HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-17 - Orange Coast PilotDRANGI COAST YOUR HDIETDllf DAllY PIPER OHAN Cl COUN l V L A L If OHNIA 25 CENTS Dally Piiot Pftotoe by CWy ~ UNCHAINED MYSTERY -Spectators couldn'~ see how Mike Griffin, 21, eould free himself from locks and chains underwater. But he jumped into Newport Harbor Monday, managed the escape arnl emerged victorious 35 seconds later. Escape stunt all wet MacDonald : freed om fight 'not over' By STEVE MARBLE Of the Dalf1 Piiot Steff Two boatloads of reporters, photographers and cameramen braved the elements in Newport Harbor Monday noon to watch 21-year-old Mike Griffin sink like a stone. Griffin, an escape artist with a flair for publicity, sp.ent 35 seconds in the murky lukewarm harbor water untangling himseli from 15 feet of ch ain, four padlocks and a set of leg irons. By ROBERT BARKER Of IM Delly Piiot Slelf A law yer for Jeffr\:!,y MacDonald of Huntington Harbour declares "that the fight is not over" in the attempt to save the former Green Beret doctor from a lifetime in prison. The conviction of MacDonald, 38, on charges of killing his· wife and two small daughters in 1970 was upheld Monday by a federal appeals court in Richmond, Va. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said an examination of the record "gives ample warrant for the verdict" of a federal district court jury in North Carolina in August 1979. "The fight to free this innocent man has absolutely not ended," MacDonald's attorney, Bernard Coast doctor's. slay1·ng • f • h Jd Ted. Gunderson , the former CODVJC J0Il .Up e FBl c hie f i n Los Angel.es .,,.-working on MacDonald's defense Segal of San Francisco, s.a id Monday. Segal said MacDonald was devastated by Monday 's developments. "There are a number of options that are still open to Dr. MacDonald and it will take several days to decide which ones we will follow." "We have the right to ask the court of appeals to reconsider its decision or we can ask the U.S. Supreme Court, which already heard this case twice, to review the decision." Segal said the court of appeals did not have before it the recent confessions by Helena Stoeckley • ""1 team, said in a stat e m ent concerning her knowledge of the narration of the events- murders of the M acDonald "The declarations were Monday: family. u n t r ustworthy b eca u se "This matter involving Dr. Ms. Stoeckley confessed to Stoeckley's pattern of remarks in Jeffrey MacDonald from being a by s·t and er at the admitting and denying complicity inception until now is one of the murders. according to Segal. rend e r ed her h o Pe 1 es s i Y greatest miscarriages of justice in The appeals court said in its unreliable," the court said. t he annals of our judicial system. unanimous opinion Monday that ''Her admissions that she was "Our next step is another evidence showed Ms. Stoeckley's under, tpe virtually continual appeal. The next appeal will memory "was exceedingly poor influenceofthedrugwhenthese i nvolve the allegation of and that she was constantly statements were made further negligence by the government." under the influence of narcotic manifested unreliability." He previously charged that drugs." It added that the district court investigation of ~he murders in It said that while some of her was correct in excluding the Fort Bragg, N.C., was incomplete statements seemed to support testimony of other witnesses and careless and conducted by MacDonald's account of what regarding Ms. Stoeckley 's "inept investigators.'' happened, "the remainder of .her account because what they had to Gunderson· also previously testimony either contradict~d ~as largely inadmissible charged that the evidence was him or tended to undercut ttfS he~ (See DOCTOR'S, Page AZ) A Coste Mesa resident who practiced for his Houdini-like stunt in his girlfrie nd 's swimming· pool, was -in his own words - challenging death and risking a watery grave. "Does everyone have their shots," the young daredevil yeUed as the reporters, photographers and camermen jostled for position, scribbling and clicking. Positioned in the middle of the ha rbor with the former J ohn Wayne est.ate to one side and the posh setting of Harbor Island to the other, the reporters went to work. County shot down on flight ruling Arts Center aided \ by unknown donor "Have you made out a will?'' asked one. Yes, Griffin said. he'd made out a will. ' "Do you h ave any life insurance?" yelled another. No, said the sandy-haired escape artist, nobody would cover him. "Are you scared?" he was asked. "Hell yes," he replied. Finally a scuba diver who had been asked to scout the watery harbor floor for obstacles, sharks and whatever, emerged with the solemn pronouncement, "You can't see blank down there." 'The rePorters moved in, the ,See ESCAPE, Page A2) WORLD An Orange County governme nt rule that has prohibited air carriers from serving destinations more than 588 miles from John Wayne Airport with nonstop flights has been struck down by a U.S . District Court judge. ln his ruling issued from the bench Monday night, Judge Terry Hatter Jr. said it is the federal government, not the county, that has the legal right to control route distances. The decision represented a victory for Fron tier Airlines, which wants to fly nonstop from Orange County to Denver, the hub of its 79-city route system. Denver is about 850 miles by air from Orange County. MEXICO CITY (AP) -The government partially lifteQ a ban on foreign currency sales but kept all dollar accounts in banks fr~n as the country considered -seeking outside help to cope with its economic crisis. NATION ROANOKE, Va. (AP) -Freedom of religion is the basis for a college student's defense at the first draft registration trial since the Selectiye Se.Nice System waa revived t~o years ago. U.S. District J udge James C. Turk tOday began hearing the non-jury trial of Ent.en Eller. Saturday Review closing NEW YORK (AP) -The Saturday Review, a magazin~ of literature and the arts for most of its 58 years, has suspended publication and furloughed its st.aff, citing continuing financial losses. • 1 Frontier, one of five major airlines serving Orange CQunty, today is forced to m ake a n intermediate stop at Las Vegas on its Orange Coun ty-Denver flights. Animal research bill hits snag SACRAMEN,TO (AP) -A proposal toW'ep dog pounds· from suppl ying animals for medical research is in trouble in the Assembly Health Committee. State Senate President Pro Tern Dav~oberti's SB1438 came to a halt Monday on 'a 3-4 vote after opponents said it would raise the cost of research . ,, COUNTY 'NOT ENDED' -Dr. Je ffrey MacB?mald of Huntington Harbour will continue his fight, despite his latest setback by a federal appeals court. Skimboa"i-_d wi1;1ners listed Winners of South Laguna's sixth annual ski.mboard contest at Victoria Beach are announced. Page Bl. Gym dandy substitute Gymnastics emphasizes total body fitness, and many students are enrolling on private competitive teams now that school districts are cutting back on athletic programs. Page B2. · Dads, debutantes reheai};e Before they took off tor c;:olle~e campuses or foreign studies, nineteen National Charity League debutantes waltzed through a rehearsal of their Nov. 28 presentation to society. Page B3. County business report Promotions, acquisitions and earnings involving Orange County firms are detailed on Page B4. • By JODI CADENHEAD Of IM Delly Pilot Stefl strong personal commitment to the enhancement and education and cultural opportunities" in Southern ·californi)l, officials said. An• Orange County family requesting anonymity has pledged $1.6 million toward the endowment of the $60 million Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costel Mesa. Henry Segerstrom, chairman of the trustees, noted that the will bequesc wa s the first announcement in the center 's efforts to raise $3 million in endowment funds by the Sept. I deadline set for a challenge grant {r o m the James Irvine Foundation. The latest announcement • brings the total of pledges and gifts to the theater complex in South Coast Plaza Town Center to m o r e than $23 million . Officials hope to raise $40 million toward the construction of a 3,000-seat main theater and 1,000 seat community the ater and another $20 million for endowment purposes. The first announced anonymous gift to the theater complex has been made by "an Orange County family who feel a "Although we wish to remain ano~ymous we are especially proud to be associated with the continued growth of the cultural arts in Orange County," the (See ARTS, Page AZ) INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landers A7 Enn~ Bombeck A7 Movies B6 Busin~ 84-5 Mutual Funds B4 Cavalcade A7 National News A3 Classified . C4-8 . PublJc Notices C2,C4 Comics B7 Sports Cl-3 Crossword B7 Stock Markets B5 Death Notices C4 Television '8 F.dltorial A6 Theaters B6 Entertainment B6 Weather ·A2 Hy Gardner A7 World News A3 Ho.roecope A7 SPORTS . Angels back on top· The Angels moved back into sole ~ion of first place in the AL West with ari 8-4 r.win over Oakland coupled with Kansas City's double-header loss to the New York ,Yankees. Page Cl. ( I' ....... ._. .............. "".--. Al 9 Orange Co&ll OAILV PILOT/Tueaday, Auguat 17. 1~82 ~\ •'t. Continued stoTles DOCTOR'S CONVICTION. • • altered and that MacOonald'a civU ri&hti were violated. He aald the defense atilt ls awaiting a response from the Department of Justice to a requett March 19 for a civil right s lnveatlfatlon and a possible obatruc ion of justice inveaUgaUon. The 4th U.S . Circuit Court of Appeala reversed MacDonald's conviction in July, 1980, on grounda he had been denied a speedy trial. But the U.S. Supreme Court overturned that ruling March 31 and MacDonald, was returned to Tennina.l lsland Federal Prison. He had been working as an eme~gency room physician at St. Mury Medical Center 1n Long Beiach. MacDonald's attorneys m ed a n e w appe al c laiming the evidence d id n ot justi Cy th(' guilty verdict. MacDonald was sentem:e<.l to three life terms in prison by the jury that convicted him o C murder In the dea ths o f his pregnant wife, Collette, 24, and their two daughters -Kimberly, 6, and Kristen, 3. MacDonald contends that four drug-crazed hippies broke into h is apartme nt while he w as sleeping. killed his wife and children and left him stabbed and beaten. ARTS CENTER. • • donor was quoted as saying in a news release from Segerstrom. Since fund raising efforts for the music center began officials have stressed the importance of raising endowment funds to insure programming and support for the center after it is built. "W hile most non-profit institutions do not .begin to deal with the reality of endowment funds until capital cameaigns are complete the center 1s wisely placing equal importance on both the building and endowmenL of th is world c l ass theater complex," s aid Carl Mitchell. chairman of the ce nter endowment council. Last August the Irvine Foundation pledged $3 m1llton toward the center, with the first $1 million contingent on raising another $1 million by las t December. The remaining $2 million of the foundalion pledge • 1s contingent on raising $3 million in e ndowm e nt fund s b y September 1982 and anotaer $3 million by Qext September. When completed in 1985 the theater complex along Bristol and the San Diego Freeway will be only the third in the nation capable of offering musical theater, ballet, s ymphony and opera. The theater complex will be built on five a c res of land d onated by the Segers trom family. ESCAPE ARTIST • • • photographers clicked faster and Griffin eged to the bow of the boat. "See you \ater," he said, almost cheerfully, as he stepped over the side and sank like a stone. Prepare d for the w o r s t .. Griffin's assistant K e vin Beaubien had been advised to dive after his pal if h e didn't surface within 30 seconds. Things were tense. The camera guys stopped c licking. the reporters moved up to the boat's rail and, with 30 seconds gone. Beaubien leaped into the water. Could it be -was it possible -had the media event of the week taken a turn toward real nail-biting news? Nope. Griffin, leg irons in hand, surfaced just as Beaubien was making his plunge. . "Over here," yelle d the photographers as Griffin inadvertently began swimming away from the boat loaded with photographers and camermen. Griffin, who had warmed. up the media with several escape a~ts in a Magic Island club room, swam toward the photographers treading wa ter as the cameras clicked. "N o w c omes the eth ics question," suggested one reporte r who had been scribbling notes for nearly two hours. What he meant, of course. is should he write a story or should he write the whole affair off as a well-polished media event. He wrote the story. So did e v e ryone e l se . And th e photographers, for all the film they used up and all the angling, wound up with nearly the same pictures. "I'm hoping this will get me som e bookings," Griffin acknowledged after toweling off while the boa ts. provided through Magic Island. heade d back to port. And if Griffin's plunge fnto Newport Harbor didn't make a bsg enough splash, the youthful escape artist has another media event in store. "I'm going to chain myself to the 'H ' in the HoUywood sign and if the cops arrest me and handcuff me, I'll just escape." AP Wlr•photo AND ONE TO CARRY -Britain 's Prince after arriving at Aberdeen, Scotland, with wife Charles carries his eight-week-old son, Prince Diana and father Prince Philip to join Queen William, from an aircraft of thP Queen's Flight Elizabeth ll at the family's vacation retreat. ~~~~~--''--~~~~~~~~~~~~-..:;......_~~~~~~~- 'Going against grain'· R e a c tion mixed to R e agan tax hike s p e ech WAS HINGTON (AP) President Reaga n '.s demand for an end to bullheaded bickering ove r the $98.3 billion tax increase he supports is being greeted with defiance from conservatives in his own party and aloof support from Democra ts. In h ss nationa ll y br oadcast address Monday night, the president appealed to the public to tell their re presentatives ''you understand tha t this legislation is a price worth paying for lower interest rates, economic recovery and more jobs." "We are w ithin sight of the safe port of economic recovery,'' Reagan said. "Oo •wc make port or go around on t he shoals of selfishness, partisansh ip and just plam bullheadedness?" Notsng that some legsslalOrs "of my own party object to ttris bill -a nd •strongly," Reagan called f or "an e nd to the bickering here m the capital'' and passage of the compromise tax package which ts expected to be up for a vote firs t m the full House on Thursd ay. Sena te action w ill follow. R eagan . k eep in g u p the pressure for enactment of the legislation. called another group of GOP legislators to the White House today for more personal lobby in~. Ho w ever , i t was clear the conservat ive Republicans who helped Reagan push record tax a nd sp endin g c uts thro ugh Con g r ess last year w ere r e m ai ning firm i n th e ir opposition this year. "He's going against the gram m the sense that the people don't want the tax increase," said Rep. E d Be thune, an Arka ns a s Re publican who re mains opposed to the tax bill. By White House estima tes, more than half the House's 192 Repu blicans are now lined up against the tax boost. . Re p. Jack Kemp, R-N.Y .. a lt>a d e r o f the con scr va ts ve opposition. took note of some of the specific tax increase proposals 1n a n 1nterv1ew befo re the president's speech: "If yo u d on't u se you r telephone and if you don't travel by air and if you don't smoke cigarettes and if you don't have any u ninsured casua lty losses a nd if yo u d o n't h ave an y medical costs in the next couple of years a nd 1f you're not out of work try ing to ge t a small business to hire you. I guess then 1t (the tax bill) won't hurt." A na t ion a ll y b r o ad ca s t Democratic "response" following Reagan's add ress offe red more support. support for the lheasure today. but added, "The president isn't out of the woods on this bill by any means, [wish he were." O'Neill said House Repubhcans wsll have to deliver about 100 votes for the tax bill. Reagan, trying to calm the fea r s o f co n se r vative Republicans, said the three-year $98.3 billion tax hike ''absolutely does not represent any reversal of policy or philosophy on tht• part of this administration." But. he contended. "Much of this bill will make our tax system more fair for every American. especially those in lower-incorftt' brackets." Final PLO plan ready? By Tbc: Auodattd Prell L e banese Prime Minll1te r Shaflk Wauan said today flru1l agre.!ment has been reached on e vac uating th e Pales t i n e Liberation Organ1zat1on from lsraeli -besieged west Beirut But there was no immediate word from Israel, whk h has been demanding-that a captive Israeli pilot and the b d ies of nine lsr aeli i.old se r s r e tur ne d before thl' cvacua tio be Wazzan told re po e r Le banese government ould formally ask the United S tes, France and Italy on Wl'<fnesday to provide a mu ltinational peacekeeping force. "We have a rrived at the end of Lebanon's sorrows," Wazzan said a fter meeting in suburban Beirut with U.S presidential e n voy Philip C. Habib. "We shall report to the Cabinet on the agr~ment and the (evacuation) plan. I hope imple me ntation w o uld the n begin." Ask ed whe ther t he 15-cjay evacuation plan would begin on Sa turday a s is ants c1pa t ed , Wazza n sasd: "Let's not set deadlines. Le t deeds spea k for themselves." Israeli .ie\S shattered the sound barrier over Beirut today. but Lebanese police said no bombs were dropped and the cease-fire remained mt.act. A U.S. task force sailed from • Naples for Lebanon, carrying the 800 U.S. Marines who will be Washington's contribution to the multinationa l peacekeeping force that will h e lp o v e r see the withdrawal. "W e'r e in the p roct•ss o f putting the final touches on the agreement. I can assure everyone that the ga p h as n early v anishe d ," Prime M1n1st e r S h a f i k W azza n said sn a broadcast Monday He said he hoped the final agreement would be announced af t er hss Cab in et m eet s W ed n esday and that t h e evacuation would begin "at t he end of the: week at the latest." Birthday ru.n s u ccessful for Valley jogg er Lloyd Long of Fountain Valley t u r n ed 50 Mo n day, so the diehard d istance runne r ran 50 m iles throu g h the str eets o f Ir v in e f o r h is bi r t hday celebration. Continued fair ''l have come to the conclusion that despite our differences in the past st 1s one occasion when tbe president's position ts right," said House Democra tic Whip Thomas S . Foley of Washington. "He (Reagan) said that we need this revenue measure -and we do." CRIME TAL K -E~hief Mike McCaffrey will give tips on how to avoid becoming a th e ft victim a t tonight's meeting of the city of Hope's Ne wport Harbor cha pter, a l 7:30 p .m . in the S h er a ton Newport Hotel. Long started his run at 3 a.m. and crossed a crepe-paper finish line about 11.35 a.m . A salesman at S h 1pl('y Corp . 16782 Von K a rma n Ave .. he used th e company parking lot as h ts 'base for 25 two-mile laps on nearby streets. Long. who has been running seriously for about fi ve years, said he began his long distance training to e a se hig h blood pressure. He set h is 50-m1le goal about six months ago. he added. Coa."t a l Fair loday wflh highs ranging from low 701 11 the beachn 10 tow 801 In the Inland er•H Conti nued lelr tonight end W.One.Oay bul wflh some Ille night and early morning low cloudl and log along the COUI Ovemlghl IOwa In the 60s Hlgh1 WednMdey ranging !Tom the low 70. at the beachM to the mid-SO. Inland. Eleawh•r •, fro m Polnf Conc•plfon to the Me•tcen border end <>VI 60 mlkla: Mottly ~ht varlabla winds through .on.dey, ellcepl tout"-t to 11 to to 18 knota In t ha a tenfoon and evening houra SouthwMI IW9ll t 10 3 feel low cloud• and locel log, moally ct.Iring during ahernoona. lJ..S. suni niary Thunderttorme •Pr••d rein from the RocklM 10 the Oakotu end north•rn Minnesota •arly today eftll' 11oodwet•r1 walhed thlough llr"1t In Arkanaa1 •nd •••Pl 1w1y l our homes In Ten,_, A l•w tlorm• hit •allern Colorado Ind north•rn N•w Ma11lco and alretelled lrom thtl Ten,__ Valley lo Virginie end lrom th• Gull at•tu 10 th• Allenlfc~. Th«e wu fog and haze OV9f Ille MIMlaelppl Valley, with fair lo partly clou<ly .... CN« the , .. , 01 the.nation. Polle• In Pine Bluff, Ark , reported ~ of c:ara atrandld on city ltrM\1 Monday night u hlevy rein• pelled thll central NII-city Ind cauMd minor atrM t lloodlng. There were no lnjurlea. In Tenn•aa••. llHh llooda 1wep1 throuah Smith and Jadtlon countlel end wMhed el llUI tour hOmM from their loundallon1. One of IM ~ belonged lo • 711-~-old woman, wN> wtth hit 70-year·old •Illar wu mining and ~ drowned, olflcl•la Mid. Oo&e111 o f home• end ~ --6M\agld. Thi Nellonlll Wtettlat 8eMot ~ -'1..0 "'°"'*' end thunderetorm1 from Ille Gulf coalt to th• nonllem Alfentlc ooH 1 l lllH today and over Atlzone and U11h. Temperatt.ttu euly today re119ed lrom 411 dafr••a In ~. Mid\ .. to t o.gr-111 Pticltf*. California coast and llO!at.o atterflOOn al)(! ev ening thund•rahower a In southern mountains and eastern ci-t areas Highs wm ,.,. from 87 In Lo. AngelH . 10 the 1101 In Owen• Vali.y, In the 80a In mountain •-. from 117 to 102 In northern d-1• rb ea 1n the 1ow o-1 Overnight lows are fOfecut In lhe mid 601 In downtown LOI Angelea to a coestal low In lhlt mid 80s from 48 to 80 In mountain• end from 85 10 88 In thed-i Boater-a from Point Conoepllon to lhe Mutcan border car1 eapecf llghl variable wlnd1 during lh• night and morning ho ur1. 1*:omlng south-terly at 10 to 111 knoll during th• allernoon with • one to ~-loot south-•t swell. T e 111peratures NATION Albany 84 52 Albuque 96 88 AmarRlo 118 68 Ancnor•oe 60 43 Alllltlle 84 811 Alllltllk: City 80 63 Austin 102 75 Balllm0<e W7.. 59 Biiiings 90 60 Bl,,.1tnghem 84 74 Bolte 112 54 Boston 85 68 8rownav111e 98 78 Butlalo 82 59 Cuper 98 83 Cherl1ln SC 88 75 Charlatn WV ea 511 Cherltle NC 88 87 CheyenM 88 S3 Chicago 84 81 Clewland 85 58 Clmbla SC 88 87 Columbo• 86 68 Dayton 87 59 0...V9f 88 57 OeaMO!MI 84 88 Oelrolt 85 511 Oululh 78 88 EIPuo 102 73 Fllrbank1 SI 48 F111go 85 eo GrN\ FIJll 87 50 Hertford 87 511 Helen• llt 55 Hono4ulu 82 75 H°"11on lie 81 lndnapll• 88 82 Jlllltlanvli. llO 71 J-eo 80 Kana City 78 12 KnoXvtlle eo 73 l.M Vegea 102 74 N•""""' Wealhe• ~· NOAA US Cleot ot Comrt'••te Fronts Cold .. Warm w. little Rock 93 12 LOI A"981" 80 81 Louis vi lie 78 60 Memphis 85 78 Miami 82 82 Miiwaukee 82 82 NutMlle 82 72 N_Or ... na 90 74 New Yortt 88 87 NO<folk 82 68 Okie City 94 71 Omaha 81 87 Orlendo 90 72 Phlledphla 87 88 Phoenix 104 113 Pltlal>t"g; 84 55 Ptland. • 79 S3 Pro~ 84 63 R::r 89 87 R City 89 85 Reno 87 ... Richmond 84 88 Salt lak• 94 71 San Nltonlo 100 7' S.n OleOO 78 67 ~Fren 74 55 S..ltle 75 54 Sioux Fella 87 81 St Louie 84 71 SI SI• Mat141 77 58 SPC>kaM 88 54 Syracu• 83 54 Toptlke 81 7t Tuceon 97 88 TulM 93 74 Weahlngtn 87 87 C~OftNIA Blll«sfltld 96 70 &lg 8"r 78 43 8llhOp 95 51 Calllllna 71 b3 Eurwll• 71 50 Fr-10 113 81 Ii SURf RIPDRT 'l " ----jm .... A"t 2 2 2 I .... .... " 3 3 3 a..a Der .on aw SW w Stationary•• Lencu1er- Long Beech Loa Angeles Monrovia Montebello Mt Wiison Need~S Newpor'I Ba&en Oekland On1a110 Palm Springs Paso Robles River Side Redwood City Reno Sectemanto Sell nu Sen Bernardino San Gabrlal San Diego San Fr11nc1eco San Jose Santi Ana Santa Barbera Senta M1rt1 Senta Monie• Tahoe Valley Thermal Yuma S m og 95 55 83 61 80 81 94 57 86 62 82 61 106 83 72 80 63 59 90 S8 104 76 99 52 89 57 84 57 87 44 90 56 7' 48 96 61 88 57 16 67 74 55 88 55 80 59 71 57 77 49 70 55 81 44 104 78 1b6 82 Wiler• to call (loll lree) for lat•t emog lnlOfmetlon Orenoe County: (800) 445-38211 L ot AngelH County: (800) 242-4022 RIV9rald• end San B«nardlno 004fltllll: (800) 387-4710 A'OMO Epttode C.Oter (800) 242-4Me Tides TODAY hoond IOW !n8 p m 1.8 8eoond hlQl'I 8.311 p m 7 .o ftONmaOAY '1tll tow 3'42 • m 1 2 Flrsl high 10 07 a m • 8 8econcf low 3 t5 pm 1 e 8econd higll 11:28 p m 7 0 1:1un Ml• today at 7;38 p.m .. rl-WednM<l•Y at t : 18 1.m. Moon ;1 ... today at 4·27 pm, "ta Wldottel•y at 8:89 • m Sen . David Bore n , D-Okla .. w h o a ppeare d w ith F o ley . stopped sh ort o f an outright endorsement saying "we must ...Ji'le in the real world and the fact is th at t he ad ministration 's program ts not working." House S pe aker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr .. 0 -Mass., reaffirmed Rate d ecline big boos t for marke t N EW YORK (AP) -The stock market rallied on a broad fr o nt today as inte rest rates continue d to tumble and a leading Wall S treet economist changed his gloomy outlook by predicting sweeping declines in rates over the next 12 months. The Dow J ones average of 30 industrial stocks, up 15.51 points in the past two sessions, added another 7 .80 points to rise to 800.23 in the first hour today. Three 8tocks rose in price for ever y one that fe~ the New York S tock Exchange. Interest rates have been falling all summer, with declines gaining momentum late Friday as the Federal Reserve Board cut its discount rate to 10.5 percent. its third haU-polnt cut since mid- July. Cuts ln the prime lending rate swept the banking industry . Monday. and the bond market rallied today In early t.radlng. Prices on long-term bonds, which rL.e when Interest rates fall, soared more than $20 (or each $1 .000 in face value i.n early trading. Henry Kaufm•n. chief economist at Salomon Brothers, a&ld because of a weaker-than· expected economic recovery, he oxpecta Interest rate• on long- term government bond• to plunge .to 9 perunt to 10 percent in the next 12 months from the present 12.5 pera?nt. When he completed hs s run. Long was presen ted 50 roses as family a nd a bo ut 35 workers cheered hsm. Then he sat down on a curb and drank a beer ,, ......... . ACl'OR HONORED -Charlton Weston acknowledge. the ovation after Vet.rans of Foreign Wan ®.rnmander fn chief Arthu r J . Fellwock presented the actor with the VFW cutz.enah!p award at the organization'• national convention in Loe Angeles. , . . r Orange CoHI OAIL'.Y PILOT/Tuud1y, Augu1t 17, 1982 ~ruu~rn~uwrnrnarnu~uillua FIRE-EATING CHAMP? -Sipra Lloyd, a teacher from Adelaide, Australia, places one of 5,658 burning torches into her mouth during performance in New York City. Lloyd, a A' Wl,..,tloto stude nt of guru Sri Chinmoy, claims to have set a mark for the Guinness Book of World Records for most fire-eating over a two-hour period. stalled • rein a ins Clean Air Act Congress appears waiting on November elections WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. John Dingell, the powerful and determined Democrat who hea~ the House Energy and Commerce Committee, was at a breakfast meeting with reporters earlier this year when the question arose. How, they asked, could DingeU -a leading D e m oc ratic c hairman . a fr e qu e nt administration critic and the man whose committee would cite Interior Secretary James G. Wan for cont.empt of Congress -fonn a n a lliance with the Reagan administration on the Clean Air Act? Dingell responded with an old political proverb. "It is permissible to walk side- t>y-side with the devil," he said somberly, "if that's the only way to get to the other side of the bridge." The bridge is getting crowded these days. • House Democrats are strolling with administration and industry l obbyists, while Senate Republicans are linked with the environmental lobby. Despite such strange alliances, no one has yet made 1 t to the other side. After 18 '\nonths of d ebate. the C lea n Air Act remains stalled in committee. Weary se nat o rs and congressmen now are beginning to face the likelihood they will have to start all over again next year . And both environmental a nd industry lobbyists are count ing o n t he Novembe r congressional e leetions to make their jobs easier. Are MIAs still ·held "Both sides seem to believe that. somehow. they'll get a better deal in the next Vongress," noted Rep. Phil Sharp. D-Ind. "Clearly, someon e 1s dead wrong." The approaching e lections already have shaped much of the debate over the air pollution law, but not m the way that many had assumed. alive in Indochina? WASHINGTO N (AP) President R egan's national security adviser said Monday the administration does not rule out the possibili t y that some Americans still a re being held captive in Southeast Asia nine years after U.S. troops w ere pulled out of the Vietnam war. "W e h ave no confirmed evidence, but we have enough information not to rule out the possibility that som e of our unaccounted -for servicemen could still be held alive in Indoch ina." said Will ia m P . Clark. According to various estimates, nearly 2,500 America remain unaccounted for. ·"One of the greatest tragedies of Vietnam," he said, "was that the United Sta tes cannot be certain, even to this day, that the treaty we signed to disengage ourselves from the conflict was fully complied with in regards to our prisoners of war and missing D•ly root Detlnry l1G...,._.-.d Monday-Friday If You do l'lOI have )'OUr paiier by 5 30 p m call before 7 p.m and yQUr COPY will be dehYef'ed Saturday and Sunday II you do nol receive yQUr copy by 7 a m call before 10 a.m and your copy ..... 11 be delivered Clr'Clllatloft T•"l.""" Mott Orange County Ar as 64JAUI Northwest Huntington Beach and Weatmlnster ••1uo Ulguna Niguel 4tMeet in action." C lark, speaking to the VFW nallonal con vention 1n L os An geles, pledged th e administration would "use all means available, including the full intelligence apparatus of the United S tates. t o get to the bottom of this matter. "Should we find these reports are true. w e are prepared to take appropriate action to insure that no American remains a captive.'' he said. "Simultaneously. we are continuing our efforts to insure the remains of those American prisoners still in Indochina are returned hnme." A copy of Clark's speech text was released at the White House. Deputy press secretary Larry Speakes said Clark's .statement did not suggest any new evidence had been uncovered and that C l a rk 's remark re flect ed a previously-held poliq,)1-not to wnte of! the possibility of any MIAs or POWs Si'Jll being in captivity. .. Hut we'r e leaving no stone unturned to try to find out if there are," said S peakes. He noted there are unconfirmed reports from time to time that MIAs have been s'potted jn Southeast Asia. S p ea k es sai d Clar k 's sta t e m e nt had n ot been enunciated previously. "That is a iiew staterpent," he said. "W e have not made that state me nt publicly . We have previ o usl y made those statements to , .. MIA families." The N ational Clean Air Coalition and o ther environ- mental groups trouped to Capitol Hill with public opinion polls showing support for pollution control. Congres.5men up for re- election were supposed to look at those polls and vote to maintain the current law. But in the House debate, jobs and money have been the issue. Congressmen say they're for clean aJr, they also remember the factory back home -and a lobbyist in a three-piece suit is always there to remind them should the memory fade. Dingell was one of the first to put the home job issue at the forefront. He represents Detroit, and the distressed auto industry there wants e m ission con trol requirements eased. So does Dingell. With that basic requirement, he join ed forces with the administration, and then built a coalition on the committee with Republicans and conservative Democrats. In return for their support of Dingell's propose auto standards, h e agreed to s upport their particular interests. Rep. Edward Madigan. R-lll .. for example, worries about the coal manes. of southern lllinois. During one meeting earlier this year , he politely told DingeU to forget t his s uppo r t on auto standard s unless specia l restrictions in the Clean Air Act favoring high-sulfur rtlinois coal also we re continued. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomen P. Holey 'ubl~ Otld Ch,.f C'u1eut .. e Office< Jone Amari hKutlYe (dl!Ot l . Koy Schult'" Vlc:e ,re11dent Ol'd Doctor ol Advet111ing Mkhoef P. HCN'Vey Oit.ctor cl Mol-.. ~-. IC1rculolt011l Thomas A. Murphlna , Ed1IOI Raymond Mod.eon Con••• Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. Ollec1or ol 0,,..oilOftt -. Claae"led advertlalng 714/842-5e71 All other ~partmente 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE DO Wett ..., 51 , C.C. Mne, CA. ..-.11...-...• an u ... C0ti. -... CA ft61' C..•rltM tta Or ... c .. tt PUblltN"9 C-y. NO,, • ._.~ lllvtlr•l'-'t, odHOflel m,...,., .. "••llM-• 1Wrelt1 mey be ret>recl11<..i •ltNul -··· ..,..,,iMIOo\ .. <"9Yr19M ...... , VOL. 75• NO. 221 ---f, -·.n Mexico 'in confusion' Residents perplexed b y economic crisis MEXl CO C IT Y (AP ) - M~xl cans are confu11ed a n d perplexed by the 11udden, sharp drops in the value of the peso that have marked their nation's s lid~ fro m unprecedente d prosperity to economk crlsis. . R eeling from two major currency devaluations in six months and soaring prices for basic products, then hit with new exchange controls on 'currency, they are asking thelll8(!1ves what comes next. "In a ll frankn ess, 1 d on 't understand that is going on," said ~avier Castellanos, a forme r diplomat who now runs a small health-food business as he talked about the new currency c.'Ontrols -something Mexicans never had before. "Probably about the only ones that are happy right now are those who have absolutely nothing," he said. "I don't think anyone knows what's next with the dollar and the peso." the central bank, and aelhng of dollars waa not allowed. The government says there were si mply not enough dollars to go around. Three major causes are cited: One is the tradition among wealthy Mexicans of changing pesos into dollars and keeping them in savmgs and checking accounts an banks h ere, as a hedge against a peso devaluation. These accounts were worth $12 billion at the end of July, up by about a third from the beginning of the year. Many dollars also have left the country as people of means sought safe investments abroad, like Ame rican real estate, to preserve their assets. A secon-d factor i n the government's sudde n moves is the transition between outgoing, lame-duck President Jose Lopez Portillo, and his hand-packed successor, Miguel de la Madrid, who takes over on Dec. l . Both a re members of the ltutltutional Revol utlonory Party. whlc h has ruled M~xko for 53 years. It is no t un<.'OllUTICJn for an outgoing president to take unpleasant actions during the interim pe riod between hjs s u ccessor 's e lection a nd inauguration. It safeguardJI the party against retaliation at the polls and lets the new president .. start with a clean slate The third cause ts the world econ o m ic fo r ces that have deta i l e d th e am bitio u s development program Mexico began in the 1970s, when its 011 promised to transform the country m t.o a major industrial power. Mexico became the world's third largest exporter with the United States as 1ts maJor customer Mexico's growth 1 e1tc during the first four years of Lopez Portillo's six-year tenn averaged 7 percent, up from 5 percent in the first half of the 1970s. The curre ncy controls came in a surprise announcement Thursday night that suspended trading in foreign currency and effectively frore dollar accounts in Mexican banks. The Bank of Mexico. the country's central bank, allowed banks to resume buying dollars at noon Friday at a specified rate o f 69.50 io the d o llar. In February, pesos traded at 27 to the dollar. Coast developinent worrying farmers Th~ Bank of M exico, the country's central bank, allowed banks to resume buying dollars at noon Friday at a specified rate of 69.50 to the dollar . In February, pesos traded at 27 to the dollar. The Bank of Mexico also s t i pulated that a ll d o llars pur'Chased must be turned over to SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - With the spectre of development hove ring over the San Luis Obispo County coas t i n the Hearst's Castle region. some two dozen farmers on Friday asked the state Coastal Commission to help protect their way of tile. "It's obvious there is money to be made and ranches to be broken up," said Cambria ranc h er John Lynn, who ,., ... .,...... REAL 'COW' HAND -Mark Jarrett, 14, of Salinas, ambles down a tl'ail near his home on his 10-year-old miJk t'OW "Mindy." Mark "saddle broke" the cow for riding about a year ago and e njoys riding with saddle and bridle. He has a horse that he uses for long rides. It took Mark about three months to get the cow used to a saddJe and she is stilJ being milked daily. The New York Jewelry Show was as exciting aa ever and I had a grand time visiting with all my friend• there too. One of the hlghllghta waa the party at the Waldorf hotted by the North American Watch Company . . they are the agency for the Concord and Corum watches that we carry. Art Buchweld waa thef• .. alwayl and the apecial guett waa David 8rtnkley. He w.. the moet lnteraatlng of all the famoua peraonalltlet that I have bMn to prlvlteged to meet at theH partlea. c@ 9EM WISE M1rv Barr c.er11hed Oemotoo••I\ \ conte nded t h at co unty development plans would allow the r ural area to follow the high-growth route of Anaheim. At the request o f county supervisor s, the commission delayed consideration of the coastal hmd use plan for San Luis Obispo County until a later meeting, probably at the end of October. The county and commission staff differ on about 210 specific points involving the 100-some miles of coa.5tline, rolling green hills, ragged, scenic bluffs and such famed sites as Morro Bay, Pismo Beach and San Simeon. The coastal zone, including more than 181 ,000 acres. reaches inland as much as five miles in some rural areas. "I'd like to see us get it to 50 points of difference in the Cirst round," County Supervisors Chairman Steve M'3cElvain e told a r eporter. County and commission staff plan to meet to re90lve many of the problems The plan, mandated by the California Coastal Act of 1976. must be approved both by the commission and by the county supervisors. A zoning plan would then be based upon the land use plan. Th e commission d id conditionally approve a land use plan for the city of Pismo Beach after voting to increase the city's planned setback requirements for developments along a mile-long s trip of beach in the South Palisades, North Spyglass area. The f arm-are'a residents appearing before the commission endorsed the bu 1 k of the commission staff's rPcomrnended changes to the county's proposed plan. The commission said the county should take greater steps to protect farmland, s.hould allocate more resources to farms and tourist-related businesses a nd should eliminate the possibility of developing lands which can't currently be served with water or sewage lines. jewelry Hoes. I just never tire of shopping J)le many beeullful dlaplaya and "dlacoverlng" a new Idell or deelgn. Before I atarted home on Thursday I had a luncheon Interview with Nancy Gardner, editor ol Town and Country magazine. She la writing an artlcla on the lat-' fuhlona in· Jewelry end wanted to know what lntere1ted the aophlatlceted. It~ tewall'Y ahopperl In Newport Beach. I wat very pleaaad to be Hkad for my lmp,..tlona on that aub)eet. Saturday I worked the ahow and started our plana for a lovely Chrletmu thle )'Ml. It doee eeetn I bit Mriy, aapeclatly wtl8fl the weather wu eo terribly hot In New York . T hat evening I attended a ~utlful dlnn« peny given by friend• In their home ovarlOOt<lng Central Parll. Anothef' 8:00 a.m. eamlnar on Monday ... and when the ehow opened at ten o'c:'focll t waa ready to epend atlll anothaf day looking at all the o orgeoue CHARLES H. BARR 8ut home again and after another tllght bout with pneumonia I am bactl at my delk trying to catch up with all my oorre1pondenoe and other cM ... at the atore. SpMklnO of that, ._. are WOfkfng again to update our malling llat. If you hew moved and forgotten to tell u. . , . or If you would Ilk• to add your 'ne,,,. to our malling llat. .,...._ ~ and let ue know. The t.i.t>hone number It 8'42-3310. ......................... ....., ................ ~ ~ ......._,_, M~·-~um ._ '-l.ty L.6w•r I 7tlt It lr¥1H, Wftlclff ...... MewportlMdt • f Orange Coa1t OAILV PILOT/Tuuday, Augu1t 17, 1982 ,~~ ...... ,~ .~~,, Gains tax deferred . .. By PAT HOROWITZ or..._.,..,,....,...., DEAR PAT: I reeeaUy aold my bome ud made quite a larJe amoant of money on the sale. I uderatan that lf I rurcbaae uotller bome within two yeara tba I can defer the tax OD tbe money I made. II tbl1 true? J .E., Irvine Yea. You have two years In which to purchase and move Into 11 new home of equal or great.er prlce ln order to defer payment of the tax on the gain. If you do not acquire a new home in that time, the tax is then due for the year of the sale and interest will be charged. Greyho und's secrets told DEAR PAT: I went to a 1reybound race lD Arliona recently. It amaaed me bow l11t the do1s ran, and I've been wondering ever alnce exactly bow fast they do nan. Can you find out? R.G., Foantaln Valley The average speed of a greyhound is 40 miles per hour In a 30-second sprint around a 5/16 l'T\lle tracj(.. They also run a course of :Y1 mile In some races, according to the American Greyhound Track Operators Association. How to obtain tapes Since you are fascinated with this sport, you may be Interested to learn that the history of the race goeB back a.lmoet 5,000 years to Cleopatra, whoee stable of dogll continued a tradition of Egyptian kings. It then goes on to Queen Ellz.abith whose aoterest brought about a set of written rules and regulations and a name for the race: the "Sport of Oueens." DE~ PAT: l bad occasion to be in a lawyer's office recently and glanced at a pamplalet that llated a lot of legal 1ubject1 ud •a pbone number you could call to get geaeral lnformatJon on any of the sabJect1. Where could I get a copy of this pamphlet? M.N., Lagoa Beach Phone 731 -1715 and request a number listing bulletin of Tel-Law's available taped subjects. The Tel-Law tape library is a community service of the Orange County Bar Association. All tapes in the Tel-Law library are written by a team of experienced lawyers to emphasi2e easy listening and basic facts. Tapes are updated as necessary to ensure that all legal information is correct. While the general legal information is not a substitute for an attorney, the tapes may provide the answers many consumers need to questions about rights and responsibilities under the law. A number of tapes are available in each of the following subject areas: Adoptions; You and Your Home; Marriage and Dissolution; Bankruptcy; Senior Citizen Laws; Your Family and the Law; Consumer Rights; and Your F.state and the Law. Greyhound racing made its official American debut in 1906. Races are now held in 15 states. Cleaning directions DEAR PAT: A couple of yeara ago you wrote about a solution that can be used on bricks to clean and make them look brighter. Would you please repeat that Information for me. B.F ., Newport Beach If scrubbing the bricks with water and a steel brush d oesn't brighten them up and remove any "efflorescence," the white powdery substance composed of one or more crystalized soluble salts, a special cleaning solution may be necessary. Refund. from firm possible FoU!>wing safety directions carefully, mix one patr' of hydrochloric acid to nine parts water. Rinse with water before and after scrubbing with a steel brush. If there's green discoloration, use a solution of caustic soda composed of one part soda to 10 parts water. Be cautious when using either of these solutions inside. A spill probably would result in damage to floor or furniture finishes. • DEAR PAT: 1 sent a check for $44.SO to Cbarter Oak Coins In Covina for a 1979-S, type II Suaan B. Antbony sliver dollar. Altboagb my check was caabed Feb. S, I haven't beard anything from tbis company, even tlloagh I also wrote two letters asking wbat bad bappeaed to the cola. At tbis polnt, I woald Uke a refand. T.D., Costa Meaa Charter Oak Coins spokesman promised to "check the records" and see what had happened to your order, which he claimed had never been received. He did agree to send a refund to you if you could provide a copy of the front and back of your canceled check. Let AYS know how things work out. ; •• "Got a problem? The11. write to Pai' Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, '9 l getting the answers and action you n eed to solve inequities in n • government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered; but phone inquirit!$ or letters not including the reader's lull name, address and business hours' phone number .cannot be considered. MERVYN'S 8 hours only! diamond sale I We've added $250,000 worth of diamonds to our regular stock and put it all on sale! Save on our entire stock of. dazzling diamond jewelry, plus a special one day only collection. You'll find savings on pendants. earrings. cocktail, engagement and men's rings. Choose solitaires, diamond clusters or diamonds with other precious stones. Alf are in 14kt. gold settings. Our Diamond Counselor will be here to help you In our Fine Jewelry Department. Reg. 150.00 to 1295.00. Hie 89.99 to 776.99 Mervyn'• Diamond Certlfft'lte ts l11u9d with each purohaee. At any time. the amount of the certified 1emng price (or the total amount of paymen11 made on the price) may ti. applied toward the purctlaae of a more expen11ve diamond, providing the r.turn 11 made with the Diamond Certificate and the diamond 11 In the orl· glnat mounting, not marred or dameged. • Some lllu1tratlon1 may be enlarged to ahow detell. Stylee may vary by atore. J / ;,, J' ~,· .I I Wednesday only August 18 Huntington Beach Thursday only August 19 Fullerton store Friday only August 20 Anaheim store 12 noon to 8 p.m. WednHday, Augu1t 18: Huntington Beach. 9811 Adams Ave. at Brookhuret St. •Thu,.day, Auguat 19: Fullerton. Yorba Linda Blvd. at Sapphire Rd. Friday, Auguat 20: Anaheim, Anaheim Plaza, N. Euclid St. at Crescent St. '\ , 'Suburb' handle irks city KANSAS CITY, K.o.n. (AP) Kanau City, Kan., has joined several other cltles upset by a Rand Corp. survey listing the 84 most troubled suburbs In the nation. First of all, says Mayor Jack Reardon, his community hu city, not a suburb. "l can't believe these turkeys," Reardon said. "And they get paid for doing this?" The Rand study said Kansas City, Kan., wu among the most troubled suburbs because of a high crime rat e, a disproportionately large minority population and low lnco~. Ann Shoben, a spokesman for the Santa Monica-based research group, said the study was designed to find out whether cities such as Kansas City, Mo .. were exporting to their suburbs problems of crime, deterioration, unemployment and lack of money and housing. Ms. Shoben said Rand had received many calls from aggrieved mayors and cJ,ty managers. ., LONG Rl.D_E ,..... Drive rs b e am and sh ow map of a 6,500-mile, non-stop trip they did in 129 hours from Monterey to New York and back in a rebuilt van. They used cottonseed oil for fuel for the four-cylinder engine, using about 250 gallons at cost of 5 cents a mile. From left are Alan Buck and Sheila Stoll, both of Carmel, and Aaron Burdick, N . Hoosic, N.Y. WE'RE CLOSING Old friends like you are hard to leave Store Closes Sept. 18th Save -30% to 60% • Fine jewel~y-entire department 30°10 to 50°/o off regular price. • All women 's sportswear reduced 40°10 to 60°/o off regular price. • Men 's selected fashion wear reduced 40°10 to 60°/o off regular price. • Girls' selected sportswear reduced 3 0°10 to 50°10 off regular price. • Boys' selected apparel reduced 3 0°10 to 50°/o off regular price. • Women's shoes-casuals, sandals & heels. Orig. $14-$23 . . . . . . Now s3.99.s5.99 • Outdoor furniture-Five piece set orig. s4 79 Now ...................................... 1299 ~ GARDEN SHOP • All 6" house plants .............................. s3.99 "• 2 gallon roses ........... reg. s5_99 Now 13.99 • 50°/o off all baskets SPECIALS • Boston Ferns 8" ............................ sg.99 • 2 gallon Sago palms ..................... 19.99 • 1 gallon geranium~ ....................... 12.99 • 1 gallqn star jasmine .................... •2.29 • 1 gallon citrus ~rees ...................... 12.29 varieties include Meyer lemon . Store Hours 10 ·a.m. to 6:00"'p.m. JCPenney fil~~ • ·MM· ,, . I Newport Beach only ~ \ ( -~----- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/TuHday, Augu1t 17, 1982 1leat les honored by their hometown at last Th" BeallH 1pllt up ti y~un11Aa£<1, tand Mond•y 1h1.1y fln•lly rucclved ofllchal honor In their hometown of Liverpool. Four at.ree~ In the clty'a new Kenalnll\On FteJdl hou.alnai development were named af~r them. .,..,e Liverpool city t-ou rn:ll llalr~ t.o t,he McUon laat November alter yean of preuure to honor the rour whoee Merweyaide 11<>und revolutionized pop music ln the 1960s. Such honor had been fought over the years by people who objected to the Beatles' lifestyle. A handful of fans stood in rain showers to see the signs put up on Paul McCartney Way, George Harrison Close, Rlnao Sta r Drive and J ohn Lennon Drive. *** Artist Salvador Dall said a Pcrpignan display of his work includes 80 fakes. but the individual who provided the items, a former Dali aide disagreed, contending au are genuine. 'l'o resolve the dispute, the 78-year-old Dali has filed sult demanding that the alleged fprgeries be confiscated, France judicial sources saiCI. The suit was filed Aug. 2, the sourees said, after Dali had studied a catalog of the exhibition, which contain 426 paintings, lithographs and pencil sketches attributed to.the artist. *** Thirty-thousand people fought their way through a huge traffic jam to attend a day-long outdoor music festival featuring Willie Nelson, the Oak Ridge Boys and the Charlie Daniels Band in Cros.wil.le, Tenn. The occasion was a 50th birthday party for a tobacco dealer and real estate developer, Bill Property fin an ce lowered Crocker Bank will offe r pr o pert y improvement financing at lower-than-market interest rates to owners of rental housing in Santa Ana. Alex Sanchez , executive director of the Santa Ana H o u si ng Authority, said the progr am encourages improvements and upgrading o f rental housing in the.city. Fifteen-year property improvement financing will be made to landlords w h o ren t to families eligible for rent subsidies by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's •section 8 prog r a m . The H.UD program is administered by the housing authority. For information, call 834-4811. H ousing p rogr am topic The Orange County Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a program Wednesday on housing problems and their effects on employment. The l uncheon will begin at 11:30 at the ·Gra n d Hotel in Anaheim. The program . arra n g ed by th e c h a m ber's economic development council, will have as speakers Leonard Shane, chairman of the board of Mercury Savings & Loan ; Phillip Bettencourt, executive director of the Orange County chapter of the Bui lding Indus tr y A&soclation, and Steven Polard, a Los Angeles lawyer involved in the De la Cuesta loan assumption case. For information, call 634-2900. D eputies due to .grad uate Graduation exerCises for the 56th Basic Academy will be held at Chapman College's Memorial Auditorium in Orange on Aug. 30 at 6:30 p.m. The speaker will be Dave Lopez of Channel 2 News. Thirty officers will be grad u ating . T h ey represent the Sheriff's Department, Anaheim, Santa M onica a n d Foun tain Valley police departments, and the Marine Corps military police. The recruits will have completed 15 weeks of tralninf and earned 12 unlts o college credit. A ward • w i ll b e preae n ted at t h e pl"OIJ'&m. C•ll 142-5178. Put • few wqrd1 to work for ou. ·. .... ,. l \ •' ·~ UIEIJFACES Mollln1, who dt.oe:ldt.o<l mur~ than a yl•ur ago to do something 1pec1al to mark the ewnt Mullins saya ht-thought ot inviting "frlt-ndic and a few enemies, and pretty 1iom1 we had a pretty good crowd.u "Then w e d ecide d to get 11omc good entertainment. So we made some more calls and never thought It would work out. But all three acts acc.-epted and that ran up a pretty good tab, so we decided to opc>n it up to the publk'." *** Helen K. Copley, president of The Copley Press, Inc., was presented with the Veterans of Foreign Wars News Media award for "her professionalism, management abililles, concerns for the truth and the security of our nation." VFW Commander-in-Chief Arthur Fellwock, presented the award In Los Angeles. Mrs. Copley, he saad, is "a person who cares about her <."Ountry" and that her newspapers are "concerned about the second class posture the United States finds it.self in in the world today." The VFW, meeting at the Los Angeles Convention Center, also presented its Hall of Fame award, gold medal and citation to E unice Keooedy Shriver for her work in developing and directing the special Special Olympics. *** Princess Diana was reported Monday to be "deeply upset" over a newspaper :war of words ~tween her parnnl.I cont'Cmlnfi thell aeparollon and 1u~ut.•nl dlvon.'t' 13 yeill'il ago. , Bucklnaham Palace refu.aed oommen\ un the ur1,h:le In the maaa-drculation Sun The D.ally Exprcu publ11ht<d un lrtwrvlt'w In which Oluna'• rn~her, Francies Sllaad Kydd told how she fought and lost a legal battle ln 1968 for '·ustody of Diana and her brother, Cbarlee. She aaid she wanted to 11peuk out brt·auae of reports about the dlvon.-e which, she duimoo, put her In a bad light. .. The Btn EarJ Spencer, D1ana'11 father, respond~ That his ex-wife had "opened up old wounds" and that public exposure of the rouple'11 former private life ''could only hurt Diana_." *** A rare signed photograph of gangster Al Capone has been bought by a Bost.on t'Ollector for a record-breaking $4,250, auction officials said an New Yorl< City. The previous high price for a 20th century photograph was $3,200 for a signed picture of P residents Ford, Carter and Nixon, according to Jill Bokor, a spokeswoman for Hamilton Galleries *** Prloce Ralnler and Prlnceu Grace of Monaco spent a day sightseeing In Reykjavik before sailing with their children Prince Albert and Princess Caroline on the French cru1Ser Merooz. During their stay an Iceland, the family shopped i n a wool fashion store, dined with Iceland's President, Vigdis Finnbogadottir, and visited a famous spring geyser. AP Wtrephoto DREAM MAN Jill Mogen , Seattle law student, is escorted from hC'r wedding by her n ew husband, Dan Maul, who dressed as Prince Charming and borrowed a while horse for the occasion. B mg. ··1ar", 0 6 mg nicotine av per cigarette by FTC method ' • • One Beautiful Mentholt" One Beautiful Box. One Refreshing Sli111100. , 't .. \ J ' • .._. • Orange Cout DAIL.Y PILOTITueedaV, Augult 17, 1982 FAA noise· abatement test results ignored As federal agencies go, the Federal Aviation Administration wie lds tremendous power. I t virtually can tell U.S. air carriers what to do, when to do it and how to do it. A case in point involves Orange County's John Wayne Airport. Until 1979 , pilots of commercial jetliners were permitted to inst itute noise- reducing power cutbacks after their aircraft reached an altitude of 500 feet. The FAA said the procedur~ was unsafe and ordered tl)at no cutbacks be performed at altitudes less than 1,000 feet. As a direct result of the FAA's action, the high noise impact a r ea surrounding the airport nearly doubled in siz.e. Almost immediately, the commercial air carriers and O range County government officials d e manded the FAA perm it a ret urn to the 500-foot cutback level. They lobbied and lobbied. The FAA finally agreed to conduct tests on noise abatement takeoff procedures. Studied were two different takeoff profiles involving cutbacks at 1,000 feet; a third profile examined involved a cutback at 700 feet. _ The tests were conducted, the data collected, the airport-area community interviewed and the results made public. Donald Segner, a n FA A associate administrator, said the cutback level would be lowered to somewhere between 400 and 700 feeL Noise relief, It seemed, waa in sight. Nothing, as it turned out, could have been further from the t.ruth. Something happened after Segner got back to Washington D.C. Some insiders say Segner spoke out of tum while ln Orange County and that he got cuffed for it by another associate administrator, Walter Luffsey. Whatever happened, FAA adm~nistrator J . Lynn Helms • declared there would be no change in the l ,000-foot cutback level. Orange County officials, since Helms' January decision, have tried to get the FAA to provide clear and concise reasons for refusin~ to change the standard. The FAA responses have been less than detailed and seem sadly lacking in objective analysis. More disturbing is that more recent letters to t })e FAA from county Supervisor Thomas Riley have gone unanswered. Why is the FAA so silent on the issue? Why won't it permit tests on a 500-foot cutback procedure? Why does the FAA permit cutbacks at altitudes of less than 1,000 feet at other airports in the country, such as Stapleton in Denver? These questions de~erve answers. We think the county and the airlines should persist in asking them until the FAA gives the rationale for its seemingly a r bitrary action s and aloof attitudes. Preserve Coastal Act State Sen. Paul Carpenter, D- Cypress. has withdrawn his bill that sought to override the authority of th e state Coastal Commission a nd approve the Orange County development plan for the Bolsa Chica marsh near Huntington Beach. Carpenter said he withdrew his bill to allow co ntinued negotiations between county and com mission officials on the controversial plan. It appears that his move was symbolic, however, because some members of the Assembly Energy and Natural Resourres committee say the bill didn't have e nough votes to pass the committee anyway. It was rejected by the same --COmmittee last year. That is good n ews. Carpenter's bill is clearly special interest legislation that seeks to change the rules of the Coastal Act in mid-stream. Carpenter h as le t the bill be presented and amend ed by lobbyists for Signal Landmark Company, the major landowner of Bolsa Chica and the party that would most benefit from the measure. The continuing controversy over the future of Bolsa Chica is complicated but basically it is a preservation-versus-development struggle. Oran ge Coun ty gover nment wants to allow homes a n d a marina in the 1,300-acre lowland sectio n of the marsh , in conjunction with some restoration of coastal wetlands. Coastal Commission officials, however, object to wide-scale development in the lowlands because it has been identified by state Fish and Game officials as the largest remaining salt marsh wetlands habitat in Southern California. The two government agencies have agreed to continue negotiations in an attempt to reach a balanced compromise between coastal development and coastal preservation of a natural ~urce. Carpenter's bill is a slap at Prop. 20, a pproved by voters in 1972. That initiative led to the Coast.al Act of 1976 and was intended to establish procedures to protect valuable coastal environrl)ent from destruction or from being closed to public use. Whatever the outcome of the Bolsa Chica controversy, Carpenter's attempted end run around state environmental laws is the wrong direction to take. The public hearing procedures established by the Coastal Act should continue to be followed in resolving this controversy. Arithmetic of murder In Houston, a man who admitted killing nine women and ls believed responsible for 13 other deaths, was given a 60-year prison term after agreeing to s how auth orities where the victims' bodies were located. If he killed nine people, lhe sentence works out to six and • two-third years per victim. If he committed 22 murders, it works out to less than three years per victim. We don't care how you figure it out. The 60-year term is an outrage. · Opinions ••pressed In the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvit· ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (71•1 642·,321. L.M. Boyd/ Sales ~ure A aalea method of proven wonh would have the merchant throw ln a gift for the husband with every aale to the wife, and v1ce versa. A piano dealer in Alexandria, La .. gave away a good aNqw1 with each purchMed piano. A motorc:yde dealer ln upltate New York ,.ve away a llrin1 of pearll wtlh Och motorcycle eold. Both o peratore made money on the technique. ORANGE COAST. Daily Pilat -Q . When did St. Berna.rd dop ln the Swiss Alpa stop canytng kep0 of brandy? A They never diet One spedaJ dog, Barry, saved 41 penona durini ha Alpine rescue career In the early 18001. The arUet who did a commelnoratlve palntlna of h im thouaht it nifty to daub Cn a Unle branc]y keg beneath hia neck, 10 the notion Thomae P. Hat.y ~llhef Themm A. Murphl"• Editor \ JeM Amari £MCV11ote fdltor --.0~ fdllorlal '• (clfot n..m-McCenn ~ fdttor ... OON? PUIL 1WMB MERE ... I TIUNK OOTY SIIJE.<; ARE CLreE TO ~G 1lDNS8 oor_ Truth obscured in . Beirut BEIRUT -The public has the right to know the undisguised truth about the conflicting claims and threatening calamities that still obecure the story of Beirvt. The time has come, in the late Lyndon Johnson's phrase, "to lift up the cow's tail and look the situation straight in the face." I have conferred with leaders on both sides of the conflict. I have sought out the fac1s in Washington, Jerusalem and Beirut. I have had access to classified U.S . and Israeli intelligence. Here are my conclusions: I. -U.S. LEADERS knew in advance that the Israelis intended to drive the Palestine Liberation Org~Uon out of Lebanon. The policy makers in Washington did not know the exact timing; they did not anticipate the massiveness of the Israeli onslaught; they preferred diplomatic negotiations rather than mill~ pressure after the PLO had been backed into a corner. But they did not discourage the Israelis from roaring into Lebanon to purge the PLO. %. -THE SOVIETS HA VE sought to portray Israel as the aggressor and the PLO as the aggrieved. The truth la that the PLO forces moved into Lebanon 11 years ago and set themselves up as an occupying army. Then the Syrians moved down from the north. Both armies laid waste to Lebanese territory long before the Israeli bombardment began. 3. -THE SOVIETS have also blamed U.S . a rmaments for the carnage in Lebanon. In fact, the Soviet Union armed both the PLO and Syrian forces to the teeth. This included some of the most sophisticated weaponry in the Soviet arsenal, including the fearsome T-7~ tanks and terrible SAM-8 missiles that were supposed to be invincible. But the Israelis stopped the T -72s in their tracks and destroyed the SAM-8s. The difference between Soviet and U .S. military hardware in Lebanon is in quality, not quantity. 4. -THE PLO HAS collected billions from the Arab petro-states and has squandered the money on military G. -J1-c1-11-1-11-so-1 -~. supplies while the Palestinian people have languished in poverty. Long ago, the arming of the PLO ceased to be a crusade and became an industry -a highly profitable industry that has enriched thousands of arms dealers, corrupt politicians and PLO leaders. ~. -THE PLO'S HUGE arsenal gave • Its fighting men more firepower than the Israelis expected. But as an army, the PLO was divided and disorganized, with 12 separate fighting factions. Some groups fought grimly; others broke and ran. The relentless Israelis, meanwhile, easily overran the PLO lines, captured most of their military equipment and rounded up more than 10,000 prisoners. 6. -THE PLO'S SWASHBUCKLING ch1eftam, Yassir Arafat, does not control the organization. He is merely the most visible leader. More secretive, sinister men like George Habash, Salah Khalaf and Nayyif Hawathmeh share power with him. Arafat stays out in front because of his mastery of public relations. 7. -I SPENT TWO hours with Arafat listening to his categorical vehemence. He was prepared "' go down, he said, m the flames that wlre engulfing Beirut. He would die there, he told me, before he would surrender to the Israelis. But I got the scent of his arrogance dissolving. his alarm mounting, as the Israelis battered down the barricades and closed in on him. 8. -THE HORROR OF the Holocaust still haunts Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, who sees the PLO as a reincarnation of the Nazis. At the mention of Arafat's name, Begin fixed me with a black look, a stare of long- simmering anger. He called Arafat a "little Hitler," Begin spoke in a voice of cold resolve. To him, Beirut is Berlin. 9. -I ALSO HAD DINNER with Bashir c~mayel, who is most Likely to be the next president of Lebanon. He would like both the Israelis and Palestinians to leave his homeland. But he blames the Palestinians more than the Israelis for bringing devastation to his beloved Beirut. He said that the Palestinians had come to Lebanon uninvited and unwanted. "Lebanon is not their country. Beirut· is not their city," he said. So they are "indifferent to its destruction -unless the buildings happen lo fall on their hl'ads.'' 10. -I FOUND THE SAM E sentiment among most Lebanese whom I met. But most of them, Like the Moslem mayor of Tyre, had a fear of the PLO. He told me privately that the PLO had taken control of his city away from him in 1975 But when a television camera appeared, he said only nice things about the PLO "People are afraid of the PLO," explained an associate sheep~hly. Behind the rout of the PLO, as wilh any battle, there have been conflict.mg claims. preposterous predictions and face-saving Lies. The truth , like peace, is not easy to establish in Beirut. -----Legislators' pay hike poorly timed Notwithstanding the revenue shortages which compelled cuta in state allocations for aid to medically indigent. schools, and nwnerous other programs, legislators, returning for the final month of the 1982 session are readying to vote themselves a $2,811 pay raise to boost their annual salaries to $30,921. · That this action apparently will be the major item on the agenda in the final wrap-up of the two-year session was indicated by Senate Finance Chairman Allred Alquist who said he was reviving his bill authorizing the raises. He had previously stated that the members should forego any pay raise if they denied state workers a cost of living pay adjustmen t, which they did. IN HIS STATEMENT regarding the bill's revival Alquist also intimated subrtantial pay raises for the governor and other at.ate officials will also be i.ncluded. "If we don't do something we won't get a raise for two years and the governor and other state officers wouldn't get one for four years." The i.naensitivity of the lawmakers involved in voting themselves a pay raiae ln the face of mass unemployment and a rapidly declining economy which is witnessing sharp drops in the stock market and in property values is bad enough. But to give themselves a pay raise when the same has been denied to st.ate workers on the grounds of an empty state treasury violates good management principles. For example, it IARl WATIRS is a cardinal rule of the military that a good commander always sees that his troops are cared for before sitting down to the table. Legislators have an even greater responsibility to provide for the people they represent. as well as state workers, before feathering their own nests. Obviously both the people and th.e state workers will be asking if there isn't enough money for h ealth care, the schools, and pay raises for the workers, how is there enough to increase the pay of fop state officials? Some may say that the state workers lgnor~nce favors extremes Thcx'#.ht• at Lup: -Ignorance la to great a vice becau.e It la rarely cqntent to be paaaive; lt eSther adorea or•acoursea what It cannot understand -and lt ~ lldorw -IYlllY 111111 the locampfthenlllble, and ecou.r .. the in'epc'09Chable. -0..ppolntnl*nt ln life makm men eurJy allcr wome n •ad; thl1 i• why fruatrated men tend to flaM. and dUtaPPolnted women t.end to cry. _: My avendon to moll vete1ablel ii bued on the conviction that while I am bound to terve my count.ry, I am not obllpd to e.t It. -Every medical achool ahould have a mandatory count ln "c:ommunk:adon" tor f\.lture docton. who en for the moat part woefully inadequate In lJ.ti.nl.n8 to what thelr patienta are te1.Una them and re.pondlna ,appr"Op!Utely. ~ A cfty 11 no Janpr a community when more of ita reatdenta have thelr t.elfJpbanel unlisted than ~. -By and Jarae, our tanauaae would be hard up lf .... ~ed all the nautical ldiorm we u. dally wtthout belna coD.1Clou1 of it (includi~, of coura, "by and larp'' and "hard up"). -t Und moat cata101• more lnt.e:rt9Un« than molt novell.. • did get a pay increase by reason of' an action which increased their take-home pay. But this was done by milking the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) funds to make up for the fact no deductions for retirement will be made during this year. The dipping into the funds for this purpose is a highly questionable practice of using capita] to pay for ongoing expenses and could establish a bad, even disastrous, precedent. In fact the employees' association and the PERS have filed suits challenging a similar action last year when Gov. Brown took $185 million from the funds to pay for the state's em ployer contributions to the retirement system. IN ANY EVENT t h e callous "me-first" attitude exh ibited by the legislators in pushing salary raises for themselves will further damage thelr already bad public image. And the salary raise Isn't all the lawmakers are giving themselves. They also _Jre expected to grant themselves a 24 percent increaae in the tax-free per diem allowances they receive seven daya,. a week during the legislative meets. This already amounts to as much as $1,500 a month and would become nearly $2,000 a month with the increue. In addition the members are furniabed automobUes lQr their peraonal U9e and unlimited supplies of free guollne, • privilege aometimee uaed to fill the l.anka of their airplanes and private boatl. lllllYlll 1 wonder If Omar Khayyam had the preeent-dav traffic otlicer in mind when he wrote, .rnw movtna flnaer writ.et and havfna wrtynovea on .... " etc. J.C.V. . ._, .. _____ ..,,_. __ _ ---9.i.•;i::n• ,,....__. ..... I ..... __ ....... ....Dell,~ > L Cringe CoHt O~ILY PILOT/Turay. Augu1t rr. 1982 Al f I 4 •ANN LANDERS ' ·ERMA BOMBECK •ST AN DELAPLANE Daughters' cool relationship • worries mother DEAR ANN LANOJt:HS· My husband and 1 were loving parents, over.1oyed ul l•ach expectancy. W e w ork e d h ard t o g 1vt-o u r c hi l dre n companions hip, friendship with othe r children. recr eation, educallon, a h<rn lthy, happy home environment, moral and llp1r'ituul gu1dan<.-e. I. never w ould have bcllevl'<:I thut w hen they grew up and had fam1Uet; of their own I would be shut out of their lives. I live within 30 miles of them and we get 1.0gether lwo or thn'<' limes a vear. I am well-educated. a Chrisuan lady of humor and integrity, fairly young an ap!)l'arance. courteous and considerate of others. Again and again I ask myself, "Why do other young people find me ver y good' t:ompany. but nol my own?" I have three daughters who live less than 20 minutes away. Yet, Mother's Day comes and goes and I don'l see or hear from them. l have searched my heart and my mmd for the answe r. I would be proud to have a mo ther hke me. Wh y aren't my children? Maybe someone reading this will recognize that their mother's snuling. proudly held, uninterfe nng fa<.-c docs not mean she doesn't ... ¢ ' . V-: -I '.I. Yr ?A. STAN DELAPLANE ARO UND THE WORLD Tender trap has benefits SAN FRANCISCO -Love LS better for your teeth than dental floss. says a Michigan professor Lovable fellows have better molars. Boys and girls together have fewer colds, too. So wit h less sneezing. love makes the world go round. "Men without girlfriends have more cavities t han men who are going steady," said the prof. (And all thi..!l time of TV commercials, you thought it was Crest.) I don't recall the Bender trap had that effect when I was bagging ca,ramels for girls. I was in love all the time. Often t.00 bashful to say so but the heart beat in waltz time just the same. (I remember a chick in sixth grade -but who wants to listen to an old roue's memories.) "We've broke n up," said the girl child. ''This is it. It's final." I said: . "Well, hurry and get a replacement. T hink of your teeth." ... OFF-AGAIN-ON-AGAIN romance keeps teeth on edge at any rate. It starts about the time they get braces. Love and wire go together At present we have both ch ildren in staples. I've always had some orthodontist on my payroll. It's regular as the rent or the payment on the new couch. They look a little Cangy. Like something out of a horror movie. But all children this age are braced. '!'hey have no choice in the love department. To him She looks beautiful. And He's the Man of Her Dreams. The approach to children's teeth has improved since I was waiting for the Tooth Fairy. When my first teeth were departing (I had a gap in the front already) my grandmother felt t he next one coming loose. "Ready to come out any time now, I reckon," she said . ''I'll just tie a thread to it and you can give it a yank any time you've a mind." She said th e prime way to handle a loose tooth w as to tie the thread to a door knob. "Then you close the door and wait on the other side. When somebody opens the door. the tooth comes out in a jiffy." She offered to show me. but I couldn't bear the suspense. Some days! NOT SO WITH THE LOVABLE ge neration today. To straighten teeth. some must come out to make room. A specialist tooth puller does the work Each week the orthodontist tightens a guy wire here. Slacks off a stern line there. Takes a turn on a bitt and hauls in a spring lme. Between these actions, love finds a way. "We're getting together agam He said 1t was all a mistake. He was just temporarily infatuated with her " Such tightwire walking keeps the teeth and the wits sharp. We didn't know that Love. not brushing twice a day, gjves you better checkups. T h ere we r e n o t oo thb r u s hes when grandmothe r was a girl. "We used to clean our teeth with a frayed twie-4'Pped in charcoa.l," she told me. She had all her teeth. They w ere wh ite and even. She had never had a filling. Dentists said she was a wonder. I didn't inherit her splendid teeth, more's the pity. I brushed twice a day. Nobody had heard of fluoride. I brushed up and down T hen dentists decided you should brush round and round. Nobody straightened my teeth . That was early for gopher teeth. Grandmother sald she reckoned l couldn't eat apples through .a picket fence. .,,,,,,, By PHIL INTERLANOl 'of Laouna Beach COMPLAINTS > t - mlnd l'll 111gn myself -A GR.EAT PHETENDER WHO NEEDS ANSWERS DEAR PRETENDER: l calle d Or. lrwlo Roseo, a psycblatrlat wbo la bead of tbe out-Jn•tlenl cllolc at the Menninger Found•tlon, for help with your ques tions. Or. Rosen tald that If you are as y ou des cribe y ourse lf -conside rate, ooo· Interfe ring, courteou. llOd excellent c ompany - ud your children Ignore yoo, tbe re must be aspects of the relatloo1hlP, that need explora tion. The word "Chrlstlao ' lo your letter 1uggea&1 that your best 1ourc e of belp mlg~l be your ministe r. He or sbe probably knows you and your children quite well. A great many cle rgymen are trained these days lo counseling. Go to bJm and discuss your problem and atk for his llUlda_nce. Perhaps be can help you discover "'here things went off the track. A definite breakdown lo commuolcatioos bas occurred some wher e. Please keep m e posted. I would like to bear from you a.Jlaln, telling me tbat lbe wa lls a re crumbling and bridges are being built . Punch ??771\=- DEAR ANN LANDERS · I know you are iK'CjUulnted with a lot of people , and the ones you don't know you can get to with very littJe effort. Please find out for surE-whether Lena Hom e has h1td a faCi•llft. I have reud three limes that she haa • dt>nlt'd hnvmg had facial surgery. but J find It hard lo-believe. The woma n just had her 6~th birthday and looks the same EIB (muybe better than) she did 20 ycani ago, It doesn't ~m 1X*5ible that she hasn't had a nything done. 1f you know her, will you ask her? -WANT THE TRUTH IN WESTPORT DEAR WESTY: I wouldn't tblnk of asking such a question. It la oooe of my buslnest -and oooe of yours, either. If Lena Horne says 1be baao't bad a facelift, tbal's good enough for me. All I know Is lhJt she la a fabulous performer, Incredibly bard-w.orldng and takes excellent care of herself. Celebrities do not owe tbe public u awers to questions about their personal lives . It's bad enough that they are cooatutly reading half-truths and whole Ilea about themselves, and there is no ---~---" "Don't you think we should at least try to talk him out of it?" GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF llolh vulnernblt• South dt•:il ... . 'IORTll • 7 s K QJ 106 -64 2 • 5 4 3 WEST t:A T .4 +8 632 83 A 97 5 '"QJI087 1 93 •QI0862 •J97 SOUTH +AKQ J I09 4 2 r AK S •AK Thr hidd1nK: South West North East 2 + Pa88 3 '~ .Pass 3 + Pass 3 !'IT Pan 6 + Pus Pass Pass Clp1•ni11i: l1·1irf: t)11ern nf t Alw111•c. tak•' tho~ ... l'Xtra rhan('t'' You nt•ver knt•w ""ht·n ont· 11( lht'"ll~ i.:wni.: lo pay <>ff' Thi• aurt1on w11s f<11rl} 'ii ra1J(ht forward Onre North made a 'omcwhat duh1n11, po<;1t1\e rc•,pon"" South hl•aded for <1lnm Thrl'P ~pade~ woe. 'imply a lPm por1zing bid to Sl'e 1.o. hat 1t .... oulrl evokt• rrom vartnt•r \\'est IN! the 11u1•1'n ut diamonds. and dedart•r ('uuld c·ount 1·le\ 1•n t r1rk.; a~ soon a<; dumm.v romr rlown Thnr ~N·m1>d to bl' no pin) for t w1•h,. 1 r1rk .. uni<'"' ~h<· op p111wnh ohli.:e·d hy 1ak1nl( th1• :11:1!' o( hl•arl<> wht>n that c;uit wa~ f1r<il l1•d llmq•\l\•r, fledarer found an lll.:l•Olou.,, way to givf' h1msl•lf ;1 v"r) .,ll•ncler :iddil1onal sh11l tor t hf• e·ontral'I. Il l' won I he• k1rtK ot cl1a1t1•11HI..,, drt•" 11111r r11unrJ., of I rump,, takinr, c·ar•• to di<;<·arcl a twart and a d1u mund tron1 dummy. th1•n 1'Mohl'fl I h1• llC't>-klllK nt duh" 1\ 1·x I c·a ml· ,, hl'art to dummy's king, llll\ wu<>ly , if l h<' defender' won lhlo; trick Jl "ouhi hl• 1111 over, so F.ast had tu du('k ow dt•clarer gr>l back tu hi' hand with a club ruff. <'.t'ht.'d t hf' k1nic or d111mr>nds and lt•<.1 h1$ last heart East was left w1th,nolh1ng but hear ts. No muttn ""hlll hr rlid, dc•rlarn could not losr morr 1 han onc- trick. fo r the diamond would lc(ll a\loay r>n Lhf' h11fh hf'a~t . Ohwrve the precision w h "hic•h dN•larer played <' hand Tht• kt') was the act that ht> did not discard a club from dummy when drawing trump' llad he• citri>lessly J111rlPd with a low club, he ""riu Id have had lo concede c.Jr•frnl When East won tl>t' art> of hear ts on the ~e('ond round Of t he SUl l. hi' would have bt•cn left wilh a saft' PX 1t card the third club -and drrlart>r's allempted end play would foil. llavt you been running into double trouble? I.et Charles Goren hl'lp you find your way through the mazt of DOUBLES for pe nalties and for t&keout. For• copy of his 00l 1BLES booklet. send S 1.85 to "Goren·Doublu ," cart of this new8paper. P .0 . Box 259. Nor,.,ood. N.J. 07648. Make checks payabll' to Ne,.,spaperbookl. Burt Reynolds' timing off Q: Since Burt Reynolds' divorce from actress Judy Carne back lo the '60s, almost every time you see bis picture lo the magazines or newspapers, there's talk that he's getting mar ried again. There has been a long, piibllclzed flst of women to bis Ufe -Including Dinah Shore, Sally F ield and now Looi Anderson. What bas kept blm from taking the plunge aJI lbese years? -Jesae G., Las Vegas. A; "Timing," shrug)S Burt. "Whenever I asked, they said no. And possibly whenever they wanted to, I didn't. Timing," concludes Reynolds, "is everything." Q: Is It trve that E tbel Merman's Ille story will finally be made Into a movie? U so, wbo wllJ play her part? -Laurie K., Seattle. A: Producer Lester Linsk says the role could be played by a nohslnging actres& with Mennan's voice dubbed in . The movie will cover both her career and the tragedies In her personaJ Ufe. "On the one hand, she i8 the hard-d'1ving protessional," he says. "But on the other side, ahe ls lnc:redibly na i ve In certai n re s pects and an Incurable romantic." PEISOllAllTY Q.&A. BY MARI LYN AND HY GARDNER wearing Mar y Poppins s hoes a nd hold ing an umbrella! · Send your questions to Hy Gardner , "Glsd You Asked That," in care of,the Daily Pilclt, P.O . Box 19620, Irvine, C8.Hf. 92714. Marilyn and Hy Gardner wiU answer as many questions as they am in rheir column, but the volume of mail makes personal replies impossible. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT IF IT'S f.WEET; •. IT WANTS ME g _AN_N_ 1 u_N_m_a ___ way to aet the re"ord 1tralgbt without appearlDJ defensive -or worse yet, gullty. But tbanka for writing. You gave me an oppor tunlly to speak M\' piece for a change. Discover how to be dali' ball w11hout faJ.hnr' h ook , line and slnkc•r A nn Lan ders' buokle . "Dating Do's and Don'ts," will help you be more poised and sure of yourself on dates. Send 50 cen6. along with a long, stamp<'(/, self-addressed envelope with ~hiµ/' request to A11n Landers, P 0 . Box J J 996, Chicago. Ill. 60611. EIMA BOMBECK AT WIT'S END Technology no friend Am l supposed to get <.·hoked up over the fact Lhat in a few more years there will be no reason for me to leav(' home? It's coming. Computer terminals a re be tng touted that will allow me lo stay home and shop for clothes and groceries, send lett~rs and watch church services. I'll be able to prop my kids up m front of it and have them educated. have my ills diagnosc-d by a doctor who makes terrnmal t·alls, a nd make deposit; and withdrawals at the bank:' I CAN PLAN MY MENUS by it and brmg any form of entertainme nt I want mto my living room without ever leaving my chair. I'll be crazy m a wccl9. Where is at written that women want Lo spend more time at home? No one has been listening. Lt has taken US 200 years LO get ou t Of the house anQ now they w ant to put us back there. Oh, sure, talkmg chips a re to be installed in our oven, range, refrigerator, dryer and d ishwasher 8'/ we can estabbsh some kmd of rapport, but 1 did nof come this far to sit a round t.alkmg to my applfan~. l already did that . They're calling it the w ave of women's future. Actually, it's our past I knew women personalJj wbo. during a Chicago blizzard. used to get m the car after dinner and hav~ their t:ars towed just to get away from the kids. • TECHNOLOGY DOESN'T KNOW what it 1$ bringing to pass. A computem .ed house will jusi make women squ irrely and w11J turn me into ~ domestic derelict. I know me ln a couple of wee~. I'll forget to comb my hair In a couple of months. I'll drag around all day m my nightgown. In a couple of years, I'll wear forget-me-nots in my hair and go around barefoot. It wiU only be a matter of time before I start nipping at the vanilla and developing serious f<'elings to wa rd my word processor Expe rts hammer in on how much gas and e nergy we'll save by having everything at hol'Tl(\. C'mon, I watch animal documentaries. Rats have no reason to lie. In e xpl'nm<'11ts conducted with them. when they were jammed m an a rea with wall-td- waU rats every minute of the day t hey bee~ irritable, v10lent toward one another and could nol reproduce. l One ou t of thre<' reasons for c:omputerized living is Just not enough • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Wednesday, August 18 ARIES (March 21-Apnl 19): What a ppears to be retreat or defeat may tum out to be a resounding victory. TAURUS (April 20-May 20); Give logic eq~ time with sentimen t -instAJl saCely device~. eliminate super fluous .mate rial. : G EMINI (May 2 1-June 20)" You'll be asked to r evise, rev iew. p ossibly lo re write a nd mo\t certainly to establish a more solid base. CANCER (J une 21-July 22). Be ready r~ ch a n ge. varie~y. travel, communication and relationship that heats up. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): You push nght butto~ and wish es come true. CS'cle high, favorabfe d omestic ad1us tme nl occu rs despile in i tial discouragement ) VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Define tenT\S, look behind scenes, attend clandestine conference. Be diac:reet. play cards close to chest and be sh rewd obeerver. • LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Focia on poweti, change, creativity, money and love. You are repd:i for past favor Y ou win friends and influen~ people . 1 · SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Lunar emphasll on pro'hotlon. prestiae. com pletion of assfgnmenl and added recogniUon. J SAGITf ARIUS (Nov. 22-JA.c. 21): Accent cili beliefs, splrltual values, ablUty to pinpoint spccl requirements. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan . 19): You 'll ooncemed with paymcn\.'t, collectlON and creou financing. Q: Now that Jalle Andre•• ha1 dropped ber 1weetaeu-aod·ll1tu lma1e with her last two provocative mov1e1, I bear 1be'1 ready to 10 1be1d and pose for 1 Playboy centerfold. What about thJs? -Joanne R., New Haven, Coan. .._ Aq\JA{\ltlS (Jan. 20-Fob. 18): Empbasls public rulaUons, partntnhlps, ability to hanno with thoee who.e vlewa may not coincide wi\h y own. A: We doubt very much that Julie Is ready to bare all for Playboy, now or even later. Though her ¥CTetary did l()ll us once that Ml.sa Andt'CWI' k'Crct d esire waA to poe for a Playboy center fold PISCES (Fci b. ~-March• 20): Be aware o detalla, flne print and n.ecemf ty for mmplednl which h ad bt>cn d elayed or Ignored .. . f , I ~· Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Tue1day. Auguet 17, 1982 GETTING AROUND -You don't ·need a 65-foot cabin cruiser to have fun on the water in Newport Beach. The kayak paddler above Snoring 'snuff er' said success[ ul CHICAGO (AP) -A device originally .developed by a doctor to squelch his snoring has proven successful in treating a breathing disorder that has caused thousands of deaths, a researcher says. Dr. Rosalind D. Cartwright, director of the S lee p Disorder and Research Center at Rush- Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center her, said that a condition known as sleep apnea probably "has been the-sow-Ce of many 'mY.sterious' deaths \hat have incorrectly been attributed to heart f>roblems." She estimated 80 percent of 1 million apnea i ufferers can benefit from the sarnf plastic device, which is secured in the mouth by suction and has a Compartment to hold ~he tongue in place. It looks ~~to a boxer's mouthpiece. £. Dr. Charles F. Samelson of the Sc hwab ttehabilitatio Center in Chicago developed it three y~ars ago for his use, and later came to the attention of Ms. Cartwright. The device has been tested with hopes of finding a non-surgical method of treating apnea, a disorder that cuts off air from the lungs during sleep. When an a pnea patient sieeps, said Ms . Cartwright, pockets of fat in the neck tend to relax, restrictins the airway. As tongue muscles relax, the tongue can seal off air to the lungs, causing death. l "After using the device for six months. some 9Jltients found it had trained them to sleep safely by l}olding the tips of their tongues lightly in their ~th and they did not need to use it as much," she ~d. The sleep research center is making the device ~yailable without cost under a federal grant to patients with confirmed cases of apnea, she said. q The device is proving to be as effective as surgery in reducing apnea, she said. One corrective QPeration is a face lift in which pockets of fat are r-Qmoved and muscles are tightened. ~ Another common procedure is insertion of a t¥be in the windpipe. , Among a pnea symptoms, s he said , is "window -rattling snoring" and overwhe lming fatigue during the day. : X-rays find tumors NEW YORK (AP) -X -rays are becoming \pcreasingly effective in detecting breast cancer in women over 50 or where physical examination fails ~ disclose the disease. a study confirms. ~ _The American Cancer Society. which pperated with the National Cancer Institute in a five-year study of more than 280,000 American women. said "the diagnostic capabilitie s of rpammography have improved considerably" in recent years. n The society said 42 percent of the 3,557 cases oft breast cancer in the study were found by breast X-rays, also called mammograms, and could not be, diagnosed by physical examination. NOTICE DISSOLUTIOI OF PIRTIERSHIP PUBLIC AUCTION Ordered by the Attorney for Globe lnternatlonal Handmade Peralan and Orlental Ruge · We have been commissioned to llquldate the entire Inventory plus other s for Immediate cash. Ae per ln1tructlon1 ALL BIDS WILL OPEN AT .25• on the doller, end Iota wlll be IOld from the next bid on. RUGS FROM: China, Persia, Afghanlttan, lndla, Turkey, Pakl1tan, Romania, Egypt, and Iran. Size• r•nge from 2'x3' to 18'x12'. AUCTION WILL TAKE PLACE ON Wedn••d•y, Auguet 11, •• I P.M. HUNTINGTON BEACH INN • '11112 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY HUNTINGTON BEACH Pr.view 1 h®r prior to .U01lon-PleaM attend preYlftt Crossing guards will. k eep jobs Five croulng guard pc»ltiona temporarily cut from Irvine'• budget have been reinstituted. eo guards will be on duty when school resumes Sept. 13. The Irvine City Council voted last w eek t o fund the five positions, at a $32,000 annual c:ost. Counting these five, the city will have guards postt!d at 18 locations to help children crossing busy stree-ts o r unattended footbridges. AlJ but three are off during the summer. The five locations are: Hamilton S treet at Thiel A venue m Culverdale. Park Place at Hacienda in Northwood. Woodsprmg and F.ast Shore m Woodbridge. -T h e Yale Footbridge hnlung The Ranch, The Willows and Calif o rnia H omes in Deerfield Toura1ne Wa y and Stras bourg Avenue in The Ranch. Dally Piiot Pllolo• bJ Palrlck O'Donnell and the windsurfer at right are able to enjoy the bay at their own speed. •. Turnyour unusables ' ' For Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 42-5678 SJIYHELLO 10 GOOD 8 • into e usable e cash. Call e Daily Pilot e classified • 642-5678. ...._ --.._ -...... - ... FOR THE flRSTTIME EVER, YOUR Bill PHOllECEllRR IS HAVING A SA•E. SAVI $10·$40ON111ESE GENUINE BELL JIL,':"ONES. ~ ___/'\ .. SALi ENDS SEPTEMBER 10, 1982. UMmD TO SUPPLY OF PHONES ON HAND. SAVE AJ YOUR NEAREST BEU PHONECENTIR: ANAllEIM COMONA INGl.F.WOOU Anaht'l!]l Phu~ l'llrkndg" Plaza Mall 111 N La Bru Av,riur 500 N Euchd 83!i N Mi1ln Str,el IRVINE A~rnA OO~M~ A~W~ 400 5 Hnldwm /\vrnur ., Costa Ml"'l<I V1llalt'.I' 1<1805 Jt'ffrey Roed San111 An1t11 3033 Bri11ol LOS ANGELES Fa~h111n l'lrk M11ll Clll.VER CITY 467 E Vemun Avcnof BREA 3818 CulverCenlerStre~l 76" s .,_ A 1091 B-a ••all , :> • ~mno v'nuf .. ..., EAST ANAllEIM IOtO Wll hi Bl d Ion E. lml)('ritll llwy \ Ea11 Anaheim 1 "' v BU ENA l'A R K , Shopplnll Pllll / 1428 W Manchester Ave nu' But!na Puk Mall 2236 K Llncoln Avenut' 5445 North Figuhoa 8602 On Tht Mnll GARDEN GROVE 36<19 S1ockt'r S1reet BURBANK 11277 Garden Grove Blvd. Univen1lty Vlllllgl' JOO N11rth Third Street C:l.ENOAl.E 3221 South Hoover CANOGA PARK 128 S. Central Avenue Mld·Wll1hlre Are. lndc(>('ndenct Souart HAWTHORNE 5"14 Wll1hlre Blvd. 21013 Shtrm1n Way 12036 1111w1homt Plua Beverly Center• Topanp Phna ilOLLYWOOD 131 N • .Y Clen,ga 6600 Topanl(a Plua Blvd 1149 N Gower Sired Bl'Olldway Plaza CARSON 1~38 N. Highland Ave 750 W. 7th Strttt 765C.r1100 Mall HUNTINGTON PARK MISSION Vlg)O COMPTON 2675 ~ Avt nut G1tew1y Pia• 921 E. Com pion Blvd Shoooin1 Center 24000 Alldll Pkwy. f: .. I MONTF.BF.l.l.O 2561 \'ia Campo MONTl-:REY PARK Montel't'y l'ark Shoppmg Ma'I 404 0 S AtlanlM'. Hlvd NEWllAtL 25075 Puchland Av11111r NORTH llOLLYWOOI) Valley PIH• 6&41 Laurel Canyon Rl vd NOKTllRIDGF. Northridge Crnl..r 8363 Keaeda Ulvd. ORANGE Town & Cfluntry Shop_pln1 Cerllcr 777 South Main Slrett PASADENA • Pasadena Plaa11 334 £ Coloredo rllvd RESEDA .1. Satlcoy dua 17224 Satk'O)' RIAi.TO LOI Ill' l'.l11rk r ...... ~1> .. 11pm1o1 l • ..... , :1411 ~ Ml\rr-11h /\H· ·wf\.F.R-.ll>F Cari)nn L ,,.,, Tn,. 11 Lt>rilo·r 5225 l.myun Lrl'~I 01 Tyler Mall • 10106 ~fa111111hn Avr SAN (l.EMF.Nn • PICU l'lnw 69 Call<' rtr lndu•ln•~ SAN l'EllRO Gnrd<'n \'illuKc ::!8098 ~mlh Wt,lt'm Avenue SANTA ANA Santi\ An~ ~11111m• ._ l:.!lll E "17th' Slrr~I SllERMAN llAKS Hi;lOI V1•n1um lllvd SIMI 2815 L'11t hn1n Strtfl STllDIO Cl rv 1211:.! Vrntum lllvd l'ORMANCf; llt-1 Arnn Fa,hion Cent('• .H71:t llaw1hnmt' Bhd v A " " ll Y'-6930 VAn Nu~~ Blvrt V~NTllRA llurnn \'rntura Cl'ntfr 325 S Mill' ROlld woonLANll 1111.LS Wondc<rurt 20833 Vt'ntura Blvd. DlllJPllll ' 0 Producer Ellen Krass TU!SOAY, AUG. 17, 1982 a • bringing stase plays to -· IS STOCKS 85 pay TV. See Page BB . COMICS • 87 ... THI CUAIT AND THI COUNTY TELEVISION 88 ~Well, at least· the Angels won \ THE RAMPART STREET BLUES-There is probably nothing worse than lo start out on a joyous family outing and have it go sour. Just ask Ke n Goodwin, who lives in Irvine's Woodbridge sector. Goodwin, who says he's 39 years old and "holding," is a head-hunter, a dodge more politely called Executive Search. Ken would be the first to admit dollars aren't flying off o f trees these days. "We probably couldn't afford to take the kids to the Angels ballgame the other day, but we did anyway. We were excited about ..the outing." So Ken and his wife, M elinda, packed up the kids, Keg, 11, and Megan, 13, and off they wen t to Anaheim Stadium. "WE PARKED AT THE corner of Rampart Street and Towne Centre Drive," Ken recalls. "When we cam e out after the game, we had a $29 parking ticket. So did a lot of other people. "Listen, there isn't a No Parking sig,i in sight for half a mile. "The guy parked right behind me. Steve Allen, got a ticket too. No. not that Steve Allen. This guy was from Seattle, in a rent-a-c:ar. "We spotted all these policemen across the street and Steve says, 'I'm going to find out about this ticket.' So I went with him. "We get over there and meet Sgt. Very Rude. ~' H e s narls, 'See you in TOM MURPHINI ~-I;. court.' No I didn't get his ~ ~' name. All those cops look ---------'' ................ _ a l ike. Same u n iforms; same sunglasses a nd all of them are five-foot, seven. "But listen, 29 bucks is 29 bucks and I'm fighting this thing.'' So Ken Goodwin took of£. from work and had son Keg and daughter Megan go to court with him at Fullerton so the youngsters would learn h ow justice works. "WE SAT IN COURT five hours," Ken recounted. "That was to get a court date for next Dec .. 20. Then we stood in line one hour to post the $29 in bail. . "By now, the kids don't care very much about how justice works. "I asked for a Xerox copy of my traffic ticket and the clerk says that will be 75 cents. 1 said never mind it. "Have you ever seen that court they've built in Fullerton? It's like a castle. Now I know where they get the money." · MeanwhiJe. Goodwin took off some more time from work and traveled back up to Rampart Street in Anaheim. This time he came with a camera. "I parked in the same spot. I shot color photos all over the place . There still isn't a No Parking sign within haJf a mile," he declared. Meanwhile, this corner contacted Anaheim traffic investigator Scott Maddy, who is very nice and clearly not related to Sgt. Very Rude. "We've had problems on Rampart Street,"-Officer Maddy admitted. "SOMETIMES PEOPLE GET so desperate for a parking place they actually tear down the No Parking signs. You say this man has color photographs? Well, maybe we better investigate ... " Meanwhile further, Ken Goodwin is out the pri~ of the ballgame, peanuts, popcorn, sodapop. $29 in bail and two lost days at work. "I'm gonna beat this thing," he vows. IT SHOULD PROBABLY be noted that the Angels won the ballgame over the aforementioned Steve Allen's Seattle club, 9 to 4. "We won but considering time and money. I think I lost," Ken Goodwin noted sadly. ' Oby, .,,.,,.U /Miii, pldc ~ /IUY who u park«I In Che M'OrW pl.la ... ...... SKIMMING ALONG -A contestant in South Laguna's sixth annual skimboard contest at Aliso ~ach shows his fonn as ·"; -· ...;:: ::~ Oeffy ~ Photo by C'-'" SUn the crowd watches. More than 60 people competed in the two-day tournament. 60 Skimhoarders show their stuff Winners announced in sixth annual contest at South Laguna ·· High waves cr eated good shoreline conditions for the sixth annual Victoria S kimboard Contest at Aliso Beach in SOlHh Laguna. More than 60 people competed in the two-day event. It requires competitors to leap on their skimboards on wet sand and ride flat board into breaking waves. Har.hor High grad named to isle pos t Former Newport Beac h resident Kent Harvey has -been appointed attorney general of Micronesia, the chain of tiny islands in the central Pacific governed as a trust territory by the United States. Harvey, 41, is a 1959 graduate of Newport Harbor High School. He graduated from UC Berkeley and University of San Diego School of Law and served in the Navy. As attorney general, Harvey is one of the top-ranking U .S . officials over the archipelago that covers three million square miles and takes in the Marshall , Caroline and Mariana islands. Micronesia includes 2, 141 miles in all. He had served as assistant attorney general since 1979. Harvey said one of his main assignments 1s helping local islanders create their own government and work toward terminating the trustee agreement with the U.S. He lives on the island of Saipan with his wife and two daughters. They turn the board and ride the wave into shore. The contest was divided into seven age divisions and one woman's division. Prizes donated by local businesses were awarded to the top finishers. Tex Haines, contest sponsor, said contestants mostly wer e Crom the Orange Coast from Seal Beach to San Clemente. The first and second place winners are: -Division 9 and under; Bill Bryant and George Bryant. -Division 10-12; Keith McDonald and William Wittman. -Division 13 -15; Eric Haverson and ~aton Schal.z.o. -Division 16-18: Kyle T.redway and Larry Allen. -Division 19-21; Ed Contrera& and Chris Jones. -Division 22-26; K ent Westgaard and Conley Ware. .. -Division 27 and over; Ray Williams and Peter Prietto. -Woman's Division; Kristy Jimenez, Cheryl Hanselman anq Heidi Johnson. Prizes were donated by vario~ businesses. Irvine cyclist 'exhausted' John Ma~ino finishes last in 3,000-mile trek to New York After bicycling 3,000 miles from California to New York, lrvine's John Marino couJdn't be blamed for being too tired to talk. Marino. 33. a former Los Angeles Dod'gers draft pick whose baseball career was abruptly halted by a back injury in 1972, pedaJed into Manhattan around 8:30 p.m. Monday to the cheers of hundreds of people gathered near the Empire State Building. The last o f four top professional cyclists to complete the Great Americ~n Bike Race sponsored by the Budweiser Light Beer company, Marino retired to his hotel room at the Grand Hyatt and did what anyone who had just cycled 2,976 miles would do -he fell asleep. When awakened around 11:15 p.m. for an interview and asked how he felt, he said, "A little exhausted," then paused, and said, "exh11usted " Asked what hts cycling time had been, he said, "Twelve days, seven hours and . . . " and then he fell asleep. "Wake up, John," a voice in the hotel room said. "Do you feel any pain?" Marino was asked. He tried ,, valiantly to answer. "Just aching," he said softly. "Were you sure you would finish?" "I was questioning whether I would make it or not," he replied. And then, before you could say "lO·speed." he was sound asleep. Ma rino was a Dodgers draft pic k out of college, but he suffered a paralyzing back injucy lifting weights before making the farm team, said Don Milam, spokesman for Budweiser Light. To build himself back up, he took up cycling. "~cling was the only sport he could do," said Marino's sister , Nina. "The others irritated his back." Marino credits cycling with overcoming his paralysis. He was one of four competitors who left Santa Monie.a on August 4, for what one cycling fan called "The Tour de France - American Style." Lou Haldeman, a 24-year-old Bike store manager from Harvard, Ill .. was the first to reach Manhattan. Haldeman cycled down Fiith Avenue to the finish line at 34th Street Saturday to win the race with a time of nine days, 20 hours, and two minutes. He broke his own ~rd. which he set last year, by more than 24 hours. "All I thought about in the last six days was going to sleep," Haldeman said, adding that he averaged three hours of sleee for every 24 on the journey, taking occasional 15-minute breaks as he needed them. Second-place winner John HOfNard. 34, of Houston, wheeled in ~hortly after midnight Sunday after cycling for 10 days, 10 hours and 59 minutes. Howard, formerly a technical adviser to a oil company. was a member of the U.S. -Olympic Cycling learn ln 1968, 1972, and 1976. 1"11 chael Shermer, 28, of Glendale, managing editor of a bicycle dealers magazine , finished third around 9 p .m. Sunday with a time of 10 days, 19 hours, and 5.4 minutes. Marino's time was 12 days, seven hours and 21 minutes. Race official s say the endurance factor of the cross- country bicycle race is said to• equal swimming the English Channel 2 1 times, or playing. offense and defense in 307 Super Bowls, or doing more than a million pushups. Agents nab 18 illegal aliens U.S . Border Patrol agents arrested 18 illegal aliens today in the same Irvine location where they arrested 30 illegal aliens Monday, Sand Canyon Road and the San Diego Freeway. "It's one of their favorite spots," said A.gent Al Gordon of the San Clemente patrol office. Today's arrests were made in the same way as yesterday's, h~ said. Talk planned '1• on love, ange~. A discussion on love and will be held at 1:30 p.m ., Alli. at Hoag Hospit.al in Newpo Beach. The seminar will be led b Maredele Ander90n, a registe nurse, who Will explore ho anger affects a lovin re la ti on.ship. For information , call t h Pulmonary Depiartment a ~5-8600. .< OCTD to offer some lower fares T o cele brate lta 10th annivenary, the Orance County Tranait District wlll offer reduced fares for a three-day period beglnning Sept. 1. Ourln1 the period, peraons boarding OCTD buaea will be char1ed 26 ceni. per one.way ride. nw comparable fare la 76 centa durtnc peek ~ and evening period• and eo centa '~ during non-peak travell.nl The fare on expreea routee drop during the three-day ne11!4Jllll from $1.~one way to 50 centa.- Sentor dtiren1, who can free of char'1e, wlll not affected by the reduced ,.,..., diltrict •poke.woman Mid. o:= =t:Tn"1~b district WM formed ln 1970. .. •• Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT/Tue1day, Augu1t 17, 1982 Children of divorce Most live with inother in one-parent f ainilies Bf' RANDOLPH E. SCHMID AHocleted PrN• Writer WASHINGTON -As more and more Amer icans divorce or separate, the number of children li ving with only one parent has climbed to one m five. the Census Bureau says. And in almost all those cases. the childre n stay with their mother. The bureau said that 20.l percent of children under age 18 live with one parent. That's about 12.6 million children -one out of every five -an increase of 53.9 percent from 1970. The study said about 90 percent of the children in one-parent families Lived with their mothers. The number living with fat hers grew 61 percent between 1970 and 1981 , Crom 748,000 to 1.2 million, the bureau said. But their proportion remained small. In fact, more children lived with other relatives ( 1.9 million) than lived with their father only (1 .2 million). Divorce was listed as the primary reason children liv.ed with one parent, while some resided with a parent who was separated, widowed or divorced. TI1e study, released last week and titled, "Marital Status and Living Arra nge m ents: March 1981" also reported that: :--The divorce ratio grew from 47 to: 109 divorced persons per 1,000 ~ed persons with spouse present between 1970 and 1981. ~ Twenty-two percent of women a~d 25 to 29 in 1981 had never mvried, double the percent in 1970. -And the median age at first mArriage for both men and women has Increased by 18 months since 19'10. In 1981, the median age at first m.4rrlage was 22.3 years for wome n anii 24.8 for men. OveraL, the report said Americans had a rate of 109 divorced persons for every 1,000 married ones in 1981. The rafe waa 47 per 1,000 and in 1970 and 35~r 1,000 ln 1960. pie divorce figure w as calcu1ated o~ the status of people when the . survey was taken. Those who divorce ~ ipen remarry are counted among the mamed, not the divorced. e bureau said women had a hi r divorce ratio than men, 129 per 1, Venut 88 per 1,000, "reflecting ~ l9C't that mea are more likely to remarry and to do 80 more quickly &tier divorce than women.'' Single-parent families in U.S. In mtlhons 7 6 ""~ ~/ 5 ,, 4 ~"/ v 3 "'" 2 0 1910 ·11 '72 '73 '74 '75 '76 n ·797 9·90·91 The study showed that the d1votce rate among blacks has skyrocketed, growing from 62 divorced per,ions per 1,000 married in 1969 to 233 today. From 1960 to 1Y81, the divorce rate among whites climbed from 33 to 100. The rate for Hispanics grew from 61 divorced per 1,000 married ln 1970 to 110 per 1,000 in 1981, Hl.spanic figures for 1960 ak'e not available. • The number of unmarried people living together also continued to rise sharply. There were 1.80 million urunarried-<X>Uple houaeholds in 1981, up 246 percent from the 523,000 in 1970. Even 90, they still make up only about 2 percent of all households in the country. The number of people living alone climbed to 18.9 million from 10.8 million in 1970. The largest number of these people were elderly, wlth more than half of thoee widows over 65 . The n\P'llber of younger people living alone allo grew. More young people are postponing marriage, with 52 percent of women aged 20 to 24 never wed, up from 36 percent ln 1970. Some 70 percent of men ln that age group ln 1981 were unmarried. compared to 56 perunt. in 1970. FLEXIBLE FITNESS -Miche lle Thomas, 10, stretches to signal the start of her routine. As the gymnasts stretch to warm up or scamper across the mat, they get approving glances from fellow teammates and students along the sidelines at Vista Verde School. Tumbling into sueeess Gym dandy when school districts drop athletic programs With its e mphasis on tota l bod y fi tness. gymnastics training often re places the phys1caJ education and school athletic programs severely reduced by budge t cuts. Members of the private, non-profit Irvine Sc hool o f Gymnastics ar e touring Irv ine ele m e ntary schools to d emons tra tl' thei r competence and enthusiasm . Coac:h cs Ron M a n a r a a nd Cliff M1 yosh 1 na r rat e th e performances, explaining the skills and degree of difficulty r epresented by the various fl oor exercises. ISOG. which 1s the only southern Orange County gymnasium affiliated wit h the United Sta tes Gym nastics Federation, has g rown in membership dur ing 17 years to 200 today. That figure 1s expected to grow as the 1984 Olympic Games m Los Angeles approach. Tots and teens train from one to four days a week at the fully equipped, 20,000-square-foot faci lity in the Irvi ne Cultural Cnter , 17302 Da imler Ave Team members compete in USGF-endorsed meets, wit h Cla ss III pre liminary event beginning in late Septe mber. As the season prog resses, Class lls and Class Is wiU participate, qualifying for dis trict , state, regiona l and national l'Ompetitions. Last year Chris Anderson of ISOG qualified for Class I Nationals. ( 13 reasons to go · out to dinner: · • ew rices ma e it eas ! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • New prices at Spi~ These special prices are effective at Spires/lrv'ine and Spires/Costa Mesa Restaurants only. Friday (3 to 10 p.m.I Monday (3 to 10 p.m.) New York Steak k $3.85 Y2 Fried Chicken $2.25 Combination Tuesday (3 to 10 p.m .I Seat ood Plate $3.55 Breaded Pork Saturday (3to 10 p.m.) Tenderloin $2.85 Filet Mignon $3.85 Liver & Onions $2.25 Red Snapper $2.55 Wednesday (3 to 10 p,m,) Sunday (noon to 10 p.m.) Teriyaki Steak $3.20 Teriyaki Brochettes. Fillet of Cod $2.25 of Beef $3.~5 Thoraday (3to10 p.m. I Roast Breast of Turkey $2.75 Top Sirloin Steak $3.3 5 (lncludffwgetable) Breaded Veal <Pure vea1 Patty>$2.25 Al ent1We8 Include cholctl of $OUp or u/ad, potllto Irvine 17901 MacArthur Blvd. ... MAKING GOOD FOOD EASY TO FIND. Con.M- 3126 Harbor Blvd. \ .. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Tuesday, Augu1t 17, 1982 .. l)e butantes waltz toward presentation. ~ate ... A champa(lnl.' bru1wh lJrt:i!••dt'd lhe flr•l reheanal lor the I 9A:l Nauorwl Charily IA-uguc.> dcbutantea al the South Cotillt Phtui l lolt'I In C'o•i. Me.a. Thu 19 young women pra1:lll't'd walt:ilng with their fathers amid royal blue and white s~r flowen and raoeived s~ially framed photograph& taken al t~e announcement tea in Sherman Foundation Gardens, Corona de! Mar. The debutantes are Susan Ann Alford, Carrie Shannon Conway, Jennifer Sue Dail, De borah Ann Ferber, Louise /(nn Frova, Cynthia Anne Kendall, Susan Elizabeth Kuhn. Karin Lynn Leckie and Colleen Anne Malone. Also to be presented on Nov. 28 are Melissa Suzanne McClarty, Tracy Elizabeth Miller, Heather Lynne Niblo, Gretchen Elizabeth Oelke, Kelly Elizabeth Rabbitt, Susan Grace Ross, Lola May Tharpe Smith, Traci Ann Smith, Elizabeth Fairchild Somers and Irene Ce ha Turner. They are the daughters of Messrs. and Mmes. Theodore· Cyrus Alford, Edward Hugh Conway, Robert Biney Dail, Lawrence Wolfgang ferber, Carl Manho Frova, Robert Arthur 1 Kendall and Dr. and Mrs. Paul Richard Kuhn. More pare nts are M essrs. and Mmes. Bernard Arthur Leckie, Louis Joseph Malone, John Reed McClarty, John Paul Miller, Derek Dungan Niblo, Herbert Gregg Oelke, Leigh ---::MacDonald Rabbitt, Gene Willson Ross Jr., Donald Tharpe Smith, Hobart Arlen Smith, Clarence Judson Turner and Mrs. Butler Somers and James Francis Somers. Ted and Le Ann Alford, Ed and Sue Conway, Gari and Ginny Frova, Gene and Jackie Haddox, Paul and Jackje Kuhn, Bernard and Maryanne Leckie, Don a nd Barbara Smith and tiobie and J ackie Smith hosted the rehearsal brunch. Most of the debutantes wiU be leaving in the next week for college campuses or foreign studies, ending their summer whirl of private parties. I I P R ESENTATION PREVIE W -Newly named 1982 National Ch arity League debutantes pose in the Sherman Foundation Gardens of Corona del Mar. From leit to right, back row, they are Elizabeth Fairchild Somers, Karin Lynn Leckie, Jennifer Sue Dail, Irene Celia Turner, Lola May Tharpe Smith, Colleen Anne Malone, M elissa Suzanne McClarty, Tracy Elizabeth Miller, Heather Lynne Niblo, Deborah Ann Ferber and Susan Grace Ross. Front row: Susan Ann Alford, Cynthia Anne Kendall, Carrie Shannon Conway, Traci Ann Smith, Susan Elizabeth Kuhn, Kelly Elizabeth Rabbitt, Louise Ann Frova and Gretchen Elizabeth Oelke. How child care has changed For preschool children of married working women Child cai;e shifts to non-fainily Dlernhers ~In the home 'Next door n eighbor of the '50s is likely o ut working h erself in '80s' • In someone else's home r----·41 Working wlv~ with p reschool ch~ldren 45•. ii 1970 1980 Faniily inconies rising WASHINGTON (AP) -The income of married women is pushing family income figures steadily upward, the U.S. Census Bureau says. And if the trend of married women ente~· g the work force continues, family · me levels will con · n o climb. the bureau sai - The lates tudy shows that by March 1980, 1 percent of all married wome were in the labor force, compar 41 percent in 1970 and 24 pe t m 1950. A large share f the growth came among men with children under 6 years of age. with 45 percent of these women working or seeking jobs in 1980, up from 30 percent in 1970. Participation of this age group allows women more time and experience on the job which. the bureau noted, "may widen career opportunities and advancement and could result in higher income levels for women." The study released Sunday, a more detailed version of a report issued a year ago, listed 1980 median household income as $21,020, up from 1979 but actually representing a net decline in real income because of inflation. WASHINGTON (AP) - Major changes are taking place in the way America cares for its children, primarily because the number of working mothers has tripled over the last 30 years, 'Phe Census Bureau says. Today, more than half o f married women with children have outside jobs or are looking for them, the bureau figures. Changes in child care have followed changes in the number of mothers in the labor force. In 1958, 57 percent of children of full-time working mothers were cared for in their home, either by the father, a relative or other person. By 1977, that had dropped to 29 percent, while 47 percent were cared for in someone else's home -usually someone not a relative -and the use of group care had tripled to 15 percent. "Future generations may someday describe the traditional American family of the 1980s as one where both husband and wife are employed and their young children are cared for by a nonfamily member," according to the report. The study says that much of the change can be traced to overall changes in the American family and the economy·. "Today's families are smaller, with fewer older brothers and s isters available lo care for younger children. "The rise in separation and divorce rates has probably induced many women who would have stayed home in -the past to care for their own children. and those of relatives or neighbors as well, to enter the labor force." the report's authors wrote. The growing level of divorce means many women lose the child-care services of husbands and in-laws. At the same time, becaWe of Good meals. Good deals. ------'ti------. -----1 $1AIOUT ftft I $5UOUT ftft I $7."; Aft &PIKI I I eT7lrll1 I •"7"7mr. I .-."7frlfr ! ~ Good for tl'lrff pieces of 1u1cy. goleltn I Goo<I lor nine pieces ol 1u1cy goleltn I Reoeem t111s coupon lor a Carry Pack g ~ brown Kentucky F11ee1 Chicken plus brown Kentucky Fneel C111cken with 1 l~Cleel w1tl'I l111een p1ects ol 1u1cy. "O 5 single stiv1ngs of tole slaw m;isneo I lour rolls a large cote slaw a large golelen brown Kentucky Frteel Cn1ckt n ~ o potatoes and gravy anel a roll masneo potatoes anel a mee11um gravy • I I l1m.1 two olftrs per ou1c11111 Co11pan 0000 I I lllllll rwo olltrl Pt• ou1tnne Coupon 0000 L•m.t 1 .. 0 ort11s Pt• p111cnu1 Coupan 0000 only IOI comllln,.,an wM11011k 0tcftra Ollly fOI comt1m111011 wMetO•tk 0tdtr1 only lot combon•f•on wMt/011k· orcf111 Cvsromtr p.ays •II 1pphcat>l1 UIU 111 Cut1om.r pays 111 1op11c.t>te u1u th Customer p1y1 '" 1po11uolt u1u Ii• I I I Oller ••pires Au1ust 29, 1982 I Offer exp1m Augu1129. 1982 Offtr e~pirn Auaust 29, 1982 '"'1 vary 11 part1c1parmg 1oc•1ton1 , Pncu may v1ry II l)lrltc:IP'llllO 1ou11on1 I __ .._ Co.,pon '°°" only 1n Sou1n11n I Pr1tu may YllY 11 p1t11c1p11o11g loc11tons I Coup0n gooo only 1n Southern ~ltfotn~ wlttrt I allkl/1111 whtrt yo11 Ht lht mtm· <;oupo11 9000 only in Sou1111rn ~1oforni1 wnere you Mt 1n1 tntm1>11sn1p '"' 01 int l(tntuc•y 0.1111111 1u1 011111 Kentucky you ue me mem1>e1sn1p sut ol lht Kentucky Fried Cn1ck1n Anoc1111on ftltd Chtc:ktn Assoc1a11on e r n1<1 Cn•c~tn Association \..__ _ e ---• --COUPON -• -----~ntucky l'J;ied Chickmi the growing number of working women, "the 'next door neighbor' of the 1950s who may have been available for child care services, is very likely to be out working herself in the 1980s," the report states. The study said that between 1950 and 1980, labor force participation among married women with children under age 18 grew from 18 perc.-enl to 54 percent. There was an even sharper jump among women with children under age 6, whose likelihood of being in the labor . force nearly quadrupled, from 12 percent to 45 percent. The children or these. women totaled 7.5 million in 1980 and are expected to increase to 10 million by 1990. The percentage of mothers paying for child care increased parallel to family income, the study noted. And it said white mothers working full time were somewhat more likely to be paying for care than blacks. 65.6 percent to 60. 7 percent. Some 65.7 percent of mOthers with professional or maagerial jobs paid for child care. compared to 62.7 percent in clerical or sales work, 49.5 percent in blue collar or service jobs and only 20.8 percent of farm workers. The likeHhood of child care by t fathers was similar between blacks and whites when the mother worked full time. But for mothe rs working part time, white fathers were almost twice as likely to care for children as. blacks, 26 percent to 14 percent. Group child care services were most used by unmarried women, with 19 percent taking advantage or such services, compared to 12 percent or currently married mothers. "Ironically, it is the unmarried woman who can probably least afford the cost of group care," said the report written by Marjorie Lueck, Ann C. Orr and Martin O'Connell. Crack Into ,1 rl:.itL' ( lf hot. -.team mg crc1h k~ .... T rv .1 ).!l'l1c.'n llh "L'r\'lf)j.! of our new ... p1ceJ cold boiled :-hrimr. Or nur tamou-. Pl)rt:l1rnx .... hnmr And then do I! again~ It"-; all you can cat. E\'Cry day of the wee~ E.ich ~pccfril i~ 'tt'r\'cJ with your choict· ot a c~1 ... r cu .... ~1.J .... al,1d or wit' -.lllw, hakcc.I pot:lW m rice riJaf. crnJ ~mother f;1vorrtc.' .... ourdnui.;h hrc.•;1d All you can eat. All week long. Alaskan Snow Crab Legs All you can eat . . . . ~ 15.45 Popcom~hrimp All you can eat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s 7. 75 New Spiced Cold Boiled Shrimp All you can eat. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 9.45 RedfobsJer· For the seafood lover in }'OU: 7801 Beach Blvd .. Buena Pnrk. 994 IHI 16811 Bench Blvd. Huminat(ln l3cach. 848-195ti 11 ~O n m -10·00 r m Sun ·Thur> I UO n m II 00 p m Frt. &. Sar M<111M • Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOTITuoaay, Augu1t 17. 1982 ' Cantu Ian cited Metric Board inched out businessman and member of lhe Metric Board But t h e board got th is 11tatcmen t from a uuiveniity In Albuquerque, N.M .: ~URF CENTER -Ground has been broken for the ~plstrano Surf Center, a thtee-story oceanfront commercial building with 10 ground level stores and 10 offices. The projec t is located at 34700 Pacific Coast Highway In Capistrano Beach . WASHINGTON (AP) -T he U.S. Metric Board iB going out of bu.aln.eu with a swan song that Americans are confused bout whether their government want.a th~m to convert from traditional Anglo -Sa x o n m easures t o metrics. "Some st.ill believe the country ltt being forced to convert, wh ile others a re impatient with the slowness of progress," retiring Chairman Louis F . Polk says in the board's final report. "No nation has ever converted without making It mandatory or setting a date for conversion . We a re a lone m a world of metric mei111urement . Eventua ll y, tht: ~utry's town on hloCk ' Everything from buildings to 'bob war' to KO , TIOGA, Texas (AP) -An Interesting bit of Gene Autr y tnemorabilla goes on the auction block this fall: his h ometown. The "Singing Cowboy" won't be l>idding, although he says he's •till fond of the place. Now, he says, "I'm tired and retired," so downtown Tioga goes on the block Oct. 2. "How many times do you get the chance to auction off a town? I've sold everything from beer caN to heavy equipment, but I've never sold a town." At the turn of the century. Tioga was a famous mineral water spa. Ten trains stopped &ere every day in the earl y 1900 s . But his t or y -and developm ent -passed by the (own about 60 miles north of Dallas. Fourteen of the 18 downtown buildings. along with $100,000 In antiques, will be sold at the bidding. Downtown Tioga will go in 13 parcels covering a little more than six acres. Autry, T ioga's m ost famous native son, said m an interview from Palm Springs, that he won't be here for the event. "Maybe if I was 40 years old, I might think about buying it, but not at this stage of my life," the 74-year-old former movie star said. Wendover says he doesn 't know how the townspeople feel about the sale. Jim Wendove r . a lawyer . oilrlr.n and land d e v e lo per. began buying up d owntown Tioga in 1972. He spruced up the dilapidated buildings. bought a bW\Ch of antiques, and started an lmtiques trading cente r. "We don't communicate on the same frequency," he said. "It took me five years he re before I figured out what 'bob war' was." "Bob war" is Te xa n fo r ''barbed wire .•• "I lived there the better part of m y young lift>, and I think you always have a soft spot for your childhood home," said Autry, who owns the California A.nRels baseball team. "This is a big deal for us." said auctioneer Pat Long of Kaufman. who will handle the sale along with Mike Jones of Gainesville. T ioga is Autry's hometown - but a little Oklahoma community carries his name. • caum BUSlllSS The Pabco insulation division of Louisiana -Paclflc Corp. has opened a d istribution center in Orange at 900 W. T a ft for its metal jacketing products. . Th e center -the company's first -is stocked with Pabco's aluminum and stainless steel jacket.mg. Surefit e lbows, corrugated shee ts, fi ttings, attachment a~ries plus Pabcote and Pabco 127 cement and a Pabco Super Cal Stik glue. Manager of the center is Mike Harshaw. B & S Insurance Services, doing business as North American Insurance Agency. is leasing 2,202 square feet al 700 S . Tustin Ave. in Orange. Baaine11 Properties Brokerage Company, a commercial Industrial brokerage firm in Newport Beach, is representing both B & S and the lessor, Westland• Bank. 8 . LYDD Riddle of Rancho Santa Fe. who has been 8830ciated with The Meister Company four years. has been promoted to dir ec t o r o f s al es and merchandising for both the Orange County and San Diego r e side ntial d e v e lopme nt divisions of the Newport Beach- head quarte r ed real estate development company. David E. Steege of Laguna Niguel has joined Atrmac Tecbaology Sy1tem1, Inc. at ~ Irvine, i n a new -product development role. ATS is engaged in both the manufacturing and marketing of electric voting equipment and cryogenic finishing equipment for the rubber and plastics industries. He was with F .M. Tarbell Company in .Laguna Niguel. ' The boards of directors of Town and Cou try Baak and Gardea Grove Commanlty Bank agreed to terminate merger discussions. P ending regulatory applications in connection w ith the proposed merger will be withdrawn. Estey-Hoove r Advertising and Public RelaUona of Newp ort Beach announced the .cquisition of two computer accounts worth over $1 million in billings. Ontel Corporation of Woodbury, New York, and Masterworks Software. Inc. of Lomita. Prime Dlatrlbatlng, a djstributor of micro ~puters headquartered in Huntington Beach. has selected Crowell McKay, Inc., Advertising/Public Relatloas of Irv ine t o h a ndle marketing. advertising and public relations. Ralpb L. Decker of Laguna Niguel has been named sales manager at Landmark Altaos, a df!velo~:nt east of Lake Forest being built by Sip.al dmark Properties of Irvine He was with tiliguel Aatlociates, a Laguna Niguel real est.ate firm. .· • Beverly Eanon of Euntingt.on Beach presiden of-Sborela.nd Escrow, a wholly owned subsidiary of Signal Landmark Inc. of Irvine, has been elected to the board of directors of the California Escrow ~tion. Irvine-baaed Mlcrodata Corpo r ation , a manufacturer of buaine98 computer systems, will demonstrate Its SEQUEL system for large ~ in a series of eemln.ar pre.entationa at the ~ompany's exec utive )leadquarters a t 4000 lbcArthur Blvd. in New}Sort Beach on Monday and Tueeday, and at the Microdata sales office in Los ~l• on Aug. 26 and 27. ' Oruce City Buk, an independent Orange County banking chain, h11 named Coombe Ir fMll• PebUc RelatloH of Newport Beach to handle lta public relatlona P1"0fV&"\· · . Goldle Mackla of Santa Ana has been named -:.1e1 manaae r at Landmark Yorktown, a iilvelopment 1n Hun~ Beach being built by the 81DaJ Ludmartl PnpertJea, Irvine. She waa trltb 1ADner Communities of lrvine. NU1 Skiwear hu expanded lea w arehouatna ind tmn~ tec11.ltiee ln c.o.ta Meea. a.leet ~ C.., NU.' exclusive distributor, hu moved Into an office c~: near th e ~plant at 1877 Su Ave. The old .......... Wtl1 be u.d to production and design capabilities for Nils' line of ski and sports apparel. Distribution of Nils skiwear has extended to the east. Diversified Properties, lnc. of Irvine has selected King Advertising and PabUc Relations of Newport Beach as its agency. F rontier Airlines has announced its intent to order two McDonnell Douglas Super 80 jetliners at a cost of a pproximately $45 million . The airplanes. to be delivered in December, will bring to five the number of Super 80s operated by the Denver-based airline. Separation and Recovery Systems, Inc. of Irvine announced that it was awarded a contract to construct 11 vacuum gravity oily water separators fro m National Oceanic and Atmos pheric Administration, a research agency of the U.S. government. The separators have been approved by the Coast Guard to process shjJ>6' bUge water to an internationally acceptable discharge level. and will be used by NOAA on its Seattle-based research ships. Katbi Cjpe of Irvine formerly with Arthur Young & ~y. has joined the Newport Beach account.mg firm of Deuil Klarin, Accoantant1, lnc. Hontlnr..to• Natfonal Buk, has named Loa Copa as vi~ president. A Huntington Harbour resident. he has been executive vice president and a director at the Bank of Downey. Amy Clt..avet of Hun~n Beach has been appointed assistant vice president for Huntington National. She has been with both the Bank of Ameria and Union Bank. Advanced Mlcrodilital Corp. of Garden Grove has unveiled a "Super-Slave" processor designed to provide a dedicated CPU for every user without putting limitations on system size. Walt Clle1pak of El Toro, formerly vice president of The Sanborn Company, Newport Beach has formed De1lp.a1e, an advertising, design and public relations (rim with facilities in Newport Beach. Martba Ftt11erald was named vice president and manager of the bulk aales department for Betta Escrow Kater,trlae1, Inc., Santa Ana. Leo E. Gallaper, has been appointed Eastern regional sales manager for Kwikset division. Embrt Hardware Gro.p, Anaheim. Jae.It F. Wood, Jr. of Huntington Beach has been appointed C-entral regional aalee rnanaaer. Jamea S. GJea1oa of Anahejm has been appointed Western fellonal sales manager. RouW D. Taylor of lrvtne baa beeO appointed advertialna manager for the Kiwkaet Division. . 04ellc1, lac. of Anaheim reported record revenue. and aales of $7.1 million for the quarier end1na June SO. Earning• were down during the quarter however. from $344,000, or .23 centa yer •hare ...; $246,000, or .13 oente per •bare. The deer Nit was due putly to a $118,000 lOiM from an affllla•-Intode~. -· The board a1.ao elected two foundera, Gontoo R. Sdaall and Jamn P. Welela, u vice prealdent ot mechanJcaJ ~and eleotronk: ~. retpec;tlwly. \ Odetb, deislp, manufactu.rea and mark.eta video. dlcltal and •udJo recordina products. Valley firm United States will be metric be<:ause a progressive world will demand It." The board lS being abolished Sept. 30 as an e<.'Onomy measure, with a le tte r of th anks from President Reagan for its 4 'h-year job. Actually. the United States ia already on a metnc standard tells • increase for first half S ince 18Q3, the yard has been legally dehned as a fraction of a meter; and an inch LS defined as The Willard Com pany's sales and profits increased for the first half of l98i. the Fountain Valley designer and manufacl':'rer of fiberglass aerospace. mann e and commercial products announ~. "You have succeeded in you r ob jec t ive o f e d ucat ing the American ' people a bout the meaning of metric measurements in everyday life," Reagan wrote 2 54 centimeters. Legally the pound is 0.4 5359237 lulograms . ........_ For the six months ending June 30, sales rose to $2,508,746 with earnings of $94,234 or 21 cents per share. The comparable 1981 figures were sales of $806, 174 and a loss of $83,209 or 19 cents per share. Like his predecessors, Reagan realized that few Americans arc comfortable with anything but the traditional system-of miles, quarts and pounds and refused to promote anything but voluntary conversion to metrics. Newport firm reports s ales Also announced by Willard were two organizational changes. Richard Marvin was promoted to senior vice president in charge of the logistics products division and the recently acquired Great American Engineering Co. Vice President Rod Swift was put in charge of the marl ne products division . Americans familiar with the iss ue t e nd to have s t rong o pinion s. and politicia ns a r e reluctant t.o ant.aRoruze them. · Cushm a n E lectro n ics or Newport Beach repor ts nt!t sales for the quarter ended June 30 were $4,323,000, which is $524 000 under the quarter one year ago and $167,000 under the quarter ended March 31 . "Small b usiness su pports voluntary conversion activities but will vehemently oppose any a t te mpts by th e f e d eral government or other groups to impose mandatory conversion." said Roger E. Travis, a small For the quarter ended June 30. the company reported a net loss of $119,000 ($.I I/share loss) as c.-ompared to a net loss of $1 92.000 ($.18/share loss) and ne t income of $198,000 ($.19 /share) for quarters ended March 31. 1982 and J une 30, 1981. respecuvely. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NfW Co•r lie lt 1 e I•'• lnt•I ... •'• Str•wCI 1• 1S ,~ ,~~ =:::.rt YORK IAP) -ColOG.> In •·l1 lntrc.Ent a ,.,, Suo.ru ,, ... , , ...... UPS AND DOWNS NAllO A O ComCIH ., .... ,~ tnlo•P'I • U'• •• Pt n•Enl ""-1''1• Super El I\. t Quo1 1 11ona Cm I SN ti>\<> t I'> lnlnwd :n~ n~. Pent., • •s•,, 1~ s,~., u "'• ~~· Cm,.Tt l 171 , 134. tntmtGs ''• tO'I• PeopE1p 121 ..... 1111• TIME DC .,, .. NEW YO~K IAPI Th« •0HOW1"9 "'' t>4<1•onc:l-1 ConP~ U', ,. lnBWV I~ I'"' Pelrll• 10•· 11 i:~~ 3$\. l$~ \nowo ,,.,. Over llMo Counttt Coro .. 1•~ u•. lw•SoUI 13•· 1• Ptlllbo<I lt ln IS o"-9 11'1 ... .,_., Cro' Trt ll'• •• Jltniby 101 , 1l Ph1l•N•t lf lf .. TtcumP It'• U 'tock\-""' ••,,•nt\ 1hdl "•v~ oor-up m•••r• •• ot S-l1~1 S-4111 ttw mO\t ~ down ..... mO\I D•MO Of'I Mon01y Prle:•e CullrFO ' ''• ·~ J•rko ••v• '""' Pler<tSS n ... .,,,. Tetcm A 17~ IH o ~fCtnl Of (~~ r~orOlni 01 volume gm:~~ 3~. , ... •jJllly I l'l II J7 Plnk rtn S$ SJ Ten•nt 13:.\i• I•'• lor ~y do not tnctud• 10~ ... ~. Jo>lyn • 'l'I PtonH~ , 20•., ,. ~~~~c,r, .... ,.,, "'., k u p ~o 'ti«Uf"1fl•> lr4td1nq l>l'low '1 are U\<.I OolM ' 131 > lfl• K•ISSI pt ,,1, 1''1 Plollne 4, 111. 7... ,.,, uOed Nel MO Pf'•<tnl•<M c,.."90 •r• 10.. markdo•" or OB"' • I l'l f I It l(,tht•r ·~1• I Pools 10 ·~ Toyo!• • •'"'* •.• g:.n:=:noboJ =v'•':: •• c~~ t I0\11>9 c.omm••110,,, •or DO lb~ 13 131,. K•m•n 17 ,,,,. 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M ortrn 1011> 10><. l Emo•••• ,., .. 011 I) 0 Blyv-FullrHB , • ._ II MolCIUO ,. 1 1\it ' UnAmEn ),•·t .. 011 12 0 I JI• I $-I• GnAulm J•, .. J .. M U.llff II II NEW YORK IAPI ~I 9<11•• o•., } KV Pl! S"-.... Of• .. } BonM11 1"9 ,,,. Gno .. u '"" ' N•rrg( 11 ,,.,, l~-~~1.. ·~~~~ 11fJl..S A>~~ N~~ • lnlli.IRs 8 I Ott It • 8rwTom • . .... GnRIEst .. ,,. 11 NO•I• 1)'• , .. ,i!t ' P•ll• ti 8 I Ott 11 I Buckboe 11 .. 11 .. Go11EFn ,, 11"' Ntlwk5 u•n 17\, MCIC 18f,l00 l64't 36~> i,, • W•Uu Ir , .. 011 ••• BuH .. s ,, .... 111,, • t-io.nPr , .. .. Otl 10.0 10 101/o Gr•phSc I'• ' NYAlrl 1-. , .... lnltl •S.. 100 ,, .. 771 1 " 10 SoUll'rnt '"'· '• 011 's Bur~ GrtyAOv SI 61 NIOOG . , ... ... FlhlllG • JJ$,600 ... '"" CNL In '"" l Glllnl•I . .,, q1, Nlel>n A ..... 46"'-Air Fl• 'l'le,fOO I II 16 '"' .,. .. P1lle1 ., ... Olt • • CPT """ "'"' GyrOOyn •'· 1'1 Nlt lsn 8 es .. o..., EnRsv no.JOO )'" JI;• ., l(tyPofl ) 'h 011 '·' CalWIS• ls 36'1) HAd'°'1 ~· • Nlkt' 8 JI ... ll'·o T•noem 761,300 ,.,,. IS 'I· I) Me<.htrn )lu . ,. 011 ' . Cenr.OH ,~. JV. HamlPI n. 10 NCArG> I~ ...... MGFOll 1S7.100 , .. J+ . ., . "• .. PteWBnc '" ... Oii • • C"pEn ,,, •~H H•r°"'k l\1 HI NwlNG> 10-. 1().0'. CPT 730,'IOO "':. "'. .. II TRC Co 7'J '• Ott 'I CtpSW > 10 11 HrpR-·~· I .. Nw>I~ I~ IS\9 GrapllSc 192,000 ••• q •• •• lrnWk, s '• 011 '. C•PAlr •'• s 11•. 11'/J No•ell ~}f .. IM!> tn1 •••.000 ISi.. u1. II COQllllrn , .. '· Otl ll CU KJI 'IO JI 18 ,~ ... Ott l.J ~:~~ ,, 2111. vjNu<rp ,,,..ui. ~'ill~~ Cetus 1h • =:~~ ..... " ... gc••ntr II ... ll~o AOv•ncfld tl/1 " , ... '. Of• I J C11ArR1v 211/J ,.. ,. 1• .. JU •• l1"• O.cllntO i.l 10 NC"' Co )'J " Otl l.l (hrmS ··~ '"" ,.. '• Ofl &.J ~':.G'"' ~01-.. 11/• ,.,, 01 .. J1 :n~. Unchtngeo 1,n. ~; ~:i·!';b C~•rlH 11-. II~ Hoover , .. '.\<, Oh Forro ...,, ) Tola! l.-),)ti 13 ,. 1•. Ofl .. , ChmL .. ..... 11 Horl1A' l"'-•I• OlltrTP '''• ''"' New hl9'1> 16 ,. E•t•''"~ ,.,, I Ott eo Cl>H Ull ISY> 11 IMS 1111 I~· U'• PCA lnl •'• i 11a N@w ~ .. 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PSvNH 2.11 s 272 ,.~ ..... Teklyne .. ..., dlllo>-4 ... ASl\ll' .Ille 0 9'tt+ '°' Cllylnv I.JO S JOI 11'-• l't Flde>I 2 13 I 11\fo • '> lnlFl•v I 11 211 11 ,.., ololor•n • 111> S 630 d 1\IJ "' PSNH ptl.IS . l lltOO 11111 t I Tel•c I 411 I • V. AmSl<I 2 20 ... 1IYI . ~ Cteblr '° 1SO 0 • FFl"091t •• ·~ 's .!! •,·J~.· v. lnlH•"' 490 H e Morgen l .40 • 792 ., .... "' ~~~ ~t I II'-.... Tennco 2.60 s ,., ,. • \'a ASlerll .31 JM 11'1/. '1• Cl•rkE 2 l'O 191 20 • "'-~ • -~ ~ lnlHr _. I• 1~ • .... olo\orl<nd t.32 S SI llV. + \lo ,..,. • 2t :r.11> + I\ Ten!r.; II J 11\lo + \to • St ll Cl•Cll 1 IO I 41 It\ " Fl ppf ~ 2 ·~ '" .. ~A S Ill PSNH PIUS .. 17 U\l't• '-Ter -4,·• 1~ -~, •~ ~m r I .. "'•' · • M ·-·· ·~• .... 1ntMtn 160 s 104 14t.+ '"" -rw · 12 41 II"• .\II PSvNM 1AO • ~ ~. v. T•ao , .. -.,000 .... -,~ :~ ASlr pt S.SI 9 41 + y, Clt•EI 2 16 ••Solt 17>11+ V. FnSBor ,.,. 4 • ._ lntMult 1.0 • 8'3 14'1> 3 MorNor l.S2 l +30 28'11.+ "'-PS•EG 2.S. I Tlil 21~+ " T• ro~.., , -,..:-• -A TT S.40 • ;r114 st .. -y. Cl•EI Pl 1 40 199 SJ t 2 FtnlFtd 91 IJ"' t I lnlP•pr 2.40 • aUJI 3'ih MOlrOI• 1 • .0 12 1719 .0'1•-•lo PSEG _., ...,. '9< -· · ~-~ A TT pl 4 . 14 S5V• + \It Cl .. P' 60 • J 11/'1 Fire.sin .60 16 114 IOV. lnlRKI J2 , , ti T\i. + •• MIF.,.1 ,_... a .c34 21\1. • "' ,.. ·-4 1~ • • TeMlr pl 1 •• . JI 7' ; I ATT pl l.M .. " 31'4. "' Cloro• 92 I 204 ll . FIAtln' .•• 105 ....... ..; lntTT 2 61 s , ... Uto ... Mvnlro so. s JI 12"" ... PSEG pt•.» .. tUO ll +1V. TexKO J ! 2050 l .... ATT pt J .I• . .... 32"9. '" c1 ... 11P ... • 47 ISl/o ..... FIChrt .IO . 821 ,, v. I TT Piii 4 17 a:.,;,; Mnld pl Cl. • ·-Yo PSEG plU.44 . 400 IOIV.• I TaAB< nl ... s 20S l~ :,.. AWelr T.20 4 91 U'll + '!J Cl11et pf I J IOI;, .... filCnk t 20 S 111 tS(fo, "" ITT pfO s 1 MullsnQ , . l dll'h " PSEG pl1,l7 • SO IS\to • "' TUCm 1.10 6 1l9 7'1\IJ + Vo AWet pf 1,25 110 tlh-\I. Coecltm II 120 I°" t t/o FIBTea I.JO 4 U. 11 , v, lntTt pl 2 U " 2 ~ i,.; Murpft( I.ti IS 12 13 .. + \<o PSEG pfJ,43 • 16 II t 'h THEii •.10 S 200 4Cl\I• + l'- AWe Spf T.U •• >10 ·~. co.Ul•I .4021 S.2014~ .. FIClty 10 4\'o .... lnlT~•.SO 4 +o • ·~ MurpO I 4 1415 II • "PPSSEEGG pfp(ll.~ .. l~ ~s -," TuGT 1.11 . 416 2 ........ •-ron 1.~ 3 16 ~ , ;.:. Cs11 Pl 1.13 S JIV.+ v. Flnlsle t .IA ·~ 111 •3~~1'" 1•1~ 1·12 ·s· •• 1 11~. '(?. MurrvO 1.10 6 11 13•-. '' -· 1-' T••lnd tot> I 14 20:\lo I ,. .. _ "" •v , ., c c1 2 -• • " "" ... ,.., ... " ,,. PSEG ... 1.s2 .. i-SJ r •• ,~ . •is 1101 ~·-• A,....O 40 1 •107 22 , .,.. oc• .-• 14111 u~ • ..., FIMiu .l+ 1 u1 ""', ..., IQINt Pl 141 ISO 13 M1110m 1.4.. . SI 11'4, l't '" '" •u• • .o ... Arnet• I 20" 11 2S". v. ColeH ' ... 13 II 2S ·• "' FNBO>" 91 • 10 24V•. \I) rf1trc1u ,·'° IJ II , •• ,... -~ Mverlol tlJ . 40 II'<-If+ PSEG P't•2 . 110 "' Tu Int OS 19 ,., .... ' "' Amiee .... 13 •UT llY> ..... Coleco I 2l5 .. 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"' Pyro J 14t 3.._ .... h•lron l.IO • 110 ""' "' Amsted 1 . .0 t ... 1110 • \lo Coll In I 1.IO .. 161 22'1• 1"t flschO 2 1S 33\ot + "> lowePS 2'.e ·1 SI 1'VH Yo NL. Ind I 3 nu dl4V.-Ill 0..•kO I IO I 411 ..... • .. Tulr pf J.OI .. 21 .. t \') Ancmp n 12" 'lOS IOV.. \/. Col Ge\ 2 .. s 100 21\/J+ .. ~111\Fd .10 1 ,.., 10\1.. " •ow•ll~ t .14 , •I """. \'a NL T l.IO 10 llD6 4CWo. ~ 0...1150 .IO • 2'3 101'1 ... TllrE n • .. .,.,.. Anlog. 32 .. ., .. _ "' cso pf l 45 1 24 • "" FllFlnG 2 4 'U u v .. Ill lpcO(p 10 u " ,... ... NllF Olr 3-4 14 I~ .... o...nx' '° l 143 ... + .. Thlokt I.JO" 22.S J6h . "' AllCltOf' I.» I TOii 14 •••• cso Pl LU .. J ""'. "" F-tEn .SUI 4SS llV.-v. lrtfglli l:Olt • .. 34 ... : .... N•bKB J.OS llOlt l1V.• ... Questor 21 Ill 1~ ..... Tlllo~I -111 lall'I+ \'a Ar>(I.., 1.n s .. ""•I cso pf oTS.U 010 tlll'I.. l'l•mrt0 l.1A I •I hi\. . llek(p lQb lSO ""' "' NDS<8 rill so .. l:lO "......_ "' --· -Thmllel J,12 10 ... ,."' .. A1'dr(; n .10 • 40 d t \lt 'n CSO Pl nU lL 1110 99V... •• Fi.a IV Ill U S..I JO -"" _ J-J N•lco s 112 II all 20 R81nc:I .It >4 J'I 1"' Tttornln -I • 10 V. := 1.: ·~ ,,:! ~~: ~ (OfY\Dln 1 IO • 211 It\... Finl pf 1.61 w 10.... .... JWT ' I .. l6 101 GU ... HeP<O' .14 ' ., I . . RCA "' ' lllS "" ..... Tlll'nMd 10. s s .. t. I CmbEn 1.14 4 4tO 11 t 111t FllQISI, 1' IJ • 11 .. + .,.. Jrrw>F I 60 11 +o 2Jt 1"t HeplFd .-43 t+ 1111> • .... =~~ l SO l1'tO n • Tllrltty 10 I 11 11~ 111t A~l:I~ ·: : ~ :~: ~ ~~"S": ~ ~ ! •1:: I~ • ~~il 11 .10 n ·~: :!~: ~ 1:~ ..... pf '40 I l9l II ••' l't ==~~ = l2 .!! ·::: ... ~ RCA pl 2 ,; ll~ II"• ::: l~:.~ 1 : ! ~ :: + ; Alllhn'I' 4'lb 10 l • .., • ..... COfYIMI s .. S 1' 14"' v. Fl•PL 3.• • n 4 ~, .., S «I • ,. t y, Net<:en I • IJ TtV. RCA pt l 45 '1 1+1o + ''°' T199rln "' S'I/. • "' ApACIW J4 I Sii lh COm<ll ' II 1S1• 11:or.. "' Fl•Prv T.IO I ,... ltV·. ,,., 1:m•; ' ~ :! =~ ... NCnvSI tOll 11 ,, 11 ..... Yo RRTLCE n .. • 2S •1<.. \/. Time I. I " 11'3 ,..,, .... ApchP.., le Ill ..... o Vo CrnwE J IO • 2111 2Jl't+ lo FleSll .52 .. 109 '°"'-J:ft'l.ln I 6I ~ ,. ll , H•IOlst 2.20 t 401 ""'• \I. 40 I JS '"• Yt T imi pl81 SI II o• -2 Ap-plt.IJ .uoo SS ·2 CwEril l.c'l 33 20\li•I FlwGen 1 l20 v '" JerCpf • •100 1• :1~ ~.D,•E·~.·~, Ills ,ul~·"' Relsf'ur,. I 141 Ill'! T lrnlplCA~ 1»-'n "' ApPw ptl.'5 . 1 I-• 14t CwE pt I 'Ill t 1J • FIOwr, .SI t AM IS...t v, J C,.. '» _ S2 " --· ~ Rerneo • C>I •'lfi • l't Tt,...M J • AJ1 ,. + l't ApPw pf4.ll •• J Ult/.• 4" Cw£ pl 2 I IJ~+ .... Fl.-Ill • 2lll3 14"' • " er '" ~ ''>-\lo HelFG J. I• S ' 111~· -llempc LIO II 2• II"°• \I. Ttm-n J 40 • •lS 41t.. o IV. ApplMG .'31 10 1'1 I~• CwE pl 1.J1 23 17... . FooteC 2.JO 7 14 lO'h-v. JerC pl l.n • 1140 ........ +I ... HetGyp ,-_. 12 llO 11 • 1111 R•y<m n 4 10 IJ lllht 1111 TOOShp I 11 S llJ 21 .... , 1111 4'rch0n ..... us 11"' .... CwE pl 217 I 10'4. v. F0tdM .. 2116 11 ...... Jere pf 1 • •ISO 44\+. v. N!Hotn ICU 2 l't R.eyrm. '° I 10-.. "" Tolllll'n S4 • 11 10 ... \'a Arl1PS 2.52 t J104 20'lt + V.. Cw£ pl I 40 • ISO n +I F0tMlt 2.CI 7 24t ,._ ~ 1:~::: 13 ~ ~ : , 1 NMOCle 4t 1 2.. •V.. Reyrndl I • 21U 10 • II. TOlEClh 2 la t ,,. 11ih+ "' ArlPpl lSI 3' 1•"-o .... COfYIES t • 1 33 t+"• '-FMKpt 1.111 .. I 47 JtrCril 211 4 IJl .. ~ HM<IEn Cl' 911 14\li . Reytlln 1.40 •lm Jill>+'-TolEdpl•.21 6 lt~• 'ti. ArlPpf 10.10 . 1100 • Comwl 1JO12 441 SI'•• '> Ft°' ... 1 J2 . alCM IO'IJ, "-Je-IC 2 4I + IOJt 34 \Ii NMlneS J2 I SJ 1 -\4t R•tclB I .IO J 131 10....-•,i. TolEd pl1-lt Tl U .. :~~·~ ~ 1 ~dill.,_ ~ CoP .. c I J2 11 1•9 1)•;.-'-FIH-1 ot TO Tit 331'o + 14t J•wtC p1 s ,.,~ :or. =r:st1s 110 t 43 U \IJ R<IB•t pfJ,IJ 4' 11\lo • \lo TOlEd pl1 21 • I•"'• \I. Ccomom-p ' !! ,",~.· ',z FF~omttWh .. s. ~ 101'"•0 .... Jewlcr I 109 4"'-•.. m 7019CllJll>-I .. RllRtf 101• I so ''"'• .... TonlleCo. ll s IS '• ArlnRI I • ~· I " oS< --,. ~ ·-~ '" JollnJn I .. o2'1t' JIV• HlSvln I. • ' 23\to-Ill lleCftEQ S6 4\1. ..... ToolRol +ob 1 " II\'>-.. Armeaa • 2• 1 .... \/) CPhV' I• 11119 10Yt-.... Fo•SIP .. I .. !Ol't. .... JonnEf' II 211 11'tt. "" NSI-IOj ~ 1\IJ. Rtdmn lO l4 .. u v ..... Tr(lvnll I'° • 40 ,,.,. ..... Al"l'Tl<o 110 10 SSI IS... ConAfl" It I CJ 11 v, Fo•br 1 t.AM s fft 21.\lo v. JOflnCn 1 40 • '1 "'" '4•11SH I . tS j4._ • Vo Rffce • • TOf'oCo 21 S'°' Armc pl 2. IO .. s n • "" COMM! ,:JO • 14 ""'-~ FrptMC 60 I ICM7 12...,_ ~ JonLon '°. ISi ,, .... ;. Helom t.40 l llll Ill'-. .... llR-. ,!...n • 1431S I ~ TT~'! !! .2 11,•o, 1,?~. \.. Armr pf 4.IS r20 3S\'a ConnE "1 . .0 • 10 'lO • v, Frlotm ... I •ISi ., ..... "' J0(9en I s " ""'. " N•lm pl 4 224 2116. v, •let.... ... • I'"' .... ~·~ -~ ArrnR • ..IO 4 J4 .. _ v. CnnHG 2.JO • JI II .... Fr ... 111 I 40 ... 16'1•-" J01len .., II IOI ""'• " HevPw 2.M s '° J2V. ...... RepAlr lot 4 ......... Toy AU. ,. ,.. 13"'-.... ArmWlll 1.10 Tl 1• ,.... . Conrtc 10 13 Tl 24 .... • ~ FIOCllHI ·'° 91 ll\11 + ... JoyMlg 1 . .41) 4 373 "" t l't N•vP pl 1.14 , 1<10 12\<i • V. Rep(p .0 S 2J ll"" t 111o TrKOt I JO 11 20S II t I t.rowE t•.c'l 710 t~ • l't Con Ed 11.61 S 2437 11\1. • '9 Fuqe pf 1.25 2 .... • v. _ 1(-t( _ NevP pt 2.lO 14.SO II\>..... RepFnS I.JO II Ill ))\lo-11'1 J r•M T.» 1 "' U~-_, Anr• .20 lO • ,.... v. ConE Pl 6 I "' • • -~ -l<DI" • IOI ,... ... •• ..is n .. • .... "' RR•pvH!,.!,40,J •• 140,. U V. .... TTWW ~ ••.llS Is~·. ~ ""''n I "10 31 .,,,., .... cone Pl • •S 11so 331;, •. GAF .10 6 5191 t'llo-.... •IKDT 113 I ..... NEnoEI 3 I II• un~. Ill N' ........ 20lio -· ,. .. Awr<o .40 •10 21" .... ConE p4 s • JI 3'1;, .... GAF pf I 20 ' 10 1l • \lo l(LM 10 13 ,."" l\lo HJRs.c n I 16 • SI uUV. .. v. llNY P4A:f7• • 13' 54\lo. 'lo TW wtA IU S,...+ .... ASlllOll , 40 191 23 • ~ ConF~ 2.12 1 JOI )4 ..... GATX t.40 6 SI 21 ..... "' K mt rt 111 •4U• ............ HYSEG 2.20 s 131 17'1fo .... RepSfl ,. .. •s 9'V.. II. TWC pl , , 141/J+ v. ASlll0pf4,SO 3 JI '-Cn,Fr11..0 4 24' 42 . "GC'4 .10111 1'3 ""'t "°' K•l,rAI 60 .. +61 !lllioo .... HYSpl LIS 110 U \11 + Ill llep8111.e S SO 241'1• 'h TWC pt l.'111 JI""'' 'I• ASlll0pf1.... 16 )01,0e. ,,.. Cn>HG\I .•• 90 JI .. GEICO .SI.. )65 ·14 "'K•l\C.. 1.40. ,. I~• \lo NVSpf t.12 • IS."' RP!ll~~pf1.~; JSS 21 . TTrw .. cn.~I,~ !!.!. ',','"'• ... Ai<IDG 2 2M> J•l,Oe t °" CnG Of 10.t. rltn\ 1n1 .. .-Gtlc p1 74 • 6 .. \Ii , KelC pl 1 >7 ts ll \to Newell I S +o ll ... .h....,. 4' • 10'9 + i;, _.. "" -'Jo A.sdO pl •.TS 40 stv .. '"' Con~Pw l ... 6 197 ""'• \to GEO .tA J tn ·~ "> KehrSI J 24t IS"'-,'°"' Nwllel n 11 q 2S\li .... Revco 7• 12 17S 211.tt + \Ii Trenlnc l ... . .st 16" + "' Allllono '·'° s 10 14.. ..... CnPw pf4 so 1100 ,. .... II,<. GTE 2.n 7 '.1666 " + \lo t<•neMI ,. • ,. ll • v. Ntwmt I 16 70 :M ..... " R•nre .. Ill -.... TARlly .. "d 1'"' v. ~!C1.y1Erol .~ JI _!! .~~1.+ V. CnPw pf4 SJ . 110 4S'h GTE pt 2.SO 2 2•111 + 11J K•nel> lb 4 24' Oii v. NwPMk .It 4 17l 6\<. .. R••IOn 1.M 11°'4 ~ t ... Tren1<0 1.IO 4 203 H O,,+ •ro ,.,M -., , CnPwpf1,n ' ri40 so ...... 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G ,,,, .. ~ • l tf~f· .. ~ VI' Ctl tAV·~--~• l\Ot .... • 1~"··~ RI .·a! I~! !.-ii:i !l',. .. ~ ff -~ t=. --*'*~ "~· ~ ~·If!,:.; i 11 l'.~ ... ~ •;, ... ' .. ~5!., :. V:t;t,. :: : 'I: 14.r.:: ... : ljtt I"+ _,. ~r.-1 '? I ~ + ~ He11W I : T, 111'1 I'-LewMlll f ·i { :i bi: : 16 f I S M iM • \Iii 1:: S t\4 11,~ • ~ A110m I.It , J6 ft"""" " •:•~-·-2"1.,., ., ~~''4; RJ.,,~tll ·" .• ~ " •r-..~ h~ : t .o I~ 11:~·; .. t=• ·i· i ., J'i'-• ~ m-I -;,·'Pi-I~~ ttS Jt ij;!1i = :ll 1J w • 1tt t. .. I ""'· • t;;...,. ... 10 -'r.!· ~ j] SI ,__"'~!I . ~· 7 ··"" t. •• --· ~ A •• If~" -~" 1 i ..... i1::i it~:;: 5' ·::·; 13 ,1~::::: tl•-1:4ill m 'J"·• ~ t:~ '· ' .,_." ,_ • *'• ._ .... t m ~.:.::" = · ~~ : = ~ A z:::: u .::~':ft .~ .. : = w:tt J ,.,.. iL~.... .:.. -· · ~() • •· , i;: it -~;; ;~ tu:~ .. ~ a;1·,li 1 -.··~ ~1 ... l-~1'1-• -=• 1.=·h,• 2Tt. ... j4 ~==it~ 1i :F.1! ~J.!a n It·~ ec~~I? t lm! ! ·'a 'i ~ im··~ • .. t.;·! i:ll•U:!'~ I I s U.S. now ninth • .In indus~ry WASHINGTON (AP) -The United St.ate., con tinulns a decade-long slide, hu fallen to nlnth pllM..-e among Industrial c:ountries In output per .person, a report showll. Ranked aeventh last year, the United States haa been overtaken by Fraru.-e and thP. Netherlanda ln . per-capJta gr08ll national product, Lhe World Bank said ·· In its 1982 aru~uaJ report, released Sunday. When non-industrial countries are tncluded, the United · St.ates ranks 11th, trailing two tiny, oil-rich Mideast states as well. · The World Bank's report also warned, in an: unusually somber eoonomJc outlook, that the 1980. increasingly are turrung into a decade of Slow growth and htgh unemployment for the industrial nations and worsening poverty for the poorest countries. Purchase terminated Printronix Inc .. an Lrvine-based manufacturer o! m.ediUJTl and low speed Matrix impact line printers, and Printek Inc., a Michigan-based manufacturer of serial Matrix impact printers, announced they agreed to terminate discussions of a proposed P rintronix purchase of an equity mterest m Print.ex. The companies also stated their intent to continue cooperative effnr\S in areas ot mutual interest.s. Newport firm recovers Spacelink Ltd. of Newport Beach announced revenues of ~134,000 for the fiscal year ended May 31 compared with $23,000 of revenues for the prior year. The net loss for the year was $324.000 (or 7 cents per share). compared with a 1068 of $27,000, or 1 cent, for the previous year. Figures for fiscal 198 l have been restated U> reflect an acquisition made in 1982. Spaceh nk provides satellite television and specialized services to large residentiaJ and commercial , complexes STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT HEW Y()fU( f"P) -$-Moncley s pnce ,,,..0 .... ~of 1 ... llllMn moet OC11W Hew IVOrk Stock E•clle nge tu uea, tredlng nellonelly 81 rnor• ,...,. SI Am Home 1.n1.eoo 11 • " S<hlumbr9 'IOI, 100 ll'» 2'-EAaon 181 ,400 JS\.t 'Ii H•ls.tni 101,"IO l)tn t .. Seers Roeo ses,IOO ""' I BM '.IJA.SOO •7h '411Rlchlkl SIS,.00 J1•11 t Genln\I s •91,000 21,,.. l'o ~~~ :;:: !!~ : ~ Eest Koclelt "3.600 IJ\o • ~, Aeln•Lfto 440, 100 "" + °"' It man ••S,900 "'" • "' Sony Corp ••2.000 "" .\to w.,nrCom 410,200 Uh 2 AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK 1AP1 -S-Monday'1 prlell ~nd net ch•og• ol 1f\• t•n mo11 •c:Uv• Arne<lc:en Stock Ellcheng• IHUH, """'"II netlOMlly el ....,.. Ulen SI Oom.P!rl 12J,IOO 2lo .7. •• r .. .....-. m .t00 i..., Crutch< 11.. 120..lOO Tl't 0..rtHH1Ces n 110.100 llll., • I \IJ W•no B 101..JOO n v. • .,, Cllemp Ho M,400 2"' UntvAev-ci. .,.,JOO Sat. • V> Sl<Vlh Well 5',IOO H> -'• GtBes Pel so,100 1\IJ l't SCE I 20P1 41 • .00 I'll t "" UPS ANO DOWNS N•me I FlnStBer 2 SullelrC,. J IUlnt pt • ICN Pt>arm S Trans() Fin 6 unl10r11 n I GllM'llFln I UCeblTV " .: ~:~..:air :; b:'i'~ ll PhEt l .IOpl I• SW$1Forest 1S HMlteg(;om n u "-"'°' l/Mobll~ 11 TennetlC> 1' Entouro JO F>I Perne 11 Gert.rS<I n KenNtb NG ?l ICTRAlnc 2• ~EG 4.lOlll 2S SoumrkCo -I VY•lnoco , 0.klnCIUst 3 lntMUlllld 4 Het5-ml So ... Riw< • Blclw\Jtd plU I HellbUrtft a Roci.wtm pl 9 S<.lllllf"\llto 10 St0f'M8-ll Cr 11""'4> 12 5'eeCIUI U Tueslnll 14 EmpOE ~A IS NW511nd 16 EQUllGe• II 8etowUIO ' 11 Kennmll 1'-rcl\ JO BHtProcl ti Nt1,,_, 21 Teledyne t3 Tull Incl GOLD COINS Pel Up 18.S Up ISi Up IS 2 Up 14.0 IJp t1' Up 11 9 IJp II.I Up II I Up II.) Up 10,9 Up 10 7 UP 10 . .S Up 10,J Up 103 Uo 10 7 Up 101 Up 100 Up •I Up •.S Up ts Up •l Up •> Up L• Up U Up II Oft Of1 Olt Of1 Oii Oft Of1 Oii ()Ii Of1 Oft Df1 ()Ii Ol1 Ofl Oft ()Ii Oii Ol1 Off Off Otl OH II' 111 10• 10 I '4 u IC , .I 11 1,J , _, 1 I •• ., 41 ••• u t I ••• H '··· u ),( NEW YORK (AP) -Prioes tet• Frldey of gold ~111. c;orn~red wttn T""'9d•)"• pfio. 1' DOW JONES AVERAGES 's HEW YORKIAPI Fin.I Oow·J-. •~ 1or Mondey. Auo 16 STOCKS JO Ind 20 Trn IS Ull •S Stk lnelvs Tr•n Ufll> •S Stk o.e-"'-LAw ,.... °" ,., °' llll M 1•u m .43 • ut 2'17 ... J02" 7'6.Jt ,.,,JI. >.e:t 101 42 IOI. II 10. 11 10113 • 1.Jl l06 l3 J IO JI l04.lS :JOt.46+ 2.7?' WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORK IAP) Auo It Ad••nctd 0.Clintd Untll•ngeo Tote! luuet ..... lllQll• New IOW\ Tocler 114t 411 31• 1'31 JO SI NEW YORlt (API Aug 1• Adven<ed 0.Cllnt<I Unc l\enottd Tolel ,...,., Hew tt!Qtn New IOW> Todey JU 214 229 ,., • JO 4,111$,toO '·™·-l,"6,100 I ,5Jlo, «ID p,,.., o;r. 41> 42' .... ' '°' Pr...Li osm; "' ,,, ,.., I .. ~ilA~~RI( \AP) -Spot,L.err°"' melel pfk:el Mond1y: COC19« 68~· 7 I C*ltl a pound. U~ cleatln1111on1 L..s 26-29 cetlll . pound Zinc 37...0 cer'llS e pound, detlVef.0, Tin $6 0817 M•tala WMk compoallo lb. Al"'""-76-77 centt •pound, N.Y1, ~cvry $365.00 per nuk. ,.._.lnum $253.00-$260.00 lroy ounoer; N.Y SILVER Handy & H•rmen. $6 S30 per lrO~ ounce. GOLD QUOTATIONS ·' IJTM'4~9d"'-Sel«led wotld gold prleet Motldey. London morning fixing $337.25. orl JO 75 London allomoon nxing $341 75. I.II> $3 75 1 f'.n. all~ fixing: HoUdey-mwMI ;tOMd F~ n111ng: $338 117, off S0.03 Zurloh 1111 •ltarnoon '338 50, Up a 1 15 1110. $3311 25 ui..o. • Heftdw • H•rmMI: only d1lly quot• '341 75. up $3 75 I~ only dally quole $3-41 75, JP S3 75 l~d: only dlllly quOlo tet>rtcattd 1.358.M, up 13.114. • ., SYMBOLS d·N ... .,..erly tow. u-N-y .. 11)' l'llgll uri .. n oltterwlM nottcl ,., .. 01 di~• ••• annual dltlbu<MMtlnll t>eHO on tl'le 1 .. , quenorly or s•ml·ennuel oeolerttloQ; Spec:lll Of .. .,. diVldllfl(tt 0t Pl'f"'llnll not' <1es1gna1&<1 " regular ar• identl'*l In ~ lollow•ng tootno••• . .II •·AlilO 8•11• Ot e•lrllS b-Allttuel rll• f)f.W I(~. 12.76 . tTO<:k dlwldend C·Llquldetlng dMdtnd Declared Of p11<1 111 prec841rng 12 montM. r·Oeci•••t<I 0t paid ette< aloe\ 41vldend °' eplll up l·P81C! !hit )'Nf. 41vldend Otlllttea, dtlerreo °' no tcllon teken •• IUT d~ "°'"ling k·Oec:le<ed Ot pel<I this yew, "1 """"""111ve ,._ """" dividend• In eirearl: n.Hew ,._ r-Oeclered Ot l>.icl on ~lt-e I troy 01 .. $350 00. olf 12 mon1111 plut atock 4~ t..Pelcl ii' ttCKlt tn p..oedlnO I? tnonlhl, P1lnUlled cull ••lue on ••-Olvldend °' ••-di9tribu11on Otll .......... ,. I troy oz .. $350 50. ott '2.76. **-110pMe.1.2troyoi.,$41825. off S3.25. ~tn-100 •-n. 11802 troy oz • 1332.00, off ta.75. •·h-cllvfOlllda °' 1•-rto11•• y.f.L-dMdMCI encl Ml4ll In tut! •·S.,.. In lull :':/J Cld·Celled wd·W'*1 4itt>ibU1eCI. wl- 16tueo ww·Wllh w•rfenlt ••·Wllhtl . wanent• aot.Ea-<1,.lllbl/llOn. P E rttlO The P<tee OI 1 tLOCll M '( ""'"',.. Of C*·tlllllt -~ -1111 dMdll\O 1'11 111•1 12·rnonlll ~ llgt.f! 11110 ,.,, .... once . _ .A •• Or1nge Ooaat DAILY PILOT/Tuuday, Auguat 17, 1982 THE BIG LIFT -Actor Lee Majors gets a lift from Lauren Hutton during a break in filming of the TV movie "Starflight One: The Plane That Couldn't Land," a three-hour adventure drama. IUIAlltlM PKlflc \An~" (,_hr-11 119 900 IAU MIM &iu P\.,r.1 ~79 5339 NOW PLAYING COSll Miii l\JA!ltl\J 6'J·,lt '.140 /4U II TDllO l'1•,;·d't .....oclf'~' ~et \Un OA~Df• o~on tO•AtC' Wt\lrl ••ii> HOH O• OUllOI ~;.' ;~f~f'"; Wl&JMl•S Tl~ t•;w," ~ H. W41., 3\t ()u.,,. lff 691 369J ~-......... ~ ..... . .,.,_,....., .. _., "A FIRST RATE, BEAUTIFULLY ACTED, THOROUGHLY INVOLVING ROMANCE." -Janet Ma•lln, NEW YOAK TIMES AN OFFICER ANDA GENTLEMAN A f"RAKJUN'T W.-t1JR~ ~ ~;""' t llil(.lril\.AUllbff>at~fl'l(1.,..CorpcwMOft i Alllil!9"'1~ !_ ,• ----NOW PLAYING ---- AllANHM Pac1f1c's Anaheim 011ve In 879 9850 NEWPORT BUCH ORAlfGl WEITMl•ITlR Edwa1ds Newpo<t Cinedome Edwards Cinema West Conema 644 0760 634 2553 89 t 3935 MllSIO• VIEJO Edwaids l/1eio Twin 830 6990 AIWlllM Brool<hllrSI 172 6446 lllU Millin Biea P1<11a S29 ~339 COITA MESA EOWards Haibor I •"n 631 3501 ~ OllAllOE OM NOE /\MC Or1nqe MAii UA Cuy Ctnema 637 0340 634 3911 HO,....,. MXUTI O '°" tHtl lfllOAOLMlfT IUUIA r a1u1 Pac1l1C's Lincoln 011ve In 821 4070 OllANGI PactllC s O<anoe OllYt In ~S8 7022 llAllDEN GllOWl Edwards Westtl<ook SJO 4401 I • ~ INS ""-SCNTlO .. ()t<(MASID'f 1()1 .. w I HO , ... u ACCl"lO ro~ fHtl U•OMlllllCNI With Bur,t & Dolly thl• much l\m )rut rouldn 't ~legal/ A lllllYIUAJ.-UO P'ICnU 0-~ot'°"IT\IClllllC&IC ~~ rf:.-li!i!ILl"li(,!111 American • IllOVIes f ascinat~ Russian audiences MOSCOW (AP) Wht>n Rotx-rt l\edford u.00 an electronic.: teadgct to t.ap a ~lcphonu an u rt.~'t'r)l thowlna here of the movie "ThrPt-Da,Y11 or the Cond(>r," excited murmurs swept through the audlonce Soviet clUicna know wlephonn are tup~od but ft'w know how 1t'1 done They found out from an American movie. Aa much a.• to be entertamed, Sovlt't audlencett flock to American movies to tee stylish clothing, automobUes, homes and gadge ts not available in the Soviet Unigp...... lmporttca Adierlcan movlea, caref\lllY aelected by Kremlin authorities, are the Soviet public's window on the West for glimpses of a lifestyle only a few Russians ever see first hand. Over the last 15 months alone, more than 40 U.S . films were shown in Moscow theaters, ranging from children's stories such as "Lassie" lo dramas like "The Deep," "Bobby Deerfield" and "Three Days The comedy sleeper ofthevear. Miclrr SHtFT rRl -A lAOO COMPANY RHEAS£ "h" ~~·O\o CITY CEnTER f'~ tN r~t Llh'UPtfRf OA•~C( • U 4 UU • ~ .... '!IO.Jl•« .... l> ,,~.,...,,.f ~S'T\JOCJaT'DUfll WHlH IN 30\ITH(AH CALIPOAHIA lllSIT ~..!'!!"!-~~ It's Awesome, Tofaly Awesome/ 11:45 J :I O S:JI l t lO IO:JS fA!T T!Mr1 AT lllOCIMOflT MICH (!l I I: I 0 2:00 J1IO IM : s or the Condor .. "Kramer v• Krwner," "The Chlna Syndrom •" amd 1cv •r4tl other "eodally re levant" Amerlcttn film• 11l11U wt>r~ 6'1vcn favorable revlewa during re<.-ent acreenlnp In MOllCOw. Original eound tracks are dubbed into Ruulan .1 The "Condor," with Redford ln the role of• CIA analyst markt'<.f for 885aS»ln.1Uon after atumbUng on u U.S. plot w Ht-lt.t> Middle East oil field.a, was one of the biggest h its of the year here. Despite its violence and frank love scenes - which art' ovoidt!d In Soviet-made films -the movie was screened to big crowds for several THE ORIGINAL IS DACK. • BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday Alf Pertorm1nc11 before S:OO PM (Except Specllt Eng1~men1s 1nd Holldaysl IA MIRADA MAii Muodo 01 llO••c1on• LA MIRADA WALIK·IN 994-2400 "CHEECH a CHONO THIN08 I ARE TOUOH ALL OVER" '"i ........ -. ... -.- "FfUOAY THE 13TH PART 3" 1•1 •ue.ue.-.--.w• "ROCKY Ill" !POI ·-· ...... -. -._. .. - "AN OFFICER ~~D I "THE PIRATE MOVIE" 1P01 A .~~~~~·1 1:00. 3:20, 5:40, 1:00. 10:20 LAKEWOOD CENTER ~All<·IN "THE UST LITTLE I WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" -----II'> ••8TAR WAR8"1N 1 IM~Y ITllllO --·-· ... - LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH '#Al ll IN Foc\Jlty Al Del Arno :Z1J/6U·9211 focull'Y ol ConCllewooCI 213/131·9510 "YOUNO DOCTOR& tN LOVE"1111 '"' ... ___ _ THE PIAA TE MOVIE 1ro1 , ... 1::4...._._,, ... "NIOHT SHIFT" 1•1 ,.aa.Ml.1--- I ~ "FlllOAY THE 1Jnt V • ~ART 2" 101 IM JO ,..., __ , __ ,,_ '•' ,,,,. 1 IS ,,. •• , \t1f't •' o"' IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHllORfH UNDER 12 fRH! ~ ..... ..,. 1111it Tino fri. 700 •Sil .• S... IWl. ':00 N Clll("I -• Y0\111 •M CM l\AOIO IS YOU!\ U(N((O ,,.. "° •M w MOtO wn• oomooo ~isoo1 ~ -lllUllG AM 'lllllAIU l•AU Cllf-fl -'30 ON UI llAOICI "ZAl'NDr' 1•1 4tu ...... ,lt1';'f ANAMllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN •••••OY t1 ot Lemo,, I• "Tli« lllT LITTU ,_!:~~ WHOMHOUH IM TIXAI " 1•1 'l~ 879·9150 Ct"! 11 S0U"0 ----~-"AN omcifi i"Ni) .---OINT\.IMAN" Oii ~OfllCID YbKllANCI" 1•1 -"ICAlllO TO DtATH" t•I (lfli( "!.OUfliO BUI HA P•P• BUENA PARK DRIVE IH UncOI" A.-e W•tt Of ll'IO" 121-4070 ~UI ... PAP• LINCOLN DRIVE·IN llr"to•" Ave WeM Of cnott 121·•0 70 Nl'.'~IN<iftl.' Hl·WAY 39 ORIVf tH "'Ot!CIO ~NoaNCr 1•1 "I CAlllD TO DtlATH" <•I -"THf ,IHAL COUNT DOWN'" l"OI Ct•tt ,, )OUN\) l .T., THI EICT"A·TIMlllTillAL "ue 1001 O.AO MI N DON'T WIAlt PLAIO "'ffnDAY Tltl 1JTH ~AlfT , .. /Ill -"VIHOM"1111 C11t! It SOU•O e.ocn ll•O So ol C...o.n Glovt ''"""°' 191·3693 ___ c_••-•-'-' SOUll'-"'-""'o---_._----="'-' '' sou•_o __ _ ZATU:'1•1 THI •IDUCTIOH ,_, CINI lllOllllO A itA flL'A LA HABRA ORIVI IH -·-·-........... 11M .. 2 --- Ii. A•4 I O~ANG E DPIVl IN ..,.AY '"'=" '"'" 1"(111 .. .,...,......, -.. -... "' .... MISSION IH11Vf IN C ... CH a CHONG THINOI AM TOOCM4 AU OV'lll 1111 "'-U. • .,,....1., CJi.fl•SOUOCO "ITAll WAlll" !NI -.... 0.vofler !NI IQftto A"O I~ • ,,. .. c .... ,. 634-9361 "I TAll :,_AM" !NI .... GUOIK:a"CN1 "ntl •IT UTTU WttOMHOU99 • TU.Al" 4 P "UMNI COW90Y" 4N1 • '.j '• ·,. WAQNf ll p111v1 IN • . I ........................................ ,.-.... muntha l>urln& one week, tht-fllm waa 11how.!l....._ almulUlnt'Qu.11ly IH 17 Moerow theawns. ~ The film'• theme corrupllcm In the-U.S. Central lnteU1gence Agency aptly fit a cNrae frequently aired m the govc•mnwnt run preea here: the CIA orchcstruU!* Washington's drive for world domlnauon Soviet audiences le<'mcd lo at't.-ept th<· "Condor" as a realistic picture of lift• In America. without questioning in public why Sovt~t i1tud1os don't tum out similar sagas about the Sov1<!t KGB, the secret police. t 1 l S§lLV + " •• Otange COUt DAILY PILOT/Tuadty, Augutt 17, 1982 ., .. -,,.. ____ ...... _________________________________________________________________________________________________ . THE '",."'-" CIRCIJH 11ls this bus and the mules the only rides to go on at the Grand Canyon?" Mi\RMt\Dl:KE by Brad Anderson 0"He thinks he1s the captain and . I'm the crew!" by Virgtl Partch (VIP) L. ''It'• MY t1blt, and If 1 don't get to play, NO on• playal" Hank Ketchum ~ S·ll by Harold Le Ooux n.15 (:AJY OIL~ AND ME WERE CLEANIN0 M'f 9H)T- (:;1..JN ANO IT WENT OfF! 00 YOU THINt'I n-iE JU06E WILL euv THAT. D. e.? LET'S SEE ... t MAVE MY SMOPPIN& LIST,MY<'KEY9 ... 8 11 MOON Ml'LLINS ® How f<oMANTtc~ ACROSS • 2 words 1 Pipe Plf1 57 Night sound 5 Hiiiin town 58 GrMll 9 Oetelted goddel181 14 C.clenOI 59 Enthullum 15 Time of day 81 Accent 18 Wipe out 82 ltftwlfd 17 8 .... "plec. 83.FNlll *" 18 Hit &4 Glt1'1 name 19 !net.... .851.0dgee 20 Ab« 88 Notlcei 22 Coc*ld eggs 87 ThfM UK 24 Ftldly, tor rivers IOIM 2t VOUNI DOWN 27~rtwer 2t FOftll: lA!f. 30Troul* 33~ 87,...., 31,... ..... 40SO 41T,... ,,...,,. 42 WY1nllltd 44111*"* ........ ... .., ... 47 JlflOf' -~ .... 11 ...... "' MOHDAY'I flU'ZZLE IOl. YEO 40Stopt 42 Fuel 430.. 45 Annadu 41 Comtnenet 48 F oolllh Ofltt !IO "Lome -" 51 A Ford 52 Bltd foods S3WNdl $4~\ 55Celt - 51NotlNI eo Tiit: Fr. P&\Nt:T8 1 FIND If DIFFICULT TO BEUEVE ™AT l'HetvE TAKEN AWAV YOUR 8ALL FIELD, CMARLES, AND VOV'Rf NOT !=16MilN6 SACK ... TU" BLE• Et:D8 1 FIND IT DIFFICULT TO Ba.IEVE ™Al SOMEOt4E I AM VE~ FONP a: COULD 8E AcTIH6 TJ.llS WAY ... by Charles M. Schulr ..----------. 'ttXl'RE FOND OF ME ?! l(tS~ H&l, Y04J 8L0Ct<MEAO ! G01iA lH: MOVl~ON, IJIG-FOO'Ti ~f:eN NICe MEE?11~ '10U. SHOE 10 LIKE To SEE UIM Go ~10 A c.meR WllU ~urn£~ STATUS ... ~f ~~1~.1 --..-.m•~~~~~L...J. llrll:J~::=.::.:=-~~..._. 1 AUNT FRITZ16 I BOUGHT Yl U SOME FLOWERS .. •.SMOCK NONSENSE--- YOU PICKED THOSE YES , l PICKED THEM IN MRS. SMITH'S YARD--- F01. ~ARR-' F*- ~ AaO'Y\) ~ .h JlCJ.Jf ~ ~ tm()O')'l I by Ernie Bushm1ller AND SHE MADE ME PAY FOR THEM AKO UfoRE l.ONb, l'LL ~ \'U. St ~OENi, et ~RAOU~'f1N£,. 0 DH M'f Ol.IJN,AMO 1A"IMC7 OM M.l 'f~ ~81Ll1\E.'S C$ A~ AWl-1' IN 1'ME- N01'" ME: ! :X: WANIE!P lo ee A FRY COOK IN CL...SVeL...ANP/ REAl. ~\.O. by George Lemont -,'S IGH :- ANc::> ANO,..HE:R MYIH GOE!S DOWN 1"'HE! ov -roee .' J "' • .. 11 l·.°'U \ \ -eva..o- IWHIHO uo1•• HIWI l ~OMAN HAWAII~ -~IAIY G11e11 aclor Werner ~(R)c;J • MAQtOOfOtL PAINT'Ma I A8CHIWt N9CNIWS MOW! * *"' "The Gin. In The omc:.·· ( 111711) S11Mn Saint J-. Battler• Eoen An ambltlou• women 11opa at nothing to connl.,. '* way Into a poaJtlon of ~ In a laahlonable c1epar1men1 llOt'e. (Hl MOVIE * *14 ··~ N-Lat\d'" (188 t) P .. u1a Clark. Cath· lwf\ N•bllt. A ll·)'Mr-old glrl ~ h« IOMllMN by fanlHlzlng 1bout adwntur" with Pater Pen. ·a· (a> nlR OOlMH AGE Of ~ "Marty" Roel Slaiger and Nancy Marchand atar In • tll55 production of Paddy Che~tky'a telepl1y 1b0ut • hOmely buteher who 1a111 In io... with a plain glr1. .. '30. DO< CAV£TT tr!> fAllT f<>fMARO "Lu.•" Some of the utOhlahlng poutbllltlet ol ._ .,_OY range lrom blood1-mlcroturgery 10 pollution m•Huraman1, from Mtalllta Image 1ran1- ml..ion 10 holography (II 8ARNEY MIU.EA QIHEWS (l)MOVIE * * "M urdar Among Friend•" Sany Kallarman. L•lle Nial-' A ... I-ear>· terad ac:te><. hi• lnc:recllbly rich wife and an ambltloua egant all become Involved In• whOdunlt myatary. D nlE GOl.DEN AGE Of Tn.EWllON "A Ooll'a Houae" A woman (Julle Harri•) uaertl her own Identity 11ter con- lronllng her huaband'1 (Chrl11ophar Plummer) Immorality In • telepl1y beeed on the pl•y by Heo- rtk lt!Mn. 7:00 8 CM NIW8 I N9CNEWI KUNQf\J I AecNlWI l(OJAK A man who la llated .. d-.:1 le thrMteolng a g1r1·a life • M•A•l•H Col Potter IMrna that neg- ative ~regarding him and tit• 4077th 1t1va rNChed Seoul I JOf<ER"I WILD GD llUIM.98 "°°"" ltl ENTPT A.INMEHT TOHIQt(T An Int.,,,.... wt11t Lou Go1- Mtt Jr. 8 THE MUPPETI ai-t: Sylveltar Stallone ~~AYrrWAS • • ''TNI Blue L11goon" PHO) Brooke Shi.Ida, Chrtetopher Alklna Two cat.away Chlldreo grow to adoleaceoce on 1 remote, South Pac:mc: llland and ~ tile pang1 ol tlrat love. 'R' 7:30 8 2 ON nlE TOWN F•turad: a vlllll 10 1 lruck rodeo; meet the lt'llet Vlr· gee:• loolt at llcywrlllng by computer; a via/I IO a Cllnlc Whet• people ...,n how lo copewtlh~ G al,.,,. .... v FfUO CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 KNXT !CBS> 0 8 KNBC INBCl 1 8 t<TLA llnd I .. 8 t<ABC IA BCI c Q t<FMB <CBS> ' fJ t<HJ·TV (Ind I ~71 Ii> t<C.ST (ABC) ( tD K TTV ( ln<l. l $ 'e KCOP TV (Ind l 0 • l<CET (PBS> 8 D t<OCE t PB6) .orang• COHl OAILV PILOT1Tu .. d1y, Augu1t 17, 1882 MESSAGE -KOCE's SummerFest devotes an entire evening to Leo Buscaglia and his special message to "love more" tonight beginning with an Interview at 7:45 on 50. • EYEONL.A. FMture<I: a lributa 10 Glo- ri. Monty. p<oducar ol "General Hoapll•I"; a repott on dtvotce. Cllllfe><· nla 1ty1e; a IOolt at Iha WOf1d or IPOrt• medlelna • M•A•t•H Tiie 4077tlt turn• up 1 alcll 1talloop1ar pllot wlto dOean'I want to quit and • twk:•wo..n<led GI who <ION • TIC TAC DOUGH tllJ MACNEIL/LEHRER AE.PORT G PLlOGE 8MA1< Regularly aclladuled pro- gramming may be dalayed due to pledge brHk•. ltl YOO ASKED fOA rT FM1Ured: "Catll• CuUlng Hor-" and "The Dolle Ara Movie Star• ... (Hl RACE fOR nlE PENNAHT Sany T0<npllln1 and Tim Mee.,_ cover Ill Ille be.-leedlng 10 lite 11182 WorldSerlee. (O)MMMU Bolton Red Soll II ClllllO<· nlaAngel8 7:46 D JOHN CAUAWAY INTUMEW8 l:OO • <Il UNIVfMli Walter Cronkl1• examlnM Ille rllkl -taka In -V· day Illa, wt11t report• on the d"'Oef• or obealty and • oompany 111a1 1n-11oa1 .. the cau-ot maje>< dlua· Iara. D Q! FA1"EA MURPHY Joltn Mich••' Murphy op•n• an orphan1ga- achool In an abandoned Mloon, but the autho<ltlee ll'ltMlen to clOM II. (Part 2) (R) • MOW! • * • "lronakle" (1987) Aeymond Burr. Geraldine 8roolc1. A dlNbled detec· live bec:orn. • apeclal pollc• agent and la aaaiOnad to find Ille antper reeponalble lor hie Injury. 8 (II HAPPY DAYS Fonzie lak .. OYer Roger'• cr-~(RIO * * "HIOfl cnm." ( 11173) J-Whltmot•, Frenco Nero A C8Utloul ci'llel of detect"'91 and ltlt red!IMI commluloner seek tlte Identity ol the manlpula- 10<1 ol lllly'a growing drug trlfflC. .. P.M. MAGAZINE Freecllmbar• attempt lo acale the tOOO-toot high Seneca Rodi: people who IMI "1111 It l>Mutlf\11 ... ., MOVIE * * * ~ "Splande>< In Tile Grau" ( 11111 I) Natalle WOOd. Warren Qeatty. Two young people make tile palnlul 1nd beautllul dl1- oovary of love In e emall ~town. • NATIONAl OEOGAAptOC IPECW. "The Supet'll.-a: Twlllgl!t Of An Era'· A noatalglc voy~ of l&aclnallng tu.au· ry and remembered gloty It lakeo llboatd 11\e 1811 of Ille grMI llners '"" In lrana-Atlantlc ~ - the 0.-Ellubath 2 (R) (C,)MOYIE On·TV l TV HBO IC•nemaal (WORI N Y • N 'Y (WTBS) tESPN I (Showtimel Spot119111 IC11ble News Nerwor~ I • • • "Hondo ' ( tll541 John Wayne, Geraldine Page A cavalry dlepllch rid« aneountere a wom11t1 and 11et aon, an Apache chlel'• btood Orothar CHl MOVtE * * "M~ At Ceotr1I High" (111711) And•-St• ...,.,, Robar1 Ce,,adlna A crua1<1a ror ravanga begin• altar • prank 11111 WWII loo rer WU pYlled on Ille quieter atudenll by a group of bored ltlgh- acltool rrleod•. 'R' (l)PURUE Malb1 M00<a, Robert Gull· laum• and Sharman Hernllley are fMlured In a parlormat\ce ot the 1111 8'oadw1y mualcal buect on Onie Oav11· a pl1y "Purlle Vlcle><loua:· D MOYIE * • * "Lo•I Horizon" (11137) Ronald Colman, J-Wy11t A kidnapped dlplomet d lecovare Illa Hlmaleyan kingdom ol Shangri-La, • place ol "amal pe.ce and lmmot· lallly. &::30 D 0 LAV£1'HE a ~ Carmina 1udltlona re>< the laadlng roi. or 1 box., In a movle.(R)O • 000 COUPL.E Fallx II lnoanMCI when Oacer glvea • rlotou1 account or hla p<INlneaa , on • tllk lhow. 8:44 filD A TIME TO LIVE WfTH LEO eu8CAGUA Or. Lao Buscaglla dallvar• hie n-. of love end apj)t'eClallon ol Ille good thing• In Ille rrom Sac:ra- manto'a hlttork:al Cepltol Pattc. t:OO. <Il NUMf MlchMI~ stanaa r_,,tly widowed ltMd nut'M at 8 latge metropoll· ten ltollpllal who trtM 10 rabulld '* pereonal Ille tNOUQh • r.-.d devo- tion to Mt~. (R) If 8 MIT MAVMCK ~·· plan to c:atclt the l9adar or 1 utopian group that hu n.oacl 8-lar latmarl OUI ot In.Ir land hlta a at\IQ (Part 2)(R) D ltl nlAEFI COMPNIY White poaJng u • doc:te><. J1c;k une11pac tadly ancountara • reel Plllartt and All MO"" Intern (R)Q • MERV OfW'FIN GuMll. Stapflanle MUia, Jarry Vin Dylla, Jerry Salnlald, Jim Slagalman, FloConw•y. 9 MYSTERY "Rumpole Of The Balley: Rumpole And Tiie Shaw Folk" Horace Rumpole 11 called Upof'I 10 -U junlof counM4 In Cfefencllng an IClrlN ICCUaed of 1ha bac:lca1age murder of her huaband. (Plt'I 3) (Fl) O (%)MOVIE * * * "SOldlet In lite Rain'· (tll63) Jackie GIN- .on, Stave~. A young IOldler ldollHa Illa -QMlll, who llwaye gllll him out of trouble ll:iO . 9 TOO CloeE fOf' COMfOA'T Murlel le lnlurtaled by Illa ettentlon pll<f Henly by • l>'etly young artlat (RI (C)MOW! • • .,_. "Women In Lcwe" ( 11170) Olanda Jack.on, Alan BatM 8uad on tile noYal by 0 H L•-- Two ~ax~ 1mblvaltn1 1Mllng9 of low 1nd hit• In their romantic r.i1t1on1hlp1 with their r~tvemllM CHlMOW! ••n "Under Tiie Rainbow" (11181)ChevyCh .... C1rrte F1lhar Tiie 160 mldgef 1 wno .,. In town tor tile lltmlflil ol "The Wizard Of Or ... Mm • Caillflwllia llO\al ~·PO' .. M~~ WfTM LIO • leOMIJA Ona -·· lllmPa pltll09o-plly of ... encl IOW i. ...- Wiled Ill .,, "'-· ~'-... Qlt MOClAIW'I LAW MoCWn and two O\hen we held hOal'O' In • lloe- pltal by • mentally 011- t11tbecl Vlell'IMI -eran IA) 11"-= WAL TIM IYMMI" 8"CW. Barbata Wlllttre lntervlewa K1tltatlne Hec>buffl, VICtO- rla Prlnellpal fnd •ook• Shlaldl (Ill) • WITH CUii ANO MJllY "Solo Of' The Oruma" Pl•· nlet Biiiy T•ylor and drummer Mu Roach Jotn OHie Oevll 81\<I Ruby 0.. 10 tall the 1tory of a drummer whoH lll!Jf• ,..,,.. ltlm tor 1 '".,,o ~ wllO 1urna out 10 be Illa -partner (A)Q D HAMMP HOU8I Of HOMOA "G1>8tdi.tl Of Tiie Abyaa" A beoWtllul antique M&lar b<lya .,, old mirror once uMCI In human -lllca ntualt *'°I NIWI MMYOUTMEM? "The Black w .. , .. Cowboy Oee><ge Enlaon. rodeO llat Frank Gr-•y and tron- tlarlwoman Eunice Ne><rta thar• lhelr experleneee 01 being black In the w .. t et the turn ol Ille e«1tury ( R) Cbl NCHAAO PAYOA IN ~ lite ....,,.known c;omadl111 anoo11 pointed barb• at 1tmoa1 •vary ln1tltutlon lm1Qln1bla In t1tl1 unoen- 1ored, no-hold1-b1rrad ooncet1 pert0<m1nce. Cl)GIMINI A H11Vard etudanl cal• brll.. hll 2111 blr1hd•)I with hla waclly lemlly, er•• rt nalgltbort and wMJlhy friend• In thl• Broadway comedy etarrlflil Scoll Balo and SMt .. NOt1h. (%)MOVIE **Yo "PeplNon'" (11173) Stave Mc:Oueen. Ouetln Hoffman. A pair ol Oevll'• laland convict• epand their lime planning In.Ir eecape. 11:00e11 8 <Il tll al NlWI 8 IATIJN)AY NIOHT HOit: Roil ~. Gueal. P1111Smlth 0 YOO A$CB> F<>f' rr Faalured: "Mumml aa ea.... To Lii•" and "Cana- dl•ll Mountie S1bra Cltarga." • ., w•A•l•H Wltlle an enter18iner <ION • llhow lrom an lmprovlMd etage In Ille compound, tile comedy and drama of Ille doc:tora' llYM go on. ., MNHY HILL Benny por1r•ya a German p<OleNor . t11J 11'81NES8 AEPORT D MOYIE *•'II "B1c11 Road•" ( 111111) Sally Fleld, Tommy L .. Jonaa. A hook• and• down-on-ltl•·luck boaar meet and Mad -i In -di ol 1 ,_life. 'R' t 1:JO 8 <Il ALICE Flo nu trouble lludylng for '* ltlgh IChool diplo- ma In night achool. (R) llalTONIGKT au.t "°" Joan Alvera 0 ..... 11. Chat1M Nelaon . Relll)-. Dinah ShOra. 8 0 MCNEWS NIGHTUNE e wow * * * "811ean" (11143) Robert Taylor, Thomae Mltcltell. A,,_lcan GI• fight 1 g911ent but ~ battle In lite f>tllllpplt-. ., TWE JS"FIMOH8 a.otge thlnk1 Lionel le unamed ol ltlm tor ,_ 1t1vlng gradulled from ~hac:hool. ., LOYf. AMIE.NCAN l'TYll "love And The POllllW Men" M8f'ollo 11 In love with 1 woman wno '' mucn t8'1er titan htfN911. (8)MOVIE • ** "E~ Of The Nee-dle" ( 11115 1) Oonald Suther. land, Kate Naltlgan. While on 1 r*""Clte Scottlah llland to ~ a Garman eubrnarlne, en Axlt aciy find• an.lier lrom the ale><m In the collage of 1 young f"arried couple. 'R' , 1:46 CC) MO\M • • "Good by•. EtnmanueAa'' ( 11177) Sytvta Krlltal. Urnber1o er.int. A ~tlful woman'• -ctl for ttle ultlrnata erotic ex~ br1nga '* to a atatttlng rNflullon. • R' 12:00. ENT'IRTAINMIHT TOHIGHT An lnt8Maw wlll'I Lou Go.- Mil Jr. 8 9 PAHTMY Ill.AND A dying young man II giv- en an a111ra · 43 houri to ltv.. and • widow 1nemp11 to rernarrv deapll• Illa -----_.-~.. "" TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Unlvene." Walter Cronkite examlnt .. riaka taken In daily life, dangers of obesity and a company that Jnvesll~atetl major dlsasten1. KCET (28) 8:00 -"Tht: Superllner11: Twil ight of ,.an Era ." A National Geo«raphlc documentary on the laat of the great liners. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Nurse." A repeat of the pilot film for the series about a widowed woman who resumes her nuralng career. KABC (7) 10:00 -"Barbara Walters Summer '§pecial." Interviews with Katharine Hepburn, Victoria Principal and Brooke Shields. lntwl-of her lat• ltueband. (R) • MOW * * * "Hatry Black And The Tiger" ( t 1151) 81_.,, Granoat. Batt!Ma Ruan A rll'llOUa hunter almoat loa- M hlil NM bacauM Of a oowerd'• 111C1iona. .LOW,~ l'TYLa "Batafoot In Tiie P1tk" Paul IQ<-lo help OUI It (£'1Yw.,. * * ,_.. "Slard<ltl Mamo- "-" (1HO) WOOOy Allan. CnltloHa Aatnpllng. A auc-- ceealul dlf-ecte>< laoM a per90t\ll crlel• u he tri.. to male• eome majof decl· elone In hla Illa. ·pa• 12:08 8 <Il MOClOUO Tit• owner ol I dlacotlteque wlto ltlrH young runaway lemalM 10 l>'omol• the Nia ol llQuor takM on I gift who II being IOUQltl by Ille autlt«ttlM. (R) 11:ao a a LA TE NtOKT WITH DAVID~ Gueata: Jerry Garcia and Bob W8'r of tha Oretatul Deed. euthOr Jany Koeln- lld. (R) 1: * * "Friday The 13th. Plrl II" (11181) Arny StMI. John Funt'/. lite grlaly kMllng• oontlnue et 1 eummar camp tlt1t had beef\ cloMd down 1nar • Mt1M o1 blnrre murder• occurred th«•.'R' 1:00e MOW * * * "81elll OallH" ( 11137) Barbara Stanwyek, JoM BoiM. A woman MC· rl~ ~hlng for Iha love ol her daughter. • MOVIE • * "Th• Amarlc•no" ( 11155) Glenn Ford, Frank Lovejoy. A TaHe cowboy rlndt romance and adwn- ,..,. wflar'I lie attetnpll IO dallwt prtzia Brahma bull• 10 Stull. D MOW! • * • "Eye Of lite Nee- dle" (11181) Donald Suthar· land. Kiit• Nelllgen Whlla on a remote Scottlan ~ to ,.,... • a.man IUbmarlne. "' Alllt epy find• aheltar from tile storm In the cottage ol • young matr1ed oouple. 'R" (%)MOW! ***'A "Freud" (1"3) Montgomery CMtt, Suaan- nah York. The young vi.v-doc:1or lound• Iha prac11ce of peycnoana- ly9lt wtllle 11udylng hypno- ... with en experimenter. t;108 MOW! ...... Aoclly" (11148) Roddy McDowell. Edo¥ Barner. 0 NlW8 1:30 D a Nee NlWI OYEINOHT' (C)MC>v. * * • "Tiie GrMI Taxu e>ynamll• a-..... ( 1117111 Claudia Jeonlnge, Jocelyn J-. Two female bank robber• outwtt poKoa u they rav1ge the mile popultc• with blulng lhootouta, dynamite blalll encl outragaoue dlagultee 'R' 1::11 CHl Mee '°" n. PINNAHT Barry Tomplllnl and Tim Mc:Carwr -all ""' !>MM laadlng to the 11182 World Serlea. 1:00• MOW •,, • "Hom• 8alora Delk" (11168) JMn Slm- mona. Rtlonda Flaming A woman llnJOCIMa to edJ<.iat to IOClely loflOwlng '* conlinernanl te>< • nervoua braekdown (l)MOVll ** "FuMc>uM" (1118t) EllU,,_.lt 8-rldga. SyMa Mlle• Fovr 1-1•8Q'" llpetMI • trlghtlul nlgf'll ,,, • carnlv8' lunhouM Inhabit· ad by a demented balker and hie lnOfWltOU. eon. 'R' 2:0ll (8) MOYIE * * "M_,e Al C.Otrel HIOfl" ( 111715) Andr-St• vena, Robert Carradine. A · cruaed• tor ravang• beglnt ener • !>'Ink 11111 _, too tat wu pulled on Ille quieter atudenla by a gro..p of bored high· ac:hool trtendt. 'A' t:111 N1W1 l:IO .... 1:40 NeW8 1:4a MOVll • * * .. Tha Out-Or- Townart" (11170) J1ck Lemmon. Sandy Dennie An Ohio couple vllllllng ...... 'fe><k •x.per1enca - i known urban dlMater 1:00 I 8"Y MOW! *'II "Smokey Bit• Tile Oult" (1111 t) Jimmy McNI· dlol, Janet Julien A high ICltool delinquent geta Iha whole town on Illa ,, ... wt>en ha mall• off with Iha hOmecomlrlg ~ and head• aoou the •l•t• In • --ol llO!eo automc>-bllel. ·PG' l:OI (C) MOYIE • • "Young Joe, The For- gotteo Kennedy" (11177) Peter StraUN, Berbera Parllln1. Tiie _,.., Keona- dy volunteera le>< 1 denget· ou1 wartime mlttlon wtllch, II auccMtlul, would brlflil him bac:I< I hero Md one etap cloMr to tile WltlteHOllM. J;tO (%) MOYIE • • "OM<lly Bleulflil" ( 111111) Meran JenHn, ~ 841dcner. A young woman. ~Into• llrlct r ellgloua aect oppoead to modern m. atylet ... pureued by dan- geroue. unknown lorcaa 'R' U.(8)MOYIE *** "The 0111« Side Of The Mountain -P811 II" ( 11178) Mllt'llyn H-t. Timothy Bottome. Fotmer dlampton ,.,., Jiii Kln- mont. r.....,.. • quadrl- pleglc by• tragic aoclOent • -i... with Mll~oubt ""'*' 1 ,_ '°"" eotera her Ille. (l)MOYIE •• 'A "Victory" ( 1118 t I S~ter Stallone, MlehMI Caine. During World War4 II, Allled POWa -lltelr Ucklll 10 lreedom In • metch between their aoooar teem and tile Ger· man National T.-n In Pat· II. 'PG' 4;00 . MOW **Yo "HOUM Of F..,. ( 111311) Wllll1m Gergen. Alan Olnetlert. A detective methodlcally atalka 1 klller ""'° ,_ left • pall -• Btoectwey theater. •:30•MOYI! JOHN DARLING •• "' '"Hlltty Up Or " .. to" I 1t111 JoM L.fliowiU UNM 0. Co« A •OOlllrl pt111ter -..wOMNne 1t4a IOtll ~ ..... lf\al ...... QOir'G ~· 1111 he maeta a baMIUfUI Kir- 'PO' 4M. MCMI • * ~ uolMleta Of 9erlcaley IQuare" ( 11147) AoOert Mot1ey, l'el>l Aylmer A d"1I and Ouaty old man. Ilion le oonaidared "ltome" by two lon0-4Md mllll.,., offtoer't (C)MOYIS ,, ,, * ~ "W-In Lcwe" ( 1170) Glenda Jadlaon, Alan 8atM. 8aMd on IM "4W8' by O.H. ~ Two c;ouplM •&9*'tence amblvllant f..Uno• of IOva and ltlle In their rom1ntlc ralatlonehlP• w11h their reeoectlva M•I" Wf-dn.-sd a 11'• D a y• lmf» Mori .. • 9( 18 (%) •\Ii "Chatlla Chan And The C.W.. Of The OrlGOfl 0.-" (1Nt) P .. er Uall· new, Rlctlatd Halctl Chat· lie Chan le al<lacl by hit bumblln9 grandaon In aotvlng a 1trlng of mur. dare 'PG' ..OO D **',."OualOI The Titan•" ( 11193) Stava RMvee, Gordon tkou Romulua and Rarnu1, the legend1ry lovndare or Rome, baltle Melt Olltar le>< control ol Ille enclan1 city and the k>.,. ol a balu· Ululglr1. 1:00 (%) • * * "Eye Of Tiie Na.die" p981) Donald Su!harland, Kale "falllgtn, Whlja on a remote Scottlall ltland to meet a Garmen eubmarlne, .,, Axla •PY find• ahellar trom the ate><m In the c:ott~ of a young married couple 'R" 7:80 e ••'Ao "The Myaterloua Strang«" (111112) Chrl1 Mlkapeaoa. Fred Gwynne A daydrMmlng .,;1MOUrl boy lanQel an encounter with an angel ol dublou• origin In medieval Aut1rl1 ._.CC) * * • "The Hunter" (19711) SI-M~. Ell Wallach. Ralph "P1Da" Thorton IMda I <l•nger· OUI Ute U I modarn·day bOUnty hunler 'PG' (Hl **'Ao "'Scoul'a Hone><" ( 11180) Gery Colamen. K1ther1na Halmond. A lonely Q<Phan con• an extremely ra1uctan1, happl· ly llngle •Kac:utlve Into becoming den mother 10 • pact< o1 Cub Scouta t:OO (%) * **'II "Chrletmea In July" ( 11140) Olcli P~I. Ellan or-. Mlttoen1y ballevlng he haa won a for- tune In prtre money, I men p1acee hlmMlf helvlly In debt. 10:00 CC) • • • • "Tiie Fixer·· ( 1M8) 04rk 8og1tda, Alan Bat• Bu.a on • novel by 8-nard Melemud. A lurn- ot-1 ha-cant ury Jawlah paea1nt la wrongtully lmpri•ooed for Ille death of • cNld In l(lev. CB) ..... "The Black PHrl" ( 11178) Giibar i Roland, Cari Ander.on A 1-.aga pearl diver mull contend with a deadly """'' ray In O<dar to retrieve a valu•ble blacll pearl. 'PG' Cl)*• 'n "Tiie Trouble Wltlt Glr1e" ( tllell) Elvia Prealey. Merilyn MIM>n A trawtlng enowman run1 Into 1111 a0<1a of trouble while ataytng In • Mldw.t· ern town. 10:11 (%)•••"Tommy" (11175) Roger Oeltray, Ann-Mir· grat. 8aMd on the rock opetl by lite Who A young boy ttruck CINI, dumb end blind by the alghl or hi• 11th«'• murder ~ • modarn-dly maetlah •11plollad by I grMdy uncle and a wor- lhlpplng pYblk: 'PG' 12:00 G • •'Ao "Carry Ofl Crul1- lng" (111&11) Sidney Jamet, Kenneth WllM•m• A anlp '• captain on • Medltar- r-.bo<lnd CN IM llnda lha1 1 group of madc;ape wll be lllllng In le>< hla r90- UIM 1tatt ........ , ..... .,,,... Ing" I 11n1 "•11dolpfl loott, Dor~ MalOM A ~ •!Oel '"'° • lowl'I wfwe I gMtbW la sMo!Uno •~- • *** "WarA.nd P-" (Pan I) (1 ... ) Audt.,. ~n. Henry , oncla auaa on the nowt by Lao T01e1oy The"-of '"' .. 1.,,... -gtMlt\I an.c1ed by Iha NliC)OMOnlc .... (.I) * • 'A "8-Lilla Old flmH " ( tHO) Oot<ll• H1wn, CheY)t Ch... A Mlfl·'-le<I lawyer •• IO<n bat-"" hopaleN ••• huab•nd •lurned•b •nk robbet and ..., uptl(jlrt pr-t IWaban<I ""'° It running tor Calllornla 11torney general 'PG' • * • * "Clun Of The Tl1an1" (t9111) Hatry HIM- 1:n. Laur-Ollvtar Myth- tc; h«O Per.eua It ilelC*I by Illa lllltef Z..1 In a tarlM Of dang«oua tMkt u ha tri.. to win 11te hancl ol a PhOenlclan p<I,_. IQalnll lhe wl"-of I ••no•lul ••• go<ld•H 'PO' ti: ti Cl) It 'h "cnatlle Chan And Tiie CurM Of The Orao<>n 0.-" (1911) Pater UaU· no ... Rlcl'lald HelQh Char· lie Chan la 111<1ec1 by 1111 bumbllng grend1on In aolvlng a tiring of mur- der• 'PG' t2~ CC) • • • * "lite Spirit Of St Loul•" (11157) Jemaa s 1-1t1 Murray Hamilton In 11127. ChatlM A Lind· oetgn ~ the r1r11 man 10 tty nonatop aero" ma AllantlC Ocean to Per- la CID * • "Braaklllrough" (19711) Richard Burton. Rod Staiger A NuJ -· agaant become• embrOlled In a ptol to ueaulnete Hlllet 'PG' 2:00 D ••in "Loll Hortzon" ( 11173) Paler Anch, Uv Ullmtnn. A kidnapped dip· 1om11 dlac:ovara the Him•· 11yan ~lngdom ot Shengrl- La. • place or eternal peace llnd lmmortaNty (%) • * * "Eye Of The Na.die" (19111) Donald Sutherland. Kate N.ittgan White on a remote Scottlall llland to ,,._, I Garman lvbmatlna, an Aals apy llnda an.tier lrom lhe lle><m In Ille cottage ol 1 young matrlacl couple "R' 2:30 Cl) * * '" "Statduat Mem-e><laa" (tllf!O) Woocty Allen, Charlotte Aampllng A sue- oeulul dlracte>< laces 1 paraonal crllll u lie ,,.... to make aorM m1j0r decl· • &Iona In hit Illa 'PG' 3:.30 (Hl **'A "ScoUt'a Honor" ·( 11180) Gery Coleman. 1<1tharlne Helmond A IO"*'Y orphan cona 1n axlrama4y reluctant. happi- ly Slngle ••acuttve Into bec:omlrlQ deo molhe< to e pack OI Cub Scoutl 4:00 0 * * "Oh, Susanne" (1950) Roel Cemeron, For· '"' Tucker 04uenlllon arupll a.mong 1h8 renk• ol cav .. ry ofllcara. (%} •'A "Honky Tonk FrMw•y" (11181) BHu Bridget, Hume Cronyn. A town appaara to be doomad lo extinction WfWI Iha Highway Patrol D9c>at1ment tlllt to build an off ramp on the ,_ lr-ay lhal CUii through the atele. 'PG' 4:.30 CC) • • • * "The Aaer" (19ea) Otrtl Bogarda, Alat\ Bat•. Baaed on • novel by Bernard Mtlamud. A turn· of·lh•·Cantury Jawlah pe111nt 11 wrongfully lmprllOtled le>< Iha death Of t Child In Kiev Cl) • • ··T,_.,• 1111and" (11172) ~ W ...... Kim Burllald. A cour ageo..oa boy jOlna Illa lnfamout plr II• Long John Sliver In aco...1- lng the -fe>< ahlpa car· rytng bOunty worth tlNl- 1 'G' 5:00 a * * 'Tile Mya19flOUI Strtnger" Makapeaoa, Gwynne. A d1ydrMmlng Mluour1 boy lanc:IM an nter with an angel o dublOua origin In m.a1ev111 Au1trla. l :Aa (%) • * * ~ "Chrtttmu In July" 111140) Ok:lc P-.11, Elleo Or-Mlll•kanly ballevlng he h .. won • le><· tuna In p<l11 money. • man pl-hlmMll hMvlly In debt $tage plays produced for pay TV 8_y JERRY BUCK f"_T ...... Wrftw LOS ANGELES (AP) - Producer Ellen Krass says she °'inks that si.ge plays on pay jelevtalon will be a boon for the kgitlmate theater. "I believe the bu.sine9S ls going to change," says Miu Krus, who as executive l)r'Oducer for RKO-Nederlander Production Is bringing a variety of theawr and other spedala to televlslon. ''<Able-t.elevtldon and pay-per- vtew bu a chance of becon\lng a finandal arm of the theater," 1he •ya. ''The.re are enoueh homes that you can de;> play1 by sut.c:rfption.. In the beefnnlng of the year, you could pay $60 tor four Broedway ahowa. You get open1na ru,ht for $15. You can maJc.e lt into a dinner party. "Wtth 1how1 on Broldway runnlns $25 per Ucket, and one c>r two 10Ln1 for $40 a tkket, that's an enormous saving." In January, RKO-Nederlander concluded an agreement with RCTV's Entertainment Channel for 10 productions. The first five will be "Sweeney Todd,'' "Emlyn Williams as Charles Dickens," "I Do, I Do," "The Canterbury Tales" and "Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Muaic.'' The company~as also done other shows for auch p_ay television channels u Horne Box Office, ShowtJme and Spotllaht. Be I I a es p 1 a y 8 • R JCO • N ederlander al10 packages epeclala for cabl4!J. I.Ike lte "History of ScJence .nction," lta John Wayne ,and Tracy and Hepburn retl'OIJ) cttvca, and ''Gotta Dance, Ootta Slng," a co mpilation of mutlcal extravapruaa from Hollywood'• put. Ml .. Krau lives In Loa -... Angeles, but spends much of her time In Boston or New York, looking at plays and negotiating for rights. "I find if I do everythlng myself ll°I better," she aays. "l come from that kind of family." She la a former talent coordinator for "The Dick Cavett Show'' and spent four yeara u an UllOClate producer foe Broadway showman Alexander Cohen. She worked in that time on the annual Tony Awardt ahow with Cohen. Mi.a Krus says she a1ao 8eee tape u a mean.. of•preserving theater •. "It 1eem1 to me that with the techniques we have today every show ahould be on tape. "Tbe reason we aren't preHrvinf these ahowa la becauP.e o 10 many cre•dy people/' ahe aayt. "Everybody waritl money. Everybody wan ti J to hold out for a movie. Well, they're not going to make movies of every play, but they hold out wttil it's too late. There are aim certain 1howa we could have made a deal for If they hadn't taken them to New York and flopped. Then It'• too late. We're not a dumpl..na ground."_ One device YI. Krus la uaJng ls to rai.,e plays from the J)Mt. "One ii ~kf S~,' with Kirk Doualu. that we re tapln1 In Toronto." Tbt company ii able> worklnc with Playwright Horl1ona to encounp new Younc writera. "There'• no place for young playwrlahta to develop thelr work today e>ecept ln amall experimental that.en where you can do a thow foe $2&,000.'' she -~· 'At preeent \here a.re only four people controlllna what you .ee on cable. They're on HBO. Showtime, RCTV, ON TV. They don't know theater. They're too young to remember theater. "I was broulht up on theater," Mita Kr .. ·r· "I've been going aince I w• yeara old. I saw 'Finian'• RaJnbow' and 'South Pacific.' All I iwanted to ..know wu what the chon.aa line wu t.alldng about. I figuttd lt wu about thelr · laundry. After the play my father took me to SardJ•t. "You can't keep producing bll ahowa for Bro.d~ that coat $40 a ticket,," Mila Krul Nyt. "!t'I to0rt 10tna to cmt JM. With two peopfe, a1nner, baby-alttera, parking, it'• aolna to cOlll '200 to Co to tile theater. "l \hlnk c:abJe 1a the Wf.Y OUl. It wW help peoDle to experience theater ind conceria and profrarnt not available on the networb -and at a reuonable price." TREATER AID -Producer Ellen Kra11 bellevea t hat staae pi.ya on pay televilk>n will aid the legitimate theater. NOT JUST A KICKER -New Orleans Saints place-kicker Benny Ricardo, a product of Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College, is t he Sain ts' player lilly Piiat TUESDAY, AUG 17. 1982 • D.aty Not lteff '""4>toe representative and is deeply involved in negotiations with the NFL and the potential players' strike. His eight-year NFL career has been with Detroit and New Orleans. Handshaking display to go on Garvey says method is getting player's message across WASHINGTON (AP -Handshaking and other "job actions" will be continued by the National Football League's players union 1f management does not attempt to negotiate a new collective bargaining agreement. " That was the word Monday from F.d Garvey. executive director of the NFL Playe rs Association, who deemed last weekend's handshaking by opposing players before the exhibition games a huge success. Handshaking displays continued Monday night as the Chicago Bears and San Diego Chargers met at midfield before the kickoff. The only player declinin! to do so was Chargers quarterback Dan Fouts. Garvey said he hoped the owners got the Did Angels use illegal tactics? OAKLAND (AF) -Oakland A's Manager Billy Martin blasted the umpires for letting the Angels get away with "illegal" tactics against speedster Rickey Henderson on the bases. "They're quick-pitching him, balking. doing everything illegal to keep him from stealing bases," said Martin after the Angels beat the A's 8-4 last night to move back into first place in the American League West. one game ahead of Kansas City. Henderson was thrown out twice trying to steal He has 109 stolen bases, a league record, but he was slowed down in his pursuit of Lou Brock's major league mark of 118. 1 "WE'VE COMPLAJNED to the umpires but they're not doing anything about it," said Martin. "I would think they would. Do they want the record to stay in the National League? The way they're playing Rickey now, there's no way he can steal. No one could do it. Not Ty C.Obb, not even Jesse Owens if he was still alive." With southpaw Geoff Zahn (the winner, 13-5) keeping a close watch on Henderson after the Oakland star had walked in both the first and \hird inn ings, the Angell were able. to negate Hendenon's offensive threat. Catcher Bob Boone threw Henderson out trying to swipe aecond in the first inning and then easily nabbed Henderson as he tried to steal third two l.nn1DgJ later. BooN: has thrown out Henderson six times this ~ ;.YEAR, I THINK they're quick-pitching me," complained Hendenon1 who stole only two hues in the four-game aerles ap1nst the Angela. "That's how r fee[ But the umpa don't want to do anything about It. They aay ita not illegal. But there's no way J can ate&1 any baae8 like thfa." Boone admitted that Angel pitchers were th.rowing quickly to the plate, but he didn't see an)'lhlnc tUesal about It. "We have to throw auJckly or else we'U never ,et hlm," Mid Boone. ''It'• a three part proceta. It they don't pt the ball to me quickly there'• no way rU throw him OUt, They thould be the Onett to talk. ~ know a few thlnp about IUegal pitches." -·--- message of solidarity by the union members and ''will come to the bargaining table for meaningful negotiations. If they didn't, they will have to get another message." HE SAID IF THE HANDSHAKING message did not get through to the own ers, the players might have to take another action, such as halting practices at their training camps. Garvey said he intended to ask the NFL Management Council, the bargaining arm of the league, to schedule another negotiating session. He The fans were displaying the frustration about the labor dispute the only way they can express concern . -Ed Geney said he will again ask it to be at a· site of one of the NFL's training camps "so that a member of the association's board or reps can attend the session." Jack Donlan, executive director of the council, has said management will meet with the union at any time, but either J.n Washington or New York. Jim Miller , council spokesman, reiterated Donlan's comments. "If the same condition is on it (the u.nion's request for a meeting), our answer is the same. We believe a meeting at a training site is a disruption on the team. We maintain that they are putting a condition on it, because they know we won't accept." -AS FOR THE UNION'S THREAT of continued job actions, Miller said, "We've been hearing that for three weeks. That is nothing new. As far as we getting the message, we are ready to negotiate. That is the message the union should get." In a related development, the players association and Turner BroadcasUng Systems, the Atlanta-based cable television company, are expected to announce this week -probably Wednesday -an agreement to televise a series of AU-star games, pitting players from the F.ast against those in the West, In the event there ii a strike or management locks the players out of camp. Garvey said the players will continue the handshakes at midfield before games next weekend. "We had virtually 100 percent participation last week, except for Denver, where we are In a transition period with the player rep." Redskin players fined CARLISLE, Pa. (AP) -The Waahington Redskins will be fined for their pre-game handahake with the Miami Dolphins during a weekend National Football League exhibition gatne, according to Redaklna General Manager Bobby Beathard. The players, who shook hands u a dlaplay of union 5'>lidarlty, will be fined the minimum amount of $100 .et by the NFL, .Beathard aald Monday. The playe r's union and the league have been unable to reach agreement on a ne\lt contract to replace the one whkh expired July 16. Th• finea were threatened on \he grounds the hand1hakea violated NFL rulea eg1lntt' frat.emtr.atJon between oppolf "8 teama. All 78 RedlkiN who traveled to Mlam! for the exhibldon game Saturday participated ln the p~ game S"ture. J ---CWZ'(ff I ~ClASSlf 110 cs Solidarity solidi£ ying Ricardo behind some of the shakes By ROGER CARLSON D(ttt.Delty ll'llot It.ff Costa Mesa HJgh and Orange Coast C.Ollege product Benny Ricardo has been getting in his kicks for the past seven years in the National Football League, but the biggest marks he may leave by the time he's through may be on a bargaining table in a conference room, rather than on the playing field. Ricardo, a native of Paraguay, IS the place- kicker for the New O~ns Saints, thus the relative anonymity. Somehow, Monday 'Night Football seems to avoid the Saints, and the Detroit Lions a few seasons back when Ricardo was hidden from view in Michigan. SOLIDARITY -Usually left for after the game, now the players are shaking hands before the game, in defiance of the NFL. Nevertheless, Ricardo iB a veteran kicker with many accomplishments. Although most fans are unaware of his presence, it's a good bet NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle knows him very well. to sign a strike authorizauon form. "All you can do is inform the players and give them their options," he says. He wouldn't reveal just who wouldn't sign, but said: "You can figure it out, just look for the high salaries." THAT'S BECAUSE RICARDO is the Saints' player representative and on Thursday it was Ricardo who organized the first solidarity move by the players' association. Ricardo says the players on the Saints' squad acknowledge the potential frustration for the fans, but he says the fans aren't really aware of just what the situation is. In defiance of an NFL edict, relayed by Coach Bum Phillips that such actions would result in an automatic fine, Ricardo and the Saints all walked to the center of the field prior to their first exhibition game against Houston, and shook hands with one and all before the THE AVERAGE FOOTBALL FAN figures a pro makes a bundle, but Ricardo says this about such a statement: "We're football players and we don't want a strike. We want to play, but how can you justify the figures? game. _ Game after game, with the exception of the Rams-Broncos game, the procedure followed over the weekend. "The average salary in basebaJJ is $197,000 per year, in basketball it's $225,000 and in hockey it 's $110,000. Football is the No. l revenue producer and our average is $78,000. A token gesture? Maybe. But Ricardo says it's only the beginning of the players' mounting determination in their bid for radical changes within the paying structure of the National Football League. "We're the No. l generating Income. but with the shortest playing careers and with the highest injury rate. "we·re 010 men at age J:> ano then we have to wait 30 years to collect a retireme nt check. "How could the NFL possibly take us seriously if they thought a $100 fine was going to stop us," said Ricardo via telephone from his Vero Beach residence at the Saints' training quarters. "WE'RE NOT ASKING for a 10-year no cut contract, we're just saying that a percentage of the gross (55 percent) is right and that a guy should have his contract guaranteed for that year if he makes the team. "RIGHT NOW THEY'LL try e verything they can to test us to see how united we are as a unit," says Ricardo . "l don't expect the management council to make a serious bid until ~ibly Sept. 5. "Right now, a free agent blows his knee and all a coach has to say is 'we were going to cut him anyway.'" Ricardo also addresses the present television-NFL pact and says it's time for television commentators to get out of the (~e SOqDARITY, Page C3) "We're still sitting strong. nearly 100 percent as a group, including George Rogers." • Ricardo says onlv a couple of Saints refused TESTIFIES -NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle faced the Senate Monday. Kuhn gets backing from Padres' Smith SAN DIEGO (AP) -San Diego Padres President Ballard Smith, a leader in the effort to retain Bowie Kuhn as baseball commissioner, said Monday he is convinced that Kuhn can survive an attempt to unseat him. Three National League clubs have come out publicly in favor of dumping the commissioner, and only one more is needed to prevent Kuhn from receiving the necessary three-quarters league majority it would take to keep him in office. A special league meeting today will confront the challenge to giving Kuhn a third seven-year term. "Nobody knoW11 whether there will be four negative votes," Smith aaid. "I'm glad we're having a National League meeting tomorrow. becauae we have 1ome very persuasive argumentB for him." The three NL clube pubUcly oppoeed to Kuhn'• re~lectlon - the New York Meta, St. Louil Cardinal.a and Houaton Aatroe - called on their fellow club owners to dilcull the l89ue before baseball's regular summer meetings open here Wedn~ay. A vot.e on Kuhn'• re-election probably will be taken Wedneaday when all 26 major league clube conv~. Also on the a1enda for the regular meeting wa1 a 1tatu1 report from the Retltructurlng Committee. I · -Antit~t exemption also to spur strike? Garvey says it will, Rozelle says no • WASHINGTON (AP) -The National Football League will have a player strike if legislation giving the NFL a limited antitrust exemption iB enacted by Congress, says F.d Garvey, the player union's executive director. NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle says he can't understand Garvey's reasoning. It was the latest difference in the continuing battle between NFL's management and the Association , "who is on the Oak.land Raiders, is the captain or the team and works for Davis (Raiders' owner AJ DaVls) in a shopping mall." Garvey also said the NFL iB using the issue of the Raiders moving to Los Angeles "as a smokescreen to gam an antitrust exemption over revenues for cable television. That's aU they are doing. players association. "YOU'D HAVE TO be blind Rozelle testified Monday not to see that the NFL will be before t he Senate Judiciary Committee in favor of the legislation. sponsored chiefly by Sen . Dennis DeConcini , (D-Ariz.,) which would authorize the professional sports leagues to decide that a member may not abandon communities in which clubs have been o perating successfully. THE MEASURE also provides for the member teams to share equally in television revenues, which is al.ready done in the NFL but is being challenged in the courts , according to Rozelle. Rozelle also said the legislation "has no negative effect whatsoev·er on player union or collective bargaining matters." However, Garvey said, "If the bill is enacted, then the NFL doe5 not have to deal with the players." He said the NFL cannot now "unilaterally impose restrictions on the players. unless the union accepts them under collective bargaining. If this passes. they no longer will need a collective bargaining agreement. If that happens, there definitely will be a svtke." GARVEY TOLD newsmen that the legislative hi.story being developed at the hearing Indicates that Congress, if lt enacta the bW, considers the NFL a "joint venture" exempt from 1ndttu1t laws, even thouf.h lt lln't spelled out speclflcel y ln the DeCondnl measure, and thua could not be sued by the union. Rolclle told newsmen "I can't grup the reason tor Garvey's argument. I don't aee bow thla Jeplatlon deala with collective berp1nlna ,, lfe all-~ uld he believes, howev•, that Garvey 11 aubtervient t.o Gene Upehaw, president of the NFL Players I ·-.&. - -----.... You'd hsYe to be blind not to see that the NFL will be goingi to pay TV after 1986. -PeteRonh going to pay TV after 1986," he said, referring to the year the new five-year contract with the commercial networks expires. "That's what these hearlttg3 are all about -exemption for! revenue sharing in cable TV." However,. Rozelle told th~ • committee that he hasn't give~ much thought about what would happen after the current contract. expires. "We would plan after the ne~ five years, depending on th. t«hnology 'vai.lable, on staying on regular TV with some cable depending on what comes up ~ the future," he said. ON EXPANSION, Rozelle said the NFL would plan to keep its present ~ member cJubS, un1 the C.Ongress enacts the antitrus legialat.lon. He also said no o has been promised an expansion club In exchange for a vote on the legisla)loP. "The league cannot consider expansion in this uncertain climate," he aald. "U aomeone can c.ha.Uenge revenue sharing, I can't aee ho we can tell a new team.that it is IOlna to get $11.8 rnllllon a year from televllion," he continued. A.a for promlalng ~xpanalon franchl1e1, Ro.&elle 1ald, ~·w )wlve made no a1reem ent1. l'hoenhc, San Antonio havej lppn>Khed U1 ••. Blnningham, M eml>hh, Indianapolis. Jec::luonvUle, =•kin when can they expect • · •· We told them we can't an ex))anllon durlJ\I thbi period. I 1 -==-c ('I Orang• Coa1t DAILY PILOT/TuHday, Auguat 17, 1982 ,....------------~--~~-- \V'ill Gretzky tire of playing hockey? .. From AP Dllpalcbes NauonaJ Hockey J:.eague scoring great ' TE MP E. Ariz. -Former ~ Phil Esposito says 21 -year-o ld F.dmonton Oilers' star Wayne Gretzky 1may give up the sport soon because he is running out ol challenges. ~I think if he plays 10 years, the league Witt be lucky," said Esposito, here for a benefit tennis tourname n t. "I hope he plays for 20 years because I think the league needs a Wayne Gretzky . . . but he's no diffe rent from anybody else that was good in hockey or any sport. Once the challenge 1s gone, it's over. l think Wayne is the type of guy who needs challenges." Gretzky has virtually rewritten the NEL record books the past two seasons - OUTZKY breaking many of the single- season scoring records Esposito set in his 18-year career with t-he Chicago Black Hawks, Boston Bruins and New York Rangers. A six-time a ll -star center feared a nd revered for his wrist shot from the slot, Esposito won the league scoring title five times and its M ost Valuable Player award twice before retiring in 198 l. Should Gretzky continue at his present pace, "he can rewrite every record that was ever m.ade in hockey," Esposito said. "He has probably more ability than anybody I ever saw except for Bobby Orr. Prep records • are ainaz1ng KANSAS CITY. Mo . (AP) -In Vermontsv1Uc, Mich .. 34 years ago. a pitc:her named Ken Beardslee went on a 24-1 tc•ar , hurling eight no-hitters and two ~rfoct games. Greg Proc:ell's sport was basketball, and in a three-year onslaught beginning in 1967. he scored 6,702 points for Noble Ebarb. La. But nobody compart's with Ken Hall. DURING THE KOREAN WAR, m the little town of Sugar Land, Texas. Hall set football records that may nevC'r be touched. For instance. Jimmy Jordan of Tallahassee, Fla .. averaged 291 yards rushing a game in 1975. If J orda!' had added 130 yards a game. ht• sttll would have.been almost 10 yards behind the 428 8 yards Hall averaged in 1953. These prochg1ous feats arc chronicled in the National High &:hool Rl'<'Ords Book. now m its third -and largest C'd1t1on The National I I 1gh School Federation, in cooperation w ith state associations, spent years pouring over yellowed newspaper clippings and cross-checking musty Cales. The first official hsting of national high school r('(-ords finally rolled off the press m 1980. Amazing achievements, unknowns, and a handful of the most famous names in sports spill from its 222 pages. "lt was quite a JOb putting the whole thing together," said Bruce Carnahan. the high school federation's director o( public relations. "In some parts of the country. statis til'S and records were lcept rather haphazardly." _ NOT ALL OF THE nation's high school rerord- holders are unknown The names of Renaldo Nehemiah. Jim Ryun and Russ Francis are yet to be erased by the accomplishments of latter-day performers. But the book is dominated by youngsters lake &arslce. Procell and Hall. who. for various reasons, faded mto obscurity. No one's star shines brighter than HalJ's. From 1950-53, he went to the top in 12 football categories. includi!lg most points in a c:areer. 8YY. most in a season, 395; most touchdowns m a career. 127; most touchdowns m a season. 57. most career yards, 14,558; most yards ma St'ason. 5, 146. and most yards per ~ame. 428.8. His total rushing yardage 1s almost double the amount current Unl'Vers1ty of Georgia star Herschel Walker rolled up m his high school career. No. 2 on the all-time high school rushing chart is Billy Sims. whose 7,738 yards for Hooks. Texas. fell almost 3.500 short of Hall. Sims went on to Oklahoma. where he won the Jieisman Trophy. and the Detroit Lions, where he ls all-pro. Hall went on to Texas A&M. where he had a m ediocre career because. old-timers say, he was too slow. ONE OF THE OLDEST standards is helq by Passaic, N.J ., High School Passaic's basketball team won on Dec. 17. 1919. and kept winning until Hackensack, NJ., took its measure 39-35 on F~b. 6, 1925. 159 games later. The most po1ryllcss basketball game ever played m . regulation time came . two years later, when Dram. Ore, sneaked past Wilbur, Ore., l-0, in a score that has since been duplicated by two other Oregon schools, Dufur and Cascade Locks. which hold the record for the most runs in a baseball game ~ 66. Dufur won. 63-3 At the far end of the basketball scale, Chelsea Vocational and Manhattan Vocational, two inner- 41ty New York teams, combined for a record 278 poin1"' in 1971. with Chelsea winning 153-125. Griffin and Highland, Ind., went 28 innings in 1976 in the longest high school baseball game on record. I • • • • ·:1 • If It's got handles you'll grab a141te faster In Dally Pilot classlfl9d ads. Giii '42·5671 Go11age stops Royals twice L et Manllll, Lou Plolella, und Oavt Wloflt ld hom•r d, •ntl (uur New York pll.chel'I held hard hilting K.anau City to 10 hha u the Yankee1 awept a doublo·hcader from the Royall, 2-0 and 4-3 to hlghll~ht American L.eaauc action Monday. Rieb Ooaaaae, who aaved the opcnt-r tor Dave RlabeUI, al.ao pll<'hed the final IMlng of the l«'Ond game to r('(.'Ord hlll i:->th save thlll OOIUOI yl'ar In other acU,on, Harold Balou knocked an three runs with a homer and a aacriClce fly to lead the atreakins Chicago White Sox to a 6-1 decision over Texas . .. Reid Nlcbola' fielder's choice grounde r broke a 11eventh-inn ing lie and Carney Lansford added a three-run homer as Boston pos t ed a 9 -4 win over Baltimore . Jlm Gott and Joey McLaughlin combined on a five-hitter and pinch-runner Al Woods scored the winnjng run as Toronto edged Cleveland, 2-1 . . . Cbel Lemon cracked a solo home run and scored another run and Jack Morrla scattered eight hits as Detroit dumped Seattle, 3-1 ... In the lone NauonaJ League game. pinch -hitter Mike Vall'• bases-loaded single in the 11th inning drove in Cesar Cedeno with the winning run as G:incmnau pulled out a 3-2 win over Houston . Detroit has traded veteran Rlcble Hebne r back to Pittsburgh in exchange for a player to be named later . . . Milwaukee's Gorman Tbomas was named the AL Player of the Week, while Montreal's Al Oliver was uamed_ the NL Player of the Week. Norton Injured In accident LOS ANGEL ES Former m world heavyweight boxin~ champion Ken Norton suffered sprained ankles ai:td a broken toe after his motorcycle h1t the rear end of an a utomobile on the freeway through downtown Los Angeles. police said. Norton, 37, was treated at Queen of Angels Medical Center after the accident Saturday, said head nurse Patricia Todaro. · "He was pretty banged up . just bruises and scrapes," she said Sunday. ChargerA edge Bear1, 28-27 SAN DlEOO Reaerve m quarterback Ed Luther toaed Lwo t. • touchdown pUllCll MondMy nl1iht u the San Dl.:aq Ch.rat·,.. held oft thti Chtcaao Bean, 28·27. In the National FootbalJ Leaaue prMeuon opener for both teams l>rior to th game. ml•mbt-rt "' the teams ml·l nt mJdfleld to ahako hand.a In a 1how of NFL Playent A.uoclatlon 10lldarlty aa a reaction to it.ailed contract talka w ith the league's MANY&emenl Coumil The crowd ol 49,337 at San Dleao Jack Murphy Stadium booed loudly. Startlng San Diego quarterback Dan Fouta, who refuaed to pay hla union dues last aeaaon , was among several players who remained on the sidelines during the l'OVTI handshaking. Luther took over for Fouts a fter the Charge1'11 drove 75 yards in seven plays for a touchdown on their first possession to take a 7-0 lead. Fouta sat out the remainder of the game after completing all four of his passes for 64 yards. Luther fired a 15-yard scoring pass to tight end Eric Seivers and an 18-yard TD toss to wide receiver Dwight Scales. Rookie Dennis Gentry raced 84 yards with a punt r eturn in the second quart.er for Chicago's first touchdo wn. Rook ie quarterback Jim McMahon igr).ited the Bears' comeback with an 8-yard scoring pass to w ide receiver Duke Ferguson midway through the fourth quarter, making it 28-14. The Bears got their final. two touchdowns just -21 seconds apart. Calvin Thomas plunged 3 yards to make it 28-20 with 2:38 remaining and linebacker Bruce Herron recovered a fumble by San Diego's Rob Preston and ran it 7 yards for a :ro with 2: 17 to go. · Quote of the day "You make your own problems here. I think Mr. Steinbrenner wants you to go out and play as hard as you can and win. If lou do that, there's n o problem." -ee Mauilll, upon being traded to the New York Yankees. """\. Baseball today On thl.I dat.e In bw.e~ll ln 1920: Clt-vcland ahortatop Ruy Clapm41n dlt.td of head lnJUrit'S 11ufforod th~ day bt-fort", when he had ~n b<-aned by New York Yankece pitcher C:url M61y1 Chapman'• death r emains aa the only on-the-field fatality In ml!l jor leagu~ hbtory. On thlJI dat.e in 1894· .. Pitcher John Wadsworth of the National League's Loul1vllle club gave up the •ta"ertna tot.al of 28 aingles in one game, a m!lp r leaaiue record that sUll stand.a. Walker given OK to practice Henchel Walker, the Univennty • of Georgia tailback, was given the green light Monday to return to football practice after apparently• · recovering from high b lood pressure a nd headaches, Bulldogs Coach Vlnce Dooley said-- ... David Boone, a freshman recruit left abandoned by the University of San Francisco's ~ecision to drop basketball, has signed a letter of mt.ent to a ttend St. Mary's College this falJ . . Heavyweight boxer Ernie Shavers (66-9 record with 63 knock outs) faces Waller Santamore (17-7, seven knockouts) tonight m Louisiana ... New York Knicks veteran forward Campy Rossell has undergone surgery on his right knee and may miss the upcoming NBA season. Russell was injured last Friday while playing with friends in Cleveland .. Bill Roeder, a Conner sports writer who became a senior editor at Newsweek, died of a heart attack Sunday. He was 60. Roeder was highly regarded for his coverage of the Brooklyn Dodgers during his car':Cr at the New York World Telegram & Sun. He aiso-euthored Jackie Robinson's biography. TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Boston at Angels. 7:25 p.m., KMPC (710). , WEDNESDAY'S RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Chicago, 11:30 p.m., KABC (790). TllB WBSTEBN AIB FOBCBS" BIUNQS BllCK ITS VNBBA'IJIBLB BONUS FOB FVJ.,L FARB Fl3BRS. Pack your hula skirts. Western Airh'nes has brought back Hawaii for $100 roundtrip. It's the best bargain of the yoor for lull fare travelers. Here's how to quahly. Between now and October 1. simply buy and use any roundtrip fun fare Cooch or First Class ticket (Y or F class only) to anywhere Western Airlines flies in the uru·ted States, e xcept Alaska. Your trip must be at least 300 air miles each way. -Then, when you check rn for both your departing and retum fhghts, ask the agent for a "~ker. When you have two stickers on your receipt, you have a coupon good for a SIOO roundtnp Coach flight to H onolulu. 11 your qualilymg tnp was First Class, you can go First Class to Hawd.Ii for $200 roundtnp. You can take your Hawaii tnp any day between September 14, 1982, and March 23, 1983. except the Chn.stmas hohday penod (December 15, 1982, to January JO, 1983). A nd you must make your Hawaii reservations and purchase your tickets no later than Novembe r 1. 1982. Seats are limited and (icketing restric- tions apply. (Travel Passes may .. not be used to pay for the Hawaii trip.) So fly fuJJ fare Coach or Frrst Class with Western. You may have to pay m ore thdil the discou11ted fare, but Western makes it worthwhile. With our unbeatable $100 Hawaii b011us. Call Western or your Tiavel Agent for all details. YOUR TRAVEL AGENT KNOWS -JUST SAY YOU WANT TO PLY THE WESTERN A IR FORCE. Or c.,JJ u.t any hour of the day or flight at 534-0881: -,J;;t our ticket olllce in the Dl.tneyland Hotel or In C0.tt1J Mttaa In the Down.,-S.rin(fl and Lo.n BuJJdine_, 3200 No. Brl.ttol St. Pllffl .su convenienda, ~.ttem Airlines tiene RflTSOlllJI dtt nnttTVIJciOntt.f qutt hab/IJ n-patroJ: (213) nB-4872. Fbr Al1 Cugo Jnlotm1Jtlo11 onh; cell (213) 77&2222. TTY/TDD (213) 776-3360. """ W'esf8ni Aldlnes Y H1wall/Aleska/M1/nl1nd u S.A !Canada/Mexico • Orangt Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Tue1d1y, Auguat 17, 1882 Cl Dllllr Pffot It.ti Ptloto WORLD SERIES ENTRY -Robmwood of Huntington Beach James Bucheri, Jeff Darling, Man Wazewslu, Todd Sanders. duels Puerto Rico today in the first round of th e World Series Back row (from left) -Coach Paul M atlock, Scott Harper, for 13-year-old Little League all-stars. Kneeling (from left) -Mark Jenkins. Ric ky Vand erriet, Chris Ulmer, Micky Todd Eversgerd, Brian Rochow. Brian Bosse. K eith Matlock, Hitchcock, Matt Hattabaugh, tAanager Rich Ulmer -------------------------=-~--"'------------ Robin wood, ·Puerto Rico • vie • ID first round TAYLOR, Mich. -Huntington Beach's Robinwood Little League All-stars were COll;lpeting in the first game of the Senior M inor World Series today against an a ll-star contingent from Puerto Rico, the 22-1 team from Vega Baja. • Manager Richard Ul m er's Robinwood team has gone unbeaten through the district, sectionals. divisionals and western regionals to qualify for the final tournament, which includes Hobmwood of the West, Tampa Bay of the South, Puerto Rico and two others -all-star g.roups from the Central and F.ast. Seaford, Delaware enters unbeaten and Libertyville, Illinois has lost only once. The heavy-hitting Robinwood team has averaged 12 runs a game to this point. The team batting average is .377 and has been led by the pitching of r ight-hande rs Chris Ulme r , Matt Hattabaugh and Rickey Vanderriet. This is by far the furthest any all- star team from Robinwood (near Marina High) has advanced. Even the sectionals were unsurpassed by any Robinwood team in the past 20 years. From Page C1 SOLIDARITY SOLIDIFYING. • • journalistic field. In a nutshell, he says it's biased. "I think opinions belong in the newspapers," says Ricardo. "How can television possibly give the players' side of it, when they are in contract with the owners? They have a big investment." As for what the players want and what the fans are led to believe, Ricardo continues: "The thing is, everybody thinks everyone is going to get the same amount of 'fnoney. But -every player has a chance to get incentive clauses. A team ends up ranked in the top five in rushing, that's so much to be split up by1players on that team. A pro bowl invitation w ould be worth $70,000. There would be pay according to minutes played in a season. "Right now, the Rams can go 1-15 or 15-1 and they're going to get the same amount of television money. T here's no incentive to build. Out of all the players in the NFL who have played out their opt ion, only one player has gotten an offer." Running around as a player's representative can sometimes be a touchy situation and Ricardo says it's indeed, touchy for him, but he says he has made his decision. "New Orleans drafted a kicker (Michigan S t at e's Morton Ande rson), may be it's a warning," says Ricardo. "So far there's been no problem, right now I've been kicking out of this world ." Ricardo kicked 44 and 39-yard field goals in the Saints' 22-20 Joss to Houston, and has reportedly nailed 40 of 44 of his kicks during camp. "I'm coming into the sea.son with an open mind," says Ricardo. "If they say I'm out, I'm out." The owners may h ave a few points themselves, but Ricardo doesn't see any answers to what he says has been injustice for years. "Take a look at a s tandard player's contract," says Ricardo. "Amorlg things is an agreement to report in good physical shape. Frank Buncom had three years remamm g on his contract and died in the third quarter of the first -game. "H is wife tried to colJect, but they sa1d 'he violated his contract, he's dead.' "If I go out there and break my neck and can never play again, even if I have a four-year contract, all they would pay 1s $37,000, maximum. That's it. The other three years would be voided." Ricardo isn't kidding himself about his own stature, despite his abilities. There is, of course, always a replacement. ''I know I've got my back to the wall as a player's rep," he says. "But l know I'm going to have a great year ahead of me, if I finish. I'm QoinR to stand by my guns." The fans. as displayed in a cascade of boos at most of the players' show of unity. appear to be siding with management on this one. They JUSt want to see the game played. But, what the fans want, or don't want (Oakland. for instance), doesn't always mean a lot. So it goes. The exhibition season continues its slow pace toward the official opening of the 1982 season -and even Ricardo 1s unable to predict or venture a izuess on what will happen . I \.\~~~~:.;;:=;;~~~'' o ~'\. \ -,.:'Z.., w.,,~ ..:::, .. ~~ ,:, 1S-YEAR-OLD8 S.nlor Minot' World S.rlH (at Ta~. Mich.) Todey"a Schedule 3 pm Aot>onwood (Hunttnglon Beech) vs llegt Beja f Puet10 RICol S pm S e•lord (Oelaware1 vi Ubeflyv1lle \llllnota) W9dnMCS.J"I k heckilo 3 p m Tempe Bay l l'tor1de) v• RoblnWood·Vega B•1• wlnnot 5 30 pm -Aoblnwooc:l·Vege Baja loH r ., Sea1ord·llbertyv11te lo1er (lou r ehm1na10c1) 82nd U.S. Amateur Champfonehlpe AMA OUAIJFYINO F1ne1 ,.....,.. o .... lflen ~"' and Ce<one W -Righetti (7·S) L -Blue (9·91. S -Goasage (24) HA -New YO<k. Muzllll f6) ~ • • 0 I .,, " MAJOR LEAGUE ITANDtNOS Ametlcan LMau. WEITUtH DtVISIOH Mpla KantasC11y Clllcago Suttle Oakland T••u MlnnffOte w L ,.C1, oa 417 so S72 66 SI S64 I &4 S2 S52 2'>\ S8 Sii 4941 9 S2 87 437 us 441 69 AOO 20 "° n 342 21 EAST'EftN DIVISION MllWwkeo 68 48 586 Botlon 6' 52 5S2 4 Baltlmor• 60 55 522 7't 0etr011 59 51 soe e New Y0<k se se soo 10 T0tonlo S8 81 487 11'" CleVeland SS Sii 482 12 MoftcleJ"• ._... A,.... 8, Oakllltld 4 N-York 2-4, l(lll'au Clty 0-S T0tonto 2. C..,,..and I DetrOll 3. Sffttlo 1 ao.1on e. B.,tlmO<• 4 Chk:8go 8, Texu I Only g.,,.... 11Ct>eOui.o TodeW'tO- Bollon (Ojeda•·$) et A,.... (T1.,,1 I· II. n C..,,..and (WlllllOll 2·2 and Sutcliffe 9·4) 11 T0tonto (loal 8-10 and GleMI t-01 Seattle tCtlM'k 2.0 and Stoclclard 0-0\ al Detroit (Wllco• 7·8 and Puhnlc:k 2-4) l(anaaa City (Sptlttortl 7·8) Al NllW York (M0<gan 8·7). n B8'1'"'°"9 (Fl.nagan 8° IO) at Mlnne.ol• (O'Connor 6-S). n Clllc:aQO (Kooeman $-51 at Texat (Schmidt 3-5), n Miiwaukee (Heu 9·7) at O•kland (Langford 8-13), n Nettonel leegue WISnRM 04VltlOH WL~.Q8 ea 53 664 83 53 643 1\11 83 55 534 7' .. 82 57 5:11 4 S3 84 453 12 43 75 3&4 22\lo ,...,.. .... OM9IOtt St loult 87 50 573 P1111ac1e1pNe 845 51 5$.t I MonltMI 81 55 525 51~ Ptttttiurllll eo s1 513 1 MW Yotlt 50 ea 431 141',. Clllcago 51 1111 425 171'1 ......,. ...... ClnclnneU 3. HouliOfl 2 ( 11 !Minoa) Onl)'ear-~ ,....,..a.- .. :----(Hooton I·&) al Cl>lctlgo (Mc>IM ~ontrNI (LH 9·8 and 8\.lffl• 4.12) ., AllMIA (Mahlft M Mel W .. 10-t) Nw Y0111 (C>wflby 0-0) II Clnalnnatt (lloto t-7), n t in fr1noteco (H•mmoa1 11·8) •I l'tlltburOll {~ .. I 1), n 8en Diego (lllow 0-4) at It Lou•• (Md\!Jat t-10), n PNlecMlphle (CllrilleMOn 7 • 7) •I HOl,.lan (l'Ulit M ). n ~~r ~Of\ 000 000 020 00-2 7 0 ~ 101 000 000 01-3 I 0 Aywt. ~ (7), 0. lmltft (t) Md Putc*; I.~. IMler (I). Kem 111) encl TNWlo, w -Kem 2·8. l -0. llMll (1-4) H"' - Hou9IOI\. '· toott (1) ~. w ... 2 (4). A -tt.MI SECOM> OAME Yank-4, llofale I Kanus city 000 ooo OJ0-3 11 1 New '1'0tk 000 10 I 20K-4 9 I Blaek. Armstrong (6) and Sleught. R May. McGlotl'len (8), Gossage (9J encl B Ramoe W -A Mey (S·3) l -Bl3Ck (3·4). S - GoSSllge 12SI HA1 -Kanses City, Slaught (3), Wnlle 12 I) New York. Plnlellt (4), Win field (20) A -26,81 S Tlgon S. Mannen 1 &1a111e 000 000 100-1 8 o OelrOlt 010 100 10• 3 9 0 F BannlSler and s-. Morrll end L M Perrlall W Morris ( 14· I I) L F Bannister ( 11·8) HR -Detroit. lemon 110\ "' -1•.290 81119 .M,_ 2. ..,.,._ 1 CteYeland 000 000 100-I 5 I Toronlo 000 00 I 10x-2 5 0 Walts and H&SMy. Goll. J M<:llluglllln (9) and B Martinez Wllllt (8) W -Gott (4-8) l Walts (I· 121 A -17,704. WMleS.ltt.~1 Cllicaoo 100 201 020 6 t t 0 Te"aa ooo 100 000-1 10 2 Dolson. l amp (91 and Flak, Honeycutt Comer (8) •nd Sundberg W -Ootton (7· 1 IJ l -Honeycull 15· 14) HA - Chicago. BelnM ( 17) A 11.048 llod So1 ._ Otio!ee 4 8a1Um0<e 000 004 000-• 7 1 Bolton 000 211 101-11 11 o D Martinez. G Davit (8~ T MlllllneZ (7) end OempMy: Rainey. Cleet (6). Burgmelot (6) and Allenson W -8ufg<Mler (&--0) l - G. DaYl1 (3-3) HA, -Balllmore. Ao.nle;ll• Liii), l~atetn (18) Botton, Evant (20). an1tord (7) Ana.ta I . A's 4 CALWOflHI{ • OAl(LAHO Oownlno II Benlque'l 11 Carew lb Ae.Jckan rl ACllM'k rt Baylof dll Lynn ct Gtleh 2b Wlllono 3b Foll sa Boone c Tot.ii abrllbl MHlllll 2 I I 0 A Hnclan II 3 0 I 0 0000 Murpfly c1 3 100 5 I I 0 l-2b 3 0 1 0 4 1 I 1 McKay 2b 1 1 I 0 0000 Annu rt 30 11 5 1 1 0 Burghs dh 4 1 2 1 ~ 2 I 2 Rudi 1b 3 I 2 2 4 010Groa3b 1000 4 2 2 2 Klu11t 3b 3 0 0 0 3 0 1 3 Moyet 1b 1 0 0 0 •OOO Moyet 1b tOOO ............ ~ 40 00 FStenly M 3 0 0 0 34 I II 8 Pege ph 1 0 0 0 a-.. ltf lotala 33 •I 4 Celllornla 010 002 131-I Ou lencl 000 200 020-4 E -F Stenley. H-OP -0.land I l08 -C•lllomla 5, Oalllan<I I HA -Audi (4). Lynn (18). Wiifong (1) SF -Fol, ~ Jec:k-c....... • " ...... M) z.ehr(W.13-5) 71'1 I 4 4 4 5 ~~ 1~ 0 0 0 0 2 =0L.'"31 1 5 4 3 3 2 ,_. 2 2 2 0 I J "-~ 2 1 I 0 1 ,Hanna 0 0 1 0 1 0 TIJoWwOOd I 0 0 0 0 0 • Hllllll• pOOlled 10 2 beti.t't In l"r 9111 T -z·!lt A -37.J ... UTTLI L.aAOUll 11-1•= .... , ..... -..... 1 ..,.. ...... ............... Klnti.nd NtliONI {Wllltlngton) 3, Copp« leY91d (N,M I 0 Ot11t Oro..-, 84111 "-(Nonwn Ctlltotnl•I IT. Hof1ll ~~cU-Cody~ ¥9, ~ (Mon1-1. 11:30 pm KAMOhe l.....,.t w LM Veo-Centrtl. I p m \ Thurad•y'• ac-ule 3 p m Sealord·llbertyv11te winner "' Tempe B•y-Roblnwooc:l·Vegea wlnne< S SO p m --Sulord·L1bort'f\'llle loset vs Tampa Bey-Roolnwooc:l·Pueno Alco I~ frlday•1 Scll«lule 3 pm -lows breckel (one game) S•lurd•r.·• kllodulo 2 p m Champ oneh1p game (second game 10 lollow 111 S II winner's bracket llnallet loses llrat gam<1) ATP cMtTlpfonehlpe (at ...._, Ohio) ""' flound ., ...... Stan Smith IU SI del JoN Lopet·MNao 1So9tnl. a.3. 6-7 &·2, Btltn Teachef IU S I d•' Erik l1k11<1ky (U S.), 6-2. &-3. Carlos Klm\9Y8f' (Are->llna) Clef Chrlt l -S (N ... ZHlaM). 8-3. 6-1. a-Mayor (U s ) def '4i«e Cel>ill (U S ~ 11-4, &-1. Ndui<a Odlt0t (Ntgorlt) Clef Merty OeYl1 (U S). 1-8. &-1. 7·5. CMalOl)he AOQ91°ValMlin (f,.,,.,.) def Scott McColn (U s ). 0-2. 41-4. Oonle VI- .South Alrlcel del Chrlt MayOtte (U S ~ 3-6, &-4. 7-8, Tnomu HoQttedl (Sweden) Clef Malt Wllaf\ci.t (SW911er!l. 7·6, ~. 6-1; Gl-Moretton (FrlllC»I dal. M.t Purcell (U.S.). 2-6 8-1, 7..S Nettonat Ameteur tournement (•t Ki-.lle La .... N.Y.) Finl ,._,,., ..... ... MIN David Llvlngtton (U 5.) d•I Jay Horine (US). 1·8. 2-6, 6-3: Norman Schellenger (U 8.) ~t Braoo Helgoeon (U.S l. 7-5. 6-1 WOMEN Leigh Anne Eldredge (U.S.) del Jen" Howt (New ZHl•nd). 11·0, 11·0, Barbara Gerken (U.8 ) Clel Julie Sutton (U.S.), 6-2. 6-0 ,,_Yef11 Che"-"O• (at llicHotrMI) f lnl "-'41 9lfleNit Jo Durie (U.S ) Clef. Candy ~eynoldt (U.S.). &-•. e-2: Ro••• C•eal1 (U s.1 def. Helen• Sukova (C1t<:hoelovekle). 4·8. II·•. 8· l. Corinne lltM!< (France) dol. LIM Boneler IU S). ~. 6-2. Olano Fromholu (Aus1rtlla) def A~ Moulton (U 8 ~ 6-3, 4-8, 6-2; Ktt• l •them (U $.) Gt! KIUerill• Llndqultl ISweafn). •·•. J·O. •· 1, ova tludtrova Creeh o 11ovul•I del Peanut loult tC•n•da). 7 ·5. 8·3. Mereel• Sk11lloreka 1crechotlovalllt l dal M•rr Plntero~a (HUngwy). l-3. &-<!: l.,.. SenCloll (9-denl dtf. Mllf'Jorte ~wooa 11..a11aa•~ t>-:t. 6-4, Virginia Aiald (Rolllenla) dtf Shalon Wet.ll (U S.~ &-3. 7-8 80ATIMO .... ....... ll00· 1•A (II -1. Ml•t El .. n1>1rg. Wlnd)enlmet YO: 2. Guy flaltee, MltltlOn Bey YC. LIOO• 148 (7) -I Kevin C..... .. Illa CorlftlhlM YC, 2. Roy WOOl=Llelo -YC SABOT A ( 10) -1 .IOlwl • ecvc: 2. o.vtC1 ,.,flllOO, LIYC, 3 Pa.14 , loutll 11\0te YC. 9Aa0T. (8) -I. C:O.ty Coe*. UYC. IAIOT O{ltl-1. llftnl MtMllt, ave: I Cl'lr11 Miiier, 8YC; ~ 1-..... Oleon, ~ H•tlOr YC. = (•I Lome• 8.nta fe C.C •• ~ 9Hcll) 141 Jtm P101~1n (Arrowhead CC). 143 MichMI AOOtley (Mountain Slltelow• CC). 14S -Dennis LeOonn1 (Y0tba Londa CC), 146 -Oav1d Hobby tSente Ana CC). Edward Sutolik (Rio liondo CCI. 148 Sieve N-ton (Waet CoaSI Amat8Yr G A ), Kim Dolen (let lleoas G C ). Kevin s111er IStarduat CCI (•t Hof1fl ftanc:ll C.C .• Wfftleke VIHtvt) 139 -Hecv Nakualll (Alvleta CC). 142 Greg Starkman (Hllk:fesl CC), , .. 3 -Jell Johnson (Sepulveda CCI, IH But G1eene (North Rench CCI. Mark Blakely 1wea1 Coast Amtleut G A >. 145 -weyne Case (Satleoy CC). 1411 Mickey Yoko! (Sepulveda G C ) Derek Goldstein 1B1entwoo<1 CCI. °"° ... n.hlna Allrl LAHDtlfo (.._port ..e.c111 -72 •nolof• 57 b .... 65 bonllo. 2N mtcll~el 8 rockllah 7 aheepht•d t cabuon t • tcUlpffl OAWY'8 lOCKl!l'I ("""""1 9-11) - 1S6 81\Qlets ... 44 llonlto. I S calico b .... 11~4 macke<91. 30 rock cod 13 senel bHI I )'llflOwlaM. OANA WMAltf' -1118 ang!ora 59 1 l>Ua. 379 bOnllo 908 mackerel, I rock lllh SEAL BEACH -95 1ngle11 12 barrtcuda, 113 bonito, 40 cellco ball. I halibUI. S70 maclla<el. 20 rlek flail. 85 aano bus, 1 sheophoad 1a.reo1-103 •"liter• 5 bOnflo. 6 hllllbvt. 300 mackerel. 7 aand bta. 400q.-i flall 8AN DllEOO (HAM l•ndlna) -~117 anglen 734 tlbKOre. 13 wtllowlln tvna.i' 500 wlllle croel<er Loe AlaMltoe MOHOAY'IM8UUS (tl•lef ~· ............ _.,,., FlltST flACl. 350 yarda. N•Y)' CNc:k Go (CIM9'fJ 51 40 17 20 II eo Mitt Fut Ptldt (HA11) 5 80 4 20 Jet On MHo (TrMJUf8) 4 80 Aleo raced Mickey Alve11, Ima Ea11t Auufed Juen, See Mye1~ 8tNll N lo VM ... Cllppet. ENy Winning Timr. 1i 17 1:2 UACTA 19.f) ptld 5 145 20 MCOHO "ACl. allO yanll ~ ~ 1C11t ... 1 13 "° o oo 4 eo PMtM! (M,.._) 8.00 .UO ""'" (1'~1 3 00 o rac•d. Mt Marry Clllek. l"loe. OlllNGll l1rM t7 H. ,.,.._. MCL 170 Yllf'dl Slf U"8 Gem (DalOMba) 01 80 tUO 0 '° wenvno (Han) 1.00 4 eo II lf'fl Lueicy (Tr .. aure) 4 '° Aleo raceCI: Boy Vtltntlne, BIOtftltnnlt l e.r. FINI.,,.,,.,., Oo Oh Torv Tlme. 40.SS. 'OURTH UCL 400 y11d1. 8°'11 01 A Clltmp (Peullne)7 10 0 20 UO Tl'lt ~ (Oht"M) 8 00 5·IO Too Aara (T,_I 000 AIM> 19*· ,_.. EMlllf', 11\iM>lO Clnelat-. ~bit Tull Turtlen. Mao laurel. 'l•lllr ThtrmOe. H(Oll DeMt1 "°"9. WyWICkll ,._, T*"'-' toU. • DACTA (74) pelCI M4,00 , Big Eight's same, it's still tlie Big Two Kansas is the long. hot I or honors KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) Not since Nebraska beat Oklahoma last November have C.omhusker fans had to much to amlle abo ut. Turner Gill's unusual foot Injury 1B responding to treatment Gill's re<..-overy from the nerve dama~e which kept him out of Nebrasl_(a's final two ~ames Last season could be the pivotal development in this year's Big Eight football race. The injury caused partia l paralysis m his r ight foot. He had feeling in the foot, but lmle control of it. But the news out of Lincoln , Neb .. this s ummer 1s that the foot may be 100 percent healed by the time the season gets rolling. WHOEVER LINES up at quarterbac k will have the incumbent Outland Trophy winner snapping the ball to him. Dave Rimington , a remarkably quick. powerful seni o r , will have a go a t repealing as Big Eight Offensive Player of the year. Nebraska is also blessed in the backfield, with Mike Rozier and Roger Craig. Rozier , a junior, won offensive newcomer-of-the· year laurels last year after rushing for 943 yards. Nebraska returns only five starters on defense, but tackle Toby Williams and linebackers Steve Damkroger and Brent Evans are as good as anyone in lhe conference. · The team with the most returning starters in the Big Eight is Kansas State, following a 2-9 season and a gamble by Coast Coach Jim Dickey. lN THEORY, K-State returns 26 starters. Last year. effectively conceding the season. Dickey r e dsh1rted 10 lettermen . including eight seniors who had started in 1980. But sportswriters in a summer poll conducted by the Big Eight office figured there would be no change a t the top. Oklahom a and Nebraska, according to the writers, will dominate the Big Eight again as they did throughout the '70s and so far in the '80s. The defending champion Huskers gathered 89 first-place votes t o 35 for Oklahoma. Tulsa. with 45 retu rning lettermen. is generally favon.'CI to win a thJrd consecutive Missouri F1Fn4 RACE. 870 yards F't1ar Bob (TreMureJ 14 00 4 20 2 80 The Bomb tPaulrne) 3 00 2 40 Rolle>< Aeuon (Oelombal 2 60 Also raced lueks l1Qntnmg Mr Sl•Cy Bob Time 4600 SUITH RACE. u o v••ds. M110 SI• (Ad9lrl 13 60 7 60 4 20 My Easy Viclory (Trea!Ure) 10 00 6 00 Tru<:11e<s Joy 1c1 .. ger) 2 80 Also r1c;ed Duplicate Takeott. Pleaunl Polley. Take A Walk Morris Ne111 ... B'9 lHOUO Dance<. Truly A Chic. limited l'OOC)' IEVENTH ftACE. 400 yards SM• A Windy Oat (Myles) 6 110 s 60 4,20 Churkend00$9 (CreaQet) a 80 7 20 Kay Ceo Deb (Hart) 4 60 Alto raced Semon11a. Che1okee Moon lady Aebs Hope, Silk K.llten, Bookl8S Chlek Miu C>loco Dancer Time 20 29 '2 UACTA (2·SI paid $82 80 EIGHTH llACE. 350 yards Miis CUii Credit (Adair) 5 00 3 20 2 80 E•tfl Fall 1Creag0tl 6 40 4 00 0..egulate !Cardoza) 5 80 Also racea L1m1oe11a. 1 nti "''""'"ian. Hy to The Moon, Gollkamoon Proud MemO<IOS tome 1185 *2 UACTA (5·61 paid $30 20 U PICK llX (6·7·3 10·2·151 paid $4,· S79 60 ""'h 10 winning llC~ets (five n0<-) $2 ConlOla110t1 Pick Six paid S 74 80 (lour hO<Htl NINTH ftACE. «O verds OH·SQI Peppor l'Mlure (Cerdoa ) 2 40 2 llO 2 20 OH-Sh•-Hoo (laclley)4 80 5 20 3 80 Senll0t Sage tCrtegerl 3 60 Also raeed Code Of The Wtl91 Six Te Es Ea Te Pretty Rebelle Ta-Polley Freocl\ Force OH~l>HI tor win Time 21 73 12 EXACTA (3·111P•ld S840 12 UACTA (8-J) paid '17 20 T'ENTI4 lllACE. 400 yerdt Kita CAI* (Broolc9) 51 80 25 40 1160 Top Em Up (Lackey) 8 00 • 80 L~ Speedy S1w (Tonks) 5 40 Also raotld Do• ROj09. Ktpe Anoet Raba OeMre. Dupes llllle Bee•. Aockels Cllar09r PrOUd Dukey. Venture F01k1. Time: 20.40. 12 1.XACTA (7·81 paid S32S 40 Allendlnce -9,952 Def Mar MOMOAY'S lleSUUS (24"' o1 u.Ger '"*-""..,... -•tnol flllaT .-ACIE. 8 11.or•ono•· Another Tov fOrlegal 16 20 8.00 6 20 PrlnceM Leilah (118*\lu.ial 1 00 • 40 Bad Bad Lucy (Ca1tanoda) •.80 Ai.c> raced: Blek-. Fenart E .. CaoMll•. Flrab1ll Flaah. Century's Ledy. I W•nna Ooct0< Patella Fleet Time. t to llS M COHO ftACIE. 8 Mtonga. Fabulout Too (W.,.,.,,) 8.80 5 20 3 40 Fr-Jon\"1 H-(Ca•t•neela) 7.20 • 80 King"• Plot (Guerra) 4 90 Alto tactd 1r1a11 Guy. Stop Ao11on. AentGttd l0¥9. Swtn Bunny. Rtlltrlke, 8IQ lnltrno, Spe11awev. Son Angelt1. He·n KatClllUm Time I 09 215 ta DAil Y oou.t..E (8-4) pel<I '8 I IO THIN> llACL 8 futlonO• MM! A 0.-(l-,noel 13 80 1.40 3 90 Petr-1~1 • 20 4 eo P ..... Paula (H....,,I 4 20 AlltO r~ Smlr1<9'1. P•ta,.i, Courao-n Connlt. •n-t ,.., •. Time. I. 11 • UACTA 11-'I peld 1 144.00 ~°"'"" ltAC .. 6 luf10nOt. &eril;lft (~) 31 40 D IO 6.IO ,IO UO l.ldy ot "90 (Ollllf'l'•I •IO 3.IO 0..tltland (Slnll I U O AIM> r_,,: 'cklle Angel. O\lletl Study, Aehly Whlllet, Synoot>t••· S•nt• B•nt•. NAVOOOd"I S.IW. A Peplltf, ~· fanlMY. A 8t1tt19y Ten. Time• t: I 1 Siii ,.,,. ltACI. Ont mlle l11001PCll'•t0t {Diiiey') 111.eo ., oo a.eo ~it Not!Nlll ~I 6.40 3.00 M!n11ttl Gfw (""'-1) a.to Ai.o twreeG; Noftltt. OIMtY HUii, Oooo, Mr. "'9ctof. o..ctro. ~ O'alellt. Almlllfto ""* 1~6 "" • UA~A (~Tl P9ld 11u.oo. ---~ ·---- Valley title The Colden Hurricane, lo1t lta \op two quarterback• and entire defenalve Une to graduatJon SKIP AST i• the o n ly 11eholah.hlp quarterback who wu available In s pring practice. Prum1al ng sophomores on the defensive line Include Kevin Lilly, Brian Bruner and Daniel Wallace W1ch1ta State could have it.a first wlnnrng season in 10 years. THE MIDLANDS At quarterback will be senior Prince McJunkins, the 1981 Missouri Valley Conference offensive player of the year. Coach Willie Jeffnes has eight offensive and nine defensive starters back from last year's 4-6-1 team. Third m the Big Eight poU was Missouri. Kansas got the other fu"St-place vote and was forecast for a f o ur~h -place finis h . According to the poll, Oklahoma will run fifth , followed by Kansas State, Iowa State and Colorado. OKLAHOMA WOULD be in trouble if everything hinged on returning starters. On offe nse, the Sooners do not have anybody back who s tarted a ll e leven games last fall. .. Righ t now, we have less talent, experience and strength on the offensive line than we ever had," said Coach Barry S witzer. "Hopefully, this year our defense will be able to carry our offense for a while." The re are eight defensive starters back, including all- league tackle Rick Bryan and linebacke rs Jackie Shipp and Thomas Benson . Switzer might ask for h e lp from a pair of freshmen. running back Marcus Dupree and defensive e nd James Lee. Kansas and Oklahoma State will fie ld pe r h aps the best kickers in the conference, and maybe the country K a nsas punter Bucky Scribner led the league with an average of. almost 44 yards a year ago, including 19 boots of more than 50 yards and 20 inside the enemy 20 yard-line. Oklahoma St.ale's Larry Roach won two games outright for the Cowboys and set an NCAA freshman record by hitting 19 of 28 attempts. SIXTH llACE. 6 IUrtongs Stoett SPltl (P1ncayt II 20 S 00 3 20 College Money (Oelat>ooissaye) 6 60 3 80 Golden Madrt (Mena) 3 60 "''o ractd Todo Candy s llalen11ne. Hempen a NurM Ky CounMIOt Zacatooya T awn11 E1USion Time I 10 SEVINTll llACE. 6 lurtongs Sllady Fo" tCep;ta.net 8 40 4 20 3 40 Boyne \/alley (Hawi.yJ 41 60 11 20 Big Presenllllon (Mc:CatronJ 5 20 AISo ractd Grlltle. MotlYlly. Another Ae9tm. Advocating, VIClory Sample. Flyl"Q Chick Amen Brotllflf El Jebel Time 1 09 t6 EXACTA (7·5) P•ld 11,3"8 SO Sl PICK Ill< (4· I· 12·3·0·7) paid S38.· 3 73 00 with 2 winning tlc:kela (II• horset) $2 Conaolallon Pick S1w paid $730 80 with 3S wlM1ng llckets (five norses) EIOWTM ftACl . One mile T '""' 01 Sele 1snm11rt 33 20 9 ?O •.80 Sllerllj Brown (Oolt1houu11ye1 4 80 3 20 1n1t1n1H (McCarron) 3.80 Also 'aced Ruling Olploma1. Some !(Inda Fllrl. Show Me Deer Hop's Perlecllon. Fesnton nowleelge Time 1"38 2/S NINTH RACE. I 1118 mile Danielson Dr (E•tr•da) 25 00 10 00 7 40 Oodg1119 Along t0t1egal 4 tlO 4 60 Coastal Pride (H.wtey) 10 20 Aleo "ced l'l"I Ruta<. Sandy Omen, NOOla Kn;g/11, Native Encounter. Reverb Sir Sp.ucio. lite"• Gey Aulet Trlhot Time I 43 ta EXACT A t 10-81 paid $408 00 Allendanc:. -15.299 Mond., .. t""'8e0tlone ANllAU Amwtc.ft l.MtW CLEllELANO INOIANS -Removed Alan Bannlater. 1n1leldet·Out1lalder, trom lhl dloabled 1111 •nd ltnt Karl Pagtl. 11••1 baMmerl. to Cherlflton of the lnl•natlon•I league DETROIT TIGERS -Traded Richie Hebner, trlflel<l8<. to IM Pltuburgll Plre1H '°' • pt ayer to l>t named lat•. NEW YORK YANKEES -Pl.cad Barry Foote, catt:llef. on Iha 15-Clay dlM~ ll1t and purch1Hd the contract ol Bobby Aa mot. c •tchtt, Columbu1 o t tll• 1ntern11lon11 lt•gue Moved Butch wynegar, catcllot. lrom the 15-<ley dlM~ list 10 the 2 l ·d•Y Ila! N9tloNIL...-MONTAEAl EXPOS -Sent Tom Gormen. pitcher, lrom WICllll• ol lh• Arner1cWI AeaoclatlOtl 10 Tldewalt< of Ille lnt.,nellonel Laague, to ~· a tr.ot with Ill• NtW York Mtl• fOt Joet Youn;bloocl POOT9N..L ......... , ...... L.lellllt CINCINNATI BENGALS -CM AnlllOny EV-. deltntlYI bad!, 8ar1 8uffell jlftd Klp9 Btdltd. wide r_._. CLEVELAND 8ROWNS -,.__, ..-.,ltnktne. tlgllt and. IM'ld 0on Troedwell. wide rtCllYlr. KANSAS CITY CHIEF'S -Cut Dan l.1\'111. wlOt Nll»N«' atW Rober1 "'"-· oent• ~IAa.jl o ous-HINS -W•l•ed H•n• NltlMll, pti1ctlllcktf. and IC.ovln Aomn1. ruMlnO beck PHIL.AOEl""IA EACJLE8 -AMe..o Gall O•vle, mldcll• Quarcl. Wllllt Tolbeft and AntllQny $1 ..... wide rtotMra: o..rt P.,ne. John Zupenc;lc and Terty C•HOll, llMOecllttt: CllflflM Wllllama end Cll\lotll 8cl6ctt. CltfwltlYI btli*e; .,... ~Y991. pullltt: and J-H*""'1~, ~ ilnel. JAN fflANC13CO 4111'18 -0111 Ton., lln01n""91' llMC>tlCfl•. WA.HINGTON Rl!DSKINS -C111 1111 KMMll, qullfltfbtell, and 0wtyne OlouOllY. tight 11\d, I """"·' ._._. ...... ., ...... IPRINQFll!UI INDtAN8 -NtmtCI OtlanCI KUfttnbtetl llteCI OOtiC:ll. ........ ......., ....... DtT"°4T fttO WINOI -NlltMd Weyne Meltr dlt~101 ol 1001111ng lor _,te1n CtNICI& cou.aOI L. MlllOU"I -Nel'Md JCIY" C6Mot0ft lwtdeol!llM- ... t 'I Orange Coaa• DAILY PILOTITUHdly, Auguat 17, 1i82 P nhall's • image l'IOmlOUI ....... f'IOnnGUe ..._.. PtOhflOUI ..,._ .. ..,,.. IU~ ..,,.. l'tAftlllM'T tllAMI IYA,,_., TM loMoeint penone 111• 60fnO The ~'*""'era ~ The lollowlng p.r•on 11 dotng new MUC MJOCE • N:nnout.,_U NAiii ITA ftMIMT the lollowlno 11er1on 11 doing "'*-.. Ml.IC NOJIC( 'ICllTIOUI .,.._ .. NAJIM IT A Tl•NT et For TV career "'*"--.. ~ .. llUell.-.. M. IA,A, llU I . lllOOMcl, MUA otvaLOl"MINT 11, <42H 1Nrl .. LUDl1 • Cwdlao Owa &ent• Me, ()a, H101 =~UI Oflv., Sult• c, N•wport P r o or • m 1 I ,. t 11 " LU 0 I!. 1 A ' •.• fOUCli or CL.AH, I 189 t An•bcll, 011~en Orove. CA t :re•a llu1 1onow.1110 ~·on 1a dotno but1r1euu. OUA ,AllOAIT( TMIN08, ).411 t>ar.1111 81 tr'Ylrll. Ca 11~114 Lamor•ltl H111¢ook 111. JO I Pac:t11 81 trvtna. Ce t27 1<4 l.ONOON (Al') Amurlt.:4m Bruoo Penhall I.!! u triple w orld c hampion, u h u u 1wh 11 ld 11u 111 t' 10 Britain •nti Euro pt! In thl· U111tt.'<i S wtt."111, hnrdly 11.nyon e has ht>a rd or him Pt•nha ll, a 2:> )'':ur o ld Cultfomlan from &lhoo , lttmit I.e.> r..·hun.g~ t hal THI!: BLOND CYCLIST, who hCJ~-. to rN.ke hunsclf a H o llywood movie ~tar. recently captaine d tht' U nited States to victory in the W or ld T e am S peedway champio nship at London ':. White City Stnd ium. On Aug. 28. he d e fe nds his w orld indiv idua l title a t the Los Ange les Coliseum I l i r k s Pt.• n h a 1 I t h a t w h I I t' speedway. a dirt trac k m o t or cyclt> sport raced on a n ova l circutt, ts a maJOr spectator a ttract1on an Europe and i'\UStr aha, ff'w Americans ou tside Cahfom ia even know wha t 1t 1s. Pe nhall, who also holds the w orld pa irs title w ith ((!llo w Ame rican Bobby Schwartz, IS only lhe second s peedway ndcr in history to hold au three w orld t itles consecutively. HIS VICTO RY at W e mbl e y S t<}dium in fro nt of 9 2,000 s~tators at last year's w o rld firfaJ e ve n cam c.'<i htm a t e legr a m fro m P reside nt Reagan. N o w Penha l l. who ts lo have a s tarrt ng ro le m th e televts1on sen es "CHiPS," 1s to b a s e himse lf in America a fter sp e nding five years riding f or the C r adley H ea th H eathe ns m the Brttistt League . In Britain s peedway is second only to soccer as a s pectato r s port in winte r , b ut .Pe nhaU feels the ume is right for him to m a ke the s witch. He aims to use h is telev ision role to boosl speedway and also will ride m a number o f meeti ngs in the Unite d Stal.cl, when\ ho lnd his manager, Jett lmmt'<ila\(I, h o P" to promo~ the s port "I COULD HAV E continued In speedway In Brtualn for another two o r three years, but I dead-=d to take the chance of an acting c~r whlltt It wa. there," he aaid. Penhall ha. uuiatod that his TV contract allo w him tO ountinue racing. I l e intends to defend his pairs lltJe ln AustraJin on Dec. 11. He Is confide nt that speedway, which already draws weekly crowds o f up to 10,000 to circuits In the Califorrua cities of Cost.a Me4 and San BemardJno will t.ake off coast to l.'OaSl. "After seeing speedway on teleVlSion, people are goLng to want to get out and see it live.'' he said. "IT IS EXCITING a nd Cast . U people see what the sport is about, It could explode." The world ch ampionships. which P e nhall says wiU be s h own on the CBS Sports Spectacular program, will a ttract major international interest. Penh a ll's title de fense is big news in Britain, where he has a column in a daily newspaper. and Europe. "I'll be sorry to leave Britain and Cradley Heath. but a fter five years I h ad to make a d ecisio n," he said. ''I can't race a motorcycle all m y life ad I might n ot have these opportunities in three or four years." IMMEDIATO SEES Penhall as t h e vehicle for a speedway boom. in the United States. "N.o o n e has tried to promote the sport in the U .S .. '' he said. "With Bruce as the figurehead, I'm sure it will make a big impression." Ayala Jr. released, hut not long S AN ANTONIO, T e x as (AP) - Anto nio "T o n y" A yala Jr .. arrested for b urg la r y, w as rele ased on bond from )CUI M onday, but a uthorities said the junior middle weight boxer probab ly will be p acked up again in a m ove to revok e his p robatio n for assault. P o lice arrested A y ala, 19, inside a s tra nger's h o u se in the boxe r 's u ppe r-m iddle-class neig hbo rhood about 10 :30 pm. S unday a fte r th e homeowne r called and said someon e w as m h is g a rage. A yala w as c harged with burglary of a habital1on , but was re leased early M onda y a fter pay ing a $10,000 bond and a $40 speeding ticket. But Bexar County's assistant chief probation officer , Fred Leiserin g, said pro b a l1on o fficia ls expect anothe r w arrant for A y ala's arrest to be issued after the district attorney's office has completed paperwork o n the burglary charge. "It appears fro m ex perie nce that there's probably en ough evid e nce to warrant a m o tio n b e ing filed to revoke his probation," Leisering said. "Pro bably a noth er warrant will be issued to arrest him." Ayala pleaded guilty in April 1980 to an aggrat>ated assault c harge before Distric t Judge Mike M achado , who assessed a 10-year probated sente nce The charge stemmed from a Dec. 23, 1978 beating of a 17-year-old girl in a w om en 's r estroom a t a drive-in theater. Police said the girl suffered a ruptured bladder and o the r injuries in the attack. Machado gave Ayala the probated senten ce aft.er the fighter paid the girl for the injuries. Wilches MOllil'l*I lala, IOtl Mwwllle c., t 2HO Poat•Caru110 Ot>porlunrty, De~ HunllnQIOf\ IMM. Oa taloll'P oVna•Pltll, lno. (a Callfornfa IHTt .. LUDI!. a Pr-11¥9 COfonaiy Fortun•IO Avlll, UOI W ~ailolll •262 Campus 0tt11e care Prooram, 330 Park Avenue. 01\eellllll. Senta Ana. Oa. 12104 8utle c ~ IMldl Ce t2MO Sutt• No . 7 , L1oun• Ou oh, Thie buelnwa It oorid~ by 1 l a;n•y Ma11tn, an' tndlvldual, CellfOfnta t2H I Umlt.ct pwlnerlllllp OU Caml)t.1t Otlve, 8lll1• c. Batbata R. Wrtgnt, Ph 0., 30eo ,onunato AVIia ~ lffell, c a 12680 Ml View Drive, Laguna BHoh, Thie 1ta1-1 wu fllad with the I', a n • " o o o d man a n c.lttotnla 92861 County Clef1I of OfMQ!I CountY on tndMdual. ntOO Avt®• oi th• Tlll9 ~ It con<1..c1eo by an July 30, 1912 SlalM, Pelrn o-t-1. Ce 92?60 ll\C!Mck*, F1.... Thia l>Ull-11 con<IU¢1t0 by 1 Befbatl R WrlQht, Ph 0 Anni Looi" 'talc;l'lat, 1'13 W Haci.nda Pl , Anllhe4m, CA 92904 Thi• bu•I-II oonduattd by •n tnallfl<IUll Anna l outM FtarGhat fhll lte~I WIU lllad with Iha County Clark or Orange Coun1y on July 20, IN2 ,.t111'7a Publl1h10 Or1nge COHI Dally Piiot AllQ 10 11 24. 31. ltU 31H&-112 Publl1h•d Orang• Cou t 0 11ty Mmlled Plll1'*"'11C> Thie t111etntn1 wu tied with rile PllOI Aug. 3, to, I 1 2<4, ta.2 DYNA•PLEX. INC ~ly Oler'lo. Of Orenoe County on ------------ :SOM.2 Aobaf1 H Otrvll. My 1•1 1"2 PUBtlC NOTICE Pr.Iden! MIO • WltiOHT ----... ---... -llt\-TV't____ Thi• •l•IM*lt w .. filed With the ~~·,-!~ ............. NOTtCI Of' ----"----""-'------C~ty Cl«k of 0r.,. Covnly on •o::.r-.._.... TIIUITH'• I AIA l'lCTrnOUt llUllNIH Augu•I 2• 1912· """*Leg-~~. CA t21161 DICLAl'=U~"1:~~1NANTt, NAMI STATI....,. d H. vtCTOA IUCHllt, .lft, F1t3'21 COHOt'TIONI AND 00~~0~:.w1ng per1on " otno "'*Mr at Law Publl1hed Or•"Q• Co .. , 011ty l'llT,.ICTIONI BU81NE88 AOVEATISINO & OM .... ,.,, l"tMe, 'oun" "· Pltol. July 27, AU{! 3. lO, 17· l992 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOER COMMUNICATIONS 22t'74 El Toro 1$01 Dowe • .,... 3366-112 TH AT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF Aoed £1 TOfo CA 02630 .... pott heOtl, Ca. atlO COVE NANTS, CONDITIONS ANO wattac;e Edward trtih 2411111 Publl1h1d Drano• Coe11 Dally RESTRtOTtO NS DATED MARCH Lakefleld St El TOfO CA 92630 Piiot AllO 3, 10, I 7. 24, 19112 fltBJC NOTICC 2 6 . 1 0 1 ~ 0 F l H E l A 0 u NA TN• oo..M.. " ~.ct by. II\ 3"1W»ll2 v I L L A G E 0 w N E R s lndMdual '1CTTTIOUI .UltNlll ASSOCIATION UNLESS YOU Wallew EdWWO Irle!\ NA* ITATl•NT TAt<E ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR Thia 1111-1 Wll flled With 1he P\llllC NOTICC The following p&rllOlll .,. doing PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A ""· ,.~. PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN County Clen( of "'tinge vvvnty on PlCTlTIOUI IU ... 11 bull,_ U EXPLANATIO N OF THE NATURE AllQ II, 19112. MA.Ml aTA,.....NT IAV INE CAPIT Al 1544 I OF THE PROCEEDING AG'><INST ,, ... , Tile followl"" ...,llOlll .,. dol""' ToulOUN Ctrcta, lrvtne, CA 02714. S O Publl•h•d Orani• CoHI Dally bu~' .... ...... .... JOMl)h Per .. PatmeM 15441 YOU. YOU H ULO CONTACT A .,,_ ... ' 7 LAWYER Pltol, AllO. 10, 11. 4• 3l, l9112 RINAL01'8 CHILO CAAE ToulouN Clrc ... lnrlne, CA 92 14· NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th t 35711-112 CONCERNS, 191199 Education Ginny L Young. 17982 Giiiman, On Se lembef 3 t982. at 10~00 Lana Hunt1no1on BNc:h CA 928411 lrvln•. CA 02715 P • ----.,.----IC_NO_T_IC( ____ I R' J d K ,_ • M R Thia bulln.11 11 conducled by a AM . or a• •0011 lhoreuller ao may "~ oy . an •lh-n . tnaldl, be rouoni'ble. at lho IMPERIAL ------------12030 Calvert, Coll• Mau. CA gont1tal ~t~~errl~ou BANK BUILDING. 695 Towri Center 'ICTrnOUI IU ... 11 026211. Y p "B 1 Orlvo In the C11y or Coeta Mesa NA• ITA,._HT Tiii• bu1tne11 11 conducted by Joaeph eter emeae Co11nty ot Orange S t111e o i The loltowlng person1 .,. doing huabil\d and wile. Thi• lletemeni wae llled wllh ,,,. C1llforn11, LAGUNA VILLAGE oo.U-u : Kalh!Min M Rtnlkll ~ounly ~terk Of Orenoe County or. OWNERS' ASSOCIATION (the PERCO CLEANERS. llllO S. . Roy J Rtnalcll llO 6· 9112 F ··Auoc1at1on ) through llt duly Idaho. No. E. L• Habra. c.llfOfnltl Thie •l•t-1 w11 llled With the 1MllllO appointed 11gen1 and 1111orney LMlla I Pereira. 23 N VIiie de County Clerk of Orange County on P Publtaned Or ange Coast Dally David P Berglano E•Q whose Le Lune. South LagYna, Cattlomt• Aug II. 19112 1101. Aug IO. 17· :?4. 31· 19112 slrflef aOdreu and 1eh1pnon11 92977 ,,.,.., • 3519·112 numbllr ta tnown oerow, WILL SELL Joan M. P.,etra. 23 N Vleta de Publl1h1d Orange Coa11t Dally al public auction pursuant 10 lhe la Lune. South Laguna, CalllOfnla Pltol. ~ 10; 17. 24, 31. 19112 powar or tale conlarrecJ In lhat 92671 3523-82 PUBl.IC NOTICE ca11eln Oeclare1ton of Covenants, Thie bullnau la GOnducted by Condition• and Reatrrcttons (the Individuate (Hu1band & Wllel "'-IC """'TIC[ 9 Up E "1 O" C OU" T o F · CC&A'e J aa recorded In Book Lallie I. P.,etra I'~ nu 0 113114 , Paga& t7 I I, 1nctus1ve, Thll 1ta11man1 wu flied wttn Iha ,ICTl'TIOUa IUllNEal COV~~~F ~~~NOE Olllclal Record• ol Orange County. County Clark ol Otenga C~n~ NAMI aTATl:MliNT 700 Ctonc C•nlef Ottve WMt Callfornla, and. w11nou1 covenant or p bit d 0 c 1 1 Th• lollowtng person 11 001ng Sttnla Ane, Clllltomt. t2702 warr11n1y regordlng lllle. poasesaion u Iha renge oHt Oe ty 0011-u · MA,.,.IAOE OF PETITIONER: or encumbrances. 10 the htghest Piiot, Juty 27, AllO. 3, 10. 17. 19112 NEWPORT MEDICAL ANO J 0 R G E 8 R 1 T 0 S 0 T 0 bidder, 1n lawful money or lhe • 3374-82 REHAVIORAL GROUP 1300 Brlltol RESPONDENT CARMEN TOMAS United States ol Amernie, all that •-ic NOTI~ S1ree1 North, N•wport Beach. ESCOBAR ce11a1n teal property slluated tn lhe I'~ '4 Callle>tnt. 92HO 8UMMON9 (FAMILY LAW) County of Ora11ge Sute ot FlCTITIOUe ~•• Robert E Schmtu M o 1 11 CAlll NUMeE": 0201411 Ca11tornla .. det.c:11bed es lotlows Ocean A.,.._ HuntlnQton. ae.c,, -NOTICll Untt 181 Lot 2 of Tract 8333, • ...._ ITATl:MDfT CatllOfnla 921149 ' Vou Mff beef! eued. TM court as contaJne<I In Sook 342, Pegas 12 bu~~ P«llOlll ate doing Thia bu.,,_I II COf'IOUCled by an rNI'/ decide 'telntl fOU wlthol.ll 10 111. tncluslve, OI Miscellaneous lndllll<lllAI. .,0 11, b•lnl heerd 111111u '/OU Maps In the Oll1c1al Records of THE DULL RELIEF. 424 101h O a g C nt Cal lo ta a d Str .. 1. Hunttnnton Beem. Cellfornle Rober! E. Schmitz , .. pond wl ff\ '° deya. Re.cl Ille t n e ou y. i rn . n 92648 ·.,. M o ' lntonn.tlon be'ow. mOfe commonly known as 23365 Oen J MON 424 lOlh Str .. I Thll 1tat"'1ent WH flled with Ille tt J-wleh to tMlc the ecMce of ~~b'~g 6~oEAL8gun1~ ~lll~~A Huntington BMcti. CalllOfnla 02848 JCou1yn11r Cltar911k2 or Orange Counry on an eu-r tn Ihle metl.,, JOU and Sabrina H Chengv ng Ellen 0. MoA , 424, 10th Street, u '" · F1_1 •houkt do '° promptly '° lhel JOUt Said aole will be meda 10 saust• H 11 I Beech C 111 I 928411 -tMPOf\M ~ P'ffcllng, If etlJ, may , "r" n~n • • om• Publl•h•d orange Coasi Dally be ntad on uma. the oollga1ton1 sooured by. and hi• alneea 11 COf'ld\ICled by an Piiot July 27 AllO 3 10 17 19112 AVl901 pursuenl ro the power ol sate lndMduat. . , . , . 3311-82 Ualed hi aldo d•mandado. El conferred in Arllcle VI ot the above Th.I• t>ullr-. le cOfldueled l>Y 8" Individual Lambl9th Hlll'IGOCtl Iii Tiil• .... ..,..,,, w• l1lecl wllh "" County Ctertc of Orange County on July '9. 1082 ,,.... Publl1ned Orang• COiii Delly Pll01 Aug 3 10. 17. 24, 1"2 34117.a2 P\llUC NOTICE NOTICE Of' TIIUt~• SALi T.I . No. 11112CM TD SERVICE' COMPANY u duly eppo1n11a T11111ee undar th• 1011ow1ng d~lll>t<I d-' Of trUll WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIBN lO fttE HIGHESl BIOOER F Fl CASH CPtyllblt 11 time or Mi. In lawful money or I~ UnlltO Slat .. ) Ill flgnt lllle Ind tnf ... ftt i;o<W-ved 10 and now h•ld by 11 under Mid Deed 01 I ru11 In 1h1 property fl1ttl4ndllt11 daac;rlbed TAUSIOA CONNIE L SELL, Ill unmarried woman. °"EBORAH ANN COLLINS e morrltO woman, JOHN T BURRIDGE and KARIN A BURRIDGE. llUlblnd and will, 11\d NEIL 1'0$ I EA and PATRICIA FOSTER. hUSb&nd and wlle BE"4EFICIARY l S BERNERO, a •Ingle man Recorded OCIOIHll 8 1979 a1 instr No t'.1100 1n book 1334•. page 180 ot OlllCIAI AecO<dl 1n lhe olllr.e ol rhe Recorder .or Orange Coun1y said d&tld of trusl deSGrlbes the lot1ow1ng property The Sou1he1t1•1ty SO feet or lhe Northwe~1t11 ly 300 reel or 1he Nor1heas1er1v 150 loet of tho Southweslerty 330 feel 01 Lot 69 ol Tract No 376 1n lne Cny of Coste Masa County 01 Orange. St11e ol Ca111orn1a as per map lhereol recorded rn Book 1$, Pege 29 ol M•Scellanaous Mari• record• or said Counlv YOU ARE IN DEr AUL r UNDER A OEEO O ~ TRUS1 DATED OCTOBER 3 t079 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER 266 & 266 • Santo Tomas Avenue Cos1a M915a CA 92627 ··cu a 51feet addreu or r.ommon des1gna1 ion " shown aoove no warranty is given es lo lls compteteneM or correc1ne!>s) The benellc1a1y under said Deed of rrust. by reason of t1 breach or defaun In lhe obllgallons secured thereby, hero1otore ii.ecutad and delivered to 1hfl unoersrgned a wrotten Oeclaro11on at Oelault ano Demand for Sale. and wrollen nollce Dan J. MOii role<enced CC&R s and purs1.1ant Thie atatM*\t wu nlad with lhtl trfbuftel puedl 11 daclctlr conlr• 10 Arllcle VI Sec1ton 6 1 01 the or breacn and or etecuon 10 cause Counry ()etlo. of Ofange County on Ptlll.IC NOTICE Ud. tin euctleftci. e -qua Ud. CC&A'a lhe Nollce 01 Assessml!flt lhe undersigned lo sell s aid July 13, 1982. reaponde !Mftho de 30 diet. lae Ill and c1i1m or Lien was recorded properly lo setosly said ob1tgat1ons. F1t:m7 FlCTTTIOOI euatNEaa lnfonneclon ~ 14gua. against lhe above descrrbeCJ real and lheraaller the undersigned Publl1h•d Orang• Coa11 Dell'/ NA• 9TAT1!MENT SI Uited d•••• •ollc:lltr •I ptoperty for nonpeymenl ot dues caused said nollCCI 01 braac;h and 01 PllOI, July 27. AllO 3. 10, 17. 19112 Th• tollowtng peraon ta doing conM)o de "" aboe.cSo en "'' and useumen1s on March 5 19112 elecl•on to be recorOeO April n 33119--112 bUllneM u : 1•11 n to . d • b • • t • ha c • r Io u tnatrument No 82_077726· in tne 1982 as instr No 112-1406 ... of saJd PHOTO INNOVATIONS. 23312 lnmed&alM!Mnle, de "le '"-1• Of!lciel Records of Oren"" Coun"'. Ofllctal Records I tu raatMIMI• o atc19Kloft; al NJ .,-'1 Ptlll.IC NOTICE Camlnllo Juanico. Laguna HI 11, algulla, pwed• Hr ra9letrade • C1llforn1a, end, lur1her. the Nol~ Sa•d sete wi ll De made, Dul ------------CalllOfnla 92653 ti.mpo. of Deraull and Electton 10 Sell w1t hou1 covenant or warranly flC'TTTIOU• at ..... NA• aTATftlllNT The tollowtng parson Is doing bullnMa u : BE BEAUTIFUL BODY WRAP, 60211 Wernlf Avenue. Huntington Buch. Ca. Joy e.trloe. 0&71 Pat"'a Circle, Ye>tbl Linda, C-. 92686 Thlt bl.Ill,_ II conducted by en Individual. Joy Samoa Thie llatement wu filed with the County Clen( of Orange County on Shella Ellen Klllelz Brandwein 1 TO THE RESPO~DENT allacllng se1d 1eal property was express or 1mp1ted reg111<1'"g 111111 aka Shella Brand & Shella t<ant, The pelltloner haa llled 8 petition recorded Aprll 26, 1982 as possession. or encumbrances. lo 23392 Camlnllo Juanico, Laguna concerning your marriage 11 )'OU felt lnatrumenl No 82· 14233 1 •n 1ne pay lhe rematn'"g prrncrpat sum of Hiiia, Cellfornla 92653 10 11141 a responae within 30 days of Ofllclal Records ot Orange Counly, the noul(sl secured by aa1si Deed ot Thll bull.-1 II condu01ed by an \he date lhet this summons Is CaJllornla. Trus1. with 1ntetes1 as tn sa1a note lrtdMdual. served on you. your default may be Th• total amounl of the unpaid provided. advances. II any. under Shella E Brandwein entered ind the coort may .,,,.,,. a balance of the obligation for dues rhe terms of said Deed of Trust. Thi• 11e1amen1 wae llled with the judgmenl containing Injunctive or end essessmenls 1s $1.575 oo. lees, charges and 8l!P4H'MS ol the County Clerk of Ora~ County on other orde<t c;oncernlng dllllalOfl 01 including dues and as~essmenls Trustee ana Of lhe trusts creeled by July 20. 19112 property, apoun l iupport. child lhrOt.IQh July J 1 19112. lale tees. tr said Deed of Tru51 Set<! sale wtll be F1-*2 cuitody, child aupport, attorney applicable 1n1etest tten leo. held on weanesday August 25, P11bll1had Orange Cont Dally f-. co.ts, and l\JCtl othet rellel as anorney s laes and cos1s Incurred 19112 al 2 00 pm al lhe Chapman Pliol, Jul)' 27. Aug. 3. 10, 17, 19112 mey be grentac:I by lhe coon The ptlor 10 lhe 0110 of sate, and lhe Avenue entranoe 10 ma C1v1c Center 3370-82 garnjtflmant of wagat liking 01 e111meled amount ol cosu, Bu1ldrng 300 East Cnapman ------------I money Of pte>941r1y, Of olhar C:OUr1 a~~ and 1Cv1nces wnocn will Avenue, 1n the Clly or Orange DIATH NDTICIS Plllt.JC NOTlCE authOffiad procMCSlngs may alao be incurred by lhe date of sate •• A I th a I 1 me o I I he 1n111 a I • F19'toJ97• ------------! result S2.S40.0ll pubfocatron of lh1s notice, lhe total .My 30, 1942. Wins race Publllhad Oren~• CoHI Cally F1CTl'TIOUa 1Ua1NEal Dated Fabtuary 9. 19112 DATED July 28, 19112 amounl of the unpaid balance of Iha MORIANA MOTZKUS, born Oct. 28, 3 0 2 9112 N•--aT•-...,NT LEE A BRANCH.. LAGUNA VILLAGE Ob1tga11on secured by lhe abOve Pltol. Aug. , 1 , I • 4, 1 ..-,.,,.._ Clerk OWNERS' ASSN desc,.bed deed of I rust and ROZELLA L MORIANA, 193 1 , Ne illsville, W isc., 34511-112 ~i;:.:~no ~era doing By c' Keeler, By DavtdP Bergland. ES<l estimated cosls. 1upenses. and 22 year reside nl of Cosla passed away Aug. 15, 1982 at POINTE-A -PITR E , -----------SUN·MOON LIOl>OR & JR. Deputy Allorney ano Agenl advances Is $79 S•O 19 To M esa . Ca P assed away the age of 50, Santa Ana, G u ade lo upe (AP) -Nit.IC NOTICC MARKET. 121211 Beach Blvd .. JOllPHR.JAU,.EQUI tor Aasoctatto" determjne theopeo1ngbtd.yo11may Augus l 16. 1982 She is CA. S u rvived by wife Pablo Wilc h es of-------------Stenton.CA906ll0. 50SCltyPartt•erW•••· 695Town Center Dr1ve. call(714)937·0966 s urvived b y h er lo v i ng M a ri lyn M eyers, MD, FICTrnOUaM.1 ... aa Wen-MoC1141n,7Gtenn.trvtne. tlltt•IOO ~ Sulte800 OA TEOJul~27,19112 Col ombia o n M onday ...... STAT'lmNT CA 92714. Onlnge, ClllHomla "*" Cotta MCIP. Ca 92626 T 0 SERVICE COMPANY husba.nd Anlhony Moriana mother Eva , Moukus, Santa was declared the official Th• following pareon ts doing Pt-Ian Chan, 1 Otann, lrvtne. CA Publlihed Orange Coaat Oall) Tel (7141751-11980 as •aid Tru11ee, of Costa Mesa, Ca .. 2 step-Ana, brother John Motzkus. . h 3 2 d butlnMa aa: 9271_. Pilot. July '27. AUQ 3. 10. 11• 1982 Publlsheo Oranga Coast Oa1ty By Vlct.1 J Andridge sons. Anthony Morlan.a. Jr. Anahe im. brother Richard Wll'\.ner of t e n 11 CEOARBROOK VILLAGE Thie OUSW-I• conOucted by an 3368-8~ P1io1 Aug 3. 10 17, 1982 3466-112 Ass1s1an1 Secra1ary of Costa M esa. Ca. and Motzkus, S anta Anapl5 annual Gua d eloupe ESTATES:•20ASISSANFEUPE: lndMdual OneCrtyBlvd wes1 C ell T 'd red 4'3 RANCHO BUENA VISTA Wen-Mo Chen ntm••c NOTICE Ora~.CA92668 Rocky Mor1ana of Woodland nieces and nephews. re-y ng our, oons1 e ESTATES: ..,.. PAL MA S OE Thlt lie•-• wu nled wtrh rhe ruuu 7141635·112118 Hills. Ca. S he has 3 brothers. deceased by 2 sisters. Ruth one o f the key tuneups CORTEZ ESTATES: 15 CASO SAN County Cieri< of Ofange County on PUBl.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF DEATH OF Publt5hed Or ang• Coasl Dally Leonard C ar l t o n o f Dronde r and Lois O 'Leary for the 1984 Olymp ic LUCAS ESTATES: •6 BAHIA July27, 19112 CHARLOTTE MARJORIE P1to1.Aug 3. 10. t7 19112 3406-82 Kentuck y. Harold Carlton of and fathe r , Walter Moukus, Games in Los Angeles. CONCEPCION VILLAGE: '7 CASO F1t4111 NOTICE OF DEATH OF Illinois, and Joe Carlton of former Lutheran Minister SAN QUINTIN ESTATES, 9393 Publl•h•d Or1nge Coast Delly R U TH E . PEHRS, AKA C LARK A ND 0 F Michigan; a sister Brooks1e Graduate of Univ. of Omaha, pla c ed o n the E~ Ct. n , Fountain vaii.y, CA PllOt. AllO. to. 17· 24· 31· 19112 R UTH E. DELLINGER p E T I T I ON TO ---M--Ll-C_NO_T_l_CE __ _ Pane rson o f Mississippi, 4 Omaha, N e b. 1955. BA International Cycling 927 ~. R. Long, 9393 Emety C1. 3575•112 AND 'OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO.---------- grandch ildren. Rocky. J r .• degree, Master of Arts and Tour i n 197 9 , t h e #7,FountatnVattay,CA.92708, ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. All4494. STATEMENTOfWrTHO,.,.WAL Deano, C hris and Jimmy History, 1961 at the Univ. Of Caribbean event attracts Tt111 0011,,...11 conducled by 1.n "'-IC NOTICE All'4tl. To all heirs, benefictaries, FROM PA,.TNE,.SHIP f h Id • tndhllduel r~ credit o rs a nd continge nt OP£RATINO UNDER M oriana, all of Woodland O ma h a. Omaha, Neb. some o t e wor stop Ae~R.Long To all he irs, bcneficianes, c re dito r s o f C harlo tte FICTITtOUSIUllNESSNAME Hills, Ca. Also me mber of Doctorate o f Education at cyclists including those F1MIM NOTtCE Of' ITOCK SAU !c reditors and contingent M · Cl k d The following person has lhe Elk Emb le m Club of C lare m o nt Univ ., 1973. from Latin America. the Publl1hed Orang• Coaat Da.lly NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1h1tlcred1tors of Ruth E. P ehrs ar}Oru.• ar an persons wnhclrewnata generalpannet trom h Ca M b PtlOt AllO 10 11 2• 31 1082 onAuguat 19 1942at3•00p who may be o th e rwise the pa11nenhlp 099ra11ngunder 1he Newport Beac . . Friends em e r of the National Soviet U n io n , · · · · · · 3574-82 · · .m. a and persons who m ay be tn.t.erested in the will and/or flc tlllo,.a s business na me of may ca ll for v isit a ti o n F.dM ucation Assoc .. 25 years, Switzerland and W est ------------~~I~~'~:! ::'i:;'::si::. otherwise interested in the estate. . oOEcVEELAO'"PMSENwT EcoS•!PAMNYAaR1 '4oooN A Wednesday. August 18, from ember of Orange County ~ Plllt.JC NOTICE of J. 0. LITTLE ENTERPRISES .• will and/or estat.e: A h bee f I m 4:00 PN to 9.00 PM al Pierce Teachers AS30C for 22 years rmany. CallfOfnle Corporarron w111 o. held A pellllon has been filed peuuon as n led MacArthur Boutavero. Su11e 700 FlCTTTIOUa .,..... 1 •1131 T...., A s 20 b Y Fa Y L a Y n e 1 n the East, Newporr Beach CA 92660 Brothe rs ~JI • Broadway Pas t presid e nt of the An estimated 80,000 NAm: aTATl:....-T ~ 8Mctl ;-· ulte 1 A. b y A r le n e R idge in lhe S uperio r Court of Orange The f1c1111ous business name Mortuary Services will be N e wport Un ified School fans were on hand when The followlng pereon ta doing Publllh•d o'reng•Of~~11 Dally Superio r Court of Orange County requPStlng that Fay sratement ror 1tte partnership was held Thursday, A ugust 19. at District Teachers Assoc. 1964 the race officially ended bt.ltl,_ u : PllOr, Aug t4, 15, 111. 11. 111. 1982 Counly r e questing that Lay n e b e app ointe d a s !tied on July 11~ 1980 in the County 11:30 AM in the Mortua ry lo 1966 H e laughl at Sunday at the town of 1200M=~.1.Ns~:Ei:,,1~ 3644""2 Arlene Ridge be appointed personal represenunive to 0'?::~~ 11ame and reside~ or chapel. Inte rment private Be 11 view H igh School, Petit-Bourg, just south of a..ctl. Ca. 92690 as per.ional representative to adm1n1s ter the es tate of the p8fson w1thdr11W1ng as a par1ner Pie rce Brothers Bell -Bellv1ew , Neb. Taught at Pointe-a -Pitre. The L. Vincent May111 . rnc . (• ----,..--JC-NO_T_ICE ____ ,a dminister the eslate of Charlolte Mnqone Clark 11. JAMES P WARMINGTON. 31• Bro adway M 0 r tu a r y , Costa Mesa High School, and C1tll0fnla corpo<alton~. 1200 Ou1t1 ------------l~'R.uth E Pehrs (under th e (unde r the Independent Buena Vista. Balboa, CA 92661 d i.rectors, was dean of Field Sludles. island h as a population :~ull• 290. Newport BNc;h, C.. Mu N 1 c t, AL co u It T o, Independent Administratio n Adminis tration of Estates ~~= ~ =~~~ MOTZKUS . La V e rne Colle ge. In of 350,000. Thia oolln.. ta conduc:ted by a e~~ of Estates Act). The petition Act). The petition is aet for AlchBrd l BM..champ U L F R ED R 1 C K L a Verne, C A De an o f T h e 2 5 • ye a r • o I d nm"ed per1n«ll\tp. HAReCNt ~ ~T is set for h earing in Dept. hearing ln Dept. No 3 at 700 Thie ~•••emont wu llled wUh the PA erau d a le school a nd at Wilches could do no l. VINCENT MAYELL INC. ..., ..,.., .. °""-No 3 at 700 Civic Cente r Civic Center Dnve West in Counry Chlrlo. or Or•noe County on LaVem e College. ln ueu of better than ninth on the ey. L. Vlnoent Maylll, '· o .... a10 Drive, West, in the City of • • Augu11 2 19112 ~ flowers. donations may be Prealden1 Ntwporl •••ell, Cellfornt•""anta Ann Caltfornia on the Cit y o f Santa Ana. Fiie No. F1'41147 hnal and 13th leg of Thie ltalM*\1 WU Ried with Illa -.1Mf ~-• California on Sept I. 1982 al AHOOES, KENOALL a made to the Orangt County l ,345.l -kilometer race Cot.inly Ciat11 of Oranoe County on PLAINTIFF MARl lN FELOMAN.::iept. 1, 1982 at 9:30 a.m . 9.30 a.m . HAlllRINCTON l'ACIAC VllW MINOllAL l'.t.a• Cen-e tery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3SOO Pac1l1c View Dr111e Newoor1 Beacn 644 2700 McCOlMtdl MOaTUAllfS LaQuna Beach 494 94 15 Laquna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Cao•strano 495 1716 HAalOl LAWN-MT. OLIVE Morivarv •Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540·5554 "NCI llOTHllS Ill.I. llOADWAY NOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALTZIMGUO .. SMmf a. TVTHIU. WHTCUlll CHAP'IL 427 £ 17th St Costa Mesa 64&-9371 '1HCI MOTHHS SMmtS' NOITUdY 617 Main St tlunttnciton 0.nch s;M>-6539 H eart Assoc Memorial July 30, 1982. and BETSY FELDMAN lF YOU OBJECT to the A Pr°'""°"81 Law CMp se r vices t o b e held held o n this Frenc h F1tMOO DEFENDANT NAN C Yigrantingof the petition.you IF YOU OBJEC'1: to the 42MMKAr1h1.1t8lvd~•"-•105 Wed esd 18 9 2 Caribbe an Overseas Publl•h•d Orang• Coaat Dally OPPENHEIM d STEPHE ihould h grantmg of the pel1Uon, you Newport hedl, Ca. Hlll0-2091 n a y. Aug. • 1 8 · Departm ent . But the PllOt AuQ. 3. 10. 17. 24, 111&2 OPPENHEIM oo•ESn 1 .. _. 10 Ni... eil er appear a t the should eith er appear al the Publl1hed Or ange Cou 1 Dilly 3PM , at the Waverly ... 2 .. •2 L """ nearin& and s t a te y our S h Am • d .... .,.... ... wOMe hearin& and s tate your Pttot AU{! 3. 10. 11, 24, 19112 Church. Private inte1T11ent at out erlcan s lea ____ NllJC ___ NO_llCE____ CAM_,_ 1,... bbjection s o r m e w ritten objec tions or file wrilten 3459·112 Fair haven M emorial Park, wasf(X)mmanding enough NOTtClt You "-" "-i 1UM.bbjec tions with the court objec tlons with t he court S a nta Ana . Directed by for the overall winning FtCTmout IUIMal TM oew1 fMJ Mw. ....._. Jouht'fore the hearing. Your h Fa i rh a ven M ortuary time o( 36 h our s, 19 NA.Ml 8TATl:•NT =.-11• r.:::;..!':::.lt:O•erdappearance may be ln person before the earing. Y o ur ---PUBl.--IC--NOT_l_C( __ _ 633-1442. • minutes, 38 secon ds. ~~no pereone .,, dolnO ..._,. ..:-' ............... ..,.._, .,._br by your a ttorney. ~~yar;~ :8tlm~y~ person T UCKER CLOTHES QUARTERS, tll 110 II you Wlel'1 to Mell the advice of I F Y 0 U A R E A I F y O U A R E A aUHllllOft CCM'IT Of' RISE TUCKER. r-;denl Onl y three minules EUGlld. Fountain Vll'My, Callfomla •n ettomey In lhl• mauer. you CREDrrC>R or a contin-nl c o"'"'ITOR . gen CALlf'OflHIA "'"' d 6 d beh' d 27.... • ...... Id do tly h"" L_ .... ..-~ or a c:onun t C""'...-rwr ...... NO .. an I secon s tn 9 "" "'""' '° promp '° 1 ••your ~tor of the d#!ceaaed, you _... .,..,... • • ..,.. .,.,.. ... o f Re d o ndo Beach, C a . WUcheswasLucMorand c. Edw1rd Maritn , 1113 ~~',~ .• If any, may "mustfUeyourclaimwlththe ~itor ofthedecea3ed.you tnlNMall.,otlM Passed away Augus t l3, Radding Way, Upland, Calltomla ,,_, ~· "'-mual file your claim Wlth. the A~tloft ci' 1982. Survived by mother o f Guadeloupe, the 91711. .t.Vt901 Ua t ul "' alde ::-ourt or p r esenl tt to the court o r presen t it lo the DrltdAnte-7....,.lftu Rose Miclette of Laguna second-plaoe fini.aher. Ka,.n JH nll• .. amn, 11113 denialldad•. 11 lrlb1111•1 pueda Denonal repreae ntatlve perso na l r e presenlalive FcwCMll9a_.!'~11.,._ Beach, Ca., fathe r Ro~rt Andre Massard of :;i:~ng Way, UplaMS, CaJllomta = ;:"~"'°,.::.::'1=.! :Jt!holnled by the courl appointe d b y the court OM>S1'To8"owcAUIE Tuck er of Redondo Beach, Switzerland placed third Thi• bllllnaa. 11 OOnduelact by • •..._Le le .,_...,. 1111 • .,. :.. ln four months Crom th.e wilhm four months from the FO" CHANG€ Of' NA• Ca., broth.er fto8I Tucker of with a time of 36:25.41. (H11~ •Wife) ...._ Dale of flral Issuance o f date of flrtl lu uance of Oe'lld Anthony M•r1'-'* has nlecl L B h ,..._ Karen JMl"'9 MM1tn 111 Ull•d dHu 1ollct11r •I ~ltel"ll u provided ln Sect1on l vlded · "'~' a""''"'°" tn thlt cour1 tor an Ofder aguna eac , ........ step·-----------~ Thi• a",."*"' •• flied with Iha coneajo de "" e.._....,. en Mt• "'oo of ....... ..._.__le Code of etters a.s pro in ~uon .--brother Paul Juen~llng o f ....,,...... 11 "'"' .rJVU11 700 of the Probate Code of allowing petitioner 10 change hll RedondoBeac:h.,..._. rvl-... _""' llftnrr County°'!!'!010range0ountyon '1n!.'!!!to_. dt•e.,b !.!'!...•h'.!.!:lao,C~aJlfornl• The time for C llf I Th I f namafromDa'lldAnthOny M.trllnez w• ""'-'""""" ,teTrnOUt .,._,. ·-··· ·~· ,,_,. .... , --·-.,..... filing cl.a1tnl will not expire It 11 her•by o•dared that '" -·""ll be w....1---1':°'y, A1M~""t '"""""' ""'""' July 20. 1-... •-.u"=-• _......-....... ~_ .. =...-::., clalme will not ex..i-a orn a . e l me or 10 01111<1 Anthony sn.aton 1 8 198 2 at 2 . o o M ...._ ITA,_NT Publl1hed Orang• CoHt 0111v l>Uede Mr ~rlcla • tternpo. orlor to four months from prior to four months from peraons tn1er11ted In th• ma111< McCormick Laau~a n-a ch' TM followtng P«IOll•.,. dOlno Piiot, Juty 27, Aug. 3. 10. 17, 1"2 I TO Tii 0£F£NOANT: A OIYtl he date o f the h earing t h d t f t h h • efor-ld apPNf before thta COU<1 .. DC butlMM M! 3372-42 comptelnt hM bMfl filed by the nodced above e 8 e 0 e earing In o.p.11men1 No. 3 at 700 CMc ~~:~ie:.'U'~i:..k~ MESA DEVELOPMENT I. •202 =::.~~~~~ YOU MAY EXAMINE !noticed above. Cent., Orlva WHt. Senta An1. CIJT'I~ Ort~. Sutt• C. Newport P\llJC MOTICl 30 d"Y' afler thte 111mmoni 11 I.he rue kept ~ lbe court. If YOU MAY EXAMINE C.llforn11, on Sept. 16. 1982. 11 M c C o rmic k M o rtuary. 8Mc:tl c.. 92MO PtOTTnOUa ._.. -~ the tile kept by the court. U 10·30 o'OIOClt • m .• and then •nd dinctoni, t...guna Beach. ~:,:;: .. ~:~nc~ll~ The ~T~ ....._ = E~•:l;t~ ~:.';~':!!~e:J:~ ~~~ you are lnterated In the ~':;' ::::' ~" 18:' 0:;v:; Sult• C. ""'*1 leedl. ca. ll2tlO ~-;;" .. ....----· _..., .,. ~ on~~;; ~th the court to receive estate. you may fUe • ~ueat neme "'°'*'not lie grlllrtecl. DEATHS ..,ney Mlf'tln, an IMSIVlduel, HUNTINOTON Wf ST pit1Mtft,enct 1Mt';;;11N.Y"'*'••P•clal n o t ice o f the w ith the court to ~lv• llll""""'ordefed'IMl a~of . ~=·~1;:..:ult• c. Rl!Tlfll!MINT CONDOMINIUMS. ~aoetnee..,toflhlNllel nventOry of eltaU atteta ,•peclal no,ttce of the ~·h~~~·~:.:'.·~ ELSEWHERE ·~-· . _... _ _. 18801 Da6ltwlte lll'8ell ............. on ~in lhl OGm""'nt. 'lllNdl: _ ... 1 ,.__ U,1,._. nven. tory o 1tato aueta ••a. • n•t=-~.,o•r 01 o•n•r•I Thia~ le....,._ by• a.di, CA t2641. '·-·~..,. co11td r111111 In o•r~-nt 011DCJ 0 """'pe ...,..., llCCOW\ta and of the ~Uona. ICCOUnta olfoulatton. p;· In thla oounty Mmltecl penneniNp. NO Ot11l'11 Con11ructl0fl Corp .• • llfl04ll. ••lnG of moMtV« P"lt*1Y lnd report• de9Crlbed ln ~~ reportl de9Crlbed In at tenl once • """"' for tour :"~!...' Ol ll'Ornla COIJ)Ortllon, IU1t or Otl'ler reRef requHled In the Sec,lo n 1 200.6 Of the lion 1200.~ of the ooneeou1tw..-. pi10r tO IN day · Ptelldlfli FIO!'lcl• ,,,..,, Hunttngton hlol'I, ~r'· eautom&a .,...te Code. om.la Probate C«le of Mid '-ting. SAVANNAH, Oa. (AP)-Thia 111tamen• -flied with tne C~.:-4t!.n.. le D tl!O: Menih 1°6.:tu lENT W. HILDftETH, ESQ. I . Aver "I Cr 1 r '1. of Dated ~~·~~J..;,..,. LouJe C.lemu, 62, author County Clttk ot °'lil'109 County on oofpon1t10n. oonduoted by• ~~ ' ~...,_1 ••Law MESERVE MUMPER • o f the ''Beulah L•nd" Auou•U. ttu ,,.._ OelmeConlllnlotlOn Cotl>. 9YluatenMollt, 111 R 0 W LEY A.ND i111JOBEI ' ~~ DOWla. dl.ed here Friday. In ... vteTO.. IUCltllR. A ~ ~ _ ........ ~ .. ·--·TU iriLDRBTB 1•ttone"• •• Law .... 0. ..... addition ta "Beulah Land," ........, • "-T>..Lo ...... .;. .. _ ......... ..-. --~ IML-:......:a• ..___ Ill ..... AT•., Sel&e lltl lft I • ......., .. ~ 11Tbe Legacy o f Beulah OM:::"'-,_."' ~~'Of'~~";; *' .. •u'i'4" ~~CA Hlll ~~~mere: tt... : ~ 811 1 •• Land/"'LOokAway,·Beulah _., -='~-,Mr2'>, tM2 ._..AM.04.R ... .,.. TH) lft411l (714 Ut.-1"1 c.Mtt ...... CA- Lano" eod Mveral o \l1er :i. E?J:149t ftubll""'4 eou~~-~ ~~c:-1 Cout Del Publlahed Oran.a• Cou1 PubllAhed Oranc• Cout (nt.)....,.. nove.11, Coleman wroto three Pu I Of•ftte Cout Oaltr Plot. Aug. 10.":rl:. J t, tlll ly ,.:, .,..., 17 • .:r. fO, 11, ,.,"' DID.y Pl.lot. A~ 10, u. 17, Dally PUot. Aue. 10 11 1'7 P11llllll\M o~ co .. l 011\y Broedway plays. "°' ~ a .. 10. tr. 2•, 1":..1-12 san-a as1M2 l9P. "n.82 1982. 'sMia' Plot. Auo to. n, 1., it. '':...ea I ... \, J I REAL ESTATE AC'rt ... t fot S.lt A~mtnts fOt S.lr 8rHh ~rap.rt) 8.w.tftof"u Pruper1y C.m.•trY Lob l."rys;t1• ~=~!.!:':.·m:', °"'PkHs lJRtO S..lf t....._to t.Mo"H lfllll"OflW Proptn..> lndwalnal Ptopitrh Lou rws.1. M4*k HPM Trlr t'rh MouMa.l>i.un Rnot1 ~'!ft~nt';';op °"' ol Sl•l• ~roi> Ranthtt t'arm' t.ro't'f'\ Mui EAlal• [1th•'"•' M~•t Ell•le Yt'•f'lf'd UNTALS ttov..n •""\,tN•fw.d ~ Unf.,;rru .. hC'd t...._ f\lrn Of t.:nr Condonwwwmt n,,n Condomuwvm.a t "' To.~~,,. To.""°"~ .. l!rtt lJ\f~un F\ttl'I °"pl'"' tJ"' ApU fllrn A.pu C"lwrn Aph f\trnw t M kOOM\ Rootn 6 8uud ll<Mtb Motel\ GWftt Hnmu ~m~t R•1.t..lt \lt<•hon Rt'fthh "'"'•h to Sfrt•r•• Car .. t• for Rrnt om .. ~ .... 1 ~nt'"tolRl'Mal IMIDl,.al Mcnh, ~-.,:Yt anted M1k Rtn4ab BUSINESS, INVEST- MENT, FINANCE ~:=~~· ::::::::: ~':'.!t)' MCllfllf) to 1_..,,,. ..... , .. •'"-...:!• MOf'taaan TO t AHNOUNCEMENJS, PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND Announu~nu t' .. Pool Ur1a1 Not1tu !Ml&-.. .,...., P""Onab• Social C'lwt.• Travt-t• SHVICES Stt¥K'f' Dtr«tor, EMP'LOYMENT & rt£,AUTION Sthc.161• ltu.trvc-bon JUbW•ntl"•t• Help "-an(", M 41 r MEJCHANDISE ~~~~:H """'IOl"t l:tt~; N•\«rt•b C•tneru • r.q~•pnwn1 Cai. Doc> f'rwlo Yoi.; f"UrN\ure c.,. •• Sal• 11 ...... llouHhold Go«l• Jewelry l..YHIOtk MeC"flllWt)' M1..c-tila~ MtN't:tl~ v.. •ntrd Mv.wcaJ lrt.tltw"'~rth OUtet rwm • ~qw1p Pm t:= ... ~c~:~ Spon, .. Good• Suwt lilf"l\•u.r.aftt 9., ~ff'MJt01H1f1 9.f'rto BOATS & MAllNE CQU"MENT Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Tue1day1 Augu1t t7 1982 I SSlfllD 'I'h(• niarketplnce on tire Orange Coast .. 642 -5678 MPdtan incomf' o/ /)arty Prwt /amfllea exceed& 134 ,00<J a year Your ad reoctut• -the county's most olflunH buying au· drenC'f' Real Estate -the Complete Orange Coast Market Place ... , ,,,,,. • ••••• ,., $•1• '!.'.!!~!.~'.'. !.'.'.' ....... ~~~!!! .~'.'. !.'.~'.... ... '!.O.~!!~ .~'.'. !.'.'.'....... !'.'.!!!! .~ .. ~ !.'.1!.. •. . . . !':~~!!! .{'?': t~1! ...... . ~~~~~C::::::::!:~~ ~!!.~~'.L ........ !.Of!. ~!.~~~L ........ !.Of!~ ~!.~~'.t ........ !.~~,.f" •.••• 1.~ •• !" ••• !" ••• ·.··.·.·.·.·.l·.~.~ ... 1 !~ .......•.•• !.~~ ~!~!!. ,. ... ~! .'!.'!.'! ••••• r '!!~!!. !-!!.'. !!.'~-~ ...•. ~!!~!.!!!r.!!f.f.!!!! !~~!!!.'!!!r.!!f.~ IOCll IM IOQl ............•.•....... EOUAl HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Fl~E IHRHll TllllH IATH PElllllU 110111 Priw Wt'llt &y buyfronl. SUp11 for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 buth $1,200,000. Ocean & .)('tty views. Marine ruom, 4 bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 sq h $1 ,:385,000 Ot:eanfront ----~ . Lqvely one bedroom anel den condo Pi.aaant view Poor and 1pa 1• ~ARP ENO UNIT, 11.11% WIUILI JUST.,1..ISTEOI PllllOIH Ranc ho San Joaquin vi.w condo with 2 9r 2 Jutl In time tor tum"'-•· Ba, trpt. dec1ta, iandtc• thlt lovely pool home tellurH lerrlllc lln•n· ping, garage, UM or pool eln" 4 tar ..... bdrma, n-and 1pa. OWC I 169, • r 000 644-7020 petnt, near parka end Ll•IO RUl llTlT( eehool1 Offered 11 IALIOI PElllllU 1011 lllrO l!QM In thl1 two etory nouH ne1r SA end Newport Fwys and SC Plue Two o t the bedroom• wHh one o t lhe btlhl and separate enirance make up praclloal. separale molher -ln -taw (teenager? I quar le rs Anolher lwo bedrooms and a bath are upslalra LI.I I.LE Ho.El Secvrlly a ale S 1a..ooo loan al 10'1'~% Own., will Prime Lido Nord bayfronl. 5 bdnn, 5 11\ bath. carry aec:ond 1ru1l deed s 139,llOO. 640· 1161 ~HERITAGE ~~,.~~~.,,!.~~ ... !.~f IWHR IHPHlTll I 2 llOllES 01 1 LIT Peninsula Point , f antastic location. This super duplex ls only a years old, 'It block to sand, vaulted ceilings. private patios, priced tor a quick sale at $325,000. ::: P•llllaltier'• letlet1 lu..M """ 111'< All 1ea1 eatale adverllseo In lhls newapepar Is sublecl 10 lhe Federel Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes fl Illegal lo advertise · any preleren· ca. llm11111on or dlscr1m1- nallon based on race, color. religion, sex or nallonal origin, or any 1ntenllon to meke any such prelerance, llmlla· lion or dl~rlmlnallon " Lge L.R, 2 boat slips $1,500,000. $149.000 REALTORS 1 Fantesllc oon view, 2Br. 2Ba, apllHevel, 2 blka from bch, $196,000 Make offer 494·4748, 678-2122 HLIOI PEllll. DUPLEX Fantastic location & fantastic terms. 4 bdrms. 3 baths up, 3 bdrms , 2 baths do wn . F i replace . 4 car garage, sundeck . Price reduced to $450,000. IOOI '°"" I~ IOll1 IOOW 1gi• 1011 11111> ltlM IQlll llllil 1100 111-1100 Remodeled 3 bd.nn, 2 bath + large rec. nn.j~;;~ii~~iijiiii ooam '-'t'illngs, furnished, palloa. $420,000. II •FllllDT• ISSUMAILE YI LI. l~IO ICA.ol l>loO 1400 l~\I '"'° ""° llWJO This newspaper will not knowingly accept any adver11tlng tor real ea- 1a1e which Is In vlolallon of lhe law. ltOO .(IAll ~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii UUUt Advertl· Fireplace 1n LA. slldtng doors lrom LR and FR axil lo covered rear pa· 110 Sliding door In MBA opens onto 1he-'llERY pleasant tronl patio Asking $147,900 $85,000 ASSUMABLE ( 11.4%1 and Wiii CO• operale In financing For sale by owner 979-2748 (Please call 9·5) 2.lliO 24llO llOO WO -Uilll sers should check I ~;;;;~;;;;~~ their ads dally and lti report errors Im-•EW LllTlll j!Q) -med I ate I y . T he * llYFRtlT * t:: DAILY PILOT as-HAT SLIP .IX.ill sumes llablllty for Spacious 2 story, 3 = the first Incorrect bdrm, 2 bath, flreplece ~ home Open beam eel-= Insertion only. lings. tots ot 1mporled Ille ~! ---------& much more. $529,9501 ··-INCLUDES THE LANDI =: H .. ,., for l•I• lalha l•J Prep. ~ ...................... . ..... ,. !:':i ~!~~~'.L ..•..... !.Of!~ *111-1oto* := i---------· ::: LAST 10'-::i DOWlll •!<» ·~ CHANCE Cosla Mase 4 Bdrm 2 l8Jll bath femlly pool home! ~ Taxe over loan and seti.r will carry! Lowesl priced al S 135.000, call lodayl 64&-7171 lo buy lhls beauUIUI 3 year old, 4 unll aparl • ~ menl house In San Cle· loOI) mente with ocean·hllla & : golf course views al a l<D:I • Hemendous savings di· ,~==!!i!!i!!!==~ loO:ll reel from lhe owner De- lo re being llSted with brokers. Act NOWlll Call owner at (714) 642-0138. ~ ,.,,. am -l!()l) llDI ~ ---- FAMILY EXPlllDllll This is lhe home for lhe growing family Sh<, yes 6 big t>drms, 3 balhs. big living room w1lh llre- place. Family room wl1h 2nd llraplace. Formal di· nlng, family kitchen wOh upgraded renge. grill & microwave. Ankle deep carpeting Shimmering pool and spa. Gorgeous ln91de end oul. A detlghl 10 pravl-. Call tor pr&- vtew 546-2313 RESEDENTIAL RlTAS TllnEllOI UH,000 $30,000 below market. Lovely 3 BA, den & family room lownhome over· looking a 5'h ecra park. Wes redeemed In fore· closure & owner Is an· xlous. Large Aasumable loan. IU-4110 LOWEST PRICED! Condominium In Mesa LlllA ISLE IAYFllOIT Lagoon view from 6 bd.nn, 5 balh, playroom, dark nn, den. Boat slip. Now Sl,000,000. IAYlllE PUCE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips. Reduced-$1.500,000. COllOIDO OlYS Coronado Wand cust. bayfront lot 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/t.emlS. , ILIFFI 00110 Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on Largest greenbelt. $250,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\•d" Dr•ve N S bn 0101 Whel • Wonderful Wortd1 of Shopping. rlghl at your llngerllpa everyda)'I Dally Piiot Claullled' Ada. To piece your ad., call 642·5678 and tel a Classllled Ad-Visor help you. SlllC & flNlf For Clasallted Ad ACTION Call a Dally Piiot AO· VISOR 642-5678 FAMOUS OUTLAWS T B P A N C H 0 V Y A 0 I L 0 H C 0 0 E I A J P A T E T I F F A L N A E J L N L N 0 C L l I R T N A U Q L L I B 0 N l C H S I A T P A C I X U 0 Y H N C A P U B C A P T A K L E C I B T 0 L E R J T L L Y M S T L J J H S E H V A J 0 H L A N A 0 B Y 0 R T E R 0 £ I M H 8 I A Y I S C T A I 0 H R I E K L N T R H W Q P H H K 0 S A H Y E T l L H T 0 0 H R E K S 8 J S H L l S A A N E Y J B C K Q U I E A U 0 L 0 W J £ A N L A F I T T E S 0 8 R M B 0 B Q U A N T R 0 D N A S U Q D I T N E D I C K T U R P I H E Q N 0 X I H T S C S I 8 E 0 I T S J 0 0 0 H N 1 B 0 R ,.,._..,,.. Hiddon .-di btfow -~. bed<• _..s, yp, dowfl Oil ~. Find MCtl -bo• It In. Sam a. .i-.i.m. Louis Riel Billy the Kid John LM Rob Roy Cepllin Kidd Jllrl l.atflu Dick Turpin Stedt Bonn« Bill 0-.lrill Plncho Villi Robin Hood Doc Holiday Bleck S.n TU T MIU •HU ii Tomo"ow: nm o•-,o~ .............. t°"f tetof"b'-d w0tch bi.- to... to tor"' '°"'' 1tmp .. "'°'d' .... .... -:=o • • :m CURIU :: llPUX Verdel 2 Bdrm wllh I N A G O I E I cu s 1 om oak st a Ir way. h1--i 1 ,--.,.11.--... 1 --. 1 .-.... 1 -l microwave, fresh paln1. . . . . . community pool and lo-..._....___._..___,__.,__, ::: lmml()Ulate 3 Bdrm 2 ba .., owner's unit end ape- :: clous 1 Bdrm rental, Q4 bolh with lofleel beem :: ceilings, trplcs. and a "'* vary private pool L<>ca· led on one of Corona del Mar's pretllell SlreelS 4 blks lo Lillia Corona =: beach. 1298,000 = IU-1211 'ltll4 elfn "°'° =~ ~::: , __________ , ::: wheelbarrows· ~:: recreational ::: vehicles•golf ..,., carts•moctel trains•bikes •pianos•cars refrigerators 'skates•••••• If it 's got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Dally Pilot classified ad.call 6'2-5678 and a friendly ad- viser will help you turn your wheels Into cash. ca1ed neaJ perks and I 0 p A 1 N I shops Sellar will carry! t---.--r-.,..-r-l 1• Only $89,900, acl nowt . I I j' I 646-7171 . . . . l THE REAL ESTATERS 2 ILH llWPT Ml Charming 4 Br & family room. 2 brick flreplaoes, country kitchen. qulal residential area In mo- dern tracl by Bucolta 10% on Owne< carry 10 yrs. 144-4i [P~~·i~•n 141 'I I • I ••• ------ I T R U 8 S I J My wile ano I 1001< up n- 1: Is I I • hobbles 11 1us1 1bou1 1ho . . . . ; same time Sne s1a11eo 1aklng .--------~ kara1e lessons ano I took up I N A y E N 0 I long Ols1~nce ..... .. I' I I I' I 0 c-o ........ rh ... l!a Q•Oled -• " - -b"t t,11,"9 "" ,~. #lf\t<~ ""Old ..._...._ ....... _.._...._ ....... __, f0v dre\o•lop "Of" .... p Ho 3 be'°""' 8 Pl lN! NUM&l t!O lllllt S '" IH!SI ~•JUIS IOIWl-Lm btwen 11 OlntlfltlflH HOO I YOUCAll ,,,n usm COUllT OlllU Ill MAI 011 ~e1~~u~~ 3 R~;7o? ~~;~ room~CICI 2nel unlL'cLASSIFIE • Soulh o e Hwy. just • law bloc from lhe • beach. Oul Slate OW· net has ptlced to Mii at S240,000 and will finance al 12% ln1ern1 with 25% down 17141 67J-4400· 11tJI U•·2'U HAA80A To place your~ before the reading publlc. phOM Deity Pltol ClaAllled, 842-5678 To help you sell Items you don't need To help you find Items you'd llke to buy ,..,,.... ........... .. ... , -•10 l~~~~f IOll) "" --.. --taJ:I --94> 9"'U .. l --.... .. l --"*" ..,. ' To help you publlelre an event or make an -~--announcement Daily Pilat r1 ' ....... .-Call _ _.._ 642-5671 Choice 4 br execullve ranch 1lyle home In prime TUATLEROCK locallonl S 1,200/mo rent all appllea towerda pur· cheee In 6 months. Lar· ge, tow Interest aaeuma· ble loan, formal dining. trplc, arid FEE LANO 2670 San Miguel. New· port Beech (71 4 )759·150 1 or (714)752-7373. al 81A-•1t on this 4 bdrm home on east aide of Coile Mesa wllh pool, apa and many Olher amenities $110,000 In anumeble loane On a cul-de-sac tool owe Reduced to $159,900 Call 97g.5370 . \' f : ·I l / 111~. If ~(A, r' \ h~t ~rMt"'.ir.., Lowest priced 3 Borm wllh view In Laguna 10% down or lease opuon 646-0719 OPEN HOUSE Thurs/Fri 8· 19, 8·20, I·• 30PM 245 AS1er SI. II 16, La· guna Beach 1 Br. I Ba ocean view. $ 125,000 CASH Probale Sala For I aeldlUonal Into call Peul Kial, 111. lnteretele Bank. (7 14) 558-5431 llLIOI PHii. DIPLEX OCEHFROIT ~ Walker 8 lee iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ffl.~~~.!'.il.~!{ •• !.~~~ 4 bdrm up , 3 bdrm down duplex. Great area for summer rentals. All Investors must see Only 5 years old. Best buy on the oceanfr ont. $525,000. 3Br. 2Be. dbl car garage, 2 patios. flagslone frplc, owner-cullom bll home $127,000. Owner will YEIY carry 111 loan. UHIOIEI Rer =~l;~i Rltr, College nr beach.1~~~~~~~~~~1 oountry kllchen, woodl· floors, 3 Bdrms. used brick flrepleca, petlo Fl· nanclng S310,000 lea- sahOld UNICUt t1(l-"lf'~ Aealiora, 875-6000 IUL HTATE IFO IUOM LIOlTlll Well e9'abfl1hed New· porl Beech Jocallon for sale All replies confl· denllal, P.O. Box 821, Balboa, Ca .. 92661. TRADI T 10\:AL RF.ALTY STU&..·- PIYlll REIT11T HAVE GOOD INCOME??? SHORT ON DOWN PAYMENT??? PAYING TAXES??? M ESA WOODS • Your oholce of lwo Elegent trl-level or spectacular ranch atyle. From $174, 500 Bkr 848-0709 In lrvlne'1 Woodbridge C O S T I I E S I area. 3 yrs young . 10.75% llnanclng. On $11•,000 CUl·d&-sac. Fenced yard. La ne IOI Ith J be· Owner axHemely an·1 r" w xloui. Only s135,000 drooms. 2 ba1hs and Call Suaan Trlvison nice yard Owner wlll · help finance 2260 Fed· nJwwiiiiiMJ§.1[ eral. 759-9100 -\\\It HI IUl'I , 1111'11 "' Inc. ~ ~EAL ES1AIE c,,..., '•I #u 102 r ~ 631-1400 ...•...•..••.......... By Owner. former mdl, 4 Br, specaaoular vu over golf course. alarm ayatem, lived In 5 mot. Price reduced, $365,000 Musi sell tmmed Assum toen 714/495-4223 ZILLE DE CERISE BEAUTIFUL OLD WORLD TOWNHOMES by Howard Mark Co from $159,000 496-3244 760-0297 ~!.'!r.!!. ~~!! .. !.~! .,.,.., Colt, in. er 7"1760-1900 WEST IEWPORT 4 bdrm & 2 bdrm dupl ex. 2 doors from wide beach & excellent surf ing. The bes t In ·rentals. Owner w ill lease bac k 4 bdrm upper unit year-round. Make-offer. $310,000. Lido Realty 673-7300 WlTHFllOllT Vacant s11., ln Cannery Village. Sullable for 4 , 000 sq.II. bu1td1ng will take 60' boat $650,000 Call for d8'alls &•2-5200 j PETE BEACH LOVERS • Dana Point Fixer Double wide. 2 bO. 2 be Thou· sands under markel FleK Financing Pela 0 K. Call Now. (AAB 1og2) Agent, 522-4080 12x60 Champion. carj>ort, patio, awning & uUI shed. 2 br. 1 be, llv rm, kllchen, parlly rurn "dull peril Seniors pref No pets Xlnt locallon. See at 2119 Tustin Ave, Costa Mesa In back C••'••i•i•••I r.n11 .... , l 100 . ....•••.•••..•....... OCEAN FRONT, Oecoral or furn .. 2 + bdrms. 3 ba, 3 car par-~~~~~~~~~~I ktng S500 M Enclnt1u. Owner (714) 646-1068 J BARRETI ··. REALTY s .. i ... Cuill11H I 011 D•1l1!111 ..... ~................ u.,,. 111 ,.,, ''" $600 mo. paymen1 for •••••••••••••••••••••• ----------1 2Br. 2Ba condo. 9'~% VA $5000 dwn A unlls In Brand New Homes & loan. aslung 594,500 Anaheim 1500/mo Condos. no money down 66l-3380 naga1111e approx. P.P white lhey lasl, (714) ---------673-5604 ••~•ff '"' lffer 54&-g522 Agt. llEW EllGUllD i------- Hom4t+-Guett+1ncome f~!'!!~~-~!!!'J:.J.~~~ DESIGll !'!!!!!l!!r.!!r.~ OWC lat • Flex. Terms INVESTORS lllffl 1&111111 n E-slda C M Trl-pla., MP 509 Acacia CdM nr bch $5000 dwn & S200 Pf mo You own the land. 2,000 This elaganl cue tom me1ered $18,000 groas Spolleu Vacant Duplex negallve oash llow fore 3 sq fl, 39r, lam rm. 2'~ counJry home 18 localed S 1 6 8 . 0 0 0 Huge 5br/3bll+3br/3ba Br 1 Ba sgl famlty de1a· Ba, wide Oreenbell, near In an eKclustve San Juan 1_1_-30_3_-8_8_1_._28_8_1 ___ _ 440K own/bkr 645-7048 ched home Call Rich. pool. Fer below merkel CaplSlreno neighbor-Income properly No llllll Yl£W ownrtegt 964-6171 $245,000. Wiii lease op-hood, m inutes from down or very am all S Ill L alt h H Ii I •'~lo~n~·~B~k~r~. 64~4~·~6~36~8~~~1 downlown. beach & lrwy down PI ease ca II . ausa 0 u ome on •• •f •• ,.. This magnificent home Shawn. agl " 548-2158 lee land 3 Br 2 Ba. llv & lt1ei 1040 New 4 BR. Becllbay erea Includes 1 acre wooded 1---------- dln r;'l, lg fem rm, •II •••••••••••••••••••••• 3,200 sq ft. prvl. comm , equestrian zone wllh Loll l•t $1/1 ZZllO ~:~ ~ ~· 1~ dr~ .'~'0 ~Y CLOSE TO OCEH $367 500 Will trede tor hlllsldaand canyon views •••• •••••••••••• • ••••• 640·1001 No money down. no property, TO's Wiii from every room Fee-llllllM RIME qualllylng • o wn your lease-opHon or low tur as Include sand Approx 'I\ acre Wiii NII C11t• #HI /014 ...................... l !h% lAIMAIU VAJ on Ihle 4 Bdr College Park home enel owner wlll help with eddltlonel flnenclng, Full price la only S 132.500. Don'l wall • ~I 97~S370 NOWJ . \'{ ~·ll/ tl/~·11 ~JA, '•"" '~~t · TMt,...,.., lllHHl l lllUT LllATIH I (wllh auumablel) FIVE beelroom• anel THREE balhs In lhll two Slory hOUM near SA end Newport Fwys. Colorful lronl patio end sheded small back yarel. Two of the bedrooms wnh one of the balh• and "911•18 entrence make up praotlaal, 1ep•rate mother -In-law (leenager?) quartera. Anolher two bedrooms al'ld a balh are up1tal11. home on our unique down Ready to daall blasted brick. &Jtlenslve or Joint venlurt Value shared eppreclatlon fl· O w n a r I B r o k • r oak paneling, 4 Bdrm, 4 S500.000 Call 640-78e5 n enclng we have 5 714-544-0614 balhs. 3 llreptaees. and homes In Hunt Beech., 3 many more amenities BA 2'hbe, 1600 to 2100 lluffs/Distress Owner will lrade and or sq fl Peymenu run Bonita plan, 3 Br 2 Ba, consider buying down $1200 to $1600 per mo. end unil Pvl petlo, presenl loan • fanlaallc Cell Geo Brooke et greenbelt Owner terms. Call for more 1n-714/8g1.5556 760•1097 or 752_8871 tormetlon anel ap Im•• 1044 ...•.•.•.............. STUllll& HOME SELL OR TRADE • lllltl RIME Prime realdentlal lot. Aa- klng 1500,000. 640-7685 W Ei~e~~[r~l~'.e::y::,~: ~~ W ~"'~·{~\,_,, FINEST VIEW IN RANCHO CALIF 5 8cre estates • Ready lo build -On paved roed 2 miles rrom cent., From $80,000 20'/t down • owe al 12'1 •. 752-2550 .,.,,,, ...........•.......... BHn• F11al1t'4 ........•..•...••••.•. ,,, ... '"'•' '"' .........•....••...... Clean 3 br, 2 be, frplc, patio , gar . Winter S600/mo. 675-38&3 In Turtle Rock Gren Townhomt1. 2 belrms. 2'h ba., dining erea & breakfHt nook. E•tr• bonua apace ooulel ba e11p1nded lo library or office Enel unU localed on two gr .. nbelts. Day end night llghl vlewa. Thia Is en exceptlonel buy at $ 174,500. dowa. hrdwood floor•. 3 frple'a, very tge lot. owe lotal. 5% dwn. •Int Iota· L••••• .. ti '141 lion $179,900 Fee land. 1----------••'••••••••••••••••••• By Owner 631·2134 hall .C.1 lOll Spec; view home, Sept. ---------••••••••••••••••• ••••• thru Oct., $900 mo. Non llYEll .. an um• HW'I YMI OUIOl 2 bdrm, 1 balh home In Fllll IPNI pmtlglous Norlh S11n1a Lei u• ahow you Ihle ex-Ana. Large lot, room tor c:el opportunity near AV. Owner wlll carry tel Newpott Bay • feeturlng T.O. wllh $25,000 down. 2800 1q "· 4 Bdrm, s Ctoee to park & tchOOI & balh. formel dining, de-1,_lh_oppl_..._OQ ___ • _s_13_1_,600 __ _ corateel In earthtonH. -Sllualed on a corner IOI 111" 11 proteaalonally melntalneel. 128,900 smkrs. no pell. Pref reap cpl. Refs. 494-98'48 Emllfald Bey, pvt be&ctl, pools, Ianni• oour11. oeeen view 3 Bdrm, 3ba & gueat houae $1800/mo winter ren1e1 or $2200/mo yrly. 714/759--0047 !~.~ .. !.~!! Wlnl9r. 2 bd, 1 ba, W/0, Avell Aller Lbr Dey 873·3039 ~523 CAM"'5lla:~ down. o w e balal\Ce. Full lido ea ty price UH,000. Agent Fl1epltoe In LA, llldl~ Brand New Hom .. & 1·598·1861 673-7300 LIDO ISLE. 3 bdrm, lam doora from LA anel F Condo1. no m<>f'9)' down ---.-am--._----11~~~~~~~~~! rm. 4Ba.11700 mo. eJtll 10 ~ ,.., 1>8· While lhey IHI. (7 14) --· i: Uo. 811dlng CIOOf In MBA 648-9522 Agt. L.ov•ly 2 bdrm, 2 be ..__..,_ llH OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, open• onto lh• VERY 1----------mobtle home, f urn. , .. ,.. • oo Bl P'"""1 front patio. W11Arl~1 1126.000. 213·995-e855 ......... ·····~···• 1 Ba 7 mo. 11 -Grundy, Ahr. 87Mte1. 2 IR, 2 tMa, 1 Cln end NEWPORT BU.CH Aeklno 1147,900 wlll'I UIUtne Joena. Open hM 21N ,ORECLOSURl 2 ldrm, 2'Ab•. low CIM n 18r, Clen, gar. uUI U!l,000 u1umable Sit SI 8Nlci.9f. • Vee.nl tot forduplp "' oown. tCW.% t1nan avaM. pd. Wtnt• S600 mo. On (11.4%) and we will ca-1!17·2045 blk 10 ocean etep•'io Call Rich Owner/Agl. s..ahore 831·7784 :: :W::nclng. For I Laguna 11 .. a ltCntt . Old tMay. 11861< Ill 010M•. "4-e171 OCEANFRONT duplH, • Top Of Woflel p I II -Be&utlf\JI t yt MW du· #dill..... UllO up, 1780 down, t t7t.2748 Mfef0tlota.nOn..J.v.,Y ptu, '4 blk 10 oc•en, fllltJt "":Br 2 Ba, lrpl, gar. (PIMM call ~5) f t 1,000.000 down to I loent of S380K. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1_M_o.4 __ 11_1_""'!"".=-~,,.--f~~~~~~~~I r=:O:-w'=f'~::'I I ~= t4'X~=BAIER ' 2a~~~J~A:!oh, -,, • 2 fentHllC bet Ila, I Cal Afl, f40.7114 HOME. IQe L.A. Din. Rm. I avail Sept 1. l650 wtntw, You don'I need a gun IO I 1pa, vlewa, eto. Low ! Kii open• to '•m Rm 117 50 yrly. Utll pd. "Cir aw fHI" when you I• rm • 497·2S12. 1~ vt.w conoo,;1 "" wettMat. 2 IA 2 BA. Light tMMt43 !>face 1n ad In the o.il) 417-6417 2 ea, eec. b4d0. 8oel 1119 lnl. 131500, 111,000 Cln Piiot Want Ada! Call now Heve aome11'11ng to liiilt j •VIII. taoo.ooo. B y bel 11 ~% la.II thtnge feet with °"'Y I M2·M71. Cla.Mlftad ao1 do 11 well. ownr/btlr. t75-M37 540-!1837 . PllOt Want Ade, .. t ('• Orange Cout DAILY PILOTITu11dey, Augu1t 17, 1982 for rour old 10f1 OLLA AS DOLLAR DAY DOUOH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. 3 30AY8 LINES , Call today for full details. (Non·tefuncleML ••tt• llnee •1.00) CLASSIFIED8642-5678 Real Estate !~~!!!.'!~!~.~~.~ .. !~~!!!.'!~!~!!~ .. !~!!!!.¥~!~.'!!!~.~ .. C••'•l•I••• A#Uf•••t1 A'U':r~:J:." , .. ,;;:;::::;,.,, ,!!.,! ............ !.'!!f ~!!.W!.!!.f~~.'!.!.~!f ¥!!!'!..~!!!~!. ... !.~!! lta11'1 JUJ C..I• #.u JU4 lmH 1141 ••• ~~!!!~!~!!. .. !.~~~ ... ~![~~~~!!. ....... •••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... Downtown HB, non 1mkr, Neat r .. p cpl, will •here Sub let EA9C offle41 ••••••11··.;···T•l•L··,••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••u• ••••••• 1 BA, So C11 Plue. """'· "•r••• Ill ""'•t JI.., C•rl• #1u Jiii l191Mll ,.,,. 311 Fern 1 ~lk from Oceen 3Br 3ba condo Pool, Prtm1 alrporl IOcel• on Ii D.,llng Spenl•ll 2Br lbt 4 Br. 2 Ba 1897 I Antlocft. ""~ '" ""' •• •••• • •••••• ••• ........ •••~••••• •••• •, •••••• 1200 & -'t ulll 840-6850 ape, tet1nlt, 2 min 10 ••1•-MecArtllur Blvd Price I'~ 1 r ,. $9751 1enn11. no pet• $475 •••••••••••••••••••••• ""'"" Yeetly•WMIUy.Wlnttt. 2. w " cer ge a mo 842.20?9 Bachelor. So of Hwy 1 bdrm 1380, utll pd fll l(l(lYlf m AOy Sq Par k $300/mo reduced Mutt Mel 3,4 Bdrm• $1126/mo 645-883 & Agent 541-5032 i---------1 Quiet pereon S325 Incl Carport, gooo toe No NEW gated 20• Town· •111/1 ""'1t1J1 ,.100 839·7855, 154·1004 497-6034 1&0011 llULn 873-1182 •er. Unlver·'ty Perk $,...... New 2 BA 1'1o be Patio 11 873 3• 1• p e 11 3 3 W 8 a y "' c ""' 9 ti .. • W\N ' • ut • .. " 549.9519 home VILLAGE COM· •••••• ••••••••••••••• Preallg loua N 8 avefl PllOP 1 & 2 Br apecloua •Pt · m 0 · 8 3 5 • 3 2 0 e or ~a~, !5!~ ,'.SJ~. ~8:: 1_S_T_E_P_S_T_O_O_C_E_A_N_l_a_rg_e_2_1 ---------MUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. 2'"' IEALAll IOTll now. female only $325. *llm IUU* pool, carpet a, d repea. 752· 1194 545_1370, 00 Br 2 Ba. lrplc, many EHlalde, Lrg. brlghl 2 br Ba. 1800· 1800 tq. ft. of Wkly ren1alt now •••II All prMI. 846-11515 0 C Airport aree. Prof, MAUIEIEIT aec:lud5ed3·/0u!'.f5r0 0 1 peo· w_o_o_d_b_r-ld-11-.-c-on_d_o_3_B_r ----------1 amenlllea $825/mo. H~ bll patio. avail 1111 pure luxury Oaraoea. 't t06 & up Color TV. environment. lull Mrvtoe, 111·111• pie. ·• Imo 21"'ba, tam rm, tip, 2 car l.oYety vv. 3Br. Penthou· Oey1 8(2·6757, EvM & 1560 840-0997 apaa In every home -Phonaa In room 2274 2 BR 2 Be. 2 ity. Euclid 11 or no lrlll1. lndMduel of· • 842•7312• 731-6629 ga1, ale, welk to -~1111. ell •A, 2 car gar. ~gate, Wknda 831-8830 ----------1 muter aulte, d lnln" N-port Blvd CM McFadden '225 & ulll. flea• or deal\~-150 ... ~ ..,. S255. grHI tludlo, fire· • Move In ASAP 759 7961 SeHhOfe/ v•-/unlr. Ee11alde 3 bdrm $650 2 rec. lecll. $950/mo Avell 1.ela World, 544·5"58.1----------• rooma. wood burning 848-7445 I · '""It · 3500..,.. 11 t MO ..... ' place, prlv11e parldn11 work '"" ....., 3 Br In greet location, IOf beth, g1r, pello, nlca 8/22. 833-81184 S44-2111 537•3233 llreptece1, micro.wave FREE 759-8978 end airy. $1250/mo. yard 537-3233 Agl chg. North Ir vine Racquet ----------1 f!!!~.!!!~ ..... }!~~ ----------1 ovene. private petloa & B E A C H A R E A Ammete wanted, ahr lge 2 u1~~~e:n,~~~~u;;.., E,-•,ol~•. ! rber1~1g1. ~!i~~p~c~ ~~~~&,1.rga?c. B,~,; !'.· ~ ~r..'.'!!!~!!.f~"J!!~ 1 11 l .dJ II. oa II. ~~~t~b~~o;:,.~n~~/~~ ~:i~'ef~r.~~n1~:1n:'~~11; $84/Wk :f3~f~~~ CdM S250 mo. E~~n ~ult:~ fut: ~e1 'i~ loc. $375/mo 0 ,,,.., llll•I 31H New Y ecor. H pd, pell S4251mo. 931 w . 15 minutes from Faahlon Brlllol, bet. Redhill & Bayfrnt condolunfr garage. Ordnr & uUI Incl rm. lrplc $896/mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• encl ger. dwthr, pool. 1111h St. 548-0492 latend. 7 minute• to S.C. Ralrlger11or-Mald-Poo1 FP25-35 to allr 2 ~r. 2 be Nwpt BIYd. 957-8451 1.ldo Park Dr. 28r den. Mature couple prel. No _5_4_4_-9_8_3_5_. _____ Wlnttl' South Bayfront. 4 bbg Adult1, no peta ---------·1 Plaza or O .C Airport. Nwpt Blvd & WlllOn romon1ory po nl apl, -~ bl"" $2500 pelt. $850. 846-4102. Id al I pie or bdrm lurnlthed $ 1200 642-5073. 2 Br 2 Ba. TownhOUH Juel 8811 Of Newport Cotla ••eaa 549.9755 N 8 8 7 3 -8 6 0 I CdM dlx aulte, AIC. emple ........ vv· . ----------1 e or aou young 87,. ... 2,, • w /lrptc Weattlde ... (9 1 m) .,....., • · • Blvd & IO of San 01""0 am· P pkg. ulll pd. 2655 E Ctt , .. " .. • Fr w y. s 9 o o I m 0 Yearly on the beech, hole Prol. F & aon will thr 3 br Hwy 875·6900 W •.... .._e.t ..... 1 E.1lde 2 br, 1 be houM, lemlly 2 bdrm. iv, bath, $495/mo Deb 5•0 0702 ...., 1 •• 1_1 .. -w i den , very nice garage, tlrepl1ce. 1575. •-•&.6 • _____ • __ -.. ____ 1 $560/mo. S250 dep Chg 537-3233 agt -.i-Spaclou1 2 Br. 1 Bl. on 631·5439, 21473 Orange room. kitchen & llhower. home In NB Wiii cont. 1 2000 aq 11 olllca apace for ... 2 er. lrg yard, t>Mu1. 8188, _e_2_1_-900 __ 8 ______ 1Woodbrldge·on the lake .•• !.!!!'~~}~ .... }!.~~ Mfe8tiBJIU E111~\d•$4~ar83'f~o~;· Ave .. Coate Meae ~~!?t'm2°30~1u,! ·~.~~: child o,~;iured. ~ver 30, 1118 C1 • avail now 825 Orenge, S400. Reliable, Amazing offer 3 Br. 2. Ba Executive 3 bd, 2 ·~ bl. htollthl ltJll•I APARTlliTS-no 1 · • · 1.100 DELUXE 2 Br frptc 1ron1, Newporl Beach resp mo "8 msg. w. t9th St, Colla M ... aml chrg, 973·0791 crpts, bltlna. lndry hk· Many ExtrHI S1400/mo ,,,... bike 10 beech. 2 Beaulllully landecaped $300 I Br patio, fncd trg brick patio OR Adlla. 873-4154. 159•9135 8 46·883o. see Mra iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil upa, $475, low move In I e • s e 5 5 2 • 9 5 4 9. bdrmt, 2 be, aplral garden epta Pool & Spa. yard. $350 UUI• paid I $1050 675·8359 Male rmml nee<led 1 blk Northrup HELPI Responalbte c:ple, Detail• BEST fee 551·2193 or 987-8857 stelre. Skylights and Covered parking. No Br all appllanoe1. Olheta ; ~~~!!.~!~!~!!.!.Z.~ lrom bch, non·tmker. no S_U_N_N_Y...:....N_e_w_p_o_1_1_e_e_1_c_11 13 yr old boy. cat & dog 539·6 t90 1 BA Orangetree condo. fireplace. Petlo, ape. enc peta tool BEST fee 539·6 t90 2Br • I l'iBa Twnhte, din Wllll Y lllTALI I 1 a k u Av a II 8 12 1 Patio Ottlce 833 Dover need houee In "Old Student budget, quiet t bytttelake,pool,lennlt, g11ege S1200permo. Bech. 5415 $300 1 BR PATIO FNCO rm. 2 patloa, bilcSo6~0 Avellable.Agt.875-8170 646·9223 Sulla 2 S3081mo' Huntington" area. H.B. Br. o•rden spot, tncd adlta only, Avl 917 $480. 673·9384 attar 8 1 Br •495•5470 YARD . ' garage, no P•"+· 831-1094 (Weal ol Ad1ma. South 2 Br. l'l•B• $535 · mo. 111, teat dep I ,... p I I TE e e ) patio, $300. Eaally yours 875-9229 Nwpt, blk bey, beach, 1 2 B 2 81 5580 $350 UTILS PAID, 1 BR. 842·2949 eve1/wknde • ••• •• •H • AOOMMA lem. 10 2nd Floor ollrce. AC, great ot each lvd . Approx. CallB,ESTfee 539·8190 ---------r. · Al.I. APPLIANCES 1 1 $300 wk I '~ bike to share 2BDRM Condo vlew,325sqtt eoc.,..11. $800/mo .• rent or lease/ E•ec 3rm. w/pool apa BR, new furn. utll pd, 2250 Vanguard OTHERS TOOi BEST fee or •PP · beech. 873·9384 $282 o pl • 111 ..., o lion. Relt. 536-9832. Renl this quality 2 Br ~kltc,h, nr I,_, $470 $450 mo. 213-941·3086 540·9628 or 842-4905 539_8190 BEACH/Y"•R1.Y per m u u 1 Otc 2nd ttr, 375 aq ti ... , ""' Adams & Bushard area 50caqf1 (714)874-1921 aecurely lncd, kids cen RENTALS 750-3314 Du• hl•I 31.11 Specious 2 Br i Ba. 5425 o Ix 3 Br 2 b •. gar 1 Br •leap• 4· acrou Ille Call 964 7 t67 al1er 6pm TIE IUFFI walk to school. $500. ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 1 ,~ ea 1 475 Small ept. quiet ere1, tul· $800/mo 421 E Balt>oa street lrom the beach • lou Today + lee. BEST L••••• .. ,,. ,Z41 Su""" neet 1br, smolder I.sundry lac .. pool. table for elde<ly person. Bl. 673·2789, 875·9797 S2951wk. 675·5068 •1.ovely, tpac '· 4 br, Aentalt. 539·6190 ••'••••••••••••••••••• iii d stove & retrlg, $280 mo '''''I." /1111•143SO 3 ba. beamed c elllng EMERALD BAY 3 Br. 2 v a . courly · prv, 548·9556 12-7PM ulll pd 833•3125 Open & Airy, 1 Bdrm, am Leguna Beach cottage, •••• ••••••••••••••••• townhome. Recantrede-Go First Class, ultra mo-Be.trplc,brlckpatlo wlth $400/mo.497-7068. pet&chlldok S380.Call blk to Diamond St Storage 11ara11e 101 refit coratton. Neat & clean. oem 3 + 2. stone lrplc spa $1500 2131 Super neat tbr. am older F~ ... ~~~~:~P:a~I~. ~Isl.~ D••• l•l•t 3121 537-3233.Agtchg. beach, avail. now on Balboa Peninsula IHI IPACf Oii Attractive rustic up1telr1 set1lng. w e supply deak. apace, copier. You sup· ply phone, & $95 pr mo pr desk. Call 644· 72 t 1 $1250 rno. anhancea speclout de· 876-225S. villa, courtyrd, private. Garden 2 Br. S5BO ~~~·:.;;.·,;;;;dpi;."2 Beamed celling•. llky Ille· !:1.~~:2k . 484-0349 , n10•,:;20t,~. ~~3n.2i4~ne . •Just listed big lamlly cor, gourmet kltchen.3 __ B_r_2_B_a_o_c_ea_n_v_u_ $400/mo. 673-3313 567-2841 Br 2 Ba, deck, 3381 I kitchen, 2 lrplc's, 3 ,. •F•EE llEIT* home. 4 br, 3 be, lovely deep pile crpta, formal s825/mo 'Arch Beach 11 t' • I II ,.ZSO n decor. Pooltlde pello. d in. erea. pool, lacuz:rl, H 11 1 s ~ v 8 11 9 / 1 BHll•il•• Colei>!o. Opn & avell Bdrm. 2·~ Bath With all rlt• If• •• • w East sl<la C M Single ga-Mo·Mo No teaae req " •-••. 31,.0 fla--.. 8 I 1 8 $ 5 5 0 I rn 0 the eKpected amenities. ••' ••••' •••••••••••••• rage tor storage $75/mo $1300 mo. well trimmed ground•. 633.92i2 alt 3PM •··-·••"'•••••••••••••• .. •• ""2sl li:iii 2 1 3 I 8 9 9. 8 9 2 8 . Call lor appt 537·3233 Yatatlt1 Tr•••I 545.7234 F.ull service, lurnlahed. tlYIH AIU kids/pets. $895. Avall 1---------1_________ recept/conl areaa. * 2 •Rancho San Joaquin Sept BEST I ea •I Quiet Juniors & I Br fl•llf lPTI 1 -868-2238 , ( 14. t 51. Agt chg. Furnished 3 bdrm. 3 ba. Garage tor Rent, $50 per mo free. From 116 sq tt. darling 2 br & den, right _5_3_9_-_e_190_. ______ 1WHH lli•H/ 3ZS2 From 9S375. P0 1°1d· rec Beautllul 11arden epta. 1•499•5375 1161 Spec;. 3 Br 2 Ba. !pie, get, ~~~n~P~u~tr~:~r':~~ month. 2864 l.aSalle, _9_60_-2_4_7_t _____ _ on golf courae. Super 4 Br 2 ee. lrg fncd yard & ••'•••••••'••••••••••• rm .. s una, enc s ga· Patios/decks. Heat paid. th1l1• Gror. 3131 beach 2 bike. 1900 yrly. (SANDPIPER PAl.M DE· C M. 957•2740 alter 6 l••i•tll lt•l•I 44SO neat. $900 mo patio, plus washer. dryer. N~u:: ~hf.~,~;: ~o~~. s~ri.r 1~~.17:..-:1•0n off ~~"· 2 Children wel· G~;:i;·G;~:;;:;;~h;,;; _N_o_pe_1s_84_5_-1_6_8_2__ SERT) Want Oceentront pm ·····················- •Woodbridge newer al-refrlg. W. 19th. $740/mo. atrium. 3 cei gar Pvt 2 Br. 2 Ba 1565 2 Br. 1,~ Ba. patio, no Lge pvt apartment. Mo· Month ot August tor Ollill li•t•l 4400 Olllce and l.aboratory tractive 2 br, 1'1'i be 1 546-55981 831·2372. beach & rec center ESTATE LIYlll 750 727 dam w/blllnt 2 BR 2ba month of your cholca •••••••••••••••••••••• space · up to 7500 IQ ft. story end unit. Avail. 9/1 E/Slde 2 BA 1 Be. ydt, $1250/mo. 759.1495 Beaulllul park·flke aur-398 W Wilton 631·5583 pelt. • 2 walk 'Ir blk to beach. 2 675-3782 . WOITIYE llrTIS 645·21 11 Asll lor Joe at $700 mo. B l kl L 1 .. 1 640 5560 ger, pet OK. $830 mo I. 5 B h / round Inga. Terraced $490. 2 BA. 2 persons, ••I •ftlll car par ng. arge co-Avail. Aug. 20·Labor Day, IRVINE Phone anawe-Beautllul eMecullve ottlce ,...gen • • 642·5261 , 640-9200 rg r ome w oceen, pool. Sunken gas bbq, patio. pool. 325 J. 17th ••et 3640 His. Great tor single or 2 Corona del Mar. 2 br rlno. cont. rm, ulll pd, suite plus warehouae In ,,,..,Ill••' 3Z06 X240 dys gollcourse & min vu, sparkling fountains Pl. 648-5137 alt t1AM •••••••••••••••••••••• couplea Piiio. Laund beaut I urn 3 bl II.a sctry serv1, ale Also prestigious design center •••••••••••••••••••••• hu11e pool & spa, For Spacious rooms. Sepa-2 BR 2,L be duplev. 1600 WllFFLmH lac;ll. $700/mo Incl ulll. ocean. $325 week . desk space $150/up. on Redhlll. 1778 aq It. Yrly $725. Cute 2 br, gar., l.oeded 3rm wltroplcal executive or professional rate dining aree. Welk-In n A t & 2 Br. Discount on Oc.Lve by 5403 RIY81' Ave 842·0377 or 875-1518 540·9745 675·3882 lrom 10·5 pr kg. Near we 1 er, patio. cozy kitchen $325 w I I am 11 Y • N ° P 8 ts· close11. home like kllcil· sq.It. 01 luxury Every model Poo4 s T~ I Iv · 644·9539 alter 6. 875•3063. 679•9687. OC·AENTALS 750.3314 $2300. 495-4223 en & cabinets. Walk 10 lltra, dbl gar. lnco yd some s. · P•. mag or 980·584" -........ IHt•l• I• SAUi 4300 1617 westclllf, N.B 256 ---------#I J Huntington Centllf. S 6 8 5 . 8 4 2 • 9 8 8 8 . 0 Y m • Sauna · etc · •••••••••••••••••••••• 10 4000 aq ft 1st. llOOf Appro11 2.000 sq 11 11ore, ••li• !'.'!'.~.!~!,! ...••• /.~~ .• !!J~ .. ~~·J~ ..... J.~! t Bdrm·lurn, $505 873-e336 848-0619. v:~sa1111es ~u•~;~511 ~~· l•J lH••att Agent 541·5032 choice loca11on. AC, l1•laHI• 3Z01 2Br, 2•~ea Condo, $890 HOME FOR RENT 2 B<lrm·lurn lrom $605 Large 2 Br 1 Ba. with Deluxe poolside •Ira large ur 1{8 ~..0 6188 · Contact laroe11 Gey •so sq. It. s1.oo per sq Newport Blvd at Harbor •••••••••••••••••:•••• mo. Garage, spa, lrptc. 1 3 Bdrm. & 4 Bdrm. S695 2 Bdrm.Townhouse furn. garage, d/w, taun<lry rm: 2br, 2 be, bltns, dawhr, secur Y • Male Femele service In It .. 400 t Birch . N.8 . (71'4) 874·1921 Saylront mlnua 30. 180 ml to beach, 497.5455 to S800 Fenced yards & from $675 $495. 1•11 miles beach. Adults, DI TIE WlTlll Sa. Calif. 540-6716 Agent 541-5032 'Costa Meg• ~~; fe~t'r2m:~.k~~~·; • ~~~~~4::~ t<~d:5~2C~~s ~o ~:~r~'~~~J~9:~ Al':v'~~ ~-~r ~~-~6~90. ~;6 ~;6'2' S 500 Imo N-port Isl. duplex, 3 Br 2500 sq 11 Condo, will BC· MeH·I• llltwaatt u n I u' n. Yr I 8 • s e B••l••JI•• Agent no lee 16211 Perkslde l.n, 1 blk • 2 Ba. lrpl, wet bar. patio, cepl 2 edits, or 1 adlt rt t 1 11 er ef f It e , s 1 3 5 o / m 0 w 1 n t er .. ,,. 3.140 1-..:.._-' ------1 w 01 Beach, 3 blks 5 Don't welt only t large 3 01.0 HUNTINGTON I 2 gar., boat slip, no pets 01 wl 1 chlld 01 Just 1 adlt I O O • 1 2 O O f $950/mo Opn ~ug 29 •••••••••••••••••••••• $750 gets 4 Bdrm, 2 Ba 01 Edlll08f ... 847•5441. Br. avall with 2 Ba .. P•· bdrm. 1'1• ba, charmer, kids. S 1200 875·4421 Pool, 111 kit, 2 patios. lg I • • 873-0433 or 558·1610. QC-AENTAl.S ~ar. bullt ·tnt. more Ito, In quiet trea. large No pets. $475, 537-3233 STEPS TO SANO balcony w l bay view 417-1112 Crnr tOth/Bay 1·5br'a $200 to $2000 37·3233 agt chg. #1~1' ,,,,. 3111 pool. $675. 645·3381 or Agl chg 2BA. lrplc, ONl.Y $600 557-7883 or 640-6339 1-,.-0-.-.-,-.-,,,.-,.,-1---- 3 BA 2,lr be, lge gar, t 750·3314 open 7·day1 Fresty Palnledl 3 Bdrm, 2 •••• ••••••••••••••••• 675·5949. Clean. 1 Bdrm. child ok. Call 537·3233 AGT CHG. M/F prolesalonal 22-30 to ~~:.,::•;:::.., "'' lt•ldl 1415 block to beech. library, 3 bdrm, 2~ ba Herbour ba, n-carpet thru·oul. l.arge Easlllde 1 Br t Be. All ullla pd. Only S375. BEST SETI $325 Al.I. 1hr 2 bd. 1 ba ept In .;..._ •••••••••••••••••••••• market, bus. In quiet Ar 8 a s e o o m 0 $700. 537-3233 Agt. chg. THE New carpeta. bright & 537·3233 Agt chg. ulll pd. p'lt prkng. Cd M N on · s m k r ./u .. -CONDITIONAL COMI. erea. Can be furn. Call 2 13.4 3 1 . 1 1 1 4 or If, .. a. 3•~1 cheel'y. $425. 851·9522. Clean end q let 2 BR 1·~ 537·3233 c"" AGT $300/mo + utll 111/laat ./r..-.--._. PROP Ptus •br/2be ._..,, •I• -e • .. lid Ou K 'S p t '"' + dep 780-6238 eves/ ,/ ..... '"'.co 673·5369 714-963-8767 •• -.-;'";•••••••••••••••• PINE Bl.UFF APTS "· c;,. . m. e 3 bdrm or den. 2 bath wknd ./""""' ,...,... house, W. 19th If Coate C•rtH ltl #u JU.I 2 er wt gar. $495/mo QC.RENTALS ''GOOD 1 Br. with lol1, & 2 Br, 2 OK. ONl.Y $400. cho Upper duplex. Avall Sept M 548·5598. 831·2372. •••••••••••••••••••••• crpts, lnc<l yd, water pd, 1·5br's $200 to $2000 Be. Child ok. on the 537·3233 AGT. 1. 538-3800 Educated lady llke to /al•lln•I lt•t•l4SIH 2110 "B" Detawere. 750-3314 open 7·days LIFE'' Blutt•. petlo, view, trplc, 2B, 288 lrplc enclo•A" share 11ome /same tor •••••••• .. •••••••••••• IOUI "1EW I t di · · · """ 3 Br 2 Ba. lrpl, garage. 1 mo begl nlng Oct 1. ' 836-4120 1-5PM. EASTBl.UFF· 3Br, 2ba. enc gar .. gas• ova. s-garage. patio. $485 mo beach 2 blks, yrly 642·1802 N.B. 3975 Birch. 3660 sq .lll.111 Cl!H l-W-el_k_t_o_beach __ l_3_br-tv.-.-Be-, Avail Now. $1000/mo hwaaher, spa, lndry rm. 964-4833 873·2571, 875·9875 •IEllll OFFIOU* fl or less MIA zone 3 BA TWO llreplaces 1 ...._ d d 640-9019 YEAR.ftOUNO FUN: S895/mo No Lag Ocean front 2 From I room 10 3 rooms. Agenl 541-5032 gated ~ommuntty -pooi :~j'y >$8~so I>!, g~::••--u-nde-,..-,.-18<1--E-,_.,-,-nca--Soclel Activities SPMC 631-8107 Duplex, 2 bdrm. bit-In, 3 Br 2 Be, yrly, $800/mo bdrm, 2 ba. beau lurn From Si 16 a l<I It No 750 up 2160 It lndu & tennis count • on 537 """'3 ..,,, '"" D 1 rec I o r •Fr• a Great locetlonl t Bdrm, wHher dryer hook up. 1 blk to beach $425 mo Fem prof pre-lease requored Adi Air· 1 011•--18101 A -.. >e..., -• ltw T ... "-•• S Obie gar $595 avell now Bkr 575.•912 porter Inn 2172 Ou.v.nt. sir 81 -""'· • beauti ful greenbelt. 1----_.;._____ -u n d a Y garage. $300 + chg. Call 538-0921 · .. I'd Sharon. 640-2912w11 Call AM 833•3223 ... -.. dondo Circle •M & l s 1700/mo. Barbara Breezy 2 Bdrm, 1V. bath, For le858 2600 sq 11. 2 Brunch•BBO's• 537-3233 Agt chg. da H ti t B h A ne 6•4 6200 children OK. $525 +chg. bdrm and den. 2'h ba. Par11ff•Plus ____ _:._...:;... ___ , ---.-.. -.-W--E---2 Br Duplex acron street 84~n28~g on. eec u -· 537.3233 Goll course view Near much more Very lrg 1 Bdrm. child ok. from beach $750/mo. Woman with Career de· IEWPORT IUCll .___· __ 4 _____ _ Oc;ean. Full security. Q" EAT Only $320. 537·3233 Agt 1 & 2 BR •P1•. bHUI. 529·8784 or 836-8683 sires same. CdM. 2 bd. 1 ExecullYe olflce In Can· 1300 sq 11. $450 $625. 4 bdrm. 2 belh, n.-Club with poo4. spa, ten-ft E c "EAT 1 0 N : chg lakea & streams. compl Bayside Or THE COVE. ba. $360 Incl lltekpr nery v111a11e. $450/mo Front office. large rear wly c1rpeted. ell IP· nls. 7 14.873-0475 T 8 n n 11 •Fr 8 8 amenities. no pel t Fr dtv 1 Br condo, den, Avail 9. 10 975-0578. Broker 675·4912 door 1789 wtoll1ie< Ave pllencet, greet view, 1__________ 2 Br 1 ~ Be No pet• $480. 846-6591 ~ 875 402.C o 5 o 9352 E 537-3233 chg agl Lease or tease 09tl0n tar-Leuons (pro & pro Laundry. lrplc , l 'lt Be. pool, prv • Airport erea -Exec Sul· ays 4 • · vea ,___________ ge 4 Br. canal front. sh op I• 2 Hee II h $450/mo. 831-3871 Priced Alghll $285 1 beach S 1050/leasa. Fem. wfll share with Fern 1es. From 225-450 5q. 11 i.-64_8-068 ___ 1. _____ _ ~~~~~~~~~~jGreat for young lamlly1 3 yearly. avail 9•1, commty Clubs•Sauna• ----------1 Bdrm, perking. 537·3233 759;1092. 22 plus yrs Old large ept, $1 per sq. II. Many ~tras l•l•I• W••tH 4100 Spilt level 2 Br·den, baa· bdrm. w. ba. $675, low pools & tennla. walk to Hydromasaage• t BA~ule1. large. gar . • Agl. tee. 2 BR upper condo, West· 2 be Newport Beach. Call 557·7010 •••••••••••••••••••••• move In, chg 537·3233 ...... ......,. S 300/ t II Swlmmlno•Goll new pet, very pv1. Wiii _....;;.._______ $290 646 3377 Ct1-•aJE med celling, $795/mo. """"'"· 1 mo am Y· Otlvlng Ra.nge con er Peta. $375. Air conditioned comfort 2 cllll Dr .. nr shopping, · -Excellent Olllces • Up to r-707~ Acacia. 840-&t88 aot. 645-3370 •11 5 wl<dys. a EA u T 1 Fu I. 537. 33 AGT Br. w/gar, lnoed 4 klda bus. pool, $650. Avl Quiet reaponslble Female 4000 sq It 1801 Newport PlESIHIT Lerge 5 Bd Home 2 br, 1 be, lrpk:. dbl gar. p.,k l.ldo Condo 3 Br. 2 A I' A" TM ENT 8 : pell, $450. Ot~s 1001 Sept. 1. 646·4844; 8'19 to share my 2 Br. 2 Ba Blvd, C.M. 645·2111 Ask R9Cent1y moved to corona del Mar yard & patio. $600 mo Ba frplc. dthwitt. tndry SI n gt es. 1 & 2 N-2 Br. 2 Be No pels. BEST lee 539~190 ~8·3117 Twnhome nr UCI S375 for Joe 780-8708, 875·21'4 191• 1811 & deposit. Raia rm. 3 carports, patio. Bedrooms•Furnlst>ed :~•J'o ~P~~~. ~~Pre 1~1r Acreage privacy, 1 Br. wl 1Br. 1Be, 1 perking stall, 1 plus 'It ullls .. wld & g11·E --x-e-cu_t_l-ve_o_l_ll_c_e_su_l_t_e. Calllornla desires quality C t • 3ZZI req'd 875-2520· $795 851·9522 & Unfurnished• No S4S-8675, sunny kitchen. part blllt blk to ocn raoe 553· t562 EYet corner of 405 Fwy, Neer .~!.! ... !!~••••••••••• Free rent tor 1 Br. apt. Newport Shores 3 Br. 2,,., Pell•Models Open Large 1 Br. 1 Ba. dshwr, paid $375. Othera 1001 Agt. 873-6210 MIF shr beaut. Back Bey Harbor Blvd. Take OV81' Furnished home for rent Stunning 2br wlparty Work/E.xchenge lor rent. ea 2 block• 10 beach, dally 9 to 6. BEST lee 539-8190 Crappy 2br, near beach, condo. Pool, Jae, tennis. lease. 1600 sq.II at 90¢ patio. bit-Ins. kids S425 . 539-6190 close to school & tennis. OakWOOd tndry rm. carport. WI -A-lr_c_on_d_l1-1o_n_ed_c_om_l_o_rt_2 nice area. furn or unturn $300. 845·5165 It. Call 751·6191 seasonal or long term DC-RENTALS 750-3314 Beach Peach co~ 1 Br 962_6683. side. '390. Avell 8·1 t . w/garage. patio. plu. ,.,... 845-6625. Br w/garege. lncd 4 kldl, $600111\o· 873·6336 Fem/Belboa Pen In 2 Fountain Valley Olllce In Laouna Beach. Westside 2 Br 1 Ba. lncd 1.ow $385 wmcllff 3 er. Clen. ol11Cie. ........ pell $450. Other tool l.u Cl 3111 story 3 Br 2'/\ba, veulted space. 2500 aq 11. at 604 Newport BelllCh, petlo. enclad garage, 539-6190 2•11 81, 2 cer gar, garde---.... ll/h . WISTWE YIWIE _e_es_T_1ee __ 63_9_-&_1_110 ___ 1 •••••• !!'!!!'.'!......... ceilings. balcony & 11ar a II. Good e11posura. Corona del M., new cerpet1, drapes, $475 3 Br 2 Ba spilt i. ner. no pets S 1050. _ _,....., 1 & 2 Br eptt avell.. Im•• Jiff 1 Br. pv1 deck, old world $288/mo. Ask lor Jim good parking, Tslbetl & pelnt.Nopetl.$510/mo. vel,lrplc,recrm,klda, 1-637-1458 880 1rvlne poot.spe.lndryrm,no •••••••••••••••••••••• cherm , 1pectecular wlmdale"9t.675-9518& Brookllurst Call Conlact (714)494-.3757 plus aecurlty. S48·5442, peta. NEW• BEAUTIFUi. (at 16th) pets, lmmed occupency. Woodbrld"'"' condo, 2 bf, oceen vu, walk lo beach 896-5189 wkdys , _7_5_1_·6_1_g_1 _____ _ 71 56 9 Q 1 B $440 1450 wv •• Responsible, retired OUTO·ST~N.OINO 1br w/, ____ :_fS_e._~_:_:g___ Prof. decor. 2 br, 2'1'i ba •(7~ ... 64 .. 5-1111/0S.4 {er. $625. ~7~~8~f~t!!'iw!:' mo. ~4~532~~~;~ ~~rat apt Female c'o shara 2 bdrm IEWNlT IUOI ~•doublltlse(MH!!2_wt,sohr 160 'moan'. " .-twnhse. trptc. Beck B1y. w,...n H • Call for appt. · · apt In oats Mesa Sepl lEllOEI UTlS "" ~·- huge Pool 2 Br. wl wlle aaver $850 lse 873-4431 1700 16th St. TSI. Mgmt. .S.5-8122 Wf.••• ...,j JUI l.ut• Aa• JUI lat $250. 645-1269 No depoallsl Luxurious Mus I a 11 o w Pe I petlo, utll·pd S300 Cell llltchen. patio. carpoll, 2 BR. remodeled hae w/ (Dover at 16th) S4 •• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Reap non·smkr MIF rm· new olflcea, Including ~96i4i·i6iti10i.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii QC-RENTALS 7so.3314 kids $525 gar, 1•1t blks off sand. (71 4) 642-5113 2,~ ~,.. P~~.~~r.~'55 : IOIAIFlllT 1 Br Apt. CloM 10 17th. & mate w1nted lor 2Br. recept1onla1, anawerlng • 2 Br. I Be. w/ crptt. drpa. 539-6190 $750 yrly Aalt tor Biii, 1eth St 846·9507 Mott e19Qent apt. bldg. Main. S326lmo 28a 1p1. nr S Cal Plue. servi ce. conference HELPI Responsible c:ple, yerd, ...Elalde. $5115/mo. S600 4 Bdrm with multi· 631· 1286 In l.agune Beech, llneat 836-0706 968-0564 aves room, etc 752·8408, 13 yr old boy. cat a dog 675.6()68. bath. comp kitchen, E'alde 2 Br 1 bath, poo4, location In town, breath· A t a.ff need house In "Old 1ownhome, patio, yard. 3Br, loft. 3ba, 3 yr• old · 1 OCEANFRONT • sharp cov'd parking. laundry, taking views, ell built-Ina, ,.rt•••t• •tail• Maller Bdrm wlp1lv1te 400·900 PLUS 1400 sq. II. Huntington" area, H.B QC-RENTALS kids b I k Ir om C 11 fl 0 r . 2BA. winter. no pets, gar. no pelt. $450/mo. Total he et e O po o I , •1 Ua/8ra JlfO be. Avail. lmmed. Wk· Penthouse Baytront Sul· (West of Adams, South 1·5br't 1200 to $2000 539-8190 848-6789 or 848-6710 $850 mo 875-3033 move In $750. 833-7890, 1ub ·garage. elevator •••••••••••••••••••••• d1yt before 3 & wknd1 ta. parking, patloa. ol Beech Bl\/d). Appro>t. 750-3314 open 7-dey1 Many more avellebte. 848-1947 Lall• only. $850 & up SUWlll 850·9160 I 673·1003 $800/mo, rent or leeHI Fee BEST 10246 Watt· Big Canyon TownhouM, 2Br, 1Be. $550 mo. 4Br, 330 Clltt Dt 494-6083 YILUIE 1---------tlon. Aelt. 536-9832 3 bdrm. 2 be, 2 cer ger, mlnater Ml golf COUfM view. 2 & 2B•. $750 mo AcroH Nloe 2Bdrrn 2 be. Adult• Newport Beech toll for Scaling Down? Starting miiiriiiiiilliiiiiiillliiilllllliiiilllll• largeyard.$725. 3 Br . $1300 /mo from bell. Sept-June pref. Mott ulll pd #l' VJ.I 3111 New 14 2 bdrm. luxury rent.Femllyatmoaphere. out? l.ower overhead i----------- 873·3048 IDT IPTlll 844·7424 Bkr (213) 848·2232 $525/mo. 846·8950 •fl •• .'!.!~ •••• ·1!••••••••• epll In 14 plan.. 1 Bdrm Full UMOI hOUH. Nr pool melnleln Image, otllce al I ,/rt ,1 Sf200 mo. Plfl furn. & SllO a.. H bo Rid I & 6pm wlcfldl. Beaut. 2BR 2BA vaulted from $5t 6, 2 bdrm trom & perk Rent Incl ulll. Regency Center, Exec ....... , •• ,,.,,,, poolh 5 Bd 3 8 ., r ge. mounta n 1 bdrm, patio, sleeps 4, ----------1 celling, lovely balcony, 1670 , TownhouM from $350 mo. 759·0780 1ulles In Newport nr Air-fl•••n P oo1~:':i8 Pr~tldlao Spilt level, PoOI. jecuz:z.I, ocean view, 3 Br. 3 Be. atepa to beach, $350/ 1 Br, sml. ulll. Incl., $350, carpel/drepea Oru t $840 + pool1, tennl•. Roommate to ah1re 2 port. fully equipped & •••••••••••••••••••••• ltlda/pels BEST le• beautllully done. weetc.875·-4488 prel•a~te. """'·i_,__,,9 0omplex "" stetted for 8 .,ery bual •••l•-988-5306, 831 ·7370. ""9'" 90 $2400/mo. AVlll. now """' "'•--w1terfell1, pond..., 081 bdrm, 2 ba condo. 3 blks • ••• 881-7622 i-""'_.,,_1 ------By Owner 780-1977 OCEANFRONT Dix 2-4 Br 2·7940 Bldg Unit 202 Adult for cooking & haetlng 10 bell. $225. 960·11805 ness nee<l. lndlv ottlces ••rtaa/IY ltllf ----------Nr Bell 2br 2ba w/doubfe By wee ~ or mont"t NEW BREED APTS lllling. no peta. $800 mo p1ld. From Si n Diego mo/mo from S375 .•••• Jt1"; ••••• ;'•••••••• E/Slde 2 Br. t Ba. n-gar, patio, blt·lnt $460 VerHlllH 2 bdrm, 2 be 973.7973 BACH. $386 Frplc. rec 788-3485 Fr wy drive Norlh on I F to 1hr 4 br condo. 833·9976 BEAUTY SALON. 4 Ila· carpeta. dr1PM. t etory, OC.AENTAl.S 750-3314 n.anthouae. ocean view, 1 l ....... e h t M F dd 1 emenlllH , Eeatblull1, lion. 101 tale or leHe. ,.._ room. poo . tcwi.£ .. gu ·~ I lffej 3111 M C o o • en o SO. LAGUNA. 3 Arch Bay. Selbo• Pen. 673-5770 prlvete patio. $545/mo. R patio, $800. 752-6317 A,.,..-.... 11 & water peld. No g ate. I a• 8 w 1 n d v 111 8 g e N.B. 1240. 720-0572 500 .,.. 11 .... ,h good h..,,,, ___ 0 ______ _ 380 l&th. Pt. 851•9622 VACANT 2 e • kid• OK. n•• •••• ••••••••••••••••• ..., ... -, ·-small yard, $500 mo. JamM DID l/aJ•raldH 3113 Hemllt on, .M . NO FEEi Apt & Condo (114)893-6t08. eater Bdrm. own bath. vlelblllly. 4117·2 51 •Hl•n• le 3 Br. 2 ba on 11\ acre w/3 ChOOM Ir 3. &e2·4471, 3 bdrm. 2~ b-. Plan 4• •••••••••••••••••••••• 845-4411 renlllt VIiie Aental1. ..... neer Beach/Adema. Ii U. fl/I oer gar. plu9 IJUMI hOU-bkr. for i.aM/optlon 1 yr. No J,"1fl /11.tU JIOI E'i lde 2Br, ger, view. 875--4912 Broker. •••••••••••••••••••••• $250/mo. plua 1100 MC. 11.lmm •••• ! ... !!!••••••••••• M . S.. 2530 Sent• An•. 1----------money dn $2300 per •••••••••••••••••••••• d9Ck laundry $465 No EASTSIOE CM. Private 980-8030 or 960-7674 llWPllT lllTD OfA WAITS Tl "' DO NOT DISTURB TE-~! ••••••••••• 1~1 mo 1700 P8f mo llPPllee Yrty $775. Oelu11e 2 br. doga: 546-7933 · turn. room & b41th. U1ltl. oodbrldge Vlllu . nu 2 With uae or reception, Locel precfloe, con~ NANTS t 1200 mo. LUlllll to 'purchu• price of r~g. Near weter Wetttld• SPARKl.INO Incl .. refrli) .• S315 mo Br 1 Be, part. fum. conl. room. kltoh, pN>ne, ce. Reply to PO Box 851-8228 $389.000. 851·0 t30 1 • e79-0M7 Cl.EAN & SPACIOUS 1,. 673-7544. 641..uet MCre1e1lal & word pro-t332 Newport Beech 3 91'. 2 Ba. gerll(ile, lrpla, 3 Bdrm deleched hOmea Owner/Agent Smell 2 BA 1 Be, yt!y. In-2 n . AOOM/B•LBO '" 1230 ceulng. Mall & meMaoe 92863-0332 'lard . No pe1a. ua w . In exC41flent .,. ... Avlfl•· dry lecll, deck, 1800. .... Newly redec, crp11. " "· tee>• to t>eec:h, 3Br 2ba. Mrv. avail. teperetery 11 l---------- 1eth. lllJ_IUI aec . I> 1 e Imme d I et ejy, 8lutt1 ltH, 3 br, 2'1t b•. 875--0349 drpt , d•hwr. range I,... COUNTRY CLUB LAl{INO rf>2· ~+ .nfUomn .• avt, mb 9k/r1•. M/F 19·30. '250. 325 deelred Sell lltlth EASEi e 7 '600/mo on 1yeer16M. condo. 2 cer oer w/-.0.1----------frlge, view & oc .. n IN NEWPORT Be.<tH " 34th St NB Ceff Antww can· Judy II'• e BREEZE s7&5/mo.4 1 1 Five othett to chooe1 opnr. 840-9350 daya: Bayfrontbaehunlt,1450 1>reere1. no P•ll. A t otal en.,lronme nt e73·90l6. Ad721 .. 842~24hra · 714/70()..()tOO ct ... llledAd•642-!5e76 2 BR, nr SC Plze. Adult from. We're the on. to 780-83111 eYea. Mr Begg. Inc Id• u t 11 •. 0 • Y 1 1365-1475. e.42-0684 & epertmant communlly on Shere nice 3 Bdrm duplex. ========:..!:::=======:::::.:!=== condo•. Pool. Jee, l ull if.' . Decorator 3 BA 3 a. Big M0-2471, -675-9302 552.g723 lh• Upper Bey. Prfvat• Balboa Penln1ula. Ga-T ~:a.c(:_o~;::.~~ ""°4brtcltf Cenyon condo, ov«1oo-lll#t LllllY 111111 :~~~h9o~!rin:n:0~~:~1~ ~~·J~~~~~h 4 ~\:. ~ ~~ You can be a! . plua 1 35 utility . Re I king i°'' courae. Avell. halaHU 1111 fttele htPlara pool1,cloaetobua1MM. )Ii "°' r.:;,; WINNER ! .. 566-t82&, 775-2580 • II · 91118 · 54&-0832 •••••••• •••••••••• •••• · • 1lrpor1, l'Uhlon lalend: Furn rm. lem. pref, pvt --.....--------~~=-5.:1......... Nr ....... ..,_ w/bu........_ 2 bdrm. 2 ba MWer dplx. Frplc. elegant Frenoh home ldt .... PffYli.oM. -mill -.. .....,,, .,..., "'"' kttdl '.i4QO" yrty. Meture non-.mllrt, window•. AC. In home Convenient 1hop1 on .,. .... v.;:;; 849 •. 9141, I 4.1 Oecorator ~. ......... 4t21B11ruo 1'11•1,tr•IM ~:.,COIY .. 1a... .... 4 no J)e4a. 1750 x 3 1ecurlty, 28r 29e, 18 r Illa. Unl'Uml9hecl 1>acM-&lit~ I; -·-· .....--...... a•• ...,.,..,....NTAlo ........... 1 2t317 185•257•9792 tBe&"udloe. iore.112bdrmapt111nd J b I 1 ~ 2 bdrm. z~,_ -·-If-• w 1er a 1tudlo 1nc1 w1t1r1 townhouML Room for '*"'· 2 1c1rm ust y sending us your name and i • Cape Cod. Poot. • rec. 1 to 5 bdrma, 11antng 11 .,.. rr .., S4 Br. ulll. pd. 410 dryr. alto lnelud .. pvt IS40 • 1 1000 hM. COlleQe Partt, CM, dd d b l hi I I .,. ... pvt petlO, y, te50 to 11200. ·~ .Jflfl rdln9. BalbOI. No I OIUb w/tennlt courta, hverel t>echelOI'• end f 11111 ~"°°·can a ress an ~ wa c ng or your 'O::o='r'w':::r.-:rr: f •••••••• ·············, 11.84 ·1155 gym, pool•. Jacuzrla, Bdrm unit• fMtUr9 fln•1 anlW•r ad 1'520, name in the dassilied ads of the I .. r••-I ... P .. unu t>eaulll'UI"' ..__~ d••l"n•r furnltu,. and e.42-· .. "'" "4 hi. Daily PIJol. dregerlH end mort. .._ M ..... I ' '' .,__,.. eooM.or1ea. Move In to-.......,., ' t 1 8 O I m o • c a 11 DITIUff I 2 bdrm. 2 be, wtnt• only ~-:,~: ~~~';:e,:e:~O:. dflY or r...w rot aum-1 CdM • Am I ba • prlv I 541-2239, tO:IO to 5:30 3 br. ~ "' ba. condo I &725 mo. &&t-1M2 1 1 Inc l• moat ulll too. m•r montha Smartly tntrence !of QUltt. m .. ' Win tickets to the r 1rcu11.. aru amuHment attrar I pm I tOOO" mo. Ut a teal •---------•• 8 furnlt"..,. m...:.-., ,_ '"'' adult. •tt&, utfl'1 1 · month, aec dep HOO. I!..-...,_ IHdllll 1 .... 9-34218 3141..., 1. ...._ ...,... -.. -· pd 7~ l ons or sportlnit e~l!nti. JUllt flll out this coupOn and CIHalflad Ad• era tf\e oteentng dep ,250, r.r.::;, ............... 1 (btwn unllowe r I dlllly. I ' molllttodaytothc .,,....., to • ~ Adulta onty no Ptt• call Duplell lef09 a It. t k . Mc.Anhut). lao• liy, NI. p111 "" genageoryerdealellf'ta J a c k 01i111n , d'ey • laundry. gerege, yerd. -,-bd-""-u"'"s>P«--. -_.-80-lncl-1 On Jaml>ONt Ad •t 'tlltmo. lnol utll. Yng Clas•Uled Departmenl, Dal~y Ptlot b91ttif way to ttlf mot'9 11.a:_m A..-.111o....a..-. 7 a 2 . t 7 ~ o, •" • •.' Im med occupancy u tll, frpl. ".,'/ oozy. 8an Joaquin Hint Ad. f • m n on.• m II' peopl9I Ti16"'~11f111l"'l"T.. ~. 770.2904. &31-0921 •"• :~ 144-1IOO ..... &at. 331 W. 81y Street, Costa MeH, CA mit ~ Macnab·lrvme Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/TuMda~. Augu11 17, 1982 -~~=1~6!:7~P~e=~0=a!=~.!.a~· .~!~~·i~1l.!·1a1u~a~:··~111• s 1 • 8 1 .• .... ~t•~ll~li .. ~•. rl~j,~·H·11•1c'1t11r-;r.•. iiN.ltN··0•••• ~f·~·.-~'!'! · !!ft~~~.f · !P.'~!~!. ~~IJ~!!~ .. · · ~a.'!!~ ............ ~~~m!W.!!I.... .... ~ .. • .. •. 1 • 11 • 1 •• •• ••••••• .... f·~ .... •.•tJa•.•lll.•.•.lll.I ..... •.• ••••• ~!!J!~I. ............. . 1 r V 8CAVIC 6 O.OOortitno-Scotc:hgerO Oeootator .atyte tnt, ban, Cuetom Rallnlanl~·f'urn Carpentry. Cabtne1e. Oantrel HOUH Cilaantng l rtckwork·1m1ll or lga RALPH'S PAINTING Hu1>41t Roofing all t~ for 1 phone 01 11 away Rao •lrt• ral..a panel wall• A Callfor 111 ~4 ·6294 ! I 1 ct T II a "•fl te2.0810 art. 4 8tnot 1999 645-8612 Ref Fr .. •t 836-0808 LIO •411802 6-411-9734, het'1 A~L you P•~ lialp tor 1m111 butllle .. • Ouer l'r .. 111 838•5543 meniata, llbrert ... hlQll 4 tntarlOtl·All Aepalre ~ Plumb., Or1tn Cleantng, llltl~. ,.,. 10 yf1 t ap, Job• 100'• toc;et r•f• lnt/1.:1 ,.... ret11 N--r~tt~• 30 day Ml ordk11ptnQ. to prep .• !!'!!~! •• ~!!!!!..... c.<tllln_g _Llc_5_38-_2304 l114H/a• --_e_66-0_t4e C•p1r HouH Claanlno #m•• tH•• -. In lhe Ou•tne11 countallng Cament·Meaonry·81oc;k Dl•lltlt ••••••••""•••••••• •••• Cer~lry Meeor1ry Rall1bi. Rel• •••• .. •••••••••••••••• .!1!.tJ~J..,........... •••••••••••••••••••••• NIU 4ee-n55 WeH-.Cuet woik I.IC ••••• • ••••• • • • ••• • • • •• Tllll Roon~ • Plumbing 653· 1876 • ABC MOVtNO • FarWno lnlerlOf DeelOn MOBILE S!llVICl Pk.IT "' -1381087 R b 647 2883 •KATRINA'S LIVE-IN 0 II St Th Qulek C ~ a.tvlca HANOlNOllTAtPPtNO ~MN/New eareene · 11•1r..at~ 0 • t1Pp11, dilly maid -"'· lOpf*!lremoV9d Clean R <ywa ..... • J 9~ • 1 Oan't ci..ntng1 window•. · 11 v •---••c •-~ •·"·"""5 NB/CM ~2-go&2 II.VIOi ••• •••• ••••••••••••• n..1v1e, p11•~. watL• FrM o t11ca cla1ntng. crot up lawn rano11 76t-347S emoo.. ., .. e-elHIO n 11 Fr .. •llmet11 882.0410 _.,.. """'' _.,.. • .,, • • .:: Door hanging, 'IN'IOdel. w• ~• " 11 - -ate <>I efectlon guer .-•t Ir nt••I lllEOTllY c•blnete, paneling. 110 Ell No Job loo •m•ll I ctHntno 838 2 1pt1c:ed. MOWING CLEAN UPS Cell H•ndym1n Jim 11'1 Rallabte. lo retM Euro-•A· 1 llYI•* ASA PAPERHANGING ••••••""··•••••••••••• O{f IT NOWI P•lntlng, ctmtnt net• 538-2607 doo r w s y I add Id . Hiullng • LandllCllPIOQ llkt hevlng help from paan 240·2 t46 Top quality Spaclll care 7 yre IOCill up Oulf Alarm Co ILlc'd) Sec;u,lly AM fer la1•ra Jerry 648 44 13 Cullom oonGrata brick-henCih, 'ttry, cu1tom A FrH ut S42·9901 your l1mlly 838·9967 HOUS&CL.EANING. nd In handllng. 2& yre •KP. work Prtcu 1t1r1 at •y•t•m• 101 nome 4 Your Delly Pilot P9' • bloc;!\ w1ll•·P•t10•· 1n11rtor 31·11528 eny-JH la' 0 d I dye, 534·3684 evM ioma tielp? Cell btwn COf'f\patlllve RalM Sllrott Atee"'N1·7027 bu11ne11 Se<: aurvirv & Service Dtrec1ory I., HTIMATHI loundetton1. Ltc'd 1_11_me_._______ Ctea~·u:a. ~;:ir~~ & Ben'• M1tntenanoe 81<v 7·8PM. 842·9887, CM/ No o\/l<ttme. 730-1363 Expert w1t1co111rlng In· 11t1m•t• lrH 6.41! 68g& Repr ... ntellve ~~~~~~=~~~:,r1:~~:ut. 1_6_36_·_60_13 ______ !'.7!!~•••••••••••••• melnl Mtv 6•0-8035 P:i~~~-ei~:,a;:~~~ 1 CdM erae STARVING COLLEGE c'~~=~ll~~nt R:::1::);:~t .f!.~ •. !f! ..•....••... ICJ-llllt .. t, 121 Cullom )"Ork tool No Jot> Concre1e-1mall or lga DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Oual weeding. rememt>er HouHwork, Ol'ln trene-STUDENTS MOVING 1581-8590 SERVICE & REPAIR too 1m1ll or too blgt Cll· Jobs. Remove, replace or Repitri, new & old 11 the 3 R'e. rea. rellebte, HIRED HANO, WILL ponttlon, Eng 1peektng. CO. Uc. T124-436 Vin Qppen1 Service Co blr11te. kitchen remodel rep11tr 645·S512 yre 11~p Bud 552·9582 Alck, 497-3070 TA.AVELI Many dlvern Cati Elotu Sot• et lnaurtd 64t-6427 1aNt l•••••I t714l S38·4666 & II I h d iO choree. Wiiii• 842-3491 548-4839 WATCH us GROWi .. .,..-.................. "''fl• ~!'-~'!!!!.f!!!{a.t~ ... n • e carptntry "••lt•tl•t1 O.••t•I w111 te11turat·Acovt1tc Compf11e Lawn care, ••BRYANT'S** '· elllCI/ plumb/ 0111>lnettl • • • •• •• • • • ·' • • • ••• • • • • u 111 APT & HSECLE.ANING 1a/•l/8f. W lie R • • •• • •• • • • •• •• • •• • • • • • Coun'e,'ops I do every. REMOOELt •oo-ONS H1rng·Tet)l-Steal llUdl CIHn-upe, tree service. n•• 1•• • overing emov•I TILE INST·L· "'0 Applled, t ... appfled. guar . lnaured, llc'd • 14691 730-1900 lrM Htlmllff " LI 38"944 5a2 55 ' ~ ••••••"'•••••••••••••• Rallabll, t•p. raft. No ••••••• •••••••••••••• All T 642 13.43 " "" thing trom start to linl1ht & Carpentry Llc'd 25 ° • l · " • '\.' •Pr 1n"111 r 11 M 1 k e DUMP JOBS Job 100 emell 957.334 1 Piii PllmH ypee • All Kinda Guaranteed Cell Brad Qt yrs exp Irwin 548-2719 DRYWALL TAPING _6_3_1_·7_5_7_o______ & Small Moving Jobi by Richard Sinor Lie. 1JHI•!/.: •r.J1 Refs John 840-9217 •1!':1.t (114) t 11·3210 Utl'••·•••l1•-ll••... F~:!.T:::u~~~I~ ;:~~~CE ''"'" ........ ,111 __ c_.1_1 _M_IK_E_64_s_.,_3_111_ !'!!!!!!{'!!'!t ••••••..•• =~~st1;:. of hlOPY ···e.o~s·Pu..s··ti.Ri°Na··· Ctiuck For Tiie Work •o,••••••••••••••••••• C ·NI Sf I Free 111 Reas prices Tree trim, gen clnupa, HAULING-ORA.DING TRAVELING? Neat patchM. lnt/e>1t Free Est Oya 840-5 188. ~~e~~·:.:'~~l~t .~!,-.-•••• f!.f~........ Ouel work Lie 337169 11.ettltal cement work Free aat. demotttlon. clean-up SELLING HOUSE? Thank you. 631-4410 Reetucco1. 645-8258 Eve wt.nde 675-5100 ...... ... Shemp(lO & steam clean 645-4010 ••••••• •• •••••• • • ••••• Cell 549· 1604 an)l11ma Concrete & tree removal Mue couple avallebl• PAINTER NEEDS f tH linitl S&S Aaphlt 63l·4109Llc Color brighteners, Wht 1-.-E-.• -0-.-.-S-B_l_O_TI_•_•_ ELECTRICIAN-Priced G d I I d OufGk HIV 8•2·7838 mld·S1ptemb1t 10 m•-WORK! 30 yrt 1xp. Intl RPLASTER PATC,HIN030 •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 right tr11 Htlmt1• on ar en ng. exper, an -e1tucco1 Int ... , an Hallbe<g Grading crpte • 10 min blHch seeping, tree trimming. PROF SERVICE nage your home In New-E.cte< Aoou1ttc cetllng1 S LOW RATES $ & Paving Co Realcomt Hall. llvl dln rms S 15, avg Remodel Aeald/Comml large or em8JI loba. GIHn-ups 645·2l22 Hauling . yrd clean up pon, Laguna, Huntl~ton 01vt1 Pllntlng 847-5188 yrt Neat. Piut s45.2977 TrH 1r1mm1ng & removal Lie 397804 842-1720 room $7 50. couch S10; ESTIMATES LIC 3t0229 lie 396821 673--0359 ---------Quick & ctaan Free eat or MeH E>lper. Rafe-11 •I all cteanup5 & mowing A Chr SS Guar ellm pet Mectlterre~an LIC'O ELECTRICIAN ALL SERVICES. Incl 873--0548 renees Can arrengt for Cuetom work, Int & ut, •• ~!f! •• ~I••••••••••••• 554-70 17 .!!!!'!~T! ..•••..••••.• odor grpt repair 15 yrs 54~on;:~uctl~ tncJ Oual w0tk . Aeae. rites ::'a~,7~0·~•07::~.:::.k~!: H"ULING & CLEAN-UP vDo1ewtng II houM for lale. ~~db2(~m ~~~:;;•!~ ATLAS PLUMBtNO & f'•ll tin \ Personallzed, tow COS! I&-exp o work myself -t as tor oe Free 811 63 t-5072 Tom pert tindecaplng, etc " n't worry about empty 5 30PM • HEATING -Spaclaltzlng ••••• ••'••, ••••••••••• gal""''~•· Ind . tamliy, f-R_e_1s_5_3_1._0_1_0_1 ___ Custom remodel•· Yde/gereges Prop. mgt hou1e white 1w1y · · In Repalre & Raptace-Most subjects. K-l• bual lat contultallon No Steam/No Stiompoo additions. tree eel Qua-SmlEJ~~~J~~~ lie ~.~!~~,1~~1:'1 ~~~~2t~~ 631--09531631 •0885 545-4240 --L.-8-A_T_E_S_P_A_IN_T_IN_G_ menl P 14I 645·!688 Oeyteve SS & $10/l'lr tree 553--0290 Stain Speclellst Fast Illy 2nd to rione Bandel 233108.c. tO 548•5203 B••Htllaa/a, JaaJl•tial SPECIAL I Ext sgl $400. f Hill , /f•N/t Mr Motgan 645-5176 dry Free e5t 839· \582 Cons t Lie 4 185 70 UWI O&IE ••••••••••••• •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 sty SSSO 645·9383 .!.'! ••••• ~11~ •• ~•·•••• • ldnlttl•1 EXCEL c RPET c 548-4271 RESIO/ COMM'l/INO Res/comm. NB/CdM ROBIN'S CLEANING LOW RATES Ollie:••. _c ________ , .. , ...... ,, •• 11 •• 14 •• ! .. !~ ... ~~'!.'!f .•... • ••"• •. ••• • •••••• •••• J k ~ f ARE II J 20 yrs Do my own work Reliable, Quellty w ork Service • e thoroughly bldgs Vacancies, strip & ANY ON PAINTING • 14 F .. est Rea. prices ' 'Let the Sun1h1ne In· Loving mother will babysit oc u flngton • • l1ff•H I Sta Uc 278041 Al 646·8128 Barry 645-7412 clean hOUH 540-085 7 w a • • t c C H A IS yrs In O.C. Satisfaction o~at wo,·k. Uc 337169 Call Sunshine Window full time. Nr Fairview g Owner/operator Lio 306888. Remodel, 1----------714·960-6396 guar 494•4541 645--4010 Cleaning. Llel 548-8853 Baker, CM. 548·8653 Carpel, uphol. erea rug Add ns, Cablnete. • .. NORTH STAR•* Mowtng. edging. !rim· Joan's Cleaning Service QUALITY PAINTING ----------1 20"1. Monthly D1scoun1 la11 .. 1.; .. S•rrltt c;~~:1~~-, ~~~~ t%a; 646-85861645-4644 Ll~1~~;•1,.~~~1'~!ct';20 ;:-1~~~ r~1:.~ s~~'. ,~:~so-o~~~:iu·AP1•-~:g~~~87 !~!!'!!l' ... ••••••• • ••• Lie i~~~~7~eae ;3~~;366 RH~~e~.R~1?.~1~ T ~~A~~-Wotl. P10t111i•t. •••••••••A•••••••••••,...---------c 11cu11 s 2 4 hr e • TIRED OF HASSLES? BRICKWORK· Small tob1. rencee. JC&B Const. Lie •••••••••••• ••• •••••• JPAroYIS. B"aSrPteEnAdKlnEgASSevr·:.. The fastest draw in the .~.!!'!.!~~!~~!~f • i-S-45_·_4_t_74 ______ Buying and selling at a Ouallty cleaning help le ~ewporRt, ,cosSt7e5M3e .. 75' EXTERIOR PAINTING •347677 974-7665. Computer word proces· • West a Dally Piiot Kit Remod. ceramic tlle, rea•onabte rl th t' h I A f 960 7452 rvlne. e '· • t ----------1 sing Fest. accurate serv Any occoslon Portoble c 11 c · 0 P ce-a 5 ere e 11• • Custom work. Free est. Reos. rates Notory Free lass led Ad. all Today cabinets. Call now . free Find what tou want In whet ctassllled Is ail ---------CltHlfled Ade, your one-· Reas. + fine Int. & alal· SELL Idle Items with 11 bar.569-l4 t4,521·Sl41 642-5678 e•tlmate.642-0881 Dally Pilot t11•lf'·d1. •bo I 6425678 S tlldl It s•2587S pkup&dellvery Len. ~ 0 .., 0 u • e a ems .. • stop ehopplng center. nlng. Steve 547-4281 Delly Piiot Ctaealfled Ad. 751· 1314 !!!!T. ]!~~'!! .. !P.~~ !!!!!~.'.{' •••••••. !.~!¥ IJ!Jl..rf.•~t.-!_ •••• !.{ '!f! IJ!.11 •• f!!!~'!. .... J.l.'!f! Bil• WHtH 1100 Bil• WHtH 1100 Bil• WHtH 1100 Htl• W1attd 1100 counter Help tor dry ·;1i'1iiwi·lldCll1f' •.. ,-•••...•••.••.••••• ···'·••••••••••••••••• ···'·················· ~!.11. .f!!!.'.'!. •... !.~ '!f! lf!.11.. Vf !!.~'!. .... !.~ ~ S25K. stiort term, well se-cured, 35% toan • to • SUNNY'S Executive Bobysltter, my home, value, 493·7SH Stress-Reduction M·T·W 7-3 Oltlce-hm·outcall 640-5152 aft 5 Cleaning Plent Exper . Experienced flt>erg•ass HOSTESl/OASMIEll PART-TIME, Miture wo-Al~~~~!~e~'f'~~;~r~r~ SALH or will train Must be neat molders to build ate-experienced only, varied ';h~l~ri:,:i•:0, W.i~a:C~:i oval!. Some ex per req. ~~~· ~e0~gr ~t~~r11 ~o~ Service stallon auendant. uper , rats req'd 6 dys wk 9 hrs pr day $275/wk NB 644· 7 151 lto~ll•lll1 ft•ll 1~~~~6~3~1~·6~3~7~7~~~IBat>ySltter wanteo tor 4 I 9n9 a9p85P e3a08r a6 nee e m are n Sa I Ibo at s shifts at Ben Browns child aupervlllon Must Apply at Newport Harbor pet shop sat~ Musi love 4 • t 4 oast $4 25-$5 25 per hour Res1au1a1ll 31106 Coast S 20 Animal Hospltel, t 25 v~ Hwy South Laguna plus benellts depending Hwy South Laguna tiave car llr1 Aug Mase Or .. C.M. animals, axpartence a Sewing Machtne Opera- tor &Aperoenced quality minded. piece rates, Costa Mesa 642-965 1 "-HI 503S 1: month old Full time. •••••••••••••••••••••• Beaul.. secure. pe11te. Mon-Fri, starting 9-13 IJI, IATILE9' redha1ted, green eyed, Your home or m ine D"NCEAS on e~perlence Apply In Please apply 1n person Cell Answer Ad 260, ---------1 plus Ask tor Gary 01 ,... 642-•300 24 hra ECEn ;air IFC P _..... e o 009 t P 8 rs o n EA I CS ON Hostess PIT Apply bet· II ' ~·· a ....... a 4 - lhrt1111 Oe. llO. tun 1ovlng lady Scorpio. _9_5_5_-2_s_2_s ____ _ Speclallzlng In 1st & 2nd 40's , seeks prol, male BEAUTY OPERATOR . tull SIOOttS1,000wtek YACHTS, 1931 Deere ween 2.41 PM 81 251 PART-TIME work, Part/time pe rmanent Ave, Irvine, Calif 92714 Eatt Coast Hwy New· SS-$15 hr. postllon Computer ex-SALEl/lt lllPI. Allen Beclt Florlll 2ll8 E 17th St CM Apply In person 9-5pm 645·3604 Sub Cafetena Worker PIT 3 tir tT>ln $4 74 pr tir Apply NewponJ Mesa Un1toed School District Food Se1v1ces. 1857 Placentia.C M 760·3273 TO's alnce 1949 Scorpio or Sag u mate or part-time, 1a1ee over Full & port-time dancer• wanted tor Bare Min· lmum Telegrams Audi· lions being held this week from 9AM to 3 PM. Apply at. Bare Minimum, l1rac• , .. , port Beach 646-5781askforTom perlence helpful . 645-4281 Robt Settle• NH/CM Age 35-50 Mony va11ed cflentele, 60% comm + R.E Broker 8d Reeltora lnteres\S H H eree Re· 9 6 8 • 8 o 8 o , e v e s la1t1lltr /Sen MH Full lime IOb. must have good driving record R&- fefences required Plea- se send phone number and particulars to BoK 1051 Dally Piiot. P O Bo11 1560, Costa Masai CA. 92626 I HOSTESS Parl time marketing & management opportu· nlty Call 559-8498 eves 6 to 9 Restaurant SGT. PEPPERONI'$ Sales fenH 642-217t 545-0611 ply to Dally Piiot. Box 847-4904 1057, PO Box t560, ---------WIDOW HAS $$$ tor TO's Costa Mesa. CA 92626 RE Loans. 10K Up No BEAUTY Credit Ctieck. No Pen-table American host fa. P9'HTlllHI UUI ally. Dennison & Assoc mlly wanted lor high Looking to add to our stattl • 1 shampoo per- son • 2 assistants Excenanl training prog- ram. Richard Ouellette Salon. 200 Newport Center Dr . Newpo,.. Beooh . 673-7311 school student All living Aa .... , •• ,.,.; ,,,, ••• 1.; ,,.,, ', ... , . bHHH•Hll 5100 ....••.•••.•.•..•..... NEW MANAGEMENT! Hlllgren Liquor Store 250 E. 17th St. C.M 548-6896 £•11 I loHI. 5300 .....•................ FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 142-Hll upenses will be pd. dys 979-5056. ev/wknds 541-6243 ask for Marie EXOTIC DHCERS IHhtlor I 81oh1- l o ntt 1 parties. Tht L11t Hurr1h. 731-1638 ,,,, •• .i S.mt•• 5360 ........•••....•.••.•. HlllU IEITUIWI Escort 10< Women 497-5725(bet 8am-Spm) White Male will model IEST PHT-TIME JOI II TOWI Be a telephone promo- tion clerk for local new· spoper Private desk, casual attire Only requi- rement Is a gOOd phone voice and tots of enthu- siasm. Houra Mon-Fri 5.30-9 30PM Sat 9:30"M· 1.30PM $84 00 to stlrt Alter l~t week. share In partnership profits For Interview. --------• R1y call alter 6PM 530.3293 842-Hll !OsT Cockat1e1 between 41 at end Balboa Bl Whistles 8 IOI 675-449S M1le IAMOYH Lost. 7127 In Costa Mesa-Huntington Beach Area t'lt years Chof(e chain. Reward 631-t 748 ev, da 754·6295 Am In a non-maritime tlT 312 busi ness. b u t hol d I~~~~~~~~~~ Masters lie., all oceans, 1: un1tm1ted tonage US IOAT CAllPHTH Merchant Marine Atso Experienced • wanted sell lie W ould make lmmed 81/0Callonal trips • wknds Must know cot>lnelry & & the like • at lltlle to no woodworking. Apply So charge for right Guy ow· Coast Boat Verd 2270 . 1807 w K•teUI. Ste 216. Anaheim, or call (714) 778-8421 Dec khand. eportllsher yocht In Bala. Oct-Jan. Osl matnl exp. req'd. Fishing exp deelred Reta absolutely essential. Send Reply to Box S44, Dally Piiot Costa Mesa, Ca 92828 DEOIUTlll SAUi PI T, FIT. ltlnt comm. work In OC. Mull have flelr lor color, wlll train 840-5249 Dell very OH• PAii IAIU 10 people needect to de· liver shopping spree free gilt cer11flcate bOOktat• No selling Must be neat tn appearance Musi have economy car or motorcycle Apply In person at 3214 t Allpaz. Sulla 0 , San Juan Cap OELIVEF\¥ PERSON n ded for busy Irvine travel aervice Motor bike pre- ferred Htly wage + mi- leage. 957-2700 Marte General Help, earn up toJ $400 wk taking snap shots In your area. Ama· teur photographers nee- ded. P/F time. no exper or selling req'd Write to lJnlvareal. PO Box 1223. Montebello, CA. 90640 General Office PIT. 9 om • 2 pm, Mon Fri. Need mature person w /oltlce exper to o l>kkg typ·g 60 wpm & Phone Could work int full time. call 556-2932, aak for Lorna IHHAL IFFIU Looking for an enthu stestlc. hardworking tn· dlvldual with office ex rlence. typing·& pho skills. Cell Performanc Sallcralt. 642-0846 GOVERNMENT to help atiow spectacular Newport Beach Eucu---------- tive residence to wealthy PART TIME prospecilve buyers •;, Eves and/or weekends days wk Bright and Responsible adults. over exclllng personality, ex· 21. wllti outstanding, at- cellent corwe1sa11onatlst tractive personalltles to and super grooming and work with youth (ages appearance are absolu-10-14) Call 2-5PM, tely essential Real 89· 642-432 t, Ext. 346. EOE tale lie. Is helpllJ~, ut not required Send I tys to PMOIE Wiii Delly Piiot Ad No 41, Fo1 Insurance office. 2 P.O BOK t 560, Coste evestwoek 557-1882 Meso, CA 92626 HOUSECLEANEAS Fte._. hrs, PT/FT. Own trans Exp'd 540-0857 LOAI OFFICIH I AggresSlve Newport Beach firm seeks moll· I vated lndlvldual Terri· t ory open Har bor· Paclllc. 955-0073 LYI Oii H For conv Hospital EK· cellent benefits and wor- ktng conditions Com· pe1111ve satary 642·8044 NB PROFESSIONAL TALENT NEEDED! Join e company that's going AFTER THE BUSI· NESSI Sartoua. ambi- tious lndlvldu1t1 c1n earn 1ub1tan1lal dollars with many t>eneflta. For en exciting M.lff poeltlon call Les Kataln 549-4300 549-1457 JOB OPENINGS Maintenance/ Gardener. a. magnon pontiac / subaf u Many positions avallabl prefer over •O yrs for In U S & Overseas, For apt c0tnple11. experience Directory 312-888-4347 necessary 548·9556. Ext E·91 12· 7 Hardware Sales PIT, semi Manicurist needed lor retired type, Apply in progressive 1>eau1y salon person Crown Herd-tn Irvine 857-46S6 HarbOf blvd at F1tr Or In Costa Mesa P.TIME W.H PIZZA STORE Must be aggressive end Now hiring for Full or work tong hours for top I part-time opentnge al pay Call between 2 PM locatton near O C Air· and 5 PM. port Varying daya and 730-9 t 1 t hours, Ideal supplement· __ S_A_L_E_S_P_E_R_S_O_N_S __ al Income for tiome-Full g pit dress shop makers and students. NB 544-2470 Marge Our progressive growtng1---------";__. company oftera opportu· Soles. PIT, Retell Fabric nltles tor advancement S t ore A n a ( 7 1 4 ) based on your Job per-772·44 71 formonce. Pleaa81tl wor·l--------- klng conditions. Must be SALES PEllSOI 18 and over. Apply In Wanted for retell shop person 2·5 pm, on Balboa Island Apply 2300 S. E. Bristol In person only, Mon-Fri Santa Ana Heights 226 Merine Av Pert & jnext to McDonald&) fullllfme Equal Opponunlty Empl IAUSPHS .. HTllL AllT 1111 For booth at Home & Full/time. Experienced. Gorde n Stiow. Aug Lesportsac Oppty lor 21·29 Could work Into grOw'lh within the chain permanent position Mt Phllflps. 557-1264. 955-3004 RETllL llWIU S "LES REPRESENTA· Drees shop: NB or Irv TIVE Retell ex pr nee Local new publlceuon 544·2470 Marge seeks FIT display adver- tlslng sales represent•· SALH/ltat lerlwart lives In Irvine. Coste Part llmelfleKlbte. Meae. & Mission Viejo 675-3324 N.B. Straight commission 2131698-8368 SALES Sales . OOMI. I IHll RETIRED? Unique women's clothing Looking for e•tre tn· store seeks energatlc come? Try Part-Time people with flalr for fa· ahlon &/or modeling ••· sales. Tuesday thru Fri- SWITCHIOAID llECEPTIOlllST Mature person for stock brokerage firm. Newport Center. good typing req Salary open fllarJ011e 644-2442 Telephone Sales Earn Big Money by the beach. $300· $1000/ week Call 536-7511 T•l••h•H o, .. ,.,.,. 20 people needed 10 help take orders tor shopping spree gilt certlftcate booklets No experience necessary Salary & casti bonus doily Apply In person at 32141 Allpn Suite D. SJC nLEPMHE SOLICITORS we need good people 10 set up appointments lrom our Newport Beach ofllce 1n 1ne evening tor Holiday Inn's new travel club Salary + comm1s- s 1on + bonus Ca ll 833-3740 after 1 pm TOPLESS MOOELS $75 OAY • PAID DAILY no exp nee • 826-2583 WAJTEll/WAITllHS Wllh car for wtcker Das- Lost Lg whl blve-eyed cat, w/10 Tiger Lily Vic 4tti & Avocad o , Cd M . ners Stave Freeman Newport Blvd N B S73·3500 dys. 673-8211 675-2837 Dental Chetralde Ania· 1ant, Pert-time. EXPE- RIENCED. RDA prefer- red Mot111e1ed. caring lndl\/ldual El Toro Area. 830-1130 were, 1034 Irvine. N B. MOllU Enjoy working with kids. and wlah Increased ear- nings, ullllze your out- going personality. team how to become e trained sates counselor. Cell 2·5PM 642·4321, EKt 346 EOE day, 9 AM to 12 Noon ket luncti service 9.30 10 · pertence helplut. Apply Ir Apply PENNYSAVEA. 1.30 pm Mon.Fri Earn otherwise BOILER MFG co. CEO 675-5695 Jf!'.f!!!!'!~~! ........•. Lost Dooerman with • L J I Idaho togs, red collu. ilt•H I V I c F e I r & M e s e fallt8t li O• 100!J 548-9154 •••••••••••••••••••••• ----------Student Trainee. Fall en· LOST MACAW 3-4 moa ego. jµ4-5269 rotlment Show horse stable Live In Non- smokers 244·2218 Proven record as e•ec In boiler business required Will head co w/unllmlled potential. Fantastic OP· portun1ty for the right person Send resume to. Boiler CEO Box 147, San Juan Capistrano. Ca 92693 Found· Cocker mill, blk & l-J.-.-.-,-W.-.-.-,H---1-0_1_S Bookkeeper. p/tlme. 1111all t>rn. M: Lab, blk. M. Sa· •••••••••••••••••••••• pharmacy. must be e•-moyed. M: lrlah Woll-Youno marrted man will perieneed 646·165t lor hound ml>1, F Newpor1 do genef81 handy w0<k Interview. Beach Anlmat Shelter, Call eves & wkends. ----------1 644-3656 972-952!> IHlUS·AIEITI Dental E.-perlenced R.O A. nee· dad for Orthodontic practice In Mission Viejo areo S30·3703 IEITll WllT/Orti.e. Chalrslde. Xtnt wage & bene ROA or ellglble Newport Belch 640·0t21 DIRECT Rnllllll& 3 1 POSITIONS lost: At OC swap meet 2 L_l_c_E_u_r o_p_e,_e_n_n_u_r_s_e_/ RINGS. Sentimental v•· companion. tiome care. lue REWARD 540-6966 cook, etc Live out 1~1. commission Mtn- 1 mum tees Beaulllut $14 000 fec1h1tcashlerSh0<1seware: ,,_ t v r LOST COCKA TIEL 548-6572 sates EJIP8f pref "pply .--yaa MULTll OLll Toni's Scenty Panty now MAIAIER hiring models Pteua CM. Anh. MV, HB. GG call 548-6444, c M locations. 48 hour week. NURSE • AIDE House· Salary Plus commission. keeper. clerk cook tor t o S 2 5 • O O 0 I 7 1 4 ) etderty Japaneee eoupla 8S9· 19S3 In H 8 6 days, Sam • HELP YOURSELF 1pm $4 tir Call btwn 7-9pm 842-7348 llllSH AllEI Exper'd all shifts Elloel· Te l letter 01rHr lent benefits Conv Ho1- Joln a company that's pltal. Newport Beech g<>lng AFTER THE BUSI· _6_4_2_·80_4_4 ____ _ NESS• Serious, embl-Operators w /cllenleta ttous lndlvtduats can NB/CM •Inf loc Amta: earn sut>stantlal dollars bte working owners. fair wilh many t>eneflll For deals 631·4,, t an ucltlllQ sales pot1tlon1---------- cali Les Ketaln 549-4300 549-1457 Nr Topez St, Batboe Island Reward '!!!l..f!!.a.'.'!. .•.. !.~ '!'! 673-4529 W.ertl1l•1 AtotHt Cltrlt ~10 ~~0~~ :.~r~wa~ee 10 EXPEllEICE 642-1133 llEOESSARY a magnon HARDWARE SALES Ex-YOUIQ PEISOIS p'd pret'd Apply In per-1714) 964·5354 C111 Sun. ' ., . ., ...... ," Atll•ll 0rHkef1 llUL HTATI UUS Need 2 exper 1>41<>ple In commerctal end tndu· strtal real eat••• lor euc- ceulul end growntng ltrm Bast working con- d I ti on a I n Newport Beach. 714/l>t6-505 t person at AleKIO Natura t660 Placentia Ave, S 150 to $ t70 wkly Must Feshions. 260 For .. t Av. Co11a Mesa. Asll tor Mrs De neat, personable. en-Laguna Beach. White ergetlc 979-0747 81 10 SALES Secretary, lull time, sm am for appt Olll ....... engrg lat>. typing. shor· WAITllESS/WAITEll thand. gen o re Sat Thriving O .C alerm comm wtup Im med Lunch shift Must be company w1nt1 sale· opening. 549-1083 avallable weekends The speopte to handle repldty SECRETARY I EXPEOI-Newport Beach Tennis expanding bu11ne11. Club For appo•ntment. Alarm experience pre· TOR tor smell N B call Adele at 644-0050 lerred. 633-9381 (Mk for Drapery/ Bllnd contraa- Kent). lino firm Must be orga-9~!!1.'. .~ .. !'.~ ......... nlzed and good typtlt W.H OHSILTAIT Catt 673-0760 between 8 ~~!!{~!!'!.~!!.'.t ... Big money-making op· & t2AM portunlty fOf direct con-FAllSA T 1$\JN 9am 20821 sumer eates of 1n1't per-Security Guard. PIT N B Charwood Attantat Bu· fumes and co1metlc~ Location. $4/hr Cell shard Weights. motor- Make net S2501S 1 .000 675-2575 between 5pm cycle parts household wt<ty. For more Info call & Sam. Mon· Thurs nems 213-274--0362 SECUlln QUAID lluei .. 1.;,, W.U/lreu S.., GRAVEYARD SHIFT. 2 ....••.•••.•...•..•... C.M needs e11pr'd ma-poantona open t 2 30 1"1 ~11.1!!!.'.~~ ....•. !.~{~ ture saleswoman. perm. to 8:30 am. Prefer ml· HARBOR AREA p/ll me I m med lure or retirees NEW· jµS-5711 PORT DUNES. 113 1 APPLIANCE SERVICE Back Bly Or. N B Apply We sell recond . guar FOUND· Well c ared lor young Shef>herd, beige & black with e llUle •hlte 495-3181 Of 531-9S1S lype 65 wpm, SI H pref Pleasant telephone 1101· ce. lite t>kkpg. ability to follow lnstrucllons Gra- phic knowledge helptul, non-smoker pref Salary c;ommen1ura1e wl expr Apply 621 W 19th St Model Builder Magazt'le. 8 to 4pm. Aek IOt Mrs Northrup. ~~;'E~rs~oHa~t~~~: _M_Oll_._T_ue_s_. _w_ec1___ pont1·ac /sub~'U CdM OISHWASHERSIP/tlme VI 1111111 Ttl•1r••• Brlgfl1. dynamic phone pef'SOnallty, 111ent1on to detail e muat PIT· Tues. Thurs. S••· SAOO per mo. Apply In person 9 AM to 11 AM 215 Riverside Ave llUL HTATI &Hm SELLING BUSINESSES THRIVES dlKlng acono- mlC llumpe bec:euee BO"I. ol all .. 1es 11e owner fl· nanced we need moti- vated proleselonala wno want to put lun & prollt Into a career Talk to ua lor 5 minutes end we'll turn your Ille around In • positive rewarding way VA BUSINESS BAO· · KEAS 7 t41770-3121 Th• fas1"1 drew In the 9AM 10 3PM appllences 549.3077 SCRAM· LETS ANSWERS Gained • Plano Burst • Anyone RUNNING My wife end I look up new tiobblaa el juat about ttia seme time. She •tarted taking lla- rat1 i.saons end t took up tong d latence RUN· NING Found: Female declewed tortolM enett ce1 approx 8 mot. Aug. 9th Vic; Avoc:edo St. Colla Meaa After 5 648-9112 Found: SmaH Perrot Dark head Vic w 19th, CM.INS. P1MN call end Identify. jµ2-7221 Found: Lh••• Apao . Brlttoll tr vine 8/ 13 11&8-1323 L.U I Yllll~ PHOTO MOO!l.8 ESCORTS/DANCERS OUTCAL.l 24 HRS Mf.IJll Prol . men w/emell ol'llld needl houM k .. IMr•glrl frtdey. O~entff<I. hou-MhOld, t otnc., po.- elblllty 10 " oomputat CLEANING -If you know how to do houseclea- nlng, join u1t Call tor detatts 831 ·6 222 9AM·4PM Wknds. t shift &em 10 Harbor Blvd at Fair Or 2·30 pm or 1pm 10 8pm NB Ctaaslfled Ad• 642·5678 Apply In pereon bfwn I ;iltl_..:;,1n;.C;0:;s:;t;•.;M;;;eu=:__l::;;;=;:::;;;;;;;;====:.J=====---- 10am & t pm. Aek for ALTIUTIOH Women In Corona det Mar. Newport Beach Area to do alterations In your home lor emall re- tell shop. C1ll Bob 640·412S ART TUOIUS Strong backgroond In an necenary & eblllty to work with etemantary IChool Chlldrtn. OIST• HlllHH Flelr lor dellonlng Int• rlor ac:ceasorlea & fine alt. Should h111• good sen11 of color & detllgn Will trlln Mrs Weber Me11 Verde Conv Hoep 88 t Center St.CM. CLIO PHOTO Pert/time sales clerk ORY CL.EA.NINO needed for drlve·thru lmmedlete ll•r1 tor fully pno10 boolh Mon-Fri experienced 10·2 Siert $3.35 hr D I Must have outgoing per-rY 0 llftlr sonellty Satea & cHh • Exci9ttent ulary and register uperlence help-strong Company benefits ful Apply at Ctlc Photo. ewall you 2 188 Newpo rt Blvd. ·Greet opponuntty wl1h. Coate Mesa M2-1270, lnt'I recognt11d Orapa<y 1-874-7080 Cleaning nrm _______ ...,.,,.__, • E•treordtnery repu te NllPlllM tlon St11re home w/elderly &40-1311 woman LI h•kPO & coo-U king. Nwpt Bch araa OOIT 673-8000. OHITll011H I.. HUDY OUAllU To atudy blueprlnte & 1Hl lttM Aft I . II. plane for vart0<11 1truc---------,--lures & IUpeMM actull m•lll • C1ll TuH l hru Fri bet· conatrvctton Neid BA p•-TIM ween 10 & 2 to mak• fin Cl II E I I • - ' I v ng nearing 0 no 8e a carrier coun1etor eppo ntmenl for Inter-9XJ*'lence $2500/yeer view (714) 404-e167' Joo llte: So. Celllornla for • local n1w1p1per UTOMOTIVE Cllp •d & reply by ,.. NO up1rltno1 n1a•1· ·-••• -tum• no later than "pt u ry. WOfk only 12 llOurt -•• -• 28 1082 #S .. p a week $75 IO Jllr1 ptu1 ... 1 •••-• ' to: 1 l v, .... dlllonel llhere Of ...... ......_, Bo11 865. 81or•men10 '""' ,.. .. ' Neat Chevy 11ore must CA 05804. If ofl•r•d n.<-"1'1 ~~tei..bt add thrH experienced employment. muet ll'low raa n ,... combln111on aalH Plf· you h•v• teget right to Menaoamant cpportunl· ton• lor E2 atralght Mii work. Ila• Por lnttrvl1w cell I • I ..,._ •-' f th -'""" eftll' 8:00 PM. 9'2-&e'78, .. -· """'' ... Of • Cooil'. experienced for ewt 312 I '83 Chevy bonanz•I " G1nerou1 pay. demo i~r~-t e8:':rent. Col~ XI.NT Opportunity tor .X• plan. s .. Salat Mgr. tOPM·1 lPM. 404•8824 1>«lanoecl Dental Mall · MWlll ... " ... t 111\I with ROA. 8u1y , Dove/Ou.U Sta. Coeml10IOOY llO«I• ~ Jlle ... nl , Laguna e .. ch I NEWPORT BEACH 01)9rator (In )'Our •• , •• 1 Office. FUii Of Pen-time.' ting ltloe>) lor IMOvetlve'I 494-9788 I A8'y3tTTE A NEEDED. non·aurotoal f•o• 1111 --------- ( (, ) ) WANTED ( ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach , Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • • • Good Enmin9s Super Trips Great Pri1es CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMEN T Daly Pilat 6 42-432 1 ·' West • Dally Piiot Clusilled Ad. Call Today SELL Idle flam• with • H11ve something you want 10 sell? C1ass111ecr ads do 642-5678. -Dally Piiot Ct111llled Ad It well 6•2·5676 Tl llYI I SllllllnL UIAIE SIU (or Verd ..... , .......... etc.) Plac• your ad In the Dally Piiot Clualn.d aec11on (It'• best to run 3 dayt for max.lmum exposure). II you pay tor your ad In ldvance we'll run It 3 deya end only char119 you for 21 2. Get yQUr FREE Garage Sate 1lgn1 (all you have to do I• co,,,. In to tM Dally PllOt 6 pay for your Id tn advance - wt wtll give you two 11 JC 17 Signs - FREE or charQ9). • 3. Price MCh pi.ca of merchandln. 4'. Hey' pt•nty of onlf'Q• on nano (nld<tl1, dlmea. quarters. t11lvet, one and five dollar bllla). 5. Atlax. h8" fun, and count your me>My at tM end of the day. word prOCllllOI'. So. u. pa. roomtbettl a ltnalt 1111ry, or 11t1ry only. "ealbl• hour•. l llrry ..,.,. 4t4-f9$f Cd M . P/tlme . Non, mac:hln• nM deCI. Oen· Trade your old atutl lorl' lll'IOllW. Eng. apeektne-' eroue oomm .. training! n•.,. goodle• with a 780-1391 I provided. 951·20&8 _ Clutlflld ac:t. IM2·H18 '--~==~=~================~:=,~~~=~~~~==~~:::!::!::::!~~~======~ ,. Cl ~MfMW. .... :.W.! 111'1 '"'""' ".. .., .• ,3, "•frlgeretor. w1el\er , cirwe r. dlehw11h e r & ,,.._ ..... M4. Ntoe, 1m1ll r•lrlger1101 Wor le 1 g ooo 1 30 84Wl80 '1frflff ••••••••• ~~ loY'• erui-ti*• J 184. Ukt"" 649-7527 bet. _..7PM Schwinn Vertlt)', men'• 10 1peed. Xlnt cond. 150 1144..Stet Motot>ec:ane Grand Jubl· IM. 12 lpd touring bike, hardly uaed. Extre1. Mutt tell lmmed. 1375 475-2f53 20" Gina Columbia blcy· Cle. lnl cond 150. OBO 983-1 •""-•..a I HIJ ...•••..........•.••.. 11w 11.1n. Redwood 2116 decking, ,..20' long; alto redWood Nncl"tJ. Call Jim or Ken llnY'lmt. 775-t491. ~ •••••....... ~ Jee•••· ........ Sign up nowl For Info: C.it: 847-7688 FV Doberm•n. young, blk. AKC. Chemp tine Guerd hom. or bu1. Sella for $1,000, wlll take 1550. 646-3848 845-9122 AAA Home Dog Trelnlng, Obedleace & problem aoMng, -use a love & pralM method. We care. 63&.9285 - Or•noe Cout DAILY PILOT/TuMday, Augult 17, 1082 ~ ......... ~. ~.~ .. I!!! Men I It rl"tJ wl3ot1 Of tino1;·;;· lcuDI 111111 l Cllemoncte Apr attoo b•okp•oll l r1 no new ft ... Nto0 ,,. I) l•tlJI U I di¥W 'I --llAp 1 31 0.,11 (IOOlt) Cll•· Aquarlu1 Regulator d I .. I I 26 lor all mon I co or v., 1 Apr 171,.1 682-oeo7 11200 Taki t3700 pp ---------03 t·•ne rv. Wit e .. u111u1 ''"o' OAA •m ltu" ,.,, N!TI only f 4 •aohl ••••••~••••••••••••••• 640-eNI BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Color TV II.le 2 yr wmt)' Ill.I WUlell 1111 I 148 FrM Oellv.,y 1200 562·4409 TV John'• 844 17841 .... ,,.,.,/ .,,_,,,.,, ,, •• &.. 1.u. ._._ I.I ....,.,, I I II •• :-:-r.-. •• • • • • • • • • .-;.·u ~ !'!!1. !'!~.. . . .. ~.'.'!!1. !fl!'!.'!!. •••••• ~ '!'!1. ~/'!'!.'!!. .••••. •• ~~~:••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• to Chevy Love ''"' I c:ond , flttll & tkH , a/G ,,,,, ,, , •-'• 1111 •••• ~.' •......... ti.ff LOOK FOR GAEA T MOTORCYC'-E YALIES 188001090 Ul·13Vl 1e D11111n I011gbed, car P•l•d •h•ll w/bOOI. nu br •"••. llre1. belt 12860 148-0390 .••••••••..•..•..••..............•.•••...•.. llWlll llllU'I IUllT $ '71 ACCOAO 8unrl 1111/ Im GIN t:\IOO Cell 636-2~14 71'" 924 lunroof Ortq owner Exoellenl oond 32.000 ml 17200 497 2H3 18 8 I H 0 N 0 A CIVIC 1978 PorlCll t24 R.cJ Alt 01(1300 Sliver metelHe, cond nrooi gd cono 74 01t1un, Lng beo. 4 j s.1 ... servlo•L•••tno red lnt.,IOf. pa1ygtyco11. 17.oo 873•949,, •Pd. tun• good S2&20 jX ~ (. ARVER tter.o 16200 or b11 011 1 ________ 1 &36 4002 dyt 857 48711 'll...11 f\ Call Soon. 475-0944 44 912 POflOhe, orig eve I{ ~J ~ ll ~ l ·Hi\1\\ '78 Clv H B 4·1Pd 4!5K ownr, xlnl cond All , .. '85 Ford ~T PiCk · ............... I' ml. 132o·o 'x1nt cond cord • ae .eoo . upcourierP U Abtt 1800 ...... ,.,.. '" .. ,.... 041M 638·2&8• 71'-8711-786• White gold ring, Mj)phlrt ORUNOIO (1ho11 weve) IN THE FRIDAY EDITION CC'""""· Roll oar. m'""•. aurtounded bi1 3 die• radio. 11telllt• 2 100 10 P·A -11r· .. • Smog --.... e 10 79 3201 Drown. l•n lnlr 75 CVCC Wgn 4 epd xlnt lf•••'t 1111 d ••oo a 2 • •"" b•ft.. Or1ftlnll pac"'I~ • "'""' am/Im 1ter 0111, eunt1, d $"'"'"" ' ' •••• • ":l • • •• ••••• • •••• • mon '·.., . " ... ....,. _ . ., 'V " .. OF THE DAILY PILOTI 4 M on I hr u S •I oon • ...,.,,, "7"' • 1 Q di I warranty Included. e ST 7 '""'" .. 2 mag whl1, air cond . 39, e66-1J.48 Mu 1. " "1 or n • new lll11tll••"•' '" OFFER 962·0•39 14i ...... 4 .. 2• dl )'I 000 ml )(Int oond. I' I, . b•tt' muffter. 40,000 ml, • • ••• • • • ••• •• ••• •• • •• • V••• 1110 600. 844· 1638 all. 6pm Jl••'1 11,0 11 I n t. I 2 8 0 0 II r m . A•IH "'" ••···•··•············· f~ •........ tt~f UN' M llft.ll 1ee 1 w11111 "'° Tiwpe 49).2874 Of 1·3't6-6~21 _,. 1111 WIEIT llLllTlll of Ille model, IOw MitM- Ot CtlCSllllCI In 8out11«11 Calttorni.41 ... ~ tOdeyt IUlll .. UllWO ~eoo H11bot llvd COSTA Ml.IA 140-1111 Antique mahogany Otbl· VI'" L•l-••1 IOll •••••••••••••••••••• •• ••'••••••••••••••••••• 848·7377 net with orig. RCA 1adlo ······~·A•········· ., .. Dod v c '79 5281 4 •O .. d. IUlh•<. Jaguar XK 140, --,,-.-----.,.,-,-,,"".'.IC:'L--1,. ,,-6 record ple)'9r-.$76.00 Paolllc Micro Wive Ant· ...... •-" ._0 .. 0 • /ri *v Mlgl•T S.,,ILLonv. BBS whHl1 Excellent Roodeta1 $7500 I• 1 ._.., .:'.~~~.\ •••••••••• ~ "JVC" teble AM/FM ennu. 24 ,,,, Free mo-••• .'!'c.~ ••••••• ~. "'''" ..... ,J •• • · * c on d $ 1 3. 6 O O 63t-8813 or 769·8944 •••••••"••••••••••••• lfE II PllllTI 11ereo radio with e lrtck v I el. c •II c I an c y 14' Hobie Cal, yellow wl • ~~~V.~!~~I! ..... ~~~ SUMMERTIME FUNI Full 644-8325. 5159-6442 & record pleyer-$75.00, 631-0906 leq. aunrlH 11jl1. Liiie Rent "0' n1otor •ome velour cept. ch1lr1, m1t· J,..,. 113Z #}DEALER &NU S A Wt hive• good H I..:· b th • • ' " chtng tolabed panel 1111 120I l•W •••••••••••••••••••••• · · · llon ol Nf W " USED • room ·marble ly~· IHll I #ul•• new $2500. 875·8141 lllp1 II fully toeded. · car~t. elr cond . au10 : Sunrool, AM/FM caiset-·75 Interceptor convert., or"'IV CARVER Chevrotetel ::~~~11:i:1~•~c~l~;9~ 12' 81lllng Dinghy, S&S '645·8416 low mlleal (1E63066) 1e, AJC, Alloy rlmt, wnt w/wood dash. 39K l"'-11 door well e ablnat & •• ~~~!~!......... clellon. w/doll)', $850 'YI 1141• Trlll Yll Ju11 need rell1bte party Automatic. tow mll11 m1, 121,950. n0-8977 IOJ.5-IQCE "m11ble ty~" wa» •hell, lH•11•l IOIO 615· 1980 or 633·4701 21' du1r rear whls re-to mek• tmall monlhly S 14,!>00 or biltl olr ·75 Interceptor convert ' ,..,., -All•,.,,..,,..,.,,,, •NII• •II t or only S 100.00: ··~···•••••••••••••••• P-21' llEIEL frig'. etove. por1• potty pml• No old con11~1a (714)529·6202 wht wtwood dHh, 39K ........ ,,,.,,., .. 11w1..-• ......., horH l>llnket-120.00; 3!5 Richardson Sport 16900 OBO 673-2266 10 naume No b k 67 Cl1t1lc Sh11rpl 4 door, ml, 121,950 770~977 ClOSfO SVNOAYS g 1 r 1 • a r 1 d 1 n g h 8 I Flahe< Sleeps 6 Aai\jng Xlnt cond. s .. 11 20th pmta. due Ask tor Rose (amell)-$26.00; new cer $16.000.(~13)918-8437 St 113 ,000/obo f1'//er1 f1'Hl ll10 842 .. 4400,ProtoL/M modal 2000.Runagreatl 6.t•H•llAI• 1134 --------,, (• e ... ,.52,.. ., $2800/080 75j-1617 ,•••••••••••••••••••••• , •. L.,. ,.,~ ..,.,7-.-C ...... -~ .• -,,.-.-•• J-lbu-.-, __ -OOt mats .,, •• 20 00: IHll #•ti•• "'""" "" •••••••"•••••••••••••• '75 Ford Van 60 000 431 0900 .. '' • .. ,..,,.,,,. ... .....- new 14 Inch "fht alloy ~' • IO~O Cev11•~ 3". 1""2 Brl1101 '81 Alr&lra•m 19' Sell mlles, runs ~oO<I S23oo _o_r __ ·------1 7 1 Kermann Ghia, new •••••••••••••••••••••• lie Pl S P/B Auta.. Air I B••w· •!f•••I -• • ., • · cont••n.,. Gas appll•n 1975 e••w '""01, 1118 blua, pelnt. rabll motor. S11ff.Sannc.Leaal"" · · • r me I .., • 1e1 01 •••• • •••••••••••••• ·-"'" e~·1~ ........ 112". .. -... -·· Call 962-09 5 "" .,... • .. ,. 350 V8 clear 1111• • .. .,. ... •v _. "'-• cee $1800 830 113S super• spd, 15100 S2800 S..8·4448 ••..,•••,.I · •·•200.00, two new con. Boat traller up to 25' 000. Bkr. 648-4005 • ., 873-5905 . ~=--. 1800/0BO. 984-3205 ''""'"' eteel belled ra· Brakes 10,000 lb cap 20 I\ Travel Triller. ~'9~ .. 1 •• ff!!!.'!!. ••• !.~!~ ---------1 'l4 1111& OHYlllT -l978 e.1 Camino dlal tlret t95/70 HR Sl600 557-9327 Wiit IALE cu1tom car~uno. excel· WE PAY '70 2002 Pert cond New 1mm11GUlale. Low ml 111-2040 411--49'1 Gr_, 14·$100.00, BMW 3201 · Sa\19 big buek•I 25 new lent cond. Mull 1111 Int New paint. runs part Aak tor Tim, 638-8911 t-346-5428 hoodmask-120 00; mlr· Easy Loader. handle up to Luer1 UMd for 3 day• In S 1500 S2500 Firm f1nt• 1115 --------- r or m a d I c In a 30'. good 1lras, 1 yr the O'Oay llngte handed 673·7018 bel. 2 PM TOP DOLLAR 675·9746 •••'• 1131 .. 1••••••••••••••••••• '78 Chevetle lllln cond c1blna1.s 20.oo Call $2300/0BO 644·4069 ch1mplonahlp1 Fully 1---------1 ---------1 •••••••••••••••••••••• '72 Corolla, good 1r1n1 . Muet Mii Sl895 or biltt 642--0138. home. 152-08s5 work. 9qulpped. tl2·20' TAIHS FOR USED OARS Cuti 1115 35mpg. r1b1 •ng. body otter 475-6886. The Luet Store Stp1 4 $3100 551 2519 aa aM 11•11tl ••'••••••••••••••••••• damage '4150 Ana Ad i----------·-2d .... IHll 1•nr 1"40 824 w 8 s c 504l Du h • __, " '82 CAPRI 531. 642·4300, 24 hre '76 Monza Twn Cpe 4 8 to 20' long. 36c ....., ti •••••'··•••••••••••••• 1 lh 1' M tc If, lrvlne POITIA0/111&111 * M O Ell * apd, 11ereo, $2000/obo. 775-1491 anytime .. v . Classtc 18' Lapstral(e 6•2--0846 A•te l1rrln, 1'111 2480 H81bor Blvd • • '82 Toy Celle•. every op· Call Mika 96.4-2046 Century bay boat, 4 oyl, 36' MacGregor Cal wllh a A • •.aoo COSTA MESA Step on !he ~leralor tlon. $9,000 1 120. 1 way l A lo Van-Grey $3500. 675-6161 prime mooring. fully ••• -: •• !!!!!!!!!!.!:'.... HI CIOO rudR~nl~~~~~l ll~:~,g'. 714·760·1393 cowa~. B C. 673·4S76· 42' H Mallhews. 1wn dsl. race. well equipped All Chevy truck pans· 'n 1.a1:1 .. ll pad wllh all the option• ·79 Corolla Dix, auto. air, Auto, ale, am/Im, very COMHCL:. CHEVROLET !\. ?t 11 , r '• • I' • • r I \ \' ~ , SU-1200 'll Olnmt Good 111914 Bristol. Live aboard S32K 831 -3568 or ton 10 dtasel Rt>ll. • • to cru1ae tn comloit. The l ... ll.llllllllllllill new brka. l\Jnl cond. 2S. clean l 1GOO. 495·8263 •ElllRHIP $411 ,500 PP (213) S48·9549 1ran11nlaalon r1om $165 WE IUY LIMITED production c a-000 mt. 1 3950/olr. '75 Vega, •·•Pd. good A~f ~t~tii·: :~:ij RACQUET and SPORTS ~6~ 61i$8s 6 1. ( 7 1 4 l 1Ht1, 11111 & up. 554-t650 CLEAi OARS gp1rn1 •wwltohn~11g1ahs101uC16p3uOIS~nO·) . ·'o'•' .."o'u• ~· &.46·3838 9c6o3n5do1'5S 14 00/0BO 911 $300. 54g.7377 club, Fountain Valley. -l>Hkl 1010 Alumlnum Dune Buggy, u ~ • ' '72 Toyota Corona 4 1 __ ·------.-- •-,. •11 _..., S 1250. 546-3208 *'" SPUll ................... .>.. 1600 engine $850. 333 E. lllD TRUOIS Jull need reliable party NUT M4ZDA. epeed. rellabla trsn1por· Cind11 h15 ~!:: •••• ~~•••••••~• GOVERNMENT Winner ol Character Sllpt av1ll1ble, Corona 181h SI. C.M. ~~~.ak~o •;;;~"c:i~~g:~ SNf IY & talion. 11200. 751-4736 .••• -1.-............... .. 3 lrM pupp .... mix breed. SURPLUS JEEPS Boat Parade. 17' Xlnl dal Mar area, S9 Pr It. 1960 vw MOTOR. 12 volt 10 asaume No back ~ M.. ... f. I .Ji 1111 '73 Newport, new tires. M & F . C . M a re 1 . Llated lor $3196. Sold bay cruiser. $2500 or Peg g Y 0 r C 1 rr 1 e Porsche generator, good pmts due. Ask for Roll8 fACIUn'I .!.~!!r. ... ••••••••••• idnl cond. aae lo apPfec 645-3798. lor $44 For Directory Oest offer. 673-7677 95s-2473 wkdye 8•5· con d 1 t Ion S 2 o o . 842·4400. Proto LIM 1411 M&IJ •t. COIU MIU Mil"' 79 TR 7. convert , 19M ml. S 1200· 646·6887 CUTE KITTENS, abool 6 312-888-4347 Ext J-t9 Calllomlan 17,,.,, FG. OMC wast Newport Dock. 645-1286 eve's • .,. 11lnt cond., best ofr over Ce•li•••t•I jj30 I 0 C mon1hly 14 ,_.. II Weier 73 Capri. good condition SS500. 644-5043 • • • • • • ••••• • •••• • •• • • • weeka. Really need 1 Famly memberShlp, N.B. I hevy eng. w11ra1111r .. v. JOHN'S AUTO OETAI $1100 0, Oest ottlf llome.S48-821• Tannla Club $6SO Or. $1800 Pvt Party only.8?3--0l7 t LING 6•0·1499 Mazda RX 7, '79, Mini 77TR7,AC,loml,S8p<l, '82CONTINENTAL Low. 2131326-•840 5 3 6 -3 0 0 8 or w ork .aa ft •Mrla& Compt auto conditioning 1111 llYER ---------1 cond S spd. AIC. Ami A M I F M c a 1 s . * Miil SIU * 8 mo. old epprox, 'A Shep 847·S666_ -• Pick-up & deliver. Celt 1111 Fm c&N. Mntrl, Cus Intl $2975/ofler 836-6002 Beautllut new bOdy style, ~ F o II m •I• 0 o g Rm divider, 6X8, sell sup· E11cellent Newport Har· Area 5 yrs 631-2544 Top dollars 101 Spons •••••••••••••••••••••• e 11 t . S 9 9 9 5 ( 7 1 3) dys. 8S7-4879 evs similar lo Sevllle bul da-642-48411 porled, ort white, $40 1970 16' Sllverllne wllrlr. bor foe. Near PubllCi---------Cars, Bugs. Campers. OILY Sl,111 631-0300 signed w/llmolln• com- 894·8947 anytime 110 Mercrutser Good Ooctl $15,000. 554·2326 Autobody S1uderit need& 914's. Audi's 74 Coll, xlnl running Velk•••r•• 1110 ron Lu•ury Int & com- SSm. !!::· Beegl!:. 3 yrs S 120 1 WI" L " to Va tor llllhlng or s kiing. W"NTED·. NB er•• Boat pro)ects, '70 to '82 Imp t-sk ror U/C MGR cond good tires 73 000 #•ttH•• lea• 1140 :••••••• ••••••••••••• ptelatv appointed Incl pa,_, shot• .... 1t.11ttul. • B'c ·""673 57n5• $2150 548-1327 " -& Domestic am c~111. Ute JI• llURllO 11 BEST OFF.ER •••••••••••••••••••••• 74 vw Pop Top Camper elec 1~11 panel & entrv Only to g ood 11om e couver. . ·4 . lilp for 34' llllboat. 10'~ tru·'ks Near to{al• SS m es CATCH US WITH Elec relrlg Butane ., 552-8876 Good 'Ill 9/4 20' HER UllCI " beam Ideal tenant Sa.;e Monav S$. no~junk, YOLllWAIEI ~57·2819 Stove. xtnt cond S.000. • y SI em ~ u I 0 w I v 1 p 1301270 1 883-6958 all 6pm 1 187 II Beach Bh1d D•t••• •120 OUR PlllCES 960•5543 overdrive to give you 2black Pert11t1kltteri1. IO 011 palnllngs. signed, sea ovo enta • · 2nd office service. HlJNTINGTONBEACH 7 great gu mlleage wnlle wt11old. &lendscepe,costSIOOO, Sturdy, last, classic, 40 ' Npt S ch mooring 213-944-8452 t•2-2000 •••••••••••••••••••••• DOWll '71BUG,111n1 running & drlvlnolnatytel Justneed 631·5859 sac $300. 67S-7768 center console steering w/18' lnboa d di le & ---------• I bl $3750. 1 1 r$ • n Chtoma lront bumper & ---------Over 100 new & used looking. new lnl , p11n1. re la e party to make Fu:11.JW. llSO FOOTLOCKER. Approx 3' 675·1980 or 833-6701 oars nc lo.5 00 stone guard tor Toyota WlllTED'. Mercedes-Benz Come In brakes. clutch. Great small monthly pm1s No •••••••••••••••••••••• x 2' Gd cond. $12 ---------545•8734 4X4 $50 S48·1973 & consider our lease ar· cart $2175. 544-7969 old contrac1s to assume **I BUY** Good uaec:t Furniture & A$>0llanoes-OR I wlll aell or Sj:LL fOf You ll&ITIU AIOTlll 1411111 111-HH 846-5885 27 It Chris Crall Cabin Slip for rent· Pwr or aall ~--:~------Lala model Toyotas. r•ngements or long term ,.7 VW Baja Bug. 183., CC No back pmts due Alk ---------1 Cruiser $2SOO. Trade tor w/let-down matt Balboa PAINT & tlte body work. Votvos, Pickups & Vans financing 0 " for Rose 842·4400. Proto JOhn Wayne Tennis Club sports car Covea. 573.6637 up to 50% ott your l>ody Call us today! e n g . e x I r a • . l/M Femlly Membership. Try 661-2521 shop eat Biii 536·9832 House 01 Imports. tnc. $1600/flelllble 498..0067 $1500. 780-0499. BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE. DIAL 213 or 714 -C--,,-----ff-3-Z ---------1Mus1 liquidate 26' Well-Newpor1 Beach: 40' Call 637-2333 '76 BUG Conv. Am/Im .!!!'! •• !. ....•.••.•... Hospital Bed $350. Xlnt craft Nova wllrli Sips 4, 642-4444 fr om 9 .5, A•lll /er S•ll •ERCEIES IEIZ caes. n-redlala. lmmac '76 CORVETTE cond Elec controls .olnt cond 1 sl SR900 Mon·Frt ••IMPOATANT NOTicE... TOYOTA·YOlYO cond muat sell, $6400. Loaded. T-top, orig ow· Fl1m ma1tress. 7141 take s tt Pv t ply ""f.~,,-.-,---:ll-,-11-.-.---TO READERS ANO "UHwMrllh& ltllESElfCTill bstolr 7S9·1970 ner, lo ml, xtnt cond. 551•2603 64S·72301754-6862 ••••• ,................ ADVERTISERS c •••• M•t• so .... LUii • 6 4 M I c I 0 Bus. 2 1 $7900. 645·7107 I llY flllfllll Lee 957-8 133 Homellghl Xl-2 Chainsaw. Used 3 limes. S 100. (7 14) 662·0907 Parher Wt1te4 #•1•~111/ The price ol Items ad-"'•O·•lOl w S40.U '7 DATSUN That's right! No tront wlndow-sunrool, reelo-1.,, IHO 25 ft Skip Jack Hunting-S...lln llSO vanlsed by vehicle dea· * 210 zx TWiii * money required. just red While w/blk trim. •••••••••••••••••••••• Decorative Black & white writing deek with gold scrolled wrought Iron trim. 1lngle center dr•· -· banel shaped m•I· clllng chair. 1100. 8dbrd, matt. & heater. 1175. Call Amy, 875-9302 eve. --IAUJ Furn, appllancee (emall and 111109). Mlac ~ hold lnelde and out. 642·0853, 8 AM-noon wttda, Sat-SUn all day. .............. PRICES START AT: Sofa b9d1 $197, aola 4 love •••I $167, bed1- M1ttr ... and foundation Mii, twine $77, lull $97, q-$147, king $187. Corner group• $177, 3 pc llv1ng rm llbla $87, 4 chelr dlnetl• "" 197. bunk b•d• with m1111 $177, lampa $18. •lllllT flllfTIH 1111 l•rhr, IHt• .... 111-MOI Game Tabl•. Medl1trra· nean atyle. Roullette, BIOkgammon, cheu. etc (6 dllf) $500 ,obo. 77o-a371 04nlng rm table, 8 Chl lrt, '146. Maple. 546-7527. b9t. •-7PM 5 It aola love Hll, Ilk• new. S 75, Maroon 759-5079 Of 552·6867 8 Ft Maroon SOFA. good cond. l t50 759-5079, 552-6887 8' coucil, ChamPIQM ve- lour S150. Mexican Ille top cone. !bl S50. Dbl bOll IPfl"G & melt. sao. Antlquee: Oreuer & mlr· ror '425. Smell dr- 1150. Buff., $375. Roc- king cnr S175. 881-6389. Earthtone couch a 150. Ore11•r S25. Walnut teble . hutch. bullet, 1150. Gold chal.r wt ottoman $50. 983--0200. 7' couch $30. Lerge old cotfM table $15. Woo- d•n deak 125. Mlac lt•m•. All good cond. 47S..2'2 wt1om after 4. Beeutllul e· ••tthton• couch with 4 walnut c halra . S e c . 1145 475-7768. Frend'I PT0'1. Chine C.b. Antq. wtlt & gold. 1175, call 875-1174 111rs In the vehlcle classl· WE llY y o u r g o o d c r e d I I S 5 I 9 9 I o f r . '71 FORD Mav8flck Good ton Harbour Sllp lmmac. y;;;h;·o·r·;;5··;,~~~~ fled advenlstng columns USED CARS & TRUCKS A HIS ANO HER MODELI (0 AC) Call for more 714/5S9-0414 (Mika) cond 3 new tires, econ Full size xtra long Ortho roaded $2200 dn, Sl 11 legal. mint condition, Ilka doee not Include any COME IN OR CALL FOR l·Aulo . 1-S speed stick, detalls ... 833-9300. $850 494 3211 mattreaa. box springs m o 5 5 7 • 9 3 2 7 e v . new with only 3SO miles applicable laxes. license, FREE APPR.Ai••L 1>01h have Lu11 Pkg w/ JI• ILE•llS '67 VW Bug. 1Cln1 cond In -$150 714·964·2240 669-0500 da Call Mari( 11 645•2038. 11 transfer tees. finance -pow windows air cond., & out. very clean. $2300. '71 Counlry Squire W1g Cormler·Oellllo cruise. & n11·111 plush l•PIRTS 673·6996 $800 Firm Pool table. slate. custom Cslltornla n 28' sport-no anawer, please keep Charges. lees tor air pol-E • n design, $435 OBO. Let's fisher, clean, last, ready. lrylng ... evenlngs bell lutlon cont rot device 1 ._21C1MBEY~CHl BLVD Interiors. Wiii sell one or 'Ae~-u • .'~eors'~-I~ '63 Baja Bug, 1835 ong. 63l-'4757 deal 750 1149 $19 500 Bt<R 646-4005 cerlllleatlons or deale1 " ,.. botn 1o55ZSR) (l5072l). ' """' ..,.,..~ dual carbe. Must selll 111, .. ,,.... •H1 • · · · 1976 Husky 12S MX In documenllry prepara-HUNTINGTON BEACH Just need rell1ble pany 1301 Ouall Street SlOOO. Call 673-29t2 ~'.:: •• ":.~ •••••••• ! ••.• #Hlt•I ... ,, liat per1KI condlllonl Mutt lion charges unless l.Cl-1011, iCl·IUl to make small monthly NEWPORT BEACH . .70 Meverlck 3 spd, gd l I I IOI c•' I IOSO 1411i..!0< ONlY $400 Call otherwise specified by pmts No Old con11acts -.8-1_3_5_0_S_E_L._U_n_d_e_r _9_.ooo_ 68 Bug, IMGh. lllC:eOent. cond. dependable. $850, ... !'.~.~!!! ............. ~.!! ............ M• 11 MS-2038 11 no lhe advertlHr. Top Dollar to auume No back miles. Ortent Red , Stateo St450. 891--0463 Al TEC·LANSING 1205 40' Viking for Char\ef answer. please keep ---------pmll due Ask for Rose Chrome Rims, Sunroof. ___ ::::54::5-0::::,6:90:.:_ ___ liW::::=::-----.~~ powered P.A. spkrs Fishing. diving & en-trying .. evenings best ~!.~'.'.t ....••.. !~~~ 842·4400. Proto LIM pertect cond $44,000 1970 VW Squere back ~~!!~~f ••.•.•••. ~~~ 8u11Hn 100 welt ampll-t er I at nm en T ca 11 '78 Yamaha Y2250 Xlnt ClEln, 111• Paid 1110 DATSUN 210 Wkdys 714/SS7-0711. Sun root, auto trans. ·74 Mu•••no 2. eu10. etr, flers with crossove1S. 662·2788 con d $ 8 so. Ca 11 c For Your Cart e v es I w k n d s runs good 13200 call ood d $2300 OBO XI • d I d I Low mlleage" 4 Pass 5 speed transmission, 0 con I · ,;,~;.o~N,i ~r ·.~C:18; Cal J-IO •I•••• I 714/644-1538 111 Spm 493-2874 or 1·346-5428 .IOllSll I HI tow mllea, e1Ccellent c-On· _1_14_1_67_5_·_24_6_4____ ~~3-9448 batwean 5.7 _8_4_1_·_13_99 _____ _ rlum1 and/or large Newport 7141631-3600. '79 H•rley 01vld1on Evenings llaoel•·Mtromry dllton. clean, AM/FM •IST SEW ---------•es Mustang. body mini. oroup1. Outstanding •94-4606 Sponater XLS. 10,400 ml ---------2626 Harbor Blvd. radio. 2 new tires. '83 II· 3000 1980. Snrt, new 70 VW 8UG Clean & d• mags, wide llras, a ir buy.S700 1orlhepalror S2100.894-•779aaklor Alltlt•••/ Cosla Mesa 540-5630 canse paid & MUST lltes,VlfYClaan.S19,000 pendable $1500 , 111oc:11e.newtrans.hea· wlll trade 10< other mull-W Jim. M-F 9·Spm. CIHlitl IS20 SELL ' I 3 9 9 5 Ca II or bst olr 962·8392 636· 7384 or 974·0791 dera. 289 eng needs cal equipment 647 1845 1 S S •••••••••••••••••••••• Premium prices 675-3017 O< 842-0138. work. lit $1200 takes or . • Daily Pilot · 8 uper pon CB750F MIHL "A"1l paJd for any uled car , ·79 3000 4 door aedan. 68 Cal took Naw t ng/ 11 . 1 I •1 .ed Cullom blk. 11lnl eond. Sh llce 1 k & (foreign or domestic) 77 Datsun 2802 xlnl Perteet cond Low ml-tr ant, nu tires Center 1m1 6car r9unning n YAMAHA Bua Amp. Head with 1 double 15" PV epeeker cat>lnet Fender Ball Precision Guitar with case and ex- 1 r aa · all In ucellen1 condition. 111-0171 1 • .,. • c ass1 I s lo ml, s 1595 ~2-09SS co~~~-: 4 ~:: ~h'::se In good condition C.Ond, S3,000 mlles. ale. t11age Light blue. priv pty tine mags. naw pain I trade 75-56 9 • WOrk for WANTED: Honda Trait 70 lroml (006768) (Stk See Us Flretl Sliver, am/Im 8 !lack Day S46-6355, Evea 1_S_3_200_l_o_bo_,_6_7_S_·7_06_7_1'74 Mustang II Needs lly • you. Call REASONABLE A3093). Prlees 111r11no at Jl."1! .. ~1111!1!!!11!~ s52oo 752•6408 days 673·S494 67 Bug. new paint. rune whl & s11rter & some 642-5678 536-369S OILY Sl,1111 Custom 1972 240 z Im· MUST SELL 3000 .78 good, many utras. $2. body work. Not 1unnlng, "t•11•ill mac th out 5 s d 11 000 m u s I 1 o w $ 1 5 0 . • for qui.Ck '68 Harley 900 Sportster, • ru· · P · r • Ivory Sunroof. S13,900 ... 2-0219 s 45.5525 k I clng engine, cua1om Int. 97S--OS78 or 675-4024 "" ---------• Cash SclleS. no trans, nds wor ' OIS SI & h liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil or chrome. gd erig. As· 64~~~os9' S muc more. l·M-er_c_ed_e_s_Be_n_z_'_8_t_3_00_0. '79 VW Bug conuerl., 01'1•1ji11 HSS 9 king 1 900 , Mi ke • ..................... . 4 pc Ludwig Orum set. no 642-2981 ell. 7pm -,9-8-0E_g_:_t,_~-~-:-t-o-~e-X-. -x,-n-1 1-~-o_a_d_~_·_1-_~'-~9-'1_c_oo_d_s_2_2. ;;;~·p~~r~rln~e~ ~~f~; 1110 ILlllllllU cymbals. Call afllf 4 PM A I w a Y s a s a I e 1 n '82 Kaw. KX80 cond Orig ownr, accep-'60 4sosL. silver. grey lnl.. Job, comp! Ille MUST CITWS SIPIEIH S4S·0388 classilled-read the ads SSOO t'"''·' \lo·'·' ;~11 11.1 w1 33 000 BE SEEN • In s lorage. Coupe Au10 . tra ns . ting bids Wkoays plaaae • lrwy mlles. Im· economical dleMI rv....... ~6J ., / I every day. ~2-5678 Steve. S48-2062 II 759 4229 mac S 3 3 5 0 0 appl only $9200 . ..--v· "''~j.:.:i;.~•11 IOI ;::=====::::::=.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; ·553 ~~~~e~~~., ~r:;~~r~ H;~~e:~~~~~:,~,:ila~~~ -1C::-B-'2-10-.-·4_d_r.-a-u-10-.-x-1n-t 7141846-0247 . 953-2100 leave met· ~v~~' (2642) Attrac- ···"='·~··•••••••••••• $3750 2131S92·1792 mesllc or loralgn cond inside & out All '71 MBZ 300 SEL 3.5, all l•::g ... •.·------•I HU S4Hll 3-M DRY P HOTO CO· WHAT'S NEW FOR 5St-828S recpla $1900 494·9848 e•tras, new tires. t>eaull· Hw••1 -._ -• t PIER Good working led le•H lff4e4 f u I S 6 5 O O 0 BO feJre f11Z -•-n .. e cond .. $49/bll orr Call 1946 Ford Woody Wa-1981 Dalsun 28-0ZJC. blk, 759.0980 •••••••••••••••••••••• Dove/Ou1ll Sta 473·7311 gon, $13,000. A•IOI l•MttH >clnt cond Loaded S1---------#1 YtlYe haler NEWPORT BEACH Bo ,5 ..... '1 ••• ,-.-........... spd. T-lop S 12,SOO '76 450SL, Miian Orn w. llJ-1111 o .. ~r~· ott~ ,~ks & A 1929 Ford l\Aodel A Town ~'-.~L ........... !~~? OBO 675·3937 bamboo tnt. Mk:h tlrell 1• ,, .... 0..ttyl '79 c II s B h •um .. • ngs. 8 e n-Sid an. SI0,000 IO Ai"'-I IOOO Tira.• w alloys, Mexico cass .. 2 u llll up. rg m &40-1813 • • 78 280Z. S spd, lual 1n1. tops s l9,500 Dys UL.II, SflYIOf DESKS FOR SALE 1963 Studebaker Avantl, 26•000 miles fully loedld sunroot. •9K. S5900 ObO 6'44·1483; evs 6'46·3330 &II Wllll 4 MllT SIU * Deak• and malehlng The Daily Pilot will publish $5500 67S-6161 ~':;00~ 1~~4c;,o;do~1::,e ~=-:~::soo X555· evs .,, 1144 OVERSEAS DELIVERY SUPREME DELIGHT Is chairs 81 sacrifice price b d Olds 98 Convert 1949. 6 4 5 • 8 2 1 1 E v e 1 , • • • ••••• ••••••••••• ••• EXPERTS how you'll IMI •fl., drl-at $550. R1p11cem11nt Oat p1CtUre a S Starting orig , 65,000 ml, 55300 8s 7•9684 days. * * ' l 3 '7 t MGB Converllbla, xlnl vlng ttil1 fully equip cost s2300 CALL DAWN Friday. August 6th -we'll Atl GA 404-352-2222 -----'----2.1oz* * mech, paint, lnl. new UILE Ill mldslza w/Yelour Int. & 9·5pm llA·F 633-8600 Sam '78 Audi 5000, 49,000 ml, • wire whls & tadlals, mint. YllYI all po-Why "Ille lor IBM U.,rlc: I. )ult com-even fake 8 picture Of your air. sunrool 15400 OBO 4 SPO ORIG OWNER $2500. 833-2324 1966 HerbOt Blvd. le11, enjoy bOlh t CO· ........... overhauled. Prat-boat for your ad. You can't '62 T-Blrd, Int/ext rest lk 962·6136 S32SO 857--0888 , •• HI ·1~1 COSTA MESA n 0 my a. e 0 m '0 rt I .,....,_, nu ttn~1rans·11lec·brk1. r• 7 ,, •533WEK) 11.111 ---' ~ tlge Etlla 72. Aeklng , . ..., 1112 '7SB210.goodcond,orlg ···~·•••••••••••••••• 1.a• 1101 •.a•1.a•1 ' " ,......, ·~ $400 Call Jan 7S2-790S. beat the price. tf w e take etc. $4 '631-9276 .!!::................. owner 4 spd, am/fm . LUSI A 1I02 -----II able perly lo m1ka the picture, your ad will t941 Cadillac. model 61 $1500/obo -••EtT IOI. l•.-68-14_4_S_Sd-n-.-.-ln_t_c_o_nd-.-.1 small monthly pmll. No Snarp 810 Bond Paper Sad1ne11e, mini, orig, SS t 07441759·7966 rs good Int I paint I tires. old conlrtol• lo Htume. Copier, 6~ x 1!", 8'~ I( only cost you $45 -if you auto. radio. 83,000 ml, -TIHt llHIL $2000. 67S-1978 No beck pmls. due Alk 114d",d111 Xb 1,7", double-prOVl'de the pl.C t Ure, your ad $15,000 645·8001 ftr1'ri f1Z3 $ llor/•~ose 842-4400, Proto 1 • , a es. transpa-•••••••••••••••••••••• 289 A•,., D1H "" renclee s 1250 (714) will cost $40. 1962 Chrysler Newport llAltE OHm'I ·····"················ "".",7"':'8""'.'.0-,d-.""'.'.S:-t•_rl_lr_e_ • .,-r-con_d_. 648-4070 sedan, mint. orig, RIH. HLY AIT•tUUI .aMC IHS AMtFM atef'eO. ca1Mt1•. AC, 1 1260. 645-6001 -~!!! .•.•••.•••••• I.~! PIQEON8 ; Rollers and Capuchlna show bird•, S2 each. 642-44S3 alter .6:30pm. rt~!!.~.'!!r~!'.!!!.! llk• new Klmball Spinet piano & bench .... ll'lln 1 yr old. Cell •fl• e pm, 0&6-14M. SAMPLE AD FEllRIRI par month plus tax •••••••••••••••••••••• runs greet, burgundy '57 T-Blrd. beaut. rea10-IUU•••iPI 48 month closed end color 12,400 or bell of. red. St11rmlat blue, 2nd IALH-llRYIOE "-lease on aoproved ere-IAYI IYD Sl,000 '"· 95t-7796 owner 20 yrs. Prof: ep-LWlll dlt Cap cost·S 15, 136, '82 Eagle SX4, low ml. pr1IMd 118,000; Aaklng S 1650 caeh required. 444-4429 '77 Cull111 Brough1m, 4 $17,000. {4l 5) 651·8698. 831-2040 495-4949 Com• In ind ask tor d• dr. vlnyl top, LOADED. 4 n .. 1 lhlrn '"' IUIUIAOI llW tall•! (Ser.16685). ..,,1 nzo 12600 pvt pty. ~~· •••. ••••• •••••. ••••... 28402 Marguerite Pk WV 10011 llPlllTI • • •••• • ••••• • •••• • • ••• l••ll•• "94 LARGEST JEEP DEALER (A~~,v~:'~·SI 3100 Weal eo11 Hwy. IM8 Dove Str"t SEE II ·.79·TRANS.AMT:R•'f•••l In the w .. t Open &indlyl Newporl Beach NEWPORT BEACH fOf the ··~· l.nd belt * _.. llU detPttelely need• 842·9405 112-0111 I ul•cllon ol new e nd -•• your JEEP. .-.. B I II I 0 SUMMERTI ME FUNI Whit• c:ont9n'lpor~ dl- nl"O tabl•, "ound O " 1*19 2 ... ,., 24" .. , No Antique piano, oak Jnlt y chrL SUl5, 876-1171 on burlwood 1 500 or bell otter 44$-59 19 Hlohell Dollar Paid B ' 1111 u--.. u c 1 n range Midnight blue mel .. _. Call Gery Gr•y •• '!';.~•••••••••••••••• hruA• 11H Coutlty todeyl lour budl•t Mita. don-111111 ll&IT S~LeulllQ 11111 .._., • •••••••••••••• • ••••• • ~ '°"·Ill powel' extru. tllt an t lze b•d. mt1llbox 1prlng1, xlnt oond. treme l130.646-5e60 Huft tntlque equare cot· fM table. Solld, h~d· ,,,. 1126. 957-«MO Bedroom F~. ell for l300. 949 83M A# for 0.-.... !M!-!l •••••••••.• ~l .-.1ornlc Aro T•em Bionic reolng alcll, 207 Ctn. new, 1 180. 840-1304 ..... .ILL<J Ull/...,/lllAIU 'II Htl't Art llnl We Clll'\ helpt Before )'OU fellSTER & morel (18C82e2) JUlt 2524 Harbor BIVd .. CM . Nice Stlec11on! bU)'. dlOClc ~ Ul'lbNl•· nHd r•ll•bl• perty to 64g..8023 &45-7770 * 74 2002, 4 •pd, 1/1/rf bl• H leotlon, H Vlng1 PHIOllE /Alll male• em e ll mon\llly (Ol7PVB) and Wvlce todeyl l3e3l Hlllbor BIYd. omta. No Old contriott 1nth IJlf \* '79 3201, IUIO .. AIC ••m11m G11d«I GroY9 Ill Ill °"9lft c....., lo •Hume. No b.Ck •••••• •• •••••••••• •••• 1•••n60J .... ~.•-.....a-............ ,,, ......... ~.... om11. due. Aalc f0< ~ .... u ... -.... ----·-....... " """ '"""'· 842·4400, Proto LIM '80 O.teun 4x4 P~up * '711 320I; 4 lpd . IOI· --n.,.: COSTA MESA * m.1111 * dedl (778YPCI 28C60o~-::E~ Uatlq 171 2110 '79 Grend L.• Man•. 2 fr, Get reel high with lhll * '80 320!; 5 •pd . 1ntrl 114 111·2111 • 1h.,P loeded. V8, t o ORI~ C"'.,TY tPOl'IY bfn, me11111c 4WO (859ZOK) 140·1140 "·"""'" llll 0mPO OM owner. S4t00 ftnaL UUl1 complete w/1hell, AM/ * '80 5281; auto .. 1nlr1. 8t1SC Por CABRIOLET ...uuH BO KrlnO ~ =r"oe.i M:: FM/CB. OutlQll. UM lor (488ZOJ) Hondt, TO)'Oll, Ott1un, Own an lnlldel? $28,900. .. ...... ·:.=~~·.. 170. I 162 ref -Gt.II & Colector's work or p I a)' 111·1111 Ill makft, $199 doet It, 875-9909 COM •--•-=-~~=-· BUT ... OON'T Ol!LAYI 208 W. 111, Santa An• No tat 0( tut. No depo. '78 PORSCHE 924 ...... , L~!!a~~~~ :~~~OW· fUl\w ( tw733&el Jult need r• CIOMd Sunday Ill. No lie fM, O..lvera 8111/blll, Bi&upunlct ltlPI We apeolelln In ...... n er S 2 7 u 0 I o b o . Ceblneil. lt81ned hntwd, 2 .Jf1U llabl• perty to meke tny INN. buy1 any 0# stereo. '''· new tlrH, tor tM butlneea ••.CU· 846-009 • d J . • h •Iv... ...... 11 I 21 1m111 monlhlY pm11. No CHOICE INVENTORY over our COii. All 8•--eunroot snoo Uve 6 pro-.ionll. ,.,...-,,.---'-~-:-- H "Wx2f"H •lldlng ...__ • .. •• For more Information old oontr90I• lo auume. l VOLUME SALES l .. llng. &3•.()180 64~'6Sll/l213)390-48111 IMlt ......... ·re Sunblrd. a/O, ve.e. oi-c1ocn. CMh 135. nwm No blck pm11. due. Mii & f Id action If ... 1•1 I tin Wiii, llKltO, tmlfm tr1t l.4C)..N20 .., • lel • frMt and tO SChedUle YOUr forROH842-4'60Q,Pro10 1 Of' n n 1H7 Porach•, no rutt I. et.-.o,toK.13200/0 . Fe.luring wtepOnt of ell LIM. I Calif Car, Com9fe1•, ~I -·--ea1.e101 fl!!!!tt#.~l!ff etlll: 8worde, oolnt, • ., ad, please call '81 Dateun ...... king C.b, 11 ID I • 0L1111 1 Cal a I ~O:~!!nt aono..... ... Ill .... , ,-...... -.. -. -W-ondlrt\l--,-Wi~~- 1b1I, •/fr1noM endL thOulende of ooHec1tl* 642-5678 and ask for ped. S7e0o. a'81~21~ p-, ~~~In Daly Plot '82 POf. 924. Red, 11'1'1/frn N s of $hoppl=. ~~ IHAG A.wA lllUO IOUYOnlra, entlquet end 12 000 mj, I 11 I •MW .......,..,....., I ~ "'- 125/otio. UJ.tenew ~~~~.!,~ ·73 FOAO:t&0-1 TON I 850 N. e..th ::'J 11 :~.~~ •. ~n:~~o~:· C ~ EF~r~•::,•1;: ....... rANJ SA off on 81. Classlfled Advertising. St•k• bed, VI . rtb11 'I LI H•bf• AD-VISOR • t4,900, 0 1 11 Mon • • 1600 lllrbor llYd. • c.a. 142-6871 Ind .... It'••~• epd, dual whl1, lumber IH-Nta 642·5671 7141061-8001 1 :30 to Cos11 Mfll $40·9100 Cl...itl9d Ad-Ve« hllp ~==~~Adtl~!t4J~.et~7!•~~~~~~~!!!J------------------------------=r=~==='2900===·=0=5=7-00=='8==::1:=:-::=0ptft===8=und==ay===-=::.l:====:;..=:====~==~ llprn. ~~--·--------.. ..... .. • It • ' -a ) ··-·-----· ... DUlll CDUT Dellr l"tlol NewMl8C1 THE SITE -Mystic Hills area of Laguna Beach whe re Caribbean and Atlantic ways intersect. Intersection 'on trial' in Laguna By DAVID KUTZMANN Of IM DaltJ ........... The safety of a Laguna Beach intersection -where an 8-year-old girl suffered crippling injuries five years ago in an auto-bicycle collision -is the focal point of a multi-million- dollar damage trial that opened Monday in Superior Court. Jurors in Judge Harmon Scoville's Santa Ana courtroom must determine if the family of Heather Brobeck, now 13, is entitled to more than $5 million in damages from the city because o f the condition of the intersection when the acddent occurred. H eathe r , whose bicycle collided with a station wagon at Atlantic and Caribbean ways in September, 1977, suffered serious brain injuries. She was h08pitalized for a year and a half. Five years after the accident, she still is unable to speak, she must be fed through a tube in her stomach and she cannot use her anns or legs "in a meaningful way," her family's attorney said Monday. Heather requires round -the- dock nursing care in her parents' home. Her medical and nursing care amounts to more than $100,- 000 a year. An out-of-court settlement was reached with the driver of the car for $115,000. In opening statements to the jury. attorney Thomas Anderson contended that the accident would never have occurred if the city had corrected allege d hazardou s conditio n s which impaired visibility at the T - shaped intersection. Jte said the city had receivEl9 warnings from neighbors. Anderson also claimed that a (See FOCAL, Page AZ) Brown seeking extra funding LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Federal Election Commission spokesman has described a letter seeking campalgn funds beyond the federal limit from loyal supporters of Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. as falling into a "gray area" of campaign contribution law, a newspaper reported. Supporters of Brown's U.S . Senate race who already have given the limit of $1 ,000 were asked m letters from television producer Nonnan Lear and h is wife, Frances, to funnel another $500 to the governor through a political action committee formed by U.S. Rep. Morris K. Udall, 0-Ariz. WORLD TUESDAY. AUGUS T I/ 1<J8:> HB doc plans fight 8y •ROBERT BARKER Of the Delly ""°' 8t•n A lawyer for Jeffrey MacDonald of Huntington Harbour declares "that the fight ls not over" in the attempt to save the former Green Beret doctor from a lifetime in prison. The conviction of MacDonald, 38, on charges of killing his wife and two small daughters in 1970 was upheld Monday by a federal appeals court in Richmond, Va. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said an examination of the record "gives ample warrant for the verdict" of a federal dis trict co•Jrt jury in North Carolina in August 1979. "The fight to free this innocent man has absolutely not e nded," MacDonald's attorney, Bernard Segal of San Francisco, said Monday. Segal said MacDonald was devastated by M o nday's developments "There a r e a number o f options that are still open to Dr. MacDonald and it wil l take several days to decide which ones we will follow." "We have the right to ask the court of appeals to reconsider its decision or we can ask the U.S. Supreme Court, which already heard this case twice, to review the decision'." Segal said the court of appeals did not have before it the recent oonlessions by Helena Stoeckley oonceming her knowledge of the murders of the MacDonald family. Ms. Stoeckley confessed to be ing a bystander at the murders, according to Segal. The appeals court said in its unanimous opinion Monday that evidence showed Ms. Stoeckley's memory "was exceedingly poor a nd that she was constantly (See DOCTOR'S, Page A2) S&L chief can't ban takeovers S ACRAMENTO (AP) -State Savmgs and Loan Commwioner Linda Yang has no authority to prohibit buyers of homes from taking over low-interes t mortgages issued by state- chartered savings and loans, Attorney General George Deukmejian said in a formal opinion today. The o p i n ion had b,e e n requested by Ms. Yang after the U.S . Supreme Court ruled that federally chartered savings and loan s co uld exercise "due-on-sale" clauses in their mortgages, thus bannmz loan assumptions. At the urging o f state - chartered savings and loans, Ms. Yang has b een considering issuing regulations that would have the effect of applying the court ruling to st.ate-chartered institutions as well until the Legislature acted on the subject. Deukmejian's opinion, written by DepliltY. Attorney General Rodney Weis~opf, said state law da d not auth o ri ze the comm issioner to issue th e regulations. Attorney general's opinions have no force of law but arv c o m m o n I y f o 1 I o w e d b 1~ government agenc ies until a \ court rules on the issue. By Tbe A11oclated Press Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Wanan said today final agreement has been reached on evacuating the Palestine Liberation Organization from Israeli- besieged West Beirut. NATION WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reagan's demand for an end to the bullheaded bickering over t he $98.3 billlon tax increase he supporta ls being greeted with defiance. from conservatives in his own party and aloof aupport from Democrats. Dralt resister convicted ROANOKE, Va. (AP) -A Vlrglnla college 1tudent who refuted to resister for the draft on religioua an>unds wu convicted today of violating federal law and ten~nced to three yeAnl on actlv~ probation. • ' YDUR HIMUDWI IAllY PAPll OHAN C f COUNl Y I Al If OH NIA 2~ CLNt S SOME WATERBED -A sea lion mom is really out of it (left) as her pup rests its chin on a part of bell buoy at the entrance to Newport Harbor. Their waterbed is obviously a pretty calm o.itr Piiot f'twleo bf f'.er1ca o~ place for a snooze -until an increase of "sweU of the waves "rings for the bell buoy" and then it's just too late for the "do not dis turb" sign. County loses on Wayne Senior site on church land OK'd Judge s trikes airport flight control ruling An Orange Co unt y government rule that has prohibited air carriers from serving destinations more than 588 miles frpm John Wayne Airport with nonstop (lights has been struck do wn by a U.S. District Court judge. In his ruling issued from the bench Monday night, Judge Terry Hatter Jr. said it is the federal government, not the county. that has the legal right to control route distances. The decision represented a victory for Frontier Airlines, which wants to fly nonstop from Orange County to Denver, the hub of its 79-city route system. Denver is about 850 miles by air from Orange County. Frontie r, one of five major airlines serving Orange County. today is forced to m a ke an mtenned1ate stop at Las Vegas on its Orange County-De nve r flights. Those stops, according t o Fro ntier, in co nvenience thousands or passengers annually and cost the airline about $2. l million m added costs. Frontier o fficials said the airline h opes to begin direct service to Denver in October. But Murry Cable, manager of John Wayne A irport, said Frontier may face obstacles. Cable said it is unlikely that Frontier will be able to comply with certain n oise limits for takeoff due to the additional weight the extra fuel would add to a n aircraft flying the longer distance t.Q Denver. Figures compiled by the airport Noise Abatement Office show that f<'rontier's.OC-9 Super 80 jets have averaged 98 .:l decibels on takeoff. Under the county's plan regulating airport access. Frontier is limited to 98 5 decibels on takeoff Judge Hatter's decision on th<.> airport's nonstop distance rule came during a 2 'h-hour -long h earing on seve ral issues stemming from the controversy between the county a nd the airlines over the airport a<.-ccss issue. Hatter de nied a reques t by (See NONSTOP, Page A2) The City Council reaffinned its support Monday for a senior citizen housing project in east Costa M es a during an emotionally charged meeting atte nded by advocates and critics of the development on church owned property. The council voted 3 to 1. with Eric J ohnson vot.mg no, to allow ats July 19 decision regarding the construction of 36 units at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church at Bay Street and Orange Avenue to stand. Norma Heruog was absent. Village Lagun~ claims victory Robert Yoder, who appealed the council's declSion. contended that the project would be closer to entert.ainment and shopping- areas if It were moved to the west side of town where the city owns three sites set aside for low income housing. R.H. Klein, developer for the project, said that "time was running out" and tha t $1.2 miJJion i11 funding from the U.S. Departme n t o f Housing and Urban Development would be lost 1f construction did not begm by September. Panel rules against A liso-Viejo development By STEVE MITCHELL Of IM o.itr Pltol ···" Members of Village 1tfguna. an environmental group that seeks to ovt>rturn cou nty approval o f a 20,000 uni t development in Aliso Viejo, is claiming victory in a 4th District Court of Appeals decision made public Monday. The three-judge panel, sitting in San Bernardino, said findings by the county m a state-required resolution were inadequate, said E. Clement S hute Jr .. a San Francisco-based environmental attorney representing Village Laguna. Village Laguna officials said today they wall now purs ue public hearings on the general plan amendment for the 6,600 acre development behind Laguna Beach. Attorneys for Village Laguna argued the county's general plan for Aliso V tP jo was changed to accommodate the project by increasing the housing ceiling from 10.900 units to 20,000, The Laguna organization also said the project's environmental impact report failed to state why the project should be approved, as required by the California Environmental Quality Act. "The (appeals) <:ourt found the resolution required by C~A w be inadequate," Shute saad tn a telephone interview in San Francisco He said th e appeals court reversed an earlier denial in all respects except the adequacy of the environmental impact report But county officials said today the latest court ruling objt•('t:. (See ALISO, Page A2) Residents who sate they were fearful that the c hange in zoning from single family to planned development residential would decrease the value of their homes spoke against the pro,ect. Senior cttizens turned out to support the project. ··w e don't dislike the young or the elderly. Some-consideration should be given to our homes," said Sally Kenn y. Lake urged for dumping trash Animal research bill hits s nag Huntington Beach Mayor Bob Mandie has com e up w ith a suggestion on how to dispose of the 35.000 tons or so of trash produced each day in the city· throw it in the lake. Mandie called Monday night for a study on using a 9.3-acre lake as a dump in order to avoid trash fees that will be charged at COUNTY county landfills beginning in October. Mandie said the county fees mifht cost the city.as much as $1 mi ho~om October to nex l June. He said costs oould skyrocket to $5-6 million a year in a s hort time. Orange County 2nd Distric t Skimbosrd winners listed Winners of South Laguna's sixth annual skimboard contest at Victoria Beach are announced. Page BL Gym dandy substitute Gymnastics emphasizes total body fitness, and many students are enrolling on private competitJve teams now that achool districts are cutting back on athletic programs. Page B2. Dads, debutantes rehearse Before they took off tor college campuses Qr foreign studies, nineteen National Charity League debutantes waltzed through a reheanal of thelr Nov. 28 pretentatlon to aodety. Page_ B3. County business report Promotions, ecqulatdona and eaminp Involving 0r-_!nse County firms are detailed on Page 84. Supervtsor Harriett Wieder and other county officials told Ci ty Council members Monday that the fees are necessary becaust' trash sates are rapidly filling up and new ones are needed. "Solid waste management has become a sleeping giant," Mrs. Wieder said . "The question is, (See TRASH, Page At) S ACRAMENTO (AP) -A proposal to kee p dog pounds from suppl ying animals for medical research is in trouble in the Assembly Health Committee. State Senate 'President Pro Tern David Roberti's SB1438 came to a halt Mondav on a 3-4 vote. INDEX Al Your Service A4 Ann Landers A7 Erma Bombeck A7 Movies B6 Business B4-5 Mutual Funds B4 Cavalcade A7 National News A3 Cluslfied C4-8 Public Notices C2,C4 Comics 87 Sports Cl-3 Crouword 87 Stock Markets 85 · Death Notices C4 Television B8 !ditortal A6 Theaters B6 Entertainment B6 Weather A.2 Hy Gardner A7 World News A3 Koroecope A7 SPORTS Angels back on top The Angels moved back into sole po&Kssion of first place In the AL West with an 8-4 win over Oakland c:oupled with Kansas City's double-header loa to the New York Yank . Page Cl. '• c..' \ Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tue1day. Augu1t t7, \~82 DallJ Pffot Pholoe by Gal'y Amlw- UNCff AINED MYSTERY -Spectators couldn't see how Mike Griffin, 2 1, could free himself from locks a nd chains unde rwater. But he jumped into Newport Harbor Mo nday, managed the escape a nd emerged victorious 35 seconds later. Death-defying aet only proves he's all wet ·' By STEVE MARBLE Of llM Dally Pllol Slaff Two boatloads of reporters, photographers and cameramen braved the elements in Newport Harbor Monday noon to watch 21 -year-old Mik~ Griffin sink like a stone. Griffin. an escape a rtist with a flair for publicity, s p e n t 35 seconds in t h e murky luke warm harbor wa ter untangling himself from 15 feet of chain. four padlocks and a set of leg irons. · the former John Wayne estate to one side and the posh setting of Harbor Island to the other, the reporters went to work. "Have you made out a will?" asked one. Yes, Griffin said, he'd made out a will. "Do you have any life 1nsuram.-e?" yelled another No, said the sandy-haired escape art.U.'t. nobody would cover him. "Are you scared?" he was askc.>d "Hell yes," he replied. A Costa Mesa resident who practiced for his , ,, Houdini-like stunt in his girlfriend's swimming pool was -in his own words / challenging death and risking a watery grav~. Finally a scuba diver who had been asked to scout the wa ter y harbor floor for obstacles, sharks and whatever, emerged with th(• solemn pronouncement, "You can't sec blank down there." The reporters moved in, the.• photographers clicked faster and Griffin edged to the bow of the boat. "Does everil"one have t~ shots," the young daredevil yelled as the repot"ters. photogra phers and camerme n jostled for pos1Uon. scribbling and clickin~. Positioned in the middle of the harbor with "See you later," he said, almost cheerfully. as he stepped over the side and sank hke a stone. Mesan seized as suspect in hit-run crash Costa Mesa police arrested a man today in connection with a hit and run accident that left an unidentified man seriously j.njure. Anthony Lynn Ritchie, 23, of Cost a Mesa, was arrested on suspicion of felony hit and run driving and resisting arrest after he allegedly fled the scene of the 7 a.m . acciden t at Newport Boulevard and East 17th Street on foot, according to 901ice. about three blocks away al Ogle Street and Orange A venue. Details on the name of the victim and the extent of the injuries were not immediately known . He was taken to Hoag Memorial Hvsp1tal Cons tnl F1lr today with highs ranging trom low 70. at the beaches 10 low 110• In the Inland areas Co ntlnuad fair tonight and W9dllftd1y but with some late night and early morning low cloud• and log along the coas1 Overnight lows In the 60s Highs Wadnetday tanging from the tow 701 et the beachM to the mld-8-0s Inland. Elsewhere, from Poin t Concap tlon lo lhe M e111can botder and our 60 miles: Motlly llght variable winds through W9dMllday. axe.pl aouthwast to well 10 to 111 knots In the afternoon and aventng hours Soutl'lwftt 9W91t 1 to 3 feet Low cloud• and locel fog. mostly CINtlng during afternoons. U .. su1nniary Thund1retorm1 spraad rain trom the Rockies to the Oakolaa and northern Mlnoeaote early tod41y alter floodwatlfs washed through streets In Arllanus end 1w1p 1 away lour homes In Ten- A few atorm1 hit eastern Coloredo and northern N ew Mexico end atratched from the T~ Valle)' to Virginie and from the Gull ll•t•• to the Attantle Cout There WU fog and haze OY8r the MINlaalppl Valley, with lw to per1ty dOudy lklel over the r111 ol lhe nation Polle• In Pine 81ull, Ark., reported d02en1 of can llranded on city street• Mondey nlghl H hHvy rain• pelted that cantrat ArlcanlU city and c.uaed mlnClf 1lrHt flooding. Tllare wera no lnluf'IM. California T,,. Nallonal W .. ther S«vlCe H Y• S outhern C •lllornl•'• weather 1ho u l d b • t a tr w~ D08PI tor low night and mornlno cloud• along fh• OOMt and laOietecl attamoon ano evening thunder1how1re In eouthlm mountain. and ... tern OMert-HIGN wMI rimge from 117 In L~ AnoefH, 10 the 901 In Owen1 V.iley, In the 801 In f'l\OUntaln .,..., from 97 to t02 In not1MtTI d8Nr11 10 68 In the low deMft, 0¥9mloht 1owt .,. rorecur 1n th• mid IOI In downtown Lo• Aft01i1a1 to a coetlel low In tlM mid 80• f rom 48 to 110 In moufttalN and from es to et In V.6-1. eo.w. from Point Conole>llon to IN MelliCen border Cit\ •Jq)8GI lklftl Yattel>le wlnde dUflf\O lhe nl11111 and m ornlnp h ours. beciofnlnO ~AWty at 10 to He was tak en into custody Continued fair 16 knots during lhe afternoon wllh a one 10 3-loor southweal swell The Forecast For 8 p.m. EDT /./Pijn 1• •l.tv A1111t1..,t lA R1ln mm Snow£!:} Showertl!llll Flurries~ Te11iperatures NATION Albany Albuque Amarillo Ashevtlle Atlanta All&n1C Cty Austin ea111more Billings Bilmlnghm Bismarck Boise Boat on 8rownsvlr. 8utlalo 8urllngton Ca11>9< Chartstn SC Charllln WV Charllle NC Cheyenne Ch1eaoo Clnc1nna11 Ctevetend Ctrnbll SC Co1umbua Oat·Ft Wth Dayton Oenlltlf Des Moines o.1ron Oulu th El Peso Falrb•nk1 Fargo Aagalltl GrMI Falla HartlClfd Honolulu Houston lndnapHa Jacken MS Jackenvlr. Juneeu Kana City Knoxville HI Lo Pre. 8.4 59 96 64 86 67 16 80 '62 05 84 70 80 69 102 79 87 67 90 69 ~ 69 .36 92 63 92 57 85 69 98 71 82 68 86 69 96 59 88 70 88 63 86 71 83 60 84 62 82 65 85 61 88 67 86 64 99 n 87 65 88 64 8.4 85 85 64 711 St 102 7t 58 48 04 85 66 oe 81 53 87 $2 04 87 44 t3 73 41 "Ill 88 83 86 74 41 90 74 .34 60 50 .13 711 67 80 74 •Ht h Tempe1a1u1es LU Vegas Llt11e Rock LOUlallllle Lubbock Memph11 Miami Miiwaukee Mplt-$1 P Natllvllr. New Orlt1n1 New York NorlOlk No. Plalle Okla City Omaha Orlando Phlladphll Phoenix Pittaburgn Piiand, Mt Piland, Ore Provldtnoe =:::rcity Reno Salt Lake San Antonio SN Ille Shreveport Sioux F1111 102 80 93 73 76 70 02 94 72 85 78 08 86 711 05 82 66 90 66 .78 82 74 58 90 72 01 88· 71 206 83 68 70 79 64 94 73 81 67 90 72 87 70 104 91 84 60 84 62 79 57 84 70 80 70 89 63 22 88 47 94 71 100 H 76 57 97 74 87 87 .miill°ziilllliiimS ..... ~R-f _Rl_PD_R_T L-91on Huntington 81ulf1 Huntington Pltr Santa Ana RIYff Jt11y 40th 81. Nftport 2211<1 SL Nfii>or1 a.ibo1wec1oe Aoc:llplle, LIQUnl SIMOY Hollow hit Creelt Oollt<ly heclh San Clement• Pl« Tral1'9ar CT·Sll'eet) Cotton'1 POlnt Tr .. tlM s.n Onofre ::::::. 2-5 " 2 .... " 1-3 It t-3 ft 1 ti ,.3 " 2·3" l!-3 " 3-4" 2-3 " 3-4 " 3-4 It &-7 " &-7 " 5-7" TOMORROW'S TIOE8. HfGll t0:07 a m Olr8Ci11on 8outh/8out"-t ·-lflapt fair fair lllr"9ooc1 fair~ POOt fair l•ff"1IOOCI l•lr-oood OOod fair OOod OOod 85 lelf-9ooc1 87 felr"'OQ9d 87 tllf 1'060 87 I.ow 3:18 p.m. Swell St Lou11 SI P·Tampa St Ste Marie Spotcane Syracuse Topeka Tucton Tulta Wash1ng1n Wichita ' 8.4 66 89 75 .60 77 49 86 58 83 66 .01 81 65 97 72 01 93 74 87 71 90 72 CALIFORNIA 8akerafleld 96 74 106 81ytht! Eureka Fresno L•ncHler LOI Angelq Mary11vllte Needlta Oakland PHO Roblel Red Bluft Redwood Ctty Sacrarnenlo SallnH Sen Diego San Frencl1Co Santa 8.,bera Sant• Marl• Stockton Smog 7 t 53 93 63 95 60 60 ~ 95 106 83 so 90 57 " 87 114 59 90 59 71 51 78 85 74 se 71 61 77 96 112 Where to call (toll lrH ) for tat"I 1mog lnlormatlon. Orange County (900) «6-382t LOI Ano•IH County. (1100) 242-4022 Rlverllde and San &amwdlnO ooun11M . (IJOO) 387•4710 AOMD l!pleodt e.ntlf': (llOO) 242·48et Tides TODAY S-0 IOw 2.28 p.m. 1.8 s.cono htofl 8:ae p.m. 1.0 ftONllOAY Flrat low 3·42 a.m. 1.2 Fire! hlelh 10·07 I m 4 II Seconcf lo'# 3 15 p.m U &«onO h'Oft 9 21» p.m. 7.0 tfun Mt• today at 7·38 p.m. ,.,... Wtdneeday at 8: II a.m. MOOfl t\Mt todly al 4:27 p m Mii Wed"tlday at I ~ 1.m. Prepared for the worst. Gr iffin's assis tant Kevin Beaubien had been advised to dive after his pal if he didn't surface within 30 seconds. Things were ten se. T he camera g u ys stopped chl'king. the repo~ters moved up to the boat's rail and, with 30 seconds gone, Beaubie n leaped mto the water. "Now comes the ethics question," suggested one reporter who had been scribbling not.es for nearly two hours. What he meant, of course. IS should he write a story or should he write the whole affair off as a well-polished media event. Could 1t be -was it possible -had the media event of the week taken a tum toward real na1l-b1tmg news? Nope. Griffin, leg irons in h~nd." surfat:ed Just as Beaubien was making his plunge He w rote the story. So did everyone else. And the photographers. for all the film they used up and all the angling. wound up with nearly the same pktures. "I'm hopmg th1S will get me some bookmgs," G riffin acknowledged after toweling off w hile the boats, provide d through Magk Island, "Uver here," yelled the phot.ographers as Griffin inadvertently began swimming away from the boat 1oaaea wnn p n otograp ners a n<l camt'rmcn headed back to port. _ And if Griffin's p lunge into Newport Harbor didn't make a big enough splash, the youthful escape artist has another media event in store. Griffin. who had warmed up the media w ith several escape acts in a Magic 13Jand club room, swam toward the photographers tread ing water as the cameras clicked "I'm gomg to chain myself to the 'H' in the Hollywood sign and if the cops arrest me and ~ handcuff me. I'll just escape." From Pa e A1 FOCAL POINT .yield sign on Atlantic was an insuff1c1ent tra££ic· con t r ol m e chani s m and was "an 1nv1tat1on for tr:affic to keep moving" Heather had been riding her bicycle south on Atlantic Way JUSt before the collision occurred. Her b1cyclt' collided w ith a westbound C"ar on Caribbean. Riverside attorney James Sword. who 1s representing the city, said evidence would show that the condition o f the 1ntcrsen1on "had absolutely nothing to do with the occurrence of this accident." Ins tead . Sword clai med. Heather fa1lc.>d to yield the right of way at the intersection and had "cut the corner,'' so she was riding her bicycle on the wrong side of the street. Anderson. however, told the jury that Heather was a "mature, obedient child" whose pa rents had taught her bicycle safety rules. The family lived near the interse<:tton where the accident occurred He claimed one of the principal hazards of the intersection was the growth of trees and shrubs • • • o n a n e levated lot along the northeast com er. These trees and shrubs blocked the vision of westbound cars on Caribbean, he said. A 1976 collision involv ing a bicycle and a car, along with the previous complaints of neigh bors, should h ave prompted a city investigation of the in tersection , Anderson said, but that did not take place. lnstead , h e said . t he cit y's Traffic Committee investigated af te r H e ather's accident , concluding th e v isib ility was impaired and that the yield sign contributed t o a ha'zardous condition. Th e city's attorney claimed that the committee concluded the yield sign may indeed have been appropriate. The yield sign, however, came down a year after the accident. Terry Brandt, Laguna Beach 's director of municipa l services, said in an in ter view t h a t t h e yield sign was replaced by a stop sign m 1~78. He said the stop sign was put in on Atlan tic as a result of complaints from neighbors and a city investigation. From Page A 1 ~ NONSTOP FLIGHTS~ . • • Conunental Airlines. and parent compa ny Texas Interna tional AirUnes, t-O be given two ot the 41 jet departures now permitted daily from the airport. Instead, he ordered an evening hearing Oct. 14 durin g which Continental's claims will be addressed in a trial-like hearing. Hatt e r a l so r e j ec t e d Continental's request for a test period to determine if the Boeing 727-100 -a n aircraft type never permitted at John Wayne Airport -could fly w ithout county- i mp o s e d n oise l i mits. A Contine ntal attorney, Ro na ld Silverman. claimed the carrier could meet the standards. Michael Ga tzke, the county's attorney for airport litigation . From Page A 1 said pas t t ests h ave s h o wn otherwise. Judge Hatter alsa rejected a request fro m Ai r Cal Co r a temporary restraining order to block the county from furt her implem entation of an airport access plan. "In e ffect, (the plan ) will bounce us out of the airport over a two-y ear s pan," AirC al a ttorn ey Philllp V e rleger claimed. The county plan ls designed gradually to reduce the flight allocations incumbent airlinee at the a irport have enjoyed. It establlshee'a re-allocation procea to give thoee rughtl to carriers e ithe r desiring to e xpand or commence service at John Wayne AJrport. DOCTOR'S CONVICTION. • • under the iniluence of narcotic drua-." MacDonald wu 1entenced to three llfe tenna in pr1ton by the jur~lha convicted him of murde n the deaths of hl1 pre nt wife, Collette, 24, and their two daught.en -Kimberly, 6. and Kristen, 3. MacDona.td oont.enda that four dn.&1-crazed hippiet broke Into hie apartment while he waa 1leeptna. kllled hi• wife and children and left him 1tabbed and ..... • From Page A1 ALISO. • • only to the f indings in the r)?SOlution. John Grisel. of the county counsel's office, said supervisors have several options following the court's dec1s1on. "One ·posstbihty would be to revise the findmgs to satisfy the objections of the Judges," Grisel said. AnMher might be to petition for a hearing before t he s tate Supreme Court. Village Lagun a filed su it in Orange County S uperior Cour t three months after supervisors' approval of the Aliso VieJO project m 1979. That su it was rejected by Jud ge W illiam S . L ee 1n November 1980 and Village Laguna fi led an appeal several months later. Norm G rossman. chairman of Village Laguna, said his group w ill probably petition county su p e r visors to hold pu b l ic hearings on the state-required resolution. "The s u pervisors failed t o make certain fm d1ngs on what impact the project would have," Grossman said. "They didn't do th;at at all." tte said the board should hold new hearings on the general plan amendmen t, and in the process. perhaps reduce the .num~r of units proposed for Aliso V1ep. T he county-approved project calls for 53,000 new residents in the community, located .on most of the remaining undeveloped acreage of the Moulton Rancn . Aliso Viejo str e tch es from Leisure World to the boundaries of Laguna B each and from Laguna Canyon Road to Laguna Niguel. From Page A1 TRASH PLAN where will our gar~ go?" The county plans to charge $4.90 per ton for trash dwnPed at county landfill attes. The fee at transfer atations is presently aet at $10.60 per ton. But Mn. Wieder said she will ask the b o ard of supervisor s to reduce it to $8.SO. Hundnaton Beach would have to pay higher total coats than most cities becau.ae about half its truh aoes to lhe t.ranafer station at Oothard Si.re.t and Talbert Avenue before belnc lOMled onto larger trucka and taken to the dump. ,.. WORLD R e~g an r evises Taiwan arms sales By Tiie A11oelated Pre.1 WASHINOTON Prealdont Reaaan , yielding to demand1 from China, annoum.'«I agrt,'tlmcnt today to Hmil future U.S. m\I aalete to Taiwan ln a Jolnt U.S.-Chlna '-'Ommunlque that apell.8 out • rev11'Cd U.S. arm1 aale. policy toward Taiwan. ln a wrltt4tn 1tatemenl, Reagan said the •&ret'tmcn t "embodlc• a mut\Jally aatiafactory mellU of dealing with tht' hlJtU>rical quetUon of U.S. arms aales to Taiwan He aaJd "Th~ Taiwan quesuon is a matter for the ChJn~ pt.10pll•. to resolv4!:' We wili not Interfere Ln this matter " Mutineers threaten to kill 200 ·hostages NAIROBI, Kt1nya -Disgruntled soldiers in the Seychelles mutinied early today in a bid to oust some senior officers, apparently seized parts of the capital and threatened to kill 200 hostages, reports from the island nation said. Reports reaching Nairobi from the Indian Ocean archipelago said the soldiers broadcast pledges of loyalty to Socialist President France Albert Re ne but w a n ted certain officers dism.iued. Thctle officers weN> not identified The Brit.lah Broadcasting Corp., quoting lht• latest reports, aald from L on don that the mutlneers teized the government-owned Radio Seyche lles, decreed a 24-hour c urfew and declared they were holding the 200 hostages at gunpoint ¥d would kill them if loyalist forces attaeked. Riot police rout 300 Polish protes ters WARSAW, Poland -Protesters restored a controversial floral cross in Warsaw's Victory Square today, and martial law chief Gen.~ Wojciech Jaruze lski returned home from a meeting with Soviet President Leonid L .Brezhnev. Authorities on Monday removed the cross, a popular memorial to the late Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski around which Warsaw residents hav«: NATION gathered by the hundreds to sing religious and nationalist hymns. On Monday, rtot police moved m with tear gas when about 300 people defiantly sang a version of the Polish national anthem that praises Solidarity and proposes restoration of civil liberties. Some of ther protesters yelled, ''Gestapo! Gestapo!" at the police. Rain doesn't hinder devoted Elvis fan s MEMPHlS, Tenn. -They came to mourn Elvis, not to buy trinkets, and their devotion was ·not diminished by the rains that d ampened h a wke rs' h o pes of profits o n the fifth anniversary of the singer's death. "Eve n t hough it's raining it's been wonderful," said Diana Young, who traveled from Enfield, Conn., with Lydia French and Becky Robbins to pay her respects Monday at Graceland. The three women, in their 40s, have visited Memphis every other year since Elvis Presley died on Aug. 16. 1977. Each carried a single red rose while waiting to visit his grave. Reagan gets most arms programs in bill WASHfNGTON -A compromise bill that includes nearly every significant major weapons program President Reagan sought for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1 is headed for final passage in Congress. Members of t he Senate and House Armed services committees emerged from nearly two weeks of private negotiations Monday with a compromise, $178 billion defense authorization bill that is higher than either of the measures the two chambers passed originally. The Senate bill had totaled $177.9 billion, compared to $175.3 billion originally passed by the House. Congressional sex probe reported ending WASHINGTON -Federal investigators looking into allegations of sexual misconduct and drug use on Capitol Hill say they are ending the sex probe but will continue work on the narcoti~ allegations. In today's editions, The Washington Post reported that sources said the sex investigation could possibly b e closed th•s week, the newspaper quoted the sources as saying. The Associated Press reported last week that the Justice Department was wra pping up its investigation but was not ready to say whether it had turned up evidence of criminal wrongdoing. Easy win expected on compromise budget WASHINGTON -Members of Congress are predicting easy approval of a $13.6 billion pack.age of budget cuts, which reduces cost -of. living increases for some federal retirees and trims dairy price supports and food stamps. Negotiat;ors from the House a nd Senate worked out details M onday on the final compromise for cuts covering three yea.rs. The STATE pack.age is a vital elemen t of the Republicans' election year attempt to spark economic recovery. "I would think it w o uld pass" the Republican-controlled Senate. said the chairman of the Budget Committee, Sen . Pete V. Domenici, R-N.M. A key Democratic negotiator for the House, Rep. Leon Panetta of California. said, "I think this has a very good chance of passing." Raft splits; 3 children in family drown OAKLAND -T hree children from the same family drowned Monday night when their homemade raft spUt apart in the turbulent wake of a speeding jet ski rider in a five mph zone of the Oakland Inner Harbor, a uthorities said. The bodies of Fegina Evans, 8, Timothy Evans, 11. and Wilbert Evans, 14, were recovered in a 5 ~·hour search of Oakland's murky inner harbor by the C.oast Guard and more than 20 rescue divers. Another sister. 12-year-old Marguerite Evans, was saved by a passing boater who pulled her to safety aft.er her drowning brother Wilbert held her above water briefly. High sulphur oil burned in exl!eriment CARLSBAD -San Diego Gas & Electric Co. is burning fuel 011 with a higher than normal sulphur content in a cost-saving experiment at its fossil-fuel Encino plant. can be saved annually. Edward M. Gabrielson, who heads the utility's licensing and environmental department, said 100.000 barrels of medium-sulfur oil would be burned. To com~nsate for the dirtier bum in one boiler, h e said three boilers will be fed clean-burning natural gas. A spokesman satd the tests lasting up to two onths are ex ted to show how $45 million Monell¥ Fnoov 11 vau oo not ~­you• _, by ~ 30 o rn call otlott 1 Om and y(k.lr cuo.,. Wtfl b4t d•h..,..., s.!UfOly I nd Sund1y If vou 00 no• ;::;-,~;., ":,,"J ¥:, ~o~ ... 110: .,Yefed We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message wi ll be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let- ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors mus t include their name and telephone number for verifi cation. No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind 642•6086 ORANGE COAST . Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Pulilr"'41< ond 0...t ~·-.:.t"'• Offlc:.- Jone Am01I hec:v.ovtt EdotOI l . Kay Schulh Vic;e Pt•tld.nl ond D1<tteto< of Adv.nl.il!Q Mk hffl P. HotVey 0..ec:tor ol M0tkttlfl0 tCwcllfollOnl Thomas A. M urphfne fdllCll Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. Ovec:10r ol OP«otloM CIH t in.d edvef1111"9 7141142-HTI All other department• M 2-4321 MAIN Of'FIC~ UO WH4..., M., C..C. INM, CA M.ttl HIH'tt6 .... IMO, C•I• INM, CA • .,,._ c;...,r._.,. •• o..,. c;o.11 ~'*'1•111,. '-" No,. ... ...,.._., lll119'rfll0fll, ""wi.1 m_..rw .. VtttlN"-1' ......... ro1ey lie r~ WI.._ -i.•~ot(..,,,..,.._ ... ,. VOL 71, N0.221 _ .. I Orange Co11t OAILY PILOT/Tue1day, Au u1t 17, 1982 H/F Raleigh • treating repeats Almo1Jt o nto ·t htrd of the Mt•dlciArt: pou enu admitted to Raleigh Hill11 akohol treatment c.-enteni nationwide were repe:lt patients, <u:curdlng t o federal st.utistics published today. T he figures obtained from the U.S. Depart.m~nt of Health and Human Services showed that 29 percent of the patients had more th an o n e M ed l c are ·p41id admission, the Associated Press reported. Meanwhile, a study released by Raleigh Hills in April said only 15 percent of its Medicare patients had been treated more than once duriflM the last four years, the AP said. Raleigh H ills has seven hospitals in California, including one in New port Beach. Its corporate headquarters are in Irvine. The federal statistics on Medicare patients were obtained by reporters at the Los Angeles Times through the Freedom of Informa tion Act. Among the findings was a case in which ·one p atient reported 16 p aid admissions to three Raleigh Hills hospitals in two years at a total Medicare cost of $32,579. New guide lines requiring better documentation will be issued soon from the federal H ea lth Ca r e Fina n c ing Administration, said spokesman Donald Young. He told the Times private insur ance companies filing Medicare claims will need to s h ow •·a likelihood that the person 1s going to get better" because of a repeat admission John May, vice president of Petrolane Inc. of Long Beach, a parent company of Raleigh Hills. argued that the federal statistics demonstrate how successful the hospitals' aver sion therapy works. He n oted that almost two- thirds of the Medicare patients didn't return for further visits. Bandit robs Edison off ice for $6 ,000 Police are continuing to search for a lone bandit who robbed a Southern Califor nia Edison business office in Huntington Beach of approximately $6,000. The bandit first entered the F.<iison office at 191 71 Magnolia St. at 10:30 a.m. Monday to ask directions to Seal Beach. police said. The man returned at about 11 :50 a .m., placed a briefcase atop a count.er and demanded money. police said. No weapon was seen, officers said. The bandit was described as Hispanic, about 45 years old, 5 feet 10, 190 pounds, with dark brown hair and a mustache. Atte mpt o n po pe backe d b y Russ\ NEW YORK (AP) -A woman wh o has written extensively on terrorism says last year's attempt to kill Pope John Paul II had Soviet backing in retaliation for the ponti rr·s support of Poland's independent trade union. The New York JJwelry Show wu as 8lCCltlng u eye< and I had a grand tltn41 vtsltlng with 111 my trlendt there too. One ot the hlghllghl• WU the party II lhe Waldorr hotted by the North American Watch Company . they are th• agency tor the Concord and Corum wa1che1 that we carry. Art eucnwald wu there .. always and the apec:lal guest waa David Brlnkley. He wa the mOl1 lnt...attng of aH the famous peraonalltl" that t have bean ao prMleged to meet at ttleM pattlea. Saturday I worked the show and •tarted our plant tor a lovely Chrtetmu thll ye11, It dOM...,,, • bit Mtty, eepeclalty when the weethef wu to terribly hot In New York. That evening I attended • beeutlfut dlnnet patty given by friend• In their home over'looklng Centtll Park. Another 8:00 a.m . ...-nlner on Monday ... and when the ahow opened at ten o'olook I waa rMdy to 1pend 11111 lnOttlet day looktng 1t all tt'!e gorgaoue .. U Wltepftolo SHE'S A WINNER -Carol Ann Sullivan, 10, of Rochester. N.H., junior champion of the All-American Soap Box Derby in Akron, Ohio, totes he r trophy acr oss the street on her way to pick up the keys to the city. HarrOld to fight residency ruling We st Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold has appealed the rulinf!! of a superior court judge which invalidated her June 8 election victory against two opponenu; who now face each other in November. Santa Arya attorney J ame~ Goff filed an appeal on behaH ot Judge Harrold with the st.ate'~ 4th District Court of Appeal in San Bernardino. The appeal was filed Monday. Judge Harrold is challengin g the ruling of Orange Count y Superior Court Judge Ronald Owen, who determined earlier this month that the Westminster jurist was not a legal resident of Orange County whe n she filed her declaration of candidacy on Feb. 23. Judge Harrold claimed in her candidacy papers that she w as a resident of Newport Beach, but Owen ruled that she was actually Livin~ m Riverside at the time. Owen decided in his Aug. 4 Burglars cut off electncity and disarmed an alarm system to a Newport Beach house before gathe r in g up a nd making off with n1ore than $64,000 i n valuable antique items, police detectives reported today. Police said the thieves likely were highly professional and did a complete job of cutting off all power to the Dover Shores residence. The crooks, police were told. escape:J with a collection of 20 antique watches valued at $50,- (~ ~ t;EM WISE Marv e.ir C.rt1r1ec1 G molOQ1s1 000 ano sn atched a vase worth $4,000. Officers estimated the loss could swell close to $100,000 once the value of all the items, including jewelry and furs. is aclded up. olice said owners of the home we on vacation and that three days' orth of newspapers were piled i front of the home. The crooks' calmness. police suggested, was demonstrated by t h e fact that they consumed several cans of beer while ransacking the house jewelry fines. I Just neV9f tire ol shopping the many beautiful dlsplays and "discovering" a new Id" or deaign. Before I started home on Thursday I had a luncheon Interview with Nancy Gardner. editor ot Town and Country magez:lne. She ta writing an artlele oo the lat .. t lf.lhlone In ~ry and wanted to know wt11t lnterHted the sophlttlcated, 1~conaciou1 J9welry ll'loppef• In Newpon Beach. 1 w11 Y«Y plHHd to ti• aaked ror my 1mpreea1on1 on that sub~. -CHARLES H. Bi\RR But home again and alter another alight bout with pneumonia I .,,.. bade at my ~ trying to catch up with all my correepondeno• and other dl.ltlea It the etor.. Sl)Mktng'Ot ttlat, we •r• working again to update our m11ttng llet. If you tlaw moved end 1or9<>tten to tall UI • Of If you would like to add your name to our m111tng flat, plMM cell and let ua know. The 181e9hone number 11 642-3310. , - I Orangt Cout OAIL.Y PILOTITuetde)', Augu1t 17. 1Q82 H/F N Y ~ E COMPO ITE TRA ACTION Ou Ot•flON• IN(LUOI f ••OU ON , .. , .... •o•a M••••U l'A(H'•( "'" I OUOlll DI U OIY ""D (INCl .. M.\ft tf0(8 a aCllAllOI• .\ND 111 l'O•f l O I V t •I NA•O AN 0 llOltlll Y • ' ' Treasury bills hit low level WASHINGTON (AP) -Yleld1 on ahort-tenn Treasu ry aecurltle1, a meuure o f tht' cost of government borrowing from the publl.c, have fallt!n to therr lowest levels ln two years. About $~.5 billion In six-month T-bllla we re auctioned Monday at an average di.acount rate of 9.821 percent, down from the 10.94 perc.-ent the previous week. The government alao sold about U .5 billion m three-month bll.la al an average rote of 8.616 percent, oCf from the previous 10.025 percent. Other buyers soug ht NEW YORK (AP> -Cities Service Co. says_ it will "vigorously" pursue offers f_rom other comparues interested in a buyout now that 1t has turned down a $3.8 billion oller from ~dentaJ Petroleum Cory. The directors of Ciues Service, meeting in an emergency session here Monday, unanimous!>' rejected the Occidental Petroleum proposal, sa)'lllg 1t fell short of Cities Service's true value. But the directors said Cities Service management could discuss a revised bid from OccidentaJ or a new bid from other companles interested in taking over Cities Service or buying segments of its business. Utility d eclares dlvidend The board of directors of San Diego Gas & Electric has declared a quarterly dividend of 4~.5 cents per share on the company's common stock, the same amount paid the previous quarter. The dividend is payable Oct. l5 to shareholders of record on Sept. 20. Hospital tells earnings Greatwest Hospitals Inc. of Santa Ana has reported revenues increased to $32,694,000 for the quarter ended June 30. Net incQme for the period totaled $41 7 ,000, or 8 cents per share. ln the prior year third quarter. revenues totaled $19,647,000, and net income was $981,000, or 30 cents per share. .. Cable mag azine planne d NEW YORK (AP) -Time Inc. officials say they will begin publication of a national magazine for cable television and predict that within a decade it could become their largest circulation periodical. Called "TV-Cable Week ," the magazine will appear in March, 1983, and include comprehensive listings of cable TV systems. All editions will contain a section of editorial features and they will have a center section of complete listings for each participating cable system, according to Time officials. As with its competitor, "TV Guide," it will contain a listing for each locality of conventional broadcast fare as well as cable listings. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK (AP) -8-, MoMey'1 ptlOe 11/wJ -cf>a1>ge ol IM nn--KIMI -l'tortc. Stock Each•nQ• 1a1uea, tradano NEW Y0Rl((API 1'1,,.i Dow J~ • .,..J.' tor MonOly Auo 16 nttionelly 11 mo'• 11-S 1 Am -1,t?l,800 ll • .. S<111umc..o a .100 '"" ,.,. Eo.or. 111,.000 UV. -l't NllSemi 701,tOO llln llo ~•"R-jij,800 ''" IBM U.,500 .,._ AllllKl>HO SIS.tao :12._ -I c;..1111 .. 1 ~ "'2,000 21'4. "' ~~.Of~ =~= !~'h : :: E .. 1 llOdlk 4Q,600 7-• Yi A•l11•Lle ~.100 ll.. • .... K m•n .is.'IOO '•"" so11v c;o.p 0 2 ,ooa 11" .. WernrCom '10,200 31'• 2 AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORI( \AP) -S-. M011C11y·1 p11t<1 and net ehano• ot the ten moat acttve ArMr1con 810<:~ E•chono• 111uH 1r1d1n11 nellonelly 01 more t~ a 1 Oo,.,.P1rl &:n,IOO I ll TubOs.V.a m . .ao Ctultl\< Ru 120,lOO 0UIWSHIC.. n 110, 100 Wlllt 8 101,JOO . ,,,, • I) 5~:ifu~s !:::: . '• ti. Slrulh W.11 S..IOO GIBe• P,,t >o 100 .... . ._ SCE. I 10PI 41,.00 UPS ANO DOWNS NEW YORK IA PI TM lol'-1119 11\t "-' llw ~ Yor .. SloO E•<,,.,,.. stoos -.. .,.,_, 1n.1 Nve 90"9 1111 lhe ,,,_I --n llw '"°'' be...S on percMI Of <..... r-rcll .. , OI vOI....,.. 10~o =r.. lr.O•no lie._ u ere 9"<1· ...,..,_ ,...I -percent-cn..-QH ••• lht Ollterence bel-ti. previov1 closing prlce -t.40ndt!Y• Pfloe ,.,.,,,. I FlnSIS.r , s..1111re. J IUlnl pl •ICM"'-""" s Tr-o Fin 6 Ullll0.11 n 1 GIDrllFln I U~TV fl t HIM 3,6Cpl IQ Glffn!Hlll :; ~:r.w~ U PhE I J,.«Jpf ,. SwstFore'.11 U Hef lt.llQO)m n " "-'•'bl ,,_,_ ti Tenn.(ICJ It E-rce 20 Fil PllM<I 71 Oet'tler$C.I 12 llanNdl NG t) lt T"Alnc: 2' PSEG 4.Jllpl u SO;imr'ltCo -I Welnoco J OHll'llMI l IMMulUIO 4 IOISeftll Jo,,."'-• 8....V• DIU J .... """111 I ReOwlM rtl •Sc~ 10Stort<'9"S 11 CrlfOQ 1!~ IJ Ttllell!llt 14 E,...OE f)4A U Nwttlnd a:=. ::~ lO ...,,..,.. 11 Net._,., tt ,......,,. U Tutl ll'ld "~ LU~ .''i. UpP<111 , 5'1 • \oo Up 11.t U~ J Up IS.l tV. -Up ".0 ,.. V1 Up 11.t s... "° UP 11,t A• l't Up II.I It • 1 Up II.I U • 1-Up 11.J 12-. • 111. Up 10.t T!'e ~ UP 10,7 UO.. IV. Up 10.S l•"" • JV, \)p 10.J I \to Up 10.J IV. \0 Up 10.2 It.. • tl't Up 10,f 2"-+ Iii Up 10.0 1 "-• Up t.1 J~ 14 Up t ,S ,... Iii Up t ,S 7't '°' Up :·l '°"" I"" l)p .J 12\to I Up It JI • JYJ Up LI 00.:,.'\ • ._ Up I.I i...Ji, ... ,, Oft Petit. II ... -IYJ Ott 11.J JHll J Oft 10. ""' -'"' Oft 10 1 10~. -IV. OH t' " • Oft t.C ''"' -, ... Off ... IW -IJ Oft 7,a JIYJ -l '°' Oft ) 1 ' '""' l \lt Off 1' Uft -1 OH 1.1 4h -"'Oft II ;~-:g:: u u -1~ Off ..... , ""' 1.-. Ott '°"' '"' Off •J """ Ill. Oft I.I '"' "' °" .. , 14 I'll Off H t -'-Ott S.t 1n .. -.._ Ott lA '"'" -l't ()ft u UOCl(S lO 1no JO T t11 IS VII ,, Slk lnOui 0.... Mllill law C.... Cllll m I>' lo:I ... IM.Sl 191 4l• • li 1'7.4' l01" ,.. 1' ,.. )I • ).8' lOI 42 IOI II 10. 11 101.13 • I SI JI» )J )IQ JI lOol U Q .. • ) It ••••• 1,l'J4,teq ''•" Ullh 0 SI~ WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORK IAP) Al>Q 16 WH,. r AJriot(A ()0 TOOo 1146 •II 31• '"' JO SI NEW YOAIC. lAPI Aug ... METALS TOO<ly 37• '" ,,. ,., • JO 1 ...... 100 7,.S. tpll -°;?. '7l "' , ... ' 'Gt "'"-~ m ''° I " NEW YORK (AP) -SPOt no<il..-r~ metlll ~ MOOO.y CGPt*' 68~-71 cerita I POUnd. US, delllnlllOl\a Leed 26-29 oents • pound Zinc 37..olO cents I POUnd. <lellvered Tiii 18.0817 Metlllt Week composll11 lb AllNftlllwtl 76-77 cen11 •pound, NY ....._, S3e5 00 per .... • I'll"'"-S2S3.00..S260.00 troy ounce. N \' SILVER .._.., Handy a Harmtn. ~6 530 per Hoy ~. GOLD QUOTATIONS ., ,.,... .. _ ... eel "'- SMoltd WOf'ld OOfd ptic. Monday; L°""" 1"0rn1no ll•lno 1337 25, on I0.75 l.end9n 11ternoon 1111no. $341 76, up ~ 75. , ... tltemoon ftitlnO Holl011)'-"""1(el lk>Md. ,rmMM1 n111no· '338.97, 011 S0.03 lvtl•ll l•t• 1lternoon· '338 50, uCI 11.1s bid: ~.2s •ea HMdy a "-tin! Oflly deity quoit "341,715, up 53.76. ,.. ._. on1y dlllly CIWI• SS<l 1 75. JC> .. us. ......... only dally quote I~ S)5t:t.4, \IQ A.M. .,._ SYMBOLS .• GOLD COINS NfW YOfllK (AP) -PtloM late Moncl9i ol Oold aoln•. comp.,_, with F'FIMY'• ptlOe. .,...,,_., t lroy a .. ~IO. up "·'°· _.,.. ..... 1 uoy oa,, Uf4,00, up U.IO • ...._ .,.... U troy or.. IAto.IO. 11P IA.IS. ................... MOl&roytL. """'°· 1111 I UO. aour.:o...,... • ... I I ·1 I J IUISf l:UIT .· LAOUNA~CH o.r ......... _.. THE SITE -Mystic Hills --area ·of Laguna Beach where Caribbean and Atlantic ways intersect. Intersection 'on trial' in Laguna By DAVID KUTZMANN Of IM ~ Noe •tan The safety of a Laguna Beach intersection -where an 8-year-old girl suffered crippling injuries five years ago in an auto-bicycle collision -is the focal point of a multi-million- dollar damage trial that. opened Monday in Superior Court. Jurors in Judge Harmon -Scoville's Santa Ana courtroom must determine if the family of Heather Brobeck , now 13, is entitled to more than $5 million in damages from the city because of the condition of the intersection when the accident occurred. Heather, whose bicycle collided with a station wagon at Atlantic and Caribbean ways in September, 1977, suffer ed serious brain injuries. She was hospitalized for a year and a~ Five years after the accident, she still is unable to speak, she must be fed through a tube in her stomach and she cannot use her arms or legs "in a meaningful way," her family's attorney said Monday. Heather requires round-the- clock nursing care in her parents' home. Her medical and nursing care amounts to more thah $100,- 000 a year. An out-of-0>urt settlement was reached wlth the driver of the car for $115,000. In opening statements to the jury, attorney Thomas Anderson contended that the accident would never have occurred if the city had corrected alleged hazardous conditions which impaired visibility at the T - shaped intersection. He said the citr had receiv~ warnings from neighbors. Anderson also claimed that a (See FOCAL, Page AZ) Brown seeking extra funding LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Federal Election Commission spokesman has described a Jett.er seeking campaign funds beyond the federal limit from loyal supporters of Gov. &:lmund G. Brown Jr. as falling into a "gray area" of campaign contribution Jaw, a newspaper reported. Supporters of Brown's U.S . Senate race who already have given the limit of $1,000 were aaked in letters from television producer Norman Lear and his wife, Frances, to funnel another $500 to the governor through a political action committee formed by U.S. Rep. Morris K . Udall, 0-Ariz. WORLD TUESDAY. AUGUSl 1'. 1~6! HB doc plan$ fight By ROBERT BARKER Ofttt. Deltr Not 8talf A lawyer for Jeffrey MacDonald of Huntington Harbour declares "that the fight is not over" in the attempt to save the former Green Beret doctor from a lifetime in prlaon. The conviction of MacDonald, 38, on charges of killing his wife ' and two small daughters in 1970 was upheld Monday by a federal appeals court in Richmond, Va. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said an examination of the record "gives ample warrant for the verdict" of a federal district court jury in North Carolina in August 1979. "The fight to free this innocent man has absolutely hot ended," MacDonald's attorney, Bernard Segal of San Francisco, said Monday. Segal said MacDonald was devastated by Monday 's developments. "There are a number of options that are still open to Dr. MacDonald and it will take several days to decide which ones we will follow.'' "We have the right to ask the court of appeals to reconsider its decision or we can ask the U.S. Supr~fne Court, which already heard this case twice, to review the decision." Segal said the court of appeals did not have before it the recent confessioru by Helena Stoeckley concerning her knowledge of the murders of the MacDonald family. Ms. Stoeckley confessed to being a bystander at the murders, according to Segal. The appeals court said in its unanimous opinion Monday that evidence showed Ms. Stoeckley's memory "was exceedingly poor and that she was constantly (See DOCTOR'S, Page A%) S&L chief can't ban takeovers SACRAMENTO (AP) -State Savings and Loan Commissioner Linda Yang has no authority to prohibit buyers of homes from taking over Low-interest mortgages issued by state· chartered savings and loans, Attorney General George Deukmejian said in a formal opinion today. The opinion had bee n requested by Ms. Yang after the U.S . Supreme Court ruled that federally chartered savings and loans could exercise ''due-on-sale" clauses in their mortgages, thus banning loan assumptions. At the urgi ng of state- chartered savings and loans, Ms. Yang has been considering issuing regulations that would have the effect of applying the court ruling to state-chartered institutions as well until the Legislature acted on the subject. Deukmejian's opinion, written by Deputy Attorney General Rodney Weiskopf. said state law did not authorize the co mmissioner to issue the regulations. Attorney general's opinions have no force of law but are commonly f ollotWed by (See LOAN, Page AZ) By Tlte A11oclated Pre11 Lebahese Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan said today final agreement has been reached on evacuating the Palestine Liberation Organ.iz.ation from Israeli- besieged West Beirut. I NATION WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reagan's demand for an end to the bullheaded blekering over the $98.3 billion tax increase he supports is being greeted with defiance from conservatives in his own oarty and aloof support from Democrats. Draft resister convicted ROANOKE, Va. (AP) -A Virginia college 1tudent who refuted to register for \he draft on rellclous p-ou.nds wu convicted today of YiolatJna federal law and 1entenced to three ye.a.rs on actJve probAtion. I -' OHAN<-.E COUNTY LA l IF Oil NIA :IS :£NT S SOME WATERBED -A sea lion ·mom is reaUy out of it (left) as her pup rests its chin on a part of bell buoy at the entrance to Newport Harbor. Their waterbed is obviously a pretty calm Deltr,.... ......_.., ....... ooo-11 place for a snoore -until an increase of swell of the waves "rings for the bell buoy" and then it's just t.oo late for the "do not disturb" sign. County loses on Wayne Rates drop; stocks go Judge strikes airport flight control ruling An Orang e Co unty government rule that has prohibited air carriers from serving destinations more than 588 miles from John Wayne Airport with nonstop flights has been struck down by a U.S. District Court judge. In his ruling issued from the be nch Monday night, Judge Terry Hatt.er Jr. said it is the fe deral government, not the county, that has the legal right to control route distances. The decision represented a victory for Frontier Airline•, w}i¥:h wants to fly nonstop from Orange County to Denver, the hub of its 79-city route system. Denver is about 850 miles by air Crom Orange County. Frontier, one of five major airlines serving Orange County, today is forced to make an intermediate stop al Las Vegas on its Orange County-Denver fligh~. Those stops, according to Frontier, inconvenience thousands of passengers annually and cost the airline about $2.1 million in added costs. Frontier officials said the airline hopes to begin direct service to Denver in October. But Murry Cable, manager o( John Wayne Airport, aald Frontier may face obstacles. Cable said it is unlikely that Frontier will be able to comply with certain noise limits for takeoff due to the additional / weight the extra fuel would add to an aircraft flying the longer distance to Denver. Figures compiled by the airport Noise Abatement Office show that Frontier's DC-9 Super 80 jets have averaged 98.2 decibels on takeoff. Under the county's plan regulating airport access, Frontier is limited to 98.5 decibels on takeoff. Judge Hatter's decision on the airport's nonstop distance rule came during a 2 'h-h our-long h earing on several issues s1emnl1na fro01 the controversy between the county and the airlines over the airport access Issue. Hatter denied a request by (See NONSTOP, Page AZ) on spree NEW YORK (AP) -Stock prices surged on a broad bont in active trading today as a summer-long decline in interest rat.es gamed momentum. Two influential Wall Street economis ts reversed long-held pessimistic forecasts and said prospects for relief from high interest rates have brightened. With more than 1,500 stocks rising in price, advances led declines 10-1 on the New York Stock Exchange. Village Lhguna claims victory The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks. up 15.51 points in the past two sessions, added another 38.81 points to cloee at 831.23. A major bond market rally prior to the start of stock market trading today helped fuel buying on Wall Street. Panel rules against Aliso-Viejo development By STEVE MITCHELL OftM Del!J Hot llaff Members of Village Laguna, an e nvironmental group that seeks to overturn county approval o f a 20,000 unit development in Aliso Viejo, is claiming victory m a 4th District Court of Appeals decision made public Monday. /' The three-judge panel, sittln& in San Bernardino, said findings by the county in a state-required resolution were inadequate, said E. Clement Shute Jr., a San Francisco-based environmental attorney representing Village Laguna. Village Laguna officials said today they will now pursue public h,earings on the general plan amen~ent for the 6,600 acre develoor: enl behind Laguna Beach. '-- Attorneys for Village Laguna argued the county's g~neral plan for Aliso Viejo was changed to accommodate the project by lncrea1ing the housing ceiling from 10,900 units to 20.000. The Laguna organization also said the project's environmental impact report failed to state why the project should be approved, as required by the California EnvironmenU\l Quality Act. "The (appeals) court found the resolution required by CEX;;2A to be inadequate," Shute said in a telephone interview in San Francisco. He said the appeals court reversed an ea.J"lier ·denial in au respects except the adequacy of the environmental impact report. Among factors igniting the bond market were new interest outlooks from economists Henry Kaufman at Salomon Brothers and Albert Wojnilower at First Boston Corp. Both now say a weaker-than-expected economic recovery has increased chances for a lasting decline in interest rates. Volume on the Big Board reached 93 114 million sh.ares. Interest-rate sensitive utility s tocks dominated the active list. Lake urged for dumping trash Animal research-- bill hits snag Huntington Beach Mayor Bob Mandie has come up with a suggestion on how to dispoee of the 35,000 tons or so of trash produced each day in the city: throw it in the lake. Mandie called Monday night for a study on using a 9.3-acre lake as a dump in order to avoid trash fees that will be charged at COUNTY county landfills beginning in October. Mandie said the county fees might cost the city as much as $1 mi!Hon from October to next June. He said costs could skyrocket to $!)-6 million a year in a short time. Orange County 2nd District Skimboard winners listed Winners of South Laguna's sixth annual sklmboard contest at Victoria Beach are announced. Page ~l. Gym dandy substitute Gymnastics emphasizes total body fitness, and many students are enrolling on private competitive teams now that achool diatricta are cutting back on athletic programs. Paee 82. Dads, debutantes rehearse ... Before they took off for coUe1e campuae1 or foreign studies, nineteen National Charity League debutantes walt'Zed through a tth~ of their Nov. 28 preeentation to aodety. Page 83. ~unty businetJS report Promotions, acqufaltiona and e.a.f!\1np lnvolvtng Orange County finnl ant d$iled on P• 84. .. t Supervisor Harriett Wieder and other county officials told City Council members Monday that the fees are necessary because trash sit.es are rapidly filling up and new ones are needed. SACRAMENTO (AP) -A proposal to keep dog pounds from supplying animals for medical research is in trouble in the Assembly Health Committee. "Solid waste management has become a sleeping giant," Mrs. Wieder said. "The question is, (See TRASH, Page A%) State Senate President Pro Tern David Roberti's SB1438 came to a halt Mondav on a 3-4 vote. INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landers A7 Erma Dombeck A7 Movies B6 Bualne8I B4-~ Mutual Funds 84 Cavalcade A7 National News A3 0...Wed C4-8 Public Notices C2.C4 Comics B7 Sporta Cl-3 en.word 87 Stock Markets B5 Death Notices C4 Televtaion B8 1'41 torla1 A6 Thu ten B6 f.tltertainrnen t B6 Weather A2 Hy Gardner A7 World News A3 lior'09C'Op@ A7 SPORTS Ansels back on top The Angell moved back lnto tole? pci•e11lon of flnt place in the AL West with an 8-4 win over Oakland coupled with Kansas City's double-heeder loa to th@ N~w York Yankees. Paae Cl. . I~ ._....-~----·--_,..~~~~"'--'....,,.,----=~~--...----=,,.-..---·--.-....-..--..-.--...... ~--""------.._~---.-~-A -~ II ~~:!!".'.c.....--~-----;....;._.;.....;:_~------~~..:.:.....~--------....w.....-~_..--~---_..:•:.....~~--......:-----:......--~--............ ------~~ - N Oraoge Coaet DAILY PILOTITueeday, Augu1t 17, 1~82 Delly Nol fltlotoe by Gery Ambroee UNCHAINED MYSTERY -Spectators couldn't see how Mike Griffin, 21, could free himself from locks and chains underwater. But he jumped into Newport Harbor Monday, managed the escape and emerged victorious 35 seconds later. Death-defying act only proves he's all wet~ By STEVE MARBLE Of"IM Delly l'lkll It.ft Two boatloads of reporters, photographers and cameramen braved the elements in Newport Harbor Monday noon to watch 21 -year-old Mike Griffin sink like a stone. Griffin, an escape artist with a ftair for publicity, spent 35 seconds in the murky lukewarm harbor water untangling himself from 15 feet of chain, four padlocks and a set of leg irons. A Costa Mesa resident who practiced for his Houdini-like stunt in his girlfriend's swimming pool was -in his own words -challenging death and risking a watery grave. "Does everyone nave their shots," the young daredevil yelled as the reporters, photographers and camermen jostled for position, scribbling and clicking. Pomtioned in the middle of the harbor with the former John Wayne estate to one side and the posh setting of Harbor Island to the other, the reporters went to work. "Have you made out a will?" asked one. Yes, Griffin said, he'd made out a will. "Do you have any life insurance?" yelled another. No, said the sandy-haired escape artist, nobody would cover him. "Are you scared?" he was asked. "Hell yes," he replied. Finally a scuba ruver who had been asked to scout the watery harbor floor for obstacles, sharks and whatever, emerged with the solemn pronouncement, "You can't see blank down there." The reporters moved in, the photographers clicked faster and Griffin edged to the bow of the boat. "See you later," he said, almost cheerfully, as he stepped over the side and sank like a stone. Mesan seized as suspect in hit-run crash Costa Mesa police arrested a man today in connection with a hit and run accident that left an unidentified man seriously suspicion of felony hit and run driving and resisting arrest after he allegedly fled the scene of the 7 a .m . accident at Newport Boulevard and East 17th Street on foot, accord~g to police. about three blocks away at Ogle Street and Orange Avenue. Details on the name of the victim and the extent of the injuries were not immediately known. He was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital. µtjure. Anthon y Lynn Ritchie, 23, of Costa M esa. was arrested on He was tal<en into c u stody Coasta l Fair tod1y with htgha r1nglng from low 70. at the beecnes to low 80• In the lnlend 1re11. Continued f1lr tonight end Wedlleld1y but with tome l11e night end e1r1y morning low ctoudl Ind log along the COISI. Oll«nlght lows In the 80s. HIQhs Wedneeday ringing from the fow 10. 11 the be&c:M9 to the mld-80. lnllnd. Eleewhere, from Po int Conception to the Meitlcan botd« Ind out 60 mllea Moatty light v1rl1ble wind• through Wed~ay. except eout"-1 to welt to to 115 knot• In the 11ternoon ind evening hours. SoutllwMt .wen t to 3 feet. Low cloud• ind local l og. mostly Clearing during 11temoon1. U.S. sunimary Thunderstorms 1pre1d rlln from ttie Roclelea to the 01110111 1nd northern Mlnneaota Hrly today after noodwatet1 wathed througll 1treeta In Arlean ... and 1w1pt aw1y four homes In T--. A few atorma hit eeat11rn Coloredo end northern New Meltlco and stretched from the T-Vf//ftfrt to Virginia Ind from tha Gull atllH to Ille Atlenllc COlllt. ,.,_. -log Ind hue -the Ml11111lp1M VllWy, with'* to ptt1ly cloudy llllM -the reel °' ttle nltlOn. Police In Pine Bluff, Ark., reported dozen• of cert 1tr1nded on city street• Monday night .. ~vy rain• pelted th11 central Attl-city and cauted mlMr 1tr ... n.>Odtng. Thera -r• no .,.,,., California The Netlonll Waelher 8«vlce 1ay1 Southern C1lllornl1'1 •••ther should be f a ir Wtdnalday lllOIPI for low night and mornl"9 cloud1 1long lht ooaM and leOlated afternoon and 1 venl119 th11nder1hower1 In eoulflSn "'°""'.,. and IMl•n -.r1 ..... ...,_ .. l'9nge trom 17 In Loe ¢~. to the 90I In Oweftt ~. Ill tfle IOI In niountlln .,..., frOfft t1 to 102 In '*"""' ._. 10 .. In ttle low delert. ~ IOwll 1te IOf-1 In ttte ,,.Id tot In downtown Lo• ~ to a OOMtel row 1n thl lftld 101 ftom 41 10 eo In ......... and 4l'om tll 10 .. In --=-.,_ fllollll eono.1on ··===~--= :111:~":.:;.:~:~ ~ofo':O Continued fair 16 knola during lhe afternoon wilh • one 10 3-1001 aouthW811 swell. Tempe ratures NATION Albany Albuque Amarlllo Asheville Allente Atlante Cty Austin BaltlmOfe Billlngs Birmlnghm Blsmerc:k Bobe Boston Brownsvtle Buffalo BurHngton CelP8t Cllarlstn SC Cllarlsln WI/ Charltte NC Cheyenne Chicago Clnctnnell Clevellnd Clmbil SC Columbut Oll·FI Wth Dayton Denver Des Moines Detroit Ouluth El Paso Falrblnlea Fargo RigataN G .... tFlb Hartford Honol\llu Houlton lndn1pll1 Jacllln MS Jac1C1nvtle June91L. K-Clty Knoxvllle HI Lo Pre. 64 59 96 64 86 67 16 80 62 05 64 70 80 69 102 79 87 67 90 69 84 69 36 92 63 92 57 85 69 98 77 82 68 86 69 96 59 88 79 88 63 86 71 83 60 84 62 82 65 85 61 88 67 86 64 99 77 87 85 88 64 84 65 85 64 78 51 102 71 58 48 .04 85 &e .oe 81 53 87 52 .04 87 tM 113 73 .41 "81 88 83 M 74 .41 80 74 .34 80. 50 .13 78 67 80 74 The Forecast F<>f 8 p.m. EDT Rain m1D Snow (ID 18 Show•ra• Flurrlesl!!] ~d"°""Wea"'4!f~e NOAA U 5 Oeol QI CQmft! .. ~• Fronts Cold ,... Wa1m WW Occluded .,.. Lat Vegas Little Rock loulavttle LubbOCk Memphis Miami Milwaule• Mpl .. St.P Nlthvflle New OrlMM New York Norfolk No. Platt• Okll City Om ah• Orlando PllHldptlll Phoenix Ptneburgh Ptlend, Me Ptlend, ~ Pr<Mdenoe =="ClfY Reno Slit Lake S•n Antonio 8eettle Sh.....-.port Sioux ~Illa t02 93 78 114 85 ee 82 80 82 90 88 83 79 94 81 90 117 104 8-4 8-4 79 8-4 811 89 88 94 100 75 97 87 80 73 10 02 72 78 08 79 .05 &e ee 78 74 58 72 .01 71 2.06 88 70 64 73 67 72 70 91 80 62 57 70 70 63 .22 47 71 74 87 74 117 :M" DOOd es a. 7 ,, telr-ooocf 17 5-7 ,, l*"OOOd 117 5-7 ,, llllr-ooocf 87 10:01 •·"'· Low 1:11 p.m. lwell SI LOUii St P-Tamp1 St Ste Merle Spokane SyracuM Topelee Tucson Tulsa WUhlngtn Wlehlta 84 66 89 75 .80 77 49 88 58 83 66 .01 81 65 97 72 .01 113 74 87 71 80 72 CAUf'OMflA Baleerafleld 96 74 106 Blythe Eureka FrNno L•nCNtar Los Angeles M1rysvtlle Needlel Oakland Puo Roblee Red Bluff Redwood City Sacramento SallnM San Diego San Franclteo Santa Bart>era Santa M1tl .. Stodlton S mog 71 53 93 63 115 60 80 64 95 1oe 83 H 99 87 99 97 8-4 S8 90 69 71 51 76 416 74 68 71 ti 77 " 112 Where toLcall (loll frae) tor lltMt amog information: Orange County. (IOO) 448-38211 Loi Angele~ County: (800) 242-4022 AMlrllde and 8an 8emltdln0 oountlel: (IOOJ 1117-4710 AOMO !pllode Cenlar: (IOO) 242-44Mlll ~des m TODAY 8eoond low :z::ze p.m. u 8eoond hlOh 8:H p.m. 7.0 WIDMHOAY Fifi! low 3:42 a.m. 1.2 ~ 10:011.m 4.1 lo'IJ 3: 18 p,m. 1.1 SeooM NGfl t !:Zo p1m. r.o ¥\In .... \oday et r:N p.m., t1eM Wednledly .. 9: ti Lm. MOOfl r111e lodeY et 4.27 p.m., .... Wtdnaldly tf 8.M .. m. ·~ f • Prepared for the worst, Griffin's assistant Kevin Beaubien had been advised to dive a fter his pal if he didn't surface within 30 seconds. Things were tense. The camer a guys stopped clicking, the reporters moved up to the boat's rail and, with 30 seconds gone, Beaubien leaped into the water. "Now comes the ethics question," suggested one reporter who had been scribbling notes for nearly two hours. What he meant, of course, is should he write a story or should he write the whole affair off as a well-polished media event. Could it be--was it possible -had the media event of the week taken a turn toward real nail-biting news? Nope. Griffin, leg irons in hand, surfaced just as Beaubien was making his plunge. He wrote the story. So did everyone else. And the photographers, for all the film they used up and all the angling, wound up with nearly the same pict&res. "I'm hoping this will get me some bookings," Griffin acknowledged after toweling off while the boats. provided through Magic Island, • headed back to port. ··Over here," yelled the photographers as Griffin inadvertently began swimming away from the ooat toaoea watn pnotograpners and camermen. Griffin, who had warmed up the media with several escape acts in a Magic Island club room, swam toward the photographers treading Wl\ter as the cameras clicked. And if Griffin's plunge into Newport Harbor didn't make a big enough splash, the youthful escape artist has another media event in store. From Page A1 FOCAL POINT yield sign on Atlantic was an insufficient traffic control mechanism and was "an invitation for traffic to keep moving." Heather had been riding her bicycle south on Atlantic Way just before the collision occurred. Her bicycle collided with a westbound car on Caribbean. Riverside attorney James Sword, who is representing the city, said evidence would show that the cond ition of t h e intersection "had absolutely nothing to do with the occurrence of this accident." Instead, Sword c laimed. Heather failed to yield the right of way at the intersection and had "cut the corner," so she was riding her bicycle on the wrong side of the street. Anderson, however, told the jury that Heather was a "mature. obedient child" whose parents had taught her bicycle safety ruJes. The family lived near the interse<:tion where the accident occurred. He claimed one of the principal hazards of the intersection was the growth of trees and shrubs From Page A1 "I'm going to chain myself to the 'H' m the Hollywood sign and if the cops arrest me and handcuff me, l'U just escape." • • • on an elevated lot along the northeast corner. These trees and shrubs blocked the vision of westbound cars on Caribbean, he said. A 1976 collision involving a bicycle and a car, along with the previous complaints of neighbors, should have prompted a city investigation of the intersection, Anderson said, but that did not take place. Instead, he said, the city's Traffic Committee investigated after Heather's accident, concluding the visibility was impaired and that the yield sign c ontributed to a hazardous condition. The city'~ attorney claimed that the committee concluded the yield sign may indeed have been appropriate. The yield sign, however, came down a year after the accident. Terry Brandt, Laguna Beach's director of municipal services, said in an interview that the yield sign was replaced by a stop sign m 1Y78. He said the stop sign was put in on A tlantic as a result of complaints from neighbors and a city investii!_tj.on. From Page A 1 LOAN . • • government agencies until a court rules on the issue. Ms. Yang could not be reached immediately for comment. The opinion would continue a disparity created by the court ruling, alJowing buyers of homes financed by state-chartered savings and loans to assume a mortgage w elhbelow market rates if the seller is willing and the buyer can pay off the selJer's equity. The court said federally chartered institutions could "call" their loans at sale and issue new mortgages at prevailing rates. Since 1978, virtually all sales of homes with existing mortgages in California have been covered by a state Supreme Court decision that banned enforcement of "due-on-sale" clauses as an infringement on an owner's right to seU property. Lending institutions have tried unsuccessfully to get the Legislature to overturn the state court ruling. with the powerful real estate lobby fighting to preserve the r~. NONSTOP FLIGHTS • • • Ms. Yang's request for an attorney general's opinion was based on a state law aJJow1ng the commissioner to issue short-term regulations giving stat e - charte red institutions "parity" with any powers exercised by federally chartered savings and loans. Continental Airlines, and parent company Texas International Alrlmes, to be gJven two ol the 41 jet departures now pennitted daily from the airport. Instead, he ordered an evening hearing Oct. 14 during which Contlnental's claims will be addressed in a trial-like hearing. Hatler also rejected Continental's request for a test period to determine if the Boeing 727-100 -an aircraft type never pennitted at John Wayne Airport -could fly without coun ty- i 'mp o s e d n oise limits. A Continental attorney, Ron ald Silverman, claimed the carrier couid meet the standards. Michael Gatzke, the county's attorney for alr~rt litigat ion, From Page A1 said past tests nave shown otherwise. Judge H atter also rejected a request from AirCal for a temporary restraining order to block the county from further implementation of an airport access plan. "In effect, (the plan) will bounce us out of the airport over a two -y~ar sf:an," AirCal attorney Phi lip Verleger clainled . The cgunty plan is designed gradually to reduce the flight allocations incumbent airlines at the airport have e njoyed . h establishes a re-allocation proceaa to ~ve thoee OJahb to.carrien eith e r deairing to expand or conunence eervlce at John Wayne Airport. DOCTOR'S CONVICTION . • • under the lntluence of narco~ d II -~Donald WU Mn\encld '° three life terma ln J:)C'taon by \he jury that convlcled him of murder ln t he death1 of h11 p-epant wife Collette Z4, and thefr two ctau;btm -~Jy, e.anc1~.s. MacDonald contenda \Mt four druc-crased hippleta broke lnto hl1 apartment while he waa 1leeplna, killed hl• wlfe and~ chlldren and loft blm et.abbed and beeWS\I But Deuk:mejian's opinion said the law allowed the commissioner to act on her own, without legislative approval, only when-the barrier to "parity" was part of the savings and loan law . From Page A1 TRASH PLAN where will our garbage go?" The county plans to charge $4.90 per ton for trash dumped at county landfill sites. The fee at transfer 1t.ations ls pn!llently eel at $10.60 per ton. But Mn. Wieder Mid ahe will aak the board of 1upervl1or1 to reduce it to $8.50 . Hunt.lnaton Beech would have to pay h~~ total c:oeta than moM d\ieta '* aboul half lta lJ'Uh aoee to the transfer 1taUon at Gothard Street and Talbert Avenue bef<JN bebia 1oeded onto w1er t.rUcka and taken '° the dump. .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tu.day, Augu.tt 17. 1982 N .. Win N•I \<oln Nol ~ ... , "•I k lft lliel W .. • Dow Jones Final, UP 38.81 . CLOSING 831 .23 94Y• mllllon Plllcl• (IOM '"' ~L••ch , .... '"' ... ,,.. Clo .. (llO ,. ...... Clow CllO '"'"'' C.IO\# '"'' g:~~y. · = 111U n"' · .... ~=:~:: ,':d 'l 1r» J! .. : .~ ~i~.: :rnn m; ! .:: ~:i:~ , :'! 'fi :::: : ·~ ~y.v::: •1•• ':{ '=: ~. OewC" !Iii.,.,,. 11 ... +l• Merrit •I.,: to,,"' M!t »11 1: ''"'•1 ,...,.~ UIO J"' . 1111111 I .. , ;if'-"• EWJ ... , U ~ t/• AA t o;, Mef~ 1 JO t !OJ 1)4 , ~I M§~ M 10 I ..... t II> "Hll ( 'j; ' liJ' 11. "' mka l It &Ai '°"' • J .,, •. ~ ~"· _. .. I U ~ • II> ,.=-· t t :io:: tt •. -•J I r. '7 • ._ \4111\ H11 ... '4 1011.o ""' ~•rl t .. t JI Jl'rt ~ ....,. ... -- • ~ ~ "-_,IM 'O t t 141,\ "-M MUe JO. .. MO "-,.., It e "'• ll!! 11 ! II t J1 • p r hO. (10'41 Cl\~ =~·e t . ll 111 11.: "' •11'9 ,.,. ' 40 ,,,.: Ii< MD I.l g~ ... , ....... '•rff•I l41> J 21 1•14 I• I • we µ • Vt "II In I Ce • J> ""' '9\llllt .,,. ' I.. "' 1"' "•"'. u "'. "' MtCMll ;o • h ,, " l'e rkOrl . ,. I ., 10,,,. .. y(e t 10.... ""'• ""' ft~ ''° i :~: .. ~"':,~ =~~pf:·# •J14: ~:::: ~=~t~'" ·~·: ,,: '*~::: =~JJ,.,,; "Y!! ~:"':'~ ~=~~::··~,: ~ a~.. L~~1·~ • ~: n.,.:,~· c 10NAn2.JO \ 21111 >Oh 2 c1ul'111 111uo • • ..... "•<r.,,. ~ • ~·."~£!., • 1; ::', Uv.: ~ ,,,. •• f~.·1 , •, ?st1 '?~. ; ... •;"!" ,.-, .!! 1,1~· ••. Ct() pl ) IJ 240 ''"" • \lo g11-•P 2 a I IJIM Jj\,, • " Hell,.,,, 11 <I .. M • "-~ It.om ..0 ~. 'H • • ~ ~ I.. •• ~ ~ - '"' 1 ,. ,~ llh Pl • IS • 'Ol't. '"' Helru. I ... ))' ,, ... M9tAll ' ,., ......... Pe ytW .. • .. ... 1\-11 '°-'•''" '20 • • 11+.. S•I.. "" N.t. "" l ti It"'. w 011•• Pl l.IO 1100 Uli<. " H•lffl(; /1 ui. ..... ::~~t: ~ 1 ':t ,~~: ~ ,.HGV>" 10 ,, 11 I U\11. " IE""':':... ~ : 10"~ u~. lo< p C r.Ch tlo,,. t llO !_l~1pl 1 t.,!~ .! 11'6,~, 011k• Pl a 20 uStO M*I • 1'-M•lt .. I 1 :10 • 211 1)"> • Ill. Me•'r, » ' U 14 • ._ Pu l>CIY ,. 40 M '"'° \.\ 1_ 1 )II I !O~. -A--,A -~~ ,_ .,. ~ .. 011ke0f 2.. 14 l '-• .... H•IMI' lli 4 JO U~ • .. "'"' ., -... Penee ot9 t >16 J.. \<+ ~• ., .It .. " M P~lnt 1 10 ~IS ,, ..... Duke '., •• "''" .. H•rnce s '"' M ltH.,, '" 4 ,_ .. ~ • 1\'t "•llCll s > ,. .. 21'-. "' C•llEe >,. 111n ,, .... 1 A p •1 • -• ,, ,.~. ~ 0 ~ -1)41 ,. ~ ~ • I , 11 I ••to 11~ •• MlrM"' ,.. M ..... ,. __ ,,,_.ti , ... ~ . . ...... ff..,.. , ... I ·-.. , •••• ~ ~~ u: :,::: SX ; .. JIOIJ ,;~.tC O~~ r rnU111t )_.,;; Ht~tt~'11 U u ._;;;; Menvnt ·: 120t I •"> l'~iMilO 11) ,;;:, .. i:j~Oi1oe 1 ;o; tt~.,~ APL U t Sii. Of I • 11 ... • "° OllCILI 1 tO • l>ft ""' • "' Henhy 1 10 I I.. 4)"° • I Manvl "'t 6• 14"' Pe<111ey t lt110 1"I • 1'-SN£ Tel 4 i. • 13 4 ft • , .. ::: t I -!~t .; 1~ I~ m~: ~ OvotAt 10 • d» 1"-t l't HmtOll 10) t \\•., "" M" l'CO ~ m t~~ • ~ Pe Pl. 7 ~ • 611 ,..-., • .. S.ONI! Pl U2 40 1' • ~1 )( ~ji"' -•!OW.+ \.11 g~:: 1 ~ :;: a::•:: ~=~~1::'~11 I~ J~: ~ ::~~1;121 4 121 1411.~ '°' =:=t::::,., :::& n :\.,~~";it~.~ a.e: m:•1: ~~ ti H 12J1 ••""'r ' 414 1"" 1 "' Oliq IJIO 2 tO 1100 uUI~ + \.\ HewlP t 1• U J.4it 41'-• >'-~·.~~ :M ~ :~ ~~; "' PePL Pl uo t4JO St • "' $0Un<:a U6 I 1' ''"" • ,., AclMC 1:.0 • 51 :~r~I 1~ T lt :J'-: \., Ou11 Pf'KJ.10 ·' S lllS • "' Htrcel . .o" llO ""' 1 "-Merk P, 1 lO U 11 • ~ ~:~t :!1~s 1~ ~~"' • v. t~'!i' '·iJ:i~ ;t~ ~~v.' 't Ac .... t ... 111> • ft RL-9 21 !IO 1111.. "' OoliQ P<PI l .ltl • 110007 1161~.:. ~ MH'1'v ... 11•' ·~ ,? I.,~ :~. ~ Merrlot 30,, 1711 :It ""' Pa Pl~ • 1120 S4"-•• ,, Sollm•ll o5e I "' ' ... ' AdMOQ 04 I .. emlo t 10 • JtS )6\, ,,.. Y<O • > , .. ~ u 1 t.. .! ,· ,·, 11~. ::' M•"1M , 70 ' l.0 30y, p Pl o;...10 10 ,,.... "' Som-Pl , ) I"' .... :=.tit~!/ ~ amp'T a 1 !J 140'1 ul)lo. + '°' OynAm ~S .'_5t 1_ 6 HI:~:' 1 ;j • '16 )O'I.: 1~ MeflM >192 • 1'1 ~t: • 1"' P:nwtf t 10 6 ~U U : I SwAlt > 1:1 IJ '111 Jt • '"' AMO • 2-1 a Pee 9, 'O n4 Jlh. 1 EGG • » " .,, ,.,.. la Hll•<ll" UI ,, ·a '"'· "' ='l~ ~ 1f ·: )4 ; \,, Penw pf t.., u ""'. '" Sw811.&ll I 20 , J) 1n ...... •·tnll '1 U t Uli e.~!'1!l •1.Mll JO 3111 ,111~' .. E Sy\ t to 11 S11 111:. • 11o HollO.y IO • I 21 .. + 1"-~eKO .. t .... U'-, \/'> PelllllOI 210 1 l..W tS • '-Swl"t8k IO I 10 11.,. • ... .... ·-" - E p ,. I lJ ,,.... "' HollyS , 0 ls~. ~. ~ PeopOr ,. I .. !IYJ ... Sw!F~· 1\I tS '"'. ~I A~:w-1 ..... rPr• ..,., ,· .151~ :~\~ 1:1;1or, m::1,,, EE:.:c,li;'r llJ' •• ~ ·~: ~ ~~:,.:,. ~ t:~:,~ ::::11,11: ~ W'": ~ :-:o~" .• :,l-,= ~~:,"" ~w~G:n·i~: 1~ :~· ~ Alr1>Fn .O !S 10 •a'r1 1'lll1, •II 18 92 • m 1t : 1~ EAl ~ ti 1-., ~. MOflde * a t1 U • 1 .. ::~C:yt>F 7 '4 ':1 1~l:: ~ P:r:E1° SO 17 tU3 II'"+ "' S•IPS 1 SO I U2 1' , 'I• Ailr-70j .. 1'1' E>Alr pll.. 11 I).. .... HO-II J..O J 41'4 •S"-• ~ O Prml.,, l.J1e t 9S1 9 t Ito Spartn .0 I 11 11'Ao "'° AIMN" . IU .,.,.., 7 ' 1" ,, .... !lo. EaAI• 1113.20 ., ""' Hoovv l.t • ,~ ,, 11 ... h ::~.:..1 ~c I ~u~I~ ! ~ P•lrlP. , 40 ' S7 701\ ... SIM(IP ~ 'lt4 I~' "· ~·.•.pP ~plAl.·1'17 ~ :~~ 1: ~ 21;: u~: ... : I "1 1·.·,:e~ n~ • ttf :i~: ~ =:~t= !~ 12 1~ ::~: ,:: MeUel .lO J 1')1 1314. • 'A :::~= u: 6 ~ ;~~ + .... w.r~. : : ! !11: ~f~• l'J. Treasury bills hit low l evel AlaP , 100 •rP Pf' •I ' 70 "' EtKod' Ja,, 1190 nto, '"-"°'OC:O "13 lMO ;asy, • 1"1 Metel WI SI• '"'• "' Pitt•• 1.M 17 341> )t • tV. Sca11trO ,· .. 7 :ioo l'"• '-:::~ = .. :! :: .~~~ u • , :~!~r N22o 0 : !~ TI~. ; f~~c::'n ··u ,! ,~1 m:: :: ~~U:ti, ··~ 1~ .; m:· • ._ ~~1~~ !.: • ~~ :v.·. ,"' =::r~~!' ~ 1 ,m ~~::: ,~ ~~'::'. ~ :; 1o:l w·: :"" AleP... •.• -u ·."r•wtHw 1 ... •• 1,3": ,.~ •• ~ Eckerd ., • ,... 11\\. "' HOlltllll 1.•S • 2730 "1"'. ... Meyt9 Ja 11 )4 ,,~. h Pl'lll•EI t .11 1 .. II ......... , Sl•l•Y ., s )t Jt ..... '" ,..,., • -~ ••• ~ E I S JI "' HO Int pf 1 l7 A UA ..., • ~1 Mc Orm I.Ill 3 2473 IS... t "' PllllE pl 4 JO 110 1t . . 1$1BPt\t 90 10 lf ,.,_ .t AleQKO I .., 4 • .. ..... "' AKNCl I 11 I 62 I+.. 'Ao d t8r ,, .. 7 • • -Mo Int pf,· so St u1' '"' M<Or pf 170 11'0 ....... PllllE "'. 40 USO lO • '"' ISi.Mot. St • Ill 2'YJ-v. ::: '·: ! :~ m:: :;,:~:~? 1~1~1~1 ~~:1"' ~Er,;G::.=4•·~; !,~il n~:ll't ~:::;:.rm rn!~~~::t; =g~::~i:, 10~40 1~~~.'; ~~::~=II~ mg::~:!~ ~:g:~ :.: := ~;~::"' WASHINGTON (AP) -Yields on short-term Treasury secu rities, a measure of the cost of.. government borrowing from the public, have fallen to their lowest levels in two yea.rs. All>lsn 1 10 W S4">' I CKoC.p .. S • IS"' HouNG 1 10 4 S70 21.. , .. Mc.0..0 l 14 I 1<130 lt .. • '°' Pl\11~ 11$ 1100 Slln • llJ. SIOOOh 7 60 4 161• """ • ~. Alon .tOU .. , 10 .,..,,C•l•nw • 1 111 ""'•!"' EPG J1S JI 7J~ llo HouOAtO.. " It '., McGEcl 1 • tl 2•Y>-.... Pllll 11.ll 1100101~. I SO()tlplJIJ 110 61 •, Al<OSld l OI • al/) 1'"'' 1• eleron 60 l U1 di•.. "1 ~:~~ 30 21 !! 1:"': ~ Howell 40 4 JS I ll. t "' McGrH I• 11 1714 .. "'• 1 Pllll pflS 2S 21• .. 11,. YI St P•<Ct> 10 2S l,. S'I> t lo< ~:::~nl '°' ~ ~ l~ +"' :~::. 1 ~,~ ~ r.~: ~ EOS .. ,6 16.J 11"1 .tV• ~~:C,~ 1': ,~! m:::: :~t~ ttl ~um:~:~:~::~::;: !~ff":~~::=:·~: s~~ :!~. ~: ~:~:ori::.~•l•: ~•YI =~~.:;.:: ;4'~ :;~: ~ ~::i~MQl.O, ~ 1:\.; .. HudM9 l:J 3) ., ... 'la ~~::II , ; .~ ::~. ,,., Pl\llEPfl07' 1)00 sov • ._ SleMSH20e •1u•"'• ... About $5.5 billion in six-month T-bills were auctioned Monday at an average discount rate of 9.821 percent, down from the I 0.94 percent the previous week. Al91nt 1.40 l ISi "". -Con Ill.I ,, .. 1 ,,. 11 • "' Em•sEI 110 !Sl4 44"'. ,.,. ~~~·~Tl .. : .:~ :r'·:: ,,. .. plB ,,., • I OJS ·~ ~~::~;· ~: ~ ,~~ .::: • , ~laulCll 1 ;4 • "( 11'11. ::: AIClllJ.!2.lt . 1l !Slit." Ctnll1>51.41 I 6llU,. .... • '-EERecl s !Ill!' 149"°' ~ Hu..._n, 60131'1• llV,•1"" ~~·tr'n• ·.~»1 •• ~.I 1•1,~·.,~ Pl\lllllCI S'10 .01 lt~•t sl~~.t'P 1 1~1! ~1 m: AIP,l,1;,.Cll.25 • ~ IOV.. • llo Cd1\""" 1.IO 1 1264 ll"' • mrvA .SOU l·h • -Hume pl2 SO 21 ltt, • .. ....,u -' • l ., -70 "" S 09 OI 1 13~ I ~li~ 0 2·'t ,; 163 m:; ...,. CnSoye .M n tso ,_ • ~mh~ ~·~ 1 9~ ~~ • 1...,. H1.1ntC11 40 n 11s 1o•r,. "' Mellon 2.2• '114! tt~. '"• ~~::::'J" 2.~ rnr. n v.: 1 51!~""' : 70 11 1~0 m . • \: All:Cp 7 40 4 llll l2\ CV!PSnl.12 4 2S7 1111. t E:::: pl •41 tllO 3_;, HullEF 1010 l:IM 2'1••1''°' Mel•lll• 20t 10 996 4t tl'-11 PhllVH .0 s It 12.. ~, SlwWr, ! ... 11 23 ~ '• The government also sold about $5.5 billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 8.616 percent, off from the prev1ous 10.025 percent. Other buyers sought Alc!Ct> 1116.7' t 8t 50~ •I ~~~:~~ I• m ;"', Emplnc 40 IJ U 10"> • , \/. Hydtel 1..!_6 16 I,._ It ' "" =~~~~ I ,: ~ .,:: ~; 7 h Pi.<!A"1 21 1 1l 1-"' + ... SlokVC I .. • 9 mt.•\~. AlclMllC I l!S JOV> • .... Coll•lll 4 1• H •n • EEnn9nll~p IOS. •' 11,~ !!'' •, \>\ IC lllQ 111 S 7M H~>' Merck J.IO 1J ttst .n-.. 1 .. =!!,NG, 1. : ,.! ':'": ~ ~:~'J'\ .a:. 1 '~ )~::.:: ~ Alld"'1 IOI 11 .... 1. C•l·t~ • 11•-.B • ... J so •3 -~ '• ~-ottll , IO I 1• ~~ 1-"' ~ S IC 7 > ~ " t In pt • ~• • ....,r • ~• -Pil\bly ?2• • 150 ""'•1\o. Stol'C• 60 t •O llh• loo ~:~~ .. • • • ~ 1:~=1~ ~~~r:~ :J,!~ :~~· i~~;~l\1.: s 1~ :~: ~ :~~.n ;.,•; '!!u,1~: ~ 5E~,'..!/tm!!~:1E =:~.,1~1~ :~ :~~~~ ~l~!?''~,h:i fa::~: A:llO\ pfS,• n ?3 : 1 :: ~~:me•~ 14 ,:: >;.,.: E~I~: M 4 iu n ' .. :~.~~lr : !.! I lS~ m: • "' Meteb 6'1 6 101 I\.. . • PPtltlnnrB.., ! 6017 I '1"... :r.1)2~ + &-. SlrlOAll 1 l4 I 10 7• .. • "4 AlptiP,. . 10 ""'· • Cll•r"• I ' 16S "· . En!.. l.OI s ., 11"'. "' lcl•·-2.11 I JOI •3•· ' M I • )\.\ 8 .... • -Atcoe l IO 12 31112 lS • ,,,, Chari'':'.".. ,. •v..... Equlh l ,60 10 n uS4.._ • , .. 1 ••• ·-1B 1 11 ..., •14-::_ • ·-es • · • · ·· · · Plltitn 1 70 • •Sot 13"'• ._ SuavSll JO S !OJ '''• • ''• A ISug S 81 I -· "'" ~-3111. -.., ~' "' Metrm S 1 111 70S t 1~ Pl•nRK 14 114 6 .. t "' SuclPrC. I 60b S '2 23 ... • 'I• Am lO 4 7CM ~.~ + !~ Cll•rl pf 1 65 741 I-• EQulmk :r.r S lcl•alT S m ,. .. • \.11 MtE pfCl.90 t10 2:w .. 11'> PIAn!rn ,. 11 170 ltll.• '" Sull•lr 1•1 1.S S~ t Ii< NEW YORK (AP) -Cities Service Co. says it will "vigorously" pursue offers from other companies interested in a buyout now that it has turned down a $3.8 billion oCfer from Occident.al Petroleum Corp. ... :::~:. 1'.:12 '• ,; ,, ... ·"'-Cho• J.40 •ll:zt JS~·· ~:~.r~·~. ~cl:,t:,:_ ~ lllP-r , .. l!MI 11-llo• .. MIEOfFl.11 1100""4 ti Pl•YboY 17 'II , .... .,. SunBk n r 18 ••• v. .t.mH ... 1. 10 10 1114 11 : Va Cl'ta .. Jlf• IS 1 41 ' I EQlll .SOI 11 104 13¥. + "" II Pow oil°' t100 1411. • vi MlE PfGI... 1100 4J · • • Pleuey I U. • 10 11"' + h SunCl'I .. 124 14 • ._ AmA91 OSI 216 '"" C!lue plS 7S l1 l7 • Elmark 1.lol 6 60 •! .... ' 1•,. II Pow pl'l,tO '1~/0 :ao" •, ', ... MlE OIJ 1.:12 •100 u.411<'>• 1\11 Pn<tumo I I 12 is ... • 1 SunEI Ill •2 7\4 'la AmAlr l409 IS .. • ii,, CIMIM Pl 11• SS • Ito E•ft\ll s .. 6 • 11~ • "-II Pow OI• 11 •• •· M!E pll 1.17 UlO .... \'>•Ille P Pd 60 I 1t.J 11' "'° SunCo 2 lO 4 261 )11, •• ,,, AAlr w1 •52 s"". "" c,..1,.. .c-. • s1 , ..... 11. Esw•C iol> • •I m . .,,. v. 11Pow pf•., tno u,. • H• ~~J::HL.JZ 'm ""~~: 1:Z P::r.'r1a , SA 1SJ11 ,,~;; "' sunc 111 ns • s1 " AAlr IJf 2. It . 111 ul4'-• '-Chmecl nl U 14 l• 12 • Esl1tne .. I 121 14YJ • '1• ITW 1 OI I ~ 111~., .. PllClrOl 40 • 1•1 11\lo • 1\oo Sundllr I IO • Ml JO&,• '-Allellr n 12 0 Ille 'A CllNV I ? • 4 1795 ~•I Eln I I SO S IJ7 24 ... lmplCp ,... ., M<l\EA l.)4 l u... "" Pool el 10 SI SO 1 H~-V. SunMn )17 •'" • 'n A••-J.50 6 SIO 40~ •• ,~ CllNV pit II . ,, It.\:.. "' Ety7 OfB • I .. n.-.: "' INCO .20 /I) ..... .., MclCT<tl 1.16 SJ ,, ...... Porte< IO 1 )9 10l\. Sun•l•I 72 13 s .. A8rd pl 1.IS 10 1J + 1 CllNV Pl . 61 uH4-o • l E••nP Ut 200 1 + "> lncllM Pl1 OI it/O 0 .. Mlclcn n 7 OI S 111 Jl'At • "' PortGE 11' S 4M 13"' • .. SuprVI t $6 10 1166 ,..._ • 1 The directors of Cities Service, meeting in a n emergen™ession h e re Monday, unanim~usly rejected th Occidental Petroleum proposal, saying 1t fell short of ities Servil-e's true value. But the irectors said Cities Service management could discuss a revised bid from Occidental or a new bid from other companies interested in taking over Cities Service or buying segments of its business. ABnl Pf 1,61 . J 40 • 1"> CC~\>VPn• ,1 °'n 91 12149 ~ .. • ~. E•en Pl 1 • ..0 . 1t '"'° • i,. lncllM 1117 1' SI + l MIOSUt 1 ... S 100SO 13¥. • ~ PoG pf 11 SO 1220 " + l\li Sup.Oii 10 10 3031 ll" • "' ABIXM 1 60 1 1111 -1~ ·--EaColo t.60 1 ., JS .... , "" lllCllM Pf 11 r170 ll"" • 1111. MlclllOl l.C> ' t3 14 · · · PoiG p1 1 .o 14 11~ • "' SupmtiG • I 114 77'n • h ABICIM ' 1 I 5 231,11: c; CNW n 10 Ill U •I .. Elocl>r 1 tS. 111 ul6 , '" tl\CllM ofl.11 SS 1S + .. MllerW l S0a I • 701J.+ v. p G ol 4 40 6I :r<I"' l't Sui>><P t• 2 ... , \a •Bu•Pocl ,. 1 19 ,, ........ ChlMlw ., 13 so .... En0'1 l s .,., 26''1 . "" lncllM 1112.u • 207 IS .... "' MlltBnl 1.20 I 6'1 II o:~uch , .. •• •• ""':Iii< Swank , ,, 31 II Utility de~lares divid end AmCan 1.90 10 60S ,, .... • .,., Cl'llMlr IS :llY> -F-IF -lllCllM ol3.63 7CM u1S ... • "" MlltA' .S2 I S1 14 + !'4 PotmEt t.61 I 1413 ull\I., t Sybron I 08 • llA 1•~• • ,.,. •cen pl l.IO SS 21"'. ,,.. Clll Pn ~40.. M ,,.. • FMC 1.60 I •n ,. • l'IO lncllM pfl IS , llY.. ,,. MMM l.70 10,,.. S4 • , .... p tEI '.so 110 )3\1 ... Sybr~ 1112 "° " 21 ' "" ACntry .ICleU ,. ·~·II'> CllkFull 4013 , .. , •• ,, .... FMC pl 2.2.S . 1 ~ ..... lncllGesl.04 .. u~ •.. ,, :::•n~ ,~ • 1t~ '~ .... • ~ P:tEI~':°' 19'20 30 1:, Syn1usl10111ll03 l9llo+7 .. ~~~en :·~ = ~ :v.: ~ ~~~:.Clpll.S~ ~~ 1; J~I• • ~ ~:~ri ~ 1: ·r: l!~: ~ :::1.'l'~ !:~ •: w~:: M:~nln s :111 tit 1/ .... : \I; :i:~:~ ~Ii n 1:~: ~ SYKO \ -f~fD-m . AEIPw 2.26 14019 11"-• "" Cl\Cll Pll.40 1 ....... II .. Feul 13 71 s ..., :::r~~:n .14 ~ l~V. + ;; MP•cC l.IO 416 5114 +2 Prmrk n2.40 S 61 7S • 11, TOI( n 20e 11 ns u ... • "' :~~ '.:·~';;! ~:>~ ~~~~ n1Jt ,~ ::: :: ~::~~'=J::.1 ~ ~~!:~ t1191rR l.S. 113 )9'<1:7.,. =~·pf~~2 11~ m::.•." :r:~ 1 :~:m :~w. •!~ a~o 1 ~1! ~ ::~:,~ AGnGp J 70 s 10.. ;w,, • w. Cllrntr J1'3 '"" • Y> F•mDI , 34 17 IS ,,,... , v, ln9R pt 2 l5 l2 7S • , .... MoPS OIA U 2AO 11"' • "' ,.' ~IG 'i~ t 7:IOI • • ]"'° TAW l .O t S13 ••'11 • 1' • AGnlll' J.U l JI~• 'n Cl\ry wl .. Ill l'I,,+ \'t FrWSIF . IS ''°'' .. t1n"9"clSTte<I SA1 •1 l1 I •II'> MUeln UtS 1~•111< P~dA\11 l'J14 JJ n .. ! .... TAWPI •SO 1 I 92 •I~• AGtlld 1.0.. 311uHW.•11.\ Cr.rn Pl -111 l h • ~1 Far ti\ 1.. S'9-\.11 nlcl /1 ltY> • \\ MolMI S 1'IO lOw.+ .. Proler 1.40 11 1• 1'YJ , .... T e c &o.1 102 21 .. • 1 AGnCv 111111 . SI n , .... Cll<lfCll I 8 ,., l1 • , .... F-r• J06 l'•, ~. ln\llco IO 6 1S4 13 • "> MolMIH ., l\. .. "S•Cot u 6 11171 !Sh+ "' TettBro 1 • SI l9v. • '• .t.Herll M 1 1• 11v. C1118e11 2 n 6 >4 1t~ .. 1, FecllCo I JO,, ,, ,,.., • 1-> 1n19111h • 10 1S"1 .. "" MclMer 10 16 1se 10"' • "' l!>scot pn 10 11 UIJ. • ,,.. Talley 63 '"' • "' The board of directors of San Di'ego Gas & Electric has declared a quarterly dividend of 45.5 cents • per share on the company's common stock. the same ~ amount paid the previous quarter. AHOl\1 Sii • JtO n ••• ,, ClllGE 210 71111 11• ..... FOE p IJJ,.. ., ...... lnlAFnJ.tSt ' ,. u ...... Mol\kOt 10 OJ 12 .. "' PSlncl i16 .h .. s 13"' , TelltYol 1 ' • 1..., .t.Mo""' 126,, 1194 .... ,,.. ClnG pf ._ •!JO ,. ....... Fa~ I 32 I IS 1'V•: "' ncp~ 1. 10. ,., ullV. ~ , ... Mol\AllO tO • )I 1~. ... PS In pf 1:0. t34SO • : "' Tancly 13 11193 n ....... AHO~ s MU 11l'IO ul'J • 1\. ClnG pf HS 110 ll ' ..., Fe<INM 16 . :1111 ul111< • 4 t11terco 2.11 6 111 »\'• • "' Monr<h IO 4 ,. U t l,to PS In pt 9 44 14100 .. llo 1~ Tildy< II 11 11 10 .. • \lo The dividend is payable Oct. 15 to shareholders of record on Sept. 20 . •~1• s•1s111• •s •"" ClnGpf 9,lO .llOO 63.\W• Vo F~PB 1-4 11 llht .. lnlrlSI> 120 63"° 1•v-.1 MonoQf' :a• •CD4~ .. PSln ... ··~· 217 se•~'1\.11 T•nrwt 280 6 42 l:W.• ... Hospital tells earnings AmMOt ' JOi '3.,.,'V: ClnGJ>f 1 .... 1110 s1 •"' FP.0p1 do . Jon\. ''• 1n111• 2.60 • • 7'ta+ "'Monten • • , ..... .,., .. ,~ PSinOi .:ii i3000 s7;-;..., Tc1t<1r .n 4 13 ~v .. "· ANelR n 3 .• JU ?7•-11 .... ClnMll .n • ll1113 70l\ .... FdSQni' .IO • 11 ""' .... lnlAlu 60 • 73 '"'. ·~ MnlDU 2.1, s 141 '°"' + .. PSvNH J.11 s ,,, IS ..... hklfn~ I 9 llll 31 ' ASLFI• .. 134 8111, '\lo Chlcr11 1.71 S S6AJ l6'At t 2V. Fe<10S1 2.10 I 21'1 "°"" 1'1\ 18M 3 ... 11 111.S .. • ll>I MonPw 1A 6 217 24 • t• PSNH p12.tl 4 11 + loo Tele0tn l6 d ,,.._ '-II :t.Sflp' IOe ' 171 '"' + .... CltlS•< 1..0,, ...... l l'-••'lto F•rro 1.20 • 109 70•,,. !YI ln!Flev , 1) .... ,.~ •• '-II Mo11S1 ,,.,. l'JI ult¥. .... PSNH pl .. U . .. 11"' .... hlOyne ) I002 IOIA ·•h AmStd ·, :ao 10 10t ,,"'. 3 City Inv I 10 s SI' •• ,. • ,..., FldUnl 2 IO • ,. tll<t .... lntH•"' 1041 • • .... MONV -I 377 6 • "' PSHH llf3.7S • )t 7S • , ... Tele• • .S1 '"' ..... .t.St•rll JI t W 11'1\, 1'\ Ctablr 60 ISO M 6 Flclc\1 113 • 11 • 14 ln!Hr Ill 1S '"'' 'I. Moore<: 1 t '2 1' • "' PSvllM 2 IO t t22 14"', ,..,, hnnco l 60 J 2'9S 1~ • ,..., AmSlt 1 I ll o"'°, "" ClerkE 1 70 •Ill JI • '"' Fl911ie .61 4 90 1n,, ~ lnlMln 2 ~ S 1" ?~~· • 1'11 ~rr•..,M 11~ l• 524101 113 •,I,_ PPSSvEEGG_.2, •. ~ I Jll•l un 11 •. ~ T1eenrc '!.'n 11 •I S1l4 37~~ •• • :'.° AStr Pl S SI .. IS u.4lh + h Cl•Clt 1.IO I S4 11!.4 • ~, FnCoA s .. 5 4't IAl.-1 I .... lnlMull 1.-• 4"1 •~' 1•1o ~ ~ •• ,.. _ -.Oy1 ., _ ATT • -6 -16 '"• ,1•~ Cte•EI 1 16 • 1111 11'• • v, FnS&.-Its '"': "' lntP-1 40 S 70St J7\io •It;. Mor-3 40 • JOl9 SI\.• 1"" ~EG .... 11 SO Mll>-!Y, hW>ro 4&-S 309 ltY, • "" ATT IJf A4 -1 s,~ + 1\.: Cl••oa 60 • :r<I I"' FlnlF..t 1113 14'" • "' Int A Kt 32 SJ Po• "' MOrknc11 ':a • d2 11 • \.\ PSEG Pi•'.lo · 1~ JO , TeW>r ..o 114 1µ.,, "'• Greatwest Hospitals Inc. of Santa Ana has reported revenues increased to $32,694,000 for the quarter ended June 30. ATTPI JM 2S 32"'' ... Cloro. n 1 J9I ll""• .. Fl1e\tn 60i1 nt 11 ~ h lnlTT 2 61 61m 75"°'•!"> MolWS IO lt .0 ,, .. 'H PSEGpfS.a 1100 i.V,::1 T•W>rpf216 17 Jtv .. .... ATTPI ,·"· ,. ll'J.• .. CluettP ... I ., U"-• ... FIAUn~ .II s 11 1S • ""':~TTpf~I( ~· ,; :c: ·:v. MOrNor I.SJ l•111t1i\'>•11J. PSE(l pf2.ll 1 \S~·"' Tueco l ,.,,. ,, .... , .... AWelr 1'20 4 41 IS\\• \.11 CC~~<lllplm 1 19 S1!1S 1101~•. 11~ FICl\f1 10 . llOi 12\\ • .. • Motrole 1.60 176633 6l ,, ... PSEG ~.IO no 42 -~ hA8< nl 44 ~ 11 1 .... . A 1.0 l .. 20 -.. " F•ICl\t< 1'20 s m 11\'t. 1v. Intl pl 2,15 ) ll • !YI Ml Fuel 7.4' • 34 llY>. 'I. PSEG Jlf2.4'.. u 11..., .... TuCm , 10 ... , :r<I ... ... ::::~'Ir .40 I 50 2n ........ Cou1e1 4022 79'1 10 .. "'' F!BTu 1 70 • 101• 1111 ..... •,nn1ITN!."'24 .. SOl2 s ·'1.' ,4!~ •• ·~ Munlrd !Oe s 1.0 ll11o. +. PSEG pll.80 ' 1100 SS . TUE\I • 10 .s 163 41\lt• ,.,, A met• 1.20,. SS , ...... "' Coe.Cl 2 .. 10 717S llV •• ,.. FICll~ 50 .... • ... • ,h • ·~ -Mntcl pf .40 • 1v.. ... PSEG pl7.S2 .. t!OO SJ • , T•ET 017 "° I 1'1117 Amiee ...... 13 .. 11'14. "· Coh•<O 9 03 ,. ...... F lnlSle 1.1• • '30 , ..... ' .,, lnl•P<• I.SO u • 14'/o. :-:-. MunsnQ 'd11.. .,. PSEG ""·" ISO .. • hE T pl J,11 'l? Ulo. •• .., Net income for the period totaled $417,000, or 8 · cents per share. In the prior year third quarter, -vevenues totaled $19,647,000, and net income was $981,000, or 30 cents per share. tMPln , :a,, 1191 •'All·""' Colemtl 1.70 9 2.• ,,..,, • 11• FlMlu .2• 9 40S '"" ... tnllj<;f l.60 1 l9 )IV.. v Murpl\C l.21 IS ,. IJ'n . "" Publl<k ., ,.,.. v. T••G1 , ,, • .. H h ..... • :::~o : :, ,. ,~~ .... ~ ~~:P.:::" ~ ~ ,m m:: ,~ ~~::; '~: : ,~~ i; ... : t: :~:"~ .... 1~ :! ,!~. ~ :::~~~I ,J : ,,,~ :~r!: ~ :r~ 12 ; 1: .. . ~:::~, ~ ,: un ~!:: ]~ SPOTLIGH T •msW: 1.60 s 10 114'.. "' co1nF I • 11• 134 .. , F>tP• •• l"". 1. tnPw pf 7,. tlOO .. ,.,.. • .,. MutOm,..,. 131 ,,..,, ... PUQetP 1.16 s .... 13 ..... Tea Int OS IS m '"'. '· STOCKS IN THE AmllM 1 90 s 119 701'> • IW. CotPen '40 61 ""' • I> F•IP•""' 1 1..n. •-•El 1.n • 21' I• • "' Myenl 211 11 I \.\ ourltnF Ill J "'I '""• 'Ito T•NM!I 1 ,, 7 I .... • '-Amil pf ... I sv.. "' Contn' 1 IO l13 2JI •• I FIUnAI 1.16 I 1113 l•t·. v. 1-llG l,. ) ., 70 • "' -.. _ -Duron. l.OI I )1 JO'l'I ... h~ ,. • 11J2 11 • ''• Amsted 1 . .0 tO 61 It\\• Y> CotGal l.. !SI 17 ... • "-F1Ve8.0i M 4 ll I , V. -•PS 2A 1 1t3 '°" • 111. NBO 1.0I • SI 1211o • 11• :>yro J 10 • ~ T •PK JO 10 34 1'1J. • \. Ancmpn 1111 11• ,_."' ColGtplS41 , ...... F!WIK 't-10 ... Uh.S ·-•A', .. I .. 1JY,•l"" NB!n JO ... 7,...,, )uekO 1.IO. n. 40 ., ... TuUtll '°" .,,., 13..,,,.,, Anlov I 33 16 11\ill+ Yt CSO pf J . .S 1 uU •I FIK!lb 1 S IU Ullo• '-lpcoCp 2013 IO 6 • .... NCH 12 10 S IJ\ill • )uekSO 10 • 11' 10~ le•ll In S 2~•. •-11 Aroc:l\Or , ,. • II ""'' "' cso pl o!S.U ,,., '1Vt FISllFd .10 1 , .. ,_. I.\ 11•9Bk l Jt ' , .. 3' .... ,.,., NCNB •• 1>4 111.\ ..... )uen•' 60 l ,,, 611)-,, Totron , . ., 6 Ill 1..-.. ..... AnCley 1'.l2 ) ., 12">• , .... cso pf nlJ 2.S tl!O !00 • "" FllFlnG 1 • 1' ,.. ~ lt•-CP JOI> .,, ""'. v. HCA 1.40 I 163! Sl1-11. , ... )u .. 1or ,. • u.... r .. 1r pl J,OI l 11 ... AncltG n .lO 1 16 10 • "> Combln 1 IO • S46 1'~, • .. FleelEn .52 U 1176 11">• 1\lo -J-J -Nl llld I 3 21i.J IS • ... -•-11 -Tutr Of 1 40 I 11 • >\ Anoetlc ..., 10 34 10 ...... Cml>En t .. 4 ll90 24 • l Ft•mnQ ,,,. 1 JJ JI~. "' JWT • I ... ,, '°' cl14"'4 Vo ML T I.Ill 10 ~ U•llll. ... .., ~B Ind ,. ,. 0 II-• T "•0 13 2 . Anfleus t• •JOU .. ~ .. , Comclu .2•. 23! 16 .. , FluiV .IOI• •SJ 10v ••• ,,. JmuF 1,.0!1 11 22v.. NVF ·°"· 111 lln•"" qcA tO ,,,.7 It,,,..,.,., TllrEn 9 " ,, ....... Anlxtr '20 9 ls.t 10... + \\ CmSw n 10 6 17' S.i.o+ " Fl .. l Pl I.ti . . 4 IO'llt • llo JAlver 40 8 'It~ 18 Nll>KB 1 OS I 1221 »V. • 1\11 RCApl l SO . 120 18 t 1 fl\l<>'I 17012 n1 311;. • 1'1\ Aftl•n :,. • I ,, •, .. 'c~dMlt·' ... ,~....!~ !!!!·.,"' Fll9ISI\ .loll 00 11\11.,,,. JAvrpt S40 so 18 . NllCO\ 1.1211 04 70\\+ \\RCA pf • "0 TlllOklwd 409ul1• ... 1 .. AnlltnV .441> 10 S1 6 .. • -II v••· • '·~ -FloetP rt 1• 110 111'11 + '"' Jemsw U 6 27 '"' • v. N1pco 5 .14 • 271 I • llCA pf 111 .Ill 19 +I"' Tllmllel 7 11 11 O 40~ • 11/o !~~ ... ·~ 7 ':~ ,:t-~ ~:;~ !:: ,,~u~~~:' ... ~::~~ >-~'!,,~ull .. :,~ 1:fi"/.111~ • .~ 1i"":1"" ~=~~~c1 ·-:ttl 1;! :~:,"' =~~~ l.~ 6 ~~ 2~: :Z ~~~ ro: ~ 4~ :~· .. ApPw plt.12 • 344 SS~ .... CwE pl t.tO 40 ul3~• .... FlePrv 1 IO I 1111.J u17>\. ,,,. Jere pf • •40 13"' ... NH-'° 0 .... . ATE 40 1 7S '"' • Thrtlly IO 1 .. " • ..,. ApPw pf1 40 1100 .. , ... CwE Pl 2 )1 14 • .. FlaSll U . ti 11~ • .. JerC pl •.:. 1740 Sl"' • 1 Na!C-I • 1' ""' • ,,. RaltP\lr II 11140 14 • II> T!Cero I 70 S ISi l]t. .... AP""" p1i11 .. 31 11-loo CwE pf •..ll 2IXI St•••""' Ftwc;.,, I :IS7 I"'• "' JerC pl a 12 1SOO •I -IV. HCnvSI .C-.10 JU 11 Remea Sit S ~ ... T1-lr tO • 509 , ...... AllCl4MQ '3t 10 1n Uh• v, CwE Ill 171 1 11"' Flowr s .SI t Jt lS\o. Y> Jere pl 1 a 1600 ..,,, NatOtsl l 10 • 4ll 70'4 • "> Rempe. t IO 11 •• t• • '"' TIQerln 6G4 ..._, "' ArCllOn ·141> • U06 13"1 ... l:~ ~ t~ ..: UI!"':, ... Fluor IO I Jo.JO !S"> .... Jere pl •3 so ttO t2 N0111 prl.IS , ·~-.... Aen<o ... I , 101,, !Imel. I "I .. ""'. ,." ArlaPS 1.S2 1 "'131 "" • l\>o CwE p; 7.2• 11100 "'• • 2.,., FF000,01ee,,. 110 .1 ~~ J014:.J: • 1~ JJ~-rc pie !--.!! 4 1n,, !~~· • Ne1Ec111 1.Jn s II 11"1 ..: Reycm., .., 10 40 ,.,., ·; "' T•ml p1c;. so 131 so • ,.,, AflPpf JM ISi 15"°'•"' ComES ,,. I S4 IS • .. ~· --• iC ·--~ ~. NalFG 316 s ..!. 111r' .. A•ymlt 60 • 10 ... v. T1meM , 'Ul )1'1'1•1"" Ar11BU .0 1 71.\.. .• Com·-1JO13 ~· •s • l'-FFol~eKr ',·~.I 11101 u1'10~,• ... y,J J•eww'1c(rpt 1 ,? 76•~' Ne1Gyp 1.4117 1~ I • • ' fleymcll 1 4 1,. 10 . . Tlm~n J.40 • 21 ""-• '1 A -I n I 1l5l 13~· "> -· -• ~ "'" -~ • -NIH om 81 lV• • Vo RevlM 1 40 10 U02 ll:i. + lh T odS/\o 1 17 S U I JO + I'.\ 1 e' "• CoP\yc' .l7 II 1•9 7•\\' '"' FtHowd t.OI 11 lS4 lS~• '"' Jo/\nJll 1 IS lM7 41 •J ... NMOCn 4' I :!06 •"1• "' llHdB > .tO J 6S1 10"'4, " To-llm S4 6 ?O 11 • .. ' ... • 7 ... . "' ·~~ + 1\i-. . . "' ... .. tt-• . \\ ~~!:::J. .~ ~~ ,~·; ·~ Com09r 16 17 • "' F011wt1 .., s 116 ,_ + '11 JollnEF II 33 12"'• tV. NMclEn 40 •!IS. 1S • V. RdBet p12.13 llO 111-. TotEOI• 2 ~ • 69.J 11 • h UPS AND DOWNS Arm<o 1 20 10 S41 ,..,,. t "' ComoSc IO llS 171-1>' ._ Foloml 81 3\1•.. . • JollnCn 1,40 1 173 2J\\ • I NMlrwS 12 I 12 Ill..• "° Rl!Aet t.Olt I IS II.\ Tot Ed llf•.28 61 l9 • '' Armc pf 2.10 . 6 221.\• 'At CP!•tn IS 4S31 21"'• !\\ Fo.StP ... 1 llt 10\lo• '°' JollnC OI 1 l 1t + 1 NPt11 5 1 20 • lS l 4Y• + '-AecnEq ... 4¥. TotE.cl 017 lt 6 ........ II.\ HEW YORK (API -TM followl119 1111 Armr pl' 7S rlO 17 • t~ Con"9r 16 1 US 11'-"' Fo•br s I.Of • Ste 11" • h Jonlvn . .o 73 14 • 11.. NS.ml WJ ""' • '"' Reomt1 30 71 111 11"' • "-Tot Eel pl2 n l , • ..., • ~. "'°""' t,. -Vo" Stock Exe-. Arm II. '111 ·4 ,, 15"". , .... ConeMI 2.20 • :12 ,..,, .... Frr,tMc .60 I 21U 13 .... ,"' Joroen ' s 7 19"'-NlS•ln , .. • SI tl">. v. AMC• 26 .,.. • "' Ton~•Ct> ·-IJ JS 1s1.. ... •toctu -w ... , ... u .... 1 ...... -uo At mWlll 1.10 1t 110 ,. ...... ConnE. n 160 6 u u~· \\ Fr 9tm .. I !Of I) .... Josi... 92,, S57 ll\11. HSI-.IOI JS lt.. -R I" 221 ...... '· Too!AOI 40b I ,, 11\. •• Ille ~I --... motl ...,_ on AroQ> 11> I 9 UV.• 14 CMNG 1..10 • 41 II ti Fru.fll I.ti) .. 16..._• Y> JoyMl9 140 4 1S7 701/o+ ~eUSU 1 2lt4 1Sh•llill A:fc911C .. • U 11~. Trcllml<l60 • S6 n"'• "-percel\1 0I~ r-rdl ... l of -A•-E ,. CJ ·u ,,,., • "" Conrec IO u 13 2•\oo. v. Fuque 60 111 1'\I.. ... -It--NelUI n 1 I JO cl16,,.._ "' AepAll 1011 Siio. "' Toro<;o H ,... • lo• T-y Ar1•• 20., SI II .111. COftEO \I .. s ml " • "' Fuqe pf , 2S 70 !SO,. "' KOi n 10 ., • • Helom 1.40 • ,,,. ,. • "" AepCp .., s ,., ""' ... TOl<O It , lffl 13"1+ "' No -..nu.s lrading l>el-" •r• Incl Ar" In 1 11 II 1S 11'-• "' COftE ol 4 1 utJ• • t -G-G -•lt<OT •1 1 Netm Pf • Ill JO • l~ AepFnS 110 11 .. )Al<.• t Towl• .., 1 101 IS .. • a. udtd Net --<cefti-< ... "9tl t r• ll>e AMlr<:O 40 191 ,, .. • 'Ito COftE Pl 4 U rlOO U Y> C..t.F 10 • tl IOI-.• "1 KlM 10 MA JO'o •I NhPw 2 M S 16' 1111\oO • .. AepN'Y 1 40 ) 14 ,.,,, • n . ToYAU I 11 Mll 2A\. •I clll!treK• l>e-11\e provlou\ CIOlil\9 A~K>lt 2,40 262 Uh• h ConE pf S 2S w7 ' '1 GAF pf 110 It 13\'o' ..,, K mer1 I 11 '11121 11'• •I NoP pf 1 60 .t200 It -\0 AMY pf 2.12 10? ,,.._ '"' Trecor \ JO 11 10'! 1Po • a. e>rl<• •nd tocllly's U1 p M p<l<t AJ/\10 Pf• SO 1 :r.r"' • .. C0'1Fcb 111 I SSJ 34"' • "' GA 01 1 40 • .. J1llt• '"" KellrAI 60 .... 11 • 'A NevP pf 1.14 1130 11 .... ·.. AN y PIO 13 4 20h + \lo rene 1 lt I Sl~ V•1•1\. "5 AllllO Pf)... •. ,. ,, • ,,,, (OftF pf •,SO 3 ..... C.C.t. IOI ll 1'0 ,,... • , K•l•C. 1.40 • )1 ,~ NevP pl 1,fS , !JY,. V• ANY pfA ,,, ' 991 uSS • ... w CP im o,,.,.,..., Neme !AU cnv AldOG l •S4 JI"'• 1~ Cn>Frl l .0 '1661 41 .. • ... GEICO S6 • SI 13.. .. K•IC pl 1.31 7 13 . NotdS II ti I t '°' AepSll I• 111 11 • \. W wl US 611• • .\lo 1 Cll14r~•u llV. • •IJ> AldO pf 4.1S JI S4 • , .. Cn;NG ., • 6 ,,, ,,,,,. ~ Gel< pl " . ' • .. ... l(el\"1· l "I ""·. NNEE"lln' E.!...,,,J . I 0,1 II?!? .• 1\lo Ate>Bk ,,., ~ II ,..... • .. wwc~ , , .. s ,~-, •• ~! 2 OrlonPlcl '"' • ... Allll-1.60 • 49 lS • •1. Con\Pw > .... •0 11"'. ~ GEO 14 l 111 .,... .... l(eneMI .1t 6 ,, 1) nP ..... •• A Bk pf2 ,, l 12Y> ,..., ... , ., ACemT "' "' AICyEI 2.21 a 02 ult,,., .... en .... pll 45 1100 so • 1 GF E«11> 11 • "" Kanctl> 11> • 34• 11 • NJRK nUt • 34 14¥. ..... A:~cat . .JZ • 16 10 ... .' WC pf I'° l9 12 • ,,,. ~ OrlonP1'J pl ~.' : .,., AUMlro 04e J ., _,..,. en .... p!I n 1000 SO\oo. "' GTE J., I •UU,.... l'J. l(ClyPL 1 .. s 111 u .• NVSEG 1.20 s 1074 ull"'• "' ll••<O ,. 17 21S ,. • \,, w e pf 2.. !U u v.. ... ~ AmSl..O 70'. 1'-AllAlcll 'l .40 SlllO llh•1 CnPwPf/16 r!SO ....... "'GTE pf 2:so "' 1'11.• -KCPlpll.IO ttO 16\.'J 1 N\ISpl 3.H 1100 ?6YJ .. A....... • ,. t YJ + .... r•ntm140 s .. , '1'1>• ... ·~l\romallV '"' .... AllR< Ol l.IS 1300 lO CnPw pl ' 4' U Y>+ V. GTE Pl J,41 •It , • ..., • Ii> KCPL 1114 SO rJSO J!Y> t NVS ol •.IO 11SO .0 • 1 Revlon I M 1 flt ,.,., • '"' re111nc 1,.. " 1..,_ • "" I FlnSIBer ..... , a. AllAcp12,IQ . 12 ID••• .. Cn .... plJ. .. 74 -· "'GelHou .)2 S 117 16V• KCPlpf2.10 J 1'4• NVSpf 211 l 1µ.. >lo R ......... .O • I 13-"' AAlly 41 llOI \.\ ·N~Alrl • 11 2" AUMC:o I II tl Cn""" Of'l.IS S U4'o' '"" Ga"""ll n 11 ta:n ~ + 1~ ICC Pl oll.JJ l 1111v.. NVS Of03 /) J 16 • "' Aeann:I 101 10 nt ·~ • .., 14M<O 1 90 • 16.1 JS .. • "" t A,...-Co 91, , \. AlllN( J2 14 1$2 21 • ... Cn""" Pf"2 '° l1 ull .. ' '°' Gei>Slr .JO 1 t•I 1 .... • ~ KCSo \ •• I 4A ""'· Ne-II I S 14 1311> • "-RtVnln l ,IO J 1n1 O l't • Y, r11tc pf l 17 •l l'JYt • .. 10 "mAlrln wl '"' ... Allio[)( .SO 131113 11"'• 1 '"""" ort.13 1 15"°'• "' GuS...c , » s ff 11.,. • .,. KanGE 111 6 •21111''•• Nwllel n 1J S6 16 • "' Reyln Ill' IO !Jt Al\.• .. ran><n 021 10 •·~ 11 Castle Ckt "' "' AvceCp 110 1 tOOI ""-• ll<t Cn""" pl2.0 1• 1•"' • '°' G•eml .36 t 11• IS...• I.\ ltenNI> 1 -I ll 71 1J. • New Ml 111 101 l S...• ll<i A<tyMU 1.90 10 US JI .. , '' rGr: • .S dlO SI • ,._ 1J Tr4'MO Fiii .... "' Avco pf l .10 . ll ,...., .. ~ C:OlllAtr ]7 •I~ \,; Gelco !.12 6 SIS IS\'tt, Vt l(enPU 2.40 I 1'1u1Jt1,.1 Nwparll 1• 4 610 614 "-A•yM p14 SO 1 4S rO 10.1' 110 1J • U PSlf\CI 4.16111 • .. 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GlllFllt J.10 1 ft3 J7 + 1\lo l(e11mt " I 710 101"-• NorSo n 1-91 S 1673 u.41\0 • , .. llO<flTI t Of I .. 2.S\.11 • v. Trltll't 1 IJ )7 U'.<+ + V. U "1\EI • 411111 JO , J\'o Pel. Up !•.1 Up 10' Up 10 4 Up 10.0 Up 9S uo •s Uo •• UO t I Uo •.O Uo 16 Up I• Up I• UP I S uo •.J UO IJ Uo 1.7 Up 8,1 uo 1.1 Up 1.0 UO LO UP l,t Up II Vo IA Up 1.J Vp 11 llldU llt2 °' • II • 10 ,_ I.~ • eoo 11''4. '"' GGtll • .0.1' '2 u "' l(yUUI 7.70 1 J13 ,..._. Norlin J ,. d'11t.-"' Roowt , s. ' I09 )A • , .. T•l<tlt• .:J1r I 10 .,,,, •• ,. 1• Oucill 1.•1r ,,,.. • ... a.llCe 1.oi ·• 20 3'11>-"" '-:.r Uo D 21"' • .. o..-, '° 1 Ml u.._ "' K••rGI ...w S 1• 10 • Ofo"tr n 110 J 16 131'> ..... 11111"1 Pl 41S 1 160 • • Trlco 1• • 1tJ 61'11 • "' u ~ec -l ••~ • !Ii. a.ttyW .20 I .JZJO 1' + l\lt_ C-IO 10 lU :191'1•1: Of!-10 s 90 I"+ .,. ~.rG,10 Ill, 11 1010 1• ,-? 1t~~ •, Norl... 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Frenlrtun nxlng: S338.97, on so 03 Z11rlcll t•t• ellernoon, $338 50, up St.75 bid, S339.25 uked He11d~ a Herme n: only delly quo•• ~41.75, up S3.75. Efttl-'hetd: only dally quote $341 75, 1 JP S:f.75. ~d; on1y dell)' quot• tebfk:eleclf 1358 8-4. up $3 9• 8kltpfJ.SO . I"•'-c,re11ll A\ 1: n~ ~ ·~~ GTFfpf 1".Jo dO 10~' OPl>fPI 10 304 11 •I NorT19 1• ~ lS'-•I AC Cos I.Of I 4l ltllt • t;. UMET l2910 IS 2"' 1 10 1 '!°~l-1\U • ... 1,, 011 S.• 8klt Pl 4 22 2 JI -II. 1 °"' • GTI,. 1.• 1 tM J111o • "° tOd\lr 1 '"'· · NtllCl•tt 1J t-~ RoylO 1-17t 4 114' ~ • "' UNCA... 11'3 • • l... • ,,.... ._ Oii S • een,,... :11 t ... .,._~'I CrocliN JAO 7 "»"'•1 .. Ge~• 11 2711 Jl'I• 1111 ur-11 m' U? ! 7301• ~·. v. Not'frp t • m Sl'l4 •-.. 1111.,,.,,, 17411 '1' • '-USFG >to I 2,. »"'•l"-17 O•l•Trm '" '• Of! s I SYMBOLS •••dCR .S.H ,., l»I• "CrckNpl'l.I. . 1 , .......... !!~,,".eC110 .!2100. ?!! 2! •• ,"' y·~ .-1" t•' ,·. 1.-,,_. "' NwstAlr AO 11'1 17\/i•l Ru\T09 , • u 1111. •. UnlN\/ .. , ... ,. 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GOLD COINS 1-DactelCld 0t pe1c1 eh., 11oci dMdtlld ilt' ~-~Pt--·s ~ 141 ... •..,"' 09,,_ 10 ,,. '"' Geny l.60 s ''' .. ,,~·' wrt~ n,.11 i., •• ~.·,, 0cc1,..t2.JO Sl/4' 11~. '-SIJolP 1:40 s 1u11"' .. -.voueer 1 Slt4S 2211o.7..., lotillltl l·P~tllttYMf.~omlll~ ....,_ -·~ " c;.11y 9' t 20 J -~ • • vn -O«IP PIJM t SH•• lflt SPalll t .20 . " '" + "' u11Ptc 1 • I 1410 JJ'-• ... clet.,rtd Of no llCllC>n , ... .., al IMI dMOanCI, hldllH »I l S>\t 0.~!_I.!.~ 111 1 rit ;!:•1~ GlenlP • :· 10 •-"', • •"41 190 6 71> 1• •1\'o Oe<IPpf • I UYJ •l"' SllleQP t .11 6 1t6 tti.o.+ 14 Unlrovt S 11' •h• .._ NEWYORK(AP)-P~leteMondey ,,_....,, -·Dec;lertd OI Ptld llllt ,..,, twi hi-tt • '" •• "" De • .._ 1 · 60 10 • Glll<Fll •• ,., S ... • "' •...St\~1 .2.S > ,....,_, .. O<<IP pf).SO . •t '™ • "'s..11111 .40 • n 6 .... ;... Unryl IJf • 11.0 Q"'• " of ""'d AOlni . coMpar..! with Frldew'e -. .:..~et•-~~-w11h llMcland• 111.,-'. hlllllll .1" ' • 1411'> 2~nlel(I ,l~ ,1 ~ ,'? .:z GlftMlll ,., ~ .. UV..-"' ...... 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