HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-19 - Orange Coast PilotDUICI COAST Ylll lllfTIWI DAllY PAPll OH A N C t l (•lJ~ I '( L A I If UH NIA 2~ <;E NI ~ J UST IN CASE -Workers place sandbags along the tideline at Surfside Colony in Seal Beach, bracing for what was expected to be troublesome high tides. The threat passed without any incident Wednesday night when 7-foot tides lashed the sands. The area has been troubled for years with beach erosion and ' Delly Hot l'tleto bf ~ '•YM the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved lending buJldozers, earthmoving gear and aid of state and county Office o{ Emergency Services workers to shore up the area. A high 6.7-foot tide is expected at 10:10 p.m. today. AirCal cuts salary for 2,-000 workers Irvine Co. tells layoffs By F RED SCHOEMEHL Ofttlel>ellJf'tlot8e.ff More than 2,000 employees at Newport Beach-based AirCal - from president Robert Clifford to ramp side baggage handlers - are being asked to take a 12 percent pay reduction effective Sept. 1. In addition, the once-highly profitable carrier laid off 104 employees f our days ago. Another 56 are scheduled to be idled next month. The cost-trimming moves are desi,gned to "maintain profitability of the company" during 1982. Mark Peterson, AirCal director of co mmuni cations , sa id Wednesday. The carrier. which serves 15 destinations in five Western states, blames its current financial problems on a recent far~ war that erupted when competitor P acific Southwest Airlines, of San Diego, slashed fares on Sf>veral highly trafficked Cahfomia routes. PSA cut fares by as much as 40 percent on some route'S on which it competes with AirCal. The reductions were immediately met by Air-Cal. Peterson said AirCal, prior to the Aug. 3 fare reductions, "had a plan in effect that called for profitability of the airline in 1982." He said the fare reduction forced company officials to "reforecast" passenger traffic and revenue. He said officials (See AIRCAL, Page AZ) By STEVE MARBLE Of tM Delly ....... ..,, The Irvine Company, the largest landowner and developer in Newport Beach. completed a year-long staff reduction process this week with a round of layofCs. Company offici.ah, who did not supply a precise number, said roughly 5 percent of the Irvine Company's 800 positions have been trimmed in the last year. ' Martin Brower, spokesman for l~e IRVINE, Page A%) Ill Anaheim slaYing • BULLETIN Huntington Beac h police have urested a %5-year-old man suapected lo the slaying Tuesday nlgbt of Zachary Wyrick, Z l, outside an Anaheim convenience market. Anaheim police officer Ed Hofman aald the suspect, Philip Dolan, described as a transient, was arrested at lZ:lO a .m . today while suted outside a home at 10071 Kamu e l a, Huntington Beach. By The Associated Press Anaheim police officials are continuing to check blurry photographs today in at\ effort lo hunt down the slayer of a man shot to death during the robbery or a small market. Zachary J . Wyrick , 21 , o f Anaheim was shot outside the Mini -Mart on South S tate College Boulevard as the gunman fled after robbing the clerk of an undetermined amount of money. police said. Pictures of the gunman, though blurred. were taken by a police camera inside the store. Officials have distributed the photo to some news media in Orange County in an effort to capture the gunman. Wyrick and a friend were s tanding outside the market when a man drove up, ordered the friend to accompany him into the store and told Wyrick to remain outside, according to police Sgt. Harry Easelv. The gunman told everyone to remain inside the store and fled. Market gains, hut moderately Trash transfer fee corrected NEW YORK (AP) -The sfock market posted moderate gains today as the frenzied activity of the last two days beitan to abatl!. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 5.04 lo 834.47 in the first hour. Advancing issues held a narrow lead over declines in the midmorning tally of New · York Stock Exchange-listed issues. Opening-hour volume on the Big Board totaled 19.24 million sh ares, running at about half Wednesday's pace. Tuesday produced the biggest one-day rise in market history -a :i8.81 -point jump in the Dow Jones industrial average. TELEVISION lndi~ns portrayed on TV "Born to the Wind" is a sensitive portrayal of the lives and cuJture of American Indians. The four-part series begins tonight at 8 on channel 4. Page C9. NATION Bof A loses court test -Bank of America has been hit with a $101 million judgment involving tax-impound funds from mortgage customers. Page B4. 'E.T.' capturing the kids Children and adults have beert flockin~ by the millions to aee "E.T. -the Extraterrestrial. ' What's behind the E.T . craze? Page B6. I. ' -·--·=~· Wednesday's session eclipsed volume records, with 132.69 million shares traded on the Big Board. But the Dow Jones industrials, up 18 points at midsession Wednesday, retreated in late trading to finish with a 1.81-point loss. COUNTY Due to a typographical error in production, an incorrect figure appeared i n a sto r y in Wednesday's Daily Pilot on a fee to be charged at county-operated trash transfer stations. The fee, effective Oct. 11. will be $8.50 per ton. The s tory incorrectly said the fee would be $6.50 per ton. The Daily Pilot regrets the error. Student bus I are charged Los Alamitos has become the filth school Giistrict in Orange County to charge students for bus transportation. Page A6. ·\ / Buddhists protest nukes Buddhist monks were among the protesting at a conference on nuclear Newport Beach. Page Bl. .. Irvine villages passe? 140 people warfare ln Is Irvine's village living concept a thing of the past as the chairman o1 the city's Planning Commission suggests? Page BB. Israelis hack PLO ouster for weekend By Tbe Associated Presa The Israeli Cabinet approved the final draft of the Palestinian evacuation agreement today, but the kidnapping of an Is raeli soldier threatened to delay the start o f the guerrillas ' withdrawal from west Beirut. However, government sources in Israel said they unders~ the Palestine Liberation Organization would release both the kidnapped soldier a nd a captured pilot Friday and that the evacuation would begin either Saturday or Sunday. Lebanon's foreign minister, Fuad Butros, said in a Beirut t e levision interview th e guerrillas would b eg in evacuating Saturday afternoon a few hours after the arrival of an advance French unit of the multinational peacelseeping force. He made no mention of the kidnapped Israeli. PLO spokesman Jamil Hilal told reporters in Beirut that Israel's approval of the plan was a result of "heroic" resistance and heavy casualties inflicted on the invaders. Asked about the ksdnappmg, he said, "We know nothing at all about at I hope this ssn't another hitch." The Israeli rruhtary command said in a communique that four guerrillas took the soldier Crom hts observation post Wednesday evening and led him at gunpoint into the Bourj el -Barajneh refugee camp m southern Beirut. The command said the government had begun efforts lo secure the release of the soldier, and Israeli Cabinet Secre tary Dan Merador said the evacuation could not begin until both he and an Israeli pilot captured by the Pa l es tin e Liberation Organization W<'re re turned. The PLO has agreed lo hand over the pilot, Aharon Ahiaz, and the remains o f five Israeli soldiers killed in the invasion to Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan for delivery to U .S . presidential envoy Philip C . Habib. An lsraeh communique, read to reporte rs in Jerusalem by Meridor a f ter the Cabin et meeting, said: "The government (See PLO, Page AZ> DellJ 1"11414 P'hoto bf It.ft Mitchell PEEKING THEIR INTEREST -What are photographer Jim Sieg and a spectator at his booth at the Laguna Beach Festival of Art looking at? If you wouldn't be daring enough to look through the peephole, too. you can see one scene on Page B3. INDEX At Your Service A4 Horoecope A9 Erma Dombeck A9 Ann Landers A9 Business 84-5 Movies B6-7 Cavalcade A9 Mutual Funds B4 Claasified 03-6 National News A3 Comics C8 Public Notices C7,Dl-3 Croaword C8 Sports C l -6 Death Notices C7 Stock Markets & F.ditorial AS Television C9 Entertain.ment B6-7 Theaters B6-7 Hy Gardner A9 Weather A2 Art Hoppe A9 World News A3 SPORTS New Lapna coach quits At least the new Laguna Beach High School football coach ii ~uitting undefeated. lt'a one of thoee "only in Lquna' stortea, as Denn.la Haryung comes back to coacli the Ard.sta after leaving ln 1977 amid unfavorable publicity. Page Cl. .. ' --- f , s Orange Oo11t OAll. V 'PILOT /Thureday. Augu1I 19, 1H2 Continued stories PLO EVACUATION P LAN BACKED . • • uf lsral·I approved the draft 1&ccused the Paleatanluns of urranst•mt!nt concern l11g the artlll~ry and 1nlper fare In evacuation f rom Beirut and &0uthern Beirut In violation of Le banon of all the terrorists tht' ceaae-flre; PLO guerrillas in to Land until tour or Uvc day1 after the start of thr PLO pullout, Pentagon tfourct>t In Wuhln~ton said ,,·•mcluding their organlutlon, west Beirut detonated u cur .,,leadership, members, commands packed with explosives as a Israeli te levl11on1 said the i.and officers." precautionary measure but four Israeli government expect. the ·>ii. Replying to queationa. he said: people were injured slightly, and evacuation to remove l~.600 11i'Lsraelhasmade clearlt.sposltion the Lebanese presidential people from west Beirut: 7.JOO J"'\hat the evacuation will not election scheduled for todtiy was PLO guerrilla•. ~.200 Syrian 11be~an until we receive the postponed until Monday and so ldiers and pro -Syrian ·nprisoners, including the soldier shifted to a new site. guerrillas, 1,000 non -Arab •1tiwho was kidnapped ... No The American contingent -guerrillas, 1,300 PLO officials evacuation will begin before this 800 U.S . M arines with 1.000 and 1.000 members of the b-.de mand of ours Is accepted. more and five Navy ships to back Palestine Liberation Army ~before the evacuation." them up -was due off Lebanon conn ected with Syria and ., ~ The Is raeli command also on Friday but was not ex~ted Jordan. ~:AIRCAL ANNOUNCE S LAYO F F S ... decided layoffs and salary 1l1teducuons -designed to save r;1 about $700,000 monthly -would ·•·.be implemented as opposed to ur«hedule reductions. 'JO! "It is vitally important for us to 11•.temain strong in the markets we f!~serve," Peterson said. ... 1 About 2,200 people were h&mployed by 15-year-old AirCal ., prior to Sunday's layoffs. About 1&800 employees are based in 'toi - Orange County, Peterson said. Clifford and other senior Au<:al officials are meeting with representatives of three employee unions this week to wan approval for the salary reductions. "We are hoping for their cooperation," Peterson said when asked about the unions' response to the carrier "We anticipate a favorable response." The unions inc lude the Transport Workers Union, representing flight attendants, ramp personnel and mechanics, Teamsters Union, representing pilots, and Stock Clerks Union. representing airline clerks. Neither ticket agents nor manageme nt employees are unionized. Reactions fr1:1m employees who work at John Wa~ Airport - the hub of AirCal 5 route system -was nixed. uiRVINE COMPANY TELLS CUTBACKS • • • ~e firm, said the reduction has '>9fen achieved through attrition '>9.Jld layoffs. He said only one ?9;epartment -an ln-h~use ·~vertising and research urut - ;'was done away with. > The layoffs this week included j e longtime employee in the tm's 14-person public relations vision. ~ The poor economy, slumping ~i{ouse sales and the fact that the .~[Vine Company has virtually ~:'fopped building were clted as !'ea.sons for the cutback . Brower said the firm r esponded to the economic rQ.ownswing nearly a year ago by fS-:ot filing positions as they became vacant. He said a re- structuring process that included layoffs followed. Further layoffs are not anticipated, he added. The Irvine Company , a Michigan corporation headquartered in New port Center, is in sound economic health but has opted to keep it.sell in a holding pattern in the near futJre, Brower said. "W~'re not stuck with much mventory," Brower said, "but we do not see much happening in the real near future." He said like other development firms, top Irvine Company officials do not see a sudden return to the so-called golden age of real estate in the 1970s. "While interest rates are coming down we do not believe this is just the end of another cycle .but a whole new ball game ahead," Brower suggested. "We're still strong and we want to remain that way," Brower said. "We see ourselves an a coasung role for now." He said the Irvine Company is doing virtu ally no building presently. He said the firm is constructing some h ouses in Irvine but only on a made-to- order basis. One for·':'·the nuke foes? :-t:dison denies link to closing o f cente r ~'i!y STEVE MITCHELL ig, the Dally Plio. lletl '<'. 0 Members of the Alliance for '~urvival are taking credit for the '' tosure of the San Onofre '\ uclear Generating Sation's visitors' center, despite denials Ytom the Southern California '1tdison Co. that the anti-nuclear · .¥roup has anything to do with it. ' The visitors' center was closed ·% the public in late June, the ~J~sult,. the utility claims. of ·etx>norrucs. ~! "Our primllry concern (in closing the center} was to trun costs," said David Barrdn. spokesman for Edilon. But Tim Carpenter. a spokesman for the Alliance. said (Related story. pllotot, Page Bl) his group "feels confident we shut down the visitors' center." The center, located north of the $3.S billion nuclear station, was closed to the public June 25 and is now being used as a training center for Edison employees. Edison owns 80 percent of the nuclear plant. located three miles south of San Clemente. A news release from the anti- nuclear group earlier this week . hints that Edison was pressured to close the center to avoid a lawsuit over public access to information. Carpenter said anti-nuclear groups sought permission last November to distribute safe energy information at the San Onofre center. but were turned down by Edison. ~·m• .. ,m Mo~!ly fair tod.~z s~w] Bismarck 9CI 89 Thursoay Augusr 1 9 . r.::-=i ' Llohl variable wind• u1rou9h nl9hl e11c:epl becoming _1 .. 1y I .110 10 18 knots allernoon and even1no South-• 1we11 1 10 3 ·~eel. Low clouds and local log ~toht 1/\d morning hours moetly 1 clearlno 1n the attemoon .. ';. sununary . J • Showers and thund .. ~ 1were 1callered over lhe Gull oesl and soulhern Allanllc Co111 etales WednHdly. with lsotlled thu nderstorm1 In nor1hern MlnnHol• and lh• SOUll'lem Great BMln Clouds -• scallered OWi' IN cen1ral 9111e1 and from th• 1 o u1hern Plai ns lnlo lh• Ml11lu lppl Valley and -•em Greal Lakes Skle• also were cloudy over Pennsytvanlll and nor'lher'n ,,..... England For lod11y. sc111ered 1hunder1101m1 were forecast along the Gull Coast. and from Florida 10 1h• South Caronna co11t Scattered thunder1l0t'm1 11110 were lorec111 1cro11 lhe southern P111eeu, lh• Rockl•• end per11 or the central and northern hl9h Pl1ln1. Showera 1111d thunder11orm1 -• foreeatl over lhe Greet L1ke1 and northern New En~and. with m09lly eunny skies ........,.,... Ca lifornia Fair lhrough Friday Hcepl night and momlno low clOudl and loo near the coul Continued wann and -'ny In moa1 .,.., Orange County cen HPKI hlgha ranging lrom ea lo 74 •• tM ~. 10 mid so. lnleNS. Lowa• 57 lo 65 Inland velleyl Wiii lleve hlghe In Ille llOI. Iowa In SO. Moun1m1 can upec1 highs 71 10 ee, 1ow1 45 10 se. Northern d•Hrl high• 93 lo t03, Iowa H 10 75. Sourhern deMr1 hlOh• 103 to 1 tO, Iowa 75 10 15. thenc e ot laolat•d lhunderahowere In •••tern ~ .. Flllf lhrough l'Y'lday«I Northern and Central Calttornla exoapl for 0011111 tog and low cloud• tprNdlng toe.Hy Inland, ltolMtd tfletnoon and •v•nlno thunWlllower• over 8*ra. Temperature~_ NATM* Albany 11 eo AltMlqu8 .. .. Anctlorage a ... Allenta 17 18 A&Mintc C1y n 11 MlllOn .. n 8altlmot'• 83 11 BoiM 86 57 •H• ,., Temperarures Snow~rsllillJll Flurries~ Bo11on 71 88 Buffalo 75 50 80 Bur11nqlon 77 51 r,:;::.:i.r4--....1.-..,....1..~r..~::...~ Charlsln SC 78 74 Chatlstn WV 52 59 Ctierttle NC 8 1 8& Ctieyenoe 87 59 Chicago 83 53 Cincinnati 81 e2 Cleveland 78 52 Clmbla SC 84 67 COlumbua 61 52 ~Ft Wlh 94 78 Oeyton 52 54 Denver 91 83 0.. Molt-85 87 0etr<>11 81 51 Oululh 79 57 """~· lllt:•""" ... ~, ·<t" El Paso 96 73 NOAA us o-:>' ,. cv-.-.~~ .. Fairbanks 62 49 Faroo 94 89 Fronts: Cold .-. Warrn .,... Aagstett 77 50 G-t Fiii• 8& 55 WUhlngtn Hertford 78 62 Wlchlll Helen• 93 5-t Honolulu 84 75 Hou11on 92 81 lndn~ls 85 56 Jedltn 90 72 Jacksnvlle 85 89 K1n1 City 85 &4 Kno11vi11• 86 88 LU VegH 99 75 Utile Rock 57 69 Loulavlll• 82 62 Memphis 90 78 Miami 86 73 Miiwaukee 82 56 Mt>le.Sl.P 89 68 N 1sl\vllle 5 7 88 New Of1Mn1 91 74 New Yorll 81 88 NorfOlk 79 8& Old1 City 92 13 Omatle 83 68 Orlando S8 72 Phlladphll 82 S6 Phoenl• t06 S6 Plttlburgh 82 5 7 Ptland. Me 74 57 Ptlend. Ore 85 58 Pr~ 78 86 Aeno 90 56 Aldlmond 82 86 Salt Lall• 93 ea San Antonio 98 77 SM«le 75 54 ~ 90 73 SiouJC ,.... 84 89 St Louie ts 86 SI P-TllfnPa ' 83 75 Spolllilflt N 54 Syr~ 11 50 Topet11 S4 83 TUC9<>11 98 73 TulM 93 68 CALIFONllA Apple Velley Bak ... flel<I Barwlow Beaumonl BIO 8e11 BIM'lclp Blythe Cetallna Cul.,., City Eurella Freano Lake Arrowhe&<I Lancaate< Long BHch Loe Angelee MOMOVlll Montebello Monterey Mt. Wllaon Newport 8Mtdl Olllland Onlerlo Palm Spnfl09 PIMdene PMO Roblee RIYet'elde Red 8luff Redwood City Sacfamento Sallnae San Bematdlno San Oabflel SM Otego San FrlnGtlOo SenJoM San•• An• Santa BMberl Santa CNI Sant• Marla Sarita Monica StOdlton 83 &4 91 67 98 84 103 75 98 77 10t 82 St 45 95 86 107 77 72 68 78 80 65 66 100 84 82 55 98 82 87 63 81 82 94 80 86 64 64 55 84 64 73 84 88 sa 94 63 107 79 92 81 94 56 95 80 91 84 78 58 91 57 63 51 tOI 85 91 81 78 87 80 55 78 58 S3 63 72 59 80 59 74 55 68 58 95 82 ·r· _ ~Blf llPDIT :..., = ... .... =-~ .... •• ,.. •• z.ume ~ " 10 1 2 SW Santa Monica 2 3 18 1 2 SW Newport...,, 2 4 18 2 3 SW ""'&:.~ 2 4 .. 2 3 w fOf • Uttte change. t T 9'109 Valley Thtwmal TOfranoe .....•• 83 52 106 72 76 80 CANADA 711 48 72 47 75 51 79 48 6t 58 80 49 Cel91ry Edmon Ion 11Aon1real OlllWI Regina Toron10 Smog Tiie Air Ouallly Meneoement 0191rlct predlcll unhe11thf\ll air qu1111y 1od1y In much ol l h• Soulh Cout Air Bllln, bul OOOd air In Inland Orange County ano the coutal regions. Unhealllllul air quality for •Y«YOM 11 f-..1 In the San G•l>flel and Pomone Y8lley9 end lh• Rlvertlde-San Bernardino •rM With 1 PSI ol 225. Unhealthful air quallly tor ~tlllve peraons It predicted tor th• San Fernando end Senta Clarlte v8lleya .tth a PSI of 158. Mecropolllan Loa AngelH, Bennmo and the Hemet·Ellln«e reoion win haw a PSI of 163 end • J>S1 ol t50 le toreeaac tor the lowo-1L Where lo call (toll lrff) for 111 .. 1 amoo Information: Orange County. (800) 446-3tH LOI Ang•IH County: (800) 242-4022 A1vw81cM Ind Sen Bemardlno countlee: (800) 317-47tJ AQMO Epleode c.tlter: (8001 242-4M8 Tid es TODAY Second low 4:06 p.m. 1.4 Second hlgh 10:10 p.m. 8.2 ,,.,AY Flr•t low S:OO a.m. o.e ~~ 11:21 Lm. S.1 4:18 p.m . 1.3 leoond hlgll 10:11& p.m. u Sun Mtllt tocl~ 11 7:35 p.m .• ,.. ,tlday M I ; I a 111. Moon ,.... today at 1:41 p.111 .. Ml• Fr1drf 11 l :H a.m. Going. going. to stay By ROBERT BARKER ()("the D9llJ Piiot 8tatl • • • • Chuck Perry's new home in Surfside is onJy 25 feet from the beach. It's just across Pacific Coast Highway from Huntington Harbour. It has three levels of living quarters plus a rooftop spa on the fourth floor deck . Perry said he can sec Palos Verdes. Catalina. Newport Beach and Big Bear from the top floor. Great view. good neighborhood Perry. the builder/owner, put the 1,800-square foot home up for sale last spring. "I got some strange offers. They offered me rubies, a trade or (commercial) paper." Thinking that these offers weren't substantial enough, Perry-a resident of Huntington Harbour-put the house up for auction Wednesday after running ads in a Los Angeles newspaper. He set in a store of doughnuts, orange ;usce and champagne. Five would-be buyers arrived and the auction began a few minutes after the scheduled 10 a.m. start. Twenty-three-year-old Arthur Jan handled the auctioneering duties. Bidding started at $320,000-a figure that Jan said was $50,000 below the appraised value. He waited patiently for a bid. There was none. "Let me stress. it's only money," he said. "It looks like we'll have to do something. Everybody have a doughnut, I'm going to talk to the owner." _ Jan returned in a few minutes. · "We're going to do something different. This time we're going to start at $320,000 and work backwards. "But the owner can refuse any offer. We're not gomg to give st away." The asking price dropped to $300,000 and still there were no takers. It was lime for a pep taJk. "The economy has picked up," Jan said. ''The stock exchange has just gamed more than 30 j'°ints and Dow Jones as at sts highest ever. "Doesn't anyone want to catch the fever and get in there?" This didn't work 1l was time for another conference with the owner. "There's been a new switch," he said after his return. "Just make a bid-who's going to make me a bid?" At this point, Isadore Appelbaum, an owner of a fast-food restaurant in Huntington Beach, ended the silence. He made an offer of $200,000. "Who'll advance 1t to $201,000," Jan asked. When nobody did, Appelbaum withdrew his offer. That ended things. "The auction has been completed," Perry a nnounced. "Goodbye and goodnight." Appelbum said afterwards that he was pn:pared to go up to $225,00-0. Deity l'ttol ll'llotM bf Oiliry ~ ANXIOUS MOMENTS -Chuck Perry waited downstairs while auctioneer Arthur Jan pepped up bids for Seal Beach house. l Hut he said he had sC'COnd thoughts when nobody raised his bsd Perry. who said a t the star.t of the auction that he hoped to sell thc house today said he was disappointed and had hoped the so-caUed buyers would be more serious "What's my next step? I guess ll will be doing some thinking. Maybe I'll trade the house for the rubies. No. I'm not really Serious." Perry agreed with auctioneer Jan that the auction seemed to a ttract only curiosity seekers. Jan. who had voiced concern earlier that advanced publk 1ty was too rushed, said the lack of sale could b<' c:ha lke d up to economic condiuons. ''No problem ." said Perry. "The house is still here:· OMEGA ' l CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF SPACE TRAVEL! Since 1962 when NASA selected it os the off icial wotch of the space program, the Omega Speed- moster Professional Chronograph hos been worn on over 50 space flights, including the space shuttle Columbia. Imagine how well this incredible watch will perform on eorth for you I Stainless steel, woter resistant to 100 feet, tochome1er, $550. §LA.VICK'S FIM~Slnce 1917 Where 1ht bes1 surpnses begin rDNon tlllnd 111•1&M-1380·Nctwpof19Ncti A11o C,.._ l.ol ~•Sin Dllgo •Las~ 4 ~---- .. RUB-A-DUB-DUB -S t eve Carew and Barbara Breaux row th eir bat htub in a swimming pool in Salinas in preparation for the 9th annu~ Bathtub Regatta in the pakland Airport channel Saturday. The regulation tub ,.,. Wlreptloto is encased in styrofoam carved like a boat to . keep it afloat. T he pair expect to paddle it 500 yards and win the title "Fastest Tub in the West," competing against 32 other entries from Northern California. State and townships lose bid to recover nuclear expenses HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - The state and townships within 100 miles of t h e Three Mile Island nuclear plant have lost a bid to recover expenses stemming from th e worst commercial nuclear accident in the nation's history. U.S. District Judge Sylvia Rambo granted a motion against the state and local governments and ordered the case cloeed. The ruling was ~uested by t h e nuclear plan t's owners. o p erators, designers and maintenance contractors. They argued t h at the state and townships are legally obligated to provide extra police protection a n d other services ln emergencies. The state and more than 1,000 townships contended in a class action suit that overtime and lost work time during the accident cost them more than $1.5 million. They said they s h ou ld be reimbursed under the federal Price-Anderson Act, an industry-f inanced nuclear insurance pool of $560 million. But the judge said the act is meant to cover individual· expenses arising from nuc lear accident:i, She said Congress expressed no concern for govern mental expenses in amending the bill 16 years ago. She also said Pennsylvania's Em~rgency Services Management Code provides compensation for people injured in emergency activities, "yet it makes no provision for recovery of expenses b y the Commonw ealth or b y any political subdivision in responding to a disaster." Ms . Kambo said local governments are constantly cal led on to deal with e mergencies such as hydroelectric dam collapses, oil ' refinery fires or chemical spills. "It is not for this court to make . the judgment that one industry is 'more obnoxious or dangerous or less utilitarian than another and force that industry to bear a publ ic expenditure usually spread through the population by taxation," she wrote. Such a decision should be made by the Legislature. she said. In a related case, Ms. Rambo refused to le t tourist-related busi nesses In Adams and Lancaster counties file a class action suit seeking damages for economic losses st.enuning from the March 1979 accident. She said evidence of a drop in tourism in the summer of 1979 was "inconclusive" and a drop could have been due to the nationwide gasoline shortage or any number of factors. Ms. Rambo gave individual businesses 30 days to intervene in a pending suit if they want to press a claim. Arniy proposes guard increase Calls for two additional divisions for re inforcem e nt WASHINGTON (AP) -The Army is proposing the first increase in the number of National Guard divisions since t h e late 1960s as a way to s trengthen its fighting ability early in a war. The proposal, under study by senior Pentagon officials. calls for organizing two additional guard divisions in 1984-85 to provide what the Army terms "minimum essential reinforcements to sustain combat" until total mobilization, including a revived draft. This would give the Army 10 guard divisions to back up the 16 regular divisions in the event of a war emergency. In 1967. the Pentagon h9r ,.. Dell•wy ......... 41 MonOay·f'ncl•v II You oo not """" ,.,.., -by ~JO p"' cell beloo• 1 o"' .,,., yo,., copy ... 11 ~ .,.,,_.., SelurOey t nd Su nd•V II yo.. c10 no4 :':uJC:'~ c::T ~, ~'" .. nC: _.., disbanded 15 u n derstrength guard divisions. Since then, the National Guard has had only eight divisions, and even these had trouble maintaining their strength in the post -Vietnam period. But the Anny·s latest move suggests a growing confidence in the ability of the guard to fuUill its wartime mission. Army officials say they are not yet ready to decide where to locate the two additional guard divisions, i't they are finally approved. They probably would be built around existing independent brigades. The guard hit bottom in 1978 in part because many young men who joined during the Vietnam war to avoid active d u ty ended their enlistments and did not sign up again. However, guard recruiting has been on the rise, spurred by bonuses and the economic slump. Even during the guard's low period, some of its units managed to keep up their strength and were assigned important roles in conjunction with the regular Army. Also, the National Guard has chronically lacked up-to-date equipment. The Pentagon has been providing the guard with newer equipment in recent years, but it still trails the regular forces in the quality of ita weapons and other gear. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call th~ number !>elow and your message wlll be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verHicalion. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what "son your mind 642·6086 - ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Jane Amari fxKUllYe fd1I01 L Kay Schultz \/lot,, •• ~ cwld D.tet.IOt ol Acj,.etrlti<!O Mkhoet , . HoNey Oitectot of Malbt""O ICifcvlotiOftl Thomae A. Murphlne fd1IOf Roymend Mod.Hn Controller Kenneth N. O.ctclard Jr. 0we(!Ot of ()petotlonl ----. . . ··--....... Cta11in.ct ectvettllfng 1141142-511'1 All otMr d9putment1 M2..e321 MAIN Offlce DO Wett h¥ II., C•IA ~.CA. Mall...,.._: loM lllO, C•la liWM, CA._,. C•Ytltlll 19J Or .... Coell ~IMfllllflt ~. Ne,,..,........_ 1111111ret10flt, edlteflet m.n.r et.,. v~llM'"91'1tt N r•fn mey lie ,...,_ .. ~ -•·•~•tklnefcoriorttM-ner, Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Thureday, Augu1t 19, 1982 9 ,\8 ( • Reagan 'top lobbyist' Tactics pay off in struggle with Congress WASHINGTON (AP) - Congressmen weren't showing o ff any newly acquired presidential cuffllnka thla time, but that .eemed to be the only Ingre dient miaalng from President Reagan's lobbying arsenal for a $98.3 billion tax increase bill. In fact, the administration's campaign for passage of the election-year tax bill likely was its largest lobbying bllu to date. After 20 months in office, Reagan has honed his lobbying tactics to a flne art that has paid off in virtually every major test of power with C.Ongresa -so far. National advertising, a presidential speech in prime time, direct mail, favors for congressmen, teleph one calls, one-on-one appeals by the president -they're all part o( the mix. This time television spots were purchased for the first time, a measure of the uphill battle the administration (aced when it could not depend on even half of the 193 Republicans in the House to vote with their president. Previou s efforts produced come-from-behind victories on massive pay and budget cuts and the contested sale. of A WACs surveillance planes to Saudi Arabia. ''This place, when it does focus on one big thing, that one big thing does get accomplished," boasted a high-level Republican strategist. Reagan, elected on a platform of cutting taxes, said he had to swallow hard to back the tax hike. arguably the largest peacetime tax boost In history. But once convinced it was essential to controlling balloo~ 1111 AlllYllS budget deficits, he threw himself into the battle. Upwards of 100 Republican congressmen were invited to the White House to list.en to Reagan's arguments. Dozens got telephone calls from the president, and 32 lawmakers were singled out for special red-carpet treatment: a flight to Camp David and lunch at the president's mountaintop retreat. "I've been in Congress 18 years. rve never been to Camp David before, and I was impressed to be invited a nd grateful to be invited, may I say," said Rep. Barber C.Onable of New York, senior Republican on the tax-writing House Ways and Means C.Ommitt.ee. No matter. Conable already was backing the bill. By various accounts, Reagan used nothinatmore than gentle persuasion. "Re's not a man who threatens oc twists arms in a traditional sense," said C.Onable. Ent.er Lyn Nofziger, Reagan's bare-knuckled political strategist who's never been accused of being overly sweet. Nofziger went into private business earlier this year and initially teamed up with others to oppose the tax hike. Days later, he made a complete turnabout and signed on to lead the administration's battle -m no small measure because of his unwavering loyalty to Ronald Reagan. Nofziger sat in on Reagan's meetings with congressmen, watching to see who was wavering and winnable. AP' Wlnpftoto OVERWEIGHT CRUISER1 -House A pprop riations Committee investigators says the Ticonderoga. first of the Navy's Aegis class guided missile cruisers, is so overweight that it cannot keep up with the ca..niers it is supposed to protect. They claim it carries so many weapons and extra equipment that it is unstable. It can only do 30 knots while 34 knots is standard cruising speed for carrier battle groups. We Invite You To Take Advantage Of 40% OFF Selected W ate hes And J ewelry Nofziger's big plus is he know• all the Reagan people out ln the st.ates," said the GOP strategist, s peaking anonymoualy. A.a the strategist explained it, Nofziger calls a congreesman's 10 blggeat financial backers. They, In tum. call the congressman and tell him they're counting on him to vote with the president. And Nofziger , himself, called congressmen. "He's almost a bigger-than-lHe figure. a heavy," the strategist said. "He's firm and everybody knows it." Reagan and Nofziger weren't alone in the fight. ''We're going to do every single thing that comes to mind to support him," said Bill Greener, a spokesman for the Republic.an Nauonal C.Ommittee. The GOP budgeted $400,000 for the fight, including $250,000 for television. commercials in specially selected cities across the country. $100,000 for a blizzard of radio ads and $50,000 for a direct-mail campaign, targeted at GOP party officials and major financial backers. In addition , radio and television outlets were sent spots featuring· Nofzi ger, Vice President George Bush, White House counselor Edwin Meese III. chief of staff James A. Baker IO and others. The stations were not paid for the sopots, but could use them if they wanted. The verdict on all these efforts awaited final votes in the House and Senate. But the White House and GOP were convinced they had done their best. "I think it's the most that has been done for this president," said Greener. NRC approves Valle citos' nuke restart SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Operators pf one of the nation's largest commercial plutonium fuel processing plants, closed down be ca u se of nearby earthquake faults. have won tentative approval to restart the facility, the Nuclear Regulatory C.Omml.SSion says. The Vallecitos nuclear reactor, a test facility near Pleasanton operated by General Electric C.O .. won tentative permission to resume operations in a 2-1 vote by NRC's Atomic Safety and Licensing. Board. an NRC spokesman said. The 50-megawatt reactor is used for nuclear research to manufac ture radioactive medicines and does not generate power f or utilities, GE spokesman Hugh Hexamer said. The unit is 200 feet from a small, active fault sou t h of Pleasanton in the Livermore Valley and 8,500 feet from the large Calaveras Fault, site of a Jan uary 1980 earthquake that caused $20 million damage. The NRC licensing board stipulated that further modifications must be finished before the reactor's license· is renewed . The decision 'lakes effect in 30 days if no one objects. NRC spokesman Jim Hanchett said it probably will take GE l 'h years to prepare the reactor foe operation. • RAFF jeWeJr-y. ... . 32 Fuhk>n llllnd Newp0rt 8-=h • 844-2040 3 Qener1tlont of friencly per'IOnll MtVloe r., _______________ , ________________ "" Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, Augu1t 18, 1812 State licenses brokers By PAT HOROWITZ ()(" ................. D&AR PAT: Do people wlao claim to be ftauclal or lave1tmeat advlaen bave to be llcea ... by tll• 1tate or are t11ey more or let• free &o wlleel Hd deal at they pleaee? K.J ., lrv'8e The California Department"bf Corporation.a Ucenaea agents, broker-dealers and investment advieera. Th<>11e broken and adviaen without a place of bualneu in the at.ate and operating under federal law are exempt. The department can verlfy the licenae atatua of anyone claiming to be an Investment adviaer lf you phone (213) 736-2741. Deception or fraud or violation of any regulatl<yl of the commilaioner la cauae for license suspension of up to one year or revocation. Bad brakes signs DEAR PAT: I boa&bt a uaecl car from a frlead. He told me tile brakes were "•tarting' to 10 bad. I don't bow macla about can and I laope yoa can tell me what I should be watcltln1 for. Tlall 11 .my first car. I am 17 yean ola. L.T., Irvine Keep an eye on your brake warning light. If it remains on after you've released the parking brake, have your car ch ecked Immediately. If your brakes are mushy or spongy when you apply your foot, you may • have air bubbles in the brake line or your brake fluid level may be low. A thumping or vibration against the bottom of your foot when the brakes are applied indicates that you may have a problem in the hydraulic system, a warped brake disc or brake drum out of round. When the brake pedal is applied, it should go no more than hallway to the floor. If it goes further down, you need a system check and/or brake adjustment. U you push hard on your brake pedal and it goes down s lowly, you could have master cylinder trouble. Run the engine for this check with power brakes. U you notice a burning smell and possibly smoke Crom the brakes, this could be the result of a brake shoe hanging up and remaining engaged against the brake drum or the brakes may be adjusted too tightly. If you hear a loud metallic squeal or a grinding noise when. the brakes are applied, brake linings or pads may be completely worn out and metal is rubbing aginst metal. ~S CALLS FOR AN lMMJ:DIATE RE.PAIR. Your braklll need adjua1mctnt lf the car movee eaally In drive or flrtt aear when the park.in& brako lt aet firmly. [f yQur brakM r rab or pull the ar to one lide, it'• probably due to a leaky sreue aeal or a brake cylinder depmttina oll or greue on a brake ahoe. Thia requiret replacen')!nt of the brake lining on the affected wheel. A srabblng brake on one wheel also can be cauaed by a caliper or brake shoe hanging ur. Any fluid leak iieen on the inner sidewall o a tire mearu brake cyllnder leakage. A repair should be made without delay. Check tires monthly DEAR READERS: Under-inflation, the most common tire problem, can rob the motorists of extended treadwear and reduce the life of the Ure. As a rule of thumb, a tire will lose one pound of air pressure every month under normal driving conditions, so check your tires monthly. Under-inflated tires increase the tires' rolling resistance and waste fuel. A 50 percent loss of air from normal will produce a 25 percent increase in the tire's rolling resistance, according to Bill W oehrle, ma n ager of industry standards for Uniroyal Tire Co. If all four tires were under-inflated to th.is degree. fuel consumption would increase 5 percent. Surveys have shown that four out of every five automobiles will have at least one significantly under-inflated tire. The average motorist who drives 10,000 miles annually on one under-inflated tire could have driven 300 miles farther on the same amount of fuel had the tires been checked monthly. Woehrle recommends that motorists carry their own Ure gauge . Tires should be checked when they are cold. • "Got a problem? Then write ro Pat' Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, '91 getting the answers and action you n eed t o solve i nequities in ,... government and business. Mail I I your questions ro Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, CMta Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader'~ full name, address and business hours' phone number .cannot be considered. A C TIVE -Former Secretary of St.aw Alexander M. HaJg Jr., who retJgned ln June, hu found aome new thlnp to do. He hu jolned a New York political reeearch lnatltute and haa algned a Hollywood a g ency for publiahlng, television and speaking ventures. OCC sets business classes The co mplex interrelationship• of management, employees, and labor unions will be explored at Orange Coast college's management claas, titled "Industrial Relatiorui." The course, listed as Management 135, meet.a Thursdays from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m . at the Costa Mesa school. Course instructor is Ben Kunnecke, manager of labor relations for Douglas Aircraft Co. For information, phone 556-5772. Wage cut tak MODESTO (AP) - Electricians trym.g to get more industrial work in four CentraJ California counties signed a th.ree- year contract imposing a $5 an hour wage cut and other concessions. Local 684 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers w~s belh:ved the first in the nation to volunta r i ly accept a rollback. Texan wins $225,835 L LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -A 24-year-old technlclan from Sherman, Texa1, on a belated · honeymoon won •225,836 while playtns a alot machine at a Strip reeort. Paul Martin aald ~netd.ay he had been playing a Pot-0 · Gold $1 alot at the Flamingo Hilton about one hour when he lined up five 71. Martin aald he and h la wife, Susan, were taking a belated honeymoon a nd pla nned to return home in the afternoon until he struck It rich. \II of rnll4ton I~ al \ \t.101u orro"· Join us from 12 to 3 at Newport Beach for iriforma/ modeling of the complete women's c'!!}ftction. When your favor[te active sportswear teams up with fresh new colors -you come up the w inner! Sport Shop, Newport Beach. D A y FURNITURE~ .LIQUIDATION -$ N·M Fashion Island, open 10 to 6 Tues. Wed. Sat, tO to 9 Mon. Thurs. Fri. Sun 12 to 5. RED HOT SUMMER SALE -.... TWO DIG • WAREHOUSEll~OLOCKM.OfMcARTHUP. LOCATIONS • SHOWROOM~!~ SAN DIEGO FREEWAY .-- Solid Oak Plank Flooring For dlscrlmlCl.{ltlng homeowners, plank floors add a sense of warmth and timeless beauty uncommon to other floors. Smooth finishes plank flooring Is designed for simple gluedown do-It-yourself Installation over concrete and Is easy to maintain. 3" or 5" WIDE PLANKS ::; s2!~ I llYE Sl.00 A FHt Hartco Solid Oak Parquet Flooring r'··::r:~ ~I ~~ Hartco Solid Oak Parquet Aoorlng may never be this lnexpenalve again. And 11'1 unmatched for beauty, quality, eeay care. Our 12"x12" aquar• come In three lovely flnlllhea. PreclMly matched tongues and groovea make them almple to Inst.it. Do 11 yourself. Or aak us about lnatallatlon. Come In soon. and let us ShOw you why you can't buy a better floor covering for your home, or a longer laatlng one ILL WALLPAPER 3 0 0/ 0 FF ( EXCLUDING ) /0 KINNEY BROS IN STOCK PAPERS 30% .. 40% OFF OM of the largest ••l •ctlona o f wallpaper In Orange County. Hundred• of dea l gn a and patterns f rom whldl to chooM. Mini Blinds low $119 Onlr ~. "· san s1.oo a '"' 50% OFf -----M&B----- Wood Blinds 40% OFF ---SUNMASTER--- Vertlcal Blinds 80% OFF PACIFIC DECORATING 1 CEN:fERS FREE IN·HOME EST1MATE- INSTALLA TION AVAILABLE Written Guarant .. on Matertalt and Labor 8910 Talbert Ave. flount•ln Vly., CA 82708 (714)H3·0881 . Mot\·Fn 1 c>-e. T"'6a 10·9 ('u. '(oe)l S.t C.·9 CloMO Sunday 'I . . ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, Auguet 19, 1982 Family of 10 chucks it all to sail off in own boat Tbe Coou have aold their houac llJld their fumJture, taken their kld1 out of 1chool and pKked their bap. The whole family 10 Coons In all -plana to 1et aall In a ~l -foot concrete schooner that they've been building for the put 10 yea.ra In their backyard In Derry, N.H. The Kunamaru was launched to the c hee rs of David and Maureen Coon, their children and about 50 onlookers at the Great Bay Marin.a. Eleven years ago, the family got the urge to see the world. "When It first started, we were going to buy a bus and tour the United States," says Mrs. Coon. "Then. for a while, we we re going to buy a plane. Then we decided on the boat because my husband's father was a sailor." Clifford Perlman r"MilJled u chairman of Caeun Palace on the SUip dote to the Dunea hotel on June 30 and can not have an Interest.Jn another hotel for 1lx mo nth• under hi1 termination aareement with C.eun. Ml.khan Bary1bnlkov, who hu been hobbled by a knee Injury. made his first U.S. appearance in seven months, dancLna the pas de deux from "Don Quixote," at Philadelphia. 11111/ f ICES telephoned anchorman Dan Ratller dw1na the CBS Evening New• to complain about coveraae of hU decl.alon to limit anna ulee to Taiwan. White House deputy preas secretary Larry Speakea said Rea~an made the call because he dldn t like the characterization of the decialon as a policy reversal. "He didn't like the accusation that he flip-flipped -he was BaryahnJkov, artlltic director ticked off. It was wrong," of the American Ballet Theater, Speakes said performed for ---about 1~ min-When Commerce Secretary utes this week M a I c o I m 8 a l d r l g e w a s with Cberyl addressing a meetiJ'\8 of ste~J- y e •I er , a at.ate senators recently, Sen. Job.D soloist with Glenn, 0 -0hio, ask ed him to the company discuss certain things the Jefforda. R-Vt .. thank.Ina him for hi.I 1upport of Soviet dluldenta. Natali• SoltbeDJ&1yn wu one of 60 people flt the event thl1 week. She thanked Jefforda for workJna with other congreamen to put preuure on the Soviet Union to allow Solzhenltayn to WM! hia Ruuian Social Fund to aid dlaaidenta. --- '}'wo brothers, 8 and 6, have aocceaafully undergone open- heart surgery to repair iden tical congenJtal heart defecta. Carlo1 and Gerardo Montoya of Lodi shyly appeared at a news conference in Sutter Memorial Hospital five days after the surgery to close holes the size of nickels between the upper chambers of their hearts. The condition is called atrial septal defect, and causes the h eart to work harder than it should. C for the past administration was planning to aeaars World founders do in limiting steel imports from Clifford and Staart Perlman two year s Euro Republican gubernatorial Afterward, Lrope. have signed a "non-binding" BAll'YaHNtKOV he answered Baldrige said he didn't feel it candidate George Deukmejlan letter of intent to purchase the was proper to discuss specifics released a financial disclosure D H t I d C l f six curtain calls. 1 ane1 o e an 81 no or some until he had conferred with the statement listing his persona $143 million in cash and notes. T h e performance by the president. wealth at $204,941. A k f h Du 34-year-old Soviet-born dancer d d spo eswoman or t e nes who defected to the West in 1974 Glenn, who is eyeing a 1984 Inclu ed in the hol ings said the proposed transaction is h f presidential run himself, grinned Deukmejian listed for himself b. din . h d · was t e irst of eigh t the ABT is GI rl th ""ns1t •• not U\ g on e1t er party an lS and told Baldrige: "You can tell and hia wife o a were eir DUMB PILLS H y h h han f su bject to a Ppr oval b Y g i v i n g i n a t w o -w e e k me." Long Beach home, with a market -enny oungman, w o as a penc t or h h ld d h N d e ngagement at Philadelphia's 00 d dumb ink es acted as pitchman at the New York G1'ft Shop s are o ers an t e eva a Baldrige declined. v a 1 u e of $ 195. 0 , an a r-• · <Gaming Commission . The Mann Music Center. mortgage of $13,649.34, leaving recently promoting a product called The Dumb Pill which proposed consolidation must be The wife of exiled writer the couple with a net real estate sells for $5 a bottle. T he jokes he told fitted right in, like: completed no earlier than Feb. 1, Prealdent Reagan, ~escribed Alexander SolzbenJt1yn attended value of $181,350. No other real "Two dumb guys went out hunting for bears. They saw a sign lli98m3m.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiibmyihisi·ismpoiiiikesmaniiiiiiiiiasiiii"itiickiediiiomlmf,i"i·iiilaifmumnmdm-rmamlsmemrifmomriRlliilepm.iJmammlllje1l_mpmrompeillirtmymw•asiiilism'•tediii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitmh~a•t•sa•1•·d.B .. EAR .... L.EFT ..... so .. t•h•eiy•w .. en•t .. hmomllllliie•.'•' .... lliiiiiiiiiiiiiim A Bia ks/~~ Production You Are Cordially Invited To The Summer's Best Show at tn~J:Jrue E.T. the Extra-Terrific Half Price Sale On the Scale of 1 to 10, 10 being Best ... a 10 EJ Starting Date Friday, August 20 Hours 9 :30-5:30, Sun. 12-4 Cannery VIiiage 29th & Lafayette Newport Beach 675-7740 Pre-Fall Back To School Special purchase -Cordouroy sport coats. Originally s 14500 Sale sa9.95 Special group of fall tweed dress slacks. Original values to 16000 Now s19.95 to s29.95. Select group of long sleeve sport shirts s 12. 99 Cotton blend Turtlenecks ss.99. Large selection of fall suits and sport coats ~P up to 1/3 off. "MEN'S & WOMEN'S" clothing finery ... .. South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa Westminster 898-1666 549-8575 Brea Mall ·990-0333 • •t••tol\'" .Robinsons AMALFl'S '82 PUMPS. LIKE NOTHING YOU'VE SEEN BEFORE. A quiet soph1st1ca11on designed for everyone who loves superior quality, gentle lemmtne details and fit Arnalf1 lhe name is a classic The beautiful lines always news Corne 1n. we've one of the most ex tensive coltect1ons in the country Here. top 10 boltom.the open loe with suede bow pump in black, taupe or wine $108. The sling with asymmetncal vamp m black. taupe navy or dark brown $94. Robinson's Amat11. 177, m Newport. To order, call tofl'.free 1-800-345-8501 ~ARN AND tEARNI Deliver the ~ Piil Boys and gl rls 10 or older • • •. Call 642·432~ ~nd apply today. lillj Piii ,... Orang• Oout DAil. y PILOT /Thurlday, Auou•• 19, 1HI Los Alamitos district levies $75 student bus fee By PATRI K J. U:NNEDV OflMDelfr,... IWt Joins four other county public chool systems in move to raise revenues The Loa Alaml\01 School De _... h bo d Dla\rlc\ haa become the fifth action wu tak•fl at a Monday will pay a maximum bw fee of kker preMntvu t e er walking dtatance board meet1n1. $76 a year. with petllloM a1alnat the fee, Saddleback offlclala aay they public achool ay.tem ln Oranie Citing decreued etate fundlna, Meanwhile, more than 100 clalmln1 the pe\l\lo n1 were hope to get $347,000 annually County to char1e atudenta bua public achool dl1trlct1 have angry parent.a In Mlulon Viejo algned by 700 parenta. He told from the bus fees to pay for fees to ride to and from .:hool. 1tarted char11n1 teea for non· packed the m eeting hall at the t.ruateet at the Monday nl1ht transpo rtation co1ta and to Loe A.lamltoe truateel levied a required services auch u buslna Saddleback dlalrtct headquarters aeulon they 1h ould con1ider generate revenue to balance the $7~ per 1tudent fet1 to become to help balance budceta. to demand t.ruatees reaclnd that other budget cu ta or feea that system's $50 million budaet, effective next term. The dJalrtct In addition. Caplatrano U'Ulteet dlatrlct'a recently approved bus would Include all parent.a, not which la facing a $3 million joma the Newport-Meta Unified Monday approved a bua fee for feea. just parent.a whose children muat deficit. School offlciaa blame the ($126 fee), Irvine Unified ($100 transporting student athletes to "Thia la another tax and we're be bused to achool. deficit on state funding cuta. further action or debate the lasue. She u ld the pa.renta' que.tiona would be answered by mall and 10 would other concern• If parent.a would write them. Dekker Mid he wtuld continue to 1ather commu lty support agalnst the bua fee J\.an att.em9t to get the school board to revoke the levies. Local New s in fee), Saddleback Valley Unified garnet. The season fee la $60 for not going to pay," said group Several parents complained The crowd hooted and groaned ($118 fee) and Capistrano basketball players, $40 for spokesman J ohn Dekker, oC that d latrict boundaries required when Kristine Kister, president ~.,,.,_(// I , i•ly Pi•1ot Unified ($68 f ee) as other volleyball players and $1~ for Mission Viejo. "We're the tari(et them to send their children to of the school board, said the bus l.,~ districts that have taken away other student athletes. Athletes of a dlscrlmfnatory school scheme schools acr088 town when there fees had already been approved _th_e_f_ree __ r_id_e~._~T-he __ Los __ A1amJ~-~--tos __ 1n_v_ol_v_ed __ ln_m_o_re __ th_an_o_n_e_s~po-r_t _to_su_~_l_d_lze_a_d_ef~lcit~b=u~dg~e~t.-" ___ a~·r~e~c~l~o=se~r-c~·a~m~p~u~s~e~s ~w~l~t~h ~in:__~an~d~th~a~tth~e~boa~rd~w~o~ul~dn~·~t~~~ke~_..:===================' "13R \TTA.N\Er '15"CYRKFASHIO COTI'ON BLOUSES ,...,.,......)Short 8lecw and no....,_ In ltrtpee, checka and~ Sizes: S, M. L Reg'. S2A '17"-825" BRl1TANIA DENIM JEANS A PANTS FOR WOMEN Current fuhlon atyltnge. Reg. $28-39 -. -~----------.~--------·-----__ ...___....;._ _________ ~----- ~--------~~~ . . ' ... NEW PRESIDENT - Morris Harrell of Dallas Is t he new president of the 280,000-member American Bar Association. I ... ~~-----~-....... ~ ........... .__ ~ Orange Cooat 0At1-Y PILOT /Thuraday, Augu11 19, 1982 A 1 County OKs low-interest bond use Board establishes policy that projects 1nust haYe regional public· bt•ne fit Tax-exempt, low -1ntere1t bonds mi.y be used to fanant·e public fac1UUt.'tl such as roadB and sewers, but only If there la re~lonal public benefit. the Orange County B ourd of Supervisors has said in a policy action. In acting on the p o licy Tuesday. supervisors and county staff members conceded at may be tricky to draw the distinction between what benefits the at- 1 a r ge public and pr i vate developers. Under the policy drafted by Wll0Wl'>1 GMSVOO rHC LOIKST LEVf'Sf'fllCES. W{ GUAAANTE£1T1 CHfT K Alrv Ollt£11 CURMNTL V ~TISEO P9tlCE (llEWSPAPOI N«l ....wsPAPt:ll "6£11 T '>I ON LE\lrS COM> M.51CS OR P9IE .SHRl.N( 00..S. ff IT '> lOWfll fHM OUIS. 81tH:i A COPY Of Tlil flD TO Ml> \KS T ~ VOU 8UV rl1Qlii4 lb WC'\L MU;l TliA T P9llCt AH) PAV V0U TH£ ru.t CASH DlffDE'<t ~GOOOON•P'..._,fUl~OflllilY THE LOWEST PRtCm LE:VrS? Wll.O \W:ST ... WF\1£ GOT IT! GUAAANTtD>t ,,, 11• GOOD TIAi IUOllv ~rr-..i " oo.~nu n~ ... ,.-.... l. 1t11 the l'OUnty Adman1struuvc O ffat'<'. asse11sment dlstr1l·t11 could bt• Corm<.-d to hnant.'f lmprovcmcmls such lllf roads and stn'(!L"i, IK'WCrtl, s treet lights and l'Urb1:1 und gutters. The cost o f t~\Ollt' facilatu.-s would be r t>paad thr ou ~h lSSuanc.'e of tax-Cree, low-antcrl'St bonds unde rwritten by county government. but paid by thost· within the distrit·t &-cause the bonds would be issued a t inte rest rates well below prevailing markN rates, overall capital improvement COllts w 11 u Id b t· Io we r . th t• rt· by 1 f•duc1ng l'Obls Lo houli1ng d t' v e I o p t• rs a n d h o u s 1 n g J.>un·hascrs S upe r v111or11 appruv1•d the polity b y unanlmou11 vott'. S upervisor Hoger ~Ll4nton wus absent Though supporung tht' Ul·tton, S upe r v i sor Ralph Cla rk expressed <:o n<:e rn ovrr the county undt•rwriting of bonds for public Caci htit•s "What happen s if the developer goc-s bankrupt or the market collapses? What 1s the lakl'lahuod (tlw rnunty) general rund would Ix• t·ulJC'd on to batl uut Jn unforeiwen slluatton?" Clurk 1u11d And Clark stn•ssed that any 1mpruvt."mt-nt:. fanunt>t,>d through thl' sale of asst."ssment district bonds undl•rwratten by the l'O unty "mui.t be regional In nulurc., tlw' t y p ... the county would mamu11n " Su"h a standard generally would proh11.J1t tht> use of the low antl·n-st bonds for so-called "an tract" 11Y1provcments in small dt•v(·lopmC'n t pro )<.'('ts. --- Al 8 Orenge Oout DAILY Pll.OT./TitUNdly, Auguet 18, 1912 Alf ordable housi!Jg not easy in Newport A controversial proposal to •o p en legal avenues for condominium conversion s In Newport Beach has died a curious death. Tpe suggested law had been in the works for more than a year and would have allowed owners of duplex and triplex apartment units to convert to condominiums. The proposal drew heavy criticism from senior citizens and college students who noted that apartments were the only kind of housing they could alford. Then at the last moment, the City Council was informed that five of its seven me mbers could not vote on the measure because of an apparent conflict of interest. Five of the council members own or have \nterests in duplex or triplex property. The Fair Political most prude nt approach at this ume. The condominium law w as developed as a tool for providing affordable houslng . Unfortunately, as was poin~ out by many observers, it would have eliminated a much more affordable stock of housing in present rental apartments. City officials, however, should not be faulted for delving into the houslng lsaue and exe_loring ways of providing housing that people of average i.Dcorne can afford. Providing so--ca.lled affordable housing io Newport is a tricky busineas. The city is large ly developed and the average house price is somewhere between $250,000 and $300,000. Practices Commission said this Newport city government appeared to be a conflict. should continue to explore land With this ruling in hand, the use techniques th at would allow council quietly, quickly a nd increased d ensities and lower unanimously killed the measure. h o u s i n g c o st s o n t h e f e w While the move certainly was undeveloped acres that remain in anticlimactic, it was probably t~ the community. KindergartC~choice A pilot program to extend the length of the kindergarten school day from three to four hours has been approved in the Huntington Beach City (elementary) School District. The longer day will begin in September for two kindergarten classes at Moffett and Kettler schools. School officials say the longer day should ensure a better all- around program while avoiding hurried conditions of the shorter day. The program wi ll b e evaluated at the e nd of the school year. If successful, it would give ·parents the option of enrolling their children in the longer day in future years. School officials said parents always will have the option however, of enrolling their children in the shorter three-hour day if they desire. Huntington Beach ia the only school district in Orange County offering the longer kindergarten day. If the program is successful. it offers the potential of starting children in their first public school experience with a more solid foundation. The youngsters should have that chance. Bus shelters welconie Nine new cove red bus shelters have been added to Irvine's landscape, the products of a deal in which the city actually makes a modest profit for allowing some advertising on the structures. The shelters, howeve r, are a far cry from the ugly old bus stop bench es in bigger cities that w er e plastered with bail bond slogans and pitches for u sed car dealerships. The shelters have transparent siding for safety and roofs for shade and protection from rain. F.ach shelter has two framed slots on the sides where its private entrepreneur will install advertising posters. City officials have retained control over the kinds of advertising that can be shown. No alcohol or tobacco ads will be allowed, for example. The city will receive, as part of the bargain, $64 per month for • each shelter, or 15 percent of the gross advertising revenue, whichever is greater. The private firm, Shelter Media Inc., is responsible for keeping the shelters clean, thus relieving the city of a continuing expense. The benefits of this transaction seem to outweigh the deficits. Having a safe and comfortable resting place to wait for the infrequent public buses passing through Irvine is a positive development, especially for the young and old who make up a sizable percentage of the bus ridership. The ads probably won't do much to improve Irvlne's landscape, but at least the posters are a reasonable size and won't have the disastrous effects of billboards. Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Olner views ex-pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa CA 92626. Phone (714) 6~2-~321. • L.M. Boyd/ Significant gifts Never can tell just how much influence you'll have on your younpten' lives by what you give them tor Chriatmaa. The famed Mayo brothen once said they went into the medJca1 profession because of a gift from their father, a good microeoope. You and I have nine muacles in each ear, and most don't work. A hone hu 17 in each ear, and most do work. The U .S. Navy didn't come into ita own until the early 19608, ln one manner of speaking. Before ~t Ume, ao former Navy man had been Prealdent or even preatdenttal nomlne.e. Then alona came Johrl F. Kennedy, Lyndor) JOhnlon. Richard Nixon, Gerald 'Ford and Jimmy Carter, ex-Navy men all. Only one penon ln 10 re1)0r1ed mt.lna. actually 11aya lost. "Police know -thia. So they don't ICbedule much time to pwwe l'n.llllJ\I penona. Private deiectlv.e know ti. too. And ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat count on it. Like doctora, they understand that 1f they jut\ take the cue and do no harm. the cli4!'nt's problem most usually will be aolved. PGA golfen on the coune can't wear Bermuda sho11a, either. Or tanktop ahirts. Or cutof&. Alttedy mentioned they can't wear blue Jeana. Bearcb are .prohibited, too, by the way. But not modest mustach•. You've seen th~cturea of Henry Wadsworth Dow with hit full flowtnc beard. ot b' style djd he weu that blah, b.rt to COY« the ICal"S from the fire that killed hie wife. To that Hat of candldatn for memberabip in Ow "My Name Ia a Poem" Club, pi...-add Mlc:h1pn State UnJventcy•e Lany Perey Ind hla wlle c.ante. Hicb·proof sln la .,.eWJar to the United S...•. NeldMr tbe .,.Uata nor the c.a.dlau to for l~ I'• told. Letfers to the editor Marines were there first To the &lit.or: So Nonnan Ewers, Aug. 3, thinks that El Toro's days are numbered j\nd he would like the military t.o get out so he can fly his private plane, or sell one, or whatever. There are thousands of us military people that use El Toro many times a month. We bought our homes near a base for when we retire. That base is serving our servicemen, their dependents and their retired pel'90nnel and we do not intend t.o get out for ,a few loud-mouth pilots. We were there first! Even• FAA. the private pilots' dear friend, says the skies are saturated with air traffic. There are more planes in this area than any spot on earth. Boat owners must wait longer for a space and pay more than a plane owner. We are short of mobile park housing so why do the pilots think they come first and scream t.o drive someone else off their property? If all the military families in this area get together we can also vote supervisor Ralph Clark out or office. Clark will go before the Marines, you can bet on It. JOE ARGYLE Asinine argument To the Edit.or: The asininity of the argument that a volunteer armed force result.a in disproportionate representation by certain racial and ethnic groups can only be fully appreciated in light 'Of the demographic characteristics of minorities. Prof. Thomas Sowell (who happens t.o be black), of UCLA and tlie Hoover Institution, has studied this field extensively. In Race and Economics. he reports that the median age of Mexican-Americans and Puerto Ricans is about 18, and that of Negroes in the U.S. is 22.8. Since these are the ages at which military recruitment is directed, it should hardly come as a surprise that these groups should be represented more heavily in the services than Cuban. Americans (median age 28), Japanese- Americana (median age 29) or Italian- Americans (median age 35.5). Sowell reports the median age of Russian-Americans at 47. It would hardly be offensive t.o common aense to suggest that this minority would be subtstantially underrepresented in the military. Is this something to worry about? What benefits are we supposed to· derive from soc:ia1 engineering that are worth the costs of conscription'? E.J . GUELPA Telecourse praise To the Edit.or: As a graduate of a major university, U.S. Navy midshipmen's school and the Navy School for Oriental l...angu.aaes, l feel qualified to comment on the vaf ue of college courses. I have just finished the Coastline Community College telecourae Astronomy # 100, "Project Univene." I found it to be demanding . comprehensive, well-uructured and entertaining. What more can you aak of college inatruct:i.na? It i8 the second coune I've taken via the video-telecast medium and both were adventures I shall treasure. My congratulations to Coutline to the lnatruc10r, Joel Levine, to Dr. Edwin Krupp and the host of other utronomen who lectured dwing the 39 leMooa. J .W. REID Professional job To the Edicor: ~ • pa1ter·by, tr•vellnl throuah Newport Beach on Sunday evenlri11 Au1ust 1, 1 had an opportunity to wttnem a crime being committed and a ftllponle by the Newport Beech Police Department. It wu at the lntenection of Newport Center Drive and Padltc c.out Jl.lahway that I watcbed a vehicle rub a quick stop on the lhouJder' of tbe nor1.bb0lmd llde of Plld.6o c;.o.t. fflabway. The male driver violently began beat1n1 the female ~ In not mon than 60 MAILBOX seconds a Newport Beach police car and motorcycle were on the scene. When the suspect saw the oncoming officers he began to drive north on Pacific Coast Highway. The officers in pursuit were not able to stop the suspect until just south of the Newport Bay Bridge. At that time they apprehended the man and placed him in the patrol car in a matter of seconds. At the same time another officer was caring for the injured female . It was a textbook operation by the Newport Beach Police officers. The crime was aJamWig; however. the response by the Newport Beach police · officers was extremely impressive. Their speed, conduct and professionalism was nothing less than first class. THOMAS A. LARSON TELEPHONE YOUR LETTER TO THE EDITOR See Instructions below Election semantics To the F.ciitor: Sometimes ignorance can make a politician honest. Take the case of Mrs. Heather, for instance. She's one of the Irvine Company's candidates for City Council in Newport Beach. In the publicity release that accompanied her filing. she called her opponents "demagogues," because they want t.o keep Newport Beach a nice place to live and raise a family. l'M SURE she didn't intend to hand out any compliments, but that's the way it turned out. According t.o Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, the preferred definition of "demagogue" is ''a leader championing the cause of the common people". You were right, Mrs. Heather. That label fits your opponents perfectly Of course, you didn't mean it that way. You thought it was a nasty word - like "slum-dwellers," "terrorists." "obstructionists," and other epithets hurled contemptuously :-t the good people of Newport Beach by your assorted cohorts on · the council. In this election -issues -not name calling, will win the votes. You have unintentionally told us where your opponents stand -on the side of the common people. Now. where do YOU stand? STUART }VILLIAMS Bolsa Chica views To the'Editor: Sig:na.I Landmark spokesman Wayne Clari< is entitled t.o his view of how the Bobsa Chica plan got to its ptesent point. I aee it a bit differently. On my desk ls a count~ plan for the Bolsa Chica dated 1978. The plan calls for a T-shaped high bridge allowing Warner Avenue ·and Pacific Coast Highway t.o pass over a 600-foot-wide cut through Bobsa Chica State Beach to the aea. Alao shown are a deep water channel to Huntington Harbour, a marina and heavy density resJdenu.J and commercial waterfront development surroundinJl a restored ma.rah on three sides. This is e.entially ldentlcal to the pl.an submitted by the county to the Coutal Commlaaion in April of thil y-.r. Thus. ln sp ite of dozens of fubllc h earings, workshop•, d rect communiutlooa by governmental •aenclee and prtv•te cidaena, untold rN.n·houn of effort by COUil~ planning atalf, Stpal forpd &heal Wf th their plan virtually uncbaoaed. Ianortna criUdaD of the plan not only reprdlnj envtronmtinw c.UC!I but. al80 1ellmic, • t.elrtrt /rom rtolhrt .JI'' lllffcomt, Thf right to condenH' le1tn1 to flt apoct or tllm1"41t libel II rtHrt>td. IAUn-1 o/ 300 word• or ltu ..,.,, be Oi~ prt/f'rfftet. All l11ter1 muat Include 1ignature and maUJno oddrtH bul nomts mo~ be witllMld on ,,. quHI f/ 1u/ftc111nl reaaon la oppor~r Pbtt'1/ wiU "°' be ~blClhcd. l.Afttrl moy t>t ltlephoflcd to 142-tON. Nome and phone 1tumt>.r Of llw COftlrihtor '""'' ,,. gi&lftl for otri/leottott porpou• . traffic, t('onom1c a nd public access concerns, Signal sandbagged the plan through county levels. In retrospect, the public hearing pr<>Ce$ appears to have been a sham. SENSING TROUBLE with the Coastal Comm1sswn . Signal tried to bypass the commission through the state Legislature, but failed after several awkward attempts Meanwhile the Coastal Commission staff early this year prepared a detailed and though!ful report enumerating the points of Signal's plan that failed to meet state standards and regulations l'OVen ng the protection or our coastal r esources and other concerns. poin~ that had been repeatedly brought to the attention of Signal by governmental agenci.es. organizations such as the Sierra Club and AJnjgos de Bolsa Chica. and private ciuzens for over four years. The Carpenter bill has been no "gun" aimed at the Coastal Commission, as Clark seems to thmk. especially one that has misfired so often. The Bolsa Chica plan is being passed through the coastal plan process in an orderly manner, although somewhat protracted due to the extreme c."Omplex1ty and magnitude of the proja•t and the recalcitrance of Signal. Signal appears to leave us with the impression that they are the innocent victim of bureaucratic overkill when in fact they have arrogantly moved ahead with a plan that ignores the project's impacts on the community's natural resources. t raffic loads. public utilities and countless other factors. Fortunately the Coastal Com1mss1on and its staff are taking the time to review the plan consc1enttously to sec that it confonns t.o regulauons that were devised t.o protect the l'Ommunity from those impacts. DA VlD M CARLBERG Double dealing? To the Editor: [ was d isappoi nte d to see what happened at the Laguna Beach honorary governor's contest party. It was my understanding as announced by Bill Farrell that the candidates had agreed that no more money would be collected. after 10:30 p.m. However, while thase or us were in the room waiting for over an hour, some double dealmg went on in the back room. After all the other candidates had turned m their money. Maggie Meggs' campaign chairman and another person pulled out their checkbooks and wrote checks for whatever they guessed would be the then-highest total. Doc Blacketer ended up with 246,799 votes and Maggie Meggs ended up with 337,000 -up 88.100 from the day before. This after she had conceded the race in a little speech before the votes were counted. I AM APPALLED that the members of the Laguna Be a c h Business Association allowed this. If the checks had been written before 10:30 it would have been different. But they weren't. The race started out as good clean fun but ends on a sour note. What happened will certainly keep organizatioM and individuals from participating in future. Theo time, energy. originality and bard work of selling raffle tickets obvtowly doesn't m ean a thing when th~ organizers accept new money after the race has officially closed. Therefore, I will not support the endeavor ln the future even though the purpoee la oot 1 sup~rt. In reality no one win•, and that I that. ALETA BONGIOVANNI . lillllY lin In CONOnUlCC with Reagan'• call for ua all to live within our meana, on the date h i• balanced budg l amendment. becomel Jaw all loant ahoukl be dec1aNd due and payable. c.J. ._, .. c--._ ......... ., ........... . ................................ . ....... .. -·· .. ~' .... 0.11, ....... Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Thur•day, Augu1• 19 1932 • •ANN LANDERS •ART HOPPE •ERMA BOMBECK ..,, Skirting figure problems advocated by reader DEAR ANN LANDE.RS. l had to 1,.u~h when I read thut letter from lhe woman who said 11lack.s were the perfect solution for fomaJes who don't have pretty legs. Do they ever give a thought to what the rest of their anatomy looks like? S tand on any street corntr and watch the parade of women in slacks who h&ve huge rear ends, bulging thighs and roLls of fat around their middle. Repulsive is tOo mild a word to describe them. Please teU those humungus mamas to get back into slorts -full ones with lots of material. They of L~una Beach HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Friday, August to ARIES (March 21-April 19): If persistent, you win. You 'll be tested, challenged and you'U have opportunity to make significant advances. Focus on security, property values, long-range transactions. You'll be asked to revise, re write, review and possibly to rebuild on more solid base. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): R omantic involvement is emphasized. Creativity also plays major role -you'll expr~ sell in uruque manner wh.ich attracts attention of lhooe who can provide support. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Domestic adjus tme nt is part o f scenario . Home base commands attention, requires your personal touch. Stick to familiar ground, welcome family reunion and make intelligent concessions to loved ones. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Define terms, avoid scattering forces, check behind scenes for valid answers, See people, places in realistic light, avoid self-deception and separate fact from illusion. Short trip involves relative -recent inquiries will now bring favorable responses. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You recoup loss. Focus on authonty, creativity, ability to make most of material at hand. You'll receive a very attractive financial offer. Be sure to maintain right of final approval. Capricorn persons figure prominently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You succeed in fooling opposition. Cycle high , popularity increases as you get credit long overdue. Aries, Libra persons play paramount roles. You will reach more persons, assignment will be completed. Aries IS in picture_ LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): What had been obscured will now become crystal c lear. EnUghtenment replaces confusion. You locate item that had been misplaced. You're on the brink of important discovery. Leo is in picture. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Long-awaited decision goes in your favor. Intuition is on target. Lunar position emphasizes dreams, aspirations, fulfillment of hopes and wishes. Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius persons figure prominently. You'll have luck with number 11. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 -Dec . 21): Views, statements are vindicated. Prestige rises; you'll be more popular and timing will ~ on target. Another Sagjttarian is very much a part of scenario. You'll have more space -and luck. Stick with number 3. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan 19): A void tendency to overextend -lines of communication will fill in blanks. What you seek iB available. Key is to know and understand rules before breaking them. Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo pe rsons figure promine ntly. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Discoveries are made regarding financial sources. Means you learn where money goes. how it comes in and how it gets that way. Someone may b e doing som e manipulating. Be analytic.al and a keen , shrewd obeerver. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Go slow, study Aquarius message for valuable hints. Lunar focus on publicity, permanent re lationships, usual circumstances and breaks from traditional procedures. Define terms, see places and people as they are, not merely as you wiah lhey might exist. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT HARDLY KNOW HOW TO REPLY TO ALL THE SILENCE" YOUVE" BEEN SENDING ME. -.>•.>·..,,,~ ~ .,: .-! ~ .... ~: ::~:: ':.. .. '" ... ........ hide o mult1tudt: of ains:S1gn nu• REVOLTED ROBERT IN CAMPBELLSVlLLE. KY. DEAR R.R.: I am not 'olog to tell them aoytblag. "Humunaus mamas' are not famous for ll1teolog. Here's aootber le tter on a related subject. DEAR ANN LANDERS: ls my wife crazy or not? At age 45 she has decided she no longer looks good m s hort slut·ts. She hates slacks -says they look unfeminine on anyone over 25. and are hot as Had .. 'S in the summer. A few months ago she took o ut the old sewing mact1ine and made herself several long skiru and wears them with her "prairie blouses." She looks hke my grandmother. Everyone gawks, and it makes me uncomtortable. Any advice? -NO PIONEER IN HAGERSTOWN DEAR N .P .: Apparently your wife Is un co mfortable in slackf and yoa are uncomfortable when she wears loag 1klrts. Tbe decision Is going to res t on wblcb is more important -your comfort or hers. I suggest a compromise. When she's with you s he could leave tbe Granny outfits at home. I don't believe It would be asldng too much. DEAR ANN LANDERS I haw written you dozena of letteni in the lust 10 ytoan., und I have never malled one until now Yl't I c&n truthfuUy lilly you have helped me a great deal Lcl me explain. When J ran into trouble in my li(t•, I would !Ill down and write you about. it ln order to put my thoughts down on paper, ( had to thmk in a logical manner and figure out how the trouble started. By the time I got to the end of the letter, I l'Ould see many aspects o! the problem that I hadn't seen before. I alao was able to see where I ftt mto the pirture, and what I did that was wrong. There have been times when I have written you as many as 12 pages ln longhand. One letter, I remember, was filled with cuss words which I almost never use. I went on and on about how badly l had been tre.ited by a close friend . When I firus hed the letter, I reread it and suddenJy I burst mto laughter. It read like a trashy novel and I sounded like a l'razy loon. I guess what I want Lo say as thank you, Ann Landers, for being there. This letter is going into the mailbox immediately. YOUR FRIEND IN ALPENA, MICH DEAR FRIEND: Your letter was a real day- brighteoer. Thanks for letting me know. g ~ l.ANOflS DEAR ANN. A bnef word of advice for st.epparen!A. I 1L·arn1..-d the hard way Stay in the backRTound Don't try too hard. Wall for tht' "new" famafy to <.'Orne w you. Be pleasant but not overly generous or eager to help or please In time. you w11J be aC'cept.ed. Some things can't ~ rushed WISER NOW IN CONN. DEAR WISER: Words of '\vh1dom. Thanks for sharing. An• you. or 1s _'i(Jttlt.'Ot1f' yov c·art• abuut messmg around with drug.. or considering it? Art• all drugs bad? Wh<1t about ~ m moderauon? Ann Landers' al/-1ww book/el, "'The Lowdown on Dope," sepcraws the fa<:ts from the f1ct10n For cac·h booklt•t orden'Ci, St.·nt.l $2, plus a long-self-addressed, stamped envelope (37 cents postage) w Ann Landen;, P 0 &x. 1 J 995, Chicago. Ill 606 J J Rules enri~h grandparent role their air fare. There's a n ew book ou t , "How to Grandparent," in which lhe author, Dr Fitzhugh Dodson, tells us old fogies how to become "valuable members of the extended family" by "enriching the lives of (our) children and grandchildren." Dr. Dodson doesn't know what he's talking about. So 50 miles IS the ideal distance. It allows you t o see your grandchildren at periodic family reunions. Every year on St. S within's Day, for example. makes for an excellent periodic reunion . More importantly, this di.stance condemns the pare nts to remain in the company of lheir small tykes and you during the day-long visit. That means it's their responsibility, not yours, to change .Diapers. make formulas, stuff food down their little \hroats and perform all the other menial services the tiny tyrants demand. The function of us grandparents is not lo enrich anyone's life but our own. The reason for this is that being a grandpa.rent is obviously the Good Lord's way of rewarding us for having been parents. And heaven only knows, it's little e nough return for all w e went through. lt would be blasphemous not lO milk our good fortune for all it's worth. THEREFORE, THE INITIAL rule i n becoming a gi;andparent is, after admiring the newborn infant in the hospital, to move exactly 50 miles away. You are then free to e njoy to your heart's content the enriching experience of loving your cuddly descendant. Before undertaking this experience, however, it is best lO ask a few timely qu~tions. The timely questions I invariably ask are: "Is it wet?" "Has it recently been fed?" "ls it teething, colick y or otherwise affected by an irritating physical condition?" This insures that your offspring will not be able to drop their wet, howling little ones in your laps two or three evenings a week on their way to lhe movies. If the answers are satisfactory, I then say: On lhe other hand, 50 miles is w ithin driving distance and your children will naturally pay for the gas. [f they live 500 miles or more away, however, they will tend to fly lheir grandchildren into your arms and you , for unfathomable reasons, will be expected to cough up the wherewithal for "Kindly bring it to me as I wish to love it." After I have loved it to my heart's content - an indulgence I find I can pursue for up to two or three minutes -I say politely: ''Thank rou . I have finished loving it. Kindly take it away.' UNFORTUNATELY, PARENTAL m stincts being as strong as they are. your grandchild's parents will sooner or later find some way to make ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ ~ ~ GOREN ON BRIDGE . ~\ ' -BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable_ ~outh deals. NORTH t QJ04 ''AK 74 0 A K63 +K S WEST • 985 'V Q9653 <>Q982 •1 SOUTH EAST • 76 l;:)Jl(,82 0 J105 • J632 •·AK J 32 ~Vold 0 74 +AQ10984 The bidding: South West North Eaat I + Pa11 I ~ Pu• 3 + Pa11 4 + Pa11 4 NT Pais 5 1:7 Pa111 7 • Pau Pasa Pa.e1 Opening lead: Nin~ of +. It does our hearts good When W(' hear Of OCtogen ar1ans performing feats at the bridge I.able. This hand, from a lournament in Can nes. was repor ted by Jose le Oentu and features Ado Eichel. still young in mind at age 82. He and his partner we re using an artificial rlub system. In efrect, South's 1ump to three clubs showed a strong two club bid and thereafter the auction was natural. North South did well to stay clear of the more nor mal spade grand slam. which would have offered no prac tical chance al all. West led the top of nothing in spades, and declarer won the jack. ThP contract looked simple until West showed out on the second round of trumps. To make his contract now. declarer needed a trump coup. For tnat to sue ceed. however, East had to fo llow lo three rounds or spades. But what if East held only two spades'? Eic·hel devised as pretty 11 bi~ or det't:plion as tl ha:. been our pleasure to witness. Hr entered dummy with thl' ten of spades and casher! thl' ace king or hearts. discarding the ace·ki ng of spades from has hand! Now he led a third round of spades East was afraid that 1f he rurfed the third spade. declarer would overrurr and his trump t rick would vanish Ht' thought that he could simply discard on this trick and then sit back and wait for his trump ~rick. Declarer proved him wrong. After the ljUee n or spades held, declarer ruffed a heart, crossed to the ace of diamonds and ruUcd another heart. Now his trumps were down to t he same length as East's, and both of them still had a diamond. Oeclarer re· entered dummy with the re· maining high diamond, and led a diamond from the table. No matter what East did. hts trump track disappeared and the grand slam rolled home. We warned you not lo trust these 82·year olds! Rubber brld1~ clubs throqghout the country use the four-deal brkl1t' format. Do titer k.aow 10melhln1 you don't? C harle• Goren's "Four-Dul Bridie" will teach you the etntefies and tactic. of lllia fut-paced ac· lion game that provided the eve for a.neDdiq nabbera. For a copy aDd a ecorepad,,. eend tl.75 to "Gona·Four Deal," care of thla aew1paper, P.O. Boa 259, Norwood, N.J. 07648. Make ch uh pa1able to Newapa~rb.ob. Baseball great plays himself ) ART HOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER a br<!ak for tt. leaving you s tuc k w i th their offspring. If you must baby-sit your gram•hild. lay down some ground rules. The first, of course, 1s that i' mus t be ho usebroken as you h.ive long si nce forgotten how to change dtaJ>(!rs and have no interest whatsoever an relearning useless skills. Secondly, 1t shouldn't be over the age of three as it then becomes too heavy to lift up bodily and stuff m a locked closet should it become recalcitrant As to when to baby-sit, 9 a .m. to 11 a.m. on Saturdays are best. This allows you lO establish what Dr. Dodson encouragingly describes as "a close, supportive relationship," that is, between your grandchild and Saturday morning carlOOf'\ time on the t.clevasion set. Also, be sure to keep t he freezer loaded wJth ice cream. It is a medically proven fact that very few children can whme, yowl or cry with a mouth ftUed with ace cream. Most healthy children can survive for at least three days on an tl'e cream die~ True, this may make them wish to return to you/-- house, but at will make their parents t-qually wish they don't. And, as for you, you don't have to pay the dental bills. Lastly. never worry about your chtldren'!t opinion of you. They are bound to think more highly of you now that they are parenlll themselves. For at last they can understand what you went through raising them. And no parent could ask for a greater reward than that EIMA IOMllCK AT WIT'S END Fears raised • on sagging Milhons of Americans suffer from varying degrees of some kind of phobia. The choices are exte ns ive a nd run from c laus t rophobia (dre ad of sma ll places) to agoraphobia (dread of large places) and every fear1 m between. Some o( these fears people can talk about.- Some of them they can't A professional dancer has just come out of the closet with his phobia and gueiaf w hat he's suCfering from? Claustrophobia? Wrong. He's plagued by "Bunophobia," the fear of finding yourself m possession o( a fat and sagging derriere. HIS NAME IS CAL DEL POZO and he's just written a book called "Bunnetics." In it, he provide~ guidelines for evaluating derrieres and offers ~ series of exercises lO firm up. 1 ls he serious? You're list.ening to a woman whd has been attached t.o a wide load U-Haul for years. Women, in general. suffer from the granddaddy of all phobias: SAGPHOBIA, the fear of the en~ body falling. To us, it lsn1t a question of what falls.I Our big concern is when and how far. " Bunophobia has never been on e of my priorities, nor is anything I don't have to look at. lt'a like fussing with the back of your hair. You neven see it, so who cares. 1 Q: Are tbey ~otn1 to make a TV movie of "Tbe Boys of Sammer,' die sto~ of tlae lt501 Brooklya Dod&er1? If '°.L 11 lt trae Cbat Dasctn Roff mu will play Pee Wee Mete? -Mlcbael T., llldiaupoll1. A: No. You can dust off Hoffman. He's not the choice. The role of the Dodgers' all-time shortatop will be played by Pee Wee Ref!9e hlmlelf. ln 1pite of th• fact that Ree9e recently celebrated hls 64th birthday, Pf ISOllALl1J Q.&A. BY MARILYN ANO HY GARONER Most or my friends dread ''El.asUcphobia," the fear of their stomach dropping and bruising theid knees. I Poultryphobia will also cause rapid heart rate; short.ness of breath, trembling, blurred vision anc.£ ,......dizziness. This ia a fear of getting complirMnta or\' your ribbed turtleneck sweater when you're not wearing one. wilh my clothes on stage," SAY' Elton. ••Because l wun't the archetypical le.an, Uthe rock lw-a la Bowie or Jagger.-"But sometime• I take people through my hOUle and ask them lf they want to aee the ooatumes. I've still got them all. And 110me ot them I cannot believe that. t wore. I looktld like Dlarui &. in 'Mahogany! And the shoes! I cou.Jd build a nati~ park with the trees tNt have been chopped down to _provide heels for my shoes," Elton told wrUer Lila Robin8on. Q: Hai Rlclt.ard Nixon ever pabllcly admJUed tbat ite sboald llave dutroyed U1e tapes wblcb altlmacely broagbt blm dow n ? -Tom C., Plttsbarp. A: The fonner pn!9ldent still geta mail asking him why he didn't bum t.h.e tape1. And now he aay1, ln h.lndsl~ht, "Of course, I 1hou_ld (have destroyed them), I Q: Roct scar Eltoa Job -11 lie rddd&.1 "'" tbOH clotbel ... WHrt •• sca1ef -LICJ Hd Terry R., Jersey City, N.J. A: "l'w always tri4.'d to be a little humoro\.ll I'VE SEEN WOMEN TORTURED fro .,.. Jellophobla who w1Jl not l~ve the house or elCJXll!M! thetn8elves to light. They !ear when they ra.be thelf e1'm1, you won't be able to see Haht coming thn:>ugh. At the mom nt, l'm plagued by Desertphobia. Thi4 Ls where the sand haa ahiftc.-d and t.he U or 2 extra pounds you've CAnitcl for y~ haa Rttl juat above each knee. You can't walk aero. floor without 90Undlng Uke someone ll applaud.lng Throughout the years, there have ~· e>terci.118 for cnatina ~ aymptom$. but the ecem eo *-aUc. Si.nee the bqum1na of time. the have beef\ women who have Callen. Tho Onet with Sagphob.la are the ones we talk about ln a fM\lly newspaper I " ;, II l 1' I e Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Ttlur1day, Augu1t 19, 1982 prompt new law EURF.K.A (AP) Reacting to lh~ furor~~ by tht' kllllnai of two zoo bean. the City Council has passed an ordinance requiring approval and public notice before such action is repeated. The 6·0 vote means thut animals at the Sequoia Park Zoo. the only zoo on the California coast north of San Francisco, ca n 't be k i ll ed without approval of the new 200'adv1sory board. The vote was taken three months after acting Zoo Director Ben Adan ordered the deaths of bears Eric and Julie and sent their two cubs to an Oregon zoo. Widow eeks damages from Hoiles estate The widow of P airand.on of Frc.•cdom Ncw1patp<:r1 founder R.C Holll'I h"1I tiled a $62 million danuagt! suit In Orange County Superior Court aialnat the estate of former chalrm1rn CJarence Hollee, her father·ln-luw. The legal action was filed Tuesday on behalf of Patricia Hoile1, a Santa Ana resident, whose late husband w&B James lfollea. Her attorney said Mrs. Holles is seeking punitive and general damages because she claims that Clarence Hoiles, who died late last year, used his position as chairman and chief operating officer of Freedom Newspapers to benefit his own family and not watch out for Patricia Hoiles' interests as trustee of the trust fund lert to her by her late husband. Patricia Holl.,• ls the ~ntflciary of a t.rust et1uu... ll"fl to her by her husband whi<'h lncludee 68,000 sharu of Freedom Newspapers stock valued at $!0 mlWon. James H'oileR died In 1964. His wlll made Clarence HoiJes sole trustee of Patricia Hoiles' trust estate. Mrs. Hoiles filed a $62 million claim against Clarence Hoiles' estate following h is death In December 1981 However, the three co-executors of the etstate rejected that claim The law1u1t clalmti Cluence Holle1 excluded Mn. Hollea' trwt ettllte from various b1J.1inea ven tures offered to other Freedo111 Newspaper 11hareholdera. Additionally, the legal action claims that lnc.'Ome that should have been paid t.o Patricia Hoiles was diverted. Carrier due i.n West WASHINGTON (AP) -The nuclear powered aircraft carrier Carl Vinson, the Navy's newest, will be assigned to the Pac1fk and will be based at Alameda. Calif., next spring. it has been announced. Oceans en route to its new home port. Adan, who has s ince been reassigned. later explained that he took the action because it was too expensive to ship the adults to another 200 and there was no place to keep them loca!Jy while a $300,000 bear grotto was being built. "'~o BACK HOME -This English mastiff was returned home Freedom Newspapers Inc. publishes the Orange County Register and 28 o th er newspapers in 12 states. The Register is headquartered in Santa Ana. The Vinson, now completing a series of exercises after being commissioned in March, wall leave Norfolk, Va., and sail virtually around the world via the Atlantic, lndian and Pac1f1c According to the Navy, this will result in the st.ationing ,of two nuclear powered aircraft earners in both the Pacific and Atlantic. The nuclear powered guided missile cruiser, Texas, also will saal from Norfolk next spring bound for 1 ts new home port in San Die~o. after an ordeal in Lake Erie when he jumped off a cabin cruiser and floated for 14 hours before being rescued. Owners George Paschen and wife Patricia examine their pet. Report sought on slip rentals The Orange County Board of Supervisors has ordered a report within 90 days by the county counsel's office on procedures by which future slip rental increases would be evaluated. The move follows a 4.5 percent slip rental increase approved Wednesday by the board for boaters whose vessels are docked in the west basin at Dana Point Harbor. The rate increase -approyed by unanimous vote -will boost the average rental, based on a 35-foot boat, from $200 to $210 per month. TBW, a partnership operating the 957 slips in the west basin, sought a 10 percent increase in November. Not affected by the action are renters of the 1,462 slips in the adjacent Dana Point Marina. . The existing per-foot rate at the west basin ranges from $5 to $6.15. 'As a result of the board's action, the range wilJ climb to between $5.50 and $6. 75 per foot. Nicotine addicts, researchers say NEW YORK (AP) -Evidence is growing that the nicotine inhaled by cigarette smokers is physi- cally addicting. a panel of re5earchers said. "To say smoking is just a habit is not enough,'' said Lynn Kozlowski, a Canadian scientist who has studied nicotine addiction. Kozlowski is one of roughly a haH-dozen scientists who participated in a symposium on tobacco addiction. One reason why it has taken scientists so long to become convinced that nicotine is physically ad- dicting, K ozlowski said, is that the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal are subtle. "People have made the mistake of looking for large eHects," he said. "It's a small effect -it's hard to describe. People say they don't feel quite right." Bernard Ellis, a public health consultant who works to develop anti-smoking programs, said most , current anti-smoking efforts are aimed only at the p·sychological e ffects of smoking -not at the physical addiction. Some researchers, particularly M.A.H. Russell of the Addiction Research Unit at Maudsley Hos- pital in London, EngJand, have had success helping smokers quit by gjving the smokers chewing gum containing nicotine. Such a product is available in Switzerland, Sweden, England, Ireland and Canada. The U .S . Food and Drug Administration is now considering whether to allow use of the product in this country. ·~UFFELL'S Uf'HOLSTERY .,.,.I tw • S..e lt22 HAAIOa IUD. COSTA MISA -~41·1156- Pud Pohttul Adv 'ALLAN BEEK FOR CITY COUNCIL P••d lor by Alan Beek ll!Mb Sl>tn...,_ N. 8"ch SAVE ELECTRICITY 'fOWt a.oece cw,....._ WU lllATCM YOW. WOOO ~·UACT\.Y 8•• Our Complete Select Jon of Energy S.vlng Fluoreacent FlxturH 2·LITE 48" 1t11. SHS SALE 97 .50. 4-LITE 48" 1t11. sns SALE 127.50 ALLIED LIGHTING & ELETAIC 222Vlotorte,C ......... f~ .. _ ""'...,..... Nw-vl 646-3737 /646-8194"""'"".....,.,.,,. CIOMd Sun. & Mon. • ' • --· ---. - SAT. SUN., MON. 3DAYS ONLY OPEN 10AMT09PM MON-FRI 10AM-7PM SAT. & SUN. CELEBRATING OUR NEWEST STORE IN LAGUNA HILLS • • • Beautiful New SCHAFER & SONS lluuttful .... 8CHAFER a IONS 5'11" Beautiful New SCHAFER & SONS SPINET PIANOS GRAND PIANOS CONSOLE PIANOS Mediterranean Oak, French Provincial Pecan. Italian Ebony Hi Gloss, Mahogany Hi Gloss. Walnut Hi Gloss Walnut Italian Provincial, Oak French Provincial. Pe· Provincial Walnut ALL FOR ONLY . ~~-~; $1395°0 1 .-•,:.;.--"'' I THIS SALE ONLY lnclUdes FREE Bencl'I. FREE De· kvery. Lilehme Guarantee exclud· Sl•tlar to lll1Stratio" 1ng tuning NEW 52" Artist Pianos for the Moat Dis- cUPR iGHT PIANOS Handrubbed Hi Gloss Ebony, and Mahogany ALL FOR ONLY $2295°0 THIS SALE ONLY lnclUdes FREE Bench, FREE De· !Ivery. Lrtet1me Guarantee ea:clud· Sl111ila1 to Illustration. Ing tuning. Good USED Trad•lns GRAND PIANOS SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SALE ONLY FROM ALL FOR ONLY $3995°0 THIS SALE ONLY Includes FREE Bench. FREE De· hvery. Lifetime Guarantee exclud· 1ng turnng THE FANTASTIC ALL NEW GULBRANSEN u muSICompute< COMPUTER KEYBOARDS Good USED Trade-Ins PRACTICE PIANOS flOll AS SEEN ONTV $2495°0 MODEL 120 Includes FREE Bench and De· Uverv. Mew PLAYER PIANOS s2995oo $1495°0 $sgs 00 lncludM FREE o.ttv.ry. ln<!ludes FREE bench, FREE FREE Btnch 2 yr lull tr~ prtvtlege. MOST MAJOR BRANDS IN dellvef'y 2 yr. tun lrade-vp priY!lege. Includes FREE <leliVefy. FREE bench, and rolls. I yr. Guar111tM THE WORLD'S LARGEST PIANO & ORGAN SUPERMARTS LAGUNA HILLS LA MIRADA 5 FREEWAY BETWEEN ARTESIA , -:.~ FOR ONLY '-~~~:-• . can Mediterranean, ALL ; f __ --•-t . $1795°0 ' ff~, THISSALEONLY f ~ -. o ncludes FREE Bench, F~EE Oe-'J ~ . hvery, Lrlellme Guarantee exclud· Sl•lla1 to 1llust1atl R. 1nq turnng The Classic Professional RODGERS Si•ilar to Hl1Strat101 ORGANS 32 Pedals. The ultimate in Church or Home. $7595°0 THIS SALE ONLY Includes FREE Benett and Oe- hvery Good USED Trad•lne SPINET & CONSOLE ORGANS ~ --~ ~J r Siail¥ to llllStratio. FROM FREE Bench, ""EE o.ttv.ry, FREE group leNon9 In ato19. NEW PIANO ROLLS '250 EA. ALL STORES ON THE FREEWAYS EASY OFF RAMPS ••• TERMS On Approved _Credit SANTAANA SAN DIEGO FREEWAY BETWEEN LAKE FOREST ANDEL TORO RD. EXITS. SOUTH SIDE OF THE FREEWAY ANO VALLEY VIEW EXITS ON FIRESTONE IN LA MIRADA, NORTH OF FREEWAY NEWPORT FREEWAY EXIT DYER RD. IN SANTA ANA (114) 911-2424 (114) 8&1-1180 (114) 114-8011 · .. . . . llllJ Pllll lmsgine a $20 millio11 ' 0 I THUR80AY,AUO 19. 1982 video same. Thut's 0 11e I ~ STOCKS 85 way to think of the 0 movie 'TRON.' Pugt~ 87. ENTERTAINMENT 66~7 .... G#' ),\~ Blessed are Chants of peace the zoning rules PRAYERFUL .PROBLEMS & SUCH: Houses o f worship seem to be having some difficulties these days. Actually, the sanctuaries aren't having so many problems as the people who are trying to build them. St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach is one case in point. T he P resbyterians want a ne w sanctuary on th ei r s it e up by N ewport H arbor High School. This seems to be r-.\ one of those Protestant E::aiiiiii111o.~ d e n o mination s that TOM MURPHINf.~~' 1 believes the c h urch structure should be t all, sweeping toward the clouds as i( it's in communion with heaven . Certain neighbors. however, suggest this may be just too blamed tall. THUS IN AN EARTHLY hassle on height, city government in Newport Beach is trying to squeeze its way out from between the works of the Lord and the works of neighborhood zoning. Meanwhile, the city of Irvine has also failed to elude the clutches of neighborhood squabbles over sanctuary structures in that community. One reli.5tious denomination proposed a house or worship r ecently near a housing subdivision where complain ts were heard that the proposed structure wasn't compatible with the tr act. Old-fashioned people might find that complaint hard to figure, in that classic churches have been of arch itecture that included things like steeples and church bells and the like. These buildings hardly look like an R-1 development. Some people are really hard to satisfy. I mean, if you picked up Mission San Juan Capistrano and plunked it down in some neig hborhood locations, the homeowners' club would cry foul over the adobe finish. It may be OK here but don't try to make It fly in Irvine ... ANOTHE R COMPLAINT about the Irvine sanctuary discussed here was that blueprints included a guest house. Certain neighbors were h eard to complain that this would mean a lot of transients would be occupying the place and you wouldn't know who these characters were. Now I ask you, if you can't trust a church visitor, just whom can you trust? If they play the stereo loudly like the transients in my neighborhood, at least maybe it will be, "Nearer My God to Th ee" rather than acid rcx::k. Count your blessings. if you'll pardon the expression . In event it seems that sanctuary objections are limited to communities in our coastal area. disabuse yourself of the notion . Our inland neighbors up in F ullerton 1'ave just grappled with a similar problem; this one dealing with the Eastside Christian Church. Church expansion plans were rejected by the city's architectural review board. Are you ready for the reason? BECAUSE THE MODULAR structu.res proposed would be "incompatible with the existing architectural style of the area." Sound familiar? The turn -down was reversed by the Fullerton Planning Commission where one commissioner commented, "The building proposed is different. but that doesn't mean it's wrong or distasteful." · Well, at least in this case, apparently heaven won't have to wait. 'Stop madness and killing' By JODI CADENHEAD ofttw 01111, f'llol aa.tt Orum-beating Buddhist monks, women in gray business suits and fathers holding toddlers were among the 140 protesters Wednesday outside a con(erence on electronic nuclear warfare at the Newpor t.er. The protesters lined Jamboret- Boulevard in front oC the palm tree-studded h otel, carrying placards a nd American flags while white scarved monks c banted Japanese anti-war prayers. Tim Carpenter, organizer of the Alliance fqr Survival protest, said that the throng plans similar action Sept. 13 and 14 whe n Technology Transfer Society meets in Anaheim for another defense conference. Mamo ru K ato, a Japanese Buddhist monk now living in Boston. said he participated in an anti -nucle~r walk from New York to Los Angeles in June. "All religious people have to walk strongly against this," said Kato, taking a minute out from his chanting. "We have to stop the madness before we k ill ourselves." John Maitino, 25, a San Juan Capistrano high school t('acher, brought h is 14-month old son to the rally. "I think that the public has to raise a stink and let people know that the nuclear arms race is an issue and a problem." The assemblage included David Munro. 78, Laguna &>ach, who carried a "Veep 1''recze It" sign. ThE' white bearde d protester said he had bee n attending anti -nuclear demonstrations since 1961. .. l t's a little like Mount Everest," he said . "l did it because it was there." Judy Brady, 27, dressed in a gray busmeSB suit and carrying an American flag. said she gave up her lunch hour to attend the rally scheduled from 11:30 a.m. to l p.m. Apparentiy those attending the defense conference were not as willing to forego their eating time. The conference room was dark and deserted except for a man a nd woman s haring a lunch delivered by room service. "It's been cas'Ual for us," said Marti Evens, one of the organizers of the conference. "& there anyone out there?" Dally Piiot Photoa by Gary Arnbn>M SPIRITUAL STRENGTH -Buddhist monk from Los Angeles beat drum and chanted during rally. warfare conference at the Newporter Wednesday. Most delegates were out to lunch and didn't hear the commotion. . • 'Unrealistic' immigration hill upsets county growers By GLENN SCOTT 0( ... o.llr .......... Support.era of a sweeping new immigraUon bill claim it will be pamect t.h1a year by Congress, but local leaders involved with its agricultural aapecta are unlmpreaed with the legtalaUon. Growera say the bifi w on 't aolve their critical need for a stable worklon:e during h.arvet1t teuon, and a Catholic Church dignitary aays implementation isn't realilUc. The Senate ti!!:d the so- called Stmpeon-ll blll this Wftk on an 81-18 vote. California Senaton Alan Cnnston and S.I. Hayakawa both voted .,.inst IL The bill la expected to reach the House floor this fall where proponent.a da1m l t will pell. The 166-page bUl aeta an admiulon quota of 425,000 lmml1ranta per year, not cou.ntlna refugeea. There were 800,000 official immigrant.a in 1980, including 125,000 Cuban and Haitian refugees. Key element.a of the bill are sanctiona againat employers who knowingly hire illegal alien1. They could receive fines up to $2,000 and repeaters could be slapped with aix-month jail terma. Employera of four or more. worken would be required to check for identification, and the bUJ w ould create a system to reliably prove ldenUty, auch u through national identity card.a and a computerized data bank. Amneaty would be given to ~t re91denta who lived ln the U.S . illegally before 1977. Thoae livina here alnce 1980 would receive temporary legal residence that presumably could be continued. Undocumented aliena who have arrived since 1980 would --~-------~ retain their illegal status and would remain s ubject t o deportation. Father Allan Deck, director of Hispanic ministry for the Diocese of Orange, said Wednesday he opp oaes a ll aspects o f the legialaUon except the amnesty claWle, whJch he noted was made more r estrictive befor e the Senate palled the bill. Employer sanctions are suspect , h e added. because of difficulty enforcing them evenly a nd becau se unscrupulou s employers could use them as we a p o ns to fright en undocumented workera. Said Deck: ••we have all kindt of l e gislation r e1ardlng e mployment practfcea and condltJona ln the workplace that are not enforced now." The authon of the blll lnltlally had propo9ed amnesty for thoee who have lived in the U.S . since 1980 and temporary legal s tatus up to 1982, Deck said . He estimated that of about 100 ,000 undocumented immigrants in Orange County, 50 to 60 percent could receive legal status under the Senate'• version of the bill. But he said many Mexicans are leery of federal immigration practioes and might not "come forth." A pro m i nent agricultural organbatlon, the rrvlne-baaed Weatern Growers Association, also la not pleued with the bill. "Our aasoclatlon ls a little diaappointcd about certain inclualons ln the bill's cu rrent state.'' aaid general CC>Un8el Pat Rynn ••And we're dismayed about the failure of Hayakawa'• amendment to pus." That amendment would have required U.S. Border Patrol agents to obtain search warrants before entering fields searching for undocumented workers. M s . R ynn said growers' foremost concern is to have a workforce in the fields during harvest. S he noted that this spring'• strawberry harvest wu eerioualy disrupted when Border Patrol agenta conducted large "sweeps" through Irvine ~ields. She aaid t h e e mployer san ction s (all to t ake i nto consideration the "agricultural realltlea growers face" In harv es t i ng p e rishable commodities. She aaid the aaaociatJon had hoped for a uatreamllned" guest worker ~ omltt.Jns grower reaponalbilltles to ho use and transport workera. An ald e to Conareuman Robert Badham, R-Ne wpo rt Beach, said Wednesday Badham agrees that changes are needed in , immigration laws but is ' con cerned about e mployer · sanctions. Badham also favors a guest worker program to ensure that growers have sufficient workers to h arvest cr ops. said Aide Argyle Nelson. Deck said the U.S. Catholic . Confere nce has opposed guest : worker programs because they • often don't afford the same ; working conditions as when : laborers are free to organise. : He noted that leader s for: growen and workera in Orange: County have similar distJSte for the bill. but for different reasons. "T h e p olitics o f th e ! I mm igrat ion iaa ue h aa alw•ys fuclnated nw,'' he said. j "and I've never been able to• figure it out." .. I Orang• OoHt DAIL v PILOT /Thur1day, Augu1t ta. 1882 Diocese eyes • aging concerns A confere~ on a1lns l111ehcdulcd next month b~ the C h ris tian S arv ke Age ncy, a Cat holic Ci unity agency ol the Diocese of Oran,c:. Theme of the conference. 1eheduled Sept. 2tS ut arywood Center in Orange. la wellneu and aging. ~:·. Toplca Include. diet, e xercise, aplritual well-n.Jng. alrt!U management, determlnlng wellness. blo-ethlcs and medla-vtewlng. A fee of $10 Includes lunch if paid by Sept. 13. For more information, call the Christian Service Agency, M2-6729. f.. Seve ral Oran g e Coast r esidents a re ticipating. Cecelia Dunn, S t. Elizabeth Ann ton parish, Irvine, and J ean Curran, St . .C1ttherine of S iena parish, L aguna Beach, are ~rdinators of the registration committee. • Serving on the program committee is Joan Abrams, St. Simon and Jude parish. Huntington Beach. Campsites filling fast for holiday SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state said that F. most 90 percent of Its reservable state park amps.it.es are taken for Labor Day, and part of a rk at Lake Tahoe is being closed for flea control ork. All reservations have been filled for the Sept. ~6 weekend in the south and central coast state rk units, the central coast redwood state parks, nd CalaverJis Big Trees State Park. They are arly filled in the parks in the southern inland gion and La1'e Tahoe Area. ~ But the ~partment of Parks and Recreation aid s pace is s tall available in many parks of orthern California and other areas. ln the Lake Tahoe area, the department was osing D.L. Bliss State Park because a dead ground ~uirrel was found to have had the plague. Four hers are being tested for the plague. The flea- ntrol work w as being started for campsites l hrough 90, w ith campsites 91 thro ugh 168 maining open. The work was to take about 10 ays. · F1ea abatement work was being completed at lhe nearby Sugar Pine P o int State P a rk ampgrounds, which were closed Aug. 10 because of !ague-infested rodents. The campgrounds were ing reopened today. 11 ... s." ... , r· • .,,.u J,I 11/u. (.\0 ~-St•l<S!-s Moll Exo1//1nt Ory Cl1anin1 Fini b1111tlry • • • 3 Loatl1 112 FrH l'iri·•P I 01/ir.ry #anti Fi11i1h S•m• D•1 S1nio1 STARTS SAT thru SUN AUG 29 •CONNI• HAINES • SPECIAL EllTfRTAlllMEllT •le •-....._, ... I t ... Delly 111 THE FAMILY CIRCLE THEATER • Motwy S.vl~ Show $pedal• • ll'terior Room Ollf>l•Y• •Manufactured Hou.mg ADMISSION SHOW HOUU Adulls .... so Monday· Thursday 2Ptl to 10Ptl Chtldren16 16vt\ 1 S2.90 Frtday 2~ to 1tN Ch1k1ren '""""'hr' t Free Saturday 12Noon l o 1tPM Se" C.11zel's It Off Motl • F 11 Sunday 12 Noon to 9Pfto1 ~ Come Eany Stav Late AIR CONDITIONED ~ EIM FO" INFO CALL CON V •NT ION C •NTS,. f714) .... a900 800 W Kalella Across lrom 0.sneylancl COME, ON JN! SAVE TO OUR SUPER SUMMER "CLEAN-UP" SALE SOAK UP THE SAVINGS! 25%-50%-75% ON SALE ITEMS FROM EVERY DEPARTMENT SALE STARTS FRIDAY AUGUST 20th 9 :30 a.m. -5:30 p.m. COME EARL YI_ All Sales Final 3467 Via lido 673-4570 GOLDEN CELEBRATION -The 50th w edd ing annive rs ary of r e tire d Sears executive William Robb and his wife Louise was fe t e d by their three sons William, Kenne th and Ronald, eight grandchildren and frie nd s. The ho nor e es, who have lived in Laguna Beach for 20 years, enjoy ham radio, gold and ga rdening . THI lllllElllT Riii Zarb -Cousin -L e wis The engaaem •nL of Victoria Joanne Zarb- Couain and Mk hael Spene:.·~" Lewi., RcJn of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Lewla of Huntington Beach, hu been announced by her parents, Mr . and Mrs. Victor Zarb-C.Oua!n of Costa Mesa. The affianced pair have set March 12 as their wedding date in Costa Mesa. Co11 way -Jones University of Southern Califomaa graduates Merrina Elizabeth Conway a nd James Bolton Jones have reserved Our Lady Queen of Angels Church In Ne wport Beach for their Nov. 13 wedding. The bnde-to-be ls the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam F . Conway who a nnounced the engagement during a party at their Corona del Mar home . Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Jones of Newport Beach are pare nts of the . future bridegroom. Miss Conway a nd he r fiance a!so were classmates at Corona del Mar High School. Victoria· Zarb-Cousm , M ichael Lewis .... FRINGE . BENEFIT• FINE f ABRICS ,NOTIONS, PATTERNS ETC. ETC. ETC. •NEWPORT BEACH c .. h reglater, p•llmm c•bln•I•, cutting l•l>ln , c.blneta, notion r•ch , febrlc dlapl•y ahefving, a tock room shelves, MW- Ing m1chln .. , l•bl•• A ch1lr1, file c•bineta. ONE OF A KIND ANTIQUE TABLES, CHAIRS, TRUNKS, BUTCHER BLOCK BREAKFRONTS, DRESSER, DRAWERS, WASH TUB, SEWI NG MACHINE PEDAt TABLE. TN1 9fH I 1tore•wlde QUITTING BUSINESS SALE ho )ult Of\e u"'elenllng purpoae .•. Nemely the tol•I end complete LIQUIDATION of the entire stock •I'd 1tore fix· tu,... .. Jn the 1hor1HI po11lbl• llme .. uUef1y regudle11 of coal Of' eny loss lh•t m•y be In· curf9dlll Time 11 ahof1 .• the Hwfng1 ere l•bulou1 .. ll you •11 I" lhe m•rht lor lll'e l•br1c1, nollon1 or pettem1 .NOW IS THE TIME •.. THIS IS THE PLACE Ill ENTIRE STOCK SEWING THE onoEns ARE ... SEll OUT ENTIRE STOCK REGARDLESS OF LOSS STORE HOURS MOMOAHRIOAT IO:OO 0IM 1:00 SAT. 10:00.~:>0 EVERYTHING GOESlll We ,,. Hlllng out to the bue w•lla ... el coat ... ,. .. , coat...~low coet •.. mekH no dllltr•"c• ..• lor we rullze thel ••h•m• low price Is the only thll'g lh•t wlll en•ble u1 to SELL OUT AND GET OUT •.. FASTI !! Note some ol 1he lan1Hllc berveln1 llated below ... lhtre ere m•ny more lhtl •P•C• wlll not permit ua lo list! First come .. .11111 Hnted ••. end wh•" Ila gOf\e ... lla gone tor good! SMALL•BIG IN BETWEEN NOTIONS PLAIDS FINE QUALITY FABRICS ENTIRE STOCK OF FAMOUS Mill BRANDS. '..ARGE SELECTION OF SOLIDS AND PRINTS IN YEAR ·ROUND AND FALL COLORS IN MACHINE WASH ABLE AND PERMANENT PRESS FABRICS OF COTION Th{!~~: ~;~~:',!~~.a~,'~~n~~cB~~s c H E c KS Elas11c. Buckles. Belting. Pins 'n Needles and Ribbon 30°/o OFF REGULAR PRICES 50% Cotton·50% Polyester Over 15 Colors to Choose Use for Dresses Sportswear, Shirts And Much More• Regular S2.99 Yard BUTTONS Sale 51 .88,o. .. JHB .. huge stock. buttons for any sewing need, just about every color Imaginable, carded OUR ENTIRE STOCK RICKRACK& SEAM BINDINGS POL VESTER, BLENDS SAYINGS ON All YOUR SEWING FABRICS, PATTERNS & NOTIONS UP TO 50°/o OFF COTTONS ROBBINS• V.l.P. •ELY WALKER• SPRINGMAID Huge so1ec11on includes sOl•dS s111pes cehcoes plaids pallP•ns dots nove111e~ etc tOO''• co110"~ cot10f\ ble,.ds e1c llUOHL AJIO fAll COlOtlS SOLID COLOR BROADCLOTH 50% Cotton-50°·0 Polyester 45·· W1dth·Mach1ne Wa~h Colors Galore Regular S2. 70 Yard Sale Sl .88 hrd 2644 SAN MIGUEL DR. Comer of Ford Rd. IN THE .. NEWPORT HILLS" CENTER SEE MAP BELOW AUGUST 19 AT 10 A.M. SIMPLICITY McCALL'S VOGUE BUTTERICK PATTERNS D1lss. Sportsv.aw, ~ ~·s ~. Qafts, Hore ~ 50°/o OFF RBllAR PRICf.s SEWING BOOKS How 10 s ' tor most all types and kinds ol sewing plus special proiects, eac ENTIRE STOCK 30°/o OFF LACES-TRIM & FRINGE WRIGHTS bias lape, seam and blanket bindings, hem facings, twill tapes. lace. etc big stock. all colors IUG. 31' ule price. 21e .... Q .11 TD IAU rtllCl MS.Sl."TD. U ll N iel 111.G. M.11 TD. Ulll'RICl 52·38 '0· .... _B_l_G_S_E_LE_C_T_IO_N_ .... s2.&&,o. HI-FASHION OFF 1oo·s upon 100's from which to choose A vast array or colors. styles, types fo1 any sewing need OUR ENTIRE STOCK UP · To 50°/oOFF ZIPPERS Talon IUG. 75' ule prlc•. 53e fll(C. 11 .2t sele price .....• 71Je THREAD J & P COATS dual duty plus a big stock for all types of sewing butlon and carpet threads, extra fine. QUiii, etc Most all colors Sl.1'B TO PRINTS QUILTS FROM TOP QUALI TY MILLS AT CLOSE OUT DISCOUNTS Retuter Sl.21-".71 yerd SALE-PRICE Checlis, soHds, Pfll'll pf11d, pell•"''· Chrlatmas Qutlts double stded. etc Baby quilts 11cke1 Qutll ~ k1IChen prints, etc 3 g1oups =:i~~~o. 52.88.,0. S 1.88•3.48,o •0.11.•YD. $3 88 BASIC IAU f'tllCI . • TD. .46C ... :i:i_·1.:.ca_'0 ·. __ s4.-88 .... o. DOMESTIC RlG IS' H ie price. "10· 11 ·10 u 1• price ..... 77C POLYESTER PRINTS YARDAGE Big stock includes po1yes1er. metal, .. ______ ll!!!!l!IJllll .... lnv1slble, eic All sizes, , 4 11 c 6 010Crs. RIBBON Deluxe colors, s1yles. big groups or prlnl s. many colors Muslins, batiste, all the d1y to day ltlG. ISc ule prlc• Rl G $3.39 YO . basic fabrics at big savings' 1tio. toe .. ,. prlc• 63C ALL COLORS IN STOCK SALE PRICE ALL REDUCED RR~11.a .... ~ ... 88e 30°/o OFF 2.38Yo. 25°/o ENTIRE STOCK SACRIFICED • AT COST! NEAR COST! BELOW COST! FRINGE BENEFIT :~ .. l.~~~~·::c~oT10Ns;-PiTTERNs 2644 SAN MIGUEL OR.-Corner of Ford Rd. NEWPORT BEACH LOCATEDHintl "NIWPORT :.~~=-NEXT TO ULPMI OR MORE REMNANTS 50°/o OFF ORIGINAL f H RIC RETAIL CHRISTMAS _ PRINT FABRICS LARGE SELECTION NOW 1/2PRICE ...... r I I I THROUGH THE KEYHOLE -Visitors to Jim Sieg's display at the Festival of Arts can get a 'keyhole--V'iew of a varity of ~tartling ... . .. . D .. ty Not Photo 111 Steff Mftc:IMI color photographs, like this Chinese actor garbed in 17th century gear. Wheeee, the peephole Photographer declares eYer yon e wants to look in k eyholes By STEVE MITCHELL Of'"h D9ly '9ot ..... The bottom line, says Laguna Beach photographer Jim Sieg, is that everybody is a voyeur at heart. Well, almoet everybody. "People want to look through keyholes," the photographer says. "They want to see the forbidden." Thus, "La Peep A Doora," Sieg's colorful keyhole art, is on exhibit through Aug. 29 at the Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach. His display is composed of two colo rful enamel - pa i nted doors, equipped with eyeball -high peepholes and keyholes under the crystal door knobs. Festival-goers often line three deep to catch a glimpee of what is behind the multicolored 7-foot doors. What greets the eye are backlit color slides, d epicting a JIM SIEG variety of rather unnerving images. Like the stem face of a Chinese actor garbed in 17th century headdress and makeup. Or a pair of alluring eyes staring back at the viewer. "That one gets a shriek out of some of them," Sieg said, laughing. Now, you'd figure a photographer, 43, with a wife and four daughters to feed might come up with a better way of displaying his colorful work. Oh, he has a bin full of his more traditional photographs for sale. Not that you can't walk away with "La Peep A Doora." , For $1,775, you get the whole shooting match -doors, keyholes, peepholes and 100 color slides so you can change the environment behind the mystery enclosure. But selling the exhibit is not Sieg's primary concern. "This is a view participatory piece more than anything," the photographe r/artist explains. "Things are so damned serious these days. I wanted some humor in art -something in which the visitors actively participate." And participate they do. "The reaction is always strong," Sieg says. "There's certainly no indifference." Most visitors step right up to sneak a peek. A few shy tlway. "Some people are so timid they won't come up and look," he says. But for him the comments from bold voyeurs makes the whole project worthwhile. If they stop by the bin and buy an 11 by 14 color photograph, so much the better. And if no one buys "La Peep a Doora?" "Maybe I'll put an addition on my house to incorporate the doors," Sieg said. Then he'll have his own home peep-show. from our b:Jy.s' ckz.pt. polo brushzd £1.hitland a h~t<z.r wu~t, .!bit.land crew thats brueha.d ibr oof'tn(l..56 prcbobly lhrL Tll05t c.cmfbr~bla. SIMUrt4r hz. n \W.Or e1~ltum ~t colors to chcoeq, <mm. @)~o@@)~~ 44 Fa•hion 11/and ·Newport &och • 714/644 ·5070 1001 We•twood Bluel.· ~atwood VIiiage • 213/208-3273 .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Thuraday, Augu1t 10, 1882 -MERVYN'S ' starts Friday, 9:30 a.m. , . many limited quantities ... not all sizes may be available t in each grouping ... colors and styles limited to stock on hand, so shop early for best selection! • 1n our Huntington Beach store women's sportswear buys for boys 33 JUNIOR JOG SHORTS 69 JUNIOR TEE SHIRTS 64 JUNIOR PANT TOPS 173 JUNIOR SUN TOPS 102 SHORT SETS 117 JUNIOR SUN TOPS 52 MISSES' SKIRTS 55JUNIOR PANT TOPS 21 LARGE SIZE TOPS 141 JUNIOR CO-ORDtNATES 31 MISSES' BLOUSES 127 JUNIOR PANTS NOW ....... 98c 1.98 3.98 3.98 4.98 4.98 6.98 34 LARGE SIZE BENDOVER" PANTS 99 MISSES' ONE-PIECE SWIMWEAR 111 JUNIOR TWO-PIECE SWIMWEAR 49 MISSES' BENDOVER"' SKIRTS .. 139 MISSES' BENDOVERk PANTS . .. 6.98 . 6.98 6.98 . 6.98 6.98 . 6.98 6.98 6.98 .. 9.98 9.98 11 .98 11 .98 32 JUNIOR TWO PIECE SWIMWEAR 49 CASUAL JACKETS women's dresses NOW 29PETTICOATS ... . . . . 5.98 71 MATERNITY SWIMWEAR 9.98 65 JUNIOR DRESSES . . . ~ 14.98 89 MISSES' DRESSES . . . . . . . . . . 19.98 lingerie, loungewear NOW 49 TANK TOPS . 1.98 27 SLEEP TEES . ... 2.98 41 LOUNGERS . . 3.98 25 LONG GOWNS 5.98 89 SHORT LOUNGERS 6.98 49 LONG LOUNGERS 6 .98 15 LOUNGEWEAR 6.98 53 UNDERWIRE BRAS 6 .98 31 LOUNGEWEAR 9 .98 31LONGLOUNGERS . . 10.98 women's accessories 179 CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS 358ELTS 47WOMEN'S PANTYHOSE 51 TATAMIS .... 42DANCETRUNKS 67 POPSICLESR . 53 SOLID TANK LEOTARDS 157TEESHIRTS 31 DANSKINSWIMSUITS 44 TRAVEL BAGS 16 LEATHER HANDBAGS infants and toddlers 41 TODDLER BOY SWIMTRUNKS 75 TODDLER SANDALS . . 45 S/SLV. TODDLER TOPS 37 TODDLER TOPS 51 TODDLERSHORTALLS 45TODDLERSHORTSETS 231NFANTSUNSUITS . buys for girls NOW 28c 48c 48c 1.98 1.98 1.98 2.98 3.48 5.98 4.98 19.98 NOW 48c 98c 98c 1.48 1.48 1.98 2.98 NOW 11301RLS'TUBETOPS . 98c 19UTTLEGIRLS'WRt\PSHORTS 1.98 145LITTLEGIRLS'ROMPERS ..... 1.98 43 LITTLE GIRLS' SUMMER TOPS . 1.98 79 BIO GIRLS' SHORTSETS. . . . . . . . 1.98 45 BIG GIRLS' SUMMER TOPS. . . . . 1.98 398IOGIRLS'WRAPSHORTS .... 1.98 14181GOIRLS'AOMPERS ....... . 2.41 111 BIGGIRLS'TEEIHIRTS..... 2.98 75 BIO GIRLS' CASUAL PANTS . . . . , . . . 3.98 23 LITTLE OIRL.8' JUMPSUITS. • , . 4.98 45 LITTLE GIRLS' OVERALLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.98 75 BIQ GIRLS' OVERAi.LS ......... , ....... 8.M' 49 FAM,008 MAKER BIG GIRL PANTS . • . . 8.98 buys for boys NOW 71 BIQ IOY8' SOCKS .. . .. . . ........... tee 25' ING IOYS' TU SHIRTS . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . Mc 12 IMQ IOYI' PAJAMAS ... .' ..... '. . • .. .•..• 98C 35 8A818AU. TIE IHIRT9 ................ 1.11 21LITTLE80Y8' CAMP SHOATS ........... 1.M 34 LITTLE BOYS' TANK TOPS 59 BIG BOYS' CREW NECK SHIRTS 62 BIG BOYS' SHIRTS 23 FAMOUS MAKER TANK TOPS 67 BIG BOYS' SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS 29 BIG BOYS' SWIMWEAR 91 SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS . 79 BIG BOYS' PANTS . . . . 24 FAMOUS MAKERS SHORTS NOW 1.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 3.98 3.98 5.98 5.98 6.98 buys for men 23 SUNGLASSES 51 SILK HANKIES 43 FAMOUS MAKER SUIT VESTS 49 HALF SHIRTS . 179TANKTOPS. . 25 LEATHER BEL TS • 19 V-NECK SWEATSHIRTS 87 ATHLETIC SPORTSHIRTS 51 JERSEYS . . . 41 FAMOUSMAKERTEES 49 STRIPED TIES . . 98 POL YE STER TERRY SHIRTS 99 NYLON JOGGING SHORTS . 133 SCREEN PRINT COLLARED SHIRTS 151 NYLON WINDBREAKERS 53 L. SLY. PLAIDSHIRTS 39 HIKING SHIRTS 33 POL VESTER TERRY VELOUR TOPS 23 S. SLY. POCKETED SHIRTS . . . 95 FAMOUS MAKER SUIT SLACKS 27 GENTLEMEN DENIM JEANS . . 33 YOUNGMENS COLLARED SHIRTS NOW 48c 48c 1.98 1.98 1.98 ~ 2.98 - 2.98 , 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 4.98 • 4.98 5.98 5.98 7.98 7.98 7.98 7.98 • 9.98 9 .98 9 .98 shoes for the family NOW 17 CHILDREN'S TENNIS SHOES 2.98 5 MENS SLIPPERS 3.98 39 GIRLS SANDALS. . . 4 .98 13 WOMEN'S US SPORTS SHOES 4 .98 29 BOYS SUEDE SHOES . . . 5 .98 15 CHILDREN'S WESTERN BOOTS 5 .98 30 HIGH TOP COURT SHOES 7.98 20 NIKE YOUTH COURT SHOES 7 .98 10NIKECOURTSHOESFORMEN 7.98 20CANDIES~ DRESS SANDALS 9.98 30 MUSHROOM" SHOES 10.98 32 BARE TRAPS" SHOES 15.98 15LEATHERHIGHTOPSHOES 15.98 21 SBICCAll CASUAL SHOES 17 .98 19 SBICCA11 SANDALS 18.98 yardage and notions NOW 763 PRE-CUT RUG YARN . 8c 129 VOS. POLY /COTTON T-SHIRT KNIT 98c 69 YDS. POLY/RA YON BROADCLOTH 98c 87 VOS. POLY/COTTON SHEER PAINT'S 98c 73 YDS. COTTON TROPICAL PRINTS 1.88 81 CRAFT PATTERNS 2.28 253 VOS. POLY /COTTON EYELET PRINT 3.48 for your home Now 81 STANDARD PILLOWCASES.. • . 2.98 47 FULL SlZE SHEETS . . . . . . . 3.98 44 STANDARD PILLOW CASES 3.98 31 KITCHEN CURTAINS . . . . 3.98 51 ACRYLIC SALT AND PEPPER . 3.98 47 APRONS . . . . . . . . . . . 4.98 31 TWIN SIZE SHEETS . . 4.98 23 KING SIZE PILLOW CASES . . . .•..•..... 4.91 17 BLANKETS . . . .. . . . . . 5.18 SOFTSEATTOTEBAGS ................ 5.98 148KINOSIZESt1EETS . .. . . . . . . . . . 7.98 12MASHSHEETSETS .... 9.98 58 DRAPES . . . . . . . . . . .........•....... 9.98 4tVASES ........ . . . . . . .. . . . . • . 2.98 19SHOWERCURTAINS . • 2.98 21 TOSS PILLOWS . . . . . . • . ...... , . 2.98 jewelry buys 104 OOLO-TONE NECKLACES. . . • • • . .. 107 PtN8 AND STICKPINS. . . . . .... 32 DIAMOND EARRINO&-PENDANT9 NOW .98c .Ne 3.11 toys, toys, toys NOW 21 SQUIRT OUNI . • . . . . . . . . , ...... , ...... 5lc 120AME9 • . . . ...........•...•..... , . . . Mc ,., Huntington Beach • 9811 Adams Ave . at. Brookhurst St. • 963-9731 ·------ Otange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, Augu1t 10, 1082 c11m1 Slll«on Sy1tc•m11 1pedalla. In lhe d lgn 1.md produc:uon uf <.-u.tom ln~~rated cil"l'uJta Sumlcom, Inc. hat bt •n t .. wbllaht'tl ln TuaUn H a aubeldlary l)f S umitomo Corp l o murkt•t rrucrocomput~r ayawnu Mnd "•lult'tl pttrtph1..•rMlll. Andrew Renner A11octatet of Nttwpun .Bc:·ite'h hu l.x-rn M'lt't'k'(f hy Paclfk N•tlooal ft•ok w nandJe publlt• rt'll.lllUlllJI for ltll' lll>t llH>lllh uld lnNlJ lullun Sumitomo Corp I• fl $43 billion J apant'Ht' tr&Olll!i l'Ompany. L. David ller1Hreder, ul N1.•wpurt li4•11d1, hu.11 been appointed audit prltwtpul of Deool1 Klarin, Named pre11ldcnl ot the American 11ullflidlary at 17862 E. 17th St , waa Ken UcbtbHbl, m"nuger o f Sumitomo Corp.'i eleclronlca ~xpnrt Nect lon in T okyo. Accouotan&1. In c . Nl·wport &ad1 I It· wu uucJU munnger of Arthur Young & Compuny, un mternauunaJ CPA flnn. San/ Har Corporatton o( lrvlne and Pleney Rudio Systems of England huve Slf!lled an agreement under wnk h San/Bar will modify 1ts digital Admlol1tr1tlve Buwloeu Services, o wned by Ca thy Morrl1, has opened un office al 2152 MkhelliOn Dr. In Irvine. microwave radio system t o meel Plessey'~ requirements and European standards. Construction on four Spires Restaurants mvolving expenditures of more than $2 3 rrullion for buildings and equipment w as announced by tht' Buena Park·based famHy r estaurant chain, At lealll rive Californl{a Hl"O•NHOI" b a 8 e d b a n k II ' l h l' 8 a D k 0 ' America, Lloydt Bank Callrornla, Callforola First Baok, The Bank of Caltforola and First Interstate Bank, cut thc1r prime rau-Wednesday to 14 percent. Locations of the restaurants, aU of whc1ch are expected to be in operation this year, are Anaheim. M onrovia. Sa~ Fe Springs and Richardson, Texas The board uf d1rc·t·tors of C ushman E lec w onlcs, Inc . of Newport Bcach declared quarterly dividend of three coents per share ~yable Oct 1 w shareholders o f rec:ord Sept 14 The architectural design firm of DeRevere. Wise, Garakian & Associates took top honors for design of El Camino Bank's East Anaheim branch office. The annual awards are sponsored by the Conference and Builder magazine. E l Camino Bank announced that it has become a wholly owned subsidiary of El Camino Bancorp, "a newly organized bank holding company . F1Vt! holiday w eek ends, hosted by The Body Designers Workshop of Corona del Mar, are scheduled al the Marriott Hotel and TenntS Club m Newport Beach Oct 1-3 and Nov 12-14, the Registry Hotel m lrvine Oct. 15-17. and The Newport.er m Newport Beach -Nov. 5-7 and Nov 19-2 l. For in formation. call 861-1608. Shareholders o f El Camino Bank approved the reorganization a t their annuaJ meeting. The San/Bar Corp. of Irvine has reported its Break·Free d1v1sion received an order from the U .S. Military Defense Logistics Command for approximately $500,000 of "Break -Free CLP." Silicon Systems Inc., Tustin. has opened a $1 5 San/Bar 1s a sui;>plier of electronic equipment million wa£er fabrication facility and added 50 and components. microwave radio system s, and employees. service to the telecommunications industr y. The Until now the <'Ompany d esigned and Break-Free division produces "Break -Free CLP," a manufactured custom integrated circuits but had multi-purpose ,·leaner. lubricant and protective the wafers proces...e<l by outside manufacturers. agent. \ B of A loses ju.dgment $101 million mus t b e paid in mortgage case SAN FRANCISCX> (AP) -Bank of America must pay $101 million to thousands of its mortgage customers whose pre-paid reaJ estate taxes were converted to the bank's own use, a judg.e has ruled. The order by San Franci sco Superior Judge John Dearman finalized a tentative judgment handed down in February. At issue in the 10-year -old class- action l awsuit was the bank's handling of impound trust funds - real estate taxes that are pre-paid . monthly along with m o rtgage installments. Banks hold those funds and once a year pay the taxes for their customers. Richard D . Wilson, a San Francisc.'O accountant. Ciled suit in March 1972, claiming the bank was misusing the trust funds and contending they should be handled without profit to the bank. Wilson and customers with similar complaints w ere declared a class in 1978. The judgment involved 170,000 mortgage customers who borrowed money before March 1972 and paid tale-impounds between 1968 and 1975. About 50,000 of those still are bank customers, and the ruling included an injunction barring the bank from making a profit on the impounds still being paid by those class members. The award consists of $47,204,815 in damages. which represents 7 percent compounded interest on the class' funds. plus $54 m illion in puniuve damages. The judge also awarded $3.5 million in attorneys' fees. "This certamlv is an indication that the courts won't tolerate banks misusing cu stomers' money," said Lynn S. Carman, a lawyer for the plaintiffs. ":4'We want the funds to be handled without profit lo the bank and the bank not to use it without paying interest . Al the ver y least, the customers ought to get 90.day certificat e of deposit rat es o n impounds," he added. Bank of America plans lo appeal the judgment. "W e don't feel we had any obligation to pay interest before the law began requiring such payments" in January 1977, said spokesman Ronald Owens. The punitive damages w e re "particularly unfair .. because the state Legislature did not require payments in the years covered by the suit and no other lenders were paying inter est during that time. he added Interest ra.te ceiling extension bill passes SACRAMENTO (AP) -With one legislator saying high interest rates are better for con sumers than "artificial low rates," the Assembly has given final approval to a bill that would maintain a l9.2 percent ceiling for interest ch arged on r etail installment sales. The bill, AB2671 by Assemblyman Bruce Young, 0-Cerritos, w as sent to the governor by a 60-3 vote. The Legislature a few years ago raised the maximum interest that stores can charge when thev !'IPll people hffii~N11 r .. an<f oth"er goods on people tu.nu u~·····-·" 11m1t of 19.2 percent is scheduled to expire Oct. 1. The bill would extend the ceiling to Jan. l, 1984. Young said the extension was needed because <..'Onsumer groups and retailers have been unable to agree on a new biU to limit iRterest rates. M eanwhile, a related bill. AB3668 by Assemblyman W aJter lngaJls, D- Riverside, was sent to a six-legislator conference commillee, where ll could be changed to include interest rate limits. Assemblywoman Maxme Waters, D-Los Angeles. objeeted to keeping the high ceiling "at a time when the economy is hurtmg." saymg il would keep poor people from buying things they need. But Assemblyman Richard Katz. D -Sepulveda, said small businesses have to borrow m oney at high rates from banks and if they can't charge a high enough rate to custom ers. they won't be able to extend credit. Get a READY EQUITY- Credit Line and write a check for up to •100,000. You can initiate a loan for up to $100,000 simply by writing a check 1f you have a Ready Equity credit Hne Use the equity in your home to establish the credit hne, and then you don't have to worry about approvals or processing when you need the monev Write a check and you have lnst~nt cash. CALL (714) 644~1634 QUITS Jim Rountree h as quit his job as C u shman & Wakefi eld senior vice president in ch arge o f ope rations in three counties. Rountree quits brokerage Jim R ountree o f N e wport B ea c h , Cushman & Wakefield senior vice president and managing partner of the firm's Prange County Riv e rside and San Bernardino operations. resigned and announced hls retirement from the brok erage industry . Immediate plans include the "examination of investment. development and jomt venture opportun i ties as well as superv1Sion of my portfolio of investment properties." H e was founder and president of Industrial Brokers. which was acquired by Cushman & Wakefield in 1980. Rountree is a veteran of two Boston Marathons and a former member of the U .S. Masters track and field team. H e and his wife plan a r o und-the -world trip beginning with three months in Australia f o llowed by several m onths in Italy, Spain and the French Rivier a. Exports record SACRAMENTO (AP) -California exported a record $4.2 billion worth of agricultural products In 1981, the Department of Food and Agriculture reported. The report said the exported c rops were grown on 2.9 million acrea. Last year, Callfornla exported $4 billion worth of agricultural products, a aharp lncreaao from the $2.8 billion worth in 1979, said Ray Borton, acnlor agricultural cconomi8t. Thel"f' were incr~ues bf-tween 1980 and 1981 ln the exporta of wheat. oranJ{ea. walnuts, prunes and grapeti. LAST TWO -Groundbr{'aking has taken place for the final phase o f Koll Centt:r Newport. T h e project will include 10 and ti-story g lass towers, link~ by a <.'Olonade. Koll enters final phase A ground breaking launched the.· final phase at K oll Center Newport, a pro.iect of The KoU C ompany i n partn ership with Aetna Life Insurance Company 1983. Syd Buck 1s the proje<'l's development manager Koll Center Newport 1s the h e a ti q u a r t 1.• r s o f S m 1 l h lnternauonal. Grubb & Ellis. Burlington Northern Air Freight, Monex and Microdata. Banking institutions int'lude Wells Fargo, Lloyds, Se<.·un ty Pac1f1c and City Nauonal. Exclusive leasing agents for Koll Center N ewport ar e J . Harold Street, Mike McCullough and Mich ael Dorsey of the Newport Beach office of G rubb & Ellis Co.· Development of the 125-acre complex has spanned 10 years and will tot.al mor e than a million square feel of office space.· on co mpl etion of a 308,400-square-foot building at 5000 Birch St. P eso devaluation s tudied Arc hitects Langdon & Wilson <lesigned 10-and ti-story reflective glass towers, linkc.-d by a two-story colonade, curved to contour a c.-entral plar.a SA N DIEGO (AP ) -A congrt•s.<>ional task force has been form<.-d by Rt!p. Duncan Hunter, R-Callf . t.o study U.S. economic problems caused by devaluauon of the M exican peso. I n recent days, its value has fallen as low os 90 pesos to the U .S. dollar. U .S . border stores frequented by Mexicans report sales cut an haJf. "The s teadily worsening cond1 t1 on ca n a nd must b e stopped." said Hunter in a statement released through his San Diego office. He said the falling peso "has weakened numerous businesses." An adjacent parking structure will a<..'COmmodate 290 vch1dcs on two levels. Rusty Profemus, K oU prOJl'<'l manager. r e p o rt e d that <..'Ompletion IS anticipated by late Hunter said effects of the weakened Mexican curr~ncy are bt>ing felt on both sides o f tht! border and that Congress can help "brmg thJS problem under control." OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NE ... YORK CM'I (.~rl lt' 1)'-• 1\\.. lntr,E-m l•o • • Pa ulf',P • • \ • , ~tt:"r•St I ' > • NA!'>OAO QUOlel10M Col()(,•> I )7 • )7 '"'''pt\ ,, ' "'• PettrMt I ' Straw( I I• /) '"°""''"O h1Qht>1.t btO~ Com{ll< .. .. ' lntmpo ,, • 1• ... Ptn.tE:o1 ,,._. 11' • ~ub•ru J) ' J) • •nO l~t ott•r \ bV Cmt~t 10•, 11 ' tn\mtC:.\ 11•• tl"9 Pt-n1a1 ~ I& •• • S.uOf"rE:t , •• 8 • m•fllf't m• .. <'" •\ ot (mw l t l I}' f)l. lnf;W\I\ ''• .. n·. u •1s.,a.. ... ~ l).i.., tJ UPS AND DOWNS W'd Puce• do no1 ConP"IJ 1\· I 1• fw•Sc\Jt , .... 1•'• Pf'OPEAO Pc-utt ... 10~. ,, TIMt 0C .. NEW '!'OAK t.<•PI l ht toflow•no h\I o .. ,., tnt fuck rtta1I roarkup Cordi\ 11 // . J41m,ov Pt-l t1b0n 1)• I 1)4_. t amp..\• JI JI • \N)Wo\ I"" 1nr '°"'"''' nM• 1'dl)wn Ot cornm (fO\ Tr .. ,,, .... I I v ~. ~. ' Pn11•Na1 ~~~ H~ I ~ :~~~ '' • ll \toe ..,, .tf'C'S li!JWttrrnn" lh•t navto -vp 1u1on tOf' w,.., cuud=o ' ' . ... J~r1co II'• 18 P te rttoS.'S )< H •nit f'fV",.,I ono <IOw" '"" "'"'' U..it'W'O on SIO<' U1<1 A•• C\ltllr on J• ' J •• -.1J~lfy I J7 II H P1f'l•rtn r, .. ~~.I I ~=~:~t I) , I)' Ot'tc.t•tH ot cn.tnQt-tttQUdlf'\\ of ¥CHUmt> AEL lnc:I I?•• ll Ol•Dfo• ., ' .. Jo,1.,n .. , ••• 1• • P•onM1 ' IO• Wt<I A.F/4Prot 1J H Oa.IM ' .. .. . """~t pf ,,. ' It.• I Pt•\tlnr .. 1 .. • ' • No W'<-Unll•\ If '80•no belo w \1 •'t 1n<.I· A'VM (p l'• .. 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OlllClpfUO rtOO I I $tfW91 ttll a ",..,.._ t1.UOt I._, -\I\ Tuna company to close plant LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -Star-Ki.at Food.a Inc. the nation 's largest tuna canner, has placed more than 3,000 worker.. on a three-day week at its Terminal lalnnd plant beginning today, the company announced ln addition, the tu.na processor plans to cl06e the cannery Indefinitely Sept 6 F.dward A Ryan, Star- K.Jst Vloe president, said he doefl not "foresee or mtend a permnnent closure'' of the plant Last spring Star-Kast closed 1ts local plant for three weeks Datapower t ells Joss Datapower Inc or Santa Ana reports a net loss for the quarter ended June 30 of $1 3,000, or l c.-ent per share, on revenues of $2, 10 1,000, c.'Ontrasted t.o net income of $99,000, or 10 cenl8, for the like period of 1981 Newport firm shows loss American Pacesetter of Newport Beach reported a net loss of $605,000, or a loss of 29 rents per share, on revenues of $34,525,000 for the six months ended June 30 This <.'Ont.rasts with net income or Sl.685,000, or 69 cents. on revenues of $35,768,000 for the hke penod last year STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK-Salll w ao pt1ce •nd nel change: ot lt\ir """" mo\t .c.Hve N•w Yoo. Sto<k E•<h•noe ISk.11\ lr•d•na N UONll\f •1 mo'• IFl•n \l f A.aon 1 flt.4 /00 2•«• 1 "• IBM I /0/ 000 65~ ~. Su t\Roeb I ... JOO 10 Amf'rT&T ,, .. \7100 s.t•. u •n Mo!C>r\ I J]~ 400 4' /4 '" 1 l a ndy I 1>0 100 13 W41 rnrCom I 111,JOO JS"' ·~ Merrill Lyn 1 091 100 16~ . ~. K.. m •r1 l OJ" 60> ti• • . .. MIO!iouUt I OlO, 100 I• o In Ulll I OIJ 400 13-. '• Wf'o;1rtt\r t OC».00 21" tll11 Comw Edi\ q45 900 17"' '• ... CltltO•P q44 900 1' Sclltu"""9 '39 100 JJ AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS NEW VORr< (APt f r. lollowlno I \I tAow' tr'W! N•w York 'Stock E-.tn~ ',tock\ clnd W•rt.tnt\ th4t l'l•ve Q<HW up '"" ,,_, and aown 1r. most b.oM<l on J:,f"(I~~ Ct\.anot rtoercU•\\ of '¥04Uf'nt v!: ~r~~\ ~,~~~-=~r:~:~·,~~ d1fferl"n(.• bt1W'H"f'\ 1~ prevtou\ tlcn.1no pric. 8n<I We<l~n I prtce N•me l.t\I CllQ Pct N1M 3 'l()pl ,.,, • • Up IS I L•m\nSts.n l ~. • •11 Up t) 4 C•lvlnv pl8 H\. • )~. Up 14 • SCcttECi °' )()• • , l ' 1 Up , .. 1 NovP I 60pl ''' > I , Up 1]6 t ln!T .. 1 p!J 0 '• S Up I] I I O•t•Tr-rm )1' -.. Up 11 a I 01vft\ Ind 1 • UO 11 ) ' E\16n\ Pa I'• '• Up 11 S 10 C1n(, ~ S1pl 10 • I', Up ll 0 II F•r Wt41tF,; 1•1 t ~. VP ti) U SJu.en8a~1n I' 1 • ~. Up U .S ll ';l'l<!llr I '.1S9I 1•' / t 1 I UP II 4 14 Vtr<O •'• • "-Up It 4 I) HK l•MttQ 10 I Up II I It LN HOU~ n 711, • 1 • Up IOt II Ml,.\IOf\lnS i '' ,. "'• \Jo tO. 20 8....,.,.. 8 t 1 • '-Up 10 ~ 11 YolnUn • 60pl M , • Up 10 O 11 P.......C.O pf 111 • 10 Up • t 7l Ov<o~lrt ''"-I .. Up t I ); Arwi1n1" 2pl 111• ,. ''• Uo • 1 H tnll .. T plH "8 • •'• Up •I 1• Kollmot II "• Up t I 11 ~hetlt I 4()ol II t 1 UO t 1 Nlme M•lltl wt 1 M•llttl Int JV•EP ltOol n ~ ~'Z:~om 6 N-ttnc:t I O"'ylulNP 8 h <OL.,"' > OSl~P 10 OittbOld 11 He1nrt1J \. 11 BAldwUld s IJ M•ll•I J SOpf I• !>It -JP U H•lllxlnn •• HMW Incl II I( t ht'SIO•I II T ancly "S<teAll 10 tonRU\ , ,, o.-.svlncl 11 Cll,.,.,...lly 1l AmSt4IO'ld >• Blaw\ltd plU H G1t>-1tF1n OOWNS L•l\I • GOLD COINS ,,, 1 '" .... l"-,~ , ... \to •"-H o , .. , .. 1~. Pel ()fl 119 Otf I). OU II t Olt II I 011 10' Oii 10 J ()fl 10 I Oii • 1 Oft •I Oii • 0 °'' '0 Oft •• OU I• ()fl I I P w Otf It .. 0 11 11 ''• 1 , .. I,,. l " ,,, ' \to Off I I 0 11 11 Oft I t ()fl I. Ofi I J Oii ,, 0 11 I 0 OH I 0 OH 10 NEW YORK (AP) -Prlcea lale Monday o f g old ao1n1 comparfld wllll Frldey • pr toe K.....,_.reftd, 1 lroy 01 , S353 SO up S3SO lltepl• leaf, 1 troy oz '354 00. up $3 50 Mectc-tO P"O> I 2 troy o-i.. -.20 SO vp $-4 25 A11elr1•ft 100 cr-n. 111102 troy oi 1335 50 up '3 50 Sourc. Ouk·Pef«e DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW Y0Rl(IAPI f '""' Oow JonH 41¥0' tor w.o Auo lt UOCKS Open Hloll Ltw CleM C'- lO Ind "' "" ISi Sol .,. 10 l>'I t.3 I al 10 Tin 321 6A 378 '' )IS OS Jlt 0?, I 10 II Ull II• 06 11' 01 Ill U 111 It 0 10 61 Stk :l'I/ 10 lll /6 31' to 371 OJ 0 11 ltldu' I] t01 >00 Tran J 5'Jt00 Ullt~ l OJ1 JOO O Slk 11 10'2 700 WHAT STOCKS DID N EW VORll t API 111110 11 INHA f .,_._..(, ()0 NE;W YORI( IAPI Ad•AnttO 0..<llnrd unc11engoc1 lot11 t\\Ue' Nrw high\ Nf""w 100 METALS Wed 11.d ... 1S1 l'iel 10I ' AU<I II We<I ... 161 l'O 139 JO ,q PYtv day ,,.. ISS 111 ,.., IOI S6 NEW YORK fAPI -SPPl nortletrO\lt metal prices Wednea<11y Copper 60"' 70 cenls • pound u S ou11na11ona IAed 26-20 _.., •• pound ZMc 40 _,, •• pound c:tell-ecl Tiii S6 2465 Mel1l1 Week compo.ilt ID .__ 78-77 '*11' a pound N Y Metc"'f $385 oo I* nw l'lat111""' 1253 00·1260 oo "or ounce NV SILVER We<loasdey HanOy & Harman S6 030 per ttoy ounG• GOLD QUOTATIONS I J TM ,.._....., ,.,_ Selected WOfkj gold P<l09S Wedneoday London mornll'g llA1ng 1352 10 up '" 35 Lond on ellernoon ftxtng $357 75 up $2000 ,._, atte,,teon llwlnQ '348 82 up 11• 81 ''...irt\Mt llJ\tng $3S3 99 up $13 91 Zw1ct\: •••• altemoon n.ino $3S3 25 '°" S IS 00 bid '354 00 _.., He n•J I "•'"'•" fonly-'41atly QUOl•I $357 75, up $20 00 l~cl: lo<lly dally QVOtel $357 15 UP S20 00 l~d: (only dally qu01e> la0<1(latac! $375 &4 up $2 I 00 SYMBOLS d New yn 1fy IOw U New ret•ly h<Qll uu•eu otherw.se noted rates of d1v1de1u1" a•e a nnual d<1tl11,semen1t bl~ oo ,,... ••tt Quarterly or 1em1 annuel dectaret1on Sl*:iel or ••H• OMdanc:t1 o.-P•v"""'" no1 des19n11e<1 as •eQIJllf a•e •~lllWld 1n I l'le IOllOWlnQ toolnoles • Al$o e.1ra O< e •llH 1>-Annu111111 Olvt s1oc1< d1v1dend c l 1qu1da hng d1vooeno Oecla•od °' paid 1n pr9<*!1ng t2 montn1 1 Oec•••ed 11< paid alter Sloe:~ d1Vldend 11< Spill up I Peld 1n11 yeer dividend om•lleel deler•oo or no ac11on "~"" at las1 d•vldencl maet1nQ a O.Cla•ed or paid 1h11 year 81\ accumv••ll•• 11-,.,,,, d••.Oondt in arreart n New •SSU<I 1 Oecla1ed "' paid on D•9C*ltng 12 montl\1 pi..1 stoc> dlVIOen<J I Peld 1n 11oc~ '" precod•nQ n mon111.a ew11m11.o cull ••iue on •• Cltvtdend or eA <11t1111>u11on d•le t·E1-Cltvldtndl °' •• 11gn11 y E•-<llvklancl end s-IM In l\1U r Sales 1n f\Jll Cid Celled wd Wht1n dlSllll>uleCI W1 Wrlett •nved ww w 1111 .. orronu •• W11nou1 weu anls •dll EK-<llllt10..loon PE 'at10 TM pr<eia ol a '1oc~ u • mulhpte ol per sit-earn11>Q9-det.....S by d•••d•nQ ,,,. 111M1 12-mon111 -11+not llQvr• tnto iut Mlt l>'IC4t W11Un p4' t0 H tA • t :~.~oTl.: • sJ~ ~ -.. WHIV< I lO 6 Ill " • .. Weyertlr I 101' 1~121-..+11-1 W•yr pf JAii ll• lit • IW :~.rt:.,: ~ ... :·~ Wl!el' ,.,. It IJ J4YI + l\.'I Wiit P' pl 1 11 .-+ i. Wlloll'I\ U IJ\lt • lo WltPll pf • dO M\.'I + '<. WllPrl S 1110 " WMrl I tO 10 1567 ""''°' + "' Wf\11 I !JD I~ IJI ,.\oo • "1 Wl\ltN • I) .. 1 11 + 1"- Wllll"* I tO • IJOI 19 • .... Wl"40t II 1J • t ,,_ Wllll""' 1 10 t 10CJ la"'1-.. w11111~ " «> • 111 ~ w ltl\r() •JI ' u ,.... .... Wl11D• J Cl t 11 lll\lo-\'t WI..... 2' 1Ut t \lo-~ w 1111erJ 1111 , ' i"' • w. wl'(" • ,.. , ~ '4•"'> • "' w.,,, .. "° .. Wit llf 7i &J:m "~•I~ Wily If t U 1, atvii • ll WIMPL t JA t l'l 1111141 o '- WIMl'S 2 U 1 211 11'"'• YI Wll<O I 90 t 2'6 iJ o \'t WOIYtW ! 1 lft 11'-+ ,_. Wo~ U Jtl It -l4o 'W-fl'\ ' ,.., lt\1"-.... Wo!-t•JO ttl ,..,.,, " Wolw pf t JD J , t i\.'> Wr'41At • WrfOly I 64<a I J1 J4 l4t WIH'lUt oM I" , Wylt,._ IOI 11 j -14t Wyly U 1M "'• " Wytll'lt IO I IM 11" • .... -Jl-Y..:.t- r j:!t. .~; ~~ n: .~~ _.. " J ,,. 1l\C. .. yre -10 11!11 JJ • I enlt~ • UI ...,.._ "' z.,. t 18 II tt II\.'>, lvtttlft I IJ • t• tt"i t ~ .. ~ •• t • r~ I l \ ! I I I ' I ' 1 ' I .I ~ .. Or•nge Oo11t DAILY PILOTIThurldav. Augu1t 19, 1982 What's behind 'E.T.' craze?- Spielberg movie luring th kids lik a Pied Piper PRE MIE RI NG - J ohn Cassavct~s und Gena Rowlonda, iswr ot th e m o vie "Tempest," attend Its premiere in Los . Angeles. THE HAM SO GOOD WE BUILT A STORE AROUND IT. By SCOTT KRAFT Ae-'etM ,,... Willet NEW YORK -Each hut, 11unny day, 12·y~lll'·OlW. l''eUpe Zea, Tamer AyaaU and Jeffrey Ruuo hustle passersby o n u Manhattan 1ld ewalk to suppo rt their summer addiction. Their game la cold lemonade for cOBh. Thelr habit la a allmy creature with bulging eye1, webbed feet and an inhuman deaire to phone home. His name, as you probably know, unless you've been cut oH from civlllwlion a while, is "E.T. -The Extra·Terrestrlal." And with his oversi7..ed, glowing heart, he's been capturing the fancy of moviegoers since he touched down in earthbound theaters. AB aoon as Felipe, Tamer and Jeffrey have filled their pockets with the day's lemonade profits, they head up the block to s~nd it on uckets to E.T .; they've seen it a combined total of 19 times. E.T.'s own summe rtime business is bringing in about $3 million a day -not including sales of buttons, T-shirts and other assorted E.T . paraphernalia. Why i.s E.T . so popular? A Menninger Foundation psychiatrist in Topeka, Kan., cites the timeless appeal of childhood innocence. A UFO e xpert in Clarksburg, W. Va., says people like the idea of frie ndly alie ns . The young lemonade peddlers calJ it a movie about love. E.T . is the story of a lovable otherworldly botanist accidentally left behind by hts fellow aliens during a nature walk on earth. Chronically homesick and pursued by adults who see his value in cold , scientific terms, E.T . follows a candy trail to the closet of Elliott Taylpr, who offers him refuge and friendship. T here, in young E lliott's suburban California home, E.T. goes trick-or-treating, gets soused on beer, learns to speakc by watching Sesame Street, and devises a plan With to "phurw hom<'" ttnd bl· rc1K.·uc:d after 11e.~ing a tclt·phonc <.'Omm«rcl11l und n Buck Rogen; t:omk strip. Slnc.-e the movie's release, criUCil have been dusting off their 11upply or •h iny phrases, comparing the film to llU<.'h Classics as "Pet.er Pan" and "The Wtt.ard of Oz," and delving into the childhood o( du-ector Steven Spielberg for clues to the source of all this summertime magic. "The best Disney film Disney never made," said Variety. "One.· of the funniest, sweetest love stories in movie• his tory," "On e r eason i I works so well is that children triumph over adults." exulted t he Washington Post . "An all- around grea t movie," said lemo nade salesman Jeffrey, a fter seeing 1t for the fourth time. ''One reason the movte works so well is that children triumph over adults," says M enninger Foundation psychia trist G len Gabbard, who studies movies a nd their magtc "The idea that children are somehow superior to adults because they have not yet been corrupted by the vaJue system of the adult w orld is a really popular theme." Gray Barke r, 56, director or the Space and Unexplained Celestial Events Research Society, says the alien "is quite benign and lovable." "He's good for those of us w ho are interested in these things because it gives people a better opinion of what we may be exploring, whe re before w e might have looked like crackpots." Says J effrey: "Adults didn't understand E.T . the way Elliott did. To Elliott, E.T . m~ant fr1endthlp and love . Lovo wu die theme of the movie." And monoy hu been the outoome. E.T. hu taken In more than J UO ml111oc, and now crulaes aJong at more lhan $3 rnlllton a day u the movie cllmbJ Hollywood's !la t of a ll -tlnu money-maker•, 1hatterlng reeorda .. ll goes. Also cashing in on ET.'• 1uccea1 t. Hershey Foods Corp., whoae Ree9e'1 Pteoea lured E.T . Crom the forest to EIHott'il bedroom. Sales of the candy in June were up 70 percent over May The E.T . stuffed doll will hit the ahel"'9 any day, and retailers already have p lact!d $16 million worth of orders with Ka.mar International, the toymaker licensed to create it. T-shirts and buttons are on sale In theater lobbies. E.T . bed sheets won't be far behind. Perhaps an even surer sign of a movie phe nomenon are the new catch-phr~ E.T . has u s h e red in, as the movie transcends the theater and finds lta way into everyday life. For example , m one of many memorable 8'-enes, Elliott returns home from school t.o find that E.T has taught himself to talk - and has very definite ideas about what he wants to say. E.T .: "Phooooone." Elliott: "Phone? He said phone? He said phone?" E.T ., pomung skyward: "Home." Elliott: "You're right, that's E.T .'a home." E.T.: "E.T. home phone." EUioll: "E.T. phone home? E.T . phone home? E.T . phone home!" Like "The Force be with you" from "Star Wars," "E.T . phone h ome" has jumped off the T -shirts and into real life. In a Manhattan office building, an executive returned to her desk to find a strange message on her while-you-were. out pad: "E.T. phone home." •Baked a nd smoked up to 30 hours •Spiral sliced around the bone •Covered with our secret gloze •Best at room temperature so no neat1ng necessary •Just coll. order and pick 1t up Art 'n Craft Festival Burt& Dolly WE DO CA TEAING • GIFT CERTIFICATES REOEEMASLE ~YTME AT AHYLOCATION Huntington Center doily thru Sun. CORONA Dfl MAR -J100£ Coo'1Hognwo .. (114)o7J oOOO ANAH£M-tneV110QeCen1&1 • l:17ZSo 81ook"'-'" (At ll0111000)•(714)~·2401 £L TORO -a .. tower "1o10No"'1 • :1400 1Rovmono Wo• (At Er Torot'IOOO• (114) 83/ 3322 l«JNTINOTON 8£ACff-l006011oocn8tvcJ (At Goll•elO ,,.., t51~~··)•(114)84& &575 ORANGE -1419N Tu.ion ("C•OSI rrom 10.010010 0<1Q&) e (114)001 QQOO RANCllO MIRAGE-11.l)J4 ><wv •(Clon<:noMoorg&Plo1o)•(fl4) J4o 3'94 • RNERg()E -5710 A•WIQ•O<'I A•• (l(IHClfomon SoooponQCentet) • ( llA) 04&·068' ALSO IN LA HABRA l AKl WOOO WHI COVINA N()QTH o;OLlVWOOO WtsTLAJ<( l/ll .. Gl. PASADfNA SANTA MONICA WOOOlAl'C>HlllS.NoRIHlllOGf SAN JOSE SUNNVl/Al! PAL0 All0 ANOSAN04l<00 ()N( TASll lS-'1.l OT IAJ<fSI Ccoy11gr11• IQ91 _,... 90lo eo...,.,. me NOW PLAYING lftltMt•IH• coau 11tsa t0•¥1b 8'~"" ~40 f4U GAMt•-n fo--aro· Wt'\ftlfoat ~)0 U 01 P11..toc. H.:W•• \9 '""'"'"" 191 169> Cl TOllO 1crw .. o,s....,...o.t• ~e o se~o OHllGI UA C•! C"'"" 6l• J911 ._.,,,...,,Mcr•t•• ·~· ... ·~60flll't.i "A RRST RATE, BEAUTlFULLY ACTED, THOROUGHLY INVOLVING ROMANCE." -Jenet Mnlln, NEW YO..k TIMES ----NOW PLAYING --- a1nu• llEW,OllT IE.ACM OllAllGE WHTMlllTER Pacrtic·s Anatteom Edwards Newport Crnedome Edwards Cinema West Drove-In 879 9850 Cinema 6U 0760 634 2553 891 3935 Drive-ins Open 7:30 Nightly MIUll* "(JO ..o•AUt•-•o Children Unde• 12 F RE E UnlP\\ Notec1 Edw~rds VtejO T Wiil 830 6990 •OOI •-'"°"°....., ore cluck for your buck. -----• -----I -----1 UOUT I AIOUT I$... I : 1,ft~{! I~~ I .~~~·1 ::> ~,;; 5~~~~~Y0,F~:'. ;1a~ke~~~ 1 brown Kentucky Fried Cl\l1;1len. wltti 1 loade<J wllh litlMn pltctt 01 jlllcy, 0 potatoes ilnO gfilvy ilncl a roll lour rolls. a tirge cof• Slilw • a ljrge goloen Drown Kentucky Ftltd Chlckt n u . mulled po111oes ancl ii medium gravy , I limit f\llrO offer. Ot• purcttue COl.tpon gooo I . I l 111111 ll!IO otters per purCMH coupon GOOd I only tor comb1n.111011 wMt/dtrk orders Llllllf two Ollus per putth.tH COi.ioon OOOd only for cornblnaUon wlll11/0.1k ordtft. C11tlOI!* l>'YS Ill IPOllUOlt UltS ,.. only tor COlnOtlllllOn wlllte/O.rk Oldtrt Cutlomtt Plyt .. , ljljl!!Ublt ... 1111 C111t0t'llfl piys att aOPllUlll• u1t1 Ill 1 I Offer upi1es ".ut"'t 29, 1982 I Otft . A 1.,.. 1_., I Ofltr taplru AuJ111t 29, 1912 '1rctl llllY vary at IW1rC10illnO ioc.1oon1 r taptrts Uflll • ~. ""'' COU~n """" only on Sotltlltrn 1 ...... I PllCU INY vary al Ptftlelpetlftt tocatlonl. I I C , ~!""" n Plte., Ny vary at pamctl>'MO ,_110f11 Coupon good onty 111 Soutl*n caNIOfma ~ 1111or111 w ... re you SH t I l'rltlll· COUPOll Oood only tn Sovtlltrn C11tforn11 whtre you , .. lilt fl'lttnClrllllO Mii of 11\t Ktntuc-r btrthlp JNI of int Kentucky Yoll ... tht membtlslllp snt ot tht Kentucky ''*' Chocu n Attoclllfoll Frito Choektn Assoc1111on I Fri«! Cll<Cktn Assoc1at10n 9 ---• --COUPON -• --~--~ntucky Fried Chleken: -- thl• much fun )rut couldn't be l~flall "The most exciting down-to-the-wire action since SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT and the funniest bunch of rascals since THE BAD NEWS BEARS." . -8111 Tulh, WT8S, Th• Attanl• Super1tatlon TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX Presents A LION SHARE Production A DANIEL PETRIE Film KENNY ROGERS "SIX PACK" DIANE LANE • ERIN GRAY Music by CHARLES FOX Executive Producers EDWARD S. FELDMAN and TED WITZER Produced by MICHAEL TRIKIUS Written by MIKE MARVIN and ALEX MATIER Directed by DANIEL PETRIE Ill IPGll'MlJITAlUM.t SlM&mD ~ ~MA-lilAt Not K IUlfMILi-tel1tu TWINTllTH ClNlUllf ,0. T1I IT ARTS FRIDAY, AU OUST 20th ~ • I • AP Wlreptloto GETTING PHYSICAL -Olivia Newton-John belts out during her concert at Forest Hills Stadium in New York. A New Dimension in Terror ... fn11JAY!!!!/3TH?ART:J 3D AUllEIM Bloolthursl '772 8446 IMA MMwl 8'u Plua 529 5339 C:OSTA MIU &i.ards Harllof Tw111 31 3501 Ulllll• HOYI NOW PLAYING Edw:wCIS Wr.;lbtoolt 530 4401 Fa shion & A Every Sunday in ·~··· ....... ·-. ... ,,~ -· .... :. ~:"-: IVDIA ,_All Pac1ht. S l onc:Oln (Hove In 821 4070 DUNCii ~%s2~•ao0e Otove In Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thureday, Augu1t 19, 1982 .,. 'TR 0 N' directOr a 'kid' :with a big toy By 808 THOMAS ._ ............ ..... HOLLYWOOD -lm•alne a kid with a '20 million vtdeo 1ame \0 play with. Steve l.Jaberaer la no kid -he turned 31 ln April -but he waa virtually ·handed auch an opportunity by Walt Olaney P roductlon1. Tha wlldom of that move can be judpd tht.a aummer when "TRON'' wa1 released thr oughout the country. The chief M:\on ln ''TRON" are Jeff Bridget, Davtd Warner, Bruce Boxleltner, Cindy Morgan and Bamard Huahe8. but the real star may be a computer. "This ls the flnt time that computer-generated lmagea have been uaed to a large extent in motion pictures," aay1 director-writer Llaberger. "There waa about a minute in 'Star Wars' and more in Michael Crichton fllms ('Westworld' and 'Looker'), but the oomputer lma2es were not part of the story. They are in "TRON'.'r The plot concerns a computer ge~ (Bridges) who suspects evil doings by a oorpora executive (Warner). During hla investlgatio , Bridges la :r.apped into another dimension and find.a himaelf a player in a gladiatorial video game. That's where • Lisberger's technology oomes in. "What we have created is film footage that has literally been untouched by human hands," says the film maker. a slender man with a weU-<:ropped beard and eager manner. "Images have been fed into the oompute.r to create an alternate dimension,'' he said. "It is a marriage of the new technology and artistry. And, of oourse, artistry must be predominate.." "TRON" must be seen to be understood, at least by those without scientific minds. While Lisberger was applying final touches to the film, the studio showed a couple of reels depicting Bridges' battle with the deadly video game. The footage is truly spectacular and is sure to attract wide conunent, even during a movie season loaded with special effecta. How did Steve Lisberger win the chance to play with his gargantuan toy? • "I guess it started in 1977 when I was at my parents' house for Christmas and saw the first video games," said Lisberger, who was born in New York and reared in Cunningham Valley, Pa. "l figured I'd better get with th.is new technology before it got me. "l saw video games as a crack in the wall of sterile technology. They offered hwnor, excitement, Cinema courses set Eight courses will be offered by Orange Coast College's Cinema Department this fall. The fall semester classes begin Sept. 7. The cl asses meet during the morning, , afternoon and evening hours, Monday through Friday. Registration for fall classes is under way through Sept. 10 in the OCC Admissions Office. For registration information, phone 556-5772 . The comedy sleeper of the year. MtGHTSRtFT ~ -.A ---UtUH .. ,._ l-0...C... .,. 4141 1ood IUY'· l:Mid fJUY•· ruks Thti people who pl41yf'd them wure not tAMihnlj·freAk.a. Kida found tho gamt>fl appr'OIM!hablo; they cowd muter the technology.'' While attending tho School of the Boat.on MUIOurn of Ftnt• Ar\Al ln 1974, Lt.berger had formt'<i an an.lmaUon 11tudlo and for three yean produced oornrnerctala and ahorta for televiaion. ln 1974, he and partner Donald Kuahner moved to LOI Angeles wlth a plum aulgnment: to create a 90-minute cartoon • Animalympica" for NBC. When the United Stat.ea pulled out of the Moecow Olympics, the project wu doomed . THE ORIGINAL IS BACK. •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All P1rlo1mances b1lor1 5:00 PM (Esetpl Speclll Engagements and Holidays) l A MlllAl>A MAll Muooa 01 fio1ecron1 LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 ''MQHT IHll'T" 1111 --·· •ZAPNDf" 1111 _,,.... ... "CHl!ECH & CHONG THINGI ARE,~,JI!!._~~~" 1•11 "FRIDAY THE 13TH PA.RT , .. Clll ·------ "ROCKY Ill" 1"'1 •»Lt:a ___ _ "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" 1•1 -----I "THE PIRATE MOVIE" 1001 1:00, a:20. s... ... 10:30 LAKEWOOD CENTER WALl<·IN "THE BEIT LITILE I WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAI" ---...... -001 "STAR WARS" 1"1 IN 00\.aY ITWMO ·---·· .. - LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALi( IN Foc:""Y Al Del Arno 21S/6S4·t211 "NIGHT SHIFT" 1•1 ·---""- ............... , °"""" 1 JO ,ocully dt Co "4,.•00CI .213/IJ1·9110 "YOUNG DOCTOf'8 IN LOVE"ca1 ..-.----- "ROCKY Ill" 1001 ··~>-. .......... THE PIRATE MOVIE 1P01 ,. ___ _ "'lllOAY ntE 13™ l'AAT T 1111 ... ., ·---.... -··· IM,.ORTANT NOTICE! CHILDREN UNDIA 12 FREE! ..... -......... lln fr! 1-00 . hi. $111, .... 6<t0,.. CM-ft SOOo;cJ • YOllll lM W l\AOC> IS •OUOI S-Fll ., "° 1111 ™ 11A010 wmo -ACCfUOll• l'OS/l10ll --Ull IOll1*1 ••IU ~ _..., llD lJll .\II~ ANAl<flM ANAHEIM ORIVE·IN ·2UN0r ,., .J'lu ,._ ... -r; •THC MIT UTTU •• ··; ~ l••••oy •I ot leMon ii WHOfllHOUll IN TEXA••• <•I ·~ .... 179·9150 C1N( "SOO~D ----- ..,OftCEO Vl!NOEANCE" 1•1 -"ICAMO TO IM!ATlf" "'l Ctlot fl- BUI N .. PAR~ BUENA PARK DRIVE IN CtlftfllOUllO ~l"I Tl• MOUCTIC* 1•1 c• r1 touto0 • A 111 ~A LA HABRA p111¥1 111 --~-.......... _ • 171-IMI -- ~ ' •, I . --·------..... 0"1CEll ANO A OVfTLDIAW' .... I -I "TitE ,lNAl COUNT OOWN"" !POI • Cito J.f \OU"fU CH•l't- -~....,So OI C..._Gi_,,_, 191·3693 -.TAR WAM• 4"1 -.... ~!NI Cillt fl SOUllO.-... __ C ... CH a CHONG TMINOI AM TOUC.. AU Ovtll 1111 -ITIW91(11) Ctto(M- O JlANGE n 111v1 ,,.. '4tl'ltOAMI,.,. as .... c-.. 634-tUl ' . ' MISSIO N 0 '11VI IN . . "lMI .aT unu ""°"'*"• .. TUM" A .,...... COWllO'f" ... . . . "We had borrowed $300,000 1in 'Anlmalymptcs' Ill> we had to get something t•IJI(. going," Llaberger iwld That was "TKON,'' which he and Kuahner preacnwd to Otsncy production chfof Tom WllhJte with a acript, storyboards and an outline of t.hr technology. Wilhite demanded six months of tesll to prove the technology would w ork. "l knew It would,'' Luberger remarked. '"What I didn't know wu that I would have auch • iood time doing it." I • -.. -.. Or1nge Oout DAILY PILOT /Thur1d1y, Augutt 19, 1982 Civic Center site suggested By SANDIE JOY OftMO.-, .......... lrvlne'a ne w City Hall should be buLJt neu UC Irvine, because the d ty'a vlllage living ooncep" la a thing of the ~t and local streeta someday are likely to hold 'impossible traffic congestion." " Thoae are the opinions of Ray Catal•no. chairman of Irvine'• Pla nning Commission. Catalano spoke Tuesday at a luncheon of the IrVine Federation of Business and Professional Womdp at a Santa Ana restaurant. ' Choosing the best site for a civic center "sowKls like a trivial matter," he $8.id. "But it's not an '91)' decl&lon to spend publk moner lo build a City hall in a community with a populatiort of 70,000." Catalano, a social ecology pro fessor at UCI. said a civic center offers a key s tatement abo ut a c ity and, pro perl y d one, can attract home buyers and b u s in esses i n to a community. He said the cen ter should be built in the University Town Center planning area, just RAY CATALANO across Campus Drive from the school, because the region already is a magnet for technologically- oriented finns that have settled nearby. . "If the city identified its market segment," he said, ''there's no more appropriate use of money than to put City Hall at Town Cen ter." Catalano is one of four city officials meeting next week to examine several civic center si~. including Town Center and the once-favored location at Jeffrey Road just south of Barranca Parkway. The City Council is scheduled to choose a site at its Sept. 28 meeting. The village concept -once the cornerstone of the city's urban design -probably will not be continued in future plans, he added. The reason: Shopping cent.en nestled inside the clusters have not generated enough revenue to satisfy either commercial interests or th e city's, which today depends primarily on sales taxes for revenue. "What we're doing is slowly but surely getting out of the concept of villages." he said. No matter what urban design is ada pted within the city, however, Catalano cont.ended increased traffic congestion will be a by-product. However, he said much of the blame doesn't rest with the city but with county and state gove rnments. County officials, he claimed, have encouraged more land development in southern Orange County than the road system can handle -and Irvine is the unfortunate victim. The state traditionally is responsible for approving and funding new freeways. "I don't think the county has been responsible in land use decisions," said Catalano, who added that development will continue to outpace freeway construction unless firm measures are taken. Landmark to go LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Broadway at Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street, which has been a Hollywood landmark more than 50 years, will close permanently Feb. 1, 1983, officials said. The lease on the nine-story building has been acquired by McDade & Shidler, a Los Angeles reaJ estate development company, officials said. The company plans to oonvert the 232,000-square-foot structure into a combination of retail stores and offices. A portion of the space tentatively has been allocated as a site for a long-planned Hollywood muaeum. Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday in WE MAY BE OLD FASHIONED, BUTI' ~7n R. Ph. f\t ~ ., . We do believe that moat people at.ill apprecia~ that 1pecial kind of 1rrvice that today might be called "old-faahloned." We don't think It ii corny to ,reet a Nltomer with a mni.le and a friendly word. We don't think It'• wron1 to help .ameone telect the producta they wanL We do th.ink of our1elve1 a1 a personal pha.nnlcy. e.ck: In the "old days" the phanNicy -OOOlidered a friendly -p1-to a.hop for ~ necwlU. and odM!l' • We lib to feel that ·thla old 1 tradlUon ha not .~ by the way.ide. Siop ;In aoon and 11y hello. • YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR .~ PHONE US when you •neect a delivery. We will :deliver promptly without :extra dMqt. A .,_t IMllY l*IPle rely on w for &blir :t-Ith needa. We welcome ~for~...W. and chirp eccounta. ~AM LfPO_ ~CY• -~: ... *:'~ . . . ' • All the way to San Francisco. .All the way to Seattle ONE WAY Why just fly for l~ when you can fly United for l~'? You get a lot more for your money when you fly the friendly skies. For as little as $45 one way to San Francisco and $79 one way to Seattle. you get all the experience of the nation's biggest airline, plus a lot of extras. To San Francisco Leave Arrive 7 OOa m 8·07 a.m 8 OOa m 9 JOa.m 9 OOa m 10 IOa.m 1000am JI 12 am ll OOam 12 08 pm 12 00 noon llOpm I OOpm 2·08 pm 2.00 p.m 3 07 pm. 3 OOp m 4 04 pm 4 00 p.m 5 05 p.m 5 OOp m 6 05 p.m 6.00p m 7 07 pm H>O pm 8 06p m 800pm 9 04 pm 900pm 10 04 pm From San Francbco Leave Arrive 7 OOa m 8 IOa m 8 OOa m 9 11 am. 9 OOa m 10 12 am JO 00d m 11 II am II OOa m 1211 pm 12 00 noon 111 pm l·OOp m 2 II pm. 2 OOpm 3·09p m 3 OOp m 4.09p m 4.00 pm 5 09p m 5.00 pm 6 09 pm. 6 OOpm 7 II pm 7 OOpm 8 09p m 800pm 9 08p m 900pm 10 08p m You get a c hoice of 15 nonstops daily to and from San Francisco. One every hour on the hour from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Plus more non -stops dail y to Seattle than any other airline. Your money gets you big bonuses on United. too. Like advance check-in, advance seat assignment and our exclusive Mileage Plus program. So why just fly for less when yo u can fly United for less? Call your Travel Agent, or United at 973-2121, and see how far your money can go. To Suttle Leave 8 I~ am· JO 40a m 2 IS pm 500pm 730pm 1 9IOpm 1 Arrive 10 38a m I 05pm 4 31 pm 7 IS pm 9 50p m II 26p m ·1:.xccp1 Sund.iy I Except s .. 1urdJI' Flythe friendly skies of United. Call United or your Travel Agent. from Suttle Leave 7 20a m · 11·15 am 200pm 4·00p m I 620pm l 8 .50 p m Arrive 9 43a m I 35pm 4 IS pm 622pm 8 40p m II 08pm •,-~~~~~---~, Call 142• H71. Put a fewwordr to work for u. Anthony'• Shoe Service • Bank of America• Charlee Barr Jeweters e Crown Hardware • Or. Lou Elder~ The Hair Handlers Salon • Halllday's Men's Clothlng • Hickory Farms • Humpty Dumpty •La ChantH • Market Basket • Mes Amlea Teena • Nancy Dunn Antiques • Newport E'1alboa Ssvlngs • Paper Unllmlted • Sav-On Drug• • Storekeeper • Veta'• lmtlmate Apparel e Westclltt Cleaners• Westclltt Corners • Westclltt Shoes • Xavier's Florist • . -. .... ..,... Dilly Piiat THURSDAY, AUG Uil, 19192 COMICS TELEVISION ca C9 Mauch at Witt's end Angels' luck is all bad in 4-1 loss By CURT SEEDEN or IM o.itr ""°' a tan As far~ Angel Manager Gene Mauch 1s concerned, his young right-handed starter, Mike Witt, deserved better. Witt, who came into Wednesday night's game with the Boston Red Sox with three straight victories under his belt and an impres.sive 3.03 earned run average, was victimiz.ed by an assortment o( bloop hits and halC-swmg loopers off the Red Sox bats in Boston's 4-1 vicwry before a subdued 38, \32 at Anaheim Stadium. "YOU CAN TAKE about eight of their hits, tack them side by side and they wouldn't even reach the le(t-£ield fence in Fenway Park," Mauch said after the game "They didn't exactly tear up the ball against Witt -except for Remy's two-run single." He was r e ferring to Boston second baseman Jerry Remy, ttle fonner Angel, who stroked a two-run single m the top of the si>tth innjng to snap a 1-1 tie and propel the Red Sox to the victory. While Witt managed to escape several jams during his five innings-plus work, Boston starter John Tudor and reliever Bob Stanley teamed up to to hold the Angels to just five hits and a first-inning run. Tudor, with about two years of major league experience, allowed the Angels just four hits during his six innings of work, and he used his left arm to fuU advantage when facing left-handed hilling Reggie Jack.son and Fred Lynn. Jack.son struck out in the first after Brian Downing had walked and Rod Carew had doubled h im home. Tudor, then went on to strike out both Don Baylor and Lynn to end what was really the Angels' only threat of the evening. The young left-hander also got Jack.son swinging to end the third and again in the sixth after Carew had led off the inning with another double. "I THOUGHT I had Downing struck out in the first," Tudor noted after the game. "And then Rodney kills me.I don't know what it is. He must have about e ight hits out of 12 against me." Tudor said he used a breakin~ ball to dispose of Jack!!On m the first and then blew fw;t balls by the Angels' No. 3 hitter the final two times. "I've had good success against him (Jackson). He's a good hitter but I know my time as running out," Tudor added. "They're a good team. They hit tremendow;ly last night but a patcher can't go out thinking they're going to do the same thmg to him," Tudor surmised. Obviously, Tudor stuck to that thinlung. "We just couldn't find our tough 'You can take about eight of their hits, tnck the m side b y side and they wouldn't even reach the left-field fen ce in Fenway Park' -Gene Mauch tonight," added Mau,·h. whose team remained one game ahead of Kansas City in the American League West. "Maybe the pitchers had something to do with it. "St.anlcy got us out tonight and he only threw one spitter," Mauch continued. "I only saw him load up on the first pitch to Reggie (in the eighth inning)." The Red Sox finished the night with 13 hits, the most Important being Remy's two-run single tn the sixth with two out and the bases loaded. "If 1 had to earn my living driving in runs. I'd be a poor man today," Remy admitted after.ward. "We were ready for a tough game tonight because we know he (Wilt) is a tough pitcher." DA VE STAPLETON began the Red Sox's winning rally with a one-out single. He was erased at second on Rick Miller's grounder, but singles by Glenn Hoffman and pinch-hitter Wade Boggs loaded the bases. Remy then followed with his key hit. "Jerry's been one of our best hitters with men on third base." added Red Sox Manager Ralph Houk. "He's just had a great year." It was somewhat of a surprise when Houk pulled Tudor in favor of Stanley to start the seventh inning, particularly since the 1See ANGELS, Page C3> Robin wood All-stars rally to post win in Michigan. Page C4. Dally Piiot Pltoto b)' OMy AmlH- T AKING THE LONG LOOK -Rams' Coach Ray Malavasi ts sorting out the pieces during t he exhibition season, which continues this evening at Cleveland -the Rams' ori~inal home. Vince Ferragamo is expected to be showcased. Rains' show hits the road • CLEVELAND (AP) -The Rams and the Cleveland Browns, two tea.ms trying to regain a wanning touch in the 1982 National Football League se8.!IOn, will test rookies and seldom- used players in the second exrubiUon clash for both squads tonight. Browns Coach Sam Rutigliano satd hi.I coaching staff is spending m ore time concentrating on what players to test than on a game plan designed for the Rams. He has been redesigning a defensive unit, which was ineffective last season. Rams Coach Ray Malavas1, starting hia fifth season at th.e helm, said he wiU go with On TV today channel 11 at 4:30 JO-year-old quarterback Bert Jones m the first half, while Rutigliano counters with his 32-year-old veteran quarterback, Brian S ipe. In the second half, the Rams will give a quarterbacking opportunity to Vince Ferragamo, who led the Rams during the 1979 season into Super Bowl XIV, a 31 -19 defeat a1 the hands of the P ittsburgh S.teelers. Ferragamo s pent last season with Montreal in the Canadian Football League. "Our number one objective IS to find out about our young people," Malavasi said. "We have to eliminate guys who can't play. I imagine we'U take a look at almost everyone Thursday night." · Rutigliano said he will use third-year quarterback Paul McDonald in the second half. The Rams and Browns each began their exhibition play last Saturday night. Denver came from behind to defeat the Rams 33-20, but the Rams were up 17-7 in the first half when Jones left the game. The Browns came from behind in the second half in Pontiac. Mich., to defeat the Detroit Lions 17-16. Wendell Tyler, the Rams running back who gamed 1,074 in 1981, did not play in last Saturday's game against Denver because of an abdomen injury, but he is expected to start against the Browns. In Cleveland, controversy brewed during this week conce rning pregame handshakes t.eams have held prior to exhibition games as a show of solidarity in their union's contract struggle with the owners. Ex-Angel Reniy has found a honie • 1n Boston Re d Sox fireplug finds himself in the middle of a wild scramble for the Eastern Division flag • By CURT SEEDEN O(tM D•llr Piiot atatt In this age of free agency and blockbuster trades. it's not surprising that there aren't many Angels who a<'tually cam e up through the organization to be a part of this 1982 edition which ls currently in the midst of a pennant drive. One such player was signed by the Ange ls, groomed by the Angels and breathed Angels as he made his way from Magic Valley to Stockton, Quad Cities to El Paso and finally Salt Lake City -the last leg on the Angels' corporate ladder of success. But today, the only pennant ra<.-e Jerry Remv is involved in is with the IJkcs of the Milwaukee Brewers and Baltimore OriolC'S as he and his Boston Hed Sox teammates make their bid for that long-sought pennant. After spending three years with the Angels. Remy was traded m December o f 1978 for Don Aase and other considerations, which at the time was a shocker for the little second baseman after wearing a halo so many years. But it didn't take long for the Red Sox's new leadoff man to adjust. "All my friends were here, so il was tough," Remy recalled as he pre pared for Wednesday night's contest with his ex-mates at Anaheim Stadium. "But at the same time. I was lucky enough to be going home." Remv, vou see. was born in Fall River. Haryung takes Artists' job Bryan ups and quits By ROGER CAR.LSON O(tM 09'tr PMot ..... ln a stunning switch, Larry Bryan 1s out and former Artists Coach Dennis Haryung is m as Laguna Beach High's football coach. With the the conwtionmg week ha'{ing started Wednesday and the first day of contact drills scheduled for Monday, the Artists suddenly have an e ntirely new coaching staff following the on-again, off. again, on-again game of musical chairs. "Only at Laguna," says Haryung, the man who took the Artists to respectability in 1976 , (only to see it all reversed by six HMYUNO forfeit losses) and was later unceremoniously dumped after _.__..J the 1977 season because of allegedly tampering with discus marks to gain entry for athletes Into the CIF prellma. Mass., about 40 miles east of Boston. in 1979 and 1980 -both involving his left knee. "I never really dreamed of playing for the'Red Sox some day. I just had dreams of being a major leaguer. It didn't make any diUerence on which club," Remy added.\ Today, Remy seems content with the Red Sox. Last year. he could have opted for free agency "I just had too many operations," Remy confessed. "But I feel OK. I don't feel like I run as well as I did when I was on the Angels but I still feel I have good speed." "I chose to stay here and I feel I made the nght decision. It came down to two or three other clubs but Boston was the one," Remy said. Remy and the Red Sox are hoping for a speedy climb to the lop o f the American League East before the powerful Brewers start to pull away. ln his first year with Boston in 1978, Remy batted ,278, had 30 stolen bases and was named to the American League All-star team. The Red Sox have stuck with him despite two crippling injuries "This IS the kind of division where you can't let anybody jump out. If Milwaukee gets h ot, we could find ourselves 10 games out," he said. "I believe we can't fall back any farther than we are right now." ADJUSTI NG -Ex-Angel Jerry Remy has made the adjustment to playing with the Red Sox. Dropping a 10-2 decision Tuesday (See REMY, Page C%) SoIDetirnes it takes two to make things right Double win has Dodgers flying high • CHICAGO (AP) -Dodgers pitcher Jerry Reuss says he wasn't sure what to do to prepare for action against the Crucago Cubs, but whatever he wd, it worked. Reuss pic ked up two victories Wednesday. the first with four innings of sterling one-hit relief to complete a 21-inning game s us pended after 17-innin.gs in a 1-1 tie the previous day. Then he pitched the first five innings in the regularly scheduled game, which the Dodgers won 7-4. Pedro Guerrero provided all the offense Reuss needed in the "nightcap," slugging a pair of two-run homers, his 24tf1 and 25th of the year, and knocking in a fifth run with a double. Dusty Baker drove in the game-winner in the suspended game with a sacrifice fly that acored Steve Sax. HE WAS THE eighth pitcher for the Dodgers, who used all 25 men - including two pitchers In the outfield - in the ae<.'Ond game. A two-run eighth-inning rally made the score 6-4. Larry Bawa bunted for a hit and advanced to third when third- baseman Cey threw wildly lo first. Buckner's sacrifice Cly scored Bowa and ended Dave Stewart's string of 27 scoreless innings of relief pitching. Moreland walked and reliever Steve Howe was greeted with a single by T he throw was high , but it was there before Sax was. -Cube cetcMr Jodr DaYle Durham and another by Jerry Mortles scored Moreland with the Cubs' final run. Tom Neidenluer came onto end the threat and record his seventh save. Los Angeles scored in the ninth when Ron Roenicke walked. stole second and third and scored on Steve Garvey's sacrifice fly. · A controversial caJI at home plat~ ended the suspended same, the longesi ln the major leagues this season. FOUR YEARS have passed since Haryung was dismisaed and after Walt Hamera resigned his poet, the ArUsta picked up Bryan to become their newest coach on a walk-on basis. But Bryan became a short chapter in the Laguna Beach story, quitting last week before ever etarting a 1eaaon. "It was just aome personal thlngs," says Bryan. ReWIS, 12-9, got a booet In the opening Inning of the second game when Guerrero muscled a 1-0 pitch over Wrigley Field'• left-field wall aft.er Rick Monday stroked the first of his four •inelet In the pme. Guerrero homered again with Monday aboerd In the fifth inning, allowtna Reu. to tum pitching chorea over to tlie bullpen. SAX DOUBLED with one out in the top of the 2 lst and moved to third on • wild pitch by l08er Al Ripley. 4-8, th' sixth Chicago pitcher. "There are 90me things that may transpire In the MXt teVeral weekS and I didn't want to get hall way lnto the 1euon and have to do it. I feel bed about It, I had aome fine re~tionahipe with the kids, lt'a touah. "WE HAD A GOOD SPRING and summer ll"d there are IOme excellent athleiee at Laguna Beach. "I hated to make thla decision, but it· waa IOmeth1na \hat had to be done. Hopefully, they'll f't81'0UP·" ( 8-ryuna. who has coached at Capistrano Valley the put three yeara u an ..mt.ant, al~ ( ... BARYUNO, Pase C•) .,, ......... SHADES OF BABE RUTH? -Dodgen' pitcher Fernando Valenzuela was ln right field Wedneaday ln the 20th lnn1ng against the Chicago CUbe when the Dodgen were running out of playen. The legendary Ruth was a pitcher, too, before moving to the outfield. Sax started a two-run Dodger third tnnlng with a one-out triple and &c0red on a hue hit by Mo~. Guerrero then doubled home Monday. Ryne Sandberg doubled to lNd off the Cube' flnt, advanced to MCOnd on a around out and ecored on .8i1l Buckner .. ~ iround out. auc.,o add.s a run In ~ third on CONeCUtive lin&J• by Buckner, Keith Mcnland and Leon Durham. Ken Landreaux then walked before ~Baker lofted hi.I fly to right. Sax taUe<t and everyone in the crowd of 21:42~ watched intently as Mo1:21and threw ~ thep~~. • "The throw WU high, but lt WU the~ before Sax was," Cub cat.c:her Jody Devil maintained. : There appeared to ·be tome doubt tn the mind of home-plate umpire Eric: Orea, however. Before the duat ~ Mttled, Gren ra!Jed hi.a right arm tq liJZnal that Sax WU OUl, then ~ hii mind and threw out hJa arms wi\!t the "aafe" call. ' • Orenge Co111 DAIL "I PILOT /Thureday, Augual 19, 1882 ~----------------------..,. t• . ~· 1 ~ ' .. ll I, ,,. •• .. Goose would like .._ ... to fly the coop From AP dll1pa tcbe1 NEW YORK -Relief ace Rick ii Gossage accused New York Yankees owner George Steinbre nner of treating his players "like animals" and said he wanls to be traded unless the situation improves, the New York Times reported' in its Wednesday editions. Gossage, who has saved 25 games th is season has been angry with Steinbrenner, the fans and the media lately because o f what he terms their negativeness toward the team. "If things don't change. l want out," Gossage told The Times. "I'm tired of the way Steinbrenne r handles everything. I'm sick of the whole situaton. I've had it up to here. ooeaAOI "I'm through being patient. I'm through being quiet. I'll tell them to trade me or give me some assurance that things will change," said Gossage. "He's g?t to q.uit treatin~ us like animals and start treaung us hke people.' Gossage. whose six-year con~act with th.e Yankees expires next season. said he told his agent, J erry Kapstein, to talk with Steinbre~er about the situation, perhaps arranging a meeting between the owner and the hard-throwing right-hander. "I plan on tel.ling him how l feel, w ha t I feel and where l feel he's made his mistakes." said Gossage. "I don't care if he wants to talk to me or not. He'll know how I feel. Monday night, after picking up saves in both ends of the Yanks' doubleheader sweep over Kansas City, Gossage Lashed out al reporters, citing what he called negati~e press ~verage as contribut.mg to the Yankees woes this season. Quote of the day ''During the game, the fans sitting under me were chanting. 'Refund! Refund!' and it occurred to me it might be a good idea from a public relations standpoint. It wasn't meant to embarrass the team. "That had already been done. But the scoreboard wasn't work ing, and with thousands of people leaving, we had to announce it.'' -New York Yank ees' principal owner George Steinbrenner, explaining why he decided to offer fans an exchange of tickets during the middle of the second game of Tuesday's 1-0, 14-2 double-header loss to the Chicago White Sox. Harris announces his ret irement Quarterback James Harris of the [il San Diego Chargers, the Pro Bowl's c. t Most Valuable Player in 1975 and the NFL's top passer in 1976, announced his retirement Wednesday. Harris, 37, who would have been the club's No. 3 quarterback behind starter Dan Fouts and backup Ed Lather, had not played a regular-season game for the Chargers since 1979 ... The Raiders indicated they planned Wednesday to release former All- Pro tight end Raymond Cbest er, a 34-year-<>ld player who lost his starting job with the team last season. They also appeared to be close to trading disgruntled oornerback Dwayne O'Steen to Baltimore. perhaps for unhappy tight end Roger Carr, who was suspended by the C.olts Tuesday . . Linebacker Dan Lloyd, who made a courageous comeback from cancer only to injure his leg last month, was advised to leave the New York Giants training camp Wednesday and was told he would not make the team's final roster rom Page C1 John, Gamble 1park Yankees to win Tommy JobD find a •ven-hJttel" • and 0.car Gamble'• twu-run double hlahllahted M tour run N~w Yori& third Inning Wednt'aday ntaht, I adtna the Vankec!S to • 9-2 ro~~er K.anw City With the le., the Royala • chanc.-c to catch the Angt•la at th•· top ot the American League Wl'11\ 11tandln.,_ El.liewhcrt• ln the AL, Buddy Bell'• two-run triple and J im S.andber1'1 two-run homer backed Fruk Tuua'• nine· hit pUchln1, 1Mnc Te>C.N an euy 11·1 win over Chicago . . . Mickey Hatcller'• RBl 11ngle with two ou ta Ln the bottom of the 10th lnnlng gave Minnesota a 6-5 win over Ba l ti m ore . Johb Lowen1teln had homered in the top of the 10th to give the JOtiN Oriole. a 5.4 advantage, but Minneaota rallied for a palr of runs to take the game away . . . Lance Parrlab smashed a two-run horner in the firat innlng and a solo shot In the eighth and Tom Brooken1 added a bases· ""motv blast in the seventh to lift Detroit past Seattle, 7-2 Joe Rudi singled home Rickey Henderson from second base with one out in the l l th inning, giving Oakland a 3-2 victory over Milwaukee. 1'he loss dropped the Brewers' lead in the F..astern Division to just three games over Boston, which beat the Angels. Forsch bats, pitches way past Padres Bob Fou c h held San Diego ii scoreless for eight innings and triggered a two-run third inning with a leadoff double Wednesday night, pacing St. Louis to a 2-1 triumph over the Padres for the Cardinals' fifth straight victory. Fonch, 12-7. struck out three and walked two before needing relief help from Bruce Sutter in the ninth , . . Elsewhere in the National League, · Andre Daw1on d rove in five runs with two homers and a single as Mon treal belted Atlanta, 12-2, extending the Braves' tailspin to 19 losses in 21 games and handing them their fourth straight setback . . . Jack Clark drove in six runs, five of them with a three-run homer and two-run single in a nine-run fifth '°"ICH i n n i n g , po w e ring Sa n Ft-ancisco to a 16-9 victory over Pittsburgh . . . Cesar Cedeno's single with one out in the bottom of the 14th inning scored pinch runner Marlo Soto with the winning run as Ci.nci.hnati edged the New York Mets, 7-6 . Gary Matthews doubled home the tie-breakin~ run in the 15th inning and scored on a single by Bo Dlu as Philadelphia defeated Houston. 5-3. The Phillies had 3e0red three times in the top of the ninth inning to erase a 2-0 deficit, but the Astros tied it in the bottom of the inning to send it into overtime. Kuhn vows not to leave willingly SAN DIEGO -Baseball ii Commissioner Bowie Kuhn , his 14-year reign imperiled by growing opposition, says he refuses to walk away from a good fight. "l have no intention of resigning," Kuhn said Wednesday after baseball's summ er meetings were adjourned without settling the issue of his re-election. A special meeting was scheduled Nov. l to settle the matter after the American League voted 11-3 for a postponement and the National League approved it by a 7-5 margin. An attempt by at least three dissident National League clubs bogged down into a stalemate that failed to produce compromises necessary to assure Kuhn of a third consecutive term in office. Appearing at a news conference, Kuhn, 57, said he was "somewhat disappointed it couldn't be resolved successfully" but added, "I could hardly call it a no-confidence vote." ''ln terms of victory or defeat, I would have to put it down as neutral," said K uhn, who took the office in 19ffij as a re placement for Gen. . William Eckert. Kuhn's second seven-year term ends Aug. l, 1983. Asked if he was considering resignation as a means of ending the impasse. Kuhn replied, ''This looks like a good fight and not the kind of thing I would consider walking away from." EMY HAPPY IN BOSTON • • • Corbisiero snaps Goodell'• mark 1NOIANAPO LIS T o ny 11 Corblalt'rO ot Culumbla Unlvt~t111ty brokr thu Am"rlt:an 800 m~ter frcc1tyle rtoeord Wcdncaday night, whll~ Cra11 8ctard1lcy 1tnd Mtary T Meaaher narrowly mi.-d tht•r own world reoords ln the 200-buu~rtly at lhf' openlng aealon ot th~ U.S . Swlmmlng long coune champlonahlpt1. The four-day mecl ruN through Saturday nliht al the lndhmu UnJvenalty Na~torium. Corblll.,ru, 21, u aenlor Qt Columblo, wu clocked at 7;68.50 aeconda, breaking the former U.S. record of 7:59.66 M.'t by Ml1sion Viejo'• Brian Goodell ln 1980 . "Brin& on Vladimir Salnlkov," Corbisiero aald of the world rec:.'Ord holder 7:52.83 and a member of the USSR team that will rompete against th~ United States in a dual meet at Knoxville, f enn .. Aug. 26-28. Second place went to Bruce Hayes, 19, o soptlomore ut UCLA. with a time of 7:59.26, whlch also beat Goodell's former record. Jert Kostoff, 16, a high school senior from Upland, was third at 8:00 71 . Meagher. 17, of Louisville, Ky., also had a chance to break her own world record of 2:05.96 in the women's 200-butterfly but slowed lo 2:07.14 Anothe r w o rld record holder, Rowdy Gaines, 25, Winter Haven , Fla .. won the men's 100-freestyle with a tlme of 50.27, less than a second off the record 49.36 he set in that event last year. . Among the other winners Wednesday night was Tracy Caulkins, who captured the women's 200-backstroke in her first competition in that event in a U.S . ~ational meet. It was the 40th national champ10nship, the most bv any U.S. swimmer in history, for Caulkins, a 19-year-old from Nashville, Tenn., and a sophomore at the U~verslty of Florida. She was timed at 2: l 5 53 Softball stars win national title Three Edison High products lllld ii an Irvine High junior are among the national champion San Fernando Valley Raiders' team following their triumphs at Las Cruces, N.M .. in the Amateur Softball Association finals . The Raiders, coached by C.oUeen Silva and Phil Bruder, were 55-6 overall, Including a 33-game wlnning streak, capped by a 7-1 victory overe the Northern California Tremors in the national finals last week. Shortstop Lisa Houk (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo), catcher Angie Losa.sso (Ariwna State) and pitcher Lisa Baker (Cal State Fullerton) gave the R;alders the: Edison 1;0uch, -:Vhile I~ne's Lisa Marun. the wanrung p1 tcher in the finals, was also a key member of the ages 16-18 group. Coe makes successful return from injury British track star Sebastian Coe, m Sldelined by injury the past eight weeks, made a triumphant re turn by outclassing the 800-met.er field at ~ . star-studded international track and field meet Ill Zurich Switzerland Wednesday night. Coe hung back ~ntil the last 100 meters before forging ahead to win in 1:44.78, the second-best 800 meters this year . . . Meanwhile, Carl Lewis of the United States won the long jump with a leap of 27 feet, 10 ~ inches. then was the anchor on the U.S . 400-meter relay team which won in ~R.13. the fastest time this vear and iust one-~th of a second shy of a world record. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v V' excellent; V' v v worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. II /4:30 p.m., Channe l 11 v v V V ~L FOOTBALL: Rams. at Cleveland. Announcers: Stu Nahan and Jim Hill. Vince Fe rragamo will make his first appearance with the Rams since 1980. :rhe Browns. 1-0, defeated Detroit in their pre-season opener, while the Rams, 0-1, lost to the Broncos, 33-20. RADIO Baseball -Boston at Ange ls, 7:25 p.m., KMPC (710). Football -Rams at Cleveland, 4:30 p.m .. K.MPC (710). 25th birthday for Lido-l 4s ln1er11a lion ul regallu la ted BY ALMON LOCKAIU':V o.iltr "''°' eoaono writ., Tht· Lido 14 A-. ... ocmUon will t'l"lebrate Ill 25th ann1v1·ri11lrf 1nu1 u ng Mo ndtty with the 25th lnwrnatlonn regu.tw to be salkod an the watera of New~rt I !arbor l'hc-fivt·-ro('t' 8l'rll'11 will be sailed out of Balboa Yacht (;luh with Nt•wpMt Harbor Yacht Club and Lido l11lt• Yacht Club'~ hosting some of the social cvcnUi. In oth<•r f(.)(•al yu('hting at't1on. Bahia Corinthian Yac·ht C lub w ill sc•nd Pc•rformance Handicap BOA TING Racing Fleets over Ot.'t:an t.v urses in the third race of the Angelman Scr!L's, Saturday and Sunday. Cap1~tl'ano Bay Yacht C lub wall hold its Anniversary regatt.i for PHRF on Sunday. The re arc· no n:gattas scheduled in the Los Angeles-Long &·at.'h area. In other areas: Santa Monica Bay Redondo Bt•<ll'h Yacht Club -Peninsula race, Saturday. Santa Mont<'tl Yat.•ht Club -Triple Grand Slalom (Thor pe &·ru.-s) Saturday. WindJa mml•r s Ya c ht Club -Sidney Gymkhana (Sahot) Sunday Marina Yacht Club S ingle-ha nded regatta (PHRF) S unday San Diego Coronado Yacht Club Moser M1ss1on Bay Cruise-race, Saturday. Sunday. Coronado Cays Yacht Club -Ship Shape Series, Saturday P -Cat national San Diego Yacht Club championship, Saturday, Sunday. Southwestern Yacht Club -Eschwedge Trophy (CCit.ahna-27) Saturday; Fall Series (T-bird) Saturday. North and Inland Ventura Yacht Club -Gold Cup Regatta (PHRF) Saturday Westla ke Yacht Club -Dinghy regatta, Saturday. Anacapa Yacht Club All Flee ts Day, Saturday. Youth Funday, S unday. Santa Barbara Sailing Club -Summer Series (one-design-PHRF) S unday New York 36s vie Eleven New York-36s will compete in their first one-design regatta Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the ocean off Newport Beach. The regatta 1s labeled the first annual lnter- District Challe nge Regatta hosted by Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The New York-36, a fractional-rigged sloop, is manufactured by W D Schock of Santa Ana. Peter Godfrey. pres1d c-nt of the New York-36 Class Association, headquartered in New York, will be one of the three Eas t Coast skipper teams participating m the regatta. Other East C~a~t skippers will be Peggy and Lyn C.omfort, Olivta Holmes· and J ohn Trost. Local owners have loaned their boata to the three East Coast teams. The remaining eight boats will be raced by their own sk.Jppers and crews. "This is the first tune East Coast skippers have had the opportunity to compete with West Coa:st owners," said Godfrey. "The challenge regatta will see each race providing keen, competJtive sailing .with lop skills displayed by helmsmen." The New York-36. designed by naval architect William Cook, was conceived by a group of New York Y;\l'h t Club meml:>C'rs Football s tars soug ht Football players, age 13 and 14 who reside in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, are being sought for Newport Beach Junior All·Ame n can Foot ball by Coach Al Oles. Those 13-year-olds who Call in the 100-140 pound ran_se and 14-ycar-nlds in the 85-115 pounds, should contact Dies at 545-0882. night to the Angels jdn't h elp matte rs, but the rewers were losing at the same and the championship is decided by one game and one run, that had an affect on me." he said. Anaheim Stadium, Remy noted: ''With their overall power and defense, the Angels just have a great unit. The Original Loafers For Men. e up in Oakland. As for the current opposition at Remy's closest experience with championship was in 1978 hen the Red Sox lost a one- e playoff to the Yankees and the AL East title by one "ln 1978. we probably had the t chance. You can't get much · oser than that. That's the only m e I've really gotten down. en you play a w hole season \ r------------.. ; I (J)e~ I . I I I I I I I $1.6~. I ,, I .I -(Jr ~· I •• I I (}ft~~ I I I I I I I I (g8 CO'.\M[1'JA1. CRf,OfT PLAN. If'<. I I 411 Col\HOI Ollt# Cofn!Ml'l'I' I I COSTA MF.sA : I I 370 E. 17th Street • 645-8700 I HUNTINGTON BEACH : I 16075 Colden Wat St. • 847.7771 I MISSION VIEJO: I Allele Town Plau • 770-2651 I SANTA ANA: I 1224 Eu• 17th St. • 5'7-5871 I 1.------------~ :tWO CIRMU' P•w•s ... OltBIDW PldQMI Thlt It Pizza! Pina! Tht plua m1dt whh tht Hnut muca, chtuu end lngrt dltntt money can buy. Serve 11 home or anywhere., 1n1cluim1 or multlmt without th• 1111111 w1h or UIUll prlcttl I -r .... , Moc in weeiun brown ~itt'\ 6 AA A B c D x E 7 . . x x x x x x x x 8 -9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 0 1 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x . x x x x x x Penny l oafer in cordo brown, black or weejun brown 1 2 . 13 x x x x x x x x x x r•••••••••r••-•••••T-••••-••---••••••-•., AA lllzes avafl&bl~ only In wo&jun brown penny loalor I ( f•1 fofwlfy Rtr .. ) I ta Fofnlty R& I ( h Fomlr A!J I ( h fOtlllly II~ I ~ I I M~.IJ.\!.~.!~ZA ! M~ •. l ... ~l,!~A ! ~!i.t!J.~~~ ~ ~_9.~,!..~!A •1 ~ ~ ......... i~iO ... hw I ........ i:iO'"' ... ; t -·"i7o' ..... -I ... '"·9~4c;· ..... -MEN'S SHOP L"j Ir: H 0 E • ..,..~ ....... 4 11.... ~ ... ....., 1, t ... ,.. I ..,.. ..,..... 't '-.. I Mtl~ ,..._'a,.,.. I , ;:. s-----------~ .......... ,..... I .................... I .......... -.,,..,., 1 ................... I ,::_ I .::-I ··'='-1 ,.:=!.. I 99 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH 759-9551 L_"'., """' 11+12 I _..,_, .. ,._,_,a_..,_, h,tr .. 1...., I _"'.., l•pl~• lk.4J I ---------~--------..,._ ________ _._ ________ ~ + • • Or1nge Ooatt DAILY PILOTIThut1day, Augu1t 18, 1882 It's back to the old formula for 1982 I Ohio State, Michigan looking good again; Irish figure to b e much b ett er From AP dl1patcllet AMelaln& collece football atttnalh In tho Mldwe!Sf bu olten been a cue of looklna at \he •trenatha of Mtchi,an and Ohio St.ate In tho Bla ten. t.hen adding Notn Dame to the Utt. wl year and put wha\ we learned to good u.o." But it didn't work that way latt seuon. Notre Dame had lta first !ming mark tn 18 years, under new Coach Gerry Faust. -Maybe juat u import.ant Ui the fact the lrtah pusJna game, wilh Blair Klei at qua.rterblCk and Tony Hunter returnlng to tight end from wlnaback, wlll be UJ>ll'aded wJ\h \he addition of uaiat.ant coach Ron Hudaon. Hudaon will cooch the quarterbacks and receivers after having served the paat three years WI hackfleld coach at UCLA. For \he first tlme In years, Ohio State and Michigan loet to the same school In \he same season. Wl&COnaln accomplished the feat. The Big Ten &Wq has become paaa- minded and quarterback ta.lent abounds. FOR THE FIRST TIME since 1968, a team olher than Michigan or Ohio State represented the Big Ten in the Rose Bowl. Iowa made \he trip. In addition to Eason at llilnol.s, Purdue has Scott Campbell, Michigan has Steve Smith, Mlnneeota has Mike Hohensee, lndiana has Babe Laufenberg and Michigan State has John Leister. And tor \he first time since the start of The Aaaociated Pret8 poll ln 1936, a Big Ten team failed to finiBh in the Top Ten. Ohio State is without passing ace Art Schlichter, Michigan without running • back Butch Woolfolk and Notre Dame wJ\hout linebacker Bob Crable. All three are playing in the National Football League. THEY WILL HA VE such targets as Anthony Carter at Michigan, Oliver Williams and Mike Martin at lllinois, Duane Gunn at Indiana, Cliff Benson at Purdue, Ted Jones and Daryl Turner at Michigan St.ate and Gary WiUiams at Ohio State. Nevertheless, Ohio State, which shared the Big Ten title w ilh Iowa last season, and Michigan will be the teams to beat in the conference and could decide the title when they meet In Columbus Nov. 20. lliinois, with an air attack led by Tony Eason, appears to be the team with the best chance If the perennial powers falter. Iowa lost moat of Its powerful defense and doesn't figure to be a factor in \he tiUe race this year. Besides Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin could challenge IC Ohio State and Michigan have trouble, and Indiana can't be counted out. NOTRE DAME will have 19 starters returning and Faust promises the Irish "will learn from the mistakes we made Faust's baptism to the college ranks was a 5-6 season, Notre Dame's first losing season since 1963. Turning it around will not be easy, although the Irish still have 11 starters from the team that faced Georgia in the 1981 Sugar Bowl. QQ!:f. HOWARD L. HANDY Exeillpt status big incentive Once-a-year situation • There will be added incentive for young golfers seeking a spot on the PGA tour during the upcoming qualifying schools. For a number of years, entry onto \he tour has come to most professional golfers by virtue of \he schools. But the excitement of qualifying for the tour competition was quickJy replaced for most playera by the reality of the rigors of Monday qualifying. With the advent of the all-exempt tour in 1983, th<ll'le days will be mere memories. The successful candidates that emerge in November from the once-a-year qualifying tournament will carry that precious exempt status with them trom day one of \heir active tour careers. The low 50 scorers and ties from the final qualifying tournament Nov. 16-21 will be \he first group of tour qualifiers to immediately assume exempt status. To do so, they will have emerged trom a field of 200 in the final event \hat will play 108 holes over bolh the Tournament Players Club and Sawgrass layouts at Sawgrass, Ponte Vedra, Fla. \ • Local and regionaJ competition will preceae the final tournament with 36 holes at the local and 72 at \he regional levels. Entry deadline for the qualifying tournaments is Friday, Sept. 3 with an entry fee of $1.000 accompanying each application. Entry forms may be obtained by writing Karen Rose at PGA tour headquarters or by callinJl (904) 285-3700. . .. . JESS WATSON, PAUL ScodeUer and all the others at Laguna Niguel Country Club did it again by staging another outstanding Sea Country Classic partners' tournament. The event wa_, held over three days this past Thursday through Saturday with club members teaming with outsiders or another club member to participate. as seen on rv· Allhou,h Ohio State loet Schlichter, Coach Earle Bruce haa nearly ev•ryone else bac k . Mtke Tomciak replace• Schlichter. Eight detenalve •tarten al.a re tum. MICHIGAN COACH Bo Schembechler hu a stronger dtfenae than a year ago, when the Wolverines were ambuahed In their opener at Wiaconaln. ~;~h;,;;;;;ur t.;.i game," said Schembechler. "If we get It going, we'll be a good unit. Our kicking game is solid. We have our kicken back and our snapper back." Last year \he llllni finished 6-3 in the Big Ten, losing at Ohio St.ate and at Michigan. They were 5-0 at home. This time the Illini catch both Michigan and OhJo State at Champaign. Minnesota, in addition to Hohensee, has all of its running backs returning. Coach Joe Salem has nine starten back on defense. Home games will be played in the Metrodome, five of \hem at night. Purdue has a new coach in Leon Burtnett and an old look in a strong passing game led by Campbell. Eight regulars return on defense. WISCONSIN PLAYED its first five games at home last season, beating Michigan, Purdue and Ohio St.ate. This time the Badgers play their first three conference games at Michigan, Purdue and Ohio St.ate. Competition was in both low gross and low net and \he players not only had a fun time during their three rounda on the popular course but at special events staged by the tournament committee. • • • CHARGE IT (MOST STORES) MARJORIE WILLIAMS ·of Costa Mesa is eligible to win a free trip to Scotland for two as a result of scoring a hole-in-one at Mesa Verde Country Club recently. She qualifies for \he annual Drambuie Rusty Nall sweepstakes. • • • EVER WONDER WHY your ball doesn't get \he distance you feel it should? Perhaps the ball you were using wasn't as round as it should be and th.is cut your distance down. At least that's the clalrn of Chuck Bennett of Long Beach who has designed a 360-degree gauge for determi.n.l.ng golf ball shape and size called Ball Cheq. "It'• just more proof th.at bolh new and old golf balls are not nece981'ily round," says Bennett, a retired engineer who lives in Lakewood. Enjoy all the ~ction of the new football and Fall TV season with a vivid color picture-at low cost! Replace your rndoor or worn- out outdoor antenna with our SuperColor and see the sharp picture and brilliant color your set was designed to deliver- improves black-and-white TV and FM reception, too. Wide-swept 60° elements pull in maximum available signal on every station within range. Gold Alodizec:P finish fights corrosion . Preassem- bled-lnstall It yourself and save! #15-1710 Michtpn State a.nd Indi.rua both have excellent paaatn1 games to augment veteran llneupa. Indiana will "bt> explo1lve," uld Coach Lee Cor&0. Defetue could be a problem At Iowa, Coach Hayden Fry will rebuild \he defense around tackle Mark Bortz. The Hawkeyes alao have punter Reggie Roby, who set an NCAA record by averaging 49.9 yarda. Northweatern's NCAA-record losing streak la at 31 games. It should reach 33 with the Wildcats opening at llllnois and then at Indiana. Then they come home against Miami of Ohio and Northern Illinois. DEFENDING CHAMPION Toledo, Miami, Bowling Green and Central Michigan will be \he top contenders in the Mid-American Conference. Miami ia without tailback Greg J ones and Coach Tom Reed promises, "We're goln' to throw the football more this fall.' Quarterback John Appold is the key to the Miami aerial game. Bowling Green Coach Denny Stolz has a strong defense along with Jim Phelps, who punted out of bounds nine times last season inside the opponents' I ~-yard-Line. Cincinnati could improve its 6-5 record but Louisville wiU be hard-pressed to better its 5-6 mark. The two meet Sept. 11, but alao on Louisville's schedule is Pitt, a team picked by many to win the national championship. From Pa e C1 ANGELS. • • An.ct-I• haid muster~ Juai fQl.lr hit.a off the you.npttt. Why the early hook? "I had Stanley 1n \he bullpen," Houk reapondC!d "And they (the Angell) had all rlght"band hlttera comlna up In the 1evenlh." Tudor, 9"9, ..yalked three ~ struck out seven before exitlna. Stanley allowed just one hJt over the final three Innings to eam hit 10th save. Witt was the loeer aa hia record dipped to 7-4. "That Witt sure threw a lot of breakJng stuff," Houk said. "He mu~t have thrown about e.ltbt out of 10 pitches wJth break1J11 stuff." The end result was simply a lot of lucky breaks for the Red Sox who squirted base hits right and left. Mauch eventually replaced Witt with Luis Sanchez after Witt had worked Dwight Evana to a 3-2 count and Evans had rifled a shot that just did go fo~. * AHOIEl NOTll: The Angel• anel Reel Sqx wtep up 1he 1htw-g..,,. 9«le9 tonight (7:31) wllh 8011on Mndfng tight-hander ~ Ecll•r•l•r I 11-101 agafnat It••• "•11k•. Eckerai.y 11 lllth In 1he Amancan LMgUa In oomplat• gamae with 11 and third In llhut~ with three Third buamen Do.,1 O.ClncH mined hi• third 1tralgh1 gain1 white •llowlng a 1ore baok 10 heal. ""' Jacll90n, O.Clncae' r99l.cemant, btought 1 407 average Into the game OV« the 10 gamea 1lnce the All·etar break and promptly alnglecl In hla llra1 1t·b1t In the MCond Inning. • , "9d C11ew cotlacled hl1 2 14th thr ... hlt game 01 hi• Clfeet WednMdey night Ha aJao tied a club tllCOfd by ecorlng lour run• In the Angelf' 10-2 victory Tuetday night . . Don......, 19 second on th• Angela' 111.uma RBI 11111 with 503 Th• leader In thet dep1t1ment 11 ""' Fragoel with s..e Cati YMlrMIMkl II within live utra b•M hill of catcntng .,.._, Fou and and Tad Wllllem1 the Ill-time 1111. Bennett has •tarted to market \he devices that are made from Ughtwelaht, durable plastic. Ball Cheq9 are injection mo13ed into half<ircles that lock together for testing purpoees. Balls iNerted i.n the $9.95 tester will apin freely lf ~ in size and form. Handy Pocket AM/FM . Radio Now •7 Off I AC/Battery Cassette Recorder-Save'18.07 For further information, call Bennett at (213) : 421-4212. FIR SIMINAR TA•POll FISHING . _., , ... _ ••••n•• . .,." ..... ,.,., AUO. to 7s»10..,.. • ._ ............ ..,, 114-1177 ; Cut 41010 By Reau~ 9!~ • .. CTR-37 by Realistic ~~0 31!! ldtal tor lectures or personal memos-bullt·ln mike and Auto-Level recordln~ake It easy! Auna on AC, batteries or car t DC power. LED battery/record lndleator, tape counter. 'Mth Mrphone. '#14-808 ~DC 8depW tll(li'a .. ' I Orange Coal\ DAILY PllOTIThurlday. Auguat 10, 1882 ----------------- Dramatic win for Robin wood Hattabaugh, Wazewski star TAYLOR, Mich. -The Roblnwood Lltll_, League All-atara, one loa away from elimination, cut it cloee Wedneaday evening but managed to 1tay alive in the Senior Minor 13-year-old World Serles here with a dramatic 5-4 victory over Seaford (Delaware). Heroics were provided by Matt Wazewaki, who came off the bench to provide a pair of clutch RBI a.Ingles and pitcher Matt Hattabat.4gh, who went the diatance to pick up the win. . With the score deadlocked 4.4 in the bottom of the .eventh, Wazewaki delivered a two-out single ,with runners at first and th~rd to keep the Huntington Beach -based team alive in the double-elimination tournament. F.arlier, Wazewski had tied the game with a baae hit in a pinch-hitting role in the bottom of the sixth aa Robinwood rallied from a 3-1 deficit to go in front, 4-3, entering the final frame. In the sixth. an error and singles by Rick V anderriet and Scott Harper loaded the bases. Micky Hitchcok walked to force over one run and Wazewski hit the first pitch for a single to tie the scor e. An error allowed Robinwood to take a short-lived advantage. In the top of the seventh. Seaford parlayed a walk and two singles for a run, but Hattabaugh eecaped further damage with a strikeout and a pair of ground outs. The final out was recorded on a 3-2 pitch with the bases loaded and the runners moving on the pitch. "It was a courageous performance by .Hattabaugh," said Robinwood Coach Paul Matlock. "He threw 145 pitches in seven innin.zs." Robinwood took a quick 1-0 lead in the bottom of the first inning on a solo homer by Chris Ulmer. But Seaford bounced back to tally three unearned runs in the top of the fourth, thanks to a pair of Robinwood errors. That set the stage for the dramatics in the final two innings. "This win has to give us a lift," noted Matlock. "It seems like we've been waiting until the sixth and seventh innings to start hitting the ball." Needln~ an oth er victory to stay alive. Robinwood will send Vanderriet to the mound today against Vega Baja of Puerto Rico, the team that handed Robinwood its only post-season loss Tu~y. 5-2. From Page C1 HARYUNG BACK. • • he h&s remained a teacher on the Laguna BeaCh campus all along, responded to the request of Dr. Robert Hughes, the Laguna Beach principal who dropped Haryung in the spring of 1978. Haryung has made no secret during that span of his direct opposition to the decision, saying all along that the charges leveled against him were untrue, unfounded and unproven, and for a long time was outspokenly bitter. With the sudd en resignation of Bry~n. however, at virtually the last moment, the Artists went to the well and Haryung delivered. "There's not any one single thing that helped me make up my mind." says Haryung. "But I'm not really happy unless I'm in charge. "I HAD A TREMENDOUS experience at Capistrano Valley and they're going to be a super team this year. "But it's always better to be coaching where you teach and I have a lot of my old assistants coming back." Among those responding to Haryung's calls are ex-Laguna Beach players Gene Molway (deferisive coordinator) and Tom Purdy. "I have a list of five others, but I'm still in the process of talking," says Haryung. With contact beginning Monday, the Artists may find themselves in the midst of a tran&tion regarding tactics, and Haryung is aware of the problem. "IT CAN'T BE ANY WORSE than when I took over here in 1974," says Haryung. "I had no assistants and a squad of 23. "l expect a squad in the neighborhood of 40 and rm going to adapt the offense to the personnel we have. I know enough variations. "If I thought it was hopeless, I wouldn't be here. It's not going to be easy, but it can't be any worse than in 1974. We did it once and frankly, I thought we did a helluva job until it was taken away from us." "I'm not sayin g we're going to win the championship or even one game, but it's not hopeless." HARYUNG'S THIRD YEAR at the Laguna Beach helm found the Artists going 7-2 on the field, more than enough to qualify for a CIF playoff berth. But an ineligible player cost the Artists six victories. A year later Laguna Beach was 5-4, but then he lost his job the following spring. Also expected to be coaching within the Artists' system are Mike Roche and Hamera on the freshman level. Morris arrested on cocaine charge . MIAMI, Fla. (AP>-Fonner Miami Dolphins star running back Eugene "Mercury" Morris and four o~ men were arrested on cocaine charges Wednelday. police aaid. Offlcen who raided a home they said. was either owned or rented by Morris "seiz.ed a large quantity of cocaine, three veh!cles, a large awn of money and uaorted flrearm1," said George R. Ravena .• chief of criminal investigations for the n.de County State Attorney's office. Havens Mid the raid on the home, in a quiet. upper-middle clue neifhborhood, 1temmed from "an extentlve inveatlgatlon, 0 but declined to elaborate. Morris, 35, wu charged with one count of cocaine traffiddna -which carrlee a sentence of 1~ yan In pri8on and $260,000 fine with convict.Ion - three counta of c:ioca1ne delivery, three oounta of cocaine pc u ••on, one count of conapiracy to tralflc COCl1ne and one count of marl.Juana poee!llion, ea1d a.or.a Yam, cbid Mliatant to the st.at.e attorney. Yem uJd Manie' would be booked ln.to the Dede Olunty Jail o\remiaht and receive a bond .,........ Thunday. Authol'IU. Mid a· .46-aallber pJstol. .30-caUblf'J' cwblne, • Jbo'4rUD and • r1fle Weft .tRd dUrlnc the raid, &a\ fnd.lcaa.d thal the auapects didn't ....... D STARTS THURSDAY NO DEALER SILES I BENTWOOD ROCKERS 3 4 88 WALNUT FINISH- 4 7 7 7 oAK LAMINATED FINISH Cane 1eat and back. eaay to put together. Rocking la good for your back and your circulation. Try it. =: T-ALLEll llYz" &!'3~:X LIMITED QUANTITIES 5 9 c For a little tlshlng tackle. mome paint•. •ome Mwi.ng atuff. aome toola. whatever. McCULLOCH MAC 80 GAS STRllG TRIMMER 12477 Got a 21.2 CC engine (l• tha1 good or bad?). The way to attack h9CITf trim- ming of graaa or weed•. With spark arre•tor. RUBBEBMllD TAPERED PLUTERS IDICI 99c 1 29 149 j~ llCI The color l• BlacUlt (It' a alao a name of a French Cognec. I remember that from the old daya, be- bof9 sobriety.) Limited QucmUtlea. CAREFREE DRIP MIST WATERDfG SYSTEMS ALLTRADE 17 PC.I' ¥4" DRIVE SOCKET SET 2 79 #423T17 Nice for a round the houae br around the car. We uaually don't brag how much the price I• cut for a sale. but thla la almoat half. GERMADf'S PENTREX 3 77 GAL Says lt'• Hpeclally good for hard adobe aoU. "All-purpo•e" I• a real catch-all phrase. I mean. can you waah a car with lt? OllE GALLON CITRUS • Orange. Tangerine. Lemon. or Lime. Know a lot of people who enjoy plcldng their own, nice and freah. BURPEE GROW PRODUCTS V8{19table1. Flower. or Shrub1. Tree•. or Ever- green tertUlnra. 8wp98 la a real 11<>lld name in grownlng thlnga. GRASS~I ARTD'I She foot wtdta never mow lt know that.) HAPPY It's happy be Year Wanan' tum lnto any 6 foot width. NO GRO ,1 Five full yecm Since lt ls a bargain. rigb• HIRSH PORTABLE D FOLDING SAW T All. 39 9 ~TST-1 Now you can use a portable saw Hice a tabl• •aw and get accurate tight cut1. Also hold1 mo•t routers and sabre •aw•. S.G.L. WABER MOL Tl-OUTLET STRIJI c OUTLET I I 9 7 #4SPI 'OUTLET I 3 97 #6SPI Make• a much neater •et up. plu neatly lined up. And you Deft have enough. right? SPARKLEEN LIQUID CRLORlltJ 3 49 aox Two gallon• chlorine and acid packet.. You thought we'd never get back into pool •up- plies, didn't you? BLACK AND DECKD 16" DOUBLE EDGE SHRUB Ir HEDGE : TRIMMER 2aaa DURALITE OUTDOOR FURNITURE SUN HOUSEWARE ELECTRONIC ----- Multi-colored wide webbing. comfortable. good aupport. Take lt with you or entoy in the back yard. Light but strong. CHAIR 699 ... ~160 5 x 4 x 4 WEBS •N CHAISE 8 X 15 WEBS 1399 #5188 IUYEllLE CHAISE 7 99 lld 11n. ju1t 44~ Inch••· #5048 BOX WEIYE Yellow cmd wblte box W'.clft pattem, molded arma. Very peppy. gift• the aplrlt a lift. (Tbla vur reallr poun ll on.) FOLDlll 11-BICI 1 5 .•• ClllR •sac FOLDllC 5 POiifill 2999 aum ... ' FL YING llfSECT KILLER 2 ·1 88 The electronic age ha1 caught up with the buga. Geta all the flying lnaecta. in house or conred area. up to 2000 aq. ft. UL approved • BUDDY L CURCOAL GRILLS 24" FOLDllG BRIZIER a•• ..... 11" PICllC 7 71 1 #IQI Tab 1t c:amplag. tab It to the park. iRASS •MORE GRASS :JAL GRASS CARPET stuff. not bad even at more money. You brllllant statement. Senator. We didn't GRASS ::nase U give you a Two and after that it can 1ing. Even a drive-In. I 47 LIN. FT. •. I '• 1 l I. ..... : .;: ",. Orange Coa•I DAILY PILOT /Thurlday. Auguet 18, 18 MURRAY BICYCLES MEN'S 26" MONTEREY CRUISER full foam covered handlebar. balloon whitewalls. coaster brakes. Cruise the beach. eyeball the ladies. can't hurt. 68 8 ~- llEYROR POLYLOOM D GRASS CARPET NASSAU 26" 3-SPEED TOURING BIKE of warranty. juat read the tag. ! foot width. figure it to be a 4 9 !.FT. MEN'S OR LADIES' YOUR CHOICE 88~!0• · Heavy duly hot glue gun. with trigger control. Includes 27 sticks of glue and adapter nozzles. ALLISON SUN VISOR I 5 5 ,n., Scnre those eyes from tiring glare. easy to put this thing on. (My wife wants a 5 lb. box of money for her birthday. gift wrapped.) STAR PLATE BUILDING SYSTEM ~·~!-J;;~ 2377 QUAKER STATE MOTOR OIL 30 WT. 79c QT. .'lf'fll ~ WT. 89t QT. The Brooklyn kid still finds the oil deals. [t may be bis own stuff and he just takes the labels. KRACO 4 PC. .~-..~ VINYL FLOOR MAT SET 444 Comes in clear. black or beige. Scnres the carpet. Makes a nice gift to a friend. DOUGLAS nR 214 17c LIN.FT. 216 27c LIN.FT. #2-6541 Chrome touring handlebar. thumbahifter (that ia nice when you're chugging up a hill). Front and rear aide-pull caliper brakes. Read the labels. Use them if you t-1 you can get more mileage, more aervice out of the car. Good additives can't hurt. SOLDER SEAL PUNCTURE SEAL 77t12oz . #Mll-12 Seals and inflates tube or tuble11 tires. (No. lady It doesn't solder anything. That'1 ju1t the company name.) IX 12 #4 PINE SHEL VllfG RUBBERMAID ORGANIZERS I 99£A. CLEIJl-UP CUit OI .... ......... Amazing what things like this can do to unravel the me11 around a house. Real helpers. ~,.. .,( '"'~·. r'f/ .•. ;) ·':,/'. , .. . ~~ , / - .;. ~ I ~ • ' .. /. ·'·-'. ,-• '• :< -I .. ) ., . . , " l . "~ J •• ""' .... ~,. ~" !.:.~ ~l J..I j ARMSTRONG NO WIX SOLARllN FLOOR nLE 0 77c,,.~, .. Garden Lace. Etsex fair. Roman Court. Self-sticking tiles. <®!U8J> CLOSE-OUT DUPONT FLAIR SQUARES 3 77 PAKOFIS . You get 11 starplate frame connectors with which you can assemble up to instructions included a 13' diameter building. Lumber is extra. SmOQlh four aides, standard and better grade. (Did you khow we have "staggered" lunch hours around here? Too many manlnia.) Smooth four aides. careful cutting will giye you even better 1tuff for special uses. Good all-round shelving. Pre-pasted wall covering. easy to handle. (My wife calla me Bias. Buy us this and buy us that.) 12Xl2 squares. OMANCO ROOF TURBINES WITH JACK TWO 12" ROOF TURBINES INSTALLED 14" TWO 14" ROOF TURBINES INSTALLED 1697 6497 2397 7997 >Te• hot air 80 efficiently with no .energy co•t. You •tall or we wUll. Sony. can't ln•tall on metal, tile. or d root •. ,,,,,.< GOOD LIFE PAINTS RED DEVIL PllllTS GRABER FIRE LIRE ILUMIRUM DECORATOR MDII BLINDS 55% OFF FUTLITEI 677 WILL Pllln' GAL. PILYVRETUIE Ell.Im. n DI wm um Ell.Im. I 7 7 1/2 PT. 477 QT. I know those devil.a would be in this bualnen 1ooner or lcwr. They make 10 many good prodUcta. nasr ALERT PROGRAMMABLE ---u--=1 MANUFACTURER'S HOME COMMAND CENTER ~~~-___.LIST PRICE Ou 23" lty 42" ..... It 55% .. taly 242s The •alcrnce l• throWD ln for tree with the blind•. Le11 them halt of wha1 they ar. •uppoHd to •ell lor. Special order. - 6 9 97 #HC8600 You can Ht 1lgh11. appllance1. alanu. etc. to turn -on c:natomotlcolly. Mo wiring needed. Ju•t plug ID the Center and add a module for each lamp or appliance. Hl.Ll.rt.OWt.H l!]/fi W1111rlrull ~" ol l\rt1 ""' 713• 11/11 '!I'll TrtRfi1\NC. /~1111 ) f 1111\h11w 1111d ''•11 1.\1 Hw ~ 11:1· 'iJO 44~1 WHK OiiY S q Tll 4 l t'\RSON l fl4 ) f' (111\IHI ll··f Wil1n1 nqfn11 111111 1\11.mf 'I" I 1 l I :-.. 1.' I I :~'!111 ~I.HOV I '!:1fil l.h11p1111111 ;i,,, fl, r El111okhur\f I\ Grlh1 rl /I~ ... (', 'l\ I Wrt IHNll S q TU b f..l\ MIR!\ll!\ 1/841 Volle·~ V11w111111 Imp•11111 'I.I 'II 1 ,t 1 1 fllHO :Jb 111 ! l"'" H·iorl l:l1\I •I H11< 1-.111 Id "fl ~ q',l l'itil • . . • . ' • I .. I • . . I I ; I ~ lJ (,()()II T ll 1111 • 1 I I Orange COaet DAIL. Y PILOT /Thureday, Auguet 19, l8H .-----------------------------~ ~----------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------ ~ . ' • • MAJOR LiAQUI aTANOINQ8 Arneno.n Leegue WllTlftN DIVllR>H W L P'ct. Oii 6& 61 571 .,.... Konua Cttr Clllc6Qo SMttte Oaklano THU MlntlMOta 87 52 5e3 t 64 64 642 3•,, 511 81 •112 II'• S4 87 •48 15 'II ell 410 111 41 71 3411 27 IAITiftN D!VlllOM ee 50 51e MllwaukM &ottO<I 8altlmo<e O.troll -YO<k Clevetond T0<onto 86 53 551 3 e1 se s21 e·.i. 81 51 513 7~ 611 511 600 II 57 69 "'1 10 511 83 478 , ,,~ • .._, ..... Of" BottO<I '· A~ I O.trOlt 1, SMttte 2 N .... Yon. 9. KanM• Cl1r 2 Mlnneaota 8, 8oltlmo<• 5 f 10 1nn111911 Tuot II, ClllC8go 1 Oolllond 3. MllwoukM 2 I 1 I lnnlno•I Toder'• 0-. &oeton (Ec ker•l•r t 1·101 •I An9at1 !Renko 10.4), n MllwaukM (llu<:kovlch 13_.) at Oakland (Keough 10·1$) Chle8go (Hort 1•-101 at Kana.u City \Gura 14·91. n 8aJllmore \McGreo<>< 12· 11) at Mlnn .. 011 (Cutillo 8-8. n N•Uonal LMQue ftlTeftN DIVlllON W L l'ct. Qa ea 53 se2 Oode«e Allanta 83 58 529 4 San Olego San Francltw:o HouatO<I Cincinnati 63 57 525 '"' 83 sa 571 s S4 85 454 13 •s 15 315 22•.i. EAITEftN DIVlllON 89 so sao 81 52 5G3 84 55 ~· •• 5e 513 50 ae 42• 51 71 418 SI Loula Philadelphia Mon tr eel Pltttbl.lrgh N4tw Yor~ Cl\leeO<> Wedneed41l''• k«M 2 5 II tt10 ... 19''> Oocte«e 2·7 at ChleeQO 1_. (lat game comptellOfl ot suspen<tea game, 21 1nnl.ng1) San FrancltGO t6. 1>1n11>urgl\ II St Louis 2 Son Olego I MO<ll•NI 12. A11an1a ? Cuicmnatl 1 New YO<k 6 f 14 tnnlnoal Pnotadelphla 5. Hout10<1 3 115 lnnlflO•I Toder'e0-0ode«e (Welcl\ 14· 7) el Cl\lcaQO CJ-lr\9 7-131 San Frenettco (Gate 5· t 1 J et PtttSDYrgn (Candelaria 10·51. n New York (Swan 7·5) at Ctnctnnoll (8ereny1 a. 1 21. n Montreal 1sanc1er1on 6· 111 at Atlante (Peuu 0·2). n San Ole90 IOravecky 3· 11 et SI Louis (Stupei !>-2). n Philadelphia \Carlton 16·81 at Houato11 (l<neiiper 5-12). n AMERICAN LEAGUE Red 801 4, Aneef• 1 901TON CALlfOftNIA abrhbl llbrhbf Remy 2b Evans rt 41120ownlngll 3100 4 0 2 0 Carew lb 4 0 3 1 Rtce II Ystrimskl dh Lanata<d 3b Stepleton I b Millet cl Hollman ss Allenson c Boglja ph Gedman c 5 1 2 1 R-.JacklOfl 4 0 0 0 502t8aytordh 3000 5 0 I 0 Lynn cf 4 0 0 0 5 O 2 O RoJadu1c•1 3b 3 O 1 O 4 I 1 O Grich 2b 4 o O 0 4 I 1 0 Foll at 3 0 1 0 2000 eoone c 2000 '0 1 0 1000 Totals 30 I 5 1 40 • 13 4 Totals 8co<a by ln ...... o Botton 001 002 001-4 Cahf<><nle 100 000 ooo-1 E Allenson OP BottOfl 2 LOB - Boston 11, Caltfomta a 2B -Lanttord c .. ew 2. Ri<:<t SB R Mille< \3) loeton IP' H ft Eft U IO TudOI (W.11·91 6 4 1 I 3 7 B Stanley IS 10) 3 I 0 0 0 0 CelffOfnle Will IL 7-4) 5 .... 10 3 3 2 Sanc11e2 3'1t 3 1 1 o HBP -by Stanley (Ro Jackson) T 2 24 A 38 432 Angel 8YM90" 8ATTINO Al " H "" ._ .. P'ct. Ro Jackaon 108 12 35 2 18 324 Carew 358 58 1()9 1 31 304 OeClnces 414 67 123 24 74 297 Lynn 366 H 111 17 89 288 Oown•no 451 84 129 19 51 288 Beniq..ez 102 15 28 t g 275 Re Jac~aon 388 84 1()4 27 69 .269 8aytOI 480 57 123 111 73 287 Grleh 384 50 101 13 63 282 Foll 378 40 99 2 45 282 eoon. 345 29 89 4 43 258 Clark 7 1 9 111 2 5 225 Fergu.ao 87 7 15 2 7 224 WllfOOQ 136 17 26 t 11 1114 8urlel0fl 45 4 7 0 2 15{; Kellel\er 35 5 2 0 0 057 Totals 40$2 588~3 134 553 272 l'ITC"4NO IP H • tO W-&. EftA Hauler 81 43 3• 22 2·1 I 112 Tlant 18'"' 19 s 18 2·1 2 95 Stair., 3 3 • 3 00 300 Win 133'" 124 42 64 7.4 3 11 A-52 45 23 40 3.3 3 46 Fo11ch t7~ 169 48 63 10-9 3 76 Ren~o t311'1'> t40 44 69 10-4 3 81 Zahn 1~ taS 25 •O •·2 388 Sanetlel 62~• 64 25 40 4-2 3 88 Ktson 111 .... 84 33 55 6-4 393 Golu 61 .... 62 25 38 8-4 4 82 Totals 108S'tt 1033 34• 544 &a-51 3 75 ,...... '· .a.r1 ..... 2 Seattle 001 000 100 2 6 I Oetron 200 100 13-7 15 O Perry. llande B.,g 171. MuuMtman (81 and Sweet; Patry, P Underwood 1111 anO L M Parrtah W -Petry, 13·7 l -Perry, 7-11 HRa-Oelrolt, L M Pa,,lal'I 2124). 8roolceno 18). A-111.584 Yllft--t , ll07et1 2 Kanae• City 001 000 010-2 7 2 New Y0<k 004 320 00•-ll 13 I Frott. Caalro 131. Outaanbarry (7), Armatrono CBI and Wetllan. Slaugh!: Jolln and Cefone W John. 9·11 L-Froet &.II HR Kenna Ctty Wethington (61 A-22 80• ftangort 1f, WN .. ha t Clllcago 000 000 0 I 0 I 11 3 Texea 001 600 23>-11 17 0 Trou1. Eac:err99• (4), Hickey \I). &arnet \71 encl Hiii, Tenane and Sundberg W- Tan•n• 8-13 l Trout, 8-11 HR-Teua, Sundberg 171 A-11,1121 Twlftel.~S 8al11m0f• 100 100 200 1-$ 14 0 Mlnnffe1• 110 000 002 2-8 16 0 Palmer, Stewert ( 7). T Martin•• (Ill. Stocld.,d (II). G Oe!lta I 101 and OemPM'r. v1e1e R«lt•n 1n u nte 1101. R Devi• (101 and Leudner. Bui••• w -R Deva., 3-8 L-Stoddard ,.4 HR• altlmore. Roenid<e (211. lOW9'111..,, 118~ Min-• CHtlno (61 A-7, 132 A'e ~.,_..J MllW91111• 000 020 000 00-2 8 2 Oe-lend 000 000 020 01-3 5 1 MOClute lln<I Simmon•. N0<rtt. Beeld ( 10) ftw:1 .._,..,, W-8-d, 7-8 L-MGOklre. 11-&. ,.,_ ..... t NATIONAL LSAOUS... ................ ~ 000 000 OOG 000 002-t 10 2 Hou91on 100 010 001 000 ooo-> 12 o ~ow. A,At9d (8), MOllQI Ill, FOl'IMI m~ Mo()( ... (14) end .. Olu; J, Mtl&ro. t.toftlll (t), D. tm1111 (I). lllot>er~ 1101. LI OO .. nil and P'uJolt, Knlciefy W-MoOt•. 2'2. L-i..c-, 44. A-ll,44t. ~ .. ,..,..., left °"90 000 000 OOi-i t o "' ..... oot 000 00.-t • 0 HaWlllM. Wtlltfl (I) 111d l , ICtfl=; ,ortdl, ..,._ ctl efld'O. ~. W-' • 12·7 L-..-1111, l •I . t -lulllf (HI A-lUOI II 0 .... ,.,.,. .... , t.I0<11'Ml 301 ,00 2°'4 " I 0 I Allanto 000 000 m -'l 9 0 OulllCUCll end Cart.,. 8teckwelt, Cemp, Moore 141. lleclroelao 18), Hr•boelly Ill Md S1na1ro Pocoroba w Gulllell•O<I. 10 8 l Camp. 8·7 HR• Montt .. 1, OewtOll , t171. Walloch \111 A 12.827 Olanta It. ftfratM t Sart F'ral\(lloco 400 ODO 02 I -18 10 ~ Pllltburgl\ 10• 100 102-g 13 1 R Ma11111, Fowl~ .. tSI an(I Mey. O Robll\•on. E Romo (6). Nlemenn 161 aaumoarieo (81 artd T l>en• w -,owlk ... •·2 l-0 RoDtnton, '"·II HH•-ll•n Franclac;o, C Oev11 I t31. Lac1191d {•). Clllk (231. Pllleburgh, J Ray (7), Madlock 1131, Berra (Ill A -14,20$ Dodget'I 2, CUM 1 cc-.-........... p1ndM 0-•) LOI ANOILH CHICAGO n r hbl llbrllltl Sa,. 2b II I 3 0 SanclbOfg lb 8 I I 0 Landreaux ct 8 0 2 0 Bawa u 8 0 4 0 Baktt II 8 0 I 1 BUCl!net lb II 0 • t Gue<r.,o rt II 0 I 0 Out ham cl 11 O 2 O Cey 3b 7 0 3 0 JOl>nllOM rt 2 0 0 0 llateruuela rl 1 O O O JeMorai.s ct 3 O 1 O Wllk:h II 0 0 0 0 Tl'lompacn rt I 0 0 0 GatYey lb 8 0 I 0 Rtptey p 2 0 0 0 Rune" N 7 1 2 0 JDevl1 ' II O O O 8ci<>ede c 4 0 2 1 HencleraC>n If II 0 2 0 Belange. Pf 0 0 0 0 Kennedy 2D II 0 2 0 YHg« C SO I 0 Noles I 000 Hooton p 2000 WMll pl\ '000 Orta ph I 000 Tidrow p 0000 Nle<lenluer p O 0 0 O MOiinaro ph 1 O O O MO<lcl•r ph 1 0 0 0 LoSmnll p O O O O Howe p o o o o Woad• ph 1 o o o Roenlc-• ph 1 0 I 0 PrOly p 1 0 0 0 St...,an p 0 0 0 0 Campbell p 1 O O O Mar•h•ll ph t O 0 O Moreland rt 2 o o O Forti., p 0000 8ecl(wlth p I 0 0 0 Wrlljhl p 0 0 0 0 Morales ph I 0 0 0 ReuH p 1000 To1al1 76 2 17 2 To1a1a 73 1 18 1 ac-by lnnlntt• LA 010 000 000 000 000 000 001 2 Chi 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 1 Game auspended beeauH of darkness alter I 1 1nn1119s E -&uckner 2 Ruuell, Ripley OP -Loa Anoelfl 2. ChlCago 1 LOfl -Los Angete. 21, Chicago 15 2B -Durham 2 Ruuell. Cay, Su SB -Lanclreeu• (25), Sandberg 1261. Baker ( 13) S Bow•, J Oav11. Garvey, Landreau• SF -&aller loe A~ IP H 1111119910 Hooton 6 • I I I 2 Nle<lenluet 2 3 0 0 0 2 S H-. 2 2 0 0 I 3 Stewart 2 I O O O 1 Fouler 1 0 0 O 1 t 8edlWlth 3\\ 5 0 0 I 2 W11ghl 'I'> 0 0 0 0 0 ReuujW,tl-91 • 1 O O O 2 CMc-.. -5 4 1 I I 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 Tldrow 2 I LeSm1111 2 3 PrOly 3 5 C1mpbe11 5 t 0 0 0 0 0 3 Rlple)1l. 4-6) 4 3 WP -le Smttll, Ripley .T 26,576 t ' • 5 1110. A Dodgere 7, Cube 4 ("°llYWIY ocfted ...... .-1 LOI ANOELEI CHICAGO abrhbl ab rhbl Su 2b Landreaux Ci Monday II Roenlcb If Gue<rero rf Cer :lb Garvey lb RuaMll N Scloeol• c; Reuup Mart11all ph Slew1t11 P SHowep Nl.oenluet p 5 I 3 0 Sondbetg 3b 5 1 I 0 S O O 0 Bowe u • 1 t 0 4 J 4 1 Buckner lb 3 t 2 2 0 , 0 0 MO<Otand If 3 I 1 0 5 2 3 5 Outl\am rt 4 0 2 I 4 0 0 0 MO•alas cf • 0 2 1 4 0 I 1 JOellla c 3 0 0 0 5 0 I 0 JoMstone It 1 0 0 0 4 O I O Keone<ly 2b • 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Blrcl p 1 o 0 0 1 0 1 0 Willi• pl\ 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 PrOly p 0 0 0 0 0000 MOllnan> ph 1000 0 000 H9tn•ndelt p 0000 LeSmtth p (' 0 0 0 Tl'lomPM>" ph I 0 0 0 Tol•I• 40 7 "7 Totell 35 4 11 4 lc:OfebJlnnMge LOI Angeles 202 020 001-7 ChlCellO 100 100 020-4 E Cay l OB -Loe Anoetes II Clllcago 6 28 -Sronclt>er9, Gue<r.,o 38 -Su HR -Gverrero 2 (251 SB Roenlc:l<e r 131 SF 8ucknet. Garvey IP H llERMIO Loe~ ReuUCW, 12·91 St-1111 SHowe N ""8ntuertS.71 s 4 2202 ~ .. 3 2 2 ' 1 0 20000 ,., 0 0 0 0 3 CMceeo Blrcl(L 7 11) 5 II 6 a 0 3 Proty 2 4 0 0 0 0 w He<nonOet 1 1 1 I 1 I l e Smith 1 0 0 0 I 2 S Howe pilched 10 2 b•tl9'1 tn the 8tn, W Hemandez t>ltcl'lllcl to 1 baller tn Ille 91h T -2 ? I A -27 429 Top 10 (Bned on %11 at bell) AfllElllCAN LEACW« W Wiiton, l<C .,..,,.,, Cle Cooper, Mii P1ci0<elo. Cn1 Gercla, Tor Yount. Mii Htbel<, Min McR ... KC R1<;e. Ban Bonnell TO< 0 A8 II H Pct. 114 •oa 51 139 l •2 116 448 811 145 325 111 4fl5 H 150 323 117 315 41 101 .321 111 505 75 181 319 112 480 1111 148 317 104 AOC 59 12fl 315 119 •52 ae 141 312 109 429 82 133 310 109 3se S4 1 10 301I ........... ,,. G Thom••· M11waukH. 32. Tt>0<n1on Cle•11anc1. 27. fte. Jeclll .. n, A"9el•. 27: Hatrah, C-ond. 2', L M Parrish. Oelroll, 24. Cooper. Mllwauk••. 2•. Ogllvte, Mrtw-ee. 24, ~ ........ M. .__..._ ... McRae. K1nu1 Ctly 102, Thorn1on Cleveland, 93. Ccopat. MllwoukM 88 G Thomas. Milweul<M, 85, Yount. MllWeu, .. eo Luztnakt Chlc:aoo. eo Pitching (11 OechlOM) Vuckovich Milwaukee 13-4 &urns Chicago. 13.4 Guidry New Yor' 11-4 Zahn, Ant•l•, 1S-S: Petry. Oe:rotl t3·7. Gut• I<.,,... CllY 14-8. 0 91'#1n. Te• .. 11-fl. Hoy!. Cl\1C8QO, 14· tO NATIONAL LEACWIE 011..., Mil. MCGM. St L. Oumam. Cl\I ....... ~. Knlgnl. Htlr Medlock, Pgh Lacy. Pgfl 0-.oo,Mn lo Smllll, SI L Carter, MU. OA89'HPct. I 11 443 84 148 334 83 281 31 91 324 113 4111 85 131 313 108 418 57 129 301I 1111 •S4 58 140 308 t 17 435 74 134 308 llO 278 52 16 308 IOI '42 15 135 806 115 «2 911 135 306 112 405 ae 123 304 ....... .._ "'urphy, Allan10, 211: Kingman. N..-'1'0<-. 28, Scllmldl, Phlltd911)h4•, 28: 0-.tere. D9Clpn. II: Homer, Atten1a. 24 .._..__ ... Oii-. MonlrMI. 16: Murplly, Atlante. 82. Clerk, San Franclaco. 12. Guerrero, 0od9en, J9; Ctn ... MonlrHI, 78 "'°""" (11 OMlaMM) Ro9e<a. M ontretl. 1•·8, Cerlton. PhiladelPNa. 18-8, W*"-~ 16-J'; 0. Robln•on. Plltsburgll, 11·7: Fo1ach, 81 Loula. 12·7. V ............ ~. 1 ... 1.M . Montr ... 1o-6 . . " • '• A.Ilg el, Dodger sehedule11 /,() ~ . ~ Angela on "•dfo KM.-C (710) Angela on TV Channel IS Dodgere on "•dlo KA8C (7to) Oodger1 on TV Ch•nnel 11 • 09MtNTV 0-'I Sund•y Mond•y Tu••day Wedneedey Thuraday Friday Saturday Aug. 11 11 11 11 11 20 21 BoJton 11 Alie•. I 30 0.troot •I ...... / IQ Oltr0ot ..... , Dode•• at Cubt, l lJ~ ~"' •I '•flt I ~ ... 14 ,. .... ·~ 22 23 M 2S 28 27 21 0.lrOll at ~·· I -c>Ma"' at P atu, 10 l~ Mllw. at ~·· 7 30 DMI"' 11 t l . !> 3~ M1tw al~·· 730 •Ooclctn •• t l • s 3!> •D14t1r1 II St l Alie• 1t Bos1on, ~ 35 10 1 m and 05 pm Anc• at Boston, 4 3~ Cubi ii Oodtw1, 1 3~ ·~• at loiton. t I 10 Cu at 0Mc1r1. 7 ~ n 30 31 Sept. 1 2 3 I 4 •Anc• It Boslon, 11 o~ SI l 11 Dodaen. 7 35 Anelli at 0tt101t. • J~ Anc• al Detroit 4 .l~ Anctil al Detroit. 4 3~ •Anctlt It M1fw ~ 30 •Allf• 11 M1lw S 30 Cutn It 0Nc•t, I ·05 SI l at Ovdctn, 1 3!1 St l at Ooc11w1, I 35 Ptt•fu II Dode"'· I J~ P11a1u 11 Oodcwa. 7 05 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 •Anc• at llilflw , 11 30 Ch1uao •• Anctlt. I Chl(ljO at Ant•. I 30 C1t1eaco at An&th. 1 30 I Or OMO at Alie•. I 30 Toronto at Ml•. 7 Poalh II Dodc111. I~ •Dede"' al R~s. 4 O!> Dodaen 11 Rech. 4 3~ Dods•n •I AUdnta, 4 40 Ood11n •I Atlanta, • co •Dod1111 It Houslon !> 35 •Oodc10 it Houston. I I 20 12 13 14 15 • 18 17 11 Toronto at Aftc*, I Ans• 11 ChtCaao. ~ JO ~· al ChtCaco, ~ JO Ans• at Cl11u10. 5 JO Allctla al loronto. 4 JO ~· •t lo1onto 4 JO Anc• at loronto 10 30 •DMI"' 11 Houston, 3 05 Plclres •I Dedcen. 1 JS Pldt~ ii Dtdctn, 7 35 Padres at Oodt•u. 7 JS Houilon at Oodc10. 1 J!I Houston al Doclc•n, 1 ~ North Amertc.n 8ocC« LMgue UITlftN DIVIMON W l 0, OA 9P' l>la •·Cotmo• 23 a 72 411 66 202 Montr1111I 18 12 5e AO 45 1411 Toronto 16 15 55 45 46 142 Ch1<;ago 12 111 64 116 51 121 IOUTHlllN DIVlllON •·foot Lauderdale 17 14 82 73 Tull• 15 18 87 57 I ampe Bay 12 19 45 68 Jack1onv1lle 1 I 20 •O e9 WUHftN OIVlllON Seatlle 17 14 71 48 Vancouver 20 11 57 •6 Sen Diego 18 13 69 53 Poruand 14 17 49 43 Sen Joa• 13 18 47 60 EdmO<llOn 1 t 21 J7 66 • Cllnchecl cllVlillon 1111e. WednHd1y'aO...... fort Lauderdale ?, Tampa Boy I Cosmo• 3. Tulsa I Cn1eago 3, T 0<onto • San Olego 5, Sen Joae 0 Vancouver 2. S..ule 1 (oO PO<"ttonO 4, Ec1monl0<1 o Toclay'e O- NO gemes achecluled Ft1clay'1 o-. Cosmos at Monlreel Del Mer ~DNEIOAY'I ftHULTS 55 155 57 143 39 110 38 104 59 159 •s 1511 53 157 42 122 38 114 32 93 (:t51h o1 a-c&ar thorouglltlrwd m•llnel F'lftlT ftACI. 8 lurlongs 911 of Beau (Hawley) Ill 40 9 80 6 60 Madame Trompe< 101hay1 7 80 4 20 Ewe Win (Pmcay) 5 00 Also raced Ouclless Tin&. Karyn's Preaent, Cutesy, COllMne Marra Outgo f tHI Me11nc11, Shes N~al. Sanclles . Bee Gone Time I 11 HCONO ltACE. t II 16 mllel Ourtoo ~oo 111a1 .. 1a1 15 00 7 60 !> 40 Rleh Caroe< (Mer.al 14 20 8 20 Rullah Bua (Onvaret) t8 20 Alto rltced lord Er11 J 0 Maaon. Eagles Five foay Ouotlo, 8eblto, Teti Me About It, Joy!IA C1vartet. He$ LOOl<tno Good, BOid Then\9 Toma I 4? 415 '2 DAil. 'f 00\lllUt 14· tOI pelcl t 124 60 TH41t0 llACE. 6 lurtongl RIM 0e PIO IP,..ce1 4 t 80 13 20 8 00 W•ynea11na (Lam..-1 4 20 3 60 Th1nka Judge (Hansen) 8 00 Atso raced Sunset Sal My Favorofe Aunl M•l•nd•. Plum Mayo MOOflllgnl Cet1nd• Jo Jo ()!Magg.a The Way We We<e C Est MC>l C1>er1 8onb0naira Time 1 09 31S '5EIACTA 110·121 paid '42100 ,OUftTH ltACE. I II 16 m1 ... Won I Gv en Inch (Oths) 9 60 4 •O ) 20 Greuy (Plnceyl 3 80 2 80 s -1 Looi< CBlac~> 2 60 Also rectd Cont1der Me Irish, Royal Windstorm Determined Lano Revaloha Golden Ledy Be4ie Time 1 " 115 F'W'TH ftACl. I 1/lf mites Betas Motet (Upham) 33 80 1 t 20 • 20 Penngro•• \Guerral 5 80 3 80 Royal Serb (8tackl 4 2q Allo raced Gotdln Corc;1e, fearaomt Foursome. Unbellnownll 10 Me Time 141 4/& tS UCACTA ( 1·61 P•ld 12•3 00 tl)(TH ftACE. fl furlong• Seciuoyel\ (Cutanecla) 5 00 3 20 2 80 l'IMt Scramm.r (McCerron) 4 20 3 40 &o11on Megtc (Pierce) 3 80 Atto raceo Pride of tht fleel. New rerr11ory. Steve Dancer. Too Much F0< T 11 MOO<I K•mp Honey'• Wallet. 8es1om T tme 111 8EVUfTH ftACf. OM mite Sierve (Sho9make<I 3 eo 3 00 2 60 Terr• MIU (Ollveret) 3 80 3 00 Engl11h Gtrl IOell'l>OUHa)•I 2 80 Also r-.S Apo111ecary Ml9s. Oa.a1tngly. E .iltcl Ma1m11son Time 135 3/S SS llACTA 13· II 081d $111 50 t2 "1Clt II)( c 10· 10-I· 1·5·JI paid $J 714 20 with 23 Winning tickets (ltve l\O<MSl U Piek Sia CO<laOl&llon paid S53 60 wtll'l S30 winning hckets (lour he<-) flOHTl! lllACl. I 1118 mtlff Ma1ch1t>9 (Stblllel fl 60 Ml .. Huo1lno1on (Vateruueia1 Cel Girl (M,Carron) \No thow w~tng) Also rac;9d l rtw;~ Robbtry Time 1 40 18 U ACT A 14·31 paid $1111 00 NINTt4 ftACI . 1 1116 ml ... 3 80 out 4 •O out OU1 Prior Approv1t (Plneeyl 8.60 5 40 3 60 M111t• c.remontea (Guerr11 11.oo 11.oo Beau Glaoler (BllKlkl 8 40 Alao roc.<I 00111 Ack. Olden Age, Dagen, Zodlec. M .. t., Surgeon. Sword 01 Honour Time I 42 415 .. H ACTA 17·11) paid ,,8000 At1end11~e 18,1179 HollYwood ,.,. WWDMltoArt llHULTI (2.ftd .. 11-flltM iw-_,..,.) "lfllT ftACI. One m11e paoe Iron Duk• (Wlllllln'll) II 40 s 00 3 60 R-(Crogllan) 9 to • 60 Monter.., OtNm (~ren) 2 to Alao raced lloleto Ohlel, Ktnga Oouble. Doctor Roaa. ACland't Jet. JlndH Image. W.,,119. A.rwty't ~ Time 203 $1 aJC.ACTA 17·21 IH!ld Ille 30 ) llCOND ltACE. One mlle trot Fiith St0<m (Cltll) II 00 • •O 3 80 NoDle lli<:IOIY N (l<ueote•I 4 00 v 110 Regel Retr .. t IL0<190l fl 80 Alto racecl Jay• M...,O<', .. Imo Imo Imo PlstOIO<O Pat oteoe Duke Danton Sf\C)09y Rodney, T1<;ka1 Hoom Time 2 02 315 THtftD ftAC:I. One mite pece Wan<I• Nevadt CCrOQhan) 7 •O J 20 2 40 NeHun Dorm• tLIQtllhlll) 2 80 2 20 Rocky Scotch ($11err9") 3 20 Also raced Sitter• Sttrtet. Oo!ll• Butter s-1poer Shannon, Cat Je1, Empire Bttcurt Time 2 04 315 P EXACTA (4-11 peld $30 30 P:OUftTH ftACI . One mile Ptce Jive Talk (Sh.,ren) 22 00 6 40 3 20 2 60 2 40 Ory Sack (Goudreau) • 40 Sullen Hanover (Todd) Allo raced l(elly \/Iva. Modern Touch KOii• Cout, Mlnlll•• Time 2 00 4/S FIFTH ftACE. One mile pactt Ricky 01rec1 (Croghan) 5 80 3 20 2 60 Kingsly Hano•e< CParkar) 3 60 3 20 Arrnbr~He 1va1~nc1lnoh1m1 5 oo At•o raceo ::.nae• >'ec• tlound For Gtory A ren Percanter. Clear Night Top Roe~ !>Mp Woada. Windy R1nge N Tome 2 02 llS t3 EltACTA (:I· 11 paid $33 60 81)(TH ftACE. One mole pec;e Happy \liner (Bayless) 5 40 Sunse1 Beech (Mac1tanc11 Paddleboa•cl ICopelan<I) Aho ••cell Oesett Son Heather. Ltghtn1n Siom Boats T odd1!111 Oes<gn HOllys Away Time 2 00 '5 ElCACTA 14·5) paid $97 SO • 20 3 20 10 00 • 80 9 20 Monterey Andys lrly SEVENTH RACE. One mole f)aco l'rantoes Nero 1Parke•I 6 20 3 llO 2 80 Knts1na \Vallandrnghaml 3 80 2 80 True Trtc1e c IB•tll11tgeont 2 60 Also raced Trendy Tryu GOldt Merr N. Super Sue N Fair lru1h. Pinch H11 Oreo Byrd Time 2 00 315 $5 EIACTA 110·11) pelcl $74 00 EIOKTH llACE. One mile pace Garry Ayr (Pa1ke!I S 00 4 60 3 60 Racy Regent N p odd Ill 10 80 4 40 Special Ouallly (AuDtnl J 80 Alto raced Kill Scotcl\ Double L1lehme N Tact H9<le1y Raven Maniac Time I 59 21~ MINTH AACE. One mile peoe Tacl Weve (P11ker) 6 60 Doctor Don N 1Gtunc1y1 &••-•• N 1Lonoo1 Alao r•ced Kentucky King Knt0'11 r,,._a, SklP90f Wyatt. fall Alon(I. Moody Slue N TilM I 5e 3/S ~.40 3 60 a 2o •80 5 20 Famous AmeatH S3 EllACTA 11·21 paid t46 ?O t2 P'ICK llJI 12·3·4· 10· I I) paid 114 542 00 w!lll •-wlnnong toeheta ltl• l\O<SHJ s2 P1ek So• conaolatJOf> paid $78 eo wilh 123 wlnnong ltCkels (rtv4! l'IO<IM) '2 P~ StA 5'•a1'h 'ontOlllJOf> peld $S9' llO Wllh one winnono tleket Clout hOrses one tetllCl'I) I U.I . Women'• Am1teur (al ColOfadc l~lnge) Opening ftovnd Metch Pla1 Juli lnketer (Lo• Allo•I det Caroline <>nwarr I University of Georo1aJ. I •uP on llrst e,;1ra hole. Carlo Semple (Sewlc~tey. Pa ) <lei Lita Stanley (Melbourne, Flat. 4 and 3 L inclr Goggin CLtnd11fa1 ne Aua1r1lt•I oar Oebb1e Weldon !Laguna Be&c:h) 5 end 3. LIH Kluver CAle•anclrta Minn I <let Dab f'.1"hard IMannanan. Kan J, 6 a110 5. Penl'!y Hammel (Decatur Ill t <hit Kame Kt11g1ton 1Mane110. Ga ). 3 and 2: C1ncly Davis 1Bowte Md I clt1f Burbata Wrtghl (Sall lakt! Cllyl 3 And I ATP Champlon1hlS-{•t ...._, otllo) llecond "°""" SlnglM John McEnroe CU S J clef Ruseett S1mpl0fl tNew Zea1tnc11. 6-I 6-3 Jimmy Connora tU S I def Phil Oe<\t ClluSlralla) 6· I &-4 Ivan l encll cCrechOSIOVlkill clel Ramesn r<111hnan (India) 6·4. 6·2. llrlos Ge<ula1t1a IU SI clef Stan Smrlh IU SI 7.5 6-1 Raul Rem11er CMe.,,ol def S...n11d Fritz (France) 4.3 re111ed Broan Teacher (US I 1181 S1an1Jtov Birner 1C1ec;hoslo••kto) 6· t 6· I Giiies M0<e1to11 (France) clel Jimmy AtlH (Us I. 6·2 ~-7 6-1, Han~ Pfister IU s I clet Christophe Roger llesseltn CFren,e) li·3 6·2. Sieve Donton (US I dot rranc••co Gon~alez (U S I 3-6, 6-3 7 ·6 0..0 M• tl1hlng Aftra u~o (...,,,port ,.ect.) -69 •noter• 7 ac:utpin 3 ~shead 65 kelp Dell DAVEY'S LOCllEft (Newpon .. ach) -204 anolers 350 bOnoto 88 uhco bass 7 •3 mackerel, 28 rock tral\ 29 sand DUS t ye11ow1aM NFL EXHl8ITION NATIONAL CONf'IMNCI WllT DIVlllON w L T Pel. ,., Attenie 1 0 0 '000 20 New Orl••ru 0 0 000 20 ftem• 0 0 000 20 S•ri Fr ancraco 0 t 0 000 14 U8T DIVlllON II V G1anh 0 I 0 000 14 Dallas 0 I 0 000 10 Waan11>gton 0 I 0 000 7 Pn11aaalph1a 0 t 0 000 7 St Loula 0 I 0 000 0 CEMTRAL OIVlllOM tamDa Bay I 0 0 '000 35 Gr8"n Bay I 0 0 I 000 21 M1r>ll8tOla I 1 0 500 47 Ch11;ago 0 I 0 000 27 OelrOol 0 I 0 000 16 AMl!lllCAN CONF'EftENCE Wl!IT DIVlllON w l T ""'· ,., llaldon I 0 0 I 000 17 Denver I 0 0 I 000 33 Kansas City I 0 0 1000 26 Seattle I 0 0 1000 14 San 011tgo I 0 0 I 000 EAST DIVl810N 28 M1emt I (' 0 I 000 2• 8uHa10 I 0 0 I 000 14 Balttmore I 0 500 33 N-Enolan<I 0 0 000 20 N Y Jett 0 I 0 000 19 CENTRAL OIVlllON Pttlsburgl\ I 0 0 I 000 24 Houllon t 0 0 1000 22 Cleveland I 0 0 1000 17 Ctnc1nn1t• 0 I 0 000 20 Ton'9hl'o0..... ftamo al Cleveland Frld•r'• OarnM C1nc1nnah vs Greeri Bay at MllweukM New Englena a1 PhlladetPh1a 8aturd•r'• Game• Raldera 11 Oe1'011 Allanta vs Beltlma<e at Tempe A t11 ChlCOQO GI 8uflllo OallH al San :>1990 Kansas City II New Orleans M1am1 ftt Oenvet Plllsburgh al N Y Grenls S• lOUt$ 11 Son FranctKO Sttatlle et Minnesota w u111ng1on 11 Tempo Boy lundaf• O.mH N y Jett el HOUllOn Wednndar'• tranNCtlon1 ,GO Tl ALL P'A 17 22 33 17 19 14 24 3~ 14 1 19 34 28 11 ,. ... 14 20 20 0 27 7 10 .. 2• 11 20 20 16 28 'TENTH ltACE. OM mole ~ Ub1• tFOleyl 100 AO 30 80 fl 40 DANA WHAAF' -374 anglers 25' b•» I barr•cucla 604 bonito I halibut 80 I mac:~e•et t •oc~ t1sn 2 wnote sea bass 1 ~ulp10 IEAL BEACH - t39 angle" •~ t>arracuda ~3 cehco bas& 1 080 mac•.,el. 66 rock hlh 19 sand bass. 10 >eulpm 1 sneop•heacl (8arge) -81 '"gters 6 l>Onolo 3 hahbut 300 mecl<erel. 3 sand bass 150 wl'llle croa~e. 200 q..een l•sn Natloftat F'ootti.tt l9egwe S"N DIEGO CHARGERS Announced Btyan N CROlenl 1 00 6 40 l Ca Byrd fPttry) • 00 A1so rll<l8d Seri Glenvate. Rebel Ruler Cl\arlaus H•wk Baby J-. Way Orenge Jll•U Moc;ro Heno-Luck~ l.aicl A tlte rellreme<il ol James Harros quane.Dac~ CO\. LE OE Tome 2 01 3/5 S3 EXACT A 11 2) paocl S• I 7 00 AllenclfnGC! 9 •SO SAN DIEGO (HIM landing) -397 angtets 12~ aJbacore. J yettow fin luna 2 brg "Ye tuna NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INTER COLLEGIATE A THLETICS Pieced tl\e men s buke11>all program• al LeMoyne· Owen College Ru1ger1 Un1venoty..Camc1en eno Cameron Un1vfHS•tv on one-veer SUIP<l<\8'0n Sunset football schedules Edison Schedule Fri .. Sept. 3 -Pun.ahou (at Kaiser High) Sat., Sept. l l El Dorado (at OCC) Sat .. Sept. 18 -at Vista (8 p.m.) Sat .. Sept. 25 -Banning (Anaheim Stadium) Thurs .. Oct. 7 -Mater Dei (al SA Bowl) Fri., Oct. 15 -Marina• (at Cerritos College) Fri .. Oct 22 at Huntington Beach" Fn .. Oct. 29 -Ftn. Valley• (Ana Stad.) Sat .. Nov. 6 at Westmjnster• Thurs .. Nov 11 -Ocean View• (at OCC) • denotes Sunset League game (all games at 7:30 except where noted) Fountain Valley Schedule Fri .. Sept 10 -Mater Dei (at Cerntos) Fri .. Sept 17 Footh1U (at Tuslln) Fri , Sept 24 St. Paul (at CerrilOS) Fn .. Oct. l Sennte (at CerrilOS) Fri . Ol't. 8 -Long Beach Poly (at OCC> Fn .. Oct. 15 -at Huntington Beach• (home) Thurs., Oct 21 -Westminster• (al OCC) Fri., Oct. 29 -F.dison• (Anaheim Stadium) Fri., Nov. 5 -Ocean View• (at Htn. Beach) Fri . Nov. 12 -Mann.a (at Cerritos) • denotes Sunset League game (all games at 7:30) Huntington Beach Schedule Thurs .. Sept. 9 -CdM (at Npt. Harbor) Fri .. Sept. 17 -Los Alamitos (home) Thurs., Sept. 23 -Los Amigos (at G .G.) Thurs., Sept. 30 -Bolsa Grande (home) Fri., Oct. 8 -at San Clemente Fri .. Oct. 15 -Ftn. Valley• (at Htn. Beach) Fri.. Oct. 22 -Edison• (home) Fri .. Oct. 29 -Ocean View• (home) Fri.. Nov. 5 -Marina• (at Westminster) Fri.. Nov . 12 -Westminster• (home) • denotes Sunset League game (all games at 7:30) Ocean View Schedule Fri .. &pt. 10 -E.stancia (at OCC) Fri .. Sept 17 -La Quinta (at Westminster) Pn .. Sept 24 Cypress (al Western) i'ri, Oct. I Sunny Hills (at Htn. Beach) Fri , OCt 8 -Western (at Htn. Beal·h) Fri, Oct. 15 at Westminster• Fn , Oct. 22 -Marina• (at Westminster) Fri.. Oct. 29 at Huntington Beach• Fn .. Nov 5 Ftn Valley• (at Htn Beach) Thurs .. Nov 11 -&Itson• (al OCC) • denotes Sunset League game (all games at 7.30) Marina Schedule Fri , Sept. 10 at Newport Harbor Fn , Sept 17 at San Luis Obispo Fri., Sept. 24 Foothill (at OCC) Fri .. Oct. I La Quanta (at Westminster) Fri. Ol·t. 8 -at Millikan Fri . Ol·t 15 -Edison• (at Cerritos) FrL, Ol·t 22 Ocean View• (at Westminster) Fn .. Oct 29 -at Westminster• Fri .. Nov. 5 -Htn Beach• (at Westminster) Fri., Nov IZ -Ftn Valley• (at Cerritos) • denotes Sunset League game , (all games at 7.30) Westminster Schedule Fri.. Sept. 10 -La Quinta (home) Fn .. Sept. 17 -Pacifica (al Garden Grove) Fri .. Sept. 24 -Newport Harbor (home) Fri., Oct I -at Compton Fri, Oct 8 -Long Beach Wilson (home) Fri .. Oct. 15 -Ocean View • (home) Thurs., Oct. 2l -Fountain VaJley• (at OCC) Fri .. Oct 29 -Marina• (home) Sat 0 Nov. 6 -Edison• (home) Fri., Nov. 12 -at Huntington Beach* • denotes Sunset League game (all games at 7 30) Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS ME.N IMI! bAU-\8 lbU~\a.O IN ~ANO -ANO &SPlt.C.IALLY \N HSAVV O" WIST &ANO -coHe1oaF\ u•n~a ~" PITCHtNQ·W•OG& ~~Ha" ~"'4AN YDU" 6~No -waoos . i i f J , I t l 01ange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, Auguat 10, 1982 C'1 P\8.IC NOTIC( NIUC NOOCl Tiant still going strong I 'He ju t k ep going about job '~TITIOUllUatNlll •ICTfftOUl•UllHlll NA ... I TATl .. NT HA ... ltAT1•NT lh• 10110 .. 11111 P.••un 11 uu1ng lh• lnlluwll1g 11•••t11t ta 11011111 11\11111-• u t,u .. ,_ • CIU.All\11 Of'rNIN08 220 0 lH310N Ut 111oui. 170!1 t rtalC NOTICC NIUC NOTICE f'rom AP dbpa&cllee h wu Ilk.: old tlmt'll wheo th~ 'Bollt.on Red Sox came LO play the Angell ln the mldat of a pennant race -and the tantalltlng p1t.chee of agl'I t.ula 'Nant h e ld hia oppon ent.I 8C'OtelCA on six hltll ovt-r ~lght lnnlngs of a 10·2 vlctOry. But the 41-yea.r·old Tlant I.I no longer with 8ost.on, where he starred from 197 l through 1978 .-nd waa the Comeback Player of the Yu.r in 1972 The r ight-hander's Tuesday n ight masterpiece ln h is thlrd game w ith California kept the Angel.a in tole custody of first place In the American League W est , one game ahead o r K ansas Cit y . .Boston r emain ed four games behind AL East l ead er Milwaukee. It waa T iant's 229th triumph agaittst 170 loses In a 19-year major-league career, which seemed ended a year ago. S ince then he had traveled baseball's back roads ln the minors and the Mexican League. "Why do people make a big thin!!{ about my age?" Tlant said al ter th e game, which brought his record to 2 -1 in three starts for California. H e noted that other major-league players - P ete Rose, Carl Yastn.emskt, Gaylord Perry and Tony P erez -are older than he is, and said: "As l ong as 1 can go o ut and get the good hitter out, do m y job, I'll keep on pitching," Alter spend.lng 1979-80 with ·he New York Y a nkees, compiling 13-8 and 8 -9 records, the Cuban-b o rn Tiant fell to a 2 -5 record with Pittsburgh in 1981 and went to the Pacific Coast League. This year h e w as pitching for Tabasco m M e x ican baseball before t h e Angels decided he eould h e lp their erratic pitching staff and purchased his contract. Tiant said h e h olds n o animosity concernin g the Red Sox, who made little effort to sign h im a h.er he play ed out his option in 1978. "I have nothing against Boston, certainly not the players,'' said Tiant. "I just go o ut and do my job. I have nothing to prove to them. l know they respect me as much as 1 respect them." Tiant's eight stnk eout victims included former teammate Dwight Evans each of the three times they faced each o ther. "I wanted to hit him as much as he wanted to set me out,'' Evans said of Tiant. "H e still has a gooc;lfastball and breaking ball and knows how to pitch." Anothe r fo rmer Boston s t ar now with Tendinitis has Montana hurting ROCKLIN (AP) -Quarterback Joe M ontana, who guided the San Francisco 4 9ers to victory in the Super Bowl, says he p layed most o r l ast season with a sever el y aching el bow on h is thro wing arm. Montana was the ~op-rated passer i n the N ational Football Confer e nce m 1981, completing nearly 64 percent oC his passes for 3,565 yards. But h e said Tuesday that his arm hurt so badly during the season that he sometimes couldn't use it to open doors. "I'd try not to use the right ann .. o ther than the throwing that 1 had to do during the week,'' he said. , Montana said the tendinitis seem s to h ave Vanished over the off-season H e was 5-Cor-5 m pass completions in the team's first exh ibition contest Saturday against the Raiders, which the 49ers lost 1{1-14. The quarterback said he thinks h e _aggrava~ the problem by c hanging his _throwing mot.ion following a rib injury suffered m October against the Rams. "Instead or m e u sing m y body, I started throwing with JUSt m y ann a nd trying to sn ap everything off. I've been trying to break th at habit c:tp,ring the past off-season. I th ink that's one of the reasons it d oesn 't hurt as bad now." While Montana cel ebrated the }0$ or pain in )iis elbow, the 49ers p u zzled over the loss o f dffensive tackle K en Bun garda, who left c amp Tuesday . · Bungarda, a 6 -6 , 275-free agent from Missouri, was coming back from a serious knee injury. "No, I haven't talked lo him." said coach Bill Walsh. "But h e was progressmg very weU with the sehedule w e set for him. H e indicated to a member aJ our o rganization that the reason he left was because of family business. "I can't speak for him, but he seems to have l est h is e nthusiasm for football,'' Walsh added. Fines may be forgiven I NEW YORK (AP) -The N at.ional Football I!.eague Manage m ent Council, amid a threat of selected strikes i n exhlbition games this weekend, recommended Wednesday that the 28 teams rescind i¥I fines levied against players who participated in pregame handshakes at 13 preseason games last w eek end. The decision followed a W ashington m eeting between Jack Donlan, executive director of the Council, and William Lubbers, general counsel to the National Labor Relations Board. Although a f eder a l court in K ansas City ~esday upheld the cl~bs' right to collect t~e f ines, qie penalties were rescinded. Donlan said, tn order to get the union to use collective bargaining to fl!SOlve disputes, rather than going to NLRB. "W e feel this e ntire matter has gotten out of rb:· Donlan told Lubbers. "W e think w e sh ould pt on with collective bargaining and l eave behind iJacidenta that delay, disrupt and d e mean the game. Oollective bargaining bel o n p at the negotiating table, not on the field. • 4 ~eniors tourney to be~in SYRACUSE. N.Y. (AP) -Fifty Professional Oolfen' Aaoclatlon Seniors tour players, some ob-:ure and 800M! hOU1ehold word&, tee off today in &be Gr.ter Syracwie Sen.lon Cluslc. CallCornlQ, Fr~ Lynn, Hid that wh1•n 11 rr111Ly p1v.:ht•r Uke Ttant t·an h old thl· o ppo1ot1u 11 tu unly ..i few rwu. the ha.rd-hit Ling Ang«h• u.uully produet· a victory "Wc> h1&vc thl' power to hit hom•· ru1111 nu mtAtwr who IA out there pllchmg," said Lynn, <me ul five Angels to hit homers ogaln11t tht' fk-d Sox California hitters haw homcn.'<.1 ln 34 o{ lhetr last 37 gamet1 Ovei11i.11 Ot ll lll'O. C• 112830 ttut• Ctrti. 1tur111ng1on 0•.,.11 C,A Wllh•m l oulo AbHlun 22430 1126<46 0 -1•11• Of ll lurn l..• QHlO SHlRI 01/CrlUY ;12(181 llut• Tr111 l>u••11•H 11 ((Nl(lUGled Dy an C11 cle t1u11llng1t>11 II••'" I.. A 11111i.1<1ual 112848 Wlllllm lOO .. AbHIOft Tf\11 bulltlfft 1• COfl(ltKl9d l>Y 111 f1111 11111111&111 w .. IU<td wtlh Ute 111111vl0uet 1;rn111ty l.llMll ul 0111ng11 County Oil 811•11 OvetOy Augu11 .-1082 1 n11 11•11mllfl1 ""'u 1111<1 w1111 tne '1~ Cou111y c1o .. i. ut 01 anu• County on l't1hll1h1tll 01anQ11 <~n .. t Oally July 'C1, lllft;< Ptlul A~ ~ 11. 19 711 108~ f1M042 J4JO 6' lluhll•h•fl U••11g11 <.uu1 Dally 1----PUB--ll-C_MO_T_l_C_E ___ ''".\~\.~"/,~/"'· Auu ~. 1?, 10 1082 ~1cTmou1 au11N1H HAMI 9TATIMINT POOLIC NOTICl PUBLIC NOTICC f1MOM l'ullllahed Or•ngt LOHI Dilly 1•1101 July 211 Aug &, 12. IQ 111S2 • 3• 17·81 Boston hits well too, and staged 8(.'0nnii threats in each of the !inn three innings while lt·avlng four runners stranded In 9t'Oring position But T1an1 maintained h is shutout until the ninth. 'he lollowlng P••tOll II doing buslneH •• LEQAL NOTICE FICTITIOUI IU81HHS PflOPOHO 1N2·•1 llJDQl!T PUBLIC NOTICE NAMll I TATllMl!NT FOii EN!-nOY Dfilll ING t9fl? I, 130 I Dovu q •OO Nl!WflUI, A .. Q,,I\ CA 92660 1'1111 lollowlng P1re1u1 111 1lu111g I u II I h--• DI 1 I I NOTICI! 0' TAUITHI' IALlf fount• n .a ·~ 0 ""' 1 1 c flt• '<·•p1em"er 9. 1982 al 10 00 llo8111"" u• Th• Founu 1n Vttlley Si;huvl •V " lie threw 150 pitches ~Core he required rcl wr h elp from Andy H assler to get the last three OUL"I or the l(ame. Tiant surrendered a pair of ninth inning runs o n a ground ball error by sa'Ond baseman Roh Wilfong and a pair of doubles by Rick Mill<.>r and Julio Valdez Cu1lla B Pflc.e. 102;J:J Vl•ul Cit Foun111n \/all•v CA llU08 This 11ua1neu 1~ co11dU1.t•Jd hy • 111nl11d po11ne11n1p Cu111a B P1lce I 1111 S!Ollllllilllll wlit hl"d Wllll Ill~ Cout11y C1t11k ol Drung11 Cou111y on T P EN I EAPAISES 4711 DISlrlOI propo11td OVdgut 101 1 "' [.((CU (..OAP, 11 C111to1nll Apn~ol. 11v111oi. CA 927 14 962 63 111 11 bl 1 hi "" 1,0 .. •llOn •• Truaue 01 Frelletlck e Ge•111.iy ... 11 1 . w 0• UVI II ti or pu I(, ';u1. u• •Or T•u•'•• Of Sublllluteel Al)tlc.Ot. hvln.,, (..A 927 14 intplGllOl'IV al t T2 dOI ?Ilk St;eotll. I tu•luo ul ln•I Clltleln Deed OI flttt ou•men" rnnouuot10 hy u11 founlll~5 ,..allay a IAornlot J'01 "t' T1u .. 1 c>•OCutoll by 01vhJ Aot ... tt111 Augu11 1 I tllrOuQl1 ugul , · .. o •••t.'1111<111 "•to•~r 29 1982 BJ 111d1v1duul 198~ 0111we"11 ma nour• of 11 00 ",.,,.,,,;~ ... N:'; 3~ 12 '" Book 1 fl!Olttlt~ B G1m111y 0 rn 81111 !> 00 p 111 I ne publtc 1• Aug 12, 1987 lntt 11•111rnom ""'llA tiled wllh the nesting on '™' propo .. u tiudgot to• 14. 11 P•g• 11•3 ot Ot11cte1 1..ou111y C101~ 01 Ot11noc Coun1y on 1982 63 will be Mid 411 17710 oo~ tin ""'" 01 Ornnga County, F18&2n Auu 11> 108~ Streel FuulllflH• v .. il•y on !.whlo """ 1111<1 vu,,u1n1 to 1hal "My problem m the Late tnrungs was that 1 sat In the dugout too long,'' T1ant said. "When I went back out there my shoulder had suffened up and 1t took a little while lo work tt out. Overall. though. I'm not tired. I feel pretty good." Puu1tah1td 0 1111ng" (..oeal Dally FllH29 $epl!lfT1bilr 2 1982 ul 13011,,. •~11 11n NohU ol Oeloult lhcrtynder Piiot Aug 19 26 Sel)I 2 9 1982 Pullllanua 011111ga Crull Daily 0 c o "• "'d11d Janu111y :19 198:1 II 1695 82 PllOI, Aug 19 :16 Sep! 9 198:1 Publl&hed iangt! UIUI ulty "' ·" """"' NO 82 03•225. 1n Book I-------------3623 82 Piiot Aug Ill. 1982 l•1tgu ol OlllCllll Aec0tdt Manager Gene Mauch pulled T1ant o ncl' thf! attempt at hts 50th career shutout was foiled P\a.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8U81N£1S NAME. 8T~TEMENT -------------1 3~2J tj~ I ' ,,, I I aunty will uooet end PUBLIC NOTICE "'"'LIC NOTICE ~.'"'"'""' tu ~ .. 10 !>Niel OI Tru" '611 ,.uo , 1 11u1Jhr uuc1ton lor CllSll h1wtul FICTITIOUS IUSIN£SS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS mulluy ,.1 '"" UntleO S1atu ot NAME 8TATEMEHT NAME STATEMENT Am••ll!<l ..i rtWHe• s Cheek payaOle Thu lollowtt111 1>11rtwns 011 0111119 1>us1ness 85 ''1 ima8ine he t'Ould have finished." Mauc h said "Sut he's going to come back on Sunday so there's no reason to let him stand out there.\• A LLERGIES CO NlAOl CENTER, 23fl3:.> Aoc~lleld Road Ho 102, El T0to. CA 92630 ROBERT G CASDEN. 25• 12 -------------•PSCihCll. Ml11s1on Viejo, CA 92691 lhe IOllOWl•'IJ 1>411sons are domg The lollow•no l.ll!•son ·~ 0011111 10 >.llO 1111stf'i! 01uw11 on a s1a1e °' business a• ' Dustness 85 u •t•C.t1dl l•t>nk a ,i111e or lede1al A p p l I E 0 B u s I N E s s w F FU I UAF s r UNO f~O I w•tJot unton or a sl81e O• tedt!t al SYSTEMS. 3303 Harb<>< Blvd . Bldg 19t:/6 Magnolia Si . Sh: ?O 10 404 •uvinQ' ,.no toon aasoc1at1on B·6, Co&le Men. CA 97626 t1Unllnglon Beacll (;e !1264b du;111ul•O '" tt115 slale al the 1ron1 Compu1er Slmulatlons Inc 0 Ronald w F1ghtmtts•~· 84~t ••11l1u .. U• tu r .ucu11ve Esc;row PUil.iC NOTICE FICTITlOUI 8UllNHI N.Afft ITATEMl!NT Tnts buslnet• 1s conducl&l1 by 11n -------------11ndMduel LEOAL NOTICE Aooerl G Cuden POOUC NOTICC Ca111orn1a corporauon. 3303 H111bo1 Jennu Or • 114 Hunruiglon uea• 11 c.u111u1111y l2 I Soulh Olti V1S1e. Sen Blv11 Bldg B·6, Co~ta Mesa CA Ca 926•6 Llimwntt< <..ol1lorn111 oll lhal rlghl. 92626 This Ou5tnMs is c.onduc1uo tiv u ''"" i11t1 u11ereSl conveyed to and Tiie following peraon 11 doing buslneu ea PROPOSED 1"2..aJ •UDQET This slalemenl was 111&0 wllh 11111 FOR Co<.111ly Clerk ol Orange County on fh1s business 1s conduc1eo by o hmiteo paitn.,isn;p ,,0 w 110111 fly 11 unaer said Deed ot to1pu11111on Aonalo w F1gtttmnte• 1111~1 "' uw prop.irly s11ua1eo In SBJd MUL Tl LINE. 2428 Newpofl Blvd., No. 3, Coale Mesa. Calllornla 92627 OcMn View School Olatrlcl July 26, 1982 The Ocean Vie"" School District F1M037 Con1puhn S1mulo110""· Inc.. Tn1s s1a1eme•1I was llled w1111 th~ Cuunly und Staie descllbed as John W Ahl11esm11h Jr Cou!lly Clflfk 01 Oiange Couirly on u;1 :108 01 ln1c1 No 282~. tn propo111d budget ror 1982·83 will Puottshed 01ange Coast Daily be avallable for public lnspoc;tlon al Piiot July 29. Au11 5, 12. 19 1982 Ocean View School District 16940 '\4 1 t-8? B SH eel, Huntington Beach, CA l------------- p,.,sldtlnl 2 982 1111., IAy c>I 1..os1e Mesa County ol ih1s s1n1em1in1 ""as llled wlltl lhe August 1 F11M532 Otanqe. Slat& ol C111tlorn1a. os per Ray Pierce, 2'31 Oranga Avenue, No. 6, Costa Mesa. California 92627 County Clerk 01 Orange Counly on Pubhshed Oranne C"<l" Doily MuP tho•ool recorded 1n Book 116, Aug 16 198? Pllol Aug !> 1~. 19 26 1982 ""U"~ 1 tR ol MtM:elleneoos Maps, 9264 7 hom August 25th lhrough PUBUC NOTICE Augu11 31st, 1982 between the1 _____ .o:-;...._---~--F111SS25 3436 8~ '" lhfl Ollitto nl lho County Recorder Pul.lllsheo Oronge Co95t Dally .,, \d•!l Cn•. 11y This butlness Is conducteo oy an Individual Ray Pierce Pilol, Aug 19. 26, Sepl 2. 9 1982 ----PUB--l-l_C_NO--T-IC_E ____ , ft" ""'"t aodress or olher 3626-82 _____________ 1,.11rn11.on ""~1g11a11011 01 said hours of 8 00 am. and 4 30 p.m FICTITIOUS BUSINESS The public tleerlng on Iha propo86d NAME STATEMENT This stalament was llled wltn lhe County Clerk ot Orange County on buooe1 tor 1982-83 wHt be neld 111 The rollowlng person ti> 1101ng 16940 B S1ree1, Hunllngton Beach, ousmess as CA on Sep1ember 1, t982 111 7 30 SUPER TAN OF SOUl HEAN Flt3N41 pm CALIFORNIA /7 I 19th S1roe1 No Published Orenae Coasl Delly Published OrangJI Coesl Oall> 105. Cosla Mesa. CA 92627 July 23 1982 PllOI, July 29, Aug s. 12, 19, 11182 Pllol. Aug 19, 1982 JILL DIANE ROTHELi 432 32.!>6-82 3525-82 Onda. Newporl Beach CA 92660 POOLIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE PROPOSEO 1982-13 BUDGET FOR HunllnglOrt Beach FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Prop1111y tbO 1 Sanoalwooo Coste NAME STATEMENT M""' t..A The following persons 11rtt doing '•dltl \dlt• will oe tf'8de w1lhout ousiness es ~"""'""1 u• worronly. express or ------------This business ts conouclot<J t>y an ---..,-.. 1-IC-NO-Tl-CE___ P\a.IC NOTICE 1nd1v1dua1 ,.UUI. Jill Diane Aolhell FICTITIOUI IUSIHESS FICTrTIOUS IUSINESS This statement was llled wtlh Ille NAME STATEMENT HAM£ 9 TAT£MENT County Clerk ol Orange Counly on Clly School Dl•lrlct Tne Hun\lnglon Beer.II City ScnoOI OtstrlCI prOj)Osed ouogef lor 1982·83 wlll be avallal.lle 101 puOhc 1napec11on al 2045 I Cr11mer Lane. Hun11ng1on Beach. C8l1lom1a lrom AuguSI 2!>1n lhtough August 3 tst. 1982 ne1wean the hours ol 8 00 8 m and • 30 p m The publu; het1r1ng on 1no prO()Osed Oudget tor 1982·83 will be nald 01 2045 t Cr1111nllr Lane Hun11ng1on Beach on Sopternbe• 7 1982 at 8 00 P m H A A 0 L D G A H A N A N 0 1n1µl11Jtl II!> 10 ltlle poosess•on O< ASSOCIATES. 23522 El Toro Road '"" umornnce~ 10 ~dll51y lhe unpeto Su11e 202 El Toro CA 92630 bJlance ''""' on me note or no1es HAROLD A GAHAN 329 Colle WW•Pd O)' '1110 Dee<! Of Tru11. 10 Feltelda<I San Cl8f'l'len1e. CA 92872 ... 1 $& !• 1 02 plus me lollow1ng Joyce Gahan. 329 Calle Fe11c1ded "~11mal<HI Ct)Sl'l expenses and San c1emen1e. CA 92672 a11va11ce~ "' '"" llme of the tnillal I vuhh1:.;1.,,n 01 thlS No11ce ol S'ale ThlS business I!> COllOUCll!O Oy ill\ $7~ 1 7!> Tile follow;"" ,,_sons are doing The lollow1ng person is doing July 26. 1982 .. ,, .. -. bus1neu es F194040 Publlsned 01enge Coast Delly P1101. July 29, Aug 5. 11 19. 1982 3331·82 Ouslness U . LUCKY SHANGHAI INC (a SECS ON WHEELS, 1835 Calllornia corporation) 1610 E Whtlller. A5 Cost• Meu CA Chapman Ave CtfY ol Orange. Ca 92627 92669 Secrelaties To Go. a Calllornla Peter sn111 Ho Cheng. 2276 corpora11on. 1835 Whllller AS Pamela Ln "A Costa Mesa. Ca POOLIC NOTICE tncllllldual Marold A Ganatt NOTICE TO PROPEATY OWNER Tlus slatemenl wd~ llleu wrll• Hie YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A r DEEO OF T AU ST, DATED Counly Cler~ of Orangt< "°"nly 011 JANUARY ll. 1881 UNLESS YOU August 10 1982 TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Costa MHll, CA 92627 92627 This business Is conducted by e This buainess 1s conducted oy e corpora lion corporation FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The lollow1ng persons ere doing business as PuOltshed Orange Coas1 Dally PllOI Aug f9, 1982 Fli50l4 YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY 8E Publtshed Orenue Coast Daily SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE.. IF YOU Pllol. AUg 14'. 19 26. Sepl 2 l!J82 NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE 3~24·82 3600·02 NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING ---------------p-lJB_l _IC_H_Q_Tl_C_[ ___ AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD Sec<etarles TC> Go LUCKY SHANGHAI INC Shirley Galat By Peter Cneng, Presldenl Preslde111 AOUA VEN I UAES. 123 23•d Stteel, Newport Beach. Ce 92663 Sea Suits ol CA Inc 837 W 181h S1ree1 Costa Mesa, Ca 92627 This buSln1111s 1s conducled by a CONTACT A LAWYER. POOLIC NOTICE 1(.01348 OJlt•d August 17 1982 ri1ECU CORP This s1a1ament wot llled ""'llh lhe Thia statement was 111eo w11ri tne County Clerk ol Orange County on County Clerk or Orange Coun1y on Aug 16, 1962. July 30, 1982 F11$524 F1MUe Publlahed Oranga Coast Dally Pubhshed orunoe coesl 01111~ Piiot, Aug. 19, 26. Sept 2, 9, 1982 Piiot Aug, 5. 12. 19, 26, l!llS:i 3693·82 34 76-82 P\a.IC NOTICE FlCTITIOUS 8UlfHl!SS NAME STAnMENT Tile lollowlng pe<sons ate doing business ea PEP ENTERPRISES 2214 Rutgers Orlva. Colla Meu CA 92627 l'UIUC llTIC£ K-01155 FICTITIOUS IUBIHHB NAME STATEMl!NT The following persons are doing bualneu as P & M LEASING CO • 629 T8"mtnat way No 8, Cos1e Mesa. CA 92627 c:orpora1to11 SEA SUITS OF CA INC By Jack Bradley President This slatemenl was filed w11n lhll Coun1y Cle11< of Orange County on ~ugusl 'l 1982 F1"531 Published Oranoe Cont 01111y Piiot "ug 5. 12 19 26. 1982 J•03·82 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT lh11 following persons are 001n9 bus1nees as PRODUCT SERI/ICES COMPANY 13282 ShiJP&fd Way, Santo AM CA 92705 A1d9way Leeoom 13282 Snuporo Way , Sen10 Ano. CA 9ZIOS Cynlh•ll 0 Leeclom 13282 Shepud I/Vay, San1a Ana. CA 9Z705 This business Is connucled by a gene<al por1nersh1p -------------Cynthia Lee<lom fh1s statemenl was flied Nlth 1ne PUBLIC HOTIC[ County Clerll or Oran9e Coun1v on STATU.tENT OF ABANOONMENT Dy Miki KunlZ OF USE OF FlCTITIOUS AulhOnLed Agent BUSINESS NAME 22 1 Soulh Ola l/osta The 1011ow1ng pe• son n.1~ c ''2672 aoandoneo lhe use ol !he f1Chhou~ San C1emen1e. A .. C OOA t7 14) 492·6280 ousmess name THE EL PES A l'ut 1,~11flo Orar19e Coasl Daily RESTAURANT al 40 I E l7th SI PilQI Aun 19 26 Sepl 2 1982 CQsta Mesa. CA 92627 ., The fltltllous bus•ness namt• 3702-82 relerrea 10 aoove was hied 1n CO<Jnty on 7-27-1981 Ka1lh Newman, 9681 Lanc:Jlall Huttllngton Bear;n. CA 92646 Tt11s business was conducled by an 1ndlv1dual Keith Newman fl\JBUC NOTICE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CALLING FOR BIOS Sthool 01s11ic1 Coesl Community Cotleg" 01str1c1 B•ll O<>a\lhne 2 00 o clock p m ot me tsl oar of September, 1982 PETER GEORGE POCHATKO, 221• Rulgera Drive, Cotti Mesa CA 92627 Peul E Lenk, 605 3Bth Streel Newpori Beach, CA 92660 FlCTmous 8U81NE8S NAME STATEMENT Aug 16 1982 Thts statement wu filed Wllh the Counly Clerk 01 Otonge Count~ on Aug 12 1982 F 196S29 F-117078 Pia«· 01 B•Cl Aece<o1 on1ce or the DllPCIOI Pu1chasmg Ms Marian Perr ,, c· OBSI Comm College 01~1roc1 1.110 AOams Aven~. Coste Mesa 9l626 EARLENE E lfZABElH POCHATKO. 2214 Rutgers Drive :::OSie Me6a, CA 92627 Marie E Lenll. 80!> 36th Street Newport Beacn. CA 92660 Tt>e loflow1ng person IS 001ng b<l!llness as Publtshed 01.,nge Coast Daily Published Orange C.ou1 Doily Piiot Aug 19 16. Sepl 2 9 1982 Ptlol. Aug 19 26 Sept ? 9 1982 BB CONSULTING 3 1357 Los Rtos, S an Ju'" Capistrano Calllotnta 926 75 3625·82 3694 82 This buSl.-t IS con<IUC1ed by II 1eneral patln«ahlp Peter 0.0.ge Pochatko Th•• SIOl&menl was flled With the County Cttwl. of Orange Counly Ort Tn1a bu11n1ss II conducted oy lndlV10ullls (Husband 6 Wiie) Paul E l enlo. Beroara Helen B1lliris. 313!>7 Los Atos San Ju1n Capistrano. Cahlorn;a 92675 P\a.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAM£ STATEMENT July 6, 1982 Tiiis s1a1emen1 was llled wtlh tne Counly Cie<k of Ofanoe Co~.1111y on July 30 1982 ,1'2n5 F1MUI Publtshed Orange COHI Delly Published Orange Coas1 Daily Tn1s b<.1s1ness 15 conducted by an lnd1v1dua1 Tne followtrl<il persons ere doing t>uSlness as Barnar• Btlllns Pllo1. July 29, Aug 5. t2, 19, 1982 Piiot. Aug .!>. 12, 19, 28, 1962 3381·82 3S 12-82 This statement was l1led wtlh 1ne Counly Clerk ol Orang" County on PADDY C"l<ES, 17915 Skypark Circle, Su11e B. Irvine. CA 92714 P\a.IC NOTICE K-01UJ FICTITIOUI •U81N£88 NAME STATEMENT The tollowlng persons ere doing ,ousiness ea: Kl!<O'S l f'HEANATIONAL GIFTS. 370 E 17th Street. Costa Mase. Ca11torn1a YA T LAU. 83•0 Decca Strael Long Belcil, Ca11t0tnla 90808 SUK VEE LAU, 8340 Oecca Street, Long Beach Callfornll 90808 Thts ousiness is conduc1ea by Individuals (HusOand & Wife) Val Lau Tnls s1a1eme<11 was llled with the County Clerk 01 Orange County on PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllNE88 NAME STATEMENT Augusl 17 , 1962 F1~1 Publlshed Orange Coast Delly Piiot. Aug 19 26, Sepl 2 9 1982 3688-82 Tne lollowlng person IS doing 1------------- bustneu as. PUBLIC NOTICE NEWPORT PERSONNEL 1-----------~~-1 AO ENCY I NC I 8 Cell lorn 1a FICTITIOUS BUSINESS corporation~, 2192 Merlin, Sulle NAME STATEMENT 255. 1rvine Ca 92715 The tollo""'lng person la doing Ruth Urban, 14 Ima Loe Cour1, ouslness as Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 S U B U A BA N 0 E S I 0 N 6 Thll buslneH II conducleO by a ENGINEERING 660 Anita Slreet THE PADDY WAGON INC a C•l1lo1n1a torporallon 179t5 Skypark C1rcle Sv1te B. Irvine CA 9271• Th•s ousmess 15 co1>ducled by e c;orporallon Parlay Wagon Inc w Pa1rick Costeloe President 1 his sta1emen1 was 111110 wttn Iha Counly 01e1k 01 Orange Co1.m1y on July I, 1982 F182608 Puohsheod Ot11nge Coe51 Dally Pllol July 29. l'ug 5, 12 19, 1982 3At8·82 corponillNonEW. POAT PERSONNEL Laguna Beach. Calllomle 92651 James S Johnston, 660 Anita AGENC'V INC St1eel. Laguna Beach Cellfornla I------------- By Rutn Urban. 92651 P\a.IC NOTICE Pr&sldent Tn1s buainess 1s conducted by en 1 -----------~:---- This 11a1ement was hied wllll lhe 1nd1V1<1ual FICTITIOUS BU81NE8S Counly Cieri! ol Orange County on Jomes S Johns1on NAME STATEMENT July 27 11182 Tn1a sta1emen1 was 111110 wiln lilt! The 1011ow1ng parson •s do•ng F1--1 F1M14' County Clerk ot 0111nge CO<Jnfy on business N -C O I J I 23 1982 ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS Pu•11shed 01an,geCoa1t Diiiy Put>lllhed Orenge oast 111 y u y G SSOCIATION t"2S I August 12. 1982 Pllot.UAug 19, 26. Sepl 2. 9 1982 Piiot Aug • 11 18. 25 1982 F11316$ MAAKETIN A c 3690-82 3•86-82 Pubhsned Orange CoHI Delly Emrys Avenue Garoen Grove CA PHUC Illa NOTICE Of' .APtl'LICATION TO IELl A LCO H OLIC 8EVElllA0£1 .. ...., To Whom It Mey C-n B'VANES, Kavin M ts 1pplytng to the Deper1melll ol AICOllOllC Beve<ege ContrOI tor ·• I" On Sale Beer & Win• (Puo Eel Pll to aell alcoholic oa11erage1 el 5•92 McFadden Ave , Huntington Beach, CA Publlshed Orenge Coul Dally Piiot, Aug 19, 1982 3703·82 P\a.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BU ... H NAmSTATE•NT The IOllowlnQ pereont 1r1 doing outl.-s u : FIASTWORLD TRAVEL OF NEWPORT CIVIC PLAZA, No 1 Civic Plue. Newporl B1ech, Callf0tnle 112660 P•lty R)'lllemp (P1l11Cl1) , 115 v11 W1111r1. Newpotl Beach. CelH0tnl1 1128&3 Mlcheel Waller. 115 VI• W&ll«w. Hewpof1 BMct!, Cellt0fnl1 92663 fltle butt.-II oonduc1ed by I general pertnerehlp. P1lncta Ryttcemp Thie fltlll-1 -llled wtth IM County Clerk ot ~.,. County on August 9. 19112. fl·I ... Publl•h•d Oreno• COHI Dall~ PllOI, AUQ 12, 19, 28, Sept. 2, 1982 3553-112 Ml.IC f«>TIC£ ACTmOUa Ml-H ...... ,.,......,. Tll• tollowlng P•teon 11 doing bu---T.E.F. ENTERPRl8!S, INl1 "J" l'U IUC llOTIC E NOTICE Of' 8UU< TRANSFEI' (Sece 8101 ... 107 U.C.C.) Nollet 11 hereby given 10 IM C"redtto11 ol Howard Jack1on, Tren1ler0<. wnoae buslneu address 11 1110 Pomona. A-3, Coste M115.9. Counly ol Orange, Stete ol Celllornla, lhal e bulk transfer 18 about 10 be made to Blake MoHls. T rensteree. whose ouslne ss eddrHI Is 17 10 Pomona, A-3. Coa1a Mau, Counly of Orange Slela of Celllomla TM prol)6(1y 10 be Ir ansfetea is located " 1710 Pomona A·3, Coste Mesa. County ol Orange. Slate 01 Calllotttle. Said p1openv 11 oeecrtbed In gener81 as All stock In Hade. flxtur ... equlpmenl end OOOo w111 01 that ger•g• business known 11 JAFCO end located 11 1710 Pomon1. A-3. Cotta Mesa, County ol Ore!IQI. Stele ot Celll0tnl• The bulk 111naler wlll oe conaumm1teo on °' 111111 the 3111 dey ol Augu11. 1982. II 811 Dover Dtlvl, Sulla 23, N-port Beech, Coun1y ol Orenge. Sll!t• ol Cellf Ofnll So f i r •• known 10 the Tt1n11..-, all buel..-e na~ and eodr ..... uMd by Tr•ntf1<0< lor '"' '"' .. )191'• IUI put. II OTnerent tram Ille 1~. ere NC><'e !Isled Oeteo s-13 1982 ei.i.1 Morrie TranafetM Publl1had Orenge Coast O•lly Pllol. Aug 19, 1982 3698-82 PUil.JC f«>TlCE ftCTmOUI auatNEH NAMI llATl*NT The lollowlng !*ton• art dOlng bulineu a : TRENOS, 20221 Crown Rfff Ln .. Huntington Beech, CA 92&>18. Piiot July 29, Aug 5. 12 19, 1987 926'10 3t93·82 ORANGE COUNT"t BUSINESS MARKETING ASSOCIATION 12251 ----P\a.--IC_NO_T-IC-E----I ~;'J~ Avenue. Garden Grove CA ---F-IC_TI_Tl_O_U_8 __ 8_U-::S".".IN".".E:::'8:::-S:----Thos Oustness IS conducted Dy an NAME ST"T~MENT un1ncorpor11ea asso,•e\lon other T ne following parson is 001no 1hen • Patlnersn1p business as Orange Counly Business UNlllEASITY MONT ESSOAI Marketing ASSOCtallon 398 University D• Cotla Meu. CA Carolyn Skeren 92627 President Carol Cay Tucket 709 Clllf Or This s1a1emen1 wllS Ille<! w111l the Laouno Beach. CA 92651 Coun1y Clerk 01 Orange County on fh1s business 11 conduc1eo by an July 28 1982 F1M236 lndlv•duat Ctorot Cay Tucker Puollsned 01ange Coall Dally This statement was tiled wlfh the Pllol, July 29. l'ug 5 t2' 19, 1982. County Clerk 01 Oranga Couniy on 3398·82 Aug 16' 1982 F19552e ---PUBl--1-C_NO_T_IC_E __ _ Pu bllsned Ot enge c 0811 Diiiy ---Fl_C_TI_T_l_O_U_l ___ B_u""'a-1N""'E""a""s,,.--- Pllol Auo !9, 26. Sept 2· ~6~~~:2 HAME ITATEMENT The 1011owlng ~rson& ere doing business 11· PUBLIC NOTICE 0 L 0 B A L L 0 c A T 0 R FICTITIOUS BUSIHE88 COMPANY. 177-F R1Ye<I~ Drive. • Tl ...... , Newpon Beach, CA 112663. NAME TA ..,." SUZANNE Y DOVE 1182 The lollowlng person Is doing Luclnd• Wey. Tustin, CA 92880. bualnesG o'LUO EN c LI. A I 0 Ts 1 1 JOHN J MILES, 8611 Llr1hofn n.., D-· c Drive, Hunllnglon Be.ch, CA 92646 Ser'fln• Cour1, Newpor1 .._ell. • THEODORE RICHARD A1nEA, 92863 4291 P~. lrvtne. CA 9211' 01r1i. Persona. 11 Soren• Thi busfnme Is condUC1ed "" 1 COUf1. Newpotl Beech, Ca 92863 1 -r Thi• bu81nM• Is eoorlucled by In get*al 1>811MrllllP John J Mite. lndlvldual. Thll atal-1 WU llled w11h Ille D.M PIBOf\1 Cou nua a1etem«1t wu Ried with IM County Clelk rt Orange nty Oft County Clefl. ol Of'Afl04I County oo July 26· 198' ,194041 July l3. 1982 Flta:DI Publlahed Or•nge COHI Delly Pubttahtd Or1nge COHI Dell; PllOI, July 29, Aug 6. 12, 19, 1982. •1101 AUO 6. 12, 19, 28, 11112 3331-82 34S5-8~ IC ..... PUil.iC N()TIC( P\8.IC NOTIC£ ACTTTIOUI IUt .. H •toTmOUI IU ... H MAMI ITATIJlllNT NAMI tTATS_,.,. Tht lol!OWlno penona •rt dOinQ The lonowtng t>ttlO'll .... CIOlnO bullnttl ••. -bull-u : OUTOOOA PRODUCTS. 010 E. SUNSHINE LIQUOR. 124 W, POOLIC NOTICE Pro1ect ldent1hca11on Name Orange (;oasl College Aerootlng P<Ojl!<.IS BIO -1090 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Place Plans are on hie Ottlce ol Lo.n No. C-3323/WAANER the 01fll(.tor John Poller Physlcal T.S. NO. 11114-7 ~ ac 11111 es P 1 an n1ng Co aSI T 0 SERVICE COMPANY ns outy Communtl~ College D1slrlcl 1310 appointed Trullea unoe• the Aooms Ave 1re11et Fac;llly Cosla IOllOWlng descrtOOd Oeed of ttUSI Mesa CA 92626 (7 ,., .!>56-5707 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION NOllC.£ IS HEREBY GIVEN Iha! TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER rOA IM dllOVe n11m80 School O.s111ct ol Cl'SH (payable al 11me ol sale 1n 01onqe Ct)unty Calllornle. acting law!UI money ol the Untied Slalett ny ana inrougn 115 Governing all rlghl. 1111e and 1n1e1esl conveyed Boa111 horu•n&ller relerred to as 10 llt'ld now helo bV 11 under said DtSTR1C1 wtll iece1ve up 10. bu! Oeed Of T•USI In lhe properly nol laler than ltle eoo11e-staled neremaller desc11bed 11me, seft1eo 01os tor the 8'('D•d of • TAUS r 0 A N D AM AN L con11ac1 lor tne above project WARNER and JOAN P WARNER B1<1s SMll be rece111eO In tile pie~ husband and wile as 101111 1enn111s HJrrn1111ed Bbove end shall bt BENEFICIARY CAPIT Al SANM., a Ol>•lllPO Ano JJUbhcty re11d aloud 111 Callfo1nla corpora11on IM abuve-slatot<J htTlfl ond place Recorded O&c41mber 11 1980 es Tne1!! will oe a $25 00 deposil 1ns1r No 17460 In boo~ 13869. 111ouired tor eac11 sel 01 blO p&ge 1566 ol Olllctal Record& 1n tile I do..:umenls 10 guaronl8" their relurr office 01 the Recorder 01 0111ngeo 111 good condition .. 11h1n 10 deyt County. said deed ol trus1 desrr•lle" ollt'• 1he ltld opilfllng dala lhe 101towtng property rath l.l•O must conform 8"d bE Lot ~15 and 1ne Soulhwes1e1ly re•puns1ve' 10 lhe c;on11ac1 5 leel ot Lot 514 ol lrect No 901 1n noc.umen1s 1he City 01 NewPOr1 Beach Countv Earn D1doo1 snoll submit. on th< ot Orange Slale 01 Cahlorn111 111 1orm lurn1,fled w11n 1ne contract snown on a map lheteof r!'GordPd •n ooc.umenlS a 1ts1 or the propo5*1 Booh 28 Peyas 25 l!Ho 36 s1.11.lcon1rac1ors on lh•S pro1ec1 •~ M1sc;a11aneous Maps Record~ ot rPqu11ed by the Sut>lelllng ana se.1d County Subeonlrac11ng Fair PrllCltces AC1 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Go111 COde S&C ol 100 el seq DE E D 0 F T R U S 1 D A T E D Eac11 b1d<1er must submtl wt111 hit DECEMBER 10 1980 UNLESS YOU btd cert1hed or cash111's chec;k TAKE ACTION TO PROTEC1 YOUR pay&Dlll 10 tilt! DISTRICT or a bid PROPERTY, tT MAY BE SOLO A I A uond 1n Ille lorm 581 tor Ill tn lhe PU!1LIC SAlE tF YOU NEED AN Ct)nllllC:I llocvment5 tn an amount EXPLANATION OF THE NATURF '101 It·•~ than 10 percenl ol lhe Or THE PROCEEDING AGAINST ma,.mun1 omoun1 o t bid as • YOU. YOU SHOUlO CONTACT A guatt\nh'"' 11111 lhe Oldder ... 111 enter LAWVER rnln '"'' p1nposad conuact II IM 227 Illa Or111eto Newport Bear.h ~aml! 1~ awarded 10 n1m In Ille California 92&63 ove111 ol IB1lure 10 enter Into MIO '(If a streel add1ess or common con I! &ti !ouch 5ecurtty wtll be oeslgnallon Is .s110""'11 obove. no to11e1t warren1y " g111&n llll lo !Is OISTAICI 1ese1ve1 tne right 10 completeness or correc:tnessl '"lllCI a11y or ell I.lids °' lo walva any The 0enellc1sry undar said Deed 1rregula11t1es 01 1111orm11llHes in any 01 Trusl, by reuon ol B bre&cn or old& or '" the bidding delaull In lhl! obllQAllOnA S6Curod Pursuont to fhe prov111ons 01 1ne1et>y, herelolore e.eculed and Section 1773 of the Labor Coo• 01 dellve1ed 10 lhe unde1s1gn1d n 1he S tate of Cellfornle. tilt wrlt1e11 0ec1a1allon ol Oeraull and DISTRICT has obtained lrom th' Demand lor Sile. 9nd w•ttlen notice O"ectot ol fhe Departmenl 01 ol breec;h and of elec:llon to cause lndu11 .. al Aolatlons Ille ganerel lhe undersigned to sell s &1d prevalllnQ role ol per diem WllQM " ptoperly 10 S3llsly said obllgsllons end 1he general prevelllng t•fe tor end thereafter the undersigned nollday I nd ovetllme 111ork In tht ceu.IOd said notice or Ore1ch and ot 1oca111y '" whl<:h this IOWOfk Is lo be ele<ltlOn 10 be recorded May 1 1982 1)41•10tmecl IOf eech cren 0t type ol 11 lnllf No S2·159553 tn OOOk of wo1ker needed 10 execula lht 1 Mid Oltlcllt Aec:Otdl conlrOCI Tnete rllU are 00 ftle II Seid nl• wlll b1 m ade. Out lhe Coaa1 Community College without covenant ot wet11nty. 0t11r1c.1 ottlee localed 11 Oflloe 01 eapreat °' 1mpllod, regerdtng 1111e. Phy Fee Plenntng, t370 Adams pouesslon, or encumbrenc .. to Ave Costf Meae CoQlll mey be pay the remaining prlnclc>al .um ol oblelned on requHI. A copy 01 lhe note(•) "®red by eald 0ee0 ol thew rites lhell be poeted II the TtVSt, with Inter .. ! u In 181d no1t t<>b 111e provided, 1d111nc.e, II any, under 11 an111 bo m1ndelory upOn Ille lhl tetml ol eald Deed ol Trust, CONT RAC TOA lo w hom Ille i-.. therget end eapen-of lht conlrllCI II awerded, 1111<1 ~ any Truelee and of Int 1rus11 crMled b1 tut>conlfectOf una.r ntm. 10 pey no• l8Jcl o.eo 01 Trvet 1eu 1h1n me Mid llP9Clfled rat .. 10 SllkS Mii wl" be held on Friday, 111 WO<kllfl employad by them In lht Soplembtr 10, 1082 " 2 00 Pm. 11 ta.Cutlon ol Int oonlrac;t the Chepmen Aven\19 tnlr11tlOI tc No bidder may wtthdrlW hie blCI th• CMc Cent1< euno1no. 300 E •or • period of tony-nve 1•a deya Ch1pm1n Avenue. In lht Clly 01 •"*' 1ht dlll Ml k>r the ~of ()fenge, Calllomla, otd1 At t he tlm• ol lhl 111111• A paymtnl bond •nd • publlclllon Of lhl• notloe, the IOI• l)tltl()rt11•nct bond wlll be reqiCecl lfl'tOl,lnt ol 1he unpaid balanc:. Of the prior 10 ••.Cutlon of the oont"'11 obllgatlon MCured by 111• ebova 1nd 1holl be In tht f0<m llM forth In dHCrlbtd dead of trual ind lhe aonlrlG1 dOCUrntnll. J The event at the 6,672-yard, par-71 Bellevue Country Club la one of 12 this year on a LOur to allow fonner PGA greats to exten., careen without having to compete against the W. 11111 Street, Coet1 ,,._., CA 02921. THOMAS EDWARD FAIR, 504 Hth Street, Newport Deech. CA t2ea. Bonnie Batkl9y, 20221 Crown R .. I Lil., Huntington B .. ch. CA 112641. Avalon. S•nll An•, OA 927<>e. 19th Street, Coete Mwl, CA 12en (1) W WILEY POOLE, tit 8. FMNK SHOWALTER. 1&14 E. Ava':'.4~~~· t,"~g~~i~":i11 E Palmll~TV: ~~~:!~t!A. 1614 Hllm1t•d co•••· 1xp1nH1, 1nd Pu<•u•nl to Section 4690 Of 1111 lodVllnON 1f $1711,0111.83. Government CC>CM of 1"9 Stalt ol Uona o f the organ.l~tlon. t ni the best-known players en tered are Sam Snead, Gene Ltt.t1cr, Don January, Miller liuber and Bob Ooalby. January. Barber and Qoal.by ant the top mol'\ey•Wlr\non lince the tour ffr awr-60 Soll pnl8 WU orpnbed In 1980, while t'9 70-yev-old Snead fa • aentl.mental !avortt.e btauee of h1a 84 PGA cour v1ct.orie9 from 1937 to ·~· Thie ~tlntal le condUGtad by en lndMduel. Thotll• r Fw Thll lt•lemel'l1 -llled With 111e County Ol«tt Of O!anot County on Jl,Jtf 2t, 1M2. ,, .... Publlt hed OrenQ• Co••• Oelly Pllo1. Juty '9, AUQ. S, 12. 10, ttl:t 3))2 .. t Sue Berptron, 43 f'A Dehlla, Cofone del Mer. CA 0?~5 Thie bu"-le condllC1ed by • oen-at par1nenihlp. Bonnie Battl'-Y Tlllt 9't1tmenl -flled wtth the CoutllY Cltftl ol Or.noe County on Aug. ft. 1tl2. ~1~ Publll hed 011nge COHI 0 1lly Piiot, Aug 111, 28. Sep\ 2, 0. 19&2 H27-t2 AYelon Sanl• Ma. CA 92704!. E. Pllm. Oranoa. CA 92M1 Thlt 0bulln.e 11 conducted by 1111 TWt butl-II oondU01ed by ltld)vtdual (Huaotlld J Wife). lndlvldUlll, hulbend and wit&. Tlllt .,:=r !:'m.ci wllll ~ fMI rlt1.::~ ~..:with the County Ci.tit ol Of1lnOI County County Clerit OI Of.,. Couniy on Juty 9. tM2 July 2'. ltH. ,,.., ,, .. ,.., Publl•h•d Oreno• CoHI Di ll Publlahed OrenQ• Cont Delly ..,.,~ """ ..., •• .., a 12 19, 1H Pilot, July 29, AUQ. S. 12. It, 1912. ,.,..,., ~-· ..... ........ "'· · ~s :M '" 82 to determln• tht opening bid, Calllornle, lhe G011trec1 111111 oonttln vou may ~II (7141037-00M. prov111on1 permitting Ille IUOOtttllll 0.ted· AllQ\ill 1, 1982 bid<* to aube11Me MQUrtllee l<W T.O St~111ce CO eny money• wllhh•d b y 111• .. uld Trvat... DISTRICT IP entur• penonnenoe By: ROM A Garcle. under the contracl AllWIMI ~l'Y QoVIMlnQ Bo.wcl Ont City Blvd. w .. 1. ay N0<men E W•taon Or..,., CA t21168 he.tier)' 714183&-Hlt Ooerd of'"''' ... Publl•h•d Or11no• Co11t Oellyl Publl•h•d Orang• Co••l OeJty Piiot. Aug 10. 28. S«ll 2, 1082 PllOI, AOQ Ill, 24, 1912 3M3-82 ,~, .. •• I I ~ ' I Cl Orange Cout DAILY PILOTIThureday, AUQ411t 18, 18H THIE f"MILl' c1ac111 "This is like a church, Mommy. Everyone's whispering." I 1 MARM A Dl:Kt: by Brad Anderson t DOC. LICENSE ti > I "We can't give him one until he pays off all his jaywalking tickets!" .ll:DGE PARKER •1GGIORGE by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) a l ' ~ f l .. } ! r·" "Shh -I thought I he1rd 1 cry for http." DENNI S THE M ENACE Hank Ketchum r i i -~ • IX> YQJ OON SO'AE PEOA.E N.6MEO H 1LL5 Z MY ~O SA't'S YOO'Rf EVfN Olt>ER ~ 7#E;11 ~ ~ ·by Harold le Doux IF YOV'L.L EXCUSE ME, I'LL P>UN ALON0! I'M 0P.IVIN0 INTO T()VllN I _ ___, PUNl'TI 1 THINK 1 JUST MADE A lOTAL FOO. OF MYSELF SIR . I TOLO CHUCK I Ulc'.ED ~IM,ANO l KISSED 1-llM ON THE CHEEK ! SHOE IT WAS MIS OWN f=AVLT, SIR ! lMEY\IE TAKEN HIS 6A5UAU. FIELD FROM HIM. ANO ME AASNi DONE ANVTMIN6 ABOUT IT ! by Charlea M Schulz --------.. HE'S NOT ~16HTIN6 BACK! HE MAO£ ME SO MAO, f ALL ~E'S DOIN6 '" TOlD HIM I LIKED MIM ! 80VNCIN6 A 60LF BALL A6AINST THE STEPS~ by 1om K Ryan I Vl!MAAlP FUl;J- COVeRAGE !. by Jeff MacNelly 'l}fEWM~. I etUEVE. by Ernie Bushm1ller WHAT DOES THAT NO-GOOD SLUGGO PLAN TO BE WHEN RIGHT NO'W THAT'S HE PLANS TERRIFIC OF COURSE, HE ~AS 10 START ATTHE BOTTOM HE GROWS UP? GORDO 60'4, ~'t A ~\6\.E. ~'i ~,. 1~E. \CE. '~ S'fORt ~ 1"~ 9\.M:f. ~ ~c"EOH OR.SMOCK IOBEAN ASTRONAUT ,,~,,. / I~ ,·,··. I ( \ , , a1 •~ .. ~ I ~O 'fo MA~E 2.b JO~eo R1Nb-~·t>1~ ~~~ 'fLll~ ... l&lf. ~N ool Of l&MlffW CR~M --ANO Muts, ""rn~N ... ~ by Gus Arriola by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont by Lynn Johnston \'LL ~y "HI~ Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Thur1day1 Augu•t 19, 1982 c Mle .,. In lo-fl '°' tM tllmlftt .. 'll'le Wlunl Of OIL... '*"" • Cllllfotnla l>ot4ll -1:,:•n ~· IUll llPPIRI 1111 HSI>.\\ • a "eo.t To COUt" C 1M0) DyM Cenncln, "°b-.,, .. •II• A 1un1w1y ~ lll'ld • -~ irucll•r h1u11no °'"'• CJOMI lo OOMI IMIOoma 1ha IAIOll Of a oMld C•OM• oountty cflMI 'PO' (l)flilOVm KOCE t&O) 7 .46 -''Thu Marx Srotheni in a Nut1hell." A salute lo the mo1t celebrated comedy team In th., htstory of motion pictures. KNBC (4) 8:00 -"Born to the Wind." First of four epillodes dea.18 with the fate of a snarling wUd boy ralsed by a pack of wolves. Review below. -EVENNG-, 4:30 • NPl POOTIIAll. • • • "Tim" 11 .. 1) Pl!* ~-... Mel 011>eo<1 A ,.o..no , .. .,<tad men and • 1an1lll111, rnldell•·•g•d ~~·oloM •••1t1on1hlp of mulu•I need anO unclafwllll'ldlnO 111e1 IMd9 to .,, unonho- dO• mll"rlaQ!c 11.00 ••• Cl) Ill QI ..... KABC (7) 8 :00 -"Rooster." Paul W illiams, Pat McCormick as police psyc hologist a nd former polkc oUscer team up to track arsonists. R1m1 at B row n 1 In IJll'llblllon gllM. 9:00 1=-~ n4elAINT HAWAII '1Vl-4 OYMIASY e IA TVN>AV NIGH'T Hoel· Freel Wlllard 0~11 09Yo. D YOU MQ:D '°" fT FMIUfed. "Ned Tiii Flta Ealll'" and "Monk~ wtio UWUk1Klng1 " KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Circus of the Stars." Stars o f stage a nd scr een perform a variety of daring and humorous ci rcus acts. Ou.1: ICtOf Rudy VlllM l~Q ID MAGeO cw OIL ,AINTINQ 9 MC..wt 1:..-we *** "CIHh 0 1 Tha Tit-" (19811 Harry Ham· Un, Laurance OIMar Mytti. le halo ""-'• 11 hllpad by hl1 laltiar Zau• In a _.181 Of dangetOUI IHkl u Ill trill lo wk\ Iha hllld of • Phoenician prlnoae• aga!Mt the wlat\ll OI I VlnC19fUI ... goddlH 'PG' l!IO I Deck CAWTT P:A8T FO«WAllfO "Electrlchy And E,,.,gy" Future lmpllcallona of Iha dlvlloprnlnll In Illa UM of alectrlcll energy 111 a11plorad. 111 IA1'NEY Miu.ER != * *'"' .. A GIObal Allalr" ( lfle.41 Bob Hope, lllo Pulver. A 1>1by, found by• bachllor In Illa lobby of tlll Unllad Nation•, 11 dalmad by all Iha member nation•. D MOVIE • * • •.t "Tell Me A Rid· dla" ( 19801 Melvyn Ooog· IU, Ull Kadrova. A with- drawn, elderly women. un-ara that 1111 11 dying. embark• on • tong )Ourn.y lo rMCqualnt llerlllf with tier g.agr•pl'lleally and 1molfonally 11p11111d llmil)'. 'PG' 1:00 I CM ..we ...CHEWS KUNOFU • A8CNEW8 I ==·&WILD • •USIHE88 ~ 9 EHTIRTAINMEHT TONIGHT An lnlarvlaw with Lind• Md Bruce Jann«. al nte MOPPETS GUiit: L'ynn Redgrsva (%)MOVIE * * "Lumlara" ( 197111 Jaan,,. MorMU. Francine Racette. Four lllm ectr-lh-a Yllla In Iha •lld• of France. 'R" T:aG 9 2 OH THE TOWN FMturld: Iha ,_ lad of paraon111zee1 nao•: a pro- ftll of Jllclc Berry; a proflle of Otto Olaean. I QI P:AMIL y FE.JO THEY'RE HEAE: LA. AAIDIM'1:2 Tad Oewaon 111d Joanna llhlmlne co-l'IOlt 1 report on 1111 LOI AllQllaa Rlld- 11'1 Including lnt""*"9 with Al Oevla, coacfl Tom Aorll IJld quart•bllek Jim Plunk .. t. • u•A•t •H Thi 4077tl'I raoelvea two bottlN of acotch for llCfll -OW)' and • llf'lll 10 _. of! anlparl. I TIC TAC DOUGH MACHEll I LEHRER MPORT ID PUOGE MEAK Regularly achaduled pro- gramming may be dalayad 0.... 10 pladga brM1c1. 9 YOU AIKfD FOR fT FMIUted: "Oerlno Tota On W9t• Skla" and up.,,, plaglc Karat .... (U)MCWIE * * .. Improper Channala" ( 1981) Alan Artdn, Mari.ti• ADVENTURE DRAMA -Paul Williams plays a police psychologist in "Rooster," r-remiering tonight at 8 on KABC (7). Hartley. A --of mlaun· oar1tandlng1 cau1" • social wor1lar to suepeel the ~yev-old Cleugl'ltar of • llC)lr&tad couple la 1111 vlellm or cl'lllCI abu11. 'PG' (I)~ Gel In ~. look good, and taal grMt with 11'111 pl'lytleal fitnaee program. 7:'611) TWE MAAX llAOTWl!M IN A NUTIHELL Fiim cllpa and lnl....,lawe ltl INturad In • MIUIO to '"' moll Otlebr•lad ex>m.- dy IMll'I In tile l'll1tory of motion plcturH Groucl'lo, Harpo, Ctiklo, ZICIPO and Gummo M•rx e:OO 8 Cl) MAGNUM, P.I. Magnum attempts to solve 1 35::l88r-old crime (RI D QI) 80AH TO TWE WINO (Preml«a) An Indian Chief mull hllp decide Iha fate of a snatllng wild boy rllllel by 8 pack OI WOIYM. G MOVIE • *'"' "Romane• 01 A HorM Tl'llal"' (1971) Yul Brynn«. Ell W1lllCh A group ol Polllh paaaant Jews •-llnanclll ruin when the COINcll• conll•· cat• 1111 thllr l'lorlM. 8 9 MOVIE "Rooltar" (Pr9t1'1lat•I Paul Wllllaml, Pat McCormick A llra of suaplcjou• orlQln brlnga 10<,llther 111 unlikely pair or lnvaatlgllors lo t1acJc down ttia eraonlata. • MOVll! • * "Lucky Luciano" ( 19741 Gian-Marla VOlonta, Rod Steiger A top almt figure llCll dlporlallon eftar commlnlonlng a Mriel ol notorlOut crlmaa tD P.M. MAGAZIHE Tl'lt• leld-oH Mtchlgan wortcara wno started 0vet In new ~•: .,, Int.,. view with a doctor woo haal• with l'llrbl m MOVIE * * * .. Sall And Tiii Sin· gle Girt" (1984) Tony Curtl1, Nllelle Wood A 'l'IQllZlne editor'• plan to ruin a •-ch psyctioto- gl•t'• rapullllon backllr .. when hi fafl• In '°"' with ""· • U.8 . CHAONtCLE "Nuclear Survival· I• Loa AllQllll Reedy?" Fader al. llale and local govern- ment -oancv plan• tor • nuclaar blut or attack _,...,,,tnad (C)MOVIE * * * "Mahogany" ( 111751 Olan• Rou. Anthony p.,. kine. A young black wom- an rl-from Illa dlpth• of the ghetto to ln11m1110ne1 lama u • funlon dltlg,,., Md modal. 'PG' CID P.T. IWWUM ANO Hl8 HUMAN ooom£8 Richard 1(111)' l'IOl1• 11111 documanllty traclng Iha car-or Iha "'Graa1111 Showman On Earth " (S)MOVIE *** "Eye Of Thi N- dla" ( 19811 Donald Sulhar- land. Kate Nalllgan While on a remote Scollllh Island to~ a Giiman eut>marlne, an A•ll spy find• •helter from th• 11orm In the COfllge of a young l't\llrlld coupla. 'R' O M<>W "Soto" uo., 000 COUPLI! Oec:er revMl• • 11ui.. llnown romantlO epleoCla In Fel4•"1pul • SNEAK PAEV1EW9 Roger Ei-t and Gana Siske! review aoma tuma that n1erly everybody mluad th• llrat time around. lnclucllng "'Fin· gars," "Getaa Of Heaven" and "Thi Onion Reid ... (R) 1:411 (%) CHAAL.E8 CHAMPUH T AU<8 WITH ••• "Donald Sut'*111nd" ._ 8 Cl) CIRCUS CW Tl41 STAN ' Twanty·thrM 1111vt1lon, Kr~ and atage start perfOfm • 1111191)1 of daring and tiumorou1elf'~11C11, Und• Evens, Elliott Gould, Bot> Newtiart llld B•ooka Sl'lleldl are rlngmll111'1. (RI D a DIF'P"Al!NT 8TAOIWI Wllll1 uaumae a euparlor atllludl wl'llle trying to gal Into an atl'li.tlc club. (RI • MEAVGM'FlN GUNtl: J«*e Cotton, Mel- vin e.m. St-Gutten- berg, Jimmy "**· • IAELANO:A TE..EWllOH HISTOR'f .. Pernell 1875-1891 .. Cl'lerlet Sl-911 P11nall, ona of tha mo11 dynlmle llgur .. In lrlah hla1ory. Is profllad (HlMOW • • • "Tha Enforcer" (1978) Cllnl Eulwood. Tyne Olly. "Dirty Harry" CallaNn •• joined by • llmall rookie In Illa pur94.1ll of • QfOUc> of Callloml• r9\/0lu1l0nlriae tll'rortzlng San Francllco. 'A' (U)MOW! • * "Juat Tall Me You Love Ma' ( 1g78) Robert Hagy91. LAA HW1man. A iov..atrvck oollaga drop ou1 ~ to Hawaii and llnk1 up with two~ hi meta at ll'll lllrpor1.' (Z)MOW * * • '"' "Fraud" ( 19631 Montgomaty Clift, Suun· natl York Tl'I• young Vian-doelot found• the prl011ca of l)lly(:l'IOan•· lyalt Whl .. lludylng hypno- ... with an upatim.ntar •.aoD (Ba........A MEAK Julie, u,,-ovw not hav· Ing a data IOf the prom, ratuma from • tong walk with Iha ,_. that aha hU mat the man 01 ha• dr-.(RI 10:00 8 al HILL ST'NET IWO A rookie cop ovwrMCt• In a crlll•. and nagotlallonl ~ Iha pollol union and the c;lly .,. ~­ ad. (A) ••• N£W8 8 111 20120 e Aa.trNCAH OOYSIEY L-Henda<aon; Todd Grey and Melody May«"• Joun'9)' of 5.000 mllll ac:roaa lhl Unttad Stal11 11 chronlcAld (RI • M •A•t•H Unraqullad '°""· death, danglt. duly anO lomlOOl- wy malt• up 1 tVPICll dll) In Illa 4077tl'I. • lllHNYHfU Benny antw1 Illa Ooldan Ooella9 Competition for '10oelle Of Thi Y-." • 9U81NEN Al.PORT (Hl nte BEACH 90Y8 IN OONCPT Tiii flllflOUI group from rodl'• ~ •• parlorm their grMtllt l'lltl . lnetud· Ing "C111tornl1 Glrl1," ··Surlln· U.S.A." and "Bar· b1111Ann " 11:30 8 Cl) OUIHCY Loe Angat.I la tl'lrlllen.c:I with 1 potantlll lypl\Old apdamlc: an., a tON'anllaJ raln11orrn w .. h.. di•· MMd COfplll OUI OI I hlll· Mo. <*nelery, (R) G a!TONIGHT GUiii tioet; Joan Riven GUiit: Suzanna s-• 8 9 A8CNEW8 NIGHTUNE G MOVIE **'"'"The Road To Oen· ve1·· (1,551 Jolln Peyna. M one Freeman Two brotharl t>allla a... Illa underworld boM 01 one of 1ham. • THE JEffEMOH8 Tom ...... o.oroe·• nta • LOVE. AMUllCAN 8TYl.E ··You'N N9vet Walk Alona" Paurs law olflol arrangae a Charily party for Under· prlvlllgld ctiHdran. (%)MOVIE • • "O..dly B .. Mlng" ( 1118 II Meren Jan11n • Suaen Buckner. A young women, marrying Into a llrlct rellglou1 11c1 oC>C>OMd 10 modem llf .. alytll ... puf'9Ued by dan- gerous. unknown toroae. 'R' 12';00 . ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Lindi and Bruce Janner. 8 9 VEOAt Oen lawna that the woman Ill hU faltan In love with Is Lu Vagu' moet ••panllva call Olfl. (RI • MOWE • * .. Homecoming .. 11M8I Clark G.oie. i...n. Turn« During World War II, a baltlefronl doctor 11 dlettaugtlt to find tt>a1 lie la unable IO NVI Ille llta of I wounded nu111 who -. a grNt dlel to tilm. • LOVE. AMEAICAH STYLI "Coria'• Rear Window" Coria thtnl<a 1111111111 .-• murdll (B)MOVIE **"" "11'1 My Tum" ( 111801 Jiii Cl1yburgl'I, MlchNI Doug!... A brll· llent Chk:ago math profll. IOf ,...._ '"' ~ In "" ~ !'91all0nlhlp ' when Iha flndl a ,_ IOve whlla In N9w Yonc fOf,..., 111tiar'1 remarrleoe. 'A' O MOVIE • • • ··0.1 Out Your Handktrcl'll•I•" ( 19781 0. ard Deperdleu, Pllricic Daw-•· A young and op11mhl11c hutband Q011 to almoll unt>ell1v1abla llng1hl 10 anaur• hit w11.·. happlnaea.'R' 12':06 (I) MOVIE llld "Toott" ~ -amOtl(I Illa 1111111 pat• fOfmlng aO<'Q8 wttl'I Jonae from tilt hll album "Tl'la [)u(M." tao.AO 8 Cl) MCMILL'N AHO w.w Thi McM111An1 -trlPQad In their home by • klllat wtio 11 terrorizing 8111 Fr ll'ICllOO. (RI (C)MOVW • • "Thi ConquarOf" (18Mll John W1yna, Suaan H1yw11d A tnlghly Mono<>f WlllffOt kldn&pl lhe deugh• Ill' of • ~I Tarter king end ~ conlrol of tilt empire 1:00• MOVi. * * "'Whlla Comallche" ( 1967) JOMph Conan, Wfl· llem Sl'letnar. A ~ offl· car NlllM a long-running quarrel be1-• Ml of lwlna, Iha Offip<lng of an lndlen motlllr and a whfl• lattiar. mt MOVIE * * "'Ooomwlleh" (19721 Ian Bannan. Judy a-on A man ~uctlng under· waler ·-en ,_, . amall lllan<I dllOOYlfl that the w•lll' QOntalne rldlo- ac:tlv• wute raaponlibll tor pl'lyslcalfy deforming tlll llllJld'1 lnl'labl1an11. 1:10 8 MOVIE •• ''T •II)' And Thi Junoll Huntll'" ( 1965) Jlc:qUM B«gerac:, Shery Marlhall. Tiii aon of • big game l'luntw vantur• Into 1111 lungle with hi• pal .... phllll Md chimp. 111 NEWS 1: 111 (%)MOW *'"' .. Honky Tonk FrM· way" ( 1981) Beau Brklgaa, Hume Cron~. A town ~ to be doomad 10 utlnetlon when Illa HIQn-1 way Patrol Department fall• to buHd an off ramp on the -,,_,y tl'lll cull tl'lrOIJOh 1111 llata 'PG' 1:ao 8 al N9C NEWS OWANIGHT 1!a6 CH> MO\M * * * "CIHl'I Of Ttie Tlt-·• (1981) Herry Ham- lin, l.4Kanee Ollvler. M)"h- lc ,.. ,..,_ .. helped by hla fllhar z...a In • -w of dangeroue tUk1 u lie trlal Io win Iha hand of a Ptloanlclan prtnc.te ag11na1 1111 ....,_ or • vengeful Ml goddne. 'PG' 1:'6 (I) MOVIE * • "Breaking GIH•" (19301 Hull O'Connor, Phll Oenlalt A Brltlah punk PoC1 It«'~ lflMlyle ulll- melaty laed• to tregady 'PG' 2:00 • MOVll! ** .. Vlolanl Road .. (111681 Brian Keith, Efrem Zlmbal· let Jr Truck drlyers ~•• meny da/'lgaf· out lltuatlOnl wtllll Iran· ~•no hlghfY exploslva rocll .. luaj D MOWE * "GM" (1 981) Donald Sutherland, Suu n Anapecll. A radio DJ and • reporter try 10 ••poaa .,, oll m11gn1t1'• plot to drive up ga prlcN by contrMng ari oil anortlgl 'R" 2:20 1 NEWS 2:IO ~ •• "Mummf 1 Revanga" (19731 Paul Nuehy, JllCk Teylor Sup1rn11ur11 avanll t>ag1n1 wn-• """"my ...,er-for • body 10 hOUM hll wlla'I -..1. ~!= • *.,.. ··Ttie Oc11gon" (IMO) ChuGlc Norrll , lAI V•n c1 .. r. A w11lthy young woman n11.. a rlllrad manlel 1111 cham· pion lo ptOlacl tiar from tatrOflltt trained by Iha ~tarloul Ntn)a cult 'R' 2'.40. NeWI a:ao e MOVIE •• "'The Tribe" (19741 Victor Franch, Warren II~ Thi direct anca. lOf of modem men. Cro- M agnon Man, dell11 ••llnc11on at tlll 1'11nd• of the NMJldlltl'lal1 3.1J0 8 llPV (%)MOVIE '* * "Lumlere" ( 1117111 JMnne Mor-... Francine R1c1t11. Four lllm eclr-there 1 vtlla In Iha wlkl1 of Franca 'R' 3:20 Cl) MOVIE * * "'L-SllOll" ( 19781 Biii M u11a y, Howard H1111man Nothing 11 aecrad In tl'lla Mllrlcal IOOll 11 HOiiywood mo1111-rn1ll· I~ and oenr• lllms 'R' S:30 U MOYIE * * "The Blue !AOOO"" ( 1980) BrOOlla Shlalda. Chrlllophll Atkin• Two eu11way children grow lo ad~ on 1 ramota, South Paclfle lll•nd and ••Pl'lance 1tie Pano• 01 11111 love 'R' S:40 CID MOVIE **'At "Victory" (1981) Sy1v .. 1ar Stallone, MlchNI Cal,,. During World War II, Alllad POW• -their tlcke1 10 ltladom In • m11ch between tllelr ._ team and the Ge•· men Nlllonal Team In Par· 11 ·PG' 11'6tD MOVIE * • * "Mlracla In Thi Rain" ( 19541 Jane Wyman, van Jonnaon, A young •di· dill' end a lonely woman '"' In !ova only 10 ba MP•-I ratadby- dO. MOW • • "Terror At Midnight" ( 1955) Scott Brady, Join \/oht. A po41cem•n'a girt· frllltld bacomN lhl vlellm of an utortlon plot 4:IS CC) MOVIE •*'A "A Global Affair" (1fle.4) Bob Hope. Lllo Putvet A 1>11>y, tound by a bechllor In Illa lobby of Illa Unlled Nallona, II dalmad by all Ille mamba< na11on1. 4:all Cl) INZAME "Al>Kam Carn«a .. 4:~ (%)MOVIE **•'A "Fraud" ( 11163) Montgomery CllM. Suean- nal'I Yorlt. Tha young Vien-doctor found• 1111 practl<le or p1ychoan1- l)lsl1 wtil .. atudylng hypno- ti• wilh an a1tp1<tman1., Fridatf • Da yfime .Hot,lf-• 5:30 0 "Solo" 11:00 CJ:) • • 'The B11tlmor1 Bullet.. ( 1980) Jam ea Coburn, Omer Sharif A am•ll-llm• pool i..111er rnutl ral" $20,000 and CHANNEL LISTINGS Ii) THE GNAT AA.DK) COM!DCAH8 Georg• Burn1, Gr1cl1 Allan. J ed< Benny end more remlni-llld r .. crNtl the ~ are of radio ~ during Iha '30e and '409. * * "Fl1day Thi 13th"' (1980) S.tey Palm..-. Adrl· anne King. The reopening of a eumm« camp, c:lOlld 20 .,._. lar1111' eftll' ,,.., .. murdlrl. attraall 1 llin<lle- tl ve killer who knllH uneuepec;11ng 1111'1-lglr'I.. 'JOHN DARLING 8 KNXT !CBS) 0 1!J KNBC (NBCI l 0 KTLA llnd I .. G KABC I ABC) c 0 KFMB tCBSI • 0 KHJ TV ilnd.J 17\ Cll> KCSl <ABC I £ Q) I( TTV find ) s II) KCOP TV llnd I 0 m KCET (PBSI 8 I!) KOCE ( PBSI On TV Z TV HBO 1C1nemd•I !WORI N• N Y tWTBSI tESPN) 1Snowt1mi>1 Sp01119ht CCablt' N('W~ N!'lwor~I CC) MOVll! • * '"' "Paplllon" ( 19731 St-Meo.-. Outltn Hoflman. A pair ol Devtl"a laland oomtcta "*"' thalf """ p1ann1no their _,,.. (l)llZNIM "AbecamC-•" e uov. ..... "Under The RalnboW'' ( 191111 a-ya-.. Clrr1tl Flahaf. Thi 150 midg9tl 'A' 12:*0 . (BI.ATE NIGHT WT™ DAVID L1TTl.MlAH Gu.ti : Tommy end Olcio Smotl'lera, Pr .. ldant Aallgen'• barber Mitton Pitta, TV comrn«lcll arehl· vial J-Half. (R) l:E8~: MPUCTIOH8 P•ttl Aultln. Jemae lno<•m i~ 1-ff'A'T \/\JAVE WE'VE. 6EEN E>'.PER1ENC1NG 15 GOI~ TO 9E ""!TH US Fa~ AWHI L-E, AND l'M AFAAID 'THERE'S NO Rl:L.IEF IN Sf6HT.' 'Wind' • • • series sens1t1ve By TOM JORY A11 acl1'9d PY9ll W~ NEW YORK -The characters in "Born to the Wind" mouth a script written for today rather than the American Indian West of the mid-19th century, and that kind of silliness detracts from an otherwise worthy production. Perhaps screenwriters -and , consequently. viewer• -have been pre-conditioned for Lon Chaney Jr!a mono11yllablc Ching.achgook and simply aren't ready for lndlans who speak in preaent-day idiom. It is nonethelen d.iltnct1ng, eapedally when sreat ca.re obvioualy h.u ~ taken to provide a reelJat:lc earth-c<>l01" environment for the llmlted •ries. NBC wW broadcut the fl.rat of four called "Seguin," broadcast in January. A Martinez plays Lone Wolf ln the short- run series, and Mias Portillo is Star Fire, his romantic interest. In the first program, "Night Eyes.'' Lone Wolf and a companion come acro&B human handprints near a buffalo carcau. They return to the scene with warrlon from their village and find a snarling boy, whom they surmiae haa been rai9ed by wolves. 'They bind the boy and carry hlm to their camp. But that nJgh t, thelr horat!9 are atiacked by wolves, and there lt ~l amooa the tribal eldera on whether to releau the~m:f!tlve or attempt to care for him th vee. clothed as a wolf, he walks into the hills and, when he returns, the howling animals have disappeared. Painted Bear's dilemma ·over the wolf-boy la complicated by a run in with Cold Maker, who sneaks buffalo meat for his family despite a tribal ban on the 9C8.l'Ce food. Succeeding epllodes are eelf-contained atorles, wlth aeveral of the chMacters - Painted Bear, Lone Wolf, St.at Fire, White Bull -appea.rtni throuah the entire run. Wlll Sampson, who bad a part In A.BC'1 "Vega$," plays Painted Bear with crue nobWty, and lmilJo De1odo -Luia from "Seeune Street" -11 "While Bull. A Mart1nes ~y played Cimarron ln an ABC aeries called "The Cowboys," b.roadcut durinl the flnt half of 1974. "'" a lltg h1<11111manl balOta he WI! MW a tatnalCh 1111111 WI old QPP0 ,..,,, wtlO llU 11 ... « IOlll al 111y gaine 'PO lHI *. • lll• HldM l/Oll yt " { 117'1 lngild e..11 m111. Johnny 00.AI• Two Ghlldran r\HI -•'I' trum llOme Alld lllda Ill N.- YOfk C11y'1 MetrOC)Olllan Mu-.1r1 OI All, wl\9'a they ••• ci.1r""1(11Q by • tpltll ad f.cluN 0" 7.IO. • * U•aaklngOI ... I 1980) t111el O'Connor P1111 Oanlelt A Otllllh punk C>OC> 11111'1 lllaatyt. ulll· metaty lead• to 1.-oec!Y 'PO' 1·'6 CJ) * * • • Thi Af .. m111'1 Bell" ( 196a) JoMf Svel, Maile Jo1kOV11 Elab• at•I• p11n1 10 1111 111414• 88·year-olo OhlOI 11 •ape- '"' boll oo •w•y l o• • gtoup of well m1an111g Czec:tioalOv•klan fl•_, 8.00CC) • • Young Joe. Thi! Forgoll•n Kennedy' 11977) Pela• S1rau1a, Btr· b•re Parkin• The 4!4dot1 Kennedy volunl-• IOI 1 danoetou• wertlmt ml1 aion which. II succ;ea1lu4 wOOld btlng him bock a holo and one stop c:fo&er to the Wnlte Houae fHl • • * "Ht1v11n Cen Waif' f 1978) W1<ret1 Beat ty. Jul;e Cllrtllte All81 a pro loott>ell 11ar • 11111 I& prematurely claimed by an lnepl angel. the man 1s glv· en lh• body 01 a m1111one11e 1ndus111al11I to conllnue 1111· 1~1n PG 9:00 U * • • 'Tommy' ( 1975) Roge1 Oallrey, Ann-Mar· gret Balled on me rock opere by t tie Who A young bo'( 11ruck deal, dumb ano 011nd by ,..,., llQl'lt of hll 1111'18' s mu•dtlf oecomas a modern·day messiah e•plolled by a oreedy uncle ond 8 wot- Shlpp1no puohc 'PG (l) .... ·~"Tell Me A Riddle" ( 19801 M11lvyn DoUQles, Ula Kedrova A withdrawn, eld811y woman, unawa•e thal she Is dying, 1tmbarl\s on a long Journey 10 teacquatnl htl<sell wllh her geograpti1ca11v and omottonalfy separated lamlly 'PO 10:00 (C) • • • "Lady Takes A Chance' I 19431 John Wayne. Jean Arthur A woman hnds en unwilling cand1da1a for merrtage whlle husband-l'lunttng In the Fer Weal fHJ • • "Coasl fo Coast" (1980) Dyan Cannon, Rob- en Blake A runaway llousewlle and a scrappy trucker hauling catlle c;oast 10 coal! become the lerget ol o wild crosa- (OUnl ry Ch&M! 'PG' .../"' • * • "The Slrallon Story' (1949) James St-· art, June Allyson The IOU ol a leg 11 oveocome by baseball player Monly Slratton 10:30 (%) • • • "The Enlor,er" ( 1976) Cilnt Eastwood Tyne Oaty "Otrty Harry' Callahan 1a jotned by a tamale rookie 1n lrac:klng down a bend of revolulion- arles who are t81rortzing San Francisco 11:00 U **YI "The Blue Leooc>n" (19491 Jean Sim- mons, Donald Houslon A youno girt and b oy shipwrecked on • Pecllle ISiand eome 10 love eectl otn91 as 11'18)' mature t 1:30 (C) * * * ' Hondo"' ( 19~1 John Wayne, Geraldine Pege A cavalry dlspetcl'I rldet encountl!'s a womon end 1'191 aon, an ApeChe chief's blood brothel 12:00 0 • • ·Zenobia" t 19391 Slln Laurel, Ollvtlf Herdy Ollie llnd• himself on lhl unusual POSlllon of t>lllno loved by en elephant who can't l0tgel a l\lndness he pe<10t med IOI he< ID * * * Oamn Yenll· ees" (1958) Tel> Hunter, Gwen Verdon With • liltle help lrom the devil, en eg1ng baseball Ian becomes e champiOnshlp t>allplaye< Ill••'"' "Caaanova Brown ( 19~~) Gery Coo· per. Terese Wright A men on Ille V81Q4l of remarriage d1scoV9's lhal he I• a lall'l8' 11ter an anm.lllfld marriage (fO * *.,.."Scout's Honor" 1 IHO) Chry Collfl'\an K•t1 .. r1na Halmona A l()l'9ly Ofl)Nt\ ~ "' Hltamelr r.iw;l•ll, hlQC)I W lllflOle 1• IC•,111~ Into ri.:om1no 11an Matt• 10 • (Hlek Ol CuO 8o0u•• Ill••* Cl-Ot fhl T111111 I tut 11 H.,•y 14anv Mn, kaut111t.. Qll\li4W M)"h 1c n.o p.,_,, •• Nlped IJy hi• llllllt '""' In • -la• <11 d ange<OVI tulll H r.. 1 rlM to win Iha llal>d of • Ph~ prlnOaN IOelf\11 Iha WlilhM o4 • v1ng1lul Ma g oddeu. 'PO tt;JO Cl)* "T&n.an. The Apa I Man" ( 198 O Rloh11d I Hllfrll Bo Derek A youno wom1111 M arci-lor "« , mlaalng fAllllt In 11\1 Alrl· t can 1uno1a wh1111 1tia enooun111r1 Rn unc;ivllllld • whlla mill •nd en o<angu I tan R' t:OO'(Cl • • • A Liiiie Rom1nce" ( 1979) LllU• 1' ren(;I Ottvler. O<ane lMll 1 An Oldo•ly '°n 111111 IOln• t IWO young runlWlyl In r love on 1 mad dalh MlfOM • Iha European COl\111141111 : wnn Illa cl'llldran • p1111111 • and tho po41U In l\ot put-I aull PO' 1 0 ••'•"Student BOd 1 let•' 11981) Knsten Aller. ; Maltntlw Goldsby A neavy oreainmo psychotic , lllllet llGlkS IM lun•lovlng 81ud11n1a ol e typical A,,_. : lean hlgll SCllOOI 'R' ' 2:30 ($J" *'' "'Voclory" ( 198 11 I Sylvash1t Slallone, MlchNI I C11ne Outing World War • 11. Alhed POWs -thllr I hckt!I 10 lreedom In • 1 match between !hair llOCCar 1eam and tl'le Ger-! man National Team 1n Par· , 1a PG (ZJ * • • • The Fu&-1 man s Ball t 19681 Josef ! Svel. Marie Juz.kov11 Elab· l orele plans to lete thllr 86-year--otd chief at a spa-; coal ball oo awry for a g•oup ol well-meaning Czechoslovakian llremen J 3:00 (fi) • • • Heaven Con wall'' ( t978) Warren Beal· l tv. Julie Ch11stle Aft0< a • pro 1001bnll star • Ille 11 prematurely claimed by an inept angel. the man •• grv· ; en the body ol a mllllonaJre • lndu11r1all11 10 conllnue llv· : l"ij 1n 'PG' ; 3:45 t1J • • • • Thtt Mlrscle 0 1 M0tgan·s Creek" ( 19441 Belly Hutton, Eddltl Bnck· I 11t1 When a young girt llnds he1 Miii pregnant aft8f 11 night on the town with a group of Gls. slll It l'lard- pressed to Identify the fall'tef 4:00 0 • • • "Jubilee Trell' ( 19531 Vera Ralaton. Pet O'Brien A youno bride 111-1 vela WeSI IO 10ln her weallhy husDand only to d1scove• his scorned mis- tress and he. 111eg111m11e child 4:30 u ••. ,., T Oby And The Koola Bear" ( t981 i ROii Harris Live action and anl· ma11on combine to tell lhe 1ala ol a young bOy and I'll• pet koala In Aullrslla'• fronlle< days 6:00 (CJ • * "The Baltimore Bulle!.. ( 1980) James Coburn. Omar Sh8111 A small-lime POOi hutllof must ralS41 $20.000 at>d win a bog tournament before he can have a r11match With an old oppo. nenl . who has nevi!' lost at any game PG' * * • The Hldaa· ways" (1973) Ingrid Berg· man, Jonnny Doran Two cnlldren run away from tiome end hide In New Y0tk Clly s MelrQPOl4ten Museum ol Art, where they are t>etriended by a spirit· ed reclu!MI 'G' (0) ••,,.,"Victory" ( 19811 Sylveal81 Stallone. MlehMI Caine Our1no World Wlf II. Allied POWs -their tielcet 10 freedom In • match between their SOOOM team and the 08'· man N111onal T11am In Par· IS PG 6:30 t Z) •**''>"Tell Ma A Rlddla ( 1980) Melvyn OooglH, Liia Kedrova 14 wllhdrawn, eld8tly woman. unaware lhat she 11 dying, emt>arka on a long journey to reacquaint h«MU with her geograpl'llcally Ind emollonally seperated tamlly 'PG' by Armstrong & Batiuk 'epiloda of "Born to the Wind" tonight at 8 on Channel •. with aubaequent hour·'°'lC installmenta Sundays. Aug. 22 and 29 and Sepi. 6. "Born to the Wlnd" reunltet Martines and Roee PorWJo. le.ci playen In an acclaimed public TV productlon "Maybe lt'• t1me for us, the animal.I who walk upright, to take him lnto our arms," White Bull •uuesta. But there are thote who think -tne wolvee may actually be demons sent to barM9 the tribe, and they demand that the boy be tent away. Lone Wolf aaka for a little time. He wanta to aimmunicate with the wolvea -hla aplrltual brothers. That n1aht. "Born to tile Wind'' .eema to be • 1enulne effort to treat ln a dramatic fonnal the IOClety and cult~ of the American Indian with tenllUvtty. Only once In the ltttel -In the concludlna e~Je -doet a white man appear', ancl th.at II at leut mfldly unJque . COMEDY TIUBUTB -Geocp Bums and Grade Allen will be amona .l I radio camed.LaDI featured ln a video tribute to the art form tonight at tO •l I on KOCE (50). 1 .. ..._=:; ....... .-..-....~;;;:;o---.::..--...;---~~---~---··'•~~:::.:::..:::.:::::.c::;::=...::~~~'.!:.~~~e..io.i~ ....... 11.111 ........ ~Llil~Ulll---,.. ............ -.. .... ---... ........ ..-~~~~~~~~ ----·---·--·---- Orange Co11t OAILY PILOT/Thureday, Auguet 19, 1982 Credit • unions hold the hag Wh~n the high-tlylog Penn Square Bank of Oklahoma Chy went down in flames recently, 132 federally insured credit unions were singed In the conflaarallon. They had imprudently loaned money to Penn Square baaed on the bank's loans to oil developers. Credit unions had $125 million of their members' money at risk in tfle Penn Square situation, of which $104 million was not covered by federal Insurance. The maximum for federal insurance is $100,000 per account. There are more than 21,000 credit unions in the United States, with more than M million members and $84 billion in gro&s assets, an average of about $1 ,680 for each member's a ccou nt. Federal Insurance covers 12,000 credit unions, with 40 million members and $66.5 billion in assets. How many Penn Square situations lurk just below the surface? How much r isk is there to the millions of you who have money in a federally lnsu.red credit uruon attounl"! To get answers, my associate George Bookman put questions to Wendell Sebastia n , executive director o f the Nati o n a l C r e d i t Unio n Administratioh, the federal agency that insures credit unions. IYlVIA PDRTIR Q. Why were so many credit unions lending money to Penn Square? A. Traditionally, credit unions lend money primarily to members. Recently, though, there has been a drop·off in demand for loans from members, and competition for yields with other depository institutions. The credit unions therefore put some of their assets into loans to other financial institutions. Q. What restrictions are tbere to prevent a credit union from making a loan of members' money ta a bank like Penn Square? A. From a legal standpoint, no limits on loans a credit union might make to a federally insured financial institution. The unions did nothing illegal. Q. How about policies? Does your agency have any policy guidelines that could have prevented such loans? A. We have no specific guidelines that were violated in this case. Credit unions make their own business decisions. This should continue. Q. Wbat protection then is there for members' money? A. All credit unions must have reserves against loans, the percent varying w ith the size of the credit union's assets. In the P enn Square case, there are no claims against a credit union that exceed required reserves.· In other words, any losses will be fully covered by reserves. Q. How about claims against your IDsarance fund? A. We do not expect there will be any liability to the National Credit Union Insurance Fund. We don't expect any cash outlay from the fund - which has assets totaling $173.5 million -because the reserves of the credit unioris involved with Penn Square will cover their losses. The losses to the credit unions may total $20 million. Q . Is legislation neede d to prevent a recurrence of this? A. No. Such losses can be regarded as a cost of doing business, a ris k associated with business decisions of financial institutions. Credit unions lose more money each year on loans to depositors than was lost in Penn Square. Q. Any lessons in this experience for you or for credit unions? A. Investigate loans as carefully as possible and maintain the required reserves. The collapse of Penn Square was a shock but the absorbers were all in place. I am not reassured by Sebastian's answers or his philosophy that losses such as this are all in a day's work. Elite gather at Tony Packo's TOLEDO. Ohio (AP) -It's a small restaurant in a small Hungarian neighborhood on the east side of Toledo. But its customers have included movie stars. television personalities and the vice president of the United States. In fact, the last time then-Vice President Wal- ter Mondale was in town, h e boxed up 45 "Hungarian hot dogs" from Tony Packo's Cafe to take back to Washington aboard his Air Force jet. "M-A-S-H" star Jamie Farr, a Toledo native, wrote childhood memories of Tony Packo's into his role as "Klinger" on the hit television program and gave the restaurant national recognition. AB a youth. Farr used to sneak over from his Lebanese neighborhood to the Hungarian side of town for hot dogs and beer to go. Lining the ro&e-<:e>lored walls at Packo's today are dozens of small clear plastic cases containing old hot dog buns, the top of each bun bearing the fet pen autographs of a visiting celebrity. Among the signers are politicians who dropped in to shake a few hands and shake loose a few votee from the mostly Democratic neighborhood. "For aome reason, the Republicans didn't come around too much," said Nancy Packo Horvath, 50, daughter of restaurant founder Tony Packo. "Maybe they just didn't like hot dogs." Presidential candidate Morris Udall signed bis hot dog bun ~incorrectly -"Moe Udall, president." Jimmy Cart.er correctly slgned his, "the next president." Memories of Burt Reynold•' visit -shortly after hi.I foldout photo appeared in Cosmopolitan rnagazine -still give Mn. Horvath go.e bwnp1. Nancy Reagan, Ethel Kennedy, Chip Carter, Hat Holbrook, the late Arthur Fiedler, John Saxon and Z.. Zea Gabor all have hot doi bun autographs ~ on the walla of Tony Paclro's Cafe. ""Tony Pecko Jr .. 33, who runa the restaurant with liater Nancy and her llOn, Robin, 26, expJ.aincsl that durtna the depths of the Great Depreulon, Packo'• customers couldn't afford 10 centl for a wtw>N 11uup sandwich. Packo wu too embaaued to .. u u.n half of one, ., • bakery lllmnan aua· .,.tect he split the •uuce in half and wrap tt in cne of the new-fangled hot dog buns. 'Mie Hungarian hot dog WU born. NO MACHINES - Cesar C hovei. who organized the Unite d F orm W or k e r s o f Am er i ca, says mechanization isn't a good thing for produce fam\B. New seabed off Pacific Molten rock from earth's interior pushing up from ocean SEA'ITLE (AP) In an area 160 to 200 mUee oft tht• c:oa11 t or Wu hangton and Oreaon, molten rock from lht• <•arth'a in~rlor puahet up to form nt> w lit' a bt. 'll Seawater seeping down throuah the ocean bottom ts hl•ut.c.>d by lhc hot rock and guahet Crom thl' ocean bottom in hot spr1nga at temperatures hotter than 700 degrees Fahrenheit. The water 1s laden with dlasolved minerals from the earth's interior. AB It cools It dumps its load of minerals onto the surroundinf' iaeabed. And the oc"Can floor is coated wllh rich depo6its of valuable metals -copper. 1.inc, Iron, silver and others m l'Ommercially attrat·tlve concentrations. T h e researc h sh ip Surveyor left Pier 91 in \ Seattle recun\ly to begin mapping the ocean botwm in a searc·h for the multibllllon dollar ca che of mlnerall. Scientilta uaing the aophisllcalL'd equipment on board the National Oceanic and Atmoepherk Ad- ministration 1hlp say they will produce more d1t- t.aaled projections of targeted orean mountains and valleys than ever before seen "We are pioneerin~ a roadmar. for future explorallon," said Alexand~r Malahof , chief 11eien- tist.s of the Na tional Ocean Survey. He ls leading tht' mission to the Juan de Fucit itnd Gorda ridges 150-100 miles off shore. The area is a "natural laboratory where we can watch the formation of these deposits," Malahoff ~id. Where Frtem1lu Ser1•1C'e t~ <1 Fcrn11l11 Trcuitrwri Magnavox Expand Your Horizons ••• And Keep Your Wallet Full at the Same Time! SAVE p1tio fur11Hur1 Chairs, tables, loungers. ..• with this 19" diagonal Color Magnavox Portable. Beautiful true-to-life color. No. 4166. Reg. 399•• 95 f111 of f1n1 "look-em-up" Galaxy 9' osc1llat1ng Ian keeps cool TYLO by Kwikset Bel-au design entry circulating tn your home with heavy lockset for e1Cteno1 dOOIS A1trac11ve 40 ....................... 129.95 1Lf 203 0FF base and safety grill #2 154A.1111 brass ltntsh #400 BCP Al!9 11 99 50 ....................... 114.95 711 It's whats up front Mclane 20'" self-propelled front throw mower has 3 h.p. for the pros. #20-3R·37 1 41911 washer less faucet Top of the line faucet from .._ Price Pfister. With pop up BB Reg. 32.95 2 3 #843-170 1or1Ho wl11 111111• Poolside sale. reusable, dlshwaaher sale. 6 or 6 oz. Setol4 4/6'' Reg 8.99 12'#2150 Reg 3299 24.88 Reg 199!l 16"'#2151A Reg 4299 311.88 • extend the power 60 loot 1612 heavy duty eJCtenalon cord brings power where you need 11 Reg 12 49 1•1 #C2216·060·0R Qoea on eHlly, dried quickly to 1 durable !let llnlah that realata peellng. Water cle1n-up. Reg. 17.99 11~- HOURS: WEEKDAYS 8 to I• SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 8 to 8 S. Prica Oood tin Aul. 26, 1912 16911 fllltatlcally ........... Exterior apred letex gloN HouM & Trim pelnt from Qlldd•n. GOM on with Ht•. Chelk rHl1t1nt flnl1h. quick-drying, Reg 19.99 SANTA ANA All S11e ttem11r• Subject to Stook on Hind All PhotoOr•pl\lc, Typogt1pttlctl, Clerlctl ind Prlnttno Errofl .,, Subjeet to Corr ......... ......,.,i~ S~ll~bt i .. tm ~ -..11. OJ> HMO lltO'JlCI Ol IWt ~It ~.:,n·l1H/1MO ro1=..:~~'f ~°"'"" M WU..,...,,,., .. Nc>llC• 11 11111oy 111v1n tf 111• Al IMOOf-111r1M CtedllOlt ol OMCI ... TAUMHT Al Wol'ldcMI • h Y'lllle 0 0 M P A N \' , I 0 e I If O r n I I 00Ctlt0/~I COtfor1 1lon 1111 QAAOI AH AUAANT co .• C1lllornl1 ,Miiion 11141114 corpo11llon. Tren 1t11or, wllo11 7• '-'*'!'~clquel• l>U•ln•H 10dr• .. II 270 I Allon Nwfporl -.. A 92MO Avenue. Irvine. Or1n91 Co1.1nty, ~!f·11111 Stale of CA 11\411 • ~ 111111 ... it · 91111197 1bou1 10 o'e _ll]ldl 10 MAIOUO A UHH'&ICOCO'S l'Al HI 1N1 MO+tAMMAO NIKAMAL Colla MMI Tr1n1letHl•I wllo11 01.11ln1u 11111& Adame A.-. leldrHI I• C/0 MIOlll1I'• Coll .. COii• MMe. CA 12616 Shop, 1240 Will C1rton 8tr .. I, Al: (114\ 1140·H72 Tom1noe. C0'1nly Of l.OI Allglilt. cc (714 540-11661 81111 or Calltornl• 90601 Operl41(!: Tiie ptQC>lrly lo bl lranellfrecl le AB 41111/88 IOOlled 11 &2.0 No Anltlllm 81' .. t CC 4/ 1111118 Anlheltn, County ol Ofll/\09, s111e AEUBEN'81COCO'S OI CatllotnlL F1.1rllfton fh ld property II CIHC!t lb•d In ll01 N. Sl•I• COl!lge oenet•I u : All fh1lurM, equipment Fullerton. CA 02$3 1 ol that ,..11ur1nt bl.l11n .. 1 ol Gr-RB: 17 14) 870·0433 A .. 11ur1nt Comp1ny, 1111 G••o• CC. 17 1~1 870 0210 Ae111ur1n1 Co , • C1 lll ornl1 ~. corpOr1t1on Ind IOCll•O .. 620 AB 12116/88 North An•h•im SllHI An•llilm CC 121161811 Courtly o l Orirlge,' Sl•I• 0 j REUBEN'S C1111orrihL FrMno The bull\ 1ren eler •Ill b• Fuhlon Flllr ~""'"m1tld on or i l\er the 01h 676 E Shaw Avl d•Y ol Sac>lernber. 1082. llld clllme Freeno, CA 93728 may be 111111 11 WEI.LS FARGO (209) 222-39'1 BANI< N.A EIGrOW o.panment °'**'' 1113177 A•. EKrow' No 1143.4003, suue REUBEN'S 1230, 660 ~pon c.n11r °''"' Sen Olloo Newpott 8Hch, County of Ofanoe: 1180 E H11 bor 111enc1 Or 81111 ol Cllflornla, or by mlll 11 Box ~~bor 1.i.nc! 7280 Newpot1 e..c11 CA 92683 ,_,, Ollgo, CA 92101 AN°cllllmlmull bl~ 11 lhlt (714) 211·5030 ed dr•aa b y I hi 8 I h Cl •y OI Ooenec:I: 9/17/CMI Sac>lember. 1982, unllll 1111 bl.Ilk REUBEN E. LEE II 1r1nal1t lllO lncluelll lhl 1ran1t1r 01 San Olloo liquor llc1n11. In whlCh cHe. I ll 880 E. Hlrbor lll111d Or clalme rnuat be received prior to lt>e Hltt>Or 11111\0 d•t• on wtilcn lhl liquor liclflM ,, San Diego, CA 9210 I 1r1n1tlfrld by the o.c>arlment 01 REL: (7 141291-187011880 AlcOhollc e.veraoe Conlrol SW· (714) 291-1974 so tar u known 1o 111e tranllf1tM OFF (7141 281-1806 111 bu1IMM namet llld lddr.....i Openea· used by Tr1n1l1ror tor th• lhrH AEL· 1129169 yean lul past 11 dll1erem from 11,. SW· 1129169 1bove, 1r1. ' REUBEN'S/COCO'S COCO'S Oo4 Amo Coron1 dll Mlt 21615 Hlw1h0rne Blvd 2305 E. Coaat Hwy Torranoe, CA 90503 Corona del Mer, c.i. 92625 RB. (2131542"'4100 (714) 673-9050 cc. 1213) 542-2886 ()peneCI: 101 t5t48 Openea: COCO'S RB 4115169 l'ulllf1on CC 4/ 15169 1000 W. Common-llh REUBEN'S/COCO'S filller1on, CA 92633 Gra1smont (714) 525-6126 5455 Gto&lllT\Onl C.nlO< Or ()pelwld: 9117154 l e Mesa, CA 9204t COCO'S AB 1714) 46S.3.464 Ot1lllOI cc (7 141 485-1971 513 I:. Cll41Pman Ave Openecl. Orange, CA 92667 MF· 8111169 (714) 541-2881 or CC 8111169 (714) 771·2171 MF opened u AB Opened: 1211155 REUBEN'S REUBEN'S AldoriOo Uplend 230 Por1ollN> Wey 335 Mounllin Ave Redondo Belch, CA 90277 Upland, CA 9 1786 12131379-11383 (714) 98 1~/0887 Oj)enec:I• 9/17109 ()c>ened. 1218178 COCO'S REUBEN'S Heclenda Helghll Slnll An• 1695 s. Azull 2313 N. Brol<tfway Heclendl Hgll CA 91745 Slnl• Ana CA 9270CI (213) 912"'4141 or c1141113s-6110 11141 990-6535 Openeel: 10120170 Of*\ld: 813178 COCO'S REUBEN'S/COCO'S Cofon• Clef Mar ru.....ioe 3448 E. Cout Hwy. 3640 Clrttrll AYe, Coron• dll Mar CA 92625 Al\llr'llde. CA 92508 (114) 873-7154 ' AB: (714) 683-3842 °'**': 1111ao cc· 1114) 683-3N2 COCO'S Opened: Weelelltt RB 12118169 2131 WeelcilH Or CC 12/16189 Newport Beech, CA 921180 AEUBEN'SICOCO'S (714) 648-107717311 Crew Coeur Openea: 1111180 1180 I 011\11 SI. Rd. COCO'S Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Uncotn RB: (314) 667-5431 120 N. 681h s1. cc· (3 t41 se1-s-t30 Lincoln, NE 68505 Opened: (402) 467-4419 AB 12110170 Opened: 7111/79 CC 21 10170 ~~MOONRAl<EA lTB~~~s:RT E. LEE 19542 MecArlllur Blvd St. Louis lrvtne, CA 92715 100 S. Whllf St. (7141 833-911 119800 SI. loull, MO 63101 ()oened: 4/217 t (3 14) 24 ,_ 12821128311284 REUBEN'S Opened. Tuetln RE.I. 6113/70 1513 N. Tu1tln A.-. SW 4113170 SllYI• A,,., CA 9210, =:·s1coco·s l714) 547~8118177 1725 E C ()peneel; 4110162 amelbldl Ad REUBEN'S Phoenix, AZ 85016 Wh111ler BX. (602) 286-4469 15380 E Whlll"9t Blvd CC; 1802) 266-4450 Whittler. CA 90603 ()oened: (714) 525-3897 or BX 1219170 (213) 947-1210 cc 1219/70 C>Qened: 7118163 COCO'S COCO'S Tempe Whittler 1717 S Aurll Ad 15344 E. Whittler Blvd. Tempe, AZ 85251 Whittler CA 90603 (6021 988-9854 f7 t41 s2'a-1197 or· Opined: 419170 (213) 943-9611 REUBEN'S Openecl: 3123184 UnlverNI City REUBEN E. LEE 3820 Clhuenga Bl\ld. New~ 8lech Unlvl<lll Clly, CA 90028 151 E. Coul Hwy (213) 980-8132/IJ133 Newpor1 Beac:h CA 92680 Opened: 312171 AEL: (714) 875-,5790 FWS COMMISSARY SW: (7 t4) 67S..51J 11 lrvlne Banquet lnfor· (7 14) 875-2302 1872 Reynold• AYe Opened' lrvtne, CA 92714 REL: e/10164 (714) 957-8300 sw· 1211164 Opened: 411157 COCO'S/BAXTER'S AEUBEN'S/COCO'S Manhallan 8Mcl1 YQUnl Hiiie 2820 Sec>ufYldl Blvd 24001 AvetMcla de ta CMIOll Manlllllan a.ch CA 90288 ~ Hiiia, CA 92663 BX: (213) s.46-2593 RB: (714) 830-9010 CC: 1213) 545-8439/a.430 CC: (7 14) 830-9780 Opened' Opened. cc· 1213/eo RB 2317 1 ex. 1115111 cc 1121171 COCO'S COCO'S 8-ltl AN Meryv• 2 102 E. 171h SI &370 Indian Sc:hool Ad Sanl1 AN CA 9270 1 Phoenix, AZ 8503 I (714) 836-7002 1602) 247-8203 ()pined: 1110188 ()pelwld; 8/2017 I FWS OISTRIBIJT10NIMEAT Pl.ANT PLANl<HOUSE Irvine Gwdln Gro... 1672 A9ynoldt Ave. 12342 BroollhUrlt SI. lrvlM. CA 92714 Gardin Gr0\19, CA 92643' (714 957-8300 or (714) 539-320211288 (7 t4) 1157-6324 ()c>ened: 512417 t Opened: 4170 COCO'S FWS MEAT PLANT Glll'dln Gr°"' Irvine 12332 Brooli.IMll St. 1672 ~di A.-.. Gardin Gr°"'• CA 92$40 IMne, CA 92714 (714) 539-1310 (714! 957-8300 or Opened~ 6127171 (714 957-o324 jUrtll .. ad) PLANl<HOUSE Opened: 4170 Huntington 8Mdl cooo·s eoeo ..,,_A ..... 8ooCt9dlll Huntinoton 8-11, CA 92647 4700 H. Scollld411e Rel. ~2·51ltl271!1 Scott9dllle. AZ. 8625 1 • 9/ 11/7, (802) 047-6554 A EN'S Openedt 814118 o.wet THE WHALER 696 l<lpllf'IG SI. Mon-.Y l.Ak.-.ood. co ~15 835 C.. St. (303) m -10t1 Monter.y, CA 93940 Ooenecf: 612t/72 (4<>11 37;,.'. t933 COCO'S ()olned: 6111185 o.n-Rl\JtEN'S 675 Klpllrig SI. ~ 8Mclfl l..M.-od, co 80216 251 l. COMt Hwy, CC: 13031 23:1-1881 N9wpot1 BMcll. (;A 92600 TEL.tcOl>tEA. {114) .73-16()si1!!38 c.:2-11&2 Os**' 1 ""'° ! 3113172 AAIOplri--.0*1"4: 1112917 7 COCO'S AEU8EN'S Aldlnond 8cottldtll 14t04 NE. 24fll 4120 H. ~teOell RO Aedlnond, WA 08061 Soo4....._ AZU28t ~4f-7&1ona11 (IOt) t4NM02 : 111111 ()olned: Ontte P Nl<..olJSE PlANKHOUSE Cerrttoe HunttnlllOn '-" 18425 s. ~ Ad. ,.,72 a..:iti 8fvd l ot Ctnnoe Shop, Cntr Hunttnaton 9-lh. CA 92.&47 Cerrttoe, CA 90101 (1141 tt441M12ia1 (714) 12a.wo or ~ 1122171 (213) M0-31118 IMTEll'I tl~ET/COC0'8 ~~ 11111' =r1 MecAl111Ut' Blvd. ~ m8Metl. CA. 92600 1209 Oekmeld Ptcwr &404475 Sunnr<r• OA t40H 540-2244 =,...1. e C10eeC1 121111a : anen• OOened: •• 18: 2/1417A Not1ll County CC: 12111118 12111 OrlNrll Ad. 0000'1 "°'11Mnt, MO 63031 ........ =·1'22 a.eo1 om...,.. 1011a112 ---.. OA 11S10 I PLAM(HOUH ~.a7*Jtnl4 :"'OUMao.,:r ~ W1171 .. ~MO t* AOO«P(a IA.Va.ol (3141937-141) 1 ~ ,,,.,.,, ~IUNN'I UMOln 0.-..V ~Cnb 1100 "Ow11 L~1 Nl ... 10 =, ... , .... , 1nrn • Wlllout Ct.-3202 lulltlril ;..,,. ,..._tHlll,OAMU (4151 937·2710 Opened 9/H/71 PlANl<HOUll Wll!Wt Cftek 2011CooolM ~ PIMNnrHIM, CA 14823 • 15 t$:S-4894 : 10110112 tiOUSe (8A)(TfJc 81 Sen oi.oo 7637 balboa Ave Sen oi.oo. CA 0111 I (7141 27&-1373 Opened'. 611172 COCO'S sou1h Coun1v l<·Mll1 Shopping Cnlr. 7517 Llnelblrgh SI. Loult , MO 6312& 1314) 487-1200 Opened 3/2172 COCO'S Frelt\O Norlhlown P1111 1484 E. Shaw A.-. FrHnO' CA 113710 (20912~2t83 Opened: 5118172 COCO'S 8111la AN 311 11 Brlelol SI Bania Alie, CA 92104 (7 14) 979-<>092 Opened. 919172 COCO'S Fron1enec 731 S. Undl>ergh Blvd. Front'"*=, MO 63131 ~1-137711378 . 1118177 REUBEN'S Porllan<I 54117 S.W. Canyon Cl Por111nd. OR 97225 (5031297-101511016 Opened: 1123173 COCO'S POrlland 5457 s.w. C•nyon Ct P0r1tand, OA 97226 (503) 297-2028 Openea: 112317:! THE SUMMER HOUSE Top11191 21870 Victory Blvd. Woodland Hiiis, CA 91384 (213)883-3030/3032 Opened. 21 13174 COCO'S ~~lctory 91\111. Woodland Hlll1. CA 1113$4 (213) 887-7848 Opened. 11113173 COCO'S Secremenlo 1830 Arden Way Sectlm4NllO, CA 1158 15 cc· t9 t61922.11114 OFFICE· (9 181 929-8852 Opefie 1120114 PLANl<HOUSE (8AXTEA'8) Secremento 1780 Chlliengl Way 5-cfamenlo, CA 95815 (9 16) 922-4572 Opened 6119174 COCO'S ...... 1716 W Mlln SI Mesi. AZ 85201 (602) 1133-3512 Opened: 4125173 REUBEN'S Omlh• 8738 W. OoClge Rd PO Bo• 14388 Omaha. NE 58114 (4-021 393-<1287 Opened: 11211174 COCO'S Om•h• 8724 W. Dodge Rel Omt111, NE 68 114 (402) 393"'426S Opened: 111517~ COCO'S Carnpblll P112.1 2990 N. Clmpbllt Ave T\ICIOn, AZ 857111 (602) 79S-7 494 Opened· 1122n4 REUBEN'S San Mlleo 3025 CIMMew Way San Mateo, CA IM402 (415) 574-8330 Opened. 12105175 COCO'S Encino 17240 W Venlure Blvd Enc;ino, CA 91318 (213) 990-387 I Oc>ened 913017 5 COCO'S Cempblll 330 E. Hemlttori Ave Clmpblll, CA 95008 (408) 378-7022 Opened: 10116173 AEUBEN'SICC>pO'S West Covina. 531 Calllornla Ave. Wes1 Covina, CA 91790 AB: 1213) 337-74641 or (714) 990-0325 CC: (2131337-&768 Opened; RB 2/18/76 cc 2110176 COCO'S Aurora 2580 9 Haven• St Aut0<9, CO 60014 (303) 751-4707 Opened: 1214173 PlANl<HOUSE Notthrld9I 18711 Devonanir. SI. Norlllr\dol, CA 91324 (213)~1 1513116 apen.d·11an 4 GOAOA UZ H9wpOt'I 8elCtl 900 8ay'llde Or N9wpOr1 Bell;il\, CA 112600 (7 14) 760--097110972 Opened; 12118/74 COCO'S Boulder 3390 • 28111 SI Boul&w, CO 8030 I (303) 449-0361 (303) 44$-0352 (unllrtlld) Opened; 12110176 COCO'S Sunnyvele 1305 S. Mtry SI. Sunnyvell. CA M087 (406) 736-MU Opined: 3113n • PLANKHOUSE SoutllQlenn ..... 2222 £. Arapeho Ad. Uttleton, 00 80122 (303) 7911-3482 ()oenecl. 811417" COCO'S Portland 11340 N.E. HllMY Ave POf111nd. OA 97220 (503) 253-7772 Openlld: 8118174 COCO'S Humlnglon 8-CI\ 6888 8ofM A.-.. HuntlnQtori 8-ltt. CA 11?$47 (714) etJ-702017&45 Opened: 5131174 REUBEN'S/COCO'S Melro c.n11t 2740 w. Nor1fl ~ ~AZ.8&021 '"'· (8021 24:Ml!ll 1 CC: (8021 242-6711 °'**': cc 2120175 Re )/Ot/75 coeoe Atvldl IOOt YfllmlW N,f. C«Mt AtVlld& co I0006 =,~ 4 1012417 .. • a.lwlll IOI Olmytori ~. ......,, MOl3011 ~· e111101eaa1 4/24179 • ~ Hor1hrtdge. OA t i32• =t1Mm/Q2t 1011"14 '8/COOO'I .. .,.. ..OlloelOM .. ~ a.n .ac-, CA H 123 "' \•1n 1w1 CC 4091 ft7·91U ~ NI •11~ro cc 61117t T Ht' Mo<)lllNOa Conoont 12211 WlllOw , ... fl.Cl Conoord, CA t4523 \410) -~/'°46 Opened 1011116 coco·e 81Gttrnenl0 SuMM SllOPlllnQ Cnlr 711117 MIClllOn A.-. Cnru• Hohl• CA 030 tO lllll) "8-010TI01•2 Op1oed 7129170 Pl.ANl<HOUBE Seer 1me1\lo 8umlM 8nQPplng Cnll 1144& 8umlM Blvd Cl1ru1 tigtt. CA lllMI 10 10101 ~-oeo1 Opened 8112175 SWEET TIBBIE OUNBAA Portl1nd 115 N E 121h /\V. POfll1nd, OR 97232 (&031232-1801/18Cl011876 Opened 2/211175 REUBEN'S/COCO'S Oii Per11 ISi loult ) 12990 M1nchllt11 Ad Oii Per11. MO 113131 AB (314l ll2t-0&69 cc (3 14) 821-0523 Opened. cc 4/22176 AB 4129175 COCO'S Cupwtlno 10830 S S1r11oga1 Sunnyv1le AOIO Cul)«llno. CA 95014 14011) 998-&494 REUBEN'S Pl.ANl<HOUSE TUCM>n Campblll Plaze Shop Cntr 2980 N Campbell Ave Tuceon, AZ 85t 19 (802) 327-0513 °'**'· 319177 REUBEN'S/COCO'S Arc.Oii l t50 w Colotado Bl110 ArCIKlll , CA 9100& cc· 12131 44&-5611 RB. (2 13) 448-5551 Opened' RB 7128176 cc 7123178 lONY ROM/\'S 011181 10945 Compollte Oall11, TX 75220 (214 I 353-0104 Opened. PH· 6130177 Opened 81 TA COCO'S Della.a 730 w Sprl119 V1lley Ad AlchltOIOl'I, 1'X 75080 (214) 690-12741644-6983 (214) 644-6992 ,0111ce1 ()portod· 6124/75 COCO'S Olllu 12909 MldWI )' Ad Olllu, TX 75234 12 14) 247·2277 Opened 718175 PLANKHOUSE Tempe 2350 E. Southetn Ave Tern~. AZ 85282 (802) 638-8047 01**!. 7117175 COCO'S Rolllng Hiiia 28300 S WISllrn San Pedro, CA 90732 1213) 832-8391 ()portod· 7115176 PLAN I< HOUSE Aolllng Hlll1 28328 6. WMtern San Pidro. CA 90732 1213) 832-8397 ()pined: 8/10176 PLANl<HOUSE Cypr1a1 10011 Valley Vl- CyprlSI, CA 90630 (714182Mll30 ()portod: 81717 5 COCO'S 8el16Vul 530 I 121h SI N E Bellevue, WA 98004 1208) 453-8138 ()portod 513177 REUBEN'S/COCO S Cert1t11<1 2516 EJ Camino Rell Cettl blO, CA 112008 AB (7141 434-1786 cc (7141 434-1769 Opened AB 8116177 cc 8/9177 COCO'S Tigard 10900 S W 69th Ave Tjglrd, OR 97223 1503) 246-5588 ()penld 3124/7 8 PLAN I< HOUSE Tigard 10935 S W 89th Ave TIQarel. OR 97223 (503) 245-3174 ()portod: 6130. 76 PLANl<HOUSE (Bl'V<TEA'SI vi.rr~B• 10600 N.E. 381h Pl. l<lrklend, WA 98033 (2081 827-9507 Opened. 10112176 COCO'S Foun11ln Valley 18380 Brookllurst SI. Founulln Vllley, CA 92708 (714) N 2-550015509 Opened• 215176 COCO'S Miiiion Viejo 2n50 Crown ve11ey Pkwy Miiiion Vlljo, CA 92675 (7141 831· 1463 or 1-495-1680 Opened 12/16178 (S1.1n<11y's1 81 (Coc:o'sl REUBEN'S/COCO'S Colorado Sprlriga 4 1 tO N ACldemY Blvd Colon~do SPO•· CO 80907 cc (3031 596-9492/9494 AB (303) 598-4474 Opened RB RS 613177 cc 4128177 COCO'S er .. 1250 lmpltlll Hwy Brei. CA 9263 1 (7141990.()87110872 1213) 691·925& °'**'· 6121111 PLANl<HOUSE Brei 390 S. St111 College Blvd BrM, CA lt282 1 17 141 52$-4804 or (213) 649-5331 Opened: 8111171 COCO'S 0111111 6232 E. Modllrigblrd ln o.itu. TX 75214 1214) 1123-38871193 1 Opened· 31291n cooo ·s Omlhl 12020 Anne SI. Omlfl&. NE 68137 ~~t212 : 4/26177 COCO'S ClfrltOI 11510 L ScMfl 81. Clfr"OI·, CA 90701 1114) tt5-10ff ()( =··148719484 : 8117177 8 GwcMin Grove 12512 Vrlrfr/ Vl9w OWdln °'°"' CA 926411 1714)nt.t710 Oolned: 111m COCO'S T\ICeOn IOff E. lt'*"Y TUCtOn. AZ t67H 48-6108 4~ 1' (Oftllot) : 3121111 H'S/0000'8 8todoon 7121 Pacllla A.,,., SIOdllOll. CA 911207 oc: t20t) t97-tol1/20U/20e3 M: ff740t1140t1 Opened~ .. 111111' co 1a11•m OOCO'I I.I ...... MIO I.Ml• Mutt., IJlowd, I.I ...... OA t204 I "'-·-· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Thuraday. A.ugu11 19, 1982 D =14 "'""" 1111/fl a ~AOIOOI DIY4 lt1$1iitv9da CA I ll.4> ~.:2 11'7/ I IH 1tH l 11 cocoa UplWIO 60 Weal ,00111111 U~1 CAl11N l,,., .... 0004 Opened 10111177 coco·a San 8et ner e11no 214 E Hlghll nO Avt1 8111 BelnerdlnO CA G2406 (7141 582 1200/ 1209 OpeM<S 217178 COCO'S Fon w orth 4801 8 Hulen FOii W0t1n, IX TfJ 103 1811111n-1&91 Opeoe<1 113 117 8 AEUBEN'SICOC0'8 Arlington 2100 North Colline Arllng.ton, rx 760 10 CC: (5171266"'4&12 Ae. (9'171 2611-4602 Ol*\lld: CC 10131179 RB 11/13/79 COCO'S Stn JOit 3 70 Soulll l(i.ty OIVCl Sin JON, CA li6 I 17 (408) 244-3289 Opeoed 071161&0 REUBEN'S/COCO'S Of1nge 2585 North Tut llrt Ofange, CA 92665 RB. (71419911 164211543 cc. (71419911.0141101•2 Opened CC 07118175 AB 07124178 REUBEN'S Arvede 7790 Weal 801h Avenue Antl da, CO 80005 1303) 421·6512 (303) 420-610216103 Opened· 03120179 PLANt<HOUSE Simi Valley 2410 Nonh Sycemo1e Drive Simi Valley, CA 93085 (805) 527·860118802 Opened: 08115178 BAXTER'S CORNEA/COCO'S Bea\1'911<.>n CC 3710 S.W. Ced81 Hiiis Blvd BC 3720 S W Cedar Hiiis 8111• Beevenon. OR 97005 CC: (503) 641·668418503 BC (503) 641-520011808 Opened CC 09/05179 BC 11/20179 COCO'S Rlve<llde 10092 MagnOlle RlverslOe, CA 92503 (714) 687-3848/3847 ()portod: 10124178 REUBEN'S Forth Worth 4413 S W Loop 820 F0rt WOrlh, TX 78132 (8171 292-6170 or 429-11681 Opened 11111/78 REUBEN'S Kansu City 8821 Stalellne Kensu Clly, MO 84114 1816) 333-91I119112 Opened 03120179 COCO'S Prairie VIiiage 5400 West 951h S1ree1 PralrMI VIiiage. i<S 66208 (913) 341-78a5 Opet1ed: 07124179 COCO'S NonllQlenn 22 t Weet 104th Avenue Nor111Qtertn. CO 80233 (303) 452-05891059011848 OpeNl<I 10119179 COCO'S Tutlln 14071 HOii Avenue Tuatln. CA 92680 (71•) 730-1540115A6 ()portod 08116179 COCO'S Garlend 11401 E.ut N0<1h-I HIQl'lwey Oa!Jes, n< 752 18 (214) 341-8777 Opened 07110179 COCO'S Selem 4120 C-Omtnoicl•I Slleet SE Salem. OR 97301 (503) 399· 1200 Opened 11106179 REUBEN'S San BemarOlno 1980 Elll Hlghlen(I San Bernardino. CA 92404 (714) 886~9101~919 Opened 911 1179 REUBEN'S Facl0tle 3600 • 1281h Av1nu1 SE Bellevue, WA 9800e (2081 64 1·3996 ()penld 1108180 COCO'S Meee 1862 Weal Bueune Road Mese. AZM204 (802) 838-9440 ()pined 10116179 COCO'S Palm OeMf1 73-397 fnlbwrf II 1 f I Palm lleollli1 CA 92660 (7141 3-48-556315564 Openec! 03120179 COCO'S Olympll 955 Btaokl1k1 Blvd Olympia, WA 91l502 (208) 75.4"'483214833 Opened 07110179 DU N B AR S Peltlf'a lending 18360 Pllcitlc Coul ti'Qh••Y tiunllnglon Beeeh. CA 112849 (7141 840-139111392 Ot 1213) 592-4•21 Opened: 3125180 TIBBIES MUSIC HALL P11er'1 Landlrtg 18380 Plciflc Cou1 Highway Hunllnglon Beech, CA ~2640 (7141840-SMt or (213) 502-4072 ()pened· 1113181 BAXTER'S El C.Jort 1026 Flelctllt Plr!lwey El Ce)on. CA 02020 (714) 442-927 119272 ()oened: ot/2t/80 BAXTER'S/COCO'S Duban 7300 Amador PWJi Ao.a Dublin, CA 9•688 BX: (41&) 62t-t382 CC: (416) 829-11311 Opened: CC 07111/IO 8)( 09/30/tlO SUNOAr S LMll9'>Ur llO 1 LMlllC>ll' l.AndlrtQ CIKM LMtl9'M. CA 94a39 l415) 4'1-702217023 Openlcl; 1/10190 ~BAR'S Plllm o--t 72•2t' .. pay 1 I 1 Palm o.,en, CA 9ff&O l714) *"93S8/t911Q ~: 12/03/IO IAXTIR'I AutON IQut,re 1&323 W•trnlM11r W•y a..tti., WA 011,3 ~ : 10/07180 0000'1 Coma SC.NonflADM COYll'll CA • rnrt 1113) "l.()iH/0966 •lt laMS03 °'*'* 0 llOtllO coco. lN -000 HOO 81•1•1l"'" ~ l 11.000. Kl M~ C913) 311· 14 t& Opi ned 0 llOfllO COCOI Llkl fOfMI 171135 81111riger W 1y N t 8111Ue, WA ii 186 (208) 3844910/lt lT Opened 09109190 BAXTER'S/COCO'S Glld11one 6129 NQflh AntlQc.h Rold 01.0t tone. MO 64 111 cc· 1• 1•1 453.3350 ex· 8181 463·331n Opening 12180 cc 03103/81 BAX'TEA'SICOC0'8 3011 Eo Foolhlll a111a Pomon1, CA 111767 ex (7 14) 1196-5909 cc. 171•1 !195 &908 Opened CC 09/30180 Operted BX 11104180 BA}(TER S ltVhHll 14346 l..ulve< Drive lfv1n1, CA 927 14 (71•1857-210312104 OPl"ld 9130181 COCO'S tucaon 72SO North Orecl• Roa<! TUCM>n, AZ 8570• (802) 742·2840 ~ 02/111/60 BAXTER'S llllWPQrl BNcl\ 5180 Birch S1ree1 N1Wpor1 Beech, CA 928e0 (714) 833-160011801 Op&rted 07115180 BAX TEA'S Oert\lltl 4948 Soulh \'otemlle Str11t1I Oreeriwooel Vlll•Qe Engklwooo, CO 80111 1303) 740-883618837 Operted. 01107181 COCO'S Suo Clly 980 1 Welt Bell Sun Clly, AZ 85361 1802) 972-9295 Opened 121 16180 COCO'S Fede<al Way 32065 Paclllc Coast Highway So Feder•! Wey, WA 96002 (208) 94 1-5760166 Opened 121111180 BAXTEA'SICOCO'S Pat1dlse Valley 4514 EHi Cactus PhOltll•, AZ 85032 cc (602) 953-9155 ex (602) 953-9200 OPllMO CC 1211''\0 BX 01/2918 I cocos Santa Rosa 1501 Farmltfs Lano S1n1a ROH. CA 95405 (7071 545-2626 Opened 12116180 COCO'S It vine 4595 Barranca ParKwav lrv1n1, CA 92714 (714) 857-4020 Operte<l 08125181 BAXTER'S TONY ROMA'S Sandv Springs 6480 Roswell Roed N E All1n11, OA 30328 (404) 256-3447 Opened 01112171 Opened IS TR 04109181 SANOPIPER Pllldmon1 2980 Pllelmorit ROid N E All11111, GA 30305 14041 266-1706 or 262-28•• Opened 03124171 cocos Peaclllree 5585 Peechlree 1ne1usir111 Chamblee, GA 30005 (4041 457-2856 Opened 0•12017 I COCO'S North Oru1d Hiii• 2370 NOr111 ONld Hills RooO Atlanta, GA 303211 1404) 836-9948 0pen6d 0712017 1 MOON RAKER SyOIMI 650 Jericho Tuinplke SyoHel, NY 11791 1518) 364-2555 01HJned· 1111717 1 PLANKHOUSE Darien I 11 Old Kings Highway North Darien, CT 08820 (203) 655-8286 OPlnld 0310 7172 COCO'S Allanta 8660 Roswell Aoao S1ndy Sp<1ng1, GA 30328 1404) 252-94519 Opened 0 I 10417 8 cocos F1tnklln Sqv•rtt 650 Franklm Squ111 Frani.lln SQuer1. NY I 1010 (5161 872-6677 Opet>eel 0915112 PLANKHOUSE Or•noe 439 8ollon Pot1 Road Orel\Q8. CT 96471 (103) 79S-4784 Opened· 05121173 Pl.ANKHOUSE/COCO'S MUMPeQUI 5!'>98 SunrlM Highway Maaaapequa, NY 1 1758 (518) 799-525210022 Opened. PH 09119172 cc 09114174 Pl.ANKHOUSE I Embry Hlllt 3~ I Ch1mblee TUci<er Rola Chamblee, GA 30341 140•) 455-11681 Opened 05128174 MOONAAl<EA P1tlmUI 36 Plue ShOC>Plno C.Ot1t Roule •• PWll'llUI, NJ 076S2 (20 I) SAM 170 Opened. 08112173 PLANl<tiOUSl!/COCO'S Srf\llhlown 1906 NteconMI HIQhway Lall• Orove. NY t 1?55 PH: (518) 265-2071 cc. (618) 265-20t5 Opened: PH 05/00114 cc 04125174 BAXTER'S Hurttlft91on a• 1 Eut Mein 81,.... HunttnQlon. NY 11743 1111•1 s.49-11150 Opened• ()t/11/74 THE ¥00AINQS Allanla 6100 P-. l"lr'IY AOMI N W Allanla, QA 30S3f (4041NII-I181/ t 111 Opened: Ol/03n3 !""oodl 08JOe/73 (Uquof 111.ANl<..olJH WI~ ... Aoule -" bill Wll!'fN. HJ OU?O ~=--7162 oe121n• COOO'I AU1111a • •1u Mtrm0tlll Oflvt1 811A18 MOIU'lllfl Q,. >OOtl (4041 ttn-40& I °'**' 11 110". IONV ROMA Alla1•ll i 481 Cobb Perkw•r 8m,rn1. GA ~80 140419~-4 .. 2 ~ Hit 02/'lOll• RB CIOMO 7/fl(J Ol*'9CI e1tilt11r.1eo cc 02114171 lR 1116111 Pl.ANK110USEICOCO S 01n1>1.11y 103 NIWlon AOlo 0111bl.lry, CT oee 10 PH (1031 744-5874 c c (2031744-8891 Oper1eo PH O~t 17171 cc 05110117 REUBEN SICOCO'S Ell•I H&fllOrU 350 Robtu 11 8118'11 EH i Ht rllord, Cr 01111111 RB (:103) 528 0781 cc (2031 928·4905 Opened RB 01123179 cc 01130179 PLANKHOUSE 339 WISI Main 51111411 Avori. CT 0800 I 1203) 878 1311! Open1<1 O 111~1110 COCO'S Morrow 128 I Soutnlll<e (;1ri;I& Morrow, GA 30:180 1404) 968-14•0 Opened 01123179 Dated August 3 111112 MllMM.ld '•lllt. Mof\ammed Hllllm.i. Tren11.r- Publlahed Oronge Cout Dally Pilot Aug 19, 11182 .36811-82 PtJBl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 8UltN£118 NAME STATIEMEHT The 1011ow1ng persons are doing bu11ness aa MEDIA ELEMENTS, 16234 Sar> Gabrlol SI .. Fountain Volley Ca 92708 • Mowaro Jamot. Reekie, 16234 San Gabrlel SI . Fourilam Valley Ca 92708 GeDrlel• Kabel, 16234 San Gat>rlal S1 Fountain Vall•y Ca 92708 Tl'lls lluslneu •• conoucle<l lly e llmlle<I p8/1nershlp Howard James Reekie This slatemenl was Ille<! with thE Counly Cletk ol Orar>oe Cour1ly or August 2, 1982 F194$30 Publlahed Oranoe Coall 0•11> Pllol Aug 5 t2 19, 28, 1982 3488·8• PtJBl.IC NOTICE: k--01352 l'ICTTTIOOI IUllHHS NAME STAT£MENT The fonow1ng petlOl'ls a1e dOl"'il b<Jsln~ as EOUIOON-SOARENTO e general pa• t ner5h1p , 2500 Michelson 011ve. lr111na, Cahlorn111 92715 John B Parker, 1011 Emerald Bey, Laguna Beach Celllorrila 92651 Leighton H French 914 Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Douglas A Burton. 2093 Swan D1111e. Cosla Mesa. Ca11101nle 92626 RonalO J Barb1e11 17026 A'<ttnlda de Santa Ynez. Pacific Palisades. Calllornla &02n Jeffrey L Pierson. 25 Blull View, Irvine, Calllorn111 92715 w Dirk John!lon. 2323 Hunllng1on Stree1, Unit 1002. Hun11ng1on e.ech, ca111om1a 92648 Edward k Bavmer, 6035 Folsom 01lve, L1Jolla. C1lllorn1a 92037 I Jemea C Purvis. 8505 El Pueo GrenOe, L.aJolla, Cllltorrill 92307 This l>l.lsl<Mlt la conducted by • general p811l"MlfShlp John B Park et T'hll 1111amenr w8' 111811 wllh the Counly Clerk of Orange Coun1y on August 12, 1982 PAUt., HAITIHQS, JANOFSKY 6 WALKER 8115 Toown c.nter DrlYI. 11111 Floor, l'\aJC NOflCt ... ,.,. ncmioue~H NAl!m HATWMIJfT '"' lollow4ng '*-·· ... llOtftl:I lwlH_.. . ,. OILM OAE AS60CIATf- t'AR!NEfUIHIP 3200 tklelOI Str-'f !l1.111• 680 Coata Miu CellOlnll 11211211 01111• w DorllllU<I, 3IN 1 a.. !)lull l ene S oulll i..Q1.1n1. Cellt111nt1 1121117 fhonrH l 8'-h•l be t, ttJ 8 1ndi;1a111. Corona 0 11 Mer. C!Nrlomle 92020 Jll/'l'IM AldetlOrt. 11311 W 2 Ill 8tr11t. Sant• Ana. Cl11Uorr1'1 027ot John & Or1rt11n 6 Co • a C111torn11 c;orporellon, 3200 Otweor Str1e1, Co111 M111, C1lllornl1 92628 Tlll• liUallllU .. COtldl.ICllCI by • 11""*' II pannerlhlp 01nlel W Donahue Thomu L Sollllt>er 1 nr• 11111mem WH filed With 1he CClunly C111r~ of Orano;i Coun1v on Auo1111 t6 1082 FltlUI µubll1t111d 0111111• CuHI D•llY l'llOI. Aug 19, 26, Saµt 2. !!.: 1982 ___.........112.112 l'llJUC NOflCE NOTICE OF DEATH OP WILLIAM 8 . DOVER AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-lUl58. To u1J bt'll'll, bi•nefii:1anes. n .. d11ors and contingent <·red1tors of W illiam B. Dover and person.'i who may be olherw18(' intercat.ed ln thl' will ..nd/or estate· /\ pe1111on ha.~ been filed. by Barbara na~ Dover C-0ry in the Superior Cou rt o l Orangt-County requesting thal Barbara Rae Dover Cory b~ a p pointed a5 personal representative to' administer thl' esta1e o( W1ll1am 8 DovPr (under \he I n d 1• p e n d e n t /\ d m 1 - n 1s1ra11 on of Es t a t es A<'l) Ttw petition ts set for ht!aring in Dept. No :J at 700 C1v1c Cent.er Dnve, West, m the Ci ty of Santa Ana. Cahforma on Sept. 15, 11182 al 9:30 a.m !Jo' YOU OBJECT to the granung of the peuuon, you should <'1 lher appear al the hearing and stale your obJl'l'llons ur !ile wrillen ObJec11ons with the court before the hearing Your appearance may bt> in person or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent c:red1lor of lhP deceased. you must file your claim w tth the court or prest!Ol i t to t he personal represent ative appointed by the court w11hm four months from the dale or firsl issuan ce o f leu.ers as provided m Section 700 of the Probate Code of Califor nia T he t ime for l'laims w1U not expire prior to four months Crom the date of the hPanng nouc .. -ed above YOU M AY EXAMIN E the file kept by the court. If you are interested In the est.a t.e. you may file a request with the court lo receive special not ice of the inventory of estate assets and of the petiuons, accounts and reports described in Section 1200 5 of t h e California Probalt! Code. Wtlnste lo & Welostela, Attorney a t Law, 945~ Wilshire Blvd--Penthouse, Beve rly Hills. CA 90U!, (%13) !U-800 or ?74-078' Coet• Mela, Celttornla t2'2t Publrshed Or1nge Coul 01Uy FllUOO Pllol. Aug 19 2'0 26. 1982 Alln: l.eRlb C. 0.. Published Orang& Cou1 Delly 3696-82 P•lol, Aug 19 26 Sept 2 19 1982 PUBl.IC NOTICE: ~~~~~~~~~-3_6~9-1-~8~21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ K-01390 NOTICE OF DEATH OF POOUC NOTICE: K-01388 KENNETH EUGENE NOTICE OF DEATH OF WILBER, SR. AND OF RICHARD ONOS LINDSAY PET I T I ON TO AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A·l 14UO. A-114606. To .. ill heirs, beneficiaries, To all he1cs. lx>neflc1ar1es, crC'dttors and con t ingent c red.itors a nd contingent l'rc>dtt.ors or Kenneth Eugene credll•>rs or Richard Onos Wilber. Sr and persons who Lindsay and persons who may bt> otherwise interest.ed may bt> otherwise interested m the will and l<•r est.ate: m the will and/or estate A fA'1iuon has been filed A pellllun has ~>en flll'd by Shirley Victory in the by Timothy Brian Lindsay Superior Court of Orange In the Superior Court of County requesting that OranK~ County requesllng Shirley V1cwry Ile appointed that TlJTlOlhy Bnan Lindsay as personal represent.auve to be appointed as personal administer the estate of represent.auve to adrrunister Kenneth Eugene W1lbt>r. Sr . the est.ale of R1char-d Onos Costa Mesa. CA (under the Lindsay. Costa Mesa. Cl\ independent Admi.rustration (und_er the lndep('ndt•nt of &it.ates /\ct) The pellllon A.dm1ntstra11on of Estates 1s set for hearing 1n Dept. Act). The pellllon IS set for No 3 at 700 C1v1c Cen ter heanng m Dept No 3 at 700 Onve West. Sant.a Ana. CA C1v1c Cen ter Drive West. Y2701 un September 15. I982 Santa An&. CA 92701 on at 9.30 am. September 8. 1982 at 9 30 LF YOU OBJECT to the a m. grantirig of the pelltion. you IF YOU OBJECT t-0 the should either appear at the grantmg.of the peution. you hearing a n d state your §hould either appear at the ob1ecuons or file written he~ri~g a nd state your ObJecl1ons with the court ob~ecl1ons or. file written before the hear ing. Your obJectlons with the cou rt appearance may bt> tn person before the hearing Your or by your attorney aptb,art1nc-e may be tn person I F Y 0 U A R E A or y your attorney CREDlTOR or a contingent I F Y 0 U A R E A creditor of the deceued you CREDITOR or a contingent must flJe your claim with the creditor of the deooMed, you court or present 1t to the muat (lie your claim With the person al representative court or present It lo the appointe d by the cou r t p e rsona l representative w1thu'lj f01.11 months from the appointed b y the court date bf first Issu a nce of wtthill four months from the letten as provjdfd ln Section •date of flraf l11uaoce o f 700 or the Probate Code of letteni •provided ln SectJon CalHornla The time fo r 700 of U\e Probe~ Code o( filing cWms wtU not explrt' ~omla. The ~me for fUJ.na prior to four months from f1Una c1aima will not explre the date of the hurlna prior to four months from notJced above. the date of the hearing YOU MAY EXAMINE notlced above the me kept by the CX)IUJ't. u YOU MAY EXAMINE you arl' lnterellt'd in the the tlle kept by the court. ll en.ate, you may We a ttqUeSt you are lntue1tHI ln the with the C'OUrt to ~Ive c:s\.ate,youmayfilearequ•l 1pec:lal notice of the with the courl to receive Inventor y of esta~ uaeta • pec:l a 1 notice o f the and of U\e pet1Uona. eccounta Inventory of eat.ate aueu and reporta de1«lbsd In andofthe peullona,accowua Section 1200.5 o( the and report• deacrlbed ln Californ ia Probate Cod.e. Sec llo n 1200 a of the Crawfer4, See1t, MtDuJel Callfom1a Probate Codo. • OaVaHe, bJ! PTHk J , Meurve, Mempu 6 D.Vuw, AU.rMJ al Law Ba1~u . By: J . Rehrl Ill BrH•••J, SecH4 Mt911ft, Atiol'HJ at Law, Floor, laata MHka, CA Utt CampH Drtve P .O. N411, (Ill) &ll·IUI Bea 'lilt, Newpert iMc~. Publl1ne0 Ore~ Co•t o.ity CA ...... (7H) "''W"I "'°'·Aug. It, 20, .. Ilia • Publl1h.O Orano• Co11t 0.lty *7..e::t "°'· Aue>-"· '°· H , 1t12 HllM2 S.il Idle ftemt '42..Jlfl t ••• ~I ·' ~ , 0 , ,. • " 11 .. I ,, . " I . 1 ~ "f • How's this for a good answer: money. Read our newspaper, and cash in on advertised values, discount coupons, food news and consumer reports that can save you money every single week. We also save you time. Which is important for busy women managing a home, children and many other responsibilities . In the market for fun? We cover weekend enter- tainment and special events around town. TV and movies. Recreation , sports, hobbies, a whole package of interesting news and features to give you a lift! Whenever you have the time. So if you've been feeling a little shopworn lately, get some help . Get the paper. What's In It tor you? The answer appears on every page ot • II 642-4321 '~·' (.,' k.-~ = • • I .I 1 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thuraaay, Augu11 18, 1882 DI NiJC M)nc( P\alC NOTIC( P\ate NOTJC( MOC 111TICt NlJC NOllCl'. ....C 111TICl \ iriiOGi IUMllU l'tOTmOUI ......... iii ... LIUL NOnca "°m""'• eue.11 "°""10UI .U..H 'ICTITIOUt ....... ~ lfAt'llllmff NAMI .,........., '101ffl0UI MWN ~ ...... llUPMT '°" NAm HATIWWT ..._ ITAT'llllmtT MAim fTATW Tr. lollowint ..,_,. ... ~ The followtno ~ .,. dOlftO ..... ITATlllbn ................ """" Tiie lalowlrlo Otfton• .,. OOlnO 111• lollo•lno P•ftOft I• doing Tll• 10110 ... rno Pet.On le Ooint ~l-AM."IOAN HOt.tl ~ICrHAW RICORDI ,,,. ~0:••no '"'" 0 " la doing tlle~lng-::-..:~Hlgll IMlel'::'c':LllNT I UtlOI NO 0M141<1Pf~l wlllbe teoel-1 tiue1r;:;a,roYACHflAOIUll'll~ ~H .. DWARO Y A C MT '"''"OVOUNY ""\ Wu l Otangethorpe A....nu., """' ,..,k, J T'• RHTAUl'IANT 21811 khool Diel. PIOCMltld ~ '°' MAINTINANOf , 21111 I H erH I • I I h . 0 . p . I Im . n I 0 t CALlllOANIA, :)t04 Vie Opono No. CHAATfAI. 271U ltuer1• "'-'· "° McOullftott, ... ~.CA.,.,. CA~20 RICO"'O NO~ Pu·"" ""'1 Mtulon Vl•fo. lh• 1112·13 wlll ,,. 1vallali•• lor l.ane.i..HUnllf\QIOn lMch.Ce Ht.41 Tren1port1Uon 120 South 8prltlg 20~!_NH•P0tl ... Git, Celllotnl• 20t,AM01Mion81! .. Tv~.COA~.!!~' .... ,~ Jll.mMY I'. AHWVL, H lot ln l O " I • a Cllllornl1t2tf11 publlo lnepeotlon I I lduoallon Q11 ng1 County Dulldlng Stt .. t. Aoom '1000 lot A~ tn~ " Y ....,.."· "'" Abreo. Mt.ion Vlljo, CA tt•t Oallfornt1 oo,poret1011. H'/' u1ll J"''I Tang, '719 Hlg httde C1m1er, tOUt YOlklp._n AY9n11e, Melntenenoe Comp111y. lr10 (e Celllo;nll 90012, until 2 o'clooii MIDNIOH I LAC!, INC Of Peelltc., MIMIOn VlejO, CA t2tl1 OAAIG ,ILTMAN, 20'PH Clrcle,AnlhelmHllll,CAt:l807 Orin, lll•ncillo Pa lo• Vl rdH , Huntington e.aotl. Calllorme from C1lllOrn•• CO•POretlon). 2tllt1 pm on Augu•tJI 1t1a etwl1lch C ALl,OA NIA •• Ce lllornle Tnlt0119'-laoonc11.1C1edbyart ~.-............ -· ..::::.":".::--O ·~·~· .. "' O c-:..,~· ............ '1 M :m~·.:i.::::.:'1'::" ..!:"'.:. ~~::i ~·-.......... ~ -· ::::: .;::>~ ~ h•:iJ:::::. l:t."~!':';-.~.:.,~r;,::i: --Q =:... ... n14e ~le oond\lcled by en R80 Al'COAOINO lndl'fldVal e 111 •nCI 4 30 P m Tiie publlo Thie IMll-It COl1ducned by • tor conttn.c110n on~tete 11 y In tff&3 Ihle etatemtnl •II 11lllnoorpot11eo •HOClallon olllef Aten_,,, I Otlm-1lew. Jerry Teno heefl"O on ,,.. Pl~ ~ '°' ~por1llOn 9000fdenot with 1111 tlOnt Thll °'*'-I• oonoucwcr by a Coullty C.-Of Otano-County on than e penlllfthlP P,_Oent flllll etel-t .., .. meo With the 1gea.13 wlft 0. held et E:ducetlon Otenge Coullty 8utkllfl0 lhenll0t 10 whlCll ,...,_ OOf'POfetlon July 21. tM2 .Jtwemy, Anwy! Tiiie 11e1.......,1 wu ntecr w1111 tlle C4ur1ty Ofer11 of Of9hge C:Wniy on C•nl••· 10251 Yotlllown Av•. Oft Mlllntenenc:e Company, 11 mae11' u IOHowt MkSnloht ~ Inc ,.._O r1111 lllltfftlfll •• llleO with Ille Count~ Ci.rti 01 Otenoe County on AllQU•I t , 1912 s.p1..,.o. 7. 1oe2 et 7:00 o'CloOii Inc ori noe COllnty. 1,, trvtne , ,1 01 CelllOfnl• ' Publl•h•d Orenee CoH t elly Counl\r Cltttl of Otenge County on July 2 '-'" 2 '1...U Pm Dentel A f lPPelnM. o •·mile north or C11lvet Ortn RIGtlerd M L• Piiot July ff, ~ 1· 12• 19· tNl July :IS, 1N2 ,_, "c~A.!.~.~ AT LAW Publlalleo Otenl)e CoHt Delly Publllhed Ore"j' Co .. 1 Deity PtMklenl Ovt1CtOH lng l01·0,.·406-l .2), 1 l'rwldent lM 12•12 ,_, --PllOI, Aug 12, It, a , hc>t. 2, 1H2 PllOI, Aug 19, 198 Tllll 1111-t WU llled with Ille 2·epen CH l·ln·plece ptHl,.IMd Tnlt 11•1-t wee IUed with Ille .,._MO llt\ftH' Publl•ll•d o renge COH t Delly .-., ........ ~Arttlw llMl. 35-5-112 __________ 3_&_u_.a County Cl«k or Oranoe County 0<1 cone•"• bo• glroer bridge 10 b• County Cl«lc of 011nge County on ..--nu•~ Pilot July 211 Aug ! 12 It 1082 --July 29, ttll2 coneiructed July 23, 1912. 1---.,-,_--. ____ C _____ ...,..., ____ _ , • . • . 331e.12 .._PIM1 llMcfl, CA....,,,_ "8.IC NOTICE ,,..._ Tiiie profect llH • go11 ol 10 H l.VI" 6 aALYIR ~--· _. -·---~-Nll.-----IC--M) __ TIC£,....='.,.__ 'JC'TTTIOUa 9U ... ll Publlsll•d Or1nge COHI Delly p erce nt minority but ln11a ~ ... ....., D,..,_., llHM I01 COUWTY CM' Loe AMMUI ------------P11bllll1'0 Or .,.,Q., CoH t Dell) 'ICTfTIOUI 8UIMll N•• ITATI_... Piiot Aug el, t2, 19, 28, 1982 enterPfiM Pl rtlCIP•llon. Nlwpott lkeell, C9'1fomle taeo In ,. llllle If ROCNll.t.I .,._IC Mnnt'c Piiot, July 211, Aug II, 12. 19, 1912 .... aT•'fl•NT " "' 304·112 Bl I_. I I" llll' ,1-.. l"UUL ""'~ ,... ,. The lollOWI"" _,1111t11 are dCJlnn de ere ''<IU(..., Of "' • •• -lUWt(IN, .. llAltY l'OCHSU.. 331!6-8~ The lallowlng pert()M are dal"I! '"' ,..... " k OetlC lbed hefel Publlehed Orlnllf co .. 1 Dally 'ICTIT'IOUI au.Mii bu.lneM u : but l""' •e. PtllllC NOTICE WO/' r n. PUot. July 211. Aug 11. l:l, t9, 1882' LUW.IN, D111u1• '4A• tTATll•NT PtllllC NOTICE INDEPENDENT RUBBISH J 6 J AUTO OffAILING, 17211 Ple na, 1 1pe o11 1 101bt1lodnl1 , • 1 [: 1 d 3383 , 112 NOTICI O' lltTUfTIOlt TO T .. _ I-" ........ ""--~, -dolnn ----------------Sur:erlor, Coate MMe. Celllornle ..... TICI ... v~ •-1 P•OPO H I Otme Ot d ng "• al LL RIAL 1PaO,IRTY AT ,,. .......,... ... ,........,.. "• 'ICTmoul ..... -.. HAULER'S A8SOC1•rtON, llOO W, "" '" '''""' -1 ...._ "I I__,. It ..... bull,_ •: -,.._ B s" """' S 112 27 Notice 11 hereby given lhet Ille P•Ojecl can on Y ..., O., e ,._ e •• ""'VA ff a.ALa. COURT OOCUMENT SERVICE. NAiii ITATWMllNT S•nti An• l\ld., 1111' """'• •nta How1ro H. ROH . 482 112nd 0 0 .. ,, Vli w Sallool Olllrlct of Oepu1men1 of Treneportellon NM.JC NOTICE c-ec.. tnW1 2850 Meu Verde Orlv•. No. o, Tl'le lollowlng persons " 1 doing Ana.T~~"~~ g, 2273°2~ Vitt• H~. SlrMI. Newport 8'ecll, CeJttornle Ofanoe C:Wnty wlU receive up 10. 3 PlenT• end 8ld 1 ~.'.'*'ldl I•. 1"1~0 N ,.. .. NOTICI II .. MtJY CMnJ1 thll, Co111 Mlae. CA 82828. bualnM•.. New~~·~ C•IH-;,,.nla 92980 82883 but llOI 1e1 .. then, 2 00 pm . Ille So. '";."/:';:;on; 8 ng, • 1 '1Crrn0u~•t._1 •ubJect to eonll,mellon by rile TRANSCEND BUSINESS •1.._2.NL"..~.1~vu;.~~~~.4g~ Ed A••k•ll•n. 2021 8ullneu JO/\n0.8onle,49282ndStreet. 3111 day ot A.uou11, 1tll2, Mated c'~~1'i orn1 .110'!901~,p~no• ....... T.!!'_.... above entltled SllP"lof Court, on SYSTEMS, INC .• a Celllo1n11 "'""'' -~ ""' Can1er Drive. 1,vtne, Calllor,,le Newpor1 e..c:n. Clllltomle 92$83 bkl• IOI the pu,Ch ... of • ro11ry " "-.. ,.. "' Sepl. 15, 1912. 11 10 • m or cotpot1llon. 2850 Men Veroe 92848 .,271,. Thie bl.la!,_ le aonc:tucted by • mower 10 cut latge "'" or g19.445.33261. 911" mey be -" TM lallOwlng per90na are doing thetM"" Within the lime ellOwed l)y 0 N 0 C t M C A OANIEL STAHLECKER,20401." -A·p--1~et11p I SChbft" "•llbetlle•t>o••Olfl0e911deltheomc.. bullneet u l•w.tlleu nd1r11nnad.•• rive, 0 . 0 '. .... Allport Lene, Huntington Beech, CA Denni• Given•. 203112 Acre ...... ~ .. .;~;;d H.'Role :~·rn I~ au.in:!. 'ott1ce ot ol 111• Olelrlet OlreotOfl Of INTERAMERICAN BUILDERS Admlnlatretor o f,;:, Wiii Of 82 T 8 !! bu·'-· •-cA-.... ~1~ by a g2848 Piece, OfAn09, Cellfomle g2t169, Trtli at•t-t .., .. fl'-' with the 1 .. , Oletttcl el 1 •940 B Street. Tflntpor1ellon el Loe Ano"", Sin INTERIORS. 3151 Al,..,ay Avenue. ROCHELLE LUMPKIN, dect...O, ·-..,_ ,. ~·"""...., S•No"'• STAH LECKER 20401 T_.., Herrla, 23"4 v•-11 ~1r. ..., " v F ' d t"· di •-I "le.. B lldl G 3 C M c • corporetlon " "" • ~·, C 6 .. 2 County Clerlc or Otlf'O' County on Huntington S..ch. Cllllornl• 82847 '1nc•ICO,"' •• atr .... n "" " u ng • , 0111 ne. ,. wlll Mii eJ prlvete Mia to the hlglleet Trenaceno Bualneu Allport Lane, Hunll"OIOn Beech, CA Newpon Beach, alllOfnl• 11 Auguel 8, 1882. ano lhall be opened end publlofY Ille work I• a11ueted. 92828 end 1Jee1 net bidder on the t"m' S 1 1 g2848. Tiiis bualneu I• conducted by en flt ... r, .... aloud et tile ebove stated time The euccnalul blddet •11•11 INTERAMERICAN BUILDERS end oondlllone 11ere l,,e1ter ya eme. ":<en Gibbs CARL BJORKOVIST. 319 Ony11 unlnoo,po,ated H 1ool1llon other Publl•h•d orange Co.et Delly ;;; pl-. lurnlen • peymenr bond and • PA AT NE Fl SH IP. • G • n e fl I menUone d 111 right, title . end Thi• •t1temen1 .... filed with Ille Avenue, Belt>Oe ltland. CA '"'"I P•TrtnereHlllp.I Piiot, Aug 12, 1g, 28, Sept. 2. 1882 All bid• •h•ll be m•d• on bid per!Puo,·~·.nncel tobOS~tlon 1773 Of fh• BParltlntlfl •lllpG. 3315c1 AltWey Avencu•, lnterHI of AOCHELLE LUMPKIN. COll.nty C..,_ 91 Or1n9t County on SHERI BJORKOVIST. 319 Onyl! "'Y 1" 1 3579-82 lorma tumltlle<I by the Ol1lrlot. The --'"" U d ng • , Olla MHe, A deoeued, 111119 lime Of her dN111 July 26 11182 Avenue, Bilbo• 1111nd, CA. Thia ttelemenl wu filed with the ----81-m-•c_un_Tl ___ _...-t10rm •h•ll be aooompinled by 1 L•bor Code, tile ganetet Pf"'alllng 92628. end en right, tllte eno lnterNt tt1e1 • · FtMOlll Tiii• bualnnt I• conducted by • County Clerk ot Orange County on rUULI nu CE certified ouhler'• olleck or bid rete 01 wegee In the county In Which I NT ER AM ERICAN C 0 R • 1119 .. 111e hit ecqulred ,,, addition Publl•h•d orenge CoHt Oelly general pertnerlhlp Auou11 8, 1g92 1 11 1 I the emounr of the work 11 to be done hu b"'1 P o RA T 1 o N , • C •I I I or n 1 • 10 11111 or deoldent , 1 Ille urne of Piiot J•""' 211 A•""'. 5, 12, tg, 1982 01nl9' Stllhleck.. F11M1111 NOTICI INVIT1NQ IMDI bond or percen o determined by the Director ol the corpor111on, 31S1 .Alrwey A--.ue, her dHlh, tn tile rH I p'operty ' ~, ' -• 3333-82 Thi• statement wu hied with the Put>ll•ll•d o,.nge Coul Otlly Notice la hereby given 11111 tile 1119 bid, mMM payeble 10 1119 Otde< Oepertmenl of lndutlrlel Re1euon1 Building G-3, Costa Meu , CA locited In '"' c 0 u,,ly of LOS County Cllrle of CX•nge County on Piiot, Aug 12, 19, 28. Sept 2, 1g92 Boerd Of TtUllHI of Ille COH1 ol IM OOMnc viec~h~ Dletrlc1 OI Tf\H• wage rate• •PP••· In th• 92628 ANGELES. Sl•t• Of CALIFORNIA July 28, 1982 ,1.._. __________ 3_5_54_._112 Community College Ol11rtc1 of Otano-ounry. 0'" • Oeputmen1 of Tra n1por11Hon NORTH AMERICAN HOUSING, described u ronow.· Nu: NOTICE -o ..... c.,.,,, c.......... .... .... ... _,, ---.............. "'""' ....... OHO ... C•"M"" -"""""'· "" ,.,. -·-.... 22 leet Of the f'ICnTIOUI .,..... Publlehed o,.nge co .. 1 Di lly NM.JC NOTICE receive H•l•d btda llP to 11:00 ruponelve 10 the contrec t p,...,•Jllng Waoe RetM. deted June Atnvey A"9nUtt. Bulldlng G-3, Coate North-.t"ty 22 2 f•t of Loi 19 In Piiot. July 211. Aug. 5. 12, 19, 1982 ------------1.m • Tueed1y, Auguet 31, 1982 •1 documenll. Coplu of the rotery 1982 Futu,. ellecllve wege ret" M-. CA g21128 8lOCk "F" of Tract No 33118, In the MAim •TAT'lmN'T 3420-82 l.aOAL NOTICE the PurCllUlng Department Of Nld mower apeclllcetlone 10 b e which h•v• bHn preOetermlned Thia bullneat 11 conducted bye City ol AvelOn, u per mep rtcotdtcl bu~°'='ng l*90tl• .,. Oolng ------------NOTICI °' Al'flUCATION college dlettfct loc11eo e t 1370 lurnltlled '" now on 111' ~111' end ere on Ille with the Oepertm41n1 119'*11 pertntlfahlp In 800ll 37 Pegt1 3 to 7 lnelualve ol SOPHISTICATED COUPLES OF' ____ NllJ;....;..;....;..C_NO=TfC=[=~--Notifica tion la hereby given by AOema Ave ,,ue, Coete Mue, Bual,_ Office, Ocean View oot ol lndu a tr Ill Rele tlcn a ere N ot t II Amer le: a,, M1pa, In Ille olflee ol Ille Co1.mty SOUTHERN CALIFOANIA, 501 · ..--'l'TTIAO•t 8U ... H N•TION•L BANK (In Or,.·-•··tlon). Ill ..... ,,.,bf· lcl ...,......._. d d I Beech C1lllOtnl11 Tiie Dlstrlel ... .......,.,,.,,., S 1 • S 0 UT HE Fl N C A l IF 0 RN I A Celllornle et wtllcll time Mid bide DlatrlC1, 18840 B StrMI. Huntington rel .. enced bul not printed In Mid Houal"", Inc: ., ___ .,_ of Mid County FOl'Wt, 1111 ' " 1141 • -·orn 1 .. N•• IT .... ._...,. P. 0 . Bo• 10"'". '"9" Town Cent-Bid N 087 PRINTIN" OF re,~ tlle rlghl lo ,.._.I'"" or all .. -" , ~ S • CA"' I "'2703 n.... ....... " " .. -....... w ..... "" ri-....... -en rN or: . . ""bllcatlon Frenk w B•umen. PrH s .1 .. propertu I• •l•n lhown •• I .. .. •• .._.., A ~ " "' -o. -"' -·-,.... , OEPARTll.1ENT OF Tiiie ll•t•mtr1t WU flied wlll'I the Lot 2" In Block 1" Of , .. _ o .. ·-··· Sopllletlcated CousplH 0 The IOllOWlng persona .,. doing Drive, 12111 Floor. Co•t• M .... CA, NEWSPAPER "COAST REPORT" bid•. NO bidder may withdrew 111• TR!!,NSPORTATION' County Clel'k ol Or•""" cou,,ly on Mep "'01 •111lon, riled ,~ ... Bo"o'k1 Southern Cllllomle. 501 • Forett, buelneu H : th•I I n appllcello,, WH flied with FOR 1982 83 SCHOOL YEAR WI bid lot ' period of forty-five 145) -·w-" Senta Ana, Calllornle 112703 (I) MHC CONSULTANTS; (b) the Comprroller 01 lhe currency on 1 1 YR RENEWALS deye after the date Ht ror 1111 Deputy Director Augual 11, 1g92 Pages 31 lo 48 lnclualve of Ottlolal Thie bUll,_ le conducted by an M H C ·, ( r J •• H C P 0 LIT IC AL July 27, 1982 lor perml11lon to our B;_, N. 1088 PRINTIN" OF o,_,lng ol bldt Proltcl Oevelopmtnt '1N171 M1p1 Of Nld County. lndlvldlltl. .. Fl EL AT I 0 NS Id) M H C change Its tllle from Southern NEWSPAPER "BRANDING IRON" aMtla we, Clerll ef Oeled JUI" 19, 111112. Piiot. Aug, 12, 19, 28. S-t. 2, 1982 referred to ea 31• Oeecinao ~ "' "' o. -"' ,_ .. 1 Mata · •nd Conatructlon Publlelled Orenge CoHt Dally The property 11 commonly unlncorporeled IUO<llellon Olner OR G .AN I Z AT I 0 NA L MAN A· C111fornl1 N1llonll Bank 10 N1t1on1I FOR 1982-83 SCHOOL YEAR Wi 111• ~ of True1-Publlihed Or1nge Cont Dally ...,. 3599-82 "venue, Avelon, c arellnl lelaoo, lllan • pert'*111\lp. GEMENT, 21144 Clllf Drive, Newport Bank ol Southern Clll(pq\le. four t·YR RENEWALS 0-, View kflool Dlatrict ,. 82 1<•111 J. Fort, BMcll. Cllllotnl• 921183 Any P9BOn wlllllng to comment All bids''' to be In eccordanoe °"'"fe, C-1)', CA PHot. Aug 12, 1 •. 19 3501-82 ------------Cllllornl• Treeeurer Merk Happy CluN, 21144 Cllll on this appllcellon m•y Ille hl1 wttll Ille BICI Form tnllructlona end PuOllaheO E>ren11• Cou t Delly Pla.IC NOTICE Tiie aale 11 subject to cuHent Thia •l•l-1 wu Ried Wllh tile Drive, Newport BHch. California comments In writing with the Condlllone end Specification• Whk:h Piiot. Aug 12, 10, fg82 run, c:ovenen1a, condlllo,,•. County Cler1t of Orange County on 92883 Comptroller o r the Currency, ,,. riow 1n 111e end mey be MCUred 3.588.a2 NOTICE IHVITINO 81D8 ru1rtcllon1, reser111t1on1, tlgh~. Augult g, 19112. ,,.......... Vicki Lynn Cluff, 2944 Cliff Admlnl•ttetor or Nellon11 Benks, In Ille office or the Purchulng Agent Pla.IC NOTIC[ No1lce la hereby given 11111 Ille rtghra of wey. end HMmenta or -Drive, Newport Beech, Ce lllornl• Sixth Netlonel Bink Realon. Sulla 1 uJ 1ege di lc1 Pta.IC NOTICE Board 01 TruateH o f the Coast recotd, ano Clellnquent tu• to be Publl1hed Or•nge COHI Delly 92••" 2700, Pe•-"tr" Celn f,,_., 229 o c--dh colbldd llr b II th .. 1 -I a••., Community College Ol1irlcl ol utlalled OU1 Of the pureh ... P'IOe <>-2 "'82 """ _,. ---,.... "must au m WI "11 NOTICE INVrTINQ 8*01 NOTICE M TRU.,.,.,• .. ~ Ore nne Counl", Calllornla, wllt The pr..,...,.y 11 10 be told on .,. Piiot, AllQ. 12, 19, 28, ._..1. • 1.. Thia buelneas la conducted by Peechttff Slrffl. N.E., Atlente, bid • ceahler'a c .. eck certified 1 L~ .. _ 1-1• • ' .....-' 3515-82 " · Notice 11 hereby II ven that Ille -· ..... -receive aeeled bids up to 11:00. ·as ,, .. bUls. e11cep1u10 tllle. -------------lndlvldu11a (Hu1bend & Wife) Georgie. 30303 II eny pereon check. or bidder'• bond mede Boerd ol Truateu ol the Cou1 T.a. No. m41·1 Friday. September 3, 1982 •I the Bloa or ottera 111 lnvlted for !I'll• rtllllC NOTIC£ M. H. Cluff dealrM to protest the (lf'llflllng or peyable to the e>tdet of the Coast Community College District of BURLINGTON FI NANCIAL Purcllulng Department of said l>'Operty and must be In writing Ind Thia 11a1- 1 was Ille<! with 1119 tllla epplle•llon he hu a right to do Community College District Boerd 011ng• County, Callfornl1, wlll SERVICES. l!'IC, u duty appointed college dletrlct loceted at 1370 Nill be received et the ol"c• of flCTTTIOUI IUllNEl8 County Clerk 01 Orenge County on ao II lie"'"• written notice ol Illa or Tru1t-In en amount not lets reoelve Maled btda up ro 11:00 e .m. Trustee under the lotlowtng Adima Avenue, Coste Mesa, WILLIAM M. WILCOXEN, ettomty N._ ITATEMt:NT Auguat o. 1982. Intent with the Comptraller of the then five percent (5,..,) of Ille wm Thursday, Sept 30. 1982 11 Ille deacrlt>eO deed or truet WILL SELL Cellfornla, 11 which llm. Mld bids tor said ldmlnlalr1tor at 3&4 Forwt The tollowtng persona ere doing F1MMI Currency within 21 days of the dlle bid 11 e gu1ran1ee lhll Ille bidder Purcllulng Department of Hid AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE wlU be publicly opened •nd re•d lat: Avenue, Suite 241 , Lagune Beedl. bualMau: Publlahed Orenge Cou t Delly ot l hlt publlc etlon . The will enler Into tile propoaed college dletrlct located 11 1370 HIGHES T BIDDER FOR CASH 3ll-MONTH LEASE OF TWO Calllornle 92851 , °' mey be lli.d THE MONOGRAM STORE, 300 Piiot. Aug. 12, 19, 28, Sept. 2, 1982 nonconllden1111 portions or the Contract II the ••me 11 awarded 10 Adema Avenue. Coll• Moe, (p1y1blo •I time of ule In lawful IM p Ac T p A 1 NT EA s w 1 TH wllh the clerk of Nld Superte>< CoUr1 Peclllc Cout Hlghwey (Suite J), 3492-82 eppllc1t1on '" on Ille with the him. In Ille event of llllure lo enter Cellf0tnle, et wnlCll time Mid bide money ol tile United Slltea) ell OPTIONAL l·YEAR RENEWALS. or d e ll\lered 10 WILLIAM 1if Newport Beach. CA 92663. 1--------T-C_E___ Comptrollel' of the Currency u P•rt Into llUCh contrec1. tile proceeoa or will be publicly°'**' and read for: rlghl. title end lntereat con~ to All blda .,. to be 1 ,, eccordence WILCOXEN personlllly, •I erry lwte ROBERT A. PETERSON, 2465 l'tafC N0 I of the public: tile This file Is lhe ofwlcll.wlll be lortlllted, or In Ille MISCELLANl:OUS SURPLUS BIO end now held by 11 under Nld Deed with the Bid Form Instructions and eller first publfcetlOtl 01 Ihle notlfe Mltino Drtve. Newport Beech, CA K~1'U •nllebl• for public Inspection cue of a bond. Ille lull sum 1r-eo1 S A LE: COAST COMM UN 1 TY of Truat 1n the P<°'*1Y herein1ner Condlllona and Speclllcatlons wnlch and before making Mid Mle. 928&3. '1CTITIOUI IUIWfll during regular bualneu houra •Ill be forfeited to Hid college COLLEGE DISTRICT described are now In 1111 and may be MO.Ired The property will be sold on tte RICHARD F. KOHL, 303 25th N,.,_ ITATIMENT Publlalled Orenge Cout Delly dlltrlcl AK bide ere to be In accoroanoe TRUSTOR PETER H. ASHER. • In the olfloe Of Ille Purellulng Agent lollowlng terms; CUh °' pen Cllfll SI,~. "-k-. Ced1r o .......... 1~ PHol. Aun 12, 10, 1982 No bidder mey Wlllld,.w his t>kl th I~"''" " 1 1 uci•--...... • • ..,..,. m•" ..... let .. of .. .-... -· """" .......,.,, v-• TM following persone ue doing -,. WI ""' rorm na' ""'' -"' .... .,.,. -· T of_,, college dletr . end pllt a ed,., lhe terms """"" 52403. bust,,... u . 347 3-8 2 ton period lat forty-five (4SJ deye Condit •end S~tllcellona wnlch BENE FI CI A A Y M 1 OWES EeCll bidder must aubmll with hie credit 10 be acceplebl• to Ill• This busl,_ la conducted by 1 TARNUTZEA OIL VENTURES, Pt.8LJC NOTICE '"" lhe dlle Ml for the opening are now on Ille and may be secvred PACIFIC FI NANCIAL. INC · ' bid e cuhler·a check, certified undet1lgne<1 end to tile Superic>r ll"*el pennwlhlp 2915 Red HIN AYlnVI, Suite F-200, ------------tll«eol. In the olflee of tile PurChealrlg Agent COfp()(etlon check, or bidder's bona mede Court, ten perce,,t ( 10,,,) of th Robert A. Peterson Coate M.,., CA 112828 N 0 T I CE 0' INT IND ED Tile Boetd 01 Trust-r~ of Mid college dlllrlct. AecordeO Auguet 211. l880 es p•y•ble to Ille 0tder ol the Cout amount bid to ec:company the oflltr Thia 1111 - 1 wu llled with Ille Byron M Tu nutzer. 900 Via TR A It a FER 0, ft IT A IL the privilege ol refecllng eny and •II Each bldd« muat &ubmtt wllh hl1 lnatr No 39208 In book 13724 Community College District Board by ce<ilfied chec;IC, end the belMCe County Clerit 01 Orange County on lido Nora, Newport Buell. CA ALCOHOUC UVl'.RAOIE UCl'.NU blda 0' to welve any lrregularllles or bid • c11hler's check. certified PtlQe 734 ol Olllctal Aecorda In the ol Trull'" In an emount not less 10 be peld on confirmation or Nie Jury 20, 1982. 92663 UNDIR a1cTtONa 24071 AND lnlormlllll" In any bid or In the check, or bldder'e bond made oNlce of the Recorder or Orange then 11111 peroen1 (5V,) of the wm end terms of .. 1e by the Su~ '1t3707 Klmt>erty Lynn Ternutzer. 900 14074.i_ CAllfO"NIA I UllNEl8 bidding. payable to lhe ord .. ol tile Coaet CO\mly: 11ld Oeed or trust describes b•d aa 1 guarani" thet the bldOer Court. h.11n, renta, OP9<etlng 81\d Publl•hed Orenge Coasl Dally Vie Lido N0td. Newport Beech, CA ANO 11,;00I Open: Auguat 3l, l982 -11:00 Community College Dlatrlct Board Ille foHowtng properly: wlll •nler Into tile propoaed ma1n1en1nce o.penaes. •lid Piiot, Jury 29, Aug. 5, 1 2. l9, 1982 92663 Llcen-: HUSAM MOHAMMED •.m of TNll ... In •n amount not less PARCEL 1. Conlrecl II tile Mme Is awarded lo p<emluma on lnl<l,.not ecotpl .. 3400 ..a 2 Byron Alchlrd Ternutzer, 900 KASIM: Soetal Security Number: 1'1 NORMAN E. WATSON then five percent (5%) ot the sum Loi 3l of Traci No. !03-47. In Ille him. In tile evtr11 of flJJure to ent11< 10 tl'le purellaMt "'"' be proret9d Vie Udo Nora. Newport Bell::'h, CA 561·88·5432, Addreu· t2H 1 Secrerery. blO u •guarani" that the bidder City of Irvine. County 01 Orenge 1r110 MJC11 contrect, the Pfoceed• of n of tile dete of recording or 92663 P1clllc Avenue. Loa Angeles, CA Board 01 Trust... w111 enter Into the pro poeea State of Celllornl•, .. Per map tile check will be fortejted. or In the c:onveyenoe. EJ11mln111on of 111 ... rtalC M>TICE flCTTT'IOUI 8UllNIU N,,_ITATWMSNT The followlng P9f"Ol'IS ere doing bull-II: BLACK CANYON CONDOS l TO .. 1eeoo Mein Slr .. t, Suite 110, Huntington BMch. Cellfomle 92648 SunMI Slloree Inc .. 1 Celllornle corporellon. 11481 Down Drive, Huntington a..cn. Cellle>tnle 92647 Thie bu.lneaa 11 conducted by 1 llmlted pertnerahlp. Sunaet Shor ... Inc Robert M. Smith, c .E.o. Thi• 11atemen1 WU filed wtth lhe County Clerlc ol Orenge County on July ~. 1g82. . ,,talll Publlahed Orenpe Coast Dally Pllol, July 211, Aug 5, 12, 19, 11182 3382-82 DllTH NOTICES Lee ChtllloC>her Tarnutz:e<, 900 90066. ~~~mlr:lty ContrlC'I 11 Ille Mme 11 •warded to ~ec9 ~~~ bookM'--~~~~ .... ~,7 ::! ~of, bof1d. the full tum thereof recording of conveyenoe. tran*ftr Vie Lido Nord, Newpon Beech, CA In I• n d • d Tr• n a f • r ••a: -v ""' him In Ille IYlflt Of lellure to enter " "''""~•v. --~ ........ • will be lorlelled to Hid college taxet. and eny lltle ln10renoe ~ 92663 BOONCHOO VONGRUKSUKOI; PUbllahed OranPie COHI Delly Into IUCh conlrect. the Pfooeeda of the oltlce ol the County Record« or dlatrlct. shall be et the e11penH of lfle This bualneu Is conduciea by • Addr-. 2234 EDI Walnut Avenue, Piiot. Aug 12· lD, 1182 3590-82 Ille check wlll be forfeited, °' In the Mid Covnty No bldd« mey Wllhdrew hi. bid PIKClllM or purell-•. • • ~II Plllnetthlp Orange, CA 928117: SENGDAO cue 01 •bond. the lull tum lhtteol EXCEPT THEREFROM all oll, gas le>t e period for lorty·flve 145) deys Tiie unOet1lgneo reaervH Mf• ~~~~~g~ OIL ~e~~:,uK:5~~L~:" As:t:'.r:/: ~:TICE ~~:~,e 1ort11ted 10 u ld college ::.r;:a1: 0:,~11 o~:-~~:.~1 ~.C:;" <l•te Ml tor the opening ~~:~r~~ :~r>dc!~~~ 1= 1 Cattlornla 2234 Eut Wetnut .Avenue, Or11f1941, aUN"'°" COURT M Tl4£ No bidder m1y withdraw his bid l~h1t 0 1 1 turlec 1 e • 1 ntry, du Tile 8oerd 01 Tnnt-r-.... ule. O"*•I partnetlllllp CA 828e7 ........... lot • period for forly-llve (45) deya r.....,._ ,, natrumen • o recor the prMlege 01 rejectlnQ any and all Dated July 29, 1982. • Byron M Tarnutzer Retail Peckage Off-s.le Beer' Ind ITATI °' CALlf'-.. Iller Ille date Ml for the opening PARCEL 2. bids Of to w1lve any lrregvlerfllee or ntOMAI MURPHINlr, .; a.ntlel Penner Wine No 20-113887, 388 Soutll f'Ofl THI COUNTY°' thereof e .. ementa 81 HI forth In lhl lnlormlllll" In eny bid or In the .. ~lretor ef the , Thie 11atemen1 was llled with tile Mein S treet, Orange, Cellfornl• LOa A~Lll The Boer<! ol Tru11-teeervet Sec Ilona •nlltle O "Certeld,, blddlnQ Wiii of !tie ebe••M!Md :i County Cler~ of Orenna County on 92888 L-~111 Nottllc~~-1.. the prlyllege or refecllng any end all Euemen1e for Owners" •n /1/ NORMAN E WATSON o-dent. .•, .. --_._,__._. bldaor 1o welveenyttranu1er1tlesor "Support. S ettlement •nd "-r~''J· Wllu•aaaa -co"EN July28, 1982. WESTERN MUTUAL ESCROW. PLAI TIFF· HOLLYWOOD ..,, " 1111 A II le ~v• .._-. .. "' " 11\JLOIP a ttAlllOll (CJ) 14081 South Yorb1, Su lie 101 PRES By TE., 1 AN •• E 01 C • L lnlormallllH lro eny bid or In the Encroechrnent o ~ r 1 c.. Board 0 Trust-Alteme, , 1 '--• • p t OMce ao 2710 Tuetln C1tllo nle 821580 ATIN· " ... " bidding. e nlllled "EH1menu 0 l ne Cout Community J14 ,_,Aw.. •MA • °' a LlNOA ,RUOEN~CKER . CEHTER,eCeJllornl1 corpor1llon NormenE Watson Oecteretlon or Covena nts, COllegeDlslrlC't a..v-e..ctiCAt:mi , 4CM1 lllecArtllur loulev.,d Totll c;onlld«etlon to be plld lor 0 E FEN 0 ANT A NN E Secretary. Conditions. end Rutrl.~llone Publlaheo Oren11e Coast Dally (714) ..._,_ • Hewpot1 lhectl, CA IQ9IO f 1M2IO tile bualnMI and llcen.e (lo lllclvde STROMBERG. lndMdullty, I nd dbe Boero ol Trull-deacrlbed In SUBJECT TO· below Piiot, Aug 12. 19. 1982 Publlehed Or1nge Con t Od y Publlehed Orenge Coest Dell~ tr111enlory whelhet e ctu1t coal, FISHERS OF MEN. ,,,d DOES I Cou l Commu1111y (the "Oeclaretlon") 3589-82 Piiot. Aug 12, 13, 19, 1982 .• Piiot. Aug s. 12, t9. 26, 1982 •tlm•led CO.I, or a not·IC>-el(CMCI "''°""" X, lnclualve•u-o~ C04tege District PARCEL 3 •. ~.. I 360~2 3511 82 t) -'"• Publlahed Otenge Cou1 Delly E•Mmenta H """" •Hemen • P\a.IC NOTICE . '"cc:: 1100000 CAU ~ .. c m1n PllOt. Aug 18, 211, 1982 .,. Plrllculu ly ••1 forth In lh•1-------------1 Nit.IC NOTICE ·: Proml~ Nol• Sl9,000.00 NOTICll Yov he.,. bMft ~ 3671>-82 Article entltled "E-ta" Of Ille -----------'i- Tolll Amount $20,000 Thecowim.,dllc:*....,_..10V 1------------Oec tarulon of Cove nente NOTICE OF DEATH OF ·' On or aner September 6, 1982 """-' ,_ IMfrlt "-'If ..._ l'talC NOTICE Condit Iona end Rutrlcllona ALFRED DUPONT AND NOTICE OF Df;ATB OF Tll• partlu •cir•• tllel th• rou re.pond wltNft ao de)'I....... OllCflbeclln "SU BJECT TO:" belOW M RJE FOG E D Na. alder ton 1 ,., 1 he the llfhwmetton below. T·1... 1111a "M11ter 0ec1eret1on"I under 0 F P ET J TI 0 N T 0 A L AN ~ =,_.•~nd ~~":c!: It ~o tbe If you wlah to Mele Ille ldvlce of NOTICE M T'l'IUlffll'I SALE Ille Section HHdlng11n such Arllele ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. p •E T I T I 0 N 1:1() P.ld on.., ..... 1 .. _ ~n-i of en 11torney In 11111 matter. you T.I . No, IOll7 entllled u lollowe: "Ownw's Right• A 11z~13 ADMINISTER ESTATE Mh Ou ., " ,,. .. _, ahO\lld do to promptly ao lh•I your IMPOftTANT NOTICI TO end OullH , u111111 .. end Cable ··To "all ·h e'-, beneCi'cr'ari·es. ''Y MARLOW Harbor Lawn . Mount ve Alcohollc Beverage ontrot llH wrlllen re1pon11, If sny, mey be "'°"'""' OWNOt; Televlalon," "Sldeyerd EIMments ui> A-110~% • HERMAN RIC HARD M ortuary. 540-5554. approved lh• propoMd transfer. nledonllme. YOUAAEIN OEFAULTUNDERA "Support end Selllement", c r editors, contingen t To all h eirs, bene flciariea. MAHLOW,resldentofC.OSta CAULLEY TM Pllrttea elto ""'"Ind herein AVllOI Ueled he •ldo DEED OF TRUST . DA T ED "Encroechmenl", en<l "Community creditol"tl, and persons who c reditors a n d con tia e rh direct Ille above-named escrow clelllendedo. l'.I ut .. 11nel ,.11 ....... , ,. ESS YOU .. _ .. 0 M esa, Ca. Passe d away GEX>RGE W CAULLEY. holde r to m•k• peyment or Ud " .......... -:: FEBRUARY 17, 1,.82, UNL Fec11111 .. c:A19"Mnl. may be otherwise interested credit.ors of Marie Fogle and A 11m .. t 18, 1982. He was a r-•dent of Qnrden Grove, dlllrtbutlo,, within 1 reaaon1ble ._..,_ :!'.!''Ud.1 :::=-...!. TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PARCEL 4 JI ! h b le -.-...... .. ....-_. •• PROPERTY,IT MAYBESOLDATA An eHement for Common in fhe wi o r estate o : perso na w o ma y --'---•-for the N ew York Ca. Palled a way Au0111 " 17, time itter 111' comple1lon °1 1119 ...... ---• --le -s LE. F ou EEO •N ...... A-_.~ I ALFRED DUPONT otherwise interested in th. ''"""MUUC H hanio-:-• f tr-fer of the lleenae a pravlded - --.... ...-PUBLIC A I y N ,. ...,f..._ey P\lfP09M u ...,... .. ....., n -r Transit Line for the past 30 1982. e w aa a mec c or In Section 24074 Of the Cellfomle ....... EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE the Sec11on e nll11ed .. Common A petitlon has been filed will and/or estate; years prior to retiremt>nt. He the Frasse Steel Company Bu.W-end P,ofMeione Code. 131 Uated dH•• eollcl1er •I OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST Orlvewey E~I" or the Article by Elir.abeth c . Dupont tn A petition has been fi.l«t .... v 1 -.-¥ • au n I o . d • b • r I• II• c • r Io LAWVER. Oeclar111on I.a aw-.. ved by h.ia wife C:.nlly ·. f or 4 0 yea rs pr i 0 r to HU"aln MohMnmed KMlm conH Jo de un •bogedo en 1111 YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A e nlllled .. Euemenra ' 01 th• the Su~erior Court of by M argaret Ad&tnllOn in the h l1 daughtert, Alice Feher retlr~ment. H e is survived = Vongrvtc.eulldl lnmedlet•~I•. de •t1 manere. 0n September 8, 1982 •t 10:00 "YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER Orange ounty reques\fng Superior Cou rt of O rantfe and L a ura Campbe ll; by his wife Rhoda; daughter Slngdao VOf1GrvtttUkdl IU r~t• eecrtta. tll h•y elgune. •.m .. ALLSTATE TRUST DEED A OEEO OF TRUST DATED that Elizabeth c. Dupont be Cou nty requesting that ~ndchlldren Cliffo rd Rhoda DePree· grandson Trenafer-puec1e -reg111,ede 1 tlempo. SERVICES. INC. u duly appointed AUGUST 22. 11140 UNLESS YOUT 8 ppo l n ted 81 persona I Marga r e t Ad amaon b e Em '.,._.. h d• K · d•d ht p bl ed 0 C 1 O II 1. TO TH! DEFENDANT. A c;Mt Trull .. under a nd pura11en1 to TAKE ACTION TO PROTEC _.._,_,_ I d ) rg e, est, """'t an ev1n; gran aug er u llh renge oaa • Y complelnt hH bHn tued by'"' Dffd or Tru11 reeordld Feb<uery YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE representative IO aunwWJt.er appo nte as person• Ltnda. Servtces will be held Kimberly; bro ther John; 3 PllOI, Aug. 19· 1982 3541~2 plelnUtt 41gelnl1 yOll. II YOll w1an to 28. t982 ... 1,,11. No. 82--0lle95e, Of SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE, IF YOU the estate of the dec:edent. repreentative to adminiai.r Friday, August 20, 1982 at nephews a nd 1 niece. "8.IC NOTICE defend tlllt l•wsult, you muet wttllln Ofl1clel Record• In the office of the NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE T h e p e t i t lon requ ests the estate of Marie Fog~ the Harbor Lawn Memorial Servica will be held Friday, ao d•y• •ftet this 1ummon1 I• County Record••• of Orenge NATURE OF THE PAOCEEOING 0 authority to administer the (under the lndep endeqt C h l I t h R D A t 20 1982 11•00 AM t NOTICE TO CMDrr0.-1 MrVed on you, ftle with tllla C011r1 I County, Stile OfCalllorn11e.11eovted AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOUL est at e under t h e Admini1tratlo n o f Estates •pe w ev. o n ugua . ' . . 8 °' llUUl lllANU'lll wrltltf'I r91POtlM lo lhe eompllllnt. by Mlllleri. EO...ards. CONTACT A LAWYER .. Act Th tl ,_ M Maddox officiating. Services the Harbor Lawn M emorial , .... 1'°1-e101 u.c .C.) UnleN you do ao. your dettll" wlM Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION 22 SllklNI. lrvlne, Cellfornle independent Administration ). e JM!' tion ... 8el ~,-r· under the direction of Chap el, w ith R ev. Fr. Nolle• 11 11a,.by given 10 b• entered on appllclllon of ttwi TO HIOHEST BIDDER FOR CASH "(O, atr"t lldd,... Of common of &rtates Art. A hearing on hearing In Dept No. 3 at1qo K enneth O 'Keefe officiant. creditors of tile within nemed pleinlltt, 911" thlt court mey enter• (p1y1bl• et time of Nie In l•Wful d H lgnetlon la shown l bove, no the petition will be held on Civic Cen l.er Drive, West, 111 .,. .., Entombme nt service! trenefer!lff•I tllet ~ tMAc ,,_,., 1~ ~'eiar;: =:'~~= ~,,.~:':,~= 1!t~::b:~ ~~•Ofg~:C,~'.1~ 11' September 8. 1982 at 9:30 the City o f Santa Ana. immediaundtely thfolld~~g. :,t'~~:W:~.,·~i:;:one could re•ult In getn1111m'en1 of County CoutlhouM loc:eted "700 rhe benellcllrf under Mid Deed a.m . t.n Department 3 located California o n September •· rACIAC YllW Servicet er e u~Jor The name(•) anCI home~ ol -oee. t•lno Of money°' property Civic: Center Orhle WM1. Senti Ana. of Tr1111. by rMeOn of • bt'MCll Ot at 700 Civic Center Drive 1982 a t 9:30 a.m MIMOll.41,Mll of H arbor Lawn -Moun1 , .. , ln11nded ''•n1f.,or(a) "' or 0111., re ftel requH l•d In the Celllornte ell r"'llt. 1111e end lnier .. 1' Cllfu1 In the o ...... AtfOnl eec:ured w-Ca'tbof San•ft Ana IF YOU OBJECT to .......... CerreteiMon ary " llln con__,. to ';,,d now held by 111 tller•b", 11et1101;:"'aaecut9d en .,...,, -· "'""' Cha,.....1 remautory Olive Mortuary; 540-5554. HUSAM MOHAMMED KASIM compto TEDI: ....... , IO. 1.,.1 --,~ , I d d IF YO OBJECT to the anonti•u• of the natJtion '"'"' """ DINI 7 Pacific A Loe Ange6el OA1 ,..,.... .,., under •11<1 Deed of Trust In tile delivered 10 the unde te gne 1 o·-·-"O ..-· ".&:: 3500 Pac1l1c View Onve D ES ~ t«JM .__. John J Corcof1111, property eltulled tn u ld County1 wrtnen o.ciere11on of Oef111tt end gr&nUJ\i of the petition, you should either appear at "'"' NevtPOrt Beach MA RT IN BENJAMIN n. toeetlon '" Cellfom11 of the County Clwk end Stet• d41ec:rtbed u . Oernlll'ld tor Sele, end written notloe should either appear at the h earing and a tate yo~r 644-2700 DINES, resident of Laguna chief •.11ec;uuve offloe or prlnclpll By· Cerol A. Burge, Loi et, of Trtct 6238. aa anown or&Meh •nd of e1ec:11on to CtiUN h ear in g and state your objections or file written ___ Beach , C a . Paased away b111lne11 ofllc• .. ol tll• Intend~~ ........ ~0 AR .... aON, ...... l)y I'll@ on"" In Boole 238, PllQN 1lle underetgned to H ll u ld obJ·ection a or m e w r itte n objection s with the coult A 16 1982 I Londo tran•Of le' (If -.. above _..,. ..... • ..... 24-3t of MltOellllllOu• Mape, In the pr<>Pef1y to Mll•IY M.ld ObllO•llone h be h h I y II'..~;" H• n ch n , .a etate.) a.in. ....., A..-offlee of tile County Recotder of ano 111etHllet th• underetgneo objectio ns w ith t e court fore t e ear ng. 0'41' .... ._.... e waa a emlat All other bualrte11 nemH .,,d M9tr I . HaNr Orengoa County, Cellfomle. ceuNCI Mid notice of brMC:tt end of b efore the h ear ing. Your ap~arance may be in penan NICa.MIQl MOITUAltlS Laquna Beach 494-9415 L1<1una Hills 768-0933 San Juan Caoostrano 495·1776 Hd80i LAWN-MT. O\tYI Monuarv •Cemetery Ctematorv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mes a 540-5554 ,_Cl MOTMHS I&&. M04DWAT MOllTVA•Y 110 8roldw1y Costa Mesa 642-9150 IA&. ft liii•OM SMn4 I TVTMkl WHTCLW CHANl 427 E 17th St Cotta MHil 848"9371 for the Occident.al Petroleum eddr••-uMd by 11M lntendlO -C.twr 11'.nt '-'· Tiie "'"' edClreu end othet llec:tlon IC be Aec«ded April 30, appearance may be In person or by your attorney. Company tor th~aat 15 tranaferor within 111'" years 1aa,1 DMILoe .. ~ .. ----..... -. oommon a.tlgnetlon, 11 eny, of the 1tll2 u Instr. No. 82· 14ll090 ot Mid or bt your attorney I F y o u A R E A H . · b ._,_ peal ao fer •• known to th --. _,_ _, reel properly de ecrJo.d abOve I• Ol1lclel Aeoorda. y R E A C R.,...,.ITOR +1-yeara. e ~ SUl'VI Y rwo ll'llanded t,_.., .. -: (If .. none.. Publlelled Orenge Co111 Dally purported to be: No 7 Whitewood Seid u le wlll b e m1de, but l 0 U A r.u or • con-~.t wife E lain e: hl1 daughter 80 etate.) Hone PllOI, AllQ. 12, 19, 28. Sept. 2. 1982 Wey, trvlne, c.11fotn1e 92716. without coven1n1 or warranty. CREDITOR or a contingent credit.or of the d«'l!Ued ~ Jeaice; parenta Jacob and TheNllM(1)andhome~Of 3616-82 Tiie underelp,,ed Trual" •llP'-or lmC*ed. teQWdfnO "11e. creditor o f the dettue<I, )'OU mu.at Ule your claim with Beatrice Oines: tilter Etta tile 1n11nded ,,.,,.,.,ff(•) •ra dleclel"'• •ny ll1blllly ror any poNMeion, Of encunibt-. ~ must file your cJaun w1th the Ulor court or preeent it to U.~ Cold, b ,.__ Dr Frankin 800NCHOO VOHGAVKSUl«>t Ind P\llJC M)TICE tnoorrecl.'*9 of the lllr.i add""9 pey the femtinlnO P""Cioe1 turn '" I h J • I • ro"'"""'' . SENGOAO VOHGRUl<8Ul(OI, 2234 and other COflWnOn dealQnetton. " the notl(a) llCUt'ICI by NICI o..o of court or present t to t e persona repreaen .et Dinea of Santa Mmuca, Ca., EHt w11n111 Aver1ue. ore,,ge et..,111 wry, lflO'lm '*111n. Tt\191, w1111ll'lter.1•1n ...o not• perao nal represent ativ e appointed by the cout't Steven and Richard Dines. caiuomra naer. f'ICTTOOUe 8UllNIH a.10 H I• w111 b• "'•d•. b11\ provkl9d, edv•-, If lr!Y. undef appointed by the court within four month& Crom the Servicee will be hr.kl Friday, Tllet the ptoperty P"llnent ..,.,_ •TAff•NT w101011t covena nt or warranty, the terme Of M id Deed of Trua1 within four mantha from the dete of fl rat luua.nce of A 20 1982 9 30 AM l hereto It deeCtlblCI tn generlll u · Th• lallowlno l)lttont ere dol"G ..._. °' Implied, 1'9QatdlnQ t1ti.. ..... otlergee Ind ex~ ol Iha ( 1 f J ........ .cded ln ~- usuat ' ' ! a Fumlt~. Aat"'91 Ind ~j buelnwl M: POHHllO,,, or enoumbrl,,Cu , TNlt• llld of the tNtta Cl'Mted by date Of lrtl llU&nCe 0 ettera al rvn ~"""!'of' \he Harbor L.wn . Mount end "toeetecl et: He South Mell! RED HILi. OIL VENTURES , 1,,c luCllng , .... oharg .. and .a.a Died Of Trve1. ' letten .. ,P!OYSded in erction 700 of the Probete Code O live M e m orial C hape l. StNllC. Orange, c.mom11 eaeea. 2916 Red Hiil Al/ltlUe. Suite F-200, .,.,,...._Of 111e Truet• Ind ot 111e Seid ..,. wtlt o. held on Ftldey, 700 of the c..JJCom.ia Probate Cellfornla. T he time f_(f' Servklel under the direction The ~ ,,.,,. u.o by the Cotta M-. CA 112828 1ru111 orHt•d I>)' H id !>Md of September S. 1982 at 2:00 p.m. 1 " Code. The time tor filing fi1.1na cle1ma will not expfdt of Herbor Lawn 0-Mount :1~1:=.0ff•l at Hid location Lldo8~!~d.MN:!~~i''r:;..9: ~1~ !:;:•;::,::.~'::: ~:: ~t!~i,:'.t~ dalm9 wUJ not explre prior-prior to four montha from Olive ~ortuary. 64 ·5654. 'l]let uld bulk ttenefe t le 1121183 o..ct o1 TNll to wit: '8.441,U wttti Cllepman Avenue, '" thl City of to four month& Crom the date the date o f the hearlJ\I DYE Intended to be ooneumm...ci at IM Cll1r1 .. L Q,.enberg, 1903 lnt«Mt thereon "°"' Mareh te, Orange. of the hearfnai.notloed above. noooeo above. OANE'M'E LYNN DYE, orfloe of: WESTfAN MUTUAL W•l Wlnd,S.,teAna.CA ll2704 1"2 ~,.__..,, .. ~ At Ill• llm• o l 1h1 ln1t1a.,1 YOU MAY EXAMINE YOU MAY !XAMI NUJ: re9Jdent o f c.o.ia Mesa c... E8CAOW, UOl 1 8011th Yo!!>!< &Illy.) Belenger, 14321 Wiiiow In Mid noll(I) '*" COttl end wry publloetlon of ""' notlOe. the lot .... _ We kepl by the-·-u ...... file kept by ~ t'IOUrt. ' Sult• t01 Tuetln Callfornle 94...., LMI, Tuetln. CA t2910 ~ OI t 11t.-;01 ,,.,, imw.t. emount of the UflCl'6CI belanoe of IM wft' .....,_.. .,. .... Paued away Augull 11, on or .,..;~'* e. 1912. P11111p A Tarnuuar. 100 Thi bellllfldef) llftder Mid o..ct obflOatlon ~ by,,,. •bow you ar. a ~ lnterett.ed you are lnlernted In the 1982. SM WU a atudent at Thia 1111110,.,_.., lenol aubtect to et..1m11 Avenue, Sen ,.,ancleco, of Tl'\lfl '*-'ofON ueaned Mel d"orlbed d11CI of truat and fn the •tale, you may file a eatate , you may file a the M .T .l. Buslnem Collegie Ca llfotnla Unlfor/n Oomm.,0111 CA '4123 dellvtfed to 111e unOetalfned a ""ll'llted OOltt. Hl)enMe, •nd rcequeat with the ~ou.rt lo requeat w ith the ~ Ill:> for the paat ~er•I yeua. Codi a.odofl t1ot. Thie ~ II oonductecl by • ---Olol•ettoo of...,.. lftd ~It l t20,..u.ie. Id recelw special notkle of the receive flPeda1 noUre ol U. She 11 aurvJved by h e r Thi 11 ::;: ;:;! •=:-ot th• een-ei ':'o~o11. =".C:!r~•·.:c.nd~~t ro!0""~~4:~"0 b • f01n1 o( lhe Inventory of lnventory of eatate ..... hu•bend Cit h o n : mother C't•d le Wl8Tl!RN M~~ VtNTUAU, ... -... ur"=-• _ _.. Dete· AUOUIC a 1M2 Htate aaeeta and of the and of the petfdon9, eoaou.n\11 Marlene: father Jim Uptoni HO"OW, 1401 1 eouth Yorba. • CellfOrnll Not~'':. o;;J end~ t ' eu,.uNOtON FINANCIAL petltlo na, aooounta and and reporta de1erlbed lb 1 l 1lera Denise ana tk11te 101, Tiatln, CllltfornlltHeO lll'*•p._rlnerantp W to be NlllO'ded In tflt lllllVK'lf8,INC. E ~porta cS.::rtbed In leCtS()n Sec tio n 1200.5 o f the Samanth~. and h e r 1tep-~_:.. ~~"=~'!:. ~ ~~ .. ~u. ...... thl,.., iwoperty.. 8 y T . 0 . a I! Av I c 1200.~ or the California catJfornla Probate Coe». f•the'f ~· Servfcea will ;~tt;, 1n;;i b• -.;t.;b'•r-a. Thi• •t•l-t WM ltled with the o.te: ~A~~ OHO OOMPA:.m ~-Cod.. Patrtde 8tn11, A~ be held f'r:lda.y. AU1\18'1 20, ttl2, WfllOlt II thtl bull-01~ C4un1y ()"11 or <>renge Courlty on 811MOU, IHO. By Ctv1I Tlllelut.. JOAN K. RONEYCtm at Law, UH "B. Ceaft 1982. 2;30 PM at the Harber before ·~~neummetlon dale Jul'J ~. tN2. .. MNI tfUIM AllMtam -.crttary A~ fer P.UU.... lllOwaJ, c.r... .. I llat WI IM>TNMS Lawn Memorial Chapel wUb ~ ;· 4 ttla. ~'°:.:..."=~Cl) :.::::"" ~.. UU C amino d•t Ato JHI De._ Street. Sal .. ltt Calif en la HUI. ('Jl($ SNl'TMI' NOITUAIT l n term en t 1 • r v I c • • LA.--· v-•·"'dl .. , ......,.., •l•tu1•l"a•aN1• ·-~ c--w 1o SOllth, ""'9 I04 N-•..-.CA..... e'71-ltM • &?7Me1nS1 Immediately followln1. ~v~'"dOt .._.......,OA-;;;,~-·-'6ollO...O,CAHto1 P\a"bihh~ante Cout PubUehed 0r..,,. Coeit ~ntlnQton Beach Senic9e under W ~ llMndlld t,....... n.-8)' ._ n-(fl.41 ~ n..11-PUoc, AJ••. 18. 19 2& n..11-AJot. £ .... 11, IS. tj ~ of Harbor Lawn • M ount "ublltlled Otanoe Ooeet Dell~ "11bll111ed Or1no1 Coaet Oalty P\lllfWled Or'lflOI o... ~ l'vbll ... Or11119 c~1 o .. 1y OO -.· • • • OO ,..._. . .._~.._ ____ """"'! ____ •,~ OUw Mortuary. &40-56&4. PIO!.~.''· tM2 164242 "'°'·Aug s. t2, tt. 2t. '':1o.aa "'°4, Allgult "·fl, M. ttu ""°'·~.ti, tt, "· '*,904-a -~ 380S-ft ---~--------~-~--~ , ____ --..,,..._..-....,...,._ ' ' ...... -. ·-----------_ _..,._,. __ ....... 04 CLASSIFIED INDEX T t Place Yl1t A•. C1N &42·5678 HOUSES FOi SALE t..MrtJ 1111111 .. 1 .... hl>M IO!ll .. ,~, .. Ai ...... 1001 C•11tMl•M lt4Hh llll c-. .. l lhr IOitl c., ...... 111111 0-. ....... ,_ 1:1T0111 um r l0¥ftl.-" V•U•y 16>4 ._1._ ...... r. 1000 ltv•M IOM ~-UAa lWH" , .. l.ocllN Hollo IO!Wl ..... WM f1111w-I 10>.1 9-1u._.v .. ~ 11•1 :!.'t:'-~"':h ·-1cna S... Ju•" Cephh •M 1m SuuAna IClllO ~ ..... h I ..... boulhLa11111a IC* \tt'H(MUHUf IM MobUt UAm.' S.lt 1100 aw ESTATE Art" ... rur S.te llUJ ~p.nmeno IOf 5-ttf' llOJO t::!::r,~) l»O I~ c;._,.,, Lota c,>,., I'°° ~:n.::~~~~:;:r:• )iOD 1)00 °"Pff'Ut l!RIU "•If' ID HowMt to btl Mo .. ,. ltQO 1-Pr-rt.r -1-lnal rr-r11 1100 Lola rar s.i. Z3I» MobllcHl'f't Tilt Jl11l .. ZlQO atouMn O.Wt' Koor\ 1.00 ~~t~r;i: .... -~ °'A flf Stal• i..-op 2tOO Ra.Mtw..fatm,,Cro•ea 2700 R•&I Ct\•l• r.u·h•n1• 1lilJO RfaJ IAI•'• ~1t1tttod ZllOf) RENTALS HW..t't f\irnnhff 3100 "°'*tti Unturn1,hf'd JM Hw-'f"I •"'ur+' or Val llOO Condom1n.wmt t"''"" 3400 Condom1n1wm-t U•' J4Z) To-~rvrn llOO TM""*'u' l'"'' ~ °"'P't•H •'wrft llolO C)wipM,.,, V•f -""'' t'\frn l'100 ""b ll•fW• _, ApU t'\fn1 w I ftl BlO ·--· .000 11.-.•-•d -Hotf'h Mot~b ""° c""''''°"'"' mo S..mrntr At"nt•h •lOO Vw.uot1 Rf'fthh WO kf'Mab to Sh•r•• llOO c.,.,~, '°' "'"' uoo OfON. ft•ntal .. oo Bu.lll"IH.t fhnl•I ~ 1'1du.1lrt•l RtrH•I dOO :::,,! V.'•ntf'd Wll •4!00 •on Mtnlal.t -BUSINESS. INVEST- MEllT, FINANCE ::::::~~· l<m llJIO :::::::::~:'~' . llJI) ~ MOM) 10Loan l<m Monty "'•Med• -aitortc.•&H rn , JO.» ANllOUllCEMENTS, PEISONAlS & LOST & FOUND 4.nno.IM,trMnlt 1100 Car Poot 11!!0 L#jal NOltte' :13)1) 1..ool 6 ..... od ~ Per~•I•• >l>O So<o•l l'lub,. ..... Tro•I• ~ SEIVICES ~YK't Oir~Of) 11¥.1; EMrtonmn & m,AHTION Xhoolt lf'IJll'WI'°" 1006 JOOW•nl•d• 1'11) IWplh ntcd M 6 f 1100 MEICHANOISC A..Mtqw• ...... Apttlfl'W'H llOIO 4Vltl•Of\ i!OI) ::u.~: Jlhitrtl h tl030 IQ2) ClmfU-i & Eqw1pmtor" llOJO c.u Jllll$ Doc• -f"ttt to Vou Ill<) r\,m''"''' -a.,.,, s..it ~ ...,.., .. -llouMllold CO<dt n$ 1 ... .i,, -Ltvnt.oc''-1111'1) ~ .. Iii_) -M~tll•MOU• .., •hwtllMM'OW.t ~ arut'd 0 1 .. u.MUJ lft.tlf\Hftf'ftO *llO Offltt rvra • i:q,..p -..... Q1 =~:&::. .., -5"rl•oc Good• .... Slott.lltnU.;r.aM t\er -~·.f:dio ttir1 SOtf'O --BOATS & MARINE £0UtrMENl Cf'""1'•1 to•• lto•O.Munt "°"'"•('• _, Boau M lirlM [ft\llP -lto•U Po-tr -&oau.R.~nt c ... ,,~, -llM1t.Sa1I .... -lt.Sll .. Oorh -8o•u.=•~· '°'° ao..... ..... -TIAJISPOIT A TI ON 4.Jrr-"" 9110 C•mprn SAie """' tolll llenrK C • r• tllll ==-"'~~~ .... · .... tlJll Mo&of Hnu "'-"' "'"' tltO Tratlfn Tnvtl "'° 1:;~-~·~~"J.,u tJ!IO -AUTOMOBILl <k.rwnl '1110 AftUqllft, CI• U tt ' 1115.lO "*"••lte>ft V •"•t in ~ ~l~~~=.~f>d\ --Truth -v.,.. 9Sro ~""°l.oru1•C -AwtMW•ntf'd -AUTOS, IMrGITEO ~efMt•l "101 All41 "OMiltO fl<lll ..... ~ Awitt1ft Hr•l4't' """' l llW mz c.,,.,, '1U s:r.-"" '"' O•U.¥A ,, .. ,.,,,.,, YlZ> ...... t7lS ·-· tm J ...... , t'llU Jt:Mtll't ll'lll lt•tt•wnn ~fll•• 111l$ i.-wlll\IN .... •h•d• 91 .. .th rc.nu tJ,.nr ""' NC trl.Z MOii ,., .. U\ltl "" P11tttt • tlfl P•wJtot ., .. PontM YllO a....w11 ,,~ llolrt 1107<0 "~ "°'tr '1)1 =· t lAI 111111 ,. .,.. w. .. o::~ .,.. ,,,., ..... , ...... fT10 \lthO "" AITDS, llEW r,..,..,., -AUTOS. USEI u.,,.,., ... , AllC -a...o •10 C.doll•t ttl) C.,..uru ttn CIW•rol'1 -~'~''"'· -~ ..r C.tM•lll .. Oor>'nlr -~·' ll9l1 ~r tlUl -,..,,.,., -.t .-. tlkl Mewnc\. tN7 =:.a -!ml =. .. -., ~ -.. ~ .... d -v ... °'",.._ ..... FOi Ct...med M ACTION 0111. o.i~ f'tlo1 i AO-ISOR J 642·6&78 1 ~ • f • ' 1) J -. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Thur1day, Augu1I Ul, 1882 '/'he rnarketploce cm tl1e Orange Coast 642-5678 Mf!dton •ncome o/ Vally Pdu t /omHu~• '1.lCt>eda IJf.000 a year Your ad r•a.c1Ul1 the county· .• most o flluent buying au d1ence Real Estate -the Complete Orang~ Coast Market Place ••• ,,, ,., •• ,. H ..... l•t l•I• HOIHI /., S1/1 H11111 lot S•lt I HODlll ,,, S1/1 H .. ,,. lot Silt Ott.1 ... , ,,,,,. • ..... u.i.11t11iH .••••• ··•·••••···•·•········ •··••••••··•·•········ ······················1······················ ······················ ••••••.•....•••••••..•..••••••..•.•••••••••• .,., 811111 ....................... '!!.-.~~;j_:::::::::zo_o.~ ~!~~~'.L ...•..•. !.~~ 9!.".~~'.L ......... 1.~q~ f!!!~.!!!!~ ..•... !.~~~ !'.'!r.!!.~~!! .. !.Oj! !'.'!r.!!.~!~!~ ... !.Oj! 11 ... ,.1., ,,.,.,,, f!!!! .... ~!Uf!! .. !.~~~ , ______ _.______ 1Y IWllll •111,000 I TERRIFIC NOME 20~ hi•• M1rhtl •• :!!!!!~ ........ !~'°.. l•rMI Ylew PElllllU llOIES Tiii YllW Reduce() 1 18.0001 Nr· Prof decorated, w11m Urgent .ale Condo 2 IHUTlllAL OllH lrH4•Nr Prize W est Bay bay(mnt. Sii ... for 2 boots, AIOVI HlYt•f new aolar, view lwnhH. t remodeled 3 Qr. L R • bdrm•. 2'i't b11 Xlnt loc 2 Sr 2 ba Unique! Palm Beeu1 exeoll•mlly llmo ...-Turtlarock Olen, WOO(I• ml from OH •ll ,tlppro• I 0 ~ FA . big kllCh $110.000 s12.ooo On Oeaen St32 500 Pl\ wltll 4 BFt 2 Ba, plul remodeled 3 bdmi, :i blith $1,200.000. sle, top view Dramatic 3 tSOO aq It, 2 br, 2'-'f b• 1 high beam cel1Jng1, frplc Pnym•nt1 $047 50 C111 1.668.4711 • powoer rm, pert.cl lor EQUAL HOUSING O PPORTUN ITY Ocean & .)l•tty Vtt."WS. Mannt· room, ·I Bdrm Jeamine Modet Opwn houae Sett Sun plu1 a lrg menlcured yard owner 714·661·'1818 entenelnlng w/wllber. b h i?OO ( $l '{fl' ()()() I t -4 1099 Sea Slull w/8 3 cer g11r ,ti real va ''• lhare M•mrnoth condo. pvt yard, euetom lrae bdrm, :i ill • ; sq l " ,1, Upf11du, re:w o~d Drive 6411·8190 luo at $375,000 ltnd you 5 Br llgllt, brl1e, secluded welk lo lllt1, Mountain· houae ror the clllldren <A·eanfront dS~9·000neat pool tenn' FIXER own Ille ll1nd Pa1r1r.1i 2 level Estate alze lot. back Bell project In Pteue call 720-0332 P•lllltlatr'• ltffHI "II r11e1 estate edvertlMCI In this naw1pap•r II subfect to the Federal Fau Houaino Act of t968 which makes 11 Illegal to adve111ae "any preferen- ce. llmllallon or dlacrlml· nation baaed on race. color, rel lg Ion, tex or national origin, or any Intention to make any such preference. llmlta-tlon or dlscrlmlnellon " Thia newspaper will not knowingly accept any adverllatno lor reel es· late which la In vtol•llon of the law LllO ISLE "OIEI Pmne Lido Nord bay front 5 bdnn, !> ~ boith Lge L.R . 2 boat shps $1,500,000 Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 balh t Uu-gc nx• nn beam ceilings. rurnuhed, pallOH. $420,000 LllDl ISLE IAYFIDIT Lagoon view frurn ff bdnn, 5 bath, playroom, dark nn. den. Boat slip. Now $1 ,000,000, IAYSIDE PUCE Spectacular bayfront v iew 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, 2 ba dn 2 boat sUps. Reduced $1,500,000. CDlllAIO CAYS Coronado Island cust bayfront lot. 85' boat iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil dock. Plans ava11 Now $370,000 w /tenns ILUFFS COllO Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt. $250,000. EHHS1 Advert l·• sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e di ate 1 y . The DAILY PI LOT as- sumes llablllty for BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 Ba y\ode Dr•vl' N 8 b 75 bl6 1 the first Incorrect !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~ insertion only. ...... ,., 1.1. .•.•.................• •• ,,., 1002 ......•••............. LAST llUl HTAR OFC IUCI LOClTI .. Well established New· port Beacll locallon lor sale. All replies conll- dentlal. P 0 Box 821. Balboa, Ca .. 9266 I CHANCE For ourl9~Kregular weel<ly feature to buy this beau1llul 3 BO IT year old, 4 unit apart· meot llouse In Sen Cle- mente with ocean·hllls & SH 0 W CASE golt course views at a Every Saturday In tile tremendous H vlno• di· Dally Piiot ClllSSille<ts rect from the owner be--::·::::::::1 .lllT USTEI OOllU Hl IUll fore being listed wllh i brokers. Act NOWlll Call owner 11 (7 t4) 642·0 t38. Well built 3 bdrm. 2 bath home on R-2 lot with room to add 2nd unit South of the Hwy juSI e lew blocks fr om the beach Out of state ow· ner has priced to sell at $240,000 and wtll finance at 12"/, Interest wllll 25% down PRETTY H l PICTURE S 135,000 Lovely home. localed on quiet cul de sac. 4 big bdrms. 2 baths, formel llVlng room with fireplace. Assum•· ble loans. Wiii go VA with S6,250 dow n C ell 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATS:RS mo.: •WAmFHIT* UAT SUPS PRIVATE COMMUNITY, 3&4 bdrm homes, our SELLERS will FINANCE • or -DISCOUNT lor cashl Beller hurry on these! Starting Bf $499,0001 WILL TRADE FOR BAL- BOA ISLAND ···~· .. , ,,.,. ......... •111-lOIO' FAllLY ElPllDlll This Is the home for the growing l•mlly Six. yes 6 big bdrms. 3 1>1th1. big living room with fire· place Family room with 2nd llreplace Formal di· nlng. family llltchen with upgraded range. grill & ml«owave Ankle deep carpeting. Slllmmarlng pool and spa Gorgeous Inside end out A delight to preview. Call lor pre- view. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS 1n1uu Yfrw Two Story Nantucket 5 Br with beautll\JI Sunte\ poot lined with 14,000 red bricks Tutefully decorlled lhroughoul with wellpapera ano shutters Showa like e model nomel Many up· gredae. Setler wtll llnan- ce. Submit down $7110. 000 lnct. land. ........ 110 (·-··:---- ·TAYLOH CO. \ -. " I Y RENT Ill? DOWN PAYMENT ??? No Ou•lltylng, monthly payments 1tructure<t to your n eada C a ll 549·2969 or 1175-14 t5 If lt'sgot wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Piiot classified ad.Cell 6"2·5678 and a friendly ad- viser will help you turn your wheels Into cash. 11211 PH It. * THTLHOOI * is all you pay when you takeover e~lstlng 1st T.D Spacious 4 br ex- ecutive detaclled home. Featuring lrml din, fmly rm & frplc. Only S212 000 FEE 2670 Sen Ml· guel Or .. Newport Beach 759· 150 I or 752·7373. 171 41673-4400 ~ Walker & lee People who need People That's whet the DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY Is all aboull Put your advertising mes- sage whore the readers ore 642-5678 RFSIOF N114t Ariu FSIAH SCRVICES UH ISLE $141,000 Completely remodeled 4 BR 3 1/a BA home on extra wide lot. Ideal for elegant family living. FR doors. oak floors, stained glass. ext used brick & sunny south patio. Nothing spared m detailing! Owner assisted financmg. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 t> :':::~~ ~~·::: r:.-: 1yt f1 ""'" "' ,.,..,~ f I r .. ~l\dOy 1tod-otd\f"(ll••~"'9' ~" *" ....-vr I A -bi,,.. ''9" fWI •• .... " i::~ ... ,. '"""" ". 0•1N• U0,...1 U f."""•w••lt '"'" ..... ,~ ..... ''ON-..• .. ,. lt"-•i'H 1;1 ••t:.•• ..,"......,_ ., .......... U C.t"4• '1l1.,,.,. ... ,.... ...~ "'"""''~· ~·· •... .. .. , ........ u., ...... M ., ,,.,, 11•w• •O..• .. ~,. ·~/)'" ..,,. fO .... ,., ,, ,...,,..,. ,.W'tt•! ._,.. ,,, __ •)t ,,ti'UNM .. ,, , ... _ ., 0•1 "f'."" .. ~.. '•tM .. l'•U .,,.., "0~ •tW•• llW!lo ........ ,.,_..._,,. ""'..,._,;='-'.! '°°' ,.,w. .,,,_ J~ I t \t •ht. t l W><"'Olfllll .... _ "°" ., ............ ,, ... \)•"'-.. ,.,.~ l•Ot .... ..,,.... .."' .... "··---..... ff "'...,. ,. ....... ..... ~<.:!--.I,,, .. ,...,.,. . '"''"''"""' 11 ......... 110... ...... •• of .. 1'Uiio••~, ... ., ....... "~._,,.._. ., .... --~ ...... •"Wt ..... ttO.C• .... ~ o\•f'<'tf'W t l"Jf•fll• ':~=' S~\\4llA-~t!fS• -r..OAYI ~ ·=·: ... =::-~~ ._ .......... """_._.. I N IFTIE I I I r I T I P 0 V r I I I I i .... •••• I· R E L IC I I I I I If: · I'm not woo fled •bout how to "" w11111n my Income. rm wor •led •bout hoW to live wllllln ' ,.. _G_E_M_N_l _L_...,, my c,.cjlt -. I ' I' I I I 1·~~--~"= I _ ...... i......,,,...,_ e '"" ...,.,.llf:O u mu .. IHlK iQ\/A!fS rrrrr1 " • renore, 631· 126e ehopp1ng. school• 1111 Mammotll Prof decor Ell 3 Sd 2 ea, pool AV IC· near by Owner fmjlt sell 955 22~6 een Artukovlch Alty t J""91U•ll l 1{1~ts & wlll llnance Whal II .... mag -cess & AIC Locete<t In • I • c .. 11 lln• JZZ4 Roaltora. 1175-6000 Mesa del Mar Prob1te deell Agent 646-1044 1tl• ~•t•t• •••••••••••••••••••••• sale. me11 e en Oller "'111ng $264,500 lease I lxdH'J.I 2100 Stunning 2br wlperty Oii llPUI 631·7370, 545-7636 hold ••••••••• •••••• •••••• patio, blHna klda $425 Or lae opt Laguna Bch OC·AENT AL$ 7fl0·33 14 Sharp 8' I tick. recently lllFPI Willi I I 4Br 3be S469K, $70K compleled cu atom unit You own the lend 2,000 llllllll IUHl e q u It Y 8 5 5 . 0 5 I 7 Westside 2 Br t ea fncd w/uaed brick fireplace, IY OWIEll 544•2170 · pa110. enclsd gar•ge Mexican !Ilea, vaulted sq fl, 3Br, lam rm, 2'h new c.er pets. drepea. c1tlllnga MSR suite w/ Ba. wide Greenbelt, near Sharp, ocean view 3 paint No pets $5t0/mo. cathedral windows. 2 er pool far below markel bdrm, 2'h ba. solt earth· l1•l•l1 plus se<:urlh 548-5442. rear unit & poss guest $245,000. Will lease op· tone decor, 1pa & all •••••••••••••••••••••• 770-5629 qtrsl Great financing. " I v. IJ 03 tlon, 8kr 644-6388 Olher e•tras $500.000 & a ••• ,, F0t•ili•H --------- $356.000. Call Sharon .!~!!! ... ". .. ~.!.!..! ... ~ grea t term s !•••••••••••••••••••••• OUTST ... NDING lbr w/ Colllna or Marllvn ~Ill. A Ill II New 4 BR eockbay etee (7t4)955--0177 1••l#a 11119' 3106 lluge 3.200 aq II prvt comm . , -•• • • •• • • • • •• • • •• • • •••• patio. utu-pd $300 Call 4 Bdrm. 2'~ batlls, lemlly $367 500 Will lrade lor • J Clean 3 br, 2 ba, lrplc: QC-RENTALS 750-3314 GEORGE ELKINS CO rm, formal dlnl"J' rm. property. TD s Wiii ••• ••• patio gar W1 nte; 2 Br 1 ea w/ crpls. drp._ ~~:~~garfd~'e!~Y ~:e 1ease-opt1on or tow ••• ~~.f!!'!!.'!! •.•• J.~~! $600/mo 675·3663 yard. E/s1de $595tmo assumable loan Submll down Ready to dult I S600 mo payment lo• Co1t•1 ''' #11 3122 675-5068 S1H,OOO UIHl IOM _B_k_r_8_4_8·_4_5_5_7___ 0 w n er I e r o k er 28r, 2B11 condo 9'i't% VA •••••••••••••••••••••• ___ O_C-_A_E_N_T_A_L_S __ 714-544-0614 loan, asking $94,500 1-5br"s $200 to S2000 *•EASY TEAMS** INVESTORS 661•3380 Lovely 3 bdrm. 2 bath, Wood/glass Views. 3br. $5000 down and $200 Saytront voew condo. 2 SR peek view. large 2 car 750-3314 open 7-day11 2ba Small but classy! per mo neoa11ve cesh 2 Be. sec bldg Soot slip garege All shake & 497-2322/497-5487 flow for 8 3BA 1ba agl avail $500.000 Sy family detatChed home ownr/bkr 675-8637 WOIUlY-FllH TEllll Call Rich Ownr/og1 3 Lrg Bdrms. family rm. 964-617 t country kitchen. Great --------- neighborhood Gooo It-Ha•li•1to• nanctng available Full J.•d• price $t31.900. 751-3191 C::::. '-if l l( T -t""' PHOPE: H l ll <, c., ... '11 Jiu 1 OZ2 •••.•.••••.......•.... l•ll•lt Y111r Ofter Home+Guest+lncome OWC 1st • FleK Terms 509 Acacia CdM nr bch Spotless Vacant Duple• Huge 5br/3ba+3brl3ba 440K own/bkr 645-7048 1040 ........................ CLOSE TO DCHll No money down, no qualifying • own your home on our unique shared oppreclallon 11- na nc 1 ng We have 5 homes In Hunl Beach . 3 SR 2' 1ba. 1600 to 2 100 sq It Paymen ts run $1200 to $1600 per mo Call Geo Brooks at 714/89 t·5556 llJUCRUPTCY •FORCES SALE• 4 b•. 2 bo, pool Nice Sausalito Lusk home on area. t ml lrom beBl'h lee land 3 Sr 2 Sa llv & 21052 Indigo 962-0293 din rm, lg lam rm. all amenities. lg tree lot By llYi•t I 044 llUllR VIEW O w ner $3 13 .000 •••••••••••••••••••••• 640-7007 $20,000 DOWll 01~ So. of Hwy dupleK Only 3 yrs old Durrell. O wnr/Agl Re /Max 759-1221 I f!!!~.~!!! ...... !.~~~ 3 IDRM STEAL TMl UIES ClllO ASHllllE FIHHIH Beautllul 1 8drm end unit on tile waler Oeco- rated in earlhtones w1lh shutters thruout Many exlr as As sumo current financing and owner will consider carrying 2nd TD Asking S 118.900. A beauty on Goll Course I $124.900 Agt Fred T&- nore 63t-1266 call 540-• ,5, I 3Br, 2Ba, dbl car 0111age, 2 patios. llegstone lrplc. owner-custom bit home $ t 27 000 Ow ner wllt carry 111 loan lltJ MoC.,•I•, lltr, 141-1121 Pl Yllll REIT? '1'l HAVE GOOD INCOME??? SHORT ON DOWN PAYMENT??? ~HERITAGE REALTORS Brand New Homes & Condos. no money down while they last (714) 546-9522 Agl WtttUtrhlae 2 BR, 2 be, 1o•T. dn and assume loans Open hse Sal 3 t Sllkleal 857-2045 Lovely 2 story. 4 Sr 2'~ ea on cul-de-sac. sepo· rate lam1ly room w/lrp1c & welbar. close to P<><>l park & schools Assu- PAYING TAXES??? mable low interest loan $164,500 Fred Davis Wllh our Investor. 11Je & Agent 55t·3000 · gain appreciation In i I04I f11ntas11c 3 Br. 3 ea new ~!!.".'!~.~!!.'. ...•••..• condo. ne~t to all shop· OPEN HOUSE Thvra/Frl ping. No down payment, 8-19. 6-20, 1·4 30PM mmlmum cash needed 245 Aster St "16. La· lor closing cost. Phone guna Beach 1 Br 1 Ba. 631-5055.642·2000 ocean view. $125.000 U •IE 2 Ill TWlllE CASH Probete Sale. For " addit1onol Into call Paul wltll 2''t baths. 2 car enct Kiel. tst Interstate Benk, gar & yard S5000 down 3 and pymt assisted prog-_<_7_1_4_) _55_5_·_5_4_1 __ _ ram Call Rick Owner/ Trade or lse opt 4Br 3ba "gl 9&1-6171 $469.000 S70K equny DCEAll VIEW 855--0511. 50.2110 2 Bdrm. 2 ba. condo Full S 111,000 emanitles and MC gate '* .. EASY TERMS.'* I lluffs/Distress Bonita plan, 3 Br 2 Ba, end unit Pvt patio. greenbelt Owner 760· 1097 or 752-8871 I SELL OR TRADE MllllOll llllll Prime resldentlel lot Aa· l\lng $500,000 640·7665 Elegant 3 Br & den. counlry style home French doors. bey win· dows, hrdwood floors, 31 lrplc's. very lge IOI OWC total, 5% dwn, xlnt loca- tion. $179.900. Fee land By0wner63t-2134 I NEWPORT BEACH 2 IN FORECLOSURE 1 · Vacant lot lor duple•. ·~I blto. to ocean. steps to t>uy $165K on loan$ -Beaulllul t yr new du· pltu. ·~ blk to ocean loans ol S360K HT SHMIT All OFFlll CallAgt,640-7814 I 3 Br 2 Be. lam rm. lrpl, levelors, mirrored war· 1 drobes. heated pool By Owner $178 000 548-8665 Pllll( PHllHU I llPLEXI 3 BA. 2 bath duplex. t'• blocks lrom lhe ocean Fantastic investment 1 winter Of summer rental I $260.000 Low down end owner wlll carry AITD Sharon Sm1tll 644·6200 1 A Macnab-Irvine It 11 ' \I ' \ I llUl STULi I Baycrest family enter- t alnmen t home 3 8r. pool/spa Jusl reduced to $289 .ooo lee' 2007 Holiday Ad Vac1n1. lock I box. do direct or cell Bkr 955-2841 760-7292 layfr11t LI•• left llt•• Willa ltoll Choice loc. Xlnt lln Prln only. Own 673-7946 IO' IAYFIOIT Have your own pier and dock In Dover Shores Large sunny bayslde terrace 3 Bdrm and fa- mily room Well C9'ed for and eio.pandat>te Well priced and seller will help finance U2-6200 j PETE No qualifying with $6000 Wood/glau Views 3br. down 10 75"1. loan 2ba Small bul classy! program available Call 497-23221497-5487 Rici\ O w ner/,tlgl 964·6171 f!l. .. ~~.!!1.-.~t.!.~!~ -------· SIOO PH 11. By Owner, former mdl. 4 ' BARRETI · .. REALTY 120.000 dwn lor 8 25"/, Br. spect1tcut11r vu over iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Interest In property wlt8JI g 0 1 f c Our 1 e · a I arm llH ISll Shelter benefits Owner system. lived in 5 mos UYFIOIT occupied or lnvestor·s Prloe re<lu'ed s355 OOO F A N T A S T I C position av111 Call AICh Must sell lmmed "ssum TERMS o-W111 car owner/agt 964-6t71 loan 7141495•4223 ry 1st Trust Deed Prleed 2 HOUSES on I LOT E"slde CM Cute Spa- nish ·2 Bdrm, 1ba plus gues1 unit Separate en· fr•noes I 149,500 Own/ Agl 645·8832 VILLE DE CERISE BEAUTIFUL OLD WORLD TOWNHOMES by Howard Merk Co from $159,000 495-324'4 760--0297 S 2 & 0 0o1L:I DWI .. !'.'!r.!!.~~!! .. !.~~ Sh1rp 3 er 2·atY condo wllrptc " beauly Near S C Plaza Forced sale. only S 112.500. •ppralMd at $120,000 Avell for lmmed move-In Call Fred Tenore . agt 631-126e Prln only. 3 br 2'"' b• condo 2 yrs. old, S 129.500 10•1t down. flax. financing AICk. SKA 631-6741. WATER'S FINE· No qu•lllylng, Super 3 Bdrm, wllh rock poof. In country setting. Mull Hll Alklng I 111.900 Bkr. 11411.0709 IY IWID·WTllll Olvoro• toroe1 quick .... , 3 bdrm. 1 .,., lrplo, 2'_. g•r., lge lot w/IOll Of Pottlblllll•. IH.500 • alt 011•11 coneld•r •d. 042-4595 eve a wtcnd1. ,. ltTS-llTI II you w•nt to bvlld your own cattle . thl1 oppor1unlty of a llfetlm• '1'1111 never come ltjl•ln. 3 19~f on Harbor Ridge, tlde·by-1lde, with plent for a 10,000 •Quare root\ home w l lh TENNIS COURT •nd pool for only S2.l500,000. The Ow1* wtH lolnt Yanturt, tredt or you can tekt o...- th9 wnote pro)ect. $, .•o o.ooo of •••urn•bl• fl• nenclng. WOWI to sell Near Lido Club· house & 1ennla cour11 Wiii accommodate a ler· ge yacht. St.300.000 .... Lido Realty 673-7300 Bluffs wlland, 4 bf. 3 ba. f•mlly & bonut rm 2llOO 1q. ft. End unit. New th ruoul 1315,000 Ownr/Agt. 644-6388. LUX. IPT CDIDO In an •xctuslve commu· nlty. Welk to bc;h Every unenlty Mutl NII • 185.000. Mullan Re•lty 540-2960 Alli for Lori NEW EllGLlllD sh Ingle Bring your EIS1de 2 Br 1 ea new carpets. d11pes. 1 story. DESIGN 1oothbrush & move lnl pnvate pa1lo S545/mo s1100 mo 360 16th Pl 85t·9522 Thll elegant custom 1(,/()t.(lllU f'b./ • ffa11 RENT TO OWN Now 28r country home Is located In an eKcluslve San Juan • ;f'ufu~tl1i·.> 2•..,r • .. condo Call Rich Cep1strano neighbor-Owner/ Agt 964-617 1 hood m i nutes from 6'fl-8~91, 3 Br. 2 ba on 'i't acre w/3 downtown. beech & frwy car gar ptua guesl hou-Tiiis m1gnll1cent home 3'41 E. CoHI Hwy •• Cdlll se S68 2530 ante Ana includes I acre wooce<t 00 NOT DISTURB TE· eques1r1an zone wllh IL• ••• lflt• 3141 NANTS St200mo hllls1de and canyon vtews •• 1.. •• •.• ••• .••••• ••• 65 t·6226 from every room Fea· Emerald Bay pvt beach • 3 Br 2 ea garage, frplc, lures Include sand pools. tennis courts. 1>las1e<1 t>rick. e•tenslve ocean view 3 Bdrm. 3ba yard No pets 648 W oak paneling, 4 Bdrm, .4 & g u e s 1 h o u s e 18th ISi plus sec baths. 3 llreplaces. and s 1800/mo winter rental $785/mo 499· 1617 many more amenities or $2200/mo vrly 2 BR. nr SC Plza Adult Owner will trade and or 7141759-0047 condos Pool. Jae. lull consider buying down ~!.'!r.!!.~!~!~ ••• !.1.~! sec. carport. Lux unll. present loan -fantastic Grea1 Loe. No Pets S550 terms Call tor more In-LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm. lam p I us $35 ullllty tormatlon and appl lo rm. 4 Be S 1700 mo 556· t626, 775-2580 see Offered at $750,000 --Clll 411-2112 OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. MOHL HUI Hlf 1 ea $700 mo 8111 Oecoralor perfect, spa· • Grundy. Rltr. 675·6161 c1ous 2 bdrm. 2'hba. new Cape Cod Pool 1ac. rec Clean tBr. den, gar. utrl a1ea. pvl pa110. belcony. pd Winter $500 mo On wine cellar & lge garage Seash0<e 63 t-7764 Decorator wall paper. ·(.~~lit."-1t~ \\\( OCEANFRONT duplex, draperies and more • Winter $850 up, $750 $1050 /mo C a II down. 2 Br 2 Ba. lrpl. 548-2239. 10 30 to 5 30 gar 640-4111 pm BEACH conAGE Darling Spanish 2Br lbe 2Br 1be, blk 10 t>each Wiii\ I tar garage ave11 Sept 1 $650 winter $625/mo 645-8832 & TH ti• IOIO S750 yrly Ulll pd 673·1t82 ...................... 645-6943 1 & 2 er spacious apt . I IEW COHOS poor. carpe18. drapes. 2 Bdrm, 2 '..,ba. low a.,,,,, O•l•r•i•iH secluded. bus/prof peo- down 10\..•1. t1nan avail • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • p ie $340 -$450/mo ~:~~6~~~h o wner1Ag1 l ~~~~~ii?ai.·s·'·~~~ 642-7312. 731-6829 WllOHS/llUl TllS Otitr •••I £1t1tt Yearly-Weekly-Winter. 2. Fest lree tenant provl- •••• ••••• •••••• • •••• •.. 3.~ Bdrms ders Cell the BEST #dilt Bo••• JlCDIS REAL TY 539-6190 For S•l1 1100 PROP MESA VERDE·3Br, 2Ba. ...............•..••.. S850 mo 1st & 1st + sec Double wide 20x50'. 2 Br lllllHEIEllT dep No cets/lg dogs 1 'i't ba, Newly painted Avoll 9· t5 751 -3642 es tr Adull park $25. n&-1113 E·slde 2 br. 1 bo. frplc:, 000. ph 842-426'1 BEACH LOVERS · s1ove & rerr1g Patio No tiELPI Responsible cplo, garage Grdnr & u111 Incl Dana Point Fixer Oot>ble t3 yr old boy, cat & dog Mature couple pref No wide 2 bd. 2 ba Thou· need house tn "Old pets $650 646-4 t02 sands under market I Huntington area, H B E s•de 2 br. 1 bl house. Flex Ftnanclng Pets 0 K (Wesl ol Adams. Soutll w i den, very n ice Cati Now CAAB 1092) ot Beach Blvd) Appro11. Agent 522·4080 S600/mo . rent or lease/ S550/mo S250 dep option Reis 536-9832 821·9006 t2x60 Champion. carport. patio. awning & utll shed Amazing offer 3 Br 2 ee 2 br. 1 ba. llv rm. kitchen TitE llUFFS crpls. bltlna. lndry hk· partly furn. Adult park '*Lovely. specious. 4 br ups, $475, low move In Seniors pref No pets Oetalts BEST fee Xlnt tocotlon See DI 3 ba, beamed ceiling 539-6190 1ownhome Recent ride· 2 t 19 Tvslln Ave, Costa co1at1on Neat & clean Student budget, quiet 1 Mesa in back St250 mo Sr garden spol. rncd By Owner. extra wide. '*Just listed t>lg family pallo, S300. Easily yours Cabana/Mobile home In nome 4 br. 3 ba. lovely Call BEST lee 539·6 t90 L•do Park on Newporl decor Poolside patio. Renf this quallty 2 Sr Bay Pvt enclsd pa110/ St300 mo securely lncd. kids can oarden & pvt beach & lllYllE AllU walk to scnool ssoo clbhse Walk to Lido VII· '*Rancho San Joaquin Today + lee BEST lage Ample prkng $39. darling 2 br & den, nght Rentals 539·6 t90 750 w/assumable S26, on goll course Super Go FlrSI Class, ultra mo-000 Io an at 1 1 "/, nea1 $900 mo 675·5552 •Woodbridge newer II· darn 3 + 2. alone frplc Ce•1t117 Lot• tractive 2 br, 1 '~ ba 1 enhances spacious de· story end unit Avell 9/1 cor, gourmet kitchen. ... ~'fl!~ ......•. !.~'!! 811700 mo deep pile crpta, format Agent, 640-5560 din. ureo. pool, 1acvul, 8 graves In Pacific View well trimmed grounds. Memorial Park Sold out llllfllllllS co. kldstpe11 $895 Ave II section of Vista del Mar Houses, Condos. Plexes Sept BEST lee at 5550 each, sell 2. 4 or 6 Apts . "" prices 539-6190 968· 1695 after 6pm HI-OHi E/Slde 2 BA 1 Sa yds, 673-0~19 belore 6pm ger. pal OK. S630 mo . c .. '••i•i•••I Wlmll llHTALS 642-5261 640-9200 ,.,,. ...... 1100 AVAIL NOW Sept to X240 dya ........................ June Prices range $600 Loaded 3rm w/troplcal Newport Asaumable 30 to $1800/mo patio. cozy kitchen $325 year financing. $64.000 IUFllHT OHIO/ QC-RENTALS 750-3314 1st 11 150/a, glled com· •••• unit w/pool. munlty, charming. mini Unlurn on Lido Prk drive. 2 br lux bdrm. only $74,000 28r. den, sec bldg. $425/mo Reliable, small Agen1 759--0120 $2500 c'l'lerge. 973--0791 OCEAN FRONT O.M.ll1t.n. Spac. 3Br. 2Ba IOWnhOU· Decor furn .. 2+ bd, 3 be, RETIREMENT APT 281 , se. lrplc, micro, 2 car oar 3 car,prl<'g 15001( Ouel clHn •nd quiet loc. Frig w/opnr. $160/mo Avail buyers only. Enclnltaa, Incl $400/mo Sept 1 548-3278 owner (714) 646-1068 Wattrfrelf I•• IH Eestslde hooae 3 br. 2 b•. D15l1xn{, U1-14IO 2 car gar •"• ,, $1}1 1100 $800 mo 548-356 I ..•••..•••............ ,.,._. lll•-4 JM E"Slde 3 Br 2b•. f•m rm • 15000 dwn. 4 unlll In .....•.....•..•.•..... llvCng rm. MP dining rm Yrly 1725 Cute 2 br. g•r , An•helm $500/mo pr~. Ne•r w•ter Drive by 2567 Elden negative appro11 P P 875 000 (Brett) 1900. 642-219, 673-5604 !~~!!'!! .!!!r.!!r.1!!!! .., ... 3 Br 2'i't 8•, ne•r new. lenc lard. ""'· 2168 ,,., ••• ,, 3111 Niner 750. 1140·5010 E·•lde C.M. Trl-plox, aep. •••••.....•••......... mefefed. $16.000 gro11. Beyfront minus 30'. 180 DH•,,,., IUI $1611 .000 deg. vu, gourmet kltch .. .......•.•..••....••.. 1·303·8&7·2887. 1 or 2 Br & 2 B•. lurnf 2Br. 21~8a Condo. 1690 un fu rn , Yr lea1e mo G111ge, 1pa, frple. I lncom• prope rly. No 11360/mo Winter ml to beach. 407-646$ down or vary emall 1950/mo Opn Aug 20 . !~~~~.!~~.!.~ down . Pie••• c •~· 1173-0433 or 55&-1610. Sh•wn. agt at 548-2t Crnr 101hl B•y 3 br & del'I. 2 b9. org,1e.. TllDWUXU C...• ltl #u 1UJ drp1, ~bit-Ina. W. Co•l• Meu POlltlVt ...................... 1795 77t Cllh flow w/28·30~ 2 8r 2 81. ~ f~, •leP9 ... ,,., ... dwn 1219.000 Ktn 01 to bHoll. i 1 70/mo. .... 1141 Liz, 8411-3821 or D•rf•ll , At l M•ic ........•••.••........ 5-411-81t5 759.1221 Free r•nl lot I Br. apt ,,,,, "' w. ,., C ute 2 Br, 'GJ· gar. Work/Eltall•~ I~ rw.1 ...............•...... OOMnlldt of H, A•I. 63H 90 ......... Call •ft 8PM, 8'13~877 a..ch Peech oozy 1 Or AJ>pro11 ~ .ere. Wiii Ml• 1 spm 1e1191 2 Bt-den .,..._ w/guale, P•Uo. pie• or olnt venture. Velu• • L~ 13 5. I Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Thur1d1y, Augu1t 19, 1982 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed ltem1 tor cash. If 11 doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 INES 06 OLLA RS days FREE. One Item per ad, muet be priced. Sorry, no reaf estate or commercial eds. Call today for full detalla. (-...~. 1111n ..,_. tuet 3 3DAY8 CLA881FllD&642•5678 Au ....... tl/ '•tHIUJ•/ ,,.,,, '••-' ...........•.••....... Au•••n•••ll 1111 .........•..•...•••... NEW MANAGEMENT! Hll~ren LlqUOf Store ~'.!!!!.lf~h!~J!!'!. .. «.'.'!!!!.'fM~!~!!'I. •• ~r..~'f!!~J!.!~.'.".'.~'f'. A",f'j••I• AJMu:::~::dH A,~:~~=::ie1d !~!!~!!.~!~Jf/!.!.~Of! ~.'!.~IJ!.!!.f~~.'!.!.~~ !'!!{~'..~!!!~!.. . .!.~!! 25 E6~::8:~ c .M B••tl•1I•• •••NII 1H1i JZll ,,._.1, J.1ti JTll •••• !.!!~!~!-! ....... •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ...... ........ WllllY lllTAll PARK NEWPORT. 2 br, 2 * FlllE llEIT* --P-,y-ch-lc-Ae_ad_l_ng_•_ 1H16 3140 ••••"••••••••••••••••• ··-·•'5"• .. •••••••••••••• Ct1I• 11,., Jll4 C 1 llf .'llJ4 lit ... 1 IH i 3111 Available. Agt. 676·8170 be furn 1pt Spa. Jae, Mo-Mo No IHH req (Splrlluel) ····-c;c.·REN;ALS••••• E:!fiBN~~~ 1 ~~~m!~•· ---,-H--E~ •••••••••••• •••••••••• .!!.~ •.•. !~ ...... 1 .•••••• -"";! ••••• ! ......... --.-.-,~-.-.-,-=,:...1-,-.-.. -1-1--1 ~~n~1!}:'y ~::~ ~·~ Full service, rurnl•h•d. Jack (7141 56e-1178 Hibr'a 1200 to ,2000 840•9019 Newer 2 Br 2 Ba No pet1. 1111 YElll $300 wk t '-' blk• to ullla Erik 720·0939 recepllcont 1'881 • 2 SCRAM-LETS 750-33 t4 7 d Avail appro• Sept ltt 2 BA ,.,,. b1, pvt patio, no beech 1173·9384 mo. lrM . From 118 aq It open • •Y• Park Lido Condo, 3 Br 2 ''GOOD $450 780 -14 18 or pets $525 1552 Elm. MIF 10.1hr Igo II br homo 980-2471 Pool 2 Br w/wlfe aever Ba lrplc, d1hw1h, fndry 548-8875 646·3627 I Br aleepa 4-acroaa Iha w/pool. frplc. off Back ---------ANSWERS kit h 1 3 11ree1 from the beach Bav C.M $300 ut111 Incl 2000 sq fl, comb ottloea kid~ :~2la1 o. carport. Srm79"5 8~alr9p5or211. p1110. urge 1 Br I Ba d1hwr, 3 br 2 ba detuH condo COUNTRY CLUB LIVINO S295twk 875-50118 631·6220 and llght work shop Fl I Pl t 539-8190 " -2 LIFE'' tndry rm, carport WI Lrg patio. pool & apa, Al~~t~'f PeOnAvTlroBEAnmCeHnt Storage ere• w/lge Ll~e."M1!?1e $600 4 Bdrm with m"lll· N-por1 Shorea 3 Br 2.,,, aide i390 Avail 8· 11 child 0 k near SC Plaza. lagun1 Beach cot I age. Rmmate M /F, n1 OCC, OvtlfhHd door ace"'· 3 LIMIT .. ., w B 2 bl k b h 646 61125 $685 21 2 ... 8 apartment community on b I k to DI 11 mo n d St non aml<r $260 rno 2 min from lido 1111e. Ideal baltl, comp kitchen. 8 oc 1 to eac • Y"'"'-·ROUNO "'UN·. • mo 3-964· "° the Upper Ba" Private Im no1 worried about h close to actlool & tennla ''"'" ,.. 2 ' beach, evall now BA, quiet 642-2344, for c;omb ottloetrtorage town ome, patio, y•rd, 962•11683 Social Acllvl1le1 bdrm, I~ ba Fl1eplace D••• '•i•I 3111 clubhouae ano flealth $475/wk 49•·0349. 675~424 Call 845·4800, Hk for how to live within my ln- klda o 1 rector • Fr ea Ol1tlwa1her. prlv patio •••••••••••••••••••••• spa, 8 1ennls courts, 7 494·8942 ----------1 Vickie or Anna come I'm worried about 539-6190 Westclllf 3 Br. den, ottlce, S u n d e y Gar No pets $520 mo Ocean view, lower dph1, 2 pools. close to bu1lnea1. ----------1 Female roommate wenl· ---------now to llve within my Many more available 2•,; ea. 2 car ga1. gar~ Bruncn•BBO s• 543·5418 Br 2 Ba. dec;k, 33811 alrpor1, Faafllon leland l1•l1/1 II SA11• 4300 ed non-smoker to share 2000 aq It w/500 1q It credll LIMIT Fee BEST ner. no pets S 1050 Partlos•Plus WllTWl YllUIE Coleglo Opn & avail Convenient ahops on •••••••••••••••••••••• Irvine condo. $240 plus storage. 0 C Alrporl ---------10246 Wutmlnater 1·637 • t458 much more 8 I 1 8 S 5 5 o / m o aHe unrurnlshed bacna-2500 SQ 11 Condo, wtn at· ulll 559-7• 16. 752·9069 ere a . $ 2 0 0 0 I mo Wll I l•u' S3H Q" EAT 1 & 2 Br epts av111 , 2 t 3 I 6 9 9 • 8 9 2 8 , lors, 1 & 2 bdrm apt1 and cepl 2 •dlta. or 1 •dtt Rmmt want•d female. 8Sl..&928 •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 bdrm, 2•,; ba Harbour 2 BA, remodeled hse w/ Area $800 mo Qar. t'h blks 011 sand 2 1 3 • 4 3 t • 1 I 1 4 or S750 yrly Ask for Biii, 714·963·6767 63I·1266 RE C REATI O N : pool, spa, lndry rm. no t·868·2238, (14-15), lownflouse1 w/I child or IUll 1 edit non-smoker share 4 Br I I • I ~~110 T e n n 1 s • F r e e pels. lmmed occupancy 1-489·5375 ( 18) $540 -$1000 Pool, lg kit. 2 patio•. lg ti 0 u a e, c d M . $ 2 8 5 ., •11• ••t• "'"';, Lessons (pro g pro t Br $-440·$450 Several bac:tlelors and t balcony w/bay view 640-4259 ()1iic·;·;~;,·i:;b~;;j~;; shop I• 2 H e a 11 fl 2 Br 1525 C.r'•• ,,..,. 3131 Bdrm units lea tu re llne 557 • 7883 or 840-6339 ---------apace -up 10 7500 aq 11 FOUND ADS ARE FREE can: 142·H11 Hit IPTill HIO I II Split level, pool, lacuul. kids/pets BEST lee 539-6190 2 Br w/gar. $495/mo. crpts, lncd yd, water pd. 27 10 "B" Delaware 636·4120 1·5PM 2 br, 1 ba, lrplc, dbl gar, yard & patio. $600 mo. 1st , last & deposit. Reis req'd. 675-2520. Nr Bch 2br 2ba wldouble ----------1 38r. Iott 3ba. 3 yta old -t blk from Cllll Or 648·6789 or 646·8710 Harbor Ridge, mountain & ocean view. 3 Br 3 Ba. beau111u11y done , $2400/mo Avail now By Owner 760· 1977 Versailles 2 bdrm, 2 ba penthouse. ocean view. patio, $800 752-53 17 Bluffs area, 3 br. 2'h ba, condo, 2 car gar w/elec opnr 640·9350 days. 780·8398 e11es. Mr Begg. Clubs•Sauna• Call lor appt • • ••••• ••••••••••• •••• d I I It ••1F proleaalonal 22·30 lo Want quiet, resp nonsmkr TSL Mgmt 1145_8 t22 Garden Orove Townhouse 91 oner urn ure and ... 645-2111 Ask for Joe Hydromassaga• 2 Br 1,,, Ba. patio, no accessories Move In 10· 1111 2 bd, 1 ba apl In 10 thr antique f illed Swlmmlng•GoH 2 Br 1 .~ Ba. no peta, 1450 pell 750•7272 day or reserve tor sum· c d M N 0 n . 1 m k r poolatde N-port condo Beaulllul executive olllca Driving Range 10, 2 persons, 755 W mer months Smailly s3oo/mo + ulll tat/last $375 548-82311 suite plu1 warehouae In : : : RU/~:~ TL 8 : 18th St 646-9507 Bullsfl,. ~u:i~Ylshed models open + dep 760·6238 eves/ S.rl'l.ll Ill ll•l 43SO ~~ea~l~~~I~ 0~;~9n :nt~r S NI 28d 2 lf1rj 3140 wknd •••• ••••••••••••••••• 675-3882 from l0·5· Ing I es . t & 2 ce rm ba Adults •••••••••••••••••••••• Storage garage lor rent • L o BeJrooms•Furnlstled pref . Most utll pd. WltlFFLmlE On Jamboree Ad 81 Woman with Career de-644-9539 alter 6 Ott oberman with & Unlurn1shed•No $525/mo. 645-8950 all · s J 1 Hiii R slras same CdM 2 bd. t on Balboa Peninsula ---------Idaho tags. red collar Spmwknds. t & 2 Br Olacount on an 8o·a~u1n100s d. S3 0 next to Fun Zone Approx2,000sq ll store. Vic Fair g Mesa Pets•Models Open some models. Pool, Spa. •· ba, 6 Incl haekpr. lO'M120'1t'. 673-2943 choice loca•lon. AC, 548·9154 dally9 to6. NEWBAEEOAPTS Gym . Sauna etc Avail 9·10 975-0578, Newport Blvd at Harbor.--------- 0.LWOOd 1BA & LOFT. Frplc, rec 846·0619. · · LIDO DELUXE 2 Br lrplc _5_7_5_·4_0_24 _____ Easl side C.M. Single ga· (7141674·1921 LOST lllClW ll 1 b I k I OR Ad raga tor storage $75/mo I .. room. pool. jacuzzi. gas rg r c pal o . Its Fem. wlll Shara with Fam 645·7234 'Costa Meu• 3.4 mos ago. 6"'4·5289 llwtl & water pl\ld No pets Delu~e poolside xtra large S 1050. 675·6359. 22 plue yr1 old large apt, ---------lf•rt•tlh 393 Hamilton C M 2br, 2 be, bltns, dswhr. BEACH/YEARLY 2 ba N11wporl Beach. Garage lor Rent, $50 per ret::io~~~';11~0=·ct~OO Lost: At OC swap meet. 2 lew ..... 11 .. acli/lt. 6'45·441 t · t•,; miles beach Adults. 01 3 B S290 646·3377 monlh 2864 LaSalle, RINGS Sentimental 118· ,.. no pets. $500/mo • r 2ba, gar C.M 957·2740 aller 6 sf. 497-5132 lue. REWARD. 540-6968 880 Irvine Westside SPARKLING 536-6362 $800/mo. 421 E. Balboa Quiet responsible Female (et 16th) CLEAN & SPACIOUS I & Bl 673·2769, 675·9797 10 share my 2 Br 2 Ba 1,,PT:m......--:,.----,,.---.......,~ f•i•1l1i1/ l1•l1/4SOO Lost Cat. mld·July Lge a 2Br 2Ba lrplc enclo--.. T ti UCI *" Ol''i't .. •••I·' ~400 •••••••••••••••••••••• orange/wht ne"I Lon~ gar, patio, b11:1ns $480 CC-RENTALS 750·3314 Decorator 3 BA 3 Ba Big Lrg 4 Bdr home, 2'11 ea, 3 car gar. nr beach & 9Choo4s. Kids & pet OK $1150/mo. 964·5096 Im•• 3Zf4 ...•.................. LElSESU 3 Bdrm detached homes In excellent area Avail&· ble lmmedf 1tely $800/mo on t year lease. Five others t > choose from We're the ones 10 call for leases. ~ldhrldgc Rulry 55l·:IOOO 19!0 Rarranr» Pk"\, In mr IEITAU 1 to 5 bdrms, starling al $650 to s 1200 4 er. 2 ea t897 I A11t1ocn S975tmo Agent 541·5032 Canyon condo, overloo- king golf course. Avail 9/ t 182 548·0632 Nr Bch 3rm w/bubbllng ape, cozy kltch .$400 OC·AENT ALS 750-3314 3 Br 2 Ba .. across llrMt from beach, avail now, (7 14) 6'\5· 1104 2 r Newly redec; crpts • · · '""' s 3 e 2 e wn ome nr ..,75 •· • .., ' NB 3975 81 3660 w drpa dshwr rang.:. & r•' garagt', patio. $485 mo bepac. h 2 'blk aSl900plc. gal r. plus •,; Ills Id & ••••• •••••• •••• •••• • •• rch aq hair Eastblutts Rewar lew,.t1 ltH!a/le. . , " 964·4633 ac s, yr 'I u " w g1-W0"1YE Simi II. or less MIA zone 760·9556 675-8826 1700 16th St. lrlge, view & ocean No pets 645•1882 rage 553·1562 Eves. Agent 541.5032 ----·----- (Dover at 16th) $b3r8eezes, no pets WMIWE 3 B 2 B M/F stir beaut Beck Bey IAI VINE Phone an,swde· 1300 .,, tt. *•50 LOST COCKATIEL 5 5-$475 642·0684 & t & 2 BA apts, beaut. r a, trpl, garage. condo p--•. Jae. tennla r ng, conl. rm, ut I P • "" ... N 'top St B lb (714) 642 5113 52 9723 b .. 2 btk I ""' t t Al Front office. large rear r at · 8 0• . • • lakes & slreams. comp! 6;3~~57 t. 675•9 997f 'I $300. 645-5165 ~~;~ ::~~!·. j ~SO/usp~ door 1789 wtllttlef Ave Is I and A e wa rd LUXURY COIDOS amenities, no peta Fr Fem/Balboa Penln 2 540-9745 Days 540-9352. Evea _5_7_3_·4_5_2_9 ____ _ mo/yrly, $850/mo OCEANFRONT -sharp 760· t977 2BA, winter, no pets. gar WIL ft •-. 0,... ...... "460 846-6591 2 Br Duplex acrosa street story 3 Br 2.,.,ba, vaul1ed 646·0681 FOUND· Well cered lor • -., n-from beach. $750/mo 1617 Westcllll. N.B 256 Frplc. elegant Frenc h Acreage privacy, 1 Br, w/ 529·87M or 836-8683 calhngs. balcony & gar 10 4000 sq. It 1st floor. 11•1111 Wl•IH 4100 youblac~ wSlhethpeoertld11;_~11e&. windows, AC, In home sunny kitchen, part bills $266/mo Ask for Jim Agent 541 •5032 " ........ security 28r 2Ba IBr paid $375. Others 1001 2 BA upper condo, West· wknda/evea 675·9518 & 1----------2•;i;;;~~~jbj;~·r~"1j;;d 495-3181 or 531-96t6. tBa & 11;_.dlos · BEST lee 539·6190 cliff Dr . nr shopping. 896·5t89 wkdys 450 sq. tt St 00 per sq. Adults (MIF) wish to rent Found Female declawed UITILIFF LISI "I" 4 BA, 2'h be, $1300/mo. Avail Sept 8. Dys. 833·4785, evs/wknd $650 mo. 575.3033 2Br, tBa, $550 mo 4Br, 2Ba. $750 mo Across from bch. Sept.June !Br & s1ud10 Incl Wahr/ Air conditioned comtorl 2 ~~;i. ~o~t46!:854~. ::~ Female 10 snare 2 bdrm I t.. 400 1 Birch .. N B Mobile Home for 6 mo tortolH lhell cat appro•. dryr, also Includes pvt Br w/garage, lncd 4 kids. 548_3117 apt in Costa Mesa Sept ,_A_g_e_n_i_5_4_1·_50_3_2___ Mus I 8 11 ow Pet 6 mos Aug 9th Vic club w1tonn11 courts, pets $450 Other tool tst $250 645· 1269 964·6t 10 Avocado St, Coate Mesa. CHARM Expanded 5 er OCEANFRONT DI• 2·4 Br gym, poots. jacuzzla, BEST lee 539-6190 fBr. 1Ba, 1 parking stall, 1 Resp non·smkr M/F rm· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili Aller 5 54S.91 t2 3 car garage. HVH. Ja-By week or month saunas, beautllulty deco-btk to ocn HELPI Responalble cple. F d s 11 p 1 0 k 3 87 rated clbhse & much Avail 9/15, nice area 3br Agt 673•6210 mate wanted l or 2Br. 13 yr old boy. cat & dog oun : ma arro er 644·2224 (213) 848-2232 cuzz:I. loaded wlfrench 1_6_7_·7 __ 3______ more. From $450 mo 2'hba 2 car garage. frplc · 2Ba apt nr S Csl Plaza. need house In "Old head Vic W 19th, windows, skyli ghts A I II Inc ls most utll too $650. Also 2br 2ba $550 Crappy 2br, near beach. 966·0554 eves ~··c--Huntington" area, H B CM /NB Please call and =~:.~~~~o 640•2523• "U.i:~:JIAH 549-3421 3641 Bear St lst g laat. 55B·Bl68 nice area. turn or unlurn Newport Beach loll for .;;...":'"'"~,., (West of Adams, South _id_en_llly_. -64-2---1-2-2-1-- •••••••••••••••••••••• (bt wn Sun tlower & B••li•flla $600/mo. 673·6336 rant Family atmosphere ./11 •• ,..,. of Beach Blvd). Approx Found Lhasa Apso, 11/IHM /t/H' JIOf McArthur). BiiL-•I Jl~Z Executive Condo IBA. Full use or house. fllr pool ~~.:-;:;:-• $600/mo, rent or leaN/ Bristol/ Ir vine 8/ 13 ~;1~·t,•7•7•5_ .. 0;1~~-;·2••;1~ 1 bdrm. upper. s460 incl ••••••~••••••••••••'!• d e n • o c e a n & & park. Rent Incl ulll I ~.,_,.,. o lion. Refs. 538-9832 966-1323 __________ 1 ulll. lrpl very cozy Bachelor Condo. Steps 10 bay3-4·1547 $350 mo 759·0760 LOST· Grey end cream Lse'opl Or Sale Or trade. 4 gar .. prkg. Near water 631 ""2 sand Flreplao 0/W ' I I 675 4000 (Breu) -vv t alter 4 30 e. · Wastcllll. •tra lrg Br MIF to shr 4 br condo, I l , I ama e cat (Had yellow Townhouse 3 Br 2'1ir Ba Eastblull $950/mo 644·6138, 850· 1801 8 r 3 b a 0 c ea n vu • relrlg $365. 1 yr lse, apt, pool, patio. ernenl11es, Eastblulls. Hi•n•/ •nil; collar w/tag) 1 yr old. 855·0517. 54 4-2170 Small 2 BR 1 Ba, yrly, In· 1 bdrm s3eo. utll Pd 213/592·3171 alt 6. 645·8152 NB 1240 720·0572 Fi•••tl Glenneyre St, Leg dry lacll. deck. $600 Carpora, good loc No 1irwaa1t WOI •••••••••••••••••••••• Children heartbroken 3 Br 2 Ba. comm. pool 675·0349 pets 3 8 3 W 8 a y Im•• 3144 WESTCLIFF 1 br. condo M/F establ'd prol only, ~wrv l11l•1H Reward 497.1377 ~J 11.~~~~oFr~ IT~~:r~: Bay front bactl unit. $450 _s .. _e_-_9_5_16 ______ ;·9;~·;.~·9~-~~:,;;;~,;.~· pool. adults. no pets. 2 5 . 3 3 ' s Ir a I g h l . ~~"~tt~a~o:.'s4~oT:~~ n. .. 1l••i"' SOOS Id 0 Eastalde Lrg bright 2 br Patio, •ic. lrplc, W/O, $540 mo 673-6640. non·amok .. clean. 10 sflr 8 •••• Jt'5"; ••••• ;, •••••••• Lost · white F Shepherd. agt In c s u 111 s . a y 1 • "' 2bd. 2'h ba new condo. roker 67 -4912 WUT vie Atl•nll & Newland, 960-2471, eves 675-9302 1'.41 ba patio. avail 911 Woodbridge So. lakea. S1• Cl••••I• 3111 $300 mo c M Dave s~aii-Oua.rt"ers but la H.B 536·2287 C••i•m•i••• $550 640--0997 pools, tennis. $750 mo. • •• ••••• •• •••.... •• • •• 63 439 · Airport area • Exec. Sul· _ v-• U•l•t•itlH 34ZS lllt.I. 3101 Avallable nowl t Br car· Call Denny 645·2016 t Br pvt deck. Old wor1d 1 __ t_· __ 1______ $tes From 22~:450 !IQ. tt. not your 1yplc11 Video Lost· 8113 M Seatpolnte •••••••••••••••••••••• l••••••I• port, pool & laundry No weekday•. 548·5833 charm, spectacular Master Bdrm, own bath, l ;&r sq It . ..,any Klras. Game? Weigh• only 7 Himalayan. San Joaquin 1 BA. So Cst Plaza. poo4, •••••••••••••••••••••• pet 14251 931 W eves & wknds ocean vu. walk to be8Ctl near Beach/Adams. ClOl 557·7010 lbs. & can be carried His Or San Miguel Ad tennis, no pets $475 2 bdrm, 2 ba newer dplx 9 8 mo $495 Contact Mgr at ept $250/mo. plu1 S 100 sec. Excellent Offices _ Up to under your arm? Is as A-ard. 553-1950 6•2·2029 yrly. Mature non·smkra, 1 th St 548•0 492 Woodbridge condo. 2 br, C 332 Encino Ln 960·6030 or Qt;().7974 000 easy to set up as plug no pets. $750 X 3 2 Br 2 Ba Townhouae 2 ba. upstairs, S600 mo 4 IQ tt. t&Ol Newpor1 1 I o t s1er? 0 LOST $500 REWARD! 673-8920 e~/ ..... nd •--1 .. _ 3110 W db Id VIII 2 Blvd, C M. 645·21 It Ask g ng n Y ur oa For lnlormatlon leading New 2 BA t 'lt ba. patio Woodbridge condo 3Br gar. S550 & s100 dap 2'1tba, lam rm, l/p, 2 car N 0 p e t s • c r a 1 g . gar, ale, walk to sc;hls. all 545-1370, GG rec. lacll. S950/mo Avail --------- 2131799-4195, 257-9792 w t frplc. West.side. _____ .e __ .. _" ___ ,_.' na• 00 r ge 19· nu T k 1y In t 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Br I Ba. pert furn for Joe a es on one m u e o to the return of dog S-450. 2 er. utll pd 410 S495/mo Deb 540..0702 Woodbridge sharp 2 BA, 2 Br 2ba condo, nr So Cat ,,. t·8"~a play & can never be Male (ne tared) Lhasa II 9/ .,.,,,., "" ,...., E•acutlve o ffice suite, mastered? Has depen· u Herding. Bal boa No Spacious 2 er t ea on ave 1 • ......,.,, Ptu. $450/lst & last No 1----------Apso mix (Benji t ) 551-3000 2 3 6 St-to be h 38 2b corner of 405 Fwy. Near dable mtcro·processor · 'IP• pets. 5'47·1155 Eastalde, neer schools, pe19 1 /693·4 90 att 5 y .. s ac • r a Harbor Blvd. Take ovtlf 1 1 ? C beige wlcream Ears 8/22, 833·8984 North Irvine Racquel Club. lrg 3 Br 3 Ba. on corner. ale. ram rm, din rm, frplc $895/mo no...,.ts $450 631 "'155 ,_ •-L •1 I M/F 19·30. $260 325 base crcutry an get (fairly long) peach/cream Ci•ill1'•• J.1ti3111 """ .,, w1.••• -•t• ~' 4 3 br 2 ba. deluxe condo 34th St NB Call Answer lease 1600 !IQ.It al 90c you started lmmectlalety wlbleck on ends. Head. ••'••••••••••••••••••• $300 1 Br patio. lncd •• ••••••••••••••••••• lrg patio, pool, spa, Ad72t,642-430024 hrs II Call75t·6191 In an unlapped market neck,btck,closelytrlm- 3 br 2 'It ba condo Duplex large 2 Br 2 Ba yard S350 Utlls paid I IOEAllfWllT child o.k near SC Plaza 1----------for under S6500 tor 5 $ tOOO mo tst & last la ndry a age a d •• t ~. 1 1 bid $665 mo 213 9-"'• 2686 Neal r.-n cpl wlll ahare Fountain Valley Olllce T II med Chest, legs, tall, u • g r • y r . Br all appliances Otheta MOS v...,,..n ep g, · • v-o· -....-• space. 2500 .n.ft 81 60¢ units? o nd oul about 11 ..., H .. _ d Fii LUSE USTILIFF month, sec dep $500, lmmed. occupancy loot BEST fee 53g.6190 In Laguna Beach, finest 3Br 3ba condo. Pool, ""' this unique product call very u .. , IS ...... ar on cleaning dap $250. 770-2904. 1ocat1on In town, breath· A,.rt•••t1 lual1lH spa. tennis. 2 min to Mlle a 1'-Good exposure, r • c e Nam• Is •"OO I BA PATIO FNCO S good parking. Talbert & Mr· Patrick. toll-free "CABOOSE " Vicinity Woodbrldg .. on t"e lake Adults only, no pets, call ---------..., · . taking views. all bull1·1ns. 11 n•lua 36AA q Park $300/mo t 800 531 5255 t 820 " C • •i/16 31Z2 YARD "· 7VV 83978 oo Broolchurst. Call • • • ex · 1011 . San Juan Capl· Executive 3 bd. 2 ..._ ba J a ck G a Iv In . d a y s •t •• I ,.,, . fl e a 1 e d p o o 1 , • •••••••••• •• • •••• • • • • • 55. 754· 1 4 " 1 5 2 173 o •••••••••••••••••••••• $350 UTILS Pl',10 I BA SElWllD 751-6191 ARTIST Need exceptional stra110 nr/San Juan 544-9835. Many Extrasl St400/mo • ·aves . STEPSTOOCEAN large2 All APPLIAN.CES sub. garage. elevator Pre111glous Na. avail ---------d 1 c~" Rd 7/29 I ea Se . 5 5 2 • 9 5 4 9 • - 5_8_6_·_06_2_9______ lease only $850 g up 1 400·900 PLUS !400 ""· 11 artist 10 o sports act on r"'"'"" approx . Br. 2 Ba. lrplc. many OTHERS TOO• BEST,_ -YILU~E now. emele only $325 -.. 11 k t h t Please all coll t ~ 330 Clltf Or 494-8083 • Penthou~ Bayfront Sul· gure s e c; es a reas. c e c 551·2193 or 987-8857 Lovely vu, 38r, Penthou-amenities. $825/mo. 539·6t90 · · All prlvll 645·9515 ~ J 66 3386 7 1 4 5 2 3 4 6 2 7 2 Days 642·5757, Eves & New I Br. ocean view. cl-New 1&2 bdrm. tu>1ury 1----------te. parking. pallos price ames 1· • • -• 1 BA OrangMree condo, 118• ~er gar, sec ~e~e. Wknds 631_6630 Small apt, quiet area, sul· apts In 14 plans 1 Bdrm 2 BA 2 Ba, 2 aty. J:uclld & 673-1003 bTWn. 5·10 p.m. 552-3466, 835-5235 by the lake, pool. tennis, ~:~s 211~'ld, 544-5 8· table for elderly person, ose to bel~h: shopping. from $515, 2 bdrm from McFadden. S225 & utll. I I I FOUND adlts only, Avt 917 $460 . ..,.--·-------Bachelor Quiet, mature stove & relrlg, s280 mo. ~9rl.7d07e9c 565/mo $570, Townhouse from Move In ASAP 759·7961 Soallng Down? Starting •• •n• • GLIDER. IDENTIFY 675-9229 Orangetree condo. $500. adult. Utlls paid, $325 utll pd 833•3125 $640 + pools, tennis, work out? lower overhead l•1i•n1 SOIO 545·3604 1 Br & Iott t nls pool 78()...8520 · M •-· 31~1 aterfall-s p d t G , _______ _..._~ maintain Image, offioe at ••••••• •••• • ••••••• • •• ---------~~lt!~n~~rwypool,.~~~ stream NO ~~ts.' Avali lovely Eastslde 28r 1ba .•• '!fr.!!.~!~ ..••.. '!.. ~r cookl~g gn h5eatl~~ Ammate wanted, stir lge 2 Regency Center. Exec OPA Wlltl Tl llY Found· F Stllh·Ttu wht & CC-RENTALS 7 sQ. 3314 911 553·1141 C.11111•11 31Z4 2912 Peppertree Lane. NO FEEi Apt. & Condo paid From San Diego BAaptlnCdM s250mo sultaslnN-portnrAlr· Local praotloe,conllden-tan w/blk lace. vie. ••·1••1•••·•2·-.;.;••J••••••• No peta S495/mo rentals.VlllaAenlaJs. Frwy drive North on _6_7_3_·_18_9_6 ______ port. fully equipped & ce. Reply to PO Box Victoria /Harbor TURTLEROCK EXEC 2 3 br 2 ba deluxe condo • -· II. 559-4718 . 675-4912 Broker Baecfl to McFadden to F 25·35 to shr 2 br. 2 ba stalled for every busl· 1332 Newport Beach 548-8523 mstrs den 2•,; ba m~e l1g patio, pool & spa, Newly decor Gas pd, E' I C 3 Se aw Ind v 111 age Promonloty point apt, ness need lndlv offices 92663-0332 -F-o-un_d_8_/_1_7_M_S_la_m_e-~- Sl3501mo 851•9360 ' child o.k near SC Plaza encl gar. dwshr. pool. ade .M Br 2ba con· Yll IESflYI m 1714)893.5198 N B 6 7 3 • 8 6 o 1 mo/mo from $375 ~ · $685 mo. 213·964-2686. bbg. Adults. no pets. do. Lg yard, lrplc, 2 car NEW gated 20 Town-633·9976 /•"•l•••I c al, nr MacArthur & £ J. i 3Z41 S.2·5073 gar. poo4/jac $725/mo home VILLAGE COM· IH•I 4000 (9am· tpml n. I . SOIS Campus Me 11 s s a .~,. .. ~~ ••• .'.'. ••••••••. f•nif•lll 631.7905 MUNITY 2 & 3 Br 2.,, •••••••••••••••••••••• IM·-'-9-l_e_r_m..;.m_l-need--ed-, -1-b-t-k SO LAGUNA. 3 Arch Bay ••• -.ir.!.~!!r•••••••• 752-819 t w EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 fu•it.iH 3SZ5 2 Br 1 Ba trlple1e 1,~ mlle Ba. 1600•1800 sq 11 01 EASTSIOE CM Private from ooh, non·smlt.er. no 500 sq 11 with good hwy Aesor1 condo1, Bullhead _F_ou_n_d_F_P_lt_B_u_ll_pu_p_p_y_&_ Ba. lrp4c. brlcl! patio w1tfl •• • ••• ....... • •••••••• beach, lncd yard. gar pure luxury Garages, turn room & bath Ullls Ila II as Av a II 8 / 2 1 v11lblltty 497·2351 City, Laughlln (Colo F Germ. Shep • to owner spa. S I 5 O o 2 t 3 /BLUFFS 2 BR · 2 BA · TH me81i8JIU renovated $525/mo 79C spas 111 every home • Incl., refrlg . $315 mo 646-9223 Sub-let Exec. ottlce River) Hunting, fishing & or good home 966-1192 87&-2255. : ~;:n.tt~I ng~ufi~~ &P••tlftm· -Scoll Pl 673-6921 master tulle, dlnl11g _6_7_3_·_75_4_4_. _____ 1-N-e_8_1_F_m_l_d_2_0_'s_t_o_Sh_r _2_b_r Prime airport locale on gambling We hive rent· _ _;;.. _______ _ 3 B r 2 Ba. ocean vu, No Pets lmmed. s950 _ .;; rooms, wood burning ROOM/BALBOA S230 NB apt w/aame, 1225 & MacArthur Blvd Price als $50-70.000. Pvt par· FOUND· Fam Golden co+- $825/mo, Arch Beien Beautllully landscaped 28r garden apt fireplaces. micro.wave mo view, furn avlb 911. ..._ utll1 552·4•""' • red~ Must-• ty. (2 13)698·2284 or S~ mix w/blk 18C8 6 mo or longer tease. garden apts. Poo4 & Spa No pets $440/mo 1 1 2 3 + " .,,. 497-6034 Me•• Verde Ca II ~1~~i2 ~; ;~~ 9 I 1 ~~~ ;a~~~e&~ 1) ~;ered parking No 5-46·9950 ~~~~:·.::r~!t~e~·~~~vt 6~3·9015 non. s m k r liiRiiiOiiiOiiiMiiiMiiiAiiiTiiiEiiiliiieiiimiiiiii,iiio iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~!'!!T.!!~~-~ .. !.~~! _s_1_9_._1_15_8 _____ _ OCEAN ANO WHITE A f _J_a.H Bad! $415 2 bdrm, I'.+ be, 2 story ded EJog1n,1 living onty Furn rm. fem pret, pvt share 2BOAM Condo. *llm HALI* $25K, snort term, -11 ae-LOST 8116. white male IHtl•••I• •~iu-1 Br $470 $550 Mo Also 1 bdrm, t t5 minutes rom Fashion S 0 C 1 p 1 cured. 35V. loan • 10 • neutered Lab, 7 yrs. HS WATER VIEW 3 sun· •'•••••••••••••••••••• b $360 C II II Island, 7 minutes to S.C home, kltch. privileges, 262 per mo plu1 utll A rpon area ro value 493·7674 area 848-8827 doctl,s, 3 bdrm. 2'h ba. 2 •-•L--L'lll•i 37-2 Br 1'1.Ba $535 8 mo a 8 er p Mesa Verde 5•9·9847, Adams & Bushard area. anvtronment, fun service. I $1125 .. I _,_ -·2250• V d 530 PM 2864 LaSalle Ian or OCAlrpotl. I rpc 1 MO pus ...................... anguar 957 2740 Just 8881 01 Newport 642·4548 Call 964-7187 al18' 6pm. Of 110 lrlls. lndlvldual of· ••::t," ft•ll Lost Golden Retriever la- aec. Avail. now. Winter Soolfl Baylront. 4 540·9626 or 642-4906 1---·-------Blvd. & so or San Otego _A_o_o_m_fo_r_R_a_n_1 _2_B_d_r_m llces or desk space. 150 I ' fl3J male. "Sandy" Vic. 496-05S4, 53 I· t 188 bdrm furnished. S 1200 F I Utll pd 1 Br S300/ mo. F r w Y -S 9 0 0 I mo Me College Perk. CM. M/F to share 3BOA 2BA sq tt -3500 sq h. 1 MO. ••••• •••••••••••• ••••• M onte v 11 I a. Coat a H•RBOR OC"'•N FRONT ·~6_7_5-_68_29______ trap ace, pool, dish-quiet, patio, nr bch, Avail 631-5439, 2473 Oranga I II I ,........., S C houee In C M. $260 'It FREE. 759-8978 I.I. llTIUI Mesa 548-7932. ,... ""' ,. washer, pvt patio. X LG Se Pt I s I & 1 5th u pr v "'Y"'•• 300 all II 5 5 370 Nu3200'1u>1hmonblutt •-•L--Garden 2 Br $560 644 .. .,58 Ave.CostaMeaa answer ad •520,,_u_i __ 4_·1______ lt-..•t "-IH Found Brown mix male 180 d I h b _,..,, 8 ...,,. 642·4300 24 hr ,. C<IM dlx suite. A/C, ample ••a-. -· • dog "Foxy" Vic Turtle-! agi vu gb a~bor. lt•IH•I• 3101 _55_7_·_2_4_1 _____ ,_3_B________ LIDO ISLE S500, pkg, utll pd. 2855 E. Cat Speclallzlng In lat & 2nd rock In lrvtne. 7""-1628. aur , m n1. r. a, •••••••••••••••••••••• r 2 Ba. No pet• 2nd Siii/••· 1,._ Back Bay, NB pvt rm •;, utll .. non·smoker Hwy 675•6900 TD'1 since 1949 vv security, uuna, 1pa. htHfht ltJtl-a a.a! • fi floor S<l95+dep. '1 Sl85lmo. Incl utll 'l'ng Carol 675-9449 Robl. Sattler NH/CM Foul1d eo .. e r, E e cl er St985/mo. 498·7009. 1 'h blks 10 beacll, 2 ••E»l;elid, 540·2245 ltll P4. f a m • non .• m k r Responsible female rmmt 2000 sq It office space for R.E. Broker Bel Ae11tor1 School, Hunl. Bch. Call Ocean view 2 Br 2 Ba, bdrm 1 . 2 b a , a p 1 re t f•MJLY a-. 2 Br 2 Ba frplo dl•h Lg• Pvt apartment. Mo-646 5559 25 30 B 1 lae. C 1 • avail now. 625 642·2171 545-0e 11 to Identify 962· 7087 1800 I t t be h I Sk 11 h -art• .h . ' • dern w/bltln1. 2 BR 2ba, -. • to lhr a Pan. W 19th St. Co111 MM8. --------- $110011' .. 181> 0 . s 0 11 acR ,· 1 111& r1•· PYI 0 ta and Beautllul garden ap11, waa er,.5o3arage, small welk 'It blk to beaoh. 2 Employed male, laund fa· house w/sa.me 675-3798 645·8830, see Mrs. WIDOW HAS SSS for TD'• Found PrNCrtptlon Glaa- mo. erre ' e rep ace. at o, apa, enc; Patios/decks. Heat paid. yard. Olmo E11e1 car parking. large clo· ell, quiet C.M. area eve1. RE Loana. 10K Up. No HS. VIC. Brooktlurat alcht Mu 759-1221 gar-::: Sl200 per mo N 1 2 lld 830 ..... 456 1----------Northrup. c dlt Ch k N p 73 ,, 38 • tt ,. o pea. ch ren wet· · Mia. Great for stnglet or S 189, call 111 tOam Female wutcllfl eree. ___ ..;..._____ re eo . o en· of M 11 e Sq Park , ' -••• •. , ••I 3•11 ·• .. • er u come 2 B ,., B 1 1 p .... ,. """'"' SUNNY Newport Beach elty Dennison & A--~ 893 •e"~ w• •• -· r. "" a .. rpc, poo4, t couple. allo. Laund ,_......,...,u poo l. w/d . non-1mkr. · ....,.., ........ ··'·······'·········••Nwpt, blk bay. boach, 1 2Br 2Ba. 1565 apa,11tactledgarage No lacll OPEN SAT& SUN PVT'ENT &BATH $290/mo. 631-7332, ~~:~e~~·s~oe~o.'1-8_7_3-_7_3_1_1 ______ ,-..... -_-_-_-,_----.-,-.-. Niguel StlOf• pvt comm BA. new furn. utll pd, 3g9 W Wiison 831·55&3 pet 1 Av a II now 11 to 3. Drive by 5403 673. •oeo s~ur_.., dl•rou11t-' lat ~Ull ~· ~ 4 br & famll 2 b •• ... Newly redec Huntington .... 1131-1094 ~ """ -.., •••••••••••••••••••••• y, a, .,.50 mo 213·9•1-3085 2 BA 2•11 ba duple•. 1eoo .u25/mo. 631-4984 River Ave Then call Be&ch •i50. 53'" ,.7,,4 1----------1 TD'• for aate. Pv1 party, COEDS • Would love to atrium, 3 cer gar. Pvt 645 177 I I • """" " Fem 10 1hr furn. 3 br 2nd ri...... tt•~ •c beech & rec center O.•• l•l•I 3111 1q.lt. of luxury Every Flfld what you want tn • v mag or l 1 1 1 1 11 condo S300lmo E/Slda "'""' o ...... ,... • great (213)698-2294 party with you. Call Sue $1250/mo.769·1485 s~;,;;·~j;t,;~~;;·~0; St~aerl 6g:r2.'&c:l:· DaltyPllotClaeelflects 9&0·58-U ~.~:12°~_e7at~1P~.:. C M .' Aull now ~c3:~d,r~·3~~~: Sell St2,000 Ht. Mort· ~~31~~1~11'/t l me Lrg 5 Br home w/ooeen, villa, courtyrcl, private, 673·6336 ' Im•• Uf4 Ima• Uf4 near bch. &38-7103 642•2225 50c sq It. (714) 874-1921 gave. 4o4 yHrs atralgtll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii golfcourae & min vu, $400/mo 873-3313 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• AMMATE MIF, 4 br 3 be. New PenthouM. Catallna _.. ... -.. S8°o~:1ca!h2 0~ Col Iota' 1 _. I -- huge pool & ape For large 2 Br 1 Ba. with CM, I vtll1. $250/lull hM vu, pvt ent. & bath, H.9 ---.,_ ._. • exacutiv. or P<Oleulonal Bu1Ja1t.• ga~age5 . d/w, laundry rm ~ APAR'TBE~ Pffv. 548-9573. $300/mo 536--07114 MAt~118C1tv.wrutt~dtalr11• ~:.~17:~!,•4PMlrtne ESPCHOOATTOS/MOOADE.LNCE'!.., w/famlly. N o peta. J.Ml 3141 M .. · :...:' •.., 2 F 'ng. e eu,..,,.~ "· -..,... $2300. 485-4223 •••••••••••••••••••••• AllO trg 2 Br. t Ba: "490. ~ow LEASl~G •• ,.,, .. ,,,, 4111 M l rmmtM wanted to IP-. oopl« Y<N aup. Comp-before )'OU buy. OVTCALL 24 HRS ----------10ulet Junior• & I Br. Avall 9-1. &45-M25 \V l....,...,., .. U.,-...J 'T.~ ••••••'••••••••••••••• 1hr 3 Br condo, CM /NB ply phOne, & S95 Pl' mo Claatlled malt• It eeay. llt-llll 3 Br. Townhome '°" teue, From $375. Pool, rec Don't wait otlly I larva 3 VV\.J\J\JlAA "~ VI MN YI MTIL arH Dependable, em· pr deal!. Celt 844-7211 &42·5878 '800/mo. poo4 81~• rm.. 1auna, enclad ga· Br avall wtlh 2 e.., pa-Wkly rental• now avall. ployed & refa •234 & t -f' se&-5n9or5et-3t01 rage. 17301 KMlaon otf llo, In quiet 111ea. large rfiftlllr"ffq,, 1105 & up. Colot TV utll L arry . aft 5 . __..-;. ' "'-'-"~ '" Slate< ~2·7848 poo4. $e75. 845-3381 Of Off~~~ PhonH In room. 2274 042•1109 t\' ~ ,,.. ....... ?. -L..; You can a I, •••••••••• :1: •••••••• ·••1--,-.-,-.-"--.-----875-51M9. ..,,...... 1 Newport Blvd CM F/M to llhare 2 bf In Co-\I -~ HOME roA RENT · w•-Luxurious adult & iamily living in .rn all 848-7446 rona def Mar l300 mo. · ' ' WINNER I: •• 3 •Arm • ~ .... '"' '"'""5 Baautltul park·llke 1ur-Lat""' Eastllde I Ill. , Ba. .. 11 ft I I 5 E 10 laoo'. ;~ y9,d.·a round Inge. Ttrr1c1d New c1rpet1, brlht & new <:ounlry !>e1t1ng. 1. i. & J Bdrms. 8 £ A C H I R E a S..~~7" · "• 1 I :0 gw'e'1'0Clo•m'e' .K~d!5'.2Ko•o'•. pool. Su11ken gaa bbq, ~. '425. 881 822. Amemli~ ln<.lude: n n Share "'-··t. N.B. W•t· '~ u .. IPlrlCllno rount1ln1. PINE BlUFf APT8 $84/ k -J t b di d I -'gtnt,no fea 8paclou1 rooma. a.pa. 1 Br with loft 128r 2 •Re1.1G,1\R~nRe •TolloliRreenbeh~ w clllf 28R 28A •Pl w/ us y sen n g us your name an I --------~rate dlnl-., .. Walk·ln ' • I I * p nd k employ. 3&+ F/M. Pool, dd d b t hi r • ...,. "' .... . Ba. Child Ok, o n t he •01~hwa~her1di~po~i1 a1101su ec AeftlgeratOt·Mald-Pool W/0 13 25 + ~ utll a ress an y wa ( ng or your I •~•••••••••••••• c~t•, ~ llllw• kllltotl-Bluffo patio vi.w lrplo * .i ( ·1·. N....,t Blvd & Wiiton .... •a2 ! i th I ifi d d f th I OC.AENTALS •11 .. oa ... neta. al 10 encl a•r ga'. 110..:. di : * Orape!>/CMj)E'!ln~ L1\ll011ry an 1t1e~ coeili'" M... 5411-8785 ............. . name n e c ass e a s 0 e 1·5br'• saoo to 12000 Huntington Center. h aanw"' I d • • , . I' . . RMp. F to •hr bMut. 2 br.' Daily Pilot 150--3314 open 7-cleye 2 ~~tum, l505 M95/mO. apa, n ry ""·, ... R<>crNllC>n room *All cone 111oninR YWfy on the beeetl, hotel 2 b• So. Tu•tln apt.: • . I LMM °"IMM option 1.,. 2 Bd~To:i:::_ ~!., SPMC 1131-81071 Comt ttf uuow for btst wlectlon. hb W. I a;ro;,.:::~.' .::=: S2S7.soimo. 731-M30 : Win tickets to the ('frcu•. 11r~11 amusement 111tra<' ! ·· ge 4 Br. canal fro nt, from M 75 I Yllt loop to 10 Thundtr lun in lrvlnt. Clfl: po111. 2308 w Oce•n· 1 For Clalllflacl Ad I tlnM or sport Ina t>\•ent' Juli\ rm out 1hl1 roupc>n end I I No pet1. UtHltlte lftll CllHlfled Ada are tfle !!) f N ACTION yeti'ly, av.it 9-1, OOlnmty LA OUINTA Hl!AMOSA an1w., to a auocellt\.tl I • 1 ront. ewport BHch 1 1 mall it lOd&a)' to thf' 1, ll pool• & '*"°'''· walll to tt211 '""~ Ln t blll c• Ot 'J81'cl Niel It'•. 11' A_ l!r 11 I 873...C 154 l Call a I e i :=:;!o1:'~":~11y. w. of a..ot\, 3 bfic1 a. ,., way 10 tell mor. I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~1!!!!1!!!!4M!!!ll"ilV-..i!!!li!!!i!!i~~ I BEl.L Idle Item• with ,1• ~.~~ Clasalfled Department, Dall)' Pllol 1: Z:ii "" ~ -; vi• ot l!dlngilr ... 6'7•5441. peof>lel =-1 !!!! Dally Piiot CllMlfled Ad. 942.aue 330 W. Bay trttt, Coflta esa, CA tHH , ci) ::i t-~~-=================-~-:-=!It======::===============' J l • fl • ' ' , J l 1 • DI Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thutaday, Augu1t 10, 1082 ~;··(Ii)~""._"" 1). ~tTj1:a:·,i~""l l~l1,)._"".l)l;:ltJll. fl ;·1) ·~Jfl:·~ '1.1~.fmm ... ~.11!!.#mm .•••...• fti'!!!!m&.'t!f!'lr/ •• f!!!!1'm ••••••••••••. !'.~~11'!~ •.••......•. ~~~t",.!~-!!!I ........ !!!!~f ............... !~r..~~I. ............. ffi!ffl ..........•.••• JAYS .. 8PfAKIA8Y" No 81Nm/No lhampoo ••..OATH ITAA* * C.,pantry, Catllnelt. HOUSl!CLl!ANINO, n d ITARlllNO COLLEGE Flftnlng lnl.,lol Oeelon MOllL! llRlllOI flrol Btrlendlng ler1. Stein Speoillill Fut 1,.l, hffmll I ... l!teclfrtoal Contractor Plumb., Otaln Clunlng, t ome n•IP7 Cell blwn 9lUO!i!NT8 MOlllNQ HANQlNQ/STRIPPt!lQ AelaMM/~ __,. A(ly OCIC&llon. POftlbl• ary Fr ... ,. 131M88ll Lio ~oteat Aamodel, LIO New Hrvloe. 220 l lacl . Tiie, "•'• 7·9PM, 842·9887, CM/ co. Lio 1124-438 Vlta·MC Icon e.41·9326 NI/OM 642 .. N2 bu 8ell.t414, 021·8141 EXCEL CAAIJllT OARI 8~~d~aee~8~~":~:4 ~ull1 U nt M0,.4174 OeM149 __ C_d_M_a_ie_•_____ ll)tUtad 841·8427 A8R PAPfAH~NQINQ f#uft. In-. 11'11111 t.nln1 J II 8 ti lualt1n l•ll•ld Carpentry • Muoory HouHwork, own trant WATCH US GROWi 1 yrt local exp Oue1 ••••••~•·•••••••••••• .....•.•••••.•••••.•.. ~~,~.·,~ c •• ,.. w-.1 .. 1tl•• •••••••••••••••••••••• AOOll"". PlumOI~ portallon. ·-............ ,"" P1e11lgt Moving Lew work PtlCH tlarl II Alarm co IUc'd) lec;uftty Ol!NERAL 8U81Nf88 .......... .....,.... "" •••••••••••••••••••~• c • f ··• ... "' ............ "• ••troll ••-7"'1-70"7 1yt1em1 tor l\ome A •"AlllC•'I Carpel, uphol, ., .. rug Kii. "9fnod .• Clflmk: Ille, uetom ne lnlthlng·Fu1n ()r;wall • StU«:o le Cell Eloll1 Sota et ralH, lantullc ..,vtce .., ..,_ " & ....... ......_ a-... ..._ & "" "" ...... I W""~ & ln111lora·All Repalre Remo<l.i J 8 848-9990 548-4830 Slllt wtde Vita & MIC ....,.,. __ .,_ -· ·-• tietp tor email butlneN a ---n ng """ guar Clblnelt Call now· hM Cell lor •t IM-4·!1204 . ---------Ecp1rt wellc;overtng In· •llmata fr" 04~8"8 phone C•ll •w• .. RI C· F,.. !al. e48·f77t H tlma11. l<t2-08&1 ----------!Call H1ndyman Jim II I APl & HSECL"ANINQ lniured 543·8402 Cal 11111111on. AHi prlcee I------;..... __ _ ' lf.j " T-137,124 C I .. I ld'-LJ ordkHplng. tu prep, CMNl'/.'1•!.e/llfn Decorator •IYI• Int, blrt. _,.u/":f II~• havlflg ll•IP lrom Rellable. up, rel• No on1u lent .. u gnmenl I. -Ill 00 IT NOWI bl! ftr lu4ra Your Dally Piiot Stll'Vice Olrec;tOf)' 8u1lr11111 couneellng ... ,,.-••• r." •••••• ~.... ment•I•, llbrarlH , hlgn •••••••• •••••••••••• your lamlly 538-0D07 Job 100 1m111 gfH-334 t l•l•ll•• 581-8590 • ·aiAvic!0 i.°AiPAtA •• 4118-1255 CfllPT /UPH. CLl!ANINO •lvlv raJNd Panel wltlt & Tllll d)'9. 638"3884 evM --------•• • ••••'• •••• • •••••••• r I I v o 8tfvloe co Repr.-i11tlve f~ .. ~~!!#!~I. ..... . C1blne11 & Ce1pentry Small job• & Rep1111 Free E1t1mt1a1 84b·2003 142·1171, .... 122 ~~~~~~~~~ f ~!r..-.!'1. •••••.•••.•• An11llfll Ctlll••I Door hanging. r1trnodel, • • •••• • ••• • • ......... • • c1blnttl. penollng. •1c Applied, re-epplled, guer . Painting c.•ment Reta lnturad. llc'd 4 14891 JMry 546-4• 1.3 730-1900 free e1t1ma1ea 1--'------- ~,.~~!~ ............. . Otlllftaya, Parking Lot Repairs, Saalcoellng S&S Aaphll 831·4199llc Dan Halll>e1g Grading & Paving Co Re•lcoml Lie 397804 842-t720 FRIE HTllUTHI Rsaeoneble prlce1, IHI, proleulonal wort\ cuatom work tool No job loo am111 or 100 blgl Ca- btn1111. kllcnen remodel & ltnlaheo ca1pen1ry elecl/ plumb/ ceblnett/ counlartopt. I do evttry· All thing from stor1 to llnlahl ••• fi,~T!. •••.... .. . . . Call Brad at Penionellzed. low cost le-(71•) 111-UIO gel Mt'Vlces· Ind . lemlly, bulol lnlllal consunouon CUSTOM wOOd patio co-frM. 563-0290 vere. de<:lls 6 fences by Randy 641-0622 ldnill/11 . •••;,•••••• ••••••••••• c., .. , S.trltl Loving mother wlll babysl1 • •• T.-. •• •••••• •••• •••• lull time, Nr Fairview & Shampoo & steam clean Boller. CM. 546-8653 Colo1 brlghteflers, wht ,.,..,,.. ________ , crpts • 10 min bleach What • Wonde<lul World Hall. llv/dln 1ms s 15; evg of Shopping, rlghl at room S7 50. coYch $10. your flnoertlps tverydayl chr $5 Gua1 ellm pet Dally Piiot Classllleo odor Crpl repair 15 yrs Ads lo piece your ad. o k coll 642-5678 11nd let a up. 0 wor mysell Reis 531-0101 Claasllled Ad-Visor help 1---------- you. Want Ad11 Coll 642-5678 OeodorlllllO-SOOICllQerd oamno lie 638-238e Topped/remo'Md Ci.an llAA't u-•nt..,.I"""" •·tv BHHiJll/8, PAINTER Nl!fOS -~~~ •• ~~~~•••••••• an 1'1r1 838-48M Quar FrM Ml 831·&543 up, lawn ftf\OV 151·3478 """' M ...... , ·~ y-. ••••••••••• •••••••••• WORKI 30 vr• .,P. Int/ .. •BRYANT'S •* f!!'!!~!~~!~!!!!! ••••• 0..111/1 Plumb-41ec-cafpenlry Long term nouHtlttlng. EJtter Acov•tlc c;elllng1 Wallc;ov.,lnn Removal f1Jt MOWING • CLEAN UPS Painting Cell 084-5231 avell Aug 22 720-1054, Oivll Painting 847 5 l08 ··• Cement·MHonry-Blook Walle-Cull WOik lie 11381067 Rob 647·28113 •• KATRiN·A:5··.:i.;e.:iN Heullng -Landtc:aplng HIRED HANO, Will 648-561 f wk. >Unt reta -All Tyl)M 642-1343 ··c;;:c·k·F;,;·;,i:w;,;; .. htkPr•. delly mild MtV, FrH HI. 842-9907 TRAVELI Many dlverte PROTECl YOUR HOM!I Cullom work. Int & ext, 11.,,,,1., .. ,, FrM e.1 Oy1 840-8181, ollloe claanlng, orpt chor11. Wlllle 842-34D1 Prof M 40, evell now llc'd 20 yr~ In •tea, relt •••E•0·~S:t.P.L•'f5-;';•T•E•:,.1•N•G•••• Eve. wkndt 87f>.5t00 c;leanlng. 835-2118 J1ule'a Gerdenlng Int tel ,..1 9312 Herb (71,.) 621-8012 111 ,. n Clffn-upt, ,, .. trim a I • • v., • 5 30PM Nee1 petchee. Int/HI Tiie lnttall & Repall Drives, pello•. welkt Fr .. r>.., .. I Eel No Job loo 1mall •• ••••• ~l.!'I. ••••• ••• malnl HIV 640-8038 ~ .. ~.~·'············ •• Ju/1111.1 l BATES PAINTING Re11ucc;o1 645-8268 Oue11ntMd wortl. fWl9 Qual weeding. remembef DUMP JOBS ••••• • •••• ••••• • •••• • • SPECIAL! Ear fOI 1400. PLASTER PAlCHINO Fr" HI Bob e76-S!195 538-2807 Doore replaced, doo""•Y9 -C-u-11_o_m_c_o_n_c_re_l_•_b-,l-c-k-added, F renc;h, •n try. block wa1t1-p111oa-ou atom & Interior tn• 3 R'1. reet. reliable. & Small Movlno Jobe LOW RATES Olllcu 2 ••Y $660 846-9383 RHIUGCOI lnt/eitt 30 '"' S.mtt Rick, 407-3070 Call MIKE 84$-1391 bldgt. lllGtlnCIH, strip' toundetlona Llc'd _8_3_t_·_l5_2_8_e_n....:yt~lm_• ___ Complete Lawn cue, 536·5013 D II ctun-upt. tree aervlct. ---------.!1!!~................ • pr Ink I. f. MI k. Con~et•·Smell or lge DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC 831-7570 joos Remove, replace or Rapelrt. n-& old. I t ----------1 repelr 845-8512 yre exp Bud 552-0582 AYltltt la•41HJI•& C'"ll' C••• T1ee trim. gen. 01nup1, .!' ••••• :':~•••••••••••• Wall lt11turea-Acou1tlc c;ement work FrM est. Exper & dependable Hang-Tepe-Steel etudl Call 549·1604 anytime Cnlld cere during grav-lie;. 3899« 1-632-5649 eyord snlll Lrg F.V. Hrn. __ D_R_Y_W_A_L_L_T_A_P_IN_G __ Mo,wlng., edglng,R trlm- plenly ot tlMplng 1pac;e. All Textures & Acoustic m ~p· c tHn S~~ 14~~IO· 84 t-2277 Fr .. ell Kevin 876-9088 na 8 ra " • · ----------•Verd work. cleanup, coYr· c .. ,,,,,.n •• ,,,, ""'"''' leous. dependable. rets. • • •• •• • • • ··' •••• •••••• • ••• • • ••••• • • •••• • • • • • S6 50 hr. 494-2921. la· REMODEL/AOO-ONS ELECTRICIAN-Prlc;ed & Carpentry L1c·d. 25 rlgnt, free eallmote on guna y1s exp lrwln 548-2719 large or smell job1. TIE 11111 IOHI l~4'H·lttlll·Rt•t4, lie;. 306821. 673-0359 Free eat Reas ptlees. ELECTRICIAN Oual work Lie. 337189 Sml Jobe/Repairs Lie: 645-4010 233108-C-IO 548-5203 Custom t em ode Is· RESIO/ COMM'LllNO additions. lree est. Qua-20 yrs. Do my own work. llty 2nd to none. Bandel lie. 27804 t Al 846-8126 Cons«. lie 418570. ---------548-427 1 Seo Idle Item• 842-5878 Lawn-tree-shrub lnalall T,.. trim/removal Lawn cere/Rototlltlng Free eallmole 546-6085 Claaalfled Ada are the anewer to a auccenlul gatage or yard aaltl lt'a e better way 10 tell more people I w a .t etc CH RI S CANYON PAINTING -14 yra Nett Paul 545·2977 ••• , .. LO~·AATEE{"i ... HAULING-GRADING 714-960-6396 yrs In O.C Satlatectlon ''••)/a• Tree trimming & removal. demo1111on. 01e1n-up. £ I $ m guar 494-4541 •••••••• ,............. all cleanup• & mowtno Concrete & "" removel .!1.'. •• !. .. !!!........ QUALITY PAINTING ATLAS PLUMBING & 554-7017 Quick MrV. 842-7838 HEATING • Speclell:tlng ---------¥1110 WILLI Ext11n1, rut retH f l PROF SERI/ICE F Lie B348276 538·2386 In Repetra ' Replace-,,,, •• or a lrM tact anee1. ceu ment (7 t•) 645· 1688 ••• ••• • '•••• •••••• •••• Heullng · yrd clean up Hatry Weote. Attorney al EXTERIOR PAINTING Mott aubjec;tt, K-14 Oulcll & clean Frff eel Law, 553-0290 Custom work Free eat l••~•ll••lleaa/t Oayteve $6 & $t0/hr 873--0548 •••••••···''~··";-••••• Mt Morgan '"0 "'·"17" Reos + tine Int & sta'· , ~'1 "' v liAULINO & CLEAN-UP ~~!!~!1.............. n1ng Sieve 547-4281 A44 H ·IMl&•·l•llH. Wl ' Clt••l Yd1/gorage1. Prop. mgt BRICKWORK Smell job• Free eat Reas prices •• .'!.!!. •••• "!':.,,f ••••• 831 09"3/831-0865 RALPH'S PAINTING I Oual work LIC 337 189 1 •• • " Newporl, Costa "e•o, "'Lei 1he Sunthlne n M ~ Int/ext Reas tarea 646·4010 c s lrvfne Reis 675-3178-R I F 536-9898 all unthlne Window ~~~~!~~~!~f •....... Brickwork-small or lge e tee est I R o o M Ao o IT Io N s c~~;.'~on~~d,Y J,:!~~3 RQBIN·s CLEANING Jobe lOO'a local rats Fiii PAllTl•I Honest,Rell11ble & Rele- Sttrvlce -a 1noroughly Since 1969 645_8512 by Richard Slno1 Lie 1 rences JC&B Const Lie W•r' tr~nll•f. clean hoYM 540·0857 1..__________ 280644. t3 yrs or happy 11347677 974-7665 ••••••••••••••• •••••• Mo~i•f 1oc;o1 cus1ome1s a ll Computer word proc••· Joan·a Cleaning Se,.vlce •••••. •• •••••• •• • • •• • Thank you 631-44 10 "" •1. Sing Fall, eccurett Mrv. Houaes-Apts-Rentell . ABC MOVING -. •• • •• • • • ••• • • • ••• • ••• R I N I F Ollie•• 540-1287 Quick Carelul Sen1ice Painting our family tradl· Huber Rooting-ell types ees ra et o ary '" · 55 -0 0 lion for over 100 yral New-recove1-decks pkup & delivery Len. TIRED OF HASSLES? Ftee estimates 2 41 Int/ext. Lit: 346252 Free Lie ll411802 548-9734 75I·1314 Ouallty Cleaning help la A 1 10¥111 I est 661 3998 nerel Reis. 960-7452 * • * · Cadillacs lo Go-Carta Are you plennlng • move7 Top quellly Special care The fastest draw In the Wherever the Fad ClaHllled ada wlll potnl Exper House Cleaning, In handling. 26 yrs •xP wesr 8 Dolly Piiot Roll ·em oll rne mafket you In lhe rlQnt direction Reliable. Reta. Competitive Rotes Classllled Ad Coll Today With a Classified Ad to find •he home you 553-1675 No overtime 730-1353 642·5676 Call Now! 642-5678 need. 642-5678 f!!!~~.a!.' •••••••• !~~9 '!!.11 •• Vf~~.'~ .••• !.'.'!! '!.~.11..'lf.·.'!~'.~ ..•.. ~~q~ !'.'1..'!.i!.~'!. •••• !.'.~ !'.'1.!r.~~'!. ...• !.~'!! ~!.'1 •• '!.·~~'!. .... l.~'!! IJ.-.11. • .Y~~'.'!. .... !.~'!! '!!.11..'!.'~'.'!. .... ?.'.'!! !!!~~! ................ ~~ ............ !~! O •• p'.'.. .l.l•tu IFFIOI Operato11 w/cllanlele. Reoteurant Sales Greentree Homes Assn. American Eskimo pure- SUNNY'S Exec;ullve Str&H·Reductlon. Onice-hm-outcall 831·8377 ALTHATIOIS Woman In Corona del Mar. Newport Beacn Area to do elleratlons In your home tor small re- tell shop. Call Bob Prof. man w/amell child 640-4 128 needs houaekeeper-olrl ----------trlday. Organized, hou-Appllca11ons are being la- senold. light olllce. pos-ken lor a Plllme cook, 30 slblllty to learn computer hrs per w~. please apply word processor So. La· Mon-Fil, 3-5PM at 3 t 80 guna, room/barn & small 1-A-lrw_a.;..y_A_v_e_ .• _C_M __ _ salary, or salary only Artist . PIT. for sllk screen Flexlble hou1a. Barry 1-shl11s Expe11enced Barnes 494-6959 631-3494 Stable Ame1lcan host lo-Thursday, August 19, mlly wanted for high 1962blllty to work with scnool student. All living elementary school cnll-expense.s wlll be pd. dys dren 979-5056, evt wknds OHTOI IHlllEH S41·6243 ask lor Matie Flair tor designing lnl&- EXOTIC DAICERS l1Ch1lor I l1eh1- l ore tt 1 parties. Tli1 Last Hurrah. 731-1531 rtor accessories & fine art Should nave good sense ol color & design Wiii train Call Tues tnru Fri bel· ween to & 2 to make an appointment for Inter- view t7t41 494-6167 AUTOMOTIVE .._ C SGT PEPPERONrS RETIRED? Telephone Sales C II G S I Sh h looklno for in tnthu-NB/ M. xlnt lex:. Ami•· Etrn Big M .. th ommun Y arage a e. bted dog w/papert are ome w/elderly ble kl 1 1 PIZZA STORE I Oney uy e 626 homes • Irvine • S.E Must sell, •9 mo. S2oo: woman. LI hBkPO & coo-sloallc. hardworking In-deal:o~ ~~ 1o1~nero, • r Now nlrlng for Full or Looking tor ex1ra tn· beach. $300-S tOOO/ corner of Culver & Wal-842·9208 king. Nwpt Ben area. dlvldual with olllce H· ___:_ . ----part-time openings et come ? Try Part-Time week Call 536-751 t nut -just So. of 1-5 1---------- 673-8000 pe1tence. typing & phone PART-TIME. Mature wo-toc;atlon near o c . Air· ~aa1:.s,9 T~~.sd1°0Y 1 1 2nrNuoFornl· TILl ... l•E Sal/Sun Aug 21-22 9-4. F. i IHS tkllla. Call Perlormanc:e man (pret. wh nas had .. v 1 0 d u ' ~,., r" B G tH I• •• O.•eler11 Saltc:ratt, 842-0846 c;nlldren) tot atter sc;hool po.. ary ng •Y• an Apply PENNVSAVER SOLICITORS argalns alorel •••••••••••••••••••••• Needed for luxury La-hlld nours. Ideal supplement· t660 Plocen11a A ve HELP' We're running ~·t 6 mo old opp10•. '"' Snep •--.. IFFIOE c 1uper11lalon Muel al Income for home ~ guna Beech hotel. WM-., .. .,_.. nave cat. s1an Aug 20. • Coste Mesa Ask for Mrs we tleed good people 10 of space. Books. new & •;, Fox ma I a 0 o g . kends a.must 3 days per E.aperlenced person to Call Answer Ad 260, ~~rk~~:.u~:::ilv~1~~~;,~sg wn11e ' I set up appointments used kitchenware. furn.1_64_2-_4_8_6_1 _____ _ week Contact Mrs. run small olllce-type 642-4300 24 hrs. company otters opponu So•••I Office Mar. lrom our Newport Beach pies tuggooe. cam~as. Need 1ov1ng nome, beau· Vaughan-Purdie. quotea. answer phone, ----------nllfes for advancement lor an elementary school olllc;e 1n the evening 101 etc . all must gal 11 tlful year old anaggy 494-8460 proc&Sll mall. Spend part Part time marketing & based on your job per· 40 hr work week 10 Holiday Inn's new travel 8 /2 t 9· l PM 4327 mole dog, neutered, EOE time learning Inspection management opportu· p club Sal + 1 Winier St Irv 552-0066 lo1mance. leatanl war-mos work ueer 2 yrs ery comm s-shots. g1ea1 per&anallty, tor small machine el'lop nlly Cell 569-849& eves , s1 + b c 1 892 36 Counrer Help tor dry MICRO Pre<:lslon 27324 6 to 9 king condltlona. Musr be clertcal upr req 55 on onus a I •••f!ll ll•tl loves k ids -91 ;:~~1~~1:.'~~~' ~~~~i gc~::;.1n~1ge!p1s1rano, L•· --,-U-T_/_TI_l_l _U_L_E_I_ ~:,~d2~5v~~ Apply in sf: ~~~::'e~1184~3wg;;; 833·3T74EOLEaPltHeOr •1Epm 3 ·G;r;~;;·,;~,j·F~;~,;~;.~ -F~-:-:-·3_"4-,~-1e_n_a_H_B_•_r_e_a. In appearance $ $ 2300S E Bristol ' clolnes, misc See · 499-1965. 30846 Cooai , ___ 7_1"-_4_99_·2_4_o_9 __ , 6~~5~i 1 :~ /;'w"'rt:~· Sente Ana' He1gn1s ~~ u ~~~Y Nin v~e~~~ny I RHERYATIOlllT dimes-a-line. 416 Emer-Call oller 6 pm. Hwy Soutn Laguna. GOVERNMENT (next to McDonelda) SCHOOL DISTRICT. llOISEWIYH 1 son (TuSlln & 21st) Fri/ 960-9128 JOB OPENINGS PUT TIIE Equal Opponunlly Empl t 72 tO o0 .. SI . Fountain STllEIT• Sat. 9-4 Young Oulnee Pig Custodian Malnt. Man, M 1 1 I " • I n needed lor Newport Pier I •~YS~ ~ ava la~le OE L 111 ER Y HELP llnllL UST llR I/alley Closing dales Pleasenr surroundings .. ,, ...... ,,.,, ~2-= area. Aetleble, sell moll-~!rectory 312.:~~3:; _54_0-_54_7_9______ Full/lime. E11pe1lerceo 8'25'82 EOE Easy nou1s. 3 -9 pm, ~' •• ':.~ •••••••••••••••• --------- vated, 1etlred man 4-6 Elll E.91 Par1 time. m11ure girl trl-Leaponssc. Oppty lor SECRETARY/ EXPEOI-Mon-Fr1 No fJcperlenc;e A•li ••• 1005 Ado1able klHens. need hrs dally Salary nego----------day needed by small growth w11n1n tne chain TOR tor small N B I necessary Olllce located •••• J ••••••••••••••••• loving nome. 6 w111 t t e b I e Bond• b Io Hardware Sales PIT. semi mnlg onop for llgnt olllce Ms Pnllllpa. 557-1264 Drapery/ Blind controc-In N B Call 641-0119 OlllllEl'S llllE 675-5681 673-9500 retired type, Apply tn work, typing & packing lnllL ...... 111• uno llrm Must t>e orge-between 2-4 Pm Full of beautiful. rare Fir•ll•ll IOSO DANCERS person Crown Hard-A M W e 1 s • Co --n n1zed and gooo typist Telt•hont Silts antiques Compl "Inlaid •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~· 3107 E Cat Hwy. 714/65t-8239 Oren shop. NB or Irv Call 673-0760 berween 8 r w ood .. bdtm set $22. **I BUY** SIOO Sl 000 • PUT TIME Re I a 11 e JC Pr nee & 12 AM Full & p l time Exp1·d ooo. comp! din tm set 11 ' ••• • Help, nM<I 25 eupervl-!>44-2470 Meroe SEO•na•T/LE"'ll only for detalllng co w/matchlng cnina cab1-1ora PIT, nu w..,,hl lou Eves and/or wMkends. ---------" " • 641-0383 net &. armoire St5,000, Full & par1-llme danc:ers •. ,, Responsible edulls. over SALES Mid-size Irvine lew llrm I--------- lmum Telegreme. Audi-_83_1_-2_00_1______ 1ractlve personalltle• to OOlll, I llllS see"s gen ega ..... ry " chairs & stools, genuine Good used Furniture & Appllences-OR I will Mii or SELL lor You t1n,.•I St nit•• 5310 ...................... AITO SALES HD LUSIHI wanted 101 Bare Min-program. W I I rain. 21, wttn ou111endlng, et-.. dill t I I·-I TOllJ ROMA'S lea1her sofa w/matcnlng ~ Tnrlvlng 0 C elorm w/mln1mum 2 yrs recent A PUCE FOR RIIS leopard couc;h w l IUSTElll Almtl '"·1111 taa.MH Neat Chevy store must !Ions being held this Hos1no. PfT Apply bet-work wl1h youlh (egea compeny wontS tale-c;lvll llllgallon In Calllor- 1 malchlno cneir & stool & add three eKparlenced weeklrom9AMto3PM ween 2-4 P.M 11 251 10-14) Call 2 -5PM, speopletonandleropldly nta Salary negotiable. MOW HIRIMG•, many other llema. combination satesper-Apply el Bate Minimum, Easr Coast Hwy New-842-432t, Ext 346. EOE expanding buelneu eJ1cal beflellls Send re-n n 675.3738 I lft FRllTlll IRUll HITUIWI Eac:or'I for women 497-5725 (bet 81m-8pm) White Male wlll model Ray 530-3283 sons for EZ straight .sell 1807 W t<e1e111. Ste 21.6, port Beec:n P/H •llll•S Alarm experience pie-sume to Laurie Sutea, la•11er Tral•••ll Les 057-8133 & rease. Get set lor 1ne An<1ne1m, or cell (714) ---------•• 2091 Bu11ness Center We are seeking appll-Af.•li••"' 1010 '83 Chevy bone nu I t-7_7_8·_8_4_2_1 ______ 1 HOSTESS Supplement your Income ~"8f 833-9381 (uk tor 01 Ste 200 Irvine Co cants •ntereated tn an • '••••••••••••••••••• NEAR NEW SOFA e.r1n- Generous pey, demo l•l"ery/lite Mal•t. by doing Interesting work ent · 92715 entry level position For HARBOR AREA ,ron00es.FMust sell Wiii eac; plan see Soles Mgt to nelp snow apectaculer on behalf of nallonal more intormatlon call APPLIANCE SERVICE 2 ree del llowl•I O•t r I t Pltlme $2001$300 wk Newpo1t Besen Execu-compan1e1. $4 nr guar. IALEI SECRnHf/EXEC Maggie 7141642•9070 We sell rec:ond .. guar 559-8721 " ' • • 646-5781 for Wiiiie II Id I h I I I b I II c II 5•9 .,017 Dove/Quall Sta ve '" ence to wee t y Pus x n onus ncen ve Exciting caree1 opply w/ lo F 0 ot Npt Bch Fin app ances ., ....., 2 black leathet chalts NEWPORT BEACH Dental cnalrslde Ants-p108')9Cllve buyer• 1 or 2 program GOOd speaking net'I ar1 acoeas co Flalr Svc es Firm cnallng TOPLESS MODELS 1 lft apat .... 011 $ lOO for botn All hough In a non-1 __________ tanl, Parl-tlme. EXPE-days wk Brighi eno volce •mull For pe1so-lor decorating nee Fte11 Respon position Good $75 DAV • PAID DAILY Les r~7 •133 , ____ fl.40 __ -o_89_5 __ _ maritime business. nok:t BABYSITTER NEEDED RtENCEO. ROA prater-e.acitlng penonlllly, ex-nal Interview call Jell hit. Experience prel bul typing, Incl sta1ts11ca1. 1 no exp nee • 1!26·2583 ..., •• Masters Uc , all oc;eana. CdM P/llme N on-red Mollvated. c;arlng Gellent converNUonallll Patte1son at wm 1r11n lntervlewaSet S/Hallllls& eptlludelor WAITER/WAITRESS Reti1geralor, wather, Black leather couch & unllmlled tonnage, US smoker Eno speaking. tndlvtduol El Toro Area. and IUPlf grooming and 714/545-5778. Aug 2111 10am 10 2pm numbers, e)l.per req'd dryer, dlahw aaher & upholote1ed loveseat Mercnent Martno Also 760-8398 830• 1130 appearance are absolu-P.TIIE ULE,I on 1ne hou1 01 26300 La Call 640-0 t23 Wlln car lor wicker bas-freezer 648•5848 S 1 O O Good con d sell lie. Would entertain 1----------1----------1 tely eeaenllal Reel ee-Alamed1. Sle. 350, Mia-kel lunch service 9·30 to 1----------640-0895. evoeatlonal runs . wknds Babysitter wanted lor 4 Dental tatt lie Is helpful. but nol Enjoy working with kids, slon Viejo. (nr. Crown S8<'urlty t 30 pm Mon-Fri Earn Nice, small relrlgetalor 1----------& the llke . at little 10 no month old Full time. Ellpetlenced R 0.A. nee-required. Send reptys 10 and wlsn lncr1t1Md eat-valley & Puttrto Real). or llTf 81UI S 150 to S 170 willy Must Work• good $ 3 O OecoreUve Bleck & white cnarge 101 "right stuff'' Mon-Fri, starling 9-'3 ded for Orthodontic Delly Piiot Ad No 104t, nlnge. ullllze your out-call 498-1850 111 6pm For private community, be neat, pe1sonoble en-646-3650 writing desk with gold owners Sieve Fre«r11111 Your home or mine t>ractlce In MISslon VlejO p O. Box 1560. Costa golnq person1llty. learn Laguna Beach area e1ge11c 979-0747 al 10 sci oiled wroughl Iron 673-3500 dya. 673-82l 1 955-2526 8188 830-3703 Mesa. CA 92626 how lo become a tlllned SALES PERSONS s 4 5 0 n 0 u 1 ca 11 am lor appl Moving Frigidaire gn trim, single cenlet d1e- 'b rwl 1----------I·---------sales counselor Call Full & p/I dress shop 494.9571 Mon .Fri 10, ---------dryer. yellow. VttfY clean _,, barrel thaped mtl- lhe Ml BABYSITTER NEEDED IHTlL WllT/111tte. •llOLUlll 2_5PM. 842_4321, Eltt NB 544•2470 Merge appt WAITIHS/WAITEI $150, 642-3589 ch Ing cn11r S 100. T!f.~.J.. ••••...•• !.~~~ ~~; r~ ~~8°!~o3~Y nme, Cbehnaelr.slRd•o·· Xolnrt ewllagglbele&. 3 daya, 5 hrs/day In Nwpl 348. EOE Sates. PIT. Retall Fabric Service sro1i0n attendent, ~~.':1~~tas~!.!.,ke~du!1 r~.• New Wtllrtpool Portable 1_8_30_~_1_9_4 _____ _ L.A. 10 Atlanta, lsl class .., Ben. LI nsework Reis. IUL llTllt ULll s t 0 re An e I 7 1 4 ) ewper , refs req'd, 6 dys •• 1 B~ T~ "i Dishwasher. yellow w/ Walerbed. king size. die New po r I Bo a ch own 111ntp0<1etlon 772 4•71 ~ .... ewpor eaan enn s Butc;her Block top. Va· wood. bookca .. ndbrd, airline tlc;kel $960 llalue. IEST PUT-Tiii e·o n 2 6 " 7 N__,.. 2 ew...ar n&nple .n • .. w II 9 h I • pr d au Clull For ep I I • I .. -vi 1 1.,-36 6/675-3471 ....... .....-,...._.. S ' pon m n tued et S4SO. a$klng malt & heater. $175 will tell $500. cash. Valld JOI II TIWI commerclol end tndu---0-w----.-.11-1--275/wk NB 644-7151 call Adele at 644-0050 s250 662_2,24 ,._11 Am". 675•9302 ..,,. tor 1 uear 557-7196, Jell Dental Aaslstant, lull lime. ._..,OLWll 1aJ 1 1 r1;n ""' ' ' B ti h I _._ 11' rea estate ot sue-S I St 11 WANTED ENERGETIC • e a e ep one p1omo-ront & back office e•-E • P •,. Mu 11 h • ve cesalul and grownlng Wanted for rel all anop ATTE•"o °' l IF •1 •, / CREATIVE people 10'"r lin-r/n IOZO Metcnlng 8 n coucn .... Y r.,.i 11on clerk tor local n--perlence, ROA X-Ray lie. Supervisor qualltles firm Sett working con-on Balboa Island Apply N AN ul p •• oc:!f!'!!~! •.•••••.•• spaper Private deal\. r91.l , salary open, bene-Mature Pa"l llme. Excel· dlttons In Newport In person only, Mon-Ftl time apply Cnevron costumed balloon dell-k•Hll I casual attire. Only requl· Ills, Newpon Beach area leflt poy. 966•1300 Beach. 7141648•5051 226 Marine Av Perl & 1251 No Coael Hwy, Lag very service Musi have 1emetlt is e good pnone 642-6680, eves & wknds 1 ___ .;________ tulllllma. Ben own transportation call la1l11~li•• 1005 voice end Iola of enthu-673-3403 HOUSECLEANERS Restaurant 760·6768 for appt ••••••••••-••••••••••• slasm 1----------Fle>c hrt. PT/FT Own .. IRTIIUL SALES REPRESENT .A. Se•lng Machine Opera-_____ _..;...;_ __ Studenl Trainee Fall en-Mours OISHWASHERS/P/llme Irena Exp'd. 540-0857 rn TIVE ror. ••perlenced. quallly WlllOW WAl•ER rollmenl Snow norse Mon-Fri 5:30-9 30PM Wknds. 1 shift 6am to Ot-llltUTll Loc;el new publlcallon minded piece rates. Ttalnee P/llme Must atable. Live In Non-Set 9.30AM-l·30PM 2:30pmor lpmlo6pm.1Hou1ekeepar. c;pl In Chucl\E cneese·1Pln.a -ltsFITdlsplayadver· Coste Men 642-965t have o w n transp smOltera. 244-2218 s84 00 to start Apply In peraon btwn baeul. NB home need Time Theat1• la lootclng tlslng sales represen111. Sub Cafeteria Worker 6oi16-9780 HARBOR TRINITY PRE· Alter 1st week. share In 10am & t pm Aek for I helper 3-4 hrs e day. lor a sharp, outgoing In-1lve1 In Irvine. Cotta P/T, 3 hr min , 54 74 pr SCHOOL DAY CARE partnership profits. Mis. Weber Mesa Verde HMkpng, marketing, etc. dlllldual to co-ordinate Mesa, & M1111on lllejo nr. Apply Newport/ Mesa g~~~1~~· s~~~ta13M~su~i ~:i; ~~:;11~~M ~~n~M Hosp 661 Centttrl ~:O~,~~; 0~~0.;~~ar ~~~~!''o~~o;i~:~oe~Tn~ ~:;~~i~~8~e°8mm1Hlon ~~~i~ds!~~f~!.~1s11~1~~ ~!!!l.t~ .. {'.'. ........ . and ,,., day core 7AM to 142 ir.171 M I l(ENNEL HELP ... , le luncrtlont. Hourly potl· --------Pl I C •• 760 3273 CtllH ti•/ #•1 •w II II · ,..,pc an tion. 40 nra pet week. More lamlllea ue gelling ec;ent 0 • ... • ••• •••• • •• • • • ••••• •••• ~~r~ ::~!:~·~:,,,o.!. ell 312 PUT Tllll kennel•. Mornings 8-1, Call Kally Boyd. Mon (hru tile camping "bug'. lhls TUCIEI AllE PATIO SALE Sal Aug 21 556-4335 or 556-7787 !•--------• Be • carrier counHlor ~;:.~:io m 1 n wag 8 Fri 1-5 pm. 986-0813 year. II you neve a com· PART TIME Immediate 8-4 Olsnes, cryatel. sll-lor a local newspaper.---------per lhat•s not oe11lng 1 850 0907 ver, antiques. otner goo- •• ;,;................. chair, eanhtones. S150 HUFFY t>6 lncn 3-•P••d 963-1031 Ev/Wilnd• girl's touting bike. Like flew S75 842-7444 •Yfll UUl Schwinn Vorslly. men's 10 s~d Xlnl cond. S50 644-6969 Motobecane Grand Jubl· Furn, eppllancee (•m•ll and laroe> Misc houM- nold Inside and out 642-01153, 8 AM-noon wkda. Sat-Sun 111 dey lee. 12 spd touring bike, Game Table, Mtdlte1ra- hardly used . Extras. nean 11y1e. Roulle11a. Musi sell tmmed. $375. Backgammon. chesa. etc; 675-2153 (6 d l lll S500 ,obo _ 20" Glrlt Columbia blcy-_7_7_0_._8_37_1 ____ _ cte. •Int cond S50 OBO WATERBEO Wevele11 963-103 t m1111 .... frame. d«;or/ neadboerd lnct. "*""· $275 645-2123. J1i1 W••IH 1015 IOAT OUPlmR No eJ<perlence nec;ea-'Legal Secretory In Hunt-SELL Idle llemt with • used, sell It now with 8 open ng • dies 425 Ma11gotd •••••••••••••••••••••• Ell.perlenced -w""l•d aary. Work only 12 houral lngton 8eech. PIT, Exper 1r O;;a;;lly=P=ll=o=t ;;C=la=•=sl=lled=;;A=d;;.i:;C;;l::"'::'::;"::;led:=:::;A:;d:::. ===~l:B;:u:;y:;ln=g~•~•=b=oY=t=6=4=2=·=56=7~8~I Ct1I• #II• 9· couch, cn1mpagne ve-Young martled man will lmmed. y· a week 175 10 ttart plus Nece1aary. Al ltaat 2 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Schw inn Sting Racing lour 1150. Mexican Ill• do general handy work Mutt 11now cabinetry & addlllonal 1hore of pert-dayt • WMtc. Flex houra. top cottee tbl 150. Obi Call evee & wkends, wOOdworklng Apply So nershlp'a profit•. · Wiii train on IBM ()jepley IWll •EET Bike 5125 GOOd cond box spring a matt. seo. Year-old Unlvege Gian Rally. gr ell cond, It we1gn1, S325 759~0701 972•9525 Coatl Boal Yard 2270 A real tun IObl wrllttf. 847-6041 ~ ~ Every Sunday. 8am-3pm 645"7977 Anllques: °'""' & mtr- Llve-ln houoekeeper / Newpon Blvd N B Management Oj)p()rtunl-Legel Secretary. tempo-~ ~ 01ange Coaat College Peugeot men's 1ac;lng 10 ror $425. Smell d,....., companion Me«• perm 676-2837 lies For ln1a1vlew c;all rary. 2 weetl•, Clvtl Liii· ( l ~ ) ) t ~. •, _• _ Fairview & Arlington, spd Brand new. $175. $150, Buttel 1375. Roc- p O'l It Ion Re I 's BOILER MFG CO CEO atter 6·00 PM. 842·6678, gallon, Newport Centttr, . • ~ .., -Coste Mesa. Adml1810n 986-8318. 522·3904 king cnr $176. M1-e309 93&-u93. Proven record ea nee; In ext 312· non amoker, !Ully Hpe-llNT free to buyers Setlu women·a V0tslly Schwinn Earthtone coucn 1 150. PART llME llgnt house-boller business required. XLN\ Opponunlty for••· rlenced only. 760-8868. £ i ~·~C'..)l'~t,j-~1 ~ .... ,,......_-~ :~ Reaerv•~1~';8~0 Bike, 26". 10 apeect, xlnl Cruser 125 . Welnul keeping In eac;hng for Wiii head co, w/unllmllld perlenced Dental Asal._ UYI II 'JI IL con d $ 1 0 O. Ca 11 table, nutcn, bufltt. prvt. rm. & batn. Exper'd, potential. Fantoallc op-tanl with ROA. Buey. · • 962-0159 S 150 Gold c;na lr w / mature re1pon1lbl portunltl for tne tight pleUI t La • "-~h Pennanent, full time for Moving & Ealate Sile. ollom1n SSO. 963--0200. ' •· n · gun .,..,_ mlnlmal c;are or semi-I l/,1-Bnt relttrencea Nwpr1 person end raaume to onice Full or Pert-time nouae lull of turn, & I ,., Bch/CM. 831-8284. Boller CEO Box 147. Stn 494-9788 lnvelk:t EJ<per or wllllng much more 8-5. 2391 #ater/1J1 IOJJ 7' eouc;n S30. Largti old Juen Capls1reno, Ca. 10 leern care ol llflOt· \ { ) ...., ~ ~ Notre Dome Rd. ...................... coll" table S15 Woo- Llgnt nouaawork In •~-112693 Exec. Sec/Admln. A111 romy. No llttlng, no hou• ~ ) \ ~ t llOW •to/n. den duk S25. Mite chno for ptl rm/ba. Reap 1----------tor 1and1eape Archllec-aawork. M/F. Aeltren· 1 Antique Garage Sale Too • llemt. All good cond. mature, upar'd refer Bookkeeper, plllme. 18tell tural Fltm In lrvtne. Xlnl oes. /'...al many Item• to 1111 Set ol Redwood 2x8 decking, 87~262 wtcdeya elter 8. N.8. C.M 645-2615 pnerm1cy, must be •it· Secratar111 end organl· 873-2389 "L" V 4 chelre S10 Beveled 4•20' I~; llleorldwoo<I Beeu1"ul a• eartntone Office Mane e I E perlencec:I 648--1851 '°' zatlonel _.1111. AbUlty to --.... -... -......,.-----.-N Mirror $12 Olthea & fencing e,11 Jim or Ken couch wlln 4 w11nuc g r lllCU· Interview work under preuure. ..-.,...r...._ -, L gllaawere 25C..$4 J..,_,.. anytime, 775-1491. ~=~~:Jt1~i ~~~T:g UllllS-IHITI =:n·.,~·.::,~nf~bl~~~ ~·~~:;·~-·.w~~:,~ e w spa per >--... J l '\ ro ~~·. L~ ,ta ~r;:;: ·-~-.-.-.. -.-.-.-.-.. -.-.-.-.-.. -1!4-.-1•-'. _:_;_s-_·_~;_:a_._s_._c __ '_t_ 4 _ 5 _· 100% c;ommlHIOn. Min· ollk:e. word prOCMalng vated lndlvldual• Tetrt-~ -.... ~ " 7am-6pm 1822 Monro-h& "'4ftltt Oltll Frencn Prov. Cnlne Cab. An1ennH lnatalled, Cou lmum leea, Beeulltul fa-desirable or will train. 1011 .. open. Muel have c e • --..ii -via. Between 18th Ind Sign UP nowl For Info: Anlq. wnt 4 gold. 1175, ~::~·.;.~~:~~.:P.::.: cllltUMfUimn ~:!:./a1~~1:~:1;i~t· R. E.~.bOf-Pecfflo a rr1ers for rOUfeS 171h St C.M. Call: 847-7688 FV call 870><1174 e.42-8953 11• -.a 95S-0073 HHIUI + atereo. bike. AKC B .... t pup. 8 wtit White conttmporery d!; !'.'1..~~~'!. .•.. !H! .-Tl.OUll4 ... Opportunity lo UM your flour• aplllude for entry poalt1on with orowlng firm. Xlnl benefit•. Bent· lay Hayeia & AMOC. 15 70 8fo<*hollow Or, Ste 1 t4. Santa Ana. 92707. ~49-2t28. Pe11onne1 .,.;tee 100% ,,..., .. ,_ ''"' .... ..... . H t, gt Be h pelnll~a. 1202 Donegal. All anott. vet cnk·d. Avell = r:~. ~~~n:.. 4~ Exptr prtl'd, lull time. ":,~~,:n~:~14~a;~,~~ 10 Un In 00 Q( 1 Open ally 84 1-9312 g11 l300 548-7377 c:hrt. Stas, 87g..1174 ~~n person, Atk fOf apt. oomplo, experlatloe Founta1·n "alley & Newport Beach !~!!!~~.~~t ... Captain for 80' motor Nllor, lmmedllle. 780-1977 .__. t s-..a..... nec .. Hry. 548·05&8, yi FRI/SAT/SUN 9em 20821 OU WIA PllMI -" -12•7. Chlrwood. Atlanta/ Bu· 1& yeer• or older, for 4t7-447Ji.l.OE 1nuH•/R " anard. Weight•, motor· private company In Ir-General Help,";lm up to ...,.. 0 oycle part1, houHhold York•hlrt Tarrier, tiny Hugie antlquitstqUtre OOf· vine Full or pert/time. 1400 wk teklng a nap In Newport Bt101\ P•· llemt. m 111 • mo•. A I( C fM labi.. olld, l\and• Tim, 761-0742. anot1 In Vo"'.,... Ame-dlatrtc group. F/tlme. YAlllO SALE. Oak Item•· I enemplon llnea, ahota. m.O. t t25.. t57-t390 CASHIER/HOUSEWARES ::: ~~~.: ~fo'ef. Mra. AUltln Thur-Sal, 808 Walnut. S4&-te24 9edf'oom Fumlt\n-, all tor sai... Ex.Ptf pref. Apply Of .:.no req'd. Writ• to • Good Enmlnns c AL l corner of 8tn. H 8. I Snlh· Tzu pupplee, 2\t mo. $300. Mt-1388 A.Ill tor •I Crown H11dwere, u l\191Ul PO 8o 1223 ~ ··~ lat Aug 2t 8 am to 3. I old, a .. II 18811 Ml' 0.Ye. Aide for P•,.atyqcS = 3 t07 I!. Ctt HYwy • CdM .. n ~· c !.... .. ,, • Toni'• Scwirv, P111~ now Sup•r Trips C l RCU LAT ION C1otn1"" •A'" mt ... It-·. c o 111 • n . F . v . o a y • Kl"" Ille wet~. netu---·-... on.Fri, .· ... oni ......... to, A . ..,.._, ., • ... DEPART·!ENT .... ..... .... ..... """ ""17 a .......... 2 .. . .. p;;;:·a.tu.7' drive. Balboa HAR,OWAR.E SALES. General OMct hiring modtll. P •He IVI elao meple bunk bed, I &'"""' : ............ a .... rat I04ld CMk & CMk ... leland. 87f5.885a I E11p d pref d. Apply In PIT, 0 am -2 pm. Mon-_c.ii __ '4_._._ .. _ .. _. _c_ ... _.__ • Great Prizes Diiiy Pilat I comp eeceaeorlH . UP• I . -· _..,..... "*1,.... I peraon 11 Crown Hard-1 Fri Need INlllQ pereon 111111 1111 1 right piano. M0-45f0 1 .......... .,. Miiter. MSO. t l'Wt53 Y.~ don't~ a gun to ware, 3 107 6111 Coa•t w /olltoa uper 10 dol In Pedletrlc ... ,,_,_ .,.._, I Imported World ClaH Ceblnat • ....,_ l'ltdwd, 2 dr-t111 Wflen you Hwy, CdM bkkg, l)'p'g eo wpm a Full It~ ln11 MN•· 1 •••• :o;ir .............. 1 Cl\amplone. Puopl .. e cl 1. 1 I\• Iv • e , citece In ad In tl\t Dell)' phone CoUld wort! 1 t or' .. ne. C. ra. 642-4321 •OQS w.,.,,., ttuntl!IOton t500 to ta1000, Mtn!N H '1WKH"H •lld_lnt 11, 1»11ot Went Adel Call now 1c1M1111ed Acn, yOUr on. tull time. call 11ee.2t'3:.I Auttln Me70 I Harbour, In tll• alley,. ooge up to 1 10,000. Jeff ~&OOf'I. Oeiii 111. / &42..st71. } 11op ~ng oent«. 1111 for Loma i'41!1 ldte ltema Ma-Hl'I • 1 Fri/Sat, 9:30-4. I 1ner t PM 720-1MI ===============l:==============~~:::..::..::::.=...~~~.JZ,O::.;.;;,;.;.;;;;;.;.;::...;:;;:;;::.:.:.J~~=========================~==~~~~~~~-~=====-==-=======~~·====:::-:========:::::;.:==============- I , ' --·----t .... \ I ) I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, Auguat 18, 1882 07 .. 'J """ hnhM. ....._., .. , .... ,w.J .,,.,,..,/ rN1lfltt........ M •• '.lfP.~t! ... ·• -'~ .._, r;r.";' ............ ~. ..... . '' •111• !.' IMll :~~ 9"CI -· Ill lllM .. l.f~f~r.;: ·~~o~=o: f:.~ ................ u.. ..1. ............... . ~1.'11. !f M'fl. ... l.~'.f ~1.'111 .!fl!'!ht...... A•~'!. .l~fflt~ ..... .. foolltr 1J&l.IO t lOO, I .. IO' fMt, Me pw It 1~ A::t.'°t"~ t ,,.:= 1 11,000 (l't)91M4Sf" U810 ~'rlAUCKI ~1!!••••••••••••1.~(f "11ff .......... ,l/J? o.ii ., .. 1 nf.•491 enY\ll'M Mutt 1111 1n-74n .,,.. ..,,.. LOOK FOR GAEA T COMI If.Diii OA1.l '0111 73 Caprt good c.ondt1IOn '11 HOf\CSa CMo CYCC. 4 PUI Ufl&IU&. 11100 0r l>eet ort« 1pd, low "'""· •noo IMll IHO TAlll. GOVll\HMl!NT IUI... ..!1-MN wlM 0"17J.'~ IUl\li'l.UI JHll'a .,.I&. l't-1 ~ •• ;;,nr.;e.! •••• :".e'H' MOIORCYCLE C I ,.,_Liii 640-1499 Mull tllll 973·70 1 t or orm ., • ..,,, o 64S.3811 1 1 Lltted tor 13 tH 1010 Cun 1 f~ l.Oeclet. llandM uts to '84'~ Mu1teng Coupe, mint, new 2tt engine, 11110 1ran1, rectory elr, p i e, orlglnal own•r 1•000 7 t4/'49'4-8t11 II no 11n1 213-442·380 I lllYUln C1l1 111 --------1e:r 11 B!ACH Bl VO ••••• ...... " ••••.,•••• J .. •111 HJI Q 0 U A M IT I U W I" ter JU ,or Olr•otory Oot~1 olfloe o.akl!! I 30 . QOOd Ur at. I "Jr - T All.I -011•'0"' I ' 31t~7 b1 J· 19 lurntltllngt, eM lltla new. IH00/080 144·4099 HUNTINGTON DUCH '77 COLT f 1900 ••'• •••• • • •••• ••• 1: ••• •• .... I Ill 81tncterd Trane. Jeguer XK I.CO, 11,•I on rollere. 1400. ~~N while. _.g DESKS FOA SALE a 8oe1 Aadar1 Outald• or lnllCS. 111e. *"" txl NII au • 840· 1113 -llOrM, 762-016& WOfil YA LU ES •~•· '' 14 • 1 987·1111815-46-3'416 Road .. ., S7&0o 7a .. 1aoe ~ .... 7 ianyllme Ot1k1 •nd ma1ohlng 1100 NOii Bteu\INI Drull dining tm chelrt et MCrlb ~ 642.Q.4S3 Ml, oont..,,p bl.ti anti· 10" Dewalt out olf Hw •I l&&O Replaoement I IP ._.,. qua look . I olHa llao1ory mounted on co11U300 CALL DAWN --- 1900/0bO. 780·3303 trellar . UOO OBO 9-&pm M·F. 833-0800 Aune, MO. MW.1& wkdya, 8&1·010 e¥91/ M&-04411 eve IBM Seletrlc I, tuat oom.-... , ,,_, .... IN THE FRIDAY EDITION OF THE DAILY PILOT! wlcndt IMN'I lwMf heir pletely OVBl'haullCI. p,_ ••••!'•"•0••••••••1':'.".l Sotld wood d1161. 42)(32'', uoo. M&-3-415 tlg• Elll• 72 A.eking CIUalo 18' LepetraU ::::::::::::;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;..::;;;=---------160. Vary good oond. • -..u.LMlll '400 c an Jen 762·1905. C.Otury .,_.., boat, 4 9 cy1, 1'5-9177 -H W--r-Orey. S3&00. 875-8l 1 ..,,, i.JJ 1111 '78 Super Sp<Wl CB760F Send ~· you lo..,. Shup 810 Bond Peper 42' H ••atthewl, twn dll. •••••'•••••••••••••••• Cualom blk, xlnt cond. Wlcku ohelra, perfect • ...... ~·t,.·t ...... ~ • .-of 30 C01> .. 1 ... 8'" >< .'. 1'', 8'A X "' .... 2-0"6" cond IOfdlnlngorllYlng heA";;;'~11o;,;;-p,rtacl t4 , 11 x 17. ooubl•· Brt1101. live •boerd. '7918'HobleC.t&1raller. Loml.1159.,,..,4 "" rm. teoM. 646-817'1 IOf 811 OClCIHloni. Great aided. label•, 1ren1pe-S 4 9. 5 0 0 PP ( 2 I 3) 12000/Flrm. WANTED Honda Trell 70 •nolH $1250 (714) 898 -2591 , (71'4) 831 ... 417 ""'~SONABLE 7 pc Clec:orttOf wtlhe rel· d t C 0 r •II n g Id e I I r 780-78 """' ten llv rm .., S1400 or 873-4419 _6:...4...;.6_·4_o:...7_o _____ ---1-1-·-----38' MacGregor C88 or 538•3846 belt otter Duncan Phyfe din tat>I•. 1111 IOl1 *Ill llUll 5'48·1689. • 7 3 H o n Cl • 5 O 0 • .C 559-4124 b ua pa '"' b .. u1 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• Winner ol Cherao1erliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil S7001olr Acce11orle1 & Double m•nfe bed, n..,. ..:.~ $;;&. 645-2573 PIGEONS: Roller1 •nd Bo•I Parade. 17' Xlnl ••t•••••• ••1111 • alrH . Nd• wt! 546-'4'453 ..... ---------1 Capuchin• ahow blrd1, bay crulaer 12600 or - - -m.,, new me1tre11. No boa ..... , .. • 1100 12 .. ch 942-4853 •11et ~ .. 73 7017 (Venlure). New meln &I'd 1_...;. ... ..:_ ______ _ epnngs. M 2 648--7011 CNll ._ 64e-8183 _5_:30__,;p_m_.______ belt o .... " • • Jib, made tor MecOregor YAMAHA 100 Enduro. 10 B••ul. leaded gla a• SALE Celllornl•n 17'n FG. OMC $410 71.C 54~30 ml 1300 or trade tor llah. bookcaM/deetl & pr•• 011 palnllnga. algned, see 10 Chevy eng. w/lrllllfi. gear 5'48-9832 • land~·-"Oii S 1000 $""" s 1 S 18 O O . P 111 P •" Y • s l . , t>IC1l roc:lclng chair, 1dnl "' ._,.....,.. · Schneuara ""• prng-538 •3008 or w or k 28 Cluelc loop ( ud9'1 88 Herley 900 Sportll91', concL Ae•1oneble sac S300. 875-7788 er Spenlela S196, Pil 847 5688 1 8), N w p I I 11 P , no 1rana, nda work, loll 859-9e79 FOOTLOCKER Approx 3• Bulla $239, Mlwed kitten• • S2400/0BO. 873-5547 of chrome, gd eng A&· Comp Beel w/ mall, boa x 2· Gd oond. $12 S10·S15, Mllllery m•caw 1970 18' su..,.rllne wllrlr, S•ntene 525 bHulllul k 1 n g s 9 o o M 1 k e eprga, & frame. XLNT 848-5885 !:!Ovet~.~~~9a'~· 110 . MercrulHr. Good ahepe 7\1\ h. P Honda 642-21181 111 7pm cond. $50. 966-8318 JoM Wayne Tennis Club _.:..;________ tor flahlng or alcllng. Ell 1 r a e . $ 13.5 0 0 '82 Kaw. KX80 4 Poster King WetBl'blCI Family Memberanlp Try CONURE PARROT. Very $2l50. 546"1327 538-1952 or 547-7823. $500 and metohlng Colonial S1500, 780-0499 ~~'!1e1.853C•ge Incl S50, 16' SOUTHCOAST .• 11.._ •• ~ .._. Sieve, 546-2082 O, ..,...,. G R E A T S H A P E I •• ~•I ,_~ ~r2~72!.100 /b1t olr. Hcooenpld111_ EBleoec Sc3o5n01.rox11n,1 -,,-,,r .-.-,-,-,-Or-,-.-.-,-,-_.-$6000/0BO. 548-0261 ···w~;cis":,t;;4·~··· '78 l(ewuakl KZ~ I UV z, ·-bllore 2PM, 845-1579 u1 Fly S'"25. Clean, llmed, lune . 0 Firm mat1re1s 1 t4/ •••••••••••• ••••••••• .-. "' ml. atras. S1300. Such 11 Spi ce Hiier bed. dre-551_2803 Kimbell piano upright Fr. 111. 2PM. 875-8260 dealt 6'4l·3293 -•· c.tblnet• Md bed• frullwood w /bench 4 Ill UllOI •II In one. $60. Hometlohl XL·2 Chainsaw moa old Sac. $2500 ZI' IY IN/1 IU,. Iii t Bt•fl S./1/ . 557-6448 Ueed 3 limes SlOO ~4-e211 Volvo Penta 130/270. ~i HTI 111 • ' IJIO (714) 682-0907 1....:.---------Sturdy, 1111. Cl•aelc, •••••••!•••••••••••••• b•!.{11llt•fl ••• •ttt lalM .... I like new Kimball Spinet cenler conaole ateerlng. Slips av•llable, Corona R~~j~ 26~·,;;0,~;·h·;me. PRICES START AT: Sol• Full alte l(lre long Or1ho piano & bench 1111 than $3750. Cl•I Mer area. S9 pr II, sips· 8 fully loaded Beds S197, Sofa & Love meltreu, box springs 1 yr. old. Ceh alter 8 pm. 675-1980 or 833-e701 peg 0 y 0 r c 1 r r I e · 6'45·8618 Se at S 1 8 7, 8 e d 1 • S 160. 7 14·9e4·22'40 955-1488. 27 II Chrll Craft Cabin 955-2473 wtidya 8-S Maur-end 'oundltlon FIAEWOOO: Beach fire· Anllque piano; oak Inlay Cruiser $2500. Trade tor .. 1 Pt, •Hrt•• 'll lt41• Traat VII Sell, Twine Sn , lull s97. piece. Lg box S1. Sm on burlwood S500 or aporta car ~ -21 '. duel rear whl1, re- OUMn Sl47• King Ste7, boll 50e. 548-7062 best otter. 6'48-5919 681-2521 Excellent Newpor1 Har· frig, atove. port• potty :l pc llvlng rm l•blel H 7. ----------,1....:...:..:...--------bor foe. NHr Public $6900 OBO. 873-2265 4 Chair Dlnn11t1 Sel• POOi table, elate, cuslom WlllUTZlll IPllfT Mu11 llquld•lt 28' Well· Dock. $15,000. 554-232~ - St71 bunk bad e wllh dMlgn. $435 OBO. Lei's LI wood. Sl IOO or bell era" Nova w/lrlr. Slpa .c, B '79 Vogue 29', rear balh, matt $177. _C1M __ 1._1_so_-_11_4_9 ___ ~1 otter. 96,..945,. xlnt cond. ht S8900 WANTED: ~B •r••-o~t 25,000 ml, lmm1c. $42, .. _.IT ... -I Bk e I 11. p 11 I p I y slip lor 3'4 sellboat, 10141 000. PI P 5'49-5023 ....._ I 12 PC PLACE SETTING Moving. Wurlll:rBI' eplnel 6'45-723017~2 It bHm. Ideal tenant. a O 1111 ler~tr1 IHll Llf hl ollve green/gold plano, '4'7W' wide. 2'21/4 t-883-895e •11 tpm. f1•1/11..,, ft•nl 7J1 •eu 1r m on wht s3oo. <1ep1h. 3'1" high. seoo. '"""' WllllH 40' Npt Bell mooring ·6i'Ai; .. ;;;;;·i e~:·;;,j H1...... Cryllal Ml 12 PlllOB 1_8_'4_2·_3_58_9______ 25 11 Skip Jack Hunllng-w/18' Inboard, dlnll & conlelned. Gas appllan- ---------I Cfyltel Mt, green. 4 stem Ii" IH3 ton Harbour Slip lmmac, oara Incl S 10,500. ces $l800 830-1135 boellbur Seti .. t ·ee. 38.000 mllH , Cherry, n ew wlrH Sl3,t96 Marty dey1 973-t3'411. -873-134'4 '73 Caprice 01a .. 1o con· vert XL.NT CONO. S2•95. Ev• 494-5588 f WINI """' Hll ...•......•....•••••.• LARGEST JEEP DEALER In Iha W•t deaperet.iy need• your JEEP. HJQllMI eon., Paid Cell Gary Grty HUii Ol&IT &ll0/,111/Rll&ILT 2524 Harbor Blvd., CM 549-8023 846-7770 ft•tll ''" ..•..•.••••........••• 'll LUY PIOllP EKtra clean wllh ..,.ry low rnlle1. ( 1505407) Redu- ced 10 IHll Biii Maxey Toyota 19202 B .. c11 B111e1. Hntlngtn Bch 992-0SH 'll CHEY~ T• LO•llEI PIOllP Wllh aux. lank. (IMl6933) S2tll Biii Maxey Toyole 19202 Beach Blvd. Hntlngln Bch 962-0829 Top Dolar Paid For Your Carl " ...... ... u ........ , • .,, 2828 Harbor 81vd Coale M... 5'40-~ Premium ptlcae paid for any ulld oar (foreign or domeellol In gOOd Gondltlon SM Ue Flrtll Hlghesl oa11h 1mmeo1a1ety lor your vehlole. DO· meallc o r foreign 551-8285 '79 AUDI 5000 Sunroof, crulte. ate. 11ereo caes , loaded, xlnl cond. $7000 875-7424/675-9565 Ill.II Ill gt ..... ,,, 12 ptaoe ea •• !!!I •• •••• ••• •••.••• loa<led. 12200 dn. S 111 S45-873'4 $200 759-1206 mo. 557-0327 ev, ---------120 II Travel Trailer. King u weterbed wllh • Atomic Arc Team Bionic &6i-<>500 da Slip tor rent: Pwr or sell cuslom carpeting, excel- beeut. headboard w/ Men'• Alhlellc & Raque•· racing akla, 207 cm. new. w/let-down mut Balboa lenl cond. Musi sell '81 Datsun '4ll4, lllng cab, '78 Audi 5000. 49.000 ml, 12,000 ml, fully equip· air. sunroof. $5400 OBO ped. $7800. 581-2758 _9e_2_-e_1_3_6 _____ I lighted mirror; aleo mat-ball Club membership. $180. 8'4-0·130.C evs 27' Cnrla twn 283'1, belt CovM. 873~7 Sl500 Ching oell night table. "~·1. taco. In Np1 Cnlr • , If--~-1~ tank, fish tinder, S5,000 3 70 8 bet 2 pu Only 3 mos old. Coat S1i5 1175-7597 •r..tt••t. _.. ·-0 B 0 8 4 2 • 0 3 8 8 . BOAT SUPS AVAILABLE: 67 • 1 . ... over $1000. Secrllloe ' • ••• •• •••••••••••••• 5'48-2352 • Newpor1 Beech: 4'>' -Cell 'l2·20' TlllllS S 4 5 O comp I • I e . .... IUOlllE 642 -4 844 lrom 9-5, $ 00 551 2519 6280 ORANGE COUNTY 30' Hunter cabin crulaer, Mon-Fri Sipe 4, 31 · • 730-. UOO. 631-4059 new canvas, bollom 50<! 1 Dutcher, Irvine '78 Datsun, S3K ml. good S .. t "'I I'---' I cone! $3500 or offer. 8' IOI• 100 .... a Cn ng Moving. Wurlllzer spinal Gun & Colector's done 8/82, 2 boat owner .... ,,, r-A•lt S.mt• ,.,,, 855..0577 a" 6PM '73 FORD 350-1 TON Stake bed. V8, rebll • tpd, dual whls. lumber rack. S2900. 557-0058 lllJV 1112 ......•..••........... chair $50. GoocUond. pliano, 4'7W' wide, 2'2'/. • m u at .. 111 S 8 O 0 0 . lkl ff10 a .~ HOO -------- 5<48-26&7 deptti, 3'1" high. 1600. 1-998-8888 et1. tpm. •••••••••••••••••••••• • AttHll11ll '76 oa1sun longbed. car-• A Ii 11.aM. .... J Frigid•• gu dryer, yet. SHOW _:__1:..,-1--1-lt......:...lt __ ,,77 Jet, 18' 460 Ford. bal AH·~·;;;;,;·;;,;;.·~,; peted shell w/boot, nu UUS·IHYICE •• ~!~.~ ..•• ~~. low, ve ry clHn $150. ••ff & blueprntd Nu pnt, xlnl ton 10 diesel Rbll braku, llrea. belt. lUllH Towte •letting ..,_ --.,_84_2_-3_589 ______ -i l111111t 21 I 21 Fuler, tuner, salet. 1toan cond. $5000. 5'48-9033. lransmlulon from S16S S2850 848-6390 831-20•0 495 •949 ·•-IOI 8,. "Aoee Solttlll-I A Jet elll, wllh treller. 5 850 ., -....... "Pageanl ol the MaS1ers" frt• I te . Need• motor $1200. l2' 'I'. ,1 & up. 5 4·1 78 Datsun, lng bed, 4 •••llEl&OI UW r •" P •II• r n • I 4 5 0 · llcttela, gOOd ... 11. Fri & 1 1 _ .. 1 bo 2 I t•••-'•16a spd runs good $2525. -538-7488 •11. lpm. SUfl •Vall, S~8. Marilyn •• , -Seti. Tr• mm -••• .. • .,, ••••• ~ ................. JOHN'S AUTO OETAI-3 .6002 dye S57-'4879 2&402 Marguerlle Pkwy C S40 6937 FealUrlng weapone of all 45 HP Mere_ S 1,000. c .. ,.,, s.11 LING II 6-, Mission Viejo !!!'.!'!1. ••••••••• l!J.f _:_ag.::.=..';;-o.:..:...'T-RA-;N-S-ET--~ :'~.;::'~s~,~U:· ::~ 64 5-2730 ••• ~!!.: ........ !!.¥. ~:'~Pa~t~=~~uonlng . -:-;-:-o-rd-'h_T_P-lc-k--u-p-. -,00-1 (Ao8;:n ES~n~~~51 Men's l8K ring w/3c:ts of on 4x4 plywood, xlnt thousands of collectible IHI•, •••I MUST SELL: fully equip-Area 5 yre. 831-2544 boxes, rack & ahell ---------~~~:$~~ ~Sa~~i~~6 cond, $35. 731-2133 Items. Orange Co Fair· Ciuttt HS ped cab-over camper, Autobody Sludent needs $850. 631 -2938 ~ ~Jlmln NEW ATARI VIDEO grounds. C.M, entet gale •••••••••••••••••••••• MOO. 842•2'°'4 proJeCtl , '70 to '82. Imp 55 Res1ored Claaslc ~ 1fLfllllii 1 31 cerat (looH) di•· COMPUTER SYSTEM 3A otf Arllr:g1on St 40' Viking lor Charter lltlttl•H II.kn 1140 & Oomesllc sm cars Ille GMC. ~".T with 11on rear mond. I color VS 1 Apr s 115. 731-2133 Fishing, diving & en-•••••••••••••••••••••• trucks. Near 1011119, SS end, h)'draullc 1111 bed, all S9200. Take $3700 PP ROLLER SKATES terlalnmenl Call '82 PUCH·MAXI, brand SaveMoneySS -no junk, new runn ing gear 831-9278 PhlWl IHlllltl Ladles' s:r 7. $45. Sherrl 682·2788. new. never used, S450. 2nd o ffi ce service $4000/bsl Must &ell Beautl tul 1•nct. GAR· and other g.emes. From 759-9200/ 1>40-4270 •-• •.•o .••• ,.I 6sa40 8 -8801 te•ve mu-213-944-8452 _8_•_&_·3_0_3_7 ____ _ S $4 hi 195 to '495. 548-6469 ,.,.. • e " 0 NET • only ••c -----------lSlngle 72 Scuba tank & N-pon. 71.C/631-3600, Chrome front bumper & 78 Courier P.U. Rbtt 1800 840-8688 Newport Beach Tennie b&Gkpack. Brand new 494-4806 '79 MOTOBECANE. Un· 11one guard tor Toyota cc eng Roll bar. mags, 5 Club Memberahlp avail., u.s. CllVBl''s Slngle stage ---------1 Cler 100 mlles. has bu-4X4 $50. 546-1973 P·A ores Smog ce11 8 to While gold ring, eapphlre Be a II o Ir Care Y Aquarlua Regulllor. INll s.JJ IOI kets. $400 640-8801 6 M on 1 hr u S 1 t eurrounded by 3 die· 84G-<4522 $200 for Ill. •••••'·••••••••••••••• ... ...,. message PAINT & Ille body work. 7141898-4822, daya. monds, $000. 552-«09 18' Hobie Cal, yellow w/ · up 10 50% oll your body 1 _____ ..c..._.:. __ Men's Roller Ska1ea t7 l.C) 662-0907 leq. sunrlee salla. Like lft1Wt7t/11/ shop .. 1. Biii 536-9832 '72 Chev C-10 cuslom cab LirnlNk HTS Sz: 120. like new, $1 5. Seara Compact exercise new. S2500. 675-8181. •------.aJSO Ill FUT·-pick up. •n ion, 8 It bed •••••••••••••••••••••• 731 2133 ... di 10n ,._,. ~•a• ~ 19S.• PS I --'I I WllllH .... . bl .. e, a usl lens , ...,..., lido 14 & trail«. 111975, •••••••••••••••••••••• $250 631-7570 Mike , Auto. • r. ex ..... en SPA practic.lly new. Mull mileage lndlcalor 160 good cond. 1975_ Mual Y•m•h• OT 175. S1ree1 ...:.::..:...:.:..· _......;____ body. $1800 OBO. Cell Wnten ....... Mii, no rea&onable otter, _~_2._1_s_.c_1_____ selll 8,.2•9735 legal. mini condlllon, !Ike •-alier 4 PM ........ -. ll8d 5 9567 •· ----------! new wlth only 350 mlles. A•IH /11 .. 11 ~8-877• -•'""'"••-refu . 5 2· 7 65 Mauaer rifle, good t2' Salllng Dinghy, S&S Cell Mark al 1>45-2038 II •••••••••••••••••••••• 1---------31792 Camino Capl· M--1--1 cond $100 .. _ • .., , ....... ly .... 50 no an-..... ~ ka&n IMPORTANT NOTICE 89 Ford F100, V8, .. epd, atrano. Sen Juel\ cepi· ,.. .. ..-ti 752-5276 """'Vn• w ""' '.., . • .,,,,_..... ......, TO READERS ANO AC , new tires, body slreno l•1a..1at1 IOI 875-1980 or 833--9701 trying .. evenings besl. ADVERTISERS straight, nds pelnl 3-023 •••• •••• ••••••• •••. ••• ice Hockey gear, compt 0 C T 7 49 1 ALTEC-LANSING 1205 ,.1, 1119 9.13 yr old. $50. Go:! ~on:'.Es~ iirm 1976 Huaky 125 MX. In The price ol Items ae1-1_s_13_5_o_.c_94_·_68_5 __ _ llJlffJ/••N•I ,,,. pow•r•d P.A. spkrs. ~4-8989 PBffecl condltlonJ Mual ver1laed by vehicle dea· '71 Toyota V-8 Buick. ••••••• •••••. ••••••••• Bullt 1 100 11 II 6'48-4391 sell fOf ONLY $.400. C•ll lers In the vehlCHI clas~ Muncie 4 ,..-.. Mina, bl • n we amp • Scuba Pro t1nk1 IBt of Mark 11 6'45-2038 II no lied •dver11Slng column• ,......... • A~q::h "!~~.:c~ :,~ flera wllh crossovers. double 80"s & b•~k paek, I aH• Ull anawer. pluae keep CIOBI not Include any s~~'~o $~~~?.~:·;·~:4 & rec°'d Pl • ._, .... 5.00., Xlnl cone!., loud, clean $175 493-8163 --" 25 1ryln•• .. evenl""'a best •npllcable t&Jtes, lk:ense. ,_, .... S«ind, Ideal for audit<>-· s big t>ucksl new • ··• .... Corvalr Ven. Auna good "JVC" 1eble AM/FM I s a d /o larne ~ •·~I '~~. ,__,. 1~ 3 de.,. In '78 Yamaha Y""""-)(Int lransler 1ee1, llnance S350 6'45-2730 Marti. 11ereo radio with 8 trade r um n r • ''" _. f ......_.. u..., ~ ,_ $ 8 5-0 C 11 charges, lees 10< air pol· & record pleyet-S75.00; groups. Outalindlng Blfi ltuH 1111 Ille O'Oey llngle h•nde<I c 0 n d • lutlon conlrol device '78 Oa1tun P.U. 4 apd, balhroom "marble type" buy. s7oo 1°' the pair or ••••••:f••••••••••••••• championship• Fully 7l•l 8"4-l538 •l1 5pm. cerllllca1lons or dealer 2000 eng, Weber cerb. alnk In 1 door & 2 Cir.-will trade for other musl BEAUTIFUL 25'" RCA equipped. Sach • Penlon 175 Prolo· documenlary prepara-louvers, cuatom tall gate cablnel plua mllchlng 2 cal BQ!'lpment. 547• •945 Colo< TV sale. 2 yr wrnty. The Luer SIOfe type,,,._ 11ened. SSGO lion ch1rges unless & lnlr. Custom P•lnt. door wall cab inet & S148 Free dell\19fY. 824 W. l8lh St, C.M. OBO 536-0549-01herwl1e specified by $3 500/obo R icky "marble !ype" wall elllll, YAMAHA Base Amp TV John's 8'4&-1786 642--0M6 . . the adver11aer. 540-7618 111 lor only $100.00; Heed with 1 double 15" JSL Orephle Equellter !---------" bl k S20 00 PV apeeker cablnel like ft~ ......... S'--rl, Go1t•I f5JO VHI ff1., horte •n et-. ; Fender Besa Precision 759:920oie4o..."27o Boat picture ads provide •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• g Ir I· 1 r Id In O II at Qul\at with caM and ex---------...-:--OUllT, 1112 '76 Dodge V911 Conv t1ma1•>-S26.00; ,,.,, oer TV -. P * •111 •ru * floor mall 14)·l~O.OO: HH • all In excellent Wall mount cualom or ~ Low mileage" 4 ass .., oondltlon. s TE RE 0 c AB IN ET ~ 493-2874 or 1-346-5428 SUMMERTIME FUNI Full new 14 Inch lloht alloy 111-0tlt 1·1PI M OO. 759-1208 o0·, Evening• velour capt. chelr1. m•I· rims (BMW's) H I ol ~" Ching 1olebed panel. ~,!~~;:::, ~ 4 pc Lud'#lg Orum Mt, no Y!f!!.!'1.~P.'.~'!!M'!! s~' 9 Aag,.::;~ fSZO :~~11:1;, (,:93rr,1:;: dial lfrH 195170 HR cymbals.. Ce.II aller .c PM Pacific Micro Weve Ant-i\' • • ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Just need reliable Parly 1'4·$100.00: BMW 3201 5'45-0388 ennas. 24 hrs. Free mo-~ llffEL .. l"1I lo make amall monlhty tloodmHk-$20.00; mfr· vies C1 ll Clancy ~e-r 0 r m e d 1 c 1 n • Taleamlnl F-375S gullar 63 t-0906 59 Shey replicas; pickups & pmts No old contraclS 0 I d & ---~=---:----coupe1 4 l o choose t o auume. No back cet>lne1·S20.00. Cell rums; nM1. 1 an I •-...t--. ..~ 8"2..0138. cytnblt. Doug 846-3302 ,..,, _.._ / from! (008788) (Stk. pml•. due. All< for""" Lal I A3093). Prloes atenlng al 842-'4'400, Prolo LIM Liff IW.Mll OINn hlaltalf I •• ~.!f!~.......... ,J •Y 11,ltll ·75 Ford Ven. 80,000 ~t>!u~~ o'r: •• ~!! .... !'!! ~!~~~{. •.•..... ~{! 'ir ~!~g;~_rru1rc' S2300. helium belloonl.. Perfcl 3·M DRY PHOTO CO· BOAT TRAILER. 10,000 for all occ:ellona. Beat• PIER. Good working GVW. Dual ul•. surge A•lfl WutH ffH fhe "hide" out ol roeM. cond .. $49/bll olr C•ll brakes. alnt. S 1450, •••••••••••••••••••••• 873-44 19. 873-7311 ~>873'4 WE Ply I I TOP DIWR Sales-Service-Leasing lnCAR'VER R.lli IU1CE ·Ito\ 1\ \ "41 ·~ •••• .,,,,. • • • , ,,,., ' ,. " ....... '4.1..1 '79 3201. Brown, tan lntr am/Im ater cess. sunrl, mitg wtils, air conct . 39. 000 ml . .Xlnt cone!. $1 1, 500, 6«-1538 alt 5pm '79 5281 4 epeed, leather, BBS wheela. EJ1cellen1 con d . $13 ,500 8-44-8325, 559-~442 1111 Utt lllW Sunroof, AM/FM casset· te. A /C, Alloy r ims, Au1om111lc. low mlle1 S14,500 or beet olr. (714)529-6202 03' 8813 ,,, 76M84A HU 11,MI J '1IJ 74 Coll, xlnl running .!!'!!!'.••••••••••••••• cone!. good tlrM. 73,000 '76 1n1eroeptor conven .. mllu BEST OllFllR whl wl wOOd duh, HK Oey1 857-2819 ml. 121,950 no.een. /J•l•H 11 '7& lnterc.ptor conv.,,., • ••••••• •••••••••• • ••• Wht w/wood ONh. ~tK LIMmt trfll mt. s21.060. no-t977 12.1% Fin avlll. 0 .A,C. •• Ill ••• TllOll COSTA MESA DA TSU~ 'll DlTSUI 210 Clean end rune greet (391NLQ) $1891 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 Beach 81vd . Hnllngln Bch 962-0829 DATSUN * 210 ZI TWiii * A HIS ANO HER MOOELI .. , .... w. 11~ .•.......••••......... '71 Karm1nn Ohle. new pelnl , reblt mo1or, $2800 5'48-4'448 '14 Ill& ONYllT lmmecul11e. low ml. Aek for Tim, 838·8911. I '70 Karmann Ohl& 25K ml on rbll llr\CI. am/Im caea, Riviera rime. tinted wln- Clowa. S3700/bal olr No trades 566·4380 or ell 7, 848-4173 1-Aulo .. 1·5 speed slick, IOI M&IHl Ctlll MUHllU)j bolh have Lux. Pkg wl --------- pow. windows, a.Ir cond .. MBZ!i8 AX 7, '79, Mini cruise. & have plush cono 5 spd, A.IC, Am/ Interiors Wiii aell one or Fm cass. Mn/rf, Cua lnll both. (088ZSR) (150721). u 1, S 9 9 9 5 . ( 7 1 3) Jusl need reliable patly 631-0300 10 make email monthly --------- pmlS No old con1rac11 #1ttfffl ••• ITf~ lo assume No back •••••••••••••••••••••• pmlS. due Ask lor Rose e MERCEDES 842-4400, Proto U M WAITED 1180 DlTSU• 210 11__. hllin P.W 5 speed transmlulon, •-•• low miles, eacellent con-Call Paler Kay. dltlon, Cilean, AM/FM Olaf 213 or 71'4 radio, 2 new tires, '83 II· 837-2333 cense paid & MUST IHH tf l•,.rtl, IH SELLI S3995. Call 675-3011 or 6•2..0138. •EHUEI llU. Custom 1972 240 Z Im· mac 1hru-out, S spd, ra- cing engine, custom lnl, stereo. & much more. 641-7595 ESTATE SALE 1980 Oetsun 200SX. xlnt cond. Orig ownr, accep· ling bids. Wkdays please call, 759 ... 229 74 B210, 4 dr. auto, Xlnl cond lnalde & out. All recpts. $1900. 4?14-9848 1981 Datson 280ZX. blk, :11lnt cone! Loaded. 5 spd, T-top. $12,500, OBO 675-3937 llH SELlmtl IO ttWI l.USI That's rlghll No lronl money required. jull your good credll (0.A.C.) Call for more delalls .833·9300. Ji• IUllllS l•NITS Aulhor1zed Mercedes Oealet 1301 Quall Street NEWPORT BEACH 81 380SEL Under 9,000 m iles, Orient Red . Chrome Alms, Sunroof, perfect cond. $4.C ,000. Wkdys 7141557-0711, '78 280Z. 5 spd, fuel lnl. e v e s I w k n d s sunroof, 49K, $5900 obo. 714/67~46'4 ~~-=~:60500 X658, evs MIST SELL! .75 B210. good cone!, orig. 3000 1980, Snrl, new owner 4 spd, am/Im • llres. very clean. S19.000 Sl500lobo. or b:st olr 962-8392 551..07441759-7966 ·79 3000 4 door aeden. Perlecl cond low ml· leege light blue prlv ply Day 5•6-6355, Evea 873-S494 . ·53 Studebaker Champion Fii llEI Olll 5 pa11 cpe. Nie• ear WI •ullM 67 Clasalc. Sharp! 4 door, With air conditioning end S3750. 213/592-1792 ---model 2000. Runs grHll stereo (102TXA) Redu- '11 lCCOll " 0 SOON YOU ll 8E SEEING SIGNS AAOUNO TOWN Cot.LL.ING ATTENTION TO SALES! 111111 I llOIUIFIL Ullll llU ........................ , 1. Piece your ed In the Delly Piiot CleMtned MCtlon (It'• beet to run 3 deyt ror maximum expoeure). tt you pey for your ad In lldvance we'll run It 3 d•Y9 Md only cherge you ror 21 2. G9t your FREE Gerege Sai. ligna ( .. JOU ...,_ to do It come In 10 the o.lly Piiot & pay for your Id In ldvence - we wttt atw you two 11 • 17 siena - FREE of Char;.). 3. Prtoe eect'I ~· ~f merchendlee._ 4. H•v• plenty ot cn1nge on nano (ntcket•. dimes, quarter•, halwl, one and ftV9 dollar blllt). a. ,..._, Mv9.tun. end count your money llt tM.., of lhe ~. DAIUN.Of CLAl~AH CAU.'4M6'1 ..-.. ....... 28' Erle&On Fully equipped crulM, 8 H iit , UHF, compa ... cover•. Pltfee1condition11e.soo ,J 123 .. 5e7 Set your course for fest sales with a Dally Piiot boat picture ad. Each Saturday, the Delly Piiot wtll offer you ad epace that not onty descrtbee your boat, but plcturee It • ..ii. The price It guaranteed to buoy your t plrlta -SA6 If we take the picture, and only $40 If you provide the pleture for a 2 column 3" ed. For further detail• ab"'t how Delly PllOt bOet picture ed• cen work for you and to echedu .. your ed, oaM &42-6878 Md Uk for S.lly Lee. _... PllTlll/lllUI $2800/0BO. 759-1677 ced 10 ~ ..... he4-2480 Harbor Blvd or 831--0900 $3218 1948 FO<d woody Wa-COSTA MESA 1975 BMW 5301. lit• blue, got!. S 13,000. Mf-4111 aunar 4 •""', $S lOO. BILL MAXEY TOY OT A ....._. .,..... 19202 Beech Btv~. 1929 Ford Model A Town 141-1411 673-5905 Hnllngtn Beh IM2-1'829 $eden, S10,000 ---.-1-1-IY---'70 2002. Perf. cond. N-•78 .. CCORO Surf / lnl. N-paint, runs pert "' n • wn 1963 Studebaker A11an11, OL.QI •••1 12500 Firm Im cua S3800. S5500 675-8161, """ 875.97.c9 Cell 538-2218 Olda 98 C-o-n-va-r-1.-19_4_9,..., lll TllOll .77 B MW 5301. 4 Cir, '79 Prelude, air, am/Im, orig .. 85,000 ml, 15300 lmmac:. aunrf lthr aro/ elec1 moonroo1, Clean AU. QA 404-352·2222 Im ceu. elloYI, piw. 4 S5595 499-290 1 Sam IOd. S&4llO. Mlll'ly days 19 8 1 H 0 N D A C I V I C '71 MGB Convertible, alnt mech, p•lnt. lnl , new wire whla & racll•. mint. $2500. 833-2324 r!!'.-!!! •••••.••• 1~ff Ll&ll A ltH PlllllT .... TlllllUIL ·ea T -Bird; 1n11ex1 rut lk 9'73-1345, IVlt 673-134.C ox 1300, 511...,., rMtalllC, nu eng-1ran....i.t·br1c1, "79 7331 em/fm etereo red lnlerlof, polyotycoat, $289 etc. S4llOO. 831-9271 ca111tt~. black wired ~=4tc,~~~h.:l Ofr 1941 C•dlneo, mocs.t 81 lelther. Take oYat !MM. ----·-----8edene11e, mini , orig, .. llTB 2 13/978-0 188 d•y•. '78 c111 H.B .. 4-apd, 451( permonth pluatu aulo, radio, 83.000 ml. Top dollert tor I P«1• 2131372~245 IYM ml, 13200. Xlnl cond . .co month cloaed end 115.000. 84LIIN\1 ~1•4r!'a·. &ug~.· Campa,.., ~'/!!. 1111 Diane 531-2844 '"" on eppro~ Cr9-~ • .wdl dlt. Cep 0011·$15, 131: 1te2 Chryaler Newport A9IOIUICMG" ••••••••••••••••••• 7&CVCCWQll.4epd,11lnt 1 1850 cHh required. Mdan, mint, MIO, A/H, M -'H CAPRI cond. 12500. Come In and eek lor di- AC. S1260. 94&-6llo1 " ...WMll * .... * 9H·1341, Mu lallsl (Ser,1eetl). '67 T·Blrd. ti.eu1. reeto-ta111 ._,,,IMS. !:: u:'~ aT:'.:':; '71 OIYll IUOI •PllTI ~. Stermlet blue; 2nd HUNTINGTON MACH PUAl POWIAI Equip· OrHt condo, em/fm Ml OoYI 81t91e OWnet~-·__. 20.1~8•000• ~r~;s. 1 Ml•.. p1C1 wttll all ttle 09tlon• I 11ereo ou a. rablt eng. NEWPORT l!ACH --8A -I to crulM In oomlort. The SHOO. 90·47&0 aft. 112-1111 17.000. ('415) 1 . WllTDI UMITEO production ca-&pm. k H r CIHalc. ·es Old••1 Lat• mofel TOJO\U , ~-:.,~-~1--*-.. -,-.. -.. -.-.-1-11iiti1ittiiNi1i•iiiTr- I lupar •:· e~loi I coit:i Volvo9. ,_"Ill & v.... Juet need l'lllable par1y • Nf. idnt oond. L.oat joO. l IM ma owned Y t e "' to m•ke amtlt monlti"' MIJ9t ... ~ 100 Sunroof, AM/FM .-.o 'P-.d9na IAdyJ_20,5()0 I 'J ·--(tt.-.IQ\ "" Mllit ..,... M2"°31t Pftlt.. No old oontrecu ---a tow ,.,..., .... ,. I ' • · I to auume . No b•ak "' ......._ ,.. ., ... ·u AHtored 0111a1c 1 Pftlta.. e1w. A• ror AoM ....,. ' Mii OMC. ~ T w/ 1T rH r 1 [:J!ji~!iiii::J 141~ Ptoto UM. 1.000 ml, wnlfln atweo, I llAll • ..... ~--lift bed. "'I I "'*· MUlt .... "4, Ml OoYI lltreM ne" r unnlnt teer. c........ A I way • e ta I e In IOO. 131-4721, ...... 1030 N&WPOffr MACH •4000/bat. M ull aell.1 "• .... M••MM.. ot .... rtld·reed tfll ad• lit ...... ....._.,. ~ ! f14ifY caty ... H tfl ~.-i;;1t1;;1tc1;;,::;A.ctt~~ .. ;t-4811~;;.l:=========-= l 1' DI Orange Coot DAIL 'V PILOT IThurtdlY, Augu1t 19. 1982 ~!~.~ ...... ~!!'!.'.!!'!rt!!~ .. :6 .~. ~AW1.~~ •••••• ~ ... ~~~/!'.It!!!~ •...... ~.'.~.!!'/!!'.'!!. ...••. ~.'.,,,1.l'!l!'!!W. ...... !'.'111.Pltl. .......... ~1.'1!1.VI!!. •••••••••• ~.-.'!.~.~~~ ........... ~.'.'!.• •• ~~~ ••••••••••• lmnft ••.•••.•• ll rmtr.. ......... r!.! T!~~ ..••••.•.. 11.ff Tllmftm. ..... l!lf 1.t/P.JHr.1 •••••• 1.V.f f.tJ" ............ ll!:f 9tJl!lltt ......... l!.U 9.'!!!J!J •••••••• 11.. !ttl •............ 11.i 9H!t!ffa! •••••• Mff tilt~ 'fa tl4·11 Appe1111ana. 'U ToY Cellol. •Yel'Y Op· ... 1"8 ldn, JIMt oond., Tll UlllllT 'll IM'ditl '7t FOAOM1V9tletl Oood '17 Cu1t .. ''~i 4 IM.... Group amlfm 14100 tlon, lt,000. BlJG CITY Sl1e14ER CLEARANCE lood Int I ,,.tnt I tlrM, llLIOTlll Auto, 1/0 1m11m. very cond. 3 n-1lrH. 900fl. o12r.800111nt,.t~1Py'. ~-A~ •• 1?·. Air cond A •• ,, ... 011 o 0 0 d c 0 n d pp · 7'4·190-1H3 2000. 075·1811 ci.an 11800. 406·9283 HOO 494·3211 ---:-:~~,..~·· .. ~~......-~~·-- " M '"' • of 111• mocs.1, tow mite•· • Hit• & 1uxlllary fuel . 15112-0853 'II n111L 178 2415 Station W1gon. 119 O•dlllac;a In a~th•m '70 V•o•. •·•pd, oood .,.,,,,,j IH 18 04LT'A AOVAL tanll,(IOIXXL). 'II 111.. (1lAT04t) autometlo,IOWmllM,xlnt Cat11ornlal8 .. u1tod1yl oond . 114001080 .• •••••••••••••••••••••• Oal , OOK ml . Power ., HM .,. 81 .. est Deals! Best Prices! oond. •II Qptlon1. '7500. .,..... 9113.00\e 70 Ml119tlcll 3 •Pd. Qd thru·OUI. Xlnl oond .. .... a ..,.0, Attoy wl\Mli, S ~488 •• 978·04151 , meuaoa • n cond. o.petld1ble, .. 50. 127&0 080. w11cty1 8·15 ID• Tl trim. Qood ~h1n1c11 11715-8&38 OlllLUO '715 Mallbu Cl•Hlo. Oood 891-0493 l!kyan, 407·15813 8411 l)ovt lt,..t lllape. Ntl9d• bodywork. 0 Co . '··-I I t cond. 1 ow11er Movl11g ---------~---------N!WPOA1 llACH 14. 15 O O. e 3 I· 4 7 2 t , llLL IY TIYIT& r{lnge unty 9 lW geat lie ect on ° 2500 ~11bor1:•vd. 1 a I e I 1 4 o o 111 rm , #atlHf. HI f,•tlff ~f "'.... 6-45-1030 11111 ..... '"'· ~1.'!!1.¥!!'!........... oooT"1M11Ao H5·30152 .·;;-M~~.:~a~·b;d;·~i~.~ ·u··,··a···,··~,··,·a·L·· 198e 912, 15 1p .. d, am/ .. I t I • 't I I • " ···~ 111&1, "'' ""a lllAllUOH AllC IHI 14 -·74 MONU CARlO POW9' m1g•. wide tlrH, air r-5 fNHff 1111 Im, 1lloys, Wa~·1. N9W ff•·llll • ........... •••• •••• • • 1tffrlno. power br1ke1, lllook1, n-tre111, 1'191· Ou1tom d••loned 1912 •••••••••••••••••0 ••• p11nt, ttrH and Hat1. • ittock or modified . Fln&ndng on C1a1n Ill air oond, tllt 11 .. r1no dere. 280 ang need• P011tteo2000H1tch1>1ek . . ,1:~1,~,:~1,, ::i~~';ag),-O~o'"''o" ·1,!;:o;;::~ ~n~ :~~~'. ;'&: upproved credit. We give wnrrantie11. .8:'f'!!~. f!~~ ~7J,~~0:~~r:i.;~~~"f:i; 1:;~f:0•112aOO:u::,8·:::~. :::11 1~ta~1~~~fn~ ~ ~~~:~·-Cc:c~C:,-0r,!~ Ltt4M, :-r 1•,IOI 720-Ge07da, 731-8023ev 000 ml 13050/of• • l•llfti ler'9r, IMta bl Mt-i92il xtnt cond Pllt perty 300 118• 4 •Pd. polltrso, tr1da. 87&·&8tt. Ind gOld etulhed velour ..... I • -w ~ -• 11511 848•3838 840-4702. atereo tape. clean. & '74 Mu11a"" 11. Nead• fly Interior Loaded wltll ,_ ft~I ~ Pltut t1H IH·HH fer ••rt l1f1,.1tl11. •1/•&. llJtl 1 83 ... equipment, one of • 11,IOO .... •::i; ••••••\•••••••••••••• ·75 Toyota flick-up. very ~~.::'. •••••• , •••••••• ':' Clttrttllt Ill IHI. 2400 875-7 4 whl & attrler & 1oma klndl Low mileage di· -....... L-.... It HH5 A 11 Oordl11I, new cle1n, well maintained. SEE UI •••••••••••••••••••••• Cirnlit llZJ body work. Not running, mor1itr1tor (349081 _.., -bell & muttlar, 40,000 ml, Blue w/whl apoka whl•. IEE US FIRITI -;1.-. mu• t t o w I I 15 0 • IOI L.lllPR.E '''rttllftl lall lal x In I. 12 S 0 0 II rm New uphol, new radiator. ·71 SUPER BEETLE '81 Rabbit conver1 Ohl•, tor the largoet and beat ,•7•3 N;:;;;;1:·~;~·~ir~·.~ 548-15928 Ir ltl It 548-7377 new 1hock1 & Ignition Yellow, no ruet, $2250 auto tr ant, mat p1lnt. selacllon ol new ind We h1va s £ood eelac-xlnt cond, see 10 11ppr.c.1··-8s_M_u_a_t1¥1-o-. _l/_8_a-ut-o-l, PllTllO ._..111 ltwtf 1151 comp. 70,000 mi. $3200 957-8178 545-3415 while wall1, am/Im CHS, used Bulcka In Orenge tlon of NE & USED $1200. 846-8887 Pioneer aln/fm caSI, nu 13800 Beech Blvd 833-1300 ttr.· •••• 1.···•••••••••• firm. Mike dye 540-7010 .71 BUG idnt running & apor1 neta. 6600 mlloe. Col.lnty todeyl Chavroletal Ct•li•••t•I llJO urea, $2700. 631•4700 WESTMINSTER · #}DEALER LN US A ext 2881. a~• 875-9833 looklng.' new Int .. paint, ~8a~~~·d;~:·:7g~lg~~: -•••.••••••••••••••••••• Oli1•1ill1 llSS (11•) 111·2100 ---------r • • • · '72 Toyota Corona 4 brakaa, ciulcll. Greet eves 873•1344 ,..~~...., 82 CONTINENTAL •••••••••••••••••••••• (11•) 1111111 MEISTER Dr'1V CARVER •peed, reliable tra11apor-cerl $2!75. 544-7989 ft. *MIST SILL* 1110 fllllHIU • 1~ I talion. $1200. 7151-4738 .. 78 BUG Conv. Am/fm '72 BUG, rebll ang, xlnl Beautllul n-body etyla, OIJU•• llPlllMf ·79 TRANS AM T·AOOF POlllOIE/1.11 ~ I C ~ cond, new redlala, am/ 11 S 111 b t d -* Mllf lfll * l~..)LJ ... :J"l~l'-L c11a. new rsdl1l1, lmmac Im stereo cesa .. Hklng 11 0 C • 11m ar to av a u e-Coupe Auto Irani .. 13931 Herbor Blvd. l>*)JAMl!(Y<f!llr.I MWV~nc1~1111 HLY 81100 cond. muat sell, $8400, s2300. 494_9606 11 11 '9119' ~ signed wlllmoalne com-economical diesel power SUMMERTIME FUNI Garden Grove "'""""'1&1,. .. 11 .. 1,,.l r.444 •75 Toyota Corolla. Gd bst olr. 759-1970 2.925 Harbor Blvd. 'IO OHll!.'1IETIE lort. Luxury Int. & com· & loadedl (26421 Attrac-Midnight blue mei. va-.........,..,. CLOSED SUNDAYS cond. 1175-3854 altar .67 l/W Bun, xlnt cond In '81 Vanagon camper, 10K COSTA MESA 1:1 pletaly appolnlad Incl live cart · lour bucket 1aa11, con· L•••'--5pm -· ml. AM/FM Blaupunkt 979 2100 Auto. trana. and alr con· elac. Inst. pa11el & entry OILY 1 .. 1111 sole, an powe1 aiitras. Ult -..... · & out. vary clean. s2300. cau. $13,000/0BO, • dltlonlng. low miles and sys tam . Auto . w I • & moral (1BCB262) Jutt 114 111·2111 $uj 1110 613•6996 1·828·1846, 1·738-0487 76 Buick Ltd. Clean. runs clean. (1ASW475J overdrive to give you llOWAlll Ot.t,,tltt need rellabla party to ·eo 924 Turbo, 101dad. '80 924. T1ke over leaaaa plus get $1,000. 714/82S-1808 '78 PORSCHE 924 Blk/blk. Slaupunkt tape atareo, 1lr, 11ew tlrae, aunrool. $1900. 545-0439/(213)308-4819 •••••••••••••••••••••• F!!~!'!I~ ....•.... !~!! '153 Baja Bug, 1835 ano .. ,79 diesel RABBIT 2 dr 5 mech well. 92,000 ml. $3488 great gas mileage while Dove/Quall Sis make small monthly 1171 WI ltll 79 TA 7, convert .. 19M ml, dual carba. Must selll spd. cassette. •13400. s1800/bsl. 893..a053 driving In stylat Juat need NEWPORT BEACH pm11. No old contracts UTOIUOI 111111 cond .. beat otr ove( StOOO. Cill 673·2912. 644_9252. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA rellabla party to make Hl-0111 t o assume. No beck 50 3 1976 Buick Skylark, 4 dr, 19202 Bascl'I Blvd. small montllly pmta. No pmlt. due. Ask lor Rosa 4 speed trans .. air cond.. S55oo. 644• 4 1970 VW Square back. 1973 Vallow Sport Bug V·6. auto Irena. A/C, Hnllngln Bch 962-0829 old contracts to assume. '79 Cullaas Sup. Brghm 842-4400, Proto LIM. AM/FM cassette & In 77 TA7. AC, lo ml. 5 apd, Sun rool . auto trans, new paint w/blk Aecaro AM / FM . s 1 2 o o No back pmts due. Ask * MIST 11'.LL * Flreblrd .77 Formula good con d 11 Ion. A M / F M c a s s , runs good. $3200. call seats stereo 1p0 p215 6-44-4293 1110 OllEYlltln lor Rose 842-4400. Proto SUPREME DELIGHT 18 auto ~int co'nd brn/tan' (488AEQ). $2975/olfer. 836-6002 673-9448 betwea11 5.7 839-5.224 . CITATlll IEllll LIM , A • MIST IEElll dys. 857-4879 eva pm C1iill1t llJS · how you'll 1881 aher drl-Int. Loaded. $3395. PP, .OOH 11,0R's . & 89 Bug. AM/FM cau. runs •••••••••••••••••••••• Automallc lrans., air COTPlttl llJZ vlng this fully equip. 848•7266 '11 ••ttflra 70 l/W BUG. Clean de-good. nds palnl, S 1400. OOITEMPUTIH con d . & sun r o o I ( •••••••••••••••••••••• mldslze w/velour Int & ---------8480ova Straet E~ I pendable. $1500 , 494-6875 Al o• (526XW0). Front-wheel 11110011vm11 arrpowar.Whysatllafor '77GRANOPRIX NEWPORT BEACH ~~~d~~.~8J~6 mach 836-7364 or 974-0791 0 ILU ' drlvel 4 speed trans .. air cond less. enjoy both eco-Loaded. 60K. orig. ow- '82 Por. 92,4. Rad, am/Im 112 0100 v.1... 111Z We apeclallze In leases OILY S4411H & I d I ( CBU427) n 0 my & Cl 0 m '0 r I ' n er s 2 7 0 0 I 0 b 0 Star Cass •• unrool. 8 /c. • 673·6438 '66 Cal look. New ang/ •••••••••••••••••••••• lor the busl11ess execu-oa eel 1 · (533WEK) Just need re-545-1089 r---------. trans. nu tires. Center u 8 & p of sslo al uoWAlll Ollinilit Sharpl all axtraa, parl cond. l•Mn 116J 70 TA6, xl11t Interior, re-llne mags, new paint. # 1 V1h1 l11l1r v r e n . n OllLY •13 9911:.1 II able party to make '78 Sunblrd, a/c, V6, pwr S 14. 900, call Mona •••••••••••••••••••••• cent engine overhaul. s32oo/obo 675•7067 la Onlll Ott1atJI Lar11 l1l1otlt1 Dove/Quall Sta • , 11 small monthly pmts. No 1111 whl. auto. am/Im S trk 714/558-8001 8:30 1o 811M-S8fV!de..Leaslng Looks stunning, perfect ' If ltw 1112 NEWPORT BEACH old contracts to assume. Stereo, 60K. s3200/0BO 5pm. · IAllLllAll top . $3500 . Call 67 Bug. new palnl. runs IALEI IEll"IOE Callllllot IJJ,.0111 1110 OORVETIEI No back pmts. due. Ask 951.6191 111&111 850·9105 good. many extras. $2, • • Automatic trans. air for Rose 842-4400. Proto -------- '77'1t 924 Sunroof. Orig· 111•2140 •H-•Ht ooo All LUllll IH 11 lt1o•t 1978 ~lr!::nmlno c 0 n d . & 10 aded 1 L/M GRAN PRIX 1977 g;~· ,;,x1c7a~t cond r---------¥!!~!.'!~I!!' .•.•.• !~~~ 642-0219 OVEA~~~~fsLll/ERY NABER~ 1 _346-5428 (1BEB067) A t>eautyl r-,7-6-0-ld_s_S_t_a-,f-lre-.-a-lr-c-on-d-. ,28~c~~~n~~~~~246 497-2993 f•r..I• 111S 1980 Vanago11 , extra -OILY $11, II& AM/FM stereo, cassette, 1978 Ponch 924. Red. Air ·~ ;ll.CELICi"QT... ~~~:i: 1l· s~e~:~a~: ·19 vw Bug convert.. UllLE llE C 1\l)I LL1\ ' ·7~u;.":;~1l~s~~norc~~~i ~~~~. i;~:~ ~ru~~."~l '!.".~'!!!!~!!! ..•.. !!.~~ ~~.~~:~es~ cond Coupe with elr cor1dlllo-$9300/obo. 646-3580 everything new Incl. VOLVO c~~~ ~=~~~g!;1iio otter. 675-6866 "°!~~~Q~~~;~:.l•t fer 951-7798 ·~~ni·B~~stlo~~! &S~~~s You don't need e gun to "draw fea1 " wllen you place an Id In tile Delly Piiot Want Adat Cell now I 6-42-5878. n Ing and s I er a o . '74 VW Pop Top Camper f2200 Ferrari I red J8~ni 1966 Harbor Blvd. '78 Monza Twn Cpe. 4 NEWPORT BEACH 962-8068. (1EBE031) Elec ralrlg. Butane BOEb.SCEOE~l. ,fla. u COSTA MESA spd, Slereo. $2000/obo. 833 0565 CadlllacstoGo-Carts --------12171 Stove, xlnt cond. $4000, · n storage. 141-HH 140·1411 CAllLUO SEVILLE Call Mike 964-2046 • Whatever Iha Fad Buying and selling at a Biii Maxey Toyota 960-5543 :~f-~ ... ~~1 r.;1!89 ~~~: 1981. White and Taupe. Roll 'ern oll the market reasonable pr1ce-tlla1·s 19202 Beach Blvd. 493·2874 or 1-346-5428 SELL idle llama with a Shop at home. It'• easy Wllh a Classllled .Ad wllal classlfled is all Hnt1r1gtn Bch 962-0829 evenings Dally Piiot Ciassilled Ad. I with claa.silled 642-5678 Call Nowt 642-5678 about. 642-5678 • A TL.AS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 546-1934 3 blocks south of San Orego Freeway oft Harbor Blvd Complete ,bod y shop. Sales. Service. Parts. Service Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM to 5 30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. HACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach Tel 752·0900 Call us. W" •0 the •rt' 1 >I<; ' • A.Ila R<'"1eo Peugeor Saal> & M ... ,,.,ra11 THEODORE ROllHS FORD Modern sales. servrce. parts. body. parnt & tire depts. Competitive rates on lease & daily rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd., Costa Men . 642-0010 or 54<Hl211 • JOHNSON & SOM UMCOLM MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd , Cosla Mesa Tel 54o-5630. 57 Veers of friendly lam11y sel'lllCe -Orange Cou111y·s oldest Ltn· coin-Mercury dealership . 0 SOUTH CO.AST DOOGE 2888 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 540-0330 RV sal'\l1ce specialists. custom van conversions. "IWPOIT IW'OWTS 3100 W Coae' H i ghway. Newport Beach. Ttl. 642·940516•0-1784 The Ferrari Headqu1rters. MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel 833-1300 At the triangle of Jamboree, MacArthur & Bristol behind Victoria Station Sales, Service, Leasing & Parts. We make great deals! • NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-9100. Orange County s Largest Cadrllac dealer Sales Service Leas· ing. • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICIC-POMTIAC·MAIDA Sales • Service • Leasrng 24888 Allcia Parkway Laguna Hrlls 837-2400 G) CHICK IVERSON PORSCHE-AUDl-VW 415 E Coast Hwy., Newpor1 Beach. 673-0900 The only dealership in Orange County IMth ttiese three great makes under one rooft ... ALAN MAGt•OH POHTIAC·SUIARU 2480 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Tel 549·4300 Sales. Service. Leasing Mr Goodwrench .. • CLASltC AUTOMOltLH 785 N.ewton Way, Cotta M .... Tel. 831-1393 "JAGUAAS OUR SPECIAL TY" XK 120'a/140't/150't /E· Typtt S11tt -~ -R .. IOf'atlon1 Off Plac.ntla between 17th & 18111 In Coate Meta • • I OB LONGPRE PONTI.AC 13600 Beach Blvd Westminster Tel 892·6651 Orange County s oldest and largest Po11hac dealership Sales. Service, Parts • DICK MILLER FIAT/LANCIA "Probably the lowesl priced Fiats In Southern Catrforn1a" (located 1 mlle north or South Coast Plaza near Main St and Warner Ave In Sanla Ana ) 120 W Warner. Santa Ana 557-2132 • SANT A AHA DATSUN 2001 E. 17lh Street, Santa Ana Tel 558·7811 Your Qrrgrnal Dedicated Datsun Dealer 0 MIA.A CLE MAZDA We've moved' Our new location is 1425 Baker Street. Costa Mesa. Tel. 545·3334. Stop by & 111s1t our brand new showroom and see why we're tile #1 Mazda dealer In Southern Calllornla Sales. Servroe. ~arts and Leasing • • ANAHEIM MAIDA "Ollly O.C . ...._. DH!ff wltll frff S-lu i.o. Cwt" 601 S. Anaheim Blvd .. Anaheim 956-1820 Just north of Santa Ana Frwy. on Anaheim Bl11d. Call us f1rsll "WE ARE HARO TO FIND-eUT WORTH Ill'' • SADDLllACIC IMW /SUIARU 28402 M arguerite Pkwy • AvefY Pkwy exit Wa Offllf what no bank or lease company can: 1. Expertly •tatted. most modern service & parts dept ; 2. One of the Southland's most experienced sales & 1e1slng staff; 3 Elimination of the middleman by leasing dealer dlr8C1. 831·2040 M taslon Viejo 495.,.949 COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tai 540·6410 Serving Orange Coun ty lor 16 years. 1 Mlle So 405 SUMSET FORD, INC. (Home of W1llte the Whale). 5440 Garden Grove Blvd Westminster Tel 636--4010 Q OR1ANGE COUNTY VOL VO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd .. Garden Grove Tel. 530-9190. Excluslvely Volvo to cover ell your V~lvo requirements. New•Used•Sales•Leasing•Parts•Service•Body Shop Freeway close In the lleart of Orange County al Garden Grove Blvd. & Brookhurst. 0 COHHELL CHEVROLIT .2828 Harbor B lvd .. Costa Mesa. Over 20 yea1s serving Orange Countyl Sales. leasing. service. Call 5 46·1200; special parts line; 546·9400, body stlop line. 754-0400. 0 ROY CARVER ROUS ROYCl-IMW 1540 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. &40-&44". Sales, Service. Parts And Leasing. fD CORMllR DeLILLO CHIVROLP (Fonntfly Qroth Ct\tvr~) 1a211 8eactl Btvd .. Huntltioton a..cn New • UMd • Salte • LMlfnQ • Pwtt • 8lfvtol Come by and ... our Huge lnvtntOf'YI 141-to81 549-3331 . . "' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED 642-5678 ON THIS AD, CONTACT· YOUR DAILY PtLOT REP . .. , ' -- Barriers hold • 1n Seal Beach Flood threat again tonigh t Aulhorltl~s braced for the woncl when a high tJde of 1even feet waa slated to hit Surftllde Colony In Seal ~ach. Only about 10 feet of sand seJ>arated 20 homes from the sea. Orange County Transit District buses were standing by to evacuate residents. McGaugh School In Seal Beach was made ready to accommodate displaced residents. The Red Cross was at the scene, dispensing food and beverages. But the hastily erected sand barriers -making up the first line of defen se -held Wednesday night. "We were lucky," Seal Beach City Councilman Victor Grgas said this morning. ''The weather was calm and there was no heavy tidal action. We didn't encounter all the problems that we anticipated." But Grgas said the area is not out of danger yet because a high tide of 6.7 inches is expected at 10: 10 tonight. ''We're going to be looking at how much damage last niRht's • \Ida caused before we decide what \0 do.'' hti said. Bill .Reher, public works operations manager for the county 's Environmental Management Agency, said county workers will be widening the sand berm by moving more sand into the northern part of Surfside. He said bulldozers will go lnto the surf during low tide and scoop sand for the berm. County workers as well as crews from Huntington Beach, Westminster and Sunset Beach appeared at the scene after Seal Beach declared an emergency Wednesday. About 150 volunteers loaded sandbags. Huntington Beach Explorer Scouts also helped. Grgas said the area had lost about 10 feet of sand in the last few days to erosion. He said a jetty constructed by the U.S . Army Engineers at nearby Anaheim Bay in the 1940s changed ocean currents and silting action. Sand is now being deposited into the ocean instead of on the beach, he said. OIAllil CIAO THURSDAY. AUGUST 19, 1982 AirCal workers asked to take 12% pay cut By F RED SCHOEMEHL Of the OllllJ Pttot t i.ff More than 2,000 employees at Newport Beach-based AirCal - from president Robert Clifford to ramp side baggage handlers - are being asked to take a 12 percent pay reduction effective Sept. 1. In addition, the once-highly profitable carrier laid off 104 employees four days ago. Another 56 are scheduled to be idled next month. The cost-trimming moves are designed t o "maintain profitability of the company" during 1982, Mark Peterson, AirCal director of communications , said Wednesday. The carrier, which serves 15 destinations in five Western states, blames its current financial prg.blems on a recent fare war ltiat erupted when competitor Pacific Southwest Airlines, of San Diego, slashed fares on several highly trafficked California routes. PSA cut fares by as much as 40 percent on some routes on which it competes with AirCal. The reductions were immediately met by AirCal Peterson said AirCal, prior to the Aug. 3 fare reductions, "had a plan in effect that caUed for profitability of the airline in 1982." He said the fare reduction forced company officials to ''reforecast" passenger traffic and revenue. He said officials decided layoffs and salary reductions -designed to save (See AIRCAL, Page A2) JUST IN CASE -Workers place sandbags along the tideline at Surfside Colony in Seal Beach, bracing for what was expected to be troublesome high tides. The threat pas.5ed without any incident Wednesday night when 7-foot tides lashed the sands. The area has ~n troubled for years with beach erosion and DellJ PUol l'ttoto b1 Lee •1ne the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved lend ng bulldozers, earthmoving gear and aid of state and county Office of Emergency Services workers to shore up the area. A high 6 .7-foot tide is expected at 10:10 p .m . today. lllT~ICTDI BIAGI I f OUITlll llllll ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Deity Plklt l'tlofo b1 l• P8JM LIVING DANGEROUSLY -Oscar, a 6-week-old kitten, likes to live dangerously or perhaps he is simply too young to know a dog dish isn't safest place to nap. Fortunately, the dog, Bootsie, a Labrador, hasn't been very hungry lately. The pets belong to Marty Haldeman of Newport Beach. HB police nab Anaheim store slaying suspect Huntington Beach and Anaheim police arrested early today a 25-year-old man suspected in the slaying earlier this week of Zachary J . Wyrick, 21 , during the robbery of an Anaheim convenience market. Anaheim police officer Ed Hofman said the suspect, Phillip Dolan, described as a transient. was arrested at 12:10 a.m . while seateij outside an acquaintance's home at 10071 Kamuela Drive. Huntington Beach. Dolan was arrested without inc ident and was placed i n Anaheim City Jail on suspicion of murder and robbery, Hofman said. Police had been searching for a man who robbed the Mini Market convenience s tore Tuesday night at 855 S. State College Blvd. in Anaheim. Armed with a shotgun, the man had ordered one customer and a store clerk to remain in the store, then had fired at Wyrick who was waiting outside, officer said. Wyrick was described as a recently unemployed machinist who lived near the market and was a regular customer. He died at UC Irvine Medical Center at 11 :30 p.m. Tuesday as he was being treated for massive stomach wounds. Police released on Wednesday a blurred photograph of the gunman taken by a store surveillance cam.era. Officers said it resembled the photo of a ffi;µl who had robbed the store on a previous occasion. Edison rebuts anti-..nuke group's Onofre claims By STEVE MITCHELL Of th9 DellJ l"lol llafl Members of the Alliance for Survival are taking credit for the closure of the San On o f re Nuclear Generating Station's visitors' center, despite denials from the Southern California Edison Co. that the anti-nucleai J(roup has anything to do with it. The visitors' center was cloeed to the public in late June, the result, the utility claims, of ed>nomics. "Our primary concern (in closing the center) was to trim costs," said David Barron, spokesman for Edison. But Tim Carpenter, a spokesman for the Alliance, said (Related story, photos, Page 81) his ~roup "feels confident we shut down the visitors' center." The center, located north of the $3.5 billion nuclear station, was closed to the public June 25 and is now being used as a • · •lning center f rir Edison employees. TELEVISION lndi~ns portrayed on T V "Born to the Wind'' is a sensitive portrayal of the lives and culture of American Indians'. The four-part series begins tonight at 8 on channel 4. Page C9. NATION WASHINGTON (AP) -The Justice Department and the American Telephon e & Telegraph Co. announced today they decided to accept the conditions set down by a federal judge for approval of their antitrust setUement. Nancy R ea6an 's father dies WASHINGTON (AP) -Nancy Reagan's father, Dr. Loyal Devta, 86, died~ in a Scott8dal.e, Ariz., b01pital, the White Houae announced. The first lady was at her father's bedside w h en he died. Edison owns 80 percent of the nuclear plant, located three nuies south of San Clemente. A news release from the anti- nuclear group earlier this week hints that Edison was pressured to close the center to avoid a lawsuit over public access to information. Carpenter said anti-nuclear groups sought permission last November to distribute safe energy information at the San Onofre center, but were turned down by Edi.son. COUNTY "It (the center) wa s a propaganda vehicle for Edison, · and we wanted to set up a table in the center with literature that would offer an alternative to nuclear power," Carpenter said. When Edison rejected the request, a Los Angeles firm representing the Alliance sent a letter to the utility requesting a negotiated settlement on the distribution of Alliance literature at the center. Edison rienied that request in June. S t udent b us fare charged Los Alamitos has become the fifth school district in Orange County to charge students for bus transportation. Page A6. Buddhists protest nukes Buddhist monks were among the protesting at a conferen ce on nuclear Newport Beach. Page Bl. 140 people warfare in 'Keyhole art ' in Lag una Want to take a peep at some art? Participatory "keyhole" art is a big attraction at this year's Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach. Page B3. Irvine villages passe? Is Irvine's village living concept a thi!lB of the past as the chairm a n of t h e city's Planning Q>rnmission suggesta? Paae 88. ' '' r Alliance officials said their group was successful in an earlier court case in San Luis Obispo County where opponents of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant were awarded access to the nuclear visitor center owned by the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. center. And they see no reason why they s hould n o t have been permitted to display alternative ene rgy literature at the San Onofre center. But Edison spokesman said the INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck A9 Business B4-S Cavalcade A9 Cluaified 03-8 Comics C8 Crc:mword C8 Death Notices C7 F.ditorial AS Ehtertainment B6-7 Hy Gardner A9 Art Hoppe A9 SPORTS two issues are unrelated, citing San Onofre's location on a federal reserve. "State courts would have no jurisdiction here," Barron said, adding the s tate and U .S . constitutions "have somewhat different views" in respect to equal publi c access to infonnation. Barron said the center cost the utility about $170,000 a year to maintain, adding the temporary structure, built in 1974, had an average of 50,000 to 60,000 visitors a year. HoroeroJ)e A9 Ann Landers A9 ) Movies B6-7 1' Mutual Funds B4 National News A3 Public Notices C7,Dl-3 Sports Cl-6 Stock Markets BS Television C9 Thea ten 86-7 Weather A2 World News AJ New Laguna coach · quits At leaat the new Laguna Beach High School football coach ls c;(uit\lni undefeated. It's one of thoee ' "only ln i.a.una· stories. as Denn.la Haryung comes back ta coach the Artlsta after leaving in 1977 amid unfavorable publldty. P.,e Cl. ' \ ' I -H/F OraOQ9 Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurectay, Augu1t 19,' 10U ersonal mission Cop comf Qrts friend after husband's death · By JODI CADENHE.AD or ... ~,._.,..., By the time Clay Eppenon reachtld the hou.e thent re.Uy wasn't much he could d o . Herman Richard Mahlow. 67. was al.ready dead. But Epperaon, 23, • two-year veteran of the Coeta Mesa polke department stayed two hours with Salley Mahlow, who had discovered the body of h e r husband minutes before. Mrs . M a ht ow a nd h er husband, who moved to Costa Mesa from New York City In 1964, had never been apart ~xc..-ept for brief hospital stays In their 42-year marriage. It was a tense situation,. with everyone standing around in the cold dark hours of the morning and nothing that -:ould be done. I I Alice Feher said her mom !called her at 2 a .m. Wednesday to lsay that Mahlow was dead. He 1had 8\lffered a heart attack. I ~The couple were supposed to o grocery shopping Wednesday. he list was lying on the table. But Mrs. Mahlow had a funny feeling and got up to check on her husband . Mahlow h ad Deltr Net ataff ~ DELICATE CASE -Clay Epperson found he had a delicate situation to deal with when he answered patrol call. already been dead a couple of hours. "l told her to dial 911," said Mrs. Feher. "lt would give her eomethlna to do until I ao t then:" Al aoon u the call came ln EppenlOn knew whore he wu headed. Ho had met the Mahtowa once when ho wu "a ktd" and wu dating one of thelr lfanddau1hten. "A1 1oon u l heard the location, I thought oh no," aaid Jtoperaon. "l ~ueas you lave to come to gripe that there'• not a lot you can do. You can't bring ~he pertK>n back to life." Mn. Feher said that Epperson was already there when she arrived. After paramedics left, the offlC\lr at.ayed behind to talk w the family. "He made ua feel like It was his mother," said Mrs. Feher. "He sald the right thing and cared a nd that meant so much to ua." Epperson, a lanky young man with dark hair, had the rest of the night ahead when he left the grief-stricken Costa Mesa family. Before going home at 7 a.m. Wednesday he arrested a drunk driver, answered a silent burglar alarm and patrolled an area of the ci ty recently targeted by car thieves. Election for judge's seat intited to two candidates By DAVID KUTZMANN Of the Dally Piiot 8talf An Orange County judge ruled oday tha t no additional andidates will be allowed to run o r West Orange County unicipal Court Judge Joanne arrold's seat in November -a osition for which only two b!didates can compete. Superior Court Judge Ronald en, in effect, reaffirmed his artier ruling of Aug. 4 in which e invalidated Harrold 's andslide election victory in J411e nd ordered new balloting for ovember between h e r two efeated challe ngers -Dan harles Dutcher and Ronald Nix. Harrold, disqualified because en determined she was not a egal resident of Orange County hen she filed Oandidacy papen ast F ebruary, has already ppealed that ruling. But Irv ine r esid e nt Paul obbin s, a Long Beach cit y rosecutor. also sought a change n ·Owen's decision so he could in Dutcher and Nix on the Nov. ballot. In his Aug. 4 rulings, Owen ad limited the f ield o f and idates to only Nix and tcher. In his r uli ng Owen said obbins was too late in seeking o intervene in the election tSSUe. Robbins' attorney. Larry Ro thman. argued that the general public should be allowed to choose from the largest number of qualified candidat~ possible. "Our basic position is this -all we wish is to allow each qualified candidate to take out nomination papers," Rothman told J udge Owen. The Westminster a ttorney claimed that becau se n o incumbent would be running in November, an extra five-day filing period should be allowed for new candidates to take out nomination papers. Westminster attorney Kenne th J . Golden, who represents Dutcher, argued that Robbins' challenge of the judge's ruling was "just too late." "This is a case really without precedent," said Golden. "I think the court fashioned the fairest remedy that it could." Golden's client, Dutcher, has filed a lawsuit last month challenging Harrold's decisive election victory because, Dutcher had claimed, she was really a resident of Riverside County. It was that suit which led to Judge Owen's ruling earlier this month invalidating Harrold's victory. The Orange County District Attorney's office announced earlier this week that it was conducting an investigation of remarks Judge Harrold made. during her week·long residency trial involving the backdating of a deed giving her posses.sion of a $2 million Newport Beach home owned by her grandmother. It was this home on Lido Isle that Harrold claimed was her Orange Coun ty residence when s h e filed a declaration of candidacy on Feb . 23. Judge Owen, however, detennined that s h e was actually living in Riverside with her husband and children at that time. Deputy County Counsel Victor Bellerue. who attended today's court hearing, said afterward that the Registrar of Voters office would comply with the court's final decision on the matter. H owever , Bellerue said, research by hia office indicated that it a ppeared to b e inappropriate to place the names of the runners-up on the November ballot when the winner of the June contest was declared ineligible. He said that e ith e r a vacancy could be declared, allowing the governor to appoint a new judge, or write -in candidates could be allowed solely in the November election. Mostly fair today · (~oasta l light variable winds through n1g111 except bocomlng -tatty 10 to 18 knoll afternoon end evening Southwest swell 1 to 3 feet. Low cloud• and local log night and ,,_ning houfs ~ly clearing In the efletnoon .S. stunniary . SC81te<ed lllUndetSlorms swept he north central and western lttates t o day Oth e r -11Undetatorm1 luhed Gulf COMt talM and the Soull'IMll Soma of those storms produced hall and high wind& In Blackduck, Minn . wind• were estimated at ao mpll and golfball-alted hall and up to 4 1nc11es of rain tore lhrouoh th• area Wednesday night No tnturlel -• reported, but roofs -e l>lown oft, power '"- were downed and hundreds of Ir--• uprooted, .. Id P~ Chief Oen Savleh. Sklu were generelly fair et~e In the nalloo The National Weather s.,vlCe rorecett thunderstorms today alon<;I lhe Gull Coaat end up the Atlentlc co111 from Florld• to South Carollne. Other 11orm1 -ll!pecied In Iha Rocalel. the PIAlns 111ta through the 119'* MIN1111ippl valley Into the GrNf Lake• and 1outhern New En111and. California The Netlonel WNlher Service uy1 South•r'l G•lllornle'1 •Nther 1hould b4I moatly fair Frld9)' With tome cloud'-and Isolated afternoon and 9'l8nlng thurrdei lflO'Ho"l In the moum-.. High• wlll reno• from Ill• mid-IOI In Loe Angelea, to the 90I In Ow.l9 Valley, In the llOa In mount.In ar-. from M to 103 In n«them o-i1 to 85 In Ille low o-i. 9oet8f'I lrOftl POlnt Conc41ptlon to the ~ bOrder oen upect llgllt vllriab .. wlnd1 during f,,. nlghl end morning houre, ~ ~'-tier!)' ., 10 10 18 knot• during the eltttnoon with • 1·10·3-foot IOUlllWNI ..... NOr1hwMt wlnde COU1C1 ,..... 28 knot• with 4-to-6-fOOt .._ farther than eo "'"" ~ trorn 81111 NICOIM le!and. T eniperature1 . - NAnoel .. L.e .. 18 41 .. 7a 13 t6 7t IO .29 7 AHantc Cty Aull in B•lllmO<'e Sllllngs 81rmlngllm Blamer ell BolM BOSIO<l Brownsvtle BuHelo Burt Ing Ion Cuper Cllartatn SC Cllarlstn WV Charltta NC Cheyenf\e Chlcego Clncinneu Cleve4and Clmbla SC Columbus 04'1-FI Wtn Oaytoo Denver Des MOfr>e9 OetrOft Oukrth El Puo Fargo Ftegsten Gr11at Fall1 Hartl0<d Helena Honolulu Houalon lndneptl1 Jacttsn MS Jac1c.snv11e Kent Clly Kno11vtlle LU veon Little Aock Lout.vii le Lubbock Memphis Mteml MlfwllUk .. Mpla-St.P NUl'tvllle New Orleen• New Y0<1t Norlolk No. "'-lie <>Ill• City Om41ha °'1endo 74 &4 98 78 83 58 97 71 89 87 96 67 .20 86 60 71 60 95 78 85 58 77 55 95 81 80 74 .2• 82 55 81 86 .23 87 59 .01 83 65 81 5& 78 51 84 65 .99 8t !>3 IM 73 82 55 9 1 83 85 70 81 54 81 64 02 96 72 114 tl4 .02 82 53 88 60 78 52 93 84 85 75 92 76 .04 85 53 90 73 85 73 .01 85 89 88 85 99 78 117 89 82 58 88 88 90 72 ae 75 .28 82 88 " 70 97 · 81 91 74 12 81 &4 79 86 89 85 .13 92 73 83 70 88 74 34 Snow :-:· N.a°"Y 4 V'J~,· .. ~· ..,,,., ·<t' NOA ... us ~p· :.• C.O'"'"'~C.~ Fronts · Cold ,... W arm ..., Occl .~·-~ ...-<;".11 • -.,. •• Pntledphil Plloenl• Pltllburgh Piiand. Me Piiand. Ore Prcvld~ Aalelgh Reno Salt Lake Sen Antonio Seattle Shreveport SIOu• Felli SI Louts SI P-Tampe St Sia M11rte Soo111ne Syracu11e Topeka TUC*KI TulM Wuhingtn Wlehlte 82 93' 1oe 91 82 58 74 50 85 60 78 511 82 67 90 50 93 89 98 74 75 58 90 73 84 72 85 85 83 75 1.40 79 511 H " ~g 84 88 98 70 93 71 83 84 91 88 M~vllle Monterey Oakland Puo Roblee Red Bluff Redwood City Stcf 8m41t'itO Sallnu San Otego San Fran<:llGO Santi Barbare Santa Marl• Stocklon Thermal Ukleh Bara tow Big 8Nf Blenop Catalina Lake Arrowri.d Long 9eect1 M()fl(011fe Mt. Wlleotl CAUf'OtlMIA Bakerelleld NewpOf1 8-:1'1 103 74 Ontario Blythe EIKaka F~ Lencelt• Loa Angelaa t07 Pelm Springe es 65 P~ 100 88 SM BemwdlnO 9tl 84 San JoN 8 1 88 Santa Ana 98 64 88 94 S4 98 67 78 58 9t 55 63 52 78 70 60 55 72 55 74 96 82 1oe 92 98 77 81 45 95 86 12 ea 82 56 81 es 94 to &4 ... 73 &4 94 83 107 • 92 81 101 85 78 5e 83 83 ... \;-liiiim.~~u ........ R_f R_f P_DR_T Smog Wiier• to cell (toll frH > lot 181811 emog Information: OrllllQ8 Coun1y. (IOOI 44&-saff LOI AngalH e ounty: (800) 242-4022 2-4" ,. ... 2-4ft ~ • ., 2-4ft ....... .., 2-4 ft goocl .,. 11:21 1.m. Low 4:61 p.m. Swell R1¥er91C1e and Sen 9emerdlrlo counti.: (800) 397-4710 AQMD fpllode Center: (8001 242-4MS Tides TODAY S«lond tow •:OS p.rn. 1.4 lecond high 10: 10 p.m. 8.2 ....., .. l"lret low 8:00 Lm. 0.1 Flflt hlgtl 11:21 Lm. 8. 1 hcOftd" low 4: tll p.m. U l.oond Ngti tO:OO p,111. e.2 lun Mt• toctey et 'l'·H p.m .. rtMt lfl'tdlry M t: ti a.m. Moon ,._ t~ It 1:47 p.m., ... ,,. .. •:H a.m. From Page A 1 AIR CAL • • • about t 700,000 monthly would be Implemented H op~ to mchedl.ile reductlora. "It l1 vJtally Important for ua to remain attona ln the ma.rke&a Wl' aerve." Petereon Mid. Abo ut 2,200 people~ert: employed by l ~-year-old Al.rCal prior to Sunday'• layoff1. About 800 employco1 •re bHed In Orange C.:Ounty, Petenon &aid. Clifford and other senior AlrCal officials are mt.>etln& with r e presentatives ot three employee unions this week to wln approval for the salary reductions. "We are hoping tor their cooperation," Peteraon said when asked about the unlon1' response to the carrier. "We anticipate a favorable rest><>~·" The unio n s incl ude the Transport Wo rke rs U n1on, representing flight attendants, ramp personnel and mechanics. Teamsters Union, representmg pilots, and Stock Clerks Union, representing airline clerks. Neither u cket agents nor management employees are unionized. Keact1ons from employees who work at John Wayne Airport - the hub of AirCal's route system -was ruxecl. "I'm just thrilled. Can't you tell?" one female ticket agent said sarcastically . "How would you feet?" Trash transfer " fee corrected Due to a typographical error·ln production, an incorrect figure appeared i n a story in Wednesday's Daily Pilot on a fee to be charged at county-operated trash transfer stations. The fee. effective Oct. 11, will be $8.50 per ton. Th e story incorrectly said the fee would be $6.50 per ton. The Daily Pilot regrets the error. Dally Piiot Photo by Ste•• Mllchell PEEKING THEIR INTEREST -What are photographer Jim Sieg and a spectator at his booth at the Laguna Beach Festival of Art looking at? If you wouldn't ~ daring enough to look through the peephole , too, you can see one sce ne on Page B3. Market gains, but moderately NEW YORK (AP) -The sfock market posted moderate gains today as the frenzied activity of the last two days began to abate. Israel OKs PLO plans for ouster By The A11ociated Press The Israeli Cabinet approved the final draft of the Palestmian evacuation agreement today, but t h e kidna pping of an Israeli soldier threatened to delay the start of th e guerrillas· withdrawal from west Beirut. However, government sources in Israel said they understood the Pal esti n e Liberation Organization would release both t h e kidnapped soldier and a captured pilo~ Friday and that the evacuation would begin either Saturday or Sunday. Lebanon 's foreign minister, Fuad Butros, said in a Beirut tel evision intet"View the guerrillas would begin evacuating Saturday afternoon. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 9.52 to 838 95 in the first three hours. Advancing issues held a narrow lead over declines in the midmorning tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. Opening-hour volume on the Big Board totaled 19.24 million shares. running at about hair Wednesday's pace. rates have been accomparuecl by warnings of c..'Ontin ued weakness 1n the economy . Recession worries have prompted what Wall Streeters have described as a "flight to quality" with money managers seeking out the safest investments. The strength today of the blue chip stocks in the Dow, while the rest of the matket was relatively flat, suggested more of that same sentiment. Tuesday produced the biggest one-day rise in market history _a JS.81-point jump in the Dow d J o nes industrial ave rage College Ian use Wednesday's session eclipsed volume records, with 132.69 story corrected million shares traded on the Btg Due to a typographical error, a ~~·the Dow Jones industrials, story m Wednesday's Daily Pilot incorrectly stated the lease tenn up 18 points at midsession of s pecial land use legislation for Wednesday. retreated in late Saddleback Commuruty College trading to finish with a was 90 years. 1.8 l -point loss. The proposed st.ate law permits Analysts said many traders the coll~ge to lease the land for concluded that the recent rallies 99 years. in both the bond and stock markets had gone too rar. too I-house legislature Cast. Open-marke t mone y rates. b.11 l ) which had been in a nosedive I C ears pane smce last week, stopped falling an SACRAMENTO (AP) -In a the latter stages of Wednesday's surprise move. the Senate Rules activity. Today they moved up a Committ('(' advanced a proposed bit. constitutional amendment to Brokers n oted that severa l <:reate a one-house Legislature in recent forecasts of lower i_n_lC'~r_e_s_l _ Califor""n"""1a;.... ________ _ OMEGA CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF SPACE TRAVEL! i Since 1962 when NASA selected it as the official wotcl" of the space p(ogrom, the Omega Speed· master Professlonol Chronograph hos been worn on over 50 space flights, Including the spoce 1huttle Columbia. Imagine how well this incredible watch w lll perform on earth for you I Stainless steel, water resistant to 100 feet, tachometer, $550 . §LA.VICK'S rin.,.,..,,...,, Since 19' 7 Where tht best surprues began. ~llhlon ~ (71•) ..... ,., • Nlwport ludl A.11o GrteW Loi AnQlllls • S.11 OilOO • LM ~ - i I ,. l STATE $25,000 reward offered for sadist By Tile A11oolated Pre11 LOS ANOELES -The Southern California Grcxers Aa>ctation la offerlna a *26.000 reward for lnformaUon leadlna to the arrest of .whoever Is lacing eye medJcatlon In area aupennarketa with sulphuric acid, an asaoclation spokeswoman says. 'The <.'Ontamlnatlon of eyedrops and nasal sprays has centered on AJpha Beta stores. Rhoda Bintz, association vice president, said the group ottered the reward ufwr conu1m1nawd p&lckql'S of eye and noee medlcatlona were removed thill month from Glendale and Hollywood Alpho Beta marketa. Large supermarket11 In that area have reportedly removed eyoorops from their shelves aa well. Three people hove received treatment for buma they suffered after using contaminated drops. Brown calls off controversial fund-raiser LOS ANGELES -Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. has called off a Saturday fund-raiser with Rep. Morris K. Udall. D-Ariz .. after criticism that he was attempting to evade federal laws on campaign contribution limits. the Los Angeles Times reported today. Television producer Norman Lear and his wife, Frances, were to have hosted the affair at their h ome on behalf of both Brown a nd a political action <.'Ommittee created by Udall. Those who have already contributed the federally allowed !unit of $1,000 to Brown's U.S. Senate campaign were asked by the Lears in invitations tor the benefit to give an additional $500 to Brown through Udall's committee, called Independent Acuon, The Times said. Nuclear freeze votes mixed SACRAMENTO -The California Senate has voted against a nuclear arms freeze by the United States and the Soviet Union, but the Assembly has voted for such a freeze. The upper house voted 19-18 for a resolution by Assemblyman John Vasconcellos. D-San Jose, to urge the two powers to freeze nuclear stockpiles at current levels as a first step toward disarmament. But at least 21 votes, a majority of the 40-seat Senate, were needed fo,; approval. The Assembly, which had already passed the Vasconcellos proposal, approved another lreeu resolution, this one by Assemblyman Mel Levine, D-Santa Monica. The vote was 44-12. Mobile home bill to protect tenants I SACRAMENTO -The state Assembly has sent the governor a hotly debated bill to limit the ability of mobile home park owners to throw out tenants. The bill would overturn a law that allows mobile home park owners to require home owners to leave the park after 17 years, no NATION matter what the condition of their home. The bill would instead permit park management to require removal of a mobile home only when the home has been sold and does n ot comply with health and safety standards or is significantly run down or in disrepair. Congress OKs $178 billion defense bill WASHINGTON -Congress is giving President Reagan the go-ahead to authorize nearly $178 billion for the armed forces in fiscal 1983, but some lawmakers say the measure must be trimmed when actual dollars are distributed. The House gave final approval of the authorization bill Wednesday night with a 25 1-148 vote that showed some slippage in support among the president's fellow Republicans from the Northeast and Midwest. The compromise bill, which emergoo from a congressional conference on Monday, gained the support of 129 Republicans and 122 Democrats. But 48 GOP members sided with 100 Democrats in opposition. Mount St. Helens cooks up eruption VANCOUVER, Wash. -Molten rock oozed and steam rose 2,000 feet into the air in Mount St. Helens' latest erupt.ion, but scientists say an ash-spewing explosion is unlikely. -The cherry pie filling has broken through the crust," Christina Boyko, a seismic monitor at the Univer~ity of Washington geophysics program in 8eattle, said Wednesday when lava surged to the surface. A lava dome larger than a domed sports stadium inside the crater has grown through a series of earlier eruptions as the molten rock pushed to the surface and hardened. "Once the lava breaks the surface it (an explosion) is usually considered less of a possibility," Ms. Boyko S&Jd. 'Crank letter' clue to missing doctor EDWARDS VILLE. ill. -A "nutty, crank letter" that was sent to Illinois legislators may shed light on the mysterious disappearance of an abortion clinic operator and his wife, officials say. The two reportedly w_~re abduc~ by an WORLD anti-abortion group that calls itself "The Army of God." Dr. Hector Zevallos, 53, operator of the Hope Clinic for Women Ltd. of Granite City, and his wife, Rosalie Jean, 45, were last seen on Aug. 12. The clinic has been the site or frequent protests by anti-abortion activists. China r eadies first nuclear generator PEKING -China has chosen a site and largely completed the development work on its first nuclear power generator, the newspaper Worker's Daily reported today. The trade union newspaper did not say where the 300-megawatt pressurized water plant would be built, but foreign experts familiar.with the plans have said it would be near Shanghai. The Worker's Daily said feasibility studies and evaluation of the plant's effects on the environment have been completed. But it gave no schedule for building the power plant. Poles continue martial law protests WARSAW -Hundreds of Solidarity supporters demonstrated in Warsaw against martial law for the third consecutive night despite close police surveillance and occasional arrests. Another small demonstration was reported in the Baltic port of Su:z.ecin. campaign called by underground leadek of the suspended union. It is supposed to culminate in nationwide demonstrations on Aug. 31. the second anniversary of Solidarity's founding. More than 800 people assembled Wednesday in Warsaw's Victory Square near a floral cross and adjacent floral "V'' that are both a memorial. The p rotests are part of a two-week D.., ...... Delher, .... _ ..... .. Monoav·F"'>•v 11 vou oo no4 ,,.,,., l'O<K -· bv ~JO o m call belot• 1 om •"°you, coov """''be 6-1,v«ea SalUtd•v and Sunc11v If 10'J oo no• ::,;-,r.:n C:,:.V ~, ~o:Y"'.u': del1-tld We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like" Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to t he appropriate editor The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors mu$t include their name and telephone number ror verlficatiol'I No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind 642•6086 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thom• '· Holey f'ublotlltf ond Chief E •e<:~'"'• Offoe .. Jane AmOfl Eae¢utlve Ed1t0t l. Kar. Schultz Viee Pr11io.nt and Olr4Kfor ol Advettl•"'ll Mkhoel '· Harvey Director ol McwbtiflO IClrClllationt Thomae A. Murphlne fdltor Raymond Mac&..an Controller Kenneth N. Geddarcl Jr. Olft(IOI of 0perollonl . Cla11m.d actvettl•lnt 7t41142-H71 All other departmenh 142-4321 MAIN MFICI Sit Wttl ....... CMtt Me ... CA. M4111...,...: ... UM, C•l• Meu, CA.,_. Cwtrleflt "" 0r.,.. Coe" 1"''*11"'"" C~•· Ho,..., ""1e-. l~retleol•. Mfterlal m«tff., .. ¥tf11Mrnefttt ,_rel!I may M rt,,.i..ctll wltftooll t!M<lal llef'lllltt!Oft Of,~,~_,. VOL 71, NO. a1 --------·-\ +- Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, Augult 19, 1982 H/F Going. going. to stay By ROBERT BARKER Ofttie D•ll)' Piiot atatt • • • • Chuck Perry's new home in Surfside is only 25 feet from the beach. It's just across Pacific Coast Highway from Huntington Harbour. It has three levels of living quarters plus a rooftop spa on the fourth floor deck. Perry said he can see Palos Verdes. Catalina, Newport Beach and Big Bear from the top floor. Great view, good neighborhood. Perry. the builder/owner, put the 1,800-square foot home up for sale last spring. "l got some strange offers. They offered me rubies. a trade or (commercial) paper." Thinking that these offers weren't substantial enough. Perry-a resident of Huntington Harbour-put the house up for auction Wednesday aft.er running ads in a Los Angeles newspaper. He set in a store of doughnuts. orange juic:e and champagne. Five would-be buyers arrived and the auction began a few minutes after the scheduled 10 a.m. start. Twenty-three-year-old Arthur Jan. handled the auctioneering duties. Bidding started at $320,000-a figure that Jan said was $50,000 below the appraised value. He waited patiently for a bid. There was none. "Let me stress, it's only money," he said. "It looks like we'll have to do something. Everybody have a doughnut. l'm going to talk to the owner." _ Jan returned ln a few minutes. · "We're going to do something dif(erent. This time we're going to start at $320,000 and work backwards. "But the owner can refuse any offer. We're not gomg to give it away." The aski11g price dropped to $300.000 and still there were no takers. It was time for a pep talk. "The economy has picked up," Jan sa.id. "The stock exchange has just gained more than 30 points and Dow Jones is at its highest ever. "Doesn't anyone want to catch the fever and get in there?" This didn't work it was time for another conference with the owner. "There's been a new switch," he said after his retwn. "Just tnake a bid-who's going to make me a bid?" At this point, badore Appelbaum, an owner of a fast-food restaurant in Huntington Beach, ended the silence. He made an offer of $200,000. ''Who'll advance it to $201,000," Jan asked. When nobody did, Appelbaum withdrew his offer. That ended things. "The auction has been completed," Perry announced. "Goodbye and goodnight." Appelbum said afterwards that he was prt;pared to go up to $225,000. Delly Piiot Photoe by O.ry Amlw- A N X JOU S MOMENTS -Chuck Perry waited downst<iirs whllt> auctioneer Arthur Jan pep~d up bids for Seal Beach house. Hut he said he had second thoughts w hen nobody raised his bid Perry, who said at the start of the auction that he hoped to sell the house Wednesday said he was disappointed and had hoped the so-called buyers would be more serious. "What's my next step? I guess tl will be doing some thinking. Maybe I'll trade the house for the rubies. No, l'm not really serious." Perry agreed with auctioneer Jan that the auction seemed to attract only curiosity seekers. Jan, who had vo1cC'd concern earlier that advanced publicity was too rushed. said the lack of sale could be chalke d up to economic conditions. "No problem." said Perry "The house is still here." We Invite You To Take Ad vantage Of 40% OFF Selected Watches And Jewelry 32 f uhk>n Island Nthwoort Beach • &M-2~0 3 OeneraHone of ~ '*"°"'' MtVlce . -, . 1· I \ Orange Coaat DAILY F'ILOT /Thur~ay, Augu1t 191 1982 H/F 8 5 N (:OMPOSITE TRAN ACTION Ol.IO•AflOIO IHCLl.IOI UAOU 011 fMI .... lOIH MIOWI". """"< .... •o"o" 01 ••OIT ANO Clli(INNATI non t l(N&NOI\ &NO 81f'OIUIO I Y fNI IUU> ANO INUlllll f C•ll U 2-H71. Pul a lt w word• to work for you Mickey Mouse, • • pals unionize About lOC llUth havt LAKE BUENA V ISTA, Flu (AJ>) employees of Wah Disney Wo1 Id who portray cha1 ac·ters as Mickey MoUS(_• and Snow Whitt· ~greed to unlunlw The employees had c:omplamcd of being forc:c.>d tc wear "d1riy. hot costumes" 1n fi'lorada 's ht•.1t and lx·tnf! ~bused by ovcrzt•alous amuSt.·mcnt park patrons They vot.t.-d 45-4 l Wc>dn c.-sday to lx• mdudt:d a.• hosts and hostc~s m the &1v1te Trades ton tract, said Teamster L<x:al :J85 President Larry Pc.1rker Fi,.m b oosts eartJings The Fluur(Jc:arbon board o f d1n .. '<.·t.ors dedared a 4-C'ent dividend pl!r w m111on shart· payable CX:t 31 u stockholders of r<.'('Ord Oct 15 Fluorocarbon has 16 div1srons that O(><!rate 26 manufacturm g fac1ltt1es 01v1s1o ns are d1v1dcd m t.o rubber, fluoroplast1cs, eustom pldSllt.'S, semiconductor and fluid sealing groups Headquarters nr<· m Laguna Niguel R ecord· revenues to ld Naugles Int (uf Fullerton) po~t,ed rL'<:ot d <:arnmgs und revenues ln f1sc.:al 1!:18'.l For the year t'ndcd June :rn revenUl's ·ruse -13 percent to $55,832,000 Net earnings advamed to $2,- 375,000, equal to 85 cen ts pc·r share, fr1Jm .$930,000 <Jr 37 cents per share, m the pr 1or year Naugles Inc operatt.·s a tham of 24 hour dnve- through restaurants in Cahfurn1,1, Nl"vada. Utah, M1ssoun, Ulmo1s and Kansas Wage earners d ecline WASHINGTON (AP) -A ughtenmg J<>b marke t has caused a sharp drop m the number of families with more than one wage earner. ac,'<.'Ordmg LO the Bureau of La bor Stat1st1cs The agency said Thursday that in the year endmg June 30 the number of mulu-eam er families plunged by nearly 600,000 -t.o 21 2 m.JlJJOn Even so, about 56 pert'enl of all married couples still had more than one member of the farmly w orking during the survey period, the agency said Warranty to continue DETROIT (AP) continue its five-year, J 983 models Chrysler Corp says 1t will 50.000-milc warranty offer on The nation's No J autorriaker IS the first to announce a sales promotion for the new model year Chrysler's E-body cars for 1983 arc unveiled this week at the Jefferson Avenue assembly plant STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK-Seles We<I price ~nn ,....., {l'\JH'IO" ot '"'° f1fl,.Pn mo\I d(t1vf' N•w YOf .._ Stcx ~ ~ u hdMOf' 1\~' ttad1no nill•O~ttv .,, mor-t> than '' E u 1>n 1 '184 100 16•• t6M t 101 Q<.IO t.)Jo, S•~•sR0oto t •S.O 100 10 Anitrf&l' 14))100 ~.t • .,., C,t n Moton. 1J'.> •00 ._, • 11' I anov 1 FJIJ 100 /J I Wct,nrtnnl 1 Ill )I)() }\.... '"- Mernlt l,.yn 081 10() 7b • ' mAtl 1 OP 6'00 ttf • •· M•dS.CHJlJt r1JO lOO U IP• Ul1t tHJ 400 ]I\,. W,,.V .. f'hV I ()Of,, 400 ]I~ I • <. oniw Ed" 94) QOO n ..., ( 1f1t;('r() 114.t Q(XJ Jf'J ~< hluml><Q qaq 100 l J AMERICAN LEADER S NEW vc»fk (AP~Sales Wed :'~. ~1d:IMnn0t~1 "1-~:~'~n;" .. ' ~~~;~&,;'t'''ondttv r I ~~o;oo than1 '~ price ... ltlVf l\,Vf'\ .. l tb (,u11e,,.n Q )t>1 JOO 11 WdnQ H 71H 100 11 Ml(n>(nq Jll 100 II QdnQf''O•t ~10 100 ) .. ' I ' .. J 1~ ( h•mo '1u 18' 000 l ~t4h,nNMI ~ t/I 10') r; • S"nd4'n(n(:) t/OWX.I 'J1• ~· v\1'11 I\ t•/ '\00 He An1(1Mll 114 \00 ,1,11, "· UPS ANO DOWNS N t W VORK IAPI TN! ro11ow1no I..,. ,t\ow-. rn~ Nt w Vo,11. '!)10(.• E 1nhA"Qf \lot.'\ """ WMr1tnl\ "M' ,.., .... ,, QO ..... VO lf'u "'""' dnd oown '""' ft10\t tM\f'O on Df'fl•nl ()f ChdnOf' 1 "'Q.;irQlf'\' t)f volun-w 10f" W f'd ,_.n ~ur1S1~\ fl~1f\Q tJltlow '1 •rt int.I udt'O Nrl ar.d Pt'r<t"nldqe t n,,.nQf"\ •r• trY Otfff'rf"nt• bffWCf'f"I fh~ D'rv•ou' c lo\1n,.., p,.ce and weonetd,.S? s orice N11nw-LA\t l no 11c.1 I N tM ) 90o• JIJ I .t u,, ·~I 1 lMT\\nSiir-~n l 4• UP lS 4 j (1tvlnv of8 1qi. l•. Up u • • SC.MEC. p< Xl • I lJp I• I ~ N~vP I llOol 11 1 UO I)• lntT&fr>tJ I..)• ) Ur> Ut 0dl'11 t!'m )r. "-VO 12 I Ol'i'f''' Ind 2 • • Un t? ' " E ..,_,"" Pd I Up U ) 10 C•nG ~ 171>< 10 ' , Ur> 17 0 11 ,._.,.. W~!.t f.n 8 • Uu 11 ) •1 \J...,.6."n 8 , • Vo II s IJ SMlll I 3Sc>I 1' , , 7' 1 Up II • 14 VAr<O $ • "--Up 11 4 I) H•clAMno 10 I UO 11 I It LN Hou~ n 11'• 1" Up 10 • 11 Mt\.~IOf"ln\ s t'I • P a Up 10 q ~ !~~!~f ~·· : o•• ~: :g g n l>ef\noCo Ill 111 • 10 Vu q • 'JJ OycoP~trl 12"-fl. Uf) '1 8 )I AtVttHn?pf 11 1't Up •1 1S ln!T&l ptM ·~ • •'• Up 91 1• l(ollmo< II 11, UD • 1 11 !>hel!r I «)pl I/ l't> IJp t I N•-1 Mattei wt 1 M•fttl Inc J ll&EP 86Cloln • fo..:O(p S W•rnr(.om 6 Nw,tln<J I OreylusNp 9 TVCOl 60\ \ 9 SIMO<>Cp 10 Di.bola 11 H•lnrHJ ' I) 6•1dWVIO ' I) Ml\ftl 1 50p4 1' Sit -JP U H•flburtn I• HMW llld 11 I( tl~1 Slt«I 11 T •ncly .. s.<.-"11 10 Toy,~U' ~ 11 or .. vlncl 12 ChrO,.,..fly 1J "mSt-24 81(JwV!d pflJ n 011><1ir1n GOLD COINS DOWN$ Lot e '"• SJ', " is~ 11-'· ,,j, !J ... J'-;:h no,. 11~ 11 ... '"' ,. . I~ "'" 10'- "" It\, I tO "" , Pct 011 ". Olf 116 Off 11 6 011 " ' Off IQ• OU 10 l Oft 10 I 0 11 ,, 0 11 • ' 0 11 •o Ott 90 Off •• 0 11 •• 011 '' 011 1 • 011 11 011 11 011 , , 011 ' • 011 I• Oii I J ()fl 7 l Ofl 10 011 10 Ott 10 NEW YORK (AP) -PrlCM ltle MondAly ot gold oOlna compared wltl'I Frlday'• ptio. 1Cr119.,rand, 1 trOI/ OL. S.S&3 rio, up 13.50 ... ,... le•f, t troy 01 • 13U 00, up 13.50 ... ..._ 10 '"°' t 2 troy oz , 1420 60, uplo4H. A111tl'IM 100 or•-, Oto2 troy 01 • 133& 00. vp 13.&0 Soufll9 O..k·Ptlfllf• DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID l\thAl'ft"'1 Llt ( llfW"(I iJn(nAnQt-o I ut•I ,,.,U• 'Ii Ntw •••V'I"> ~11;"1111 IOW\ AOVd'\C.t"'d °"' """"' Unth"nQf"l(I f u,,,, '''U." ,.,,, w nu)h " ""•W IOI' METALS Wiid 17.tli -iH l~J /()lj q Wed 481 l•I l'IO &38 XI I• Pftv d•Y ISM IH 111 l<r.IO IOll s. Ptf'v day 409 160 199 Ii.II 8 .0 NEW YORK (AP) -Spol nonlerrous metal prices .oday Cop!"r 68•~· 70 cents a pound U S desunatlons Lead 26-29 cents a pound Zinc 40 cents a pound dell•ered Tin $6 1997 Met11t1 Week composoe ltl Mercury $365 00 pet llaSll Pl•llnum S25J OO-S260 00 !roy ounce NI/ SILVER Hnndy & H11rm11n S6 940 pt1r lfOy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS •~ n.. AHoclet.d Pr"• Selected WO<ld gold prices todey London morning fl•lng $356 25, off St so London allernoon lhdng 1356 65 ott s' 10 Perle aflernoon ll11lng $351 80 up S2 98 Frenlcturt fixing $353 99 up $13 97 Zurleh hlle afternoon 11.ing S356 75, up S3 SO bid, $357 SO 41ked Hend)' a Hermen only dally quote '356 85. oll S 1 10 Ent.iherd only dally Quote $358 85, off St 10 Ent.itierd only de~ quote rat>rlceled $374 48 oU SI 16 SYMBOLS d·New ~arly low u Nl!w yearly Mgh ur11es1 01f\4l1w1M nouod r11u of dlvlclendt ••• 1nnoa1 011bursem11Rts b•M<I on 1"9 !•ti quarterly (>r hm .. 1nnu1f d1ol1ret1on Spec111 or 0•1ra dMd4tn<l5 Of P•V"'9"11 not det19nst.O •• r<igullr are lc>ef'lltfled In Ille loOow1ng 1001no1n ••Alto ••H• or e11ru b·A1111u11 1111 Plu• •IOCk d1v1<1en<1 c L1quld1t1ng dl-.dend • Oecilarld or paid tn pr~lnQ ,, MOllll'll l•Oeclartci Ot PllO tltef ttOOll dMdend « • 119111 up l·P•ld thlt yN r dMdend omitted detef<ed 0< no action llktto 11 IHI <llvlcMnd ,,,...tno k·O.Cllfed °' paid 11111 YMf, en IOCIHllllllllve..,.... wtth c:tlv~ 1n .,,..,._ n·N9w auu• t·O.Cl119d or pald Ill pr-1lnQ 12 month• p1u1 •t~ dtvlcMnO t·Pllld In •1~11 "' preotcllng 12 MOntl'I• e1111me1ed cu ll vtive on •••dlvlclencJ Of ••-dltttlwtlon 0111 •• r:..olvldend• °' ••·•IQht• ~l'•.OIVtdend and M191 tn lui. 1-S• Iii luM ,io.e.flld ...O.Wllen dtttrlt>vled """'wt.I lttutd ww·Wllh •urtantt aw-Wlthowt ••"'.,,'' ad1 .. ea-dlltrl1>ution P E 11110 lilt prl09 ot a ••~ .. t tftUftlple Of Ptf•ll'l@lte -ntngt-<1¥1...cl by 01v!d1ng t!MI 111 .. t 12 "'°"'" H rnlno• llQuf'9 Into IHI .... 11''09 .. lllUll IUCI I 11111 l:lllT OHANGE COUN I Y C A_LIFORNIA 25 CENTS J UST IN CASE -Workers place sandbags along the tidehne at Surfside Colony in Seal Be~ch, bracing for what was expected to be troublesome hjgh tides. The threat passed without any incide nt Wednesday night when 7-foot tides lashed the sands. The area has been troublE>d for years with beach erosion and Dalt)' Piiot Photo by t. .. P•rne the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved lending bulldozers, earthmoving gear and aid of state and county Office of Emergenc:y Services workers to shore up the area. A high 6.7-foot tide is expected a t 10:10 p.m. today. ~~~~~~~~~ One for nuke foes? Malfunction blame d for (-/ Edison denies link to closing of center Laguna fire By STEVE MITCHELL Of the Delly Piiot Sten Members of the Alliance for Survival are taking credit for the closur e of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station's visitors' center, despite denials from the Southern California lliison Co. that the anti-nuclecu ~roup has anything to do with it. The visit.ors' center was closed to the publtc in late June, the result, the utility claims, of economics. "Our primary concern (in closing the center) was to trim costs," said David Ba rron, spokesman for F.clison. (Related story, photos, Page Bl) ~~----------------__;~---' But Tim Carpenter. a spokesman for the Alliance, said his group "feels confident we shut down the visit.ors' center." The center, located north of the $3.5 billion nuclear station, was closed to the public June 25 and is no w being used as a t • lining cen ter hr Edison e:uployees. Edison owns 80 percent of the nuclear plant, located three rrules south or San Clemente. A news release from the anti- nuclear group earlier this week hints that Edison was pressured to close the center to avoid a lawsuit over public access to information. Carpenter said anti-nuclear groups sought permission last November to distribute safe energy information at the San Onofre center, but were turned down by Edison. "lt (the center) was a propaganda vehicle for Edison, and we wanted to set up a table in the center with literature that would offer an alternative to nuclear power," Carpenter said. When Edison rejected the request, a Los Angeles firm representing the Alliance sent a letter to the utility requesting a negotiated settlement on the distribution of Alliance literature at the center. Edison derued that request in June. Alliance officials said their group was successful in an earlier cour.t case in San Luis Obispo County where opponents o( the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant were awarded access to the nuclear visitor center owned by the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. center. And they see no reason whv they should not have been pennttted to display alternative Trash fees reduced Laguna Beach City Council members have rolled back trash collection fees for residents from $5 .77 per month to $5.46 effective Oct. l. The act100 came this week. one month after the council had approved a 22 percent increase for trash collection fees. The cutback on property tax bills came as a result of a decision by the Orange County Board of Supervisors to cut a new dump site fee from $7 per ton to $4 .90. Supervisor s approved a $7-per-ton fee for users of county dump sites last month. But due mostly to pressure from cities, the board rolled back that increase to $4.90. As a result of the county's most recent action, the City Council agreed to cut back its increase by 5.4 percent. The new rate will first appear on Lagunans' property tax bills in December. TELEVISION Indians portrayed on TV "Born to the Wind" is ~,..sensitive portrayal of the lives and culture of American Indians. The four-part series begins torught at 8 on channel 4. Page C9. NATION WASHING TON (AP) -The Justice Department and the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. announced today they decided to accept the conditions set down by a federal ju dge for approval of their antitrust settlement. Nancy R eagan's father dies WASHINGTON (AP) -Nancy Reagan's father, Dr. Loyal Davis, 86, died today in a Scott8dale, Ariz., hOlp.ital, the White Hou.e announced. The fint lady wu at her father'• bedltde when he died. energy lite rature at the San Onofre center. Put Edison spokesman said the two issues are unrelated, citing San Onofre's location on a federal reserve. "State courts would have no JUrisdiction here," Barron said, adding the sta te and U.S . constitutions "have somewhat different views" m respect to equ al publi<.' access to information. Barron said the center cost the utility about $170,000 a year to maintain, adding the temporary structure, built in l974, had an average of 50.000 to 60,000 visitors a year. An electrical malfunction has been pinpointed as cause of a restaurant fire in Laguna Beach but investigators say they still have not determined what started a blaze that damaged a hillside home earher ln the week. The malfunction was blamed for a fire at the Nameless Restaurant on North Coast Highway at Myrtle Street late Tuesday rught. But a probe continued today into the Sunday rught fire at the home of Michael Noll on Miramar Street 500-acre project plaaned for Niguel • By PATRICK J . KENNEDY Ot the Delly Piiot Steff An Orange County development firm is aimjng to purchase 500 prime acres in Laguna Niguel for more than $100 million to build an expansive residential. commercial and hotel project. The Stein-Brief Group announced its intentions Wednesday to buy the coastal property from Avco Commuruty Developers Inc. ''We plan to develop the land consistent with the plan approved by the California Coastal Commission," said co- owner Barry Brief. The Coastal Commissioners earlier this summer approved plans for 2.800 residential uruts, a 20-acre comme r c i a l development, a conference center COUNTY hotel, private rer reational facilities and more than 44 acres of public park, trails and open space and an 18 -hol e championship golf course. Robert Buie, executive vice president of Avco and general manager of Laguna Niguel, said, "We were impressed by the fine job (Stein-Brief Group) did with past developments and feel their expertise will insure the quality development of this extraordinary piece of land." The other co-owner of the firm, David Stein, retired as president of Avco in 1977, but he said Wednesday that he recently helped plan the development project Tom Riley , 5th District Supervisor of Orange County, said that he's confide nt the developers will closely follow the Coastal Commission plan. Student bus {are charged Los Alamitos has become the fifth school district ,i n Orange County to charge s tudents for bus transportation. Page ~6. Buddhists protest nukes Buddhist monks w ere among the 140 people protesting at a conference on nuclear warfare in Newport Beach. Page Bl. 'Key hole art' in Laguna Want to take a peep at some art? Participatory "keyhole" art ls a big attraction at this year's Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach. Page 83. Irvine villages paBBe ? Is Irvine's villag living concept a th1n8 of the past as the chairman of the city's Planntng Commission suggest.a? Page 88. AirCal workers asked to take 12% pay cut By FRED SCHOEMEHL Of the Dltllr Piiot Staff More than 2,000 employees at Newport Beach-based AirCal from president Robert Clifford to ramp side baggage handlers are being asked to take a 12 percent pay reduction effocltvP Sept. I . In addition, the once-highly profitable carrier laid off 104 employees four days ago Another 56 are scheduled to bC' idled next month. The cost-trim.ming moves are designed to "maintain profitability of the company" during 1982, Ma rk Peterson. A1rCal dire ctor of co mmuni ca tions , sa id Wednesday. The earner, which serves 15 destinations 1n five Western states, blames its c ult-r e nt financial problems on a recent fare war that erupted when competitor Pacific Southwest Airlines. of San Diego. slashed Cares on several highly trafficked California routes. PSA cut fares by as much as 40 percent on some routes on which tt competes with A1rCal. The rt'Cluctions were immediately met by A1rCal. Peterson said Au<:aJ, prior to the Aug. 3 fare reductions, "had b plan in effect that called for profitability of the a1rl1ne in 1982." He said the Care reduction forced company off1c1als to "reforecast" passenger traffic and revenue He satd officials decided layoffs and salary reductions -des1~ned to save about $700,000 monthly would be implemented as opposed to schedule reductiorui. "It is vitally important for us to remain strong in the markets we serve," Peterson said. About 2,200 people were t-mployed by 15-year-old AtrCal prior to Sunday's layoffs About 800 employee'> arc based in Orang1.• County, Peterson said Clifford and other senior AlrCal officials are meeting with rl'presentc.t1ves o f th r ee employee unions this week. Reprieve weighed • for park barbecues It appears the nine city-owned barbecue stands in Heisler Park might get a reprieve, just two weeks after the Laguna Beach C ity Council ordered their removal. Earlier this month council members, following a recommendation by the North Laguna Community AssociatJon, ordered the grills removed from the blufft.op park overlooking the. ocean by Jan. 1. 1983. The homeowner group, many o{ whose members live close to the park, complained of the constant smell of smoke wafting ' / I J mt.o their homes and yards. And while most of the sizzling pollution can be blamed on park visitors who bring in portable barbecues (illegal in the park) the group suggested removal of the c1 ty grills m1gh t make enforcement easier But Counci l woman Bobbie Minkin, who lives in North Laguna, said she wants to see ci ty oCCicials come back with another alternative than removing the cily grills. "There are many problems in Hetsler Park," the councilwoman said. - ~- Deity Piiot Mep DEVELOPMENT DUE -Crown VaJley Parkway and Niguel Road wind through 500 acres about to be sold for $100 million. INDEX SPORTS New Lasuoa coach quits At least the new I....acuna Beach Hlgh School football coec:h ls ~ultt.lng undefeai.ect. It's one ot thoee "only In Laauna 110ries. u Dennis Ha.ryuna comes beck to coeicJ. the Artilta after leaving in 197'7 amid unfavorable publicity. Pace Cl. A L Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, Augu1t 19, 1982 r-----------------........ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • cr1ine Nestande requests panel bid delay At tht• nomlnH'li rt.>quett. the 1u1w Si:nate Ruh·• Committc~ haa poetponed conaideratJon of Orange County 8 o ard o f nomJnaUun would occur "within a week." fir 1111ld It may bt> tcheduled on very ahort notice, and, poulbly, ocnar o n t hf' Seruiw tloor. program slated , S upe rvisors C hairm1tn Bruce Ncatande for a poaltlon on the California Tranapo rt1atlon Commission. The Rules Committee was acheduled to consider Nestande'a nomin at ion at a hearing Wcdnl!sday afternoon in Sacramento. But the Item was d e leted from the committee's agenda, reportedly at Nestande's request. In any event, uctlon thJs year would have to occur before Aug. 31, the last day of the 1981-82 leglalaUve ses8ion. A l uu r w ee k c rime µn•vention program for senior c1tlzcns begins Aug. 25 in Lagun• Beach. Tim Miller, the Laguna Beach Pulice Department's director of Ne iRhborhood Wat.<.•h, w11J teach the course, which runs from 10 to 11 :45 • Th e Lagun a B each Lifeguard Association wiU be the rc.-c1p1ent of proceeds from an art aucuon Aug. 29 at thi: Sawdust Festival The benefit auction will be held at 5 pm. on the Sawdust •A fl ea market and ca rni va l to ben e fit the Treas ure Is land Tenants Association legal fund will be held Sept. 4 al the Festival of A rts grounds 1n Laguna Beach. om. Topics lnclude local cr ime pro blems, home security, fraud and bunco schemes and personal self-protection. T o sign up for the free cl~. ca11 the Laguna Beach Senior Citize n s Club a t 497-2441. grounds, walh a rtwor k donated by local artists. The lifeguard associate will use the money to construct a new l ifeguard headquarters building. For more infonnation, call Mike Dwinell at 494-6572. T h e 11 a.m . to 9 p m . fes t ivities include video Jlames, fortune tellers, prizes, food and drink, casino games and music and dancing. The festivities are open to the public. "He called up and said he l'Ouldn't make it," said Jerry Zanelll , rules committee executive officer. "He would have had the votes." Nestande's nomination for the position b y Gov. Edmund G . Brown J r. -an appointment arrangl!d b y Assemblyman Richard Robinson, D-Santa Ana -has spawned conflicting legal opinions on whether a county, supervisor may serve in a dual capacity as a state transportation commissioner. The governor's office says the dual role is proper; the legislative counsel's office says it isn't. r Zanelli predicted the Rules Committee hearing on Nestande's !!Election for judge's seat liDlited to I giBy DAVID KUTZMANN lot the D•lly Piiot 8tett ; An Orange County judge ruled ioday tha1 no additional ~andadates w1U be allowed to run l o r West Ora n ge Co unty Muoic1pal Court J udge J oanne liarrold's seat an November -a h >0sit1on for which only two '¢andidatcs can compete. ~: Superior Court Judge Ronald ~{)wen, in effect, reaffirmed his ltarlier ruling of Aug. 4 in which J e invalidated Harro ld 's I <1ndslide electton victory in June ,11nd ordered new balloting for iNovembe r be tween he r two ldefeated challengers -Dan f t:harles Dutcher and Ronald Nix. • Harrold. disqualified because :owen determined she was not a ~legal resident of Orange Count y ~when she filed candidacy papers !last Februar y , h as already ~appealed that ruling. J But Irvine resident P a ul Robbins. a Long Beach city prosecutor, also sought a change In Owen's decision so he could join Dutcher and Nix on the Nov. !I ballot : In has Aug. 4 rulings, Owen :had limited the fi e ld of f candidates to o nl y N ix and ;butcher ,· In h is ruling O w e n said I Hobbins was too Late in seeking !to 101.ervene in the election issue. ~. ~\" i: ' :( ;o a .~ I <1 / • l•Onl variable winds through ~lght except oecomlng -le<IY ,10 to 18 knots alternoon and 'evtmtng Southwest swell 1 to 3 )eel Low clouds and local log night and morning hours most!y ~learlng 1n tne ettetnoon L'°'"t. s 111111uary Scellered thunderstorms swept (he north central end western s tates today Other Jtlunde<storms lashed Gulf oout states and the Southeast Some or those storms prodUGed hell and h!Qh wtnds In Blackduck Minn , winds were estimated al 80 mph and golloall-slzed hall end up to • Inches of rain tore through the area Wednesday n!Qht No 1n1unes we<e reported, but roote -e bk>wl\ oll. power llnee were downed and hundred• of trees were uprooted, Hid Polkle Chief O•n Sevlch Sk in were gener•llY telr elsewhere In the nation The National Wetthe< Servl<l41 lorecall thunderstorms tod•Y olOflil IN Gull Coast ond up IM Atlantic coas1 from Florida 10 South C11rollno Olher atormt -e exl)eeted In the Roeklee, tM Pt1ln1 stelea lhrOUOh !he upper Mlaelsslppl velley Into IM GrMt Lek•• end southern New e.rg1and. Atlante Cly Auatlo S.lllmore Bllllogs Blrmlnghm Blam11rcl< Bolte Boston Brownsvlle BulfelO Burllngton Cupe< Cher1etn SC Chat11ln WV Chat111• NC ~ne Chlc:ago ClndMall Cleveland Clmbla SC Columbus 0111-Ft Wlh Oeyton Denver 0.1 Moines O.troll Duluth El Pa~ F1rgo Ftegstan Gre111 ~ells 1'i11r!lord Helena Honolulu Houston lndnaplla Jackan MS Jeckenvlle Kana Clty KnOllllllle Lal VegH Little Rock lOUllYllle Lubl>Ocie M..,.,ptila Mltrnl MNwMM Mple-St P NaahYllll two candidates Ro bbins' attorney, Larry Rothman, argued that the general public should be allowed to c h oose from the largest number of qualified candidateE possible. "Our basic position is this -all we wish is to allow each 'lualified candidate to take out nomination papers," Rothman told Judge Owen. The Westminster attorney claimed that b ecau se n o incumbent would be running in November, an extra five-day filing period should be allowed for new candidates to lake out nomination papers. Westminster attorney Kenneth J . Golde n, who represents Dutcher, argued that Robbins' challenge of the judge's ruling was "just too late." ''This is a case really without precedent," said Golden. "l think the court fashioned the fairest remedy that it could." Golden's client, Dutcher, has fil ed a lawsuit last month challenging Harrold's decisive election victory because, Dutcher had claimed. she was really a resident of Riverside County It was that suit which led to Judge Owen's ruling earlier this month invalidating Harrold's victory. The Orange County Distract Attorney's office announced earlier this week that it was conducting an investigation of remarks Judge Harrold made. during her week-long residency trial involving the backdating of a deed g1ving her possession of a $2 million Newport Beach home owned by her grandmother. [t was this .home on Lido Isle that Harrold claimed was h er Orange County residence when s he fli ed a dec laration o f can didacy on F eb. 23. Judge Owen, however, determined that s he w as actua ll y laving in Riverside with her h usband and children at that lime. Deputy County Counsel Victor Bellerue, who attended today's court hearing, said afterward tha t the Registrar of Voters office would comply with the court's final d ecision on the matter. H owever , Bellerue said. research by his office inrucated that 1t appeare d to b e inappropriate to place the names o f the run n e r s -up on the November ballot when t he wanner of the June contest was declared ineligible. He said that eithe r a vacan cy could be decla red. allowing the governor to appoint a n e w Judge. or write-an candidates could be allowed solely an the November elect1on. Continued fair 74 98 83 97 89 96 88 71 95 85 77 95 80 82 81 87 83 81 78 8-4 81 94 82 9t 85 81 81 96 !14 82 86 78 93 85 92 85 90 es 85 86 99 87 82 88 90 88 82 89 87 64 78 S8 71 67 67 60 60 78 58 55 61 74 SS 66 59 65 S6 51 65 :.:i 73 55 63 10 54 64 72 "" 53 60 52 64 76 78 53 73 73 89 85 78 69 58 88 72 n 81 70 81 .20 23 .01 99 .02 02 .01 .28 Na""J' 4 /lt-4°' ... y-• .t(.f' NOA .. U $ 0<>:>' ./ C.tr '"'f"t., Fronts Cold .-. Warm .,.. Or !• ! 9'P' <;·" · ... •• Phlllldph111 82 83 Ptioenlx 1oe 91 Plllsburgh 82 S6 Piiand. Me 74 so Pllend, Ore es 60 Providence 78 se Ralelgh 82 87 Reno 90 so Seit lake 93 69 San Antonio 98 1• Sea Ille 75 se Shreveport 90 73 Sioux Fall• &• 72 St Louis 8S 65 St P-T11mpa 83 76 1 40 St Ste Marte 79 68 17 Sookane tt ~~ Syrecute Topete• 84 88 Tueeon 98 7g TulN 93 71 Waahlngtn 83 84 Wlcnlt• 91 88 Merytv11141 98 Monterey 84 Otklend 66 Puo Robles 9• S4 Red Bluff 98 67 Redwood City 76 58 SllCramento 91 SS Selln1t 83 52 Sen Diego 78 10 Sen Franclacio 60 55 S1111le Barber• 72 SS Senta Mule 74 Stockton 95 62 Thermal 106 Ukiah 92 Beratow 98 77 Big Bear 8t 45 Bish"!) 95 M C1t111n1 7 88 Litke Ar~ 55 le>nil Beedl 83 Monrovt. 90 Mt. Wlleon 84 Ca lifornia New Otlellnt 91 1• .t~ CAU,OflMA Newport 8eec:fl 84 The Nlllonll Weather SetvQ says Southern C1lttornla"1 wHlhar should be mostly t1lr Frldey With tome cloudl,_ and Isolated allernoon end 111antno lhunde<•h~ In IM mountains. Hight wlll ring• from the ml0·80• In LOI A~. 10 the 90t In ~· llllley, In IM eo. In movnt.in ., ... , !tom 90 to 103 In nonhe<n "-1• to 85 tn IM tow do-1 Boal111 from Polnl Conclotlon to the Meltlcan borO.. O*' 1itpea Ugh! v1rl•bl1 wind• during thl night i nd morning houra, oecomlno aouthWfflerty 1t tO to 18 knot a during lh• 11t1moon with 1 t-to-3.Joot 1outhwe11 tw14l Northwe1t wind• could rMOll 28 knots with 4-to-&-foot MN' farther thin 80 mllff oH•n.re from San Nicolo llland. Temperaturea NATION "' Le ,. 78 47 IM 12 ~ 18 11 eo .n New York 81 Norfolk 79 No. Piette 89 Okla City 92 Ofnahe 83 Ot1and0 88 Wlf"lflll<I 103 1• = 107 86 86 ,.,_ 100 8e l.8nc:Mter 118 68 l.ol MollM 111 88 .13 64 ee 85 73 70 7• SURf RIPIRT 2-4" ,.., ... l-4ft ~ 87 l-4 It ,,...... 87 1 ... " gOod 87 t\'2 t a.m. LoW 4.11 p 111. Swelt Ont.,lo a3 Petm S~lnO• " Peeedena 81 Sen Bernardino 85 Sen Joee 5e Sant• Ana 83 Smog Where to cell (loll tree) for 1e1Mt emog 1ntoNnet1on: · ,. \ <>tange County. (IOO) 44weff ~01 Anget11 County: (100) 242-4022 Al""9kle 1111<1 Ian Bernerdlno countlea: (800) 3'1·4710 .AQMD Epltode c.rtter: (8001 242""488t Tides TOOAY 8ICOnd low 4;05 p.1'11. u Second high tO: 10 p,1'11, U l'NDAY P'lrlt tow 5:00 a.m. 0.1 =:3k-tl:21 Lm. S.t ...... 4;11 p.m. 1.a 8«Xlfld hlgll 10:N p.m. 1.2 lun Mt• tocley It 7:ia p.m., ri. "ldeY • 1:11 a.m. MOOtl ,... tocN)' at 1:41 pm .. Mt• 'rtdey et 1:2t a.m. Neatande could servt! on the commiulon for up to one year prior to confirmatio n , thu11 creating the possibili t y t h e appointment could be deferred to the 1982-83 leglslaUve session. Streets due resurfacing in Laguna More than a dozen streets In Laguna Beach wall get a facelift before long, following City Council approval of an asphalt resurfacing program. The city has $140.000 in state gas tax funds for r esurfacing and slurry sealing local streets, and council members agreed at this week's meeting the following streets were in m ost need of resurfacing: Temple Hills Drive (the 900 to l,300 blocks); Bluebird Canyon Drive (from 200 to 600 and 250 feet of Summit Drive;) and Skyline Drive (the 900 to 1.100 blocks.) Streets slated for a slurry seaJ include Anacapa Way, Atlan tic Way, Bermuda Drive, Bounty Way, Caribbean Way. Coral Drive and Coronado Drive Others include Mystic View, Mystic Way. Pacific Avenue, Pitcairn Place. Samoa Wa y. Skyline Drive (from the HOO block up), Tahiti Avenue a nd Vista Lane. Detty Piiot Photo by Stew• Mllchell PEEKING THEIR INTEREST What are photographer Jim Sieg and a spectator at his booth at the Laguna Beac h Festival of Art looking at? If you wouldn't b<-darin g e nough to look through the peephole, too, you c:a n o:;c·p o n e scene o n Page 8 3. Market gains, hut moderately N EW YORK (AP) -The stock market posted modera te gains to day as the fre n2.1ed activity of the las t two days began to abate. Israel OKs PLO plans for ouster By Tbe Associated P ress The Israeli Cabinet approved the final draft of the Palestinian evacuation agreement today, but the kidnapping of an Israe li soldier threatened to delay the start of the guerri l las ' withdrawal from west Beirut. However, government sources in Israel.said they understood the Palestin e Lib e rati o n Organization would release both the kidnapped soldier and a captured pilot Friday and that the eva cuatio n would begin either Saturday or Sunday. L ebanon's foreign m iniste r, Fuad Butros, said an a Beirut television intervie w t h e gu e rrillas would begin evacuating Saturday afternrx>n. The Dow Jones averaKe llf :JO mdustraals rose 10.09 to 839.52 an the first five hours. Advanci ng iss u es h eld a narrow lead over dtx·lme:. in the midmorning tally of New York S tock Exchange-listed issues. Opening-hour volume on the Big Board totaled 19 24 m1Uion s hares, running at about half Wednesday's pace. Tuesday produced the biggest one-day rise in m arket history -a :m.81-poinl jump an the Dow Jones industrial average Wednesday's session eclipsed volume records. with 132.69 million shares traded on the Big Board. But the Dow Jones industrials. up 18 points at midsess1on Wednesday, retreated in late trading to finish w~th a 1.81-point loss. Analys ts said many 1raders concluded that the reccnt ralh!'S an both the bond and stock markets had gone too far, too fast. Open-market m on ey rates, which had been in a nosedive since last week, stopped falhng an the latter stages of Wednesday's activity. Today they moved up a bit. Brok ers noted that se\leral recent forecasts of lower interest OMEGA rates have been accompanied by warnings of continued weakness an t he econ omy. R ecession worries have prompted what Wall Streeters have desc:ribed as a "flight to quality" with money managers seeking out the safest investments. Trash transfer fee corrected Due to a typographical f'rror in production. an incorrect figure appeared 1n a story i n Wednesday's Daily Pilot on a fee to be charged at county-operated trash transfer st.anons The fee, effective Oct. 11. wiU bC' $8.50 per ton. The story 1noorreclly said the fee would be $6 50 per ton. The Daily Pilot regrets the error. College land use story correcte d Due to a typographical error, a story in Wednesday's DaiJy Pilot incorrectly stated the lease term of SJX'CiaJ land use legislation for Saddleback Community College was 90 ~ears. The proposed state law permits the college to lease the land for 99 years CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF SPACE TRAVEL! Since 1962 when NASA selected it os the officiol watch of the spoce program, the Omega Speed- moster Professional Chronograph hos been worn on over 50 tpoce fl ightt, lncludh'g the spoce shuttle Columbio. Imagine ~ well this Incredible watch will perform on earth for youl Stolnlen steel, water retlstont to 100 feet, tachometer, $550 SLAVIC K'S FIN Jewtrlef'S Since 1917 ~re the be.st .surp11ses begin. ,alh!Ofl lt&lnd (7141 Ma-13'0. fMwpof't ...... A11o GrMW Loi~· $9n Diego• IM "'911 't • . -' 1m1111n11 OH ANGE COUN 1 Y C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS J UST IN CASE -Workers place sandbags along the tideline at Surfside Colony in Seal Beach, bracing for what was expected to be troublesome high tides. The threat passed without any incident Wednesday night when 7-foot tides lashed the sands. The area has been troubled for years with beach erosion and ~ ...... Ptloto .,, Lee ... , .... the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved lending bulldozers, earthmoving gear and aid of state and county Office of Emergency Services workers to shore up the area. A high 6.7-foot tide is expected at 10:10 p.m. today. One for nuke foes? Kiwanians may shift parade s ite Edis on d e nies link to c losing of cente r By STEVE MITCHELL Of the DllNJ ""°' • ..,, Members of the Alliance for Survival are taking credit for the closure of the San Onofre Nuclear Generatin~ Station's visitors' center, despite denials from the Southern California Edison Co. that the anti-nucleai group has anything to do with it. The visitors' center was closed to the public in late June, the r esult, the utility claims, of economics. "Our primary concern (in closing the center) was to trim cost s," said David Barron, spokesman for Edison. But Tim Ca rp en t er, a spokesman for the Alliance, said his ~roup "feels confident we shut down the visitors' center." A news release from the anti- nuclear group earlier this week hints that Edison was pressured to close the center to avoid a lawsuit over public access to information. Carpenter said anti-nuclear groups sought permission last Nove mbe r to distrtbute safe e nergy information at the San Onofre center, but were turned down by Edison. (~lated story, photos, Page Bl) The center, located north of the $3.5 billion nuclear station, was closed to the public June 25 and is now being used as a training center for Edison employees. Edison owns 80 percent of the nuclear plant, located three miles south of San Clemente. "It (the cent er) was a propaganda vehicle for Edison, and we wanted to set up a table in the center with literature that would offer an alternative to nuclear power," Carpenter said. When Ed ison rejected the . request , a Los Angeles firm representing the Alliance sent a letter to the utility requesting a negotiated settleme nt on the distribution of Alliance literature at the center. Edison denied that request in June. Alliance officials said their group was successful in an earlier court case in San Luis Obispo County where opponents of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant were awarded a~ to the nuclear Vl.Sitor center owned by the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. center. And they see no reason whv they should n ot have been permitted to display alternative e nergy literature at the San Onofre center. But Edison spokesman said th e two issues are unrelated, citing San O n o fre's location on a federal reserve Irvine Kiwanis Club members have abandoned their attempts to s~e a Dec. 4 parade on Barranca Parkway and now are hoping to hold the event on nearby Alton Parkway. Club officials agreed to the Alton alternative Wednesday after meeting wtth merchants in the Woodbridge Village Center, who said closing Barranca during the buay holiday season would disrupt their business. Richard Herme:sch, the club's parade chainnan, said his group willingly made the switch , which stiU must be approved Sept. 14 by the Irvine City Council. "The Kiwanis Club just didn't want to have the parade unless everyone is happy," he said. Barranca is the main and busiest road through the center or Woodbridge and la the chief access road for residents visiting the n eighborhood sh op pi n~ center. Alton runs r oughly (See PARADE, Page A!) Irvine. candidate odd man out By DAVID KUTZMANN Oftha Dally f'llot 81•" An Orange County judge ruJeci toda y that n o additional candidates will be allowed to run f o r W est Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold's seat in November -a p ositio n for which only two candidates can compete. Superior Court Judge Ronald Owen. in effect, reaffirmed his earlier ruling of Aug. 4 in which h e invalidated H arrold's landslide election victory in June and ordered new balloting for November between her two de feate d challengers -Dan Charles Dutcher and Ronald Nix. Harrold, disqualified because Owen determined she was not a legal resident of Orange County when she filed candidacy papers last February, has already appealed that ruling. But Irvin e resident Paul Robbins, a Long Beach cit y prosecutor, also sought a change in Owen's decision so he could join Dutcher and Nix on the Nov. 4 ballot. In his Aug. 4 rulings, Owen had limited the field of candidates to only Nix and Dutcher. In his ruling Owen said Robblns was too late in seeking TELEVISION lndit!nS portrayed on TV "Born to the Wind" is a sensitive portrayal of the lives and culture of Ameriaµl Indians. The four-part series begins tonight at 8 on channel 4. Page C9. NATION WASHINGTON (AP) -The Justice Department and the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. announced today they decided to accept the conditions set down by a federal judge fOr approval of their anUtrust settlement. Nancy Reagan's 'tather dies WASHINGTON (AP) -Nancy Reapn'a father, Dr. Loyal Davia, 86, difd today ln a Scott.dale, Ariz., hospital. the White Houae announced. The f irat lady wu at her fa\her'1 bedlide when he died. to intervene in the election issue. Robbin s' attorney, Larry Rot hman, argued that the general public should be allowed t o choose from the largest number of qualified candida~ possible. "Our basic position is this -all we wish is to allow each qualified candidate to take out nomination Draft r esis te r t rial slated SAN D I EGO (AP) - Benjamin Sasway must st.and trial as the first young American charged since the Vietnam War with failing to register for the draft, a federal judge has ruled. Rejecting a defense argument of "selective prosecution," U.S . District Judge Gordon Thompson COUNTY ordered Sasway's trial to begin next Tuesday as scheduled. Enten Eller, 20, was the first person tried under the new law. He was convicted Tuesday in Roanok e, Va., of failure to register for th e draft a nd sente nced to three years' probation. S tudent bus tare charged Los Alamitos has become the fifth school district in Orange County to charge students for bus transportation. Page A6. .. Buddhists protest nukes Buddhist monks were among the protesting at a conference on nuclear Newport Beach. Page Bl. 'K eyhole art' in Lapna 140 peop~e warfare m · Want to take a peep at IOme art? Participatory "keyhole" art is a big attractlon at this year's Festival of Art.a in Laguna Beach. Page B3. . Irvine villages p asse? Ia Irvine'• villap Uvtng concept a thina of the past as the chairman ol the city's P fannlng Commlllion sugests? Pap 88. .. AirCal Workers asked to take .12% pay cut By F RED SCHOEMEHL 0( Iha Oa1tJ Piiot It.en More than 2,000 e mployees at Newport Beach-based AirCal - From president Robert Clifford to ramp side baggage handlers - are being asked to take a 12 percent pay reduction effective Sept. l , In addition, the o nce-highly profitable carrier laid off 104 employees four days ago . Another 56 are scheduled to be idied next month. The cost-trimming moves are d esig n e d to "ma i ntain -profitability of t he compa ny" during 1982, Mark P eterson, AirCal director of communica ti ons. said Wednesday. The carrier, which serves 15 destinations in five Weste rn states, blames its current financial problems on a recent f are wa r t hat erupted whe n comp etitor Pacific Southwest Airlines, of San Diego, slashed fares on several highly trafficked California routes. PSA cut fares by as much as 40 percent on some routes on which it competes with AirCal. The reductions were immediately met by AlrCal. Peterson said AirCal, prior to the Aug. 3 fare reductions, "had a plan in effect that called for profitability of the airline in 1982." He said the fare reduction forced company officials to "reforecast" passenger traffic and revenue. He said officials dec ided layoffs and salar y reductions -designed to save about $700,000 monthly -would be implemented as opposed to schedule reductions. "It is vitally important for us to remam strong in the markets we serve," Peterson said. About 2,200 people were employed by 15-year-old AirCal prior to Sunday's layoffs. About 800 employees are based in Orange County, Peterson said . Cli fford and other sen ior AirCal officials are meeting with represe ntatives of t hr ee e mployee unions this week to (See AJRCAL, Page AZ) Layoffs announced by Irvine· Company By STEVE MARBLE Of the DallJ 11'1ktl l lllff T h e Irvine Compa ny, the largest landowner and developer along the Oranee Coast , completed a year -long staff reduction process this week with a round of layoffs. Company officiala, who did not s upply a precise number, said roughly 5 percent of the Irvine Company's 800 positions have been trimmed ln the last year. Martin Brower, spokesman for the firm, said the reduction has been achieved through attrition and layoffs. He said only one depa rtme nt -an in-h ouse advertising and rel'learch unit - was done away with. The layoffs this week included one longtime employee in the firm's 14-person public relations diviaion. The poor economy, slumping house sales and the fact that the Irvin e Company has vir tually stopped b uilding were cited as reasons for the cutback. Br o w e r said the firm responded to the economic downswing nearly a year ago by not filling positions as they became vacant. He said a re- structuring proces.5 that included layoffs followed. Further layoffs are not anticipated, he added. The Irvine Com pany, a Michigan co rporat ion h~adqu a rtered in New port Center, is in sound economic health but has opted to kee p itself in a holding pattern m the near future. Brower said. "We're not stuck with much inventory," Brower said, ''but we do not see much happening in the real near future." He said like other development fi1 ms, top Irvine Ct>mpany ofticials do not see a s udden return to the so-called golden age of reaJ estate in the 1970s. • Ill judge vote papers," Rothman told J udge Owen. The Westminster attorney claimed that because no incumbent would be running m November, an extra five-day filing period should be allowed for new candidates to take out nomination papers. Westminster attorney Kenneth J . Golden , who r e presents Dutcher, argued that Robbins' challenge of the judge's ruling was "just too late." "This is a caae really without precedent," said Golden. "l think the court faaftioned the fairest remedy that it could." Golden's client, "butcher, has INDEX At Your Service Erma Bombeck Businem Cavak;ade Clu.llied Comics 0-0.Word Death Notices Edl t.oria.l Entertainment Hy Gardner Art Hoppe A4 A9 ' B4-5 A9 D3~8 C8 C8 C1 A8 86-7 AU .u SPORTS fi led a lawsuit last mon th challenging Ha rrold's decisive election victory because, Dutcher had claimed, she was really a resident of Riverside County. It was that suit which led to Judge Owen's ruling earlier this month invalidating Harrold's victory. The Orange Coun ty District Attorney's office announced earlier this week that it was conducting an investigation of remarks Judge Harrold made during her week-long residency trial involving the backdating of a deed giving her possession of a $2 million Newport Beach home owned by her grandmother. Horo9Cqpe Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notic8 Sports Stock Markets Televilion Theaters Weether World NeWI A9 A9 86-7 B4 A3 C7,Dl-3 Cl -6 B5 C9 86-7 A2 A3 New Laguna coach quits At leut the new Laguna Beach Hl&h School football coech ii auitttna undefeated. lt'• one of thoee ·•only ln i...unafl ~ .. Dennis Haryuna comes bl.ck to c:odl the An1sta after leavtria tn 19'17 amid unfavorable publicity. Pip C l. -----· --'y---'I Kenneth Duman, profes,,or of pediatrics at the UC Irvine College of Medicine, has been named to the medica l advisory board of the National Tuberous Sclerosis Association for 1982-83. Tuberous sclerosis is a rare neurological disorder first identified in the 19th century. The national research and education association is based •Newport .tsea c h psychologist Walter Brandt will speak on problems for women caug ht between careers and their families at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at Northwood Community Park in Irvine. His s peech, "The Super Women Syndrome," is free • The Irvine Symphony Orchestra will present a free <.'Onc:ert at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Woodbridge V illage ·Center, Barranca P arkway and Lake Road, ~e. UC Irvine C h ancellor Daniel Aldrich is to narrate the symphony's performant-e of P rokofiev's "Peter and the Wolf" during the hour-long outdoor concert. ~ Personalities from the Lawrence Welk Show, the Sun-Br eakers surfing team and o t her celebr ities and entertainers will be on hand Saturday for a fund-raising fair at Northwood Town Cen ter. Spo n sored by th e Nor th wood Merchants' Association and produced by Party Art, the fair is planned lo make mon ey for the 1 f rom Page A1 lAIR CAL . e e I ;win app roval for t h e salary reductions. "We are hoping for their cooperation," Peterson said \yhen asked about the unions' ~esponse to the carrier. "We F,ticipate a favorable response." , The unions include the ffransport Worker• Union , representing flight a ttendants, ~amp personnel and mechanics, rrfi.eamsters Union , representing ilots, and Stock Clerks Union, epresenting airline clerks. l Neither ticket agents nor tnan agement employees are µruonized. I . \ ~"\" ::d\\1' ,. " ;' ~: :Consla.I I Uoht variable winds throuoh n!Qht e•cept becoming westerly ! to to 18 knots afternoon and levenlno. Southwest swell 1 to 3· !feet. Low clouds and local log lnlghl and morning hours mos1ty • clearing In the allernoon. Atlante Cly Austin Balli more Biiiings Blrmlnohm Blsmarcl\ SQlse Boston Brownsvtle Buffalo Burlington Caspe< Charlatn SC Charlsln WV Charltte NC Cheyenne '1 ..:' Chlc.aoo .J. SlUIUllary . Cincinnati Cleveland • Scattered thunderstorms swept Clmbla SC the north central ar.d wellern Columbus p I a I e a I 0 d a y " 0 I h • r Dlll·FI Wlh 111understorms laalled Gull cout Dayton atates and the Southeut. Denver S o m e o I t h o s e s I o r m • Des Moines Pfoduced hall and hlQh winds. In Detroit Blackduck. Minn .. winds were Dvluth estimated at 80 mph and ooflb•ll-slzed hall and up to 4 ~~io-:,SO Inell•• ol rain tore through the FlllQtUlll area Wednesday night. GrNt Falls No lnjurleS -• reported, bUt Hartford roofs were blOwn off, poW9f lloes Helena .,.-1{ were downed end hundreds of Honolulu tr-were uprooted, said Polloe Houston Chlel 0811 Savich. lndnapfla Skies were generally fair Jacllsn MS etMWl>ere In the nation. J I T..... Nat1~e1 Weat~ Service acksnlll 8 ,,. ....,. Kana City foreoHt thunderetorms today Knoxville along the Gulf Coast and up the Laa Vegas Allanllo coast from Florida lo little Roell South Carolina Other storma Loulsvllle -e expected In the Rockies, the Lubbock Plalna a1atea throuoh the upPer M phi MIUlsalppl valley Into the Gra.t M=I 8 Lakes and sou t h er n N ew Mllwaullee Efl .. R.,l_an_d_. -·------\ Mpla-St.P C I J' NMl'tvllla a i1 ornia New or1 .. n• New Yorlc Norfolk No. Plttte Ollla City Om•h• Orlando ln Laguna Beach. Dr. Duman, chief of the Division of Developmental Disabilities and Clinical Genetics at UCI, is a specialist in the field of genetic disorders. He is associated with the Children's Hospital of Orange County, St. Joseph Hospital in Orange and the Memorial Medical Center in Long Beach. and open to the public. More information can be obtained by calling Melanie Anderson at 55 1-5007. · Parent-child playgr oups from Northwood and Woodbridge are sponsoring the talk, with assistance from the city's Community Services Department. Also to be played are Rossin i's "The T hieving Magpie Overture" and Kleinsinger's "Tubby the T uba." The concert is the fourth in a ser ies of free outdoor summer concerts offered by t h e I rvine Commu n ity Services Departf!lent in coopera tion with the Woodbridge Village Merchants Association. Muscular Dystrop hy Association. PARADE DELA YEDe \ e e p1rallvl u.> Barranca, but on the lea-developed aouthwcat aide of the San Diego Creek channel. H4'rm~'11Ch, who asked th City Counl'll lWll wt,'Clk for approval of ll 1~u·utl~ routt• on &arnm~. had aaid that at.reel would be more convenient and o!fer4'd more uccessible staging areaa than o thers . THe cou nc il h ad pocitponed a decision aft.or IOme merchant.a had objected. Hermesch said t he club wu wllUng to accept Alton nottns merchants had offered to help with some administrative detail.a to be ironed out before the Alton route Is made t-ertaln. The route would begin at West Yale Loop and stop ju.at before the Intersection with Jeffrey Road. He ad ded that anyone who might have objections to using Alton should cont.act him soon at 552 -4551 to discuss thelr concerns. If It OCX'UJ'I, the par•do will be the third lh~ club hu oraanJzed In Itvlne but the tint durlns the holiday season. Othet1 In 1980 and 81 wc•rt' llajt-'<l aa part ot the cttv'• Fourth of JuJy feativitica. H etftl t:1'c h said the club chungtid the dnte to lncreHC pa.rUclpation -etpedally among high school marching bandt thAt were unavailable! In July . December Is still part o f marchins band seuon. But c lu b members have learned that st.aging a parade is more difflcult in Irvine than juat flnding bands, he explained. 1'he biggest problem in the planned community, he added, Is findi.ng available streets. "Irvine Is a heck of a town. T here are not a lot of streets like in some towns," he said. "And we can't cut off a ccess to any community associations." Nestande requests panel bid delay At the nominee's request, the state Senate Rules Committee has poslponed consideration of Orange County Board of Supervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande 'tor a position on the Californ ia Transportation Co~ion. The Rules Committee was scheduled to consider Nestande's nomination at a hearing W edn esday after n oon in Sacramento. But the item was deleted from the committee's agenda, reportedly at Nestande's request. "He called up and said he couldn't make it," said Jerry Zanelli. rules co mmittee executive officer . "He would have had the votes." conumss1on tor up to one year p rior to confirmation, thus creating the possibility the appointment could be deferred to the 1982-83 legislativ~ ~ion. Trash transfer fee corrected Due to a typographical error in production, an incorrect figure appeared 1n a story in Wednesday's Daily Pilot on a fee to be charged at county-operated trash transfer stations. The fee, effective Oct. 11, will be $8.50 per ton. The story incorrectly said the fee would be $6.50 per ton. The Daily Pilot regrets the error. r DallJ Pllol Photo by Sieve Mllchell PEEKING THEIR INTEREST -What are photographe r Jim Sieg a nd a spectator at his booth at the Laguna Beach F estival of Art looking at? lf you wouldn't be daring enough to look through the peephole, too, you can see one scene on Page B3. Stunt men will stage a wild west shoot-out, the 70-piece !:Sand X will perform, pony rides will be offered and a "petting" animal will be present from Lion Country Safari, said Party Art's Sally Stoddard. The fair will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. al the center, 4 790 Irvine Blvd. Nestande's nomination for the position by Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. -an appointment arranged by Assemb lyman Richard Robinson, D-Santa Ana -has spawned conflicting legal opinions on whether a coun ty supervisor may serve in a dual capacity as a state transportation commissioner. Market gains, hut moderatel y Heactions from employees who work at John Wa"t!'.e Airport - the hub of AirCal s route system -was nixed. The governor's office says the dual role is proper; the legislative counsel's office says it isn't. Zanelli predicted the Rules Committee hearing on Nestande's nomination would occur "within a week." He said i t may be scheduled on very short notice, and, possibly, occur on th e Senate floor. "l'm just thrilled. Can't you tell?" one female ticket agent said sarcastically. "How would you feel?" A male agent who has worked for the ~r for 15 years said he would g o along wi th "whatever is best for the company." Said another employee, "I'm glad to have a job, that's all. It beats not wor~n~." in any event. action this year would have to occur before Aug. 31 , the last day of the 1981-82 legislative session. Nest.ande could serve on the Continued fair 74 84 98 78 83 58 97 71 89 67 96 67 20 88 60 71 60 95 76 85 56 17 SS 95 61 80 7.a .24 82 55 81 66 .23 87 59 01 83 85 81 56 78 51 84 65 .99 81 !>J 94 73 82 55 91 63 85 70 81 5<I 81 84 .02 96 72 ~· t!4 .02 82 53 86 60 78 52 93 84 85 75 92 78 .04 85 53 90 73 85 73 .Ot 85 89 86 65 99 78 87 69 82 58 88 68 90 72 88 75 .28 82 68 89 70 87 81 91 74 .12 81 84 79 68 89 65 92 73 83 70 13 88 74 .~ Plllladphla Phoenix Plttsburoh Piiand, Me Piiand, Ore Providence Raietgh Reno Sall Lake San Antonio Ettie evepor1 IOU• Falla St Louis SIP-Tampa St Ste Marie Sookana Syracuse Topella TUC8on Tulaa WUhlngtn Wlcht1e 82 63 106 9t 82 56 74 50 85 60 78 58 82 67 90 50 93 69 98 ,. 75 56 90 73 84 72 85 65 83 75 1.40 79 58 t7 99 ~~ a. 88 98 79 93 71 83 64 91 86 CALll'OANtA Bak8<'111efd 103 74 107 Blythe Eurelll Fr"'10 Lancaater Loa Angelea 65 55 100 86 96 68 81 68 Marysville Monterey Oakland Paso Robles Red Blul1 Redwood Clly Sacramento Salinas San Otego San Francla<:O Santa Barbera Santa Marla Stoellton Thermal Ukiah Barstow Big Bear Bishop Catalina U1Jce Arrowhead Long Beech Monrovia Mt. Wlleon Newport~ Ontario Palm Springe Pasadena San Bernardino San JOM Santa Ana 98 a.a 68 94 54 98 67 78 56 91 55 83 52 18 70 60 55 72 55 , ... 95 62 106 92 98 17 81 45 95 6e 72 68 S2 55 87 83 94 60 • 84 64 73 64 94 83 107 69 92 81 101 85 78 se 83 83 NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market posted moderate gains today as the frenzied activity of the Jast two days began to abate. Israel OKs PLO plans for ouster By The Associated Press The Israeli Cabinet approved the final draft of the Palestinian evacuation agreement today. but the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier threatened to delay the start of the guerrillas' withdrawal from west Beirut. However, government sources in Israel said they understood the Pales tin e Liberation Organization would release both the kidnapped soldier and a captured pilot Friday and that the evacuation would begin either Saturday or Sunday. Lebanon's foreign minister, Fuad Butros, said in a Beirut television interview the guerrillas would begin evacuating Saturday afternoon. 1 The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 10.09 to 839.52 in the first five hours. Advancing issues held a narrow lead over declines in the -midmorning taJJy of New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. Opening-hour volume on the Big Board totaled 19.24 million shares, running at about half Wednesday's ~ce. . Tuesday produced the biggest one-day rise in market history -a 38.81 -point jump in the Dow Jones industrial average. Wednesday's session eclipsed volume records, with 132.69 ,,,;!~on shares traded on the Big Board. But the Dow Jones industrials. up 18 points at midsession Wednesday, retreated in late:> trading to finis h with a 1.81-point loss. Analysts said many traders concluded that the r~ent rallies in both the bond a nd s to~k markets had gone too far, too fast. Open-market money rates, which had been in a nosedive since last week, stopped falling in the latter stages of Wednesday's activity. Today they moved up a bit. Brokers noted that several recent forecasts of lower interest OMEGA rates have been accomparuect by warnings of continued weakness in the economy. Recession worries have prompted what Wall Streeters have described as a "flight to quality" with money managers seeking out the salest investments. 'J'he rength today of the blue chip stocks in the Do1~ while the rest of the market was relatively flat. suggested more of that same sentim ent. College land use story corrected Due to a typographical error, a story in Wednesday's Daily Pilot incorrectly stated the lease term of special land use legislation for Saddleback Community College was 90 years. The proposed state law permits thl' college to lease the land for ~9 years. I-house legislature bill clears panel SACRAMENTO (AP) -In a surprise move, the Senate Rules Committee advanced a propcsed constitution al amendment tc create a one-house Legislature in California. CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF SPACE TRAVEL! The National Weathet Service 1ay1 Southern Calllornla'• weather should be mo1tly fair Friday with .om. cloud!,_ and teollled afternoon and evening thunderah~ In IM mountain• . Highs wlll range from the mld-80• In Loa Anoetee, to the 901 In 0...0. Valley. In the 80t In mountain areaa. from 9e to 103 In northern deeart• to 85 In the too, d-1. Soatw. from POlnt Conception to tha Mexican bofdef can expect llght varl1bt1 wind• during the night end mornlnll llO\l•I, becoming touthWMt9fty ·•t 10 to 18 knott during the afternoon with • t -to-3-foot I O\lthwe1t 1'#911. .... sc ..... ~U~R_f R_f P_DR_T Smog Where to call (toll lrff) lor 1a1M1 ln\OQ lnlonnatlon: Orange County: (800) 445-3828 Lo• AngelH County: (800) 242-4022 Sinc.e 1962 when NASA selected it as the official watch of tne space program, the Omega Speed- master Professional Chronograph hos been worn on over 50 space flights, including the space shuttle Columbia. Imagine how well this incredible watch wlll perform on earth for yol.11 Stai nless steel, water resistant to 100 feet, tochometef, $550. Northweat wind• could 1-=tl 28 knot1 with 4•to-e-foot -f1rther than 80 mllff offllMf• from San Nlcol .. llland. T e1npe ratures NATION .. Le ,.., 18 41 94 72 13 ea 11 eo .2t 8 -f :=. 2·3" 1•2" 3-4" 2-3" 1 ft 1·2 It 2-3 It 241t 2-G It 2 .... It 2"4 11 2·411 .... ..... gOOd latr f1lr llllr PoOf POOf '""..good I.it.good fair-good '"".good gOOd , .. r 2--i II t.ir 64 2-4" good 87 2-4 ft gOOd 87 2.-4" good 87 11:11 a.191. Low <4:11 p.m. &well RMnkle end 84ln lhmardlno countlae: (800) H7.,.710 AQMD Epl.ade c.nttlf: (8001 242-488e Tides TOOAY S«IOnd low 4:05 p m. Second high tO; 10 p .m. 1,4 ' u ,_AV Flrtt IOw 5:00 a.m. 0.1 Flfet high 11:21 a.m. 8. 1 8eoon<f IOw ~: 11 p .m. U Second high 10;68 ,,,.... u 8114'1 .... tod•Y at 1:35 p.m., rtNa ~ ., t; II a.n1. MoOl'I ,.... tOd~ at. 1:47 p.m .. Mt• '1ridey 11 l:N -.m. l S L AVICK'§ f'lne .l4lwtltr$ Sine. 1917 Whtrt che best swpnsts begin ,....., ~ (714) 844· 1380. Ntwport &Mctl Aleo CirMt9t Loi An9*I" ·Sin Dteoo • Loll ¥19111 • , I • I Call 1111 IDITlll OHANGE COUN IV C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS J UST IN CASE -Workers place sandbags along the tideline at S urfsid e Colony in Seal Beach, bracing for what was expected to be troublesome high tides. The threat passed without any incident Wednesday night when 7-foot tides lashed the sands. The area has been troubled for years with beach erosion and o.lfJ Not "'°4o by LM f'ayne the Orange County Board of Supervisors ap proved lendin g bulldozers, earthmoving gear and aid of state and county Office of Emergency Services workers to sh ore up the area. A high 6.7-foot tide ts expected at 10:10 p .m. today. One for nuke foes? Pai·r critical after crash Edison denies link to closing of center By STEVE MITCHELL Of Iha Dalt, f'tlol Stefl Members of the Alliance for Survival are taking credit for the c losure of the San Onofre Nuclear GeneratinR Station 's visitors' center , despite denials from the Southern California Edison Co. that the anti-nucleat ~up has anything to do with it. The visitors' center was cl05ed to the public in late June, the result, the utility claims, o f economics. ''Our primary concern (1n closing the center) was to trim costs,'' said David Barron, spokesman for F.dison. But Tim Ca r penter. a spokesman for the Alliance, said his group "feels confident we shut down the visitors' cent.er." A news release from the anti- nuclear group earlier this week hints that Edison was pressured to close the center to avoid a lawsuit over public access to information. Carpenter said anti-nuclear groups sought permission las t November to distribute safe energy information at the San Onofre center, but were turned down by &lison. Related story, photos, Page Bl The center. located north of the $3.5 billion nuclear station. was closed to the public June 25 and is now being used as a t r-ai n ing center for Edison employees. Edison owns 80 percent of the nuclear plant, located three miles south of San Clemente. "It (the cen t e r ) was a propaganda vehicle for Edison. and we wanted to set up a table in the center with literature that would offer an alternative to nuclear power," Carpenter said. When Edison rejecte d the r eques t , a Los Angeles firm representing the Alliance sent a letter to the utility requesting a negotiated settlement on the distribution of Alliance literature at the center. Edison denied that request in June. Alliance officials said their group was successful in an earlier court case in San Luis Obispo County where opponents of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant were awarded access to the nuclear visitor center owned by the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. center, And they see no reason whv they sh ould not ha ve been permitted to display alternative e ne rgy literature at the San Onofre center. But Edison spokesman said the two issues are unrelated, citing San Onofre's location on a federal reserve, on motorcycle Two Irvine residents. injured In a moto r cycle mishap in Newport Beach , remained in critical condition today with head injuries. Paul Weber, 21, and his 17-year-old male companion, whose name p o lice are withholding at the request of his paren ts, were injured late Saturday when their motorcycle slammed into a van on West Coast Highway. Weber, the drive r , was arrested on suspicion of felony drunk driving, police said. Officers said a third car crushed the downed motorcycle when maneuvering around the van. The two cycle riders were thrown more than 35 feet from the motorcycle and were not slrUCk by the third car. Weber remains in the trauma unit at Fountai n V a l l ey Community Hosp ital AirCal workers asked to take 1~% pay cut By FRED SCHOEMEHL Ol"IM Deity ...._. elllft More than 2,000 employees at New port Beach-based AirCal - from president Robert Clifford to ramp side baggage handlers - are being asked to take a 12 percent pay reduction effective Sept. 1. In addition, the once-highly profitable ~arrier laid off 104 employees fo u r days ago. Another 56 are schedaled · ro· be idled next month. The cost-trimming moves are designed to "main t ain pr ofitability of t h e company" during 1982, Mark Peterson, AirCal dire cto r of communication s . sai d Wednesday. T he carrier, w hich serves 15 destinations in five Weste rn s tates, blames its cu rren t financial problems on a recent fare war that erupted when competitor Pacific Southwest Airlines, of San Diego, slashed fares on several highly trafficked California routes. PSA cut fares by as much as 40 percent on some routes on which it compe tes with AirCal. The reductions were immediately met by AirCal. Peterson said AirCal, prior to the Aug. 3 fare reductions, "had a plan in effect that called for profitability of the airline in 1982." H e said the fa re reduction forced company o fficials to "reforecast" passenge r traffic and revenu~: ·He said offlclalS · · decided layoff s and salar y reductions -designed to save about $709,000 monthly -would be implemented as opposed to schedule reductions. "It is vitally important for us to remain strong in the markets we serve," Peterson said. About 2.200 people wer e employed by 15-year-old AirCaJ prior to Sunday's layoffs. About 800 employees are based in Orange County, Peterson said. C lifford and other sen ior AirCal officials are meeting with representatives of three employee unio ns this week to (See AIRCAL, P age A2> Layoffs announced by Irvine Company By STE VE MARBLE Of Iha Dally f'tlot llllft The Irvine Company, the Largest landowner and developer alon g the Orange Coast, comp leted a year-lon g staff reduction process this week with a round of layoffs. Company officials, who did not supply a precise number, said roughly 5 percent of the Irvine Company's 800 positions have been trimmed in the last year. Martin Brower. spokesman for the firm. said the reduction has been achieved through attrition and layoffs. He said only one department -an in-h ou se advertising and research unit - was done away with. The layoffs this week included one longtime employee in the firm's 14-person public relations division. The poor economy, slumping house sales and the fact that the Irvine Compan y has virtually stopped building were cited as reasons ror6the cutback. Browe t sa id th e f irm responded to the economic downswing nearly a year ago by not filling positions as th ey became vacant. He said a re- structuring process that included layoffs followed. ' Further layoffs are n ot antici~ted. he added. The Irvine Com pany, a Mi c h i g an co rp ora ti on headquart ered in Newpo rt Center. Is in sound economic health but has opted to keep itself in a holding pattern in the near future. Brower said. "We're not stuck with much inventory," Brower said, "but we do not see much happening in the real near future." He said like other development f11 ms, top Irvine Company ofticials do not see a sudden return to the so-called golden age of real estate in the 1970s. Special judicial election a two-candidate race By DAVID KUTZMANN Of ltle Dalt, f'llol Slaff An Orange County judge ruled today that n o additional candidates will be allowed to run for West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold's seat in November -a position for which only two candidates can compete Supenor Court Judge Ronald Owen, in effect. reaffirmed his earlier ruling of Aug. 4 in which he invalidated H arrold 's landslide election victory in June and ordered new balloting for November between her two defeated challe ngers -Dan Charles Dutcher and Ronald Nlx. Harrold, disqualified because Owen determined she was not a legal resident of Orange County when she filed candidacy papers last February, has already appealed that ruling. But Irvine reside nt Paul Robbins, a Long Beach city prosecutor, also sought a change in Owen's decision so he could join Dutcher and Nix on the Nov 4 ballot. In his Aug. 4 rulings, Owen had lim i ted the field of candidates to only Nix and Dutcher. In his rul i ng O~en said Robbins was too late m seeking TELEVISION lndi~ns portrayed on TV "Born to the Wind" is a sensitive portrayal of the lives and cult ure of American Indians. The four-part series begins tonight at 8 on channel 4. Page C9. NATION WASHINGTON (AP) -The Justice Department and t he American Telephone & Tele graph Co. announced today they decided to accept the conditions tel down by a federal judge for approval of th eir antitrust settlement. Nancy Reagan's father dies \ WASHINGTON (AP) -Nancy Reagan's father, Dr. Loyal Davta, 86, died today in a Scottadale, Arii ., hotpital, the White HOUie announced. The first lady wu at her father's bedside w hen he died. to intervene tn the e lection issue. R obbins ' attorney, Larry Rothman , argued th at the general public should be allowed to choose from t h e largest number of qualified candidat~ possible. "Our basic position is this -all we wish is to allow each qualified candidate to take out nomination Soviets loft 3 into space MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet Union launched a woman and two male cosmonauts into space today, the official news agency Tass announced. The lady cosmonaut, the second woman to be launched into space, was identified by Tass COUNTY as Svetlana Savitskaya, a researcher-engineer. Tass said the male cosmonauts ., were Leonid Popov. commander of the Soyuz T-7 spacecraft, and A l exan d er S e r ebrov , the engineer. Student bus fare charged Los Alamitos has become the fifth achool district in Oran ge County to c h a rge stude n ts for b us transportation. Page A6. Buddhists protest nukes Buddhist monks were among the protesting at. a conference on nuclear Newport. Beach. Page Bl. 'Keyhole art' in Laguna 140 people warfare in Want to take a peep at some art? Partidpatory "keyhole" art ls a big attraction at this year's Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach. Paae B3. l q ine villages passe? Ia Irvine'• village Uvina concept a thina of the put as t.he chalrrQan ol the city'• Pfannln1 CommlMton IUggeMa! °Pqe 88. pape rs," Rothman told Judge Owen. The Westminster attorney c laimed that beca use n c incumbent would be running in November, an extra five-day filing period should be allowed for new candidates to take out nomination papers. Westminster attorney Kenneth J . G olden, who represents Dutcher, argued that Robbins' challenge of the judge's ruling was "just too late." "This is a case really without precedent," said Golden. "I think the court fashion ed the fairest remedy that it could." Golden's client, Dutcher, has INDEX At Your Service Erma Bambeck Business Cavalcade Clallitied Comics eto.word Death Notices F.ditorial F.nteM&lnment Hy Gardner Art Hoppe A4 A9 B4-5 A9 03-8 C8 C8 Cl AS 86-7 M M SPORTS ftled a laws uit last month challenging Harrold's decisive election victory because. Dutcher had claimed, s he was really a resident of Riverside County. It was that suit which led to Judge Owen's ruling earlier this month invalidating Harrold's victory. The Orange County District Attorney's office announced earlier this week that it was conducting an Investigation of remarks Judge Harrold made during her week-long residency trial involving the back.dating of a deed giving her possession of a $2 million Newport Beach home owned by her grandmother. Horoaro,5e Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sports Stock Marketa Televiak>n Thea ten Weather World Netwa A9 A9 86-7 B4 A3 Cl,01-3 Cl-6 B5 C9 86-7 A2 A3 New Laguna coacb quits At Jeat the new L.auna Beach Hlgh School football coech la auttttnc uridefeeted. It'1 one of thcee "only In Laauna'' 1torlea, u DeMit Har:YUIUl comes bllck to CC*lh the A.rtlstl alter leevtng hi 19'17 amid unfavorable pubUdty. Pap Cl. -· 1:_tl C/N Orange Co•1t DAILV PILOT /Thurtday, Augu1t 19, 1982 ~Personal mission a Cop comforts friend after husband's d eath By JODI CADENHEAD Of11te09IJ ........ " By tho time Clay Eppenon reach ed the houao there really ~ wasn 't muc h h e could d o . t Herman Richard Mahlow, 67, t wu already dead. l: But Epperson, 23, a two-year II veteran of the Costa Mesa police department stayed two hours I with Salley Mahlow, who had discover ed the body of her 'I husband minutea before. i. Mr s . M a hlow and h er I' husband, who moved to Costa I Mesa from New York City in 1964, had never been apart I except for brief hospital stays in I! their 42-year marriage. ! It was a tense situation, with I everyone standing around in the 2: cold dark hours of the morning i! and nothing that ~uld be done. 1: Alice Feher said her mom I called her at 2 a.m. Wednesday to say that Mahlow was dead. He had suffered a heart attack. The couple were supposed to , go grocery shopping Wednesday. : The list was lying on the tablt?. : But Mrs. Mahlow had a funny '! feeling and got up to check on her husband. Mah low had ! ; From Page A 1 i !AIR CAL ... )win approval for the salary !reductions. "Vtf e ~e hoping f?r their cooperation. Pete.rson said when asked about the unions' !respon se t o the carrier. "We !anticipate a favorable resp<>llS":·" 1 T h e unions includ e the :Transport Workers Union , !!representing flight attendants, tramp personnel and mechanics, , :Teamsters Union, representing •!pilots, and Stock Clerks Union, : representing airline clerks. t ~. • • Ne t ther ticket agen ts n or pnanagement e mployees are f nionized. : Heactions from employees who I work at John Wayne Airport - Deltr f'tlot ate" f'tloto DELICATE CASE -Clay Eppe rson found he had a delicate situation to deal with when he answered patrol call. ~lready' been dead a couple of hours. "I told her to dial 91 1," said M rs. Feher. "It would give her the hub of AirCal's route system -was nixed. "I'm just thrilled. Can't you tell?" one female ticket agent said sarcastically. "How would you feel?" A male agent who has work~ for the carrier for 15 years said h e w o uld g o along with "whatever is bes t for the company." Said another employee, "I'm glad to have a job, that's all. 1t beats not working." peterson sati:a"trie layoffs were part o f a planned 6 percent seasonal reduction in flight hours. It occurred two weeks early, however, this -year. )Mesan jailed in hit-run '; A Costa Mesa man remained (Jailed today, a suspect in a 'htt- J:a nd-run accident ~ha~ left . a liCovina man hospitalized 10 1 :Critical condition. ' Richard Greg Wil9on, 19, was Boulevard and ran a red light at the intersection. according to reports. Ritchie allegedly fled on foot and was captured and arrested three blocks from the scene. He 1s in Costa Mesa City Jail. .still unconscious today at Hoag :Memorial Hosp ital, Newport 1Beach, according to officials , latter being injured in a Tuesday Dunes Hotel sale !morning accident at Ne wport !:Boulevard and 17th Street in jcosta Mesa. l: Wilson's auto was broadsided. 11by a car driven by Anthony !!Lynn Ritchie, 23, Costa Mesa. ~ :P o I i c e s a i d . R i t c h I e w a s 1;s outhbo und o n N e wpo rt LAS VEGAS (AP) - Attorneys representing a Las Vegas bank are negotiating the sale of the second-largest block of stock in the Dunes Hotel. 757,000 shares owned by the M ajor Riddle estate. 1oml·thlng to do until l got there" A1 aoon 111 thu call came In Epperson knew where he was h e1ded. He had m o t thu Mahlow1 once when he wu "a kid" and wu datint one of their grandclaught.en. "Aa sO'On u I heard t he location, I thought oh no." aa.Jd ltopenson. "I ~"' you have to come to grips that there's not a lot you can do. You can't bring the person back to life." " Mra. Feher said that Epperson waa already there when ahe arrived. After paramedics left, the officer stayed behJnd to talk to the family. "Jie made us f~l like it was his mother ," said Mrs. Feher. "He said the r ight thing and cared and that meant so much to us." Epperson, a lanky young man with dark hair, had the. rest of the night ahead when he left the grief-stricken Costa Mesa family ,. Before going home at 7 a.m. Wednesday he arrested a drunk driver, answered a silent burglar alarm and p4trolled an area of the city recently targeted by car thieves. Shots fired in Costa Mesa holdup try Employees of a precious metal shop in Costa Mesa were back on the job today d espi te being threatened by a quarte t o f gunmen in a b izarre robbery a ttempt. P o lice sai d four gunmen e nte red Archromatics Co., 1012 Brioso Drive, Tuesday night and began firing shots into the office walls when one of the suspects appa.rently became angry. The sh ooting attracted the attention of other employees who ente red the area. police said. No one was injured and· the four gu nm e n fl e d in a Volkswagen, police said. Trash trans( er fee corrected Due to a typographical error in production. an incorrect figure appea r e d sn a story in Wednesday's Daily Pilot on a fee to be charged at county-operated trash transfer stallons. The fee, effective Oct. 11. will be $8.50 per ton. The story incorrectly said the fee would be $6.50 per ton. The Daily Pilot regrets the error. l~l ~\' :~:~~1~c~c-,y --C-~:-~-Il--~-.. -:-~-or-.. U-.-•• -~-or-~-p-.-m-. e-!-:i--~-~-m-.--sn_aw_filJ_:·:-. , Baltimore 113 511 Fnday, August 20 • Sllllngs 97 71 • Tem al\Jfes Showers Flurrlt11!!) Coasta l Light varllble winds through night ellcept t>ecomlng -ter1y 10 to t 8 knoll 11ternoon end evening South-I swell t to 3 leet. Low cloud• and 1oc1I log night and morning h0ur1 rnoetly clearing In the ertemoon U.S. su11unary . SGlttered thunder_,onne IWIPI the north centre! end wHtern , 11111 1 tod•Y Other t thundflf'ltormt tuned Gull 0099! 1t1tet and the SoutheUI Some ol tho•• 11or lfte produeed h•ll and high wlndt. In 8 l1ckduck. Minn , wlndt were utlm•t•d et 80 mph end goltball-1lzed hell end up to 4 lnchM ol rein tore through lhl 111 .. Wedneedey ,,1gh1. No Injuries -• repofled. but root• -e blown ott. power 1"- wer• downed end hundred• of ,,_ -• uprooted. Mid Pollc:e Chief Oen Savich. Skin were generally l1l r al_,..,.• In the netlon. The Netlonet Weeth« s.vtce rorec111 thunderttorm1 todey elong the Gull Coltt and up the Allenllc coHt lrom Florida to South C1rotlna Other tlor"'' -· expected In lhl Rod!IM. Ille P19lnt 111111 through the UPP9f MlulN4>!>1 vettey Into the Greet Lake• end southern New Er>Qland. Blrmlnghm 89 67 Bismarck 96 67 .20 Bolee 66 80 SOltoo 71 60 Srownsvtle 95 76 SottalO 85 511 &Jrllngton 77 55 C•999< 95 Ill Charl1tn SC 80 74 24 Cherlatn WV 112 55 Chlrllle NC 8 t 88 23 Cheyenne 87 59 01 Chic.go 113 65 Clnclnnetl 111 58 C...,.,,d 78 51 Clmbl• SC !4, ~~ .119 Columbus u ""' D1t-F1 Wth 94 73 Oeytoo 82 55 OenYlr 91 113 O.. Mo4nes 85 70 Oetroll 81 54 Duluth Ill 64 02 El Paso 96 72 F1rgo "'" ~ 02 Aegatell 112 S3 Grut F•tl• 1111 60 Hertford 78 52 H ...... e 93 ~ Honolulu 85 7 5 Houatoo 92 711 .04 lndnapfla 115 53 Jecitan MS 90 73 Jaclllnvlle 85 73 .01 Kena City 115 89 KnoKvtOe 86 85 LH VegH 99 711 Little Roel< 87 69 Louteville 82 511 LubbOCk 118 118 Memphla 90 72 Mleml 16 75 .2S Mllweukll 82 ell Mple-81.P It 70 NMhYMle 117 6 1 Phlledphle Phoenix Plttaburgn Pt11nd. Me Pllend. Ore Provld~ Ralelgn Reno Seit Lalt,a Sen Antoni<> Seettle Shreveoort Stou• Fella SI Louis SI P-Tempe St Sle Mer19 Soo!tane Syr9CUH Topel!• Tuceon Tut.a WNhlngtn Wlchll• 82 113 106 91 112 56 74 50 85 80 711 58 112 87 90 50 93 89 98 74 75 511 90 73 114 72 85 65 83 75 1.40 79 58 17 99 ~~ 114 66 911 79 93 71 83 6• 91 86 Merysvtlle Monterey 0 1ktend Puo Robles Red stun .JT Redwood Cl~ Sacramento Selln11 San Diego Sen Frencleco Santi Barber• Sant• Merta Stocllton Thermal Ukiah Berti OW Big S.•r Slthop Catalina Lake ArrowhMd Long 8Mcfl Monrollla 98 64 66 94 54 98 87 76 58 91 55 63 52 78 70 80 55 72 55 74 95 82 1De 92 Ca lifornia New Or!Mn• 91 74 .12 New York 81 64 Horlolli 79 88 CAJJOflHIA Bekerlfiel(I Mt Wlleoo Newport 8MGtl 103 74 Ontario 107 Pelm Spring• 96 77 81 45 95 611 72 ell 112 5!1 117 63 M llO 114 114 73 114 94 113 107 118 92 111 101 65 711 511 The Netlonel WMther SIMce 1ay1 Southern C1llfornt1 '1 weether should be moelly terr Frldey with -cloud"-Ind llOl•led eltemoon end evening lllund«"-' In the mount.,._ Hlghl wlll r enge from the mld-808 In LOI Angela. to tM 808 In 0-0. V"""'Y, In the 909 In moumeln .,_, from lie to toa In northern "-'• lo 115 In the low ~. 8oetere from Point Conoeptloft to ttle Mexklan botder cen ·~ lloht v1rl•ble wtnd1 during tllt night and mornlnlJ houri, beCOfnlnO IOUthwMler1y It 10 tO 11 knOtt during the •11trnoon wltll 1 1-to-3-foot 1out11w .. ....... NMthwtlt winds COUid ,.... 21 knott wllll 4-10-e-foot -ferther 1111" eo mll•• offmore fl'om 8an NtcolM lalalld. T emperature• UnoN ... L9 .. 71 • ., .. 1t UM 7t llO .a 1 Slythe Eure6l• FrMOO L.8"CMter Loe A~ Ho. Platt• 119 65 13 Olli. City 92 73 Omella 113 70 Or1alldo ea 7 4 .34 115 55 Paaad9nl 100 N Sen 8-rnardlno 116 fie San JOM 111 118 S111t1 Ana 113 63 ·~* ...... ~U~-R_f R_IP_DR_T Smog Where to cell (toll lrMI for 1e111t lfTIOll tntonnaoon· Orange County. (800) «&-3eH t.oa AngllllH County; (100) 242-4022 AIYetllde end ten Semardlno countltl: (800) 3117,..710 J r..i.r·• "·'-2.3 It 1-2 It 3--4 It 2.a It "' 1-2 " 2-3" 2-3 It 2·3 It 2 .. 11 2~11 2 .. 11 2-4 It 2-4 It 2-4 It 2 ... " 1t:21 • "' .... ....... good felr flllf llllf poor poor flllt.good f1tr-good ftlr-good lelr-QOO<l ~ ........ T-.» ea 119 87 67 117 117 111 117 117 " .. ... ,.., 84 OOod t7 ::~: fr Low 4:11 p,lft. 8wtll AO ... O EpllOde Cll'lter: (8001 242-411et Tides TOOAY ~low 4;0~ p.111 S.Cond high 10: 10 p m. PNDAY u 0.2 Flt-wt IOw &!00 a.m. o.• Finl Noll 11:21 a.m. a., 8econcJ tow 4: 111 p.m. U Seoond 111W1 10:M p.m. U 8ull .... today II 1:31 p.111., r1Me Frtdey M I : ii &.lft MOC1r1 ""9 todey tt 1.4 7 p,lft., "'* F~ at 1:2t &Jn, Skateboard thefts foiled in Newport Police hMve arrelled one pert0n and are 1eekmS a eecond after inttudera tripped a burglar alarm while trylnti tu cart off th ou1and1 o f dollars In skateboard• from a Newport Beach flrm. Charles Albert Stelgler. 26. of Carlsbad , wa• arrested Wednesday out1lde Davl1on'1 Sports, 871 l~th St. A wltneas told ofClcers two people ran from the commercial outlet, l e a v ing stack s o f ekateboarda. boogie boards and skateboard wheela on the ct.irb In front of the business. The recovered loot was valued at $3,412. Stelgler, booked on suspicion of burglary, is free on $10.000 ball. Safety seat bill advances SACRAMENTO (AP) - Parents would have to provide their children under 4 years of age with federally approved a uto safety seat s, under a bill approved by the state Assembly. The 59-7 vote Wednesday sent SB537 by Sen. Nicholas Petris, D-Oakland, back to the Senate for a final vote. When children under 4 -or weighing under 40 pounds - ride in cars other t han their parents', they would have to be buckled in by seat belts in the rear seats. Norwalk protest NORWALK (AP) -An estimated 100 e mployees dem o n strate d a t the Metropoli tan State Hospital , protes ting what the y called dangerous working conditions , u n d e rs t a f f i n g a n d ( o r·c e d , overtime. Delly Piiot Photo by Stl'f• Mltchell PEEKING THEIR ,INTEREST -What are photographer Jim Sieg and a spectator at his booth at the Laguna Beach Festival o f Art looking a t? If you wouldn't be daring enough to look through -the peephole, too, you can see one scene on Page B3. Market gains, hut moderately NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market posted moderate gains today as t he fre n zied activity of t he last two d ays began to abate. Israel OKs PLO plans for ouster By The A11oclated Press The Israeli Cabinet a pproved the final draft of t he Palestiruan evacuation agreement today, but the kidnapping of a n Israels soldier threatened. to delay the s tart o f the guerri ll as' withdrawal from west Beirut. However, government sources in Israel said they understood the Pal estine Lib e r at i o n Organization would release both the k idna pped soldie r a nd a captured pilot Friday and that th e evacu ation would begin either Saturday or Sunday. L ebanon 's foreign minis ter, Fuad Butros, said in a Beirut television i nt erview th e guerrillas would b ~Bin evacuating Saturday afternoon. The Dow Jones avera~e of 30 industrials rose 10.09 to 839.52 sn the first five hours. Advancing issues h eld a narrow lead over declines in the -midmorning tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. Opening-hour volume on the Big Board totaled 19.24 million shar es. running at about half Wednesday's pace. . Tuesday produced. the b~ggest one-day rise in market history -a :38.81-point jump in the Dow .Jones industrial average Wednesday's sessio n eclipsed volume records. with 132 69 ,.-.:!!:on shares traded on the Bsg Board But the Dow Jones industrials, up 18 points at midsess1on Wednesday. r etreated in late trad i ng to finish with a 1.81-point loss. Analysts said man y traders concluded. that the recent rallies in both the bond and stock mnkets had gone too far, too fast. Open-market money rates, which had been in a nosedive since last week. stopped falling in the latter stages of Wednesday's activity. Today they moved up a bit. Brokers noted that several receit forecasts of lower snter~t OMEGA rates have been accomparued t:>y warnings of continued. weakness 1n the econ o m y . Recession worries have prompted what Wall Streeters have described as a "flight to quality" with money managers seeking out the safest investments. 'J'he rength today of the blue chip stocks in the Dow, while the rest of the market was relatively flat. suggested more of that same sentsrnent. College land use story corrected Due to a typographical error. a story in Wednesday's Daily Pilot incorrectly stated the lease term of special land use legislation for Saddle back Community College was 90 years. The proposed. state law permits the college to lease the land for 99 years. I-house legislature bill clears panel SACRAMENTO (AP) -In a surprise move. the Senate Rules Committee advanced. a propcsed constitutional a m endment le create a one-house Legislature in Cahfornia. CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF SPACE TRAVEL! , Since 1962 when NASA selected It os the official waich of the space program, the Omega Speed· master ProfeHional Chronograph hos been worn on ovef 50 space fli~clvdlng the space shuttle Colu mbia. lmogltre how well this Incredible watch will perform on earth for you I Stolnless steel, woter resistant to lOO feet, toc~ometer, $550. SLAVIC K'S Fine......,. SltQ 1817 Whert cl\( bcsc JMrpnsts /,(gin. ,.......,, ...... (1141 "'-l•·~Belcl\ -.g,..w l.oa~ •Stn l*go ·l.a~ • ' , • 'JIDIPllT IUCll I Hiil ITICU I liUU ~.[JAV A\H,IJ'> I l'I t·rn. OH A NGE COUN T'Y C A LIF-OICN IA 2!, ClNfS JUST IN CASE -Workers place sandbags along the tideline at Surfside Colony in Seal Beach, bracing for what was expected to be troublesome high tides. The threat passed without any incident Wednesday night ~hen 7-foot tides las}\ed the sands. The area has been troubled for years with beach erosion and D.ity Piiot l'tloto by LM PeyM the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved lending bulldozers, earthmoving gear and aid of state and county Offic;e of Emergency Services workers to shore up the area. A high 6.7-foot tide is expected at 10:10 p.m . today. One for · nuke foes? Pair critical after crash Edison denies lin~ to ~losing of center . By STEVE MITCHELL Of tM Delly Piiot Steff Members of the Allianc:e for Survival are taking credit for the closure of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station's visitors' center, despite denials from the Southern California Edison Co. that fhe anti-nucleaJ ~oup has anything to do with it. The visitors' center was closed to the public in late June, the result, the uti1ity claims, o f economics. "Our primary concern (in dosing the center) was to trim costs," said David Barron, spokesman for F.dison. But Tim Carp e nter, a spokesman for the Alliance. said h is ~roup "feels confident we shut down the visitors' center." A news release from the anti- nuclear group earlier this week hints that F.dison was pressured to close the cente r to avoid a lawsuit over public access to information. Carpenter said anti-nuclear groups sought permission last November to distribute safe energy information at the San Onofre cen ter. but were turned down by F.dison. Related story, photos, Page Bl 1'he center. located north of the $3.5 billion nuclear station, was closed to the public June 25 and is now being used as a t ~ai ning center for Edison employees. F.dison owns 80 percent of the nuclear plant, located three miles south of San Clemente. "It (the center) was a propaganda vehicle for F.dison, and we wanted to set up a table in the center withl.iterature that would offer an alternative to nuclear power," Carpenter said. When Edison rejected t h e request, a Los Angeles firm representing the Alliance sent a le tter to the utility requesting a negotiated settlement on the distribution of Alliance literature at the center. F.dison denied that request in June. Alliance officials said their group was successful in an earlier court case in San Luis Obispo County where opponents of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant were awarded access to the nuclear visitor center owned by the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. center. ... And they see no reason whv they s h ould n ot h ave been permitted to display alternative energy literature at th e San Onofre center. But F.dison spokesman said the two issues are unrelated, citing San O n ofre's location on a federal reserve on motorcycle Two Irvine residents, injured in a m otorcycle misha p in Newport Beach, remained in critical condition today with head injuries. Paul Webe r . 21, a nd his 17-year-old male companion, whose name p o l ice are withholding at the request of his parents, w ere injured late Saturday when their motorcycle slammed into a van on West Coast Highway. W eber, the driver, was arrested on suspicion of felony drunk driving, police said. Officers said a third car crushed the downed motorcycle when maneuvering ai:ound the van. The two cycle riders were thrown more than 35 feet from the motorcycle and were not struck by the third car. Weber remains in the trauma u nit at Fountain Va lley Commun ity H ospital. AirCal workers asked to take 12% pay cut By FRED SCHOEMEHL O{'fM Delly "lot a te" More than 2,000 employees at Newport Beach-based AirCa1 - from president Robert Clifford to ramp side baggage handlers - are being asked to take a 12 percent pay reduction effective Sept. l. In addition , the once-highly profitable carrie r laid off 104 employees four days ago. Another 56 are scheduled to be idled next month. The cost-trimming mov~ are designed to "maintain profitability of the company" during 1982, Mark Peterson. AirCal dir ector of communication s, said Wednesday. The carrier, which serves 15 destinations in five Western s tates, bla m es its current financia l problems on a recent fare war that erupted wh en competitor Pacific Southwest Airlines, of San Diego, slashed fares on several highly trafficked California routes. PSA cut fares by as much as 40 percent on some routes on which it competes with AirCal. The reductions were immediately met by AirCat Peterson said AirCal, prior to the Aug. 3 fare reductions, "had a plan in effect that ca!Jed for profitability of the a,irline in 1982." He said the fare reduction forced company officials to "refore.cast" passenger traffic and revenue. He said officials decided layo ffs a nd salar y reductions -designed to save about $700,000 monthly -would be implemented as opposed to schedule reductions. "It is vitally important for us to remain strong in the markets we serve," Peterson said. About 2,200 people were employed by 15-year-old AirCal prior to Sunday's layoffs. About 800 e mployees a r e based in Orange County, Peterson said. Clifford and othe r senio r AirCal officials are meeting with rep r ese.P,tat ives of three employee unions this week to (See AIRCAL, Page Ai) Layoffs announced by Irvine Conipany By STEVE MARBLE Of the Delly Pflot Steff The Irvine Company, the largest landowner and developer a l ong the Orange Coast , completed a year-long staff reductior. process this week with a round of layoffs. Company officials, who did not supply a preeise number, said roughly 5 percent of the Irvine Company's 800 positions have been trimmed in the last year. Martin Brower. spokesman for the firm, said the reduction has been achieved through attrition and layoffs. He said only one d epartmen t -an in -house advertising and research unit - was done away with. The layoffs this week included one longtime employee in the firm's 14-person public relations division . · The poor economy, slumping house sales and the fact that the lrvine Company has virtually stopped building were cited as reasons for the cutback. Brower said th e firm responded to the econom ic downswing ne.arly a year ago by not f i1J ang positions as they became vacant. He said a re- structuring process th.at included la~offs followed. Further layof§s are not anticipated, he add~. The Irvine Company, a Michigan co rp oratio n headquarte red in Newport Center, is in sound economic health but has opted to kee p itseli in a holding pattern in the near fut ure, Brower said. "We're nof stuck with much inventory," Brower said, "but we do not see much happening in the real near future." He said like other development f i t ms, top Irvine Compan y ofticials do not see a sudden return to the so-called golden age of real estate in the 1970s. Special judicial election a two-candidate race By DAVID KUTZMANN Of the Delly ll'llot 8tett An Orange County judge ruied today that n o additional candidates will be allowed to run for Wes t Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold's seat in November -a position for which only two candidates can compete. Superior Court Judge R9nald Owen, in effect, reaffirmed his earlier ruling of Aug. 4 in which h e invalidated H arrold's landslide election victory in June and ordered new balloting for November be tween he r two defea ted challengers -Dan Charles Dutcher and Ronald Nix. Harrold, disqualified because Owen determined she was not a legal resident of Orange County when she filed candidacy papers last February, h as already appealed that ruling. But Irvine resident Paul Robbins, a Long Beach city prosecutor. also sought a change in Owen's decision so he could join Dutcher and Nix on the Nov. 4 ballot. In his Aug. 4 rulings, Owen h a.d li m i t e d t h e f i e l d o f can~dates to only Nix and DutchtJt. In his r u ling Owen said Robbins was too late in seeking , TELEVISION J (' -·---·- lndi~ns portrayed on TV "Born to the Wind" is a sensitive portrayal of the lives and culture of American Indians. The fo\.tr-part series begins tonight at 8 on channel 4. Page C9. NATION WASHINGTON. (AP) -The Justice Department and the Americ$n Telephone & Telegraph Co. announced today they decided to accepi the conditions set down by a federal judge for approval of theLJ; antitrust eettlement. Nancy Reagan's father dies WASHINGTON (AP)-Nancy Reagan's father, Dr. Loyal Davia, 86, died today 1n a Scottldale, Ariz., hospital. the White HOUie announced. The flnt t.dy was at her father'• bedside when he died. ' ' to intervene in the election issue. Robbins' attorney, Larry Rothman, argued that the general public shoulci be allowed to choose from the largest number of qualified candidat~ possible. "Our basic position is this -all we wish is to allow each qualified cand idate to take out nomination Soviets loft 3 into s pace MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet Union launched a woman and two male cosmonauts into spa.ce today, the official news agency Tass announced. The lady cosmonaut, the second woman to be launched ln to space, was identified by Tass COUNTY as Svetl ana Savitskaya. a researcher-engineer. Tass said the male cosmonauts were Leonid Popov, commander of the Soyuz T-7 spacecraft, and Alexander Ser ebr ov. the engineer. Student bus fare charged Los Alamitos has become the fifth school district in Orange County to charge stude nts for bus transportation. Page A6. Buddhists protest nukes Buddhist monks were among the 140 people protesting at a confere nce on nuclear warfare in Newport Beach . Page Bl. 'Keyhole art' in Laguna Want to take a peep at some art? Participatory "keyhole" art is a big attraction at this year's Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach. Page B3. Irvine villages paue? Is Irvine's village llvlna concept a th!!1J o1 the past as the chairman ol the ct ty'1 Planning Commislion augge.ta? Page B8. t • papers." Rothman told Judge Owen. The Westminster attorney claimed th at because n o incumbent would be running in November, an extra five-day filing period should be allowed for new candidates to take out nomination papers. Westminster attorney Kenneth J . Golden, who r epresents Dutcher, argued that Robbins' challer.ge of the judge's ruling was "just too late." "This is a case really without precedent," said Golden. "I think the court fashioned the fairest remedy that it could." Golden's client, Dutcher, has INDEX At Your Service Erma Bambeck Buaines.. Cavalcade Classified ComJc:a era.word Death Notices Editorial Ent.er\ainment Hy Gardner A.rt Hoppci A4 A9 B4-5 A9 03-8 C8 C8 C7 AS .86-7 A9 A9 SPORTS filed a lawsuit las t month challenging Harrold's decisive election victory because, putcher nad claimed, she was really a resident of Riverside County. It was that suit which led to Judge Owen's ruling earlier this month invalidating Harrold's victory. The Orange County District Attorney's office ann ounced earlier this week that it was conducting an investigation of remarks Judge Harrold made during her week-long residency trial involving the backdating of a deed giving her possession of a $2 million Newport Beach home owned by her grandmother. HoraicOJ)e Ann Landers Movies Mutual F\mds National News Public Notices Sport.a Stock Markets Television Thea ten Weather World News A9 A9 B6-7 84 A3 C7,Dl-3 Cl-6 B5 C9 B6-7 A2 A3 New Laguna coach quits At leut the ne.,v Laguna Beach Hiah School football COllCb 11 auittlna uridef eated. It'• one of \hoee ''only In Lalwaa'' atones. u Dennis H&r'YW1a comes back to coech the Artlltl after leaving tri 1977 amJd unfavorable puQumty. Pace Cl. ---------~----• .~· CJN Personal mis ion Cop comforts frie nd after husband's d eath By JODI CADl!:NREAI> ~--~ .... ·-By the time Clay l:pperaon reached th hOUM theN-~aUy wasn't much he could do. Herman Richard Mahlow. 67, WU already dead. -----But Eppel"90n, 23, a two-year veteran of the Cotta Meu police department atayed two hours with Salley Mahlow, who had discovered the body of her husband minutes before. Mrs . M ahlo w a nd h er husband. who moved to Cost.a Mesa from New York City In 1964, had never been apart except for brief hospital stays ln their 42-year marriage. It was a tense situation, with everyone standing around ln the cold dark hours of the morning and nothing that ::ould be dope. Allee Feher said her mom called her at 2 a .m. Wednelday to say that Mahlow waa dead. He had suffered a heart attack.· The couple were supposed to !go grocery shopping Wednesday. 1:The list was lying on the table. I But Mrs. Mahlow had a funny j feeling and got up to check on 'h er hus band. Mahlow had I From Page A 1 I ~n1!,.~~!' th: .:,.:, Suctions. "We are hoping for ir cooperation." Peterson said en asked about the unions' espon se to the car rier. "We ticipate a favorable _resporllM'.·" The unions inc lude the Transport Workers O nion, representing flight attendants. ramp personnel and mechanics, .,..., ............... 0 DELICATE CASE -Clay Epperson found h e had a d elicate situation to deal with when he answered patrol call. already been dead a couple of hours. "I told her to dial 911," said Mrs. Feher. "It would give her the hub of AirCal's route system -was ruxed'. "I'm just thrilled. Can't you tell?" one female ticket agent said sarcastically. "How would you feel?" 1omethln1 to d o until J aot thort"" lu aoon as the call came In Ei)peno1rldiew whcru he "'Wal h eaded . H e h ad m•t the Mahlow1 once when he wu "• kid" and was dating one of their andcMugh~- • •As 1oon a1 1 heard the locaUon, I thouaht oh no," aald Eooel'IOn. "I RUeMI you have to come t.o gripe that there'• not a lot you can do. You ~·t bring ~e pel"90n back to We." Mrs. Feher said that Eppenion waa already the re when 1he arrived. After paramedics lef\, the officer stayed behind to talk to the family. "He made us feel like It was hla mother," aald Mrs. Feher , "He sald the right thing and cared and that meant so much to us ... Eppenon. a lanky young man with dark hair, had the rest of the night ahead when he left the grief-stricken Costa Mesa family. t · Before going home at 7 a .. m. Wednesday he arres1ed a drunk driver, answered a silent burglar alarm and patrolled an area of the city recently targe1ed by car thieves. Shots fired in Costa Mesa holdup try Employees of a precious metal shop in Costa Mesa were back on the job today despite being threatened by a quar tet of gunmen in a bizarre robbery attempt. I eamsters Union, representing '!pilots, and Stock Cle rks Union, representing airline clerks. ·~ N.elther ticket a gents nor anagement e mployees are , nionized. A male agent who has work«:<! for the carrier for 15 years satd he would g o along w ith "whatever ia best for the company." Said another employee, "I'm glad to have a job, that's all. It beats not work!nJ." peterson saui.the layoffs were part of a planned 6 percent seasonal reduction in flight hours. It occurred two weeks early. however, this year. Police said four gunmen entered Archromatics Co., 1012 Brioso Drive, Tuesday night and began firing shots into the office walls when one of the suspects apparently became angry. : • .Keactions from employees who iwork at John Wayne Airport -I iMesan jailed in hit-run I A Costa Mesa man remained !;ailed today, a suspect in a hit- ~ nd-ru n accide nt ~ha~ left. a ~ovina man hospatahzed in pitical condition. Richard Greg Wilson, 19, was I e m orial H ospital , Newport Boulevard and ran a red light at the intersection, according to reporta. Ritchie allegedly fled on foot and was captured and arrested three blocks from the scene. He is in Costa Mesa City Jail. ·~· till unconscious today at Hoag each, according to officials, after being mjured an a Tueaday Dunes Hote l sale orning accident at Newport ulevard and 17th Street in ta Mesa. Wilaon's auto waa broadsided y a car driven by Anthony ynn Ritchie, 23, Costa Mesa, olice said. R i t c hie w as o u thb o und o n Newpo rt LAS VEGAS (AP) - Attorney• representing a Las Veg.as bank are negotiating the sale of the second-largest block of stock in the Dunes Hotel, 757 .000 s hares o~ned by th e Major Riddle estate. The shooting attracted the attention of other employees who entered the area, police said. No one was injured and the f our gunmen fled in a Volkswagen, police said. Trash transfer fee corrected Due to a typographical error in production, an incorrect figure appeared in a s t o r y i n Wednesday's Daily Pilot on a fee to be charged at county-operated trash transfer stations. The fee, effective Oct. 11 , will be $8.50 per ton. The story incorrectly said the fee would be $6.50 per ton. The Daily Pilot regrets the error. Continued fair· Coast a l Llgllt varlable wind• tllrougll night except becoming -terty to to t8 knota afternoon and _,ing. Sout"-t swell 1 to 3 leet. Lo11t cloud• and local fog night and morning lloura .._,1y ci.arlng In Ille ~ttemoon Atlante Cty Austin Baltimore Blftlngs Blfmlngllm Bismarck Boise eo.ton Brownsvlle 8'1ffalc> 8urllngton Cuper Ctlenstn SC Ctlartstn WV Cllerttte NC Ctleyenr>e U.S. s unu n a ry . ~~.u Clevetan<I Clml>la SC COlumbUt Dal-Ft Wiil Ollylon OenYer OnMOln. OetrOl1 Oulu1h Scattered ttluN:lentorm• IWIP' tile nortll central and wHtern 11ate1 today O ther tllunderltonna luned Gull coeat ,., .. and the SouthNll. Some of tllo•• 11orm1 produced llall and lllgll '#Inda. In Blackduck, Minn .• wind• were a•tlmated al 80 mpll and gollball·tlzed "911 and up to 4 lncllee ol rain tore througll Ille area Wedt>Mday nlgllt. No lnjur'--e repo<ted. l>U1 roof• -e blown off, paw. NnM w«e downed and llundredl of tr--e uprooted, Mid Pollca C11191 Oen Savich Ski•• were generally lair .. ....._. In the nation. Tiie National Weather Service lorecaat tllunderetorma today aJono tlle Oun Coat and up tlle Atlantlc co11t lrom Florida to Soutll Carolina. Otller 1torm1 -· eicpec:1ed In Ille Rodi .... IN Plelnl •tat• thrOUQll tile ~ MIMIMIP9I valley Into the o..t L ak•• and 1outhe rn New Er?end· California El Paso Fargo A991tan Or•l Falla Hartford Heltna Honokllu Houston Ind~ Jecltan MS J9Ckanv!le K-Clty Knoxville LuVegu Llttle Roell Loullvllte Lubbock Mem9hls Mlllml ......... Mpll-SLP NeltMlle ..... on..n. New Yort. The Nation.I WMtller SeMoe Norlolk uya Southern C allfornl•"•\) No. Platte wHtller •hould be moatly fair ~ Otrle City Friday wltll 80fM ~ MCI OmlN ~tad afternoon and -Mo Ottenclo 74 98 83 97 89 " 88 71 95 85 71 95 80 82 81 87 83 81 78 8.4 81 94 82 91 85 81 81 96 Y4 82 86 78 93 85 92 85 '° 85 85 88 " 87 82 88 90 ee 12 .. S7 t1 81 79 811 92 q 88 64 78 58 71 87 87 20 80 80 78 58 55 81 74 .2.4 55 ee n 59 .0 1 65 58 51 85 ·" :>a 73 ~ 63 70 S4 84 .02 72 CM ,02 S3 60 52 81 75 71 .o.t 53 73 73 .0 1 e9 65 78 89 58 .. 72 76 .~8 .. 70 81 74 .12 81 ee ea .13 7~ 70 74 ... Pnllaodpllla .PllOefll• Pllllb\lfgh Piiand, Me Piiand, Ore Provldenee Ralalgh A«'<I Stlt L-.1 San Antonio Seattle Sllreveport Stoox Falla St Louie St P-Tampa St St• Marie Soolcane Syracuae TopMia T- Tlllla Wetlllngtn ~ta 82 83 toe 91 82 58 74 50 85 &O 78 58 82 87 90 50 93 69 98 74 75 58 90 73 84 72 85 85 83 75 1 40 79 58 t7 99 H 84 98 93 83 91 86 79 71 8' 88 CAUf'OflNIA ltkerefleld 103 74 107 =· ~ ~­IMMftlw 06 55 100 86 .. fl8 81 88 thund---• In tile rncM!t .... Hlgll• wlll rang• from Ill• mld-IOa In Loe •Anoatee. to Ille OOe In 0-W v.,..,, In Illa '°' "' rnounliMn .,.._ from H to tOt lfl northam dM«19 to 86 In the w '*811. loatwt from Point ConoapUoft to Illa Mexlcen bofder can 8llP'Ct llaht v11labla wtnda durlno the nlghl and morning houre, ~ IOl.lltiftli.rfy .. '° • 11 llnots durlno IM attemo. with • Mo-i·foot IOUlh.-t li~if R>~~~ ........ Rf_RIP_DR_T ...... Norlf1=-t Wide OOllld ._. .. llnota Wltll 4-to-.. -.. ... farther than to mllat .,,__.. ffOM ... Nlcol9I !eland. Temperature~ MAnoef ....... 71 11 M ,. 13 • 71 10 .It ...... T-.» .. 89 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 89 N .. 2-4" ,. 84 2 .... " OOOd 87 2-1" OOOd • 17 l -4 " ooCNt 81 11:11 a.m. L..ow •:d't p.111. lwwll Marysville 98 Monterey fl.4 Oaklend 88 Puo Roblee 9-4 ~ Red Blulf 98 87 Redwood City 78 58 Sac:ramento 91 SS Salt nu 83 52 San Diego 78 10 San Franc:tac;o 80 55 Santa Barbara 72 55 Santa Marla 7-4 Stoekton 95 62 ri-mal 106 Uklell 92 Ber stow 98 77 Big Beer 81 45 Blthop 95 88 Catalina 72 64 Lake AnCMhM<I 82 55 LMQ 8eaGll 87 83 Monrovta M 80 Ml. Wlleon 84 84 Newport 8Mch 73 fl.4 Ontario M 83 Palm Spring• 107 e9 Puad41na 92 81 San Bematdlno 101 es San Joee 78 58 Santa AN 83 63 Smog . ' Whert to call (loll lrte) tor lateat ::g:onnatlon: °'!'Ti nty: JtOO) 4.15-382e LO• ng•IH 1>u11ty: (800) 242-4022 . Rlvtreldt and 8an lemllrdlnO counttta: (800) H7-4710 AQMD !pltode Ctnt«: (IOOI 242 ....... Tides TODAY 8tcond IOw 4:01p.m. 1.4 8eeond hlgll 10:10 p.m . u l"M>AY Finl tow 6.00 Lm. 0.1 Arel hlQll 11:21 1.m. a. 1 hcond' IOw •: 11 p.m. 1~ l«lOfld "WI 10:11 p.m. e.a Sun aeta ~ at 1:it p.m .. ""8e ~ ... ti a.m. Moon rtaaa toc19y at 1:47 p,m., M19 Fl'I09y at 1!21 un. ' • Ska teb oard the! ts f oil e d in Newport Polle.: h ave arrutod ono ptr90n and are aeekl.nj a aecond after lntruden tripped a burglar alarm while trying to cart off tho u u nd s o f dollar• In skateboard• from a Newport Beach flnn. Charla Albet St.elJler, 26, of C arlabad , was arreated Wedne1day outalde Davison's Sports, 871 16th St. A wltnen told officers two people ran from the commercial o utlet, l eav lna atac k a of akateboarda, boogie boards and skateboard wheels on the curb in front of the business. The recovered loot wu valued at •3.•12. Stelgler, booked on suspicion of burglary, la free on $10,000 bell. Safety seat .. bill advances S AC RAMENTO (AP) - Parents would have t.o provide their children under 4 years of age with federally approved auto safet y seats, under a bill approved by the st.ate Assembly. The 59-7 vote Wednesday sent SB537 by Sen. Nicholas Petris, D-Oakland, back t.o the Senate for a final vote. When childre n under 4 -or weighing under 40 pounds - ride in cars other than their parents', they would have to be buckled in by seat belts in the rear seats. Norwalk pro t est NORWALK (AP) -An estimated JOO employees dem o nstrat ed at the Metropolitan State Hospital, protesting what they called dangerous working conditions. understaffing and forced overtime. O•lly lttlot Pt>oto bf 111¥1 MltcMll PEEKI NG THEIR INTEREST -What are photogr apher J im Sieg and a spectator at his booth at the Laguna Beach Festival of Art look ing at? If you wouldn't be daring e nough to look through the peephole, too, you can see one scene on Page B3. Marke't gains, but moderately NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market posted moderate garns today as the frenzied activity of the last two days began to abate. Israel OKs PLO plans for ouster By The AssoClated Press The Israeli Cabinet approved the final draft of the Palestinian evacuation agreement today, but the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier threatened to delay the s tart o f the guerrillas' withdrawal from west Beirut. However. government soun:,es in Israel said they understood .the Palestine Liberation Organization would release both the kidn apped soldier and a captured pilot Friday and that the evacuation would begin either Saturday or Sunday. Lebanon's foreign minister, Fuad Butros, said in a Beirut televis ion interview the guerrillas would begin evacuating Saturday afternoon. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 10.09 to 839.52 m the first five hours. Advancing issues held a narrow lead over declines in the .ffiidmoming tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. Opening-hour volume on the Big Board totaled 19.24 million shares, running at about half Wednesday's pace. . Tuesday produced the b!ggest one-day rise in market history -a :rn.81-point jump in the Dow Jones industrial average . Wednesday's session eclipsed volume records. with 132 69 11".:!?.:on shares traded on the Big Board. But the Dow Jones industrials. up 18 points at midsession Wednesday, retreated in late trading to finish with a 1.81 -point Joss. Analysts said many traders concluded that the recent rallies in both the bond and stock markets had gone too far. too fast. Open-market money rates, w hich had been in a nosedive since last week. stopped falling in the latter stages of Wednesday's activity. Today they moved up a bit. Brokers noted that several recent forecasts of lower interest OMEGA rates have been accompanied by warnings of continued weakn~ 1n the economy. Recession worries have prompted what Wall Streeters have described as a "flight to quality" .. with money managers seeking out the safest investments. 'l'he rength today of the blue chip stocks in the Dow, while the rest of the market was relatively flat, suggested more of that same sentiment. College la n d use s tory correct ed Due to a typographical error, a story in Wednesday's Daily Pilot incorrectly stated the lease term of special land use legislation for Saddleback Community College was 90 )(ears. The proposed state law perm.its the college to lease the land for 99 years. I-ho use legisla ture bill c lears p a n el SACRAMENTO (AP) -ln a surpnse move, the Senate Rules Committee advant't!d a propcsed constitutional amendment to create a one-house Legislature i.n CaJifomia. CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF SPACE TRAVEL! Since 1962 when NASA selected lt os the official watch of the space program, the Omega Speed- mastor Professional Chronograph has been worn on over 50 spoco flights, Including the apace shuttle Columbia. Imagine how well this incredible watch will perform on earth for you I Stainless steel, water resistant to I 00 feet, toc~meter, $550. §LAVI CK.§ Flna ..i.weltn Since 1917 Whtrt cht brn surpnsts bt.gin ,..,., ltllnO (714} ....... ,.,. ~...,, Mio Gr-. I.GI~• Sin Olevo •\Al~ ..-------------------~--·--· Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, Auguat 19, 1982 N aa _,_ • NYSE (:OMPOSITE TRAN ~ACTIONS ououuo1 .. llfCUIO• •••Ol,ON '"' .... '1'01111. MIDWHT. ,AC!fl(, , ••• •OiTOM OIUOlf AND (IOl(llOI ... ,, noo .ti •(MAlfGU AMC> •1POl9TIO a'I' fMI 111.UO ANO l lOllTtlll f __.,....___ _.~~_._._.,__ • Dow Jones Final UP 9e14 CLOSING 838.56 Mickey Mouse, • • pals un1on1ze LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla (AP) -Abou1 100 employees of Wa lt DlBnl'y World who portray such characters as Mickey Mouse a nd Snow White have agreed to unioniie. The employees had complained of being forced tc. wear "dirty, hot costumes" in Florida's heat a nd bein@ abU!Sed by overzealous amusement park patrons. They voted 4!l-4 l Wednesday to be included aE hosts and hostesses m the Service Trades contract, said Teamster Local 385 President L&rry Park<.'r Firm boosts earnings The Fluorocarbon board of dircx·tors dC\:lared a 4-t:ent div idend per common share payable C:Xt 31 Lo stockholders of re<·ord C:Xt 15. F luorocarbon has 16 divisions that operate 26 manufacturing rat•1hucs Divisions are divided m~ rubber, fluoroplast1L-s, cuswm plastics, semiconductor and fluid sealrng groups. Headquarters are in Laguna Niguel. R ecord r evenues told Naugles Inc. (of Fullerton) posled record eammgs and revenues in fiscal 1982 For the year ended June 30 revenues rose 43 percent to $55,832,000. Net earnings advanced to $2.- 375,000, equal to 85 cents per share, from $930,000 or 37 cents per sha re, in the prior year Naugles Inc operates a cham of 24 hour drive. through restaurants in California, Nevada, Utah , Missouri. Illinois a nd Kansas. W arranty to continue DETROIT (AP) Chrysle r Corp. says 1t will continue Its five-year. 50,000-mtle warranty offer on 1983 models. The na tion's No. 3 automaker ts the flr~t to a nnounce a sales promotion for the new model year Chrysle r's E-body cars for 1983 arc wwe1led this week at the Jefferson Avenue assembly plant STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW VORI( IAl'I SalO\ > p Ill PtlC<' (tno Ml o-.a,,oe ot thoe-••Uef'f\ '"O\I •tl•v,. Nf'w 'V'ori.. St0<" E•<h•nOt" IS\Uf'\ ~'.~~~~v;::t1on.11., •: ;'~;&,'"'~n.:,'. • ·~ 'Jf'n MolOt\ t 0.0 lOO u~ t8M "1000 1tS1• • 1• ~•f\ROt'b 6S..400 10 '> • '" Amt' T 6. l 11' lOO S\1 • • I S<hh1m1>19 en.aoo JO... 1 E;.aon /J0.900 11'·• " '• 0.0l•A"' ' l>JI, 100 11 ... , .. Am Airl1n \6l.100 ••' • • \\ 01Q1141tQ ~1._lOO .,, • " G•n El"' 486.00 .a•" • .. 8d,,"A.nW?r "64,100 ti ' ' s100111no 483 100 3•'-1 Nor Ind PS .f&.S 800 ll '• .. m•r 1 ebJ 100 18 "- GOLD COINS ... ... ... '"' .. , .. .... , .. 211 ... '• '"' ... I l') H, ·~ Pel 0 11 11 1 Off 11 0 Oii 10 I Oft '' 0 11 'I 0 11 • s Oft • S 0 11 •• 0 11 • ' 0 11 •.• 0 11 I S 011 ,, 0 11 ' • Oii 11 Oii , , 0 11 , , Oii l,J Oft 10 Oii I 0 Oft •• '• Otl • , ..._ Off •A lie Ott • 4 1'1, OH & J NEW YORK (AP) -Prlola 11111 Mon(jiy of gold colnl . comp11red wllll Friday's Pf~• Krut.,und, t troy oz , $353.50. up '350 M1,11 leaf, 1 troy 01 , 1354 00. up $3.50. Merlc:MI IO peeo, I 2 troy °'" s.420 60. Uf) $4 25. All91tlefl 100 -"· 8802 lroy ot . '33& 50. up $3 50 SOu1oe· OIM·Perera AMERICAN LEADERS N r W VUH"-IA~I S.•tt'-\ 1 p rn DtK• ~'~t~ttttc,"-'nt'oc~' ''E .. !~~,,;.M>1t 1~v,' ~~"&t;';'l10f\lll' A: .~Qth•n /~. \• q•nottf"0.I 1)4 '<>() ~ t t "'aam•Ru\I 10. ~ •• " ("llrt~ A ti~.100 )O•·· • ,. Ciulf(•n Q sa . .oo 111• • .... ~U\tll \-0."0Q 11 • 1 Dowva11e..-)() 600 11 •. At-\rt Int A 4~ .O t11 ~ MElALS NEW YORK fAPI me1a1 oriees today Spo1 nonletrovs Coppef 68"9· 70 unts a pound. U S destinations Leed 26-29 oenls a oound. Zlnc •O cents a poyno. delivered Tin S6 1997 Metals Week c:ompoalle lb Mercury S365 00 per llasll Platlnum S253 OO·S260 00 troy ounoe. N 'I SILVER Haridy & Herman. S6 940 per troy ovric:e GOLD QUOTATIONS By Tiie AHoclat41d .. , ... S elected world gold pt!Ges lodey London morning fixing $356 25, off SI SO Lof\don atternoon ll•lng $356 65, olf $1 10 Perla tllernoon lb Ing $35 I 80 up $298 Frenllfuf'1 11x1ng $353 99, up S 13.97 Zurich late ntternoon llxlng S356 75, up 13.50 bid; S357 50 asked Handr I ".,"'en only dally quote $356 65. Oii S 1 10 En~h8fd only dally Quote $356 65, OH $110 Engelhard only dally quo1a labrtc1ted $374 48. oH S1 16. SYMBOLS O·N-yeaoty low u-N•w yM/I)' lllOll Unte.ts Olh•rW1M nolll<I, •AIU of dhrldend1 ere ennoal dlabur .. ~11 bl..0 on IM lhl qvanerly or seml·ennu•I decl1ra11on SIH!G••l or evtre d1voe1e<><11 or p1~11 no• des;gne1eo 11 r~at are !Oenlllled In lhe lollow!n!I 1001no1ts 1 Alto••••• or ex1'H b·Annu111 ra1• Plu• stock dividend C·LIQuldAllng dividend oee1a19d or peld 1n p~l"il 12 rnon1"9 , o.ic:te•K or paid el1et ttoc" <11..a.nd or -'Pitt up 1-Pald '"'• year d~ ommeo. ci.teued or no ac110n ,..._.,., 11 1aat Orvt09nd mealing k·OeCl••ed or oald lhlt yew, an ac;cumul&llV9 •-witll dM<lenda tn .,, .. ,. "'°~ 1-r-0ect11red or peld In ptecedlng 12 rnor'llhe plus 110Cli. <llvklend l·Ptld In 11oci. '" 1><eceotno 12 mon1111. utll'nAled c;MI> vatve on aa-oMden<I or ea-dla1~tl0n dll• •·ElHllvldflfldl Of ••·rlgtll• y-Ell-d~ And elllea In lull l·S.lff In 11111. c;ld·Oellad wd0Wheft dlalrlbu*' wl•When 1uued ww·Wllll warranu ..... w1111ou1 •1<rants •°""E>.·Cllal•lbull()n P E •ello Tiie pt!Cle of • llOCll u a mulupte 01 I* .911.,. ""14"9•·deo1WO by dividing the 1a1e11 12 moom .. rn•nv• tlgure 1n10 IHI .... ()fl<:I