, earned the victory in relief while Dave Goltz, 6-4, took the loss after allowing Page's homer, ''I never expected him to come out to the mound," Kingman continued. "I turned my back to the plate and when I turned around again, DeCinces was b e ing res tra i ned . Then everything broke lose." DeCinces, who came into the four-game series with 12 homers in 13 games, had been de<>ked by a Mike Norris pitch in the first inning Friday night. And when Kingman brushed DeCinces back in the first inning Sunday, he felt a reprisal was in order. After s winging at and . missing a soft Kingman pitch in the fourth, OeCinces moved toward the mound and tossed his bat at the pitcher. ''I EXPECTED that kind of thing from Norris," DeCinces said . "But I never had any problem with Kingman before. I don't <.'Ondone it (fighting). but when I get a pitch behind my head, som~thmg has to be done abou ... u." DeCinces was grabbed from behind by several Oakland players -Mike Heath from behind and Dan Meyer from the side. AB the benches and bullpens W hen I get a pitch ~ b ·e h i 11 d m y h e a d , son1et h i11g has to be do11e about it. -Doug O.Clncft cleared, Brian Dowhing felled Wayne Gross with a flying tackle. No one was hurt in the Cracas an no one w~ ejected from the am . "If yo me," said Downing. whose rst-inning homer (h is 18th) gave the Angels a short- lived l-0 lead, "I don't give a damn about the fi~ht. We lost the game. That's all that mattered." RICKEY HENDERSON swle his 109th base in the two-run A's third. He now is nine steals away from Lou Brock's 1I4 major league record . The A's, who drew ,634 fans Sunday, set a new h o m e a tte ndance record, attracting a total 1,319,884 fans to the Oakland Coliseum in 57 dates so far this season. The two t ea m s r es ume hostilities this evening at 7:30 with Geoff Zahn (13-5) dueling Steve McCatty (6-2) . It will be the final game of the season be tween ·the two clubs and the game will n o t be televised. The Ange ls return home Tuesday to open a homestand against Easter n contender Boston. . Under baseball rules, the commission e r n eed s three- fourths of the votes in each le~gue to have his con t r act renewed. That means that four votj!S in the NL or five in the American could trip the trigger. S mith collecte d three hits, scored three runs and drove in another Sunday as the red-hot San F rancisco Giants held on (or an 8-6 triumph over the Dodgers, giving them a split of their four- game series at Dodger Stadium. The win was the 12th in the last 14 games for the Giants and moved them ito within four "We've all been swinging the bats real well." said Darrell Evans, who tripled in Smith in the first and blasted a two-run homer o ff losing pitcher Fernando Valenzuela, 15-9, in the third. "But Reggie's been unconscious, just amaz,ing." Did Smith's excellent series As far as he's concerned, Smith said, "I'm swinging the bat better than at anytime I ca n remember." Smith said that he planned to retire last winte r , but"(San Francisco Manage r) Frank Robinson and (Giants' coach) Don Buford talked me out of il." The Giants, who brought a JO-game winning streak into Dodger Stadium last Thursday, split the series with Los Angeles by losing the first two games and winning Saturday night and Sunday. Smith was asked if the club was down after the first two contests. Steinbrenner sa y s Angels' bats corked "No, not at all," he said. "Why should we have been down? The Dodgers are an extremely good ball club. We have been playing extremely weU and the last two games showed that." Th e Giant s pound e d Valenzuela for eight hits and five earned runs in the first three innings. It was the earliest exit of the season for Valenzuela, who still managed seven strikeouts. It was 5-1 when San Francisco starter Bill Laskey. 12-8. left after five innings beca\Jse of a sore sh oulder. The rookie right- hander, who allowed only one hit and an unearned run, said afterwards that he didn't expect to miss a turn. Los Ange les Manager T om Lasorda pointed out that today's day off for his team was its first since July 29. At that time, the Dodgers were 10 ~ games behind the Atlanta Braves. "It's been one constant battle after another," said Lasorda. "It looked like we were out of It today and we came back." NEW YORK (AP) -Ne w York Yankees o wne r George Steinbrenner accused players on the Angels of using illegal bats and called f o r a o n e-year suspension to any player caught with such bats. On ABC-TV's SportsBeat, Steinbrenner told Howard C.oseU that he is convinced that some major-league players are using corked bats. When asked if the Angels were one of the teams, Steinbrenner replied, "I would say that they're one of the teams that have illegal bats. Rozelle on carpet \Yl&SHINGTON (AP) - Commi.s&oner Pete Rozelle of the National Football League has been called before a Senate committee today amid charges that the NFL is trying to bribe its way through Congress. Rozelle was schedule d to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on a bill by Sen. Dennis DeConcini, R-Ariz .• that would e~empt the NFL from antitrust laws so it could control when a member club can move to a different city. BEATS THROW -Jack Clark kick s up a cloud of dust while scoring first-inning run AP Wlr9pfloto S unday a t Dodger Stadium. Mike Sci0scia's tag was late while the plate umpire looks on. The Dodgers open a three- game series at Chicago against the Cubs on Tuesday. The bill was introduced in the wake of court decisions allowing the Oakland Raiders to move to Los Angeles despite opposition from the other NFL teams. Washington looks best • 1n From AP dlapatcbea The University of Southe rn California always aeecna to be the team to beat in the Padfic-10 Conference football race. That's not the Trojans' role this year, howeve!, for a couple of reasons. The rtrst is probation. Southern Cal was cited last sprtng by the NCAA for ,rule violations, and thus ls ineligible for either the conference lllle or post~se880n play. The aecond -and more important - la the Unlvenity of Washington. Coach Don Jamee haa guided the Hu1kle1 to two straight Rose Bowl appearancet, and they are In a good pottt.lon tq make it three consecutive tripe tq PMadena with l..7 starters back fl"GID the club that overwhelmed Iowa 28-0 IMt New Year'• Day. 0 We're not talking about a national champtonahip or conference clwnpklnlh!p, but of ooune every red~ blooded American would Uke to be No. l," said James. "I wouldt think the championships would be among the players' goals." The Huskies, 10-2 a year ago. don't appear to have a particularly difficult WEST PREVI EW·· schedule, put they muat face UCLA and Ariu>na State, \.he teama that beat them last season. · Among the Wuhf.naton lretumees are running back Jacque Rqblruon, who rus h e d for 142 yards and two touchdowns agal.nat Iowa to becoq1e the first Creshman most valuablo player in a Rose Bowl l(aroo. AllO back la etartlng quarterback Steve Pelluer, top rw1her Ron Jackaon and aeveral atandoutl from a superb def ena:lve unlt. The top challengen to Wuhinaton for, the leaJtue tltle flaure to be lJCLA, ' . the West this year • Arizona -State, ·waahington State and Stanford. In the Pacific Coaat Athletic Association, defending champion San Jose State is clearly the team to beat. , The University of Padfic and Utah State ...... 'lppea r t o be the 011ly other championship contenden In a league that bas a new member, Nevada-Laa Vegas. For the first time in years, Southern Cal doesn't appear to have a tailback of All-America caliber. Helaman Trophy winner Marcus Allen aractuated leavf.na the position to wha\ Coach J ohn Robinaon · calla a committee -Michael Harper, 1.ep Lee and Freet Crutcher. OutatandlnlJ players back from last year'a 9-3 Tro,J&n team lnclu~ offenalve lineman Don Moaebar •n<l Bruce Matth~••· noee guard Oeorae Achlca. and linebacker Auauat Curley. Sophomore Sean Salllbvry wW open the. IMIOt'\ at qua.rtietbeck, havtnc beaten out 1981 starter John Mazur for the job last spring. UCLA, which mis8ed a Rose Bowl bid last year becauae it lost to Southern Cal 22-21, ahould be at least as atrong as the 7-4-1 team of l~l. Returning Bruins include· startibg quarterback Tom Ramley, top rusher Kevin Nelaon, wide receiver Connac Camey and defensive linemen Irv Eatman and Karl Morgan. Ari son a State, an offensl ve poo,verhouae last year, was hit hard by IJ'llduation and wW have to emphuize . <leferwe ln 1982. Amoni the returneea 6n defame are Mike Rlcharc:blon. linebacker Vernon Maxwell .and lin emen Jlm Jetlcoet. Fountain Valley Hlsh product Bryan Caldw.11 and Mike t..ancston. Wuhlnp>n ~tate 11 comJ.na off ita beat HHOn ln 60 year• and moat of the offeme retuma, but the Coucars coWd be hard-pr •••d to ml~ laat year-• 8-3-J record beca~ they Jolt most of their (See war, Pap et> "l think it's got to be stopped because every record that's set. every home run that's rut, every game that's won in the standings itself are tainted -som e what because it may have been done m ega lly," said Steinbrenner, who called for use of X-ray machines to detect illegal bats. "A five -day suspension for using it isn't enough," he added. "They s h o uld say: if you 'r e caught using an illegal bat -and -' corked bat's an illegal bat - you 'l l be s u s p e nd e d from baseball for the year." American League Presid ent Lee MacPhail, whose office has sent a m essage to alJ teams warning them of the penalties which couJd result from use of illegal ba t s, said a on e-year suspension was "making far too much out of something ... there's no absolute proof of how much it helps, that corking a bat helps." In r esponse, Buzz1e Bavasi, executive vice president of the Ang e l s. told ABC that Steinbrenner's comment was "a ridiculous statement to make. I think it's a diversionary action, in othe r w o rds, he's diverting attention to us, rather than the Yankees and I don't blame him. If I were playing the way the Yankees are playing, I'd divert attention too." FAVORE D -Coach Don Jame.' Wuhlngion Huskies look tough tJ\11 Yftl'· ............................................................. ..._ ... ._.,._ ______ ..._. ______ .,.._ ______ ~~~--~~~~----~-----·- Orano• Oo••• DAILY PILOTfMonday. Augu1t HS. 1982 -------------------------.. ~----------------------------------. \ Lawyer sa ys R e gg ie n ever f ulf ii le d d e bt From AP dlapatcbe1 SA N F RANCI SCO -T h e lawyer wh o represented Chicago ~ Bulls' draft choice Quinton Dalley on ... sexual assault charges says Angels' slugger Reggie J ackson hasn't keft his promise to pay the young college basketbal player's legal fees. Jackson denied attorney George Wa lker's claim that he broke a promise to pay $5,000 in legal fees in defending Dailey, w ho was at.'Cused of attempting to rape a student nurse m her dormitory at Uni"frsity of San Francisco. Jack.son hired Walker to represent Dailey, whom he knows because a niece of the baseball player had dated Dailey, the Examiner said. Walker, in San Francisco on Saturday, said Jackson promised to pay an initial $5,000 in fees and another $3,000 for investigation. "I got the $3,000 but never received the $5,- 000," Walker was quoted. as saying in Sunday's San Francisco Examine r. Jack.son , in San Fra ncisco for a weekend series with the Oakland A's, vehemently denied that he stuck Walker with the bill. "George Walker is a liar," Jackson said. "He should just keep his mouth shu t. He's way over his head when he starts acx:using me of things like tha t. "He never called me about owing more money," Jackson said. "He never contacted me." Quote of the day "Peopie think l did it to make the lndians mad. T hat's not true. I have been thinking about shaving my head for two months." - C hattanooga Lookout Joe Charboneau, former Ame rican League Rookie of t he Year, after going Crom purple hair to no hair. Padres creep closer to the top Lula Salazar singled home Gene II Richards with none out in the 10th inning to give San Diego a 6-5 victory ove r Atlanta S unday. The victory. coupled with the Dodgers' loss to San Francisc:o, moved the Padres to within 2 'h games of first place in the National League West, while Atlanta finished a West Coast swing with one victory in 11 games Elsew here in the NL, St. Louis solidified its grip on the top spot in the Ea.st with a 12-5, 5-2 d oubl e,head e r s w'eep o f Pittsburgh. Keith Hernandez doubled and tnpled to drive in t h ree runs in t h e first g am e, and combined with George Hendrick for five h its and four RBI in the nightcap as the Cardinals took a one- game lead over Philadelphia uL.AZA11 . • • Mike Schmidt blasted a two-run homer with two outs in the ninth inning to lift the Phillies to a 3-1 tr iumph over Montr eal before 57 ,694 at Olympic Stadium ... -Dickie Thon collected four hits and scored three ru ns and Don Sutton allowed only five"h its for eight innings as Houston crushed Cincinnati, 7-3. Reds starter Tom Seaver, 5-13, left the game with shoulder problems in the first innin~ .. Chicago and New York split, with the Mets winning the opener, 5-4, as ~d Lynch picked up the victory in only his second st.art of the season. In t he nightcap, Leo l>ur bam hit a pair of homers, including an inside-the-park solo shot. in the eig hth , as the Cubs won , 6-5 Chargers' new defense gets first test SAN DlEGO -The San Diego [I] Ch arge rs, who d ealt for a new 4.t defense a fter narrowly missing a Super Bowl berth for a second year in a row, open their National Football League pre- season against Chicago and the Bears' revamped offense tonight. The contest is not being nationally televised. It was moved to a Monday night because of a scheduling conflict with the San Diego Padres baseball team. The Chargers, armed with one of the NFL's most prcxluctive offenses but woeful on defense. busily rebuilt their porous defense during the off-season . Tom Bass, architect of Tampa Bay's stout defense, was hired and joined by linebackers Dewey Selmon and David Lewis, former starters for the Buccaneers. Also acq uired were two former P ro Bowl safeties, Tim F ox, from New England, and Bruce Laird, from Baltimorf> Norris HJisses But-h e c la ims firs t title WETHERSFIELD, Conn. (AP) -Tim Norris wanted to break the PGA tournament record. And he a.lmoet did it. "Maybe next year," the 24-year-old El .Paso, Texas, resident said Sunday after coming within two strokes of the record in winning the Sammy Davia Jr.-G reate r Hartford Open by shooting a 5-under-psr 66 for-a foUl'-round total of 259. lt wu the first tournament win for Norris, a pro for lees than two years, and was worth $54,000 -more than he had won ln his career. Hla total wu lowest 72 holes on the PCA tour this year, and Norris set three course records In winning the tournamen t. Non11' best previous finish was a ninth place in the Memphit Cluaic. He aaya he'll try for a aecond wln ln the Buick Open in Grand Blanc. Mich., next weeqnd. · "l a11.U need eome work on my game, lf you can believe 1'.,11 tafd Noma, who m1aaed \ho 14 weeks of lht.a ~·tour bec8u.e ot •trained rtllht hand. 'But UU. gtw. me a Jot. of conli~ and a Uttle bit al monl')'. rve ~~to keep wor~ hard '° Ny where rm at .na to e.p )tnprovfna. Nomi dd•ted defmdln1 GH6 champion Hubert Green, whQ fired a 4-under·per 87 Sunday anCI 1 cotal 26&, and lul week't POA champion. Ray Floyd, by MYm .udu!e. Baseball today On thla <~&.·In bi1.111•b.ll ln 11148. Jl'onnor New York Yan • idua~r Bat» Ruth, the most faJnULar fiaure ln bueball hlatory and th• ~•mo'• srratC!lll d rowlna oord, dlbd of ~r iu th6 aac of ~3. On thlt date In 1947: Pittlburgh alugger Ralph K.lnc>r be<·am<' the tint Plrot.o in hllitory to ooh thn-e homto rUl\5 In 'Unt-g&amt', turning tht· feat UKlllJUl S t l.CJult Kln c>r wu ulJ h11v~ unotla•r th~homer illl'Nt on Sept. 11. Today's birthdays: New York Mets flr1Jt baseman Mlkt1 J orgcnn·n tli 34. Son Fn1nch1co Clonta patcher AJ fiolland is 30. erewers out-Whitted by Toronto Toronto's E rnle WblU singled II home the wlnnmg run with two outs In the LOP of the mnth inning S unday and Jim Clancy !k'attered six hits over eight innings as the Blue Jays edged Milwaukee, 3-2. The Brewers' lead In the Amer ican League East was sliced to 4 1h games as Boston was an 8-0 winner over &ltimore . . . [n the Red Sox' wm, Orioles' starter Scott McGregor held Boston ..;;-~ to just an infield hit for six ~· innings before t he winners parad ed 14 batters to the plate in an e ight-run seven th. Glenn Hoffma n had a two- run single during the frame t.hat chased Mc.-Gregor ... Dennis Leonard allowed just four hits in eight inmngs and Willie Wilson had a two-run double to key a four-run third WHITT inning as Kansas City moved into first plac.oe m the Western Division with a 6-1 decJs10n at Detroit . Todd Cnn smashed a grand slam to highlight a seven-run sixth inning a nd Seattle went on to hand winless Terry Felton his 15t h straigh t loss, 10-2 . St eve Kemp's two-run double drove in the tying and go-ahead runs as Chicago Jumped on New York relief ace Rieb Gossage for four runs an the eighth inning and went on to post a 6-4 victory . . . Rick Manning's two-run single started a five-run outburst in t he sixth inning a n d Cltc>veland snapped a six-game losing streak by beating Texas, 6-4. · Palmer captures seniors tourney DENVER -Arnold P a lmer , n s hrugging off the e ffects o f two suspensions of play, too k the lead with three straight birdies on the Pack nine for a I-stroke vic tory Sunday in the Champions of Golf seniors tournament. Pal.mer fi nished w ith a 3-under-par 67 for a fou r-round total of 275, 5 under pa r. and pocketed the $25,000 first -place check. Bob Goalby, who bird ied the final hole for a closing 71, finished at 276. Don J anuary, Gay Brewer. Miller Barber and Art Wall tied for third at 277. January had a sizzltn~ 5-under 65, but al one point was 6-under and tied £or the lead when play was halted for two hours because of lightn ing. Whe n play resu m ed , J a n uary, a ppar ently stiff from the d e lay, promptly bogeyed the 17th hole and dropped from the lead. Kriek blitzes Tanner to win tourney F o urth-seed ed Johan K rie k • dom inated Roscoe .Ta nner Sunday, 6-0. 4-6, 6-0. 6-4 tO collect a $100,000 first prize m Sunday's finals o ( the · California Classic at La Costa Hotel and Spa. The 24-year -old South African picked up his biggest career paycheck and his secontl tournam ent victory of the year . . . Gordon Jobncoc k lost his 500-mile magic· as Rick Mears gained a measure of revenge with a victory in I.h e Pocono 500 Indy<ar race. Mears, a 30-year-old veteran from Bakersfie ld, drove h is sleek Ford-powered Penske PC-10 racer into the lead t.o s tay during a caution pencxl with 21 laps remaining on the 2 5-nule Pocono lnt('rnati onal S peedway trioval Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Rati ngs a re: v vvv excell ent, vvv worth wa tching: v v fair; v forget it e 5:30 p.m., Cha nnel 7 V V V BASEBALL: Kansas City at New York Yankees. Ancouncers: Keith Jackson. Bob Uecker and Steve Stone. Two games under .500. the Yankees host the AL West-leading Royals m a double-header with one of the games televised. Vida Blue (9-8) and Paul Splittorff (7-6) are the scheduled pitchers for KC. with Dave Righetti (6-5) and Roger Erick.son (8-8) due to go for the Yanks. RADIO Baseball -Angels a t Oakla nd, 7.30 p.m ., KMPC (710). 'T UESDAY'S RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Chicago, 11:30 a.m., KABC (790). Ne wport hosts .Lido r ~gatta ailors from all over lhe world to particip a te next we le By ALMON LOCKABE Y D•llf ltllot .... Int W1ll9' Lido-I" sailor. from uround tht' world ~ill be llWAf'1'nln8 ow r Nt'wport Harbor, Aug. 23-27 for the ln~maUon1tl c:lt\Jl<J champlonthlp. · 'T'hc n·autt.a will mark the 25th annivcrury of the daas which had l\a bcilnnlnga In Newport Bea~·h. The populur 14-foot dlnghy wu deeigned and built by W.O. Schock Co. T he h()iplt.allty of local yach t clubl wlll be evident during the reg.alt.a. Headquarten1 wlU be Balboa Yacht Club. Newpor t H , rbor YC and Lido l.sle YC wlU oo hosting aome of the social events. Co-hoetlng the regatta with BYC ia Newport Beach Fleet I and the class association. Ge n eral chairman ls Alan Oleson, current president of the Newport Ocean Sailing A.saociation, spoNOr of the Enaenada race. Assisting will be J un Lyons, Fleet I captain; principal race chuirman Cared Smith; and race committee chairman, Ken Harrison. T r o p h y c hairman is D o ris K i r s t , a ccommo d ation s c hairma n , Pat Dun igan; measurement chwrman. Gary Thom e. E n ter ta inme nt chalrman Is Julie Toepel; registration chainnan, Susan Ucciferri, and protest chairman, Dudley Johmfn . Bad weather plagulnll raee Fifty-nine yachts in the Pan Am Clipper Series departed Honolulu in the Around the State race at noon Sunday under threats of more violent weather from Hurricane Kristie. Satellite pictures Sunday showed Kristie 300 mili:s from Honolulu moving toward the islands at about six knots. Wmds a t the frmge were estimated ot 60 knots. Race officials said t hey we re tracking t he hurricane and that it was moving north-northwest and was not expected to affoct the r ace fleet. The storm was about 350 miles south of the big island of Hawaii. Winds at the st.art of the race were clocked at io knots. T he Around the State race is 850 miles around all of the Hawaiian islands and has been known to be a blustery affair in years past. Frin ge w inds from ' an earlier t r o pical d isturbance have already plagued . the Pan Am Series Clipper Cup fleet . Four boats have been d ismas ted. several crew membe rs hav~ been inJured. Harmony, Pussycat Bogart win Brisk w ind!' pushed the yachts in Voyagers Yacht Club's sixth race of the Humphrey Bogart Sen es to a fast finish Saturday. Pe rformance Handicap Racing F leet Class winner was Harmony, sailed by .tle Balboa Marine Syndicate from Balboa Yacht Club. From Page C1 PKRF·B w lnrae r wu P u11ycat, ..ailed b y S u l1ty and Rlchardlon, Voya,t.·rt Yacht Club. Winner ln the Southern 0ce'1l Raclnfl DM•lun (SORO) wu Wlndawttt, ~lled by George Chalfant, &hia Corint.hlan Yboeht Club and t.h~ Oc:t-an Macing Cata~ran c.:laa was won by Defiance, akJppcn-d by Hugh Towle, VYC. Summary of class winncns: PHF" .. " -t Harmony. &.lboe Matlne Syn<1~1 •• hlboe '!'Kilt CluC>._2. Spirit, Allen Blown, VYC; 3 Indigo flget, Aon OeKon, VYC "HRf".8 -1 Putlsyut, 8ulay•AIGhatdton. VYC, 2 Howlin' Owl, AMllll(I 81ewttd, vvc. 3 AunH••v II, C'*Y! Wlebel. VYC SORO -WIOdawltl, Oeo<oe Challenl, Bahia Coflnthlan YC, 2 h unaml, 0.•• Olly, VYC, 3 Oamblat, Olc:k Seward, Ume 81\lpe Aee1 ORCA -1 Oeflanc.e. Hw,ih Towi., VYC 86 Audacious. /flae ldnac ..-letorlous Audacious, sk1pperd by Mike Kennedy, I>ctna Point Yacht Club, w as I.he Class A winner Sunday in DPYC's Dana Point Senes. Class B winne r waa Mackinac, We¥. Thompson, BOATING Capistrano Bay Yacht Club; Class C went to Going Left, Steve Franta. DPYC. 1n the Catalina-27 class t he winner was Vivace sailed by Bill Clore, DPYC. ' Class Summary: CLASS A -1 Aud•CIOIJ5, Mike kenneoy. Dana Point YC. 2 Calllornla Gold, Fred O'Conner. Oane Wetl YC. 3 Btg Kal>une. Ma1k Townsend, OPYC CLASS B -I. Mael{lnac, Wes Thompaon, Caplllrano Bay 'l'C, 2. Aries. B Burkhlfdt, DP'l'C. 310.ne the Wey, Al Nefaon, OPYC CLASS C -1 GOlng Le~_. Steve Fran11. OPYC, 2, Claire de Lune. ~~ul FrllZler. DP'l'C, 3 Vulgar Bollman, Ole!< Anlc>We<. Captttrano Bay CLASS 0 -I Bandll, Andy 81,,kerd. OPYC CATALINA-27 -1 Vivace. Biii Clore. OP'!'C, 2. Sunshine, Ron M1l1nollky, OPYC; 3 Daybreak, Bob Galea. Capo BYC Canada oat ol A m erica's Cup'? Would you believe, money woes have hit the Ame rica's Cup hopetuls of at least one country. An Associated Press sto ry said fina ncial problems have forced a halt in construction of a 12-meter yacht that was being built to r epresent Canada tn the 1983 America's Cup trials. The yacht w as under construction near Perry Sound, Ontario. Work on the yacht stopped J uly 30 and training for its crew in New port, R.I. has been cut short. · It has been many yea rs since Canad a was represented in the America's Cup. The country has not had a contender since the advent of 12-meters in 1958. Other challengers in 1983 are England, France, l~y and Australia . WEST FOOTBALL PREVIEW . • • star ting defense to grad uatio n . Clete Casper and Ricky Turner, who shared the quar terbacking duties in 1981 , are both back. are both back . S tanford lost Darrin Nelson , the sc hool's all-time lead ing ~ound gainer, but AH-America quarterback John Elway re turns. Coach Pa ul Wiggin believes significant improvement in the team's defense will guarantee a better record than last year's 4-7. U.S. c y clists capture Cup Oregon w as ~xpected to be a solid con tender last year, but struggled to a 2-9 record. The Ducks figure to be improved just LONDON -A five-man team led by Bruce Penhall has given t he United States its first-ever World Tea m Cup S peedway Championship in competition held Sunday. The U.S. t ea m of Pen hall, Kelly Moran (Huntington Beach) Bobby Sc hwa r tz (Balbo a), S hawn M oran (H untington Beach) and reserve &.'Ott Autrey (Costa Mesa) easily outscored three European challengers in th e first o f t h ree wor ld championship events being held between now and December. Penhall, w ho will defend his by avoiding the injury bug that World Speedway Individual h it them in 1981. Qua rte rback Championship Aug. 28 at the Los Kevin Lusk is a fine passer and Angeles Memorial Coliseum, and freshman tailback Kevin Willhite Kelly Moran had eight for a tot.al is a potential superstar. team score of 37 points. Arizona h as 14 starters back D e n ma r k , w 1 t h W or 1 d from a 6-5 team, but the Wildcats Speed way C h a m pion ship face a back-breakin g schedule q u alifier Han s Nie ls en rid ing that includes Iowa and Notre brilliantly , fin ished in second Dame_ as we ll as Was hington, place with 24 points, followed by UCLA . South e rn Cal and West Germany with 18 and Arizona S t ate. Amo ng the Cuchoslovakia with 17. returnees are quarterback Tom The United States captured Tunnicliffe, linebacke r Ricky the second of its 16 heat races Hunley and offensive guard Jeff and was never challenged. Kiewel. · ~--;;.....----~-=-"---'----~-------- Daniel eases to LPGA win • ·Your Prof ess1onal Flonst 2 91 5 Red Hill Avenue Stone Mill Business Park A-108 Costa Mesa 641-08 10 JERICHO, N.Y. (AP) -Beth Daniel, with I.he title all but w rapped up before starting the final round, struggled to a 1-over-pa.r 73 Sunday, but still managed a tournament record and an eight-stroke victory in winning the LPGA WUI Classic. 1----------......---------- Daniel set the mArk with a 72-hole 9COre of 276, 12-under-par. The victory was the second straight for Daniel and her fi ft h this year, most on the tour . Sally Little, No. l on the earnings list with $213,010, has won four, but withdrew from the tournament because of an inner ear infection, after shooting a first-round 76. Daniel broke the tournament record of 279 established by Debbie Austin in 1977 and matched by Judy Rankin in 1979 when Daniel was runner - up. S he was third he re last year after sharing second place in 1980. SUllllER CLEARANCE SALE 4 DAYS ORLY SWU Than. Aa plt 19 (loo~ for our ed on Wtd ) SUPER NAUTILUS & l P1JU.DTO• CB.UJTOS dJUUrG! IDAHO WHITE WATER FLOAT TRIPS On The Famous Samon River OPEN 7 DAY S FOR MEN c\ WOMEN ., \ ,•, . .. ' ' P .i I• 11 ' , •' ~ ~J ~ I • 'i • I 1 .,.,.IUC&' .... ftU.ll ............ 1 ....... ,..., ...... c....~ '("4) .. ·• ') ' -· u•a mn aw••"- (JM>1'i·• A •• R 0 B I c c • N T • R • DWPOaT If It's got wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Piiot classlfled act . can 642-5678 and a friendly• vlserwlll helPYoU turnvwr wheels Into cash. f Ot Information Cll 0t Write: Saknon River Moootain Soorts ,,O. lo1 ~·. s... ..... 13467 (20a) 75M215 Comin& Up This Fal: •Sttthad Flll*tc •Cid• tblb Send *10-P.P.O . For Our Famou- Whlte Water T-Shlrt I ~ • • . . .. " MAJOR LEAOUI 8TANDIN08 Am.,tcan LNaue wean"" OIVISR>tf w L PcL oa Kan'" Cny se 49 573 • ...,... se 50 569 ., ChleaOO '3 52 544 J s..ni. sa sa 500 8'> Oakland 5<' se 440 15'" Teau 48 88 403 19'• MIMM01a 40 77 342 27 EAITERN OIVlllOH M11waukM 88 48 saa Bolton 83 52 548 • '" Ba111m0tt 80 54 528 7 OtlrOlt sa 57 504 91.\ New York 56 58 491 11 Cleveland 55 58 488 11~ Totonto 57 81 483 12 ll.lndlaJ'• ~ 00 1an<1 3. A~I• 2 Kanu• City 8. OtVOll I Boeton 8, Belllmo1e 0 ChlCaQO 6. New Yolk • Seattle 10, Minnesota 2 Toronto 3. MltweukM 2 Ctevete.n<I 6. T e11a 4 Ton'11hl't OernM Angela (Zahn 13·5) at Oakland (MCCAiiy 6-2) Kanau City (Blue 9·8 and Spllnortt 1·81 al New V0tk (Alghelll 6·5 and R May 4-3). 2 Cleveland (Wells 1·11) at Toron10 (Goll 3·81 Balllmort (0 Martinez 11-9) al Bosron (Ralney 6-4) Se1111e 1c1.,k 2~> at 0t11o11 tMotrts 13-11)" Chicago (Ootaon 8· 111 11 Te,.111 (Honeycull 5-13) Only games achedule<I Nation.I Lugue WESTlllN DIVISION w L Pct. oa Oodgtr'a se 53 55• Allanla 83 53 543 I '-I- San Diego 83 55 534 2'" San Franc1aco 62 5 7 521 4 HoutMon 53 63 457 11'\ C1nc1nna11 42 75 359 23 EASTEllH OIVIS.c>H SI Louie 87 50 573 Ph1taoe1p111a se s 1 584 1 Monlreal 61 55 525 5'11 Plllsburgh 60 57 513 7 New Yotk 50 ea 43, 18~\ Chicago 51 69 425 11·~ Sunday'• kCHH San Francisco 8, Oodgtre 6 New York 5·5. Chleago 4-6 SI LOUIS 12·5, Pl11aburgh 5-2 Philadelphia 3. Montteet 1 Houston, 7. Cincinnati 3 San Diego 6. Allante 5 (10 lnnlngtl Tonight'• Oema Hou11on (Ruhle 6-8) el Ctne1nne11 (Shirley 4-9). 7 35 p m • Only game scht<luled A'• 3, Angele 2 ColLlf'OllHIA OolKL.ANO ebrhbl Mlrhbl OownlnO ti 4i1lHen<l«son11 2100 c.r-lb 3 0 0 Grou Jb 3 1 2 1 Re.Jecllaon 3 1 O O Murphy Cf 3 o 2 O OaCtnces 3b 4 0 0 Nmu rl 4 O O O Lynn cl 2 O 1 Meyer lb • 000 Baylor dh 4 ~ 0 Lopes 2b 4 0 0 0 Grich 2b 3 ~~ P999 dh 4 I 1 1 Farguaon c 3 0 0 0 HHlh c 3 0 0 0 FOii aa 2 O O O Stanley aa 1 O O o 8enlq.-P< 0 0 0 0 Kellelltr aa 0 0 0 0 To1ala 28 2 3 2 To1e11 26 3 5 2 aco..by ........... Catlfot"'• 100 000 001-2 Oaklancl 002 000 001 -3 Nona OUI -wlnnlnQ run acoted · OP -Oakland I LOB -Celolotnla •. Oakland 7 2B -Re Jackaon HR -Downing (18>. Pag;i (2) SB -R Htndttaon (109). Grou (1). Murphy (221 SF -Lynn. Calffomla If' H II E" ea 10 Forsch 7 4 2 2 6 s Gollt(L.6-4) 1 1 1 I 0 2 Oaltlencl Kingman 8 3 2 2 4 3 Bea1d '" O 0 0 0 O Underwood(W.9-41 .,, O O O O 0 Fotach pllcht<I 10 2 batter• 1n the 81h. Kingman pllclled to 1 batter In the 9th Goltz pile/led 10 I baller In lhe 91h. PB -FMguaon T -2'50 A -40,63~ Giant• I , Dodgen e IAN FllAHCllCO LOS ANGELES Davia Cf Morgan 2b Cletlc 11 Venable rt Smith lb Bargmen lb Evan• 3b LflOl'letd ti Branty c Pe111n1 aa l.Mkty p Kutpar P" Braining p La~lep • Minion p Mlrhbl Mlrhbl S 0 1 1 Sax 2b 4 2 1 0 • 0 1 0 Landreeu• Cf 5 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 Baker 11 5 2 2 1 O O O O Guerrero 11 2 1 1 o 4 3 3 1 c.-t 3b 5 0 I 2 0 0 0 0 G1t1'19J lb 5 O 2 2 5123Sdotclac: 1001 4 1 I 2 Mot-ph 1 0 0 0 s 1 2 0 v...-c 0 0 0 0 4 0 10 11t1enoaras 3000 2 0 0 0 Roenlel<e ph I 0 0 0 I t 1 0 V-.ruela p 0 0 0 0 1000 Ona p11 I 000 0 0 0 0 8ackwl1h p 00 00 0 0 0 0 Marshall pll 1 0 0 0 Wrtght p 00 0 0 Mondey pll 1 0 0 0 Forflet p 0 0 0 0 Ruaae41 pll 1 11 0 Totatt 39 8 13 1 Totala 38 8 8 6 Score by '""Intl• San Francitco 212 021 000-8 Lot AngelM OtO 000 023-8 E -Petllnl. Baker. c.-t. Evena. OP -Lot Anoe'tt 1 LOB -Sen Franclaoo 8, Loe Anoetet II 2B -R Smllh. Brenly. GttVty. 3B -Evtnt. HA -R Smtih (131. Leonard (3~ SB -C Davia ( 17) SF -Scio9cla San Fr1111 IP H " Ell M SO Lulc">'(W, 12·8) 5 1 1 0 1 2 Breining 2"" 4 2 0 1 2 Lavelle 1 233 11 Mlnton(S.21) •;, 1 0 0 1 I LoaA~ Vaten%ual11CL. lf>·9) 3 II 5 5 2 7 Backwllh 2 2 2 2 0 1 Wright 2 1 1 0 2 0 l"ora1er 2 2 0 0 0 3 HBP -by Lukey (Guerrero) T -2:58. A -48,3!>2 Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augutt 18, 1882 Am•rtoen Lugu• "•rel• •• fleet• 1 Kent .. City 000 40<f 002 8 10 I Ottro•t 000 000 100-1 6 0 Leonard. Oulaenbarry (Ill end Watllan. UJdur. Jama (3). Ruckel (7). Toblk (9) encl L M Pa1tt1h W Leonard. 8·3 L -Utdur. 6·8 HRa-Kanau Clly Martin ( 101 Oa11011 G Wiiton {8) A -25.930 M•1IM I• 10, Twine 2 See111t 000 007 003 10 8 1 M1nnff01a 100 ooo 100-2 s 2 a.ante and Sweet Fauon, Lltttt Ull. Rt<llern (8) ancl Laud,.., W-Baanla 8·9 L-FeUon O· 12 HR SHlllt T Cruz { 101 A-7 677 a1ue Jar• '· 1•••8'• 2 foronto 000 110 001 3 Milwaukee 010 001 000 2 6 1 Ctency, O Mur1•r (9) and Wh1t1, Mac:ticn. suuon 1a1 an<I Yott W-Clanc:y 10-10 L-S1'1on. ~4 S O Murrey (4) HRs-MllwaukH , G ThomH (321. Youn! (20) A-28. 180 Rad Box I . Orlolte 0 !la111more 000 000 000 0 8 O B..lSIOn 000 000 80• 8 10 0 McGregor, SIO<ldard 171. BO<l<llckar (71 on<1 Nolen. ToHoz, B Stanley 15) and Allenson W-B Stanley, 8-5 L McGregor. 12·11 A-30.639 JndlMt• e, A•ngera 4 Cleveland 000 OH> 000-8 1!> 0 re.as ooo 300 010-• 11 1 Sore<>sen. Splllner (8). Glynn (9) end Hassey; Hough, MtrabeHa (6), Oa""1n (8l Matlack (6) and Sundberg W - So1ensen, 10·8 L-Hough, 11-10 S- Gtynn (1) HR-Teos. Hosteller (21) A-9,321 Whit• 101 e, Yan-Mt 4 New York 001 010 110-4 12 2 Chicago OtO 000 141 -8 II t Guidry, Gossage <11. LeROCht (4) and Ce<Oflfl, Burns. Beroiu (41 HIQlcey (71. Lamp (81 and HtH, Ftsk (II) w Lemp 8·6 L-Gossage. •·5 A-31 180 Natlonal Leaoue FlllST GAME CarcHnah 12. Plr•-S St LOUIS 202 240 101-12 12 0 P1nsburgh 000 000 40 I -5 9 3 Mure and Tenace M CWiiiiams. Gvante (51. Niemann (81 encl T Pana W-Mura. 11·7 L McW1t11ama. 7-8 HRS-SI LOUIS, Green ( 1) P111abu1gh, J Miiner(!) SECOND OolME C•rdlnala 5, l't<at .. 2 SI LOUIS 011 020 100-5 11 0 P1ttsburgn 000 100 001 -2 1 1 LaP01nt, Sutler (9) and D Porter. Sa1m1ento. E Romo 17>. Scurry (9) and Nicosi a w -L aP01n1. 8-3 L - Sarmlen10. 5.3 HR-P111sbvrgh Madtoclc (13) A-31,755 FlllST OolMI Mtta 5,Cube4 Chicago 002 000 O 11 4 10 3 New Yori< 013 100 OOk-5 8 0 Maril, Campbell (41, W Hernandtl (7). T1drow (81 and J Davia. Lnch, M , Scoll (8). Orosco (9). Zacllry 19) end HO<lges W-Lynch. 2-" L-Maru, 6-8 S-Zachry (11 UCOHOOAME Cube I , Met• 5 Chicego 130 001 Oj()-6 1U ~ New York 001 130 ooo-5 8 3 Kravec. Proly (8). Le Smith (91 encl Moreland J Oavts (9). Puleo, Oroaco IS) arid Hoclges W-Proty, 4-2 L Oroaco 2·8 S-Le Smtih f8I HRs Chocago. Oulham 2 (HI). New York Fotlar 1121 A-23 54S AalfCM 7, Rada~ Houston 203 101 OOQ,-7 15 I C1ncinna11 010 000 002-J 1 2 Sutton LaCoaa (9). Robefge (91 Mii Asllby. Pujols (9). Seaver Lttbran<ll ( 1J. Haflls (8) encl Van Gorder. Trevino (9) W SullO<I, 12·8 L-Seaver 5-13 S- Rot>a<ge (2) A 18,944 Pttntlee J, Ellpoa I Philadetph1a 000 000 012-3 7 I Montreal 010 000 000-1 4 1 Bysirom, McGraw 19>. R Reed (91 and Virgil. B o;u (9). Aaoe<a and Car1ar W-Bystrom. 5-4 L Rogers. 14·8 S-A Reed (81 HRS-Phltadtlphll, Maddo• (SI, Schmidt (28) A-57,69• Pltdree I, 9revat 5 A11an1a 004 000 001 0-5 8 1 San 01ego010 400 000 1-8 12 1 P. Nlekro. Bedrostan (7) and Benedict, S1nat10 i8), Lollar. Deleon (7) and T Kennady W -OeLeon, 5.4 L Be<1ros1an 5-6 HRa-Allenta. Hornt1 (2•) ChambllU { 141 A-25,258. Top 10 (taaaed on 275 et beta) AMElllCAN LEolOUE O UllHPct. W Wilaon, KC 90 389 58 134 ~4 Herran Cle 112 437 84 143 327 Garcia. Tor 114 492 74 158 321 Cooper, Mii 109 457 73 148 319 Yount. Mii 110 •50 84 143 3 18 Hrbek, Min 102 391 58 124 3 17 McAtt. KC 115 438 88 137 314 P~al<. Chi 84 308 41 9e 314 Aloe. Bsn. 106 417 81 130 312 E Murray, Bel. 103 381 53 112 310 ........ Uft. G. Tt1omt1, Miiwaukee, 32, Ila. Jacllaon, A119ela, 27; Thornton. Cl<lve4end. 28, Hatrah, Ctev.tand, 24, Ogllvle. Miiwaukee 24 OeClncea, ........... "' • "-.. tied"' McRee. Kanae• City, 98. Thornlon. C-ancl, 91, Cooper, MllweukM, 87, G ThomH . Mlhoauke•. 84. Lutlntkt. Chlc:lljlO. 80 l'ffcttlflll (14 DeclaloM) Vuckov1Ch, MllwaukM, 13-4, Burnt. Chlcego, 13"', Guidry, New Yotlc, 11·4 .. Zefln, A~. 12-1; Gura, Kan ... Ctty, 14-8, Pelry, Oelroi1, 12·7: F 8annla1er. Seallle, 11-7. Hoy!. Chlceoo. 14-10 NA TIONoll LIACIUE Ollver, Mii. Knlghl, Hin. ...... Doditart Durham, Clil Lo Smith,St.L Ma<lloclc.Pgh. Au.Jon..SD Carter.Mii. Lan:ano,SD T Pana .• P9ll 0 U II H l'ct. 114 430 se 140 328 118 442 68 13' .312 107 410 57 128 .312' 111 407 86 127 .312 113 435 95 13-t .:ioe 115 428 71 131 308 89 323 58 98 .303 109 392 as 118 301 114 381 85 114 299 102 373 37 111 298 SCOREBOARD H-lltma Murphy, Atlanta, 29, Kingman. N- York, 211. Scllmldl, Phlla<lelphla, 28 Hot,..,, Atlanta, 24, Caller, Monlre.,, 23. Ouetraro,Oodetfe,2l. "'"" lettad .... ()jt-. Monlfeal. 83: Murphy, Atlanle. 82. H4'h<lr1Ck. St Loult, 78. Clatk, Ban Franclaco. 78, Car1ar. Montreal, 74. o-r-. Oocteer•· 1•. l'ffchl"f (11 Dtclllona) Aogale. Montreal, 14.S, o RoblnllOf'I PlltabUrgh, 13-8, Cerlton, Phlta<ltlphla 16-4. Walcll. Oodgtr'a.1 .. 1: V ..... •ue6a. Oodft<a, 11-t; Krukow. Philadelphia, 11·7, Foraclt. St Loula, 11-7, Mu••. SI Louie. 11 7, LOii., Sen Otego. 11 1 NFL EXHIBITION 8111• 14, Cowboy• 10 IATUllOAY'S LolT1! OaULTI Score by Ouartatt Buffalo O O 7 7-14 Oallaa 1 3 O o-10 Dal -OorM11 9 run (Septlen klci<l Dal -FO Soptltn 48 Buf -Moore 2 run (Anderaon klci<I Bui -Wl'ttlllnglori 2 pan lrom Roblnton jAamua kick) A -48,612 lndMclual Statlatlca RUSHING -8uHelo, Moore 14-52. Whltllngton 10-42. Roblnaon, 2·26. Brown 3-20. Leake 3.11. Bradley 1·1. Tultle l·mlnua 12 Dattu, J Jonu, 11·43, OorM11 10·25. Newaome 1-16, S11<1nga 4-13, People• 5· 12, Newt>ouae !>-10 PASSING -Bullalo, Fergu1on 4·8·0-27, Bradley 3-4·0·20, Kollar 1-3· t-20. Robinson 2-8-0-7 Oettaa, White 10-14· 1·100, Hoge boom 4.11-1-10. c .. ano 0-1-1-0 RECEIVING -8ulltlo, B1own 3·31 Plecof\t 2·20. Bernell 2· 15. Whlt11ng1on 2·7, Lealla 1-1 Oallu, Holl, 3-32, Wli90fl 2-4 1. Paaraon 2·25, Dorsett 2-17. J J~ 2-14. Jollnsoro 1·2". Sal<ll 1-13. Cotble 1-16 FIELD GOALS MISSED -Bullalo, AnderlOn 54, AncltraOn 41, Asmus 31 Dattu . none Colt• 111, Olent• 14 ScOf'a by Ouartara NY 011n11 0 14 0 0 -t4 Battlmore 7 3 2 7 19 Bal·Bvuer 23 PllSI lrom P.,el (WOO<I ktcll) NYG·Patry 5 run (Leopard kick) Bal-FG Wood 22 N'l'G·Mlsller 10 pass lfom Brunner (Leopard klckl Bal·Safely Reed tackle<l In encl zone Bet.Jeckaon 1 run (SmiiJelsky run) A·31,98!> lndtvldual ll•tlatlca RUSHING -New York. Mot1l1 7-29, Per"' !>-28. Woollolk 7-27, Reed 2-27. Coltey 3· 13, J11ekt0n 4-10, BalllrnO<e. Ftenklln 5· 19. Powell 3-14, MCMiiian 5-12, Sime 2·11, Dillon 6-10. PASSING -New York, Stmma 3-9·0·53, Brunner 5·8·0-45, Raad 7·22· 1-54 Balttmore , Pagel t 1· 18·0· 140, Schlichter 2· 10-0·•0. Humm 7·13·1-47 RECEIVING -N-Yotk. SNrll 3-27. Ed<llng• 2-20. Parl<1ns 1-29, Gray 1-16 Ba111mo1e. Dlion 4·21, Dickey 3-47, Henry 3·38. OeRoo 2-45, Bunte 2-20 McMiiian 2-10 MISSED FIELD GOALS -New Yotk, none BalUmore. none St....,_ 2A, Petrtot• 20 lccH't by Ouartara P1nebur0fl 3 7 7 7 -24 • N-England 0 0 13 7 -20 Plt-FG Trou1 47 Pll·ThOrnlon 1 run tTrout kick) NE-Morgen 10 from Cavanaugh (Cla1k ltlclt) NE-Dawson 32 pas. lrom Cavanaugh (klCk lalled) Pll·A~rombta 16 run (Birney klClcl NE·Calh<>uf\ 1 run !Clerk klCk) Pll-colllna I run (Bl1ney klCk) lncllvlclual 118tl•tlc• RUSHING -PlnaburQh. Stoud! 4-54. Abercrombie 9-43 New England, Conlna 3-38. Calhoun 8·30 PASSING -Pllteburgt\. Stoudl 11·3~· 181, Grogan 2-6-1·46. RECEIVING -Plllaburgh, HaW1horne 3·68. Cuflntngham 4-33. New England, Dawson 1·32, Coeah 3·30. FIELD GOALS MISSED -New England, Troul 59. Birney 39. Felcon1 20, Vikings 17 lccH't b)' OUet1en Mlnneeota O O 7 10 -17 Atlanta O 7 ts 1 -20 Atl·Hoelge 10 paH '11om BartkOWSl<I {Lucllhu<11 kid!) All·HOOQe 11 run (klek felled) Minn-Herrell 12 pan lrom Wllaon (Olflmtler klell) Monn.NtflOn 27 run (Orel~ klelll MIM·FG Oan..-38 All-Brown 111 paaa from U oroakl ILUCIC11uta1 kldl) A-41,11.11 Inell~ Stettatica RUSHING -Mln,,.sota, Galbraalh •·32. Herrell 3-30, Nelson 4-211, Brown &-17 Ra<lwlna 3-6. Young 2·5, WM.on 1-3 Allanle. Roblnsoo 7-38. TolOUmu !5-25 R~S-24, B While 4-15, Strong 3-13. H 1-11, Kelley 2-6, Brown i-~. Caln 1-2, eybarry 3-1. Herrla 3-1 PA SSING -M lnna1ou . Olla 12-13·1-101, Wilson 8-111-1-158 Allan1a , M oroakl 12-20-2-1 44, Bafll<OW91cl 7 • 14~-88. RECEIVING -Mlnneaota, Jordan 3·27, Aaclwlne 3-10, Lewll 2· 78. San-2·28, Brown 2·17, Galbreath 2-13, LtCount 1·23. S. While 1-18• Ruhad 1-14. Harrell 1·12, Lucear l·o. YOURQ 1-3. Atlanta. Brown 3-44. Rigg• 2-"1. JflCltaon 2·24. Curran 2·2 t, Balley 2-20, Hocloa 1·10, Toloumu 1·9, Slrong 1·11. B. White 1·8, Maaon 1·8. Llltle 1-7, Mlkaalla 1·11. Meybtl<ry 1·5 FIELD GOALS MISSED -Mln.-ota. Ordonez 34 Dotohln• ZA, ""•kine 7 ,_. by Ollel1att Wblltnglon 1 0 0 0 7 Miami O 1 1 10 24 Wu.RIQoff\a 2 run {MHlet klclcl Mia-Bi lley 14 pau trom JanH n (POt'laia klckl Mte-Fret>klln 2 run (NltllMWI lil<.li) Mla-FG RoC>ln90n 24 Mte-Waevar 28 tumble return (Por191• kl<ll<I •·37.760 lndhtduel Si.tletloa RIJSHING -WHhlngton. Jeckton 7-32. Harmon 8-3 1. Rlgglnt 7·22. WIUhlngton !5-19, F1lc1t 2-8 Giaquinto 1·3 Mftml, Cowen 11·119. Hill 11-28 Franklin 8· t7. Boa Iner 1-1, Jeneen 4-Mlnoa 1 PASSINO -WUhtngton, T"9ttmann 8-13·1·95. Flick 13·18·1-137 Miami, WOO<lley 1·7· 1·9. Janaen 8-12·0·90. Stroolc 5-10-0·71, Cowan 0· 1-0·0 RECEIVING -W1thl11g1on. Monk • 2-38. Harmon 3·37, Jaclleon 2·33, wunama 2-27, Didier 4-25. Brown 2·2 t. AIQQlna 1-1'1, Powell 1·12, SHy 1·8, Ctal11 1·8, Wartan 1-8, Glaquln10 l·mff\llt 1 Miami. Roea 2·59, Hilt 2·20, Harrla 1-20 Lee 2· 13, Balley 1· 14. Cowen 1· 12. Cefalo I· 12. Lockett 1· 11, Harcjy 1·11 FIELD GOALS M ISSED - Waahlngton, Mlli.< 48 Mleml, ~Mn 30, Portela 43 Q,..11., Hertford OP9f' (at Welileraflalcl, COfln.) 251 Tim Notrls.S54.000 as Aaymoncl Floycl.$28,400 65 85-87-68 Hubetl GrNtl,S26,400 86-88-~87 -Gavin L8Yetlaon,S11.310 Mark McNulfy.S 11 .310 0 A Welbr1ng S 1 t 3 10 Peter JacobM<>.S 11.310 Cunit Strenge.SI 1,310 297 Davl<I Edwatds.SB.400 Dana Ouigtay.SB,400 -:Ml Cla<ence Roee.$6,800 Ancly Btan.S6,600 Beau Baugh.S6.800 Terry Otehl,S6,600 2" Sieve Metnyk,S5, 100 lllO AOl<l.$5, 100 JO<lle Mudd.SS, 100 770 Barry Jeeckel,'4,050 Mark O'Meara,$4.050 Biii Brlllon,S•.OSO Ho-.oard Twllty,$4,0SO 271 MArk CalCaveccnl,12.785 Thoma• Gray,S2.785 Roger Matlbit,S2.785 Lannie Ctemants.S2.785 Jim Stmona,$2,785 J-Rannar,S2.785 772 Mlclt SoM.S 1.792 Mri Pfell.11.792 Larry Mlle.$1.792 ROii Curt,S 1.7g2 Jett M1tCNll,S 1, 792 Bttt CalfM.Sl,792 Bot> Byman,S 1. 792 Don POOley.S 1.792 Bob EISIWOO<l.I 1.792 Rax Ce~t Sl,792 2n RIChar<I Zot.ol.S 1,230 Jim 0en1.s 1.230 JOhn Adems,S 1,7.lO Perry "-rtllur.S 1,230 JC Snea<l.S t 230 274 Jay Cu<ld,S990 Mll<e Oonal<l,$990 Ml~e Nlcolelle.S990 21S Scoll SlmPM>fl.1771 Jim Booroa,$771 Pal Llndaty,$771 GtOfge Archet,S771 Tim Slmpaon.S771 Lon Ne\lllOf'l,S771 David Grehem.$771 66-84-69-87 66-85·68-87 &e-85-88-87 65-67 -67 -87 811-68-69·83 88·64·61·68 70·69·61-67 70°63-67-88 68-87-67·86 70-87-88-85 69·69·66·64 67-87-67-68 7 1·65·58-67 66-68-71..atl 6 7 -69·64· 70 70·68·63·69 84-68· 70-88 68-67-87-68 84·88·65· 74 58-87-88-70 67-87-88-69 71-88-63-89 8M7-67·88 69· 7()-64-88 66-8 7 -86-89 85-72-t6-89 7Hl8-87-68 67-611-70-67 70-67-6&-87 7 1-66-68-e 7 70-~&e 68· To-e&-88 ~S-73 66-116-611-72 57-87-88-71 67·69-etre t 88·86-72-89 70-88-M-89 70-U-67-88 69·88-M-71 11-67-88·88 69-70-67·88 66-72·11·68 69·66-68-72 68-63-71-70 67-89-89-70 70-68-87 -10 68-89·69·69 611·65-71·71 LPOA tournement (el Wtcho, N.Y.) 27t Btlh Oanlet. S 111,750 214 68-88-67-73 Martha Henaen,$10,500 69-73-73-69 Ayako Ol<amoto,S 10,500 73-71-72-88 -Lynn Adama.S&,250 287 Betbera 8errow,S4.888 Pam GeOzen.'4,888 -C Jo Clllhon,SJ 887 Sendra Spuzlch.$3,887 S. Bertolaccini,$3,88 7 -Judy Clerk,S2.875 J-~.$2.875 Dot Getmeln,S2,875 2IO Otanne u.lley.S2.375 211 Jerllyn Brltz.S 1.685 JoAnn Waahem,S 1,885 Nancy Aubln,S 1,885 C•thy Morae,$1,885 M,J Smllh,11.666 B.Davla-Coo!)ar.S 1,885 Amy Aleott,S 1,885 Julla Slanger Pyn,S1,N5 Donna Ceponl.St,ee6 Dabble Mueey,Sl ,885 m Oet>bla Auatln,I 1, 150 Marty Olcti.•eon.S 1.150 PtHI Rlao,S1, 150 Sl\eton 8etret1.S I, 150 -•Janet eot.e.Sl,000 Sandra Pamar,S1.ooo .. Jeennetta Karr.'879 Petty Heyee.$819 89·7?-72-73 77-58-811·73 75-71-70·71 87-78-73-72 73·73-88-74 73-71-71·73 74-74-71-70 74·7S-S9·71 71· 72-74·72 76-77-72-88 75-74-72-70 73·7!>-72-71 73-73·7S·72 75-6~75-72 7~.74.72.73 13· 72·73-73 78·72-&a-73 78-72-70-73 72.711-73.71 71-72-78-73 71· 75-11-76 71-75-71-75 7&-73· 12· 72 70-7&-74-73 13-711-73-72 7!>-74-72-73 , D.iMer SUNOAY'I "HUUS (2Jrcl of.,..., thtr .... hbftcl -•"ill Flllllf AACI. a furlong• Mtnot<I Wor<la (Pncy)24 40 11 40 8 40 tn-c:hol (McHergua) 8 60 8 20 l aclcte (Shotmellerl 3 80 Aleo raced Senior Senator, Walk Peal. Pat • Dude Fleet Bod Dandy Power, Chia! Ct1abra11on Romeo a Swotd, Ganlle Sun. Summe< KniiJhl lime 109 4/5 llCOND "ACI. 1 1/18 milts Prince Of NOie (McCnJ 9 80 5 40 :;. 40 Wlncly Selurday (Mtz•I 19.60 11 40 lncurllon (Ptncay) 3 40 Aleo rltCac:I Kryatal Snow, Barrocade Orea•. Mlal'• MaglC, Court Compliance. Valvat Bluer. Brtght late, Suunne s Boy, China Pu.ult Time 1.43 315 12 OAIL Y OOU9LI! ( 11 ·8) paid $178 80 THNIO llACE. 6 lurlongs Mr Collator (Hanaen) 4 60 3 60 3.40 Polly"• Rutar (Bleck) 5.20 • 00 Torao jToro) 4 60 Alao raced Wllh l1ber ly, Publtc Tradition. Coyotaro, Jungle Jove. Okubo, Meal., We1r1or. Hey Aob Time. 1:09. II EXACT A ( 1 ·91 paid S68 00 FOU"TH M CE. 6 lu1tongs Bnlllant Move (04hay) 4 20 3 60 2 60 Aoay Spectra (McHargue) 10 40 5 40 Adrlellc Girt (Guerre) 3 80 Alao raced Tlptopper, Dancing Guest Ne•I Comes Love. ~ ol the N8W5 Otena • Otaam Wa)e11e, Bagethnore Time t 10 315 FWTH RACE. 1 t/ 16 miles on 1urt Royal Captive (Shmkr) 8 00 5 20 4 00 Bal<l•le S.d (Meza) t4 00 9 20 Be on Ttme (Toto) 9 20 Also rec:ecl Alie House. Heart Beet riear Verdict. WOlvtr H8'ghls. Cha1ge Account Fteeo. LIQhl Hete. Seti s Royal Dream Tome 1 •3 315 II EXolCTA 13· 11) paid $208 00 lfXTH RACE. 1 1118 miles Cocl\y GOller (Shmkr) 4 80 3 60 3 00 Flrsl Lerry (Black) • 15 80 1 60 Early Muter (Valenzuela) • •O Alto rece<I Wrll'n on the Wind Royal Oa11s. Bl•c'-ell Undercover Man Earne11 E, Wa1ima San. Dance With Dan. Summer Creek. Ho~est Bulle! Time 1'42 315 SEVENTH llACE. 6 lurlOngs OuNtl ot Crnwl 27 40 1 I 40 8.20 Giiner Hitter (Dthasyl 5 20 4 JO Erl Tu (Valenzuela) 14 40 Also raced Ror H . Kippy, Brighi Lady, Coral Dance She's a Swope. Prone P0$1ll0f\, Tracy L . A Tear In He< Eye. Track Jt1ler Time 1 09 2/S II EXACT A (10· 1) paid S256 00 92 PtCK SIX (8· 1-10·3· 1· 10) paid $3.- 921 80 with 28 wlnnlr>O 11cketa 1a11 horaeal S2 Piek Sia consolatlon paid S52 20 wllh 699 w1nn1ng llckets (live notMS) S2 Pick Si. scratc:h conS04&1tOO paid S 14 60 with 194 winning llcl<els (lour hOrMS. one acratctl) EIGHTH llACE. 1', moles on 1ur1 WICkt ri (OlhUyl 14 40 S 40 <' 60 Spence Bay (Toro> s 60 2 60 Perrault (Pincayl 2 20 AISO raced P1perhlN Super Momeni. Ma1pon Genbt Time 1 48 2/$ NINTH MCIE. 1 1116 m1"9s on turf Tau Again {H•wWr> 12 80 6 80 4 00 Giiied Dancer (P1ncty) 7 60 3 20 Buen Chico (McCanon) 2 •O Alto rlCt<I Blue Blue Perry Cel:>ln Diiiy. Jolher Torsom Time 1 42 415 SS EXACTA (5-7) paid $215 00 All4'h<lance 25,267 Hollywood Park IUNOAY'S RE8UL TS (lat of 51·nlght herneaa mHllng) "'"IT llACE. One mile pace RuallC Scoll (Grundy) tO 80 4 40 3 20 Scolltan RalnbOw (l<ueblefl J 40 2.80 Hamish Reel (OunniiJ•n> 6 40 Also raced Repus Red Just a Smoo1n1e. Moat Happy Poplar Wa1takl Supreme, Never Beller N Grtl N. Brilllan1 O'Shea Tome 1 58 315 SI EXACTA (1·6) paid S39 30 SECOND llACE. One mtle pace Full Pocket (Roaenl 3 80 3 00 2 20 Dean POinl (Grundy) 3 40 2 40 Sole ui>ec11toon (Todd) 3 20 Also rllQtcl Jlba Ho, OO·Oenle Roylll, H(IW<ly Sfar Lillie Bren Ru11M 00 -Ftntshe<I lhtrd dlltquaUhed and placed tilth Time 1 59 4/5 TitlflO llACE. One mile p"e Hurric-(Aamsn) J 5 60 4 20 3.20 BtnrO<l<len (Longo) 6 60 5 60 Rambling Kidd (Grunclyl 3 20 Alao rai:ecl Max Burnb10 Burkes Brogad• Pine s1119 Youno Million SP') Sam P11t>Qe Ra.cat Time. t 58 315 13 UolCTA (8·5) pa1<1 S64 80 FO\MTH <UCE. One mite peca Wln1ar10 (Slealll) 20 llO 9 80 6 00 Noble Ring {Anclaraon) 19 00 10.40 ReCoun1 N (Baillatgeon) 4 60 Alao ract<I MajtlllC Major'. Sea Ro- N, Coot Gay. Sco111111 Loch Hase Teoger Too flint 1 511 2/5 ' '1FTH llACI. OM mlle pace. Spff\llar Anna (Snrn) 17 40 6 80 3 80 Aottlancl Bret (Baylaas) 4.60 3 80 SantH Btrfy (Vallandingham) 6 60 Alao recall: lwane Sltlp, Strll<lr>g N, Sneaky Pete, ScoflnQ Drive, Yeli<lo Time 2 00 415, IS DACTol (8-5) paid S65.40 llXTH llACL Ont mile P- Stnga Aou (Grundy)49 20 17 80 04ana Mlchetla (Ma1ctoend) 12.60 AllM MacFabar (Aubin) I Camel. Where a man belongs. B mg. "tar"'. 0 7 mg. nicolme ev. pef c1gere11e. FTC Repo11 DEC '81 Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Alto ••cell Dente• E"<let•Or. Apollo Maggie, Angela K•y No Eacuse N. La Sp1dfl. Erlan1k Time 2 00 13 lltolCT ol 13·91 Plod S 1 785 !>O SIVIHTH llACIE. One mtlt pace f11n • Mate (Kuebler) 21 80 9 20 ~ 80 Maater Joke (Shatrenl 6 40 4 20 Kmo 01 Alba tCopetan<I) ~ 20 Alao raced Able (\old B C (;ounl B1ook!1eld N Oalrha HiQlt MOO•• L1fa11ma N Time 200 11!> II U ACTA (10 9) paid $424 00 IEIOtfTH llACl . One mite pace Mr Jim Bob tOOUOtu) • 80 4 00 3 20 Bal Cllamp (Perktr) 5 60 2 1111 Courageoua Reel (KueCJleff 2 40 Al10 racod BHt ot Abbe Deacon LOl>all Wlnllel<I Armb<o Tome 158 315 NINTH llACE. One mote pace Pater Oneclln (Gr<lru) 13 00 4 00 3 •O Sman Koala (Kuebler) 3 00 2 80 Lord Nawrlno (Todd tt) S 00 Alao raced Torp1da Kn1on1 Mack Dougal N, T ebb Hanov4't AaflOow Wtnd T O EJco11 Van Rhel Time 1 ~7 415 13 EXACT A (6 4) paid $49 50 12 PICK SIX 14·8·3· 10·~·61 Patel $ 17 713 110 with lwo winning l•Ckall t11ve horaH) S2 Pick S11 conaol11ton paid $393 60 wltn 30 wonning 11c~ett (IQur horsea) S2 Pick 5,. acr11cn conao1e11on paid S 144 60 \ltireo hotte•. one 1eratch) TENTH RolCE. One mile oace Handover (Croghan1 n 40 6 60 4 00 Cap Ouha1ne {Treml:>layJ 8 40 S 00 Sllldgehammer (Sleelhl ~ 20 Alao raced King Oa!ly lier<ly MacF eber Loyal Lad Pnoen•• Jack •Aanda11a, You Chase Time 2 00 31!> 13 EXACTA (5·9) paid S294 90 Attendance 19 646 CallfOfnla Claulc (At C•rlebltd/ llnglat Fina Johan Kriek (South Al11ca) def Roscoe Tanner (US J. 6-0 4 6 6-0 6·4 JKr1ek wins S 100 000 Tanner wins $40.000) Ooubl .. Final Kroek-Frirz Buehn1ng del Bob Lutz ltJ S I-Raul Ramorez (Mexico) 3·6. 7 6 6·3 Pley1r'1 lnt1rnat1onal (ti Toronlo) Slnglat Final Vilas Oerul&tllS (U S ) del Ivan lendl (Czecnostovek1a). •·6 6 1. 6 -3 (Gerule111s wtna S48 000 Lendt wons S24,000) Ooublt1 Fln•I Sto•e Denron Ill S )·Mark E<lmondaon JAus11atoa) del John McEnroe-Poter Fleming (U S t. 6 7. 1 ~. 6·2 (Oen1or1 Edmondson spilt S 18,000. McEnroe. Fleming spill $9,0001 w .. tem Cleulc (al Cltval•nd) Sl1191ff Final Sandy Mayllf (IJ S > det Robert Vant Hof (US I 7.5 6·3 (May•• w1n1 S15,000) Doublet final VtC1or Amaya-Hank Pf1a1er (U S I clef Mall M1u:Nlll-Cra19 W11tus (U S ) 6-4 7-6 Atlante Cllulc Sl1191at Fln•I Chros Even Ltoyd CU S l del Sue Mucafln IU S I 8·3 8 1 (Lloyd wons $18.000 Masca11n wina $9,0001 Doublat Final Kal~y Jordan Betsy Nagelaen (US) def LIO)d·Billle Jean King IU S I •·6. 1 6 7-6 (Jordan NagelHrl sp111 $6.500 Lloyd·Klng spill S3 500) L911end• tournament (al Ne1N1) Sl091H FIMI ><en floaewall iAu11ra11a1 dtl Coltn Dibley (~ustra11al 4·6 6-J. 6·3 IROIM!W811 wins S 10 000 I Player'• Cha1'41nge (al Montreal) Flret llound llnglte Bonn•e Gaduael< {US ) del Ange1a Wat~er (Canada) 6-1. 8·3. Sandy Collins (US 1 del Barbara Gerken (US 1. 6· 1 3·6. 6·2. Barbtua HOllQulll {US) del Patricia Me<lrado !Brazil). 6·• S·7, 7-6 Carltng Bane11 (Canada) d•I Sylvie Tetreault (Caned•) 6· 1. 6· 1 Cathe<lne Tanvttr (France) dal Beth Nor1on (US ) 6·3. 6-3. Eva Ptall (Wesl Ge<many) det Ouk HM Lee (Kotea) 7-11 6-3 •• .... ... "'• -· 8 DMdway 81kff WOllLO TtAM CUP CHolMPlONIHIP (et Londofl) THm k0tlftg 1 Unned Stites. 37 2 Denmark, 24 3 Weat Germany 18 4 Ct tcholiovtkll. 17 Unllecl Stales scoring 1ncJu<led Bruce Penhall (Balboa 1a1an<1>. 10, Kelly Motan IHunllngton Beech) 10. Bobby Sdlwem jFullertonl. 9. Sl\twn Moran (H11nllng1on Baectl). 8 ta.r. 8 m1 _______ ...._ _______________ -.. ------------·~---- ' I Cl , . Ot .. Oout DAILY PILOT/Mond•y. Augut• 18, 1912 eno, Oest er ~ tangle ClASSIFllD D1llyPllat ClNCINNATI (AP) - CindnnaU M6U1Aeer Rua Nixon bttll~vea lhe lrustraUon11 of a losing season led lQ the brief scuffle between two of his playel"'I In the Reds' clubhouse. CLASSIFIED INDEX H11111 /., 11/1 HH111 /11 11/1 N,.,,, /11 11/1 ., .... , .....•.•....•••••••.......•..•...•••• •••··••··············· ,.,.,,,, 1001 ,.,.,,,, 1001 a,.,,,, 1002 •••••••...........•••••••.••.............••• •••••·······•····•···• WI lllJll PllllllLA .. II Teammates and reporters said center fielder Cesar c.edeno and second baseman Ro n Oester exchanged words and then blows Saturday night before they were separated about an hour prior the Reds' 2-0 loss to the Houston Astros. Neither player was reported injured in lhe scuffle. Nixo n had a closed-door meet.mg with c.edeno and Oester after the incident, and later said he didn't know what caused the exchange. "The season, I think." Ni>eon said. "It's got me a Little frayed, too." Neither player would comment on the incident, which teammates said followed an exchange of words. "You know how ballplayers get on each other," infielder Wayne Krenchicld said. "I was just sitting here talking to (pitcher Tom) Seaver a nd the voices got louder." Pitcher Jim Kem, who helped to separate the two p layers , said he didn't know what caused it. IN CONTROL -Sandy Mayer of Atherton. Calif. returns a shot to Robert Van't Hof Sunday en route Changes abound BUSINESS, INVEST· MOH, FINANCE ::::::: ~=~· ~:~:::::: ~r Conferences exp erimenting-with dill ere nt rules MOllW1 lo Loe.n MCltlit)' Wa.ated• Mon•••n.TO t SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) -More th~m a dozen college basketball conferences are experimenting with some form of a shot clock or three-point basket next season, and one conference will allow players six personal fouls. None of the experimental rules w1U be used in the NCAA's championship tournament and all baskets will rount two points in the determination or a national scoring champion. according to lliward Steitz, athletic director of Springfield CoUege and head of the NCAA's basketball rules committee. THE VISITING team wiU have the choice of rules in non-conferen~ games, Steitz said. The annual Bas~etbaU Hall of Fame benefit game here Nov. 20 between national champion North Carolina and St. John's, which opens the rollege season, also will be played without a shot 'Waiting Room' Inakes its debut A publication for wives MILWAUKEE (AP ) -M arriage t o a professional athlete can be complex and make "normal" life practically impossible, according to the wives of some major-league baseball players. "One of the things that a lot of people don't think about is when your husband. your partner in life, has all of this attention being paid to hjm and knows exactly where he st.ands because of his job assignment," said Maryanne Simmons. wife of Milwaukee Brewers catcher Ted Simmons. "You kind of wonder where you fit in to au of that." To help oth er baseball wives deal with di/ferent aspects of life in the major leagues. Mrs Sunmons started a publication called "The Waiting Room," which appeared for the first time last month. Free copies of the 28-page magazine were mailed to all 481 major-league wives. MOST OF the writing was done by Mrs Simmons and Marsha Littell, wife of Mark Litt.ell, a relief pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals. "Th e goal of this publication is to share information about dealing with different aspects of life as a baseball wife," Mrs. Littell wrote. "By the end of my first season I understood clearly the import.ant place fans of baseball deserve to occupy. And I was beginning to realire that being a wife was a much more complex task than I had realli:ed at first." Mrs. Simmons said the ideas expressed in the magazine w ere an articulation of thoughts she had had for the past 13 years. "I just thought it was time to do something with all those feelings instead of growing away from the game as many baseball wives do," she said. "They really disassociate themselves and go on to something else." The first issue of The Waiting Room is compoeed of a aeries of essays which deal with such issues as coping with the different life of being a bueball wife, thf problems of health and insurance and whether or not to purchase a home in a team's . city. MRS. SIMMONS said the magazine Idea grew out of a booklet she had put together on club policies l.n 1969 when she and her husband were with the St. Louis Cardin.a.ls. Mn. Slmrnons, who has a masters degree in fine arts, said line t:eamea with Mrs. Uttell, whu has a master'• l.n journalism, at first to do a similar pamphlet for • number of clubs in the big leagues. She aaid the two decidtd on a newsletter instead. Nam.Lna It The Wa!lln8 Room was a natural, Mrs. Slmmonl said, explaining that the dtle refers to the ateu where players' wives wait for games to at.art. then wait apin after the final out until their huabendt emerae from Ille locker room. "Tbat'I IOft Of a standing rke that thal'I where we apend half of our lives,' 1he said. clock or three-point basket, he said. The changes stack up this way in the 12 experimenting Division I conferences, with all three-pomt baske ts measured from the front of the rim: -Atlantic Coast Conference, a 30-second shot clock that will be turned off for the last four minutes of the game and a 19-foot three-point line. -Big East Conference, a 45-second clock, off for the last five minutes of the game. -Big S ky, three-point basket from 21 feet, three inches. -Big Ten, three-pomt basket from 20 feet, thret> inches. -Metro, players will be allowed up to six personal fouls a game. -Missouri Valley, three-point basket from 19 feet. ANNOUNCEMENTS, 'ERSONAlS & l~ST & FOUND A~trwfllll Cat Pool 14'1•1 Nott-fn Loo1 6 rouoc1 P•oon .. t1• Sot1eJ C"lvta• 'tru~I· SERYICCS s..~ttt 0.r<Ktoo· £MPlOYM£HT & rtEPAIATION ~f'loolt IMlNCUOll JGbWanled• Hflp "1nttd. M • f' MERCHANDISE A~ '">''" -OHIO VALLEY 30-second clock off for the &..1c11"• wai.nai. t C•nwre.t 6 Eq1i11pm."t las_t four minutes of the game, and a 19-foot three-~. pom~r. ~~~ -Pacific Coast, 30-second clock beginning t" .. ":~. when the ball crosses the halfrourt line, off for the :::::..W c-. last four minutes of the game, and a 19-foot three-f!~Z.k pointer :~.~ -Southeastern, 45-S<'COnd clock for the entire ::,:~r::':':-'.!:~:' game. ~~:-''""., t:qlllp -Southern, 19-foot three-poirter. "'•-.. <><e••• -Southwest, 45-second clock off for the last ~':'.. .. c~- ( -f h Sier. llutatU•OI Bar ave minutes o t e game. S•illl& , -Sun Belt, 45-sccond clock off for the last T• ""'""H•n s.. .... four minutes of the game, and a 19-foot three- pomter. No Divisioo LI ronferences are experimenting, but in Division Ill the Old Dominion Conference is aUowmg a three-point basket from 20 feet, 3 inches, and the Western Miane Conference will have a 45-second clock for the entire game and a 19-foot three-pointer. BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT AUTOMOllLC eaw-,.1 · AM.14W::t Cle.u1n af'f'r•eltM Vf'hitlff ~1~~~.!'cwh Trv< ... YIM AtitwWu1a1 Al.KOIWuuf'd if: I# ........ E - JUGGLING Acr -Mark Belanger of·1he ~ ·. Dodgers finds throw from catcher Mike ·~ ·· · · Sdoecia too hot .tO handle so ChlU Davil of the -. ~.:.:"..::.: Giants is sa.fe at se<.'Ond base Sunday. ~,..- ~ ·-·-lotl ::: PIMttlltr't lttltt1 l!aatelde. 1lng11 atory townhome In park-Ilk• .. 111no. POOi, clubfl0u11, l)Utllng 0'"" and large 1had1 tr-enhanc:. Ihle frH h 2 Bdrm 2 bllh home w ith llrepl1c1 1136,000 142-1200 PETE BARRETI IGlll All rMI Mlall advertlMd :: In thl1 n1w1paper II 10M 11JbJeo• to th• F'ederal ,.., Fair Hovalng Act of 1N8 :::: wtlloh makM It lllegll 10 •• ed~IM "any preferen-1'!!~~~~~~~~ :: ~. llmltallon 0< dlecrlml-1: . . REALTY •• nation ba1ed on race, ::l: color, religion, Hx or •• natlonel origin, or eny ::: Intention to make any •• l\JCh preference, llmlte· 11°' lion 0< dl1Ctlmln1t1on." UITllll •••• C1Jte 3 B<lr on cul-d••ec 11. Seller will help llnan· ce. Large au1Jmabla loan. Full prloe $115,000 781-3191 c::: ',111 ( I ~ Pll! 1ftt 11 I 11 ', Thi• newepaper will not •• knowingly accept any •• adv1rll1lng for real ... :~ tat• which 11 In violation 1* of the law. 1========~ JIOO I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii llOI LD ... -11• Dlt um ----ncio 1111111 Advertl· sers should check their ads dally and repert errors lm- m e d I ate I y . The KlllllU DAILY PILOT as-11,0IO,OOO. --sumes llablllty for Spaclo1Js baytront, n. 111 T.D. paid oll In 8 the first Incorrect yaar1 with paym1n1 1e11 = Insertion only. than pruant 30 year ,..,_________ loan Many amanltie. An := elevator, g1Jeat apart-= BH••• /tr ~II ment & extra side slip. \MD •••••• •••• ••. ••• ••• ••• Prime tocatlon. = C.•11.J I HJ 144-IOIO = .......... ············ 1;;;;;:;;i:i ::: LAST UllO U)O ~ CHANCE uoo WO --10 b1Jy thlt bea1Jllf1JI 3 year old. 4 1Jnll apart- ment hOUM In San Cle- mente with ocean-hills & golf co1Jraa vlawa at a tremando1J1 savings dl· reel from the owner l>.- fora being ll1tad wlttl brokert. Act NOWlll Call OWne< at (714) 642-0138. FIVE ....... TllH llTIS In thla two 1tory l'IO\JM near SA and Newport Fwya. and SC Plaza. Two of !ha bedrooma with one of Iha baths and separate entrance make \JP praclloal, aaparate 8000 mother -I n-law (teenager?) Q1Jarlar1. Another two badroomt and a bath are 1JPl1alr1. -10'U 1100 am -.. ICllD --IOU ----- Atlclng $147,900 $85,000 ASSUMABLE (11.4%) and will co- operate In llnanolng. For sale by Ownef. 979-2748 (Pleue call 9-5) IS1) ::!~~~~~~~~ ... .., llWUIWlll Ill.Ill ISWI Firll Uma llltad. Char- ming nr. new 2 1ty. ar- ch I t act 1J r a I gem 4 bdrma, fem. rm. 01Jallty design and decor . througtloul Designed for gueet Q1Jarters. Priced 10 sell $595,000 Sellar wlll finance. No loan lee. 144-4110 PALI IPlllll Canyon Co1Jntry Cl\Jb. Baa1Jtll1JI c1Jl-de-sac location on golf course. Views ol mo1Jntalns Master s1Jlta wltwo rooma, 2 Battis. G1Jest qtrs w/two rooms. 1 Bath ""Ila Pl\Ja den. Pool & 1pa. A1Jto sprinklers. Alarm system. $385,000. Cell Marilyn Twtlchell. GEORGE ELKINS C O 759-9100 Priu We1t Bey beyfJ'Ol'lt. 8Ufl9 for 2 boats remodelAMi 3 bdrm, 3 beth $1,200,000. . Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. $ t .38~.ooo Oceanfront. Liii llLE llMEI Prune Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, ~ yi, bath Lge L.R .. 2 boat 1Upe $1.~.ooo. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large ret:. nn beam celllnp, fumlllhed. palloa. $420,000 I Liiii llU IAYFlllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. Boat allp. Now $1,000,000. IAYlllE PUOE Spectacular bayfronl view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn 2 boat slips. Reduced-$1 .~.ooo 0010010 OHS C-Oronado lB~d cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 wit.emu. ILIFFI 00110 Si.ngle story end urut, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt. $250,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\•d(• Dr•••· N B 67) 6161 Ho11111 for Silt H111111 for S•lt ...••.•..•••.••.......•..•••.••...••..•.••.. c,,,., ''' #11 I OZZ C•1t1 #1u IOZ4 ·····iliui·vin···· ·········i.;;;.········· Sa1Jsallto L1Jsk home on WllUILI YlJ fee land 3 Br. 2 Ba. llv & din rm, lg lam rm, 111 on this 4 Bdr College Park home and owner amenities. lg tree lot. By wlll help with additional Owner. S3 t3,000 t1n1nclng, Full price Is 640-7007. only $132,500. Don't wait 'JASMINE CREEK • call 979-53'10 NOWI ~ Sec1Jrlty g1Jardad, pools, spas, tennl1I OCEAN VIEW, 3 BR. fam rm. 2'h ba. reduced to se11 rut $415,000. FRESHLY DECORATED. -,. { : 'I l / 111~'" 1-4E A1. T' b 1't V( 'lTM I •,TC, 3 BR, tam rm, 2'h ba, --------• $350,000. SACRIFICE SALE, 2 YRS old, lovely 2 BR. den. seller transferred. $300, 000. 552-2000 COLDWeu. BANl(eRC Cn11 lieu IOZ4 ••••......•••••..•.... *IY OWIEll* 3 11 .... 1~ IA COLLEIE PAii $1211000 142-1111 PAYlll llEIT1U HAVE GOOD INCOME??? SHORT ON DOWN PAYMENT??? PAYING TAXES??? wnn 01Jr Investor, llV'll & gain appreciation In fantastle 3 Br 3 ea_ new lllHllll HUT LHATill I (wlttl uaomablel) FIVE bedrooms and THREE baths In thle two alory house near SA and Newport Fwys. Colorl1JI front patio and 1h1dad small back yard. Two of the bedrooms w1lh one ol the batn1 and separate antranea make \JP pracllcal, aaparata mother-In -l aw (I eanager?) Q1Jartara. Another two bedrooms and a batn are upstairs. Fireplace In LR. eliding doors lrom LR and FR exit to covered rear pa- tio. Sliding door In MBA opens onto 11'1• VERY pleasant front patio. Asking S147.900 w llh $85,000 e111Jmabla (11 .4%) and -will co- operate In financing For sale by owner. 979-2748 (Please call 9-5) condo, next to all shop---------• ping. No down payment, mlnlm1Jm casn needed --------- lor cloelng coat. Phone ASSUIAILE -.., ----631-5055. s.i2-2000. YA LI. BY OWNER 1 BA 1 Ba, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim1 et 8'h% on this 4 bdrm $90,500. Great 1 Bdrm lncd. corner, rant ad, 3Br, 2Ba. dbl car garage, home on east 1lde ot condomlnl1Jm with b1Jb· 1erm1. Special $89.900. 2 patios, flagstone frplc, blln11, 11r1am ofl yo1Jr ".1_8077 or 6•1 •7•• Co1t1 Mase with pool, II llllLlll STIWI Prlvine patio. Welk to _ .... _____ .. _ ... _ .. _ .. _ owner-custom bll hOme spa and many other $127,000. Owner wlll Ill $110 000 I hidden 1w1mmlng pool. 1111,000 UllU IOI earn. 111 loan. amen 89· • n --Many, meny extras, fir• **EASY TERMS** " ass1Jmabla toan1 On a I lttJ •01rflllt, ""'' C1Jl-da-s1c tool OWC piece, walk to shopp ng. Wood/glass. Views. 3br. l4l·ll2I Rad1Jcad to s 159,900. yet privet•. 546-2313 2ba. Small but clasayl Call 979.5370 tolO -to.1D ------ THE REAL ESTATERS 497 -2322/497-5487 llllllllll•E ------Loi Alamltoe condo: Nloa H llTTHlllllll 4br, 2ba, 2 11ory condo. 4 Bdrm, In Dover Shores. p 1 & A f 1 Pool. plane lor add on & 00 spa. e r g, owner wlll llnan~. $279, wuhet & dryet ln<il1Jded. 1110 $15,000 down or will OOOlaueland. ::: trade for claalc automo-Ufllll l f)Uf t1f)Mfi ::: bile, motor home or ? RealiOfl, 675-6000 ... Owner/ agent. li~~~=;~;;:1 lllO 76&-4589 ... i-----------FAMILY MIO -----•10 -- UPllllll Ttllt it the hOme for the growing femlly Six; ya 6 big bdrm1, 3 baths, big living room with !Ire· place. Family room w1ttl 21\d nrepiace. F0<ma1 di- ning. famliy kitchen wllh 1Jpgraded tahge. grin & microwave. Ankle deep carpellng Shimmering p.>OI and 19a. Gorgeoua lntlde a.nd out. A delight to pr~. Cell fOI' pr.- vtew. 5-46-23 13 THE REAL ESTATERS OMllllHIE YllW,.. Private wooded alcove In Newport with C\JltOm 2-story 4 bad. 3 Ba home. woe entertaining room• and l1Jxi.ry fea- 1\Jret. owe at 10. 15% APR for 30 yeara with reatonabt• 1)ffh. Redu- ced 10 $539,500 1 ... - ll \II HI HCl'I Ill I'll' Inc. RE Al [<;TATE 631-1400 ca rs• bikes• •skateboards'" trucks•baby carriages*tea carts•trikes rol ler skates • walkers•toys •wagons···· scooters• hot rods*coupes• .ll>ILI 1lN11 f<t Al T' o\ l~ttE O.,Tt.AE ..,Tc; What a Wonderl1JI World of Shopping, right at your llngertlpe everyday! Delly Piiot Clanllled Ada. To pt-your ad. call 642-56711 and let a Clualfled Ad-Visor help you. .Q. ::;.~~'. ~:::: ~ ~ To d~"«''OO n\CUOU• tQt Mondo\' reod-ord\cor,t-1'QO"lld·*"'G IO~\ of"°""' Zod« b.tm ''9,, ·-··· 10• ..... ··-• "°",,. 10....t_., ..... ' ....... . ,., .... ~ .... -.=:.=.~ :~:::.-.... ". .. ._ tt~ ... ll(e"l•~tll'IQ •l•Nt 1::1.!~W:t!J ;:~:.:. JtWaA ... ""' , ..... _ ...... """'~:.;:..:..~ ::~~ ... ....... ..... .... u-.... ,,_ ,..._ .... , ·-,, .... ... . .. ... . .. . ..... ..,.,. .... ., .... OA,,,_ . ... ~ .. ." .. ,. .. ... .,,._, ... ,. •• ro ..... ,, ........,, ... ., .. t.>O.·~ ..... ...... '"°" .... _. ,,.,,. ..... ..._ .. .... ..._ t i¥•• t>•~~ ... _ .. o., .... ,. ~(~.,.. •••• , i::::=~~ ""'' ..~ ..... -.. .. J'D""9M&.t ""°"' .,_ 'l••r,.,_, '·~··· ... .._ ,.s.-..,. .... ,, .... , . .... ~ rto~ .. IOS...Ct M• ..... ., .. 03C.-.. .. -.. MC..-.c• "I ·-,,, ... ·-••ct .. .. ~ . .... ()N('VH•I .. . ' .. -=--========---=== t '· I .· ........ . ... • I • • \~ Real Estate Oranoe Cout DAILY ftlLOT/Monc;tav. AUQUlt 18, 1912 Cl DOLLAR DAY DOUGH 8AVIA8 Sell your no...tonger-needed Item• for ouh. If It dot1n't Mii, we'll run It another 3 daya FREE. On• Item per ad, mutt be priced. Sorry, no real eatate or commerolel ad1 . Call today for full detall1. (~ l•trll .... , .. , 3 ~nAY8 INl!8 ~ CLA881FIED8642-5678 OLLAR I B1•1t1 lt1 Silt RH111 /1r S1/1 HH11• lt1 l1J1 laft. IU81 •11111 D"11ta1u.J .,..., f/"111.Jdal •••• 1"1.,,,JdM A,.n•1et1 A~tl•t•l1 A111l•Hl1 ·······~···········.:·· ······················ ······•··············· .-2 " .. aa •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• "';'I •• •••••••••••••••••••••• ll.J1mn111 "•'•'-'''~ v.1.,.;,.,, C..t• ,,,., lf114 '"''' IHI ..... ,, ..... ,,,. -··-/! .. ,,. .... JIM """'" 1144 • ....,, ... ,. '"' --···················· •••••••••••••••••••••• ····················~ •••••• :1· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .-.-••••••••••••••• : •••••••••••••••••••••• r~.1 •• tt:;: ••••••• :::: ·:·.·····,·····•••••••• ··-·941•••••••••••••••• •It..'"'•' 1111 tn11 #111 1114 #..-ti,.,,, _ Jltf llOO Pll ... Brand New Hom•• & El•gant 3 Br l den 111 •-u 3 B 2 b 'A • 13 LIUllll NICI! 3t>t w/aunny pool •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• -...................... . 120.000 dwn for 1 25% Condo•. no mo~ down oountry alyl• home -1• •on aar w detacf'led h~ bahf't kltch, more 13711 CIHn 1 br, 1 b1. l rp1c, E'ald• 2 Br 1 bllh pool. NO FEEi Apt. a Condo lnter .. tlnproper1yw/18'C whll• lhal laat. (714) French doora, bay win: •mT :~N:·/~j=!=~ ~'::ii.ntar ... Avlll•· CC-RENTALS 750~3314 stove, rel~lg . Yrly cov'd parking, ta~ndry, r11111a11.Vlll1Rent1la. lhelt•r benaftt1. Owner 6"8·9522 gl. d~, hrdwood noora. 3 Prim• graptfrult and 00 NOT DISTURB l'E· b I• 1mm•d111 •I y . 2 br, 2 ba dupi.1C, waehtt, MOO/mo. 11711 3083 no pate. '450/mo. To1tl 1176·"912 Btokllf. occupied or lnVHIOr'•,,. •• , .... , IHI lrplc •• ve<y lge IOI. owe orange grove w.ll loca-NANTS • 1200 mo, $800/mo On 1 year i.u.. dryer, lrplo, xlra 'r pa· Small 2 BR t Ba, yrly, In-move In $750, 833-7890, '" HlllYI m polltlon avllll. Call Rich ••"-•••••••••••••••••• 10111, 11% dwn, xlnt loca-led In ~OUl~I Hemet. 851·112211 Five other• to chooat llo. Pet OK. 177 yrly. dry l1cll, deck, 11100. 848-1947 NEW g•l•d 20 Town· owner/agt, "4-0171 tWlll lllPIUTll lion. 11711,900. F .. l1nd. Excellent production. from. We',. tM onae to 831·2980 875-0349 Nice 28drm 2 be. Adul1' home VILLAGE COM· • ...., ........... F1n1as11o ocn vi.w, 2Br, By Ownet 83t·2134 ~o .. p~181~ .. !.r,~!?In °l!!,z.!~ 3 Br. 2 Ba. oat•· lrp!c, [Uj]oall IOI' iee-. 3B ton 3b 3 Id 1 a.111.... pre I Moel ulll pd MUNITY 2 l 3 Br. 2'1\ 4 bdrm"''12 b•"'•,.•nc•d 2B1. aplll·leval, 2 bike ••-•tfp 11., •2 ~000·...., .,........ yard. No pat•. 848 w . Ut..-,.b Id r, · a. yra o • ~-$525/mo. 8411-811110 111 e1 1500·1llOO aq, rt. of corn•; 101.' Llr • from bch. 119~.ooo. T .~~-$200K .... ·"""· • Uth. lttellUI ••c. ~i """"r oe blk f rom Cllll Or IHbu•h 3111 8pmwllndl. pure luxury G1r1gH garage/wk-ahc>Q un3er Make ollar 494-4748, p~rty. = :,tf'tge C7 I 4t 67J·4400· S7Htmo. 4 lllH . ReiftU 8-48-8789 or 848-8710 r.;d;;,~·;b~·~·d~x~ NEW BREED APTS 1pn In every home : $100,000. 578-2122 Ownr/Brkr 8-40-9019. lllJI U .. UH Im Te Im Grtet loc1llon1 1770, 2 yrty. Malure non·arniua. BACH. '3e5. Frplc, rec muter •ull•. di ning 8411-1138&, 842-4172 LowHt priced 3 Bdrm HA" BOA 1 BR Duplex EHtalda 551 3000 bdrm, 1'1\ bath, hreptece. no pell. 1750 x 3 oom pool Jacual aa room1, wood burning with vi.w In Laguna. 10% llJIHlS." '4711. 1m81rr11na Ph>.l"I"" 1131-3233 agt. chg. 2131799-4195, 257-9792 ~ w1'1er peld No p:ta llrepl1cH, micro-wave 2 HOUSES on 1 LOT. -YM -•-• 2 BR 1 BA. Waatslde C ovens. private p1Uoe & E'ald• C M Cute Spa-down or IHH option. H,,, • -$475 1111&1.S Super for llngleal 1700, 3 $450, 2 Br, ulll pd. 410 393 Hamilt on, M . y1rda,gardaner provl· nlsh 2 Bdrm, Iba. plus 646-0719 Pllll IHll 4 BR W•tllde, 1~ 1 10 5 bdrm•. 11_;,1ng •t bdrm. 2 b I , g • r . Harding. 81tbo1 No 645·4411 ded Elegant 11v1ng only guMt unll Sepatll• 80· Slll 000 L•I ua ahow you lhl• U • Agenl eee 1100 $860to11200. S37-32331Qt. chg. pal•. 847-1155 E'•ld• 2Br. gar, view, 15 mlnutM trom FUhton lraooet1. $149,500 Own/ ••EASY lERMS** eel. opponunlty near fl l>l\'l'H~I or 4 Br. 311\ Bi. Portoftno, Small ti.chelor, yrty rant· dectl, leundty. 1485 No lalend, 7 mtnuln to S.C Agt. 8-45-8832 Newport Bay • featuring 11,11 bor ti11 ,.,1nwn1 l'o 2 BR, nr SC Plu. Adult lncldt lrg mulll'i)IKJ)OM II. 201 E. Balboa Blvd doge. 548-7933 Plua or 0 C Airport . • 2 a ~ood~gtalHbuV~. ~br, 2600 eq II, 4 Bdrm, 3 condos. Pool, Jae. full annexed atudlo w/b1. 1176-9562. 648-1319 28 Jual "" ol Newport I a I 0 w I • ml I I auy bllh. formal dining, d.-HC, carport. Lu• unit s 1305/mo. ~200. Redecotlted r. pvt P•· Blvd & so. ol San Diego OILY! 497"23221497"5487 corated In earthtonH. lt•llll Great Loe. No Pet•. 1550 T.,,, Pl: 2 bdrm, elec. Gar, llo, encl gM, W/O hook· Fr w y $ 9 O O I m o . Sh 3 8 2• 1 d U•••• Ml••tl JOSJ Situated on a corner lot •••••••••••••••••••••• P 1 u • S 3 5 II 1I11 t Y • Big Canyon TownhouM, Sun dk, pat, 11un, no up, 1475 mo. No P•I• 53 t·S439, 2473 Orange MP r • Y con o ••'•••••••'••••••••••• th11 la prolaulon1lly Bt•ln frualUM 558-1828, 775-2580 lull golf couraa vi.w, 2 a Pa 11. Yr I Y. S 6 2 5 631-51147, 842-0481 Ave .• Coat• M..._ wf frplc. A beauly. Near LUXURY HOME m1tn11tned. $28,900 •••••••••••••••••••••• NICE 1 br 3 Br · I 13 0 0 I m O 875-0983 875-7998 SPARKLING· tBr, uUI pd, S.C. Plue. Forced !lale, W/35' BOAT DOCK • d~. OWC b1t1nce. Full .. ,. Jdu' jJOf w/111 utll·pd 844-7424 Bkr. quiet, no pe1a, pool, gar, PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS only *112•500• appralled Sp1c1oua 3 Br l1mlly rm price $289,000 Agtnl •••••••••••••••••••••• Sharp Kitch More S3:Z5 Harbor RI"""'. mounlaln & ..... Fr..t S415 mo. (7 14) 548~7889 11 S120,000. Avlll for e•ecutlv• rHldence on l-598-1881 Clean 3 br, 2 b1, lrplc. OC·RENTALS 750•3314 .._ 2 bdrm, 2 b1. winter only ----------! lmmed. move-In. Cell Trinidad talend, Hunt. pallo, gar. Winter 't573C'AM"'5J>a:llNM ~~·1~.,8'd;ne:·. 1725 mo. 559-1692 Weatslde SPARKLING Fred Tenor e • • g I Harbour Astumeble let llfflllT l800/mo. 875·3083 STUNNING 2br 1 CLEAN & SPACIOUS 1 & COUNTRY CLUB LIVING d kl .. I $ 00 By Owner 780 .. 1977 ••••••• • •••••••••• •••• d d h 1 e • re-631·1288 Prln only, with 1ddlllona1 seller 11. Lovely 2 bdrm. 2 b1 Butl•s"" w/lrg patio 4 Br. 2 81. 18971 Anllodl. S2400/mo. Avalt. now Ctn•• ''' #11 JIU 2 Br Newly redec, crpta. 3 br. 2·~ be. condo 2 yrs. nenclng 1v1ll1ble. '399, mobile home, furn. hln 1y tc ... kda 4 1975/mo. 1 bd pt 110 rpe, • wr, r ng .. o ld , $129,500. 10"1., 950. 644-7020 $125.000. 213-995-6855 .... 3140 OC·RENTALS 750·3314 Agent 541-6032. Ver111t111 2 bdrm, 2 bl garage 1 'P• ' t rige, view & ocean LI •••• UL EIT&TI •••••••••••••••••••••• ptnlhoute, ocean view, •viii 9-4, S&30, w/garege b re e z a • • no p • I a . IN NEWPORT BEACH A lotel environment apertmenl communlly on lhe Upper 81y. Private clubhouae and health ape, 8 tennis cour.ts, 7 poole, clo1t to bualneaa, airport, Fashion 1111nd. Convenient shopa on ell• Unlurnlstied beeh• lora, 1 & 2 bdrm ep1a and 1ownhou-. down, llllC. financing. 3 er 2 ea, fem rm, frpl, 3 BR, 2 bl, nr Magnolle & Loaded 2br, lg gar, all LOADED 2br w/ac, co:>I pallo, l800. 762_5317 $580. Incl utilities. s385.s415. e42.o6u a. Rick, BKR 631·6741. £dt ltlfll IO$S levelors, mirrored war-Yorktown. Ramod. gar utll·pd, bll·lna s-425 Spa, novel kltch, $580 976-0578 or 875-4024 552•9723 , ... ,a1. V•ll~ IOJ4 •••••••••••••••••••••• drobee, heated pool. By No pell $875. 983-1777 CC-RENTALS 750-3314 CC-RENTALS 750.3314 ... c1 .... ,, JITI Bachelor, So. ol Hwy. --------1 0 w n er S 1 1 8 O 0.0 28 r•---' d /d e -• p rk I """ ••••••••••••• ••••••••• n..~t-.. ,,....o&ftft. •".1125 In.... LIXUllY OOIDOS •••••••••••••• ••••••• • · i-••• ,,.,.L Jl~I '· ... ..,..... yr • cpl rpa, 4 r, Unlver .. ty a . """' B """'9• ..... -.. ..., "' INVESTORS ler1eHt ...... 548-8665 :':'I'••••••••••~••••••~• laundry hkupa. gar. mo . 8 3 5. 3 2 O 8 or B~u~~lu~ ~:.d~~~ !; utll. 873-341S. . ft te le. Ott Pla11 ~:c~~ ~~°2 ,r::, :'~ llaYfll LHaffee l H&l l1'UU •1111 ltMll l.aceta ~6'elde5 · Kld.'7~k,; ~~ pe1a. 752-1194 seoo. ERA HomeMllerl. C..tl #tN J114 Frplc, elegant French 87'1 ea agl !amity det•· Secluded ape, over 1.000 Beycrest l1mlly enter-Condo. 2 bdrm, 1 b1, • 1 /mo. u "'""1"" I Woodbridge condo 3Br O o c . 118 1 • 1 2 1 0 or .............. ........ windows, AC, In home Chad tiome. C~lch. sq. II. ol decking. 2 lllnmept home. 3Br, r.,,I, i.ue or 09t1on lo -L HUil •E 2'hbl, lam rm, tip, 2 car 731-1873 1 ... I ... a... aecurlty, 2Br 2Be. 1Br $540 • StOOO Severi! blGhetora end 1 Bdrm unlll leelure fine dealgner furniture end ecceuoriel. Move In to- day or r-for sum· mer monlha Smartly furnished models open dllly ownr/agt 964-6171 cua1om ltreplecM, •lrlum pool/ape. Juat reduced buy. 11,000 mo. 1350 -Decorator pertact, spa-gar. e/c, walk to IChl•. Ill C.alt•l•IUI Newly decor. GH pd, :~ : ~~~~:·Incl wanr/ on !amity room, deelgner to $289,000 lffl 2007 weak. cloua 2 bdrm 2'1\bl ,_ rec. leclt. 1950/mo. Avlll n f--t-L.-.6 J~•t11 encl gar, dwehr. pool, B••li•flfl dreperlea. central air. Hotld1y Rd. Vacant, lock Attllf 3:30 "94-9378 Cape Cod. POOi, Jee'. rec. 8122, 833--8984 .,a 111 .. __ ••~ bbg. Adulte, no pets. dryr. also Includes p111 .... I 1040 Rench Slyle 4 bedroom. bo•. do direct. or call or 494·8138 area, pvt patio, balcony, ,_ n• •---L J•~i •••••••••••••••••••••• 642·5073 club w/tennla courtl, 2 bllh. Excellenl esso· Bk.r. 955-28-41, 760-7292 w• --• •• 1 BR, So. Cat Plua, pool, poola, jacuula, aaunH, •••••••••••••••••••••• Spic. vtew home, Sept. wine cellar & toe garege. ••'••••••••••••••••••• t•nnl1, no pell. $475. Specious 2 Br. 1 Ba.1425. beaulllully decor I led llW U_.... mable loan. $ll5,000 UYOIEST UllGll thru Oc:t., $900 mo. Non Oacorllor well paper, EMERALD BAY. 3 Br. 2 642·2029 3 er. 1'h Be. $475 clbhH & much more. ••-equity, wlll cone Ider smkra no ..... , p el -... draperies and more. 81. lrpk:, brlek patio with 1----------1 trade for North Orange This stately 4 Bdr 3'h 81 cpl A9t.. 49:9~8 r....., $ 10501 m 0 . Ca I I •P•. $ 1500 2 1 31 N-2 BR I ll\ bl, pallo, laundry fee., pool From $450 mo. lncla 011 Brookhurat & Her· culel Orlve. Super family home. Only 2 mllH 10 beach. 4 bdrm, 2'1\ btlh, lamlly rm, dining 1rta, ullllty rm. Luge yud wllh covered patio. A•· king $169,000. -673-7300 1001 WILi FIVE TO CHOOSE FROM Gracious lownhouae II· vtng. 500 yrds from water. $145,000 to $189, 000. Bkr 848-0709 •tu.um11t 4 Bdrm. 3 mllea from beach. N-carpets, mi- cro & more $122.000. Ovtf S 102,000 In loans Bkr 8 48 -0709 or S36-0132 lrmt 1044 ···•··••·••··········· " .... Pool/ape, 4 bdrm, 2·~ b1. 12¥.% financing ... sumebfe. $175,000. Ne- gotiable Cell tor appt, 551· 1075. 641-4492 By Owner, Unlveralty Parle 3 Br 2 81. with large y.,d, Open HouM Sun 12·4. $149,900. Cell 551-2822. ·-~rf•1• 2 BA, 2 bl, 1<>% dn Ind eaaume lo1n1. Open hae S11 31 Sllki.11. 857·2045 UIY Tt llY Deerfield 2Br, 2·~ea Twnhae, OWC financing GOLDEN PROPERTIES 752·1589 County property Mlulon executive home hu Ju11 · 548•2239• 10:30 to 5:3-0 876-2255. gar. s550 & S 100 dep. 548-9556 12-7PM. moat utll too. 549·3421 Viejo Realty. Owner/ been reduc.cl to $384, • ..,..,, IHiA 3111 pm. N 0 Pe 1 •. c r a 1 g , Fire place. pool, dish· 364 1 Baer SI (btwn agent. Ask for CMol. 000. Amenltlea Include 3 •• -.-;C";";;............... 3 Br 2 81. ocean vu, 54s.1310. GG, washer, pvt patio. x LG Sunflower & McArthur) 111-4111 car garage, wet bar, 2 Winter. 2 bd, 1 b•, W/O, o.,nng Spanlah 2Br 1be 1825/mo, Arch BHch Garden 2 er. $560. 1 bdrm. upper, 1450 Incl On Jeml>Ofee Rd 11 Sin Joaquin Hiiia Rd. l.1_1000 lfplc. end much more. Aval I Alter L br Day wll h 1 car garage. Hg ta, Av• 11 9 / 1 FM LUii 557-2641. utll, lrpl very cozy. Asaume axlallng loan. 573-3039 $825/mo. 645-8832 & 833-9212 1113PM. WTlllFP 63!-0921 alter 4·30 •·L-IOO--D-E_L_U_X_E_2_B_r_lr_p_lc •••·1100 ~!!!r.!!.~~!~ ... !.~! TElllllF IC llOIE Make an oner. 631•737o. LIDO ISLE . 3 bdrm, lam 873"1182 HARBOR OCEAN FRONT 3 br. 2 'h bl. condo lrg brick P•llo DR Adttl 549"3546 rm, 4 B1, $1700 mo. By owner 3 BA 2 Bl, ti· Nu 3200' lux hm. on S 1000 mo. ht & IHI ~lfield 1 bdrm s39o. utll pd. $1050. 875-6359. · . TRlDITIO\,\L RL\LT Y mlly, xtru, S830 mo. blull. 180 deg. vu ol month. He dep $500. FUllLY ... 1 Carport3. 9go3od loc 1110 1 Br 1 Be, yrty OCEANFRONT 2 bd S le $•47 900 h .. __ rt I 3b claenlntdep $250 . M"I pele. W . Bay rm, • ' ' . """'. au , m ne. '· '"dull• on , no ...... call 548·9518 $800/mo 1 81 $700 mo. 8 111 541-8077; 641-4744 3b1, seourltyl uun1. " ,...... Beeulllul garden ap19. 673•3355 Grundy, Rllr. 875-6181 , 3 BR. 2 BA $550 mo. • p a . $ 1 9 9 5 I m o . J 1 ck Ga I" In, d 1 ya Patios/decks. Heal paid. EHtalde, Ltg. bright 2 br. --------- CINn 18r, dtn, gar, utll pd. Wlnlllf 1500 mo. On Seuhora 631-7764 E111ta home completely furnished. 4 br. jacuzzi, 3 car gar•g• In 911ed community. Mo to mo rant&I $4600. 780-8099, 496-7009 7 5 2 1 7 3 O ave• No pelS. 2 chlldren wel· 1'h ba. pello, avail. 9/1 2Br. t'llBa TwnhH, din plu• charge. Obie gar, . 588.oe29 , . come. $550. 640·0997 rm, 2 pet101, balcony, brlcll lrpc, lormll patio, U.01 Ml••tl JZ$l · 2 Br. 2 81. $565 garage, no pets. S850 fenced yd. 973-0791 1::-r ....... , ........... Lovely vu, 3Br, Penthou· 398 w. Wiison 631·5583 One ol • Kindt $200 net, mo. ht, lul + dep. Famll)'-alzed 4 bdrm, 2'11 N!g':: ~h~~':1~~ ~~'!': M . 2 car gar, MC gate, lek11 II. 1 chlld line, no/ 642-2949 ev11/wknd1 bl, bonua rm, dbl gar. atrium, 3 oer gar. P"t ~~2f,~rld, 544·5258, ~;II d:g!'~3~~7~ow!~ _r_o_r_•_P_P_t. _____ _ $800, Chg 537·3233 egl. beech & rec Genter. meatiBJIU lee •• the BEST Clean, upgraded 2 Br. 3 MESA VERDE·'3Br. 2ea, s12so1mo. 759-1485 A~.:.•••ll li•t11Ji·L...6 ••unmn· 1· ea. lrplc. pool S730tmo. .,, •--1255. greet aludlo, tire· 957 3177 S850 mo. 1st & lat +MC • •••••••••••••••••••• Be1utllully landscaped 1 1 kl • h• J•o OCEANFRONT duplex, dap. No c11a11g doge. llJult• VI• Jlf'/ .. DH fih•' JTH Pool & S P i ce, pr vete per ng. ---------~·---~~~ $850 up, $750 down, 2 Avlll 9-15. 751·3842 ••••••••••:I:••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• garden apll. pa. 537-3233 BEACH/YEARLY • C••lltzl•t IO'l HOME FOR RENT Winter. South Bayironl. • Cove're'd perking. No 0 t x 3 8 r 2 b •. gar ••••""'•••••••••••••••• 8 r 2 81 · Ir P 1 • g er· 4br/2b1 encl. yd. condl· 3 ~rm. & 4 Bdrm. $895 bdrm lurntah4td. $ !200 petL $800/mo. 421 E. Balboa Ltll-lm II you w1111 to bul10 your own ca1tle, this opportunity of • lltettme wlll t14t/9f come again. J iota on Har-bor Ridge~ aide-by-aide, with plans for • 10,000 aquare root home with TENNIS COURT and pool for only $2,500,000. The Owner wlll Joint venture, trtde Or you can take over the whole project. Sl ,400,000 of aseumab l e II• nanclng. WOWI MIMn Cttt. Brotw 714/7C0.1'00 $800 mo. payment for 840-4 I II Uon1I commercl11. w to seoo. Fenced yercn & 875-6829 Bech. 1415 D.•• ltl•I JIZI Bl. 1173-2769, 875-9797 28r. 28a condo. 9'1\% VA BEACH COTTAGE 19th. 5 4 8 • 5 5 9 8 , garege1. Kida & peta 1 Br. $465-1470 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1----------loen. eeklng S94,500. 28r 1b1, Olk 10 beach. 831-2372 welcome. 545·2000 ... DH 2 Br. 1\l•Be. $535 O<:ean view, lower dplx, 2 Open & A.lry, 1 Bdrm, am 661·3380 evlil Sept 1 S850 winier Aoenl. no 1.. •--'---•• J"'OT 2 Br. 2 Ba. $580 Br 2 Ba. deck, 33811 pet & child oil S360. Cati $750 yrly Utll pd : 1 & 2 Br. 1P1Clou1 apt., •• ~~~~ •••••• !~.. 2250 Vanguard Coleglo. Opn & ivell 537·3233 Agl Chg. IEW EllUID 845-89'C3 pool, carpet•. drapes, $750 get• 4 Bdrm, 2 Ba. hH ..... 1-1u 5-40-9628 or e.42-4905 8 I 1 8 S 5 5 O I m o Beamed celllng1, sky ll1e- BI..., D"1"1alUM ~~~4~/rs~1~ g;;.32~1~,'~. more 114 btka to b!~cti. 2 soo. 2 BA. 2 peraone, 2 1 3 I 8 9 9 . 8 9 2 8 , kitchen, 2 l rplc's, 3 DESlll •••••••••••••••••••••• 842 7312 731.e829 bdrma. 2 ba, 1plra1 patio, pool. 325 J . 171h 1"866"2236• < "· 151. Bdrm. 2'~ Sith With 114 Thi I I *'--·· ,... . ' . Freely Pllntedl 3 Bdrm, 2 s II d 1-489-5375 (18) lhe ••peeled 8mllfllllel. • e egan cua1om -u -• h alllra • ky ghta an Pl 648-5137 alt 11AM B••t'·'-it•• ~:t"c'~r appt 537•3233 country hOrna la IOelted •••••••••••••••••••••• "ll I 111111 ba. ,_ carpet I rv-out. llfaplace. Patio, spa, enc ----, -----= .. In 111 exclusive San Juan IEITALI occ arA lncld• 21>a. 111 S700. S37-3233 A.gt. chg oar•· s 1200 per mo. 2 BR 2 ~ ba duplex, 1600 J.Mj 3140 _;..._ _____ _ Capistrano neighbor-y..,1y.w.-1y.wlnler 2 bltl!1•· 1h1dy yd tor • ..,_,, ...,, Jiii 1173-93114 111er 6 =~·!'.· d0~1 '~:trnc~v~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Spac; 3 er 2 ea. 1p1c, gar, hood, rnl1tute1 from 3 4 Bdrm• . . bbq •. muctt more. Get •• -.-;r.;; •••••••••••••• Nwpl, blk bay. beach. 1 S 6 e 5 . 6 4 2 . 9 6 6 6 . WllFFLmEt beach 2 bike. $900 yrly. ~~=~~t&h~e 'J&CIU llUln de 11111 11 BEST CC-RENTALS BA new furn ulll pd 87:l-6336 1 & 2 Br. Discount on No pets 645-1882 Includes 1 acre wooded PIOP 539.eioo NOW am,.. 1-5br'a l200 10 17 2000 145o mo. 213-M1-3085 • some model•. Pool, Spa, Lge pvt 1p1r1men1. Mo-w ... 11-/ll&L_. 750-3314 open -d•Yll Large 2 Br· 1 Be. with Gym, S • u n • . •I c dern w/bltlne. 2 BR 2be. equea1rlen zone with -•-• Alu l.J.1 J11f g.,age, d/w, laundry rm: 84., ,..,.19 hlllalde and canyon viewl llAUIEIEIT Fut lrM lanent provl· EAST BLUFF: 3Br. 2bl. •••••••••••••••••••••• $495 __ .,._vv __ . ______ 1 walk ·~ blk to beech. 2 from every room. Fea-Ill 111• deri. Cell th• BEST Avell Now. 11000/mo. Super neal 1br. am older Alao irg 2 Br 1 Ba:1490. $350 each. lurn Pool. car perking. Large clo- tures Include 11nd • • 539-8190 840·9019 vlll1, courtyd, prv, Avell9·l .M5-8625 ape l8992 Florid• Mlt.Greet lor1tngleor2 blutad brick, ex1anslve Seuhore/ VleW/unlr. Eutalde 3 bdrm ........ 2 Nawporl CrHt Plan 4• 1400/mo, 497-7088. ~ 8-42-2834 842·3!72 couples. Pallo. Llund oajl p1nellng, 4 Bdrm, 4 ..,_ 1 1 1----------1Don'1 wilt only 1 large 3 · lacll. $700/mo Incl ulll blthe, 3 llreplaoes, and 3 Br In greal locatlon, lge bath, gar, patio. nice mmicu •1• cond. lant· Super neat lbr, am older Br. ev111 with 2 ea., pa-OeluH poolalda xtre large Drive by 5403 River Ave. many more amenities. and airy. $1260/mo, yard. 537-3233 A.gt Chg. utk: view. Avlll. 9/1 for viii•. courtyrd, prlvala, tlo, In quiet area, 11rge 2br, 2 be. bttne, dawtir, Then call 645-1771 Iv Owner Wiii 1rede and or Nftporl Bch/unf\lrn 111--.... ,_ 3•-11200 Pllf mo. wlll con· S400/mo. 493-7354 pool. $875. 645-3381 or l'h mile• beach. Adults. m1g or 960-5844 Utlllnct .• sml18rlngrfft -.•r.,.I aff •Ider 3 yr . le11e . 675-5949. no pell. $500/mo Pc~=t•~0~Y!np111~:.~1~ loc. '375/mo 28;,··;.,;91 .. C~d~·. ·seeo 840-8208, IQ.,,t. Butl•ftM 53e-8362 Verulllea luxury 1 Br .. Btyfrnt condo/unlr. U .. __ _.. ci... J.Hi J141 •Lg 38r 2Be nr SC P111a. 1---------1 court yard, $595/mo. 1erm1. Cell for more In-Lido Park Of, 28< den, mo. Garage, apa, lrplc, 1 """"'8111.., '""'Venoe •••••••••••••••••••••• Freeh, sunny, airy, edll 4 OLD HUNTINGTON! 2 aecurlly. 840-6188 lormellon ind appt to eec. bldg, $2500. ml to belch. 497-6'55 hw Ten..... Quiel Juniors & 1 Br. ple11. no pet• cpl pref bdrm, 1·~ be, Ghermer,1---------- -· OtferedatS750,000. • ................ _....... • ~,.. For leaae 2llOO eq n. 2 From 1375. Poot, rec $525. 9711-2416, 8-1/5-8 No peta.1475. 537-3233 .. TIE W&Tll GAU. 411·2112 inwft'9Wl •••t bdrm ind den, 211\ ba. rm .. uun1, •ncl1d g1· Agt chg Newport 181. duplex, 3 Br 111·1400 ~ JU Goll courM vi-. Near r-. 17301 KMI~ on PINE BLUFF APTS 1-..;._--'------1 2 Ba lrpl _, b11 na11o 1----------1 •••••••••••••••••••• •• 0 I -..-~· 1 Br with loll, & 2 Br, 2 Clean. 1 Bdrm chlld ok ' ' ',.... ' ....... llt Brand New Homes & Mr1. Clean llvea In thla Condoa no money down 8r1arwood model on •x· · -....... J.INI fl/•"' Jiff OC-RENTALS ~:·;· /ull Houri IY Slllllf. 8-42•7848 81. Chlld ok, on the All ullls pd. Only S375. gar .. boat slip, no pals or • •••••••••••••••••••••• 1·5br'e S200 to $2000 1 71,i.8~~·· en-ESTITI UYI• Bluff•. patio, vi.w. lrplc, 1 _:53~7;:::-3:,:2~3:3.:.A~g!.:t...:c::hg~. ___ 1_k_l_dc;•.'TS~l;;2;;;00T(· ~87C:>-l:Uir42\1_ Yrty $725. Cute 2 br. gar.. 750-3314 ~ 7-d-n a. ~... it-dl1-I· STEPS TO SANO pr kg. Neer water. _,....., -•-L-°' 1eu411>9tlon ler· BelutllUI park-llke sur· _,.... gw .. gu ;dv' Clean and qui.t. 2 BA 1'h 875-3083 1179-9687. Nr ~ 2br, huge g.ar g• 4 er c•n•I front rounding•. Terraced ~~~. epa, 1 ry rm. BA, c 0 hlld yOK$ Sm Pll C~~RSJli~·;i~~YT~. Ira large lot Feeturlng 4 whlla they last (714) Bdrma plus r1mlly room. 54&-9522 Agt. 'l:. '"A 'l!~'l.U ' B-B-0 Piiio, 1>411'8 $450 1y a,1 9-I ' pool. Sunken gll bbq, SPMC 631-8107 OK NL 400. chg .. ,. OC-llENTALS 750-3314 year 'IV • cornmty sparkllng lounlaln1, 537-3233 AGT BEST BETI $325 ALL ea-a.. from perk A1klng $230,000. Call 540· 1151 for appoln1mllflt. ~HERrTAGE , REALTORS W pooll & lant'lll, Wilk lo $~..,..--"'-·· IHbu-1• JZl1 3 bdrm, 211\ b• Harbour beectl, 1 1300/mo family. ,,_....,.. roorn1 . ..._.... Great loc1tlonl 1 Bdrm, DELUXE 3 Br 2 81 In ulll pd, pvt pncng. ll"'l l&IUll •••••••••••••••••••••• s 8 0 0 84W370 ft 5 wk..._ flt• dining ., ... Walk4n garage. $300 + chg. 537-3233 Chg. AGT Beyfront mlnut 30'. 180 A re 1 · mo ' 1 vi•· cloaea, home Ilka kl1ch-537-3233 Agt chg. 4-Plex, bll·lne. crpts,1----------You own the land. 2,000 deg. w , g<>Urmet kttctt., 2 1 3 • 4 3 1 • 1 1 1 4 or Part! Lido Condo, 3 8<. 2 en a cablnele. Walk to hk-upa, drps, dbl gar, 3 bdrm or den. 2 bath, IQ It, 3Br, tam rm, 2~ 1 or 2 Br & 2 Ba. lurn/ 714-lle3-8787 Ba. lrple, dahwWI, lndry Huntington Centw. Vwy ltg 1 Bdrm, cl!lld <>II. lrplc, $850 No pate Upper duplex AVlll s.p1 ~~~rG:'wbel,!;1'::: ----------.,.I u n I urn . Yr I I I•• 2 br, nr bHCh, gar. No rm1 3 cuportl, patio. 1 Bdrm-tum. S&05 Only '320, 537-3233 Ag1 540-4484 t 538-3800 $245,000. WIN 1eue op-f l 1-.. I 13 5 0 I m O. W I n I a r pell. Pref411' mature cple. S7v5. 851-9522 2 Bdrm·fum from l805 Chg 28r, 2Ba, trp!c, encloMd 3 Br 2 Be, lrpl, garage, lion 8ll 844 6388 •• 'l~'•!'•••••••••••••~ $950/mo Opn Aug 29 $595. 538-2272 •'-•--2 Bdrm-TownhouM furn. E/Slde 2 br, 1 ba, encl. 911agei patio $485 mo beach 2 blks, yrly. l~~·~~r·~~·~· ~~~I I llW .._. 873-0433 or 558-1810. R 3 bdrm+.._ 2 -. _,_ from 11175 git. pool, yard. No pete. ~633 873-2571, &75-9875 •• 000 I-Cmr 10U)IB4lY. oomy ._,, T-111•1 No pal .. UtlUt.laa lr .. 1 '486 878-0131 New 4 BR. Beckbl)' ltea. 2 Bdrm. 7'Abl, IOW1-----------1 batt'll. dbl 0*' l.andlce-3 LA QUINTA HERMOSA · . Ouplu, 2 bdrm, blt·ln. 3 Br 2 Ba. yrly, $800/mo REDUCTIO. 3 200 .,, 11 prvt comm down •o., .... nn--1v-11 J BR 2'' ~· I • Pt''· 1 ...... , 111rm •-t-. ~-. bdrm, 2'A ba, beet golf 2 B 1 •L e ... t he d • hook up 1 btk 10 ...._ ...... ' .... · ' " · ' "'"' ""' ""· b'~" 1"0 , 1 brary, =:_1 •~atlon,-.-~7·oo+~. courH view, 1ecurttw 18211 P11klld• Lil, 1 blk r ,. •· ,.o pe I . wee r ry r . .,_.,, $387,500. Wiii lrede for Cell Rich Owner/Agt. """' ......... , """ • 1 w of a..cn 3 blk s Laundry. Obie g11. $595 1vell now. Bkr. 675-4912 on thl• Methet Model In property, TD'• Wiii 964-6171 market, bu• In qulel Chg 537-3233 agt. gatal tennla, POOi and ·E :.~7 ·~·~ · $460/mo. 831-3871 Call 536-0921 Cambridge Courl. 2 lease-op I Ion or low ----------1 ., ... Can be lurn. Call lac. tl<IOO mo. 667-7372 of di~ .............. l. 2 Br Duplex ICfOll atreet bdrm, 214 bllh, Almolt down. AHdy to delll Oljft IM.I llllle 873.-63119 H.B'a FlnHt. '526 3br, UPPER BACK BAY • 38< ,,.._., ..,,, 1111 1 BR. quiet, large, gar., Delu•• 3 BR. 214 BA. Nffr trorn bHch. $750/mo. new home. Upgrad11 o w n er / e r 0 k e r • •••••••••••••••••••••• 2be. datlrtd area, Iota 2'1\Ba Exec home ~golf ... =ar.:.............. new carpel, very pvt, Wiii new, lrplc. WO hk·up. 529-878-4 or 838-t883 thruout. Prim• loclllon 714·'"44 ...... ,4 .'...Lii-•• ,. SUN/MON SPECIAL for ... alnglea or lltnl· I ' OCEANFRONT -lharp con1tdar Peta. $375. panlry, blln1, encl gar, lg B1ysld• Dr. THE COVE. " """ -•1 Huge Penln. P1 home I'--welCOme. 100'1 more oourM v -lot. c .. n. 537 "233 '"GT 11 et • 5 9 5 oo.~. and •hopping, Bayfront vi.w condo, 2 BR ,,, W• Jiii $1250/mo. 876-9324 ;;;IM It BEST CaU I~ new cptl. 11000 mo. No 2BR, wlntllf, no pell, gar. .... ,.. g.'s-:s:o4. c . • • dlx 1 Br. ciondo, den, 2 e1, tee. bldg. Boat allp •••••••••••••••••••••• day, movt tonight.· Sm flea. A;1 8-42-3850 $850 mo. 97s.3033 N-2 er. 2 Ba. No peta. lrplc, 111\ Ba, pool, prv ev1ll S500,000. By l.91 Piil Ctnu '"II# 11.1.I fee BEST llUT llEllT&LI 2Br, 18a, 1550 mo. 4Br, Av1ll 1p~rox Sept. 111. WIMUIE beach. 11060/leau. ownr/bkr. 875-8837 Double wtda, llkt new. Ch~·r;i",;;•;•.;;·;;,;,~·j~ UM1M 2Ba. 1760 mo. Acrou $4 50. 80· 1418 or 1 & 2 BA apt1, beaut. _7_5_e-_1oa_2_. ____ _ l1rgt llvlng dining ltlt beaut. Sl)oracllff Avall 4 Br 2 81, bonua rm, trom bch. Sept-Junt. 548-8875. lakea & a1ream1, compl 2 BA Uppel' condo, WMI· ll1ffs/lftfrlSS area. Large patio, light yHr'• IHH Sept. 1, 2 Br. w/gar. $495/mo. 2llOO 1.1., comm. pool, (213) 148-2232 Large 1 8<. 1 ea. dshwr. 1menlt1as, no pate. Fr cllft or .• nr •hopping, Bonita plan, 3 Br 2 Ba. lnttrlOf. Allumable loan 1 1600. Boyd RHltora, ~n~ ~·ydo:i!':.~'. :1:5~~.~. pool, WINTER RENTAL. 4 lndry rm, carport. WI ~. 848-8591 bua, pool, HllO. Avt and unit. Pvt patio, 1!% P11:..0,.~· 1175-6930 ~120 1_5PM. f750/mo, nr S.C. Pte.u bdrm, 2 be. Avell Sept lid•. '390. Av111 11·11. a.en PMCh. better 1 Br. Stgt. 1. }146--4844; av• ¥ r • • n b a It , Own•, , . Split lewl 2 8r-d«I, ~ Of It)' ..... ~tlon. Haw 15. SIOO mo. 1176-0303 6'54211. 81..,a 10 the wa1tr. low _5'4 __ -3_1_1_1 ____ _ 1 __ eo_·_l09_7_or_7_6_2.ae __ 7_1·_1 70 Fl•,:~ood. 12111 40, mtd a.lllng, 1796/mo. Walk to ~llb~ 1¥• Ba. othafa. Fred enore. agt 1 bdrm, plllO, ~ 4, 2 br apt, N.E. elde, lenced 12115 . 00c~ the BEST 18r. 1Be, 1 partllng alall, 1 SELL II TWE turn.. range ,... 7071,t ~ 6'CMl188 IOvely 'fir • gar• 1131-12te Qf 1131-2111 atapa to beach, t :s&O/ front. cul-0.-MC, qui.t. 53M1 ·-· bllc 10 ocn. lf513~Da:lavwe frtg, Stwllght VIII. 714/ only 11150 + chg . ..-. 175-'488 JS26 mo. (1l4)594-1ee1 Prlced~I htl 1285. 1 Agt. 873-oe210 1 m• .., 8 1 3 -4 3 2 e • 2 1 a / c.u .,. 1"4 837-3233 aot waa1°'"' a "· den. oflloa. 1 _______ ..... Selt--,h-..... -.-,u-t_wtt_h_Oa_l_ly Pr1mfl raalden11al lot.,... 799--1022 • ·····;.:.:-.::H··r·A·.·:····· 3240 8rMzy 2 Bdrm. 1'4 2~ Ba. 2 c:.w 0-1 oer• ... a-.,. 1111 "98. Bdrm, Ing, 637-3233 WE&TCLIFF ....,.. w"'V•nt '"da. ~ king ssoo,ooo 040-7865 """""' .... •• ner, no pate •i050. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 BA, '370, gaa pd. Gtr· • A;t. Lo• 1 br, pallo, pool. ,.....,, " Oooble wide 20x50 • 2 Bf' 1·5bf''I 1200 to~ btth, ctlltdren OK • ..,25 1..a7•1458 2 br, 1\4 be. 1 bllc to bc:h, den view, w/w crpte, llf'IM 1144 Avail. now. 6'M152 Bt lff ftt $1J1 Rt•lll lfl S1J1 1~b1, Newly painted 760-3314 °'*' 7-de'(9 +Chg. 637-3233 NEW & BEAUTIFUL otllldren/pet Ot<. Meo. drpa. bit~ ltow, refr1Q, •••••••••••••••••••••• •---~·-,. 1111 •••!•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• =r·~~~.f~k. 1211• w ... llde 2 Br. 1 Ba. lnod 1125, 4 bdrm, 2 bath, Prof. decor. 2 bt, 2~ be 482-41371974-7225 'it blk "'-& te WoodbftdOa oondo, 2 bf', ~.".~•••••••••• • ...,., ~A IH .___, J.Mi 1111 ' patio. ancl1d garage, newly carpeted, all ap-twrlhee, frplc. 9adt e.y. WllnAll YILUll 2 Or, upellln. MOO mo. Nt•r new 1 Bdrm. apt. ···-~•••••••••••••••• •• ~.•l'••••••••••u••u• BEACH LOV!RS • 11ew carptt•. dr•P••· pll•nce1, great view, Sll50 lie. 8'7s-4431 ,.,..,.._,, 1 & 2 er. •Pt• '''all., 173-tt20 eYllWtcnd wtlh bullt.lna, carpeting STfGIOUS Llfl)A ISLE Dana Point Flltw. Doubte '*'1t. No peq. 1610/mo 537-3233 chg aiot l8'rlnUW pool, epa, lndry rm, no '--...,. 114' & draipee, leunelfy f9olllty, PRE wide. 2 bd, 2 be. ~ '*" ltCUl'tty. &41-11442: Oreat for young lllfl'lllVI 3 2 M , 1~ tt ttea ~/ ...................... pets, lmmed occupancy. ';';7.-;;;............... Under roof ~ and ••"9 w und1 und•r mtrktt. '70.aeat bdrm 1'4 ba,-16711 tow 1•'· • o aan • ... '1 .tMI 1 et. '4*-'460 ~ publlo tennl1 court• & _,...,.... Flex~ Ptite O.K, ' ' ' 750 yrly. 4" tor 8111, •••••••••••••••u::;;-:' 2 8r 15211 ..,.,. OOUf'lt l'lgtlt behind 1 •• .a...-,., ............. ~ Call Now, AA• 10112) 2 Bl. 1 la. w/ °'fa'·-..... ~ In, chg 637-3233 e31-12t4i 2 A•IPOfltlblt, retlrtd ' ' Mott titoant apt bldg """' ,..,...;._ .._. -• '" .... ..., -· Cell for IP.P'· In Laoun• ee.ctl' f1naei pfoparty, .....,.. to ...,.. 41 UMI Wt Agent, 522"4080 yardrJf.t4de. 111111/mo. • AcMta (M/I') wW'I to rent TSL Mgmt. '464122 ioo.tton In town br.ath· rythlngl UH/month. 180 deg. Bay view from thia majeltJc ,,.,._,/ a:~.,. •• ; Condo m1n to ~ ........... 1.-!ff ....., LUii ~t ~o ': ! :'f: 2 Ill' 1~ a.. no P4ll'8. '450 taking*"· ... ii; .... ..., ::~~=-~5& 0:: 5700 9q ft etc.a~. Encloeed pool and 'lllllff It, .La. II# bch a. ehopplni. Poot1 North lrvtna A1oquet ~ :,:= ~ "4-4110. for 2 ~floni. 7511 w. 11 • • 1 • d t 0 0 1 • ~Call °"'*at (714) and all f Ba ft ••••••••••••::::•••••• •~ l anr"4ll lee Club tro 3 Bf 3 ... on 11th 8t. fMe..9501 1ub."11•r•O•i.. • t1vator. a..2.o 131• spa.Eb~~~ ~~~1tlng f.t 0~o oi H,~,11~&:' Ou~ 1715 ~t & lut +I oornW, ale, tWn ""· din ~°': ::::i.; G:t,' ~T~ 1 8', tMI, 11111. tnot., l380, ~Cllff°1t: ~~P· i-1-11'-. _pyt_d_iec_ctc_,_old,,__WOf-'ld~ dwn. Auu'm~1'411K MO,•. l71'4) 780-e27'4 rm, frplo. HH/mo. lendectPM. tt100/mo, Ptte. 780-7171 Pf.,., tingle....... 'I c harm, •peotaoutar 660,000 a\ 1~. Lender will negot. toena •t 10.11%. 3 bdrm, 2 ~ 2 otr ...,, ~I. 8 u a•" n • I h u I• r llQ.7..., •'-'-.,.,_ 1M OCMl'I vu, wellt to beeOfl vorable terme on balance of ._ .......... -144.etoO. a.a.... leJaa.I .!Ml ;:;-::r. • .-.·.·r. •••• ~. Mtll r-1aci1u-atapt ,,.,....t -·· lll'ge yatd •• ill. ldMI for couple Of young ~::r.:"T. ... ~ Duplelc, 2 bf, 1 bl. eat-hlu1. 28A 21A VMtttad c a.it~ l:ri fi.rwmcln,. 8rokel' e»-op. ""'-lalt HM 17s.3CMe • fernlly. 2 bdrm, 1~ bdi, Ytty 1771. Deliuct I bf, .,..., dnlpea, gw, g:,11o, oatll(l9, lovely baloony, • • •WAI UWW I LUI ., ............... :;";';T '1200 mo, pan furn. a. ee~•7'!'!'P1"!! 9671• 18'·· P'tlg • .._ n•.1 1. claen, no~ '52 lrno. ;:•' etld,.P••· GrHt ._ .. ju JilM Ill IM .... -~ I 9*, a ... Cll,,I A ..J2S3 -..· . 17140a, ln-Ml7 &41-704 · ~ ~ r.::.., ........... ;;;n' 11./ .... 11 Ill. • ApprOll ,_. eor.. Wll Mii pootJ UI fllr .. ldlo 1100_1 4 bdrm, prim• Y .. lllfy ,.,, ....,,. toj Metetl to~ to 'I Unit 202. Adult t 8'.APt.Oloeeto 11tn.& ., or ,Jotnt v.ntiq. Value tH•olOt, 111-7170, loo•non. I.ow move In. •.1111 .,... ....... llOO I .,..,_a . oi.-llvtng, no PRl. llOO mo. Main. '3Hlmo. lll00.000. Call M0-71111 111-7922 ~7-3213 eat. otig. mo. 1'7'4411 "'*'ad. .....a1 .,~ Al-01'08 _l ' Orang• Cout OAll..V PILOT/Mot\day. AUQUI~ ,,, 1112 l>O IT NOWI ... ,., ..... ,. vour Oally Piiot Service Olrectory Repre•entttlve ~1.~l!!!!m ..... OINIRAL IUllNlll 111.viot• Help lor smell bu1tna11 a phone 0111 eway. Rec---------- ordkeeplng, tu prep, C••••ll CMtnt. 0 1.111ne•• coun •ell no •••••••'• •••••• •••••• • 498· tH& Cemant•MUOl'lry·BIOGk Wllle·Cl.lll. work. LICI. f!!r..a.!lf. ...... • ..... t3810&7 Rob S.M8J3 Door hanging. remo<lel, Drlv .. , p1llo1. w1lk1. 'r" ceblne11. paneling. etc. E1t No lob too amall. Painting, cement. "•'•· 638-2807 _J_a_r_ry_O .. _e-t __ •_1s ____ Cuatom oonorete brlok· rlll UTIUTllJ bloc k wall1•p.at101• f\aaaonable prlOel; fut, to u n d a II on 1 LI c • d profa111on11 work 53e.5o13 142-1171, tit. 122 cu1tom work tool No Job Concr11a-1m1ll or lg• loo email or too blOI Ca-job1. Remove, replace or blne11, kitchen remodel repelr, 645-8512 & flnl1hed carpentry ... 1----------~!! ... ~l/!!!.f!J!{a.f!. •• elect/ plumb/ cablnatt/ C1al1'el1111 C.a•r•l Applle<I. re-opplle<I. guar . counter1op1, I do every· •• ••• • • • • .... • • •• • • ••• • lnaured, llCl'd . 4 t .. 69 l . thing from t tart 10 llnl1hl REMODEL/ ADD-ONS 730-t900 free eatlmttas Call Brad 11 & Carpentry. Llc'd. 25 Al iill (71•) 171 •1210 yrs exp. Irwin 648-2719 ··'-·················· c,, .. , 1.rr1t• •••'••·1••11•·1•••4• Drlv-aya, Parking Lot ••• ~.-. •••••••••••• •••• FrM ett. Reas. prices. Repeltt, SeeJcoatlng Shampoo &. steam clean. Qual. work. Lie. 337169. S&S Aaphlt 631-4199llc Color brlghtenara, wht 846-4010 crpte • 10 min. bleach Dan Hellberg Grading Hall llY/dln rmt$l5· avg HW OlllTllOTlll & Paving Co. Ras/coml. room $7 50: couch 's 10: Remodel Reald/Comml lie 397804 842-t 720 Chr s5. Guar ellm. pet ESTIMATES lie 310229 ... Jttl odor Crpt repair. 15 yrs Mediterranean ... ~ ... ~I........... exp Do work myaell Construction Inc Loving mother wlll babysit Reis. 531-0101 549-1978 Uk to; Joe full time, Nr Fairview &1-N-o_S_t_e_e_m_/_N_o_S_h_a_m_po_o_ C u s tom ram o d a I a . Baker. CM. 546-8853 Stain Specialist. Fast additions. free est. Qoa- Have car. wlll travel! Mature, dependable lady eeeka babysitting after 5pm. 648-6148 Shlrley dry. Free eat. 839-1582 Illy 2nd to none. Bandel Const. Lie 418570. EXCEL CARPET CARE 548-4271 Jack Buklngton Owner/operator l,J, l1ffll11 I lea .. llHii•• S.rrit• Carpet, uphol, area rug Uc. 306888. Remodtil. •••••• ••• 41' ••••• • •••• • clearilng. Work guar Add'ns. Cabinets. JAVS "SPEAKEASY" Free Eat. 645-177 I 846-8586/645-4644 Prof, Bartendlng Sarv. Any occaelon. Portable Classllled Ads, your one-SELL Idle ltema with a bar. 869-1414, 521-8141 atop shopping center. Dally Piiot Claasllled Ad. ~'M'.~~. IJ!N.'11.ll!Jr/1' •••• !~f P ••.••.•••.•• '-'trft!l!Irlff •••••••• ~............... fll!'!hA ••.•••••••••• lffHJtr.frtlfff! ••••• Kii l'Mmod., Oefllnlo Ille, Ci.lllClnl "91llllal'llno• .. Uln Oerpenlr_y, 01blne11, •• .,.,. ~u .. OIHttlng, • AIO MOVI~ -F•fttllnO tn•ttlOf Detlon A1111m Co. (Uc'd). ..,,"l c1blnet1. Call now tr• & lnlarlora•All "•P•lft ll!Ymb., Dffltl OlllnlnO, Ml1tlle "-'•· 011ldl, C1nttut ~ HANOlNQllT"ll'PIPlO 811111m1 tor 11oma •tlmata 042.0181 Calllot "' 544·HI.. eieot .. l'lle . f\el•. ll).i670 Pree MUm•IM 652-0410 VIM·MC 8coo 841·9'25 txillneet. 1eo. au~ a O.Cor1tor 1tyle In\, btr•. tee.01'4t Gen'I cl .. nlllO. llllndOllft , •A· 1 ....... ASA PAPIRHANOINO •tlmate lree .... 6-6811 m1ntal1, llbrer1a1, hlgll &.Mf•'•• Carpentry · Muonry ate. 8all1laot1on guar. rop qqiuallty. Speolsl 01,. 7 Y'' jooal op Ouar. ~ • .1.a.1.,. •tVI• ralNd panel wal .. & :r.r~r..o.............. Apollng • PlumblnG Rtll•ble, lo ratM Buro· In handling. 26 y11 ••P work. PrloH 11ert et '!r.:r.t1•••••••• .. •••• ~llng. I.lo. &38·2368 Tllll Dt)'wl ll • 8tuooo • Tiie peen. 240.2UI Competitive Aat.. Ill/roll. AltlC 7&1-1027 81!AVIOI! & RIPAI" .... ..... ,,.. Topped/remoY9CI Clten Remodel J.8. e.48·9"0 HOU&·CLll.•NINO. no No overtime 730-1363 E t II I I Van <>Poen• hrvlOe Co. -• ••· I 71l 1 3478 "' " -----....-----)(per we Clover ng n-(1114411 ~138-4888 • •••••••••. •••• ••••••• up. 1wn renov. • Call Handym•n Jim. It'• 1ome help? Call btwn ttallatlon ReH prloe1. --------- •KA TRINA'S· LIVl!·IN MOWING . CLEAN UPS like having help from 1·9PM. 842·9681, CM/ 1•/alJa'I. Con1uttan\ A111gnmant •11..,_ l'ttkprt, di lly maid ..,-v, ~ullno ..f\.endlO•PlnG your family. 536-91157 CdM a.. ••••••• •••••••••••••• &e1.a&OO !!!: ................... . ottlc• oleanlng.i crpt Pree eat. 8'42·'901 dyt, 53&-MM evea. r rlll Pllmll TILi! 1N8TALLl!O cltenlng. 836-21l111 •HIHltll•• by Alchar<I Sinor. Lie llNI l••n•l All Kinda. Guaranteed .i.eale't Oarctenlng Ben'• Malnltnanot 8etv •• •••••••••'• .. ••••• • •• 260644. 13 yra of h'appy • •'•0• • •••• •••••• ••••• Rel• JOhn 8-40-9211 11N1 ••••/a• Clean·ups, 1rM trim & Plumt>..ieo-carpentry TRAVl!LING? IOC!al customera. ••BAVANT'S•• • •••• ••••'••"' • •••••• • malnt MfV 640-8035 Painting Call '84·5231 SELLING HOUSE? Thank you, 63 t.44 IO Wallcovttrlng Removal Ooor1 replaoed, doorways MHa couple avallabla ~II Typet. 642· 1343 added, l'rench. entry, RON'S GARDENING HIRED HAND, WILL mld·§aptembtr to m•· PAINTER NEEOS cu 1 Io m & Int er Io r . 8 yr1 N81CCIM. Quell7 YRAVELI Many dlvwae nage yoor home In N-· WORKI 30 yr1 eJlp, Int/ ""'" lffNJt 631·t528 1nytlme. 11 ""· rale1. Malnt Chor•. Wlllle 842·349l pon. l.aouna. Hunt1nnton E•tttr Aeou1t1c oelllng• ••••••.,.0•'•0 ••••••••• 075 93ell • "' ED'S PLASTERING LlnCllClape. • Bi•ll•• or Mea• Exper. Rera Davi• Painting 847-6188 Neat patche•. lnllnt. Quel weeding remember ••••••""•••••••••••• •• rencee Can arrenge lor Cu11om work, Int & ex1, Reatuccoa. 645-6268 Chuok For Tiie Work Free Ett. Oye 540-&186. E\11, wknd1 61&-5100 ''" ""'" ·······~·············· $ LOW RATES I Tree !rimming & remov•I, ~/.'!!!! ••••••.••••••• OAVWALLIACOUSTIC Rapalr1. new & old. t 1 yre exp. Bud 652-9682 h . 3 A' ' ell ble DUMP JOBS viewing II hOUH for ule. 1 • 1' real. r • ' & Small.Moving Joba Don't worry about empty llo'd 20 yre In area. rela. Rick. 4g7.3010 Call MIKE 648·1391 houae whlle away Herb (714) 521-8012 att PLASTER PATC~ING all cleanup• & mowing Re11uoco1. 1.,1/aKt. 30 ____ 5_5_4-_7_o_t_7 __ _ Compl~te Lawn Cllrt, l1AULING-ORADING 545·4240 _&_:_30_P_M_. ------ Wall texturH·Acouatlc clean-upt, tree Hrvlce. demolition, Cllean-up. '••ltltlll L. BATES PAINTING Hang Tan&.Steel llUdl s pr In k I e r I . M I k 8 "' SPECIAL! Ext. ~$400; "••"•• • .. --631•7570 Concrete & tree removel •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 S"'50 845 9 3 ••••••••'••••••••••••• Lie. 38994'4 t-532-5549 ---------1 Quick aerv. 642-7638 LOW RATES. Olllcea. Sly " • ATLAS PLUMBING & DRYWALL TAPING PROF. SERVICE bldg1. Vacancies, strip & CANVON PAINTING • 14 HEATING -Specializing yr1 Neet. Paul 545-2977 r.-.~·!!~1. •.••••••••••. Moel •ub]8C1•. K-t4 Dey/eve &5 & $10/hr Mr Morgan 645-5176 All TaKtures & Acoustic IYlllH La•4l1t1rl11 w a I( e I c · C H R I S yrs In O.C. Satlaleotlon In Rapalra & Replace- Free eel Kevin 676-9088 Tree trim, 13en. olnups, QHualuetklng c.leyredn.CIFleraeen ua~t 714-960-6396 guar 494-4541 merit (714) 645-1688 W/a'•• C/Hal•f. cement work Free eet. A " ----------i ...;:_ ________ ----------1 •••• •••••••••••• •••• • •• ..J I Call 54g.1604 anytime. 673-0548 .. ,, OUALITV PAINTING I H II , 1. l "Lat the Sunthlne In" 11Mld11t• ••••• ~!l•••••••••••••• E.Jcl/lnt. reae ratet .!!! •. !..~ll~.!r..!... Call Sunshine Window ei.·ecT.Ri°ciA;t.:.•P;ic·:d Gardening. 8llplf, lend· !~'!!!!!~~'!''········ BRICKWORK: Small jobs. Lie B348276 536-2366 ............ ,......... Cleanl~p. Ltd 548-8853 right, tree eatlmete on seeping. tree trimming, ROBIN'S CLEANING N-port, Costa Mna. EXTERIOR PAll)ITING Free 8111. Reas. prices. 20"1• Monthly Dlecount large or small jobs. clean-ups. 6411-2122 Service • a thoroughly Irvine, Reis. 675-3175 Custom work. l'ree est. Qual, work Uc. 337169 w ~ 1 ill Lie. 39682t. 673·035e ALL SERVICES, Incl. clean house. 540-0857 Brickwork-small or lge Reas.+ fine Int. & atal· 845-4010 !?!!'! •• !!!!!! .• f ..•... LIC'O ELECTRICIAN maintenance. aprklre, _J_o_a_n_:,-C-le_a_n_ln_g_S_e_rv_l_ce_ joba. 100'a local refs. nlng. Steve 547-42181 ROOM ADDITIONS. Computer word procee- Qual. work -Re811. rates hauling, clean-ups, ex-Houaee-Apta-Rentals _s_1n_Cl8_t_9_8_9_. 84_5_-_85_12 __ 1 Biii's Painting. In r/Extr. Honest.Reliable & Rele-sing. Fast, accurate aerv Free est 631-5072 Tom pert landacaplng. etc. Offlcea. 540-1287 ResldlComml, 8 yrs expr rencea. JC&B Const. Lie Reas rntet. Notary. Free Setlafactlon guar Lo .. -' k & dell ery Le ELECTRICIAN rates, Ir-eat. 2•0.21•8 TIRED OF '-'ASSLES? ,..,.,.,., S. Cat area High qual. & 11347877 974-7885 P up v · n. -.. ,. n •••••• ••••••••••••••• matarlails. Low prloea, Fr 751-1314 Sml jobs/Repairs. Lie. Quall(y cleaning help II STARVING COLLEGE MIS & ref a. 496-5717 • 233108-C-10. 548-5203 LAWI OUE heral Refs. 960-7452 STUDENTS MOVING ---------~!!!!~.' ............... Buylog and selling at e RESIDI COMM'L/IND. 20 yrs. Do my own work. Lie. 278641 Al 646-8128 Resloomm. N8/CdM General HouHcleanlng CO. Uc. Tt24-436 Trade your 'old etulf for MOBILE SERVICE reasonable price-that's Reliable, Quality Work Reliable, refs. 10 yrs exp. Insured. 641-8427 new good lea with a Reacreens/Naw acreene what clualfled Is all Barry 645-7412 962-0510 alt 4 WATCH US GROWi ClaHllled ad. 642-5678 NB/CM 642-9552 about. 642-5678 A'!:'u:i::.'•1•1;~~ ~!~.'J}!.!~.f~!!!.!.~~ ~;;~~'1!;!~~P·t~~ !'!!!'.~.~!~!~!.. .. !.~~ Aa•11•11•1•l1/ f!'.f!!f!~! ..•..•.••. IJ!Jl..Vf!!.~IJ. .... !.{~ IJ!}l..Vf!!.'.IJ. •••• !.l.Oj IJ!Jl..Vf!!.1.IJ. •••• !.~Oj IJ!Jl..Vf!!.~IJ. •••• !.~~ ..... ·····w· ... ,. ..•.. .., ........ ba. •vall. Imm ed. Wk-UEOmYE 111111 ,,,., •• ,.; J161 WHIH 1015 ltlllHPfl ORV CLEANING GOVERNMENT lattrltr h1l11/lalH SEA Ill ,... IRVINE. Phone anewe-I..111 I I•••' •••••••••••••••••••••• with 2·4 yr exper lhru fin Immediate start lor fully JOB OPENINGS Res.lcomm. Will train. Contact largest Gay days before 3 & wknda ring, conf. rm. utll pd, •••••••••••••••._ .. J •• Voung married man will stmt prep needed by experienced Many positions available Color knowledge. YILUIE ~~,c~~'."t~~-:;~~lce In 1-8_50_·_9_1_60 ______ sctry servs, etc. Also ....... ,, ••• ,, SJ dco lg,.ene;ea•I h&anwdykew,,odr:. el(pandlng NB CPA firm D~ cle1n1r In U.S. & Overseas. For 1-637-4868 New 1&2 bdrm. luxury1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii C. t I I 4JSO desk space. S 150/up •••••••••••••••••••••• a ev • Exper with computer• Directory 312·888-4347 --------- apta In 14 plans. 1 Bdrm I• •• !!/.'.~.!! •• !!'....... 540-9745 SCRAM-LETS ~9_7_2_-9_5_2_5_. _____ helpful XLNT wrk'g cond. • Exce len1 H lary and Ext E-91 J ~~~~~;1:. ~~Jo ~~e:0 from S515, 2 bdrm from ROOMMATE Storage garage lor renr 1617 Westclllf, N.B. 25e W. -~ llOO Nonsmkr pref. Stan strong Company benallta MULTI Olll 11 :30_ M ission Viejo $570, Townhouse from on Balboa Peninsula 1 4000 11 1 1 1100 ANSWERS B•l'I. ••lrrw S1200·$1500. 646-7406 awalt you IUIAtE• area. s4thour. 541•3311 S640 + pool a. tennle, flllDERS next to Fun Zone : 1 54s~5032 8 · r ••• •••••••••••••••••• o• S.Alml · Great OJ!portunlly with. c••, Anh, MV, ~B. GG _a_l_te_r_6_P_m_. -----waterfalls, pondel Gas 10'1h20W. 873-2943 gen • Penman • Ducat Alttrfltl•& II all lnt'I recognized Drapery .., n for cooking & heating Oldest & largest agency. •·E---1d-C_M_S ____ 450 sq. It. Sl.00 pa; sq Women . Abrupt &oo•••t Oltrt 100•1, commission. Min-Cleaning firm. locations. 48 hour week JAJllTIRIAL paid. From San Diego All olients screened with ast 11 1 e 1 · · lnsgf951ga-ft .. 400 t Birch., N.B CARPET type 65 wpm. SIH pref. lmum feet. Beautllul ta-• Extraordinary repute-Salary Plus commission, !?art/time work, nights, Frwy drive North on photos &relerences. ~~~87~~~orage. mo Agent541·5032 My sister-In-law Is the Pleasant ielephone vol-cilltlea lnlrvlne. tlon to $25.000 (714 ) M·F. Wiii train hard· Beach to McFadden to Credits: Cosmopolitan • moat practlCl81 woman 1 ce, Ille bkkpg. ability to RElllLL RULn 140-1388 859·1983 working. reliable per- 8 a aw Ind V 111 age Good Morning America, Garage for Rent. $50 per know. She started a follow lnatructlone. Ora-llS·OltO HELP S-Ons. 557-7480 (714)893-5198. The Tomorrow Show. month. 2864 LaSalle, COIT • ••1 1••• garden In the living room phlc knowledge helpful. l I •-t IH•I -4000 twrert • C.M. 957-2740 alter 6 CARPET. non-smoker pref. Salary CLEANING • If you know •&• -ore lfJ •••••••••••••••••••••• pm ./,.,. c-•·-"' cCJmmensurate w/expr. how to do houseclea· IUHIY OLUIElll YOURSELF Newport Center Real EASTSIDE CM. Private lnt'I stewardess wlll ehr OO .le-,...*''" Liii I 1,.., 5300 Apply 621 w . l9th St nlng. join usl Call tor 1217 Le&•• Att C. M. Est ate Litigation Firm lum. room & beth. Utlls. turn. CdM apt, gar. w/ !'!!!t.~.~!~!~! ...• !.~.. .;....... ...................... Model Builder Magazine. d 8Ia11 s 6 3 1-8 2 2 2 Tt a ''"" a., •• , needs exper legal secrt· lnol., relrlg .. $315 mo. nonsmkr, 9/1, $400. Excellent Ottlces. Up to ./t••o"" 8 to 4pm. Aak tor Mrs. _9_A_M_·4_P_M_. -----1 0111111 Join a company lhat'e tary. Xlnt typing. dlcla- 673·7544· 675-5148 4000 sq ft. 1801 Newport ~~.;":!: .... ' _N_o_n_hr_u..;..p_. ______ 1c1erlcal, P/tlma. tor le-PUT TIME going AFTER THE BUSI· phone and shorthand 8 Laguna turn rm, pvt be, Slngle Lady, must Ilka Blvd,C.M.645-2111Aak ./...,...,..,..,. FOUND ADS un••ntll shlon I mport er / Ba 8 carrier counselor NESSI Serious, ambl· must Salary open. non-smkr. over 40, TV. Kids to share home In for Joe u. -distributor, xlnt working for a focal newspaper llous Individuals can,_64_0_-_69_60 _____ _ Woman In Corona del I b 1 1 d 11 h Jd po o I . Bus I P rot . Costa Mesa. Sept. tst. Eucutlve of fice suite ARE FREE B h cond .. typ ng a plus. No experience neces-earn su stent e o ars Llghl Delivery. cas pa 494-0451. move In. S325 plus •;, corner 01 405 Fwy, Nee; ~r!~· t~~:~~~:au!~cln 7 1 4 • 9 7 9 • 4 9 4 4 , sary. Work only 12 hours with many benefits. For I dally. Apply 779 W. 19th. S utlls. 540-4979 or uarbor Blvd. Take over 2 13-753-3776 aweek.$75toatartplus anexcltlngsaleaposltlon SullaH.,CostaMesa. ROOt.A/BALBOA 230 n •IEllll ffflOE•• your home tor small re-11 L K 1 1 .-· . 546-1074. Btwn 6-9PM. lea·~. 1600 .,,,tt. at 90¢ • Call I additional share of part-oa es a a n. acr•• mo. view, furn. avlb 911. ~ -.. From t room to 3 rooms. : tall shop. Call Bob CLER OAll nershlp'a profits • 549-4300 549-1457 LIAJI IFF ""• I / 2 3 + no n · s m k r • 2500 sq It Condo. will ac-II. Call 751-6191 F $1 16 11 No ,.2 H 7I 8.ol0-4128 Part/time. AM & early A real lun Jobi Aggrasalve Newpon 873-9015 capt 2 edits, or 1 edit Fountain Valley Office 1:~: requlr:d.s41dj.' Air· • Apt. sta Mesa $750 + PM hours. Proteaslonal Management opportunl-Beach firm seeks motl- Share nice 3 Bdrm duple)(. w/ 1 child or just 1 edit. space, 2500 sq.ft. at 60¢ porter Inn. 2172 Dupont. ---------•I bonus + apt. 642-4907 appe8fanoe. Typing 55 ties. For Interview call a. magnon _v_a_t_e_d-ln-d-lv-ld_u_a_I_. _T_e_r-rl-· Belboa Penlnsula. Ge-Pool, lg kit, 2 patios, lg a ft. Good uposure. Ca.II AM_ 833-3223 wkdys wpm, llllng, phones. Call after 6;00 PM. 642-5678, lory open. Harbor-rage, steps 10 beach & balcony w /bay view. good parking, Talbert & LOST: Cockatlel between ---'-·-------1 Ms Abf>ott, 546-0930 ext 312 Pacific 955-0073 557-7883 or 640-6339 .er 0 0 k h u r 5 t . ca I I IEWPllT IUOI 4 lst and Balboa Bl Babysitter needed 2-3 (8am-2pm) Equal Opp. ----------bay. 204 Adams-A. 75H 1191 Executive office In can-Whistles a lot 675-4498 times per week, Costa Empl. XLNT Opportunity lor ex-t' b LYI II H Furn rm, fem. pref, pvt M/F proteaslonal 22•30 to ---------nary VIiiage, $450/mo. lale ••-yg Mesa area. 646-8762. ---Ol-.-,-811-11fl-l---1 perienced Dental Aasls· pon 1ac/su ~tu For conv Hospital Ex· home. kltch. privileges. shr 2 bd, 1 ba apt In IEWPIRT 1001 Broker 675-49t 2 --.tent with RDA. Busy, OI cellenl benefits and wor-Masa Verde 549 9847 Cd M N ° n • s m k r · Lost : 7127 In Co'fta BABYSITTER NEEDED. LIVE IN to help dress pleasant. Laguna Beach king conditions. Com-642-4546 • ' $300/mo + utll. 1sl/laat REHOll UTEI Alrpor1 area • Exec. Sul· Mesa-Huntington Beach Cd M · p 111 me· N ° n • lady, make meals and Office Full or Part-time. ""lltlve salary. 642-604.ol ----------1 -+-dep. 780-6236 evea/ No depoaltal Lu)l(urloue tes. From 22~50 sq. ft. Area. 1•;, years. Choke 'smoker. Eng. speaking. llghl house work. Must 494•9788 Harbor Blvd at Fair Or NB Avail 9/1, Nwpt Bch quiet wllnd. new olllcea, Including $1 per aq. tt. Many )l(tru. ctialn. Reward. 83t-t748 _7_60_·_83_9_8 ______ 1 have car. Newport tn Costa Mesa ---------- haven tor busy exec. d 1 receptionist. answering Call 557-7010 ev, da 754-6295 BABYSITTER. mature lo· Beach. 548-0805 F.G S. hes opening In 1--.. -0-m--U-1-0-1-1-1-1-1-.-1 Maintenance/ Gardener, Non-smkf. Pvt bath, Educate lady 11\e to 1ervlca, conf erence -------------------1 -----.------I Huntington Beach office n " pretar over 40 yra. for parking, pool. S300 mo. share home w/aame for room. etc. 752-6408. · SO. LAGUNA. 3 Arch Bay. Loa1 lg wht blu&-eyed cet, vlng peraon lor Infant, MMPAlllll tor Au tom ob lie Sales experienced only. varied apt. complex. e)(perlenoe Reply Answer Ad #70t, 1 mo beginning Oct '-1----------500 sq tt Wlth good hW¥ w/10 Tiger Liiy. Vic 4th & my home pref. Wkdys Rep Inside sales. No shifts at Ben Browns necessary. 548-9556, - _64_2_·_4_300_._2_4_h_r_s_. ___ 1 _64_2_._1eo_2_. _____ 400-900 PLUBaS 1400 sqS. ~· vlslblllty. 497-2351 A voc ado . Cd M . ~60:30,:;~~~0. CdM. Reta. ~~~:n.h~~:kpgw/e~d:~ Prospecting. Attractive Restaurant. 31106 Coast 12·7 F k t sh 2 b 2 Penthouse yfront u • 675-5695 """" eves. oomnan••tlon package. Hwy, South Laguna ----------., ... , .. I I ~100 nonsm r o r r. kl tlo I I. • I I 44SO k ing. Nwpt Bch ·area. ,._ -M l . I ead d fo .,,,.,I .,.., I I , b E/Sld C M te, par ng • pa s. •• a111 ••' . •••y•....,l XLNT fringe benefits, In· Please apply In person. an CIUrts n e r •••••·'· .. •••••••••••• a apt. e · · 673-1003 •••••••••••••••••••••• Lost: Doberman with -.... " 673-8000. pr~reaslve beauty'salon IUUll •ITEL $262.50. + in utlla. Office and Laboratory Idaho tags, red collar. tor two 1 yr olda. Non· eluding company paid OS SS In lrvlne 857-4686 645 -2154 aft. 7pm Scaling Down? Starting space -upto7500sqft. Vic Fair & M eea smoker pref. M -F OHITlllOTlllElll Dental, and rapid ad· H TE ---""-·------Wkly rentals now avail. (Barbara) out? Lower overhead 645-2111 Ask tor Joe 548-9154 7am-4pm. Nwpt Bch. To study blueprints &, vancement potential Mature person to do Illa 1140 & up Color TV · maintain Image office at o St s plans for various struc-Some auto el(perlence 10 help show spectacular housekeeping & help in Phones In room. 2274 No. lag Ocean front. 2 Regency Cent0er, Exec BeauUtul executive oflloe LOST llAOIW s:i"5)~~'·644~;t1799P~; lures & supe!'vtse actual and casualty license de-Newport Beach E)l(ecu-caring tor 2 smell chll· Newport Blvd. CM. bdrm, 2 ba, beau turn. suites In N-por1 nr Air-suite plus warehouse In 840-0674. corietructlon. Need BA slrable. For appt. call live residence to wealthy dren_ Non-amkr. refs 646-7445 $425 mo. Fem prof pre-por1. fully equipped & prestigious design center 3.4 mos ago. 644-5289 CIYll Engineering & no Hank 549-8909 prospective buyers •;, please. 675-2878 8 E A C H AR E A I'd. Sharon. 640-2912 wk stalled tor every bual· on Redhill. 1776 sq. It. Found: Blk Lab puppy, BabyaMlt·tTer-W. m. y 7 _h 3 ome, I ce $25001 98 • days wk Bright and da ness need. lndlv offices 675-3882 from 10-5: Eastslde CY GRAV CAT. ~~~~~~: So. Ca111:rn1~: FllERIWS •lllHI exciting personality, ex-Medical tulHlme front ot- $84/wk woman with Career de· mo/mo. f rom S3 7 5 644-9539 alter 6. PART Persian, dk lace. 840-5152 alt~· Clip ad & reply by re-E11perlenced fiberglass cellent convereatlonallst flee poslllon, Minion 1 CdM 2 bd 1 833 9976 631 5056 sume no later than Aug. molders to bulld Cata-and super grooming and Viejo. 495-1060 R f I I M Jd P 1 s res same. · • --·-------Approx 2,000 sq ft store, --·--------i BEAUTY OPERATOR · full s a 11b0 a 1 s appearance are abaolu-cir gera or-a • 00 ba. 1360 Incl hsekpr · UITIFIL choice locatlon. AC. Found: Cocker mix, blk & or part-time. taka over 28. t982, to: #5116. PO m 8 ran · Nwpt Blvd & Wiison Avail 9-tO 975-0578, I Newport Blvd at Harbor. M L b bk M S cllentele, 60% comm.+. Box 885. Sacramento, $4.25-$5.25 per hour tely essential. Real es-Costa Mesa 548-9755 67s-4024 1 IEWPHT OEmR (7t4) 67.._1921 brn. d: ~ · 1 : h .Jv ~-9 6 8 • 8 0 8 0 . e v 8 a . CA 95804. 11 ottered plus benefl1s depending ,late lie. Is tielpful, but not MERCHANDISING h h 1 moye • ; r 9 0 • 847_..904 employment. must show on experience. APPIY In required. Send replys to Vearty ort the beac . ote Fem. wlll share with Femi With use of reception, C••••tti•l hound mix, F. Newport you have 1.,,81 right ,0 person. ERICSON Dally Piiot ~d No 104t, room. kitchen & ahowe<. 22 plus yrs old. large apt, con!. room. kltch. phone. Beach Animal Shelter, IUm work -.. 4' YACHTS, t931 Deere P.O. Box 1560, Costa 5320/mo. plus sec. de· 2 ba Newport Beach. secratarlal & word pro-l1al•l1 4415 644-3656 · Ave, Irvine, Calif 92714 Mesa. CA 92626 posit. 2306 w . Ocean-$290. 648-3377 oesalng. Mall & mea$4ge •••••••••••••••••••••• C k I d I ____ ..;._ _____ 1-----:---:--:-~:-:--tront, Newport Beach serv avail. separately II CONDITIONAL COM L s~SO PIEITlllHS ULM oo ' el!per ence C or I hef HOUSECLEANERS 573.4154_ NON-SMKR. 3 br. condo desired. PROP_ Plus 4br/2ba 1u11ad1 o1 Looking to add to our g~r;:r.' ;~':rant. 0a1: arqt Flex. tira. PTIFT. Own $200 mo, 'h utls. $150. Call: Judy house. W. 19th at. Costa ••••••••.;·;·.;•••••••• ataffl • 1 shampoo pe!'· lOPM-llPM 494•8624 l•ltllltr/ltn 111 trans. Exp'd. 540-0857 l•••ll l••IVI 4100 de p . n r O CC . 714/760-0100 M. 548-5598. 631-2372. ltll.-.IS Pirltr son • 2 aaalttanta · , Full time job. must have •• ••••• •• •••• • •••• • • •• 984-3654/HS "' Excellent training prog· Cosmetol<>Oy license req. good driving record. Re- IUUIEMEIT ~TAIJI $1200 per month II OPHIEIOE IEOEISllY WEEILY REllTAll Sub-let Exec. offloe l•'••lti•I lial•/4500 Onen 24 hra~ay am Richard Ouellette Operator (In our exle ferenoes required, Plea- Avallable. Agt. 675-8170 Quiet responsible Female Prime airport locale on N~B~3975•9j;ch~·;66'0·~~ 7 daye a Salon. 200 Newport ting shop) lor ~nnovatlv; se send phone number la•• Niil ~°w~~~~em~r2U~I. 2s3B7~, ~~~~!1:etrlce ft. or leas. MIA zone Jacuul. Saun • Locals Center Dr .. Newport non-surglcal face 1111 and particulars to Box -A.gent 541•5032. aa well es tour111a\ Beach . machine needed. Gen· 1051 Dally Piiot. P.O. INSPECTOR Oaltl111 Distribution staff has 22 Immediate openings. Cati Sun-Wed noon. l714) Full-time tor 2 weeks In ~-5473 $ t2<>0 mo. avail. 8/4 to plus •;, utlla .. w/d & ga-497-6034 BankAmertcard. Mallar eroua comm .. training Box 1560, Costa Mesa 10/2182 Executive 3 rage. 553•1562 Eves. _W_E_S_T_C_O_S_T_A_M_ES_A_ $750 up. 2180 ft. lndu· 'Charge, American Ex-provided. 851-.2068 CA 92826 Costa M811a to perform bdrm and den, ocean MIF ahr beaut. Back Bay TWO OFFICES $300 strlal • Offloe. t8t0t Re-pre11, Diners. All wel· Im PllT·TIIE view. tennis. pool. spa. condo. Pool, jac, tennis. mo for both 645-t021 dondo Clrele #M & T come 71 41845-3433. ... II TIWI DANCERS ceatlng layouts. Muat • General Help, earn up to have own personal tools $400 wk taking snap and sirong background • Dally Pilot classifieds work for you.call 642-5678 for quick cash sales. 493-6269 $300. 645-5165 Huntingt on, Beach 2112 Harbor 01. CM ,,_ llOO te 11 000 k shots In your area. Ama-In casting layout and • Be 8 telephone promo-1 ••• teur photographers nee-geometric dimensioning lal~H PHl111l1 Rmmate wanted M IF. *llnE IEIU* _8_4_2_·2_5_3_4·-----1COEDS • Would love to S300 wk . 1 'h blks to $225 mo. Incl ulll nl04I o c Al ort pol 1300 sq. ft. $450 party wllh you. Call Sue beech. 673-9384 aret1, Condo 545-4899 · 1· rp t ;:!',r~· Front office. large rear or Ka thy a n y 11 me . evs env ron, menlll 1' dl·"d 1 f' door. 1789 Whittler Ave. 953-9363 t Br. sleeps <I, across the or no r '· n "' ua 0 • Days 540-9352. Evu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ' street from the beach. _F_a_m_/_B_a_l_b_o_a_P_e_n_l_n_.-2-1 fices or deek space. tSO 646-0681. 1295/wk. 675-5068 SIOI} 3 Br 2'Aoba. vaulled ~~rE~ ~~6~8tt. 1 MO. --------- c dM 2 br. 2 ba. So. 01 oelllngs. balcony &. ga.r.1~~~~~~~~~~ •••IVI WulH 410. $268/mo Ask for Jim 1: ••••• ••••••••• •••••• • • Hwy. Sundeck. Avail. wknda/evea. 875-9518 & Exec. s~a. full~. Incl. OllPHITI ~3i~5914· s4oo wk. 896-5t89 wkelya conl. r . 1182 SE PIElllllT · M/F non-emkr ahr 3 bdrm Brlatol. b · Redhill & Recently moved to Vitali•• l1al1l14Z50 house, E. Costa Mesa. Nwpt Blvd. 957-8451 c;ce;.;;F•RONT .. 2•;·;•e,; S 3 O 0 I mo. ·~ u t 11 CdM dlxaulta. A/C. ample Cslllornla desire• quality Av811. now. Weekly thr~ 545•7917 bet. lOam. Biii pkg, utll pd~55 E. Cat Furnlatied home tor rent iwmmer. 873-7873. Female to al\are 2 bdrm1_H_wy_._8_7_5-a _____ _ apt In Costa Mna Sept 2000 sq It ollk:e apaoe for 81 0 long term Y1tlttH Tra41l 1tt. S250. 645-1289 lse. Cl -avail now. 625 season r Furrilahed 3 bdrm. 3 ba. w. 19th SI. Coate Mesa. At,lum spa condo near Reep nori-aml(r M/F rm· 645-8830 aae Mre pool and putting green. mate wanted for 2Br. Northrup • · (SANDPIPER PALM DE· 2Ba apt. nr S. Cat Plaza. ----·----- In Laguna Beach, Newport BeaCll\. Corona del Mar SERT) want Oceanfront 1 _96_e.-_o_5_5_4_evet _____ 1 SUNNV Newpor1 Beach Month o l August for Patio Office. 633 Dover, Contact (714) 49<1-3757 f h Ice Female roommate Laguna s u I 1 e 2 . $ 3 o 8 / m 0 . month 06/~;62 ° · Niguel. walk to beach. 631-1094 ••mn1/l•"'I/ beaut. n-sp.o. condo. fhl•MI Avail. Aug. 20-Labor' Day, Tennl• ct1, guarded gete. 2nd Floor office. AC. greet •••• ••••••••••••••• ••• UllA I YIOll'I PHOTO MODELS ESCORTS/DANCERS OUTCALL 24 HRS MM181 SUNNY'S Exeeutlve Streu-Rlductton: Olflce-hm-outc:all 631-6377 Prof. man w/amall Child need• houMkeeper-11lrl lrldey. Organlie<I, hou· senotd, light olllCle, poa- 1lblllly to learn computer word prooeuor. So. La· guna. room/batll 6 amall salary, or ulary only. Flulble hours. Barry Berflea. 494-8959 Corona del Mar. 2 br $325 mo Call Ruth, vtaw. 325 aq It. 60c Ml tt. ••ihln• beaut. f urn 3 bike 240-6074 an. &pm. t Ofc 2nd nr. 375 IQ tt Beaut .. Houre, petite, ocean. $325 week. 5041Qtt.(7t4)874-1921 11.t•nwt. IHI radhalr•~. green eyed, 5 N ' B h I fl lo • • .•Jt,.-i • •• • • ec: • • • •• •• • .. • I I I d ., ___ ....,. 642-0377 or 875-1 16. ewpor eac o r llll tp•--BEAUTY SALON. 4 ti&· '"~ ov ng a Y ......,.,.,v, ;ent. Family atmOtpl\era. -40 • aeeks prof male l!!ull II lt•r1 4'00 Full uM ol houM. Nr """I Attreotlve rustle upatel,. lion. lor ••le or '""· ' • '" • """" ..-.1no. we-·""""............ B·'""'-P-....... •no Scorpio or 8911 ea.mate. •••••••••••••••••• & park. Rent lnol ulll. 9 ... p .. _, o--= ........ vou'7."'p. I .. d.,.,.. -..... v u> " Age 36·60. Many varied MIF to lhr .home In lrv1ne. 1350 mo. 769-0780 -~ -•• lnteratt H H .,.. ,._ 1290/mo. + 'h u1111. ----------1 ply phone. & $95 pr mo • •n• 1 1 o' 11' 'p11 t ·a 551-2255 Mtchael Sell l(lle tteme 842-66711 pr desk. Cell 844-7211. l•ll•n• ''" p y 0 a y 0 • OX .:.=========:!.:========::!.:::::;;:;;::::::::::::::::::::;1 •• ....... •••••••• • •••••• 10 51. PO 8 ox 15 60 , ,--------. OPI WllTI Tl Ml Costa M .... CA 92828 ,~ :... ?·:~ Vou can be a ~I Loou praot1c.. oonflden· 1,,....i ..,. .., --=~: Ct . Reply lo PO Box ,.,..,,,., "" ' ' ~1 ,·; WJNN ER l! :.~ ~:~~;3~port Beeoh •••••••••••••••••••••• -Q. • -lllUll lllTUllll I : qlff11 11•11 t••t Etcott fOf WOl'Mll J b di s lltlHI -4t'J.572S(bet e.m..1pn) ust y sen tag us your name and 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• address and by watching for your : u. umn .. •.... r._,_1 name In the classified ads of the! a~~,;.. 2nc1 ~"W!"";;·· .. ;;;; Daily Pilot ' TD• 1"41 •••••••••••••••••••••• • l Robt. 8•ttl« NH/OM Lie. !urop .. n nurH/ h I A.!. Br<*er 8d "-"on comp1nion, home CM9, Win ticket8 to t o rlrcu11. area amusement &ll1'8<'· l~ 642-2171 548-0l11 oook, ••c. Live out. tlon11 Ol' 11portlnl{ events Jm1t fill out thi11 coupon and , WIDOW H~ ... IOt TD'• ,_54_M_5_1_a._.,....,..,,..,,.---i n'tJlil illoday to Lhc : ! .:S ~ RE Loant, 10K Up. No QOVE.,.Nnl Classified Departm~t. Dally Pllet i §, ~ ~ 11 ~~1~ :0~ ~~~1r,0~~",;,!;~n;t 330 W. Bay Street, Cost.a Me.a, CA 92626 I~ 111 0 t-873-7311 412·1517 ' •./ , \ ... , tlon clerk for local new-ded. P/F time, no exper and toleranolng Quall· • 1paper. Private deal!.. Full & part-time danoera or selllng req'c:t. Write 10 fled only. TOP RATES catual attire. Only requl-wanted tor Bara Min-Unlveraal, PO M>x t223, PAIOI. Call Ken Burns at • rement la a good phone lmum Telegrams. Audi· Montebello, CA. 90640 (714) 545-2666 and ruah voice and f l• of enthu-!Ions being held Ihle resume to·. Vendor Sur· • .I.Sm k I ,,.M t 3 PM The fastest draw tn the · · wee rom .. ,.. o · velllance Corp .. 868 Ba-• Houri Apply at: Sare Minimum, West •.. a Dally Pilot leer St .. Ste 36t, Costa Mon-Fri. 5:30-9:30PM 1807 w . Katetla, Ste 216, Cla.ssllled Ad. Call Today Mesa, ca 92a26-447l A Sat g;30AM·1:30PM Anaheim. or call (714) 164~2~-5~6~7~8~·=====.L::========~-~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ $84.00 to start. 776·8421 ;;; After l at week. ahare ln1----------partnerthlp proffte. Deckhand, 1porlfleher For Interview, yacht In Baj•. Oct-Jan. call after 6PM 011 malnt. exp. req'd. ••Z-llll Fishing e11p. 0111red. • Reta abaolutely eaeentlel. ( (, ) ) .n •12 Send Reply to Bolt 644, • Dally Piiot Costa Meu, Ca 92626 UITOAINITD E11perlenced • wanted 11.aTlll IAUI lmmad PI T . Fd'r. xlnt cornm. • work In OC. Must have Muat know etblnetry 6 ftalr for c;olor. wlfl train. wooc!Wotklng. Apply So. WANTID Coaet Boat Vard. 2270 _84_0_-_52_4_9 ______ 1 Newport Blvd . N 8 Dellwry 675-2637 11111 PAii lllU BOILER MFG CO. CEO 10 people need.cl to d .. Proven r9C!Or'd aa nae In IW thopplng ap<ee tree bolter bullnett requlrld. gift certlllc1te b<>oklett. Wiii ~ c;o. w/unllmltld No Mlllng. Must be neat potential. Fantastic 09-In appeuanoe. Mult porturilty lor th• rlgtit have economy car or pereon. Send r.ume to: motorcyole. Apply In 9otlttr CEO Box 147. Sen pereon at 3214f AHpu. Juen Capletrano. Ca. Suite o. San Juan Cep. _9_2_6_93 _______ 1 DELIVERY PERSON nee- IMlllDll Contultlng enQIMer llNn ""'Or•noe County Air· port .... experienced, ded for bUty lrvlne travel ~ MOtOf bllcil ~ lerrld. Htty w• + ml· lelge. 957·~700 Marte Mii mollvllld ln<IMclutl Dental Chalrtldt AHi•· to parlOfrn ell Job ooeta fant , ParMlm1. E><PE-~•lnO ~tOll, A/R, RIENCEO. RO prtfef· A/P. b1nklng lnveet• red. Mollvtte<I, oar111a ·menta, oontraote, lie. ln<lll/ld1191. !I Toro Ar-. l•oelltnt opportunity l30-11;1(1. anc1 wor111ng oondltlOnt. •·oen--1-11....:.------1 =~•=:~:!•-W:~':V IJll*lelioed A.O.A. ,,.._ pttllMt. ""Ol"IOK • ded for Or ttlodontlo 8 A 0 W N A 8 8 0 C 1 1 prectlol In Miwlon Vlef01 ~"88. · .,.., 8304103. ' D...l.L ; o .. 1c 01er11, p1rMl'"•·1 UUUIAlllJll' 8KY \.A"t< MOTl!L 2274 Lit• boo1oi:Mtfirl8 end I Hew~ort llvd, c M OfllOe ~ P9rt time I ..... ..S ! QM7TO ICllMfftld Ad'8 642"6871 1 • c----dS~~---) ) Newspap~r Carr.i~rs tor routes 1 in Huntington Beach, ~ Fountain VaOey & "Newport Beach • • • I I Good Enmin«Js Super Trips Great Prins CALL CIRCUl.ATION OEP~RTMENT Daily Piiat &4~2"1··-- \ Orang• Oout DAIL v PILOT /Monday, Augu1t 10, 1882 • • ... IJ. ~11..rt~.-.t~ .... !.{ff ••• !JA'!l. .••• IJ.ff • •~,,. . . aMJ 11¥.'h.frtl!. ••••.. ":i • A11q_1, .. ,..,,,.. ............/lrHr.... llC"ITA"V/ llCfllOI• **L!l!Y* * .. 1T •• -i'1!ftr.'f, •• Tmt CIHllC ,.. L•peirake ., .. H••let)' Da"ldtOll '•,:.::.;.ooli r•r ll~re taOOd Wltll fl· TOR ltt 11'\eO N. I , -------0.ntury l:>ey ~1. "~· IPon•W lCLI 10 400 I ' tdtv•. ~ OUN• or~inlHCI nt11 ftf•P41fY/ II~ contreo-_____ _.;. ___ I OOOd u ,uml1\lr•' VAMAHA .... Amp. ar-v ~500• 911-.411•1 12100. IN-41i1't .... ,: tplft, I• llt. Oall btwn lntl depancl•blt, w1 ~~.:':n· M&l1.111oodt be,=: AP'Pl1~" I ~ 11111 l'4..o Wilt! a Gollble tt'' 41' H Matthewl. twn d.i. Jim M·' t ·lj)m ., -••1 1••• Med~ In our front of d '"' ~-'lt ,.. Ml °' J~~ Y!:...-PV IPHk•r cabinet. lrl1to1. Live aboard _._ ..... __ .. _ ... _._ .. _ .. ___ I ,...order dMll fOr bu•; 0•1111&.0r be1WMI\. aNlli ........... ,r..-. _,._ -·-fl•nder .... ,.(ecl1lon ••II . ISO 0 pp. ( 2t·1· WANT11D: Honda frltl 70 --.. men1 toiletry Co In It· 1-•-1_2 _A_M_. ----apHP~l,,,INOC"I AIMAl'"l/ICI! 141-HH Ila.NII Qullar wllll a ... end ••• 0 II 8 • 2 41 O 1 , ( 7 1 4 Rl!A90N~8LI I~-,,...,,...--..:_---: l!lpw'd Iii ll\ln1. lllcei-vine. !1tper req'd, 10 key 8eciretwy " .. ~ " lrH • all IP H oettent 760-1178. IS3'46ttS '02 T-lllrd, Intl••• r .. 1 tk ( lenl beneftta. eonv HO•· touoll. Ty~ eo-eo. 11, PIT Temporary 8eor• w,: Mii r900nd .. l.uw. I MY PlllHTlll oonclltlon. 1910 ISO' Hattera1 con· '73 Honda-5004 1700/oll. nu •nt:o•11 • .... ••M>rka, .aa -- Pitel, Newport IHall. 000 oomp p1ckage. tary. Our Oeta Commu-Ill> ttnQM. a.4 •3071 lM H7.a133 llt-OIH, 1..... V9ftlble, tutlyloea.o. r .. t AcoMIOrlM & xtru. Nd• 1-:-::-et"'."c"."" . .1o:-~·-°'-1'..;.9.;..27~0--1 __ ,,_ 'M2-t04• 114·0<40-0137 ='~ ~!::,":; I Ill ~I NEAR Nl!W 80,A. EaMh-~~~!!!!!·!!!~~~ 10 hra. IOO,OOO. f\IH I WIC. 5415-4453 mag. 1941 'C1dlllac, modet Ot LUI• .,.., .... ..... RECEPTIONl8T·8tart1 wpm ·~pl1t, gooCI com· L• 987-0t33 tonet. MUii NII. Wiii NC 4 Po l.Uc!Wto Orum Mt, nc 676-i9077 YAMAHA 100 l!nduro. lo :e,~•n•~r· r;~~o"rlg. 88~~~-.... ~ Alllllal lr ... tn lmmeo, ...,_ & wknd hrt :rcunlcatlon tklll1, with Refrigerator, wuhar, $200. Fr .. del. cymbal1. Ca1t 1ntf 4 PM ....... a•• ml l300ortrldeforfllh. l~&.oOo~ 0:8.eo01 ml, ..., D -• avall.~O .. per req. ht • 1 1 1 dr"er, dtahwaaher 1 55t·8721 5•&..0318 ..,..,... gear. IS•..,9832 ,_.....; ___ ..;_;......__ 2M02 Mar9'f9'11• ~ ya1a-.. Apply Pott Harbo g tare •r a ••P•· • ---------Winner of Character I ---Mlel!On Viejo I ..... A l1 H I I 12 r tlel\Ce. Thi• l)Olltlon win ,,..,.,, .... ~ HldMl*j, dbl, OooCI oon· J/Mll ...__ ' 8011 Parade. 17' Xlnl ·oe Hari.y 900 $por111tr, 4 lnNI ,,,... ''" (A !JC.11 off l.f) r 0 • ynamlo f!,0"• n m 0tf ta • 5 be from Augu11 23rd lhru -K""en'"'m_Of'_•_d_el_lolll_•_•_•_•_n.r_.1 dlllon. 11v11y print 170. wu# ,..,.1/r.n bay crulHr. 12800 or no tran1. nd1 work, 1011 •••••••••••••"••••••• ~ ~ ~lty. attent to _M_ ... __ o_r . .;... _o._. ___ Novemw 2•th. WOflclng wottl• •Int, ltl5 Of*' 114134125 L•I••! ,., .,.., off•. 073·7677. 01 chrome. gd eng. A.-'ll TIYITA __ ....... __ _..._..,. Thl.l•ll •,m1i1~/T: Tuee, llllPT./111, tfO hour•' Mon ., r I ' ottw 831 ttt7 ••~•""'"•• u••••••• ' k Ing $ 9 o o. M I k • WI 0111111 6CM!VIR ra, it. n mo. Pertlllme perminent 9am-1pm, Pl .... con- . • •1111j11IJ 11#111111 Deakl, Ille oQ1net1, off!Qt 30 oommerOlll boat. a.42·2981 aft. 7pf\1 ~In ra;IOl'I AM lo poaltlon. Computer u-1101 L~nn Stan1lleld. "E'"IOl!RATOR •••••••m•••••••••••• equlpmenl. •hoP equip· dlvlng/lwordlllh, $2000, ---------Low mllH CIHn and ' 2 6 Alv9r1lde Ave P., 1, n c 1 11 e1 Pf u I. 644·11800. Eict 7549 or CIHn. Ilk• new, froat SHAO AREA RUO ment. Retrlg., dbl bed, no eng1111. e .. 11 Hana XL 250 Honda '73. Good Sharp. Non•cataly1t. NB 6"5-•281 7853. tr ... $185. 893-eoec> 12.ic 15, w/frlnoed end•. bookCMM. 1760 Monro-Olokman'1 80111, but o on d . run• J re 11 ( 1287) PART-TIME. Matu,.. WO· _;_..:..._______ lYOI PIUlllAL WH!ler, Kenmore 4 oyl. $25/obo. ~34·9832 evt v11, Unit C·t3. C.M. Dally call 6•5-0758. _S4_6_5_1o_e_o_._e.-_5_1_1_1_1 14111 man (pref. wll "" llad ana &Ill... 111¥111 h•vy duty, brown, good #/Hlll••H•• IOI 1..epm. 845-1021 Callfornl1n lT'" FG. OMC '78 HONDA ex 600 Biii Maxey Toyoll , chlldr«1) fOf 1ner tellool Full/time. Experienced. 620 Newport Center Dr. cond. S!o. tG 1-0281 •••••••••••••••••••••• llt&l 1111 1100 10 Chevy eng. wlttetlet Xltll cond. 3900 actual 19202 Beach Blvd. child 1upervl1lon. Muat LHPOrtllc Oppt" tor Antique m1hog1ny cabl• $1800 Pvt Pirty ml. $980 . 1175-2190, Hntlngtn8Clh9112-0829 nave oar. 611rt Aug .20. growth within the chain. Ntwport Beactl. CA Tap.pen mloroweve w / net with orig. RCA rMllo Ceeh. 648•8183 536 -3008 or wor11 1 545.-8591. Call An1war Ad 260, Ma Phl1Up1, 557·1264. E. 0. E. probe. never uled, retell & record pl1yer.$78.00; Gorgeou1 olfloe delkl & 847 6868 ·-----~---1 LARGEST JEEP DEALER 6"2-4300 24 hrt. ---------Security Guard, P/T N.B. S500. 1275. 6"2·9006 "JVC" table AM/FM lurnl1hlng1, all llke n-. . . 1#1111B1a11,11/1/ In the WHt PART·TIME work, IOAIL ll&UID Location. $4/hr. Call 30 INCH OAS RANGE etereo radio with 8 track MO-t813 . '68 Mahogany Clantc l11tllt1t1fl 1110 deaperatl~ need• •15-• 1ore11 1hop: NB or Irv. 675·2575 between 6pm $35, & record pl1yer·S75.00; 20 It Century. 41S1 cu In. •••••"•'••••• ••••••••• your J EP. 646-5781·~ ~'..:,Tom Re I e 11 exp r n e c . & sam, Mon·Thura. 548.t021 bathroom "mlfble type" BUY · RENT· TRADE Ford Inboard. Holman Rent: 28' motor home. Hlg~ll Dollar Paid "' ~44·2470 Merge alnk 1n 1 door & 2 dr•-Xerox 3 tOO LOCI IBM Moody converelon with alp1 8, rully loaded. Cati Gary Gray PAIT 1WI IEOUllln IUAllD GCEdr.'.f.rlg, •Int cond, $140. cabinet plua matching 2 Memory. Maybe you rreahwater coollng, good 645-8816 tWll otUT Evee end/or,WM1cend1. llLEI .., door wall 01blnet & have equipment which cond. $5,500 646-018" FOR RENT, 81 Tioga mini AllO/,,UP/RlllllLT • GRAVEYARD SHIFT; 2 840-7672 "marble t., ........ wlll lhelf you paid a high price for, 252• H b ·Bl d C•• RMponllble eou1t1, 01111' M . I ltlll poelttona open. 12:30 am 111 lor o';;i 1100 00: then the mfr. reduced the 27 fl Chrta Cr11t Cabin motor home. Slpa 5·6. .. er or v ., .., 21. with outatandtng, at· Unique women'• clothing to 8:30 am. Prefer ma-l''!r.;''lf ia-h bl Y t •20· 00: price 80 you are payl"" Cruiser. $2500. Trade tor gene1ator, air, awning. 549-8023 645-7770 tractiv. pet10nalllle1 10 1 k 1 '' " v•v orH anke ·• · • If t t I ··• 1port1 car 645-.3009 or 962·9996 work With youth (•gH a ore see • energat c tura or retire••· NEW-••• •••••••••••••••••• g Ir I ' I r Id Ing hat o • con rac1 Of a arge 6e1-2521 'll I.All 0111111 lO·U). Call 2_5PM. people with fl1lr for fa· PORT DUNES, 1131 Boy'a CrulMr bike (amall)-$26.00; ·naw oar amount. Th•t • wh~t '79 Vogue 29', reer b11th, Low mllea. clean and 842_~21, Ext. ~6. EOE tlllon &/or modeling ex· Back Bay Dr. N.B. Apply S186. like new floor mite (4)-$20.00; hap~ned to u1 -I.et• Mutt llquld11t 28' Well· 25,000 ml. lmmac. $42. aharp. Non·catalyat perlence helplul. Apply In 9AM to 3PM. 546·7527 bet, 4-7PM new 14 Inch llght illoy Trade. We n .. d • word craft Nova wltr1r. Sip• 4, 000. P/P 549-5023 ( t 287) r.I .. I perao11 at Aleicl1 Natural s-lng Machine Oper1-Schwinn Veralty, men·• 10 rlma (BMW'•) aet of proceaaor, peraonal xlnt cond. 11t •8900 •r·"lll •ii"I llTO .... For lnaurance office. 2 F11hlons, 260 Foreat Av., 1 , __ ... _,1 4-$200.00; two new con-coroputtll', pl1110 or? Call take a lot . Pvt p t y •· u1· •1 •· ~97 5 L1gun1 Beach. or, exper .... c..,, qu .. ty speed. Xlnt cond. 170. tlnental at~• belt_ .. ra· 752.0322 or 96~7343 645-72301754..o882 ••••t ••"•••••••••u••• evet/WMk. 557-18e2 minded, piece ratH, 644-6989 ..., '"" ------------------~20 ft Travel Trailer, l> SALES Coata M .... 642-9651. --------1 dl•I Urea 195170 11R DESKS FOR SALE OWNERS SACRIFICE 21· CUiiom carpeting. excel· llLL n TtYOT& 1:;11C9•I -•-•a Olll. I lllll Relelgh 3 1peed rebullt 14·$100.00; BMW 3201 Deeks and matching ale.pa 4, only $7995. 1nci lent cond. Mu1t sell I 02 h •• --_.._,_ UIP'l/IEO. OLlll antique. $160 hoodmaak-$20.00; mlr· chatra at aacr111oe price Trlr, sllp avall. Hurry $1500 1 2 1011 ... 4. lml'IMldlateopenlng on 8" Thriving O.C . alarm Exp. nee. Cotta MHa . r or mad I c In e at $550. Replacement 962-7788 Of 851-0140 673-7016 bet. 2 PM I It I I It I I I II lhlfta l0t traJneee or IX· oompany want• tale-mfg co. 63t-0700 669-8629 cablnet-$20.00. Call coll $2300. CALL DAWN 112·0121 perlencecl lndlvldual1 to apeople lo handle rapldly --------hJIJI-642-0138. 9-5pm M-F. 833-6800' Partier Wllft4 SCAMP Tr1vet Trailer and --------.operate Injection mot-exp1ndlng bu1lneu. Sporting Good• SalH -• 26 ft Ski J k H II new 51h wheat. All ding machlnH. XLNT Alarm experience pre-C1\erk, matureexperaon tor •lnl.U IOll ~bl .... llll IOl2 ion Hert!,r8gllp l~m~: tlberglm., llght weight. 07x~n'~Tc~::~ :.c~·6~/b~: .-.beneflt1 Include p1td terred. 833-9381.(aak tor • seasons. par nee. •••••••••••••••••••••• 6 to 20 long, 364 per ft. •••••••••••••••••••••• loaded. $2200 dn. $111 Factory direct. Call 1011 644-1396. 78()..1468 major medlcal, dental, Kent). 673-0285 llW llo/n, 775-1491 anytime. PIGEONS: Rollera 1nd ·mo. 557-9327 ev , free 1·&00-3-46-4962 for --------~ .. plu1 11\lft bonu1 pre--UU-'--l-Oll--1-1-L-T~AIT--brokerage firm, Newport Redwood 2x6 decking, $120, 1 w1y L.A. to Van· Capuchlne ahow blrda, 869.0600 da ~:~E ~~~o~U~~;ture. '71 LUY PICKUP • mlum. Good working Centet. good typing req. 4-20' long; 11to r.Owood covver, B.C. 673-4578. S2 each. 642·4653 after 20' FISHING BOAT 350 Extra clean with very low f;Jr:.lt~~'tOfw~r~r~~ :~u~~yn~~~md~~~f ::,~: Selary open. Merjorle fencing. Call Jim or Ken Good 'Ill 9/4. 5:30pm. Buick OMC outdrt've 4 111/1111 Ut/l/t. 1110 miles. ( 1605407) Redu- Prefer En;i11h al)eaklng. aumet 14191 of lnt'I per-&44•2«2 anytime. 776-1491• . lllllllllP 11 .... , '!!I."' IOH bunks. head. bait tank, ··;i:l'.·sfeei.0e:r·;ALR.. Ced to Apply at 295 Brigg• Ave tumea and cosmetic•. Telephone Sales Beautlful gold beth room RACQUET d SPORTS •••••••••••• ••••••••• rebullt traller, $5500. Hvy duty tires + apare. Cotti Met1 Make net $250/$1.000 Earn Big Money by the faucet, naw, $200 (f of an Like new Kimball Spinet 646-6205 $3 wkly F I f II beach, $300· S 1000/ wholHale or dt1coun1 club. Fount1ln Valley. piano & benCh lee1 than . good cond, 96 or best IUll Biii Maxey Toyota 19202 Beech Blvd. Hntlngtn Bch 962-0829 s.-.~l.MllftO 'II IJOl'1 Art ... , Nloe S.tecttonl~---.. * '76 2002; 4 apd., 11\/rt. j917PVB) . * '79 3201: auto., A/C (5467750) • • '70 3~01; 4 apd .• loe· deal (776YPC) • ·eo 3201; 5 apd., en/rt. (659ZOK) * '80 6281; auto., an/rt, ~/ (486ZOJ) 111-1111 208 W. 1et, S111t1 An• Cloled Sunday , CHOICE INVENTOR\' VOLU~AL'J IOI MoLAREI IMW Sales·Servlce-Leatlng 850 N. Beach Blvd. La H1br1 122-llH Open Sunday llAllE Ollm'I ll.HST & """~'411.,-•"4'M'"~ IMfl, '4"'4••11'!'1/'f u '41f4..f'\444 .... 213.27~:e~re n ° ca -k. Call 536-7611. price). 49,..2895 $1250. 548-3208 1 yr. old. Call after 6 pm, Calllornlan 26' aport-offer. 49-4-2695 .. I l llllL ------------------...:.._..:__ ______ IN-outlldehanglngllght· 955-t488. fisher. clean. lut. reedy. A•,. ltmc• II ti • W.U/lrtU lltep Ttll .... I htrlfln Concrete pada for walk-1., t1peciacutar brut. $19.500. BKR. 8"6-4005 / I '80 Chevy Love. xlnt '79 5281 •speed, leather. Teectl41r for H.B. School. C.M need• expr'd ma-20 peol)le needed to help weya, petloe or broken .~·(·~ of wh-•-'--1e 0; l•ltlllf. '-'• IOH IHI I 1 I MtnHllll HOO cond., rlma & tlrea, ale. BBS wheels. Excellent Experience pref aver 18 cone t RI $15 unr.11 ·~•·••• •••••••••••••• I •• •••••••••••••••••••••• $5 800/0BO 8 I 399 c 0 n d $ 1 3 5 O O C 7 · · ture Mleawoman, penn. take order• tor lhopplng re e. p-rap. d 11 count pr Ice). FISHING Rod IGFA 201b C'L' H•O AH Chevy truck pan1: ·~ • · 4 ·l 64 832S 55 ~ · aN980-8 68. p/tlme . Im med . spree gift certificate all.840-7362· 49tl-2895 Pare1Ccetlence$110. • ••• I!~!!!~••••••••••~• ton to dleael. Rblt. '71OHEY11.. TOii 4 • ' 9 2 PROFESSIONIL MS-5711 bocl<leta. No &xpe<lenoe C.anll I GOVERNMENT 551-0261 40' Viking for Charter tranamlaalon from $165 7 ' 1111 UOI IMW " Salea ~=:r.,?~•az &le~~ ~A!"' mo SURPLUS JEEPS' Scuba Ctasa. at art I Fishing. diving & en-& up. 554·1850 LOllllEI PICIUP Sunrocl, AM/FM cuaet- TALENT . FftHa lrteltt4 peraon at 3~141P:11~ o•••• • •••••••••••••• Llated for S3196. Sold Thura., Aug. t9, N.A.u.1 .. 6te62rt2a7818nment. Call ·e5-'66 Muatang1, parting With aux. tank. (IM15933) ~·u'toAm/aCt.lcA. llloowy mr11m1,',·. To dl1trtbute The New Suite D SJC ' mega D·2V enlarger. for S•4. For Directory Open water, tuition $80. • · out ·648·8862 ask lor 12111 " European Eflortlea• ' · Xlnt condition $400. 3t2-8815-4347 Ext J-t9 call John 8"2-0393 0 11 •o I I Tom or Mike. Biii Maxey Toyota $l4•500 or belt olr. flEDED! E I TOPLESS MODELS 497-21121 I •• I Hpl 19202 Beacn Blvd. (714)529~202 Coxmemrc. w'.111 Mtraalnc.hTlenrer1'. $75 DAY• PAID DAILY ~ •~o 20 roll1 Kodak llltn, 1ny fY. WJ1 N-pOfl. 714/83t-3800. Aluminum Durie Buggy, Hntlnntn Bch 982-082" 67 Cl ·-• Sh I • d Join • company that'1 -• 826-2583 ..,.... 1tze & exposure. 504/rolt. <. I' i·-_.94-4806 1600 engine 5850 333 E , __ .......:•'-------"-t a .... c: lrP .. 09f, ~ AFTER THE BUSI torlet Ullgnecl. Contact no exp nee •• •••••••••••••••••• 645-7452 11111 ,,,.. ,,.,, 18th St c M . . .-model 2000. Runt gr ... tl ng • •-If 21"'592-'4239 a... --"'1Ht1 ...... · ••••••;(••••••••••••••• 60' Schoener parties day · · · 78 Datsun, Lng bed, 4 $2800/0BO 759 1'*77 SSI Sertou1, •mbl· .,....,n er ... TRAINEES ~ :-P nowl FOf' Inf~-:-F11mlly member1hlp, N.B. BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA aa111, Catalina 1r1p1, 1960 vw MOTOR, 12 volt spd. runs good, S2525. or 631-0900.' -v 'tloue lndlvlduela can IALll "",._,1, •• 7_7 • .,6 FV · Tennla Club $650. Dr. Color TV ..... 2 yr wmty. &46-4005 Porache ..,,.nerator. nood 836-6002 dye. 857-4879 ---------Mrn 111bat1ntlal doll•ra vw '" uv St•& F-..... I •-• evs 11-ff.'-wlth m•ny benefit•. For Growing corporation $ · Low 213/326-4840 .. · ......... very. condi t ion . $200 -11u -an e1tclt~ poeltlon needs strong ctOMr f0t . 1150 D::~rmc!n, y~ungG; blkd. $120, 1 w•y LA to Van-TV Jo11n·a·646-1788 ~1!,.!!!J. •••••• ~ 645-t288 eve'• '78 Toyota long bed, alr, ~··~··••• •••• calll.•°Kiataln ~ahopaalea.Must love · n•mp ne. uar cou~er BC '5]3.4579 Sony.1546R with remote 16· Hobie Cat. yellow w/ JOHN'S AUTO DETAI· AM/FM, tool chest. , enlm•I• experience a home or bu1. Sella for . • · · · d t t d XI 1 " S-4200/ I 673-0965 54M300 5411-1467 pl 1 A· k f G per month to start $l 000 wlll take $650 Good tll 9/4 an cut om •an . n teq. 1unrtse aalla. Like LING 1 ____ o_r_. -----t .,,_ '"u-vv" I I .....,.. '"""• a I • .., , .. au ee. 75W Dolby quart-lock Pick & d 11 entry leve peop e. Im-Good condition $46 et Ak I GXC 730D II' 11.lOllEIM OAT -up e ver. very good oood. $2000. a. magnon P_u_.:.,. !.,. ~1 ary or Three depart.:n.rita need 6"46..,.;. ... u "122 . Oriti 6 8 H..O ••1•.. k condition S496. San1ul n-. $2500. 675~161. Compl auto conditioning '72 Luv w/ahell, i tereo • Illes P1n11 mediate openlnga. AAA Home Dog Training, each or take all 8 lor rec Vtlf. • Area 5 yrs. 631-2544 OBO. 646-9148. Young people sought. Obedlenl:e & problem ssoo' 646-4829 1tereo cassette player. w/prlme mooring. fully ---.:....-----·I--------~ t. /D Mu•t be ~reulve and You 'may call Sun thru aoMng, we uae a love&. · Pioneer quart lock turn-race, well equipped. Autobo<ly Student need• Vu• IS11 ll.\,1,:11.W~.a.l~llll:lo:.IAll pon •~c U wortl long ours for top wed. N o on . ( 7 1 4 I pralM method. We care. Duncan Phyfe din teble, llble. Sound reae1rch $ 3 2 I( . projects, '70 to '82. Imp •••• •••••••••••••••••• IV P•Y· Call between 2 PM 964-2890 638-9265 brua naw reet, be9Ut, 2 No. 1243 11PMker1. St• 63t·3566/548·9569 & Domestic am care, llte '79 Dodge. opt, paneled, ~;~=====~ Htrbor blvd i t Fair Of and 5 PM. leavea ... ,-175 645•2573 reo atand Included. XJnt truck a. Near total a. SS auto. 26.000 ml. $5400. : tn CO.SaM... 730-9111 WllEIPIUTM · Coclter fem, tight bull. 8 · c;ond $900.497-2621 UH 1• * SllO veMoneySS-nojunk, (213)424-2427 ._._ p Newport Center Brok• wke. $125. Pure bred aHEELCHAIR In GOOD NICE. 673·5915 2nd office service , Tm SAUi -· tnH ra e Firm. Hra. 6·.30 to fllmlly dog. 968-4384 CONDITION. $75, call llt .... , uu4 .. 213-944·8452 A•I•• WulH ISH EnJo/worklng with kld1, ~=:. ~:fi~1~~-~~~~ t :8o. Good typing et· American Eaklmo pure-638-7662 Model V·1/6600A. $1. P-21' DIESEL CONVERTIBLE MG TOP ........... £···,·,··,·•••••• •and wlah lncreued ear-aaK f0t Tim. aentlal. Salary open. Call bred dog. wlpapera. State Pool Table, 000. 661--4808 Xlnt cond. s .. at 20th 3 yr wrnty. Choice of I nlnga, utlllze your out-Marjorle8"4·2442 Mu1t Mii. 9 mo. $200. stlcks&balt1,S126. Packard Bell 1tereo, .~;s_5~~83 ,000/obo . color.548-4531. TOP DOWR ~,o =:''!"tr~':: Ill.II • PUT ITI•E 642·9206 CdM ·1140.7672 needs repair but 1pkrt Chrome front bumper & .. 1 .. ,counaelor. Call Pi>eltlona avallable. de-CM••• I.Jn Springer Spaniel pupa, GROW LIGHT xlnt. $40. 536-9981 Cavalier 39, 1982• Bnstol, stone guard lor Toyota FOii ISEI CARI '2-5PM. 942•4321, Ext. monstratlng product• In ••·~··••••••••••••••• AKC. tlYer & wtllte. shota. 1000 w1tt, metal Halide, GRUNDIG (short wive~ 000wor1.dB·ckrru.1~.; ~5· S129· 4X4, $50. 5'48·t973. a1 •• .,, .... grocery 1tore1 In your •lJ l'-'-I $100 77"2•"2 s oo .,...,.....,.., ..--346. EOE .,... $'4/hour. Wiii traln. -...,,. . v-..., compl. 1 . 645-9325 radio, aatetllte 2100 t HllTllO/llllAll . UAL UT&TI IALll "3-3107. •••••MOVING.SALE••••• Cocker Spaniel puppy, lllfTlll Tllll band. Orlglnal pacl(lng &. IHI•, 11/p A1t11 Ill hll 2480 Harbor Blvd. N4led 2 exper. people In llLUPlllll/llYll Furn, RefrJge, TV, Wa· temele, 5 mo. old. Shott. $30 calh. 646-8183 I of;~tv~~ .. ~· BEST 11#1• H10 .. IMPORTANTNOTice·· COSTA MESA commerctal and lndu-LADIES' SPORTSWEAR thing Mac:htne. etc. Eve-hOUaebroken. Needs lo-•••••••••••••••••••••• TO READERS AND Mf·•IOO atrial ,...i eatal e fOf' eve-rythlng goeal 12.2 Ruby v In 8o home · S 6 0 · mlOYOU 110t IHts I lfMJ•I Sllpe avallable, Coron• ADVERTISERS Ml· '411 ce11ful and nrownlnn For golf ehop, private Ave .. Balboa Island. 494-37 Cuh. 648-8183 L./ I del Mar area. S9 pr ft, The price or Items td· 1----------< • • club. 30-35 hOUrt week· ~:~••• P • g g Y O r C a ' r 1 e vertl&ed by vehicle dea-nrm. Beet wottllng con-ty. Incl. some -kenda. lrH ,. f•• IHI #i1/1•I •••• • •••••••••••••• 955-2473 wkdya 8-5. lera In the vehicle clusl· WE Ill d ltlon1 In Newport Hourly wige + comm. Cnll .,., ;::.:.:_•m·~~t~.·n·d••h•me•••1:: •·itn•l•I• .e"'.e'J IHll, 1141•,.•Hlf 1, ...... advertlalnn column• USED CARS & TRUCKS Beach. 714/6.48-5051 49&-5787 •••••••••••••••••••••• """''"" ,,. ··• ~ 1• ._., •---' fO'-Weal Newport Dock. ""' " COME IN OR CALL FOR 1---------iGARAGE SALE: 33118 111'1\lly ~ xlnt w/kld1 5 •••••••••••••••••••••• -•,,.•" -monthly $8 per ft. Wallf doea not Include any E a-aa•a• 1111. llTITI Alll1S Salel, PIT, Retall Fabric Wisteria Clrcle Coat• yrs fem (~eyed) Old Lab AL TEC-LANSING ~205 •••••••••••••••••••••• only. 673-0171 appllc:.ble taxea. ll~nae. FllE IU"r-- ·sELLING BUSINESSES Store. C.M. Mesa. 545-1716 Sit/ mhc. welt trained. Sn.ti, powered P.A . apkrt. AUGUST SPECIAL tranater tee1, finance Cormter-Dellllo THRIVES durl"" econo-(714,,....6-4040 Sun/Mon. 83•-9025 731·7901 X63 Bullt-ln too watt· ampll· 50% off · buf1 & wax 41 Ft. IHrlq char,,.., lees tor air pol-Olm•• rw ... ,.,... • lier• with crouovera. w/htul out & •-._, m1C1lump1becauee80% SALES PERSONS: Xlnl cond .. 'loud. clean bottom paint. Excellent Newport Har-lutlon control device 1821t BEACH BLVD. '11 111111110 u Uftbac:k with 1tereo cu.. aette and 14,000 mlltL (1CGF347) 1110 llTSll 210 S speed tranarn1111on. low mllel, e11cellent con- dlt lo n, clean, AM/FM radio. 2 MW Urea. '63 11- ce nae paid & MUST SELLI $3995. Call 675-3017 or 642-0138. '78 280Z, 4 1pd. A /C. AM/FM caaa .• Xlnt cond. $7400 . 975-898•. 993-4305 ~.:!.ci~."~own:o:t Full & pit dreu ahop. #111iutlll1 ~~~ ........ :~ aound, Ideal f()( eudlto-BASIN MARINE INC. bor l,c. Near Pub lie certifications or dealer HUNTINGTON BEACH vated profeaalonela who NB 5"4-2470 Marge •••••••••••••••••••••• u.Tll'I IHI rluma and/or large Since t939 • 673-0380 Dock. lS.OOO. 55 "" 2328 f1~cnu~~~t,8~~.p~e,fi!r:~ Hl-1011, 141·1111 wan1 to put fun & profit SALES REPRESENTA-AltJ .. 11 I005 BEAUTIFUL. custom group1. Out1t1ndlng IHts M'-J-WANTED: NB area. Boat otherwise apecllled by '77 Dataun 280Z. xlnt Into a A•-. T-' .. to UI TIVE ••••'••••••••••••••••• made bedroom aet. buy. $700 IOf the palr Of , .. ,., ~slip for 34' Mllboat. 101h WE IUY aond, 53,000 mllea. ale • ....,..., .," ANTIQUE STOVE wlll trade tor other mu11-Lill_,., I030 It beam. Ideal tenan1. the •dvertlser. allver. am/fm 8 track. for 5 mlnut .. and we'll Loc11 new publlcatlon $300 Deak, Dreaaer, corner cal equipment. 547-l8"5 •••":\•"""•••••••••••• 1-863-11956 aft 6pm. fll•lrll· ISIO CLEAi Cllll $6200. 752-6408 dsya. tum your ltfe around In a seei!• FfT dlsplay adver-979-5027 group, 2 beds, qullted Bo1t traller up ta 26'. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ill TRICll C"•tom 1 ... 72 2.,, z. lm- poaltlv. rewarding way. t11lng aalea represent•· covera & Piiiows. Like SELL Idle Items wlln a Brakea. 10,000 lb cap. IHl•c IJJHI I OLEIET 1112 -" '"" VA BUSINESS BRO-llvea In lrvlne. Coate Antique Bathtub new/aee lo appreciate. Dally Piiot C1aeslfled Ad. $t800. 5S7·9327 lkt -•o Low mllean'e" • Paaa. mac thru-oul, 5 apd, r• KERS 7141770-3121 MH•, & Ml11lon Viejo. 1300 New $2250/aell for1-_;:.....------1---------1 ,_ ., .. ctng engine, ouatom Int, Straight commlaalon 979-5027 $1595. 545-9223. ·"iij~:ia~~·eOF;d~·b~ 493-2874 Of 1-346-5428 1tereo, & much more. llllPTWT 2131698-8388 . Robln1on'a Queen alze & blue printed. Nu pnt, _Ev_en_1n..;.g_s ______ 1 ~64_1_·7_5_9_5 ____ _ ~,:.'°e.r..~com~:~ 8'"" Fru~:S~rl~~':~olr• aofa 919eper. White cot-WHATS NEW FOR ~k;gnd . $8,000 . Altlflll/ ESTATE SALE tocated In N.B . .,.iting a lmllEl1 S3600; dtntng room Ml, ton. ltlnt condition. $426. • Cllllill ISIO 1980 Dateun 200sx. $It peraonable NM:ePtlonlet Looklnn tor extre In-French l'toney O•k. t•b-Br ... gooae neck lamp •••••••••••••••••••••• -========-oond. Ol1g ownr, llCCIP- w/front ofc ·-··-·. • le. 6 chairs, b"ffet c5, $50. 497-2621 BOATS f1111•1l1I/,. IHn "A"al 1111 ·--ting blda. Wkdaye plMM ...... ...----come? Try Part· Time "' • •••••.,.••••••••••••••• _,_ can, 759---4229 Mu.1 type 50WPM. Pr• aatea, Tueeday thru Fri· 000. Engllah Oak Wind-Uv rm, Din rm, Bdrm turn, Cl•1'1', 1111 Shay repllcu; pickup• & Top dollara for Sport a -. --------v Io u 1 exper pref. day. 9 AM to 12 Noon. aor Chair. 1640. seoo. Aefrlg, TV. Stereo. Pain-... , II coup ... 4 to Choo•• Cara, Buga. Campera, 77. 8210 hatcl'lbk, Lo ml. 851·3055 Apply PENNYSAVER, 551-1471 t1ng1. 1202 Donegal, •••••••••••••••••••••• froml (006768) (Stk 914•1 Audi's 1tereo, run1/look1 xlnt. F Ad A ' 1880 Placentia Ave. Never""" anything llke It Coa1a Mela. 8"1-9312. '82 camper. Lonibed. A3093). Prlce11t1rttng at Atk for U/C MGR 12650/blt 957.0440 or ction Costa Mete, Alk f()( Mrs. .. hand carved couch & Phlllpplnea wicker chalrt, The.. Daily P ilot will publish blue & llght blue. rand •LY Sl,Hll ,, .. 111111 Oattun ·n 200SX .. $3200. C I White chr. Needs etrlpplng & worth $180 ea, uc. $80. b t · t d t f new. $500. 642·8310 YILllWllll Excellent cond. eu.tom 3 3 Secretary, 1 glrl office. upholstery. $850/blt ofr. 645-9177 Oa plC ure a S S ar tng MUST SELL: fully equlP-187t1 Beach Blvd. paint. Low mtlea. AM/FM Mutt b• aelf alerter & 960-•t41 --Friday. August 6th -we'll ped cab-over camper. HUNTINGTON BEACH Stereo. 5 •pd, 30 plu. Daly Plot rellable. 8" .. -8494· Antique pine hutcl'l 38 In x Furn. appllan~·~mall even take a p icture of your s.oo. 842-2804 IU-2000 ~~-~2o: r I g own •r. AD VISOR Secretary, 'full time, em 8B In. Xlnt cond. '376. and lll'ge). Mleo hou-b t f d y • Iii ,.d 14 llh 114 • engrg lab, typing, lhor· 548-8234 hold ln1ide and out. oa or your a . OU can t •• ! ... ! ........ !...... . , WAITED! '78 8210, 4 apd, ale, "'"' thand, gen ofc. Sal Mutt aetU 1.adlee' dreuer 842•0153, 6 AM·noon beat the price, jf we take MOPED. motobecane, fm, SOK ml, xlnt cone!, 642 5678 comm w1exp. lmmed. w/oval beveled mrrror. Wiida. ·Set-Sun all-day. th • d 'II 60\11.XQO. cond. ·sa.st1Jdelb9ker etiampton I Late model Toyotu, $2950. 9634385 • opening. 549·1063. $175. 631·2065 ......... Oadl e picture, your a WI $300. 780·0247. 5 f•" cpe. Nie• Cir. ~:~~· ,::~p~ & V-11111. (-' .. ,,,JI I PR1ces START AT: only cost you $45 -if you •• ,,,,,,,,,; • S3 50. 2131s92-1192 Sot• bid• sm. aot• ' provide the p icture. your ad ,_.,.,, 1110 ltH 1 .... ""414 ' love Hit $167. bed•-w1'll cost $40. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1946 F d Wood w I Mettr-and toundlllon Yam1h1 OT 175. Street or y a-fOYOTA.YOUO Bu ~ Mtt, twin• $77, f\111 $117, leg1I, mint condition, like gon, St3,ooo. 1-...;.;1=.,.:.;:,:.;...._;.;;:;;.-.::11~ • .:&:...~ liarle Ike queen $147, king $167. SAMPLE AO c~ ~~ on,ttv&i~63~~i 1929 Ford Model A Town e .......... Comer group• $177, 3 ., v Seda $10 000 ""-'46-tlOhrU .. tOJ 1 !S. pc IMnQ rm tablM SU, 4 no anawer. plMM keep n, • • chelr cflnette Ntl $97, trylng ... evenlngt bftl. 19e3 Studebaker Av1ntl, - 11 UYI 11 ... nL Ullll llU (« YMd ..... a.ute ._ eto.) 1. Place your ad In the Dally Piiot CllMI~ eectlOn (It'• belt to run 3 days for. m.axlmum expoeure). If you pay for your' act In advance we'll run It 3 days end only charge you for 21 2. 041 your FREE Garege s ... algn• (all· you hav. to do 11 oqme In to t~ Deify Pffot & pey for your ad In advance - ...-wffl gev. ~ H )( 17 Stone - FREE of cherge). 3. f:'rloe ~h piece '!f f'!*Ch8nd1M. 4. Havt Pl•nty ot c"a"g• Or'! nano (nlcketa, dimes, quarters, halv•, one and flv9 dollar bflll). 6. AllU, hew fun, end oount your money • the~ of the-· . 'I bunk b•d• wltll matte 1976 Hu1ky 125 MX. In $5500. 675~161. •111, lampa $18. ~rfect condltlonl Muat ---------1 MlllllT....,... Mii rM ONLY MOO. Clll 2 d~~PP!-Y~?~eH. •Int 11.. I La •• f M\rk It 846•2038. If nO " .,_,, I I anawer. pleue keep cond. $1150. 5'M-2tte U ... 1.... trytng. .. ev9nlng1 t>Mt. SACRIFICE! IO&a Mu1tang OlnlnQ rm table, e cflalra, $1•5. Mape. 8-48-7527, bet 4-7PM ~--bed. xlnt oonct •• llO. te0-010T I.Ike n-. dbl bid, 11tr• firm. '75/b11t offer, 54&o803e I 15 ft IOfa love Net, like I new. 178, Mar oon . 71Sf.6079 Of IS52-eet7 ll(J.k a '1 Mwoon SOFA. good -110nd. t-180 11·------------......... ---1-1 71Si-607t, 51S2-eet7 McOartlly Oak Vlelorl•n Deek. coet t 1IOO, Sec. tt200. 845-1410 COUCH lf0A8AL.£MO 54&o11S1 For more Information and to schedule your ad, please call 842:5878 andcask for • Classified Advertising. \ t ·------ .. -·-•n GT Converllble. Cond. •-perlec1. Callf. car. Hurry YAMAHA, 200 CC, etee-c • II 9 6 2 -7 1 8 6 0 r trio ataM, only 3000 ml1. 851-0140 $605. 545-9223. 1--------1 .,_... Old• H Convert. 1949, ·eo _,,1. iow rn11ea. 960 ona.. 15,000 m1 16*. ltlaft. $2000. Atl, OA. 404·8h·2222 5"8-1333 &am s.H with EAS~I tH2' Chryller Newport It'• a 8REIZE tedall mint Oflg, A/H c1 .... fled Ada 6"2-6878 AC, sfaao. S..M0c>1 • . ...,,, .. ; .. ,.,,,.,/ .. ~'!!! ....... !1lf .. l!!J.'!!.• ....... !.tff Top Dolar Paid FOf' Your Carl ......... u ...... ..,,"' 28241 H11bof' Blvd. &42-N05 Co.ta M_. &40-5830 --------- Premlunl pr'loel ti!!•••••••••••••~ plld fOf ""I ueed 0# 'fl flAT e"AVA. XJltt· (tor.tgn or domeetla> oonct. New clutofl & wt,. in oooct ooncsttton. • v ... t•,1Soo . oeo. a.. I.It Flrltl ...... 2&o .'111111 t111rhur ltl\d \ \•~t:1 \ll·~' ~ti 0:1<111 Hlgtteat CMll I~ for )Out velllole. Do· m11tlc or Cotelgn. 161 .. 211 --~-...... ---~~ P!!fr ••••• _ •••••• !'At ..... , We can l\llpl "'°'9 l'O'I buy, ct** our un......_ tll• .. 1eot1on, u vtrio• MCI ~ today! •nam UUlllBI• lllO HertlOr ~. cotTA~ ..... Honde, T~. oat.ft, jatM. la-...W .. melt ... •111 ... ft. "';-.-..,.~.·.'7'.·••••• No 19' OI IMt. ... ... .... '"· No lie ,.., .,.._. .~ .......... _ . ,,,., --. .,.,,. -- ........ fNfilCllUr ........ ~000'"""' ~ 1oedld L..9Mll'I-a+o• ''""OOf act oond. I.Mt• new . 'tl,400 010. l'ICNCCWen.4.-,,... 846 ·1211 Ev ... ooncl.tleOD> 181 ...... d~ .... 1141. .... r \ Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Mon day, Aug"" 18, 1982 A•t-!.ll'fm .... ~ •.• 11.,,,, •• , .......... ~ ... w.I!'!r.r!~ ..... ;,. ~ ... ~ .... t~r.!!tt ... ,,~ .. 1.'!!1.. . .......... :.~'!',.!,~ ...... ·l-r'·!,r.1.tt1. •. ,YfJ ~,.~~1.v.'!!........... ~ ... ~.L~!~ ........... ~ ... w .• ~~~-.......•.. l!'Mt ........... lltl !~ . .,,!..,l.~if ~n~.~ ......... 1!..r fmfA-. ......... 1. .. r 11r..'l. .......... l.t :"!r..!'. .......... l.~!f'.!.!1 ............ 1 ... ~ 91/lllff ......... 11.U ~Jtt ......... 11.t 9.¥1mHf! ...... ll.!f t u t HONDA 0 1v10 IATll II WITll MEIS?! 1t71 PortGtl H 4 n.c. A•, •n OILIOI IT ·1• toyot• ~·~· '*'I #1 Ytftt hlhf ·111 l!1<1oniao B1atr11i ra coAvrne tlN MUllllU DICtlOO llhw rnetalllo, ooncl. eunroot. 114 ool'ld C°'-tpe ,.1111 alt OOtldltlC>o cte1n, well melnt1lntd' I• lfHlt ... ..,, 33.000 ml,~ on~ Loeoed, T·IOC», CHIO ow· _ 1 ....... red lnltflOt, ~1. Ill PllGll NllOI II 17900 11i·Mlr "'"I e no a t e r eo 1tue w/Whl ~· wtUI tow top cond Aaklno ner. lo mt. •Int oond. ..,...,. ....., IH00 ot bl10fr HWlt HI -1111030 Nftupl\Ol,newtadletor I Ill It 111300 Clltlallr• 17900 8AS.T10T Coup• Auto. tr1n1 , Oell looU IT6-0M4 1393 t Herbof IYd ' t 1 ~:.i:; n..oe 1-IH'fl n1w ahook1 l Ignition Ill.I l Y I 4M ·9192/49 .. 1e0t 1t If'• ICOnc>Mlc:4ll OieM4 power ' Over 100 new 6 u11d OerOen Gr °' "9· GOmP 70 000 ml 13600 All WfH .,,.j•I • 6 io.o.dl (28421. Attrll0- '71 ACCOAO, I ac>d 11.. MttOIOle-hna Com.J11 hlt14tnlet (2l3) lt2-21l0 IUI MbtlY Toyota firm Mtk~ dya a.o-7010 OVEASIAS Ol!LIV!AV fll WlllT .•;0 0•;:~;;•i<•A;••:;;y live earl reo, AO, utra olean, a oonaldtt ou1 ,.... er L I 711 llH 11, App .. renc. 19202 8-h 8ivd exl 288t, IYtt 876-11833 l!XPl!RT8 IELEOTlll OOOd oond ' •Y '4tlll '4600. &Aa· 1171 re~t• °' tong term tit.. Oroup. em/Im. 16000 H11ttngtn leh te2·0129 12000 MWlll ...,, .... llnancl"" l1JI t•l-21H o d d pp c '12 TllOIL WU Ill of 1111 moo.t. tow mllta· · ,,..,,, '"' •••••••............... '77 L1nol1 8111 1800. m11oon, 1unroof, 1/c, ptw, all xtru , eoK mlltt, c he rr y oo no l80001080. 831-1840 H°'-1~·01 lmpona, Int ~ • 0 0 0 0 n '72 °'0111' OOOd 1rena.. (11J\T040l Qt C1dlllac1 In Soutl\trll -,,-,ri-,------~,...-_,., OoV91QuaJI 811 DtA~~~~3!3714 ·~.,:!r:ih":1:!1!·. ~0111: 8:&2~~~13Por1oh1, orig gi~i•2J!~"~n~:::~ ~675 lffe ~!~~ Btvd Ca111°'iiii1i tod1yl ••••;i"i"i"iiii•{~• Nl!·~~i"CH Sunrf, AC, 4 apd, alloye. ownr, xlnt Goncl All re-COSTA MESA L II• alt dltl 1/ ... ........ llU P•rl•Ct l ltver body c 0 rd . t o .. 8 0 0 . '74 Coroll• Waoon. 4 apd, llLL n "'"' 141-HOI M0-1411 OlllLUO .'(;.; (3024) ~ Otl ••• ~~ •••••••••••• :r.w:.! .... uum11 ~~~~~~~Yc~,~~~·./l~r.~ 71 4-676-76&.4 ~uo,;,~::k:·~~:. ~1t~:o. 11202 lt1tlt ..... AllH U1H 2egg~~i:E:~d ..-1 '74 Pinto 81• Wgn, •na ti llWI LWI le 150. 640-7245 91 tSC POI' CABRIOLET Bat olr. 987.0440 I • t I • I t • I t II •••••h ••••••• • •••• ••• Biii Muey Toyotl n • • d • Ill( 0 r k · run 1 • Th1t'a rlghtl No front Own an lnttanc claukl. AJIC IH6 140-1180 19202 e.aen Btvcr.-' 1400/otltt. 7fl0.973l money raQulrt d. )u1t 1957 Poracne. no ru11 Thia conver1tblt 11 •real 'll TIYITl U ·I H2-0121 •••••••••••••••••••••• Hntlngtn Ben 902·08~ 11 111.. -... ri 0 Ur 0 o o d ore d I t C1lll Car, Complete, orig crowd-puller Tradea? PllllP '88 Cid, nu bt1kff, bllt. .. • w..v -otor. xlnt cond . •sooo 128.900. 875-9909 COM • / 1. 1••1 eay1 OYI• SI 000 '71 FORD Mevarlek Good ••'.-.••••••••••••••••• 0 .A.C.). C1ll lor more "' • With air con .. lllonlng, '' •••• '6• -' Urea, wtterpump, aterte< con ... 3 ft~ ttrn , --n •• ,. PLV .. OUT ... d t II 833 "300 g•" •543 " ••••• •"• •• •••••••••••• '62 El "lt 8)(4 low ml •• 11 •••" ••2 t\1\1\6 " ·~.. .,,... '7'J .., n • 1 a... ·• · vv·" very 0111n. (1R81810) 79 TR 7, convert , 19M ml, • 848•4e2'11 mull 80 •"""·.,.. """"' $650. 494·3211 2 dr cpe Deluxe, xlnt .Ill ILlllll '82 Por 924 Red. a1m11rm ~.'}!!.~!!!.' •••••• !.~~! illnt cond .. beat ofr over OAllLLAO IEYILU eond 11150 644-2161 llNITI ster ceaa, aunroo, 1 c, # DE E ~375 15500. 644-6043 198 1 White and Teu""'. '71 Country Squire Wag Authorized •II extrn, perf cond. 1 Al R lN U.S.A. 11/•i 1110 493·2674 or t -348-5;2~8 $600 Firm 1,.1/H IHI MtfcedN Odlt r $ 14,900, c111 Mone llLL TIYOTI 77 TR7. AC, lo ml, 15 apd, •••••••••••••••••••••• I 831·47!H •••••••••••••••••••••• 7141556·8001 8:30 to nr'fv' CARVER A M I F M ca a•, IEE UI even nga '12 Tlllll ll 1301 Ou•ll Street Spm. l'L.J l 11H1 lt"ll lh4, $2976/ofler. 836-6002 #1n1n HI NEWPORT BEACH IOlS-IDYCE dye, 857-4879 eve lor the l11gNt end bHI C1•111 1111 ••••••~•••••••••••••• Pow wtnd. & tocki, tllt, II• ti• It• IO II aelacllon of new ind .•••••••••••••••••••••• ·77 BOBCAT. A ugo .. '81 380SEL' Under 9,000 '77'/r 924 xlnt cond • ~-79 Camero auto i lr 1uto .. cuat. t lr, crul ... ml' ••• Ori."' Red , low $6750orbat Linda ·~1 -""1 1A:•<1-•nc:1Ni1u 112-1121 f1Jil•l•I• 1110 uHd Bulck1 In Orenge A••t P •caaa' n-eond' moonroo l . 1 1486 lully equlpped (644632) M T '""""' "1111"'" • .,,.,...1.,.... •••••••••••••••••••••• County today! "" "" • • 831· 1153 Leave me•· 12•1 ----IY Chrome Rima, Sunroof. 644·8 141 on· ues c10~1 o SUNDAYS '10 TEIOIL ·75 vw pop-top camper, S6500/otr 648· 1840 •aoe h "' _., •. '1 + tu perlect cond. $44,000 '78 930 Turbo. 44K ml 5 apMd wtth air colldl· fully equipped, very good -~ Ci I . llZO 0" P one Cep coel 112, 50, reel· J.01 TOUI • • " • • I w k n d • dial Racing at 23K ml. •••••••••••••••••••••• and more. (302ZTI) '76 R1bbll, tnttext Ilk• SEE US FIRSTI j975•;;u;,~::_"ci~1~·. ·~c. p1ymente tor 48 month• Hllh4AlOA. 7141676-2464. M 1nual Turbo oooat, Selts-Strvlee-Lualng "" $ t 1 5e& + tu HI US ~ Wkdya 7141557-07 11 , Eng & tr1n1 rbll by An· llHI• f11Z Uonlng. AM/FM atereo $3950/0BO 631·2812 ,..,! k "' / .. .'.~~~!.'••••••••••••• #HIHf. llS du11 $8357 08, 10111 ot Titanium rings, 935 cam l&llLll&OI $3575 new, llttto. 12750 We htve t good Mlec11· AM/FM. rune good A .. a . magnon nwn& lllTHLLI & more.Sl l ,OOOspent llU•I Mlke63t-4615 •llt1 0r°"9f C~ on of NEW & USEO k in g $2 ,500 ~ -.. "' 3000 1960, Snrf. new tor thlt rbll & BBS wn11. 1•1 2"•0 •t• •1•1 lllL ... .._ TIYITl '71 BUG. xlnt running & 2925 H1roor Blvd Chevroletel 71 4·862·2424 • f&aUn'I Urea, very clean l l9.ooo Repainted to '61 factory • • -"' ,...,. "' ..a&• looking, new Int. p1tnt, COSTA MESA '74 Muateng 2. euto. 1lr, unM1D n.us1u m1011l1 or bat ofr 962-8392 colors $39,500 Wiii '12 SUIAllU H/I 11212 ...... ..... brekes. clutch Greot 979-211l00 good cond 12300/0BO pont1'ac/"116'·"u J 114 trade 673·8347 M • I I • I t • I t II cert $2175. 544-7969 u 841· t399 ~ '74 RX4, SllOOIOBO ~••••••-•••••••••• '68 9 12 Terg1. XL NT filly E••l,.•4 112·0121 67 VW Beja Bug 1835 CC lllT HEI I H11bor Blvd 11 Fllr Or GOOD OAS MILEAGE '71 Opel Wagon Rbll eng_ thru·out. Rblt Eng N-1111 ...... ., + tu e n g . e x ... r 11 • • ' 'lie Met. Br Muttang IH I In c~·· Meaa 552-0701 S1crlllce 1900 Cell Carbs. $7500 /o bo C1p Coat ss•os, real· '11 OELIOA IT $1800/flext .() COITEIPUTlll back. 4 spd, high per-549-4300549-1457 #in.ti • 1141 831·6041 645· 1410 dual $2432. 10111 of P•Y· Coupe. Clean and Sharp! '71 Sqrbk, very clean. rblt OAllLL&Ot '75 Malibu Claulc, good formance 289, FASTI Blk Orend Prix, 1111 1980, 2 •••••••!! ••• !'.~....... '77'1> 924 Sunroof Orig menu for 46 months (lEBE03ll eng, $1950 cond/1 ownr, Moving pony Int, •Int cond. dr whit wlblut Landeu '711300D 4 door Hd1n. 1HJ!!I 9141 owner Excellent.cond 15616+tax.(118973n) $2975 675·1798 I We speclallze In teases aaleSt475flrm 955·3052 $6500 firm 848-52115 xtr\1 co~d (10200) mt' Perfect cond. LQW ml· ••• L-,,·:;;·,··,·,··1·2····· 32.000' ml $7200. a magno • 6 4 •• 1cr0 Bu •. 2 I :~e T'pr~~:.r::~.,•xecu-d1y1, 848-0929 •VH . lo1ded. lnci' AMi FM leage. Light blue. prlv pty ~5 497-2993 "" ~ '74 Chevetle Malibu etas-Mike caaa, 15500/ofr Tue & D1y 646-6356. Ev11 PHIHT IOI I • llLL llUIY TIYITA window-sunroof, reato· Lari• ltltotlH sic. Pl S. PIB. Auto. Air. 'II F11 .... 10• 12000 Fri (dya) eva alt 7PM, &73-54~ Ttlll llHEL wheelbarrow s• , 11202 leult llY4. seg.,~n~t~ ::~lk trim Of lew 1112 ~i~16:c>.c~:4~;2~';.1e. 5~·5859 645-9636 '77 450SLC. blue/tan Int. $289' recreat ional pont1ac/sukaru •• ti. I I. I 0" 7141559·041<4 (Mike) OMlllHI • -.7-9-G-ra_n_d_L_e_M_•_n•-. -2-d-r. wlrH , aunrf, 122,750 veh 'cles•golf p 112 0121 It• 11 ltto.i 61 Caprice Claaslc, AIC. Oli1•dll1 llSS •harp loaded. V8. 20 842-7866, 646-9556 1 Harbor Blvd at Fair Or • '67 VW Bug, xlnl cond In ~ elec sunrf, meny xtraa. •••••••••••••••••••••• mpg one owner. 54100 carts *model '. In Costa Mesa & out, very cleen. $2300. NABl~R 673-3683. $8700 '80 Toronado Oleeel OBO '75 450SEl, bl1Ck/bltck, Plf month plu1,ta11 trains•bikes 549-4300 549·1457 . '10 OOllLLl 673-6998 .J .._ 1978 El Camino 36,000 ml, top cond. 770·1152 aunrool, •lloya, 46K ml. 48 mont h closed end LIFTIAOI ('1\J)I( I 1\ ' Atkinn $9600. Call LIU·-------- Sf3,900. 642•7866 lease on approved ere-•pianos*cars r, 1115 With power steering and ·~~,Yr~~~~n~ao~~1~1f~: '2600 H~r~r ~vcJ ' 1•3~~~28 ra, " Flreblrd ·n. F.ormula. '71 MBZ 300 SEL 3.5, all dlt Cap coat·S 15. 138: r ef r iger ators .!!!.~'-••••••••••••••• air condltlonlng. (6436) wndws, clean. brown. Com M('W 540•9100 494-97921494-1909 auto. xlnt cond. brnltan extr11. new tire•. beautl· S 1650 cash required • skates...... 'll CRESSIDl $ S84oo. 960-6325 '78 Chevette, 111tn cond. 76 Olds Sllrfire. air cond. Int. Loaded. $3395. PP, f u I S 6 5 O O . 0 B 0 Come In and aak for de· Loaded w11h 1uto .. po-4688 Must sell 12695 or beat 848-7266 '78 450SL, Miian brn w IUCH IMPORTS nlng, atereo. <684UXSl llLL IWY TIYITl ~;~~b~ox~~~-i4~~d ' ~$;~91:1~1i~~7~llea-Cllf!.1111 llZS ~~~. i~~:rio ~ru;!~~~l Y.•1.' ••••••••••••• !.~~~ 759--0980. tallal (Stf.16685). @ steering, •Ir condlllo· '73 Sqbk, 97K, fuel lnj, '78 Fleetwood Brougham otter 675-6866. AM/FM stereo, canettt, ----------- bemalloboo ~~t, ~~h. tlrt2I N6E4W8PDOoRveT SBtEAr.eeC1H Biii ••~~elylTloyota 11202 ltMll lh•, 7a0Le0B;•o·~·PS0PB.AC fer. 951•7796 l~J~ aVeggr'e a ~OS 1~l~e0: ~opt .ya$ -;i:~sooc~.Y• l&2·0IOO 1920'28-:n Blvd. I• I iHI -'-e'i•H Io II FM. Bu;gu~dy ~Nt~ top: Find what you went tn 957-1666 dya. 675-7197 6«-1483; eva 646-3330 Hntlngtn Bell 962-0629 & Lo '1)1, $3600. 640-0657 Dally Piiot Clasalfleda -· MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE WITH THE NUMBERS IM THE BOXES 0 ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 546·1934 3 blocks south ol San Diego Freeway oll Harbor Blvd Complete ,body shop Sates Service, Parts Service Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 A M to 5 30 PM. and 8 A M to 5 P_M, on Saturday • HACH l~S 848 Dove Street Newport Beach Tel 752-0900 Call 1..s. w,.-. .. the r, , "'"' r • Alfa Rc-'Tlf'O Peugeot Saa& & M .. s.,ra11 • THEODORE ROllHS FORD Modern sales, !lerv1ce, parts. body. paint & trre depts. Competitive rates on lease & daily rentals. 2060 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa 642-0010 or 540-82t 1 4' JOHNSON & SOM LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa lei 540-5630. 57 Years ot friend ly lamrly service -Orange County s oldest Lin· cotn·Mercury dealership SOUTH COAST DODGE 2888 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540--0330 RV service s:ptctallsts. custom van con\l8f'Slons NIWPORT IMPOlrf S 3 100 W Cout H ighway, Newport Beach Tel. &42·9'051540·'764. The Ferrari HeldQuartera • • NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300 Al Irle triangle ot Jamboree, MacArthur & Bristol behind Victoria Station Sales, Service. Leasing & Parts We make great deals• 0 NABERS CADILLAC 26'00 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540·9100. Orange County s Largest Cadillac dealer .Sales Service. Leas- ing • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICK-POHTIAC~MAZDA Sales • Service • Leasing 24888 Alicia Parkway Laguna Hills 837·2400 • CHICK IVERSON PORSCHE-AUDl-VW 415 E Coast Hwy . Newport Beach. 873-0900 The only dealership 1n Orange County 11111th these three great ma!les under one rooll • ALAH MAG NOH PONTIAC·SUIAAU 2480 Harbor Blvd Coste Mesa Tel 549--4300 Sales. Setvice. Leasing Mr Goodwr.nch • C&.M .. C AUTOMOllLIS 765 Newton Way. Cott• M .... T ... 631·1393 "JAQUARS OUR ~PECIALTY" XK 120'1/140'1/160'1/£-~ Sal .. -s.Nlce -~torat1on1 Off Plaoentl• between 17th 6 11th In Cotta M .. BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd Westminster Tel 892·6651 Orange County s oldest and large!>t Pontiac dealership Sales. Service Pans ,. DICK MILLIR FIAT/LANCIA 'Probably the lowest pt1ced Frats rn Southern Cahlorn1a· (located 1 mile north ol South Coast Pia.la , near Marn St and Warner Ave '" Santa Ana I 120 W Warner Santa Ana 557-2132 • SA MT A AHA DATSUN 2001 E 17th Street. Santa Ana Tel 558-7811 Your Original Ded1coted Datsun Dealer • MIRACLE MAZDA We've mo11edt Our new location is 1425 Baker Street. Costa Mesa Tel 545·3334 Stop by & visit our brand new showroom and see wny we re lhe flt Mazda dealer in Southern California Sate~ Servrce. Parts and Leasing • ANAHEIM MAZDA ''Otlfy o.c. ...... 0..- wlth f t"H S.,...~ Lo. Cen" 601 S An1hetm Blvd • Anaheim 95«H820 Just north ol Santa Ana Frwy on Anaheim Blvd Call us l1rstl "WE ARE HARO TO FIND-eUT WORTH ITI • -IAODLllAG« IMW/SUIAllU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy , Avery Pkw; exit We offer what no bank or tease company cen· t Expertly staffed, most modern service & parts dept : 2. One of the Southland'• moat experienced sates a 1easj_og stifl; 3 Elimination of the mlddlem1rn by teasing dtaler direct. 831-2040 Mlaaion Vie o 495-4940 FOR FURTHER ·1·NFORMATIO'N, OR~:J:O-BE--P-LACED . . ON THIS AD, CON~ACT YOUR DAILY PILO:r REP .. ' ·. , COST A MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-64 t O Serving Orange County for t6 years 1 Mile So 405 SUNSET FORD, INC. (Home of W1ll1e the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove Blvd . Weslminster Tel 636-4010 ORANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 GerdertGrove Blvd .. Garden Grove Tel, 530-9190. Exclusively Volvo to cover all your Volvo requirements. New•Used•Sales•Leaslng• Parts•Servlce-Body Shop Freeway cto&e In the heart of Orange Coun1y at Garden Grove Blvd. & Brooknurst. 0 CONNELL CHEVIOUT 2828 Harbor B lvd .. Coate Mesa. ~er 20 years serving Orange County! Salas, leasing, service Call 546·1200: special perts hne: 546-9400, body shop tine. 754-0400 0 ROY CAltVElt ltOUS ROYCl-IMW 1540 Jamboree Road. Newport Beach. ~" S1l11, Servk:e. Pa!ts And Leasing A ·CottMt&•O.Ll\.LO CHKVllOLn' W (Formetty Qroth CheYrotet) , 1821' IMch Blvd .• Huntington IMdl New • Ueed • 8alee • Leulng • Pant • 8efVloe Come by and ... our Huge tn~I M7-I087 54W331 ORlllil ClllT M ONDAY AUGUST 16, 1982 Delly Piiot l'tM>lo t1J 0., Amw- 8JRT80A Y RUN -Lloyd Long of Fountain Valley strides through a 50-mile run on his 50th birthday. FV Inan, 50, runs 50-mile birthday BULLETIN Lloyd Long crossed bis crepe- paper flniab Une at 11 :3S a.m. today, completing bis SO-mile nan in Just leu than nlne hours: After flniahlng, be sat on a curb and drank a beer. . By GLENN SCOTT ofltle Oilff1 Piiot ll•ft Lloyd Long turned 50 today, so the diehard distance runner set out t o celebrate in a n appro priate fas h ion -by turning 50 miles on foot art.Jund the asphalt roads t hat surround his Irvine office. The Fountain Valley resident started running at 3 a.m. today from the driveway to the Shipley Co .. 16782 Von Karman Ave .. where he is a salesman for the specialty chemical manufacturer. He was hoping to finish just before noon . A small g roup of family and fri end s were attending him and accompanying him on bicycles during his two- mile laps through the industrial sector. WORLD A roll of crepe paper was set aside on a curb to become the finishing line. And on the lawn in front of the offices, a handmade banner had been posted to pun-like note the ~ion. It read: "The Long Run . With sweat soaking through his red and white nylon runner's outfit, Long paused after the 36th mile this morning for a fast readmg of his blood p~ure. It was already the fanhest he's ever run. although h e has part1 ci pa~ed tn several marathons. including thoseJn lrvme. Mission Bay, Chicago, and Honolulu. He guJped down an e lectrolyte replacement fluid as sister Carol West wrapped the blood pressure apparatus a round his arm and began pumping. The reading: 140/80. Long was relieved. High blood pressure was the reason he began running five vears ago, he said. (See SO-MILE, Paae A%) Boat explosion kills four ST. GEDF.ON-D' ALMA, Quebec (AP) -Four members of a family were killed. Sunday when the mast of their sailboat hit a 161,000-volt power line and the boat exploded. SPORTS Angels, Dodgers tumble The Angels and Dodgers continue their roller coaster ride through t'he major league campaign. Now the Angels are in second and the Dodgers' lead is slipping. Page Cl. Huskies to repeat? Washington's Huskies are the preseason favorites tQ earn another trip to the Rose Bowl. Page Cl. ' I , .. - \ lllTllCTll 1111:1 I flllTlll llllll 0 H A N li E C 0 UN l Y C A L It 0 I< NI A :; ~ C f N 1 ~. Alamitos housip.g rejected Horse park due? Housing part of Huntington job By ROBERT BARKER of IM DeltJ .......... Construction of 168 mUitary housing units at the Armed Forces Reserve Center in Los Alamitos has been voted down by the U .S . House of Representatives. An amendment b~ Rep. Jerry M. Patte rson, D-Santa Ana , blocked the construction of the residential units. The amendment was included in HR 6214, a bill which authorizes more than $7 billion for housing construction at U.S . military installations for fiscal year 1983. Huntington Beac h City Council members are acheduled tonight to cohalder a large reeidentiaJ development aimed at the "horsy" set. Officials have scheduled a public hearing on the Ellis- Golden West soecific plan shortly after 7:30. U approved, the pro,ect would permit construction of up to 870 homes on 290 acres of bluffs and rolling terrain near equestrian stables and riding trails in Huntington Central Park. The plan ca ll s f o r accommodation of horses for about half the h om eowners. ' either in common stables or at home s tables. Approved by the Planning Commission last month, the plan calls for construction of three homes per acre. .°tanning Commission prtw lsions would allow two horses on a 15,000-square·foot lot, three on a 20,000-square-foot lot , four o r five o n a 35,000-square-foot lot and six on a 40,000-square-foot lot. The City Council will meet a t City Hall Chambers, 2000 Main St. The agenda includes: PU8UC ICAIUNOS An appeel ol denl•I of • reque1t to petmll an e4ectronlc game arCllde al '49 t 1 Warner Ave An appeal lo condition• of approval ot 1lgn1 111 Beech Boulevard end HOit Avenue Con1lderat1on ot tha fllll·Oolden WHI '99(:111C plan ConlldMallon ot c:hangetln land dedication OI' I-IOI park and teclfftlonal f8Cll111et. Conlldlfallon ot land aoqultltlon IOI' poNoe hellpon CONSRNT CALUIOAlt Re-rooting ol Ovlfs: RM«vOlr. Fltc:al )'Hf t982 t 19\lllk>ne Acceptance ot bid •• tor tralflc algnal malntenlnC8 Flnal parcel map IO< ., .. loc:8180 ,_ Loe Patoe and Lynn F1nat payment tor con1truct1on ol Hett/ Atgonquln- Accept t111tte llgnel wO<lc at GOiden WMt St1"1 11 Talbert AV80Ue Call IOI' bld1 '°' pul>llC lltMt Improvement• al vartoua I0<:8tlon1 E•tel)aton ol term ot rehat>llltatlon loan program Approve chaogea In city'• nollllc:811on pOllcy on zontno 11ppl1Callon1 Approve app1oprlallon1 tor payment ol c:o111 ,.,at8d to lltlQatlon tor ttat>Hlly ~. E11at>ll1hmant of a plan ctleck .. lenllon '" (See HORSES, Page A%) Included in the or iginal bill was $33 million for 368 housing units for use by personnel assigned to the naval station at Long Beach. Prime· rate Lifeguards busy over weekend The Navy proposed that 168 of these units be built at the Los Alamitos facility. Patterson's amendment doesn't preclude the use of the $33 million for placement of units at oth er sites near the Long Beach facility. 14 percent • (Seal Beach City Manager Allen Parker said today that the Navy plans to build about 200 of the residentiaJ units at the U.S. Naval Weapons Station in Seal Beach. (Parker said the units would not ca use a drain on ci ty resources.) Rep. Patterson said that Los Alamitos is not a viable site for the housin~. (See MILITARY, Page 'A%) Council considers hospital helipad A helipad, used to transport patients who need emergency car e to Fo u ntain Valley Community Hospital, is bein&,. given serious consideration by the City Council. (Story Page AS) The council will consider at its Tu~y meeting a proposal for the helipad adjacent to the hospital. NEW YORK (AP) -The nation's lOt~ largest bank cut its prime lending rate today to 14 percent, the lowest m nearly two years, as a drop in a key rate charged by the Federal Reserve System touched off new interest rate reductions by banks. Bankers Trust Co. 's decision to reduce its prime rate by a fuU percentage point brought the prime, a guide to the rates banks charge their bes t corpor ate customers, to a level last reached i~ mid-October 1980. Citibank, the nation's second largest bank, and Irving Trust Co., the 16th largest, today dropped their prime rates to 14 .5 percent, matc hing si milar reductions Friday by four other big banks -Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., No. 4; Chase Manhat1an Bank Chemical Bank, No. 6; and No. 15 Mellon Bank, of Pittabucfh. On Friday the Fed reduced its· discount rate, the rate it charges on loans to banks and savings FISHING RIGHTS -The "arm-waving" fisherman at the left lost the argument over who was to have fishing rights at this rocky spot off Bayside Drive beach near the U.S. Coast COUNTY Bouncing quarters has rules · Rules for bouncl.na quarters into a glass of beer? You bet, say two Costa Mesa.ns who have published a rule book. Page A5. Johnnie Crean faces challenges Johnnie R. Crean, millionaire Republican seeking the 43rd Congressional Dis trict post, faces a challenging campaign. Paie A8. .UCI facility gets new housing A new apartment complex for faculty is expected to eue a housing need at UC Irvine. Paae Bl. · Homemade trimaran gets berth A Miaaion Viejo couple can uae the backyard again after moving huae homemade Uimaran to a ~at Dena Point Harbor. Page B4. ---· ------------- and loan associations. to 10.5 percent. It was the third half. point reduction in a month. The move was seen as evidence of the Fed's con ce rn abou t the w ea kness of the economy. analysts said. Early morning c loudy condition s that kept wee kend beach c r owds s malle r than average are expected to continue at least through Tuesday. Clouds Wlll bum ofC by mid- morning with Tu esday temperatures predicted at 70 along Orange County beaches and 80 inland. Night lows will be in the 60s. according to weather officials. • Bandit robs HB market ,/ ' Waves up to five f eet and strong riptides kept Orange Coast lifeguards busy Sunday, despite the s mall crowds. The large waves a nd strong riptides remained in force today, said Ii f eguard officials. Police are continuing thc>i r search for a lone g unman who ro bbed a L ucky marke t in Huntington Beach on Saturday night. Officers said the man entered the store at 19050 Brookhurst St. at 8:47 p.m., displayed a blue steel handgun to a cashier and fled with $375. About 187,000 people visited beac h es S und ay from Huntingto n Beach to San Clemente, less than the 250,000 to 300,000 who com e most summer Sundays. lifeguards said. He was des c r ib e-0 as a Caucasian, in his mid-30s, 6 feet. 2 inches tall. 180 pounds, w ith light brown or sandy blond hau and a pock-marked face. More than 350 swimmers were pulled out to sea by the strong (See CLOUD, Pa1e AZ) . Delly .... ,,_... "r ...... .,... Guard station. Steve Phillips of Garden Grove, the fisherman on the right, caught a nice bass there. The pelican flew away. I INDEX At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade Claasl.fied Comk:s Croaword Death Notices Editorial Enter1ainment Horoecope lntermlalon A4 A7 84-5 A7 C4-8 B2 B2 B6 A6 86-7 A7 86 Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Sports Dr. Steincrohn Stock Markets Television Theaters Weather World News A7 B6-7 A3 B6 C l -3 A7 85 B8 86-7 A2 A3 NEW YORK (AP) -Channels 2, 4, 7, 8 and 10 and Cable News Network plan live broadcasts of Pretldent Reagan's 1peech on taxes t.onllht at 5. The speech will be broadcast from the White Hou.te Oval Office. .. , HORSE AND HUMANS. • • AOMINlaTllATtVI nlMI A repo11 on 1 ... 1111111y 01 .ilowlng hMd In P•rillng In OUI·•~ Ol"AflTIANTAL IT'IMI A~I by llre ohlel IOt f-flrellglll« program fle,quHt 101 ordlnenoe reQuHtlng fire retttdenl root covetlngt. AelmburHmenl ol SHQ•le Homeowne11 Aaaoc:l•tlon lor enero~ coa11 paid oy mlttek• OflDINANCll Amandment to ordlnanc: .. rel•t1ng to ttll'l'lpotaty at0tao-of rKIHllOnal ytlll<;i.tl In M l·A dl1lr101 Otdlntn09 r.iet1ng lo liking o!I or l1111dlng ut ulll•·HOl'll •lfcr•ll A requeat 10 p.,mlt con1umpllon ot elCOhOll(: ~ .. el cetnPtllet. fllotVll.O~NT AQINCY AdoplfQn ot rule• 91>vetnlng pa111Qlp1tloo ind re entry preterene .. tor ownert. butlnetHt 1nd 11nenl1 111 r1cJ1v11opmenl proje01 ttHt. Eatabllthment 01 plan for relooellon or lamlllet, poraont and butlneHea dl•placed ~Y rlldevetopment aotlvlllH MILITARY HOUSING • • • ,.."The placement of the units would place extreme hardships o n communities which must provide additional municipal services at a llme when budget constraint IS making this difficult already," he said. He also said that the location of the proposed housing at the base would be m direct violatiop of military safety regulations and could result In the closing of the airfield for military purposes. increase the safety ha2ardo to local residents." A spokeswoman for Pallerson said the residential units would have been located within 2,000 feet of the runway at Los AJarrutos. She said Department o f Defense safety regulatio n s require a distance of 3,000 feet. Stocks • gain strong NEW YORK <AP) Stock pri<:ea ran up o •trong gain today, reapondlng to fallinll lntert>•t rat.et and the hope of 3 mereer agreement for C1tlee Servlce. The Dow J ones average of . 30 lndu.st.nala climbed 12.37 points to 800.42 after four hours of trading Gainers held a 4-1 lead over losers among New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. After Friday's close, the Federal Reserve cut 1ts dill<.'Ount ratt> t.o 10 Yz percent, marking the third reduction 10 that influentiaJ rate m less than a month. Num e rous banks quickly responded by lowering their prime lending rates from 15 to 14 Yz percent, and in a few cases, to 14 percent. ''This non-use by the military , could lead to use for general aviation (private aircraft) and :· The House approved Patterson's amendmenl Wednesday. The prohibition on the new housing at Los Alam1t~ will be in effect for the fiscal year, congressional sourt:es said. 'CLOUD CONDITIONS PRESSURE CHECK -Checking the blood pressure of Lloyd Long after 36 miles of a 50-mile run is his daughter Denine and sister Dally Hof ltaff l"hoto Carol . The Fou ntain Valley man was "celebrating" his 50th blrthd~y. Brokers said Occiden.ta l Pe\roleum's offe r to acquire C1Ues Service Friday also was a plus Many professional stock traders have been facing large losses as a result of Gui( Oil's withdrawal a week earlier of a bid for Cities. Cities S e rvice shares were delayed in opening. Directors of the company were scheduled to mt!et today to consider the Oc<:1dental offer • • • riptides and lifeguards fished them out and brought them back to shore. suffered a broken shoulder and possible neck injuries, lifeguards said The id entities o f the motor ist and bicyclist were unavailable early today. police said. From Page A1 50-MILE. "Th is Is pr\Jbably the most powerful riptide we've had this summer," said E;ric Kredel. lifeguard at Huntington State Beach. "The rips are pulling out as far as 500 yards." A minor surfing injury and a traffic accide nt involving a bicyclist also were reported by beach officials Sunday. Huntington State Beach lifeguards reported a crowd of 23,000 people and 130 rescues Sunday. • • Since then, -t he problem has subsided. "Every man on m y father's side of the family has died from heart allacks and strokes," he said. Surfer Marc Wasser. 26. of Newport Beach. suffered head and possible neck injuries when he struck the sand at the Wedge in Newport Beach at 2:40 p.m. Paramedics took ham to Hoag Memorial Hospital for treatment, lifeguards said. ln Hunt ington Beach , a bicyclist in his 20s was struck Sunday afternoo n by an allegedly drunken motorist at Maenolia Street and Pacific Coast Hi~hway. The bicyclist At the o ne -mile -long Huntington City Beach there was a S~ay crowd of 22,000 and 66 rescues. At Newport Beach. 9 5,- 000 people went to the beach and 80 of them were rescued from the riptides. lifeguards reported. At La};{una Beach, lifeguards reported a Sunday crowd of 30,- 000 people and 40 rescues. Today, Laguna lifeguards war n e d swimmers to use caution because of the strong riptides, beach officials said. Long said he quit running about 18 m o nths ago out of frustration when his application. to participate in the New York Marathon was lost in a pape rwork shuffle and not discovered until the deadline had passed. Daughter Derune. one of those in hts "pit" today, said he also qualified three times to run in the presugious Boston Marathon. But injuries prevented him from go mg. In San Clemente, 17 .000 people went to the beach Sunday. and lifeguards reported 40 rescues. HB's Berets drill champs He couldn't st.op, though, and resumed his long-distance diet again In January. It was about then that he set his 50-mile goal. The break over, Long took otl again this morning. ln another 18 minutes, he would be expected to finish has latest lap. And then The Air Force Junior ROTC Berets of Huntington Beach have been named the best drill team in the Veterans of Foreign Wars' Million Dollar Pageant of Drums. The group, sponsored by VFW Post 7368. received a prize of $150 for its performance in the VFW parade Friday in Los Angeles. \,.,,, . The Santa Ana Winds drum and bugle corps was named the best performing band and received a prize of $3,500. there were 38. ' But he stopped 20 feet away and bent over his left knee. "Cramps," said his sis ter. "He hadn't stopped for that long before, and after you've run 36 miles. you can really tighten up." Shargn's demand for mee t nixed NEW YORK (AP) -Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon recently "demanded" a meeting with President Ronald Reagan and other top U.S . officials to discuss the Lebanon crisis. but his request was rejected , Newsweek magazine says. The weekly magazine said il learned that Sharon recently wanted to go to Washington for a personal meeting with Reagan. ~retary of State George Shultz and Secretary of Defense Casl>M Weinberger. L o ng s t r aightened his 50-year-old frame and started jogging away. limping terribly and reaching down to hold his leg. But each step seemed to help and soon he was back in his rhythmic, high -stepping stride. . l 'oasta I Low c:touda. c;tearlng In the Bfl«noon1 today end fUHdlly. Hight lodey In the low 70s at the t>eac:hel to nHt 80 In lhe Inland areu. Fair tonight and Tueaday with earty morning low cloudt. Hlgha Tueec:lay 111 the beaches 70 to 74 and lni.nd ateu 80 to 86 Eleawhara, lrom P oint Conception 10 the Me••can border a nd out 80 mllet NorthwMt ""'nd• 10 to 18 knot• wtth 3 to 5 toot -over outer water1 tod•y through TUffd•y Locelly. light vatleble wlndt night and morning hours becoming _, to AOUl"-t 10 to t8 knolt In the al1trl)OOn1 end evening Wind ~ 2 to 3 feet. Night and morning tow Cloud• wtth motllly c;IMrinQ In lhe anemoon1. warmer t>ecomlng southwosterfy a1 10 10 18 knots during the allernoons with a 1 ·I0·3·fool southwest twell. Northwest winds could reach 18 knots with 3·10·5·1001 seat farther then 60 mlles ollehore from Senta Ro .. ltllll'ld. Te niperatures NATION HI Lo Pre. 82 52 94 68 102 69 15 84 60 87 69 80 63 100 76 84 59 86 61 .03 The ForKaat For 8 p.m. EDT Tuesday, August 17 •HI T atvrff Albtny All>uQue Amerllto Atheville Allanta Atlante Cty Aus11n Baltimore 8lfllng1 Blrmlnghm Bltmatctl BolM 867• ---------------~------88 59 01 Lu veou 101 78 89 60 Llltle Roelle 83 7 5 85 68 Loultville 17 70 32 97 78 Lubbocll 103 71 Syrecute Topeka Tucson TullB 80 83 92 1()4 54 71 68 02 75 . U.S. suntrnary Boe ton Brownsvile BoHllo Burlington Casper Charlttn SC Charllln WV Cherlne NC Cheyenne Chic:ago Cincinnati ""Cleveland Ctmbt• SC Columbus Oel·FI Wlh Oeyton Oeover 81 59 Memphlt 80 78 24 83 58 Miami 88 76 99 92 ~ Mllw1u1<ee 80 82 85 75 Mpl~SI P 84 84 w .. hlngtn Wlc;hlte 85 94 CALJ,-OltNIA Bakerslleld 87 73 Sca11ered thunder111owera twePI out ol lhe Roc:lly Mountains ·r n Io I he w e a I 1 r n 1 n d ' IOUltiw.tern Greet Plaint early today . Conal der1bl1 thunderetorm. acllvlly prevailed from Mleaourl and Arkanq1 Into the toU1hern Ollto end Tenne•- rtver vtlley1. A ,_ ~lad lhunoen1nower1 Mtli.d owr Virginie 1nd Hittrn North C81otlna. at well M Wound Iha co111 of Florid• and over MIMIHlppl and Alabama. Lightning Sunday touctltd oH 1 fire thlt dattroyed an olllce bulldlng •I th• Unlvertlty ol MltlOUrl In Columbll during 1 ttonn !NI dumped more then 4 ~ of rein • .ut.horltl• IBld. The ttonn dr09ped .. mucn .. I lllCl'let of rein on other portion• of central M'-1. ON Molnll Detroit Duluth 117 59 N .. hville 88 72 85 67 New Orleen1 90 74 85 56 New York 88 67 84 6 t Norlotk 8 t 88 84 84 No Piette 92 88 84 58 Okla Clly 103 77 88 87 Omaha 75 87 84 58 Orlando 11 t 72 102 76 Phflldphl• 85 68 83 59 Phoenix t03 85 85 5 7 Pltlttxlrgh 83 55 71 88 .10 P11aod. Me 83 69 84 59 P11en<I, Ore 11 68 79 8e Provl<lenct 83 83 100 73 RalllO" 18 87 8 7 51 Alpld Ctty 84 85 78 51 Reno 88 •5 85 53 Richmond 84 88 84 59 Salt Lake 1M 72 88 55 San AntonlO lie 7 1 81 75 1.20 ' Seallla 72 55 lie 8 t Shrevepon 95 72 86 82 Slou1t Falls 84 81 24 Bl)'1'1e Eureka Fresno 04 L1nca11er Lot Angeles M1ryevllle .04 Needle• 23 · 0 11c11nd PBIO Roblet Rad Blutt RedWOOd Clly Sacr1men10 Satln11 San Diego San FrenelCIOO Sanle Barbar• Sant• Merla 30 Sloc:llton rhermal B!lrllow Big 8Mr C1talln• 93 71 105 65 50 92 63 n ~~ 87 105 57 94 54 86 86 17 58· 8A 68 69 49 75 17 71 56 71 58 75 87 61 105 The Natlonll W•lher Service f0fac:M1 9Unny .... IOt mo.I of the natloo loday Thundtr1t0tm1 -• expected" acroH lhe Gull et•• to the Allantk: COMt. El Puo F1t9Q.. Flagstett OrMI Feltt Hanford Helene Honolulu Houston lndnapllt Jecktn MS Jacacenv11e l(ene City Kno11vllla 94 78 01 St Louie 78 71 20 Long 8"ch 98 71 80 41 74 82 79 flQ 90 71 SI P·Tatnll' 8t 74 II s 87 \ 72 SI Sta Marie 78 S8 flOg 89 73 8'><*ane, 79 55 .......__ Temparaturet betore d1wn r'°'"" from 50 In Bradford, Pe., 1to f7 In Phoenix and Yuma, Artz -....,.'!:"""-------------------W?Twre to oall (toll lrM ) for • ~ :at•I amog lnfonnatlon. California Orange County: (IOO) 4454826 SURf Rip I RT Lo• Angelat County: (1001 '. ·l[lli~~ ..... -----242·4022 • AlvertlOe end 8811 Bernlnllno oount1•· (IOOl 387-4710 t. ~ AOMD Epltoff c.n1er· (IOO) The Nattonel WNther SerVioe "e. C 242-4861 uy• Southern Ctllfornl•'• , WMtMt thOl.tld be ftlf Tueaclay T..,-.1 a w... A.., ... axoapl tor low oloudt In th• ~ A,,.,..x ....,. Tllfltp morning end annlng 1nd • Hvmlngton 8Nt11 4-8 POOf 84 o h .. n c e o I I 1 o I • t a d Huntington Pier 2·4 lelr-gOOd 84 lllundaf~t from eouth4trn Santa Ana Rivet Jetty 1-3 good ee ,nounteiw to ... tttn ~1. 40th St. ~t 1-3 good 86 HIOll• wlll reno• from the 22nd 81. Newpo!'t 1 good 85 mkMOt In Loe Angtltt 10 ff It! Belboa Wtdgt 2-5 good 88 owant Valley, In "'' 10• fn l =·'-'Oun• t-~ l•lr 89 mount• "'C.U, rrom te 10 108 In HOiiow 14 fair 89 ttlll '*"""' deMrt• to 14 1n ,,,. MllocM&t 1-i tu 89 -..... Saft Cllmelltt "" 2-" good 88 ~ ll'o"1 POlnt ~IOn Tr•lllQllt 5:1 .. IQ9n bordar OM1 tllP8Cf (T-41,...l . 3... good 86 \'ll'leble wind• durlno the • TOMORROW'S TIDES: Hiott 9:28 1.m. Low 2:21 p.m Swell ft 11111 •nd m prnln 11011r1 Olnlctlon 8outll. Tides TOOAY s.cond 10W 1:3() p.rr. t ,2 s.oond high 7:51 p.m. e,e TUllOAY l'lrtl IOw &:O 1 a.m. t. 1 ~low 2:fi2:~m. rtl 8.ooild t'tlott he p.m. 1.0 lvn Mia today at 7:811 p,11\,. • rl-Tuead.., a1 I : t8 a.m. Moon r1ae1 todey •'1·a t P.ln , .... S.00 a.I'll. Israel con~essions gained on PLO plan Bigh'!rn sheep slain; man held By Tbe Associated Press U.S . presidential envoy Philip C. Habib returned to Beirut today with major concessions from the Israeli government on his plan for the withdrawal of Palestinian guerrillas from west Beirut. Lebanese sources said the evacuation could begin as early as Saturday. After cons ultations 1n Jerusalem on Sunday between Habib and Prime M inister Menachem Begin. the Israeli Cabinet withdrew objections to having French troops spearhead the entry of the multi-national peacekeeping force into west Beirut and to the timing of that deployment. A Cabinet communique also a ppeared to soften Israel's insistence on c hecking eac h outgoing guerrilla against Israeli intelligence lists. It said some sort of verification must be made but le ft open the mechanics. At least one major stumbling b l ock 'r e m a in e d : Israel 's insistence that the PLO return an Israeli pilot, Aharon Ahiaz, who was shot down and captured in southern Lebanon on the first day of the invasion June 6, and the bodies o f nine s oldiers missing since Israel's 90-day invasion of southern Lebanon in 1978. Lebanese sources sa.id the PLO r>roposed a swap for guerrillas captured by Israel. But the Cabinet communique insisted the "pilot and the missing persons will be h a nded over, to the International Red Cross before the beginning of t he terrorist departure ... " Another possible problem was Israe l 's demand that Syrian troops in Beirut leave Lebanon. Syria reportedly has offered to move its 1,500-2,000 troops in Beirut to the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, where the bulk of its estimated 30,000 troops in the country are concentrated. Israel is e xpected to tum its gunsights on the Syrians in the valley once the PLO leaves west Beirut. Jerusalem has insisted since the outset of the invasion that it will not leave Lebanon until all foreign forc.-es depart. SAN DIMAS (AP) -One of Meanwhile, Mother T eresa, the dwindling flock of bighorn the Nobel Peace Prize winner, sheep was s lain ove r the h elped evacuate Rima and 36 weekend an d Los Angeles other retarded and handicapped County S h e r iff's deputies children from a shell-shattered arrested a man for Lf\vestigation Beirut hospital on Sunday of killing it. .,,,, Schools to sell surplus stock The Huntington Beach Union High School .DiBtrict 1s selling 133 surplus and obsolete items as a result of decisions to discontinue Industrial art classes at certain schools. Included are lathes, mtllmg machines , drill presses, grinders, sanders, lockers and •Applicatio n s will be accepted through Thursday for an optometric technician training program offered through Coastline College and the Southern California College of Optometry. Only 15 students will be accepted from all qualified applicants. The program focu ses on •Jeffrey E . BozanJc, 24, son of Jobn and Maxine Bozanic of Huntington Beach , has been honored as "Marketing Student of the Y ear" at UCLA Graduate School of Manageme nt H e w as honored during rec ent graduation ceremonies when drafting desks. T he items a re located at Fountain Valley, Ocean View and Huntington Beach high schoo ls . Items may be inspected on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. prior to Aug. 30. Written bids wiJJ be accepted until Aug. 30 For more information, call 964-3339. technical work and general office practice instruction . The one-year program is desi~ to provide students with skills that will qualify them for entry position s pay mg --$900 to $1.200 per month. More information on the program can be obtained by c alling th e c o ll ege a t 963--0824. he received his diploma for an MBA degre e w i th an international marketing concentration. Bozanic is a graduate of Marina High S c hool in Huntington Beach. He has also attended Golden West CoUege and UC Irvine. -~~~~~~~~+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT HEHIR CHIROPRACTIC CUNIC DR. STEPHEN E. HEHIR PALMER GRADUATE Longllme re51dent of Newport Beach has now opened an ottlce In the area to serve residents of the city and surrounding area Or Hehir has had vast experience In treating patient$ for 13 years. The dOCt<>< maintains a large practice In the Los Angeles area and Is now also available tor qonsullatlon and treatment here In Orange County. Or Hehir o~ln~lly practiced In Australia tor a number of years If you have any problems that may be chlropractlo-rjllated. call the dOCtor tor a oonsUltatlon . Gonatead full Spine Technique Cs/I for an appointment. You w/11 be pleased you did. 631-7494 1731 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa 92627 r t \ I ,. I .. STATE Motoris t s syitching to leaded Juel By The A111oclated Pren LOS ANGELES Mor(• •Ir poUulion <.'Ould reKuh Crom a new lnmd by n\Ol<.>rtsl.s to switch from unleaded lo c:heape1 leaded fuel, an oil induat.ry analysl says. Dan Lundberg, publisher of the weekly Lundberg Le tter, said Sunduy thal many motorists are circumventing t he law by using the /\ leaded fuel, which cun dl'stroy 11mog-llmitlng devi~ In can1. "Some peoph.• coming ln are seeking a bargpln, and tht.-regular leud~d gaaollne, \'fipeclaUy at dealen offeri~ di8counta for caah customera, la the cheapest,' said his dauihter, Trilby Lundberg, who edllll the oil incfu1try newsletter. Sea World frees its great white shark SAN DIEGO -The latest of six great white sharks which Sea World marine park tried unsuccessfully to keep alive in captivily has been returned Lo the sea after only two days. A spokeswoman said the 140-pound female refused to eat and appeared to be suHenng from trauma or injury from being caught accidentally WORLD in a net. The shark, believed to be three years old, was ensnared in a net Friday off San Diego. Spokeswoman Diane Wolfe said it was kept in isolation in a 250,000-gallon pool which formerly served as a whale and dolphin exhibit. None of the great whites sent to Sea World for study has lived longer than 16 days in captivity. Polish premier visiting Soviet Union WARSAW, Poland -Premier Gen . Wojciech Jaruzelski went to the Soviet Union today for talks with Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev as Solidarity supporters planned demonstrations to commemorate the founding of Mexico train hits bus; TULA, Mexi1..'0 -A train smashed into a bus trying lo race through a railroad crossing, killing 24 people and injuring 23 others, said Red Cross spokesman Luis Gonzalez. He said six of their union, suspended by the martial law regime. A brief report by the Polish news agency, PAP, said Jaruzelski "flew to the Soviet Union, for a meeting in the Crimea" with Brezhnev. 24 dead, ,23 hurt' the dead were children. The accident hafpened Sunday near Tula, 45 miles northwest o Mexico City. Parents bring bomb victim's remains home TOKYO -The parents of Toru Ozawa returned to Japan Sunday with the remains of their 16-year-old son who was killed by a bomb aboard a Pan Am airliner as it approached Hawaii late Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Srugetsu Ozawa, who were slightly injured when a bomb exploded under their son's seat, arrived at Narita International NATION Airport SunCiay afternoon with seven of the 13 other people injured by the explosion, Pan Arn spokesman ~tsuro Isa said. A team of 105 detectives is investigating the plane's three-hour stopover at Narita Wednesday night. But police sajd they had found no clues yet. Outcome uncertain on tax • increase vote WASHINGTON -The fate of a compromise bill boosting taxes by $98.3 billion' over the next three years is uncertain as the House and Senate prepare to vote on the measure under intense pressure from the White House. For now, President Reagan's conl{ressional backers concede they are short of votes for the tax bill, mainly because conservat.Jve House Republicans -usually the backbone of Reagan's support -are fighting the jncrease. But top administration Officials say they in~nd to be celebrating victory by the end of the week. Soviets readying naval cruise missile ;WASHINGTON -The Soviet Union appears ready to start flight testing an advanced naval cruise missile for deployment surface vessels or submarines, U.S . intelligence reports. Navy in cruise missiles capable of hitting enemy warships hundreds of miles away. The U.S. Navy has yet to deploy missiles with that kind of range on its fighting vessels. The Soviet navy alreadv is ahead of the U.S. Airline in def a ult; Refunds outlook dim , SEATI'LE -More than 200 people who paid for future Aeroamerica flights between Seattle and Reno, Nev., should file complaints, but shouldn't hold their breath waiting for refunds, says a Washington state official Seattle Times reported. But officials aren't quite sure what happened. Chuck Adams of the Washington state attorney general's consumer division. said the more than 200 customers who paid for future flights that may never ~ke off should contact his Seattle office for complaint fonns. The .outlook Cor quick r~funds, however, appears dim, he said. Aeroamerica and International Travel, a travel agency affiliated with the airline, apparently went into default last week, The 31 injured in Missouri Greyhound crash COOL VALLEY, Mo. -A Greyhound bus slammed into the rear of a tractor-trailer on a rain-slickened interstate highway in eastern Missouri, injuring 31 people, authorities said. The bus had been traveling from St. Louis to Kansas City on Interstate 70. Hinckley sought pictorial on Jodie Foster NEW YORK -John Hinckley has asked High Society magazine for a copy of its March issue, which contained nude and semi-nude pictures of actress Jodie Foster, a spokesman for the magazine said Monday. President Reagan, mailed the letter from St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, where he is confined as a mental patient, according to Mike Biner. The magazine's publisher, Gloria Leonard, said the issue had not been sent to Hinckl~y. Hinckley, who was found n ot guilty by reason of insanity of trying to assassinate ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Hale/. Pu-end Chief k...,,,.,. ~ Jane Amari Extcutlvt Edlt0t Kay SchullJ = ;,~~ AO.,..titlnv Tom Murphlne E- Mike Ha~ 01rte1or of M ~lnO (Clrcul•tlOnl Ken Goddard Olrec1or of <>!*- ~ Mact.een ,,..., Tom Mccann . M~(di1or .,., ,.. ..... ..., ......... 41 lt,itonOity·fod•v 11 YoU oo not ,.._ ~ -by ~ 30 O m c111 1191orf I P"' Md l'OV' ClOCIY ..,If De -ed a.c....,., -Su~tl you OQ nOtt -~c::r ,.,,. Cllll .,..._,om 'l'OV'COJ!v •"~ _ _, ..;..~~r~UI ......... ......... Mtll ~ -=:.,.., :::im • Clauffled advertising 114Jl42-5e1'1 All othet department• 642~321 MAIN OFFICE l30 WHI Bey St . Cosl• MeM, CA M•ll -""I" Bo• 15'0. Cost.t MeM. CA. m2' C09yrl9M IC Or-Coetl PwllllllM"I ~· Hon-• •to<IH, llJVSlr•llOflt, edKorl•I m.cw< Of ... vertl .. mfJflh llereln mey M re~oduc:ed wit....,. \1>9<1•1 permlnlOn ot c09yr191>t owner S.Cond CIM\ PH1-ot .,.Id et Cosl• AIWM. C .. "-1• (UPS 144-tOQ) Subscrlllll ..... by •• ,, .. , M.1s..-hty by m•ll ,. 50 "-""• Tho Or-CMtl o.llY Pl ... , with -~fl Is c-blned the -.Pr•H. 11 IPUll41.-by IN Or-Coell Publlthl"I C«npeny. Seperet• --•r• publl1Mcl AllOnclay lf\'°"911 l'rld•y for Cott• -· H-POrt SMch. H""'"'91on ... ell, ,,_, .... \/ ........ JrYIM, L-BH<h, Soutll Coelt A,,,........_. edition •• llUll!l-s.t-v• •nd ~ TIM P<ln<IJMI puC1111,,.,,. pt..,t It •I J30 W•tl ..... 54-\, ~ 0. ao• 15'0. C .... Mew. Cellfon1I• ._,. ' VOL. 75, NO. 221 Solo sailor fine in Atlantic trip SEBAGO, Maine -Bill Dunlop, on the last leg of his attempt to cross the Atlantic alone in a 9-foot sailboat, has sent word that he and hi.I boat are fine, says Barry Jm11en, who I.a charting the tailor's provell. Barry Jensen1 who built Ounlop's boat, aaia Dunlop aent the meeaap. "One ve.el, Wind's Will, one man aboard. Man's fine, boat fine. Verify potition." Dunlop left Maine on June 13, bound for Ei1'(land. We're Listen in g ••• Wh ut do you like about the Dail Call lh~umber below amf your lranscr ~nd delivered to the app ,The same 24 -hour answertn1 ser y Pilot? What don't you like? me11a1e will be recorded, ropriate editor. ten to the editor on any topic. Mall vice may be used to record lel· box contributor• mutt Include or vertflcallon. No circ'llltlon their name and telephone number t calls, please. Tell us wh1l 's on your mind . . . 642-BOB6 I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, Auguat US, 1982 H/F Fatal shootifig probed ' An 18-year-old Huntington Beach man remaJned in police cu1tody today whlle officers conUnued their lnveetlgation of a f reak, apparently accidental shooting ln which one teen-age girl waa killed and another was seriously wounded. Huntington Beach police Sgt. Ed McErU.in said officers would meet with Orange County district attorney's deputies to determine whether manslaughter chargef should be filed against Richard Berge, who had been living intermittently af a Huntington Harbour physician 's home . where the shooting took plac.-e. Pronounced dead at the scene Friday night was Rise Lou Tucker, 15, of Redondo Beach, daughter of well-known Laguna Bea c h parking m ete r e n forcement officer R osie Miclette. The girl's friend, Dena Farrow, 18, of Huntington Beach, remained in critical condition today at Fountain Valley Community Hospital Police said a single rifle bullet wounded both girls as they were leaving a room aft.er visiting with Berge and a 17-year-old youth whose name was withheld by police. Berge told police he was returning the rifle to a shelf when it discharged accidentally, officers said. The incident took place in the Nalu Circle home of Dr. Jorge Del Toro. The physician and a daughter were home at the time of the shooting but told police they were not aware of the presence of the girls and Berge, who sometimes lived at the Del Toro residence. Delly f'llot Photo DOWN WITH SPELLING -Though the Daily Pifot is co- spansoring the upcoming appearance of "Up with People" at Orange Coast College, the newspaper did not write (or edit) the· announcement sign' currently appearing on the Custa Mesa campus which lists the Sept. 5 and 6 attraction as "Up Whith People." Grove finds 'grass' side • on its own While Garden Grove officials were pondering a resolution urging that pol growers be punished by ronfiscation of their land, four baby marijuana plants were heedlessly growing at the city's community center. 2 frolll lrvineo hurt "Yes, that's what it is," said Officer Dennis Stanfield when asked 1f the plants were really marijuana He said po lice confiscated the offending weeds after they were spotted Saturday by a woman attending a wedding reception. • ID NB cycle crash Stanfield, who said the plants were barely visible in planters filled with lush . legal foliage, noted that the Garden Grove Community Center 1s often rented out for private functions. Two Irvine residents, thrown more than 35 feet Crom a motorcycle they were riding late Saturday in Newport Beach , remained In critical condition today. Paul Weber, 21, and a still- u n identi fied 17-year -old male were seriously injured when their motorcycle slammed into a van on West Coast Highway near Cano's" Restaurant. W eber, the driver, was arrested on suspicion of felony drunken driving. He was rushed to the Fountain Valley Community Hospital trauma cent.er where he remains. The 17-year-old. who unlikc- the driver was not wearing a protective helmet, was taken to the trauma unit at Western Medical Center. Officials there said he is in extremely critical condition. Police said the two were riding east on coast highway at a high rate of speed and struck a van that officers said was legally exiting a parking lot. The driver of the van was not injured and not identified. "They have a lot of youth parties the r e," h e said , speculating that some young person may have tossed seeds into the soil as a prank, "Oh my God," said Mayor Jonathan Cannon on learning of e~nd . "You don't think meo~e planted them there cause of the resolution. do you?" Police seek rapist "I wouldn't know marijuana if I saw it,'. said Councilman J . Tilman Williams. sponsor of the anta-drug proposal scheduled for debate Monday. The measure urges state and federal governments to confiscate land used f or planting, cultivation or d1stribut1on of illegal substances, because of recent reports that law enforcement officials have been having a difficult time pumshing illegal cultivators. Police were hoping to talk today with a 43-year-old woman, beaten and raped by two men Friday aft.er being abducted from • the Airport.er Inn parking lot in Irvine. The woman, a resident Of Orange, was found tied up in a field n ear the Santa Ana Freeway outside Chula Vista where Chula Vista police said the men abandoned her before driving off In her station wagon. J "lt was a particularly brutal rape," 3aid Irvine Police Lt. Robert Lennert. "I understand all the bones around her eye socket are broken." Lennert said Irvine police, who a.re coordinating the investigation with Chula Vista police, haven't yet talked with tbe woman who is ,being treated al Chula Vasta Community Hospital for a broken hand, broken nose and numerous bruises. at-<ZaSQ, fbr toy.s .. _ Williams said he came up with the anti-drug proposal after learning of an arrest for the ~rowing ol opium poppies m _,arden Grove. He said h~ does not believe the city planters s hould be ~ confiscated. ~ clae5ic .. knit,czaey cani P?ly/cotton blcznd, in o reinb::w or colors. si7Jl.5 0 -20. __.. .. @J~o@@)§@ 44 Fashion l-1and • Nf'wport Beach· 714/644·5010 1001 \4.fttwood Bluel.• Weatwood \lfllo~ • 2131208-3273 --~-·---_. , ' .. "' I • - I Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Frldoy. Augu•t 13, 1ee2 HIF Bl k •e\ N•t \•llF\ Nft p • ~ ( luw c"" •. l Nh I ID•• ' "" l'll•Or-t 114 • 1.0 .... , .... ut>tVI • ,. 10 If' .,.., i. Pi.-I t • J,M IJ \o , Y> l"pr()O JO 10 2~) U ,, , <. ~::~,·pf l ~ t •:: ~~: ~ ffiujlf~Ci .. I II: )'~I I\, f'lthl" I lll) • IM It!\• \j, -I fl J 10 .. l'l•t1Roc IJ \/ )h 0<... I Ill • IJJ 1>'-, P1'11ltt1 I.• 11 t1 I• , .. ybttl pft .0 I ll Pl•YW • ,, ICO , .... lfo .. ,,,.,..I 1D 10 .alOO Jn. , ... ""'"""'° 1 I >t 1•'-• .,_ Syw.o' t• 1t JJ'• i:r.,':: ~ .! ~ ~~~ · ~ rn~o-.~ ~: ',;~ ,, .. l\Clr .. .0 I l'-J :~ .. : ... TR. 1 ll all m~: ~ ::f'•' =·~ :i: 1~, ~ TllW J f/11 } •1' .. ~. "-Por~l I I• ) 2M I)~ t '-l llW P' • to . ' 1111'1, • II.Ii Poro,,. t eo " ""', 1.11 h <IMt '1 2• ~ • lfi POfG .... .., ,, 11Wl \I) T•nlro ' I ., 11 ...... Polllt h I .. t Jt 10\<o I IV. 111 .. y 10 4'1< • 'It ~::::.".rl'J', nro1~. .... l ~~r.. :! "r, ~~.~: · ··• Pol EIOf O O 110 ll •I 1:~~rl ~ l .:; ~1" ''' :~~~,r ··~ 11 II~ ~~ 1 :z h~lr"• I 9 ~ :i:••: I~ P;e,ley JD 4 tO 1'°" • :: l::~~ 4 11: oil~ I'·• :~rn:.~n1 «)I~ .r. ~:~, " h i.. I l/O l '11o, ... PrlmM , •• 12 U7 •J"' '"' I•"'''"' 1 .0 I .. s 141/9 • "' PtCKIG • 10 ' ~ U , •;, Ttt~yn 41 lot )>h, .. Pre!lhll J2 U 71 1 .. r ... TellOtO 00 ) '10 H... ... PtOlt r 1.40 II o It h>Ot """ M H• • r hCOI 1 lo I 111 IS , ... Tew.r Of) t• I/ ,. .. , \. pr.:.:~~: s ·~i ;~~: ~ m~ 11: ~ : ·:;i ~:~: : : ~~:"::: : ~ tllAIO W• 1 " h~E•I • 10 \ IJO '°", 1" PS•~H 2 11 S l'IO ..... .... T n G T 7 IJ < 111 ,.,,, , o, PSNH pf'1 I) <lJ)O II , •11 h•lncJ Ill!) I 61 JO<.• 1 PSNH 1112 ti n I ,!~ ', ~ ~:::~I 11; ~ ~ 'l~' I"' ~~~EJi:ll • I~ m: . .,. { =~~:. 'j: ~I;:, :, ... : .: PSwEG 2.)(i t jO() JIV1 1 Vo h P•< JO • 0 Iii"• PSEG 1111 «> • 10"' , . , ThUlil 2 Go • 01 no.,+ '• PSEG Ol4.JO 12)0 )I t 7'h I ull Ill IA 11,, PSEG Oft, 17 •7 IS • "' h•lton I IO o M I•\• ... PSEG p11.4J t• I/ , y, Tutt Pl 1 111 lo 21 ... 1 "' PSEG ptl >O 1.c>O Sol .. Tl\rE n »• n~,, '• PSEG 1117 111 DO U I Thlolll I IO 11 112 ~'11 ''• PSEG IJf' o1 110 .. Tl\IOkl -110 31 • 1 Pul>ll<k 4] , T hmS.1 2 ., II .. , 40 • 1. P.,.lllO IJ • t '"" Tl\Omlt1 -a • 10 IA PUQtlP I 7• S •W IJ , .. Thm-10. S • 1<•.-., \/lo PurllnF 131 J II ·~ \/lo Tllrtlly Ill I II .,.,. Purou ' I c. 1 10 ~ , i.. TfCaro ' 10 ~ 1 t 4 , •. Pyro > IS.. J~.. ,,,_ Tlctwlr 90 • 3.)1 '•~• •, 0...kO 1111 t 21'1 -~, 1i,. TIO-fl" ... • , .. Ovn50 Ill • " I-. ~. Ttrntl' I II 161 , ........ Q11•t1• \ 60 l I.. •h • ... liml pf81 SI II Cllt 1 Q.,.•1« :rt 111 I,_ t "• Tim• pfCA §Cl 709 '' -tt-• T1m•M 1 9 lU )6•,, • ..._ R81ncl 16 1• 11 l'I• Ttmkfl l 40 • •11 '°" 1 '' RCA 'IO '103) ''"° • ''• TodSl1o 112 l 40 7'1••, 'o RCApf l §Cl ""° ,, To .. nm ~ • 1J 10'•. -RCA pl • I 0 'h lolECll• J,)6 6 IOJ l/V1, " RCApl 2,11 130 ""' .,_ TOIEC!pl•11 1 11,"" RCA pl l.6S II "", 1\.o Toi Eel p1J l6 1 111,, • • RLC n ... • 13 •• ,,. • "' TolE<l PO 71 I " RTE .«> I ,. • ........ TonkaCo ..,. 13 I 11•1oo RA.iol'u< 18 I .. I ll'•> ToolRol Qi I 11 1119 " Rl",,,_.d 714 4:tt.• 119 TrctH'f'* t tliO • • ,, ••• "'• Rampc I.CO II I 111,. • .. ToroCo ~ S"' R•y<M n ..,. 10 trJ llVt • 1v1 t owo '" , 1>10 11' •. , .. A•wm ., 60 ~ 1~. v. Towlp "' 1 Mt n"-• •., R•ymdl I 4 JU •~• • W Toy RU s •• ,,, 14' • • • • Ae'(1M t .0 't°'l 1'"'-11i... l r•<-M ~ JO ti tM 11'•, tt. Ruel&• .IO 3 •II 101/o 'to TtaM I l6 I 3t'i ,. .. , c, Rcl8al prJ ll 41 It • .. 1w Cp 11'1 1•'-, t RltRel I Ole t «> IY+ • •-. Tw wt V l ''>, • RtcnEq 11 .... IW wtA Ill l ... ' Room" lO 14 41 13" • .. TWC pl I QC) II II .. . RHO 4 4 TWC Pl 1.. 111 11'>, Re~I n te th '''""'" t ieo l01 "' • • RopAlr /1 4._ • '• Tr•nlnt 1 •• J'I 1•"', RopCp liCI S 11 13YI t °'' TARlly 411 IO '"'• RopFNS 110 II I~ ll"'-.. 1 ran><o 1 80 • U JS',+ =U'vN~J 1'l • I~ 130,, "• Tr">< pl~ II SI 31 .... =~p~1~A·1.': 1!: ~: ~ m~~; ,en~ • ~ ,L: Aep8k I.a 0 14'1• • 'I• Tr•¥1r \ l,M i 1~1 IA'1• • =:~~:. °";; • J 11 T rtCon J.llo ~ ... I • Revco 1• 11 107 ~: ~ ~~:~1~ 1 §Cl 8 41~ •:• • • Revere IS •"• T rl•lncl 40 lO s 11 Revlon I M 1 w IS ....... Ttt•~ I 17 ,. I• AUi.....,, '° • 1 IJ:ti.. • I~ rrtcnrr llr I • • ... • I R•anrd • • • U1 t .. v. Trlco t• !. 1~3 •'• Re ynln J.IO ) 742 ., ... • I' Trit1ly so s q1 q"", RoyMll I CO IO l3 ~. TucsEP191. be 71,. I Rcl\V<k I .. 9 .,. ll ... ~. h•ln~ I 10 s • l•V. :a;·~ .. i t H H:: '~ i:~~L: : ,~, ·.~J,' :~~ • • RlteA• co II • J1v .. '· • ... u-u .. Robt"" sl 60 4 M 111·• • II/lo UAL .a< 16\.. RoblM l4 t '1 14\/lo • 1't UGI J Oo 4 •I 114., 1 Rocl\G 1 ltb s 180 ••V. • I.Ii uGt pt 11s ·~ "' 1 • 1 R0<llTI 2.04 1 11 74-., • ·~ UMC 60 1 I• I'> RCK~wl 1,16 8 m 31 .... '11 UNCRH .. ,. .... Ro~r;:.:r\7~ 8 '.'~l0'4 ll ~~fNGV , ~~ 111 ~\9 : 1:',: flohr In s 110 9\. • .,, UC• 3 6S I )I =~~~r", •3 ,~ '!~ • ,., ~~~~, J;:: ,: !01 h..:. , · Rollin•• be • 114 II • "' u nion( 1'" 11 3• / Rolm(p 1•1110 l>Yt• '• Ut1ElfC , ... 0 OJul1"'• 1, Ron_, 1 th v. u .. e1 pt •so 110 ,., , Ro~· 90 s • 101'11 ..... UnEI pt.'° 1100 ... • "' Aotff .. 11 64 1'0'"4 une1 pl'M • 1~ ..a.•. • 1, Aow•n OI J 1.U.. I • '• UEI pfL I 1U>O "Si•. 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Slmppt lll 14 144 II.Ii+ v. •EP (Jffl 10 , • Slnotr IOlt 1• 1J UY>• I.Ii •EP (JfflA~ tlOO :la Sino< pl J §Cl • J]lfoo ..... OfMd 27 1)4. • ·~ Sotyll,,. ... JS ,. is•-.= I.Ii \IUl<nM 2 ... ,,/ Wll OJ'"" " Smltl\A Ill • · I IY> -• • I COft i. 14 • U " , lo Smllhln ~ J US 101n • 1n WICl\oV f 2• • SJ 231~ ... ~~., ~-~I~ 11561 :i .. • ~ •O M ..wt> t 1 u ... , .... Sl\1p()ft M 10 a ! ~ ! -14 1~1 o ·~ .., SO-I> I.JO S l21 1JllJ-..... IMM S It t41 Jt\1 • 1 '-' Sony(p IJe 10 1111> 11.. .... •19'" • I 10 •It• l2 • i,. Sool ln 2.40a • 10 21 .. • .\o WllCSv .. 10 • ,.,,_ • •, So<lrcC UO aSI ,. .. , "'W•IUm I !JO ,._ U .... • \. St<Cp 1112.«> •' "" • "' WelU Ill 1 1100 ... SoAllFn 11 ,.... WalU 1111 .0 3 JJ\I> SCrEG 1.'2 t «11 , .... • '~ W••N< I lO • ll 11.\o t I SoJ•''" t .10 • 10 It\'> "' wr .. cm 1 • tte1 ""' "' SollCl\tr t ,)Cl 7 s 12"> • 'It Wa1,.rL I o0 II JIS JO~ , S...IBk I o 749 " , "' w .. ~ J,lt 1 JS ,..,, , 11. S...IPS U lt 1 30 10..., V. Wl hNAI I.Cle 9 213 1'1h t .... SCalECI >.14 • ,.., ""• \lo W""Wl 2.40 t IOI! lt l/t • .. So<llllCO uo • 1101 U\I>. I.Ii WHle n 14 •. n ~ • ' SolllGE 2.111 • 1' t i • v. W1t•lt1 ... 14 1• ).01•• • "r SNETel 4,56 • 100 0 \0 • v. WHt1U .OSI 1 J.\io • '°""ac 1-ao • ,,. ,. • "' ::~ • i• ' M ,r to~ ~~ ~ ~~: :.: WlllSF l,'2 4 II lW• • .. SovtlnCI I 14 1 llS )l'o+ .,_ WtlFM 1.IO • «> , • .._ • .. So Roy GI n to> IS~. .. W•~ •• 10 SS. IS,.,.. "' Soumtll ~ 2 DO •'Iii+ I'> WHI l » t U U \I>• ~. Somk pl I 16 t , .. WstptP I.ID 6 SI ,. .. SwAlr s 2J 1J Jn • + " WU<1T 91 O< 10 to • V. Swlktfl I 20 S 4J4 UV.+ "' Wt1AlrL 41 •"'' .... SwFllk 't11 I It 11~, '4 WAlr r U 11 , \<. Swl"ll Pfl.11 . I ,.Y>• I =~~. i· ; ~ s~". I.Ii SW!,.ore UI . IU ,,., " WUnlOn I AO > "' ,.,.,., \I, Sw10. 1.16 • " '"'· • wun 11111111 1i ~. 'A SwEIW" .52 • It '"'····· W .. IOE ,·co 'j SJI m .... "' ISPS 1,JO t 171 I~+ \lo Wltgpt JM ~ 1' tlllt ttn .eo 1 11 m• • Y> We"-"< 1.10 · t ,,, ""°. 111 IP .. JI 1"-+ II> W1~1.J020 ,., 2U.+ \lo 5prl.::. l;: : ~ J~~! :! Weyr p4 tAQ 101 U Y>+ Y> Sttu•r ll l.M ' 10 22"• \/lo W•yr.,.. uo .• IU "" ... 541111111 I 2' U 1!>41 Jolh + 'Iii W'-IF IAO • 104 27111, Y> r.111te .e, it 10 ••11> • .,. w.,..ir< ,,.._., • ""'· _,. Sta1" .IO S J1 I~+ ..., WIMI~ 2 . 7 J7lllo + Stl~ .tO HI U Ulilt • I :::t:1p1 1.60 10 .. ~ ~::·. \., StMet • M • eo n • "' WllllC '·'° 10 JO ,.~ .... SIOllCJ lA • fffi u .. • " -llN t 11 IJ7 70~ \'> StOIM t.• • t »4 t "" WlllllMI UO • Mt 11~ " S UO 4 I 1"lo + V. Wlffl« U II 11/t \lo "" t:" ~ ~ ..... w 111-1111 .,, .. ""': ,.,. .;: . ,7. ~ 1.:: ::-: : W"mE" :.0 • m I~+ ,.. Mte 1.JOo U II._, " Wlla/llO .4'1 t » 7\'t • IMOI l.f4 t 21• 1"41 : " Wl11011 tAO ' ii -~-\lo s ..... ,1,_U 109 Ut+ "'== 'n M Ud ~ .. \ii $1ff<lll .MIO J ti.lo. •• WtEPs \. '1 4 11H11t+ lilt F.:St•~rc: di it '24 ~~ ·--W tE pl 1. $ '11 )7 't~ 'IN Ito M I ....... w1wPS 1.11 I 90 ~· " twWr a t~' it a 11\.lt + v. W Ito UO S i• 1\"+ \'I eve 1' • • 1'14l'" WOIYt'fV ~ ••• 11~ • VG11f 1 .dlO a .... ::;:..i. ,,.,,. ti~!'-s-Wi~' 13 "'-• "Wol..i. 1:1~ I~ ''"· t • IA • :i ~: ~ WOIWllll .... I 141/lt w n ,t ~ mu = := ,_... 'i 1i ,! : .. ~t 1.it t ~ 1: -,.,. Wyle" IOI · I" J"'I• "" • 4 • ... W.,ly 1't 4U I""• 16 ·1· s ~: " Wy-.1!11 !.. •_!2 .• Iii , . . n• " it ,. i' l tit ""' I flt! t j : " ... ~ 11= 1~ 'J ~ ::n~~~ • ~: "'t=" 1· J ':: l?t ... • •1... lttlll ut li14 + -... D J 1t::: • IU • it di *'t " U.S. now ninth • 'industry ID WASlllNGTON tAP) -T he United Sta«:a, t·u11unu111,.( 11 "''<'lldt·-lo11g ~hde, has fallen to ninth pl.t('l' ~111rn1J< 1111lt"t111il t-ountrir~ in out put per peraon,, u rq>vrt i.ht1W!> ll;111k<·d 'l(·Vf·nth 1<1:.l y<•11r, the Unlt.ed States has b1•t·11 ov1•rt;1kt•n by Jo'rd11t·1-· and th~ Ne therlands ln µt•r c·ap1t.:J l'"I'<." nltl111nnl product, the World Bank said in 1~ l!IH:l J11r1.1u:.1I 1t01>0rt, rl'leased Sunday. When non 1ndu!>lrl.il l'•)Urlll lc:. Lire included, the United St;1t1-:. r.1nk!> 11 lh. tr111h11~ two tmy, 01l-r1ch M ideast "t.:•lt·., a!>. w1 II Tl11• Wot Id B:mk ':-rt•port also wa rned, in an unu!>ually !>(Jt1\l>l·1 t,-.111on11e outlook, that the 1980s 111c·n ·.Js1ngly drl' turning Into a decade of slow growth and high urwrnpltiymC"nt for the industria l nauons and wmsc•rtin)l pov1 r ty for the poorest 1.·01mtries. Purcha .<,,, 1er1r1inated P11111ron1x lrw . an lrvme·based manufacture r of 111c't11un1 ;rnd low sPff'CI Mlitr1x im pact Lme printers, 11nd PnntPk ln1·, d M1ch1gan·based manufacturer of seruJI Mtllrix 1mp..1ll prmwrs, announced they agreed tu lt:rrnm;it1· d1,lui.s1on~ uf a proposed P rintronix purrhaSl' 111 :in 1'f1u1ty mt.:•resl in Pnntex. Thl• twnp:ulll's :.slso stat.ed the1.r intent to continue c·oopc:·r..it 1v1 t•ff1111:-1n art•as of mutual inwrests. Newport firm recovers Spat:d111k Ltd of Newport Beach anno unced 1t•v1·nu~ of $1:J4,000 for the flS(:al year ended May 31 l'<m1pw ,..<.J with $2:j,UOU uf revenues for the prior year. Tht• nt•l ltN. for the year was $324,000 (or 7 cents per shan•), l'ompan·d wuh a loss of $27,000, or 1 cent, for th,_. pn·v1ous year Figures for ft!.Cal 198 I have been restqted to reflt'C'l .m ac4u1s1t1on made in 1982. Span•l1nk prcw1dcs satellite television a nd sp<..'<'1Ciliz1'\.I "l-01V1n·s to largc> residential an d comme rcial -t·omplexe<: Net i11 co1ne reporte d Pl'trorninerals Corp. of Santa Ana reported net int·ome of $-104 .!JOO or 5 cen ts per share. on revenues uf $4.H!Hl,OUO for th<.· ~'Ond quarter vs. ne t income of $302,000. "r -I L4:nt..s. on total revenues o f $7,093,000 for the like ix-nod of 1981 e .Petrurn1nt'rals Corp explores. produces a nd markets t rudt-oil and natural g as primarily in Cahfornm It al'lo s1..•rv1t:c.'S a nd main ta.ms ml and gas wells. Oak/aIJd eek s park OAKLAND (AP) Oakland is one of two dozen t'1l1es lryin~ to won Manne World -Africa USA , the R\.-<iwoo<l C1tv amust·ment c.'Omplex loolung for larger quarters .. :~ ·. Manne Wold l•xc.-cut1ves didn't give any indication they were favorin~ any particular location. Michael ~ Gallegher. t'Xl'<'Ut1vc· vice president, sajd the list wo uld ~ narruwl•J to Jbc\U,I six '1'1thm a mon th. Among Oukl.md'~ t·ompetilors are Mountain Vil'w. B1:rurw dnd Hayward. Altec losse less Allee' Corp of Anaheim today reported sales of $7.632,000 for its third q uarter ended June 27, c-ompared wo $H.277 ,UOO for the third quarter last year. Th!.' 1~ for the quarter o f $245,000 or 6 cents a share, was ll'<;S than the loss of $943,000. or 18 cents the prior yc.•ai Altec develops, manufactu res a nd sells 1ndustnal/profcss1onal, commercial, consumer , high fidelit y, music.al ~ound , mtercommunication and related sound products. R eorganization sought MODESTO (AP) -Joaquin Construction Co .. the clly's largest homebuilder, and three subsidiaries riled for reorgaruz.at1on m federal bankruptcy court. The f1lmg was feared after the company laid off 225 construction V{orkers employed by one subsidiary, Big Valley Industries, in a m ove that shut the company's homC' t.'OnstruclJon arm. Gold, 111e tals quotations Gold By The Associated Press Sele<·t.NI world gold pnces today: 1.ondon mornin~ (axing: $337.25, off $0~75. London aftC'moon fixi ng: $341.75, up $3.75. Paris afternoon fixing: Holiday-marke t closed. F rankfurt fixing: $338.97, off $0 03. Zurich lau• aftC'rnoon. $338 50. up $1.75 bid; $339.25 asked. Handy & Harman: only d aily quote $341. 75, up $3.75. Engelhard: only daily quote $341.75, up $3.75. Engelhard: <Jtlly daily quote fabricated $358,84, up $3 .94. M etals NEW YORK (AP> -Spot n o nfe rrou s metal prices today: Copper 68~ 71 cents a pound. U.S. destinations. Lead 26'-29 cents a pound. imc 37-40 cen ts a pound, delivered, 'rln $6.08 17 Metals Week composite lb. Aluminum 76-77 cents a pound, N.Y. Mercury $365.00 per flask. J Platinum $253.00-$260.00 troy ounce, N.Y. 15-ilver Handy & Harman, $6.530 per troy • ounce. ·Gold coi11s -NEW YOl!K. (A...?}-Prices late Friday of gold coins, com.l)ared' with Thursday's prioo. · Krugerrand. t troy oi ., $350.00, off $2.75. Maple leaf, 1 troy oz., $350.M, off $2.75 . Mexican 10 peso, 1.2 troy oi., $416.25, off $3.23. Aa.1tr1an 100 crown, .9802 troy 01., $332.00, off $2.70. Source: Ocak-Perero r l I .. Hlf' ~ 5~ 2,A.1,1,11 M AGAN TALK Pre1ldent me lie• I•• •PPMI to publl(: <» (7) 8AlllALL 1<.eneu Cltv at New Yot11 Vet1k- ~ •• Hftl .1E?WOMAH HAWAII FIVE-<> • Ovtfil IMY • GUMt· ling« Johnny Off. mond.(R)Q Ill MAGIC M Oil PA#fTINO Cl) CUNEWS a · ucNrNS !~NEWS * * "Shipwreck" (1117SJ RObert Login, Mikki J11ml- M>n-Oleon A wtd~. hl1 two deughtere. • reporter Ind • runeway at• •trend- ed on en llOl•ted lll•nd alter encountering • vio- lent elorm 11 Ma. 'G' D MOVIE • • "Tuck Evenullng" ( 1978) Fred Keller, JOMPh MacGulre. A young girt mMtl an Immortal l1mlly known u the Tuclcl. t:30. DO( CAVETT 89 FAST f<>flWARD "Gamn" A look 11 taken II the UM ol garnet •• educallonal Ilda. mllnary Ilda and aophl11lc111d computer emUMm1<11 (l)CllNfWS dlJ M.....V MILL.EA (])MOVIE •• 'A "Viva LH Vegu .. I 19114) EM1 Preai.y. Ann- Mergret A Lu Vegu 1wlmmlng 1n1truc1or becomet lhe object or •tlecllon lor • sport1 car nut and hie ll1l1an lrlend 7:00 8 C88 NEWS I H8CNEW8 KUNOfU A blind preec1* lelgn1 111- ,_ to enllet Caine'• help G KO.WC • M"A"S"H W'*1 Hot llp1 lhlnk1 Ille might be pregne.nt. the only r1bbl1 1vallable lor the t•t 11 Raelat'I pet Flul- ~ NATALIE Lauren Bacatl. e.111 01vt1, Kerl Malden. Ruth Gordon, Ann Jllllen. Sir Laurence Olivier. MlchHI C1ln1, G«>rge &IQll, Christopher Plu""'*' Ind Olhera pay I apecial trlt>.ite to Nll.U. Woad. 1 lrlend end co- wor1'er •ID 9U81HE88 REPORT (() P.M. MAGAZINE A look 11 how old Bvbll dOll• are becoming vllu· Ible cOllecllblee. dlJ Hf'l. PM-8EASOH FOOT8All Chlcego a.era vs Sen Otego Cherg«e QI THE MUPPET8 • Orange CoHt OAILV PILOT/Monday, Augu1t U5, 1912 VIRTUOSO -World renowned violinist ltzhak Perlman gives guest performance on "Evening at Pops" tonight at 8 on KCET (28). vial! to 1 m1nllon 11111 once belonged to comadJ... an Harold Lloyd, 1 prolile OI Ille Top1ng1 Cenyon "mell lldy .. I Q! fAMlL Y FEUO M"A"S"H When Hawkaye'1 patent• ara notlllad thll he'• ciaao. ha nnd1 II no auy metter 10 llllblllh lhel he'I lllve • MACHEJL / LEHRER AEJllORT ID PUOOIE MEAi< Regularly llCl>eduled pro- gremmlng mey be daleyld due to pledu-brllk1. (I) TIC TAC DOUGH CID WKA TOH EARTH ~ Bean hoetl 11111 rut-91Qed. fect-n11ec1 ecl- ll'Ol -IM. 7:AI I l!VDllNCJ AT~ 1:00 Cl) PAIVA~ SINJAMIN CepCaln Lawl1 becOfM9 ,....,... to 1u1ng ordlrl ener lal(lng 1 -mnar In Mlf··..-tl-.(R) e a unu HOUSE~ THIE PAAIAIE Mre. Ol11on'1 newly 1dopted daughler 1111 out to become the lllr OI lhe IChOOI l•llvtl IPl/1 2) (R) 8 MOVIE * • ~ 'Clucy G111ant" ( 1955) Jana Wymen. Cheri- ton Heaton. The embltlou1 owner of 1 highly IUCOllB- tul ladles' boutlq\HI pl- • gr111er value on her car-lhan on the '°"'"'" lie offer Ille get• trom a TesuOllman. 8 eEST OfF THE WEST Sam and Danial aquare 011 agaln1t 1 big men and hit bully aon In delen11 of thl Beet family honor. (RJ G MOVIE • •~ "A Man Celled Adam" ( 1llS8) Sammy Devis Jr • Plier Lawfcwd. A bleck lrumpet player ioa. hlmlllf In a pool ol Ml.I· pity and remorM ovar the daalh ol hl1 wife end child • p ..... t.lAOAZJNE A proflla of karate Champ and n1m 1111 Chucil Norrla: I vlll11o thl S.. Of GalllM ., MOYIE • (H)MOVllE • "Tanll'I, the Ape Man" (19811 Richard Harrte. Bo Oefel! A young woman _,c,,_ for h« tnll9lng lather In the Atr!Un jungle wM<e Ille ancountatt an uncivilized wlll1a man end an orangutan. 'A' Cl)MOVllE * • "Thia 11 EIYll" (UIS I) Oowmantary Fiim lootage Ind drametlc r..craatlon1 at• ueec:t to tell tM 110fY of EM1 Preal9y'1 Illa and career. D M<>VIE * * "Siience Of Tn. North" (11181) E.llan Bura- tyn, Tom Sklmn In 11119, 1 young woman'• marriage to • trapper laad1 II« to 1 Ille ol hardthlp In the wll· demaaa of northern Cana· d1. 'PG' 1:30 8 (() WK,_. IN OHCIHNATI A lllp of the tongu. lande Andy Ind Venue In big trouble wfth Mama Carl· aon. (R) • MOYie • • * • "The l.Mt Picture ShOw" ( 11171) Tltnot~ Bol· 10tlll, Jan 8rldgal Al ..... only movie ,,,..,.,. In • em111 re... town 01 the tll50t prlC>lf• IO Cloaa, the llvea ol the town'• raal- «*'111 bacome Intertwined. • 81HOLES MAOAZIHIE .:00 8 Cl) M"A"S"H The unit II OYWJoy.d by I ltlfprlM lhlpmant ot traa'1 ~t.(R) U Cll MOVllE **'h "Loving You" (111571 EM1 Pra1 .. y. Llubeth Scott A lmall town llngar ~ • h1td-bollad pr ... egenl who tr1n1fonn1 him lnlo an overnight _.. ... tlon. (RJ • MIAVGM'f'IN GUMle' Dennie Mlllar-Wll- lleme. Gerry Spence, Gaoru-Miiier, Timothy Olly, Rob«t "Goodie" WNtfleld • OAEAT PIEAF<>MtAHCIEa ( '''°' Oowm.ntwy ,,..,,y ol Ille 10, ....... i1ttU09 ......................... , .. ._,..~ lleld In ,..Mi, Ntw Yerll, Int..,. 10M. Cl) &.OU lllWtT ~ ri.111 II .. 100 Wfllll ~Int Of\ • llOfy oon-Ollrfllnt l'Ntd WOt1d ,,.,. 11111on.; I!. .W::: WfTH llU.MOMOt~ ,,.,.,. Jhe IOf> 11 .. t Of ~­ muelo, Including 1111 Mon- roe and •hi 111'9 car- ~ T'-tlantlO 111»- CI'-and lhl Qr.ng1 ... ciooo-e. petform In a oonoet1 '"*' at ~ let'I ManNittan ~u.,.. Plll'il In 1911. • (II YOU A8K10 'Ofll IT Feat11r1e1· "The fic,eam ~ Roller Coater·· and "England'• Pet Pi}'• Clllatrtet .. (C)MOW •··~ "Thi Wey We Ware" (1973) Barbre Stralund, Robert Redt0td A ~ college OOUple In the 19309 dleoovwt thll their pa1111ea1 mn.- -etrong ~ 10 jeop-lrdtn"-eir matrlage. CH>MOVJI • • * "HM_, Cll'I Walt" (197S)Warran S..tty, Juli• Chr11111 Alt• 1 1>10 foot· bell etar· • llt. 11 pr«na- tut91y Clllmecl by .,, 111191 angel. thl man 11 g'-' the body ol • mlltlonllre lndu6- trtali 11 to continue llvtng In 'PG' (l)MOVtE • * • "EM1" (1979) Kurt RuNell, 8Mtofl Hubley. EMI Pratley r.... from powrty and Obec:urlty 10 ICllleve lema and lortune u 1 auper11ar mullul per. lonner. 10-..IO I NEWS IEHTDrr AIHMEHT TOHIGHT Art lnlervte. with Sh1<1n Caaaldy. CIJMOVIE ••* "Ey.t Of Thi ~ die" 11981) Donald Suth«- land, Kate Nelligan. While on 1 remote Scoltllh !eland to mMt • Germ1n aubmartna, an I.ill• 119'1 find• lhalter lrom the llorm In the cottage of 1 'IOU~ mlfl'lad QOUJ!!41. 'R' 11:00 .... (I) 0 QI NIEW9 • SATURDAY NfOHT Hoat: Norman Law G~l: Boz Scaoge. G YOU A8KU> '°"IT FMIUrecl: "Hind-Feeding Deadly Mor1y Eel1" end "Englllh Butler School." • M"A"l"H N-tp<Mda lhroughoul the cwnp that 1 C>MM-nre la Imminent. • lllENNY HIU e.nny pettlctpataa In thl Greet lrwalld Oh•lr R-. !~llAEPORT •• "Carbon Copy" (•981) Georve Segal. SuNn Saint J llTIM A IUCCINtul white bu1lna11m1n dl1covere that he hu a g<own eon Mio It tlleck. 'PG' 1 t:ao 8 Cl) OUIHCY Quincy 11 Crltlc.ity wound- ed wtllle lnYWtlgatlng a murder. ( R) D QITOHIGHT Gulet hoel; Joan RIYer.a. GUM11: Danial J. Trevantl. Diana Mclellan. 8 A8CHEWS ~ TUBE TOPPERS KCE'I' (2a) 8.00 -"Evenina at Pops." Boston Popa Orcho1tra 11 joined by l.ntenwtionally acclaimed violinist ltz.hak Perlman. See photo, left. KABC (7) 8:30 -"The Lut Picture Show.'' A1J the only movie, theater in a small Texas gown prepares to cl0te, lives ol rc.'tlldenta become Intertwined. Timothy Bottoms, Jeff Bridges star. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Loving You." Elvia Presley plays a am.all town singer who Is transformed into an overntght idol. KOCE (50) 9:00 -"Gala of Stars 1982.'' Beverly Sills hosts performances by top stars of opera, dance. symphony and the theater. • MOYW • ,_. "Murdat C1n Hurt vou·· (1980) Jamie Farr, Oevln McLeod Eight eup1r-1l1ut"• band together to battle • com- mon loe. the btlltlanl but dMdfy "Man In White .. (RJ • MOYW • • 'ilt "81vage Pempu" (111e7) RoWI TeylOr. Ron Randell. An Army omoer trtaa to keep hi• m1111wy unit Intact ettet 1 band ol rlt>el Algantlnlan ~­ _.. and lndlan1 renNC111 the coun1ryalda. • LOW. AMUUCAN ITYL! "love And The Serlou9 Wadding" Two ptlCtlcal Joklf• dack:M 10 Oii mar· rlad. "Low And Mr. Nlcia Guy" A nlca guy 11 pet· lurbad bacauM glrt1 traat hlm111budd}' (C)~ • • ,_. "Cabo81anco" ( t98'1J Cl\111111 BronM>n. Jaaon Rot>arde An axlllcl NCI who hu bought off the local pOlloa domlf\11• a emalf Paruvlan eoutal town during the 111409. 'R' 1HO D QI LATI NIGHT WITH DAVIO LETnMtAH Guftt1: Llttl• Richard, au11M>r J1y Rober! NU/I (R) • COUPlE8 1.:::-LLY OO.OO'S One of Iha country'• hot- twt MW rock ICll ting 19 aongt Including lhelr hit llnglaa "Wa Got Tha Beal" and "Our Lipe Are s..iec:t.·· (l)MOVIE * • "Return 01 The Ora· gon" (1972) Bruce lM, Chuctc Norrta. A martial art1 •JIP"1 jour11ay9 from Hong Kong to Roma to help a tr1end Mio II In trou. ble wtth the mob. 'R' D MOVIE • • "Oelt• Foa" ( 191s1 Richard Lynch, Stuart Whitman. A prolaulonat lmUggMr ,,_, hie mateh In a ~lful woman MID lrape him With • mllllon dOffarw In hOt mor-.y CZ)MOVIE • •'ilt "Ere11rhe1d" ( 197S) John Nlll'ICA, Chat· 1o11e st-art. Alter g1v1ng l>lt1h to a rnon1ter child, 1 wwd young woman..._ ,,,. baby '°' the lather to r.... llOfla In what ... lllllllon he dlooeae. 1:ao D Q! Hee NIWt OVIJNOHT • oeNI Al./fAV 1!40 (C) MOVtf * • "Honlly Tonk Fr- way" (Come dy) Beau Brldgee. 8-wty O'AnQllO A "'""' town In Flotld• lakaa matter1 Into 11'1 own h1nd1 wtlln they .,.. by- l)Maad by a ,_ ?llghway 2:00 e wow • • "Friday The 13th" ( INOJ Bal:ty P ........ Adri- anna King. The r~lng of • IUIM'llr ~. CjoMd 20 '1911'1 awllat after three mor"-, 1ttreot1 a vlndk:-• llv• kllla r who knll11 unauaoactlng teen-ao-n 'R' 2.'06 Cl) MOVIE * *'II "Hll10fY Of The World --Part I" ( 1981) Mel Br00k1. Madelina Kahn. Man·a llfu1trlou1 hlllory •• l~om ~hat ce,,.. men to IM Sp1nllh lnqul· lltlon -I• examined 'R' 2:11!= • • '<i "'Magic" ( t97S) AnthOny Hopllfne, Ann· Marg<et. A neurotic ventrf- IOqv,.t, conY!ftoad that hie lllgl dummy CDnlrOla ,,,. lcilOna, al\ldel borOertng lame and fort--10 nnc:t 1 glt1 he loYad In 1\11 youth 'R' a;aO I HEWS 2:46 NEWS 3:00 CID MOVIE • • "Alleck Force 2" 11980) JOhn Phllllp L.Aw, Mal GlbM>n During Wor\d Wat II. a lop-eau11 Aua- ltallan ettacti unll ~ lr•I• Jep•-lltlft to petform • derlng reec\HI mllllon. 3:1S8 MOVIE ••• "The Man WhO Could Talk To l<ld1" ( 1973) Pater Boyle, Rot>er1 Read A tormented I ld~I wlthdrews Into a lonely thell unlll the comp111lon ol one man btaak1 through hi• Icy wall. 3;30 (C) MOVIE '* • * "' "Thi Way We Ware" C 1973) Barbre StrallltlCI, Robert Redtord. A young cooage oouple In the 1930• dllCOVlf that their pOlltlcaJ dlner1MC19 are strong enough to )aop- atdlz. thel( marriage. S.-40(])~ • * "Breaking Glau" (1980) Hai.el O'Connor. .. (8) THa UlllmCl'UMA T'ID -.v~ ' The Wiid Ind ... 'I •1a1t1 ~ ,.,,,,.. VW1eo.I INwaot.,.. lnolvdlft$ • • OlrOu• ClloWll and • l"l'WIQfl a11ah1nga eludant In ~O\le ... on. Taw•d a 11•• 0 0 1111,.,_ H o.,f.-• -MORNWO- l:IO CC) * * * "Hondo" ( ttMJ JCIM Weyne. Geraldine Paoe A cevelfy dflOetCh rider encounter•• woman I/Id h« eon. In AplChe chief"• blOOCI bro111ar {I)•* *Yt "Oerby O'GIN And Thi Liiiie Peop .... (1959) Albert Shatpe. Sean Connery An Old lrlah eate- laket whO II lbOUI to ION 1111 job to 1 younger man C.01UrM the king Of the i19raeh1un1 ano rorC11 him 10 gran1 lh•M wllhft. 'G' 7:30 e *•~"Toby And The Koal• BMr" ( t98 I) Roll Harr11. Live acHon 1nd enl· • m1tlon combine to 1111 Iha tale of • young boy and 1'111 pat koal• In Au11r1111·1 lroritler day1 1;'8 CIJ * '<i "Chart le Chan Arid Thi Cun11~ha Oregoo ~ .. (19 Peter Utll· nov, Rlch11d tch Ch11- lle Chan 11 aided by h11 bumbling grendeon In IOlvlng • 1trlng of mur- der•. 'PO' 1:00 CC) * * 1-i "The Glrll In The Of11ca" ( 11179) Su..,. Salnt J-. Barbara Edan An ambl1lou1 women alope et notl'llng 10 connive her way Into • pollllon of power In 1 IU/lf0n1bla cs.partmerit llora. 1:30 (J) • • ··s11urd1y The 14Jh" ( 111s 11 Rlcf\ard een. jamln, Paule Prantlll A couple dllGOVI< lhet lhl houae they've fnh«llll!&M being OC:Wpled by vi/fr. plrM, ghottl Ind euorted mon1tatt.'PG' t:oo 0 *'II "Smoic~ B11• The Dull" (19S1) Jimmy McNlchol, J1ne1 Julian A high IChOOI delinquent u-11 Ille wl>Oll lown on hl1 tri ll when he m1kaa off ..,llh lhe homecoming q-end headt ICrON the 1111• In • -• ol llOlen eutomobllft 'PG' e:ao (Z) • • "Thi Blue Lagoon" ( 1980) Brool<e Shield•. Chrlllophar Atkln1. Two c1111..,ay chil- dren grow lo •doi..e.nc. on • remote. South Pecllic lll•nd and •11peri.no. lhe pang1 of llr•t love. 'R' 1<>.00 ct)* *'<i "Paplllon" ( t973J Stave Meo-, Duatln Hottman. A palr of Devil'• l1l1nd convlct1 lpend 11\elr 11,,,. plennlng ll*raecape (H) • * * "CIUll Of The Tlt1111" ( 198 t) H11ry Ham- lin, l.autet>Ce O!Mer Myih- lc hero Per-.a 11 l\elpecl by hie lither Zeu1 In • -'-of dangerou1 tllk1 u he trlee to win Iha hend ol a Phoenician prfnc.11 agalnll lhl withal ol • veng•ful 111 godde11 'PO' Cl)•• '<i "Any Number Can Play" (11149) Clark Gable, Ale•I• Smllh. An tion.11 and carelrM g11m- bler' • Ille 11 belet with 1 l.lell9 ..,,.,. A ,_. .... Kor _______ _, oecti .. Ml ,_.. "' .. lftOWltMw "" ....,_ ~ Mtll Ille.....,, • OOot....,. "'*•ion.. CID • • • ''Tiie °"* 11c1e Of Thi..._._ -~wt It" ( ,.,., .. .,.. ....... t. TlmOtl!y aottof'tle ,_ ~ *"' .. IOll-mont, ~ • Qlllldf1.. plegla by • tragic aoddeftt, -·-"""" Mii-doubt ~.-io.,..,..,, .. Hie (I)* *\.lo "V'°'OfY'' 11M1) Sytvee1ar ltallelne, ~ Caine Dlltlng WOrld Wat II, AHied POW1 ... ,...., tlekM lo lreedOM In 1 matcp between their --,_,,and'"' ()er. man Netlonal T MIT\ In Par· II "PO' • ••"A"St 1-"l tt7SJ c,,.,.... lkoneon, J~ Hna 8leMt A '°"'* ~me reporter-turnad-CSetactlve la hired by 1 -lthy "Im IMClet lo r-1 Ml Of lnerlmlnlitlng ~ 'PO' 1:00 CC) * * "Young Jo.. Tha For gotten l<enn•dy" (1977) P .. ar Str-. Bar- bare Patlclnl. Thi lldeel Kennedy VOl\Hll-• lor 1 denoeroua wartime ml6- llon which,, II IUCGINlul, WOUid brtng him bao1c a hero and one 11ep ~ IO the Whlta HOUU 1:30 0 * • * "Tommy·· ( 11175) Roge. Oaltrwy. Ann-Mar- gret 8aMd ori the roek opera by Tha Who. A young boy ttruc~ deal, dumb 81\d blind by tlMI llghl of hi• lath«'• murese. b«;Oll'\el • modern-day rnMlllh ••ploltad by • greedy uncle and 1 wor- llllpplng publkl 'PO' 2:00 CH> • ~ "Under Thi Rain- bolo." ( 19S t) Chevy ChaM. Carrie Fllher. Tha t60 mldget1 Mio ata In town lor the lllmlng of "The Wlz. atd Of Oz." tum • Calllor- nle hOlel upllda-down. 'PG' CIJ * * * "SOid!« In The Rain" (1963) Jecllll Glaa- eon. Steve Meo.-A young loldllr ldollpie !II• -oaan1. wflD 11wey. o-1• him out of trouble a:00 Cl) * • "Salurday Thi 14th" (1981) Riche.rd Ben- jemln, Paula Prent!•. A couple dltoover that the hOuM they've Inherited 11 being occupied by varn- plrea, ghoat1 and lllOrtad mon1ter1. 'PO' 1:30 Cil • * "Deadly ~ .. (19St) Muen Jen11n . Su11n Buekner. A young women. marrying lnlo • ltrlct rellglou1. 11c t <>PpOMd to modern Ille-•~ ... punued by dan- geroue, un«nown for~ 'R' ':00 Q • * * "Batun" ( 111,3) Aobert Teylor. Thom11 Mllch•ll. American G11 right • gllllnt but hOpelaee b•llll In 11\a Phlllpplnaa CC) • * • ••A Little Romance'' ( 11179) Lau- rence Oflvler, DI-LIM. An etdar'ly con ll'tllt Join• two young run-•Yt In love on 1 mao dU/I acrou the European con1in.n1 IOlfth lhe chlldtlfl'I parent1 Ind lhe pollcoe In hOt put· eult 'PG' G.-1· Elke SomrMt (O)MCMIE * * • ·· 10 Rllllngton Piece" ( 197 t) Richard Attlnborough. John Hurt A young Brtlllh couple 1111 Yletlm to 1 klndly nelghbo< who otter• 10 l*p t"-t out OI • Mflool P•edlca- mant • •• "low With TIHI Proper Stranger" ( 1116') Netalle Wood, Stave Meo.-A y<>ung QOUple 1111 In ID-. and era merrted alter the girl t>acomea pregnant on th411r llr'1t date. "O•noe In America: Two Oueta" Mlkhell Barythnl- kov Ind N1tall1 Mll!arova l*form Jetoma Robblnl' ''01her o.no..·· to muelc by Chopin; .and lb Ander- _, and Haath« W1tt1 1>1r1orm Pater Mertln'1 ··ca1c1um Night Light" 10 mualc by CharlM rv.a. (R) G MOVIE 12:40 8 (I) COUJM90 Columbo goee 10 England to lawn AOm91hing fron'I the d9l«tlYW .. Scotland Yard and ~ up l\alplng them IOfve a murder (RJ Ptlll Daniela. A Br1tllh punk pop 11ar·1 llfaat~ ultl- m1111y laad1 to tragedy. 'PO' 1:41111 MOYIE · -lat ot traglelle8 11:30 CZ) * • 'h .. Paplllon" •:30 CJ) • * * 'h "Darby O'GMI And The Llllll People" ( 19~9) Albert Sharpe.~ Connery. Art Old 1r1111 car• tll!a< whO 11 •boul 10 loll 1111 lob lo • younger man capturaa the king of thl lapracheun1 and forc.e him 10 grent 1hrM ...,_, 'G' CZ)MOVllE • ~ "Chat11e Chan And The CUrM Of Thi Oregon 0-" (1981) Peter Uttl- ~Jch1td Hatefl. Ctier-,Ja Cti1n 11 lld.c1 by hl1 bumbllng grend1on In IOlvlng a tiring of mur- der-a. 'PO' 7:aG 8 2 OH THE TOWN FMlurecl; thl t>.lflal plaoas of tome l11mou1 people; • fD EVENING AT POPB John Wllll1m1 and lhl Botton Popt Orehntra era joined by vtrtuoeo vl<>- llnlet •~ Perlman lor • perform~ ol Bruch'a Violin Concerto No. I . (RI (C)MOVIE • • 'h "The Oc11gon" (11180) Chuclc Norrie. L11 V1n CINI. A WHlthy young ..,om1n h1r11 1 re11recl marllll art1 cham- pion lo protlC1 her from terrorlet• trained by the myeterlou1 Ninja cult 'R' Ci) GAU M ITAAS 11112 a...ty Sllll holtl an -nlng ol petf~ by lop 1tare In the "'Orldl ot opar1, d1noa, eym'phOny. chamber mullc Ind the thMter; J-~ 11 l'l'IUllc: dl<lcior IOr lhe galL (O)MOVIE • * '<i "The Girt Hunler1·· 11983) Lloyd NOian. Mlekay Spill-. When a prlYate detective 0011 oft In ~ ol hll ee«'1ary who haa ln)'llarloully di• ~. he mall• the lllr'lllng dlaccMwy that Ille had be91 • apy. • n...,,.,.,.. Qeorve and LoulM ar• upaet by llonel'I cl\olce OI roomm•taa. .LOVE.~ ITYLE 1:00 ··=AUTRY * * * "U.bon" ( 1968) R1y Miiiand, Claude Raina. A ahlp'I CllPfaln le hired 10 rwcua • woman'• hua. band from Communl1t ~ora. 1:20 CH) MOYtl • * • "Flrtt Family" (1980) Giida Raoner. Bob Newhart. Tha IHUllly ~ daughter of the oountry'• welrdaat PfMl.- darltlal llmlly COITlpllcataa II« fattier'• 1ttarnpt1 to condllCI the 1ff4lra of 11111.·R· • • '<i "Happy 81r1hday To ~·· (19801 ~ Sue Andwaon, Glenn Ford. Al murder begin• chopping away 11 her ctr~ of alltlet lriand1, • pr9ip tdlool ..,_ lor worrtaa thll Ille may be the naxt Ylc11m -or P<>Nl· Illy lhe kltler 'R' ''°°CZ) MOVIE * * * "E~ Of The N-. die" ( 11181) Oonald Sutl'«- .. nd, Kate Nelligan. Wiiiie on 1 remote Soot111h !eland to -I Getman 1Ubm1tlna. 111 Axlt loY find• .n.lter lrDn'I the "°"" In the conage of 1 y0ung merrtacl cOUOla 'R' -----~--~~~~~--~~~~-~~-CHANNEL LISTINGS • "T arun, The "'"' Min" ( 11181) Rlcflard .. erril. Bo Derek A y01H1g woman -Chee lor II« mllllng 11111« In the Alrlcan jungle ~Ille enoounter1 1n unclvitlzed """t• man and an orengutan 'R' (%)MOVIE "love And The Lono-t Night" Luth« and Dolot• ara on ''*' wey to Lu Vagu, but Oii Iott. "Love And The Pllonlae" Boyd Ind Daollna r9tum from 1 formal party. a NF\.Jl'Msbl()H fOOTMU. JOHN DARLING 9 l<NXT 1(8$) 0 0 KNBC CNBC> z 11J l<TLA llnd l .. 8 KA8C CABCI c Q KFMB CCBSl ~ 0 KHJ.TV <Ind I f) IE KCST IABCI f CD K TTV llnd ) $ 'Ill KCOf> TV I Ind I " On TV l TV HBO <C1~ma•l IWORI NV IWTBS> <ESPNI IS/low11me1 SPOllighl N V "" •••'h "ChrlllmH In July" ( 1940) Dick POW*ll. Enen er-. Ml1t1kanly ti.tltrvlng r.e hu ""°" 1 lor- tu,,. In prU.a money, a man ~ hlmMfl Mavity In debt HO 8 Cl) fll.TMY NCH CNc8go 8aat9 ~ 8an Qliloo Ctiargan 11:411 CH> MOW • • ''Cout To eo..r· ( 11180) Dyan Cannon, Rob- ert Blake A run1way houMwlte and • 1Crlp9y trucltar hauling cattle COMI to COM1 bacoma the llfOI' OI a wlld - cOuntry ~.'PO' f£l KCET CPBS> (it CCabfe News N~lwork ) The Greedy Beclla try to dllprove Wiid Bin'• klnlhlp With • blood ...... .MOY'llE 1a.. ilHmn'AINMeNT TOHIQHT O JCOCE lf>BSI • • • 'h "Wood1tock" An Int~ wftll Shaun Clllldy. The job Snyder didn't get 8 y'FRED ROTHENBERG Al! T a1evt.1or! WrlW NEW YORK -Tom Snyder will tnchor the 11 o'clock news for ChanneJ 7, ABC's flagship station in New York, etarting next month. And that means the one-time host of NB<;'s "Tomorr~" ahow won't get the anchorman's job ~r ABC's midnight, news program. jcheduled to premiere Oct. 26. That may sound a bit like man-doesn't-bite-dog, but there Is an ~tertaining off-camera story to be toJd. NBC let Snyder's contract lapee earUer fhl1 year, aDd t.be controveuial newsman's name waa linked a1moet at once to the ABC network usignment. SourcH at NBC Hid tbe stories ted with Snyder'a aaent. ABC ne,oUatlona with Snyder, but aa jutt one of aieve.ral candida tea I« the new midnight 1hift. It'• common practice ln telaviaion for Nenfa to wa-t namet to ~ media to ~te lntertet in their clfente. 1n thla c:aae, however, the Sny(ier·ABC ~made aome aeme. ~' Snyder la a natfonally known TV raonallty. He had a f ollowtng on 'Tomorrow," and no one denJ«i Ulat..he Would create ~t recosnf tion foe c.M as-yet unnamed 12-1 a.m. AOC program. Further, Roone Arledge, president of ABC News. has been courting high- recogn.ition correspondents from other networks for acme time. He wooed Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw, but those negotiations only served to make Rather and Brokaw more attractive to their e mployers, and ultimately wealthier .. men. Rather atayed at CBS, Brokaw remained with NBC. David Brinkley atd jump to ABC from NBC, and wu given his own Sunday show. But Brinkley had aoured on the latter network, and had decided ln any c.ase to leave NBC after 38 years. When ABC hlred'Brtnkley, he 1Ull was a reapected new1 broad caater. Snyder'a news credentials, howewr, had been tam.llhed by celebnied eao battl4!1 with colleague Rona Barrett· on ''Tomorrow," and a aplcy interview he gave to "Playboy." In lddidon, Snyder'• bruh and jocular 1tyle made him objecttonable to tome vtewen and news exeeuuvee. ~ to the aoutte at A.BC Newt. Arledae !tit SnycMr-needed to dlltt.nce himeelf from the tul'mOl1 on ''Tomorrow:" Snyder, ctarmm., wru have other new. 1WpcliNfbtUdea at ChaMeJ 7, and repotfedly wru work at thnee for the network's other owned 81ationa. The apparent choice for the network news job la Gregory Jack.Ion, although ABC has not made an official announcement ye1. Jac.kaon was an ABC correspondent from 1968-75 before becoming an lndependent producer. He was the hoet of "HealthlJne" on public TV, and, ncenUy, waa the off-<:amera lnt.ervtewer on CBS Cable's "Sl.gna~." The *>W'Ce said the network wanted tomebody who would complement Phil Oona.hue, who, la.at spring, was itYJ!fl a slot on the midnlaht lhow. Donanue'a aieament. which wtI1 be taped ln front of a studio audience, proba"bly will be a one--gueat interview pegpd more cloeely to the day'1 neW\I than the IOdal llauee diacu11ed on Donahue's 1yndlcated moml.na ahow ....... Plana for the rest of the pfOll"&ln have not been formulated, but ABC la aaid to be Ieanina toward a live brolldc:ut. Keep an eye op local government in the _ .. ., .... -----.._ // __ ,_ ___ _ ( 19731 St-Meo-. Dul Jin Hoffman A pair of O.vll'1 1•1•'1d con..,1c11 " 8')1nd lhelr time planning ~ their aecape. It.GO Q * * 'h "The Big Hang· OVat" (1950) Van JOhneon. Elizabeth T lylOr A young lewyer ovarcomae hl1 pacullar drinking ptOblern bllfore It daltroye hll Ille. e • * "Thi Crlmeo,, Pirate" ( 1952) Burt Lin· cuter, Nlclt Cravet. An 1Sl~tuty pltll• ~ taln blcomM lnVONecl With an emluaty IAlgned 10 put down • •lbelllon • • • ''Thund« Road" (1 9581 Ro""' Mitchum. 0 * • "WNly Wonk a And The Chocol1ta Factory" (1971) Gena WllOer, JICll AlbertllOn A world lln'IOul conl9Ctloner oflera 1 llfe- 11,,,. ~of candy to 1r. 11,.. wtnnara of 1 t,_,. hu'lt. I: 11 CIJ * Yt ·'Charlie Chen And Thi <AKM Of Thi Draoon ~" (1981) Pater U1tl- nov, Rlchatd Hatc:fl. Char- lie Ctlan le aided by hie bumblln9 gr1nd1on In IOlvlng • 1tr1ng ot mor- der9. 'PO' by Armstrong & Batluk NO. WITH "THE OTHER Newe, P~RAMS/ HOT STUFF ON POPS! SUitry, SIZZiing Bernadette Peters teams with John Wiiiiams and the Boston Pops for an evening of musical maQlc PRB I TONIGHT 7:45 IRAllH COAST UIUU llACH / 11111 ClllT MONDAY. AUGUST 16. 1982 ORANGE COUN TY . C AL IF O H NIA 25 CEN TS Trash fee cut due? LB 111ay roll back some of increase .... By STEVE MITCHELL of"IM Oe11J Not ea.ff After approving a 22 percent Increase in reside ntial trash collection fees, the Laguna Beach City Council will now consider rolling back a portion of that hlke. Laguna residents were to begin paying $5. 77 per month for trash collection in October, due to action by Orange County supervisors charging fees for users of county dump sites. But supervisors last w eek rolled back that $7 per ton charge to $4.90 per ton, mostly due to pressure from cities objecting to the user fee. VETEftllN SAWDUST S IN GERS Performers Roselyn Lionheart and David Leonard perform daily at the Sawdust Festival in Laguna Beach through Aug. 29. The couple Delly ..... 9'ho40e llf T-...,.... sing black ballads, and even songs for children. Sitting in a guitar case is their 2-year-old son, Stonny. The county's latest action prompted Laguna Beach officials to recommend a 5.4 percent decrease Crom its approved rate hike, meaning residents will pay $5.46 per month, if the council approves the notion Tuesday. San Juan woman dies after crash A San Juan Capistrano woman died early this morning from injuries received when she was thrown from a car involved in a collision on the San Diego Freeway Saturday. Teresa Mauro. 26, was pronounced dead at 1:15 a.m . at Mission Community Hospital. according to a spokesman for the California Highw~y Patrol. Ms. Mauro received head injuries as a result of the collision , he said. The spokesman said M s . Mauro was a passenger in a car, driven by Louis MaurQ, 25. of San Juan Capistrano, that· was struck from behind about 1:10 p.m. Saturday on the San Diego Freeway at the Avery Parkway offramp. Blaze loss $100,000 in Laguna Laguna Beac h firefighters quickly extinguished a blaze in a hillside home Sunday that blew out ocean-view windows and caused an estimated $100,000 damage. • A fire spokesman said no one was hurt in the 2:30 p.m. fire at the home of Michael Noll, I 105 Miramar St. Four engine companies and nearly two down firemen battled the blaze for 15 minutes before bringing it under control. Mauro, who was not injured in the collision, was driving north when he allegedly was rear- ended by a pickup truck driven by Sharon Carver, 19, of Anaheim, CHP investigators reported. Mauro was slowing because of traffic while Ms. Carver was attempting to switch lanes when the accident occurred, he said . 14 perceIJ.t prime lowest in 2 years The fire caused an estimated $90,000 damage to the home in Arch Beach Heights, and another $10,000 damage to contents of the structure. The spokesman said cause of the fire, which damaged 80 percent of the home, has not been detennined. Road cras}\es fatal to eigh_t Crash fatal · to Irvine man An Irvine man died Saturday in a Bakersfield hospitaJ after his car overturned on a highway near there, according to The i Associated Press. NEW YORK (.AP) -The nation's 10th largest bank cut its primt' lending rate today to 14 perct'nt, the lowest in nearly two years. as a drop an a key rate charged by the Federal Reserve Syst.em touched off new interest rate reductions by banks. Bankers Trust Co.'s decision to reduce its prime rate by a full perct'ntage point brought the prime, a gUJde to the rates banks t harge t h eir best corporate customers, to a level last reached in mid-October 1980. Citibank, the nation's second largest bank, and Irving Trust Co., the 16th largest, today dropped their prjrne rates to 14.5 percent, matching similar reductions Friday by four other big banks -Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., No. 4; Chase Manhattan Bank Chemical Bank. No. 6; and No. 15 Mellon Bank. of Pittsburgh. .PORTERVILLE (AP) -Eight people were killed in two traffic accidents that occurred less than l 1h hours, apart in the southern San Joaquin Valley. Five people were burne d fatally when a motor home and another vehicle collided head-on near Porterville about 10:35 p.m Sunday. Gregory Brunson, 24, was ejected from his car as it veered off the Mel Potrero Highway near Frazie r Park ea rly Saturday. Valley runner goes distal!ce A spokesman for the Ke rn County Coroner's Office said Brunson died two hours later at Mercy Hospital. Completes 50-mile to celebrate 50th birthday • Ex-Iranian aide pleads in1J,ocen t NICOSIA, Cypru s (AP) Sadegh Ghotbzadeh. the Conner, Iranian foreign minister who has pleaded innocent to charges of plotting to assassinate Ayatollah RuhoUah Khomeini, testified in his defense today, Iran's official news agency reported. WORLD BULLETIN Lloyd Long crossed his crepe- paper finish line at 11:35 a.m. today, completing his 50-mlle run in just less than nlne bours. After finishing, he sat on a curb and drank a beer. By GLENN SCOTT 0( IM Dally Piiot Sta" Lloyd Long turned 50 today, so the diehard distance runner se t out to celebrate in an appr opriate fash ion -b y turning 50 miles on foot around the asphalt roads that surround Boat explosion kills lour ST. GEDEON-D'ALMA, Quebec (AP) -Four members of a family were killed Sunday when the mast of their sailboat hit a 161,000-volt power line and the boat exploded. SPORTS Angels, Dodgers tumble The Angels and Dodgers continue their roller coaster ride through the major leagile campaign. Now the Angels are in second and the Dodgers' lead is slipping. Page Cl. • Huskies to repeat? Wash.ington•s Huskies are the preseason favorites to earn anothec trip to the Rose Bowl. Page Cl. I his Irvine office. The Fountain Valley resident started running at 3 a.m. today from the driveway to the Shipley Co., 16782 Von Karman Ave., where he is a salesman for the specialty chemical manufacturer. He was hoping to finish just before noon. A small group of fami l y and friends were attending him and accompanying him on bicycles during his two- mile laps through the industrial sector. A roll of crepe paper was set COUNTY aside on a. curb to become the f inishlng tine. And on the lawn in front of th9' offices, a handmade banner had been posted to pun-like note the oocasion. It read: "The Long Run." With sweat soaking through his red and white nylon runner's outfit, Long paused after the 36th mile this m0ming for a fast reading of his blood pressure. It was already the farthest he's ever run, although he has (See 50-MILE, Pa1e A%) Bouncing quarters has rules Rules for bouncing_quartera into a glass of beer? You ~say two Costa MCMJ1a who have published a rule book. Page AS. }ohnnk Crean faces challenges Johnnie R. Crean, millionaire Repu\>llcan aeeking the 43rd Congressional Dlatrict post, faces a challenging campaign. Page A8. UCI I acility gets new housing A new apartment complex for faculty ia expected to ease a housing need at UC Irvine. P~l. · Homemade trimaran gels berth A Mission Viejo couple can Ule ·the backyard again after· movtna huge homemade trimaran to a berth at Dana Point Harbor. Pap B4. . ~ .. ~ The county aud1tor/controller gave cities untal Aug. 24 to revise special assessment charges that appear on property tax bills. Th e n ew ra t e hik.e, d approved, would run until July 30, 1983. Followlng ••e llema llatad on tho C11y Council llQend• lor Tuesday, beginning 11 6 p.m In council chambers CONSENT CALENDAR t) Approve minute• o f pa11 council meeting•. 2) Clalmt for damages 3) f,ppf ove general warr anll 4) Sdledule fir• departln4lflt woncshop ~)Contlder Morey Boogie Oemonst1a11on at Main Beach 6) Annu•I 1&1urfac1ng program lo• c;lty slreett. ' 7) Adjourn Oct. 19 councll meeting 10 Oct 20 to accommodate League ol C•lllorn111 annual conference 8) Purc;h ... tun 11ector for $7,234 50 9) E.ttlbllah epp10i>fl11Hon tlmlt of SS.261,· 477 for lilCAI t982-83 • 10) Aw•rd contract for c!esign of El Toro Rao<J 1esurtec1ng 11) Deny lend division 101 1191 G11vlota Drive t2) Approve Treasure 161and Ten•nl s Association request for • carnivel Ilea m111ket Sept 4 •t the lrvlne Bowl ('ark t 31 Approve permtt f 0t llone w911 and bric* • walkway at 404! Pal1'1'141t Place 141 Approve "No Parking" z~ et thr .. locallona AEQUlAA OADeA M' llU .... H 15) Adopt Uniform Fire CO<le. t6) Approve MCOOd rMdlng 10< O<dlnllnee 1eqy111ng lira raterdant roof ~ngt 17) 011a1 .. P•oPOM<I Et Toro loclltlon fOf new •llport. Included In Southern C•lllomle Airport Location Slu<ly 18) Consider • repott on pollc• policy reoerdlng restraining llOlda. 19) Decr111e In Ille 19112·83 ratldenllal refuse collec11on chargea 20) Conalder prQPON!e f0t development Qf 112 ac<ea on Sycemo<e Hllla. 21) Considet progrem wt>ieto·would controt animal ltcensing by computer 22) Consider requnl for sale of ~ fO< Ille Sept. t8 VIiiage Party at Main e.ac:n Park 23) Consldet report reguding denial of the Dumond Orlve/AlllO Creelc annexation by the Local Agency Formation Commission 241 Consld11• cr11a11ng a committee 10 .explore methods 01 -gy ettlelency 25) Consider request to divide • nearly •·acre parcel al 2825 Laguna Canyon Roed. 26) Conllrm -•ments for tr .. -• In the 1200 blOCk of South Cou1 Highwrt Ad)Ourn 10 Sepl 7 BIRTHDAY RUN -Lloyd Long of Fountain Valley strides through a 50-mile run on his 50th birthday. INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landers A7 Erma Bombeck A7 Movies .86-7 Business 84-5 National News A3 Cavalcade A7 Public Notices B6 Classified C4-8 Sports Cl-3 Comics 82 Dr. Steincrohn A7 Cromword B2 Stock M8.J'kets B5 Death Notices B6 Television B8 Editorial A6 Theaters 86-7 Entertainment B8-7 Weather A2 Horoecope A7 World News A3 Intennimton B6 NATION Reasan sJ>fech on TV • NEW YORK (AP) -Channels 2, 4, 7, 8 and 10 and C.ble News .Network plan Uve b~dcuta f President Reagan'• 1peech on taxee tonight ~t ~. speech will be broadcast from the ~t.e Houae Office. . •• ~I L Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augu1t US, 1982 ~'· :=:========:::;:==========::;::::::;::;:::;::;=:;:::====----=====::;::;==:;:::::;==:;::::; •• Continued stories 50-MILE RUN partldp1&ted In scverul muathona, lncludan1 those in Irvine, Mission &y, Chic.go, ond Honolulu. He gulped down an electrolyte replacement fluid as slater Olrol West wrapped the blood pressure apparatus around his arm a~ began pumping. The reading: l 40t8d. Long was relieved. High blood pressu~ was the reason he began running five years ago. he said. Since then, the problem has subsided. J "Every marf on my father's side of the family has d ied from heart att.acks and strokes," he said. • • • He couldn't awp. thuul(h, und resumed h111 long dl11t1.ance dll'l again in JlltluW"y It was about then that he set hlB 50-mllc 1ieual The break over, Long touk ott again thla morning. ln ~mother 18 minutes, he would be expected w finish his latest lap. And th1m there were 38. But he stopped 20 feet awuy and bent over his left knet!. "Cramps," said his sister "He hadn't stopped for that lo':lg before, and after you've run J~ miles, you can really tighten up. Long straightened his 50-year-old frame and started jogging away, limping terribly and reaching down t~ hold his Jeg. But each step seemed to he lp and soon he was back in his rhythmic. high-s~pping stride J ... Long said he quit runnif\g about 18 months ago out of frustration when his application to participate m the New York M a r athon was lost in a pap erwork shufflE: and not discovered until the deadlme had passed. Daughter Denine, one of those in fus "pit" today, said he also qualified three times to run ~n the prestigious Boston Marathon. But injuries preve nted him from going. Back at the driveway, his daughter was explaining that her dad TWlS up to 10 miles on most days and 16 to 20 miles on Sundays. She said he was strong. And what would he do today after finishing? FISHING RIGHTS -The "arm-~aving'' fisherman at the left lost the argument over who was to have fishing rights at this rocky spot off Bayside Drive beach near the U.S Coast Delly Pie.. f'tMlto ., U. ...,.._ Guard station. Steve PhHlips of Garden Grove, the fish erman on the right, caught a nice bass)here. The pelican flew away. "I think he's gonna take the rest of the day off," she said. "But I'm not sure." 12,000 Elvis fans visit singer's grave MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -An estimated 12,000 l!:lvis Presle) fans carried lighted candle~ through intermittent rain earl) today to stand at their idol'~ g r~vesit e on .th _e fifth Pair seized 1in parking meter thefts Two me n s u spected of breaking into nearly 100 parking meters in Laguna Beach were arrested by police early Sunday a fter a suspicious resident called officers. Arre s t e d were W illiam Stanley, 44, of Ashland, Ore .. and Clifford Dean Rather, 33, of Alameda. Police said a truck parked on So u t h Coast H i ghway, purportedly belonging to one of the men, contained hundreds of dollars in coin s. pap er coin wrappers, a police scanner, and toot. that could be used to cut the heads off of parking meters. The two men also allegedly had about $60 in coins and a homemade key to open meters in their possessio~. anruversary ot tus deatn. They crowded around thE entrance to the Graceland estate blocking traffic on Elvis Presle) Boulevard, as they waited for their turn to visit the rock 'n roll singer's grave. One by one they walked ui: the quarter-mile, winding driveway to Meditation Garden, where Presley, his parents and grandmother are buried. The glare of television lJghts caught the fans, some of whom wept as they approached the grave. Some kissed their fingers, knelt to touch the grave, then kissed their fingers again. The graves are just south of the mansion where Pr~l~y lived. ··They we re packed," said Capt. J .A. Dungan, who was in charge of the police detail outside the mansion. "I couldn't get thn!ugh to the gate." Ken .l:Snxey, tbe director ot security at Graceland, tSSUed the crowd est imate this morning after the last of the fans had walked up the quarter-mile winding dri veway t o the gravesite. A memorial service was planned later today across the street from the mansion, with admission $7 a person. U.S. gains Israeli pledges By The Associated Press U.S. presidential e nvoy Philip C . Habib r eturned to Beirut today. with major concessions from the Israeli government on has plan for the withdrawal of Palestiruan guerrillas~ from west Beirut. Lebanese sources said the evacuation could •begin as early as Saturday. After consu ltat io n s in J erusalem on Sunday between H abib and Prime Minis t e r Me nach e m Begin, the Israeli Cabinet withdrew objections to havmg French troops spearhead the entry of the multi-national peacekeeping fo rce into west Beirut and to the timing of that deployment. A Cabinet communique also appear e d to soften Israel's insistence on checki ng each outgomg guerrilla against Israeli intelligence lists. It said some sort of verification must be made but left open the mechanics. At least one ma.)Or stumbling bloc k rema ined: I s rael's insistence that the PLO return an Israeli pilot, ~ Ahiaz, who was shot down and captured in southern Lebanon on the first day of the invasion June 6, and the bo d ies o f nine soldiers missing s ince Is rael's 90-day invasion of southern Lebanon in 1978. ~' Slightly warmer t>ocoml~ southwesterly at 10 to 18 ~nots during the afternoons The Foree.st For 8 p.m. EDT Snowm with a t-to-3-loot 1outhwes1 twell Tuesday. August 17 Northwest winds could reach • T 1turea t8 knots with 3-to-5-foot seas Low cloud•. clearln¥ In the farther than 60 mlles otl1hore aft.moon• todey end uesd•y from Senta Rosa laland. Hlghe today In the low 70. 11 the t>Mctiea to near 80 In the lnlend T e niperature s ..-. Flllr tonight and Tueedey wltll .-rly morning low cloud• ~ TUMdey et the~ 70, NATION to and Inland areu 80 to 86 .. Le Pre.. Elee wher e . from Point Albany 82 52 Conception t o the Me•lcl n All>Uque IM 68 border end out 60 mlle• Amarillo 102 69 15 Noo'ltlwestwlnd• 10to 18 knot• Aahevllle 84 60 with 3 to 5 toot -OWi oulet Atlante 117 89 .,.,.,.. lodey through Tuesdey. Atlante Cty 80 83 L.ocelly, llght V¥\8ble windl night Austin 100 711 and morning houra becoming 8attlmor9 84 59 ..i to IOUl'-1 10 to tll knot• Bllllng• 88 81 03 In the ettetnoon• and evening 81rmlnghm 86 7-4 Wind -2 lo 3 ,_t Night and Blsmatcil 116 59 .01 Laa Vegu 101 76 Syrecuse 80 '54 morNng low doucll with moetly BolM 89 80 Little Rodi 113 75 T~e 113 71 ctMrtng In tbe afternoons Botton 85 88 Loui.ville 87 70 32 Tuc11on 92 68 02 Browntvlle 97 76 Lubb<>cit 103 7 t Tulaa 104 75 . Buffalo 81 69 Memphla 80 78 2• Washlngtn 85 67 ,U.S. sunimary . Burlington 83 68 Miami 86 78 99 Wlch1t11 94 73 Cuc>er 92 84 Mltweukee 80 62 CALIFORNIA Chartstn SC 85 75 Mplt-st P 8• 6" Bakersfield 93 71 Scattered thundershowers Chert1tn WV 87 59 Nulwllle 88 72 24 Blythe 105 fW9P1 out of the Rocky Mountains Charttte NC 85 67 New Otleens 90 74 Eurelca 85 50 In t o 1he we1ter n and Cheyenne 85 58 New York 86 67 Fresno 92 83 llOUl"-tem Greet Pt1ln1 eer!y Chicago 8• 61 Norfolk 81 88 04 t•nc,t1ter •1 g~ t 0 day Co n1 ld e r1ble Cincinnati 84 ·94 No. Ptatte 92 68 01 ngeles thunderatorm lic11vlty purvalled Cleveland 84 58 Okie City 103 77 M1ry1vme 87 from MIMourl and Arkan ... Into Clmbte SC 88 67 Omah• 76 67 04 Needles 106 the llOUlhem Ohio end Ten,,_ COiumbus 84 58 Orlendo 91 72 23 • Oeklend 57 riv.rv~ Del-Fl Wth 102 78 Phlledphle 85 68 Paao Roble• 9" 5" A few llOla1ed thundet1~1 Oeylon 83 59 Phoenb: 103 85 Red BM1 86 65 Mttl9d OWi Virginie and -tern Oen .... 85 57 Pituburgh 83 55 Redwood City 77 58 Noftfl c.ro11ne. u well u around Dee MOlnM 78 lie .10 Ptlend,Ma 83 59 Socram.oto 64 56 the coatl ot Florida and over O.trott 84 59 Piland.°'• 77 58 Sallnaa 89 49 Mleall9IPPI and Alebama. Duluth 79 88 PrOY!denoe 83 113 San Diego 75 87 Ughtnlng Sund~ touc:f\td off • El Puo 100 73 =illy 88 67 San Frenc:teco 71 55 fire that dHtroyed 1n office • Fargo 67 51 84 65 Santi Bert>at• 71 56 bulldlny at lh• Unlverelty ol A1g1talf 7~ 51 Reno ee 45 Sent• Merle 75 M laO\lt In Columbia during • Gree1 Fall• 85 63 Rlcf'lmond 8" 88 30 Stocttton 87 81 "°"" tt\11 dumped more than • Har11ord 84 69 Sell Liiie 94 "'12 ' T,.,.,mel 105 lnCflM of ...in. eu1hortt191 Mid. Helena N 55 San Antonio 98 71 88'W1-98 71 The IJtonn droe>c>ed -mud\ .. Honolulu 81 7 6 f.20 • Selttle 72 55 Big a.er eo 41 8 Ind.-of ...in on other portloat Houe4otl " 81 ~= 95 72 Celallna 7,M82 of oentral Mlllout1. lndnaplt 88 82 84 81 l~BMch 79 eq The Hat1one1 WMthlt ~ Jecken MS 94 18 01 St Locite 78 71 20 for-' ~-fof ,,,., ot Jldcenvtle 90 71 SI P-Tampt 88 74 11 Smog the Mtlon t • Thundet'tlonnt 1(-City 17 72 St Ste Merle 78 68 W9f9 elq)K19CI ICtOU lhe Gulf I< no xvii le 89 73 990tl-79 56 ~ to tM AtlarttlC oo.t. ii.ii &S~Rf Rf PORT Where to call 1toll free) for mperaturH before d•""n l&tNt ~fomlatlon: i':77'1! from 50 In ~adford, PL, Otenge ty. J800> 4.U-3828 to In Phoenl• and Yuma. AIU Loa Ang1IH ounty: (100) 20~2 California Alwt91de and a.,, Bematdlno eount111: (8001 :se1 ... 110 AQMO Epleodl C.nter: (IOO) Tiii NMton8I Wtelhlt 8eMol 242-4tee 11y1 louthern C1llfornl1'1 ':9J:C. ..... ....... _.,., lhcKlld ti. ft/It TwedllJ e•oettt for low clovdt 111 Ille .......... A99 .... ,..,,, Tides morn~o 1nd evenln~' 111d • HvntlrlgtOn '8luffa ..... f)OOr $.4 o h• 01 o f 110 a111d Hunt~ Pier 2 ... latr-good ... TOOAY t~ lrOtn IOU MrJ1 Santa Aiv.r Jetty 1-3 good 85 a-id IOW l:Hp.lf. 1.2 ~ '° .... .-n "-19. 40th St. Newl>Of1 1..S good 85 ~ wilt 11no• from the t2nd St. Newport I good 85 Second lllOh 7:5 t p.m. t ,8 In Loi AflOllee to ti In Belboe Wedge 2-5 ~ ea TUllOAY Ow1nt Valley. In •II• 101 1111 "°'*'*'· LaQune 1-3 89 Flr1t low S:Ot 1.m. 1.1 =Hollow 1..:1 fair 89 ~~ ftH 1.m. u R::""' a:-. ll"Ofl'I ta to tOl In BrOOIUI 1-3 lair 89 2: p.m. "°""*" ~ to 84 In the &Ml ·a.in.me """ 2-'4 good 88 ~ h4Qh u1~.m. r,o 1ow-.... ...... """'-l'Cllnt COl1Q1ptk111 Trlf~ Sun Mt• to<:I~ at :31 p.m ... to .......... '"""' Oln tlllpaat (T trwt) ~ OOod .. ,..... Tl*dly It : " a.m. TOMOAAow··· TIOU: High t ·21 • m Lo"" 2:21 p.m. Swell Moon r1-lodey It 3:t 1 p m,. ::r.1 ..,..,.. wtnd• d11r"1g the .... 1.06 Lm. tllt and morn! houri Olrectlon &outh ' 350 rescued at beaches Riptides, strong surf keep lifeguards bus y ove r week end Early m orni ng clo ud y conditions that kept weekend beach crowds s maller than average are expected to continue at least through Tuesday. Clouds will burn off by mid· morn i ng with Tuesday temperatures predicted at 70 along Orange County beaches and 80 inland. Night lows will be in the 60s, according to weather officials. Waves up to five feet and strong riptides kept Orange Coast lifeguards busy Sunday, despite the small crowds. Th@' large waves and s trong riptides remained in force today. said life~ard officials. Market posts • strong gain as rates fall NEW YORK (AP) -Stock prices ran up a strong gajn today, responding to falling inte rest rates and the hope of a merger agreement for Cities Service. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials climbed 12.37 poinr..s to 800.42 after four hours of trading. Gainers held a 4-1 lead over losers among New York Stock Exchange -listed issues. Afte r Friday's close. the Fed~ral Reserve cut its discount ra~ to 10 Y2 percent, marking the third reduction in that influential rate in less than a month Nume rous banks quic kly responded by· lowering the ir prime lending rates from 15 to 14 'h percent, and in a few cases, to 14 percent. ~ke rs said Occid e n ta 1 Pe1"oleum's offer to acquire Cities Service Friday also was a plus. Many professional stock \raders have been facing large losses as a result of Gulf Oil's withdrawal a week earlier of a bid for Cities. Cities Service s h ares were delayed in opening. Directors of the company were srheduled to meet today to consider the Occidental offer About 187,000 people visited bea c h es Sunday from Hu n tington Beach to San Clemente, less than the 250,000 to 300,000 who come most summer Sundays, lifeguards said. More than 350 swimmers were pulled out to sea by the strong riptides and lifeguards fished them out and brought them back to shore. "This is probably the most powerful riptide we've had this summe r ," said Eric Kred e l . lifeguard at Huntington State Beach. "The rips are pu'i'llng oui as far as 500 yards." A minor surfing inJury and a traffic acc'-de nt involving a b1cycl isl also were J"~r..sed by oeach officials Sunday. Surfer Marc Wasser , 26, of Ne wport Beach, suffered head and possible neck inJuries when he struck the sand at the Wedge in New port Beach at 2:40 p.m. Paramedics took him to H oag Memorial Hospital for treatment, lifeguards said Rotarians aid Mexican peOple The Laguna Beach Rotary Club has continued its efforts this summer to pursue its th.ree-yearA>ld "Amigo Plan," intended to help the people of San Carlos. Mexico. Already this year, the small seaside village locat ed 20 miles north of Guaymas in Sonora has received a large quantity of obsolete baseball gear. courtes y of th e California Angels, tha t was delivered in June. More than •Poet Carolyn Forche will read from her works at 8 p.m. Sept. 11 at the L aguna M o ulton Play hO\IJ se 1n Laguna Beach. Her -'Pp ear an \: e 1 s sponsored by Laguna P oets and will be followed by a reception at the Vorpal Gallery. Ms. Forche will sign books the following a fternoon at the Fahrenhei t 4 5 1 40 Rotanans and their wives accompanied the equipment. Also. upon learning that the San Carlos Hospital lacked m1n1mal mode rn hospital equipmen t, Rot.anans solicited discarded diagnostic gear and other equipment from Laguna area hospitals. South Coast M e dical Center has donated a large quanuty of equipment that now 1s awaiting shipment. Other loca l hospitals also have needt.'Cl donauons. bookstore. M s Forche, who has written for The Nation, and Ms. Magazrne, is referred to as "one in a handful" of great American poets. She has won the Yale S eries Younger Poets "Award w ith collection, Gathermg the Tribes, and her cu rre n t The Cou ntry Be tween Us has won the Lamont Poetry Award for 1981. ~ OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT HEHIR CHIROPRACTIC QJNIC DR. STEPHEN E. HEHIR PALMER GRADUATE longtime resident of Newport Beach has now opened an oHlce In the area to serve residents ol the city and surrounding area Or. Hehir has had vast el(perlenoe In treating patients for 13 years The doctor maintains I) large practice In the Los Angeles area and Is now also avallable for consultation and treatment here In Orange County. Of Hehir orlglnalfy practiced In Australia for a number of years II you have any problems that may be chlropractlc·related, call the doctor for a consuttatloo. Gonstead F\111 Spine Technlqu. .. Call for an appointment. You w/11 be pless«J you did. 63·1·7494 1731 Santa Ano Ave., Co•ta Mesa 92627 ' , llAllE Cllll 1m1111m11 MONOAV. AUGUST 16, 1982 ORANGfCOUNTY <.AllfOnNIA 25CENTS Prime Alieri raids curbed cut to 14% Border P.atrol to 'go easy' in Irvine NEW YORK (AP) -The nation's 10th largest bank cut its prime lending ra~ today to 14 percent, the lowest in nearly two • years, as a drop in a key rate charged by the Federal Reserve System touched off new interest rate reductions by banks. Bankers Trust Co. 's decision to reduce its prime rate by .a full percentage point brought the prime, a guide to the rates banks charge their best corporate customers, to a Jevel last reached in mid-October 1980. U.S. Border Patrol agenta have been asked to modify their tactics when operating In Irvine where 30 Illegal aliens were arrested early today. Sweepe by Immigration and Naturalization Service agent.a through agricultural fields in and near Irvine •·gene rate widespread anxiety and fear alnong both workers a nd residents in our peatby commercial, industrial and residential areas." said Irvine Mayor Larry Agran. In a letter to INS Regional Di.rector Mike H . Landon, Agran criticized the agency's use of helicopters "in militar~·like sweeps through Irvine. Landon was "not available for comment," according to a spokesman in his office who said the INS public relations director for Los Angeles "could talk" and would be in his office later today. Helicopters weren't used in today's arrests, said Border Patrol Agent Al Gordon of the San Clemente office. Helicopters were used in arrests earlier this year. Gordon said 29 men and one woman were arr~ted today "around the 405 (San Diego) Freeway and Sand Canyon Road while they were on their way to work" and that there were "no problerna" with the arrests. In hts letter to Landon, dated Aug., Agran said Irvine police use helicopters "only ... where human life is at risk." Agran a dded , "Use of helicopters in agricultural fields adjacent to the villages of Woodbridge, Northwood and Turtle R oc k is itself life· endangering and cannot be justified as measured against the essentially non-violent nature of the criminal activity that the INS seeks to control." Citibank, the nation's second largest bank, and Irving Trust Co., the 16th largest, today dropped their prime rates to 14 .5 p e rcent, matc hing similar'" reductions Friday by four other big banks -Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., No. 4; Chase Manhattan Bank Chemical Bank, No. 6; and No. 15 Mellon Bank, of Pittsburgh. $1. 6 ·million gift Anonymous family pledges funds to Mesa arts center On Friday the Fed reduced its discount rate, the rate it charges on loans to banks and savings and loan associations, to 10.5 percent. It was the third half- point reduction ~ a month. The -move was seen as evidence of the Fed 's con cern about the weakness of the economy, analysts said. Economists predicted other banks would• drop their prime rate. The prime i.l_~he level of interest chargecVOr\ ·short-term corporate loans. Irvine cyclist to arrive in NY tonight · By JODI CADENHEAD of the o.llJ ..... •&an An Orange County family requesting anonymity has pledged $1.6 million toward the endowment of the $60 million Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa, it was announced today. Henry Segerstrom, chairman of the trustees, noted that the will bequest was the first announcement in the center's efforts to raise $3 million in endowment funds by the Sept. 1 deadline set for a challenge grant fr om the James Irvin e Foundation. The first announced anonymous gift to--the theater complex has been made by "an Orange County family who feel a strong personal commitment to the enhancement and education and cultural opportunities" in Southern California, officials said. Bicycle marathone r J o hn Marino of Irvine was expected in New York City late tonight after a grueling cross-<:ountry race that began Aug. 4. Marino, 33, had hoped to break the previous record by pedaling the 2,900-mile distance in 10 days. However, unexpected foul weather coupled with physical injuries tacked an additional three days ontb his time. 0.-,,... ....... ~.,, ~ BIRTHDAY RUN -Lloyd Long of Fountain Valley strides through a 50-mile run on his 50th birthday. The latest announcement brings the total of pledges and gifta to the theater complex in South c.oast Plaz.a Town Center to more than $23 million. Officiab hope to raise $40 million toward the construction of a 3,000-aeat main theater and 1,000 seat community t heater and a nother $20 million for endowment purposes. On Saturday Lon Haldeman of Elgin, Ill .. shattered the world's record for the Santa Monica-to· New York race with a time of nine days, 20 hours and two minutes . Haldeman beat the previous record he set last year by about 24 hours. FV I11an, 50, runs 50-mile birthday "Although we wish to remain anonymous we are especially Early clouds to conti11ue By Sunday two of the other four racers had arrived in New York. Marino's troubles began in Arizona with knee trouble and he later developed saddle sores while traveling through the Midwest, according to Mark Friedman, s pokes man for the Great American Bike Race. As Marino fell behind, he\ran into strong head winds and thunder- showers. Friedman said all four racers were at the m ercy of Mother Nature, from blistering 120-degree weathe r 1n the California desert to a chilling 40 degrees in the Midwest. Nevertheless, race officials don't expect anyone to beat Haldeman's time for some time to come. "We didn't expect the world record to be shattered by as much," Friedman said. "It was quite an effort on hi s (Haldeman's) part." WORLD BULLETIN Lloyd Long crossed bis crepe- paper finish line at 11:35 a .m. today, completing bis SO·mile run in just less than nine hours. After finishing, be sat on a curb and drank a beer. Bv GLENN SCOTT bfthe Deity Pilot Stett Lloyd Long turned 50 today, so the diehard distance runner set out to celebrate i n an appropr iate fashion -by turning 50 miles on foot around the asphalt roads that surround hlS lrvine office. The Fountain Valley resident started running at 3 a.m. today from the driveway to the Shipley Co .. 16782 Von Karman Ave .. where he is a salesman for the specially chemical manufacturer. He was hoping to finish just before noon. A small group of family and friends w ere attending him and accompanying him on bicycles during his two- mile laps through the industrial sector. Boat explosion kills four ST. GEDEON-D'ALMA, Qtr~ (AP) -Four members of a family were killed Sunday when the mast of their sailboat hit a 161,000-volt power line and the boat exploded. SPORTS Angels, Dodge.-s tumble The Angels and Dodgers continue their roller coaster rtde through the major league campaign. Now the Angela are in second and the Dodgers' lead is slipping. Page Cl. Huskies to repeat? Washington's Huskies are the preseason favorites· to earn anoffier trip.to the Rose Bowl. Page Cl. - A roll of crepe paper was set aside on a curb to become the finishing line . And on the lawn in front of the offices, a handmade banner had been posted to pun-like note the occasion. It read: "The Long Run." With sweat soaking through his red and white nylon runner's .outfit, Long paused after the 36th mile this morning for a fast reading of his blood pressure. It was already the farthest he's ever run, although he ha~ participated in several marathons. including those in Irvme. Mission Bay. Chicago, and H<>nolulu. He gulped down an electrolyte replacement fluid as sister Carol West wrapped the blood prt!$ure apparatus around his arm and began pumping. The reading: 140/80. Long was relieved. High blood pressure was the reason he began running five vears ago, he said. (Stt 50-MILE, Page AZ) COUNTY to Wednesday Early morning c loudy ·conditions that kept weekend beach crowds smaller than average are expected to continue at least through Tuesday. Clouds will bum off by mid- morning with Tuesday temperatures predicted at 70 aloni Orange County beaches and 80 inland. Ni(tht lows will be in the 60&, according to weather officials. Waves up to five feet and strona riptides kept Orange Coast lifeguards busy Sunday, despite the small crowds. The large waves ahd str ong ri pt idea remained in force today, said lif~ officials. Ab<?ut 187,000 people visited beaches Sunday from Huntington Beach to San Clemente, less than the 250,000 to 300,000 who come most (See CLOUD, Pare A!) Bouncing quarters bas rules Rules for bouncing quarters idto a g.l.aas of beer? You bet, say two Costa Mesans who have published a rule book. Page A5. . ; Johnnie Crean faces challenges Johnnie R. Crean, millionaire Republican seeking the 43rd Congressional District post, faces a challenging campaign. Page A8. UCI facility gets new housing A new apartment complex for faculty la expected to ease a housing need at OC Irvine. Pue Bl. Homemade trimaran sets berth A Mission Viejo couple can uee the ~kyard again af~r moving huge homemade trimaran to a berth at Dana Point Harbor. Pap 84. ' proud to be associated with the continued growth of the cultural arts in Orange County," the" donor was quoted as saying in a news release from Segerstrom. Since fund raising efforts for the music center began of!icials have stressed the importance of raising endowment funds to insure programming and support for the center after it is built. "While most non-profit institutions do not begin to deal with the reality of endowment funds until capital campaigns are complete the center is wisely placing equal importance on both the building and endowment oL this world class theat e r complex," said Carl Mitchell, chairman of the ce nter endowment council. Last August the Irvine Foundation pledged $3 million toward the center, with the first $1 million contingent on raising another $1 million by last December. The remaining $2 million of the foundation pledge is contingent on raising $3 million in e ndowment funds by September 1982 and another $3 million by next September. When comJjteted in 1985 the theater complex along Bristol and the San Diego Freeway will be only the third in the nation capable of o((ering musical theater, ballet, symphony and opera. The theater complex will be built on five acres of land donated by the Segerstrom family. ,., ...... HOVERING -Marine One, with President Reagan aboard, is not alone as it heads for a South Lawn landing at the White House Sunday. A flock of birds seemed to be scampering to avoid the rotor wash of the helicopter. INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landers A7 Erma Bambeck A7 Movies B6-7 8us1hft8 B4-5 National News A3 Cavalcade A7 Public: Notices 86 a.a.wed C4-8 Sports Cl-3 Comics 82 Dr. Steincrohn A7 Croesword B2 Stock Marketa B5 Death Notices 86 Television B8 F.d.i toriaJ A6 Theaters 86-7 »ltertainment 86-7 Weather A2 Horoeoope A7 World Newa A3 IntenniM;ion 86 NATION Reagan speech on TV NEW YORK (AP) -Channels 2, 4, 7, 8 and 10 and Cable News Network plan live broadcast. of Preeldent Reagan'• speech ,on taxea tonight at ~-The speech will be broadcast from the White HOU9e Oval Office. • • • I • "' Orang~oa1l O~ll V PILOT /Monday, Auguat 1&, 1882 From Pa e A 1 CLOUD • • • 1ummt'r Sunday•. hfoiuu ll• uld. . Mott than 3~0 1wlmmon wt•rt• puUod out w ,..., by the it.tong riptide. and m.,auorda fl1hed them out and brouaht tht'm black to ahore. "Thia 11 prub•btr the moat powerful rlpUde we ve had thl.a summer," said Eric Kredel, lifeguard Mt Huntington Si..te Belch. "The rti-are pullina out u far u 600 yardl." A minor surfing injury and a traffic accident involvln~ a bicyclist also were reported by beach officials Sunday. Surfer Marc Wasser, 26, of Newport Beach, suf{ered head and possible neck injuries when be struck the sand at the Wedge in Newport Beach at 2!40 p .m .. Paramedics took him to Hoag Memorial Hospital for treatment, lifeguards said. In Hun ti nston Beac h , a bicyclist in his 20s was st ruck Sunday afternoon by an allegedly drunken motorist at Maenolia Street and Pacific Coast Highway. The bicyclist PLO evacuation French to lead 'peace force' By The Auociated Pre11 U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib returnt!d to Beirut today with major conceseion11 kom the Iaraeli government on his plan for the withdrawal of Pal~tinian guerrillas Crom west Beirut. Lebanese soun..'et! said the evacuation could begin as early u Saturday. Afte r consultations in Jerusalem on Sunday between Habib and Prime M inister Menachem Begin, the Israe li Cablnet withdrew 'objections to having French troops spearhead the entry of the multt-national peacekeeping force into w est Beirut and to the timing of that deplo~ent. th~ bodies of nln~ 1oldlera nuurng •Ince Israel 'e 90-day invasion of soulhcm Lebanon in 11178. Lebanese SOUf'C(.>a said the PLO proposed a s wap for guerrlllas captured by Israel. Sul the Cabinet ('Ornmunlquc insisted the "pilot and the missing persons wit I b e handed over to the lnlernauonal Red Cross before the beginning of the terrorist departure ... " Another possible problem was Israe l's demand that Syrian troops in Beirut leave Lebanon. Syria reportedly has oUered to move 1 ts 1,500-2,000 troops in Beirut to the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, where the bulk of its estimated 30,000 troops in the country are concentrated. suffered a broken shoulder and posmble neck injunes, lifeguards said. The identities of the motorist and bicyclist were unavailable early today, police said. PRESSURE CHECK Checking the blood pressure of Lloyd Long afte r 36 m iles of a 50-mile run is his daughter Denme a nd sister D.-Y ftllo4 Ii.ff f'tloto Carol. The F o untain Valley man was A c..:abinet communique also appeared to soften [s rael's insistence on c heck ing each outgoing guerrilla against Israeli intelligence lists. It said some sort of verification must be made but" left o~n the mechanics. Israel is expected to turn its gunsights on the Syrians in the valley once the PLO leaves west Be irut. Je rusalem has insisted since the outset of the invasion that it will not leave Lebanon until alJ foreign forc.-es depart. ''celebrating" his 50th birthday. " Huntington State Beach lifeguards reported a, crowd of 23,000 people and 130 rescues Sunday. From Page A1 SO-MILE RUN • • • At th e one -mile -l ong Huntington City Beach there was a Sunday crowd of 22,000 and 66 rescues. At Newport Beach, 9 5,- 000 people went to the beach and 80 of them were rescued from the riptides, lifeguards reported. Since then, -the proplem has subsided. mmutf'S, ho would be expected to fmts h hts latest lap. And then there were 38. At LaRUna Beach, lifeguards reported a Sunday crowd of 30,- 000 people and 40 rescues. Today, Laguna lifeguards warne d swimmers to use caution because of the strong riptides, beach officials said. "Every man on my Cather's jide or the family has died from heart attacks and strukcs," hC' said. Long said he quit running about 18 months ago out or frustration when his apphcatton to participate in the New York Marathon w as l os t i n a paperwork s huffle and not dJscovered until the deadline had oassed. But he stopped 20 feet away a nd be nt over his left knee. "Cramps," said his sister. "He hadn't stopped for t hat long bcfor£', and after you've run 36 miles, you can really tighten up." In San Clemente, 17,000 people went to the beach Sunday, and lifeguards reported 40 rescues. Long st r a ight e n ed hi s 50-year-old fra me and started .)Oggmg .iway, limping te rribly and reaching down to. hold his leg. But each step seemed to help and soon he was back in his rhythmH:. high-stepping stride. Crash fatal to Irvine man · Daughter Denine, one of those in h lS "pat'' today, saJd he a lso Qualified three times to run m the prestigious Boston Marathon. But injuries prevented htm from going. Back at the drtve way, h is daughte r was explaining that her dad runs up to lO miles on mgst days and 16 to 20 miles on Sundays. She said he w as strong. An Irvine man died Saturday in a Bakersfield hospital after his car overturned on a hj.ghway near there, according to The Associated Press. ... Gregory Brunson, 24, was ejected from his car as it veered off the Me l Potrero Highway near Frazi e r Park earl y Saturday. He couldn't stop, though. and resumed his long-dista nce .diet again in January. It wa" about then that he set his 50-mile goal. And what would he do today after finishing'! A spokesman for the Kern County Coroner's Office said Brunson died two hours later at Mercy Hospital. The break over. Long took ot. • again this morning In another 18 "I think he's gonna take the rest of the day off," she said. ''But I'm not sure " Sharon's demand for m eet nixed Hoag to conduct NEW YORK (AP) -Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon recently ''demanded" a meeting with Preside nt Ronald Reagan and other top U.S. o fficials to d iscuss the Lebanon crisis, but his request was reJec ted , Newsweek magazine says. T he weekly magazine said it learned that S haron recently wanted to go to Washington for a personal mC(?ttng wnh Reagan, :)ecrct.ary of St.ate George Shultz and Secretary of Defense Caspar W<:mberger. . oxygen seminar Hoag Memorial Hospital will sponsor a seminar on appropriate uses of o xygen at 1 :30 p m Wednesday in Newport Beach . Slightly wariner ' Coastal Low cloud•. clearlng In lhe att41fnoona today and TuHday High• today In the low 70s 1t 1r.. ~to nNI 8Q ln·tM Inland ., .... Flllf. tonight and Tuaday with early morning low clouds Hlgha Tuaaday 11 IM be.a-70, to 7• and Inland areas 80 10 Ml. Elsewher e , from Point Conception to the Me•lcan border and oul 80 mlla• NorU'l-1 wind• 10 to 18 knots with 3 to S loot -OY« outer watare today through Tuesday LOQ!ly, light variable wind• nlghl and morning hours becoming -1 to~' 10 10 1e ~not• In tr.. al1arnoone and evening Wind w.vw 2 to 3 IMI. Nlgllt end morning low oloud9 with moetly clMMg In tt1a eftamoone. .ll.S. su111.niary . scattered lhunderahowere ~ out of tr.. Rocky Mountains· ·In lo I II• we at a r n • n d 110Utnw.tem Great Plaint early to day Cone l d•rable thundarttorm activity prevailed from MIMOUrl and ArllanM• Into the llOUlhllrn OnlO and Tann•- r!Yw Vllfleya. A few ll0411ed lhund-howara Mttled over Virginia and aul•n North CarOllna. u Wl41 u around the c:oaal of Ftorlda and over MIMlilelppl end Allbeme. Ugtltnlng Sundey touehed of! 1 fir• lhel dHlroyed an olllc• • bulldlng at the Unlvarally ol Mltaourl In Columbia during a ltortn thet dumped more then • lrd'lle ol rain, eutllofltlea Mid. The ltOfTll dfOQlld .. muofl .. 8 ~ of rllln on other portlone of ~ Mllaoutt. The ~ WMINr SeMoa forec:Mt -wrr tltlta for _, o1 tM nMIOn tOCSSy. Thundatllonnt -e opect~ acrou the Gull ..... lo the Atientlc COMl Temparetura• before dawn renoed !tom 50 In Braclford. Pa.. 1to '1 In PhoenP end Yum.. AN. California Thi Nallonlll Weethef 8arw. ieya tout harn C•lllor11I•'• ....,_ "'°'*' tie f9'f T~ except for row cloud• In ti.a morning ind evening ind e oh 1noe o f 1tol•t•d thu"""•l!Ow9f• trom tOUttlafn ~to ...-n dae«1e Hlt!\I wlll range from the ,,......_ In U19 Mglllea to ff In Owen• Velle y. In 111 .. 101 lnl ~ 11~ '"""t9 (o 106 In ... '*"*"" ..... to ... In .,.. ..... ....... frOm ~Conception IO tfle Ml9dlml llordlr OM~ llaltt Yltte... Mlldl during Iha 11l1ht •l!d mornln houre becoming aoothwesterly at 10 to 18 knots during 1he atternoons with a 1·to·3·foot southwest Swell Nortnwast winds could reach 18 ~nots with 3-to-S-1001 seas farther than 60 miles offshore from Santa Rosa Island. Ten1peratures NATION HI Lo Pre:. 82 52 94 68 102 69 .IS 8' 60 e7 69 80 63 100 76 8' 59 88 61 03 Albany Att>uque Am1111to AShevll .. Allan!• Allenlc Cly Austin Belllmore Bllllng• Blrmlngllm Bllmafek BolH Boston Browns YI .. Buftalo Burlington CUper Chartstn SC Cll11l1ln WV Ch11111111 NC Cheyenne Chicago Clnclnnell C1evat11nd Ctmbla SC Columbua Oal·FI Wiil oayion Oen.,., 867' ----------------------e6 S9 01 Les Vegea 101 76 e9 60 Little Rodi 83 75 Syrac;use 80 S• Topek1 63 71 e5 68 Loultvllle e 7 70 32 Tucson 92 68 02 97 76 lubt>ock 103 7 I Tulaa 104 75 81 S9 Memphis 80 7e e3 58 Miami • e6 78 .2A WHhlngtn es 67 99 Wichita 9• 73 92 64 Mltwaukee eo 62 e5 75 Mpts-St P 84 6• 87 59 Naahvlll• 86 72 es 87 N-Or .. ans 90 7' es 56 N-York 86 e1 84 81 Norfolk e 1 68 8• 6' No. Piette 92 68 e• 58 Okla City 103· 11 88 67 Omaha 7S 87 CALIFOAHIA Bakersfield 93 71 24 Blytt>e 105 Eureka 85 50 Fresno 92 63 04 ~11noesl•r 93 se OS A~ele$ 78 62 M11rytvllle 87 04 Nffdlas 105 8• 5e Orlando 91 72 23 • Oeklllnd 57 0.. MOlnel 0.troll Duluth ~ El PMO Fargo Flagttan Great Fellt Hlll'llord ......,,. Honolulu HOUiton ~ JacUn MS Jacllenvtle Kana City t<ooxvllla 102 76 Phll11dphl1 e5 88 e3 59 Phoenl• 103 es 85 S7 Plllsburgh 83 55 78 66 .10 Pttand. Me e3 59 8' 59 P1t1nd. Ore 77 56 79 66 Provl<lllllGI 83 63 100 73 Raleigh 8e 8 7 87 51 Rapid City 8' 85 78 SI Reno e8 45 e5 S3 Richmond e4 88 8' 59 Sall Laka 94 72 88 SS San Antonio 9e 71 81 tfl. I 20 ' S..11.. 72 55 9e 11 Sh~ 9S 72 86 82 Slou• F ... 1 8' 8 t IM 78 01 St Louie 78 71 90 71 SIP-Tamp• ee 74 e7 72 SI Sta M•rle 7S S8 e9 73 SPokaM 79 $p 30 io 1t ...... r;: ...... r!D..._.~_f R_IP_DR_T Lo...-... HUntinqton Blulfl HunttnQton Pier 811nt1 Ana RlVw Jelly 40tfl St. Newpof1 22nd81.~ 881boe Wedol Aocllp!le, Laguna == 8111 Clemente Pier Tr•flllgtlt (T .... ,.... 3-' TOMORROW'S TIDES· High 9:H Im OW.Cllon South 1 ..... Afff1199 ..... TM!p POOf ... fair -good 84 good 85 goo<I 115 good 85 good 85 l•lr 89 f•Jr ee ,.,, 119 good oe good 118 l ow 2 2e p m Swell Peto RoblM 94 S• Rod Blull 86 65 Redwood City 77 58 Secr6mento 8• se Sallna1 89 •9 San Diego 75 67 San Francl9Go 71 66 Santa Berb•t• 71 58 Santa Marla 75 Stoclcton e1 81 Thermal 105 Baratow oe 71 ~~ 80 41 74 82 Long 8aach 79 8Q mog Whara 10 01111 (toll frff) tor :11•1•moo1n1onna11an· Orange County. (800) ••5-3e26 LOI AngelH Cqunty: (800) 2•2-'022 RI~ end Sen 841fNrdlno C:OUflllel (800) 387-'710 AOMO Epleoda C....ter: (800) 242·48ee Tides TODAY Second row 1:311 p,rr. 1.2 Sec:ond high 7:51 p.m. 8.8 TUHOAY Flrat low 3:01 •.m 1 1 Flrat lllQll •.i.a• e.m 1 11 $eaond IOw 2:2D p,m, fl Second fllgl\ 1!09 p,m 7 0 Sun Wt• tod•r et 7:39 p,m .. (I ... n..dey et 11: 18 Lm. Moon ,,_ today •t 3:21 p.m .. Mtt805am ' • Market posts • s trong gain as rates fall NEW YORK (AP) -Stock prices ran up a strong gain today, r esponding to fa llinR inte rest rates and the hope of a merger -Pgreement for Cities Service. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials climbed 12.37 points to 800.42 after four hours of trading. Gainers held a 4-1 lead over losers among New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. After Friday's close, the Federal Reserve cut its discount rate to 10 1h percent, marking the third reduction in that influentiaJ rate in less than·a month. Numerous banks quickly responded by lowering the ir prime lending rates from 15 to 14 1h percent, and in a few cases, to 14 percent. Brokers s aid O ccidental Petroleum 's offe r lo acquire Cities Service Friday also was a plus. Many professional s tock traders have been facing Jarge losse~ as a result of Gulf Oil's withdrawal a week earlier of a bid for Cities. Cities S ervice s hares we re delayed in opening Directors of the company were s.·heduled to meet today to consider the Occidental offer 13 horses found starved CLOVER. S.'C . (A P ) - Thirteen Arabian horses left behind when their o wne r s moved to Florida were found s tarve'd lo abo ut half the ir weight, with no hope of ever becoming completely healthy, the owner of a stable says. They were "the s kinniest bunch of horses I've ever seen." said Michelle Miller, owner of a horse boarding business, who as caring for the animals. Wh e n the h o r ses were discovered, their bones nearly poked through the skin, their eyes had a blank, listless glaze a n d th e y w e r e hardly recognizable as the we ll -bred Arabians they apparently are. Ms. Miller said Sunday. At least one major stumbling block remained: Isra e l 's insistence that the PLO return an Csraeli pUot, Aharon Ahiaz, who was shot down and captured in southern Lebanon on the first day of the invasion June 6, and Meanwhile, Mother Teresa, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, "lelped evacuate Rima and 36 other retarded and handicapped children from a shell-shattered Beirut hospit.aJ on Sunday. ~\\\ ,,~\\ Uni Inarching hand sets fall practice The University High School Marching Band hits the field Aug. 30 to begin preparing for the upcoming season. "Incoming fres hme n , transfer students -anyone with musical talent and spirit -attending University High this fall are invited to show up," said senior Randy • UC Irvine instructor K inberly Burge has been name d t o the b oard o f directors of a San Francisco- ba sed foundation which promotes use of California's communi ty service c able television channels. Ms. Burge, tel evision c oordinato r or th e Telecommunications Ofhce at •A free public heal th forum entitled "Cancer Facts and Fiction" is scheduled at the South Coast Medical .. Center auditorium on Sept. 1, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. A panel of physicians will discuss the latest facts about cancer treatment with drugs, surgery and chemotherapy at 31872 Coast Highway. South Laguna. • A slo-pit.ch softball team for me n over 55 is being o rganized by the Irvine Senior Center. The next practice is at 9 Wallen, "and be a part ot one fantastic band." Wallen is drum major. Prospective band members can call Wallen at 552-1772 · fur details, he said. Walle n a lso noted the University High Band Camp begins meeting at 8:30 a.m. Aug . 30 at the sc hool. Sessions continue through Sept. 9. UCl and a media instructor fo r teacher education. is one of four new board members of the F o undation for Community Servi~ Cable Television. S h e coo rdinates programming between l,JCI and the Irvine Unified School District on the two-way cable system. Physicians on the panel include. Dr. Sol Sloan, Dr. David Okun , Dr. Gabor Kovacs and Dr. Michael Sparkubl. The talk IS part of a series or quarterly public forums sponsored by the hospital's m e di c al e du ca tion depart[Tle nt under the direction of Dr. Sloan. a.m. Aug. ~~ at the University Community Park Softball Field, 1 Beech Tree Lane, Irvine lnterested players can call 754-3889 to Slgfi Up . OPENING AN NOU NCEMENT .. HEHIR CHIROPRACTIC QJNIC DR. STl,HEN E. HEHIR PALMER GRADUATE Longtime resident ol Newport Beach has now opened an office In the area to serve residents of the city and surrounding area. Ot. Hehir has had vast experience In treating patients f()( 13 years. The doctQr maintains a large practice In the Los Angeles area and Is now al&o available fOf consultation and treatment here In • Orange County. Or Hehir orlglnally pracllced In Australia for a number of years. If you have any problems that may be chlr<>Pfecllc·n1lated, call the doctor for a conaultatlon Gon1tHd Full Spin• T echnlque Call for sn appointment. You w/11 be pleased you did. 631-7494 1731 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa 92627 .. ' I - Generous gift will aid center By JODI CADENHEAD· or tt1e o.-, .,.... •left An Orange County family requesting anonymity has pledged $1.6 million toward the endowment of the $60 million Orange County Pe rforming Arts Center in Costa Mesa, it was announced today. Henry Segerstrom, chairman of the trustees, noted that the will bequest was the firs t announcement in the center's efforts to raise $3 million in endowment funds by the Sept. 1 deadline set for a challenge grant fcom the James Irvin e Foundation. • DRANGI COAST MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1982 • Cllfl 1111 1111111 Beach rescues brisk Earl y morning cloudy ·conditions that kept weekend beach cr owds smaller than average are expected to continue at least through Tuesday. Clouds will burn off by mid- morn Ing with Tuesday temperatures predicted at 70 along Orange County beaches nnd 80 inland. Night lows will be in the 60s, acchrding to weather officials. Waves up to live feet and 3trong riptides kept Orange Coast lifeguards busy Sunday, despite the small crowds. The large waves and s trong riptides remained in force today, said lifeguard officials. The first announced anonymous gift to the theater complex has been made by "an Orange County family who feel a strong personal commitment to the enhancement and education and cultural opportunities" in Southern California, officials said. The latest announcement brings the total of pledges and gifts to the theater co~plex in South Coast Plaza Town Center to more th an $23 million. Officials hope to raise $40 million toward the construction of a 3,000-seat main theater and 1,000 seat community theater and a nother· $20 mill ion for endowment purposes. F ISHING RIGHTS -The "arm-waving" fishermen at the left lost the argument over who was to have fishing rights at this rocky spot off Bayside Drive beach near the U.S . Coast Deltr ~by&... p.,_ Guard s~tion. Steve P~illips of Garder\ Grove, the fisherman on the nght, caught a nice bass there. The pelican flew away. About 187,000 people visited beache s Sunday from Huntington Beac h to San Clemente, less than the 250,000 to 300,000 who come m ost summer Sundays, lif~guarda said. More than 350 swimmers were pulled out to sea by the strong riptides and lifeguards fished them out and brought them back to shore. "Although we wish to remain anonymous we are especially proud to be associated with the continued growth of the cultural arts in Orange County," the donor was quoted as saying in a news release from Segerstrom. Since fund raising efforts for the music center began officials have stressed the importance of raising endowment funds to insure programming and support for the center after it is built. "While most non-profit institutions do not begin to deal with the reality of endowment funds until capital carn{Mligns are complete the center is wisely placing equal importance on both the building and endowment of this w orld class theater complex," said Carl Mitchell, c hairm a n of th e ce nter endowment council. Last Augu s t the Irvine Foundation pledged $3 million toward the center, with the first $1 million contingent on raising another $1 million by las t December. The remaining $2 million of the foundation pledge is contingent on raising $3 million (See ARTS, Page AZ) Court rules doctor guilty RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -A federal appeals court today upheld the conviction of former Army Capt. Jeffrey MacDonald of Huntington Harbour on charges of killing his wife and two small daughters in 1970. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said an examination of the record in the celebrated case "gives ample warrant for the verdict" of a federal district court jury in North Carolina in August 1979. Prime rate 14 percent NEW YORK (AP) -The nation's 10th largest bank cut its prime lending rate today to 14 percent, the lowest jn nearly two years, as a drop \.n a key rate charged by the Federal. Reserve System touched off new interest rate reductions by banks. Bankers Trust Co.'s decision to reduce its prime rate by a full percentage point brought the prime, a guide to the rat.es banks charge their best corporate customers, to.a level last reached in mid-October 1980. Citibank, the nation's second largest bank, and Irving Trust Co., the 16th largest, today dropped their prime rat.es to 14.5 pe r cent, matching similar reductions Friday by four other big banks -Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., No. 4; Chase Manhattan Bank Chemical Bank, No. 6; and No. 15 Mellon Bank, of Pittsburgh'. • On Fridey the Fed reduced its discount rate, the rate it charges on Joans to banks and savings and loan associations, to l 0.5 percent. It was the third half- point reduction in a month. The move was seen as evidence of the Fed 's concern abo ut the w ea1'ness of the economy, analysts said. Economis ts predicted other banks would drop their prime rate. The prime is the level Qj interest charged on shorf-term corporate loans, although some commercial lending is done below prime and it is considered a base .pte from which other ·lending rates are computed. FV man, 50, runs 50--mile birthday BULLETIN Lloyd Lons croaaed bla crepe· par.r fiDlall line at 11:3$ a.m. to ay, completln1 bis 50-mUe nm in Jaat re .. tban Dlne boars. After flnialaiq, be sat on a curb ud drank a bttr. By GLENN SCOTT O('tfle Delly Not t teff Lloyd Long turned 50 today, so the diehard distance runner set out to celebrate an an appro priate fashion -by turning 50 miles on foot a.round the asphalt roads that surround his Irvine office. The Fountain Valley resident started running at 3 a.m.~y from the driv•way to the Shipley Co., 16782 Von Karman Ave., where he is a salesman for the speciaJty chemical manufacturer. mile laps through the mdustnal sector. A roll of crepe paper was set aside on a curb to become the finis hing lin•. An<l on the lawn in front of the offices, a handmade banner had been posted to pun-like note the occasion. It read: "The Long Run." With sweat soaking through hlS red and white nylon runner's outfit, Long paused after the 36th miJe this morning for a fast reading o{ his blood pressure. It was already the farthest he's ever run, alth o ugh h e ' has participated in seve r al ma rathons, including those in Irvine, Mission Bay, Chicago, and Honolulu. "This is probably the most powerful riptide we've had this s~mmer," said Eric Kredel, lifeguard at Huntington State Beach. "The rips are pulling out as far as 500 yards." A minor surfini injury and a traffic accident involving a bicyclist also were reported by beach officials Sunday. Surfer Marc Wasser, 26, of Newport Beach, suffered head and possible neck injuries when he struck the sand at the Wedge in Newport Beach at 2:40 p .m. Paramedics took him to Hoag Memorial Hospital for treatment lifeguards said. ' In Hunti ng ton Beac h , a bicyclist in his 20s was struck Sunday afternoon by an allegedly drunken motorist at Ma~nolia Street and Pacific Coast Hishway. The b icyclist suffered a broken shoulder and possible neck injuries, lifeguards said. The identities of the motorist and bicyclist were unavailable early today, police said. I\~ Huntington State ~each (See CLOUD, Pa~e A%) French force to lead PLO • evacuation By The Associated Press U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. H abib returned to Beirut today with major concessions from the Israeli government on his plan for the withdrawal of Palestinian guerrillas from west Beirut. Lebanese sources said the evacuation could begin as early as Saturday. After consultations In J erusalem on Sunday between Habib and Prime Minister Menach em Begin, the Israeli Cabinet withdrew ,objections to having French troops spearhead the entry of the multi-national peacekee ping force into west Beirut and to the timing of that deployment. The same court in July 1980 reversed MacDonald's conviction on grounds he had been denied a speedy trial. But the U .S . Supreme Court overturned that ruling March 31 and MacDonald, a former Green Beret doctor, was r eturned to Terminal ]$land federal prison in California. Deltr Piiot "'4lto 1117 G1rJ A"*- 8 ffi TffD A Y RUN -Lloyd Long of Fountain Valley strides through a 50-mile run on his 50th birthday. He was hoping to finish just befo~e noon. A smal! group of family and friends w e re a~tending.him and aa:ompanyir;ig him on bicycles during his two- He gulped down an electrolyte replacement fluid as sister Carol West wrapped the blood pressure apparatus around his arm and began pumping. (Sff 50·MILE, Page A%) A Cabinet communique aha appeared t o soften Israel's insistence on c hecking each outgoing guerrilla against Israeli intelligence lists. It said some 90rt of verification must be made but left o~n the mechanics. WORLD explosion kills four ST. GEDEON-D'ALMA, Quebec (AP) -Four members o~ a ~y ~ere killed Sunday when the mast of their sailboat hit a 161,000-volt power line and the boat exploded. · SPORTS Angels, Dodgers tumble The. Angels and Dodgers continue their roller coaster nde through the major league campaign. Now the Angels are in second and the Dodgers' lead Is ·slipping. Page Cl. · Huskies to repeal? W&.hinaton's Huskies are th; preseaaon favorites to earn another trip to the Roee Bowl. Page Cl. I -~· COUNTY Bouncing quarters" bas rules Rules for bouncing quarters into a glass of beer? You bet, say two Costa Mesans who have published a rule book. Page AS. .. Johnnie Crean faces challenges Johnnie R. Crean, millionaire Republican seeking the 43rd Congressional District post, faces a challenging campaign. Page AS. UCI fa_cility gets new h~using A new apartment complex tor faculty la expected to ease a housing need at UC Irvine. Paae Bl. Homemade trimaran sets bertb A Mission Viejo couple can u.e t)ie backyard again after moving huae homemade trimaran to a ~rth at-Dana Point Harbor. Pap JM, INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landers A7 Erma Bombeck A7 Movies B6-7 Businea 84-5 NatJonal News A3 Cavalcade A7 Public Notices B6 Classified Ot-8 Sports Cl-3 Comics B2 Dr. Steincrohn A7 Crossword B2 Stock Marketa & Death Notices B6 Television 88 Editorial A6 Theaters 86-7 F.ntertainment B6-7 Weather A2 Horoecope A7 World News A3 lnterrn1-ion B6 · NATION Reagan speech on TV . NEW YORK (AP) -Channels 2, 4, 7, 8 and 10 and Cable News Network plan live broadcuu of Pre9ident Reagan'• speech on taxes tonight at 6. The epeech wtll be broadcast from the White H~ Oval Of floe!. _, .. .. ,. :· .. ' I II !. ~· OIN Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Monday, Auguat 18, 1982 HE CAN, CAN YOU? -Don Olaver of Newport Beach Recreation Department draws a pretty good crowd on .the Baysid e Drive beach, alongside the U.S. Coast Guard station, as he teaches a class called Gourmet Canoeing. He teaches From Page A 1 ~ 50-MILE RlJN The reading: 140/80. Long was relieved. High blood pressure was the reason he began running five years ago. he said. Sin ce then, the problem has subsided. "Every man on my father 's side of the fanuly has died from heart attacks and strokes," he said. Long said he quit running about 18 months ago out of frustration when his apphcation to participate in the New York Marath on was lost i n a paperwork shuffle a nd not discovered until the deadline had oassed. · Daughte r Denine, one of those in his "pit" today, said he also •qualified thr~o~ to run in the prestigious Boston Marathon. But injuries prevented him from going. ARTS CENT in endowment funds by September 1982 and another $3 million by next September. When completed in 1985 the theater complex along Bristol and the San Diego Freeway will be only the third in the nation • • • The break over. Long took ott aRain this morning. ln another 18 minutes. he would be expected to' finish his latest lap. And then there were 38. But he stopped 20 feet away and bent over his left knee "Cramps." said his sister "He hadn't stopped Cor that lo ng before, and after you've run 36 miles. you can really tighten up." Long strai ghtened hi s 50-year-old frame and s tarted jogging away, hmi'ing terribly and reaching down to_ hold his leg. But each step seemed to help and soon he was back in his rhythmic. high-stepping stride. Back at the driveway, his daughter was explaining that her dad runs up to 10 miles on most days a nd 16 to 20 miles' on Sundays. She said he was strong. And what would he do today after finishing? "l think he's gonna take the rest of the day off." she said. "But I'm not sure." • • • c apabie of oCfering musical theater. ballet. symphony and opera. The theater complex will be built on five acr es or land donated by the Segerstrom family. Landis to h e ad • guidance ho~rd Jobn Laodll of Newport Beac h h as been named president of the board of directors of .the C h i ld G uidance Center of Orange County. Other newly appoin ted officers include: Kathe rine Agnew, first vice president, James Ferryman, second vtce •Michele Gothard o f Newport BeltCh has received one of four $400 academic scholarships awarded by the Cal Poly Pomona Women's Club. presiden t, Mark Hanee o, third vice president; Clyde Tbompaoo, treasurer; and Carol Riggi, sec·retary. The n on-profit age n cy :wrves children w ith problems of delinquency, child abuse and mental illness. There a re clini cs in Cos t a Mesa , Huntingto n Beach and Laguna Hills. Miss Gothard, a graduate of Corona del Mar H igh Scho~ will study systems engmeenng at Cal Poly m the fall De#J Piiot Photo bJ LM PaJM students h ow to paddle a canoe and then they all get ~n a paddle around the Newport Harbor bay, stopping a t various restaurants -that's the gourmet part, of course. •Children four a nd over are invited to a special magic show Aug. 21 at the Mesa Verde Branch L ibrary in Costa Mesa. Mag1c1an Bud Tyner will perform at 2:30 p.m. in the library at 2969 Mesa Verde Drive Eas t . For more information c:all 546-5274. CRIME TALK -Ex-thief Mike McCaffrey w ill give tips on how to avoid becoming a tht'ft victim at Tues day's m!'C'ting of the city of Hope's Newport H'c:1rbor chapter, at 7:30 p .m . in the Sheraton Newport Hotel ---~--~-~ Hoag to conduct oxygen seminar Hoag Memorial Hospital will ... ponsor a seminar on appropriate USC'S of o xygen at I ;30 p .m . Wednesday tn Newport Beach. Th<' discussion, sponsored by the Pulmonary Departmen~ will bc ht•ld in th<.• hospital conference n •nwr Fl'atured speaker is Dr. Paul A Sc•IC'Cky. A round t h e c ounty Alien From Staff Uispatcbes arrest methods flayed Larry Agran. mayor of lrvine, has sent a letter to the direc t o r o f the Immigra tion and Naturalization Serv1re cr1t1c1zing the methods used in arresting illegal aliens working the field in the city. . The latter, urging procedure modifications, came after 30 illegal ahens were apprehended this morning." 'Horsy' h ousing tract eyed The Huntington Beach City Council will consider a Large residential development designed for horse lovers tonight. The project would permit construction of up to 810 dwelling units on 290 acres in the Ellis Avenue-Goldenwest street area near Huntington Central Park. The plan call.S for accomJllodation of horses for about ha lf the homeowners, either in common stable or in backyard stables. 'Freak ' slaying probed An investigation was continuing today into the circumstances surrounding what Huntington Beach authorities are calling a freak, apparently accidental shooting that killed a teen-age girl, 15, and wounded a woman. 18. Rise Lou Tucker, Redondo Beach, daughter of Rosie Miclette, a Laguna Beach parking me ter attendant. was killed Friday night by a shot from a rifle. Dena Farrow, 18, Huntington Beach, was wounded and was listed in critical condition today at a Fountain Valley Hospital. Police have arrested Richard Berge, 18, of Huntington13each. Berge told police a rifle he was cleaning at a Hunlin¥ton Harbour home discharged a single bullet striking both teens as they were leaving a party at the home. · Traffic accident fatal A San Juan Capistrano woman died today frorr injuries sustained when thrown from an autc involved in a freeway coll.ision in Mission Viejo. Teresa Mauro, 26. was pronounced d ead at Mission Community Hospital, Mission Viejo, after being hurt in the Saturd~ mishap on the San Diego Freeway near the A ery Parkway offramp The car 1n w hic h she as a passenger ·wa~ reportedly rear-ended by a truck driven by an Anaheim teen-ager. The impact sent the car down an 8f{oot e mbankment where it rolled twice. No onE elseAvas hurt. according to the California Highwa) Patrol. Fire h i ts A rch B each h ome A blaze at an Arch Beach Heigh ts home was extinguished by Laguna Beach firefighters but not before causing an estimated $100,000 damage and knocking out oeeanview windows. Nearly 24 firemen fought the blaze 15 minutes before controlling it. No one was injured in the Sunday afternoon fire at the Miramar Street home of Michael Noll. An investigation was continuing today as to the cause of the fire which authorities say damaged 80 percent of the home Military housing l oses The .proposed construction or 168 housing units for military personnel at the Armed Forces Reserve Center in Los Alamitos has been voted down. An amendment by Rep. Jerry M. Patterson. D-Santa· Ana, late last week blocked the project. ~\" S lightly warllle r ... Market opens big then falls becoming soutnwesterly at 10 to 18 knots during tne afternoons with a 1-to·3·foot southwest Coasta l swell, Northwest winds could reach 18 knots with 3-to·5-fool seas Low clouds. cle11r1ny In lhe lartner 1nan 60 miles ortsnore atternoona today and uesday from Santa Rosa Island High• today In lhe low 70s at the beedlee to near 80 In lhe Inland ·Ten1pera lures areu. Fair tonight and Tuesday with early mornlnlt low clouds Highs Tueed1y et the beaches 70 NATION to 74 and lnllltld etus 80 10 86 HI lo Pre. Elaewhere, from Point Albany 82 52.. Conception to the MaK'tcan Albuque 9• 68 border and out 60 mllaa Amarillo 102 69 15 Nort"-t winds 10 10 18 knolS Asheville 8~ 60 with 3 10 5 1001 _, over out1r Atlanta 87 69 we11r1 today thr0V9n Tuesday Atlante Cly 80 63 Locally, llghl v&tlable wtnda nlgnt Au111n 100 76 and morning noura 1>ecom1ng Baltimore a. 59 -1 to""''"-' 10 to 16 knots Biiiings 88 61 03 In the 1flernoon1 and evening Blrmlngllm 86 7• Wind weves 2 to 3 feet Nlghl and Bismarck 86 59 01 Las Vegas 101 76 $ylilC\J$41 80 54 morning low clouds wtth mostly ~Ml 89 60 little Rock 83 75 Topeka 83 71 d9etlng In lhe eltamoon• Bolton 85 68 Louisville 87 70 32 lucson 92 68 02 Brownsvlle 97 76 Lubbock 103 71 Tulsa 10~ 75 Bultalo 81 59 Mampllls 60 78 24 WB1h1ng1n 85 67 U .S. Burlington 83 58 Miami 86 76 99 W1cn11a 9• 73 SUl1l11Ut ry Casper 92 ~ Miiwaukee 80 ~ CALIFORNIA Charlstn SC 85 75 Mpls-St"P' 6• Bekerslleld 93 71 Scattered thundenhowere Charl11n WV 87 59 Naslwille 86 7 4 Blyllle 105 ewapt oul of 1tw1 Rocky Mountains Charllte NC 85 67 N-Orleans 90 74 Eurt>ka 65 50 Into Iha w eatern and Cheyenne 85 56 New York 86 67 Fresno 92 63 aou1hwM1ern Greet Plains aerly Chicago 84 61 Norlolk 81 68 04 Loncas1er n g~ 1 0 de y . Conalderabte Cincinnati 84 64 No. Platle 92 88 Los Ange1es thunderatorm acllvlty prevalled Cleveland 84 56 Okie City 103 77 Meryevllle 87 from MIMour1 and Arkanaas tnlo Clmt>le SC 88 67 g,meha 75 67 04 NeedlH 105 the southern Ohio 1nd Tenn-Columbus 84 58 lendo 9 I 72 23 ·Oakland 57 river valleys. Oal·FI Wth 102 76 Phlladpllla 85 68 Paso Robles 94 54 A ,_ leolated 111und1rlh~ Oaylon 83 59 Pnoen1• 103 85 Red 91uff 86 6S aattlad o... Virginie and autorn • Denver 85 57 Pltlaburgn 83 SS Redwood City 7J 58 Nonh Carolina. u well ·u around Des Moines 76 66 10 Ptlend. Me 83 59 Socr11mento a. 58 the COHI of Florid• 1nd OYlr 8f:trolt 6't 59 Ptland. Ore 77 ~ SallnH 69 49 Mlaetaalppl Ind Alabama. lulh 79 66 Providence 83 63 San Otego 15 67 lightning Sunci.y loudlec:I ol1 • El Pua 100 73 Ra:yh 86 67 San Fr1nc1aco 71 SS fire that destroyed an otllce • F.,go 87 51 Rap City a. 65 Santa Bert>ara 71 58 bulldlny 11 th• un1v1r11ty or Flag1t1tt 78 51 Reno 66 45 Senta Marte 75 Mluour In Columbl1 during • GrMt Fall• 85 53 Rtchmond 64 66 30 SIOCklon 87 61 1torm thal dumped more thin 4 H111IO<d 64 59 Seit Ulka 94 12 Tnetmll 105 . ~ of r.in, euth<><ltlet seld Helene 68 55 San Antonio 96 71 Barstow 98 71 The ltorm dropped u much u Honolulu 81 75 1.20 ' Se•nte 72 55 Big Beer 80 41 a lncMe ol rain on other portlonl Houlton 96 81 Shr~t 95 72 Callllne 74 62 of 09)nlrel Mleeourl. lndnac>lis 66 62 Sioux 1111 ~ 6t Long Beech 79 6Q The Ne1lonel Weather Servloa JICksn MS g4 76 01 St Loult 76 71 20 ,__. -wr; •• I<>< moe1 ot JICklOvn. 90 71 St P·Tlmpe 66 H II the notion today. lllunderstorm1 Kent City 67 72 St Ste MOiie 76 56 mog -e expected acro11 tne Gull Knoxvllle eg 73 Spok1ne 79 55 Ital• to the Atlallllc cout w11ere to c111 (toll lree) for Temperature• before d1wn :atHI ::&::l<><matlon· ::m from 50 In 8fedf0<d. P1 .• Or1nge nty; (800) 446-3826 .to In Ptloenlx and Yurna, Ariz. -SURF Rf PORT• Lo• AngalH County. (100) 242·4d22 California Rlvertlde end Sen Bernerdtno GOUnll•. (IOO) 3t7·4710 AOMO Episode C.Oter: (800) The N9tlonel WNIMr 8eMoe 242-4866 ••Y• 8outl1ern Oallfornla'a weethet ahollld be tllf Tueedey Todey'a w-. .., ... except for tow olcwd• In the ~ AYIJ/Mu ....... Temp Tides morning 1nd evening 111d a tiutlllngton 8tut11 4.9 pOOt 64 chance o f 11o l 1 t e d Hunt::1ton Pl« 2·4 t1lr-good 64 TOOAY tllunderahower• ':/nm 1outhern Santa na Rivet .HltT\' 1-3 . good 65 Second low 1'36 PAT• 1,2 40th St. Newport 1·3 good 65 ~toMlt ~. 22nd St, N9wpol'I 1 g~ 65 Seciond hlg11 7;51 p,m 6.8 ,Ji!#: wlll ran.Qt lre>m the 8alb0a Wedge 2-6 o,:,q 415 TWIDAY tn Loe AnitiM to H 1n Flrsl low 3:01 a.m • • Owen• Valley, In 1111 90• lnl Aoctlplle, LllQUn• • 1-3 6g =HOiiow 1.J l1lr 60 Artl hloh 16211.m. =-:• .,......., rrom N to 106 In T BfOOlca 1-3 felt 69 sacond1ow a: pm. nontwn ...,._ IO "' Ill tilt Ian ciem.nte ,..., 24 good 6a s.cond high 1:39 p.m. 7.0 IOwci-t. Tral: Sun .. ,, tod1l at 7;39 p.111 ... .,...,. "°"'Point ~Ion (T tr ... ) 3-4 good 6a rllOI Tueedl)' at •11 em '° .... MIK60etl llorder Cl9ll 8ICpect TOMORROW'S TIDES· High 9 211 a m Low 2 211 pm Swell Moon rt ... todl )' et 3:21 p In., ::rat vat .. l>lt wtncla dul'tno I lie '°'' e oa a.m llM ancl mornln llollt1 Dlfectlon 8ou111 l -------•~ ......... --.• ,., .. Closes up 4 after early high of nearly 13 points NEW YORK (AP) -S tock prices ran up an early gain today, responding to ialling interest rates and the hope or a merger agreement for Cities Service. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials climbed 12.37 points to .800.42 11fter four hours or trading but fell to close up 4.38 at 792.43. Gainers held a 2-1 lead over· losers among New York• !:>tock ~xchange-listed issues. A fl~r Friday's close, the Federal Reserve cut its discount rate to 10 1h percent, marking the third reduction in that influential rate in less than a month. Numerous banks quickly responde d by lowering their prime lending rates from 15 to 14 lh percent, and in a few cases. to 14 percent. Brokers said Occiden ta! Petroleum's offer to acquire Cities Service Friday also was a plus. Many professional stock traders have been facing large losses as a result of Gulf Oil's withdrawal a week earlier of a bid for Cities Cities Service shares were delayed m opening. Directors of the company were scheduled to meet today to consider the Occidental offer OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT HEHIR CHIROPRACTIC OJNIC DR. STEPHEN E. HEHIR PALMER GRADUATE > Longtime resident of Newport Beach has now opened an office In the area to serve residents of the city end surrounding area. Or Hehir hlls had vast experience In treating patients for 13 years. The doctor maintains a rarge practice In the Los Angeles area and 19 now also avaJlable for consultation and treatment here In Orange County. Dr Hehir orlglnally practiced In Australia for a number of years. II you have eny problems that may be chlropracllc·related, call the doctor tor a consultation • • Ovnlt9ad fvll Spin.-fedtnlque Call for an appointment. You wlll be pleased you did. 631 -7494 173 1 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa 92627 \ .. ' ,. ' .. ·. ., ·. .. Generous gift will aid center By JODI CA.DENHEAD ~!tie 0..., ........ .,, An Orange County family requesting anonymity has pledged $1.6 million toward the endowment of the $60 million Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa, it was announced today. Henry Segerstrom, chairman of the trustees, noted that the will bequest was the firs t announcement in the center's efforts to raise $3 miUion in endowment funds by the Sept. 1 deadline set for a challenge grant from the James Irvine Foundation. The fir st announced anonymous gift to the theater complex has been made by "an Orange County family who feel a DIAllil CDAIT MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1992 'llWPllT RI I fllll lllCD ORANGE COUN TY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Beach rescues brisk Early m or ning cloudy ·conditions that kept weekend beach crowds smaller than average are expected to continue at least through Tueaday. Clouds wiU burn off by m.id- m or n in g with Tuesday temperatures predicted at 70 along Orange Co~nty beaches nnd 80 inland. Night lows will be in the 60s, according to weather officials. Waves up to five feet and strong riptides kept Orange Coast lifeguards busy Sunday, deepite the small crowds. The large waves and strong ripti-des remained in force today, said lifeguard officials. . strong personal commitment to the enhancement and education and cultural opportunities" in Southern California, officials said. FISHING RIGHTS -The "arm-waving" fishermen at the left lost the argument over who was to have fishing rights at Delly l"Mot "'°441 bJ Lee P'.yne Guard s~tion. Steve Phillipe of Garden Grove, the fisherman on the nght, caught a nice bass there. The pelican flew away. A.bout 187 ,000 people visited beaches Sunday fro m Huntington Be1lch to San Clemente, less than the 250,000 to 300,000 who come moat summer Sundays, lifeguards said. More than 350 swimmers were pulled out to sea by the strong riptides and lifeguards fished them out and brought them bac.k to shore. The latest announcement brings the total of pledges and gift3 to the theater complex in• South Coast Plaza Town Center to more than $23 million . Officials hope to raise $40 million toward the construction of a 3,000-seat main theater and l ,000 seat community theater and another $20 million for endowment purposes. this rocky spot off Ba side Drive beach near the U.S . "Although we wish to remain anonymous we are especially proud to be associated with the continued growth of the cultural arts in 0fange County," the donor was quoted as saying in a news release from Segerstrom. Since fund raising efforts for the music center began officials have stressed the importance of raising endowment funds to insure programming and support for the center after it is built. "While most non-profit institutions do not begin to deal with the reality of endowment funds until capital cameatgns are complete the center as wisely placing equal importance on both the building and endowment of this world class theater complex," said Carl Mitchell, chairman of the center endowment council. Last August the Irvine Foundation pledged $3 million toward the center, with the first $1 million contingent on raising another $1 million by last December. The remaining $2 million of the foundation pledge illcontingent on raising $3 million (See ARTS, Page AZ) Court rules ... doctor guilty RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -A federal appeals court today upheld the conviction of former Army Capt. Jeffrey MacDonald of Huntington Harbour on charges of killing his wife and two small daughters in l970. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said an examination of the record in the celebrated case "gives ample warrant for the verdict" of a federal district court ,. jury in North Carolina in August 1979. Prim·e rate 14 percent NEW YORK (AP) -The nation's 10th largest bank cut its prime lending rate today to l4 percent, the lowest in nearly two years. as a drop in a key rate charged by the Federal Reserve System touched off new interest rate reductions by banks. Bankers Trust Co.'s decision to reduce its prime rate by a full percentage point brought the prime, a guide to the rates banks charge their best corporate customers, to a level last reached in mid-October 1980. Citibank, the nation's second largest bank, and Irv1ng Trust Co., the 16th largest, today dropped their prime rates to 14.5 percent, matching similar reductions Friday by four other big banks -Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., No. 4: Chase Manhattan Bank Chemical Bank, No. 6; and No. 15 MeUon Bank, of Pittsburgh. Three California-based banks -Bank of Ame.rica, the nation's largest; Security Pacific National Bank and The~ of California -reduced their prime today to 14 lh percent. On Friday the Fed reduced its discount rate, the rate it charges on loans to banks and savings and loan associations, to 10.5 percent. It was the third half- point reduction in a month. The move was aeen as evidence of the Fed's concern about the weakness of the econ omy , analysts said. Economists predicted other banks would drop their prime rate. FV ll1an, 50, runs 50-mile birthday • BULLETIN Lloyd Lons crouecl IUa crepe. paper fllllafll Jae at 11:35 a.m. totlay, complet1n1 ltl1 st-mile ru t. Jut Ina tJaan niDe fllov1. After flnhfllllls, Ille ut on a carb u4 draak a beer. By GLENN SCOTT °' .. 0.-, ......... Lloyd Long turned 50 today, 80 the diehard distance runner set out to celebra t'e in an appropriate fashion -by turning 50 miles on foot around the asphalt roads that surround hia Irvine office. The Fountain Valley resident started running at 3 a.m. today from the driveway to the Shipley Co., 16782 Von Karman Ave., where he is a salesman for the specialty chemical manufacturer. mile laps through the industrial sector. A roU of crepe paper was set aside on a curb to become the finishing line. Anc.l on the lawn in front of the offices, a handmade banner had been posted to pun-like note the occasion. It read: "The Long Run." With sweat soaking through his red and white nylon runner's .outfit, Long paused after the ;36th mile this morning for a fast reading of his blood p~ure. It was already the farthP.St he's ever run , although he has p a r t i c I p aJ e d i n s e v e r a I marathons. including those in Irvine, Mission Bay, Chicago, and Honolulu. "This is probably the moat powerful riptide we've had this s ummer," said Eric Kredel, lifeguard at Huntington Sute Beach. "The rips are pulling out as far as 500 yards." A minor surfing injury and a traffic accident involving a bic,Yclist also were reported by beach officials Sunday. S urfer Marc Wasser, 26, of Newport Beach, suffered head and possible neck injuries when he struck the sand at the Wedge in Newport Beach at 2:40 p.m. Paramedics took him to Hoag Memorial Hospital for treatment, lifeguards said. ln Huntington Beach, a bicyclist in his 20s was struck Sunday afternoon by an allegedly drunken motorist at Mal{nolia Street and Pacific Coast Hishway. The bicycUat suffered a broken shoulder and possibte""l\eck injuries, lifeguards said. The identities of the motorist and bicyclist were unavailable early today, police said. Huntington State Beach (See CLOUD, Pa1e A!) F r e nch force to lead PLO • evacuation By Tbe A11oclate4 Presa U.S. presidential envoy Philip C . Habib returned to Beirut today with major concessions from the I.sraeU government on his plan for the withdrawal of Palestinian guerrillas from west Beirut. Lebaneee 90urces said the evacuation could beein aa early as Saturday. After consultations in Jerusalem on Sunday between Habib and Prime Minister Menachem Begin, the Israeli Cabinet withdrew objections to having_ French troops spearhead the entry of the multi-national peacekeeping force into west Beirut and to ~e timing of th.at deployment. The same court in July 1980 reversed MacDonald's conviction on grounds he had been denied a speedy trial. But the U.S . Supreme Court overturned that ruling March 31 and MacDonald a fomier Green Beret doctor. w~ returned to Terminal Island federal prison in California. Deltr "°' ....... ..,Gery~ BIRTHDAY RUN -Lloyd Long of Fountain Valley strides through a 50-mile run on his 50~h birthday. He was hoping to finish just before noon. A small group of family and friends were attending him and accompanying him on bicycles during his two- He gulped down an electrolyte replacement fluid as sister Carol West wrapped the blood pressure apparatus around his arm and began pumping. (See ~0-MILE, Pa1e A!) A Cabinet communique also appeared to soften Israel's insistence on checking each outgoing guerrilla against Israeli intelligence lists. It said 90me 90rt of verification must be made but left 01~~m the mechanics. WORLD I Boat explosion kills four ST. GED!ON-D'ALMA, Quebec (AP) -Four members of a family were killed Sunday when the mast of their sailboat hit a 161 ,000-volt power line and the boat exploded. SPORTS Angels, Dodgers·tumble --The Ansels and Dodgers continue their roller coaster ride t.hroUgh the major league campaign. Now the Angels are in second and the Dodgers' lead is slipping. Page Cl. Huslcies to repeat? COUNTY Bo uncing quarters has rules Rules for bouncing quarters into a glass of beer? You bet, say two Cost.a Mesam who have published a rule book. Page A5. Johnnie Cr ean faces challenges Johnnie R. Crean, millionaice Republican seeking the 43rd, Congressional District post, faces a challenging campaign. Page A8. UCI facility gets new housing A new apartment compl~ for faculty ia expected to ease a housing need at UC Irvine. PQRe Bl. .. INDEX At Your Sttvit::e A4 Ann Landen A7 Erma &mbeck A7 Movies 86-7 Business B4-5 National News A3 Cavalcade A7 Public Notices B6 Cl.uai.fled C4-8 I Sports Cl-3 Comics B2 Dr. Stelncrohn A7 Croaword B2 Stock Markets ~ Death Noticea B6 Television B8 F.d.1 tortal A6 Theaten B6-7 Entertainment B6-7 Weathet A2 Horoecope A7 World News A3 Intenni.ton B6 NATION Reagan speech on TV Homemade trimaran gets berth NEW YORK (AP) -Channela 2, 4, 1, e and 10 and Cable News Network plan live broadcast. of A Ml11ion Viejo couple can UM the backyard· President fteaaan'1 speech on wees tonight at 5. The W•hington'1 Huskies are the preseason favorites to earn another trip to the Rose Bowl. Page Cl. again after moving huge homemade trimaran to a speech. wW be broadcut from the White HOUie Oval berth at Dana Point Harbor. P.,e 84. Of~. ,,...--------~----------"""':"--------------------------~-:--------------------....:;... ____________________ .:..:,:::.: ____ ..;. ______ _..~----------------------~'~ f • , 0 I ... ~ ) I ,, . ·I I r ·. . j '· . I .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 13, 1982 N .. · E COMPO I TE ,.fRAN ACTIGN OUOTAflOllt• l .. C~'l:I fUOU OM ntl •tw •04!• MleWUf. •ACl•lt •tw e0t•Ot11 e tUOlf a•O C1•c111•U1 UOC• l•CllA•IU ••O • lllO•tlO I •'"' ••IO ••D llltfllflt • "-!.. Htl ..... Nol ..... lfe1 ..... Ntl k in Ntl ,. I Nil c.... C"t • • .. cio.. '"' "' I.. (IOV Cllt ... ~ Clew ("9 ,. I -cio... 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I 111 nv. tnlel no I 20 11\l'a .... EMM pl I J • .\lo . .... HouOA 2.0.. I .. • " M<N•ll 90 21 l•l'I .. PhllE pf J.ID LUO 2•'Wo. tlll Sl•nde• •111 • 2• '*"'. Vt Al••dr 111 • • ,,., tntu .1S 10 .. 7().\",. I E•oln '·*" 4 " "". Vt Howtll ., • II Ho. " Mucl 2 I ,,. .......... PllllE pl •.JO t f40 H • I Sl•nWI< .1. I 11"1) 14 ..... AllQCp I QI 6 I Jtn v. •nSoW I"' • IS14 u ... ~ Em rs El , 10 dl2 &J\f). 1111 HOWPI «> 10 Ill ., ...... "' Me•w• '° » 10 1~. •• • PllllE pf'"°. '''° ,,.,., St•n~t •• • 20 ""'. "' AIQCp pt1.. I 20\,, "" tnHud 1 ... S II ""°, 14 EA.cl> llD 144 I•~ '°" Hul>l>rd 1 I .c> IS , \It MeOlfn ... 12 m »1111• " Pllllf pl 1 11'° 6'\lt-\IJ Sl•MSe I 10t1 44 914, ..,. 4'1Ql"I I «> J 101 16\.-) "' tnllll I .. • " It\\, vi Emrv• SO 11 1'7 '"° HudNI 9 ,IOJ . 1 llV., h Mellon 2 2• S )l 19\l'a • \I) Pllllrc l.>S tltO SI •IV. SteulCI\ I oW t •" 11'°' • .. Algl;E 1 It 11 144o , ... "ILi pf • SO . 1110 J2 t1 Em,,_rt >.«> 4 100 2t''-+ "' Hully M) S Jl7 t '4 , °" Melvllle 1 Ool • J» 0"6 • '°" 1>1111 17.ll •-IQIVo • .. Slff90 . 1211.. 130 J~ .. '°" AIQI Cll ,~ 1S ....... CtnllPS I ... ' "° 13~ •• ~. Emp~ I )2 1 112 I) • '" H119hTI 14 l IU. dU .. Mef<SI 2 • ,, MY. .. " Piii! pfU.U •• '°' .. . Sltrclll I• 10 I t v. . All9 1 It • ns. ~-• • CIJtoPw I ID I ltt ll... Emp pt 41 rlOO JV. ~. Hum..,, tO 11 tU Jt\o • .... loMr Tu I 11 S ltl cllt l'I PhllE pl'·'° 14'° •> •I Slrllkp 11 • 21 t\lo, •,. ~1111~ 1 .). I~ 211 tJ :n"~'. C:l'.VnnSo 1 •!•n • 14 1 , ',' .!! 10' t , •, EMI> Of '17 1600 •'" 1 \l'a Hum• l>f1 SO 12 1ev,. \It Mere.. 2 ID 12 1111 U \l'a + l l(o PllllE pl 1.IO • 1410 St-..• lh SltrlOV t QI llll:Jt n1o • .,, ~ ,...~ -• • PS • , .,,. I•\•, .. Ernplnc «> ll • IOi.. • "'° HunlC:ll 40 11 • IO'to Merdllh I IO 1 • -\l'a Plllls..b I 20 I l4 • Yt Sttvn.J I 20 . )S 14~ • Vo AlclCp P'6 14, JO •ti>, It CtnlrDI U1 ... '° E"OIC.p S. t 201 21 t "1 HullEF ID ' 1038 ,, ........ Merri,_\' I a • IUI ,,_.. • "'° PllllNI< 1 40 I Ill• 411o • \o SlwWr • 1 ... 11 11 71 , ,._ AICICp pf 11 I 11 , 4" CnttvTI I• ltS ••o-. o,. EnnhB IO 4 21 Ith• '°' Hydr•I I I• • ~ IS'•• o,. MeW"' .20 I Un 11\li IA Plltllnd .n 10 1>1 I~ t .... Slol<VC IAI 6 U 1t\'\ • Vo AIOMl\I I ' 131 JO.... .,. Cen¥111 • D ,. ........ EnMr<ll I .., 5 •O• ''"'. .. ,_, -Me .. A ,... ,.. 1141o-"' Phllln Df , I """ • .\lo 51k\IC Of I 1'100 • • AlldPcl 101 l ..... \'\ Crt-IMcl , 11•,., Envu 141 1._ t V. IC ll'ld 1 21 s 141 JS\t v. Ml .. 11 tll • 217 7CV. + \It PllllPet J 10 S 11lt 24 -'llO 51oneW 1 • .0. 1 I• 37 , ..... Alld51r I IO 6I111 U\oo, V• CtnAlr 40 e 10t 14\1o, "1 ENS TR .ta S 1t< 11 • .. IC In pt J !O n Jtllll-\I, MeUI 1 J"-• lo\ Pllll\IH ..60 S 1.2• 12~ t .. SlonC s .c> I 10 ll'h • ~. Aldlel n I t 10 Ii'-+ v. Chmrln «>7' 111> 13Vt • t;. Enl•r• .. 4 IU n~-.. ICN IS 1301 •""• \lo Melrm S 1 Ill ltl-.. Pl.c1AY1 .21 I «> U • tit SIOPShp I .. 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PorG pf t.tO 11 11\l'a • \It SuprnltG 61 I 216 , ... , "• 4'8ld pf 1 IS It 17 ' •1 CNW • U 3-4 12\\ VI Eaaon J S 1114 IS'• lo ll'ICllM pn:u 42 14\o: \It Mlro(.p .0 . • • .._ V. Popo'11G1cpt '1.'°.. • s,•, ~+'I~ SSue»<w•nf I II '11' lltV' •Brd pl 2 •I I ..... ~. ChlMlw «> 1., ..... 1 -,,_,, -lncllM pn.2s 12 Ullll-"" "'''"'" • ID • » .... • l'I h ...... -~ • '. •lkl<sl , tO 1.1 ... •1 "" Cl>IMlr • lll> • .,, FMC , .., I 211 14ta lncllNI pf) .:i .. 12 " • v. NIPKC l.IO 4 , .. '°v. t IV. Polllll pflJ.. tffOO '° -.... Syllron 1.oa 9 ?OS .,.. '• ABldNI I I n n~ \lo ClllPn «>IS Q 11 ~·.~~90 32'8 111 JJD11 llS\o • "' lndlGft l CW • lS 1ltt • ,,, MoPSv 1.12 S U 12\lt + \I, PolmEI I .. I ... 1.\1, . Sybrn pt1 40 t 1•~ ~. AB1111'11 s. 1 •1 ., ....... CnkFull «>72 .. !Sh .... ~ -Cl . I ...... lncllPL 2 '° ' '" U\\ NloPS pl1.6' ....... 'llt PolEI pl.'° 110 ll t I SynlU ~ 120 IQ ...... ,.~ .. 11. AMC*' 1'°10 Ml ,,._, \lo Chr .. Cll Sll IS 11 :16-"' • y. F«tl H SS S~tt '°' lntno ,l4 • 21! 6v,:_ 'o., NloPS pl•.ll 14 J~-.. PolEI pf •.Ool .. rlOO :It -..... Svi.<o • U 140 1l't• AC In pf 1 tO 1 11',._ + \\ Chrliln I • F•lrCNI 1iO I :nt 14'\0t , "' lnlMI< n I IOS IO Mlltl n • 14.51 171o • "" Premrl .4J II 17 11\lt • .. -T-t ACnlry 10. • • • • "· ChrOl'N nt 'It 11.S 11 .. 'lot F•trc pf J.tO . 1.0 t9 • "' ·~·R ls. • 115 Jllf't. in Mollll 2 s 1n• 101111 • .... Prell"' .JO • 11 1-\Q. 1 1• TOK n .~" •S 11... ~. •Cy•n I IS I ll'IS ,. . . . C:hfvilr ,,.. 1v •• "· F•mDI • .3411 ,, ""'• .. lngR pl , lS I 11+9 MobllH .. 2""• '"' Prm~n'I.«> s .. ,."" .... TECO I. ' 111 ........ ... AOT I S2 9 •• 3sv. -.... Chry ..., " 1\~. .... FrW•IF , •"'-. ''• lngrT« ""' ;, 97 d 7~ it: MOdCpC ,. •1 1 .... 7 Prl-C 12 117 , • .,,., "" TA E I IJ 'IO .,.... • " AF.tmll . .0 I 'IO 10''°", \It Chrv\ pl . •l ... , ''• FtrMI ?IS S\lo, l/o lr\fdSll I llJ ., ..... 1 \o Mol\alC I 1112 l0'4 • v. PrlMM t t• 12 •«> 13"1.. TRW 2.lO 9 Silt <ti..+ y.1 AGn(p 110 S 112 ll'l"I' \It ChurC:h I I I 141 Hh • \1o F"'9ers . • ll< 3 ln1llco Ill • 115 12Vt-" Mol'okDI 10 l'M II-'I> ProclG 4.20 t _, Ml,\+ "'° TAW pr 4,SO ' ' 'IOI/• • l\lt AGIBcl ).CMI IOI i.!ft \It ClflBell 2.n 6 11 21~ V. FedlCO 1lO10 9 22'4 '' ln$llnv lt lo• \It MohAUC> 90 , • 16 _ v. PrdAlll ,J21~ 2:2 7~+ .... T«Bolll I " 20''•• .. AGnC:v I.IOI 2 11'1>. . C:lnGE 7 10 I '°' It • ... FdE•P 11 2441 421,. 1 v. lnleQA• l 11 IS\lo + llo Montell Ill 4 11 l441o-V. Proltr l,C) II 6 19 ••.. T •flllnl I I 70 1i , \lo :~:r~: :i: ~ ·~~-:: c~:~~::: •I; '!~ ~,,,:\., ~:.i~ I~ 1 lS~~ :~~ .... :~~:~"N~ 9 t: l!t":•" == ·~ ! ~c1m~:-1v~ E*~OI~:~: I m !:V·:2~ r:~~ ,,~ ,:~;: ~ JI.Home , 10 II ·~JI • ... Inv pt '30 110 6)\-~ .... Fed PB 1.20 • •• 111/1. ,,, lnltrco , • ., )6 .... MntOU 2,. 5 " 1014 . v. .... ~ .... IO • UV. ..... 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II 31'-• '-CIOroa '17 I 204 13 FIAlln $ .M 4 IOS "'+ 14 lnlTT 2 .. S ,.... 23¥> Mu,,lrd SO. 5 ll 11\\ • " PPSEG pl4.30 1250 JI .. J\lt Tev11<-o J • 10SO 2~ AT'Tpl 3 1• Wit 3lht '•• Cl~llP 14. •I u ......... 1'1Cllr1 ID 122" .... ITTplK ·, 17 •"""i1 Mnlclpl .«> ... ·-.... SEGpfl)6' .00101\lt•I TaABcnl.-M 5 20S '•""-'Ill AW•lr 110 • 91 1s•;,. ~. Cluet pl I ] 1011> F1ICll1< 120 s 211 IH·• ~ ITT pf() s . • ,, Munsng . )dll...,_" PSEG pl2.17 '° ISY.t .. h•Cm 1,10 • 23' ,.v.. "" AW11pll.1S 110 9y, 14 Co.cllm 11 120 ·~· ... FIBTu 1.20 4 226 11 .... ln1Ttp1125 ' ~ ~.,,., ... .,., Murl)hCl2t lS 12 ·~·.,. :ssEEGl)f1.43 ... 11 • v, ToES\ 110 s 100 "°""''"' AW1SPf 1.1\. 110 9>11 Co."4~1 .O t t S.2d14"-.\I, ,F..u;.tty 10 •V. ti. ll'llTT pf ·50 ' .cl ' Murp() I 4 145 11 • '-G pl7.70 t«IO SA -'° TuGT 2.12 4 416 t•i. :::::~ '·~ L.~~ ~ : ~ g~'.'C'., ~·: "~ m;: ~ m~r:: 1·~ : m ,~~: '~ :~:~r~ i·~ s .:i~ ~._: ~ ~~~~.'.~ .~ ~ WZ.: ~ :~~g ~~ !~ ~~ -I ~:::~ ·-ri~ 11~~ ~~" . 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USl'G UO I .... l1\'> t "' B•""" l 10 I IOI 41'-+I C0<•ln .w 1 43 ... .... GNC ·°'It • lfl,;o • "-Rlml>CI • • ~ S7"9-, .. Nor Tl Q I If 115 M\lt t " ::::: ptt.o:. > ''r1t t~t'-\lo ~~INV Ut; : 1 SJ • °"' IM'.OlV• I 16 ' " 1•·· .... COfnG , n 12 1.. .. GPU 10 JJO s KftQlllR n 10 43 ""' .... NOrltl> l.IO t•I 51 -11<> lllC c .0. ...... ... ~ 712 4J'1. ... BnkAm I 51 t 1491 11'• CorBt• 1.1610 11 10\.o Gt. nRtt • l.OI I ,.;, ltft. • -. K-I !011 17 10 • N-.tAlr .IO IQ51t l•-V. Roylr 2~7• : 2~ ~~ "' ~::&... J.: 1• 5"I tJV. • 'l B'ARly 2 10 • 21 n • \, Cowles I 11 us JS G"A"'' 21 ,.,, Kor..->112 .. 2 ,,.-... "' Nwll('p , ... 5 nt ,. ..... "' •uta<m 114 II II .... u ... loftC 1'I • 1 11 B11:~T,.'.; 22.~ • lll14 29'~ +I Co•lkl • 21 IJ ISi 21\lt • V. GGnT~ l.tO 1 lff JOY.-llM 1(-n I «> 11 11• •"'-• '°' Nwllln I aJ 4 ltl IJlh • .. llusToe I c U ~· V. U"Elt< 1.,. ' ~ l.. \It .., -lllo Cr•IQ 11 t• t V. FfDf I U . 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I Jt 11 • tu:. l"',n·,=·"" = T.1h"Pj ll-.: t ol:~; ,1:1, ''-rvn~+·i' Su.~" ii~ ~ 1~+·\; ~t:;w :: '! 1 ~··.. ·~.~ .. ,, ·~~'" ~· i, .. •:: ·~ .. i ~l:t:; :: 'I u_.n: _,., 1,g 1.1 m--" O!•:;a MU all iMll+ \II -.._.. _ , Or 1,..;t I£~···-. •rll' tti O ,... • t .. ~ 11tPLllll I iJ~+ ~ "'~, . .&,; !! =: ~ 80::..,. '·:J"llf l! • U ~'1w 1• !f , .... " :f1 ••i ; !1 ~··~·!.• .,._.·+·~ t 1. f Jr.'~. Uil'l.111 :· • 1.-t 111 -~:. t.t ~ 11 ·;-~.: ~~~.~ ;1 tt=: t n.9fi~i t.~· u~i ~·~ ~ i.:a~ ""· ~ =~ r1~ .ff 1t.r~ ~1!'...··· ~~~:~~ ~~ ,~"n5-~,t: ..... ,:i'"~: = =: !' fr.• ;:;1., t~ -=ei i ; , ~ .. ~~ iHI { ~ ~: .,_ ...,..,,. _,,t.,.,,._ iM. 111 l'!M' '-!. 'i ~ 11-.: "v: 1:11 t ~ ,~ l: •. ' .. ~ -~"'" • 1 ""~?I .... • ,_ • ._ • 11'f 1 ' • "™ 13, ... '" "'*-" ..,i: m ir:·'t ::. :llJ. ~ ~" t ... I 111 ....... = i!ji !!! '"' ..... ~..., .• :t I~..... I Ill •••" Mlt t m 1•"' . ii I • IJ +" Al Id I" ·1 ! ·1 :~g g 1i l ~ ~~:~ ::;;, ;~; i 115·~ .i! !'~ ~-~ 15a1 "'I ·I J 1 i · '1~ ~ iir.·i: ~·i~ 1 t::~ ce11 .... tK.-.-.... ~. :=··, .. • ~.... .,~ ,; .uf..~ sr.~e 'Jf £.~:a~~-1,1 w ... : :: ~'a ... ::~:~ .,tJt·,':tl,.ihl': - Dow Jo#nes Final UP 4.38 CLOSING 792.43 U.S. now ninth industry • Ill : WAS HINGTON (AP) -T he Uruted States continuing a decade-long slide, has fallen to ninth · place among industrial countnes in output per person, a report shows. Ranked seventh last year, the United States haa been overtaken by France and the Netherlands in per-capita gross nauonal product, the World .Ban.k said in i~ 1982 ~nnauaJ report, released Sunday. When non-mdustnal countries a re included, the United St.ates ranks llth, trailing two tiny, oil-rit h Mideast states as weU. The World Bank's report also warned. in an unusually somber economic outlook, that the 1980s incre~ingly are turning into a decade of slow growth and high unemployment ror the industrial nations and worsening poverty for the poorest rountnes. Purch ase terminated .Prlntronlx lnc., an lrvine-based manufacturer of med1un:i and low s~ ~atrix Impact line printers, an~ Pnntek Inc., a M1ch1gan-based manufacturer of serial M~tnx impact pnnters, announced they agreed to tenmnate d1scuss1or.s of a proposed Printronix purchase or an equity interest in Printex. The.companies also stated theLr intent to ('Ontinue C'OOperativi> pffnrts m areas of mut~ interests. Newp ort firm recovers Spacelink Ltd. of Newport Beach announced revenues of $134 ,000 for the fiscal year ended May 31 compared with $23.000 o( revenues for the prior year. The net loss for the year was $324,000 (or 7 cents per share). compared with a loss of $27,000, or 1 cent, for the previous year Figures for rascal 1981 have been restated tot reflect an acquisition made in 1982. Spacelink provides satellite television and specialized services to large residential and L'Ommercial complexes. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT GOLD COINS Pel. Up ISi Up !<I Up 12 S UP II• Up 11.I UP It e Up 11.t Up 11 t Uo II 0 Up 100 uo •• Up •I UP •J Up t J VO It Up It UP II Up II UP II Up t i Up 1.t UP 1 6 Up It Uo l .t C"9 Ptl. lllOoSOll 10.0 I Ott I) " Oft I. I Off 1) 11'> Oii I J ... Off 11 • Oft • 0 '"'• Oft •O ._ Oft 5 I '• Oft 56 t_. Off S• '· Ott s J ' Oft s 0 "" Oft ._. I Ott IS ·~· Oft •• .. Oii 4J ' Ott ., 1~1 Ott • 1 \o Oft •I II<. Oii •I \It Oii •O I 011 4,0 4lo Oft H NEW YORK (AP) -PrlcM ltlt Friday of gold ()Ojna, com~r9d with Thut'lday'1 Pfka. IC~MMI, t troy oi $350 00. ol1 $215 ..... leel, I lroy 01 • $350 60. o ll SHS. AMERICAN LEADERS METALS NEW VOAK IAP) -Spol l'IOnleffOUt me1al prices 1oday Copper 68V.·7 I cents a pound, U.S. desllnations lb LMd 26-29 <:enll • pound Zinc 37-40 <:enlt a pound, dell..,.9d Tln $6.0817 Melals w..._ compoa11e Aluminum 76-77 cenll a pound, NV. .... c .. ,,. S365 00 I* llatic. Pt•tlnum $253 00-$260 00 lroy ounce ~y • SILVER H•nd~ & Harmen, $6.530 per lroy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS Ip TIM AH odeted Pt"9 Select1C1 ...orld gold pnc .. loday. London morning nxlng $337 25, Of1 00.75. London 1llemoon n11ng $341.75. up '3.75, Pafl• afternoon t111ng· Hotld•Y·lnllrket ' :losod. Fl'9nktur1 n.ino: $338.97. of! S0.03. Zurich lala al1arnoon. 1338.50. up i1.75 bid: '339.25 Hk9d. Ht ndp Ii H.,ma n1 only jlcilly QuOI• i341 75. up $3, 75 l!ft981herd: only dally QUOle 134 1 75 JP 13.75. ' £~ only dally QuOle labOc:allKI '358.8', up S3 94 SYMBOLS cl N-yt.,ly low U·N-yMrty nlQll Untes1 OlrterwiM not..S r11" ot a~ ••• •nnual OISl>u•~·· b...., on Ille IHI qu.rterly 01 HM•·•n.,u11 d•c••••llon Specie! or ••••• Olvlelen<l• Ot p•ymerilt tlOI Oe1>9nllld H rtvul•r ere io.n1rti.c1 1n 1111 lollowtnq IOOltlOI .. •·Alao e•tra °' a••••• 11-A"nval rll• plut SIOG .. dlVld•nd c ·L1qulcl•1tn9 dlvld•l'ld • Oec:l111tt<1 °' ~Id 1n prlCIKIHIQ 12 monlt>t. •·Oecl••ecl or !Miid •Iler atoc• dMClencl 0t tplot UP 1-P•ld lhla Y96'. dividend omlllecl &11 .. recl Of no Kllon "~91'1 el 1u1 ~ ..-ting le· OeclerlKI Ot p..a '"" Y9W. All eccumu1111,.. 1.-wllh dlvlclanch 1n .._.., n·Hew •~ r·Oecler..S 0t paid 11'1 Pf~ 12 "'°"'"' """ 110C~ d~ l·Palcl "' tlOCll In pre<;IKl"'S! 17 monlllt UlllMMd catn ¥11Vt on••~ or .. -ci•tribultclll • O•te a·E•·OMdll'ldt or H ·riQhla y-&-ctMOand Md Hi.ie In 11111 t·S ... t In !VII • • . b .... to.ft IO paeo, 1.2 lroy Ol., $-'US 26, off u.2~ Awt"4NI 10• °'-"· .9802 lroy 01 .• '332.00, oft 12 15 clcl·C•llld. wd·Wllln dltlrlbutlKI. wi.wi.n, 111u•cl ww·Wllh w1o,.an11 •w·Wllllo\11 • wlotfanll Adll·E'A·dltlrlbullon • ,• Souroa: o...-~· P E •111o· rna prlca or • a10dl u 4 munlpie ol per-el\ert -n~..cltflwd ~v dlvld\119 Ille ••t•ll t2·monlh Mtl'I• noui- lnto l&al Nit Pflet