HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-20 - Orange Coast PilotIUISI CUil Ylll 11111111 llllY Ml f RIOA Y. AU GUS f 20. 1982 onANG[ l.OIJN l y C Al If OHNIA L~ C EN TS U.S. Marines to aid evacuation of· PLO By fte A11oelat~ P re11 Presiden t Reagan said today he will aend, American troopi t.o help evacuate PLO guerrtllu from west Beirut. About 800 Marine1 are expected to play what the presiden t called a "carefully limited noncombatant role." "In no cue will our troops stay longer t h an 30 days," the president said In a brief statement to reporters In the White HoU8e Roee Garden. Reagan also aald the American troops would be removed lmmedJately If shot at. Meanwhile in Beirut. the PLO today freed a captured laraell pilot and a kidnapped aoldJer, c learing the way for a U.S .-guaranteed PLO evacuation from weat Beirut to 1t1rt Saturday, Prime Minilter Shaflk Wu:r.an announced. Wazzan said In a nationally- televised statement that the remains of Israeli 1oldler1 reque1ted by Israel aho were delivered by the PLO to the International Red Croes in the Lebane9e capital. Israel had demanded the return of the two hraell prison.rs and the r emain• of IOldJers killed lh Lebanon before the atart of the evacuation of an ettimated 7 ,000 guerrtllu could bealn under a plan the Israeli C.Imet endorsed on Thunday. larael Defeme Minister Ariel Sharon c.lairoed tn an interview publiahed today In Tel A vtv the evacuation of the Palestinian Seagate refund weighed By ROBERT BARKER o< .. D.-,NetlWI Huntington Beach Mayor Bob Mand.le said Thu.nd.ay that city officials w ere ''kind of cold - hear ted" in dealing with the Seagate Homeowners Asaociation this week . For seven years, the association had faithfully paid the electricity bill for a sewer pump station near the Seagate condominium community in Huntington Harbour. An d, although homeowner representatives had their suspicions. they didn't learn until last March that they had been paying the bill by mistake. The aewer pump, officials now ~. was performing a function for homes in the northwest part of the city -not just Seagate - and the bill should have been paid by the city. CHARACTER BOAT TIME -Colorfully balloon-festooned boat chugs past the Pavilion Queen, loaded with spectators at the Balboa Deir .......... ..,~~ Bay Club's beach, du.ring last year's Character Boat Parade . Guide to this year's festivities is on Page Bl today. Seagate repreaentaUves put In a claim for $8,007 .25 for seven years of payments. Bu t city council members agreed to pay only $5,484.53 of the bilt They balked at paying back the en tire amount because the three-year statute of limitation had expired on earlier payments. Foes rallied I or. tax victory Paying back the entire amount could have been construed as making a gift of public money, said City Attorney Gail Hutt.on. Plan mapped by GOP ended with many ironies "Our action was kind of col<f-hearted," Mandie aaid upon reflection. "The city has benefited. And the money that we are paying back is a lot cheaper than when they paid becauae of inflation." WASHINGTON (AP) -The t ax and spending victories President Reagan claimed from Congress this week climax a strenuous budget fight over terrain mapped by his Republican allies and ultimately 9eC\Ued by his most implacable Democratic foes. Some of the more memorable ironies: -A smilinR House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr., 0-Masa., at Reagan's side in the Rose Garden in an u n usual public appeal for paasage of the $98.3 bill.ton tax bill. "The tax bill will not repeal ~cs,", O'Neill, an archfoe of an's economic policy, said aeve hours earlier. "But It ia at least a step in the ~t direction." -Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., chainnan of the Senate Finance Committee, urging enactment of the tax bill by saying it was the only way to provide increased unemployment benefits most Democrats and many Republicans want. The year began with Reagan declaring, "I will aeek no tax increases this year." And his February bud~~ rejected and then rewritten from top to bottom by his Republican allies, requested alight cuts in unemployment compensation. -Sen. F.dward M . Kennedy, D-Maae., 81 persl.atent a critic as Reagan has in Congress and a likely contender for the White llDll llllYlll Houae in 1984, becoming the first Senate Democrat to say he will vote for the bill. The alternative, an aide says, could be further economic decay as deficits and interest rates rise. . -Reagan, never reticent about urging spending cuts on t h e public, making paid television commercials to rally Church gives free food CIDCAGO (AP) -Some were elderly, others unemployed. They began arriving as early aa 4 a.m., and by the time the food giveaway began at 9:30 a..m., the line stretched for blocks. When the doors opened at the three-story building next to the Mount Pisgah Miai.onary Baptist Church, a thousand people were waiting patiently for a free bag of groceries. "Right now I haven't got a thing in my houae to eat." said Cardell Murdock, who said she bought food with $70 a month In food stamr. "I don't know what steak Ui. went to bed hungry last nighL" TELEVISION Posthumous T V stardom? For Californians who have never tasted video stardom, two entrepreneurs are offering them their bia chance -after they're dead. Bob Greene, Page A7. SPORTS Rams edsed in Cleveland The Rama are beaten on a field goal ln the last three eecorMle In Oeveland, 26-23. Pap Cl. • 1 Ansels bounce back, 8-5 'lbe Ancell rally from 15-0 defidt to my In first place with an S.~ vlctoc'y over a.ton. Pqe Ct. support for the tax measure without s~fically mentioning it would raiae taxes. In the end, a $13.3 billion package of spending cuts paaeed handJf y in the Senate and in the Houae. But on the companion tax bill. it was O'Neill and the Democratic leadership that carried the day for Reagan over the opposition of conservatives claiming they were trying to save him from himself. In the House, Republicans provided 103 votes, Democrats 123. And in the Repu blican Senate, where Democrats were rarely needed to enact GOP' legislation, it took the support of nine Democrats and 43 Republicans. Overshadowed by the unity needed to pass a tax Increase in both an election year and a receaaio n was how sever al months of bickering produced this ultimate irony. The tax and spending bills roee from the ashes of keagan'a original budget -a blueprint ao unacceptable to members of both political parties that it was rejected 20-0 in the Republican- controlled Senate Budget Committee and shelved without a vote ln the House. Reagan asked for "revenue enhancements" and improved collection methods over three years of leae than $50 billion. He (See TAX, Page At) COUNTY Mandie says he la thinking about asking the City Council to reconsider. Seagate representattves said financial responsibility for the sewer pump station mistakenly. . wu transferred. to the 8880ciation i.nsteed of to the city, when the 338 units wett completed alona Edinger Aven~ and near Swuet Aquatic Park. Homeow ner representatives said they were assured on a couple of occasions that the sewer pump bill was their responaibWty. A homeowner maintenance worker. checking up on various CIORI, WE'l'lt to the city last March. Hiker trappe d in Sierra rocks FRESNO (AP) -A f>alo Alto man was wedged between two rocks overnight await:fnR ~ after he fell 150 feet while hikirur in the Sierra Nevada ea1t o1 Fresno. Mark Wellman, 21 , was hoepltallied in stable condition today at Valley Medical Center ln Freme>. Johnnie Crean and Ron Packard haV9 much to &gee about but you would not have known it if you watched a video-taped debate that included the 43rd Congrealonal Diatrict'a Democratic contender Pat Archer. Page A4. Riley remembers Guadalcanal Orange County S upervilor Tom Riley rememben well t he bloody, sweaty aaault on the l1land of G uadalcanal, which took place 40 years aao thll month. Page 83. ·Tab Hunter in Anaheim Actor Tab Hunter will star ln El Toro playwrtaht Jack' Sharkey'• j)lay, "Here Lle11 Jeremy Troy," at the Grand Dlnner Theater in Anaheim. Weekender. Prof talb on 'beins you' Dr. Leo Buecac1Ja,.profe90t at use, will IPM.k on "Juat be~ you'' at the Crystal Cathedral on Sept. 9. Weekender IJUerrU.lu from Beirut waa "an unparalleled defeat" for the PLO. Sharon was quoted by the daily Yedloth Ahronoth aa Mytna he did not accept the word "evacuation" u1ed by U .S pre1idential envoy Philip C. Habib who negotiated the w1 thdrawal. "I have always uaed the word expulsion," Sharon wu quoted as saying. The Sharon sta t ement appeared to be the opening ahot in what Ui likely to develop into a pro~ganda war between larael and the PLO over who won the battle of Beirut Back ln Waahlngton, O.C., th~ Pentagon dlacloeed that a five- (Sff MARINES, Page At) Plane, boat debris found off Clemente Coast Guard officials remained baffled today by the discovery of wreckage from both a 24-foot sailboat out of Dana Point and a small air plane found in the same spot off San Clemente. Authorities believe three people may have died in the two unrelated accidents. No bodies were found in a search of the ocean Thursday, and a Coast Guard spokesman said today the search has been suspended.. Believed aboard the small sailboat was Bruce Stritzinger, 31, of Dana Point, who left Dana Harbor at about noon Wednesday. A Coast Guard spokesman said items found floating five miles west of San Clemente included wooden steps from the boat, a botUe of prescription medicine and an insurance identification card. Al.so found floating in the same vicinity was landing gear from a Cessna 17 l missing since Tuesday night with two San Diego men aboard, according to Peter Allen, chief petty officer of the Coast Guard. Aboard the plane were its owner, David Montgomery, 69, and passenger Nelson Beshor, 42. They left Montgomery Field in San Diego late Tuesday night, intending lO practice take-offs and landings and return that night. authorities said. Coast Guard officials tOday were at a 1065 to explain why the wreckages were located so cloee together . They said the Dana Point boat owner lived aboard the Kai Vai in Dana Harbor. Reprieve weighed for park barbecues It appears the nine city-owned barbecue stands in Heisler Park m ight get a reprieve. just two weeks after the Laguna Beach C ity Council o rdered thei r removal. Earlier this month council m e mber s, f o ll o w i ng a recommendation by the North Laguna Conununity Association. ordered the grills removed from the blufftop park overlooking thf: ocean by Jan. 1, 1983. The homeowner group, many of whose members live close to the pa rk, complaine d of the l'Onstant smell or smoke wafting into their homes and yards. And while most of the sizzling pollution can be blamed on park visitors who bring in portable barbecues (illeglll in the park) the group suggested removal of t he city g r1lis m ight make enforcement easier. But Councilwoman Bobbie Minkin, who lives in North Laguna. said she wants to see city off icials come back with a n o t h e r a lte rnative than removing the city grills. dicial election -candidate race By AVID KUTZMANN Of 0..., "'°' ..... Orange County judge has ru ed that no additional can dates will be allowed to run to West Orange County M dpal Court Judge Joanne Id's seat in November -a po Ilion for which only two can dates can compete. perior Court Judge Ronald Ow , in effect, reaffirmed his er ruling of Aug. 4 ln which nvalidated Harro ld 's INDEX landslide election victory in June a nd orde red new balloting for Novembe r b etween he r two de feated challe ngers -Dan Charles Dutcher and Ronald Nix. Harrold, disqualified because Owen determined she was not Cil legal resident of Orange County when she filed candidacy papers last Fe brua ry, has already appealed that ruling. But Irvine res ident Paul Robbins, a Long Beach c ity (See JUDICIAL, Pqe At) At Your Service A4 Bus1ne9 84-!5 Ann Landen Movies A7 Weekender B4 A3 B3-4,C4-6 Cl-6 A7 B!5 TV Loe C.valcade A7 Clulified C6-12 Comk:a B2 Cromword 82 Deeth Nodes C6 Editorial A6 EntertaJ.nment Weekender Gvden1na A8 HOl"OK:Ope A7 Intenn.lmion Weekender NATION Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sparta Dr.Steinc:rohn Stock Marketa Televhdon ~ten Weather World News Sinser sues Beatles Weekender A2 A3 LOS ANGELES (AP) -A $1.3~ billion IUlt hM been filed ..,mat the Beatl• and about two dozen record compeniea by rock atnaer Ton~ Sheridan and hll maJ'\1891' .._Mleninl that tbe llnpr 1 material wu credited to ua BeetJ-. • ... ~· 8 I Orange Cout OAILV PILOT /Friday, Augu1t 20, 1982 Interest rates slip as By The AHoclated Pre11 Gold aoared today t o I ts hlgheet price in eight months as U.S. interest rates slipped to their lowest levels since June 1980 and concern mounted over Mexico's financial health. Fears that U.S. banks would sulfer if Mexico fails to meet its foreign debts sent investors scurrying for "qu ality " investments Thursday, sending blue-chip stock prices rising and interest rates on three-month U.S. Treasury bills plummeting. Representatives of Mexico's major credlt.ora met at the Federal Reaerve Bank of New York today amid reports that Mexico would .eek to postpone paymenta on part of ita $80 billion foreign debt. gold trading to 6 . 7 percent, A• recently u the end of June, IUCh Investments were trading at more than 13 percent. F.dward Bou Jr .• an econorrmt al Continental Il1inola National Bank & Trust Co. In Chicago, said the massive slide in rat.es on the three-month bills reflected a desire by invest.ors to "stay short, stay In quality until th e uncertainty clears up." From Page A1 J UDICIAL. • • prosecutor, alllo sought a change in Owen's decision ao he could JO'" Dutcher and Nix on the Nov. 4 ballot. PUTTING UP BARRIERS -Bulldozers reinforce sand berm to protect homes in Surfside Colony from flooding in high tides. Homes escaped flooding Thursday night but part of new .,.., ........... .., c ..... lten berm was wiped out as winds accompanied 6.7-foot high tide. County crews were scheduled tQ reinforce barriers again today. A high tide of 6.2 feet is expected at 10:55 tonight. Yields o n three-month Treasury bills plunged more than a full percentage point Thursday, falling below 7 percent for the first time aince June 1980. They continued their slide today, dropping more than a quarter of a per~entage point in early In his Aug. 4 rulings, Owen had limited the field of candidates to only Nix and Dutcher In his rullng Owen said Robbins was too late in seeking to intervene in the P!ection issue. Nestande requests panel bid .delay • At the nominee's request, the 1st.ate Senate Rules Committee •has postponed consideration of ~Ora nge County Board of •Supervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande for a position on the ~California Trans portation ·Commission. < The Rules Committee was scheduled to consider Nestande's -nomination at a h earing .Wednesday af t e rnoo n in Sacramento. But the item was ·deleted from the committee's agenda, reportedly at Nestande's request. "He called up and said h e couldn't make it," said J erry .z a n e 11 i . r u 1 es com m ittee executive officer. "He would :have had the votes." , Nestande's nomination for the ·position by Gov. Edmund G . cBrown Jr. -an appointment . a rranged by Assemblyman Richard Robinson, D-Santa Ana -has spawned conflicting legal -Opinions on whether a county ·supervisor may serve in a dual capacity as a state transportation commissioner. The governor's office says the dual role is proper; the legislative counsel's office says it isn't. . Zanelli predicted the Rules Committee hearing on Nestande's nomination would occur "within a week." He said it may be scheduled on very short notice, and, possibly, occur on the Senate floor. 1n any event, action this year would have to occur before Aug. 31, the Jut day of the 1981-82 legislative .session. Nestande could serve on the commission for up to one year prior to confirmation , thus creating the possibility the appointment could be deferred to the 1982-83 legislative session. From Page A 1 MARINES. • • ship Navy amphibious group. with 1,800 Marines on board, is assembling off the LP.ba nese coast. French and Italian' troops are a1ao acheduled to participate in the evacuation. T h e first American troops are not likely to land until four or five days after the operation begins. The president praised the role of Habib in negotiating the withdrawal agreement with the PLO, Israel, Lebanon and Syria. PRACTI CI NG -Frank Sinatra belts out a tune during a dress rehearsal for tonight's opening "Concert for the Americas" in the amphitheater at Altos de Chavon in the Dominican Republic. The concert will be taped for pay TV. Personal mission Cop com! orts friend after husband's d eath By JODI CADENHEAD Of tM Deity l'llot IUff By the time Clay Epperson reached the house there really wasn 't muc h he cou ld do. Herman Richard Mah low, 67. was already dead. But Epperson, 23, a two-year veteran of the Costa Mesa police department stayed two hours with Salley Mahlow. who had discovered the body of her husband minutes before. Mr s . Mahl ow and h er husband, who moved to Costa Mesa from New York City in 1964 , had never been apart except for brief hospital stays in their 42-year marriage. It was a tense situation, with everyone standing around in the cold dark hours of the morning c>nd nothing that ::ould be done . Alice Feher said her mom called her at 2 a.m. Wednesday to say that Mahlow was dead. He had suffered a heart attack. The couple were supposed to go grocery shopping Wednesday. The list was lying on the table. But Mrs. Mahlow had a funny feeling and got up to check on her husband. Mahlow had Detty Piiot Stiff Photo DELICATE CASE -Clay Eppers9n found he had a delicate situation to deal with when he answered patrol caJI. the person back to life." ' Mrs. Feher said that Epperson was already there when she arrived. After paramedics left, the officer stayed behind to talk to the family. "He made us feel like it was his mother.'' said Mrs. Feher. "He said the right thing and cared and that meant so much to us." Epperson, a lanky young man with dark hair, had the rest of the night ahead when he left the grief -stricken Costa Mesa family. Before going home at 7 a.m. Wednesday t:ie arrested a drunk driver, answered a silent burglar alarm and patrolled an area of the city recently targeted by car thieves. From Page A1 TAX wound up asking, pleading. cajoling, demanding and serving lunch at Camp David and dinner at the White House to win a measure raising taxes by twice that amount. ~--------~--~~~----------~--~~~~~------~~~----... already been dead a couple of As soon as the call came in Epperson knew where he was headed . H e had met the MahJows once when he was "a kid" and was dating one of their granddaughters. Reagan asked for cuts in benefit programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps of $51.6 billion over three years. The two bills Congress passed this week will give him about $30 billion combined over three years. Co-as ta I Small cr1l1 edvteory from Point ~lion 0..., the OUl9t wet ... to Sen NICOi•• 111end lor north-I wind• 12 to 25 knot• wt1h combined -3 to a lwt through night. l!l..wher1. tight verlebl• wind• through night except _, to eout"-1 s to 1S knoll ett1rnoon I to 3 loot IOUlhwMt IWllll U.S. sut~una ry . W i dely 1c1tt1r1d t~IOl'ITll extended from IM northern Plelnt to th• Oreet L..Ulll region Thur9dey. A -· lhunderltOfm Wllc:h w•• l 11u1d lrom ••t11rn Wl1con1ln to northern Lower Michigan. The lron111 aytllm that produced thOH 110""' 1110 brougl'lt cool tlll'\Pl'llU1'9 to the North C«\trel 11•'-· wAA ~ rHdlng1 only In the 10t from 11111rn Montan e to Upper Mtcnlgen. Jutt eMed of !tie lronl, t1mper1tur11 In the 80t ~ low OOt were r1port1d ecrott the 1 rrlld·MIMOUr1 RI..., veli.y to the IOUl'-n Pleine. The Florid• P1nlntule had t cetter1d thunderttormt , 1nd ctoudl -Id much of the 'Ill ol the 1outhern Allentlc Cout ....... , For todey, thu~ormt _.,.. lorecttt f or Florid a, with 1cetter1d thund1ratorm1 ..._._. elof'9 the °"" eo... Widely ecettered 1how9'8 end tnundenlOfme -. f0f9CM1 1n the IOUlllem Pl•tMu Ind from the Of-Mt 8ellrl through ttle lftld,. MIMl"'P91 end Ohio Vlllleyt to ,.... England. California f 1lr through Saturday with tome high oloud t . Pelelly Ille night lind ~ mot'lllng log _, low otoudt n11r th• OOHt. Continued WWll'I dey9. Ore110• County oen 111peot 111C1t111 mlcl 70t mt IM~ 80t lnftlnd. Lowe 81 to M. • lnlel1d y~ °"' ... lllOtle • Ill the toe, ._ In .tot. Mountelnt""' heV9 l'llllht 111 the 10•, tow• H to H . l tolltH e1t1 rnoon e11d eve ning lhul ICltl ellOWtl •. Nonlllfn dt..,t hl9h• II to 101. tow• ti to 7t. lovtllefn cteMrt fllG'll 10t to 11•. IOW9 .,, to H . leoletecl afternoon anel '.....,.,.. ttuldelllUOW • .. ...................... I of Ncwthtfn lfld Oer*al a... ••Mint lnlMct Into .-.,.. a--"' ... ..,.., ...... ...,.,. Md "°"'*" ~ ....,,....... Continued fair· Temperatu res NATION Alt>tny Albuque Ancl\Orege Atlante AUenlc Cty Auton Baltimore Blfrnlnghm Bittner Ck 8olM Bolton 8uftalo Burlington Chetl1tn SC C~nwv Ctlatttt1 NC Cheyenne CNcego Cincinnati ~ Clmble SC Columl>ul Oel-FI Wth Oeyton Oenftf O..M~ Detroit Oulu th El Puo Felrbenllt Fargo Flegtt•" Oreet ftllt Hartford Helen• Honolulu Houeton lndnapllt Jedlen Jec:ktnYlll ~Clly l<noll\lllle LeeVeget Uttll Rook LcMtvllll Mtmpfllt Mlllml Mllweultt1 Mplt-8t.P NMtlvlle *-OtlMn• ,.._ Yot11 N«tolll Okie Clly OmeM Ol1llndo • ~ Pll08flbl ~ "'-'d, Ort PrO\lldtnot ~ ~ "' S2 95 63 83 n N S7 ee 76 93 76 7S SI 84 S7 84 88 &O 84 88 ee S5 04 86 S9 S7 S7 80 " SI 81 S2 S& 83 S9 llO 03 SS ~ " .. 104 llO ... 91 86 85 91 87 92 S1 82 93 19 8& .. 100 ... 71 .. SI .. .. Seit LUI Sen Antonio S..111• Shfev9POfl SIOux Fellt St Louie St P-Tempe $9C)ll- SvracuM Topellt Tuce.on Tulle WMhlngtn Wichita 93 95 7S ~ 93 88 82 93 79 88 too " 84 " CAL•otlNIA HI 102 95 102 103 84 112 78 S7 " " lM .. 102 95 S2 N 76 72 " 109 " " llO 73 11 N 1M Rain~ Snow£m Showersill!llII Flurriesf!!J S7 Sen Oabrlll 73 Sin Diego 55 Sen Francieco 73 Sen JOH 9S 84 1111 72 SS 80 72 10 74 92 78 &4 68 !19 59 M 55 60 511 81 57 45 78 83 72 Senti ""' 115 Senti Bttt>ere 75 Senti Crui 611 Sente M1rl1 63 Senti Monk:• 88 Stockton 7S Tahoe V•ll-V 71 Th1<mtl 113 S3 84 Torr111ce S8 ~Smog 74 71 84 45 S2 S2 84 84 ST ee S2 63 ee 55 88 84 ff ee 70 88 M 82 eo eo M 152 Show1r1 end thunderttormt twept mooll of the netlon -t of the Or111 Plllln1 ~ todey end dt mped ereu of th• Gull end IOUtMm Atlantto OOtltal lllat-. Ot'-eummer lllorm• 1111 .,_ from the MIMOUri Vell9y to upper New England. Flllf .... prevelltd avet tnOll of "" Miion. The NetlOnel WMthtr s.rvtoe predicted thunderttormt l•t• todey Oftl' '"' Aodtlll. pertl of Colored<> end Wyoming end the Gulf end Atlanllo ooutt . Where to oall (toll frH } for let11t emog lnlotmatlon: Orange COunty. (800) «11-3828 Lot Angtltt County: (100) 242...-022 ~ and 81111 Bernardino ooum ... : (800) H7-4710 AOMD Epltode ~I.,: (SOOl 242-4Ne 11e __________________ ___ Tides Iii. lllf IEPDRT H' a l TOOAY 8eoond low •:S 1 p.m. U 9tOOnd high !GIN p.m. 8.2 IATURDAY '1tt1 low ll:M Lm. 0,1 ..... ... 1 1 I • .... ... 2 2 • • . ... Dir aw SW IW w l'1m high 11:H Lm. S.1 leooncf IOW 11:'40 p.m. U 9tOOnd 111gt1 11:0 p.m. u lun Mt• tOCley mt 1:14 p.m .. 1"81 ~ 8' I: 11 Lift. Moon rtMI t~ et 7:81 Lm., ..... t:o3 p.11'1. hours. "l told her to dial 911," said Mrs. Feher . "It would give her something to d o until I got there." .. As soon as I heard the location. I thought oh no." said Eoperson. "I guess you have t.n come to grips that there's not a lot you can do. You can't bring Reagan asked for reductions in unemployment compensation programs of $300 million. ~BI E SPO R TS L T f). announces Its 8th annual I BACK TO . SCHOOL I SUMMER CLEARANCE I BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 21 & 22 Doors Open 10:00 A.M. AR••E SPORTS lrvlM 4708 Barranca Parkway lrvlne, CA 112..am LADIES BEACHWEAR Savings to 50% Featuring: Meron&", Sienna, Raisins, Esprit Connie Bonco & More ... ' MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHIRTS, SHORTS & TRUNKS 20°10 -SOo/o OFF Including: Stubles, Qulcksllver, Surfllne, Offshore & Morel KIDS SPORTSWEAR All Boys & Girls Sportswear From 40%-50% OFF lncludlng: OP, Offshore, Qulcksllver WET SUITS 10°/o -30°10 OFF on Rip Curl & O'Neill BOOGIE BOARD SPECIALS I -Buy any Boogie Board and receive either FREE Boogie Fins or FREE Boogie Leash ALL RAINBOW SANDALS 20% Off Sales Prices Limited To Stock On Hand ·-------------------·· I This Coupon Good For 1 I ' I .:7L'. I • DIE DILUR • I ~BIE SPORTS I I COIOM ....... I I 2831 Cou t Hwy. I On Purchase of $1Q.OO During Sale I eorona del Mar, CA I Limit OM Ptr CuatOft'I« I l1M100 --------------------- • \ _.. ....... -r.----. BRIDGE ACCIDENT -Workmen remove the two, 30-ton concrete and steel beams that collapsed and killed a crane operator when he AP' Wlreptloto with the bridge on Interstate 70 in & sas City, Kan . The bridge was a ay overpass that w as under construction . PLO departure f om Beirut still leaves prohl s for U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) -The imminent departure of the PLO guerrillas from w est Beirut -a triumph of U.S. diplomacy - s til l leaves th e R eaga n administration with an infinitely more formidable task: finding a long-term solution to the Palestinian problem. Having taken on the burden of restoring peace to the Lebanese capital, the United States now will play a key role in negotiating the removal of all foreign forces, including those of Israel, Syria and the P alestine Liberation Organization, from the rest of the country. Once reluctant to intervene 1111.ANAI I d irectly in the Ara sraeli conflict, t h e R gan administration is being en by events and its mediati efforts in Lebanon to grapple th the two principal issue n the Middle East: the futu of the Palestinians and ,ael's uncertain niche in t Arab world. The obstacles in theaath of U.S . diplomacy range!rom a virtually donnant Cam David p eace process to )"ael's tightening grip on the Y.t Bank • of the Jordan River. The PLO exodus may help. It removes the threat of terrorism from the Galilee and gives Israel more security and confidence. "This major decrease in the immediate t h rea t to Israel's security also means there is a new opportunity," an official observed last week as U .S . mediator Philip C. H abib's evacuation plan began to jell. That's the optimistic side. Israel is stronge r , a nd the reconstruction of Lebanon as a potential peacemaker can begin. But the fundamental obstacles a re untouch ed by the PLO dispersal. State tO receive Even if Is r ael were emboldened to strike a deal on the Palestinians' future, the other players are not showing much interest. oil-rich lands? Egypt seems to be escalating its demands for a Palestinian homeland as President Hosni Mubarak leads his country back into the Arab camp. SACRAMENTO (AP) - California is in line to get oil-rich federal land.i worth as much as $50 million or more a year. to make up for the loss of state property in the Elk Hilts Oil Reserve, an official says. J im Trout, ~istant executive o fficer of the state Lands Commission , said the state expects to take possession of the oil land early next year. It is part of more than 62,000 acres the federal government agrees is due Califomi.a for state school property that was sold by the federal government or included in Indian, military or other federal reservations. The land was given to the state by an 1853 law which set aside two specific sections of every township for the support of schools. The Lands Commission and the U .S . Bureau o f Land Management agreed late in 1978 that the state was entitled to at least 62,423 .59 acres to compensate it for those sections retained or disposed of by the federal government. Mondey·Frtdly U \'OU oo "'°' "-"• ~ _, Oy ~ 30 o m call l>elote 1 om Ind wour eoov .. 11 o. 09h~ed 5-luro.y an<I Suncloy II 'fOV CID "OI =:':16.':n c:= ~, ~o:V "!.11': _.., "Since then we Ive been trying to work out a predure to carry this thing to an ea," Trout said. About 1,300 acre in the federal government's:Jk Hills oil reserve in KeriCounty should have gone tohe state under the 1853 act. Trout said the codiission is looking at about 70 odr federal oil leases, most of thdnear Elk Hills, as substitutes f the Elk Hills property. The state may hav~ claim as many as 30,000 acres I other oil property to fully contnsa te for the loss of the oil-riqElk Hills property, he added. A bill , AB:488 by Assemblyman Larrj{apiloff, D -Sa n Diego , apr oved Wednesday by the l Senate would allocate $550, to help the commission ev ate and select, replacement p rty. At current oil pricetthe state could draw $35 millh to $50 million a year ln re"1ue from the oil land , accqting to Kapiloff's bill. J ordan, once Israel's most logical negotiating partner, has opted out of the Palestinian dilemma. And except for sending uncertain signals about a willin gness to pccept Israel, l eaders of t he Palestine Libe ration Organization ar e counting on world public opinion -instead of some initiative of their own -t o provide a Palestinian homeland. In the meant ime, the experiment in self-rule, offered to the Palestinians in the 1978 Camp David agreement, remains untested while Israel proceeds with its own plans for the troubled West Bank. If there were any Palestinian leaders willing to gamble that autonomy would evolve into statehood -and to gamble that negotiating with Israel wasn't a prescription f or thei r assassination -there Is now less incentive. The thicken ing of J ewish settlements is making a n y prospect of a Palestinian state largely academic. We1re List8'ing ••• What do you lrtt a Call the number belo transcribed and delivere The same 24-hour an ters to the editor on any their name and telephon calls. please. Tell us what's on you the Dally Pilot" What don 'l you like" nd your m essage will be recorded. the appropriate editor . ring service may be used to record let- lc. Mailbox contributors must include umber for verification. No circulation ind. 642•6086 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Pllblotlwt< and Chtef E..ecvt1•• Ollie .. L. Kay Schulh VtCce Pres~t Ol>d Dltector of Adv .. 11,1ng • Thomen A. Murphlne fcll!ot Raymond Mod.eon Cont•oler Kennett. N. o.dlll•r4 ~. DW.oor ol Oper0t~ I CleH lfted edV•rtltlft9 T141M2·5e78 Art other depertm•nt• 842-4321 MAIN Ofl'tCE m Wett ~ $t , Coet. IMM. CA Miit ...,._J ... IM,(:•t. -. CA. ft6» c.,, .... i-. ~ .... CO.ti ~-· ..... '-"· ... _ _...,,_,.,,IOI\ .. "".net l'Ntter~ ... Y~1~ ........ M•Y N f-Mlfe• ~ _._,"""'....,..,c..v•tellt-. VOL.11, NO •• ~ n Orange CoHt DAILY JllOT /Frtday, Augult 20, 1982 8 Spanish network eyed A lien control of A m erican s tations told WASHINGTON (AP) -A Federa l Commun ica tio n s Cornm.ll&ion investigation of the nation's only fuUtlme Spaniah - language television ne t work has turned up evidence of "substantial anti-competitive irregularities" and pouibly alien control of Amencan stations, sources say .. The probe indicates the SIN National Span ish Television N etwo rk i s improp~rly controlling a U.S. broadcast firm known· as the Spa n ish International Commun ications Corp., or SICC, the sources say. Foreign control of U.S. broadcast o utlets is prohibited by the federal Communications Act. Antonio, Texas, and KFTV-TV in Hanford, Calif., near Fremo. The auggeation that S lN restructure ita network ia said to reflect FCC concern over SIN's practice of serving not only aa the p r o gram aource fo r SICC stations, but alao aa their national advertiaing sales repreeentative. The agency's staff la alao said to be con cerned about the "cr068-polllnation,'' or sharing, of employees by the two finna. The SIN National Spanish Television Network began lta life in 1961 under the name Spanish International Network (SlN). It now counts more than 170 TV stations and cable TV systems aa affiliates. The network also operates a Spanish -language pay movie channel for cable systems known as GalaVision. The president of $1 billion both SIN and SlCC la Reynold "Rene" A.Nelmo, an American clthen of Italian ~t. An.aelmo waa aald to be out of the country Wedneaday and unavailable for comment. A apokeewoman for SIN, Roxanna Brightwell, confirmed that meeting:JI had been held with the FCC to dlacuaa the outcome of the probe. But ahe declined to diacusa the matt.er further. Norman P. Leventhal, SIN'• Washington attorney, alao refwied to d.iacuaa details of the FCC probe. None of the aouroee wil.liftl to dlacu8a the FCC's inveetlgation of S IN, which began in the aummer of 1980, w ould speak on the r ecord. All are perso nally familiar with the pro be , however. SICC Is s upposed ly an independent firm that owns five con ventional TV stations and several low-power TV stations across the country. A finding that S IN controls the firm would represent a violation of law because a majority of SIN's stock is held by Mexican interests. Representatives of both SIN and SICC declined to discuss the matter. Ruling endangers T he findings are ser ious enough, the sources say, that SIN officials have been informed the only way they are likely to avoid a full-blown investigatory hearing is to voluntarily sever all ties with SICC and "restructure the network." Were the network to accept that alternative, TV stations in some of the nation's largest cities m ight have to change hands. building projects SICC's station s include KM EX -TV in Los Angeles; WLTV-TV in Miami; WXTV-TV in Paterson, N.J ., outside New York ; KWEX -TV i n San S ACRAMENTO (AP) -A federal appeals court ruling could endanger more than $1 billion worth of industrial construction projects in California, a state senator said. The · projects includ e a $660 million Ch evron refinery i n Richmond, a $300 million Toaco refinery in Contra Costa County and probably a $125 million Louisiana-Pacific paper and pulp -.. ......... ACTOJ\S SPEAK OUT -Ed Asner, left, with Assemblyman H ersch el Rosen thal, D-I;a., and Dana Andrew s appeared at a news confere nce at the Capitol in Sacramento where they urged passage of the bill by Rosenthal that would preve nt insurers from charging higher rates on the basis of occupation. Both actors said that they pay 20 to 50 percent mor e on premiums because of the ir jobs. plant in j\ntioch, said Sen. Robert Presley, D-Rivel"'lide. A Washington, D.C., appeals court thre w out the federal Environmental Protection Agency's relaxed rules for approving industriaJ construction projects. Under the relaxed rules, the Ca Ii f o rn ia projects were exempted from EPA'• construction-ban sanctions, imposed because the state doe. not require inspection of motor vehicle smog devices. The appeals court agreed~ environmental groups that the EPA had exceeded its authority by adopting the relaxed rulee. The rules impoeed last October by EPA Administrator A n ne Gorsuch exemp ted factory expansions from permit requirements if air pollution from other parts .of the factory would be reduced enough to offset the Increase from the expansion. Th e EPA 's actio n gave industries "free rein to go out a nd add things without the controls of a permit system," said N ick Arguimbau, la wyer for Cit iz e ns for a B e tter Environment, one of the groups challenging the action. Presley said the decision means all future projects have to meet the EPA's old, stricter standards. He said there are $685 million in projects now awaiting EPA approval. If the d ecision is made retroactive, the Chevron, Toeco ·and L ouisiana-Pacific projects could be halted, he said. "At present. neither EPA nor e nvi r on m en tal groupa In California know whether the decision will be made retroactJve," Presley said Presley is the author of SB33, which would require inspection of motor vehicle smog devices, the primary requiremen t before EPA can lift its construction ban sanctions. The bill has pa8Rd the Senate and is awaiting A.!aembly action. ESCAPE FROM THE HEAT AND COME SEE OUR ICE CREAM COLORS ALL MADE WITH PREMIUM NYLON YARNS THAT ARE STATIC CONTROL AND HELP HIDE SOIL WE'VE GOT: LAVENDER-THE SOFTEST PURPLE YOU'LL EVER SEEi MELLO-MAUVE-A DUSTY ROSEi DIVA BLUE-AN ELECTRIC BLUE (BRING YOUR SUNGLASSES! SUNNY DELIGHT-A B~UTIFULL Y BRIGHT YELLOWI FRENCH BLUE-A WONDERFUL BLUE-GRAY! ALL $1 5. 9 5 IQ. YD. INITALllD OVll NZll~ ALL Ll•rlf• flUTITln lnstall«I Prlc~s lridUil~ NZX-3600 sponge rubb6 pad .. ' '• A4 Or1nge OoHt OAILV PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 20, 1962 f Absent boat taxed By PAT HOROWITZ Ofltleo.ltrl'tlot ..... DEAR PAT: Would a bo.t owner be Uable for per1oaal r.roperty tax on bl1 Vettel If U waa l.D Mexico rom Dec. %0 tlarou1b June 30? We bave Juat returned from a cruise of da11 nature. We uadentood tbat If tbe veatel was oat of tbe country on tbe a11e11meat date plH or ml.Du• a certal.D aumber of day1 we wollld not be Hable for tbls tax. Upon calling tlae 111ea1or'1 office we do not feel we bave received au objective an1wer to our que1tf9a. Tlaere malt be a hard and fa1t rule dealing wUb tlal1 ctrcum1tance, but the 111e11or'1 office 1eem1 reluctant to clarify tbl1 matter for UI . P .T., Newport Beacb The assesso!'s office spokesman told A YS that if having one's boat out of the country on March 1 would allow boat owners to avoid tax, "there wouldn't be one boat in Orange Count y on that date." He said that tax is due if Orange County is the normal mooring location. The assessor's office looks at each case, including where the boat is normally kept, the owner's mailing address and other indications that Orange County is the "home base" of the owner and his or her boat. He also noted that if a boat is kept in Mexico for an extended per iod, import tax is due . The assessor's office also checks this. If a boat owner feels a tax assessment is unfair, he or she has the option of insisting on a hearing for r e -e v a l u a t i o n o f t h e assessment. Hot car dangerous DEAR PAT: One always bears warnings ln tbe summer about the danger of leaving a pet or even a 1mall child ID a car for a few ml.Dotes while the parent runs a short errand. I've always been curious about bow much blgber tbe temperature Is In a closed car durl.Dg bot weather. Maybe If people knew tbl1, It would serve as a stronger warning. H.G., Costa Mesa The Automobile Club o f Southern California provided the information you want. Vehicles parked in ciiiect s~ht with doors and windows closed heat up very quickly and can reach maximum interior temperatures of more than 50 degrees F above the outside temperature in 15 minutes while reaching 75 pen:ent of this final temperature in only five minutes. On a hot summer day a car's interior temperature can shoot up from 98 degrees F to 152 degrees Fin the time that it takes to run into the market. Under such circumstances, extreme dehydration can occur within a short time. seriously endangering the life of a young child. In a ddition to the danger of heat stress. there is the possibility of an· infant being burned b y seat belt buckles and vinyl upholstery which can heat to even higher ............................... ~~ ;; 1/.,.. s ..... , (',, •••• J,{ 111 ... •••I Exo.11.,,I D11 C/Hnint Fino u1111'11 • • • 3 Load1 $12 Freo riot-up I Dolirory #111' Flni1b S1m1 D11 SotYiot 1494-40441 H~ ~--­ SbiR Ha-Ma'aloc HaRbOR Ref:oRm Temple • • • Invites you to get to know us better ~· Adult Ed . . . Religious School . . . Social Action -Fun ~Activities ..• Youth Group .. Havurah ... Library r-•. SUNDAY, AUGUST 22 -7:00 PM TEMPLE SANCTUARY Corner of Eastbluff & Jamboree Newport Beach Please Join Us For Information Call 644-7203 for Coffee & Dessert COVERS All lhe No. 1 rough Douglas Fir you need to do a patio cover Ledger . Ratters. Posis and Lallice 1 Bring in your size and we'll help with lhe design. O.llv«y A volloht. 10'x12· s139oo 1 .. lt --......... ...SIU.to lhU ......... -.... ~151-00 14114 .... ..... J7J1 to lhlC ................ Jlll.00 121U . . ...... JlatOO l411f , .......... --·1·'° '"" .................. .f207M 12111 ..... _. .. ... Jm.oe 1e11t .... . ... .oe I"" ------.Jm.00 lhll , ..... _ hJC.oe 1erio . ....... UO IMO .......... SM0.00 t tempe:raturea than the lnaidc atrnoephere of the car. Large b~cktop parking lot3 wonien the problem by generating additional heat and accele rating the rate that temperature lncreases. Although "cracking" a window may lower the temperature aa much u 30 degrees F, sufficient ventilation doesn't occur until the window ia opened at leaat half way, lowering the inside temperature to within 36 or 4~ degrees F of the outside temperature. Arthritis signs listed DEAR READERS : It your fingers are stiff and sore when you wake in the morning, it could be arthritis. This malady has tormented victims throughout history. There's evidence of arthritic damage in Egyptian mummies, and it's still around affecting people of all ages. JOHNNIE CREAN Two of the most common forms of arthritis are rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most difficult to control and can do the most damage to the joints. The first signs usually are fatigue, muscular stiffness and loss of appetite and weight. Osteoarthritis is more common than rheumatoid arthritis, and as a rule, it is less damaging. Older people are its most frequent victims. Excessive or unusual wear of the joints is the main contributing factor. This often results from overweight, JX>Or posture, injury, physical strain from one's occupation or recreation, or a combination of these factors. The common symptoms are pain and stiffness. Coping with arthritis is not something you should do alone. It should be diagn06ed and treated by a qualified physician. The doctor may prescribe medication, but there iB no such t hing as a "special" arthritis diet. How ever, there are ways that modern medicine can help to relieve your pain and discomfort. The Department of Health and Human Services has a booklet that describes treaunents for the varying kinds of arthritis. For a copy of "How to Cope With Arthritis," send $1.75 to the Consumer Information Center, Department 155K , Pueblo, Colo. 81009. RON PACKARD • "'Got a proble m? Then write to Pat' Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • 1 getting the answers and action you • need to solve inequ ities in r-J government and business. Mail . your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's f uJJ name, address and business hours' phone number ,cannot be considered. I PAT ARCHER • JVewport (jurf c& ()port, Inc. 0 Ith ANNUAL FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 thru SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 ,,\.\\ BACK TO SCHOOL""~' ··------·~ I FREE i--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....,..~~~ I •OOK •AO I LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR : wrTH : -on Hlected -I f.25.00 I • PURCHAsE1 ... • ·_M_E_N_s_-_w_o_M_E_N_s_-_a_o_Y_s_s_P_o_R_T_s_w_E_A_R ___ L •••••••• MENS WOMENS Wllftrts ............... ZS..SO'I Off llrtul$ ............. 50\ Off ,ants ..................... -ZS..SO'I Off Shorb .......... .!S-SO'I Off Sl*1s ........................ ZS.SO'I Off , ............ 10-5K Off s ................. " to 51)'1 Off s ............ _5K Off llOY8 Sl*ts ............ 2S-5H Off '11111 ··-······.JMK Off ·~ .... 10-5" Off s-.... --10.SO'I Off wnsms 10-20$ OFF SHOES & ACCESSOR£S 20' OFF OP • IZOD • CAL VIN KLEIN • GANT • HOLBROOK • OFFSHORE • SUAFLINE HAWAII• GOTCHA• ESPIRIT D'CORP •HOBIE• CHURCHIU • BUCANEER -AND MORE MAIN STORE Newpott 8ur1 a lpott, Inc. Z2:M Newport lllYd. Newport IMch, CA (114) 175-7174 t:CICI a.m. • t:OO p.m. DlllJ P•MM. • • OllBI.DW PBIOMI Thie It Pina! Pina! The plzsa made with the flnect mute. cheuea and lngtedlent• money Clft buy. Setu at home or 1n~here, 1n1clulm1 or mc-altlme without the uf ual wall or u•ual pricul BALBOA Ne-wnpot_.rt SUrf A 8pof1, Inc. 210V. MMtne An. IWboe le&end. CA (114) ln-7121 t:G0 Lm. • t:00 p.m. D811J ---------- ard flails riv l's ethics By JEFF A ER of'tM Delly ln a \ bout from t h eir primary gna, Republican J ohnnie rean was contrite while ht. rite-in opponent Ron Packard unched a stinging auac~ C rean'a integrity during a te to be televised in the 43rd ngressional Di&trict next mo , this district would an, I will admit," he third candidate particip g in the debate, Democra ominee Pat Archer. "But thi ear, we'll take It because o e internal struggle and the omy." The in struggle to which Archer re red was clearly in evidenc hrougho ut the Wedn,esda ping of the debate as Pac ho finished second in the 18 ay OOP primary before ncing his write-in candidacy, mmered away at "honor, p ciple, ethics and integrity, issues between Mr-4 Crean and self." For his , Crean repeatedly apologized the conduct of his $800,QOO .. pl primary campaign, which was undly criticize<:i for employin "underhanded" canipaign . cs. "The ·gn was awful, 1 take res ibility for it and I apologizt it," the millionaire GOP no said. "From now until No ber, I will run the kind of paign everyone can be proud ." Crean ent on to say that Packard lated the Republican code of ics which all GOP candidat signed prior to the primary eeing to support the party~s e tual nominee. ''To nding a Democrat to Washin , D.C .. because of our pe.rso , I believe, ls putting individ above the welfare of oar n.ati~ Crean added. Aske hether they would abide b a $62,000 spending limit, af .S . re presen tative's annu asalar y, Arc h e r commen~ that for him $62,000 would l:ia pay increase. "Why are the tpubllcans spending so much fdhis seat?" he asked. Packa/ agreed that campaign spendil:IJ has an "unfortunate and nrar kable" effect on a campah's outcome even though It does not mcuunr a per11<>n'a qualifi~lion.t for office. Packard &aid he wu willing to abide by such a spending celllns If all three candidates agreed to lt and a mechanism could be devised to prove that all were abiding by tt. Crean, who has said he will not agree to the spending limit, claimed that money cannot buy a n e lec t ion -only n ame - recognition. • He said a person can spend "20 years being a hack politician" or cam ana raise money in order to run for office. "It takes ability to earn and I raised more based on ability," he said. Nonet h eless, Pac k ard characte rized Crean's primary spending as an attempt to "buy" the seat. H e called Crean's campaign "o~e of the most despicable in h~tory." The 33-year-old Republican responded to the salvos by sar.ng Packard's comments were 'the most vicious and mean" he has heard since former President Jimmy Carter's 1980 re-election effort. In addressing the campaign's major issues, Archer accused Crean of "anti-humanitarianism" and argued 1n favor of stimulating the economy. "H oover 's trickle-d o wn economics didn't work in the 1930s and Reagan 's don't in the 1980s," Arc her said. "Americans want to work, they just need the jobs.·· ·He said that if elected h e wou ld pursue legislation to provide first-time homebuyers with subsidized loans. On the other hand, Packard lashed out at the economic policies of the past 40 years. The write-i n candidate said he favored additional spending cuts that would produce additional jobs. Crean said he now favors the tax hike too, but believes Reagan 1s only bowing to "political real i ty" in pushing for its passage. Produced by Television R e al Estate , In c . th e commercially sponsored debate is expected to air on Sept. 7 and 9 in south Orange County homes that are c able televisi o n subscribers . congraiu/a/eJ our co/feagt«e W arl'I IJ1efefef d and hiJ wife Valerie Oft !he birtlr of /heir daughter u_xury Apartment rt Bay. in a country club setting that That's ParK Newport The finest nity 1n fash1~nable Newoort Beach Here for yo 01eastJre a $H7·m1lhon Social and Health clu lighted tennis courts. racquetball courts. 7 swim g pools and acres or gardens Leases are av le lor 1 2 and J bedroom unils Some are eleg furnished APARTMENTS AND TOWNHOUSES ON THE BAY IN NEWPORT BEACH FROM $640 TO $1,000. Conveniently located on the Upper Bay, Park Newoort is just 5 Quick mnutes from the Orange County AlrPOrt and all ma1or business centers On Jamboroe Roed at San JoaQuil'I Hiiis Road ~-(714) 644-1900 --------------------~----~~~~~~·-~~-------, Orang• Co11t DAILY PILOT /Friday, .Auguat 20, 1982 Al Queen's aide denies rumor he was ordered to marry Quee1 Ellaabel''• new •Hlatanl prc11 Hcrotary hH denJed reporta that hu rttctntly married hla teeond wife lJt'CMUat! the queen wouldn't approve of hta "living In tin." ·Vic CUpmao, • C.SU.dlan .... id the reporta were "nonaenae.'' tht• Dally Expreu reported. Chapman. hl1 three children by his first marrlaae, and hla wife, CecUe. arrived this week at London's Heathrow Airport from Canada, where he had been pretlS secretary to Prime Mlnhter Pierre E llloU Trudeau. The Express said Chapman. 50, and his bride had Uved together for eight years, but after his appointment was announced. it was rumored that he would not be welcome at Buckingham Palace if he was "living in sin." Adlai E . Steveuon Ill, criticized by his gubernatorial opponent for belonging to a private club that bars women, announced in Springf leld he had resigned from that club and two others. Joe Novak, campaign manager for the bemocratic nominee, said Stevenson resigned from the all- male Cliff Dwellers Club of Chicago, the Chicago Club and the Federal City Club of Washington, D.C. "Republican Gov. James R. Tbomp1oa and his staff want to make a bit joke out of thla," Novak .aJcf by telephone from Stcvonaon 'a Chicago headquartt-n. C.Onvicted •J>Y and bank robber Cllrl1topber Boyce \'81 plac..'t.'Ci ln eOYCI aolltary con- finement and then trans- ferred to an- other prison after he w ais beate n by a "neo· Nazi" prison gang, according to his attorneys. Ou.ring his confinement at the federal pealtentiary in Leavenworth, Boyce was beaten so severely by members of the Aryan Brotherhood that prison ofliciall? put him in solitary confinement to protect his life. said Debra Schmidt , an assistant to California attorney William Douperty. Does Gov. Jay Rockefeller, who spent more than $11 million out of his own pocket on his 1980 re-election campaign, have any money left? Rockefeller said he'd le t everyone in on how much money he has, as he plans to disclose his net wealth. Bumper slickers for his 1980 o ppone n t . former two -term 111118 If AGIB Republican Gov. Arcia Moore, proclaimed: "Make-Him Spend lt All, Atth." Rockefeller apent JUBt $245.000 from contrlbutlonlJ and more than $11 million of hla own cuh. Moore, who spent about $1 · million, lost. Royalty watchers ln Britain. are 11peculatlng anew at the status of the marriage between Prlnce11 ADne and Mark PbUUpa because the couple has spent the past 12 days apart, according to the British press. Whlle Anne-and the couple's two children were at the royal family's Balmoral estate in Scotland with her mother, Queen E lliabetb II, Phillip stayed at the- co uple's farm in western England. According to the man- c1 rculat1on Sun newspaper. Phillips was asked how long he would stay at the farm. "That's for me to say and you to wonder," came the reply. Israeli Prime Minister Menacbem Begin will go to Paris in October to participate in a confere nce on Soviet J ewry called "Brussels Three." his office said. You Are Cordially Invited To The Summer's Best Show at A Blaksl~~ Production il'i~u!Jrue E.T. the Extra-Terrific Half Price Sale On the Scale of 1 to 10, 10 being Best ... a 10 Starting Date Friday, August 20 Hours 9:30-5:30. Sun. 12-4 Cannery VIiiage 29th & Lafayette Newport Beach 675-7740 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors will tiold a public hearing to consider a proposed amendment to the Codified Ordinances. Case No. CA 82-1. Date of Hearing: September 1, 1982 Time of Hearing: 9:30 A.M . or as soon thereafter as possible Location: Board Hearing Room, Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Plaza (Corner of Broadway and Santa Ana Blvd.), Santa Ana, California. Proposal: Zoning Code Amendment No. CA 82-1 proposes to amend Section 7-9-129.3 (Airport Approach Areas), to correct inconsistencies between the County Ordinance and its accompanying map, and the FAA Regulations. Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act: It was determined that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment and therefore Negative Declaratlon #12P03002 was granted. All persons either favoring or opposing this proposal are invited _ to present their views before the Board of Supervisors. Material that you wish to be brought to the Board of Supervisors' attention at the hearing must be flled with the Clerk of the Board 24 hours or more prior to the scheduled hearing; six copies are required. For further Information, persons are Invited to call the Planning Cojjes Section at 834-5380 or come Into the office located at 4(1') Civic Center Drive West, Room 268, Santa Ana, California 92702-4048. Please refer to CA 82-1 . .. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Date: August 12, 1982 (SEAL) '' JUNE A EXANOER Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, Callfornla A 11pokt .. wom1m 1uud the prinw mtnlstt'r mMy ml•t>l Yronc h oftlclala It' Parla. but 11h" au11d detail• of the ml'ellnga huw yt't to be worked out Ftt>nch Pre1ldeol Francol1 Mitterrand vl1ltt>d Iar1wl this spring, ~'t>ming lhe !Int Frt'rich head or 11\ate to visit tho Jewl!lh !Clute. Relations betwt-t-n France and Israel have becomt' t e nse recently Presidential envoy Pblllp C. Habib, whose efforts to end th~· war between the PLO and Israel in Lebanon appear lO have borne fruit, should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, The Times o f San Mateo urged 1n an editorial. The newspaper, which ts published near Habib's home m Belmont, said Habib has lx.-cn a "t owe r -0 f s tre ngth and consist.ency" In the mids t of the violence and des truction in Beirut, which began June 6 as Israeli troops attacked Palestine Liberation Orgaruzation positions inside Lebanon. • • "At great personal danger, Habib has kept the lines of communication open despite the bombing, the agony and the • hatreds. More than once, on the verge of a settlement, he has seen his hopes suddenly blown away by r e newed warfare," the editorial said. . I A, WlrepflotJ FUN HOST -Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass .. watch~ members of the Boston Southies Babe Ruth baseball team t h ey cavorted in his pool at McLean, Va., as guests of th senator. WE'RE CLOSING Ol'd friends like you are hard to leave Store Closes Sept. 18th Super. Savings Limited to stock on hand WOMEN'S •LADIES SHORT SETS Orig. $18 ..................... Now 8.99 •ALL LADIES SKIRTS Values to $20 .............. Now 9.99 •SUMMER TOPS Orig. $6-$8 .................. Now 1.99 •POL VESTER PULL-ON PANT Orig. 8.99 ..................... Now 3.99 •WOMEN'S DRESSES Orig. $13-$28 ... Now 6.99-9.99 LINGERIE •WOMEN'S TERRYCLOTH ROBES Orig. $32 ................... Now 11.99 •WOMEN'S CAMISOLES · . . N 499 Orig. $16-$17 .............. OW • CHILDREN'S •BOYS SWIMWEAR Orig. $9-$12 ................ Now 3.99 •BOYS WAVES HAWAIIAN SHIRTS Orig. $14 ...................... Now 6.99 •BOYS PACMAN~ T-SHIRTS - Orig. 4.50-5.50 ............. Now 2.99 •INFANT DRESSES Orig. $8 ....................... Now 4.99 •INFANT SWIMWEAR orig. $5 ........................ Now 1.99 •GIRL'S WAVES~ SEPARATES Orig. $12-$13 .............. Now 8.99 •GIRL'S STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE TOPS & PANTS Orig. 5.50 ..................... Now 1.99 •GIRL'S CASUAL PANTS Orig. $16-$18 .............. Now 6.99 •GIRL'S SHORTS Orig. 3.50-$6 ............... Now 2.99 Not all sizes In some styles WOMEN'S ACCESSORIES •REVLON~COSMETICS Entire llne .......... Now 30°/o Off •ALL LADIES HEADWRAPS Orig. $5-$6 .................. Now 1.99 MEN'S •SELECTED NOVEL TY T-SHIRTS Orig. $7-$8 .................. Now 3.99 •ALL MEN'S SWIMSUITS Orig. $11-$18 .. Now 4.99-6.99 •SELECTED DRESS SHIRTS Long Sleeve Orig. $17-$19 ............ Now 13.99 •3 PIECE SUITS Orig. $99-$175 .......... Now 59.99 FAMILY SHOES •WOMEN'S CANVAS ESPADRILLES Orig. $16 .................. : ... Now 4.99 •BOYS COWBOY BOOTS Values to $20 .............. Now 2.99 CAMERAS & RECORDS •KODAK DISC 4000 Orig. 59.99 ................ Now 44.99 •MINOLTA HI-MA TIC AF2 4 Only N 119" Orig. $149.99 ............. OW •SELECTED LP RECORDS Closeout ................. "\" .................. 50• GARDEN SHOP •EVERY BASKET IN STOCK Now ................................ 500/o Off •8" IMPATIENS Special ..................................... 2.29 PATIO i::.JRNITURE •5 PIECE SET "GRANADA" Orig. $379 ................... Now '189 •GIRLS SUMMER TOPS •5 PIECE SET "YACHT HARBOR" Orig. 3.50-6.50 ............ Now 1.99 Orig. $439 ................... Now '249 Store Hours 10 a.~. to 6:00 p.m. JC Penney ll ~~ ii yovmch~Otft Newport Beach oniy "' Orange Coa1t DAILV P~T/Frlday, Augu1t 20, 1982 Perimeter rule ban recognizes rea.lity Frontier Airlines has fought a good bat.Ue and lt has won. The Denver-based airline, one of five jet air carriers serving Orange County, persuaded a federal court judge to throw out a rule that has prohibited nonstop fUghts to destinations more than 588 miles from John Wayne Airport. The so-called perimeter rule originally restric te d nonstop tughts to 500 miles. It was later extended to 588 miles to permit Western Airlines to fly nonstop from Orange County to Salt Lake City. The perimete r rule took effect 12 years ago. At that time, county officials claimed it would help keep th e airport a "short-haul" travel facility. And they said the rule would limit jet noise on the theory that cfdded weigh t from extra fuel for long distance flights would increase takoff thrust, and, therefore, increase noise. All of that may have been true 12 years ago. Today, we live in different times. John Wayne Airport is not the little airport one uses to travel only lo San Francisco or San Jose. On one alrllne alone, five Western stat.es are served from Orange County. AB for the issue of noise, we are confident that carriers utilizing the new and quieter McDonnell- Douglas OC-9 Super 80 can meet noise levels and still carry the added fuel necessary for flighGJ to locations more than 588 miles away. Frontier, for example, plans to initiate nonstop service to Denver without making an intennediat.e stop at Las VegllS to comply with the perimeter rule. The Mile High city is about 850 miles from Orange County. Of course, Frontier's takeoff noise levels are going to be closely monitored. They should be. If the airline can't meet noise levels establ ished by the county, modifications will be required such as reducing overall aircraft takeoff weight. This could involve reducing the number of passengers permitted per flight. We expect that Frontier will stand behind its stated "good neighbor" policy and do all it can to use its newly won privileges as quietly as possible. CanJpus housing helps Trying to entice new faculty members to UC Irvine has put the university between a rock and a hard place. Whil e the campus has enjoyed an outstanding reputation in the academic community, Orange County's high-priced housing market has discouraged many potential faculty members from considering an appointment to the the Irvine campus. UC officials figured they just couldn't wait for interest rates or housing prices to drop. So they took some land originally slated for academic facilities and built their own spacious apartments for faculty members and their families. Recruiting problems at other UC campuses have spurred similar faculty housing construction. More such developments are expected: • At UCI, the 100 Spanish-style a partment units will reach 100 percent occupancy by the fall quarter. The demand is expected to rise and campus officials say more unit s. including condominiums and townhomes. are in the offing. But on-campus housing for faculty members also serves another purpose. There's an added convenience in living close to the university's library facilities. Scientists who· must check experiments at all hours may appreciate a short walk to their labs. Most important. th e university no doubt will attract more bright, young professors who have much to contribute to UCI's growth as a major research institution . Opinions expressed 1n lhe space abOve are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex- pressed on this page are those of their authors and arllsts. Reader comment is tnv•t· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P 0 . Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone ( 714) 6 .. 2·4321. Time to call it a • • crISIS I An ediumal from the Sacramenw ~e July figures are out: National employment is at its highest level 41 years. California unemployment as passed the double-digit mark. lue-collar unemplorment, at 14.4 t, is now as high as teen-age employment was in the 1960s when t was widely seen as an nacionable social failure. Teen- unemployment now has topped 24 ent. Black unemployment.. is ding at 18.5 percent, a level that h n it hit the rest of the population he 1930s was considered a ression. Isn't it time to call thl8 a ? he White House is not wholly ·ndfuJ of the human suffering ese numbers reprHent President eagan . f or instance, ha s emonstrated his sensitivity to ublic sentiment by temporarily ithdrawlng his New Federalism m the congressional agenda. That lan for s hunting off national ponsibillty for poor people and for om.ically depressed communities as clearly out of sync with the news. ere are abo signs that the president softening his opposition to extended unemployment bep~fits. as long as not too many sta1eS are eligible OTHER VIEWS for them. And if he is still opposed, he at least is not yet vigorously campaigning against a new public works program Congress is cooking up to create some jobs. But admit to a eris~. to the need for a change of economic coune, to a level of nationwide hardship that demands federal action? No; the White House responded to the lat.est figures with the statement that Reaganomics, "once it is fully in place ... , will provide a permanent solution for ending these wild swings In unempfoyment. '' Quite aside from the fact that there haven't been any swings in the last year and a half -only an unnervingly steady climb in the unemployment rate -the message from the White House couldn't have been more out of touch with the fac\8. A full 10.8 million Americana are on the unemployment lists, an estimated l.5 million more are jobless but ha,ve given up looking for work. and perhaps double that number may be working part time becauae no full- time jobs are available. How much worse does it have to get? L.M. Boyd/ Sock test Another way to meaaUre a man's mental age ii to look at hia toclu. He chooees. In grade 9Chool. they ought to mat.ch each other. In high 1ehool, mat.ch a.ch other and hla troU1ers. In college, match each other and his ~. and be clean. In middle age, --clean, and match each other. In old •· clean, at I~ clean. J Not every hJahway fatality ia an $lei.dent.. Some a.re au.lddes. In fact, a ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ........ _ ... ,, ci.y of llW YNr •I »0 Wttl .. , SI., CMle -... -"'' tOfre•,..... .. l'<t It ha 1..0 (0\141Mo .. ,C4.,U• I 'I team of Houston doctors contenda one in every six road deatha may be a suicide. They aay "paycholotical autopsies" indicate a disproportionate number of death car driven were significantly depr.-ed. Almost all pornography Is WTitten by men. "Yugoslavia" means "Land of the Southern Slavt." Thomat r. Holey Publl&l\9f Thomen A. Murphlne Ed•IOt JaM Amari (•9(111"'• f(lllOt ....... l(telWch fdl!otoGI '• Editor T'*'-MlCenn M-olnO ldllot Electronic spying not new In a currently not too robust economy, one relatively bright spot is California's electronics industry, centered in Sant.a Clara County. and commonly referred to as "Silicon Valley." Given the industry's importance to the state's economy, many Californians shivered when a federal "sting" operation uncovered what seems to be pretty conclusive evidence of spying by Japanese electronics firms into research and development by California producers. THERE WERE VISIONS of Silicon Valley becoming another Detroit, with massive unemployment as Japanese imports replaced American products on the American market. It could happen "Yet , of course. Japanese automotive manufacturers didn't need to spy, after all, to capture their current large share of the domestic market. That was the result of hard work , production of what many Americans obviously see as a superior product at a lower price, and, perhaps, an element of governmental cooperation that has not been available to American car producers for many years. The same course of events could occur, sooner or later, in the electronics field. But the real surprise was n ot the evidence that Japanese firms have been spying on American electronic industry secrets. ' It was, rather, that the knowledge of such spying -which at this writing has EARl WATERS~ yet to be proved in court -took so long to become general knowledge. The responsibili:y for that situation has to rest squarely on the shoulders of the Americans who make up Silicon Valley. Within the industry, knowledge of such industrial espionage -and not only by Japanese -has been an open secret for several years. Many Californ ia newsmen, too, kn~w what was going on. but few were willing to write about it. Were the reporters, like the alleged secrets. "purchased" by Japanese, or other, interests? NO WAY. The problem facing probing reporters was that while electronics firms' executives would :alk freely about the situation, they almost solidly refused to speak for attribution. Understandably. most reporters -and editors and publishers -shied away from articles that, while factual. could not be backed up by responsible witnesses within the industry. Why the reticence on th~ part of the victims involved? ''No one is going to take a chance on offending the Japanese," one Silicon Valley executive told us when, in I.he mid-1970s, we checked into allegations then making the rounds. "After all. they. are also among our best customers. If a person from 'Company X ' were to make such charges, 'Company x· might find their Japanese customers taking their business elsewhere." BUT THERE COULD be another reason, as well. The same executive admitted that American electronics firms spy on each other. One of the favorite methods used by American firms, he said, 1s to hire away key personnel, particularly research and development people, from rival finns. A look into Japanese practices might eventually have been embarrassing for Americans. too. And now that the subject is, at last, out in the open, don't be surprised if, before it's all over. some American faces are red, too. A real chance to ·spread capitalism Presidt'!nt Reagan has offered to sell the Russians wheat again under a one- year agreement. American tanners have more wheat than they know what to do with, so when it comes to selling wheat, they're pro-Russian. Money makes strange bedfellows. 1n my opinion it's wrong for Lanners to be the only Americans who profit from this wheat deal. A loaf of bread costs around 89 cents, but the farmer only gets about 3 cents of that for his wheat. If President Reagan is going to sell whea~ t.o the Rw:sians, he ought t.o make the Soviets take everything that goes into making the price of a loaf of bread 89 cents. IF WE SELL them wheat by the bushel, the Russians will make black bread out of it and distribute it, unwrapped, to hungry people. It is my thought that we should teach them a capitalist lesson. Along with the wheat. we should send over our truck dnvers to deliver the bread . They could teach Russian truck drivers a thing or two about double parking in front of the supermarket while they push aside other brands of bread on the shel\•es and pile theirs up in front. Every pound of grain we sell the Russians should be sold, not in bushel bags, but as finished products. Sell them Hostess Twinkies. S ell them Betty Crocker's Chocolate Swirl Cake Mix. Hit them with H\#ngry Jack and Aunt Jerruma pancake mixes. Send them pre- cooked. frozen waffles. We wouldn't have to send them our beat stuff. Sell them day old Wonder Bread that's been on the supermarket shelves for three or four days. Sell them our shr~ded Shredded Wheat boxes. '-..... , --~ ANDY ROONEY ~ Ship them some of those slow-movers that the grocers of America are stuck with. Let them have the Super Sugar Crisp that isn't as super or as crisp as it once was. This isn't just a grain deal. Thi,S is war, cold war. It's hard to believe that our great nation would ever worry about a country so backward that its citizens don't even have sliced bread, but such is the case with the Soviet Union. The bread we send them would, of course. be sliced and wrapped in polyethylene so that it would stay mushy for months. The Russians might not take to these products right away. so part nf the agreement would have to include our sending to Moscow a large contingent of advertising experts to sell them on It. It would be their job to convince the Russians that they wanted sugar-roated cereals and bleached, sliced. white bread Give a child what he wants Thoughts st Large: -A child is not spoiled by giving htm what he wants nearly as much as by giving him substitutes for what he really wants -attention, interest and understanding. -The grea1eSt impiety in the world is assuming that the whole truth is IYlllY 111111 J.l<l • e11ed by your faction or eect -for ln the Bible, even God modlflea hit judgment alter petition by the Iaraellta. -Ow-moet _common human faillng la tramfonnlng our defeda Into virtues: the lmpulllve penon lhl.nJa of h1mlelf M "declalve," and the procraatlnator ·1.mq1ne9 h1rme1f to be "delibet'ate." -No1h.lng ultimately C08ta more than upkeep on cutlet In the air; fMllty, no matt.er bow~. It never u n~nst~ (both p1ychlca1Jy and financially) as f&nl.all)'. -Two t'houaand yeara after the founding of Christianity. the only people who habitually tum the other cheek are photographic models. -When a man marries to escape his mother, he eventually begins to resent hla wife for not acting more like a mother to him. -N•ture is a cunning combination of laws of cauae and laws of chance, and when • catastrophe oocurs, there la no appeal from the lawa of chance to the laws of cause. (Why an avalanche buries aome and not others ls an accidental matter, not a providential one.) -Money ia the one object that vlolatea the lawa of perspe<:tlve: it always looks 1*r,er far away from you Ulan it does when ln your hands. -Thert,.are "faahJona" ln surgery jutt u there ~fashions In clot.fies; one decade bu a fuh.lon for taldna out tonslla wlthout reaaon. another for needle11 append~tomiea, and aUll another for naaal reHctiona; and l atror\l)y auapect that Uie ''hffrt bypua" o~tion la currently tufferlna (tom thla atyliab tnflaUoo. -There la no way of '"provina )'OW' pohlt'' to eon.eone who la paid a larae retwar eum fol' beUevina o~ so soft it melts in your mouth. It would be a n interesting new challenge, but our advertising experts can seU anyone anything. These people would make commercials for Russian television and they'd buy space in Russian newspapers. They'd introduce the Russians to the whole wonderful world of advertising as we know it in America. It would be pa.rt of President Reagan's wheal deal. COMMERCIALS MIGHT be a big hit on Russian television and we rrught end up selling them a lot more wheat than our farmers had hoped for. I was lying in bed last night idly thinking about how the ads m Russia would look and sound. They might change the names a little. but everything else would be the same: CLIP THIS COUPOUN AND SA VE 23 KOPECKS ON A LOAF CW WONDERKHL YEB! LOSE KILOGRAMS' EAT LOW- C ALORIE PEPPERIDGSKI FARM BREAD. "SPECIAL K IS MY CEREAL," SAYS NADIA KMINOFFSKI. WHO LAST ~TURNED HER MOTHER OVER TO THE KGB. "MY FAMILY HAS NEW VITALITY SINCE WE SWITCHED TO TOMAS'S RUSSIAN MUFFINS," SAYS MRS . VANYA ROSTROPOVICH OF MINSK. SUPER SAVER DISCOUNT PRICFS ON SARA KEFSKI POUND CAKE, THE POUND CA.KE SERVED IN THE KREMLIN. WHEATNIKS! THE BREAKFAST OF COMMISSARS! FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, WHILE THE DEAL WITH THE AMERICANS LASTS, BUY HUNGRY BORIS PANCAKE MIX. ' NINE OUT OF TEN SOVIET DISSIDENTS PREFER SHREDDED WHEAT! llDllY 1111 The Aug. 3 Gus, "When the IOlnl aeta tough eomo people run and hfde" -could be continued to aay, "ln the U.S.A.." 1'.J .W. CMMtlll o..-e _ _... .... "'...-in .... ... ..c.-... . .,., ..... i-........ ' .......... -. ,.. ............... Dill., ... .... ;. ! 1 •ANN LANDERS •BOB GREENE •HOROSCOPE Or.no• Co11t DAIL y PILOT /Frld1Y. Augu11 20. 1982 Lo.ve ·triangle may have more than ' three side·s DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thi.a leu.er la to The Other Man. You say you love my wlfe and want to marry her? Well, why don't you' l'U tell you. Because you don't w11nt her on a fuU-Ume baaiB. She would be impossible, and you know It. AJsb, she does&'t wan\ to marry you because you couldn't even afford her shoe bills. l would dump her in your lap and let you two goofs figure it out, but she la a good mother and her children need her. Some people probably think I am crazy to put up with this, but I have my priorities straight and I know you will get sick to death of her after a while and that will be that. By the way, who i5 sleeping with your wife while you are spending so many evenings with mine? Funny how husbands who cheat never give it a thought. I could tell you hls name. but I've told you too much already. Keep smiling, chum. Life can be beautiful. -HER HUSBAND DEAR HUSBAND: Were you sober wben you wrote that letter? I doubl it. But I am printing It because you've zeroed lo OD a point or two that ml&bt wake up a few dozen (hundred? thousand?) people. Thanks for writing. DEAR ANN LANDERS : You printed a letter from a woman who broke her hip when she turned over in bed. You said she probably had osteoporosis, a bone disease fairly common among elderly people. Please share with your readers some wisdom from Dr. Robert P . Heaney of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. He recommended daily exercise, either running or walking. Bones, like anything else, tend to atrophy if they are not used. A calcium-rich diet, which means milk and other dairy products, can also be helpful. Dr. Heaney warns against large amounts of Vitamin A and D. U taken in massive doses over a -long period of time, the bones will deteriorate. I checked this out with my physician, and he said it was worth writing to you about because many people don't like to go to doctors and can learn a lot from your column. Have a good day. - EMMA IN HIGH POlNT, N.C. I· DEAR EMMA: I checked out tbe lnformatloD wltb my consultant ln Chicago and be said Dr. HOIOSCOl'f BY SIDNEY OMARA Saturday, Augusl 21 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Check source material, be aware of legal rights and permissions. Key now is to be analytical, to di.seem motives and to do some private detective work. Member of opposite sex wants reassurances -you'll be asked to sign agreement or contract. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Moderation is necessary. Gain indicated if diplomatic -you lose if 1&9ues are forced. Family discussion involves money, possessions, expenditures and acquisitions. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Avoid self- deception. Scenario highlights romance, intrigue and a clandestine arrangement. Accent on change, travel, variety and a speculative venture. CANCER (June 21 -July 22); Focus on prope rty, security, safety and longstanding negotiations. Older individual makes concession,' lends benefit of experience and gives you benefit of doubt. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Accent on completion of project, special inquiries and communication from relative in transit. Highlight humor, versatility and willingness to accept novel concepts. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): New approach brings desired results. Highlight independence, originality and willingness to pioneer a project. Focus also on payments. collections and location of lost articles. Avoid heavy lifting. Be direct enough to get to heart of matters. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Follow through on first impressions. Judgme nt, intuition are on target. Take initiative, make personal appearances, realiz.e that your statements. views are making an impact. You'll regain sense of direction . SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Social gathering might be transformed into arena for serious di8cusslon. debate. Review material, be 6are of aources and make a mental outline of presentation. Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius persons figure in scenario. SAGITfARIUS (Nov. 22-0e<:. 21): Accent on desires, exercising of authority and willingness to' learn rules before attempting to break them. Elements of surprise play into your hands. Powers of persuasion are emphasized, personal magnetism is activated and romance is spotlighted. CAPRICORN (De c . 22 -Jan . 19): Communications 6ccur where law and authority enter picture. Highlight principles, stand your ground and get ideas on paper. You'll gain through written word. Lunar emphasis on prestige, community project, political activity. AQUARlUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Lunar cycle' coincides with travel, spiritual values, abstract principles of justice and ability to overcome· distance, language barriers. Numerical cycle highlights domestic adjustment, acquisition of lwrury item and restoration of family hannony. . PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): What seems a mystery actually boils down to deliberate confusion on part of associate. Dig deep, go behind aenes, ferret out information others are reluctant to di8cloee. Insist on clear definition of terms. Virgo and another Pisces play key roles. ·por SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT '· I ........,......._ HURRY! DO WHAT GOOD VOU CAN 'N TMlf WO"'-t\ " .. OAS SOMl'&oDY ELt.I: 00t:S IT ALL. ---. Heuey bowa wllat be 11 talklna about. So, &buk1 for tbe lnpat ud bave a DJce day yourtelf. . DEAR ANN LANDltRS: I am 16 yean old and jWlt plain ugly. My hair la lrluy, my noee lll too big, my Up ~too thick, my akln la bad, I'm too skinny, and I wear a size 9 shoe. Don't tell me tooka don't matter. I hec that a lot -from people who are good-lookina. When f meet someone new. I am afraid to call attention to myself, so 1 don't say anything. Then they think I am stupid on top of being ugly. Can you help me? -MINUS ONE 1N MANKATO DEAR ONE: Your problem Isn't your hair or your note or your fee&. It's bow you feel about yourself. Have a 1e11loD wltb a woman ln a 1tore wbere co1metlc1 are sold. She can help you wtlb your face and hair, aod would even au11e1t tbe type of clothes thaf will flatter your figure. Everyone likes to be around people wbo are pleasant, friendly and well-Informed. Go to work OD &be ln1lde of your bead, too. Thl1 world II fllled with beautiful people who are miserable. Good looks are no guarantee tbat life will be klnd to you. So, stop moanlng about wbat you don't bave and develop tbe reaources at band. , ANN WIDEIS Ann Landers discusses u~tm·age drinking -itfl my ths, its realities. Learn the facts by reading. "Booze and You -For Teen-agers Only," by A.t&IJ Landers. Send .50 cents and a Jong, self-addressed. stamped envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. &x 11995, Ch1cago, Ill. 6061 J. Video wills: Going • ID style LOS ANGELES -In Southern California, where it seems that everyone's lifelong dream is to become a star, two young businesswomen are gambling that the widespread yearning will make their new enterprise a success. The women know that, in life, very (ew ascend to the stardom they crave. What the women are selling is a guarantee of stardom -stardom aft.er death. The women are Barbara Merson and Linda Heath. Their company is called Captured Moments Video. What they do is provide wills for men and worlkn in the Los Angeles area. Not wills on paper, like the ones traditionally prepared by attorneys. These new wills are on videotape. They are meant to be seen on television screens. Merson and Heath understand that of all the American dreams, one of the strongest is to appear on TV. It never happens to most men and women. They go through life seeing the images of others on their TV sets. SO THE IDEA BEHIND the video wills is that, aft.er Captured Moments' clients have died, their families and friends will gather in front of a TV monitor -and see the deceased, dressed in finery and made up by a professional beautician, addressing them one final time. "It's the perfect way to leave a little something of yourself behind," Heath said. "It's a lot more personal than the traditional will. It's better than sitting around a lawyer's office listening to names and figures being read from a piece of paper." So far, Mel"'80n and Heath say that they have taped nine wills. But they are convinced that the idea will catch on in the ~ Angeles area. The combination of the city's devotion to celebrity, and fa8cin.ation with video, make the women think they can't miss. "We tape the people wherever they feel the most comfortable," Heath said. ''It's up to them." The women say that California law requires a written will to be left behind, in addition to the videotape. But that has not deterred their clients. The men a{ld women who are taping their wills are doing so not as a more convenient way to designate who gets what pieces of property -but as a way of addressing their-survivors in an intimate manner. "IN LIFE, MANY PEOPLE are unable to say how they really feel about their family and friends," Merson said. "For some reason, speaking to a camera, they are able to let their feelings out. They say how they truthfully felt about certain relatives, and about how they were treated when they were alive." Merson and Heath said that they show up for the taping witlt cameras, recorders, lights and a makeup person. The client, they said, oft.en reacts very positively to being fussed over; many times, it ' ·~.· ~\ is the first time this has happened. "When you tell a person to move in a certain direction for a flattering camera angle, or you touch up the makeup, it really does make him feel special," Heath said. Often the clients will use cue cards to remind them of what they want to say to their survivors. The essential points will be outlined; Merson or Heath will hold the cue cards behind the camera, and the clients will glance over at the m to determine what to say "We had one woman who became ext.remeJy emotional while she was talking to the camera," Merson said. "She kept starting to cry. We don't want these taped wills to look like they have been spliced or edited, so what we do is use a fade-out control we have on the camera. When a person starts to cry. we will very gently fade out. Then when she's composed herself, we will fade back in and she'll talk again. Actually, it's a very nice effect." Even though few of the clients have ever been m Qflffllf By PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach "l'm going to wash that person out of my hair' So to speak .. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF 808 GlffNf front of a camera before, Merson and Heath said that they adjust to it rapidly. "There's a lot of ham in all of us," Heath said,. "They're hesitant at first, but once they get relaxed it becomes much easier. We can tell that they really enjoy talking to the camera." Sometimes, the women said, a bit of nastiness shows up on the videotape. ''A CLIENT WILL ·SUDDENLY become very angry about what her sister did to her when they were younger,'' Merson said. Or she'U say that she always felt that h er brother or sister was the favorite of their father. They really get it all of~ their chests. We were surprised· at first t~ helilf voices raised, but it happens." "Maybe for the first time in their lives, they're truly being honest," Heath said. ''They know that by the time the tape is played on a screen, they'll be gone, and no one will be able to talk back to them. It gives them the courage to say what they feel i.n their hearts." Merson and Heath freely admit that a big reason behind their clients' desire to videotape a will is the wish for celebrity that may have been unfulfilled during the clients' lives. "The whole idea of video is a star thing," Merson said. "They want to look their best; they want to s0und their best; it's like a mo\Qe. Even the people who are very businesslike about the project when they make the initial order change when we show up with the camera. lt very quickly becomes a star thing. "We have a video monitor attached to the camera, and often we have to tum it around so that the clients can't see it during the _taping. We find that they tend to stare at themselV'i;l!; if it's facing toward them." And that, Merson and Heath say, is why they feel their project will be a big moneymaker. "It's the ego," Merson said. "Suddenly. if only in death, these men and women can become a part of the upper echelon that appears on a television screen. "There are millions and millions of people in the world, but relativ~ly few ever get to appear on camera. I don't quite kftow how to say this -but in the back of these people's minds, even though they know the tapes won't be seen until after they are dead, I think they are harboring the hope they might be discove red." No:-th-South vulnerable. West deals. Pan Paa1 f'aH Opening lead: King or o. become a dominant force rn world bridge. king of diamonds and im· mediately returned a din mond. This thoughtful µlay shattered the defenders' communications. West. i'n the actual play, ruffed the second diamond and s hifted to a heart . Declarer finessed. Ea:.t won the king but he hiui no good return. He tried a trump. but declarer rose with thr ace and led another trump, and he could later d11im has contract with the help or a club finesse. The Italians won 13 Jnter national Maleh Points on this ha nd . They won t he IOO·board match by 225 IMPS·l64. NORTH • QIO (;7 AQJ82 0 JZ •AQ75 WEST EAST +K8 S •92 ~107653 ~K O K O QI0 976S •K64Z •JIO SOUTH +AJ780 43 ~ 94 0 A8 +983 The t)idding: WHt Nortll EH& South P111 I 1;;1 4 O 4 + F rom 1957 until early in the 1970s, thf' Italian Blue Team reigned supreme as world champions. Then they retired from the scene. and as a result of a 5candal in vlllving some taped telephone conversations. 1ome o( Lheir players retired from top level play. But the Blue Tea m is back, and lo judge from the drubbing l hey intlicted on World Olym piad c hampions . France, Messrs. Belladonna, Forquet, Garozzo and Pabis· Tlcci might once again In this hand from the Italy France encounter. both teams reached a contract of four s pades, and both declarers were faced with the lead of the king of diamonds. The French declarer won in hand and took the heart tinesse. which lost to Belladonna's king. He returned the queen of d iamonds. Pabis-T lccl carefully ruffed his partner's trick and returned a heart, which Belladonna ruffed. The king of spades subsequently took the setting tr ick. At t he other I.able Garozzo was the declarer. He won the Actually. East's be!lt rl!lurn was a third diamond But declarer could handle that by sluffing a heart from his hand and tak in~ the ruff in dummy. Have you been 1'11.Doing Into double trouble? Let Charlet Coren belp yoa find your way through t.lte mau of DOUBLES for penaltSe1 and for takeoat. For a cop1 of bl1 DOUBLES book.let, .. ad 11.85 to "Goren·Double1," care of thl1 newepaper, P.O. Box 259, Norwood. N.J. 07648. Make eheckl payable ll» Newapaperbookt . Satchel Paige's six rules for good health DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: I recently read of tbe deatll of tile famoaa ptt.cller, Satcllel PaJ1e. Bat, 1 ~k lie will be lonaer remembered for bis ptaUosopllJ ti Ille. Oae of bis nlet for good bealth I'm 1~11 •IJ'H wltb: AVOID RUNNING AT ALL .-MR.T. DEAR MR. T.: Why gloat? Jogen hate me enough M lt ls. But. l think you will be lnt.erated to know that l quoted Satchel Palp and h1a rulee for "one Ufe in one of any booka m&n.Y. yean a,o. 8ere ii bla fonnula for titnell .nct 800CI health: 1. Avoid fried meata whlcll angry up the blood. 2. U your stomach dllputes you, lle down and pacify lt with cool thoughta. 3. Keep your ~ Oowina by jangllng a.round atntlY at you move. 4. Go wry Uaht on vices such u carrylna on In IOdety. The ICiclal' ramble ain't iwttul. ~.~void n.annlna at all ttm.. 6. Don't look back. Some\hina m1ght be p1n1na on you. ~ l Mid, Mr. T., Joawa hate me fo.r not acMltn8 that Joalna la __,Ual for fltnea But, they bate me ·mer. loc apreedJna tM word, 'TV. never teen a jogser with a smile on his face." I'm still looking! .. DR. STEINCROBN: At ttnt I tltnCllt I bacl .artllrttt1 ID my neck ud IMtalder Jolah. Bat all X·ra.11 were ~alive. For a"'1Je "ere wa1 also a qHtUoa of namatotd •"'rt&ta. Bat at last my doctor (ud a eoaaaltut) came up wttlt a cUaposla of flbro1ltJ1. I ••• told Uaat lt 11 a •t•bbora CODclltloa; •t .. expec1t u early nre. Cu yoa tell me MmeWq abMt tit -MU U. . , DEAR MRS. U.: Flbro1ltia 11 a common ailment. In ldd!Uon to pain In tendons, Uaamentt and m\llclee, patleng com~ of constant tfrednel8 and extrelDe fattaue. The Condition may lMt on and oft for month.a or yean. It m.-y act.ck between the aaee o1 8$-80, bu.t women .,. mcmt IU8Ctptlble, •pedally near the ap of menopau.e. Uw.Uy, there im't 11\Y obviOUI c:aute o/ the dl.leue. But patient• often complain that their pain la exaapnted by excealve ~:!i.:treta or e:itcaa ... t'JCerclM--•• 1 OWNM of cerW.n m mq t.nltlai. an attldt. A fall or pocr potture may eontrtbut. to the symptloml. T JOUI HEALTH OR. PETER J. STEINCAOHN ,, In my experience, patients who suffered trorl\I tlbroaltts are anxious and tense; they may be! dep-remed or admit to pentup hostillt.iee. Many ue- Ugh\ al~pen and do not wake up refreshed. 'Alth~h It ls a ltdbbom condition, Mn. U., it i. likely that your <lbro8lUs can be helped and> controlled by Ute of medication and physic therapy. MUICle relaxen and sedadvee a.re ofte effecUve. U you a.re alwaya tense, lea.ming how .rel•x 11 probably one of the mo1t Lmportan methods in owrcomlng flbrotttil. -Dr. Stelncrohn welcomes readtt uettlona but tlOl'T"Y be aannot answer penonaJ IMJI. !Atter1 wldnt inr.tftlllC will be AnS~red Jn hfl column. Send yow qu.uom co him In care of th• PUor. P.O. Box J6d0, O.ta Met1a, Cant. 92626. ,. -------------------------------- Orongt CoHt DAIL y PILOT /Friday, Augu11 20, 1982 now for holiday blooms , U you'd like to Krow your uw11 holiday tlow.-r8 tullpN 1111d hyacinths, for instance CUI Chrlatmas plant giving or your peraonal enjoyment, the first week or September ls the lime lo begin. ff you pot hyacinth bulbs at the beginnin.g or September they should be ready lo add pretty fl owers and a d e lightf ul frul(run1'f• I.(> lh1• holiduy 111(.'ene by Otoe· 2~ Ttw Ka11w HOE'S for tu.Ups, unJ botli urt• qultc• t•usy to force. Tht! pottmg dutes ure precise lxoeause thl· bulbs nc.'<i 13 weeks' exposure to t·ool temperatures and an addit1011al 3 1t'l weeks lll a warmc•1, sunny ruurn to bring tht!m to bloom. I lert''s how to do It: Select a 0-in ch diameter ~~~~~~ lhe~~·~~~?.d lo a he .. hl of 1~w into fall and winter. thret.• ft>Cl and used as a hedge. In gardeners should plant for e Heet. its taller form try 1t as an espalier This Is easily accomplished by by tying it to a trellis or wires e,Ianting blooming shrubs such as and have it cover a wall, or l'J'lmr ose jasmine (Jasminum because it does such a good job ptlrt)• or the natal coral tree l'OntrolJmg erosion, use It as a (fXYthrina humeana ra.)8). bank cover- " Adorned with lemon yellow The natal coral tree produces flowers from November to April bright orange red flowers from in the milder climates of the late summer through 'fall. This state, the primrose jasmine is a variety is the shrubbier version versatile evergreen shrub. This growing to 6 feet, while the aative of China with its arching parent will grow to 30 feet as a branches can be grown up to 10 dt>c1duous tree l'Ontalner with a drainage hole In th~ bottom. Cover the hole In the bottom with a large pebble or shard to prevent the aoll from wuhlng out. Fill t he container halfway with a loosely packed mixture o r one-third potting aoll, one-third peat moss, &l'\d one- thlrd vennlculite or sand. A 6-inch pot will hold six tulip or hyacinth bulbs set fal.J'ly cloee to each other. GenUy place the bulbs on the aoil, pointed tips up, so they are even with the pot rim. Do not presa the bulbs into the soil. Add more potting mixture to within half an inch or so of the pot rim, so the bulb tips are barely exposed. Water thoroughly. The trick to getting the tulips and hyacinths to bloom early indoors is to store them in a dark, cool location (35 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit) for the 13-week cool rpoting period. Possible locations include a garage where the inside temperature does not fall below 32 degrees, an unheated closet, or a spare refrigerator in which no fruit is stored. fleas bugging you? ·1 ' I.: ., , ,, TOMORROW thru SUN AUG 29 .., Don't Panic -We Ca n Help - using the best techniques available, our Calif. Certified Nurserymen show you how to control fleas. Florist Special 6"' POT REG. 8.95 ~ Since 1946 Ha1lis~tl'S Nursery -Florist 2640 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mtso Ad good th1ough Aug. 2•. 1882, whlle 1upply IHI•. 'RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ........... elldSft• 1922 ...,IOI ILVD. COSTA MES4-~41·1 IS Art 'n Craft Festival Huntington Center daily thru Sun. !~'1',! All CONDIT.,._ iOlAI WA Ta HU TINO IA TlllOOM lllM009JMO 511 le )11•.JI ~ T-StW1t at YOU< 0oor IC.W S1or. -881 YOU< Ar .. I COSTA MISA 641-1289 IS2'New ............ MISSION VIVO 495-0401 2H 12 C.mine C.,.-1-Diep l'twy .•• ..., .. ...,., I Ideas show off Thi. eerene garden •ttlna with a fountain centerpiece i. o ne of 600 exhibit.I that will compete for vlewen' attention at the 28th annual Southland Home and Garden Show, to open Saturday at the Anahelm ConventJon C.enter. Besides garden ldeaa, diaplaya will Uklude floral arrangement.a, home Improvement.I and mobile and modular homes. Houn are noon to 11 p.m. Saturdays; noon to 9 p.m ., Sundays; 2 to 10 p.m. Monday through Thur.lay; and 2 to 11 p.m. Friday. The 1how closes Aug. 29. • I Greenhouse Clearance Sale! MAKING ROOM FOR NEW STOCK 3 DAYS ONLY! &0% OFF ILL PLAITS II STOCK AU&. 21, 22, 23, SIT.-SU~.-101. • 6 " Ferns ........................... 2.99 • 6" Dieffenbachia .............. 2.99 • 8" Ficus Tree .................... 6 .99 • 8" Oak Ivy ........................ 6 .99 • 8" Grape Ivy ....................• 6.99 • 1 O" Areca Palm .............. 14.50 • S gal. Ficus ...................... 15.00 ' ' "'"DAV, AU() 20, 1182 0 ~ j I THI COAIT IND THI caum COMICS STOCKS DroffTning confusion HOW DRY WE ARE: O u r next election in this state isn't until November. And here we are. We haven't even turned the <.'Orner on August yet, and electioneering is irl full swing. Just consider one of the initiatives that will be on the statewide ballot next November, called Proposition 13. TOM {;';t l"o'\ MURPHINI -~{~ complex. It deals with water. First. this sh ouldn't be co nfused with a n y previous Proposition 13s, but it probably will be. Secondly, like a lo t of initiatives, this n ew Proposition 13 is quite In simplified terms, the measure, if adopted, declares that no water district in the state could import water from another area in the state unless that district h as a state- approved water conservation plan. MOST RECENTLY, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California's board of directors has come out strongly o pposed to Proposition 13. Metropolitan's directors see the initiative as striking a heavy blow directly at Southern California's water supply. "The five -m e mber, Sacramento-based Wate r Resources Control Board will decide how much, if any, additional water may be sent from an area of abundance to Commirt£>e members on Proposition 13-boih pro and con an ar ea o f need, based on some unspecified crite ria," declared Earle C . Blais, chairman of the M e tropolitan board. It should be noted here that the majority of our water along the coast and for virtually all of Orange County comes through the Metropolitan district. Proposition 13 does indeed clearly look like bad news for all of Southern California. IT IS INTERESTING that the Sacramento-Stock ton area is exempted from the conservation provisions. In those places, water is so abundant they don't even have water meters on the houses. And a water meter is one of the primary tools you would µse to measure con servation programs. This water issue is really just beginning to heat up and you can count on it being more confusing as it goes along. For example, the re is a big has.5le right now on the name of the committees that will be for and against the initiative. Both , appare n t l y , will u se the sa me monicke r-"Califomians for Balanced Water P olicy." When they get through . it will probably be the voters who are unbalanced. OP PONENTS OF the initiative got to the Secretary of State's Office first and filed to use the Californians for Balanced Water Policy name. But never mind that. The committee in favor of the Proposition 13 says it will use the same name anyway. The Fair Political Practices Commission that watchdogs elections doesn't like this turn of events one bit. But the commissioners say there isn't a danged thing they can do about it. YOU ARE LEFT to w onder how you're going to tell the black hats from the white hats on this one. It's going to be a real water balancing act. Radio aircraft contest' • ~nder way in Valley · The nation's top radio- .controlled miniature aircraft •enthusiasts besan competing today at Mile Square Park in 1Fountain Valley, site of the U.S. Sca1e Master Championships. L The competition continues 'UU'Ough Sunday In the central hobby area at the park. Contest thoun are 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. The • ~ent i.8 open to public viewing without charge. Entrance to the park is off Euclid Street. M ore than 30 miniature aircraft hobbyists who have won various regional contests are expected to participate. Judging is based on the qu.,iitl of the plane and the owner a flying skill. The winner will receive $500, plus a radio control unit valued at $450. , 1Truck kills boy r ' An El Toro boy, 7, died after fa1lina off a blcycle on the s1reet 'near hit home and being run 'over by a bacldna tem1-t.ruck. I Ruaae l l Beatteay wa1 pl"Ollounced dead at the ~ne Thunday aftemooo near 20422 Che rokN Way. accordtna to Ca lUornl• Hl1bway Patrol· . : I officiala. Official• said t h e boy w .. rid.Jna cl01e to the truck driven by ROnald Valentino Tellez, 27, of Rosemead. But w hen the driver ttopped the truck and put It ln revent, tht boy rode lnto the bliCk of the uuck and fell under the Na?' tires, the CHP Mid. 82 85 0 " 'Characters' to parade Sunday:: Newport Harbor r eadies for wackiest ships in the b ay By STEVE MARBLE Of OM DllltJ ...... ltelt Some of them chug, some of them sail, some of them are paddled or towed and others just barely keep from sinking. It's an annual b1t of nonsense known as the Character Boat Parade, a two-hour marine ritual in Newport Harbor that offers boatsmanahip at its wackiest. While c onducted by the respectable Commodore's Club of Newport Beach, the whole thing comes down to a first-rate excuse, organizers openly admit, for j{OOfing off and having fun. For thelr efforts, participants get to vie for such honors as the "Loose Screw Award." the "Leakin' Timbers Trophy" and the "Dirty Old Manifold." The parade will be stagea again -for the 22nd time - Sunday s tarting at 2 p .m . Participants (they are usually 50 or so) circle the h arbor in a counter~·se pattern. The"th·e e this year i s "Newport oes Country- W este r n " as boaters compete for best theme, best costume, best animation and even best sound. Vantage s pots for parade observers are limited but include harbor restaurants, parking lots and beaches. It is estimated that well over one million persons have witnessed the madcap parade over the years, many from the deck of their own craft. T h e parade had a humble beginnin&, in )960 when a group of har~errymakers decided to dress up in strange outfits and toot their way around the harbor. Observers, startled at the sight, remarked to one another about the odd character in the harbor. Thus the annual parade. At least that's how the_ story is told. One year, tne skipper of the U.S . Michigan -a tugboat - reportedly became t hirsty halfway around the parade route and d ocked up at a h arbor watering hole. Since the Michigan was in the lead al the time, aboyt one-third of the parade participants followed suit, d9Cking up at the bar. The gang of skippers never did finish the parade. Several year s later, the Michigan again was at the center of activity when i t came chugging up to the Balboa Bay Club, smashed through a window near the dock and promptly sank. It was the first and only time that a parade entry went under. Undaunted, the Michigan will be in the parade again this year. Over the years, the style of the entries has varied considerably, ranging from the absurd to the serious to the jwt plain field. Often there appears to be less concern for the theme than just getting attention. There have been boats filled with Vikings. Polynesian dancers and Kevstone P ARTY TI ME -Character Boat Parade watchers go with the flow as they keep the party going in Newport Ha rbor during Last Deity "''°' Pttoto by "•tnctr o~ year's parade. Map below offers clues for places to watch the 1982 edition of the parade on Sunday. BALBOA PEN. ROUTE OF THE 22nd ANNUAL CHARACTER BOAT PARADE SUNDAY, AUGUST 22 IN NEWPORT HARBOR ,ORMATICHt. 1 p.m. PARAl>e ITARTa: 2 p.m. PAVILION Kops. Oth er boats have· been made to lok lik e s ubmarines, dragons, and even a bottle of Scotch. Virtually an y thing goes, except for the wou ld -be participant who twice tried to enter a vessel nam ed "Chappaquiddick" that depicted a car half-submerged in water. Parade organizers drew the line on that une. The Orange County Harbor Patrol is charged with keeping some order in the harbor and has been known to collar a skipper or two suspected of having several drinks too many. But the harbor usually is so crowaed lhal patrolmen admit it's tough lo detennine who is and who is not in control. This year the judging will be h ea d e d up by Walter Crultenden. Tom Evans, Ralph Whitford a nd Ted Inouye. Trophies wall be awarded following the parade at the Balboa Bay Club ballroom. COUNTY POLITICAL ROUNDUP Jane Fonda due at Laguna fundraiser By JEFF ADLER Of the o.117 Piiot ..... Jane Fonda will make one of her celebrated Orange County appearances Aug. 29 In Laguna Beach when a limited edition of Andy Warhol's portrait of her is placed on sale for the benefit of husband Tom H ay d e n 's AMembly c.ampaign. Billed as an art gathering rather than a political event, the sale will be hosted by developer David Stein, chairman of the Laguna Beach Arts Alliance . Stein said that even if Hayden, running aa a Democrat in a Los Angeles county Assembly diatrict. attends the affair, it la doubtful whether he will speak. Warhol donated all 100 copies of the 13-a>lor silk screen to the carnpe.lcn. Selling price of the 32 )t 40 l.nch print la $2.~ . Perso na i nterest ed i n purchu1ng a print and attending the ahowtna may contact Doree l'n!ldenrlch, who la handling the sale, at 649--4339 for detailt. * * * Another Democrat w ho will pay a villt to Orange C.ounty ln comln$ weeks la LOI Angeles .Mayor Tom Bradley,.l)emocndc c.anclldate for aovemor. • . BndJey will attend a campalan function at the home of Dr. and Mn. Edwud Taub, 646 Allview 'l'errrace. Lacuna 8-c:h between 6 and 7 p.m. Saturday. ~ attend.Int art ulted to DUE IN OC -"Jane Fonda will appear ln Laguna Beach when a n Andy Warhol portrait of her goes on sale to b e n efit husband Tom Hayden's Assembly bid. contribute to Bradley'• cam~ Requested contributions ran1e from 116 per pel"llOO and S26 per cou ple lor aentor cltlzena and atuctenta to S50 per ~ and 17$ per couple for 'Br1dley'1 Benefactors.' t Valet parking will be available an d reservations a r e n o t required. Additional information can be obtained through the 69th Assembly District Committee in Irvine or by telephoning the committee at 752-1204. ·* * * Concerned and "disappointed" with Rep. Jerry Patterson 's voting record on family issues, the pro-family Christian Voice has promised to mail literature and inform voters of Patterson's "anti-family" voting record, according to the Orange County Democrat's GOP opponent in the J{eneral election, Bill Dohr. Patterson, who represents central Oranae County's 38th Congressional District, only voted "pnrfamily'' In three out of l2 votes surveyed, said Dohr. Dohr claimed that whe n Chriltlan Voice targeted 32 antl- famlly incumbents In 1980, 23 lost their re-election bid-. * * * C.Ufomia'a Libertarian Party central committee has voted to oppoae Pronoa!Uon 11. the botUe and can lnJUative. "Thia mandatory depoeit law would'' violate the rlahu of conaurnera, produoera and retailers by coercive lntru1lon Into their peaceful voluntarr, loterectlon in the marketplaa!, • stated the central re.>lu\.lon on the matter. The Libertarian Party's stand on Proposition 11 mirrors thoee taken b y the Cali fornia Federation of Labor, the AFL· 00 and the Californja Chambec of S:Ommerce. * * * California Republican Party Chair man Tirso del Junco wa.S quick to laud Lt. Gov. Mike Curb's recent appointment aa fi n a n ce director of the Republican National Committee. "Republicans can be assured that Mike Curb's appointment tQ this important post will mean a shot in the arm to our national party's fund-raising programs,'' he said. We here in California stand ready to assist Mike in li1s new task." · Del Junco a lso noted Uu1l Californians have witneaaed "first-hand Curb's 1ue<:eH in raising campaign fund.a." Deeplt,t hla fund -raising 1cu m en, however , Curb lost the GOP gubernato rial nomination to Attorney Oen e ral Geor1 e Deukmejion thl.a past June. * * * State Sen. John Schmita. R· Corona del Mar, ls mark.lna \be wan.in& daya of hla Senate taii> off by reatatmnc hla oppollU01rto a nwnber of meuW'8 pendlnll before the Leglalature. · . . • ,. . • Orange Coaet DAILY PllOTIFrtdey, Al.tg\let 20, 1982 a... ... ~ .......... ._ --- TH£ t '1'M1Ll' ClaCt:8 by 811 Keane "Stop eating 'tato chips, Jeffy. We 're tryin' to hear the river." by Brad Anderson "There was a gleam In his eye when I put away the meatloaf I" Jt:DGE Pi\RKER Gi\Rt'IELD BIGGEORGt: by V1rg 1I Partch (VIP) e l l "Boy, It'• really humid today." DEN~IS THE MENi\CE '_____--: ,. ~MARRIED MEANS YOU'RE A SINGLE 2 ~WHEN 'lOU'RE MA.RR/ED. ARE rou A OOU6LE ? • 0 -":t. Qj-GlJLP!, ) SNORT@ , RIP! 0 MUNCH , by Harold Le Doux ' by Jim Davis Mlt,_, VOCi,OMFIELP! NOW I MAV£ 'TO c,o IACK TO TME STOltE ~~ ............ ~'-' ______ .... L-Qr-::;p t--' ............ - .... Jr_,M_Oi_~_~ ___ ::'.:=:::--e-·20 __ ~ •987 Unitl!d ~Hlllt S)'N!OUto IN: MOON ltll'LLINS ~--..- ® ,, PUNt:TH I THINK l FRl6HTENED POOR CMUCK .MAYBE IT'S A MISTAKE TO TALI( SO OPENLY A80UT LOVE ... ·~mD GORDO UM ... C,£.E, NMMAN ... ,·o L<WE. -ro bO our 1'0t41<*'1, sur ... u ~t.. I "~~E. 10 V~\1 A ~lCK ~LA1i-Jt ... \ NO MARCIE, NO! YOU WEgE JUST 8EIN6 HONEST! OH ,BOY--- THAT1LL BE GREAT U!i1't.~,lllt~0'4 ... It 'i<>U'RE. ltOIN& ()Ji Wlf" ~ME.OtlE. E\..'SE. fONli:Ml Jll51 ~~'f ~o~ SE ~NE<S1! FOR BETTER oa Fea 1'0all ~\/t,,··J~~~ by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller I'LL GET IT I DROPPED IT IN A MUD PUDDLE TODAY by Gus Arriola ~\......... .J by Kevin Fagan -------..--- ezo ~ ACf'vALL 'i, ~ I 1"1NK "ONES'f ~ ! 15 ~ERRA1EO. by Lynn Johnston CONNIE fl.&D PHIL. ~De~ f\ NICE. mJPt.e. WHY~ CONNIEGO~lbTEO '? eu..Y-Y~ 1~ NOi lo ~ IJ::Jri'/ •... yooRS IS Bl.Tl To PR'/ A~D PR'/. ···II MAKES •·"'\~ ' NO~St; ' I •• ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------o_r_•n_o_•_c_o_•_••_o_A_1_L_Y_P_1L_o_r_1_F_r1_d•_Y_._A_u_ou_•_•_2_0._1_e_e_2 __________________ aa __ ~ Riley recalls fierce battle for Guadalcanal By PATRICK J . kENNltDY Otho.Ir .......... Muap RUey, better known aa Tom Rtle y, 6th Ol1trlc t aupervlaor for Oranae County. h.u come M long way from the foxholes on Guadalcanal dunna World War II. The mornlnp •fter bombing raids, Riley'• armed work crewa would repair air strips with bulldozen and trucka. "Like many otheu, my btaoet concern wu whether 1 could •tand the preHure ot continued auntlre and artillery or lf I wo"ld break down emotionally. Fortunately, I didn't break down and, In fact, became exhilarated u our efforts proved auooeasful," Riley added. Kc became an execuUve with a pr Iva te N e wf o rt Beu c h manufacturer o aircraft and milltuy veh.iclot1 when he retlnid from the Marinee ln 1964. different oplnlona about how to achieve our alms. Ovor there we all knew whut Wt' hud to do," · Rllc:y i.ald. And that victorious effort waa costly . More than 14,800 Japanese soldiers died in the 'I battle and the Allied forces loet Forty years ago on Aug. 7, U.S. Marines invaded the island In 't h la country'• first major offensive in the Pacific Ocean. They battled for 98 daya to• emerge with our ftrat victory over Japan. Now a retired brigadier general, who has served on the Board of Supel'Visora for eight years, Riley recently pushed aside paperwork in his fifth floor office in Santa Ana and recalled when he was a 28-year-old captain in charge of building airfields for U.S. bombers. "I'm very proud that I served at Guadalcanal because not only did it provide an opportunity to move troops across the Pacific, but we had been taking a lickin' everywhere else and we proved for the firSt time at Guadalcanal that Americans could fight as well as the Japanese. "The victory at Guadalcanal gave the whole country a boost." Landing on the island several weeks after fighting began, Riley recalled how his troops were STILL PROUD -Orange County Supervisor Tom Riley recalls battle of Guadalcanal on its 40th anniversary. bombarded while coming ashore. He and his corps of 1,200 men "spent every night in foxholes because the Japanese hit the airfields all the time. I remember lying there and watching the guns on their warships light up and we knew the salvos were coming right at us." laland weather waa ra!ny, hot and humid. Malaria, festering infections 1&nd hcut ruah were common ailments among front- Une infantry. Riley's men were more fortunate. They could arteast set up tenta and )'look up showers using river water while they constructed the bases f or bombers that would repulse Japan's last-ditch efforts to reinforce ita troops. .. By that time we. had air power based on the Wand and from Sailor Field we watched our planes bomb the Japanese amphibious crafts bringing troops ashore," Riley said. "The planes would take off, bomb the ships, come back and quickly reload to take off again. We could see it all." Riley got his nickname of Muggs in 1934 after he scored a winning touchdown for Virginia Military Institute and his picture appeared the next day in the local newspaper. But, he said, football heroics didn't bolster his courage prior to landing at Guadalcanal. , Accidental oil losses down Improvement attributed to regulation, drop in usage CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - The amount of oil lost worldwide through spills, fires or s hip sinkings dropped by 63 percent last year because of stricter r egulations and declining consumption, a research group reported. The Center for Short-Lived Phenomena said 55 million gallons of oil were lost in 14 7 incidents last year. In 1980, 149 million gallons of oil were lost in 199 incidents, the center said. Director Richard Golob said the drop in the number and size of oil spills last year continued a trend begun the year before. In 1979, 328 million gallons of oil were lost in 210 incidents, including an oil well blowout in the Bay of Campeche off Mexico w here 140 million gallons of oil were lost during a 295-day period. "This is va hopeful trend but it would be highly optimistic to assume that by 1995 there would be no oil spills in the world," said Golob. "We're still not sure if this is the beginning of a long-tenn trend or just a short-term deviation. We saw an increase of spills in 1978 and 1979." • HANOCRA~TED Gll'"TS • ANTIQUES • COLLECTIBLES a friendly place to visit ... .... in ctn old-fashioned way Even though there was a decrease last year, Golob said the amount of petroleum products lost in 1981 could have heated all the commercial and residential buildings in a Northern city of 150,000 people for one year. Golob noted oil shipments had dropped by 20 percent between 1979 and 1981. He also said rigid enforcement of oil-tanker safety regulations have contributed to the decrease in accidents. The U.S. Coast Guard now conducts regular inspections of all tankers enterint U.S. ports. "Tht: only dtffcrem-e between our effort• here (In county aovemment) and at Guadalcanal fa that here everyone has 5,900 men. The Waterfront Gang ••• National ServiCes Group, Inc. --Commercial/Industrial Real Estate National Services Specializing In Sales and Leasing of Offices, Shopping Centers, Condominiums, Land Industrial Buildings, Restaurants, Investments "' Serving The Greater Orange County Area Watch Us Grow! 2717 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach 92663 71.4-646-5051 The only residential south of Newport Beaclt Nortflwood Town Center 4970 lrvlne Blvd. 730-6010 Mon. ·Sat. 10-6 F'riday 10-8 Sunday 11·4 l'ta.IC NOTICE P\a.IC NOTICE P\a.IC NOTICE F1CTIT10U8 lltJllNEH FICTITIOUS lltJllNEH F1CTtTIOU8 aUllNEH NA• ITATHIENT NAME ITATIZ•NT NAME ITAT!•NT The following person It Clolng The following person la doing The lollowlng pe<aon1 are Clolng bu1inesa at: business u · busl,,_ u : FRAME IT, 14422 Ehlen. Tustin. A & H FAMILY RESTAURANT, PAVRON ENTERPRISES. 6750 CA 92680. 145 E. 19th St . Costa Mesa. CA Caballero Boulevarel. Buena Park. Estella Tally. 1H22 E'tllen. 92627 Cellfornla 90620 Tuetln. CA 92680. Ellen Mary Kanedla, 678 N. Peul A. Volpp, 2613 G-va. Thia t>utlnns la conducted by an Mllforel, Orange, CA 92667. Fuller1on. Callfomla 92633 lndlvlelual. This business Is conducted by an Ronald M. Garcia, 7843 E. Eatella Tally lnellvlduel. Sandberg Lane, Orange. California Thie atatement was llled with the E. Kanaella 92669 County Clerk of Orange County on Thia statement _.111e<1 with Ille This buslneta la conducted by a Aug. 3, 1982. County Clerk ol Orange County Oii gener•1 par1ne~hlp, F1944e1 Aug 3. 1982 RONALD M. GARCIA, a Publl1hed Orange Coast Dally F1MM2 11~:1af:i:;;:,, wu filed wllh the Piiot, Aug. 6, 13, 20, 27, 1982 Publlaheel Orange Coeat Dally --------34-62_·_82 Piiot. l\ug. 6. 13. 20. 27. t9g~45-82 ~:i:n2~. ~':;~ of Orange County on l'ta.IC NOTICE F1M01S F1CTTTIOU8 llUl1t•Hs NAME STATEMENT P\a.IC NOTICE The follOwlng peraon1 are doing FICTITIOUI •UllNEH bu,alneM u : NAME ITATIZMeNT SOFT/SYSTEMS. 2005 W The lollowlng paraon 11 Clolng Balboa Blvd., Sult• #309, Newporl butlneaa ea: 8Mctl, California 92663 CHRIST I AN BROTHERS Howard Oachelager, 601 POOLS ANO SPAS. t3321 Gatelen Marguerite, Corona Clef Mer. Grove Blvel ,#N. Gardet1 Grove. CA Cafffornle 92625 926'3, Law Of'llcee of o...-L J. COONfl Suite 400 lldorado llenll aulldlng 2A012 c .... De La ...... UQUM Hme, C&Momta l:lMI Publlaheel Orange Coaat Dally. PllOI, July 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20, 1982 3422-82 PUBltc NOTICE Frankie Ore!«, 601 Marguertte, Nell Tiiiman Spain, 51 u l'lCTITIOUI MISINlaa Corona <let Mar. California 92625 Conant. Long S.ecti. CA 90815. NAMe ITATIMEHT Albert J. Murtz, 1805 W. Thia buslneat 11 conducted by an The followlng per.on 11 Clolng 8alboe Blvd .. Newport Beech, lndMClual. bulllneta ea: UNIPAK USA TRAVEL California 92663 NaO Spain SEl'IVICE, 2llO Newport Center Or., Thia bualneas la conducted by a Thia 1t11ement wu filed with Ille Suite 350, Newport Beach, Ca. ganeral partnership. County Cleric of Orange County on 92660 Fr811kle Ot"ej« Aug. 3, 1982. Mlzhho Rogere, 3650 E. tit St. Thia stat-I wu Oled wllh the F1NT70 No. 1, Long Beech, Ca. 90803 County Clerk ol Orange County on Publlahad Orange Coaet Dally Thia bualnna 11 conelue1ad by an July 28, 1982. Piiot, Aug. e. 13, 20, 27, 1982 lndlvtdu1I. F1Mm 354e-82 MIZUHO ROGERS Publlaheel Orange CoHI Dally Thia a111emen1 wu filed wtth the Piiot, July 30 ancs Aug. e. 13, 20. PUBllC NOTICE County Clal'k ol Orange County on 1982 ----------July 28, 19112 3358-82 ·FICTtTIOUI au .... u ,1""21 "8.IC NOTICE NA• ITATI...,,, Publlaheel Orange CoHt Dally The lollowlng perwc>nl .,. doing PllOt, July 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20, 1982. buslo.e a; 3376-62 K-otlS7 BIRTCHER PACIFIC. a gener1I ----------ITATDmNT cw A8ANOOl-NT par1ner1hlp, 27611 La Ppz Rd.. PU8lJC NOTICE Of' U. OP l.aglm1 Nlguet, ca. 92807. ----------Aennout __ .. NAlllll Ronald E. Blr1cher, u Truataa K-tt1'1 Th• followlno per1on1 have of The Roneld E.. Birtcher Famlly 8TA~ OP llbendoned the UM of the ftotltlou1 Trv1t, aatabllthed under Agreement AaANOCll~ OP ~ '*"9: dated June 27, 1980, 27811 La Pu UN OP PM:'TnlOU9 w A R H E R A v E N u E Road, Lagune Nlguet. CA 92677 llU9-·· NA• ASSOCIATES. 118 E. 17th St.. At1hur B. Blrlch«, u Trv1taa The followlng peraon(t) have Cotta Maaa. CA 92627. of The Arthur 8. Birtcher anel 1b1ndoned the uae of tile flctltloua The FlctltlOul Bull,_. Nll'M Shirley R. Birtcher Property bualneu name SUNSl!T HILLS referred to above ... 111•<1 In Se1tlement and 8uppor1 Trutt Clllad DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, 2950 OrlllQI County on o-mw 12, Auguat 28, 1982, 276tt La Pu Rad Hiii, Co1ta M .... C1llfornl1 1NO. Road, Lagun• NIQutil, CA 1126n 92e2e. JAMES W. AAY, 186 E. 17th Thia bl.I"'-ft oonduotad by 1 The flotllloua bu1lna11 name at .• ".o91a Maaa. CA 92e27. QeMl'll pattnenhlp. raterrad to •bova w11 flled In ..CHAil 0. RAV, 186 E. 17th Arlhur 8. Birtcher, Ormt'OI COunty on Mey 18, 1NO. tt., CoN Maaa. CA t2t21. TNlt .. of The ~ARK 111 PROPl!ATl~!i._~HO ~ WELL8, 181 E.. 17th Artnur 8. Blrtc:her Red Hiii, Cotta Maaa, CA nvn. It.. CoMa M1M. CA t2t21. ~ Sh"1ey A. Blrtotlar UH I· CAL Fl NA H CI AL A081AT SMITH, 186 E. 17th Property Settlement and CORPORATION, H3 Wett 8htth It., co.ta Maaa. CA t2t27. Suppor1 Tf\llt Dated Street. Sufi• 302, Loa Ang•I••· PHILIP M. FURLONG. 27CMl2 Auguat 28, 1H1 c .. lfoml1 9Q014. LA* Colt, Lagl#W H .. , CA 926&3. Thie 1t1t-t w• fllad with the Thie bu11ne1p .-conduoted by • FRANK J. HAFFNER, 301582 County 0'*11 of Orl/IO& County on general pattlWlfllP, hMo Del V ..... Lagl#W Nlguel, CA July 23, 1H2. UHl•OAL FINANCIAL tlt77. ,,._CORPORATION TIW ..,..,_. W91 ~by a HUNTER & V088 Jactc Sutter, tlmleed 1*1f* el'llp. Attornayt at Ulw '*-V1oe Pree. TIW n.wnem we1 flleCI with die 1te00 f'elrchllcl Oftve. Thlt "ateinem wee flied wllh tht County an of Orenoe County on Sult• 100 County CMtk Of OrlflOe COUlfty on AA.9M 8, 111U. '°" Offloa Boll 18977 Auguet 2, 1N2. · • ..,. I IMnl. CA 92713 •1- Publl•hld Orange Co11t Dall~ Pvtlllthed Orange Coelt Ody Publl1hecl Orange Coa1t Ditty "°'• Auo· 11. 20. 17. Sept. 3, ttl2 "'1IOC. July IO, Aug, •• 13, 20, 1N2 Piiot. Auo. e, 13, 20, 27, 1H2 H1142 3423-12 3MM2 •Four miles south of Hotel del Coronado. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, 11iE CORONADO CAYS MARINA AND FUEL DOCK IS OPEN TO 11-iE PUBLIC. bsecver a ~w lllcrH Now, discover a luxurious lifestyle, absolutely unique in all of Southern California, a rare investment in waterfront living. And, because prime California waterfront property is scarce, anrl is getting even scarcer, you'd be wise to investigate this invest- ment opportunhy as soon as possible. You'll discover a land by the sea, a group of individual islands and cays where each com- munity is designed with a character and personality all its own. Because o f their superb location within the overall master- planned development. these beautifully designed waterfront cus- tom homes, and condominiums offer some of the most spectacular views ... ocean, bay. c;.ity lights, mountains ... ever offered at the cays. Coronado Cays reflects the warmth and color of the Carib- bean. But more. It reflects what is the very best living in all of Westerl"' America. Excellent Financing Plans available. 0ftilils reRMdlng fin•ncing ind Astoe:. ftt available al lht Saltt Centtr. Prlc:u effective d•te of publlcatlon and subject to changt-. All units subjtcl to prior ule Montego Bay Villas BlueAnchoricay Resort condominiums with their own clubhouu, An exclusive neighborhood of custom waterfront homes, swimming and tennis facilities. Leasable boatslips with room for your own private boat slip. available. (714) 423·39il (71 4) 428·8418 From $239,500. .From $465,000 RENTALS AND RESALES• Offering a wide range of on water and off water homes, townhomes, and condom!niums. • (714) 423-1004 FOR BROCHURE WRITE: Coronodo C.y Company, ~01 Orand Carlbe CauHway, Coronado, CA 92118 Coronado C1ys ls. developmtnt of Coronado t.andm .. rk Inc .• OM of the s11n .. 1 Companies. ' 11 l • 1' r :· .. :, I I . I I I I ! I , I I I I · I ~I I !: . I ~I Ii I I .. :·1'. •L • .. ..,..· • t !it ·~ . : s •H ... ~~ '_\t .. ~ ·:·t 'tt •:.e ''.clt • ·o•· . . \:~· . . ..... 'e• I ••• ALLA BEEK FOH CITY ('Ol 'NCIL 1iaht t111 1,, Aila11 lt..k t I "4h •0••1th1tlun N Uud1 Art 'n Craft Festival Huntington Center dolly thrv Sun. NM.IC NOTICE Ll!OAL NOTICE PflOP091!D 1m..a 9UDOET FOR co .. ttlne Reglonal Occupetlonal Pr09rem The Coastline Regional Occupational Program propoaed budget for 1982-83 will be available for public Inspection at 100 l Presidio Square Cosla Mesa. Catllornra lrom August 25th through AuguSI 3 lst. 1982. balwean the hours ol 8 00 a m and 4 00 p m The public hearing on Iha proposed budQet lor 1982·83 will be held at 1001 Presidio Square, Costa Mesa on September 2 t982 at 5.15 o'clock pm Publlshad Orenga Coast Dally Piiot, Aug 20. 1982 3530-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9USINE8S NAME STATEMENT The tollowlng person 1s doing business as Orange Cout DAILY Pit.OT /Friday, Augutt 20, 188i OUR BIGGE T ALE OF THE YEAR I NOW ON! ALL '82 C:ADILLACS ARE C LEARANCE .. ALE PRI CED. AND FOR A L IMITED T IME ENJOY EVEN LARGER A VINGS ON ONE OF O U R 29 EXECUTIV E DEMONSTRATORS. Available: 12.5%"~:· Leases All cars subJecl to prior sole. loll, llcen'8, 8t doc tee 12.5' leases ovolloole on demos wlln less !non 6000 miles NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa (7 14) 540·9100 . (213) 587·8266 OMEGA TRANSCRIBING SERVICE. 1822'> Newpor1 Blvd Ste 279 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Diane Lee F1sl1burn, 20432 Santa Ana Ave a22, Senta Ana. CA 92707 j.....:=================:=:::=:;=::=::===::=::=::==:=:::=::==::::;================::::::::::::~~ Thl1 business Is conducted by a" Individual 1--------------0iane L Fishburn NM.IC NOTICE Th11 stltement was riled with the 1---F-IC_TITIOU ___ a_e_u_a_1_NE_a_a __ County Clerk ot Orange County on NAME aTATEMENT Aug 3• 1982 Fli4590 The following persons are doing P 0 C busineu as ubllshed range oast Dairy SAL TRAVEL and BUSINESS Pilot. Aug 6. 13, 20, 27 1982 ANO LEISURE TRAVEL, 13-0 East 3472-82 17th S1ree1, Costa Mesa, Calllornle MUC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Pfl0f'08ED 1M243 9UOOET FOR Nawpon·.,._. Unltted 8chool Dltlric:1 Tne Newpon-Mesa Unified Scnool Otstrlcl proposed budget tor 19112·83 will be evallab~ for publlc 92827 Wllllam H Strain, 907 Lombard Court . Costa Mesa. Callfornla 92626 Rile M Slraln~ 907 Lombard Court. Co11a Mesa Callfornla 92626 Tiiis busineu 11 conducted by an lndMdual Rita M Strain Inspection at OtllOe ot llMI Oln1c1or, This tlatem.nt was 1118<1 won the Fiscal Servlc;es. 1857 Placantta. lcounly Clerk 01 Orange Coonty on Costa Mes., CA trom August 25th Aug 9 1982 throogh August 31st. 1982. between I · Fl'5011 the hoors or 7'30 p a m lll1d 4.30 p.m The publlc hearing on Iha Published Orange Coast Dally propoted budget tor 1982·83 wlll Piiot. Aug 13. 20. 27 Sept 3. 1982 be held et Ha1per Comm c.n1e1, 3613-82 425 E 18th St . Coste Men NM.IC NOTICE MUC NOTICE NOTICE OF PU8UC HEARtNO FICTITIOU9 8U91NEl9 All80 WATER MANAGEMENT NAME 9TATEMENT AGENCY The tollowlng paraons era doing NOTICE IS hereby given that lhe bull~ at. Aliso Weter Management Agency E & E POWER SWEEPING, (AWMA) will conducl a publlc t0t7L W Bishop St , Santa Ana CA hearing to receive and consider 92703 public comments on lls proposed HEE TU KIM, 1017L w B1snop, lndu1tr1al Weste Control Pro0ram Slll11a Ana. CA 92703 •n<I Ordlnanu The publiC heating c Hu N J KIM . I 0 I 7 L w Wiii be held on September 2. 1982. Bllhop, Santi Ana, CA 92703 at 2 00 pm . Of u toOn lherutter This business ts conduc;ted by u 11 c><ac11Ceble. e1 the ottiu of the lndlvlduals. hu1band and wile Moulton-Niguel Water Otstrlct. Hee Tu Kim. 27500 Le Paz Road. Laguna N!Qual. Chun J Kim Calltornl• This 11111eman1 wu flied with the Robar1 A Ryan, Jr County Clark ol Orange Coonty on Anorney for Aug 10, 1982 Aliso Water MenagerTW1nl Agency Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot. August 20. 1982 3678-82 Pl&.IC NOTICE F1ts03e Publl1hed Orange Co1111 Dally Pilot, AUQ 13, 20, 27. Sepl 3, 1982 38tS-82 NM.IC NOTICE CaHlorn11 on Saptemt>e< t 1982 at 7 35 o'clock p m Published Orange Coast Dally NM.IC NOTICE LEOAL NOTICE YOU AllE IN DEFAULT UNOER A DEED OF TllU9T DATE D PROPOSED tla-N •UOOET ,OR JANUARY 11, 111U. UHUSa YOU -------------1 lrvtna Unified 8choo4 Dhlrict K -01%69 The il'llna Unll141d School Olsltk:1 TAKE ACTION TO l"llOTECT Pitot. Aug 20. 1982 3528·82 NOTICE OF DEATH OF proposed budget tor 1982-83 will YOUR PROPERTY, I T MAY 8E ------------WILLIAM DALE DOR.J be avallabte ICH public 1nspec1K>n at SOLD AT A l"U8LIC SALE. If YOU 1Mm• 1c NOTICE 1"'1ne Un1Ued Schoo 01a1r1e1. 2941 NEED AN EllP\.ANATION OF THE .-~ RELL, aka W . D . DOR-Allon Avenue,ll'llna,Calltornialrom NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING NOTICE OF DEATH OF RELL AND OF PETITION! A~uat 25th through Augus~ 31a~ ~g:i:~~ Ay~:WvyE~~ 9HOULD WILLIAM 8. DOVER AND TO ADMINISTER ESTAT~ 19 2 between Iha h0ur1 ° 7:3 NOTICE OF TRUITH'a BALE 0 F P E T I T I 0 N T 0 No A 114537 a m and 4 00 p m Tlie public T 9 ........ 15 · • · . hetlrlng on the propoll8d budge1 fOt · · ..... ..._ ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. To all heirs, benef1c1anes, !982-83 wlll be hetd at Lakeside NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that on A·llH58. creditors and con tinge~ ln1armedl111t School on September Friday, Augutt 27, 1982, at 9 oo Cr ed j to r s 0 f w [ L LIA !. 1982 al 7 30 o'ciOClk p.m o'clock am. or ••Id oay, In the room T o all hetrs, bencfidanes. p bll h d 0 C 0 1 set 1111lda tor conducting Truslea • cr edito rs and contingent DALE DORRELL aka W u 'e range oast •ly Sales. wllhln the otllcas of REAL c r editors of Wtlltam 8 D. DORRELL and perso 1 Piiot. Aug 20· 1982 3527•82 ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. Dover and persons w ho may who may be otherwis located at 2020 NCHth Broadway. h '"'~~ted ;" the wt'll andfo "'"°'IC NOTIC[ Sulla 206, 1n the c11y 01 Sanl• Ana. be ot erWtS(> inwrested In u•''"""" u• .-~ County OI Orange. Stale ol the will and/or estate: est.ate· NOTICE OF TAU9T£E'S SALE c. 111 0 r n 111. R E AL Es T A TE A peltllon has been filed A peuuon has been hl Loan No. '5011151-C) SECURITIES SERVICE .• Calll0tnl1 by Barbara Rae Dover Cory by JOHNNIE MAE DOR FFI 22022 corporation. H duly eppolnteo RELL th S · Co On Friday. September 10, 1982 at Trustee under •nd pursuan1 10 Iha Jn lhe Superior Court o f tn e upenor 11 oo 0·c;1oc;k • m . FINANCIAL power or ula conferred In that 01 ange County r equesting of Orange County reques · FEOERA TtON. tNC . a Oeleware c;en11n Deed or Trutt akecutad by that Barbara Rae D over that JOHNNIE MAE DOR corpo1et1on . as Trustee or PENINSULA ENTERPRISES. 11 Cory be a p p o 1 n led a 5 RELL be appointed as per-suballtuted Trustee under and genar11 partnerahtp, recorded I SOnal representall.ve to ad pursuont to 1na deed ol 1ru1t January 19, 19112, In tne otflca ot \he ,...rsona representative to ded • 11 29 1981 1 b k Co nl" Recorder ol ••lei Count ~dminister the estate of mtnl8ter the estate of WIL r1a;g;7 on°~;:~ 53'5 ol 0~11:i:.1 Reuco'1dor '1 lnstrumanl ~~· William 8. Dover (under the L I A M DALE DORRELL. Records. Counly Recorder of 82-021692, by reHOfl ot • t>reecn I n d e p e n de n t A d m 1 . Cost.a M esa, C A (under th Or1nga Counly, Calllornla, naming or de tau I 1 In p 11 y rn e n I or n j st r at t 0 n 0 f E 5 tat e 5 Independent Ad.rrunl.slration theraln es Trustors· GEORGE M pertormance 01 tne obllgaflont Of "'-•-•-A"") The petl'tJo ~ ~ .. ~RAUA,. u K and O 0 ROTH Y secured thereby. Including th•I A ct). The pelillon IS sel for r.e ... ~ ""' ~ " breach or dBfau11. Notice of wtllch heanng in Dept No 3 at 700 is set for hearing tn Dept WILL SELL 11 publie auctlor1 to wH rec;orded April 13. • t982, H Civic Center Drive, West. m No. 3 al 700 Civic Cente the highest bldde< IOt caJh payable Recorder ·• ln$1rument No h C f S Onve West Santa Ana CA et time of 111te. c;ash must be In 112-127757. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC l e tty 0 an ta Ana. 9270 Se. be 8 • lawlul money or 1'18 United States. AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST California on Sept. 15, 1982 I on ptem r . 1982 et the Nortn entranQB 10 the Oranoa BIDDER F=OR CASH lawful money at 9:30 a m . at 9 30 a m . County Cour1hOUM located at 700 of tti. United S1a1aa. or • euhler's lF YOU OBJECT to the lF YOU OBJECT to the CIVIC c.nter Drive West (l0tm«ly c:hack drawn on • ttela CH natlonal • f th '"Mllng of the pellbon you WMI Eighth Street), In Iha City ot bank, 8 llate or ladaral credit granting 0 e peUt.lon, you oh' uld . h ' h San1a Ane, County ot Orange, State union. or • tt••• or federal Nvlnga should either appear al the !I o eat er appear at t e or Calllornla, all right 11111. and and toen anoctallon domk:llad In h earing and state your hearmg and state your ob-1n111<es1 now ttatd by 11 under said thl111e11,allpayeble11thellme ot obj ections or file written ,Jeellons or h ie written ob-Oaed or Trull 1n the property aale, en r1ghl, 111111and1ntB1e11 held objections with the court jectlons with the court be· srtuatao In 11ld County and $\ate by II. o Tru1tee. In that reat f h h . y daacrlbad es· properly tltuate In said County and b efore the hearing, Y o ur ore t e earing our ap-Loi 187. TreC1 t872. In the City Stele. daecrlbld H toll-s. appearance may be in person pearance may be in person ot Co•fa M .. 11 . •• per map Lot II ol Block 23 or Nawport or by your attorney. or by your attorney racord41d in Booll 53, Pllli!M 47 thru Beach Trac;t. In the ClfY ol N-por• I F y O U A R E A IF YOU ARE A CREDI· •9. Ml1celleneou1 Mapa, In the 8Hch. H par map recorded In ITO TOR or 8 con":;;Jn ent credi•~r Ottlca of Iha CounfY Recorder ot BOOll 3, Page 28 of Mlscettanaoua C RED R o r a contingent .., Otange counfY M11>9, record• of Mid Counry credi\Or of the deceased, you of the dece , you must Said PIC>P«IY 11 1lao reported 10 The •tree .. doreu or other must rne your claim with the file your claim with lhe be commonfy tinown ••: 2175 State common dHlgnatlon ot the real courl or present it to the court or pre1ent 1t to th e Streat, Coate Meae, Calltornla P«>Pe<ty 11aretn1b0v• dBKrlbed 11 I 92827 putPOfled 10 be 2314 end 23141.; persona I r e presen tat1 ve pe!"<>na r epresentaUve. ap-Said 1118 wlll be rnade, bul Wall Oc4lal'I Front. Newpor1 Buch, appointed by the court pointed by the court Within without covenent or warranty Calllornta within four months from the four months from the date of e•p<aN or Implied. reg11cilng lllla. The undarllgned hereby dleclalma date o f f irst issuance of fir8t l11suan~ of le tters as POHHtlon or enc;umbrencea. to •II llablltty '°' any lncorractnata In • ded Sec provided in Section 700 of pay ,,,. remaining llAm pl th• note uld elraat 1ddra11 or other tellers &3 provi in tion th p be Cod f Cali eacuted by u ld deed, to wit. common designation 700 of the Probate Code of e ro le e o for-SH .967 .32, with 1n1erae1 from Said 1111 wilt ba made without California . The time for nla. The time for f iling Saptamber 15. 1081 advanoaa, warrenty, axpran or Implied, cl.al.ma will not expire prior cl.alms will not expire prior currently nona. and 001t1 and regerdlng !Illa. po11e11ton. or filing claims will not expire \0 four months fro,m the date ;~~3~ :'j~~~",!'::.•::'o-J.~ =~~~1~.~r:~,~~~-':, :h'.:'~'J,.t~~ prior to four months from of the he&ring noticed above. and ell other tum• then eecurad by other obllg111on H curad by H id the date o f the hearing YOU MAY EXAMINE tald dead or truea. DHd ot Trull. wltll lntara•t end noUi:ed above the file k ept by the oourt. If The name. 11raet addrffl and othar 1um1 11 provided therein, -i, .A~__. ln th latephone number of the Tru111et plua advanc11. II 1ny, under Iha YOU MAT EXAMINE YOtl are lfl...:•~•nfc Ju e es-are Flnanc:iel Federation. toe .. 9'01 t•rna thtr~ and lnl•aet on 1UCt1 the {~ kept by the court. If tale, you may I e a requeet w .. htngton &outevacd. ~ City. adv•noea. end plue '-· Cll•ro- you are l ntereated ln the w ith the court to receive Ctltfornle 902~21~ 204-8040. Md •14*1-of the Truttet 11\d of Mt.ale, you may file a request ·~ noUce of the lnven· o~"ou tlf~sT 6~i:J ~~~~~:. ~~~~~~;':::' !Zo'!: ~.~ with the court to re¢elve tory 01 eel.ate aMeta and of 1Ht. UNLE.88 YOU TAKE ACTION obllgatlon, lnoludl11g reHonabty • p e cl a I n 0 t Ice 0 f l h e t.he petltJona, account.a and TO PAOTECl VOUA PAOPEATV IT H tlmatad , .... cll1rg11 and Inventory of e1tale asset• reportw detcribed In SecUon MAY BE IOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. 8XpaMM ol lhO Trull ... •I the time andofthe petltloN accounta 1200.5 o f the California IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION ol lnltt•l~t>llC•tlofl ollhltNotloa,11 and report• de11c 0 rlbed In !:':1baTHte ~ILLl.AMe. 8 ~tot~e'b1~C:-; ~~!1Ni~ J~u~ :.~~7A~utt ), 1812 s. c ti 0 n I 2 0 0 . 5 0 f t h e Ar. , V.J) u 8 H 0 u l. D c 0 NT A c T A REAL HT A TE California Probate Code. Atton1cy •• Law l.'AWYEA SECURITIES SERVICE. We lutela 6 Welutel• IHI MuArt•.,. Blvd., Sultt D•t .. Augvet 2, tff2 • Calll0f'nl1 00tPOt1t1ort, l HI !llnenclal '9der111on, lno u TMlt ... Atler••J at Lew, 10 N t 1111£ _ _.. CA t•ut u lllCh Trvetee By. O.J. Motoet. WllU.lre Bl••· • PnlM•M, ewpor ........ , • ey Lind• Ntno. ltt ~1 Benrly Biiii, CA Hill, (714) 7H-llU Trwt Ottloer 2020 North l roadway, (SU) 17Wt41 ., t7C .. 7M Publlahed Oranae Cout =~. Tn•. CA moe Pul>ll•ll•d Or•no• COHI Diiiy Dally Pllot, Aue. 13, 14, 20, Ortn09 eoMt OeHy Piiot. Aug 20. Tel: ('7t4) K:MetO Plol. AMO 10. 20. 2t, 1"2 1982. 27, tepc ), lff2 Pub1t1lled Or1nge Ooe11 Delly 3"e-12 3601-82 *'·92 ~. Auo I , f3. 20, ttl2 '41H2 Niguel project eyed Firm plans to develop 500 coastal ac1·es An Or41 n 6't.< Co unty dl•v••lr>pm••nl firm 1uty~ It will (•1llo w cou1ttial comrn101u11 guide line" In developing ~00 acr<'I in Laguna Nigut>I fo r a rt'lidl•ntfal, <:ommt·n:hil und ho tt·I projt~·t Tht• S t ein Brief Group announced 1t11 inte ntions W e dnesdoy to buy the coastal property from A w .. 'Q Community Devf'loper11 Inc. Cur more t h an $100 mU11on. The ('Oll•t11l cdmm1aalo n t!r. t'Arller thh1 11umm<!r approved plana f or 2,800 r~ldt·nthal unit.a. a 20-acre cornmt.'rcw.l dc•velupmrnt, a l'(mfererwc cent.er ho tel, private r ecrt>atlonnl faci11t1l'S ond more t h an 44 acre~ or public park. tro1Js and open span• and an ltl -h ole l'hamp1onsh1p gol( c:ourse ''W e were lmp~ by lhe fine }Ob (Steln·Bnef Group) dld with put dev<'lopmenl.I and feel t.helr expertlac wW 1n1u.re the quality de ve l o pmt'nt o f th l • extraordinary ple<..-e of land." One co-owner ls Barry Brlef. The o ther <."<>-owner of the flrm, David Stein, rellred a.a pre.ldmt o f Avco In 1977, but he said Wednesday that h e r ecently hel pe d plan t h e d evelopment prop:l. R o b e rt Buie, executive vice president or A vco and general manager of Laguna Ni)<(ue l said, cou1n BUSINESS Main Hurdman't Newport Beach off1<..-e said It , h ooked into the firm's n e w $4.9 mrnion information n etwork of computers and o ffice systems. Main H urd.man 1s an m temauo nal &C\.'ounling firm Mariano Sliva has been appointed controller of Valencia Bank He h as b een assis t ant VICI:! presidenl/ass1Stant controller o f M1tsubtshi Bank o f Caliform a White Memorial M edical Center facil1t1es engineer C laren ce H oskin of Hunttngton Beach has been appoinled to Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley's Cit izen Advisory comm1tlee for Los Angeles' program o f e n ergy recovery from refuse . The medi cal cen t e r recen tl y constructed a $I ,029r600 system t o generate steam energy by burning waste on-site. HOllCIN ABLE Compute r o f Irv ine received an $850.000 contract from Autophon, Solothurn, Swit.z.crland, for communication s multiplexer s, 1ts direetor of inte rnational marketing said. Newport Securities Corp. h as scheduled a Sept. 7 seminar on security investmen ts in Orange Coun ty. The p r ogram will begin al 7 p .m . in the OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS )... s.1.. tntrolnd U•• '' lntf'I 1 17 'i)) In,,, f:'1t '8 48\_. tnlQrort t1 1 t I '"ff'Wd 11· t 13..,. tntml(,\ ,) • 1)&• I n8WV\ 1&4• 11'. l w•'JOUt 1J • U JAAt\bV t 1 I Jf',1(0 J~• )"• YIJtffV 1l / 11'• JO)lyn \ 14 ,. ; lt•1\)t pt 4' •A q)) ft•tw-•f U l). K.-m•n u 1 P. t<t•vSv i.. J )'• 1(1fl1bAll 1J•_. 14 K•nQlf"lt H 18' KlootC. :~:; :~I~; ~~:t:.." tib I& • -.u11c,_. 10 10\o L•n<0 ' t1 ti'. l •noAt\ 9 9l. L.,1.,(.0 t1 u ' '--''""'' n•, ,,..._ L1n8ro " 11 111 • L~l•n S ~·· M (. , ...... M ( W I "I , ..... M(#f Ott 10 , 10•• MeO•C.E I , I 9 I~ Me~IPI );,, 3 1 M•JRI ll 13+, M•r•on l-'· A Meu1L Jl ., .. 8"9 MAyPt s l1 I J1 Meyn01I JI', i i ... "°'Corm t11t II '• Met drf l'9 )Q•,. MC0Ud't' .0 <-0' ' Ml Ret'O 11 • fl.t,. Mu:hwW • A• MdlOCdi> n n ... MIOIR" 10'• JO•. )J • 13' I M1dl81Ji .. \•• 0 M 1ll10f .,,. It M l\\VIC,, J l • Molu 10 .. 11 , Mof\f(OI 11.. ••• P•b\lb JO'o )0 • PtC.•R .~,; .~~ .. =~::xt )J ?Jh Pf'n•Ent 1t • t I 1 P~n1~ ~ 1' • 8 • Pe-opE •P )4 / ]4'• Ptttrtt~ u • 11 / Ptlt•l)Of'\ II • ,, PhilaNal ' n " .11 P1~«~ss 19_.., 19' • Pin-.rtn 141 , 1& , P1onH1 \ t 111 P1•-.t1ne f1 t '1~• PO\\I\ 19' , 10 , Prf\C.M '1b4 18 Pr\S1evn l~ t•. Proorp 11•. 11' I PDSm .. C U•. 14 • Pur1~n ~ • &'• PutD~ >0'• 10"11 Quo• r(h 1J , 1l .. R•o-nC.P J•. 4 Aayrnnd .lf>. JI Rto•n li'• 1•'• Ro41·0S~ 11 • 11', RobOMy h u RouM" '°' . .cµ~ s~o1 ... , 10 10 .. !>•fo<o 4 •• SIHtlG<I t> I)'• StPdul l • l S<.r1pH \ J"" J •· S.•Q•le ) ... J1 I ~f\\Or \ )() lt S't~r • •• .. S\lt M\I 41 • ,, , SnMeo n r. 10•. Snwmu1 .... •"" S•erdR\ !IP. 101 , 5•11(on.11: 1) 111 • ~(\tlWtt Hf 11 • .. Sw EIS\o I • I'• Sfdndv" SldM•"-'0 II lo ll >• ~IORP<l'o ri: ~··1 "'• II • «) «)'. 1 • ''• ••"-,.~. firm's oH K-e, :u s1 AJrway A ve. Suite H-1. C.O.ta Mesa. l"or mformatton , caU 957-1081 Rampart Geoer al Inc., an Irvine manufacturer o f met.al and pre-cast fireplace systems and real estate developer, anno unced incr eased earnings for the quarter ended June 30. Re v enues w ere $7,647,000 for the quarter vs. $4,345,000 for t he quar ter a year ago. Earnings were $210,000, or 4 cents per sh are, vs. a loss o f $668,000. or 24 cents. tor the~ear-earl.Jer period. Lall er hopes Reagan reverses tax stand RENO (AP) -Arthur LaCCer , a supply-side economis t who h as served as one o f President Reagan's top econ omic advisers, said Reagan "made a mistake" an proposing a $98 billion tax increase. But Laffer, speaking to a group of corporate executives a ttending a high-stakes "swap meet," said h e was confident that Reagan would realize h is er ror and return to the supply-side Cold. Supply-side econ orrusts advocate lower taxes a nd less government r egulation o f business to stimulate the econ omy and indirectly raise government revenues. "Y ou n ever r aise taxes because i t d estroys JObs," Laffe r said in an interview after h is speech.. NEW YORK IAPI Th<! IOllO .. •"O 11\t \hOW\ tht Ovf' I hie coun·llfr \to<'' ,.nd ••tt•nh •"-•• n•"• QOnil' up IF\~ ,,_, -oown '"" mo•I o...., on ro:<~~u~~';",. r t91rOlfl\\ ol vot~ No WC"Urlllf'\ ltt!tdlf\G OtfO• 17 •rt-1n<I· uo~o Ntt 61\0 oerct"nt-oe ch•tt.Qe\ •re the' dtff~f•n<e belWHn Into l)tf''¥1'10U\ (10$lnQ Did P<I .. end Tl>u<t t lul bk! Pflce N•n'IP PauirvP NS.vn UnAmEtt V•ta ~~~~ .... SI< TOL09K l '• AC>a\RI GllEnO A,rchEn Jet Arnt' PolyC\I ~~h \ P..,c;IO C.-•nl eY;.c°.."f?n U{<1r8 • OttlOIB 9 C"">t un FIFSL '11 M1Khp, Na,,,. gi.~rn UP~ ... ,,. , JO, • I > ) ... 1 • 14. • 5'. ... '" )i,. )\,, 1]4. .'':\ • \I • .. . .. I ... • t u 0 ... 1 ~· Up lll UP D 4 Up )OO Up 2•3 UP 25 9 Up 1S.O 1 0 • Up II• Up to.I 1 UP 14 J •• Up ll.9 '· UP l)O 1• Up It S .. Up 11 5 ._ Up 11.S )1, .. , .. ••• .. .. Up >11 up n.o Up nJ UP II J Up II • II . '"' 11'. 1•. ?+, .. 1• UD ti I ,,, oow .. s L•.i ''· ••• :4, \Jo " t ''''t. ol0n • , ... Off 14 I ;~~;!~=~~I & • &'• Mor'\lllfl t1 ti.._ Mor1tn ) J 1 MOICluC> !L H~ NASDAQ SUMMARY • ~Flo Boospnr 6-llEt PETC.0 (PAC. '"te<n Omn1R\n S.l•<rO S<otGIOA g CmclreR J • ' I I> 1 , 1 OH IJJ Oft U.5 0t1 n 5 Ott ti.I 1 )1 • M utll#, 1 .. 1" NEW 't'0 Rk t'"PI MO\! •<11v• ov"' I ;r I ;; IM counlf"f" \lO<. ... , \UOOfiMJ «>~ NASO : •• • 11 ,.,.,,o<. 11 11•• N0At~ 101• 10•. Ntttwi..$ S8 " N "A1tl 81 1 Y•, N 1( kOC, f>'• /\ti Ntt'l"l A \;,, ~"' Noti~n l1 IJ'' 14" M~~r ~~II~~ 8•::,, • A•:o-: ("9\oo 10 1~" l'ft, lntf'I •SO 900 JO'• JO'' • '' 11 )\• ,\,. Propf_llp 4lb, tOO .,._ lJI' • '·· " 4 1' •"• A1r~I• 111 .4IOQ I U lit } 1) """ 41'• (PT l lJ,100 q1., tO 1~ U "01 • 46'-. M(,F 011 >01 000 4 41 • t U IQ• 101.,. Nill.I' t) 11 t I • Nl d'U\ I I'-NWIN(,, n . 21<. "•"1~ '11 t 1l'. No11ttll ~ 10·,. YtNU(f'0 14 • )4"-· :l!I • Jo .. Tan~m 111,)00 lo'• 11 t• 14 t4•, Ae>c>lfl'C_ 2 '7.fJOO 14~ t4'1 • •• t1 n • 1t"" C•doSy lOt 400 9._, e> • , •. 18 ~~:: ;t:: Ro.csv '"" 100 o . .tJ', • ' , ~ MUTUAL FUND 11 • 1 .. Ott"dl'M'' ~~ :~; g~:~tv.~ U"-•i'• OnFttr'o ti t 11 O ttttTP P( .. lnl NEW YORK .. API Grtf\ b Wt I H LI Mun I)) 1 "'° IC)ltow11\9 QUO-Equtl I 10 b 13 Pu.,ln • 7t 14110ft\ ·-""" Dy Cl••nt•llOI G•OUD f '"'" • )) '"" N•lion.I "''"°'' HtVIO • II • IJ rr~nO ?l 88 ~:': .. ,~ .~ ... ,~~~\ ~~" ,':a~:~ g F•o~~··' P~~ thtprt(t'\•t -"•<" TawM tttti6 HI/ Fn<ITw tl1) "''"* -u•ll••• Cnl !>!>• 9 )) "L 1no.,.1 l 19 C0\110 ,_._. bttf\ Cl't•rl FO I• JI 11 00 lntom 6 '1 '4>10 ·~· •n•• Cl•P Olr 11 II .. L F•I lnVP\IOI\ ·••uel or Dollglll Cl'tt\1""1 lO SI NL eno ~ IJ 06 "09 tv•lue l>llll wit>\ 8Col0Nel """°' Ot'ICO I •I 9 19 cn.•9"1 Thun<My G•"'1" • Ol • n S.11 I WY funo 10 01 II 01 lt\tom .... " '"l>'P n .. NL 0•w11> o 94 I SI "•IA.-4 11 S 11 .Acorn f )I 10 NL Ht YIO • 3' • •> Opln ~., • 11 .. ov IJ.. NL ln<om • 0 I 01 1 u Ea I .. 8 ,. Alulu•e 1J )0 NL Ooln I 9S I•• u WIEo 5 11 o )t A IM Funoi l•• Mq I' IS 11 Y 4f W•ll 1011 NL CvYIO 11 .. 1J rt Colv Gll't I! S. "L Fo"tr • 11 • n EO!On 106 I U Cwlll't A8 t 11 111 Fno Glh t 11 4 •• 1<1Y10 I /I 9 11 C'"lll't CO I lA I II F~r~h'' C.rtoup NL Alptt• F I)• NL :omp 80 9 09 I •9 u -• , .. .. lllr1111 10 .. 11 .. Comp FO • 16 8 II lncom u 00 NL AmtrlC4fl Fund\ Cot>CO•O 17 8" NL Mul•I I SO I II A 841 I,. • II :onne<lt<YI C...nl SP<!<I 11 06 NL Amcp 111 • 11 Funo 1000 10,11 Frfflklon G•OVP A Mvll 1011'11100 ln<om &JS ... AGE Jlt JSI Bono " .,-ll.Ol -Mun 80 • ~ 7 01 o .. TC II .. 11 ,. FO Inv I ., • )) ~on. In• 10 ,, to so C.•"'11't ) )0 ' '• GrWll't :oMlt l c. to 11 NL Option • II ~ 1) • 91 10 "l tn<om :ont Milt 6 19 "L Siii\ S 01 ) ti I l'f ' 11 ICA :try (AtP II /I 11 n ln<om 1 .:> I •• 1 t • I • 1 0.l•w•rt Orovo US Go" • •• I 11 N """ • .. 7 09 Oeul ,, .. "00 C•l>ll I Cl) I ,. w111 Ml t '2 1 l4 Oel•w •• M II I• Eov1I • 1l 4 l<t Amer C..-•I Oelcl't • 9' , .. T .. Fr 6 Cl) • t• C•P 80 • 11 6 •• Ta Fro \ .. • 1• """'" In< ~~·~fo •: :! I~~ Ot~~::, ~ ~ • .. ~ Cn~~I 'l" .. rn M"n 8 15 JI It 14 OooC • a1 11 15 "L PllOI I •1 I 1f V•ntr >I 01 U .. OOd<.• SI 17 st NL GT P• II .. NI. (m'" • " 10 n O••• 811< u )1 "L G•lt Op ,,,.. "L ~~ct., ~ ~ 10"1\ 0r:~J~ "'r, M NL G-;11~~~ 17:" Gr-1' )0 NI.. O••vl It U IJ 40 Elll'h e .. ~=~~ ~: rt ~ :: ~eNr,_ 1~ ~ II~~ ~~~ Lq 'U! ~t Provld •.01 • 31 Spl Inc • IJ NI. Oen 59< 'M NL \ A OthFO 1 14 I 91 Tu Eo t •l NL G8T t 41 NI.. A Htrll9 t,. NL Tl1rd C ! '1 NL Otllt Ind IS CW. NI. :n;i~:., ! ~~ sN•; ~:r.:.i~'r-~:. "' ~~~"":o" '1i1:. •rn .A Inv In t )I NL 8•1M' •" I SI Hat I Gth AM-1' 20 NL FXOUllS I ~ "ILHM'I Uv A NtGtll ) l4 > M '-N L I I t 4 H L A NU~ U .. t• OS Gr"""' II OI te •l H•rOld 151 II NL Amw•y s.at s.,. lfl<om • ,. • IO HO• ~" 11 .., NL Arclt(;vt 9 ,, NL Stock • IO 10 .. INA HIY • ,. '" Aat HouQltton Ebert1adl O•-HwlliNI 10 .. NL l'nd 8 1,0I I 11 CMM tat IM HolHGltl 10 Q NI. In(.... •)I 4.M l!ntRI 1 OI I 74 !St 0 '*" Stock 1 >J 1 tt Surwy 10 .. 11 es GNU\ Ut • ... 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I '° ll lM 11.W.. \l Nwllkp , .. .., ""'-"' SFN I " t '°' 21'-Uni_,. ,.. 11 ]~ •• Bk:~. ii; T IS ""' ;;: Coreln .. 1 Jt ~ "' ~r··· I -1 -1-llL • "" -pl 10 12 IJ\1 HwSIEn I '° ' Ill 1;po._ .... SPSTec n s 19 11.. "" unEi~ 1 W • Ull 11 .... c nG J J2 11 Is. .. ,,., , y, v • -., -~ ,. roef\lr II I ~. HwEn "'1 IJ . 7l 1'-""'S.blna IO II •11 ~ .,. =nil~~ J ~ ; m~ m:: I"" c:&lll I 16 10 1 10Vt G<lnKO 10 117 J \/lo r090r In t 3'1 )61,. • i.. Nwlfnd 1.40 J 1'37 )41;., • 1\1> SIQdB\ s .J2 IJ 67 "" • "" ~n~:::: 4 ~ 1:0 ~-I~ kA • I • C-lft ' I 11 11' JS~• .. GnR..S 10111 S.St 21 .... -\/lo uhlm Ille • '1 I~ NwMLI 1 l'O • • ,.. . . SIQOS< S H o• \/lo nE -·-41 I BankT• JOS l lG J l'"•1V.c lld Ji il '" ,._ .. Gen\lt .to . IM • ... ·-"" 1'I , ....... NwSIW '°" • ,. -YI SIQdS WI . 20 '·" ~~El~'pl~·--: 'ii ,._"' ::~;.: 1 : •• ~ 1 :"'.: :z c~!1a ' n , .... . G•I pl I .. I 11 H --· ... L-1Ll.-J·~ ·-Nor!.'1" 1 (II, ·1 ~ ',,'._. ~ ~·'·Wf~ 1.~ •• *12• ,.,.~ ••• UEI L •. ISO SJV. JI.. 8 dCR st U 740 JTlo Ito Crene I .0. I M l'O''o •II• GtnuPI I lO II J<l.S ll~ V. ~ •v -~ + •• Nor"'m ·-~ + •• ~<111• "' • -" UnE pl f ll II I•... "' a!~nGo :~ ti II~ .... ~~r.~· 1! m ~~; ~ g::~pl u:.•"7i ;~ ~!cp ] : r -llt =~~ ,l~~ ~ ~~: ,,,w:~ \~.~ .. :.I:~·~ ~~~:g:rn f~umz:l\fo ::~::rpl ~·: I s~ ~~--·,,, CrooN 2 '° • ,,. 131.'t • GePc pl8f ,, 11 u .. ;'!'. LCCP pl ! ,.,. v. NutrS n • so 10 • \It SIRegP I 12 • 101 -• "' UEI plH I 1110 SJ -"" Wt • '. v., Crc-N pll 11 II lll'e GtPw pl] 1' 1' 16~ ~ TV 0 ... t -0-0 -S.1e111 40 4 ' IV. t Vt UOllCal I S JWj HV. • \lo ==~~.: i: 1~ ,:: '1Vt ""Crmpt(n I.CM I 2 ""' + "" GtP-.. llfJ.st · · SJ 11"1+ "* f Vll Ill JOO II • .,_ Oo-lnd .U 6 xlS2' IJl;I, SOleG• IAJ 6 '7l I• ;. UnPac I.Ill I 1'S JI-"" Ba11K11 i.su• "" 40 ... + ""CrwnC~ • s. "''"-v. ~-.~ pl2.S27S . 2, .J.·,~ ~ ~ TV "' s • oJ • I OO lllP 1.SJ • I 11..... .. SJ ..... a .... 11 .. ......._ .,. Unlroyl • •UO 1 -.... llHTr, 46 It 1'91 37 .. ~ v. 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U !F"E ... 4 41t I~ t VI ... ~,,,... 1710 61-14 0.IE pl SJIO .. ) '1 1 GllllOU 1.IO J 1'7• 21-. ••• LI '::J I IJ .tJOO vrTni .IO t '4 24-. •• • Ito 1 IO t •I• '"'· , , U , jlf),lt , . • Ulllo + .... :: .• 1: :~. 4! ,::·;·ii; g:~~E = ;,~ .. :m,~-~--IV.··~ 8~AA I.St .i: a~: ~~I~ -~'"u iri . ~ n .. -·~ 0:.:.:£ i::.: l~ :!~: ~ l'11•T .. J.l.~ J .. ; '~~: ~ ~ ... :,.~:!!. 1'' ':::. "" ar19M I.JM , SJ Ullli• "' O.l>EI ...,."' 2•1.,. t -, 19 .... ;';' g ifSU fllfUll . . 1• • _ .. I.IL p t:J4I . JI , • ._ y, Owefllll 1 .. 5 16 ""°• '°' .. U S.. 1t l._ • "' UlltL Pf 2AD . :ft: t :rlt' ... 1iou 1w • 1 ... fl -~ lllfUtll l ll2 7 at io....+.,.. Orlra111 1 S t "'-•"" I i '4C!." • 1 •1 .. U=LflfUO.. + '""" 1,1'. S IS 1t9'! .. 01 fllfL • • .. JS ~ .. lfUf/11 J;11 " JO ....... y, ~ t04 16 J ll=• :: -~ -~. I • y, UI t"' J.a •11 ...... a~n 1111 fl 11-.+ .. 0 llfk ""·· Jt 21~-"" Gllh'.11 .»IT a71 17\h ~ LMil ••1~ >IO~ ~H~ .14 11 ~ 11 ..... I J t !i 141• t: 111 '4U4 .. t •• - l rckwy l:lllt a. l~ ..... l>~flff'1Hf g'zr •:"Ovfl9rl 411» JI ""-"'L~.Jet ll .-.'.+''~ l"~GMl lJ~,, Jl~:.:;i.::.·t' ... ~.,V l'C:P tCyf~Of-A"'-1 •tr':£ t.11 J .. U \4 + I" r t,i.. + -"'--L.alMtf !AO t .. 211,1, + "' PIA .O onat .... 16 • 4*i I U jl[J.M .. I ~t WI ~LJ" 1'= ; : m:: ~ ~rr ~ '; : ~n+ :: LAPec .ql7$~ ll'Wo t "' .. e<AS 1..0,, 11 ~t::·:;; ~~ t t4 IM SI-., ~ ~=~~tn :: : It '!l;::.~ -.40 .. * la\11-\It 0 ol;; 0 M I tt t -\It n kW 2'7' 11 40 U~ -"' Le11¥0. t.tt ) M "V.• \II PKGI l 649)11 U"'+ .. mPrt .at I l1' " ... • VenOrll 1,11 7 2 JS"'· ... '"'°9 1 1• I .. Etl.-"' 0~1~ •:..O,, .. UVI e<IFll ·-10 ·~ 2 ..... l-1 'lO ' '° 1'141-~ "e<LIO J.7• • 141 ,...... .... ,..,,.pt .• J 14 11,I llt .... Vere• ·" • n ,_,., J 11 ''° ..... " 'A'° 10 • = •1 l .. v -• • .. i.-· .• ·.•II tt7 """ ... Pet~ • II '" it • IV. ~·r .10. ,, * u -... Vllrl8" ·a" ~ _,.,. I t t JM + 1•1 II ,,,!... 17..,+ ~llllln UO tCUd21Yt-""Lwtlfll 1.~ t MJ U"'+ Ill p J•• "'S 1e~ •~ -·-01' r• V. ~ ... "'9!11 lltA Ji ev. t 1 '" i: '" ... , n + Hemrl' 1 .. t 10 ~ "' lo! fl '6 11 !• 27"' • lo\ ,.:, "' >:fL' lt -i:; i: s1t7f'IM 4'.;ijj 111• I + " ~=o , 12 I • \: r..,;,w Ui If 1~.. ~ ':m:f :J""::2~ Hllfl..I$ 1.m .. s• ll,._"' L=' t'ie • _. IP.• "' ,. ~-1 2· ""'"" ,,. • t,17 01 .a • ..._ §I ,_ • ,,. 11..., H•llJ• , ...... '°" ... Lwei-.tt J > •-• ,.: 1.•:1:} l1 ~~~ l''nuiu1 e1 :~~":, .. :: t ''"'- _. • --.. \II ·-. » 2' Hl\Olmrt I . D 14""----· ------":En ·'° o1 ""' .. , IK•r ,. I m ..-1 "I~ .au 1111 I -" .,.. U\ ·; J~ l!...: "' 5' '·1·" 1t "" "*···~ ~== I: u '~l :~:: iOM ·1"' ~ .. ~· \lo ,.. w ·"' "' ,. ...... ~ '°" ... " ,._ "' y "" J.10 . t Vt• I ti.._ •.Sae 1 IOl4 C -1 I I :.»,' ~ • ~ HararJ ' 1 J 1• 1"'-• \Ii ~I I '::~ •IN IO + ':! ~· mlk 1.10 • ttJ U \OI , \Ii U I.JO l t U\11 , va UO j ..S II .... .. fr. .H II lt'f'lll • ... Htr~ .U, tt '1"--"' a= IO • .., .. .,, lol I SI 14 -"' £» .!Jt IOMtil ~• ~ Y• ~ J , ,,, , •• ...... ... IO~ ,... ,. ... ! II\ ... If • • .. MAl'lt ,., • ... "'··-• .. • .. Ya .. ,,,,.n .. . .. '1 l~'f ~ 17-...... .II I ...... .-Her ~' .... M ... 44 .. J ...__\II l'enlllCf.all • ~ ~ • '6 cC,,J'%: • ·~ t • "'Ya ltfi .l4 +l'- lM : i ~ M ~·, * :.::'· ! ~ .. :~.. '· , IJ •al' ttt,. • .. ~ ..:-~~ ·'1 ~ , .~ ' : .. -.cft. • ' m "'Yt-"' ~~,.., • .. 11 ,,. + Va .. m· . ' ". \lo .tit lf'll t w 1-: :! H•nic. l,JO • I Mt. ..... Me< t I • tit jt "•l+ilyft 16 "" t11t "9 $C:k~ I tit 't 111 1.-.: " It ' ., 1 ....... • t\11 ..... = I.Ill 11 ......:. 'l ~~ 1·=. .! 1.,, ...... -.Je I Ue 40 1'\11~ . .'~ ~:~11 ~ l 1f: i:v.-i: a.J.rlll 1:10 i 1 ,....__ • ' " • ~+t s Bl Mickey Mouse, • • pals un1on1ze LAKE BUENA VtSTA, Flu. (AP> -About 100 employees of Walt Disney World who portray auch characteni as Mickey Mowie and S now White hav( agreed to unionii.e. The employf.'e!j had complalned of being forced LC; wear "dirty, hot costumes" in F1onda's heat and beiu@ abused by overzealous amuse~nl park patrons. They voted 45-41 Wednc.'flday to be lncluded at. hosts and hoetesses in the Service Tr ades contract, said Teamster Local 385 Prt>S1dent Larry Parker Firm declares di Yid end The F1uorocarbon board of directors declared a 4-cent dividend per common s~are payable Oct 31 to stockholders of record Oct. 15 Fluorocarbon has 16 div1sion.!I that operate 26 manufacturing facilities DiVlSIOf\S include . rubber , fluoroplastics, custom plastics, senuconductor and fluid sealing groups. Headquarters are m Laguna Niguel. R ecord reYenues told Naugles lnc. (of FuUeru:>n) posted record earrungi; and revenues m fiscal 1982. For the year ended J une 30 revenues rose 43 percent to $55,832,000. Net earnings advanced to $2,- 375,000, equal to 85 cents per share. from $930,000 or 37 cents per share, in the prior year. Naugles Inc. operates a ct)Sin of 24 hour dnve- through restaurants in California, Nevada, Utah , Missouri, Illinois and Kansas. Warranty to continue DETROIT (AP) -Chrysler Cor p says it will continue its five-year, 50,000-mile warranty offer on 1983 models. The nation's No. J automaker is th e first to announce a sales promotion for the new model year. Chrysler's E-body cars for 1983 are unveiled th.is week at the Jefferson Avenue assembly plant. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS GOLD COINS ""I· Up 11} Up IS. Up 11.6 Up ll l Up II I Up 10.• Up 100 Up 99 Up ts Up 'I Uo 'I UD I• Up I • Uo •I Up It Up J I uo ,. Uo TS UP 7 5 Up I • Uo 1 • Uo 11 Up I 0 uo •• Up •I Uo •I ""' Ott 10' Ott 10 I Oii '4 Oii •• Ofl • s Ofl t4 Oii • ) Oii l .J 011 •1 Oii t .O 0t1 t o Oii ,,, ()fl " Oii I.I Ott 11 Oii , • Off , • Olf u Ott 1.S Off 1 • Otl 1 J 011 1,0 Oii 1.0 011 • ' Oii •• NEW YORK (AP) -Pr~ lale Monday o l gold coin•. c;ornper9<1 with Friday'• price I(~, t troy Ol • $363 50. up $350 .......... t lrOY Ol .. 1354 00, UP $3.50. Melltceft • ,_, 1.2 lfoy C)L, "20 50, up $4.25 """* ,.. Cfewft. .9802 110)' oz . 1335.60. up *3 50 DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW VOAIC(AP> Final Do• .I~ •"9> lo• ThllrW>ty Auo 1• STDCICS JO Ina 10 Trn IS Ull t6S St~ lndu\ Openl ...... Lew CleN °'t &30 1• W 93 8'1 '9 Q .SI • q U JIS 10 :111 •9 310 II )IA.111 1.10 Ill 41 Ill 10 110 70 llJ 11 + 0 II no q7 321 •S 311 U Jn I!. 1 ... T t•n VII•~ U SI~ WHAT STOCKS DID N(IN Y0 111t (APt AuQ " Aav•nc.eo O.c11noo Unth•r_.i TOl41 ''""'' N•w l\IQI\\ Nt"' IOW1> NEW YOllK Adv•nc:ed O.c uneo Vn<ll•nood rot•• I"'~' New hf91t• "t w IQ1W1 METALS Thuredoy 19) IOS 430 1n• SI 11 IAPI Auq 19 Thunda> 763 1'IO 111 11' :Kl •• ,,,..,400 J.1>4.300 2,0l','IOO l],JSl,600 p.,.y oaJ, ,., ''° IJll J " NEW YORK (APJ -Spol nonlem>ul """' .. onr.-o ThllfWlav Copp9f 68'11.·70 cenll a pound, lJ S de sllrt•Uons Lead 26-29 oertls • pouno Zinc 40 oent.s a pound. oelhrered Tl" S6 1997 Melals WM~ compoe11e lb Mefcury S385 00 Piii' na1k Pt•ll,.um S253.00·S260.00 troy ounce. NY SILVER Handy & Hatman $8 ,940 per lrOy ounc• COLD QUOTATIONS 8J TM A-ldtM ,.,._ Selected """"'oo4d -,_.., l.Ol\don mornlnQ ll•i'IQ S356 26, olt SI 50 LOftdon at\Mnoofl 1111ng -US6 85. att S110 f'arte 11ternoon !liclnQ 1351 80, up 12 98 l'.-lt""1 n111"11 1353 99, up s 13.97 Zuricfl •••• entrnoon 11.1ne $356 75. up S3 50 bid; $357 50 Nktcl Hel\dJ & H11m111 only d i lly quote S358 es. on '1 to fng.thtlrd only dally quoit $358 85, ofl S I 10. E~d onl)I d t lly quoit tabr!ctted S37' 48, ott SI 18 SYMBOLS O•N ... VH •ly low. U•New v-•rly """" Unleu 01........,ae noled. , .. 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"' WtlCIAt l J wo1 1 140 " ,,_._ Yr w.nftlt J u 1AI ~ • 1 wr•t1v , -e ,. ,. .... , "' Wtf Jlf I •• 11JD 7V. • -Wevr Jlf I • N ., ...... '"' wwrlttr ' t9' .. ==~ti • 1il r.i~ ~ ~rt 1 is1 n"': :w. =~:;u ,., 1, .J 1\tt ~ Wm0!1 I '1 II'• YI l~llt > H Vl •l . WyflM ti! 1 '' 11t:· tit WAf"Nl t ,411 II + ,._ i , . . . t n • J\!i -Jl y W:S:fj I • "'Wllel , 7) dOO ,, ... ~ .. , ) S lllt ~ .... : W . t if:~+ .. -I .~ f !JS • • T,_A ilt • \lo =:i t t .... +I,._ ~fl' 1:1 "' 21': ) tit• ~ aiec:. I 1 •• f '1 " ; WI~ s Is ':t ¥t + ~ =· It !4'1 . • • ..... -J -~ -1' 1#1hi . i J '~ "' t 1AI • lit It . • . . ,. t Ml Miii 'i. Wit . OJ 0 ,.._ .... W U t I • He a ii IJ.J JI\'\ Wit IU "'6• -Wlllt.11 I• It I-119'+ llf!llll t • lft JI "' .. Oran ')I . ,, 9 I .c b e ') , 0 l 1 'l IARLI STC SALE IS NOW ON •• Isl COME, TOYOTA · 1966 Hat'bOr BIYCI. I st -SERVIDI DON'T MISS ITlll Thinking of selling your car? If so, please consider our TRIEX system. We will self your car as you would but consider our plussesl We will advertise, qual- ify all pl'ospects, take trade-ins, have available financing & do all paper wol'kl When your car Is sold alt you do is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TAIEX representative to list your car today! 714-646-~303 714-540-9467 BES·T USED CAR BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY I!! 1110 TIYITI OIElllll 1110 The "ULTIMATE" Toyota with lull power, air cond., stereo, tllt wheel, cruise control, cuatom wheels & morel (720ZEG). Low mllea. Now Just s9399 1171 PEllEIJ ul04" llESEL 4 apeed trans., AM-FM cassette, power steering, power brakes, power windows, sunroof & morel Very cleanl (049JZU). A real steal at below wholesale bluebook at Just s3999 1110 TIYITI CEL:IOI "IT'' Popular 5 speed, with atereo, Ult wheel, cuatom wheel• & more. Exoeptlonally clean In every respect. (946YZE). . s5999 1171 OPEL .. DELUXE OOIPE" Great transportation with an automatic transmlsalon, stereo tape and morel Orlglnal and clean Inside & out. (772RDH). $2299 1171 TOYOTA OlllLLI 2 1101 Economical 4 apeed with air cond .. stereo cassette. exterior trim package & morel Very cleen & completely original! (S.7YBK). s3999 1111~TOYOTl SUPRA usUIROOF" The ultlmate Toyota with full power, air cond., stereo. cruise control, tilt wheel, alloy wheels & morel (964XMN). Don't miss this one at only s5999 1110 Fiii 414 ...... UILJ" Auto. trans .• air cond., pwr. steering & brakes. cruise, stereo cass., custom wheels & tires. traller pkg .• propane power & llke newl (1ARY786). s9399 1110 IWll 121 C81PE 5 speed, air cond., stereo. alloy wheels & more. (195ZUY). Don't miss this one for only $6399 1110 IEIOllY OIPll LIFTllCI Economical 4 cy1. engine, 4 sl>eed trans., air cond., stereo cus., pwr. steering & brakes, rear window shade & exceptlonafly clean Inside & out! (43493F). s5999 (714> 646-930! (714> 540-9467 ~1-----...... --------.... --------------------..... ------------------------------------------~--------...... ------""'1-------:"--~~------------:----'"".'.""' ...... --~~~":":'.::!1 Ii) ,Opin'Weftdays 8:00 a.m.·9:00 p.m.! Slturd1y1 8:00 a.m.·8: p.m., Sv~y 10:00 . 1.m.·7:.00 p.m., ~. llld Ptrtl 7:~ 1.m.-6:00 p.m. MondtJ-frtdly, ..._ l :oO a.m.-4:00 :p.m.!.. BOdJ ~ .W"kdl~ .18:00 11.m.·S:OO p.lfi. ~·" 631-443~, 5 --------~-------------------- ll~ll~llllt l'RIOAV, AUG 20, 1982 ClASSlfllD C7 R OBINWOOD STANDOUTS -Matt Hattabaugh (left), pitcher Rick Vanderriet and Chris lnmer are three of the big guns in the Robinwood Little League All-stars camp. The Huntingt-On Beach-based team is in the Senior Minor World Series at Taylor, Mich . They Delly Ptlol Pfw>toe by Ch¥1N StM• we~e battling a Puerto Raco team Thursday in a fight for survival in the double elimination tournament. For the story, see Pace C2. Life on the road with the rebellious Raiders Games at Coliseum Au g. 29 and Sept. 4 break up virtually two months of wandering SANTA ROSA (AP) -For the National Football League's rebellious Raiders. the toughest thing about moving to Los Angeles could be enduring two months in summer training camp. "We could stay here until October, since our first three league games are on the road," said Coach Tom F1ores, whose team opened camp at the end o! July. Jim Plunkett, after lasl weekend's 1 7-14 victory over the San Francisco 49ers in a pre-season opener. was asked how at felt to be playing with the "Los Angeles Raiders" rather than the Oak.land Raiders. "I don't know. We haven't been to Los Angeles yet," responded the quarterback who led Oakland to a Super Bo .. ·' victory 19 months ago. Once the Raic;iers ere in Los Angeles, though, "it should be exciting," Plunkett added. ''I haven't had time to think about where I'll live down there." The NFL continues to fight the move which, unless blocked by legal maneuvers, will be the league's first franchise shift since the Chicago Cardinals jumped to St. Louis with league approval in 1960. The Raiders have home exhibition games scheduled at the Lo6 Angeles Coliseum Aug. 29 and Sept. 4 but will make just quick trips from Northern California for those games. Al Davis. the Raiders' managing general partner, and his front-office staff face the problem of where the team will practice until an in-season training site is rea~ Lo6 Angeles. The one selected for use, a former junior high school near the Los Angeles airport in El Segundo, has asphalt playgrounds where the Raiders' practice fields will be. "We usually break camp a week before the season opens, and breaking camp means going home," said Ted Hendricks, the veteran linebacker who lives in the Oak.land area. "You can't live and breathe football too long." The normal time for breaking camp is drawing near for all NFL teams except ).he Raiders, who have won federal court approval for a moye to Los Angeles after 22 seasons in Oakland. One option to staying in Santa Rosa, 60 miles north of Oakland, is to practice next month at the team's former practice site, owned by the Port of Oakland, a few miles from the Oakland Coliseum. "If we go back to the Bay Area, there are bound to be some negative feelings. So it probably would be best if we stay here a few extra weeks," said running back Kenny King. He married a woman from Oak.land in the off-season and calls the area home now, like about half the veteran players with the Raiders. "Nobody knows where e'll pract.Jcing next month. Pro ly no even Mr. Davis," said Kin ~"But we'll make the best of it." Offensive tack.le Henry Lawre bought a condominium in the Oa.klan area in the off-season. "l closed on it last month. I've never Lived in it and maybe 1 never will," he said. Hendricks said, "The hardest part about moving is that I've got children and they're oomplete opposites. One wants to go to Los Angeles and the other one doesn't. The 9-year-old doesn't want to and he's a little hard-headed." Wide receiver Bob Chandler lived in Los Angeles until a recent family move to Santa Barbara, 90 miles away. He plans to be home several nights a week but said, "Things will be a little chaotic for some guys." Plunkett noted that many NFL players stay m hotels for a while until finding regular-season homes. "I've stayed in hotels a few weeks, sometimes even a month,•• said Lawrence. "But I don't"'know about , living m a hotel with a lot of other players. I see enough of them in training camp. I like to be alone some.'' F1ores said, "It wiU be a difficult move, but we'll adjust. We're a very adjustable group." Malavasi: Vince No.3 Browns rally to win CLEVELAND (AP) -When asked abou\ hts battle fo r the Cleveland Browns' quarterbacking job, Paul ]dcDonald acts unconcerned. But the blood dripping down hia face after the Browns' 26-23 victory over the Rama on Thursday night told a different story. McDonald completed 16 of 25 passes for 245 yards, all in the second half, rallying the Browna from a 13-6 halftime deficit. "This was a patented Browns' finish," said McDonald, a third-year pro hoping 'to unseat Brian Sipe as Cleveland's starter. "I'm playing well, and I saw coverages and defenses more clearly than I did against Detroit last week." "Overall, we played some pretty good football," said Rams' Coach Ray Malavasi. "Our first defensive unjt made some big Right now we'Ye lined them up with Berl J ones ss No. 1 qusrlerbsck, Jeff Rutledge as No. 2 s nd Vince as No. 3. -Aar MMnMI plays -like the two interceptions -and we moved the ball well offensively." The Rams' starting quarterback, Bert Jones, completed six of eight first-half passes for 73 yards. Vince Ferragamo, returning to the Rams from the Canadian Football League, played the second hall and hit on eight of 17 passes for 87 yards. "Right now we've lined them up with Bert Jones as No. 1 quarterback, Jeff Rutledge as No. 2 and Vi.nee as No. 3," Maiava& said. "But we won't make a final evaluation until the preseason is over." McDonald threw a 25-yard 9COring pass to Dan Fulton with 1:54 left in the game to tie it 23-23, then hit Dino Hall with a 31-yarder to set up Matt ~s game-winning 34-yard field goal with three mis remaining. Sipe m leted seven of 15 passes for 69 yards with two interceptions in the first half. "Having two like that (Sipe and McDonald) just makes us a better team," said Browns' Coach Sam RutiRliano. McDOnald needed two stitches in his (ace after the game, the result of a hit by Rams lineman Jack Youngblood. • "He apologized. He asked if I was all right," McDonald said. Bahr's win.nlng field goal was his fourth of the night and capped a 51 -yard drive that started when Rams' running back Robert~exander fumbled at Cleveland's 32-yard line. "I was corning out of a spin when I was hit, and that's when I lost the ball," said Alexander, who returned seveh kickoffs for 148 yards. "We didn't win and I had the fumble. so all I did in the previous times didn't matter." Bahr connected on field goals of 44 and 47 yards in the first half, but the Rams held a 13-6 halftime edge thanks to 1-yard touchdown runs by Wendell Tyler and Mike Guman. A 27-yarder by Bahr pulled Cleveland · within 13-9 early in the third quarter. The Rams' Mike Lansford responded with a 34-yard kick to make it 16-9. Winning t~o of three ;:,:~N ~~~~~p;~!!!~e!ime Angels breathe sigh of relief I • CHICAGO (AP) -·M ost 15 mph wind that waa blowing National League pitc hers out and was lifted for a pinch virtually quake on the mound batter in the sixth. when the winds are blowing out "It was one of th08e days," said of the "friendly confines" of Lasorda, "we just didn't have it. Wrigley Field. Not so Fergie No. I'm not satisfied with J~~~e it when the wind ls winning two-out-of-three. Not after we won the first two." blowing out," said Jenkins, who Thursday hurled the Chicago Jenkins allowed an unearned Cubs to an 8-2 victory over the red-hot, first-place Dodgers, who are in Pittsburgh tonight. "This park has won a lot of games for me," said J enkins. "When the wind blows out, the hitters are going for the downs and all I do iB change speeds and keep the ball in play." Jen.kins changed speeds. kept the ball in the park and allowed only four hits in the eight i.nrili\gs he worked to boost his record to 8-13 and post his 272nd career victory. Jenkins knows Wrigley Field well and enjoyed his greateat yea.rs with the Cuba when he had six straight 20-victory seuons before being traded to the American League in 1974. "All I need la good defense, 80l'De offenae and keep the ball in the park. that'• all," aid Jenkina, brfn8in8 the art of pi tchlng to ltl buic fonn. Good defeme came from a tine catch ln centerfleld bf Jerry Morales off the bat o plnch- batter Jorge Orta In the aixth and in the fifth, Steve Garvey, who had doubled, tried to ICOl'e on a fly to rtaht by Mlke Sdmcia but wu cut down at the plate on a relay from Leon Durham t6 BW Buckner to Jody Davia. Bob Welch, 14-8, waa Jolng after h1a alxth 1t.ra.l1ht vtctory but WM unable to deaJ with the On TV today channel 11 at 4:30 run in the third inning and had a three-hitter working when he was nicked for a run in the eighth on a pair of walks 1µ1d a two-out sin.Ide by Steve Sax. "I usually work the comers," said Jenkins "but in the eighth inning I think umpire Satch Davidlon forgot the plate had corners. I had Rick Monday struck out. That ticked me off and that's why I left after the inning.'' The Cube backed Jenk:hw with a 17-hit attack led by Buckner who had four hita including a double ari<i a homer and two runs-batted-in to give h im a career hiah of 76 th1a 8eUOn. Jay JOhnatone alao homered wblle Durham had three ainalee and Bump WW. came up with a double and a triple and acored twice. "Jenkins did a good job, he WU te.rri&, DO doubt about It," Hid Dodier Mana1er Tom 1.-orda. "Thia ii a t.ouah park to pitch In when the w lnd ii blowlna out but areat for the p_ltchera when the wind ia b1oWtnC in." Kison shows he's fully recovered in 8-5 comeback win BREAKS OUT -Ex-Dodger Bill Buckner hurt his former mates T hursday with four hits, including a homer. Diving crown By CURT SEEDEN 9' IM 0.-, Piiot It.rt Things just haven't been the same for Bruce Ki.son since a line drive caught him in the right knee back on June 22 in a game with the Texas Rangers. The most notable diiCerence in Ki.son's day- to-day routine is his viewing place at the start of a game. Up until that fateful line drive, Kison had the best view in the house every fifth day -on the pitcher's mound. Rumored to be on his way to the New York Yankees in exchange for Tommy John earlier this month, the 32-year-old right-hander was still in Anaheim Thursday night -much to the chagrin of the Boeton Red Sox. KISON, SUMMONED in to the ball game in the fourth inning after the Red Sox had opened a 5-0 lead off starter Steve Renko, rolled through the final six innings while the Angela rolled up five runs in the seventh inning to cap a com e - from behind 8-5 victory before 38,693 at Anaheim Stadium. L • "Pitching out of the bullpen sometimes gets to ougan1s you too much work, other times not enough," Kiaon "'-. ~~ after the game. "Sometimes. it's more PITTSBURGH (AP) _ 0,~~t to be ln a mental groove than ~physical Louganl• acored 626.13 points Thunday night Killon waa in both holding the Thursday to clinch .the ~en'• Red Sox aoorele1a w'hile limiting them 'to just three 1-meter springboard finals~ the hita in earning his aeventh victory again.st four U.S . Outdoor National Diving defeats. Championships. More importantly. Kiaon will tell you, the Meanwhile, Kelly McCormick, Angela maintained thelr one-game lead over Kansas a member of the McDonald Qty in the America.n Leque West. ..Diven of Columbus, Ohio, acored "Pe.raonal thlnp to me are very overrated. We ~13.~7 pointa to win the women's won aa a te.m. 1ile game wu getting out of line. I 3-meter aprlngboard finals held them and we came back,'' Killon said. Thunday at Settler's Cabin Park in Ptt11bur1h. . Louaanla, 22, of the Miaaion Viejo Nadadol'ft, won the men's 3-meter aprlngboard event on Wednetlday with 703.14 polnta. Louaanl1, who attend• UC Irvhw, holda 19 national titlM. He .wept the men'• aprtngboard and platform eventa at the World Olvfnl Champtonahip in Ecu.-dor a few weeb qo. THE COMEBACK got lta blaM Utt from Fred Lynn who alapped a baaee-loaaed 11.ngle with two out to get the Angela even at 6·6 In the eeventh inning. Don Baylor then followed with a aln&le w h ich acored Reggie Jaduon for yet another game-winnlnC hit by the deqnated hitter -hAI 19th of the .euon. With all the hoopla, It WM almost fcqott.en that Beeton atarter Dennia F.ckeraley _ auffered a cramp ln h1a rt1ht bleep while pltc.hlnC to Bob Boone In the third 1.nn1.na. fon:inl h1m out ot the ball pme. KEYS WIN -Bruce Ki.son (left) pitched the 'f\nal six innings to pick up the win, while Don Baylor drove in the deciding run in Angels' 6-5 win Thursday. .. That brought on some of Boston's best relievers, namely Bob Stanley, Mark Clear and Tom Burgmeier -all of whom failed to provide relief. "Oennia F.ckeraley was thrOwing real well for a time and then you aee Stanley coming out of the bull~n and you expect the same." offered Baylor. "He a good but a couple of wa.l.ka and a few timely hita and you're hllck in the game. "Yesterday, we played flat and we atarted the same ~k· But you start getting beck. Suddenly. you're In the ball game and a little adrenaline ltal'ta to flow and that'a all ft takes," Baylor added. USON BAD to feel the adrenaline flowing, too. Since beina struck by the line drive, he had worited only 1pondlcally in relief, even thouch he still Uk.es to think of h.bmelf .. anythlnc but# reliever. "I'm a awt.er. But ~t now we don't have that optJon,'' he admitted. I do whatever I can for the club -•tart or relieve -either way. There'• no computer printout th.St •YI you Clln't do all three - 1tart, Iona rel.let =on relief." K1loft aald h.e dkl receive any tint-band information conce the propoeed tnde with the Yankeet that would have brouaht John to the Al\pla. And be'• IJad It MVt'l" came off. "I can't think what (Yankee owner) Oeotp (8"ANOELS, Pap C.) - •I ~~~~--------------------------~~~~~~~----~ Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Friday, Augu1t 20, 1082 •".Braves' pitcher· .. 1 • .late, misses start .. From AP dl1patcbe1 ATLANTA -Braves pitcher II Pascual Peret. missed his scheduled start Thursday night against the Montreal Expos because he was unable t-0 find his way to the Atlanta ballpark and arrived late. . "He said he stopped three times and asked for directions, but just could.n't get there m time," a club official announced. , Perez got his drive r's license only Wednesday and drove to Atlanta Stadium alone for the first time before Thursday night's game. He arrived just after the game started. Phil 1 'Niekro took his place in the Braves' lineup. Atlanta General Manager John Mullen said the team was relieved when Perez appeared in the clubhouse. Mullen said he had learned that Perez was rrusslJ\g after talking with Manager Joe Torre. "He got his driver's license yesterday, and h e supposedly left at 4:30 to come to the park," Mullen said. "It was his first solo. We were just 1 concerned about his safetv." Royals' Gura wins pitcher's duel • Larry Gura outdueled Lamarr II Hoyt in a battle of 14·game winners Thursday night, pitching Kansas City to a 3-0 v!,ctory over Chicago, t he third straight I~ for the White Sox. Gura, 15-8, gave up only five hits through seven innings before giving way to reliever Dan Quisenberry, who w e nt on to pos t his 27th save .. Minnesota clubbed six consecutive hits t-0 start the game, including h om e runs by Tom Brunansky, Gary Ward and Gary Gaettl, and l raced to a 6-0 first-inning lead and went on to l 1 rout Baltimore, 9-3 . . . Ben Ogilvie hit a three-run homer and Paul Molitor collected four t hits to help Milwaukee claim a 10-6 victory over l Oakland, snapping the Brewers' four-game • losing streak. I k=ook's 65 gives him ~ead after first round I . ~ GRAND BLANC, Mich. (AP) -John Cook, idding for his first victory of the year, carved a --under-par 65 over the Warwick Hills Golf Club to ake the first-round lead in the Buick Ope n hursday. Cook, whose last victory came at the Bing F rosby National Pro-Am m 1981. played the front me in 1-under 35 but carded six bir<lies on the ck side to take the lead. "l was hitting everything right at the pin on Ee back nine," Cook said. "l have n't done that in a ng time. In fact, I haven't been the leader in a ng time. i "I was trying to remember the last time I was •v~ in the press tent and I think it might ha~e 6een one year ago -right here at the Buick." r!~~.~~~;~.~ c~m~=~.?..r! ... t;owboys made their final tuneup for the American ~peed.soccer As.wciation playoffs a success, posting a ~7~ victory ove r the Newport Beach Breakers fhursday night at the Los Caballeros Racquet and ~Ports Club. b The Cowboys rallied from an early 2-0 deficit go in front 3-2, before Newport tied the game nee again I.ate in the third quarter. Then, with six minutes to play, Brian cManus put the Cowboys ahead for good, and at :48, Kevin Walshe tallied what was to be the '1-entual game-winner. Newport's Tim McElroy scored with 20 seconds t but the Breakers were unable to get the gualizer. Costa Mesa finished the regular season at ... 1, while Newport will enter as a wild-all'd team the playoffs next Monday with a 3-7 mark in the Division. Walling deala Phllllea 1011 In 11th H o u•ton o ut t hdder D•D•)' II WalllDI'• 1111"1~ lO ('('Oler wllh OM out Ln the 11th lnnlna ec.'Ol'ed Du.Dy ffffp with the winnf n1 run and llftttd tto utton to 1 7.15 comeback victory over Philadelphia Thunwiay nljht. The Allr'Oe had rallied from a 6·2 d ftdt to tie the ~ with three rum ln the fifth and one ln the etahth oft Steve CarlSoa . . . Elacwhere ln the f:iaUonal Leaaiue, Eutern Dlvl•lon leader St. Loui1 ml11ed a chance to gain iround on the Phllll .. u Cardinal outfielder Geor1e Headrlcllt' two-ba•e error opened the gate• to a three-run third 1lnnlng, as San Uiego held on for • 4-3 victory over S t . Loula . . . Ja1oa Tbompaon drove In a pair of runa with WAu.tNO two slng1 es and Jobn Candelaria aaiu.ered eeven hits ln eeven innings. to help Plttaburgh topple San Franclaco. ff-1 . . Claudell Wa1bington smacked a two-run homer and drove ln the go-ahead run with a single in the aeventh Inning as Atlanta snapped a four-~ame l~ streak by beating Montreal, 5-4 . Ron Oe1ter'1 two-run homer in the bottom of the 10th inning carried Cincinnati to a 3-1 triumph over the New York Meta, extending the Reds' winning streak to four games. their longest of the season. Amateur Championship delayed by rain COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -n Severe thunderstorms !lwept the Broadmoor South Golf Course Thursday, suspending play In the 82nd U.S. Women's Amateur golf championship. Only one of the eight third-round matches was completed. Penny Hammel of Decatur, ill., the medalist In the qualifying round, whipped Denise Hermida of Brandon, Fla., 7 and 6, to advance to the quarterfinals. Quote of the day "He had to be stupid to do that to his peers; I just think it was in poor taste. I had a problem with drugs but 1 didn't pull anybody with me. I could have called some names." -Medical supplies salesman Thomas "Hollywood" Hendenon, formerly a National Football League linebacker. reacting to former NFL player Don Reese's exposure of cocaine use in rootball in a Sports illustrated story. ••••••••••••••••• : ARTIST : • Need exceptional artist to do e e sports ocllon figure sketches • •at reasonable price Call • •James btwn 5 & 10pm. • : 661-3386 : • •••••••••••••••• Celling Fan• 50% OFF AT Ulllll UTll 1IOI le.,.rt IL. 0 ... 141-1111 .... 1 .. ,. Baseball today On thlt daw In lOttO Behind • routt• join~ Job by John Buahardt and a four-run "lihU'I inruna U'le PhJladf'lphla PhllliN brok~ their modt!m ma lor lelU(uc rc'<.'Ord 23-Jlamt< lat1lm< •trttak with a 7·5 victory ovor the Miiwaukee Brave• In the nightcap of a MllwaukH County S tadium doubleheader Today'• Btrthda)'I. Hall of Farru> catcher-rnaruiger Al Lop;:i la 74. Yankee. third bueman CraJe Nettlea "'38 Ex-Stanford, Utah coach Curtice dies Jack Curtice, who emphasized a [i] paulng game in his 40 yean of 4. t foqtball <.'Oachlng that Included stints as head coach a t Stanford and the University of Utah, died in his home Thursday afternoon. Curllce, 75, appeared to die of a heart atta<.'k, ac.'COrding to a funeral home spokesman. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth ~atching; v v fair, v forget it. n 4:30 p.m., Channel 11 v v v V' BASEBALL: Dodgers at Pittsburgh. Annoancers: Vin Scully and Ross Porter. Their lead shaved to three games foUowing Thursday'& loss ln Chicago, the Dodgers try to rebound this evening with temando Valenzuela (15-9) opposing Larry McWUllams (7-6) of the Bucs. Pittsburgh trails front-running St. Louis by seven games ln the Eastern Division. e 5:30 p.m., Channel 7 V' ...:..-V' NFL FOOTBALL: Cincinnati at Green Bay. Announcen: Frank Gifford and Howard Cosell. The defending Super Bowl runners-up meet the Packers in an exhibition in Milwaukee. The Bengals dropped their pre-season opener to Kansas City, 26-20, while the Packers edged the New York Jets, 21·19. OTHER TELEVISION Football -Rama at Cleveland, 7:30 p.m .• Channel 11. (Taped). RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Pittsburgh, 4:30 p.m .• KABC (790); Detroit at Angels, 7:25 p.m., KMPC (710). Jump Onto The Deal Of The Vear. f, •\• ~.1' h..illt .. ngt.'ll 1h tk.•oll-r.., 111..,.:ll NH 'O lnvwc,1r-dnc.l 1n.11.k'> tr'k •1d111~ 1•1 1111 "k-'b .. r1C~1..·r pnce\.l unc.k•r 5ltN141' ,,, ""'"''"" knocks often when you UM resutt.gelllng Dally Piiot Clanlfled Ads to reach the Or111Q9 Co111 market. Phone 642·5678 ,1 l11rn11.., l t1mt.· Thi'> rn..·.in.., \1 ~H pdrt\ 11 •'' 1n~ T, !Vt 11.i dt•dlt·r rt 'dll'v .... cJnt., h" 11., ,1, '" 1..wr. muJel 1n ">IO< .. k How Much Can You Save? u. 111x: make YI 1ur t:xsr t.11..•tJI 1 -• J 111x1 l<1yi 11.i 1.dr or trU<. know Cht 11.r-.1.: Ir• !fl .., ,tan.. Wd~I() ... hH™'.k., dnJ "P' \rt tt)\J~., Al 1 now f11r tlk• hr .... 1 -...•k.; tk ~' Nl >t.'ll a lrlK k > Yt \'.J (OUk j .... 1w hun dt('lli,of dolk1rswtx•n .,,_111 rni1k1• ~1\111 lx· .. 1 deal Your Toyo(a <icdlcr hJ'> 'fXCJI r111• ~ tntl..'nllll\..., .in<l thl..' Ix. -..1 '.(.'ii.'(.tx in t1 • ht.•11 • ~'l)\J rndkC' tht> ~mp tntt 11he v .. oflcl., tx ..... t '-t.'lhng hnt: 1.\1 truck.., .. To~t.>la ClxxN.• Ir. .. , louG)i St dn<lJ ru &. 'lb With Ox> most f1t 'Mo., lul <.,tdndarth .. -ngine 1n 1he1r tla.,., or 11..'n1ot1h\ l• lflg Bed-; spony SR'i.., rugg<'li 4x•h t f" I\ f FOUR REASONS TO BRACE YOURSELF AT THE •••• ORANOE COUNTY'S ONLY • 4·STAR HOTEL HAPPY HOUR Monday thru Friday 5 to 7:30 PM wllh complimentary hors d'ocu11rcs and a Sea Food Bar MEN'S NIGHT Monday 8 to 10 PM featuring . 75 well drinks LADIES' NI GHT Wednesday 8 to 10 PM featuring . 75 well drinks BIG BANDS vs ROCK & ROLL Sunday with m11slc of the SO's and 60'1 900 Newport Center Drive • Newport Bcub, CA 92660 • Phone <"f 4) 6'0-4000 I Tough setback for Robin wood Vega Baja triumphs, 4 .. 3 TAYLOR, Mich. -Mi.,d opportunities I.I the primary reuon the Robinwood Little Leque All- •tar team will not be plaYl.na for the Senior Minor 13·year-old World SerlH champlonthlp hwe Saturday. Leaving 10 men on bue. Robinwood wu handed Its second defeat of the tournament Thursday by Vega Ba.)8 of l'uerto Rico, 4-3. The HunUngton Beach-bued squad will f1nJ.ah the tournament Saturday at 10 a.m. In a OONIOlation game against the loser of today's Vega Baja- LibertyvWe (lliinoia) matchup today. ROBINWOOD JUMPED in front quickly Thursday, thanks to Chris Ulmer's aecond homer in as many nights ln the bottom of the first. Ulmer crushed his blast LO deepest center field for hia fourth homer in post-aeaaon play. The h o mer was foll o wed by a Matt Hattabaugh single, a walk to Rick Vanderrtet, a pa83ed ball, and an RBI groundout by catcher &ott Harper. Alter Vega Baja cut the lead in half in the top of the second, Rob1nwood padded its advantage with another run, but squandered an opportunity to put the game away. The first three batters walked to load the bases, and a fter a strikeout, Ulmer drove in hia sec-0nd run with a fielder's choice. But, after a walk re-loaded the bases, a popout ended the inning. Robinwood again had an excellt!nt chance in the last of the sixth after loading the bases once more with none out.. A double play from pitcher to catcher to first, followed by a strikeout turned Roblnwood away. "WE DIDN'T get the base hits when we needed them," said Robinwood Coach Paul Matlock, whose team is 15-2 overall in post-aeaaon play. "But w e really got a good pitching perfonnance from Vanderriet." In the early game Thursday, Tampa Bay rallied from a 6-0 deficit with 10 late runs. including six in the top of the seventh, to pin a 10-6 defeat on Libertyville (Illinois). The winner of the Tampa Bay-Libertyville game tonight will need to beat Tampa Bay twice Saturday to cl.aim the championship. I \1 ·r\ 1•111111 11 ~ 111 \1 •tr 111\111.i d1"1k.•r., ,11 "-lo,,.., lt'ol<l\' lo 1 nK "\ 1 •111 Prices May Never Be' Lower. l1•v 1 ·nc l t\I tlw rn< .. Jd i\.'<if "'1..1 ~111nl!ldo...t ""''~'''~'"'"''hl IK-...tt1m1 h•h11\th,J1 I\!'\\ J, •\• ~d \l.111k \• 1,"' ~'I t ltft·dl "lt\lk~tBUt Vt1Ubt'!1Utl\I 1,1.,t !>1.'\cJlJ" the-...• fl<' 1, 11 llll< I 'it ·.1~. "· ~ t lt'l l\1·n~·n•h r OH ¥T FEELING I t i\•dlf ' 1•~ '~II~""' 1D DE~L TOYOTA -- Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Friday, Augu1t 20, 1982 Cl Television, radio schedule for the weekend TELEVISION 11.1~ am (4) BASEBALL San Dlt:go au ChlCA1go Noon (9) QUARTEl\HORSE RACING - Coverage of lh.-S~lol Effort Futurity, the tiurd jewel in California'• t.rlpl~ crown of q~terhonM! r.ctng, taped at Lo9 Ala.mlio.. 2 p.m. (4) -WOMEN'S GOLF -Third round play ln the World Championahlp bf women's golf at Shaker Helghta Country Club In Ohio 3 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Third roW\d play In the Warwick Hills Open from Grand Blanc, Mich. 4 p.m. (2) -HORSE RACING -Coverage of the Travers S takes from Saratoga, N.Y. (7) - SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES - Louisiana vs. Rocky Mountain in Golden Gloves final. ( 11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at Pittsburgh. 5 p.m . (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Professional boxing and taped coverage of the U.S . M e n 's Platfor m Diving Champions h ips in ""'"" 12" #2102 3 69 EACH Pl\l•b1.1111h. ruturln1 world e hamplon Grt11 Lougunll. 6 pm. (2) NFL FOOTBALL Two t:l{plOfllve team• collide u Dalla. meeta the Chargent In San Di~go 7 pm (:'>) BASE BALL Detroit 1'1i~l"I at AnHt-1- RADIO Footb&ll Raiders al Detroal, 3.40 pm , KNX (1070) Bascbull -Dodgers at Pltttcburgh, 4 p .m. KABC (790), Detroit at Angelli, 7 p.m., KMPC (710) S unday TELEVISION 9:30 a .m. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -The New York Jets, a wild card entry In the 198 1 playoffs, will meet Earl Campbell and Co. in Howton. 10:30 a.m. (11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at Pittsburgh. 15" 12103 4 69 EACH PRICES EFFECTIVE TH~OUGH TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1982 SPARKOMATIC . SftRIO AM/FM CASSITI'I ~ .. • • I -~; ..... ;'t:.ii five •lode control• to odju•t tone bolonce. Seporote lo•t lorword & foder control•. locltin9 lo•I forword #SR-305 SPARKOMATIC SPEAKERS ZT ·• Mlcropr°'e1tor in•lantly giv•• you thl• importont doto; m.p.9. 01 you dri..,e, fuel mono9ement doto, YOUR ele«r~nic m.p.h .. trip CHOICE plo,,n1n9, quortt clock & more. 54sa CllUlll CONTllOL. EACH ZT -11 fit• moll con, vont ond lleht tmckt, •lolMiord or outomotic tron1mi1110,, CD-21UNR co11all"l'RA nD GAi TlllATMINT Treats up to 90 gallons. 12 Oll. #4139 CD-2 ANTl .. WIAR ADDITIVE Extends engine life. 11 oz. ••l:W 149 ~--~ YOUR CHOICE EACH PRO-TECH WRENCH SOS ..,.. · lt'1·'7' lo• tftOtf dOmeitic CON ""'' lh <ept Corv•tt•, Copn. for ........ '-•· "''" o• le+t O..•••. r19ht or lek Ci..dio11rw;de..l- ~.1 .. -..... 3•• •A. 6 pc. combination wrench HI metric or standard. 6 pc. open end wrench HI metric or 'tandord. YOUR CHOICE 3 8, SET nCH..atlM .aAKI PLUID OTC·IEST broke fluid. 12 Oll. •l·l ............ ...... 98 ""'""' . EACH ........... --··--· . ··-· --FUEL EXTENDER Concentrated • in your tonk con ,ofely increoie gos mileoge Up to 11%. #20001 lrMkllz CAR WAX liquid wax #907 or Pre· Soft wax #902 YO UR CHOICE nMING CHAIN Kns FOR0 6Cyl 1960·'80 1144· 170.2001 CHEVROLET 8 Cyl 19SS-"80 i262·26S· 369 5 267·283-302·30S·l27·3SOI thcept DieHI) l(IT FOROI Cyl 41 •s lfn.·eo (2:21 -2SS·260·219·302·3SIWI KIT For most CHE VltOLETS (he. '6•· '67 Chevelle) 1964-'79 6 Cyl. & L-6Model1ond 1971·'79 V-6w/196 & 231 Eng. DODGE-Pl YMOUTH (he . ..00 & 440 Eng.) 1972-'10 I Cyl. 19 •• DODGE-Pl YMOUTH 1960-'1910 6 Cyl. ·-EACH For mott CHEVROLET$ (he. Corvettel 1955·'76 I Cyl. (213·307-327-350 Eng.) For moat FORDS before 4-I 2-75 22•• 1963·'75 6 Cyl. (144-170-EACH 200·2•0 Eng.) DODGE-Pl YMOUTH 1959·'71 I Cyl. For most CHEVltOlETS (Exe. 4S4 Eng. & Dietel) 19n-·ao t Cyl. For moat FORDS 2a•• 1969-'t O 6 Cyl. w/250 Eng . FOttD-MEltCUltY 1965-'79 I Cyl. EACH '2'9 w/cost iron housing & 302-351 Eng.) Aa ......... 1280 N. Euclid 772 .. 9940 • 2340 W. lincoln Ave ..... 1621 ........... 5256 Beach Blvd. "4-1320 C:.0•- KJR1ABlm 440 North Main 734-6390 c.... ... 1739 Superior Ave. M2·3384 NOW OPENI C.san• ... 9110 FoothlU Blvd ..... 2910 ....... Auto Supply Wl'RI HELPING YOU DO n RIGHT DAILY 9-9 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 9-5 l l a m (2) TENNI The fl.na.1.1 or tho ATP Champl_on1hlp1 from Kina• l1land, Ohio, where John Mt"F.n.roe la tho No. 1 ioeoc:I with Jimmy Connon No. 2. 12 :80 pm (4) -B OXING Junior mlddlowelght contender Johnny Bwnph1.11 (10-0) v1 Miguel Mo ntilla (37 7-2) In a ach~dul~d 10 round bout from G~at Gorge, N.J. I p.m. (2) -GOLF -FlnaJ round play In the Warwick Hill.I Open from Orand Blanc, Mich. 2 p.m . (4) -WOMEN'S GOLF -ll'lnal round play ln lhe World Champlonthlpa of women'• golf at Shaker Helghta Country Club ln Ohio. 3 p.m. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -The Los Angeles Raidere will meet the Lions in Detroit. Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College product Benny Ricardo Is the place-kicker for the Lions. The game was played Saturday. RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Plltaburgh, 10:30 p.m , KABC (790); Detroit at Angels, I p .m .. KMPC (710). QUAKIR STATE DELUXE.MOTOR OIL 10~:0 95 20W-SO e QUAtT 4.75 YOUR 'RICE 'ER QUART AFTER REFUND FROM QUAKER STATE .65 Ql. IDICO • "MINI" TRIO GAUGE LITTILFUSI EMERGENCY FUSE KITS Popular fuse lalts with fuH puller. For American con· #094102 European cart ·#0941 l 0 Japan••• cars -#094192 YOUR CHOICE 1 s• KIT 12 feet 8 gouge #20812 11 •• EACH 'f~IMPDIAL ''FAN . cutrcHu for mo•t dom .. tl< con, improve• cooli"9. increotet horHpower & •"Vi,,. effklency. A mull for air <ondl~co,... •Cyl. 6Cyl. ICyl. ELECTRIC FUEL PUMP Fill most 12 Volt 1 American ca" & light tn1c6c 1. ~i -;f•• y EACH .•. ·-• 141 E. Imperial 7• "71 • 2978 Yorbo Undo "I 4780 ........ • 15081 Imperial Hwy. (21~M7-S641 M' 'r•Vlele • 24510 Alida Pkwy. •11·917S O.s111 1100 N . Tulttn 771 ...... ........ • 10403MagnotiaAve.2" •tt -·· _ .... 2086 East Hlghlond Ave. •• t Ill 9880·0 Sierra Ave. 350-8441 , .... , ... ,y~ • 9110 Warner Ave. M't 6427 ~ ~~ ... :. • miillJ l:"'.P~J 'NuttoGem<o • -..a.. • 2604 S. lrfatol St. YM-1.U •13021. 17th St. 9A 1111 1l-------,. HAPPENING I N T llE DAILY PILOT' AUTO MARKET ... WINNERS -of the 1st annual Orange Coast Jeep Contest are le ft to right: L ynn Hopkins, John Young, Ed Finck. Don GoJch, and Michael Love. C 0 S T A M t: !) A . . . 0 r a n g e C o a s t AMC/Jeep/Renault ln Costa Mesa sponsored their first annual jeep contest Saturday, July a1: 1982, with the proceeds going to the Children's Hospital of Orange County. Contestants were Judged a nd awarded trophies in five categories. Judging was based on vehicle engineering, styling, accessories and cleanliness. Lynn Hopluns. 6f Garden Grove, took first place in stock class; Cherokees, Wagoneers, and pick-ups 1977 through 1981. John Young, of Mission Viejo, was awarded first place in stock class; CJ's 1971 through 1976. Ed Finck, of Santa Ana, swept first place in custom class. most accessories and best engineermg all models and years of Jeeps. Don Goich and Michael Love, both from Huntington Beach, won first place in stock class; CJ's 1977 through 1981. Ballcxms decorated the lot, free hol dogs and soft drinks w ere served. which added to the festivities. Door prizes were awarded and all entrants m the contest received complimentary T-shirts and discount cards. When Gary Gray,. president of Orange Coast AMC/Jeep/Renault, was asked what he thought of the turnout, he replied, "this is just great! We'll be looking forward to a bigger and better contest next year." * *.,, FO NTAI~ VALLEY ..• Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America, Inc. (MMSA) today announced the signing of a letter of intent to appoint Mr. Steven R. Cerrito as one of the first dealers nationally to market and setvlce a new line of 1983 Mitsubish i cars and trucks, to be introduced to the public in October 1982. Mr. Cerrito will be part of an initiaJ group of some 70 exclusive Mitsubishi dealers planned for 22 U.S import mprkets in lhe first model year. · The new dealership wall be located in the Irvine Auto Cen ter in lrvine, California. Announcing the signing. Mr. Robert Stallsmith, MMSA vice president, sales, noted that "Mr. Cerrito is on e of the outstand i n ~ businessmen in the U.S . retail auto industry, and we are de lighted that he will be representing our product and company to the American public. "Mr. Cerrito is typical of the high caliber of dealers who wiU be selling and servicing w hat we believe is an outstanding new line of automobiles," Mr. Stallsmith said. Mr. Cerrito wall be co-owner of the Irvine deab?rship with his brothers Salvatore A. Cerrito and Roy J . Cemto and Mr. Jack H. Hilleary. The Cerrito brother s opened their first dealership, San J ose Datsun, an 1962. In 1970 they opened Almaden Toyota. also in San Jose. In 197g they opened their firs t southern California dealership. Irvine Datsun. Just this year, they opened Irvine Toyota. ; San J ose Datsun has been the No. 1 Datsun dealership in the United States. Almaden Toyota is No. l Toyota dealer in Northern California and in the top 10 nawonaUy. MMSA was formed by Mitsubishi Motors· Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, in December 1981 to market and distribute the first cars and trucks td carry the Mitsubishi marque in this countr y : (Other Mitsubishi-built cars and trucks also are sold in the U.S. by Chrysler Corporation as import mcxiels of Dodge and Plymouth.) The parent company. Mitsubishi Mo tors Corporation, is one of the 10 largest car and truck manufacturers in the world, with retail operations in Japan and some 135 other countries. The exclusive 1983 Mitsubishi U.S. line o( all-new passenger cars will include the Station, a high-performance "2+2" sports hatchback model featuring a 2.6-liter turbocharged engine; th~ Cordia. a sporty fastback model with a highly fuel efficient 1.8-llter engine and the room five-passenger Tredia sedan. also powered by 1.8-liter Mitsubishi "balancer s hafts'' engin MMSA also will offer a complete line two-wheel-drive and four-wheel-drive li trucks, featuring a 2 6-lit.er gasoline engine and 2.3-liter turbodiesel engine, the first turbodiesel lhe U.S . for this class o f truck ••• H UN TIN G TON B EAC H ... Th. world-famous Huntington Beach Pier (background) will ~ the slt e of the Op Pro Swting Championships September 1 th.rough 5 and Dodge truck.a will be part of the act.ion. Dodce will give away four 1982 P o wer R a m 5,~ four-wheel drive pickup trucks, like the on~ shown above, at the conclusion of the cont.est. truclu will go to the flnt-place man and w~ flnlah e ra wllh two additional unlla being preeented to wtnneni of a 1pedal aweepi9\akee. RePtt•tion for lhe aweepstak.ee la belna held at partiaipatina Southern California Dodie dealent and Wild Wett atorea, retalleni of Ocean Pacific Sunwear, through August 25. SEE WHAT YOUR LOCAL AUTO DEALERS HAVE TO OFFER YOU IN TODAY'S PAPER. IW4#44!¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ • Or1ng1 Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 20, 1982 a in es def ends title aeser third al wim chan1pion hips INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Rowdy Oa.lnee, 1-than a te00nd oft h.1a world record tJme in the 200-meter treeetyle, and Tracy C.ulltina, IUCCC!lllfuily defendlng her nat.lonal tJtle ln the women'• 400-lndlvidual medley, earned their aecond gold mod&1a in the U.S. Swtmmlns Lona Coura" ChamplonahJpe Thunday nisht. Gaines, 23, of Winter Haven, Fla., waa clocked at 1 minute, 9.64 aecondl, fading In the final ~ meters in his bid to break the orld record of 1:48.93 he set last on th. Gaines, the w orld record older ln the 100-freestyle, also on that event on Wednesday, he first of four days o f ompetltion at the Indiana niveraity Natatorlum. "Whenever I jump In the ater, rm trying for a record ," d Gaines, a senior at Auburn niveraity and silver medalist in e 200-freestyle at the world hampionship in FA:uador two eeks ago. "But 'firs t and oremost, I try to win. The rd, if it comes, is second." Second place went to Mike eath, 18, Dallas, Texas, with a Pl&.IC NOTICE 1'1CT1TIOUI 8UllHHI NA• •TATE•NT The lollowlng person la doing slnllSS N : NEWPORT MAILBOX. 242-4 ewporl Blvd., Coate Mesa, CA 2627. Wennea L Aba)lan, 906 E alboa, Balboa. CA 92661. This bualnesa 11 conducted by an ndlvldulll. Wannet L Abajian • Thia al•le~t was llled wHh lhe ounl)t C141rk ol Orange County on UQ. 18. 1982 ,1Ml7S Published Or9nge CoHI D•lly llot. Aug 20, 27. Sept 3. 10. 1982 3650·82 flt&.IC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Of'OIED 1112..a IUOGET '°" Laa-8Mctl Untftad ldlool Oletricl i n.. L11guna 8Mch Unllled SchOol 1atrlct propot•d budget lor 982-83 wlll be 1vllll•ble lor public tpeellon '1 Laguna Belch UnlllaO choot Olatrlcl, 550 Btumont, aguna Beach. Calllornl• from uguat 251h through Augull 3111, 982. betwaen the hoYrs ol 8.00 .m. and -4 30 p.m The public Ing on the propoMd budget 10< a 1982·83 will b• held at 550 lumont, Laguna Be•ch. CA on ptember 2. 19S2 at 7.30 o'clock ; ·';:ubllahed Orange cout D•llY llol, Aug. 20, 1982 3532·82 PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOlll 8UllNHI ! NAME ITATEMl!NT "The lollowlng peraon la doing business u AON PARHAM LEASING CO • 9201 cr1111t1n• Drive, Huntington Beach. CA 92~8 Aon•ld Ral Puh•m. 970 1 Cfvlatlne 0r1 ...... Huntington Bffch. CA 92S..8 This butlness Is conducted by en tnd1Y1du11 Aon Parh•m This stllemenl was 1119<1 with the County Clark ol Or•noe County on Ju~ 30. 1982 ,,M4Z7 Publlthed Orange Cont Dally PllOI. AUQ. 6. 13, 20. 27. 1982 3543·82 PUBllC NOTICE · K-01388 NOTICE OF DEATH OF ~CHARD ONOS LINDSAY AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-llflOI. To all heirs. beneftc1ar1es, creditors and contingent gedit.ors of Richard Onos L indsay and persons who may be otherwise interested ill the will andl or estate: A petition has been filed by Timothy Brian Lindsay in the Superior Court of Orange County requesting that Timothy Brian Lindsay be appointed as personal repreeentative t.o ad.nuruster the estate of Richard 0n0fl Lindsay. Costa Mesa. CA (under the Independent Administration of Estates Act). The petition is set for ~ in Dept. No. 3 at 700 ~vie Center Drive West, S:.nta Ana. CA 92701 on S,ptember 8, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. -IF YOU OBJECT t.o the sranting of the petition. you should either appear at the hearing and state your objections or {lie written Qbjectlons with the court INfore the hearing. Your ~ppearance may be in penion qr by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CilREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceaaed, you rpl.\Sl file your claim wilh the court or present ll to the personal repreaentative lf>ppolnted by the court Wfthin four months from the de~ of flrat lsauance of ~ as provided in Section 700 of the Probate c.ode of Calllornia. The time for f' · dling cla.lma will not expire prior t.o four months from ~ date of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE ~ file kept by the court. If you are lntere1ted In the 4Mat.e, you may fUe a request ~th the court t.o receive /f>eclal notice o f the Inventory of e1t.ate aaaell ~of the petltiona, aa:ounta lll\d reporta d eacrlbed In Sectlon 1200.6 of the C.Wom.UI Probate Code. Mutr••· M•mper • ••1•••· By: J . Rebert M...,..e, At1#MJ at Law, Utt Camt•• Drln.1.. P.O. ... 7111, Newpn ... ell, time ot 1:00.92. Rlch Saeaer of MIHion Vlt!jo, wu third at 1:61 13, iand biavld Lenon of OaJneevllle, FUi., the detendina lo"I coune champion, fint.heCJ fourth at 1:5 l.20. Caulk.lns, 19, Nashville, TeM ., followed her victory in the 200-backatroke on Wedneaday with the 400-indivldual medley, her 4 lat national title -the m09t by any U.S. swimmer ln history. Caulk.lns, who has not lost to an American in the 400-medley since 1977, had an easy victory with a time of 4:44.26, nearly five Re<X>nds ta.Ster than second-place Vera Barker's 4:49.24 . Barker, 17, ls. a high school senior in Mlsalon Viejo. Caulkins' time was nearly four seconds off her own American record of 4:40.61. Brazilian Ricardo Prado, 17, also of Mission Viejo and world record ho lder in the men's 400-individual medley, won that event by less than a half-second ahead of Jeff Float, 22, Sacramento. Prado was limed in 4:27.49, more than seven seconds slower than his world record of 4: 19. 78. From Page C1 ANG L • • • (SCelnbrenrutr) thlnka. I'm 1ur" my name wu brou1ht up. I couldn't be happier that I'm atill h ere," Klaon admitted . "Everythln1 that hat be-en •1d (about the trade) haa been Inaccurate conaidering I'm atlll heni." The Red Sox wu\od little time with Renko, rouahlng up the veteran for three J'W\11 thanks to Jlm Rice's two-run double and an RBI 1lngle by Dave Stapleton in the first l.nnJng. They expanded their lead to 5-0 on back-to-back doubles by Camey Lanaford and Stapleton and an RBI single by Rick Miller in the fourth. * ANGIL NOTll: B•Mb•ll CommlNIOn•r ..... ICllfln WU • YllltOf In IM An•h .. m SIM!lum Pl' ... bolt Pf'lor to Thurlld•Y night'• gWM 9nd AXPf'....O dl~ntment owr • d41G191on by bAMba/1'1 OWMfl 10 cMiay • YOI• on hie r..i.c11on during aumrner mMtlng1 In San OleQo. "I'm '°'"' It waM't rMOl\led In San ot.Qo," Kuhn Hid, "not only lot m1. ~ ol mind but 10< the good ol b&Mball. ' Kuhn bl1mad 1h1 probl•m• of th1 1981 1trlk•t0<n MUOfl tor 1119 dleoont.,,t amoog own9t9. "I think -hA\19 10 do I IOI "'°" talklng and 1 Mnllbl9 1olullon hH to b9 found. A IOI of UI rMlty lh<>ughl -..... ,.., cloM 10 • tolullon -en und«attndlng In which I would b9 COll'llor11bMI, IM pec>pM that aupport "" would IMI comtortabl9 9nd tn. P•opl• who oppo•• me would b• comlM•ble." Kuhn added. ._ p edway motorcycle racing Speedway moto~ycle 1a4·Uon rt'lluml'tl torughl al ow Ora_na~ County f.Urarounda In Colt.A Mt"U with acratch und handkap ruclnti Enailand'1 John C.ook jolna the lteld, whkh ill t'xpected to includt.• Oubb Ferrell und Mlk~ C.:uroeo, 1tmona others . J (I An11 ·a_~ Ph.t.MAW ,/ ;m NIGHT DIRT-TRACK SPRINTS STOCKS lllACO-CIA SllllS "THUNDER & llOHTNING" S.t., A • 21, I P.M. FIGURE 8, STlllT 'lUS "JUNICMAN" DlllY Sun., Aut. 22, 1 P.M. x-11• ~·~__. • ... rip,,] . -I . rJJ ~ 18300 S. VIRMOMT AVE . UIDlH t71ll >21 1100 121l! l2l·l147 DOUIUlllAHI SUPll MlDGITS " WllSTOI STOCKS TOIHGMT AdGUST 20 I '·M. TO't'OTA'. Ofllrlel c., Of "°'., hrti WHERE 1HE HAR80 R SAN DIEGO AN09111/EEWJIYS MEE 1 n ... , (71') na..tHI &Ill~ Ota"I: CNtt O.lly Aug. tt, 20, • 1M2 ...._.2 *Manufacturer's suggested retail price. Exdudlng taxes, title, license and destination charge. u . A ... lated tonight at fairground U11ws opt.•n ut 6,:40, th1· flr11 race la 11l 8 with 30 r uc.w ttt•ht'<full'd In ull Tht.-.t• ;an• thu flnaJ .even Wl't"lu ot the rt:gular liellli(lf\ prior to tht• world champlon.ahlps al th~ Loll Angeles Memorial C.OUaeum Aua 28. ------ ORANGE COUNTY «:e~!L!l«:'ft'eMAMA GUN SHOW ..... a llTT9 TMAN tnm August 21 & 22 Sat. & Sun. BUY -SELL -TRADE 250 TRADE TABLES Featuring Guns -An11aue & MOdern Ammo -War Re11cs & Surplus Indian Art1lac1~ -Rug s & Jewelry -Coins .Admlaalon $3.00 Children Under 14 $1 .50 -WOM-1 HOUU: SAT~ SUM~ 9 to 5 OllAMfH COUNTY fAllt .. OUMDS NEW NOOUCTS rAYIUOM. aM. 10 Ww ~ ... J.A _.,..._Dr~ Cett• Maw ,_ aacordad lllf9: 171 41 Ht-7617 , . . J MAJOR l.9AQU8 8TANDINCll AfMl'loM LeN11e .... ,. ..... OtYltlbM WL ... 1.09 .. 61 076 81 &2 5t7 I 14 64 &31 4~ 58 ., 482 10 &.-ea .443 10 ... 89 410 10·~ 42 l8 .350 27 UlftftH OIV18'0N MltweukM 118 50 .580 Boeton 0 54 .5'10 4 ' ...,.mm .... ~ 000-0 1 1 11et1-°"" 10 100 1011-a • o Hoyt, llfOIH ,,, encl 'IO . Ou'8. OUINllMllY jl) •rlel Wllllt n W-Ou1•, , ... L -Hoyt, 14-11 • -~ ltfl A -t7 ,0I$. .... ...._ ,.....°"°'&Tr b-, • 0 Ml-'41 110 100 01•-8 t3 0 Mc;Q~, llOdd-.. Ill llld NGIM; II CaetlllO 1111C1 l&lclMf w-1. c..tlllo. 1·8 L-MGOr9g0t, 11·11 H"9-l .. llmoto. I . Mvtfty ( 11). ~lelr'I !IOI: MIM.eota. 1111n111uy 11t). wero 1t11. 0 .. 111 (20> A-15,821 .--1,"Mlosl IOSTcJM CAWOllMA .. ,... . .... "41tny 2b 6 1 I 0 l>ow!llflo If 5 0 1 0 ev-" •11ohrllqu.il" 0000 fllOa If 41 22 Wllfollo 21> 0 I I 0 Yllltn'melll dll 4 0 0 0 Q.,... lb 4 2 2 0 l..Mtt<Wd Sb 3 1 2 0 AaJeelo.-11 3 2 I 2 8tac>le4on lb 4 1 t2 ei.tt rt o o 0 o Miiier Cf 4 0 I 1 LWM Cf 4 I I 2 Oodl'Mn o 4000~clll 3111 Hollm.,, N 2 0 I 0 RoJ9CllllOfl 3b 3 0 I 0 8oQot pll 1 0 0 0 ,oll • 4 0 1 2 8oone o 4 II 0 TcMll 3e 6 10 6 Totllt SS 8 I) 7 -------~ ____________ , Orange Cout OAIL.Y PILOT/Frldey. Augu1t 20, 1982 Loa~ .._.,~000 g10 f Ct~ ri4 101 I• I Otl-1.0e An111M I, ClllOflQO 1 LOI-~ .. ~•l•I I, OhloetO II ll-l11tlt11er , Wiiie, lo.e, J Oo\lle H Wiiie Jll-ot1111tOt1• (ti. l uc;tir1" 1101 ,,,_ Weld\. l.w~ ....... to w~ 1141 • 10 • • 1 1 ..wllll '41111 ~ 1 ~ 1 II0 .-*i;'!W ... 111 • 4 ' J 4 ~ I tOOO I il'e-J Dl"'8 T-2 :M A-11,'81 ,.... ... ~. ~ OletO 003 100 000-4 • t II LO!Ai 00! 000 002-) 1 I 0.t VOCJty, ~ (ti Md T Klt\NICly, llUI*, l<MI (tt llllr \I) and T-W-Otoveclty, 4.1. -l lupet, 1·3. 1 -0el.aon I 11~ HA II. Louie. Ten-(t) A->0.041 ,... ...... OIMl'9 ' tan ,r_._ 100 000 000-1 I I ~'~ 102 101 01•-• I) 0 0 .... l4ollen0 (6~ LAVllile t7), Minion il l encl 11r0111V ~' Scuf"ry (I ) and T ,..,,. W-~ 10-6. L-0 ... , &-12 HA-P11111>u1011. T "9nt (I), A-1,016 .._.. ....... 1 Ill.-York o00 000 010 0-1 1 0 ClrlClnnaU 000 000 001 2-3 10 I 8w1111, HO\ielMn (IO) and HOOQiM. ~. Ketn (10) Md V.,, 00.cMt W-K-n, 3-11 L-H-. 1-1 HR-CinolnnelJ. o-1., 1•1 11-11.210 9r_ ... .,... MonlfMI 020 200 000-4 3 0 All.,,11 102 000 20•-8 12 0 .. ,,_ 10\ietlll I to Aleo '•••• lll•m re<1 ""1 llon•, ~. CleMIO •t""4eyL~'IClll fClcl, QM'a I.Ml AffMI OflW, Owl -r '"'-!O Ill HCOMO AAOL t ~ ~Windy IH-11• 40 Y IO 4 IO La ZM.-CMoCarTonJ I 20 t 00 '""" liltl.e (~~twlel <400 Alto IN41d H. Two on, I Cl •• l'•CMIO. OuH n ,ftato1, HHven l e nl Me. MIH Acuy. '''""'°I~ lMdef, 1111e·1 I.Aleta • C1ll1y 9-. HOOi 10 fell Tl-1 10 ~18 •DAL' ooUaa 11· 111peld1138 to THIN> MCI. 8 tul'IOnfl H4"'1 MetQlt IOl'l9f•I 6 to 4 00 >.40 SoutMrn \ull10y 10uetr1I 4 tO 3.40 Miii•'• l,.uelly L.edy \Orleoel • 40 Al.O reoecl (&alllMI ~. llt jlkln, AM Miii ... Wleh'I 81AI, LO"" of Lift fln11 I I 1 • IXACTA t& 51 peld 161 80 ,outtnl M CI. 8 llnlOnCI• P1~ OutM10 (M4NI 1~ to 10 80 & 80 EM!~ (E9\1eda) 10 20 1 20 Hudlletillrry HOMY (PlnGeYI -4 to AJ90 f90M1 °"1.,mlMO llpon. £clOGOle l.eely, llllnnlt Hew H•• Po111n•t11a , ~. O.nciM. 8~plllle Slat. Le ...... 0111,l -llJMIOI. ftnll lllAC:I. t IU•IOllOI 8ef1oMl IS\blllel 11.00 1.00 4 eo LOhy L-(V~) 0 20 4 :>O l om Mack (CMleMCM) 4 80 Al10 rec;ed Wer Allled, 8olllerlo. Of OIOd ... 8plllted MlllG. Montleu• l.ec>lfl, tt11 HOuM, Sky MIRion, V~-. 80)' ~ Time 1'10 • IXACTA (!·3) paid $21000. llXTI1 lllACI. 1 1110 mllM Le POI• \Aalllu-1 9.00 4 80 4 00 Summ« &«row• SMJ ISll>lllll 13 80 8 20 Gala.Ila B"" (~) 4,80 ft*llt H. ~ l'r!W, lalr 0 \J ~·~·0Mm11e-. ~ ia.'r"'1 • tO '= '= , ..... ~1t1oa1111 ttO AIM reoad ftMI ,,.,_, ~ ..... .ii Otell 0.1. Orr11e1 Mlftllln Ml"• AM!f"_ ... _ z.oo tie. • DACTA IM I l)old l60 40 IUTN Met. One mllt P.o1 ~-JqM t~> •to t.oo 1 eo lllllPPer'• "1lfw I > e IO t 00 T WlllllCllNll (Hyfl\all) 13 lO All O taoe• M•rkll Klllg, Oole11en, Ou•..ieM I.tiff, ....... 0 o. Mall hlll. HOii AtN .. ...,._. UnlOfgMAlbtl .... ~~. ,._,> Po1c1 em oo. ar':.YI~) 0ne "l'trl· oo 3.40 '•r; ~ .. (l.onaol 3 20 2 '° Na!Nn'e HOj)I (e.fllloll) 4 20 Alto raoed Jennye lad N, KW'tlUOky 0o Oo, Jovanne Alll'lallut1I, Hondt Herty. MedlOan .... ...., LMI. ~ JeClo fl-· 100 4/6 • IUCTA I .. Mid t111 M llOKTH 11.ACI . OM mile 11ot Pride 01~lAndtlll)11,WO ti 40 f 80 .,.fltl .. G.m (0Unn1Qat1l 4.00 4.00 •·Flfl•I Clllp (Otl;ndy) 4 00 • 00 • -ciouoled AleO teoad Jin ... Omartl. lt.M'/t Met-. "°"°' llouncl. 8rencl• Spood, South Jar .... Tl!f\9' 2 00 4/1 MNTI4 M "' OM mlle ~. T el)lmon IRoeoll) & 20 3 20 :I 40 Mwqula (Kuelllef) 4 20 4 40 MdYI Urevl• tGrenlefl 10.00 AllO rac.d. Frotty Hunl8'. Liam•. 814Mllt Roque. Andy• Hound. Cenltrbury Lene. Amblll\CO Time' I &131& Mft.111.,... -=~· LOI~ , 0 1) a 7-'2 , ~ JltOIOH Oii -Ri i* .. LA -Tlts 1 NII (1111111 llllllld) Oii -,o ....,•1' LA -Ourn1111 1 NII (Cort .. Ilk*) Cla -'° .... u LA PQ ~cl 34 Ola -Of-I NII(..., klclll) LA -J, TilolMe 1 NII (L.9MIOfcl klCll) Ole -'ulMrl 21 ,... "°'" MoOonelcl ~~JOllfWM A -to.TIM ,_ ......... v. l'1r9I downl 18 ~o• 31.130 PlllMlng y""'9 140 "-1urn ~dol 14-28.0 ltldl• t>y 1-7 Pvn1• t-40 fuMt>IOl-loel 1· I Penatt ..... ywde Hl•IM TllM Cl( P08M1910fl )() 24 .................... RUSHING -Loe Moelw. ,.,.,.,. 12·48. J Tllomaa 9--48, a.yMt Y:17, 0.-11-15, 8 JotlM 2-e. Alftlll'ldar 2--0 Qeovellll'ld, Gr-16-71. Prum W2, Oovte 4-18, 8lpa 3-18 Wl\IM M >i It e.hlmOr• 81 61 .511 '"' Bolton ....,. 111 ~ 200 000-6 8t ndetlOfl, ,,yman (T), RHrdon (11, 8c:Nttodor It). I Smllll 11) llllCI c.mr: P Nlell10, Qww 1•1 and P-ao.. 8tnalTO W,,-P Nlltlro. Jl-3 L-Frymlll'I, 1-3. ,,_ Gett>et (21~ HAe-MontrNI. Cor1er (24), W1llaan ( 18): At11n11, WHhlnQIOrl (10). A-12,20$. Al.O 18GICI Nle41y N•tlv•. FHI Scullle, Idle ~ OM FOt ~&>no Of Ille 111111d, Suroeon'• JoMnle. Fonn•f Reply. P1..io.t>1'1 l11C1y ti lllACTA 111-1) Plld '34 50 • N:IC llll (1+&·3·HI Pl1d .... 182 80 wltll 91x wlnnlnQ 1iellllt (flvo l\Ot-1 12 Plc:k SI• con101e1fon palO sea 00 with 123 winning lleleetl (IC>Ut not-). PASllHO -Loe ....... I ~ .....0 13, Fettev-l-17.0, 81 Clewland. 8tpr 1·18-2. et: McOorl9lcl , ... ,. 2.45 , .. OetrOll 0 I 51 S 14 8 -Yort. 69 69 500 9'A C1eYe1111C1 57 59 491 IO'A Toronto 59 83 .479 12 Callfomlll 000 0 It 50a-8 E-Len1lotd, RtnlCo OP-llo11on I, Celllomll I L08-BOl1on I, Oelltomlt II. 28-Lan•tord, Slaplelon, Cerew.1. Boone ....... Ill H "IRUIO .· Time 1:-43 -4/6. H YINTH flACI. e turtona1 TINT" llACI. One mile pece, "'~·--­...... 8, Boelon 6 MllwlUlc .. 10. O•klend 9 K.,..... City 3, Chleago 0 MIMMOll 9. 8alllmore 3 Ec119"1ey ~ 1 0 Q 0 0 e.s1ani.v 2'1'> 4 3 ~ , o Aat,...1,Phlllleol MuH8'1ng tPl""y) e.80 3.80 2 40 s11enet0t• (H•wtev> e 80 2 eo nme1y R-erd \Lonoo> &.oo s.eo 3 oo Keedoea (Kuebler) 5 oo 8 ao RECEIVIHO -Lot ~ Tyw 3-20 BMt1« 2-39. 0 Hiii 2·22. Arnold 1-17, lolll ... 1·16, Guma n 1-11, Ate••nder 1·10 Penerlllld• 1-9. Moor. 1·8, J. TllomU 1·5 CleYel4iod, B9ket 4-34, Fullon $-78, LOQ&t 3-38, Ad-• 2-37. Holl 2-39, Davit 2-30 Ot..,, 2·8, Wllltt• .. 11 1·22, Rudlet 1·14 WN!• 1-9, ....,_ 1•4. """" 1-3 c ... r(L.9-e) 1141 1 3 3 4 1 8u<QtMl8r 0 ' 2 0 0 0 Plllladaipl>le 023 010 000 00-tl 13 2 Hou1ton 101 030 010 01-1 13 1 L•UQhlng Boy iOelAllOulN)'9) 2 80 AflO raced Double Olec;oul, T .. rMIO'I 511'1!141' Rleflbu.n (TOdd) 3 40 Al10 reeed· Trlom•rk, Rad lil•rry N, Ceplaln Wlllle, lflall 0-N, .i..nall'llne $quite ~ I L, ,ion Bullet N , .......... a-.. Oelroh (Ujdul &.t) at ...... (K FOttcn lo-8) Aponle '"" 2 0 0 0 0 c .......... Renko 3 75601 Time 1 08 115 ea lllACTA 14·3) Paiel $18 SO Time 1 Stl 4/5 MISSED FIELO OOAUI -HOna Mlnn11011 (Haven• 1·9) al Cleveland \8erk8' 11-8) Toronto 1s11eo 13-11) •I -York (Rawley 6-8) Chicago (8urn1 13·4) al KeneH Clly (leolwd o-3) KlllOll (W,1-4) e ) 0 0 2 2 auromoler pllCMd 10 4 ban.ts In 111e 1111. Renko pllell<MS to 3 bell.,.. In Ille 4111 T-2·27 A-38,803. c.r11on. MOflOl(11)1nO B Ola: Knepper, LaCorl• (8). Aotleroe (71. 0 Smith (0) Md Kn!OllY. W-0. Sni1111, 2-<I. L-Monoe 5-1 HR-PNI~•. MIOdox (8), A-11,1117 unu LEAoua 11-rMr-olde ANIOlll llllNOfl WOflU> llNll p f'IClt II)( 111·1!· II· 1·2-4) p1ld '72, 891 20 wllh one wonning llekel (II• h0t-). $2 Pie., s1w coneoletlon peld $496 80 wtlh 49 winning llelleta (llv• toor-) a 1ucu (4·81 paid aet.eo Altand.,_: 7,988. Balllmot• (0 M8rllnn II· II) at Taxae \Bulc:Nr t-2) Ange41wr11111 llATT'INO ............. ~. 111 12 M 2 18 .324 llGHT" llACI. 1 t/ 11! mllll on tun. Oar• You (Toro) 25 40 e 20 3 40 Ourb.,, Deep (OeilhOUllUYI) 5 20 3 40 (otTer*, ... l " ....... !"'-"' .... , .. " ........... RedOuttblt (Sll09'Nk.,) 2 80 Aleo raced: Hendeome 0111 Greet Boeton ll~I •I Oalclllld (Klng!nlll> veoa 8e)I 010 102 o-4 6 1 Roblnwood 210 000 0-3 8 1 S-t) .; Mllwaukff IC•I II 10·11) 11 Seallle (Mocnll-9) Natlonal LMGue 3412 50 111 I 31 307 Gr•ndlOfl. Monlclljf Time. 1:43 116. f W111Tll .... DIV!tk>M W L~.08 ea 54 557 .-14 er 1231 24 74 .2111 390 75 112 1'7 71 .281 459 ... 130 111 51 .286 102 15 28 1 • .215 3811 M 106 21 1 I .210 443 sa 124 19 74 .2ea 334 50 IOI 13 53 262 382 50 101 13 63 262 Rod•louei, Pintor (2), Santo• (21 •nd R11to. Lopti, \landtrrell and Harper, Weiewukl. w -8 en101. L-Vanderrell HA1-Veoa B•J•. Jlm•n•z: Aoblnwood, Ulmer °"* ._.. 91 lllACTA (1·8) peld $21 t.50 NINTH lllACI. I 1118 mllff c-Corn (Gvwr•) 12 00 5.20 3.40 Pr~ ol Oenube (Torol 5.80 4 00 LPOA World Chempktftthlp (•I C'"l4Mdf Alli' CMmplol .... , .. ..._,:'9,J.. ~..--John McEnroe (U S.J def. Reul RMVror (Ma•lc:o), 4-11, 8-3. 8-3: Jimmy Connon (U.S) def Brian TMChor !U.S.). 8-t. 7·5. 0-M..,.., (U.B.) dll Tim G<Ak-(U S I. 8-3, &-1, St•v• Donton (U.S.) dal Melt MllCl\lll (US.). 7·8, 6-2. Brian Gottfried IU 5.) del H-1 LAConte (France). &-3, 1·5, Guy FOtQll (F1MC•) di! Mlk• O.Palmet IU S.). 0-3, 8-1: Iv.,, Lendl (Cuc:hoeiovlkla) dtt. GlllM Moret1on tfrenoa). &-4, 7-5: Vltaa Gorulelll• (U.S ) def Hlll'lk 1'11111.,, 7 ·5, 4-e 1-5 ~ Allan19 64 so 533 3 Tempt Bey (Florld•) 10. Llb1t1yvlll1 (llllnoll) 8 In Tiie ~ (Plnc:ly) 3.00 Alto r--S: Momlng ~I, HMty WQttl. JoAnne Cetner 311-38-72 HOllla Sltc:y 35-37 -72 Sen DleQO Stin FranclecO Hou•lon Clndnnlll 64 sr s211 3Yo 63 59 510 5 SS 85 .458 12 :M9 30 llO ' 43 251 71 9 10 2 5 226 TMllM'•0- 3 p.ltl -Ul>lrtyYlllt va. V19a 8a)I ....,..a-N•ncy'• Hon.-,, Jt n .. I• • 8oN , M•eole, MUl<det> Pearll. Reb' I Outlaw Ay•ko oi.a.mo10 35-38-73 Amy AIGOll 35--40 -74 Jtr>ll Allx 34-40-7 4 49 75 .351 211~ IAITl"9f DIVISION 88 ~1 576 87 53 503 64 56 533 2 5 1!7 7 16 2 7 .224 141 111 27 1 9 191 46 4 1 0 2 .158 35 6 2 0 0 051 4081 688 2014 13A &80 .272 "1Ct91G 11 a.m. -Roblnwoocl va. LlborlyvlllO- Veo• Bal• 109« (third pt-I· 2 pm. -Tempe Bay"'· UbOrtY'/fl ... VllQ• &al• wtnnof I• ~ a-wil tOllow ll T ampe Bay lo.o lhe flrll). Time 1:43 315. ti llCACTA (8·5) paid 1123.!50. Alll)n(IMC41: 10, 102 HoltYwood , .. TMUUDAn Meul.Te (1Neff1 ......... .__...., Nancy l<>Ptl• 37·37-74 Sendra H•ynle 37-38-75 •·Merla F19uer .. Oottl 37·38-75 Jin Slej)hlf'tlOn 40-36 76 Beth Daniel 39-37-76 P•ny SMetlan 39·37-76 Sally L"'.. 4().31-78 SI. LOI.la Phll•~phla Mon I,.., Plllallu<Qh CNeaQO Nini York 82 53 517 52 71 423 50 59 420 ~··--­Clllcego •• ~ 2 7 IO'A 10·~ H...._, TIMI SI.., Wltl • H U to W~ lllA Ill 43 34 2'2 2-1 112 c!:t:. c::.=, P11111T AAC:C. OM 11'111 pecie. Ctlerooal ~ (AW!n) $.to 4.00 3.20 Onnct Pli1 tounwMflt (el ...... Yl.) .,....,..~ ...... 18'A 19 5 18 2-1 2 95 ~·9Nrl! -Klrkl•nd N1llon11 (W•Mllnoton) &. O•k Grove (NOf'llllnl Cllll!Ornlal 4 ~ Clllef tM•> 10.20 10.20 J1mll'ly BM., N (Anderton) ti 40 Erle Ftomm (U.S.) def. J reddle S•uer \South Alrlu). &-4. 8-2. T.,ry MOOt \U.S.) det. Rod Hermon (U.S.), NI, 7-5. Pntabu•Qh 0, 5.,, Franc:lllGO 1 Clnclnn•U 3, Hew York 1 (10 lnn1ng1) Allllllla 5, MonlrNI 4 A ... l(lllOfl For.ell Zahn s~ Renko Goltz s s 4 a o-o 3.00 133~ 124 42 114 ,... 3.11 52 45 23 40 $-3 3.41 97YI 81 36 57 7-4 3 09 K•neofll (Hawaii) 14, Ublly \MonlMll) 1. AltO raoed: OlemoUr LIVI. Hllariou9 8f..,., J-Rllylhm, FroetWO<d. M( Orlll\MI hi!. Seng• flkloe, \ 1 ~ ltOWMI DOlllllee S•n D1IQo 4, St. Loul1 3 HoutlOI' 1. l'lllladllphla 6 It I lnnlnQI) , .. , .• a.- 17~ 109 48 OS 1M 3. 78 1~ 105 53 81 1$-5 3 83 6~ 64 26 40 4-2 3.88 Todef'•0.- 10 am -C... ()randl (Atl:rott•)..., 0111< Grove (Nor1,.,.,,, Celtlomia). Time· 2:00 4/5. ~ UACTA (1-e) pflld 1165 10. UCC*O !UCL OM mile trot .,._.,. (Vlleniuela 15-9) .. "11110\HQ/I (MGWllilema 7_,e~ n 142V. 147 44 10 10-4 4 05 01'1'> l!2 2t 38 &-4 4 82 2 p.m. -KH rnt (OrOQor\) VI . I.Ibby \Mom.,,.) Sieg Bowl (Park.,) 18 40 7 eo 8 00 I C fl llevlll) 8.00 4 80 Tim M•yo!t• (U.8.)-FrttJ 8uehnlng (W•t Ger1t1any) def. Trey Wallk•Tony Graham IU S I. 7·6, 7-0: Aoll Gahring (Wt11 oerm.,,y)-Oevtd Sd\noldOf tSoulh Alrb) dll Illa NUI-!Romlll'lle)-Bob LuU (U.8 ). 7 -I , 4·8. 11-3: John 8•drl·Andy And•ew1 IU S ) Clef Leo Pllltn (Flnland)-AloX Conet (U.S.), 6-1, 6-1 5tin DleQO (MontefUICO 9-7) al ClllG90<> !Bartz 11-8) Totall 1094¥. 1043 349 541 84M1 3 70 5·30 p.m -KOdlak (~e) va. Klflctand (WM114nOlon) HIOh Cttmw (8"1r-1 8.20 Aleo rac;ed: Once Upon • Star. Mini Pr•llo. Rlnoe<t S111, Count Marklnl•Y· Pom!MlflO John. EMt«n Peoeant. AllT'I LA=-=~h) -15 PlllllelelpNe (8ye1rom 5-4) •• Cincinnati 1s .. ve< 5· 13). n -York tPu141o 8·9) •• All.,, .. (Perez 2--0), n • NATIONAL LRAQUE Cube I, Docloef'I 2 LOI ANOIUI CHICAGO 9 p.m. -Cllut• VIII• (8oulhom Clllltornla) VI KlllleON (Hewllt). T-2:06. angleta. 149 bOnlto, 238 macilar ... 16 roc;k 11111. 14 Nnd t>OM, 3 .culpln, 14 kelp oau, 2 eai..ion "8,..-a Chllftenge , ............ , .. S•n Frenel1eo !Sarr 3·2) •• SI Loul1 (M<K• 11-1). n llllrfl• 81Hllbl Su 2b 40 11Wiiie21> 5220 ~ 9'ACa. One "* pece Mui., Swllcll (\/llndllOIK!l)4 20 2.80 2 40 JullQle Lew (CopelMdl 2 80 1 80 DAftY'I LOCICflll (.._per1 .. edl) - 248 angler• 351 bonlla. 13 ealleo l>Me, 8~ m.c:l<•al, 172 tock c:od, 24 l8'>d b ... l'Mnl~ ........ M•rtlna Naw•lllove IU S.l d.. Ctludll Kohda (W•tl Germeny), I!· 1. 8·3, Iva Buderova 1czeeho11ov1kl•) del B11b11a Htllqultt 1u.s ), 7·6, 1-S: v1rg1n1a Rune• (Romani•) def C1111er1M T.,,...., (France), 8-I, 11-1; Hana Mandllltova (~altla) def Sindy Co4llnt (US.), 6-1, 7-e: Holena Sultova tCieehoelovekl•) det Roulyn Felrbtnk (Soulll Alrle•), t-0, 6· 1, 7-6. S•blna Simmond• \lllly) def. Ann Mini., \Au111elle), 0·2. 9-2, Eva Pf•ll (WUI Germany) def ... .,,.. '*'-(Yugoelavla), Monlla•I 1Ro9ara 14·8) •• Houlton (8unon 12-9), n Land..-.>< ~ 4 0 0 0 8owe .. 5 ' 2 1 Bell.," 4 0 I 0 Budt"°' lb 5 2 4 2 HMven Help ue 1snon1 5 eo Aleo raoecl: ~ Hunting, Ma.gna CAI•• Mec:tlO Brevo, Vlneeto, Yadltbrohr. Eap<'ll De eorp., HI C Skipper OANA WAii' -292 engjere 237 b .... 302 bonito I h91tbul, SJ I medler ... 23 rOGI< n111. I wMe -b .... a.-roro rt 3 O I O Ourh1111 rt • 1 3 1 11r.-.10.•··e M1twau11.. 120 040 102-10 10 0 Oekllllld 001 112 100-8 10 2 Vuckovich, Sl•lon (7) and Simmon•: Cay 3b 4 000 Morello cf 5111 Garvey 1 b 4 0 2 0 Jollnatono " 4 1 2 2 Ru .... I .. 4 I 1 O J.O.vle c 4 o 2 o Setoecl• e 2 1 0 0 K-..cty 3b 4 O 1 1 Time< 2:01 4/5. It UACTA (7·1) pflld 111.IO. IEAL •EACH -138 •ngl•ra 127 barrac:Uda. 120 l>onllO, 10 Calleo DUI, I 100 tnl!Cl<atll. !Ml u•nd .,_.., 20 tc:UIPln K~. Owelllnfo.o (1) end M. ""111 W - Vuekovtch, 14--4. L -KecJU9h, 10-18. 8 -Slaton (5) Hfle -MIWeui!M, OolMI (25); Oell.lencl, F Sllftley (1~ Annal (}()~ A - 15,4e1 Welc:fl p 0 0 0 I Jantllnl p 4 0 0 0 °'1apll 1000Tldrowp 0000 8odlwtlll p 0 0 0 0 '°"'"'" flAC:C. OM ~ pece 0-dlle L9d (Sleetll) 10.20 5 00 3.40 Jlal • 8l'llOOIHI (Ctoghen) 3.80 3 00 \ ..... ) -114 .,..,., 3 bOl\ll•. 3 heflbul 850 m.00.,.., 2 .->et baaa. 200 .,._., toah 375 """"' etoel<or. SAN 01100 (HIM L.1ndlr1t ) -373 lll\Qllra. 272 .,l>aCOt'•. I yellow fin tun•. 3 b10 eyw tuna Monday pll 0 0 0 0 / HlodonNor p 0 0 0 0 .._a-1~1 520 A1tO ,.....,, 0on Care Star, H91 cn.n.. Plll.IC NOTICE NOTICE TO CMDIT~a CW Mil.JC TAANIFO (a-.. 1101-110'7 U.C.C.) Notice 11 ll•reby olvon IO cr•dltora or lho within named tranaletor(•) 11111 a bulk Ir anslet t1 eboul 10 be m•d• on personal property llerelnatter described. Tiie n•m•{•) 1nd bu1lne11 1ddres1 of Ill• Intended treosloror(•) are: TIBOR TIHANYI. 11181 Derby Orlote, Sanl• Ana, Callfornl•; JEANHEE TIHANYI, 1S61 D•rby Dffve. Sant• An1, California. The location In Calltomla or the chief e.acutlve office or prlnclpal bualnesa office of the Intended transferor la: aarne. All other bualneu names •nd eddr•-u.ed by Ille Intended lrtNloror wllflln 1hree yeera last pall 10 l•r •• kno wn to !flt intended lranafor" ere: none. Tallie 302112 Talala 401118 Ml.IC NOTICE mrmou• .u ..... N~8TATE....,. Troe toltowtng pereon Is dOlng buelnea• u · GREENEVERS. 11131 Sallpotl Drive. Huntington Beecn. c.lllornle 92648 Cllarloa O t<oell•r, 8731 r1llport Drive, Hunllng1on Beec:n. Cellfomla 926411 This butlMal le conducteO by an Individual. C .. ARLES D KOELLER Thia a1et-t -nled with Ille County Clefk of ~ County on July 28. 1992 F'1MOl7 Publlahed Or1nge Coul Delly Piiot, July 30, Aug. 8, 13, 20, 1982 3355-82 f'tCTITlOUI ....... ~ITATEa.NT The fOllowlng peraona ero dOlng bvel-U: f't8JC NOTICE NOT'ICa 9MTINQ -· •ITIMMO.• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhal ...iecS prQC>OM1t wilt be r-"'9d by the Clty of Cotta Mee&. to wit: The City Council, P.O. Box 1200. Coste M .. e . Cellfornla 92628, on or before the !lour ol 11.00 a.m. on Frlel1y, September 3. 1982. II tno11 = rwponelblllty Ol ll'le blddof IO Ille bid to lht City Clefk '1 Office by Ille pro~r ennounced lime 91<1• wlll be publicly opened and read aloud al 11 00 a.m., Ot as aoon lll•r••fter 11 drae11cabl• on Friday. September 3. 1982. In lho Council Cllamber'I. City Halt, 77 Felr Drive. COiia M .... C1tlf0tnl1 8211211, for the 1urnl1lllng of 1 GREENS MOWER. • Ml.IC NOTICE ACTmOUS llUUllM 'ICTtTIOUt IUalMIH NAm STA~ ~ STA,.._NT The fOllowlng c-tone are dolr'O Tiie totl0Wln9 Pef'IOft It doing bull--= . ~ u: MO NEY MARKET, 1107 S. AMIR AU'TO SER\/ICE. 2502 A •"'-'-CA 92804 Harbor Blvd .. Coal a Meta, 8t00khurl1, n.-• ., · CaMfornta 921126 Richard S a fford , 17170 Amir 1111111111. 12092 Adrien SI. Bluewater Ln., HunUnoton Beach, Bulldlng 5-201. Gerde n Grove. CA 92649· Cellfornla 82640 Herold Jellrey Vou. 145 Thia~ la oondUGted .... .,, Emerald Bey. Laguna a.ch. CA lndMdUal , _, 92652. AINI llkllan Thfe ~ II oondue;ted by e Thlt lfllemtnl WU filed wflll 1l'le PlllltC NOTICE lflCTft'IOU9 IUIMa MAMIE 8TAT'I....,. The tollowlng peraone •• doing ~ ... EON RESOURCES 1982A DRILLING PROGRAM. 895 Town Center Orlote. 81h Floor. Co•I• Meae, CA 921129. Eon Reaouron. Inc .. an 01110 Corpo11Uon. 6115 Town Cent" OrlYI, 9111 Floor. Coat• Meae, CA 92e26. Coby N. Keller, 895 Town Center Or Iva , 8th Floor, Co••• Mela. CA 92626. general "!:~· COunly Clerk of Orenge County on Thie 11t11emenl wu flied wtlll the July 211. 1982. Thll ~ IS conducted by • '1taa Umlled Partnortnlp. County Clerk of Ofange County on Publltlled Ofe1199 Cou1 Dally Eon R4ieouroea, inc PtB.tC NOTICE Aug fll, 1982. F1_,. PMG1. July 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20, 1092 Coby N. l(elter Publllhed Orang• COHI 0•111 33~ Thi• •t~=':'w~~:ho Piiot, AllQ. 20, 27, SePI. 3, ~~eli9:2 NI.JC NOTICE County Clerk of Orange County on flCTITlOUI .u ... H A~ fa, 1ea2. NAm STAnMaN'T C..., N. Keller The lottoWlng pereonl .,. dotllQ ~ ~ DrtN '1Cnnou8 eu..... buel,_-. IUlte • N~ ITATWMINT NATURAL IMAGES, 1665 Meal C.... ..._,CA_. °""'· 8-2 P\BUC NOTICE P\8.IC NOTICE ....,.TIC9-E1~ALE FICTITIOOI 8U ... H """ .,... MAMIE ITAT'E.mNT Holloe 11 l'let'eby given pursuant The loHowtng Pefton9 .,. d°"'IJ to MCtlonl 3051 and 3052 of llMI bualnMS u · Clvll Cod• ol lhe Stal• of Cahlomle ENCHANl'EO FOREST. 11:19 tho underalQned, IPO PRINl'INO & W, Balbol Blvd • '4. Newpor1 DIST R I 8 UT I NG , I NC d b • BMcn, Cl' 92661. HUTTON /RO ACH LITHO· .-...Wiiii H di 1129W GRAPHEFIS wlll tell •I publlc; ,,....... am ar no. . " Selbo• 81\ld ii A, Newport Be.ac:lh, 1ucllon. •t 3040 Redhlll Avenue. CA 92661. eo.1• M .... Calllornl•. " 10 • m. Lindi Olen• Bigg& 11211 W on Monday, Ille 30th d•y of A';1j"*1· Bllboe Blvd /IA, Hewoon BMdl, 11182, the lollowlno deaer bed CA 92ee1 r.roperly, 10 wll' 11180-81 Annual Thl9 t>usl-11 condue1ed by a nternellon•I 01flcl1I h l•nl 4 general pat1nerlhlp BooltlnQ Olrecl()()'. Jeffry W Harding Said ael• 11 lor the purpoee of T"I• at•t-1 was lllod wllh tbll aatletylng lien ot the undersigned tor County Cletlc ot Orange County on malerial9 and lab provided 10 MPA • 10 1982 lnternallon•I. Inc for the printing ,..ug · and production ol tn• above Publl•ll•d Orenge coa:.~ dh"ec!onte 1n tilt amount of I 112.· p, .,_, 3 191:>. 800.00 togelh•r wllll coll• o1 IOI, Aug 13• 20· 27• .....,, · ll<lvor1111ng and expen-or ule ~1 Oiied Ihle 12111 day of July. 1982. flta.IC NOTICE ) MA•I, MARWITZ. I.EWIN I KIA MetlMw L a.ger FICTTTIOU9 8UIMU NAME ITAtt•NT 1 The name(•) end bualneu addre11 of lhe In tended tran1tetee(1) ere JOSEPH TRUSEWICZ, 2581 DMrbom Drive. Hollywood, Cellfomla 00068. Tllal th• property pertinent h«l10 Is delctlbed In general N All of lhe furniture, tl•luru, equipment, lnvenlory, euppllea, le•aellold lnl.,..I, goodwlll and trlde name 01 1ha1 Ger1aln pool auppty business and la located et· 25842 Mulrtan<11, Ml-'alon Viejo, CINfornla. SHADOW HIGH REFLECTIONS 17407'h So11t1ore Or., Nowpor 8Mcn, CA 921183 Ol •n• Cornwtll, 7407\h seunore Dr .. Newpor1 a..cn, CA 92663 Addlllonal 1e11 of th• epeclflcallon.s may be oblelnod ., the Otflce ol the Putc:hallng Agen! at 71 Fair Drive, Colla M•••. Clllfomla. 81<11 tnoulel be ,_.umod 10 the allt1t1tlon 01 the Clly Clerll. within aald !Imo llmll. In • M9led envelope, i<lenlltled on Ille ou1alde wllll the Bid Item Numbet and '"° Opening Date. EKn bid ana11 tPec:l'Y eecn anc1 ev•ry >tem •• ••I forth In the 1peclllcallont Any and ell exceptions to Ille 1pec1neat1on1 tn1.tt11 be cleerly llated In Iha bid, and failure lo Mt forth any Item In the ~tlon• lhall be oround• tor rejecllon o! the bid. The fOllowtng pert0n ll doing Ve rde E 136F, Colle MeH, CA bull,_ .. , Q~. THE GREEN JEAN1e. 2912 Jonie L9lgll Torry. 1555 ...... Carob SltHI, Newport B•M:n. Verde E •35F, Cotll M•ta. CA CaMfomll 92e60 92112t. lf1-.T Publltllec:I Orenge CoHI Delly Pllol. "14 20. 21. Sept 3. 10. 1;82 3706-82 A l'J9. tot IPO """tine aote~tnc. Publl•lled Ot•no• COHI D•llY Pilot. Aug 20. 1982 3719-82 The lollowlng pe11on 11 dal!l; oust,_• u. Tl-IE MINUTEMAN WAY. 1~ A· 12 Wlllnlef A..,_, Coll• .....,._ C•lllo<nla 92627 The bu-',_ 1\1111'141 uaed by lhe Mid traneferor(a) 11 Nici locallon la M~ON POOL SUPPLY The1 ••Id bulk tr•ntfer 11 ln1ended lo be con111mmalod at tilt offl<le of: Botti EICfow Entorprllu, Inc .. 505 N. Tualin Ave .. &Ill• 150, Sarti• Ana. Cellloml• 112705 on 0t 1her September 8, 1982. Thi• bulk lranafer It aubfecl 10 Callfornle Unllorm Comm•rcl•I Code Section e 1oe Th• name •nd eddtHe o1 Ille pereon wUh wllOm c:lelma may be fllod la Bell• Et<:tOw EnlerprlNI. Inc. 505 N. Tualin Ave .. Suite 180. S1n11 Ana. Cell! 112705, and lho 1 .. 1 day for llllng cl1lm1 by any etedllOt ehall be September 7, 1982 at 5 p.m .. wtllC:ll It 1he bu"-dey before lh• con1ummatlon date "*"tied at>c>Ye. DATED July 30, 1982 Joeeptl TNMWlcz lnlenclecl T 11n1ter .. Publl1h1d Orange CoHI Dally Piiot, Aug 20, 1932 311()-82 Ml.JC NOTICE Vicki Gre1ney. 7 407'it Seuh0te Or., Newpor1 Beecn. CA 92863. Thll t>u.ineta II condu<:1ed by a llmlled por1nerthlp Vicki Gr9Wle'1' Thlw atet-1 WU llled wtlh Ille County Cler1c ot Ofllr'Qt County on Eech bid ahall Ml '°'111 Ille f\.IU n1mea and r11ldencet ol 111 petaonl end Pt{11ee ln,.,.ted In the ptopoeal. It Ille bid 11 by • lft9I041 c:orpOfatlon, 9'ele Ille l'emM Cl( the o c o 11 offloert wtlO oan algn .,, ag-1 Aug 10, 1982 Publl1t1ed 11nge oatt any on .,.,,,11 01 lhe COfPOllllon and Piiot. Aug. !3, 20, 27, Sept. 3, 1982 wttl1hor more than one offtoor mu" Jeen C11hot!NI ~rtey, 2912 Caro l A Crewford. I 1280 Carob Sltffl. Newport BHcll, G11dlne11 Courl. Cypr•n. CA CellfOfnil 02960 0()630. Thlt bu..,... II co<lductecl by an Tiii• bull-.. cooducled by • Individual. general pannerllhlp JMn Celllwlno Cuney Jenl9 L. Terry Thlt alalemenl wu filed with lhe Thie elelemtnl w .. llled wtlll Ille County Clerk of Orange County on County ()en on July 20, 1982 July 28, 19112. lfta111 ,.,.._ Publltllld Or1nge CoHt Dally Publlthed Of•no• CoHI Dally Pllol. Aug 20. 27. Sept 3, 10, 1982 PllOI, July 30 Ind Auo e. 13, 20, 3709-112 1912 3375-62 ---------3_58_2_-8_2_1 llgn. II lllll bid II by a pertnentl'llp or flta.tC NOTICE a joint vwitur' •l•t• tho ~ and ~NOtl CCMM'T cw -----------• eddr-of ell general pllrtnefa "8JC NOTICE THI ITAT'f Of. CAUf.OMf!A '1CTTnOU8 ._.. end )oln1 ~-If the bldCI« Is• RM THR NAME STAru.NT aole propt1e!onhlp Of an<>lh« *1tlty '1Cnnoul .U ... H COUNTY CW OllAMGI The followlno perton 11 doing tn.t doea bu*-under I flc1111oua NAlllll! 8TA~ 1110 CMo ~ DfM w .. t, l>utln-u : name. the bid ehell be In the roel Th• followlng person 11 dolno ..,.._ Aft&, CA .-ro1 MARIA'S CLEANING SERVICE. n. m. 0 f 111 e b Id d. r w 11 h • .t>utlneM u : PLAINl'IFF: IRIS CALLISON loe&2 RllOnd• SI .. Gardon Grove. de11on1llon lollowlno ahowlno KNAPP MFG. co .. 130tl·A DEFENDANT: MICHAEL ~Ut!U. CA 921143. "OBA (Ille lletltloua na me)": LO!l•n A11'8., COila MM&, CA 11'2e211 SHIPLEY'S RENTALS. INC .. and Mano E. FIDAI, 10862 Rhonda provided. nowever. no flctllloua Out l• Metle Flemln~. Ster DOES 1 tNOUOl\M. ~ SI .. Gardon Grove, CA 92843. name tflall be ulec:I uoleM IMre le• Aou1t 057, Phelan, CA 123 1. ICJMMOMt Thie ~ 11 oonduc1eel by on CUff.-rt rootetr1t1on with the Orenge Thia bual-ta oondueted by an c-Me. .,.,. lndlvlduol. County Jleoorder In eH• ol lndMCIUel. NOTICll YM heft Merl ---. MW1a E. ~ corpotetlone, WltuOe Ille IMlmM of o..ele M. AeminO The o-1 _, .............. ,... Thhl ... ,_1 WU ftlld with Iha the PNllC!en1, Secntery, T~or. Tllll atll_,I Wal flied wl111 the ..ttt1evt ,_ lllelrlf "-" ..... COunty a.ti of Orenge County on and Menagor. County Clerk of Of.,. County on 1°" ,...... ..,... • .,.. ....., Aug. 18, 1982 Tile City Councll of the City of Alig. fl. 1882. .... ......._ ........... . ,~ CO.II Meal ~ Iha right 10 ,11971 II you wWt to .... the llcfYlce Of Publlelled Otet1.11• CoHt Delly t.iect tl'l'1 Ot II blda. Publlalled Orange CoH 1 Dall~ an allofn.y In 11111 ma lier, you Piiot, Aug 20, 27. Sep! 3. 10. !N~ OATED ~ 19, 1H2 P1IO!, Aug 20. 27, Slpl. 3, 10, 198 eflOuld Clo eo PfOl'llPllY to tlla1 yOuf 3&86-82 Publlalled Or1nge CoHI Dally 3&45-62 -111an r .. pcnee. If a11y, mty be Piiot, Aug. 20. \181. fllecl on time. "8.JC NOTICE 37111-&2 "8JC NOTICE Av .. 0 I u ... d tt ••• d 0 fl'ICT1TIOUS llU.,..81 •-11t ..,,,TICE cl•,..at1clede. II tribune! puede NAMI ITATS•NT f'IC11TIOUt _,..... ~ "" 8'WAllY Of clllNlf _... Ud. Ml .u M .. • ftle following pe1ton I• doing MAMI ITATIWHT I HChfiOUe -·· ~ ONMIUNC« .......... UCL ,...... clefttre bull,_ u : Th• fallowlno peiton 11 4olng MAim ITA,.....,., A propoaacl ordlneno e 11 • ..... LM la~'"'.- LOGISOFT. 1548-0 Adam• bull--Th• followtno ~·on 11 dolng,ICf*MedloraooptlOl'lllllM,..., .... Avenue. Cotta MMa, CA 928211. V.l.P. TOYS, 1985 8 . Hatbor, bYalnlll -Chy Coundl rMlllflG of~ ~I U•l•d d Hea aollolta r e l Man: A. "9tly, 964 Spr1ng1lekl. Colt• MMa. C~7• FAC ADE, 2000 Beryl Un•. 7, 1t82, being OrCllnarlOe ez-ta. c:onMIO Cl• un •boO•CIO en .. ,. eoet• ~ CA 0211211. T~ ......... 11 "'* Cl., ~ ..._,..., CA t2te0. eooptlng by reteranct the lt79 • e u n, o • Cl• bar r • 11 a c • r Io Thie~ la oonduClled by on ~ 8Mc:ft. CA ll211410. DefllM ~Tltl, 2000 1ery1 EdltloM o1 11111 Uniform lvlldlno lml'nadlMamarM, de •• ""'*'- lndMclUlol. Thie ~ It oonducteel by en LAN, Nwopot1 &elcfl, 0A ~. COdot: .,_ Uniform ~ eoct. ., ,..,... llCftta. ti Illy llOune. Maro A. Petfy ~Mdual. Thie bu11N1e It oonduGIM by an t9't Ur1lform Code fol' A~ ol puede -,....-.di I llempo, Tiiie etatemenl wu filed with the T.--Aoer1t lnclMdull. OeflOl'OU' 8ulkllngl: Ille Uniform 1. TO THt· 0£F!NOANT· A c:M1 CounlY Cler'lt of Oflll'IO* COunty on Tllla 9\al-I WM flleCI wltll IN 011!tee 1.ulgen.T... 504., Inergy Oolfe; Iha Uniform COf'llPlllnl llH bMn filed by the Auo, f 8. 1912. Coun~ Clerk ol Ofange ~ on Tllla •ternen1 -Ned wt1t1 the p 1 u 111 b I n o Co Cl • In c: I u d I n g pltlnllff IOalnl1 '.YOU· II you w4ltl 10 '1WT1 Aug. I . lN:I. ~ County C1n of Orange Oour1'y on Aoc*ldloee A, I . C, 0 , G, H *"Cl I: dtfotrld INt llwaull. )'OU mull. wttlWI ltubllthed Orang• CoH I Ollly Publl•llff Ota~COltl O=I Aug f 1. 1N2. Ille 1t71 edlllon of Ille Uniform .. o,. Iller 11111 1um111on1 II Hot. Auo. 20, 27, Sept S. 10. 1912 20 27 P•111 Mao11a111o a1 Cod• lnoludlno ~on rou. Ille wlttl ttlll ooun • 3e7M2 Piia!, Aug. • ' J, ~J. _ Publltht(J Oranoe Coell Otlty Aoc*Mcll A, I and C; the 1t71 written ~ to the OCll'!IPlllAI ---.---11>---------Plkll, Aug. 13, 20, 27, ~ •• s.J.19!2 edition of 11'11 National EJeotrloll ~ rou Clo eo, ~ defaull '#Ill ,.._ ""'-. ....C NOT1CE .,_.2 Code end mt"""°""' Wlt1nO Code bo anterw on appllc;atton Of the fllCftnOUe .,._.. of the Olty or co.ti .,..._: IN ptalntlff, encl tHt court flWIY IMtr a MAim eTAlW MCtttlOU9W.• P9.IC flJ1lC( oert a ln amandMenlt a nd Judlmlflt...,.,. YoU tof \tie rllel --ITATW modlllmtlonl to llld COdll. dtrnllldMI [II IN ~. wNdl ~~ s-eon 11 d04flO f lle tottowtno '*'°" 11 dotng ~f:, ,.,,.. The moOon to give Ordinance 0011ld ttt\llt 111 Qttnl111ment of IVEAHT ""! ~llOTfCTIOH. ~~ 8'AI. 2421 Nrewpot1 T .... foflowlno pefeoft •• dolnt fo,i~~':;' ,~~a'I ~ o:U!r. ::'o':~~: :.:r~ g:o.:::.,rn AVll A •co.ta MtM. 11M1 eo.te ....._CA t2127 bUlll"9t • Mem'*'I -AYU: ._...., Hell, ~ n---.... ... .._ ...... T-1 .... 1019 .:. .... _._,.. Moelr1y: tt12 OOAeT AUCTION co .. 18" Mcl'attend. JcllllnlOll. HOU: Hone. OATID .. 19, '*· ............. -·-....... .... M•"'•'-..... ... __ ........... A & ,,..,.,,.. ,.__., No. 201, Coeta ... ---...__ ~A. IJfanofl Chey•flne St,, Ootla Mn•. CA .,_,. ..... ·-"" ... -· _,,....., ~CA maT. A "'' ...... __,,. • m,_, . 924M41. ., a-•u I""''" _111 T..._ tull tlil1 of '"' ptopo..O a.ti ............. ........_ __.. .... ed.... ,.,. ~ .. ~by.... .._.._. .I. ·~ .. _. Otdln•nOI ""' N,..... "' ... ~ ~~A....,.. 11---le...,.,._,, -1 an lndMdual. A--. Ho, IOI, ~a....._ CA () .. tlt'1 om~ It T7 '-" Dflve, fndMClluel. flWllMllClfll~ -7. 0......... •• 0 IOI• or •U9'RAY TNI .:::= .. M. To::: wflll the Tiiie .......,._ w 1119d wftll t"9 1'1111111 '*'' -__.""".. IA.QM P.,....., MIT'I Nil.IC NOTICE CARPENTERS SON, 1835 A·12 Whllller Avenue. Coit• Me..: --------~~:'.":"~--! Calllomla 921127 ----.. ---.c-NO_T_"'_r ____ , "CmtOUl llUalNEI• MICllHI Eugene B•rry. 3a.2) ... ~ ~ NA• ITA,....NT Rocl'IOslor, Costa Mela. Ccllfoml& The tollowlng PtBO" 11 doing 921127 butlMSI U luen ... S«ry. 322 ~I ... MOBILE MECHANIX. 2 4 5 Colla MHa. Calltornla 1121121', Fllhot SI , 8· I. eo.11 MHa. CA 826211 rh11 bvtlnese 11 ooo0uc1ed 'lY'f it' 'OMIEt ftNNfT (CCt•I Bryen Raymond Brillon 13252 ~al per1norstltp. ...I Nolloe 11 llt1eby given lhal on Jat!*IOn Way. Wntmln.Tor. c.A: Ml<;hMI E. Sorry ,, Sept 1. 1962. •• 11:00 a.m .. " 2790 92683 Thie s111emen1 w .. nled wttD ~ Hlfl)Or Blvd . Svltt 200, In ca.ta Thia bu91nesa 111 condu<:lec by •n County Cterk of Oranoe County o. Men. CA .. 01engo County, the lndMduel July 28. 1982 -r- und•ralgned will Hll •• publlc Bryan Raymond Brlnon '~ auction tho per90nat property left Thia •181......,,I wn n19e1 •••1111 the Publl•ll•d Or•nge CoHt Oeltl) by Robor1 Blallety atle Flobet1 A County Clet1< ot Or9t19t1 County on PMol, July 30 Ind Aug 8. 13, 2Q, Blekety Ilk• Mr. Coslt M ... e.rt>er A 3 19112 1982 Sll09. Seid 1uo11on wm b• made uo · ,,..,.. 341~~f punua nl 10 th• prov11lon11 ot Publl•htd Orengo CoHt Delly Seollon 1988 of tll• Chill Code . PllOI Aug e 13 20 27 1982 Oeted Aug. 19, 11112 ' ' ' ' ' . 3453-82 s.ici pr0per1y c:ofltlst• ot. FtcTITIOUt eu ..... 4 Bled! -ougn1 Iron chelf11.. wllh •n•"' NOTICE NA• ITAT'DmVT c:rwm ~te Striping r~ 2 ~ rack• _ wtf'e '1CTTT10Ut .,...... The tO(lowlnQ per.one -~ 2 3 0 '' JI 6 0 '' Ga r Pe I I , ~·...--·---1>1.111-U ,...._ ., .. ,._ .. , ECO NO MAINTENANCtL &Pf'=~ petklng llOfle The IOll()'ltir>g ~ .,. doing 18783 Beach Blvd.. Hunllngla.J t>u•-aa. Beech, Callfotnla 92641 ~ ! 8ooll-14 "*-I 8 U N G R 0 W T H X I : .i-EIOrtdge. 10122 Cf ~ :.":"Jc:O:adled SUNGROWTH Xll:..2,!!0 =c OtM. HunllnQlon 8MGll. Calttom 1 Satbet cNlf CoMt ~ay. """'""''°" . ~ 1 8'*"CIOO d\W CA Gl1 n'n L. GHrllerl. 7222 JvaNI• Eld~122 Cfallt\. 2 88!_~ llMW:ll s .. wotlll~rlve, Hunllnglon Ortve. Hunllnglon 'Calif~ 2 ""'' c• • '921140 I •1 8-Ch .. 0 Thi. bulln-.. oonduc18Cl 6y 'i 1 Stoot (4 cu1ert) Lawrence o. Solll•Y 111192 llmltad pertnerwn1p. ' ! = l'VQ :-"~ llPPfO•lmatety Harbo1 l(ey Clrole, Hunilnglon Juanlte ElelrklQe ..; • wa .,8 e.adl. CA 92848. Thi• .... ,_., WH r11«1 with ,.,.. I Sllelf I' x ', ~O•lmattl'( Thie ~ le oonduC!!ed by e Covn 4 L~ -efflHd lo '"" llmlled pannor~ Coun1l Ci.tk of Ofat1gt 'Y. ~ 4 Pi-"*"° tor boll,_ 1..-.nce O Schlly July 2 , 1182 ,,._It• ~ :C == for ~ Oten11 L. o.tWI Publlen.d Of•not Co"1 Oallfll I "".I •I • l • n d 1 ... I •• I • Thie 9le*1'11f\I ..... ""' with IN P1lol, J\11)' '° and Aug. 8. 13, aQ: eoun7c Clerk of Or-. COunty on 1oe' -l Tw1'~ etandl. Aug. 0. 19~. 1'1.... 33&7~ 3 W .. "9ndltd• Publl•h•CI Oran~• COH\ Dell~ rtaJC NOTICE 1•~ 1 ~~ leckMt PllOI, Aug. 13, 20, 2 , Sept.~,~ ------------'.,..,! 1 ~.,..,.... ...,... lIT 1 Neon fllQn "8atbt< 8no9" --.,. MftTll'C '9Cnnou8..,..... 1 Ctrd tatite ..._ """-MAm ITA,.._,., I lfddlng ~ HChilOUI ._.. The foltowlnCI ,.._ -doMai 181Mkl!C NAmlTA.,_-r ~u: ~;.->~ 1 ~ oontallW lot Clrlnllt ... The tGllowlllo Pl'Wlll.,.. dOlrlO SOUTH OOA8T CLAI ... 1 ltOOlft ~ -MANAGlMENT, 3233 Park o.ti. 1 'en p I 2 l A pl U I , t 6 I I = M'e SIO, Coeta ...... ~~ ~ :=:.: ="'~·~Y•nu•. Oerdef'I A'.111., I 0 . n ... d It;. 1 ~ reoord ~ The Mllu Ptiam 11611 1ntern11tona1. tno .. t Del•~ 1 MlrTOf 4' II I '. IOOtOlt"'*"" Momlnotlde A~ Ii, 0.,._, oorpofltlOn. 414 N. ~ ~ 1 MlrTw , .. UMbit 10 tt111 Oto. Celltofnla 8HQ.. ~ .-.. CA eoa 10, . t 8111t1.1e Jft .. ~ to a n Duo 1t111m. 1U11 Thie~ II oonduOled bY 2 Mimn lnlWlled • Mammo.id• A""ue o . Oardoft ~lion. 1 ... tOOfil !#Im ....... ..... orow. c..otnll t:lt4. . AnwlCln Meclleat -. 'f"'6I ~ta~-.,"' lnterMUOnll. N '• R I T .... and OM .... afftlllld kdJidllll ,,.,._ A. Nee • M ...... 11 ...... ......, ,,.....,"""' ~~ ~ er:,.,.... ---. JIMI. ~ ... d ONflOI ~ Ofl -. .. ... __ ..,.. -~ ..,,,,,.:;::---fO. ,.. ,_ Plll.IC NOTICE ...UV HOW Tllll 1111 call .. lllM _... "'9 ~-°""-1 '.~·~ ........ ~~ "' Of•ftOt 00... Oaltr '"'"~ Oranat c.... 3 .,!J.~ ... ~'T. ~~ , ' "'°"' IO. 11, f.tll. l'llOC. Aue. IJ, ~.fr, ...... I , , .._. ._ -. ...._.Mt.a i J~ II CGur!tY Qleft ot ~~on ~0~ Of Or-. C°""'Y on. ~~.:_Or...-°"""Y °" ~ ,._ .._. ..,_ .... • A14: fl. 1M2. AU0> iC • Itel. --,._ -() O•'"" ~OA--,_,. ~ ,,,. .... Ot81!CM OOllt DeJfy O~ OMt _, ...,_ ,., ... , .. Otenot Cot1t DallY PllbftlMd Onnae CoMI DlllY "°' ...... tS, IO. "· ..... i 1"2 Plot, Mg. tO. t IT 11 ~....., 0r9n_.. 0:-11 ""°'· IWO. 20, IT,'-'· a, ~ l'llot.""" "· •. f7. ""·~ • ._ • • ai11-t2 .a ,..._., Auo, IO, n . ...,.. . ': i ~------" '·· s Orange Ooa1t DAIL V PILOT /Friday, Augu1t 20. 1092 Lihan captures O'Day trophy Win s Laser ding hie erie by . f4 ALMON LOCLUEV ~~ Y -Tom Lthan, 22, Thunday a one year'• leaae on the coveted O'Oay phl, 1ymbo1Jc of tho Unltod State. Yacht Racina • u:n,tehanded aailln, ctwnplonahJp. L1han hlld four fint place finiahea and two fouhha for a tow of 16 pen.al.ty p0lnt1 under the ()bmplc acortna •.Ylltem. The belat abc of eeven race re'ptta waa ulled ln brand new ~r dlnghlet1 fullliahed by Performance Sallcraft of Co.ta Mesa. Second ln the acortns wu John Fullerton, Oyater Bay, N.Y. with 3~.7 penalty points. Third place went to Brian Ledbetter of San Dleso who turned out to be t;}\e hardluck skipper 'in the aeries. He wu running a cloee second behind lJhan until the flnal race ThW'lday when he fouled DaW:I Himmel of C.OCOnut Grove, Fla. and retired from the race. The 30 penalty points for the DSQ dropped him to third in the final standings. only 1.7 pointa behind Fullerton. Llhan la a former All-American sailor from the Matttime Academy a t King's Point, N. Y. Four years aaq he_ won the double-handed intercollegiate ~ championship, and two years ago he won wide m argin the alnglo-handed lnte1rculloglate nauonsl ctwnplonahJp. tfo wu aerond ln lhc l..A.ter ruauon.a.ls lhll year. Llhan aald h~ ll trainlng for tho Olympic. In the atnsle-handed Flnn Claaa. H la tint temt will bf> al the Canadian Olympic train ing regatta ,a t K.Jnpton, Ontario, next wet1k. The O'Day fln.ala drew 23 entries -two each BOATING from USYRU's rune areas, the wome n's national champion, the top two in the Youth Championship, and the Sunfish national champion. Cal.ifomla la USYRU Area G. and placed two among the first five -Ledbetter of San Diego, third and John K ostecki of San Franciac.'(), fourth. The regatw was run by Alamitos Bay Yacht Club. Top 10 nn1.,,... 1 Tom Uhan. Fon Ulud4wdU.. AL , 111 polnla. 2 Jolln Fullerton. ()ytl• Bey. N.Y . 36 7, 3 Bflen led~w. San Diego. 37 4, 4 Jolln Koateclll. San Frenc;lec;O, 42 1, 5 Oe'ild Hlrnmel. Cooonut 01ow. Fl• .. 45.4: II Alan Ledbelltt, San Diego. 80.4: 1 Brian K~. COh .... I, M-. 00.4; II Belly ae1.,,m11, Mal~k. N.J .. 79.7, 9 Mat MMlrvo•. Sen ()Mgo, 112.0, 10 Sam Hopkln1. Oulfpon. MIN ., 112.7 Morris' wife to he charged Legal proceedings take n e w twist on cocaine arrest ~· • MIAMI (AP) -Eugene "Mercury" Morris, the apeedy running back for the Miami Dolphi.na in th~ir champlonahip years, posted $150,000 surety bond Thunday on cocaine trafficking charges aft.er letQ'nlng his legal problems might multiply. · During the bond hearing, Chief Assistant State AUomey George Yoes announced that prosecutors had probable cause to charge Morris' wife Bobbi, bes1des the retired National Football League star and two other men arrested Wednesday. De f e n se attorney P e ter Gruber and Dade County Judge Norman $. Gerstein w ere questioning Morris, 35, about his family ties -a wife and three children who depend ~n his mcome ~sales of T-shirt3 and art prints -when Yoss atood up to make his announcement. "Your honor, I hestitate to bring this up right now, but I feel I have to," Yoss said. "Right now, the state has probable cause to charge his wife." Gruber, restraining Morris as he lunged t oward the prosecutor in shock , objected "strenuously" to lhe comment. Gerstein said there would not have been a custody release to tpe wife in any case. Yoss and George Ray Havens, t he s tate attorney's chief investigator, gave few other details :about Mrs. Morria' possible connections to the case in w hich they said undercover agents purchased .. more than a pound" of cocaine at the couple's South Miami home. T he cocaine, marijuana plants, more than $124,000 cash and ~rted fireanns were seized in a (. llATH NOTICIS OCKERMAN Kathleen Klock Smith of F R A NK CALV IN Virgl.nia B each, Virg i n ia ; OCKERMAN resid ent o f and Franklin Grashoff Newport Beach, Ca. Paaed Klock. Jr. and his children . away A ugust 16, 1982. Born Rebecca Klock W o lff. ln D ayton , Ohio. Bel oved Lowell Forrest Klock and huaband o f the late Verna· V ictor Loren K lock, all of devoted father o f Joann~ Southern California, and (Arthur) Sawick i, Marlyn daughters-in-law, ~atricia (Fran k) Higgins; l oving M . Klock and Elaine H . ar aodfather of Craig and Klock. . Karen George. Nicheside Franklin Klock spent tus ll1'Yioes will be helcHiu.nday. youth in Chicago. pined the A ugust 22, 1982, at '!:00 PM Army Fly_ing Serv i~e a t at R'aciOc View M emorial Souther Field, Geor gia at Pa l'k . f' a c I f i c Vi ew the time of W orld W ar I . His Mortuary, directors. e arl y w ork l ed to the K.LOCJt development of various FRANKLIN GRASHOFF patent.a including a special K.UX:K. SR . was born May lubricant for Ford Model T 19, 1897 i n Chattanooga. CAl"ll. T~. puaed peacefully Early in his car eer. he away August 1~. 1982 in his moved to the New York area reSdence at Corona del M ar. to become a senlor executive Ca. He was the only son of w 1th the S 1 n c lair 01 I rJk<rl A. Gruhoff and Frank Company and later with the P e te r K loc k . H e ha d U n i v e r s a I C a m e r a 1teohrothen, Harold, Allen Corporation. raid on the home Wednesday. Mrs. Mor ris wasn't there whe n South Miami police, agents of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and state attorney's investigators made the bust, Yoss said. All n warn ed b y U F l'"' NEW YORK(~) Gtvr((<' Alkn, pr 1denl und ''O'-K'h o f tht· h1n ,go Alitt, will h;.iv1· to 11hldt' by the• U nited S tutt•11 F ootba ll Lt!ague's tcrr1lor1Jl dra f t n·guli.1t1on11 ur fucc expulsion !rum th(• nt•w lt.'agut>. Bill Durait'L'I, CO· OWnl'r Of tht> l ;CIS Angl'll'tl fronch111t·, 1Ht1d Wl-tlrw11<l;1y Danltl~. whu~c franc:h1se lost u chanct> at 'rim Wrightmon when l h l' t 1 g h l l' n d f) u t () r UCLA. urtt• 0£ the schools in 1t.s drah t1•rr1tory. signed w ith the Blitz. said. "W e're well aware of George Allen and a wart• how he 1 hinks. And. in this lc<i~Uc, we are all going to fo llow the same rules, tnduding George Allen. o r he's not going to be m the league a l's that sample." All <'n. earlier this ,month was called before th<' league's L'f>mpct1tion comm1 llee because of l'Oncern by club owners that h e was attempting to sign p l ayers an their draft territory. as he had signed Wng htman. Nil.IC NOTICE l'IC'lmou• IUtMH N.U.9TATllMNT f ti. IOllowtl\ll Pe<'IOlll 81e OlllllQ bualneu .. fHf BOOK f ll J023 Mlt• nat 0t NtwpOrl hach. CA 016t I Cll«yt I Onow. 2023 Mlt1t11181 Ot . N-potl 8"ef'1. CA 1126t I OOICllhy \/ M lc;hlt l. 163• 9enmor• I ane. An•helm CA 9280& Polly o ... ,.. 21132 Atdwooel la M• ... CA 021120 Tnla llultlrletl 11 ton<kl<;led by • ....1 pei t"41<af\lp Cti11tyt l Cnow Thie 11•1tn1en1 wat llled -1th lht Coun1y Cl••" or Or.a11ge County on Auu 10. 1ae:.i P11M70 l'ublltheO Orange COHI Dall) P1101. AUQ 20 27 Sepl 3 10. 19112 31171-112 PU8UC NOTICE PICTrTIOUI 8UllNlll NAMI ITATIMINT f he tollow1ng P•• 1011 ,. <101ng ou11nH1 •• GOL DEN WfS T SI GN COMPANY 110 I W Steveu1. Apt 11, ::.on111 Ano. C•lll 92707 11111111 r eltA Se lee, 110 1 w Steven1, Apt I I, San111 An•. Cal1I 92707 Thia oua1neu 01 conduct&() by nn lndlvldu11 1th1111 F Set!MI 1n1t 11a1emen1 wu 11100 with lhe County Cle•k of 01al\g11 County on July 29 1982 FtM335 Publlthud Or nnoe Coull Dally Piiot Aug 6 13, 20 27 1982 3S22°82 Nll.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 8UltNEIS NAME STATEMl!NT Tiie rollowlng person 11 doing bus1n11!lS •• OLINE. 2600 Perk Newport, Newport Beach. CA 92880 l one Ulri ch. 2800 Park Newport Newport Beacn CA 92660 Tnla buainess la conducted by an lndlvldual Lone Ulrich T.hle $1Bl8meot was llled with the PlalC NOOCt NOTICI 0# TIIU9Tll'8 IALI ,..,. Q 0<1 rrld-, tec>tMibet ' 1M2 111 t 16 • m • HOME FIOIRAt tA· v1NOI AHO LOAN AllOCIA TION, lotmetly llnQwrt .. H()nlt f ~el Sevingt and l Oii/\ A11ocra11on or t an nlegn. • Co1pora11on, u I rut t" under Ulat Deed of Trutt dated A!!rll ~1 IH 1, uec:utecl by OINNIS R C"AtU: and JANE ANN CH.ASE end rec;orded April 14. 1~11. H ln11tumen1 No 1492:1 l!took 1'0 Ill Peg. 11211 ot Olflolal R-d• 01 Orange Counry, State of CllllfornMI Wiii NII •• public ...Cllon 10 ,,.,. f\lghHI bidder IOI CH h In l•w!UI morwr of lh• United S1a1 ... al the 11001 .,,lrtnGt to ll'lt Old Ot· •no• County Courll\OUH IOUltd oo Banta Ana 81•d • btlw..,1 9)'Ce• mot• St 6 81oadw•r In the Cny or Banta Ana Coun1y o O••nve. Slate 01 C•lll0tnl1. tll •IQhl. lllle and In· 1e1at1 convey9<1 10 tnd now 1\940 by II undtr H id 0..0 ol T•ull. In 11\al property 111uatad 111 Hid County •nd 81a1e. O..Crtbed H NOTICI C# PU91.!C ...... HOflCI II HCRl!IY OIVlH ttwd a pWllC '-"IQ .. bt Mid by "" Clly Counau ot uw Olly Of Cott• MtN on leptembtt 1, 1N2, In 1111 Council ChMIWt Of Cl'Y Hal 7f ,-,1, Otlva, Cotta MtH , al t .10 p m , 01 H aoon tht1Htt•r .. pt!IC"llCal>le, Otl 1111 follOwlnO llttn. REZONE PITlflOH A·H ·Ot. Jam .. C 01anu11... tut11orl1td aoen• r0i e1t1e1o1 ,,.,., ,. OfllOe 8011 2980. Newport I H Ch. for parm1u 1on to rerone property loca1td •I 3 150 l rlttol llreet, Cotta M..._ 110m C1 to POC NOTICE 18 fUll'THEA OIVIH 1na1 a1 MIO time anct ~. 1111 lnteree\ed '*'°"' may appear aNI be i-ct by 111• Cit y Couoll on lh• af0t-tloned mallet EILEEN P PHINNEY. cur. C1et11 Publ •h•d Orang• COHI Delly PllOt. Aug 20. IH 2. 3712·82 Loi t08 of Trac:t No 8236. County ------------ 01 Otenge. State ot Calllo<nl• u P\8.IC NOTICE thQwn oo •map tneteol 1ecorded In ------------book 229 PllOll I to 9 tnclutl\Mt, FICTfTIOU8 IU ... U Ml1cell1neou1 Map1, rocord1 ot NA• tTATWMaNT .. id Orange County, 1ogo1h., with TIWI 1011ow1no pe<aont ere doino I d I ou1lneu a1 HIOl'l\Onll or auppoll, an Hit.. NEWPORT HEAL YH CENT ER. menl wha1e Uld lot adjoin• 1ny Olhtt 101 lu 11111<1 tract, 1ogeth., with 35S Placen111. Ste 303. NewpOtl ealM!ffltnll fb1 """ °' o••rhang1 Be.acn. CA 926113 wnere 1<1c.n eaves ••• con1trUC19d St•••n Jafleray Smllh M 0 • 1n ece0td•11Ce w11h applleeble mu· 559 Ema1e10 Say. Legune Beech. rHctp81 0tdlnanc:es CA 921151 YOU AAE IN OEFAUl 1 UHOEA A Latry eeuernfelnd Pf'1 0 . 22792 OEEO OF TRUST OATEO APRIL 6. Altutat Or . MIH lon Viejo. CA 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION 92891 TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY 11 Thlt bu.,neaa la conducted by an MAY BE SOLO AT A PU8UC SALE unlncorporetod auoclaUon other IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION lha11 II per1nenhlp OF THE NATURE OF THE PRO· S J Smith M 0 CEEOING AGAINST YOU YOU Laity e-nr .. nd Ph 0 SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTOR-lhll ltatament wa1 llled wtlh llWI NEY County Clet~ or 01angt County on Tne 1ttee1 addres• or other com-Aug tO, 1982 mon d111lgna11on ot the 1eal p1op. eny descrl1>6<1 aoove 11 purported PutJlltned 01ange Cout 01lly to be 1812S l.eatherwOOd lntlne Pilot, Aug 13, 20, 27. Sepl 3, 1982 Calllorn1a 3811-82 Said Ult wlll be mede. wunou1 covenant or wartenty eapren 01 PUBl.IC NOTICE Implied. 1egardlng lllle, pouesSlon ------------01 llOC\tmb1ences, lo pay the unpaid FICTITIOUI aUl lNlll p1lnc1pa1 sum of S52.583 37 plus NAME tTATEMIENT '"'••NI lhe1eon es provided '" the The tollowlng peraone aro doing Note secured by said Oeed 01 Trust. bu•lneaa H County Cletlt. ot Otange Counly on iip;iiii;lljl:==:i Aug 18 1982 Fl95411 plus H ol lhe dale ot the inittal VANOERBIL T INVESTMENT put>lleatlon ot this No11c;e en •ddl· COMPANY 17092 PuHm•n Stroet llonal ee11m1led amounl or 14" Irvine. Cahtorn111 92714 ' 600 00 tor ildvances. II any. under Ralph Cloc;k 116 VI• Hevre the 1e1ms ol said Deed 01 Truit. NewPort Beach. Caflloml1 92llllO · Publlaned 01ange Coaat Dally Pllol. Aug 20. 27, Sep1 3. 10. 1982 3665-82 PU8UC NOTICE FICTmOUs 8USIN£18 NAME STATEMENT The ro11owlng pe,,on 11 doing t>ust"ets as M -80 RECORDS IS480 .A<lems. Colla Mesa, CA 92626 N EIL G OENISON , 1300 Adema. No 29-B, Costa Hesa, CA 92626 Ulla bus•neu Is conduCllld t>y an lndlVldual Natl O&ntson Tti11 11atemen1 was ftllld wtlh the County Clark ol 01enge County on Augull 10, 1982 F195037 Published Orange Coasl Oally Pllol, Aug 13. 20. 27. Sepl 3. 1982 3567-82 PlmllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINEIS NAME STATEMENT The lollowing person IS doing business es POWER W"SH INTER- NATIONAL 15951 PlumwOO<I St , W"tmlnstet Ca 92683 Ernest H M iiier. 15951 Plumwood. wes1m1nstet~C1 92683 Thi• business Is conducted by •~ 1ndlvldu1I ERNEST H MILLER Tl119 l l81tmOnl ... 81 llled With tho County Clerk of oi-.nge Coun1y on July 28, 1082 F1M237 Publlahed Orange Coetl Oa1ty Pllol, July 30, Aug 6, 13. 20. 1982 33~8-82 PlmUC NOTICE K-01390 NOTICE OF DEATH OF K ENNET H EUGENE WI LBER. SR. ~ND OF PET I TION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A·l 14620. To all heirs. bencf1c1anes, creditors and contingent cred1Wr.> of Kenneth Eugene Wilber. Sr and persons who may be otherwise inu:rested in the will and/or est.ate. A petition has lx.>en filed by S hirley Victory in the Supen or Court or Orange lees, charge• and expentH ol Ille John w Clark, 51132 HIQl\gaie Trullee Tetrac;o. Irvine, Calll0tnle 92115 The BonellclBty under .. Id Deed fhla bu1lneu Is conducled by a 01 Tru11 hH naretofore executed llmlted partnership eno delivered 10 said Tru11ee a John w Cieri< wr111en Oeclaratlon or Oeleult 01 the Thia 11a1emon1 was llled wtln tne obllga11ons secu•80 by said OetO 01 County Clatt. ol Orange Counly on TtuSI, and a wrman Not~ of 0.. 'Aug 11 !982 lault and Etecllon 10 Sell. wh1cti • Nollet said Trustee hat cauted 10 Hunter a vou be reco1ded on March 3. 1982 BS Alt-Y• •I Law 1n1trument No. 82--073225 or 0111-1llOO Ftllrchlld Otlva ctal Rec<)rda ot 11&1d County Sult• 100 Seid sale will be conducted by P.O. lo• 11tT7 Calllornle Posting and Publishing ln1IM , Calllotnl• 12713 Company wtiose address and pflone number 1s 1028 North Lillie Avenue. Suite 201, Puadena. CA 91104 (213) 681-4546. F11&20t Publlaned Otange Cont Dally P1101 Aug 20 27, Sopl 3. 10. 19112 • 3707-82 OATEO August 3, 19112 HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS P\8.IC NOTICE ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION T.I . 730ICM 8 Corporation NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'I I Ali as Trusiee By Linda R Warnet Loen No. •SHK.U AUoSlent VIC6 Pres1oent T.S. No. 7'Cll0-4 Put>llahed 01ange Coasl Oelly T 0 StERdVICE COMPANY U Outy Piiot. Aug l3. 20. n . 1982 eppo1n e Truslee under the 3606-82 ro11ow1ng desertbed deed ot 1ru1t ------------Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION PlmllC NOTICE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR ------------CASH (payable et time of sale In TS No. l2·$48l·C lawful mon4!y ol the United Statee) REF •111M11/YOUNQ all right, utle end interest conveyed CPP·2.4MO to and now nekt by It und• aalO NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Deed ol Trusl In the properly NAME Laurence A Young & L,e nere1n11te1 detenbed Gay T Young TRUSTOR l(ASSEM MESHKAT, YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A an unmarried men OEEO OF TRUST DATED MAY 1, BE N EFICI AR Y 0 A 0 N 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION CORPORATION . a Oelawate TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT cotpotallon. MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE Recorded October 30. 1980 H IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION instr Ho 44973 In book 131111. 0 F T H E N AT u RE 0 F T H E pege 1325 ol OlflGllll Records In the PROCEEDING .AGAINST YOU. YOU ottlce ol the Rec:ordet ol Orange SHOULO CONTACT A LAWYER County, 1810 deed ol 1ru11 deterlbet On F1lday, Sept. 17. 1982 at 9 15 1he tollowlng propef'1y; a m . ARCS MORTGAGE. INC . as PARCEL I Fee simple title to duly appointed Trullee under end Condominium Unit No 250 (lhe pursuant lo Deed of Trull recorded 'Unit"), 11,1 shown upon ll'le May 7 1981. as inst No 896-4, In Condom11'1'\.m Plen (entitled bOO~ 14049. page 680 of Ottlc1el ··condominium Plan to• LOI 1 or Record• on tne Office of tile County Tract No 10587"). County of Recorder ol Orange C ounty~ O•an9e. Stale of Calllornl• (the CaMlornla, Will SELL AT PUBLIC "Plen J. rec;orded on July 12. 1979. AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOER as Doc;ument No 15810. In book FOR CASH jpayeble Bl time OI sale 13n6. P•O•• 76 10 115 lnCilullv•. In lawful money ot lhe United Olllclal Reco1d1, of Hid Orange SI a I es ) M 0 NIES M UST 8 E Coonty, wl'llch Plen l)eflaln& to tllat TEHOEREO IN CASH. CASHIERS property described In Tree! No CHECKS. OR CEFITIFIEO CHECKS 10!>87, rec0tded In book 449, pages At th~ tront entrance to Ille old 5 end 6 Mlscellaneoua Maps, In ttte Orange County CourthOU ... located ott~ of uw1 counly recorder of said on San1e Ana Blvd , between county Sycamore St & Broadway, Senta PARCEL 2. An undivided 00312 Ana, Calll all right, tllle and 1ntetes1 parcenl triter est 1n and to the conveyed 10 and now held l>y II Common .A1eas es shown and under said Oeed 01 Trull In tho dellnod on the Plan property situated In Hid Coumy EXCEPT THEREFROM all oll. gas. and State described u minerals and otner hydroc:¥bon•. Oesc11p1ion of the land 1eterred to below a depth of 500 feet. without in this Nolt<:e ot Sele. tn the State 01 the r lglll of surt•c• entry, •• Celll0tn1a. County ol 01ange reS41r'fed In Instruments ol record PARCEL I Loi 17 or Trect No PARCEL 3 An exclual"9 rlghl and and F.dm u nd Harding, all In 1941, h e moved w ith deceued, and a ailter Alice his family to the Pasadena. I.le. h of Pi.nnilal Ca. area. specializing in real ! Coun ty requesting that Shirley V1clDry be appointed as personaJ representative to adm in ister the estate of K enneth Eugene Wubcr. Sr .. THE WINNER -Tom Lihan, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. receives the coveted Cost.a M esa. CA (under the 9592, In 111e City or CoSle Mesa, easement 10 use the balcony aroe County or Orange . S taie ot designed B·250 on Iha Plan H Celllornla, •• per map r11G0tded In btltng eppurtenent to the Unit bOOk 402 pages 22, 23 and 24 of PARCEL 4 An oaclusl"9 tight and Mlsceuaneous Maps. In me oll1oe of easement to uM the p.,klng apeoe lht Counly Rec:ordet ol said county deslgnat9<1 on the Plan u Perking estat e and pr operty r vived b y h is management. f ormer w i fe Elin N ew ren His interest 111 wnung led K lock and two sons, Dr him to write a text o n J oltn W eston Kloc k o( property management for TeniJ>e, Arizona and his the Institute of Real Fstate c b lliiren, Paul Norman Managemen t which was Klock of M esa. Arizona and uaed at UCLA as a te>et .,... ... PA.CIA<: YllW MIMOllAll'AaW • Cemetert Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac11tc View Dr•ve Newpart Beacn 6-«·2700 His recent writing resulted in his book, Apes ..., and Husbands a nd The P redators. stu d ies o f marriage and w omen. Pnor to his palBing. he had spent much time reBearCtung for a book of the hutorica I r elationsh i ps between the Christiana and J ews w ith the help of various dear Jewish friends. MISCOllMICll MORTUAllH ~. LaQuna Beacn 494·9415 A private family service will be held at hta family '1lrave11ite in South Elgin, Dllno11. Fnends who wish to contr i bute a memorial contribution are asked to tend them to the Girls' Clubl of Pasadena Inc., 3160 E . Del Mar Boµlevard, Pasadena, Ca. 91107. LaQuna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano •95·1776 NAll90I LA'Wt'-Mf. ~I Mortuary • Cemetery .crema1orv • .. •. 1625 G isler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ·'9CI MOTHBS .,.,. MOADW AT ,. NCMlfUAaT 110 Broadway Cotta Meu 642-9150 IA&.TZ-•BOH SMrTH • TUTHtU WHTCl.W CH.Art\ 42'7 E 17 th St '' Costa Mesa 8 '48-9{)71 PmClleOTtml ,...mes• MORTUAIY • 827 M ain St ' HunllnQton Baaoh ~ '·' CHRJSTENSON INEZ B . (MILLER) CHRISTENSON, a residen t o f Costa M esa. C a . and Newport Beach, Ca. 11inc~ 1948. Paaed away AugWJt 19, 1982 after aurgery for cancer. She wu actJve ln the Coat.a Mesa and W eatminlter Art Leagues, an ofllcer In the W ome n '• Bowling A11oclatlon for 20 yeara and a private mumlc teacher for 30 )'MIW. The loving wile of Donald, the la IW'YlWd by at.t.er Bethel Anker of Dee M olnea, I o w a ; 1tep1on 1, Jerry and Paul; numeroua 1ran dchlldren a n many lovtn, fl1eDda. A memort&l ~ will be held at 2:00 PM at Calvary O\apel. 3800 8. Falrview ln Sama AN, Ca. on Sunday, AU4rWl 22,1 1982. In Heu of flowers.I d ona\lon a to your c.hur~h1 memorial fund "' he' r:a.tlM. O'Oay Tro phy, symbolic oC the United States Y acht Racing Union Independent Admirustration single-handed sailing c h ampionsh ip from Commodore Adra K ober of or Est.ates Act). The peution Alanu.tos Bay Yacht Club. Lihan is now trying for the Olympics in the Is set for heanng in Dept No 3 at 700 C1v1c Center Finn single-handed cla..~-. Drive West. Sant.a Ana. CA ..:...::..=..:...::..:.:::;g::::....:.=:.::=:..=..===.:..--------1-=====Ml===1c=NO==T=IC=E=====1 92701 on September 15. 1982 at 9::l0 am. Patriots march into Philadelphia F rom AP dl1patcbes Pro football's version of the Battle of Bunker Hill contin ues Friday when the New England Patriots take on the Philadelphia Eagles in the second exhibition game for each team. Veterans Steve Grogan and Matt Cavanaugh are vying for the Patriots starting quarterback spot under new head coach Ron Meyer. brought in following New England's 2-14 effort last season. And last week. in New England's 24-20 loss to Ptttsburgh, Cavanaugh had a big ed.ge. The fifth· year pro played mostly In the second half and completed 12 of 13 passes for 161 yard5 and two touchdowns. Grogan. who played in the first half, hit on just 2 of 6 paMeS for 46 yarda whtle having one lntercepted. Grogan, e.nt.ering his eighth 1eason, has been New England's starter in the past. Grogan and Cavanaugh split playing time la.st eeuon. "Th.is week will be Important because the roles will be reversed," Meyer said. "This time Grogan will be on the sidelines during the flnt half getting e chance to analyze the defenaes." Meyer, an offenee-ortent.ed coach who apent laat year at Southern Methoclilt University, saya he'll announce hit rqula.r-aeuon 1taner before the final exhlbltJon game. Hoat P hlladelphia, meanwhlle, will try to become the tint Nation.al Football Conference F.Nt team to wtn a Pre9ealOt\ game thi.a year. All tlve NFC F.Nt teama lost Wt week, including the Eqles' 36-7 le.a to Tampa Bay. l n another aame tonJ1bt, the Clnclnnall Benp)a travel to take on the Orem S.y Paen ln Milwaukee. The New, York J ew p1-y In Houston apbwt Olien on Sunday afternoon. I, FICTITIOUS 8USINHS NAME STATEMENT lhe tollowlng person 11 doing t>u11neu as ABBOTT CLARK. & ASSOCIATES. 23522 El Toro Road Suite 203, El Toro. CA 92630 Edwerd 01d, 169'49 Bluewatet Lane. Hunflnglon HtHl>our CA 92649 T hll buSl"85S IS conduc:ttd by an 1ndlYldual EdWard Ord Tnll statement was filed with the County Cterk ot Orano• County on .t,ug 4, 19112 ,, ..... Publlahed Orenga Coas1 Dally Pltol. Aug 6. 13, 20. 27 19112 3544-112 IF YOU OBJEC'I' to the granung of the petition. you should either appear at the hearing and stat e your obJt'Ct1ons or h ie written objections with t he court befor e the hearing Your appearance may be an person or by your attorney I F YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased. you must file your claim with the cou rt or present It to the personal representative appointed by the cour t w ithin four months from the P\8.IC NOTICE date o f first issuance of f'ICTtTIOUI I U81NIH letters as provided In Section MAMIE I TATEMINT 700 of the Probate Code of Tl'le lollowlng pereon 11 doing Cal ifornia. The time for bullneH 11: fill •-1--ill · c & N .AOVERTISINO, 15081 ng C.auu" w not expire CambfldQe Atte. WMtmlnllet. CA prior to 'four months from 92883 t he d a t e of the h earing Na•n• Sue Koeller. 11131 notlced above. Salll>O"I Of . Hun1tno1on Beech, CA YOU MA y EXAMINE 92114& Thie t>utlMN 11 conduc:1ed by en the file k ept by the court. If 1ndlvlC1ull. you are Inter ested In the Tl\lt .,~m!n~':!:' wllti t,.,. estate. you may file a request County CllOI 01 Orange County on with th~ court to r eceive •uo 111. 1982. spec I 8 I fl o t l c e o ( l he ll1*11 Inventory of estate 8Heta Put>ll•l'l•d Orange Co1111 Dally and o f the petitJons, BCl'OUnta PHot, Aug 20. 27, Sept. 3. to. t982 and r e ports described in ________ 311_7_1._82 .... sect ion t 200 ~ o f the Ptlll.IC NOllC( C 8lltornla Prob•te Code. --'le-nnout---.,...---,-1--1 Crawford, Seou , McDaalel N.-eTATl•NT fl DaVa.uo, ~J: FrHk J. fhe 1o41ow1ng person 1a OaV auo, Attoney al Law1 ~--IOI B roadwa y, Seco•• Q FAEE8E ANO ASSOCIAl'H Floor, SHI• Moalc•, CA ~~~1t..a Mired•, l."OUN 8"ch. c. ...... (Ill ) Ul-llH Gwenda LM ,,...., 1135 Publl•h•d Orange Coaat Dally Mlfadl,r e..cn. Ce. 8211$1 PllOI, Aug. 19, 20. 211, 1982 Tlllt MM la conducted~ H97--82 lndMdu OWENOA LU FAEEtll fltl• tt•ttment -lllecl """" County Cl9rll of OBnge County Jutt 2', 1N2. ,,... Pul>ll•ll•d Or•nQt COHI Otlly Piiot. July 30. Aug. 6. f3. 20. 1112 3•t0-'2 PARCEL 2 An Easement ro1 Space No PS-208 1ng1u1 1nd egress ove1 tho YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Weatetly 5 00 teet ot 11\e Northerly OE E O 0 F T R US T 0 A T E 0 36 00 teel of Lot 18 or Trnct No. OCTOBER 11, 19110. UNLESS YOU 9592. 1s $hown on a map rKorded T "KE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR In book •02 pages 22. 23 and 24 or PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A Ml1cellaneou5 Mepa, record• of PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN Orange County. California EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE The operllng l>ld et !or.cloture OF THE PROCEEDING AG ... INST sale wllt be the dllferenu l>tlWMn YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A tht unpetd obllg1llon1 ol the All L1'WYER lnclutl•8 Deed of Trull and the •37 102 Sch<>tl'Z Plaza. Newport obllgatlons secured by lh• Included Beech, CA 92863 ancum1>ranc91s) ol record, which "(If a s1reet addreu or common dlflarence 11 estimated lo be $77,· deslgnellon 11 shown above. no 585 63 This llgure Includes all warranty +• given •• to Ill 11u11ea 1 lees end coats end compl111eneas or i:orrect,_).'' The advances. 1r eny banallclary under Hid Deed of The sltetl add1es1 end otner Trull, t>y rtHOn ot • bru dl or common deslgn111on. 11 1ny. ot the defevll In the obllgalton• IMCUred tell p1operty described ebove II thereby, hetatolora uecutecl end purported 10 be 990 Modletk• dallvoreo 10 the undetalgnad • Circle, Costn Men , Cellfornl• -wrlllen Otc:larallon of Otlaull end 92827 Oemen<J ror Sele, and wrlnen notice The undarSIQned dltcl•lms any of btHCh end ol eleellon to ceuee llat>lllly lor any lncor1tctntaa ol lhe ttio undaretgned to aall said ttr .. 1 eddress and olhtr common P<C>PCl'1Y 10 satisfy Mid 01>1igttton1. deeignallon. II any. Shown l>tfeln and thereefler 111• undersigned Slid ule wlll be mada, but ceutttd Mid notice ot brMdl lll1d or w1111out covenant or warrt1nly. eleGllon to be Recorded NOYtmbef exp< .. , or lmplle<I, tegardlng 11111. 23.19111. H ln•t' Ho. 211045 In po1n111on. or encumbrenc ... to book 14300, page 187. of Hid pay the remaining prlncipal sum ot Official Record•. the note(•) MCiU•ecl by said Deed ot Said ul• wlll be made, but Truel. wllll lnterell lllereon. u wHhou1 covenant or w1rran1y, p<ovtded In Nici note(•). advllllCOI, .. preea or Implied, reg.ttdlng I/tie, tt any, undet the term• of ttle OMd pOAMUlon. or encumb<enoet, to ol Truet. lau, charge• and P•Y ttwl remaining prlnclpel """ of txpen-of the Ttu11 .. and of the Ille note(•) aecured by Mid Deed ot truell created by u ld DHd of Trutl. with lntet•1 u In Mid nott Trull, 10-wtt. 175, 143.18. provtdtd. edva~. 11 any. unci.r The l>eneflclety undet atld OMd the t41fmt ol H id Ottd of Trut1. of Trull lltretOIM• executed and ,_, Qflergee encl·~ of the delivered to tl'I• underelgned • Tru1t" and of the truelt c:tMted by Wffnen Oeciet•llon 01 Otleuh aNI Mid Deed ol TNst. Said Nie wll be Demand 101 Stle, and • wtllltn held on F'rlclay. Sec>tember 10, 1M2 Notic. ol OtefUlt end Eltellon to Sell al 2.00 p m .. at tll• Chapman Ttie undtralgned tauted Hid AlletlUI entranoe to the OMo c.n1er Nollet of Dtlaull and Elec:tloo 10 Bulldlng, iOO I H I Chapman Sell 10 b9 recorded In lht county AV9nut1 rn tnt (.."tty ot Qrflljllt. '"" *'*9 tl>e real Pf'OC*tY la ioceted. Al t'1a llmt of 111• tnlllat Nam.. 8 tr a• t Ad cl,... and publtoatlon of tHt notloa, IM total Tllepllone Numb« of Trv•1" Of tt'l'OUf'lt of IM unf>e1c1 .,...,_ o4 .._ ptflon GOndUOllng .... la AACa OC>lltatlOn MCUr.cl IW the ~ MORTOAOE. INC., M Trvatee. 8Y: d .. crlbtd dH~ of ttue t •nd CIOO CORPORATION, A.gent, N&o .. tll'l'l&l.0 coeta. t lll*! .... and Canby AYenUt. Reltda. camomi. tdvtncee le &U ,H 6.U ., To 01335 (2131142~. dettrmlne ,,,. Of*1lnO l>l<I. '°"may OAT@O AUQllll 5. IW cell (114) 137..otee •. AAC8 MOATOAOIS. INC . OATl!O AUllUM 13, 1112. u Trutltt T.O. ll~ COMPANY A.M ~Ill.NS. u aid TniMee. Vlot ~ ly Vlokl J. Andrldgl. Pul>lltlled Orant• OOHI Ot llr ~ant ......,,. PllOI, lwg.. to. 27, 8-1 3. 1112. One ()fly ~ W..t, ._,.._. __________ ...,11.1~4..a.:--1 0ranoe,CA 121ta I 714/1114191 C.11 942-5171. Publlatted 0 1anoe coaet Otll) Put a few worda fltlot. Auel· 20. 21. 1ep1. 3. 1Mt. lowork for ou. 3111-U SEIYICES Strw•n OirttlM) £Ml'l.OYMENT & NE,AIATION $(-boob lnatrwuo.. J~W•nt•d• Htlp 'ft a.nlt"CI .. 6 f' MEICHANDISE Gtnt't'al 8oau,Ma1m ~twin BaeU..MnlM £qu1p Bo•la.Powtr &.U.R•nt O •M•r Boous .. 1 lloau Shpt Dor~• ..... ~•Sli• lolU.Slot•lt TIANSl'OITATION A.trcnn C.m~.S41t lt•o• l"J«tnt c.,, =:~r:.-... · Motor Hm.1 SA~ Rtfti TraUttt T re\fel ~~(~!t'Jaru AUTOMOllLE Gfllltret • A.a&.iiqwt l•ltHlta RttrJ•Uon V•tucl1H ~.!.~~~.!-'' fr\ICU v-A"'-0 lAUIAI 4-.0.W••lf'CI AUTOS, IMl'OITED Gnirr•I All• "oawo Awdt A•W!I Htelo •llW c •• ac.-~· o ....... n rtrnr• F"l•l Mend .. J•cu., J•ftlMB JC:1irm.An(1t.1• '-""'"""' 1111~1d• • .. rnr11t,tt.fn1 ICG NGll 09<1 Pu lt t4 .......... P4'NtM Rfft.Aull Ul•Ao7n ~"''' ~~ t';rv T.,..U ftttitftll,., VllU war•n V•vo 0-nl MITtS, MEW The marketploc: • on the Orange Coast Orange CoHI DAIL V PILOT /Frld•y, Augutt 20, 1882 642-5678 7 4'1-of peopl~ bu11ing r eal eetor~ h.oue read ckulrlf~~d odl tn I~ po1t week, a riat1onol 1tud11 ltadkatea Real Estate ''"" l•r l•l• H•1111 111 S1J1 •••••••.••••.........•..•...............•... ~!~~~L ......... '.o.!~ ••:.:1'•• IHI !~.!!!~!! ........... ~ .. ~!!'..~'!. !~.'!... .... ,. .. ~!!'. .{'!. !.•.'!.. ••• • • ~'.~!!!.{-!.!.'!!.... ••• '!.'.~!!!.{'.'. !.'!! ..••..• j IJ.'.~!!! .{'.~ .~'.'.'. •••••• ~~·i'ii"IUi~I!!! ¥{~:;;;.;·~! ~-~~~l.iUl .. !.~I ~~~~~L ... ~~:~~:~-:~;~ ...... !.!!!. 112,100 aonun "'" STULi ferrllle 11arter home Big canyon (McLain). Lowe•t priced 4 Bdrm 2 Prtr.e Weat Bay bayfront. SUs» tor 2 boot.I, '"' LJITlll •••••••••••••••••••••• IOWI YllWJ Great tor the buay young hllelul upgradH, gor· bllh home In the ere• remod4'lt!d 3 bdrm, 3 batt\ $1.200,000. ~~U,A~111~~u::~~ perM>n or perfect for re-geou1 1ppofntmen11. H -with pooll Take 011er Ocean & jetty vlewl!. M11rine room 4 tired. Beeutllul upgreded •u m ab 1 e I I % Io• n utallng and Hiier wlll bd • b I . ' Step to beach • auper Clelu•• 3 bdrm. 2 b1t11 owner"• unit plu1 2 bdrm ren111. '385,0001 1/4 ACRE PLUS SPA ,., IUilll 11116 lfll'! '°" IOG "* I .. IQ.II lo.14 1000 1004 '°"' ICIOj) 1902 10'1 ·-10/t 1911 1• I .. 1• 1• 1100 lllOO 1:11:11 ·~ loot IXJO JD ""' lllllO lllOO All r .. I Htata lldY.nlMd In thl1 newapaper 11 tubjeet to the Federtl Fair Hou•lng Act of 1988 Whleh makM II llleQ•I to edvenlM .. •ny prereren- C41, llmttallon Of dlacrtml- na t Ion baHd on race. color, religion. Hx or nattonll origin, or any Intention to make any •uch preference, llmlta- tlon Of dltcrlmlnallon " Thi• new.paper wlll not knowingly accept 1ny advertlelng for ra•I ... Ille Whleh 11 In vlOlatlon of the law. :.: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill uoo :t1(lCI 2000 ZXJO 21.!0 .. ZIUO 28 ,.., i 100 lJOO lJOD l«IO :Ml) ~ :Im '* MOO 1100 -llOO 4000 -<IOI! mo UOll a!O UOll WO 40 llJO 000 ·~ HHH1 Adverti- sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m ed I ate I y . The DAIL y PILOT as- sumes llablllty f~r •the first Incorrect Insertion only. B•8HI l•r lalf ...................... c..,,.i IOOl ...................... 1111,000 UllU IOI **EASY TERMS•• Wood/glass. Vlewl 3br, 2ba, Small but etasayl 497-2322/497·5487 : ........ 1111!1 .. ~ -lO'l) 1100 -11110 •110 ... •IJO tllO •uo .. .., '"' tllO - '7VI "''6 .,., ,.,.. flll tfll 1111 ;111 •1111 '10 "1D "n tllU vl:U "1:11 .,. ,,. •llU .,., .,, .. lflll tH7 ti• "13'1 cars*bikes• •skateboards· t rucks* baby carriages•tea carts•trikes rol ler skates • walker~ .oys •wagons•••• scooters•hot r ods*coupes• t railers•hard tops•convert- ibles•motor homes*lawn m owers*lim os •corporate headquarters If it's got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot cl.assifled ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser wi 11 help you turn your wheel s i nto cash. ;::,_ ............... . '7$7 ..... ""' =~-mo .• mi ·: : I :·1: -.. DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? -· -... •u •11 --mi -----fNl -..., -'"" -•1 --..,. .,, .. __ ...... ,__ ,-........... -..... ...... -"" -.... ...--,,..__,..,.. -..................... .._ -..... T"90AIL'f ~ .. ...,_,__ ... ... o ___ _ -°"-C....--te t 1t "ettcee • ..,.., ht ell --·-·----...... ....--.. ...... .,,,.,,, ..... ,, .ft •. -•lwM•TMI041.'f l'&OT, '.0. ... 1•. --.c.--. .......... .-. .... --~ ..................... _ Pubflth S40 Fiie S10 M2--4321 Ext . 332. end unit. Lovely p11quet Security, Mtenlty, 1wlm-carry. Try 10% downl rm, 3 at 1, .J70() sq. ft. $1.385.000. & carpeted 1toor1, ml· ml"O & t1nnl1. $320,000. Only •135,000. C111 nowt Oc .. eanfront. ......... , ,,.,. Fabulou.11 newer 4 bdnn beach est.a~ .•• ~ Has family area, brick frplc, plush decor\ • Extensive cul-de-sac grounds featur~ j Koi pond, waterfall, orchards, etc. •· <) crowave, gated ciommu· U~l()Ut l l()~rS 8<48-7171 •• :i::~::: ltalten LllO llll NOllEI *111· 'IOIO* C•dlllaa to Go-Cut• Whatever the Fad Roll 'em oll the merllel With II Ctusllled Ad Call Nowt 642-5878 ACTION Call a Dally Piiot "'D·VISOR 642-5678 THE REAL ESTATS:RS lltll Hiii Thi• Mnuttonal lour ~ droom dwelling tlaa It all. Ovar1tzed yard. Pool Spa MultHaveled uMd brick decks Grell lor entertaining. S279,000. I'~ Lido Nord bayfront, 5 bdm1, O'h bulh. ~~~~~~~~ Lwe L.R., 2 boat s!Jpi1 $1.000.000. Ill Otllll HL IWI Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath i large rtoc. rm. beam ce1lmgs, furnished, pauos. $420.000. LllH ISLE llYFIOIT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, playroom. dark rm, den Boat slip. Now $1,000,000 llYlllE PUCE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips. Reduced-$1,500,000. Recently llated. South of Pacific Coast Hlghw•y Two bedroom, one b•th coi y cottage. R·2 101. Room to expand. Practl- calty lot price $262,000. Call Sheron Colllnt GEORGE EL KIN S CO 759-9100 IWIU WILL O&IH ... ,en .. ..,., 1121,eoo .. . • "i STU I.I. 114-1212 >~ ........................................ f!!!~.!!!~ ...... !.~~1 !!!~W.11;X~~.!.~~1 ". WIE 2 IR TWllU s500JN~!!~0!~ 1200...,. with 2'h bath•, 2 car encl per mo negative cai~li gar 4 yard S5000 down flow for a 3BR tbe -Mi' •nd pymt H•l•ted p<<>g· l1mlly det1tched ~ rem Call Rick. Owner/ Call Rich Ownr/agt lll·lHO OOIOIUI OAYS l~~~~~~~~~I Coronado Island cuat. bayfront Jot. 85' boat Lovely 4 Bdr 2 Ba home wtnew eupbo11rd1 and kitchen 11ppllanee1. "'11- klng S 149.900. Meke an o lfar 63 1 -7370 , 546-7838. Agt 964-8171 984_8171 1100 PH ... -.-•• -,,-.-,,-,.----• .1 RESIOENllAl REAL £SIA1£ SERVICES UYSMORES S1,1IO,OOO Fron t row center for th e best waterfron t show tn town! T he large courtyard patio & bay-view deck invite entertaining. A guarded gate entry. Fee land & financing are pluses. Ill PRICE HllCTlll. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 Sensational Beach cottage with 12% assumable 1st T.D .• payable $400 per mo. Only $165,000.- 2670 San Miguf:?l Dr., Newport Beach. 759-150 l or 752-7373. IEWPIRT IUOI DfFIOE HlO laa Ml1HI 1r1 .. en•> lH-1111 c11•> 112. nu llST SELLI Cu1tom 3 Bdrm 2'1\ bath Newport Beach remode· led pool home on fee 111nd l Seller creative. bring your olleL Thia home ties II all. Located near Harbor lelandl OrW $850,000 -call nowl 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATS:RS dock. Plans avail. Now 1370.000 w/terms. ILUFFS 01110 Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest gJ'eenbell. $250,000. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR 341 Boy~•de Dr•v•• N 8 67S 616 1 TRADI T 10\AL REALTY S20,000 dwn for a 25% ltMll IHI Inter eat In proper1y wltu •••••••••••. •••• •••••. 1he1ter benalll1 Owner CLOSE TO OOEAM occupied or lnveetor's ~ ....; po•lllon evell. Call Rich No money down, no:;; owner/""! 984-817 t quallfylng • own yollr' ... ' home on our untqu•·::..>t MES" VERDE 0 1)41n Sat/Sun 1-5. 2709 GANNET OR. 1t11rad appreciation fl-• nanctng. We have 5 homn In Hunt. Beech .. 3 00.1 •• ', •• 1•1 Owner wlll carry lat TO, " low rate, xlnl terms. 4Br, BR 2'1\ba, 1800 to 2100· l'1. 1q 11 P1yment1 run .~ $1200 10 $1800 per mo. ,J Cell Gao. Brook• at 714/891-5558 ... Ctlsrmlng 4 Bdr 2 Ba tV.B 2 r 1 di trt.i.vel w/IOl'mal dining • 8' sty. orm• n rm. park like rear yd, & family rm. Blooming very clean. lovely neigh· ---------RUL llT&TI IPO IUOI LIUTIH IEIT Well eatabli1tlad New· LOOK For our riaw regular weekly feature gardens surround pool & ood s 82 ""'" A llll•IPTCY patio Priced to sell borh · 1 •""" gt. n · promptly w /excellant ~9:7:9-:5:09:9:ii:ii:ii:iiiiii •FORCES SALE* ~. THE llUT port Beach tocellon for owner llnanclng. Full 4 br, 2 ba, pool. Nice .p p r I c e S I 9 5 • O O O • arH . 1 ml from ~h. ., And keep cool In one of sale. "'" replies confl. many beaut llul pool dantlel. P 0 Box 821, homea, all In aiccallen1 1_B_lll_bo_a_. c_a._. _9_268_1 __ BOAT 751-3191 FIXER 21052 Indigo. 982-0293. :! BEACH B"'NKRUPTCY ,. , condition, end In ell price range&. Call any of our profeulonal Real Estate people tor detalla. 548-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS More !amities are getting Ille camping "bug" this C::. SEI l(' -f"" PHOPE I~' ,1 ·~ year II you have a cam-,,D.a lll•u llOI per that's not getting Compere before you buy •••••••••••••••••••••• used, sell It now wilh a Clu slfled mikes II easy 11su11D CHARI Cl115Slhed Ad. 642·5678 ---------Redecorated 3Br 2Ba on • • • * • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • j prime 1ocallon. Garage, • S • sundeck. patios Nr No. ... E Htt,000 • TQM CARNEY BUILDER • Bay Owner wm consider • Jinan . 675 ·5319, $98 000 Special provl11ont of the . 1 Bankruptcy Act allow• Eaatalde Co•I• Men. lor auumptlon ol $&0, • ' $27,000 under appraJ"I 000 In lln. $819/mo. PITI, ~· Owner desperate. Hurryl $10.000 dn. OWC $15. 645-0303 COLDWeu. BANl(C!RC 000 F P. $105,000. 4 Br l 'h Be, fee land."50 MC. 10 OC4Mln. Ag1. 841-4141, , 760-0505 *** LOW DOWN. S 129,500. YIEW FIH **BEST BUYS** 'e _67_3-_529_1 ---Earthtonea thruout. 4 bf, • •011uH ~ lllAlt~ 2'"' be, famlly rm. dining • • C'1••• ''' #•t I OZZ ~~~~~~~~~ Aeaume (Freddie Mac) 4 ., Br 2 Be. lrple. 19811 Bu1hard St. Brk/Own"'- 642-7743. •· rm. 2,378 sq. 11 VI-of • • •••••••••••••••••••••• = 6:,~\~~~· nlle Illes & !OPEii HOUSE SAT /SUI 1-6 1 1 ~:!~~:'+i~!. 3 bl. 2'h be. condo 2 yrs. 1"°'4110 • OWC lat -Flex. Terms • 509 Acecla CdM nr bctl • • • old , s129,500 10% FIHOUlllE '·--: down, flex. financing . $10,000 needed to oo,,., Rick, BKR 831-6741 all back paymenu & MESA VEROE-3Br, 2Ba, charge•. Tak• over ifAYLoR co.] ~ __ ..,'. _1 --__ .,. • Spotless Vacant Duplex Huge 5br/3be+3br/3ba 440K own/bkr 645-7048 FR. frplc. LR. eov patio, $184.000 In loan• at iclnt tin. $ 140K. Owner/ S 1110 mo. 4 yr Old 4 BR, 1~~~~~1 ! OCEAI VIEW : WAITED ! COUITRY FREICH : 5 bike 10 beaeil. ORIOi VIEW rttr 75 1-3642 F"'IR REAL ESTATE • u Seusallto Lual< home on iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 848-1468 • i:;. ::: ~~~ ~: .. :~·: ~~~ Ji. FllllLY • 2100 E. IHu El••·• 111i..1 Pt1l1. • Very oomfor1abte 4 Bdrm •Reduced to $675,000 with $552,000 • home, perfect tor 111e ta-E CING T mlly. Big tlYlng room. • ASSUMABL FINAN A 14%. • formal dining, teparate • • lamlly room. covered •. BETWEEN IAf AID OCElll •. screened In patio. Big yard. GrHI for lemlly • 2141 .,, .. ., Ir, lalMa Pt1l1. • entertaining Of Just pleln Co "'--h S !amity fun. Won't 1111 at •New untry r n=nc . teps to jetty.• thl• prlcel S 139,9 00. •Reduced to $575,000 with $452,000 • 548-2313 •ASSUMABLE FINANCING at 14%. • • • lea land. 3 Br. 2 Ba. llY & HT&TI l&U -------- din rm, lg lam rm. •II 111,IOO Im •• 1144-•••••••••••••••••••••• emenllles, lg tree lot. By This 3 Bdrm home must Brand New Hom•• & 0 w n e r . S 3 1 3 , 0 0 0 be IOld. C°"SH TALKS. Condo.. no money down , 640-T007. FHA I V A 0 K C a 11 whlle they tut. (7 14) $20,000 DOWI Dix So of Hwy duplex. Only 3 yrs old. Darrell. Ownr/Ag1, Re /M ax 759-1221 540-t 151 lor more de· S.8-9522 Agt. ~HERrTACE REALTORS '•'" --0-1-E-0-,--~ THE BEST c.,t• ll1u I OU • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I f .u .... " ""f' ,~ •, • f-1 Jo .. rf'Od -ufd\ ,f·n(>vf"'d ~ 1~ ~N'\ '"'"'• l lild OC.b·•lh\ 'W"" i ........ uy,.., \J&oi• ,.. ..... "' .. ...... \ ''""""" -"'°""' U h••• ..... ..,,... ~~~~I : CAPE COD 2 & 3 BR. CONDOS : I y RENT Ill? : 111 ..... Vista. lastsi.1 O.sta .... • DOWN P"'YMENT ??? .From $137,000. All uni ts have• No Oulllllylng, monthly c· •-bars "'---h d d • 11 .. u . WllUIU YA! on this 4 Bdr College Park home and owner wlll help with addlllonal llnenelng. Full price la onty $ 132,500. Don't Wilt -call 979-5370 NOWI •111m11 num ... r 3 BR. 2 BA cullel Cul- de-u c. lg yard. Take over $70,000 1'1 T o Owner may help lln1nc41 J129,000. Berber• Calli· han 844-8200 . LOCATIONS In Tur II• t Rock Vlatl. 2 bdrm•. 2 , ba, den, eptll level. Ttlrea. •• patio• Short walk t~ ~I 1nd tennl1. S2!58,' .,: )~ t , ••• ,. .... ~-. , ... .0,._,_.,H,. . , ... , •)( '''"' ., ..... U"ei••• •)fi'vl•• I •' .. .,,.,.,. .,,, .. .... •t111,, .... '° ,,, ,,.,""'' ''"'-" \Jl,U!l•n \.I o'f.,, --"'"'' ., "._,,.. .. ........ ...... 'lf(ilOt-·•·· ,. ....... '1 AQ•·' 'l"""'·;-· .. ,,.. ....... ,, t' """ ''"'""" 100! '°~'°"' 11 H•111•• 0•"(1 ll\I•" ... °"'. MWtt \_'j '" .. It. .... ,, ..... ". ".,.,, WO.•• t ~C·•••• ::::.~~· ~~rui~ ....... .. ,,. .... , ..,""•'• .. ,. (.1!\(11 'I YOU CAM COUllT 011 LAS SI Fl ED To help you sell items you don't need To help you find items you'd like to buy nt To help you uve money-and gas I Baily Piiat f:1 Call .... .it- 642-1671 payments structured to • ireplilces, wet . r n:nc oors an • you r nae d a. C 1 II •fully landscaped yards. • 549-2969 or 675-1415 • OPEN DAILY 1-5. 1 FlllLY • • EIPllllll •NEW 3 CONDO PROJECT FROM • Thia Is the home for the • $169,000 • growing family. She. yes 8 • NEWPORT HEIGHTS • big bdrma, 3 baths, big : 1597 Riverside and 16th St. • tlvlng room with tire-• Spectacular 3 Bdrm, 3 'h baths ,• place. Famlty room with 2nd f1reptaoe. Formal di-• nlng, family kitchen with • 548-5655 548-5270: upgraded range, grlll & • 850-9778 microwave Ankle deep • carpeting. Shimmering * • * * • * * • • * * * • * • • * * • • pool and spa. GOfgeous tnald• and ou1. A delight "1" Nat C.~ ~ X\" { -f> £. ~~ • wou 10 preview. Call for pre-"11111 V~ I'OtJ ~~ ~ <.r IHI View. S.8-2313 l-4 ~ a.A• • l'OUA .. THE REAL ESTATS:RS -~~~::i:o'! :: --- -to '°""' '°"' ~ WO'c:h GU H SED • • • {. •• • • • T ur n your unusables into usable cash.Call Daily Pilot c lassified 642-5678. For Classllled "'~ ACTION Cell a Dally Piiot AO-VISOR 842-5678 I' r I I I SELBS I ~I.__.' l.__..l.__.I......... I B 0 S E E I 1 Ou11ng thB loolball season • t--.,,1,_,l,...s -rj --.1--1 :; Mom h•d • unique way ol ge1 _ _ _ _ • lino Oed 10 cerve '"' mee1 ..._...__.__.___.-J She'd piece II on the lloor end G l A F D Y I yell, "-." t---.1-T"l --el..-i -.-1 -.,r--t 0 C~._.,. ftie rt'l""U•. QvOl..d ..___._.___._.___.-J. -:;.:;::....,,.:. ::., ";;'"! ~ • ~·~s~~~~sllllfh IN I' ·I' r 1· I' r I 6 ~~'c~~N~( 11"m I I I I I I I ~ laswen 11 Olaulfltatfff HOO . BETTER THAN A NEW HOr.I TITlLLY IEl1YUI, IUllLT I IElllELEI IEYUTATillLY &TTUITIYE lfU Tm WUllll IAT a .. 1-1 Pt1 1111 IUlllfT a...,.. mlill", • Here is a ma.rveJous opportunity to acquire a "better new" home in a lovely presllge community. No waiting fo grua to grow or trees to mature, and no big fancy new h price ei\her! Thia gorgeous custom masterpiece altuated across from . l ( >I l I 1l /~. ,, ~£ALT\· \l.,,,V[...,f"'1f~T5 lSSUMllLE Yl LI. ~ Macnab·lrv1ne . _____ 1 _tt5_13_0._J4M_Da_:~ __ ·:~ __ W_A_T_E_R_'..,.S-F~IN_E_: __ , Lovely 2 etory. 4 Br. 2';\ __ ... No quelllylng. Super 3 Ba. on cul-<t•aac. MP9· . Bdrm, with rOcl< POOi. tn rite lamHy room w/frplc .,.; country H tllng. Mu•t & -tbar, CIOH to pool, -{ sell. Asking $1, 7 ,900. park & I ChOOll. AH U· Bkr. 848-0709 mable low lnteraet lolln. -' at 8\.-\•lo on this 4 bdrm tloma on e1111 side of Costa Mesa with pool. ape and many othar amenities. $110.000 In S 184,500. Fred Davia •, IHI HE UT. 1-4 Agent 551-3000. • .. -. assumable loana. On e ---------• Cul-de-He loot OWC. Reduced to S 159.900. Call 979-5370 . \ { : '/ l / 1l /:. ,, -"t' • \ ···l .. ··· ·.· 3Br, 2Ba, dbl car garage. 2 patios, nao1tone frl>I<;. ~-eu11om bit home S 12 7 .000. Owner wlll carry 1st toan. hJ •• o.r .... lltr' Ul-1721 PAYlll IEIT111 HAVE GOOD INCOME'??? SHORT ON DOWN P°"YMENT??? PAYING TAXES??? A"ume 103K. 121( dn. ·\ 30 yr loan. 4br/2be, 198 ~l!;~~.~t •• !~ ;'? add-on S 126.500 "gt'• 4"·· 545-7091 IY IWIU·USTllll Olvoroa force• quick Mlel 3 bdrm, 1 ba. frptc, 2\.-\ gar., lge lot w/1011 ol poulbllltlM. $99.600 -all o llere conaldere d . 642-4S65 eve & wknd• IY IWIO S11l,llO mlUUUY AWARD WINNER / Ocean vt.#9. 3 bdrm, 4 ba, kit. w/conwnleocle9, lam. rm. toe garden, ~:" tlo. lomwll din. rm. toe llV. rm Quiet cul·d•·aac. / $812,000. By owner. 873~11 Reduced S 18.0001 Nr· Trade 0< tM opt. 48l 3ba. new SOiar. view l'NnhM 1 $489,000. $70K equity ml. from ooean Approx. 855-0517, 544-2170 1500 aq 11. 2 br, 2'h be --------- Open hOUH Sal/Sun 1111000 11·4 1099 Saa Blull ••EASY lERMS•• Drive. 846-8190 Wood/glala. Vtewa. 3br. 2 bdrm, 2 ba houn E· 2ba. Small but eleeeyt itde. All new C\lllomlied 497-23221'97-5"487 remodel. Country chlrm, aUiilliilLTttliiliili•ii•imr,,-enel. yard .. frplc, oak ""' cabinet•, bllln1, ceramic "' charming 2 bdrm a Ille. more. 1142•900 den condo on a prime Ownet llexlbte. 138 Wal-c0<ner lot wtth M9Y ac-OMI to community pool nut. 558-8998. & clubhouN. Fabutou• With our lnvetlOf. live & *LIW llWI 12"w llnanel 1185000 gain appreci ation In .,..,. ':~· • ' · fentutlc 3 Br. 3 Ba, MW 2 new very de luxe condo, next to all lhop-hom••· 2 bdrm + den. ping. No down payment, 2'h bath. S189K H eh, •••·- minimum CH h nMded OWC 15 )'Ml'•. 873-<>359. for ctoalng co1t. Phone E.llde 2 91 & 1 8r ~ 831-5055. 642-2000. rate tiou-. 1 tot, good Income. owe 1 100.000 OCW VIEW 2 Bdrm. 2 be. condo. Full amenltlee and MC.-= No qualifying wtth down 10 75% l o an program avall1bte. Call Ri c h OWl'l•r /Agl. 984-8171 at 13%. l t43,too. 2883 C714J 494-1177 Elden Ave. 764·18'*'. _~ ____ ..,... ____ .... !11.~.'1r.!!'. •• J!ff ,... llU """ Landeeaped pnv1ey/epa 9Y Owner. fonMr mdl, 4 8t, ~t~W YV O¥el' delightful park is just 2 long block.a to Balboa Bay awaita your,,._ ........ __ admiration. 11• 4 Bdrm ~ t>tll'I. fem rm. ey owner 557-247a 1206.000 ()pen SeVSun 2032 Swell Or. COeta Mma golf oouree . al arin l)'I*"', "* In s ..... Moe reduoed, ... 000- Muat ... ltnmed. ~ IOen. 714/41M22t Ranch style wUh French flavor: 4 bdrm, Connal dining nn, akylit-ceillngs, farnlly nn, hide-away loft & •park.ling pool Offered below replacement c.'Ott at $478,500 (you own the land). over $250,000 aawnable loan at 11 ~. WOW! • I . ' For Ad Action Cal a Daly Piot AD-VISOR 642-5678 rm1t~.rf!!t.i. ! .... a"' a • Bdrm, a.,. l:Mlthe, twnl!y toft'l«l\lno you WMil rm, formal dl";;I rm, to .... ,, CIMalfled -clo Cttno ~ ~ It well I Call NOW, .:~~ 142·5179. j 91cr. 146-4661. ' ~.~ .• !."' ........ ~ oonclo, ,,,.., ..... WOfl t llltl Diet,_ ...._ Patrlolll Te nore, 19t. .,,., ... Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 20, 1882 Real Estate -the -Complete Oran1e Coa t Market Place ·~!!!! .~~~ !.~.' ....... ~~~!!!. ~~~ ;t:~I.'....... 9!~!.'. !-.e:'I. !'!.'!.~ ..... I ~!.-.~'!! •••...••••••••• "1mtt.fm! .• !.~l !-.~!.~l~ ... J.~f ""dl';,f-" , .. !'.~.!!!ffl~~ .... 1&--W/PIR 11 er llgl'lt, br111. aeotuoee1 •• H •••• lf •••••••• J •• ';f f!~.f!/~!. .. JJ.!f !'.!!~!.fHn!'l.~!~'!'.!tt'..fM~#.-!. .. !'.!~JH~~~ .. ~!.'!!~~!!.!~!~.'!!~ 1•;r::.. ~~~ c.,1, #111 1, lnl11 'Uf ,....,, ,..,, "" ,....,, .._~ '111 •• .,~.~ •••• • ••• • •••• • ... -::::::::77 •••••••• ...•..•....••.... ·················"···· .. -...... ; .......... .-.••... -.-.~ ••.. -:::: •......•. c .. ,. -,,M ,." .. ""' UH 2 er. 1 ea. WI orpl•. drpa, UITALI TOW111\0\.1M 3 .,, 2'"' ••. • ••••••• !!'! ••••••••• ":': ••••••••••••••••• ~ •• yard, l!l •ld• 1596/mo 1 to 5 6drmt, •tarting 11 l allbtull. 198 0/mo 2 bdrm, W1 ba. Flrepl-. Owden OrcweT~ 875-&0te. I~ to 11200 8.44·1t31, 880-tlOI Ol1hwath1r, prlv petlo 2 Br t'A 8•. patlO, no •r-• 2 level E1tat1 1lae lotl Cell u• tor Y!AAL. 'Y or -ri:.::'~~2 2_ ~~~ •l'lopptn~ t olloota ~ .... IUNIATI WtNT!A rentat1 Aeglr be tile betl buy In Maw· ~:tl~llnan': ~~~I a ~~~I ca:!:~·~t~o~1~~~ Pr°'*11M 97µooo ·port BH all. 13150,000 daall Agent 848 t044 chad i unporch & earpor-t C-1 tltl #v lllJ ~-RENTALS om UTll/lllU YI &OD ~~;1'*• 1520 mo. J>N. 1ao-1212 1•6br 1 1200to 12000 fJ ~ 2 m .. t., bedrm. 1UltM, '' D ... ,,..,_ -<;aAt !Of del•ll•. i'•lelng 12114,600 I h., tocated In 5 5181 GrMn• •••••••••••••••••••••• 141•1200 •lllO mty '-8"· leal Park Aaklng Only 700-3314 Oi>ar1 1·dayt c.f' deok•, 1pa, all HlrH , •Lg 31r 28a nr 8C Plua. ...} "41 RENT TO OWN· NW 2B, /i,. /. 1795 mo. "4·3488. LIFE'' Fr•th, auMy, etry, edit 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• J PETE ' BARREn . REALTY UTl-UTI If you went 10 build )'Our own caatle, Ihle opportunity ol • llfettrne wlll 1'4llll•r come ageln. 3 lot• on Her'bor Ridge: •Ide-by-side. with Pl•n• for • 10,000 •quere loot home w ith TENNIS COURT and pool for only $2,500,000. The Owner wlll joint venture, trade or you can take over lhe whole project. $1 ,4 00,000 Of a aeumeble fl• nanclng. wowr Wlbn Colt, Brolltr 714/760-1900 TERRIFIC NDIE Prof. decorated. warm 3 Br, L.A., D.R .. F.R .. big kltch., high beam cal· !Inga. lrplc. plus a lrg .manicured yard w/a 3 •car gar. A real value et !S375,000 and you own 't he land. Petrlok Tenore, Brand New Homes & Condos, no monev down white they teat. (714) 546-9622 Agt. Liii Own your own dock 10< your 811' yacM ProlH· 11011811~ daootatad, 4 bdrm, 3 bllh Random oak ptanked floors. Patio ovarlooklng prime l>•Y· tr ont 1oea11on. FEE LAND Security gate and many m01e ••lraa. $1, tl0,000 -673-7300 134,500 •ubmlt your term• • owner will oarry 17141 '1l·4400 IJIJI Ul·UH HARIOA A I >t 1· 1-.1111 ul 11.trhm 111\l''tnwnl 1 '11 Lovely 3 bdrm, 2 bllll. 2,Aba, condo. ·Call Alon ~4 'J; LMl,,t 0< Ml4I Of trade. ,. plax, no s>et•. cot pret. wwnnm Pffk View, ltrg• 2 car Ow,_/A"" "4-tt1t 18!3 860() 1526. 979·24 te 6-t/S.I 1 6 2 Br. Oltcount on gar•o•. All allele• 6 .,. • Br be Oc••n vu. YlA"·"OUHO PUNi .omemodlla.Pool,Spa. 111tngl•. I ring your 3 Br, 2 b• on 'A aore w/3 866-0811. 544·2170 Socl al Actlvltl.. WllTlJll YIUMI Q ym. a 11,.,.11 • •t o tootl'lbruall a. mov1 lnl ear gtr. plus gueat h<>u· 3 Br 2 Ba. comm pool D 1r •c1 o t • F, • • , 1 & 2 Br apt• ave II • 84e-oe19 $1100mo. H N .SM2630San1aAna. $1195/mo 831·1288, Sunday pool. epa. lndty rm. no ----·----- ({6(}'U>#ta d'1/ ._ 1n flA DO NOT DISTURB TE· 'f57JlAMNSDl·fRVtllE 831·271 I Fred Tinoie. 81uncl'l•BB0'1• pe11, l,nmld oooupanoy oatuia pootllda •tr• tetge 4A ... J. I : NANTS. 1 1200 mo. lgl Partlet•PIUI I Br 1440·$4~ 2br, 2 ba, bltna, d1wtlr, ~w'' ,.1,1}1«('~ 861-8228 Panoramic vi-. A811cllO much more 2 Br $526. 1'"' mllM Mlol'I No I*•· ~ .,,, uMJ/. 3 Br 2 Ba gareoe lrplc San Joaquin 21t, +den, 3 .. ~~:·A.:•· OiEN D:ILY Q" I A T Call for appl $600/mo 636-83e2 f>,..,-~....,_,'I yerd. No.pall 848 w: poof,~,S876mo.Agl, l11oOm:.'~~~~1 va .. "IC "IAT I O N . TSL MQml. 845-8 122 28r. 2Ba, lrplc, anclOMd JMtE.Coaa1-.,CdM 18111 111 plu1 H e Ptt83t.0711.83t-l 304 T e nnl a•F ree 2Br ,.,.,Ba,nopat1.l450 garage. patio 1485 mo. .... 7 9. llUll PRHT Leuone (pro " pro 2 76& w 984 4833 S785/mo. 40 -1817 Woodbrld~on Iha talc•. I 11'1 0 p ). ~ Ii.• I 11't '~th sf·~::.i·5o1 __ . ______ _ ' •--&. 3141 2 BR. nr SC Pli.a. Condo•. EHoutlva 3 bd1 2 '"' ba. 3 Br 2 Ba. yearly. 11000 I Clubi•Sauna• 1 · WMll.MI •--,.a. ··~1~ 13•1 .!I.~~~.'!:'!.'.~........ Pool J·~ luff ......,. oat-Many EJtiraat 11400/mo 5 Bt 2 Ba hou11 Winter Hydromauane• Nice 2Bdrm 2 ba Molt BR _..,. ,., ., . -· a........ I••••. "'6 2 ."' • • ". ••50 s .. 111 d 1 & 2 apt1. b••u1 ••••••• • • • • •••• ••• em.raid Bay, Pvt beach, poti, Lu• unit. rMt Loe. 661_2193 ~ 987_a;57 • .., 546•3447 wtmmlnc•Goll u p takM & atraama, compt Duplex oo lhe .. nd 30111 pools, tannte couru . No Peta. 1850 plut $35 Driving Range $526/mo 5411·0477 amanltlH , no pett Fr ... ,..,B Newly remodated oce•n view 3 Bdrm, 3ba u t It 11 y . 8 6 8 . t 8 2 11 . 1 BA Orange1rM condo, For leaM or ..... opllon. • E A u T I Fu L NEW BREED APTS $480. 848-e591 In end out. 3 br .. 2 bl & gu111 houta . 776·2580 byth•l•k•.pool,tannla, $1500/mo. 5 Br.:-1arge A'AllTMENT 8 : & OFT pr up11alra. 2 br , 1 ba. $1800/mo winter rentil Avl 017. 5480. 876-0220 yard, acl'loola, •hopping SI n g 1 e •, 1 & 2 !BR L 1 I rplc1 • rte Avall 0116, nloe .,.... 3br downllalre. Min 10~. or $2200 /m o yrly .. HL HUI H•I b A 64., 044 Bedroom1tFurnl11'1ed room. poo , acuu, gaa 2',.,ba 2cefgarage,lrplc down OWC balance at 71417119-0047 Oec:oretor perfect, 1pe-EAec 3rm, w/pool 1pa near y, genl .,..l · & Unlurnl1had•No & water paid. No 8•"· $650 Alto 2br 2b• 11150 ... _________ 1 13.9~1or5_yr1.0rae1lor cloua2bdrm,2'Aba,new tgkltcll,nr lrwy$470 For feaH: Harbor View Pa11•Modal1 Open 393 Hamllton. M ht&taat.558-8188 1• summer rental• $736, Atlraotlve 2 Br l'louM. Lge Cape Cod. Poot. jac, rec. QC-RENTALS 750-3314 Hom112 Br. & Oen. 2 Ba. dally 9 to 8 645-44 t 1 2 Br 1 Ba MlnutM lrom Bluffs wltend. 4 br, 3 ba, 000 Armitage Really ~r~~: l~bc~~c:e~~~~: erea, Piii patio, balcony. TUATLEAOCK EXEC., 2 frplc, t11u11er1, new paint, OIL.WOOd LUXURY 001101 ocean, newly painted, !amity & bonus rm. 2800 714-544-2484, wtna cellar & lge oaraga. metre, den 2.,., ba. more, commty pool & tannl•, • s4851mo. 720_0844 or sq It. End unit New 01derDupta11near45tl\ll :;:~;f' 1 to June t. Decorator wall paper, $1350t mo. 851-9350 wller peld $1200/mo. l114t1 Wit t1 le, Ott Plua 720-489t thruoul. 1315,000. NB. 3 br. 2 ba upatal,. 1 __________ 1 draperlaa and more. 640-8189 ••lf'tlleefl Frplc, elaient French--------- Ownrl Agl 844-6368. 2 br. ,,,... be downstelrt Iii I IH i 3111 I 1 O 5 O Imo C a t t 4 Bdr 2.,., Ba, Tur11erock p al la PMt ,.. window•. C, In l'loma WALi< TO BEACH: BllCh, Lux. MPT CO .. IO Wiii sell 81 11 tor $700, .!!!r.! •••.. !......... 648-2239, t0;30 to 5:30 Highlands, t>eaul deco-I ... ~ leM•lh . security, 2Br 2Ba. 1Br S1ov1 & relrlge. get I " " 000 or ..,111 build 10 suit LIDO ISLE -3 bdrm. fem pm. rited. 8' ape, S 1895/mo.. 3 BA w. b•. dbl gar, encl 880 Irvine 181 & 11udloa. water P•ld $300/mo 111 an •~cluatva commu-ior $875,000 & up (plane rm. 4 Ba, $1700 mo. taue. 1151-2290 sun porch, toad• of c>rt-(at 16th) I Br & 11udto Incl Wthr/ 536-7979 E 411, 2,,,11. vacy. Agt. 1175-3800 (71 ) 6AI: 0 d I I I d t --------~~.n~:lk to beh very ~ ,a~~'1°;~'! 0~~·~111•1d~ OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, Frplc, l1m rm , pluah !!1.~,~.~'.f..t .. !.~~f evtlwknda $1200 mo. hw~rt -.;;;~111~. er~~ !~1°1n~~au o~'u~~. 2 1~r·c1:~~· ~r.~:.· ::r~: Must sell -'85,000 7l4-544-2484. 1 Ba $700 mo. Biii cp11. I ml from bch, 2 EMERALD BAY 3 Br. 2 Harbor Ridge. lmmec. 2 1700 16th St gym, pool1. jacuu ft, $450. Tim 842•9040 Mullan Really 540-2980 1----------Grundy. Rltr. 675-8161 car gar, quiet 11. No pete Ba lrplc, brlctc pallo with BR w /vlaw Pvt 1p 11, (Dover at 16th) nun11, t>eautltully deco----------Ask tor Lori Ct•lll'1 11-11 Only $800 mo tor lhe nuardad Bate tannta reled ctbllaa & mucll WALK TO BEACH. Baell, -Clean 1Br,den,gar,utll 1.n111 11 .a.rr:1 .... 7 ape $1 500 . 213/ • · " · (7 14)642-5113 1 l!r..ff 1500 pd Winter $600 mo. On r.., t am Y· .,..., • ..., 8711-2255. unlurn. 11 50, fully furn. more From $HO mo. stove & ralrlga, all ul 11 •• -.·;;c••••••••••••••• & 2 a I $1050. 844-5340 lncls moat ulll loo Pa I d I 3 5 0 I mo Space B of Plot 11 206 Saasl\0<• 831-7764 1 r. •paooua apt .. 3 Br 2 Ba, ocean vu, 549-3421 3641 Bear St. 538-7970. C II I H OCE•NFAONT d I pool. carpate, drapH, $825/mo, •rel\ Beach BAYFAONT CONDO (blwn Sunflo wer & ---------yp1eu sec on 11 ar-"' up •io.. teeluded, bua/prol pea-Hg 11 , A '.:'8 11 "1 1 . Baau1 view. 2BA 2ba. ..oArt"hur). " Bull•I ..... • bor Lawn Moun1 Ollve Winier $850 up, $750 1 $3 40 $450/ • • ... •• Cematerv, Cosla Mesa down, 2 Br 2 Ba, frpl, p • • mo 633-0212 ell 3PM Sac. bldg · no chlldran O< OCEANFRONT h "'•1"-u Jl4Z ' 842 7312 731-8829 · $1500 •75 .,.,76 • • arp 1 bdrm, u.,,..r, $450 1--• •• -$475 Wrlla Verdie A gar 640-4111 • ' pets v -ov 2BA winter nopa1s ,..,.... '"" •••••••••••••••••••••• U... UL ..... OCEAN AND WHITE ' • ,gar Ylll, lrpl. very COi )'. Bacl'lata< Condo Slept lo 601 LIDO Trillmont, Roule 1· Oak-BEACH COTIAGE l Ill/I •-WA TEA VIEW. 3 •un· Stutts 3 bdrm. 2 b•. good '850 mo. 675-3033 631-092t attar 4.30 sand Flraptaca, O/W, land. Ark 72681 Or call 2Br Iba. blll 10 b11acl'I, Feat, tree tananl provl-dack1. 3 bdrm, 2'h ba, 2 location. greenbelt, 2Br, 181, $550 mo. 4Br, relrlg. $386. 1 yr 1 ... 8th FLOOR (501>431-8312 aveJISapt1.$650wlnter. dera. Call Ille BEST lrpc's $1125 Mo plus some view. S1l50 2Ba, 1760 mo. Acron 1 bdrm 1380· utll pd. 213/S92·317tatt8. Waterfront C.Ondo 6 graves 111 Pacific \/law $750 yrty Utll pd 539-6 '90 MO. Aval!: now. 644-6368. from bell Sept-June. Carport. good 100• No --------- ADULTS ONLY Memorlel Parle. Sold out 845-8943 • MESA VERDE-3Br, 2Ba, 496--0554, 531· t 188 la..a.-r YltW ..... (2 t3) 848-2232 Pa I a 3 8 3 W Ba'/ /m•f 31fl Spe1.·Uk-ular View secllon ol 111111 del Mer ,_ 548-95 l8 ••• • •••••••••••• •••••• $789.500 $560 each. 11911 2, 4 or 6 OOUIPRllT/PHI•. $850 mo. tet & l•t +MO HARBOR OCEAN FRONT SomerMI modal, 5 BA 3 OCEANFRONT Dix 2-<C Br. Eaatalde, Lrg. bright 2 br. WC>Q..dbrldge lharp 2 BA. Wm Cote. Broker 968-1695 alter 8pm 2 story, 4 Br, 2.,., batl\1, dap. No catallg doge. Nu 3200' tuK l\m on btull. ba, no pets. non amlert, By w1ak or month. I'"' ba. patio. avall 911 BYal\911, $800 673_0519 balore 6pm. dining rm, gl•nl Screen Avall 9-16. 751-3642 180 deg. vu of harbor.I $1850 mo. Aval! 911/82. 673-7873 $550. 640-0997_ 551-3000 TV. hottub, mod. kltch. 2 E/Slde 2 BR 1 B1. yds. surf. mtna, 3br. 3ba, 849-7171 £ •--a.. ••fl ,.••'••l•l ... 1/ car encl pa '-Ing A alt gar. pel OK, $'"30 mo. security, 1aun1, spa. Available nowt 1 Br car-••••• -t• -"' relfdeH.i 1100 Sepl 15. 67;7&50 11 642-5261. 840-0200 $1995/mo. 496-7009 Al'll•••ll por1, pool & laundry No .. i ...... WiiHi ..... --------1 x2•0 d"" "•1•n.1·1&.-..1 pell $425/mo 931 W. z;----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilN~:.;~~;.~·A~~~;;i,i;·30 a ..... u.,.,.,,," .. ,. Ocean view 2 Br 2 Be. • •• '!·.!· ••••• ~r......... t911'1. St 548-0492 Moll alaglllt apt. bldg • •• ••••• ••••. •••• •••••• Loaded 3rm wttroplcal 11100 a.I .. steps lo t>eecl'I, ,,1 ... __ I I ' JI-In Laguna Beach. finest lllHtl llllE ~:~r .~1"1~~tngg~.:~~~~ a ... ,.1 3ZOZ patio. cozy kltol\an 1325 ~.1.')(oo,51~01.22D1arr111, Aa/ c •• , •• ,., •• , ... ~.!.~~ ••••••.. !! 2 e,r, 2,Be.WTownho,duae loca11on In lown, breath· .' .WIE• ••••• •• •••• • •••• ••••• • OC-AENTALS 750-3314 ... •· n111111•1a.-~ 3~zs Yrty S775. Deluxe 2 br, w r P c. • • t • a. taking views. all bullt-lna, n munl1y, charming. mini "' •-' $4951 Deb 540--0702 Sllarp, ocean view 3 bdrm. only $74 ,000 REITILS Spec 3Br. 2Ba 1ownl'lou· IOW VIEW •••••••••••••••••••••• gar., prkg. Near water. mo. h e 8 t • d P 0 0 1 · bdrm, 2'h ba, soil earth· Aganl 759-0120 Yeerly-Weelcly-Wlnter. 2. se. lrplc, micro, 2 car gar Rid 3 br 2 be 2 frpl 1 BR. So Cst Plua. pool, 675·4000 (Bra11) Spacious 2 Br 1 Ba oo sub -garage, elevator. i----------i ec. · tennla, no pale $475. E Lease only. $850 & up. IL.,,I ••••ui tone decor. spa & all OCEAN FRONT 3,4 Bdrms. wf opnr $760/mo Avell 11150 mo. 1422 Terrace 642•2029 Small 2 BA 1 Ba, yrly, In-aa111da. near scl'loots. 330 Clltt Dr 49._8083 --other extras. $500,000 & ,..__ 1 2+ 3 JIOOll •EALn Sept 1 548-3278 Way. 780-8378. 1---------dry 111c11 , deck. $600. no peta. 1450. 631·6155. ~ .,_or urn., bd, ba, " ----------N 2 BA 1•L b ti 875 3 9 N I B •-.. I You own 11\a tend. 2,000 11 re 8 1 1 •' m 8 3 car prk'g S500K Ouat p•gp Eeatetde houM 3 br. 2 ba. £•r,n• 11,. .. 1 JllJ g9:. $550 &.'si~op:e 0P: __ -0_4 ______ Small 8')t, quiet area, aut-aw r. ocean..,...,.., c - 1q tt, 3Br, lam rm, 2'A '"lli(7•1•41i1)9•5•5•--0-l7•7•.---•I buyers onlv Encinitas, n 2 ca a B t 1 b h 11 •A50 rable tor elderly "'"Lovely oae 10 belch & shopping. B wt Q .. _, 1• • ' / g r • • •••• • •• • ••••• • •••• N o p a t a C r a I n , ay ron 8C un • • .., "" Lr g d a ck I 5 8 5 /mo. a, de reen ..... t, near owner (714) 648-1068 lllAIEIEllT $800 mo. 548-3561. Niguel Sllorae plll comm. 54s.1370 GO "' t n ct d s u t JI s Day a Eaatalde 2Br Iba 2912 pool. Far below market 114ra, 1 latti D 1 / 4 br & lamlly. 2 ba, ----·------960-2471,avea675-9302 PepperJree Lana No _4_9_4_-_10_7_9 _____ _ $245,000. Wiii leaae op-A-2 Fee Land. 'h block 10 •I 1~11 171-1113 E'alde. 3 Br 2ba. fem rm, e1rlum. 3 car gar Pvt ... LWI pela S495/mo. 559-4718 # 1,_ j 3111 tlon. Bkr. 944-6368 sand. $195.000 lull pr. u •• ,, ,., s.1. 1100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil llvlng rm. MP d7lnlng rm. Deacl'I & r ec canler. WTILIFf .. ,... E'slde C.M 3Br 2b• con-• .'.'!r.! .... !! ......... Fl $50 000 d 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• HELPI Aesponslble cpte, Drive by 266 Elden $1 250fmo. 759·1465 1••i•HI• 3101 do Lg yard. trptc. 2 car NO FEEi Apt & Condo IHHEllll m~y ca'rry ,,7· an~~~~ HPH TU llELTH 13 yr old boy, cat & dog _S_9_oo_._6_4_2_-2_1_9_1 ____ 1 Lrg 5 Br home wloc.en, ~ t~~O 2m'~. bl~·. 1o~ad1~ •••••••••••••••••••••• gar. pool/Jee. $725/mo. rentals. VIII• Aen1a11. SEAVIEW • Elegant & 2nd. All reaa offers con· Fiii llYllTllllll need nou1e In "Old 3 Br 2'i'I Be, near new. gollcourH a mtn vu, month, sec dap 1500• 2 bdrm. 2 ba newer dplx. 631-7905 875-4912 BrOker charming Hempton stdered. Pr1nc only Sen Clamanla pride ol Huntington" area. H.B lane yard, treat. 2188 l'luga pool & •P•· For cleantng d•p 1 250. yrly. Mature non-amkra, ---------, .. IUUYI m model. labulous vlawa. 1•1-4111 ownership. modern Sp1-(Wast ol Adams, South Miner $750 840-5010 ••acu11va O< profaeelonat Adutta only, 110 pela, eatt no Pit•· $T50 X 3 2 Br 1 Ba triplex l'i'i mile decor, epa. pvt comm i----------1 nlsh etyla 4 unit apl ot Beach Blvd). Approx. Lrg a11ec:, 2-lly home nr w t •emlty N o pats. Jae le Qat v t n, da ya 2t31709_.195, 257-0792 beach. lncd yard, gar, ~!":::e gv•,~•LdA~~ 10;~: wtpool & tennis fecllltlaa PBarrle pLoldool. ~deuatrt Conho•pdlota31. llousa with oc11an-11111s & S600tmo., rent or 1-/ So. Coaat Plaza. 4 Br 2'"' 12300. 495--4223 7 6 2 . 1 7 3 0 . e v • • . $450, 2 Br, utll. pd 4 tO Srenovatld. $35~5/2mo 790 MUNITY 2 & 3 Br. 2'A $485,000. Open Houea " 0 golf course view. Close option. Aef1. 638-9832 t1erdlnn, Balboa. No. __ o_o_ll_P_I_. _87_·_3_1 __ s I S 2 5 1903 beech $145000 Owner j • Ba. avatl. 911. $795. 3Br. Townl'lomalorleaae,,~5-8_6-_o_e_2_0______ • •• Ba. 1800-HIOO sq. 11. of at un 1 • . · A • .. ~ .. 10« to evarylhlng, on y 3 Blomgren Ally. 780-9355 •• ..,.1 """"' St .-pets. 547-1155 2Br. garden apt. pure luxury Garagu, YllChl Colina 644· 1017 Wiii help. gent.,...,... years Old & shows Ilka n1 ILIPfl 90\IV mo. """"' 1\18"1 Lovely YU, 3Br. Pantl'lou· No pets. $440/mo W.llT 1 .. _.11 NEWI N-owner could Eaalllda clean older 2 Br. 586-5779 0< 581-3101 M , 2 car gar, aac gall, Becllelor. yearly, '"' blk to ~a-9950 spu In every home • N-4 BA Backbay 1ree. _.. occupy 3 Bdrm., 2 bttl'I •Lovely. spacious. 4 br, 1 8 11 house. 1525/mo. llillr•• u r.i.. 1_1 Leta_ World, 544•5258. beach, claen. Inc. utll 1 __________ 1 master sui te. di ning 3,200 sq. ti. prvt, comm.. IN VERSAILLES/NEW cl"-& ocean view apt 11 3 ba, beamed catllng No pals 548-6680 11 r1':"/T. -544 2111 Won't IHI long, wltt be New, large 2 br. 1 ba. rooms, wood burning 1367,500. Wiii trade for Securny, pool. Reduced ap''p1toeble & rant tl'le 1ownhome. Aacan1 redl-1----· ------••••H•O•M•·e··F•OA•A•E••N•T•••• 1----------rented by Sat No calla dlal'lweshar, s1ov1, bll· llreplacH. mlcro·w•v• property, TO's. Wiii price because no realty other 3 apartments lor corallon. Neel & clean. 2 Br. 1 Ba. Eetlalde. re-3 Bd & • Bd •69£ OrangatrM condo, $500 alt Sat Roger. 646·9t31 Ins. patio, gar .. tga open oven•. prlvala P•llo• & j •••• Op' Ion Or low f I $120K 631 2918 $1250 mo. dee, Ip, ane oar, rear rm. " rm.• " 1 Br & loft, tennl•. pool, A d t 1 t vards,gardenar pro111-• 1191 • • Income. Sellar will help •ann F ~.... d • P~ Pl. 2 Br 1 Ba, -•-1 area. 88 Y 0 move n ' down Ready to dealt •Ju1t !lat'"" big lemllv yard, older nann19 pral 10 ~· e • ....,.. yar 1 0 atreem. NO pata Aval! ~· "'""' $•"" (213)761 7813 dad E...,.,ent llvl"" only · finance & SAVE Duyer ""' ' ,_...,.. Kida • 1 ¥er , 1ndk, no pat• """· • ......., "• o w n • r I B r o le a r llJ VIEW home. 4 br, 3 ba, lovely 645-2423. garagee. 0 P• • 911 553-1 141 ° 15 mlnut .. from Fuhlon 7t • "'•• ,,...14 thousands ol dollars! d p 1 1----------welcome. 546-2000 625/yrly, 675-0963 2 bdrm, 1'i'i ba. 2 sloty lalend, 7 mfnulM IO s.c . .,...,_...,.. · 1 hoose trom Bay on the REDUCED selling price S ~~~-00 •Ida paiio. Xlr• Nice 2 Br. home, Agent, no IM 3 br 2 ba daluae condo 675-7996 $550 Mo. Alao 1 bdrm. 1 Plan or 0 c Airport Bayfroot vlaw condo, 2 BA Balboa Penlnaula. Newly of $295,000 00 Is way mo. $650 lnckf5 llova. refrlga ---------Lrg p1t10, pool & 1pa, ba $380 mo. C1ll alter Jusl eut of Nawpor1 2 Ba, MC. bldg. Boat 1Up decorated 2Bdrma. ,..., BELOW current replac• IRYlll AJIU & ulll1. 648-4102. l~rl JHej 3111 child o.k. near SC Plaza. f!l!!!!~!.!!.~~~!!.!f 5:30 PM 2864 LaSalle Blvd & IO. 01 San Diego ~:)bk~.58~~~~ By ba. 2 ';;~~8:u~~~5.000 ~~~~~fe~l~\1 P;!;'~!~'!~ :.~~n~c~ob~~nd;~.·~~~ ~.~~~~:.D~~~;~LTp?o~~ ~·RUT.REiiiiLr L~~~;;· ;1::e;~6:~· DuplH large 2 Br, 2 Ba.1_9_5_1-_2_1_4_0______ F r.., y s 9 o o 1 m o ,."' •-• le-1&tr (7 !4) on gotl courn Super BIO CANYON fharn & lrg . laundry. gafage, yard. urn pd 1 er $300/ mo. 631-5430, 2473 Orange ll•tfl/DlstrHI Bonita ptan, 3 Br 2 Ba. end uni t P111 pallo, greenbelt. O w ner 760-1097 Of 752-11871. SELL Ill TUIE .......... ( Prima r .. tdanUal lot. As- king 1600,000. 640-7865 Eleg ant 3 Br & den , country 1tyle home. Franc;h door1, b•y win· dows. l'lrdwood noor1. 3 frp1c·a. very 1ge 101. owe total. 5% dwn, xlnt toca- tlon. $179,900 FM land. 8y Owner 631-2134 IELIEYE IT .. .. Ill It'• eaay to own a home In Newport BMchl ONLY $~5,000 down t nd H · 1um1 $75,000 -30 yr loan. Sell•r 11 lleiclbte, motl\lated and wlll carry balance. A •P•CIOUI 2 BA condo wtth commu- nity p001 and spa. 1 121, 500. M4-1211 /Jn NIG[L ()AILEY & ASSOCIATES .. .,, nMt.S900 mo ders. BEST Really -... Nwpt Terrace cond o. lmmad occupancy qule1.patlo.nrbeh,Avall Ava .. Costa Mesa. 111-1120 642-0138 •Woodbridge n-at· 530-6194 ~~04 OBn:l !8:01soPA Pool. a1c, lptc, patio 770-2904 s •PI t • t & 15th 11 actt11e 2 br, ,.,., ba 1 l·s_T_U_D_E_N_T_S_U_N_l_TE-.-p-.. -.... NISH I ... i Kid• OK. Oulall $895 mo "·1••• ,,, .. ,, J1•2._64_4_-e_9_5_8 ____ _ DELIGHTFUL BUY IN $5000 dwn, 4 unit• In d I A II 911 _,, poo .. om• w 837-2886 -,., •• CC'AONA HIGHLANDS Anaheim $500/mo story en un I. ,..va , ha• 4 Br b11lc decor, garde,_, In grM t cood ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 2 Be No pets 2nd Hardwood noors. 8 brick negative appro• p p al $700 mo apple, big lncd yard, fair Only $999/mo 10 qual. f1nie•Hf STEPS TO OCEAN large 2 floor 1495-ttlep. llreplaoe & trull 1re11 673-5804 Agent, 840-5560 mo nay BEST I• e tenant ht•lliH 3SZS Br. 2 Ba. Ir pie. many 540-2246 enriance this 2 Bdrm ---------... IPlllllll 00. 539-6190 LAG 4 BR TQWNHOME •••••••••••••••••••••• amanlllu $825/mo 1---------- cllarmer wf batcll ac-DuplaK, zero vacency Hou-. Condo•. PlaKaa, Costa Mesa Charmer , wfnu crpl & paint AlllO BLUFFS 2 BR . 2 BA . TH Daya 642-5757, Evea & 2 Br 2 Ba lrplc. dish· ceaa. Jull llitad 81 S285. Hawaiian G1roan1, $71K. Apia .. All prices. crptd, 2 Br. 4 tamlly pool, •P•,: greanball & • OrMnbett nr pool. Frpl Wknds 631·6630 ;::;•rs 5~'rJ:~~·. *e':!~ ooo. FEE. 84.4-7020 Super terms. o wnar lll-Otll l'loma. Slnglas tine 100, oloM to .-aah lal. Only -pallo -dbl gar. Adulla -Bacl'lalOr Oulel, mature 830_.456 LIHI IUL ESTATE i-5-49_-_1_1_11 ______ 1----------Ktd1 OK 1440 . Mova $1195/mo. tmmed. avall. No Peta. lmmeo . $960 . Utt ls pet~ 1 325.1---------•· C'' 101~ l•t••• ,,. .. ,._ ZOOO SWlllE/Yi/l•frl, now Info We have many mora 81 8 mo or longer leaea. 760-8520 2 Br. w. Ba .. lrptc, pool. -· il•l•ll • •••••••••••"••;<•••••• •539-el94• great prlce1. Al10 w/ C1ll JoC arol (tgt ) ----------1 spa, attached garaoe. ,..,o ••• • •••••• ••••• •••-•• E-sida c M Trl-pleK. sep 3Br In grMI toe Lg end 1----------1 IHH option• to pur-644-9060 or 8.44-11300 Cnl• #1u 3114 pet 1 A v a 11 now llHI TU Siil TIR melered S tll.OOO gross airy. I l250 S•75 3 Br. 2 Ba duplaK ch... Cell today FRED 1----------•••••••••••••••••••• • • $625/mo 631-4984 Fiil lmlTlllll $ , 6 8 . 0 0 0 •n IUOl/laf1n . 1'181 crp11 thru•OUI, up-TENORE 831-1286 or ~1!.~'!!!~!!.!~.1!-.J!!~ , ... 2 ... a Ill. 3 b 2 b d-' d 1-303-887-2887 UllllllM Incl In this small graded decor, ahady 780-8702, 901. Newly decor Gae pd, r • ... uxa con ° San Clement• pride 01 1 Br In gr a a 1 Io c yard, kld1 fine. Sm lee a1 ,,,._. Ill••' J10f en ct gar, dwsl'lr, pool. Lrg. patio. pool & ap1, ownership, modern Spa-Income property. No $375/mo yrly BEST O l hera 111all OC-AENTALS •••••••••••••••••••••• bbg Adults 110 pau cl'llld o k. ne1r SC Plaza. nteh slyla 4 unit apt down or very smell W..._rfrtef I•• I••· 539•8190 1-5br'a 1200 to $2000 Beau1 dn-2 B1rd2 Ba.110-842•5073 · $665 mo 213-964-2686. house with ocean-hllls & down Pleat• ea:I, ... 750-3314 open 7-<11ys war uplx. a e pat o, golf courM view Close Shewn, agt al 548-2l58 111-HOO MAKE tT YOURS $350. A EASTBLUFF. 3Br, 2ba. lplc, 'J99t1Y St200/mo & 10 everything, only 3 whole houM, eat In kltch, uttl. veers old & allows Ilka Rani and lno, operating .. lMa lll••I JZH big lned yard. Kida pat• AvaJI Now. I 1 IOOl mo. Lrg 3 Br 2 Ba tower dplK, NEWI N-o-could rm 1111. Over $2,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• welcome Sm lee at 840•9019 w/lrptc, lront patio oocupy 3 bdrm., 2 bell\ monlhly tno, problem 11 Y'rly 1725. Cute 2 br, gar.. BEST call 530-et90 Parle Lido Condo. 3 Br 2 11200/mo yrly & vtll. clly & ocean view apt If mgmt ind gen cond, prkg . Near water Ba. l~ple. dll'lwlh, lndry 3 Br 2 Bt cottage wllrg appllcable & rant the $4500 ptua elbow or-675-4000 (Brett). NEAR BEACH 3 br 2 be rm, 3 carporla, patio lront pallo. on No, B•Y· other 3 ap•rtmanta tor t lart-up needed. Tim .. ,... condo gar. pool, tannl•. $795. 151·9522 fronl winier rental 11200 Income. Seller wlll help 213 .. 21 -1100 1900 mo. 673--0872. & u111 finance & SAVE buyer 2 Covington 4-Ptexea. lop •• !.!,!!!~!~ ..•. .!~! feHl•h V•lJn JIJ4 N~r1b~!:~:'1~ ~~.~~ ~o~rB~y'A. w1Bnat~01"!',.,,~mor lhousanda or dot111r11 toe. Nr So. Cet Plaza. Bayfron1 minus 30' 180 ••••••••••••••-.,••••••• hool & t t "' vvv REDUCED aelllng price • d k'I ...... 3 br & den 2 ba crp11 clOM lo IC enn • & ulll Greally radUC*l-prtoe 0 eg. vu, gourmet t...... d a f ... ,,,' bit I ' ow' 962-8683 LORA VANCE AL TRS ol $295,000.00 11 way down $80.000 c an ...i O< 2 Br & 2 Ba, f\.lrn/ rp • r...,.., • na, · ----·----- mte81iB.All Clean 2 Br. + Fam. Rm w/d Ilk-up, patio. 2 peo- pt a $515. no p at 1 642-048t APU1Wlin" 2 er 1 Ba .. •love. ralrlga. Baauttlully landecapad pool. No pell l420fmo garden 41Pta. Poot & Spa. •23 W Bey 548-95 t6 Covered parking No 3 Br 2 Ba lrplc yard pell . ' ' B h 1415 gerege. $700fmo. 1 ~ · 1470 1 Br. 1 Ba. p11llo. garega. r.2250 Ila ard 1425/mo. 540-9626 or "t2 .. 905 Brol<er 85 t-e&OO PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTRY CLUB LllllNQ IN NEWPORT BEACH A 10111 anvlronman1 apar1manl community oo 11\e Upper Bay. Private clubhouse end l\eatth spa, 8 tannt• courtl. 7 pools, cloM 10 bu"neaa· alrPort. Fuhton l1land. Convenient shopt on !Illa Unlurnlll'led bactle- lors, 1 & 2 bdrm apt• and IOWllhOUMS. 1540 . $1000 Saver al bachelors and 1 Bdrm unlta feature tine d••lgnar lutnltura and eccenorlet Mova In to- day or r~• tor sum· mer montl'ta Smartly furnished modat1 open dally. On Jamboree Ad al San Joequln Hiii• Ad 144-1100 BELOW current replace-handle. owe 81 t2% u 11 r u rn. yr 19 a 1 a $795. 984 .. 7711 WMtcllH 3 Br, den, otflca. 873-4C>e2 ment coa1111 Prtnclpa11 Agl. 6"45-8100, 549.1386 s 13501m 0 w 1 n t a r B••''-S'•• 2'h Ba. 2 car gar, gar~ "1 .... LIDO DELUXE 2 Br lrplo lrg brick p atio OR Flreptaca, pool. dllh· ,,,_, 1•1•1 3111 $t050 675-6359 walha<. PY1 patio. X LG v;~;~;·2·aA:·2·a~~·;;r: _S_p_ac_3_B_r _2_B_a_.-fple-.-o-a-r. Gerdtn 2 Br. 1580. p ort. enc. yd. $625 beech 2 b4k1. $900 yrty. ONLYlll Call owner al $950fmo Opn Aug 29 oar, no pat• $1060. • (7 14) £111 lei lf/1 lllO 873--0433 or 556-1610. IHI 1140 1-e37· 1458 ot 6411-5028 11a1a1.J1 J101 142-0138 .••.. i=iNesl°view..... Crnr lOlh/Bay. ·····oo:RENTALs····· 3Br, IOtt. 3ba, 3 yra old . 1 ···r;;;;.;;;;·1;;.1;~··· 557-2841. 5 4 2 • 3 6 0 7 . A 11 8 No pe11. 646-1682 730-7165 ---------INAANCHOCALIF c., .. ,,,, • ., 31U 1-6br'IS200tol2000 bl~ lrom Cll fl Or. 1'"' blk• IO bucli. 2 l Br 2 Ba, fem rm. frpt, I•• J••• 5acreastat•·Aaedy to •••••••••••••••••••••• 760-3314 opan7-daya 848-8789or848-8710 b"'rmi, 2 ba, splral "~tflield H 3 bdrm or d1t1, 2 bath lavllora. mirrored war-C!f! 10•1 t>uHd o paved road 2 ,_...._ vt-" s ---=-8118 something 10 NII? Upper duplex. Avall Sec>t dro....__ heated """"'· By • 111'•• ,, • 11 ... r .... 2 bt, 1 ba, lrplc, dbl gar, Harbor Ridge, mountain & 1tal r1 k yllghtl and F•-•y ·-Ctatlllled ada do 11 wall ""'"' 538-3eoo ...., ........, •••• •••••••••••••••• mites from canter. From lttl4•ttr yerd & patio. l600 mo. OOMn "'-· 3 Br. 3 ea. ftreplaoe. Patio, ape, enc -_.,. " Own11 $178,000mlly 1600 mo. payment for 180.000 20% down • 1 1 1 1 & ,.6"""'11 .. _. b 11 11 d narage $1200 per mo Baautllul garden apta •••ti•st•• "'••ll•stu antarl alnment l'lome. 2Br, 2Ba condo. 9'n'h \IA owe at 12%. 752·2550 BHUI exeollamlly hma 8 · 88 ...,..... · .._,. • • u t 11 Y 011 • • "' 67:' · p d k H t Id •1 3Br, pooll•P•. Jutl r•· 1 5 with 4 BR. 2 Ba, plua req'd. 675-2520. 12400/mo. A111ll. now. 73-0384 •lier 8 at101/ ac •· " pa · IHI Jlf,O leH Ufl loan, aaklng 94, 00. .. " A...... If d I f Bv """'·--· 7•"l "77 No -ta. 2 cl'lltdren ~-••••• •••••••• • •• d~ to $289,000 tael efl1-3380 ,.•••I •1 .,.,., / pow er rm, P•r eot or Nr Beh 2br 2ba w/dOubte '"""",.. ...,.. "' C..I• #nil ,111 ..... ••• • • • •••••••••••••••••••••• 2007 Holtday Ad. \/Kent. 1----------1 IH«t UDO •ntartalnlng wlvrelbar • gat', patio, bl1·ln1 S4eo VarHlll .. 2 bdrm, 2 be •• ••••• ••••• •••• •••• •• r;;;' 2 Be. $5e5 p•••K~---'!b•••k••••?~---11 lock box, do direct or '••"• JIH •••••••••••••••••••••• pvt yard, CUiiom troa OC-AENTALS 760--3314 partll'louM. ocean view, $440/utlll pd, t bt, up.. 308 w Wiiton 831-5583 enne un port. c•ll Bier. 1155 -284t, •••••••••••••••••••••• llllATllULoelll l'lou .. for Iha cllltdran. patio S800 762-$3l7 t•lrs,cloMtobMch,IOt1 760-7292 I llW ..... 2 Br 2 ba -Unlqual Palm PtMM call 720-0332 Ltg 4 Bdr home, 2'1t Ba, 3 • . of wndw•. b .. UI. IUn· 2 BR 2'1t bl duplel, teoo Isn't he the guy who kicked the 2 Bdrm, 2~b•. tow Duart 1132.600 Ph: Ell .. n Ar1ukovlch Alty. ear gar. n r buch & BMI• condo. Sharp 3 Br .. ,.,Sept. 10. 6"42-5027 •ct It ol tuxuT Ev•'J. winning field goal in the '74 Superbowl? '=".tr.: ~~A:~~·~~~:,•~:~· 1·568 ... 711 Splttdlev~ll2 8rt;5,be•· ~:~·t..~~ OK. :..~ 3 ba. I 1250, ••atJaftt• ;t~ae r1 8g:'2. ;o: le; ~ loc. )(Int fin Prtn 964-6171 'I• ahara Mammoth condo, m10•1,L cA•-~,O· ... ,. .,1':~· '-'-·~~ •"·lfa .,. .. 3 t>t 2,A be ..,,j 1141 673-8338 (f;:. f'V"'\~ 1----------1 welk to 11111, Mountain· " .._.a • ......,..., vo ~• ••TY ..,... · · · •••••••••• •••••••• •••• ---------J r.....,/ only. Own 873-7948· back -Beat project tn Large 5 Bd Homa. •••••••••••••••••••••• oon<lo. 2 cer lfc wtaJec. Oul•I Jun tor a & 1 Br. Large 2 Br· 1 Ba. with II you'r' not ure who (or whit) Kennebunkport was. Ottn '"1 lllit• Mammoth. Prof. decor. Corona dal Mer LUlllll o~O·t 150 day•: From 1316. Poot, rao &:':?.4'• d/w, leundry rm: don't feel bid-you're nol alone Kennebunkport Is one BAYFRONT COfl>O #;iij;·i;;;;........ 955-2238 m1g. 780-8708, 87&-2t44 ~ ~~= = ~or :: ~r.:: ~:.;.. ·~~3(,8; ~= g~ Al!, iro 2 8'. 1 a.: MIO. of 14 d1shnct1vely different apartment lloorplans at 111 i.J. JI# Large 2~ ec;ra tMldentlal 2 Br a Ba. den, lrplc, atepe b I • Imm 1 d I • t e I y . Cenyon condo, ~ Slallf 842·7648 Avail 0-1 e45-Na6 Seawtnd Vllla&e 111 Huntinaton Buch, Seawind Villqe is •••••••••••••••••••••• IOtt with viewl. UtllftlM to beach. I 1070/mo. leOO/mo on 1 )'911' ..... king ~ eour ... Avell. man I -Dotl'I wait only t lwge 3 I result of totally personlltzed prolmional plann111 BEACH LOVERS · era evallabl• Locat•d D •tr• 11 , A • I M ax Flv• otl'l•re to olloo•• t/1712 541-0U2 w•-8< a11 with 2 a.. Tiit ktnd of 1ttenhon you deurve D~ Point Fl)ler. Double only 27 ml'" trc»n Palm 759-1221 lrom. W•'r• lha °'*to B•autttul park·llk• tur· tlo·,: quiet arae, ia~ A ,..rite! bltnd of naturt and hvin1 -nestled ,..o... wlcU, 2 bd, 2 ba. Thou-Sprlng1. Prlcu from cell for i.-. Nr Bot\ 3rm wlbubl>llng roundlnoe. Tarrao•d pool .•• 15. 84 ... 381 ,., '"' n-. ' 1111&, NII.... unda und•r market. 1 14,900to1211.000. Low Cute 2 Br, •p•. ga r, [g 1pe, cozy kttotl .. '400 pool. Sunken gH bbq, .,. .,-., ... forest with babbllne brooks and quiet ponds, cooled by Fie) FlnWM>1"9· Pet• O.K. down low Inter .. , rat•. ooe•n•ld• 01 PCH, A-l ~bridge CIC-RENTALS 7504314 aparkllng tount aln1. _9_7_&-_5_94_9_._____ n1tural ocean breezts. Add lo that tennts courts. '-" l•nd Outatancl'lng Cell Now. {AAB1092l Cati 714..JeS-2392 Call aft 9PM. e13~3577 •-·It ... __ ..... a n. 1... Spaoloua rooms. a.p.,_ urge EMtalde t 8<. 1 la. sw1mmina pools,• spa ind a convenient location""' bey~ from tlllt IUJ(Ut'f Aoent, 1512""'°'° 3 BR 2 a. I lo vtew M4I If olapa to-"'· -· .... ,..,, dining.,... Wlllk-ln New carp111, brtl hl a condO. t2x80 Champ!On, CW1>0f1, ~fin,''"''' paint & cpt:. i1.oo0:, 551·3000 ~!!h•rldry•r, ooean doMlt. l'lotne Ilk• kttctl-cMaty. 1426. 151· 612. shoppt•n"'yo!..ndwoemuldpl0!,'"'0.~y·~ .. Y~~~ '°cE1.,1 1 0pllc• 8 .. YF•OHT PROPER-1r----:.. -· • I 74" n•n7 ......... n & ceblnetl Wllll lO '"' "' uvi ....., '"'",., • " " pello, awnlno • ulll al'lld. -•61 ,.g · ..,.,....,.,., tm&arnnc• I'll•> lnliw 173-~7 • · PINI! BL"" APT& Ktnntbun"port) On• 1nd two ..... room, o .... 1nd two TIU 2 br, 1ba,1111 rm, ldttn.n, •••••••••••••••••••••• . , Huntington Center. 8 Ir 2 " uw '"' 842-8002 pattly furn. Aduh ptrle. llYI IWAYlf C..I• #HI ,,,. Aenctl Sen Joeqwn, 2 Br. WTIL., Lm..,, 1 ldrl'f"'furn 9606 ~ r.c'f:::l '"'' 2 h bath epertmtnls f1om 1111. S•nlore pr•t. Ho peta. RanGl'lo cet". 21oo+ 1q ··ai~1~·;;·~;;;rt;•• • Oen. Condo. Pr9mium •IA. a.,.. tHa. St*>O/mo, 2 Bd"""tum 1r0m M05 ,:,;,., petto~~.n~ ~ mcJ 111 ... 1/mHQ Xtnt looatton. s .. •t 11 2 atory on & eorea. petlo. bit.ma tclda 1425 f!' court1 I lelc• view. Ava II l ept. I . DY"•• 2 ldrm-~...... furn., enc:f Oef,, gee lt0¥9t -.. ~ ~aen.d '31,000 2119 T111ttn Aw. Colla Aedtloed Ht<. Now OC·AENTACi 750-3314 o pelt . Avall. Sepl 1• U3·'7H . t o /w llnd N Ut'"'~-.... llwaaher, -. I~ rm. 11 in gen•• ,,,. Vil'•.,. lOnt , Om~lpoot, 3 ...._. In beoll. t89K. LAND WUT S 9 S 0 I m'o • A g •fl I 844·2224 o ~ ..,,,.. ".., tits/mo, ., .,., ..,,,.. Ir • den. 2e42 VIiia B~ Own•r, ... ,,. Wide. 1·871-2040/4N-7078 WMttlde 2 Ir. ' ... fnod e1a-1111 ....... -.. --~ • .... I.A UINTA H!AMOSA I SPMO 831-tt07 ~ 120t OOQ A .. patio, •nol•d oer•o•, ...,... .. .,...: ....,.._... .. .... t8211 PatU!de Ln, 1 blll I "44-04~ ' · gt. •bantJMoblle horM tn IHI lrlltt new oerpet1, drapH, l.81!·0PT10N, Sbr. 2 b•. ; ow ,.,.... HVH. Ja. W. of a.oh. 3 bib 8. Newer t Ir. 2 ea. No peta. Lido Parle on Newport luU 1111 pelrtt. Ho pMS. 1110/mo. ~:· W~r:o'i 1':~5 ouul, loeffd wit~ o4 Edln0er.M 14441. Avtll ~· S..,t. 1tt. ism Huntmcton Yllllp l Hit llflCI lttdl. CA Jl'S ... lllrltft 8 ey Pvt anotld patio/ ........ ~.......... '*-~. ~2. 882~ P • wlfldo we, lllYlll l'lte . • . ~ --tUO. 710· 1411 or• (ll4) 8;"6~ Oft ,Ur09ftt ..... Condo. 2 garden .. pV1 beeoh & Or IM opl. Laguna 9ch no.een. I . • 1100/mo. 940· HI., • ..,., .. , •• I 64 .... 71. I , ........... ··---fr-..._ ........... _.. .. bdnM 2" clbhee. Walle to Udo VII-48 3b l 480K 1701< 2 Ir a'A k trpto,I m-m1. • •• rii.a •••• ••••••••• 1 '"'" '"" _, _.. -·-·· .,," ""'"' ... -" w SH O Ooo a'1i ::J ~· lag.. Ample prtcng. '3$, e qrutt:· us-oe 1 7 OUTSTANDING tDr wl oommty ~'"'° l \.ov.iy I '" I la. ear. I LMOe 1 er. t k. dltlwf.! ti1trlddtft, llleft west °" Mcflddtn liO SetWllld -' • • • 750. w/ ... umabla 128 &.«..2 71 • ' ii ~ .; · ... Wfttl IA9m ltepe 10 Wtlter, Mft, or tnclry rrn, oerport. W' j r ~w.... ·-::::,,-r,..!:{;:;, cllt 000 loen •I 11~: 10 paf~ ... ~ tlOO Cllll 1""°° j "'••MlaD I unf., .,,,.,, 0Y •·~alcM.13tO.~vll1 1·11.!~~u~rn~ • ..,....~~..,....~~~·!Oiletl~~~~~lO~AM~'tt~-.~~~ ' 87MSll2 Otwlfad Ade 142'-MTI OC-.,cn1A 7~14 a.II Idle ttem1 M t-M71 ct .. lf!M Ade"'"6111 7t...a73-1... ~. , -~ •. cs ms s a t!;1~7A!1!oo0~1 fOt. 30 day Id 11'1 1n. WU """ II.Viti ltlllOTllY DO IT NOWI "'fer le•4ra V~r O.lly Piiot Servlc:. Directory R19rHent1U111 1.a-1111, 1st. au ~!.C.ffm~ ... JAY& "9'1AKUIY" Prof le"tl\dlno aw11 Any ooc111on P0<l1ble b•• 1 079 7002 . 021 1141 ••••• i.n1 ... ........•..•..•...•... O!N!AAL. BUSINESS SERVIC!S Help !Of 1metl t>uelr, ... a phone call away R•c:· ordkaeptng. lo prep, Bu11ntH counullng 498-1268 f !~.'~!~!!~!~I. ..... . C1blne11 & Carper11ry Sm1ll fob1 & Rapalra Fr1t E1llm11e1 845-2003 C11r..•t1r A1•••lit1l C11/I••• • • • ••••'• • •••• •••••• • ••••••••••••••••~•••• Door hanging, temodel1 Appllld, , .. applla<I, guer.. c11blna11, panallng, etc ln1urad, llc'd 41~69 I . Painting. ctment Rel• 730· 1900 free 1111lm11e1. Jerry 5'16-4413 ~r..~!~ ............. . Drl11-1y1, Parking Lot Rep1trs. Se11coat1ng S&S Aaphll 631-4 199Llc Dan Hellberg Grading & Pevtng Co Rn/coml L.lc 397804 8'42· 1720 FllH HTillATHI Reatonlble prk;et; IHI. prol111lon11 work cualom work 1001 No job too small or 100 0191 C1- blne11, kitchen remodel & llnl1h1d carpentry atec11 plumb/ cablnels/ counler'IOPI I do every· ----------.. ff.'1!.~~.'f!r. .•...... lt11t1npoo & 1L..m cllten Color Drlghtenert, wht crp11 10 min blffot\ H1H, llv/d!l'I rmt S 10. 1vg room S7 50, coven 110. Cllr U Ouar allm pat OOOf Crpl rec>alr I~ yre ••P Oo work myHll A4tl1 531-010.1 No Staam/No 811ampoo S1110 Spectalltl "111 dry FfM HI. ~9· 158:1 f~r..tl.11.H .. !!!!!f ..•. CRPT/UPH. CL!ANINO Oeodortztng-Sco1011gard Guar. FrM NI 838-8543 ft!'!l!.'t!fc .fP.t!I! •. C11 11om 1a mooa11 addltlonl, ftM Ml Ou .. ltl)I :Z!\O 10 ~ Bllldtl Conll Lie 4111 1170 &4t-4n1 . ............ ... LIO 306eH Remodel, A.dd'ne, Cabinet• 848-8580/845-4844 ELECTRICIAN Smt 10Dt/Repalr1 I.IC 233100.C-10 &48..&203 ~~~!!!!t!ft!r ••.•••.• !~ .............. . Tll UUI .... Joe"'' Cl4tanlfl0 hrvtoa •&.-1 llYtH• Hou-Apll ~lat• ·" •r::1 Lawn·trM-lftrub lnttall 0111~ 540•1217 Top Qu-ty c.ra fr• 1r1m/remo1111 1n hanoUno 2 Yf9 ••P R!SID/ COMM'LtlNO l lwll CMal AotollUlng TIRED OF HAS8Ll!S'1 Com~lllva R.tM FrM M llm•t• 54~6 I Qualll~CIHnln~ help 11 NO overll,,,. 730· 1353 20 yrt Oo my own wCHk LIO 278041 Al 646-1128 # I ti.tal 11 ffO. 452 STARVING COLLEOE *.NORTH STAR•• • .'.'!.r?'!~!'•••••••••••• Expar HouH Cla1nlng STUDENTS MOVING Car!*'try • MMOnry Ratlab .. R91t CO LIO T 124-4'8 EleelrlOal Contraclor Roofing PlumblnQ I llM· l87l> tn1ur9d &41·0427 lie Naw Hrvtc. 220 Ofywall . Stucco . fli. WATCH US GROWi CHI,. WH4Wlkl~ c1rcu111 24 "' 846·4174 RtmO<ltl J.li 940-9990 APT & H8ECLEANINU ~i1 .. R~·;d.~ ;;;;;i::· 1111~ F11•ll•1• l•llald c;tt Handymtn Jim II'• ~~,~~m~~1P·9~;~;34~0 Prullgt Moving low raltl, tanlu llc Hrvlce 81111 w1M VI .. & MIC tneurtO 543·°'482 Cat T-137,124 Cabtnatt Call now • lrM •••••••••••••••••••• •• Ilka h t vlng netp from ..tlm111 842·088 1 Cui tom Rtllnlllltno·Furn your femllv 1538·119& 1 LET ME 00 YOUR . & lntarlott·All Repalfl dy•. 1539-3884 II/It CLl!ANINO FOR YOUI O.Coralor 1tyle Int. btrt, Call lo' ul 844·5204 .........;:.......------,...-CM/CdM Jullt 842·9087 m1n11ta, llbrarlH , lllgll Ben'• M1tn11111nc• Serv alyle rallHld panal w1111 & C11l••l•• Plur'nb-tlec·c•rpantry •••111/ttl•t. C t ICM 111 c.illng Lie 538-2388 ••• • • ........ ••••••• •• Painting Call 964-5231 ••• ••••• • .7 • • •••• • ••• . !!'!!~·'••••!!........ TREES Long ltrm nouHllltlng, ff!~!!~I ............. . PAINTER NEEDS WORK! 30 )'rt tll$>, tnt/ Exler AcoueliC celllng1 Da11t1 Painting 847·5168 Cemenl·MHonry·81ook ,,.,,,,,,,, Toppeatrtmoved Clean HIRED HAND. WILL 111111. Aug 22. 720· 1054. Wells·Cu11. work. Ltc •••••••••••••••••••••• up, llwn renov. 751.3416 TRAVELI Many dlvtree &48-581 i wk )(1111 refa #381057 Rob 547-2883 *n~k~;.~'~1~1~8 m;l~v~:~ MOWING . CLEAN UPS cllore•. Wiii .. 842·3491 PROTECT YOUR HOMEI Orl11es, palloa, walk•. Fret office oteanlng, crpt Hauling . l..alldtctplng B••ll•A I Prof. M 40. avell now, E81 No job too amaJI Cltantng. 8315·2118 Free ••I 642·9907 •••••• DUMP.jo8s...... •Int r•t• 8• 1·11312 536"2807 DHr B•••I•• Jeula'a Gatdanlng & Small Moving Job• J,.lt01l1l Custom concrete brtck· •••••••••'••'••••••••• Clean-up•. tree trim & Call MIKE 848· 1391 L••0·w···;.:•1•E••s•••0•1•1j c••1•,·. block wall•· pa 1101 • Doore repta~. doorway• malnt. Mrv 540-8035 .,,.. loundallona llc'd added. French, entry. HAULING·ORAOING bldg• Vacanci ... 11rlp & Cuetom work. lnl & ••I. llc'd 20 yrs In area, rele Htrb (714) 521·8012 ell 5:30PM l BATES PAINTING SPECIAL! Ext agl $400, 2 lly $550 645·9383 r1!~!!~ ............ . Pa1nt1no °"' 11wr1tty oaclt 11011 lot ovar 100 1''1 11)1/ei.t ltc 348252 rM Ml 00 I ·39118 -----!~~,,~~ ............ . F111n1ng lnLwlOr o.tlOn ttANOIN0/8TAIPPIN0 Vltl ·MC Scott 84~0!J25 ASR PAPERHANGING 1 yfl local HP Ouar work Prlcea '"" 11 $8/roll Alec 7!11 7027 ElCpart wallcovar1no 1n 111tt1t1011 Rell prlcH Con1u111n1 A11lgnmam 1581·8590 r!~~~!~.~~~! ...... . ••BRYANT'S•* Wallcoverlng Removal All T'(pH. 64:/· 1343 r!~!t!!.,{!.•~~~ ......• ED'S PLASTERING Neet pe1cne1. lnl/exl ~l!!~~!!!~ ••..•..•• !'.t. SERVICE & 1'1flPAl~4 Van Oppena 5-fvlc:. Oo (714) 1138 .... 6418 .,: '"' .........••........ , ... Chuck For Tlla Wor'lt Frae Ell Oya 640-5188, Evt. wknd• 675·5 100. Re11ucco1 845·8258 $ I 538-5013 cu11om & interior Comple1e Lawn care. demolluon, clean-up w1x ate CHRIS 63 1.1529 an)'llme ctean-up1, tree eervtce, Concrete & tree removal 7 I 4·980-8398 Concr111-1mall or lgt 1pr1nk11 rs Mt k e Quick serv 642-7638 I PLASTER PATCHING .!!! .. !/.".!! •••••••.• ~ RHIUCCOI tnlle.ct 30 ' LOW RATES ' CANVON PAINTING • 14 Yll NHI Paul 545•21177 Tree trimming & remo\161 yr• 1n O C Sallalacllon I 111 Cltanup1 & mowing repair 64S..8S12 .;1.-•••••••••••••••••• ----------i PROF SERVICE ••'••••••• ••••••••••• guar 49.-...54, r!!'!'!~!~1.... .• . . . . . . . 1 1 554· 10 11 I QUALITY PAINTING ATLAS PLUMBING & el•t •• jobs Remove, replace or Drr111JI 631·7670 £HI ~ DRVWALL/ACOUSTIC a.111 .. Lal4H••l•1 Hauling • yrd claan up Ylll Willi CAiltl C•t1 Repairs, new & old 11 Tree trtm. gen. clnupt, Oulek & clean Free Ill For a free faCI tl\eel, c.ell •• • • •••• • • • •• • • •••• • • • Yfl exp Bud 552·9582 camant work Free 1s1 673-0549 Harry w ..... Allor nay Ill All•1•n1 tlllng lrom ttan 10 llnlahl •••••••I··•••••••••••• Call Brad a1 Ext/Int. reu talll HEATING -Spect1ll1tng •••M••••'··b~·•••• •K•··~··1 Lie B3•8276 538-2366 tn Repairs & Replace· 011 •u ec:ts. ·I .. Exper_ & d ependable Well 11x1ur11·Acou1llC Cell 549·1604 any11m1 HAULING & CLEAN·UP Lew. 553-0290 CMd care during grav· T S 1 1 d vdalgara~•· Prop mgl 111 Pereonallztd. low coat I• (l14) Ill •210 gal Mrvlcet. Ind .. lamlly,1_-"'-----·• __ _ Day/eve 5 & $10/ht EXTERIOR PAINTING ment (7 l4) 645· l888 Mt Morgan 645-5176 butt. Initial consullellon CUSTOM wood patio co-eyard shift. Lrg F V Hm, Heng· ape-tee • u • Mowing , edging, trim· ' 5 ,.11••n plenty ol steeping space lie 3891144 1·632·5549 ming. clean up Reaso· 631--09 /&3l-088 •••••••••••••••••••••• Cu11om work Free esl • H II ,/I · Reas + fine lnl & 1111· .!!! .. .' •• ~,,~.~I!!! ... Wi•''" c1 ... 1., lret. 553-0290 118'1, deck• & lenoes by 84 1 ·2277 DRYWALL TAPING nable rates 540· 1482 B / J. BRICKWORK Small Jobs _n1_ng-=-_s_11_v_•_5,_4_7_·4-:::2-:-:8".".l::--i &•4'H·l11ls•·R••••· • ·.~.:;1• ~ ~ 5:;~~ ·,~~: .. , iHI• Randy 641-0622 ... ~ .... I ........... C•rr..t htri~• All Tex1uras & Acou11lc •• ~'!!!!.~~!' .• f........ N1wpor1. Coetl Maae • C••lllfllll Of•111J Free est Kevin 875-9088 Yard work. cleanup, cour· ROBIN'S CLEANING trvlne Rell 675-3175 RALPH'S PAINTING Free ISi Rell prtces Cell Sun1hlne Window Loving mo1het wlll babysat •• • •• ••••••• ••• •••••• • •• ••• ••••• c. •• •• • • ••• teou1, dependeble. rela i h hi REMOOEL/AOO-ONS $6.50 hr. 494-2921, La-Serv ca · 8 1 oroug ~ Brlckwork·amall or lge 1n11ex1 Reas. rates Oual work Lie 337 169 c1ean1no. Lid 548·885 Rel F1ee est 538·9898 6'45-40 10 20'1. Monthly Oltcount l full time, Nr Fairview & E.l<CEL CARPET CARE Baker. CM 546-8653 Jack Buffington & Carn.ntry Uc'd. 25 ElHltltll guna clean nou.e. 640-08 7 fob• 100'• local raft fll( PAJmll R 0 0 M A 0 0 IT I 0 N S W•ttl lt#llli•t. ~ iou don't need a gun lo "drew last" when you place an ad In tlle Dally Piiot Went Adsl Call now I 842·5878. A11tl•tnls Ualurnidtd ······················ ! .. '!r.!!.!!~!! .. !.~~! Hiii ••· 1rty ltll , •. Lge p\11 apanment Mo· darn w/blllns. 2 BR 2be, walk 'h Olk IO be&Cll 2 car perking. Large clo· sett. Greal for slngtes or I couple. Patio. Laund lacll. OPEN SAT & SUN 11 to 3. Drive by 5403 River Ave. Then call 645·1771 111 mag or 960·5844 3 Br 2 Ba, frpl, garage, beacn 2 bike. yrty 673-2571, 675-9875 2 BR upper condo, Wiii· clllf Or . nr •hopping, bus. pool, $650 A11I Sept. 1 846·4844; 111s S48·3117 1Br, 181. 1 parking alall. 1 btll 10 ocn. Agl 673·6210 Ownertoperalor Carpel, upllol, area rug cleanlng. Work guar Free Eat. 645-1771 ~v,. •••••••••••••••••••••• yrs exp. lrwln 5<48·2719 ELECTRICIAN-Priced _Q_U_A_L_l_T_V_W_E_E_D-IN_G_&-1 Housework, own lrant· Since 1969. 645·8512 a.a.at I I II ..a r1gnt. Ira• eallmate on Melnt. Remember the 3 portatlon, Eno. apeaklng #•rl•f Honest,Re111bfe & Aete. • ••• ••• •• ••.... • •••• by Richard Sinor. Lie ranees JC&B Const Ltc CorT\puter word proc6s ,. •• •t· II P· ••••· large or 1mall )oba R's Reaaonebte. Rella· Call Elol•• Sota al •••••• ••••••••••••••• Free ISi. Reas prlcea. Lie. 39662 1 673-0359 548-4839 -ABC MOVING - 280844 l3 yra of llappy 11347677. 974-7665 atng Faat, accurate I«\/ local customers Reaa retes No1ery. Fr Thank you, 63 l ·4410 SELL idle llama wllh a pkup & delivery Len. Qual work. Lie. 337169. ble, Rick. 497·3070 Quick. Careful Seflllce. Buying aabout. 6-42-5878 1 Delly Pilot Classified Ad 75I·1314 Want Ada Call 842·5678 645-4010 Ctassllled Ads 642·5678 Went Ad• Cell 642·5678 Sell Idle ttema 842·5878 Free eat1ma111 552-0410 for your l•wn mower DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell. we'll run It another 3 3 3DAYS LINES • days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 Call today for full details. • (Non--retund.b6e. Extra llnea S1.CXI) Real E1t1t1-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place \ '!!.'!!!, .'!.•.'!!! .•• !.'.~ ~!!'.~'.'!. !~. ~~.'!!. !.~'!'! ~ ..... ~·.'!.!!. ~~.'!!. !.~'!'! 91!!~~ .~!~!~!. ... !.~OJ ~ ..... ~·.'! •. f!~!.'!!.. !.~'!'! SUUlll IOTEl Resp non-smkr M/F rm· Female Wes1cllfl area. 400-900 PLUS 1400 sq. 11. 2 Responslble, rellred Wkly rentals now 111111. $105 & up. Color TV Phone• In room 2274 Newpor1 Bllld. CM. 648·7445 male wanted for 2Br. pool, wl d, non-smkr. Penthouse Bayfronl Sul· Adults (MIF) wish 10 renl 2Ba apt. nr s. Cst Plaza. S290fmo. 631-7332 1e parking plllos Mobile Home for 6 mo 55 673' 003 ' M u S 1 8 I t O w p I I 966-0 4 eves MI F to shr beau111u1 CM • 1 964-6110. M/F to snr 4 br condo. llome, 1 ml. from beach Seating Down? Starting liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii amenities. Eaatblull1, Spa. washer/dryer, lrplc. out? Lower overt>ead N.B. $240. 720·0572 $300. 645· 1637 maintain Image, office at B E A C H A R E A ••/F b 'd 1 1 want quiet, reap. nonamllr Regency Center. Exec "" esta I pro · on v. suites In Newport nr Air• S I 2 5 . 3 3 , 11 r 1 1gh 1 • to shr antique lllled port, fully equipped & HELPI Responsible cpte. 13 yr old boy, cal & dog need house In "Old Huntington" area. H B. (Wes1 of Adams, South of Beacll Blvd). App1ox $600/mo. rent or teue/ option Reis. 536-9832 84 wk non-smok .. cleen. to stir poolaldl Newport condo stalled tor every busl- 2bd, 2'h be new condo. S375 548•8236 ness need tndl11 olflces Relrlgerator-Mald·Pool $300 mo. C.M. Dave. M stir 1bdrm apt, non mo/mo from $375. Nwpl Blvd & Wiiton 831-•391. Costa Mesa 548-9755 ---------1mkr. no ultl. Newport 833·9976 Beach 5260· 548-3008 l·s_o_L_A_G_U_N_A_3_A._tC_h_B_ay-Vetrly on the belGll, llolel room. kitchen & 111~. $320/mo. plus sec. d• poall. 2306 W Ocean· lronl, Newport Beach 673-4154 l•••11 •••ta.11 fZOO Master Bdrm. own bllh. near Beach/Adame $250/mo. plus $100 MC 960·6030 or 960·7874 Steps to beech, 3Br 2be. M/F 19·30. $250 325 34tll St NB. Call Answer Ad 121 6<42-4300 24 nrs ....................... --------- wtRLY HITILS Av1J111bl1 Agl. 675-8170 lal~• PHln•I• $300 wk 1'h blks to t>eacll 673-9384 Presllglous N B avall now. lemele only S325 All prlvll. 6<45-9515 Rmmate wanted, stir tge 2 BR apl In CdM. $250 mo 673-1896 Qule1 MI F 10 Skr W/23yr 500 aq tt Wllll good nwy ••• , .... /I•rnl/ M In Cdm blk lrm bell vlslblllly. 497-2351 fi•l•tl 2br lb1 pool S295 Sub-Ill bee:. office •••••••••••••••••••••• 673·5309 Prime airport locale on l•li•lll Sllare trg 3br w/1 rmmle MacArthur Blvd. Price n...nmtw SOOS In C M avail Sepl I $300 reduoe<I Must see! ••• -.;{~;;; ••• ;<•••••••• mo Incl ulll Deposit,.. 497-6034 WUT ... quired 548·8490 Xlnt Harbor Blvd loc Just Swallows Quarters bul Is Park Nwpl 2 br. 2 be ipt, No 01 Baker St., CM. not your lyptcal Video NB $350/mo + • ..., u111s. 580 & 1250 sq 11 spaces. Game? WetgM only 7 760-1554 aft 12 Fle•lble leases. Call Prop lbs. & can be carried M 0 r • 6 4 5 • 8 1 0 0 . under your arm'1 ts H Rmmte. 1 Br, $200/mo euy 10 set up as plug· ··=··, ,,.,, ~!!!.~.!. .... ,~ .... !.~'!'! f!!!!~ ... ~· ........ !.~~9 .!.'l..Vff!.~-!. .... !.l.a I 5035 FOUND. Fem Golden col· 1•--------i Alda tor paralyzed you •••••••••••••••••••••• or Shep mix w/blk face EXOTIC woman Mon.Fri. 7_Jo-. I.I. UTTI.111 Mas a v er de . Ca 11 pm Musi drive Balbo~ 11rt1ac• a.. 1... 979.1158 DA•CERS 1s11nd 675-5652 Speolal!zl~ In lat & 2nd Los1 Golden Retriever ta-lachtlor / l1oh1-An111 • Pn for sllk screen TDs •nee 1949 male "Sandy" Vic I tf f ' l ·shirU Experi enced. Robl S1111ter NH/CM Monie Vista, Coat ~ Ofl I ltlf Ill. 631-3494 .,. ~.~.::~., Bd5~~ Mesa 549.7932 Thi Last Hurrah. , Found. Brown ml.11 male 731 911.39 WIDOW HAS SSS lot TD t1 dog "Foxy", Vic. Turli• • llill. AUTOMOTIVE HTO SALES HI lUlllll RE Lo1n1, IOK Up. No rock In Irvine 760-1628. !~~~~~~~~~~ Credit Clleck. No Pan· ' Neat Chevy store rnusl a1tv. Dennison & Auoc Found Boaer. Eader *** add three experienced 673·7311 School, Hunt. Bell. Call Atlantis Parlor combination salesper· S.cur.d. discounted 181 10 Identify 962-7067 sons tor EZ s1ralghl selfl Open 24 nrs e day & lease. Gel set lor the TD's for sate. Pvt party. Found Prescrlpllon GIU · 7 days s week .83 Chevy bonanza I (213)698·2284 sea. Vic. Brookhursl atde Jacuut. Sauna local• Generous pay. demo o f M lle Sq . Park , es well as Tourists s s 1 M Sell $12.000 sec. Mort· 893-4894 BankAmertcerd. Amer· plan ee aes gr gage, 44 years tlralghl ---------lean Express, Diners All HOWARD Ohtwrtllt n o 1 a 1 2 •t. I o r Loal Black tong llelred welcome 7141645•3433 Dove/Quall Sts $8000/Cuh on Cos111 cat wltll lags. vie. West· 2112 Harbor Bt CM NEWPORT BEACH Ma 11 Hou a a Irena cliff. Dover Shores area. __________ 1---------- 556-4211 att&f 4PM. Reward 645-2020 or llll••·' Babys11ter·wented tor 4 ~48 2681 ~ month old Full time. DO YOU HAVE I lal. 2nd ~ • hmt•I 5360 Mon·Frl. starling 9· 13. or 3rd TD to SELL 7 Lost blk Lab/Shep F •••••••••••••••••••••• Your llome or mine 780·9145 puppy wtbandana, Nwi>t EllLlll IEmE1o1uo 955-2526 B I 11 d & V I a l t d O -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii AllHUtl• .. t•/ _67_5_-0_1_2_3_____ E.scon tor wo,,,.,n , .. ,..,,111/ Lost Mate. yellow Lab. 497-5725 (bet 8em·8pm)i IEIT PdT-TIIE .. JOI II TOWI •• }!.~!,~.~!!~.~-••••• :gr~~8~ &;.:..;~~'J,':n w11111 Male wltl model Be a telephone promo· .1_ 5100 Ray t1on clerk lor local ,__ na••••tl•l•I• Lost: 2 yr otd brwn Germ 530 3283 spaper Private desk ~ • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • Sh II I I I Ceclt & • Payelllc Readings on a 'J'J ~48;·315 •A·-1-1-n-o_u_g_h_t n-9--n-0-n-.' casual elllre. Only requt- (Splrlluall Orange. -1 maritime buslneaa, llotd rement Is a good phOne Jeck (714) 556-1178 Found Golden Retriever. Mast&fs tic. 811 oceans. voice and 1011 ot enttru- Wll ' r ••• , 5300 lrllh Setler ml.a. untlmllld 1onnage us soasm Hours ••• •••••••••• ••••••••• 642-4929 Merchant Marina. Also Mon-Fri 5·30.9 30PM 111 & tut Snr bllls Jlm.1_5_4_9_· 1_3_8_6 __ -:---:-gtng In your 1011t1r7 Crappy 2br. neer t>eacll. 1 Br steeps 4. across Iha F 25-35 10 Stir 2 br, 2 ba work 642·S097 CdM di• svtte. AIC. ample Takes only one mlnule to nice 1111, furn or unlurn str111 from the beacll. Promontory point ap1, Lg bdrm, pvl balh. pool. pkg. utll pd. 2855 E. Cs1 play & can never bl $&00/mo. 873·6336 $295/wk 875·5068 N . B . 6 7 3 • 8 6 o 1 garage, w/d, no amo· Hwy 675-8900 maalered? Hes depen-SCRAM·LETS EJcecullve Condo 1BR. Laguna Beacn collage. (9am-1pm) king $300/mo. 548-8058 2000..,., tt ottlce •"ace tor dabla mloro-procusor FOUND •OS sail lie Would en1en11n Sii 9.30AM· 1 30PM 11vocat1on11 runs • wknds s84 oo 10 sum & the Ilka • II llllle to no Aller 191 week, Share 1n charge tor "right stuff" partnership profits. ..... ... base c:trcultry? Can gel n ANSWERS den, ocean & bay view b I k t o 0 I am on d SI Male rmmt needed, 1 btk Gorgeout 2BR 2BA con-1se. C 1 -avaJI now 625 you stened lmmedlately Cath cell, lrptc. security be• c n. • v a 11 now from bch. non·smker. no do w/poot, apa, amanf. W 191h SI. Coste Mesa. In an untapped marlcal ARE FREE S Bl owners Steve Freeman For tnlervtew, gale. $750/mo, call 9.5 $475/wk 494-0349, flakea. Avall . 8/21 lies Xlnl loc .. Nr SC 8 45·8830, sea Mrs tor under 16500 for 5 mudge • ISi 834· 1547 494-6942 646-9223 p I 8 z 1 • O CC. FI u 0 r Nortllrup. ? T II d bou Obese • Gadfly 673·3500 dys 673·8211 call alter 6PM 01nerwlse ,,,.,, 5450 142-1178 ••• • •• • • • ••• •• •••••• •• tXT 312 Weatcllll, xtra trg I Br. HU.IFllOIT Neal F mid 20'a to ahr 2 br 662·2247 111 4 & wknd1 _S_U_N_N_V_N_e_w_p_o_r_t_B_ea_c_ll ~~~s unl:ua "pr:~~ catl CaU; During ~~~:t~lll 511• apl. pool, pello. lal~a Ptiln•la N.B. apt w/sama, $225 & Penlllouse nr t>eacn. prl· Patio 0 111Ce. 833 Dover. Mr Pal rick. l oll-free 142.Hll son. Mom had 1 unique LA. 10 Atlanta. 1st clasa ~~~~~~~~~! 6'45·8152 2 stry 4br. 2',.,ba. dining. ,..., ullls. 552·4409 vale ant & beth. H.B. Sulla 2 $3 08/mo 1-800·531-5255 •~' 820. way of gen lng Dad lo llLl.~UAL AIDE WESTCLIFF. I br. condo gl1nl .TV screen, !lot tub, $300/mo 536-0794 _8_3_1_·_10_9_4 ______ ARTIST Need axoepllonal ~~~~~~~~~ carve Ille meat Sna'd • airline ticke1 $960 Value, - Wiii sell $500. casrt Valld tor I year 557-7196, Jell pool, no pets. $540 mo. modern kllcll. 2 car gar. ROOMMATE le m 1 o Looking for aomaone 10 IEll IPAOE 011 arltsl lo do spona action L 0 s1 Do berm 1 n wtt h piece It on Iha floor and H u n 11 n g 1 0 n Be 8 c 91 673·66'40 Ava It now 1 o 9 / 15, share 2BDRM Condo. locale & allaie ept, CM, Atlraotlve rustic upstairs llgure sk11clles al reas ldallo legs. red collar yell, "FUMBLE... School District 1n1er- Walerlronllwlnler. 1 br. 675• 7650 1262 per mo plus utll NB or CdM. 63 1·3981 selltng We supply desk, price. Jamn 861•3386· v I c F a 1 r & M ea a Lab Puppy, lemlle. Blue ested In n1r1ng subslltute $600 & $550 Daya "1-111•• l1•1-'1~z•11 Adams & Busllard .,.. mso spece. copter. You sup-Olwn 5.10 p.m. 548·9154 collar Vic. Peularlno !!',f!!P.'!!!! •••.•••••• bplellrngdu•a~.a15de.:.a3yshopuersr 642-1121.aves 730·0104 !~.· ........... ~.~.:!'!' Call 96<4·7167 after 6em. ply phone. & $95 pr mo LIQUIDATION SALE Scn1 days 540·4040. ldHll I , "' liw Ill ll1r Oaltl• M 10 thr 4 bdrm llOUM tn pr desk Call 644-721 1. DISTRIBUTORS STOCK LOST IACAW eves/wknda 545-8782 week Salary $5 115 peo HUI VIEW Labor Day Rodeo Wkly/ Mlf lo share 3BDR 2BA Nwp1, 1 blk from belch. Light Bulbs • Fluor•· 3.~ mot ego. 644-5289 Gary •• J!'.'.'!!'.t.t!!~ •••• !.~~ hour Fluency In Engllsn 10 steps lo aand Lge wknd rates 3brl 2ba, houM In C.M. S250 'It $230/mo. + .,, ullls *FREE RE•T• scents • Commerclll FOUND· Blk Doberman, Student Tralnae Fall an· and Leollan/Hmong 2Br & pallo. Furn or furn lrptc. color tv. Nonamk~s. ulll. 545-1370 ~ .... 8~·14~o;,.~~ pref Mo-Mo. No lease req Light Flxluru • Haavy Loll At OC swap metl 2 red cotter, vie. Camino rollment Sllow horse Apply 204 5 1 Cr a mar :~~:;~~:ye:::~~ 831·9766/492·2951 UDO ISLE $500, Full servtc1e. lurnlslledi g~:~ s;u·~;~7t~r; ~~~i:: r~N~S S:'~l~a~ ~·: C1p111t1no & L1Zan)1. stable. Live In Non· ~~~~ H9~~g~cr Be~ I J IA 4300 'I• ulll .. non·smok&f ""I!' l•111•143S recept/con areas. * 54o.696ul Long htlr 493·5197 smolc.ers 244·2218 l.t• CJ1•••t• Jl11 .! ... ~'.!.!! ••• ~!...... Carol 675-9449 si~;a~;·g;;;g;•;;;~;~~ ~-~:;,From 116 sq tt. 11~:~/i.5~~.2~,.,. E111btulfa Reward 1llllHll S350 HARBOR TRINITY PRE· IHlHl·AIEm ;·9;,··P~·;;;;,·~jd·;;;;~ llJ •••-aft Retponslble lemelt rmm1 on Balboa Panlniuta -2000......,,..........,,........,11-.-c-om-b,.......o"".lf:-::._-_ Or Catt 2131553-8595 _ 760_·_9_55_5-',_8_7_5_-8_8_2_8 __ •••••••••••••••••••••• SCHOOL DAY CARE 11mQO"<um' 1c111omm!~.~111uM1 r' .. "· C t G 25 30 to snr Bal Pen ...., """" -COEDS • Would love to CENTER Costa Mase ........ clla rm. 1p1c11cular on11c1 argast ay -ne at 10 Fun Zone tnd ltg .. 1 work •hop .•• ,, ..... , t• LOST Grey and cream C 11 S F clllll-In irvt~ M I F I •·-I .. OVM w/••me 87" ""'"'8 O 20 673-2"'•" " • ... pa""' with you. I ue Opantng Sepl 13 ull v• ·-ocean vu, walk lo beech II emae eerv..,., n " -..,.,,,., 1 'ltll 'h' "''"" Storage area w /lge leml .. U I (Had yellow "' n ••95 Contact Mgr 11 apt So Callt 540-8716 eves. d 3 luS.nl 5010 collar w/lag) 1 ur old or Ke 111 Y 1 nY11 m • and 'I\ day c1r1 7 AM 10 llEHlll llUl · C.,. 332 Encino '·n Garage tor Rent. $50 per overhead oor acc.u, •••••••••••••••••••••• ' 213/804-3233 6PM Reg Isler NOW I " Fem to shr furn. 3 br month 2864 LaSalle, min from Lido !tie. Ideal OP" W"lll91 TO llY Glaf(neyre St, L •o COfl18f Blk8'& Fairview 111·0 0 l.t•ll A..1 3110 ...••.••..•••........• 2 Br 2ba condo, nr So. C11 Ptza $450/lat & 1111. No pets 213/893-4690 att 5 3 br. 2 ba. delu:ice condo. Lrg patio, pool, 1p1, cMd O.k. "'" SC Plaza. $665 mo. 213·964·2686 IH•• 4M ..............•....... EASTSIDE CM. Prt11111 lum. room & balh. Ulll• Incl .. refftg .. $3 15 mo. 873·7544. ROOM/BALBOA $230 mo. view. furn. avlb 9/ I. 1123+ non ·tmkr 673-9015 . b tt•·-/ " -• Clllldren llearlbroken ROOlllTE condo. $300/mo. E/Stde C M 957-2740 alter 6 lor com o ......, 910fage. Local pracllct. conllden· Rew1rd 497-1377 Liii& I YIOll'S 556-4335 or 556-7787 Cap111n for 80' motor c . M Av a 11 n 0 w pm Call 645-4800, Ilk for ce Reply lo PO Box 1---------p OTO MODELS -J-.-... -.-,.,-1.-,---.. --10_1_5_, l&llCH lm780med_,'9•7l•1· ~ •• fllDERS 642-2225 Ofllt• l1•t1l 4400 _v_1c_k_le_or_A_n_n• ____ 1 1332 Newport BHCll Loll wlllte F Sllepllefd. ES~ORTS/DANCERS •• !'. •• '!~ ••• ~ ••••••••• -------"!!-t!l. Oldest & largeal agency. MaJe 35-45 shr 5b1, 2ba •••••••••••••••••••••• WATEIFRllT 92663-0332 VIG. Atllnfe & ~land, OUTCALL 24 HRS Young married man wlll OAJI WAii PElllll All clltnts screened wttll llH nr S.C.Plua/Frwy WOITIYE Simi Offt /II all S H.B. 536-2287 Ill 0211 do general handy work. pnotoa & references. Spa. S250+anara ulll•. IRVINE Pllone anew•· on p t_~. :!erloot;ng ~!'.'!.~'..'!.•.-.~-!.!!{! Lost 8/13 M. SMlpotn11 ----···----• Call 1v11 & wk ends. ~~v~:'."' or older, Cradlta. Coemop0t1t1n 641-4913. ring. cool rm. ulll pd, Newport Bay. Avall Im-Client wt1nea 10 purchaM Hlmalayan. San Joaquin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 972-9525 CASHIER/HOUSEWARES Good Morning Ametlca. FIM 10 Shara 2 br In Co-sclry ser111, etc Aleo med. 64a-5051 plumbing t>u1lnets In Or His Or. San Miguel Ad. SUNNY'S Executive -L-lv-.---1-0-h_o_u_s_a_k_t _e_p_e_r_/, Sales. Exper pref Apply The Tomorrow Show. rona del Mar. $300 mo dt1k epece. 1150/up. -2-00_0_t_q_ll_w_/_5_0_0_s_q_l_t l c 1v Contee! EIH. agl Reward. 553-1950 Slreu-Rtductton: companion seek• perm. at Crown Hardwar'6. •••rrt 141-1111 A 111 II 9 / 1 5 E .... 1_5_4_0·_9_7_45 ______ storage, o .c Airport 751·3191 FOUND Olflce-llm-outcall p 0,,, I 0 n Re I 's 3107 E C11 Hwy . CdM &40-4047 1617 W11lcllff, N.B 256 are •. $ 2 0 0 0 Im 0 . '•"',_,., GLIDER. IDENTIFY 831-6377 836· 1163. HARDWARE SALES ~- Fem, 30 allr lg• t1vl1h Shara Beaut. N.B. Well· 10 4000 sq. II 1•1. floor 851-8928 n. ,,.., $015 545-380• PART TIME llghl hOUH· p 'd prel'd, Apply liJ lwnhM wlrMf>. working cllll 2BR 2BA 1pt w/ Agan! 541-5032 ----------1 ... -.ir. ..... !l•••••••• Found. F Slllll·TZ\I whl & Prof. man w/1m111 chlld keeping In exohng. for person at Crown He10. lem.unbetltv1bi.room1. employ. 35+ F/M. Pool, 450 aq. 11. Sl.00 per '<I llWPlllT IUOI Resort condo•. Bullhead ten w lblk lace, vie. need• houHketper-glrl prvt.rm.&balfl Exper'd, ware, 3107 East Codi overlooking broolt & W/0 $325 +'I\ utll 11 .• 400t 81rcll., N.B Prtv1110ttlce .. $495 c11v. Laughlin (Coto. Victoria/Harbor . lrlday. Organized. hou· m11ure, reapon1tbl1 Hwy.CdM w11ertall. Pool, tac. lake, &42·6'492. Agent 541•5032 Branch Olflee ... $76 River). Hunting. tithing f. 548-8523 Mtlold. Ught office, po. Beal raferencH Nwpr1 ---08-.-,-,..-,11-1---elc. NBtCM araa. from Ana-Ing Service. ,$40 gambling. we 111111 renl· 1tt>lllty 10 i.arn compu18' BchlCM. 631-8284 - S300. 780·8045 Rt1p Flo lhr t>eau1. 2 br, 752-6408 111. $50·70.000. Pvt plr· Found 8/17: M StameN word pr~ So. La-----------1 Share lloma w/elderly tnt't •law1rdt11 wllt ellr 2 bl So Tu1t1n apl D II 1y. (213)898·2284 ell, nr MacArthur & ~na, room/bath & small Light llouHwork tnR•~· WO!Jll n. Lt htkpg & coo-S287.50tmo 731-8630 tntertor 111gn rm h11 c •mp u •. Me It 1 •a aatary. 01 Hlery only. cting tor prt rm/be np klJ1g Nwpt Bell aret ~°!~ 6~~1.::n~•~k,8g~ ~u;~·.~~~ ~1i .g:~o~' PARK NEWPORT, 2 IK, 2 ~~:.~~~~~r u;::~;~ !!!!!t •. 'r~!!!!. .. !.~~ 752-8191 Fltxlbl• t1our1. Barry mature, expar'd refer G.13-&000. '. lull prtvttegea. S300 Cell _6_7_5_·5_14_8 ______ 1 b• furn. apt. Spa, Jae. j.""c-.-, Skyperk arH Looking S25K, thort term, well .... Found: F Pit !kill~ & BerMe. 494-8950 N.B. C.M. 545-2515 OHtll'll a n 1 we r • d 11 5 2 O. 2500 eq tt Condo. wtll ac-tennis, pool. Gr"t l'e:z ./ =--_... to' compatible Co for cured, 35% loan • to • F Germ. $hep • lo owner Stat> .. Al'n4W1Carl llOlt fa-Olltca Man agar/ E11ecu· Nead ad for tuitury La· &42-4300 24 hr ctpl 2 ldltt. or 1 adlt Of Back Bay. S375 ·~ l't ... -Info. call 5156·2932 Ilk l/alut. 493·7874 or good hOtM 9ee·1192 mllu wanted for Mgn llve Sacrttary DegrM gun• Beach llOlal WH-utlle. Erik 720-0939 ..1,,,. _ ....._ 1 J ' uclen All IM c,..auve writing & editing • Ftm/pvt room & bllh w/1 cntld or Jull 1 adll l·M-/F-10-lh-r-lga-5~br-11-IOl-m-11 ..1-_ or en Thlnktno of a new home The lu1•1 draw In Ille KhOol II 1 ~ aklll• 648-4 118 ktnd• • m\111. 3 days per Compl. llMtlld prtll. C.M Pool. lg kit, 2 pattoa. lg ff 8 k ..1,.,.... """"" l•llanl ••tll UH ICH spring? See the IMnY w .. 1 1 Delly Piiot !~5-058wtntl>t/pdknd • ----1--1-, .... -...,C,-OOll__,ll wetk. Conu ct M r s S 2 9 O I mo. ·~ u t 11 b1tcon)I w/bay view w/pool, lrptc. O IC •••••••••••••••••••••• llatlnga tn today'• ct1.181· Cluellltd Ad. Catt Todey • •· • v w Antenn .. nit•._., Vaughan-Purd ... 631-0412 657-7883 or 840-8339 Bay.C M S300 ullls Incl. Beaullf\11 executive olfa f1ed column•. 842•6678 642.5878. 641-8243 ult ICH Marie cabta, t1ou1u. 1ptt. 4~ 631-6220 eultt plu1 we~ In !-::=========-'.----======:.!..--,--------. MATV 1Y9tem1 lrM "' EOE Back Bay. NB. pvl rm M/F pror.atiOn&I 22·30 10 "'IOul dealg 1 &42-61153 1185/mo lnol ulll. Yng 1!1r 2 bd. 1 be •Pl In Rmm•I• M/F, nr occ. pr .. ,.,. 17tt «*1 IW I m~,. _._ I Counlar Help for dry 1 • m • n 0 n • , m k r • Cd M N on • 1 m k r non emkr. $260 mo. 2 lllW,.T llMll on Aedhtll. 17 8 tq. "15 ~· ' ~ \'OU Can be a I Sharp dtallnctlve evil OM c 1e1n1ng Pt1n1 E111per J 846-5558 S300/mo + utll. 11111111 BR. quiet. 642·2344, Executive olflct 11'1 Cln· 875·3882 from IO· : • 1 mu rate Vi n , truck . or wtll train. Mu81 be ,,.;1 +dee>. 780-6238 ev111 875-4424 nfi)' VIiiage. 1460/mo. 644-9539 •tttw8. l· ..-1., ,; WINNER !,:: motor oycla. comm In 1ppt1r1n c!.J Employed male, laund fa-wtcnd. Prof. Fam, non-smkr. 11,, 8follet 875-•912 'Coeta M.... _ ... R-. 775-7184 499·111811. 30848 co.,, ell. qutll C .M . are• M I •u~ .. 1' !f ca.' • ........ SCMJth I -·na. a 1&9, 0111 afl 10am M/F lhr bMU1. 8acil Bay 2 Sr 2 Ba CM 9')1. POOi. Alrp()(1 ar" • Exeo. Sul-OV.fl ,......,.,.ance -., ·-LOQOI , t111erlla1d1, adel .. ~,. _,,~ '48-093e oonclo. Poot. Jae. ltnnls. ltnnte, Jec. *327 & ~ u111. '"· From 225-4&0 tq, It. retell or office. 600-l200 I l N B)I awerd·wlnntng ar•· Cualodlan Malnt . Man. '300. 04a.51'5 645-4358, tv mag. '' '* aq. tt. M1ny xtr ... 1,1 49M132 Just by sending us your name and : pnlc antet. 0ua111y qua-r-aac1 f()f Newport P1tlf Lg rm lo t'9fll fplc pellO Can 557·7010 , _ _.. I-' J •~ ''"'fllll address and b y watch1'ng for your '1 rantead. &48-1175 ,,.., ~tabla, Mii ~ bath t 2&0 1 It H e Fem11t to ahere 2 bdrm Famalt roommate wenl·' , ... , "' -• ., I neer beh. ~1m-· · ept In Coate M ... Sec>I 9d. noo·em<Httr to ahar•I Exeoutlv• office eutte., •••••••••••••••••••••• •I ~ ft4 11 vatad, rettrecl men. 11t. S280. &45-1288 '"''"'condo. 1240 plu•1 COrtl« of <405 Fwy. ~'I N.B. 3075 Biren. 3eeo aq. name in the classified ads or the • .'.r. •• ~ •••••••••••• rr· :r11y. ::·~'l.":?: RMMA.TE M/F, 4 br. 3 ba.1--------utll. 559-7418. 752·9089 Harbor &tlld. Tak• over 11· or 1•11· MIA. zon•.: Dail"· Pilot. I AMlllTl IHllYUU n3-e~ ' CM,' utH1. 1280/M I hM Newport 8Hch toll for I ..... 1800 aQ.11 at 90C Agenl 541·5032, • .., AO AGENOY ~ prtv. 544-8573. rtnt, 'em~trn~tf9. Rmmt wanted femele,, It. Cell 751·81t1 1 1300 ..,,, tt. '450 I F••l-peoed anvtronm.nt. Cu11om Cabtn11 Shoj> ,ult f I non-11nok•r •hare 4 er .... Win tlckcla to thf r1rcur.. &rl'll 11mui1tment attraC'· l ...__. ~ Comp!. furn. conoanlat UN ° ... r pool a ' Fron! office llrge raer .• 1 11 you have ret11ecl t>C· ·-• man ex btaok man. Hunt Boh. & perk, A1n1 lnot utll. hou1e. Cd M , 288.J Founlatn Valley Offlo•I cloof. 1719 ~ttti.r A.,,._I t10m111r 111.1orlln1t evt•nb Ju.st fill out thl• roupun an .. , perlenoe. txcett•nl ty· '"cabinet making & AMlol'labl9. S3MM• , *380 mo. 15'-0780 640"'42&9 epece, 2800 eqJt. ti 80e ' Deya 840·0882 lvH 1 mnll II to<tny to tho I 61 ~ ping llkHI• & tnloY a tot Of 11alletlon. Cell 931"3C t M/F 1WS 10 ahetl 2 8' 2 I 1 " Ooocl ';P.oiure, 1 64&-C>M1 ' I J li w r .. Pon•lblllly, we nMdl blWn 1-4:30. • Next to greenbelt, pV11111. h• '"1111 draw tn th• 1 Be. ~oodt>rtdge Town· good par1dno. •lbart l 1 • l CIHalfled Department, Dally PUot I !: !' i: you. C all Ut· 7000 SELL ldt• tt•m• wtlh•• l bath, MWIY recteo, H.B. Wett •• a Dally Piiot hou•• UH/mo 1111 1· D rook h u,. t c •II 18Et.L tell• Item• with • 330 W. Bay t-•t, Co .. ta M•1a, CA ---j i ~ 0 ._ (9-1) ... *2-&0.;.·;..;'3e.o;.;;M-O.:_:~''t4:::..:.. __ ._i:C=IU=ll=fl.o==A=d.=0.4=2·=5e=7=8=J. W"'4e'.42 . • . 7&1-6191 . Delly PllOt Claaalfled Ad. I .. ,~ " "' H V.W r-. I Delly PllOt Clalalf'led Ml • 0 ' CJe Orange Oout DAIL V PILOT /Friday, Augu1t 20, 1982 .... ' l!!l.TIMt'l. •••. t.~ff P!!l..,M'!l. •••. 11.tt r.t1r..,t1.'!l. •••• 1.~ft ,. .. ,1..rte.1!1. •••• 1.1.tt ~1!1.'.!'. ........ !.~t r~,.11~ ...•.... 1 .• ~ 1 ~ .. ~ 00 • UT1\.I .......... IUl m&ft IMO S.atttl lfflM .. , Or1en111 hu1111v ameo I llY Plll fTll ,_ ~ 1 ;~ IU ... N • "°"" 1 OAHOl"I ld t""1d• lnNwpt N..o a~~ In loren~t"Yecn~ n111ch 11101. repro I l ea 917 .. tU 1Aij ~ OW..,_ 1c~t1 ~0T11 "-f• oommerclel end lec111 •o hr work •Hk 10 IHO 1 •2 l!l 1!1 8 ohalr1, M>lld •alnut, &Int l : • ~.-#, • , j ...... 1 1.-.... Own trenlj)Ol1ellon t lrlal , .. 1 M llte IOt tut:· moe wot11 ye., ii Y" Or1an111 nH vlfy cuvedl oond I 120 f or e ll -~ :ji:~~"~ 'ft t1Wt 11/tTt-S471 ce11tut and grownlng 01er1oa1 ••Pr reQ !UI collH & J end llblea. 1444167 N • C.. I c ~ ~· 4'1JiJ y , ,~1 l'l.ltl ' ••·time d8nC*"I "''" .... wort.Ing oon-•P'" lyplng , 10 wpm ' • p, 0 . I 6 a 0 !Ail !W 801'A f!th • ~ -. ~ I .\l 1 • JI. wenled tor l ere ,..In· ..... Ulll 0 111on1 In Ne wport 8/H, 1 11181114•3 per I 821·3313 Ntonet NM 11 Nit wu:-'~ ' .. ,.. '' 1'7 ~ i 1~ lmum Teleartm• Audi· eipe r M 11 11 hive e...cn 714/149-6041 mo Apply In peraon $100,:. 11.i ,, ~ llon, bt lng held Ihle 8uper..,f10r quell\181 FOUN T AIN VAl.lEY Roll-Top CHio, Oalo 48 '. r•H 87.,1 OA•AOI IAU ADI NOW ;,. .-tromt AMI03P,.. MaturePant11111 l•Clll-RMteurent &CHOOL OISTAICf. need• rellnl•htng 177& "' • • ClAH .. llO I YCIJYI ....... AOC)ly et•..,_ ,,,_lnlmum, tent pey tM-t300 SOT PEPPERONl'S 17210 Oak St , FO\.lnlaln 080 07S-O:l05 2 bleck leather ol'lelrt Ill H l OW !l!.'!'!JHt'l!'!o~ ••• H.!fl~~'IP..~~ ... I!! ESJ.fil ~ftL:;!~ ~2'tJ.26 n..1 .... All ... ,. AnUquu furnlturt•, Hummcla. Conn Organ. C h1 c:ker1nu Y. Grand Plano, China, dolla, fig H llock.a w/c Jend.-r, primluvee, lmt'nt und lot.II more goodk .. MC or VISA OK 180TW. l<etella. Ste 21t. PIZZA 8TOAf v alley Ctoelng del81 II IOIO 1100 for both Ill••••••• .. •••••••• An1helm, or o111 (71 41 Houu k H per . cpl In No• hiring tor Full or 11251112 E 0 e ~II..~~~~••••••••••• 1140·089& 17a.1421 bH ul N8 Mme nH d Plll·tlme opening• et HAROOH AREA C.,.,,, ''' IJU Qerag1 Si te &el/Sun Ill•• llWI helper 3·4 hrl e 01)' tocetton ne1r 0 C All· SECRETARY/ EXPE!DI APPi IANCE SERVICE 8l1CI.. 11111\11 Cl)uCn & •••••••••••••••••••••• MlllO lleml 5132 Sluon ·--------~----------· H•png. marketing, 110 p0<1 verylng e1ay1 end lOR lor am all N 8 upholate,ed lov81a11 PATIO SALE Sat Aug :l1 8 •6 0 01 111 Cnlca / .....,/llrt. lllllf, "•q non emkr w/ou hO<ln, fd11I 1uppi.m.nt· Drapery/ Blind con111i; W• "11 recond • gua• 1100 Qood ,ond 8·4 Oltf\11, Cryttel, Ill· Edin,_ Unlverelty Athletic: Club P/nme 1200/ISOO wk 780-1994 Ot 040-8003 11 Income tor home· ting firm, Mull oe org•· appflence• ~49•3077 840 01111&. ver, 1n1lquea, other ooo· __ •:;.....-_· ----...,--hH4'e lerMr l at1lr Mtmt>erlfllp 1700. Homt 048-5711 for Wlllle l egal Seoretery In Hunt• maker• eno ttudent1 nClalral ~7a3n~7 go~~t typl118 I H Y lPPU AIOll M11ct11110 I ti covch •... Y di•• 05 Merigold Moving. Bedding, ohalra, 1500 545.,415 •00·2078, ofo 6411·8020 Oental Chelrald• AHi•-ln(ltOtl e.teh PIT, bper Our progr4Hllll" VI growt,ng a t2UAM..., 80 .,.. WMn Lot• 967·8133 chair, HrlhtonH , 1 150 YARD 8,Al.E kott OI goo ~:i-:-rs.~'0~~~~:0 ':~~y LIYI IAL.Lltll F•mily memwlhlp New· ttnt, Ptrt-tlmt EltPE· NeoH11ry At le111 2 oompeny O era oppot U· -"---·-----1163 1031 Ev/wknell dlH tori• 01111 llem1 Send 8011\410N YO<I love port n.~ .. Tennl1 Club nttlea for advenoement Rer11ge1a1or, w11her. j 7 •0 .. 1 • 8 • ., · t>lrda. 4201 8illlm1n Dr . 30 ...,_., RIENCEO, ROA prelet· d•ri• 1 ~-Fi.i1 l'IOUrt Sacretuy/ Reoeptlonl1t, dryer. Olil'lwnh., & --.-.-,-11-1-16-l-l_I__ 41 In • II .,.1, HB. 840•1118, a bHulllul bO<IQuet Of H OO Call collect Or ;::,~.:::.'v:1t~~oo~r~: :','1::•~n47.eb~~ Dl1pl1~ ~=n::. ~=~~ =· ~~r~~~·vri~ .. ~~01~1~!~~ lreezer 646-5848 Furn. •PPll1nc11 (amell C•lll lltu 1•1·1111-1 ~:,1uaTi ~~:~~,.P~~:: _Lo_w_2_1_3_13_:l_ll_·4_8_4_0_ . ..,..._ 830.11"". ----------king condition•. MUii tie c 0 n t • c I .L I •• ' 30 INCH GAS RANOF d I Ml h • • •••• ••••• ••••••••• •• d J h w n T-nl• Club .,., 11n 111ge,, IC ouH · Beach towel a, eocks. Cl e co r 11 11 n g I a 1 • o n •Y • ~· llgll Seotell ly, tempo· 10 end over Apptv In 7t4-875·8662 $36 hold ln11de and out n 673·4419 Memberthlp lor 1818 Dental Experleneed R O.A nee· ded fo r Orthodont ic prectlOa In Ml .. lon VleJO .,.... 83()..3703. rary, 2 ~ •• Clvll Liii· perwon 2·5 pm. 6 8 1021 642-0853, 8 AM-noon IWAP II antique radios. µlcturee Best olr 714/561·1941. glllon. Newport Center. 2300 8 E 8rl•tot llOln&IY /IXEO " · wkda S•l·Sun 111 day Eve;-y Sunday, 8em·3pm furn. elect 10011. and Flberg1111 chopper gun. 2131614•3173 non emoker, lylly e11pe-Santa An• Helgl'lte 10 C.F 0 01 Npt Sch Fin Moving Fr1g1c111lr e gas · Orengo Co111 College. much more 9342 Hud•· elrleu 1y11em $900 Pv1 rlef\C.O only 780·8866 (nHt to McDonald•) Sven Firm Challng , dryor yellow, vory c.lean Bunk Bed• w/M1t1reue1, I ratrvlew & ArllnQton. on Or (Bu1hard A H•· Pty 754·1507 HEATER, toroed air. Gel· lllT&l UlllT /lt1ltt. Equal Opportunity Empl. RHpon POllllon Good S 150 642-3589 8 drawer D1euer/D11k Co1ta MIH Admlu lon mllton) -A-lt-lc_V_e_n_t_lfll-1-0-1-T-u_r_b-ln-e-1 ller1 & Sattler 175 Make UYl•ll I I I t t ti ti f FF S 1 8 0 ' fret 10 t>uyera Seller -,---'-.-.-------, S O olr 8311·11547 Perm•Mllt. full time for lllTlllllT YP ng, nc 1 • ' ca ' Ralrlg. Sellls, l5 cu 11 • 586 5048/770-9584 A 1 /I r ''"' Coooer WfbUe ' I · Chlllralde. Xlnt wage & bene. ROA or 11tglbt1. New p ort B eech l40--0t2 I minimal Ciara of aeml· Full urne poaltlon1 aval-S/H •kill• & •Ptllude tor bottom freezer wht . • IMtva~~~58.;'o0 •••••••••••••••••••••• 644·594t •Mag Wneel1 U S Ind)' lable 101 HOll·llH/ Cl · number1, exper req'd Sl95 551-5511 WAfERBEO Wavehh• ~~~~~~~~~!!Garage ule· Aug 2t·22.1----------1 t5X 8 s $200/bat olr lnv1lld Ellpet or wllllng slllar. Walte r/111 & _c_11_1_64_0_--0_1_23____ OR mallreaa, frame, decor/ -7·30 to •. Baby llem1, Mirror. goldleal, framed, 839-9547 to leern c1u e ol ll•o•· XI 1 REFRIGERAT neadt>oa•d Incl sllelvee Moving & EllSle Seta, 1urnl1ure,kllchenappln1, 48 ".c84" Sl25 Call 2 --T-~-.. -8-11-1-0-.-.U-8-.-.c----~-tomy. No 111hig. no hOu· 1oun1111n pereon nt r· I EOln &IY No 11011. alnl cond 5275 6'15·l1 123 l'l ouae lull of furn. & more 16 Gold Blutt, tr· 536-7719 ~ "'""""' 1 1 aaworlc M/F Releran· vine tocellon. Ca ll Ex1>41r'd 6:30-2:30 3 day $275 casn 640-9079 much more 8•5. 23g 1 vine (Oeerlleld) ---------3 d ay llcket• Paid Oelltll Aulitent, lu 1 1 me, c" 55 1 ·5300 for Inform•· N ----------1 Stllfel bran table temp 2 Olnlng rm 10-llte Ch&noe S37 50 ea.en, wlll Mii for front & beck olflce lit· 873-23811 lion A11lc for Jo Ann ;:!:ok!~nb~~g~~~el ~.~· New Whlrlpool Portable months old New S200. Notre Dame Rd. Almoal MW GE WHher lier White wood/metal S35 each S•ve S5 end perlence, ROA X·Rly lie:. ---------673-1770 OIShwuher yellow w/ sell for S100 531)..7719 Antique Garage Sele. Too & Dryer & 0 E 18" A.-S30 5311-77t9 11rne waiting In line to req., NWv open, b4IM-LIA.I lfFIOlll IO&Jl &SIT... Butcher Bloc;k lop Va· many 1tem110 1111 Set ot mote control TV b/w, Duncan Phyfe din table, buy 84S-0414 fU• Newpot't B..ai area. A 1 N wporl Full/time. Expe1lenced Service elltlon e11eno11n1. lued et $450, ask I no Italian Tea Cart. Liken-4 chetr1 I 10 Beveled plus brlc·•·brac. 2 Tor· br••• pew leel. "·aut. 2 .... .;~. -& wknda ggreu ve e ... 00 II I St50 -.,.. # J I .,.., Beech firm 8"111 moll· Letp<>r1salM e11per , rel1 req'd, 8dy1 S250 662·242<1 New-• M or Mirror $12 Olah•• & tolee She ll. Irvine . teav"s175.645.2573 a1ea 873-3403. vlled fndl\/lduel1. Terri· w I!.. 9 n r 1 pr day G E Call 536-77 19 glHaware 25c·S4 J-Wllnul/Warner /1111••••1• IOIJ llSllml II OlU tori" open Mull heve ln&IL ll&llMll S275/Wk NB 1144-7t5t Electric Dryer. S85 s· couch, champagne 11e· fry 504·$3 LICe & llnen1 GARAGE SALE: SAT 8121 UllGYGU 1100 ..................... . l t RE Lie. DreH shop: NB or Irv. 71'1963-7920eves lour $150. Mexican Ille 50c ·S8 Fri only & SUN 8/22. 9AM to ? Caah 6.46-8163 ALTEC·LANSING l205 for the PtolMllone hat Harbor·Pa.clllc Re t 1 I I exp r n a c S.m11 lt•tl•• 5 o 7 6 m 1622 Monro powarad P A 1pkrs. ~ doeen't l'l•ve Ille 955-0073 544°2470 Merge ATTENDANT Full & p/ REFRIGERATOR, Frlgl· top coffee tbl S O bl am· p • AntlquH. colfectlt>fel. John Wayne Tennie Club Built-In 100 wall amplf· .om•. and for everyone ---------time apply Cnavron dalre, newer mOI. white bOx spring & mall seo 1111 Between t&th end hovMhold flemi. book•. Family Meml>erahlp Try llers with crouovere ~c:erned with v1fua. Malntenence/ Gardener, SALES 1251 No Coalt Hwy, Lag $140 673-7652 Antiques Dresser & mlr· 17th SI C M. tOOll. record•. furniture $1500, 760--0499 Xlnl cond, loud, clean deelgn fee. S3 per 8q prefer over 40 yre. lor Bch ror S425 Small dresser Sat only 8· 12. 30" tlove, ind MUCH MORE. Alao sound. Ideal for audflo-We •Ill 1111 It coat 1pt complex, e11pertence OH•. I .. Ill Kenmore washer and S150 Bullet S375 AOC· $35, 20" •love S25, 110fa, semple 1111e next door Homellght XL-2 Chainsaw 1 lume end/or large 20%.. 759-1406 P.O. neceuery 548-9556, Thriving O .C alarm TUOIEI All( dryer sel. )(101 cond king chr $175. 681·8389 S50. ewlve1 roc;ker. S25. 18298 Foxglo\/8 Way, Ueed 3 tlrnea ltOO group• Outetandlng 5120 B1tboe l1land, 12·7 company wants ufe· PART TIME 1mmeo1111e $295 547·2916 Earthtona couch S150 Color TV $75, wheel chr, II -a1 I I I <7141662•0907 buy $700 tor tha pair or .928e0 l-M-A_T_U_R_E_A_m_b_ll_l<X.l_l_pe_r_· speople 10 handle rapidly opening. 850-0907 _E_L_E_C_T_A-IC_D_R.,..Y_E..,.R-. -:G-:OC".O:"':D:"I Dreasar S25 Walnut s 150. Wiiker $25, Iota , ......... , • • • FIREWOOD Beach lire-Wiii trade IOI Other mull· l)ISHWASHERS/P/lfme aon w/1ome mkl. bkgrd upendi ng business TEUPIOIE CONDITION $95/ot>o. table, hut ch, bullet, rnore 2895 Palau (MaM Day Pack• tor 811 ages, piece. Lg boA $1 Sm c11 equipment 547 1845 ._..knd•, 1 1hllt 811m to to help In mkl ./mgmt Alum upertance pre· Call720·0262 St50 Gold chair w t Verde)CM tennlsdanldll rac1quetball box50c 548-7062 · • " lerreel. 833-9381 (aak tor llLIGITOlll S 63 0200 bigs. u es, 1,1goeoe. 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 2:30 PITI or lpm 10 6pm. butlneu. 845-6776. Kent). Eureka delu1<e upright vec _o_n_om_a_n_5_o_. _9_· ___ Moving to Euro1>41. every· and wallets. Top line of 11 YAMAHA Bue Amp. A"pply In per1on btwn M d CHIROPRACTIC 1----------cleaner, w/anaoh. & re-White contemporary di· thing mu11 got Color TV, l1dlea end chlldrens Heed with II dO\.lble 15" 10em & 1 pm. A•k tor •ss· ST NT 1 11 "I UL.El We need good people to tract•"le cord. •Int cond. nlng table. Round 48" d&rll room equip Furnl· w11rmupa plus Active I l 1 COMPLETE PV 1pa11ker oabtnet. "ra. we ..... •. MeM v~de A · I A gir 011 ce. " •at up appointments ~u ~ w h ••1 F d ea Precision .., .,... •• PIT p M I e. Exclllnv career opply w/ ~ $99 559-5038, plus 2 leeta, 24" ea. "lo tu re 11 er .., IC tennis -•r. Antique sale en ar as Conv Hoap 1161 center · · ne. per. r• nat'I ar1 access. co. Flair lrom our Newpotl Beach chrs $165. 675-1174 ltarn• Set & Sun. 1578 next door. Sal/Sun 9·4. B A 11 D Guitar with caM and ex- St. CM. . ~i'!:ds1~8~~~1~1•1~~W9 for decorating nee. Fteic office In the evening lor Aattio• IOIS ---------San Barnarotno Pl . lJnlverelty Park. 18286 n t ru • all 1n u callen1 lms. Expertence pref. but Holiday tnn'a new travel •••. ••••• •••••• •••• • •• Bedroom Furniture, all tor Coate Mewa. (Sant• Ana Fo>1glove. U 11 I FORMS condition llUYER llllLI wlll train. 1n1ervlews Sat ctut>. Salary + commts· $300 646-8386 Ask for Ave & 16th St I 045-8189 ---=-------n IH·Olll, 1·1Ptl "'"II d I I food • .,, I 10 ' 2 91011 + bonus Cell PUBLIC FURNITURE Dave. evea. Greentree Home• Assn. .LI.I. e..6..1 • ..,.. very 'ver or Toni's Sc1nty Penty nO'# ... ug ' 1 · am 0 pm 833-3740 aher I pm * Community G111age Sale "" an service depart ment hi I d 1 Pte11 on Ille hour 81 26300 La ---------*AUCTION Decorator qualltvl lmpor· Yero sale lifetime ol 626 homff . trvtne . S.E. oe•h 1141111•llh· Flute, Gemelnharelt, 25-P, .needed by Huntington ' no "!~ • sc. M e Alameda, Ste. 350, Mis,. TIUPIOI( ted ra11en LR set 7pc 1 k F o 1 tal a c 1 1 ... ood d BHch Cit" School DI· cell ~11-.... 44, · · slon Viejo, (nr Crown R F I"' l 30 un urn, r en rug · corner or Culver & WeJ. Raa1onable ontec silver p 11.,.,, g con .. ' IElllYATillllT .. very r ••Y 1 II• S950. 646-5368 •II 7pm books, movie poetere. nut • Ju•t So. of 1·5. Mrs. Fisher 760-3217 aeldom pleyad. $250. •trlc:t, 11 month posS1t3to3n2. lllSES AIDE Valley & Puerta Roel). or llWlvEI I New & uud t>edroom BRASS BED/headbrd and leroa selection of Mexl· Sat/Sun Aug 21·22. 9-4. Newporl Mesa Unified 499-5196 Selary s,~~"lng1 on In Peeltetrlc group In N.B. _ _,,,ca1_1 _496-__ 1_8SO __ •_h_ll_p_m_ llllTllll•TI sets dining room tables S can Iron. lean end Parleh Bargains Galorel School Ol1tr1C1 -T-a-ka-m-ln_l_F_·_3_7_5_S_g_u_t_ta-r per mon ............ ~ Full or p/tlme. Call Mra. Salis & chalr5, llvlng room lur· ~ol~~~· 1~~6LID 500• pnnt1 Saddles, -tern ___ ...;;... __ .....,. __ e11perlencie. Apply 20451 re. s ...... R 1 d'•t 1 Pleaiant iurroundlngi nHura. refrigerators & all • Items Concorn neglva· HELPI We're running ovt ~~~~~~~~~~I Drums, case1, stand & .... ~ Li ft-. Hunting· __ A_u_11_1n_04_µ __ 61_0 ____ 1 ~1. a,,... ep. o .., r . .,_... & b I ""'~ 546-3302 f ... o n"~8·18c'h. Phone but• The N-European Easy hours. 3.9 pm. lots more BRASS END TABLE, 20" uon ay1tem 1nd Coast of space .,.,.,..a, n-1 12 PC PLACE SETTINO cym a .,.,... Otflce position: Mull oe Elf0t1tess Excetclse me· Mon-Fri No EJc"'"'lence SAYE SAYE SAYE cut>e shape $175. dept h gauge. Many used kitchenware, um. K••1no6cn PA-heed. 125 1$4-81186 1 d I co re ""' c 11 759 1206 pl • 1 ggage camera.a Ugh1 ollve green/golO -••per ence n r • chine. Comm. Wiii treln n-.sery Ottlceloc;eted we honor BolA. MC. a • Items. 100 numerO<ls 10 c~. u · · tri m on whl $300. wall RMS, 2 Peevy cabl· -,-• spoodence, bide, nltlng, farrltortes aulgned In N B. Call 641-0119 S c hi · Ch k GO AMET SERVER list Sat-Sun 2044 Prasl· etc all must got Set. 2 1 nets w/15" 19eakers & .,,,_. typlng,elc.~ll-0606 39 VI A, 81 ers 8C s U d-1Ptece.Co11a Meu 8 /21 . 9 ·1.PM . 4327 Crys1&1se11 pace s•50111rm PAIT Tm 213·592-42 between 2-4 pm & Cash. NO PERSONAL TABLE . Custom 6' v,. Winter St. Irv. 552-0086 norna ., Operator• w /cllentele. Salel·, Hlltdware, lull time CHECKS PlEASEt Food Outside or tnslda uaa LARGE GARAGE SALE Crystal m . green. 4 stem 642·6155 Be 1 cerrler counHlor NB/CM t t t • la TtletthOll SlllS J 1 s 1 11 s•oo p e1ec·trlc d"'~. "'• violin, ti· glass sets, 12 place ea. ---------for a focal new1paper • • n oc. "'m • In retall hardware 1tore, ava1111t>le llerns sub ec tee on ro ers. " · 2700 Peterson tece, .,-7' $ 00 759 206 Tami Slingerland pro No experience necu: ble working <>wl*'I, lalr no Sundays or e\ISS. See Full & p/ltma E•pr'd 10 presale 759·1206 Garage 62·B Sat/Sun ned drepes, sew ma-2 ' ·1 drum set, 6 tom tom1, Dr)'. Work only 12 houre deala. 831-41 11 Steve. H.W. Wright Co. only for datalllng co •ASTERS AIOTIOI -8-e11_u_t_llu_l_D_r_e_•_et_d_l_n_1n_g_rm_ 9-4 chine, etec motors. many llWIH llAOlllE 2•" bass. 7'"'" chrome a.-. S75 to •ten plua PUT/THI( UL.II 126 Rochester. Costa _64_1_--0_3_8_3______ 2075'"1 N-port Blvd CM set, contemp but anti-Items. Sat 8•5· Sun t2•3 S500 631·4059 snara, black, dble heads, eddlttonll lhere of P•t1· S200 to •·oo ..._, -k. Mesa. TOIT ROllA'S 833-9625 646-8686 q u e Io o k 6 ch rs Hsetul + ~~~2e~. blk~, Culver & Seton area. ell hdwe. cymbatl' & __ ,.1 , fl -,..... """' ---:--:---".":""".--paintings onega · 17665 1ronb11rk Cash Moving Wurlltzer 1ptnet cases Sl500. 96.,--0207 ,_. .. ,fr~£'~.n"i·obl 6.46-5781 HM tor Wlllle. llLH/Lt lllN. A PUCE FOil RIIS $900/obo 780-3303 0pel'1 Dally 841-9312 only piano. 4•7,h .. wide. 2.2w r "' -1u ~}"' ...... !!! ...•••.•• !.~~'". wwkknddY!· 551·4810 eves/ 3 " I h $600 Oil/ F I I Menegement oppor'lunl-Part time, meture girl frl· Allen Beck Florlat. 298 E .. ,,• "' ~ Mull sell tl'lla weekend. JI, .. i depth, '1 h g · · t i .,. 1•11 tlH. For Interview cell d ay needed by amall 17tl'I St. CM. Apply In IOW HIRlllG: HUFFY 26 Inch 3 speed Bdrrn. 11v rm. din rm fur-.!.'!r.!! •.• ~!......... Frigidaire gas dryer. yel· r..1 .. iat IOl5 etter 6:00 PM. IM2·5678. mnfg 1hop for light olflce pe~n 9·5pm. 645-3604 T , • Custom a own.filled 8' nllure 64 t-6633 llher .ltwtlry low. very clean $1 50. • •• '";\.~"•••••••••••• 9'11 312. work, typing & pacl<ln9. SALES PERSONS·. • .... ., HIHH: girl 5$~~ur~~ ~:~~ Like' sora & 2 chairs. paid 11 lbl 642-3589 _ IBM Personal Computer A . M . we 1 9 s c 0 "' We are seeking eppll· new • $5200 whl s , asking 3 FAMILY SALE Anll-TurQuolse, co eel 111. ---------7'.'1 or Apple 2 & 2 Printers XL.NT Oppot1unlty tor ei1· 7141851•8239• Full & pit dress shop. cants lnterelled In an Schwinn Scrambler Moto 52500 528•2411 ques, tools, quallty clo-artlfac\a. boat goodies. "Pageant of tl'le Meaters" Musi sell. 673•7422. pertenced Dentel Auls-NB 544-2470 Merge entry level position For X wttull wneels 575. thes, toys, 30 gal aqua-Queen water bed comp. tickets, good seats, Frt & tant with RDA. Bu1y, PART TIME DELIVERY Sales PIT Retell Fabric more tnl ormetlon call 644.5941 Solid wood desk, 42X32", rtum '77 Suzuki AM250. Hundreds of ltams. 4208 Sun avail, S26. Marilyn IOll 1£11 llO pleUant, Laguna Beach p EASON. 18 yrs. gd. S 1 0' ra •An e . (7 1 4 1 Maggie 714/642·9070 I $50. very oood cond 1130 Paul11rtno Sat/Sun River Ave 675-1355 Sall Cagney, 540-6937 Ceal'I 646-8183 ()ftlce. Full or Pert-time. driving record. 751·4705. 772•447 1 TOPLESS MODELS SohwlH ilrl1 645-9177 811m Sun __ H_O_T_AA-IN_S_E.,..T--1 Gorgeou~s 4 494-11788 PUT Tiii --.-.. -1-,---UI--.--575 DAY• PAID DAILY 20' Fa11 Ledy Like New Wicker chairs, parlect Gerige Sile· Ullllty lralter, GARAGE SALE. Everv· on 4ic4 plywood. "Int furnishings, all1il<a new Exec. Sec/Admtn. AHt. Eves and/or -kends. Wan-led 10,r"'retell shop no 111.p nee • 828·2583 S65 080 549.io21 cond fOf dining or living golf clubs. men's ez 42 thing goes. Sal/Sun, cond, $35. 731·2133 6'I0·1813 for t1nd1Clpe Archllec· Responslble edutta. over on Balboa lsllll'ld. Apply Year-old Un111ega Gran rm $60e11, ~5-9177 cfolhea, port• phone, je-August 21·22. 319 ll"\lfne NEW ATARI VIDEO -----..,--:---:-tu,., Arm In fl"\lfne. Xlnt 2 .... h ndl I WANTED ENERGHIC & R'll I cond It _,,.,,, 1011 of mllC. 541 Ave. N.B. co··PUTER SYSTEM DESKS FOR SALE 1, .. ,, O\.ltll• ng. a · In person only, Mon-Fri' CREATIVE people tor " y. gree · P111 S1oret1ry llll w ·Wiison D·t Costa ... Desks and malclllng Secre11rlal i nd organl· tractive per110nalll'" to 226 Marine Av Part & coetumed balloon dell· walgh1 S325 759--0701 I 673-2833 Mell Sal only 9-6 MULTI-FAMILY SAT 9.5 S 115. 731·2133 Chairs et sacrfltoe price u tlonel lkllla. Ability to work wllh youth (llOH full/time very service Musi have Schwinn Sting Racing --------:---Furn, appliances. bikes, lras• Gtl lll& fll 111 S550 Replacement work under pre11ure, 10· 14). Cell 2-5P M, ------....,...,...-~ I II Bike S125 Good cond 7 pc decorator white rat-T o ramtly 11141 crib mat surf brd, gamea, bue-• cost S2300 CALL DAWN Haume rHpon1lblllty. 642~32 1. Ext. 3-411 EOE SALES REPRESENT A· r;;-a¥:'f::~~~~n ca 645•7977 ten llv rm set S1400 or ~ .... 5 bamt>Oo shad•: bell cards, lamps, organ, Never ueed 4 tulip llgl'lll 9 • 5 pm M·F 633.88()() coordinate work tor large ----------1 TIVE oest offer m any wedding gllu. generator, misc 1815 Cost $230. sell $99 office. Word pr~ng Pitt .. -·-Local new publlcatlon WUHll WOHEI 1111 lllE $11 559-4124 ne..,er used & misc. 187 P0t1 Charles. 552-1509 IBM Seletrlc t, lust corn-dHlreble or wlll treln. Supplement yaur Income ~· FIT dlsptay adver· Full/time. Mu9I be 2 I & 897 7405 I d E 2 Ill St Apt 4, CM .,. II I .,.1 pletely overhauled. Pres· Cell 714-979-5120 bel· by doing tnlet•llng work tfslng sales represents· have valid Calif drl1ter's • Dout>le maple be · near Front Yard Sale: furniture, Pil•I H• e11 1,08 Effie 72 Asking .,_, I AM and 3 PM on behalf of n111fonat lfvet Jn Irvine. Costa lie ,.97•17•1 W0t11en's Varsny Schwinn new rnettress No boa D••• 11/at good toys & mite llem11. and other games From $<l00 Call Jan 752·7905 • I.. • • hr g ar •• & Ml 1 n Vie Jo ---------=--Bike 26 10 s......,. •Int springs S-42 5"8·7011 • ••• • ••••• • •••• ••••••• Sat only 9-4. 526 River-S95 to $495. 5•8·6469 FACTORY TRAINEE comp n ..., u · ... eH, 15 0 """"' I s 810 B d P e "' I I t t>on lnceritlve St f ht I t WllllW WAlll(ll con o S 1 0 0 Ca 11 Be au I I e 8 de d g 1811 leaving State, everything 1ld• Av ---------narp on 11p r 3 lhlftl, Ideal for '#OrTl8f'I Pua 11 n us ra 0 comm ss on 962 0159 must 00 ReHonable, ----------1 Newporl Ba11ch Tennlf Copier, 8'h X 11". 8'n )C Oller 30. No phone call• program Good apeaklng 213/698-8366 Trainee P/llme Must • I t>ookcase/desk & press-Fri 10 am 33201 Sant· UUIE SIL( Club Membership avail 1,. '. 11 )I 17 •. dovble- "'4>Ply In petlOtl: vokle 8 mutt. For perso-Sales ha v a Own 1 re n s P Miyata 610. 25 . brand bacil roc;ktng cha1t. xlnl Iago. Dana Pl 661-8779 Eta,,..,e sl""" bOOkcases. Bes I / o Ir C 11 re) sided. labels, trensp11-IVERPAC CORP. nal lntantlew cell Jell "•6-9780 / $300 cond Reasonable •-· 1 -5•n •522 " Rml£11 .,.., new w e" 1res antique commodes, Fr """.. rancles S 1250 (714) ~55 ProdUC1ton Dr, HB p 1 IIer1 on e I 631-9069 Aon 859•9679 B••li••ll• •u• Prov curio cabinet, tab· Men's A-'ler Skates 646·•070 7141545-5776. looking for 1111tre In-#1n'-•1j/ll ---------_, Co~p "·" w/ rnall. boll ••••••~•••••••••••••• I "eco !•ems etc "' ' __. __ .,. ., _ _.. T P Tl • • l •1'l'1'•1 "' .,,,., GI A 1 I a es. " ' • · · Sz 12D. llke new. $15 Desk, black matll with ,_, -...... P.n-•••RI coma? ry art· rne •••••••••••••••••••••• •prgs, & frame XLNT ant ,..p comp ex 0 r-oe 10 • Sat 511 Cancha .., ~ h FI IOOS ID ,. ~ sale Corner Ulloa / • ., · • 731·2 133 wood grain formic• top. ~~ 1~r~~1.'.:";~ Enloy worl<lng '#Ith lllds. ~!';.9'9 T~~y 1~ r~oo~~ ~JJJ.8.!'. ••••••••••••••• !!!!!!!~!~ ........ ~~ cond s5o. 966-8318 Delaware Sat/Sun 10·4. Newport Beach (The _S_P_A_p_r_a_c_tlc_e_ll_)'_n_e_w-.-M-u-sl Mede by S leetcase. Margie. end with ln<:reaaed ear· Applv PENNYSAVER, MOW Ho/ff, <1 Poster King Waterbed YARD SAlE Oak flemi, _B_l_u_ll..:s) ______ sell, no reasonable otfe• $150 5<l8·8480, •~ I •--"' •...a....• nlng1. utlllze your out· 1660~ Placentia Ave WESTMINSTER " and matching Colonlal 3 Garages Full Furniture. 1 sed 552 9567 -n -..wnn going peraonallty, learn Costa Mesa,Aek lor Mrs'. ABBEY Redwood 2116 decl\t11g. 1 SlOOO/bsl of Thur-Sat. 808 Wllnut. clot l'les. misc . See _,e_u __ ._:--.-:-:-:-:...,...::-EXECmYE IHI 497~77 EOE how to become. trained Whtie ANTIQUE MALL 4-20' long. &ISO redwood 8~~~726{; , comer of 8th H B. dimes-a-tine 416 Erner. TENNIS MEMBERSHIP $75 0 B 0 S.2-9702 Genetel Office utu counaalor. Ce111-...,...-....,..------11751 We11mlns1ar Ave fencing. Call Jim or Ken Hlde·&·be<l, dlnolte table aon (Tustin & 21st), Ftl/ S2,000 JWTZ Famll) PIT. 9 am • 2 pm, Mon· 2·5PM. 642·4321. Ext. Salee: Start your own GARDEN GROVE anY11me. 775· 1491 Space saver bad1 dra· & misc. Set 2181 8:00. Sal, 9_. mem t>ershtp S 1000 Compare belore you ouy Fri .... ___. mature ---~n __ 34_8_._E_O_E ______ 1 buslneS5 lc,r S31.00 rec· 554·6103 --------1-IU-f(., wers. c1blneta ano bed• 9•02 Pier Dr H B 95t-6659 eves Classified makes 11 easv ·-,.._._ d t t I ~~~~~~~~~~! ~· V'r ell In one S50 --"-----·--· --i LIDO Garage Sale. Pie· ' W/off'c •• xp.r to do Qu·•tty Englft~ apture on s . sa e. S If l"le Items 642 !>618 642-5678 b"kg, twp'g .. 0 wpm & "' ·-· Good market, Kint prolll. •1• •••0·.:·~1·••••••0•1•••• 557·6••8 Sat Aug 21 8 am to 3 tures. collectlbles, patio =;;e:;:"'::;=====·==:.::=======:::; " • u Call Ann 720-1856 Oriental Dragon table & I I ••• e1oe IH c101hlng end misc ltemt, teble, much misc. Set 1 phone. Could work Into chairs, S l t50/0BO. Sign up nowl For Info l •t f ll1lt1 CMlll elao maple bunk bed, only 11-2 148 Via Trieste full time. cell 5511-2932. MECHllllCIL S1uta coolc. min 2 yr e11p. 2 4 8 5 I' v In•· C M Call 847-7688 FV PRICES START AT Sola I comp acce11orle1, up· elk for Lorne h.tll time position. Apply 628-3313 Beds $197, Sola & Love ~irilgihitipi111inioi.i9i60i-4iii5i80i.~~WiiiaiiiniiitiiiAiiidiiisiiiiiiCiiieiiiliiiliiii64iiii2iiii·~56~7~8~ Full Time, Day ahlft u-In per11on et Gorda Liz -------,...,....--,-Amertcan Esk Imo pure· S e 111 S 1 6 7 . Bed 1 • lllll&L tfflll ilgnment for Quality Res11urent 900 B1y1lde Antique pine hutch 36 In )( bred dog. wt papers Mattress and Found11fon 0 Looking for an, e nlhlnu· E=eer (B.S.M.E.) to Or. N.8 . Must ha11e p.,. !:8~2:.!nt cond S375 Must sell. 9 mo S200 Sets Twins $77. lull S97. latail•ll IOS J..-.lrr 1010 lltlllc, herdwork ng • r dre'#lng & ~-lerences. 642·9208 Queen $147, King 5167, •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••-1••••••••••••••• dtvtduel with office H · llcattona to n t11>111t1 c:1&-I----------IHHllHtS 111111 -S-11-ky-Te_r_ri_er_s._A_K-=c=-c...,h_a_m_p.., 3 pc tMng rm llbfN S67. Sol• Striped grnlyell & 14 l<erat gold llldln ()pat perlenoe. typing & phone felled ln1pec1ton requlr• Full of be1utllul, rare sired. Male / remale 4 Chair Dlnne11e Sate beige love19at & chr. ring surrounded w/10 full s~':!.~~~=:•nce ment1. Ou•llty auuran. • T anllQuet. Compl "lnlaJd 6•5-6037 $971 bunk bads with Broyhill 1225• 841•4130 cut diamonds $350. 08 bacllgrovnd requited • Urn your woo .. " bdrrt1 set $22, ----------1 rnaH $177 A1111n Bentwood w/green 850•1092 C II Col,_ u Yorl\shlre Terrier. Hny 1---------:::-:-::-:: llllUI. .,,. • -t· unusables 000; comnl din rm Ml ma I. 4 m 0 s AK c lllOllWT FIHITIRE cuehton S70. Llnll#k 1015 Ex1>9'lenced peraon to • ·ent.O w/matchlng Chine cabl· charnplon tines ,hors 1111 ler•er, Gttfl cell 841·4 130 •••••••••••••••••••••• .m.11 0 11,c. l "P• llTEllTEI nel & ermolre $15,000, WMf "' ~ run • ' • USable 546-8624 lt•1 ,. GrHI 6' Bu & 3 uphol. lw •II• quotea, en•-r phone. lealhef aota w/matchtng -------.,.--.., • 1275 •-~~•- P<OCMa mall. Spend P•t1 SERVICES • cash. ca11 chalrs & •toots. genuine Shlh·TzU puppies. 2'"' mo. 111-ltOI Stool• A, steal ........ -·"'' llme IMmtng 1napec11on teopard couch w t old Sea et 16811 Mt ----------1 846-8181 lllTIWHntll loramlllmechlnelhop. BILL MAYS • DailyPilot matchlngcna1r&11oot& Colllen FV Days llllllll Great9'Archltect1 TMk 31792CamtnoCapl· MICRO Preclalon 27324 ___ 2_1_3_l_37_7_..o11 __ 7 _t __ • classified m 1 n y other It• m • 962·0017. 839·9862 alt. King sz waterbed with Wood Deak $ 125 11r1no. San Juan Capt. Camino Cepll1reno, La-Sell with EASEi 642·5678. 675-3738 6 beaut headboard w/ 046-8181 atrano• guna Nlguel It'•. BREEZE • Ctaulfled Ads. your one-111411•• lletrlewer llghleel mirror. 8llO m•I· HANO CARVED TEAK 493-1023 --Ci~7 ~14~-'i99~-~4~508~--li~C~ta~s~ll~fled~~A~d~a~04~2~·~56~7~8~~~~~~~~~~~~·1op shopping center chino oak ntght table BAR N~. natur•t flnlah, llJ•-U••H•I l"•O 1• mo old needs home Only 3 mos old Coat •" ., S 0 ... -GOVERNMENT (. l 631-7992, 752·0651 over S lOOO Sacrifice mirrored tneldt. 115 • •••••••••••••••••••••• JOB OPENINGS ,, .. 3 553-0175, 841-0154. Antique mahogany cebf· position 811 ble Miniature Schn11uier Pup-S 4 5 0 c o m P 1 • 1 • net with orig. RCA redlo ~8G~s. & av.!.: •. 8 For f;i pies, AKC regls, Cl>amp 730·6288 Comb 4 dwr 48"1117'A11" & reco<d player-$7!1.00; 3 2 88• •3•7 ~ sired 3M/lF 768-8823 6 sofa S 100 Matching desk wfbkcsse top un ' ''JVC" tabla AM/FM Directory 1 -..-.. .. BU ...... ----e~ ~ attract. hdWd tlnllh. xln• .... Ext E-9t ftH 10 1o• 104! chair S50 Good ~nd. cond. St25. 559_5038 111ereo radio wlll'I 8 tra..,. fT I J } 1 ~ ......... ...... ..... .. 541)....2687 & record player-$75.00; ~~· 1 8 y 11111 pe, ~pp0 I~ 0 0 x ~ 7\ ~ 0·/J . 0 '-Need loving home, besu· Otnetle tebte, butcher f•tallru• 1111 bllhroom "m11rble type" ' ""· tltul year old shaggy block formic• top, • •••••••••••••••••••••• elnk In 1 door & 2 dra-per1on. Crown ~ilrd· ~ n " CAEDEN"A bl I I at ... 1 g 2 w1re, 3107 E. Cat Hwy, ~ male dog, naulered, chairs, 11fnt cond $175. '-" ca ne put m ..... n ahota. graet person11llly, 54a.8•80 Pecan, 56", 2 dr, perlect door wall c abinet & CdM • ", ANO SOON YOU'll BE loves kid a 892·9 136 cond. $75. 538-7482 "marble type" wall shell, • Help, need 25 IU~I· LI. SEEING SIGNS AROUND 546-3406 Swedllh modetn 1moked ell for only s 100 00: '°" PIT, nu weight loN \ I ~ TOWN CALLING AtTENTION TO gt1111 dinette HI itlnt PATii Ill 1221 horse blenk•1·$20.00; W /' I SA_!ES! Free kitten•. HB uea. con d . se c 1375 Uke new. 548-3042 ~lrl '• ridi n g hit p rog r em , r a n. C1111111ter6pm. '""" flLS""OO A•r 831-290t 960•9126 84t-8.....,. Trundle bed frame, S25, tml r "'"'· : new - k """"'condition floor mat• (4)-$20.00: HOSPITAL --yo;;;;0 Guinea Pig Beaut Riviera pillow bee vvvv 9'0-l200 n-,. Inch fight i lfoy AIOHITI f ,_Tl UYI I SlllUlfll llUll SIU with cege. 1olebed. nr new, itlnt rim• (BMW'•) ... of llHIHIU .... ... 962-0683 cond. S300 M l-8633. •111H.U ,_, "'' 44200.00: two new oon- Genetal omoe Polit'°" In (or Yll'd ..... Eetat. ..... etc.) ----------i O.k 5 pc bdrn\ Mt. con· •••••••••••••••••••••• llnenlel et ... betted ,... .. __... llCCI•. r-lveble 2 beeutllut Calleo kflten1. temporary etyle , •Int Towle lterUng llhlw -· dl•I llre1 195/70 HR ~.. 1 P l a c e yo u r t d In t he Dilly P iiot 3 mo•. old ___ ............ 1 ...... 3 vice tor 8, "ROM Solltll-1• •1oo oo BMW 3201 o ffice. Medlc11 bllllng I Claeelfled MCtlon (lt't be9t to run 3 760-8877, 347.9044 ''""" ........ ..,, -...... re" p111e rn, suo. h;:;,m .. k-~20.00; mlr· e xper. ~ef'd ._ Good If Elegant contempot1ry fl. 538-74M 1'1. &pm. , 0 r -m 1 d f ctn e comm\11' tlon. metn. / days fOf maximum 9'1poM.rre). you Adorable kittens. need llfng room 111. 1500 Xlnt ci btnet-U O.OO. Call roatic.i and typing e6cflll. 1 pay for your ad In adVance we'll run It 3 loving home 8 wll• cond pp &3t..e&33 N...., King m•ttr ... only. ••"-Ot3a. M"•' be dependebl•, daya and only charge you for 21 1175-568t . S..ty Poelurepeelto nrm. 1'"a'iiiii"iiiiiiiiiil r e• p . • • n d • e I I • Dinette M t, ••lnut nnl•h. M us T SE I. L $ 3 5 O. -·-..._. --motlw1ed 2 . Get your FREE Qarege Sele 1lgn1 (all Adorable klttena Orey/ 4 gr n ch a Ir• S II 5 . He-8390 us r Allll i1~50 ~ou he.,.. to d o le...---.... In to th• 0 11"' wilt Blec:k/wht 8 WMl<s. 1173-71152 8 to 20' long. set per It. . .... ""''"' ., 675-35&9 8' 3·cuahloned flowered 775-1491 enytlme. tl)Slf.SS llot & P8Y for your Id In ldV8no8 -FREE TO GOOD HOME Ortho Supreme QuH n coven, 11lnt Cond. 1 -.at I .......... l... -wtll g "'-you two 11 • 17 Slgn1 mattreae l 80• Spring, 1142·7228 -•a-·•·-......... """ f ,._ " -Adoreble mixed Sp1nlel freme, heedbOerd, good Send eiom.on. )'Oii loYe \o hlllp lllOW llP9Cl'l.eoul1t FREE o oherge). I pupplH , 111 11rlH ol oond. 1250 or mM• of· Jfftln 1111 1 bMUtlf\il t>ouquet of 30 NewPGt' IMctl b tcu• "'· h di anol• given Newport ..... _ Pl c M •••••• -, •••••• ••••••••• ..... ~. p·....--IM r..,_M» to WMlthV 1111•· 3. Price ..Ch pleQt Of mere an M. • A ntmal Shetter , 12a '"· 3'9 ....... m · · · 1.31 oeret (loOH) 41•· ::"::;' ~ ~~ PfoepectlW ~ 1 Of ~ ~~ he M •, • o r C . M Burgundy ct1etr 1125. l.lk•j mond, I color V8 t Apr tn. "hedl" out 01 l'OMI. !.91.'...!'~~.•!d. _ 4 , H a v • r.••nt y o t c heng• o n n o 63,.,030 1 new. M~131 ..... 771.. 1 !!21_~2.19Tek• t3700 PP -'-'-~-•,,..•,,..1~'·=~~=--i ........ " .. ___ ,, -(rilcke 1, dimes, quarters. halves. .. .,.. • ..., • ::"1...,.. ~ __, one and five dollar b llll ). &-!!'!~!! ........ ,!.!fjt n br111 enc1 glue aofe ' Beau tllut 11'\ot. GAR·1 :uC:.1'.~~~i:3 ..,.,._ .... .,. ebloM-• 5. Relax,havefun,and count your mon-v : **I BUY** 1111>1•, 11111 new 1 150.' NUS. only 14 H ehl ll•ted for l StH .l old tef'I """""· AMI M-at the end of the d-v. I ' 5311·7719 ' MO·t618 tor '44. For Dlreotory =:...~:::'~": ./Y...c::I"""\ DAILY PILOT l ~::i,n"C::JRUl"~rir-.:.1 ";~~~:r~=t.8~~=·i 8=~: ~rr.c! ,:~.2=:"~;::w. Boat picture ads provide ~~=1 !:f.~ -r;r;/f ~. • .?"" ----·io-llli'llll-- ---__ .. ______ _ 28' Ericson Fully equipped cruise. 6 aells. UHF. compan, covers Perteet condition $16,500 123-4567 Set your course for fast sales with a Dally Piiot boat picture ad. Each Saturday. the Dally Piiot wlll o tter you ad space that not only describes your boat, but pictures It aa well. Thee~rlce Is guaranteed to buoy your spirits -$-'5 If we take the picture. and only $-'O If you provide t he picture for a 2 column 3" ad. For further details about how Dally Piiot boat picture ad1 01n work fo r you and to schedul• your ad, call ~2-5878 and 11k for Sally Lee. Diiiy Plot Ad No o.e1, A ~v ,~~CLAI ..... ADS l or 81!1.l. for You '600. a.1~130 I •-"• 17100. l31-t211 l '•ctor)' mounted on P.O. lox 11to. Cott• ' llUTDl &MTlll 1 .. , d tnl 9"'09 •I .. ~ h'• ... " t r eller. seoo 010 . ...... CA tat2t IM CAU Ml.U71 I •• .... Ut.M1t1" ;.Hy~~.~&~~ ;.th ~142.ae?i' ~S3t.o64~=·=911'1=·===::::JI~===========~~ ~W~ent;;;;Adl~=Cell~=a.4=2== .... .,=~~!!:::~J ~==~~~~~ l ~r:A.A..lol&... ... c"'\. __ ~~~~~~J..L======~ . ~ /, • -------------~_,----. -. Orange Cout DAii. V Pll.OT /Frtday, Augu1t 20, 1982 Cll~ f1.tf., ••••••••••• '1ff f1/J!c.~ .... !lff ~t/1.ftv. ...... l!ff ';:1 ',.I MU -::,~::~lll!(,11 •vr.::~ •I• .'l.'1!..,,H.'!i ••• IJJ.f Al.~'.~!!l!f!!!~ ...•••• ~/.'111.!'!r..~'!/. •••••• ~!.~'.'.f~t!!!~ ..• ,.~~~ •••1 Mu1t ltQutd••• 10· W•tf· LAiia 11&1 •••••••••••••••••:.~• .n •• ,.1;n ....... I}~ •• •••••••••••••••••1••1J WI PAY •llW l.'l'I OlllP 11 IU111u •1• •t IC'.ftntu.::" ... I In • Ofl" Nova wltrtr Sipe.. 81¥9 big ~·1-11 MW 17' IOITON Wl'tALI", '79 l/Q9U8 H ', ,.., bath, '84 Cad II Ooredo con· r.:n,............ ..•. ..................... . ......... ':'rr. ••• r .. . t r lpanlala • i.r. ,,, air" oond. lit UtOO LaMrt UMd for a clayt In Monllt\lll, 100 ti,p. lvtn· 20,000 ml, lmmao .... ,. Ho~'oto~ lg p~ ·(~~~1' TOP Dow• • _1_!! ~~. 'a"1n' -. c~!':Thr~~1.2:0~. ·::-ua'!.'.~.vw ... ' ...... ··-Mlle ..... klh..... ' a k • • I I ,. v ' p, y lhe O'Oay llnale llMOeO IUdl, low llfl. 11lnl oond 000 PIP .... 602) ' 0 r " --· --.. : "'to 1ii" ... M1t11~-m....":.:.. ... O·Tl30f1644Ht ofl1inp1on11'\Toa. flullv 1uoo. No lrall•' . Nt-7825 POil 1111 Gall Clellln1oond1tton1um11.cs cino 91\0lnt. cu11om 1111. (MOM) Don't m1 .. th" • • ---IPOtd 046..0483 rt•llan n1m1tt 1111 warranty 1Yall tblt 11trto. I much more. --• ---•-1 HO. All pupo .. Incl. ,.,..., WMte4 equ 'rht Law llont • •• m 0; ., •• ~· ........ ••••• '60 Alla Romeo 2&0089, AW llAlltll (O 68 a... 1 f&05 r_, c1-or fr .. 1111 ••9fTI ... o-ooeo H 11 Skip Jeck Hunt111g· 824 w. 18th 81, c.M. r,,.,..,,,,,.. •xe Cro11 oovntry • •tnote H~~0~;1~ ~p1 'j2~~> NITWll Hl&llt tti UIYU lllW --·-,-8-TA_T_~_e_A_L_E__ OILY 11411 CONURf PA""OT. Vt ry Ion HarbOur 811p lmmac, 80-0040 ••••oAO.oo~ii""•....... Ult. New pilnt, oood 11118 7825 . 2480 Harbor Blvd 1540 Jambot .. Road 11180 D1l1Un 2008X,•alrtl .Ill .... tam• Cao• Incl. 160. loaded. 12200dnL1111 '8t LANCER 25 Sip• s c..,.,.,, i.i. ~~··--~3a'n2~6 /b .. 1. .-COSTA Ml!SA . Nl!WPORT BEACH eond. OrlQ ownr IOQIP· Ylll.IWllll 848-1853 mo . 5117 ·8327 u , hi t T't A•" ... , llJO ..., •.... '28 Ford Model A, new Ht-4100 140...... tlngbld1.Wkd•Y•1".... 18711S..Ct181vd.•· TWONA!llDAYOONURl!8 8611.0500da .~r,<;o1~&aer.1'7e •••••••••••:•••••••••• A•l•lnftn ''"' '1t~,1comp1tl•l4500. 141-1417 ---------1 oaU,7011-42211 Hununqtona.acih ':: Wltlt wrOYght Iron oaoe 11" IWPd WMkdyt MUST ll!LL. fully equip· I Alu 11 HOO -8-...1 -29-2 ---~1--------1 IUHI """" '70 2802, 45,000 ml•. gd 141 IM 116 compltta, 536-7•12' Obit llUll H hp JoMeon SAILBOAT! SAll.BOATI ~:&, c::;o2M,'4 camper, ......... !!~.!! ...... Old•' H Com1t rt 1849. WI llY ILHH cond extrlt, $8500. • y mtr auto bait tank 24 . . • All Cl'levy truck par11: 'A 011g .. , 66,000 ml, 1&300. & 548·1•47. '14 Ill& lllQl'f ;• r!~.'!.~.f!J~!'•••••• ftal ' blt·ln lutl lank ' '02 ~:L~ln.~~gng5~~~~ 11170 Dateun, overhead ton to dltttl RDlt. All. OA. 404·352·2222 OLUI 0111 2 0 d / lmmawlata. Low ml. , lvara & Ponda Upright c. trlr & cvr. s1eoo · • camper, Mlf cont., llpa tranamlHlon from 1185 Satn 411 TllOll '78 B 1 • 4 IP • ale, am Aak tor Tim, 036-8811 .. Plano. 1385 015·1305 3, tebll, 11970. 813·31 t~ & up 55•·l850 '84 Bulek. 2 dr, Ukt new, ~~9~~~8~.1~3~~1 cond, ltll YW . 1 588·50481770-9504 27. Chrl• twn 283.,, bait OAYUUIAI UIU #tlldn4 ~I 114' JOHN'S AUTO DETAI· 35,000 orig. ml. Appral· 8altl-Sttvio.L111t119 WIUlll lllA 5• grand plino, xlnl tone, lank. fllh find.,, H .OOO jVa11111r•). N9W main and •••••••••••••••••••••• LING Md at 12500. B"t offtf [O" CAR\!ER 74 B210, • dr. auto, xlnt -'. frultwood. 13500 p P. 0 8 0 . 8 • 2 • 0 3 8 8 • lb, mad• for MacGregor. 'll ltllA UNIU Compl wto conditioning ovet $2160. cond. lnalde & out. All Tn11 on• 11 1 convertlb\I 764_,507 648•2352 1410 (714) 540·0030 $115. 752-0568 Mlfk Plck·UP & deliver 499·41111 Ill JS I\. lKt·llMW recpta 11900 494-9848 modtll (181P283). ' Art1 llyrt. 831·254• 18•1 Cadlll1c. modtl et ·~:~.;:-:··;.' ·~:::: .. ~·.::;,; * * 'l 3 llUST IHI t<lmball piano upright Fr Mvat tell (2 boat owner) 28' Clualc Sloop (Ludtf'I '82 PUCH·MAXI, br1nd Autob<>dy Student needt Sedanette, mint. orig, 'II 111••11t frultwood w/benoh 4 '77 Searay, 24' Cuddy t 8) N w p 1 • 1 '/' new, neY'9f uaecl, 1450, . , .. 000 -----"'--===;;;..1 1111 a•Ol l•W 2 ... 0Z* * • _,. ... moa old. Sac 12600. erul111 Twn 470 IO 1240010190 673-564 ' 840·8801. leave mu· proJeott, 70 to 82• Imp aulo. radio. 8"· ml, 11111 lml • " YOLllWAlll 84•·8211 Mero•. $150 hrs, 11th . •eo•. & Domeatlc ""oars, Ill• $15,000. 846-8001 Top dOllAfl for Sport• Sunroof, AM/FM OllHI· • SPO ORIG. OWNER. t87tl Beach Blvd. ' ready, 114,goo Oya Liit 14 #4411 . trucka. Near 10181*• H 1982 Chrytler Ntwpofl Cati, Bug1, C1mptr1, te. AIC, Alloy r ims. s3250. 857•0888 H nllngto) BMCh Like new Ktmball Spinet 213•270•89 IO, eve/ 12500 1213)225•3443 711 MOTOBECANE. Un· S1vtMMeyU· no Junk, sedan, mint, orig, A/H, 1114•1. Audl'a Automatic. low mlle1 , u r piano & bench'"' than · der 100 mllee. hN bae-2nd office urYIOt. $14,500 or bell olr 71 280Z. •Ir cond., 4 apd, 14l·2000 1 yr. old. Call afttf a pm, wllnda 714-873•2058 Santina 526, beautiful keta, UOO. 840-8801 213·944·8452 AC, 11250· 845•8001 Ask for U/C MOR (714)629-8202 am/Im •tereo, xlnt cond 965-1486. 30' Huntw cabin crul11r, shape, 7•A h.p. Honda. leave metatge. Near cl1111c, '03 Old• .llM lllAllll ---------• ln/oul Call 752·8408 '70 Karmann Ghlt 26K iiii on rblt eng. am/Im catll. Riviera rims. tinted wl~ dowe $3700/bet ofr NC trodes 556·4360 or ate 7, 848-4173 •ti I I new canv11, bottom Ex1raa , $13 ,600. • •· '/ Chtrome frondtlbumTptr & Super 88, exc. cond.. YOLllWAlll 67odC1u,•2lcO:OOSh1Rrpl4door,11-d-•y_•_·_._· ____ _ .. n que Payer P ano, doft• 8/82, 2 boa1 owner, ·~6-19•2 or •41.7623. ,.,,.,~,., 1 one gu1r or oyot• owned by Little Old 18111 Be•'h Blvd. m e · uni great '72 o 5 O t I t It 500 or bell off tr. m ~·It u 111 $ 6 o O o . "" " " lfHlfn 1110 •X4. $50. 6•8· 11173. Pa11den1 Ledy. 20.500 HUNTINGTON BEACH $2800/0BO. 769· 1677 atau~6 ~ogu oi )( n 873-06112. t-1196-8080 in. 6pm. Shock Sabot. eompl, w/ •••••••••••••••••••••• PAINT & lite body work ml Make offer. 642.0379 _o_r_6_3_1_.0_9_o_o.____ S~~~·; cia'an $ "; 8':~ WIRLnztl IPllO trlr, nloe cond. S400. Yamaha OT 175. Strtet up to 50•;. off your body ___ 14_2_-2_0_00 ___ 1 ·10 2002. Pert. cond. New 968·8723 Lt Wood. 11100 Or "'-at I' T111tl lt1t 675-0451 legll. mini condition, Ilk• Mhop eat. e111 536-98"2 '55 Rutored Claulc WAITED! I t Ne al t na rt i---------.,., Ith oAly 3 .. " m11 9 " G••c v. T w/ lT reer 1n25· 00 wFlrpm n · ru pe •11 Oateun 1200. 35••pG Faater. tuner, Hier, than 2!> ft MacGregor '81 tre1. n-w .. uv ... 1---------.., . • .., offer. 984·9•54 A Jtl •kl, wllh trailer ler 7 5 Honda extraa Call Mark at 645-2038. If 117 FUT Ill end, hydraulic lift bed, all Late model Toyot11, 675·9748 $300/0BO. N11d1 re- '70 Ghia. AM/FM caee: . nu tires, xlnt cond. rid, $2950. 962·3292 Moving. Wurlitzer 1plne1 Need• motor. $1200. t2' Exeellent cond.' $85000: no anawtf, pleaae l<eec> $250. 631·7670 Mike new run n 1 n g g e 8 " Votvoe. Plckupa & vane. paJr. Call Steve 631·8367 Plano, 4'7'Ar'' Wide, 2'2'A' mlml aid boat, 2 seater, 213-378-3231 trylng ... evenlnga bnt. A•I•• '11 •1/1 S6~80·03003/b7at . Muat sell. Call ua todayl '77 BMW 530t, 4 dr, . • .. ,. 11JI p $ '' 11• .. lmmac .. aunrf, lthr. am/ 81 DATSUN MAXIMA depth, 3' 1" high. $600. 45 H Mere. t ,000. LIDO w/trl A· 1 xtrs $1350 1976 Hually 125 MX. In •••••••••••••••••••••• Im CHI, alloyt, p/w, 4 tully equipped. sllver 642-3589 645-2730 673·8319 673·9467 perfect condition I MUil IMPORTANT NOTICE 1124 '-HRI •pd. 18490. Mar1y days MUST SELL 838·6824 ·····················~ PIANO 1927 Ellington By owner 36 It Grand ' aell for ONLY $400. Call TO READERS ANO ROOITU 973·1345, evee 873·13•4 '8l B2l0. $4400 Uprlghl $400 or offer. Banke. Xlnt cond. Sletps 1-lOBtE t4, l\ke new, In Merk at 645-2038. If no ADVERTISERS Orig. pink allp. SHOW excell. cond , 10 ml 548·0243 8. $69.500 Fin. Avail garage, w/trallor. $1300. antwer. ple .. e keep The prlct of Items ad· QUALITY. See by appt. IU•M....,ll•& · '711 7331, am/Im 1tereo 642•8699 714·979·1650 wkda, Daya 648·1101: evea trylng ... evenlngat>eat, vertlaed by vehicle dea· $12,600 848-6849 c.,,....... cauatte. black w/red1 ________ _ fr.!!!!1.l!.~! .. !'!!f 714-840-8600 Wknda (213)430·8630 Sach . Penton 175 Prote>-lera In the vehicle claall-,,. U•·•lOJeruo.tu1 leather. Take over lease. '79 210, 'dr. deluKe. ex. RIC IF __..1 1 13900 8, 1 •,,.1L __ 1,, ,_fl/ tyna,nevtrllarted.$600 fledadvertlalngcolumna '64'h Muatang Coupe. "========~I 2 131978·8198 daya. lw ml Juat llke new. P ur r ..... te _, 1u t, buy• • 2 lber· !~ .. ~ ............ ~i! OBO. 636.0549 eves. dots not Include any mint, new 289 enolne, -WE Ill 213/372"8245 ev... $4000. 538·5185. 1prlng cut, email, new, glau navy whale boat. WI d f & appllcable taxes, lloente, auto 1ran1. factory air. ~~,.,..,..-..,-----1·--------$80/0BO. 831.,.274 d I ea e I Powered . nHlauFrlye$r625n.ew • 7 3 Honda 5 0 O. 4 transfer feee, flnanoe pis. orl~lnel o wner. USED CARS & TRUCKS 1976 2002 Abaolutely one Ft1111i 11Z3 • · 675-6250 $700/ofr. ACQeQOrles & chargea, teea for air pol· .. · .. .. ... "" Nd .. 5 5 53 o ana 213 4•2 3801 FREE APP1W•11 road. Gorgeous orig red OllAllE OONn'I 'o• YOUR • 642 7058 S·ooo 1 •1•9• 8918 If CO''E IN OR CALL FOR of the"''*''' ono1 on the •••••••••••••••••••••• $11 us ~ ORANGE COUNTY t6' Sllverllne, Mere 1/0, KtrU. a w-.. 4 ·44 lutlon control device n • • · -b d N 1 k d •--•11 I C "'-Ull 0 Y· ever n c e or llLY AITIORIZll "1n MAlO•. ' w/trlr, depth finder, can· -11, ~. '' mag. certlf cations or dealer Excalibur Serlea 1 '66, ormler-..,., o dented. Alway• gareged. VII top. 1970, s 1995. D«k• I010 YAMAHA 100 Enduro, lo documentary prepare· 38.000 mllea. Cherry, OIEYllOLn 1 owner. Perl. black FERRiii n•" ' Gun & Collector's 548-1327 •••••••••••••••••••••• ml.$300ortradetor flah. tton charges unie11 new w1re1. $13,996. 18211BEACHBLVD. 1nter1or.41pd,alr,much IULEll.llPI v11n•.. .., Sllpa evallablt. Corona geer. 548•9832 otherwise apecllled by Marty day1 973·1345, HUNTINGTON BEACH more. 78K ml. Runa Klrtt. • fACIUTTI SHOW ..,,,,•••I del Mar area, $9 pr ft. the advertlaer. eves 673·13« 1•7-1017, 141·1111 $6500 OBO c II " -------.....,~· '.lu.t 21 I 2• •••••••••••••••••••••• 955-2473 wkdys 6-5. con d, run• great . lll•ull lf10 ·73 Caprice claaelc con· 5•8•72•5 Clllll•I fOSO P e g g y o r C a r r I e XL 250 Honda '73. Good .. Wiiiiam• a .., r · ~EW~FJ] ' lllllAIU IT. CHIUllHO >114 " 40· Viking for Charter 41 Ft. Meerlic $465/0BO. 845.0177 •••••0•L•E•1•·n···1•1••1•2••••• v er 1. XL NT CON O. T D II .. .. M RJ fr •• I t. I Fishing, diving & en· 1 $2496. Eves 494-5569 op 0 ar Mu1t 1111 '79 3201. Red, _ '== . MAazutdoa, •e7l9r,RIXo7mXlln318co,5n0d0 .. • t er ta In men t . Ca 11 E)(Cellent Newport Har· '82 Kew. I0<80 Low mlleege" 4 Peas. p 'd lu•ua lour group. Mint ~ "' -.., • ltll • Tra4t 862·2768, bor loc. Near Pub lie $600 493-2874 or 1·3•6-5428 1' ·Bird '88 Landau. Bot 31 cond. 19800, 848-2086 3 tOO West Coaat Hwy $6950, 497.3930 Featuring -apona of all Dock. $15.000. 554·2326 Sltve, 548·2062 Eventn;is new by famous actor, For Your Carl Newport Beach • -~ •-11- eras: swords, coin•. war Oal 1·10 sl•••• I .76 K w kl KZ900 Kint orig, new Mich '71 2000 -Xlnt cond. MfttJJWll -•• "'" • aouvenlra, antlqu .. and N-po'it. 714/631·3600, WANTED: NB area, Boal Cl a 1 •: ed 1 A.llJ•H/ $3750. 978-2866. .10111111 I IOI See to apprec. $3500. 642·9405 -••••••••••••••••••••0 thousand• of colleotlble 494-4806 slip for 34' Hllboat, 10·~ ,e~~· t ms,JO:,u'l, .h 0 c1 .. 11t1 tsao 4 WiHI n11,.;, ISSO L11otl•·••r1•'J 642-4274 or 840·4853 "'' 11ZS lleme Orange Co Fair· ft beam. Ideal tenant. ~'II ~· 3293 . uc a •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••.,.•••••••••••• 2626 Harbor Blv , '78 3201, Sparkllngt Snrl. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~rounda, C.M. enter gate ..,,., Jail 9HO 1·883-6956 aft 6pm. 88 • •IHL OA"tl 1110 TOTtTA Costa Mesa 540-5630 ao, • ap, SS900/0BO, 1111 FIAT A ff A II S ••••• •••• •••••••••••• '77 K kl LZ 650 N " 0 r npton t. t8' Hobie Cat yellow w/ Slip ror rent: Pwr or 11111 awua -Shay replloaa; plokupa & 414 PIOllP Premium prices 675-8416 11 /I OOUPE teq. sunrlae 'sells. Like wlltll·down mast. Balboa continental tires, 5600 coupes. 4 to chooa• This one h89 e camper paid for any used car 4 speed transmission & ROLLER SKATES new $2500. 675·6161 . Coves. 673-6637 orig miles, 840·900S fr.om I (0067681 (Stk. ehell & AM/FM. (13485), (foreign or domaatlc) C .. t/ 11/S an AM/FM (51085). A d 1 • •5 s A3093) Prices a tarting at • • '• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • La lea' si • ,... . herrt BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE· Yamane motorcycle, wltn . · OlllY 11111 In iOOd condition. '82 CAPRI steal at 759-9200/ 840-4270 st~~:~~ ::1:i~~ ~1·~~,t~ Newport Beech: 40'. Cali helmet \~~6o10 HLY 11,1111 .Ill IUllll .. Ua Flrall * I.I.HI * OML' $2111 Slngle 72 Scuba tank & Bch. $3,000/olr. See at 642·4844 from 9·5, • Step on the accelerator .11• IURlll backpack. Brand new 28th St. Marina (213) Mon-Fri '78 Honda 750 with Fel-YOLllWAlll and unleash 5.0 litres of U.S. dlVer'a 1lno1t stage 692.,.988 Super 40 ft mooring with ring. $1200 or bell offer 18711 Beach Blvd. PURE POWERI Equip· YOLISWAIEI Aquerlua Regulator. 18 11 Inboard. sunar loc. 771·1852 Huntington Beacn ped with all the options 18711 Beach BIYd $200 for all. Lido 14 & triller, II 1975, .. -141 2000 10 crulae In ccmfort. The Huntington Beach (ll4) 662•0907 good cond. 1975, Must Reduced $2500 lo $850. '73 KZ 900. 20,000 ml =---.,------.....,.=r'%I 142-•000 Miii 842·9736 5•5·8734 Many e)(tru, very good ,,.,.. 1610 LIMITED production C•· • Sears Compact exercl11 40. Balboa Coves. Avail shape. $1200 559.0111 •••••••••••••••••••••• prl wtlh high output en·1 ··1_9_F_l_at_S_p_y_d~er-2-000--. x-ln-it bike, adjust tension. apd, 1981 26' MacGregger w/ '60 Datsun 4x4 Pickup glne won't taatl (8305401 cond. lo ml. new top, mileage Indicator s6o. trlr. 7'A HP. Asking. $8. now. S300. Pwr or fold· '12 llllA llLIW111 '53 Studebaker Chemplon * ITll.lltl * :11118 11.r rl~tr 1111 c1 Just need reliable party ca 9 8 , S 5 8 0 0 F 1 rm 842•1647 000 OBO. 714-598·7243 down mast . Ag t · 1 t 1 1 450 1 5 paaa cpe. Nice car. 1 ,.,1,, ""'·' ~.11111.1:~1 to make small monthly 675.0468 645-8100; 549-1366 SS~~· a e, 646~;.44 $3750 2131592·1792 Get real high with tnl1 --------pmts No old contracts _________ 1 7.85 Mauser rlfla, good 8 ft. SABOT. Greet shape. sporty brn. metallic 4WO Highest casn immediately 10 assume No back cond. 1100. $450/obo. 1Ht1, S,,,H I 11,1,, B••n I.It lte4 I•••• ltt4t4 complete w/shell, AM/ for your vehicle Do· pmts. due. Ask for Rose *FANTASTIC* *FIATS* OOGE SUECT'°" PRE-OWNED 752·5278 Call 644-5941 Ski fOIO 1 19•6 Ford Woody Wa· FM/CB. guages. Ute for mes t I c or Io re I g n. 6•2_4400, Proia U M. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••1111111•1 II gon, $13 000. work or p I a y 551·8285 Ice Hockey gear. compl 14' HOBIE CAT. '77 Jet, 18' 460 Ford. bal ••••·~··~··••••••••••• ' BUT ... OON'T DELAY! --------1111 •EllOllY Ml, Illa 9-13 yr old. $50. Good oond. $900 firm. & blue prntd. Nu pnl, xlnt Rent: 26 motor home, 1929 Ford Model A Town (1W73366) Just need r• A•l•t l•NllH o•-1 A•tpf 644-6989 646-•391 cond. SSOOO. 548-9033. slpa 8· 1~~~ 1 8°8a1d6ecl. Sedan, s 10.000 II able party to make •••··"···'····••••••••• arn - 9 C .,...,.. Al/1 l1•n 1105 This one has an AM/FM scube Pro tenka. set of '7 16' Hobie at & traJler. A 1 way 8 a 1 a 1 e 1 n 1 ---small monthly pmta. No •••••••••••••••••••••• T otlly RKOllCltlontd l'rish double 80'• & back pack, $2000/Flrm. ctuslfled·read the ads Have something 10 sell? 1963 Studebaker Avantl, old contracts to auume. llll ALF& llMEI and 19 e )( 1r8 cl e 8 n 1 $175. 493-8183 831·8417 every day. 842-5878 Classified ads do It well. $5500. 675·6161. ~~ ~= f,.';~t~~Pr~: IPllEll OOIVEllTllLE <9 '3~MLY SJlll FIAT SPIDERS & FIAT X l /9's ClTOl 11 WITI P 0 0 L T A B L E . w I #elllqf/11/ lf1t111~/11j lllllrqtlfl/ llfllllqt/11/ LIM One ow11er car (02830), .Ill MARlll ~~~r·~~P~·~~:. •• !!.'!.~ .. IJ ••••••• !.J.!f ••• Sf!!.~ .. ,! ••••••• !.~!~ .. !!.'!.! .. '! •.•.... !.~~~ ... ~'.'!.!-.~• ••••.•• !~!¥ '78 Datsun, 53K ml, good OILY Sllll VOLllWAlll 760-ao7• -cond. $3600 or offer IUCI IMPORTS 18711 Beach Bl\ld, lbny to Clloose From Al VtNc:lts Gilaf lllttld OH PRICES HWll Over 100 new & used Mercedes-Ben?.. Come 1(1 & consider our leaM at· rangements or long term financing. rv. .. "., lrm ,,,,,. '"' •••••• 1 ••••••••••••••• BEAUT IFUL 25" RCA Color TV aale. 2 yr wrnty $148. Free deliver). TV John's 646-1786 JSL Graphic Equaltzer Like new, $40. Sherri, 759·9200/640-4270 Wall mount cuttom TV or STEREO CABINET . $400, 759-1206 RCA Portable Color TV tel. $100. 897·7408 INTELIVISON $325. Plus 6 tapes 8•2·2840 evening ,,,., r..J •• ,., UH ...... ~.~ ...•...••• Pacific Micro Wava Ant· ennaa. 24 hrs. Free mo- v I e 1 . Call Clancy. 831-0906 .. ,. ',,.,, .. •• ~!r!I!!-!! ••••••••• llla111l Hll •..•...•.........•.•.• BOAT TRAILER. 10,000 GVW. Duel 8JCle. surge brakes. xlnt. $1450, 545·8734 38' Rlchardeon Sport Rall«. Sleeps 6. Allelng $18,000. (2131 918-8437 ,.,,,, .,,, .. ... ~!f!'!!!! .... ~~ 2 Boat Radar• '100 each &.42-4433 llP ........ Run1, $80. 645-3416 85 H.P. Evlnrude motor, Ilk• new, low hrt. 11600. S.2·7056. Teak Wood 2M BF Al· aorted. Miii Gr1de. Kiin dr ied . U9 5BF , 213/697 • 160§" 4,5 hp outboard, Joe boat ancnor, compan. tectt, bait pump molOf & mite. Ca.II 546-3842. .. ,. ,..,, IHI ·····'················ CIUalC 18' Lapalrak• Century bay boa.I. 4 cyt, Gl"9y. 13500. 87M181 28' Chrlt Craft ce bln crulHr, tng. & Iran•. r•blt, rtctnlly rtfur· blahed, bait tanll, rldlo. Nwpt tllp Incl. Xlnt ahape. •11.soo. 67&-llee6 *• lft.&ll Winner of Ctiar1ct1r 11011 Parade. 17' Xlnt bay orulHr. 12800 or bttt ot11er. e1a.1911. CelffOrnlln 171A FG. OMC 10 Otl9Yy q . •lltlllel'. I 1100. Pvt Party. &38-3008 or worlt MT·Mee. 11' IOUTHOOA8T. GA!AT SHAPE! M000/010, 541..0Ht befot• 2PM, f41·16'7t ell. 2PM. Gll!Ntron 21 ' 1N Mero Crutaer. II Board 01 IMAI. I.ow q llra, Ml o envu trtr. 11110, 780-N25 OUTSTANDING MOTORCYCLli VALUES IN ORANGE COUNTY 655·0577 att llPM 848 oove street Huntington Beach DICK MILLER cvcle rider oMcoUNT WAREHOUSE SUPER SALE 11-Ztt·lt F1ll lr11ser 0,olo 01~1r NISOllE ••• ., ltl••• $3900 Reg. Pr. $54.95 s12900 Reg. $195.00 SHOEI FM-2 Sport Fairing Complete with Mounting Hardware & Tinted shield. Reg. 1142" $88~~ ... ~ l11oho lttts Stroot 1111111 Sizes 5 thru 13 IEULE OIL o•u• wlttt Dtr•t1f1t s5400 Reg. $79.95 s7aoo Reg. $97.00 DUNLOP TIRll SPORT ELITE 130/90Vl7 (510V17) 'll" 120/80Vl8 ( 425/85Vl8) '82" 130/80Vl8 (510Vl8) '89" 140/80Vl8 (540Vl8) 'll" 100/90V19 (325¥19) 'll" 110/90V19 (350Vl9) '80" TOURING ELITE MT90Hl6 (510Hl6) '81" MT90H17 (510H17) '82" •90H18 ( 425/8SH18) 'II" MM90Hl9 (325Hl9) 112" MN90Hl9 (350Hl9) 'II" (Price Include• mounting) LARGEST NEWPORT BEACH 142-2000 House of Imports, Inc DIAL 213 or 714 637-2333 JEEP DEALER 112-1100 In Tht West --------'79 Capri. loaded w/xtras, MOTORS Hu Uted Jeec>• '76 Alla Romeo. xlnt cond, good cond. $ 4000. •'78 Jeep CJS, Ren•· $4000 or trade. Call _5_4_8_·4_7_4_8_____ '61 360SEL. Under Q,.000 I .'I' l'i '/iun"r Avr gad• with off road tires & _L_a_rry_9_6_8-_8_83_2 ___ · 7 4 Capri. 4 spd, 4 cyl, m 11 es. Or 1 en t F{ e d , wheels, AM/FM A•'1 1101 nice condo. SI 400. -,7-0-F-la-1-8-5-0-S-p-yd_er_C_o_n-.1 Chrome Rima, Sunroof, S.111t.1 AnJ '>)I !I J? (1COV987) 14989 ••••••••••••••••••• ••• 640·5949 cell aft 6 vertlble. new brakes. perfect cond. $44,000. •'79 Jeep CJ7, Off road 11ll &Ill Wl<dys 714/557·071 ( tires & wheel•. AM/FM '74 Capri V-6 R&H Ml· new clutcn. new trans, 8 v 8 1 / w k n d 5 tape, Lell than 30K ml. FOi chelln tires, lo ml, nu needs top, 5ome light 7141675•2464 (eBWT450) $5989 Opt1on1 Include air con· paint, orig own 6-44-2228 body work. runs good. --------- •'81 Jeep CJ7. 4 apd, dltlonlng & an AM/FM. Cilt Ill" $900/0BO Good sum-·79 3000 4 door sedan. PIS, AM/FM stereo, low (9518 .. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••! mer car Cnet 548·5863 Perfect cond Low mL· mt OILY $3111 '77COLT$1800 '74 128 Spider. new r&· leage.Ughtblue.prlvpty (1APM9931 $7889 Standard Trana. dials, battery. electrical. Day 546·6355, Eve} OVER 60 JEEPS .Ill llllllt 957-8 xlnt running cond., $2,795. 494•0451 _6_7_3_·5_4_9_4 ____ _ TO CHOOSE FROM YOLISWAlll good llret. 73,000 miles •77 Flat Xlg Stereo, A/C. '71 250, sunroof, air, auto, llAlll OIAIT 18711 Beach Blvd. BEST OFFER Days like new. s4.000 orlglnat. xlnt cond l AM/ ... /UUILY Huntington Beec;h 857·2819 731 _1345, 634•4540 owner $5400 759-0650. 2524 Harbot Blvd., Ct.A ___ 1_4_2_·_2_000 ___ 1 D•lsH 11U ,, 4 •1z1 ·77 450SLC. blue/Ian In\. 6-49-8023 645-7770 10 '4141 1000 ,.,,. •••••••••••••••••••••• nl• I ll wires sunrf $22 750 1973 Ford Truck, 350 1 ton, atake bed, V8, 4 •pd !rant rebll, dual whit. lumber rack, $2900, 567·0058 . '72 Luv w/ahell. 11treo. v«r good cond. $2000. OBO. 646-91•8, '65 Reatored Claulc GMC. ~. T with 1 ton rear end, hydraulic unbid, all naw r unning o•ar. $4000/bat. Must eell 648·3037 '78 Courier P.U. Ablt 1600 CC eng. Roll bar, mags, P·A tlret. Smog cert. 8 to 6 Mon thru Sat 7 14/89M622. daya. '12 Chiv C· 10 cvatom cab pick up. '-"' ton, 8 ft bed. PS. Auto .. air. excellent body. $1800 OBO, Call aner •PM 26.000 mt1es. tuuy ioaded Lllmt °'HI ···tiolii°ttimiiit··· 542.1866, 646-9556 . sunroof, gd cond. Like 12 7% We can helpl Before you ·75 .C50SEL, black/blaci<, new S 13.400 OBO • buy. check our unbeata-sonroof, alloys, 48K ml. 6 • 5 . 8 2 1 1 Ev e 1 , An avail. O.A.C. ble selectlon, savings $13,900 642·7866 857·9684 days II All In and service todayt 7 6 45osL. Miian brn w '79 AUOt 5000 TRUOll UllYERSln bamboo Im, Mich. tires Sunroof, cruise, 1/c, Ul.EI I SERYIOE w alloys. Mexico cass .. 2 1tereo cau., loaded, xlnl 2850 Harbor Blvd. tops S 18,90 0 . 0 y.e cond. $7000. COSTA MESA 644·1483: IVS 6-46-3330 675·7•24/675-9565 140-1140 2845 Harbor Blvd. '78 Audi 5000, 48,000 ml, 71•1540-6410 air, sunroof. $5400 OBO. --------- 982-8138 ~!~'!~. !'.!~!'X ••. !!. . . . '65 SPRITE MARK IV Conver1, reblt mtr. new clutch & radial•, cl11n, $1190. 673-3113 •••z •n aoot* Wnlle. tur bo·charged, '79 Prelude, air, am/Im, meny. many xtrH , one elect moonrool, CIHn loving owner. mint con<1. $5695. •98-2901 714/631-292• '78 ACCORD, 5 spd ate-·57 MBZ 220S convert 6 reo. AC. Hire clean. cyl brown w/brown t'o, S.500. 642·1178. & l~t. all new. 47K ml, 2~ 76 CVCC W • ""' t I mpg. Beautllul catt cond. s2~n. 8""' x n $27,900/0 BO. 675-6511'1 955-1348. Mu ·ao MBZ 3000 SEDAN .. '78 HONDA CIVIC $2000 Sunroof, cruise conl., 548·87H DATSUN Must 1111 834·2078 wk, apeo. whls $20,500. or857·5174 11m. Wkdys only 9 -5 , 644-0560. 'll 01¥10 ·77 MBZ 450SEL. mu .. 68 Ford FIOO, VII, 4 apd, * 210.D 1WIU * Great condo, am/Im sellll $22,000 or best ot- AC. new tlru. body A HIS ANO HER MODELI atarao OHi, reblt ang. fer. PIP (213)698·22&• ~ strelght, nda paint. 1-Auto .. 1.5 _.......,. ,, ..... , •2600 6'2 ·1~0 aft 11350. 494-6875 Ulfl-llRYIOI both hive l.~ ... "'.;1 Spm • '" ... " · '81 MB 240 D. Sunroof\, " ' Aaeume lea11 . Deya '71 Toyota. v.e Buick. LEAllll pow. wlndowa, llr oond., '11 Olwl 4 ~ 557 7283 k ct Muncie 4 epeed. Magi. 831·2040 495-•9•11 erulH, & have pluah * I •' · • •v w n • 1hall. $4000 lnveetad IAllLllAOI ... 1nterlor1. Wiii Mii one Of Air, •Int Ci<>nd. Loat Job. _963-__ 18_3_s ____ --... $1500 or trade ? '84 both. (068ZSA)(150721). Musi sell. SO. 100 '7 1 300 SEL 3.5, all xtr.-. Cofv1lr Van. Rune good. 28402 Mllg~lt• Pkwy Juat need reliable party 659·8086 new Urea, rere 4 spd n~ Mlaalon VltJo 1 k 11 thl u o "' $350. 845-2730 Mark (Avery Exit off 1_51 o ma e ama mon y 'll OIYte 1IOO shift. Beau ..,5001 Bv- pm11. No old con1rac11 J,OOO ml. em/Im ai-. _7_6_9·_09_80 _____ ..,. '70 Oataun P.lJ. 4 spd, Open Sundaya to 111ume. No back -~ 2000 1n11. Weber carb, -~--------1 pmll. due . .Ask for Roat 5 speed. Mutt aell. 14. 1111 IHHffS haa;. IOuvtfl, cvttom tall gale 042-4400. Proto UM. 500. 831·4721. 646-1030 300 o Turbo Dleetl. HH & lnlr. Cuetom paint. •78 Hon<lt Civic cvcc. 4 only 3.300 ml 1nd 11 '3600 /obo . Ricky S~L.Mllno 11111&1111 tpd, low mil••· 13200 equipped with all op· 540-7818 'II llOl'a Ari hrel HID l+I ... Mull Hiii 073-7011 o tlona. Ab1otu1tly 1111.• F•• 111' Nk:t Seltcltonl E~u= wltfl...,.., 1oy1 &4e-3681 n ew. Gold m1tallf9 ··.79o;;;;-.;;;c;;:.·· 1~;;:J:,n: 4 l9d .. '"111· <, PHL~ 11111 ·~~d:.;~~~c~~~1~!': 11.l.i 121,111 ·. * ltlT llU * * '78 3201: euto .• A/C -.... air, am/Im O tr acl<. " II. SUMMERTIME FUNI Full (5467760) M995. 540·9439 ~nor.: IOI. , • ..._l'llllOI velour ~01. ot1a1r.. mat· * ·1t 3201: 4 19d .. 10.-YILllWllll •"" ..,.. "" •9400 ohlng IOfabtd panel. d.cll (nOYPC) 18711 leach Blvd. '81 Honda Accord LX. vw PORSCHE AUOI • " 'I" , ShOOLI carpet, air conc:r .. auto.. * ·eo 3201: 11 epd.., 1n/rl, HuntJntiton haoh ExtrH. low mllteQt. •45 E. Cout Hwy 1 trllJI 11111111111111u 111111 a HHIHlllll low mllt1I (1EOSOH). (e&t%0K) 141·1111 838-2870 N.wport Beech , " 'l2" DllO rl I Ju11 need rt1lab1t party * ·eo 5201: euto .. 111111.1---------·eo Pretudt. 20.000 ml, au 673-0GOO II •••••n•n••n•••n•n•• ~~~-~-----------t to make •mall monthly (488ZOJ) 1110 IATlll 210 ••lras. i nrf, oopper. 'I ....... I t Ill I --.11. pmta. No Old contrerctl 111-1111 5 1p~ truam111ron. par r. S 7 O O O Io b o . na I. Jf ... H Olfl 11111111n1111 1411 ... Ullr 21% to a1tuma. No back 200 W. lit, 8anta Ana tow mli., .. ce111n1 con· &42-015& ~':':'••••••••••••• •• II.I I &&.. '12" .JIOL-&. c;~=.·P~ofr,S°" __ CIOMCl ____ lundl_,.._Y..___ dlllon, CIHn. AM/l'M 1l7l Im& 111J~..!!!. :' wllJ l1n 11111111111H •••• HHHllt ltf CHOIC! INV!HTOAY redlo, 2 new tlrM, ''3 II-- -_,_ A•"' ,,.... ,,.. oenu P•ld & MUST ..... ·--Wlr9 wt!Mla, MW te)C) a ~---~-~-----~----~--~------~~~----~l ••••~••~••••••••~l VOLUMBSA~ 8ELLI l ttt8. Cell i Qood oond~on, Aun n~~~.(~8~. eyele rid I Plf II'\. erwot7or94M1st. j QfMt.t71NZA •Y QUI er CASH . \,II '7' HOZ, 4 ll)d. AIO.: llLf 11111 •HAI ... Tl'.:.,· ~ I I I I LA 111 AM'1M-. JOn• ooncs. •1• ..,.. ... I 11400. t fl·UU,1 -.FM N===H :: ~ DISCOUNTWAAEHOU8E· M1W11111t , .... ~!Mllna -~----' vw~::': tU.-.. 1210 •outb ..... •treet T••· (T 14) ... ll1UT ISON. leMtt IM( I ~ev: ~· i 4'& I.. Co-.t Hwy '71 MOB. wlllla, wlrlll 542 9588 2141 ~11!1* IMI. LA H•bra 'I Aolf ·em on tht IN!ffttt ~ ll4*fl wnMla, t•pe cs.olt. Si. •••ta •••. ea. 92707 • COSTA MUA IU-1111 With a Ol•lfled Ad I ___ ._3..oeoo ___ -! 000 m1111. xlnl ooni:I. Mt.-a Ot*I Suncley Cal NOW! 141..ee7e Cl .... nad Mt 942·5'11 S4&00 ......... 211 ' ·~ J ----•• ' • ~---- II Orang• Coa1t DAIL v PILOT /Friday, Augu1t 20, 1812 fl~.~ ...... ~ ... ~.'!Ir.!.'!!. .••... ~ ... '!.~!~r.!~ ....... ~!'!'I.ff~'!( ...... ~1.~1.9.'!I. •....•••.• ~ ... '!.~.~~tt ........... ~!.t'.6..q!~ ...•••....• ,fr.!1 ••••••••••••• 1.~~f hmA'. ...•••..• I.~ r~ ...... l.'lf T.'ln!!!m •••••. f.~t Hff. .•...•...... ~ VmPm ••••••••• 11.ff !!mrrJ~ •..••..•••• 111 0"4 W111~11 9'blt ~II 'IO 924 Tl.1100 loecled 'IO I 111J 11t1 •YITTIJ 'ti OONVlfllfllll I leotllln HOO Call U• T11!1 over IH .. 1 tW 4 e099d trent .. elr ooncl llury 1U1_1u10, P•, go • U1•I041 p1u1get11,000 8lJG CITY flll.MJrD CLr•RANCE UILI & fo1dedl (tOIU.-:171 t11 ... 17'ou IMl-l'1M •~.-'•••••••••'.f.•I. 71411a&·tl01 """"'9tl\ ti\ ITITIOI W&llll lherpl ·ea sin won •u.t run· lTnnn r. 1 'Ta POR&OHI 914 11 llLY 111,1111 nlnO Cit lrl. hlloh. $400. : = :•1 >un• co;:o.~s1s:'oeo Biuest Deals! Best Prices! '' , ...... ,,.. 1•• •V11111 ;:;:: ''""· ,,, ' (.,J ~~)S41' 1W$ll28-9llL 7:!]:.0: o:!*"ffr Oranae County'1 WfC~l llOl~on of =~~~~.::~~y~0~~1~: ~i'iZ::)~oA ::;ttr ~I~ ••ui"a .. i·;1aiii•• ~~1~~~~~£~,~~~i~;~;~::~~~~~-:::,;;A~r.r1'fi ...... 1 '77'~ 924 8unroo1 Orig IHI, 111&1, UI TIPI t lllUllAOll We're h1ll11 llLY 111, 1111 ~:::ia=·~~~~:::. " N(J'[ per montl\ ptua tu owner Ello•ll•nt oond IUHI HAIT USC exterior OOIOfl wtlll II I Iii.\ 411 monlh oloHd eno 32.000ml 17200 lf\ock or m od i tied. f'1nanclnai o n UIO/JllP/Hll&ILT llWAll ••nttt cuttom USC cerdtn•I 1~1, ... ,~ \~ , 1 .... on approved ct• 497'·2993 approvf'd credit. Wt• glvo warrant.It.. 2524 Herbor Blvd . C.M. Dove/Quell 811. ~fo'~ io=d ~~~ • 4.a ~ ~ 1 11, c clll Cep eott·• 15, 138. 1978 POfKh 924. Red Air 549-8023 e.46-1770 NEWPORT 8!.ACH 1 ,. S(J : t~oi~,r,~::. -.:-:-~-~-~:-~-:00-99-~-r-. -, c-1~-o-:' ,. .... = :::.:2~· .=·.::........ ~~!!. ........... !!.~f __ 1_1_1_-0_1_1_1 __ , ~.dllo~r=·~,:Ln:r~.l~:=a·,· .. ).0Ec1.~ Ill'~ tJNlJ .. ·~tt._. ~ IUGll llPGllTS below wholHale, 10 ml Im!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEE DI ~l! ••••••••••• !!.~f , lJ• _ tor lhe largeet end beet '85 Dodge Truell "plMI" 8.41 Dove StrMt Suntl, AC, 4 tpd, lllOyt. l•Nt• 111 111ec11on o f new end v.e 4 •Pd 18-23 mpg NEWPORT BEACH perleol t i Iver body •••••••••••••••••••••• 1fl0 YW u11d Bulok1 In Ortnge $ 12oo. OBO 948•9043 13800 ee.ch Blvd, 112•0180 Stunning blk Int. Runt Sel ... Servic.lMllng OAllnl County tOcllyl MUST SELL WESTMINSTER 1114 ""HT -, s_8_1so_5_4_8-_12_4_s __ -.U.t moe1e11 lt24BAE). ,...,.. Ii 1' IHI (114) 112·1111 fenta11lc. Never hit ea-.••••• Thi• one 1, 1 "Pop·"""" ~ · (114) IM·HOO ..... -·L 15 914-1 8. Appeerenc• 1•1_1 ....... , ... , .. 1 OILY 12111 le / ··1~·;,oAo·M~~kii°a~ -------1 .,_ ••-Group, am/Im, $4150 • -"" -"" '79 TA.ANS AM T·ROOF Sunroof, AM/FM atereo G o o d c o n d P P -=.,....--,-----r=11""1=1 .Ill llUIH cond 3 new ur ... econ. * INT IRL * I IOw mlHlt. (9l8MIO). 552-0853 !!r.. ... ••••••••••••••• YflllWllll $850. 494"3211 SUMMERTIME FUNI llU llttl 1--------1114 TIYITA 18711 e..on Blvd •I l .. or.,.c-..y '73 lTO 9 Piii wegon. Mldrtlg111 t>lue met .. ve- .EIOH l.,.llTS 66 912 Porsche, orig .... 1 a Huntington Beach 2921i Harbor Blvd. Pwr/lugg1ge rk Gd lour bucket Mell. con- ownr, >Cini cond All ,.. --1.112 2000 COSTA MESA c 0 n d pp ' s 7 9 5 . IOfe. •fl power IKlrU, Ult 841 Dove Str"I cord a $ 6 , 7 6 0 , (9·199). 'Thia ••tre cleen • • 911•2100 844-6941 & morel \IBCB262) Jull NEWPORT BEACH 71 4·675-7554 car Is a alHl et --------1 OILY 11111 1980 Vanegon, extra -----.....,...---,Not much 10 took at bUt need rel Ible party to l12·0toG 'It 111 Otl,. clun. 22, 00 ml, L· '77 SKYLARK S2850 grut irene. '70 LTD. m1k1 1ma11 monthly )· ltll PlllllT 5 speed, Alloy whMll, s .Ill IUllH model, AC, 1t.,eo llpe, 4 dr. Kini cond, lie, am/ $500/0BO. 842-0546, pm11 No old contrec11 .,· I04 Wlltl trim. Good mech1nlc11 YtlllWAIH _S_9_300_1_o_bo_._M_8-_3_1iao __ 1_1_m_1_1_.,_eo_._5_4_4-_2_1&_2 __ , AM to ,•••dumeA kNtoo bR•c .. k shape. Needs body wotlt 1111 -, pm I . ue ' r o : Air concJ., AMI FM CH· $ 4, 5 O O. 6 3 1• 4 7 2 I , 18711 8Mch BIVd w w 76 Buick Lid. Cleen, runs 077 T ·BIRO, excel. cond. 842-4400, Proto LIM )• Hite & auxiliary fuel 846-1030 Huntington Beech IOltltoM mech well 92.000 ml. loeded, priced to sail Fl bl d ·77 F I •' 1111\,11. (206XXL). ,________ 142·2000 Equipment lncludu $1800/t>st 193-8053 $800. below blue book. re r ' ormu • . • I, llLY 11111 1980 911 SC. Imm cond., --------1 eutom1t1c Irena & air 1976 Bulcil Skylark, 4 dr, $2950 982-0592 aulo. xfnl cond, brn/ten teether, sun rl, elerm. '75 Toyote Pick-up, very · · Int. Lotdld. SS395. PP. !· IEIGH llPOllTS cruise cont , R1c1ro clean, well m1ln11lned. cond. (63954). V-6, au10 trans, AIC, ll•ntl1k IH1 848-7266 Blue w/wht •Pok• whit. OILY 13111 AM I F M ' $ 1 2 O O . •••••••••••••••••••••• --------1 ;: 841 Dove S1ree1 ~f~~'or;," 1:c~1e;:o~e:,1;:: New uphol, new rtdlllor, •11 M••tH 644-4293 '74 Mtverlck, 36,000 orig. ORAN PRIX 1977 !• NEWPORT BEACH new shocks & Ignition • -C•""" lllS mff~•· clean, S2150. NI041 condition ;~ 112-otoo r;:~~;..E~;~. ':1f~n~1!~~ fi~.:.PMl°~~ ~~o~~~ 18~~·~=~d ... oliiiii;iAniii""" _8_4_2_1_0_58_. _____ 1 S28~4o:i~.:;~9246 ::t!f!#! ......••.. !!.!~ ~~k~=n~'.e;~Q88°":i: ext 2U1, eves 675-9833 Huntington Be~· UltWOT !!~~~•••••••••!.~~~ FORMULA 400. Orig 1111 ".so.I $26 900 731 1992 or 142-2000 '61 mere. 4 dr, white. Nde p t -tne b na r.,.. •2,,. on-953.' 1842 -1111 TIYITA we •PICl•lfze In i..... Hiiie work. Good tires. 9:. A c~Ass1d:r S25Cl0. "" n OHtLLl '71 SUPER BEETLE lor the butlneas eKecu· $l50 e.42-8155 714•844_1849 alt 5 PM This one h•• every toyl TURBO CARRERA '77 This one hu only 20,000 Yellow, no rull, $2250 llve & pro1 .. 11on1I. --·------1 ________ 1 (416SMG). Full lellh lntr. New NCTI. low, low mfleal (T70XZM). 957-8178 545-3415 L•r11 S.lttffH ll•llH• llSJ ·71 Flreblrd 350 eng. T OILY .l .. 11 $29,500 Rich 964-6171 It It• 1112 •••••••"•••••••••••••• top, a poller. Loaded. u OILY 13411 '85 BUS, exc mech, n-lllT IHI I S3000, 642·923 1 .Ill 1111111 1966 912. 5 speed, am/ ..llM IUlllt tire•. 12V syttem, $750 G•4111HI .66 Met. Br. Musting last -. --------1 YllllWAIEI Im, alloys, Weber'1, New fALllWllll OBO. 642-3210 hw I• ltte•l back. 4 •Pd. high per-67 Ffreblrd, red classic palnl. tires and 1111'· -'81 Rabbit convert Ghia, tormance 289, FASTI Blk convert , new eng. & 16711 Beech Blvd Whtie With black Interior 18711 Beach Blvd. tuto trani. met pelnl, NADl::R~ pony Int, Kint cond . 1ran1, xlnt cond $3450. Huntington BNCh Asking $5800 OBO Huntington ee.ch I.>1...J 16500 firm 8.9.5295 651-0431, 845-1«2 142-2000 720-0607da. 731-8023ev •.112........ white walfa, em/Im cast. (" "'Dll I A .. -.,_,, sport aea11, eeoo mites. ,/ ~ ,, ,, ~ day1, 846-0929 eves fi••'1tilt' 1110 1111 NllOll 111 '79 Porsche Targe 23,000 $8890. Leese or buy 2600 Hubor Blvd Mike •••••••••••••••••••••• mlla tDn Ilk• new S28 tllY 11100 Marly deys 973-1345, Co•t• M-·· 5•0 9100 . '69 T-Blrd. looks & runs ''' llluk tH••· 000. 494-°3843 · ' eves 673-1344. ~~·~!!!·!!-!!!!! .. !!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!LI 68 Muati ng cpe, new xlnt Must see $595. L _ ... ..1 ~ 1,,. 000 '75 Toyota Corolla. Gd --------i.:: everything. lo1ded. Must 962•8066. ·-··· .. ., '79 924, A/C, Bfaupnkl, cond. 675-3854 alter '72 BUG, rebll eng, xlnt OAllLLAG smLU see th fa one. $2150 ---.------..... A I Jt•r tr llhr, P/Wlndow, more. Spm. cond. new radlefa. am/ 1981 White end Taupe Quick eafe. 875-6811. T -Bird 66 Landau, Bot IO,GOO •llt'Wtrr••fr· $9950. 5411-6748 ------,----1 Im stereo cau. asking 493-2874 or 1·346-542S '65 Mulling. V8 auto. ~~:; ~~l~~mnoeu.! ~cl~o~'. •m h Ht• te tally '78 Porsche 924, autom•· '81 CELICA OT S1pd .. •Ir, 12300· 494-9606 evenings Pion-am/Im cue, nu 13750 978•2855 .,,, •••••• , a.u lal lie, dirt cheap. Cell lun-crulH , AM/FM stereo. '81 Vanegon cernper, 10K THE I 'lllEST llret. $2700 631-4700 .r I .. _. ny 548-7245 1111 whl., calm whit, 1clnt ml. AM/FM Blaupunkt ._. O'''•••Li/t -ss Self Idle Items 642•5678 .. cond. $6 595 OBO. cass. $13,000/0BO. SELEOTIOI 1' • " 833.1300 ·~~l.P~~~~ec~~~.2$~5~g 662-2357 1·828-1846, 1·738-0487 of late model, low mffee-••;9M•kiiiWiiLi"" A•lll U1H negotiable. 548-5374 fri•••i 1 '71 Ghia. Alf •tock, eleen ge Ca<lfffecl In Southern o-••• 1-EMI •••• ••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••'"••••••••••••••• In and oot. $3200. ••eel. C flt I IS d f .,.... •r• --1t_l_l_N_l_IO_l_I __ llH•lt 1155 1llO TlllMPI cond. 77Q.<e.401. • orn a ee ua to ay Coupe. Auto. trana .. NABERS • • • ••• •• • ••• •• • •• • •••• Tll OllPI lllEllS economlcel dleMI power 114 otlPI llW '70 vw camper van, fully C 1 ag & loadecll (2642). Attrec-C Option• Include 111 AM/ '12 ltH•ff Lt Oar Options Include •Ir cond. equipped w/orfg. equip. ADIL... tlve earl CA DI l ,,I ,,1\ ~ FM This one's utra & AM/FM. (1 AP0224) Good cond. Rebll en11.. 2600 Harbor Blvd. llLY MHll ci..nl (307MEF). llQ ft OllHM Fr... OILY Sllll runs great. Good redlals, COSTA MESA MWUI Oltt"tltt CLEARANCE OIL' •1 •• 11 ex. Bucket Seets, Rally ... M••tH root rack, must self &40 1880 u M1g1. Rack & Pinion • -$2300. 548-6908 or • Oov1/Qu11f S11 . .llM IUllH Steering, Front Wh11I YtLllWllll 642·1625 --------i NEWPORT BEACH SALE' Drive & Morel 18711 Beaeh Blvd 197° Cadffftc Seville Ole-111·0111 YtLllWllll EPA Eal: 30 city. 40 hwy Huntington Beaeh 69 Bug, AM/FM caa•. runs set Dual 1111k1. loaded. --------• 18711 Beach Blvd. 14181 .,,.2_2000 good, nds pelnt, S 1400. xlnl cond, Brwn, mu11 ·79 Cutleta Sup. Brghm Huntington S.ech. -494 6875 sell. $8995. 768-8721 or * MIST llLl * 142·2000 (sarfll 011360) -79_T_R-7.-c-on-ven--.. -1-9M-m-11, --".-73-VW-S-q-rb_k__ 859•8040 SUPREME DELIGHT 11 1975 CADILLAC MEISTER PGllSCllE/ 1111 13631 Harbor BIVd Garden Grove lal•s-S.mH Ltt1l•1 l 14 131-2333 1112 NllOIE t1' °"" This one Is Immaculate! (IEHF517) .. I CLASSIC! .... IUllll YILllWllEI 187 11 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 142-2000 1114 NUOll 114 2.0 OllPI (IAJF198). This Je1 black beeuty won't last at WE'VE GOT FUEGOSI Kint cond., best ofr OY8' S 1500 Cl•U• HI 1 how yoo'll feel atte< drl-ILDORADO COUPE H&llll OIAl'T $5500. 6-«-SO<l3 ns.•387 •••••••••••••••••••••• vtng t his fully equip. (821UPX) AllO / --1·-·1LT • ·--1110 OIRlllfT mldtlH w/velour Int. & s3995 w,.;~ --'l ...... ,. '72 Spr Bug, 1111, rbll, ••M••t all power. Why settle tor 2524 Harbor Blvd C M 29k ml. Excellent mech 1nrl, AM/FM. nu brk•. -Jen enjoy both eco 549-8023 M~ 7770 cond. 13,000 OBO I v ery c 1 e • n S 2 5 o o Options Include air con-n 0 ,;, y • c 0 m 1 0 rt j dl11onlng. (514ZRI). '" i.111 lnH 11SI 673-64311 _s_4_s-_6_7_48_____ II (533WEK) Just need re- • • •• ••••'···-·••••••• ••• '70 TR6. Kini lnl8'1or, re-·10 vw Sqbck. Rt>fl eng. OILY 114 liable party to mtke # 1 DEALER LH US A cent engine overhaul. $1850. .llM llUllt small monthly pmt1. No • • • Looks 11unnlng, perfect Call •94-7664 YILllWAID old contract1 to assume. $ 3 5 o o c 1 1 No back pmll. due. Ask fO" ~ t 0 P · a '68 BUG. Rbll. New ra· 18711 Beacn Blvd, tor Roae 842-4•00. Proto nr'il f C_~ 850-9105 dials. C111ell1. Xlnt Huntington ee.ch UM. I~ ~l\_.C '74 Spitfire, run1 & fookl paint, body & lnl $1875. 1•2-2000 -7-6-0-,cl-S_l_rl_l __ l_cond __ ~"""40RffAO~ctNTm good. H11 all 1op1 661-3982 • • re.a r N1~11E,a(' .. 1N lb006"ol $2595. 841-2547 --------1'79 Befllnetla V-6 loaded AM/FM lletto, casaene. ClOSfO SUNDAYS --------*'66 BUG $895. dlr* midnight blue, ,;,..., 1n1r: runs greel, burgundy 1---------i V11.hw1•1• 1111 •7444, M1ny more to xlnt cond Pv1 party color $2,400 Of best ot-'hi) 11H •••••••••••••••••••••• choose from PETE'S 840-4702 · le< 951-7798 • ••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 YW AUTO SALES 6-46-2886. O 1.ll •••• IHL ...... 1 Cinr•l•t HIO Olde '78 01111 leaat, --r,.; '71 BUS, rebll eng, am/Im •••••••••••••••••••••• white, vlnyt top, orig ow-UTOllAOI This one hea tow mflel, 11 caa1, rtdlal1, $2350/obo SEE US FlllSTI ner, options + Racor. 4 speed 1ren1 air cond cfu n & re1dy to gol 645-6921 . 13250. 978-2855 ·• ·· (13515) We have a good aetec---------AM /FM ouaette & In . tlon of NEW & USED list• HS1 g o o d c o n d I I I o n EIJOY IT IOWI Chevrolet1l ••• •• ••• •••• •••••••••• (488REQ). .llM IUllH '73 H1Chbk, air, 11ereo, ltlT wm YtlllWllll $850/or bit otter. P.P COMM EU CHEVROLET IEIOl llPGllTS 18711 8lleh Blvd _9_79_-_183_9 ___ _ 848 Dove Str"t Huntlng1on Beach 'll Pim 2 • '~"'-"''··~·· ,, ' " ..... ' ' ..., f ' ' NEWPORT BEACH 142·2000 $1000/obo. 875-458.4 112-otOO §46-1200 __________ 1 '74 Runebout, orig. ow- 1971 CADILLAC SEVILLE (978VNI) s9g95 1977 CADILLAC SIVILU (468259) sg995 1982 CADILLAC FLHYWOOD llOUGHAM (1EAl5'45) $16,995 1980 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPE (602277) OILY 11415 .......... YILllWllEI 18 71 1 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 142-2000 Keilp an eye on puces the easy wey-t>e a regular ctassflled reader Classllled Ads 642-5878 642·5678 '63 VW BUG reblt eng., xlnt eon<:!., MUST SELLI $1650 OBO. 581-2932 eve lllO OllfYltln ner, MC, AM/FM 8-lrk, OITATitl lllUI Sl800. 645•9154 Automatic t ren1. ai r 11"91•1.i IHI cond . & IU n root I ••'"1•1•1•·•·;,;~••• s12,995 1911 CADILLAC SIVILU "fAClOIY 2-TONI" (689179) HONDA HUNTING? Before you buy, compare our saviors, selections & service. ,,,,.. 1111 ............••..•.•••. #1 , ......... , .. ., ........ ..,, UUI, lllYIOI All LUllll OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS (526XWG) Front-wheel n,,..,.,. drivel AlllW OILY 144111 ........... " .... Dove/Quall Sta. NEWPORT BEACH tH-0111 This economlcel cer 11 eKlre clelnl (079RXK) A bargain et OILY 12111 ......... YtLllWllD 1111 •mtLn 16111 e.ech 81Vc1 OITlTlll Huntington 8Mch V6 engine, eutomatlc 142·2000 Ullll Ill Irani. & efr cond.1--------(693YSY). '77 Volar• Sin wgn. \18, YtlYI OILY l,.,lll 3t8 cu. In .• P•. pd. ac. et. 1966 Harbor BIVd. ,. 73 ,000 m I. S 1000. COSTA MESA Jll IWUH 760-1940. ......... IM0-1 ... l YtlllWllll I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $16,995 1912 IUICK •• ,ARK AVINUE" 4 DI. SIOAN (10TT550) s12,995 Otter Good Thru Monday, 8-23-82 ·ee VOLVO 122s. com-18711 ee.eti Blvd. To piece your messege ple1ely re1tored, nYI Huntington Beech before the NABERS motor, $2200. 64S-2534. 142-2000 resd~~o:bfle. ·ea 14'8 Sdn. xtnt oond .. 1--t-9-78_E_l_C_e_m_ln_o__ Delly Piiot {...,ADii l \C OOod Int I p&lnt I Urea. GrMn Cta11Wed. 842-5678 ~ ,, ,,/ ~ 11800. 87!t-1971 Evet & 1·348-5428 2900 HAAIOA BLVO. Wknda. ~~~~~~~~ --------'75 Malibu Cla11k:. Good .:.. COSTA MESA '78 245 S11t1on Wagon, cond. 1 owner. Moving Seti with EASEi 540-1860 autotnatlc, low mltea, xlnt a 1 I e S 1 4 O O I I I r m , It's 1 BREEZE cond, all optlon1, $7500. 955.3052 I ~c~11~s~sl~lled~A~d~1~64~2-~5~67~8~~~~~!!~~~1 ::~85 1' munge '74 MONTE CARLO ~ I: 1teerlng, powe< brtk ... '68 1228 , new clutch, elr cond, 1111 1t1erlng good 1h1pe. rell1t>f1, amltm $2000 546-94~ runt greet, good llr ... •--------''"''°· $1800. 875-9585. 1969 NOVI Super •port, 350 V8, 4 tpd, poettrec, '73 144, Perl•ct yellow 1tereo tape, cl11n, & t>ody, not e ecretch, Ill tul. $2400. 875-7834 Ol'lg. 4 dr QarlQed. Pe<-lect Interior, look• new, 4 1973 C1m1ro l T, 350. tpd, elr. t O'#Y*'. Auna AM /FM, 4 1pd, xlnt per1ect. 25 MPO 12,450 ooncl. $3500, 524-0218 Cell Jim 548-7245 '82 Chevy, working, Ofigl· nll owner seoo or belt A•,_ "* 011w. "2·9289 ••••• 'l.r~ ••••••••••••• 1--------,...,,, IHI C.1111•1•1 H1f ..•.....•...••••••..••......•..••.••..••.... Come In & Me N-port '82 CONTINENTAi. ee.cn·1 n11e1t Mltelllon * lltlT llU * of prevloualy owned BMutlful new body elyll, Ponch•'e, Audi'• encl tlmHer 10 8'111 ... but ci.- VOlktwllglM. ~ wlllmoelne com- ..... tort. UlllUf'Y Int. & com- plet•ty appolnt.ci Incl, . .i.e. !net. '** a entfy 44&1.COMtHwy 1y111m , Auto. w/ NeWpOf1 8Md'I overdrive to give you 8?3-0IOO grMt gu ~ wtllle dlWtnQ In I~ J\.111 need relleble perty to m11te 1 1 ________ , emell inonthty pmtl. NO Uft "8 ..... olO oontrllOt• to .-ume • ..... ·-..... ._.. -· No IMiCIC pmtt. due.,.,,,.' ._ ~ ""· f« ROM 942.......00, Proto I H~·eotMtlllnG )'OU went I llLL Idle Item• with • to ... ? a..tfleicl Ida Oo Delly PMot OtlMlftld Ad. n .... '4t·M71. I, NE 1982 EX COUPE 29 590 0 ·~!;!~· added options Pl • Ftrll Car Cart Ser. 121405 Ula OOYtflll Stk. 0687 20 More Competitively Priced THIS FRI., SIT., SUI. llD IOI. DOl'T Wiil lllY LONGER! OVER 300 Brand New Cars, Trucks, Vans and Van Conversions all at LAST CHANCE CLOSEOUT PRICESIH BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS All vehicles listed below include a FREE 12 month 12,000 mile Service Agreement 1979 FOllD ........ $3995 OptloM Include sunroof, power steering & wire wheels. (102295). 1978 "*TIAC 1,..11 .. Am $5995 This one's loaded with all lhe ex tras Including a T-Top (129980). 1979 MDCUllY eo_.xa.1 $4495 loaded! Options Include cruise control & power windows. (708330) 1977 TOYOTA Pickup $3695 Economical 4 cyl. engine, tool boK & ready to got (086023). 1978 DATSUN 200 sx $2995 4 cyl engine, 5 speed trans. & AM/FM ste<eo. (1•90441. 1911 CHIVY Surfer V•n SAVE This one hes all the Htras 1979 CHIYY ea ..... z.2e $6995 T-TOP. loaded with opliOr'IS Inc power w i ndow s (518842) 197 6 M18CUltY Mon•rch $2495 VS. 1utoma11c transmission & air cond. (521892). 1980 FOltD Pinto $4995 Automatic trans .. air cond , power steering & s tereo (163663) 1978 AMC cw ........ $3995 6 cyl. economy, auto trans , air cond & tow mlles (7A3457). 1979 M18CUllY cGtprl $3995 Automatic trans .. AM/FM stereo & power steering (622195). 1977 DATSUN 2801 c ..... $6395 Including c arpet11Buytng and setllng el ;11d trans .. elr panellnlJ. (104827). reaaoneble price-that'sietle. (400874) .. ________ Whit Cf &sslrted IS •fl ~ll!!'!llm' __ __ I 977 fMD about. 642-5676 fMD 8ultltlol•p V•n ~ur10• .. ckup $5995 $4595 •August 20, 1982 • Being you ... SC professor to speak at Crystal Cathedral Leo Buscaglia wants you to be you. "The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is thl!"battle to be just you," says Brnraglia, eminent educator, lecturer and author of the current (number two) beat seller "Living, Loving & Learning. II "You're going to have to fight this battle for the rest of your life in a world where people feel more comfortable if you can be there for their convenience ... But you can control your destiny . . . You can be what you want to be. You can abo stop and say, 'No, I won't do it. I won't behave this way any more.• " University of Southern California professor, psychologist and leader in the human potential movement, Buscaglia has. for many years, been an advocate of self-improvement, sharing, loving, hugging and find out who you really are. On the lecture circuit, he brings his very positive and highly motivating examples, mehtods and anecdotes on how to get enthusiastic about life and "be th~ best you you can be." Brnraglia'a words of wisdom will be heard in his only 1982 Southern California appearance at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove on Thuraday, Sept. 9 at 8 p.m. The dynamic Buscaglia quotes the great mind! of the world, and uses experiences from his own life and the lives of family and friends to make his point that: "You are all you have. Therefore, mak~ yourself the most beautiful, tender, wonderful, fantastic peraon in the world." Always the realist, Bw1Caglia knows we must face all aapectl of life, including those not-so-happy times. "Even death teaches us something," he maintains. "It teaches us the value of ti.me. We realiz.e how precious it is. We realiz.e we don't have forever! It teaches us to look and to see . . . and that the people we love aren't going to be the same all the time." Buscaglia often puts in perspective, the other person's point of view -even the child who says to a parent "(Let me) be free to experiement, to try, Cree to make mistakes. That's the way you learn. I can understand your mistakes and I profit greatly from mine. But I need to be free to experiment and to try. Give me that chance . . . Don't give me your hangups! Let me find and overcome my own!" But he also knows that the responsibility of a parent is enonnoua. After all, we learn mostly from our family. ''That's why ... the most important thing in the world is th.at you make younelf the greatest, grandest, most wonderful, loving penon in the world, because this is what you are going to be giving your children." 1'he greatest gift Buacaglla gives to his friends and followen is encouragement to want to change -to want to become better human beings. And he wanta people to tap lhelr potential with the full knowledge that they, along with everyone elle, are not perfect and m.laiake9 wW be made aJona the way. "So much of what you are not ia bean• you are literally •tandina in your own way of becoming. And what (I want you to do) LI to get the hell out of your way! F1y -life and love ii all avail.Ible to you.I And all vou have to do LI take the responsib'11ty and grup It.'' Ticlteta for .. An Evenina With Leo Bu'CA81i•" are available thto\l&h KOCE-TV, public televialon for Oranp County, (714) 895-5623, the Crystal Cathedral or Tlcketron. The performance I. • benefit for the KOC&-TV ~don throu&h a grant from Nordltrom, the SeattJe.-bMed sped.alty retailer. er ·,I 1' I\ ( l I\ I I '1 I I I I ' I 11 ; I I 11' "..,I ' I I '\ '' : l! 1 , I ''-,It ,. ' ...... By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of Ute Dally Pilot 8tatf Good morning, class. Welcome to -Understanding Modem Movies 101. Today's lesson .2 will focus on that popular genre, The High School a: High Jinks Film. Please put your paper airplanes away, Mr. Schwartz. Now, we know that film maken traditionally take one of two approaches in portraying high school life: the way it was or the way it should have been. First, let us consider the way-it-should-have- been films. These must include at least one school bully who eventually will be taught a lesson (the more embarrassment the better); one beautiful but snobby cheerleader who must eventually be caught without her clothes (the more embarrassment the better); and one sensitive, awkward but brainy student who first is a victim of practical jokes but eventwilly wins the heart and body of a pretty girl student. . For flavor, you can mix in a dumb but strong football star; a nasty buffoonish principal; a sympathetic teacher who's despised b y the principal, and some bewildered, over-p~oteclive parents who have forgotten what it's ~ to be y~ples of this approach might be the reoent hit "Porki's," which rai8ed groes-out humor to new heights, and "Animal House," which was technically a College High Jinks Film, but who's ~uibbling . . . A roore recent example might. be ' Zapped," in which Scott Baio used teleiinetic powers to accomplish miachief at his high school Now, who can tell me what is the central theme in these way-it-should-have-been movies? No, Mr. Schwartz., the primary theme isn't sex. No, Miss Hayward, it isn't simple humor either. Actually these films are all built on revenge. Undoubtedly, the dliector or screenwriter was a wimp in high school, and these films are his way of getting back at all the beautiful cheerleaders and dumb joclcs who were more popular than he was. The classic reven11.e scene came in that horror-high Jinks hybrid 'Carrie," when the title character paid back a generation's worth of high school snubs by turning the senior prom into a bloody inferno. Then there are thoae way-it-really-was high school films. This approach, illustrated bv "American Graffiti" and "Breaking Away/' involves c haracters who are more three- dimensional, comedy that is less broad and a ecreenplay that considers what these kids will make of their lives after graduation day. All of which brings us to today's subject, the newly released "Fast Times at Ridgernont High," a • • • Mr. Hand {Ray Walston, above) insists on discipline, while Linda {Phoebe Cates, at right) gives Stacy {Jennifer Jason Leigh) advice based on her years of advanced wisdom when two .boys join them at the pool. film that attempts -with moderate aucoem -to straddle both the way-it-was and way-it-ahould- have-been approaches. Themrii la Oued on the findings of Cameron Crowe, a young journalist who in 1979 spent a Y'!ar . posing as a student at a Southern Califorinia high school. He wrote about oontemporary students in a book, then crafted a 9Cn!enplay from the material. · "Fast Times," directed by first-timer Amy Heckerling, has no real plot. It simply follows several teens through a year at Ridgemont High in episodic lashion. We meet Stacy, a 15-year-old who engages in sex as a result of pee.r pressure; her brother Brad, who works at a string of fast food stands; Jeff Spicoli, a perpetually stoned surfer; Mike Damone, a rock concert ticket scalper; anq Mark Ratner the fa.miliar, shy and 11ensitive youth, who works as a theater usher. Employing the language, dress and ~uts of San Fernando Valley teens, "Fast Times' has a more authentic look than meet films in th.ls genre. It is filled with plenty of touches that ring true, from the girla who model their dress after rock singer Pat Benatar to the pep rally attended by students who haven't the slightest inclination to cheer. In addition. a strong rock ac.ore featurtng songs by Jackaon Browne, the Go Go's and othen adds to the atmosphere. Some of the film's awkwardness, however, comes from its different approach to different themes. Drug use, for example, is played for laughs, including a car crash that occurs under the influence. Teen-age sex, however, is played dead serious. Stacy drifts fr~m one unpleasant sexual experience to another with little thought about th e consequences of her actions. Another weakness in "Fast Times" is that it has no resolution, just a somewhat abrupt ending. The film makers never tell us what to make of the these glimpses of life in the fast-food lane. Credit should go. however, to some excellent young actors including Sean Penn, who's right on the money as the stoned surfer, and Jennifer Jason Leigh, who is endearing as the adventurous but immature Stacy. Veteran character actor Ray Walston also contributes a nice turn as a history teacher who has little patience with students who order pizza delivered to bis classroom. Your assignment, students, is to see "Fast Times" and savor its better moments even if the film as a whole remains imperfect. Class dismissed. And Mr. Schwartz, please be careful with those water balloons ... -----~( Tobi• to Tobi• )~----- MANDA.BIN GOURMET, 16<>0 Adamt Ave., a.t. Mesa. Hl>-1937. Open from JJ:30 am. to JO p.m. Sunllay dJ.ro!l8b Thway, 11:80 a.m. to 11 r::=y and &twday. Same menu aU hounr.. bullet at '4..36 Mll:WKl ihlm JJ:BO a.m. to i:ao p.m. Jllanda.Y &IJrou6b Friday. Sunday bnud at 17.50 Nrved from 11:30 a.m. to 1:10 p .m. ~te cli.nnen $9 to $13.~. A la carte trom J3.60 to#~ - There are but few ttue pleuur• worth •vorina above all otben.· For IOIM ~ downhill lkiinl. eaillnC or a raft acui9'oa down the ~Rtwr. • In the reetaurant critic'• 1ame, Mandarin 06urmet eully ranka u one o!_ the oounty·~~ Mandarin Gourmet's ·fine Oriental foods By JOBL C. DON ,. ot Ulellalb' Pilot Se.aft beyond the fashionable surroundings. The food rates as &0me of the finest in Orientaf cookery this aide of the Pacific, with all respects to the acoomplial\ed Chinese chefs of New York City and San Ftanciloo. Suffice, th.la I.a one of \hoee restauranta that probably can boMt it never met • customer who clidn't retum-.,.in and apln. Though the name ·aaya Mandarin, thla 5-year-okl e9tab1Jahment doeln't fall to aatidy thoee who wish to wnple the c:uialne that hM eme~ from a number ol ChineM provmc.. Most notable are the Szechwan dlahes, which Chlana has elevated--10 • ventable art form. c.pp&na otl an a1.t..cty tine and extemlve· lilt of menu eptreee la a lilt ol. •Dedal diahes the restaW"ani c1a1ms to have introcfuced fOf the f1nt See Mtin~~.$m, ''""' v~t:<rt: .. t-;,,,.,, Tab Hunter • • • Stars in Jack Sharkey play By SANDIE JOY Of tbe Daily Pilot Statf Tab Hunter, the blond dreamboat who sent many a heart aflutter two decades ago, is alive and well and living in Dana Point. But, he said, you won't find him if you go looking there. "I'll be out in the back yard h oeing," explained Hunte r who, although now in his 40s, is as handsome and as youthlul-appearing as ever. Looking tanned and relaxed in a pale yellow polo shirt, wrinkled white jeans and running shoes, Hunter r ecently met with a half dozen newsmen in a suite at Anaheim's Grand Hot.el. Hunt.er candidly and politely told newsmen he didn't care if he's never written about again. "Publicity is like h o t fudge sundaes," he said . "Too much makes you very fat mentally, spiritually and physically." Nevertheless, the purpose of the Anaheim gathering was to introduce Hunter to local n e wsme n and publicize the Jack Sharkey play in which he'll open Tuesday in the hotel's Grand Dinner Theater. "It's a tremendous energy show. I love doing it," he said of the play, "Here Lies Jeremy Troy," a ~act comedy in which Hunt.er portrays a young lawyer who becomes entangled in a web of lies. Upon meeting the playwright, he quipped. "I hope you'll n!<X>gnlle your show," to which Sharkey retorted, "I'm dying to see you in it." Although Hunter has performed many times in "Jeremy," the actor and playwright never before had met. In fact, he's done the play so often he called -it "an old chestnut" and noted "audiences like this show." Admitting that he'd "fallen out of vogue for awhile" after achieving box office popularity in such movies as "Battle Cry" in 1955 and, later, recording success with "Young Love" and "Red Sails in the Sunset," the hazel-eyed actor said he hadn't "been behind a rock. "I have been working for the paat 20 years," he explained. "After I couldn't get arrested in Hollywood, I ran off to Europe -Rome, Spain, London -and kept flying back to the New York area where dinner theater is prominent. I started working there." A product of Hollywood's star system during the '50s, Hunter said he doesn't look back. "Those things aren't important," he said. "The important thing is what you are doing now . . . to do your work . . . You have to look for development ... I'm a character actor now and that's nice because those people hang around for a \>lhile." Hunter has made more than 40 major motion pictur es and this summer is appearing in "Grease 2" and "Polyester." The public a nd the industry is beginning to notice him again, he indicated, "and the pendulum is swinging back." A self-described workaholic, Hunt.er recently completed starring roles in two movies, "And They're Off" and ''Thursday the 12th." set for release this fall. ·- He hopes to begin filming soon on another movie, "The Reverend the Rosie," a Western spoof on which he already has a treatment. Born in Manhattan, Hunt.er moved with his family to San Francisco when he was 2. Lat.er, the family settled in Southern California. He's lived in Dana Point for three years and noted, "I love being down there ... Have you seen the . ?" manna. He's been redecorating the Dana Point house and noted that's one of his hobbies. "I've had seven houses." He also said it'll be nice to sleep in his own bed instead of in some mot.el on the road while he's performing for eight weeks in Anaheim. · Hunter saw his first Broadway show at the age of 16 when, as a member of the U.S . Coast Guard, he was stationed on the East Coast. That did it for the 6-foot-1-inch-tall, 175-pound actor; he was hooked on theater. He made his screen debut in 1950 with a movie called "The Lawleas" and went on to co-star with some of the film industry's biggest stars including John Wayne with whom he J>erfOrmed in "Sea Chase" and Natalie Wood with whom he co-sta~ed in ''Girl He Left Behind" and "Burning Hills.'' But, he said, "The stage has kept me alive." He's perfo rmed o n Broadway in "The Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore" and has done numerous other plays including "West Side Story," "Bye-Bye Birdie," "6 Rms Riv Vu," "The Tender Trap'' and "Under the Yum Yum Tree." Hunt.er said he doesn't favor one medium over another. He just likes to work. "I've never been in a poeition to pick my material," he explained. "I juat do what comes along." He once had his own television series, "The Tab Hunter Show." But, h e joked, it was on opposite Ed Sullivan's ahow so it wasn't very successful. He considers himself "one of the pioneers of dinner theater'' along with Van Johnson and Martha Raxe. Careerwiae, Hunt.er said, "l haven't even scratched the surface of what I w ant to do ... I want to do everything. You only go down this road one time." When he's not perfonning, Hunter devotes as much time as possible to his first love, raising hones, to skiing and to his dog, named Rat, who lives with him in Dana Boint. Rat, a Whippet of which he's proud, is something like a small greyhound. he explained, "and she's the Frisbee champion of the world." When he works, Hunter said he never thinks about getting credit. "If I've grown for it, that's the message that's important to me." He al8o said he enjoys receiving a paycheck. He n oted the two banks that financed "And They're Off'' had folded, but "I got my check." ~~--~--~~~~-----------------------( _____ ri_o_b_l• __ ,_o_T_•_b_I_• ____ )~------------------~~---~~~----~ From Page 2 time in Orange C.OW1ty. Some of thoee tantalizing offerings include iron fish, orange beef, orange chicken, Hunan spicy lamb. garlic chicken, spicy brai8ed sliced fllh and aromatic shrimp, lobster, scallops and chicken. The IElCftt of Mandarin Gourmet is Its lack of inhibitions about introducing Westerners to the abundant apicea of the Orient. 11 you order a Szechwan entree, you won't fo.rpt that this style of cookilU[ originated from'a part of China where all like it not. "When a diah calla for prllc, there'• no rnlitakin.g th1a pungent addition. Bland haa all but been baD1ahed from Mandarin Gourmet. Always -.rchinC for 80l'IJe'thina different. we decided to IW1 our meel wit>i a cold appetber, Olnr• ~ ral.t ($4~). 'l'bia re1ectb\ turned out to be perfect for a ntMr •um eYmlin&, with ~ aim-eabbltt. cnanchy rice noodlel and • swwt '1rl•r and oG di 'liC· There is an ample aelection of soups, including shark's fin. abalone, seaweed egg fiower, wonton, hot and sour and ham and winter melon. But a favorite never to diaappoint the most dilcriminating dlner is Mandarin Gourmet's delightful three- flavor ai2'2ling rice IOUP ($4.50). The IOUP comet _with tender shrimp. chicken and ham and a cavalcade of fresh vegetables submerged in a savory broth. Deciding on our main entreea was the only difficult ch~ of the even1ng. Pn previous vi1Ua we had sampled lemon chicken, sweet and eOu.r pork.. kung pao chicken, mu ahu pork and Mongolian beef. amona many othenl. Our final cbolcre were even·~)' narrowed to. ~ beef (f7), kon .,.o IU\ yan ('8) and lhrlmp wtth lobsW ..... ($1.90). 1bt ..,._ ""* .• .,.y ....,.-.t~thannat~--~­But ~ few .,.. ol Yandmtn Gounml'• caliber and most patrons have simply agreed that this dining experience ls well worth the extra dollar or two. The orange beef waa aaut.eed in a light batter and sm<>thered j.n a spicy on.nae sauce complete with citrus peel. My most favorite Szecbwan dish is • spicy chicken with peanuts (kuna pao chlcken) and kon pao aan yan proved once asain that this reat.urant hu mutered the art of Siechwan cuiainf. In addition to chkk.en and peanuts, th1s dJah comes with shrimp and beef, •uteed ln a se_l9 hoboo auce with ~ onloN and peppers. My gust rwoarked that it had a "hotneea that sneeb up on you.'' Then are rome who believe New.York Oty is the only pa.ce, Jo -a ct.cmt.:=,. of! ~ wtd\ 1oblW ....... ~ IO. Oaurmet doel t• blllll with Udl en.._, 4Mth I• mmt punpnt devodaG to tr.lb prUo ... ,, .... parUoD °' lhrtmp. • , 3 ~ 0 - ..... <O OI> I\) -• If ~======================================='='~~,~---'n __ t _•_'_'"_'_•_•_l_o_n ____ J~~---------------------------------------- opening Oct. 26, and a reVJvaI of the HolJywoody farce "Boy Meets Girl" slated for January. 0 (This is the first of three columns on the N 1982-83 season in living theater along the Orange (ii Coast) :I O> ~ The dog days of August may provide a hiatus _ of sorts for the theatergoer, who may tum to the ~ Angels or Dodgers for entertainment, but for those :2 involved on the other side of the footlights it's an it exciting time as they prepare to usher in the new ..: season. ~ Along the Orange Coast, a welter of c: professional, community and collegiate drama ~ groups are getting their 1982-83 acts together. Over i the next few weeks, this column will bring them aJI :: (or at least those that are available) to your -attention. ~ The most logical place to start is at the top, and tha~ w ould be South Coast Repertory, embarking on its 19th season as Orange County's only regional T heaters ge t ready to start new season By TOM T ITUS Or the Daily Pilot Start professional theater. SCR will be offering 11 productions on its two stages at 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Opening the new season on the mainstage will be the American premiere of a labor-management relations comedy set in an Irish factory, "All in Favor Said No" on Sept. 14. Then comes "The Diviners," i n which lrvine t een R obert Macnaughton (ot .. E.T.") starred in New York, A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment C',,ente r Albertson·s •Bank of America • Bilbo Bagg1ns •Coco's/Reuben's• Dolphin Hair Fashions• Edwards Cinema • Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamler • Ice Capades •Mesa Verde Flonsl •Mesa Verde Travel Mtone's • Music Market • Piecemakers • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern Caltforn1a Op1ica1 Spa Lady • Swensen's 2701 Harbor Blvd. • (Harbor & Adams) Cotta Mesa. CA The world premiere of "Julian Field," a new play by Romulus Linney -whose "The Sorrows of Frede~ick" ~nd "Childe Byron" were staged at SCR -arnves m February. Then comes a reprise of Moliere's ''The Imaginary Invalid" and a revival of Shaw·~ "Major Barbara" in April and May, respectively, to close the season. On the Second Stage, where new or exp~rim~ntal plays are performed, the season begins in November with Haro ld Pinter's ::~tray~" and includes "Duet for One" in January. Billy B1shop Goes to War" in March and a pair of new plays as yet unselected for April and June. . !he Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, also heading into its 19th year, will spring back on the boards in September with a revival of the classic comedy (See THEATERS, Page 5} ROCKY'S GOT THE .EYE OF THE TIER'! ~----------------------------------__.~ ______ 1n_t_•_r_1n __ l•_•_l_o_n _____ ~~-------------------------------------~ 0 with "The Glass Menagerie" in February, "Born to be announced in June and "Opal is a Diamond" - "Arsenic and Old Lace.'' Then comes the musical Yesterday" in April, "Blithe Spirit" in June, "All in July. ~ "Working" in November, the drama "A Far My Sons" in August and "Harvey" in October. At the Newport Theater Arts Center, the new $ Country" in January and the musical fantasy A sea.son of county premieres is on tap at the season is already under way with the musical ~ "Lady in the Dark" schdeduled for March. One Huntington Beach Playhouse with the musical "Pippin," closing this weekend. Then comes => other show, yet unselected, will be presented in revue "El Grande de Coca Cola" starting things off ''Bullshot Crummond" in September. the wor ld ~ June. in September, followed by "Two and Two Make premiere of "Occupant, Penthouse A" in October ·"" The Irvine Community Theater is still Sex" in November. The original children's musical and the children's show "Potter's Place" in ~ completing its 1982 season with "Inherit the Wind" "Visions of Sugar Plums," which premiered in December. The second half of the sea.son consists of o. this month and "The Mind With the Dirty Man"' in 1981, will be repeated in December, followed by a trio o{ well-known plays: ''Private Lives" in ~ October at Turtle Rock Community Par k . A "Design for Murder" in January, "Hot Turkey at February, "Stop the World, I Want to Get Off" in • "revival season" of 1940s plays is planned for 1983 Midnight" in March , "Tribute" in April, a musical April and "Night of the Iguana" in June. ~ ·-------------------------------------------,~ I PRODUCE PRICES IRE LOW HERE! , -~\-: -~ . ·•.-I .... When You Can BuJ Produce It These Prices, Stock-Up! Ind You let llewport Produce QualitJ! NOW FEATURING Seedless Watermelons! OPEN DAILY 'TIL 6 ~ WeW'" c.-"" I~-~= '°1 ~ ~TIM SAVE SAVE $2.10 SAVE » Lb. Worid. r ----R•l •f:.l•ftl-----, r -----[(1llJ~·m----,r-----«•ITJ;l•Itl----, I I I . It · I I LARGE CELLO 11 SMALL OR MEDIUM It THOMPSON I I ~ I I\) I I I I I I : i: MusHRooMs n SEEDLESS : I CAULIFLOWER 11 II GRAPES ~ I I 75c II ·age Full II I : Heed I f um1t 3 ~=~ U 39cLb I , II II II · I NOW PLAYING I •---------------' •---------------'L-...,.-------------' I cosra maa n '°"° •OMMI ••KTM111sn 11 I I Eclwa£0s Town Ctnter EdW;ii"Os ~~ AMC O.oinoe M.il Edw~rds Conem.a We~t I ~~~~8:nu Ei!w ... ;~:0een1e1 :.:0 UA C11/~;:!35 : r---'1 ( ~ 11r:l•T'1-- - --1 r-----(( I I•I~·m----,, r-----«•ITJ;l•ID--- -, I 919 4u1 630 911 I I · 11 f I I •CD--1 lMO•-ACC:UUOFOllTMH JIGMlhlf;Ntl I LAROE 11 COACHELLA It DELIGHTFUL I ------------~• 1 ICEBERG ,, GRAPEFRUIT II CHANGE 1 • I I I " 11 SUMMER I I I I LETTUCE 11 -SIZE " SQUASH I I st wo Shows Only I 11 """ II I I T s: : 4 1 oo 1 : 6 1 oo u 25c 1 : ~~~~~~~:;::::::::::.;:::=:=:....:.J I :I For I I For 11 Lb. I I * I ·-----------·----' '---------------'L----·-----------' I ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!~~ I A REAL BUY FLOWER SHOP LOW PRICE, NOW I I ;-----{(•11~----i f-----((!llJ;J'.1Ttt"---l r-----((tl'I;l•Jar ---,: 12:45 3:10 l :JS 1 :10 10:31 la1i1'F C'I~ m llOGDI~ l'lu1 C.ftnonM ll "u" (PQ) "u•I I HI (N) T" THE EXTRA· MONTY l'VTHON LIVI • •• TF.RRESTRIAL AT THE HOllY'MX>O IOWl w:'r"J.a'\ft.lf,.~ II) "u• Stir Clrtay C"l I 1 LOCAL MED. SIZE 11 CARNATIONS : I NEW 1 ·: : I CUCUMBERS' 11 11 PEPSI COLA I I I H * 1 '' __ II 6 c--1 s1 I : I 4 25' 11 --. II --I 1 I For 11 Umtt 2 Doz. ti I I I 11 I I 1 FREE ' I 1 ____ ._._. _______ ~_!l-----~---------ll:_ _____________ ...J I COUPONS EXPIRE AUG. 25 -I p .M. BONDED I FRUIT "40Ytin MIN7 OAYIA WHK tAa.t to ., ... :,::::" 1601 Newport Blv L (~....,........., 845•0032 rt·orntrut l8ttl ~l 1 ..... ~-----~!.tPJ!!!,!!, SHIPPER 1 1 FOR .0 YEARS I I MORE I PHONES: I I J I I I ·-wt.. I ~;, I ,,_a.,o1 I ' ,,_..._,, I -~~· .I -------------- :------------------( Coming Attro~tlom )1------------------ 0> -SCR ched le movement for the stage are held in p ; ri· Ch . l o S U S the convservatory tacilitih at aCZJ lC Ora e The Pacific Chorale's 15th Crystal Anniversary season begins Oct. 23 and includes a three-week tour of Europe and a July 4th appearance in Irvine. N SCR's Fourth Step Theater Complex, i youth classes 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Se ts auditions ;:, The conservatory offers a three-Anyone who can sight-read music and who has a blending choral voice is eligible to audition, according to Irene Hernandez, audition chairperson. She may be con tac te d for further information or audition scheduling at 542-4912. < year program designed to h elp An 11-week course in creative students build self-confidence, and ~ dramatics for children 8 through 17 :g begins Sept. 11 at South Coast develop theater appreciation and a u. Repertory Theater's Young personal creativity. ... Conservatory. For enrollment information, call ~ The classes in mime, gesture and SCR at 957-1602. c: Q) ~ i 3: Auditions for the 140-voice Pacific Chorale, California's largest choral ensemble, are set for Aug. 27, 28, and 30 at El Rancho Junior High School. 181 Del Giorgio Road in Anaheim Hills. The Retum of the Great Adventure. ' THE ORIGINAL IS BACK . • Slorrlng MARK HAMILL HARRISON FORD CARRIE FISHER PETER C~SHING ond ALEC GUINNESS M.JSK. by R-oduced by ~ and Oirecred by JOHN WILLIAMS GARY KURTZ GEORGE LUCAS PANAVISl()N9 IPGIPAllEllTAUilDM:l SlQi(Sll= • ICM: MllKMM MAt N01' • M.ftMLI fOll _ T€CHNIC0t.Of\• PNNTS DY 0€ WXE CXJI CCU\' BTIND I™ "'lllfGl(O 1'4>1"6 ............. c....,.~ ~~'-... '' "".~, .... , ... (~ ....... , ' -• f ... "' ~ A t'l/WoO.ljl ~lllt • .,..., ..... I W••n ft. ...... i.--. -_;:"" • COSTA IKIA ll TOllO IOUI TAll HllEY *tlTMIUTlll l°"'lll°' CotlO!mll ~t.. Id*"'°' S..00-• f 1t111o1y '""' UA Mal 919~141 \II )810 967 17•8 89JOS•6 COITA IMIA lctoo~O\ I own~,., /S1 4114 llllllllTOll fo• S7S 41H llO KM<•"'°°'" .. '0-..... PIOAOl'tllftn • GPGI 11111' lllU • llOlllf ~ 111£ ~ MlXllllt'IC 1'0 GAF MAal llm4 Hlllf · Cl!XH Q.OR • JOl!ll UT'llOO't' - -PAJ1IKI WW _,, STM tt!!IOt __ ., _,, )08N llM.'iC _,, Gl(lllCjl 11111' HIU. .. IOIDT L CUllfORD _,, ~ 11111' l(IU. D ·---·c~~~a - ----·----· ---.. -----------------~---4( Coming Attraction•)~-----------------! 0 'Up With People' due on Orange Coast Com pany, publishers of the Daily The stu dents spend 11 - Pilot, will·begin both days at 8 months on the road each year, ~ p.m. in the college auditorium. traveling an average of 35,000 I Tickets are $7 at the Or~ miles. The cast made its last ~ ~ <;f!~e ticket office and c~~!r;:c~n a~ ~:~n:~dc~a:! ~ "Up With P eople," the 26 will perform 1960's soul and SI.nee its beginning in 1968 e n tertained during halftime :" international music group, will surf music along with some the group has performed in 50 ceremonies at the Super Bowl. ~ perform Sept. 5 and 6 at Orange Beatles tunes. states and 42 countries around For more information about Ci: Coast College in Costa Mesa. The "Up With P eople" the world in an effort to bridge the "Up With People" Show call ~ The international cast of 100 Show, co-s po nsored by the communication be tw ee n 556-5527. > men and women between 18 and Orange Coast Publis hing different cultures. ~---~-------'~--------'~--~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ c Dining Delights LIVE AT "THE WAREHOUSE" - "Steve McClintock and Private I" are appearing at The Warehouse, popular Newport Beach restaurant Manager John Macbeth reports the group is the most popular entertainment the c afe h as eve r presented. The mellow rock group does original mu sic as w el l as contemporary pop hits. Their versatility ranges from new wave t o country. "SIX PACK" ,,0) "DIV A" '"> · "Yllll IHTlll · II LIVI'' PL.Ua "ZIPPll" (I) "The most exciting down-to-the-wire action since SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT and the funniest bunch of rascals since THE BAD NEWS BEARS." ·811 Tuah, WTBS, TM Att.nta Supentatlon KENNY ROGERS ta Brewster ...... • ••••••••••••••••••••••• • e a e • • a • e • I e I e • I a a a a a 8 I e TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX Presents A LION SHARE Production A DANIEL PETRIE Rim KENNY ROGERS "SIX PACK" DIANE LANE • ERIN GRAY Music by CHARLES FOX Executive Producefs EDWARD S. FELDMAN and TED WITZER Produced by MICHAEL TRIKIUS [13!:'!:"...:-0#J =.~!_~!:.~:x .... =::~.:,DAN!-~~-•·l "' -"' 0 .... <D CX> "' w 8 N Cl) ~ Over the past couple of years this colwnn has provided exclusive information on a number of the g best value wines ever produced in California. Some -were close-outs, others were from new wineries ~ looking for a bit of attention, others were made g available for one marketing reason 9r another. c( Such wines as the Zaca Mesa and Gundlach- ~ Bundschu "reds." the Bandiera Cabernet Sauvignon 't:J and Franciscan Cask 319 Burgundy have become ~ virtually legendary when consumers talk about ~ value wines, and the wine.ries still receive calls for ~ the wines even though long ago sold-out. -g Well, it has been awhile since I've found a G> blockbuster, but the wait is over and this week's i discovery is at least the equal if not the better of all ~ that has come before. Prepare to assault your local wine merchant immediately, because quantities are § some~hat limited. a: It is human n a ture to be suspicious of a bargain, 90 besides telling you about the wine, I always try to find out why the wine is being offered at a bargain price. Produced by F.streUa River, a medium-size winery that owns its own vineyards, there is actually no problem with this wine at all. The- problem comes with later vintages, and the problem with the later vintages is that there is more wine ...,.<Wt"WA Estella River Winery offers fine bargains By JERRY D. MEAD Special to the Dally Pilot than the winery has customarily sold. C! The way this came about is that Estrella is also in the business of selling grapes to other wineries. Estrella grows more grapes than its winery or marketing effort is designed to handle. Having previously sold its grapes to several other wineries, it was approached a few years back by a big winer)'! w anting to buy "all" the surplus grapes. The purchasing winery made good wine, but didn't d o a good job of selling it, Jost its winemaker, and ultimately broke the contract to buy grapes. Estrella is suing the big winery for breaking the contract, leaving it without a buyer, but in the meantime it was long on certain varieties and forced to either make more wine or let the grapes rot. l w.1~1 ~ 'repe9't awearanc~ r1rii1-"'4 •.,, .. "-...,_ .. ,_ .... '"_ ...... ,_..,._th ..... !!I ... ,,...,,_.-... ... 11 ............... Wi'.-J ........... ,.., ................ . ... In the end, it has to be sold before F.strella can begin to sell the next vintage. ESTRELLA RIVER WINERY 1978 ZINF ANDEL ($3.50 or less). This delicious wine has been selling for nearly $6 at most retail outlets, and some small outlets may not yet be aware of the drop in price. If they act shocked when you tell them, insist they check with their wholesaler or the winery. The wine is my favorite style of Zinfandel, the kind you drink with food. It is structured much like a Cabernet Sauvignon, but with more fruit and berry showing. It does not show evidence of high alcohol or overripeness, and none of those "pruney" flavors 90 often evidenced by Zinfandel. Definitely buy this one by the case, and don't be surprised if some of the discounters are selling it for less than $3. ESTRELLA CABERNET SAUVIGNON NV (about $4.50). Another bargain from the Central Coast winery, and for only a dollar more, serious red wine drinkers may think the better value. It is a blended wine, given 65 percent to the named grape with 35 percent going to Zinfandel. Many Cabernets of a decade ago were blended to Zinfandel, so the combination is a proven one. Finner structure here, and more tannin. The wine tastes a bit younger, too, being mostly from the '79 vintage. It should age nicely. ESTRELLA 1978 CABERNET SAUVIGNON (about $10). Even at better thari twice the price this 11HEY BUD1 LET'S PARTY!11 It's Awesome, Totally Awesome! ,_.,. tt.e Mw.ic •' JACXtOH MOWNI · IWMY .-n •OOH '1UIU • 1H1 G0-00 $ tDUISI ~ • IN#lt't HMM · DC* .... • GUMO McfljlAftON ~ NASt4 • STIYll MCICJ • otNOO IOtNOO • ... /JOST · .0C0 • ~ llAYYNI • nMOnf'f a, SOMT • l&.&.T _,.. • IUlllUfll9 ·.,. WMJM ,-:, . ' . •., ~ .,, ~ '~-· ., t~I'"' ,I 1 .,, "·', ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~--4.~~~-Al~•-o_d~o-n~IN:~l-n_•~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : wjne still offers superior .value. An estate bottled some very special wtute wmes, mcJudm at !east one of th0&e "bitter with wood" white wines. Lots of ~ selection receiving extensive oak and bottle age, it is "Best Buy." fruit, and alcohol in balance. It is a near perfect ~ a wine for company. Where the non-vintage wine is Chardonnay. i aggressive and showing its youth, this wine while ESTRELLA 1980 FUME BLANC (about $6). -,c- only a year older is showing a developed bouquet, a This wine is proof that Sauvignon Blanc (the grape ESTRELLA 1981 JOHANNISBERG Rlesllag ~ beautiful rounded structure and subtle, eve n from which Furne is made) does not have to smell ($6). Instead of the apples one expects to smell in a a. elegant Cabernet flavors. and taste grassy. Nicely oaked, the wine is structure Riesling, the nose leans to peaches and aprioots. It is ~ Other Estrella selections that did not much like a Chardonnay, but delivers the taste of slightly sweet (abo"t 2 percent residual sugar), but :t1 particulary excite my palate were 1981 versions of its varietal origins. There is an almost spicey, with good acid balance and the low alcohol (10 Ci White Zinfandel and Zinfandel Rose. Both were a nutmeg-like quality to the nose, which is as percent that allows you to guz:zle this one around ~ little too sweet and soft for my taste. More acid or pleasant as everything else about this wine. With the pool. Nice, but not one of my favorites. less sugar is my advice for 1982, but both wines are many Fumes selling for twice the price, you'll > selling well. understand why I think it such a bargain. &trella's '79 Syrah, produced from the true Syrah grape (most California Petite Syrahs are really from a grape called Duriff), recently earned a gold medal at the Central Coast Wine Competition. The winery, located in northern San Luis Obispo County near Paso Robles, also produces ESTRELLA 1980 CHARDONNAY (about $10). Perhaps not so great a bargain, but an even better wine for sure. I don't like this wine ... I love it. It has that big vanilla nose that oomes from French oak, yet the taste of the wine, while influenced by the oak, is not oaky. ln other words, this is not one '"AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN' IS A MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL" "One of the high-ranking surprises of the summer. It is a movie to be saluted." -Pat Collins, CBS NETWORK PARAMOUNT PICT1JRES PRESENTS - A LORIMAR-MARTIN El.FAND PROOUCTKlN A TAYLCR HACKPaU> P'ILM RDiARD GERE· DEBRA WINGER AN CFFJCER AND A OEN'llZMAN ~TU A M.RAM0UNT PICTVRE : : ii ESTRELLA 1981 MUSCAT CANELU ($7.50). ~ This one is gomg to have lots of fans. It is sweeter - than the Riesling (4.5 percent), but with equally ~ crisp acids so it doesn't finish syrupy. The n0&e is _. remini;K:ent of nectarines, and so is the flavor in a ~ way. A great wine to accompany fresh fruit N desserts. STARTS TODAY Al.!lo 5larring n\VlD Kant and LOUIS OOSSET1: JR. U 'Poley' Original Music by JACK NITZSCHE · Written by DOUGLAS n\Y STEWART Produced by MARTIN l!LFAND • Dlrected byT~ HACKYalD,n ··. R .... 11 ...... ~ c.-...·--··----""-~~-...... ---~ ! ,.: _.,._,_ - 1atA u TOllO u_.IMft OIMll wu111•1ra ----NOW PLAYING----au••• MllllOl YIUO ..... , IUQI OMW WllTM•TDI Pacific's ANhem Eclwards VltjO Twin Edwatds Hewpo!1 Cilema Cinedolne Edwards Cinema Wesl Onve ln879 9850 830 6990 644-0760 634·2553 891 ·3935 M.11111 8rta Piila Edwardl Slddletlaek Edwlnls Weslllr"oolt UA Ci1y ~ Pacific's Hi Wr, 39 Drive In 529 5339 Sii Sl80 (714) 530 UOI 13• 3tl I HI 3613 COSTA MUA Eclwaicls Cinema Cenler979 41'1 -Pacific's Or~ Dnw lnSSI 7022 '"°'-ACC*'TDPOll~IM'll~ I NO ,AMII ACCUTIO '0" tHta IHOMNllllltt , ==-=--·-..... , ... -..... ._._~-- David Huffman, Warren Clarke, Ron.ad Lacey and Kenn~ Colley. Eastwood la an American pilot who tries to steal Ru.sai.a's top aec:ret superjet and fly it to the West. It's rated PG because of some violence. ~===================================::1~ Cur,..,,tly$cr .. nl'!._9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... A M1DsuMMER N1GeT·s sEx coMEDY: Movz"es now showz·ng g Rated PG, stars Woody Allen, Mary Steenburgen, Tony Robens, Mia Farrow, Jose Ferrer and Julie } ~~~,~:=c:t~~~~e along Orange Coast < AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated ~ R, stars Richard Gere, David Keith, Debra Winger :g and Louis Gossett Jr. There are very few surpriaes u. but BOme beautifully drawn performances in this i tale of boot camp and romance. It's rated R because ,, of language, sex and adult situations. i I ~ - ANNIE: Rated PG, stars Albert Finney, Carol Burnett and Aileen Quinn. The film is based on the popular musical. ~ AUTHOR, AUTHOR: Rated PG, stars Al Pacino, Dyan Cannon, Tuesday Weld, Alan King, Bob Dishy, Bob Elliott and Ray Goulding. Pacino plays a playwright who suddenly finds himself with a family of five children and no wife. It's rated PG because of mature language. youngsters of today, just as it wai. years ago. BLADE RUNNER: Rated R, stars Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos and Rutger Hauer. Harrison is a police "blade runner" in Los ~eles in 2019. His assignment is to hunt genetically engineered human repllcants who bolt from slavery and cause problems. It's rated R for bloody violence. E.T. THE EXTRA·TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, stars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert MacNaughton and Drew Barrymore. This highly acclaimed science.fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien from outer space. This family film has been touted as one of the best in years. BAMBI: Rated G, is the Walt Disney animated classic that first bit the big screen in 1942. This FIREFOX: Rated PG, stars Clint Eastwood sentimental tale of a baby deer should be a treat for (who ls alao director and producer), Freddie Jones, They're gcMn1 to have tun, tun, fun on the n•strt shHt. And set rkh c1otns et. MtGHTSHtFT The comedY -'Hpet' of ttte ywar. • IRIAll mm PROOOCTIOll • ~ HOWAAD flll1 "lllGHT SH1Er HlllAY WllllLU • 111CMAH lEATOll • SHEUU lOllG 1t ... , ... ,,_,, DOii IRAMZE w. .... -, LOWlLL GANZ .-BAIAlOO 11ANOU 0r..,.., "'"" fir BUAT BACHAUCH Or't'Ml lr•><1., UM>t.l BAYU WiU "*"' i., lllAll GWCR o..~-, llOll HOWUO oo-...... rR~ ~.,,.._ U ~ • •WJOc°""""""".u1 l· ~-,:.;~·::::::-1 ---o r -·::..:-:.-· l !·-=-~-1 -·--- ANA•llrM ANAHEIM OlllVf IH ,_ti ot i.-ti 17'-fflO ., I I ~' A ~ A lir' r BUENA PARK ORIVI IH ~Di ii) THI IUTLmu WHOllHOUN INTIUl(I) Cll•I "- AH OfflCll AND A OINTUMAH 111 THI PINAL .HTOOWN !NI C111f ,,_.,O l.T. THI IXTIA UllUTIWtNI Nit u...:..., A .. .,.,. .. ~" TH11umic HOUIMAH ,,., 121-4070 ~ t•Hl''W• LINCOLN OlllVl IN l•ftCOll"I Aw• •••• OI lftOn 121-4070 f(JIJNfAIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVIE ·IN so" Ot•oo •l'WY ot "001rwn1(lo1 962•2'11 1Am1M111 IOWt THI MST lmLI WMOUMOUSI '"nus Il l A MAli;,A IA HABRA DRIVE IN ~ .......... _ ....... ..,,...,. 171'1162 . "<(,&IA_,. LOS Al TOS OR1Vl IN -~J.....,01-.. 211/421 .. lll ~A•• • I fllDAT THI UTH ·~Jiii) VINOM111 fAITTIMUAT ·'~"'°"''' THI HOU 't'WOOO KNIGHTS ti! CJ"lll- INOS All TOUGH All OVll 1 -· MONTYP~LM AT ftCXL YWOOO IOWL 111 l.T. THI IXTU,J!lllSTalAl1N1 THI IUCTllC HOISIMAN IN) THINGS .UI TOUGH AU OVll CWJ PUlt ZAmDl1•1 I. T. THI lnlA. UllUT11Al. IN I llllUI fMl IUCTllC HOUIMAHCNI ORANGE OQl\lf IN .... ... ... .... MISSION Olll\lf IN . . '• . •. WARN~R OlllVf IN ....... , ,.M. Wett .. -..C ...... M7· 191 .1 ROCKY ID: Rated PG, stars Sylvester Stallone as the gutsy Rocky, who battles to d efend his crown. The PG rating is for violence. POLTERGEIST: Rated PG, stars Jobeth Williams and Beat.rice Straight in a tale of the supernatural. The story is by Steven Spielber~; the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating is for suspense. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP: Rated R. stars Robin Williams, Mary Beth Hurt, Glenn ClOl!le and John Lithgow. This film gets to the heart of author John Irving's sprawling novel. It 'is deep, meaningful and speaks directly to what really matters to us, in films and in life. It's rated R because of some bad language, sex and violence. STAR TREK II: Rated PG, stars William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy in the continuing quest to seek out and expJore strange new worlds. The PG rating is for action. Directed by Nicholas Meyer. THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN See Di versions, Page 11 .. BEAM YOURSELF ABOARD. ITS A HECK OF A RIDE ... -Joel Sieg91. GOOD MOl'.NIHG AMEllJCA -·--.!...~~---··----..__. - COSTA MESA FOUNTAIN VALLEY Edwards Mesa Theatre 646 5025 Family Twin 962 1248 NO PASSES ACCEPTED FOii THIS ENOAOOlfNT *BARGAIN MATIN•••* Mond•Y tllru l•turd•Y All Perform•ncea before 5:00 PM (l•ct" IPIClll lnp .. Nnta end Hofldly•I 1-Mllil".11 • t.ita.11 Lo Muooo of toeecron. LA MIRADA WAik IN •••·2•00 nt1111Yunu ~~1111 "&e' , ............... ... I AtcfWOOO C ENHP SOUIH '"'"'" ,,. a 1 1.T. THI IJlTIA~TllAlCN) THI ILICTllC MOUUWf tM1 FllNYTMl'ITM 'AfJ"' , .................... , .... ~E'-!:'~'!. ,,,.,.,. ........... , .... foc11lf'r 01 Col\Ole•ooo 211/Hl·tHO YOUNG DOCTOU IN LOVI l1l ll1Mi1u..._ ... , .. Hllttf . THI PllAft MOYJI INI lllMWt ... N..r=1n111 itlU4t1t.M PllMTTMI laTM MfJ111 .......... , ...... ,1 • • • _.............._--:----__ --.. ~ . .......--:------.---------., ~----------------------------------~Currently Screening~~--------------------------------~ From Page 10 TEXAS: R ated R , stars Dolly Parton, Burt Reynolds, Dom DeLuise. There's not much sexy or lively action in this film, which inflates the characters portrayed by Parton and Reynolds to larger-tha n-life images. It doesn't hold the audience's attention. It's rated R for language, sex and bawdy situations. YOUNG DOCTORS lN LOVE: Rated R, stars members of various TV soap operas. This uneven but frequently funny comedy is set in a hospital. It's rated R because it's too risque for youngsters. THE SECRET POLICEMAN'S OTHE R BALL: Rated R, stars Pete Townsend, Eric Clapton and others. A series of short pieces highlighting some of Monty Python's schticks, interspersed with musical moments, this production should at least keep Python fans happy. It's rated R because of salty language. TRON: Rated PG, Jeff Bridges , Bruce Boxleitner, David Warner, Cindy Morgan and Barnard Hughes. This film has no plot, no character develo pment and little interest for those unappreciative of video games. It's rated PG and only the very young may be worried by Warner's portrayal of a menacing villain. ON GOLDEN POND: }lated PG, stars Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn as an aging couple returning to live on Golden Pond. He's filled with anxieties about death; she's interminably cheerful. They bicker politely until the arrival of their daughter (Jane Fonda), her latest boyfriend, Billy (played brilliantly by Dabney Coleman) and his 13-year-old boy. The PG rating is for language. FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH: Rated R, stars Sean Penn, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Judgf Reinhold, and Richard Romanus. This films deals with teen-agers pursuing drugs and sex and more --4 T'llAC« ~y ITUlllO ' TllAC« DOUY aTWMO ET. nra bn.· m • • TlaJlU'nU.AL ET. nm&xTllA· m • • 1'111UlUT1UAL .. UfrrfHtt•Ul "Ct\H'I • Uflltwt•Ulo IJllC''-"'f DAil Y 12:JD, >.GO, DAILY 1:15, l:IO 5:30, t:00. 10:20 (PG) MO, l:JO, 10M (PG) "SUMMER LOVERS" "RAINltS tw 1NI l Olf AIM" <NI DALY 4:20, 1:11 (") nwo........c ....... DAILY J:11. T:41 "ROCK.Y Ill" POLTERGEIST..!! DAILY*:ll. .. "THE WORLD ACCOfHMNQ TOQAftP" Mt, tell, 1MO (R) DAILY ... •11 ~"''°'THI PlOUAltlClm DAILY'"° -...... ---' '"" fhtfrr ATltlN:IMOtl'Y ...... ·~· .... , ..... ~~ • .,OllCID YWNOllANCI" , .......... sex. It origjnally was rated X but was edited down to an R rating. Several impressive newcomers in this tale of the carnal side of high school. It's rated DAILY 1:11,~ t:OO.l:a,10:il .....,....._, :1 "THI! WORLD f.4f1 ,,,,,,., ACCORDING AT lttDGlMOtn TO GAN'" tHGH t~':I0,1:11 DAILY Ml, MO I'll -~=l · ''THINQI ARE ~ DAILY 1_.. TOUGH ALL .,..,.,,... OVElt" !lei, 11:11, tet11 -~ DAILY 1:30 Ml, l:OO 1:1~ 1Cl-;JO R) POLTERGEIST_!!!. DAILY .... MO T.~Ot ~· ..J:!o {iq --· 0 A~JllO rj!J'9"M..u4 ... PM. l:OI, IAT/euN. ~ .. '::~ ...... ,,.. .... *II IAT/IUM.1:at. .... 1MO llL"'tllll llUll,_,, Al.Me· IAT/euN.W ..,ORC•D WHGIANCI" ,.,..1:11, tettl IAT/auM.1111. •11. 111t11 lR> DAILY •11, e:al ~~m DA/4 y t:20, ll:IO, ,.,.. DAJLY ... MO "RAIH•I OF THE LOIT Altlf",..., fA!r T!Mr! AT ltlDOlllC*T Hlotl l!!I PALYt:ll,MO .... ., ........ AN-~ GEll"tLESAJV fAfr TIMI! A'r .. DODICHIT NIGH l!I ........... L.-C::f\MI ,....., ......... IAT/euM.1 ... Ml,IM ., ....... ~AM TOUGH OYER" ..... .,... .. IAT/euM. ... 7 .. *41 MtclnMlft l ..... IAT/llM, 11 R because of its emphasis on sex and some nude scenes. See Diversions, Page 12 E.T. nmEXT1lA· TDUlUTalAL -~ II :2 0 -~ I ~ ~ :J 0. ~ :" -n ~ 0: ID ~ )> c '° c en -I\) !=' -6 <O CX> I\) : l I 1 l I I I : ------------------------------------------------. ---· -~ .--·---·~ ~----------------------------------~~ CurrentlySc~••nln11~~------------------------------------ c:o I • • I .., ----- ~ From Page 11 This film shows promise being filmed in photbgenic 0 Hong Kong but ends in a screen of blood as Norris "' FORCED VENGEANCE: Rated R, stars Chuck once again uses martial arts to clean house. It's rated a; Norris, David Opatoahu, and Mary Louise Weller. R for violence and is unsuitable for children. :J: --~ -~--•• .,,. ... ~&~Yiit gi _H .. 90UT-CM.IFOANA·-·~~ ·-~...,._-< ;::::..::.=.:==:......----------------'7"""--------..c----...., Trlamph "A ••irle ol s .. rln6 11leasares tltat yo• lt•JH! wUI ae11er end. To be seen •••In and••••• ••. and tre•s•red." Ge•e S•allt. Niie.TY THay S••• A snvEN SPIEUIEaG F1lM E:r THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL A STFVEN )PIELBERG FllM ET nlE EXTRA TEUEST1l1A1. DEE '411/t.UACE PETU COYOTE HENRY THOMAS A!> EWOTT MUSIC BY JOHN lVll...Ll/t.MS ...,._.TnN BY MELISSA MATlilSON ,,_OIXJCID BY STEVEN SPIEL80G A KA'TltU.EN KENNEDY OlllCTtO IJY snvEN SPIEUIOG A UNMllS/t.1. PlcnJll (<i. ................... ,.l« ...... hllnl ~-~~_..~- 1~~~·==1 aaLw.:=r CITY CEnTER 11 Silverfem ... A short and pant you'll find you can't live without use it to ploy hard or just to lounge Available in 14 colors. With Burt & Dolly thl• much fun ju.I couldn't ~ le1all &~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NE'NPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 ~ ,_ .... --:::-..~:: p@ .. #.! \ .......... 213 699 0633 ST AR WARS: Rated PG, stars Harrison Ford. Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, Mark Hamill and Pet.er Cushing. This classic George Lucas science- fantasy film has been re-released as the evil Empire threat.ens the lifestyleg of a cast of futuristic good guys. Great special effects. An enjoyable action film for the whole family. Pacific Chorale auditions The 140-voice Pacific Chorale has scheduled auditions Aug. 27, 28 and 30 at El Rancho Junior High School, 181 S. Del Giorgio Road, Anaheim Hills. The chorale, formerly known as the Irvine Mast.er Chorale, will launch its 15th season Oct. 23 with the first of five masterworks concerts. The season also will include a three-week European tour, a 4th of July spectacular and a Los Angeles Music Cent.er concert. Audition appointments and information are available by calling 542-4912. T1ckell •I fhe Boa Olhce or T1cko11on Cberge TrcJcet11 b1 Phone· (213) 467-1199 ~~~TVIDEO ENTERTAINMENT ---...# _ _. ____ ... --·~~ _.. ~ ~ . -: -~ \ ;\r:.:: ~\. ·' f#':c:-U.~ osu•~Ni/"~ CHARIOTS OF FIRE ___ ...,J&:iA~.- H(WlSl lllUEASH • HOITAlOIA • COHC£1US • llEUGIOUI SPOlllTS • CHtl OlllEHI • AOUU •DOCUMENTARIES fOUOWING mus NOW AVAILAIU FOi lfNTAl OI PUICHASl OUTLAND .. {( "" ... ,. • · IODY HEAT -r '. 'tr • EXCAUIUR • ~ ~ · · • PRINCE OF THE CITY • • • ...... it • • ~ SUPERMAN II • • • WOlFEN lo PEN: M-F, 10-9-SAT. 10·7-SUN.12·1 I · " * ~ VIDEO GAMES ?f-* ·. · 369 £11st Sttvente11n111 Sttef'I e Cost• MttH, c11111om•• 92617 111n~ll I 1 (714/ 831 STOP"' 631 7861 rrur;;u ACROSS FROM RALPH"S "The Store That Has All Tht Movies" .... • • BY THE SEA World of Jazz • IARI llLMIORli MELLOW JAZZ. PIANO AND VOCALS SUNDAY THAU WEDNESDAY 7-MIDNIGHT • JERRY IURIS and FRIEIDS DIXIELAND ANO SWING PLAYED WITH VERVE THURSDAY 7-12 •SUNDAY AFTERNOON 2-6 • I TOUCH OF CLASS TRADITIONAL JAZZ. SOUNDS EVERY FRLDAY ANO SATURDA¥ 8-1 A.M. 317 Pacific Coast Hwy. at the Pier Hoomiton Beach 536-2555 Clea a .... AT THE-NEWPORT PIER N ewport"s Olden Bar-Since 1912 San Francisco Style Bistro Cafe LIVE ENTERT AJNMEIT 7 NIGHTS A WEEK Fresh Shark Daily From the Doryman neet FAMOUS CIOPPINO .................. $6.95 SEAFOOD MOSTACCIOLI ........ $7.95 LINGUINI AL PESTO IN FRESH BASIL SAUCE ............... $5.95 Monday Night Spec_ial '3.95 Linguini In Clam Sauce With Garlic Bread • Dally Laac~ IJtCiala • O,.ttr Sli•tr• 251 • aa,,, a •• , l •• & 107 2ht Pl. 675-3333 NEWPORT BEACH !Ir. ~·u~---M .-=---CC:'. ~~ ,~ ~ . ij{~~~ t ~ '!!t'~ .L1'.IDiijfll D•n~ To Liv• Rock N Roll 7 Nl11ht• A WHk SKYLAR BROTHERS WED. -SAT. SURFTONES SUN., MON., TUES. FROMI P.M. •UPPY .. 4fll ·~ua.-.. ..... IAllllll .... llllT -lllYAllUT IM.IYD llllT • wa. 1111..u.. ....., .... r .. •1• 8RANO N.W &48Y OllAND ,.IANO IN U,.ST1Ult$ M• "WHl-:RE PEOPU; IN Tiil! KNOW-GO" 3180 AIRWAY COSTA MESA c... .. Wllil-Mcc.r.ti 546-9880 Appearin·g at Maxwells in ~ Huntington Beach is Darvy, Fridays & Saturdays, Mark Mal.mborg, Sunday through Wednesdays, and Jerry . Burns, Thursday Nights and Sunday Afternoons. 2118 OCUIFROIT llEWPORT BUCH 113-5894 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7 NIGHTS & DAYS SA ~DAYS & SUNDAYS Featuring SOUTH CITY Mon. & Tues. Nifhts STAN ORLOW Wed. thru Sat., 9 pm -2 am fllKE PIDA SUfl>AYS (Formerly Iron Butterfly a Blllfl Image) NIGHTLY DRINK SPECIALS CALABASH LANDING 179 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa In Vona Show•Jlfl Ccn1rr 842-9855 • 0 CW LOST MlllD Fri. & ~t. 20th' 2ht ... &Mon . 22nd & 2~d llllln FLYDS I ROCI I ROLL llliHT CLUB TIES. SOC DRAFT BEER-ftO COVER WED. so~ WEU DRINKS All flGHT THURS. HOT TUB FEVER/ WETTEST T-SHIRT SHOW IN O.C. FRI.• SAT. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT TILL 4 A.M. 18+ AFTER HOURS ONLY ----------------------------------'1.00 OFF PAID IDllSSIOI Witt! ,,. Coupon ~'?~H~~ 984-2211 Country Western Music Orange County'• Nicest Couhtry West«n Night Club Tues: Talent Night Cash Prizes Thursday: Ladies Night -n ~ Q. QI ~ )> c co c (/I - .... ' \ ·-' I M N CIO aJ ..- I ' 0 N {ii :::> O> :::> 4( ~ as 't> 1:: LL .: G> 't> i 1 ~ -!2 Cl: • .. "' I I ,, , ---~~-~----(. Dlver1lon1 )~--- & Sebastien Aubert "V" VOUVRAY 4 SrHlmdrifter J2'<.Xu-JI~ Wha t, s happening along Orange Coast -PLAYS------ "THE GAZEBO," a light mystery comedy, is being presented by the Huntington Beach Playhouse in the Seacliff Village shopping center on Main Street at Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Beach. Curtain times is 8:30 Fridays and Saturdays through Aug. 28. Reservations 847-4465. Community Theater at Turtle -Rock Community Park, Sunnyhill Road off Turtle Rock Drive, Irvine. Curtain times are 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays through Aug. 28, with tickets at the door. Information 557-7297. "O KLAHOMA ," the R o dge r s a nd Hammerstein musical, w inds up this weekend at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater , 690 El Camino Real, Tustin. Final performances are tonight through Sunday at varying times. Reservations 838-1540. "PIPPIN," a musical satire, closes this weekend at t he Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach. Final performances are tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m . Reservations 675-3143. Distinctive Waterfront Dining ·Oyster Bar ·Cocktails 3333 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newpon Beach Rcscrv11ions Acxxped • 642-229'5 "GIDRGE M," a musical biography, is the fare at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Show times are 8: 15 Tuesdays through Th ursdays, 8:45 Fridays and Saturdays and 1:30 and 7:45 Sundays. Reservations 492-9950. "SUGAR," the musical version of the movie "Some Like It Hot," continues at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3603 S . Harbor Blvd. Santa Ana, "INHERIT THE WIND," a courtroom drama based on history, ls being staged-by the Irvine See Diversions, Page 15 A festiVal in music for the whole family. It's singing. It's danc- ing. It's entertainment llke you've never seen. The Up Wtlh F9ople Show Is an lntemaUon- ally acclalmed cut of OlfJI 100 )1QUng peopte who sing and dance .. way right Ir*> your heert. With music from home and abroad. Donl m11a...-dwteeto see this beautffutty ~ graphed, colorfut festival of music. Coming Sept. 5 Ind e to Orenge COMt Colege .udttorium at 8 p.m. Advance tk:keta for 17 avlilleble at the OCC ticket offtce, SM-6627. Tlcketa on night or~ .. II at the ·o-a Ewnt co-tpOMONd by Onnge COMt Collge Md the Orengl Cwt Diiiy Plot. 0 D'S FARE $5.95 LONDON BROIL. Slice:. of rnarinatL.J 'ilcak copped wnh burgundy wine sauce. A treat with ~ar<len fresh vegetables and potattX'S FILET OF OLE BONNE FEMME Sole filcts pooched with mu hroom!> and :i.callions in butter and white wme. Served wi1h potatoes and vegerablcs FEITUCCINE ALFREDO. Ddicnte ribbons of pasta. tosscJ with a vclvcry sa uce of butter. cream and Italian cheeses. VEAL MARENCiO CREPE. Tender veal. tomato and onion m whne wine wrapped in a crepe. Surrounded by potatoes and vegetables. There's a world of new dishes at the Magic Pan. Including these four European classics. Each dinner comes with your cho ice of a mixed green or orange almond salad. You can enjoy any one of them for just $5.95. So visit us soon. There's always something new to come back to. South C.O..t Pt.a (714) $56-1225 ... Mal (714) 990-4343 Offer pd a(W 5 .... ~~-'------~-- _ __.._-____ -~---=.:;...-. .,._,.._ ~~-:r--~=""-----...----""""'......,. ________ .---~--~--------------~--_,,..._ ____ -=.,....--------.,.,,,------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ ____ 0_1_~_•_,_•_lo_n_• ___ ~~~~------~~--~----~~~----~--~--·~ CHILDREN'S ACTING cLASSES at S0Uth ~ Coast Repertory Theater's Young Conservatory ~ begin Sept. 11. Eleven-week course is open to i children 8-17. lnfonnation 957-1602. f From Page 14 where it will play nightly except Monday through Sept. 5. Curtain times vary. Reservations 979-5511. "WHEN THE BOUGH BREAKS," the world premiere of a new musical, completes its run this weekend for the Stop-Gap theater Company at the Newport Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Monte ViSta St., Costa Mesa. Final perfonnances are tonight and Satµrday at 8 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m. Reservations 631-5110. -GALLERIES----- "A TRIBUTE TO NORMAN ROCKWELL," including a life-size replica of the artist and Rockwell collectibles, is at Judy's Collectibles, 24000 Alicia Parkway, Mission Viejo, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday. "PIDPLE OF THE SUN" is on view through Aug. 29 and "Chinese Art" through Sept. 26 at Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana. Hours 10 a.m.-5 p.m . Tuesday-Saturday and noon-5 p.m. Sunday. Adrnis&on by donation. " DIXIELAND JAZZ FRIDAYS 5:30 to 9 P.M. Dancing & Entertainment For The Whole Family ' ~;:~ F'EAMIC 10 INTllNAmML RE'STUMTS 4881 BIRCH 955-2484 NEWPORT BEACH Comer°' von Karman WI 'IMISI JOI HOD CIHllfSI 1000 WN0tn • DINIS • TIOfCAl COCKTMS ~ IAllUn fAauntS .... cAiatNo * POOD TO GO t ' ... , .... I !!l!•HUt••"··. J .... -.. -.. - "''~ "=' , ........ Nllllt A P AlNTING DEMONSTRATION by Pat Rippeto is planned at the 7:30 p.m. Thursday meeting of Westminster Art Association in the Civic C-enter, 8200 Westminster Ave .. Westminster. Open to the public. -ETC~------ "SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DRAWINGS BEFORE 1850" is at Laguna Beach Museum of Art. 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. Admission is $2.50 for members, $3.50 for non-members and $1 for students. KINGDOM OF DANCING STALLIONS, 7662 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, has performanoes at 2 and 8 p.m . Monday-Saturday and 2 and 5 p.m. Sunday. "SNOOPY AND ALL THAT JAZZ," ice spectacular is at Knon's Berry Fann, Buena Park, three times daily. DOLPHINS, SEA LIONS AND PILOT WHALES are in shows at Marineland, 6600 Palos Verdes Drive South, Rancho Palos Verdes. Open daily 10 a.m.-6 p.m . In The Classic Harlequin Fashion • DllJ S:JO ti ,. p.a. e 'Your Choice of • Fresh Snipper, Cod, ~Of trout. NOW PLAYING THRUSEPT.5 Muskal AdlpCIUoa of "Some Lia It Bot" thru Sun . & Sun Brunch WATERSLIDES are feature at Waterville, i U.S.A., Chapman Avenue at the Newport Freeway, . Orange. Open daily. ~ ~.MUSICr-------0: Ill ':< SAN FRANCISCO SYMPHONY ~ ORCHESTRA principal second violinist Daniel 'g Kobialka and principal violinist Geraldine Walther ~ perform in 8 p.m . concert Tuesday in Artists' N Theater , 625 Pa rk Ave ., Laguna Beach. F> Reservations 494-6811 . ..... <O (I) IRVINE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA II) performs in free concert at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Woodbridge Village Center, Barranca Parkway and Lake Road, Irvine. SERGIO MENDES is at Disneyland Monday· Friday. Lea Brown and his Band of Renown See Diversions, Page 16 A MOROCCAN FEAST Join us In celebration of our One Year Anniversary with an authentic Moroccan dinner. Homettyle Moroccan food -Lamb, Rock Cornlah Game Hen. Chicken, Rabbit, Cou1 Cou1, B'atlla, F,_., baked bread and much more. • Every dinner Includes complimentary house wine. 8 Day Celebration Aug. 25 thru Aug. 31 (Ctoaed Monday) Open 8 nights from 5 p.m. (Closed Monday) ReMl'vatiooa SiW-3024 3!.~01!!1:!!~'!!!;: ._. (In Thrtftym&t1 Center) now ~ppedrinq WHITE ROSE " - - - . . i I . ' , I • '-.. _, ~~------------------~--~----~------1~,·~~~D_l_v_•_~_•_lo_n __ • ____ ~~~----~----------------------------- ~ From Page 15 0 C11 perfonns Sunday-Saturday. Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles. Includes workshOps, exhibits, dances, lectures. lnfonnation (213) 986-9255. ! -SINGLES-------:) PEOPLE SAMPLER, sponsored by Man-< SINGLES EXPO is Friday-Sunday at Woman Institute and Coastline Community College, ~~ ............................ ._-. .......... ~ .......... ..-... ~·------............................. ... 'C u... For Dine O ut A d vert ising And Information Call Brenda Caponera 642-4321 ext. 269 •• A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and superb western-style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. Delicate soups and delightful safads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Di~over Yamato ... a very special dining experience. munato 60 Fashion Island Newport Beach I 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel 217-1840 : • ~~i~L.· C3ritonese Fiii H t here or telce home SJ A.G CHINESE CASINO ~olden <g';~~~.-~~ -~~ .Z;;;ragon ·-- r.ENU1• CHINESE MAHDMf N DISHES Specializing In Chinese A la C.Orte Dishes • • Lunch. DiJ1ner Oat.U ~ Food To T1ke Out · 4715 c...-• OUt .. I JOJJ ...,._ ltY4. rso.1 111 • 7S0.50tl . COSTA MIU ~ .·~~ . • 642·71'2 • Ul·"ll For Ad Action . Cal a Daly Plot AD·VIS(lt 642-5678 is at 8 tonight in Holiday Inn, 3131 Bristol. Costa Mesa. Information 964-5570. DANCE, sponsored by Parents Without Partners, is at 9 tonight in Costa Mesa Country Club, 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. Information 892-9732. OF NEWPORl Formerly the Ritz location Announces the rJ01,11111·n e/4~ //~ Valet Parking On the ocean acro11 lrom the Newpon Beech Pl« 2106 w .. t Ocean Front, Newport Beech. C1lltom11 Reservations 675-2566 HURRY/ "MUSIC MAN" ENDS 1-22 TAB HUNTER STARRING .. "HERE LIES JEREMY TROY" A HIL.AlllOUB COMEDY WHO llll 8Y JACK llHAlllCEY Aug. 24 thru Oct. 17 ~«llQUSE Dining ond Cocktalls q"" Co m ple te D inne r s from $5.25 t o $5.95 5:00 PM -7 :00 PM Daily Your choice o f soup or salad and one of these entrees Fenuclnl "Neprune" The Weight Watcher -broiled. freshly Ground Beef Counfry Fare -broiled. breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips .:"Dining For Romantics . . tlit• ~mmd.' am/ ·''tJlits t>/ tlic surf 011 tht• lwadi at £.aq11m1 -·· fcat1~rimJ · Frcsli ~\'t•r11 ·Enqluml Lob.'ita 1iml r>tlicr /i·t·sh · f is.Ii ... £. 'a11Jft.l~qlit bf,•mft.d 11 1itli tlit• ·'im1~· o/ tlic omelette du Jour -.. . .,. ~ . · ... p lus your choice of dessen. Including Haagen oazs Ice Cream or Apple Strudel and a selecllon of beverages from ~offce. tea. Iced tea. milk or Sanka. Ne~ leMll CAPRICCIO CAFE a1 <i(!'....; ooo N('WpOf't CenttT Ol1Vc' I Nc'Wl•on Bcac'h. CA oa.,oo I 17 14) a ...... IOO. 1!.1<1. et 3A • Pt1ciflc ( kemr . Breakfast . Res.Nations 494.9707 luncheon Dinner Oft the surf Qt 619 Sleepy Hollow lone logvno 8e.P<h 'Fame' ... TV Antenna, Page 3 '9 to 5' Inside TV, Page 28 Ken Howard ... TV Teasers, Page 26 •Aug. 20 -Aug. 26 • Bus Stop • • • Margot Kidder co-stars with Tim Matheson "Agents battle to raise your fee, but actors would do their favorite roles for nothing," Margot Kidder said after starring in the Twentieth Century-Fox Television production of "Bus Stop" for Home Box Office. "Cable television is where actors can go to get more adventurous," she added. Her co-star Tim Matheson said, "Cable gives us -the opportunity to play roles we usuaUy don't get to do." Matheson, who has appeared on stage in such divene plays as "Division Street" and "MacBeth,'.- was more at ease on the boards than Kidder, making her stage debut. "The first week of rehearsal I thought I'd get fired," Kidder admitted. "l was terrified because I've acted in front of a camera since I was 16. "I was determined to do a play. I've been terrified of performing in front of an audience and I don't like to be afraid of anything." Matheson believes a stage career is important to an actor. "It takes more discipline to play wider roles than in film. There's alao an artistic plus. You get to play a role more than once and you become part of a theatrlca.l family." "Bus Stop," by William Inge, will premiere on the Home Box Office pay TV system Sunday at 9 p.m. The three-act play takes place in a cafe in a small town about 30 miles from Kansas City where four weary travelers take refuge during a blizzard. Kidder, ~gained int.em.ational prominence through her role as Lois Lane in the "Superman" films, plays Cherie, the eager, but not very talented chanteWJe, trying·.to eecape Matheson as Bo, the Montana ~wboy who has pursued her since they boarded tfie bua in Kansas City. Peter H . Hunt and John Thomas Lenox produced "Bua Sto ." According tO &unt. " 'Bus Stop' ia a perfect choke for pay TV. It's an intimate human drama which lends itaelf to the taped television medium." "Bua Stop" was taped in \he Oaniaon Theater ' of Claremont College in Claremont, Calif. Hunt directed both the play and the taped production. According \o Lenox, "Peter did a marve.loua job ot capturing 'tlie spontaneity and excitement of the theatrical experience and translating that to televialon. His sta~ was fluid and that made taping the play eaaaer. ' The rest of the all-star cast lncludea: Claude Akins u the honest and aelf...uaured Sheriff WW Mastera; Barry Corbin as Bo'a loyal friend, vu.u; Pat Hinale u Dr. Lyman, the alcohollc c~lcj Marilyn Jones u Elma, the naive and hoperw waitnm; Arlen Deen Snyder• the driver of. the 910WJw..tovl bUlr ....... ....-..y.,_ ......... ··~ ... ,.._. .... _.._._.._..._ ... ,. .......... ._ ...... ~-. ...... b.'1!11m·....._ · ~___.~~L"7",d -··~ ·--.,' ... • ... ~ .... ~ ... 1111M44#JX_ , N co O> .... ; AUTHORIZED SALES/SERVICE/SATISFACTION AMC.-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-91 00 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PL Y...OUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODOR~ ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON UNCOLN·MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTAANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa-545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -956-1820 ... PEUGEOT IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove· Street Newport Beach -752·0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-233-3 BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 • MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington B~ach 847-855f· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSW A.GEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Q>sta Mesa -646-9303 .... -----------------------------------------------------------~---~~~~·---~ . Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, Ca . . M ail address: Box 1560, Costa M esa, Ca., 92626 Telephone: 642-432 1 c ___ in_d _ex ____ ) 'J;;;;t;I;vnn::. .. ~:: ... ·.::·.:::::::::::::··.~'.:.·· .. ·.:::".:'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.~.::·: .. /:';e2~ Daytime Schedule ............................................. Page -1 Sports Highlights ................................................ Page 6 Evening Schedule ............................................. Page 7 TV Puzzle ... ... .... ...... .......................... ....... .......... Page 25 Return with us to ............................................... Page 25 Daytime Drama .................................................. Page 26 ~!,~·:.:::::·:·::·::·:·:::·::·:·:·::·:·:·.·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·::·:·:·:····:·:·:·::::::·:·:·:-:·:·:·::· ~:E ~~ ( Channels ) 0 K NXT 1CBS1 6121 W Sunset Blvd . Los An2eles. Ca t9 KNBC INl}C> 3000 W Alameda Ave . Burbank. Ca' 0 KTLA I Ind. l 5800 W Sunset Bl\'d . Los Angeles, Ca f) KABC !ABCI 4151 Prospect A\'e.: l.os Ani.:clcs. Ca .(81 KFMB ICBSJ 7677 Engineer Rd .. San l>1ego. Ca 0 KHJ-TV llnd I • 5515 Melrose Ave . LMS Angeles, Ca I 101 KCST CABC> 8330 Eng>neer Rd . S;in DiC'go, C'a 0) KTTV flnd.1 5746 W. Sunset Hlvd . Los Angeles, Ca Q) K COP-TV I Incl I ' 915 N . La Brea Ave . Los A11i;:cles. Ca I 24 I CBS Cable @KCET (PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los An.ieles. Cu 19 KOCE ( PRS1 15744 Golden West St , I lunltngton Reach <01 On-TV 1139 Grand Central Ave , Glendale. Ca C7.J Z-TV 2939 Nebraska Ave , Sunta Momp1. Ca Clll HBO Time-Life Bldg .• Roc.-kefcller Center, N Y . N Y 1C1 Cinemax Time-Life Bld2 . Hockefeller Center. N. Y . NY 0 tWORI NY , N.Y t 171 t wrBSi Atlanta. Ga. c E l ESP N t L I Select I SJ Showtim e c SI Spotlight I Ci ! Cable News Net work 1 ,,,...... An anti-glamour queen finds 'Fame' By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O( the o.lly Not ..... I Underdogs of the world, rejoice! Up to bat for our side is a TV actress determined to prove you don't need Cheryl Tiegs' cheekbones or Suzanne Somers' figure to win friends and influence people in the fast lanes of Hollywood. Meet Valerie Landsburg. who portrays Dons Schwartz, an ambitious though somewhat najve aspiring performer on the NBC series "Fame." A petite young woman who has dark fly-away hair, an infectious smile and a personality as bubbly as a bottle of well-shaken soda po p , Valerie nevertheless is not likely to bump Brooke Shields from the cover of "Vogue." During a visit to KOCE Channel 50 in , Huntington Beach to help the PBS station's fund- raising effort, Vale rie argued that she may be performing a public service by popularizing a distinctly un-glamourous character. She admitted that Doris Schwartz is, in many ways. a lot like Valerie Landsbllrg. "l think I was a little more street-smart at her age," she says. "She's a !Jule more acadenucally smart than I was. For her, ac.ademics are easy. For me. I couldn't be bothered. "But her attitude on life is very similar to mine. Like her mother complex ... I was born a· mother. l have a 'family' of wandering children near my own age who I take care of. I've always taken care of people. Doris has that. ''She's also 16 and going through all that pain. And she's not perfect and she's not beautiful. She doesn 't look like Julie or Coco (other 'Fame' characters), so she has to work a little harder. Sometimes you rea.Llze after a long time that you really didn't have to work harder .. :· Valerie believes her character is an important role model for many in the audience. "I get letters that would break your heart from girls who say. 'I'm just like Doris. and you made me realize that it's okay. It's okay to be you.' "I'm out there for the underdog because that's what I've always been. Hopefully, if a character like mine can be very popular in television, it'U make all those little girls who don't look like Linda Evans and Pamela Sue Martin (of 'Dynasty') or Charlene Tilton ('Dallas') feel better. Valerie Landsburg of 'Fame' fame, leads the parade for the underdogs. "We put a lot of emphasis on skin beauty in this country, on being thin and having a perfect body and a perfect smile and perfect teeth and perfect breath. And people are not like that. Beauty comes from the inside. Doris' beauty starts way down here and comes out. Hopefully. it comes out in the love that she brings to other people.'' _When Valerie Landsburg was ready to begin carving out her career in show business, she was probably be tter pre pared than h e r series coun t.erpart. She's the daughter of Cilm and television producer Alan Landsburg. His current projects include the television series "That's Incredible," "In Search Of" and "Gimme a Break." He re<."enlly began filrrllng "Jaws 3-D.'' Valerie recalls that her first visit to a soundstage was at age 7, when she viewed the making of a Hallmark Hall of Fame production called "Certain Honorable Men." Valerie claims she's always been a "court jester" and has always wanted an acting career. "My father said he wanted me to wait until I was 18," she explains. "He said, 'You don't want to be a child actor. I want to know that you're sure about what you want to do and that you'll be able See 'Fame: Page 28 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE * CAT PEOPLI * UNDER THE RAINBOW * ARTHUR * EXCALIBUR * CANNIRY ROW .. * CONAN THI BARBARIAN I ,OOO's of Movies For Sale or Rent See th_e Vide~ Experts at • . . * IODY HIAT' * SOMI KIND OF HIRO * BUDDY BUDDY * THI BORDll v•-r.Stt.\tDI .Pvt~1• :z: COSTA MESA• 646-1921 • ~ .. ..... .. -~__.. _. ~ 3 .,, .... a: ~ )> c tO c ~ f\) _o ~ ! 5:00 8 SUMMER SEMESTER ~MOVIE (WED) ~ (ID THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT (1 HR.) ~ Gv1E < 1 HR •• 15 MIN.) (MON) • 5:05@ MY THREE SONS _3 5: 10 C1i) P.T. BARNUM AND HIS HUMAN ODDITIES (1 HR.) (MON) ~ 5:15()) SPOTLIGHT ON JERRY LEWIS (FRI) (S) WACt<:'f WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS ~ (TUE) 0::: (S) LAFF-A-THON (THUl 5:30 8 JUNTOS (MON, WED. FRI) PORTRAITS IN PASTEL (TUE, THU) JIMMY SWAGGART DAYBREAK LA. LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON, TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK ANO REALITY (FRf) MEET THE MAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY~HU) MAKING IT COUNT (FRt CONTEMPORARY H L TH ISSUES (MON WED) ' I MA TH FOR MODERN LIVING (TUE. THU) MAYBERRY R.F.0. (THU) MOVIE 11 HR .. 31 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 45 MIN,) (THU) 5:35 tm THAT GIRL 5:45 D SIGN ON (MON) • A.M. WEA THEA (J) WACt<:'f WORLD OF JONATHAN '1UNTERS !HU) q MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., 25 MIN.) (WED) 5:50IDNEWS CID '{!DEO JUKEBOX (TUE) 6:00 9 L.A. MORNING HEALTH AELD HOTFUOOE 9 ABC NEWS THIS MORNING MORNING NEWS COMMUNITY FEE08ACK (FRI) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (MON) • MEET THE MAYOR (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) IT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGHT TALK JIMMY SWAGGART VILLA ALEGRE (WED, FRI) AESOP (MON) INFINITY FAC'fORY (TUE) SONRISAS (THU) HERE'S ro YOUR HEAL TH All IN THE FAMILY (FRI) MARY TYLER MOORE (MON) RHODA (TUE) BOB NEWHART (WED) CHICO AND THE MAN (THU) MOVIE {THU, FRI) ffiOM TtiE 55-YARO LINE (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (MON, WED) INSIDE BASEBAU (R) (TUE) GYMNASTICS (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 45 MIN.) (WED, FRI) LAFF-A-THON (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., :)1 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (TUE) MOVIE (1HR,30 MIN.) (TUE) 6:05 al) MOVIE 8:30 I CAPTAIN KANGAAOO EARLY TODAY 80'9 WOMAN (FRI) GALLERY (MON-THU) IT CAN BE CX>NE (FRI) COMMUNITY FEEOBACK (MON) YOUTH AND THE ISSUES (TUE) OFF HAND (WED) FRANKLY F'£MALE (THU) GREAT SPACE COASTER FELIX THE CAT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (TUE-FRI) PRESENTE (MON) MOVIE (MON) IRENE MO\IE8 IN (TUE) SPORTSFORUM <R> (f°:RI) HORSE RAONG~ WEEKY R) (MON) SPORTSCHALLENGE NA8l WEEKL y l ) = qt:;·.zz,.{-ft> · ·~·~.:~ .. MOONC'.ilLO (THUl I \ J • t • ' NEWEST REPORTER -Vikld Vargas is a new general assignment reporter for KNBC's News 4 LA. She comes t.o Channel 4 from K.ESQ-TV in Palm Springs where she was a news reporcer and weekend anchor/producer. CS) MARK TWAIN THEATRE: TOM AND HUCK (ERi) (S) WACt<:'f WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS ~ON) , MOVIE ( 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HA.. 35 MIN.) (MON) 7:100 I ~~~~NG NEWS 700CLUB ®>GOOD MORNING AMERICA THE FROOZLES ROMPER ROOM CARTOONS WOODY WOODPECKER BUSINESS REPORT • VILLA ALEGRE (FRI) • VILLA ALEGRE (R) 0 (MON-THU) THE TALKING WHACE (TUE) THE LITTLE DETECTIVE (WED) SPORTSCENTER SHOWTIME'S HOLL YWOOO (MON) MOVIE (1 HR, 68 MIN.) (THlJ) MOVIE (1 HR .• 33 MIN.) (THU) 7:15(Z) MOVIE (1 HR.,60 MIN.) (WED) 7:308 THERE IS A WAY SUPERHEROES FRED FllNTSTONE AND FRIENDS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING MOVIE ( 1 HR .• 35 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE ( tJ-iR .. 68 MIN.) (MON) SHOWTIME'S SHORT PICK (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 35 MIN. W£0) MOVIE (1 HR., 34 MIN. FRI) MOVIE (1HR.,35 MIN. MON) MOVIE ~1 HR., 66 MIN. WED) MOVIE t HR., 40 MIN. TUE) 7:46 CZ) MOVE ( 1 HR., 16 MIN.) (FRI) 8:00 (I) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JIM BAKKER TIC TAC DOUGH BATTLE OF THE PLANETS CARTOONS MISTER ROGERS (R) BOOY BUDDIES MOVIE MOVIE ( 1 HR., <& 1 MIN.} (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 68 MIN. JON) MOVIE (1HR,35 MIN, UE) RACE FOR THE PENNA (WED) THE GRATEFUL DEAD (1 HR, 1d MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., •2 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 34 MIN.) (TUE) 8: al)MOVIE 8:30. LEAVE rT TO BEAVER BULLSEYE SPIDERMAN V1lLA ALEGRE (Rg_c MISTER ROGERS Rr P. T. BARNUM AN HIS HUMAN OOOfTIES ( 1 ~ tHA.; THU ·' 9:008 (J) ONE DAY AT A TIME (R) I OIFF'RENT STROKES (R) OZZIE ANO HARRIET A.M. LOS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFORD FILES tD I LOVE LUCY «I) ROMPER ROOM SESAME STREET (R) n DONAHUE ._,,, • v1LLA ALEGRE <R> 0 TOP RANK BOXING (R) (FRI) NASL SOCCER (MON) AUTO RACING (TUE) TRACK ANO FIELD (WED) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE (A) (THU) WACt<:'f WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS i EO) MOVIE (1HR.,50 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1HR.,30 MIN.) (FRI) 9: 15 CZ) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 15 MIN.) (TUE) CZ) MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (WED) 9:30 8 (J) ALICE (R) WHEEL Of FORTUNE THE RIFLEMAN MID MORNING L.A. MAKE AQOM FOR DADDY SUPERMAN RECTRIC COMPANY (R) WHAT ON EARTH (WED) VIDEO JUKEBOX (THU) AEAOBICISE (MON. WED. FRI) MOVIE (1HR.,34 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1HR .. 36 MIN.) (WED) 10:00 I (J) THE PRICE IS RIGHT TEXAS EMERGENCY ®)LOVEBOAT (R) JOHN DAVIDSON TWICE A WOMAN (FRI) RHODA (MON-THU) DORIS DAY VEG ET ABLE SOUP (R) 9 • SESAME STREET (A) n MOVIE .._,. AUTO RACING (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR .• 34 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 t1A .• 41 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (TUE) BUS STOP (2 HRS.) (WED) THt~HNNY CASH'S AMERICA (1 HR., 15 MIN.) MOVIE (1 HR., 45 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR.. 40 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR .. 25 MIN.) (TUE. WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR. 30 MIN.) (THU) PIECE OF CAKE (TUE) 10:05@ MOVIE 10: 15 (%) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 52 MIN.) (THU) 10:30 . MY THREE SONS MIDDAY MEZTIZO MAGIC (FRI) BIG BLUE MARBLE (MON) REBOP (TUE) CLOSE HARMONY (WED) DOC. THE OLDEST MAN IN THE SEA (THU) SPORTSFORUM (R) (THU) PURLIE (2 HRS .• 20 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR, 35 MIN.) (TUE. FR1) MOVIE (1 HR, 45 MIN.) (MON) 10:45 CZ) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN,) (WED) 11:008 (J) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS THE DOCTORS BONANZA aJ FAMILY FEUD BULLSEYE P1TFAU PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES MARCUS WELBY, M.O. ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) RtCHARO SIMMONS MISTER ROGERS (A) TOP RANK BOXING (R) (MON) LITTLE LEAGUE BASE8ALL (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 40 MIN.) (FRI) THE GOLDEN AGE OF T£LEVISION ( 1 HR. 30 MIN.) (MON) . 0 MOVIE (1HR.30 MIN.) (THU) 11:30 D. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW RYAN'S HOPE ;~GAME MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) MOVIEJMON. FRIJ ~~A~ME FOOTBALL (FRt) THE BOY8 IN CONCERT (1 HR.) '\ • ---~ .\I· 1 LIC\< >< f\ 12:008 TATTLETALES D GI) DAYS OF OUR LIVES I TWILIGHT ZONE ®J ALL MY CHILDREN (I) NEWS amm»MOVIE (!) BONANZA (MON. TUE. THU. FRI) (!) BASEBALL (WED) VILLA ALEGRE (R) Q MOVIE (TUE-THU) MOVIE ( 1 HA., 35 MIN.) (FRI) • I DICK CAVETI SHE'S NOBODY'S BABY (1 HA.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HA., 38 MIN.) (WED) CS) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 58 MIN.) (FRI) CS) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 15 MIN,) (MON) CS) JANE FONDA'S CELEBRITY FASHION SHOW (1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (WED) (2) MOVIE ( 1 HA.. 35 MIN.) (MON) 12:05@ FUNTIME 12: 15 (Z) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 45 MIN.) (TUE) (%)MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 40 MIN.) (WED) CZ) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 31 MIN.) (THU) 12:301) Cl) AS THE WORLD TURNS 8 TWILIGHT ZONE fl) OVER EASY I MISTER ROGERS (R) SPORTSFOAUM (R) (FRI) SPOATSCHALLENGE (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HA., 27 MIN.) (TU~ I MOVIE ( 1 HR., 50 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 45 MIN.) (TUE) REACHING OUT [THU) MOVIE (1HR.,52 MIN.) (FR1) 12·35@THE FllNTSTONES 1 :00 DID ANOTHER WORLD I HOUR MAGAZINE (II ONE LIFE TO LIVE Cf) OUTER LIMITS (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) 9 THE MAGIC WOALD OF MARCEL MARCEAU J:~OVA (MON) I AMERICAN OOYSSEY (TUE) MYSTERY (WED) I NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL (THU) SESAME smEET (A) Q MOVIE (FRI) FROM THE 55-YARD LINE (FRI) CE) COLLEGE BASEBALL (THU) ®VIDEO JUKEBOX (MON) 0 MOVIE ( 1 HA., 25 MIN.) (FRI) 0 TONY BENNETI ( 1 HR.) (WED) 0 STEVE ALLEN SALUTES THE OE II ( 1 HA.) (THU) 1:05@ THE ADDAMS FAMILY 1:30f) (I) CAPITOL QNEWS @SIGNATURE (TUE-FRI) ismUMPET CITY (MON) MOV1E (MON) AUTO RACING (FRI) CFL FOOTBALL (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (MON) THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT ( 1 HR.) (~l:NIE (2 HRS .. 25 MIN.) (TUE) LAFF-A-THON (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 58 MIN.) (THU) 1·35 (fl) OZZIE AND HARRIET 1•50.JOBWATCH (WED) • ELEVEN'S KIDS (THU) 2:00 8 Cl) GUIDING LIGH1' .CHIPS (R) JOHN DAVIDSON 9 GENERAL HOS PIT AL IRONSIDE MOVIE (MON, TUE. THU. FRI) OPEN LINE LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE BOTANIC MAN (FRI) MIXED BAO [TUE) QUtZ KIDS (WED) I COUULECTING (THU) UP AND COMING (FRI) I FOOTSTEPS (M<>N-THU) ~ I ', 4 ELECTRIC COMPANY (Rj · THE TALKING WHALE (TUE) UTILE LEAGUE BASEBALL (THU) I YESTERYEAA ... 1947 (1 HR.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 34 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1HR.,40 MIN.) (WED) AEROBICISE (WED, f:RJ) I MOVIE ( 1 HR., 37 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (1HR.,57 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 52 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., 50 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 33 MIN.) (THU) 2:05 (J!) THE PAATRIOOE FAMILY 2: 15 CS) AEROBICISE (MON) CZ) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 15 MIN.) (TUE) 2:30 (!) MOVIE (WED) •BEWITCHED (I) SUPERMAN 9 MOVIE (FRI) . @ SIZWE BANZI IS DEAD (MON) @ THE RESURRECTION OF LADY LESTER (TUE) DANCE (WED) WHEN I THINK OF RUSSIA (THU) HERE'S TO YOUR HEAL TH : MISTER ROGERS (R) AA SHOWCASE (THU) AUTO RACING (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (TUE) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (R) (WED) VIDEO JUKEBOX (THU) MOVIE (1 HR.. 57 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1HR.,29 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE.(1 HR., 35 MIN.) (WED) HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS., 2 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 40 MIN.) (TUE) MOV1E (1 HR., 15 MIN.) (FRI) 2:35@HAZEL 3:00 8 THE ROCKFORD ALES I DONAHUE RICHARO SIMMONS 8 EDGE OF NIGHT Cl) MERV GRIFFlN II BEST OF GROUCHO (fl LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY I THE WAL TONS CARTOONS I FREEHAND SKETCHING HOUR MAGAZINE ; VILLA ALEGRE (R) 0 IRENE MOVES IN (FRf) MOVIE (MON, TUE) THE LITlLE DETECTIVE (WED) I HOTWHEELS (THU) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR., '41 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 58 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 3:05@ MY THREE SONS 3:30 8 RICHARD SIMMONS I PEOPLE'S COURT WHA rs HAPPENINGll I CHARLIE'S ANGELS MOV1E (WED) SONG WRITERS (THU) FOCUS ON SOCIETY (MON. FRI) I SUM CUISINE (TUE. THU) GROWING YEARS (WED) I ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) HOTWHEELS (FRI) MOVIE (THU) AACOU£T8ALL (THU) (%)MOVIE (1 HA.. 35 MIN.) (THU) TONY BENNETI (1 HR.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HA .• 30 MIN.) (TUE) 3:35~ FATHER KNOWS B£81' 3:-46 1 MOV1E (1 HR .. 40 MIN.) (FRI) '4:IOO ~ir ~:::OTTER (MON.-) M*A*S*H (TUE) MOVIE ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (MON. WED-FRI) BASEBALL (TUE) m OOOOER DUGOUT (FRI) m THE FLINTSTONES (MON-THU) e cAATOONS @CABARET (MON) @ MOVIE (TUE) 9 MISTER ROGERS (A) 0) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Ii) SESAME smEET (A) D ~THE UTILE DETECTIVE' (FRI) MOVIE (WED) SPOATSCHALLENGE (FRI) INSIDE BASEBALL (MON) NASL WEEKLY (TUE) (E) SPORTSFOAUM (WED) FROM THE 55-YARD LINE (THU) [ ) YESTERYEAR ... 194 7 ( 1 HA.) (TUE) _ (ZJ MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 45 MIN.) (WED) ($ MOVIE (1 HR., 31 MIN.) (MON) PIECE OF CAKE (TUE) 0 MOVIE (1HR.,58 MIN.) (WED) 0 MOVIE (1 HA .. 35 MIN.) (THU) (Z) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (MON) 4:05@ WINNERS (FRI) [1) GREEN ACRES (MON-THU) 4: 15 m DODGER PRE-GAME (FRI) 4:301)NEWS U ENTEAT AINMENT TONIGHT fJ ABC NEWS (MON. FRI) Cll M •A• S • H (MON. WED-FRI) Cll BASEBALL (TUE) (!) '8 BASEBALL (FRI) (!) YOU ASKED FOR IT (MON. WED. THU) @)PEOPLE'S COURT (TUE-FRI) I ABC NEWS (MON) GROOV1E GOOUES (MON-THU) I SIGNATURE SESAME STREET (R) Q HOTWHEELS (MON) MOV1E (TUE) ([) SPORTSCENTER (I) MARK TWAIN THEA ffiE: TOM ANO HUCK {ERi) CS) MOVIE (1 HR.. 34 MIN.) (TUE) i~~fAK TWAIN THEATRE (1 HR.. 30 MIN.) MOVIE 1 HR., 20 MIN.) (FR1) MOVIE ~ 1 HR .. 34 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 30 MIN.) (TUE) 4:35@ BAS£8ALL (WED. FRI) @ ANDY GRIFFITH (MON, TUE. THU) 4:45 CD MOVIE (MON) 5:00l)DD@)NEWS Q STARSKY ANO HUTCH (I) NEWS (MON. WED-FRI) (!) ST. JUDE'S CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL TELETHON (MON) (!) MOVIE (WED) (!) THE BEST OF US .•. THE WORST OF US (THU) m THE BRADY BUNCH (MON. THU) m DODGER DUGOUT (TUE. WED) ., SANFORD ANO SON @MIXED BAG (MON, FRI) @QUIZ KIDS (TUE) @ COLLLLLECTING (WED) 9 BOTANIC MAN [THU) LIVE AT FIVE OVER EASY MOVIE [THU. FRI) AFI SHOWCASE (MON) MOTORCYCLE RACING (FRI) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (MON) TENNIS (TUE) AUTO RACING (WED) SPOATSFORUM (THU) MOVIE (1HR.,45 MIN.kFRI) THE GOLD BOO (MON ;U~HNNY CASH'S AM A (1HR.,15 MIN.) MOONCHILO (THU) MOV1E TUE-FRI) MOVlE ~MON, WEO-fRt) C.8 . HEROES (TU~ 5:06 «l> MOVlE (MON. THU) al> REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE TELETHON (TUE) 5:16. OOOOER PAE-GAME (TUE. WED) (%) MOVIE r 1 HR., 40 MIN.) (TUE) ,,,.[N#OACEA •~'f""IO -OI l'°"' c .......... ,............,~ .,,,_ p!MuCIM-OI .,....,-·· ·-• t.MytD .,,. ... , ,....,.~. ') :l11'J~~ (\ .._.-.w,_ .... w..lil..,.~~iWlfiTIM...,. "'--------'liliQeil ....... *ORiii...,~~~~_..----' L.:.:'1:.....-==--.::a:at~•~:dl n 31\JO#J 'ti • r 3! 0 - N 0 ... •••••••••••••••• "' •••• _._ • .-.. ,.,.._, ______ ,,, .... ,,, .. ,...,, ...... ,,, .. _,,,#_,,__, __ ,. .• ,-.... -_ ....... ,,, ............. .,,. .. ~. ---_ _,,.i_._ ----·--.......... -·~ 6 ; Sports Highlights Friday AUGUST 20, 1982 EVENING 6:30 (£) CFL FOOTBALL Winnipeg Blue Bombers ar Cat~ry Stampeders (3 hrs.) 7·00 (!) NASL SOCCER New York Cosmos vs Mon- treal (2 hrs.) cm THE WAY IT WAS 7:30 0) NFL FOOTBALL "Pre· Season Game" Cleve· land Browns vs. Los Angeles Rams (3 hrs.) ©) BASEBALL Detroll Tigers at California Angels (3 hrs.) 9:30 CE) SPORTSCENTEA 10:00(£) TOP RANK BOXING (R) 11:35@ BASEBALL New York Mets at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 12:00 (E:) SPORTSCENTER 1 :00 CE) CFL FOOTBALL Winnipeg Blue Bombers at Cal~ry Stampeders (A) (2 hrs., 30 min ) 3:30 SPORTSWOMAN 4:00 SPORTSCENTER Saturday AUGUST 21, 1982 MORNING 5:00(1) FROM THE 50-YARO LINE Ac11on h1ghhghrs from the Canadian Football League. (R) 5:051 BASEBALL BUNCH 5:30 MOTORCYCLE RACING (R) 7:00 SPOATSCENTEA 8:00 WRESTLING ([) RACQUETBALL "lnternallonal Women's First Round Championships" Heather Stupp vs. Karin Walton· Trent (A) 8:30 (£) SPORTSCHALLENGE World Champion New Yori\ Yankees of the '30s vs. '56 World Champion New York Yankees (A) 9:00 (!) NASL SOCCER KICKS (E:) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC • '76" (R) (1 hr) 9:30(!) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "W1ll1e Mays" Host. Reggie Jackson 10:00 (£) TENNIS "Players Challenge" Live coverage ol the women's semifinals from Jarry Park. Monrre- al. Oue. (3 hrs ) 10:30., NASL SOCCER KICKS 11 :00 D fJD BASEBALL Regional coverage of Mon- treal Expos at Houston Astros or San Diego Padres at Chicago Cubs (3 hrs ) AFTERNOON 12:00 0 HORSE RACING "Faberg's Fururiry Race" 12:30 &i) VIC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE "Singles Strategy II" Vte Braden shows you how, when and where to make your strokes work for you 1n a singles match (R) O 1:00(E:) TRACK AND AELD Taped coverage ol the Wellklasse Meer trom Zu11ch. Switz (3 hrs.) 2:00 D G) LPGA GOLF "World Championship Of Women's Golf" Coverage ot the third round from the Shaker Heights Country Club~ Ohio ( 1 hr ) 2:30 I THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:35 MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED 3:00 (J) PGA GOLF "Warwick Hills Open" Cover- age of the third round from the Warwick Hiiis Coun- .• BOMBS AWAY -Quarterback Richard Todd win lead the explosive New York Jets against the Houston Oilers in a nationally televised NFL pre-season football game Saturday at lp.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). '1!) SHARING THE WINO Caramaran racing 1s spol· hghted 1n this episode rhal dep1c1s the thrills and beauty thal many lind CE) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL ''Clemson • '77" (R) ( 1 hr ) 5:30@) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled: cov- erage ol the U.S Platform Diving Champ1onsh1ps (from Pittsburgh, Pa.) ( 1 hr., 30 min) EVENING 6:00f) CJ) NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game'' Dallas Cowboys a1 San Diego Chargers (3 hrs ) (!) CFL FOOTBALL Hamilton Tiger Cats al Saskatchewan Roughriders (3 hrs.) 7:00 8 BASEBALL De1ro1t Tigers at California Anm1s (3 hrs ) 8:00 PAUL HOGAN 8:30 RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 9:00 (!) WRESTLING ([) SPORTSCENTER 9:30 TENNIS "Players Challenge" Coverage ol the women's semifinals from Jarry Perk. Montreat. Que (R) (2 hrs ) 11.30 SPORTSCENTEA 12:30 CFL FOOTBALL Hamilton Tiger Cats at Saskatchewan Roughnders (R) 3:00 BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC • '71" (R) (lhr) 4:00 CE) SPORTSCENTER Sunday AUGUST 22. 1982 MORNING ir Club. Grand Blanc. Mich ( 1 hr ) RACING FROM SARATOGA 5:00(E:) TENNIS Coverage of rhe Canadian Open THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL Women's Player's Challenge semifinals (R) (2 3:051 WRESTLING hrs~ 3:30 DODGER DUGOUT 7:00 SPOATSCENTER 3:45 DODGER PRE-OAME 8:00 BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "Clem· 4:00 (I) TRAVERS STAKES Coverage ot the 1· son · '77" (R) (1 hr.) 1/4 mlle race for lhree-yeer·old thoroughbreds, 9:00 (() SPOATSCHALLENOE "Super Bowl XII from the Saratoga Race Track, Sareroga Springs. Rematch" World Champion Dallas Cowboys vs N.Y (1 hr) Derwet Broncos (R) D NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Los 9·30D CID NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" AngeleS Raiders at Detroit Lions (3 hrs.) New York Jets al Houston Oilers (3 hrs.) 8 SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES (E:) AUTO RACING Live coverage of the NASCAR Louisiana vs. Rocky Mounraln (1 hr.) Champion Spark Plug '400 from Brooklyn, Mich (3 • BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at PIMsburgh hrs ) . Pirates (3 hrs.) 10:008 BASEBALL BUNCH Japan's Saguaro (() SPOATSCENTER Sharks are the opponents '°' the Bunch's first real cmTHEWAVITWAS Q!m8 4;30 (!) BASEBALL New York Mets at Atlanta • DODGER DUGOUT Braves (2 hrs .. 30 min ) 10: 16. DODGER PRE-OAME cm SUPERBOWL BASKETBALL Members ol the 10:30 (!) OUTDOOR LIFE Martel Hemingway and her Oakland Raiders rival members of the Denver Bton· tathtr, Jack. hunt chukar In Idaho. cos In a tournament for the benefit of the U.S. Olyrn.-• BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Pittsburgh pie Training team. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Pirates (3 h,..) WIDE WORLD ~8PORT8 Scheduled· cov• 10:-36 THIS WEEK IN 8ASEBAl..L • At.. ~ OMng Champlonthlp,.b\ffu1 ~~te\0 :renntGfdf~ 1 flftta I. . ( hr. 30 min \ • ~ of th.a -'a alft-l __., !u..• ... ,,. ·~•.Wt b,,..,..., __ , • • • I ••• ' t 4 J f• t '1 1 .. ~, gtes ttom the Jeck Nicklaus Sports Genter. Kings Island. Ohio (2 hrs ) Cl) PRE-OAME SHOW (!) BASEBALL New York Meis al Atlanta Braves (2 hrs. 30 min) 1 1:05@ BASEBALL New York Mets ar Atlanta Braves (3 hrs. 15 min) 11: 15 ()) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Chicago Cubs (2 hrs. 15 min) AFTERNOON 12:30 0 fi) SPORTSWORLD Scheduled live covet· age ot the Johnny Bumphus I Miguel Monltlla 10· round 1unior welrerwe1ght bout from Great Gorge. N J ( I hr , 30 min ) TENNIS Coverage of rhe Canadian Open Worn· en's Player's Challenge finals (Tape Delay) (3 hrs) 1:008 PGA GOLF "Warwick Hills Open" Live cov· erage of the final round lrom Warwick Hills Country Club, Grand Blanc. Mich (2 hrs.) 1:30()) PGA GOLF (Joined In Progress) ( 1 hr , 'JO min) 2:00 0 6!) LPGA GOLF ''World Championship Of Women's Golf" Taped coverage of the final round from the Shaker He1ghrs Country Club, Ohio ( t hr) 3:00 0 WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN Cl) BASEBALL BUNCH 3:30 ([) HORSE RACING WEEKLY '4:00 CI) SPORTSCENTEA '4:051 WRESTLING '4:30 ®) SPORTSBEAT 5:00 GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Withe Mays" Host Reggie Jackson ([) NASL SOCCER Seattle Sounders at Portland Timbers (Note· This game will not be seen within a 100-rrilte radius ol Portland ) (2 hrs ) EVENING 7:00(£) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE New York Yankee World Series Stars vs '78 Cahfornla Angels (R) 7:30~ HORSE RACING WEEKLY 8:00 SPORTSCENTEA 9:00 TENNIS Coverage of lhe Canadian Open Women's Player's Challenge finals (A) (2 hrs .. 30 m1nJ_ 10:30 W WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP·UP 10:451J SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:308 SPORTS FINAL (I) WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP CE) SPORTSCENTER 12:30([) NASL SOCCER Searrte Sounders at Portland Timbers (R) (2 hrs.) 2:30(£) MOTORCYCLE RACING (A) 4:00(l) SPORTSCENTER Monday AUGUST 23, 1982 EVENING 6:30 PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE 8:00 SPORTSCENTER 9:00 AUTO RACING Coverage ol the NASCAR Champion Spark Plug 400 from Brooklyn. Mich (R)l3hrs) 12:00 SPORTSCENTER ' 1:00 PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE (R) 2:30 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (R) 4:00 SPORTSCENTEA Tuesday AUGUST 24. 1982 EVENING 8:30(!) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Pete Rose" Hosr. Tom Seaver 7:00 cm THE WAY IT WAS 7:30 CH) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry T ompklns and Tim Mccarver cover alt the bases leading to the 1982 World Serle6. cm BASEBALL Miiwaukee Brewers at California Anm1s (3 hrs.J 8:00 SPORTSCENTEA 8;30 RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 9:001 PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE (R) 10:30 INSIDE BASEBALL (R) 11;00 NASLWEEKLV (R) 11:30 SPORTSCENTSt 11:46(H) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompldns and Tim McCarver cover an the bases leading to the 1982 Wmld Serlee. 12:30(1) TRACK ANO FIELD Coverage of the Welt· ldaue Meet !tom Zurletl. Swftl.efland. (R) (2 hrs .. 4.1\!. a mln.>tJ" ,, '.v . i.i. \ ~ ... 1'i11181r-.~~ .. ;;J1~r;;~~;r:;..;;...;,-.-1 I Friday 5:30 0 "Solo" 6:00 ~ "The Baltimore Bullet" (1980, Drama) James Coburn. Omar Shartl. "The Hideaways" ( 1973 Comedy) Ingrid Berg· man Johnny Doran 6:05@ "Pillow To Post ' ( 1945. Comedy) Ida Lupi no. Wilham Prince 7:30 0 "Breaking Glass· ( 1980. Drama) Hazel O'Connor. Phil Daniels 7:45 CZ) "The Fireman's Ball' ( 1968. Comedy) Josel Svet. Marie Je.zkova 8:00© "Young Joe, The Forgotten Kennedy" 1977. Drama) Peter Strauss. Barbara Parkins "Heaven Can Wa11" ( 1978, Fantasy) Warren Bea_l!.Y. Julie Christie 8:05 (!!) "love Has Many races" (.1965, Drama) Lana Turner, Chi! Robertson 9:00 0 "Tommy" ( 1975, Musical) Roger Dallrey Ann-Margret "Tell Me A Riddle· ( 1980. Drama) Melvyn Dou_.!l!as Lila Kedrova 10:00 ~ "Lady Takes A Chance" ( 1943. Comedy) John Wayne. Jean Arthur (fD "Coasl To Coast" ( 1980. Comedy) Dyan Can . I non. Robert Blake I CS) "The Stratton Story" ( 1949. Biography) James Stewafl, June Allyson t0:05@ "Casanova's Big Night" ( 1954. Comedy) Bob Hope, Joan Fontaine 10:30(2) "The Enforcer" ( 1976. Drama) Clint East· wood. Tyne Daly 11:000 "The Blue Lagoon" (1949, Romance) Jean Simmons. Donald Houston 11:30(C) "Hondo" ( 1954. Western) John Wayne. Geraldrne Page. 12:000 "Zenobia" ( 1939. Comedy) Stan Laurel. Ohver Hardy m "Damn Yankees" ( 1958. Musical) Tab Hunter, Gwen Verdon. (I) "Casanova Brown" ( 1944, Comedy) Gary Cooper. Teresa Wright 00 "Scout's Honor" ( '980, Drama) Gary Cole- man, Kalherine Helmond CS) "Clash 01 The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamhn. LaureflCe Olivier 12:30(Z) "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( 198 t. Adventure) Richard Harrrs. Bo Derek 1:00(C) "A Little Romance" ( 1979. Comedy) Lau- rence Ol1v1er, Diane Lane 0 "Student BOdl8S" ( t 981. Comedy) Kristen Riter. Matthew Goldsby 2:00(!) "The Witchmaker" ( 1968, Suspense) Anthony Eisley, Alvy Moore. 2:30@ "Le Secre1" Jean-Louis Trintignant, Mark3ne Jobert. CS) "Victory" ( 1981. Adventure) Sylvester S1a11one. Michael Caine CZ) "The Fireman's Ball" ( 1968. Comedy) Josef Svet, Marie Jezkova ------------ DRAMA IN CHICAGO -Yoko Shimada, the acclaimed star of "Shogun, " portrays an iJJegal alien who becomes unknowingly involved in a sinister web of intrigue in "Not Quite Paradise." a special three-h our episode of NBC's "Chicago Story'' Friday at 8 p.m . on KNI3C (Ch. 4). 3:00 ® "Heaven Can Wait " ( 1978. Fantasy) Warren Beatty. Julie Christie CD "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980. Romance) Brooke Shields. Christopher Atkins 3:45 CZ) "The Miracle 01 Morgan's Creek" ( 1944, Comedy) Betty Hu11on, Eddie Bracken 4:000 "Jubilee Trail" ( 1953. Western) Vera Rais· ton. Pat O'Brien. 4:30 0 "Toby And The Koala Bear" ( t981. Fanta· sy) Roll Hams. 5:00(C) "The Balllmore Bullet" ( t980, Orama) James Coburn. Omar Shani CID "The Hideaways" ( 1973. Comedy) Ingrid Berg man. JOhnny Doran "Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980. Drama) Melvyn Douglas. Lila Kedrova ©)"Victory" ( 1981, Adven1ure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. 5:30(%) "Tell Me A Riddle" ( t980, Drama) Melvyn Douglas. Ula Kedrova. 6:0088NEWS 9 WONDER WOMAN ())CBS NEWS f>THESAINT Q) HAWAII FIVE-0 Eli) OVER EASY "V1s1on" Guest screen star Sylvia Sidney (A) O Oi)NBCNEWS ~ MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING 0 MOVIE "Kill Or Be Killed" ( 1980. Adventure) James Ryan, Charlotte Michelle A former Nazi com· mander, who lost an important karate match to the Japanese during the war. seeks to avenge his defeat by enlisting the top kung fu lighters from around the world 1n a tournament 'PG' ( 1 hr • 30 min ) 6:30(1) 6i) NEWS ®STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars 1n this sev en-part drama of life in Dublin from 1907 to 1914 (Part 5) (1 hr) Ell) DICK CAVETT al) FAST FORWARD CFL FOOTBALL Winnipeg Blue Bombers at Cal ~Y Stampeders (3 hrs ) (SJ MOVIE "rhe Maltese B1ppy" ( 1969. Comedy) Dan Rowan. Dick Martin Two unemployed ptoduc ers of porno movies becomes the sole survivors of a series of multiple murders ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 6:35 (]J CANDY STORE 7:00 f) OBS NEWS Cl NBC NEWS 0 KUNG FU Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A profile of karate champ and film star Chuck Norris. a look at the world through ~h-spee<l cinematography O KOJAK (!) NASL SOCCER New York Cosmos vs Montreat {2 hrs) «I) JOKER'S WILD fl!) ~ BUSINESS REPORT 6i) THE MUPPETS CC) MOVIE "Young Joe. The Forgotten Kennedy" ( 1977. Drama) Peter Strauss. Barbarn Parkins The eldest Kennedy volunteers for a dangerous wartime mission which, 11 successful. would bring him back a hero and one step closer to the White House ( 1 hr . 35 min) CH) MOVIE "Coast To Coast" ( t980, Comedy) Dyan Cannon. Robert Blake A runaway housewife and a scrappy trucker hauling callle coast to coast become the target of a wild cross-country chase 'PG' ( t hr . 34 min ) MOVIE "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" ( t980, Western) Klinton Sp1lsbury. Christopher Lloyd. The Lone Ranger and Tonto pursue their arch-enemy, Butch Cavendish, who has kidnapped the president of the U.S 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) ©)THE WAY IT WAS (.I) MOVIE "The Endless Summer" ( 1966. Adven· ture) Mike Hynson. Robert August Two young Call· torn.a surfers travel around the world in search ot the ~rfect wave. ( 1 hr • 35 min.) 7:30 ti 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a prohk3 of Bar· bara Woodhouse: coverage of the Ms. Tall U S A j)ageant: an 1nterv1ew with Mike Farrell. 11 FAMILY FEUD TIC TAC OOUGH NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Cleveland Browns vs. Los AngeleS Rams (3 hrs.) I SIGNATURE Guest: Gordon Davidson MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled program· ming may be delayed due to pledge break$. ©) BASEBALL Detroit Tigers at California Angels (3 hrs.) 7:35@NEWS Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving All Faiths" Harbor LaWQ ·Mount Olive Men1orial P.Jrk, · Mo11uary · Mausoleums Bunal In Any Cemetery Shipment--Cremation. Pians Available~ 1&21 or· .. ~ 7 ~ ~ ...... < ,- ~ "Tl .... 0: Q) ':c )> c: co c: !!t I\) 0 _. CD Q) I\) 8 N Friday (continued) ao O> 7:45 ail WALL STREET WEEK "I\ Summer Rena1s- "":. sance?" Guest. Joseph C. McNay. pres1den1 of o Essex Investment Management Co. Inc. ~ 8:008 (]) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD The Boar's ~ Nesl is taken over by thieves tor use as a command 0> post during the planned robbery of an armored :I I ruck (A) ( 1 hr ) < 0 ONE OF THE BOYS The events leading up to ~ Oliver's moving rn with Adam and Jonathan are -o recounted. (A) ;£ 1J MOVIE "Trapeze'' ( 1956, Drama) Burt Lancas- ter, Tony Cur11s. A French circus act becomes a shatterrng triangle alter an American joins the act (2 hrs) 0 ENCORE NEWS "April 19. 1951" Highlights General Douglas MacArthur returns; age of McCar thy1sm was born. The Rosenbergs, lhe spy team who gave away atomic secrets to the Russians were sentenced 10 death; Estes Kefauver crime trials Cl) MOVIE "Rebel Without A Cause" ( 1955. Ora- ma) James Dean. Natalie Wood. A young man 1oins a teen-age gang because of hrs lack of respect tor his parents (2 hrs . 30 min ) (3 MIXED BAG "New Blues" A look a1 why old timers are coming back tor the Chicago blues El!) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW ti) LOOK ALIVE . CID MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Face" (1980. Comedy) Robett Sacchi. Ohv1a Hussey A man decides to change hrs lifestyle and physical appear ance to resemble his screen idol. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 31 min) 0 MOVIE "St Ives" ( 1976. Adventure) Charles Bronson. Jacqueline Bisset. A lormer crime report- er-turned-detective is hired by a wealthy film lanc1er to recover a set of rncrrm1na1ing ledgers 'PG' ( 1 hr • 34min.) 8:300 ti) CHICAGO STORY Lou agrees to handle lhe case ot a man accused of murdering a crrm1nal whom Lou had gotten off on a 1echnrcalily. (R) ( 1 hr . 30 min) D BENSON The governor's party refuses 10 sup- port hrs nomination lor a second term and instead offer s him an ambassador's post in Iceland. (R) Q 0 ERIC SEVAREID'S CHRONICLE .AJ.l ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT @ BURLESKE FOR PIANO AND ORCHESTRA IN 0 MINOA I DON JUAN. OPOS 20 Kart Boehm con- ducts the Vienna Philharmonic in these two pieces. ( 1 hr.) fi) WALL STREET WEEK "A Summer Renats· sance?" Guest· Joseph C. McNay, president of Essex Investment Management Co. Inc f!) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW 8:35@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 9:008 Cl) DALLAS A chance remark ol Katherine's gives J.A. a new scheme to use agarns1 Cliff Barnes (Al ( 1 hr.) 8 MOVIE "Skin Game" (1971. Comedy) James Garner, Lou Gossett. A pair ol con men are outwit· red by a female colleague. (2 hrs.) Iii TOO YOUNG TO DIE Cf) YOU ASKED FOR IT " [I MOVIE "Save The Tiger" (1973. Orama) Jack Lemmon, Laurie Heineman. A middle-aged dress manufacturer distraught over the decadence 1n hts personal and prolessional life tries to recapture the ~1rit and ideals of his youth. (2 hrs.) tlJ CRISIS TO CRISIS WITH BARBARA JORDAN "Children 01 Violence" The psychological roots and social manifestations of teen-age gangs are explored in a look at the lives of a Chicago family and juvenile gang members from Oakland. Califor· nia (I hr) Qli) MOVIE "Brigadoon" ( t954. Musical) Gene Kel· ly, Cyd Charisse. Two friends stumble upon Briga- doon. a village in the Scoltlsh highlands. which comes to file for a single day every 100 years. (2 h~s .. 15 min.) CC) MOVIE "Back Roads" ( 1981, Comedy) Sally Field. Tommy Lee Jones. A hooker and a down-on- his-luck boxer meet and head west in search of a new life. 'A' ( t hr., 35 min) CH) MOVIE "Deadly Blessing" ( 1981. Horror) Ernest Borgnine, Lois Nettleton A young woman who marries into a strict religious sect discovers she is trapped ln a living nightmare. 'R' (1 hr . 45 min.) ([)MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" (198t, Comedy) Richard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss. A couple discov- er that the house they've inherited is being occupied by vampires, ghosts and aSSOf1ed monsters. 'PG' (1 hr., 15 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( t98 I, Adven- ture) Richard Harris. Bo Derek. A young woman searches for her missing father In the African jungle where she encounters an uncivlllzed white man and an orangutan. 'R' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) 9:05 al) MOVIE ·'The Notorious Landlady" ( 1962. · Comedy) Kim Novak. Jack Lemmon. A gover'nment employee sets out to PfOV& his landlady Innocent of a ~bf~Jtt>ra .•• ~mlOJ . 9:30(!)'MMe "Odtet'-lttene:Mmder''· (1943:Mya-: tery) George Sanders. GaH Patrick. A forgery IN CONCERT -Rita Coolidge, the popular recording artist. stars in the fifth segment of "LBS's The Music Makers in Concert" series Friday at 1 a.m. on KTLA (Ch. 5). expert filches a valuable set ot Shakespearean works to duplicate for protlt. ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) @STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars in this sev- en-part drama of file 1n Dublin from 1907 to 1914 (Part 5) ( 1 hr.) ([) SPOATSCENTER 0 MOVIE "The Blue lagoon" ( 1980. Romance) Brooke Shields. Christopher Atkins. Two castaway children grow to adolescence on a remote, South Pacific island and experience the pangs of first love 'A' ( 1 hr. 45 min.) 10:00 IJ (]) FALCON CREST Chase threatens to • destroy Angie's monopoly over the valley's reser- voirs when he runs !or county supervisor. (R) ( 1 hr.) D OD CASSIE & CO. Uttle Mama Ryan asks Cas- sie for help when her gym has a series ol mishaps and one of her top lighters rs injured. ( 1 hr ) 8GN£tis ; LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW TOP RANK BOXING (A) MOVIE "Clash 0 1 The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin. Laurence Olivier Mythic hero Perseus rs helped by his father Zeus in a series of dangerous tasks as he tries to win the hand ol a Phoenician princess against the wishes ol a vengeful sea god- dess. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 58 min) 10:20 (()OPERA 10:aoeeNEWS I SIGNATURE Guest· Gordon Davidson MATTERS OF LIFE ANO DEATH MOVIE "Student Bodies" ( 1981. Comedy) Kristen Riter. Matthew Goldsby A heavy-breathing psychotic killer stalks the tun-loving students of a · typical American high school. 'R' ( 1 hr . 25 min.) 11;00 8 D 9{I) !Dl e NEWS I SATUAOA Y NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT i JOE FRANKLIN BENNY HILL MIXED BAG "New Blues" A look al why old· timers are coming back for lhe Chicago blues. • BUSINESS REPORT CC) MOVIE "Fear No Evil" ( 1980. Horror) Stefan Arngrim. Kalhleen Rowe McAllen. An 18-year-old high school student dellghls In decimating his home- town. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) CID MOVIE "Heaven Can Walt" (1978, Fanlasy) Warren Beatty. Julie Christle. After a pro football star's Ille Is prematurely claimed by an Inept angel, the man is given Iha body ol a mllllonalre industrial- lst 10 continue living In. 'PG' (I hr., 4 1 min.) ([)MOVIE "Emmanuelle In Bangkok" (1978. Dra- ma) Laura Gemser A Eurasian journalist has sever· al sexual llalsons with a variety of partners while travellng In the Far East. 'R' ( 1 hr. 28 ml".) C%J MOVIE "The Enforcer" ( 1976, Orama) Clint Eastwood, Tyne Daly. "Dirty Harry" Callahan Is joined by a female rookie In tracking down a band of revolutionaries who are terrorizing San Francisco. (1 hr , 35 min.) 11: 15 . VOTER'S PIPELINE "Phoenix House" Guest: Howard Stein, House Director. ... t t30• Cll.MOVIE..'~Bogi.:,·. ( 1980. Slograp~} Kelh .•••• ••• -· 1n tYConnat; ta11tt'Yf'M'1ant11tt. "l1tlml'htev 1 • •-- life, career and love attalt with Lauren bee11 are .. drama11zed. (R) (2 hrs. 15 min.) 0 &) TONIGHT Guest host Joan Rivers. Guests: Peter Brlhngsley. Carol Channing ( 1 hr.) 0 ®)ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE U MOVIE .. Jubilee Trail" ('1953. Western) Vera Ralston. Pat O'Brien. A young bride travels Wes1 to 101n her wealthy husband only to discover his scorned m1s1ress and her illegitimate child (2 hr!>.) 0) M"A0 S•H Cl) SANFORD AND SON @ BURLESKE FOR PIANO ANO ORCHESTRA IN 0 MINOR I DON JUAN, OPOS 20 Karl Boehm con ducts the Vienna Philharmonic 1n these two pieces ( 1 hr) 0 MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" ( 1981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nelhgan While on a remote Scottish island to meet a German subma rine. an Axis spy finds shelter from the storm in the cottage ol a young married couple. 'A' ( t hr . 5 t min) 11:36@ BASEBALL New York Meis at Atlanla Braves (3 hrs.) 12:00 IJ ENTEAT AINMENT TONIGHT U EVENING AT THE IMPAOV (!) MOVIE "Far Horizons" ( 1955. Adventure) Charlton Heston. Fred MacMurray Two frontiers- men survey lhe Louisiana Temlory alter its pur- chase (2 hrs.) @) MOVIE "Double Indemnity" ( 1973. Suspense) Richard Crenna. Samantha Eggar A woman plans to murder her husband and have It appear lo be an accident In order to collect on hrs life insurance poh· c:t (1 hr .. 45 min.) UJ MOVIE "Topkap1" (1964. Suspense) Mellna Mercourr, Max1m11ian Schell A valuable jewel·sludd· ed sword rs stolen from a Turkish museum (2 hrs.) Cl) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE CEJ SPORTSCENTER CID MOVIE "Charh" ( 1980. Drama) Jesse St James. Enc Edwards. A young woman's marriage seems to be improved by her extramarital esca- pades. ( 1 hr . 13 min.) (S) MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981. Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. During World War II. Allied POWs see their ticket to freedom in a match between their soccer team and the German National Team in Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 57 min.) 12:30 0 ti) SCTV NETWORK Guest. NataUe Cole {R) ( 1 hr . 30 min.) U COUPLES ti) NEWS @STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars 1n this sev- en-pan drama ol life 1n Dublin from t907 to 1914. (Parl 5) (1 hr) 12:45(C) MOVIE "The Great Texas Dynamite Chase" ( t976, Adventure) Claudia Jennings, Jocelyn Jones Two female bank robbers ou1wit police as they ravage the male populace with blazing shoo- touts. dynamite blasts and outrageous disguises 'A' (_I hr. 29 min.) CID MOVIE "Eye 0 1 The Needle" ( 1981. Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scot11sh island 10 meet a German subma· rrne, an Axis spy finds shelter from the storm In the cot1aye of a young married couple. 'A' ( 1 hr . 51 min.) (JJ MOVIE "S 0 .B." (1981, Comedy) Wilham Hol· den. Julie Andrews. A movie director who has Just finished a multi-million dollar turkey goes lrom attempted suicide to a bizarrely Inspired re-shooting ol his epic. 'A' (2 hrs .. 4 min ) CZ> MOVIE "Down Argentine Way" ( 1940, Musical) Betty Grable. Don Ameche. A beautiful heiress fol· lows a wealthy South American from New York 10 Argentina. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1 :00 8 MUSIC MAKERS IN CONCERT ·'Rita Ccxr lidge" ( 1 hr) 8NEWS ti) MOVIE "Graveyard 01 Horror" ( 1971, Horror) Bill Curran, Yocasta Gray A man learns the awful secrel of his brother's disappearance when he is led to a hidden cave by a band ol ghouls ( 1 hr • 30 min.) (() CFL FOOTS.ALL Winnipeg Blue Bombers at Cal· gart§tampeders (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 1:30 (.Q) MOVIE "Portrait Of A Seduction" ( 1977, Drama) Vickie Lyon. Jett Stone ·x· (1 hr .. ' 10 min.) g MOVIE "Tommy" (1975, Musical) Roger Dal- trey. Ann-Margret. Based on the rock opera by The Who. A young boy struck deaf, dumb and blind by the sight ot his fathe<'s murder becomes a mOdern- day messiah e)l.plolted by a greedy uncle and a wor- shli lng public. 'PG' 111 hr .. 50 min.) 1:46 NEWS 1 2:00 • NBC NEWS' OVERNIGHT e MOVIE "Good Times" ( 1967. Musical) Sonny and Cher. George Sanders. Two young singers aim tor movie stardom until one of them reallies that the dream may not be a practlcal one. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE ''Darby's Rangers" ( 1958. Adventure) James Gamer. Etchlka Choureau. The heroic Amerl· can Rangers go Into combat unde< the leaderahlp of ColQnel Oaroy It\ lhfii. IAllMIOn of 1ta1u end North Afrlea. (2 hi't .. 30 mrn.) ,..... • -:~ • -~ (I) MOVIE '1Fllta Of Fury"' (1973. AdYenture) .., I - I • I .,. - ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------~9 Friday (continued) Bruce Lee, Maria Yi A martial ans expert finds unexpected danger when he goes lo work 1n a Bani ok ice lacrory 'A' ( 1 hr •. 43 min.) 2:05 NEWS 2:15 MOVIE "Penny Serenade" (1941, Drama) Cary Grant, Irene Dunne. Recent adoptive parents learn 1ha1 happiness can soon turn to tragedy • (2 hrs .. 20 min.) © MOVIE "CaboBlanco" ( 1981, Suspense) Chailes Bronson. Jasoli Robards. An exiled Nazi who has bought off the local police dominates a small Peruvian coasral town during the 1940s 'A' ( I hr . 32 min ) 2:30 Q) MOVIE "The Fury 01 The Wollman" ( t973. Horror) Perla Cristal. Mark Stevens. Afler sufler1ng a small chest wound that changes shape, a scientist is transformed Into a ferocious, lupine beast ( I hr . 30m1n) 2:35 (!) MOVIE "Hiller's Children" ( 1943. Drama) Tim Holl, Bonita Granville. Two young people become caughl up in the mass hysteria and emo1ion that propelled Hitler to power ( 1 hr . 25 min ) @WORLD AT LARGE 2:45 CZ) MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" ( t98 t, Advenlure) Richard Hams. Bo Derek. A young woman searches tor her missing father in 1he Alrl- can 1ungle where she encounters an uncivilized white man and an orangutan. 'R' ( 1 hr . 52 min.) 2·50® MOVIE "F11st Family" ( t980, Comedy) Gil· da Radner, Bob Newharl. The sexually repressed daughler ot lhe country's w01rdest presidential fami- ly complicates her father's auempts 10 conduc1 lhe a flairs ol state. 'R' ( 1 hr • 44 min.) 3:00@ (1) NEWS (JJ MOVIE "Second Hand Hearts" ( 1980. Drama) Robert Blake. Barbara Hams. A Texas car-wash attendant wakes up one morning to find that he is married to a nightclub waitress with three kids 'PG' U hr . 38 min.) CID MOVIE "Schlock" ( 1973, Horror) John Landis. Saul Kahan. A monster believed 10 be a genetlC "m1ss1ng link" goes on a rampage of terror 'PG' ( 1 hr.. 20 min) 3:30 ([)SPORTSWOMAN 0 MOVIE "SIUdenl Bodies" ( 1981, Comedy) Kristen R11er, Mallhew Goldsby. A heavy-brea thing psychollc killer slalks the fun-loving studenls of a typical American high school 'R' ( t hr • 25 min ) 3:50 CS) MOVIE "The First Nudie Musical" ( 1975, Comedy) Cindy Wilhams. Bruce Kimmel. A down- and·out Broadway producer plans to spark Interest an his lalesl pro,ect by staging 11 completely 1n the nude 'R' (I hr . 36 min.) 3:55 © MOVIE "Back Roads" ( t 98 1. Comedy) Sal- ty Field. Tommy Lee Jones A hooker and a down- on-h1s-luck boxer meet and head west in search of a new life. 'R' ( 1 hr • 35 min ) 4:008 I SPY (!)NEWS (E) SPORTSCENTER 4:05@ VEG ET ABLE SOUP 4:30 (!) MAKE PEACE WITH NATURE 0) MOVIE "Hidden Homocide" ( 1959. Drama) Gnlhth Jones. James Kenney A novelisl wakes up 1n a strange room. with his cousin dead next to him. and wonders ti he killed him. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) CID MOVIE "Massacre At Central High" (1976. Ora· ma) Andrew Stevens. Rober! Carradine A crusade lor revenge begins after a prank lhal went too far was pulled on the quieter studenls by a group ol bored high-school fflends 'A' ( 1 hr , 27 min ) 4:35@ ROMPER ROOM 4:45 (%) MOVIE "The Miracle 0 1 Morgan's Creek" ( 1944. Comedy) Beny Hutton, Eddie Bracken. When a young girl finds herself pregnant alter a rnghl on the town with a group of Gls. she IS hard· pressed to Identify the father ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) Saturday 5:00 G MOVIE "The Black Cat" ( 194 1. Mystery) Basil Rathbone. Nigel Bruce. (!) CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP (!) FROM THE 55-YARD LINE Action highlights from the Canadian Football League (A) 0 MOVIE "St. Ives" ( 1976, Adventure) Charles Bronson, Jacqueline Bisset. ( 1 hr .. 34 min) 5:05 ltZl BASEBALL BUNCH 5:30(!) NEWARK ANO REALITY ([) MOTORCYCLE RACING (A) 5:35@ THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY ©MOVIE "Hondo" ( 1954. Western) John Wayne Geraldine Page. • 6:00 tJ SUMMER SEMESTER I SERENDIPITY PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEEN TALK (!) APPLE POLISHERS @) NEWSMAKERS 0) FAMILY AFFAIR Q) SATURDAY MORNING GRAPEVINE ®MOVIE "Breakthrough" ( 1979. Drama) Richard Burton, Rod Steiger. ( 1 hr , 35 min ) CS) THE GRATEFUL DEAD The Grateful Dead are seen performing many of their greatest hits in this concert taped Halloween night 1980 at Radio C11y Music Hall ( 1 hr., 18 min,) 6:05@ CIVILISATION 6:200) NEWS 6:30 8 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE I THAT'S CAT PACESETTERS VOICE OF AGRICULTURE 8 SLIM CUISINE i DAVEY AND GOLIATH rrs YOUR BUSINESS WATCH YOUR MOUTH fJa CAPTIONED ABC NEWS fl) DR. SNUGGLES (%) MOVIE "Hearlbeeps" ( 198 t. Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 7:0011 KIDSWORLD I CJD THE FLINTSTONES BIG BLUE MARBLE D ~ SUPEAFRIENDS Cl) INTERNATIONAL HOUR 8 DAVEY ANO GOLIATH (!) DOCTOR WHO CD GROOVIE GOOLIES G) FIRST PERSON fla YOGA FOR HEAL TH CC) MOVIE "Shipwreck" ( 1978 Adventure) Robert Logan. M1kk1 Jamison-Olson. CE) SPORTSCENTER 0 MOVIE "Smokey Biles The Dust" (1981, Come- dy) Jimmy McNichol, Janet Julian. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 7.05@ MOVIE ''Witness For The Prosecution" ( 1957. Mystery) Tyrone Power. Marlene D1etnch 7:30 tJ MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS l fl)SMURFS DR. SNUGGLES D ~RICHIE RICH I SCOOBY 000 Cl) INTERNATIONAL HOUR . m DAVEY ANO GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO \ CALIFORNIA PEOPLE fm BIG BLUE MARBLE ® MOVIE "Attack Force Z" ( 1980. Adventure) John Phillip Law. Mel Gibson. ( 1 hr , 35 min ) CS) MOVIE "Tim" ( 1981, Drama) Piper Laurie. Mel Gibson ( 1 hr. 35 min.) 8:00 tJ CJ) POPEYE D MOVIE "Stardust On The Sage" C 1942. West· ern) Gene Autry. &MAVERICK Cf) WRESTLING CD MOVIE "The Flame And The Arrow" ( 1950, Adventure) Burl Lanca~ter, Virginia Mayo. CR IM E·FIGH TER S -T h ese cu d dly characters -(from left) Pammy Panda, Rick R accoon, Bogey Orangutan, (top) Digger Mole and Tyg 'nger -receive a call, projected on a large screen in th eir undercover communication laboratory, from the mid-city police commissioner to help solve another baf fflng crime in "The Shirt Tales," a new Saturday m orning series starting Sept. 18, on KNBC (Ch . 4) at 8:30. m SATURDAY MORNING GRAPEVINE fmREBOP (!) RACQUETBALL "International Women's First Round Championships .. · Heather Stupp vs. Karin Walton-Trent (R) (%)MOVIE "Down Argentine Way" ( t940. Musical) Bet!t_ Grable, Don Ameche. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8:308 Cl) TARZAN I LONE RANGER D ti) KIO SUPER POWER HOUR D ®) FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG fD GETTING TO KNOW ME ([) SPORTSCHALLENGE World Champion New York Yankees of the '30S vs. '56 World Champion New York Yankees (R) 0 MOVIE "Duel 0 1 The Titans·· ( 1963, Adventure) Steve Reeves. Gordon Scott. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 9:00 8 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER D ®l LAVERNE & SHIRLEY 8 WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS (!) NASL SOCCER KICKS m> ERNEST ANGLEY ti) BEANS © MOVIE "The Hunter .. ( 1979, Drama) Steve McOueen, Eh Wallach (!) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC • '76" (R) (l hr) CID MOVIE "The Spiral Staircase" ( 1977. Suspense) Jacqueline Bissel. Chr1stopher Plumme< ( 1 hr.. 40 min.) 9:301J Cl) BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER IQ) SPIDER-MAN OZZIE AND HARRIET (1J HEA THCLIFF & MARMADUKE WILD. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Willie Mays" Host Reggie Jackson '1!) CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW (J) MOVIE "Raggedy Man" (1981. Drama) Sissy Spacek, Eric Roberts. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) ~K~ Creative Jcwd crs, Inc. elttkw df:J;i4M NATIONALLY KNOWN AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER ' .,. . ... . . ,,, "~* ~'7'1A'h' J(, g;;,'" ~"""1f / .. ... WI LL CREA TE A DESIGN THAT REFLECTS YOUR TASTE AND LIFESTYLE! • Original Designing • Custom Remounting • Restyling • Designer Collection of Gold and Platinum Jewelry • DIAMONDS • PEARLS • FINE COLORED GEMSTONES .,, ... a: ~ > c: liO c: c.o - IO i. Saturday (continued) .,.... 9:35@ MOVIE ·· 1 he i:1ghhng Kentuckian" ( 1949. o Adventure) John Wayne. Vera Ralston N 10:00 D GD SPACE ST AAS (ii I SHA NANA & 9) THUNDARA I GOLDIE GOLD ;:, MOVIE "Robin Hood And The Pirates ' ( 1960. 4( Adventure) Lex Barker. ~ (!) MOVIE "The Wackiest Ship In The Army" ~ (1961. Comedy) Jack Lemmon. Ricky Nelson .::: G) TEEN SCENE u. II) BOB JONES SS fl) THIS OLD HOUSE .-J ~ VOTER'S PIPELINE "Phoen11< House" Guesl > Howard S1e1n, Director -.,_ CE) TENNIS "Players Challenge" Live coverage ot the women's semihnals from Jarry Park. Montreat. Que (3 hrs.) 0 1= a. 0 MOVIE "Sinbad And The Eye QI The Tiger" ( 1977, Adventure) Patrick Wayne. Jane Seymour t! hr., 53 min.) , CZ) MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" ( 1981. Adven- ture) Richard Harris, Bo Derek. ( 1 hr . 52 min ) 1 10:30 9 AMERICA'S TOP TEN t1J WE'RE MOVIN' m NASL SOCCER KICKS ID SQUARE FOOT GARDENING 8!) SESAME SIBEET (R) O CB) JOHNNY CASH'S AMERICA The country music star performs a salute to American history and trad1- t1ons with guests June Carter Cash, Steve Good- man. John Prine and Rodney Crowell lrom Kennedy Center 1n Washington. D C ( t hr • t 5 min.) 11 :00 D fl) BASEBALL Regional coverage of Mon- treal Expos at Houston Astros or San Otego Padres at Chicago Cubs (3 hrs.) I TARZAN 9) WEEKEND SPECIAL "The Winged Colt" A boy and his uncle find themselves the confused owners of a colt born with wings. (Pan t) (R) Q tlJSOUL TRAIN ml ROBIN HOOD Alter the Earl of Hunhngdon dies 1n ballle, JOhn Hood. the King's forester, cares tor the Earl's infant heir (Part 1) fl) MICROWAVE COOKERY CC) MOVIE "flash Gordon" ( t980. Sc1ence-F1c110n) Sam J Jones. Max Von Sydow. 11:308 (I) BLACKSTAR U ®l AMERICAN BAN DST AND Guests· Christo· Qher Atkins. Richard Simmons. (I hr ) 0 WILD. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS m ROBIN HOOD Lady Manon's entourage 1s pro- lected from robbers by Robin Hood. and Richard appoints Longchamps to rule In his absence (Part ~ MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING m MISTER ROGERS (R) CJ) MOVIE "Etvis" ( t979. Biography) Kun Russell, Season Hubley (2 hrs . 25 mtn ) t 1:35@ MOVIE "The Long Duet" (1967. Adventure) Yul Brynner, Trevoi Howard . \I l l".IC\< >< >\. 12:00 8 Cl) IBOLLKINS 8 LOST IN SPACE 1iJ HORSE RACING "Faberg's Futurlly Race" (!)MOVIE "A Hatful 01 Rain" ( 1957. Drama) Don Murray. Eva Marie Saini • SIX MILLION DOlLAR MAN I THE ROOKIES RICK'S ANIMALS G ElECTRtC COMPANY (R) CID MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase, Carrie Asher. ( t hr . 38 mtn.) CD) MOVIE "The Bank Dick" (1940, Comedy) WC Fields, Una Merkel. 0 MOVIE "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955. Drama) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis ( 1 hr . 40 min ) (%) MOVIE "Heanbeeps" ( 1981. COITledy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters ( I hr . 45 mtn ) 12:3011 Cl) TOM ANDJEAAY I PORTRAIT Of A LEGEND MOVIE "One Mask Too Many" ( 1958. West- ern) Clayton Moore, Jay Sllverheels QI KIOSWORLD 9 VIC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE "Singles Strategy It" Vic Braden shows you how, when and where lo make your strokes work for you In a &Ingles match. (R) 8 CID VILLA ALEGRE (A) 1:00 8 Cl) KWICKY KOA I THE MUNSTERS MOVIE "Star Maidens" ( 1976, Science-Ficlioo) Christiane Kruger, Judy Geeson. QI ENTERTA~ THIS WEEK e MOVIE "t<lng Kong" ( 1933, Adventure) Fay Wray, R<>be<t Annstrong, e MOVIE "~tb" (1951. Comedy) Ray Mii- iand, Jan St~ I ~N OOV8SEY Leon Hendersoo. Todd Gray and M4ttO<ly Mayer'• tourl'litV Of 5.000 miles HOSTS SPECIAL -Hank Plante, reporter on the weekday Channel 9 News, will j>in Wendy Gordon and Nathan R oberts as rotating hosts on KHJ-TV's 4th Annual ''Goyernment on the Line" special Saturday at 8 p.m. across the United States is chronicled (R) ( 1 hr ) CC) MOVIE "M" ( 1930, Suspense) Peter Lorre, Ellen Widmann TRACK AND FIELD Taped coverage of the Welt- klasse Meet from Zurich. Switz (3 hrs ) 1.308 (I) 30 MINUTES O F-TROOP &!) NOVA "The Wizard Who Spat On The Floor" Barnard Hughes narra1es a film portrait of Thomas Edison leaturing unique footage of Edison explain- ing his inventions and 1nteflllews with his family. employees and critics. (R) o ( 1 hr ) CO) COOKIE GOES TO THl:AOSPfT AL A young girl conquers her tear ol the hospital with the help of her friends MOVIE "The Miracle Of Morgan's Creek" ( 1944, Comedy) Betty Hutton. Eddie Bracken. ( 1 hr . 40 min.) 2:00 8 AMERICAN ADVENTURE D GD LPGA GOLF "World Championship 0 1 Wom- en's Golf" Coverage t>f the third round from the Shaker Heights Country Club. Ohio ( t hr.) 9 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND (I) SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON 0 MOVIE "The Las1 Grenade" ( 1970. Drama) Stanley Baker. Alex COfd. (!) THE HAAOY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES O MOVIE "The Road Back" ( 1965. Adventure) Lassie, Jed Allan. C8 SIGNATURE Guest. Gordon Davidson ID NON-ACTION TElEVISK>N "Vernon. Florida" Erroll Moms takes a humorous look at the people and lifestyles of a small rural community in Washing- ton County. Florida ( t hr.) (Ii) MOVIE "Attack Force Z" (1980, Adveolure) John Phillip Law, Met Gibson ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) CO) MOVIE "Clash 01 The Titans" ( 1981. Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Ollvler. (S) MOVIE "The Trouble With Girls" ( 1969. MuSI cat) Elvis Presley, Marilyn Mason. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) g MOVIE "Woodst.ock" ( 1970, Muslcal) Docu- mentary (3 hrs • 5 min ) 2:06® RAT PATROL 2:309 LAST OF THE WILD I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND RICH MAN, POOR MAN: BOOK I Rudy (Peter Strauss), despite the strong obfectlons of his mother (Dorothy McGuire). finally marnes Julie i§usan Blakely) (1 hr., 30 min.) (I) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL @ MIXED BAG "New Blues" A look at why old· timers are coming back for the Chicago blues • IRELANO: A TELEVISION HISTOOY 2:35al) MOTORWEEK ILLUSmATED 3:00 9 Cl) PGA GOLF "Warwick HUis Open" Cover-age of the third round from the Warwick Hiiis Coun- i Club, Grand Blanc, Mich. ( 1 hr.) AGAICUL TURE U.S.A. MOVIE "Summerdog" ( t977, Ofama) James COnQdon. EllZ.abeth Eisenman (!) AACINO FROM SARA TOGA • THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL .. ~ .. -.....,__. ---....... " .............. .,, ............... . e MOVIE "When Worlds Cotllde" ( 1951. Sc1enoe- Fic11on) Barbara Rush, Richard Derr @ BURLESKE FOR PIANO AND ORCHESTRA IN D MINOA I DON JUAN, OPOS 20 Karl Boehm coa- ducts the Vienna Philharmonic 1n these two pieces ( 1 hr I fl) MOVIE "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers" ( t954, Musical) Howard Keel. Jane Powell ~ NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "The Sharks" Extraordinary underwater ftlm footage of how sharks feed. rest and why they a11ack pro111des a new perspective on this lasc1na11ng and fearsome fish o (1 hr) (~ MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979. Drama) S1eve McQueen, Ell Wallach. OJ MOVIE "Thunderbirds In Outer Space" ( 1981 Aclllenlure) Puppets 3:05@ WRESTLING 3: 15 Cl) MOVIE "The Endless Summer" ( 1966, Adventure) Mike Hynson. Robert August ( 1 hr • 35 min) 3:20 fD PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due 10 pledge breaks. 3:25 Em DOWN HOME COUNTRY MUSIC Ch<Jrley Pride, Hoyt Axton and Tammy Wynelte are lhe hosts tor a country music extravaganza featuring the many styles of country music: scheduled enter· tamers include Roy Clark, Mickey Gilley. Larry Gat- lin and Lacy J. Dallon. (3 hrs.) 3:300 FREE--4--ALL (!) SALLY STRUTHERS' WORLD OF LOVE Sally Strulhers hOSts this fund-ra1s1ng program for the Christian Children's Fund ( 1 hr ) m DODGER DUGOUT MOVIE "Breakthrough" ( 1979, Drama) Richard Bunon. Rod Steiger. ( t hr., 35 min ) 3:-45 1 DODGER PRE-GAME •:OO (I) TRAVERS STAKES COllerage ol the 1· 114 mile race f0< three-year-old thoroughbreds. from the Saratoga Race Track. Saratoga Springs. NY (1 hr.) 0 NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Los Angeles Raiders at Detroit Lions (3 hrs.) U SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Louisiana vs Rocky Mountain ( 1 hr ) OHEE HAW [§)THE ROCKFORD ALES m BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Pittsburgh Pirates (3 hrs.) @STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars in this sev- en-par! drarna of hie in Dublin from 1907 to 1914 (Part 5) (1 hr) ~ NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "Polar Bear Alert" The great white polar bear and a Mani- toba town's ettorts to co-exlsl with them are the sub1ec1s ol a documentary hosted by E G Marshall and narrated by Jason Robards c;i ( 1 hr ) ~ SPORTSCENTER THE WAY fT WAS PETER ALLEN AND THE ROCKETTES The Aockettes 1otn singer Peter Allen on stage at Radio City Music Hall in this musical special ( 1 hr.. 6 m1nJ_ •:30 (!) BASEBALL New York Mets at Atlanta l!r_aves (2 hrs . 30 min.) CO) SUPERBOWL BASKETBALL Members ol the Oakland Raiders rival members of the Denver Bron- cos In a tournament for the benefit of the U.S Olym· pie Training learn. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) •:35 (I) LITTLE RED AIDING HOOD 5:00 9 C8S NEWS e KUNGFU • WIDE WORLD Of SPORT'S Scheduled. cover age of the U.S. Platform D111mg Champt0nshlps lorn Pittsburgh, Pa.) ( 1 hr . 30 min.) M•A•s •H GRfZZL Y ADAMS NEWS SOLIOGOLD MOVIE "Max Havetaar" Peter Faber. Rutger Hauer. ! LAWRENCE WELK SHARING THE WIND Cetamaran racing Is spol- 1 ghted In this episode that depicts the thrills and beauty that many find. ~MOVIE "Shipwreck" ( 1978. Adventure) Robert LQgan, Mikki Jamison-Olson CE) BEST OF NOmE DAME FOOTBALL "Clemson -'77" (R) (1 hr) MOVIE "The Other Side Of The Mountain --Part II" ( 1978. Orama) Marllyn Hassett, Timothy Bot- toms ( t hr . 40 min ) ([) MOVIE "J.D. And The Salt Flat Kid" ( 1978, Comedy) Slim Pickens. CJ THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "Wind From The South" Donald Woods and Julie Harris star In a dramatic tele of unrequited love centered around several American couples In a small Irish Inn Uhr l CZ) MOVIE "Down Argentine Way" ( t 9.CO, Musk:al) Bel!l_ Grable. Don Arneche. ( 1 hr • 30 min.) 5:05 <J.l) MOVIE "Requiem Fcx A Heavyweight" ( 1962. Orama) Anthony Ou nn, Jackie Gleason. 5:S0 9NEWS Cl) WELCOME BACK. KO~ • 0 WIDE WORLD Of SPORTS SC~Ulod: COiier- . ' . . . .-~ . .. . -. . ............. ... ... . ..-"" ·--··· ____ ...... ..!.. ••••••••••••••••• saiiiroay-(coiliiriuOOJ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · -· , -, _, L-a-u'Qnlin~i'eiofef taytO'f "An-ei'-Greeii ~eiei • ti81f:_ :...u breed chipnp1ons the cause of a freedom school tor -o age ol the U S. Plallorm Diving Championships (from Pillsburgh. Pa ) . ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ~SQUARE FOOT GARDENING CS) MOVIE "Raggedy Man" ( 1981, Orama) Sissy Spacek, Eric Roberts. ( 1 hr .. 35 min ) 6:00 8 CJ) NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Dallas Cowboys at San Diego Chargers (3 hrs.) U KUNG FU G FM·TV ti) MOVIE "4 For Texas" ( 1963. Western) Frank Sinatra, Ursula Andress. A shady banker comes up with a nasty way to settle the differences belween a pair of feuding cowboys. (2 hrs.) mNBC NEWS 8:) WOODWRIGHrs SHOP "While Oak Splits" . Roy Underhill spli ts and weaves chair botroms. (R) CE) CFL FOOTBA~L Hamilton Tiger Cats at Saskatchewan Roughrlders (3 hrs.) ©)THE NAKED CIVIL SERVANT In the 1940s a British man refused to apologize tor or even com- promise his homosexuality. choosing instead to make II obvious and flamboyant. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) g MOVIE "Clash QI The Titans" (1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin. Laurence Olivier Mythic hero Perseus is helped by his lather Zeus in a series of dangerous 1asks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenician princess against the wishes of a vengeful sea god- dess. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) 6:25. PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramm~ may be delayed due to pledge breaks 6:30 8 tlD NEWS • CAGNEY: THAT YANKEE OOOOLE DANDY Film chps from his major films (Including "Rag- time") highhght a look at the life ol James Cagney: extensive interviews with the actor. his colleagues and co-stars are featured. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) '1i) MOTORWEEK 7:00 D NEWS 8 BASEBALL Detroit Tigers at California Angels Qhrs.) U WHERE WERE YOU? I MUSIC WORLD PEOPLE'S COURT LAWRENCE WELK THEMUPPETS PLEOOE BREAK Regularly scheduled program- r ,... ~ --=---·--?' r - ( ( ( 3565 East Coast Highway Corona del Mar. CA 92625 (714) 675-1850 GOVERNMENT SPECIAL -Senator Bill Greene of the 29th District will be among the elected officials who will take pa.rt in "Government on the Line" on KllJ-TV (Ch. 9) Saturday at 8 p.m. ming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. ~MOVIE "Flash Gordon" ( 1980. Science-Fiction) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. A 1no of earthlings travel to the planet Mongo and help Its oppressed Inhabitants In the overthrow of the evil Emperor Ming. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) Qi) MOVIE "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Facto- ry" ( 1971, Fantasy) Gene Wilder. Jack Albertson A world famous confectioner otters a lifetime supply of candy to the live '!Nlnners of a treasure hunt. ( 1 hr .. 30 mm.) CO MOVIE "Billy Jack" (1971, Drama) Tom ~-- ~-- :~ -----~ Mens & womens STORE WIDE CLEARANCE ;... ··,.,;,_ ,,, .. , ri..~J'-"' ( I I Starts Sunday, Aug. 15th ' ""'• --. FACIUTIES INCi.UDE: runaways on an Arizona Indian reservation. (2 hrs.) g: CZ) MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" (1981. Adven-- ture) Richard Harris. Bo Derek A young woman ~ searches for her missing father in the African jungle 1 where she encounters an unclvlllzed white man and c8 an orangutan 'R' ( 1 hr , 52 min.) 7:05 @NEWS 7: 15 8:) THE ALL-TIME AMERICAN SONGBOOK Host Dinah Shore is joined by Judy Collins, Sergio Franchi, Melba Moore and many others for a musi- ,, .... a: ID ':< cal tribute to America's favorite popular classics , > from Tin Pan Alley to Hollywood. (3.hrs .. 15 mm.) c§ 7:30 D PEOPLE'S COURT c (!)NEWARK ANO REALITY ~ ®) EYE ON SAN DIEGO Featured: a shop jn Ran-N cho Bernardo specializing In original letters, docu-!=' ments and manuscripts of famous people; women's fashions discount stores: a look at the annual Mus- ..... "' CJ) cular Dystrophy Association's summer camp for chlldren In Cuyamaca. fl) WEEKEND MAGAZINE Featured: the most pop- ular radio stations In San Diego: a look a1 Zaxxon. the newest video game; hand gliding off Torrey Pines; making your own pasta; a visit to Sunny Jim's Cave in La Jolla ©) MOVIE "Heart beeps" (1981. Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. In a world of the near future. two commercial robots experience the vicis- situdes of first love. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) CS) JANE FONDA'S CELEBRITY FASHION SHOW Jane Fonda and David Steinberg search for a designer's dream in an all-star special featuring high lash1on, celebrity guests and madcap adventure. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 8:008 GD MOVIE "Flash Gordon· The Grea1es1 Adventure Of All" (Premiere. Adventure) Animat- ed. Flash Gordon must convince the warring lac- hons of Mongo to work together to overthrow Ming the Merciless and stop his conquest of Earth. (2 hrs.) 8 ®) LOVE BOAT Julle gets married to an Austra- lian doctor, a professor captures a reputed missing link. and a schoolteacher vies for the attention of a wealthy man. (R) O (2 hrs.) D FOURTH ANNUAL "GOVERNMENT ON THE LINE'' Featured: local. state and national elected offlclals who will answer questions from Southern Callfornla residents. (3 hrs.) (!) PAUL HOGAN • MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Orson Welles, Paul Sor- A ONE TIME SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP OFFER FOR THE YEAR 1982 FULl J.~ ~SHIP 1a .. vi.rty tt200) DUI TO TMI OUTJTANIMNO llSPONSf 1 wt AH CONTINUING THl5 OfFH THaU THI MOHTH Of AUOUSl. The Newport Beech Tennl9 Club Is the site of euch prm lglous events as the 1977 Devle Cup. the Annual Pacific Southwest Senlore Tournament, the Orange County Adoption Guild Tournament and othere. Members. however, Mldom find themaelves waiting for one of the 19 courta. The Club also bouts a Junior Olymplc-slze pool, lecuul. dining room, and bar. N • 19 T ennls Courts f 13 lighted) Membere frequently talce advantage of the attractive laclutles for prlvllte pertles. wedding receptions. etc. Othet IOCial ectMtlee lnclUde bridge. beckgammon. scrabble. -.rOblca. and our new eemlner 00 "Body Sucoeee" lt\tlructed by Phil Jol'lneon. For yOAX conwnience, try our f\eW "MATCH MATE" beN machines. , ·g. 15;~ !_~U Sat. Aug.~ ours: 10:<>_0 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. · ~- -, aturday Aug. 14th to Prepare MaJOr credit cards Accepted . . . / . ./ • JI OlymplC Slie POOi • Oln.ng Room • Bef • Bllctlgammon •nd CAfd~ • New Match Male Ball MacNnH • Jeculli • vio.o Equlpmetlt •~/Pro Shop • "-oblc cia..t • Summer JurD T ent1ll CloniG• • &Ody Sucoeta $emltlat A llmlted number of Regular. C0rl>Of•te. Swtm, Aeeociete. and Junlot Executive Memberehlpe ere now evallebla. plut our new "ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP " and "JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP" (12·18 yra.) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT OUR SALES DIRECTOR FAOM 10:0<MS:OO TVES.-SUN. CALL 844-0060 .. --..__--···~.._ .......... -.... ,...,.. .................... . a---------._....~Ni-...... ~.__.,..._ ....... _... ______ .._ ........ ________________________________ "_ ~Saturday (continued) a> 0 N gi ...J > t---..Q a: vino. Harry Benson. Kenny Rankin ( 1 hr ) I!) MOVIE '"Gypsy" ( 1963. Musical) Rosalind Aus· sell Natalie Wood A stage mother promotes her two daughters. one of whom becomes a renowned st11pper (3 hrs) ® MOVIE "Max Havelaar'" Peter Faber. Rutger Hauer A man toes to fight the system of colon1a!- 1sm. racism and corruption ol the Dutch East Indies (3 hrs ) Ell) STEAMBATH Bill Bixby. Valene Pemne. Jose Perez Bruce Jay F11edman's bizarre comeoy about hie after death ( t hr . 45 min ) 0 MOVIE '"Sitting Ducl<s" ( 1980, Comedy) lack Norman. Michael Emil (2 hrs.) 8:05@ MOVIE "The Conversation" (1974, Drama) Gene Hackman. John Cazale A professional wire- tapper begins to question the ethics ol his profes- sion (2 hrs . 25 min) 8:30 (!) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 9:001J WALT DISNEY "Fire On Kelly Mountain" A young forest ranger singlo-~1andedly lights to con ta1n the outbreak of a ma1or forest lire. ( 1 hr ) Cl) M•A•S•H (!) WRESTLING m PAUL MCCARTNEY AND WINGS '"Back To The Egg" This musical special features Paul McCartney and Wings perlorrrnng some of the music most loved ~ their fans ( 1 hr ) CC) RICHARD PAYOR IN CONCERT The well-known comedian shoots pointed barbs at almost every 1nst11u11on 1mag1nable 1n this uncensored. no-holds- barred concert performance ( 1 hr . 20 min ) SPORT SC ENTER MOVIE "Under The Aa1nb0w" ( 198 1. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Came FLSher The 150 midgets who are 1n town for the filming of "The Wizard 0 1 Oz.·· turn a California hotel upside-down 'PG' ( 1 hr . 38 min) . ClJ MOVIE '"Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981. Fantasy) Harry Hamhn. Laurence Olivier Mylhic hero Perseus Is helped by his father Zeus 1n a series of dangerous tasks as he tnes to win the hand ol a Phoentcian princess against the wishes of a vengeful sea god· dess 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) CO) MOVIE '"Deadly Blessing'" ( 1981, Horror) Ernest Borgnine. Lois Nettleton. A young women who marries into a strlcl religious secl discovers she is trapped 1n a living nighlmare. 'R' (2 hrs,) CS) MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( 1981. Adven· lure) Richard Harns. Bo Derek A young woman searches for her missing father rn the African jungle where she encounters an uncivilized white man and an orangutan 'A' ( 1 hr .. 52 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" ( 1981, Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. In a world of the near future. two commercial robols e1<perlence the v1c1s- S1tudes ol first love 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 mm ) 9:30(1) M"A.S"H CE) TENNIS "Players Challenge" Coverage of the women's semifinals from Jarry Parl<. Montreal. Que (R) (2 hrs.) 9.45 fi) PAPER CHASE '"Sorcerer's Apprentice'" A Supreme Court Justice is put on the spot because of his record of never having hired a female law clerk in his 30 years on the bench ( 1 hr.) 10:00 8 2 ON THE TOWN SPECIAL De NBC REPORTS "Whatever Happened To El Salvador?" Richard Valerian! and Bonnie Anderson report on the palitlcal and economic climate rn El Salvador since the March elections and look at what lhe future ho4ds for the nation. ( 1 hr ) I t.N~ASY ISlANO Tattoo goes lnlo the matchmaking business and arranges lor two women to marry Mr. Roarke, and a nlghtclub comedian meets the family he Invented for his act. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) (I) MUSIC MAKERS IN CONCERT "Rita Coolidge" {J hr.) Cl) MO\llE "Fright'' ( t972, Suspense) Susan George, Honor Blackman. A baby sitter and her charge are threatened by the child's Insane father (2 hrs.) D MOVIE "Victory" (1981. Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Mtehael Caine. During World War II. Allied POWs see their ticket to freedom In a match between their soccer team and the German Natt0nal Team in Paris 'PG' ( t hr., 57 min ) 10:30. INSIGHT dll MOVIE "The Inspector General" ( 1949, Musi· cal) Danny Kaye. Elsa Lanchest01. During the 1800s Jn France. a town fool does a convincing masquerade as an Inspector General (2 hrs . 10 min.) G THE KINGSTON TRIO ANO FRIENDS: REUNION The orlglnal Kingston Trio are l<>lned by Tommy Smo1herl. Mary Travers. Lindsey Bucking· ham and oorrent TriO memt>ert when ther perform together for the flr1t time In 20 ynrs. 1 hr .• 30 min.) ce>t«ME "N~ttNre" (HorrOJ) Chuck Connors. • • ~Aaf(JA.. Len co'llge QirlLM• ··••ect to•-..., TRAINING SALVADORANS -NBC News Correspondent Bonnie Anderson chats with an American instruct.or pilot in El Salvador who is traming Salvadoran pilots on "NBC R eport: Wha t Ever H appened to El Salvador?" on KNBC (Ch. 4) Saturday at 10 p.m. 1tv1ng hell under the reign of a psychotic ( 1 hr . 40 min) (Z) MOVIE '"Laura" ( 1980) Maud Adams. James Mitchell A sculptor becomes obsessed with !he d~ughter of one ol his former lovers. 'A' ( 1 hr . 30 min) 10:45 Ell) ODYSSEY "Ongka's Big Moka" In !he New Guinea highlands, a Kawelka "big man" organiLes a lavlsh ceremonial presentation 1n order to es1ablish political alliances with other tribes arid advance his own career (R) O ( 1 hr.) 11:00 tJ DU Cl) (II) GD NEWS I ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK MOVIE "Legacy 0 1 Blood'" ( 197 1, Horror) John Carradine. Faith Oomergue Four heirs ro a m1Uion- aire· s fortune rravet to his estare lor a reading of the will and stay over for a night filled with terror (2 hrs) • m MOVIE '"Topkapi" ( 19fft. Suspense) Meltna Mercou11. Maximilian Schell A valuable jewel-studd· ed sword 1s stolen from a Tur1<1sh museum (2 hrs ) G) MOVIE '"Love With The Proper Stranger' (1964. Romance) Natalie Wood, Steve McOueen A young couple lall ln love and are married alter the girl becomes pregnant on thetr first date. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) 9 MOVIE "Max Havelaar'' Paler Faber, Rutger Hauer A man tries to fight the system of colonial· ism. racism and corruption .:>f the Dutch East Indies ~hrs.) CH) JOHNNY CASH'S AMERICA The country music star performs a salute to American histOfy and tradi- tions with guests June Carter Cash. Steve Good· man, John Prine and Rodney Crowell from Kennedy Center 1n Washington. D.C. (l hr . 15 min.) CO SIZZLE Anything and everything goes on Ladies' Nlghl Out a1 Los Angeles' wlld and sexy ~. htclub. Osko's, ROCK ON TV BIZARRE "Sam's Slow Food" 11:30,THE ROCKFORD FILES D SA TUROAY NIGHT LIVE Host: Olivia New- ;~~nA ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "One Mor~ Train To Rob" ( 1971, West· ern) George Peppard. John Vernon. A released prisoner saves a gold fOftune. then shoots the man who double-crossed him ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) (II MOVIE "The Don Is Dead" ( 19'3, Drama) Anthony Quinn. Frederic Fooest. Wheo a Mafia chieftain dies. a massive and tar-<eaehlng power struggle erupts among opposing syndicate families i ng IOf control. (2 hra .• 15 min.) I SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Expectations" ( 1980. Drama) Suzeue Holland, Desiree West A loose woman and a ~mpered society glfl trade llteetyles ( 1 hr .. 5 min.) (.IJ MOVIE "Searcl'I And Destroy" (1981. Adven- ture) Ptrry·Klng. Don Stroud. A former South Viet· namete ottlcl•r Mef<s revenge against the lour Am«tclnt Who abandoned him In an ambUah dUt· Ing the Wlr. 'PG' (1 hf .. 36 min.) 11:45. MOVIE "The Inn Of The $1JCth Happiness" ( 1958, Drama) Ingrid Bergman, Curt Jurgens A zealous missionary leads 100 children to safety dui· iny the Japanese invasion ot China (2 hrs.) 11:55(L) MASSAGE: THE TOUCH OF LOVE The sreps involved 1n g1v1ng and rece1v1ng a massage are portrayed as couples demonstra te how to relax each area ot the body 12:00 0 BLUE JEAN NETWORK (!) MOVIE The Omegans'" ( 1968 Suspense) Ke11h L ar~rt, Ingrid Pitt In the Malayan 1ungle a celet.>rated ar tist plots revenge against his wale and ner lover (2 hrs ) 0 MOVIE '"Smokey Bites The Dust" ( 1981 Come- dy) Jimmy McN1chol, Janel Julian A high school delinquent gets the whole town on his trail when he makes oil with the homecorrnng queen and heads ac1oss the state rn a se11ei. ol stolen automobiles 'PG' ( 1 hr . 30 min ) fZl MOVIE "The Endless Summer" ( 1966. Adven lure) Mike Hynson. Robert August Two young Cah lor111a surfers travel around the world 1n search of the Rerfect wave ( I hr , 35 min ) 12: 15 (¢) MOVIE "Jury Of One" ( 1974. Drama) Sophia Loren. Jean Gabm A molher uses under world connettrons 10 get her son acqu11 1ed of rape and murder charges 'A' ( t hr .. 37 min.) (H) MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( 1981. Adven lure) Richard Harris. Bo Derek A young woma11 searches tor her m1ss1ng lather in the African 1ungle where she encounters an unc1v1hzed white man and an orangutan 'A' ( 1 hr • 52 min ) 12:3011 MOVIE "The Don Is Dead · (1973 Drama) Anthony Quinn. Frede11c Forrest When a Malia ch1elta1n dies. a massive and 1ar·reach1ny pcwer struggle erupts among opposing syndicate families vy!ng for control (2 hrs ) {£.) CFL FOOTBALL Hamilton Tiger Gals at Saskatchewan Roughraders (R) MOVIE '"Tropic 0 1 Cancer" ( t hr . 30 min ) 12.-40@ MOVIE "Desert Sands" ( 1955, Adventure) Ralph Meeker, Maria English A brother and sister seek vengeance on the French Foreign Legion. whom they beheve murdered thelf lather only to lat· er learn that the actual killer was a member of their own family ( 1 hr . 50 min ) 1.00 0 ROCK CONCERT m MOVIE '"The Bad Seed" ( 1956. Drama) Nancy Kelly. Patty McCormack A series of incidents forces a mother to realize lhat her 6·year·old daugh- ter 1s a cold·blooded murderess (2 hrs . 45 min ) fl) EVENING AT THE IMPROV CO) MOVIE "Chorus Call" ( 1979, Musical) ·x· ( t hr . 15 min ) t:05(_S) MOVIE "ElvlS" ( 1979. Biography) Kurt Rus- sell. Season Hubley. Elvis Presley rises from poverty and obscurity to achieve fame and lortune as a superstar musical perlormer (2 hrs . 25 min.) 1:15g) SOLID GOLD 1:30 0 MOVIE "Raffles'" ( 1940, Comedy) Olivia de Hav1fland. David Niven. An amateur thief makes sport of Scotland Yard and falls in love with one ot his victims' nieces ( 1 hr • 30 min ) 0 MOVIE "Clash 0 1 The Titans" ( 198 t, Fantasy) Harry Hamlln. Laurence Olivier Mythic hero Perseus is helped by his lather Zevs In a series of dangerous tasks as he rries to win the hand of a Phoen1etan princess against the wishes ot a vengeful sea god· dess 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) 1:450 ABC NEWS (%)MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" (1981. Adven- ture) Richard Hams, Bo Derek A young woman searches for her missing la1her in the African jungle where she encounters an uncivilized white man and an orangutan. 'R' ( 1 hr . 52 min.) 2:00GD NEWS CC) MOVIE "M" (1930. Suspense) Peter Lorre Ellen Widmann. Police paralyze the underworld as they search Dusseldorf for a psychotic child murder· er. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (I) MOVIE "Biiiy Jack" ( 1971. Drama) Tom Laughlin, Delores Taylor. An ex·Green Beret hall· breed champions the cause ol a freedom school for runawar on an Arizona Indian reservation. ( 1 hr , 60mln. 2:06 Cl) NEWS 2:10(11) MOVIE "Breakthrough" (1979, Orama) Richard Burton. Aod Steiger A Nazi serageant becomes embroiled In a plot to assassJnate Hitler 'PG· ( 1 hr., GS min.) 2:15.NEWS 2:308DNEWS Cl) NEW AGE: A FOCUS ON THE OLDER AMER~ CAN t1l) AGRtCUL TURE U.S.A. CO) MOVIE "Deadly Blessing" ( t hr .• ~ min.) 2:45. MOVIE "Terrified" (1964, Suspense) Rod Lauren. $teve Drexel. The owner of a popular night spot becomos abnormally Interested In the welfare of u~rotect9d young girts. (2 hrs.) 3:00 9 MOVIE "Show Bualnts.t" ( HM4, Comedy) Fddlo Cantor. Joan Devis. A \18flefY of perlooners kMpa audiences entertained during the Vaudevllle era (1 hr .. SO min.) 9 MOVIE "AdVtntur• Of Jane'' (1950, Adven-· ...JUro) "~Mt! ~'Sbu..A..catW>Orl Saturday (continued) character becomes enmeshed 1n a smuggling plot ( I hr . 15 min ) Cf) STRAIGHT TALK @ NEWS Sunday BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC - '77'' (R) ( 1 hr ) 3:30 0 MOVIE "Della Fox" ( 1978 Adventure) Richard lynch. Stua11 Whitman A professional smuggler meets his match 1n a beau11ful woman who Haps him with a million dollars 1n hot money ( 1 hr . 32 min) 3:35 MOVIE "Seniors" (Comedy) Dennis Oua1d, Gary lmholf En1erpr1sing college s1udents turn their fra1ern11y house into a bordello 'A' ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 3:45 CD MOVIE 'Wind Across The Everglades" ( 1958. Drama) Burl Ives, Christopher Plummer A man l1gh1s 10 save lhe na1ural beauty or early 20th- ce111ury F'lo11da (2 hrs ) (C) RICHARD PAYOR IN CONCERT The well-known corneo1an shoo1s po1n1ed barbs al almost every 1nst11u11on 1mag1nable 1n this uncensored. no-holds- barred concert performance ( 1 hr . 20 nun ) (H) MOVIE "The Spiral S1cflrcase" ( 1977 Suspense) Jacque11ne B1sse1, Chris1opher Plummer A beaut1lul deaf-mute is terrorized by a mysterious lo.1ller who lurks 1n the shadows surrounding an ele- ~nl mansion ( 1 hr , 40 min ) CZ) MOVIE "Laura" ( 1980) Maud Adams, James M11chell A sculptor becomes obsessed with the daughter of one of his former lovers 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 m1nJ 4:00(!) DR. PAUL YONGGI CHO CE) SPORTSCENTER 4:05@ BETWEEN THE LINES 4:15 0 MOVIE "A Touch 01 The Sun" (1958, Dra· ma) Frankie Howard Aller a lowly hotel porter inherits a fortune. he manages to get himself fired only to discover that he owns the hotel. 4:30 CJ) VIEWPOINT C>N NUTRITION 4:35@1T IS WRITTEN 4:50 f) LAST OF THE WILD M~A"'S"'H wants more blood HOLLYWOOD (AP) -A lot of blood has been shed on the h ospital set of the h it CBS 8eries "M-A-S-H" a t 20th Century-Fox S tudios, and now they're asking for even more. The studio, in conjunction with the American Red Cross, is staging a blood drive on Saturday, Aug. 29. Persons donating a pint of blood will be allowed to visit the set which is normally cloeed to visitors. Donors m ust be over 17 years and weigh more than 110 pounds. ~Mary Crosby, who describes heraelf as shy as tier father, Bing, recalls the time she almost did a movie nude acene. It was for "The Glory Road," directed by Marjoe Cortner. U she wouldn't do the nude scene she wouldn't get the pa.rt. Miss Crosby, the woman who shot J.R. Ewing in "Dallas," agreed with aome misgivings. "I'm still Daddy's little girl in many ways," she said. "So I started the film just dreading the moment when I'd have to take my clothes off." ACUPUllCTURE 0111-IWA Clll, C.A. A~ OI' "ACUl'UMCTUM A SCiaHC•" Former Chairman, temlnar of ChlneM Acupu~tre Foundation PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE, GRADUATE: CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA, 13th Edition 545-2438 Mon.•w.d.~11 ............. c.... 2111a. ......... ........... 8ANTAAMA 532.5040· ,.....Tllur,-let. ............. c.... -Lic.-..A"' .... CMW FICE..uFTS 1•1•11 1 ,. COllTICl ..... --- \ I< >IC\ I :\( ; 5:00 (!) NINE~N NEW JERSEY CC) MOVIE "'Shipwreck" ( 1978, Adventure) Robert Lggan. M1kk1 Jamison-Olson (£) TENNIS Coverage of the Canadian Open Wom- en's Player's Challenge semifinals (R) (2 hrs.) 0 MOVIE "Silting Ducks" ( 1980. Adventure) Michael Emil, Zach Norman (2 hrs ) 5:05@ JAMES ROBISON CS) PETER ALLEN ANO THE ROCKETTES The Rockelles 1oin singer Peter Allen on stage at Radio C11y Music Hall 1n this musical special ( t hr., 8 min J_ 5: 15 (fD JOHNNY CASH'S AMERICA The country music star performs a salute 10 American h1s1ory and traditions with guests June Ca11er Cash. Steve Goodman, John Prine and Rodney Crowell lrom Kennedy Center 1n Washington. D.C. ( 1 hr . 15 min.) (%)MOVIE "Down .Argentine Way" ( 1940. Musical) Beti Grable. Don Ameche. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 5:30 DAY OF DISCOVERY 5:35 CARTOONS 5:45 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6:00 D SERENDIPITY I MUSIC ANO THE SPOKEN WOAD SUNDAY MORNING YOUTH AND THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM 6:05@LOST IN SPACE 6: 15(1) JANE FONDA'S CELEBRITY FASHION SHOW An all-star special featuring high fashion. stylish superstars and madcap adventure ( 1 hr . 30 m1n.1 6:30 tJ FOR OUR TIMES "Living With Death: Break· 1ng Taboos" Douglas Edwards looks at People Care. an organization that helps find the best possi· ble care lor the terminally Ill (Part 1) THAT'S CAT ROBERT SCHULLER DAYBREAK L.A. SLIM CUISINE POINT OF VIEW CALIFORNIA PEOPLE AGRICULTURE U.S.A. MOVIE "Something Short 01 Paradise" ( 1979, Romance) Susan Sarandon, David Stelnberg. (1 hr .. 27 min) 7:00 8 TODA Y'S RELIGION WHITNEY ANO THE ROBOT LITTLE RASCALS IT IS WRITTEN KENNETH COPELAND • SUNDAY MASS DAY OF DlSCOVEAY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MOVIE "The Way We Were'' ( 1973. Romance) Barbra Streisand. Robert Redford. (!) SPORTSCENTER 0 MOVIE "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955. Drama) NEW JAPANESE RESTAURAN TRY OUR DAILY SPECIA L Enjoy Teriyald • Tempura Shut hi bar prepared by our famoot Japanffe Chef • Beer • Wine • Said @ JAPANESE ~g i sA RESTAURANT NOW OPEN FOB LUNCH Mon. ttwu Frt. 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner from I p.m. Sun."°"' 4 p.m. Cleeed-...11dey ~====~ -···--·· ... -··--··· .. ············-·--· .. ~' .... INDIAN LORE -Will Sampson stars as a tribal chief, Painted Bear, and Rose Portillo plays his daughter, Star Fire, V> "Redstone's Son," on KNBC (Ch. 4) Suncfay at 7 p.m. Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (%)MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" (198t, Adven- ture) Richard Harris, Bo Derek ( 1 hr .. 52 min) 7:05 (1Z) LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:30 8 LIFETIMES D THIS IS THE LIFE fJ CAMPUS PROFILE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTRI- TION "Exercise" Guests: Dr Jon Franks, sports medicine specialist; John Smith, track star; Henry Schaeller. expert In the field of .p~ssive exercise. (I) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING Cf) THAT'S THE SPIRIT ®) DIRECTIONS "Samuel Ruiz Garcia: Mexico's Bishop To The Indians" Bishop Samuel Ruiz Gar- cia's ellorts to help the poor people ol Mexico are examined (A) • JIMMY SWAGGART I FELIX THE CAT MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WOAlO TOMORROW 7:35Ql) MOVIE "Duel In The $un" ( 1947, Western) Jenniler Jones, Gregory Peck. 8:00 8 SUNDAY MORNING D ODYSSEY Guests· Rabbi Ben-Tzion Kravitz. director. Chabad Counteraction Program at the Chabad Lubavitch of the West Coast. Los Angeles. Pastor James Tolle, Church on the Way. Van Nuys. I POPEYE ANO FRIENDS DIMENSIONS LET THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OOIL VIE MUSIC WORLD NEWPORT DATSUN W11ts To 11 Your #1 D1ta11 h 1l1r 11 Or11111 C111fr! S11 Is T1tl1J ... We In 111 ...... Fallfaltio 131111 Snt111! t B · ~ 0 --i < ,- c8 ,, ~ a: Q) -:c )> c co c !!l I\) ~ ..... <O O> I\) 14 ~ SuOOay (continued) 0> OJ) JERRY FALWELL '"': ll) CARTOONS ~ &l) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) G) REX HUMBARD ~ CEJ BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "Clemson a -'77" (R) (1 hr) ~ P. T. BARNUM ANO HIS HUMAN ODDITIES Richard Kiley hosts this documentary tracing the career of the "Greatest Showman On Earth " ( 1 hr) CS) MOVIE "Darby O'G1ll And The Ltltle People' ( 1959. Fantasy) Albert Sharpe. Sean Connery ( t g> hr . 35 min ) -' 8:30 Q NEWS CONFERENCE U TODA Y'S BLACK WOMAN Cl) THE LAHA YES 0 MEETING TIME AT CALVARY (!) REX HUMBARD Q) FREDERICK K. PRICE fl!) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) Q) KNOW YOUR BIBLE 9:00 0 MEET THE PRESS U PEOPLE7 Cl) 0 ORAL ROBERTS (!) ROBERT SCHULLER ®) IT IS WRITIEN fl!) SESAME STREET (R) O CC) MOVIE "The Sp111t 0 1 ST Louis" ( 1957. B1ogra phy) James Stewart. Murray Hamilton ([) SPORTSCHALLENGE ''Super Bowl XII Rematch" World Champion Dallas Cowboys vs Denver Broncos (R) MOVl6 "Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester StaHone Michael Caine ( 1 hr . 57 min.) 0 MOVIE "Hurry Up Or I'll Be 30" ( 1975, Come- ~) John Lelkow1tl, Linda De Coll ( 1 hr . 3 I min l lZJ MOVIE 'The Miracle Of Morgan's Cree1c· ( 1944. Comedy) Bett y Hutlon. Eddie Bracken ( 1 hr . 40 mm) 9:306 Cl) FACE THE NATION Q fl) NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game .. New York Jets al Houston Oilers (3 hrs ) U NEW ZOO REVUE 0 DAY OF DISCOVERY OJ) KENNETH COPELAND Q) THE WORLD TOMORROW ([) AUTO RACING Live coverage of the NASCAR Champion Spark. Plug 400 from Brooklyn, Mich. (3 hrs.) 10:006 NEWSMAKERS Guests. Wilson Ailes and Bill Honig. who 1s Ailes' opponent for State Superin- tendent of lnstructron 8 MOVIE "Summerdog" ( 1977. Drama) James Congdon. Elizabeth Eisenman UNHAPPY PERFORMER -Marilyn Jones as Elma the waitress tries to console Margot Kidder (Cherie) in a scene from "Bus St-0p, '' premiering Sunday on Home &x Office at 9 p.m. Cubs (2 hrs. 15 min) 11:30U OJ) THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BRINKLEY U TERRY COLE-WHITI AKER '1!) WALL STREET WEEK "A Summer Renais- sance?" Guest Joseph C McNay, pres1den1 or Fssex lnveslmenl Management Co. Inc (R) ~ MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Bridges. Beverly D' Angelo ®MOVIE "Scout's Honor" ( 1980. Drama) Gary Coleman. Katherine Helmond ( 1 hr .. 35 min J 0 HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR . \l· .. 1 lJC\< >< >:'\ U BASEBALL BUNCH Japan's Saguaro Sharks are the opponents for the Bunch's llrS1 real game Cl) WONDER WOMAN 12:0011 LOST IN S'PACE 0 HERALD OF TRUTH 0 SEARCH (!)LIFE OF AILEY fl) PAPER CHASE "Sorcerer's Apprenttce" A Q) DODGER DUGOUT Supreme Court Justice ts put on the spot because ED THE LAWMAKERS of his record ol never having hired a female law clerk ~MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING 1n his 30 years on the bench (I hr) CS) MOVIE "Victory" ( t 98 1, Adventure) Sylvester '1l) PORTRAITS IN PASTELS Stallone. Michael Caine ( 1 hr . 57 mtn ) ©) MOVIE "It's My Turn" ( 1980. Romance) Jill 10: 15 Q) DODGER PRE-GAME Clayburgh Michael Douglas 10:30 ta INTERFACE MOVIE "This Is Elvis" ( 1981. Biography) Docu-IJ @) KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests hockey mentary ( 1 hr , 42 mtn ) star Wayne Orelsky actress Jenilee Hamson. Peler MOVIE "Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980, Orama) Mel Btlltngsley (R) ( 1 hr ) vyn DouJllas. Liia Kedrova . (I hr , 30 min ) iJ ROBERT SCHULLER 12·30Q W SPORTSWORLD Scheduled ltve cover- (!) OUTDOOR LIFE Ma11el Hemingway and her age of the Johnny Bumphus I Miguel Monlllla 10- father, Jack. hunl chukar In Idaho round junior welterweight bout from Grear Gorge Q) BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Pittsburgh N. J ( I hr . 30 min ) Pirates (3 hrs) _ IJ DIRECTIONS A portrait ol the Christian people I OPEN MINO who Inhabit 1he Nes Amm1m kibbutz In Israel ts pre· MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING sented (RI THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "Wind 0 MOVIE ''Battles 01 Chief Pontiac" ( 1953 West From The South" Donald Woods and Julte Hams ern) Lex Barker. Lon Chaney star in a dramatic tale of unrequited love centered ®) NEWSMAKERS around several American couples in a small Irish Inn ~ SLIM CUISINE ( 1 hr.) CE) TENNIS Coverage of the Canadian Open Worn 10:35 @THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL en's Player's Challenge finals (Tape Delay) (3 10:~5 CZ) MOVIE "The Fireman's Ball" ( 1968, Come-hrs) dy) Josef Svet. Marie Jezkova ( 1 hr, 15 min) 0 MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981. Adventure) Sylvester 11:00 6 TENNIS "Assoc1a11on 0 1 Tennis Profession-Stallone. Michael Caine ( 1 hr 57 min.) als Champ1onsh1p" Live coverage of lhe men's sin-1:00 6 PGA GOLF :'Warwick Htlls Open" Live cov- gles lrom the Jack Nicklaus Sports Centor Kings erage of the ltnal 1ound from Warwick Hiiis Country Island. Ohio (2 hrs ) Club, G1aM Blanc. Mk:h (2 hrs ) Cl) PRE-GAME SHOW I THE MUNSTERS Cf) BASEBALL New York Mets at Atlanta Braves (2 MOVIE "Ryan's Daughter' ( 1970. Drama) Sar hrs • 30 min ) eh Miies. Robert Mitchum g) MOVIE "When Worlds Collide" ( 1951. Science· 9 PUBLIC PULSE F1cl10n) Barbara Rush. Richard Derr Cl) AOAM-12 ti) MASTERPIECE THEATRE ' Dlsraelt Mary 9 CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW Anne" Dl&raelt, now a member ot Parliament pro-Ill!) MOVIE "Lillian Russell" ( 1940. Musical) Allee poses to the weallhy widow of his friend And pohtl-Faye. Oon Amech cal ally Wyndham Lewis (Par1 2) (A) O ( t hr) 1.308 F·TROOP Ill!) WASHINGTON WEEK IN ReVlEW (R) (I) PGA GOLF (Joined In Progres5) I 1 hr , 30 (fj) WHAT ON EARTH Orson Bean hosts this last· min.) paced. facl-fllle<I science series Cf) MUSIC WORLD t 1:05lll.l BASEBALL New York Meta at Atlanta 'SPECTRUM Braves (3 hrs.. 15 min.) HOOAN'8 HEROES 11: 16 Cl) BASEBALL 811'1 Diego Padrn !".·.~ •. , •. •,• .. .~M·.1~ .•. ·.·.•.•,., •,... ,., .·.·, . ' tli) PRESENTE Ct) MOVIE "Pa1>4Uon" ( 1973, Adventure) Steve McOueen. Dustin Hoffman {Jj) YESTERYEAR ... 1947 Dick Gavell travels back 10 the prosperous post World War II era thal saw the growth ol 1he suburbs. television and the pas senger car ( I hr ) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" ( 198 t Comedy) Andy Kaufman Bernadette Peters ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 2:00 0 fl) LPGA GOLF "World Championship 01 Women's Golf" Taped co"erace ol the tonal round lrom the Shaker Heights Couhtry Club Ohro (I hr) 8 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND U MOVIE ' Now Voyager' ( 1942, Romance} Bette Davis Claude ~a1ns (!)FM-TV OJ) MOVIE "Thoroughly Modern M1111e" ( 1967 Musical) Julie Andrews. Carol Channing m MOVIE "Krng Kong" ( 1933. Adventure) Fa'y Wray. Rober! Armstrong (I) MOVIE "Angel And The Badman· (1947. West ern) John Wayne, Gail Russell @ MOVIE "Max Havelaar" Peter Faber Rutger Hauer fll) INSIDE BUSINESS TODAY "Two Good Ous1- ness Ideas Thar Failed" 1 wo entrepreneur~ with good 1n1e1111ons tell why their bus1nesse!> went broke @ MOVIE 'Improper Channels" ( 1981 Comedy) Alan Arkin Martelle Hartley (S) MOVIE "Any Number Can Play' ( 1949. Ora ma) Clark Gable, Alexis Smith (2 hrs) 2:20 (!!)CABLE NEWS 2:30 0 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND fll) NORMAN ROCKWELL'S WORLD: AN AMERI- CAN DREAM A nosralg1c took rs 1aken al lhe tale artist's hie, work and hometown o1 Stockbrtdge Massachuse11s MOVIE "Some1h1ng Short 01 Paradise' ( 1979 Romance) Susan Sarandon. David S1emberg ( 1 hr . 27 min J O MOVIE "Lost Horizon" ( 1937. f antasy) Ronald Colman. Jane Wya11 (2 hrs I 2:35 (!!) UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUS- TEAU 2~55 fl) PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro gramm1ng may be delayed due lo pledge breaks 3:00 6 2 WITH YOU 0 WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN 8 MOVIE "They Got Me Covered" ( 1943. Come- Qy) Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour (I) BASEBALL BUNCH m GI JIVE The htSIOrtC Roseland Ballroom IS the selling for a musical tribute to lhe entertainers and service organ1za1tons that gave their 11me and talent to boost morale during World War II Hosted by Van Johnson (3 hrs ) fl) OUTDOOR LIFE '1!) MOVIE "Brigadoon" ( 1954, Musical) Gene Ket '.¥.:_ Cyd Charisse UJ MOVIE "Soldier 0 1 Orange" ( 1979. Drama) Edward Fox. Susan Penhal1gon MOVIE ··on Any Sonday" ( 1971) Documenta- ry Steve McOueen. Mert Lawwill ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 3:30 I) MOVIE "The Spy Who Came In From The Cold" ( 1966 Drama) Richard Burton. Claire Bloom . 0 ON CAMPUS Featured the University ot La Verne greets incoming freshmen in a very special way -with Freshman Camp and Dr Armen Sarafian discusses the camp (I) SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE VUKON ti) MEET THE PRESS (!) HORSE RACING WEEKLY 3:35 @ NICE P£'0PLE 4:00 D SUNOA Y Live lrom Frank G Bonelli Park San Dimas ( 1 hr . 30 min ) Cl) ST AR TREK 0 MOVIE "The Devil's Wedding Nigh!'' I 1973. Horror) Mark Damon, Sara Bay (!) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK GJ MOVIE "Topkap1" ( 1964. Suspensel Melina Mercourt. Maxtmlllan Schell ti) MOVIE "Target Zero" ( 1955. Adventure) Rich ard Conte. Peggie Castle. Ui) MOVIE ''Marlowe'· ( 1969, Mystery) James Garner, Gayle Hunnicu11 SPORTSCENTER (}1 MOVIE "Victory" (198 1. Adventure) Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine ( 1 hr . 57 mfn ) ©)MOVIE "The t11shman" (1978. Orama) CJ) LAFF·A· THON 4:05 lll.l WRESTLING 4:30 D III SPORTSBEA T (C) MOVIE "The Splrll Of St Louis" ( t957, Biogra J)hy) James Stewart. Murray Hamllton MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" t 1981. Comedy) Richard Benjamin. Paula Pr9f"ltlss ( 1 hr .. 15 min) 0 THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "A Doti's House" A woman (Julkl Harris) asserts her own Identity allor confronting hat husband's (Chnsto- pher Plummer) lmmoraRty In a teleplay based on • ~~~k lblen. (1 hr .. 30 min.) _J I ) 11 ... . . . . ... .. .. ,. . . .. . : Sunday (continued) I I I 0 GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Willie Mays" Host· Reggie Jackson (!) M *A*S*H (!) STRAIGHT TALK @)NEWS ~ STRUMPET CITY Peter O' l oole stars 1n this sev- en-part drama ol l1le 10 Dublin from 1907 to 1914 (Parl 5) ( l hr ) 0:1> THIS OLD HOUSE The footings for the breeze- way I greenhouse are poured and 1he t10use gets a ~h-lech energy audit (R) O Lt) NASL SOCCER Sea!lle-'Sounders at Portland Timbers (Note· This game will nor be seen w1th111 a 100-mile radius of Portland) (2 hrs.) Cl.) MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( 198 t. Adven lure) Richard Harris, Bo Derek ( 1 hr . 52 min ) 5:05 @ NASHVILLE ALIVE! Guest Billy "Crash .. Craddock ( 1 hr ) 5:15QJ MOVIE "Won Ton Ton. The Dog Who Saved Hollywood" ( 1975, Comedy) Bruce Derr\ Madeline Kahn 5:30 t) CBS NEWS ONBC NEWS U @l ABC NEWS (J) HEAL THBEAT 0:!) MONEYMAKERS L\.L:\'l:\C; 6:00 t) 0 fJ NEWS 0 MOVIE "Sands Of The Kalahari" ( 1965, Adven lure) Stuart Whllman. Stanley Baker Six sur11111ors ol a plane crash 10 a dangerous African deserl f1gh1 for sur11r11al (2 hrs.) (J)CBS NEWS U THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES (!) IT IS WRITTEN @) THE ROCKFORD FILES '8 INCREDIBLE HULK ll) MOVIE "The F1ght1ng Kentuckian" ( 1949. Advenlure) John Wayne. Vera Ralston In the early 1800s. a Kentucky man altempts to prevent a pair of crooks from stealing and still finds time to romance the beautiful daughter ol a French gener<,11. (2 hrs) IS SIZWE BANZI IS DEAD The lives of two men during lhe Apartheid system In South Africa are dramatrzed by John Kani and Winston Ntshona ( 1 hr) fD GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS OF THE WORLD fi) NBC NEWS 0:!) NOVA "The Wizard Who Spat On The Floor'' Barnard Hughes narra1es a film portrait of Thomas Edison featuring unique footage of Edison explain- ing his inventions and Interviews with his !amity, employees and critics (R) o ( 1 hr ) ® P.T. B ARNUM AND HfS HUMAN ODDITIES Richard Kiley hosts this documentary tracing lhe career of the "Greatesl Showman On Earth " ( 1 hr) ©)MOVIE "Manny's Orphans" ( 1980. Drama) Jim Baker. Malachy Mccourt. The boys al an orphan- age risk their charity fund 1n an attempt to help !heir soccer coach pay back a $40.000 debt to the mob. .U hr , 31 min ) CS) MOVIE "Darby O'Gill And The Little People" ( 1959. Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery An old Irish caretaker who is about to lose his 1ob to a younger man caplures the king of the leprechauns and forces him to grant three wishes 'G' ( 1 hr 35 min) 0 MOVIE "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Facto- ry" (1971, Fantasy) Gene Wilder Jack Albertson. A world famous confectioner offers a llletime supply of candy to the five winners of a treaS\lre hunt ( 1 hr . 35 min) 6:05@ WEEK IN REVIEW 6:30 0 FIGHT BACK U INSIGHT Cl) fi) NEWS (!)THE WORLD TOMORROW 6: 55 fli) PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- qramming may be delayed due to pledge breaks ulVORCE MEDIATION A NON-COMBATIVE PROCESS COUNSELOR-ATTORNEY TEAM REASONABLE COST FOR FURTHER INFO CALL 752· 1084 Robert Q...._, Attomer ........ , .• cc I ' - ----i -· ................... . MEETING IN CHINA -Mason Adams and June Lockhart star in the dramatic special, ''Peking Encounter," which airs Sunday at 9 p.m. on K TLA (Ch . 5). The one-hour play also st.ars Diana Canova. 7:00 I) Cl) 60 MINUTES 0 fi) BOAN TO THE WIND Painted Bear prepares his warriors tor battle with another tribe over the cus1ody of an orphaned baby boy. ( 1 hr ) 0 CODE RED The Rorcheks are plagued by a senes of mysterious threats and acts of vandalism. tR) ( 1 hr) U PAUL HOGAN (!)JIMMY SWAGGART @) PEKING ENCOUNTER Diana Canova. Mason Adams and June Lockhart star 10 this story of a romanlic liaison between an American tou11st and a Chinese musician, ( 1 hr ) '8 ROCK AND ROLL: THE FIRST 25 YEARS "The B1rlh Of Rock And Roll" Host Pat Boone looks at the founding lathers ol rock and the social climate of the ·sos lhat set the stage for the new musical phenomenon. ( 1 hr ) ® CABARET "Margaret Whiting" Margaret per, forms w11h a combo ol six instramentalists the songs "Clear Ou! Of This World". "I Get A Kick Out Of You" and "The Song Is You," (1 hr.) Ii) PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled program· ming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. ~MOVIE "The Way We Were" ( 1973, Romance) Barbra Streisand, Robert Redford. A young college couple 10 the 1930s discover that their political dif- ferences are strong enough to 1eopardize their mar- riage (2 hrs.) CEJ ALL-ST AR SPORTS CHALLENGE New York Yankee World Series Stars vs. '78 California Angels (B) CID MOVIE "Scout's Honor" ( 1980. Orama) Gary Coleman. Katherine Helrnond A lonely Ofphan cons an extremely reluctant. happily single executive into becoming den mother to a pack of Cub Scouts ( 1 hr, 35 min.) {]J MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( 1981. Adven- ture) Richard Harris, Bo Derek. While accompany- ing her lather on a search for the legendary Ele- phant's Graveyard, a young woman is abducted by an uncivilized white man who was rarsed by apes in the 1ungle 'R' ( 1 hr . 52 min ) Cl) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" ( 1981. Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. In a world of the near luture. two commercial robots expertence lhe 111cis- s1tudes of first love. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 7:05@NEWS f1l) THE MARX BROTHERS IN A NUTSHELL Film clips and interviews are leatured in a salute to the W• 'r• Ll•l•nlng. • . What do you llkt' •bout the Daily Pilot! WhAt don·1 you like? Call thl' number below and your mt'fill9ge will bf-rt"rordt'd. lrttnxribed and deliveN'(J U\ the approprllltl' c'<iltor. The same 24-hour onswcring J('rvke IMY be uaed to rf"(.'Ord Jettrl'1 to the editor on any topk:. Mtdlbnir contributon mU3t Include their name 11nd teltphoM numlx>r for verification. No clrculotton calls. p!Hle. Tell UJ wh•t'• on your mind. .a .... ' IS most celebrated comedy team 10 the history of motion pictures -Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo :g and Gummo Marx. (2 hr~ .. 5 min.) ~ 7:15 0:!) SURVIVAL ·:Penguin Summer" David Niven narrates a close-up look at the penguins of the Falk· ~ land Islands oll lhe coasl of South America, locus-1 ing on the active period every winter when the pen· S. gu1ns breed. ( 1 hr ) 7:30 B FOCUS ON BAIT AIN ,., CE) HORSE RACING WEEKLY 5.: 8:00 t) Cl) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE Archie takes '<_a> on lhe system when Mrs. Canby 1s chealed by a slea~ garment operation. (A) )> 0 W CHIPS A band of computer thieves hamper Ji Jon and Pooch's ellorts to apprehend them by foul-c 1~ up the CHP's computer. (R) (1 hr) !1l U ENTERT AfNMENT THIS WEEK N D @) MOVIE "Airport '77" ( 1977, Suspense) 0 Jack Lemmon. Brenda Vaccaro. A jumbo 1et loaded <O with art treasures on its way to a Florida art museum oo crashes and sinks at sea alter a h11ack attempt Q "' (3 hrs) U IT IS WRITTEN (!)MAUDE '8 MOVIE "King Kong" ( 1933. Adventure) Fay Wray. Robert Armstrong. A monstrous ape baltles an army while trying to retain possession ol a worn an captive (2 hrs ) (I) MOVIE "Cougar Country" ( 1971, Adventure) Documentary A cougar named Whiskers grows from cub to mature cat 1n his na1ural habitat (2 hrs) ®STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Tooie stars 10 this sev- en-part drama of hie m Dublin from 1907 to 1914 (Parl 5) ( 1 hr.) (I) SPORTSCENTER @ MOVIE "Zoot Sutt" (1981, Drama) Daniel Val- dez, Edward James Olmos. In 1940s Los Angeles. a cause celebre erupts over the framing of members of a Chicano slreet gang tor murder 'R' ( 1 hr . 43, 1nin ) CS1 MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Fisher The 150 midgets who are 1n town lor the filming of "The Wizard Of Oz," turn a Calilornia hotel upside-down. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 38 min) 0 MOVIE "Sorcerer" ( 1977, Suspense) Roy Scheider. Bruno Cremer. Four desperate men risk their lives while hauling explosive nitroglycerine through South American 1ungles to battle an oil-well fire. 'PG' (2 hrs., 2 min.) 8:05@ JERRY FALWELL 8: 15 0:!) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Disraeli. The Great Game" Queen Victorra mee1s Disraeli and their legendary alliance takes root: Mary Anne courageously bears the burden ol a grave illness (Part 3) (R) O ( 1 hr . 15 min.) 8:301) (I) ON!' DAY AT A TIME A SIX-foot lemale Russian basketball player falls for Schnelder (A) U THE WORLD TOMORROW (!) EVENING AT THE IMPAOV 9:00 8 (I) ALICE Mel, lhmking about having a nose 1ob. drives everyone crazy asking for their advice lR) 0 fi) MAGIC WITH THE ST AAS Some ol the world's foremost mag1c1ans and an array of Holly- woOd stars perform a variety of mystifying illusions, Orson Welles and Jaclyn Smith host. (R) (2 hrs.) 0 PEKING ENCOUNTER Diana Canova, Mason Adams and June Lockhart star in this story ol a romantic l1a1son between an American tourist and a Chinese musician. ( 1 hr.) U DR.CHO @ SIZWE BANZI IS DEAD The lives of two men during the Apartheid system in South Africa are dramatized by John Kani and Winston Ntshona. ( 1 hr . 30m1n.) ~ MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Bridges. Beverly D' Angelo. A small town in Florida takes matters into its own hands when by· passed by a new highway (2 hrs.) CE) TENNIS Coverage of the Canadian Open Wom- en's Player's Challenge lioals (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ® BUS STOP The lives of several travelers change when they are stranded in a small Kansas town Margot Kidder and Tim Matheson star (2 hrs.) (()MOVIE '"Take This Job And Shove It" ( 1981, "' .James L. Zimme rman Certified Pubtlc Accountant Full range of personalized professional services for small businesses & individuals . • IMCC>Mm TAX "->W a ...... AAATION • 8YaTDl8 U.llQM Ii IN8TA&..LATION • 800KKftflMQ a fl'INANCIAL llDOlmNQ . ,,.. lnltfal 645-1940 _...._ ·=·" CoMutt~ .. _ ...... ... -"'-.....,.,.-- ~·· • • I ...... ' ·11 ~ Surxlay (continued) m Comedy) Robert Hays, Barbara Herstiey. A young corporate executive runs into resistance when he returns to his hometown to revitalize a company brewery 'PG' ( t hr , 40 min.) (%)MOVIE ''Tell Me A Riddle .. (1980, Drama) Mel· vyn Douglas, Lila Kedrova. A withdrawn, elderly woman. unaware that she is dying, embarks on a long 1ourney to reacquaint herself with her geo- graphically and emotionally separated family 'PG' ( 1 hr . 30 min,) 0 N 9:05@ OPEN UP 9: 10 Eli) MASTERPIECE THEA TAE "Disraeli The g> Great Game" Queen Victoria meets Disraeli and ..J their legendary alliance takes root. Mary Anne ~ courageously bears the burden ol a grave illness. _ (Part 3) (A) Q ( 1 hr, 5 min,) .£ 9:30 ii Cl) THE JEFFERSON$ Louise is furious when O: she discovers that George is planning 10 build on the site of the only neighborhood playground (R) 0 JACK VAN IMPE (!) MOVIE "The Ma1or And The Minor" ( 1942. Comedy) Ray Milland. Ginger Rogers A young woman poses as • child in order 10 take a train at hall-fare. (2 hrs.) m BROADWAY PLAYS WASHINGTON! KENNE· py CENTER TONIGHT A host ol star's from Broad· way turn the Kennedy Center stage into a celebra· t1on of the American theater; the performers include Debbie Reynolds, Pearl Bailey, Barry Bostwick. Robert Morse and many others. (3 hrs,) 10:006 Cl) TRAPPER JOHN. M.0 . A young man who believes he is from another planet and a seriously ill older woman form a strong bond during their hospt· lal stay. (A) ( 1 hr.) UeNEWS tJ THE WORD FOR TODAY .., NEWS IN REVIEW ©J MOVIE "Which Way ls Up?" ( 1977. Comedy) Richard Pryor. Lonette McKee. A sex-starved fruit picker is caught 1n a comic crossfire between his union and the Mob. and a hypocritical preacher finds heaven in a ladies' choir. 'R' (1 hr .. 34 min.) CS) MOVIE "This Is Elvis" (1981, Biography) Oocu· mentary Film lootage and dramatic re-creations are used 10 tell the story of Elvis Presley's lite and career. ( 1 hr., 42 min.) g MO.VIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" (198t. Adven- ture) Richard Harrls. Bo Derek. While accompany- ing her father on a search for the legendary Ele- phant's Graveyard, a young woman is abducted by an uncivilized white man who was raised by apes in the ~gle. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 52 min.) 10:05 (J1) MOVIE "Rope 01 Sand" ( 1949, Orama) Burt Lancaster. Corinne Calvet. After becoming Involved romantically, a suave thief changes his plans for revenge. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 10: 15 8D A DREAM CALLED PUBLIC TELEVISION The history and growth ol public television over nea:!}' 30 years is chronicled; Orson Welles narrates. 10:30 U LONE RANGER m WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP ., JIMMY SWAGGART ® CABARET "Margaret Whiting" Margaret per- forms with a combo of six instrament~lists the songs "Clear Out Of This World". "I Get A Kick Out Of You" and "The Song Is You:• Cl) MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" (1981, Adven- ture) Richard Harris, Bo Derek A young woman searches lo• her missing father In the African jungle where she encounters an unclvllized white man and an orangutan. 'R' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) 10:45 1 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11;00 D G ()) ®l fl) NEWS I WILD KINGDOM WORLD VISION JERRY FALWELL @STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toote stars in this sev· en-part drama of life in Dublin from 1907 to t914 (part 5) ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "The Octagon" (1980. Adventure) Chuck Norris. Lee Van Cteef A weallhy young wom- an hires a retired martial arts champion to protect her from terrorists trained by the mysterious Ninja cult. 'R' ( 1 hr., 43 min.) 00 MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981. Adventure) Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine. During World War II, Allied POWs see 1helr ticket to freedom In a match between their soccer team and the German National Team In Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 57 mio.) CI) MOVIE "The Hitchhikers" (1972. Comedy) Mis- ty Rowe, Norman Klar. A hippie leader and hls bevy of scanlity clad beauties practice highway robbery. 'R' (_1 hr .. 33 min,) 11: 10. SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Slskel review some fllma that nearly every~ missed the first time around. including "Angers. ' "Gates Of Heaven'' and "The Onion Fleld." (R) 11:15!C88NEW8 11 :30 8POR1'8 ANAl l ~EAS WEBllNO.-oATS ~ UF.£ OIF N.EY MAGICA L VARIETY -Orson Welles (center) will host an array of the world's foremost magicians and some of Hollywood's most glamorous stars in "Magic with the Sta.rs'' Sunday at 9 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). @) MOVIE "Come Blow Your Horn" ( 1963. Ora· ma) Frank Sinatra, Tony Bill. A rel0<med playboy finds his younger brother following In his footsteps (2 hrs,) a>NEWS fl) MOVIE "The Fall Of The House Of Usher" ( 1982, Horror) Martin Landau. Robert Hays. Based on the story by Edgar Allan Poe. A young engineer finds his life in danger when he Is summoned by a childhood friend to help save his crumbling New England house. (R) (2 hrs.) CE) SPORTSCENTER t 1:458 THE ROCKFORD FILES 0 MOVIE "The Fall Of The House Of Usher" ( 1982, Horror) Martin Landau. Robert Hays. Based on the story by Edgar Allan Poe. A young engineer finds his life in danger when he is summoned by a childhood friend to help save his· crumbling New England house. (R) (2 hrs.) D MOVIE "Bachelor Flat" ( 1962, Comedy) Terry· Thomas. Tuesday Weld A professor of archaeology becomes romantically involved with a precocious teen-age girl. (2 hrs.) ©)MOVIE "Dulcima" (1971, Orama) John Miiis, Carol White. A young housekeeper covets the stashed fortune of her miserly employer. a seeming· li'...!_mpoverished old farmer. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 35 min.) (.SJ MOVIE "Friday The 13th, Part II" ( 1981. Hor- ror) Amy Steel. John Furey. The grisly killings con- tinue at a summer camp that had been closed down alter a series of bizarre murders occurred there 'R' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 12:00 8 700 CLUB ()) ST AA TREK (!) MOVIE "The Vagabond King" ( 1956, Musical) Kathryn Grayson, Oreste Kirkop. The poet and adventurer. Francois Villon. leads a revolt in Parts In 14&3. (2 hrs.) I MISSION: IMPOSSIBlE TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED SIZWE BANZI IS DEAD The lives of two men during !he Apartheid system in South Africa are dramatized by John Kant and Winston Ntshona ( 1 hr, 30 min.) g MOVIE "Lost Horizon" ( 1937, Fantasy) Ronald Colman. Jane Wyalt. A kidnapped diplomat discov· ers the Himalayan kingdom of Shangrl·La. a place of eternal peace and Immortality. ( 1 hr., 55 min.) 12: 15 al) MOVIE "Johnny Concho" ( 1956, Orama) Frank Sinatra. Keenan Wynn. A boastful gambler ove<comes his cowardice and becomes a hero In the eyes of the people of a small town. ( t hr .. 45 mlnJ_ 12:30• MOVIE "The Dawn Rider" ( 1.935) John Wayne, Marton Burna. A cowboy &ave5 the da9 when he has a shoot-out with rampaging outlaws. £h~L 80CCER seattle Sounders at Portland a Tlmben (R) (2 tn.) (%)MOYE "On Any Sunday" (1971) Documenta- ry. St9119 Moau.tn. Mtrt t.awwill. The world of motorcycle rtetna Is ...,, ftom varying polnta of view. (1hr .. 30 mln.) 12:45 IJ NAME OF THE GAME 12:50 CC) MOVIE "The Way We Were.. ( 1973, Romance) Barbra Streisand, Robert Redford. A young college couple in the t 930s discover that their poll11cal differences are strong enough 10 1eop a1d1ze their marriage. (2 hrs ) 1:00 ID TEEN SCENE Cffi THE UNEXPURGATED BENNY HILL The wild and wacky British comedian portrays various char· acters. 1nctud1ng a circus ctown and a rrench exchange student. 1n numerous sketcher. ( 1 hr .) ( MOVIE "Escape From New York" (1981, Sci· ence·F1c11on) Kurr Russell, Adrienne Barbeau. In 1997 a hardened cnm1nal 1s offered fl pardon 11 he can rescue the president of the U S from the prison c11y that Manhattan has become 'R' ( 1 h( . 40 rn111 ) 1· 15($) MOVIE "The Children" ( 1980, Horror) Mar tin Shakar. Gil Rogers A strange rad1oaclive cloud turns a group of schnolch1ldren tnlO murderous zom uies w11h black f1ngerna1ls 'R' ( 1 hr , 30 rrnn) 1:30@) ABC NEWS ~ CABARET "Margaret Wh1t1119" Marga1et per lorms with a combo of s1K instr1Jmen1ahsts fhe songs "Clear Oul Of Thi!> World" "t Gel A Kiel-. Out 01 You" and ''The Song Is You " fli)NEWS 1:45 0 AT ONE Guest Susan Anspach (1 hr ) 2:00@ RAT PATROL CID MOVIE "The Enforcer" ( 1976, Orama) Clint Fastwood. Tyne Daty "Dirty Harry'' Callahan is 101ned by a female rookie 1n his pursuit of a group of Calitornia revohilionanes terrorizing San Francisco. 'A' ( 1 hr. 36 min ) 0 MOVIE "Get Out Your Handkerchiefs" ( 1978. Comedy) Gerard Oepard1eu, Patrick Dewaere A young and optimistic husband goes to almost unbelieveable lengths to ensure his wife's happi· ness. 'R' ( 1 hr. 40 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" ( 1981. Comedy) Andy Kaulman, Bernade11e Peters. In a world of the near future. two commercial robots experience the vicis- si1udes of first love. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) 2:05 (f) NEWS 2:158 NEWS 2:308 TODAY'S RELIGION Cf) MOANING STRETCH @IT'S YOUR BUSINESS Cl) MOTORCYCLE RACING (R) 2:45GNEWS OJ MOVIE "Take This Job Ano Shove II" ( 198 t, Comedy) Robert Hays. Barbara Hershey. A young corporate executive runs into resistance when he returns 10 his hometown to revitalize a company brewery 'PG' ( t hr., 40 min.) 2:50 ct:) MOVIE "The Happy Hooker Goes To Wash- ington" ( t977, Comedy) Joey Heatherton, George Hamilton The irrepressible Xaviera Hollander jour- neys to the U.S. capital and uncovers some very sensitive secret documents 'R' ( t hr .. 29 min ) CS) MOVIE "Breaking Glass" ( 1980, Drama) Hazel O'Connor, Phil Daniels. A British punk pop star's hfestyle ultimately leads to tragedy 'PG' ( 1 hr . 3A min.) 3:00 U NEWSMAKERS Cf) JOE FRANl<;LIN Q1)NEWS 3:308 INTERFACE (Z) MOVIE "Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980. Drama) Mel- vyn Douglas. Ula Kedrova. A withdrawn. elderly woman. unaware that she is dying, embarks on a long journey to reacquaint herself with her geo- graphically and emotionally separated tamlly 'PG' (1 hr .. 30 min.) 3:35 ® MOVIE "It's My furn" ( t980, Romance) Jiii Clayburgh, Michael Douglas. A brilliant Chicago math professor realizes the problems 1n her live-In relationship when she finds a new love while in New York for her father's remarriage. 'R' ( 1 hr . 37 min.) 3:450 MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( 1981. Adventure) Richard Harris, Bo Derek. While accom· panylng her lather on a search for the legendary Elephant's Graveyard. a young woman Is abducted by an uncivilized white man who was raised by apes In the jungle. 'R' (1 hr .. 52 min.) 4:00(!) JIMMY SWAGGART ([) SPORTSCENTER .a:06@ FUNTIME 4:30 (!) JIM BAKKER CC) MOVIE "An Enemy 01 The People" ( 1977, Ora· ma) Steve McOueen. Charles Durning. Based on Ibsen's play. The citizens or a small town first applaud then persecute a local physician for declar- lng the local hot 5Pf'lngs unsafe due to pollution. 'G' {1 hr .. 43 min,) Cl) MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" ( 1981, Comedy) Rlchard Benjamin, Paula Prentl&a. A couple discov- er that the house they've Inherited I& being occ~ by vampires, ghosts and assorted monsters. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 4:$5alJ I~ Of JEANNE ll'lletL1----.,.. ~ cun•••br1n """ ....... -. . . . . .. .. -J ] Monday \ l~ >ll~ I~(; \I<)\. I I-:S 5:00<.Z) "The Fireman's Ball" ( 1968, Comedy) Josef Sv.et, Marie Jezkova 5:450 "Gas" ( 1981 . Comedy) Donald Sutherland, Susan Anspach 6:05@ "The Dawn Patrol" ( 1938, Adventure) Errol f'.'"lynn. David Niven 6:30 © "Pinchclitl Grand Prix" ( 1980, Adventure) An11naled. ® "Never Never L,and" ( 1981. Orama) Petula Clark. Cathleen Nesbitt. (?) "The Endless Summer" ( 1966. Adventure) Mike Hynson, Robert August 7:30(S) "Clash Of The Titans" ( 198 t. Fantasy) Har r1._Haml1n, Laurence Olivier. I:') "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory" ( 1971. Fantasy) Gene Wiider . Jack Albertson. 8:00 © "Mahogany" ( 1975. Drama) Diana Ross. Anthony Perkins. ® "Clash 0 1 The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamhn, I aurence Olivier 8:05@ "The Solid Gold Cadillac" ( 1956, Comedy} Judx_Holhday, Paul Douglas. 8:30 (.l.J "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( 1981 . Adventure) ·Richard Hams. Bo Derek. 9:300 "St Ives" ( 1976, Adventure) Charles Bron- son. Jacqueline Bisset 10:00CC) "Hondo" ( 1954, Western) John Wayne. Geraldine Page. ® "Heaven Can Wait" ( 1978. Fantasy) Warren Beatty, Julie Christie CS) "Take The High Ground" ( 1953. Adventure) Richard Widmark. Elaine Stewart. 10:05@ "Chuka" ( 1967, Western) Rod Taylor , Ernest Borgnine 10:30(I) "Heartbeeps" ( 1981, Comedy) Andy Kaul man. Bernadette Peters 11:30CC) "Young Joe, The Forgotten Kennedy" ( 1977. Drama) Peter Strauss. Barbara Parkins. . \l .. l lJl~< >< >~ \I<)\' I l·:S 12:006 ''Enchanted Island" ( 1958. Adventure) Dana Andrews, Jane Powell. 8) "Cloak And Dagger" ( 1946. Adventure) Gary Cooper, Liiii Palmer. m "A Boy Ten Feet Tall" ( 1965, Adventure) Edward G. Robinson. Fergus McClelland. CS) "Lost Horizon" ( 1937, Fantasy) Ronald Col man, Jane Wyatt. (%)"The Enforcer" ( 1976, Drama) Clint Eastwood. Tyne Daly 12:30 0 "Tommy" ( 1975. Musical) Roger Daltrey, Ann-Margret. 1:30(C) "Lady Takes A Chance" ( 1943, Comedy) John Wayne. Jean Arthur · CID "Breakthrough" ( 1979. Orama) Richard Bur- ton. Rod Steiger 2:00 (!) "Big Jim Mclain" ( 1952, Adventure) John Wayne. Nancy Olson. CZ> "Tarzan, The Ape Man" (1981, Adventure) Richard Harris. Bo Derek. 2:30(1) "Stardust Memories" ( 1980. Drama) Woo- ~Allen, Charlotte Rampling st "Sorcerer" ( 1977, Suspense) Roy Scheider, Bruno Cremer 3;00(ID "P1nchcliff Grand Prix" ( 1980, Adventure) Animated. ®"Clash 01 The Titans" (1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier. CD "Sunday Lovers" ( 1981, Romance) Gene Wild- e<. R9{1er MOOfe. 4:0011 "Who Killed Mary What's 'Er Name?" {_1971. Mystery) Red Buttons. Allee Playten Cl) "Tarka The Otter" ( 1979) Documentary Nar- rated by Peter Ustinov (%) "The Endless Summer" ( 1966. Adventure) Mike Hynson. Robert August. 4:300 "Breaki Glass" 1980. Drama Hazel ••••••••••••••••••••••4 ,., ..... _.. .... _ ........ .,,,, .. __ ... _,, • ..,._ • .,.. __ ••----.. ·•••••-·~·~·r•• .. •••••••••• WORTH 1,000 WORDS -Animal (Daryl Anderson), the Trib photographer, gets some spect.acular photos each week on "Lou Grant" Monday at 10 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). O'Connor. Phil Daniels. 4:45 CD "Victory" ( 1981 , Adventure) Sylvester Stal lone. M1chaer Caine 5:00 cm "Back Roads" (1981. Comedy) Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones. 5:05@ "Barefoot In The Park" ( 1967, Comedy) Robert Redford, Jane Fonda 5:30 CID "Mahogany" ( 1975, Drama) Diana Ross. Anthony Perkins. (?) "Heartbeeps" ( 1981. Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. 6:00llDNEWS 8 WONDER WOMAN Cl)CBS NEWS fJ WILD. WILD WEST 8) S.W.A.T. m HAWAII AVE-0 fD TOGETHER. .. WITH LEO BUSCAGLIA Speak· 1ng before an audience In Sacramento, California. Or Leo Buscaglia urges listeners to move away from the "me generation" and into the loving reality of close ties with family. fl) NBC NEWS ~ MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING CID KIDS ON THE BLOCK A unique lroupe of pup· pets help children learn an important lesson about what it means to be handicapped. 6:30(.1) GD NEWS ~FAST FORWARD PKAFULLCONTACTKARATE MOVIE "Never Never Land'' (1981, Drama) Petula Clark. Cathleen Nesbitt. A 9-year-old girl escapes her loneliness by fantasizing abo\Jt adven- tures with Peter Pan. 'G' ( 1 hr., 25 min.) D MOVIE "St. Ives" ( 1976, Adventure) Charles Bronson. Jacqueline Bissel A former crime report· er·turned·detective is hired by a wealthy film fancier to recover a set of incriminating ledgEtts. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34mln.) 6:60 e PLEOOE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro· grammlng may be delayed due ro pledge breaks. 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS KUNG FU Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE An interview wnh Mr. T, the villain ol "Rocky Ill": a visit to a whale breeding Q.!_ound 1n Mexico U THE SAINT (!) ST. JUDE'S CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL TELETHON (CONT'D) m M0 A 0 S0 H m JOKER'S WILD @ MOVIE "Jack-A-Boy" Jean Marsh, Fred Gwynne A 10-year-old boy Influences the hves of three adults by changing them fJl) '1!) BUSINESS REPORT 17 -I < fl) THE MUPPETS l> (IJ MOVIE "A Face In The Crowd" ( 1957, Drama) c Andy G111f1th, Patricia Neal. A derelict goes·ftom a <g jail cell to national recognition on the strength of his !!! humor and musical talent. (2 hrs. 5 min.) cm MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" ( 1981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nelligan While on a remote Scottish island to meet a German subma· rine. an Axis spy finds shelter lrom the storm in the collage of a young married couple. 'A' ( t hr , 51 mm) CZ) MOVIE "The Enforcer" ( 1976. Drama) Chnt Eastwood. Tyne Daly. "Dirty Harry" Callahan is 101ned by a female rookie in tracking down a band ol revolutionaries who are terrorizing San Francisco ( I hr , 35 min ) 7:15@NEWS 7:30 11 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a new g1ff idea. rare historic photographs of Los Angeles floods. a man who finds locations for production companies. 0 fl) FAMILY FEUD (I) d) TIC TAC DOUGH 8)M0 A0 S0 H @SIGNATURE Guest Martin Sheen. tD MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT '1!) EVENING AT POPS John Williams and 1he Bos· ton Pops Orchestra are joined by virtuoso v1ohnis1 llzhak Perlman for a performance of Bruch's Violin Concerto No 1 (R) (1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Hondo" ( 1954. Western) John Wayne. Geraldine Page. A cavalry dispatch rider encounters a woman and her son, an Apache chief's blood brother ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 8:0011 Cl) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Captain Lewis's ne)(t promo11on depends on Judy's success defus- 1.':!9 an unexploded bomb. (R) u OJ LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE An elderly relative threatens to sue for custody of James and Cassandra. (R) ( 1 hr.) 8 MOVIE "Back Street" (1961. Romance) Susan Hayward, John Gavin A married man keeps a mis- tress who must remain forever in the background l2 hrs.) fJ BEST OF THE WEST The notorious Cahee Kid returns to Copper Creek to go to school. (A) 6 MOVIE "Calling Norths1de 777" ( 1948. Orama) James Stewar1, Helen Walker. A reporter reopens an 11·year-old case to free a wrongfully imprisoned man. (2 hrs.) QJ) YOU ASKED FOR IT 8) P.M. MAGAZINE An interview with Mr. T. the villain of "Rocky Ill": a look at how movie advertise- ments are made. ti) THE IMMIGRANTS The son or an Italian immi- grant couple becomes a shipping magnate after his parents die In an earthquake. (Part 1) (2 hrs.) (8 MIXED BAG "Animation -The State Of The Art" A look a1 the history of animation from the ~Iden ages to computer animation. 9 EVENING AT POPS John Williams and tne Bos- ton Pops Orchestra are joined by musical comedy star Bernadette Peters. ( 1 hr., 5 min.) (() SPORTSCENTER ® SHE'S NOBODY'S BABY "A History Of Ameri- can Women In The 20th Century" This documentary traces the growth of women's roles in the home. at work and at play from the turn of the century to the present -featuring such famous p&fSOnalitles as Mae West, Shirley Temple. Eleanor Aoooevelt and many more. ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "Lost Horizon" ( 1937, Fantasy) Ronald Colman. Jane Wyatt. A kidnapped diplomat discov- ers lhe Hlmalayan kingdom of Shangri-La, a place of eternal peace and Immortality. (2 hrs., 15 min.) 0 MOVIE "Looki~ For Mr. Goodbar" ( 1977. Ora- -- . ' --------------~---------------------------------------------------------~ • Mondar· (cooiinued)--·-· · ··· · -·-------- QI) a> ma) Diane Keaton. Tuesday Weld. A socially .,... repressed schoolteacher seeks excitement by Ire· o quentlng singles bars and luring various men Into N one-night stands. 'A' (2 hrs .. 30 mfn.) Oi 8: 15@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 5, 8:30 II (I) WKRP IN CINCINNATI Herb fixes Les up => with the "perfect date" via a computer dating ser· c( vice. (R) ~ fJ MOVIE "Warlock" (1959, Western) Richard 'O Widmark, Henry Fonda. After ridding a town of out· ;f laws, a gunslinger is challenged by one ot the men who helped him. ,(2 hrs., 30 min.) ENTERT Al NM ENT TONIGHT SINGLES MAGAZINE An Interview wllh Bubba > Smith; kissing with confidence: comedy with Mau- ._ reen Murphy. _§ @ THE RESURRECTION OF LADY LESTER A ~ "moodsong" based on the last moments of the jazz saxophonist Lester Young with Dick Anthony Wll· !tams portraying Lester Young and Mary Allee as Billie Holiday. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Ci) GAEA T PERFORMANCES "Dance In America: Two Duets" Mikhail Baryshnikov and Natalia Makarova perform Jerome Robbins' "Other Danc- es'· to music by Chopin; and lb Andersen and Heather Watts perform Peter Marlin's "Calcium Night Light" to music by Charles Ives. (R) ( 1 hr.) 8:4'6@ MOVIE "The Treasure Of Pancho Villa" ( 1955, Western) Rory Calhoun, Shelley Winters. One of Villa's U.S. employees plans a gold robbery for him. but the Mexican never receives the money. (2 hrs.) 9:008 Cl) M" A ·s ·H A Korean farmer sells a goat to Klinger and a valuable antique to Charles. (R) D GD MOVIE "Mrs. R's Daughter" ( 1979. Orama) Cloris Leachman. Season Hubley. The mother of a rape victim embarks on a traumatic and frustrating battle lo bring her daughter's rapist to trial. (A) (2 hrs.) Cf) ST. JUDE'S CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL TElETHON (CONT'D) 9l MOVIE "Heroes" ( 1977. Drama) Henry Win· kier, Sally Reid. A young glrl on a cross..country bus journey becomes involved with a Vietnam veteran whose burning desire ls to start a worm term with an old war buddy. (2 hrs.) • MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Lola Falana, Charles· Grodin. Heather Thomas. Arthur Murray Dancers. ( 1 hr.) ~ MOVIE "The Conqueror" ( 1956. Adventure) John Wayne. Susan Hayward. A mighty Mongol warrior kidnaps the daughter of a powerful Tartar king and seizes control of his empire. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) (£) AlJTO RACING Coverage ol the NASCAA Champion Spark Plug 400 from Brooklyn, Mich. ffl) (3 hrs.) CID MOVIE "Heaven Can Wait" ( 1978, Fantasy) Warren Beatty. Julie Christle. Atter a pro loolball star's life is prematurely claimed by an Inept angel. the man 1s given the body of a mlllionalre Industrial- ist lo continue living in. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 41 min.) cm MOVIE "Something For Everyone" ( 1970, Com- edy) Angela Lansbury, Michael York. Members of a wealthy European family engage in murder and other forms of deviant behavior to satisfy their vari- ous desires. 'R' (1 hr., 50 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Miracle Of Morgan's Creek" ( 1944. Comedy) Betty Hutton. Eddie Bracken. When a young girl finds herself pregnant after a night on the !own with a group of Gls. she is hard· pressed to identify the father. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 9;06 9 GALA OF STARS 1982 Beverly Siiis hosts an evening of perlormances by top stars in the worlds or opera, dance. symphony, chamber muslc and the theater: James l,evine Is music director for the gala, (A) (3 hrs .. 10 min.) 9:30 B (I) AL THY RICH Carlotta gives Wild Bill and Bootsle a crash course In social superiority QI!) AN EVENING WITH BILL MONROE AND FRIENDS The top stars of bluegrass music. Includ- ing Bill Monroe and the Blue Grass Boys, Transat· lanlic Bluegrass and the Greengrass Cloggers, per- form in a concert taped at Rochester's Manhattan ~uare Park in 1981 (1 hr.) (]J MOVIE "Delusion" ( 1981. Mystery) Patricia Pearcy. Joseph Cotten, A private-duty nurse falls in love with her patient's handsome young grandson. 'R' i_1 hr .. 25 min.) 10'.009 Cl) LOU GRANT Rossi's Investigation of war- time prOliteers tuma out to be embarrassing for Mra. i chon. IB> ( 1 hr.) ••• NEWS THE PERSUADERS MOVIE "Jack·A-Boy" Jean Marsh. Fred Gwynne. A 10-year-<>ld boy Influences the lives of three adults by changing them. 10'.30e NEWS I SIONA TUAE Guest: Martin Sheen. U.S. CHRONICLE "Year Of The Eagle" The t of tho bald eagle la examined. MOV1E "Kiii M<f Klh Again" (1981, Adventure) mes Ry1n, Anneflne Krltf. A martial arts expett ·'·' ··. • .. ·;••_-., -···· ... •:•· .. • .... .; ••• SINGING FOR POPS -.Bernadette Peters, starring in th e film version of "Annie, .. shares the stage with John Williams and the Boston Pops Orchestra on "Evening at Pops" Monday at 7:45 p.m . on KOCE (Ch. 50). batlles the minions of a power-med sclentfst intent on enslaving mankind with a new mind-control drug, 'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) @t MOVIE "Friday The 13th, Part II" (1981. Hor- ror) Amy Steel. John Furey. The grisly killings con- tinue al a summer camp that had beon closed down after a series of bizarre murders occurred there. 'R' (1 hr .. 27 min.) 10:45@ MOVIE "Adventures 0 1 Don Juan" (1949, Adventure) Errol Flynn, Vlveca Lindfors. Don Juan invades the court of England and the hearts ot !he English ladies. (2 hrs... 15 min.) 11:00 8 D 8 (I) OJ) GD NEWS I SA TUROAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M"A "S•H BENNY HILL @ MIXED BAG "Animation -The Stale 0 1 The Art" A look at lhe history of animation from lhe $Iden ages to computer animation. DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "Women In Love" ( 1970, Drama) Glen· da Jackson. Alan Bates. Based on the novel by D.H. Lawrence. Two couples experience ambivalent feel- ings ol love and hate In !heir romantic relationships wllh their respective mates. (2 hrs . 10 min.) ® MOVIE "Clash 01 The Tilans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier. Mythfc hero Perseus 1s helped by his lather Zeus in a series of dangerous 1asks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenician princess against the wishes of a vengeful sea god- dess. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 58 min.) OJ MOVIE "The Teasers'' (1977. Comedy) Gloria Guida. Allee Ames. High school lovers play a series ot prac11cal 1okes on I heir elders. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) CO) MOVIE "FrfClay The 13th, Part II'' (1981. Hor· ror) Amy Steel, John Furey. The grisly killings con· tinue et a summer camp that had been closed down after a series of bizarre murders occurred there. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Endless Summer". (1966. Adven- ture) Mike Hynson. Robert August. Two young Cati· lornla surfers travel around the world In sear~h of the ~rtect wave. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 11:30 B (I) QUINCY The mother and sister ol a young man presumed to be the victim of a bomb insist the boy Is still alive. ( 1 hr • 10 min.) 11 TONIGHT Guest host; George Carlin. ( 1 hr ) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE MOVIE "WhO Kiiied Mery What's 'Er Name?" ( 1971. Mystery) Red Buttons. Allee Playten. A retired boxer decides to become e &leUth after the SANFORD ANO SON lmu~~e o~mer. (2 hrs.) THE Rt38URAECTION OF LADY LESTER A "moodsong" based on the last moments of the jazz saxophonist Lester Young with Dick Anthony Wii- iiams portraying Lester Young and Mary Allee as Biiiie Holiday. (1 hr .. 30 min.) e CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT • di MOVIE "Americllthon" (1979, ~) Jonn Ritter, Harvey KOl'man. At the end of the 20th· century, U.S. President Chet R~t It~ a • •• f I j ) -• • • -llllif'bti11Tt~~Ctf"1'< fO ra1~ fUrfcfs"fb1ll'T~ tJM~r'\Jp'l"gov: • -• - ernmenl. (R) ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) (!) MOVIE "Battle Hymn" ( 1957. Drama) Rock Hudson. Martha Hyer. A genlle chaplain Is able to dispel his guilty feelings and beeomi?'ft mifitmyner<> during World War II. (2 hrs.) Q» MOVIE "Esther And The King" ( 1960, Adven· ture) Joan Collins, Richard Egan. A Judean maiden chosen by the King of Persia to 1'eplace his former queen tries to halt the persecution ol her people. (2 hrs.) ,. g) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE ([) SPORTSCENTEA 0 MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1949, Romance) Jean Simmons, Donald Houston. A yo•mg girl and boy shipwrecked on a Pacific island come to love each other as they mature. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 12: 15(S) MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981. Fanta- sy) Harry Hamlin. Laurence Olivier. Mythic hero Perseus 1s helped by his lather Zeus In a series of dangerous tasks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenician princess agalnst the wishes 01 a vengeful sea _g_oddess. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) 12;301J G) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: rock singer Elvis Costello, comedian Harry Shearer. ( 1 hr.) ~COUPLES LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE "The Thirty-Nine Steps" (1978. Suspense) Rober! Powell. David Warner. A man becomes the quarry of both the police and a secre1 group of foreign agents operating in England when he is framed tor a stranger's murder. 'PG' ( t hr., 42 min.) cm MOVIE "Just Tell Me You Love Me' ( 1978. Comedy) Robert Hegyes, Lisa Hartman. A love- struck college dropoul goes to Hawaii tor a v1s1t and decides to stay,'PB' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 12:-40 G Cl) COLUMBO An orchestra conductor takes drastic measures to prevent a scandal when his mis.- tress threatens to expose their affair to his wlte. (2 hrs.L 12:4'5 CZ) MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( 1981 Adventure) Richard Harris, Bo Derek. A young woman searches for her missing father m !he Afri- can 1ungle where she encounters an uncivilized white men and an orangutan. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 52 min.) 1:008 GENE AUTRY • MOVIE "My Deer Secretary" ( 1948, Comedy) Laraine Day, Kirk Douglas. An authot's secretary finds that he likes girls and plays the field more often than he writes. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) @ MOVIE "Harriet Craig" ( 1950. Drama) Joan Crawford. Wendell Corey. A woman alienates her family and fr iends by trying to dominate them. (2 hrs.) @ MOVIE "Jack·A-Boy" Jean Marsh. Fred Gwynne A 10-year-old boy influences lhe lives of three adulls by changing them. (£) PK.A FULL CONT ACT KARATE (R) 1:05 ® MOVIE "Massacre At Central High" ( 1976, Drama) Andrew Stevens, Robert Carradine. A crusade tor revenge begins alter a prank !hat went 100 far was pulled on the quieter students by a group of bored high-school lnends 'A' ( 1 hr . 27 minJ__ 1:15 ~ MOVIE "Lady Takes A Chance" ( 1943, Comedy) John Wayne, Jean Arthur. A woman finds an unwilling candidate for marriage while husband- hunting in lhe Far West. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 1:308 G) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 8 GENEAUTRY 1:4'5 8 NEWS 2:00 ct MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980. Romance) Brooke Shields. Christopher Atkins. Two castaway children grow to adolescence on a remote. South Pacific island and experience lhe pan~ ol llrsl love 'A' ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 2:05 NEWS 2:16 MOVIE "Eyewitness" (1981, Mystery) Sigourney Weaver, Wiiiiam Hurl A television report- er becomes involved with a janitor who may know more aboul a murder that he witnessed than he is ~Ing 'R' ( 1 hr . 43 min,) c.sJ MOVIE "Snake Fist Vs. The Dragon" (Adven- ture) Two kung fu warriors clash In a deadly battle ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) 2:30 Cl) MORNING STRETCH eNEWS (£)AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (R) 2:3500 MOVIE "Breakthrough" ( 1979, Drama) Richard Burton, Rod Steiger. A Nazi seregeanl becomes embroiled In a plot to assa8$1nate Hitler 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 2:408 NEWS 2:"5~ MOVIE "Young Joe, The Forgotten Kenn&- dy" ( 1977, Dfama) Peter Strauss. Barbara Perkins The eldest Kennedy volunteers for a dangerous war· time mission which. If successf\.11. would· bring him beck a hero and one step closer to the White Hou&e. ( 1 tir .. 35 min.) (%) MOVIE ''The Miracle Of Morgan's Creek" ( 1944, Comedy) Betty Hutton, Eddie Bracken. When a young girl finds herself pregnant after a night on the town with a group of Git. she Is hard· pressed to klentlfy the father. (1 ht .. -40 min.) -. . . .. . .. . -. -~ '.. -. 'Tuesday \I< >It\ I:\'(; \I< >\'I LS 6:00 (]) "Tarka The Otter'' ( 1979) Documentary Narrated by Peter Ustinov 0 "Solo" (Orama) Vincent Gil, Perry Armstrong CZ) "Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980, Orama) Melvyn Oou_gras. Lila Kedrova. 6:05 (!!) "Footsteps In The Dark" (1941, Mystery) Errol Flynn. Brenda Mqrshall. 6:30 ® "Something Short Ot Paradise" ( 1979, Romance) Susan Sarandon, David Steinberg. 7:30 (%) "The Miracle Of Morgan's Creek'' ( 1944 Comedy) Betty Hutton, Eddie Bracken. 8:00 ct) "Flash Gordon" ( 1980, Science-Fiction) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. CID "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory" !_!971. Fantasy) Gene Wilder. Jack Albertson .. CS) "Seems Like Old Times" (1980. Comedy) Got· die Hawn. Chevy Chase. 0 "BreaKing Glass" ( 1980, Orama) Hazel O'Con nor, Phil Daniels. 8:05 (!!)"The List Of Adrian Messenger" ( 1963. Mys~ tery) George C. Scott, Dana Wynter 9:15 (%)"The Fireman's Ball" ( 1968. Comedy) Josef Svet. Marie Jezkova, •• 10:00 © "Drive-In" ( 1976, Comedy) Glenn Morshower, Lisa Lemole. CID "The Spiral Staircase" ( 1977, Suspense) Jacqueline Bisset, Christopher Plummer. • (])"Viva Las Vegas" ( 1964, Musical) Elvis Presley, Ann-Margret. 10:05@. "The Vagabond King" ( t 956. Musical) Kat!:!2'n Grayson. Oreste Kirkop, 10:30 lZJ "Down Argentine Way" (1940. Musical) Bet!l._ Grable, Don Ameche. 11:30(.£) "The Man With Bogart's Face" (1980, Com- edy) Robert Sacchi, Olivia Hussey. .\l· .. llJ{~( >< f\ \I< >\.ILS 12:000 "Quebec" (1951, Adventure) Corinne Cal· vet. John Barrymore Jr. Q) "Three Secrets" ( 1949, Orama) Pa tricia Neal, Ruth Roman. 'I) "Kisses For My President" (1964, Comedy) Fred MacMurray. Polly Bergen. ©"The Baltimore Bullet" ( 1980. Orama) James Coburn, Omar Sharif. 12: 15 Cl) "Heartbeeps" ( 1981. Comedy) Andy Kauf- man, Bernadette Peters. 12:30 CID "Something Short Of Paradise" ( 1979. Romance) Susan Sarandon, David Steinberg. 0 "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980, Romance) Brooke Shields, Christopher Atkins. 1:30 (]) "Elvis" ( 1979, Biography) Kurt Russell. Sea· son Hubley. 2,:00 (!) "El Paso" ( 1949, Western) John Payne. Gail Russell. ®"Coast To Coast" (1980, Comedy) Dyan Can- non. Robert Blake. 2:15 Cil "The Fireman's Ball" ( 1968, Comedy) Josef Svet. Marie Jezkova. 2:30 0 "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1949. Romance) Jean Simmons, Donald Houston. 3:00(t) "Marco Pain. Jr." ( 1973, Adventure) Anl· mated. Vo!Oe of Bobby Rydell OJ "Captain Scarlett And The Mysterons From Mars" ( 1981, Fantasy) Puppets. 3:30 Cl) "Tell Me A Riddle'· ( 1980, Drama) Melvyn Ooujl_las, Lila Kedrova. .4:00U "Rock Island Trail" (1949. Western) F'orresr TucKer, Adele Mara. 9 "Jack-A-Boy" Jean Marsh. Fred Gwynne 4:30(t) "A Global Affair" ( 1964. Comedy) Bob Hope, Ula Pulver. (]) "Treasure Island" ( 1972. Advenlure) Orson Welles. Kim Burlielcl. 0 "Smokey Bites The Oust" (1961. Comedy) Jlm!!!Y McNichol. Janet Julian 5:00(1.J "Eye 0 1 The Needle" ( 198 1, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. 5:15(%) "The Miracle Of Morgan's Creek" (1944. Comedy} Betty Hutton. Eddie Bracken 6:00888NEWS 9 WONDER WOMAN I WILD, WILD WEST ABC NEWS HAWAII FIVE-0 A LOVE CLASS: WITH LEO BUSCAGLIA One of Dr. Leo Buscaglia's famous "Love" classes at the University of Southern California Is re-enacted. I NBCNEWS MAGIC OF' OIL PAINTING MOVIE "Drlve--tn" (1976. Comedy) Glenn Morahower. Lisa Lemole Several Texa& tEfen·agera OLDTIME MUSIC -'The Kingston Trio and Friends: Reunion," (above) celebration of 25 years oJ f olk music, airs Tuesday at 9:05 p.m. on KCET (Ch . 28), to be followed Wednesday by "Jazzin' Around with the Turk Murphy Jazz Band" (below). meet during a night of romance and excitement at a dnve·1n theatre featuring an improbable disaster film ( 1 hr., 40 min.) cm CLOWN WHITE Jason. a 9-year·otd boy. finds his perfect teacher. CS) MOVIE "Seems like Old Times" ( 1980. Come- dy) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. A soft-hearted raw· yer is torn between her hopeless ·ex·husband- turned·bank robber and her uptight present hus· band who 1s running for California attorney general. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 42 min.) g MOVIE "Solo" (Orama) Vincent Gil. Perry Arm- strong.A fiercely independent Australian woman. who works as a forest ranger. becomes involved with a fire pilot. (2 hrs ) 6:30(!) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Pete Rose" Host. Tom Seaver. OJ) BARNEY MILLER 3 MOVIE "Clouds Of Glory· The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner" David Hemmings. Kika Markham Samuel Taylor Colendge is porfrayed ttirough his poems and his real fife addiction to opium ( 1 hr ) !NEWS FAST FORWARD MOONCHILD One person's experiences within the Unification Church are re-enacted. 6:56 e PLEDGE BREAK Regularly soheduled pro- ?:mmlng may be delayed due to pledge breaks. 7:1:ws ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A visit with a man who may lose the distinction of "World.'s Heaviest Human•·: a golden palace in West Virginia that was 00111 by Hare Krlshnas. GTHESAINT (!) [I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT e JOKER'S WILD flD Ci) BUSINESS REPORT G) THE MUPPETS OJ MOVIE "Which Way Is Up?" ( 1977~Comedy) Richard Pryor. Lanette McKee. A sex-sta'tved fruit picker Is caught In a comic crossfire between his union and the Mob, and a hypocrillcal preacher finds heaven in a ladies' choir 'A' (1 hr .. 34 min.) CO) THE WAY IT WAS Cl) MOVIE "Down Argentine Way" ( 1940, Musical) Betty Grable. 'Don Ameche. A beautiful heiress fol· lows a wealthy South American from New Yori< to Argentina. ( 1 hr , 35 min.) 7:05 llll NEWS 7:309 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: visit the Hemlock Society which believes death should be an Individual option: a hydro-plane driving grandmother, paddle tennis. I .FAMILY FEUD EYE ON L1t. Featured: a report on pit bull dogs that have been !rained f<>fl fighting: a profile of the world's best known car salffman. Cal Worthington: cw,oo1k ~~~~~Y· (!) YOU AS~ FOR rT @ SIGNATURE Guest: Christina Crawford. I MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT MONEYMAKERS RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 World Series. r-em BASEBALL Milwaukee Brewers at Calilorn1a c8 An~s Qhrs.) 8:00& Cl) UNIVERSE Walter Cronkite reports on ~ various occurrences and phenomena in the world.of 0: science. ~ CJ G) F.A THEA MURPHY Will 1s locked in a celler by his drunken father tor refusing to reveal Where he found a nugget ot gold. (A) ( t hr.) 8 MOVIE "This Savage Land" (1968, Adventure) Barry Sulllvan, Glenn Corbett. An outlaw band chal- lenges a homesteading family (2 hrs.) )> c: IO c: ~ I\) 0 1J OJ) HAPPY DAYS Chachi tries to prove to How- ard that he is worthy of Joanie. (A) O ;D 0 MOVIE "Jane Eyre" ( 1944, Orama) Orson ~ Welles. Joan Fontaine. A young English governess falls In love with her brooding, secretive employer (2 hrs) (!) PAUL HOGAN ti) THE IMMIGRANTS The son of an Italian 1mm1- grant couple becomes a shipping magnate after his parents die in an earthquake. (Part 1) (2 hrs.) @OUIZKIDS flD NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "The Sharks" Extraordinary underwater film footage of how sharks teed, rest and why they attack provides a new perspec1tve on this lascinating and fearsome fish. (A) ~ ( 1 hr .. 5 min.) '1!) NOVA "Ar\imal Olympians" The beauty, endur- ance and power ol animals 1n the wild are juxta· posed with Olympic athletes performing feats which have parallels in the animal kingdom. (A) o ( l hr.) CC) MOVIE "Fear No Evil" ( t 980. Horror') Stefan Arngrim, Kathleen Rowe McAllen. An 18-year-old high school student delights in decimating his home- town. 'R' ( 1 hr .. ~O min.) ([) SPORTSCENTER CID MOVIE "First Family" ( 1980. Comedy) Gilda Radner. Bob Newhart The sexually repressed daughter of the country's weirdest presidential fami- ly complicates her father's attempts lo conduct the affairs of state 'R' ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) CS) MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" (1981, Adven- ture) Richard Harris, Bo Derek. A young woman searches tor her missing father In !he African 1ungle Where she encounters an uncivilized white man and an orangutan. 'A' (1 hr .. 52 min.) 0 MOVIE "little Darlings" ( 1980, Comedy) Tatum O'Neal, Kristy McNichol. At summer camp. two teen-age girls compete to see who will be the first to lose her wgmity 'R' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 8:05@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 8 (I) SHE'S WITH ME Two sisters· plans to live and work 1n San Francisco go awry 1J (JJ) LAVERNE & SHIRLEY Laverne takes an , unscheduled swim when she goes out to dinner with a married man. (R) D (I) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT • P.M. MAGAZINE A visit with a man who may lose the dislinction of "World's Heaviest Human"; a golden palace in West Virginia that was built by Hare Knshnas. @ DANCE "Merce Cunningham" Dances of Maree Cunningham. one of America's pioneers of modern dance. are examined. ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "The Fireman's Ball" ( 1968. Comec'Y) Josef Svet. Marie Jezkova. Elaborate plans to tete their 86-year-old chiel at a special ball go awry for a group ot wen-meaning CzeohoslOvaklan firemen. ( 1 hr., 15 min.} 8:3511l) MOVIE "Legend Of The Lost" (1957, Adventure) John Wayne. Sophia Loren. Two men and a woman search the Sahara for a lost city con- tain~ a large treasure. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) 9:009 (I) MOVIE "The $5.20-An-Hour Dream" ( t980, Orama) Linda Lavin, Richard Jaeckel. A divorced working mother lands a job on a 1actory·s traditionally all-male assembly line. then has to light to keep it (A) (2 hrs.) 1J 8' BRET MAVERICK Guthrie tries to get Maver- ick to help him win the Sweetwater sheritt election (AJ (1 hr.) 8 ®) THREE'S COMPANY Janet and Terri fear thal Jack Is altar-bound with the wrong girl. (A) o (I) MOVIE "The Per fect Furlough" ( t959. Come-- dy) Tony Curtis. Janet Leigh An Army officer Is accompanied by a female psychologist when he ¥nds a week in Paris with a movie star. (2 hrs.) • MERV GRIFAN "Music Makers" Guests: Kat Rudman. Billy Katt and hi& band. A Flock of Seag- ulls. Nicolette LJ!rson. Jermaine Jackson. ( 1 hr.) G) ARTHUR RUBINSTEIN "Poland" At the age of 9 t. Maestro Arthur Rubinstein talks about life. music and people white traveling throughout the Mediterranean and Europe. ( 1 hr.) ([) PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE (R) ([) RICHARD PRYOR IN CONCERT The well-known comedian shoots pointed berbS at almost every Institution Imaginable In this U(lOensored, no-hotds- barred concert performance. (1hr.,30 min.) 9:q6. mE KINGSTON TAIO ANO, FRIENDS: ., I , I I I • I I I ------------------ • ., N ao O> .... 0 (\I -., ::J Cl ::J < ~ CD "O l: u.. ~ ~ ~ ~ Cl: I l . I \ - Tuesday (continued) REUNION The original Kingston Trio are lolned by Tommy Smothers, Mery Travers. Lindsey Bucking- ham and current Trio members when they perlorm together lor the first time 1n 20 years. ( 1 hr . 30 mlnJ 9:30U ®l TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Henry gets into another big fight with Muriel's mother. (R) IS MOVIE "Clouds Of Glory: The Rime 01 The Ancient Mariner" David Hemmings, Kika Markham. Samuel Taylor Coleridge Is portrayed through his poems and his real lile addiction to opium ( 1 hr.) 10:00 D GD MCCLAIN'$ LAW McClain and Gates reluctantly accept the help of a street-wise inform- ant to nab a dangerous drug dealer (R) ( 1 hr ) oemm>NEWs U llJ) HART TO HART Jonathan and Jennifer become targets IOI' murder when they stumble upon a fortune In stolen gold hidden in a sunken yacht (R) O ( 1 hr) m> M"Y'STEAY "Rumpole Of The Bailey Rumpote And The Fascist Beast" Rumpole accepts the defense of Captain Rex Parkin who 1s charged with inciting a riot under Britain's Race Relations Acl. {!'an 4) (R) Q. ( 1 hr) CC) MOVIE · CabOBlanco" ( 1981. Suspense) Charles Bronson Jason Robards An e~1led Nazi who has bought off the local police dominates a small Peruvian coastal town during the 1940s 'R' ( 1 hr , 32 min.) CID MOVIE ''.Deadly Blessing'' { 1981, Horror) Ernest Borgnine. Lois Nettleton. A young woman who marries into a strlet religious seer discovers she 1s trapped 1n a hving nightmare 'R' ( t hr .. 40 mm ) (SJ ROMANCE: LOVE IN THE DUNES 0 MOVIE "Sitting Ducks" ( 1980. Adventure) Michael Emil, Zach Norman, Two criminals escape the U.S. with a mlllion dollars and run into a snag In their plans 'R' (2 hrs ) CZ) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" ( 1981. Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters In a world ol lhe near future, two commercial robOls experience the VlCIS· s1tudes of first love 'PG' (I hr .. 45 min ) 10:30• NEWS ~SIGNATURE Guest. Christina Crawlord. INSIDE BASEBALL (R) AN EVENING WITH AA Y CHARLES Ray Charles performs many of his greatest hits -Including "Georgia" and "H11 The Road. Jack" --1n this con- cert 1aped 1n Edmonton. Canada. @ MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. During World War II. Allied POWs see their ticket 10 freedom In a match berween their soccer team and the German National Team 1n Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 57 min.) CS) MOVIE "Friday The 13th" ( 1980, Horror) Betsy Palmer. Adrienne King. The reopening of a summer camp. closed 20 years earlier atter three murders. a11rac1s a vindictive killer who knifes unsuspecting teen-agers. 'A' ( t hr , 38 min ) 10:35fD MYSTERY "Rumpole 01 The Balley. Rumpole And The Fascist Beast" Rumpole accepts the delense of Captain Rex Parkin who IS charged with mc111ng a 1101 under Britain's Race Relations Act. (Part 4) (A) O (1 hr) t 0:50@ MOVIE"lhe Big Knife" ( 1955. Orama) Jack Palance. Ida Lupino A famous movie star commits suicide after becoming d1siltus1oned by his broken mama~ and a blackmail threat. (2 hrs .• 30 min ) 11:00 8 U 8 Cl) (J)J f.ID NEWS I SA TUAOAY NtGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT i JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s •H BENNY HILL @ OUIZKIOS Ii) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE CE) NA.SL WEEKLY (R) 11:308 Cl) ALICE Mel tries 10 catch the demolition derby crowd by keeping the diner open atter mid ~hi (R) U GD TONIGHT Guest host· Dick Cavett Guests June Allyson. Charles "Honi" Cotes ( 1 hr ) D 9 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE G MOVIE "Rock Island Trail" (1949, Western) Forrest Tucker, Adele Mara. A man struggles 10 pre- vent a stagecoach tine from operating In his area (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFEASONS SANFORO ANO SON tS DANCE "Merce Cunningham" Dances of Merce Cunningham. one of America's pioneers of modern dance. are examined. ( 1 hr.) ~CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Score" ( 1972, Orama) Claire Wiibur, CaMn Culver. A swinging young British couple Involve another twosome In their quest for sexual variety. ( 1 hr • 25 min.) (%) MOVIE "Laura" ( 1980. Orama) Dawn Dunlop, Ma~d Adams. A. woman 1rleS to prevent a relatlon- shlp between a sculptor with whom she hod had an affair and her teen-age ballerina daughler. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 25 min ), -• . • • , • , •• I • 111 '\I ,'('' 111111 r .. ·nr I ......... , llto•I .• ;i .. 'r . ~V(IU "\I -I WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH - Linda Lavin stars as a divoreee seeking a job on an all-male assembly line and Richard Jaeckel co-stars as the foreman who is determined that sh e ge t no special privileges in "The $5.20 an Hour Dream" on KNXT (Ch. 2) Tuesday at 9 p.m. 11:40(C) MOVIE "The Baltimore Bullet" (1980, Dra- ma) James Coburn. Omar Sharif. A small-lime pool hustler must raise $20.000 and win a big 1ourna- men1 before he can have a rematch with an old opponent --who has never lost at any game. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 43 min ) 11:45® RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 World Serles. - 12:00 D ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT fJ @) FANTASY ISLAND A singer risks her hie 10 meet a mysterious composer, and a man Ines 10 convince his lriends that he is not a coward. (RI ( 1 hr . 10 min) (!)MOVIE "The Magnificent Matador" ( 1955, Dra- ma) Anthony Quinn. Maureen O'Hara A man defies death when he enters the bullring 10 Impress the woman he loves (2 hrs.) • m MOVIE "Leave Her To Heaven" ( 1945. Orama) Gene Tierney. Cornet Wilde. A jealous woman stops al nothing 10 monopohze her husband's ettenlion i hrs.) LOVE. AMEAIC,\N STYLE MOVIE "Studenl Bodies" ( 1981, Comedy) Krislen Riter. Matthew Goldsby A heavy-breathing psychotic killer stalks the tun-loving students of a typical American high school 'A' ( 1 hr , 25 min ) 12:05 6 Cl) MCCLOUD McCloud falls 1n love with the murder suspect he is supposed to bring back lrom Mexico. (2 hrs , 10 mm ) CS) MOVIE "Elvis" ( 1979, Biography) Kurt Russell. Season Hubley. Elvis Presley rises trom poveny and obscurity 10 achieve tame and fortune as a super- star musical performer (2 hrs • 25 min ) 12:15® MOVIE "Coast To Coasl'' (1980. Comedy) Dyan Cannon. Robert Blake. A runaway housewife and a scrappy trucker hauling cattle coast to coast become the target of a wild cross-country chase. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) 12:30 0 G) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests Mollie Fitzgerald. host ol a cable TV cook i show. comedian Mark Schill ( I hr ) COUPLES LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE @ MOVIE "Clouds 01 Glory The Aime 01 The Ancient Mariner" David Hemmings, Kika Markham Samuel Taylor Coleridge Is portrayed through his poems and his real Ille addiction to opium ( 1 hr.) {() TRACK ANO FIELD Coverage ol the Weltklasse Meet from Zurich. SwltzElfland. (R) (2 hrs.. 30 min.) (1D MOVIE "The Shout" ( 1979, Horror) Alan Bates. Susannah York. A disturbed man confined to an Institution believes he can make a "death shoot." a sound that wlll kill. 'R' ( t hr. 27 min.) 1:00 8 MOVIE "El Paso" (t949. Weetern) John Payne. Gall Russell. In the days following the CMI War. a Texas lawyer discovers that a show of force. rather than peaceful bargaining, la the answer to cleaning up corruption In the territory. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "Cyborg 2087" ( 1967, Sctenoe-Flotlon) Michael Rennie, Wendell Corey. In the toelety Of the Mure, EA!rth Is Inhabited by atrtnttt beW'8I • 11,t, It 11..., "'' ,1l>1 • 1'1"ilU•'-1 Ii:, .J Lo'\'\) U 1\t "' II\ """"'' " 111 ~\'/ I IV •'' In ''"'''' , II r1 n'lfll"Jrl1 are half-human. half-machine. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ([)THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "A Doll's House" A woman (Julie Harris) asserts her own identity after confronting her husband's (Christo- pher Plummer} lmmoratlly in a teleplay based on lhe play by Henrtklbsen. ( 1 hr , 30 min.) CI> MOVIE "Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980. Orama) Mel- vyn· Douglas. Lila Kedrova. A withdrawn, elderly woman, unaware that she 1s dying, embarks on a long 1ourney 10 reacquaint herself with her geo- graphically and emotionally separated tam1ly 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) 1; 10 U MOVIE "Husbands" ( 1970. Drama) Ben Gazzara. Peter Falk. Atler one of their close fnends dies. three middle-aged men take a trip 10 London to escape the reality ol hie and death. ( 1 hr , 30 min) llJ) NEWS 1:20@ MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 1 :30 D fi) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT CC) MOVIE "Back Roads" (198 t. Comedy) Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones A hooker and a down-on- h1s·luck bo>Cer meet and head west 1n search of a new hie 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 0 MOVIE "Delta Fox" ( 1978. Adventure) Richard Lynch, Stuart Whitman A professional smuggler meets his march in a beautiful woman who traps him with a m1lhon dollars in hot money ( 1 hr , 32 mm ) 1:50 MOVIE "First Family" ( 1980, Comedy) Gil- da Radner. Bob Newhart The se>Cually repressed daughter of the country's weirdest pres1den11al fami- ly complicates her father's a11emp1s to conduct the atta1rs of sta1e 'R' ( 1 hr • 44 min.) 2:00 Q) MOVIE "Bombers B-52" ( 1957, Drama) Karl Malden. Natalie Wood A commanding otticer resentful ot a sergeant's involvement wirh his daugh- ter orders him on a secret mission to rest a new B· 52 bomber (2 hrs. 15 min) 2:05(!) NEWS 2:151J NEWS 2:20@AAT PATROL 2:30(!) MORNING STRETCH GD NEWS CD RICHARD PAYOR IN CONCERT The well-known comedian shoots pointed barbs at almost every 1ns111utlon imaginable in this uncensored. no-holds- barred concert performance. ( 1 hr • 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "Heartbeeps" (1981, Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. In a wOl'ld of the near luture, two commercial robots experience the vicis- situdes ol first love. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 45 min.) 2:35 CS) WHAT'S UP AMERICA Featured· a humor· ous look at the meat Industry; follow a modern-day bounty hunter. cool oll In rhree of America's favorite skinning dipping holes ( 1 hr ) · 2:401 NEWS 2:45 MOVIE "Let's Scare Jessica To Death" ( 1971. Horror) Zohra Lampert. Sanon Heyman Eene voices beckoning from a graveyard and flash- ing memories ol a 100-year-old New England vam- pire assault the sanity of a woman recovering from a nervous breakdown ( 1 hr , 50 mm ) 2:50@ WORLD AT LARGE 3:00 D MOVIE "Silver Lode" ( 1954. Western) John Payne. Dan Duryea As a wedding "present," an 1nnocenr man finds himself accused ol murder and must llee to e>Conerale himself ( 1 hr., 30 mm) Cf) JOE FRANKLIN <Ill NEWS ([) POCKET BILLIARDS Babe Cranlleld vs Willie Mosconi (Al (I hr.) O MOVIE "Summer Camp" ( 1979, Comedy) John C. Mclaughlin, Mall Michaels The owner ol a failing summer camp decides raise money by holding a reunion for the now-matured alumni 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 m1nl_ 3. 15 CC) MOVIE "Fear No Evil" ( 1980. Horror) Stefan Arngrtm. Kathleen Rowe McAllen. An 18-year-old high school student delighls 1n dec1meting his home· town 'A' ( 1 hr , 40 min.) 3:30® MOVIE "The Splrel Staircase" (1977, Suspense) Jacqueline Bisset. Christopher Plummer A beaurilul deaf-mute is terrorized by a mysterious killer who lurks 1n the shadows surrounding an ele- gant mansion ( l hr . 40 min ) 3:35(1) MOVIE "Loose Shoes" ( 1978, Comedy) Bill Murray. Howard Hessemen. Nothing Is sacred in this satirical look at Hollywood movie-making and genre films. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 12 min.) 4:00 (!)JIMMY SWAGGART (I) SPORTSCENTER Cl) MOVIE "Down Argentine Way" ( 1940, Musical) Berty Grable. Don Ameche A beautiful heiress fof- lows a weallhy South American from New Vork to Argentina. ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 4:05 <Il) FUNTIME 4: 15 m MOVIE "Devil's Own" (1967, Horror) Joan Fontaine. Kay Walsh An English schoolmarm taD!I under susplcton when one or her puplls becomes a sacrfllclal victim of wllchcralt ( 1 hr . 45 min.) 4:30 81SPY Cf) JfM BAKKER D MOVIE "Woodstock" ( 1970. M~1cal) Ooou· mentary. Many of the top muslcal groOpit of lhe late ·eos pertomi ot the famous rock concert held In Btfhel.· Hew Yo~. In 1969:·f3 tlre., &lnllT.t · ~· • ·l'•ll•IJIO u11r1 J ••'( 1• 1v •q •· • '' r •• " q 1 t'·P \ • -.. . .. ---··------- Wednesday 5:00(C) "Flash Gordon" ( 1980, Science-Fiction) Sam J Jones. Max Von Sydow. 5:30(.5) "The Man W11h Bogart's Face" (1980 Com- edy) Robert Sacchi. Ohv1a Hussey 5:4S(l) "Laura" ( t980, Drama) Dawn Dunlop Maud Adams 6:00 (tl) "The Hideaways" ( 1973, Comedy) Ingrid Ber9_!!1an Johnny Doran 6:05 QZJ "Captain Blood · ( 1935, Adventure) Errol Flynn. Olivia de Hav11land 7:15(Z) "The Asphalt Jungle" ( t950. Suspense) Sterling Hayden, James Whitmore :30 "Up A1v~r" I 1980. Adventure) Morgan Ste- vens. Jell Carey 0 "Lost He<izun" ( 1937. Fan1asy) Ronald Col- man. Jane Wyan :00© "M" ( t930. Suspense) 1-'tlQr Lorre. Ellen Widmann :05@ "Tammy And The Doctor" ( 1963. Comc.dv) Sandra Dee. Peter Fonda : 1 S Cl) "On Any Sunday" ( 197 1) Documentary Steve McOueen Merl Lawwill :300 "NobOdy's Perlekt' ( 1981. Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Alex Karras :00 CC) "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Bridges, Beverly D' Angelo (I) "Penelope" (Comedy) Anna Bergman. George Murcell :OS @ "About Mrs. Leslie" ( 1954. Romance) Shir- ley Booth. Robert Ryan. :45(1) "Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980. Drama) Melvyn Oou...s!as. Liia Kedrova 1:30g "St Ives" ( 1976. Adventure) Charles Bron- son, Jacqueline Bisset \l··llJt\<><>:\ \l<>\.ILS .OOU "Carry On Nurse" ( 1960, Comedy) Ken- neth Connor, Shirley Eaton. 8) "The Bandit Of Sherwood Forest" ( 1946, Adventure) Cornel Wilde. An.la Louise. m> "The Big Carnival" ( 1951, Drama) Kirk Doug- las. Jan Sterling. CC) "Papallon" ( 1973, Adventure) Steve McOueen, Dustin Hoffman. CID "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Carrie Fishel' :15(%) "The Miracle Of Morgan's Creek" ( 1944, Comedy) Betty Hutton, Eddie Bracken. .OOCID "The Other Side Of The Mountain --Part II" (1978. Drama) Marilyn Hassett. Timothy Bottoms. g "In God We Trust" ( 1980. Comedy) Marty Feldman, Andy Kaufman. CZ) "The Asphall Jungle" ( 1950. Suspense) Ster- ling Hayden. James Whitmore. .30(!) "Aun Ot The Arrow" ( 1956. Western) Rod Steiger. Brian Keith. (I) "Tim" (198 t, Drama) Piper Laurie. Mel Gibson :OOa::> "The Legend 01 1he Lone Ranger" ( 1980. Western) Kllnton Sp1lsbury. Chnstophef Lloyd :30@ "Clouds Of Glory· The Aime 01 The Ancient Mariner" David Hemmings. Kika Markham. ~ooa "The Buster Keaton Story" ( 1957, Biogra- ~Y) Donald O'Connor. Rhonda Fleming (t) "The Way We Were" (1973, Romance) Barbra Streisand. Robert Redford. CID "The Hideaways" ( 1973, Comedy) Ingrid Berg· man. Johnny Doran. Ct "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981. Fantasy) Harry Hamlin. Laurence Ohv1er {%) "Heartbeeps" ( 1981, Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. 5:00(!) "Baille Circus" (1953, Romance) Hum- ~rey Bogart. June Allyson (JJ "S.O.B." ( 1981. Comedy) Wilham Holden. Julie Andrews. . CU) "The Irishman" ( 1978, Drama) 6:30(%) "On Any Sunday" ( 1971) Documentary Steve McOueen. Merl Lawwill. . \ l. '\ I '\( ~ 9:oo•e8NEWS I WONDER WOMAN CBS NEWS WILD, WILD WEST ABC NEWS HAWAII AVE--0 SPEAKlNG Of LOVE Of Leo Buscaglla -xplores the concep1 of mankind's limitless Poten- tial ~=d receiving love. • MAGIC Of OU.. PAINTING !) MOVIE "M" ( 1930, Suspense) Peter Lorre, Ellen Widmann. P.olloe paraly.u ltw undeCWOf'ld n they search Ousseld0<f for a p.sychotlo child murdet- 8f. (1hf .. 40 min.) .......................................... -·-···-···-··-··-····· ·-···--················· , ... .,. . . BATTLES POWEil <'OMPANY -Ralph Waite stars as a conservau-farmer who joins in an all-out community caJ111-•lTTJ to thwart a power company's plan to ereet huge towers across its land in "Ohms" on KNXT (Ch. 2) Wednesday at 9 p.m . [H) SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Harns looks at lhe movies, specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Olhce MOVIE "Victory'' ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine. During World War 11. Allied POWs see their licke1 to freedom 1n a match belween their soccer team and the German Nahonal Team 1n Paras 'PG" ( 1 hr , 57 man) 0 MOVIE "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982, Fan- tasy) Chris Makepeace. Fred Gwynne. A day- dreaming Missouri boy lancies an encounter with an angel of dubious origin In medieval Austria. ( t hr . 30 min.) 6:30 (I) GD NEWS ®) BARNEY MILLER @ SONG WAITERS "Sheldon Harnick" Sheldon Harnick performs some of his works such as "Fid- dler On The Roof" and "She Loves Me " ( 1 hr ) ml FAST FORWARD ®RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover all lhe bases leading lo lhe 1982 World Series 6:55 e PLEOOE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due to pledge breaks 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS KUNG FU ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE Meet lhe Chicken: underwater lblrt~~g. SAINT NIJE ON NEW JERSEY ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT JOKER'S WllD 8!> BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS P. T. BARNUM AND HIS HUMAN OOOfTIES Richard Kiley hosts this documentary tracing lhe career of the "Grea1est Showman On Ear1h... ( 1 hr) CO MOVIE "Clash 01 The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamhn. Laurence Olivier. Myrhic hero Perseus is helped by his father Zeus In a series ol dangerous tasks as he lrtes lo win the hand ot a Phoenician princess against the wishes ol a vengeful sea god- dess 'PG' ( 1 hr . 58 min.) ~ MOVIE "Student Bodies" ( 1981. Comedy) Kristen Riter, Mat1hew Goldsby. A heavy·breathlng psychotic killer stalks the fun-loving students ol a typical Amencan high school 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min ) CZ) MOVIE "Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980, Drama) Mel· vyn Douglas. Liia Kedrova. A withdrawn, elderly woman. unaware that she is dying. embarks on a long tourney to reacquaint herself with hef geo- graphlcally and emotionally separa1ed family. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: an Orange City fac1111y where performance belO<e crowds Is used as therapy: a prolile of "Heaven's Mamas." a aenlor citizen's motorcycle club. an 80-year·old Paaadena scu111or. F.>.t,tll.. 'l F D ' ' I • I ON LA,~eatured; a report on what could happen In tht ~t Of Wor1d War Ill: a~ at tome . \ ellOllC big cats. a report on some tanners who lake their sun bathing seriously (I) &) TIC TAC DOUGH (!) APPLE POLISHERS @) YOU ASKED FOR IT IS SIGNATURE Guest Oriana Fallac1 ~ 0 - fl!) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT r m> THE MAGIC WORLD OF MARCEL MARCEAU ~ The world's greatest hv1ng prac111toner of the ,., ancient art of Siience performs seven of has most ~ lamous panrom1mes ( 1 hr ) g: 0 REACHING OUT Two Canadian teenagers. one ::< physically handicapped, ltle other emo11onally trou-> c: co c: bled. lind the courage 10 reach out to each Other. 7:3S@NEWS 8:000 CBS NEWS SPECIAL 0 ti) REAL PEOPLE Featured a mysterious Ca11- fornia mountain. grade school kids with their own TV news show: a 92-year-old radio talk show hostess (R) (I hr) 0 MOVIE "Night Terror" ( 1976. Suspense) Valer- ie Harper Richard Romanus The lone witness 10 a highway patrolman's death 1s relentlessly pursued ~the psychopathic killer ( 1 h1 . 30 min.) U @) THE PHOENIX Bennu pursues a group ol uranium h11ackers who have taken a woman hos ~e (R) ( 1 hr) Cl) PRIME TIME 0 MOVIE "Prince 01 Foxes" ( 1949. Adventure) Tyrone Power Orson Welles A young man is a1mos1 destroyed _by his de11ance.nl Cesare.Borgia. (2 hrs) (!)PAUL HOGAN m MOVIE "Preacherman" ( 1979. Comedy) lllene Kristen. Esty F Davis (2 hrs.) @ COLLLLLECTING Featured western art. learn who to collect fine pnnts w11h the ellperaence of an avid collector. new discovery of sell-taught artists fl!) BENNETI & BASIE TOGETHER! Two legend- ary stars of the Amencan music scene --Tony Ben- "'"'" and W1rnam "Count" Basie -team up for a 56Pt>~..,L concert performance fealunng lhe Count as1e Ba._, ( 1 h 30 . ) (C) MOVIE r · min ( 1976. Adve~lur~reac11 Te)(, as Dynamite Chase" Jones Two female bafl~ud a Jennings. Jocelyn they ravage lhe male popU°1a~r.:. outwit police as touts. dynamite blasts and outrage& ~azing sh~<>: 1 hr . 29 min ) 4Sgulses R SPORTSCENTEA MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( 1981. Adven- ture) Richard Harris. Bo Derek. A young woman searches for her missing father an the African 1ungle where she encounters an uncivalazed while man and an orangutan 'A' ( 1 hr .. 52 min.) Cl) BIZARRE "AbSCam Camera" CJ ~OVIE "Nobody's Perfekl" (1981. Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Alex Karras. Three unlikely heroes sel oul to battle the red tape and bureaucracy of city hall 'PG' ( 1 hr., 36 min ) 8:30 (!) TAKE TIME FOR THE CHILDREN 8J P. M. MAGAZINE A rota I amnesiac who must rebuild her hie, a 71-year-old sky drver @WHEN I THINK OF RUSSIA Mikhail Baryshnikov, Vladimtr Ashkenazy. Joseph Brodsky. Victor Kor- chno1, Mikhail Chemalkln al)d Ernest Neizveslny lell ol their ellperiences toward art. freedom and !heir country Russia since lhey have been exiled. ( 1 hr.) 8'i) MARK RUSSELL Washington's top political sat1- 11s1 Poites fun at major issues and news stories ol the day ©) MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981, F3ntasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurertce Olivier. Mythic hero Perseus 1s helped by his lather Zeus In a series of dange<ous tasks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenician princess against the wishes ol a vengeful sea god· dess 'PG' ( 1 hr. 58 min.) JANE FONDA'S CELEBRITY FASHION SHOW An all-star special featuring high fashion, stylish superstars and madcap adventure. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8:36 (1l) Al:.l IN THE FAMILY 9:008 (I) MOVIE "Otuns" ( 1980, Orama) Ralph Waite, David Birney. A larme< organizes his neigh- bors to combe1 a local power company planning to run a potentially dangerous million-volt Power line thr~h their area. (A) (2 hrs.) G ID THE FACTS Of: LIFE Blair and Jo realize that they are closer than they thought when they each 92 home on vacation. (R) U (JI THE FAU GUY The reckless actions ol a country-western star complicate Colt's search for a bail·jumping murder suspect. (A) ( 1 hr.) e MERV GRtFAN Guest host. Dlcl< Clark. Guests; Christopher Atkins, Moon Zappa. Marc Prtca, JM J Bulloek. Valerie Ovennessen. ( 1 hr.) ID SOUNOSTAGE The legendary Roger Miller per- forms "K•ng Of The Road," "Chug-A·Lug," "Me And Bobble McGee." ( 1 hr.) (!) TRACK AND AELD Coverago of the Weltklaase Meet from Zurich, Switzerland. (R) (2 hrs., 30 min.) a::> MOVIE "Gal Young Un" (1981, Orama) Dena Peru, David Peck.A mlddlo-aged widow becomes an easy prey for a man wM has designs on her monty~ (2 hra.) (%) MOV1E "The Atphalt Jungle" ( 18150, ~ • .. I a:: I I I I I I I I 1 n C\I Wednesday (continued) co . O> c:i C\I Suspense) Sterling Hayden, James Whitmore The pollce are batfled by a criminal mastermind's half- m1ll1on-dollar robbery ( 1 hr . 50 min.) 9:05@ MOVIE "Wutheflng Heights" { 1939. Romance) l aurence 0 11v1er. Merle Oberon. Based on the story by Emily Bronte. A nch young woman torsakes the love ot a servant to marry a social equal (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 9:30 0 67) LOVE. SIDNEY LalJfle's parents take Sid- ney up on his 1nv1tation to move into the apartment. (A) U TWILIGHT ZONE C!l MOVIE "Scenes From A Murder" ( t975, Mys- tery) Telly Savalas. Anne Heywood A young actress witnesses the murder of her lover and 1s then pursued and terrorized by the 1<.1ller ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) IS SONG WRITERS "Sheldon Harnick" Sheldon Harn1ck performs some ot his works such as "Fid- JC1Jer On The Roof" and "She Loves Me." { 1 br.) fli) BACK TO THE ST AGE DOOR CANTEEN Holly- wood film historian and actor Tony Thomas takes a nostalgic look. at the Stage Door Canteen in New York.. CC) MOVIE "The Oc tagon" ( 1980. Adventure) Chuck Norris, Lee Van Cleef A wealthy young worn· an h11es a rettred martial arts champ1011 to protect her from terrorists trained by the mysterious Ninja cult 'A' ( 1 hr , 43 min.) 10:00 O (i) QUINCY An agoraphobic' s hie 1s endan- gered when she witnesses a slaying and becomes the killer's next target (A) ( 1 hr ) uoemNEWs D @) DYNASTY Blake. furious over Colby's deal- ings with Claudia. decks Colby. and Nick and Krys- tle rush to stop Claudia from killing Colby. (A) ( t hr.) 19 PRESENTING KAREN AKERS Cabaret singer Karen Akers sings selections by Stephen Son~r··1• Billy Joel and Jacques Brei In a perforrn"'-w rom Hamburg. Germany. 11~. ( 198 t H CID MOVIE "Friday The 13th ""'' . . . · or· ror) Amy Steel, John F~h"' I he grisly killings con· tinue at a summer r'" .Y al had been closed down after a sen~)' _,,zarre murders occurred there 'R' ~h'..:fe1E.1 "Barbarella" (1968, Science-Fiction) J<Tne Fonda. Milo O'Shea. A daring space heroine of lhe future encounters strange galaxies and villains. accompanied by a blind guardian angel. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 38 min.) D MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. During World War II, Allied POWs see their ticket to freedom in a match between their soccer team and the German National Team In Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 57 min.) 10:20 a JAZZIN' AROUND WITH THE TURK MUR- PHY BAND The trombone great and his New Orleans-style band perform tradltlonal jazz, Dixi&- land and ragtime tunes. 10:308NEWS @SIGNATURE Guest· Oriana Fallaci. Ci) INSIDE BUSINESS TODAY "Being A Car Deal- er" A car dealer reveals how he got into the busi- ness and how he became successful. CO) MOVIE ''The Elephant Man" ( 1980. Drama) John Hurt. Anthony Hopkins. A dedicated physician takes under his wing a horribly deformed man whose Ille until then had been spent In cheap freak exhibitions. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 3 min. I 11:00 8 DD()) ®.l &>NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN I M•A•s •H BENNY HILL COLLLLLECTING Featured: western ar1, learn who to collect fine prints with the experience of an avid collector: new discovery of self-taught artists. fl) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE (1J MOVIE "Going Places" ( 1974. Drama) Gerard Oepardieu, Jeanne Moreau. A women who has Just been released after ten years in prison slows down a pair o l wandering young tioodlums. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) (%)MOVIE "On Any Sunday" (1971) Documenta- ry Steve McQueen. Mert Lawwlll. The world of motorcycle racing Is seen from varying points ol view. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 11 : 16 @ BASEBALL Philadelphia Phillies at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 11:30e MOVIE "The Medusa Touch" (1978. Su~nse) Richard Burton, Lee Remick. A psychla· trlst takes on the case ol a man who believes he has the mental power to caYSe accidents. disaster and death. (A) (2 tira.) 8 e TONIGKT Guest host: Dick Cavett. Guests: HeAen Gutley Brown, maglc:ien Dal Vomon, Rich Llt-tte. {_I hr.) •Ill A8C NEWS NQHTUNE (I) M.C1WZ "n;i. ~.Touch" (1978. Suspense) •rtr I<' BQ~~JOtroi..~&.s>~••.takes on "'"""' 1trt.i~ II~---"-• mental .. - NOT AS UC FUN -~tti (Kaleena Kif!) is lucky to ~"e her visiting grandparents, EvP -Al van Morgan (Lenka Peterson and rl'ansford Rowe), to read bedtime stories to her, but it's not the same as when Sidney does it in "Visitors from Smoot" on "Love, Sidney" Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. on KNBC (Ch . 4). power to cause accidents. disaster and death (R) (2 hrs .. 15 min.) O MOVIE "The Buster Keaton Story" t 1957. Biog- raphy) Donald O'Connor, Rhonda Fleming. The famous comedian becomes the hero of silent films (2 hrs.) G» THE JEFFERSON$ ml SANFORD AND SON (3 WHEN I THINK OF RUSSIA Mikhail Barystinikov. Vlad1m1r Ashkenazy. Joseph Brodsky, Victor Kor - chnoi. Mikhail Chemalkin and Ernest Nelzvestny tell ot their experiences toward art, freedom and their country Russia since they have been exiled. ( 1 hr.) '1l) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS © MOVIE "Papillon" ( 1973, Adventure) Steve McOueen, Dustin Hottman A pair of Devil's Island convicts spend their time planning their escape. (2 hrs.. 35 min,) CE) SPORTSCENTER CID BUS STOP The lives of several travelers change when they are stranded in a small Kansas town MarJl£>t Kidder andl'im Matheson star. (2 hrs.) 11 .40(i) MOVIE "Eye Ot The Needle" (t981. Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nelllgan. While on a remote Scottish island to meet a Getman sub· rna11ne, an Axis spy finds shelter from the storm m the cottage of a young married couple 'A' ( 1 hr .. 51 min.) 12:00,ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 LOVE BOAT June joins the ship's secret all- male club, and a young man helps a gymnast come to terms with her overprotective father. (R) ( t hr , 10 min.) (!) MOVIE "Wake Island" (1942. Drama) Brian Donlevy. Robert Preston. On Wake Island during World War II. the Marine Corps dlsplays tremendous courage. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Canterville Ghost" ( 1944, Come- dy) Charles Laughton, Robert Young. A meek, man must perform an act of courage to free himself from the ghost of a cowardly ancestor. (2 hrs.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE "Woodstock" ( 1970, Musical) Docu- mentary. Many of the top musical groups or the late ·eos perform at the famous rock concert held in Bethel, New York. In t969. (3 hrs .. 5 min.) 12:308 e LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: Orville Aedenbacker, Pee Wee Herman. • concert ptomoter Biii Graham. ( 1 hr.) I OOOPLES LOVE. AMEACAN STYLE 80NQ WAtTEAS "Sheldon Hamiel<" ~t'lefdon Harnlck performs some of his works sucti as "Fld- dler On The Roof'' and "Stie Loves Me." ( 1 hr.) Cl) AUTO AACtNG Coverage of the NASCAR Champion Spark Ptug 400 from BrOOklyn, Mich. {8) (3 In.) CZ) MOW! ''Heertbeei>s" (1981. COmedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. In a w0f1d of the near , • '"'f~~r4t;.J*OJ)()f'IV1Wf<lielUU>Qaa~.the lltcls· Slt~CllA-ll.M.ilAOlltr('tM\IW6&.l~}:ol111J 12;46(0) MOVIE "DM<Jlfll-....r :t.Wftk>rrot) Ernest Borgnine, Lois Nettleton. A young womar who marries into a strict religi,ous sect discovers sh~ is trl!_Pped in a living nightmare. 'R' ( t hr .. 45 min.) t;OOU MOVIE "Jet Over The Atlantic" ( 1959 Adventure) Guy Madison. Virginia Mayo A Spain to-New York airliner runs into a series of calam1t1e•] testing the nerve and wits ot the pilot. (2 hrs.) (!) MOVIE "Ramrod" ( t947, Western) Joe McCrea. Veronica lake So thal she can have he 1 own way, the female owner of a sheep ranch hire! men to help her outwit her own la1her ( 1 hr .. 3C rn1n ) (L) MOVIE "fhe Odd Angry Shot" ( 1979. Orama) Graham Kennedy, John Hargreaves. An Australiar volunteer soldier isn't quite prepared tor the sight; and situations he finds during his tour of duty ir Vietnam. ( 1 hr . 32 rmn.) 1: 100 MOVIE "Marry Mel Marry Me!" ( 1968 Romance) Claude Berri. Elizabeth Wiener A Jew1st1 book peddler falls hopelessly "' love with a youn~ Belgian girl who needs a father for her unborn child ( 1 hr . 30 min) 1 1 @)NEWS 1:30f) NEWS 0 (i) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT ~) MOVlb: · f he Other Side Of The Mountain --Parl II" 11978. Drama) Marilyn Hassett. Timothy Bot! 1oms Former champion skier Jill K1nmon1, rendere~ ;i quadriplegic by a tra91c accident, wrestles will sell-doubt when a new love enters her lite ( t hr . 4 rmn) 1 :40 (..$)MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sy Ives 1er Stallone. Michael Came During World War 111 Allied POWs see their ticket to freedom 1n a matcH between their soccer team and the German Na11ona Team 1n Pans. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 mm.) 2:008 MOVIE "Funeral In Berlin" ( 1967 Suspense) Michael Caine. Oscar Homolka A Brit 1sh agent arranges for a mock funeral tn order f<! safely smuggle a Russian defector out of Berlin. (4 hrs.) Q) MOVIE "Fort Dobbs" (1958, Western) Clin Walk.er, V1rg1n1a Mayo. A man overcomes persona obstacles and Indian attacks 10 protect the thing~ he cherishes most. ( 1 nr .. 50 min.) (Z) MOVIE "The Asphalt Jungle" ( 1950, Suspense) Sterling Hayden. James Whttmore ThE police are baffled by a criminal masterm1nd's half m1llion-dollar robbery. ( 1 hr . 50 min.) 2:05 (!)NEWS 2: 10 ~ MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Brtd\Jes. Bevetly O' Angelo A small town tr Flo11da t3kes matters into its own hands when by passed by a new highway. (2 hrs) ~: 15@RAT PATROL 2:30 Cf) MOANING STRETCH OD NEWS (() MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" ( t981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivler Mythic hero Perseu~ 1s helped by his father Zeus In a series of dangerou~ tasks as he tries 10 win the hand ol a Phoenlclar princess against the wishes of a vengeful sea god dess. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 58 min ) 2:40D NEWS 2;45@ WORLD AT LARGE 3:00 9 MOVIE "What The Butler Saw" ( 1950, Com edy) Henry Millison, Edward Rigby The daughter o a South Seas chief aec:ompanies an Englishm81 home. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) Cf) JOE FRANKLIN @ NEWS Cl MOVIE "In GOd We Trust" ( 1980, Comedy; Marty Feldman. Andy Kaufman. A naive monk L sent out Into the world to raise money tor his impov erished monastery. 'PG' ( t hr .. 37 min.) 3:15(H) MOVIE "Friday Jhe 13th, Part II" (1981 Horror) Amy Steel, John Furey. The grisly killing, continue at a summer camp lhat had been closet down alter a series of bizarre murders occtirret there. 'R' ( t hr .. 27 min J 3: 30 CE) SPORTSWOMAN (A) 3:,.0(1) MOVIE "flm" (1981, Drama) Piper LauriE Mel Gibson. A young retarded man and a sensitive middle-aged woman develop a close relationship c mutual need and understanding that leads to a • unorthodox marriage. ( 1 hr , 35 min.) 3;50QI MOVIE "Fort Worth" (1951, Weslern) Rar dolph Scott. David Brian. A gunsllnqer-turned-neW1! paperman finds that his prowess With • slx-shOote 1s still more effective than words In dealing Witt) ~ less elements. ( t hr .. 40 min.) 4:00(1) JIMMY SWAGGART CC) MOVIE "Goodbye. Emmanuelle" ( 1977, Ore ma) Sylvia Kristel, Umberto Orsini, A beauti1' woman's search f0< the ultimate erotic experlene brings her to a startling reallz.atlon 'A' ( 1 hr 4 min.) ,. (I) SPORTSCelTER • (%) MOVE "On Ally Sunday" ( 197 t) Ooeurn.ntt ry. Steve MoOueen, Mert Lawwill. Th9 world c motorcycle racing Is seen from v..ytng poirila c view. ( t hf., 30 mln.) 4:0IGI) ~ ...... .J~~ .xtA I 1• • 4:25. WOW: "To HaYe And Tt>~~ 1. On ma) Ray Barrett, Kathe • ..,.... ...... ·.#<••-., ••• ··-..................................... ·----·-· •• ···-..... , • ._. ...... ·-· ............................. ,...,,. Thursday _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~" D EYE ON LA. Featured: a report on what could . tt , \ I< >I l :\ I :\( ; \ I< >\' I LS 5:30(%) ''Heartbeeps" ( 1981, Comedy) Andy Kauf- man. Bernadette Peters. 6:00~ "No Nukes" ( t980, Musical) Jackson Browne, Crosby, Stills & Nash. 6:05@ "Uncertain Glory" ( 1944. Adventure) Errol Flynn. Paul Lukas. 6:30()) "Darby O'Gill And The Little People" (1959. Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery 7:00 0 "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981. Fantasy) Har- ry_Hamlln. Laurence Olivier CZ) "Hollywood Boulevard" ( 1976. Comedy) Can- dice Ria Ison. Dick Miller. 7:30® "Scout's Honor" ( 1980. Qrame) Gary Cole- man. Kathe11ne Helmond. 8:00~ "Young Joe. The Forgotten Kennedy" ( 1977. Drama) Peter Strauss, Barbara Parkins. 8:05 @ "The Family Jewels" (1965. Comedy) Jerry Lewis. Sebastian Cabot 8:30 ()) "Stardust Memories" ( 1980. Drama) Woo- ~ Allen, Charlotte Rampling. lZ.J "Down Argentine Way" ( 1940. Musical) Betty Grable. Don Ameche. 9:00 0 "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory" ( 1971 , Fantasy) Gene Wiider. Jack Albertson. 10:00mJ "A Little Romance" ( t979, Comedy) Lau- rence Olivier, Diane Lane. ()) "The Maltese B1ppy" ( 1969. Comedy) Dan Rowan, Dick Martin. 10:05@ "A Prize 01 Gold" ( 1955. Drama) Richard Widmark. Mai Zetterling. 10:15 (%) "Tarzan. The Ape Man" (1981. Adventure) Richard Harris. Bo Derek 11:000 "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982. Fantasy) Chris Makepeace. Fred Gwynne. 11:30® "Heave.n Can Wait" ( 1978, Fantasy) Warren Beatty. Julie Christie. ())"Under The Rainbow'' ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Fisher. .\F.llJl:\< >< ):\ \I< )\'ILS 12:00fJ "Union Station•· ( 1950. Drama) William Holden, Barry Fitzgerald tD "The Last Blitzkrieg" ( 1959, Dram!!) Van John- son. Dick York. a> "September Affair" ( 1950, Romance) Joan Fontaine. Joseph Colten. ~"The Fixer" (1968, Drama) Dirk Bogarde, Alan Bates 12: 15 CZ) "Rock 'N' Roll High School" ( 1979, Come· dy) P.J. Soles. Vincent Van Patten. 1:30()) "Clash Of The Titans" (1981. fantasy) Har· ry Hamlin, Laurence Ohvier 2:00 (!) "Billy The Kid" ( 1941, Western) Robert Taylor. tan Hunter 0 "Victory" (.1981 , Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. (%) "HollywOOd Boulevard" ( 1976. Comedy) Can- dice Rialson, Dick Miller. 3:00® "Scout's Honor" ( 1980. Drama) Gary Cole- man. Katherine Helmond C1J "Melvin And Howard" ( 1980, Comedy) Pa1.1I LeMat, Jason Aoba•ds. 3:30 ~ "Pinchclllf Grand Prix" ( 1980, Adventure) Animated. ()) "Darby O'GHI And The Little People" ( 1959, Fantasy) Alben Sharpe, Sean Connery. (%) "Down Argentine Way" ( 1940, Musical) Betty Grable, Don Ameche. 4:000 "Santa Fe Passage" ( 1954, Western) John Payne. Faith Domergue. (I "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory" ( 197 I, Fantasy) Gene Wilder. Jack Albertson 5:00 mJ "Young Joe. The Forgotten Kennedy" {!977, Drama) Peter Strauss. Barbara Parkl.ns. CD "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980, Romance) Brooke Shields. Ch11stopher Atkins. (Q) "The Bani< Dick" ( 1940. Comedy) W.C. Fields. Una Merkel. 6:06«1) "Mighty Joe Young" ( 1949, Adventure) Ter· ry Moore, Robert Armstrong. 5:16(%) "Rock 'N' Roll High School" ( 1979, Come· ~) P.J. Soles, Vincent Van Panen 5:300 "Ballad 01 A Soller" Vladimlr tveshov, Shen- na Trokhorenko, CJ) "This ts Elvis" ( 1981. Biography) Documentary l .\ I .'\ I '\<; e:ooea•News I WOH~WOMAN CBS NEWS WILD, WILD WEST ABC NEWS '•' 8.W.AT.f • 11~ .. "' HA•H~ ,.,,, f I I. I 11'.-l)tt\ Q ,. ., ·•· n ... ,,, I• •" COOKING MADE EASY -Singt·r Frankie L&ne (right) assists chef Narsai David in the preparation of an easy, low cost sauerbraten on ''Over Easy " Thursday al 5 p.m . on KOCE (Ch. 50). ,, It fE A TIME TO LIVE WITH LEO BUSCAGLIA Dr Leo Buscaglia delivers his message of love and appreciation ol the good things in life lrom Sacra- mento's historical Capitol Park. f.i) NBC NEWS Ii) MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING ® THE GOLD BUG A young boy becomes involved in a suspenseful hunt for Captain Kidd's buried trea- sure. 0 MOVIE "Tommy" ( 1975. Musical) Roger Dal· trey. Ann-Margret Based on the rock opera by The Who A young boy strucl<. deaf, dumb and blind by the sight ot his father's murder becomes a modern· day messiah exploited by a greedy uncle and a wor - ShlpEinv>ublic. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) 6:30 Cl) UD NEWS @) BARNEY MILLEA ~FAST FORWARD ©)ON VIEW 6:50 fll PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due to pledge breaks 7:001J CBS NEWS D NBCNEWS I KUNG FU ABC NEWS (J) P.M. MAGAZINE A New Yori< town that 1s often visited by UFOs. an interview with top fashion model Cristina Farrare Q THESAl~T (!) NEW YORK REPORT @) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT m M·A·s·H ml JOKER'S WILD I G!) BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MOVIE "No Nukes" ( 1980. Musical) Jackson Browne. Crosby. Stills & Nash. Footage of a series of anti-nuclear power concerts held In New York Ctty during September. 1979, featuring the Doob1e Brothers. Carly Simon, James Taylor and Bruce Springsteen, is compiled in this documentary. 'PG' U hr, 43 min.) CID YESTERYEAR ... 1947 Dick Cavett travels back to the prosperous post-World War II era that saw the growth of the suburbs. lelevlslon and the pas- senger car. ( 1 hr ) CIJ MOVIE "This Is Elvis" (1981, Biography) Docu· mentary. Film footage and dra.matic rct·creattons are used to tell the story of Elvis Presley's life and career. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 28 min.) (Q) THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "Marty" Rod Steiger and Nancy Marchand star In a 1955 production of Paddy Chayefsky's teleptay about a homely butcher who falls In love with a platn girl. ( 1 hr.) CZJ MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" (1981. Adven· turf!) Richard Harris, Bo Oe<ek. A young woman searches for her missing father In the African jungle where she encounters an unclvlllzed white man and an orangutan. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 52 min.) 7:06«l)NEWS 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: 1he hidden meaning bel'llDGI ·doodle art; a comedy.11ore wed· dl~·'*lt1Wlth11f ;eiUtJrant'aUPIJllef ,~ .. ~11,1~ ,. • FAMl.¥fllU)lt~ ,11· "111/nM 'O' r h .: 1 ' happen in the event of World War Ill: Elmer Dills critiques the food at a Los Angeles school cafeteria: how celebrities sweat ii out on the Battle Ot The Network Stars. Cl) a> TIC TAC DOUGH (!) MEET THE MAYORS @)YOU ASKED FOR IT m M·A·s·H MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT FAWLTY TOWERS -c < I SIGNATURE Guest: Michael Graves. AEROBICISE Get In shape, look good, and feel )> great with this physrcal Illness program, c 8:008 Cil MAGNUM, P.1. Magnum determinedly <g tracks down the killer of his good friend and surfing !e. come_an1on. (A) ( 1 hr.) I\) D W FAME Lydia and Coco compete for 1he ~me 0 part in an off-Broadway show. (R) ( 1 hr.) _. D MOVIE "Cape Fear" ( 1962. Suspense) Gregory ~ Peck. Robert Mitchum. After eight years In prison, I\) an embittered man seeks revenge on the lawyer responsible for his conviction. (2 hrs.) D @) MOVIE "Massarati And The Brain" (Prem· iere, Adventure) Daniel Phlton. Peter Billingsley. An international soldier of fortune and his genius neph· ew combine forces when a search tor sunken trea- sure turns into a deadly showdown. (2 hrs.) fJ MOVIE "This Land Is Mine" ( 1943, Drama) Charles Laughton, Maureen O'Hara. A Frenchman summons his courage and defies the occupying Germans. (2 hrs,) (!)PAUL HOGAN m P.M, MAGAZINE A New York town that Is often visited by UFOs: an interview with top fashion model Cristina Ferrare. a> MOVIE "Great Expectations" ( 1975, Drama) Michael York. Sarah Miles, Based on the story by Charles Dickens. A young boy's life Is deeply influ· enced by a chance encounter with an escaped p11s- oner. (2 hrs.) @ BOTANIC MAN "Ext1nc11on Is Forever" A look at how trying to preserve extinction may lead to worsening nature such as the Dodo and the Pink ~eon. tl!J THE ALL-TIME AMERICAN SONGBOOK Host Dinah Shore is joined by Judy Collins, Sergio Fran- chi, Melba Moore and many others !or a musical tribute to America's favorite popular classics from Tin Pan Alley to Hollywood (2 hrs .. 50 min.) ~SNEAK PREVIEWS SPORTSCENTER THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT The famous group from rock's golden era perform their greatest hits, including "California Girls," "Surfln' U S.A." and "Barbara Ann " ( 1 hL) • @ MOVIE "Heartbeeps" (1981. Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. In a world of the near future. two commercial robots experience the vicis- situdes ot first love 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) CS) MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Fisher. The 150 midgets who are in town for ttie filming of "The Wizard 01 Oz," turn a California 1-totel upslde·down. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 36 min) (I MOVIE "Back Roads" (1981. Comedy} Sally Field. Tommy Lee Jones. A hooker and a down-on- his-luck boxer meet and head west In search of a new Ille. 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 min..) 8:05@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 (!) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT tD ODD COUPLE @ MOVIE ''Ballad 01 A Soller" Vledlmlr lvashov, Shanna Trokhorenko The humorous portrayal of a man who attempts to reach home during World War II on a very short leave of absense. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) g:)SEA POWER 8:35111.l MOVIE ''Counterfeit Kiiier" (1968, Drama) Jack Lord. Shirley Knight. An undercover policeman Infiltrates a crime ring to expose the activities of top crime leaders (2 hrs.) 9:008 Cl) SIMON & SIMON A.J, and Rick are hired to find out who is stealing confidential files frO<rt their arch rival's office. (R) (1 hr.) D Im DtFF'RENT STROKES Kimberly's hair turns green after ustng a treatment recommended by her Aunt Sophia. (R) Cf) MOVIE "Ambush Bay" ( 1966. Drama) Hugh O'Brlan, Mickey Rooney. Marines In the Philippines search for a spy with knowledge of MacArthur's E?.f_anned Invasion. (2 hrs.) • MERV GRIFAN Guest host: Dick Clark. Guests: Morgan Fairchild, Randy Crawford, Robert Clark Graham. Of. Afton Blake, Mark Sweet. (1 hr.) ID MASTERPIECE THEATRe "Disraeli: The Great Game" Queen Vlc1orla meets Disraeli and their leg• endary alliance takes root: Mary Anne courageously bears the burden of a grave lllne98. (Part 3) (R) Q i! hr.) CC} MOVIE "Lady Takes A. Chance" ( 1943, Come- dy) JoM Wayne, .U.On Arthur. A woman finds an unwilling candidate foe marrlooe Whu. l'IUlt>and· h.untlng_ln the Far Wnt. ( 1 hr., 2'A mto.) ,,,_.,·,1,W1r..arn.84.EAOUR'·IAll8Au.·~ of the r.t11•J'" t9CoM ..... ..._-~~ "-J1tttM"tLeep J I l 1 · I I I ,r l I c • M "' Thursday (continued) Cl) --~ World Serles lrom Williamsport. Pa. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 • mln.L ~ CID CIJ MOVIE "The Enforcer" ( 1976. Orama) Clint Eastwood, Tyne Daly. "Dirty Harry" Callahan is 101ned by a female rookie In his pursuit ol a group of California revolutionaries terrorizing San Francisco. 'R' ( 1 hr. 36 min.) (1) MOVIE "Hollywood Boulevard" (1976, Come- dy) Candice Rialson, Dick Miller. Fresh from Indi- ana. a young aspiring starlet becomes involved 1n a real robbery that she thinks 1s part of her movie debut. 'R' ( 1 hr., 33 min.) 9:30 Cl GIMME A BREAK Nell and the Chief are surprised to learn that Katie's Illness is the result ol a birth control device. (R) &>LOOK ALIVE (ID TOTALLY GO.GO'S One ol the country's hot- test new rock acts sing 19 songs including their hit singles "We Got The Bear" and .. Our Ups Are Sealed." (1 hr., 15 min.) 10:0011 (I) KNOTS LANDING laura tells Richard that she is pregnant. and Val writes a novel about the Ewings. (A) { 1 hr.) Cl ti) Hil l STREET BLUES A fugitive who once saved Renko·s Ille becomes 1he object of a fierce debate. and Fay's new fiance expires. (R) ( t hr ) UiJG)g)NEWS 8 9)20 1 20 13 INTERVIEW WITH FEDERICO FELLINI Fedenco Fellini. the lamed Italian director, discusses his ar1, life and career. '11> ODYSSEY "Other People's Garbage" Historical archaeologists at three sites across the United States search for a clearer. and ohen very dltferent. story of America's recent past. (R) o. (1 hr.) ())ROMANCE: LOVE IN THE DUNES' 'RABBI' BELKER -Det. Mick Belker (Bruce Wei tz) poses as a rabbi in order to catch some bank robbers in the "Chipped Beef " episode of NBC's ''Hill Street Blues" Thun;day at 10 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). Cl MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" (1981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Sco1tish island to meet a German wbma-I YOU ASKED FOR IT rine. an Axis spy finds sheller from the storm in the THE JEFFERSONS cottage of a young married couple. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 51 SANFORD ANO SON min.) @ MOVIE "Ballad Of A Solier'' Vladimir lvashov. 10:30 g) NEWS Shanna Trokhorenko. The humorous portrayal of a @SIGNATURE Guest: Michael Graves. man who attempts to reach home during World War ~RICHARD PRYOR IN CONCERT .The well-known II on a very shor1 leave of absense. ( 1 hr. 30 min.) comedian shoots pointed barbs at almost every '1l) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS ' 1nst1tution imaginable in this uncensored. no-holds· CE) SPORTSCENTER barred concert performance. ( t hr .. 20 min.) 11:50~ MOVIE "Young Joe. The Forgotten Kenne- ([) SPORTSCHALLENGE '73 California Angels vs dy" ( 1977, Drama) Peter Strauss, Barbara Parkins. Heavyweight World Champions The eldest Kennedy volunteers for a dangerous war- (1) MOVIE "Friday The 13th. Part II'' (1981, Hor· hme mission which, 1f successful, would bring him ror) Amy Steel. John Furey The grlsly killings con-back a hero and one step closer to the While tinue at a summer camp that had been closed down House. ( l hr .. 35 min.) alter a series of bizarre murders occurred 1here. 'R' 12:008 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (1 hr .. 27 min.) 8 Q1J VEGA$ Dan desperately searches tor a mys- CZ) MOVIE "Rock 'N' Roll High School" ( 1979. terlous motorcyclist who is terrorizing the city with Comedy) P.J. Soles. Vincent Van Patten. A budd· assassinations. (R) ( 1 hr . 10 min.) 1ng songwriter at Vince Lombardi High tries to get G MOVIE "Santa Fe Passage" ( 1954. Western) the Ramones lo record her mustc while her equally John Payne. Faith Oomergue. Despite the lact thal amb1t1ous friend pursues the school heartthrob he is an Indian-hater. a man falls In love with a half· 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min) breed (2 hrs.) 10:35 @ MOVIE "Never A Dull Momeni'' ( 1952. Com-(!) MOVIE "The Ravine .. { 1970, Drama) David edy) Irene Dunne, Fred MacMurray. A songwriter McCatlum, Johnny Crawlord. During World War II, a and a rancher learn ro cope with a pa1r ol llvely girls. German soldier Is assigned 10 locate a Balkan sniper ( 1 hr., 55 min.) who turns out lo be more beautiful 1han he expect- 10:50 8) NORMAN ROCKWELL'S WORLD: AN ed. (2 hrs.) AMERICAN DREAM A nostalgic look is taken at the CD MOVIE .. The Clock" (1945. Romance) Judy late artist's life, work. and hometown ot Stockbridge. Garland. Robert Walker. A sallor searches lrantlcatly Massachuse11s. for a young girl he met and fell In love with during a 11:0011D8 Cl) 9J m NEWS chance meeting whlle he was on an eight·tiour I SATURDAY NIGHT leave. (2 hrs.) COURAGE TO CARE fl) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE JOE FRANKLIN (I) MOVIE .. This Is Elvis" (1981, Biography) Docu- M0 A •s•H mentary. Film footage and dramat~ re-creations are BENNY Hill used to tell the story of Elvis Presley's fife and BOTANIC MAN "Extinction Is Forever" A look career. ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) al how trying to preserve extinction may lead to Cl MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" ( f981, Adven- worsenlng nature such as lhe Dodo and the Pink ture) Richard Harris, Bo Derek. While accompany- ~. eon. Ing her falher on a search for the legendary E~ DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE phant's Graveyard, a young woman Is abducted by FROM THE 66-YAAO LINE Action hlghllghts an uncivilized white man who was raised by apes in from the Canadian Football l.eague. (R) the .i!!._~. 'R' (1 hr .. 52 min.) (fi) MOVIE "Massacre At Central High" ( t 976, Ora-12:30U tlD LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN ma) Andrew S1evens, Robert Carradine. A crusade Guests: Carole King. comedian Richard Lewis. ( 1 for revenge begins after a prank that went too far hr.) was pulled on the quieter students by a group of I COUPLES bored high-school trlencn. 'R' ( 1 hr., 27 min.) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE (1J MOVIE "Emily" { 1976, Drama) Koo Stark, Vfc· MOVIE "0augh1ers Courageous" ( 1939. Ora- tor Spinetti. In 19206 England, a 1een-age girt ma) Prlsclfla. Rosemary and Lola Lane, John Gar- comes of age through an affair with an American field. Three sisters with romantic problems find lime schoolteacher. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) to help their parents with their troubles. (2 hrs .. 10 (Q) MOVIE "Zoot Sult" (1981. Drama) Daniel Val-min.) dez. Edward James Olrnos. In 19408 Los Angeles. a (I) TOP RANK BOXING Coverage of the to.round cause celebre erupts aver the framing of members llghtwelght bou1 between Howard Davis. Jr and ol a Chicano street gang tor murder. 'R' (1 hr .. 4 3 Cocoa Sanchez from Atlantic City, N.J. (R) (2 hrs., min.} 30 min.) 11:309 Cl) QUINCY Quincy agrees tn help Sam CID JOHNNY CASH'S AMERtCA The country music Investigate the strange behavior of a friend who star pertorms a salute to American history and tradl· turned violent and kllled a Polloe officer. ( 1 ht .. 10 lions with guests June Carter Cash, Steve GOOd· min.)_ man, John Prine and Rodney Crowell from Kennedy G • TONIGHT Guest hoe1: Martin Mull. Guest· Center In Washington. O.C. (1 hr .. 15 min.) ,9ti.i-'J<lng. (1hr.) CD MOV1E "Cut • (1981, Drama) John 19e AlM'.aG!!iWS ~J b')?.rt9Jt 1 ~ t..'i>onrit! r1u)~let!. Jett Br ·IA • ~·JM~....-~~~'N. ~·,•·"'°· v best lriend. a social dropout, locus their energies on solving a murder case. 'R' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) (%) MOVIE "Laura" ( 1980, Drama) Dawn Dunlop, Maud Adams. A woman tries to prevent a relation- ship between a sculptor with whom she had had an affair and her teen-age ballerina daughter 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 12:4011 (I) MCMILLAN AND WIFE While moving into a new house, Sally opens a barrel searching tor her china and finds a body instead. (I hr., 40 min.) 1:009 MOVIE "Escape To Burma" ( 1955, Adven- lure) Barbara Slanwyck, Robert Ryan Native superstitions and unwanted altentions from a mys- 1e11ous stranger complicate the life of a mistress of a Burmese plantation. { t hr.. 50 min ) «!) MOVIE "Innocent Meeting.. ( 1957, Drama) Sean Lynch. Beth Rogan. A young man fighls against the stigma juvenile delinquency ( 1 hr . 30 min.) @ INTERVIEW WITH FEDERICO FELLINI Federico Fellini, the tamed Italian director, discusses his art. life and career cm MOVIE "Something For Everyone" (1970, Com- edy) Angela Lansbury. Michael York Members ot a wealthy European family engage in murder and other torms of deviant behavior ro satisfy rheir vari- ous desires. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) 1: 108 MOVIE "Snowfire" ( 1958) Don Magowan A man captures a white stallion and his daughter sets 11 free. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) @)NEWS 1:3011 ti) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT ct) MOVIE "The Happy Hooker Goes To Washing- ton.. ( 1977. Comedy) Joey Heatherton, George Hamilton. The Irrepressible Xaviera Hollander jour- neys to the U.S. capital and uncovers some very sensitive secret documents. 'R' ( t hr., 29 min.) t:-45 ® MOVIE "Alien" ( 1979. Horror) Tom Skerr i11, Yaphet Ko110. The crew of a spacegoing scrap car· ner follow a mysterious signal 10 a supposedly dead planet and. after landing, discover that the message was a warning to stay away. 'R' (2 hrs., 4 min.) CS) MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981. Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier Mythic hero Perseus is helped by his father Zeus in a series of dangerous tasks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenician princess against the wishes of a vengeful sea god- dess. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 58 min.) 2:00'8 MOVIE "The Left·Handed Gun" ( 1958. Western) Paul Newman, Lita Milan. A youthful Billy the Kid avenges his employer's death and then ' escapes to Madero. (2 hrs.) 0 MOVIE "Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980, Drama) Mel· vyn Douglas, Ula Kedrova. A withdrawn. elderly woman, unaware that she 1s dying, embarks on a long journey to reacquaint herself with her geo- graphically and emotionally separated family 'PG' i!_ hr . 30 min.) (_z) MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" (1981. Adven- ture) Richafd Hams. Bo Derek A young woman searches for her missing lather 1n the Alr1can jungle where she encounters an uncivilized while rnan and an orangutan 'R' ( l hr .. 52 min.) 2:05 Cf) NEWS 2:20 tJ NEWS 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH g) MOVIE "The Island Of The Living Dead" ( 1968. Horror) John Ashley, Kent Taylor. A research team 1nvest1ga11ng plant a(ld animal mutations due 10 atomic testing discovers a human mutation. ( 1 hr .. ~mt.n . .\. NEWS ( MOVIE ''This Is Elvis .. (1981, Biography) Docu- mentary. Film footage and dramatic re-creations are used 10 tell the story ol Elvis Presley's life and career 'PG' { t hr .. 28 min.) 2:400NEWS @ WORLD AT LARGE 2:509 MOVIE "Accused Of Murder" (1957, Mys- tery) Vera Ralston. David Brian. A homicide detec- tive falls for a nightclub singer suspected ot kllllng a Q!!ngland lawyer. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) tll MOVIE ''Appointment In Honduras" ( 1953, Adventure) Glenn Ford. Ann Sheridan. An Ameri- can rallies to the cause of freed<>m fOf a South American country by convincing a band of outlaws to assist him. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 3;00 Cf) JOE FRANKLIN @ NEWS ~RICHARD PRYOR IN CONCERT The well~nown comedian shoots pointed barbs at almost every institution imaginable In this uncensored, no-holds- barred concert performance. (1 hr .. 25 min.) (I) POCKET BILLIAROS Luther Lassiter va. U.J. Puckett (R) ( 1 hr ) 1 3:300 MOVIE "Back Roads" (198 1. Comedy) Sal· ly Field. Tommy Lee Jones. A hooker and a down· , on-hls·luck boxer meet and head west In seerc:ll of a new Ille. 'R' ( t hr .. 35 min.) 3:45® MOVIE "The Enforcer" (1976. Orama) Cllnt Eastwood, Tyne Daly. "Ditty Harry" Callahan Is joined by a female rookie In his pursuit of a grovp of California revolutlooarlos terrorizing San Franolsco. 'R' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Search And Destroy" ~~ • ( ___ r_v_P_uzz_I• __ ) ACROSS t,5 Shown, plays Vera on Allee 12 Stan's chum 14 Hamlet's love 15 Yes, for Charo 16 Miss Duncan's handbag 10 17 Youngster 18 Played Hud: ln1t 19 Switch settings 21 Vlolln1st Isaac 23 --rule (usually) 24 A Stooge 25 Ending wllh pay 26 WKRP newsman 27 Milland and Charles 30 What's My Line host 32 -the Down Staircase 33 Truth -Consequences 34 Miss Tomlin 36 TV's talking horse: 2 wds 39 Fiii 'er up 40 Mrs., In Madrid 43 Animal doctor 45 Abner's friend 46 Played Doc Adams 48 Miss MacGraw 49 Essayist on 60 Minutes: lnit. 50 -Phillips played Livia 51 Mr. Jourdan's lnslgne 53 Miss Ekberg's sign-off ~ 01' Blue Eyes 56 Father Knows Best star 58 Pink Panther star 59 Shroyer's show t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 20 22 23 28 29 30 31 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 46 47 50 52 55 57 DOWN -Buddies Wylle or Donahue Miss Louise's sign-off -Glrl Friday Grand - A Night at the - -Tomorrow Comes Nlmoy, to pals Hirt or Paclno Comedian Russell Bill and Andrews Begley and Asner Red or Black Hart -Hart -In the Family Mr. Brynner 1- Mr, Deluise Part of ETA Joannie on Eight IS Enough Doctrine A Gabor Leo on The Jelfersons Harris on Barney Miller A Beatie Barrett and Jalfe Mr Newley's lns1gne Cheryl - Location Ron or Rick Mr. Mineo Spano or Allaso Mr. Lear's sign-off World org. SOLUTION EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternative to ho•pltel emergency rooms tor: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care AOUL TS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED 405 FWY. OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 385 DAYS A YEAR O.C. 8 A.M.·11 P.M. Alrpon (714) 752.e300 ~ •M•RG•NCY DOCTOR8 OFFtC• 4030 Birch St.. Suite 107 Newport Beach -5 5 15oFF E -.. ·--your first visit • - - -with this c:eupon - • See what we have to otfer • ·:;·11ililllliii8iiu1l·Drilid!· ( lleturn with us to ) k . ~~~c--n ( L/Jh>~ ~ [ill [ill (fil ill] (b ~ rnJ T!'tf 011Nf5E VlllAIN NC MAO ,5CifN(l5T """5 '1£AAO ON~ OF RNX>'5 (.AR\.lfST M~Tf'RY PROGRAMS FUMAIVCl"IU 6ECAMf A ces SERIES IN 193Z Automatic Garage Door Systems FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automa!ic Garage Door Operators by Stanley LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTV -- ' ' J STANLEY Mel. 201 $149.00 Stanley Digital "High Security" ~adio controls -three signals ~:q IRVINE :a... TI . I STANLEY ·f'Day or Ni9h1 Prompt, courteous - . conscientious service. Sales & Service 552-1411 111' 1•'1 ,M , I , ~ 11•1 h +t. dt1tured. Bonded & LlcenMd a..~ 8'tQll6.MA ------ 4 t5 ~ 0 -~ $ "Tl ... 0: I» ';< > c: co c: !e I\) .o _. <D Q) I\) ' .. ... J .. N co O> .... G ~ l)ayti1ne -Cl) :J 0) :J < ~Palmer and Daisy ~ai r differences 0 _. ~ ALL MY CHILDREN: Fearing their romance may be uncovered, Palmer and Daisy decide to play ~ 4p their differences in public. After Estelle ~Us 0:: Benny she's not certain she can return to him, Benny takes a turn for the worse, contracting blood poisoning. Catching a lingerie-clad Opal in Phoebe's kitchen, Myrtle realii.es she and Langley are lovers. While Opal shops for a ring, Myrtle orders Langley to end the affair In an attempt to halt the wedding, Phoebe refuses to attend Chuck and Carrie's upcoming nuptials. Ray finishes his tunnel to freedom and talks Frazier into escaping alone. Ray then reports the break and Frazier is killed. Ray, cited as a hero, obtains early parole. At Silver's suggestion, Erica holds press conlerence to taJk about her future as an American Beauty. ANOTHER WORLD: Returning to Bay City, Henrietta tells Bob she wants a divorce. Di against Steve and. Rachel getting together. Steve tells Alice he cares for her but loves Rachel. Chris infonns Cas: it is James she's interested in. Cecille learns that Elena and Louis St. George knew each other in childhood. Although Liz offers to help finance the film, Milos really wants to collect the insurance money. Without telling Steve, Rache l gives financial aid to Blackhawk. Ada takes in Pete's sisters. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Annie and Jeff wed. As Margo sleeps in Lisa's bed, Whit McCall, Lisa's wealthy and powerful husband, gets into the bed expecting to find Lisa. Margo, thinking Whit is the Oakdale rapist, uses her karate, seriously injuring Whit. Whit wants Margo off the police force. 1Vm upset over Steve and Betsy's burgeoning friendship. Miranda is paroled Crom prison and reunited with Bilan. John unhappy with the thought of Margo and Tom marrying. CAPITOL: For Julie and Tyler's wedding, Wally buys a $1,000 vase. Learning that Myrna will be hosting the bipartisan conclave at her home, Judson refuses to attend. Tyler running third in congressional polls. Polls also show that Mark Denning could win if he ran for president. Julie and Tyler oome to an understanding $bout the kid kiss she saw him give Sloane. Wally tells Clarissa he still loves Julie and wants to marry her. Trey is charmed by K elly, unaware that she is reaJly Shelley Granger. Lawrence furious at Kelly and Trey's dating. DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Josh and Jessie enjoy their honeymoon. Anna tells Marlena she wants to divorce Roman and have him keep Carrie. Although Neil is on road to recovery, Marie feels Liz could harm him and get.a Evan to bar Liz from NeU's hospital room. Tony forees Liz to return to hospital as volunteer. When Trish quits Shenanigans and exit.a town, Tony names. Danny the club's manager. Renee tells Marlena she fears she's alipping into her old manipulative ways. Just after proposing marriage to Sandy and professing his love, Evan aska a new nurse for a date. Sandy THREE TEMPTING TEEN-AGER S - More than romances become entangled when Kristin Cart,er (Susan Scannell, left), Suzi Wyatt (Cindy Gibb, top right) and Wendy Wilkins (Lisa Peluso) share an apartment on NBC's daytime series, "Search for Tomorrow.·· weekdays at 11:30 a.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). overjoyed to get staff position at hospital. Stephano gives Evan valuable ring. Renee and David make love • DOCrORS: Steve is latest plague victim, while hospital is quarantined. Maggie searching for dru.g to combat the epidemic. Jeff h as plans for romantic evening with Adrienne, but is caught in the hos~ital quarantine. Philip Manning becomes hospital spokesman and strongly supports Althea. EDGE OF NIGHT: Spence.r's search for right safety deposit box is futile. Raven discovers a key in Jeff's coal. Continuing to court Val. Sky wants to buy the newspaper. Damien shot but only slightly wounded, and Calvin wonders who Loomis really is. Jodie learns Chad's pa.rents have been killed. GENERAL HOSPIT AL: The phony Van Gelder assures Luke Holly's land has oil, but a still uncertain Luke will not release the escrow account, so Holly is unable to withdraw the cash. When Holly's dad Charles becomes ill, the returned Mark Dante comes to his aid and cannot quite remember where he knows Charles Crom. A widowed Mark discusses old times with Steve. Scotty gets Edward to give him $50,000 in order to get Susan to drop her palimony suit. Scotty refuses the bribe. won't return the money and tuma the ca.sh over to Lee. When his mother dies, Blackie gets burial money from Luke, but when the bu rial rate goes up, Blackie rolls a drunk for ~ cash and the drunk gets a look at Blackie. GUIDING LIGHT: Returning from London, Quint learns Silas holding Nola and agrees to give golden cradle in exchange for her. Silas forces Nola to write Bea a lette.r saying she is in Hollywood and wiJl send for the baby later. The California postmark gives the lette.r authenticity, but Tony RANCI&- ----...--..-.. knows the truth. Going back to St. Croix to talk with Morgan, Kelly discovers she's been marooned with Josh. A jealous K elly savagely beats Josh Back in Springfield, Maureen talks Kelly into phoning Morgan. The two pledge their lov~. Kelly then receives a call from New York saymg the wallet and locket taken when Morgan was mugged have been found. Rita agrees to divorce Ed. Justin wants Philip to live with him. Floyd and Leslie Ann to set October wedding. ONE LIFE TO LIVE: A series of setbacks hits Marco's film: Rudy tries to quit as leading man; a fire breaks out, but Rafe manages to save everyone; Ci l m of Tony's perfect parachute stunt is overexposed.. Euphemia sends Drew to Llanview to get even with Asa for taking the Ralston fortune years ago. Drew is using Bo as his dupe. Going to California, Georgina gives Jimmy permission to go on Tony and Pat's honeymoon. Solving the Banner treasure puzzle, Clint has his picture as a winner run on the front page of the Chronicle. Dorian pushing DA's office to pursue baby switch. RYAN'S HOPE: Dom warns Joe that Joe is in danger from the underworld, causing J oe and Siobhan to plan a vacation for safety. Just ,before the trip, Joe and Siobhan are awakened by a hail of bullets. E.J . keeps date with Chip, who has control of New York air rights. During their conversation, E.J. replizes Kirk may be using bribery to gain air rights. When Chip comes on to E.J . and becomes abusive, Ox. sitting in the next booth, comes to her rescue. Kim's fall at Amanda's party only causes a little bruise and much embarrassment. Whe n Johnny pulls away from Maeve in bed, she reali~ their problems are deeper than she thqught. Kirk considers djvorcing Catsy SEAR CH FOR TOMORROW: After Tom comes down on Jenny, he apoligizes to Stu for misjudging his father. Invited to a gala dance, Stu asks Jenny to be his date. L iza returns to Henderson with Travis but is suffering from emotional problems. Travis receives a Jetter from Rusty. Stephanie takes $90,000 to use in the gambling s ting she's planning with Martin. Sunny and Lee are supposed t-0 spy on the other card players' hands, but their plans may not tum out. Andy admits she likes Stu. Suzi and Brian have a major argument and she is fired, but Warren has Ringo talk to her boss in an attempt to get her job back. TEXAS: T .J. wants Ashley to admit that she still loves h.irn. George St. John flirts with Rena, causing Judith to become furious. Lurlene cannot believe-Joel's statement that he still loves her very much. Spotting Judith in his studio tearing Rena's picture off the wall. George is surprised. With Billy Joe in New York to observe a game show which may be airing over KVIK, Hunt and Ruby serve as co-hosts. While at KVIK. Brette almost hit by sandbag. YOUNG AN.O THE RESTLESS: When Kevin first regains consciousness he cannot remember anyone. A frightened Nikki flees to the chapel and vows if Kevin comes back to normal she will leave him so he can get together with Carolyn. Kevin suddenly retains memory. Nikki tells Carolyn to stay with Kevin. Claire is responding to medication, causing Robert to think it may be time to tell his daughter that her mother is alive. A custodian at the sanitarium comes on to Claire, and she nearly strangles him. Telling John about her son, Jill explains that the boy needs to go away to 9Chool. John, feeling sorry for J ill and also in love with her, asks her to marry him. Jack swears to Ashley that marriage will never come otf no matter who he has to hurt. Paul befriends Cinty, but Walker warns her not to trust Paul (-~~~L_e_t_t_e_r_s ______ _,) 'Dukes of Hazzard' r~turns this fall EARLY RETIREMENT -"The Dukes of Haziard" is my favorite TV show. I would bate to see it go off the air. Even if John Schnelder and Tom Wopat do leave the show, is there any chance of it coming back? Warner Bros. also thinks the show can go on without its two disgruntled leads. After a major cattle call, the studio has ·signed some second- string beefcake to follow in the wake of Bo and Luke. Byron Cherry will replace Schneider and Christopher Mayer will take over for Wopat when the series returns to CBS this fall 'AUNTIE' MATTER -Please refresh my memory as to the stars of the musical version of "Auntie Mame." I know Rosalind Russell starred in tbe original film. Bringing up the rear in a long-line of spin- offs -best-selling book, Broadway play, movie (Russell's), Broadway musical -Lucille Ball finally starred in the 1974 movie musical "Mame." Co-starring were Beatrice Arthur and Robert Preston. The movie was so bad I'm sure all the principals would just as soon it remain forever forgotten. WONDER ABOUT 'WOMAN' -In "Wonder Woman" who played Wonder Girl? And wbo is Lynda Carter married to? Drusilla, Wonder Girl's given name, was played by Debra Winger, who bucked her way into the movies in "Urban Cowboy'' and is now starring in "An Officer and a Gentleman." Carter is married to Ron Samuels, who is also her manager and producer of her TV specials and movies. ·" · IN THE BEGINNING -Could you please tell me what the first made-for-TV movie was, • \ O N \ ' r o~· \ ':> ~ ~cl' ~ Who's Who? Wh o's New! New fashion sec tion every Sunday! (-~~\V_o_r_d~G_o_m~•~~~) FILL I~ i'HE Ml~SING t..E11El?S /tJ IHe '' IV IJJORDS" BELOW. what year it was made and wbo the stars were? The first made-for-TV movie never got on the air. In 1963 Universal decided to produce "The Killers," starring Lee Marvin and Angie Dickinson and directed by Don "Dirty Harry" Siegel, especially for television. But the finished product was way too violent for the censors so it was released to theaters instead. "See How They Run," with John Forsythe and Senta Berger, was the first made-for-TV film to air. which was on October 7, 1964. The 1966 picture "Fame Is the Name of the Game" was the first rea lly popular TV movie, having successfully spun-off a series. Send your letters to Peppe.r O'Bn"en, United Feature Syndicate, 200 Park Avenue, Room 602, New York, N. Y. 10166. 1'cNE PaoBLEMS ?? • Do something GOOD for your skin .... • Call for FREE analysis! 675-0727 Babor Kosmetlk Depot •••••••••• Low Back Pain? There Really Is AA Answer . CALL 645-I JOO l 1ereo.,1 ..... ,c •• •••._ WISTCUFF c .. aOPIAcnc OPflCI ., ......... ...... 204JW..tclHDr ..... lll ... .,... .... c ... c.. ..... ,.. ........ Mott lnwr•nc.~ed (-~~-'-V~T_e_o_s_e_r_•~~~) t7 31 0 -What was Howard's ~ other TV series? ; By W. WILSON CASEY CQ9Mr New• Service a: ~ L Name the series that starred Ken Howard (of ~ White Shadow fame) as Dave Barrett, the 1930s co farmer who moonlighted as a crime fighter. ~ 2. "Harry 0'' (Dav.id Janssen) was a series ~ about an ex-cop who bad what disability that ~ always proved annoying? ~ 3. James Garner starred as "Rockford," the ~ private eye who w as especially interested in cases "' not solved by the police. The show also starred Noah Beery as his father. What was Rockford before he became a private eye? 4. Tony Curtis starred as "McCoy" who always conned someone into hiring him to solve a crime or come up with stolen money. What was McCoy's weakness or illness? This show alternated with "McCloud," "McMillan and Wife," and "Columbo." 5. This actor of "The FBI" fame once starred as Stu on "77 Sunset Strip." Name him. 6. On ''Barnaby Jones" with Buddy Ebsen in the title role, J .R. (Mark Shera) sometimes helped Barnaby crack cases. What was J .R.'s ultimate career goal? ANSWERS: 1. "The Manhunter" 2. Bad back from bullet too close to spine for removal. 3. Convict spending five years on a bum rap. 4. Compulsive gambling 5. Ef.rem Zimba.list Jr. 6. Lawyer TV Teasers are available in the book, "TV Trivia Quiz," which includes more than 300 questions and is available for $3 from Case Co., 101 Lafayette St., Spartanburg, SC 29303. Satisfaction guaranteed. r~~~~ SWEETSHOP llG SCOOP ~ Price On: All Sundaes Banana Splits All Ice Cream Cones AH Pints & Quarts - - ... - .. - a ~ ( In.Ide TV ) O> ---~~~~~~~~~~~....,. -g Valerie Curtin off ;; ~ kilter in '9 to 5' < ~ BY JERRY BUCK "O dT ....... Wl'tW ~ LOS ANGELES -Valerie Curtin pounds a typewriter as a secretary on the ABC aeries "9 to 5," ~ and at home she's also at the typewriter as a _J suc.-ces,,f ul movie 9Creenwri ter. ~ Mias Curt.in stars in the new series as Judy Bernly, newly divorced and a neophyte office ~ worker who is befuddled by her new surroundinp 0: in a big conglomerate. The show, based on the hit movie that pitted working women against chauvinistic management, also stars Rita Moreno and Rachel Dennison. Miss Curtin and her writing partner, Barry Levinson, were nominated for an Academy Award for their first screenplay, " ... And Justice For All" in 1978. Two years later they wrote "Inside Moves" and their latest effort, "Best Friends," is in production starring Burt Reynolds and Goldie Hawn. In "9 ID 5," Miss Curtin plays the role created in the movie by Jane Fonda. She also had the opportunity to re<reate her roh? of Vera in the movie "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore" in the CBS series ''Alice." "They approached me the first time they tried to do the series," says Miss Curtin, "but the thought of being locked into the first character I'd created wasn't appealing. And I was also under conl.ract ID ABC at the time.'' When she was approached about "9 to 5," she met with Miss Fonda. "l wasn't sure what to do," she says. "I wanted to keep writing. But I loved the idea of the people I'd be working with. l tested with Rita and Rachel That helped me decide. Rita is such a generous actress. And Rachel is a Christmas angel. There is a simplicity and truth in what she does and I'm learning Crom her." She says she does not intend to write any scripts for the series. "I'm approaching this project sl.rictly as an actress," she says. "I'm not sure that I'd know how to write for a half-hour comedy, Although I did start out doing that. "rd jus\ done 'A.lice' and 1 met Mary Kay Place briefly. She'd jus\ broken up with her partner We wrote a 'Mary Tyle r Moore Show' and for 'Phyllis'." Miss Curtin says that's when she perfected a practice common with writeB-She says, ··1 learned about the avoidance of writing. I apent the first two weeks going out for hot fudge sundaes. I still do that. My house is never so clean as when I'm starting a project_ It's like circling my wagons. My Sporn Highlights From Page C6 3:00(() POCKET BILLIARDS Babe Cranfield vs Wil- lie Mosconi (A) ( 1 hr) 4:00 CE SPORTSCENTER WEDNESDAY'S SPORTS AUGUST 25, 1982 AFTERNOON 12:00 ()) BASEBAU New York Meis at Houston Astros (2 hrs.. 30 min.) 2:301 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (A) 4:00 SPORTSFOAUM •:30 SPORTSCENTER •:35 BASEBAU Phlladelphfa Phillies at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 5:00. OOOOEA DUGOUT 'CE Al/TO RACING Coverage ol lhe NASCAR Champion Spark PIUg 400 from Brooklyn, Mich. (R)l 3 hrs.) 6: 16 OOOGER PRE-GAME 6;30 BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at St. Lou-is Cardinals (3 hrs.) EVENING &"tO@AACe fiOA ~ P90INn" 6atry Tompklot , ~nd llm ~ 00.-... ----~ totftr Valerie Curtin rakes time out from her shooting schedule on the TV series "9 to 5" to discuss her writing. typewriter is in the mjddle and I'm working my way toward it. "I think time between projects is necessary, otheTWlSe you end up feeding off your own fat. I work so much from observation and experienee. You have to give yourself time for those thlngs." Miss Curtin says that with Levinson, with whom she·s lived for eight years. "our sensibililles are so similar it's as though It's just one expanded brain at work. we almost n ever have any conceptual differences. Our only arguments are over who's going to type." She was born in New York. where her father, Joseph L . Curtin. was a radio actor who starred in the long-running "Mr. and Mrs. North" radio serial. Jane Curtin, who sta.rTed in "~turday Night Live," ls her first cousin. She worked with comedy groups in New York and joined The Committee when she moved to Los Angeles. She made her TV debut in "Happy Days" and appeared in a number of episodes. "I was in an acting workshop when Marty Scorcese came to see another actor," she says. ''I had no idea who he was. but the next day I got a call asking me if I would like to meet him about a movie. 1 didn't know what it was for so I dressed as stunningly as I could. He almost immediately cast me as a loeer. That was a blow to my ej{O." 1982 W0<1d Series 8:00 CE SPORTSCENTER 9:00(!') mACK ANO FIELD Coverage of the Welt· klasse Meel from Zurich, Switzerland (R) (2 hrs., 30 mtn) 11·15@ BASEBALL Philadelphia Phillies at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs) t t:30 CE SPORTSCENTER 12:30(1) AUTO RACING Coverage of the NASCAR Champion Spar!( Plug 400 from Brooklyn. Mtch. (R~3hrs.) 3:30 SPORTSWOMAN (A) -4:00 SPORTSCENTER THURSDAY'S SPORTS AUGUST 26, 1982 MORNING 6:00(() GYMNASTICS "USGF Single Ellmlnahon Championships" Scott Johnson vs. Wally Miiier I Bame Muzbeck vs. Pammy Bileck (R) (I hr.) 7:001 SPORTSCENTER 9:00 PKA FUU CONT ACT KARATE (A) 10:30 SPORTSFOAUM A) 11 :00 LITTLE LEAGUE ~ASEBALL Live coverage of the flr51 semlffnal matchup in the Little League World Serles from WllUamaport, Pa. ( t hr .. 30 min.) 'Fame' • • • From Page 3 t.o make the right decisions.' So I got my first acting job three days after I turned 18. All of my decisions have been mine." She appeared in the theatrica.l film "Thank God Cl's Friday," and in two television films produced by her father, "Marathon" and "The Triangle Factory Fire Scandal." She has also appeared in touring plays and on Broadway in Neil Simon's "I Ought to be in Pictures" and Woody Allen's "The Floating Light Bulb." Valerie auditioned for the role of Doris Schwartz in MGM's original movie version of "Fame." Although she did not win the Cilm part, the studio kept her in mind and cast her in the role on the television series. The show was on shaky ground in the ratinga during its first season, but NBC has expressed faith that the series will catch on and has renew~ it for a full season. The show recently garnered 12 nominations for Emmy Awards. "Fame" has a large cast, but Valerie claims there is little friction over who gets the juiciest part each episode. "We are a very, very tight family,'' she contends. "Last week we had a death in our family. One of the assistant directors had a heart attack. A wonderful man So we had a memorial service for him today. "Nobody was crying. This wasn't a wake. He used to dress up in bright orange and purple. So we all showed up in the brightest colors we had. We were at the executive producer's house. and all of us, as a l.ribute to him, jumped into the pool with our clothes on. That's the family ... "If one o f us gets sick, if one of us has something wrong. everybody takes care of everybody else. We've had to. We onJy had each other last year. "Remember all those viruses that we re going around last year? Well, if one person had it, within the week everybody had at because we're hugging and kissing each other all the time. Sharing each other's gum. h 's really like thatj There will be few chan1res in the "Fame'' fonnat during the coming season. One actor, P.R. Paul, who plAyed Montgomery, has been dropped, and a new drama teacher will be added. The cast recently traveled to New York City (where "Fame" is supposed ID take place) to film outdoor scenes and musical numbers. (Downtown Los Angeles substituted for New York during the first season.) As if "Fame" weren't enough. Valerie spends much of her spare time singing in her boy(riend's soft rock group, The James McVay Band. The pace is grueling, but this champion of the underdog shows no signs of slowing up. , "This is probably the hardest I'll ever work In my life," she says. 2:00 CE) LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL Live coverage of the second semifinal matchup in the Little League World Serles lrom Wiiiiamsport. Pa. ( 1 hr . 30 mm.) 3:30(.£) RACQUETBALL "Women's Ftrst Round lnternauonal Championships"' Heather Stupp vs Karen Walton-Trent 4:00CE FROM THE 5frYARO LINE Action h1ghhgh1s from the Canadian Football League 4:30 ~ SPORTSCENTER 5:00 SPORTSFORUM 5:30 TOP RANK BOXING Live coverage of the tO· round lfghlweight bout belween Howard DavlS. Jr. and Cocoa Sanchez from Atlantic City. N J (2 hrs .. 30 ITHn.) EVENING 8:00 ~ SPORTSCENTER 8:30 RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 9:00 LITTlE LEAGUE BASEBALL Coverage of the second semifinal matchup In the U111e League World Series from Wiiiiamsport, Pa (A) ( 1 hr . 30 mln.1 10:30([) SPORTSCHALLENQE '73 Cslllornia Angels vs. t;leavyw~ht WOfld Champions 11 :00(1) FROM THE 55-YARO LINE Action highlights from tile Canadian Foo1bell League. (R) 11:30 (I) SPOATSCENTER 12:30(() TOP RANK 80.XINQ Coverage or the 10- AFTERNOON round lightweight bout tM!tween Howard Davis, Jr. and Cocoa Sanchez from Allantlc City. N J (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) f2~· ~ ~~ PORJllE~~luth.a.lae.Ollta.r ll.l • -·• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ji4i4 • "YrlTJ•rrrrrr1 Tf' ' • ·~·~M~~:• •,• .. • • • •• -• • •' • • .•, • • ., ., .. • • • • •• •~·. • .• .. •.• • qi•'. • ri.6irt.u.(At~hr. . .. ... •• ·. ;,,. ·c~GO.(I)• \''r.., · DIAISI CDllT llllllCTll IUl:I I 11111111 IAlllY FRIDAY. AUGUST 20. 1982 OH AN GE COUN TY . CA LIFOnNIA 25 CEN TS U.S. Marines to aid evacuation of PLO By The A11octa ted Pre11 President Reagan said today he will send American troops to help evacuate PLO guerrillas from weat Beirut. About 800 Marines are expected to begin playing what the president called a "care f ully limited noncombatant role" by the middle of next week. Reagan said the Americans would be removed immediately If shot at and told reporters that "in no case will our troopt stay longer than 30 days." The Marines who will go ashore in Beirut to help oversee the evacuation o{ Palestinian fighters will be drawn from an 1,800-man unit that has been afloat with the U .S. 6th F1eet In the Mediterranean since May. The 32nd Marine Amphibious Unit is a selC-contaJned force built around a battalion of riflemen and includes helicopters, amphibious assault craft and tight artillery. The units belong to the 2nd Marine Division and 2nd Force Service Support Group at Ca.mp Lejeune, N.C ., and the 2nd Manne Aircruft Wing at Cherry Point, N.C. The Marine11 are aboard the amphibious aSllault ship Guam and four other veuela, the Nashville, Saginaw, Hermitage and Manitowoc. Also in the area to provide cover is the aircraft carrier Independence and three escorting warshlpe For many years, the United States has maintained such a Marine unit with the 6th Fleet i.n case ll is needed to deal with a crisis situation ot lmportan<.-e to the United States. It hu been 24 years s.ince the United States sent any Marines Into Lebanon. In 1958, more than 14,000 Marin~ and Army troops spent three months i.n Lebanon 111 u pcnct>k~ptug role at a time wht!n Lebanon wa1J rocked by s tr1kt-bt>twe<·n t•ontendi ng pollt1cw groups Meanwhilt' 10 Beirut. the Palestine Liberation Organ1zat1on turned over two POWs and ¥.•es of other Israel army radio said, clearing the way for the gu~rrillas to evacuate (~e MARINES, Page A2) Huntington to rethink Seagate· sewer refund? CHARACTER BOAT TIME -Colorfully balloon-festooned boat chugs past the Pavilion Queen , loaded with spectators at the Balboa Dolltr Not "'°'° .,, ,tllrictl O'DoftMll Bay Club's beach , during last year's Character Boat Parade. Guide to this year's festivities is on Page Bl today. Foes rallied for tax victory Plan mappe d by GOP ende d with many ironies WASHING TON (AP) -The tax and spending victories President Reagan claimed from Con gress this week climax a strenuous budget fight over t errain mapped by hi s Republican allies and ultimately tecured by his most implacable Democratic foes. Some of the more memorable Ironies: : -A smiling House Speaker 'l'homas P . O'Neill Jr., D~Mass., pt Reagan's side in the Rose Garden in an unusual public appeal for passage of the $98.3 billion tax bill. "The tax bill will not repeal Reaganomics," O'Neill, an archfoe of Reagan's economic policy. said several hours earlier "But it is at least a step in the right direction." NIWSANAlYBIS House in 1984, becoming the first Senate Democrat to say he will vote for the bill. The alternative, an aide says, could be further economic decay as deficits and interest rates rise. -Reagan, never reticent about urging spending cuts on the public, making paid television commercials to rally support for the tax measure without specifically mentioning 1t would raise taxes. In the end, a $13.3 billion package of spendmg cuts passed handily In the Senate and in the House. But on the companion tax bill, it was O'Neill and the Democratic leadership that carried the day for Reagan over the opposition of conservatives cJai.ming they were trying to save him from hunself. In the House, Republicans provided 103 votes, Democrats 123. And in the Republican Senate, where .Democrats were rarel y needed to enact GOP legislation, it took the support of n i n e Democrats and 43 Republicans. By ROBERT BARKER O(tfM Deity "1eot llaft Huntington Beach Mayor Bob Mandie said Thursday that city officials were "kind of cold - hearted'' in dealing with the Seagate Homeowners Association this week. For seven years, the associauon had faithfully paid the electricit y bill for a sew er pump station near the Seagate condominium community in Huntington Harbour. And, although homeowne r representatives had their suspicions, they didn't learn until last March that they had been paying the bill by mistake. The sewer pump, officials now say, was perfonning a fWlCtion for homes in the northwest pa.rt Plane, boat wreckage investigated Coas~ Guard officials remained baffled today by the discovery of w reckage from both a 24-foot sailboat out of Dana Point and a small airplane found in the same spot off San Clemente. Authorities believe three people may have died m the two unrelated accidents. No bodies were found in a search of the ocean Thursday, and a Coast Guard spokesman said today the search has been suspended. Believed aboard the small sailboat was Bruce Stritzinger, 31, of Dana Point, who left Dana Harbor at about noon Wednesday. A Coast Guard spok~ said items found floating five miles west of San Clemente included . wooden steps from the boat, a bou.Je of prescription medicine and an UlSUrance identification card. Also found floating in the same vicinity was landing gear from a Cessna 171 · · since Tuesday night with~ Diego men aboard, according to Peter Allen, chief petty officer of the c.oast Guard. of the city -not just Seagate - and the bill s hould have been paid by the city. Seagate representatives put in a claim for $8,007.25 for seven years of payments. But city council members agreed to pay only $5,484.53 of the bill. They balked at paying back the entire amount because the three-year statute of limitation had expired on earlier payments. Paying back the entire amount could have been construed as making a gift of public money. said City Attorney Gail Hutton. "Our action was kind of cold-hearted," Mandie said upon reflection . "The city has benefited. And the money that we are paying back is .a Jot cheaper than when they paid because of inflation." Mandie says he 1s thinking about asking the City Council to re«>ns1dcr. Seagate re presentatives said financial responsibility for the sewer pump station mistakenly was transferred to the association instead of to the city, when the 338 units were completed along &linger Avenue and near Sunset Aquauc Park. Homeowne r representatives said they were assured on a couple oC occasions that the sewer pump bill was their respons1b1hty. A homeowne r maintenance worker, checking up on various costs, went to the city last March. Routine stop led to nJurder arrest By PHIL SNE IDERMAN O(ttie DeltJ PUot Staff A chance e ncounter on the Huntington Beach City Pier was a key factor in the arrest of a Conner cook who is a suspect in the murder of an Anaheim convenience store customer during an armed robbery. Huntington Beach police Lt. Bruce Young said officer Bruce Strangman was on patrol near the pier Wednesday night when he questioned and took the addresses of two men who appeared out of place. A short time later, Strangman received a report in his patrol car stating that Anaheim police were looking for a man named Phillip Dolan, 25. According to Young, Strangman realized Dolan was the man he h ad just questioned on the pier. Using the address obtained during the interview, Huntington Beach officers converged on a home at 10071 Kamuela Drive, where he was sitting outside. Dolan was arrested without mcident and jaLled by Anaheim police on susp1c1on of murder, robbery and kidnappmg. "Huntington Beach officers did an excellent JOb for us.'' said Anaheim police Sgt. Del Wade. He said Dolan is believed to be the man who fired a shotgun blast at Zachary J. Wyrick. 21, of Anaheim, during the ·robbery Tuesday rught of the Mini Mart convenience store at 855 S. State College Blvd. Wade said an Anahemi officer who had encounter ed Dolan during an earlier incident recognii.ed him from a photograph taken by a store camera He said Anaheim officers learned that Dolan might be in Huntington Beach and transmitted the information to Huntington Beach officers shortly after the encounter on the city pier. Wade said Dolan is being held today without bail in Orange County Jail and is expected to be arraigned Monday in North Orange County Murucipal Court. -Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, urging enactment of the tax bill by saying it was the only way to provide increased unemployment benefits most Democrats and many Republicans want. The year began with Reagan declaring, "I will seek no tax increases this year." And his February budget, rejected and then rewritten from top to bottom by his Republican allies, requested slight cuts in unemployment compensation. Bandits hit HB eatery Police are searching for two men who robbed Tosh's Bar B Q Restaurant in Huntington Beach of about $200 Thursday night. Overshadowed by the unity needed to pass a tax increase in both an election year and a recession was how sever t>I months of b1cker1ng produced thl.5 ultunate irony: The tax and spending bills rose from the ashes of Reagan's original budget -a blueprint so unacceptable to members of both political parties that it was rejected 20-0 il1 the Republican- c o n tr o 11 e d Senate Budget Committee and shelved without a vote in the House. Valley trustees hack budget -Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. D-Mass., as persistent a critic as Reagan has in Congress and a likely contender for the White The holdup occurred at 8:50 in the restaurant. located at 16871 Beach Blvd. Police said one of the men asked a cashier for change. then lifted his shirt to display a handgun in his waistband. The men ordered her to place the money from the regjster In two paper bags. then fled on foot, police said TELEVISION Posthumous TV s tardom? For Californians who have never tasted video stardom, two entrepreneurs are offering them their big chance -alter they're dead. Bob Greene, Page A7. SPORTS ANN ARBOR, M ich . (AP) -Herbert Orln "Fritz" Crisler , 83, o! the University o{ Michigan, one o! the moet 8Uocesflful football coaches and athletic direct.on tn intercollegiate 1ports hb tory, b dead, authorities reported t.¢ay. Angels bounce back, 8-5 The Angela rally from 5-0 deficit to stay in flrat place wtth an 8·5 victory over Boeton. Page Cl. t. 'I Reagan asked for "revenue enhancements" and improved collection methods over three years of l~ than $50 billion. COUNTY Fountain Valley School District trustees have approved a proposed 1982-83 budget that calls for $18 million in genera] fund expenditures. The board approved the document Thursday rught. It will be available for public inspection on weekdays from Aug. 25-3 l during business hours at the district headquarters building, 17210 Oak St. A public hearing and adoption Johnnie Crean and Ron Packard have much to agree about but you would not have known it if you watched a video-taped debate that included the 43rd Congressional District's Democratic contender Pat Archer. Page A4. Riley remembers Guadalcanal Orange County Supervisor Tom Riley remembers well the bloody, sweaty assault on the island of Guadalcanal, which took place 40 yean ago this month. Page B3. Tab Hunter in Anaheim Actor Tab Hunter will at.at ln El Toro playwright J ack' Sharkey's_play, "Here Lies Jeremy Troy," at the Grand Dinn.er Th.eater ln Anaheim. Week ender. Prof talks on ·'being you' Dr. Leo Bu.1caglia, profeat0r at USC. wW apeak"bn "just being you~• at the Crystal Cathedral on Sept. 9. Weekender of the final budget are scheduled for Sept. 2. At Thursday's meeting. members of the Committee Advocating Responsible Education, CARE, presented trustees and school administrators with a five-page list or questions concerning various district expenditures. Devon Dahl, chairman of the CARE group, said the list also 1s being forwarded to various INDEX At Your Service A4 Business B4-5 Cavalcade A7 Classified C6-12 Comics B2 Crossword B2 Death Notices C6 F.cil torial A.6 Entertainment Weekender Gardening AB Horoeoope A 7 lntermiaion Weekender NATION county and state officials. CARE members are circulating petitions calling for recall of district trustees Cheryl Norton. Roger Belgen and Suzanne Moore Dahl said the list focuses on some expenditures in connection with the construction of the district's new headquarters building (a renovated former school) and various purchases made by the district. Ann Landers Movie.e Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sports Dr. Stei.ncrohn Stock Markets Televtslon Theaters Weather World News A7 Weekender B4 A3 B3-4,C4-6 Cl-6 A7 B5 TV Log Weekender A2 AS Singer sue'S Beatles LOS ANGELES (AP) -A $1.35 bllllon suit has been filed against the Be.at.lea and about two dozen tte0rd companies by rock alnger Tony Sheridan and his manage?', assert.Ing that the singer'• material was cred.l t.ed to t1I Beatles. ) I J HIF Orangt CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Friday, Augu11 20, 1882 Fund-raising fete set for Harbour T h i! Arne rlcau B1•h tet '1o Foundation will conduct 1tJ; third annual fund -raiser Saturday at the Hunungton Harbour Yacht Club, 3821 Warner Ave , Huntington Beach Ac tivities, whac h will Inc l ude harbor c ruises, a buH et dinne r a nd two aucuons. will begin at 2 p.m •T h e 1 2 th annua l Huntington Beach summer surf contest is scheduled Sept. 18 and 19 at the city pier. R eside nt s o f th e Huntingto n Beach Union High School District are eligible to enter one of the seven divisions. irnd continue through tne evening. Tickel!I are $25 per person The foundation ls designed to promote research and education concerning Behcet's Di sease . whi c h ls charact erized by oral a nd genital ukers and can aHect the central nervous system and Seal Beach. Paruc1pants must be residents of the district for 90 days. Deadline for filing a nd completing an entry form is 4 pm ., Se pt l , in the Com munity Se rvices Deparlment office. 5th floor, city hall, 2000 Main Street. PUTTING UP BARRIERS -Bulldorers reinforce sand benn to protect homes in Surfside Colony from flooding in high tides. H omes escaped flooding Thursday night but part of new 0.-, ,... ~.,, c ..... tUn berm was wiped o Uf as winds accompanied 6.7-foot high tide. County crews were scheduled tQ reinforce barriers again today. A high tide of 6.2 feet is expected at 10:55 tonight. Cities in the district are Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Midw ay City, Westminster, S unset Beach _ Entry fee is $12 per person and trophies wiU be awarded to the top finishers in each division. Gold prices soar as • interest rates tumble By Tbe A11oclated Prns Gold soared today to its highest price in eight months as U.S. interest rates slipped to their lowest levels since June 1980 and concern mounted over Mexico's financial health. Fears that U.S . banks would suffer if Mexico fails to meet its foreign debts sent i nvestors sc u r r ying f or "quality" investments Thursday, sending blue-<:hip stock prices rising and interes t rates on three-month U.S. Treasury bills plununeting. Re presentatives of Mexico's major creditors met at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York today amid reports that Mexico would seek to postpone payments on part of its $80 billion foreign debt. Yields on thre e-month Treasury bi.I.ls plunged more than a full percentage point Thursday, falling below 7 percent for the first time since June 1980. They San Onofre safety rated poor Py PATRICK J. KENNEDY Of tn. D.ity Piiot Ii.ff Based on the numbe r and severity of mishaps, the safety record of the San Onofre nuclear power plant was among the 10 poorest in the nation during 1981, accord ing to an internal memoran dum issu ed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. But officials of Southern California Edison Co. discount the significance of the memo. "That was one of many reports used to assess the overall safety of the plant. Another NRC safety report for 1981 was based on a ,number of different reports and r ated San Onofre above ave rage," said Becky Sordelet, Edison s pokeswoman. (San Onofre is three miles south of San Clemente.) She agrees San Onofre had several mishaps last year th a t exposed plant workers to higher than average doses of radiation, but she said there was no safety threat to the public o r the workers. Three San Onofre mishaps listed in the NRC m e mo as "especially significant" were two cooling system malfunctioNJ in June and September of 1981, and a fire in a nitrogen tank on July 7, 1981. "Some plant w orkers got more exposure to radiation than w as expected for that quarter, but the exposure didn't go beyond the annual dosage of radiation a llo w ed by the NRC." Ms. Sordelet said. "We don't believe there was any danger to the workers because they will still finish the year within the allowable radiation dosages. And all the (pla nt) problem s have been corrected." The NRC memo ranked the 1981 safety records of the nation's 74 commercial reactors on a scale ranging from "above average" to "far below average." San Onofre was ranked "far below average." The contents of the memo w e re released Wednesday in Washington D.C. by Critical Mass, an anti-nuclear goup that's a branch of Ralph Nader 's Public Citizen Inc. Twelve other plants, including the Rancho Seco Un.it l reactor outside Sacramento, had "below average records," the Nader group said. In San Onofre's case, the NRC memo only considered the Unit 1 reactor. ·Low clouds, fog. Coas ta l Mostly fair today wttn patc:ny log or low c:louC11 ne&f lhe cout. Varl et>le high c:loud• 1hl1 •11ernoon and averting with hlgha renglng from low '0• 11 the be8Ches 10 mld·80s Inland. Some patc:ny log •nd low c:loud1 late tonight and early Friday. ot,,_.se lair with varlable high clouds Overnight lows 58 to 65. Highs Friday 72 to 82 El•ewhere , from Point Conc;eptlon to the Mexloan border and out 60 mllee: Small c:ral1 edvlaory over outer Wlltera due to nortnwat wind• 18 to 28 knots and 4 to 8 toot -tOday and Friday Locally lignt vl/Ulble wind• beQomlng -t8'1y 10 to 18 knots In the a11ernoon• IO<Uiy and Frld•Y· Wind wavea of 2 to 3 l•t and eouthwett swell I to 3 '-Night end morning low Cloud• end locel log, OlherwlM fair with varlebl• high c:louda through Frldey. U.S. sunu11ary W ld e ly •C:•ll•r•d thunder•torma extended from the north.rn Pl•lna to lh• Or••I Lal<• r911lon Thurad•Y· A -• thundetltorm wetcto wee l t•u•d f rom •••tern Wlac:on•ln to norlh.,n Low•r MICfllgan. The tront•I ayat•m that produc:•d thoH •torm1 aleo bfougfll c:ool l~lrtllf9e to IN Nortfl ~,,., •t•t ... Witt! mlddmy rHdlnga only In the 70• from •aatHn M ontan• to Upper MlchlgAn. Juat llne.d of the front. temperetur• In the eo. end low 801 wer• report•d .croH th• mld-MIMouri ~ valley to the eouthem Plalnl. The Florld• P•nlntula h•d ac:ett•red thunderttorma, •nd CIOuda cowred much of !tie ..... of the eouthem Atlantle Coul •let• For tOday, r~onna -. toraceal t or Florida, with a c•tlared thundHllorma ....... alOftO !tie °"" CoMt Wldety Kettared eh~ •nd thundentorma --. ~t In • Iha eouthern PlttMU Md from ttie °'*" e..in 1twour IM ""6-,,.,.,,,,.PP' anc1 Ohio v~ to New Engllnd. Calif ornill l'•lr through l•t~~:~lth tOfft4I hlOll ~-let• ... _, eetty ~ erod tow cloud• 11eer ttl• et COntll'lued ..m ~ Ot•l'IO• COlll'llY oan ••P•OI hlahe Mid 70l II ............ .,. inr.no. t..owe .. '° .. . llMtld ~ Olf'I .,_. fliO'll In IMIOt. IOwt 11'1 tot. ' Mountllrul wlll h•,,.. hlgl\9 Int~ 80•. Iowa 55 to 85 l•olated elt•rnoon •nCI •v•nlng t~ Northern d•Mrl high• 98 to 108. tow• 88 10 78. South•rn ~ hlgha 1oe 10 114, 1oM 78 to 88. t•ol91•d aft.,noon •nd ev.nlno thuna...--.. Fog and low Qlouda along COMI of Hot1tletn end ~,, .. Cellfomlll •PrHCllng lnl•nd Into v1lley1. Chance of t~ over Slerre •nCI northern mount1ln1 111ernoona. T e11ipe ratures NATION .. Lo 9'cp 82 85 95 71 sa && 82 80 83 88 87 85 98 78 17 64 92 87 ae 87 75 52 .32 93 64 .02 93 64 .02 98 75 11 ee 57 81 64 .ce 89 80 64 75 .09 17 57 as ea ee 57 .02 17 75 64 80 M ee .St ea tT 86 eo e4 75 85 64 89 83 87 75 87 17 12 80 &e " 79 83 53 81 !IO 62 51 85 58 as ee 70 ~a!-0"'14 Wt*tJ'-..,C' S.-• t<.t> 'OAA v <, :lr·~· 'Co><'-, .. • Fronts Co10 ..,.. War,., -. 90 n 93 78 ee 82 11 18 09 89 71 88 8t 104 S1 90 87 64 81 81 87 ti 73 85 80 33 85 88 82 91 80 87 as 92 71 83 70 82 70 112 89 83 87 89 74 85 73 88 70 109 96 84 82 78 64 85 85 91 ea 87 17 64 83 sa SC .09 93 87 ff 72 75 82 .oe li ..... ?=:s ... ~~U ____ Rf_l_IP_DR_T Rain mm Snow Q Show ers ilII Flurries I!:!} Shr8Y9PM Sioux F .. I• St Loull St p.fampa St St• Mllri9 SpolteM Syrac:u .. Topetta Tue.on Tulaa Wuhlngtn Wk:ntl• Smog 9' 70 83 82 .05 ea 12 82 75 15 73 •8 93 70 79 87 88 87 100 78 " 70 64 88 " 65 95 73 112 &4 54 96 87 99 8t 89 70 86 82 107 72 57 99 59 90 85 73 58 81 58 ee so ... 70 Wh•r• to c•ll Ctoll lrff) for :e1 .. t amoe Information· ~anoe County: C800l «5--3828 Loa AngelH County: (800) 242-4022 Atvwatde end 8.n Bemardlno c:ount .... (800) )87-4710 AOMD E.plaode c.n1er· (8001 242-48M Tides TOOAY 8eoond low 4;81 p.m. 1.3 8'oond high 10:56 p.m. U IATUlllOAY Am 10w O:M ll.lft, 0.3 '1tet hlgf1 I t:et a.111. 6. 1 Seooncf low 8:40 p,111. 1.3 llOOfld lllgll 11:42 p.111. 8.1 IUll Mt• tod1y •I 7:~ p.m... , ,... 8aturcleY et e.: ti e,m. Moon ,.._ todey •I 7:56 I m., ..u 11 t:03 p.m t continued their slide t oday, dropping more than a quarter of a percentage point i n early trad ing to 6 . 7 percent. A s recently as the e nd of June. such investments were trading at more t~ 13 percent. Edward Bcm Jr., an economist PRACTICING -Frank Sin atra belts out a t une during a dress rehearsal for tonight's opening "Concert for the Am ericas" i n t h e amphitheate r at Altos d e C h avoh in the Dominican Republic. The concert will be taped for pay TV. at Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co . in Chicago, said the ma.Mive slide in rates on the three-month bills reflected a desire by investors to "stay short, stay in quality until the uncertainty clears up." Gold, a haven for funds in From Page A1 times of econormc uncertainty, rose $23.33 a troy ounce in Hong Kong today to close at $379.77. In later European trading, the metal also jumped from late Thursday's levels to hover around $384 an ounce, ita hiR}iest level since Jan. 11. It traded at $391.50 in New York, up $16.40. MARINES ON CALL • • • west Beirut beginning Saturday. I srael a r my radio said the coffins were being examined by Israeli military chaplains at the t ransfer point, at the port of Beirut. The number of coffins was hot immediately reported, but the Israelis had demanded the bodies of nine IsraelJ soldiers, as well as the return of t h e prisoners. The POWs, pilot Aharon Ahiaz and a soldier identified as Ron Haroush . both appeared at a hastily arranged news conference at the PL.O's information office on Afif Tibi Street in the PLO~ controlled Fak.hani neighborhood before the turnover. Ahiaz. wearing a blue print sports shirt and slacks, said with a smile th at he was "treated well" during his 75-day captivity. Haroush, stood at Ahiaz's left siae a nd answe red inaudibly when reporters tried to question him. Neither man showed any sign of injuries. Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan announced an hour before the transfer that U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib told him the Red Cross infor m e d the American representative "that the captured pilot, the kidnapped soldier and the requested bodies have been handed over to the Red c~ ... President Reagan. in a brief statement to reporters in the White House Rose Garden, said the w ithdrawal "will set the stage for the urgent international action required to restore Lebanon's full sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, obtain the rapid withdrawal o f all foreign forces from that country and help ensure the security of northern Israel." I He also called for swift action based on the Camp David peace acco rds "to r esolve t h e Palestinian issue in all its aspects." ~IE SPORTS LTD. announces Its 8th annual I BACK TO . SCHOOL I SUMMER CLEARANCE I BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 21 & 22 Aee1E SPORTS lmM 4708 Barranca Parkway lrvlne, CA 552-1212 Doors Open 10:00 A.M. LADIES BEACHWEAR Savings to 50% Featuring: Merona, Sienna, Raisins, Esprit Connie Bonco & More ... MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHIRTS, SHORTS a TRUNKS 20o/o -50% OFF Including: Stubles, Quicksilver, Surfline, Offshore & Morel KIDS SPORTSWEAR All Boys & Girls Sportswear From 40%-50% OFF ). Including: OP, Offshore, Quicksilver< WET SUITS 10o/o -30% OFF on Rip Curl & O'Nelll BOOGIE BOARD SPECIALS Buy any Boogie Board and receive either FREE Boogie Fins or FREE Boogie Leash ALL RAINBOW SANDALS 20% Off Sales Prices Limited To Stock On Hand ·-------------------·· I This Coupon Good For 1 I I~ I • OIE DOLLAR • I ~E SPORTS I I CotOMdelller I I 2831 Coat Hwy. I On Purchase of $10.00 During Sale 1 Corona d9t Mar, CA I um1t 0ne p., eu.tom. I sn-noo --------------------- ) .. STATE Disaster aid for border cities? By Tile A11oelated Pre11 CALEXICO -President RN1an ta beinl uked by the •ta~ of California to declare San Diego and lmperla.l countiet1 an oc'On<>mlc dl.aaater atta in the Mexi~ ~ erisla. II\ a letter, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. told Reagan that business haa fallen off "from 40 percent to 60 percent" in Southern California border dth.'I and towiu In which Me>tlcana buy 1ooc.t.. "The. llm'llt _,.., ln need of emera~ncy Joana to uliat them through th.la t.ranaJtJon.a.l period," Brown notA!d in a letter eent Thunday from Lot Angeles "The recent devaluaUon of the peeo, the second this year, haa severely affected the California border communitiet of C.lex.lco, El Centro, Chula Vl1ta, National City and Son Diego." Outspoken official told to 'cool it' LOS ANGELES -A top aide to Gov. Edmund G . Brown J r. has threatened the state's outspoken commissioner of savings and loans, Linda Tsao Yang, with the loss of her post if she does not cool her "insubordination," the Los Angeles Times reported t.oqay. B.T. Collins, the governor's chief of staff, met on Thursday with Ms. Yang and her boss, secretary of Busin~ and Transportation Lynn Schenk. The discussion centered on an unauthorized letter Ms. Yang sent to the San Franciaco office of the U.S . comptroller of the currency, the newspaper said. Ma. Yang, a political appointee whose term expires m January, reportedly threatened the federal agency with a lawsuit if it approved an application to become a national bank from the Point Loma SavingJ and Loan Association. The asaociation is based in San DieRo. Suspended instructor to resume duties LONG BEACH -A part-time instructor at California State University-Long Beach who was suspended from the faculty after student complaints that she was actively pro-lesbian will resume her teaching duties this fall, a university attorney says. The university chose to permit women's studies instructor Betty Brooks to teach after she agreed to undergo counselinR about her teaching WORLD methods from a campus dean, said university attorney Jaffe Dickerson. The 52-year-old Brooks was suspended from teaching on June 9 after state Sen. Ollie Speraw, R-Long Beach, presented university officials with charges from three fonner students who had taken courses she taught on women's sexuality. Indian Airlines hijacker shot to death NEW DEJ,.fil, 11\dia -Commandos stormed a hijacked I?ldian jetliner at the airport in northern Amritsar today and shot and killed at "point-blank range" the Sikh militant who commandeered the plane, an airline spokesman said. The spokesman, Raman Khanna, said all passe~ers and crew were safe. He said the "commando-type operat.lon" began when the hijacker decided to release some of his remaining 67 hostages some seven hours after the Boeing 737 was seized and landed in Amritsar, 250 miles north of New Delhi. Once the door of the plane was opened and passengers began filing down the steps.. the "commandos" rushed in, Khanna said. Canada's Trudeau given rude reception SUDBURY, Ont. -Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, wending his way way homeward by rail from a Rocky Mountain vacation, got a rude reception here when his railroad car was hit by rocks, eggs and tomatoes hurled by 500 demonstrators angry at Canada's 11.8 percent jobless rate. Soviets launch second MOSCOW -The Soviet Union's secol\d woman cosmonaut, along with two male colleagues, is 9Cheduled to rendezvous with an orbiting Salyut space station today after rocketing into space on Thursday. Svetlana Savitskaya, 34, is serving as a researcher on the mission, according to the official Sovtet news agency, Tass. Cosmonaut NATION Trudeau's railroad car was hit by ew and tomatoes at several stops in western Canada earlier this week, but the protest shortly before mid.night Thursday was the first in which rocks have been thrown. Many ran toward Trudeau's train car and chanted ''Trudeau must go," and "Go home." • woman in space Leonid Popov, who holds the world record for space endurance with a 185-day flight in 1980, is the pilot, and another space rookie, Alexander Serebrov, ls the flight engineer. Radio Moscow said all three cosmonauts were feeling well and their Soyuz T-7 spacecraft was functioning normally. Reagan's tax hike gets narrow approval WASHINGTON -The bill nobody wanted -a measure raising taxes by $98.3 billion over the next three years -is on its way to President Reagan after winning the support of a Congress that overcame election-year jitters. The bill, which al.so includes $15.2 billion worth of social-spending cuts and up to 10 weeks' extra federal benefits for unemployed workers in every state, likely will be signed into law by Reagan during his two-week California vacation. The Republican-controlled Senate approved the bill 52-47 Thursday night on a touch-and-go roll call, with the outcome in doubt until the last minute. Vice President George Bush was on band in case his vote was needed to break a tie. Missing doctor, wife released unharmed EDWARDSVILLE. Ill. -Dr. Hector Zevalloe and his wife, Rosalie Jean, missing for the past week, have been released unharmed by their kidnappers, the FBI said today. Special agent Glenn Young of the St. Louis FBI office said, "They are safe at their residence and the investigation is continuing." Young would give no details of the release tf the couple who were reported m..issi.ng Aug. 13 vhen Zevalloe failed to show up at the Hope Clinic for Women Ltd. of Granite City. Published reports had said the two were being held by an mti-abortion group calling itself the "Army or God." We're Listening ••• Mond1y f rtday II vou do nm """~ yOut otOfH b'f' ~JO 0 m ,111 bP.IOt• 1 pm •""° "°"' C<10v ... 11 D'1 0"""~f'ld ~:., ·~ ~~·~y''l°."rri"° ~ b9f0re 10':' m -~ Yf>il• cnpy .,..,. r-- oet•"""'.O What do you lik• about the Daily Pilot'> What don't you like~ Call the number t>,low and your message will he recorded. transcribed and deli,ered to the appropriate editor The same 24 -hour answenng service may be used to record let- ters to the editor on •ny topic Mailbox contributors must mclude their name and telesnone number for verification No c1rculallon calls. please Tell us what's on your mind 642·6086 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Publftlw nnd 0...1 E•«ll'••e Ofl1<.- CIH1Hled •dV.rtl1lno 714"42·H71 All other depertmenta &42~321 MAIN OFFICE JJI '#HI a.,, $1., Cotl• ~.CA ~II...,_. h• IMO, C:•t• -... CA nut Jone Amari E.iecvt"'• Ed1l0t Themas A. Murphhe (dtlC)t C91PY•'9M 1• Ot-.e Coett PW!lt1!111t ~. Ne_..,....., lllv•r•ll.,•. Hlttf .. l m.etff., .. ...... _" .... elft ,,...y .. ,..,_ .. wit~ tPt<l•I fe•l'lllulefl etc._.,,...,,..,.,., l . Kay Schultz Vic• Pr94odent or1C1 OW.ct0t ol A<1Venl11<1g MkhcMf , • ttorv..,. Ow.cior °' Mott .. lllQ tCwc#ionl Kenneth N. Ge~dtttl Jr. 0Wec10r ol Op.ra11ttt I --VOL. 11, NO. Ill r Or1ng• Cout OAIL.Y PILOT/Frida)', August 20, 1882 H/F Al DISNEYLAND CONVENTION -Terry Taylor, of Upland, discusses price of vintage "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," children's book Negotiations took place convention in Anaheim. Convention in Orange County a real Micke'y Mouse affair The Mo use Club. boasting M ickey Mouse and Disney character buffs from 15 stat.es as well as Japan and France, is holding a national convention in Anaheim. The organization of about 300 members 1s dedicated lo collecting and documenting Mickey Mouse and Dis ney character memorabilia. All members of the group are heavy into Disneyana - acco rding to Ed Levin of Sherman Oaks, the founder o{ the club. Disneyana, according to Levin, an owner of a Sherman Oaks memorabilia shop, includes the collecting and documenting of Mickey Mouse and Disney characters. watches, figurines, posters and wind-up toys. Levm said the convention that concludes today represents the world's largest and most e laborate display of Di.sneyana. "It's fascinating that one of the first words kids learn in any country is Mckey Mouse," Levin said. "He's international." However, the Mouse G roup. which he boasted as the only major Disneyana group in the Agran to hit college world, does not have the official sa n c tion of the Disney organization. To emphasize this lack of copyright, the group's logo depicts a mouse with a paper bag over its head and body, and two slightly familiar feet protruding. "The Unknown Mouse," Levin laughingly calls his mascot. Disney Studios, does, however, cooperate with the group's members, Le-vin said. The convention featured a tour of Disney facilities, and talks and films offered by anim a to rs involved i;1 the creation of Mickey and Co. • • c1rcu1t Irvine mayor to sound nuclear arms alarm By GLENN SCOTT Of the Delly Pilot &ten Irvine Mayor Larry Agran is planning to speak at many universities and colleges in California this fall to bring out what he calls the catastrophic potential of nuclear arms build u P6'--, Ag ran, 37. has periodically lectured on rolleg1ate campuses m past years. often on the health and legal implications of U.S. cancer policies. He has authored a book critical of those policies. More recently, Agran has become involved in nuclear anns issues . He 1s co-author of Propos1lion 12 on the Nov. 2 ballot -an 1rutiative that calls for the U.S . Government to propose to the Soviet Union a bilateral freeze on nuclear weapons producuon. In an interview Thursday, Agran said he is anticipating a lecture program on various campuses and will soon be mailing letters offering his services. Such speakers are paid a "modest fee," he said. Agran, however. was careful to note that he tries to keep his professional work separate from c1 ty politics He was selected mayor by other council members m July. A lawyer with a degn-e from l larvard University Law School, Agran has taught classes a t UCLA and UC lrvi.ne. He said he will teach a course on legislative and administrative law at the Graduate School of Manageme nt a t UCI this fall. He has written a self -help legal advice column (or nine years for the Home Magazine ed1uon of the Los Angeles Times Agran said he became involved with the nuclear arms issue because o f its overr1d1ng importance, and because of a strong personal need lo speak out "Unless we properly address ·the nuclear annaments question, every lhin~ else b ecom es a non-issue," he said "lf we're blown to pieces, it doesn't matter how we finance Village 12." Village l 2 is a planning sector for which the Irvine Company has sought development rights from the city. ESCAPE FROM THE HEAT AND COME SEE OUR ICE CREAM COLORS ALL MADE WITH PREMIUM NYLON YARNS THAT ARE STATIC CONTROL AND HELP HIDE SOIL. WE'VE GOT: LAVENDER-THE SOFTEST PURPLE YOU'LL EVER SEEi MELLO-MAUVE-A DUSTY ROSE! DIVA BLUE-AN ELECTRIC BLUE (BRING YOUR SUNGLASSES! SUNNY DELIGHT-A BEAUTIFULLY BRIGHT YELLOW! . . FRENCH BLUE-A WONDERFUL BLUE-GRAY! ALL $1 5. 9 5 SQ. YD. INSYALLID OVH NZXl<IOO . : ALL LJlllTll flAllTmEI Installed Prices Include NZX-3600 sponge rubb~r pad I ' I 'I FRIDAY, AUG 20, 1082 H/F Tom Riley, 5th District upervi or for Orange County, recalls service days in Guadalcanal. Page B3. D ~ THI CDAIT IND THI coum COMICS STOCKS Drowning confusion HOW DRY WE ARE: Our next election in this state isn't until November. And here we are. We haven't even turned the corner on August yet, and electioneering is in full swing. Just con~ider on e of the initiatives that will be on the statewide ballot n ext November. called Proposition 13. First, this shouldn't be c onfused with any previous Proposition 13s, ,...., but it probably will be. TOM MORPHINE ~I' Secondly, like a lot of ~~,,,initiatives, th i s new _________ ,..._..._._._ Proposition 13 is quite complex. It deals with water. In simplified terms. the measure, if adopted, declares fhat no water district in the state could import water from another area in the state unless that district has a state- approved water conservation plan. MOST RECENTLY. the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California's board of directors has come out strongly opposed to Proposition 13. Metropolitan's directors see the initiative as striking a heavy blow directly at Sou thern California's water supply. "The five -m e mber, Sacramento-based Water Resources Control Board will decide how much, if any, additional water may be sent from an area of abundance to Commi11ee members on Propo.sitlon 13-both pro and ron an a r ea of need, based on s ome unspecified criteria," declared Earle C . Blais, chairman of the Metropolitan board. It should be noted here that the majority o{ our water along the coast and for virtually all of Orange County comes through the Metropolitan district. Propositton 13 does indeed clearly look like bad news for all of Southe rn California. IT IS INTERESTING that the Sacramento-Stockton area is exempted from the conservation provisions. ln those places, water is so abundant they don't even have water meters on the houses. And a water meter is one of the primary tools you would use to measure conservation programs. This water issue is really just beginning to heat up and you can count on it being more confusing as it goes along. For example, there is a big hassle right now on the name of the committees that will be for and against the initiative. Both. appar e ntly , will u se t h e same monicker-"Californians for Balanced Water Policy." When they get through, it will probably be the voters who are unbaJanced. OPPONENTS OF the initiative got to the Secretary of State's Office first and {iled to use the Californians for Balanced Water Policy name. But neve r mind that. The committee in favor of the Proposition 13 says 1t w ill use the same name anyway. The Fair Political Prac tices Commission that watchdogs elections doesn't like this tum of events one bit. But the conunissioners say the re isn't a danged thing they can do about it. YOU ARE LEFT to wonder how you~re going to tell the black hats from the white hats on this one. It's going to be a real water balancing act. Radio aircraf t con test unde r w ay in Valley The nation 's t o p radio- controlled miniature aircraft enthusiasts began competing today at Mlle Square Park in Fountain Valley, site of the U.S. Scale Master Championships. The competitldn continues through Sunday in the central hobby area at the park. Contest hours are 9 a.m. t.o '4 p.m. The event is open t.o fublic viewing without charge. Entrance t.o the park is off Euclid Street. More than 30 miniature aircraft hobbyists who have won various regional contests are expected t.o participate. Judging is based on the quality of the ~ plane and the owner's flying skill. The winner wlll receive $500, -plus a radio control unit valued at $450. ,Truck kills boy An El Toro boy, 7, died after falling off a bicycle on the street near his home and being run over by a baddng eemi-truck. Ru11ell Beatteay was pronounced dead at the .cene Thunday afternoon near 2t>422 Cherokee Way, accordlna to California Highway Patrol· offfciala. Offictala said.the boy was riding cloee to the truck driven by RQnald Valentino Tellez, 27, of Rosemead. But when the driver stopped t.he truck and put It In l"e'Y'61e, the boy rode Into the back oi the truck and fell under the rear Ura, t.he CHP said. 82 85 a 'Characters' to parade Sunday.;: Newport Harbor readies for wackiest sh ips in the bay By STEVE MARBLE Of'tl\9 D•lly l"llol 81•H Some of them chug, some oC them sail, some of them arc paddled or towed and others just barely keep from sinklng. It's an annuaJ b1t ot nonsense known as the Character Boat Parade. a two-hour marine ritual in Newport Harbor that offers boatsmanship at its wackiest. While conduc ted by the respectable Commodore's Club of Newport Beach, the whole thing comes down to a first-rate excuse, organizers openJy admit, for goofing off and having fun. For their efforts, participants get t.o vie for such honors as the "Loose Screw Award,'' the "Leakin' Timbers Trophy" and the "Dirty Old Mahifold." The P.arade will be stageo again -for the 22nd time - Sunday starting at 2 p .m . Participants (they are usually 50 or so) circle the harbor in a counter-clockwise pattern. , ' The theme this year is "Newport Goe ~ Country- 'W ester n" as boaters compete for best theme, best C'06tume, best animation and even best sound. o.-, l"llot Photo by l"•tridlJjOii~ ...... J Vantage spots for parade observers are limited but include harbor restaurants, parking lots and beaches. It is estimated that well over one million persons have witness-ed the madcap parade over the years, many from the deck of their own· craft The parade had a humble beginnil')g in 1960 when a group of harbor merrymakers decided t.o dress up in strange outfits and toot their way around the harbor. Observers, startled at the sight, remarked to one another about the odd character in the harbor. Thus the annual parade. At least t!'3t's how the story is told. One year, the skipper of the U.S. Michigan -a tugboat - re ported I y be ca m.e thirsty halfway around the parade route and docked up at a harbor watering hole. Since the Michigan was in the lead at the lime. about one-third of the parade participants followed suit, docking up at the bar. The gang of skippers never did finish the parade. S e veral years later. the Michigan aga.in was at the center of activity when it came chugging up t.o the Balboa Bay Club, smashed through a window near the dock and promptly sank. It was the first and onJy time that a parade entry went under. Undaunted, the Michigan will be in the parade again this year. Over the years, the style of the entries has varied considerably, ranging from the absurd to the serious t.o the just plain field. Often there appears to be less concern for the theme than just getting attention . There have been boats filled with Vikings. Polynesian dancers and Kevst.one PARTY TIME -C haracter Boat Parade watchers go with the flow as they keep the party going in Newport Harbor during last year's parade. Map below offers clues for' places to watch the 1982 edition of the parade on Sunday. BALBOA PEN. ROUTE OF THE 22nd ANNUAL CHARACTER BOAT PARADE SUNDAY, AUGUST 22 IN NEWPORT HARBOR FORMA TIOH: 1 P-"'· PA .. ADE ITARTI: 2 p.m. P AVI LION Kops. Other boats have· been made to lok like submarines, dragons. and e ven a bottle of Scotch. Virtually a n y thing go es . exc ept f o r the w o uld -be participant who twice tried to e nter a v e sse l n a med "Chappaquiddick" that depicted a car half-submerged in wa ter Parade organizers drew the line on that one. The Orange County Harbor Patrol is charged with keeping some order in the harbor and has been known to collar a sk 1 pper or two suspected of having several d[inks too many. But the harbor usually 1s so crowoed that patrolmen admit it's 1.ough to determine who is and who is not in control. This yccrr the judging will be h e a d e d u p b y W a I t e.s: Cruttenden, Tom Evans, Ralptl Whitford a nd Ted lnouy~. Trophies w i ll be awarded following the parade at the: Balboa Bay Club ballroom. COUNT Y POLIT/CA~ R OUNDUP Jane Fonda due at Laguna fundraiser By JEFF ADLER Of !tie Delly "'°' ..... Jane Fonda will make one of her celebrated Orange County appearances Aug. 29 in Laguna Beach when a limited edition of Andy Warhol's portrait of her is placed on sale for the benefit of hu s band Tom Hayden's Assembly c.ampaign. Billed as an art gathering rather than a political event, the sale will be hosted by developer David Stein, chairman of the Laguna Beach Arts Alliance. Stein said that even if Hayden, running as a Democrat in a Loe Angeles count~ Auembly diatrict, attends the affair, it Ls doubtful whether he will speak. Warhol donated all 100 copies ot the 13-color silk -=reen t.o the campelgn. Selling price of the 32 x 40 inch print is $2,500. Persons Interested in purchasing a print and attending the showing may contact Doree Freidenr1ch, who la handling the sale, at 549-4339 for detaila. * * * Another Democrat who will pay a viait t.o Orange County In coming weeks Is Loa Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, Democratic candidate for aovemor. .• Bradley wilf attend • campaign fundtlon at the home of Dr. and Mn. F.dward Taub, !W5 Allvfew Terrace, Laauna Beech between 5 and 7 p.m. Saturday. Th.me attending are uked t.o DUE IN OC -Jane Fonda will appear in Laguna Beach when an Andy Warhol portrait of her goes on sale t.o benefit husband Tom Hayden's Assembly bid. contribute t.o Bradley's campaign. Requested contributions ran1e from $16 per pel"IOn and $2~ per couple for 1enlor cltlzena and atudenta to f60 per ~ and $75 pe,r _couple for 'Bradley's Benef~ ... ' Valet parking will be available and reservations are not required. Additiona) information can be obtained through the 69th Assembly District Committee in Irvine or by telephoning the <:ommittee at 752-1204. * * * Concerned and "disappointed" with Rep. Jerry Patterson's voting record on family issues, the pro-family Christian Voice has promised to mail literature and inform voters of Patterson's "anti-family" voting record, according t.o the Orange County Democrat's GOP opponent In the j(eneral election, Bill Dohr. Patterson, who represents central Orange County's 38th Coneressional District, only voted "pro-family" in three out of 12 votes surveyed, said Dohr. Dohr claimed that when Chriatian Voice targeted 32 anti- family lncumbenta in 1980, 23 lost their re-election bids. * * * Califomia's 1.Jbertarttn Party central committee has voted t.o oppoee Propolitlon 11, the bottle and can initladve. "Thi.a mandatory deposit law would" violate the rights of c onaumera, producera and retallef'I by coercive intrusion Into their peaceful voluntarr, lnU!ractlon In the marketplace, ' stated the central reeolution on the matter. The Libertarian Party's stand on Proposition 11 mirrors tho5e take n by the California Federation of Labor, the AFL- C IO and the California Chamber of Commerce. * * * California Republican Party Chairman Tirso de! Junco was quick to laud Lt. Gov. Mike Curb's recent appointment as finan c e director of the Republican National Committee. "Republicans can be assured th.at Mike Curb's appoinbnent to this imponant post will mean a shot ln the arm t.o our national party's fund-raising programs_.'' he said. We here in California stand ready t.o assist Mike in tits new task." Del Junco also noted that Californians have witnessed "first·hand C urb's succesa i-n raialng campaign funds." Despiie his fund -rahing acumen·, however, Curb lost the GQP gubernatorial nomination to Attorney General George Deuk:mejlan this past June. * * * St.ate Sen John Schmits. R- Corona del Mar, ,it markfug the waning daya of his Senate t.enn oU by regiaterlng his oppamdon to • number of meU\.lttS pendinf bef~ the ~tutt . " , .. A A "" A ~ ~ Al "" t ., "" ~ Al Al !I Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al !I Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Ar ... , Aft Aft A• A• Al A, Al Al Al At AE An AC AC AC :~ An A( AC AG AG Al- A~ M Ai. Al> An AP, AS AS An AS An AT AT AT AT A~ An An An An Al< Arr Arr A"' Arr Arr Ar> ... Ill Ano Arv A111 :~ An Ant Ao. Apo Apt Apl API /<r< Ari Ari Ari AO •r• Ari Arr Arr Arr An Ar~ ... r. Mt A .-AW A•• Atll A\ft AMI AMI Alh AIC Alli Alll Alli Alll AIU !~l Ave Ave Avt Av" Avo A•I· Ayd B•h Bar 8 •h Bid Bat Bet Bat• Bar Ban Ban au Bao Bnll Bv Ban &a l Ba& Bar Bar Bar Bar au 8•11 Bu B•' Bay BH B .. BH Bt< Bell Btl\ Belc &tit Btll Btu Ben Btn Btn Ben Ben Btn Btfl 8tn 8trt Bet• 11•11 e10· Blnt Bht Blac Blkl Blal 81<1 Blllf :::r. Bon ~ llMI 11~1 ..,., llotl Brit Bria 11•!14 Brll =~ =~t l llU ·-..... B-'"" l::i '""' 1:1 ~~~ Ir" B"'' ::1 Bl/It , 84 tt/f :\ LL A N UE EK I·'( )I{ { 'ITY ('(H I~( 'I I. t•aNJ t•lll h) Aleo u .. t ' •••. llilh.m \jh . ~ n •• , h Art 'n Craft Festivpl Huntingto n C enter doily thru Sun. PlllUC NOTICE U!GAL NOTICE PROPOSED 1812-13 IUDGET FOR COMtllne Reglonel OccupeOonel Program The Coas tltne R egi o n al Oecupetlonal Program proposed budget 10< 1982·83 will t>e available to r public tnspec11on al 100 I Preatdlo Square, Coate Mesa, California from Augusl 25th through August 31st. 1982. between th• • .lt<>urt ot 8 00 8 m and 4 00 p m lf'M public hearing on the proposed budget tor 1982-83 will be held at 1001 Presidio Square. Costa Mesa on Septembor 2. 1982 at 5·1s o'clock pm. Published Orange Coast Oatly PllOI, Aug. 20. 1982 3530-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollowlng person 1s doing business es· OM EGA TRANSCRIBING SERVICE. 1822') Newport Blvd Ste 279. Co~ta Mesa. C-' 112627 Diane Lee Ftshburn. 20432 Santa Ana A•e . •22. Santa Ana CA 92707 This business 1s conducted by an lrld!Yldual Otane L Fishburn Orange Coa1l OAILY P ILOT/Frldey, Auguat 20, 1982 OlJR l31G GES 'r S ALE OF THE YE~AR IS NC)W ON! ALL '8 2 C:A DILLA CJS ARE C L E ARANC .. E ALE PRI CED. AND FOR A L IMITE D TIME E NJOY E V E N LARGE R S AVINGS ON ONE OF OUR 29 EXECUTIV E D E MONSTRATORS. Available: 12.5%"~: Leases All cars subject to prior sole. lox. license. a doc tee. 12.54' leases avoloole on demos wilt\ leu !tlon 6000 mlles NABERS CADILLAC PUBLIC NOTICE 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa (714) 540-9 100 . (21 3) 587-8266 PUBLIC NOTICE PlllllC NOTICE This s1a1emen1 was tiled with the l---F-l_C_m_l_O_U_s_e_u_s_INE __ s_s __ _ County Clerk ol Orange County on NAME STATEMENT NOTICE OF PUauc HEARIHO F1Cm1oua 8UllNE88 Aug 3, 1982 F UMSllO The 1011owlng persons are Cloing P 0 business as· ubllshed renge Coest Oetly BAL TRAVEL and BUSINESS Piiot. Aug 6, 13 20, 27 1982 ANO LEISURE TRAVEL 130 East 3472-82 t7th Street Costa Mesa Calllornta 92627 w 1111am H Strain 907 Lombard PUBLIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Court. Costa "'4esa, Calltornle 92626 PROPOSED 111243 BUDGET FOR Alla M Strain 907 Lombard Newport-..... Unified 1 c · Schoof Dl•trk:t 1Cour1, osta "'4esa. Ca11tornla 92626 The Newport-Mesa UnlfleCl This business os conductll<l by an School District proposed budget tor lndlvodual 1982-83 will be avallabla tor public I Rita M Strain onapectlon 111 Olllce 01 Ille Olrec1or Ttiis statement was moo wtlh the Fiscal Services. 1857 Placentia •county Cte<k 01 Orange County on Costa Mesa, CA lrom -'ugust 25th Aug 9 198i through August 31st. 1982. between · F195011 the hours ot 7 30 am and 4 3o Published Orang& Coast Oa1ly P m The public haarlng on the Pilot, 1'ug !3. 20. 27 Sept 3 1982 proposed budgel tor 1982-83 will 36l3·82 b8 held al Harper Comm ~nll!f. 425 E. 18th St , Cotta Mesa . ALISO WATER MANAGEMENT NAME STATEMENT AGENCY The following persons are doing NOTICE ts hereby given lhll" the business as Allso Water Manegemenl Agency E & E POWER SWEEPING, (AWMAI will conduct a publtc 1017L W BlahoPSI Sanla Ana.CA hearing 10 receive and consider 92703 publte commMIS on 111 l)(oposed HEE TU KIM, 1017l W BlshOp, lndus1r1a1 Waste Control Program Santa Ana, CA 92703 and Ordinance The public hearing c Hu N J KIM . I 0 l 7 L w will be held on September 2, 1982. Blaho(>, Santa -'n• C1' 92703 at 2 00 pm • or aa soon lherealter This business 11 conducted by as 11 practicable. 111 the oft1ce ot the Individuals, husband and wlte "'4oullon·N•guel Waler 0 111r1c1, Hee Tu Kim, 27500 La Pai Road, Laguna Niguel. Chun J Kim Celllornla This statement was flied wllh the Robert A Ryan, Jr County Cler~ of Orange County on Attorney t0< Aug 10, 1982 Aliso Water Management Agency Pubhshed Orange CoHt Dally Polol August 20, 1982 3678-82 PlllllC NOTICE Fl~ Published Orange Coast Dally PolOI. Aug 13 20, 27 Sept 3, 1982 36 t6-e2 PIJIUC NOTICE Calllornla on Septemoor I, 1982 at 7 35 o'clock p m Published Orange Coatt Dally LEGAL NOTICE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOER A NO DEED OF TRU8T DATED P\llLIC TICE PROPOSED ll82-tS ltUOGET FOR JANUARY 11. 1112. UNI.HI YOU ------------~ ln.lr>e UnJfted ktlool otetr1ct Pilot, Aug 20, 1982 3528-82 P\llLIC NOTICE K-01%69 The Irvine Unified School Olstrlcl TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT NOTICE OF DEATH Ow:.i praposed budget tor 1982·83 will YOUR PllOPEllTY, IT MAY 8E r SOLO AT A PUaLIC IALE. IF YOU W lLLI AM DA LE DOR be avallable t0< pobllc ln~llon at NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE IMne UnlfMld School Olstrlc1, 294 I RELL. aka w. D. DOR Allon -'venue. Irvine, Calllornla lrom NATURE OF THE l'ROCHDINO NOTICE OF DEATH OF RELL AND OF PETITION Am•' 25th lhrough Augull 31st, ~~:~~ :~~WvyEo,._u SHOULD WILLIAM B. DOVER AND TO ADMINISTER ESTATE 19 2 between th• houra 01 7·30 NOTIC:E OF TIWITEE'I uu 0 F P E T I T I 0 N T 0 No A•11~537 e m. end 4.00 pm The public T 8 No ..... 15 • " . • . hearing on ttle proposed budget tor • • • -.. ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. To alJ heirs, beneficiaries. 1982-83 will be held at Lakealde NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the• on A-1146S8. cr edito r s an d conti nge~ lnt8'm8dlate SchOOI on September Friday. August 27, 1982, et 9·00 982 7 30 • o'ciocll a m of Hid day, In Iha room To alJ heirs. bencf1c1ar1es, c reditor s o r W I L LTA 1• 1 81 octoc;k pm ser aside'°' conducting Trustee'• c r e d i tors a n d c o n tingent D A LE DORRE LL aka W Publlahed Orange Cont Dally Sales within the oltlc;es ot RE1'L credito r s o ! Wtllta m B. D. DORRELL and perso~ PllOI Aug 20• 1982 3!>27·82 ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. h b l h · located 81 2020 North Broadwey. Dov er and persons who may w 0 m ay e 0 e rwis('I Sutte 206. tn 11\e c 11y ot Senta -'n•. be o therwise interested tn interested in the will andlo PlllllC NOT1CE Count y o t Orange State ol the Will and/or estate estate: NOTICE OF TRUSTE~·· SALE c a 1110 r n I•. R E" L Es TA TE A petition has bt.-en Cried A peution has been fil LOMI No. "5011156-4 SECURITIES SERVICE •• Call!ornla by Barbara Rae Dover Cory by JOHNNIE MAE DOR Ff'I 22022 corporation. ea duly appointed RELL in th e Superior Cou On Frtdey, September 10. 1982 al Trustee under and pureuanl 10 the In t h e Su perior C ourt o f 1 l·OO o'clvck a.m • FINANCIAL power 01 1111a conferred In that Or ange Cou nty req uesting of Orange County request111 FEDERATION. INC .. • Delaware certain Deed of Trust Hecuted by that B a rbara Rae D over that JOHNNIE MAE DOR corpor•llon aa Tr us tee o r PENINSULA ENTERPRISES. 11 Cor y be a ppoin te d as RELL be appointed as per subatlluted Trustee under and general p11r1narshlp, recorded sonal representallv e t.o ad · pursuant 10 the deed of trust January t9 1982.tn 1r.eo11lce oll"9 personal representative to r8COfded on April 29. 1118 t 1n boo!< County Recorder of said County, as administe r th e estat e of miJust.er th!!' eslate or WlL t•037 on page 5311 of Olllclat Recorders lna1rum11n1 N o William B. Dover (under the LIAM DALE DORRELL, Records. County Recorder ot 82..021692, by reaaon or a breac;h I d d Cost.a Mesa. CA . (under th Orano• County, Calltornla, naming or d a t 11u11 In Pa Y m "n 1 or n e P e n en l A d m 1 • lnd d .. _,_,_, . therein aa Trustor1: GEORGE M p11r1orm•nce 01 the obllgallon1 n1s tration o ! E s t a t es epen ent ~UJ•wustr~~o L AZARUK an d DO RO T HY n cured thereby, Including that Act). The pel illon is set for or Fstates A ct). The peliUO l AZARUK. breach Of d•teull Notice of which hearing in Dept. No. 3 a t 700 is set !or hearing in Dept. Will SELL. al pobllc auction to was recorded -'prll 13, 1982, H Civic Cen ter Drive, W est, m N o. J at 700 Civic Cen te the hlgheSt bidder for caah payable Recor Cle r s tn atrument No Drive W est Santa Ana C A el lime ol H ie. CHh muat be In 62·127757, Will SELL AT PUBLIC the C i t y o f Sant a Ana , • • tewtul money ol the United States, AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST California on Sept. 15. J982 92701 on September 8. 1982 et the 1'10<1h entranoe to the Orenge BIDDER FOR CASH, 1awtu1 money at 9:30 a.m at 9·30 a.m County CounhouM toceled et 700 ot the Unllecl Sletes. °' • casht., • IF YOU OBJECT to the IF YOU O BJECT to the Clvle Center Drive Weit (formerly check drawn on • atate or n111one1 f granting of the pet.lllon you Wet1 8{jhlh Stree1). In the Clly ol ban~. • l l•te or lederal credit grant.Ing o the pelation. you u1 · Santa 1'na, County ol 0 ranQ41. Stele union. or • ll•ta or federal Nvlngs should either appear at the sho d ei ther appear at the ot ca11torn11, all right. tlll•. end end loan •saocl1t1on domlCtled In h e art ng and s ta 1e your hearing and state y our ob-1ntere1t now held by It under ••Id this atate 111 P•Y•ble11th8 time ot objec tions o r f ile written ject ions or file w ritten ob· Deed of Trull tn the p1operty sale, all right. title and Interest held o bjec tions with t h e court Jee(. lionsh wh1th .the coyurt be-~!~:~na:ald County •nd Stete g:0~;~11~~~:1~!ai~nc~~:.,r::~ before the hearing. Your ore t e eanng .. our ap· Lot 167 Tract t872, In the City Stale, de11erlbed aa tollowa· appearance may be in person pea.ranee may be in penon of Coste Mase, •• per mep Loi 8 or Btock 23 of Newport or by y our attorney or by your att.omey r.:orded 1n 8oolc 53, PllQM •7 1hru Beach Tract, In the Clly 01 Newpon I F y 0 U A R E A rF Y O U ARE A C REDI -49, Miscellaneous Mapt, In the Beach. H per map recorded In TOR or 8 con':!ent credit.or Olllce ot the County Rec0<det ot Boot\ 3. Pege 26 ot Mlsc:elteneoua CREDITOR or a contmgent Qfange County Maps. record• Of Mid County credHo r of the deceased, you oC the decea • y ou muat Seid property 11 elao reported to The at reel •ddren or other must m e your claim w ith the f ile y ou r claim w i t h the t>e commonly known N 217S Stet• common dealgnatlon of th• raal • h cou r t or present i t to t h e Sl rHt, Cott• Men . Celltornla l)(operty heretneboll• dMCrlbed •• cou rt o r present •l to t e 1 . 92627. purpo11eo 10 t>e: 2314 and 2314'~ p e rsonal repr ese n tat ive persona rep resentahve ap-Seid ule wlll be made. but West Oceen Front. Newporl Beach. a p pointed by the cou rt polnted by the court w1th m without covenenl or werrenty Calltornla. within four months from the four months from the date of upreN or Implied, regllf'dlng lltle. Th• undenlgned hereby dlKlelma date o f first issu an ce of f irst iu uance o f l etters as POIJMHlon or encumbrencee. to all llablll1y tor any lncorrect""8 In Pr ovided m Section 700 or pay ttle remelnlng eum of the not• .. Id 1tree1 •ddrau or other letters as provided in Section . H cured by u ld deed, to w11 commori o.ion•tlon 700 o f the Probate Code o ! ~e Probate Code or Cah lor-$89,1187 32. with 1n1er .. t trom Seid n t• will b• made w1thou1 CaltCornta. The l i m e for n 1a. T he tim e for h llng September HI. 1981 edvenaee, w.,renly , ••Pt .. , or Implied, claims will not expire pn or claims will not expire prior C!\lrrenlly none, and co111 and regerdlng t111e, poueuton, or ( t fu f th d te t •l*'I-currently eetlmated to be encumbranc.. 10 Ulll f)' the filing claims will not e xpire to out mo~ rom e 8 $ t,513 oo u In Mid note 1)(0\'ldecl, prtnclpal b111noe of lhe Not• or p rior to four m onths from of the heann g noUced above. end all other eume tl\fn -.cured by other obllgallon atcure<I by H id the d at e o r the h ear in g Y O U MAY EXAMINE selddee<lottruat. Deed of fruat. with tntareat •nd noticed above t he file kept by the court. If The name, ttrMt 1dOrH1 end other 1um1 H provided therein; · i ~-... ln th lelec>hone number 01 the TrullM plu1 edvanCiH , II any, under lh• YOU MAY EXAMINE you are nte~fieuU ees-ere:Flnenoi.t Fec1eretlon.lnc.teo 1 ,.,mathereoren<11ntweat onauch the fUe kept b y the court. If tate. you may e a requ est WNhltlQIOtl Bouleverd, Cutvw City. edvenc ... and pfu1 '"'· ch•rOH you are in terested In the w 1th the court to receive Cal"Ofnle 90230oJ213) 20•~. •nd •KS*'I-of the TrustM end of estate, you may me a request ~~f ~ "!:.: ~e~t O:~ ~~T 6:~iJ ~;~~:. ~~~~~~:::::' a~o~ ~.~ w ith t h e COUtl to r eceive -J 1981. UNLE.8S YOU TAKE ACTION 00110111on, lncludlno , ... onabty 1 p e cial notic e of the the petitions, &OCll?unta and TO PROTECT YOURPROPERTYIT Hllm•••cs , .... Ch•ro•• end In ventory o f estate BllJM?ll reporU deecribed U\ Section MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. ••I*'-of tho TrutlM . 11 lht time and of the petition • accounta 1200.5 o ! the Califor ni a IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION ot lnltlel pu~tlonOtlhlaNotloe.I• . ..,, Probate Cod 0 F T HE NAT URE 0 F THE 183.901,&7 and repor ts describe d In •£JTR Wit.CL.JAMS PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU. O•lecl. August 3. 1982 S e ction 1200 6 o f t h o ft • YOU SHOULD CONTACT A . R!AL E8TATE C alifornia p 'robale Code. At1oney al Law LAWYER SECURITIES SERVICE, WelHltla Ir Welnateln, IHI MacArdl•r Blvd., S.lte O.te AUOU•• 2, 11182 • Clllfornl• O«l>Of•tlon, Auoraey 11 Law, 9454 lU :'=:11T~=•tton.1nc. ;9/~':o.oer. Wll•~~ Blvd--Peadllo01e, Ne~n Be.d, CA Hitt ey Lind• Ntno. ne "'-idtnt Beverly HUi t , CA tUU, ('71') '7U410 Trua1 Otlloer 2020 North lroedway. (US) l1l-ttn or %'74.f7H Published Oran r CoHt t::~.~ .. 011921oe Publlah•d Or•no• Co•tt O•lly 0.Uy Pilot, Aug. 1 • 14• 20, Or•• C0..1 Delly Piiot. Aug 20, Tel. (714) 963.eato Pllo\, Aug. 10. 20, 20. 1M2 1982. 21, 14191, ), 1882 Publl•h•d Or1no• COHI D•llY 3"f.U 3601-82 3M4·82 Piiot, Aug. e. tS, 20, 1982 3511-82 Niguel p~oject eyed lo develop 500 coa tal acre /\ n 0 r u n K t• <.: o u n l y d t•v t•lo ptnl'nt firm 1u1yK It will f •1l l ow coustul co rnm lssio n 1<uldC!llne11 In dt•v(')o ping 500 uc rns In L ugun o N1gu1•l (or a r<'l!1dt·n llal, commcn·14al und h otel pro~t. 't h e S t e r n Bri e f G r o up a nn o u n c t:d lla 1n t t'.n tlo n 11 W ednesday to buy th•· coastal pro perty from AvL'O C u11unun1ty Deve loper s I n c (or m o r e t h a n $ I 00 m il lil)n T h t· 1·o u 1H u l n1mm1uiont•n earlier thi!i !iUmm1•r upprr>Vl'd plallll for i.KOO rt'HidenUul unlt.s, a 20·.wr~ ('ortuncrc·lal developm e nt, 11 t:o11r1•renC'f' <:enter ho iel ,J riv ul(: r ecr eationa l fal·1ll tlt-M un m or e t h an 44 &(:r es o f publlC' par k , trails and o pe n s pace and a n ' 18-h ole t'h a mp1o n s h 1 p golf 1•o une. "W .. were lmprt!9M.'d b)' Lh .. tine ;:>b (Steln-Brll'f Group) dJd with past dC'wlo pmt-n UI 1&nd feel their CXPt"rtillt' will l.naure th e qualJty d .. v e l op m e nl o f thi s e x1.raordlnary piect' "' !And." One co-owner is Barry Bnef. The other co-owner o f the flnn, David Stein. r etired u president o&t A vco in 1977, b ut h e said W edn<'sday that h e rec e n t l y h e lpt'd p l a n tht> d ev e l o pment pro.)l.'C'l R o b t•ra BUtc . l'Xt-cut1vc vtc't• prt•s1d e nt o f Av1·0 11nd ge rw r u l m&nager of Lagum.1 N1~uel said, COUNH BUSINISS Malo Hurdmao's N ewport Beac h o({lce said 1l h ookl'Cl in l.O th e finn's rH•w $4.9 mlll1l)n Information n etwork or computers and o ffice sy s tems M ain Hurd man 1s an intC'm at1onal aet·o u n ting finn firm's o ffice, :U51 Airway Avt:., S uite H-l . Cana M c:sa f or informatio n , call 957-1081. Mariano Sliva has been appoin ted t:o n troller of Valen c ia Bank. H e h as b een assistant v 1(.•t· p r esid en t/assistant contro ller o f M 1tsu bish1 Bank of C a lifom1a. Rampart G en e ral Inc., an Irvine manufacturer uf mt'Ud and p re-cast fireplace systems and real !:!State develo per, an noum.'ed in c r eased earnin~ for t h t> q u arte r end ed June 30 Whi t e M e m o r ia l M ed i cal Center f a cilit ies engineer C larenc e Hoskin o f H untingt.on Beach has been a ppoi n ted Lo Los Angeles Reven u es w ere $7,647,000 for th e quarter vs. $it,:J4 5,000 for the· quarte r a y ear ago . Earn i ngs Wl'rt• $2 10.000, o r 4 n•n ts per sh ar e, vs. a loss o f $6(i8,000, or 24 cen ts, for the year-earlier period M ayor T o m Bradley's C itizen Adv isor y com m 1 u ec (o r L os Ange les· p r ogr a m of en e r g y r ecover y fro m re fuse T h e m e di c al ce nte r r el·entl y constructed a $1,029,tiOO system to g e n e r ate s team e n e rgy b y burning waste on -sitt:. La ff er hopes Reagan reverses tax stand • H08KIN RENO (AP) -Arthur Laffer. a supply-side l'<.'onom1s t who has served as one o f Presid e nt R eag a n 's to p econ om ic ad v lSers, said Reagan "made a mistake" in proposing a $98 billio n tax increase. ABLE Computer of l rv m e r t.'Ce1v ed a n $850,000 con tract fro m Aut.op ho n . Solo thurn, S w i uerbnd, for com mun ication s m u l tipl exers, 1ts d i r ecto r of in ternational m ar k eting said. But Laffer . speaking t.o a group o f corporate executives alt.ending a high -stak es "sw ap meet," said h e w as t.'On fident tha t Reagan would realize h is e rro r and relum t.o the su pply-sid e fold. S upply-side econ omis ts ad vocate lo w e r taxes an d less g overnm e n t r egulat io n of b u sine ss t o s timul a t e the e (.:o n o my and i n dir e c tly raise govt>rnme nt r ev enues Newport Securities C orp. h as ~heduled a Sept. 7 seminar on securit y investmen ts in Oran ge County . The p r ogra m w 1U begin at 7 p.m . in the "Y o u never r aise taxes be<:ause ll d estr o ys .)Obs," L a ffe r said in an interview after has speech OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS ~"-~1. lntr.tlno I)"~ I~ l"lf'I I J7 If J1 lnttc i::nt •8 48.t., lt'\IOri>t, 11 11 1 1ntm•<1 ti , tJ• .. lntm tC..\ 1' , n~. ln8W\n ,,, •• 11 • lw•SoU1 II'• 1' J•n•\b\' t I , J f*tt\O ,..... J• .. vJJ•ttv 11 , '1'• JO\lv n' u " ..... ~, pt • • • q l1 K•lvar ti u • .. J(ttm•n 11 "•. ~ .. 1,.sv, J P~ tt.1 mn.tll /J'. J• K 1f\Qlr1t H 78', 1C1001c, 141• 1q KnlfPf'Y 11 • ., •• .Cf"itlO\ te. 1t.'• t<ul•t.,• 10 10..._ LcH'C r \ II \1 .. Lt noR .... • q-. .. l.4'1~(0 ., tl' I L'I,,¥\ J1 • '"• l.•nltto .. ti 11• • LOQ~lrn I S\, MCI( tt•• 8'• M (I W.1 , .. I"""· M(_,f' 011 '/01 • 10•. M<60\(J( I 1 IQ IO M d9!1PI J""' )'I M •1P! lj u •, Marion 1' .. 4 M•u1lfoi I •• 8~ MavP1 \ )1 I )1 MO n0" JI • 1''-· M<Con n ti • f8J• M (fdtl I• 7q • M<Oua• 40 40 MC R•f'O \I • ti'• M IO\•W • 4' .. Mdld<.iAp 11~ 1''• M 10IAf"\ 14'• '°'. )1 • 2l ' M1dl8~ \ ,}:: I= ~:~l~e'1(1 '... 9 • J0• 4 jfjl' l' >~ .. ttt, Ill IJ lJ ... 11 • 11' f I • 8 • ,. , .. II • ti I/ • II I J1 II J' ,.,. ~ . ... ' ... ' I 11, tJ+ I "I 4 -~I I )01 I 111>1 18 '"' ll_. /I • 11 U 1• I• , \ • b'. 10» 10 1J ' 11•· I•• • '16 • )I l)' • , •• 11 • 11 14 ,. ' 40 • 40 .. IO 10•• . . . 1\ 1\ • l • J ~ J ... );. ,... J • lO )I • • • . . . ~ , •• 10 • ..... 10. 10 I) 1) ' t8 , ••• I T ' p_,b\t U P<C.<1R ::~~Ut Pt-naf nt P~nt., \ PooPE•P o-,.,,ttf' Vrttlt>on Pf't1lttN•I i.-1fl'nPS~ J>1n~rtn P1onth., Pitt, tint> PO\\.I\ l'<h(.M l>r~St.-vn Pr09ro Pt>~mN( Pu1 l6 .. n PutO(. .. p Qu,fl-1.r(h RaQ<"n(p ~.e .mna Rf'f'Yt"'\ ~o•dSv Rol>OM~ Rou~ Sadlwr S~ff'fO SIH~IC.0 StPdul Str1pH ' St>~Qdt,. Sflnw, \ Svt M<'r Svcn l'\I SnMfoO Sn•mut S1pt4R, Sit1<n.rh SCarwtr SwE IS• ~t•ndyn St<JM•\.tO II I& I) 16 SIOR"{I' 1/t. '''• NE;W YORI\ IAP! llW •01tow1no 11\t \tiow~ thf Over l"'t Counter 'ICH: k\ ~nd warrant\ en•t n•ve 90""' up ,,..._ ~· ,.no "°""'"' trw mo\t IHM<I on ~nenl Oi <~ r.-94tdl~U OI vol~ fOt fhut\.O.t'f No s.«:ut1t1~ lr.Ott'\9 bf _,., U •'~ tnCI· uOf'O Nt>t and Pf"t<rnt~ < AOt\ "'~ thit OtftPtPn<f' betwttn tnit pre " <'°""'9 OIO l>"Cle •nd f ....... l lu t D<O price ~ N•mt P•ul~yP NS..vn UnAmEn V~l• StOl.09 "" SAl Cbl SJ<10LOO~ ) ... AG ... RI C.llEnO 4 f(h £n J•tAr?W' POlyC\I ~n~f\ \ ~IO CO'Wtf'f't 8 ~o~cr:::3" UC•r8 \ OcolotB Q , .... ,.. "" FIFSl RI Mt\.Chtr Nd- UPS •• t n•, 1 .. • •• ) ·~ ' , .. • ~·. 4 )I I '• I • . , ... • I u p .. ' I Pct Up JJ l Up l'2 • Up JO.O Up 1• J Up lS• Up JSO ' 0 • UP 11 • Up I• I t Up 14 J ~ Up IJ • •' t • .. _ Up IJ 0 71• '• Up tJ S J.. ._ Up 11 S J.. .. UP I ) S t)\... • t•., Up tt 1 J I .. Up 110 1 • "-Vo US 11 .~. uo 1t s '''• I • Uo tt 4 ~-~ ~: :: : OOWNS U \I J J'. Moltt111 10 II' MOnl(()I ~.: rl~:l .0 40'. ' g~11rn 1 ... ~ .. l'. 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N•,tPS )I • )I • No .. .,11 ~ JO• / 't'tNu<rp I• • )•"• lo .. )6\ .. r ano.m 111.lOO 1C>1• '1 I• 14 •••· •001f'C 1'7 bOO ...... t••) , '. " Am.trf'W Heitlt!''f' Mf'trTI A•wOtl \'u4)Q!Pft W•l"rCh C.ullNuc SIOrVI ,..,.,,., •' , .. 111 Ott 100 Off 10.0 '~ Ott 100 ... OH 100 ti • ti•• (AOOSy 104 400 I i. I '• '• ti ~~:.: ;t,: Ro4K1Sv '"' 100 o •. 4} • 1 , ;~ , .. >'-' . 71. MUTUAL FUND ) • ) • Ocr11,,., ~~ :·: g~;~(.~ a-.... lS,-• Ohff"rrO 11,,-. 1) O ttPrTP P(I\ Int --· NEWYORK-Pt Gron ~-· 1 .. l •Mvn IS\ N(I'•• ~o """ NL ttw toltowtnQ qvo-EQu1t \ 10 • 1> r ur 1tn • 11 NL JP<>'"' ti 1t t113 t•HOtK. 1AJPOhed bv C tw"<.f'UOt Crovo ftu .rt ~),) Nl JV '"'<o '•~ •le. lhe N•liOt\411 .... ,_, k oYIO q II 4 83 lr•nc> 13 111 Nl J•nu' 8 '' Nt •tlon of Sf'<un1it\ H1Mun '1 S.l3 11 F1n11nc1•I PrOQ Jonn Manc0a.t. 0.fltr, In< .,., NOf'< II 81 17 I) Ovn• I 01 Nl Bond the pm tt ol wh101 l .. 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U NI. i teln fMt I'•. ,.,o S...vtc., 8•1en 11.>t NNt MIHIY IJ.>6 NI. •Ofld Ut C•P 0o I) •I NL Sloe• I• IO NL Stn!.pl • Cl1 Nl Stnl • • i. Nl SIF•ttnv • I• • ll Slr•I Glh 10 O'I Nl SunG'1~ 'OI ' '7 ~~P~ j;~ 1rn T mpl Gt s 12 II l6 T mpl W IS ... IT II' Trn\ C4'P t '1 • •1 trn1"'*"' 1ft Nl T rt• Ea I .. •.•t Tuor Fo u II Nl Twf\( GI \#\l'Y•tl Tw,,C. S.t -••II l wnC UI unavell U~~!.h .. Nl tnco ttt NL Sbll t 10 NL Uni A<eu ) ,... NL Unit Mui I U "IL Unll4<1 Fund> Accm 1.0i 1 10 90ftd )00 s" tnlGll\ 11 08 ll.20 Con tnc •to 10 n 1111du< rt ., n "' M tnc U 42 ll SI tn<om an 9 S3 Munl S 1' t 0? S<IE"O >ts tse V•~ 1111 It.• U S Gold • '7 NL V•lw Lin. FO eono 11 .. Nl Fund 11 .• NL 11\(om •JO NL Lt • GI 141• NL Spt Sit 10 U NL Ven<~ S..-n In<°"' 101' II t• 11-4.U 7.1' L••?. ~: =t ~tf'G111 SU '" £V h 10 U II.SI Dl•l f i.n NL ~:\', ', ::: ~ ~t E•FCl l M O.J Nl-l'ldE I )4.Jol NL S<Fld l ~ NL s.»ect 10 SI 11.4' Van9UMO Group: E •plr 11.ll NL Incl Tr If OJ NL GNMA .... Nl lve'4 •O 10 1'4L e':r9NI. MuHV a > 0 H l MllSN IS IS NL Mulnl -Vall MuL• e 61 Hl 001• I ll ,, Ht Qf>w 11 1.0. H TrflC.O 1s JI N Wtll>l 10.11 NL Wtlllll UI Nt 10"'° 7 rl H HIVllCI l..4S Nl WllW t 1' Ml. Ytftfljr~ t'7 ...... WallS. S l't .. u Wtlll I "'' H WllC lftC :Lil NI. w-S.N!Nn ::= ~.ft .. !.!~ ..... 10. flt NL He-Cealt\ ,_..,., f ~._ .., •• ....... --...-"- ' Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Friday, Auguat 20, 1982 H/F NYSE t :OMPO "'ITE TRAN ~ACTION OUOTATI<*' ••nuo1 t9A&>I\ ON , ....... •o•• MIOWUt, '""''' .... IOtfON oauon .... (INCltllltATI noc11 I •CMAMelJ ANO lltl'GltlO I Y f Me llA\0ANO 11101111 T \.al" Net \.ti•\ Ntl \.ill•• Ntl W in Pot ti.91•• Net P l "°" Clow (... I> r net• (lov 1""9 I' l 1\4\ u .... <1141 " l -C••w C"9 '1 f "<n Clo .. C"9 """' 1 1 .a • 1,11 ., ... , °"' Htlllt n 1 I .. • .. , .,. M•llt1 JO ' IUJ ., .. • " 1>0111, "" " 1 ,. , 1 Sl"90 1111 •• •• • o"'I p1A, 10 1100 " "' "''"'' 1 111 1 , ... , .. , •• M .. 1 "'' 10. '" • .. "'""' ' .. 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GtWnn "°"tnl 1µ.,.1 LIL pl01'1 llo4 ull' .. \1 O•enc ·~•.1131>1 20. "'SmilhA Ill ' • 11.0EP ""IS ttO .. , ... BloTttr n 6 1111 IS"1 DtllON t0 ~ • " GWHSPn n 1J 1~ lonQO. 1 Q.j 11 411 JI , ~' Owtnlll I .. • 1"1 ?Ht• n. Smlll\ln ti. J 1116 d111'> ... ll•EP pf'/«> '' 1111,, 1,. Blnn.l I J0 11 U ]1~+1111 Dl•Chk 11211 Ill 11'1• G/lllPn 1 41 } t 12"-· loo Lor•I to lJ ")0\,11\.o O•f•dln t \ I ?'ltr, 1,.. Sm•B 1JJl1U14 """•1\\oveEPpfl 70 1JO SH1.1"" lllf'S It ..... .... OtnMto 1... , II lt\O ..... Grtrh ' 10 s 111 ,..,,, • .,. Le Lend I IO • 7>0 11"-. '' -11'-G -SmU<k• I '° • " .,.,, . "'Veep pf7 0 1100 Sii• ••• BleOD 1' 17 100 UV., \I. O.nnyH M 1115" 1''"' • ~ G t W'I ;i.; ,,_ l•Pk toD J'S nt It~ I PHH I• II U 111 .. ''• Sn.oO()fl IM 11 2•2 21°" • .... Vorned 10 I)~• loo Bt•l4Pw2 40 • u ........ Dtnlpfr • IJ • 2•V.. .,. G~or .. n "' ,,,. LO<IYO. 1 n I JA i ..... • PHBMI I,.. I ,. • .... " Soll•I • I JO s m ,,.., • ,.,. 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I~ 10 411 IV. t \'< ~P M !U. · Wtl~IT gl CM 70 10-+ VI '""""" I.SJ 1 •n -· I ID "4004 ,, .. • '"" Hetrll • 10 •U 23*-'"' MlfCCI n I ., , Ptnr.ey I I 1156 """. '"" StMfry 1., s '°° ,, .... ..,, tlllnAlrL )01 • \lo lr·1·~~"' u.~~ .s ,.., ,.,_ .· ~ Dow I.GI •• ,., 40 .. .. H•tJ<9 1.:10 • .. IS"'· Nler/11110 I ,, ' IS. t•~. "' PtPI. 7 n . 2140 It!\ Sp•lnet 1.a. • ,. 11 llllAI• pl • """ "" '"' '" '.t~~g~:: ::1:~ :~::~~=~'·~.; r. ~11o:t:::~~ 'tc l~ ,,~ ... ::~t=:;,,·";: J!~ ..... ~~r~a:,!!:: ~1~:\.,:~~~ ,,. ~ s;::.·: .., ... I I .. -"' Orul t •. 1• ··~· \It H•llS. 1.-. 10 u 14'4• l4i M••-pl ,·ao •• ;~ ..... P•Pl.tJf. u 1100 10 +1\1) r. ...... -11 II ''"'· ••• WUnlOll.. 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I.I'll . ~ ... -... H• 111 l ..... ,. JI • \Ao AMIOl\lt I *1 ... ,,.... I.A p-.,ij U 2" "" 40 ....... ,•P~QI ii,. II) .... w • .,.,,,, I ill,. »1• "". , .... •ONA,.,_. J llOI *t"' • "' 0..11• IJf UO . UNO " • 1 "'''I"' I J017 'O 11111. + \lo ~-.~ 1 , .. e ., i• ' Per• 1 -1• ss• tt " ~ • .,...w -' t) I' yr,.. • '° _, 14 • J_. IGf/f J.U •• lilt 014tl\lt e•flf 'J · deOO~•lloto H•'""" Jlt S 41 141\f 111 ::!:!.",, 10''1 • •rmf rl,:t '1 ~ .::.• i:_ S\enWll 0 .1' M •"'• 0 'o\ ..._,.,~t.,JI . no~ • t.e: 1 So > "' e llf 1 : ~ "'""' J ,._ Ill i;r";. t S. 2 '"'""' Petrltt ,-'610 iii 1\i;: t:"' ''-'°"1 1t1 t l lt\l'r• loll =-,,., If' l.M I W. lt\'11 NA frt • 1 ll,._ It• llf j . 1llolt t i. .... mine--1 t \'11 ••-• lll't' "' t•MS. 1 20e 1 f'-... • NAI ,... .. wlN + "' °""" t ,. 11 ,.. ,... "" ... ,.(VII 1.21 '1• IO • .... ::r:U"i 'iC • ,;i ~. \Ao ~::~~ •• ,: .> ':1 ;i .. ; ... '-'°' I ... .• ... ,. : 1111 :C1~ ~·v . ., ft"'! I Couple suing over SAN JOSE (AP) -A $~0 million law~uit has been filed agalnat a 11avinp and loan by a San Joee couple who claim they were unable to sell their home when the financial lnst1tutlon prevented them from tranafering a low-interest mortgage The lawawi, bankrolled by th!! 110,000-member California AalloClation of Realtors, was filed Lil Santa Clara C.Ounty Superior Court on Thunday by Walt.er and Donna Amstein against World Federal Savings and Loan and tts parent, Golden West Financial Corp. of Oakland. The suit alleges that in 1976, whale World was state c.hart.ered, they bought a house and assumed a $42,100 loan at 9'h percent interest from the preV1ou.s owner. Wo rld became federally C'ha rte r ed 1n Sept.ember. In June, the U.S . Supreme Court ruled that federally chartered lenders can requi.re a homebuyer to take out a new mortgage a t current interest rates. Loan rate dropped Home Federal Savings & Loan Assocl8Uon of San Diego dropped its residential mortgage loan rate to 15.25 percent. The rate applies to Home Federal's adjust.able mortgage loan Volume record set The Pacific Stock Exchange said 1t recorded its greatest volume of equity trading Wednesday. logging 5,282,900 shares and pushing activity over the five million share mark for the first Lime. The previous high of 4,242.500 was recorded June 9. Jet America profits Jet America Airlines Inc. of Long Beach reported a profit of $303,724, or 20 cents per common share, for the month of July. It was the second con.secullve month of profits since commencing operauons in November. The airline flies Douglas DC-9 Super-80s between Long Beach Airport and Chicago O'Hare, and approved plans this week to begin service to Dallas. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT HEW YORK (AP) Saito Thuro ptlce •nd net <h•not" ot t~ t1ltffn moil 1t<.t1•• New "t'0<1' Sloe" E.-trl.,"19f' I\\""'~· r.~~:~y:':hona11v a;.;:.~'""".:~ . ) G•n Motor\ t,s.t'Q,100 4S'·• • '• t8M 13bl100 C14 • '• S.•rsRotC> t, 173.000 10', • •, Amor 1 & T 1 016,SOO SI , ~ Scfllumc><g 990,lOO )1.. • " E ••on 911 .000 111 • Norina PS 813,100 2 Cllotorp 841,400 H Oreurtf'CI 1~• 400 11'• • • OeltaAttl ' 143 600 u•, 1 , f "' cn.r• 491.100 ,,. ' Am Atrl1n 619 '°° 16 . '. 8•"'Arntr &ll lOO 11', I' ... D•o••••Eo 611 soo •I AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS NEW VORI< IAPI llle 10110 .. lng 11\I \hOw\ thr Nirw VM• ~toe k Exch4'nQ1t \totk~ 41'1(1 warrdt'tf\ tt1•t h•ve-90nir we> thie mo\t Anet oown IM mO\t bt\.f'O on ~rct1"1t of ctw~ rt"~rdl•\\ ot Yotunw tor Thur14ty No M<.ut1t1n tr.ct+no &»low i.1 •r• ~· udt d Net M\CI Pt'f"<t'n10Qt' <h•n~\ e r• tN dlfter.,-.c.e r;,.twf't'f' •M ortviou\ < '<>t•nQ Of tee -Tlluncley i ~ H•-L.0'1 C l\Q I DukoP PIK •1•, , 11 7 V•EP f 60p< n 61 I 1 l DorntM Q •'• , '• • C•littSOIC~ •1.. • I S WalU1n\ ptl ti~ • '• • PSEG I OSO< lll.._, • l'- 1 lAW 4 40Pf II& , 10'> I PSEG S Jtpf tO' • • l"' ' E•aM Po I.. ._ 10 KC SllWI pf II.,, • ... 11 ~18 ..... t 1 Pk L""'°'" " l' > U Tr ens.am CP t•~ • 11 # ••N•t Gypsm 10 t', IS Oh-I *'4 S9"-• ''-16 Homestu 11', • 1 11 W1*11' 2P' l2 , 1', 11 C•llllnMnQ n• , • lo "~-\ ,.. ,, 205~ ''• •• , 11 Wf'Wel Fryf. Jll-, , 1'• 22 DllQLI I 111>1 1)•, , <o ll ASA )41: '" 2• Ce•eronCp 1~· , 1 U Oet•Term S'• • 4" 16 G TFI 1.1SC>f 910 , 't DOWNS l'<I Up 11 S Uo IS <I VO "• VO 11 J VP II I VP 10 • VP 100 Up '' Vo 'I VP '• Vp tt UP It Vo I • Up II VP I• Up I I VP ,. Uo I) VP I J VP " Up I • UP I 1 VP 10 Uo l 9 Vo •I I.Ip •• L.u11~"• '~'• D1:"\o.• 1°'• .. 0 11 10 I J... .. Dll •• ••• '• 0 11 I.• I~ I 0 11 I S I\ 1.. Ott I 4 .,., , •• 0 11 I> •••. • Ott I 1 s-. •c Off I 1 1'• ~ .• ou ao 10 , .. ()If 1 0 N'• '"' Oil I I 2• , Oii I I l 1• Ott 11 11 I Off 11 111 1 1'·• Ou 1• ••• "" Oii '• '"' .... Olf I l ,,,, "" ()It u IS°' l\.o Oii I • 11.... ,. • ()It l.J 10 IV> Ott 10 1''. .,1• Ott , 0 11 1 Ott • 11 ""' -11. Oii •• ~~~~~~~~~~ COLD COINS NEW YORI< (AP) -Prlc .. l•to Thuradey of gold eolnl. ~ Wl1h Wldnmdey'1 pnce, ll'llllW'Md, I troy cn .. 1390 00. up l1UCf. ..._.. ,_,, 1 troy oa., S,,I0.60, up S1Ub. ......_ • ,_, 1.2 troy m., '463.75. up t11.to .. Allte.taft 100 .,,..,_, H02 troy en., 9370.00. up t 15,00. Souroo: o.M-,,.,..,.. DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW Y0Ai..tAP• F"ln•I 00\Jrlt Jon.-\ 4t\IQ\. tot Thor\d•V Auo IQ STOCKS ()penl Hl9" Low Clow '"' )0 Ind &JO lb 84 OJ 11• 4' 138 SI• 9 U 10 Tm JI) 20 .I'll 4t )10 11 J" 11 110 IS Ull 111'8Ill10 110 /0 tt7 ti• 041 ••S!>llo l?O O/ JJ/ •) )>I al 111", 1 .. '"°"' ...... otOO It •n 2,1Jo4,JOO Ut1I\ 1,0J9 900 •S Sll1 ll.111,600 WHAT STOCKS DID Nl W VOR!o. <Al'I Aug 1• AOV4ntt"<I O.cltr'Wld un1..n"~ lotAI "W.' Npw h•Q"'\ NllJ• tOw\ w·•~' .... , -CJic N(W vOll• AOYfl'OCC'd 0.tll''fl'd u n( "•"Qe<) Tot Al t\\Ut'' N IPW higt\\ Ntw IOW\ METALS ltturld•y 1•3 IOI 4311 1971 S4I l2 IAPI •uo t!J lllvtldey 16.J 1'IO n1 11• 70 ti Prov .,.., .,., ... H1 l'l8l 20ll 9 Pr•~ cM) '81 lb/ I'll) Ill ] " NEW VOAK IAP) "*'" l>t!CR H1urt0ey $pol nonlerrous Copper 68~1-70 cents a PQUn<l, US oes11na11ons L•IKf 28-29 cents a pound Zinc 40 cenlt a pcxmd delivered Tin S6 1997 Me .. lt Wee!( compo$1fl! lb _,«:"'' S385 00 Pit< Ila~ Pl•lln~m S253 OO·S260 00 11oy Ollnu N 'I SILVER Handy 3 Herman S6 940 p11r troy ounce COLD OUOTATIONS • .,-n..,,_.....,_ ~.0 WOflO QOkl pr~ IOO•y Lo110on morning ltalng $379 00 up $22 35 L.011don •llarnoon ll•ln9 S988 60, up $29.86 ,...,.. 11\ernoon htnp $371 711, uo S 18 98. .. ,.....,,,, tl•lnQ 1379.14, up $21 78 %undl late altar noon 11•11\Q ~8 7 .00, up '33 2& b4d 1390 00 Mkad. Ha11dr • H•lf11a11 (onty dally quo••I 1388.50, up 129 85. lfltlleMnl (Ol\ly dally qovtal $388 50. up 129.8$ lne~.,d (only di lly quota} labflc•led s.40&.93. up $3 l 35 SYMBOLS I l.ASUNA BflCH I IDUTI CllllT ar1nes to a1 evacuation o By Tile A11oclated Pre11 would be removed Immediately The 32nd Marine Amphibious President Reagan said today if shot at and told reporters lhat Unit Is a self-contained force he will send American troops to "in no case will our troops stay built around a battalio n ot help evacuate PLO guerrillas longer than 30 days." r I f 1 em en a n d i n c 1 u des from west Beirut. About 800 The Marines who will go helicopters, amphibious assault Marines are expected to begin ashore in Beirut to help oversee craft and light a.rtlllery. playing what the president called the evac uation of Palestinian a ' 'c are f u 11 y 1 i mite d fighters will be drawn from an The units belong to the 2nd noncombatant role" by the 1,800-man unit that has been Marine Division and 2nd Force middle of next week. afloat with the U.S . 6th F1eet Ln Service Support Group at Camp Reagan eaid the Americans the Mediterranean since May. Lejeune, N.C ., and the 2nd -~~~~~~~~~~~-'---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marlne Alrcraft Wing at Cherry Point, N.C. The Marines are aboard the amphibious assault ship Guam and four other vessels, the Nashville, Saginaw. He rmitage and Manitowoc. Also in the area to provide cover is the aircraft carrier Independence and t hree escorting warships. For many years, the Unitl·d Stutes has maintained suc h a Marine unit with th~ tHh Flt•ct in case it is needoo to deal with <1 crisis situation of 1mportanee to the United States. It has been 24 years since tht· United States sent any Mann('I> into Lebanon. In 1958, more than 14.000 Marines and Army troops spent three months 1n Lebanon 1n a J'4'Ul'f'kl'Cp111g role at a time w h1·11 Le bano n wae rocked by s tr1k l' be twcc·n c:o nte nd1ng pohucal groups Mc:rn whdl' 1n Be iru t, the P 1.1 I t• !> t 1 n l' L 1 b e r a t 1 o n Organ1zat1on turned ove r two POWs and bodies of othe r IBrael army radio said, clearing the way fu1 th(' guerrillas Lo evacuate (See MARINES, Paae AZ) Plane, boat wreckage I probed off S .Coast Coast Guard officials remained baffled today by the discovery of wreckage from both a 24-foot sailboat out of Dana Point and a small airplane found in the same spot off San Clemente. Authorities b elieve three people may have died in the two unrelated accidents. No bodies were found in a search of the ocean Thursday, and a Coast Guard spokesman said today the search has been suspended Believed aboard the sm::ill sailboat was Bruce S tritz1 ngc•r. 31, of Dana Point, w ho left Dana Harb o r a t a b o ut n o o n Wednesday. A Coast G uard spokesman said items found noating five mill'!.. west of San Clemente includrd w.ooden steps from the boa t. a bottle of prescription medic11w <md an msuranl'C 1de nt1ficallon card Abu fo und floating in-the same VlC.'i OJty Was )anding gear from a Cl>sSna 171 missing since Tuesday night with two San Diego men aboord. a(.'('()rding to Pete r Allen, chlf•f p<'tly offic:c~r of the Coast Guard Free .food big.d raw Abu<ird the pla ne were its ow ncr. David Montgomery, 69, and p:.isscnger Nelson Beshor, 42. They lc•ft Montgomery Field in San Diego la te Tuesday night, intt>nding to practice take-offs a n d landings .and return that rnght, c.iuthont1es said. CHICAGO (AP) -Some were elderly, othe rs unemployed . They began arriving as early as 4 a.m., and by the time the food giveaway began at 9:30 a .m., the line stretched for blocks. CHARACTER BOAT TIME -Colorfully balloon-festooned boat chugs past the Pavilion Queen , loaded with spectators at the Balboa o.llJ .... ,.... ~ ........ O'D-191 Bay Club's beach, during last year's Character Boat Parade. Guide to this year's festivities is on Page Bl. When the doors opened at the three-story building next to lhe Mount Pisgah Missionary Baptis t Church, a thousand people w ere waitin.: patiently for a free bag of groceries. "Ri~ht now haven't got a Maggie Meggs LB 'governor' • B)'. STEVE MITCHELL Of .. 0.-, ...... •tan "I'm so happy I might just kill myself." With that rather dro l l state ment, Maggie Meggs assumed the dubious title o! Honorary Governor of lhe State of Laguna Beach. The coronation came after a New principal hired . for Laguna school Judy Chrispens, former San Diego school principal and consultant for the State Department of Education, has been named principal of Top of the World Elementary School in Laguna Beach. Laguna Beach Unified School District trustees named Mrs. Chrispens from among six applicants for the job Thursday night. Mrs. Chrispens, 37. replaces former principal Mike Carroll, w ho resigned to go into the home leCWity system business. Carroll had been on a leave of abeence since last March. In announcing the appointment, school Su perintendent Bill Barnes said the new principal "is a talented profeHional who exhibits a sound knowledge of the goals establiahed by the boa.rd for the Laguna Beach schools." He said Mrs. Chrispens, "has our highest recommendation as a perceptive, people -oriented administrator." The Lagunan received her bachelor's degree and master's degree in school administration (rom Cal State Fullerton. She served as principal of an elementary school in San Diego 3 'h years before moving to Laguna Beach earlier this year. The educator taught classes for nine years in Anaheim city schools and was a program assistant in that district two years. Her last assignment in education was as coordinator for the School Improvement Program at F4. Morro Elementary School in ~ Beach. This summer she has served as a consultant for the state Department of Education reviewing a ~ool improvement program plan~ ' . TELEVISION Posthumous TV stardom? For Californians who have nevF. tasted video slardom, two entrepreneurs are off ei:ing them their big chance -after they're dead. Bo& Greene, Page A7. SPORTS ANN ARBOR, Mich . (AP) -Herbert Orin "Fritz" Crisler, 83, of the University ot Michigan, one of the mo9t auccesaful football coachee and athletic directon ln intercollegiate sporta hittory, ii dead, authoridee reported tod&y. Angels bounce back , 8-5 The Angela rally from ~-0 deficit to stay ln tint place with an 8-~ victory over eo.t.on. Page Cl. months-long campaign that pitted five contenders against each other for the honor of presiding over the Village Party, scheduled Sept. 18 at Main Beach Park. M a·g g i e a c e d o u t h e r competitors by selling th e most votes (at a penny a vote) Ln an effort to raise funds for the once-annual party. Proposition 13 put an end to the annual party, which was intended to celebrate the end of the tourist season and the return of Laguna Beach to Lagunans. That prompted a group of local residents to sponsor candidates for the honorary governor's race; in hopes of raising enough cash to revive the fete. Tabulations compiled. at a coronation party last weekend show the frivolous fund-raising Ban on cruisin g OK 'd i n Assembly SACRAMENTO (AP) -Local authorities would have the power to regulate · "cruising," a popular Saturday night sport of the youth In many California towns. The upper house voted 31-0 Thursday o n AB2759 by Assemblyman Ernest Konnyu, R-Saratoga, sending it back to the Assembly for a vote on Senate amendments. COUNTY effort was a success, with more than $3,500 raised to put on the ~ason-end bash. Maggie, a Lagunan for nearly two decades, says the honorary title isn't exactly the highlight of her life. The former Grass Valley :o u n c i l woman, who onc e >uggested that low-cost housing has no place in Laguna, ("If God wanted everyone to live by the ocean, H e would have created 50 islands instead of states,") was obviously nonplussed by her most recent victory. "No. no, I certainly wouldn't call this a pinnacle," she laughed. "It's a stepping stone on the road to the White House." "I'm needed in Washington. I have something to give the whole world, not just Hus little town of 18,000." Despite her l ukewarm enthusiasm, Maggie will host the Village Party as called for in the job description. The party will run from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sept. 18. with volleyball and basketball tournaments, family games. hot dogs, soft drinks, a two-hour band concert, sky divers and a sand sculpture contest. Sometime during the festivities, Maggie will arrive on Main Beach aboard a boat to "rec la im Main Be ach for Lagunans." Johnnie Crean and Ron Packard have much to agree about but you would not have known it if you watched a video-taped debate that included the 43rd Congressional District's Democratic contender Pat Archer. Page A4. Riley r em embers Guadalcanal Orange County Superviaor Tom Riley remembers well the bloody, sweaty assault on the island of Guadalcanal, w hich took place 40 years ago this month. Page B3. Tab Hunter in Anaheim ·Actor Tab Hunt.er will 1tar ln El Toro playwright Jack Sharkey'a_j>la:y, "Here Lies Jeremy Troy/' at the Grand Dtnner 'l'heal6 ln Anaheim. Weekender. Prof talks on 'beins you' Dr. Leo Bu..aglia, profe.or at use. wW •PMk on "Just belnl you" at the Crynal i:;.athedral on Sept. 9. Weekender ! , th'ing "in my house to eat . ., '\aid Cardell Murdock, who said s ht· bought food with $70 a month an food stamps. "I don't know what steak is. 1 went to lx-d hungry last night " Cocist G uard officials today wl're at a loss to explain why the wrP(·kagt's were located so close togethC'r They said the Dana Pomt boat ownf'r hved aboard the Kai Vai m Dana Harbor Deity Piiot St.It l'tM>to SHE'S THE GUV -Maggie Meggs h olds the key to the State of Laguna Beach after winning title of Honorary Governor. She'll preside over the Village Party at Main Beach Park Sept. 18. INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landers A7 Businecs 84-5 Movies Weekender Cavalcade A7 Mutual Funds B4 Classified C6-12 National News A3 Comics B2 Public Notices B3-4,C4-6 Crossword 82 Sports Cl-6 Death Not.ices C6 Dr. Steincrohn A7 Editorial A6 Stock Markets 85 Entertainment Weekender Televiaion TV Log Gardening AB Theatena Weekender Honiecope A7 Weather A2 Intennlalion Weekender World News A3 NATION • Singer sues B eatles LOS ANGELES (AP) -A $1.36 billion suit haa been filed against the Beatles and about two dozen record companies by rock singer Tony Shcrtdlift and his ma~ u.ertlng thal Lhe slnger's material was c:redl ted to the Beat.I es. ~ -: ' . I ' r L Oran99 Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Auguat 20, 1G82 PUTTING UP BARRIERS -Bulldo7.ers reinforce sand berm to protect homes in l:ieal Beach from flooding in high ~ides. Homes escaped flooding Thursday night but part of new .., .... ,.._..., CMrW ll8rY berm was wiped out as winds accompanied 6.7-foot high tide. County crews were scheduled to reinforce barriers again today. A high tide of 6.2 feet is e>(pected at 10:55 tonight. oreign s tudent .. housing sought The Amerlcan-Scan- d 1 n avian Student Exchange Program iB seeking American host families for high school stu dents from Sweden , Denmark. Norway and Finland for lhe 1982-83 school year. The Scandanav1an students are aged 16 and 17, are fluent in English and are arucioµs to learn about American culture through living with a family and attending a local high school. • South Coast Medical Center will host a seminar entitled "Working Through Others" from 8 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Sept. 23 in the hospital auditorium. Intended for nurses. the seminar will deal with leadership styles, communication and assertive techniques to be di.9cussed by author Lee Hand. Ms. Hand Although most 1tudent.1 for the next school year alttady have been aHlgned hoat families, backup homea still a r e needed, said area coordinator Ken Welclaw. He said a family emergency, serious illness or transfer from the area are reaaons a host family might have to back out of its commitment. Interested families are asked to telephone 497-6~26 or write the ASSE, 228 North Pacific Coast Highway. Laguna Beach 92651. will emphasize use of these skills as a member o r the health care team. T he seminar is the first of five scheduled for the nursing depa rtment's Operation Education. A $40 fee includes a b uff e t luncheon . Registration can be made by ca1Ilng the nursing in-service office at 499-1311 ext. 2718 no later than Sept. 17. San Onofre plant safety record among 'poorest'· By PATRICK J. KENNEDY Of t!M Dellr Piiot It.ff Based on the number and severity of mishaps, the safety record of the San Onofre nuclear power plant was among the 10 poorest in the nation during 1981, according to. an internal memor andum issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. But official s of Southern California Edison Co. discount the significance of the memo. "That was one of many reports used to assess the overall safety of the plant. Another NRC safety report for 1981 was based on a number of different reports and rated San On of r e above average," said Becky Sordelet, Edison spokeswoman. (San Onofre is three miles south of San Clemente.) She agrees San Onofre had several mishapt laat year that exposed plant workers to high er than average de.es of radiation, but she said there was no safety threat to the public or the workers. Three San Onofre mishaps listed in the NRC memo as "especially significant" were two cooling system malfunctions in June and September of 1981. and a fire in a nitrogen tank on July 7, 1981. "Some plant workers got more exposure to radiation than was expected for that quarter. but the exposure didn't go beyond the annual dosage of radiation a llowed by the NRC," Ms . Sordelet said. "We don't believe there was Gold soars as rates tumble By Tbe Associated Pre11 Gold soared today t o its highest price in eight months as U.S. interest rates slipped to their lowest levels since June 1980 and concern mounted over Mexico's financial health. Fears that U.S . banks would suffer if Mexico fails to meet its foreign debts sent investors s curr ying for "qua lity" investments Thursday, sending blue-<:hip stock prices rising and interest rates on three-month U.S. Treasury bills plununeting: Representatives of Mexico's major creditors met at the Federal Reserve Bank of Ne w York today amid reports that Mexico would aeek to postpone payments on part of its $80 billion foreign debt. Yields on three-m o nth Treasury billB plWlled more than a full percentage point Thursday, falling below 7 percent for the first time since June 1980. They continued their slide today, dropping more than a quarter or a p ercentage point ~n early trading to 6 . 7 percent. As recently as the end of June, such investmen ts were trading at more than 13 percent. Edward Boss Jr., an economist at Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co. in Chicago, said the massive slide in rates on the three-month bills reflected a desire by investors to "stay short, stay in. qua lity until th e uncertainty .clears up." Gold, a haven for funds in tim~ of economic uncertainty, rose $23.33 a troy ounce in Hong Kong today to cl06e at $379.77. In later European trading, the metal also jumped from late Thursday's levels to hover around $384 an ounce, Its highest level since Jan. 11. It traded at $388 in Ne w York, up $12.90. Low clouds, fog. (;oasta l Mostly lelr tO<ley with petcny fog or low ctoudt Mar tl'MI COMt. Varleble nlgn cloud• thlt atternoon end evening with highs ranging from low 70• et the beaches to mld-80s Inland. Some ratchy log end low cloud• late tonl ghl end eerly Frl dey. othenriM hllr with verl1bte high Gloudl. Qvetnlght IOWI S8 to 95. Highs Friday 72 to 82 l:laewhere. f rom Point Conception lo the Mexlc1n border and out 80 mllet. Smell craft advisory over ouler wlltrl due to norttiwest winds 18 to 28 knot• and 4 to 6 1001 seu todey end Frldey. Locally light verteble winds b«:omlng wwterly 10 to 1S kooll In the 1ttemoon1 today Ind Frld1y Wind we.,.. of 2 to 3 feel end IOUlhwat swell 1 to 3 t-1 Night end morning tow c1oud1 and IOCel fog. othet'WIM lelr with verlebl1 Mgh c1oud1 through Frkley. U.S. sunuuary Wldely IC ll tl lltll d lhund«1torm1 extend9d trOfft tt'9 northern Pl1ln1 to the o ,.et Lak• region TlMKlday. A -• lhund«1torm -teft w•• l 11ued from •••t ern Wlecon1ln to northern I.ewer Mk:lllgen. The frontel 1y11em lll•t produced trio .. 11orm1 1110 brought C004 temperetur11 to the Not1h c.ntrel stet•. with mlddey rH dlng1 only In the 701 from 1111tern Mon1en1 to Upper Mlchlgen. Juet etlMd of the front, teme>«eturM In Ille 80t end low toe were r990rted ecroM \he m4d-Mlleouf1 ~ veltey to the aouthetn Plaine. The Florld• P•nln1ule hid 10111tered thunder1torm1, end ctoud• ~ mueltl Of the raet of the eoutllern Atl•ntlc Cout stat•. For todey, tllundenitOfme _.,. loreoatt tor Florlda, •Ith 10111ter•d thvnd1t1tor"'1 ........... elor10 tM °"" co.t. Wldtty ecatterecl 1howw• encl ttlvnderl1orme -• IOfeo.1 In •the llOUthtfll PtetMu end lrOftl tM ~ 8llllln tllrouoh ttle ,... .. ......,. end °"'° v...,. to .... ~. ial i f ornia ,.,, t11rovo11 111urd•y wttll ~ """ Cfovd•. '"ctly ... 1llgflt end .-ty ,,..,,,..,. too Md ow cloud• ""' tlle ooH t . ieicMillnu.O wann _.. orano• county °'" HPIOt mid 10t • ........ ao. . ..... ..... . ..,..,........,..,....,..,... .,.,. ..... ., .. (i • Mountain• wtll h•~ htghl In the 801. IOWI 55 to 85. teol•t•d 11ternoon e nd evening ~. Northern de .. rt high• t8 to 108, low1 ee to 78. Southern ~ hlghl 1oe to 114. 1ow1 78 to 88. l10111ed elternoon end lrWnlng lhunderlhOwwl. Fog end tow etoudl elong coat of Northern •nd c.ntrel Cellfomla apreedlng Intend Into velleye. Chene. of thv~ °""' Si.Ne end north•rn mountain• attemoon1. T emperatures NATION PllA,<Y'f'I .Vlild'.,et ~ • ..;.t· '-OA.a '-S =><'~· o· Cur-~• · .. Le ,., 82 86 Fronts Cold TT War,.., WY Occluded ._ 95 71 ae ee S2 IO " 18 87 86 M 78 87 &4 t2 87 ee 87 76 62 .32 93 &4 .02 83 &4 .02 98 75 78 ee .11 81 64 .48 811 80 84 71 .OI 87 57 85 .. 88 57 .02 87 76 .... ..... at .. ., .. to ... 71 86 ... .. 83 17 75 17 81 .12 80 M " 71 t3 N 11 60 12 51 M aa 83 aa HonolUlu 90 77 Hou.ton 93 78 .09 lndnlp4le ea 82 Jecken MS ti 18 J~ 1<¥f City " 71 Knoxvllte ea 69 LMVegu 104 81 Uttte Rock 90 87 LoulMlle 84 81 Lub«>odl QI 87 33 Memphl• 111 73 Mleml 85 80 Mllwlulc• 85 ff .82 Mp9-St.P 91 eo .....,... 87 86 NwOriMN 112 71 NwYortl 83 70 Nonoll 82 70 No.PIMte t2 811 Olcla City 83 97 om.ha " 14 Of1endo 95 73 ~ ee 70 109 M ~ IM 82 78 84 ~. Ore 15 95 "O'llCMnee 81 ae ="City 17 87 ... 93 ~ N &4 .00 leltLMI• 93 87 ..,, Antonio 86 72 a.ttle 76 82 .08 Z;!! =A~ 1-2 ':' .. 1-2 poor .. 1·1 poor .. 14 poor .. 14 poor .. 14 poor... .. M ,_ II .... '* .. len a.NrM,,.., • .... ... T~ ..... IOOll M TOMO""OW't. TIDU: .. 11:• L"'·· .... f:M a.m. lwwll °"°'°" ........ Shr.-..port 94 70 SIOull Felli 83 82 .06 St Louie 88 72 St P-Tempe S2 75 .15 SI Ste Mwte 73 48 Spok-93 70 SyrecuM 79 S7 Topel!• ea 87 Tuceon 100 78 Tulae M 70 W'9hlngtn 84 ea Wlctll1e lie 85 CA11'0ftNIA Bekerwfteld 95 73 Blythe 112 Elnlle &4 54 Frwno M 87 LlncMt• 99 89 ~~ 89 70 Be Monterey ea Needlel 107 Oekl#ICI 12 67 PMO Roblee 99 58 Red Bluff 00 86 ~~.~ 73 58 81 58 wnu M 50 ..,, Diego ... 70 Sm og Where to 0111 (toll frH) for let•t emog lnfomle!IOll: Orange County. (800) 445-3828 LOI AngtlH Covnty: (100) 242-4022 AMrwlde encl ... Bemardlno ciounttee: (800) M7-4110 AQMO ~ Clftt11: (8001 242 ....... Tides TOOAY leooncl low 4:11 p.m. U leooncl 111Gf1 10:16 p.m. 1.2 tATIMDAY ~low 1:11 Lift. 0..1 ,.,.. .... 11:11 a.m. 1.1 leoond" tow 1:40 p.m. U 1ec10M 1W1 11:41 p.rn. IA tun ..& today It 7:14 p.m •• , ,.......,,. .... ,. .. "" Moo.I ,...~ at 1:16 a.m .• ...... t:Ol p.m. a ny danger to the workers because they will still finish the year within the allowable radiation dosages. And all the (plant) problems have been corrected." The NRC memo ranked the 1981 safety records of the nation's 74 commercial reactors on a scale ranging from "above average" to "far below average." San Onofre was ranked "far below average." The contents of the memo Toro Marine hangs self A Marine, 24, stationed at the Marint' Corps Air Station, El Toro, has been found hanging from a tree in Buena Park. Robert Lopez, a lance corporal. was found by a neighbor late Wednesday night. He was on emergency leave to attend the funeral of his grandmother, authorities said. H iker trappe d i n Sierra rocks FRESNO (AP) -A Palo Alto man was wedged between two rocks overnight awaiting rescue after he fell 150 feet while hiking in the Sierra Nevada east of Fresno. Mark W e llman , 2 1, w as hospitalized in stable condition today at Valley Medical Center in Fresno. w ere released Wednesday in W ashington D.C. by Critical Mass, an anti-nuclear goup that's a branch of Ralph Nader's Public Citizen Inc. Twelve other planta, including the Rancho Seco Unit 1 reactor outside Sacramento, had "below average records," the Nader group said. In San Onofre's case. the NRC memo only considered the Unit l reactor, which was the only one From Page A1 of three reactors at the plant that was in full operation in 1981. The 436-megawatt Unit l has been shut down since February for structure improvements to pleet NRC earthquake standards. Unit 2 is undergoing low-level power testing. Unit 3 still is under construction. San Onofre is operated by Edison in joint ownership with the San Diego Gas and Electric Co. MARINES ON CALL . • • west Beirut beginning Saturday. Israel army radio said the coffins were being examined by Israeli military chaplains at the transfer point, at the port of Beirut. The number of coffins was not immediately reported, but the Israelis had demanded the bodies of nine Israeli soldiers, as well as the return of the prisoners. The POWs, pilot Aharon Ahiaz and a soldier identified as Ron Haroush, both appeared at a hastily arranged news conference at the PLO's information office on Afi! Tibi Street in the PLO- controlled Falc.hani neighborhood before the lWTIOver. Ahiu, wearing a blue print sports shirt and slacks, said with a smile that he was "treated well" during his 75-day captivity. Haroush, stood at Ahiaz's left side and answered inaudibly when reporters tried to question tum. Neither man showed any sign of injuries. Lebanese Prime Minis ter Shafik Wazzan announced an hour before the transfer that U.S. presidential envoy Philip C . Habib to ld him the Red Cross informed the American representative "that the captured pilot, the kidnapped soldier and the requested bodies have been handed over to the Red Cross." President Reagan, in a brief statement to reporters in the White House Rose Garden, said the withdrawal "will set the stage for the urgent international action required to restore Lebanon's full sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, obtain the r apid withdrawal o f all forei8Jl forces from that country and help ensure the security of northern Israel." OBI E S PO RTS LTI). announces Its 8th annual I BACK TO ·SCHOOL I SUMMER CLEARANCE I BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 21 & 22 AO-£ SPORTS ..... 4 708 Barranca Parkway lrvtne, CA ...... Doors Open 10:00 A.M. LADIES BEACHWEAR Savings to 50% Featuring: Merona, Sienna, Raisins, Esprit Connie Bonco & More ... MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHIRTS, SHORTS a TRUNKS 20°/o -50°/o OFF Including: Stubles, Quicksilver. Surfllne, Offshore & Moret KIDS SPORTSWEAR All Boys & Girls Sportswear From 40o/o-50% OFF Including: OP, Offshore, Quicksilver WET SUITS 100/o-30% OFF on Rip Curl & O'Neill BOOGIE BO.ARD SPECIALS Buy any Boogie Board and receive either FREE Boogie Fins or FREE Boogie Leash ALL RAINBOW SANDALS 20% Off Sale9 PrtoM Limited To Stock On Hand ·-------------------·· 1 This Coupon Good For I I I~ '1 s llE MLUI s I ~£ SPOlfn I I =-eo::::. I On 'Purchue of 110.00 During Sale 1 Corona del M9r. CA I umtt an. J.i. eu.tomet J ..,...,.. --------~----------- .I • ' l 111111 l:IAIT -1n11111m11 rRIOAY. AUQUST 20 1982 OR ANGE COUNTY CALIF-OANIA 25 CENTS U.S. Marines to aid evacuation of PLO By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 . President Reagan said today he will send American troops to help evacuate PLO guerrillas from west Beirut. About 800 Marines are expected to begin playing what the president called a "ca refull y limit e d ·noncombatant role" by the mi~ of next week. Reagan said the Americans would be removed immediately if shot at and told reporters I.hat "in no case will our troops stay longer than 30 days." The Marines who will go ashore in Beirut to help oversee the evacualion of Palestinian fighters wm be drawn from an 1,800-man unit that has been afloat with the U.S . 6th Fleet in th.e Mediterranean since May. The 32nd Ma.rlne Amphibious Unit ls a self-contained force built around a battalion of r i flemen and i n c ludes helicopters, amphibious assault craft and light artillery. The units belong to the 2nd Marine Division and 2nd Force Service S upport Group at Camp Lejeune, N .C .. and the 2nd I Marine Alrerafl Wing at Cherry Point, N.C. The Marines are aboard the amphibious assault ship Guam and lour other vessels, the Nashville. Saginaw. Hermitage and Manitowoc. Also in the area to provide cover is the aircraft carrier Inde pen d ence and three escorting warships. For many years, the United States has maintained such a Marine unit with the 6th Fleet in case It it needed to deal with a crisia altua tlon. It has been 24 years since the United States sent any Marines into Lebanon. In 1958, more than 14,000 Marines and Army troops spent three months in Lebanon in a peacekeeping role at a time when Lebanon was rocked by strike b etween cont ending political groups. Meanwhile in Beirut, the Pales t i n e L i berati o n Organization turned over two POWs and bodies of o ther sold iers. Israel army radio said, c learing the way for the guerrillas to evacu ate (See MARINES, Page At) Prime takes third drop . of the week-to 13.5% NEW YORK (AP) -Chase Manhattan Bank, the nation's third largest, lowered its prime lending rate tod ay to 13.5 percent, the third drop in t he prime this w e e k and the industr y's lowest since mid- . October 1980. Major banks lo w ered their prime lending rate to 14 pe~nt Tuesday and Wednesday. after dropping to the 14.5 percent level Monday . The drop in the prime that began in mid-July when it stood at 16 percent has accelerated this week as banks' costs of funds dropped sharply. The rate o n federal funds, loans between major banks, fell to 8.75 percent Friday, from as high as 15 percent little more than a month aJ(o. And banks *** were ,paying abOut 9 percent interest on $100,000, three-month certificates of deposit, a major source of bank funds. The prime rate, the base on which banks calculate loans to most credit-worthy corporate customers, does not directly affect consumer loan rates, but its m ovement is an i ndicator of interest rate trends. The stock market kept its rally going today in the closing session of a wild week on Wall Street. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, up 61.65 points the past five trading days, climbed 20.26 points to 858.83 after five hours of trading. Gainers outnumbered losers by almost 3 to 1 in the broad tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. *** Analysts s aid the mark et seemed to get a boost from Congress's passage late Thursday of the tax bill being pushed by President Reaga n . There had been considerable suspense over the outcome of the vote. Traders appeared to regard the measure as at least one step in the direction of narrowing the federal budget deficit. With all the market's gains over I.he past week, brokers said concern persisted over Mexico's fina ncial problems. Mexican officials met with banke rs in New York today to discuss the s ituation. Bank stocks, which fell sharply Thursday as rumors circulated a bout Mexico's debts, were mixed today. . CHARACTER BOAT TIME -Colorfully balloon-festooned boat chugs past the Pavilion Queen , loaded with spectators at the Balboa DellJ ""°' ~ "' htltc:tl o..,._.. Bay Club's beach, during last year's Character Boat Parade. Guide to this year's festivities is on Page Bl. Gold still clinibing as rates tumble Mail delays condo hearing Letters on Irvine project returned undelivered By GLENN SCOTf Ofh Dair ..... ..,. Subdivision approvals in Irvine, commonly a source of concern and even controversy, have been postponed by decision makeni for diverse excuses. But ci ty planning commissioners reviewing an application to build a 152-unit condominium project on 7.5 acres ln the Orchard Park Planned Community were beset by a rare situation Thursday. They postponed their decision due to the mail. City guidelin es dictate that homeowners living within 300 feet of property in question should be notified 10 days in advance by letter about public hearings. Following that rule, cit y planners mailed 400 letters first class to neighbors, most of whom live in the adjocent Orange Tree community off Irvine Cente r Drive in the Village 12 planning sector. On Thursday afternoon on the day of the h earing, however, more than 200 of those notices mysteriously came back to City Hall by return mail. They were undelivered, officials say. The hearing was rescheduled for the Planning Commission's Sept. 16 meeting. four weeks later. Ci t y plann ers said today they're perplexed by the incident and are checking with the Postal Ser vice to d iscover why the sta mped letters weren't delivered . So far, n o one has been blamed. C alled the Orchard G len Condominiums, the project was submitted by Irvine Pacific, a home-building arm of the Irvine Company. The company owns most of \Jle land in Village 12, which is bordered by Jeffrey Road, Irvine Center Drive, Sand Can yon Avenue a nd t he San Diego Freeway. The condomin iums are proposed to help meet city requirements that 10 percent of (See MAIL, Page AZ) By Tbe Associated Press Gold soared today to i ts highest price in eight months as U.S . interest rates slipped to their Lowest levels since June 1980 and concern mounted over Mexico's financial health . . Fears that U.S . banks would suffer if Mexico fails to meet its foreign debts sent investors s c urrying for "qualit y " investments Thursday, sending blue-chip stock prices rising and interest rates on three-month U.S . Treasury bills plummeting. Representatives of Mexico's major creditors met at the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York today amid reports that Mexico would seek to postpone payments on part of its $80 billion foreign debt. Yields on three-m onth Treasury bills plunged more than a full percentage point Thursday, falling below 7 percent for the • ID Irvine hospital battle looms first time since June 1980. They continued the ir slid e today, dropping more than a quarter of a percentage point in early lrading to 6. 7 p ercent. As recently as the end of June, such investments were trading at more than 13 percent. Edward ~ Jr., an economist at Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co. in Chicago. said the massive slide in rates on the three-month bills reflected a desire by investors to "stay short, s tay in quality until the uncert.aint y clears up." Gold , a haven for funds in times of economic uncertainty, rose $23.33 a troy ounce in Hong Kong today to close at $379.77. In later European trading, the metal also jumped from late Thursday's levels to hover around $384 an owice, its highest level since J an. 11. It traded at $386.50 in New York, up $11.40. PRACTICING -Frank Sinatra be lts out a t une during a dress rehearsal for tonight's opening "Concert for the Americas" in the a mphitheater at Altos d e Chavon in the Dominican Republic. The concert will be taped for pay TV. Sacramento BY JOEL C. DON Ofhl>allr ...... ..., Representatives from lrvme Medical Center (IMC) plan to visit Sacramento Monday to urge Gov. F.dmund G . Brown Jr. to sign a special land bill for the proposed hospital complex. IMC group to seek special land bill I rom goyernor build a hospital in Irvine must obtain approval of a certificate of need application from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. They say the trip is intended to counter efforts by Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean of the UC Irvine ColleJle of Medicine. to lobby the governor's office for a veto of the legislation. The bi lf perm i t s the Saddleback Community College District to lease 10 acres of land on its north campus in Irvine to a non-profit o r ganization that wants to build a hospital in the city. The lease ia at fair market TELEVISION Posthumous TV stardom? For Californians who have never tasted video stardom, two entrepreneurs are offering them their big chance -after they're dead. Bob Greene, Page A7. SPORTS ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -Herbert Orin "Fritz" Crial.er, 83, of the University of Michigan, one of the most 1ucceeeful football coaches and athletic directon In interco~ai. •ports hiatory, t. dead, authortdes .report.ed y. Anseltl bounce baclc, 8-5 The Ansell rally from &-0 defJdt to stay in first place with an 8-5 victory over &.ton. Pese Cl. value for a tenn of 99 years. The college district is required to have special legislation in such land arrangements. Though the legislation does not cite a specific group competing to build a h ospital in I rvine, Saddleback trustees already have COUNTY announced a preference for the IMC proposaJ. Van den Noort, who for years has fought for a major research hospital on the UCI campus. believes lawmakers did not consider the full impact of the legislation on the university. The special bill was introduced by Johnnie Crean and Ron Packard have much to agree about but you would not have known it if you watched a video-taped debate that included the 43rd Congressional Dis trict 's Democratic contender Pat Archer. Page A4. Riley remembers Guadalcanal Orange County Superviaor Tom Riley remembers well the bloody, sweaty assault on the island of Guadalcanal, which took place 40 years ago this month. Page 83. Tab Hunter in Anaheim Actor Tab Hunter will star in El Toro playwright Jaclc°Sharkey's_play. "Here me11 Jeremy Troy," at the Grand Dinner Theaw in Anaheim. Weekemer. Prof talb on 'beins you' Dr. Leo Bu ... cJia, profemor at USC. wt111peak on 0 just being you0 at the Cryltal C..thedral on Sept. 9. Weekender A ssemblywo man M arian Bergeson , R-Newport Beach, on Feb. 18 and was reviewed in public hearings prior to passage by the State Legislature. Still, van den Noort said the legislation suggests tacit approval by the state for the IMC plan. However, a group wlshinR to IMC officials planning to fly to Sacramento include Dave Baker. president of the medical center board of directors, Sharon Ellis, secretary, and Douglass M yers, chief administrative officer. INDEX At Your Service· A4 Ann Landen A7 Businem 84-5 Movies Weekender Cavalcade A7 Mutual Funda B4 Clualfied C6-12 National News A3 Comica B2 Public Noticas B3-4,C4-6 Cro.wOl"d B2 Sports Cl-6 Death Noticea C6 Dr.Stetncrohn A7 Editorial A6 Stock Marketa B5 Ent.ertai.nment Weekender Television TVI...og Garden1nc A8 •Ttwatlll'I Weekender ~pe A7 Weather A2 ln~on Weekender World News A3 NATION Sinser sues Beadea LOS ANGELES (AP) -A $1 .3~ billion lull bu been filed apinst the Beatlel and about two dozen record ooms;.~r!Za rock ~ Ton~ Sheridan and h1a manapr that the alnCer 1 material w• credited to Beat.lei. > I 1 I\ t l l r ' , Orange Cout OAIL.Y PILOT/Prldav. Augult 20, 18H PU'M'ING UP BARRIERS -Bulldozers reinforce sand berm tq protect homes in Seal Beach from flOQding in high tiCies. Homes escaped flooding Thursday night but part of new Deir,.. ....... .., c ..... IWr berm was wiped out as winds accompanied 6.7-foot high tide. County crews were scheduled to reinforce barriers again today. A high tide of 6.2 feet is expected at 10:55 tonig~t. students get scholarships Ten Irvine area high acnoo1 students are Cinallsta in Irvine'• Junior Mias Pageant scheduled for 7 :30 p .m . Saturday in the Irvine High School Auditorium, 4321 Walnut Ave. Flna.liats in the competition, which is sponsored by lrvine Jaycees, are DeDJse Andrews, K e ndall Fike, Terri Galloway, Debi Gentile, Robin Hoover, Jennifer Malone, Bale Netzer, Katby Perry, Gina Sllafon1ka and ~taey Yous. Irvine's reigning Junior Miss Teresa Tlloma1 is to present a medallion to this year's winner. -•Robert E. Haven of Irvine, a Santa Ana College mathematics instructor, has been awarded l ife membership in the Society of Wirelesa Pioneers. Haven received his Federal Judges are Jaua ltampff of the Irvine Junior Ebell Club, Jim Luter of the Irvine Cham ber of Commerce, Diane Kent of Irvine's Community Serv1cea Commleslonh Maril y n La1011 of t e Irvine Soroptimiat Club and Peter Deanilton of the Irvine Company. Pageant tickets which are $4 for adults and $3 for students, will be available at the door or can be purch.ued by calling Chairman Brtu Bratcher at 551-6208 or Jaycee President Pete DeCarlo at 551-8766. Commurucallons Commiaion license in 1941 at age 19. He was serving then as station techni c ian for RCA Communications at KIKF, a radio-telegraph station for radiograms in Huntington Beach. San ·Onofre plant safety record among 'poorest' By PATRICK J . KENNEDY Of (fie Delly Not ..... Based on the number and severity of mishaps, the safety 1J!COrd of the San Onofre nuclear ppwer plant was among the 10 poorest in the nation during 1981, atccording to an internal roemorandum issued by the tjuclear Regulatory Commission. c But .officials of Southern California F.<iis6n Co. discount the significance of the memo. •"That was one of many reports 4sed to assess the overall safety of the plant. Another NRC safety report for 1981 was based on a number of different reports and rated San Onofre above average.'' said Becky Sordelet, Edison spokeswoman. (San Onofre is three miles south of San Clemente.) She agreee San Onofre had several mishaps lut year that e~ plant workers to higher than average dc.s of radiation, but she said there was no safety threat to the plfbJic or the workers. Three San Onofre mishaps listed in the NRC memo as "especially significant" were two cooling system malfunctions in June and September of 1981 , and a fire in a nitrogen tank on July 7, 1981. "Some plant workers got more exposure to radiation than was expected for that quarter, but the exposure didn't go beyond the annual dosage of radiation allowed by the NRC," Ms. Sordelet said. "We don't believe there was Bill could aid Irvine schools ? 1 The Irvine Unified ~chooJ District would be a prime beneficiary -to the tune of about $1 million -if a bill on its way to the governor 's office becomes law. The bill, AB 3286, delays repayment of leftover state bond money loaned to the di.strict for previous constrilction projects .. Irvine has saved about U 50.n total on cons1nletion of 21 ools, said Dave King, district ties director. district headquarters, h e explained. "This la going to be the difference between making the office a good facility and one that would have bttn sparse," said Hiker trapped in Sierra rocks FRESNO (AP) -A Palo Alto man was w~ between two rocks overnijht awaiting rescue after he fell 150 feet while hiking in the Sierra Nevada east of Fresno. Deputy Superintendent Ron Upton. AB 3286 was designed by King and sponsored by Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson. R-Newport Beach. Both the Assembly and Senate passed it by wide margins but Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.'s f inance department ''has violently opposed it, for political reasons," King said. A spokesman for the governor said today be won't know the bill's fate until som~time next week because it hasn't reached the governor's office and, when it does, Brown will have 12 days to act on it. I If AB 3286 passes, he said, the •1 million can be added to the ~istrict's $5 million in unused r.onds to buy or build a new ~\" "°""~ta1na-wu-.~-2-•• ':-.. C-lO_U_d_s_,_£_.?_§_' s-nowfill--.:·=· SOI, IOWI 55 IO fl5. llOJated r= ~ ·iCo a stal Mottty fair lod1y with IH"ClnY fog or low doudl ,_, Iha COMt. Variable high clouds thla 1ttemoon and awning with highs ranging from low ?01 11 the beaches 10 mld-80a Inland Some patctiy log and low clouds 111e toni ght and aerly Frtd1y, otl'MWWIM lialr with varlabll hlgl'I ctoudl. Overnight IOWS 58 to $5 Highs Frld1y 72 to 82. E111where. lrom Pol ot Conception to Iha Maalcan bofder and out 80 ml191· Smalt «att advisory over outer waters due to nor1trw.t wind• t8 to 28 knoll and 4 to e toot -t~ tinO Friday. Locally tight _.,.. wind• becoming -tlfly to to 18 lmot1 In the afternoons todlry encl Frld1y. Wind w...,.. of 2 to :! Net and 10U1"-t ___, 1 to a -. ltllght end morning tow Clouds and IOclll log, 01han¥1M frill <Mth 111rtabt1 high cloud• tht01t9h rld•'t .S. su1nmary . W ldaly scattered tllundlfl1onn1 11Ctendld trOffl ttle •nortnarn Pl1ln1 to the Great , lalc11 raglOn Thurtday. A Mv1r1 thundlrltorm wi tch ••• l11u1d from 111t1rn 'Wlecon1ln to northern Lower i Mlc:htgan. The tronllt 1y1te m that produced tho11 1torm1 el10 brought cool tamparatufWI to h NOr11\ Cerlt"" 1tat11, with flllddey r11dlng1 o"ty In the 701 from 111t1rn Mon11n1 to Upper . :=an· Jult afllld of ..... "-t. ltUtW In the 80a _, low '°9 -• repOftld aero•• the mld·MIMout1 ,.._ v,,., to the iOlltfllm Plalnl. • Tiie Florld• 1'1nln1u11 l\ad tc1tter1d tllund1retorm1, 1nd -.0 mudl of the ,. ;ot the eoutll«n Atlantlo o-t 9l.,... FOt today. thundll'9tOtml _.. rec11t tor "otlda. •Ull 101t t1r1d tllundar1torm1 ..... .._ .. *"O tM OIM ec.t. WldllY ecacterld e"°"'9 lfld ~Ofml,..,.. ~In lie IOUtl'lern Piii._, llnCI ffOtn ~ 9alln thl'ou9h .. flllld. ~Md Ofllo .,..... '° ' ' 11ternoon ind evening Sho-rsllll!lll Flurries~ thvnd41reno-rs. Northern d111rt hight 98 to tOfl, Iowa flS to 711. Southern 0-1 high• ioe to 1 14, lowt 78 to 118. 11011t1d 1tt1rnoon 1nd awning~ Fog and low douds along C01M of Northern~ Central~ 1pr11dlng Inland Into v1fl1y1. Chenoa of t~ OYer Slarr1 and northern mountain• lftll'llOOnl. T e mperatures < 90 77 93 711 ee e2 11 18 .09 89 71 lie fl9 104 81 90 87 64 81 91 87 91 73 85 80 .33 115 fl9 .fl2 91 80 87 85 92 71 83 70 82 70 92 fl8 93 87 119 74 85 73 " 70 toe " M fl2 78 84 15 ea 81 ea 87 87 ... 8$ ea 64 .09 93 e1 t6 72 75 12 .oe ShreYll)Ott 9' 70 SIOux Falla 83 fl2 05 St lout• • 88 72 St P..Tllmpa 82 75 15 St Sta MlrM 73 48 Spoil-93 70 S~llCUM 79 87 Te>pek1 88 87 fuc;tOll 100 7fl TUIN 98 70 Wuhlngtn 84 ea Wlchlt1 98 fl5 CA.LWOR*A Blkertlleld 95 73 8ly1M 112 Eure!cl 64 54 Fraano " fl7 ltneal11f 119 " ~~ 89 70 ee Monterey 82 Neldlel 107 Oakland 72 61 PMO AobtM 119 59 Aid 8lufl 90 fl6 m=Clty 73 = .,,.,to 81 8llnM ee 50 San Ol9go 84 70 Smog · What• to 0111 (toll frH) tor i.1111 emog lnfonnatJon: Ofanga County: (800) 446-3t2$ LOI Annelea County: (8001 !42~22"'----.. ~ _, San e--dtno GOUntlM. (800) H7-4ft0 AQMD Eplaoda 0-.t.-: (8001 U2-4tle Tides TODAY eaoond low 4:1 t p.m. 8tOotld high t0:58 p.m. IATURDAY Fnt loW &:SI a.m. o.t Fnt high 11:11 a.m. 8.1 ~-1:40p.lft. ,,, e-ict high ur42 p.m. a.e tun _... lodey It T:S4 p.m . ., ""' ...... 1:1• a.m. Moo!\ 1W11 ~ M f :M Lift., ...... :OSp.m. • any danger to the workers because they will still finish the year within the allowable radiation dosages. And all the (plant) problems have been corrected.'' The NRC memo ranked the 1981 safety records of the nation's 74 commercial reactors on a scale ranging from "above average" to "far below average." San Onofre was ranked "far below average." The contents of the memo From Page A 1 MAIL. • • the units m Orchard Park a.re priced for low and moderate- income buyers. The condos would be available orJv to families with combined incomes no higher than $43,470, which is 120 percent of the county's median income level in August. The maximum price per unit would be $130,410, according to city figures. The city does not require resale controls, but builders are responsible to ensure that buyers occupy the dwellings for one year after escrow cloees. Irvine L:ompany spokesman Jerry Collins said today the delay shouldn 't cause significant problems. "Neither rain nor sleet nor undelivered post cards will keep us from completing this subdivision review process," he quipped. were released Wednesday in Washington D .C . by Critical Mass, an anti-nuclear goup that's a branch of Ralph Nader's Public Citizen Inc. Twelve other plants, including the Rancho Seco Unit 1 reactor outside Sacramento, had "below average records," the Nader group said. In San Onofre's case, the NRC memo only considered the Unit 1 reactor, which was the only one From Page A1 of three reactors at the plant that was in full operatjon in 1981. The 436-megawatt Unit 1 has been shut down since February for structure improvements to meet NRC earthquake standards. Unit 2 is undergoing low-level po wer testing. Unit 3 still is under construction. San Onofre is operated by Edison in joint ownership with the San Diego Gas and Electric Co. MARINES ON CALL . • • west Beirut beginning Saturday. Israel army radio said the coffins were being examined by .Israeli military chaplains at the transfer point, at the port of Beirut. The number of coffins was not immediately reported, but the lsrae::lis had demanded the bodies of nine Israeli soldiers, as well as the return of the prisoners. The POWs, pilot Aharon Ahiaz and a soldier identified as Ron Haroush, both appeared at a hastily arranged news conference at the PLO's information office on Afif Tibi Street in the PLO- controlled Fa.khani neighborhood before the turnover. Ahiaz, wearing a blue print sports shirt and slacks, said with a smile that he was "treated well" during his 75-day captivity. Haroush, stood at Ahiaz's left side and answered inaudibly when reporters tried to question him. Neither man showed any sign of injuries. L e banese Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan announced an hour before the transfer that U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib told him the Red Cross i nfo rmed the American representative "that the captured pilot, the kidnapped soldier and the requested bodies have been handed over to the Red Croes." President Reagan, in a brief statement to reporters in the White House Rose Garden, said the withdrawal "will set the stage for the urgent international action required to restore Lebanon's full sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, obtain the rapid withdrawal of all foreign forces from that country and help ensure the security of northern Israel." ~I E .SPORTS LTD. announces ••• 8th annual I BACK TO ·SCHOOL I SUMMER CLEARANCE I BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 21 & 22 .. Afi11E SPORTS I IMM' 4708 Barranca Parkway lrvlne, CA 112.aa • Doors Open 10:00 A.M. LADIES BEACHWEAR Savings to 50% Featuring: Merona, Sienna, Raisins, Esprit Connie Bonco & More . . . MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHIRTS, SHORTS & TRUNKS 200/o -50°/o OFF Including: Stubles, Quicksilver, Surfllne, Offshore & Morel KIDS SPORTSWEAR All Boys & Girls Sportswear From 40%-50% OFF Including: OP, Offshore, Quicksilver WET SUITS 10%-300/o OFF on Rip Curl & O'Neill BOOGIE BOARD SPECIALS -Buy any Boogie Board and receive either FREE Boogie Fins or FREE Boogie Leash ALL RAINBOW SANDALS 20% Ott Sales Prfoee Limited To Stock On Hand ' ·---------·---------·· 1 This Coupon Good For I I I ~SPOlm I • llE MLUI • I CONM ..... I I 2a1 eo.t HWy. I On Purch-of S 10.00 During Sale 1 Coron• die M•. CA I Limit en.~°""°"* I l1l4M ------------------- ORAfHil CDAIT Cllll 1111 llRlll FRIDAY. AUGUST 20, 19H2 ORANGE COUN 1 V CA LIFORNIA 25 CENTS U.S. Marines to aid evacuation of PLO By Tbe A11oclalt1d Pren President Reagan said today he will send American troops to help evacuate PLO guerrillas from west Beirut. About 800 Marines are expected to begin playing what the rresldent called a "ca reful y li mited noncombatant role" by the middle of next week. Reagan said the Americans would be> removed immediately if shot at and told reporters that "in no case will our troops stay longer than 30 days." The Marines who will go 'ashore in Beirut to help oversee the evacuation of Palestinian fighters will be drawn from an 1.800-man unit that has been 'afloat with the U.S. 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean since May. The 32nd Marlne Amphibious Unit Is a self-contained force built a r ound a battalion of riflemen and Includes helicopters, amphibious asaault <:raft and light artillery, The units belong to the 2nd Marine Division and 2nd Foree Service Support Group at Camp Lejeune, N .C., a11d the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing at Cherry Point; N.C. The Marines are aboard the amphibious assault ship Guam a nd four other ve111e l1, the Nashville, Saginaw, Hermitage and Manitowoc. Also in the area to provide cover is the aircraft carrier Independence a nd three escorting warships. For many years, the United State• has maintained such a Marine unit with the 6th Fleet in case It la needed to deal with a crls.la situation. (t has been 24 years since the United Stat.es sent any Marines lnto Lebanon. In 1958, more than 14,000 Marines and Army troops spent three montha in Lebanon in a peacekeeping role at a time when Lebanon waa rocked by strike bet ween contend ing political group11. Meanwhile in Beirut, the Palestine Liberation Organization turned over two POWs and bodies o f o ther soldiers, Israel army radio said. clearing the way for the guerrilla• to evacuate (See MARINES, Page A2) Prime takes third drop of the week-to 13.5% NEW YORK (AP) -Chase Manhattan Bank, the nation's third largest, lowered its prime lending rate today to 13.5 percent, the third drop in the prime this •w eek and the industry's lowest since mid- October 1980. Major banks low e red their prime lending rate to 14 percent Tuesday and Wednesday, after dropping to the 14.5 percent level Monday. The drop in the prime that began in mid-July when 1t stood at 16 percent has accelerated this week as banks' costs of funds dropped sharply. The rate on federal funds, loans between major banks. fell to 8.75 percent Friday, from as high as 15 percent little more than a month a~o. And banks *** were paying about 9 percent interest on $100,000, t hree- month certificates of deposit, a major source of bank funds. The prime rate, the base on which banks calculate loans to moat credit-worthy corporate customers, does not dir ectly affect consumer loan rates, but its movement is an indicator of in~rest rate trends. The stock market kept its rally going today in the closing session of a wild week on Wall Street. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, up 61.65 points the past five trading days, climbed 20.26 points to 858.83 after five hours of trading. Gainers outnumbered losers by almost 3 to l in the broad tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. * * * • Analysts said the market seemed to get a boost from Congress's passage late Thursday of the ta.x bill being pushed by P resident Reagan. T h ere had been considerable suspense over the outcome of the vote. Traders appeared to regard the measure as at least one step in the direction of narrowing the federal budget deficit. With all the market's gains over the past week, brokers said concern persisted over Mexico's financial problems. Mexican officials met with bankers in New York today to discuss the situation. Bank stocks, which fell sharply Thursday as rumors circulated about Mexico's debts, were mixed today. Gold still climbing CHARACTER BOAT TIME -Colorfully balloon-festooned boat chugs past the Pavilion Queen, loaded with spectators at the Balboa Delly Not ~o by Petric* O'OonMll Bay Club's beach, during last year's Character Boat Parade . Guide to this year's festivities is on Page B l. as rates tumble Ballot hassle mounts Candidate seeks working change or rejection By STEVE MARBLE o<h 0.-, ...... ...., A Newport Beach city council candidate says he will try to have a controversial referendum measure pulled off the Nov. 2 ballo t if he fails to get the wording of the measure changed Allan Beek lost a round in Orange County Superior Court this week when he asked that a single word be changed in the city measure that is to decide the fate of the 75-acre Banning Ranch development. Beek said he's asked his attorney to appeal the ruling and w i ll push t o have the development quest.ion scrubbed from the ballot if he doesn't get his way. City Attorney Mike Miller said it is unlikely that any court would agree to pull a referendum question off the ballot. "The court is almost· 100 percent reluctant to interfere with the electoral process," Miller said. "He's assuming the voters in Newport Beach must be really ignorant." Judge Thomas Crosby Jr., in his ruling this week, agree<! with Beek that, technically, it is better ta ask if a project should be approved rather than repealed. "It's going to a vote," Miller said. "I don't believe anything can change that now." Councilwoman Evelyn Hart, running for re-election in the same district with Beek, said she believes the measure is clear as it stands. "I don't see any reason to c hange it," she said. "If the people kne w what t hey were signing on the petitions t hat created th is referendum, then I assume they'll know how to vote." Louise Greeley, leader of the group that spearheaded the referendum campaign, said she agreed with Beek that the ballot wording ls confusing. By The A11oclated Prell Gold soared today to its highest price in eight months as U.S . interest rates slipped to their lowest levels since June 1980 and concern mounted over Mexico's financial health. Fears that U.S. banks would suffer if Mexico fails to meet its foreign debts sent investors scurrying for "quality" investments Thursday, sending blue-chip stock prices rising and interest rates on three-month U.S. Treasury bills plummeting. Representatives of Mexico's major creditors met at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York today amid reports that Mexico would seek to postpone payments on part of its $80 billion foreign debt. Yields on threJ!-m onth Treasury bills plunged more than a full percentage point Thursday, falling below 7 percent for the first time since June 1980. They continued their slide today, dropping more than a quarter of a percentage p oin t in early trading to 6 .7 percent. As recently as the end of June, such i!ivestments were trading at more than 13 percent. Edward ~ Jr., an economist at Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co. in Chicago, said the massive slide in rates on the three-month bills reflected a desire by investors to "stay short. stay in quality until the uncertainty clears up." Gold, a haven for funds in time!! of economic uncertainty, rose $23.33 a troy ounce ln Hong Kong today to close at $379.77. In later European trading. the metal also jumped from late Thursday's levels to hover around $384 an ounce, its hiRhest level since Jan. 11. It traded at $386.50 in New York, up $11.40. PRACTIC ING -Frank Sinatra belts o ut a tun e during a dress re h earsal for tonight's opening "Concert for the Am e ri cas" in th e amphitheater at Altos de Chavon in the Dominican Republic. The concert will be taped for pay TV. The measure, drafted after crit ics of the West Newport developmen t rounded up more than 6,000 signatures, asks whether the residential-office industrial building project should be repealed. But Crosby said the city's wording is clearer than the wording proposed by Beek. The judge said a change would confuse the issue and interfere with the election. City officials in Newport said Beek will have a hard time of it because it is too late to change the wording or pull the measure off the ballot. She declined to say whether she would support pulling the referendum question off the ballot. Hospital fight at capitol? Beek, an opponent of the development, said voters should be asked whet.her they want the project a pproved. As the measure is written. voters must vote no if they favor the project and yes if they don1t. Beek aaid this is confusing. "U w e can't do it right, then we shouldn't do it at all." said Beek, insisting his challenge is not a campaign stunt on his part. Nuclear freeze measure rejected SACRAMENTO (AP) -An attempt to get the Legislature to endorse a nuclear weapons freeze is dead, the victim of Democratic leaders• refusal to allow it to come to a second vote. TELEVISION Posthumous TV stardom? For Californians who have n ever tasted video stardom , two e ntrepreneurs are ottering them their big chance -after they're dead. Bob Greene, Page A7. • SPORTS ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -Herbert Orin "Frttz" Crtsler, 83, of the University of Michigan, one of the moet 1uoceaaful football ooachet and athletic direct.on in intercollegiate 1porta }\iatory, ts dead, authorltie9 r4ported today. An_sels boonce back, 8-5 The Anae!t rally from 6--0 deficit to 11ay in first pt.ce wlth an 8-~ victory over Bolton. P• Ct . \ Developer Bill Banning, out of town th.is week, has so far said little about the controversy surrounding his multi-million dollar project. Banning has maintained that the city council altered his plan so drastically that he no longer considers it his project. He has said he's even unsure whether the development would make economic sense to him. . He said he's undecided if he will mount an election campaign to defend the project. COUNTY By JOEL C. DON o<.,.. Delly "°' ltaft Representatives from Irvine Medical Center (IMC) plan to visit Sacramento Monday to urge Gov. Edmund U . Brown Jr. to sign a special land biU for the proposed hospital complex. They say the trip is mt.ended to counter efforts by Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean of the UC Irvine College of Medicine, to lobby the governor's office for a veto of the legislation. Johnnie Crean and Ron Packard have much to agree about but you w o uld no t have kno wn it if you watched a video-taped debate that included the 43rd Congressional District's Democratic conte nde r Pat Archer. Page A4. Riley remembers Guadalcanal Orange County Supervisor Tom Riley remembers well the bloody, sw eaty asaault on the island of Guadalcanal, which took place 40 years ago this month. Page B3. Tab Hunter in Anaheim Actor Tab Hunter will atar ln El Toro playwright Jack.Sharkey's_j)lay, "Here Lles Jeremy Troy," at the Grand ~r Theater in Anaheim. Weekender. Prof talks on 'being you' Dr. Leo '&.unalla, pro~ at use. wUl speak on 11juat belna you" et the Ceystal Cathedral on Sept. 9. Weekender • c T h e b i 11 p e r m i t s t h e ' Saddleback trustees already have Saddleback Community College announced a preference for the District to lease 10 acres of land IMC proposal. on its north campus in Irvine to a Van den Noort, who for years n o n -profit o rganization that has fought for a major research wants to build a hospital ln the h ospital on the UCI campus, dty. The lease is at fair market believes lawmakers did not value for a tenn of 99 years. consider the full impact of the The college district is required legislation on the university. The to have special legislation in such special bill was introduced by land arrangements. Asaem b l y woma o Mari an Though the legislation does not Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, on cite a specific group competing to Feb. 18 and was reviewed in build a h ospital in Irvine. oublic hearin~ INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landers A7 Business B4-5 Movies Weekender Cavalcade A7 Mutual Fundl B4 Claasitied C6-12 National News A3 <:.omics B2 Public Notices 83-4,C4-6 Cro.word B2 Sports Cl-6 Death Notices C6 Dr.Steincrobn A7 F.ditorial AS Stock Marketa B5 F.nt.ertainment Weekender TeJeviaion TVLol Oardeninl A8 Thee ten Weekender Horoecope A7 Weather A2 Intenru.ion Weekender World Newa A3 NATION Sinser sues Beatles LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -A $1 .85 billion suit has been Wed ap1mt the Beat.lee and about iwo dozen record oompanie1 by rock linaer Tony Sheridan and hla manapr, ~ that the IJl.naer'• material w• credited to tftl Bee t1ea. r ~ C/N Orang• Co ... DAILY PILOT/Frtd•y, Augu1t 20, 1982 Ne~port Center • • s1gn1ng voters Newport Beach reslderHs now ca n walk Into 16 Newport Center firms before Oct 4 to register to vote in the Nov. 2 elections. The firms are: Allstate Savings, American State Bank , Avco, California Federal Savings, Coast Thrift •Two informal discussion sessions on stress w i 11 be presented Sept. 4 in Newport Beach at AllBtate Savings in Newport Center. The fint is titled "Bani.sh Worry and Anxiety" and will begin at 10:30 a .m . The and Loan, Ebuco Saving•, Glendale Federal, Great American Federal, Great We s tern , the Irvine Co~pany , Pacific Federal, Pacific Mutual, Security Pacific, Union Bank, Virtue and Schec k and Western Federal. second is "F.astly Ma~ Right Decisions" and st.arts at 2:~0 p.m. Both wiU be conducted · by Norman Taylor throygh Success Without Stress, a nonprofit group. There is a $3 charge to attend. POTTING UP BARRIERS -Bulldozers reinforce sand benn to J>r otect homes in Seal Beach from flooding in high titles. Homes escaped flooding Thursday night but part of new 0., .... ,.._... .., a.tie "-" berm was wiped out as winds accompanied 6.7-foot high tide. County crews were scheduled to reinforce barriers again today. A high tide of 6.2 feet is expected at 10:55 tonight. •The Balboa branc h library will be closed. from Aug. 28 to Sept. 7 while work crewa install a new ceiling. Patrons may use any of the other city branch libraries - Mariners, 2005 Dover Drive, Corona del Mar, 420 Marigold Ave.; and Newport Center, 856 Clemente Drive. The Balboa branch will reopen Sept. 8. San Onofre plant safety record among 'poorest' By PATRICK J . KENNEDY ot tM D.ity Hot ..... Based on the number and severity of mishaps, the safety qecord of the San Onofre nuclear ROWer plant was among the 10 poorest in the nation during 1981, according to an internal Temorandum issued b y t he ~uclear Regulatory c.o.nnu.ton. ~But officials of Southern California Edison Co. discount the significance of the memo. "That was one of many reports used to assess the overall safety . of the plant. Another NRC safety report for 1981 was baaed on a number of different reports and rated San Onofre above average," said Becky Sordelet, Edison spokeswoman. (San Onofre is three miles south of San Clemente.) She agrees San Onofre had several miahaps last year that expoeed plant workers to higher than averaae doees of radiation, but she said there was no safety threat to the public or the workers. Three San Onofre mishaps listed in the NRC memo as "especially significant" were two cooling system malfunctions in June and September of 1981, and a fire in a nitrogen tank on July 7, 1981. "Some plant workers got more exposure to radiation than was expected for that quarter, but the exposure didn't go beyond the annual dosage of radiation allowed by the NRC," Ms. Sordelet said. "We don't believe there was Plane, boat wreckage probed · Coast Guard officiala remained baffled today by the di9covery of wreck.age from both a 24-loot sailboat out of Dana Point and a small airplane fou~d in the same spot off San Clemente. Authorities believe three people may have died in the two unrelated accidents. No bodies were found in a search of the ocean Thursday, and a Coast ~uard spokesman said today the tearch has been truapended. Believea aboard the 1mall ~lboat was Bruce Strittinger, ~, of Dana Point, who left Dana arbor at about noon ednel<iay. : A Coast Gu~rd spokesman said items found floating five miles west of San Clemente included wooden steps from the boat, a bottle of preac.ription medicine and an insurance identification card. Abo found floating in the same vicinity was landing gear from a Cessna 171 mmm, ~Tuesday 'iliker trapped in Sierra rocks FRESNO (AP) -A Palo Alto man was wedged between two rocka overnight awaiting rescue after he fell 150 feet while hi.king in the Sierra Nevada east of Fresno. night with t~o ·~ _ 1.Jlego !!len aboard, according to Peter Allen, chief petty officer of the C.00.St Guard. Aboard the plane were its owner, David Montgomery, 69, and passenger Nelson Beshor, 42. They left Montgomery Field in San Diego late Tuesday night, intending to practice take-offs and landings and return tha} night, authorities said. Coast Guard officials today were at a loss to explain why the wreckages were located so cl0&e together. They said the Dana Point boat owner lived aboard the Kai Va.i in Dana Harbor. Low clouds, fog, Moally raJr 1od1y wtlh pa1cny fog Of IOw doudt near the coat. Variable ni gh cloud• tn l• afternoon and evening with Nghl ranging from low 701 at the beacha to mld-80t Inland Some patchy log and low cloud• late tonight and early Friday, othefw!M lair with variable high clouds. Overnighl lows 58 10 66. HlghS Friday 72 to 92 Eltawhare. from Poi nt Conception to the Mexlcen border and OU1 60 mlt.. Smell craft 1dvlSOf'Y oV« outer wetera due to north-I wlnm 1e to 28 t. krw>t• and 4 10 6 toot M81 today "end Friday. Locally llght vwtablt wtnd• t>ecomlng _,.ny 10 to 16 koo11 In the afternoons todt!Y and Frldtty. Wind WIV .. of 2 to 3 , ... •••• J and IOUt"-t lwell 1 to 3 1-Nlghl and morning low cloud• and local fog, othtrWIM fall' With variable high cloud• through Friday V .S. suniniary . Wld•ly ICltltr l d thundtrttonnt extanded "°"' !tie northern Plaint 10 the Qr .. t Lail• region Thuraday. A MYere thunderttorm wetdl wet lttwed from eattern Wl1con1ln to north•rn Lower Mlehig.tl. The frontal 1y1tem tllat produced thon 1torm1 alt• brought COOi t~ to ... North Central ttat-. -4ttl ,..._ rHdlno• only In th• 70• ''°"' e11tern Montane to Upper Mlc:Ngan. Juel ahMd of ttl8 '"'"" temperatur• In tlMI 80t Md io. 90a were report~ -oee tlle mlO-MIMourl Alwr Valley to ltle -'ham Plaine. ThA-Florida Penlntufa ht d Katter•d thunderatorma. lW'd doucl• ~ muoll of .. ,. of the aoutlllfn At1111t10 OoMt ..... For today.~-. toreoaat for ll'lorlda, wltll t catterad tllunderat~1 , .... #Ml. along ..... Gulf • W'"'>' tcattwed •~• Md tlluMentorlN -. ...... Ill the tOuthMn PltltMU and ... ... 919 ~ 8Mltl ffwOUI!'~~ Mlnl~end ()lllo ....,.. te .... ' California l'olr thrO~~turOO¥ ..... hlall '°'°"' .... and eetty '"°"*" tot Ind ow 01011do ,..., '"• 00001. ~....,....,.. Oren.. Ccw111r 0011 ••r>eet m6d 7"• ........... • I.OWi Mto• tnllrld ............ ..... '" .......... "' ... ' Mountain• wttl ha\19 hlQM In tlMI 801. IOWI 55 to 86. l1olaltd atternoon and e vening thu~ Northern dH•rt high• 19 to 108, Iowa t18 to 78. Southern 6-1 hleha 1oe to 114, Iowa 78 to ae. t1olated allernoon end evenlnettlu~. Fog and low Qloud1 lllonQ COMt ot Nortr-n and Central Cellfomle 1prHdlng Inland Into valleys. Cl\&noe Of tl'KM~ ~ Sl•rra and north•rn mountain• 11t ... noona. Temperatures Honolulu Houlton ~ Jldlll'I MS ~ ~City ~ u. veo- UtUe Rodi LouWAle L.ubt>oc* ~ Mleml Mllw9ulc• Mpje-SlP NllltMh New~ New Yoric Norfoll No.~ Ol!le City OINN Ol1lr'6o =::-~ Pllmnd, ON llnMdelioa ="City ""'° 8Mt LAIM lel\Antonto 9eMtle 90 77 93 78 ee 82 Ii 18 .09 " 88 1<M 80 14 91 91 85 85 91 87 92 93 82 92 93 " 85 M 109 14 71 16 11 17 14 88 93 " 78 71 9g 81 87 81 87 73 80 .33 tl9 .82 eo 65 1t 70 70 99 87 74 73 70 " 112 &4 85 Ill 91 83 54 .09 ti1 72 112 .oe ...... T-.. .. M .. M .. .. .. .. .. Rain~ Snow(;] Showerslll!l/ll Flumes~ Shrt\19P()11 94 10 Sioux Falls 93 112 .05 St LOult 88 12 SI P·Tampa 82 75 .15 S Ste Mane 73 48 $poll-93 70 SyrlCUM 79 87 Topeka se 87 TUCIOl'I 100 78 lulu H 70 Waehlngtn 14 ee Wlehlta 911 tl5 CAU'C>Nt!A Bak-lleld 95 73 Blythe 112 Eureka tl4 64 Fraeno H 117 laneMt• " tl9 lot Mgelee 99 70 MartrMI ee Mont1r9Y 112 Needle9 107 Otllklend 72 87 PlllO Aol>let " 69 ~ Bklft 80 tl6 ~~ 73 u 81 s.lnM M 50 San OleoO 14 10 S mog Whtr• 10 call (toll fr••> for lllMt emog 1ntonn1llon: Orange County: (IOO) 445-3828 Loa AngalH County: (100) 242-4022 Alwr.icle llnd S•n 8ef!W'dlno oounll•: (IOO) M7-4710 AOMO (p4aode c.tlttr. (8001 242-4Me Tides TODAY 8eoond loW 4;5t p.m. U 8econd hlOll t0:55 p.m. t 2 IATUllDAY F1m 10W 1:81 a.m. 0,S Am. hlOll 1 ':M 1un. t. ' ~low 51,40 p.m. u teooftd ,..., 't;41 '·"'· ... tun _. t~ ·-7:i.4 p.m.,. rWSt hhitdey et t: ti Lm, Moon ,... ..,. .. 7:61 • ""'· .. .... ,.rn. ... any danger to the w orkers because they will still finish the year within the allowable radiation dosages. And all the (plant ) problems have been corrected." The NRC memo ranked the 1981 safety records of the nation's 74 commercial reactors on a scale ranging from "above average" to "far below average." San ·Onofre was ranked "far below average." The contents of the memo Toro Marine hangs self A Marine, 24, stationed at the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, has been found hanging from a tree in Buena Park. Robert Lopez, a lance corporal, was found by a neighbor late Wednesday night. He was on emergency leave to attend the funeral of his grandmother, authorities said. Lopez, a raaio communications specialist, was apparently despondent following the death and an argument with his girlfriend, mvesligators said. Ban on cruising SACRAMENTO (AP) -Local authorities would have the power to regulate "cruising," a popular Saturday night sport of the youth in many California towns. were released Wednesday in Washington D.C. by Critical Mass, an anti-nuclear goup that's a branch of Ralph Nader's Public Citizen Inc. Twelve other plants, inclod.ing the Rancho Seco Unit 1 reactor outside Sacramento, had "below average records," the Nader group said. In San Onofre's case, the NRC memo only considered the Unit 1 reactor, which was the only one From Page A1 of three reactors at the plant that was in full operation in 1981. The 436-megawatt Unit 1 has been shut down since February for structure improvements to meet NRC earthqua.ke standards. Unit 2 is undergoing low-level power testing. Unit 3 still is under construction. San Onofre is operated by .Edi.son in joint ownership with the San Diego Gas and Electric Co . MARINES ON CALL • • • west Beirut beginning Saturday. Israel army radio said the coffins were being examined by Jsraeli military chaplains al thf! transfer point, at the port of Beirut. The number of coffins was not immediately reported, but the Israelis had demanded the bodies of nine Israeli soldiers. as well aa the return of •he prisonen. The POWs, pilot Aharon Ahiaz and a 90ldier identified as Ron Haroush, both appeared at a hastily arranged news conference at the PLO's information office on Afif Tibi Street in the PLO- controUed Fak.hani neighborhood before the turnover. Ahiaz, wearing a blue print sports shirt and slacks, said with a smile that he was "treated well" during his 75-day captivity. Haroush, stood at Ahiaz's left side and answered inaudibly .. when reporters tried to question him. Neither man showed any sign of injuries. Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan announced an hour before the transfer that U.S . presidential envoy Philip C. Habib told him the Red Cross informed the American representative "that the captured pilot. the kidnapped soldier and the requested bodies have been handed over to the Red Croes." President Reagan, in a brief s tatement to reporters in the White House Rose Garden, said the withdrawal "will set the stage for the urgent international action required to restore Lebanon's full sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, obtain the rapid withdrawal of all foreign forces from that country and help ensure the security of northern Israel." ~BI E SPORTS LTD. announces Its 8th annual I BACK TO ·SCHOOL I SUMMER CLEARANC::E I BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 21 & 22 ~ESPOR'ni 1"'"9 •708 Barrenca Parlnfty INIM, CA ..... Doors Open 10:00 A.M . LADIES BEACHWEAR Savings to 50% Featuring: Marona, Sienna, Raisins, Esprit Connie Bonco & More ... MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHIRTS, SHORTS a TRUNKS 200/o -500/o OFF Including: Stubles, Qulcksllver, Surfline, Offshore & Morel KIDS SPO"TSWEAA· All Boys & Girls Sportswear From 40'/o-50% OFF Including: OP, Offshore, Quicksilver WET SUITS 10%·30% OFF on Rip Curl & O'Neill BOOGIE BOARD SPECIALS Buy any Boogie Board and receive either FREE Boogie Fins or FREE Boogie Leash ALL RAINBOW SANDALS 20°;. Off Sales Prices Limited To Stock On Hand ·-------------------·· 1 This Coupon Good For 1 I • Ill llLUI • I ~£ SPO«TS I I Cerone~~ I I 2831 COMt Hwy. 1 On Purch-of s10.oo Durtng Sate 1 COron• del Mer. CA I ~ ~ ~ eu.t°"* I .,.,..,_ --------------------· 1 • ORAllil COAST lllPlll IW:H I flUl 1111:11 FRIDAY. AU GUST 20. 198:? OR AN G~ COUN TY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS U.S. Marines to aid evacuation of PLO By The A11oclated Pre11 President Reagan said today he will send American troops to help evacuate PLO guerrillas from west Beirut. About 800 Marines are expected to begin playing what the president called a "ca refull y l i mited noncombatant role" by the middle of next week. Reagan said the Americans would be removed Immediately 1f shot at and told reporteni that •·1n no case will our troops atay longer than 30 days." The Marines who will go ashore In Beirut to help oversee the evacuation of Palestinian fighters will be drawn from an 1,800-man unit that has been afloat with the U.S . 6th Fleet In the Mediterranean since May. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- The 32nd MllMne Amphlblou.'I Unit is a self-contained force built aro und a battallon of riflemen and includes helicopters, amphibious assault craft and light artillery The units belong to the 2nd Manne DiV1Sion and 2nd Force Service Support Group at Camp Lejeune, N .C ., and the 2 nd .. Morin~ Aircraft Wing ot Cherry Point, NC. The Marines arc aboard the amph1blous assault ship Guam a nd four other vessels, the Nashville, Sagina w , Hermitage and Manitowoc Also an the area to provide cover 1s the aircraft carrier Inde p enden ce and three escorting warsrupti. For many years, the United Statt:s has maintained such 1.1 Marine unit with the 6th Fleet 111 case It ls needed to deal with a criais situation. It has been 24 years since the United St.ates sent any Mannes tnUJ Lebanon. In 1958, more than 14 ,000 Mannes and Army troops spent t)lree months in Lebanon m a peacekeeping role at a lime wht-n Lebanon was r()(:kcd by strike bt>lwee n conte nd ing poll t1ca1 groups Meanwhile in Bt-tru t , the Pal es tine Liberation Organization turned over two POWs and bodies of other soldiers, Is rae l army r a dio said, c leari ng the way fot the gu e rr1 llas t o evacuate <See MARINES. Page A!) Prime takes third drop of week;, Dow up 30 NEW YORK (AP) -Chase Manhatt.an Bank, the nation's third largest, lowered tts prime lending rate today to 13.5 percent, the third drop in the prime thi s week and the industry's lowest since mid- October 1980. Major banks lowered their prime lending rate to 14 percent Tuesday and Wednesday, after dropping to the 14.5 percent level Monday. The drop in the prime that began in mjd-JuJy when it stood at 16 percent has accelerated this week as banks' costs of fund s dropped sharply. The rate on federal funds, loans between major banks, fell to 8.75 percent Friday, from as high as 15 percent little more than a month aji(O. And banks *** we re paying about 9 pe rcent interest o n $ l 00,000, three -month certificates of deposit, a major source of bank funds. The prime rate, the base on which banks calculate loans to most credit-worthy corporate custome rs, does not directly affect consumer loan rates, but its m o vement is an indicator or interest rate trends. The stock market kept its rally going today in the closing session of a wild week on Wall Street. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, up 61.65 points the past five trading days, climbed 30.72 points today to 869.28. Volume was 96 ~ million shares. Gainers outnumbered losers by almost 3 to l in the broad tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. *** Anal ysts said the marke t seemed t o ge t a boost from Congress's passage late Thursday of the tax biU being pushed by President Reagan. The re had been considerable suspense over the outcome of lhe vote. Traders appeared to regard the measure as at least one step in the direction of narrowing the federal budget deficit. With all the market's gains over the past week, brokers said concern persisted over Mexico's fi nancial problems. Mexican offic ials me t with bankers tn New York today to discuss the situation. Bank stocks, which re u sharply Thursday as rumors circ ulated about Mexico's d ebts, were , mixed today. CHARACTER BOAT TIME -Colorfully balloon-festooned boat chugs past the Pavilion Queen, loaded with spectators at the Balboa D811y Piiot Pfloto by P'etrlcll O'o-n.11 Bay Club's beach , during last year's Character Boat Parade. Guide to this year's festivities is on Page Bl. Gold still climbing as rates tumble Ballot hassle mounts Candidate seeks working change or rejection By STEVE MARBLE 0( ... 0.-, Piiot ..... A Newport Beach city council candidate says he will try to have a controversial referendum measure pulled off the Nov. 2 ballot if h e fails to get the wording of the measure changed. Allan Beek lost a round in Orange County Superior Court this week when he asked that a single word be changed in the city measure that is to decide the fate of th e 75-acre Banning Ranch development. Beek said he's asked his attorney to appeaJ the ruling and will push to have the development question scrubbed from the ballot if he doesn't get bis way. City Attorney Mike Miller said it is unlikely that an~ court would agree to pull a referendum question off the ballot. "The court is almost 100 percent reluctant to interfere with the electoral process." Miller said. "He's assuming the voters in Newport Beach must be really ignorant." Judge Thomas Crosby Jr., in his ruling this week, agreed with Beek that, technically, it is better to ask if a project should be approved rather than repealed. "It's going to a vote," Miller said. "I don't believe anything can change that now." Councilwoman Evelyn Hart. running for re-election in lhe same district with Beek, said she believes the measure IS clear as it stands. "I don't see any reason to change it ," s h e said. "If the people knew what they were signing on the petitions that created this referendum, then I assume they'll know how to vote." Louise Greeley, leader or the group that spearheaded the referendum campaign. said she agreed with Beek that the ballot wording is confustng. By The Associated Press Gold soared to day to its highest price in eight months as U.S. interest rates slipped to their lowest levels since June 1980 and concern mounted over Mexico's financial health. Fears that U.S. banks would suffer \{ Mexico fails to meet its foreign de bts sent investors scurr yi ng fo r "quality" investments Thursday, sending blue-ch1p stock prices rising and inte rest rates on three-m onth U.S. Treasury bills plummeting Representatives of M exico's ma.)Or creditors met at the Federal Reserve Bank of Ne w Yo1·k today amid reports that Mexico would seek to postpone payments on part of it.c; $80 billion foreign debt. Yi e lds o n three -m o nth Treasury bills plunged more than a full percentage point Thursday, ·falling below 7 percent for the ftrSt time since June 1980. They continued their slide today , dropping more than a quart.er of a percentage point in early trading to 6 . 7 percent. A s recently as the end of June, such i!lvestments were trading at more than 13 percent. Edward Boss Jr., an economist at Contine ntal Illinois National Bank & T rust Co. in Chicago, said the massive slide in rat.es on the three-month bills reflec-ted a desire by investors to "stay short, stay in quality until the uncert.amty clears up." Gold, a haven for funds an ttmell of economic uncertainty, rose $23.33 a troy ounce in Hong Kong today to close at $379.77. In later European trading, the metal also jumped from late Thursday's levels to hover around $384 an ounce, its hiji(hest level since Jan 11 (t traded at $386.50 in New York, up $11.40. Silver gained 50 cents to $7.78. PRACTICING -Frank Si natra belts o ut a tune during a dress rehearsal for tonight's opening "Concert for th e Ameri c a s" io th e amphitheater at Altos d e Chavon in the Dominican Republic. The concert wilJ be taped for pay TV The measure, drafted after cr itics of the West Newport d evelopment rounded up more than 6,000 signatures, asks whether the residential-office· industrial building project should be repealed. But Crosby said the city's wording is clearer than the wording proposed by Beek. The judge said a change would confuse the issue and interfere with the election. City• officials in Newport said Beek will have a hard time of it because it is too late to change the wording or pull the measure off the ballot. She declined to say whe ther she would support pulling the referendum question o ff the ballot. Hospital fight at capitol? Beek, an opponent o f the development, said voters should be asked whether they want the project approved. As the measure is written, voten must vote no if they favor the project and yes if they don't. Beek said this is confusing. "li we can't do it right, then we shouldn't do it at all," said Beek, lnaiating his challenge is not a campaign stunt on his part. Nuclear free ze measure rejected SACRAMENTO (AP) -An attempt to get the Legislature to endorse a nuclear weapons freeze is dead, the victim of Democratic leaders' refusal to allow it to come to a second vote. TELEVISION Posthumous TV stardom? For Californians who have never tasted video stardom. two entrepreneurs are offering them their big chance -after they're dead. Bob Greene, Page A7. SPORTS ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -Herbe rt Orin "Fritz" Crialer, 83, of the University of Michigan, one of the moet aucce18ful football coaches and athletic dJ.rectora ID interwllegfate aporta hiatory, ta dead , authorltll!ll reported to<fay. Ansels bounce back, 8-5 The ~la rally from 6·0 deficit to NY ln first place with an 8-5 victory over Boston. Pa,e Cl. J I Developer BiU Banning, out of town this week, has so far sajd little about the controversy surrounding his multi-million dollar project. Banning has maintained that the city council altered his plan so drastically that he no longer considers it his proJeCt. He has said he's even unsure whether the development would make economic sense to him. He said he's undecided if he will mount an election campaign to defend the project. COUNTY By JOEL C. DON Ofthe O•lly Piiot Btaft Re presentatives from Irvine Medical Center (IMC) plan to visit Sacramento Monday to urge Gov F.dmund (;. Brown Jr. to sign a special land biU for the proposed hospital complex. They say the trip is intended to counter efforts by Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean of the UC Irvine College of Medicine. to lobby the governor's office for a veto of the legislation Johnnie Crean and Ron Packard have much to agree about but you would not have known it if you watched a video-taped debate that included the 43rd Congressional District's Democratic contender Pat Archer . Page A4. ·Tab Hunter in Anaheim Actor Tab Hunter will star in El Toro playwright Jack Sharkey's play, "Here Lies Jeremy Troy," at the Grand Dinner Theater in Anaheim. Weekender. Prof talks on ·'being you' Dr. Leo Bu.acaglla, profeMor al USC, wtll apea,k on "just beina you" at the Crystal Cathedri.l on ~pt. 9. Weekender I f \ ·- Th e bill permits the SaddJeback Community College District to lease 10 acres of land on its north campus in Irvine to a no n -profit organization that wants to build a h06pital in the city. The lease is at fair market value for a term of 99 years. The college district is reqwred to have special legislation m such land arrangements. Saddleback trustees already have announced a preferern:e for the IMC proposal. Though the legislation does not cite a specific group competing to build a h os p i tal in Irvi n e , Van den Noort, who for yea.rs has fought for a major research hospital on the UCI campus, believes lawmakers did n o t consider t he full 1mpact of the legislation on the uruversity. The special bill was introduced by Assemblyw oma n M a rian Bergeson, R -Newport Beach, on Fe b . 18 and was reviewed in public hearings. INDEX A4 84-5 A7 C6-12 B2 B2 C6 A6 At Your Service Business Ca'l(.alcade Classified Comics Cl"06SWOrd Death Not.Ices Editorial Entertainment Oardenina Hol'OIOOpe lntennt.ion Weekender AS A7 Weekender NATION Ann Landers Movies Mutual Ji\J.nds NatJonal News Public Notices Sports Dr. Steincrohn Stock Markets Television Theaten Weather Wotld News Sinser sues Beatles A7 Weekender B4 A3 B3-4,C4-6 Cl-6 A7 B!S TV Log Weekender A2 A3 LOS ANGELES (AP) -A $1.35 billion suit has been filed aaaJ,nat the Bealle. and about two dozen record companies by rock linger Tony Sheridan and hll man.aer, UlllerUn& that t.M aingu'a matertaJ wu credited to ta BMU... -- Orange CoHI DAILY PILOT /Frld1y, Augu11 20, 1882 N Dow Jones Final . UP 20.72 CLOSING M9.28 Couple suing over SAN JOSE (AP) A $50 null.Jon lawsuit has been filed against a savings and loan by a San J06e couple who daam lhey were unable to sell their home when the hnanc1al mst1tulton prevented them from transfermg a low-interest mortgage The ~wsu1t, bankrolled by the 110.000-member Callforrua Assoc1auon of Realtors, was faleci in Santa Clara County Supenor C-0urt on Thursday by-Walt.er and Donna Arnst.em against World Federal SaV1J188 and Loan and its parent, Golden West Financtal Corp of Oakland The suit a lleges that m 1978, while World was state charwred, they bought a house and assumeci a $42, 100 loan at 9 1}1 percent interest from the previous owner World became ft•d1:rally <'hartered 1n Sept.ember In June, the US Supreme Court ruled that federally chnrtcred lenders t:ar1 require a homebuyer to take out a 111•w mortgage at current mterest rates Loan rate dr9pped Home Fed~ral SaVJngs & Loan Assoc1at1on of San Diego dropped 1ts res1dent1al mortgage loan rate to 15 25 percent The rate applies to Home F'ederal's adjustable mortgage loan Volume record set The Pac1f1c Stock Exchange said at recorded its greatest volume of equity trading Wednesday, loggmg 5,282,900 shares and pushing act1v1ty over the {1ve million share mark for the fLrst tune The previous high of 4,242,500 was recorded June 9 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT ht-'l'Y 'fOMM: 1AP1 ~tu \ JUf1 Ont• """ ,..., th·~ o• Inti ''''' "" mo\t olt ..,,. N f'W ., t')H ')flit.. f .. , •htH(lt \\U.\ trdd1nq n •I"''""" 11 '' o, • ltl-tn '' i.o,. C..1.1 I .l'4 "'' I• ~d''A°""o I I'll I)(' Jl""' ~ lftt"\\W'\ .-I tJt ti' ,, .,.., ... , 161 1 1.0 ~, \\. l(IM IOOIJ/00 o/ E1.aon VN\ ~ 11. <..1t11oro fJVI lfAI I'> .. (,tllt) M:_\IOf\ it/tf )W '1 c.nomu ht '~" Ot.A' '' • Ou~• r._ 110 )("' ll • \4,,hlutT\OftJ •'• en 0 f'ub)Yf H"1 ., I J4'1 14 r rt• Ch Mlii ,.,., H Ut'Hl10M.)t t ~ t(/ •• • \CM .. ~~ Mii ltJ \.. • UPS AND DOWNS ' I ' I• .1 o I ' '· -'• . ' ... -· ,_. EYV YORK l AJ.it f ,._ h>llow1nQ 1\1 '-"Ow' '""' N•w Y0tk Sl°'trr. E•\NtnriOr itO<k) ~no w4!rr.,,h lh•t ,,_'tllt-QOnt> uo trw mo'\I .no oo-n ttvo n\O'I ~\ifoO on Dff<tnl of ,,...,. r•o.-ro1 ... ,, ot "0'"""" fOf frld.t'f N o Mlturlhtt tr.01nq ~10-. \1 •re •n<t VOl'O Net Mld c-t,,.MfllOf' (~"Of\ •rt O'M ct•"•'9nCf' bttween U\ot: ptf'¥•ou .. f aos ·~ or•r~ •nd toc:My' ii!...,, Pnt .. t ~~~ L•'~ ,tt;?, u:Cll• • 1 ~-~ I • r • Uo l~ I J llnP•r~ M>n ) o UD ll l • ftHpf~M 14'• '"" Uo n J S 0.-lt.,.,. t p o • •. Up 17 1 • • J.C'P• l 10ot )\ • /4.. VP tJ I 8P-k \ Up II I 9 RLC: n I '-Up q ( "'l>Df ,,.e .. UP 10 (h.A,h(O wt I~ hi UP 11 c.,.,P3<1f tif ''• Up 11 AniAtttn 'flt't ,._ Up IJ HHIAMnq '1 .. I Up U NL lntlV't t\ • • t,, UO 1~ Gult ~~\'' '• t • Vo to fOy\kU\ '\ 1\•. 1 • Up ti llU' l.tv Fr • .._ • l UO ti Mc CrH1U pt M ~ up tlf tM..rth.lr,C p • Jt I Uo 10 Am~I~ Jl \IP 11 MPllCI nlll <II Up 11 NfMlf\r~v ' ~.. UD 13 (P'l1M1lw <:.11 "1 I•• VO 1~ (IOf'U1 to u •. l • Up l~ I O'i.c."lro \ l4"• ' • VP DOWNS 111 10 J OU '. '8 •I . \ •• •O 1: a I •• H& 8. 8 I II > 8 ) 1 Mt'•~:~ l '"'1 ( "t. Ot~ttlJ 0 ) Ou..,,.P pttoi. 4'1 • Off ~ • J tntr,18.t•r ' Ou I 2 4 WnAu l 1n • Ott I t I 11th\ (""Im .., 011 I I & H()tNt\t._ft J)' '*• Otf & 4 1 Un[ I I ...... 0 J • 011 6 I 8 frfln\cn lrw • On ~ 4' • C~Nv "°' 01 \l J 011 se 10 .... y,tnll \ 11 I 011 \ t 11 Oror1i.H11 n ' • .,,. Ott SJ 17 J'•tr1c.,P1r • Olf \ J tl 1~-•• lftO , • OH \l u ''vrol•tor ' If• Ott \ t 11 OM(, Int ,.. • 011 \ 0 t• Gr1hRtv 1 '-• • Ott \ O '1 w.,lf'lt1tlh 4 • • Ott •fl II N1Mo 1 110' \1 IJll • I ;: t~~1t"f, l~ . g:: : ~ 11 MowetlCp • ., .._ Ou • " 1) 11C-..-.4'tr I~ • Off • • 1l Ao.m\ Orq > 0 11 • l ~Svj)!~'""""l!!::..~~~~'~'·c_~-'-~n-•_•~-·~• GOLD COINS NEW YORK (AP) -Prices lato Thur9day of gold coins compared wtth Wed~y a pra l(r119errand, t lroy 0 1 S390 00 up St850 Maple leaf, I ltOy 01 $JllO 50 UP $1(12& Me1lc4lft 50 ~ I 2 troy OL s.463 75 ut>S1850 Aualtla11 ,00 crown, 9802 troy oz $370 00, UC> $ 15 00 Souroe OMlc Perera AMERICAN LEADERS Nl W YQrilr t AP'I ')iitlP'\ J p ffl prt(f' ~7~, ~.'ot~h •nf.«~' u( .!~~n;;o.,1 .~~~r gt:~ !11~1,.ltrlf14tll\f •',);°~ "'(tnl~~ Wanq h I~ 000 11 • Anv•ut: ''O• tUJ 000 1r ••HA r(._p 10' 100 6 ' t"d''~P Hn fJ1 lOO l • t-10u0 111 80 100 t1 • Un vFtr\f(\ JC, Ml() b'• Oort n,u..1a\ ~ 800 10 ._ 1 utx>\Mf-• ~J &00 I '°'"""' ,Q,t ~) 100 s • MElALS . ) .. .... '• '• NEW YORK (APJ -SPol nonl•rou• metal pric.es lodav Copper 68'r'1 70 cents a pound, U S destinations L-.d 26-29 cenlS a pound Zinc 40 cents a pound de0"9(ed Tin S6 2385 Metals Week coml)OSlt& It> Aluminum 7f;.77 ~IS a pound NY ...,cur1 S365 00 per nm PIBtlnum S29 I 00 $298 00 troy ounce NY SILVER tiandy & tiarman S7 680 per troy OUl'Ge COLD QUOTATIONS By TM A~led ,.,_ Selected wO<ld QOld prices today London morning ll•lng $379 00 up $22 35 London afternoon llMlng S388 50 up S29 85 Parla afler"oo" fixing 5371 78 up $19118 franlr""1 llxlng $3711 74 up S21 78 Zurich late elternoon nx1ng S387 00 UC> $33 25 bid $390 00 uked HandJ a Her11H11 only dally Quote S386 50 up S29 85 Eng91hard only dally Quote $386 50 up S29 85 IE~d only <1allv quote labrk:ated S'405 83 up S3 t 35 SYMBOLS n Nt>w y~all~ low u Nf!,. Yi!~rly hOQh Uofe!n 01h~tw1~ nOtOCJ 'a'~' ol d1._.0endt. "'_.. ""nual d11t>ursttmenta b&sed on IN! la!M quiHlf"fl't t'U semi Annu1tl declarat•O" Spt>eo~I or @1lr• d1••dl"'ds or pa~m<w'lt1 nol thtM9n1tlf"J llS regu111 ar" KJ.enl lied 11\ 1hie 1011ow•'IQ 1001note5 • A•~o e•1,• °' ••has b Annual '"e otvt ''oc.~ dHfld•nd c l 1Qu10ating 01v1dend Do!<•••~ oo paid 1n e><e<:..:t•no 12 mo111t1• OOPClared <>< pad •lier ttoell do""'end Ot ~""' up 1 Paid 1111s ytta1 d1V>dend omtltlKI delturnd or no •ctoon 11i..en at IHI dMdt!f'O m~o11n11 i.. Decl••l'd or p111d 1111s vear an "ceum 11•11Ye •Stu• w1Ui d•v•dends 1n otr&•r'- n N<ow •Hue t ~tar.cl or Pa+d In preceding 14' mfln1ns OluS stocll dlvoa.nd t PIJld "' sioc• •n e><ece<l•no •2 mon1ns •••1ma1eo casn v••~ on•• dmdend o< e• dttlrlt>uhon dAlo • E, 01•10eods Of er r19t1tJ y E• dlviden<f end ~&II'~ •n 1\111 r 9811'1 on lull Gill C"lled wd When dlllrl!>uled W1 W1'41n 1s111•d "'""' With w1,,ants •w WllhO\Jf w•fr.ttn1$ xd1s E• d1strlbVttOl'I PE 1a110 Tne 1><1<:11 01 a •toe~ •• • mu111e>Ht ot l>tO' ~.,. -n1no1-<>•u..O bv d1v1d•no 11111 111est 12 mon111 .. "''"II• •iovr• into 1ut saie Pt<e