HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-21 - Orange Coast Pilot.. . 111111 CDAIT YIUI HIMITDll UllY PIPER SATURDAY. AUGUS T 21. 1981 ORAN G £ CO UN : v L AL I Hiil NIA /'l C f NTS Heady week for econQniy, but shoals· ahead I By LOUISE COOK ,__..._.. ,.,... Writ_, The economy promised -and delivered -aornething for juat about everyone last week, but 1t also left a lo t of questions unans w e r e d a nd a l ot o f arguments unsettled. In the space of fi ve business days. Americans saw: -Lower interest rates and higher stock prices. -Tax increases and reforms lo bring about $100 billion in extra revenues and budget cuts to trim deficits. -A vic tor y for Presiden t R e aga n a nd b l pa r t isa n , If somewhat re luct ant, support from Congress. But the shot in the arm that sent spirits soarin g o n Wall Street and in Washington wasn't enou g h t o cur e t h e basic problems of the U.S . economy. "The patient is still quite sick," said J ack W . L aver y , ch ie f econ om ist a t Merr ill L y nc h F.conomics Inc. "The temperature has gone down, but the patient may h ave som e thing o f a relapse." It's August. • • HEAT RELIEF -When an August heat wave strikes, the only sure relief is water. Above, 10-year-old Justin Watson ol Brea hung onto his surf rider at C.Orona d el Mar State Beach and let the waves roll over him. Right, the m ercury touched 112 in Phoenix, Ariz., and firefight.er Larry Wetters (that's right, Wetters) used his helmet .to cool off while fighting a blaz.e in a propane storage tank. Mission Viejo Co. confirms staff cuts By STEVE TRIPOLI olllle o.lr ..... ''-" The Mission Viejo Company, one of Orange County's largest land develo pers, has cut an unspecified number of employees from its work force, a company spokesman said Friday in response to an inquiry. Spokesman Al Wheeler cited "Jluggish market conditions" as the ~n for the move. far as I know," then amended his statement and said,, they have occurred "recently."~ Wheeler said the company is not, to his knowledge, facing any major economic problems and is not for sale. He had no comment on the possibility of future cuts, saying only that the firm "will continue to run business in the same way we always have" -an apparent reference to his earlier state me nt about the periodic adjustments in the size of the work force. The r'e has been no 1udden drop In unemployment, now at a record 9.8 pe~nt. and none ia immediately likely_. Eltimates of IEll IUlYlll the gap between federal lhcOme and federal spending continue to grow. And any drop in consumer interest rates -the kind that determine whether people can afford to borro w money to buy houses and automobiles -is still monthl' away. The preside nt sa ys he is • holdif'i flrm to the baaic teneta of Reaaanomic• -re duced gove rnment s pen ding, lower t axea to en courage people to w ork a nd in vest a nd less bureaucratic red tape. Hia critics aay he h as a bando n e d the princ iples o f s upply -s ide economics, of ualng massive tax cuts to spur the economy. La ve r y said Reagano m ics remains alive and well, but said there is still "one piece of the theory. that has not been in The company joins the Irvine Coolpany, the largest land owner and developer along the Orange Coast , as a s e cond large developer to cut staff recently. Irvine announced this week that about 5 percent of its 800-person work force had been cut over the put year. Reagan heads west after ·triumph Wheeler declined to give any details of the Mission Vie jo cutback, citing company policy. He refuse d to respo nd to questions concerning the aiz.e of the cut, who was affected and whet.her the reductions were in the form o f l ~yo ff s o r terminations. "We've always adjusted our work force to the preva iling economic conditions," Wheeler uld. He aald the reductions have OCCWTed "over the past week, as WORLD PHOENIX (AP) -President Reagan. "the most rewarding" week of his presidency tem pered by the sadness of a death in the famil y. joined wife Nancy at a mem orial service for h er late father Friday. Dr. Loyal Davis. a noted brain surgeon, died Thursday of heart failure at age 86 with Mrs . Reagan, his adopted daughter, at his bedside in SCottsdale, Ariz. The president a od Mrs . Reagan were spending Friday night in Phoenix before flying on Anti-protest wall erected WARSAW. Poland (AP) -(\six-foot wall went up Fri<iay around Victory Square on orders of martial law authorities, blocking off the plaza that has become the focal point of anti-government protests. Bombs rock Lima LIMA. Peru (AP) -Tne government declared a state of emergency Friday in metropolitan Lima after more than a dozen bomb blati. ripped the are a . NATION SpendU.. bill ~pprovetl WASJmlcm>N (AP)·-'nae Republican Senate, ~ wto threatl from Plwddent Re.aan'• budpt director~ hal Ii~ ftnal ~ approval U> I $1f.2·billion aupplemen_t&l money bW. to California today for a two- week vacation at their mountain ranch . After Air Force One landed at S k y lia rbo r A i rport, the preside nt was driven direc\ly to the home of f.dith Davis, the first lady's mother. Despite the solemnity of the occasion, deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said Reagan was "flying high" after w i nning hia Intense ly fought battle for congressional STATE passage of a $98.3 billion tax increase over three years. S peaking to reporters aboard Air F or ce O n e in f lig ht to Arizona, Speakes said Reagan believed last week was "the most rewarding or fuJCilling week" of his preside ncy because o f the victory on the tax legislation. the settlement of the cr isis in Lebanon, the signs of economic re co v e r y and t h e jo int U.S .-China communique that lLmlts future arms sales to Taiwan. Sunken galleon search set l Dive rs will be combing the Drake's Bay area in search of the oldest known shipwreck off the California coast, a Spanish galleon that went down In a stonn in 1595. Page A6. Is housing a ball investment? . Can't sell your house, must be thoee hlgh lntere.8t rates, right? That may only be pert of •the atory. Analysis suggests alow home .._ may be tied to the fact that real ~tate la a ~ lnwetment in Calitom.la. Paa• se. / Aliens use PenWeton Marhw · ann't the o nly ones who put C.mp Pendleton co Ult. Ql9p.l aliens heeding for Oranp County and LcJS,Aft&w._ cro. through the sprawling bue by the hundNcli Pap 88. evidence ." The admin i11tratlon and Congress, he said, have fai led to come t o grips with cont roll ing t h e gro w t h o f spending In the areru. of defense.· and entitlement programs like Social Security. T h ursd ay nigh t. both the H'ouse and Senate passed the bill which raises taxes for some people . makes it hard e r for others to avoid paying the taxes they alread y owe and is desifned to cut domestk spending by 17.5 billion. "T his vote does not mark th(.• e nd or tht• ,·rusadc to g<'l uur l'ountry's t"('Onomy moving again, but 11 1s r.m important milest.one." H(•ag<in sc.11d Some parts of the econom y already ~ml"CI to be moving - Jnd moving fast But there was d1sagreemt!nt about why t he y were moving and whethc·r the c ha n g «> wa s a r e a so n f o r l'C!lebrauon "The pen·<·pt1 ves of things c·hanged rapidly," said Richard 1) Rippe. Sl•n1or vice pn'Sident (See ECONOMIC, Page,AZ) Pac Mutual seeks to avoid layoffs .-fl.!~LM:J}BLE ____ _ In an auempt to avert further layoffa, Newport Beach -based Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. ia offering employees salary payoffs and continued 'benefits if they'll leave the firm. A hiring freeze a1ao has been imposed. The company, which employs l,~ persons in Orange County and 2,500 nationwide. S8ld it is willing to continue paying some long-term employees up to 11 months after they quit. The amount of continued pay and benefits would hinge on age and years of employment. The firm, headquartered in Newport Cente r , h as also unveiled an early retirement program that will be offered to 8;> workers in Orange County and another 40 in other parts of the country. Responding to the slumping economy and a d ip in sales of I gT0111>-i n~UT1l~ -pla nm>-·--1 businesses, Pacific Mutual has reduced its total staff by 250 in the last year, 150 of the cuts coming in Orange County. The cutba~ks have come throug h attrition and layoffs. Pacific Mutual is the largest insurance company based in California and is ranked 24th in the nation. It is one of the largest employers in Newport Beach and ranked 46th in Orange County. In an e ffort to further cut expenses, Pacific Mi.:tua l has decided not to locate a 400-penon insurance division in a trio o f three-story office buildings it is constructing in central Fountain Valley. The com pan y wil l s hift personnel of the insurance unit. now scattered throughou t the county, to its Newport Beach (See PACIFIC, Page AZ ) Lake Forest action on jail irks Stanton By FREDERICK. SCHOEMEHL Of ... 0.-,,......,. A suggestion by the L ak e Forest Homeowners' Association that Santa Ana is a more "sodally acceptable" location for a new county jail has raised the ire of an Orange Coun ty sus:r. er Stanton, whose district inclu es Sant.a Ana, fired off a sharp response to the aasociation. in which he stated, ". . . Without some elaboration of your inten t, I find the language of your resolution offens ive to m y constituents in Sant.a Ana." County governme n t officials currently are examining five sit.es for construction of a new county jail that would h o use 1,300 inmates. The facility would serve as a branch of the 1,337-inmat.e main jail in Sant.a Ana. The five sites include a parcel adjacent to the existing jail; two parcela in east Irvine, a parcel in Santa Ana Canyo n near Anaheim and the 100-acre James A. Musick Honor Farm in El Toro. . Minimum security facill ties for male and female inmates today a r e locate d on the M usick property. Most inmates spend their time raising chickens and crops. According to the Lake Forest homeowner's resolution , ". . . extension of the . . . Musick Honor Fann to include a medium or maximum security priaon (jail) v i olates the inhere nt , constitutional right of citizens to feel aaf~ and undermines the major capital investment for most families, their homes. "Accordingly, the board of INDEX Classified Cl-6 Comics BIO C.Omment B6 Croaword BlO Death Notices C2 F.ntertainment Bll-13 Movies Bll-13 Public Notices ~ B12. C2 S P O RTS directors unanimously charge the Ora nge County Bo ard o f Su pervi.aors to eliminate the . . . Mus i c k H o n o r Farm as a potential site for a medium or maximum prison (jail) and to consider extension of . present Santa Ana facilities as the most econ o mically a nd socia lly acceptable alternative.'' Said S tanton in his letter, "I truly hope that you are n ot imply ing t h at S a nta An a residents have fewer inh erent and/or constitutional rights than others living elsewhere in this county." In an interv i e w Friday afternoon , S ta n ton said the concerns expressed by the Lake Forest residents could be used to argue against t he Santa Ana Civic Center site. "There is n o site closer to homes, c hildren an d sc hools" t h a n S an ta An a , Stanto n ~rted. ''That makes it clear to me that S anta Ana should be ruled out.'' He sa id it would be more logical to build the new facility in the more rura l a rea. Stanton stoppe d sho rt, h owever , o f endorsing the Musick site. Con sultants hire d by the county concluded in a study that t h e 1,305-inma te m e d i um- maximum security facility will be needed for the county to meet p rojected jail needs thro ugh 2000. The existing jail in Sant.a Ana is at capacity , accord;ng to current statistics. Supervisors are scheduled to make a decision on the jail i.asue following envirorunentaJ analysis of the five suggested locations. Religion Sports Television Theaters Trivia Weather Youth B8 Bl-4 Bl4 Bll-13 Bl2 A2 B7 Dodpn· def ~at Pirates, 1-0 Ron C.y'a home run 11ve Fernando Valenzuela all th~ help he needed •• the Dodgen shut out Pltt1bur1h, 1-0. ------.._ __ _:l--i ' • . . Orano• Coalt OAILY PILOT/ ht\lrday, Augu1t 21, 1892 ECONOMIC EVENTS . • • and economiat for Dt-.an Witter Reynold s Inc., "but the undorlylna fundamentals were unfolding a little earlier." Key Interest rates -things like the prime rate that banks charge their best customers and the rate that the government has to pay when It borrows money by selling Treasury secu rities - have been dropping gradually. The Federal Re.erve Board had eased its control on the monetary supply, lowering the discount rate it charges member banks. By the end of last week, the rate on three-month Treasury bills was 8 percent -five percentage points lower than it was in June; the .prime lending rate was 13.5 percent, down from a high of 20 percent. The lo wer interest rates s parked a rally on the stock market. When interest rates are high. companies are reluctant to s pend money to expand; they can't afford it. That, in turn, dl•courHtH Investors from buying stock• m t'Omparuea that are 1tasnan\. Consumers who are hoping that lower intel'Mt rates may put a n ew house or automobile with in their grasp -and the housing and auto Industries which depend on the hopes of those consumera -will have to wait a while. Rates on consumer loans ge_p.erally have risen at a slower pace than rates on lnveatment securities a nd are likely to drop more slowly. Lavery of Merrill Lynch said there were several reasons for the recent drop in Interest rates, including the "weakness in the eronomy," a slight easing by the Federal Reserve Board of its tigh t money policy and a "temporarily lessened concern in the financYl] markets'' about the federal.dlti~it because of the movement o n the revenue- raising measure. PACIFIC MUTUAL.·. • headquarters and lease the Fountain Valley buildings. The early retirement program and the payoff offer will be available to employees through Oct. 31 at which point the company will take stock of its financial standing, a spokesman said Friday. Walter Gerken, president and chai.nnan of the board of Pacific Mutual, said the ins urance company is striving to c ut expenses by $10 million. The company bas declined to say how many people need to go. He said it is unknown how many persona will opt for the salary payoff but is antid pating, according to figures from other finna, that up to 45 employees will take advantage of the retirement package. "W e're not going to do anything else over the next two months and just hope that this does the trick," Gerken said. "If it doesn't, w e'll have to consider other measures." Gerken did not mention the possibility of more layoffs but other company officials have broadly hinted in the past week that more cuts could be in store if the two programs don't attract interest. The company has used a 80- called "75 year formula" to detennine who wol.'.lld be offered early retirement. A person's years of service and age must total at least 75. Workers not eligible for early retire ment can tal<e the salary payoff. Gerken said he ii encouraged by the slow but continued decline in interest rates and called it good news for life insurance. He said the i..nsuranoe busineai hat been hUrt in ·recent months by persons pulling money out of pens.ion funds to in~t in high interest money markel certificates. With a decline in interest rates, Gerken said it la poaible money will flow back to pensions and other fomlS of insurance. Pacific Mutual's asaeta exceed $2.9 billion, up more than $1 billion in the last six years. The company hu life inaurance ln force valued at more than U8 billion. Gunman robs Irvine S&L A lone gunman e9Caped with an estimated $1 ,000 to $2,000 cash in the robbery of an Irvine bank Friday afternoon, police in that city reported. The gunman reporte dly entered the Pasadena Federal Savinp branch in the Walnut Shopping Center off Culver Drive at about 3 p.m., displayed a handgun and demanded money. He escaped with the money in a sack, witnesses told police. No escape vehicle was 9ee1\. The robber was de9Crtbed as a white male about 35 to 40 years old, about 5 feet, 6 Inches to 5 feel, 8 inches tall, and between 160 and 170 po~nda. He had short auburn hair, a dark tan and a ligh·t-colored mustache, police said. No<iM<n and c.n1ra1 Cal1fo<nl1 #Ill haYe mostly sunny Clays and r11r nights over wHlcenCI Low cloud end l og along coatt morn i ngs Isolated thunde<Showers over Sierra and norlhern mountains Hot Inland Very Coastal Extended weather • ID Tests death case set The Huntin,ion &ech pu-ent8 of a 10-week-old boy who dJed a year aao after being violently shaken will spend 90 day1 underaolng pre-1en tencln1 dlagnoatl c teat• in a tate lnaUtutiona. Orange County Superior Cou.ri Judge Kenneth E. Lae ordered the teating Friday after proeecutor Bryan Brown argued for irnpoaJtJon of the maximum allowable sentences. Brown said both defendantlt - Sidney Green , 24, and Cynthia Evans, 20 -had been allowed by a jur y to "get o ff extremely lightly" in connection with the death of thelr young son, Joey. Green was conv icted of involuntary manslaughter, child endangering and chllcl beating by a superior court jury in July. Evans WH convicted of child endangering and child beattn,f. THAT TIME AGAIN -Loudly and otherwise dressed boats like these in last year's C haracter ~oat Parade can be expPcted D ... , fl'llot Sunday in the 22nd annual event. The starts at 2 p.m . in Newport Harbor. Du.ring the trial, Brown had argued that the defendanta were:: guilty of murdering the child - Green because he violently shook , the baby the day he died and.; Evans because she had custody • and allegedly knew she was -: exposing him to danger. Emerald dues plan nixed Uurmg l''riday's proceedings, the prosecutor said Green, who is being held at Orange County Jail, "is one of the m ore despicable people we've seen come through this courthouse in some time." Judge strikes down disparate assessments in suit By DAVID KUTZMANN or .... .,..,,.. • ..,. The fashionable, locked-gate community of Emerald Bay was ordered by a ju(lge Friday to do away with a decades-old system of computing homeowner dues that -since passage of Prop. 13 in 1978 -had created enormous disparities in the amounts paid by different residents. · OrarUle C.OUOty Superior Court Judge Phillip Petty ruled in favor of an Emerald Bay resident, Kenneth Battram, who had refuaed to pay hi.a $13,'iOO in yearly dues becauae longer-term residents were paying only a tenth of that amount. The reason for the disparity, attorneys said, was Prop. 13, the controversial tax-cutting measure that eliminated the need for county a•e•cn to periodically realle9I property. F or years, Emerald Bay's homeowner u.x:iatlon dues had been bued on the value of homes aa determined by the county assessor. The exclusive, locked- gate community is located just north of Laguna Beach in county unincorporated territory. Afte r the tax-limi tation measure was approve d , the Emerald Bar Community A.ociation deaded to uae post- Prop. 13 aaaesaed values or full cash values maintained by the warm Orange County Assessor's Office aa a base for levying assessmenta. Thia meant long-term residenta -whose property valuations had been rolled beck by Prop. 13 -paid lees and new arrivals paid more. To eliminate this difference, Petty ordered Friday tha t an Independe nt appraisal of property values be Wldertaken so that dues could once again be hued on a uniform siandard of fair market value. In effect, he said , the association would pay for a service once provided by the uae.or'a office before Prop. 13 came along. In a seoond part of his ruling, Petty also said that the 8880CUation -which is made up of 525 property owners -can change its auesament bylaws with a 75 percent affirmative vote of ita members. The aaaociatlon's so-called Coyenan ta, Condition• and Reiltrictiona (CCRa) had specified that an ablolute majority of 100 percent of the member• waa needed to change u1e11ment practices. Those CCRs had strongly dictated that a&llel8Dlent of fees always be levied at a stated percentage of the then-aaaesaed value of the property in question. according \o court documents. The aaeament was to be an amount not exceeding 3 percent of the 8l8e89ed value of a Jot in any given year. For Battram and his wife Lois, who sued the community assoc iation in 1981, their homeowner dues were based on the $2.Z million price they paid for their houae. They were billed $14,738 for the 1980-81 fi.9cal year and $1 3,- 700 for the following year. They refuaed to pay either bill. For the year before they bought th e h o me, the homeowner dues were $1,800. Defense attorney Larry Bruce objected to the prosec utor's . comments. Lae said it was appropriate to send both defendants to state institutions for 90 days of study before imposing sentence. Green could be sentenced up to 6 years in state prison while Evans could receive a 4-year term. Guerrillas prepare to leave Lebanon By The Associated Press In a scene of joy and sorrow. the PLO turned over two Is-raeli captives and the bodies of nine sold iers at the port of Beirut Friday. then began detonating land mines to clear their west Beirut enclave for evacuation today aft.er a 2 'h-month siege. President Reagan confirmed 800 U .S. Marines will take part in the multm ational force overseeing the pullo ut of more than 7.000 guerrillas, but said 1r any Americans are shot at they will be removed immediately. He said they would play a "carefully limited non-combatant role. In no case will our troops stay longer than 30 days." T he Israelis w ithdrew from the Beirut port at sundown to clear the way for the deployment or a Lebanese army unit at the harbor befolJ! the arrival of an ~dva nce cdntin~ent of 298 French paratroopers to oversee the first s tage o f guerrilla evacuation, Lebanese television said. But Lebanese radio stations said phone lines also went dead between t•ast and west Beirut and that the Israeli army closed the international highway in northern and eastern Lebanon. sharpc-ning fears of an Israeli- Synan confrontation before the gradual PLO evacuation is completed. "The plan 1s to sta rt the evacuation tomorrow morning. and tomorrow we'll be wiser." said MaJ G e n . Amir Drory. commander of Israeli forces in Lebanon, who watched the Red Cross turn ov<'r the capuves and coffins near the northern end or the Green Line dividing Beirut into Moslem west and Christian east. 600/oOFF SmaH c:tah advisory from P0tnt Conception ovet the outer wateu 10 Sen Nlcolas Island tor northw .. t winds t5 to 25 knot• and combined MIH 4 to 6 loet decreulng Eltewhere. light varlebla wlnda through nlghl PC89t toUlhwest to _. a 10 1a ltnots afternoon t to 2 foot 1outhwe1t swells Night and morning low clouds and fog mainly over the outer watera. Otherw lae varl able high cloud~. Mon<111y·We<1neaday Patchy early morning log end IOw clouds near the lmmedlete coaat. otherwise lair and continued •arm with variable h rgh cloudlness Highs coastal area• ranging from mid to upper 70s at Ille beadMll and 80• to mrd 90s Inland areet Lowe 58 to ea. Mountains· fair ucept wldely sutlered ahernoon end -l"G "'·•f'Ol'laJ Wea~""'e' !M_.1.ict: :>,Q,t.A u S :>er" o· Car~ , . ._ • NO DUES TILL DECEMBER 1st ----------thund«showerl decr•Ul"G early V.S. s11nu11ary Showers and thunderstorm• wefe •c•ttered tfirough th• nation'• ••stern t1ell Frld•y. cauelng aome lloodlnlj and sc11tered power outegea Ir Nebrattte The Weal tnd Sou1hwe11 entoy•d tunny 1A1e1 In lhe Pacific Northwest. thowers end thund9!'ttonn1 -• repottll<I Sctltered rein tell lrom the central Plain• lhrough the mid· Mlululppl Valley to th• Ohio Vllf,ey and the northern Allanllc CoHI ll•IH Th11nder1torm1 dotted th• Gull end southern Atlanllc oouta. end II WU penly cloudy over the upper Greet Lek•. For todll)', the tervloe 1><edlcted 1o att ereO 1howere end thunderttorma 1g1ln a.tong the Oulf Coeat and from the Tenne11e• Valley Into th• C.ollnet end Virginie. katt•ed t~onna -• elso fOfeca.tt tor North Oekot• end the 1outhern end cenlrel portlone of u,e Plateau end th• Aoc:lty M«M>ntelna. Sunthlne wat e11peG1ed In Montene and from th• Gentral Pl1ln1 through lhe mld·MlltlHIPPI Velley and Ille Greet LallM to the nortt\ A ttantlc coeat. E'-Mf•. the foreceat -~ '*11)' cloudy lltlee. California In the petiod HIQM 80s to mid 90s Lows SS to 65 Temperatures NA~ "' Lo Albany 7' 65 Albuque 92 10 Anc:hOtege 87 46 Atlante 89 68 11111ntc Cly as 8t AUSln 98 78 Beltlmor• 90 84 Blrmtnghm S9 97 84tmercll 88 50 BolM 95 94 Boston S3 70 BuHtlO a1 M Burlington 79 84 Charlatn SC 88 75 Chell91n WV 86 57 Charme NC 88 ea ~ 78 57 88 75 Cincinnati 77 80 CltWland 80 ae Clmbla SC 90 87 Columt>ut 80 80 Oal·ft Wlh 97 75 Drtton 71 &4 Oenv.-a5 83 Dee Molne1 83 ra Detroit as 17 ~h 78 5' EIPMO 100 78 Feltt>enb 89 41 F11go ... !IO Flaglteff 7g 51 OrMt Felli 85 54 Hartford 81 .. ~ 93 55 HonolUlu 90 79 Fronts Cold _... Warm 99 Houston 93 1a . 82 70 lndneplla 89 Jaclctn 92 J.ckenvlle 91 70 71 69 Kane City 84 Knoxv111e 88 78 68 Laa Vega 106 l.IHle Floclc 91 LOU!Svt11e 87 81 73 80 MempNs 91 Mleml 90 Mllwauk" 83 89 80 85 MPl .. St P 86 Naahvllle 88 New Orleent' ag 71 New Vorll as 70 70 87 71 Norton< 90 Okla City 95 am.na 90 Orlando 92 73 70 93 Phl4~a 88 PllW'I JI 112 82 8~ 64 Ptttetlurt'. 78 PtlanO. 1a P11a11CS. Ore 90 Pr0¥\denc:e 94 88 ~ te 52 Aldlmond 90 ee Salt Laite " 87 72 81 San Antonio 97 Beeltle M 70 12 72 :=1.: t4 86 St Louie 89 75 70 97 97 79 10 .. es St P·Tarnc>e 91 8Pott-IS a,.r-1t Topelcl 85 Tucaon 103 Tut .. t7 WNftlnOtll .. WICl'tltl 97 lllf RIPllT .... ... 1 , , ' .... -2 I t t .... Dir IW IW IW w CALlfOflNIA Apple Valley B1ke<1lietd earatow 8eeumont Big Bear 81stiop Blythe Cltallne Culv9' City Eur Ill I Fre•no LAn<:aater Long Beacn Loe Angeles Monrovia Montebello Monlerey Mt WlltOn N-por1 8eecl1 Oak la no OntetlO Palm Springe P...0- PMO Rot>M Atvwllde Aed 8tutt AedwooCI City Reno Sacramento Senn .. San BernwdiflO Sen Oebflet San~ Sen FrtnGleCO San JoM Stnta Ana Stnta &erbll'I Senta Cna Santa Mltltl s1octtt011 Them\ .. Torrence VuMt ..... All HI 104 100 103 t08 83 98 107 77 87 83 98 101 94 aa 104 94 67 90 75 16 102 113 96 102 100 100 al te 91 89 106 96 83 87 81 ta 18 71 73 .. 118 84 107 HI 95 .. IO '3 14 • u " " " Lo 64 72 80 64 49 58 84 82 85 64 as 69 87 8f° 83 68 ~ 68 65 58 87 79 85 se 82 80 58 52 55 50 86 as 69 52 et es se 58 .. 58 ., 93 87 &.. n 11 = ,. ,. ., n n .. 1t * LUXURIOUS LOCKR PACIUTIES FOR 11111 AND WOMEN * SAUNA I ITIAM, JACUUI * 2 IAND VOUIYIALL COURTS * 1/1 MIU JOMINI TRACK * INDIVIDUAL EXllCtlE PROIRAMI * IYMtlAllUM (IAIKmALL, VOllEYIAU) * PIH CHILD CAii CINTH * 11 CHAMPIONSHIP RACQUmALL coum * NAUTIWI HUl,_..T . * 21 MITll OLYMPIC POOL A SUNDICK .* PIOIHOP * RllTAUIAllT, IAI t IOCW LOUNll * llAlllUI t llAlllUU ' -·· J l .[·~ , .. _. 1 ' '· • Orang• Oout DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, Augu8t 21, 1882 •• Tales of 'J.I. 's ' days are better than fiction By SANDIE JOY eventa ln lrvine'• hJaiory It raci. or-.....,,......,. and rumor offered by Janet TV'• "Dallu'' hu ndthl.na on Colcluer.,.. an lnd.kat.lon. \he colorful characten and M lhe trekked• Ult duaty four THRIVING -The Irvine Country Store, still in business after 73 years, almost wasn't built. An El Toro woman named Kate Munger started the business only after Jam~ Irvine reluctantly agreed to let a woman run a business. Remember, this was in 1909. cornen o f Eut Irvine, M1. Colclo1er talked about J.l. - land baron JamM Irvine -and hil dteama. In the early part or the century, J .l. reigned eupreme over hla vut ranch kin1dom, explalned Ma. Colcluer, who'• a board member for the Irvine HJatorical Society. J.I. envtatoned and planned for bul.kUng of a 'City whJch would have aa lt1 focal point the lnteraectlon of Sand Canyon Avenue and Burt Lane where Irvine began around the tum of the century. "Inc identally." aaid M a. Colcluer "Burt ii named for one of Joan ~ Smith'• huabanda, the llleguard I think." The r emnants of that community -including a general 1tore/po1t office, blacksmith -::J· ho"l, tenant farmer homes warehOUleS -remain today with all but the hotel continuing in operation. "James Irvine had very high atandarda for buHdlng on hla property," Ms. Colclaaer said. "For example, "All the lumber used in one of those warehouses was chosen by hand and there isn't a knot in any of it. All the underpinnings are pure pine with no knothole!i" and "there's beaut iful h ardwood floors inside." That's why. she explained, man y of the original Irvine Ranch buildings still are intact and in Ule. J.I. was "quite a tree-lover," Ms. Co~ noted. It seems he waa particularly fond of oaks, hundreds of whic h he had planted along Sand Canyon, L a guna Canyon, Bommer Can yon , S hady Canyon and other places. One pertJcular double row of oak.I WU a \horn, 80 to lpeak, ln the operation• ot on e tenant farmer. J.l. had oaka plant.od alona old Laguna Canyon Road ond. when the road WAI real1aned, he wouldn't let the tenant farmer cut them down althouah the tre8 stood rlaht ln the middle of hia plantinl field. "No one cut down a tree on Seem• that 10meone (rumor hu lt h e waa the aon of a prominent Loe Angelea aodallte) attacked the daughter of on e of J.I.'a tenant farmers. Th.ii made the Irvine tollu ao mad they formed a 100-man IX*" to punue the auapect lnto the hilla where they ahot It out at Tomato Sprlnp. When the duat cleared, the &lrl'• alleged attacker waa dead "But J .I . died in 1947 and we're tol d h e'd hardly quit breathing before th e oaks were gone1 " J.I.'s property," Ma. Colclaaer said. ''But J.I. died lf\ 1947 and we're told he'd hardly quit breathing before the oaka were gone." Nearing the end of a haJf-hour walking tour, Ms. Colclaaer faced the Country Store, built in 1912 by Chria McNeill, the man who also built the Balboa Pavilion and the old County Courthouse. "A woman in El Toro named Kate Munger had to work two years," Ma. Colclaser aaid, "to convince J.I. to let her build it. He thought the atore was a great idea but he didn't believe in women ln busineas. Kate Munger changed hia mind and the atore haa been in continuous operation ever since." The store hasn't changed much during its 70 years, ahe aaid although its foundation was raised 3 feet in 1926. "There was a big flood in Irvine that year with three feet of mud in front of the store. A mule got stuck In the goo, and it was quite a project to get him out." S he al.so related the tale of the shoot-out at Tomato Springs. but no onf! ever knew for sure how he met his demise. The mystery continues today on whethe r he shot himself (the bullets In his body matched bulleta in a gun found with him) or if someone else did him in. The mystery is further clouded by gossip that he had some int'urable disease. There's no mystery, though, about how village blacksmith, Bill Culver, for whom Culver Drive ls named , got his nickname. Culver came away from the shoot-out with a gunshot w ound in his knee. Forever afier he w• knoWJ\ • Olmpy. One more 1tory Ma. ColclMer relates ll how a tiny cat• wu "the real IOcla1 hub of the town." There wu a beck room where farmers played poker, 1he Mid. The focal point of the operation wu the two alot machinea that got plenty of we. "The aheriff Uved juat down at the other end of Burt Lane a few block.a away, but the gamblln1 went on under hla noae and without his knowledge -or J.l.'a. "Farmers uled to atop by the cafe for 'coffee' aeveral $rMll a day," Ma. Coklaaer explained, "even more often when it rained. Finally, the aheriff got wind of Lhe wi-up and shut them down." At that point, she said, the cafe was torn down and a service station built. Ms. Colclaser haa plenty of other stories about J.I. and Eut Irvine-. and she's prepared to give her spiel from 3 to 5 p.m. SUJl(iay when she participates along with other historical aocietY. members as a guide for free walking tours. The tours are scheduled to begin every 15 minutes, leaving from the Country Store at Sand Canyon and Burt, juat off the Santa Ana Freeway. wrnrnarn /1 ~umu~11mmu~rn~ French paratroopers arrive in. Lebanon LAR NACA, Cyprus (AP) - A vanguard of 298 paratroopers of the French Foreign Legion arrived in Lebanon aboard two French navy vessels Friday night. headed for peacekeeping operations in Lebanon. The contingent was to be joined in Lebanon later by additional French troopers and by Italian soldiers and U.S. Marines who wm oversee the evacuation of Palestinian guerrillas from their enclave in west Beirut. The l e gionnaires boar d ed the transport sh'ips Dives and Rance during the day and s ho rtly before midnigh.t the two vessels steamed out of the harbor. WASBINGTON (AP) -The Soviet Union baa agreed to a year'• extension of the grain purchue agreemen t echeduled to ex p ire o n Sept. 30, the Agriculture De pa rtme n t announced Friday. Agriculture Secretary John R. Block said in a statement the extension "will allow American farmers to oontinue building thJa important market which was thrown away to our competitors during the partial embargo" imposed by former Preaiden.t Carter on Jan. 4, 1980. Carter'• embargo did not apply to srain guaranteed the • Soviets under the agreement. It did, however, cancel huge sales that would have been completed that year. MOSCOW (AP) -Three Soviet counonauta -including the .econd woman in apace - docked their craft w ith the Salyut-7 space station Friday, joining two coamonauta who have been in orbit since May, the official Tasa newa agency reported. The three, Leoni Popov, Alexander Serebrov and Svetlana Savitakaya, linked their Soyuz T-7 capsule with the apace station at 10:32 p.m. Moecow time (11 :32 a.m. PDT). Tass said in a diapatch filed more than four hours later. It reported the three new arrivals had no problems transferring to the apace station. NEW YORK (AP) -Mexico, unable to meet the payment achedule on the Third World's largeat foreign debt, reached agreement with ita creditors Friday to delay repayment of $10 billion in loans for up to six montha. Jesus Silva Herzog, the minister of finance. faced officers from 115 international banks and won their approval of a 90-day extension on repayment of principal on all short-and medium-term credit falUng due in the next 90 daya. Mexico's total foreign debt is $80 billion. In eaenoe, Mexico was given a reprieve of between three and aix m onths, although it will continue to make interest payments on all outs tanding loans. NEW YORK (AP ) -The nation's money supply was virtually unchanged in mi<f- Auguat, the Federal Reserve Board said Friday in a report that provided a rare note of stability to what hat been one of the most turbulent weeks for interest rates in the nation's hiatory. It was the eighth straight week that M 1, a meaaure of funda readily available for spending, bad re mained within· the growth targeta aet by the Fed, signaling "a quiet~ ahead" for interest ratea in the next month, aaid eoonomilt Robe.rt Slnche at the investment firm of Bear, Steams & Co. The Fed reported that M-. which includes cash in d.rculati<>Jl and checking-type depoaita at banking institutions, fell $100 million in the week ended Aua. 11, to a aeaaonally adjusted $453.4 billion. NEW YORK (AP) -The Who will 'play a "first farewell tour" of the United States thll fall, but the rock band hu no plan to break up, lead ainger Roger Dal trey ann ounced Friday. "We're not saying that we won't do any more shows. We juat won't d o any rnore toura," Daltrey said at a news conference. He added that he hoped to do farewell tours in "every country where we've been s u ccess ful .'' Peter Townshend, who haa written most of the group's songs - among them "My. qeneration," ''The Kids Are Alright," and the rock-opera "Tommy" -had been quoted in Rolling Stone magazine as saying the group might dilband. MIAMI (AP). -An angry CUl10mer blasting away With a shotgun killed eight people and wounde d three. Friday at a Miami machine shop, then was killed when a car rammed his bicycle as he fled, police said. "He came in and just went nuts," police spo kesman K e n C hristopher said . Three e mployees ill Bob Moore's ...,,.. .... .., ........... We're Listening ••• Mondey-f,.clay II VOU 00 no1 ,._ _ __...Dy !130 0"' C:.11 -• 1 ""' __ coo, ... 11 11e c1-ec1 ~ -=·i."r: ,.,"° = llelof-e ,er:-:;. .,,., .,.,.,, _,,. .... De ........ What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded. lranscribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. , The same 24·hour a nswering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on a ny topic Mailbox contribl.llors must include lheir name a nd telephone number for verifi cation. No circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind . 642·6086 ORANGE COAST D1ilyPHat TMma. A. Murphlne fdl!Ot l ey"""HI Mad.eon Colllrallr ICen'*" N. 01 .. lf..t Jt. Oir.ctOJ of ()perOlloN CleaaNled edv9rtt•lng 714"42·H7' All Othef ap.rtmen .. 142 ... 321 MAIN OfflCe • Wet1..., Sf., c-. Mes., CA. Motll...._, ... IM, C•t. llMM, CA ..... C.,r'IM tm Or= GM•,._..,_...~ . ... _.....,,, ....... .-.n.."'.._"' .. _.., .. _ .. ~,,... .. ~-,...... ...... ,.,.... ...... .,<...,, ..... ..-r. YOL 11,NO • .,' ,. Welding & Machine Service Inc. in northwest Miamj w e re wounded an the fusillade. One person was treated and released from Hialeah Hospital where the other two were listed in stable ('Ondition S ACRAMENTO (AP) Gasoline uee in Calilomia hit a six-year low during the first half <'f 1982, the state Board of Equalization said Friday. Board chairman William Bennett said more than 5.4 billion gallons wett dlltributed to retail outlets in the atate during the fi..rst six months of the year. That was 2.06 percent U. than the amount distributed during the aame period in 1981, 2.79 percent less than in the first half of 1980 and 6.51 percent leaa than the July l total in 1979. VACANT -The hotel that was part ol the community James Irvine built in the early part of this century is the only building no longer in use in old Irvine. "J.I." insisted on quality materials and construction for the buildings. which is why many of the old ranch structures a re still in use. HELD OVER BY POPULAR DEMAND Cantlna SALR SS99. G SALE '419 • **Ill Pno Fumiture lust lo IJ Sund1r!** ~~ Tropl·k-~~ .... E Mallin TAMt-ICO CHAISE I l l . . ---• . Oranp CoHt DAILY PILOT/ 8aturd•y. Augu1t 21. 1H2 baron Wright, Mia Black America of 1980, 1rln1 after being I acquitted ln a M iami federal court of two counts of posaeuion and importation of cocaine. j 1 ~GOP must pay : SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - By P'ftEDEIUCK SCHOEMEHL Of"'9 Dte!W,... ..... Tony Allen, pretldent of the Oran1e County chal)ter ot the Bullcfina Indu1try A1aoclatlon, looked around countr, 1overnment11 new "one atop ' center for proce11ln1 of development applications and had but one observation. He suggeated a booth was needed to l11 ue con1tructlon loans. The "one stop" shop -called the Development Proce11lng Center in the parlance of county planners -had Its grand opening Thurtday. & a practical matter, it has been open since Aug. 9. nect11ary approval• for their project.I. Amons otflct&la attendtna the coffM-and-douahnut.1 reception wu county Supervilor Harriett Wieder. "All the permit approvala one needl to build everythina from a room addition to a huae tr9Ct will be located rlah\ here in thl1 room.'' Mn. Wieder, a champon of the one-atop f roceulna concept, said in brte remarla. Openfnl of 1uch a center wu recommended by a committee of developers and county offklala who 1tudied wayt to expedite the development plans approval procees. . The center wu conatructed in the county-owned building at a coet of $360,000. t Republican leaders who fought t o k e e p 1 e g i s 1 a t l v e. · reapportionment plans before the The purpose of the center, located in the county Finance Building at Broadway and Civic Center Drive In Santa Ana, ia to provide all development-related information and personnel at a single location. In' the past, plan-carrying developers often were forced to pad from building to building in the civic center to receive It lnclude1 a long counter at which builders can discuss propoeals with county planners, work tables and conference rooms. It aho la outfitted with a shiny brass footrail, leading one official to suagest the center ought to be U8ed u a nightapot after civic center operations end each day. " ,, . o.-r ,... ,..., ......._ ONE-STOP SERVICE -A customer rests foot on brass rail at county's new Development Processing Center ln Santa Ana. Its p~poee is to provide services for developers ln one location. 1 voters last June must pay their 1own legal fees , the state Supreme Court has ruled. j Trouper s recall · · t h e pre-f arne days I Pat Benatar, David Brenner, Billy Cry1tal Robla Wllllama, ADdy Kaafmu and other singe~ and comediana who nurtured their early careers at 'Catch A Rialng Star haven't forgotten the New York nightclub. · They celebrated its 10th anniversary this week, recallinc the pre-fame days when they perfonned • to an audience hoping to see a· star on the rise "I alwa)'S felt the audience at the club w~re a little like the people who go to stock-car races," said M111 Benatar, now one of the world's most sUCC1!91ful female rock st.an. "They come in looking for ~. but they've also got their eye out for accidents. tor the bomb." The reunion wu taped for a cable TV special to be shown in October. Crystal oomparea the club to a ~um. "The way to w.e a club la not to do the same thing every night., not to be afraid to bomb," he said. * * * A cartoonists' show opening in New York City had an entry from someone not known for his .artwork -Roaald Reapn. "A doodle sheet that President Reagan was pleued to do for your exhibit," the White House 11111 I flCll wrote in submit~ aeven little cartoons, all on 8~-by-11 White Hou.e memorandwn paper. The doodles included the head of a dour man with .-.... center--parted hair and wearing a shirt and tfe. The others include a bone's head, a man with a .long, bent no.e, and a man with a aideswept pompadour hairdo who loob a bit like Reagan hirmelf. * * * Fonner astronaut James Irwin, a member of the Apollo 15 crew that landed on the moon, is climbing Mount Ararat, the legendary site of Noah'• ark. Irwin, 52, of Colorado Springs, Colo., accompanied by an 11-member team, was nearing the peak of 16,946-foot mountain in extreme eastern Turkey, officials said. Irwin, according to local officials, will study the spot ._. where Noah's ark supposedly came to rest on the north slope. Irwin, a former lieutenant colonel m the Air Force, and astronaut David R. Scott made the fourth moon landina on July 30, 1971. The ere" ,wu the first to u.ee the lunar rover vehicle. * * * St Louis Mayor VlDcent C. Scboemebl waE returning from Kansas City, Mo. for a breakfasl meeting when his car broke down, 80 he opted for a free-wheeling· method of transportation hitchhiking. I' Three buaineasmen from Columbia, Mo., wett driving east on Inte.n+.ate 70 when they picked up tM mayor near Klnadom City. To show his gratitude, Schoemeh.1 promi8ed the 'men -Mard.D P. Tador, Ralpb Gates and DeuJa Martbam -aix free tickets to a Cardiruila-Phillies bueball game and to the World Series, if the Ccd1na1a get there. * * * United Pl'el8 International Pres1dent RGderlck W. BeatOll will retire SepL 1 after 10 years as the wire tervice'a president, UPI Chairman Len R. ,Small haa announced. Beaton, 69, who began aa a reporter with the •WOfldwide news agency more than 34 years ago, uld he wu retirina aa &_ulanned to pursue pen10nal ,in..,_.. in hla native omi.a. "I am confident that the future of UPI ia bright under. ti* new ownenhlp ot Me41a News Corp., and that tt will continue to go forward in all areu of MWI coverap, communicaUona and technology," rs.ton said. I * * * Veteran1 of Foreign Wan delegates elected and m.talled a elate ot offlcen th.II week. lncludina the •firlt Vietnam-era veteran picked for a major~ po9t. at the final ..ton of the group's 83rd national 'coavendon at Loe Anplea. Jam•• A. (Bob) C9rrleo of Sierra Vista, Alfa,., wa1 elected to the office of commander-in-~ ot the 1.95 mWlorMnember o Uon. IAllL'I :.==-.... ___ _ .. _ ....... • •. 1., .. , ..................... 0.. ~---·-iw,.. CIOlfA .. 641•12ff ................ -""'° 4tS-o401 --c.......~ ..................... , 3 5TH Bl"THD~Y SALE SGIY IEllMll Save • 100" '.l_J •&ooo Rebate From Sony • ffont Loading • Betascan • Remote Pou•• I WlllLPOOL 11 01. tt. FROST Fill RlFRllEllTll """ bte•ltt• ...... ., SlVl '111" ..... .,$599~5 • Remote PouN • a.ct~onic Tim• • Seft Touch Controh =~$499 95 SAYE 1100 RCA 11" OIUI TUI w/llEMm • Oltltal Seen lefMte • CoW. leocty • Ovem Crftttll Tvnl"9 111111-- ----~~~-~_;;~_.!ttl~~- FlllllDlllE 11 01. ft. ,,..., • 0.... Lock • Mofnetlc Door SHI an •11 .. ., '39911 -----···-------------·-···---------------- IEIEUL ELECTRIC ~ 4 OYOLE lllLT-11 lllHWll lll • "'-IY Sover • Tvff Tvlt lnterier Tll#f· • Hl9h OleM lleck 0- TUI· lllflRtOa ••• '$219'' SAYE l40 OILY Smokers charged in shop MARLBORO, M .... (AP) - i!f!tin1 up a claarette at tbt ry, a ootfee lhop here, helS- flaht cancer. '1>aul Hannan, the owner of t.be l hop, chargee cuatomert 23 cens. for the rtaht to smoke daaret* and ctaara. In eiaht months, he'• collected $100 for the~ Cancer Society. • "I have a penonal vende\la aaatnat amokJ.na,'' Hannan Mil, explaJ.ninc that both h1I brother and father died of cancer. • ' Some of hl1 ou1tomen have quit coming to the 1hop, Hannan said, but that doean't bother hUD. "Sornetimea I get that old &rj{WMnt: 'I have a rl~ht to kW myself if I want to',' he said. "But I tell them I have a right 10 clean air. Moat people re1pect that right." .• Hannan put signs in hla abqp thanking people for not smok.IJW there, then he added• homemade algn announch'JJ charges for people who jnsiated on liahtlng up. ..:. DllCOUllTi? YOU BET Pl US: * Fl fE I f UtHr * HUIE IElEtTtl • * FllAIClll * FAiion l l AI DJ Hll llWI TIUT -. Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, Auguat 21, 1982 you buy anywhere else-Check us out. . ' Six Months Free Interest Financing Just 1/3 .down and no interest payments for six months on approved credit. No other carpet company beats it! Harlow's Exclusive Ten Year Guarantee All carpet, pad and labor covered ten years from date of installation. No other carpet company beats it! Over 51 Years of Service Harlow's has been providing quality products since we first opened our I doors in 1930. No other carpet company beats it. Brand Name Quality Products Every Harlow's location carries the finest, most respected names in carpets. No other company beats it! ~ustom Made Quality Draperies Every style, color and design imaginable can be tailored perfectly in our own "on the premises". workroom for any home. No other company beats it! Experienced, Courteous Salespeople • • The average Harlow Carpets ·salesperson has been with us for over nine years. Their experience will help you with .all your decorating needs. Quality Installation Harlow's provides the finest workmanship in the business. Immediate instpllation on all in-stock items. No other carpet c9mpany beats it! Carpet.Pad And .Installation ForOnelowSale Price! . . This dense plush will stand up to the everyday wear-and-tear of family living: Easy care nylon fiber construction makes this carpet unmatched for wear and beauty. A rich, thick, plush crafted from Dacron yarns for years of outstanding performance. Many vibrant colors add to the \ desirability of this long-wearing carpet. The ultimate in a richly fashioned plush styled for your decorating needs. Wit.h so many sumptuous colors, this carpet will retain Its appearance over years of wear. OA.-OEN o.-ovE 12802 Knott Street CERIUTOI t 1.o4 South Str•t A vibrant cut and loop and rugged performance all wrapped up in one beautiful carpet. The Anso IV yarns assure quality that lasts. one of Harlow's best values. A luxurious saxony plush, made of -stain and soil resistant Anso IV yarns-today's most durable carpet fiber. Its many fashion colors make it easy to coordinate with your particular decor. fine c~t faahlone by ·· ~metrong HUNTtNGTON llACH 15073 Ooldenwfft r ·z 1' B•~ No 01•0•11 Gro~11 ''*"' 1Acro11 from IP!e CM1toe Mell! LONG llACH 340 E. 4th Street IAel'OU from 5-11 (21. 432-2221 r lhfl•ftd Don JoM'• a Coco'•I Convenient Credit Tenna Avall.t>le C71•) ltl·M57 • (211) 514·M2t t'LACINTIA . l 27 E Yorba L1nd1 f I 1 111 Wett of KtMmell 1 C114t MMal1 (21 ..... CORONA DIEL MM 3131 Eut COMt H6ghw1y IACIOH ffOfft , rte c.o.nt "ettautlnfl (714tl11-4"MJ C114t •1-1111 • (211t .... 1 LAGUNA HILLa 233&1 Avenlde de Ja Cariotta <""'-' I I Ton> & ~ l'Ol9tt u ltt> (714),.7"4 , STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. 9 am·!5:30 pm Mon. & Fri. tlll 9 Garden Grove open Sunday 12·5 LAguna Hiiia Mon.thru Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-5:30 Sun. 12·8 Al Orange Oo,tt DAILY PILOT/ l atunt1y, Augu1t 21, 18U Man-mad e Jake eyed in SD area RIVERSIDE (AP) A man· made lake &hat could hold mol"f water than Lake Perris may be built In northern San Diego County, officials aay. The lake, under 1tudy by two water districts, wouJd be located on Santa Yaabel Creek north of the San Diego County community of Ramona In a valley uaed for limited farming and cattle grazing. The 130,000-acre-foot lake, which would cover 1,800 acres whe n full, would augme nt water supplies for San Diego and inc.rease water storage capacity in Southern California, said Larry M ichaels, s p ec1a I projec ts engineer with the San Diego County Water Authority By comparison, Lake Perris, a popular r ecreation spot in Riverside County, impounds 1213. 000 acre-feet of water and covers 2,300 acres when Cull. Divers to seek old wreck Spanish galleon sank 400 years ago SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Four centurte.~o, ln a driving 1torm, the S h ialleon San Asuatln aan In Ori.kc's Bay, wkin1 with ht-r 12 aallora and a valuable; ~rgo ot Ming dynuty porcelain and silk. Next week, governmunt anc.l private dive rs and 1clentl1ta, aided by the latest electronic exploration gear, wlll begin a two-stage sea hunt tor the San Aguatln -the oldest recorded shipwreck on the West Coast - and dozens of other vessels lost through the centuries beneath the bay's ch ill y waves. Dr. Harold C . Rosa. 48, 1\ead of a non-pro fit ocean r esear ch group based In San Francisco calle d Project Tektite, is emphatic tha t the effort ls not a search for booty. "It's not a treasure hun t, except that we are searching for national treasures," said Ross, whose organization 1s d eeply involved in the project. "In this case, everybody wins." tlnd and map the attu where they are located, Hid Ro1er Kelly, 34, the National Park Service arcaeologiat coordinating the project. "ln a nutaheU, It ii one of the more complex expeditions in the Weat and alao one ,of the ma.t complex attempted by tho N a t ional Park S e r vice," he explained. ln an area 10 miles long and up to half a mile from shore, the "It's one of the more complex d . . '' ex p e 1 t1ons. . . group will "lntensively examine ... shipwrecks and other things that might lie on the bottom. We want to inventory that entire area. be uled by r~'T'eationa.1 dlvcnt to follow a sort of "trail," Kelly, aald. The San Aiu•tln beaan It.a rlnal journey from Manila on July 5, 1595. The captaln halted for water and provl1lon1 In Drake'• Bay, a body of water abo ut 30 mllea north of San Franclaco named for English explorer Sir Francia Drake, befo r e conllnulng south to Mexico, Kelly aald. Disaster struck Nov. 5. 1595, as the 80-foot-long, three-masted ship lay at anc hor, when a storm drove it beneath the surface. Moat of the crew 1urvived and were able to make It to their destination eventually In a small pre fabricated boat they had assembled on shore. To locate the wreckage of the San Agusun, and the 50 or 60 other wrecks believed to be sunk in the bay, Project Tektite is providing m11l1ons o f dollars wor_th of sephisticat.ed elec.t{!Jnic equipment. ' While the n ew lake would have fish ing , boating and camping activities, water conta~ sports such a s s kiing and swimming would be prohibited, lylichaels said. Delly Not fltloto br l" .. 8JM SOUTH OF THE BORDER GUEST -Arlene Schafer. mayor of Costa Mesa. has rec.'Cived an official invitation to Mexico. The invitation came during a meeting Wednesday with Alberto Li~o Padilla. president of the Tijuana T o urism and Convention Bureau a t Cost.a Mesa City Hall. There wiU be no effort to bring artifacts to the surface, although some s mall items may be salvaged. Instead, the divers will spend the two weeks of the first phase trying to catalo~ the ships they "In the event we find anything valuable, we then would know later where to put our efforts, what we need to do to preserve Us value ... ,"K elly said. "They (the ships) are resources that we are by law obliged to manage." The park service hopes its map or the sunken vessels later will The d ivers will be working in about 30 feet of water, although much of what they seek probably also is covered by layers of sand a nd mud. Equipment will be available to suck or blast away the debris covering the wrecks. NOTICE DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP PUBLIC AUCTION llllEllEI IY TIE 1n1111n Fii ILHE lmHITlllll Handmade Persian & Oriental Rugs We have been commissioned to liquidate the entire inventory plus others for Immediate cash. AS PER INSTRUCTIONS ALL BIDS Will OPEN At 25• ON THE DOLLAR AND LOTS WILL BE SOLD FROM THE NEXT BID ON. RUGS FROM: China. Persia, Afghanistan, India, Turl<ey, Pakistan, Roumanla, Egypt, and Iran. Sizes range from 2'x3' to 18'x 12·. AUCTIONS WILL TAKE PLACE MONDAY, AUGUST 23 AT I P.M. MARRIOTT INN TUESDAY, AUGUST 24 AT I P.M. 900 NEWPORT CENTER DR. HOLIDAY INN 25205 LA PAZ RD. NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA HILLS Preview 1 hour prior to au<:tlon -Pleaae attend preview ~'-A, & A Inc., Liquidator• .. 0:213 -~ MIA lADIES' PUMPS are the nght answer for all your new fall outfits! Quality leather construction and popular stacked heel In ca mel. sizes S Yi· 10 29.99 Back:tO fWith. •• ANAHEIM East Anaheim Shopping <:_enter e BUENA PARK/CYPRESS Vallw View & Ball Rd. e COSTA MESA 17th & OtanJJe (Mesa Center) e FUll.ERTON Oran@falr Mall e GARDEN GROVE Broo~hurst & Katella e IRVINE Het1t_~ Plaza • MAU. OF ORANGE Tustin & Helm (formerly Lou MIOet's) e PlACENTIA Yorba Unda & Rose (Rose Lindo Shopping ~ e SANTA ANA Main Street Center ShM9 ..,.11aw. o"tv at "'-Miiiet'• Out~•· locatJone llmd. f ..... iiYC::tfWW SAVE ON ALL BASKETS You choose from our entire vast col- lection. No picking through leftovers. No choosing from a few "special pur- chase" Items. Just relax, pick out the baskets you want-and save 25% on every one of them. We just want to make you happy. (We also want to make room for tens of thpusands of baskets our buyers are now ordering In Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas!) Don't wait. Come In tod ay, while they're still stacked high. Reg. 49(-49.99 ..... Sale 25% off Sale prices good one week only. collections ANAHEIM -509 Katella Avenue, 772-2472 COSTA MESA -2710 Harbor Boulevard, 540-7337 llllyPllDt 8ATUAOAV, AUG 21, 1 .. 2 Lougani , Wyland place li~st COMICS 810 ENTERTAINMENT 811 in diving. B2. -TELEVISION 814 , Angels come close hut close isn't en~:•ugh ... ,. ·. Tigers, with an 8-6 victory, help Kansas City move into tie for first in AL West By CURT SEEDEN Of'IMDelfrNetaUft "I don't think that was the best·played game of the aeaaon, but ... " Detroit Manager Sparky Andereon trailed off. Andenon had just watched h1a Tigen hold on for an 8-6 victory over the Angels before 36,313 at Anaheim Stadium. Glenn Wllaon to the wall with towering bluts after Reute Jacbon had opened the ninth with a ainale. And then there's the eighth when the Azlaels loaded the hues with two outa only to have Rod Carew, who already had three hits on the evening, send left fielder Larry Herndon to the track to flag down his blast. The sloppily played game featured four erron -three by the Tigers -and 29 hits and took three hours and 20 minutes to complete. But when it was all over, the Angels had failed in their bid to come back a.s they successfully did the night before in an 8-5 triumh over Boston. The Tigers pounded out 17 hits off three Angel pitchers. Among the ir biggest hits was Herndon's two-run single which capped a four-run Detroit second inning. Detroit's offensive output could have gone for naught had either DeCinces or Lynn cleared the fence. Not that the Angels didn't try. Their la.st gasps came in the eighth and ninth innings, with both Fred Lynn and Doug DeCinc:es pinning Detroit center fielder "I thought both balls were gone, especially Lynn's," Anderson admitted. "They really had Wilson pinned against the fence." Cey gives Fernando support he .needs Va lenzuela b lanks Pirates, 1-0 PITTSBURGH (AP) - Pittsburgh Pirate pitcher Larry McWilliams only made one mistake. The problem was, it was exactly one more than Los Angeles' Fernando Valenzuela made as the Dodgers beat Pittsburgh 1-0 Friday. Valenzuela pitched the first two-hitter of his career and Ron Cey slammed a solo home run during Friday night's game .. "When you shut that ball club out, you're doing some kind of job," said Dodger Manager Tom Laaorda. "I'll bet that club hasn't been shut out twice all year." It was only the second time this season that Pittsburgh has been shut out. Cincinnati's Mario Soto was the only other pitcher to hold the Pirates scorele1S. Valenzuela seemed to get stronaer late in the game, eenini five of ru. nine strikeouts in the last three inninp. "You watch him when he haa a lead like that," Laaorda said. "He's tougfi. He's a competitor. Socne guys look to Jhe bullpen late ln the game. This guy doesn't even know a bullpen exists." "It comes naturally in a tight game like this~" Valenzuela said in Spanish through an interpreter. "You try to put something e;ctra on the ball, especially against a team that can hit like the Pirates." McWUliams fell to 7-7 becauae he tried to sneak a fastball by Cey, who drove it over the left center field wall for his 18th home run. pitched a game and have it go down the drain." "That was a pitching classic," said Pirate Manager Chuck Tanner. "That was like Sandy Koufax against Warren Spahn in the old days. "Valenzuela was awesome," said McWllliams, who also st?Uck out nine. Valenzuela, 16-9, allowed only two sin,ltles and didn't pennit a On TV today channel 11 at 4 runner past second base in pitching his third shutout of the year. The left-hander struck out' nine and walked three. Cey'a homer, his 18th, was one of four bits give n up by Pittsburgh starter Larry McWllliams. 7-7, w})o pitched 7 and 2-3 lnninp. Cey hit a 2-1 pitch over the left.-center field wall leading off the second lnnina· McWilliams then retired 18 straight Dodgen before Steve Garvey singled In the eighth. The complete game was Valenzuela's 13th, tying him for the league lead with Philadelphia's Steve Carlton, and the two hits are his career-low. The only Pirate runner to reach leCOnd was Johnnie Ray, who singled with one otit in the fifth and advanced on McWllliams' sacrifice. Omar Moreno was called out on st.riltes to end the inning. "You're juat not comlortable with an 8·6 lead against the Angell in the ninth," admitted Wllaon, who got the Tigers off on the right foot with a two-run homer in the fl.rat off la.er Ken Forach (10-9). ""These guys can win a game w ith one On TV tonight channel 5 at 7 swing of the bat. Both were sca r y situations." When it was all over, the Azlaels had fallen into a first-place tie with Kansas City in the American League West. For the second straight nJght, Mauch failed to ge t any kind of a performance from his starter. He survived Thursday night after Steve Renko exited in the fourth inning, as the Angels rallied for five runs In the .eventh inning. That wasn't the case Friday nJght A.I the Tigers, aided by som e impresalve relief work from Dave Toblk, took the first game of the weekend seri~. Toblk pitched himaelf Into a mess in tha bottom of the eighth by allowing a single to Don Baylor and walka to both Ron Jackson and Brian Downing to load the baaes with two outs. But Carew's blast fell a few feet short. Forach, looking for his 11th victory of the season, received some rude treatment from the Tigers. L ou Whitaker got thinp started by leading off the game with a single, and Wllaon followed with his seventh home run of the season over the right-center field wall. The Angels answered fire with fire in the bottom of the first as Carew singled with one out and Jackson cracked his 28th home run of the seaaon. Jack.son had gone a week wltho'ft belting one out. In fact, the homer W¥ only his third aince July 27. Back came the Tigen with a four-run second inning which signaled the end of Forsch and the third appearance by young Rickey Steirer. .,. Rick Leach got things started with.~ double, a nd one out later Whitakir knocked him in with a single. Wil.IOJl singled, and then Herndon singled both runs home. On came Steirer who managed to Mt Lance Parrish to ground out, but nqt before Herndon has stolen second on hla first pitch . Designated hitter Jerry Turner then capped the inning with an RBI single to acore Herndon. Consecutive singles by Bobby Grich, (See ANGELS, Page 83) "I guess it was a mistake because it wound up goinft out," Cey said. "He (McWilliams) pitched an outstanding game. It has to be tough to get that well- In his last start Valenzuela lasted only three innings, his shortest stint as a starter in the majors, and gave up five runs in losing to the San Francisco Giants Sunday. FL YING TIGER -Detroit's Lou Whitaker (1) leaps to grab throw as Angel baaerunner Rob Wilfong steals second during Delly Noe l'Mtoe bJ c.__.. ~ Friday's game at Anaheim Stadium. Tigers knocked Angels out of sole possession of first with 8-6 win. LA R aiders to give Lions stiff test PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) -The return of a healthy Jim Plunkett at quarterback, coupled wttb the arrival of rookie running back Marcus Allen in the Loa Angeles Raiden backfield, will provide the Detroit Lions defenae with a stern teat in their National Football League exhibition game Saturday night. Plunkett, who earned MVP hOl'lon by guldina the Raiden to a victory over the Phlladelplu. On TV today 'Channel 4 at 4 P.agle9 in the 1981 Super Bowl, in)lred his thumb last eeuon and never really recovered. The Raiden tumbled ao low without him that in their te8U1ar leUOn meeUnc, the Lions handed the BMderW their .firlt shutout in 15 ,..,.. However, Plunkett worked bird durtnc the off......on and in the Raideri fint exhibition pme lut week, he fired a 57-yard touchdown pMS to Cliff Branch •• the Raiden defeated the Super Bowl XVI champion Sen l'ranchco 49en l't-14 ln C'andlestidt Park. Allen, the Rel1man Trophy wtnMt from the Un1venity of Southern c..I1bnia, played only one quar\tl' ..,unit tbe 4hl'l 1Mt .....,.~, tb.tt ... ""°"""to ,-... Tcm 1'b9 • the ID"dy tailback carried four Un. for 18 y .. and CIM.Wht ~ s-f« 12 men. ...., .... _ ....... TBB LONO BAUL-Rod Lavera 44 and ltl1l PDI-but he edmltl, 80IMt1mea it aeu a little tough. ewn fore Jeee:nd. He11 eompetlnl ln the Lea•nd1 .. of "Tenni. llM'"'M"nt um weekend. Glimpse of past and present Laver's lost a little ... but it's still Laver • BY JOHN SEV ANO Of'ttte Dllltr ""°' Staff A glimpse o f the past. The realities of the present. Whether it be an oldtimers baseball game. a seniors golf tournament. or a seniors tennis match. people £lock from all around t.d catch a glance of someone who was . . . and still is. It's truly hard to look at Rod Laver a nd envisjon the past. Sure. the years have caught up to him, but he's still the trim 5-8. 150-pounds today that he was when he was terrorizing the tennis courts, along with Ken Rosewall, back in the 1960s. "I KNOW MORE ABOUT the game now than I ever did. It's just making it work," says Laver with a smile. Laver, along with Rosewall, Roy Emerson, Cliff Dryadale, Tom Okker, Fred Stolle, Owen Davicbon and Mark C.Ox are in Loa Angeles to play in the Tennis Legends Championships at the Los Angeles Tennis Cfub, which concludes Sunday. The tournament culminates the Legends tour and thette eight players have reached the finals by acrumulating the most points during the past year's 17 individual toumaroents. , LIKE TBE tt1, Laver and Rotewall have dominated the ct.rcult thls teuon. with Roeewall en.joyin.g the edge ln the head-to-head battles between the two. Laver, now 44, adrnJts the iame hal c.hanaed f« him a little. The competition ll ltill there, but there's mon! fun, too. "It'• a combination.'' explains Laver, the former New1>9rt Beach C'flldent who currently residet near Santa Barbara. "I wouldn't call It straight fun, and .the competition la important. I ~ lt'• juat' 10methlna we enjQy." The Lepnda clmait wu l1artad four years ago and Laver hall part.ldpated alnce ha lncepUon. "IT'S DESIGNED and at a pece where you ola.Y ~ or four toumamenta. then lay off ~ a little while, and play three M fow' ~1'_\tl ipin. So far, that tcbedw• hall woricad out flne '°" mt," Lavw explab& Obvloualy, Lawr doem't live by the circuit alone, aldloujh be terned in en'f.9 of '6&,000 1Mt year. The Austra lia n is also busy endorsing' products for the Adidas Company, and running his own tennis clinic at Hilton Head, S.C., among other things. f Still. there's nothing Laver enjoys more than, playing a little tennis. 1 "If it's in your blood. that's the way it hi,.,} explains Laver o( his love for the game. THAT DOESN'T MEAN it's been easy forJ Laver. There are the natural compensations aging players must make. I "I guess concen tration and playing eno~ tennis to stay fit; those are the toughest ~" . 'I guess concentration an fl playing enough tennis to stay I~ those are the toughest things.' · says Laver, who adds he works out only eight to 10 days before the circuit begin.a in April (laatin1 through August). Although _the,money Isn't tremendous byl today's standards ($10,000 aenerally goes to the winner: $6,000 to the runner-up), It's still enouah to keep. the playera interested. , "l'm happy with what we're malting," Laver -~· . LA VER, BAClt IN THE H1, wu eammc approxlmattly $200,000 a year. Some of lOday'a top playera make that h\ a lingle exhibition. But again, Laver •YI he'• gratelW that~ wu that much money a.round. • "I don't rear-et playi.ns when I dld,'' he •ya. "l wu fortunate' we were mak.lnc that klnd of money ·\hen. Then were p&ayen that pla.yed before IM when nothlJw was around. · ''Guy. ilke RolewaU, Emenon and cnywlf 1 wen at th• tall end prlor to the b41 boom (ln t.ennla). Ba Wn. we juat came to pl.ay ~ That'• the MOit bnportant ~ " dkl.·· -I Some~ IMm lib they never•·~ Ii one of thelit. Wbtn you walch hlm tt'1 • lflll C!DWd play fON\W. 8ut \hen, • he .-• lt: "Iver '8 a~ time. Isn't It?" • ..... ' . owser, Colavito volved in scuffle m AP dJapatcbea KANSAS CITY, Mo. -Kanua Ill t Royall Manager Dick How.er t>.ttina coach Rocky Colavito re arretted followina a traffic ent and disturbance near Roya.ls Stadium w.lay night, police said. Police Sgt. Deve Buma aaid ooth men were with hindering and interfering with a officer and Colavito was dted for a traffic latlon. There were no Injuries. Police said the car Colavito was driving was while making an illegal left tum from a um exit about 11 p.m., about an hour after Chicago White Sox·Kanaaa City game. : Colavito and Howser got involved in an E nt with the.driver of the other car, David 19, of Kansas City, who was arrested and ged with driving while intoxicated, Burns : 4-Ud. . .:. Officer Michael Paschal witnessed the • 41'gument, stepped between the men and was pumed by Colavito, police aaid. ' A second policeman, Roy Callahan, stepped ... lo and Howaer jumped on his back, police said. 1 ~n unidentified officer radioed to poli.::e diapat.chen for ualatance. Numeroua officer• rushed to the scene, police said. Officers subdued Howser and Colavito, handcuffed them and transported them to the city jail, Burns said. Bumi said the handcuffing was standard procedure and did not necessarily indicate the men bad resisted arrest. The men were fingerprinted, photographed ~ordered to appear in Municipal Co4J'l Sept. ~4. Then they were released on their own • ~tum. ,.. Colavito'• 14-year-old 10n, Steven, was in . the car at the tlme of the incident, but was not • '\nvolved. ..., John Schuerholz, general manager of the .&yals, aaid, "It was an unfortunate incident that ~ped quickly, as thoee things do." _ ~·We're aorry it happenea, but it did," , Schuerholz added. "Now we want to forget ,.),bout it and not let it become a big focus as far as 1he team ls concerned. It was a peraonal matter, nothing to do with the club." ,~Quote of the day f "Football la a very phyaical game." -1 Track star Reaaldo Ne•emlala, now a member of the San Francisco 49en, after making hill NFL debut. r ~-------------------------------J I McRae, Royals club White Soxl 13-5 Hal McRae clubbed a three-run Ill homer, jumpln1 his lea,ue-leadlria RBI count to 105, and Chlcaao lnllelden oommitted three erron to help Kanau City ICOl'e live run. ln the tlfth lnn1ng u the Royala pounded out a 13-5 victory to highlight American Lea1ue action Friday night, handing the White Sox their fourth straight loea ... Elaewhere, run-ecortna aingles by Rick Dempaay and ~l B1mbry with two outs in the top of the 12th iruUng gave Baltimore a 4-2 triumph over Texas . . . AIU Baaalater blooped a run-9COrina aingle to snap an eighth-inning tie and Leo Barlter and Du apllliler combined on a five-hitter aa Cleveland ca.me from behind to top Minnesota, 7-5 ... Dave Wlafleld, Ken Griffey and Roy Smalley hit. 10lo homers to lift the New York Yankee. to a 4-2 decialon over Toronto ... Robin Yout and Paw Molitor knocked in two runs apiece to pace Milwaukee to a 6-5 win over Seattle . . . Wa)'lle Gro11' auidde-squeeze bunt with one out in the ninth inning scored Mike Heatll with the game-w~ run aa Oak.land tripped Boston, 4-3. Strange takes lead in Buick Open Cu rti s S trange shot a l!I 3-under-par 69 Friday to grab the second-round lead at 9·under·par 135 in the Buick Open at Grand Blanc, Mich . There is a five-way tie for second . . . Jo.Anne Carner used three straight birdies on the back nine for a 2-under-par 70 and the second- round lead in the World Championship of Women's Golf in Cleveland. Amy Alcott is one shot back ... Five-time British Open champion Peter Thomson shot a 1-over·par round of 72 to tie FredclJe Haas for the halfway lead at the Greater Syracuae Seniors golf clasaic . . . Jaly lnkater, Llody Gop, Catay Hanloa and Ltaa Kulver have all advanced into the aemifinala of the 82nd U.S. Women's Amateur championship in Colorado Springs, Colo. . · Campbell to coach LA franchise? LOS ANGELES -Hugh EE Campbell, who has coached the 4. • Edmonton Eskimos to four conaecutive Grey Cup victories, ia expected to become the coach of the Los Angeles entry in the United States Foot~U League, according to the Loe Angeles ;unea. The newspaper said in Friday's edition that negotiations have gone on with Campbell for several months. Loa Angeles co-owners Bill Daniela and Alen Harmon, as well as General Manager Curly Morrison, were unavailable for comment, the article said. Paschal w alks a w a y froI!J .f ootball •• ·-RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -Doug Puchal decided ~walk away from the Minnesota Vikings and p~feuional football because he feared the day ~t come when he'd have trouble walking at all. .j Puchal, 24, the ninth-leading career rusher in ty of North Carolina history, announced his t last month because of a leg injury which during the final 1981 pre-seaaon game. "' . 'The reuon I left waa becaWle I couldn't run aol~ore.'' Puchal said ThW'9day in a telephone • view from his Charlotte home. "I had · e ·ve knee surgery last year. and the leg just t come back the way I thought it would." : aacl}al said the Vikings claimed be left bllllw!N! he wasn't sure he waa going to make the , but added, "that makes no difference to me." think I left at the 'right time considering the aa in and not able to do the things that I've been able to do with full force and not be as ve aa I should be." he said. "I felt that mentally and physically it was the best time for me to leave." Paschal, a 6-2. 225-pound fullback, spent last aeaaon on the injury list, trying to rehabilitate the knee. He went through a few drills at the end of Heart fail s youth CLAYTON, Mo. (AP) -A 15-year-old high echool football player who collapeed and died on the practice field Monday suffered from an enlarged heert. a report said Thursday. ' Dr. Ronald P . Turgeon, who performed an .autopsy for the St. Louia County Medical Examiner's office, said Robert Kenski of Hazelwood <Antral High School had a dileaae which often exhibita no symptoms and provides no warnings. •) ... "It'a common for thoee who have it to die ~denly.'' Turgeon said. He noted that there was ;no reuon to suspect the boy's active sporta life as a caUle of death, aaying there were no known causes Of the condition. Turgeon aald the dileue causes the heart to enlarge and work improperly. ''nle heart just atops •uddenly"' the doctor ukt. the year and through an extensive rehabilitation program this past summer. ' "I thoroughly enjoyed professional football," he said. "Football has been a part of me since I was a little boy. The decision was easy to call it quits and hang it up, but the actual leaving and departing for good was the hard part about the whole thin&." The Greenville, N.C., native carried the ball sparingly his rookie sea.son, playing mostly on special teams. But his ca.teer showed promlae . Laver, Cox w-in LOS ANGELES (AP) -Second aeeded Rod Laver of Australia defeated fellow countryman Roy Emerson 6-2, 6-3 in the quarter final round of the Foster's Lager finals Friday afternoon at the Los Angeles Tennis Club. Laver needed only an hour to advance to Saturday's semifinals where he will meet Mark Cox who defeated Cliff Drysdale 7 ·6, 6-7. 6-2 in Fridays second match. Capitalizing on Emerson's ineffective first serve, Laver broke his opponent'• delivery in the first set in racing to an early advantage. Emerson partially recorded in the aecond set ~ he a nd Laver traded games until the score deadlocked at 3-3. But in the seventh game, Laver -again broke his opponent'• serve. He held his own serve in the eighth and then broke Emerson for the fourth time 4n the match in the ninth game to win the match. Bengals vote not to shake MILWAUKEE (AP) -There were no "solidarity" handshakes by players of the Green Bay Packers and Cincinnati Bengals prior to theiJ Nationiil FootbalJ League exhibition game Frida) night. James L o fton , Green Bay playe1 representatives> had said Thursday he thought tht: players should shake hands as a show of sueport fo1 ~e players union. Cincinnati balked thC>qh. ORANGE COUNTY iii Si& ......... 'IMAM ... Aup1t 21 & 22 Sa t. a l'\n• IUY ..._ SELL -rRADE 250 TRADE TABLES FNturing Guns -Antique I Modern Mtnto -Wt1 Reffal I Surplue ,,,_,..,, MifllCta -R1191 I JeweltY-Colns AdmlHlon A.IO C"lldren Un~•f 14 tt.IO . ..... ... ,.,, M141'1 HOU.le SAT .. 1UM. t .. I Giants come back from 7~0 deficit Darrell Evus tripled to lead off Ill the el1hth lnn1n8 and ICOl'ed one out later on Miit May'a lfO\lllder, cappina a late comeback that lifted San Francilco to an 8-7 declaion over St. Loula to highlight National League actJon Friday night. Th Card1nalt owned a 7 ·O lead going into the · seventh inntn1 ... Elsewhere, Pat Zacbry walked Dale MIU'pby with the buee loaded and two outs In tbe 10th inning to give Atlanta a 2-1 edge over the New York Meta . . . Bill Buckner and Leon Durbam delivered sacrifice Oiet and Jody Davia stnsled in a run, leading Randy Martz and the Chicago Cubs to a 3-2 victcry over San Diego ... Alan Kalcely't RBI single to Center with one out in the 10th inning gave Houston a 4-3 win over Montreal in their third straight extra-inning game ... Bo Diaz and Geor1e Vakovlcb each collected four hits and knocked in two runs and Dick Rotbvea pitched his seven th complete game as Philadelphia pounded Cincinnati 9-2. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1919: Philadelphia Phillies backstop John Adams tied a National League record for catchers by posting aeven uaists in one game. Today's Birthdays: New York Meta catcher John Stearns is 31. Cincinnati Reda pitcher Bruce Berenyi is 28. Reda pitcher Frank Put.ore is 25. Rams reportedly to get Vary today The Rams will r eportedly • announce today they have received offensive lineman Ron Vary from the Minnesota Vikings in exchange for a future draft choice ... The New York State Racing and Wagering Board Friday upheld the su spension of jockey E ddie Maple, who is scheduled to ride favored Conquistador Cielo in today's Travers Stakes at Saratoga Race Track . . . A State Court of Appeal Friday set oral arguments for Sept 20 on the city of Oakland's request to reinstate a 1980 preliminary injunction that would prevent the Raiders from moving to Los Angeles ... 8111 Vlrdon, the two·tirJ1e Manager of the Year recently fired by the Houston Astros, and the Montreal Expos will ~lk at a later date about a possible position with the club ... The attorney for Ea1ene "Mercury" Morris, the former Miami Dolphins star running back facing drug charges, claims that Morris used cocaine for several years to lessen the "excrutiating" pain of a football neck injury . No 'Olympics' • title fo r ga ys Group unable to use name SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A federal ;.tdp Friday barred promoten of ·the "Gay OJympb" from ua1Jl8 ~ word '10lymplca" fM a~ twnlll to be •&aced In San n-anda:o .aiarun, Aua. 28. Chief U:S. Dt.trict Judae Robert F. Peck.ham ittued a brief order granting the moUon tor preliminary injunction sought by the lntenuaUonal Olympic Committee and the United Stat.es Olympic Committee againat the San Franclaco Art.a & Athletics and lta founder, Thomas Waddell. The order said findinp and reuona for h.11 ruling would be 1-ued later. The commJtteet clailhed the federal Amateur Athletic Law gives them fhe right to exclualve u.e of the name "Olympics • and the symbol. The spedal Olympics, however, are authorized to u.e the name. Attorney Mary Dunlap, who represented the gay organization, aaid denial of use of the word violated the right of free speech. She contended the U.S. committee waa discriminating agalnat the defendants becauae it had brought no aimilar suit against other events using the names such as the Police Olympics, Armenian Olympics and Crab-Cooking Olympics. She said granting the i njunction would prohibit the use of a word which is in the public d omain. · Vaughn Walker, attorney for the committees, had told the judge their sole interest was in blocking use of the name "Olympics" and Olympic symbols, "not in stopping or hindering the games in any way." Title fo r Lougan is PITTSBURGH (AP) -Greg Louganis of Mission Viejo and Bruce Kimball of Ann Arbor, Mich .. led the men's platform semifinals Friday in the U.S. Outdoor National Diving Championships. Wendy Wyland of Mission Viejo, meanwhile, placed first in the women's platform semifinals at Settler's Cabin Park in Pittsburgh, going into Saturday's finals. Kimball, 19. who dives fo r his father, University of Michigan Coach Dick Kimball, is back on the board after being injured in an auto accident last October. etrtiganis, 22. a student at UC Irvine and a member of the Mission Viejo Nadadores. already has won the two springboard events, giving him his 19th and 20th national titles. He swe pt the men's springboard and platform events at the World Diving Championship in &uador a few weeks ago. Kimball placed third in the &uador contests. It's a frie ndly competition, accord ing to Louganis and Kimball. "Greg and Bruce are good friends, but we didn't come here thinking we couldn't win," Dick Kimball said. "Greg's probably the greatest diver of all time, on springboard for sure." About 150 divers are competing in the five-day event. which ends today. 'TclXes Cleaned Me Out BEDROOM #2 MASTER BEDROOM ... .. I i I ·~ ! j Last Year'' DINING ROOM w 0 FOYER LIVING ROOM "So I Bought at Affordable Allso Meadows" Dan Owen moved Into affordable Aliso Meadows in May from a Huntington Beach apartment. A rac- quetball prayer, Dan Is the operations manager for the Video Division of Fotomat Corp. In Fountain Valley. Here's why he bought a home-and why lt'a at Allso Meadows: "Federal and atatd income taxes cleaned me out last year. So I'm putting my money Into a house and taking all the tax deductions. I want to build up some equity. "Aliso MeadOws Is the best deal tn Orange County. I couldn't believe the 10.6% Interest. My paymenta might be a little more than rent, but I still can aftofd an the tt'llngt I did before. "This It God'a country, the best part of California. lt'a the quietest piece I've ever lived. When I walk outalde at night, all I hffr are the crickets and all I • ... are rabblta. "Thia P*e rHlly Is well designed. It gtwe you 1 lot of prtv9cy. 'Tbl1 don't have people staring In at • • you, No-one 11'41 abcMt or below you. Why, I can't even hear my neighbors. "And we have a good group of people here. Lota of ptOfeulonale. MaNlgemeOt ~. Polic.men. Englneera!' Many single men have bought a home at Aliso Meadowa. lt makes sense, dollar wise. And, it's a great place to live. Aftardeble AMeo MHdow9 waa choaen by Uw men be'ca.IM It hae: • AffonMblep(.c11 from 179,950 • Low Int..-,. __ from 10.6 .. for 30 Y9W9 • ~~ d11lnible 10.. dOwn payments • ~· tp9Ctoua two-and thr..o.droom .. • =:;-~condomtnluma • front yerdl • A ........ eetttng_ • CoMenlll .. aoc.tton 11 donn't IMke HnH lo be atuck In a drab, noisy wnment. col*tlnQ worthless rent receipts when you CNll\ enfoy fife In your own home at affordable Alleo MMdoM. Check It out today! FumttMd model• open dally, from 10 a.m. to d •• (714)843-0547 Caulkins easily wins third gold medal Mis ion Viejo p roduc t a lso s ta r INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Tracy Caulkins, wlnnlna her third gold medal In thrtt days, easily captured the women'• 200-meler Individual medley Friday night In the U .S . Swlnunlng Long Course natlonal championships. Caulk.fns. the American record holder and defending meet champion in the event, timed at 2 minutes, 15.66 seconda, two seconds faster than her time In qualifications but juat under two seconds slower than her record of 2:13.69 set two years ago. Second pla~ went to Polly ~lnde, 18. of Endicott City. Md., m 2:18.51. Caulkins. 19, of Nashville , Tenn., won the 200-backstroke on Wednesday a nd the 400-individual medley Thursday. Friday night's triumph pushed he r career total to 42 national Mission Vie jo clinc h es crown Gerry Hall moved into a tie for the scoring leadership in the Amer1c·an Spceds o c cer Association and Mission V1CJO clinched the regular-season title in the Empire Division with an 11 -6 victory over last-place Santa Ana Friday night. Hall's four goals moved t'llm into a deadlock with Costa Mesa's John Boyle at the top of the scoring list. Each has 16 goals, but K eith Walley of Irvine, whose team plays winles s Huntington Beach tonight, 1s only one goal behind with 15. Mission Viejo went ahead 6-l at h alftime and eased to the victory. Games tonight feature Irvine and Huntington Beach at 7, with Orange meeting Fountain Valley in the 8:30 nightcap. The playoffs open Monday night with the two third-place teams meeting in the wild-card game. tltlea, the moat by any U S . awlmmer In hl•tory. The men'a 400-freeatyle wa. won by Bruce Hayet, 19, alao of Mlsalon Viejo and winner oC that event at the World champlonahlp trlala laat month. Hayea, a sophomore at U'CLA, placed second In the 800-freestyle and third In the 400-indivldual medley earlier In this meet. Hayes' winlnlng time was 3:M .80 Second place, at 3:55.73, went to Tony Corbisiero, a senior at Columbia University. Bari Weick of Tucson, Ariz., was third at 3:56.62, and Gaines came m fourth at 3:57.04. In other event. Friday night, American record holder Bill Barrett won the men 's 200-indlvidual medley, Tiffany Cohen sua:essfully defended her long rourse championahip in the women's 400-freestyle, and Dara Torres won the women's 50-freestyle. Cohen, 16, of Mission Viejo, won her second straight long course ti Ue with a time of 4: 11.61, beating American record holder Kim Linehan by less than one second. Linehan, 19, of Sarasota, Fla .. had a time of 4: 12.55. Barrett, 22. also of Mission Viejo, won at 2:04.03, less than a second off his American record of 2:03.24. Second place went to Ricardo Prado, 17, Barrett's teammate with the Mission Viejo Nadadores, at 2:04.95. The Nadadores also won both the men 's a nd womens' 400-freestyle relay, backing their sweep in the 800-freestyle relay on Thursday night. Barrett and Leamy teamed with Rich Saeger and Stuart MacDonald to win the 400-relay at an American record time of of 3:21.89. The former record was 3:21.93 by the Florida Aquatic Club of Gainesville at 3 :21.93. The Mission Viejo women 's t ea m of Susan Habernigg, Cynthia Woodhead, Julie Williams and Marybeth Lin:uneier won at 3:49.36. Today's TV Angels, Dodgers, Raiders on TELEVISION _ 11 :15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL·-San Diego at Chicago. Noon (9) -QUARTERHORSE RACING - Coverage of the Special Effort Futurity, the third jewel in California's triple crown of quarterhorse racing, taped at Los Alamitos. 2 p.m. (4) -WOMEN'S GOLF -Third round play in the World Championship of women's golf at Shaker Heights Country Club in Ohio. 3 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Third round play m the Warwick Hills Open from Grand Blanc, Mich. 4 p.m. (2) -HORSE RACING -Coverage of the Travers Stakes from Saratoga, N.Y. (7) - SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES - Louisiana vs. Rocky Mountain in Golden Gloves final. (11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at Pittsburgh. (4) -NFL F OOTBALL -The Los Angeles Raiders meet the Lions in Detroit. The Raiders defeated San Franci.9co in their exhibition opener, while the Lions lost to Cleveland. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Professional boxing an9 taped coverage of the U.S. Men's Platform Diving C hampions hips in Pittsburgh, featuring world champion Greg Louganis. 6 p.m . (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -Two explosive teams collide as Dallas meets the Chargers in San Diego. 7 p.m . (5) -BASEBALL -Detroit Tigers at Angels. RADIO Football -Raiders at Detroit. 3:40 p.m .. KNX (1070). Baseball -Dodgers at Pittsburgh. 4 p .m. KABC (790); Detroit at Angels. 7 p.m., KMPC (710) . ••••••••••••••••• : ARTIST : It Need e>Cceptlooal artist to do • • sports action figure sketches • • 11 reasonable price Call • • Jarnes btwn 5 & 10pm. : : 661-3386 • •••••••••••••••• SPf'Clal Aue. 11-Auc. 24, 1912 Brachydlnlo rtnrio .89 I 1nll1blt tilt fast llowina streams ,,f illM My bHlt colo< IS olrtt lflff with blllt and sihtr llonlontal ~ stupes I em en ebulhent ltltlt trulure Su me at Aqua tic Tropecala wlltre I em on sale under Ille name "Zebra" IOf only .89. VISA' • mo w. IM••c.ta Mna 5"-13'1•C.. ..... & I.a• PRIME OCEAN FRONT Newport Beach' duplex. Wiii trade for real estate, trust deeds. Low down, ready to deal on this f antastlc, newly remodeled · property. .735,000 Th• W9'tlngton Group (714) 8.18·3232 Evet. (114) 5.....o814 Packe r s cage up Bengals From AP dt1patclle1 MILWAUKEE -Rich Campbell paued for third quarter touchdowna covering nine yards to Gary LewiJ and 11 to Wamon Buaga, rallylns the· Green Bay Packers to a 41-27 National Football Leaaue pre· teaaon victory over the Clncinnatl Bengala Friday nlghl. The Packe/oa Intercepted four passes, with safety Maurice Harvey grabbing two, and recovered three Cincinnati fumbles . Cornerback Vi rgil Livers raced 36 yards for a touchdown with one of the fumble recoveriea, aa Green Bay improved lta preeeaaon record to 2-0. Quarterback Ken Anderson directed the Bengals, 1-1, to touchdowns on four consecutive series, as they built a 27-14 lead late in the second quart.er. But Jan St.enerud kicked a 40-yard field goal on the last play of the first half to start the .Packers' rally. Ea1les win, 14 ·1 PHILADELPHIA Quarte rback Ron Jaw orski threw touchdown passes of 26 yards to Harold Carmichael and 14 yards to top draft pick Mike Quick as the Philadelphia Eagles defeated the New England Patriots, 14-7, for their first pre- season victory. The Eagles lost their opener last ~eek to Tampa Bay. It was the second defeat for New England, which lost its first 1982 exhibition contest to th e Pittsburgh Steelers. The Eagles took a 7-0 lead in the first period after failing to score on a 73-yard, game-opening drive. The F.agles turned the ball over when they fell just short of the end zone aft.er four running plays. But Philadelphia got the ball back on a punt and moved 58 yards on seven plays, capped by Jawor ski's scoring toss to Carmichael in the end zone. Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, Augu1t 21, 1982 BELLY FLOP -Detroit's Larry Herndon dives into second with a stolen base in the second inning Friday night as 1305by Grich Deity Not ....... ltf CMftM I. handles throw. Herndon later scored as Ti~ri won, 8-6. ·, From Page 81 ANGELS TAKE LOSS, 8-6 .. Bob Boone and Rob Wilfong, t.'Oupled with Parrish's throwing error, helped the Angels to two runs in the bottom of the second. sltcing Detroit's lead tu 6-4. The Tigers. went ahead 7-4 in the fourth on Parrish's RBI single; the Angels made it 7-5 in the fifth on DeCinces' sacrifice fly: a double and a fielder's choice gave the Tigers their eighth run in the sixth; and Bob .Boone's fifth homer of the season in the sixth trimmed the Tigers' lead to 8-6. * ANOEL NOTES -Bo1h the T1ger1 and Angell loll 111elr shor111opa before Friday nlgl11's game 001 underway Tim Foll . complelntng or a sore r09h1 wr111. wes replace t>y Mick Kelt.fler, who In turn. wes pinch-hit !or t>y Rob wtHong 1n the eecond Inning The Tigers Alaft Trammel wu llCr&tched due to an 1mtallon 1n htS right .nc>ulder . . Reeote JKkaon'a 1wo RBI In the first Inning glvff him 1,358 1n hll career and moves him ln10 1he 34th aool on the 1111-tlma RBI 1ts1. passing .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • _, ltroolle "obln.on •n the process Both ~ DeClncH !bad bacll) end .•01111r cJrlclt 1sc1et1c nerve problem) were back lo• thtt slart1ng lineup OeClnces' return ,,_,,, the Angels' leading hotter. Ron J*Cltaol\. wK" a 32' baiting average. was bacll on lne beneh The Tt<;>era came into the Q9"'9 with the Amerk:4n Le119ue's belt ea1ned run average (3 701 For lnllla buffs. O.trOlt starlet Jerry UJdur, II only the hlth pl~ In Tiger hlatory whose last name begins wjlh a ·u· Tonight is P0<tralt Album NlghC. .with Ille 1trs1 25 000 youngsters admttled rec.MnQ an album leaturtng Angel players. Mlll'lagef Oana Mauch and Chairman ol the Board 0.M Autry. The Tigers will send JKlt ~ 11'·11) against O.Otf Zahn (13-5). ll'a a'7·0S $I art 0 Drlvlng well 11th• best revenge ... D D Model 4810 SPECIAL PRICE ·. s499's ,., An unbelievable sharp color picture for an unbel/evable low price. And you'll - get a big 25'' diagonal picture in a convenient compact cabinet. Model 451~· features Automatic Fine Tuning. an efficient 4" speaker. and up-frodt· secondary controls -including a Tone Control. Plus detent tuning with solid state tuners. ·.~ •• • Model40M 5PICIAL PIUCI '279 ,. . '·~ "...I ' •.l I , 14n outstanding color portable, this 13" diagonal compact Magnavox wfll ipellght you with Its fine oerlormance. It ffftures electronic volts{J6 regulatlon to protect crlt/ul circuits, lncltldln:Q the picture tube fllarrntnt, from harmftJI powtlf llne wr(JA Automatic Fine Tc.lnlng for accurately tuned plctu3 --every...ohennel; • 00.-M>lld .,.,. c,,_. for rel/ability; an ln--llntt plct tube for glut color ~f'Nlnc». And ~ s/clo pocket hend'-8 lor ... Y a."'Yfntl· ------- '· Orang• Co11t DAILY PILOT/ S1turd1v. Augu1t 21, 1982 osta Mesa Grand Prix ranks among the best e KFWB outh Coast Classic is also scheduled for this month at Mason. Park econt. l aauo or "Clly Sports " ttcentJ)' iabbed a handful ot lt considers ''C1.1liforni11':-; Mos t RUN." Rip Rtbble, Chy of Cc.ta Mee.a Le11ure Servicee Dept, at 7&4-~300. * FOft THOSE lntl•rt..'lltl•d in mounu1in RUNNIN9 DENNIS BROSTERHOUS low of &id 1tation.1 on Ow ooul'IM!, with goodlet and refreehmeni. awulting the llnlahers. Abo. trophies und morchandlae Qr~ included in tht: owl.lrd1. ThU. Is a benefit run for Chtl<.lr~n·li Hosptwl of Orun gc County. And t h e field unc rowde!>d (on ly 600 runn~n partlclp.-wid lHt year). Thi• small run goea right olons the ocean bluffs near San Pedro. ona those l11tcd WH t he Colt• Grand Prix~ and lOk l\uns, slatvd ecenery, there's the Run to the Summit~ and lOk on Sept. 11. h iJJ co-spol180red by the Point Fennin Flyeni. Entry feel• $8 w ith a T -shirt and $5 without. For more information, <..'Ont.act Dr. Ettinger at (21J) 325-0700. pt. 26. . partJculo.r n.a.n includea an added atl(actlon for trlathle tes, t h e U.S. NetJonal Bicycle Racing Champiuni>hipa. Trut oourae is hilly and attractive, with the• first mile goin'g down a 30-degree ::$:.and the second mile up a similar 'Ibe run is on grass and gravel terrain andJ· bu:ludes detours through the golf (where golfers are restrained) and '9 up on a football field. Thia ii the finn year of the race, to take place at B!g Bear. The run 1tarta ot Snow Summit ski &ree, loe9 to Goldmine akl area by way of & forest back road. and ti to a finllh at Snow Summit. Det te the name, tt'• not especially hilly. atural juiCM and wa ter will be auppliec:l d uring and a fter the race, which will be followed by a hamburger and beer bust. a .m. w tt.h the run due to begin at 8:16. P ,.._re.O.tratlon la $8 with a 'l'-ehirt and $~ wttfu>ut but add $3 after Sept. 2. Beer and barbecue are "reasonanly priced." For more lnfonnation on this event, call Race Central at (714) 874-5480. Send entrlct1 to KP'WB, 6230 Yucca Street, Los Angeles, Ca. 90028 or CHOC, PO Box 5700r Orange, Ca. 92667. T he 5k race starts at 8 a .m .. the handicapped l Ok at 8:25 and lOk at 8:30. Four dollanl gets you into the rac..-e, $8 gets you an a thletic bag . For more lnfonnation, contact Janice Field a t KFWB (2 13-462-5392) or Kathy at CHOC (714-558-2884). Running 8o"-dute a.tUHlt!Y. •ue~••2' A Natural Hteft ~.Md '""-tk Run -at fr1,Clty Patk In Pl-*1tla. Colt la S8 0t $20 per l11trtlly with pr00M<11 Ooll\Q to the Special ()jymploe The rull la de1lgned 10 encourage newcomer•-10 1ong-dl1t•~ runnlllQ. For tlgnup 1nlorm6tllon, contact Judy Conn at (7141 993.4041 * ONE OF Orangt• County's. b1g~e!lt aaturdar, Sept. u * . race is due to begin at 8 a.m . that day! With an $8 entry fee that includes a T-a~. For more information, contact The race will al.so be videotaped and later showed at the Snow Summit Bar and medallions will be awarded in nine categories. Race day check in-registration I.a 7 to 8 runs, with more than 3,000 entrants last year, ia the KFWB South Coast Classic 5 lOk. this Sept. 11. The coune is flat and fast and localed at Mason Park in Irvine. There will be THEN THERE'S thl· s~·ond Annual Point Fermin lOk on Sept. 26. The view is great, the course is flat ~ Annuel "flun to ... , Ca-" -1tartlng 9t A.nahelm Stadium, t>eglnnlng at 8:30 a.m. Aegl1trat1on i. $8 with 1 T ·t hlrl and S4 wi thout. The oourM 11 ITIOltly na1, 11U11ng •I the Big A. parkln(I 101. around lhe atadlum and aloog me Santa Ana River trail. Male and female wtnnen W•ll 1a•e pan 1n prog11m11 oc;11v11te1 111 11n An~ game Proceed• wlll banelll the A.m91\Can Cancer Society For moro lnl0tma11on. COnlll(ll (7f4) 752·8600 ~ • I ., . MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS American LNQIM WESTERN DIVlSIOfl W l Pct. QB •nee•• 69 52 .570 Kanau City 69 52 570 Chicago 6'4 5& S33 4 ,,. Sealtle 59 62 488 10 Oaklan<:t 55 611 447 15 Texu 48 70 •07 20 Mlnneso1a 42 79 3H 27'• EASTERN DIVISION Mllwauk.. 70 50 583 Boelon 65 55 542 5 Balllm<><e 82 57 .62 I 7'Jr Detroit 62 58 517 8 New Y0<k 60 59 504 9 Cleveland 58 59 •96 10 T0<on10 58 6" 475 12~ Frldllr'• Seor•• Detroit 8. Af\9M 6 Cleveland 7, Mlnneeo1a 5 New Yori\ 4, Toronto 2 Kanaas Clly 13, Chicego 5 Balllm<><e 4. Texaa 2 (12 1nn1ng1l Oal<lan<:t 4, Boalon 3 Milwaukee 6. Seallle 6 TodeJ'• Qemee OelrOll (Morris 14· 11 I 01 Angela (Zann 13-5). n M1nne101a, (Wiiiiams 3·7) 111 C1eve1an<1 1Bar1u1< 11·8) Toronto (Cl1ncv tO· 10) al New York (Gul<lry 11-4), n Chicago (Dotson 7· 11l at Kansas C11v (Blue 9-9), n Balllmora (Flanagan 9· 101 at Tu n (Hough 1I·10). n Boston (Rtllney 6-"I at Oaklan<I IMcCany 6-3) Mllw1ukee (Modtch 7-I 1) at Soartle (S..11111 11-9), n Hatlonal Le11gue WHT'ERN OfVlflON Oodgere Altanta San Olego San FrancillCO Houston Cincinnati w l Pel 08 69 54 561 66 5e 537 3 &4 511 525 4·~ 8" 69 .520 5 56 65 463 12 46 76 377 22'~ EASTERN DIVISION SI. Louie Ptllllldelphla Mon11ea1 Plttabutgll ~ 69 52 570 6a 53 562 , 8" 57 529 5 62 59 .512 7 53 71 . 419 17 ..... 50 70 417 "'~ "~·---~ 1, Plttat>urgh 0 CNalQo S, S•n D1eoo 2 PNl.clelphta 9. Ctnclnna11 2 Atlanta 2, New Yortl 1 (10 lnnln(IS) 9el1 Frencilco 8. St. Louts 7 Houtlon 4, MonlrMI 3 (10 IMlnQI) Toder'•O-Dedil••• (Wright 1·0) at PIH1bur9h (Sarmiento 6-3). n Mon\rMl (Burt!• 4· 12) al Ho.a1on (Ryan 12-9) t Diego (Lollllf 11• 71 al Chlc:8QO (NOIM 8·9 lade4pllla (Bv-trom 5-41 11 c1ncinna11 (Shirley 4·9~ n New Y0<k (Puleo 8·111 at Atlanta (Walk 10·PI. n San Francloco (LaaMey 12·11) al SI. LOUii (LIPOlnl 8-31. n NATIONAL LEAGUE • Dodaera 1, Plratea 0 1;08 AHGE(ES P1TT811URGH l ab r h bl ab r l'I bl Sax ·2b 4 0 1 0 Moreno cl 4 O O O Marshall t1 3 0 0 0 Serr a u 4 O 1 0 AoenlCko r1 1 0 I O Ma<llOClt 3b 4 o O O Ba~er II • 0 0 0 H1ompson lb 2 O O O Guerrero cl 4 0 O.C J Smtih p. O O O O Cay 3b 4 1 t 1 O 01v1t rt d 0 0 O Garvey lb 3 0 1 0 T Pena c 3 O O O Ve8Qer c 3 0 1 0 Euler II 3 II 0 0 Russett" 2000 Tekulve p 0000 V•IN1ruei8 p 3 0 0 0 J Ray 21l 2 0 1 0 McW1thams p 1 O O o "4orr1son II 1 0 O 0 Totals 31 15 1 To1a1s 28 O 2 O Sc0<• by Inning• Los Angeles 010 000 000 1 Plttll>Ufgh 000 000 000 0 LOB-Los Angeles •. Ptll5burgh S 2B-Aoenlcl<e HR-Cey ( 181 SB-Su (42) S-McWIHlams. Russell Lo. Angele• IP H II Ell 88 SO Valflnzuela (W. 16-9) 9 2 0 0 3 9' I Plthbufgfl -'1 McWinlams ll.7·71 1' • 4 1 1 0 9 T~l'ff( l'J 1 0 0 0 I ~2'19 A-1~.24$ Cutlel..Pedreel S#I OleO<> 010 ooo 010-2 a o Oii~ 100 100 10.-3 6 0 Mont.iu.co. Cl.lrlla (II) end T. KenMOy, Mertz. w. Hernandez (8) 1nd J Davit W -MlltU. 7-8. L -MontelV9CO. M S -W ~(91.A -18,110. ••-2. ..... •1 Nft Yortl 000 000 000 1-1 0 1 Allllllla 000 000 000 2-2 8 2 Lynell. lacl'lry ( 10) and Hodgea, Pw.z. B1dto•l•n ( 10) •md Benedict W -Bedfoelan. 8-9. L-Zechry. 11-6. HR-~ Y~. OllM (1). A-33.144. CMM .. t.C ..... 7 . 8911 FrwndlOO 000 000 7 10-8 14 1 81. ~ ~ 100 000-7 t4 0 ll#t, fOWlk• (3). HOiiand (01. L.a ..... ~7), MlMon (9) and Mty. Muta. KMI (7), L.llhll 7). J . M-"" (7). 81111« (7) and 0 l>Orler. -1.~ W . L-8vtltr, M . 8-Mintod(221. HR-Sa11 Fr anolaoo . Leonard (61 A-28.418. .U....4.1• ..... MOlltfMI ooo 300 ooo o-a 12 2 ..._.°" 000 020 100 1-4 10 1 l'OOW•• AMrdoll (I ) and Can«. Svtton. LaCoH {I), "oberge (101 and Pufol1. ~~1·1.L-~W. 111• OllWW (19). A.-11,562. .............. ll'f' rt y11a 202 * Of t-I t1 0 ~ 100 001 000-2 '° I ,.,..._. ...... Olu; Hem9. l.librand'I (6~ ._.. (t). Kem Ill .w1 Vitt Ocwdllt. W-Aullwln, t-10. L.-Harrll. 2 .... A-17,e:le. .-........ ........ ............ ....., ooo ooa 001-a 11 o o.illM 001 HO 001-4 t 1 Tomr. 0... llllf ~ ~ T ~ (7). e-o (t) _. w; -~ w-.. ard (1-IJ. t.-Olear (t •7). Hiii-~. 0r-1•» A-ao,ooo. 5 0 Yank-• 4, tllue Jar• 2 Toronto 001 001 000-2 9 t New York 010 101 01A-4 8 0 Sllob and S Martinet Rawley. Gouage (8) al\d Cerone W Rawley, 1·8 L-:suao, 13· 12 s-GoHage (26) HAa-New VO<~. Smalley ( 12), Griffey (II), Wfnllald 123) A 20, 172 Or1oi.1 4, 11.....,.. 2 Ba111more 000 200 000 002-4 8 O Te~u 010 010 000 000-2 8 I 0 Martl,,.1. T Manlnez (I 11. St-er1 ( 12) and Oempaay. Bulch•11, Comer t 121. Mallaoll (12) ano SundlletQ W-l Martinet (ll·lll L-Comer,(0·41 S Stewa11 131 HR1- Balllmore, E Murray (201 TeKaa. Sami>M (8) A-11.94~ Brewer• •· Merln«1t 5 Miiwaukee 210 002 0 10-6 11 I Saanle 000 101 012-5 9 0 Caldwell Ladd (9) and Simmons, Ml Moore. B Clerk (II), Mua•almln (8) and ou111ng w Caldwell (11· 11) Ml. Moore (6-101 S-laOd (1~ HR-Soa111e. Ziak ( 181 A-13.029 lloyal1 1S, Whlle Soa 5 Cnlcago 021 000 011-5 13 3 Kansas City 020 153 20J1-13 13 O Escarrega. Hlc~ey (51. Lamp (5), Slwy (81. Barnes (8) and Flak. Hiii (7), Leonard Armllrong (61 and Walhan, Slaugl'tl 1111 W-Leonard 17·31 l -Eacarrao• 1'·21. S- Armalrong (5) HA-Chicago, Kemp (111 Kansas Cily. MGRae 1221. A-36.328. LITTLE LEAGUE 13-year-olda SENIOR MINOR WOftl.O UAIES tel Taylor, Midi.) Frlday'a 8con L11>er1yv111e (llllnOls) 16, Vega Bal• 5 Todlly'1 Qamea 1 1 a m Rot11nwood Y9. Vega Bata (lhlr(I p1uce1 2 p m -Tampa Bay (FIOrlcial 11s Llberlyvllle (ch1mp1onshlp, another game Wiii IOllOw It Tampa Bay win• the llrs11 11-12-y .. r-old• (al S.n hmetdlno) f'rldar'• k- tContolallon Btec:kel) Oak Grove (N0<1hern CeltlOfnla 7. Ce_.. Grande (Arizona!? Libby (Montana! 8. l<NJ'na (Cxegonl 4 (CMmplon1hlp 9rec:llet) Klrklano 1Wash1ng1on1 6, Kodiak (A181ka) 5 Chula \11a1a \Southern Calllornlal 8, Ka..-e (H1waJll 1 TodeJ'a 0.mH 10 a "' Northam Celllornle va Monlana (ltflh placal S p.m -Alaska vs Hawaii (third place) 8 p.m -WUhlng1on v1 Soulharn CaJlfornla (championship) Nole. Wtn-advancea 10 W0<1d Serlee In Wllllamtpor1. Penn agaJnat Seraaota. Fla Tuelday ATP C"-mpkmahlpa l .......... Ofllo) Ouarterllnal "'91M - Jimmy Connon (U.S.I def. Brtan Gottfried (US). 8-2. &·4. Steve Denlon del. VllH Gerulellts (US.). 0·4, &·4; Ivan Landi (Czecho.tovaktal def G-Mayor (U.S.), dttlaull (Mayer had lo wUhd.-w wllh mutcie tear 111 teor. John McEnroe (U S > dol Guy Forget (France). 7 ·6. 6·2 Legand1 tournament (al loe Aftte'M) OUA>rterftMI 8"'91M Rod La-(Atnlrallal def. Roy ~ (Auslralla). 11-2, &-3, Marl< Co• (U S } O•I CMlf Oryad8M (US.), 7-41. 8-7, 11-2. U.S. National Amateur champkm9hlpa (al Klerneeha L..ll:a, NV) ...,,., Semifinal Sl"flM Tim Pawaat (U S I def OltYIO Uvlnq91on (U S.1. 8-3. 0·6. 7 ·5. S1evoneon Clarke (US I def Rober! Fought (U s ). 8-3, 6-2 Women'• SlllOIM flnal M1r1a11no Werdel (U S I Clea. Cheryl JonM (U S ), 8-<I, 6·2 Womenla OMtMe flnel Werdttl..Carollne Kuhlman (U.S ) clef. lelQl'I Anne Eldtldga-Barbara Gericen (U 8.1. S.3. 6·1 Player'• Challenge (8' MeftlfMl) 0.-terl!NI ........ Marilna Navratilova (U 8.1 dal Iva Bud¥ova (CHcf'loalovakla). 11-2, 8-2: Hana Ma11dllkova (Czec:floelovakla) de! VlrQlnla ~VCI (Aom1nl1). 11-2, 8-'4; Andr .. Jaeger !U S.) def Helena Sukova (CrechOtlovelcla), 6·2. 11-3: S1olna Sll'MIO<tds (ltelyl def Eva Prall (Weal Germ8ftyl, 7-5. 8-2 Grand Prix tournament (al Stowe. VI.) ouanlfftlwll 8lftttee Jay Lapldut (U 8 .1 def, Jotin Aleunder (Auatralla~ 8·2, 8-'4, Tom GulUklOn (U.S.) ~ Rober! Van't Hol (U.S.). 7-41, 1-9. 9emlf!MI~ Sktlkt Ven Oar MaNla·Fr•ddla Sauer (8out'1 Africa) dtl Tony and Sammy Glammalva (U S ), &-3, 8-3; Mika Flal'tbeeh· Eric Fromm (U.8.1 oel. Tim Mayotte•Frltz 9uetlnlnQ (U S I. 1 ·c&. 7-9. ~ Angel, Dodger sehetlules /.0 ~ -Angela on TV Channel 5 Angela on Radio KMPC (710) Dodgers on Radio KABC (790) Dodgers on TV Channel 11 s I • Oenolff TV Oame Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday -Aug. 22 23 24 25 28 ... 27 28 Detroit at Ant•. I M1lw at Aiiceb. 1 30 M1lw al Ancels. I 30 •Oodcm a1 St L. 5 J5 Anctil at Boston. Ancel& al Boston, 4 35 •Anrels al HoMon 11 70 IO a m and 4 35 p m Cubs al Oodceu, I 15 Cubs at Oodaen. I 05 -oodren at Ptrates. 10.35 Ooc11111 at SI t , !i 35 •Oods1n at Sl l . 5 35 29 30 31 Sept. 1 2 3 . 4 •Ant• al Boston. 11.05 SI l al Oodaeo. I 35 Ancels at Detro1t, 4.35 Ant• r Detrotl, 4 35 Anctb al Delru1t. 4 35 • Ancels at M1lw 5 30 •Anctls al M11w s JO Cubs at Otldctn. 1:05 St t at Oodc•n, 1 35 St l. a Ooclcen. 7 JS 1'11atts at Oodctn, I 35 P11ate~ at Oodaen, 1 0~ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 •Anctil al M1lw .. 11:30 Chicago at Anitk. I Chicago al Ancel&. 7 30 Chicago al ~els. 1 30 loronto al An1t1s. 7 30 Toronto at Anaels. 1 Pirates al Oodclf1, I 05 •Dod1en at Reds, 4'05 Oodcen at Reels. •·3!> Ooclc•n at Allanla. 4 40 Oodaen al Allanla. 4 40 •Ood1en at Houston, !> 35 •Oodcen al Houston. ti 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I or onto at Ant•. I Alie.ts al Chicago. 5 30 Ancell at Chicaeo. 5 30 Ant• at Chicago. 5.30 Ancek al lo1onto, 4 30 Ancell at loronto, 4 30 Ancets al I 01onlo IO 30 t~uston al Oodcen, 7 3!> Houston al Oodaers. 7 05 •DMeen at Houston. 3:05 Padres at Oodcen. 7 35 Padres al Ooclcm. 1 35 Padres at Ooclcen, 7 35 PGA tournament (al Grahe! Bt.nc, Mlcl'I,) Curtis Strange 66·69 13$ Lanny Wadkins 66·71 137 Fred Coup1e11 • 7 1·66 137 Payne S1ewarl 68·69 137 John Cook 65·n 131 Cr a•g Stadler 69 68 13 7 Mike Aatd 70-68-138 v1caor Regalado 69·69 138 Scoll Simpson 69 69 138 Bob Eastwood 61 71 138 Hale ffw•n 70 68 138 TomK11a 7•-67 IJe T tm Simpson 70 6~ 139 Ra• Caldwell 7 t 68 >30 Peter Jacollsen 12 61 139 PM Honcock 73 66 139 MArll Pleil 7 t·68 139 GaYln Levenson 70 69-139 Mtk8 Oona1<1 7 1·68 139 Tom Pvrlter 711 611-t39 Dana OutQley 70-70 140 Dan Halldorson 69· 7 1 140 E<I Ooughe<ly 71·69 1•C Wayne L11v1 T '-69 14C Larry l•t!Ql(lr 74·66 140 Bruce O@vhn 72-69 141 Jom COlbtit 1 n 69 14 1 George Archer 7•·61 141 Jack Aeoner 1-3-68 t4 I Clarence Rose 12·69 1• • Jim Dent 70·12 142 Mork Hoyes 76 66 14~ Lou Or anam 70-7 2 1 •. Ba1ry Jaeckel 7'.l-69 1•< Boll Byman 74·68 14~ JOhn Aonms 68·74 -t42 J&<:k Fe•enz 7•·6a 142 E<I F10<1 71 71 142 Ed Snff<I 70·72-142 Fuzzy Zoeller 70·72--142 Calvin Peete 72·70-142 'F'r11>k Conner 72· 70-142 Bruce F1e1sner 7•·68-142 Wom9ft'I Worid Champlon•hlp (at C~) JoAnne Carn« 12·70-142 74-119-143 73·72-145 1r..11-146 75-71-146 72·74-146 78-70-148 74·75-1411 711-73-149 74-77-151 78-76-154 78-78-15-' Amy Alc:oll Ayailo Ol<amolo Marta Flgueraa-Ooul Sanclra HaYflle Hollis Stacy • Jan Stt(>herilOn JllMI ...... PattyS~n Heney l ope Sally Llltle Belfi Daniel NPL (hhlbtllefl ....... ) NATIONAL COWOl'.NcE Alltlllll N-Oflaana San Franctaco R- PhlledelC>f'llO N.Y. Ghantt Oaiiaa Wu'11ngton SI. Lout• Weel W l T Pel, PF PA 10 010002017 0 ' 0 000 20 22 0 , 0 000 1• 17 02 0 000 4359 l.•t 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 C...tral .soo 21 42 .000 14 19 000 10 14 000 7 2• 000 0 1• 2 0 0 ' 000 &2 •6 1 0 0 1,000 35 1 ' 1 0 600 47 3" 0 l 0 .000 27 28 Green Bay Tampa Bay MIMMOlt CtttCAQO 0etro11 0 , 0 000 1& 17 A.....CAN CONRMNCll Miami BuflalO Bal11more N,V Jela ~England C-and PllltbutOh Hout Ion Cincinnati .... 1 0 0 1.000 24 1 0 0 1.000 14 10 1 10 600 33 44 0 ' 0 .000 1t 21 0 'l If 000 21 311 C-NI 2 0 0 1 0 0 ' 0 0 0 2 0 --1 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 ' 0 0 1,000 43 311 1.000 24 20 1.000 22 20 000 '47 97 1.000 ll3 20 1,000 28 21 1.000 20 20 1,000 11 14 1,000 14 0 f'rldey'1~ Phlledelphla 14, New EnQl&nd 7 Gr_, 0ay <11. Clnclnnad 27 T odey'1 a.me. Rlllden 111 OelroH, n Cn>c.oo al Buttalo. n Knnsas City at New Orleens. n Wasn1ng1on at Tampa Bay n Piltsburgh al N-Vork Giants, n Seanie al Mlnoeaol•. n Dallas at San Otego, n M1am1 al Denve<. n S1 Louise• San Franclko. n Allanle v1 Balllm<><e. at T ampe, Arlt • Paclle,. 41, Bengal• 71 tc-by 0uartef11 Clnctnnatl & 21 O O -27 Graen Bay 14 3 24 0 -4 1 GB·Olckey 1 run fSllll\erud kick) GB·Collman 10 pa11 trom Otck ey 1S1&nerud ktckl C•n·Afo .. nder 1 run (kick 1a1ledl Ctn·JohNOn 1 run fSrllllCh kick) Ctn·Anderaon 1 run (Breech k>Ck) Cln·Harg rove 9 pus from Anderton 18r"9Gn •tc•I GB·FG St.,_uo 40 GB·L-•s 9 pus rrom Campball tGarCla ktCkl GB·FG GlltCla 23 GB·BUQQS 11 pau from Campbell (Garcia ktel>.I GB-L•-• 36 return ot recovered fumble 1Ga•cia klCk l A·52,636 lndlvldUA>I Sletlallca RUSHING -C1nc1nnau. Johnson 9.37 Ateltn<ler 3•9. Ver-2·24. Ande<eon 2· 15 Hargrove 4·9. Grtllln 1-1, Sy<lney 2·10, Scnonan 1· 7 Green Bay. 1vaty 3·30, MtdOleton 4·21, Rodgers 4-13. Jenaan 2-13, Aeav.a •-18, Ellls 2·1, Torlleleon 2·7. Me- J 3 Olc~ey 2·1, Huckleby 1.1 Lollon l·mlnus 7 PASSING -Clnclnnall, Anderson 12·22·2 · 138. Thompaon 5· I 1·2·112. S<:f'lonfl(I 11· 19-0· 128 GrM<I Bay. Olcllay 13·18·0·165, Campbell ll-13-0.91 RECEIVING -Cincinnati, Kreldef ft.ll8, >iarrl1 3·53. ColllnsWOrth HS. y.,_ 3-43. Aon 4·•0 . Ferranti 1· 19. Sydney 2· 14, Hargrove 1·9, CurllS 1·8. Jonnaon 1·11, Tale 1·2. Green Bey. Jelleraoo 3-~3. Buoo• 4~0. Lollon 3·50, E1111 2·24 Collman 1· 10, ca .. ldy I· 10. Jensen 1· 16. t ewia 1.11. Rodgara 2· 14, Middleton 1. 15, Freeman 1·12, Huellhtby 1-4. FIELD GOALS MISSED -Cincinnati. noMI Green Bey, none. Eaal•• 14, Patriot• 7 Score by Ouarlett r1t•w f•IQl~n\] 0 0 0 I r•t1+•••deluh1a i O 7 o 1.c •'ht C11m1'-'''*P' 26 p;n-s ttnm J11wOf,lt• l~ron"hn k tCk) Ph• Out<.k ,. oau ftom JuwO,Sllfl 4f'ran ... •1n '"'C"I NE MmgAll 4 I PHS lrom Groq•n 1la"8y .. tCl.I I\ "6 •31 lndlvldual S1at11tk:a flV"iHINU New Engl11no. WHlher& •016 l•lupu "-16 Taylo1 4o1t 1..alllOUr> ~ •0 1..011tns ?-8 PMa<l .. Dll•a Monr9o""''Y 6 • Oll•e• 6 •6 Campll11IO 3 15 'tturnnglO" 3 8 ~urrny 5 78. Rusw• 5· t1 PASSING New EnglAnd Cpvenaugh 5 tt O· 11 Grogan • 15·0·64 Pn•ladetpn1a JOwOfo.l(t JU.lll·0·'1• Monn !>·1$-U-411 • :J'&~':~nG1 ,, ~;; .. ~~Q;ftc~ . .!,~r,ff; Jnnn 1 q Wr~'""" 1 J Ph•<1tcl"tpt1111 011.-1 .J. •• SpaQnOIM 3 21 MolllQO''"'' ~ l i? Giamrnond 2-1) C1um1(t'4l"' 1 ''' )111t • 1 , .. < tElO GOALS MISSED N•w Engl<ltl'IO I Hi•"•' 44 Olotked PNladolph11' t qu,liihn J(} •11eHh'\ 41 ft)IOC."-OC:U Am..tcM IDUdU~o.t' Aaen. .. A(MDMllOM W L Pet. CMI Co11a M.. 9 1 .900 1rv1ne a ~ .8&7 2•,. Newport BMcn 3 7 .300 & Hunling1on ~ O 9 000 91~ ..... DM860M W L Pct, 09 1 3 .700 5 4 .1$9 , .... 5 4 .&ff ,.,. 3 1 .300 4 ''*Y'• ..... MlttllOtl Viejo 1 t, Sanla Atte t 'fonll!M'• ._.. Hun11nQlon 8-.cll va. lt\rlfte. 7 p.rn. Of11nge ,.., Fountllll Vallery, 8:30 p.m. IEn0 ......,8-1) DetMat f'fUOAY'S RUULT8 111111 ot ~, "-IMllhiw.cs meet•ne> flRST RACE. 6 lurtQn9s. Alee 'Am (Plncay) 4.80 3.40 2.80 Floe! Bane< (Meu) 23 '4-0 13.60 Cap1'n Arphy (T0<0) 4.80 A110 raced· S1aelm1n. Forward Court Olovo Men. Mr Enthualaam, Dancing Frle<>d, N11vonod Boy, Nal'a Periny. Time 1.09 415 IECOHO RACE. 6 tvr1Qn91 Bold H0<lzons (Ortega) 97.60 30 60 15 20 Bumrl!* (Mete) • -11 60 7 80 Luchador (Slblllel 6 20 Also r11eed Eetoc, Reaaooaclo. Bteabflo, Anytime Anyplace. Ou k Ace. Mr Abe, Exciuslve Orphan, ~ummer tsaue, Reb'I Aewat<I Time. 1 1 I 4/5 12 DAil Y OOUSLE (9-81 paid 1293.20. THlllD RACE. 6 lurlOngt Slook Split (Plnc:ay) 5.20 2.80 3.00 Ire Bay (Blackl 3 80 3.20 Ol:sc:o Girt (Slblllel 5.20 Also raced VOlaoe. La Ve<ne'• Sooa1e. Cna Sombrlla, Rebelllou• Lil Time. 1.10 1/5 S5 EXACTA (2·1) paid ~.50 FOURnl RACI.. 1 1110 mtlel Styttah Lad (Hawley) 8 80 5 00 4 80 Force (Vwgara) 7 40 6 00 Counter1hrual (GIHt<ra) 1 1 40 Atao raoed: Emerald Fox. Bruin Counly, Royal &uuons. Iron AJ<e, Bol<I Rooty, Iron Ally, Spectacular Beau, Flash Tl>e SWO<d. KlnQdom Exp<eaa Tfme: 1:<13 '1f'TI4 "ACE. One mlle on lurl Arrowl'IM<I (McCarroo) 8.80 4.20 3 80 Tor1'91\llal (Ptneay) 3.00 2..80 Exclual"8 Kid (Vlllenzueial 3.80 Aleo raoad· Swlno Tiii 0 1w n. Dom Orlando. Linda's Brother, Llllle Speaker Acicnodoon, Perla Enc:ounlet. Ce Sharp Time. 1·se 415. M EUCTA (10.21 pal<I S68.50. SIXTM RACE. One m118 Sier 01 Dewan (Toro) 10.20 6.20 3 "° 3 40 Ch111Q9Ur (Hewll>YI 7 60 2 80 Street, OelenM Verdlc:1 (Plncay) Alto rec:ed: Tular. Laur111. Ivor Honeet Bvllet. Caroson Time: 1:39 1/5. SlftNTM RACE.. One m1141. f•I 01 Tim. (Valenzue4al23.00 !160 8.80 Gaal• (Mceerron) 6 40 4 40 Foy:y Toy (Plneavl 5 00 Alto r!ICed. Moci..ty BlaiM, Vlato, Why Z.nthe. Sunal'llna Slarahlna, One On fhe HOUM, Blue Coclca100. TltM: 1;35 215. ta IXACTA (4·0) peld $463.50 12 PICK Sill (8·2· 1 I· 10·2·•1 oald S22.· ...a& 00 wdh 'ou, w1nntnQ '•'"~tr. P1v~ ""'jttl\I $~ CtJn~()fAt•Ol"I P1,., Su U••d s tg .. AO ~,tt 156 wurnrno t.tll,~h dl)u• "'''se' EIOHTH llACE. 1 11,,•0n<J' on tu•I ""'•an IH•1wtnv1 8 00 4 00 2 6tl J'"" 1OroHmt!r1S1b1llt1• 6 80 3 00 Oavntl~s 1MrCa .. or>1 ? 80 Alan rAe...C W9'!t Co<tM N11uv .. Vagabond ~ong L Nllt!y l•ml' 1 29 l , NINTH RACE Onct ll'l•lr O" tvrl t •tniin tS•ll•Ht'I 14 40 100 f c"" Plato f"aw!l>yl 9 20 V41cot•O"~ 111~11W1Zve•a1 ~ 6(' 6 80 '80 ""'° 'A(.tt\f sw,.nHU• Ba\I 0•111109•1unu Bronow1~ 1 V•cl' W1uo qc11i•f'l1tf! C!leer On lfl901 Do< rime • 37 $S EXACT• 19· 11 P•"O ~36 50 AltendAllCI! 17 429 HoffYWood Ptlftl "'1Dl'f"9 MaUt.Ta (tit! of a.Nati!...,_ .......... , ~ST IUC&. 6ne ml .. ~ Royal Edward (Park«) 4.00 :uo 3,00 H H ~(Todd) seo 4 40 Anenlu (FOiey) •.80 AllO r~: Alo Vale!. CaloetY. Hlglllan<:I Chafn9, Sarti .. 'tw1n~1e. Cotfnga Light. My Direct Kn1gt11. 8IQ 81)11nO Time: 2;03 415 13 lltACTA (8-51 paid '69.70. MCOMD RACI. One mlle ~ e,. Bye ~ (VlldMll 17.00 uo 4.10 8oll ~'°" (Todd 111 6.00 uo C'Moft klllt>lllY (Matdlafld) UO . , Also racoci Oumono, Bulllly Hally Sequoia Magic, Andy• L•on trisn Faden l•me 1 59 315 THIRD llACE. 0"41 mlle pace Keystone Frost (Tess•eri 77 00 t9 80 7 00 Tawh111 Lad (Kazmetltf I 9 60 ~ •O Maple Game (Kueblen 2 60 Alao raced B•eta Soy N Jazz F .. tlvat. Parting, Bon Btue N Tina K111gn1 I Am II N, rort Wor1hy Ttmo 2 00 415 13 EllACTA 16·21 oa•<I $641 10 FOURTH RACE. One mlle pace Bear Rug (Perryf 23 80 9 60 6 20 Beauieoua tjell• tVllnOnghml 6 80 • 20 L.aoulan (Lackey! 3 00 Also raced La<ly L•2011e Hunters Shadow. Andy1 Abe. Htppoc ampus C. Time Prolorred, Andys Teddy 1mmacu1a1a Timi\ 2 01 315 FIFTH llACE. One mile pace Andy's Yank (Kvebletl 5 40 3 40 2 60 Wonderful Spats (Oesome• I 3 40 2 60 Halcyon Hero (Bay1u.tl 4 60 Also raced Shady Del, Durante Treaaure Hunler. Andy's Me11no CommoOlly, KB 1<1ng, Andys Ube! Time 2.01 t/5 13 EU CTA (7·8) paid $22 20 81XTH RACE. One mlle pace APOiio Maggie (Andenon) • 80 3 00 ~ ov · A•laa MacFet>er (Aubin) J 60 2 60 Sty Ltl fOunnig11nJ 7 80 Alao raceo Erlanlk Dante& Endeavor. Purse St11ngs. Baronns Chrt&, Angell Kay. Regal Gazelle, Potranca Time 1 58 2/S SEVENTii RACE. One mile pace ~ldqemark (T esSlerl 18 •O 7 80 7 80 Booy Checker (Grun<lyl 11 20 8 00 M•chael s Tiger 1St6merman1 12 40 AISO raced Sir Relll Sporty Old Al Mons1qnor Dale, King• Nugg111 Hullltn Oudo M V P . Soohlat>eated Lady Time 1 59 4/5 $5 EXACT A 1•·61 pa>O $401 00 EIGHTH RACE. One moe p11ee Buna Hano-1Bay1ess) • 20 3 40 No Excuse N (LongoJ 6 00 G&nl le Miu (V1Hand•ng11am1 2 60 3 40 2 60 AISo raced Seng• Rosa We)ovor Rose. AnM K~rr SDU• Tune I 57 415 C•l&blue. HtHnl RAC~ One mlle pace Sp1ns1., Anna (~enenJ 15 60 6 •O • 20 LOllla H1no-(l<uebterl 10 80 4 60 Se•y DOiiy (Goudre1uJ 3. 20 Alto r~ Brukw!nd, I m Cerlatn, lw1na Ship, Bonnie lass N. Whlle Laughter, Far\CY Baroness r.me 2.00 215 $3 EXACTA 18·3) paid $122 70 12 PICK SIX (2·7·6,..·'4·111 pa1<1 $31.~9 40 wllh <1ne winning 1tcke1 1•1• "<uses\ 12 Pici. Si;. cor>solatton pa10 S32P 60 "''h 32 w1nntn9 llCktlll fltve hOfSM\ T£HTH llACE. One m110 1-11ce Never Beller (Tod<ll • 60 3 •O 2 80 v1c1or Cna.rlff (Per~erl 10 20 5 20 Ktw! Berry (l(um-) <I 20 Also raced Gribbin, J•mu Grellan. Ardens PfllfT'I, Sem1<>ole Ch .. I Armbro BrlMI Andys ThankMI Time 2:00 21S U EX.ACTA (1-4) paid S 1()() 80 Allandanoe 9.768 DMO ... n.tilna A.RT't ~(Newport lfMch)-99 anglerl, 99 t>onlto, 877 mac:l\IN'el, 31 roe~ 11911, 1 &and t>ua. I wl\lta aea bus, 70 kelp bua. 11 ecutpln. 5 lheeiphead. OAWV'S LOCKlfl (Newpo<t ...... ) -2 I 1 englera. 5 blrrec:uda. 715 bonito. 43 callcO b .... 1,014 mflllf<«el, 8 rodl 119tt. 30 aand ba•. 5 yellOWlaH DANA ~ -278 angelrt. 3 t4 bUa. 369 bonito. 1 hallbut. 338 mllQterel, 4 roell fttll, S wttlta -baa. t yell0w11U, $ -*>\n, 20 ~· 1 cabalon ••A 81ACN -158 angl1r1. 11 1 barracuda. 20 bonito. 15 l'leflbul, 1120 mackn. 350 rock ""1, 17 aand .,_, 59 IGUlpln. 26 wNte nth 1--..> -55 anglera n bOftflO, 2 hAllbut ~75 m.ateral, 2 ~ 1>a••· 1 e<:ulpln, 200 while cro1ker. 160 ~111111. {. IAN DtlOO (n&ll la11dl11a) -427 anglltr'a 130 .it>aoof•. 9 yellOW!ln l\INL Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS r:l'EA?,•G9 "fo s= '-':ft ~ GOL.F l!tAL..L HICIM 15 SIMPL..Y -ro -rRKE A MORSi' l.OF-Tl!O Cl.Ulb ANO ~WING NOP.M~\..LY. WHE.N EVEN MOt='• .. H EIGMT 16 N•liOILO "1'Mlii. K~ 16 "TO OPtLN T HE CLU6~C.~ AT AO 585~-"1'"11i.N KlittGP IT ,.MR'T WAY "'TM~OU \MY"C,. ~y Oli\..AVINO 'TME ~O\..L.. 09= \~· P.\GMW' MANO ovs." 'THIE .... ~T. 0 i l f I , f t l ,,,., .. trMMOttoM UNUU. ~L....-TOAONTO &LUI! JAVS -Acllvat1d W1y11t Nordhag1n, e1u1onated l\llter· oulll•lder. 1no optioned Jerry O•rvln, Pltol'ler, to SyruuH 01 ll'la lnter11at1on11 ~4'0U'· BUTTONS ''I Lov~ Utuh '' tn mpalgn buttons, o rdered by Sen. Orrin Hau:h, R Utoh, to be made in New York, have been crltic.iz.ed by an AFL- CIO publication. HORllCOPI Sanday, Augu1t Z% ARIES (March 21-April 19): You prove a major point -peers applaud, family is proud and yet you cannot seem to avoid a "letdown feeling." Key is diplomacy, persuasion, accommodation and concession to close as,,ociate, partner or mate. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Avoid attempting to force issues. What seems a "su re thing" may actually be part of deliberate deception or illusion. Define terms. be realistic in appraisal of property and people. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Emotions dominate logic. Lunar and numerical emphasis on speculat- ion, involvement, affairs or heart and decisio ns involving members of the opposite sex. CANCER (June 21 -July 22}: Longstanding negotiations can now be completed. Professional appraisal of property is necessary. Strive for universal appeal, look beyond the immediate and pereeive potential. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): What seemed a "lost cause" will be revived and rebound m your favor. Special messages highlight scenario and rould result i n short journey. You'll be dealing with independent. creative, stubborn people. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): C heck details regarding sales, purchases, payments, rollections and interest rates. You could locate lost credit card. Emphasis also on income potential, hobby that involves collecting special or dated Items. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Diversify. ask questions, broaden horizons and arrange special entertainment for those who aided you m recent past. Lunar cycle high, you'll be at nght place at cnlcial moment. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Look behind scenes for ariswers. Important details have yet to be revealed, You don't have complete story. Know it. act accordingly. Clues are available. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21}: Call ~r message results in boosting morale. Lunar emphasis on friends, hopes. wishes and dreams that come true. Member of opposite sex comments on your charisma, pel"90nal magnetism and social awareness. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19}: You acquire object which aids in making home a more comfortable place.· Decorating or remodeling could be major subject of discussion. You'll encounter individual who talks about work, luxury. budget llnd art objects. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Open lines of communication. Pursue educational project. You gain rare insights and are able to allay secret fears, doubts. suspicions. Individual you aided in past is likely to make reappearance -and to seek additional help. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Mystery unravels; money and emotions are involved. Be aware of basic values, check credentials of one who claims to be an "expert." Don't confuse happiness with intrigue. - College opens resource home S•ddleback College South Ctimpwi 11 one of two new hom es for the South Orangt• County St'rvk-e1 Coundl (SOC$), an outreach rt'11<>urcc center which provid~ n •r..rrals to more than J8 hwnan eervlce provtdera. The office iM open and located on the upper campus an SP2 under the dirertlon of newly appointed program t'OOrdinat.or Virgina Cornell of Mlaslol'.l Viejo. The council is a n on -proflt organization composed of representatives from community groups, service providers and individuals concerned with human needs from th~ t'Ommuniti<.>s of Mission Viejo. Capistrano Beach, Dana Point, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente and Laguna Niguel. "We are extremely pleased to provide the site of this Clrst effort to bring human services closer to the residents of our district,'' said Dr Willlam Jay, prestdent of the South Campus. South Countians can ~Ive mformauon and referrals on problems ranging from chronic health care, mental health services, crisis mtervenuon and emergency aid to services to children and youth, the deaf, blind, thoee lacking English language ability, the terminally lll and many others. The office is housed in the Special Servic.'CS facility, which also h ouses services for the handicapped. Council president Beverly Fleming stressed that the umbrella organization does not actually provide services, but refers persons needing information or services to appropriate agencies and informs the public of available human services. Cornell was director of the Laguna Beach Girls Club and is a former SaddJeback student. She will administer the council, and interns from the college Human Services department will be assigned to help staff the office and work with individual agencies. -, • J 6th Annual F ALLBAOOK ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE At The High School Mission Ad. at Stagecoach 11 <l m t o 8 p m Saturday Auqust 21 11 t1 rn to 6 p m Sunday Auqust 22 Donation $1. 50-Free Parking-Door Prizes FALLBAOOK Chamber of Commerce Saturdays 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. 3300 W. CM1I .,,,.. 548-2224 •w,.11 ••i• ··" 1/,,.. """"V ( ........ J.f 111 •• <\0 ~-Stil()?. s •11t UH/IHf Ory C/H•ifll Finl Ut••''1 . . . 3 LI•'• 112 FrH ,ict-11, I l1/ir1ry #••' Fi•i•ll S••• l•1 S1nic1 I 494-4044 I FIRST . ~~_TIME EVER!~~ i>·~u ROGERS INTERNATIONALLY ' RENOWNED HANGING COLOR BASKETS & COLOR POTS -_.___... ------- . . . Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, Augu1t 21 , 1982 "CAN'T WE K EEP IT?" Five-year -old fisherman Frank Hickman (left) and his cousin Jason, 8 (right), are dismayed because Frank's fathe r said th e re's no room in the family , APW~· bathtub for their big catC'h -a 32-pouod. _ snapping turtle. The Toled o kids re turned it to 1 the Ottawa R1vt•r nt'<ir the ir home. , Public use OK'd for famous club SANTA MONICA (AP) -Tt)e c ity council has approve d o p e ning Sa nta M orica's landmark Sand and Sea Club to the public through use perrruts during the week and opening three public restaurants. must be approved by tht· state Legislature. Council members autho rized City Manager John Alschuler to negouate a 20-year lease wtth Pacific Parks Inc .. which has been operatin~ the club since the early 1960s. The club is located on Pacific Coast Highway m the former ho me o f late film ~tar Manon Davies. The council's recommendation The c.lub sits on pr operty owned by the state . When the IC'ase c•xpired last year, the lan£1 was put up for bid • ------- Shoppersp r Plummer's value! once you see Plummer's fabulous selection, you'll count yourself among the many shoppers who depend on us tor the best value around! super savings on this Chartton SOfa I 90" of classic comtort! Plum men offers you this great sofa In 100% cotton tabnc and --In the most comfOrtable. contemporarv Breuer style Chairs from Italy These qualltv chairs are carefully handcrafted In walnut or natural wood flnlsh w ith genuine heavv·dutv cane backs & seats on sturdV chrome frames design for southern Calltomla llfestvles. we have It In beautlf\.11 Mallard beige. $1048 value. Teak Sideboard & Hutch Sideboard design features 4 large center drawers with two slldlng door compartments tor large Items on either side Hutch features glass sliders for beauty and dust·free storage ~~~~~~.~~·.:.1.~n.~.~275 ~wrv:i~~~~-~~. ~ 195 Side Chair S79val $39 Arm Chair $89val. s49 Nest of Tables Barstool 24··or30" H $8Sval. $48 You get stacks of value with nested tables In beautlf\.11, natural teak! They're aiwavs .,, convenlenttv near S109val. ~ This w eekend on1v1 Get BOTH $399 Sideboard & Hutch tor onlv. White Patio Fumtture soace·aoe plastic covenng sturdy steel otves long·term beautv for 1oung1ng or entertaining convenience• Plummer s ltallan I tlo table accompanies handy cas1ona1 tables and your choice of smart chair stvies• ... .. •49 outdoor stacking $ 24 • · cnalrs. $35 val....... :• outtlOor dining -~~I~~.~ ..... ~.'.~: .... $85 ocas1ona1 tables •forMI ··•· ~8~r~.;~.1.~ ...... •29 :·.~ i~r~~~: ............ $19 PLU BB'I INT•llMATIONAL CONT•MPOllAllY FUllNITUll• I WllTLOI--· • llU ~ IMI .• f21SI 157·0158 ~"""""Vtnle9. ~I ..,,.. MIA• 1$il0 I . Wlmef • C71tl 557-()111 llldt ~ 10 on NtwPOtt F'#YI SP YAU.IV • 122«> Shlnnln WW. No. Holtvwood • 121 JI 715·0«>1 '""""" Holl'fwooel 'WY a Llu,,.1 CanVol'll ....U•U 180 S. Ulre Awnut e C21S• ... f7.1 tTWO blOCll'f ~Of C:Q!OraOOI ICJUT'M MY e 25155 HewthOme IMI., TOf'rlnC'e e 1215) 171·~71 IOMbtOClll'IOftnOfCont MWfl LI JI P.,.. • Mlfvuartel llllaa • 17~-.Jm ,._..,crown~ & ,._., '""1 ......... _.,..., ....... , 1111 f\.lf"nft\M't cr1lfteO Of tne "'*' WNert lnlnY "*"' .. unttMmOMCI In canons tOf tnv Ole' uo ~_.., ""'O.ldlM ~to stoclr on Nl1(t . l ... 1 • ' I . J • -- Slow home sales, low prof its linked . 8y THOMAS D. ELIAS ThomAs EJJu is a free.lance columrust bued in Sanu M onica. Maybe CalJfomJans have listened too long to the nles pitch or real estate brokers who still assure them there iB no better investment than California property. "h never goes down.'' the brokers often say. "r,ou can't lose if you buy real ~tate here.' Now a new study suggests that buyers not only can lose money on a California home, but thousands have. In fact, the new analysis suggests the re may be a third reason for slow home sales besides high prices and high Interest rates -since 1980, real est.ate has been a lousy investment. doubUng the money u.ed for the down payment. With that kind of money to be made, it was no wonder houses sold like hotcnkew And with htUe to look forward to except a big loss, it's no wonder sales are slow today. Says Ruasell, "When housing waa cheap and Inflationary profits fairly certain, people could justify buying bJg, luxurious houses Today, a house 1s simply a budget-busUng expense. There JUBt isn't that much demand for places to live that cost $13,700 a year." As a result, he says, "People w ill do whatever they have to do to avoid buying at such high prices . renUng. moving i.n with _relatives or moving to less expensive parts of the country." And the sad part for the California real estate industry ·is that there isn't much 1t ca n d o e>tcept sit tight .. SAV,.~'T TMEV OOILLING ~,,. OIL? "I MADE THE STUDY because I believe that now is a good time for yoong people who are considering where to live to be very cautious," says Jerry Russell, a Monrovia computer engineer whose study shows that the average 1981 buyer of a median-priced California home would lose $13,700 if he tried to sell it this year. Iran-Iraq conflict • centuries old The median price -meaning hall the homes sold in California cost more and half cost less -was $132,000 last year. A buyer who made an average down pa"yment of 20 percent would have put down $26,400 and borrowed $105,600 at CllllDRlll f OCUS about 13 percent interest. The typical interest rate was lower than the 15 percent offered by banks because most home sales for the last two years have involved some sort of "creative" arrangement, with sellers helping finance buyers. Even at that rate, the buyer would have made $13,700 in annual interest payments, not including taxes and Insurance. If he sold the house today. with prices at about the same level as a year ago. he would get about $132,000 and he'd be out the $13,700 he'd paid -in addition to whatever money he could have made by investing his $26,400 down payment elsewhere for a year. That's the equivalent of paying at least $1,200 a month in rent, a premium price even in today's tight rental matket. BY CONTRAST, the buyer of a similar median-priced home five years ago would have paid $74,700. requirlllg only a '$14,800 down payment and a $59,900 loan at about 9 percent interest. That would have translated into monthly payments totaling $5,400 over his first year. u that buyer soto tne nome one year after purchase, he'd have gotten $91,000. the median price in t78. ~ after all his monthly intere ~ents. he'd have made a tidy $1 ,400 profit, almost 1 J7.·I 1rr' 1 I 4 . . /· l- i·~ ~l' ~~ . 3-.f-" I j_ Senior's win af SEN. STEVE SYMMS 1 "A government that is big enough t.o 1Ji¥.e you all you want is big enough to I t.ake it all away." Barry Goldwater OC't. 21. 1964. The truth of Sen. Goldwater's I definition of big government has seldom ~ll demonatrated more dramatically thin ll was in a case handle.<! recently I through my office in Boise. 1 .The story, which came to my attention • •1the result of a letter-to-the editor in a t local paper and a visit from its author, is J a lad comrbent.ary on our cold and rigid I bureaucracy. But t hanks to th e f • • teoce of an 89-year-old constituent J w• willing IO fight for her rights, ~ the ..tstance1Sf my staff. the story • hM' a happy endina· : '"Here's what happened. ! '·'rh.ree monthl ago. Bnlte Dewey o! ; Nampa donated s1 to• youncater in the : nelthborhood aelllng raffle tkke&.1 for a • achOol carnival. A.a luck would have it, : she won the ,pririe: a gift certificate (or : •w.o worth or grocerie9. : .1Good:nel9 knoww, ahe could u.e It, : atnce abe 1Nppor1a benelf on a amall Income ol $214 a month from Social • Securtty sst s-ymenta. l --9ui he,r 1ood luck turned Into a "t.60\CIMl"e tN.Wllfnl bu livelihood, .a. the YOluntartly ~ ber $100 r~he to the Social Security By JOY ASCHENBACH Netlonal o.otir-.iMc New• a.Alce WASHINGTON -Sitting side by side on the Persian Gulf, Iran and Iraq may be neighbors but they've hardly ever been friends. They have been fighting for nearly two years -this Ume. And they share a tangled and bloody history of confl1ct that goes back more than a thousand years. 1.f>ng known as Persia, Iran is lndo- Eur.opean, the world center of Shiite Moslems, and a religiously ruled Islamic republic. Once ancient Mesopotamia, Iraq is Arab and controlled by SunnJ Moslems though more than half of Its people are S h iites. It has a secular socialist government. Both are oil-rich rivals struggling for control of the strategic Shatt al Arab waterway wh1ch separates them and ultimately for dominance in the Persian Gulf. How did it begin? "WITH THE MARTYRDOM of the prophet Mohammed's grandson m 680." according to Dr. J .C. Hurewiu. director of Columbia University's Middle East Institute. "That's the start of the Shiite movement that split Islam in two." The Shiites. who today are often an oppressed but feared minority m the Persian Gulf states, had refused to recognize the line of succession from the prophet followed by the traditional Sunnis. Believing 1n their own leadership -descendants of Ali. the prophet's cousin and son-in-law -they broke away irrevocably when Ali's son Husain was slain near Karbala on what is now Iraqi soil. But even before that. Arabian-Persian battle lines were drawn. In 637 the Arabs , who had swept across 5afurday SU,v/(I r . ;~ t= Mesopotamia, moved east to defeat the Persians at Qadisiyah on the banks of the Euphrates River. first bringing Islam to Persia. By the beginning of the 16th century. the smaller Shiite sect had berome the established religio n .in P e rsia Meanwhtle the Ottoman Turks conquered Mesopotamia and Sunni Islam triumphed in what is now Iraq. Persia's strong Safavid dynasty recaptured the Iraqi territory in 1623, killing thousands and destroyin~ Sunni mosques. But the Turks, massacring Shiites, took back the land in 1638 and successfully defended st until 1917 A treaty in 1639 between the Ottoman Turks and the Persians roughly set the boundaries of the two domains. Some of the most sacred Shute shrine cities - holding the tombs of Ali and his son - wound up across the border in what is now Iraq "The desire to reposses.s these holy shrines, to regain what they lost in 1638, ~U.S. S. A. led Iranian leaders to invade Iraq in July," Hurewiu said. They are driven by a fundamentalist religious fervor to unite aU Shiites. Most of. the Islamic world's Shiites live in Iran and Iraq. WITH THE CO LLAPSE o ! the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War 1, lraq was put under Brilisti protection. In 1932 it b ecam e independent and in 1935 Persia changed its name to Iran. The two modem states, attempung to end old border disputes, entered into a treaty in 1937. It placed the entire 65-mile stretch of the key Shatt al Arab waterway inside Iraq. Iran. which wanted the Shatt spill down the middle, won shipping rights on its waters. Control of the waterway, where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers meet and flow to the Persian Gulf, is critical to both countries. Running between their richest oil regions. it is Iraq's only outlet to the Gulf and Iran's only sea access for its huge oil refinery at Abadan. Contending that the tem\S of the 1937 treaty were imposed by Britain, Iran never gave up its claim to half of the waterway. Finally in 1975, Iraq, weary from doing battle with its 2.5 million rebellious Kurds, was willing to give in. At a meeting in Algiers, Iraq's Saddam Hussc:in agreed to shift the Shatt boundary in exchange for the Shah of Iran's promise to stop supporting the Kurds, non-Arab tribesmen living in the mountains of northern Iraq. Iraq also agreed to withdraw its claim to Iran's prime oil producing province of Khuzistan (called Arabistan by the Iraqis), whose people are predominantly Arab. BU T BY 1980 THE tables were turned. The Shah, who had turned Iran into a modem, west.ernized power in the Gulf. had been toppled and the religious forces of the Shiite leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had taken over. Capitalizing on the chaotic Iranian situation and fearing that its revolutionary s pirit could spread to Iraq's Shiites, President Saddam Hussein unilate r ally can celed the Algiers agreement made with the Shah. Five days later on Sept. 22, 1980, Iraqi fighter bombers attacked Iranian airfields -the start of the current full- scale war between the two nations. Iraq contends Iran provoked the fight when its artillery fired on Iraqi border towns earlier that month. Until Iran invaded Iraq this summer, nearly all the hghtmg had been on Iranian soil. Death toll estimates have run into the thousands. The main targets on both sides of the border: 011 and military installations. The outcome this time: anybody's guess Flexible hours aid working IDOIDS These remarks are reprinted from the UC Clip Sheet. a biweekly publication of the University of California. IRVINE -A sociologist who has studied 545 families and their daily schedules suggests that a flexible. part- time, shared job that offers benefits similar to full-time employment appears to be the ideal situation for mothers who must juggle duties at home and at work. The sociologist. William Michelson, explained that tension levels -both at home and at work ~ were noticeably reduced whe n wome n had jobs that were either flexible or part-time or both Michelson , professor of social ecology at UC Irvine, conducted his detailed study in Toronto, Canada. while on the faculty at the University of Toronto as part of the research program "The Child an the City." He believes his findings are applicable to women throughout Western countries. HE HAS BEEN analyzing his massive pool of data since he came to UC Irvine two years ago and recently completed his analysis for Canada's Ministry of National Health and Welfare, the group that funded the three-year research proJE!Ct. Michelson's prelimmary findings focus on the impact. both on mothers and children, when mothers work outside the h ome and when they p~rform traditional duties an the home. The bought convenience foods and 20 percent prepared food in advance. -Whereas most women said they had too much to do m the time available, mothers with full-time jobs perceived the great.est pressure and tens1on. Differences in actual and ideal time pressures were greatest for employed mothers. M ichelson also explored h ow husbands reduced or increased pressure and found that husbands did mot'e housework and child care when their wives were employed outside the home. but the amount of ume spent on these chores did not approach equality. threatens benefits families surveyed included both married and single mothers. "There 1s a g r owing trend for increasing numbers of mothers with young childr e n t o have outside employment or to be single, but. the community bas not yet recognized what. adaptations may be needed to make outside employment and singl e parenthood more viable and less stressful," Michelson said. Based on the responses of the families he surveyed, Michelson believe9 that jobs that permit flexibility, wht!ther the flexibility concerns the work schedule or the nature of the work itself, create fewer tensions and pressures. Administration. Why did she report st? "Because I've always been honest," she explained. You'd think, as l did. that if the feds responded at all, it would be to thank her for being so forthnght and to tell her that it isn't really necessary for Uncle Sam to know when a senior dt.izen wins a pnze at a 11Chool carnival. Instead, the woman received not one but two letters from Social Security o{ficials, both of them informing her that because she had won $100 worth of food in a raffle, she would loee -get Lb.is - more than $100 in monthly SSI payments. The first letter. from the local Social Security office, told •her that her SSI payments for the months of May and June (which ahe had already i"t'Celved) had been reduced by $160. "Plea. refund the overpayment of $160 bnmedla~y ... the letter demanded. "Make your check o r money order payable t.o the Social Secur ity Admln1stration ... and mail it in the encloeed envelope." The t«Ond letter,whlch came from Wuh.lncton, &old her that. 1ta.ranc ln July, her monthly SSl payments wou.ld be r educed by .t80. "Because your income bu chanted; we have retlf.Ured the amount of pa~nt due you. • the letter a&ld, addJ.na that the dedalon to I reduce her benefits was based on her "unearned income" (the groceries she won) in the month of April. · The Washington bureaucrats. in oth er words, were going to take away $80 a month -or almost $1.000 a year - because sh.e had won $100 wol"th of food in the neighbor girl's school raffle. Can you believe that? Well, you'd better believe that Bessie Dewey was pretty upset when she got those letters telling her that her government was going to punish her for being lucky -and honest. When lt came to my atte ntion, w e went to bat for Beaif. After a aeriea of phone calls Wld letters, she WM told to disregard notices from Waahlngton throtentns tO' red~ her benel!t1 in lhe future. Then she wa.' told the would have IO refund "only" $80, not $160. Finally, thanks to the COQJ>eratlon of Social Security offldala ln Caldwell. we were able to get au of •the penalties waived. Several weeks ago, when I visited her in Nampa, Beale told me lhe had jun recietved her monthly SSJ check for the full amount -plus $19 cort.of-Uvlna bonus -to everything 18 now oby ana ahe It happy. Two survey tools -a "Ume budget" and a "busy acale'' -were used by the 90Clologist to develop a precise picture for each family at home, at work and while the family membera traveled to and from work and the day care site. In the time budget, mother• and fathers were asked to rea>N\ruc:t the pTevlou s day. They Itemized their lndividl.t&l activiuee. stated whether they· felt relaxed or tense while doing each· 1c:tlvity and then said whether the .ctMty wu voluntary or involuntary. The "buly tcale" revealed whether the fndfvldu1l bolna Intervie w e d believed the pn!'VIOUI ~y bad been too hwy t juat ri&ht Or' not buly el'lOUgb. KEY FINDINGS INCLUDE: -Momlr\81 and eveninp were the moal t•nae period• of the day for worktna mothrra becaua.e t.hne weTe time. when oblifatlona overlap~. -Mont than one-lhird of the rno\.hen believed noth.lna could be done to n!lleYe their time pr'ftlurn. Some common t echnlque1 were u aed to ea1e Sen. Symms 1!1 • Rcpubll<'•n from overl01dln,: 94 al•pt lea. 35 percent Idaho. , reduced Indoor cleaning. 26 percent I "IT'S TRUE THAT MOST women cited money as their primary reason for working. H o wever, many of these women might choose and exchange some of their salary for the ability to ronstruct thelr days in a more satisfying way, provided part-time jobs with the same wage rates and benefit.a aa full-time employment could be made mo.re readily available,·· Michelson said. He pointed out that job-ah1rlng, where two people ahare the aame Job, may be an excellent method of red~ pressW'e a nd tenalon for mothers. Iii these case&, the two workers would share lhe workload and the salary and both would receive benefits offered by the company. OAANGI COAST The comment P•ce orthe Dally Pilot 11eeka to lnlorm and •llmul•t• rt1adora by prn~nt Ins a variety ot commentary on toplca of Interest and sl&nfflunc.from Inform~ ob· servers and 1polcamtn ThomalP.H~,~ Satarday, A ... 1t 11, 1181 . -·--·--·----~<-. . Orange Ooot OAILV PILOT/ 8aturd1y, Augutt 21 , 1082 YOUTH ·~" ... "" ~ .. ~ Reflections of an image hit home ~·~~~~~~~~ , ff LE"f\)N y' @ s1;;,~~1;: ~0:: :u0~~!C:~ ~~mU~~ea~e~e1~ r,tk;,ts~ ~d _.111-'~•. °' f ) Robert Burns' words struck Mar and Janine Wheeler, 1'21 of "I (D't othens see us!" Amy Sutler, 12, of Corona del :i-home for Uncle Len this week as Hun\ington Beach. Nt:W ~ r, he got a look at himself as several Jeff had perhaps the befit Idea (.?~t< LOU~ youn.g people see him. And some of the lot -but Uncle Len can't of t~e views were pretty quite afford It. We ·liked the \ I FIRST PLACE: David James, Costa Mesa lnipact trails hikers By DOUG JOHNSON Thirty high school students slid their overstuffed backpacks in to the underbelly of a large bus during the pre-dawn darkness and a few minutes later, with four science teachers, left for a seven-day trek across the High Sierra range. Doug Johnson, 15, starts his sophomore year at Harbor High next month. Our Summer Field Studies program was to give us a better underst.4nding of the Sierras in orie n tee r ing. ex ped i ti on outfitting. and topographical map reading. Everything we packed in. we were to pack out. The idea was to ha ve no impact on the environment (at least that's what our instructors had told us) but upon returning from our trans- Sierra trek we found it was the environment that had the impact on us. Each student carried personal gear plus a share oi the community equipment and food -about 40 p ounds per individual. The bus left us near Cedar Grove at 6,000 feet where we formed two groups. each with two instructors. The rangers limit hiking groups to about 15 to lessen impact on any one trail. Ours was called the Bubbs Creek group because of the general direction we traveled. After three hours of hilcing. we reached Sphinx Creek Junction and set up camp. Four of us slept on a gigantic 20 x 30-foot slab of granite. The temperature dropped to around 35 degrees overnight, but because of the slab's smoothness and its ability to hold the day's heat, we au had a good sleep. Our week's cuisine consisted of dehydrated food. Some dishes turned out to taste ver y good; others, well, no t so good. A breakfast everyone liked was blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and sliced bacon. The first five nights of our tnp everyc;me had to hang their food to keep it away from bears. Often this proved quite a chore - hanging and balancing it on cables between trees. A few people had brought fishing gear. Those lucky enough to catch a decent-sized fiah usually fried it· up and had it (and company) for dinner that evening. Often the instructor had us use ou r topographic maps and compasses to figure out where we were on the map, see how much farther we had to go, and identify certain prominent features. Other times we had to identify different trees in the area by their needles, bark and cones. It rained for about 24 hours during the middle part or the trip, which meant getting._ into our rain gear and setting up some sort of shelter for the night - whether a simple rainfly, tube tent, or actual tent. During one of our hikes, our group was lucky enough to spot three bighorn sheep on a ridge about a 100 yards away. This was Dog of tlle Wee~·----- ................. SHY -Foxy, a year.old spayed female AUltl'a11.aw kelple, ta a little ahy IO offJclala at the Lacuna Beach Anlrna1 Sheher are helpJ.na her find a home. They ,.y lhe ii an affectionate lap d<>1. She'• houeebroken and hu had all of her shot.a. The shelter ii located at 20612 X..,Una Canyon Road. Phone 497-3552. creative. The most original came from ~~t~~~hough: Uncle Lenz In David James, age 13, of Costa Mesa, who borrowed from the Now for next week's activity, style of Mad Magazine cartoonist which will be a tremendous feet. Don Martin. According to David, That's feet as in shoes. The "1 pu\ different people lnto one, subject for next Saturday wlU be then added the shirt." "happy feet" and what they're Nice going, David. And for that happiest doing. bright idea, you'll win the $5 first prii.e from the DaHy Pilot. Are yours happiest when It was pretty tough to come up they're barefoot in the grass. with a second place runner-up, running in tennis shoes. dressed but the entry of an elderly Uncle up in good shoes or maybe Len from Kristen Williams. 12, soaking In bubble bath? Let's of.Costa Mesa _ who apparently have some original ideas. thinks Uncle Len's for the birds As always. the art contest -won out. Kristen will receive entries go to Uncle Len, clo the $2 for her efforts. and she also Daily Pilot, P.O . Box 1560. Costa gets the booby prize for her idea Mesa 92626. And be sure to use 4 of putting Uncle Len behind by 4-inch white paper and get .;r1 bars. t h e m l o U n c 1 e L e n b y SECOND PLACE: Kristen Williams, Costa Mesa:° There were some other good Wednesday. ideas too. The Corona de! Mar He'll be tapping his toes kids. Jeff and Misty Bulley each waiting for them. ., rare because bighorn sheep tend to shy away from people. We saw deer and smaller animals, such as ground squirrels, but we saw no bears. There was one thing l hadn't expected to see. Occasionally military jets zipped overhead. Sometimes they would come roaring down the valleys only a few hundred feet off the ground! The high point or our trip, in both senses. was Baxter Pass. 12,200 feet. We had been awakened at 3:30 a.m. Monday. Aug. 9 to hike to the top of this pass to see the sunrise. The night before was spent around the campfire where the First Annual Bubbs vs. Woods Creek Talent Show featured everything from impersonations, singing, male belly dancers accompanied by harmonica, and joke-telling. The instructors declined to name a winner. The next morning. under a brightly shining moon. all of us not so brightly shining.hikers 9l't out for Baxter Pass. It was difficult for the shadows were deceiving. looee rock shifted and the snow we crossed was icy and very slippery. But we all eventually made it, and toe sun rose above the distant mountains at almost 6 a.m. We could see for miles around, from the snow-covered peaks and down Into the Owen." Valley in the distance. After everyone was done taking pictures, we put on our packs and began the 8-mile hike down to the North ~rk of Oak Creek, where the bus would be meeting us. Scenery changed rapJdly as we deacended. The snowy rocky terrain turned to a pine forest, the forest to chaparral. and tht1 chaparral to detert. . ~we waited for our bull. orw of our guy. diacovered a couplE of pounda of rocka in hh beckpeck put there by "friends.' Lots of laughter, with one notable exception. Apparently he had been t u11lnJ thete rocks around for a C0l4ple of ct.yt. Croutna . the Sierra Nevada WM IOl'nlthlng &hat let l.m apart from. the Nit of our ei.-n.ta. for we had put fonh the .U~ Md completlld tM journey. WhettMf lt WM the beeUtif\11 councry, freeh air, or the maldna of new friendl, rm an .U ol. m will remember th.II trip 11 lona 11 we ltve. ,. Pet owners babyi;., -braying beauties ·. BAKERSFIELD (AP) - Several Bakersfield families who adopted wild burros last summer from the China Lake Naval Weapons Center in the Mo.)3VC Desert say they've grown fond or their braying beauties The once wild burros now a re taking carrots out o f their owner's hands, enjoying currying sessions and mingling with other fam!ly pets. June Seybert stepped outside her house recently carrying two plu(np carrots. From across the large yard, she was greeted with a series o! hee-haws from her pet burro. "Hi, Crazy Legs." she called "Want a carrot?" The 4-year-old burro. named bec.ause or his malformed front legs, eagerly crunched the vegetables. His mistress pulled a piece af grass from his Curry cheek and gently caressed his forehead "He likes attention." she said Crazy Legs was among 13 burros brought to Bakersfield by the Society of the Preventiop of Cruelty to Animals i n cooperation with the Anif!1al Protection Institute of Ame~ica. Burros removed from the military base were amo~g thousands that roam the d~r~. The adoption program was lnitiated after public outcry when the Navy hired mar~n to shoot burros to ehmina~. the hazard of ammals on gunways Marcie Knittle, an adv.~ier w1Lh the Ke rn Comm1ss10~ pn Humane Wild Burro Control. said adopted burros got 6afe homes and owners got pets,, 'P.ack animals or guard burros jhat keep coyotes a\.vay from her s of s heep. "Evervone's raving at>;o,ut them," she said. Answers appur (upside down) beneath qaJI ( 10 pol"'' for eacll quHllo" answered co"eclly) 1 Prime Minister Begin of Israel alid PlO chief Yuslr Ar.fat agreed in general to a plan for the withdrawal ol PLO forces from Beirut. U.S. negotiator .. l .. arranged the agreement. 2 A ledeul court (CHOOSE ~E: up~ld, struck down) a ~lety requirement that new an by 19&4 must have air b.lts or automatic 5eat belts. l The Hou5e ol Representatives dehrated a resolution calling' for an immediate freeze on nuclear weapons. TRUE OR FALSE: President Reagan supported the freeze. 4 The number of children li~jng with a single parent jumped S4 percel'it during the 1970s. Accordlns to the Census Bureau. 1 child in .. l .. now tins with a slnsle parent. a-3 b-S c-10 S Italy prepared for a new 1ov~nment -its 42nd since WOfld War II -after Premier Giovanni Spadollnl resianed recently. He had led •.. f .• aovernment. •·Republican • b-Con..,tunlst c-a>alltton newsname (t O point• If yov can ldentl!y thl• pen on In the "•w•) My 1overnment'• open-door policy to Jiolltlal refugees ho be.n serioully crttldzed follCJW'"s the wOrtt outbreak of ¥6otence "' "'° country a .. lrwt J9Wt NnCIWOftd War II. Whotmltndwhit~ntry dot ludf f n1atchwords 1-fM<flt•t• •,'J news picture (10 points II you •"•wer 11111 que1llo" correctly) The nation'$ unemployment rate hit 9.8 percent in July, the highest in 41 yHn, with nearly 11 million Americans like these out ol work ... l .. had the highest unemployment rate of mx.. state with one of every 7 workers there looking for a Job but uNble to find one. "") a-Illinois b·Mlchlgan c-MuS1chu~tts 4' peoplewatch/sportligf\1 (2 potnt1 lor ea<:ll quHllon •"•-red correctly) " 1 President Reagan recently named Mutln Feldstein to rep~ti\ Murray Weldenbaum H chairman of the .. l .. .~~.) a-National Security Council b-Councll of Economic Advi~rs c-Whlte House stiff ' 't'lb 2 •• f •• , starrln101nlel J, Trav1ntl, led all TV proarams to ap~ Z1 Emmy nomln1tlom, Including all five nominations for ...., 'uppontna anor in 1 dramatic 5eries. •11!1 3 Many fins recently took time out to remember the 111rof "Some Like It Hot" and ''Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", __,t91 diet! 20 years 110 thb month. N1rne th1t star 1nd the 1geW would be today. 'l " 4 The (CHOOSE ONE: Atl1nta Braves, Los An1e'-9 Ood1-\ recet1tly lost the exceptlon1l le1d they had malntilned In N1tlon1I Le11ue West throu1hout the tint rwo.thlrcb of; ' Muon. On O(Clllon the t.am i.d I~ division by t ~r( S Al Oliver, flrtt buem1n for the (CHOOSE ONE: IC. Lq.Jl1 Cardlnals, Montre1I Expoa), has been ont of the leadlnt hiqefs In the National Leq~ thh se1t0n. • roundtable lf~ ,__.., ._,.,..., (l'O ICOf'e) '•N Do you tNnlt l1rael'1 rec.nt 1ctlon1 ···'"" the no In~ 11 are )uttlfled 1n llght of 1ht1 ors1nrut1on11 cOf'ldlement')o destroy tM Jewish f\ltfOf'f Why or why noef II'~ kultlv1te YOU" IC~ tt .. too --TOP tc:OMI " lo .. ,...._ l1C'9Ment 1t to IO '"'" -Q00411 •• , .. " .... -, ( •vwc: .... 111·11 ~ ------ Musicals, workshops planned RlllGIDUI lltll Billy Graham Evangellatic AaaociaUon, wW be the featured apea1ter at tho Robert H. Schuller Inat.ltuLe for Succeaful Church Leadership. Seulona will run Wednesday through Sunday in Garden Grove. For more information call the huUtute at 971 -4133. "THE LIVING WORD," a film narrated by Billy Graham and Cliff Barrows, wiU be shown a t 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Calvary Chapel, Dan.a Point. Th.e . film weaves togetheP Scripture passag es, religious art, music and foot.age of the Holy Land. THE R EV. DR. CHESTER J . Droog, western field secretary for the Reformed Church in Am~rica, will be the guest speaker at the 9:30 a .m . services Sunday for the Capistrano Community Church. Services are held a t the Saddleback College gymnasium ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TEMPLE OF NEWPORT BEACH CONSERVATIVE HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES AT NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 791 Dover Drive, Newport Beech Rebbl Robert Jeremleh Bergmen TEMPLE CHOIR 8.00 P,M. 9·00 AM. 9:00 AM. 11 30 AM. 7:00 PM. 9·00 AM . ... . , . ., .. 3.00 P.M P•ld Pohhcol Ad• ALLAN BEEK FOR CITY COUNCIL Who's Who? E S d . very un a y in BUSING ~ South Coa s t P•...d fot by Allan ffrirc-" t t9") SMrinl('°"· N~_,,on &-.th Celilng Fans 50~ OFF ATUl•UTU 1111 ...,.rt 11., o.•. 141-1111 .... 1 •• ,. Who 's New ! ()I(\' TEMPLE BETH EMET RELIGIOUS SCHOOL IS PLANNING BUSING STARTING SEPTEMBER FOR AREAS SOUTH OF ANAHEIM. CALL (714) 772-4720. Community Church Services 8:30 A .M. & l 0 : 15 A .M. Corono del Mor High S<hool, 7101 Eo•tbluff Dr , Corona d•I Mor Prlorltle-s: ••A StrugglP and a .fiiolutlon•• Jim Burns, Speaking For Info: Call 644-1350 Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY . "You 've Tried .the rest. NOW try the BEST!" Rev. Dr. El .. nor C. JKkeon New ThouOM Clwllllan EvllnO"ltl NEW THOUGHT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday Service & Junior Church 1Sth & Irvine, Newport 84'ach 10:30 A.M. "Buldna The Fortrm of Faith" .... 0... si-... -· ~-Church Office: 1929 Tuatln. Coata Meaa Phone .._1032 Dlal-A-Meuage Me 9494 1st CtUCH of RlllGIOUS SCINCE OF NEWPORT BEACH Member Church United Church of ReJCjous Sc~ CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. ilM~ Sunday School-Child Core ;,'J;,;_J,' "Erasq E1pectation frustration \~ 1 ... Jucty o.ile "Dial-An·lnsplration" -760-0504 1011 Camelback, Newport hach (eff ... ,,.., .. a-cl) • Mvllc Direct• -Marie E,,.rosh 760-9474 Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Traditional Episcopal) HOLY COMMUNION -Each Sunday • 9:00 AM I (Book of Common Pra)'el' • 1928) MERTZ HALL ' I of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev. Jem" Hohteld -532-2201 ST. JOHN'S THE Eflt8CMAL CHURCH tN COSTA MESA .. Y llrMt et Orange Avenue Holy Eucharist 9:00 l"fant and Child Core ST . JAMES EPISCOPAL WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via lido, Newport Beach hndey l.1IO A.M. ""9J9f lloc*, Hofy Communion ~ t:OO A.M. Chruoh lc:hoOt end Mutt lduolitlon ,.....,_7 ,.._. A.M. "'91 8undaJ, ~a,_ lloc* Moir CoMmuftlon Sundays llMreeft«, Hoer lucertet, Me I t:OO A 10:GO A.II. NuNerr C.,. CHANSMATIC MAH l'lf'9t 9uftdaJ of the Month -7:00 P.M. T...-, -10:tO A.M. HofJ •uctwtet ................ """u,tng Oft Of ..... TM-. ........ P. AeMeJ I, flleOtor -.....,.. m.ot10· • ,NEWPORT tWt80R LUTtDAN CtUtCH 711 Dover Dr. NtWPC>tn° •ACM ..... , . . ..... '" ........ .., 0...-A. Mlp, ~ WORSHIP SERVICE ....................... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 9:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. - _. C.U. MM.MU wa.co• ctaaT LUTHSMN CHUftCH ,.nr.~=-"· Titmlr, ,_.., -•Ml11 ••a.--.. • u•A.M. ........... A.-... OlilM -... A.II. C*rl ..... , ... , ..._ _ .... . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BRANCHES OF THE MOTHER CHVl'ICH, TH£ FIRST~ OF Cli!llST. SCIENTIST IN !IOSTON, MASaACHVSETTS "MIND" Sunday, August 22, 1912 Coate Meaa -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sctentlat 21111 ..... Verde Dr .. C.ta ..... Church A Sunday 8cMol -10:00 A.M. Raadtng Room, 21111 ..... Verde Dr. I A.M.-4:11> P.M. Mon. tlM'U 8at. Wed. 1·1:11 P.M. -~ P.11. trvln• -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sca.rttlat Rancho San Joequln lntennecllete 8cMol 4111 Mlchaelaon ( .... r Yale) Church I Sunday 8cMol -10:00 A.M, CHILO CAM PAOVIOED AT SUHOAY SERVICE Huntington e .. ch -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat Ith I ()tty•, HUftttftgton lleact'I Church I Sunday tohool -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room -221 Main ll Newport Beech -First Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat 3303 Vie Lido, Newport Beech Church & Sunday School -9:00 & 10:30 A.M. Reeding Room, 3315 Vie Lido Mon. thru S•t. -9 A.M.·5 P.M. Tuff. -1·9 P.M. Chlld Cafe Provided 'uesd•y• -9 3(). I I 30 ... ~ '°' Sludy , ..... Newport Beach -Second Church of Chrl1t, Sc~"t~at 3100 Pacific V1ew Dr., Corona cMI Mel' Church I Sunday 8cMol -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room -asoo "•" e. CoMt Hwy., CdM WED. EVENING TESTIMONY MEmN08 - I P.M. ALL CHURCHES All ••• corotelly '""''" to ettend Ille cllurcll Mrvlcff end enjoy the prtvtlegee Oii IN ~ Aooma. Child C.,. Pfoollded AT AU. NRY1CH WESTMINSTER LUTHERAN CHlltCH 1*1 MltonAn. (Next to San DletO ,,.,, • w .. tmlnetef' .,,,cl.) -WOR8HIP 81!RVICE8 - l:30 a 10:00 A.M. PASTOR JC>eL A. lwtGGUM PHO• -...- ANGUC.AN EPISCOPAL OtUIOt Aca_.. ....... , ...... .,.e_~ 18002 Bushard, Fountain Valley 963-3801 •. s,..... w ....... llCTOI HOLY COUtl!MIOtt .......................... tiet A.M. MOI ... f'llAYll-CHUICH ICNOOl •••••••• '11 I A.M. MOI...._ .. A.VOit a..s•MC>t4 •.. 'L: •••••••• I l:Ot A~. Vao8tton ...... .......-.Mf. _.27, H0-11:t0 ...... .. ~i...;·.·. A.M. s..... a,_.....,"'' A.M. ~-·) s.mton Topic August 22nd ~ 9:00 & 10t30 A.M . "It' 1 Action Time'' Ctdctt (j Ml.1810US SCDCE Adultt & Jr. ChUnltl 10' 10:30 A CORDtAL WELCOW: FROM TI£ UNITED CtlJRCH OF CtlUST COIMllTY CUCH CONGREGATIONAL 911 HetlolrOP!J Ave. Corona ... ..., 644-7400 Donald W. Ku1a, Mlnletef' 10 A.M. -Sunday Wonhlp a..dl ~ -Hur.-y c.. NEJCHIORHOOO CONGREGATIONAL CtuCH 340 St .... '*' " lilnllJN, Lia-had! 4~8061 '°"' Iii. ll(TIQ.OS MllltCMET ANN ltmlllDS ...... 10 Ul -s.lly ...... a.di Scblel ' """' HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dtectplee of Chrtet) 2401 lnlne at Santa 1 .. bel M5-m1 Morning WOflhlp 10 A.M. 09"9 lwaneon, Mlnl9ter Attend The Church of ' Your Choice This Sunday Worship In ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 St. Andrews Road • Newport Beach • 631 ·2880 °'· -A.-."·.._ Worship Services -8:45 and 10: 15 A.M. "A Concept of Values" Rev. Robe<-t Kranlng, p<eoching PROGRAMS 8:45 a.m. -lnlanls Thru College 10· 15 a.m -lnldnts Thru 6th Grade ABC Helpllne-MS-2222 Community Presbyterian Church 415 Forfft Ave., Laguna ... ch 4M-75M Rev. Arthur J. Tankersley Rev. Craig Williama Worship -9:30 A.M NURS(Rv C"Rf PROVIOEO DURING SEFIVICE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE COVENANT ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2850 Felrvl .. Ad., Co.ta ..... -557-3340 Eaetbluff Dr. a ,,.mbor.., Newport BMch 1 Brue. 'A. Kurr ... P .. tor An. W1tta.m McOuotd An. Tony Wotte I P•tor AMOClat• PeetOf Terry MoCenne, Director of Youth Mlnlstles a...te. llroctlman, Mu.le DINCtOf ,1 Howard Kiiiion. Director of Adult Ministries Churcti SchoOI & Adult Cl ..... -9:00 a.m. Don Maddox. Director of Singles Ministries Worship SeNtce -10:00 a.m. lunda!' Wonhlp -a:ao I 10::00 A.M. ~=....,..,===C=•=re=ll1=8oth==S.=t1cee=='=°'=lnfo:=.=Cel=l=M4-==1M=1 ~ I Church School -Chlldr9n thru Aduft9 10:00 A.M. ,.. NurMrJ care aftlllable -1:ao I 10:00 A.M. A Cordl•I Welcome from The , I v .. .,.,. -·7~ P.M. 1--~U=N=IT=E=D~M==ET~H_O~D~l~ST~C_H_U_R_C_H~~ ~~~~~~--~~~~~~--. ea.ta MM& Huntington Beach CHURCH OF CHRIST FIRST UNITED FIRST UNITED I 217 w. Wlleon, eo.ta ..... IQ.S111 METHODIST METHODIST We're A Going -Glowing -Growtng Churcti CHURCH CHURCH SUNDAY 8eRVICH 19th St. & Harbor Btvd. 818&.E STUDY I A.M. WORSHIP 10 A.M. a I P.M. etturctt 8oftoef uo w~~~S:O. ~:~m. 10 A.M. -"What is it like To Doubt ?" -Psalm 73 ct1art!~cfartt~n1ster c~M_~m. 6 P .M. -CHURCH SERVICES Cotta M .. North •IA VEROI UNITED MITHODl8T CHUflCH Wonhlp a ChUIGtl 8cMol l:to • 10:00 A.M. Dr ......... e.s .... CHRIST CHURCH Huntington Beacti North COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 6e62 Hell Aw . 8<t2-4481 Wonhlp hnlce l:to I 10:00 l:to Sunday School 10:00 BY THe SEA Foontaln van.y 14~~1Vd. FIRST UNITED 87:t.3805 METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Robert Shepard Jr. 18225 Buttlard St. WonNp A a..h 8dtoot ... ._ t:ao A.II. Or. Carroll E. Word, Minister W1ldef "'9'ioflool Wcnhfp A C..... 8oftoef ,.~~... .~~ ~ C9""9,ft UNITID MITHOD18T ... ................ c....... .. Mar M4-G741 Worship & Church School -9:30 A.M . Rev. Ken McMiiian You Wiii .. Weloomed -Andtteepedl l'IR8T CHRl8TIAN CHURCH . ....... ~ .......... ...... -AY1 011 ti II W I .. A.IL .................... ~ ~--••O...---II .... ......... CIWlll ........ Paul Thomae. Mlnletef' -Oo4't Cole, Youth lllnletef' S~!~.0~~~il>T Friday Evening 1:11 ... M. f'amlfJ 8erYtoe . t t t t ' '1nt Friday of IM monttl 1'.al P.M. Rabbi kf)al'd P. King Jamt>or .. I Eaatblutf Dr. Music: Arie Shlkl« Newport a..cti. Cellf. Educator: Nancy L~n 'Of' '"'°""•'*' eel M4-720S "" VleOIOn WleOOfM TEMPLE SHARON' v6V p~ -Hebre'# & SUnday ~Mf'YatlVe) ¥ Bar/Mluvah Training Youth Group-Sia~ Servlcea: Friday, 8:111 p.m. Sat 9:15 a.m. Sun. t:30 e.m • RAB81HE~8HELBAOCKS 117 WMt Hemllton, Coete MeN 1114111 Illegal aliens use -Pendleton CAMP PENDLETON (AP) Not only Marinet uae the world's blgeat amphibious base. lllegal aliens h eading for Orange County and Loa Angeles have .iwaya found It eaaier going than trying roads and cl Ues. There's no estimate how many even reach the 125,000-acre military reservation, but at least 820 this year haven't made it to the other side. Interview, adding that area guards often catch aliens, too. There are 472 mUee of roada, paved or unpaved, along with mountain ranges and desert so vast the people can walk unseen for days. The suspected iUegals are held for d eportation, according to Capt. Melvin P. Neu. who heads Camp Pendleton's patrol division. . . . . . ... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, August 21, t982 SHE'S IN LIMBO -Lisa Weatherwax. 8. of Mason City, Iowa, 1-foot pole to win limbo skating compet1t1on Camp Pendleton military police say they've caught 4,744 the last three years. lf a smuggler is involved, he is taken Into federal custody even if he's a military man, said Neu. Recently, a corporal and the wife o f a n other M ari n e w e r e convicted of leading Illegal aliens across the border and trying to get th em thro ugh Camp Pendleton in a military truck. hooks fingers in shoelaces of roller skates and glides beneath of the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines , .· .. A spokesman for the pf.avast marshal, Sgt. Charles R. Sontag, said that since Jan. 1 "we caught a total of 820 aliens and turned them over to the Border Patrol. Store agr_ees to $50,000 payments to end suit "The aliens are caught on foot, or ln a bus, but many have vehicles or are smuggled across the border," Sontag said in an Border Patrol at the nearby San Onofre c heck station on Interstate 5 apprehended 35,000 iUegal aliens during 1981. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The owner of the 13-store Bullock's c:hain has agreed to pay $50,000 in penalties and fees to e nd a drawn-out civil suit claiming that the stores wrongly advertised furniture prices in catalogs. Federated Department Stores Inc . a greed o n a su m that in cludes the penalty and investigative and legal fees in the three-year-old civil suit filed in 1 1().,,-AL TllAI C:IJ l§I~ • Royal Champagne Brunch Sunday~~ch R ~ LJil ... 17 .95 10:30 to 2:30 673-3322 TALE of th~WHALE ··11m:10:1·nw11. I\ 1111 "'"''·' ·" Or•,.,,. County•• gr••l••t Sund•y Brunch D••I ... , ... ing CoQl.lllle. qulChe encl~· .,, edOfUon 10 OUt tegul• "*"' ~~~~· From '4" Chlld1'9n 2. H ... FREE CHAMPAGNE '· '· . Featuring Eggs Benedict W•g ul<H Menu Alt0 S.rv•tl Sunday Brunch '4.75 SS.SO Wi1h Chornpogne SUNDAY BRUNCH ON THE WATERFRONT 10 AM to 4 PM Featuring Hu•voa Roncheroa 675-0474 2318 W. Newport Blvd. Jlylfa SUNDAY BRUNCH 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. COMPLIMENT ARY COCKT All 759-1854 ' 'Jnaeic 'ct ?ZetJtaueaJit ' S unday Brunch IO •.m. to 2 p.m. Complimentary Champagne Fresh Summer fruit (Five Points Locaaion Only) 11603 Main St. tbrtqton Beach estaurant1 Guide ,\ I /.A~ ... .:-\ / I Buffet By The Bay CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH s10.95 ($-4 9S Unde• 121 Saturday l I t o 2:30 Sunday lO to 2:30 UJl\M H tP.li1'J On Th• W•l•rfrOfll In Lido Merln• Vfllege Sunday Champagne Brunch 10 a.rn. to 3 p .rn. 56.95 ~ll•lt• 54.95 Clailllrea ~ lllt•l•it• Ci••,.fH lrutA -atc.•,.•IH '' ' 1t1tlll•1 #11/1tAJ ... , 10:30 ••••• Z:30 ,. •• Compllmentary Valet Parking 7'1e ~EG I ST~ .._ Jfotel -:.....;;..:-_ 18800 MacArtlu Bou(evard Reservations Requested (714) 752-8777 Saturday & Sunday Brunch Sat. 8 to 2 Sun. 9 to 3 '2.95 to '6.95 Complimentary Champagne or Fruit Jurce 3000 •a.tol 545-5570 at lolcer Costa MeM Los Angeles Superior Courts. Deputy District Attol"ne y John F . Lynch said t hat ite m s advertised at "s a le" prices actually cost regular prices Witho ut admitting gu11t; Bullock 's 0 H1c1als agreed to a t·o urt o rd<'r permane ntly pro hibiting the advertising practice 'I' 'l:..,lf/, 'l'N''I, ~ l ·~ OPEN AIR PATIO DINING Champagne Brunch s4.95 10 a.m . to 3 p.m. SATURDAY 99' BREAKFAST 8 A.M. to 11 A .M . 3300 Coast Hwy. 548-2224 Newport Beach Sunday Brunch & Jam Session DINNER & JAZZ NIGHTLY 675-7760 a ~~·CANNERY Sunday Brunch From 9 a.m . 675-5777 Ch1111,11111 lrunch Harbor Cruises Departs 10 a .m . & 12:30 Reservations Required 6 7 5 -7 5 22 J010 LAFArETTE A~E. /IEW,DRT IEACH mAnDARln Geur.;net ...........•.••......•••..•• : OHIE'\T \I. C:ll \\IP \4. '\E • BB l '\C:ll I I ::~o I .. :!:OH ... 7.50 I ~---------···-·············· I :;rn1 \IH "' in the Mediterranean Room "-from 10 -3 '' 18700 MacArthur Bl., Irvine Airportednn Hotel (714 ) 833-2770 11£ BMJ:=i Champagne f~ Buffet Brunch '* '8.95 1C:OO to 2:30 14982 Redhill AT Edinger ii-... Complimentary Champagne Spec1all1/ng In Eggs Benedict Homemade Blueberry Muffins Frt!sh Fruit & Salad Bar " ••• Orange Coaet DAIL y PILOT I l1turd1Y. A\lguet 11. ,912 THE t'i\~IL'' C'lllCl'M by 8 11 Keane 9 t f ,. r " , ., by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) VtP ·SHOE "Gee! This is too much like SCHOOL!" 'IAR'9:\Dl'KE by Brad Anderson 62• "Too late ... he already drank some goldfish!" Jl'DGE Pt\RKER "I thll\tl\•'• tryl"G to tell you something." OD:\18 TR£ "ENi\CE Hank Ketchum r~ z !·l( . . 'Bur 6EE WH1z. ..\ SAID (~1E .\N. GET 1r i' Y:J HE ~~'Q)T IT 1 " • by Harold Le Doux ---1 TOLD HIM THAT UNF()f!.TUNATELY I DIDN 'T THINK HE GARt'l•:l.D OH,00~ DO l LOV( ... ooP WAb' llOON ll l ' LLI NS ACROSS 56 -firms 1 Picture 58 Dog trens* 60 Allempt 6 Tree 63 Of value you ~AV~ AGRE.AT. kNAC~ FOR MAKING STRAN~E RS OUT OF FRIENDS, MOON. FRtoAY'I PUZZlE SOl. YED 11 Verb lonn 66 "The~~ .. 14 l0'4.lnlldo man M<-+.~ 15 OutCMt 117 -seMce 16 loiter 68 Surround 17 Stoppers 69 Blundef 18 004omlt• 70 Beltrl<ln ,.2() Sumi 71 Oemended 22 !illlfp tattet 23 FrUll ~ DOWN 25 A - -the 1 Fish b.ck 2 Laroe bird 28 Vegeclble J Battled 29 Lener. 4 Dlllect 30 Scattered 5 UnleU 32 Of blrttl 8 Storage area ~c;.&;..1--..~~"'"'"""~ ~A• ' 7 LMMS 27 Gl.clll enow 4111. Fr 39 E...... 8 Shady 30 Plume 50 FOOi SI 2 WOtdt 9 Bittert 31 hbu Kllont 51 Purport 42 S.C of ttetll 10 Slett• 33 Further 52 Commlfld 43 FMNd 1 I Stpar1te 35 lndt1n 53 Before ~5 Mcwtlle'I · 12 Almble 38 Otmblel 55 s.rvet mM1 13 VOid 3 WOfdt 57 Octtntt 4f ,... 19 Cflectl 37 JlfGed 59 ~ 4f F• tit 21 ~ aa NotcNe e 1 Pointer IO ...... _, n Goof .0 ""*"'°" '2 Holl)••of .. ~ 14.... .,....,_ ... ,..... 55 N fltl • il!Mt· .. Lllfllr ... .... MYrflr td •7 "'"'"" .. ..., ... • ll by Jim Davis ~~ \ GARF1£LO. ~5AG£ ,) '-.-0---u 0 0 821 by Ferd & Tom Johnson DRINKS FOR ·~Yot-JE , .<al.fYS ·'·' rCAN1T WAIT TO READ MY. BC>OK --GORDO BRABBLE • SMf TMINKS ~E'S IN LOVE ~TM '100 .. c -._,_.._k II FI by Tom K Ryan by Jeff Mac Nelly by Ernie Bushm1ller OH, DEAR---I LOST MY BOOK . . YOU SHOW ME!A CA'f IHA"f" CAN 0 0 1"H15 err ... by Gus Amela by Kevin Fagan AN I .!'1...1.-SHOW YOU A CA'f" 'fHA'f CO M M l,-'ff;D A MAJ OR. CRIM(:; I N FRANCf:! 8 21 ~AOSE -yaJ'o SE A \Jel\'/ 0..0 MAN B'{ THE 1iME )bJ~RlED~ ~ .. Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, Augu1t 21, 1982 Bil / 'Bus Stop' finds new life • JD cable --ly MIK E SILVERMAN ~--f'fMe Wrltef NEW YORK William lnie'• mode•l little comedy "Bua Stop" opened on Broadway In 19!'>~ and a year later II.a fllrn vol"lllon provided a vehlc:le for the rb1lng star of Marilyn Monroe. There It.a hlatory might have ended, were It not for the voracioua appetite of cable televiaion. Old movies fill up juat 80 much air time, and cable LI Increasingly o n . the lookout for entertainment properties to recycle. So it is that a new production of "Bua Stop," starring Margot Kidder, mes to Home Box Office Sunday night, from 9-11. It will be repeated Jour times in the following 10 days. The Canadian actress, known to oviegoers mainly as Lois Lane in 'Superman" and "Superman II," is learly delighted at finding a more hallenging role than the Man from ~pton's love interest. Miss Kidder shines as Chene, the rl from the Ozarks who calls herself "chanteuse" but who entertains at lunchroom on the bu.a route• bt·twtotm KIU'\l&U City and Topcika Cht'ril• II trying, not v"ry hnrd, Ill run awuy from Bo Decktir. u vlrglnul Montana cowboy who C'atne to Kan&u1 City for the rodeo, W8ndort>d mto the· Bluu Dragon, und wu• 1n11tllntly Rmltten. AltA)r one night ot lovt', ht• wanta to get hltched for life. but she regards him aa one more casual aH01r and ts skeptical when he hterally carries her onto the bus bound for home. Bo, portrayed b~ Tim Matheson o{ "Animal House' fame, hides his tender feelings under a h e -man bravado. Cherie lacks the self-resprtt to b<!lieve anyone could really love! her. How the two work out their relationship provides the dominant strand of Inge's plot. u drunk with u Jwrwhant for young girl.Ii Hounthng out lhl· cast are u kind h .. artt"d 1hf'rlft who literally bt>au wme ~tuw lnt.o Bo. und Bo's ram:h 1·or'l'man and surrogatt• futhl.'r, V1rij1I SeVl'rul fa<..>t.'!I In thtJ ext-client cast will be familiar to TV viewers, t.'lipe<:udly Pat Hingle 118 the profl'SSO r, .Joyce v an Patten as Grace, and Claude Akins, o~<.'e lh11 title character in "'J'he Misadventures of Sher1H Lobo," and still playing a l11wmun here. Matheson as a bit stndent and shouts too much an his early scenes when Bo ua trying to muscle his way into Cherie's aHC<'tions, but hl· and Miss Kidder are extremely efkctivt• ln the moving closing moments wht•n the two hnally discover each o ther h e Blue Dragon, a disreputable ightclub near the Kansas City tock yards. She is one of eight characters hose lives change for better or orse during a night when they are tr anded by a snowstorm a t a CHANTEUSE -Margot Kidder plays the Marilyn MonrOE: role in a cable TV production of "Bus Stop." airing Sunday on Home Box Office·. Two other couples form difrerent sorts of romantic entanglements during the long night. Grace, thC' 40-ish manager of the restaurant, dallies in her upstairs apartment with Carl, the bus driver whose previous visits have been limited to 20-mmute stops. Grace's assistan t , an impressionable high school girl named Elma, comes close~being seduced by a middle-aged bu passenger who quotes Shakespe and purports to be a professor. but who turns out to be The production is billed as M11rgot Kidder's stage d e but, but it's a quesllonable claim. It was performed before an audience at the Garrison Theater in Claremont, Calif. -using the original set designs by the late Boris Aronson -but only so al L'OUld be videotaped for HBO In sum. "Bus St.op," while hardly a dassic of the Amcricnn theater. has its moments of genuine £C<'ling, and HBO has dom.' 1 t justice POLTERGEIST It knows what scare.11you. ,.,,..,~ ... -~--et•••._!. ~~ NOW PLAYING COSTA MESA H TORO ORANG( •WlSTMINSHR [OwarO\ Jo,.n Center Cdwa10· ~.til<ll•bJ<I. AMC O•d1•1r M,1rl CO"•'d> C"'"'"·' l'/r I 751 4184 581 !>8ft0 631 OJ40 891 393~ COST I MlSA ldward' Cme111.1 Cr111e1 •ORANG( tJA Ct1v C•nro1.1 979 41'4 t 634 191, •CD~ I HO Pusts •cct•rro 'o" '"'' lHoaotwt•T 1 With Burt&Dolly thl• m uch fun ju.t couldn't be legal/ A tlNIVIUAL-U O rtcn'H o-~an•~ec COil& MflA ll TOllO GAllOU GllOH SHTA Fl "lllllGI ta--~rd\C.~wtenltt t:-O•afO :,M.);J•~t...... V41~t'llt'• ~Ola M111.tdA0.1 ... tA t/ .. tq/9•111 t/U J\81'.8ft0 olt•J81 .. \J]~ f/Uj~239310 COSU MllA fOUlllAIM YAlllf OllAllOI "O•A&IUACCUllO IO• •Id r I lfrtM t#"'"'' ' tJ.111••ll • ,,.,,,, tlO v .. ..,.., Cnf:C)lrtrte 1-0" TM• J.NOAOlMfJO 1't.41 /'ol 418"1 1-Utlt'l 1'·•Jo 1J1t1bH 1~.,') ............ ,.-.. -. ··-4·· ..• ,.,JO "The most exciting down-to-the-wire action since SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT and the funniest bunch of rascals since THE BAD NEWS BEARS." -Biii Tuah, WTBS. The Atlanta Superatallon TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX Presents A LION SHARE Production A DANIEL PETRIE Film KENNY ROGERS "SIX PACK" DIANE LANE· ERIN GRAY Music by CHARLES FOX Executive Producers EDWARD S. FELDMAN and TEO WITZER Produced by MICHAEL TRIKIUS l!.6;;~~ and ALEX MATTER Directed :.~~~'.~.~-~.~~~~.Ill .. ---·- -_ ...... , 'll•f "wl.I MAI I t. DAJl. Y 1:15, 3;30 1:00, 1:21>, 10'-*5 r...ty.__I fArr r1111r1 DAil Y 12:30, 2'30, 4:30, 1:30, 1:30, 10:30 (PO) AT ltlDG[MONT HIGH -~~'u~~-· ~ DAILY 1-3-5 1-1:50.. 10:40 12:AS, 4:30, 1:15 "THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" 2:AS, 1:30, 10:15 "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP" DAILY 3:'5, 1:00 1111 *-~~: 1:15, 10:30 !RI POLTERGEIST~ .. ~. DAILY 4:00, 1:00 • ~ /: •ue•,. 0 4~0uwG y-qp •II''" .. • l!J FIU. 1:05, I .AT/SUN. s:30, 1:05 ,.":: :_-DINll l!l FRl ... -00, 10'.» SAT/IUN. 1:JO, 1:00, 10'.30 llL~ lfUllW.11 FRI. 1:00 -I AT/IUN. 4·1 "FORCED VENGEANCE" FRI. 1:15. 10:15 IAT/IUN. 2:15, 1:11. 10:15 (R) DAil Y 2:20, l :IO, 10'.AO POLT£RGEIST...,~ DAILY t:30. l:OO "RAIDERS OF THE &.OST AllK" '"°' OM. Y 1 .. .-1!00, Ila, 1:00. 10il0 (H) •1UMMER LOVIR8" DALY ._ 1111 {R) n.o ........ c,......_ "llOCK;f Hr" DALYl:ll,1111 .. fA!T T!MrJ AT IUOClMONT MICH l!J DAILY 1:00, l.-00 5:00, 1:00, 1:50, 11))4() ""'· 1:00. 8:50, 10'.AO I AT/IUN. 1:00. 3:00, 5:00 1:00, 1:50, 10:40 "THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" FfU. 1:00, 10'.AO 8.AT/IUN. 2:15, 1:00, 10'.A5 MtGHTSlltrT0 fT. taDTM· 1!11 .. na......_ •~Hl...-•UM DMY 1111, ldO ......... (N) ""to'lml! ,::' DALY lr11, Ml POLTERGEIST-Ill DM.Y1• ..... SUPPORTIVE K arol McGill comforts Gregory Pellico. who faces trial for teaching evolution in the lrvme Community Theater drama "Inherit the Wind," playing tonight, Sunday and Friday and Saturday of next week at Turtle Rock Community Park in Irvine. For information. phone 5~7-7297 fl!~ "'~ ... rrwl \Wlll .., DAILY .... Mt "THI WORLD ACC09'DINO TO QARP-1 ... ._,...(R) 11THE BEAST- MASTER" DAa.Yl:lt ... ?lie, .. !N I llOGElll .. -- DAil Y 1:'5, 4:00 I: 15, 1:30, 10'.30 DAILY MO, 1:11 Jlt't:"'' °' "'' 4011 Alt«lm DAILY 1...0 ..... .......,--.! fAfr Tl#t1 ., ........ ., ...... ·~· DALY &11, 4111 111t, ......... a l'NllAT. 11lll ''TMINGaAM TOUGH ALL OVWR" .......... ,. ..,ORCID YaNQIANCF' 1 .......... ;-·1~ ~ 1!IO,lc1t.111tCll) "NIGHT 8Hll"T" 1111, 1'111i,... I .· I • • I . ~ . .. .~. •' ... ··~· .. . .:-: •• ••• Or unge Coa1t DAIL V PILOT I 81turd1y, Augu11 2 t, 1082 • Ed, Gang survive week Anutht•r W1·f'k of wuwh 11h'lklh16' uw II pair of ttlihl• l.>y tht' top lWll ltlvhuJcJklJI Wood for thl• w k'1 honori. w. Tr'11'V li0tHrcv folltod to cht>ck In and 1llpl>f'd out 11r thl· ·1hrt-.· wtJ'y dt-ndlock Nob<>Jy .cot lht• n.cht u nswt·r tu number t:l.iht r-bec&Ulft• tlwrt' w1..1~11·1 u11y (jUt'tsllun It w1:ts droppl'd sonwhow un rt. .. wuy tu th~ prei.:., !Jul ll'U bl-bnck In u futuw l'Ulumn Only 1wo 1•1111u .... 11int" pl('kt-d up lhl' extra point by answcrtttl( f.'11111k t'aprn Lu Lht• ( ioldt•11 Glol>t- TRIVIA BOWL XXVIJ STANDINGS 0'19' the Hill uBn\) 181 EO Schmerl•f (81 2. 'Tracy Godhoy (3t 3. Streich Muacioc.11111111 (7J 4. 'Cobra II (2'>1 I . The Behr F'Ri.t~ lhJ 8. ·The GrOUIJ (!>I O:t 63 ~1 !l!l !10'1 42 38 1 N•roty Prior (4) b '"" r>1onye1an• (3) Ii Hie~ W11rne1 (J) 10 Jot111 llu11ell (21 I t W11i1111 Willey (0) 'no •HWY rOGOtvod ~COi<! uwarOOO 3•·~ 18 ,. 10 ' 11a1r ot 11111 bonus qut-staun I lcrc."s lhc.· 111..•xt 1m·remenl, wh1t'h shou ld produn• a fl•w pt•r h'l.·t ~·11rt•s for a l'hunge . 1 B y r o n B~1rr would hav1· made a guocJ H ollywood namt'. hut 1lw at·tor bc>rn with It changed II Lu w hat"' 2. Nunw tlll• hl.it·k kid in lhl· com1<.· s trip Peanuts. 3. "Tlwy'v t• g1v1·n yo u a number and takt-n away your nam\.·" ~~ .1 ly nl· £rnn1 what song? 4 The f1r.,1 wh1tt• l·h1ld o f Bnglish parents born on these shun·~ hod " w1m· m1mt'<i afl{'r her. Who was she? 5. Flas h G11rd1111 malr1t·ulatcd at what university'! TRIVIA BY T.T. ff N1.1mt' tht-»OnH In whkh lhl· 1inl(t•r dl'(·hm~•. "When l put 'em on, I'm rclldy to go " 7 What s horti.to p wn11 known u• "Mr Shortstop?" 8 In whtil ploy would you (ind a dumtcter nnml'd Frund11 X Dignon' Y In tht• movaf' "Mister R oberlK," Jllck LenuY)on used two lngred1l'nt.s mixed with akohol to producc synthetic Scotc•h . Whal were these potions? 10. "A prgt!<>n £or a plg(:on " shouted b former admirn n t the su..r o f whnt Oscar·w 1nning movi<>? Laa\ Weck'• An1wen 1 Linda Cristal (namf! change) :l. Linu.'! (Grt•al Pumpkin) 3. "Laverne and S harley" (TV show chant) 4. San Fran~J!ll'O, the t·able car s (mobile monument) 5. Snare drum (Dolly's UlStrument) t>. Dawson High (Dean's school) 7 Game-winning RBis (Pa<.'iorE'k and Buckner) Y "Young at Ht-art" and "All 1h1• Way" (Sinatra songs m ·s O .B ') 10 V1v1en L eigh in "A Streetcar Nam~d Desiri'" lmov1e quotl') (Send _your answers co TRIVIA, clo the Daily Pilo1. Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All entries must be rec.·e>1ved by Wednesday. o cherw1s<' half the player's l~r sc.'Ore will Ix• awarded) Nelson, Alabama top finalists NASHVILLE (AP) Veteran Willie Nelson and the youthful progressive group Alabama are finalists in fivc of l l categl)ries in the ann ual Country Music Association awards. Newcomer R icky S kaggs also is a finalist in five categories. N elson, who also 1s an actor, is a finalist for entertainer of the year, single o f the year for "Always o n M y Mind" and the album o f the same name, male vocalist of the year and vocal duo of the year with W aylon JenmnR~ Alabama, a four-piece band whose music crosses over to the pop field, as a finalist for e nte rtainer of the ~ear, a lbum of the year for "M ounta.Ln Music," single o f the yepr for "Love in the First Degree," vocal group of the year and instrumental group o f the year. Skaggs, acclaimed for his clear tenor voice, is a finalist for ente r tainer of the year, single of the year for "Cr ying M y Heart Out Over You," male vocalist of the year and the horizon award for a promising newcomer H e and his band also are a finalist for top group. The Retun1 of the Great Adventure. coau MU A td••O· C "'"" 919"'' COSTA MlU .. w • ' "' . ··~; ll 10110 fOU lllAlll UllfT WllTMlllSTlll ' I • IA~ I ~q) 0~·~ A I ' JUlllllTOll ' • ~i· • l T O DAYthru SUN AUG 29 -:CoNHllE HAINES • SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT t ie t•nd Sing., on Sl•o• 0.11, IN THE FAMILY CIRCLE THEATER • Mo"9y S••1n9 ShOw Speco•lt -1n1et1or Room O.splays • Manul.ctured Housing ADMISSION SHOW HOURS Adull~ S•.so ""' , ,, r~ ... ·.11 ••• 2PM lo tOPM S2.SO r •...i.1, 2PM lo HPM • n:.•ll 1v t2Noon tot tPM , n.11, 12Noon lo 9PM Of"!' f<l"~ SM• L.ire It,,, ,r < VE ' Winners will be announ ced Oct . 11 at the nat ionally televised 16th Annual CMA awards sh ow at the_ C rand O le Opry House. W inners and finalists are selected by the 6,000 music industry pro fessionals who belong to t h e Nashville-based C MA. The Oak R idge Boys. George Jones and D avid Frizzell are up for three awar ds each while Barbara Mandrell, Rosanne Cash and Lee Greenwood are finalists for two a p iece. Failing to reach t h e five f inalists in a n y categor y was H a nk W illiams Jr., who h ad an unprecedented seven albums on the country music charts at once last fall. MO lil.M""'lt••PIJI• )'9 \Jjf 'OIUMUA te-... f\~.t ..... 9'9 ""'' NOW PLAYING UICIM to ..... ~~· .... , .. o --( ........... .,. ... llU J))l UO\ -..,. , ... , ...... tl• l•• -'•"' C> .. y ~ .. .... '0], wttT-1111 '""" ""'14"' >tllt''t ~~ U 1 M•l ., . ......_.~.,·· •0-0•1~•-; The comedy sleeper of the year. ~ Ml.IC NOfU NOTICB or DSATB or HILIN &VA tlURLBtJT AND or PETITION TO ADMJNISTER Uf A,1E NO. AllOtt. To all hetn, benefld&rt•. eredlto u and contln1ent cr.dltora o f H elen l:va Hurlbut end per•una who may~ olherwl# lo..,_~ In the will and/or •tat.a: Ml.IC NOTtC( MTtTIOUe ™H NAMI S'f'AT ... lfT Tiie fotlowlng pereon It 001119 OUtl-H TOAISCO, 1780 Monrovl• Ave untt A4 Cot1e Meu. CA '2827 Adflun C PfuytMft. U3 Bu i 181h 8trMt C0'11 M"8. CA 12821 Tnl• h1 .. 1neu fl oonllllOteO t>y 1111 1ndtvld11tJ AOr!Nn C Pr11y-. fhl• at1temen1 w1t Iii.cl w1111 tr>e CO\lnly C..,11 01 O<~ County on Auvu•t • 1912 ,,....,, Publlel\•d Or•no• COHI O•lly Pllol. Aug 7, 14 2f. 28, 1982 3490·12 Pt.el.IC NOTICE rlCTITIOUI SUllNIH NAMI STATlllltlNT fne tollow111g pereon •• Oorng 1>u1ln ... H SlRICTLV MAZDA, 18081 R.Oondo Circle, U11l1 E Hun11ngton Beach. CA 92848 RONALD KENNETH HOLBEN 2 t 14 t Shepherd Lene, Hun11ng1on s .. ch, CA 92848 Tl'l1• bv•lne•• •• conouc1eo by •n A petl t.loo hu bwn f lled by Robert A. Eutman In the Super ior Court o f Oran1 e County requutln1 that Robert A . Eutman be a ppointed •• peuonal repraentative to adminialA!r the eatate of H eil•n Eva Hurlbut (u nd er the Independent Adminiltr•tion of ~tates Act). The petition 11 set ~r hearing In Dept. No. 3 t 700 Civic Cen ter •Drive, eet, In the Oty of Santa Ana, California on Sept. l~. 1982 al 9:30 a .m . IF YOU OBJECT to the Ron.id K Holt>eo granting of the petition, you Th11 •11111men1 wH 111eo with lh• 1ndlv1du•I should either appear at the Count' Clerk of Or1nge Coonly on heariog and 1tate your July 2 • 11182 F1142._ oblections or file written Publoehed Or•nge Cont Delly ob ectione with the court Pilot July 31, A~ 'I 1• 21 1982 be o r e t h e h ear ing. Your __________ 3_3_8_9_-8_2 MlJC N0f1(( PIOTmoue IUelNIH NA• l'f'AftMU'T Th• roilowlnQ petaon J.e doing ~~ .. AAA IANDILA8TIMQ )26 ~ 8~e. e.lbOI leltnd CA 92682 RAYMOND HYLE ORUET ZMACHIR. U&·~ 8 1pphrr e Bel~ 111111\d. CA 12682 Thlt OutlneM la C<>rldUCl«I by 1111 ll'ldlVldu•I Raymond Nvi. Orueum.cner Tiiie al•ternenl wee m.o wtth rne Coonty Cltrk o• O••noe eou111y U<1 July ,. 1119? r1...a1e PublltheO Or•ngt C<1nl Oelly Pt101.July31,Aug 1 14,,1 1981 PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUI 8UllNl81 HAMI 8TATIMIHT Tne following f1•raon " doing bullnoat at PROBES. 152& W MacArlhU• h 10 Co11a MH•. CA 92626 Lawr.,,ce T LyOICk, Jr J20• I V11 glnll W•y So Laguna CA q2677 Thia ll•t•m•nl WH riled Wllh I~• Cou111y Clerk ol Orange Counly on Aug 4 19112 "~ Pubh1hed Orange Cou1 Oally P1to1. Aug 7, 14 21 28 11182 3•79 82 PUBt.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 8U81Hl!H NAME ITATl!MEHT appearance may be In pel"IOn or by your a ttorney. P\lll.IC NOTICE The lollowong penon1 er• oo;ng -----------~~--) DUllnOH •s 111cm1ou1 8UllNEl8 SINBAO s 388 SOulh Ma111 IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a conUn&ent creditor of the deceued, you must file your clAlm with the court or pre1ent it to the personal representative 1&ppointed by the court within four monthl from the date o f flrst i11uance o f letten ea provided In Sect.Ion 1700 of the Probate Code o f Califo rnia. The time for NAMI ITATEMENT S11eo1 Or•nge Caltlorn11 9'668 The 1011ow1ng pereon is doing Boonchoo vongrukaulo.d1 2234 butlneu .. E ~ I A 0 P•RK PLACE SALON, t017t 811 •• a nul venue range " Ca1orornia 92667 M11gnollt . Su11e 19 Hunlong1on Sengo•o Vongrukaukdo 2234 B .. ch. CA 92646 E w 0 Jo•N M•RV MARCELLA, 2033 est alnul Avenue r11nge " " Calllornre 92687 Bel1111c Drive Coete Mesa. CA Thoa bu11ness " conoucltKJ by 1n (12826 i(ldlVldUBI Thll bu1ln1H II conOuct.O by an Boollchoo vongrukiukd• lndMdull Joan Mary Marcella T hll 111lemen1 wBI Iliad with 1he Th11 11e1ement w81 lllod with me I filing cl.aims will not expire prior to fo ur montm from the date o f the h earlni County Clerk of Orange County on1 County Clork of O•ange County on July 28. 1962 Aug 5 1982 F1M251 j f1M7" Publl1h11d Or•nge Coasl Dally Publllh•O Orer111e C.ou1 U••ly !noticed above. Pilot. July 31, Aug 7 1•. 21, 1982 PllOI Aug 1 1~ .:21 28 1982 3379-82 ' l~SO 82 YOU MAY EXAMINE I the file kept by the court. If MllC NOTICE 'you .are interested in the FICTrTIOUI BUSINESS estate, you may file a request NAME ITATfMENT wilh the court to receive The following person •• doing Du&inffl ea special notice of the CLASSIC TUBS. 1001 Weal inventor y of eatate a11et1 171h S1 Un11 K, Cos1a Mesa CA and of the petitions, accounts 92627 and report• de1crlbed In NEIL DOUGLAS EVERETT Se Ct j 0 n 1 2 0 0 0 f the ~~;~6~9COHI, Hunllngton Beach California Probate Code. Th•• bu11ne11 1• ~ducted Dy an Robert A. Eutmaa, lndlvlduel AU.naey at Law N o Evereu 111 Dover Drhe, Salte ia Thll •l•tement ..... flle(l wllh the Newport Beac~, Ca. tHH ;~";~. ~~;~ or Orenge County on (71') 111-7171 F1M2AI Publiahed Orange Coast Publl1heO Orange Coast Oarly Daily Pilot, Aug. 21, 22. 28. PHol. July JI Aug 1 1•. 21, 1962 1982. 3377-82 3730-82 PUBllC NOTICE ,ICTTTIOUt eua ..... NAMf ITATIMINT The tollowlng persona are doing bv9'neu H HIS PLACE. 1116 South COHI Highway, L9Qun• Buch, CA 92851 SHIRLEY WEISS. 3302 C1lle Laveta, Sen Clemente, CA 92672 ELAINE DALTON, 383 Celle Cuaymu, San Clemente CA 92672 Thra l>ualn•n 11 conduCled by a general partner!lhlp Sh11ley We•aa Thlt tlelement was Ille<! wrlh lh• Counly Clerk ol Orange County on Jury 28. 1982 PUBLIC NOTICE f1Cm1ou1au...-.. NAIK ITATEMl!NT Th• following perton1 •re doing 0u11neH H ' HOWARD'S EQUIPMENT CO .. 1743~ Newhope, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Dr Oen A Howard, 1169 Prtne4111 Ct . Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Michael L Rose 6871 Manh•ll•n. Huntington Beach, CA 112~7 Thia bualnete Is conducted by a g•ner•I p1111nersh1p M1Ch8el L Rose Or D•n A HOW•rd Thi• at•1emen1 wes ltled with lhe Coonty Clerk or Orenge Coonty on Aug 11, 1982 '11517'2 F1M250 Publllh•d Or•nge Coast D•llY Published Orenge CoHI O•lly Pll01, Aug 14, 21, 28. Se.pl •. 1982 Pilot. July 31, Aug 7. 14, 2 I, 1962 3580-82 3439·82 ------------ PUBllC NOTICE FlCTlTIOUI aua..-H NAMf STATl!MINT The lollOWlnQ oerton• .,. dOing l>ualnest .. PARROT PROMOTIONS. 20381 Adktn•on L•n•. Tr•buco. Callfornl• 92878 PUBllC NOTICE FICTTTIOUS 8U81NfH NAMI! ITA'nM«NT The ro11ow1ng per"°"' are doing DUltnH IH O A TE M I NOERS or OATEMINOERS. INC . 3090 Pullmen Stre•I Co11e Men . Ca11rornl1 92828 4 PtJellC NOTICE FICTITIOUI BUllHl!88 NAME 8TATEMl!NT Th& IQllO•""ll ""rwnt ers dot1"1Q bu&oni,n bl <..OR N ')f)FI WARE 26 Wh•tewnte• tir C,o<on11 del Me• C,t. 9262!> Mou•aal ka<Old Corri .. 1aon 26 Wh11ewa1er Or Corona oar Mar CA 9262!> Ro•~rl Leroy Corneloton Jr 26 Whrlewate• Qt Coron• dal Met CA 92625 M•rc S ear 32 Pornt tome Newparl Beech CA 92660 Scott Emrgh 27 Monaco Newparl Beach CA 921Wi<> Thos business 1s conouclOO Dy • general partnenhlp M H Corne41us This s1a1emen1 was 1119<1 wrlh the Cou"IY Clerlr. or Orange County on Aug '· 1982 F1M4172 Published Orange Cout Dally Pilot. Aug 7 14, 21. 28. 1982 3471-82 PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT OF ASANOOHMENT OF UIE 0, "c-m1ou1 BU8rNE88 NAMI! The lollowlng persons have abandoned thll u&e of the Ftctlllou• Business Name NEWPORT MAIN, 258 E 201h St Coste Mesa. CA 92627 The Flc11tlou1 Bustneu Name t.eterred 10 abo•e waa lrled on Orenge Coon1y on M•y 8. 11181 Robert w Dawson 11952 Marbl• A1cl'I Santa Ana CA 112705 Robert R z-. 258 E 20th SI Costa Meu CA 92627 Thos DuSln&H wu ~dueled by a general parlnerahlp Roberl W Dawson Thos Slalemertl WU hied With the County Clerk or Or1ngo Coonty on Aug 4 1982 ,,.,.,. PuD1oshed Or Ange Cou1 Da11y Pilot Aug 7 14 21 28, 1982 3•81·82 P\lll.IC NOTICE .. ' ' ' P\8.JC NOTICE 'fe1'1YIOUI .ueMH NAMI HATlr._.,, The 104'-"Q 1*90nt Ille CIOlnO buel-N NlWPQ HI MAIN 11tt2 Mlfllle Arcn &e111• An• CA 92'0t Rob•rt W D•w•on. I tt&;' Me•l>le Arc;h l•nl• An• CA 9110$ <.har•H E Dugan l&ee King 151 Chino CA 1117 fO Thll bUalneet 1e c:onoucaed by 1 Qel'e'al par1ner.n10 Rot>eo W D•waon Thie a1at9l!lerll .... llleO .tth tile <;ounty Clerk of OratlQCI Coun1y on Aug 4 19111 ,, ... ,0 Publl•h•d Or•nge Co•t• D•lly P1101 Aug f 14 l I 28 11182 3480-82 PUBLIC NOTICC rrCTITIOVI SU81NfH NAMI STATl"91HT T Ii• tollow1ng pe11on1 er• dOlnll butlneu •• B\JSY BEE CLEAN I NG & MA.INT ENANCE 786 I MecOon•ld SI , NO 4, Hun11ng1ori Beach, CA 112847 Wayne Dan1e1 Po•llaltia 786t MracOonelO St , No 4 Hunll"illOt' Buch CA 92647 c.,,,,.,, M Po voleolrs 786 I M•COonilld St NO 4 Hunungtor Beach. CA 92647 Th11 Ousoneas •• conoucte<i by •r 1nd1v1duat Wayne Po•1ie1111 Th11 ll•rement wn 11100 w1tn IN Coon1y Cle<k o• Orenge Coun1y or Augu11 12 1982 '1'5271 Publ••hed Orarige Coast Oa111 Piiot Aug •• 21 ?8 ano Sept ' 11182 '.l'>98·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOU8 SUllNI! 88 NAME 8T A TEMENT f h8 IOllOWlllg perSOll IS 001n9 l.JUa1ne11 as PS ATTORNEY SERVICE and PROTEK SYSTEMS, 3037 Warren I /Jilli, Co•IB Mesa. Ca11101n111 92626 Porrock Oenn1a S1noers 3037 Warren Lane Coale Mes a <."11torn1a 92626 fho5 t us1noss 1a c;onOuc1eo by en 11•d1v10U8I PA111ck D Sanoers Tr11s 11e1cmeno was loled with lhe <..oumy Clerk ol Orange County on Aug I I 1982 F1t518t Pubhlhed 01ange CoaSI Oeoly PllOI Aug l4 21 ~e Sept 4, 1982 3564 82 PUBLIC NOTICE T .8. Ho. 2428 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S 8Al.E YOU ARE IN OEFAULT UHOER A DEED OF TRUST DATED MARCH JO, 1111. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR HOME, IT MAY •E SOLD AT A PUSLIC SALE. IF YOU HEED AN EllPlANATION OF THE NATURE 0, THf PROCEEDIHO AQAIN&T YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT II LAWYER .. ST AN-SHAW CORPORATION a Cal1tornra co1pora11on as duly eppo1n1eo Tru)lee unOer the tollowong desCflDed deed ot 1rusi WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOE CASH or as set forth rn Sachon 2924h of the Ci.II COde. all roght , 1ot1e and 1n1eres1 conveyed 10 and now held by 11 under said Dee<! of Trusl on 1he properly hereonalll!r desc11Deo TRUSTOR Lester LeDer ano Terry Lynn Leber husDend ano wrle u Jll 115 lo an unOv ·~ 1111 ano Michael J Schatter a single man as 10 en undv ) 1n1 as tenants 111 common BENEFICIARY Tile Irvine Compe ny o f b la Sa n 11ago lnves1mflf1t Company Recorded June 15. 1961 as 1nS1r No 21847 on boolo. 14100 page 1211 ol Otlicral Records 1n lhe ott•c• or lh• Rece><dar ol Orange County u oo deed or 1rus1 descroDes lhl tollowtng property EXHl81T "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 unot 72 as shown eno oesc11bed 111 the ConOomonoum Plan recorded on NovemDer 29 1979 1n Book 13413 PIQIS 786 10 8•9 1notus1ve ot Olllctal Records ot said county PARCEL 2 An undovrded one twen1y "'nlhs Rtch.,d Lynn Brown. 20381 Adlllnton Lene, Trebuoo, C•llfornla 92878 O•lemlnder1. •no . a C•Jtlornla c;orpor •I Ion Thi• buatneas If conducled by e I tf291hl interest as ten an I on common rn 1he lee 1n1e1es1 rn and 10 : the common area ol LOIS 10 1 l 12 and 13 ot Traci 9858 as per Map FICTITIOUS llUllNfll filed In Book 436. Pages I 10 1 , NAMI! ITATaMl!NT 1nc1us1ve of Miscellaneous Maps • Oennl1 K•ye Ev•n• Jr . 409 W B•y Streot. Cotta M ... , C1llfornl• 92827 Thi• bueln-I• conducted by • o-.i P•rln.,.Wilp. Denni• Ev•na Thi• •l•l-1 WU tlled with the Coonty Cl9'1t 01 Orange County on Auou•I 11. tll82 f1M171 Publl•h•d Or•n9• Coul D•llY Piiot, Aug 1•. 21, 28 and Seo• 4, 1982 3582·82 P\llllC NOTICE corpor•tlon OATEMINOERS. INC J9mle R KruM. Pteetdenl Thie ttttemenl WH filed with lhe ~nly Clerk of Or•ng• County on Aug, 10, 1982 ,, .... Publlth•d Or•nge CoHI D•lly Pllo1. AUQ. 14, 21 , 28, Sepl 4, 1982 3821-82 P\llllC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUI __, ..... NA• tTA"n•NT TJ>e rollowlng 1*110N are doing bullneN U ACTION CONSUL TING TEAM. ,ICTTTIOUI llUSINl!SS 420 ProlC)eC1 SI , N-pott Beech, NAMI STA n•NT Ca. 928&3 TJ>e lollowtng pef900• •r• doing Anlhony C Ag•oln•n. 420 buelnN• u Pr~ SI , ~ Beech, C&. MILES·RANOOlF, 25 178 928&3 S1ockpot1, l.llgun• HIH•, CA 92853 Prllcill• PortlllO Ageplnen, 420 RANDOLPH LEE HARMER, Pr~ St , Newport Be9Cl'I, Ce 25176 Stockpott, Lequn• Hlltt. CA 928&3 92653. Tl'llS bv-'-It condUC1e<I by • The following oerton• are CIC>tng records or sa•O County, as such buslne.e H term'' delrned 1n the artrcle en1111e0 ANA EASTERLIN ESTHETICS. "Oallnlllons ol the Oeclaraloon ol • 15 Rippling Str••m. Irvine. Covenants. cond111ons end , C•llfornla 92715 Rosir1c;11ons Recorded Aprol 21 • An11 Ea•terlln Reee a rch 1978 In Boo~ 12644, Page 951 ot • Ealhellcs. a CaJllornla corporation OlllGl&I Records (The Oeclnratlo" 'I 15 Rtppllng Slreem lrvlne and e ny supplements and Cahrornla 92 7 15 amend men is 1here10 This buslneu la conducted Dy • PARCEL 3 corporetlon. Ea1141men1s as such easemenl8 Ana E••lerlln. PrHldent ere perttcularly sel torlh rn the R-roh Eathe1a artlCle enllllOO "Easements 01 lhe This al•lemenl wH lllled wllh the oec1tr•t1on under lhll sec loon County Clerk ot Orenge County on "1!80ongs 1n suoh er11c1e as lollows Aug 4, 111112 Fl...., Rtghls and Du11es u111o11es and Ktv.V 6 SMITH C°"neelofe At uw 4400 llrlec:Ar11'1Vt -...wci. lut-. ,., Newpott heel'!, C.rttomlt nllO Pubtlsh•d Ort nge CoH t O•lly Pilot. Aug. 14, 21, 28, Sept 4, 1982 3620·82 C•ble Telev•sron Suppo11 SetUemenl end Encroachmenl ··ingress Egress and Recreallonel Rlghll' end E~ctuS1ve Res1roe1eo Common AIM Easemem PARCEL 4 EH•m•nts as such easements •r• par11cu1ar1y set forth In 1ne •r1ICI• entitled Easements" 01 Iha Oect•rlllon o r. Covenants P\lll.IC NOTICE Cond11ton1 a nd Res1r1c11on1 SHIRLEY LAWSON MILES. llmll.cl p..-te<n-1110 'o" IH,O CALL 25178 Stockport, Lagun• HtMt. CA Anthony c AQ91)1n•n COHVeNTION c•HT•.. 171 41999·8900 92653. Thi•.,.,_, WU filed wtlh , .... -------------1 recorO•d July 25 1977 In Boolo. FlCTTTIOUS .ua ... aa 12305 P90e 748 •no r&-recorded --~~6~00~W~K~J~H~·~d~A~·~~h~n~m~0~·~~~·~~~··~11~n~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n~~~~~dUC1.cl~•~~C~~~noeCoo~on genet•I partnetW!lp Aug 11. 1982 R9ndy L H•rmer ,1M1S7 A1'I ANDA GMTLEJllAN '2:45 ):10 5:J's 1:10 IO:J5 STADIUm or.voln ~ CHEE.CH A CHONG ~All"'d.\LLMI " .... .,..,.._~ R "II' HIJhl Sftlfl (Ill) l'lu1I 1141 (f'G) MONTY PYTHON Uvt AT lHI HOUYWOOO IOWl m. "'"'Stir Ct-Ull ( .. ) * ''HEY BUD, LET1S PARTY!'' ~~ It's Awesome, Totally Awesome/ fSli ' , .. t lirlllA '' ' ..... ~---~ ...... -·-·· A UNMRSAl P'oeiure ··-~Wil t•, -... [iJ ·~·!I• 'IP ._, """'°' ~ Thi• •1•1-t Wll flied With the Publl•h•d Orang• COHI O•lly Coonly c1er1r. or Or•noe County on PllOt, Aug. 14, 21, 28, S.Ot. 4, 1982 July 28. 1982 3818·62 '1MM7 Publlth•d 0 11n9• Cout Dtlly PUBLIC NOTICE Pllol. July 31. Aug. 'I, 14, 21, 1De2 ------------ 3388·82 ,ICTITIOUI 8UlfNEH NA•tTA'nMllNT TM tollowtno perllOf'I• .,.. dolno butl~H: PUBllC NOTICE ALL CHURCH SOFTWARE '1CTITIOUI au..... DISTRIBUTORS, 24322 Puk•ld• NA ... STATl•NT Orlv• Ettl, Laguna Niguel, CA T'he tollowlng P«llOf'I• ar• doing 112877 buain.tt ... ' RICHARD A LESNETT, 24322 RAINBOW DECORATORS, P•rkllde Drive EHi. Lagun• Niguel, 3004 H.,dlng W•y, CO.ta M .... CA CA 1121177. 921129 MARJORIE M LESNETT, C •thOrlne Murphy, 3004 24322 P.,klll<le C)ftve Ult, l.Agun• H.,dlng Wey, Cott• Meu, CA Ntauel. CA 112t77. 92828 l l'll• bualnH• I• conduoled Oy Thomu E OrlmH Jr , 209 lndMduale, l'IWl>M<I tlnd wife RoM t..M, Cott• Meee. CA 112827 Rlch.,d A Leenell lh19 bull..-. ta condue1ed by t Till$ altt-11 WN flled will'I Ille G«*al panneANp County Oettt of 0t110Q41 County Oft C•1hel'IM MUtphy July 211, 1982 Thie tl•lef7*11 WU filed with the f1MMI County Clet1I ol Otenge County on Publlehed Oreno• Cout Otlly Aug 11. '982 Piiot, July 3 I, Aug. 1, 14, 2 t, 11182 ,, .. ," 33117-82 PuOlltl'led Otan9e COHI Delly -------Piiot. AuQ 14, 21, 21. Sept. 4, 11112 M.IC NOTlC( 3512 ... 2 IT'mimiii"M'.w•ONiiiiiT ITATIMSNT OP UANDCll .. NT OP UM OP lltOT1TIOU8 I ~ ....... MAMI The followlng p•r•on l'l u ncnnout ~•• •be~ the u. of the Flcllllou• NAm ITA~ .,._. NetM: Tht followtno "'90n It doing T"• '<ouuoue l>11ln•H Nem• butlntte u : relerrtd to ebO'll wu filed In CUI TOM IH IN I . 30 19 Orange County on Dec. 12, IMO. ~· "'°· •a. Colt• M-. Ca. To,.uco. 11eo Unit A·4 Denltl JOMPfl Wofflnden 9011 Monrovle, Cot1• M-. OA 12827. 000110ge No. 4 •. Cott• MeM Ce MlcttMI L. 8Wlllm, $20 7th It .. 12t21 ' . ' ' ' Hlllltlnll'tOfl 8ea0h, CA Off.48. Thie buelnett 11 ~ by an Thia ~ WM oon<lucted by lndMOuel 1111 lnCIMdUlll. D.nlai JOMflfl Wotllnden ~ I.. IWlllm llllt "'t'"*'t .... llled ..,. lM Tl'lll ltlde!Mnt ... fllad with the OOuf\ty ~ or Ofange County on ~ ~ of OtMOe COUft1Y on Allll• f1, 1Ma , ,,_.,. ~ , 1NI. ,,.,_ Pvbllehed Ortfll't COMt Del!Y ltvOMI"" Or1111e Coaet DtMy ,..,., Auo· 14, 11, n. ....... , ... "'°'· ""'' 1. ,., 2f, 21. 1':!....a ,.., NAMI'. ITA'nlKNT September 6, 1977 tn Boolr. 12371, Th• rouowlng l)e(SOnl .,. doing P11g41 327 OI Ollro111 Rece><OS ano Ou.ineta H : 91\Y sup~nts end amendrnenla RICHARDSON INTERNATIONAL there1o (th• 'MHler Oecleratlon"I 10 Wlnd1on11 Courl Newporl und« 1h• Melton t>eaornga 1n such '3aech, CA 92863. erllcle enUtled as follows· "Rlghls CHARLES R. MACFARLAND, and OUllH Ultltlles and Cable 10 Wlnd•ong Court. Newport T•l•vl11on· , Support and BellOh, CA 1128&3. Settlement 1nd Encroachment". CINDY R MACFARLAND. 10 "Communlly Facilities EHements ' Wlndaong Coorl, N-porl Bqch. and "Oreln11ge Over Communlly CA 921163. F•clllUe1" Thi• bUllnMI II QOnducl.cl by •n MAY BE ALSO KNOWN AS. 17 lndlVldu.i. LI Rochell•. Newport Buch Ch.,IM R. MacF.,l•nd Calllornl• 112860 Thi• at•t-t w .. filed with the "(II 1 etreel address or common Coonty Clerk of Orange County on detlgne11on la shown above. no July 28, 1982. w.,renly II g iven u to ITS '1MMI oomplel-or cor1ec1nesa1 ... Publlthld Orang• CoHt Delly The t>eneflcllry under .. Id Deed PllOt, July 31, Aug 7, 14, 21, tllll2 of Truet. by reason ol • breecll or 33M>-82 d•l•ull In IJ>e obllg•llon• MOured -------------ltl'lereby, h9'etorore •xecuted •nd M,IC NOTIC( delivered to th• und•rtlgnad • ---==~~ ................ .....,---1wtl1t9" Oecl•retlon or Oet.utt •n<I 'IC m iOU8 ..,..... Otmand tor Sele, and wr111en notkie ...... 8TATIMIMT of brNCh tlnd of elec:tlon lo taUN The tollowlng .,.,_ IN dolltQ the undtr•lgne d to Hll u ld bualneM It: propeny 10 .. 11.1y utd obllg•tlonl, THE RI PPTIOES .. 31& C.t.ilnll e nd 1herearter lhe undertl9ned Orlve, N-p0r1 8Hoh. C•tllornl• ~uMd .. Id notice of breech 111\0 of 928&3 .iec:tlon to be ~orde<I Aprll 29. AMOy P. Redmon, 316 t.llllln• 1082 .. lnltr No. 82-t481124, of Drtve, Newport ... oo. Celltornla .. Id Official Aecofdt. 112M3 S•IO •••• will be l'le lO on Mlle• 9'0wn. 11171 lndl.!9 Street, Septernti.r 10. 1082," t1'C)C)•a.m . Sent• AM HelQl'ltt. Cllltfomle 92707 •I the rront enlr•nc:. of St11n·Sh•w Tom Doyle , 2211 VI• Lido Corporetlon. 23t& E. 17th St . Soud. N•wport Beech, Cellfornla S1111I• An•. Clllloml• 112711 92680 The toltll amovnt of the unpeld Dive Moore, 48.t l.tnwood, btllllnOt ~ the ol>tlgetlon -~ CO.II M-. Cllltf0tnlt IH27 by H id property to bt told, Ed Wtll1a, 2 tO 11th ltf9tt, Apt, 100ttlllt wltl'I Inc., ..... l11t on.to-. ~~ HtwpOIT htOll, OttlfOt"ll Ind "11mti.d oo.tt. ,..,.,_., end Thie bvel It~..,. 811 fld'ltnOll. II Ol 1111 ctat.t llertof. It ntM ., no..4I0.4 ,, untnoori:>ortted .. toOlallo11 OtMr Ott.t: Auovet 10, 1112 111111 • Pet1Mttfl.,, 111n-8haw Corpor•tlon AandY P. '*'mon u Mid Trvtt". Ttlll ICat-1 wu fllecl wtth the I y : S I I.I n • S h I w COYnty Clerk ot Oranve County on Oorpor•llon AUOUlt 10, '112. 2316 I!. S-teenth St .. ..,... 8ant1 Ana, Cell!. 92711 ._ LM "'*" (7141 IMt-6'11 A"'""'8 It &.Mt By. Lynn 11n1nnet, ,... ....,. ....... "' Mtlllarlt 9aclNary .....,.... ......, c.n.a • -P\IDlllMd Nlwpol1 ltwtlOt "'" ,vblllfted Or~ Getat o.tly P19M ""'.,.,... W1t11 "'-Of-.. Plot. Auo. ,,., t •, n encl a.,., '· 00.1 Dtlf1 "°'· Ave. 11. at. lttC. ~ 1M2 •• 1Na I Mt~ MM-ca Twain due - San • in ClenJente Or1nge C911t DAILY PILOT/ Saturd1y, Auguat 21, 198~ ••• Broadway for lloonies Touring shows strive to retain quality By JAY HARB UTT ''Th., <.'Ott.I are &cmln& absurd," A, D1•m• Wrllef he readily lldmlta. "8ut Wl' r~ully NF.W YORK Tom Mullow don't hav" 1o1ny choice We'vl· Wt'd lo head a big band In the found that the public re ally Southwest. l fc always wo1 on want.I a f1nt-rate production. the rood Now he ht•ud11 a major They won't llClttle for onything Broudway compl)ny th1Jt puts leu tluin a look similar 1.0 what Broadway hlts on tht· road, they'd fmd on Broadway Not oil the tourlnj ttOUPf'I havl· bl·cn hits, of course. Mallow'» "t:lcphant Man" jutt about brokt· even And h lt trave ling "Sweeney Todd," which cost $2~0.000 weekly w brl'ak even, closed In the red after four montha this year Sull. Mallow, whOfle company Author and humor11n Muk Twuln, who onl'e commented that "Rumur:s uf my dculh hJlve been greatly exaggerated.'' will spring to life next weekend in San Clemente Costa Mesa actor Scou Michael will present a one-man show entitled , "Mark Twain ... Himself" for three per- formances, Friday through Sunday, at th e Cabrtllo Playhouse, 202 Ave. Cabrillo. Michael, a vete ran of local commuruty theater before joining the professional ranks, has toured his s how throughout the Middle West. The production is based on the w_.1i tings and speeches of Twl'in a nd will include stories and excerpts from the author's works. . playing up to 100 ciu~ u year. "The only thing that saves us H 1 s tour 1 n g v er s 1 o n o f IS that the majority of the houses .. Barnum" just o p t'n ed I n out onthe roadare large rthanm Columbus, Ohio. Hls "Amadeu11," New York. Otherwise. ttc ket compll'le with $27,000 worth of prices" a $40 top here 1sn'1 wigs. ope n s ne xt O<:tober in unusual -"would be double S<:ranton . Pa. Hui "A Chorus instead of less." Line," which began touring in A short. plain-spoken man September 1980, sull 1s out there. with a S outhwestern twang, ti. onl· of four here spcc1aJmng m hnnging Broadway to the rest u f • America. operatl>s in the black and tht.·n sornt· HP declines to say how muc·h in the black. other than wryly notmg that "I know t paid a lot more taxes last year than 1 wanted to " In c lud ed among the rem i n-i s c e n c es w i I 1 b e commentary on a work that Twain r e fused to publish, according to Michael. who said his program would be completely "off the cuff." "Twain never reaHy kne w w hat he was going to talk about until after he got out on stage," th e actor said. "I work the same way. I study the audience and try to give them what they want to hear. "The Sunday matinee, for example, I see as a great oppo rtunity for a younger a udience. I would love to see a scout troop or youth club make an outing of it. And. of course. TWAIN TO MEET -Actor Scott Michael (left) will age himself to portray the legendary Mark Twain (right) next weekend <.L the Cabrillo Playhouse in San Clemente. and so ts "Dancin' " Mallow started in show business For Mallow. Broadway is Los on sax and clarinet, lead ing a Ang(•les, Pittsburgh, S t. Louis, regional band that emphasized Kans as City. Atlanta. N ew jazz, the sounds of Sauter- Orleans. Dallas, Denver, Omaha, Finegan. Stan Kenton. Count Des Moines, Milw<iukee, and Baste and Les Brown smalle r hamlets 10 between It"s a Alas, it arrived at thl• t.ag end I b d k of the big-band era. And when the show would Ix> tailored jus t on the corner of Cabrillo and Ola world you'd cal us-an -tru<: he realized he'd never makf: it as for them·· Vis t.a in San Cleme nte . Broadway. a big-band s tar ... , dosed m y The tas k o f transf ormi ng Info rmation and ti c k e t Ht• prt'fers t.ocall 1t Broadwc.1y instrument case and havt-n "t himself from a young man in his reservations may be obtained by on tour. hates the term bus-and-opened It since." he says. with a 20s to the elderly. wh1te-ha1red caJling the playhouse at truck -cast and stage c-rews in bit of regret m his voice Mark Twain 1s a )Ob that takes 492-0465 the bus, sets a nd costumt.>S rn the After a stint as a band-booker longer than the show, according tru<:k Bus-and-1ru<:k used to for MCA, the huge talent age nt.·y, to Michael. who spends fou r Playhouse names mean on-the-cht.'3P C'ditions of he broke into the show-touring hours getting into makeup and ts Broadway h 1 ts. w 1th tin y business. That was 21 years ago. a perfcctton1st about detail. m edia director budgets.' s kimpy sc·cner y. one He estimates that m that llml' ··Theb1gproblem1seatmg,""he piano a nd a w eary t.·as t o f he"s dii;pat.ched90Broadway h1ts commented .. If the show is at 8 Michae l Eggers of Dana Point somt.>umes dubious quaht)' to what 1s o ften calll>d Wt:st of p.m .. 1 have to start getting ready has been named media direct.or N 0 t so w 1 t h M a 11 ow · s the Hudson. at 4, which means I have to ha ve for the L aguna Moulton American Theater Produt·tions. The w orks have inc luded dinner a t 3. By the time the show Playhouse. He says his troupes are top-"Da." "They're Playing Our is over. I'm alm0st ready to drop The primary responsibility of drawer in all regards. with the Song,•' ··The B est L 1 t t le from hunger." the position includes the costs to prove it. Like the $190.000 Whore house in T e xas:· .. The ··MarkTwam. Himself" will development of news re leases, a w ee k n eeded f o r hi s Ele pha nt Man." ··E quus,·· be performed Friday and advertising and other public "Amadeus" to break even , and .. Eubi e." "Ch apter Two,·· Saturday at 8 p.m. a nd S unday at information materials for the top ucket prices for his s hows "Deathtrap·· and his first biggie, 3 p.m at_t_h_e_Ca~b_r_i_ll_o_P_l_a_y_h_o_u_se_.~~p-la_y_h_o_u_se~-~~~~~~~~~~-r_u_nn~jn_g __ a_ro_u_n_d~$_2_5_pe~r-·~~~-.-~··_H_e_l_1o_,_Do_!.!J._~·-·~~~~~~~- But it's bt'tc'n i..'StlmatC'd that hut troupl•s last yt'f.tr accounll'd for' nl•u rl y $50 million 1n g ross prof1L'l. a far cry from the k•an , early yN1rs when the ex-JClz.zman from Albu4uer4ut•. N M . was JUst 'tartmg up Tht•n, hl' says, ··wt.• didn't n1akl· any pruf1u. for a numlx>r of yPars. n•ally. We made enough to s4ueak through" and cover our C'xpc·nses most of tht-time. But 1t <.11Jn"1 !>tart out very exc-1ung. fman('Jally" Through hard-won experience, lw's ll'arnC'd how to take a troupe into a town. set up shup in t!1ghr houn.. play a show and. 1f need h<'. ~t.'t bdek on the r o ad 1mmt.•d1atdv ··But th;. rm1d has C'hange d t•normously 111 tlw past six. seve n· yl•ars:· he says ··Some of the t.•ngagl•ment:-. that used to be on1· nighte~ now arc full weeks But to kt't'p growing. w e·vl' gcit to lw flex1bl<-t.•nough to play a on<·· n1ghtt'r or even six on<'- night.ers in a row ... "A RAST RATE, BEAUTIFULLY ACTED, THOROUGHLY INVOLVING ROMANCE." •BARGAIN MATIN•••• Monday thru Saturday -Jen•t MHlln, TME NEW YO"I< TIMES All P1rform1ncH bJtort 5:00 PM (Except Specl11 Eng191m1nta 1nd Holld•Y•I 1'• MtllA(JA MAii LO lolllOOO QI lo••CIO~I LA MIRADA WAU<·IN 994·2'00 ue's ~or,, . ti''"' of f" '"'·' -Ii r,., •. ,,.~ ,,r ~· NIGHT IHtn 111 1 ......... , .. Z.UPIDlt11 .... ,.1•11 ... 11.f. THI IXTlA n1H1TllAL1,.I P\UI THI ILICTllC HOUIMAH !NI ,,,.,,., J' SCO'IT BAIO : WILLIE AAMES \J t I! aM8ASS• PtCTUIU$ Emb~C"o~'::,~.t~~t'L'rg"~,:~'~~~IPro~!10" Fette• SC'huhter Heather Thomae Robert Mandan Or~ Bradlonl and t!kalman Crotben - ----NOW PLAYING ---- auMu• 9'1WPORT If.ACM OllHG( WlSTMIHTfll Pac1toc's Anahell!l Edwatfll NewpO<t Cl1edome Edwasds Cinema Wes1 Duve lo 879 9850 Conema 644 0760 634 2553 891 3935 MISSION YIEJO "° •una •CCt1•no Edwa1ds Voeto Tw., 830 6990 '°" '"" ooo•o•••• AllAll(IM 8f OOI< hUI S 1 112 6446 ... u :~=1~~~::;;;;: •i•l;@ltfj ~s ..... ~ IUIU 'Allll r.tlnn Brea Plln ~29 ~339 COSUMlH EOW••cH Hiil<bol r.,o11 631 3~01 GAIUIH lll'OYl Px11oc: s L•!C$1 011•e '" 811 4070 OfWIGl OMNI OIWIGl AMC OrM!Qt Ill•~ UA C~y ~mj P~tf< s Ot~ Otivt In &37 0340 634 3911 sse 1022 EdwlfOS Wesltwool< S30 U 01 I • !R\'l INS l"f.5i11Tlll II CNMASllll'I "°' •UO I NO , ... sn• ACC[l'TfD '011 n.1a I HOMllllllln COll .... •G A NaSOMAL CO...,.,..? Worried about making an expensive mistake? Confused by unfamlllar terms and conflicting claims? Take the guess work out of buying a computer for home or business use. An Independent consultant can analyze your needs and choose the right system for you. Over 17 years experience. FREE Initial consultation. Call Richard 979-5641 THE ORIGINAL IS BACK. ALL THE SONCS YOU LOVE 7:15 The Alltime e.i..\G~1 American 1o~ songbOOk Dinah Shore and others star in a hit parade of alltime favorites. 10:30 "The Kingston n1o and Friends: Reunion A rousing sing- atong with the present Trio, their former members and special guests. ~ MARK HAMILL HARRISON FOf\D CARRIE FISHER PETER CUSHING ond ALEC GUINNESS /Ml( by Ploc:Med ~. ~ ond O!reo.cl by JOHN WILLIAMS GARY KUl~TZ GEOP.GE LUCAS PANAVl5ION9 1°ft' ' ..... ' ---... AH0"1CllAND A GINTUMAH lll l11tt •• ,. ...... ,. , .... PllDAY THI UTH PAfJ!ll ,,,., ,, .............. , ... . CRflCH I CHOHO'i TRINO• ' All TOUCMt ~ova• (I) ll1M 41111... 11\UI IOCICT Ill IN ) ,_....., ..... ntl pt n MOVll (N I 11oM 1oM4tM .. H t ... 1ft41 Jocw•l'f ot ConOl••ooo 21l/IJ1·9510 THI lllT LmLI YOU NO DOCTOU IN 1.0VI Ill WW~~:.l:J11~lll U 1M itH 4t4ttt4t l oH 10.U ITAIWWIN l ... ..,.,_ lltM a .. t lt4t l 1U !Ml LAKEWOOD CEHUR SOUTH WAl• IN ~ul!V "' Del ""'° 21J/6U.t211 IUlPACK IN j ............... '120 IOCICT 111 INl ''" ,, ...... ,,ao .,., THI '811ATI MOVlllN I 1J1M41Ml1H ""' H,'tf!,1:411ru•> PllDAY THI UTH PAIT 2111 !Nae ,, .. ,, ...... , ....... 111• i.• 1 lO , , I) "~•1 IMPORTANT NOTICE' CHllOAEN UNOlR 12 fRU! llalMr ... W....., .... Tin rri I 00 • S.t. S..., llob 600 I'll ClHt JI SOUttO • •OUll ,,. 1:.&11 WllC S •Dv~ S'l'..U£A ·~ oe> ,., C&ll Mll01 wn• Otrro< ACUSSGll• ...,_ --.... '11111..U ··~ Clltf-lj OIW(-"'$ IJO °".,. - AN .-.t-ttthA ANAHEIM DRIVE IN h•••o, ti ot Lemol'\ tt 17t·HIO ITAlWAlllCNl """ TUI( .. ) ~Uf~A P•"W BUENA PARK ORM IN f.fMOtf' A ... ••ti ot C"Oft 121·4070 1'111 "'"' ..... .,,. LINCOLN DRIVE IN ~'"co;" Awe •••' of rno11 121·4070 ,, "'""'"·"" FOUNTAIN VALUY DRIVE IN ,.., Oo•oo ,,.., ot .. oo•h.,nl Clo 1 H2·24al .,,,,.,.~l,..',!lloi HI-WAY 39 01/IVI IN lA'PIOl111 KUI THllllTLnTU WHOllNOUll INTIU11ei Cllll I• SOu•O AN OfflCH AND A GINTLIMAN 111 TI41 flNAl 'l8tiNTOOWH!Nt Cntf It '°""° l.T. THI IXTU mlHTllAtlN l P\UI THI lllCTllC HOl.SIMAH 1N 1 PllDAT THI 1 )Tlt PAIT l11l 11\UI VINOM111 fASTnMUAT l lDOIMONT MIOM .-, "'" THI HOU YW000 KNIOHT1 Ill S.otn a .. o ~ Of <iofOtrt Gf°"e h ltWOt 891-3693 SIX,~IC"t Tl4lllASTMASM1N 1 ~-· ""' NINI TO PIVI SWAMP TMINO !Nt ___ C'-11tt_.,_SOUttO_'""----+----Clltf h to11110 ZA"IDICll 11\.111 ntllUTUTtU WMOllMOUM '" TlllAI 191 ..... ·~._: .. LA HABllA OlllVI IN ...., .. _. __ ,..., ...... 171-1162 .......... MINOS All TOUOH ALL OVll I ""' MONn 'TTHON LM AT HOt.l YWOOO IOW\ Ill l.T. TMI URA MtlSTllAlf"I THI lllCT11C":At11MAN1Nl 011ANGE 0111\/I IN ' . . MISSION c11M.-t ~ - . . . WARN~Q l 1.1\.1 '- ......... -........ !\ ... . " _.._.. . • . . 814 Orenge CoHC DAILY PILOT/ 81turd1y, Augu1t 21, 1882 MOANING 6:008 MOVIE * • "The 811u.~ C•t' ( 1941) B•Sll RalhbOn11, N1<1e1 Bruce Alter a will 11 made publlt . ., se,.ea ot bizarre murde•• t>egons @ MOVIE • • • \ 'St lvt1a I t97&1 Cho1lo1 Bronson Jocque line Biuot A 101mer cr1,... 'epot te1 ·tur ned-dotecllve IS hl!lld by II we.tlthy film lirnc1e1 10 18'.0wr 11 Mtl of 1nc,,.min1111no lttOQ@r s PG 5.35 ( C) MOVIE ALUTE Dinah Shore hosts a tribute • • • 'ii011tlO t 1954) John Way11e. G111alc1lno Page A covelry a1spa1cn rld8f 1mcou111ers a women and her ion. a11 Apache to America's popular songs on "The All- lime Amern:an Songbook," tonight at 7: 15 on KOCE (50). chief's blood b•oth~• 8:00 8 SUMMER SEMESTER 0 SERENDIPITY 0 TEEN TALK Q) FAMILY AFFAIR g) SATUROAV MORNING GRAPEVINE (() PUBLIC AFFAIRS [DI NEWSMAKERS IH)MOVIE • • Br11ai.1nrough 11979) Rochar<I Burton Rod Ste1ge1 A N.U1 ser- ageant becomes 11mb101led on a plot lo assosson:ite Hltlat PG $1 THE GRATEFUL OE.AO The Gra1elul Dead ere seen perlormu~ many of me11 greate$1 h•ts "' this conceit tal)()d Hallowfl<!n n1gh1 1981) 01 Rod•o Coty Music Hall 8:20~NEWS 8:30 IJ DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE D THAT'SCAT 0 PACESETTERS 0 SLIM CUISINE 0) WATCHYOUR MOUTH fE) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (I) VOICE OF AGRICULTURE (!]) rrs YOUR BUSINESS Q! OR. SNUGGLES [t)MOVIE ** Hea111>eeps' (1981) Andy Kaufman. Berna- dene Petets In 11 world ot me near future 1wo com- me<etal rooots t>~perience lhe v1c1ssnuoes ol llrs1 love PG 7:00 8 KIDSWORLO 0 Q!I THE FLINTSTONES 0 BIG BLUE MARBLE IJ ®J SUPEAFRlloNOS 0 DAVEY ANO GOUATl4 0) GROOVIE GOOUES g) FIRST PERSON ft) YOGA FOR HEAL TH Cl) INTERNATIONAL HOUR CCl MOVIE • • Shipwreck { 1978) Robeft L09on M1kk1 Jamf- son-Olson A willower hol two daughters. a reporlet and a runaway are slrand· ed on an 1solaled 1s1a11d all!lf encountct1ng a 1110- tent storm at sea G 0MOVIE •., Smokey Bites Tiie Oust ( 1981) Jimmy McNl- chOI, Janet Julian A htgh school delinquent gt1IS the whole lown nn nos 11811 when he moket oil wllh the home<:om1n9 queen and heads a<;ross lhe stale on a r.erieS ot stolen au1omo- 1>1les PG 7:30 I) MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS D Q!SMURFS 0 OR. SNUGGLES U ®l RICHIE Ria-I I SCOOBYOOO 0 DAVEY ANO GOLIATH 0) CALIFORNIA PEOPLE ft) BIG BLUE MARBLE ([) INTERNA TIOHAL HOUR (H)MOVIE • * Attack Force Z ( 1980) John Ph1f11p law. Mel Gibson Out1ng WOtld Wal II a IOP·Sf'Ctel Aus· Hallan am1c~ unit pene- trates JopeneM! tines to perform a d11r1ng rescue m•sSlon S 'MOVIE • • • Tom 11981) Piper Laurt0 Mel Oobsbn A youOQ reterOIKI man and a 1ens111ve m1ddlo-aoed woman <leve•op a ctose relahonah•P ol mutual nee<l and und6'slandlng that lead& to an unottho- do~ marriage 8:00 1J (() POPE'l'E D MOVIE • '-" ·su1rdust On Thtl Sage ( 19'42) Gene Aulry G MAVERICK @MOVIE •,. '• Duet 0 1 Tho Titans ( 1963) Stove R11eves. Gordon Scott Romulus and Remus. lhe 1pgen<Jery roundera ol Aome baltlt! each other 101 co111101 or tho ancient city and the 10119 or a beeu- fllul g11r 9:00 0 LEAVE IT TO BEA~ 0 ®J LAVERNE a SHIRLEY 0 WILD, WILD WORU> OF ANIMALS g) ERNEST ANOLE't' fll) BEANS (C)MOVIE • ,. • ·The Hunlllf ( 1979) Steve McOueen, Ell Wal- lach Ralph ·Pape" Thor- son leads e dangerous Ille es • modern·d•y t>ounty hunter PG (tt)MOVIE * ,. '"' Th41 Splrat Stelt-case" ( 1977) J&equel1ne Bisset. Chr lstopl\er Plummer A beauulul <loa1- mute Is tetrorlztld by a myster1oua klller who turks In the sha<lowa 9'.IHoun<l- 1ng an elegant manek>n 11:30 IJ Cl) 8UOS BUfolNY I ROADRUNNER o ra s P•D£R-MAN 0 OZZIE ANO HARRIET IJ @l HEATHCUFF & MARMAOUKE 0 WILD, WILD WORLD 0FANIMAL8 Ii) CALIFORNIA WEEJ< IN REVIEW ($)MOVIE • • ·~ "Raggedy Man" (1981) Sissy SP8Cek. &tc ROl>er11 In 1lM4, e tele- phone operator on a arnatt Taus town uertl\Qes her standing 1n the community when Siio hoa a eh0r1 alflllr wltll a oombet-bound ull- o• 'PG' 10'()()0 Q!SPACESTAR8 U SHANANA IJ Q1) THUNOARR I GOLDIE GOU> 0 MOVIE * 'l't "Robin Hood And The Porates" ( 1960) Loll BMk· er gJ TEENSCENE g) 808.JONES ft) THIS OLD HOUSE Ii) VOTUl'S PIPELINE • Phoen1• Houee" Guest. Howard Stein, Director @MOVIE • ·~ "Slnbad And The Eye Qt The T1ge• • (1977) PatrlOlt Wayne. Jane Sey- mour Tiie dashing h«o ba11tes unear1hty cteaturea and a deadly tiger to remove the curse that ke«>s a young prince rrom hos rtghtful ptaco on tne 1rvone. ·G (%)MOVIE * "Terun. The Apo Men' (1981) Rlehard H111rla, 8o Oerel\ A yOUOQ women seatches lor her mlaalng lather tn the Atrl<:an jUngle wt.ere she nneovntllfs an uncrAllled white man •nd an orangy111n R' 10:30 8 AMERICA'S TOf> T£H 0) WE'RE MOVIN' g) NASL SOCCER KICKS &ii SOUAAE FOOT GARDENING fir!) SE.SAME STREET (R) fi, JOHNNY CA.SM'S AMERICA The country mualC aler perform• 11 aaluto to A.,._. !Un history and tredlllona with guata Juno Carter Cash, S19"9 Goodman, JOlln P11ne lln<I Rodney Crowell from Kennedy Center In Walhlnglon, oc 0> MOVIE 1':00 • TAAZAH * * * "Th41 Flame And 8 (JJ WUKENO The Arrow" ( 1950) B"'1 SPECIAL Laneast8t. v1rq1n1e Mavo TIHI Wlnglcl Cott" A bOy a> SAnJROAV end hll uncll rind them· MOANING GRAPf:VINE selvet the conl\IMd own· EID REBOP ers ol a oOll boln wtm [f )MOV1E wing•. (Pen 1)(R)Q • * "Down Argentine • SOUL TRA.Wt Way" ( 1940) Belly Grable m "°8IH HOOO Don AmeclWt A l>Mulllut After Ille EMI ot Huollng- hotr811 IOllOwl • -lthy don dloe In blltlo, JOhn South AmOfleon lrom N-Hood. the Klng'a for ....... Yor'k to Argentina cares tor the Earl'• kllant l'.IO 8 ()) TARZAN I LONE heir (Port 1) =IOSUPER ~~~ ~HOUR I CC) M()Yll 8 9 f'OHZ/HAPPY ••• "Fluti Gordon" •°"v~ TO KNOW (11180) Som J ~. MP Von Sydow A triO Of ----Ml~~~~·~--~------~----CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 KNXT t<;8S) 8 l<NBC INBCI • K'rU' (lno I 8 KABC IAB(I 0 l(FMB ((8~1 f) l(HJ TV ltnQ I • e KCST (All<;) e 1Cnv 11nc1 1 e ICCOP· TV fines I e l<C 'T t PUI DKOCE IPBSI t. 0 On TV l TV " HOO c tClnemol t I WORI NY • NY 17 IWTBSI (£SPN) • 1sno.rt1me1 • $fl0t119N • (C.Ole ~.wt IWl-rk) e.ertlltlng1 t11111M to tho planet MOf1ilO and help It• oppressed lnllabt11111t1 In thO overthr-ol 11141 ovtl Emperor Ming 'PG' 11 15 IJ Cl) BLACKSTAR U [DI AMERICAN BANDSTAND Guesu Chrl11opher Atkins. Rtchard Simmon• 0 WILO, WILD WOAU> OF ANIMALS «I) R081N HOOO Lady Marlon's entourage le proteoted from robber• by Robin Hood. and Rleh- ard i;ppOlntl Longehampa to rule In Illa lbMnCe (Par1 2) 93 MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING Ii) MISTER ROOERS (R) (S)MOVIE * * * "EMs" ( 11179) Kurt Ruaae!I. Seeton Hubley. EMs Presley rlMs lrom poll9fty and obllcurlly to acllleve lame and lor1uno U I IUpotlllf mulk: .. per· lorm8f Af'TERHOOH 12:00. ()) TAOUJON8 D LOST ... SPACE D HOME RAClHO "Faberg'1 Futurity R_ .. gJ SIX MILLION DOU.AR MAH Steve goes •h« 1 group that has managed 10 pen.- Irate OSI a«;orlly In toarch ot an A-bomb «I) THE ROOKIES • fill RICl('8 ANIMALS Ii) EUCTRIC COMPANY (R) CH)MOVIE •' • "Undef Tho Rainbow" ( 1981) Chevy Chaao. Cerrle Fisher. Th41 150 mfd0et1 who a1e In 1own tor Ille lllmlng ol "Th41 wizard Of Oz," furn 1 Callfornle llotel upSld&-down 'PG' (Q)MOVIE • * • • "The Bani>. Dick" 11940) w c Rold•. I.In• Merkel A man lnedvert- on1ty loits a robbery and 11 11warded lhe job of ba.nk guard, lorotng him to lace e real hOldup 0MOVIE • * • "Bleckboetd Jun- gle' ( 1955) Glenn F0td, Anne Francis A dedicated young te8C/lef a11omp11 to restore ordOf In 1 big-city training school whore IHn-ege lewlealnMs ""d VIOience h1119 token root (%)MOVIE • * "Heartboope" (11181) Andy Kaulm1n, Borno- dette Petllfl. In • world of the near fU1uro, lwo c;om. merc1at roboll oxporfenco the vtclss<tudotl of llrS1 love PG' 12:30 8 Cl) TOM AHO JEMY 0 PORTRAIT Of' A LEGEND "Roger Mlllef" G MOVIE * • "One M uk Too Meny" ( 1958) Clayton Moore Jay Sii,,.,,,...•. The Lone R•noor •nd Ton- to beoome 1nv01VOC1 with a _..,, ot murclllf• and rua- lllngs and an enll-tlender 1;.1mpalgn tla VIC BRAOEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE "Singles Str1legy U" VIC Braden showl YoU how wnen and wtiero 10 mOko your llrokas work lor you In a 1inglffmatch (RI Q fir!) VILLA ALEGRE (A) c:;J QD) KI08WOAU> t:OO 8 Cl) KWIC1<V KOALA U THE MUH8TEA8 Herman end Grandpa di> CO'olOr a eecrol room with a meaaage on the wall• lndt- cellng burled pirate gold U MOVIE * * "Siar Moltlen1" ( 1976) Cllriell-K"'OOf, Judy O-. • MOVIE • * * "King K0t1g" ( 1933) Fay Wray, Robert ~ lltonQ. ., MOVIE • *'" "Rlluberb" (1051) Rey Mlllond, Jan 11orting • MOHEYMAKEM "Tllo Aool RewMdl Of Roal &tato" D AMENCAN oovl8EV Leon Hendereon. Todd Grey and Melody Ma)W'I )oume'f of !1,000 m11o11 llCtOat the United SIM• II Cllronlc*f. ( R) a l!NTEMAINMOlf THl8WIEt lnlltV!eWs wllll Bruoo Ind lll'ldll Jenner, Lou GoeMtt Jr .. l lleun Oulldy, Chuck ... .,.,,,. Md Ohuoll eon. nor-.. (C'.)MCMI **** "M" (tNO) P.-Lorro. Ellan 'Nldmllnfl, Pollco per1lyH 1111 undefwofld .. they MWctt OullMidorf for I ~IC Qhlld~. • ,..., I (I) IOMIMD '"""°°" NOYA "Thi Wlurd Wllo 11>41' On Th• Floor" lernerf .-.-narr.._ • ftlm pot1nllt of nion-ldleOn ~ lll'llQue loollf9 ~ ldtaon ••Pl11ln1no Ill• 1nwnt10n• 1114 Int~ Wiii\ flit llll!lil't1 ~ S:J':ci.'° , .. "°'"'M. A ...... 111'1 con.,_1 net ,.., Of 11191\oot>llll wllll .... llolp Of lier t11ond1 ~~llle Mlrecie OI M0<0M'1 Cr•" ( lt.M) 8ettr HUllM, Eddie lfldt• Ot1 Wlwttl a young gltl lln01 heteelt 1>1o0nan1 1ner • fllOllt on lho IOW!l Wiii\ I g•ow of GI•. Ille la herd· l)roaMO 10 ldotlllly Ille '"'* 1.00 . AMIM)AH AOVIHT'UM Dr8LNA~ 'W0tld Chemploo~ 04 Women'• Ootf" Oo~-0- 01 the third round lrom lho 8h1ker Height• Country Club. Ohio. • QIUJGAN'l 111.AHO Glfflgan dlooo\IOfa • t>oy llV\ng In tho Jung.le D MOVllE * • "Tho Lui GtonMHI" ( 1970) 8t1111ley hkllf', AleA Cotti. ID NOfU1CTIOH TUEVt8K)N 'Vllfnon, Florida" l!rr041 Mor111 tell" 1 llumorou• IOOk •t 11141 P80l>le af\d ,,, .. atyll• ol a amoll rural com· munlty In W11hlng1on Coun1y. Florld1. ()) 8EAQEAHT PRESTON Of THE YUKON 9 MOVIE * * "The Road 0.Ck" ( 1965) Laaall. Jed Allan. The aighl1 end toYndl ol San Francisc;o 1<>11 L1.181e'• memory Into roc1tt ot temlll•r thing• i nd P80l>le (Ji)MOVIE "• "Attocic Fotoe Z" I t980) John PhlHlp Law, Mel Glb1or·1, During WOlld War II, a 1op.eecret Aul- trallan attack unit ~ tr•I" JeponoM llnoo to ~form a dorlng roocuo m•aak>n (Q)MOVIE * * * "Cleal\ 01 Tiie Tl1en1" ( 1981) Herry H11tn- lln. Lourenco Olivier MY1h- IC h41ro Fereeu1 la helped by hit fatllef Zeus In 1 --Of dango<OUI lulcl aa he Ina 10 win the haf\d ot • Phoonlci6n l)flnoooe aoelnat the wtlhM of a vongeluf aea goddoa1 'PO' , (.$)MOVIE • *'~ "The Trouble With Glrl1" ( 1989) EMI PrNley. Merilyn Muon A troWllng 1howmen run• Into Ill IOrlt ot trouble wtllte 11ey- 1~ 1n e Mid-torn 1own. li!MOVIE • • • 'n "Wood11ock .. ( 1970) Documentary Many of the lop mulk:al group• or the late ·eos porlorm et the 11111'\0US rock conc.t1 held In Bolhel. New York, In 19611. 2:30 I LAST~ TH£ WILO GIL' K-4'8 IBLAHO 0 RICH MAH, POOA MAN: a00e< I Rudy (Poter Streuu). Oosplte lhe atrong ot>joc:- t1ona ol hie mother (Doro- thy McGuire). tll\tll)t met· rlet Julie (SUMn Blekel>'). 81 IRELANO:A TELEVISION HtSTOAY 'Parnort· 1875-1891" Chaftel Stewlr1 Pom.11. t one Of the mo.I dynamlC; ligUr" In lrllh lllltory, II prolllod. ()) THIS WEE< IN 8A8E8A1.l 3:00 II (() PGA OOlF "Worwock Hiiie Open" Coverage of 11141 third round trom the Worwlclc H1tt1 Country Ctub. Grlf'd Blanc, Mich D AGAICUL TURE U.S.A. D MOVIE • • '-" "Summordog" (1977) JamM Congdon, Elluboth Eioonmon • THISWHKIN BASEBAU. «I) MOVIE • * * "When World9 ~ tide" ( 195 1) Berbat 1 Rultl. Rlchwd 0erT A roc:llOI ahlp .. llurnocHy orocWd In GMO Eer1h la Mlb)octod to a meteorlto lhowof. ID NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC IPEC&AL "The Sllertc1" Extraordi- nary underwa1« l'llm toot- oge of how enartc1 loed, '"' and ..my 1119y onlldc l)fO'ollCIUI -~ tiv. on thia tue1ne11ng end IHrtome lleh, Q Q!MOVIE * • * "S-8r'ldM For s-Brot11or1·~ (1954) Howard KMI. J-Powell. (C)MOVIE * * * "The Hunt«" ( 1979) SI..,.. M~, Ell WM- lech Ralph "Peoo" Thof. eon loads • dangoroot tile ea a modem-day bounty hunter 'PG' a:1t (%)MOVIE * * * ·~ "Tho Endtou Summer" ( 1988) Mike Hynaon, Robert Augutt Two young C1111ornta ...,,..,, trivet around the ~ In~ of the pot• toc:t ...... 1:20• ~8MN( Rogu6etly ~ pro- gremmlng tNtY be~ due 10 ~ btMkl. l!tt. ~HOMI OOUNnlV MUltC Cllwtey Prlc», Hoyt Aldon end T-.y Wynetto .. the hoe1• tor • country mu11c o•lr11vog11n1a IHhKlng lhe l'Ml'IY ltyW of country ~; lldlld- ulOd on1«1 "'-• lnoludo Roy Clertc, Mlclkey ~. l.Mry G1111n end Lally J. Delton. uo1,..••LL DOOMft DUGOUT MOYll • * "lre11ktflro11oll" ( 10 111) Ncfltrd lurttln, Rod 91elger A Hui Mr· 1001n 1 ·become• embtoled In • ptot '° auu1'11Ma Hltllr. 'PO' a.'41. DOCMlllR"".,... •••(J) TMYIM STMCll Qowr.oo of Ille M/4 .... ,.. ,_,, ""_,_ ... UIOr~ "°"' .. tet•tote .. ~ Tr•, a..tote.,,.... N.Y. • NI'\. flOOTW.L .. ~ o.m.•· LClll A,.-.....,. 11 .,..,. I.Joni TUBE TOPPERS KOCE ( 50) 7: 15 -"Thu All -time American Sonabook." A mualcal trtbut.e to America's favorite popular claulcs. See photo, left. KNBC (4) 8:00 -"Fla.sh G-Ordon: The Creotest Adventure of All." Animated movie about Fluh Gordon working to atop oonqueat of Earth. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Fire on Kell y Mountain." A young forest ranger ftght.s to contain a major f irn. KNXT (2) 10:00 -"2 on the Town ." ln a one-hour special, Steve Edwards and Melody Rogers tell why French Polynesia means paradise to many. 8 IUGAARAY LLONANYS OOLMN 01.0VU 1.0vltlet11 ve Rocky Moun la.In G HEEHAW Guoata· Don Wtllt1m1, John Heriford, Connie Smith, Denny Flowers m BA80Au. loa Anoe'N Dodger• 11 Pltt.lburgll PitalM ID NATIOHAl GEoORAPHtO 8ncw. "POier Bear Aterl" The greet white polar boar end a M1111llob11 town·1 olfort• lo CO•OXlll with them .,. tho aubJoc;11 ot 1 docu- mentory hOlted by E.G Marehall and narrated by Jaeon Rot>etd• o @THEROCKFON> FILE.8 (Q)THEWAYtTWA8 {I) PETER Al.LEH AHO THE A0a<ETTU Tllo Rocto et10I join singer Poter Allen on llOCJO ot Radio City Mulk: Hall In tlllt muak:al apodal 4:30 (0) SUPENIOWL 8ASKETBAU Members of the OeJllend Raiders rival mombor1 ol tho Oonve< BrOftCOI In 1 1ournamen1 lor llWI t>onolit or the u S ~pie Train. i i-.. &:00 C88 NEWS KUNOFU 8 WIOE WORU> ~ SPORTS Scllodulod oovorego of the U S. Pl1tf0tm Diving Champlon11\lp1 (from Plt11burgh, Pa.) II GAIZZL Y ADAMS .,. 80UO GOLD Hoell Andy Gibb. Merilyn McCoo GUMll. Bonnie Rllll, Tllo Altman Brothen Bend, Lacy J Dolton, Thol- m 1 Ho1¥ton, Stevie Woode. Bonte H~lna, Rich Liiiie,. G.!> SHAAIHO THE WtHO Catamaran racing 11 apot- tlghted In thi1 OC)laode lhll depic1a the llVlfla on~ bMuty that meny 11nc1 ()) M"A "S•H Ch.nos bee-tho moet unpopular man tn camp wNln he roe.iv" 1 winter- ized poler aull lrom hi• perenta. a MEWi 8 LAWMNCE WELJ( "Catnlval HiOfl Jlnka" (t)MOVIE * * "Shipwr-OCI<" ( 1978) Robor1 Logon. Mikki Jeml- epn-Olaon. A ~. Illa two daughtort. • roponer end• runaway ore 1trand- od on an ltolated 191end 1t1or encounl«lng • vtc>- lont a10<m at -'G' (8)MOVIE * * * "The 01her Side 01 Tho Mountain •• P111 ti" ( 1978) Merilyn Huaotl, Timothy Bo«oma Former dlllmplon lkler JIN Kln- mont, rendered 1 quodt1- Pleflcl by • treglc accident. l#rOllloa with Mlf·doubt whorl 1 new low enters her Ille. • THE OOlDEH AGE OF TUEVllaOH "Wind From Tho South" Oonlld Woods lln<I Julie Harrie ttOt In 1 d<emetlc IOle of unrequited low oentered oround -al Amorlc:an couploe In 1 amelt lritlh Inn. CZJ MOVIE * * "Down Arg1nllne Wey" (1!M0) 8otty Grable, Don Amec:he, A t>MuttM hel,_ totiow. I -.hhy Sou111 A"*1een from New Yofll to Arg0<1llno 6:ac>e NEWS • IOUARE FOOT ONIOENNG ()) WELCOME BACK. KOT'nA al W10£ WOAlD ~ SPORTS Scheduled' CO¥etllg0 of the U.S PlaUorm Diving Cll1mplon11\lpt (lrom Plttaburgh, Pa l Cl)MOW *•"A "Raggedy M1n" (1981) Sluy Specoll, Erte Robor1t. tn 1944, • t .... ptlOrle operllor In • 8"1111 T-town eacr1flcee her •tarldlng In the oonwnunlty """*" llhl nu • "'°" -""' wllh I combll-llOund &all- ~ •PQI IVINNO .... ()) Hf\. R>OTMU "~0-"o.I• IM 0owt>oyt II 8an Diogo Ohargera • KUNOfll\I G FM-TV FMtuted: Aoo .,_.. Ind F*=", KOlttl Aleh11d1, JoM Cougoar. IN Th!rd WOtld Bend, SI-Split. ..-a. • MOVll ••• "4 f'or Tau1" ( 19a} ,,....1111•1'-. """"' .. ~,,.~ .... • OOIMe llP wlttl • l*'Y ~-....... ~ .......... °'....,.. -~. ... ''Wtllte Olll ....... ~ lMdllMI ........ .... ctlllr ~ ,.., • B::,CM. lnltltt,...ae.WlmM ~ .. ..,........,., •"•" c~''°'"'• Ill• hon\OMllUflllly, Chooalng ln1teed 10 make II obll1001 •11d tlemboyent .MOVIE • * • "Ctu h 01 Tho Tn1n1 • ( 1081) Hatry Ham Un. Laurence Olivier MVlh· ~ hllfo Peraeu1 la helped by hia tither Zeu1 In • .. rloa of dangorou1 taalla H he trl" to win the hand ol 1 Phoentcl1t1 pr1n- oga1na1 11141 wlfhoa 01 1 v1ng1tur Ma goddou 'PG' 8:26 • Pl.EOOE BREAK Regularly ICMdulod pro- gramming m1y be delayed duo to pledge break• 1:30 8 Q! NEWS • CAGNEY: THAT YANf(EE OOOOL.E OAHOV Ftlm ct1p1 from hit major lllm1 (Including "Rogtlmo") hl()hllght e took 111 tho Ille ot J1m" Cagney: ••ten· 11119 lnlON'-8 with lhe ector, hi• eotleaguee an<t cc>-•tera 1ro loeturod (RI I MOTORWEEX 7:00 NEWS 8 BASEBALL Detroit Tigers 11 Cellforn111 Angele 8 WHERE WERE YOU? .. LAWRENCE WEU< "Carnlvlll High Jlnka" Ci) PL.EDOE BAEAJ< Regularly ICMduled P'O- grammlng may bo dellyed due 10 pledge b•oak• 0 PEOf>LE'S COURT Q! THE MUPPETS Gu"t Jim Mabon (C)MOVIE * * • "FIHll Gordon" ( 1980) Sam J JOOM. Mu Von Syd-A trio ot 1er1hHngs travel to 11141 planet Mango and help II• oppr"Md lnhabOl.ntl In Iha overthr-or tho evil Empo<or Ming 'PG !l:O MOVIE * * "Wiiiy Wonke And The Cllocolalo F9Ctory" (1971) G-Wiider. Jeck Albertson A world temoua conlec:1tonef" 011.,.. o NI .. hme 1upply ot candy 10 lhO flvo winnen ol • 1rMSOro hunt CZJ MOVIE * "Tarzan, The Ape Men" ( 108 t) Richard Harrie, 8o Ootok A y<>ufl9 woman ao0tcnes tor her milelng tether In tho African jU"Qle whore et'8 oncountorw an uncMllnd wMe man and en or111QUt1111. 'R' 7:16 flD THE AU.-TIME AMeUCAH SONOBOOK Hoat Dinah Shore It )Olned by Judy COlllna, Sergio Frenclll, Melba M~ end 1T1any ol'-' for a m"*81 tribute 10 Arnorlce'a revor- 110 l)09Ul8t c:latalca from Tin Pen Alley lo Hotty- wOOd. 7:30 8 PEOPLE'S COURT (II EYE ON 8AH DIE.GO Featured· a lllop In Ren- ChO S.nerdo apeclallzlng on original lellWI, docu- ment• end menu1ctlp11 ol famous people, wornon'a tn:t1ons d•11Coun1 1totM; 1 look 11 the ennuol MulCU- 11.f Oy11rophy "1aocte- 1lon'1 IUmln8' oamp tor children In CuyiimeGe. 8WHK£MDMAOAZJHE FHIUred. lhe mott popu. ler r 8dlo 1totlon1 In Sen Diego; • loolc et Zauon, the _, Yldeo getne; hand gliding off Torrey PlnM: malling ycMK own puto, 1 lltolt to SUMY Jim'• C.\08 In La Jon. (D)MOYIE * • "HMt1blepe" ( 1981) Andy K1ufman, Bornt- dette Poter•. In a world of the,_ lu1Ufe, two oorn- merolal fOC>Otl oxpotlenoo lhe vldAltudoa of lltal love 'PG' Cl) JANE FOHOA'8 ca.aM'Y FASHK>N SHOW Jeno F°""I end Oovld Steinberg -di tor 1 dollQNr'• d-In .,, ..... 118' epoGlll fNIUtl"Q high feehlon, eolo()f1ty guwta Ind madcap 8dventuro 1:00DQ!M<>W "Flee/I Gordon: Tho GrMt· 111 Ad"*'turo Of Alf' (Premiere) Animated. Ft.... Gordon mutt oon- W>c;e tho weulng flllltlOne ot Mongo 10 ~ taoett- 10 ovor1hrow Ming the Merci'"• and "OI) his ~uni of Eair111, ea LOYllOAT Julle get• momeo to .,. A.,.lrellon doctor. • pro- i-capturw o ~ted m in ing llnk, end • octloOltHChor YIM for lfle 1tlontlon of o wellllly m81'1. ;~ANNUAL "00\WW~ ON THE LM'" ~= IOCll ...... end ftlllONll o!ectld ~ ..tlO .. -~tone "°"' 8outhem o.itfomi• rteldlntL e.-.v...,.. O~tt: Ot-Wellea, PN loMN, H8"Y ..,._ _.., ~"-'*In. • lllKW9 • • • "Oyt>ey" I tM3) lllOellllnd ,_,....., Ne .... WOOd, A Mlge mother ~-.. ~ tere, on• ol 1'110• IMOOINI • renw~ ~"" -•'Y· v...... ,..,...,., .... ,..,... INCe -,........., ............... ~--------- • -~ • • "tlltlftt Ouotoe" t "'°' llOli Norm1n, ~IMll MO eWM.T~ ~,.,. Oft Kally ~1.itt A ~ tor•t reno-alft· Oft.fl"'°80ly "Of\11 10 con· llln Ille 9Ulbfeelo Of • rntjor IOflet IQ. • ,AUL MOOAATNIY AHOWIHGI "lecii To Tho log · Thll ~ llj)edel fMt- PIUI MoCor1noy ond Wtngt porle>tmlng 110mO Of the mualc mott IOYOd by thel• l11n1. (I) M•A 'l'H A rumor that the 4077th 11 1101ng to 'bug out" boGofno. gt~ Okaggot ttod until II II bolllVOd th411 tho entlto Chl!MM etmy II •1111e1ono 1he ciomp (Pen CtJ N0HAN> ....VOA IN COHCPT rne ,,.... ... ~ comoa1A11 111\00ll l)OinlOCI b8fbl ti almoat every 1n1111u11on lmoglnable In Ihle unc:on· aorod. no-hotd&·l>erred concert pertormanco (ij)MOVIE * •,, "Unde< Tno RalnbOw" ( 1981) ChoVy Chue. C.trle F111\0f' Tho 150 mldgell whO are In town lor the 111m1no 01 "Th41 w111rd 01 01 ,' I urn a C1l1fo1n1a hotel uplid&-down ·pa· lOJMOVlf * * "Oeadlr Bloulng (19811 Etnett Borgn1no Looa N1111o1on A young women whO merrlea Into a ltrltt rel1g10US lleel dtlCOV• era aho 15 tr 8pped In 8 llv- 1~ rnghtmare 'R' (SJ MOVIE • "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( 1981) RICl\erd Hem1 Bo Oe<et< A YoUno woman MlrChol tor her m111ing lather In lhe Altlcen JuOQle wh8te &he encounters an uncMUzed wt.no man and en 0tengutan 'R (%)MOVIE • • "Heartt>eepa" 1111811 Andy Kaulm•n. Betnl• dett1 Pe1era In a wotld ot the near tv1u1e. two com- mercial robola experience Ille vielsaltudea ot llret love 'PG' 9:30(1) M 'A'S'H 8:46. PAF>m CHA.SE "Sorc::oref'S Apprentice" A Supreme Coun Justice la pyt on tho llj)OI becauM ol hia record ol neve< having hired 1 female law clerk In hl1 30 years on 11141 bench 10:00 8 2 ON THE TOWN SP£CIAL D Q! NBC REPORTS What8119r Happon6d To El Salvador? · Rtcherd V111erlan1 and Bonnie Anderson report on the po1111e1t and economic ell. mate In El Safvodor sinoo the Maten e1ec11ona end loOll at wt\111 the tu1ure hOlds lor the nahon em NEWs IJ Q]J FANTASY ISL.ANO Tattoo gooa Info the metchmaking bu1ln1111 end etranges for two wom- "' 10 marry Mr Ro.file. 1111<1 • n.ghtc:tub comedian rnMll Ille fomll) lie Invent- ed lor hl11<:1 (RIO ()) MUSIC MAJ<EAS 1H CONCERT "Rlla Coolidge" OMOVIE * * 'h "Victory" ( 1981) Sy!veater Stallone. Mlct\NI Ctlne Out1ng World War 11,t Allied POWt -their ltckel 10 lroodom 1n a milch between tllolr soc:cer tum and the a.,. men NallonaJ Team In Per- " 'PG 10:30.., INSIGHT A hlQh acnool basketball player Is di1111ua1onod when he meets his fav0<11e comic book hero. fir!) THE KINGSTON TAK> ANO FRIEN08: AEUNIOH Tho original Kingston Trio ere roined by Tommy Smothers, Mary TraVOfl. Llndeey Buckingham eoo current Trio membe•• when they porlorm l<19t1th- ~., tor the hrst time 1n 20 ....._ra (C)MOVIE '• "Nlglllmare" (Hotror) Chuelt Connor•. Deborah Ratlln. Two cottevo girls are SUbJecled to 1 tlvlng hell under Iha reign ot e peychot1e (%)MOVIE * * 'l1Uta" (1980) MIUd Adll'lll, J-Mllehell A 1culp1or becomes obseuod with the dough- t« ol one ot hi• '°'.,._ iov. Wl 'R' 10:46. 00,..,.,,Y"'SSE',.....""Y "Onglto'a Big Mollo" In the ~ Guinea hlghl1111<1a, a 1( ........ "big man' oro- lzoa • levtlh coromonla1 pr-talion In order to 01tat:1t1a11 political alllancoo with other lr1boa end Odvenc. hla own ~ (RlQ t1:008U8())9Q! NEWS • ENnA'TAINMEHT n.llWEEJ< lntorwtwa Wllh Bruce Ind Lindi Jennet, Lou a-ti Jr , Slleun Cnoldy, Cnudt MOflOIOM lln<I Cti.ICI. Coo- nora • MOVIE * *'" "LoOec:y Of BloOO" (11171) John Co"adlno. Faltl'I Oomerg uo • MOVIE * **• "Topllepl" 11"4) Mollne ~. Mblmlll- 81'1 SChott • MOVIE * * * "Love With Tho Proper St,..ngor" (1~) Nollllo Wood. 81ov1 ~. CID JOtlMfY CMH'I ~ Tho country muo1e ater potfonne a MIUto 10 Amer- ican hlltory Ind trocl111ont wtth ouee11 .11HM Oar1ar Cun. St-Goodman, JoM ~Ille end ~ <:few.It trom K~ C«lttf Ill Weafllftgton, D.0, 1::.:N "lem'• 86ow 'ood" 11:.aoe THI~ ~IAl'IMDAY~ Hc-.C*ll~ i:.--• *" "OM ..... TtlM To .. _ __..,..., llOO Pt1t) O•oio ,._.. 111111. JOl\n Vernon O..ov. • * '-' 'Tiii l)ol'I 11 OMd ( 1173) Anll'IOlly Olllnn, ,, ... IC 'Otr•t COJMCMI • "bpee111IOl'I•" (IMO) Sul*llo Holl~, Oeoloi• W•t A looM women Ind • o•moerod IOOiot1 girt tr.0.llfetl~ (l )MOWI • * "lloeroh And Ooattoy 119111 ,.,,Y King. Don Stroud A IOt· mtr 8ou111 Vietnam ... Olflctel Holla revenge ogelnet tho tout Amotic.one who lbondonod """ In .,, •m!Nth durtng tho ,.., PQ 11·46 · MOV1I. * * • ,.., "Tho Inn Of rile S1xtll ~epplnoea" ( 19:18) tngfid &oromen. Cun Jur ~a A zoolous rnlNlon.,.,. load• 100 ehlldron 10 NI• ty duflng tlw J.,,.,_ 1nvU10t1 of Chine 12:00 . BllM JEAN NE'IWOAk 'Biiiy SQulef" euov11 • '"> "Smolt.ey 811" The Ouat ( 1981) Jimmy Mc:Nt· chot. Janet Jullan A high sct>OOI dollnquent ge11 111e whOle town on hi• trail when ho maltee oH wllh 1"41 l\OfN!Comlng queen and head• ac:roa• th1 11111 In 1 -ie• 01 11oten automo- b•lea PG' (ZJMOVIE • * • ''r Tho Endle11 Summer·• ( 196&) Miko Hynson, Aol>on AUO<Jll. Two young Cellforn11 surtu" travel around 1110 wO<ld 1n Mtarch ot 11141 per feel weve 12:16 IC1 MOVIE * * 'Jury Ot Ono" I 1974) Soph11 Loren. Jean G11>1n A mothe• uses underwortl1 connec:t1ons to gel hOt aon acquitted ol rape and mur· def dlargu 'R' (~)MOVIE • Tarzan. TIWI Apo Men" ( 1981) Richard H1r111. 8o Derek A young woman searches for het misting lather m the Aln..an jungle where ane encounter• en unciv1Uzed Wllllo man end an orangytan 'R' 12:30 8 MOVIE • "''> ' The Don II Dead" ( 1973) Anthony Quinn. FtedOtlC Forr .. I 1:00 II ROCK CONCERT gJ MOVIE * * * Tiie Bad Sood" ( 195&) Nancy Kelly, Patty McCormack QJ EVEHtNO AT THE IMPAOV HOii Dick Shewn Guests. Shown Thompson. George Wallace. Bruoe Cockburn (O)MOVIE Choru• Calf' c 1979) ·x· 1:05 (S) MOVIE • * • 'Et111s" ( 19711) Kun RuHell. Seaton Hubley Elv11 Prelley rl-lrom poverty and obecurny 10 ech .. ve tame end fortune IS a super 51 at muaical per. tor mer 1;115tl) SOUOGOl.O Hosta Andy Gtbb, Matllyn Mc:Coo. Guest• Bonnie Rall!, Tllo Allman Brothers Bend, Lacy J. Oiiton, Thel· me Housron, S tlvlo Woods Bertie Hlgglna, RiCh Ulllo, t:aoe MOYIE • • '"' "Ram..·· ( 1940) ()11. • voe de Havlllend, Oavtd Nlvon @MOVIE * • • "Clash Ot The T11an1" (1981) Harry Ham- hn Laurence 0t1111er MVlh- IC hero Peneus 11 helped by h1a talhef Zeu1 In a serlM or dange<ous 111i.s as he tries to win 11141 hand 01 • Phoontclan princess ag•1nsl the wt."-of e vengotut sea goddeas PG' f:45 [DI ABC NEWS <%)MOVIE • "Tarzan. The Apo M•n" ( 198 t I Richard H81rla. 8o Derek A yo.;ng woman M81Che9 lor 11.,-mlMlng lllhet tn the AlrlUn jungle where Siio encounters en \H>CMlltOd wtille man al\d an orangutan 'R' 2:00(JtNEW8 (C')MOVIE • * * * "M" P930) Peter Lorri, Ellen Wldmenn Pottce p or11yzo the unoerwortd U they -Ch Ou1Midor1 lor o ~ychotlC Clllld murderer 2: 10 CID MOVIE * * "Brolklhrough ' ( f97g) Rtchard But1on, Rod Sloiget A Nazi --1goent bocomet ornb<OllOd if> o plot IO NMNlno1o Httler 'PG 2:111 ., NEWS 2:30 80 NEWS (O)MOVIE *. "Ooadty Blealng" 2:'61m MOVIE •·~ "Torrtlled" (19M) Rod l-0<1 St-Drexel s:00 e MOVIE * * ,_., "Show Bualnooa" (1944) Eddie Cantor. Joen Oevtl. A VMIOty Of I*• lormor. keeps ludlencel on1en1lnod dut1ng tho Vaudovtllo or-a • MOVIE * • '" "Adventures Ot Jeno" ( 1960) M lcllaol Hogarth. Sony• o·si-"° •~ *. "DOit• f'.o•" ( 1978) Rlcll1rd Lynol'I. Stuort Whllmen A prOlwefonel emugglor mw1• hie meloll In • boeutllul -"""° II ljll him with a mllllor1 dolten In hot money. a:se(l)wov. • • "8onlor1" Oennt1 011eld, Gery Imhoff. Ellletptltllng college atu- donlt tum their ll'1'9fnlty llOulO Into • bOtdello 'R' 1:41• MOv. • * "Wllld Acroet Thi E.,...gladel" P91181 9u11 tvH. Cllrl1topl't1r ~. A "*' l\olttl to -Ille nat\lnll ~ of o«IY """-'tUf'I' F'londe. (C'.)~~ .. OC>i«81 (Jl)MOYll ··~ "TIMI 8plfll SIAlf· ..... (1tl'7) l9oqt' ..... l l1MI. Ollrl1topt'lor ,___,,.......,. .... mute II ........ 'Ye ~------11'1"'9----~ ~~IMNleft. ••• "t..alf•" Ctteo) ClASSlfllD Saturday, Augu.11 21, 1N2 Looking /or a career in sates? See today's Help Wanted ads , cla88Jlication 7100. t.J r ••'1;•"'1,.,.,,1 ffl!.f.!.'!!¥. .... 1.'!lf ~! .... · .... !!.!! ~'.'1..'!f!'!l. .... 1.~~ ,.., •••"' mt .... w .. "' !.' .. ••'· .,iH..., 9J• -..... .... ..., · · 11.,. ,,_, .... ~ 1111 .,,..,_ 1.•• .• !!!'.~............ ••••••••••••••••••••• ··•'••••••••••••• •. "':T ••• -r ...... ·rr. •••• 1 •• ~ 'f":':r •• 7~.-.r. ••••••• -., •• str •• 7...-.~ ••••••••• ~;, •• :: ••••••••• ~":1' J U 8UNHY'8 becutlw ....... f111eo. Seo/Admln, A .. I. Legel ~In "unt· Ila&. aTAft IMa .... lflM ..,, WAHTIO INl!AOITIC I ~nn tktemblw Moto • ... fN..r\ •os 8t,....Aeduotton· Exparlenoad II OCC, for landtcapa ArGhllec-lnQtOfl IMO!\. IT, lllper Need 2 el(fl«, o.oolit Ir\ for en elef'nefttt/'t ~. OAIATIVI peopl• for X. wltufl whHla. 176. tt-ri.al,. "" UUl1U n OfflOe-lltn·OUtcall Cotti M ... Ttmp<>raty, turll '1rm In trvtne, Xlnt Naoe1tary Al IHll a oommaroral enc$ lndlf· •o hr ork .... 10 co1tumad balloon d .. I. 644,6941 ••• ~;:-;-:;'•••••••• as1•8371 pert time, da'f'. oontact 8.aretarl•I end orf:anl· days I._.... "911 l\Oura. llflll,..., .. tit. lot._. " w w •· Ml'VICe M 11 ---------Laundry Mat. Harbor l IRE FRE.E Jo'loa: 5H·11Ht or atlonal eklll• AblH to Wiil tleln on 18M oi.ptey __ .. mot. work YHr. 2 yn ~ u.t ave •-1...-1--at...a... Adami. Oron tnooma n · It .. 7~1 -"II • .., growtna firm. olerloal expr. r•q. 66 own tran~10on. cell ....,.. -.. UOOOl mo , II I 55 6927 EOe MIFIH work under prenure, W1 .,, ... t WOfkJno c:oMttlone wpm typlno 10 wpm 780-17M for appt 20' Fatr Lady Uk• New 1eooo. Flutr ,u,,oro'~~ Cal·, lfl!!"~~ 1,.11. CASHll!R.IHOU81EWARE8 Hluma rHponalblllty. Legal 8"t.iary 11mpo. In~::~'' auch, 8/H, 11 1ee1t 1•U per lta080841-t021 1uded 640.9754 • .wTiaW • s ... Ell &>tef A 1y coordinate WOf'lt for letVe r ..... , 2 WMIC•, bMi Utt-714/ 1 mo. AP~l>I In peraon WUllnl .. ID c . . ltl·Hll •••••••••••••••••••••• a~ C~ow~Hardw:f •• olfloe. Word ptooeulnQ g";tfon, NIWP«t c.tltw, FOVNT'AfN 'IALL!Y Fu"ltlme. Mull bl 21 & MOtObleatla Orind Jul>I· WIAT 3107 I!. Cet Hwy ' C<IM dHlrable or will treln. l'IOfl ~ fully expe-"IAL. 18TATI IALI• SCMOOL OllTRICT have valid Cellf. driver'• I•, 12 IPd touring blke, Sweltowt ~.,.but 11 lllUU tlJITUllUI Cell 714-878·6120 b•t· rlenoed only' feo-etee, 8PIR80N8: hm extra 11210 Oak 81 Fou taln lie. 497.t141 herdly uHd E1oru not your typical Video . Eacort tor women OllAIPPllll wMn 8 AM and 3 PM · ' Income. Pitt llml . ,.,. Ville • Cloii~9 d~I.. Mu1t Mii lmmed 1375 Oeme? W•loh• only 7 Loat. At oc IWllJ) ,,,..t, 2 497-5725 (bat lam-lpm) ANO OTHl!R DUTIES FACTORY TRAINEE LM.. n •nolat plinnlng/ 112a1l2. E.O.E. ••nADJIH _._.,_5-_2_t_53 ____ _ lb1. & oen be 01rr110 RINGS, Sentimental va· ~~~~·~~~~-~· M 1 c 11 d 3 1hllt1 ld .. l for wom.n PannM*lt full llrne for 1f*1'*..,.. l l9Cflll-•••••••••••••••••••••• Schwinn Sting Rael no under your erm? 11 a1 lua REWARD. 540-4988 White Male wlll model. 2t.3~ hr~ ::•.:.to.~~ over 30. No pt1orMt oen., mlnllt)t l care of Mml• t ng. We train. t4&-3M3. Sl!CR!TARY, FANT OFC A.II~ lllt Bike $125. Good cOfld ~ to Mt up u pluo-1.011. Cat, mid-July. Lg• Ray evening driving. Non Apply In penon; lnv1lld. IXPI' Of Wllllno lllTlllAIT . Adv Aganoy. OoOd ty· •••• •••••••••••••••• 845-7977 oino In your toHter? or1ngal whl neut. Long 530-3283 lll"loker, datk sult rtqul-IVERPAC CORP. to laern care of llaot• Full time poelllon• •v• ping and pl'lone vole• WESTMIN8Tt;A •Ill ... 1 Ill fllk .. only ooe mini.It• to ttalr. Eutbluff1. R-ard. 1'9d. 840-5338 5455 PrOdlfCllon or. He tomy. No llftlno. no hou· l•bl• IOl Hoet--1 Cl· HMntl11. Shorthand • A88EY .. . pity & cen never be 780-11555. 076-tl26 Although In a non-.. work. M"· Referan· lhl•r W11tar/au a pt111. Opportunity to Id· ANTIQUE MALL 197·7406 ma1tarld? H11 depan-maritime buelMM, hold COMPANION ,,. .. hit lltn c.e. fountain peraon Xlnt Ir· venca. Salary commen-t 1751 Wettmln1ter Ave. Woman'• V.,tlly Schwinn debl• mlcro-proc•Hor LOST: Orey and crHm Mutert lie .. all oc11n1, Uve4n, Older lady to help Exper pref'd, full time 873-2SM vine location. Cell 1ur1ta with e11parlenca. GARDEN OROVE Bike, :le", 10 speed, •Int baM clrc:vltry? Can get female cat (Had yellow unlimited tonnage, US dra11. cook mHll, It Apply In ..,.,tott Alli IOI LUI lfJW 55 t -UOO for Inform•· Call Carot. 10 am•12 pm &$4-el03 c 0 n d 1 100 C 81 1 you •tarted lm~latety collar wltag) 1 yr old. Merchant Marine. Also hHwk. Mu1t have car Margie. tlon. Aak lor Jo Ann 587...()842 992•0159 In an untapped market Glenneyre St. LIO-NII lie. Would llf'llertaln NB ~l-0805 I•_. I. __ ,. • ......_. Aggraulve Newport · ---------for under s6500 tor 8 Children heartbroken 1vocatlon1I run•· wlln<I• " -_..... Beach firm M.ic• motl· lnlll. lllT ... Secretary/ Raceptlonlit, Orlantel Oragor1 llbla & Nllhlkl l•dlea 5 IPd tou- untti? To hnd out •bout R-•rd. 4117-1377 & the Ilk•· at llttla to no .... i.r1• 497-4477 EOE vated lndMdual1. Terri-lull time poiltlon, Lido chairs. s 1150/0BO rlnj bike, xlnt cond $65 charge for "right •tuft" N dad tor I LI tortes ""'"ft Mull hlVa Full/time Experienced Marine Vllliga, pleaae 2 4 8 5 Irv In •. C M •• -6"8" Ihle upntque product call Loat white F Shepherd, owners. Steve Freeman. H u•ury • IAI ... I Vf"""' L11port11c Oppty tor con 1 a ct L 1, 1 . ..~ • • Mr. atrlok, toll-Ir•• vie Atlante & Newland, 673-3500 d ... •7•.921t QUnl 8Mch hotel. w... PLANT MAINTENANCE R. E. Lie. growth within Iha Chain. 714-676-IM2 628•3313 --------- 1-800-531-5255 elt1 820 H.B 538-2287 otherwlM , •. " " kend• 8 mutt. 3 dlys per Partltlma, 13.50/hr Ma-Harbor-Pacific M1 Phllllpe, 657-t204. Antique pine hutch 38 In JC l•llli•I •RTIST .... ___. •• ,.,.,.,,, ___ , Lost·. 8113 M. "-·•potnte wv••kh. Cpondt~ct Mrs ture, ratlabl•. c111 Mo-___ 9_5_S-OQ __ 7_3___ I 11•n&1Y/mO 1 68 In. Xlnl cond S375 #1111/111 llZS "' ~ ........ ...,.,.. ......, a.. J S .. SI aug an-ur ... • -.. ----~/fter" IALE to C.F.O. ot Npt Beh Fin. 54M234 • ••••• •••••••0 • • •••• • artist to do 1p0t11 action Himalayan, San Joaquin "'" "' 494-0480 nice. 842-6604 att. 5. ... rt._.• Svc ... Firm Challno . IOW 310/", ftgure eketehM et rMa. Hl1 Or, Sen Mlguel Rd. t;·j~·A;l~~j~··1~i·~1~ EOE a-11 Offtc. Min. 2 Y'9 axper. Heevy Olll•. I ..... RaapOfl. potltlon. Good Orlentel hHvlly c1<ved Redwood 2116 decking, pdce. J1mM 881·3386, A-ltd 553-1950 atrllnetlcket. $9e0 Value. _C_o_u_n_t•_r_H_e_l_p_fo_r_d-ry PIT, 9 am. 2 pm, Mon-typing & clarlc11 lune-Thriving O .C •llfm ~plno. lnct. lllllatlcel. I hutch, 2 pea. repro 4_20. long, ellO redwood btwn. 5-10 p.m F Ill ·-•1 sc"" ..... Valld C Fri Need metura ....,.,..,. Ilona. Small Nwot mtg company w•nt1 1ale· IH •'-1111 & aptitude tor $950. 1-e28-33 t3 1-al"" all Jim ~ Ken ound. Brown mht male w ..... .,.,.,,.....,... leaning Pl1nt. E11per , / ftf ,,...._d .. co. $1000 + ~·*++ lath die -"""ly -"""'"' ~ LIQUIDATION DISTRIBU· dog "Fo11y" Vic. Tutti. for 1 year. 557-719e, Jeff or will train. Mull be nell w o ce upar to o • -"-). 851-0•••. •paop 0 an r...,... numbera, e11per req'O Orlantel heavily carved an)'llme, 775-t491 TORS STOCK rock In lrvlna. 760-1828. In 1 pp a• r •no e . bkkg, typ'g 60 wpm & --..-.. .._ upending builneu. Call 840.()123 cottee & 2 and tabl ... Light Bulb• • Fluore-la•>•n.••I 4119-1985. 30848 Coast phone. Could work Into Maintenance/ Gudaner, At1rm uperlence pre-llOln••y r 8 pr 0 1 • s 5 5 o n-, 104fJ 1can11 • Commercial Found 6011er, Eeder •• :f:~oo ••••••••••••• Hwy. South Laguna. lull time. cell 556-2932. prater over 40 yra. for !erred. 833-9381 (Uk for -1-828-33t3 ":.~/'. •••••••••••••••••• Light FtxturH • HHvy School, Hunt. Bch, Cell kiHll I aak lor Lorne apt. complex, axperlanca _K_e_n_•>_· ------Exper'd. 8:30-2:30. 3 day Shih· Tzu puppte1, 2.,., mo Duty Shelvlno • Oelu11e to Identity 992-7067 l•itr.ell•• 1005 Cullom Cabinet Shop IDWL nacuury 548-9558, wk. Xlnt typing Non-Hlllll•'I ... E old See at 16811 Mt Otfloe Funrnlture • Who-Lott: Black tong haired •••••••••••••••••••••• need• man experienced "'Ill 12-7. IALll 11'1'\0ker. Corona def Mer Full of beautiful, r1re Co 111 • n . F V D a Y 1 laaale Prtc.a cit with tags vie West-Sludent Trainee. Fall en-In cabinet maktno & In· Experienced Parton to Eliciting car-oppty wl 673-1770 entlquH. Compl. "Inlaid 962-0017, 839-9662 ah. DISCOUNTS AV• 1LA cliff. Dover s'h~ .. · er••. rollment. Show l'lorae •••. ll•tlon .. C•ll 831-3455 run 1m111 of!lce-t ype Manual l1bor. S4 par hr. 'I Fl 1 0 d" bd 1 s22 6 " ~ -b 1-4 30 quotH.' 1n1war phone, nit •rt acceH. co. 1 r llHn••y w 0 rm 88 · · BLE Reward 845-2020 or ltlble. Live In. Non-twn · · 18 and over. Un1kllted. lor dt1eorat1ng nao. Flax. -000: compl din. rm HI --.. -1 .. --1-tr-1---3 oay1 Only 548•266l. smokers. 2'44-22 18 proce11 mall. Spend Part Local Jobs. hrs Experlenc. prel. but Expanding CPA Firm. wlmatchtng chlr1a cebl· ••• • Htr August 24th 25th 26th " S UC 0 DANCERS time learning lnllf>8C110fl 5<4M360. 494-03115 I will train. Interview• Sat. FIT. phonea, typing. die-net a armolre $15,000, 14 mo old needs home tt Autry L.&na INlne loat· f>lk Lib/Shep F :l~NO IN TR ~I N tor •mall machine llhop. Aug 2111. lOam 10 2pm taphone, 10 Key, word leather 8018 wlmelchlng 631-7992, 752-0651 OI' Call 2131553-8595 puppy w/bandana, Nwpt r vacy your ome. llOO .._ 11,000 we-L MICRO Prec111on 21324 MATURE Ambltloua per-on the hour et 28300 la proc helplul. E11cellent chelra & stools, genuine ••1nlature "'-hnau·-r Pup-a IV d & VI. LI d 0 . Cla1SIBJ1l-pop1-JazL •• .. Camino Capistrano La son wlsome mkt. bkgrd. ..___111 833 9887 J d .., ""' ~ k h B ' • At1--'a, Ste. 3"". Mii · .,.,...... •. • u y I . 0 p 8 r d c 0 u ch w I pies. AoJC ranla Champ VIDEO route, 11 gamH. 675-0723 W or • op• A guna Niguel lo help In mkt.lmgmt ,._, "" " -• s.E.O.C. 15 K, FPIOBO, 559-575'4 Full & pan-time dancers 71._..~608 business. 84M778. slon VleJo. (nr. Crown Service 11at100 attend1n1, matching chair & 11001 & sired 3Ml1F, 763-8623 laavi 676-2 t72 Lost. Mele. yellow Lab, ---------wanted for B1<e Min-i---------Valley & Puerta Reel). or ••per .. refs req'd, 8 dys m II n Y o th a r 11 em•. no area · approx 4 yrs, rew1rd. J•j1 Wul" 1015 lmum Telegrems. Audi· GOVERNMENT M ed. CHIROPRACTIC cell 498-1850111 6pm. wk , 9 hre pr day 675-3738 lea l~leHt Ol•n hlhlnl Wul"flll 631--0658; 642.,.522. Jim •••••••••••••••••••••• tlona being held thl1 JOB OPENINGS ASSISTANT 1 girt office. $275/wlt NB ~ 7151 I Sign up nowl For Info· •••••••••••••••••••••• PART TIME light hOUH· M al I all ble PIT P.M. Ina. E11per r• Salel · • Roll-Top Desk, 01k 48", C II 847 7688 FV . Client wllhes to purchUI Lost: 2 yr otd b<wn Germ. keeping In e11chng. lor week from 9 AM to 3 PM. any po 1 ona ev a quired. Benefits tntar-Ell Selel ~ to dlltrl-lenke lttffH ~"8' rellr1l1hlng $7 75 8 • plumbing ooaln ... In Or. Shorthair pointer Cecil & prvt. rm. & bath. Exper'd, ~fC-7~~ K~~~~.~~~~m~~: ~lr~~i,~ ~~=~~::; Y1awt Set. 9-2. S41-<1779 bute The N-European ATTENDANT. Full & pl B · 675-6205 American Eskimo pure- Cty, Contact EIH. agt Orange, CM 642-3151 mature. respontlble. E E 9 Effortl ... EJIC«clM ma-c bred dog. w tpapera. "-t f N -Anaheim, or call (7 14) •I • 1 -U China. Comm. Wltl train. time. 1pply hevron. A11.'IJ!:••"'ll IOI" Must tall, 9 mo S200 751-3191 Found G-• .. en Ratr•--·. .....s re erences. wp... 77" ... 21 1251 No Co--t H""' 1 -.. 111 trlah Set;;' mli1. ...... BchtCM. 631-8284. ~~....,...~·~~~~~~~! Wll ITTUITI TOfll't Scanty Panty now Terrltorlet assigned. Bctl. .... -, . ._ • •HARBOR.AREA•••• _6_4_2_-9_2_0_6 ____ _ &.nmnl 842-<1929 Light housework lfl ... DATA ENTRY CLERK E•· Motivated •tytllt needed ~:~1=:.'c.~l•H• 213"592 ... 239 APPLIANCE SERVICE Silky Terrier• AKC champ ~~ ,,.1., Lab Puppy. rem·"" Bl·-chng 1or. prl rml b,a. pindlng Nwprt Bch. to loln prograallveMlon. ---------Sales, Hardware, lull time a..t.s •MlllH .,.,. We Mii recond , guar sired, Mele/ tamale t. -~ -~ o-n mat re ax,_ d Sall Comm/ Vacation. IHlll •1H In r.,all hardware atore, ProdUC11orl exper naces-•nplle.na-. 549.3077 645-6037 ••• •••••••'··•••••• collar. Vic· Paulerlno • .....,.., .. u"·S-· 25,...15. .. credit card company hu C I I • Co ..... -· R_ ...... a"ndot, Bu11 .. --d Sehl. days 540-4040, _r_e_er_&nGes __ .______ FIT temp. ~111on11ua11 a m 1 n 1 0 • r · no Sunda)'I or aves. See 181)'. Piece r1te1. 118 ---------......,., ~ ,...,. ,,,,_ • 714-5-40-8639 In Pedlatrle group In N.B Steve. H.W. Wright Co. M ... 842-9651 Refrigerator with lreezer City, Leugl'tlln (Colo. evul wknds 545-8762 Antennas Installed. Coax tor D•t• Entry clerk•. ---------• FuH or p/tlma. Call Mr1. 126 Rochuler, Coate tor sale. Work• grHt • FtH I• F•• IHS ~"',:'J;,ngHunwtlng8 ha11:".'~enf Gary. ~.•AbTVle, housee1. apu, ~~'.~pk~ •:,roqk~~ra.,.,d. Hardware Silel PfT. Mml _A_u_11_1_n_04_5-4_6_1_0 ___ Mesa. TUUD UH At aktngCS1501 0or be1 st of-FRE•E•;•i(j,;;~;·;,;:•;..; .-··"" · • FOUND· Blk O b m systems ree 811. Offl I M ---------PART TIME. Immediate a r . 8 I a r an e , hit I t ... _1 ala. ~70,000. Pv1 par-. o erm1n. 542•6953 con tact J Ta I Io r retired type, Apply In oe potlt on: uat be """'nlng. 850--0907 w • ee ''""' s ty (213)698-2284 rad collar, vie, Camino---------M on -Fri 81 m to peraon. Crown Hard-exparlencad ·ln Corri · llUl/Lt lllN. ...,... 492•3327 or 831·•575. fl4s-1241l · Cep11tr1no & La21n1a. Sharp dlttlnctlve custom 4:30p.m. 714-759-7900 were, 3107 E. Cit Hwy, spondance. blOe, hiring, Allen Beck Ftorl1t. 298 E. TEACHERS: Earn utre I llY IPPllAIOll 6 mo. Old appro><. y, Shes> #; W. NI IOJO 493-5197 murals. Van. truck, CdM typlng,etc.S46-0606 17th St. CM . Apply In Income, par1 time. Fl-Les 957.9133 ·~ FolC male Dog . •• !'!!T ••• ~••••••••••• ltm le .. IM• motorcycle, comm HITI&. W'T HIRING Oper1tor1 wlcllantele, pers0fl9-5pm.645-3604. nanclal planning/ tnsu-642 41861 S25K, ahort term, well M-REWARD. Sentimental Reaa 775-7184 NEWPORT BEACH NBIC". •lnl IOC Amie-le ranee salel & recruiting. Refrigerator, washer,--·------- d 35., Ch II I di m ~ Siles, PIT, Retell Fabr I w t -· ··5-3""'3 dryer. dlahwaeher & 2 beautltul Calleo klttena. cure • n loan • to • value Gold Chain with Logos, letterheed1, adal a •no ng, rawer no 1••1 Wlllf•I ., db~.,wor,, .. ~11no_ 101w1ner1, fllr S t ore. An a ( 7 1 4 ) __ e_r_.,_n_. _~ __ ..., __ . --lr982er. 646-5848 3 mos. old. value. '493-7674 but I a r f I u ch• rm . Bu award-winning gra-cat-oppt'y tor a m1--n _. "" -772 4471 TIUPlllE , ' t a ane gatlo a pa • I 30 INCH GAS RANGE 760-8677, 8417·6044 41941-7432 phi<: artlat. Quality qu•· ur · r · 11 r., Local firm haa 36 ope----------"-fJl:/." ,,.,, ranteed. 848-1875 an't. Top pay Fringe nlno• In 5 different de-Pan time, mature girt frl-IALll -•Ill llUOITllS $35. 2 grey striped klltena with 1 1 SOJI Found: Sheltla/Collte type ---------benefits. 4 dy1. Non· p1rtment1. dey needed by •mall n;n 548-1021 11111e white mittens, 7 •••••••••••••••••••···· small dog. Irvin• ere•. Bil• W1•t" 1lOI _•_m_k_r_. _84_4-0 __ 59_5___ 0 mntg ltlop tor llght offtc. wonanBteedlbOtaor,.~.•ntd•l.1 Aaphporpl We need good people to "ovlng Frigidaire gas week•. 646-2802 .... ••mu June. 497-5726 1·:::;,;.·m····1•1••1·11Y··-..-.;1•1• Dent•• ~ 1 80 wA~. M .. 'yplwnge 1&1P11Ccktng0. -set up appointments "" -_... -In pareon only, MQfl-Fr: trom our Newport Beech dryer, yellow. very clean Adorable kittens Grey/ lhrflll• h. IM. Found female collie trl· .AO AGENCY ~~~~r~h~·:~~ 714/851-8239. 226 Merine Av. Put 'I offtc. In the evening for $150. 842-3589 wht. Blacillwht 8 weeks Specllltzlng In 111 & 2nd color, choke c:Nln, flee Fast-pacecl environment. _..,...._ 1 Ml 1 V'-"' I PA'"T Tt••E DELIVERY lull/time. Holiday Inn's new trevel Ref""'. Sears, 16 cu h FF, _6_7_5_-3_5_6_9 ____ _ TD'• since 1949 collar Vic. Northwood, If you have related ex-pr-,.....,. n uon "'"" P MOtlrH STARTING " .., l S '"" R b S •£• NH/CM 754-3734 area. 830-3703. I I I I PERSON. 11 yra. gd. Salet Repr8Mntatlve tor a club. alary + commit-bo1tom freeur. wht. FREE TO GOOD HOME o t. au.... · parlance, ucellent ty-e •••r •••• • drtvlngreoord. 751.,.ro5. un~. new mini-pow« alon + bonue. Call $195. 551-5511 Adorable ml><ed Sc>anlel R.E. Broker 8d RM1tor1 Found: M111 Verda. 2 ping •klllt & enjoy a IOI ol lllTI&. lllllT/lrttM, .... 1Ur1er IPOtt boat Extan 833-3740 attar 1 pm G 0 puppl&1, 181 series of 042·2171 546-0elt Fam. Klt111f'11. 8119 ra1pon1lbll1ty, -Med Ch1lt1lda. )(Int wage & PAIT Tm stve b1ckgroun'd nec:i---------:OEir:,,E.~Tc:!d shots given. Newport WIOOWHASSUforTD'• 5'49-0077 you Call 979·7000 bane. RDA or allglble £:0 l!vee end/or WMl!ends. RHumH only. Ba11tex TILIPllll 1 s275 caah 640•9079 Anlm11 Shelter, 125 RE Loan1, tOK Up. No (El'-1). New PO rt B •I ch J flee9onaibla ld111t1. over Inc , 31161 MecArlhur llSllYITlllfftT Ma a 1 Dr C M Found Fam Husky puppy, ---------• •• ,, .. 2 Pl ., 21 ......_out.,. __ ... , 1 --a I Credit Check, No Pen· ipx. 8 moi. Albartion Alda for paralyzed you:l .........,1 1 • .,..m .,.,..., ng, • • Blvd, Sta 1C>e, NB 926e0 WWW;;t; New Whlrlpool Port1ble 631-1030 alty. Dannl9on .. Auoc:. merilat, CdM. 873-7359 women. Mon-Fri, 7:30-Defltal Aaelltent, lull time. 7t4-i64-535'4 tractklvell*IO"h •thlltlae( to S1lae mllm BOulstch~thBelocr, kyetloplowVwal·'·1-5_M_o_s_S-pa_n_l_Co_tu_em_a_le_ 873-7311 pm, Must drive. Balboa f t & b k HI Catt s.1-Wed Noon wor w t you •OH ...... H b s x ---------l•t,.•111 fJSI Island. 67S-5662 ~~. RecD .. ox-~!y•11cx-10-14). Call 2·5PM , 11mllEIT P1aa1ant surrounding• lued '' $450 , Hklng s rt<n hOts Lie '"' Secured. dlecwnted 111 •••••••••••••••••••••• ......... -,.. ,... HOSPITAL 842-4321, bt. 346 EOE Looking tor extra In-Ea1y hours, 3.9 pm, $250. 662-2424 wlklds 6412-<1174 T0'1 for tale. Pv1 pllrt)', Stable American rio.t la-Artlst-P/T,lorsllk1etW\ req., lalary open,~ IOllllTI come? Try Part-Tim• Mon-Fri No ExperlanGe GE LAB TYPE mile, very (213)698-2284 mlly wanted tor high I-shirts. E11perlenced ~'2.::8.°"-~w:',:; P/ .... Ill_, Mlae. Tueedey thru Fri-~:.Vc~~~4~11~ Electric Dryer $85 lrlendly Gd mate com- Sall $12,000 H e. Mort-9Chool 1tudant. All IMng _83_1_-34_9_4 _____ 873-3403. UlllYllU ~~nglnt'=fi~"= day, 9 AM to 12 Noon. between 2_. p.m 7141963•7920'8ves penlOn. 957-3222 dys gage, 4 yHrs 1tralght ••pen-wtll be pd. d'f' Baby1ltter wanted for 4 ---------General e>mc. poaltlon In u' ... Apply PENNY SAVER --------- not a 1 2 % fo r ~!9:,5~!6, evl wknd1 month old. Full time, 111111111 ti OALL corp accts. racatvebla on b•h•lf 01 n•tlonal 1860 Pl1cantla Ava: T1lephona Sates AdE11F1rR81.G~OmRd.I, ~hlg1118• Fc~:t:~~b:ea~lttens , $8000/Caah on Co111 .,..1...,2..., ask tor Marie Mon-Fri, stanlng 9-13. tor the Prof ... IOflal th1t office Medical bllllng =~:i:-:oi!! 1'::o:i~~:. Cowh'11'e' M .... Ask for Mrt. Earn Big Money by the S1'0. 9'~73-.-7•"2 -6415-7817 Me1a Hou1a Irene iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Your home or mine 1tmply dolan't have the 111per. pref'd . Good beech, $300-$1000/ ~ "" 556-'1211 •tier 4PM. EllTIO 955-2526 time. and for evan.ona communication, math•· program, Good epaaklng ....... Call 53&-7511 lfntll I nPPIEI i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •. , matlcal and typing lkllle. votoe a must. For per90-Salee. Start your own b Kenmore w11her end DO YOU HAVE• 111. 2nd 1a•CEll concerned with value. nel Interview call Jell ""Oflt Cell Ann 720-1858 TOPLESS MODELS dryer Ht, Xlnl cond Pet Zoo ·n• Plante Too 3 d T 0 SELL., -Banking Flat deelgn fee, $3 per IQ MUii be dependable, p ,,. •75 DAV . PAID DAILY $295. 547-2916 2330 Newport Blvd, CM or r . • to ' It. We wlll Hll at colt r • • p , , a n d ••If • • t t • r I o n a t S COOk I 2 • 780-11145 l•oheler/ l•olt•· TELLER plu1 20%. 759-1406 P.O. motivated. 7141545-5778. ::,~t•ume ~~on Yl'A:Jy no a11p nee • 82fr.2563 ELECTRIC DRYER. GOODt--FR_E_E_P_ET_s __ 63_1_-83_so_ .1--.u~••t•/ lerette ••rtlH, Box 5120 Balboa llland, __ 1._R_u_1z_1_1_4-84 __ 0-_8_9_50_1 p,fm IALU tn person et Gorda Liz -lave you read today's CONDITION. $95/obo. F I IOSO -.-,__, r Pen-time poeltlon ivat-92880 E Joy wl Aeataurent 900 Bayllde Cl111lll•d Ads? If not. Call 720-0282 •r• 1•11 '•n.•11/ The Last ll1rrah. labte In our South Coaat HOSTESS n worlclng lh kid•. Or. N.B. Must heve R• you're mlealng the beat --------•• ••••••••••• ••••••• •• ' 111 11•1 Plaza olflce. Experience llllYEll ano wtllh ltlCfeued .. r. f Eureka deluxe upr!Qht vec Comb. 4 dwr 48"1117'h" ,,.,, f , ••• , • • preferred. Contact: lo help eflOW apectecular nlng1, ullllta your out-rar~enc.t::;~· ~===:=::=:::=l:b=e~r=ga~l~na~ln=t~o:w:n;I ::=~l cleana<, wlattach. & r• detk w/bkcasa top unit, -..·:~.··0··:.;;,:,·.·,·,··-,;1·z.1~~~~~~~~~ Kathy Amburgey OeOvary driver for food Newport BHch Exacu-going peraonlllfy, team trae11ble cord, xlnt cond. attract. hdwd llnlSh. xlnt _. ·-~ -'~ 714-54<>-4066 11rvlce deplftment live r•ldenoe to wealthy how to become a tr1lnld I (~~. 'J STAR GA,.E"K>'11 «..., $99. 559-6038 cond, $125 559-5036 •••••••••••••••••••••• * ** c • IFORNIA r-roe"•L needed by Huntington h lH coun1alor Call IA..1.r.Nf ti\ &1 ~ ·• p'4'~=1nos Atl••ti• P1rt1r S~VINOS ALOAN Beach City School DI-~:~~~ ~r::. 1 :n: 2-5PM. 842-4321, Ext. uon flt LI.AU POU.A ...... AMiil CREDENZA Jacil (714) 556--1178 695 Town c.nt• Of. itrlet. 11 month poeltlon. exciting pereonlllty, ••·,_34_0_._E_O_E______ ~::: :, ~ ::-.~, ';:.";~ ~ ~ :;, ;:.:t, llEFlllEllATllS Pecan. 56". 2 dr, pertect Open 24 hr1 a day Costa Mesa. Ca. 9:ze26 Salary $1069 to $1332 oallant converlltlorllllet Ouallty Engineer ~ .. 2111,l To-lct>1Mt>09t l0o So•u•doy, '"•••JAf,.; cOfld. $75 538-7482 Piiot program lor taana-7 de)ll a week Equal opetr Emp!Oy!r per month depending on and tupar groornlno end "Rm:;.:::AUi.=n"-l ...od-<on__.i--eio-. ~· n.11 ._...., ay COST ger1. ~ned to trim. Jecuul, Sauna. locale • __ _ a~. Apply 20'4St llPJMNl'lnCI 1118 etiaolu· ~/TA"'"' oi.,..,.Zodoocbo""•'ll" _."° 11 allm & provide cera tor •• well a1 Tourleu. Cramer Lana. Hunting-Illy .. ••ntlal, Real ee-... lllOIL .tr• •11 N •• •·-,, ... ~ ""' 11~~ HUI Ill Willie 1Upply lasts. Gar-King az waterbed with den Grove Appllanca• beaut headboard w l 13191 Harbor Blvd Gar-lighted mirror, 1190 met· den Grove, 537-8333. chino oak night tibia. ()pan IHI 6pm. Sun 11 to Only 3 mo• old. Cost 4pm. over S 1000 Sacrifice akin & hair a 1 waetc"' BankAmerlcard, Amer-ton Ba• c h. Pho n • 1819 lie. 11 ......, ..... but...-;.~ •••,. l=-"• ::_._ ~::.._ -" II I t., 1can Ell DI An IDT PllT·Tm 984-ta18 :.':'.!''"' "'" '.'."1!',.~~ .... ,.... .. •• ..._._ ~~~n counl8 no 1es1 on o Pf.... nere. requlr9d ...... d replyl to ,ult nm.. Dey lhlft M-JQ!~l.ftl!!j !:'".:" :~ :~ ~,.__.. motivate & Improve Nit watcome 7141045-3433. M II TIWll fmllll Dally Piiot Ad No t041, •lonmant 10 0 111 .._ '" ,,,.... '"-· 1oW1TTA11Vt Image. Call Mar y , 2112Harbor81.CM Beatllaphonapromo-P.O. Box 1510,Co1t1 EI (88rM'!a) y 0(••~11 :1:;,, == :; """"La 855-3624 •---------tlorl clettt tor local new-PAIT Tm M.ta. CA 92628 ~~· 1·~ ll'c'~111•1 " .. -·-·-tte" r:r!I ---------COEDS· Would love to tpaper. Private dHk, Be a c1rrlar coun..ior ---------• fleatlonl to ee{lt!Wt ct.-~~ :;=--:;::. :;:::_ !!..2t~"dl S-• Twtri Door Coldspot s 4 5 0 c 0 m p I • t e To place your ~ before the reeding publlc, phone party 'Wtth you Call Sue c:uuel 11tlre ,:;::J raqul-lor a local nawtpepar. ........ c....cu ::;:-~= :!:::_ c..n.-. .. or Kethl anytime. rementlSa phone Noexperlancenec••· 3days.Shrs/daylrlNwpt tallld l""'90tlon,..qulr• (....'"'""' ·•--... _ ,._ HCn~ 2131804-3 33 voice and lot9 of enthu-MIY· Wor11 only 12 houri Bch. Lt l't-or1t. Rafi. "*'.!;. Qulllty IMUfW\• ...,,_,, ... I ~:.:-~:--~;:;.. ,,.,. "~" R«rigarator with fra.zer. _7_30_-e_2_88 _____ _ _$200 __ . _54_&-_24_83 ____ 8' 101 I S 100 M1tchlng Ii 1 week. $75 lo alert plul Own tran.portatlon. 09 -ground requW9d. S"\ •IO-tl>< ,,. ·-,._., ''"" z1 uf' um. Hourt lddttlonel ahara or part-875--38151875-3-471 Cell Collet: I.JD~ ;:;::." ::::• :;. '':~..,. G.E. RafrlQafator, white, chalr SSO Good cond bot1om freezer, frost 546-2687 Delly Piiot Clualfled, 6'42·5e78 LmlA I ftlll'I PHOTO MOOE'A7~ Mon-Fri. 5:30-9:30PM nerw.1p·1 pron11. ----••-II I EITEi .&f) ":., 11 :;r..... t;!=-. :;;:-'"" .. ~~ Sat 9:30AM·1:30PM A real fun Jobi --S.•~.11 :!!:., ~=--:!::0.:.::. ,,; •t $04.00 to 1t1111. Maneo-nent GP9<)r1unt-E •pe r . Mu It l'l av• fl.:~~ ,.,_.. •tw• ••-~!••• Atter 11t WMll, lh•r• In Ilea. "or lnt1rv1ew call $upervr1or quallt111. IEIYIOU =:.=_ ~:.:...... ::;:--n~•• tree, 1150. 1179-elefl Dinette table, butcher JI, llll block l ormlce 1op, 4 •• ml!!•••••••••••••• ~:lr:.~nt COnd $175 HUFFY 28 Inch 3-ip .. d --·-------.... .... partnerehtp prontt. •fter 6:00 PM. 042·5e78, Mature Plll"I time. Elloel· Bill MAYS tt~.~-11 ::=:-:;::-::=--'8;~- For Interview. Ht 312. lenl pay. 9e&-1300 2t31371--0971 -" .... , ._, ·"";;; N.M ·~ Clll after 6PM r========::J.=========b=~~~~~~;;;;;;,.I ~.~ ~o-1 ®~•..,,,. (JNr•u•I i.U.!t>•f' 142-1171 ~=::i....::=----=::~~;,__~=-~ girl's tourtqg bike Like swec111h modern smoked new $75. 980-1181 glau dinette Ht 11lnt cond . sac $375 . - 1n112 ~'rrW-r'IG-.8 4 l I I~ 0 1 Flu HI 1 11 I/ llUlllAL UIE ( <. <O > } 1.W"" ,,. • .c ~ 0 .L ; . . l ~ :i~~~n~*~:!~1~:; llNTB. I ~~~~I'.~~'.&;-_ 0 ::"~mb::.,~c;, ~ low ro ,_ '°"' •""'• -dt 6'41-6633 Beeut Riviere pillow bed! sotabed, nr new, 111nt COfld. $300. 841-6633. Oak 6 pc bdrm Ml, con. temporary atyla, 11lnt oond. *'400. 831-6633 1-l-r-......1-1---1---ll ; --~JI ~~·~a:::":· •• ~:-:!: 4 .1:.., ~-== • li.1 • ~I\~ I weelc S•laty $5, 115 per ~ I J ... "'--... .. . l, ANO SOON YOV LL BE I H G A T ! 1 ind Laotlen/Hmono 1 1.. \ ~ SEEING SIGNS AROVNO I I hour. Fluency In E!ngllah ,... ~ ~ "" Elegant contemporary II· vlng room Mt $500. Xlnt cond. P.P. 83 t-6833 Dinette Ml, welrlut tlrli.h. I I' I r . ! ::~i~:~£n,~~~~~nl~ ~H==~ \ c as ) ) \ ~ -t7 t v' I ~ s'OW•N CAlli G .N.TION '.I .. ,-,-T-o- 1 -R- 1 -H-E- 1 ,-s- 1 -,-, ;• ~~:·~ .... -.... -,~:r::~ C=~~m~~-motor •.. fi /-" ~ ------- • grn chalrt $85. 873-7652 Ortho Supreme Queen mattr ... I Bo11 Spflng, frame, helldboard, good cond. $250 or mike Of· tat 369 Ra1c.am Pl C.M. ..... ---\'!-'"' ... ,!,_'r_.r _soy_."_A~ .... t~._11_,"':rrr-r rr r 1 ~·~~~ Newspaper~.:-=.:_., ....... ~-,-~: e 't:~~·. ltltUS '0 I I I I I I I I ::.= 9'4'llnga. p . ( • • - •&IMl'f1 .......................... l'lnd what~ou want In arr1ers for routes • Oetly ~not llMiflld•. in Huntington Beach, I ftYi ~;;;:--·~ You can be a i . Fou'ntain Valley & Newport .Beach r ~ ~\·.· "'"~ ·~(b -WINNER 'i ~: ~ '.,\' "'2..'. ~ ... 1 Just by sending us your name and I~ address and by watching for your i name ln the classified ads of the I . · I Dally Piiot. I Win lkket3 to lhe circus. ana amuteml'nt attnc ! · · · ; \Iona or eportln• C!\lenu. Jwil fill out 1h111 <'OUl>Ofl and I J .' mail It today to tht": ij • Good Enrning1 Super Trips • • Great Prfus CALL CIRCULATION OEPARTMEpqf lllllJ~ 842·•321 Claulfled Depar1me,al, D•llf Piiot 11 I ~ 61 I 1~=3=30=W~·=B=a~y=Slr-=H=t,=Cot--=--=la=M::::::en=i:':::C:-::A::rtlt-::;::2t==''=z:~,=ilJ~U~t-~-l--~ I ··-------·-----... ----- , I 'p " un • •••lllfll •••• uu (orYn .................... ) _ 1. Pl•c• your ad In the D•lly Piiot CfaMlfted eectlon (It'• beat to Nn 3 daya for maximum expOeiUre). If you pay for your ed In 8dvenoe we'll run It 3 deya and only chltge YoU for 21 Burgundy Cll'telr S 125. Like MW. Muat ... 636-1719 e tt t>r ... enc1 vta.aa aot• teble, Ilka new $150 ~77t9 2. 0.C 'f04ll FAEE 0.,1ge S• algnl (all Antique Walnut Bdrm Set. YoU .. _ to do I• come In to the Del"' d,...., cttett. ""' b-9 Pttot'aP.Y for your ad In 8dvenoe :..!_ MOO, 841-4130 L we-~ you two 11 x 17 Sign•_ Sof1: Striped grnJyett & """"" .,.,. --) beige. LovnNt & Ol'lt. Fn~ ---• Broyt1111. 1215, 641-4130 3. Pftoe ~ plieoi ~ metehandlee. , Reltln 9efttwooid W/Of'MI' °"""'°"· 170, 4. H•v• ptenty ot Cl'•ng• on nano 1 oe1t .. , .... 130 ,..... (nick•, dtmee, quattera, halYel, I or .. 1 e· • ., a a up11o1. \ __ one and five dotlar bllle~ 110011. A ttHl 12111. s. ,.., tww fur\ ano count your moMY :0e;::;~~roNteota TMk at ... end of tM dt!Y. Wood Dwk l1U. MOT .,....11t :t:l':..;-f_iln" HANO CAf'VI O TEAK M"-,...._, natural 11n11t1. I mirrored Ina•-•· IHO. •-.:~~=~:::!!'!:::-:~~======' IN-0171, .. t-0114. ·~~~~~~-~---~.. --....----~-"""'!'------ It • I I ' I. I I Oraf'09 Oout DAILY fllLOT/ S1turd1y1 Augu1t 11, 1tu - STRETCHING HIS NECK OUT -A Galapagos tortoise, weighing 630 pounds, stretches his neck for carrot offered by Kathy Nevi.ns, animal keeper at the Los Angeles Zoo. The tortoises, found only in the wild of the ., 'Wiii epllClto Galapagos Islands, are an endangered species. The islands are 600 miles west of Ecuador in South America. There are four Galapagos at the Los Angeles Zoo. Saddleh~ck Valley factual Book has everything y ou always wanted to know and more By JEFF ADLER or .... o.-,,... ...., If it's facts a nd figures t hat liven up your othe rwise drab life, has the Saddleback Regional Chamber of Commerce got a publication for you. The c h a mbe r 's updated Saddleback Valley community economic profile is a four -page compendium that could have been entitled "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Saddleback Valley ... a nd More." T a k e, f o r example , t h e weather, always an important consid e ratio n to outd oors- conscious Californians. Did you know that the mean hourly wind speed in the area is 1.2 miles per hour? Tha t the average tempera ture ranges from a 25 -degree minimum to a 107-degree maximum? Tha t the annual mean temperature is 67 degrees with 71 p ercent hwnidity? Geogra phically, the numbers stac k up l i k e t his : The Saddleback Valley is situated 383 feet a bove sea level and is 50 miles from Los Angeles. 475 miles' from San Francisco and 75 miles from San Diego. Demogra phically, the valley includes the unincorporated communities of Mission Viejo, El Toro, Laguna Hills and Laguna Niguel. NI.IC ll)llC( The latest census figures show 164,560 persons living in the valley, more than double the 75,- 510 persons recorded in 1970. By 1985, estimates are that 195,860 p e r so n s will ca l l th e Saddle bac k Valley h ome . Turning to the area's industrial and economic base, the chamber profile names Burroughs Corp., Endevco and Hydro Rain as the co mmun i ty 's larges t manufacturing concenu. Non- manufacturing e mployment is d i vid e d between A vco Co mmun i t y D e velo p e r s, Pro f essional Communit y Ma nagement, Saddlebac k Community College as well as both Mission Community and S addl e b ack C ommunity hospitals. There are 1,457 acres in the valley zoned for regular and planned community industry, the profile continu es. About 15 percent of that tot.al is vacant and av~lable in parcels that range in s i ze from 57 6 t o 18,000-square-feet. Included in the total are eight industrial parks or districts. While the Saddleback Valley labor market includes valley communities, it alao encompaaes parts of east Irvine and San Juan Capistrano. But it is estimated that 60 percent of the labor force commutes out of the area, according to the profile. Piil.iC NOTIC( T he valley is home to two general hospitals. 250 physicians and surgeons. 11 6 dentis ts, 42 o pt o m e tr is t s a nd 3 9 chiropractors. A s far as e du c a tion is co n cern e d , th e r e are 2 4 eleme ntary sch ools, five junior high schools, five high schools, one community college and one school for special education. As far as cultural offerings, the profile lis ts 46 churches, tw c libraries, two daily newspapers, two semi-weekly newspapers, seve n television channels that can be r eceived direct, three cable t elevision syste ms. 34 banks, 30 savings a nd loan associat ions as w e ll a s five theaters. Housing sta tistics also are provided in the profile. Home prices range from $80,000 to $2 million in the valle y , while ren tals range from $350-a-month a par tmen ts to $1,200-a-month houses. Con ven iently, the profile , whk h includes a host of other s ta tistics , a lso addresses the thorny problem of obtaining additional copies. They can be o bta ine d b y w r iting th e Saddleback Regional Chamber of Commerce, 25301 Cabot Road, S uite 201, La~ Hills, 92653. . ACliiiOUa ....... fl'ICTTTIOU8 __,_.. Mm ITA,.._NT MAim ITA'fu.NT l'ICnnout .... ... PICnnout •UH•H • MAm ITATDmltT NAm eTA'fllmWT The lollowlng penone .,. doing Th• lollowtng perton I• doing ~-bull-• The lollowlng penone .,.. doing Th• followlng per1on I• doing bull-u : bu..,_ u : C 0 U N T R Y C 0 U S I N S NEWPORT OIFT WORLD. 4600 PRODUCE ANO SEAFOOD MART, Cempue OrMt, Suite 348, Newport 2140 Ptecentla, COiia MeH, CA e..ct't, CA 928e0. GREAT LENOTHS (FOR HAIR), MISSI0:-4 POOL SUPPLY. 2t20 E. Coaet Hwy .. Coron• def 25842 Mulrlend• Drive, MIHlon Justice Bird recall stalls By TBOM.U D. EU.u Like it or not. Call!omlt.N apparently are aDi.na to h.av• the Nt.e'• chief ju9tb, Roet BUd, to iSck Around for at 1-'t anoth« two )'..,... That became cl•ar when conaervative Republican ltat.e s.n. H.L. Richard.all of AJuld1a aave up on hil elow .. t.u1inl recall campa.tan qaiNt Blrd. Callfo~. Richar<llon o'*rved bitterly, detervo Bird becauM they weren't wllllna to bank.roll the NCall drive. It would have taken about M00,000 to pther the more tM.n 730,000 voter 11,natures needed to aubject Bard io a recall election.· That kind. of campalan money doesn't uaually come from lndMdual donors. It la tenerall)' labor, lnduatrlal aroups or bualne.- o r I en t e d politic al a c tion committeea which put up the bi1 money for California inltJatlve petition drivea. Even a direct- mall effort, like the one tax fighter Howard Jarvia proml.eea in a bid to revive anti-Bird tentimen\, doesn't uaually rai9e that much money unleaa it'a national in acope. So the flz:zle of Richard.on'a ..., drive waa clearly due to lack of enthuaiasm for the cauae among buai.ne9arnen. Not even the effkient fund-raiaing machine of Rlch.ard.IOn, leader of the gun lobby And the anti!abortion forces in thl.a atate, could arouse industrial enthuaiasm. Why did buainea fail to respond? lt'a not that industrial leadera have any love for Blrd. They have little uae for her usually left-leaning decisions. And they were bound to be even further alienated by her court'• ruling in the Oakland/Los Angeles Raidera eminent domain cue, which many businessmen aaw aa a threat to all private property. Their lack of response can't even be traced to the o~~ition of George Deukmejian, the Repub candidate for governor, to the anti-Bird campaign. Instead, the lack of support from business groups like the state Chamber of Commerce and the California Manufacturers Assn. can be traced directly to their own aelf-interest. Unless Richardaon had mounted a Herculean petition-circulating effort. his recall drive would not have quali1ied for the November ballot. That would have led to a special election 80metime next winter or spring, and that's what the buainea interesta wanted to avoid. For a special election would mean an early vote on the split roll initiative, which barely miaaed the qualifying deadline for this fall's election. It will be a featured proposition in the next statewide election, either in June of 1984 or aooner. if there is a special election. That initiative would elimina te most of Proposition 13's benefits for buslnesa, while leaving them in place for residential property owners. The sooner it reaches the ballot, the soonet business could lose those tax limit benefits. What'~ more, any special election centering on Rose Bird would be sure to draw a heavy turnout both from he.r mostly college-educated supporters and from blue-collar workers offended by her pro-civil liberties ded.lions. Each of tho.e groupe ia a promising vote- gathering ground for supporters of the split roll, who can be expected to focus on a claim that the Reagan administration's policies and Proposition 13 both have favored businem over the little guy. So even thouah no one ia saying it for the record, the best thing that"s happened to Rose Bird in the last few years waa the late arrival of the split-roll signatures. For their tardine9I is the single largest reason why she'll be aecure in her job for at least two more years . (Elias is a columnist based in Santa Monica.) Sign up at OCC on Sept. 2 Open re11t\raUon 1ei. under way Sept. 2 for faU 1em e1 t e r claaaea at Qrange Coast College In Co.ta Mesa. Clauea beafn Sept. 7 a nd r e g iltra t io n continues throuah Sept. 10. -Q The 1dmiaalon office la open Mondays through Thursdays from 8:30 a .m . to 7 p .m .. Gn d Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m . OCC is utilizing Its computer system for Call registration . C lass sch edules a re available, free of charge, ln the admission office For information, phone 556-5772. 'Cosmos' class set at OCC A natural s c ience course that explores the universe throug h the eyes of Carl Sagan and his "Cosmos" tele vision series will be offered at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. T h e class, ti t led "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage" (N a tu r al Science llO), looks at the universe from scientific a n d ph ilosophical standpoints. The three- u n it c o urse me e t s Wednesdays from 2 to S p.m. Cou rse instructor 1s Steve Lattanzio, OCC's associate p rofessor of astronomy and director o f th e c o l leg e's planetarium. F o r in form at i o n , phone 556-5772. Chinese art eyed T he a ncient Ch inese art of Tai Ch i Ch 'uan w ill be taught by Orange Coas t C o l l e g e's com mun ity se r v ice department. . The activity will be ottered on 14 successive Fridays, beginning Sept. 10, from lU a.m . to 1 p.m. in the Wrestling Room, located in OCC's Gym. Fee for t he se ries 1s $30. For· information. call 556-5527 Tips on references < 92827. E OW AR 0 STITZEL, 33 JAMES D. HUDSON, 81 30 Woodlyn Lane, Bredbury, CA Cemlno Currer, Anaheim. CA 111010. M•. Cellfornle Vlaln CA. Wllllem E. end Pemel• L .... -:.,-JOSEPH TRUSEWICZ 2511 F• IJ h d d f c~. 1012 Cliff Dtlve, Legun• Deerborn Drive Hollywood CA 1rm te s ow to get goo WO~ s or J. obs a-:n. Cellfomie tiea1 eooea. · · -92807. Thie bullr*9 le conducted by en SAMUEL P. INOAROIA. 2021 lndMduel. "'-tie, Coeta Mele.. CA t2827. EcMwd Stitl.81 JOSEPH C. INOAROIA, 2021 Thie llet-1 WM flled wttt1 the "'-'itla. Coet• Mele.. CA m21. CoUnlY Clef'& or Oranoe Coun1y on Thie~ la oonducted by a Aug. 'f9, 1"2. ~~~ec1 by• in::~ 19 oondUcted by 1111 By JOYCE L. KENNEDY ~E..L~ JoeephT~ If you wa nt to be praised by CARHRS "-" ..,_ Thie ltlt-t -ftled with ttle f h ...... ..,; .. ,. Jo"-heed TIMI •••••• -fled wtth ,,.,. COUnt\I Clel1t °' Ortonoe County qn re erencea w en c._."6 .. -e ...,, County Cleftl °' Ortonoe Coun1Y on Auo. 11, t182. ~ suggestions from an expert: Paul W. August. 11, 1182. . '111111 Barada of Rushville, Ind. ~111711 Publl•hed Orano-co .. t Dally H' f 10 __ .. _ .. ___,_ Inc . Publl•hed Oren99 Cout Deity Plot, Aug. 21, 21, Sept. 4, 11, 1112. 1S inn, ~--~ies .. lS Pilot, Aug. 21. 2e. sept. 4, 11. 1ta2 3744-12 sought after by hiring firms and ,,..,.. PUl.JC ll)TIC( 3740-82 re<:ruiten to provide independent generel pertnenhlp. '111711 J-D. Hudton Publlthed Orenge Cout Delly Thll llltetnent ~filed wtth the PUOI, Aug. 21, 2S, Sept. 4, 11, 1~. County a.rk ol Orenge County on 3888-e2 Aug. 19, 1182. Publlehed Or•no• Coeet Dally ------------------------PWlJC NOTIC( reference-<:heddng 1ervioes. PllOt, Aug. 21, 21,Sec>I. 4, 11, 1112. f1CTTTIOUS .,...... Piil.iC llJT1C( H • ha 'D--.1-ds 31~2 ..... aunmwr ..cnnoue .u11•M ere s w t .u!U"41U« recommen to --;;;::;::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;:;;;;;;;~ Th• lollowlng pereon I• doll\9 ....:.AL COURT T>..... ~~ .... ........., increue the effectiveness of people ,_,. bual-•: °"~ ,,,. ,._.,.,..,,"' ---~... hind t..--k r ., KTM, 2124 Carob, Ne'tllFP«i Wl8T ~COUNTY buelrMl9I.: ' who talk be • your ._, : ,ActAC YtlW .....,., ... , ... Cerretery Mortuarv Chapel-Cre ma1ory 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive Newp0n Beach 644 2700 McCOllMIQ( MOaTUAa1u LaQuna Beach . 494.94 ' s Laquna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAaGI LAW ....... MT. OLIYI Mortuarv • Cemeter; Cremator; .... 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-S554 ,_Cl•OnfllS ~-OADWAY wotnUAIY 110 Btoadw•v Cosll Mes. 642-9150 IALTl ..... OM tMnt I """"'L ~CtfA'9l. '11h $1 Cose.Meta $48-0371 -- ,_Cl-.>THllJ IMmtl' MOnvAIT WMaln8t ~ematon Beech QHS.39 .... Beech, CA 12eeo. WW. •TMCT JIM ILEMOHS HONDA, 32811 Julien Feldmen. 2124 Carob, tMt 1111 ........ Cemlno Cepletrano, San Juen Newport BNch, CA 12eeo. W • L Ii , C.. ~. CA 92975 • Thia~ 11 conducted by en PLAINTIFF: SILVER CRAFT 8Ll!MONS MOTORS, INC., a -List references who have dlrec1 knowledge ol your job performance. In fact, the best reference package includes a supervillor, co-worker and :subordinate with whom you have worked during the put three years, or not more than five years ago. Individual. ,.. _.... _ ,. ....... -...... Celllornle corporation, 32111 ·~·-F_...__ '""""''"'""' ....,......,.,., Camino C1pl1tre,,o, San Juen .,..,_, _,,_, DE1ENOANT: ELLIOTT GER&EA. CA Thl1 1tatement wu ftled with the lndMduaily and d/b/a/ GERBER c.pletr~ ~Ore, Inc. County Clerll of Orenoe County on ~ Ind DOd 1 ttlrougfi Aug 4. 1112. ,_ tO. lnOluelW. C. D. Daty, ·-•• AMC. Sec. Publlshed Orenge CoHt Dally •••Dm ~7i~t~ Ned~~'= Pll<>', Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28, 1182 C-. .... ,,_ ...,,_..,.. ·~ 3552-12 MOnCIJ Y• Mw 11Mf1 ...._ Aug. I , 1M2. -U nle ss yo u )\ave no w o rk experience, don't put down the names of friends, neighbora or your aixt.h- grade teacher. (U you are very young ----------The-'_,......_ ........ ,_ Publllhed Oranne Ooe~y --icllll\-................................ • l"UUL l'IUllW ,. .......................... ,,,,.,Al.lQ.21,21,&ept.4, 11, 1182. __ fl'IC_Tin_IOU--1-_,-,-.-.. --· .. ..... •s .... 3146-12 NAllll ITA~ If.-, wlltl to -* tt1e edvloe Of The lollowlng ~r•Oft '' dOlnt en ettOf'ney In Ihle matter, you buelneM u : "*Ad do ao ~ ao that '/04lf MACHO HAIR SALON, 1590 .. wrm.n 1'9ePOftM, 'If ·.,.~. mey be CC>alt Hlgt!Wey. ~ Beech. CA fllld on tltM. 92851 Richard TelementH, 143tt A Yt lOI U•••• Ila ..... OMwr SI .. LI Puente, CA 1174f ,_....._ II .,._.. ,_.. Thie t>uM-. le condUc1lld by m ._ W. .. I I Jll a lndMclulllAlc:twcs Talatfteti• • .:-...=-.. : ~JI:-: T"'9 llt-'-'I -Mid wtltl 1he CWnty Cletll Of OrMD9 County on 81 U•t•• deHa eolloltar el ~ug. 11, 1182. ~de"" lllbofldO 911 ...... '1tltH 1h111ito, d•b•rla tlec e rlo ,_!ubllehed Orenge Cont ~ """ 1 f JI '*""' de _.. "*"" ,.....,,,Aug. 14, 21, 2t, Sept. 4. ,.., ., ,...,... ........ ---. ~ ..-.-......... '*""· ----------1. TO n4I ~I A oMJ PWUC 9D'flCl oo•lilftt l'8 Men ftlM by 111e '9i!m·tOUt • IE EM --.... >""'· If ,., *i to MAim ITA~ .. ( ............... ,_,nu1, wlt'*t The lotlowtnt peraon I• ~ " .,. an ... ttlf• MlfftfNn• 11 ~ ---... ,... .. """ .... OOl#t . A llLK T"ll, 11111 -................ _.~ ~It..~ v..,, CA ~.::. ~ ~=--=-= = .. OHAT W. C1'AVEN, 1141 = .. Illa oourt :\_--a Moh!Aw.,No. t,...,._,M ---~-..... IOI04. I ii ... OClll~ll. ........ n. ~la oonduetild "'111111 ...., ,...... In t•rntall,.....I of lndMdual. ...... :-:a:,,..,., lllr'Clillertv "°'*' w. ~ ... 8'Mr f requeated Ill 111• ,,. lliltlmllll -Mad .... .. • = ?.;;'.:, Oninee eoi..., °" Tm ..:r.:..'t :'Ji. PublllMct Or ea..,,.,; re.,,.. Not.~. lt,H,""I:,,:. •. ~~.M; LAW :F-fW ,.,,.. M. ...,..c....~ .... ----------or need a character reference, you can "8JC flOTICE Uat adult• who hold reaponalble llOTIC8 Of poaitions ln the community, such u .,..,.,.. ___ TWDllT M thoee who own a ~·-'-~ tefllChera NOTICI 18 HIADY QIV!N ttl9C uu.llU..,_, LMUIDI MSTAUMHT. INC,, a and mlniltert. Oellfornl1 corporetton. wtlOH bual neu eddreu 11 4 1 10 -Ask pennitaion of the people you ~:::~~,,~~1ft~~~.~~rtnt::::~'~ want to llat u references and tell tranefer to THI PACIFIC OLU9, thftl1 to expect lnqulrles. y OU mu.at be INC .. a Oallfornla non•profl1 SW'e an individual la url111 .... to talk oorporetlon, who•• bueln••• 1 .......... ,. eddr•11 I• 4 t 10 MeoArt11ur becauae allence wl l1 make a eoulevardr. Newpor1 ••aotl, ~pec::ttve employer ausplcioua on cattf0tnll. • ot ttie "'-'°" °' ld If 't • ._,_~ atoohollo and no1t-ateo11011c e O -you-QI\ -aay-aome ....... - be\teraoaa Of thM cana111 tML-. aood. Ay-nothiJla-at-all theory. kllOWft .... t.Jllelldl ~ Tiie trlll ..... Of Ille ptOP«fY It =-:' to co"'"'"c1a1 Code -S. up-front wtth a ptoepedive W!Mla::;. ,,_ eo ,_ • employer about pel';.;:a!I confUc:ta 11,,own to 1r.-':11cser11oned with a pMt bcmi or problems .,.,... ... 111111ut•t ..__ ..... \be.t may hav • feci.d peat jott "'°· '* "°' oondu_. .. llullnaai w#ormani(e You.,-.= to defute ..,.., ............. Of at My__... . otll•r ld41reH other tllan ae ttt.. problem IO that it not come ~•= ,,.,..,., wm ~ H a knock-out factor' durtn1 the 00""'"'"'•tecl on '-'•"''* 1, ref efen ce check. A thorou1h 1HI. 1t •110 MuArU111r reference report p robably wlll 1ou1eurd, Newport IHoll, uncover a limple ~nallty clalh = =: ~-= ::.= lt'• not the one· cl•ah that .. o,., ~e· I metten but rather tb• tt.em of =J :r.-. t ~ ,.,....._ have to •Y TN ... dMa lir ... tllf lbout )'OW' behavtol'. d•lltl of "''-''••tferor 11 T b 1 ....,.. 1,-. -ry to c 001• peop1• a• .M.Boyd informs II in the ~ou'\ ,.... ref...-.nca who wW be hOMllt and J:..~ objectlve. NOi\ NfereMe-checbn ..... ~ . c:an t.ell lf wont ln'-ntionally" ,,::,•:::,.-.r c...t o.-, !.!!~~ puff up your put ,.,....~ .. ' ' . ' " -Make it easy for employers to c h eck your refel'ences by g iving complete informa tion on cu rrent addresses and telephone numbers. It helps convey the impression that you have nothing to hide. Obviously, as Barada points out, the best way t o insure favor able comments ia to do the best job you can. Although studies suggest that e mployers do not do near ly t he a mount of checking up on e might expect, fudging on your credentials could boomerang. You never know l f you're dealing with an employer who "has Barada, will investigate." READER NOTE: Keep a private log of your job accompllshments to help you write a "10" resume. Update your resume-every 8ix months. Joyce Lain Kennedy's book.Jet, "Relum~: The NJtty Gritty," is available for $2.50 p1U6 a 40 cents-stamped, self- addressed, Jong white en~lope. Make check payable to Sun Feature11 Inc. and mail to; R esumes, Box 368C, Cardlll 92007. --· • r I Orange Cout OAIL.Y PILOT/ 8a1ure1ay, Augu11 21, 1882 Cl G•·n. ·.M~·,~'"""' .. --.... """'.1 .. ~1 .. ,. .. \' ... • .... ·~... :· * r-"' I~ >r-"!.~ ... ->·•·l·~ 1:. •. I·•·,. ·u~ fmt!!.ffmftW .... 7 ~1!!!1111 ..... fm!.1/.'.P.h!m .... f."-'!t!lfflc.ftt11n .. Rtt!'!m ............. !'!44mff ............ !~!!f!{~ffl ........ !!Mr ............... fll!'!J!ll. .. -: .......... ln'!M(N!fff!MI .. . -QINIML IUllNlll ORPT/UltH. CLIANINO Cu 1 1 o l\'I r 111'1ode1 t · PIHID/ COMM'l./lND. Carf*ll'Y • t.e-.onry APT a H8tC:LIANINQ PrHllga Moving. Low hpan w111cov11ln9 In· You llMt • r11 Jlnllfll HPl\11018 Oaodottllng·8cotcna1td addlllon1. fr" ••· Qua• 20 vr•. oo my own WOfll. Aoonno • Plumblno R•ll•ble, exp, 1er1. No ,., ... 1an1 .. 11c Mrvlca. 11allallon. AeH prio.t, 8Utcnarr. embfoldt rr, ~ITNOWI Ill ......... Y04H 0.lly Piiot ~Olraet()fy ~tatlve Ml·llll, tit, HI ~.'hl!.f!P.~A! ••. Appli.cs, ,...appllad, guar., ln1urecl, lle'd. 414891. 730-1900 free 1911matM. Help 1or tmall bullnwa • Ouar. ''" •t. UM5'43 Illy 2nd to none. landel Lie. 218041 Al 14 .. e1ae Dly.lwall • Stuooo • Tiie Job 100 tmalf. H?-3341 State wide. Vlu & MI C. Con1ull1n1 A11lgnmen1 nHdlepo1n1, 01001\el, Pllone oau away, Aao· Con11 Lie 418&10 A!mOClll J.1 .e-40-tttO L-.. IDOYOUR 1n1ured. 5'43-8'482, Cal 681·8690 letotinooll.SH·110'4 ordkH plng, , .. prap, C-••'CMmtt 2 . . ••NORTH STAR•• • .., ... T·t3'7,12'4. !~ lu11n .. 1 ooun11flng. •••••••'•••••••••••••• 648_.. 71 !leotr1C1f CorltreotOf lkn'I Mllnltnanoe 8.,v CLEANING FOR YOUI li•t li•n•J ....... 1..... Otment·MNQflly-Bloclt • ol 11-I .. , Lio Ne~ 11rvloe 220 Plumb•elec:.carpentry OM/CdM. Julia 842-t08'7 •·'-t~ ·•'•"•••h•••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••• .. ~ ..... w··1 .. c .. ·1 . ..-Ho llo. "' • "'911 ~ . ,... * l!IRVAHT'S 81R"ICI a •1p•1• .. -"""" I. •""••• ... _ ..... 1 clroulta 24 hr ... 6 4174 Painting Call "4·6231 ••••••• •••••••••••••• * ** • " ,. " ~ .. lldla• ,t381087 Rob 847-2883 lo .•• ,,......... ............... ---· --'"--·--I·--:-'::::'.=-':":":"~-:':':~-If yQ\I Mid a hOUMl!aapet PAINTER NEEDS Walloovet'lno RMnoval Van ()ppene a.Moe Co . .............. ft...... ~:'~~e~ ... b~~ ti "'' IMWIA HIRED HAND, WILL u fuNy .. you.,.. WORKI 30 Y" exp. Int/ All TYl)ll. ~2·t3-43 (114) ·~ C1blnat1 l Oaritry De~t~Ngj~~iO:~~ •• ~r .. ---------.11 ••• 't!!............. TRAVILI Many d"'t': Pl\. 873-8880 Xlnt raft. Extl!' Acou1tle ~ i ... , f!I "8m:~,rnb•1 & 84 ·2''00'.. &3&-2807 c .. ,,. WMlwtkl•!f Cuetom R1tlnl1hlng-Furn °110""· Wlllll "2• t ...... 1111•1. Davia Painting 847.e . r.~!!!I. ... .,.....'. ...•..•• :;! ••••••••••••.••••• '" ... ma N ~ ---------••••••••••••••••••• • l lnterlOfl·All Rt plllr1 CALL HANDYMAN JIM ••••••••••• •••••••• •• Cullom work, Int & txt, ED'S PLA8Tl!,.INQ Cllude FOf T)ta WOfll Cu•tom concrete brlok· Kit. ~od., oeramlc Ille, Call 10< ••I. e.44-5294 Mlll\t., plumb. r•P.•lr, Reapon1lbl• cpl, mid 30'1 llc'd 20 'I" In arta, rtfi. Neat patohtt, Int/ext. FrN l!lt. Oyt 8'0·8188. #!.,...,_ block wa11a.p1tlo1· c1.blne11. Cati now · fr" ---------1 J)4llnllng. Rea/eomm I. looking to llOUNell thle 1 .... b 17141 .. 21_,.,.12111 R"tuecoe 845-8268 Eve, wkndl 875-5100 rr.r..7'•1••••••••••••• loundatlone. Lle'd .. umata. 842-0Ht lllll•U!f 630-99571538-38&4 1umm1r. We'll oart for ,,... " ""' Door hanging, remodel, 638-5013 ~ •• t ............. Int. b111. •••••••• ············!---------plant•. hou1e. •lo. 0111 !1:30PM. PLASTER PATCHING Tiil ln•t•ll a ~air oeblnett, paneling, •to. .......,. "" ,... Tlllll •• Ju• Ken Heven. 750-8078, L. BATES PAINTING Reatucco1. lnl/ut. 30 Guaranteed work. Ref• Painting, a.mant. Rtft, Concrete-1mall or lg• mant1l1, llbrarla1, lllgh ••• '! •• "'•••••••••••••• rer. avall. SPECIAL! "'-t . .,,1 1400. yra. NHI. Paul 646-2977 Frt1 eat. Bob 876-8695 wry 640-4413 Jobe. Remove, repltoe OI •!)'le ralMd panel wall• & Topped/removed. Clean DUMP JOBS '"" ... repair. 6-46°88 t2. oelllng. Lie. 836-2388 up, lawn renov. 751-3478 & Smell Moving Job• Long ttrm hOuH•l1tlrig. 2 1ty 1550 845-9383 ll••il•• . frH lllYIH •••• UTlll&ftlt Call MIKE 840-1391 avall. Aug. 22. 720·1054, CANYON PAINTING . 14 ········'············· •••••••••••••••••••••• RMI() bla ICM tut CAU' C•H Dta11tl1 MOWINQ . Cl.EAN UPS If ura In o .c . S1ll1f1011on ATLAS PLUMBING & I LOW RATES ' , na Pl' ; ' • • •• •• •••••• • • • •• ••• •• ••••••• ••• ••• ••••• • ••• H1ullng • Landteaplng _H_A_U-Ll_N_G-.Q-RA-0-IN_G_ 840-58 l wk Xlnt rtfl ' HEATING 8 I lltl Trt1 trlmml""' & removal pro HllOnal work ... HARBOR TRINITY PRE· '*KATRINA'S: LIVE-IN Free .. 1. 842-9907 PROTECT YOUR Ho••e1 gutr. 494~4541 • PIC• no .... • cuetom worJc tool No Job oemollllon. clHn-up. ... 1n Repairs & R1plac1-all ci.anup1 & mowing too 1mall Of too blgl ca-SCHOOL. DAY CARE llekpre, dally maid .. rv. Jettie'• Oatdenlng Concrete & lt'111 removal. Prof. M 40, avell. now. QUALITY PAINTING men1 (714) 845-1888 554-7017 blnat1. kltollen remodel CENTER. Coit• MtH. office elaanlng, crpt Claan·U'"". tree trim & Quick.....,, 842-7838 xlnl ref1. 6"1-93t2 Ext/Int, rH1 ratH Opening Sept 13. Full elMnlng. 836-2118 1 1 ... 540•8035 •--------LI B348278 538-2366 l1•M1lla•ll1ul1 ht11I .. & flnlalled carptntry end 'i\ dey care 7AM to ,.__ • 1_ ,,,m_a_n_._1erv __ .____ PROF. SERVICE 1-11 AJI e • •••••••••ol'I~ •• ~•••••• •••••••"-••••••••••••• elect/ plumb/ c1blnet1/ 6PM. Regllltr NOW. ":!'!.'.!'f.~!l~I. •••••••• Complete Lawn care, Hauling . yrd cllen up ::1................... EXTERIOR PAINTING .................. llff. M01111Ubjeetl. K-14 countertope. 1 do •verv· Corner Baker & Fairview. OOOft r-cilee.d, doorwiye ole1n-up1, tr .. Mrvlce. Quick & clten. FrM ett YIHI Willi Custom work. Free 111. Free nt. Reaa. prlcet. Oay/9119 •s & 110/hr. AJdalf t':gBt;::;i.~tart 10 flnlihl 558-4335 or 556-7787 added. French, entry, a pr 1nk1 er 9 • M 1 k e 673·05'8 For a tr" faol 1heel, call Reu. + line lnl. & 1111-Quel. work. lie. 337159, Mr. Morgan 846-5176 •• ~............... ..... E & Cl d bl CUiiom & lnltrlor 631-7570 HAULING & CLEAN-UP Harrywe .... Auorneyll nlf\O. Steve 547-4281 645-4010 WI ' c1 ... 1 Dl'Jvewaye, Parking Lot (l14) f11•1J.u C~~r ctre ~~rn~ :rav~ 831-15281nytlme. • -.-•• -11-t_l_L_l_H_l_t-.,-,_--i Yd 63 110 1 _a 09 rage 3 1 1 ;.! 1 rop-OS. 6 mo 5 l l ~lelw0 •• 553--0290. RALPH'S PAINTING ROOM AD DITI ONS ••/!.!! ••••••• '!f •• ~ ... Rapelrt, S..lcoetlng. CUSTOM wood p1Uo co-eyard shltt. Lrg F.V. Hm, ,,._11,, Tree trim, ~en. cln';;;a. 95 ...... ,., n Int/ext. Reee. ratea. HonHt Relltble & Rele-J-~1 ~ht !~net\~ :J' Sl 8 A~lt 831-4199Llc vera. decke & tanc.. by plenty ol sleeping apece, :-:1.-; •• !•••••••••••••• cement wor . Free e1t. ____ """"'." ____ •••••••'••••••••••••••I Ref. Free eel. 636-9898 ranees . JC&B Conat Lie • un na n ow Den Hallbll'g Grading Randy. &41-0822 841 2277 DRYWALL ACO ST C Bl81HIH•l•f. BRICKWORK; Small Jobe. ,.347677 974•7665. . Cleaning. Ltd. 548-8853 • Pa·""" Co. R-/coml. • 1 / u 1 Call 549-1604 anytime. •••R•O•B••1N·~s··c•L•EA •• N.IN••0••• Newport. Coate Meee, Fiii PlJITlll --------· _ 20% Montllly Olaeount '" "" .,, vv Pre-school In CM home. Repa rt, n-& old. 1 l b RI h d SI LI I 11 Uc 397804 842 1720 1t._ t •·--' B d 552 9592 Mowing, edging, trim-s~v•-·. 1 thorounhly lrvlne. Refs. 675-3175 Y o er nor. c. Hu•• ru .~ • ,_ • triU .. -mff 1-4 yrs. BS "-ree, Clllld yrs exp. u • . R -""" " 280844 13 yrs of happy ••••••'••••••••••••••• ""''• rlotnl .. f. •••'"·-·•••••••••••••••• """' ming, clean up. eaao-clean houee. 5'40--0857 Brickwork-small or lge 1~.1 cu.stomera. R I J ••••••••••••••• •••••• Aa.o..... Shllfl'.'poo & tteam clean. Oev. Exp. 642•2707 Wall t11J<ture1-Acouallc neble ratea. 540-1482. 11 ~ Huber 00 lng-e I tyr.•· Computer word proce1-.:::i:.·.!f!............. Color brlgllteners, wht Exp'd MOM will care ror Hang-Tepe-Steel etuds TIE i•Efl IOlll Joen'e Cleaning Service ~~~~ 11~80~.• ~05~e~f: s. Thank you, 831-4410 Lie N:~-;~g;er~e; 9h4 alng Fut. accurete""' Pl(l()naftzed, low coat I• crpta • 10 min. bleaell. your child. Any age1. My Lie. 389944 1-532-5549 " Houee1-Apts-Rental1 I Painting: our remlly tradl-· · • Rees. retea. Nolary. Free gel MrVl<le1: Ind., family, Hall, llv/dln. rm1 $15; avg Home C.M. 646-7183 DRYWALL TAPING Lawn-tree-11\rub lnttall omce1. 540-1287 #orl•• lion lor over lOO yral letH•I pkup & delivery. Len. bull. Initial consultation room $7.50; coucll $10; All Texturu & Acouetlc Tree lrlm/removal TIRED OF HASSLES? ••••:A••B·•c·•M•o·v•tN•G••:••• Int/ext. Lie. 346252. Free •••••••••••••••••••••• 751-t31<4 tree. 663-0290 chr 15. Guar. ellm. pet 11._11,,1 ... n,....1111 Free 981 Kevin 675•9088 Lawn care/Rototllllng Q llt 1 1 11 Ip 11 esl 661 3998 MOBILE SERVICE odOf. Crpt repair. 15 yre ~ •••• :::c.':':':...... Free 98tlmale 548-6065 ua Y c een n~ • Quick. Careful Service. · • Rascreena/New screen• Heve something to sell? a..~1-'-exp. Oo work rnyeetr. REMODEL/AOO-ONS E11ttdt1l herel Aefi. 980· 452 Free eatlmalea 552-0410 1. tM l NB/CM 642-9552 Classllled ads do It -11. ~~':".'.~f••••••••••• Reft. 631·0101 & Carpentry. Uc'd. 25 •••••••••••••••••••••• QUALITY WEEDING & Exper. Houae Cleaning. .!r.-.'.!J,. ••••••••••••• Lovtno motllef wlll babyt11r---------yrs exp. lrwln 548-2719 ELECTRICIAN-Priced Malnt. Remember tile 3 Rellable. Reta. •A·l MOVlll* Ferthlng Interior Design ltt•ti"' Int••• !•--------full UmeL Nr Fairview & No SIMITl/No Shampoo right, tree eatlmate on R's: Reaaonabla, Rell•· 553-1675 Top quellty. Special care HANGlNG/STRIPPING ••••••;,._,;.......... IPNITllm Bek«. CM. 548-8553 Stain Speel1ll1t. Fu1 Alf4'11-htlc1·lt•lf. lerge or smell Jobs. ble. Rlclc. 497-3070 In htndllng. 25 yrs exp. Vlaa·MC Scott 645-9325 Alarm Co. (Llc'd) Security knocks often when you dry. Free .. 1. 639-1582 Free 98t. Reaa. prlcH. Lie. 396621 . 673-0359 TAKATA NURSERY Houeework, own trans-Competlllve Relea ASR PAPERHANGING systems lor home & use result-getting Dally ~!hi..~!!!~ ... o Lie 337 69 portallon, Eng. speaking. N r11 730 1353 business. Sec. survey & p Cl ill d Ad t EXCEL CARPET CARE ual. work. . 1 . ELECTRICIAN end landacape. Summer Cell Elol11 Sole al o ove me. . -7 yrs iocal exp. Guar. estimate lree. 645-5698 re'a'oclh th•e••ora"noe C~aa~ Jaek Buffington 6<45-40l0 Sml Joba!Repalra. Lie. special clean-up. Melnt-549_4939 STARVING COLLEGE work Prices start at JAYS "SPEAKEASY" Prof. Bartendlng Setv. Any oeeulon. Prtbl bar Qwrle(/ope<ator 233108-C-10. 548-5203 enence & land1cep1. STUDENTS MOVING $8/roll. Alec 751-7027 Buying and selling at d market. Cerpet. upllol, area rug N-In lown? Claaalfled ---------r Tree trimming and Bon-Turn to todey·s classified co. Lie. T124-436 reasonable price-thar's Phone 642-5678 1-879-7!552/52 t-8141 cleenlng.Workguar. canl\elpyoumeetmanySellthlng11l11twlthOelly aal tree pruning . tor lhe besl buys. ln1Ured.64t-e427 Find whll you want 1n what class1l1ed IS all Free Elt. 646-1771 ol your needsi.6<42-5678 Pilot Want Ads. 830-9900. Ext 5B. 642-5678 WATCH us GROWi Dally Pilo1 CtaS!lllieds. , about 642-5678 ~~~~~~~~~ Put the Power of the Daily Pilot 3-D Ads to work for you by taking advantage of this special offer • • • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS 3 lines, 3 days $3.00 Here's how it works for you. Run a 3 line ad for 3 days for $3.00 -if you don't sell your item on the first 3 days just call 642-5678 and ask for your · 3 for FREE and we'll run your ad an additional 3 days absolutely FREEi If you find you have your Item priced too high on the first 3 day run we'll even let you lower the price for your FREE 3 day run (no other copy changes allowed). Each additional line you wish to run will only cost you $1.00 such as: 4 llnes, 3 times = $4.00 5 llnes, 3 times = $5.00 6 llnes, 3 tlmea = $6.00 No matter how many lines you run, we'll still give you 3 days FREE If you don't sell your Item on the first try. Rules are simple -one item per ad -item must be priced - sorry, no com- mercial ads allowed. - OOLLAR DAY OOUGHSAVERS CLASSI Fl EDS 3 LINES• 3 DAYS• 3 DOLLARS ' ,.,.,,.,, 1050 .•...•••.••.........•• **'BUY** Good used Furniture & Appllancea-OR I wUI sell or.SELL for You UITIHllOTill I 141·1111 111·1121 I llY FIHITllll 1 Les 957-8133 6 ohalr1, solld welnut. xlnt cond. S 120 lor all 64'4-4157. N.B. NEAR NEW SOFA. Earth· tones. Mu1t sell. Wiii sac $200. Free del. 559-8721 '1\ ---:i . .... DO A Lrm.E ~1.~l \Dr BUSINESS IN YOUR I I~ ~~\.E. \~: -OWN HOME .... ~-r~~~~~~.~ 3l.f:\l ~i-l····yr .-...;.?<;.-• ~ -~ ..,.._. -·----fA:~ • , t..~'1f ~~.:!I!; · 1 J I Q-, • . ... ,i·, :-. t l-~;,,.., .. ~\, .... ~ r;;•jj : i1Ll l y L ~ ...... ~-........... -...:.;i_'G:"· i' ( • :I . \~ /I GARAGE SALE ADS NO~ "'~-~ 1 ~ CLASSIFIED IY CITYI ..i...:..~ ... SEE BELOW ..,~ - 21~~~~ 1~,~~er chair• f!!!~':..~!!J!~! •.•.•.. f!!!!.!!!! •.•••••••.• !!!!~!•••••••••••••••• 64a-0895 PATIO SALE sa1 Aug 21 Some furniture. iota ol Garege ule: Aug 21-22. Black leather couch & 8-<4. Dishes. crystal. sll-new goodies. from our, 7 :30 to 4.1 B~by Items. 11er. antiques. 01her goo-stofe. 2344 Minuteman urnlture. k tcueri 1ppln1, upholstered loveseel dies. 425 Marlgold. W CM more. 16 Gold Bluff. Ir· $100. Good con d . ay, · vtne (DeertlelOl. 840-0895. YARD SALE: Lota ol ~-Sun. only 9-4. Clotllea. I OE W Matching 8 tt couch. easy dies. toys, erall llems. furn .• epplcs. misc. 305'n A&m~ ne; Ge_· 18,~ cllelr, earthtones. $150. 417 Dahlia. Sal 8"12 San1e Isabel. mole contr~I TV b/w, 963·103t Ev/wknda !Sound Equip. Patio D••• l•l•I I plu1 bric-a-brae. 2 Tor· .. -I IALIJ Chairs. VW perts. 2910 1•••••••••••••••••••••• tolse Shell, Irvine, """i ( 1 3rd. Ave. CdM 759-0396. Leaving Stele. everything Walnut/Warner Furn, •PP lances amel 1• muet go. Reeaonable, --,-...,.-....,---__,.--and lerge). Misc !louse-C11t• #•1• Fri. tO am. 3320t Sent· GARAGE SALE: SAT 6/21 llold ln1lde end out. ::0·;;n·g··,···E·,·1~·1;·5;1~·. Iago. Dana Pt. 66l-8779. & SUN 8/22. 9AM to 1 6<42-0853. 8 AM-noon "" Antiques, collectlbles. wkd1. Sat-Sun all day. house lull or furn, & ll tu to• 1f1ei hootehold 1tem1. boolls. much more. 8·5, 239 t •• l!~ •• !f •••••••••••••• tools, records, furniture Notre Dame Rd. 6 famlly garage sale. multi and MUCH MORE. Alto FANTASTIC IN O O OR baby lurn. eccess. chll· sample aale next door. Beautiful 6' Floral Piiiow Sola. llke new. $200. 552-4108. PLANT SALE. 470 .-E drens toys & clothes. t8296 Foxglove Wey. Bunk Beds w/Mauresaes, l8th St c M s 11 s many llsehld Items, some ---------8 drawer Oresser/Oe1k ' · · a un tools. No )unkl Set/Sun ll&lllff• ...,.. Sale $ 1 e o . only. 8·4. 10371 Malkal Or.. Day Peeks tor all ages, 586-5046/770-9584 Sat. only 8-12, 30" stove. Hntg Bell BrOOl<hurst & tennis and racquetball ---------1 $35, 20" stove $25. sofa, Garfield bags. duffles. luggege. Stltfel brase lable temp. 2 $50. swivel rocker. $25. end wallets. Top line or months old. New $200. Color TV $75, wtleel ollr, Giant Apl complex gerege ladles end ehlldren• sell for StOO. 536-7719 $l50 tk $25 I t sale. Corner Utica/ ltallen Tea Cert. Like new. N-~00. sell for $150. Call 536-7719 . wa er . o s Delaware. Sat/Sun 10-4. warmupa plus Acllve more. 2895 Peleu (Mesa terinls _.r. Antique sale Verde) CM. YARD SALE. Oak Items, neict d00<. Sel/Sun 9-4. Moving 10 Europe, every-Tl>ur-Set. 808 Walnut. University Perk. t8286 ---------1 t"'lng must gol c-·~ TV corner of 8th. H.B. Fol<glove, 8 Ft r.4a,roon50 SOFA. good ci:Uk room equlp~Furn1'. Hide-a-bed. dinette table -G-r-ae_n_t-ree--H-o_m_e_a_A_as_n_ cond. t lure. Washer. ••1sc. S S 759 5079 552-6667 "" & mlae. al 21st 8:00. Community Garage ekt. • ' Items. Sel & Sun. 1578 ,9402 Plef Dr .. H.B. 626 homes . Irvine· S.E. Earthtone couch $150. San Berr;itrdlno Pl .. Sat Aug 21 8 em to 3. corner of Culver & Wal- Dresser $25. Walnut Costii. ~sa. (Santa Ana Clothlnn and misc Items. nut • just So. of 1-5. table, hutch, bullet, Av_e & 16th St.) 645-8189 also ;;,"aple bunk bed. Sal/Sun Aug. 21-22. 9-4. !t~~~anG~d ~~~;~' eves. comp acct11or1ea. up-Bargains Galore! ---------r Yard sale. Lifetime of right piano. 960-4580. Electric dryer,¥. vlolln. 11 .. Be1utllul e · earllltone )uni:. Furn, Oriental rug1. ned drepes. aew me· couch with 4 welnut books. movie poatara. Garage Sele: Sal/Sun clllne. e1ec motor•. many cllalra . Sac. $145. Large eelee11on of Me1d-Misc ltema. 5132 Sisson. llems. Sat 8-5. Sun 12-3. 675-7768. can Iron. lcar1 and Parish 8 • 5 · B 011 a C 111 c 11 Culver & Seton are1. prlnlS. Saddles. -tern _E_d_l_ng:;..e_r______ 17665 lronbark Cull Items.. Coneorn nag.lvatl-Moving. Bedding. cllalra. only. White conremporery di· nlng lable, Round 48" plus 2 leafs. 24" ea. No cllrs. $165, 675-1174 Bedroom Furnllure. all lor $300. 646-6388 Aak ror Dave. • l(fng size wllerbed. natu- ral tolld oak & oak ~ ~. weveleaa mattress. heater. $550. 675-2t53 Decorator quellty! lmpor- .ted rattan LR HI 7pc $950. 646-5366 att. 7pm. Btautlful Oraxel dining rm Mt. eontemp. but entl- q u e look. 8 c11r1. UOO/obo. 760-3303 wkdy1. 651-4810 evea/ w1md1 on eystem end Coast dresser, olotlllng & misc. --------- dept 11 gauge. Many 11em1. Sat. 9am. No early .,._,, ~II Items. too numeroua lo birds. 4201 Siiiiman Or., •• -.-;r.;;•••••••••••••• list. Sat-Sun 2044 Preaj.. HB. 840-6184 GARAGE SALE. Every- dent Place. Coat• Mesa ---------thing goe1. Sal/Sul\, LARGE GARAGE SALE "Saf·IH 1-1 August 21·22, 319 Irvine 2700 Peteraon Pleee. Baaeh towels, tocks, Ave. N.B. Gerage 62-B. Sal/Sun antique radios, plctur ... _M_U_L_T-1--FA-M-IL-Y-. _S_A_T-9--5 9•4. furn. elect. tools, and Furn. appliances. blkee. much more. 9342 Hudt-surf brd gamt1 b .... on Or. (Bu11\ard & Ht· bell carai. lampa.' organ, H11ful + 1ter10. bike, palntlngt, refrlga. 1202 Oonegel. Opn Oly. 641-9312 mlllon) generator, mite. 1815 llNI ltl IAU POf1 Cllarlel. 4H llttt It, I.I Front Verd Salt: furniture. Musi NII 11111 weekend. Furniture, clot lllng, good tor-& mltc. ltema. Bdrm. llv rm. din rm fur-bikes. odd• & end• Set. only M . 528 RI...,· nltura. 841-8633. radio•. book•. stereo. slde Av. 3 FAMILY SALE. Anti· coucll. Weber BBQ, --IAUll----... -U--- que1. loot•. quality clo-hammock & mlec. toya. thel. toys, 30 gal aqua-SAT 9 am to 4. EllQll'• ltyle bookcaaea; Cualom down-filled 6' rlum '77 Suzulcl RM2!50. 1ntlqw eommod ... Fr. iota & 2 e1111r1, paid 1130 Paulllrlno. Sit/Sun Oerage aale • Dtakt, mo-Prov. curio cabinet, tab- $ 5200 hi kl e -·edger 4x8 adjuat•· •••• decor Item•. •to. *2 w 1 • •• ng am. bl• roof rack tor van, 10-4 Sat. 511 Canella. __ 500 __ . 5_2_e-_2_4_1_1 ___ , Garage Sale: Utility 1ra11er. table and ellalfl. misc. Newport Beacl\ (Ttl• golf eluba, men'1 az 42 19882 Canberra Lane Blurts) 7 pc decorator whit• ral· tan llv rm eet. $1400 or bell offer 559-4124 clotllee, port• pllona. ,._ Huntington BHcll. Sa1 -3..,0,_a_r ___ F_u_ll_F_uml_1U_re_ wetry, Iota of misc. 6.41 12 noon on, Sun 9.3 -..-· • w. Wiiton 0 -1 Costa 962-0737 clothea. ml10. Sae M... Sit only 9 6 dl.-a-Hne. 418 Erner· Beaut. leaded glue · -Im•• aon (Tuatln & 2111). Fri/ bOOkoaae/cMlll & preat. Two family Nie, crib mat-•••••••• •••••••••••••• Sat, M . b k ~... ..... v•11t traet. 5 bamboo ellldll. •a•••• ••• • --,,,~..,,---~-~ ae r.....,. no "'' r, "' meny wedding e1tta. - -LIDO Oarege Sale. Pie· o on d · R •••on• b I•· never uaed & rnteC 187 Art• and Crart1, uprtoht tur•. COlltctl.,._, patio 859-9679 E 2111 St Apt 4 CM pl1no, rec:0<d1. etotl\M, table, much ml10. Sat Comp 9td w/ matt, box · · · ' · tabtlea, eto. Stt-&ln $-3. Olllr 9-2. 141 Vie T,._.. 1prg1, & frame. XLNT 3 3 6 8 W 11 t • r I a CI t . No 2 Dl.tllcywlng cond. '60. teo-8318 545-1718. Toy1, mueh Shop at home. It'• Illy mite. Sat/Sun all day. Want Acta Cell 842-5878 with claulfled a..2-5818 4 Po11w Ktng Watarbad and matching Colonial. ~~~.;~000/btt otr.1~!!.~!! •••••••• !'!f ~ ........ II.ff !~.~!!ff Space 11var bed, dfa-1 PATii llT Siii l!lllok wrought lrOn table New Klno mauraaa only. --. oeblnet1 and 1>ec11 I LI ....... ~.. and 4 oN!lrt SSO. Seely ~ firm. Ill "' OM. sao. k• ,,.., .... .,........ 648·2483 M u & T 8 E LL u 6 0 . 551-&Mt Trund .. bad lreme. ta5. G11 flraplaca ••nd trer 1..,..Ml--83~-llO---~~~ llllt ..... ""1 good co;:_'f'120o wttll "" tOfm roctl. 150. J~ MN PAICU START AT· Sof9 IM&-J"83 .. :.:;..-1.•••••••••~~':' a.dt t 1t1,•90fl a' I.ow STORE FIXTURES tor New f\111_.,. matt,... Mt. 1~:•r•~o:::o:;~ 4i ... 8 eat t U 7, I e d • • ..... Solld ,.ood table/ teO. New quHn 1111, tltoO. IT•lr:• 11700 If; ~tt,... Md ,.~ton , ot1alr1, 1110qu1 truntt. •100. 7ao-&a2 131 ... ta71 a.i. TwtM 171 full M7 I wood wall oaDlntt• a , ..,_-...... -----::~:.-°'*" t147, Kina 1191:1 rack•, 412-1122 tv••·1 Pllt ........ "" I Hiltlhll 1\401. OA1'· 1 a oe IMno nn tlblee .. .,. 47......,, dlf19. . -•~ NI TI. onty •• .. 0111 • o4 Otialr bl11~ette Seta1 a PC PLAYPlN/PfT l40 1111 I =,,~;!,~k •d• wtt11 f:or=-eooc1 oc.n~. f!!U!!N ....... t.l!ff .. a ••• ... I •HULi ..... -I ... N 71t ·Towta ~ ........ llOO. ... UOll .... OOflPll9 TAM.I • vtoe tot' I, .. ~ Sollt.,_ Miiie tokl ""9. _.... j1 1Ht •rhf, 'I o.tc ~. OOod ~. • r•" pattern, 1410 • 1urroundM•1 i ·c11e. I , ... '40. 141447' Al-7411 lft. lpm. rnonda, MOO. Ml....ol AA 8 : 111~ ..OOM DMDl1' , I ' kuetl~ 111 -"" 1A811 • V"'92·507 . ' IN ~ ·-wtttl ~ 8olld 08k, ..... ,..... I .-. '!11 ~~ It'• I WID -... •••ll!!••••••••••••••l!!l!!l!!ll!!!l!!!!!ll!lll[l!llll!lll!!~•~l!!lll!~!l!!!!lll!_!l!l!l!!ll!!l~illl'll!l••!ll!l•••••11111111111i111_1!1 _ ..• ·~-·-·•-•:..· _!Pllo~t~Win!!~'.!."~cta!!:_. --=----11~. h MM-4~ .._ ~·=---c ........ Mt '41·1"1 l ~ -1·-. , .. . . J ----------------------------------------------- C4 OranQe Coaet DAILY PJLOT/ 81turd1y. Augu11 21. 1912 ~ •••• l!l!tf ff..;Jl/llf.'l'!tt ••• llllf ~ff.l!•t ••• l!tt ;::a;;:;;;;:;--:~--=~,t,.;,.:,;,.-.-.-.. -.-.-.. -.-.-.. ~~;.; .. ~!;T""":"'~f;;;;;;;;::;~"'--~;:::::;;:::~--~~~--~~:::;::::~i\:~ ............. ~- ~· ~= EST•JE , •• E . ··~~4 251~ ~="~1= WANTIO. L;;·~~ WI ULJ. ~;;~~-1r.Li __ il_1T.N_1 ... _·~1i._I " ML -fMI 'v ~J~IUI• "'~'~ :::.-=:"a=; ., ;:!r::,, 111ni 1~erl1 told ....... Oii'lil ....... ,., ... ...... ... tllf.O r.OIO -"". lrlOll pl•'• .. Ctll An•w« Act lull• t231, Ml .. d 111\t.,,. ~~wHOf\111 TJIMt llM Al ... I Pl a reGOtct ~~171.00j 41t. Ml~ 24 Iva. 110416, Mllllll'Y meoew no,.1cto':a"'ond1 UIO. AnUque turnhurt. Hummtla, Conn :i~:r'~~~"d:=', WANTeD• WOflllng blk• i:o~~=Pt::~ Or11n. Chlckerlna ~ Grand Plano, cal>lnet pliit IMIONl'tO I fOf • ~ Olct. 111d ttny CONUAl PAAAOT IJ ~":11d~~O::· China, dolla, fft. 8 clocka w/calt nder, ooor w111 oabtnef & offlol MdQe. 4o+.l279 t•m• Cag• Incl aro' ln•l"tlon 'Q" p1•' ~\.lvee Unena and lot.s more aoodles. "merbll type" wlll .n.11. 'UANITUAI!. w•ntld 3.4 6'6·1653 ' .. ,., .. , • • ell for only I 100.00, drewtr welnu1 ch•ll I ..... ..., ~ !Mt· c or VlSA OK. horH bl•nk•l·llO oo. 4 a JI 2 811 11 • ppr 0 II TWO NANDAY CONUAH r: I r I ' I r I d I n g h a I 491.2793 With wrovght lfon c.oa. u.,.,_. Mff llLD MUii em•ll>-115.00; new cer S75 complete. 530..7412 :1•r.nn ........ 17't\ ?77' toor ""'' (41-uo.oo: #u#ll ...... .... new 14 Incl\ I glll •Hoy la11tU•ll lllJ llHH I Orf••• llH ...... ...... 32tt btenelon Aluminum lf5 or offef. 111124 90ld rime (IMW'el ••I of ........... .-.............................. . ... ' •• a"... lldd« 170 pet end pact Gd .. 1200.00; two new con-lvere & Pond• Uprlglll . a.S:.1423 cu HA ttnent•I et• btlttd r .. YAMAHA lue Amp. Pl1no. '381 '3 t7U Camino O•PI• cond. "94-1 dial tlrH ttl/10 HA Head wl1h • dOUbll 15" 511-6048/7'70·91t4 I ''""°· l•n Ju1n CIPI-BACKS WINO buy dlltrl· BI by crl b youth b•d. 14·1100 oo· IMW 3201 PV •PHk•r Otbln•t · 1-.--------llrMO bUIOI' direct. AeQ. 1349 wnlt• formic•, c lHn h odm•' k·f20.00· Ir• Fender BH• Precl1lon 5 grend pl1no, •Int tone, <&9~1023 now I 219 91 • v • mettrHi 135 494-1&&4' r ~' 'm Id Io I~• Oult1r with o ... end ex-rrul~wood , USOO P P 640-20H Engagement •~d wedding oeblnel·UO.OO . Cell "" • •II In excellent _7_5_4_1_50_7 ____ _ llJHfll,.Hll lllO Homellahl XL·2 Ch•lnhw. ring Ht • co11 s t<&OO, 64t.01H. condition. Like n-Klmb•ll Spinet •••••••••••••••••••••• UMd ! tlmH. 1100. never worn, 11000. 11 .... 11, 1...,1 pl1no & bench leM then un1vere1ty A1ht111c crub 11141 ee2--0901 642-5937 •••bl.... 1 yr. old. c a11 •11er9 pm, 40 ft. De Fever Desi•n Trawler MeMb9f9hlp $100. Home 6 to 20' long, :let per ft. 1155· 1489. • 419-2079; ofc 5"1-6020 Moving, Wurlltter 1plne1 Pinball Mtchlne 7711·1491 tnY11me. Flu1e, Oen1elnh•rdl, 25·P, --------She has twin diesels, Lewco battery pleno. 4'1W' wld•. 2'2'A' "RIGtl Car" lltver pitted. good cond .. Antique pl1yet pleno, VHF F h RDF F•Mlly "*'"be,.hlp New· d-s>th. 3•1 .. lllQh 1600. 6,.2•5937 Lift MU.HU Hldom p11y1d. S250. s 11100 or bHI ofltr. charger, canvas, . a t o, • m l9Mch Tennie Club. Frlgld•lre gu dryer ye1.. Send ~ Y°" IOW 490-lllff 973-0992. Fiberglus. Dealer Demo. Underpriced 0. Cell collect Or. low, very olaen $0150. ~1.~~::..i~~ a bMutlf\.11 bouquet of 30 KUlno 0 Ch. PA-held, 125 -M-ov-ln_g_.-W-ur_ll_IZ_lf_lp_l_ne_I at $89.~0. Slip Included. Low 2l3/326-48'0. 8-42-3519 6"2•5937 helium belloone. P.,fect w•ll RMS, 2 Peevy c:.bl-piano. 4'7'Ai" wide. 2'2'!.' Jenn Wrtne Tennie Club "PegMnt 01 iti. Millers" '°' •II occulona. a..11 net• w/15" epeeker1 & depth, 3·1" high MOO 3404 Via Oporto Memb1r1hlp for 111•. llckell, good _,,, Fri & Avletlon·Mtrl(le the ··hedc" out of rOMe. horn 1. S 4 Ii O If Ir m . 8-42·3589 'NEWPORT Suite 4 S..t ofr 714/551 1941 Compua $50 873-"4t9 8-42·8155 --------v..rH1· · • · Sun •v•ll. $28. M1rllyn ft.42.5931 PIANO 1927 Elllngton ,,.._ Ne t B h 2131814-3173 Cegney, 540-8937 QOVERNMENT Timi Sllngerland pro Upnght '400 °'offer C..'<C.HA NC.I:. Wpor UC HEATER, fO<ced air, Gel· HO TRAIN SET NewpOl't Beech A.thletlC & SURPLUS JEEPS drum Ml, 8 tom toms. 5"8-0243 111-1800 flera & S•UI«. $75 Mike on 4x<l plywood, xlnt Re.cquelblll Club mem· Lllled for S31111. Sold 24" ban, 7W' chrome --------':===============:; ofr. 93~95"7 cond, s35. 731•21" bershlp In Nwpt Cir, for S44. For Directory anere, bllCk, dblehMda, ., $125/obo. 675-7597 312·088-4347 Ext J-19 111 hdwe, cymbal• & lr.,nl•f. flHll IOH 4 M5XeglW5~'· U.S. Indy. NEW ATARI VIDEO Crlb & matt. •"5. B1··•net 0"11.MI • _ _.._, --•r c-. $1500. 982-0207 • ••••• •••••••••••••• 1 · · .200/bll ofr. COMPUTER SYSTEM --".. ------------1Rlp Cutt FrMute wet IUll. 839·95"47 $115. 731·2t33 S16. Bdrm Ht Sl25. S500. 5.46-3415 Ollln "1tlt.n I 1prlng cut. 1m1ll. new. 2 Tlctc•t• to "US" conoett. Lamps ss-s10. B/W TV Lift •u •HU L.1-'••I 1111 $60/0BO. 831-4274 3 d•y tlakell. Paid lrlll ltlllq fH S 30 . 543•0854 or · ...., •• ~:-~···••••••••••liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 137.50 eec:h, wtll NII IOI' Never uMd. 4 tulip llghts. 953-8467 Send eomeone YoU 1oYe IBM Pereon11 Computer 135 NCI\. Save SS end Coit 1230, Nil S99 a b .. utlful bouquet of 30 or Apple 2 & 2 Prlnlere ORANGE COUNTY time weltlnf In lln• lo 552-1509 SCRAM-LETS helk.lm b1lloon1. Perfect Mutt NII. 673-7422. tot 111 oocHlone. GrMI ---------• G & Coll t 1 buy. &45-04 4 Pll'lff IMllleea decor I 11 n g Id • e I DESKS FOR SALE Un ec QI' $ 81 13 gunnync:k dre11. ind other j •'""· From ANSWERS 673-4419 Detkl and matching 1111 At Viet 1 195 14,. ...... 15-489 1---------1 ch1lr• It hcrlfloe price SHOW • ~. n q. °' •n to • · .,...,. Fusion • Cloth FlberglH• chop~er gun, at $550. Replacement eot1 & Wed9ewOO<I wtlt 900 ..... porceleln OU itove Side Newport Beech Tennie Glan1 ·Bother alrlH• eyatem . ,..., coat $2300. CALL DAWN lUCUlf 21 I 21 hick bicycle. 842·5201 Club Membetahlp evall.. NEUTRAL Ply. 75"·1507 9-5pm M-F. 833-8600-B • 1 t Io Ir . , Carey I went lo • tough kin· T 1 frt• I It I, Rm Divider, 9x8, .... IUP-640.4522 derganen When -got A Ille Ventllllot urb ne Sharp 810 Bond Paper T ported, ofl·whlll S<&O. --------In to the 'aandbox. the Cooler w/bue. S IO, Co,c;>ler. 8'1a X .~ 1'', 8'n X laJ • lell • ra4t 894•8947 anY1lme Mtn'e Roll11< Skates first thing we did WH 644-594 t 14' . 1 t X 17 , double· Featuring -•pone of all Sz 120. llke new. $15, esl•bllsh NEUTRAL cor· Mirror. goldlelf, rremed, 1lded, l1bel1. tranepe-eres: Sword1, colna, war llf.1""'8 ... 731-2133 n11<a. 48 .. x84 . ., s 125 Cell ~~~c~0e710. 11250. (7 1") eouvenlt1. entlquH 1nd H d II t1 d fOO% 9 '""".. lhOUHnd• or collectlble •n no • ' SPA prtetlcally new. MUii Duncan Phyfe dining tbl, _53_6-_7_7_1 ______ 1---------1 11em1. Or1nge Co F11r. wool. Selectloo ot over 1911. no reeson1ble off11< brue pew ft, perfect. 2 Dlnlng rm lO·lll• ciland•· Dllk, black metel with grounda, C.M, enter get• 200 deelgni, slus •nd refuMCI. 552·95e7 leaves 1175, 8-45·2573 lier White wood/metll. wood greln IOl'mlca lop. 3A off Arllngton St. color comb. Prloe from --:i,,.----........ ,.-----1 • .,,, 531-77111 Mede by Sleelceee. ~~~~-~~~~!! $100 to M50. Direct Im· TENNIS MEMBERSHIP Magic Island Gold Chene< ....... $150. 5"8-8-490. = porter whol .. ale. C1n $2,000 JWTZ Family Membetstilp. $750., cur· John Wayne Tennie Club ---------1 ROLLER SKATES order your dMlgn. Cell memberahlp s 1000. rent price s 1400. Femlly Membe<ahlp. lY>/ momn Hll L..edles' S1 7. '45 Sherri Syed 714/871-o920 951·9659 -· 759 .. 1211. &40--0238 $1500, 760-04'99. $75 O.B.O. 642·9702 759-92001 640·4270 our famous DIMES-A-LINE TWO pelr eliding wef: "A Hockey g1me 4118 ~EW HR78· 15 Rad I el LAGUNA Pegunt or PARROT ca~e. lerge BOAT 7tt81n Dinghy S35. GIAllT HeaYJ Duty Boat T 1rpaulin1 12 I I' ... $23 2'1•0 .......... s:n 1' I 20 ........ $32 20 I 20 ....... ,... ... II I 2• .......... •JI 2' I 55 ......... SllS JO I 60 .......... SUS so I 100 ···-··· S390 II 1 Jl .......... SSO 60 I 120 ........ S547 20 I JO .......... SSO 50 1 ISO ..••.... S5'2 S.lore Mldnicht Stpt. 19 drobe d oore with 511 '50. 548-0558 v.w. ON G.M. wheel 135. Muterl. Tuetday nlahl. chrome 135. 57-8390 _ 752·0!>59 Mark 9'/oln trldl end h1tdware Two 700-14.5 Goodyear Auguel 2<lth. 3rd MC1Ton, ::ORI/AIR front end S35. As pan or an 41dvertasang test V1lung Tarp Ma piilr. 2908 Alta Viet• A'NTIOUE wood cheat 01 new $20 Heh. 600·14 front row, 2 tlck•ll Bar ttoola 3lot120. Two SMALL wicker table S25. Mfg. w1U send any of the above boat Slte Drive, Newport Beech. dra-• 160. Two anti-P .U. tire S 10. Two $14.60 each. 496-4559 heedbotrdl $15 each. Chlld's antique pinball 1.arpauhns to any reader of thts publication M+-0760 qu• wicker chilra •25 700·1'4 P.U. tire S10. Couch S20. Lamp 15. m1chlne $60. Jep1neM who reads and respondli to this test before TWO cooollea S<l5 "ch. ;:8~0~n~~~·..'!~•,!:; 645-8614 BEAUTIFUL wood cabinet End table $15. 682-2411 doll with cue $50. Beet m1dm11ht, Sept 19 Each Tarpaulin Lot KJtcMnette Mt $45. T.V. S35 end 4 ch•lt8 $40. etereo with AM/FM ~ .AOIES Beach crulHr , up old trumpet $20. Old ( .,z.18. PVC) Ill constructed or high densny '36. DrMaer $60. End Lampe, tome very old '73 YAMAHA 100 Enduro phon,?7.5S850;.1L2am1 P S 01. bike 150. PIHtlc beby I p1lntlng1 Sl5-S50 each. rabric (with virgin 11rade ingredients. tablM ,120-135. Lempt S1·S26. Old plcturea In-street bike, complete, 982·• · • Kopo bike earner S3 Cat lop I Two Deco magazine supp lied by Gui! Oil Co J with nylon $7-120. Mepl• tabl• cludlng o119 S2·S15 each. Mii parts IS-$50. Flll'llng Drive .• Huntington cerrler $6. Th~ee radial 1 rack• 125 Heh. 3085 reinl~ rope hems. double lock sutched a.mp~= Coffee teb-Mahogany occaalonal gear 25c-$35. 548-9832 S.ac:h. t1re1 195· 70HR 13 $6.1 LOl'en Lane 97s-5027 hems. elecuonkally welded seams, IOO'lf. ... 11 . TWO MWlng antique table l30. set 2 TV ltltld S5 Metal fool· AM /FM CHMlt• lllfeo 0 0 0 d "I •• r w h I t • 'OIJER 800 uMd metephy-wawr proof . .,4 (loo\ .. dia.) met.al grommeta mechlnH wl1h cabinet w1rnut antique ch1lr1 loclter $20 ·Step tablee $50. 170 K-2 tklla with P205·75R15 S5. Fires· 1lcal booka: Spiritual, set on 3 r1 t·enters with reinforced $35. Old gum bill m•· 130. Old upholetered S9 Smell 'corntr table <&44 binding• S60. Stie ttne Whl1• P225-75R15 Chrtltlan. lndltn. Altro-triangular corner patc hes and are chine 135. B11ke1I French chair $15. Br-ss· WW tire G70.15 SS 10SanMetcobooUl10. 15. Sketebo1rd $2.50 logy. Phll0eo9'IY, Perap-l'f!('()mmended for all heavy duty tUe, all 1148. Bfff 1lgn S15. twin bed old $50. Old Bicycle s 16 AM clock Surfbolrd and wetlltlltt ~ aycllology, Ptyehology, yacht.I and .. llboata. and an bulk or pallet Ptctur• 12-$35. 724 1/2 mepl• apool bed twin radio s 5 Surf flahlng 150. Port·•·Pot1Y ~. 1 K E 1 1 . Medlc1l and Self-help, ndmg ma'\enals. and will be accompanied W. 19th ecro11 from S25. Set ol 4 old dining iplke 13: B&W TIJ for Ludwig cymbal 120. <l • 1 85 •7n0•1 BR)~ ~ ! · Diet end Heelttl. So11noe with a LIF'ETIME guaranttt that 11 mu.sl St•l•r• behind liquor c:helre $50. Antique cane partt S3. Bar stool $5. Soft drum CH .. $20. 175•75 14 145_75 13 fiction. Flying S1uCtrl. perfonn I~ or •t will be replaced free ltOl'e. -t and badt chelf $20. ,..__ S3 , A-646-3302 x • • poetry end novels . f h ---------1 g.i of 2 French 1ntlque ..,.., ~ · ...... ..,. redial• S 15 each . 25c·S7. 724in w. 19th, Add $7 handhng and craung or eac tarp chalra S30. Antique oak, $1·$5. Stereo1 S6-S15. WATERBEO mlltrHa. H79•14, 070x14 (regular ac:roea from Stater Bro., o rdered, V1k1n11 Tarp Mfg. pays all TUBE~ FM tuner 81 to painted. end otl'ter lide Plctur•. plc1ure frllMI king me. Toe> of the line, bias) S15 Heh. Altema-behind liquor alre . shipping Should you wish to return your r1:1o rf ~1?M:~MM~~ cllalre SS each. Dlahea 5S~C·',3~,~~:•r~~ ,r:~: w1vecr .. 1. lnnercoll, I« for any V-8 Chryaler. 5"3-9572 °' 979-5027 1.arpauhns you may do 90 for a full refund 2~S5. Tabtee S5·S10. · Y new $50. lndudee hoM Plymouth oar, never Any lettt'r postmarked latt'r than Sept 19, tan 17. Portebl• O.E. 282 Del Mar Ave., eo.t• 5c·50c. Hou1ewere1 end nozzle tor filling. uaec:t $50. 9x19.5 Cnev AUTOMATIC wUher $50. will be returned LIMIT: Nty (50) t.arp11 phone> S20 with record Meu Tak• Felr Drive SOc-$2. Toya end gamee Peddect tide bedboerda pldcup 8-hole Wheel $15. Dryer S50. Dlahwuher p e r addreu. no ex ceptio ns. Send changer. R1ell1tlc icro•'• N•:eort Blvd 2Sc-75c. Saturd•y ind s25. 842-8339 111 WMk 831-3701 anytime. $50. Elec:1rlc ecSoer 110. & 8A·101 Sold St•t• It• -·• Sunday. Clll after 9em. ..__ Vacuum cleaner S25. 22 l approprlatt' sum IOfiether with your 1\llJ"ll(' reo amplifier S20 AM/ tow11dl b bay. Fair 548-9085· ~.,....... JNE hlltn alZll bedlpt'Md Flower StrHl, Coit• 3ddreta to. Tarp Test Dept. •615E. Viking 1982 Close-Out Sate on SRY·l 72 Retal $11 ,700 Sile Sl,995.00 w /120 h.p. 110 and trailer HllHUSOll SEA lllY IOITS Garden Grove ~54-1500 Newport Beach 673-0940 38' Scarab 79 White with sunburst · stripea, on trlr, gar since new. 370 hp. 4 bolt mains, $69,500. 3404 Via Oporto StMte 4 Newport Beach 115-1800 FllllSAILER 31 This 1974 model old world motorsailer w/85 hp Perkins came over the Atanuc on its own keel! A real single handling long distance cruiser w/inside & outside steering For $a.le at half the replacement C08t F1nancmg available Aslong $55.000 llORD YAOllTS 3700 Hewid\ Blvd. Ste 303 673-8878 6M1 1rr-ior1::'io se. ~th~om°:! ~~WHEEL cttalr $35. lnvllld BICYCLE car carrier $15. ~o·.~~·n5.ri:::nb:,~: _M_ ... _.______ r:..rp A~;:,~~C'A 6~J:'~~ ~:~ :~!: .:~ ~~~ ~ .::: tvenlty. to111et1 ... ,10t SSS. Tu1b Hfety ~ ~i~~J'!,'°'~':, ~P rlbc:ord bed1preed1 S7 NEW dealgner tetn• llze 8 from any part of the country call collec!t A Sf II O..A In )'fell box 17. Ovll mfr-DODGER 1lc:bt1115 pair. re a . ew ng ml· $25 8-45-8614 .... Mdl. Brecketl and lhel-•dull 12.50·$10. u .. d toefort' rrudnight 7 daya a week. I'll OW •• ror In wooden holder $5. Scalloped planter brick• ch In• s 2 5. L • m P • . V9t S3. Wheel toya S15. Jean•*-8 adult 50c-S5. 11 1,10111 E~ftitll 15 Boot!• on buelnHt 2lic •foot Whit• ~oe-$5-SlO. Chalra 15· T•b-BOOKCASE $10 Large Big mirror• 13. uames 75occ x4 Honde PIP•• CALL COLLECT (213) 482-1114 I .~ le ......... •2 · IM $10. EleC1rlC epplllln· · 500 13 Book• 10-$1 S15 __ .. Anulrlum Ml THE WOR LD'S FIRST 15. ,._.,ron """"' • llln battl llnk wit feu· oes 12 Plant contllner1 111e1v .. S 10. Boolcl 25<:. • · ~· · -.... .. Meh. ,._E.D~tcr~Mlo cet• 120. Shutter• va-$2 per. large box. Shut· Folding table 1-45. Bike .B~:. c~t~o":iclUg~':: !!~·, :.c:s;~S~S~ ~~II~ (Alk O""rator for) HOBIE DEALER Dtgltell.. ·""""" ... rlou1 etzee $3-$8 pair. tera wooden s 1o • $50. Tool1$5. TIJ 150. 0c:s20 .-$20. OlaH vHH S1 . Pleetlc window blind•. •tack' 3117 DubllnStreet Walnut ch1tr1 130. 011 ~~ ~~':i ~-:,! ~~ dren'• g1mea 5 • · TARP TEST #615E ·Hobie Dana Point DHk temp 17. 0 Inch vtrlOYI llH• 12·14. end of W•taon beck of painting S45. ClothH ---. Su,_. .... --~~l~~o~~~ Before rrudmght. 7 days a wttk 34195 Coast Hwy., Dana Point apeaktr 15 pair. 2130 ~ doof and Window • 25c:. Barbelle $50. 2.220 _., ,...... ,., _,.,._,_ Have credit card ready (714) 411 1211 Doctore Circle, Apt O, IOrMna In wooct frllmel, Fedoo. Weterfront, corner of 13. Apr.I• computer door1 $10 ••oh. 314'8 • ~~MN~ ~~~~Hl1M10.~MBOO~n~~•lr, ~~~delM~ ~~d~MO~kl Sum~ •• ~~~ ... ~================~~===~~=~~=======~ Push ~ $5. Mirror swivel b1H, gold cu· S•turday 9-<lpm. $50. Saturday •1 249 Al· 545-8198 Sr.,1tl•• 8Htl1 IOl4 1Nt1, #ul•• IHtl ''"' 1040 1Ht1 S•il Hfl CEUCA Br• (Toyotal $40. 49tfnx291n 110 548-471, llllon S15 646-5607 bert Place, Colt• Mela. SS .. , II • •••••••••••••••••••• ~!f!!-t _.,, ·····'················ ·16·.··H·o'b·le···c·.·,··y·:..~ow···w··, 957-8390 · · TWO 2811 aluminum ex-BRA loo .. ng oor •• ~ _ FRENCH provlnol1I Cl· ten1lon leddere 140 CEDAR atripplng 11<>-$15. lempa $30 each. Hanging Single 72 Scub1 t1nk & ••• • ••••••••••••• Parflltr Wa1tt4 l . II Like VW Dual cerbe, m111lfolda, ClothH $1-18. Sholl nopy bed $35. Box Holl 20ft ilumlnum CN1ctren'1 toys 10c>$10. I• m P S 1 0 . 0 Ir I' I b1ckpack. Brend new SAOllFIOE: 25 fl Skip J1Ck Hunting· ::!.. ~~~· 6;;.,:;61 lllr deener, llnlc9 , even I 1·14. PurHI S 1·S3. eprlng me1tre11 130. welk • plenk 125. Two 8ecuf1ty gatee l10-S15. 10.epeed bit!• S30. POI'· U.S. dlwr'e ~Ingle lfao• 50 hp Mere O/B ne"" ton Harbour Sllp lmmec, -------- MM>Q Mt up f« 411 en-Bird ce'• end •ccea-four ptec» comer group ledder l•Ckl SI .. ch. ~ 15. Artltltl l:f table CHHtte pl1yer Aquulue egulilor •et eng Nev9r In '1twtr loaded. $2200 dn, 1111 SAILBOAT. 25' Cl111lc g1ne S30. Stock dtltt1bu-l«Y'• I · Steak knlvel S50. WlcJler hMdboatd 642•1423 board 15. Portable dre.. 110. Blldl and wtllte T.V. S200 lot ... $ l 5oo/ or BST CASH mo 5 5 7 . 9 3 2 7 e v, Ludera. w/allp In Npt. ter with new vecuum 12.60. Hair conditioner 110. French prov1nclel Ung botrd 125. Multi· $30. Odyuey TV Pong C7 141 882-0907 OFR 535-2578 669--0500 di Bch $3.000/olr See 11 1dvahc• I 10. Trttler 50c. Bedlrame St. T,..._ bunk beds 15 each. WROUGHT lfOn tibia (old tired macnrne' l'lllngerl, game S10. 30 cup coif• 7 85 Meu .. r rifle. good · 28th St. Marina (213) hltcll for '72 or Mr'llet verM rod St. Perf\.ime Stuff9d llllmala tOln $2. m•ple l•f cteelgn) $50. llolda 8 pota $5. NMch-11\aker (MW) $10. Au«· cond. sioo. I IP MllSll 11 n IUIP&a 592-<&988 VW 8'11 $26. Sklle H"1 (My Sin) S3. Sleeplng Two beWI beg d\alrl $5 Four wrought lfon c:halre Point, crochet and 1tlt· 1e0 Swtae PICkat kntvee 752·5279 Rune. $60. 545 .. 3415 Obie hull. 85 hp Jollneon -19-8-1-2-5-. _M_a_c:G_reoger ___ w_/ 1&0cm wltll Look OT beg M . 01aae ..,_,bowl Md!. 9ea-«>f0 $50. Uk• MW OM tnflllt cf*Y klta S2.S10. Cotlt (new) $6-$15. Two Chef . mtr. IUIO bell lank, 24 trlr n~ HP As«lnn S8 blndlnQI $25. Yemeha ell Mt 18. W••tlnghouH c:.r ... t St5. o.rry In· bulletin boerdl $5. Sit· kntvee S20-S25. 35 gallon Ice Hoell~ geer, compl 85 H.P. Evlnrude motor. gt!. bit-In fuel tank, ·92 ooO OBO 714-59e::;243• erouncJ" flberglaae tkle ateam Iron S10. Bl1 .. 1 WEIGHT bench with lent peckp•ck $10. wrd•Y only 8·12. 417 equartum tank 120. Po-Mt. Ille 9-13 yr old. $50. lllle new. low hrt. $1900 lie'. lrlr & cvr $1800 wUll Marker blndlnge IWMP Maeter S8. Wood peddle bike attechnent. W h 11Ib1 r row I Ii . Oehfla. coron. IHI Mer. ker 1able 115. Adjultabll 8-44~989 8-42-7058 975-1385 8 fl SABOT Gre1t lhape. 125. 538-4!028 tray 12. 369 Retcam Ito ltftl, llent boatd and 552.,.1<&9 dreee form $20. Large oil Scub• Pro tanks, ael or Tuk Wood 2M BF Aa $450/obo. Place. 5"8-0331 prHe hold. COl'llplete NEWBORN blby ctothM. p1lntlng S25. Umbrella Must aell <2 boat owner) C1ll 644-59"1 CHAIN 11nk 19nOe 5ft, 8ft '50. 150 lb welghtl and SLIPPER chair 18. Lug· good eh1pe 25c-I 1. ty,.. cloth .. tine I lO. double 80'I & back~. to<ted. MIH Orede. Kiin '77 SHrey, 24' Cuddy -------- and 8ft 11 per too1. Pipe TWIN bed '46 Plywood blr'I $50. Two ten tpeed QtlQ9 13. End 1&.btM 1$, Potty ohelr S2. lnfan1 Pu°'1h lawn mower 115. S175. 493-8183 d r I ed . S 2 9 5 BF erul1er. Twn 470 I 0 WO ULI 'Mn~2'Mn 20<: per foot. ~ 842_20·19 111602 blkae (men'a) 150 Mell. 110. 011 P•lntlng 125 .... t $2, Stereo CUMt1e, Child'• Ute Jldlet S2.60. POOL TABLE w I 2131697•1609 Merci. Sl50 hr1, fish Save big bucksl 25 MW Phone polee $1.60 per TilarnM Lane, Hunting-54()..3811 Che9t ~·Com~ 8 trlCk, AM/FM toe> tum Bar clock $1. Door a<:CeNOrlea W•" 1111•) & 4.5 hp outbo1rd, lge boat rudy, S U ,900. Dyl LIMl'I used IOI' 3 d•Yt In toot. Lul'llber •II 111.. ton Bw:tl (~). OLD qutlte IWSO. DllMt S 1. C •ttng1dtall 3. 1abll $50. Speekert S25. chlmM 11. EUftka tank ping pong lbl top. $4'75, anchor. compus., tech, 213·271·_::31~5:V'' the O'Day llngte hMded 10o per foot. llrlok and and glHew•r• eom• C<tpe.~~1. W~I!' Eerlhtone couch and vacuum S10. Smell rug 760-8074 bill pump motOI' & mlec:. wlmd• 714 • ch1mplonahlp1. Fully btock 20c. Myton lllrP'I CASSETTE dick 150. ltlttcwe 11420. New and tabfe ._ ,_.. trey .... 1oV9 M11 $50 Mdl. Cllelr lhempooer S3. PllOtllnko Cell 540..38-42. I ' T tf a.at equipped. 20ttx20ft and leTger 10c Tepet 25c Nch. 0..k UHd beddln tt~l15. Bookl 10o-25o. Lampe $25. N9W aketebolnl S8. 110. IJertoue llH drapea NEW GOL~ all TM L-SIO<e per square h. Bulldlng $20. Bookoue 12. Clo-omen. Mt$&,, Hide-., 13, te. Cuettlone 50c. Two old ooucll .. 1 10 $1-$2 pall'. Room dtvlder 6:~~,~~~-7<~7 VHF rtdlo, s 2oo. Grey FHter, tuner. Mfer, than 824 w. 181h St, C.M. mat.,.. 11. 5'4-1et1 thee 11-110. a,otr1c :z bed 135. f'ooker tao. O~• ~r&o~ ~ MCll. Thr" TV'•, 2 at· s10. L•dlH ice ak•tea ~·;~:.9~~·1 ~~:v,e~dd~~ ~el:~ ~i0;,1~~2~.11r~: 842·084e ROTARY 111n ~ 135 pan 16. Com popper · lMnpe $2412. Sultc:&Me rr uec°:M. $5 '81~ mol1 WOfi!, l&-lt5. Wet 120. 2224 Laurel Piece fY. IMllt., 554· 1277 mlml tkl beet, 2 Maler, '81 LANCER 25. Sipe 6 4 tank type vacuum lee ortam freezer SlO. S3·19. Seturday only j 0o44' Artlftoal lult 15. S•turdey Ind offlrvtne. Newport 8Moh <.~.., ltttH ·-· John•-2hp outboard 45 HP Mere. 11,000. hinged mHt. Trtr Av.U . ....___ 110 MCt\ PUlh Book• 75c. Sllop va-t-4pm. 2081 '.t Tu11ln anm• t . I twndey 9·5pm. 2192 548-tea& llln .,_ ...,., 145-2730 S 4 500 558 787$ ;;;;-~11 cetcner t40 cuum 140. 1Jermlcull1• Ave eo.t• M..._ ollrletm•• tr•• .~· American Ave., Co1te ...... ;,............... S175. 1 · · • l30 . 50c bag. Flu1• l50. Mu-• Chlld'egemee25o-l1.au. Meta. MATCHING Plln• 6 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA 8<l0.t295 By owner 38 ft Grand _wee11 __ dY'_· ____ _ Plllrvln Mets ·Color lie .. ancU10 S1turday 8 4 DRAWER Ille ceblne1 410 Emerton, Ntwport epeeken l30 aadl. Un-Color TV Nie. 2 yr wrnty. Banke. Xlnt cond. Sleeps SAILBOAT! SAILBOAT! TV portable 150. Two tm-2 pm. (714) 548-319' 112. Pl•yr,•n Ilk• new Beech. Tulttn neer 2111. COUCH $40. Wood coffee Iqua folding upl\ol91erld 1148. FrM dellvery INtl ,,..., ltHI 6. 159.500 Fin. Av•ll. 14' !lint cond. MUST btllok, WI'"-portebet TV $15. WM1 nghouM fUO, 1Mle 135. Kitchen table cllalre I 10 each. Etee TV Jolln'e 8-48-1769 •••••'•••••••••••••••• 714·979·1850 wkda SELL $470 551-9145 Hta 125 .. ch. 1tH cte.'I and floor pollafw WHEEL CH A I A I 21. '40. Belly board t10. MlfllCOfd turntlble $40. .,C .. Porte bl• Color TIJ Clualc 19. L1p1tr1ke 714-a4o-aeoo Wknda ' . ae.c.ttc NWtng rMCNne GOLF Ol\lbe $3, AM~U. $12 NMt MW Ooodt1cfl W81tc., $25. Ad1Yet9* 8'ot maChlne o1w mW-548 3813 n " Century bey boat, 4 cyt, 29' CIHllc Sloql (L!Jder9 In oell!Mt. neecte bobbin golf otube '7. Fout tur· Lti7ill15 .... bel1ed,... .,. $16. ~ 1211. tort SS eect\, flS.0141 .... 1100. Gray. $3500. 875-8181 I $3900 buy1 • 29' fiber· , 0 I . N w pt • 11 p. otM SIO. P•nlaonlc QUOIN rlftOe 120 Mell. dtlll tire 110. AelalQI\ 10 lownge ctlalre S5. Um-"'8HINGpom blueaheltt ROTAA: rs-' jloi&-W 897·7409 28• Chrlt Crafl cabin I gla1t nevy whlll bolt, 124001080. 813-$54'1 ;f° 1= ': P: 1wo Men'• ta. 42 ._. ep..ct neecta r.-lubet = ':~:' ~ 18• Um-t 11. a.le ~ 111. D00!t,..4 .U ;:n,,.. TV INTELllJISON crulHr, 1ng. a tr•n•· 1 d I .. • 1 P 0 w •re~ · a.. 14 # .. JI Huntlnt~On BHcll' ~I~:. 't:::'tf! ~ .,..,~ 11rai1Qht.. ~ 126. =-.a'6. 8e11 1rout ti. Sierra m. 2010 8111a Ave, 1325. Ptua> tapea r1blt. rec1nt1y relur· 8-42•705e. 12500. 1213)22$4443 =I d I ci ,.A · •• •~ • ·-• __,.,.... Pl9Y._.,.. Women r tlll alze ul1r• 111• 114. Fly roct Cotta MtM. Home after 6'2·2640 ~ bllhed. belt tank, radio. 18' s1iv.r11ne, Mtrc 110 . n a a • • n -1cutatcw -· _. lug• w1ttt 2 Ct1111ra II. New 21 omens c 0 ng 11'. Otct bamboo end 1 Nwpt ellp Incl. Xlnt I wttrtr, deptll finder. c:.n· Sen1ana 525, beautiful ~~~von ~ .... e:::;n tqw.,lwm wllh ~end......!.4~·.~~ ,..... tl-411. New bOet ptn. rw-w-1-•tlfll •l'l•P•· I 11,500. vH top, 1970. l1H5. 1htp4'. 7'1t 11.p. Honda. oe.L ~. "'°"' ii: ~p;.;:. ~ and tight 009t S:.7 ;;;p .-;-awr M ~ nau10. 4fO eoew MeN vw ,.,,1: 'M luG front :::r.".~~........ t15-958S 548-1327 Ex tr u , s 13t5 o o. taO. ITMDU Crutcttet 110. Cowge; ~ ·~·~ = Me tremH '2. 0 Twln ..,_, C(Jeta W.... ;~e :.d,~ ~d:;; '='!_ ~rr:.._wrr:_ ~ •• lfUll 1 21· 1971 SklPJ•~ good 638-!"2 °' 547• '23. N11i' auller ..0 a fnOft-tun roof HO, Jftelry of ..... wltf'I oect9r ... met1rHI t 10. 801t (QO carton m8UtHI, rn· I Lug brllke OnAma vita. Call Cltncy, Winner of Character cond. fully equip Incl Shock 8el>Ot, ccwnpl. Yf/ tM.. ~ blalnMre IOf'9 =.; 125. ()ti.,..,. Md olOtllte otofft on ~ t10. led fr.,_ twin, fOf 110eP1te1 bed, S 10 eec:f\. Heeter boxee 631.otoe loel Puedt. 11' Xlnt trlller. 955-S.4' trlr, nice cond. 1400. bOOlll lnofwdtd t4f". I"°"· W.ne watotl ead\ -NO. ~ ... HeedboerCI aao .... Ind! MW 126. M0-1181 10411 MCll. ,.. .. bey crut1er. 12100 or .. a. I I _0_1_11-44 __ 51 ____ _ Avot1 1otct •h•tn 110. · ~ pflOne 145. top ,_.,,ent pedel1tl I: ~ ~ Hunttngton 9aectl, rowda 110 Met\. Heed• .. WA ,,.,,_ beat ottet. 178-7111. ••1 h 25 tt MllCOt9gor '11 1ral- Avon L•we ltrY 18. 1141 w, w.,on. unit 0-t i.bleand2ben0tletl10, eo!~.'::...ea1~ CHAllTIANbOOl{a10042. llatlt9 t 10411. Telllegtltt ._,_, 18' 90UTHCOAST ! ••• ~~ ••••••• !!! ler, 7.5 Hond•, extru. -IOI eo.ta Met&: (HM to att8dled to'*" W11neu 11\lrt1. new 17 eactl. Cen1rtftc411 dlto-""'':'X':T:T .......... ! O A EAT SH AP E 11 40' Vlklno IOI' Ch1rter ExOlllent COl1d. MeOOO. !UCTfUC !tot tlM °* OOUOH tao, M•tolllnt eurtaceJ· Dining tlbl• DIAT bike boOte. IWMd U-U. Ladt•• roller tr1butcw 115taCOM* '° fn'!!.ll 11,lf H000/080 548-0281 1 Fltlllng diving & •n· 213-37WD1 ............. txl lovt Htt 130. ftlrH ~f4~7~1•4~;2•~n!:~fi =-~ ... ~ •a1 .. 111. Men'a Ice ~~ ... tr:!= ae~'~j~~·;:;:;~"a;;~I before 2PM'. 8'5·1570 tutel~1un1 . C alf 1.IOOwltttA·11C1nl1SIO ..._ 11111• llO.. 9erdl =tton recliner 115. n ,80ts M It · 1111 ... 111. ltMt bOerd oomt*t• to cs•board '1IMr a...,,. 1 Aeltlna eft. tPM. I ea-2111. on.a19, 173-Mt7 t1t. ,.__. ':'toMal tao•a.!:.;PW::t::::l ot°ol';, Fountaln~1..; AOUNOepoou.-."'9de &::i..'~r.:,,::.; NO. •n fltnto right door lt.,oOo. (11') tit-Ifft' Oiwtron 21· te& Mero .., a.M....,. I =.r~Mrd ~; ...e MO. MaeGNna and (!d!npr~>· t:' :.;;-:4~ floor end wall pl.,1t•! t11, Nf.1111 OrulHr, l/louct O/ Newport. T1418S1·3800, .,,., 11111 MN ,,,,.... ..... 1 ,.,. ,.,,. tu. IH-loto CAA.., a.r1ar aa. ,... · 1 ... 10. ao... t0041. LADY'&•• 121. Tire tor 1 AUCTION , 1oa«1. '-o;w 1eno1'a~·.~11 ! 4M-4IOI •• !.!ftf ......... :-=J = • Md •· l (...,.. llM027). ~ llO. a. -. MllJ ::' "*'i':f"r 711-ot11 ' wnall car (U0·11>;:: I ;~11 ' '· ·I •• ,, ,.,,1~0· ltlbow Cow.. A ... ,..... ~ .... ~~ 1'111 vw ..::::,01~\8· ~ :. 'lfo.~" =. ::--~· .:I.11:.r=-Jf· '1;; : l,1:· ~ ot1111a : lMwt• ~lrid•r• tt· we11-l'A'!c.ma ............ , ;o:., ~ .~ .• ';':': • ' :•_,.I t"'uo. ''°"' eM.m.-;r. Y•rd•a• 100.,1.10., ~OO::.w;-,.:::.1 llO 1401 w. ~An·, •111.llHIM 41 ~n.,. ot•~•""'·ft:~ "=.::.1:~n;r~" MW100;.,_ .. ,.t ..._I l.1t1'f/-"-' tt. g:,:;:; C.:1 .... er. ....... • --=-.._·Ma. ._IDtUM dotfiouee aao.I W ~.... ; ~~11:::n1t ':'vf :~Y Day1 141-110;1 evei•Ptllf'.'YPtoIt'111em1o. I Oeotr•plltc. iriiy•oy • .,,.. ... IOo-ll. "°"' '40-1 :i l AQY8tlUN •nf 941.,._ end ltoGk ~ M&-nton54-llU (113~ 1 11 1100/lfto. Mtroue I. GM...,_.,._. w.al ~' .._ aun;. oMlrt 11.ea. CMl1I ~4 ITalL •"•'•e• =~ •• =o ••lion IT lllT Ill ...... ..... 1ctlarN.11W14I .., M•. j IOOd, ..0.. fOod llO .._ .O... ,.,.-0,... : t~••L.lntant•4 toctdlw 1 ld~t1/lf\. 4 ••we, . -..: SI011 l Ill_ • 'letllnt •ntthlno w1111 1 .... 1 , 11 ..._ 1n t-? 0 _11 ... CM..._. w ,1 1 ' _,. 1ae: I tQ041. lr!fWtt toye .W ..wc, I MMlftlltilCI. one 10 eeo. -' ~ Piiot Ol••lflaCI M .-,,oe,n •· u J r•o•,,_.. ......... ....,_ ------..;._-j l?MeM ... or.:;! =:n"T.:.:::·IMlll-.............. i0o-tot.1,.. 111 --.., .. ,.,,1 "•Ott oat• 1 10. l!!d\Poor5f4 S• I• e 11m1>1e metw , •• 1 :?:r,i.,ooftta,11eo. :r:..=..":=r .,......,..,..,.., ,, 11111 • v~_,,..,....... L .. w,~ ___ ... ....,. t ....a 1----""" .. ........,.. ,_ __ _ _.. . ' J : r Orange Cout DAILV PILOT/ Saturd,y. Augu1t 21, 1982 Cl ~·-• l!ff •r·~ "'" -= 1Mf IAw .. fM'IJC ... 11.ft A·~1~ft!!ff ..... 0 11.~.tw.t~ ...... ~ ... ~ .. ·.1~mttt ....... ~Jt•.~ ...... ~ ... '!.'.lf!r.!ttt ....... ~1.'!!1.!'1!'!.'11. .... .. ,,A'ltlf .... i .. 0. ... .. ... tt .......... ... ~;; ; .. ;-~ · 1 PH llf! ............ 11.~f ~.'1~ .......... llff P!Mf.m ....... r/.f? !l\Ufll.fffll. .. 11.ft "1m!. ......... llff Y.IJP..'!'n' ...... t/!f :::.::,··~···~·~a .,~.,,,. IP•~. ~ ....... i4=o' CASH ,, 1110 .. fr auto._,...,. ACCO"O .• tpO ..... MU.teeut. 1Ml1IOIL. 1m .... '"'"' ~••u or o.,,,.; "°°'~io~:rc' 111.1'12 oon.c1. 1~a1•'•~~:: ;:;o:~2~m: 0, .. ,,, t•d w1tt111 beth topel tt•.... , ..a ~n -~ .. I ,.... ttlOO. • _ • '•otory PIP•"· compr Tiiie °"' ttu rterY ~ TNI one.,...,...... 19 --------l•rt H.D ltt0f1atw, dMll, 1HI Ollrytler New'°n . lllll J.,.a Hlf lll1tOtY, f0t eppt Of Info (4t .. MO). OIHn I read 10 gol • "lt1rfll h<IOO. Mden, rrii1n, ont. "1H, ,. W * * ' l I ••A•n .......... r:~ .. oall J(evln, 141-ITIOi MLY llffl 1115111, Y ........... ~Har· fWUf.1141 A0, 11a&0 14M001 • lllUT z•Z•• 'Tl XJI. Xlnt OOftd. Muat 15t·f1at ... bot-loo. N••r Publl~ ,.,., olaulo •u Old• at•• H.,bof llvd. "''° °"IO OWN!" Mil. l'l~~t°2':4 M..... II.Ill IT Doqli. 116,000. IM-2ut ..,., ._., "19/ hpe r "· e•o. conct. COITA MllA lUD mftll ... 2 .... • •• 1~ IM9 nu wtlllWMll • -10AT ILIPI A'IAILAILI: ,_,,.,_.,.. llM owned by Llttle Old Ml ... 11 111-... -.., Jaguar XJ·12L lmmecu· ::n-............. ,..-•• , 11711 8wfl Blvd. '9LllW ... Newpott IMC.II 4'0' Cell ..... ~.':'J~ ... .-... ,.,';T 'uectein& Lady 20 IOO 13t 2C>40 ~ '11 2IOZ, '1lf oond., 419d, lele UI< ml, trecle for 1111 -Hunur191on 8Mch 111t 1 8eeoh Blvd eo-ou fr~m 9.a Atnt: H ' motor home, ml Makaoffw. M2:oi11 WI PAY U..a• ~· amlfm It•«>. lllnt oonc1 tete model Van aeme W111 142·2111 Hun11n9ion 9eec11 Mon·''' , llpe I,~~· J..,., XKt40. TIP llWI HA02 M~lt• Pkwy ~;!~'· Cell 181·84'01 value ffO.O.tH ==re~~ l 1111 ....... 111 Ml·IMI 14AC* 4'0 ft mQOflng wlttl , , Roecltt ... 11600 MIMIOn VleJo , ...... Al• ,,,4 ., ·-It ft lnboerd, auper loo. 79 Vogue 29 , rNf' bath, ~1·M13 or 7~9" P• 1111 11111 (AY9tY Exit off i.6) 72 O.taun 6t0, auto, •Int ••••••••••m~........ ••-.lit ~111• '':JM'' '83 VW auo rlblt ~· ~_.,, • .,111\1\ 10 .. M 25,000 ml, 1mm11e. Ml. .....__ 8 .. ~da"'" cond .. H,000 mllea. 11'fl -••••11 IMPllTI Lt-.... :11 1 t ........ ••usT BEL 1 ,_......,,. ""· 000. PIP 64'8·5023 '84'~ Mu1l•1J8 Coupe, AUi 111111 .,.,..., -· ,. Suner clean. ttllO. '"' 9S11¥11 _, xn """""""' IMM734 mint, new 21t engine, --i•-••i Hlt7a3 Ulllll 1111 141 Dove Street •''" A 1 r11r tr l t650 OBO Ht-2832 · fr.ala... frHtl 1111 auto tran• faotory air, ~·--111\r ~~ (lte&4'). Don't mlu thlt Nl!WPORT BEACH 11,llO •Ht w1rr= ~ .. ,. I~' .•• ~7 •••••••• ~••••• p/a, or111lnal owner. 24IO HetbOf l lYd. ~Y~ '71 Oeteun taoo. 35MPO real cltoule fOf 'fll.... --..a .. _ '!~~~~~~~~~ ii/ ,,,. 81 Alratr~am 11 . 8•1! 14'000. 7141414-Htl 11 COSTA Ml!8A aa. .... &ervfce·leulng 1300/010. NHd• r•· OILY 11411 -• -llff tt 1110 YW ...................... con1:,i::, ::_1~ no ane 2t.M42~1. 141..... 'II Hll'l lrt l•rtl pair. c.ir Stevee3t-6H7 Ml..... ·~MMc'!:i.ax~~ ~iJ.MI •Nrttltttl Otll 111 0-.I 11' Tahiti, l15hp Mere OM ' bcallbur SerlH 1 .... Mt-1'11 Nice a.i.otlonl •et DATBUN MAXIMA 867-2395 ., IN.. Thi• On• I•. "Pop-Te>p" ~5o~:.J;.a:c' ~d. TtlJlf!~ •• ,tJP.'T..!~~ ~!~°!1~~~'t t~~:~l: WI llY (~t·l:v~2; • IPd .. an/rt. ~~lr'~~f.P~~~ar 11~~.!!~d. ·79 MGB. whlle~ wire 833-1300 mOd.,• <12•eAI!). 17' BOSTON WHAll!R, bl cro: oountry. alngte M•rt)' dar:• 973-t34'5, OLUI IUI • '19 3201; auto., A/C 'llt B2t0, M400 Hunu .. ton IMch WhHla, tape deck, 31 , OILY 12111 Montauk, too h.p. Evtn· n:.~ •. ·;::~n:·b~~~~ ~ 17S-~ Ill...... (5417750) exoell. eond., lo ml .. ·MM ~~~~:::.;~t cond. --,-.-,-.-... --... --.--! -.... Nde, low hrt. "'"' oond. S4'1-CM38 an 8. T ·Bird ... landau, Bot I" • '79 320I; .. JP(I., IO•• M2·88" ., ...... ---, YILllWMU t9150. No lrall•• naw by famoua actor cMdl (778YPC) - _ .. _ '79 MGB. ltd Edit. Xlnt 11' OHPI 197tt 9eac:n Blvd 845-04IS. A•,. l«rln, lull ltlnt orig, new Mlol\: * '80 3201; 5 apd., 1t1/r1. '~!.2~i,~4 ~!i ~:.·~::: .. ~~::i•·.~~.zi:; oond $8000/bll olr Option• Include an AMI Huntington Beach .t ......,,_ H1f '37&0. 87t-295a. (668ZOK) ,... ~ • _... · 997-9258 or 77t-2614 FM Thi• one'• ei1ra ••• .w 111 IUT •••••••••••••••••••••• * '80 5281; auto., anlrt. MOOO. 8t85. llll YW cteanl (307MEF). -•·•-~~~~~·~~;'i~~/O A:•0~ J~':.k.~•b,~ 8" c:i. ~r.r~' <•eezot~l-1111 ~~!~1~01,;'J,~n ua1•• 11111 '1!.' ............. 1!.~f OILY 11111 ~~1~!~';!R!~.e;i-J50 lranamllllon lrOfn S185 6"6-9078 208 W. tit. Santa Ana througl\ou1. Tepe declc." Thl9 one la a convenlble '71 Opel Wagon. Rbtt •ng M IUllH 957-8178 ~5-3"t5 fr.....,UllM & up. 554-tl50 •HIHllM•I -llYD CIONd Sunday •Pd lrana, xlnt mpg. mod.,I (tBIP283), ~1~~e $900. Call YILllWlll• •• ~-. ........ ••• Auto..,...,, Stude« ne.ct• u....&.1. 1 "" '3100 llST IHI tl7 t 1 Beach Btvo 1111 YW ....... ,.__ ·-· ~7 rS96l1n Top dollar• lor 8porta CHOICE INVENTORY ..... 1•""' .. ···-Hunu-ton Beach _.,.,.., ~• project•. '70 to '82. Imp ••••••••>••••••••••••• c are, Bug•. Camper1. .. .. .-....,., .I -1 1141 ... Jal 1111 & C>c>mMtlc am cert, Ille VACATION SPECIAL 9,...,, Audi'• VOLU&ME SALES ,79 290zx. black l>Muty YllllWAlll .!l'A!!!. ••••••••••••• , ___ 14_2_·_2_000___ Equlpm1ent lnc1u,de11 •••••••••••••••••••••• truck•. N•'1 total•. IS '76 GMC Van Conv. low All< fOf U/C MOR w/go4d trim. ale, am/Im t87t t Beacti Blvd. LUii i 1112 ·~73 Poractte 91.t 2.0 Lo ~~~~~3s,!~~n• • r 1970 Det1un, ovarhaed Sal/9 Money SI -no j\.lnk. mllH. icln1 cond. Muat -•••-• ate reo ~aaa, Im mac. .... .... 11~ton .. _....... n•-IOI I 1 1 d S"'500 cernper, Mlf cont., alpa 2nd otllce Hrvlce . Mii. M8-8t23 -~ .,.,., _., •• m . exce con ,. OILY Sllll 3,reblt.St970.873-3tt3 213-944-84'52 4 n..J lhl"' lfll tS~~~d Ill llltLlllEll S7900.W8-0e29 14 ·HOO Tlllt lllllL I negotleble 548-5374 .Ill IUllH •fwl•lll llJtn 1141 PAINT & Ille body wortc. • ••••••••••••••••••••• HUNTINGTON BEACH W fnrul fflJ '70 Karmann Ghia. 25K ml $ 9 I ltH•/t 1155 YILllW&IU •••••••••••••••••••••• up to 60% off your body llM Tim& .. , 2'00 Sale&-~L ... lng •••••••••••••••••••••• on rbll eng, am/Im cau, 28 ...................... 1871 t Beach Blvd 'll .-& UPllll •MP"'· BIH 53&-9832 •H PIOllP • 850 ~='•Blvd. IUlll MlmlDl'I :~:.• .;1;ni:,,~~,t~r.W::~ IEW Huntington Beach lt75. 7152-0558 Mark Ill PUT -Thi• one ha• 1 camper WAITED! 1•2 llll llU ~ tr~dea. 5156-4380 or alt p ... month plus tax '12 llHHlt Le Oar 1'2-2000 '82 PUCH-MAXI, brand S2SO 83t-7570 Mike lhell & AM/FM. (t3.445). Late model Toyotia, • • PEllUll 7, M8-<t 173 <t9 month cloaed end IHY te OllHH Fr••·. 1 · •LY 11111 Open Sunday leaae on approved ere· Ex Bucket Seal• Rally 7" VW Bug, rblt eno "'· MW, ne119r uaed, 14'50. (2)L78-15 Champion Fl· •••-VolVoa. Pickup• & Vane. , MAI ERlllft '70 Ghia, AM/FM caa1.. dll. Cap coat-ll5, 138; Mags. Rack & Pinion nu tlrea. xlnt cond. 840·8801. leave maa-reatone whltewalla, gd ---Call od nu Ur" iclnt cond red 11650 cash required. Steering, Front Wheel $2500. 842-16a9 aege. tread. M9/pr. 5"8·5633 YIUIWllD f!l.'J ...... ~ ..... !J.~! l'~!lj $2950. 982-3292 . ' Cc.me In and ask for de-Drive & Morel '63 Baja Bug. 1835 eng., '79 MOTOBECANE. Un· Super Shell H70-15 1871t Beech BIVd. '82 CAPRI •••II 113' tallef (Ser.16685). EPA Est: 30 city, 40 hwy dual carbs. Must aellf der 100 ml'". haa baa-Xlnt tread, w/rlm, 136. Huntington Beach TOYOTA·YOUO * I.I.Ill * 1 ••••.,.•••••••••••••••• IUOH llNllTS $4981 S1000. Call 673-29t2. ll•lt, S4'00. 64'0-880 t 5"8·5833 .. 2.JtOO St..,. on the accelerator • _ _ _ ·~8 Dove Str-1 '65 BUS .. IMl/9 ,.,,_.....,... "" H.tier ""' ..... -~ ~ .,.. -(aertal o 1 t380) · exc mec: • ., new .. ~.,... 075 Bla.z.er 4'x<t. Re bu lit c" .. .,.,.. and unleaah 5.0 fllrff of NEWPORT BEACH WE 'VE GOT FUEGOS! tlrea, 12V system, 1750 77 Puch Newport, 2000 A•IH #I la/1 trans., xlnt oond. 13500. .... .... tJOhrUO-t4u PURE POWERI Equip-3100NWeat C~~~hHwy. US 1errm, 712•0100 ••••tE A••tf OBO 8<t2-3210 mltea Very cHlan ap.,.a-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • ped with all the options ewport .,.,... ._ -· r'ance Runs ~real Muat IMPORTANT NOTICE Mllc• 631•75.70 to crUIM In comfort. Th• &4'2-94'05 ·-1.1EEP/llElllLT '81 Rabbit convert Ghia, ' . TO READERS ANO -.._ •••a H"'"'--h I ---'I •• od C 11'f• --E--auto trana met paint He $250. 4'9 -2753, .. DVERTISERS •••I•• ,_. ._,....,t caa m .. ...., ately Ll..,ITED pr uctlon a-..-~-•• 252.t Harbor Blvd .CM. , . Mike The ;rice ol Item• ad-·~ao···~::.~:;.·4;4•,;k:itu•p•• lor your vehicle. Do-prt with high qutput en-Fl•I 11ZI I04 ltEllL 549-8023 6"5-7770 ;Ph~~~ =~~~. a~m ~=: Moto.._. ___ 50VUC, xlnl vertlMd by vehicle d... ........... meatlc or fo reign . glne won't l•tl (830MO) •••••••••••••••••••••• Sunroof, AM/FM atereo s8890 l b .,......., * llTll•I * 55t-8285 Just need rellabi. party 11'fl NT & low mllea. (916MIG) 11111 l•r.~• ITS ease or uy. cond, blue, eurf rack• Jere In the vetllcle claul-Get real hlgtl with thl• 10 make email monthly ll/I lllPI ........ ............. Marty day• 973-1345. Incl. $290/obo. 760-02<t7 ~:!i:c'::''fni:u°d°!u':~ sporty brn. mellllllc 4AYf!> A•IH ... ,,. r:·:~.~om~~ ~n~:~: .. lpeed tranamlaalon & HI Uol r.J 1u-c1'1111n"'11ts "I DEALER IN U.S.A. evea 673-13<t4 •-Jn/ ...... u .. -b,. t 1.__..._ com~lete w/ahell, ..,/ ••••• '1,,,.,,-........... an A'•/FM. (StOS5). .. •01 T UI • IVY CARVER 72 BUG, rebll eng, xlnt ._ .. ,.. ............ .. •• --· FM/ B -u I All ·-~ 11-pmll. due. Alie fOf Roae ... " ...... ID I ~t.n fl SI tranafer feH , finance • gu_. M Of IV•• -WJ 8 .. 2_.. .. 00, Proto UM. ateal at ....,., .,.. A. 1148 Dove Stree1 cond. new radla •· amf •••••••••••••••••••••• chargee. 1 ... fOf air P<*-w o r k O o r P I a Y •••••••••••••••••••••• --------llLf 12111 SNf ft & NEWPORT BEACH ~ f C_~ Im llareo casa . aaklng Yamaha OT 175. Street lullon control device BUT...D N'T DELAYI 1111II.fl11111 1111 ... , 112-llOO l'LJL..,l..J l'l..../l~C::. S2300 494-9606 legal, mint condition, llke certlflctlitlona or dealer l:~~~r~~\~.~~ lftlll •WllTlll.I IAPll OMPI M .... lfllf -.. "' llll -HUT ~=-~~ ·~~~1~ '81 V1nagon camper, 10K new with only 350 mHea. documentary prepare· •mall monthly pmte. No One OW!* car. (02830). Thia one l\u an AM/FM YIUIWMll PAGUnl n; ••-CLOUD SUNDAYS ml, AM/FM Blaupunkt Call Marti 81 MS-203S. II tlon charges unleu ...... ~tr·-a to··-~. •Y 11111 18711 8eeoh Blvd. 1m 1&111 rt.t1SIU UUOJUI H4 W--cau $13,000/0BO. no 811-· pleaM keep otherwise specllled by ""'v~• -· -.. ~ and 11 ••tr• clean I Air cond., AM/FM cas-S.•i 1110 t-828-18<t6, 1-7384t97 trylng. .. evenlnga beat. the adver11Mf. :: = ~~~~p~ IUOI llNllTI (91SoiLY 12111 Hu'Ul~Ho.8Mc:h Mazda '79 RX7. Xlnl cond aette & auxiliary fuel ···1ii'i·w·ilil.··· '71 Ghl• All llOCk clean 1978 Husky t25 MX. to Aallt•n/ U M, N~~= ~~H •• ••-.79 Flat Spycler 2000, xlnt Auto. air. lo ml 36.500 tank. -(2061xx1L1>.111 '""Toi••u ~nonadnd7ou701_6~021oo ·excel ~! o00NndLY11~~'!!,_ Mcuaaltl Cln•in 1•-LARGEST 112-0toO • -cond, lo ml, new top, S&950• 497•393o - -~ ~ -· "" ~ J-Y ... •-••a IUCI 11 .... TS " speed trans,. air oond , --------Mattt at 845-2038. tt no •••••Miii•~•;;.t••••• JEEP DEALER -~-B caa1, 1 5800 Firm #tnMft ••• 1140 rvn AM /FM cauette & In '70 VW camper van. fully an ewer, pleue keep I In The W81t '76 Alfa Romeo, xlnt cond. !,l'71 / 1 ~-~~· 675-04'68 •••••••••••••••••••••• 8<t8 Dove Street g 0 0 d c 0 n d 11 1 0 n equipped w/orlg equip. trylr19 ... evenlnga beat. Snay repllc:aa; pickup• & Hu UMd J~ $4'000 or trade. Call uni ng on.,_,,, NEWPORT BEACH 1,.88REO). Good cond. Aeblt eno .. coupea. " to choose •'78 Jeep CJ5, Rene-Larry ~8832 142·2'00 *f&UJASTIC* ll2-ot00 llST IHlll runs great. Good radial•. NI •111111 from! (006768) (Stk. gadewlthottroadtlr .. & ----------,..-:--------"'"' rool rack. must sell. Wllldellvel'upto50%olf A3093).Prlc81atartlngat wheels.AM/FM A•ll 1101 '79 caprl,loadedw/xtru, * fl•TS * , ..... .,L, 11•0 IUCH IMPORTS S2300 548-6906 or (Co n•71 ••99a. •••••••••••••••••••••• good cond. $4000. n ..... ~ ell wont on atreet & dirt llLY 11,Hll 1 v..., .... • 11ll "Ill S..8-4'74'8 •••••••••••••••••••••• 84'8 Dove Street 642-1625 bike•. Aleo ATC & •'79 Jeep CJ7, Off road • --------tlJ6E SELECT'°" NEWPORT 8EACH 6 -9-8u-g-.-A-M-/F_M_ca_s_a.-n1-n-9 OdY9MY. For appt. call tlru & wheela, AMfFM Pll '74' Capri. 4 apd, 4 cyl. PRE-OWNED MEISTER 112-0HO nood, nds paint, $l400. 848-9580. tape. Less than 301( ml. Option• Include air con-nice condo. $ t4'00, ,.,,.., a MllllM4 • (aBWU50) S5989 dltlonlng & an AMfFM. 6"0-.594'9 call aft 6. ~, ,.:=:; NllSOIE/ 1111 '78 Seat>. Super clean 5 drl-"-9_"_-6_8_75 ____ _ THEODORE ROBINS XL 250 Honda '73. Good cond, rune g reat. $4f5/0BO. 6'45--0t77 FORD PIS, AM/FM 11 ... eo, low llLY 1•111 '74' Capri V-6 ~&H Ml· .Jl'"IUU\ • ,,,_ ... _Gr-roof, Auto. 983-t579. S1500 I • chelln llrea, lo ml. nu ....,....,, v•• •'91 Jeep CJ7, • •pd, (95184). FIAT "_...S 1 t3831 Harbor Blvd. GLE.1.ow, lowmltesl Sunl ·73 vw Sqrbk m . . FIAT X l /9's ..... ~ • _ _.__ 14915 ns-..381 YAMAHA 100 Enduro, lo (1APM993) 17989 -..... paint, Oflg own &«-2228' _ _..... ml. 1.1~.°',,l~ao.2 fOf flat\. -.53-S-1 .. -...... -b.-..... -C-.. -a_-.,._-. OVER 50 JEEPS YIUIWMll -., "c:a-. f,.. LNshlc ,...,. 1112,'72 Spr Bug. laat, rblt, 1060 HAA80R 8LVO COSTA Ml SA 64) • 0010 g&illl' ..,..,...,..... 5 na...,.11 c-pe. Nl'c..,a" ...,....car'. TO CHOOSE FROM 187tt 8eadl Btvd. C./I 1111 M Widn C.llllMll 114 111•2113 •••••••••••••••••••••• tnrl, AM /FM, nu brks, .. -·-• llllT H ti 1 "---h ••• •••••• ••••••••••••• S•Jee..Servlce-laaalng v • r y c I ea n 12 5 O O ·n Kewuakl LZ &50 New $3750. 213/592-1792 -un no on ...... '77 COLT S1800 -----,----,---,--I 1&111 llAll 5"8--67<t6 continental tlraa, 5600 -------111/.lllP/lllllLT 142·2111 1112 PIUOll HUI c=---:--~---:---Of'G mllea. 840-9008 he4 ..... 1eMe4 2524 Harbor Blvd., CM .,5S7t8,!1td7erct91,.!!~·t5 I 1f 011Pf I '70 VW Sq~. Rblt eng 6"tM023 Ms.n10 II a.. MM Tlfh • .., .....,....,_ T"''"' ~ 11 lmm-·tatel IJ1a2MI UMMI S1850 Ywnahll motor__._, wtlh t946 FOfd Woody We-·---....... c II .... 7 .... vi~ tVV'l S13 000 26,000 mllll, lulty loaded •Y 11,111 (1r'-'F517). --------•, ___ ,_ .. _ .... _._....., __ _ hellMl l1SO. ..~.. ' · 1973 Ford Truck, 350 t f d Llk ~ f~· 1115·-eea-eo1o 192"' F d ............ AT ton, slake bed, V8, • 19d ~~n;oo s ,\d .. c6o oeo· '74 Colt. •Int running I O=t ..................... '68 BUG Rblt. New ra- • Of ..,"""' own 1ran1 rebll, dual wttla, · • · eond .. good llr ... 73.000 ---------•••• 117• TITITI d i els Cosette. Xlnt '78 Honda 750 with Fil· Saden, S1 0.000 \umber reel!, 12900. 6 4 5 • 9 2 1 t Ev• I · mllea. BEST OFFER. '70 Flat 850 Spyder Con--_.,.. 1 a paint. body & lnl S1875. rtng. $1200 or beat offw 557-0058. 657-NM days. Daya 857-2619 verllble, new brakea, ftlllWAlll ---861-3982 771-1852 1983 Sludebak ... Aventl. --------,79 AUDI 5000 now clutch. n-trana, t87tt 8Mdl BNd. (9-199). Thia extra deerl!-.. -.66-8-00-589--5-. d-.,-.- '73 KZ 900. 20,000 ml. 15500. 675-6t8t. '72 Luv w/ahell, atereo, Sunroof, crulH, a le, .. ,,.. 11. need• top, tome ~t Huntlng1on Beaot1 c.r "••l•tYMll •11ffl •7"4.t. Many more to Many extraa, vetY good '8" Cad El Ootado con-ve<y good c:ond. 12000· It ... «> caaa.. toaded. xlnt •••••••••••••••••••••• body woril, rune v~· ~~~~~~~~~! "2·2tl0 choo•-lrom PETE'S ahape. lt200 559-011 t ve rt. or I g & x Int. OBO. 846-91"6· cond. 17000. L.nl lffD $900/0BO. Good eum· = ~~---,---"'.'"""'.~~I -.... AUTO SALES 6"~2886 . ... -· -·-17.000/ofr. PP. (213) '78 Courier P.U. Rblt 1800 675-74'24'f67S-9565 12.7., mer car. Chet 548-5883 '"" n WITI '8092.t Turt>o, toaded. '80 ..... •sw••a - --696-7825 CC eng. Roll bar, mega, -7-8-A-ud-1-5000--.-,.-9-.000--m-I. ,. '1" ,28 Spider, n-re-Pl*I 924'. Take over le11e1 •--- lnt ... ltate, 4'50 ml. P·A Urea.. Smog cert. 810 1 f $"'~"" OBO An. avell. O.A.C. dials t>att-e11c1nca.r -llWlt plua get S 1,000. 18711 Beach Blvd S5000. &45-14".t '50 Alla Romeo 250058, 6 Mon th r u sat ar, aunroo · '""" · h U... 12 79·5 ..... ;-:,: ... t · Over 100 new & uaed 7t41825-1808 Huntington Beech '71 eus. reblt eno. am/fm casa. redials. $2350/obo. 6-45-6921 x t r a en g & I ran a . 7141898-4'822, days. IMl2·8 t36 • · .......,..., Mercect.-Benz.. COme In ---------1 142-2000 '79 Yamaha IT250. ~d $7000/ofr. PP. (213) --------1 -A_utla ____ Hl ___ l_'/i_ll,... TllOll '77 Flat X19. Stereo, A/C, & conalder our leae .,. 117' P111111 eond. ·1750 Of trade Of 698-7625 69 FOfd Ftoo, ve. " spd, ••••••••••••~•••••••• 111ce ,_, $4.000. rangementa or long t-1TI 11• 2.0 OllPI tlon da 185• AT C .--------AC , new llrH , bod y '65SPRITEMARKIV 73\.134'5,83-4 .... 540 financing. (tAJF198).Thlaletblack '74 Corolla Wagon, 4' 1pd 1/c, N-paint & tires Ruoa/look1 1111. S t650 Bat olr. 957-0440 8"2-403" Old• 98 Convert. 1949, atralght , nda paint. Conwrt, rebll mtr, ,_ FIAT_..... HouM of lmporU, Inc. ~ty won't, .. , et --------1 orig .. 85,000 ml. $5300. St350. 4'94-6875 clutch & radlala. clean. _.s_ DIAL 213 Of 71jl OILY 11411 .,, RZlll UllD All. GA. <t04-352-2222 --------,~----7 F 12 I 1 • W/EXTRAS, MOO. San" '71 Toyota. V-6 Buick. S 1190. 873-31 t3 2M5 Harbor 81Yd. ' 4' let 4, m nt concl, 83 ·2333 1lll TlftTI oave 5•s.5357 Muncie 4 lfMHld. Maga, lllFI 11U 7W54'0.e.tto ~'~~"!~:·~:? ~~ -.e-1_3_ao_s_E_L_: -Un-d«--9-.000-1 Y•IUllllWM•D OMIW ---------1'6" Bulok. 2 dr. like new. •hell. $4000 lnveated. ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• 1 I UOO mile•. Orient Red, '7t YAMAHA DT250 elec-35.000 Oflg. ml. Appral-$1500 or trade ? '84' brakH, I rH . · Chrome Rima . .Sunroof, t87t1 Beech Blvd. Thia one ttu only 20,000 tronlc Ignition, apec Md at 12500. Belt oft... Corvalr van. Auna good. 1llO In 1111 642-3289 perfect cond. $4'4',000. Huntington Beal;h low, low miles! (770XZM) al\ock1, hardly ridden over l 2t50. '350. 645-2730 Mark <t lpeed Irene. & In ex· '76 124' Spyder Rdl1... Wkdya 7 U f557-0711, Nl·HOI OILY 13411 _'250;;:=· ;;;;M;;;;2;;;;-64=2;;;;1===:!.-=-:-:-:;-:-":-99:-:""-::-1:1-::9-:-:-::;-.76 Oataun P.U. 4 •pd. cellertt condition! llml1ecl New met. bronze paint, • "• 1 1 wk n d s ,. IUllll 1 2000 eno •• Weber carb, warranty avallable. 1tereo tape, rune very 7141875-2464. '12 PORSCHE 914' Y""" •tw•tll •---.custom tall ,...ta (Ot58). good, $3350. ---0-----Xlnt oond, $5500/0BO. _. • Boat picture ads provide ' I I 29' Etlceort Fully equipped crulee, 8 uh. UHF. comp .... cover1. P..tec:t condition 118,500 123-45e7 Set your cowte for faet ealee wtth • Dally Piiot boat picture ed. Each Saturday, the Dally Piiot wtn off« you ad epace that not onty detcrtbel your boat, but plctur• lt u weft. TM ptlc:e 11 guaran1Md to buoy your tplrltt -'4S It we •• the picture, and only $40 If you provide the ple1ure for a 2 cotumn 3" ad. For fYr1her detallt about how Olllty Piiot boat plct\lre adt OM wortl for you and to ---YoUr' ad. Giii 142wM71 end -for a.tty LM. .....,.._. .,.. ltT •••m 1ft (213)835-0271 '79 300 " door Mdan. 640-8867 1871 t Beach Blvd & lntr. Cua tom paint. -1213u:: .. 7 ,.,,,39 Perfeot cond. Low ml· '.":"""."-:--.,,,...-----111/n 111·4 $3500 /o bo. Ricky 15'40JemborMR09d ,.,.. ..,,,. .___ ''-h ..... _ .... •7•9t1T mint..,.....~ Huntington Beach r1 • __... '-'V t '"'''" p,.y ply v • ~T• ·--··2 2000 • • u•• • •u• • • • •• • • • ••• 540-7818 NEWPORT BEACH Ill!~~["""-...~~~ • ..,,. l1IJ Day 5"6·835~. EvH eng. S18,000 Of trade IOf ------·----# 1 Ytl .. ltllef '79 'h ton Chevy p4c:llup, IO •• •••• ...................... 873-5"9" Meroedea dal 780·7371 '8 t CELICA GT 5apd . air, II frM&e 0...tyl ml. xlnt oond. M695/ofr. -;=:;;;;:;;~;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-&;,,;,,;;;;;~..ii;iiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;m;;;o;;:11 _. ..... , '80 4'50Sl. allver, grey Int .. '77 Porache 924', $1500 crulH , AM/FM llareo. 844-t395, 780-t<te8 We can tlelpl a.f°'9 YoU 33,000 lrwy mllH. Im-below wholesale, lo ml. Ult whl.. catm wtlls. xlnt SllE• lllYIOI u l•"I DATSUN buy,c:t'9Ckourunbeat• m a c . S 33 ,500 . Sunr1,AC,<tspd,alloys, cond S6595 OBO ., r.., <161 & * ,,_ • •••• * ble Hleotlon. Hvlnn1 7t•'u~2<t7. perfect allver body. 662-2357 Ill LUllll •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... • ..... • ~u-. '75 Ford Va n, 60,000 A HIS AND HER MOOELI and MMce today! 177 450SLC, blue/tan Int. Slunolng blk Int. Rune •77 TQY . .t-whl p u . 5-ap, OVERSEAS Da.IVERY mllea. Nna good. S2300. t-Auto., 1·5 lpeed •tlclt. •Mllm wlrH . aunrl, 122•750. fantutlc . Never hit. r bad, ll'lell, alep bum· EXPERTS Call 962-os45 S~leealng both have Lux. Pt<g. w lllll I IDYlll 8"2·7866, ,...9559 16150. 5"8-12<t5 per, push bar. nu cluleh Ford '&9 E200. auto trana. nu 9U1P., Cept. cnn. ao- labed, V-8, good cond. 12750. 842-9094 1111 ... Tllamea Van. Graat fOf work Of aurt. 1695 080 Mo..5144 ... ,.,. '"""" Wl1ti PoP top, ,_ Ur ... neo# lrana. Need• work. '750. 557-~129 pow. wtndowa, alf cond.. 66 912 Porache, orig S3500. 642-9726 an 6 UILI Ill ~CARVER ~~:i. ~~a.: ~· 28~rra::e~· '75 450SEL. ~1~. ownr. xlnt cond. An re-·79 Corolla Deluxe. 25K. 'YllYI fCU5 R:.X'E·l\\lfW both. (oe8ZSR) (150721). 18-1148 ~. :..~S:K ml. 0 0 rd 1 · $ 6 · 7 5 0 • Mutt Hll. Xlnt cond 1966 Harbor Blv<t. ..,., _..,, ,. ,. ..... .,, ,.,~ Juat need rlilable 7t4~e7s-755" S3950/oller. 646-3838 COSTA MESA ~"""'..,,"'"1• ...... """' to make amall month Honda, Toyota, Datlun. ·~~n~~!,~·=~=: 'II 111..... f'tt•••" 1112 ••·HOl lfO·l•l '72 BMW 2002, n-en-pmta. No old contrac11 an mak ... $1911doll 11. 67,_..728 5 lpeed, Alloy wheels, S •••••• r. •.••.......... '86 VOLVO 122s, com- glne, good 11ereo, good to auume. No back No tat or felt. No clepoo trim. Good mec,..anlcal 1110 11111.,. ple1e1y restored, nw cond. l3500. 642· t489 pmte. due. Alie for Ill. No lie fM. Oel1V8f'I '78 450SL, Miian brn w. 11\ape Need• body wortc S2200 6-45 253" 8"2..,....00,Proto UM. eny ...... ~anyCaJ bamboo lnt,Mlch.1lr" l<t ,500. 63t-H21: lllOHPI motor, . -. '79 5281 4 lpeed, leather. ltM l&Tlll °""" ow ooei. Alt 8•ver• w. aMoya..t Mexico cue .• 2 8"6-lOOO Option• Include air cond. '68 t4<tS Sdn, xlnt c:ond .. BBS whHll. E•C•ll•nt Leuing, 134-0119 topa. a18,900. Dye & AM/FM. (1AP0224'~ good lnl 'paint I tl!'M, con d . It 3. 5 0 0 · llOD 2+2 MIPI M4-t"83; 1111 8"6-3330 t990 911 SC. Imm oond.. OILY Sllll 11800. 875-11178 EYM & 644-8325, 559-644'2 Equipped with flVfll'Y toyl 76 CVCC Wgn, 4 epd, xlnt ·-· 'l'f •-* leather, aun rf, alarm, 1111 ••••• Wknda. 1111 Htl .. (1APZ889) cond. 12500. -...., crulH cont, Recaro • -1-------- •75 Dodge Window Ven OILY• Sllll 955-t348, Mex White, turbo-charged, Nit•. L & R etec heated · YIUIWllll ~om lint,....._ r.fflg, Sunroof. AM/FM caaael-'78 HONDA CIVIC 12000 many, many xtrH, one mlrrora, fact lowered t87t 1 ee.cl'I 81\!d, •............. ~ ....... t•. A/C, Alloy rime, -.... P7'• E·~o .. __ .. •Ad , •• , .... ..., _..._,v M•""t ....... •<>•."87t ....... l~owner, mint cond. • -,...., .. , ., Hun1'""'lon a..ch Automatic, low mllea. v• _,, ..,. .. ' ""'" ,...ht ale /fm Blau "'lll .t4,!IOO -......... ofr. Ya.llWAlll or 857-5174' hm. 114'1 1·2924. .,. '· • am • .. 2·2111 A•,., flulftl flM "' .,.. punkt cua stereo ~. -------i--------••••••••••••••••••••~f (714')5~202 1f7tt le.ch 8/vd, ·71 Honde CMc CVCC, 4' 'IO Mil 3000 SEDAN 1i1C antenna. 24,000 ml, 'll • ..-·ee 122s cl tch WI"' ........ Hu=ton,..a..ch ~· low mll", 13200. Sunroof, crulH cont., 128,900. 73t-1992 or ..,....,,. , new u • ·7~ '"""2. Pwf. cond. New apec hi 120 500 29k ml. Excellent mech good •h•P•. reliable. USEO CAM I TRUCKS Int. New paint. rvna pen, " u1t Miii 173-70t 1 or • w 1· • · Ks-18"2 cond. S3.000 OBO runs great, good ur ... COME IN OR CAll FOR $2500 Firm 1llO lift• 111 8"t-3et1 :.:.:~. on I y 9 . 5 • TURBO CARRERA '17. 873-M38 atereo. S1900. 875-95&5. ... lPPIUIAL 175-974f 5 •PMd tranamlaalon, '80 Honda Civic 8tatl0fl '77 MU 450SEL. m1111 Fllll leath lntr. New NOTt. '70 TRI, •Int lnterlof, r• '73 1"4. Perfect yellow Con'ftler·Oel.llo '77 BMW 8301," dr. loWmllM eKoellentoon W11QOn.MWClu1ctl,tlt9a ..... 1122.,000 beat f $29,500Rlc:h"4-117t cent angina overhaul. body, not a ecratc:fl, d -..fT lmmao.., aunrl, lttw, em/ dltlon, clean, AM/FM a ir, am/fm 8 treok. tet. PIP (2'3-22140 • lttl 112. 8 IPM(I, ttnl LOoka atunnlng, perfect Oflg. 4 dr ~·Per· t8211 IEACH BLVD. Im caae, allOY9, p/W, 4 radio 2 new tlt9a '83 14"5. 540-... rtn. e1oy1. Webet'a, New 1 op . I 3 5 O 0 C a Ill t.ct Int.nor, • ._, 4' HUNTINGTON BEACH ~· M4to. Mm. daya c a nia paid • MUST • ., Honda Accord LX. '71 IOO aa 3.5, .. xtrM. paint, tires end Mata. 850-9t05 ~:.-2~ =:.:.= .. ., ... 1, ..._.,,, I 3-13.tt,..,..17 1344 8!llt 13tl5. Call Extru. low~ ,,.. tlrll. rare 4 IPd"' ~-!1!'~0801ntenor. '74 .. ......._,rune & 1oo111I C""I JI-"'••12•6 '79 73'"1 /f t 875-3011 or 142-0188. 136-2170 IMl7_ ~ M!I00/080. ...-1no "-......, .. ". .. "' _,... T n..11-CHHtte,8:ra:C ~1::: _..,_, 720-0i07cta. 731-tO~ good:~~.~~~'. IOP'. '71 Stal. w n .... ~ op UUIM9 ._____ T...,-..... '71 2102, • 1pd. A/O. '80 Prelude. 21,000 ml, el =~~~~--:~= '2691 d A'l/FM 13 00 -·--· -OYef • AM/FM ceea,, >Ont ooncl utrH, 1nrf copper, 1m ....... .... '11 ~Targa 23.000 --con ·• M, • · D.!.1 2 t31t71·t ttt d•Y•· 17400. tf6·1984 . p e rt . I 1oh1 .>l>O, aoo D n.tt1o 06Mel. H• m11ea, tan,•• new. sae. f~"--1771 _a.._2._1_75_t ____ _ S"llU 2tS/312.U45 ..,.._ "3-.4~ 842-1161 only i .aoo 1111 and I• ooo. 414 ~ .::::.wo;:a::........... 'll *"--. For Your Cert ·· 1t71200l.~one cu.tom 1172 Z4'0 z. m. etulp• wl1'1 all op. ,71 tt4 AIC lllellpntit ·10 lug, rune oood. eoooomr --~on JJKUll• .. ._ __ ..,,_ --.l~J --... tloftt , Abeol\lte~ IAlel ltM ttiwlndow, more'. tlSN. l4M 7t7 lt.'m11•t ' .. 11 .• nno. Lllull ..... rotd. ~«to* ctno.,...., °""'°"' '"' .. new. Gold ,._. ••Ito iiiMO . ..._.748 , '44·24t7 2tZt Ha10of 9Mi. bddy. Nevw ntokect or 11.,90, l ""'°" lftOfe'. OOOd oonelltlofl, "un• -lllYW17t. 71 ,..... ... Ml ,-------- eo.t..... IMO-leaoi dented.~--'· 141·7... ...... t'PWaA 6'C, 124• autome--...... ... ... ~ ..... 1 owner. Perf. bleotc' .... ..... 1 I *·~-~·Cell &.un-.,. --ooo jm-m.~--·••••• ~ pttoat Interior. 4 •••• mud! UTATI IALl ............ ..... I ny, -··-I ~ .... -· ""· ~ ... , paid for .,.. ueecf oer ~ 1tK ml. """' lllllt. 1NO Dettun 2008X, xlnt ,.. ,. • It I 1 Orig own.. irnm.oond. l"ln';".T •••••••••• r;e";. 11~ °' domeetlol , tttoo 010 Ce ll Mr •• oonct. onci ownt. vw "°"9CMI AUDI 11 11· •• •• 1 , Aeo. o•. 11,000 o•o.eome 1n a ... *-POn In QOOCI oondltlon. I Wllllema ting IMda. Wkdlly9 ptMM' 1 I. 0.. Miit on lllM*, ....,_ r 17~1t4a. •1142,.. ' ...,..., flllel( elllGtlon .. Ue fllrtlf t 14f.1141 oel, 11M22t I v::r=: ~ ":-=~ i tltt';,uo t~I ;4'TJ:: l'71 W , Nd Wl'WM Int,' of pr•v!ouer1 C!•tied ...... __. ... ,_ ..... ........ l '7t -· .oa.ooo -a.. gg ~-·T I .. ,,.,. ., ' ' 4 ·~ tU••r Qlelft f'Of'IOM t , AUfl I llld -•• -· -· - -.. -. • ,..._ • ~ .......... 71 • v• ... .. IUllue tout .,_,., Mint c onCI, ••tt••· IH 0, t .,7 110 8L. Miit 1-. •11 ...,... IU T 111 ,.._. 41 I ... . oone1.w; ... '°" , ..... 1...-1. 1·7'0Mo:,_ooM.._ ...., .,. ..,. ... ,.... ..,., z '1•YWTHHS '1tlGOl ·Jlnltoftd. 1·11·•'°.....,.,Loml. n11...n.,_,.,.. .... :u 1111.'111.uo. --. ... :,...·. -:: .. :-:· .. to......... ...... ""'81toc*• JClflt,! -.. ..... ...... .. 0-. ft,... .... ......, ~ 1 ....... -., MO 4MI ! _,. M7.(M40 ' '1', DR M:iC6ii) •1 1 Mel ... Ill-M reflt1!Mltd, ..... •Mt ·fi "-'*'• tntlul Ilka ~ tf; "' >t 'H ('I\\ J 'Dodge lltUOl, ..... 8nrf,1'n••••.elo.M1/j ................. aaMK""' --... .,..,l'Wltl*l...-0., ...all•thitfltlt'll, !!J.~.ep. MIOCJ/090,1 ~~ ml.a,.Utt oond,1 lomt.,.._'8100, ICI, eJa.;.1111 _.J 111)lli..oa71 ll1Hlcp~~lke"8¥t ~ '9 ... , ~~~~=::::!!!~~~~~~~~==:!!:==-='="":;;.:;i::ll:;:~"'-::a_::,.,::.::cmo=:::_U~~~,. .L..-. Ill... • tl'I ,...,..,.. ..-.. • ..,.,,.. •t-4111. ,,_ 1 C11111111d ... •" .... . fl ' . . .. • I . n I I • Orange Ooaat DAILY PIL.OT/ Saturday, Auguat 21, 1oea SUMMER CLEARANC,E • '11 Marquis lrou1ham Price '9788 Air, pwr. wind., pwr. lock, Ult wheel, AM/FM 8 trk. 36 mo. lease cash down required $917.06 Resldual $3543.05 Stk. #838. '81 Zephrr 4 Dr. Price 14998 Pwr. steer., AIC, stereo, 36 mo. lease. Residual $3170.67. Cash required $722.78. Stk. #931. • Price 16298 '81 Cousar S~dan Stereo. pwr. steer .. AIC. 36 mo. lease. Realdusl $3050.20. Cash down $751.05. Stk. #927. '81 Escort Wason Price 14998 Automatic, A/C. 36 mo. lease. Residual $2643.20. Cash required $597.59. Stk. 1t924. Price 16998 '81 Coqar XR7 Only 12,000 miles & loaded. Ford Executive Car. Price 18496 lew '82 Capri 5.0 litre cct:T 19418 PA~~~Ts '200" PTL~xs 48,mo. lease. Residual $4751.00. Cash down $529.90. Stk. 118325. lew '12 L1n1 3 Dr. CAP SESKO LEASE •12E12 PLUS COST U U PAYMENTS U TAX 46 mo. lease. Residual $2853.90. Cash down $.406.05. Alt leaMS eubject to approved credit. Offer end• Aug. 15, 1982. $500·· UNDER INVOICE We 're ov e r s tocked on many m o dels and are o ffering ALL 198 2 M ER CUR Y LN7's and lots of other 82's a t way b e low invoice . '12 C111ri Demo SIDD Under lnYoice Beautiful white, air. auto., PIS, P/8, P Locka, T-Roof, spd. control, AM/FM stereo casa .. many more extras. Stk. #6307 '81 Cousar Demo 2 Dr. Coupe $1000 Under Invoice Air, PIS. P/B. power windows, apd. cont. & more. Stk. #9004. '82 Co1tin1ntal Sedan $1000 Under lnYoice Fr. vanilla, air, PIS. P/B, leath« trim, cass .. garage door opener. All the best In factory equip. Stk. # 1125. • • '80 Pontiac Sunltird Price $&29& 4 apd., 4 cyt. A gas miser. ·Air, AM radio. 9694 miles. Like new. Stk. #799-A Lie # 1CTR66-4. . . . Ill 1982 L1n1's 1e..,....,, '99 Under Invoice '71 C111ri Ghia Price $4118 81ttenweet with tan lnt«lor, auto .• PIS, P/8, air. caaa .• cruise control, tllt wtleet, very low mllM. Stk. #911. Uc. #841WAH. '71 Uncoln Venailles Price $8410 Shining black with red leather trim, PIS, P/8, air, step control, crulH, quad sound & much more. Stk. #852. 'll .Uncoln Towacar Price $118& Yellow with beige Interior, fectory equipped Incl. AM/FM stereo, power antenna. Mita & wlndOW9, very clean, low mllel. Stk. #914. Ser. H2494&. 'll Ian Y Prioe SI.Ill Burgundy w/Burgvndy IMlhe( trim, white heff top, P/W, P/ ... t, CNIM, AM/FM ater«> & more tee. Uk• new, won't tut IOng at thlt .,nc:.. Stk. 1922. Lio. #1CTR937. - .~~-~ ••• ., ••• A•'-• D~ A11H U1M f/IF. •••••••••••• ~ ~;'il········~ ;iii;;;,;;.········~ I 1111 Jr.'e".".vl' ••••••••• r.?fJ ii • ·'lr .... ., •• rr.'e'f ·u· ILi ':!!dMo~~~~ ~~·.;~~~: tlll !1'!4"' 11400. t0t•30t2 - '"""' ...... • .. CHIVILLI Thi• eoa11omlcal oar It 1 D .. Diii llDAN HOO . e11tra o!Mnl (07tllUCK). A e4a-eoea barg11n at T• Oltttat ,,.. c .. 1i.1.111 "" OILY 11111 SJ All option• J oolora •••••••••••••••••••••• ,. llAI• ,112 (·~l'A)~ i evaltabla. Mulry, whll• '12 CONTINeNTAL YILllWAIU ' , Mleottoi: latte. * lllT llU. * 18711 BMoh Blvd. Wt" h.:;,. Blautllul new body llyle. Hun~l!19ton awn NAiii llmllar to &evllle b\lt ci.. Ul•a.o , All/,,llP/llUILT tlgned wlllmoelne corn-1--------1 N(J'I tort. Lu•ury lrit. I com· ·eo PLYMOUTH ~111 2524 Harbor Blvd., O.M. pletety eppolnted Incl. 2 dr ope Oeluu xlnt ,,.,,, '~ 1, , .& .a \i 549-8023 145-7170 el«!. fnet. panel & entry cond. 11050. 544.21ee ~· , ~ • • 1. IAVI 1¥11 P,111 ~i:r~~1~ .. t~ ~l:.-Y:~ '7;1av!'i~~~ .• s~~: ;d~~.~~: 111-4~ ,~ JNIJl,4~1~S~ (Jl"I~ '82E-ci11SX4.zlowml. grMt gu mllellge While 73,000 ml. 11000. ,, 146-4a~ driving In etylll Juat need 780·1940. retleble party to make -.,..,....,..-.,...,.----- • •m•ll monthly pmtt. No '58 CONVERTIBLE llfk ff1' old contr11Ct1 to u1ume. Fury Ill, euto, pt, ga • •• ••• ••• •• • •• •••• •••• No back pmta. due. Atk Urn. S750. 8-42· 7788 IEE UI lor AON 842-4400, Proto '89 Stn. wgn. excel run- tor lhl large1t end be1t LIM.-nlng car trl hitch S400 ~=~~c~~~k~f 1~•0,.~;: Ct1"ltl H3I 875-2008 sieve. · · County IOdlyl • •• .. ••• ••••• ••••• •••• '50 PLYMOUTH 1111 •Ymtl 2 dr cpe Delux. 11ln1 4 •!>Md trant ., elr cond. con. d. 11050. 544-21U & lo1d1dl ( 1CBU427). •71 CRICKET Sharp! OILY 113,1111 s~~k •hltt, ri1.~-~~1a 111111 o....,. C-.ty '70 Dueler, 6 cyl, auto, 2925 Herbor Blvd. 1110 •Ymtl reblt eng, rune good. COSTA MESA Automellc Irene, air $795. 845-7578 919 2KOO c o n d . & I o ad e d I • u ( tBEB067). A beaulyl lt•li•t IHI ·77 SKYLARK $2850 011L Y 111, 1111 ··u· •5··c· ••5··,· ·E·c··1•1· ·L··· 4 dr. xlnt cond, ale, am/ Im atereo. 544-2t52 IOWUI Olttfrtltt Cuetom dealgned 1982 '76 B Dove/Quall Sta. Pontiac 2000 Hatchback. ulck Ltd. Clean, runs NEWPORT BEACH use eklerlor colore with mech well. 92.000 ml. custom use cardinal S 1800/bet. 893-8053 833-01&1 and gold crushed velour 1978 Buick Skylerk. 4 dr, --------Interior. Loaded with V-6, auto Iran•. A/C, 'II OllYITTI equi pment. one ol a A M I F M • $ t 2 o o . Super clean red conver-klndl Low mileage de- 644-4293 tlble. good atrong car. monstrator. (34906). C1'111., 1115 _s1600. 730-6793 IOI LOlllPRE ... ilmii;LAliii... NEW 1982 Po1nac t3600 Beach Blvd. IUILUO! CORVETIES WESTMINSTER We spectallre In lesses ! (714) 111-2100 :f:e ~epr~~!~:~,1~xecu-$ 3 0 0 0 (714) 112-1111 Lari• ltlHtl11 ·19 TRANS AM I-ROOF If In 1111 * llH SILL * 0a4UllOI SUMMERTIME FUNI • I I Midnight blue met .. v•· •• I tH•I -ff "--t lour bucket seaje, con- NA D~R~ 1 •-try sole, all power ektru, tltt I.:>CJ ,rltt lahll & morel (1BCB262) Just CADILLA , BIG STOCKI, nee~ rellabl~ perty to 2600 Hubor 8lvd. ma e smal monthly Cosu Mes1 540_9100 HWlll Olteyreltt pmtt. No old contracts to assume. No back Dove/Quall Ste. pmta. due. ·77 GAAND 1970 Cadlllec Sevllle Die-NEWPORT BEACH PRIX sel. Dual tanks, loaded. 111-0111 Loaded. 60K. orig. ow- xlnt cond, Brwn, musl IL.~ f If"& n e r S 2 7 0 0 I o b o . sell. $8995. 768-8721 or ~-'•••••••••••••••~~ 545-1089 859-8040 '65 Dodge Truck "panei" '74 Flrtltlr4 THE UlllEST V-8 4 spd 18-23 mpg FORMULA 400. Orig SELECTIO. $1200. OBO 846-9043 Pont. engine, burns reg. MUST SELL. gas, A CLASSIC! $2500 of late mOdei, low mllea-'76 Dodge Aspen, Spec. 7t4-644-1649 ah 5 PM ge Cadtllscs In Southern Edit. 64K ml, all po-. 8 '77 Flreblrd 350 en T Callforntal See us todayl cyt. Call aft 4, 673-1246 top. apoller. Loa3ed. · lllEllS ,,,, H4' S3000. 642-9231 ClDILUC .·;;FORD·M~~~ii'o~ ·57 Ftreblrd. red c1a111c 2600 Harbor Blvd. cond 3 new tires· econ convert. new eng. & COSTA MESA $850. 494_32tt ' · trans, klnt cond. $3450. . 851·0'431. 645-1442 140-1810 ·75 LTD: 2 door. redlo. air, '80 Pontiac Gran P I V6 new tires, 62,000 mllet. r x · ·9 t Cad. Eldo. Sliver/grey, x 1 n t c 0 n d s 2 1 o 0 10,000 ml. economk:al & 16K ml. loaded/moon rf. 542•1388. · · 1 xlnt car. like new. $6500. $15,000, See at 1628 . . firm. 720-1665 Santa Ana. Ave. C.M. 73 ~TD 9 pall wagon. '65 BONNEVILLE 4dr pll-Pw r lluggage rk. Gd '78 Fleetwood Brougham c 0 n d p p S 7 9 5 larless. gd trans. $795. lmmaoulete. low mileage: 644-5941 · · OBO 545-0897. 57195· 875-5977 Not much to look at but 11Hlfljl1' 1110 '79 ELDO dlnel. $7995. reat trans. '70 LTD. ~SQ•T-Bl;d~j~k;•&·;~~; =~bub:. !~5s_17soo253.below 500/0BO. 842-0546, 11int. Muet see. ,595. ~ AM 962-8068. '73 CADILLAC '77 T-BIRD excel cond _T_B_l _d_'-66 ____ _ 2 dr hardtop, $2000 or loaded, priced ·,o seli ~e; by 111~a~~sa~c~ot belt offer. 642-8065 $800. below blue book. xlnt orig new Mic~· C••n• Ill s~9so. 962-0592. S31so. 918-2855 . •••••••••••••••••••••• '74 MUSTANG II. Gl'lle. '63 T-Blrd automatic 5aK 1110 Olmll.ET Auto. AC, nw radials, xlnt m 1 . w h' 11 e / b 1 k '1 n 1 OAllAlll cond. sharp I $2250/ $2950/0BO. 646-0389 · Options Include air con-OBO. 644-8170 dltlonlng. (514ZRI). '71 TORINO. Driven by SELL Idle Items with a OILY 11411 llttle old lady. ONL Vt 52K Dally Piiot Classllled Ad. •• .... ml. PS/PB, lmmec. lntr. 2 • -IH minor dings. $1500/0BO AulOI U11' YUIWllll s.45-5673. • • • • •• • • • ••• • • • • • • • ••• ~J~t:no8:':"e!~~· ·75 LTD, 4-dr, 73K ml, NABERS ooelt. engine, sml body M1·2t00 d a m a 9 e s 1 2 o o , .. '79 Bertlnette V-8, loeded, 645-37oe or 547-8939 . { .ADILLAC midnight blue. sliver lntr, #•"rid IH1 xlnt cond. Pvt party . •••••••••••••••••••••• 84<>-4702. '74 Maverlek, 36,000 orig. 1tL ll II miles, clean. $2150. ... ,.,. , 642-7058. ...................... --------1 W SEE IS FlllSTI !~~!r ......... Y.!~ CLEARANCE SALE! e have • good Mlec-'61 mere. 4 dr, white. Nd• tlon of NEW & USED lltlle work. Good tires. 1975 CADILLAC Chevrolet•! $150, 842-8165 ELDORADO COUPE CONNELL CHEVRO LET .,._,.. , r .. '• , ,, , , "' I \ \1 ~ \ S4t>-I l00 '77 BOBCAT $1485 Moonroot. 631-1163 (Ive m1g on pl'lone) !!!!~!r ......... Y.~~ BITSUI I 11 .. mYlll.l1' '66 Met. Br. Mustang fut on&Tlell lllAll back, 4 •pd. high per. Automatic trana .. elr formenee 289, FASTI Blk con d . & aunroofl pony Int. xtnt cond. (526XWG). Front-wheel $6500 firm. 848-5295 drivel days. 846-0929 evee. Mike OILY 144111 '68 Mueteng cpe, new llWllll llttYnlet evetythlng, loaded. Mutt Dove/Quell Sts. tee Ihle one. 12160. NEWPORT BEACH Oulcil 18.le. 875-6811. 111 .. 11 '65 Mu1t1ng, \/8 auto, 1.IO -..,, Pioneer am/rm cue, nu eiTTTiil-' urea.12100. ea1~100 V6 engine. automatic '80 Muatang Ghia hetctl· Irene. & air cond. beck, 15Kml,4cyl.auto. (893VSV). $5000. 844-2300 OILY 14111 '65 289 Auto Trane, cleen. - M••tH tharp. $1900. Back to -achoot apeclel . YILllWllll 979-4544. 18711 BMch Blvd. -::-OJ,-:-"':--,.-UJ#----,,-,-, Hunt,ngton 8each •••••••••••••••••• •••. Ml·HOO 1• tl.lllHU 81 Caprb ~. A/C, OITUll ...... el9C aunff, meny xtru. Coupe, Auto. tran1 •• &734883, 18700 eoonomtcal dlelll power '74 MONTE CARLO power I io.dldl (2142). Attrao- ateertng, power brak... t~ cert •Ir cond, tilt 1t11rlng •Y .... am/tm 12000. 54&-945e .... "'""" 1189 Nov• Super 1port, N=b~:l~H aso ve. 4 'Pd. poe1ttac, etereo tape, clHn, & ....... fMt. l2AOO. t 7&·788-4 Olde '78 0.lta 011811, 1973 Camaro LT, 860. Whtte, VlnYI t09, ortg ow- AM/l"M, 4 apd, xlnt ner, optlona + Aecor. cones. '3500. 624-e2N l 13280. t71-2185 'et lmp9la WWfl, rune xlnt, '71 0.LTA AOYAL la&0/010. iH·7175, 011., 801( ml., Power (821UPX) s3995 1978 CADILLAC SEVILLI (978VNI) s9g95 1977 CADILLAC SIVILLI (468259) s3995 1982 CADILLAC fLllTWOOD llOUGHAM (1EAL5-45) $16,995' 1980 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (602.277) $12,995 1911 CADILLAC SIVILLI ''PACTOH 2-TONt' (889179) $16,995 1912 IUICK "PAIK AVINUI" 4 DI. SIDAN (10TT650) $12,995 at 3. t<rta. I ti'lru-out. Xtnt oond. 'II ~ '*1ttno Ot'lglo-' 827llO OIO. Wlu'Clt a..& Otter Oood Tttru NI """"' 8800 ~ beet ~ lfyen 41'f·M13 t Mondey, t-23>-82 : otter. H2-tllt , llalf •n ---I ... •TATION WGN ,,., :-················r.-.~i l· NABE~ns """' gd nda pnt IHO 7~ Htoi'lbk, ·~;,;t....o, ~ d Y• • • 1 -o, 1, :; rr:.0::9"' · P.P. c~ ,..0111 ,..,c 11a..N1•16'1ev9 • J' J .#~ # ·eo ~ 4 « lletohl* ; '11 ""' I • I 2t00 HAMOft avo aft •••r .. , under .,.,: ; ttOOOloM. l'fM614 COITA MIU • I HIOO 010. H._...14, • ner, A/C, AMIRA 1-t(tl • llE 1982 EX COUPE ,~ ... -.. -~~' 590 0 ·~!!~~· added options Plus • Ftr4 Oar Girt Ser. 121405 · I ,.,.,... Stk. 0687 20 More Com etltlvely Priced THIS FRl.,.SIT., SUI. AID IOI. DOl'T WAIT llY LOllER! OVER 300 Brand New Cars, Trucks, Vans and Van Conversions all at LAST CHANCE CLOSEOUT PRICESlll BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS All vehicles listed below include a FREE 12 month 12,000 mile Service Agreemen t 1979F-1979 ClllVY ....... C••••• z.H $3995 $6995 Options Include aunrool T-TOP, loaded wlth options power steering & wire wheels'. Inc . power windows. (102295). (518842). 1978....nAC 1976 lllllCUmY y .... ...a .. $5995 ••.....c• $2495 Thia one's loaded with all the extras Including a T. Top. \18, automatic transmlaslon & (129980). air cond. (521892). 1979 lllllCUmY 1980F-c. ....... 7 ....... $4495 $4995 Loaded! Options Include Automatic trans.. air cond., c ruise control & power power steering & stereo. windows. (708330). (183663). 1977 IOYOIA 1978AMC Plc•111t ... ..... . $3695 . $3995 Economical 4 cyt. :rcgine, tOOI 6 cyl. economy. auto. trana .. box & rearly to go! ( 88023). a i r cond . & low mllaa (7A3457). . 1978 DAllUll 1979 lllllCUmY 2001X c...a $2995 $3995 4 :i'· engine. 5 8PMd trana. & Automatic trans .. AM/FM A /FM atereo. (149044). etereo & power ateertng. (822195). 1981 ClllYY 1977DAY-l•rf•V-awe. ... ·SAYE · $8395 Thia one haa all tile extra• lnoludtng cer pet lng & 5 oyl.. 5 speed trans., elr paM!lng. (104827). oond. and CMMU•. (400874). 1977•-1979 ........... v-Cell ............. ·s,5995 $4696 R~y to ~I Auto. trena. and low m!Wt (Z35188). r•11•Y; e xcel. oond. ''7' "'-'ebout ortt. ow-l S40 lS&O I t44-l110. 1 e1eoo • ...._.,M · , ""' --I • I I 4 • ;.,.t \ I ' i \ OEADUNES For Tueed9Y through Saturday publication&, 5:30 PM the previous d.v. For Sundey and Mondlly publications, 12:00 noon Saturdlly. ERRORS Adwlt11ten should ctMck their Ilda daily and report errors Immediately. The DAILY PILOT ...,,.• llat>lllty tor the flrtlC Incorrect lnMrtlon Only. 642-5678 • PUBL.IStG'S NOT•CE: All real ..... adll9f11Md In thil MWI~ It IUbjec:t to N Federal Fair HOUll"9 ltd of 11111 -"lch maket It lllegel to adll9f't!M "any preference, llmltatlon, or dl9ctimlnatlon beled on ,_,., eolof, rellOlon, ••. or natlonal origin, or an Intention to mau q tueh pref.,ence, llmltatlon, or dllctlminatlon." Thi9 MW1peper wlll not knowlftllW eccttM ,,.,,, ~tor,... ...... which le In vlotatton91ttit•. • Cl.ASsiFIED INDEX u mm •Mt In thi. category ·ITIUtt be~ ·-·-·-i.. ·-,_ . ,,. ·-·--I .. -.. -= -1111 -- Open N:30. 8eeurdly hooft CCIOe9d on Su,_, •w.-"'eo.ea ...... ca ... .- ---... 411t ---·------·- .. _ 2 -OrMQe County"-' Estate/An Advertlling Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 21, 198Z / PRC)PE RTIES 760-8333 1111111 llllE TIUE 5 BDR-6500 Sq. Ft. with beautiful taste and quality throughout. Beveled and leaded glass, Onyx and marble Baths, elevator, wine cellar, pool, spa. sauna, security systems. Drastic reduction to $1.995,000. Offer your trade as down payment. 760-8333 lllACIUTE PEIFECTill is the feeling in this magnificent LAUTREMONT model 4 Br in Harbor Ridge. Family room, fonnal dining, 3 baths, custom oak paneling, ceramic tile flooring, air conditioned, designer carpeting, 2 lovely patios, automatic sprinklers, guarded community, pool, tennis . Breathtaking view. $795._000 . 760-8333 llPllSTICITEI EUUICE Custom expanded Dynasty model with outstanding mountain and night light views. 2 Br & sun room, conversation pit with built-in seating. Marble entry, mirrored walls, enclosed patio. Excellent buy at $425,000. 760-8333 PElllllU .... Fabulous bay view, 3 Br & den, fonnal dining, large spacious rooms adjacent to swimming beach. 2K down. owe balance. $7~.ooo. First time offered. 675-6670 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA ICUI Ill l&lllOI VIEW Elegant 5 BDR -5 'h Ba1 home, located high atop prestigious Spyglass Hill. Family Room, library, master suite with fireplace, pool, spa, elevator, 3 car garage with motor court. FulJ security -$2,295,000. 760-8333 lllLIEll TIDE II Beautifully upgraded Hampton Plan on corner lot with panoramic view in exclusive Seaview. 3 Br. 2'h Ba, dining room. Newly painted and landscaped. Low down payment to qualified buyer. Asking $449,000. 760-8333 CllTll YIOTlllll New and elegant 19th century c harm with modern conveniences, 3 Br and library. Exquisite wallpaper, quality construction, 180 degree bay & ocean view. $750,000. 675-6670 .......... 4 Br 2 Bath home with 2 Br apartment. extra large MBR with fireplace and 1arse deck. Steps to beach. Great summer/winter rental are~. Reduced to $379,500. 675-6670 · I ... Orange County Real Estate/An Adverttslng $upplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. August 21, 1982 -3 /u PR()PERTIES 760-8333 sn1uss 11u Spectacular ocean & city view from this lovely. English Tudor estate. 5 Be, family room, stepdown bar and wme cellar. Fireplace in Master suite. Marble spa, sauna, dining room with mirrored ceiling. Gourmet kitchen. $1,975,000. 760-8333. nUlfll Tllnlllll Sharp Broadmoor plan 7 4 BDR large bonus room, lower level master suite, lush atrium, low maintenance yard. $199,500. 760-8333 ·MTIYITU SIWI Corona del Mar duplex. 3 Br and 2 Br, 3 Baths, 3 fireplaces. Good income. Owner will carry,. Submit all offers. Only $274,900. 760-8333 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA II.I EllUlll .. is where you will think you are when you enter this charming Big Canyon home. Beamed & panelled studY.. Solid Oak staircase, music center, French doors, 2 fireplaces, beveled glass, wine cella r, 3 Br. Must see to appreciate. $975,000 760-8333. IOUll llEE.ZU caress you in this attractive 4 Be Mesa-Bluffs home. 2400 sq. ft of living. 3 Baths. OWC 2nd or A.l.T.D. Be creative. Must be sold. Priced at $235,000. 675-6670 IEllELMW ... T Remodeled Newport Heights home with 2 large bedrooms. fireplace, copper plumb~. super large lot with room for boat or motor home+ 3 car garaee. Covered patio sprinklers front and rear .. Great location. Only$l99,500 with tenl\S available. 675-6670 ( I ' I 4 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplemer:tt to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 21, 1982 ......... -~~.~._...:;.:::._~--~-·:;;;;;:-;;:~"-:;;;-;;;..;;;::;:-:.:;;·:::::;:~:::::::;::;::::::=:;;::::::::=::;:;;~~":":::~~=-=-~:':""""':"""::::=:::':~'-='C:-:--::-~~-:7--... ~­ Orange County ...... e..t./An Advert'*1g Supplement to the.DAILY PILQTI~. Augult a1.--:-1992 -5 l ' MT ~S Tl =;;.,;;.;;,.~,==--_1 alTEI N. Laguna Spanish Mediterranean home with 3 bedrooms, family room, fireplace, large study, great views, workshop. wine cellar, we·t bar and much, much more! $595,000. TERMS : Try trad e or Lease/Option Sale. t111.m, . TUTI -ITYLl1 Handsome, contemporary country French home with 4 bedrooms, 3 'h baths, view dee.ks, spa, patio and Mystic Hills location. $56i,ooo . .FINANCING: $375,000 AITD at 12.75% with low payments! llUT llYWUU Superb ocean vie w lot with plans and permits, ready for tri-level home, street-to-street, close to beach, existing financing plus owner will subordinate. $239,000. INTI UllU IOI IUMU One of the last, beat super view lots. easy-to-build, moderate slope, private acce91 driveway, good geologic report, seller will c.arry, summit. $285,000. To see these or any other Laguna property MIKE EASLEY • Top Producer For All Of Lingo Real Estate -1981- Presents: In Laguna Beach 11111•• .. •ALTA YllTI Dramatic C\.lstom home with panoramic ocean. north and south coastal views and twinkling lights at night. Three levels, family area, study, wet bar, wine cloeet and vacuum system. $625,000. -LAGUNA LOTS oui-Ill TIP If TIE WMLI Quiet rural setting, flanked by age-old trees, spectacular panoramic views of virgin canyons and lights of the Saddleback Valley. Backed by rugged mountains, this lot has all the amenities you're loqking for -plus the seller may carry aome financing. Priced right at $145,000. Lingo RlAIE:n.n ~,, , .. ;~:. ; "U 1111111" I WTU ... M TIE llU A 3 bedroom country French chateau with es fully equipped gym, s pa, sauna, wine room and complete security system for people who prefer the finer things in hfe. $1,250,000. FINANCING: Assumable and seller financitlg available. ..,.. . Contemporary Pacific Ocean view home with sparkling pool, beautifully landscaped grounds, 2 bedrooms, den and new carpets. $465,000. FINANCING: With 15% down, seller will carry for 3-5 years at effective rate of 12%. nrt .. lfTll II n•PLI R LI Super lot with open space, canyon view plus city and ocean views. Price includes plans for large, handsome home. Assumable financing of $82,500 and subordination posaible. $129,000. Treme ndous view lot In top area of e~flusive Temple Hllls with downhill, gentle slope overlooking the open space of the canyon, city lights, ocean and coastline plus Catalina. Submit on seller financing. Plans included. $199,000. CALL MIKE EASLEY 487-3331 "In Lagun• Beach -Look to Lingo Flr•ll" ,NEWPORT BEACH Cclll for addresses ' I . , I I I ' I 1 I I I .... --------~-· ~..,. . --~-----:.-----:---:-----------------'!'--~--------........ ------._ .. _ -....._ __________ ...... _ .. _ :..--___ __.. .. ·-..-.~-~ -r\,eft_.. ,-..-..__...... ""--• ,.._.,_._ #• • • Orange County Rea1 Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 21, 1982 -7 ( ______ N_E_W_P_O __ R_T_B_E_A_C_H ____ ~ SOUTH BAYFRONT WITH VIEW OF PAVILION Located just one block from the Ferry with boat mooring available, this 6 bedroom Balboa Island residence has 2 kitchens and assumable financing. $1 ,095,000. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCING! Seller packing, looking for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, fireplace, wet bar, several eating areas and views flt to kill. $495,000. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEWS A country kitchen and skytlght windows wlil llght up your life when you move Into this 3 bedroom, 3~ bath wood condo near beach and shopping. Reduced to $249,500. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom, 41n bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa. a spacious baystde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq .. ft. of living space. Slip and side tie for 60 ft. boat. Seller will help finance. $1 1450,000. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE This rambling ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms, 2~ baths, country kltetlen, room for pool and reduced price of $183,00G. Seller will carry with 15% down or wtll consider trade down. OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront Blvd., this dupfex with a 2 and 3 bedroom unit could be converted to a comfortable family home. Seller wlll carry at 12.5°/e with 20% down. $475,opo. . SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has impressive city and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing, $465,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25% down. $225,000. RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has eetler financing with reasonable down. Just • few steps to the sand. $235,000. SUBMIT ALL OFFER&-OWNER FLEXIBL& Try AITD or trade on this 8 Bdr '4 Ba Ha(bor View estate wrtl'I aw>t 'h acrel 2 frplc, skvtltes, French doors. gorgeoua pool, spa, .Kol pond and huge lot. $495,000. Open dally 1-5. HARBOR VIEW FOR FAMILIES Submit aH offers on this '4B/3B contemporary home with financing and fireplace. $310,000. ( _______ N_EW ___ l~Y_L_IS_T_E_D ______ --') LUXURY HOME WITH 35' BOAT DOCK Spacious 3 Bdrm. family rm executive residence on Trinidad Island, Huntington Harbor. Assumable 1st with addftlonal aetler financing available. $399,950. NEW.PORT OLEN-PRICED TO SELLI Just 2 ml. to the Orange Cty aJrport, this 2 Bdrm light & airy upgraded townhome featur• additional den + uae of pool, spa & BBQ. $120,000. SAN JUAN EQUESTRIAN RANCH "The Hunt Club" e bedroom, 61.li bath home with pool, 1pa, 4 flreplacee. owe. 11,500,000. _______ H_A_R_e_o_R __ R_ID_G_E ______ ~) "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Assume $564,500 at 11.75'!. on this 3 bedroom, 2'h bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor, Newport Center and alrport.--Aesldence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city lights from large decks. $695,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMSI Seller will carry an AITO of $519,000 at 12.75% for an extended term for a quaJlfled buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. ft ., 3 bedrooms, 31h baths, large decks, 3 fireplaces and family room. Incredible views. $850,000. "DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 Arst at 13.2!?'/o fixed or seller wlll consider trade on this 4 bedroom, 31h bath home with 2 large decks. private yard, 2 fireplaces, atrium and panoramic ocean and city light views. Seller relocation. $850,000 . MAGNIFICENT CUSTOM MANOR Elegant 5700 sq. ft. home with French marble fireplace, Jacuzzi tub and steam shower In the master bath, 4-car garage, Insulated wine room, 3 additional bedroom suites, elevator, full security system, 4 fireplaces and much, much morel $1,895,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES Mirrors, celling fans and pavers accent this llke-new 4 bedroom, 21n bath home In close proximity to the tennis courts and pool-spa area. Only $520,000. CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. formaJ French home with no hOU988 behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that wlll rival all others. Seller must liquidate bu1 will consider a joint-venture agreement. $1 ,500,000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCE! Located on a lot that la unusuaJly large for this area, this panoramic view home can be traded for resldentlal or commercial property In Orange County or seller will carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms, 7 betha, pr.ojectlon room. wine cellar, family room & lorge kitchen. This home hu lt atl1 $2,700,000. "EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MODEL "Estates" 3 bedroom, 2500 sq. ft. townhome wtth spectacular ocean and night light views. Convenient to poof and tennis. Tenne with low down. $575,000. LUXURY VIEW CONDO Spacious with 4 bedrooms, family room and 3YI baths. Lg deck overlooks reservoir lake. $595.000. ( ______ E_M_ER_A_L_D~B~A~Y ____ __,) COMPLETELY RESTORED TRADITIONAL HOME Located on a large corn• lot, this 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home haa a large patio wtth apa, custom landac.ping, family room and tuft ute of recreational facllltlee. Try leMe/option or IOw down. $825,000. S517.000 ASSUMABLE AND BELLER WILL HELP Spectacular 2 bedroom oceah view home wtth awtmmfng pool and addltlonal ....... financing. seao.ooo. WALKING DISTANCE TO RECRIATION Charming 5 bedroom, 4 bath hOme In exctu.tve gat911uar<Md communlty. $700,000. . . ... \ ' I I I ' l I I I r ..... --·---·· -·---------- 8 -Orange Coun~ Real Eatate/An Ad~ Supplement to the DAILY, PILOT/Saturday, August 21! 1982 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY llYFlllT IELllE Total elegance! Approx. 8,000 sq. ft . Is an entertainers paradise. Room for 3 b::>ats. 3 brick patios & pool. Drastically reduced. Owner will assist In financing. $4,500,000. John Macnab (R11) CIUllS ISLE ESTATE Magnificent custom residence on private Island w/180 degree view of bav. Islands & peninsula. 4 BR, fabulous playroom w/slt down bar & full size billiard rm. 2 staircases & elevator to roof garden, $4,300,000 Including land. Cathy Schweickert (R12) ll Ulll ISU "Big Bay" location. Dramatic architecture, light & beautiful decor; high ceilings, plantation shutters. 4 fireplaces, walk-In bar. 5 BR, panelled library, maid's rm & bath. Slip for up to 70' boat & side ties. Now $1 ,650,000 Leasehold. Seller will help finance. Cathy Schweickert (R13) IE' I 'I 9llT IEW llllWIOIJ • 122· Bayfront w/dock. 3 BR, den. single story. Seller will finance. $1,500,000. Martha Macnab (R14) PUMIMIO VIEW Elegant English Country home In magnificent setting ovMlooklng exceptional view. Newer custom built w/4 luxury BR & study, fam rm. Decor & custom quality features to delight. Beautiful pool, & spa. Brick entry-patios-prestige quiet cul-de-sac location. $1 ,295,000 Jane Paquin (R15) Ill.If ... IPllilll UTITI Sophisticated llvtng on Udo Isle In this 16 room home on 3 lots -7 BRs & 6 baths! Opens to an expansive landscaped courtyard & lg. pool. Excellent financing ...:... $1,250,000. Call Tom Alllnson of Terry Hanes to see this one-of-a-kind homel (R18) .... llft 11111111 Best buy In exclusive Irvine Cove. Spacious single story 4 BR, fam rm home situated on extremefy lg lot w/pool spa & paddle tennis court. Private beach, ocean view & guarded gate. Land Included In price. Owners extremely motivated. Low down payment. Owner wlll carry financing. ONLY ~.000. Donna GodshaJI (R17) ----·-·· Total security In this beautiful luxurious condominium -Bay & city ...._ ·~ view, underground security parking, Pool & spa. Magnificent entrance salon w/crystal chandelier, Pool rm & deck area to private boat slips. $845,000. Barbara Aune (F\18) ua• .. E -IOUI VIEW Interior Designer's Hof!le -Huge master bedroom with retreat Including fireplace & built-In bookcases, 2 lg eecondary bedrooms, 3 baths, fam rm w/flreplace & bullt-ln bookcases, custom wet bar. Assumable $296,000 loan $725,000 Fee. Maureen White (R 19) 11Yi• 1111111 um. Super ocean & bay view from this spacious &Ingle story residence. 2 mstr suites. plus 2 more lg BR, 4 BA, tam rm, & game rm. Pool In courtyard. Great for entertaining. $595,000 LH Donna Godshall (R20) .,_ TDllll -YllW lovely 4 Br In newest area of Irvine Terrace -sit down view. High beam celling & compfetely new kitchen. Large courtyard patio. Fee land. Perfect condition. $595,000 lnct land Beverly Morphy (R21) ............. Outstanding 4 BR, 3 BA, home high on a hlll w/a panoramic view of the ~ & bay. Rec4Hltly remodeled, lg pool In encloMd front courtyard. $515,000 LH. Maxine Propp (A22) MIST • SELL -llW In Shorecliffll Superb location In Corona del Mar, across from cliff view point esplanade. This custom home features 3 BR, fem rm with lots of charm . Needs some TLC. Lg frontage with pie shaped lot. Reduced from $585,000 to $495,000 incl. land. Sharon Smith (A23) WITEIFIOIT -SLIP I PIEi 1411,000 Just reduced!! Beautiful furnished 2 BR home. The quality atmosphere and elegance make this charmer desirable for entertaining throughout the year. Excellent financing. Mary Lou Marlon (A24) YIEWJ YIEWJ YIEW1 wmFIUY HCIUTll "Seavlew" home In lush garden setting with panoramic view of ocean, city lights and coast tine. This fine 3 BR executive home features garden atrium & country kitchen with breakfast area. Priced for fast saie. Anita Schandel $475,000 (R25) PlmE UM ISUll LlllTlll Perfect 5 BR, hardwood floors, sunny patio home. Priced right at $455,000. Berlt Mitchell (R26) "llllEllO" UITill Prestigious HARBOR VIEW HOMES -5 BR, tam rm, formal din rm, plus beautlful pool & spa. Completely upgraded -French doors & windows, plantation shutters, paneling & new kitchen. Too many amenities to list. $429,000 Incl. land. Donna Godshall (R27) 1-WnlPI• Custom built -for present owners by Ivan Wells. Beautiful corner lot. High ceiUngs, &g formal entry, formal din rm, I~ country kitchen w/tptc & seating area. Sparkllng pool. $42-4,500. Incl. land. Owner will finance. Barbara Aune (R28) .. PlllE -1111111 MYE The "legend" model -one BR, den condo situated wtth steps of the bay. Completely redecorated. The master suite occupies the entire second floor. Financing Is excellent on this prestigious home. $415.000 Fee Donna Godshall (R29) , .aammE llEEI Gate-guarded community. 2 BR + den. Tastefully decorated. Close to pool & tennis. $395,000. Berlt Mitchell (R30) YllllWIWllLI Awaits In this Ivan Wells custom w/lush enclosed atrium w/ retractable roof. Lg -4 BR + decorated In style w/glamorous appeal In Baycrest area. Seller wlll consider trade for smaller residence. $390,000. Fee Jane Paquin (R31) llAllll YIEW llUI -111 ... 111 Attention decorators! This luxurious 4 BR trl-level home needs your creative decorating touches. Formal llvlng area with vaulted oelllngs. Park-like garden. Seller hlghty motivated. Belle Partch $369,500 LH. (R32) 1111111 + LIW MWI PIYllEIT View on the hill-Port Ourness prestigious Harbor View Seawlnd 3+ Fam rm, prof. decor, Immaculat e. Kol pond w /emotlonal atmosphere. Reduced to '310,000 assumable loans of $250,000. A great buy -Seller leaving Newport & ready to got Jane Paquin (R33) UITILIFF I YllWI Lg. 4 BR home w/wonderful family rm & den addition. The tamlly- play rm has an ornamental fplc w/talsed marble hearthL mlrrored Mtbar I. carved <*Nng. Lg. vtew lot w/room fot play, picnic & party. $299,500 leuehold. Tom Alllnson or Terry Hanee (R.34) I I ' I __ ._ -_,,. ·-::--=:--.-::: -~ - --·-----------~........_-. ._. ................ _..._ -,,,,,.,.. --~ -Orange County Real Estate/An AdvertlaJng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 21 , 1982 -9 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY ... IUCM LIYlll Family home 4 BR + huge bonus rm & den! Atriums & patios add charm. Jog to the ocean. Seller will assist w/financlng or possible lease/option. $279,500. Jane Paquin (A35) TUllRE 11001 IAllDEI MOIE Bren-Montecito model beautifully decorated and highly upgraded. 3 BR. fam rm. 2 fplcs & garden court. Great locatlon on cul-de-sac wlview of mountains. Community pool & tennis. Excellent assumable financing. $267,500. Sha_ron Smith (A36) PllllE PElllSIU llPLEIJ 3 BR. 2 bath duplex 11;, blocks from the ocean. Fantastic Investment winter or summer rental. $260,000 Low down and owner will carry AITO. Sharon Smith (R37) IELIEYE IT 011 IOTI A 2 BR., 2 BA., fixer upper in Irvine Terrace. A best buy. You own the land. Good financing. Now is the time to act. $259,500. (R38) . MESA YElllE -POOL Create your dream homel IT'S ALL here TLC & Imagination, 4 BR, pool, spa. The list goes on. Assumable loans owner may help finance. Reduced to $249,900. Barbara Callihan (R39) WHIT COILI IE IEnER 2 fplcs -3 BR & a Catalina view. Lovely lg lot -beautlful loc{ltion - close to schools & Fashion Island. $244,500 Leasehold Barbara Aune (R40) TllllE1 Marvelous Eastbtutt home. Lusk built 3 BR, fam rm on parklike grounds. Immaculate w/many skylltes & upgrades. Desires trade to $500.000 with R/2 zoning beach locatlon. Priced at $239,500 Leasehold or $327,200 In Feel Jane Paquin (R41) 4 IElllOOIS Mariners School -2 brick patios, spa, fam rm. Private. $239,000 Beverly Morphy (R42) llllTllWOll YILUIE -llYllE Popular "Granada" Model In Racquet Club featuring 4 BR. spacious al fam rm with fireplace, wet bar & solar heated pool. $230,00 Anita Schandel ( R43) ILIFFS II llEEllELT One story, 3 BA, "Bonita," newly painted, carpeted, shutters, lovely wallpapers. Perfect tor small family or retired couple. Comm. pool nearby. Excellent financing. FULLY ASSUMABLE! $225.000 Jan Young (R44) COll D WITII PRIVATE SPA 3 Ill Very sophisticated Bluffs condo only steps to comm. pool. Owner has reduced price and will assist in financing. Assumable 1st TO. $225.000 Leasehold. Paula Balley (R45) SOUTH COAST 10110 Elegant living near theatres -Performing Arts & South Coast Plaza. A jewel of a home, decorated beautifully. Landscaped by Rogers Gardens. Perfection in every detail -2BR. Oen $219,500 Barbara Aune (R46) ICUll Ill CllYOI COllO Absolutely immaculate 2 BR, 2 BA, bright & cheerful, highly upgraded throughout condo. Shows llke a model & can be occupied immediately. Excellent financing. A residence of unending pleasure. $205,000 or furnished at $215,000. Suzanne Shuler (R47) IEWPOIT HEllllTS 112 Great buildable R2 lot w/2 separate darling houses. The front 2 BR w/warmth & charm & back house & separate bachelor w/yard between $187,500. Terry Hanes -Tom Alllnson (R48) llEIUUILE llEHCTilll Owner has authorized us to offer this Eastbluff Lusk-built residence at this truly great price w/wonderful financing opportunities. Give us a call today! $169,900 Coby Ward (R49) UST COSTA IESl ClllllEI 2 doll houses 2 BR ea. Separate yard & garage $160,000. Berlt Mitchell (RSO) lllYllE DPPOITllITT 1111,100 Home in tip top condition In The Colony. 3 BA with big country kitchen -and a lovely bonus room. Takes up the whole 2nd floor! Good financing. Coby Ward (A51) WODlllllllE CllH Charming "Redwood" model -3 BR, 2'ff baths. dining area. professionally decorated In spring colors. Lg patio -air conditioned. Community pool. tennis courts & lake. $155,500 Fee Donna Godshall (R52) UST COSTA IESA CllH 2 BR. 2112 BA w/atrlum large enclosed patio. Lots of privacy. 2 years old. Immaculate. Assumable loan $147,900 Berit Mitchell (R53) IEllCEI 114,000 "Kensin~ton" w/loft. SUPER plush carpets, stained glass, spa in entry. Thia home has It all! Assumable loans + owner financing. Now only $595,000 Darlene Herman 752-1414 (R54) 110111111111 ESTATES IAllUll Reduced to $100,000 below appraisal! Owner's toss Is your gain. Beautiful "Miramar" plan with ocean & city lite views. Elegance for living & entertaining. 2 BR. gourmet kitchen & luxurious master suite. Now only $450,000 Anita Bradshaw 752-1414 (ASS)· MllllL Y IPIUIEI CW IWOA •llEL Overlooking reservoir & mountains. Decorated In earthtones with lots of wood flooring & shutters. High assumable loan. $450,000 Glsela Jenkins 551-8700 (R56) DUPLEX OOROIA IEL Ill This prime investment property Is located on a corner lot &. has 2 - 2 BA units. Good annual income with low maintenance. All records available. Property easy to see. Offered •at $324,900 Biii Wedmore 551-8700 (R57) LOW IOWI II llLIOl I Y TIE UY Beautifully decorated 2 BR codo home on Balboa peninsula. Total security, easy parking. bayslde pool wtowner & guest boat slip. Loans are assumable & seller will carry 3rd. A must see at $247,000 Bill Wedmore 651-8700 (R58) 644-1200 ' I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I J .. t ~ ·1 ~-------~·.-(Adil \•)6!&.ii\I ._.. °' ---."°1r.Ai ~;.----·--.--.::==:::::-::-:-=-=---=-=-~--:.--""':':":'"-:--"":-:'~---:'."'.:~-:""'"~---- I I ( . f , i•,11,.: ' · 11-· t 1 .,f, "'' " •1'1.·n•_,l;l""t> 1.nll!IM"l'llJ1' ,•t\1n'•'1:-.~• '•' 1:1 • t111 1n'."J -;1•'(:.1f' 10 -Orange County~ Eatate/An ~ ~t to the DAILY PtLOT/Saturday, Auguet_ 21, 1t82 4' • -·. ~ ,..;_~ .•• .i-r . ' . . . , coTr nrnLrr © 1nvrsrnrnT conrnm PUBLIC FORUM r:!/oa Au ~~ #~ k !/!ewtn . .. ''HOW TO TRADE YOUR HOME'' (When, in a down market, selling may not be the answerJ . . PRESENTED BY: OJf ,;tlia,ni f!7. ce~, YJ~ MARRIOTT HOTEL 9CX> NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH ROOM: SALON A & B WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1982 7:30 -9:30 P .M. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? * Setters with homes on the market • Leasehold homeO\Nners " ... :1t Sellers considering semng . . '. . . ' . · ·: --. ., .'.c~laf 'ptoperty owryer1 · ~. . . • Buyers who would consider ·. y • 'Y. r ., •: purfhasing a l~d ~ · .•. ' y .. ~· •• y... • • .. ' • • .. , ·~ ~ ' ... -·-'1:. 4 "' 'If': • -~ • • -t • • * Sellers facing fO! are ~ready in foreclosure -.. · ..;;_·.Industrial pr~rty o~ ·· ·. " ' . • Reaf estate agents & brokers ~ • lending institutions w /reo's Space is limited Please call for a reservation • A public service, courtesy Cote' Realty & Investment Co., Inc. • 760-1900 .. . . ·~ ··~ ,,.. ... -~ . , . .... ,.. ' ' I I I I I I I t l I I I I J ------------.. ' -..... ----· ..... .._ ., --·-··-#t Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAJLY PLLOT/Saturday, August 21. 1982 -11 SPECIALS Many owners are offe ring substantial price reductions and termA. Some will .-xchange and . "cash speaks" - • Lower than listed price, if you ha-ve cash . Call for details and submit your offer 1----•-Ew_r_o1_1_1_u_c_1 __ ~ll ~---•-A_L1_o_A_1s_u_•_• __ ~ll ~-----o• __ w_AT_E• ____ __.I NEWPORT PENTHOUSE '87,500 Xl.NT Location. New cerpet & pelnl. 11J% c:aah •nd OWC. FORCED SALEI NPT CONDO Attordable 2 1>9d.+2 be. In a quarded-g•I• community with •ppeellng 1urroundlng1 a grMMry. OWNER WILL WORK WITH ANY OFFER. 1148,500. NEWPORT BEACH-INLAND PRICE! Only 1179,000 for thl1 3 1>9d, 2 be. home with RV er••· Air conditioned new roof, c•rpet, paint & drepe1. Include• l•nd. 2291 REDLANDS .. -r .. --__:- AFFORDABLE NEWPORT CORNER Country French decor end never llved-ln newne11 throug.hout thl1 3 bedroom home with gourmet kitchen and nice yerd. Drive by 2248 Redlende/eorner 22nd end c.11 ror flnenclng ct.tell•. s:Ml.500. LARGE BAYCREST-FOR FAMILY 8paclou1 home on -levef with levl1h UM of II ... urge yerd with ape. One of the few 5 1>9d. homH In the eree. $325,000. • CLIFFHAVEN-VU, VU-TERMS Le ... / option or trade down for unll1or1m.iler home. VU with two 2 ~oom unit• on l•rg• lot. Pl•n• for home plu• gueet houM end pool lncfuded In price. Submit. $399,500. Drtve by 2001 Klnge Roed, Newport. 131-1400. QUIET PENINSULA PT. TRADE OR? Walk by 424 a.tYue Lane and enjoy UW Ntenlty of Ihle prtv•te location with 1tepe to a.y & 8"cfl, Aemod•l•d 4 bed. OW coneld9r T.D. '• and Hcheng11. Reduced to MOt,000. ON &TH FAIRWAY-BIG CANYON lmpre11lve a function .. townhouN with 3 1>9d.+ 2V. be. Cu1tom, lovety cMcor with 1tep-down IMng rm. & lormal dining er.., ovwlooklng golt cou,... 1341,000. WEEKEND SPECIAL-NEW CONDOS! GIANT PRICE REDUCTIONS Ho. 2 wu $391,000 ... -............ -................... NOW IS4G,000 Ho. 3 w .. S31t,OOO ........................................ NOW t255,000 Ho. 4 w .. 1525,000 ................................. __ .. NOW 1475.000 Ho. 5 waa 1419,000 ............................. -... ·-NOW $350,000 Buy OM or efl ... -ner mu1t move lmmedl•lefr. Wiii negollel• on not•• cMrted bed! ener eoete. LIDO ISLE DRAMATIC 9plrel 1talre end prof111lonel decor throughout lhl• 1pacloue 4 bed. 4 beth home. Perteet for tMI famlly. Exl1tlng e11um•bM loene of '392,000 •I ett.otlve 12.3~ lntereet. , .... price IMl.500 f ... APPEALING-VIEW-LOCATION On corner by pn with ptlvear. nevef obetructed vtew end beautlfully mefntelned-you can move rtahl In. Or"t •PP••I from th• "'"' and lnelde • ep11<1rou1 2·•torr ~ with gr•nd IMng room, femlfy room, huee ldtoheft, bllllard toom, I bedroom• ptue much more. Can for ct.t•"e. "20.000. ow n~. CORNER CAPE COD/LEASE/OPTION Remodeted end qu.int, Juet OM h041M from S.y. OW HChange for. 1m.ii.r hom• "-•or In Woodt.nd Hiii•. Sold fully furnleti.d Ihle 2·•1cwy, 3 bedroom h" on-lhore mooring evalltlble. Even Ml• a "Bey" YUi MM,000. Submit ...... or7 BALBOA IS-FURNISHED DUPLEX An Ideal lnvHlment with 2 bed. unite. Leree ... umebfe loen1. 1479,000. BALBOA ISLAND COTT AGE Little old '"hloned houM on • good lot zoned lor duplex. Both for 1u1t k>t prk:e. 204 Opel. 1219,000. Call 873-HOO. PRICE SLASHEDlll 117 Mllf'lne Ave. NOW SZ54,000t On 30xt.5 ft. k>t. Adofebfe 2Br 1be w/br1ck patio. A SUPER VALUEI OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 314 Merigold, CdM '-·-·-···-.. --......... -... ,..,000 132111 So B•yfront, B.,. le. on weler ............ 11,515,000 2591 Baylhor• Dr., B•y•hor" ......................... '725,000 22118 Redland1, N.8. .. ......................................... s:Ml.000 117 Merine, B ... 11 .............................................. SZ$4,000 209 19th StrHI, Penln1ule ................................ $319.000 1531 S«enade Twr, lrvlne Terr ..... -.. -... -.... sno,ooo 418 CMnetlon, CdM Vu ,_ ......... _ ........ __ ..... _ ..... 2001 King• Roed. N.e. Vu ............................... -1315.ooo 2405 Cllff Dr .. Newpor1 Vu .................... -.......... "20,000 eoe H•rbor le.Dr. On water ............................. 11.415.000 COROllA DEL MAR OWNER SAYS "NO QUALIFYING" i1£DUCED AOAIN •.. now '230,000 for thl1 edoreble corner 3 1>9d. POOL end patio. Ne•r Feehlon 11. a beach. Open 8el/8un. 1538 S.renede Twr.ce. IMMACULATE DUPLEX Ju1t 3 block• to beach. Home with 2 Bdrm• + newer 3 Br. unit over 4 car gereoe. Reaeonable priced et 1272,000. VU HOME PLUS INCOME Acroe1 from park In Corona def M.,. with View of bey end ocean. Pr11ented by cMcor•tor In good 1 .. 1. with lnterlof etrlum, French door• end window• plue 2 flreptecn. ThrM b9droom1 plu, rentel unit with 2 plue b9droom1. S599,000. SS1·1400. SHORECLIFFS CORNEA-REMODELED SwHplng corner locetlon with complete r..-nodel end redecoreied 4 1>9droom home with 3 beth• end 3 c•1 gerege. Selt.r motlveted and Wiii le•M/optloft or help flnence. SH 320 .... Md on 9un. 1·5 p.m. 1475.000. COSTA MESA IN FORECLOSURE-MAKE AN OFFEAI Femlly •r•• M•t doof to Newport on a ''" II~ It. Sterter for f•mlly with 3 1>9d. 2 be. & l•te Jtlf'd-1-room to ••P•nd. Time to ectl HOME FOR INVESTOR $114,000 Perfect 3 1>9droom, 2 beth home on IMge lot. New cerpel •nd paint. Owner wlll help ftnence. Drtve by 22IO Feder.t. IMMACULATE ON GOOD STREET Convenient to Newport & •hopping. t.ree p•tlo with ::J. accH• to ct.tacti.d".5:.-::f Two bed + petlo. New enc:ft. Drift by 212 a, Coet• Meu a c.et fOf nnanclng. t1ta.500. tn . BAYFRONT-BALBOA ISLAND VU Penot'•mlc Vu from thle 2·etcwy home on WATER •t the turnlftg bnln. uree 4 bed. home with pler/etlp for 3 bo•t• + 1 1>9d. •pt. Cen be uMd •• • •Ing .. femlly home or with renlel unit. Superb ioc.tlon. 11,515,000. Open S•t. 1·5: 132 So. Bayfront . BAYFRONT-ELEGANT-FEE M•gnlllcenl cu11om cMelg!Md 2·1tcwy re1ldence with be•ulllul decor. Form•llty •nd qu•llty det•lllng throughout thl• 4 1>9droom with noor pl•n cMelgned for enterl•lnlng. L•rge ct.n, f•mlly room plu• den. P•tlo on w•IM. Pler/1llp. VU of boellng eetlvlty •nd night llght1. $1 ,4115,000. lnctudH l•nd. A mHter 1ulte for th• dlec:rlmlnetlng. Open Set/Sun 1·5. IOI HMbor 11. DrtYe. LINDA ISLE-10% CASHI Beeutlful corner property with lh• bHt In decor throughout 5 b9droom1 plu1 ell m•ln enlertelnlng room1. Pler/1llp for 3 boel•. OW help flnence •I 11% with 10% cHh down payment. A i.rge home for f•mlly llvlng end edult enlert1lnlng. 11,395,000. SS1-1400. BAYSIDE COVE BA YFRONT Prime a .. Dlemond pl•n on OM level With 2 b9droom1, 2 beth• plu1 ct.n. Fr11h neutrel ct.cor. Privet• beech, bey view, pool end epe. a.curtly gel••· Boet 1llp evell•bM. F .. 1anc1. sns.ooo. LIDO CONDO-ON WATER Security bufldlng with 21>9d.+ den on OM levef. Boet •llP evelleble. Owner wlll l•H•, leHe/opllon or Hll for $515,000. L..-: S2500. per mo. ON WATER-FORMAL a LARGE Ler911t of the vnlt• In prMtlcllc>w Udo P9nln. condo c omplex. ApproL 2,500 eq. n. with i.,,.. lwtng •nd dining .,. ... plu• two bedroom euhH and den (c:o111d be 3rd 1>9droom) VIEW from~ end bey to mountain•. Boet •llD av .. a.ble. Decor la white carpet with form•I ••II covet""'le. LMte boet ellp .,,....., OCEANFRONT HOME-REDUCED BeHtlful cuetom with "prtde of ownenhlp" MN • ct.tall. TWo 1tcwy 4 bed, 3Ya be. 0Wner .. help ftNlftea. lup9r und a Ma 9EACH,..ONT. Now 1111,000 Walk by 2I04 W. Oceenfront a cell tot det.IL :NVESTMEIT PROPERn I COAST HWY. COMMERCIAL -180' Excellent corner buelne11 property with 11tebll1hed tenant•. OW help nnanoe. •1.111,000 or pertiel pufCf\Mlt tor lllOOM EXCLUSIVE-71 UNITS On efmoet 5 "'" ...._ loC9 of t'*"*Y end open •pece. plut pool -and reoreetloft --. bcelent Coet• -.. locetlon and neet Newport. Wel-"*nt.en.d end ......, a vec-r. LM99 2·•torr townti ,.,.. untt. wtttl a bedroom• el with pettoe.. c ... tot ltMfto!"-det• end floor ,._.. Ulrge ... umbete loM -..OO.OOtl fee lllnd. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REALTORS · Sales. Renta ls. Pro perty M~nagemenc 3 15 Marine Ave. Balboe Island 673-6900 2436 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Belich 631-1400 pec:ialbla1 In pro~rt)' oe the water ••• ftUr thf' wattt ....... WI .. V~ el waltt .•• . . -----..--------"-----12-:-Orange ~nty Real Est~te/~f\Ad~ftrtl~ng_Supp~~t tQ t~OAILY Pl\.OT/Saturday, August 21, 1982 -. Tti~ U~IUJ~ ~()LUTI()~ A full time employee, 3 computers, a committee of appraisers and 25 11 lean, mean and attractive" salespeople to determine the precise value of a property. IHflllT WITI 40 n IUP -View, ·airy, 4 Bdrm, large master suite/fireplace. 3 sundecks, cheerful & quiet. Owner w/flnance. $595,000. FlllT Lim YIEW -Best from Irvine Terrace. 4 Bdrms, pool and owner will finance. Only $600.000. Leasehold. FIEE • ClUI -Famlty home, Beacon Bay waterfront, tennis, needs TLC, owner will fi- nance. Leasehold is auractiv~. $850,000. ICW FlllT SlClHlll -Little comer of the local coastline: surf. dramatic rocks. exquisite 4 Bdrm, pool and spa. Nothing else like It! $2,- 500,000. TIE YIEW HHE IHllE -Turtlerock Glen, woodsie, top view. Dramatic 3 Bdrm Jasmine model. Upgrades, Redwood deck near pool & tennis. $269,000. IEST Slllllt AIU -Low maint.. no noise. Ja- smine .Creek 3 Bdrm, one level, Immaculate $355,000. LIWEST PllOE PllYEI -View home will go at non-view price If buyer has cash. Leasehold and priced accordingly. 4 bdrm in HV Hiiis. Interesting view, only $295,000. A listing of Dottie Valentine. HfFIHt, tttl,000, 10"4 &Pl -Vacant Beacon Bay, owner retired, wants .to sell 3 bdrm, 3 ba Bayfront. Financing at 10% APR. Asking $695,000. 111111 YO .. IS llUllH -Newer Monaco $20,000 price reduction. Pavers, mirrored wardrobes, patio overhang! Owners wlll help finance. $229,000. · E X A ~1 P L E S OPEi llllSE SAT. Traditional Dover Shores, Pool ........ $279,000 910 Nottingham, NB OPEi HOISE SUI. Best Harbor view, 4 Bdrm, pool ...... $600,000 1717 Bayadere. COM Bayfront, ownr fin. Tennis ................ $850,000 12 Beacon Bay, NB Lt. Isle, Canal front, Dock ............... $575,000 210 Grand Canal. Bal Isle 3 Bdrm home w/apt. 10% loans ...... $449.500 415 Heliotrope, COM Big Cyn, townhome, top con~ ......... $320,000 13 Canyon Island, NB Deerfield twn home, 3 Bdrm ..•......... $149,500 2 Goldenbush, Irv. Big Cyn, low price. seeks cash ........ $350,000 4 Rue Fountain Bleu, NB 3 Bdrm. fl replace, fee ... ... ......... .... .. . $352,500 601 Patollte., COM OPEi llOllE SAT /SUI. Backbay, 4 Bdrm, pool, vac ............. $260,000 2221 Francisco. NB Spyglass, 5 Bdrm, view ....... .. .. ....... .. $925,000 · 5 Point Loma, NB Low price, view, ownr desperate ..... $275,000 978 Sandcastle. COM 4 Bdrm. ownr fin. fee ....................... $429,000 2708 Oghthouse. COM HWPllT'I OClllH lllH -This one Is a leader! 5 bdrms, 3 fireplaces, unlimited view from Spyglass. Sunny, cozy. exciting, practical. $925,000 with $200,000 down. . . . tllUn Piil ll•E, "'" U•l,IOO -Bright Carmel, family floor plan, pool & spa. Financing Is reasonable; priced right at $249,500. IAOl IAJ Nil lllllf -4 bdrm, 2'h baths, vacant with 30 yr. loan of $150,000. Anxious. Reduced to $260,000. PllCEI IHllT Ill II HHFIEll -3 bdrms. 21/z baths, Immaculate. Air cond. patio, financing under 12%. Priced below competition. $149,500. UST lllE OISTl •EU -Cul-de-sac location! Nothing this low on this large of a lot. 3 Bdrms, owner will carry. $134,900. · HUI CWW./FIEE All OLUI -Cute clean, 3 Bdrm with dock for 2 boats. Owner financed. Priced at MAI $575,000. IWIDI WIU 'FllWICI II lltAlllffR -Harbor View Hills. Owner will carry $250,000 @ 12% interest. No points for 5 yrs. nr. comm. pool. 4 Bdrm 3 bath $429,000. .... /lmfs 111,GM llWI - 3 Bdrm 3 Bath home -Corona del Mar location. Rear apt. Is 2 Bdrm. 2 ba. IALllA llUlll UIUll -Bay view! Half block to water. clear shotl 2 story, trreplace, 3 Bdrms, 2 baths. Owner finance. Only $375,000. Ill OAIYll, Olll PllOE -Dover Inside Big Canyon. Owner wants cash -gives a low price. light and airy atmosphere, 2 Bdrms & 2 baths. Only $350.000. PllYHf HI HEH YIEW -Hard to find Broadmoor, expanded .4 Bdrrns, gourmet kltc~en. extra large master suite. $450.000. L+f U~l()U~ ti()~~i. ~ULT()~§. f31ti~f3()()(). PACIJl1C COAST HIGHWAY AT MMAl.T'HVR BOULEVARD IN CORONA 0£1., MAR · er .. I I I I ' J I I ; ' . . -----.. _.. .. ' . RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH BEACH COMMUNITIES CORONA DEL MAR ..... YllW _. 1111.- Unlque expanded 5 BR 4 BA Palermo. Newly painted & carpeted. Assume the first at existing rate. Owner will help with financing • low down possible! Best price per square footage In town. Ullll VIEW llMEI S321, 110 Beautifully landscaped yard. Used t1rlck around pool, spa & flrepit. 4 BR, formal dining rm & separate game rm all make this one of the great family homes in the area. llWPllT YEllAIUEI U41,000 King Louis XIV would have claimed this corner unit for his private chambers. 3 BR & u nsurpassed view of harbor. ocean & mountains. Care-free condo living at Its very bestll Excellent financing available. UllH 11111 1421,0IO Owner wlll consider a trade or a lease option on this bright & cheery Dynasty model. Sky lights, custom shutters & off white carpeting. 2 BR. 2 BA, separate suites. Owner will help finance. •CUYll 14ff,llU At last a one story townhome with lots of privacy. Its own pool & spa. In model perfect condition & realistically priced In th is prestigious gate guarded commu~ity. UllH 11111 Hll,111 Best buy In this exclusive guard gated area. Elegant Kensington featuifng 4 BR +. fam rm. Lovely upgraded home in pristine condition. Fabulous condition. fabulous view. Large assumable loan. Owner wlll be creative Including lease/option. •CUYH Mtl,111 4 BR overlooking 6th fairway on a very private cul·de·sac. Beautifully decorated. Air conditioned. Large deck & spa. Lovely low maintenance yard. • C&IYH Slll,000 Reduced In Big Canyon. Gorgeous Versailles with golf course view & lovely private yard. 4 BR Include extra large master suite. Den with Hreplace. Extremely motivated seller. • CUYll S 1,111,111 4 BR custom home with unmatched view of golf course. 3 fireplaces, air conditioned, beamed celllngs, elegant address for active famlly. •OMYll 11 ... ,llO Enter this magnificent golf course home thru leaded beveled doors to a sweeping stairway. oak wood floors. hand carved manters. gourmet new klt~hen & Sheryl Wagner baths. Everything new. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2161 SAN JOAOUIN HILU llOAD II' 1.111 llU 1421- Newty listed on beautiful corner location. 4 BR hom e featuring cathedral LR celling & wonderful light exposure! 1 block to all lido am~nitles. Excellent owner assisted financing. Liii tSU H4t,tl0 Extra large lot, extra large home. Fabulous potential. Formal dining room 5 BR, den & spa. Large sundeck could be beautiful garden room_ Owner will consider all otters. UIO ISU 1412,GOO This lovely 5 BR plus Den gives the whole family their own space. Sunny south patio close to private beaches & tennis courts. Great family community. IAYSINH lllG,000 Very spacious 4 BR, 4'h bath residence full.of charm & privacy. Watch the boating scene or become a part of It . Owners wlll do an exchange. Submit today. IAYllllEI itll,111 Authentic new Dutch Colonial home with many, many custom details. Fi nest quality construction & amenities. library, playroom & 5 BR. Lovely brick patio. The kitchen Is a cook's delight. UYSHIH 11,111- 3 BR, den, ram rm & dining rm "bargain bayfront" & the house Is free! This outstanding home Is priced at the land value. Huge courtyard patio, lg deck over bay & all the harbor action. H YEI SHIH 11, 111,000 "By popular opinion" the next waterfront sale will be 319 Morning Star, Dover Shores. Fee land, excellent terms,. priced right. A gorgeous bayfront. Will accommodate up to a 70' boat. H YO 111111 11,IM,GIO Dramatic bayfront on Fee land in Dover Shores. 4 fireplaces, 3 wet bars. glass enclosed dining on bay & carved oak PUB seats 6. protected by digital sec. system. Many more amenities. PllllSIU 11•- New Bayfront with outstanding floor plan & exquisitely decorated. All the amenities lncludlng hardwood floors, formal entry & dining room, pier, slip plus sandy beach. IAYSMIU · S1,lM,lll 63' of fee land, bayfront. Spectacular Cape Cod famlly home. 4 BR, separate dining room, lrg high celling llvlng. Central vacuum system. Separate master suite. Seotuded patio. -llL ... SJlt,teO. Charming picture perfect 2 BR & Den. New carpet, paint, wallpaper & copper plumbing. Owner will help finance with 20% down. Great location & price tool .IHMllE OIEEI 12to,OOO One of the prettiest homes In this guard gated community. 2 BR & den. quarry tile patios, plush cpts, decorator papers. central A/C & a high assumable loan. WIH SlllRll 1211,000 Charming 3 BR + famlly room Cameo Shores home. 80 x 160' lot -one of the largest In town! Unlimited expansion posslblllties plus room for a pool. Home in great condition with super terms. Don't miss this one! 11&1• Y1EW lllUS IJ12,Gll Enjoy ocean & sunset views. 3 BR & family room home with large private yard. Good location & financing. Home wtll be open Sat & Sun 1-.5. 870 Sandcastle, Corona del Mar. ..... llllU 1121,111 Wishes will begin to oome true when you see this lovely 3 BR home set among lush greenery & flowering color. Spacious family room. formal dining room, pool. Steps to private beaches. •YI• TRUii UH• Fee land In this perfectly located area. Country French at Its best. Tiles, trench door & charm galore. Large shaded gardens & lawn. Just waiting for a happy active family. llYllE TllUCI 1411,otO A light spacious 4 BR plus den home with pool and gorgeous view of entire harbor. Owner will carry with approxlmately 20% down. Great potential for user or Investor. IPYIUU ......... Popular portsmouth model home with spa!i(tlng pool. 3 BR with family room on corner lot. Quiet area near schools & shops. ....... .. . .,.. Good . . . Better . . . BEST & this Is the BEST VALUE In COM. It has charm, It adapts to a variety of llfe styles & It has marvelous financing. It also hu a vtew of white wat«. Yes, the very BEST. lnlUll al .,..... Elegant Southport with total customized detailing. 5 BR, 3'h BA, full bonus room, pool, spa & lovely gazebo for enjoying valley view. Total security system l all of the extras that make a home a ca1tte. CMOl M.llSGI ru.Ma.-JO CMOl. Niimi .. .... '11111 BB .. r •c:mmu. caM&•--KW ICAM.111...0 GUia .. --MllSHM.l TlltliiW CCU ... OICI n.mmn fllll.llDAIMISTOI ··=-._.UWIM lftllJllWS • •atO UTE 1118" -IJU'f tm!WZ 1• ---------.... .,_ --.., ... a ,,_ .:mm-. ' i I I I I I I I I I ' I I I j ( I f t l · *IAYCllST + 12~ financing spacious executive ranch' style home in prestige area. This 00me features 3 brs., fplc, large lot & fee land! Lowest price at $260,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view. +DOVEi SHORES* This custom Ivan Wells designed home w as built with executive entertaining in mind. Quality throughout from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany paneled family room. Some of the numerous featwes are: Sensational view of Fashion Island & ocean, pool & spa w/outaide bar, 3 car garage, complete security system and of course formal dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence, call 759-1501 for private ahOwing. $1,500,000 FEE. *HARBOR VIEW HO"'I* ·Monaco Sensational 3 br home on quiet street with pool sized yard. 11.25% usumable financing!! Pria!d a t $223,950 fee. Call 759-1501or752-7373. .... ,500. TOTAL PRICE For this smashing home in one of nicest parks in area. Two large bedrooms, fonnal dining & air conditioning. Call for detail!!! 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 113 FINANCING* 103 Down Payment on this builder cloeeout!I Extremely spacious townhome featuring 2 muter suites & attached garage. Pria!d to aell now at $149,950. Call ~-1501 or 752-7373 for details. +STIPS TO llACH* This aensational beach· cottage features an ocean view and aundeck, existing 1st T.D. $110,000 is payable at $400.00 per mo. (negative amortization). Offered at $165,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details. *HARBOR HIGHLANDS* Pool Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 br. home featuring swimming pool, bonus nn, skylite, lush private courtyard, fplc., & assumable financing. Reduced to $280,000 fee. For quick sale ... call 759-1501 or 752~7373. *CLIFF HAVEN* +OCEAN A IAY VIEW* Unbelievable VfEW ·from spacious 3 br home on extremely large lot overlooking Balboa Bay Club & Channel. $675,000 FEE with great terms! (714) 759-1501 or 752-7373. *IASTBLUFF+ When you takeover existing loan on the elegant 4 Br executive home that has been extensively prepared for entertaining. One of few homes in area on FEE LAND. 759-1501 or 752-7373. NEWPORT IEACH OFFICE' 2170 SOn Miguel Drive Ntwport ltclcll. CA t2HO (714) 711-1901 , *DESP RATE* Owner says sell it!! He will finance this six year new home for ZERO INTERF.sT!! 3 Br, 2~ ba, plush carpets, ceramic tile, parquet entryway, the works! $20,000 down and it's yours. Priced $20,000 below market @ $139,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams Ave., Huntington Beach. REALTOR MURDERED This could be the headline next week if we don't sell this spacious 4 br home near Huntington Harbor. New decor inside. Seller moving out of area. Asking $125,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TROPICAL *PARADISE* You must see this backyard to believe It: pool, waterfall. Koi pond & malibu lights. The house comes in threes: bedrooms, fireplace and ovens plus a wine cellar. Sacri.fice: $185.000. 556-7035. *ABANDONED+ . Artist's chalet w/panoratnic ocean view alf the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 be low market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035 . $765/MO Buys this charming 3 br townhorne w /onJy $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TURN A FROG+ Into a handsome prince. Spacious 3 & 2 Ba home w/dble attached garage. Needs help. Seller anxious. Sacrifice $103,500. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *53 DOWN* Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbour. Two and three bedroom models with two baths. Builder will finance at 12.9% and pay buyers non-recurring closing coets. Prices start at $105,990. cau for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach . 556-7035. *OWNIR DESPERATE* Must sell this cozy custom home near the ocean in "Old Town" Huntington Beach. The soaring cathedral ceilings with 5 skylights and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not normally found at this price. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard . completes the picture. Sacrifice for $171,500. 556-7035. 9032 Adams Huntington Beach. -' *$45,000 TOTAL Fii* Real Estate Licensing School. Walker & Lee Real Estate. (714) 963-5671. *BILOW MARKET+ This Mesa Verde beauty is at least $10,000' low at $124,900. Cozy country kitchen. a brick fireplace, and fruit trees at back add up to irresistible charm. 556-7035. *NIWPORT RIVllRA* 3 br, 2~ ba, family condo located on greenbelt! Aaoc includes pool, tennis & clubhouse. 759-1501 or 752-7373. HUNTIN8TON IEACH OFFICE 10•2 Adam• Ave. Huntlftgton llacll, CA 12141 (114)1111-7011 j ' I I ' I I I I i ' I "' I I ) ., --------- -.. ----..-~·-··· ....... ....._,_ .... _,.. Orange County Real Estate/An Advenlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/$1turd-y, Auaust 21. 1982 -15 Dalebout Bay a B•ach Real · Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 IPYIUSI 111L ••• Elegant Engllsh Tudor. Superbly crafted. Two story beamed celling llving room. Formal dining room. Family room with wet bar. Five bedrooms. Spa and wet bar In master suite. Four fireplaces.Lovely mountain vtew. Four car garage. You own the land. Seller extremely motivated. Submit any otter ................................................ $1 ,395,000 Open Sun 1-5 ........................... 4 Rocky Point llftl _. ••. Dramatic entry of carved wood and Italian fossilized marble . . . and your impression becomes more exciting as you continue through this spacious four bedroom home. Carved wood and marble bar with temperature controlled wine vault. Solar heated • pool. Spa. You own the land ............ $895,000 Open Sun 1-5 .................... 1244 Polarls Drive Ill IQYM • • . Prestigious home. An Ideal envlr6nmen1 for entertaining and family enjoyment. Huge corner lot assures maximum privacy. Four bedrooms. French doors and windows. Ten skylights. Irreplaceable at Its price. Generous financing. ............... $895,000 Lm Ill.I ••• One of the largest homes on Udo. Bay view and tempting pool. Famlly fun at the nearby clUbhouee, tennis court, beach, boat ramp and park. Seven bedrooms, Ave baths. Separate muter bedroom suite for your well earned privacy. . ........... ............... ...... $875,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 .................. 110 Via Trieste • UIYll ••• This elegant four bedroom home measures up to the name ... "The Versailles." It la rich but not gaudy . . . glamorous but not ostentations ... just a comfortably prestigious home. Custom decorating throughout. Extensive use of beveled glass. Parquet floors. Corner lot. Great view of golf course. ........................................ ~............. ..... $850,000 Open Sun 1-5 .............. ............... 12 Rue Verte ""8 111•1 , • • Extraordinary value. Two maeter bedrooms In one wtng. Separate third bedroom in the other wtng wtth own entry and private bath. Fascinating sit-down .view of ocean, upper bay and city lights. All rooms open to Indoor dehumidified pool. Security system. Servac vacuum system. Located on cul-de-sac street with only eight homes. ............................................................ $835,000 IPYIUn llLL ••• Undeniable value. This property takes the laurels for amenities and comforts, plus a dramatic front row view of ocean and city lights. Four bedrooms, Poot, Spa. Libera! financing. ......... ..... .. .. . ... $825,000 Open Sat 1-5 ................. 11 Carmef Bay Drive • UIYll • , • A much destred Monaco on the 6th Fairway. Master bedroom conveniently located 9" the ground ftoor. Oak plank floors. Over $300.000 In aMUmable financing. Seiter wlM ..... or leaee/optlon. Vacant and ready for lmmed .. te occupancy. Call Listing Office for gate edmlttenc:e ................................ $599,000 Open Sat-sun 1·5 ................ 14 Rue Oeauvttte IAll IAf , • • Over Mlf acre early Callfornla estate. Six spacious bedrooms. Huge llvlng room. Formal dining room. Sunny morning room. Beamed celllnga. lnoredlble storage. Three oar garage. Horse corral. Separate lot large enough for tennis court. .... •. ..• seso.ooo COME WITH US TO ••• llYlm TllUll ••• A rare opportunity to acquire one of Newport's finest view properties. Tremendous llvlng room, Three spacious 1 1 bedrooms. Large family/bllllards room. Huge • patio with gazebo. Thia ottering Is of extreme , 1 value because of Its diverse and unspoiled ocean view. The listing price Includes the land . 1 1 • • worth as much as the total asking price. 1 Motivated seller ... ..... .. ..... .. ......... ...... $985,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........ 1301 Dolphin Terrace --------- WllTOUff ••• Prominent builder's own home. Prestigious four bedroom home. Lavish use of trench doors and windows. Extensive built-Ins such as bookcases and china cabinets. Loads of storage Including at11c. 90x132 pool stze yard wtth gazebo and off-street parking for six cars. You own the land. Liberal flnanclngl $475,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................ 1118 Somerset Lane llfmST·, •• Excetlent financing. Attractive four bedroom home. Kitchen and family room completely upgraded. Beamed ceilings. Wet bar with wtne rack and refrigerator. Newly recarpeted and painted. ................... $360,000 Wiit ftWFtlT • • • Duplex. 2 three bedroom units. ExoeHent location. Steps to sand. Ocean view from upper unit. Great financing. Submit on AITD. ..................... .......... $349,000 U ..... Ill UI • , . Reduced $35,000. Two bedroom cottage on great corner lot. Ocean view. Attractive owner financing . Now . .................................... :····· .. ········· .. ···· $340,000 IAW.IT . • • Attractive four bedroom home. Large family room with fireplace. Brick driveway. Shlngle front. All of the warmth and comfort of "Country Style". Sparkling pQOI. .................... ... :.................................... $339,000 OIUll NL ..a ... Excellent financing. South of Highway. Two story, two bedroom house In front. One bedroom unit In rear. Convenient to shops and banks. . . ... .. . . . ....... ......... ... S299.600 · ............. Lovely tree llned street. Three spacious bedtooms plus maid's quarters with battt. Formal dining room. f amlly room with wet bar. Significant upgrading lncJudlng new roof. Priced reduced 128,000. Now ............................................................ $299.000 Open Sun 1-5 ....................... 1530 Anita Lane W •• ...... Highly motivated teller'. Witt consider any raSOMble offer. Tastefully decorated fOur bedroom home In Immaculate c:ondltlon. Upstairs ma1ter bedroom retreat. Beat buy In area. .......... ~ .................. $270,000 Tll YlllAILLll ...... A plac:e of dignity and elegance. Two bedroom penthoule ovettooklng the bay and OOMn. ·Security ~· POol/Spa. CtubhouM. Gym. Exc:ehftt trn11nctna. S259,600 Open Sat-Sun 1·5 ... 100 Shc;ofl Praza, PH 10 WllTllWf , •• NEW PRICE -NEW FINANCING! An abundance of reasons to buy. Convenlently located. Three bedrooms. Open ftoor plan. Pool and spa. ............ ........... ..................... $255,000 Open Sun 1-5 ...................... 1016 Dover Drive Tll ILIFF1.,. The popular "Franciscan" modef condo. Three spacious bedrooms. Two tiled patios and gas barbecue. ................ $229,000 Open Sun 1-5 .......... ............. 685 Vista Bonita IUll lllW a• . , , Never a better time to buy! This three bedroom dwelling has extreme value. Large secluded cul-de-sac lot. Pool, Leasehold. Price reduced $14,500. Now ............ ~ ............................................... $165,000 Open Sun 1-5 .................. 512 Rockford Pl&Oe MST& IUA (UITSlll) ••• A condo with character . . . Thia Intriguing trl-level, three bedroom dwelling la made warm and comfortat>M with the lavish use of wood and used brick. Wiii trade or finance ................................ $185,000 IAUIA nlllllU .•• A fixer-upper duplex. Prime beach area location. Three bedrooms and bachelor unit. Generous owner flnanclng. Will trade for dleael power boat to 38'. Leasehold. Price reduced $14,500. Now $165,· llSA Yllll ••• Highly upgraded four bedroom home. Roof, kitchen apptlanoes, and carpeting -all new wtthln the laat two years. Conv.nlent location. Owner wtll help flnanoe ..... $134,900 ....,_., • , , AtlracUve two bedroom, two bath condo. Flrepfac:e. Mirrored wardrobes. Ground floor. Walk to shops, library and park. Floor plan Ideal for two singles. Price reduced $10,000 ..................................... Now $129,600 mW.la, .. Uke new one bedroom condo In the luxur1ou1 VeraaJlle9 atmosphere. High quallty wall and window coverlnga. Elevator Hrvlce and lnatde parking for two cara . ClubhOUM, pool end epa. Guarded gate. $125 ............................................................ $125,000 HI Yllllll.LH •• · • Lu>curloua living. One bedroom condo with vtew of Fountain Court. Gorgeous c:lub house, pool and spa. Security guarded gate. 174,000 loan at 11~%. Owner will carry 2nd trust deed .... " ............ $115,000 WUllUff ••• Probably the beat buy In Newport Beach. One bedroom condo. Restful patio overlooking aparkllng pool. Two vear old kitchen. F~ly refurbllhed Interior. Carpott . ...................... ........................................ $95,000 .............. Prime location In EMtllde Coata M .... Nearly a full ecr. at 18th Street and Orange Avenue. Plane and permlta tor 28 condo8 are avallat>M. Purch ... price alto tncludee a nMr neW triplex. Exoettent terms. Owner wtn conefder trade. Catt H•rrlet Perry .................................. 11.150,000 --.mas Choa parcel 1s.as .cte1. Study complete for 55 duplexes or four per acre. Uaege . . . duplexes, condo•. apartmenta or l(ldu1trlal dev9k>pment. Near MW homM atid lhopplng center. I ' f I ' I l I I I l J ; 1. F=H PROVINCIAL CUSTOM -BIG CANYON Thie ~ty ted 5 Bdrm home C>wrlook• 81tt GrMn. V1ewa Fr~ Moat Rooma. Fonnet LR. & D.R. Richly Peneled Ut>rvy With Cottered Celling. Panelea ~.H. :Spac:IOUI Maatw Suite W/Hla & Heu Bat11a. Pool, Spa. Mald'1 Otra. The Ultfmate In Quality & Charm. By Appo4ntment. $2,290,000. Call Miiiie Howe. UNDER CONSTRUCTION Magnificent View Home In Newport Beach's Gate Guarded Harbor Rid09. Pet1ect Time To Buy. The Style Is English Tudor. The Blueprints Ate In Our Office. wm Be Spectacular. $2,200.000. Call Susan Trlvlaon. OLDE CORONA DEL MAR On The Bluffs Overlooking Bay & Ocean. Custom-Built Home. Archltecturally Deelgned. Magnificent Views. Beautlful Woods. Handsome Appointments. Abondant ~loset & Storage Space. 160 Ft. Frontage On Ocean Blvd. For More lnfOl'mltlon, Call Cathryn Tennille. ON A LONG WHITE SANDY BEACH In Private Gated Community. We Must Seit Thia Lovely Spacious Custom WOOd & Glau Home, Featuring Spectacular VleWs Of Beach & Waves. Living Room With Soaring Celllnga, 4 Flfeplac:ee. Graceful Splrallng Staircase Leading To Mutw Suite, Prtvate View Deck & Skytlgtlted Bath With Roman Tub. Anxious Owner/Builder Wiii Finance. Asking $1,450,000. Call Marllyn Hiii Or Suaan Trlvlaon. CUSTOM BAYFRONT Promontory Bay. 5 Bdrm Home. Large LMng Room, FOl"mal Dining. F.R. Powder Room. Gounne1 Kitchen. Slip For 55 Ft. Yacht & Side Tle. YOU OWN THE LAND. Owner Wiii Assist With Financing. REDUCED '..\ MILLION SS To $1,350,000. Call Cathryn Tennllle. WATERFRONT CUSTOMIZED BEAUTY In The Beet Bayfront Area Of Balt>oe Penlnau&a. Vfl/fY Llt'Qe Brlctt Patio, With Private 50 Ft. Dock. Thia Home Haa Too Many Aman!Uee To Mention. lfou Must See It To Appreciate It. Owner Wiii Consider t.eue, Or LMM/Optlon. I t,295,000. PleaM Call Maria Bercovttz Or Dion Sdlmehr. PROMONTORY BAY Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND. Parquet Fifa, New Cpta, 4 BR'1 + F.R. 3'~ Ba. Separate D.R. Huge F.R. W/Wet Bar. Kitchen W/Pantry. Brkf9t Room. Sauna. 3-Car Garage. Wood ~. Bay, Dock. GOOD ASSUMABLE. Owner Wiii Carry Llg 2nd. REDUCED TO S1,200.000. Call Marilyn Twitchell. . EXCLUSIVE BAYSHORES BAYFRONT Pier & Ooctl. Quality 5 Bedroom In Desirable Gated Community. Priva1e Beach. Beautttutty Upgraded. Probably One Of The Finest Waterlront Vlfta Avallable. Rli!ht At Turning Baaln Reduced To Only '895.000 Leaaehofd. Call Marllyn Twitchell. JUST COMPLETED Custom-Built 6300 Sq. Ft. Home. Mariners Point, San Clemente. GOf'geous Ocean View, City Lights. Entertainers' Delight. Numerous Amenities. See To Appreciate. 1875,000. Owners Wiii Accept Syndicate Or Trade. Submit All Otters. Call Marta Bercovlt.z. STEAL A CONOOI 91 • 1 E•RALD BAY MODERN Exciting Oceen View Home. Superb Contemporary Styling. In Prestlglou• Community. 3 BRa, 3 Ba + Den. High a..m.d Celllnga In Den, D.R. & L.R. Sun Oecka. Spa Off Spaclou1 MBR. BBQ. REDUCED TO $&35,000. call Joyc:9 Debolt. BIG CANYON TOWNHOUSE IN NEWPORT BEACH'S PRESTIGIOUS BIG CANYON. SHOWS LIKE A MODEL -BRIGHT, CHEERFUL DECOR. HUGE MASTER SUITE PLUS PRIVATE GUEST BEDROOM & BATH. OWNER/AGENT WILL FINANCE. $405,000. CALL JOHN MERRILL. COUNTRY LIVING Jull Completed 3300 Sq. Ft. Custom Estate. Floor Plan Is Ideal For The Large Family & Entertaining. Many Skylights, Ulreplaces. Central A/C & Wet Bar. 4 Bedrooms, 4'h Baths, Oen, Huge Famlly Room, Plu1 Separate Format Dlnln9 .. Hall." Nearty '..\ Acre, Level & Zoned For Hot._ At The End Of Private Paved Road. The Bullder Is Asking S397,500, & Wiii Assist With Financing .. HARBOR VIEW You Can't And A Sett• Montego, Expanded. Upgraded. Mull See 'to Appreciate. TIP-TC>P Condition. Four Bedroom•. Large Sunny Roome. Alarm System, Automatic Sprlnklera, Tiied Entry. Cttolce Wallpape<S. Community Pool, Close To Partc. REDUCED TO $349,000. Call Joan Lambe. BRAND NEW Just Compl9ted In A Woodsy Setting With S Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Family Room, Dining Room. Also 2 Areplaoes. French Doore, Central A/C & Secluded Location. All Thia Makes Your New Home A Delight For Many "Equity-Growth" Yeats To Come. Present A Creative Otter You May Be Surprlaed At The Owner's Flexlblllty. EASTBLUFF Awe Av. BR Lusk. Two Flreptac.a, LR. & F.R. Highly Upgreded. Kitchen Remodeled. 3-Car Garage. Exoellent Financing. Only 1274,000. Call "Salty Shlptey. SUNNYMEAD EIGHT-Pl.EX Two Attractive Spanish 2 BR FumWMd 4-Plexea. No Vacanclee. South Of RIV9'aide Just Off Highway 60 Near Heacock St. Exoetlent Temis. Aed\'°9d To $249.000. Call Sally Shipley. WARMINGTON IN NORTHWOOD Beautiful Shadow Aun In lrvtne. 4 Bedroom. Bonus Room. 3-Car Garage, All On Quiet Cut-o.&lc. Huge Living Room. s.s>arate Famlly Room, Hand9omely Ulldeeap&d Grounds. ·Very Good Aaaumat>le LOIUI, ANO, Owner Wiii Aaafll In Financing. A Great Opportunity For Your Family To Live In Desirable Community. Call Carol King. · BLUFFS BEST BUY EXCELLENT FINANCING AVAILABLE. Large Aaaumable Loan tg 11'h% & Ownef Wiii Consider 2nd. Beautifully Upgraded C1rrneOta W/3 BFW + Cozy Den. Laroe Patio On Lovely OrMnbelt Near Pool. Vacant. REDUCED TO $109,000. Call Sally Shipley. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Low, Low Priced 3 Bedroom W/LMng & Dining Areas Opening To Secluded Patio NMf Beach, Schoola, Shopping. Custom Cabinetry. Good Assumable Loan. Priced At $175,000. Call Binnie Dixon. In lrvlne's Woodbridge Area. 3 Yeara Young. 10"4% Financing. On Cul·De-Sac. Fenced Yard. Owner Extremely Anxious. Only S 135,000. Call Susan TrMaon. OPEN HOUSES THIS WEEKEND COSTA MESA Remodeled Home W/Lov.iy Decor. New Butcher Block Counter. f>llhwaaher. Slldlng Glasa Door Off Eating Area. Enclosed Patio-Large Yard W/Frull Trees. Reduced To $109,900. Call Donna Webeter. • FAlllL Y RETREAT AT AFFORDA8tE PRICE Laro-Knotty Pine Family Room W/Brtck Fireplace & Expanllvtl Vlewl Of Clewland National FOl'eat Hlohl~ht The Comfortable Family Atmoe9here Of Thia 3 BR, 3 Bath Home. Excellent Orange Unified Schools In A Rural Atmotptlere L4IM Than 30 Mlnut• Frotr1 The Newport Freeway In Orange. Or The San Diego Freeway In El T0to. Mak• Thi• The Ideal Home FOt The 'Family Seeking A Quieter Pace Of UM. Prlcled To Seit At 1120,000. Call Mery Rlctlwda Today. 5-'2 HARBOR ISLAND OR., Prom. Bay, N.B. $1,200,000. SAT/SUN 1-5. INEXPEN .. VE GrMt 3 BR Home With Larve Added Family Room, Plus Areptace. Exc.lleflt Financing Available. Patio With Spa. Only 1116,900 Call Donna Web1ter. 114 VIA ENSUENO, Mariners, SAN CLEMENTE $875,000. SAT 1-5. If 7 RUE VILLARS, 9lg Canyon, N'.B. $650,000. SAT/SUN 1·5. 26-'2 VISTA ORNAOA. Bluffs, N.B. $209,000. SAT/SUN 1-5. 1863 BRAEMAA WAY, NEWPORT BEACH $365,000. SUN 2-5. 759-9100 # 2 Corporate Plaza ---------------- CHARMER IN "OLD ORANOEtt Neat Starter Home , .. Handaomely Refurbl1t1ed 2 Bedroom Cottage On Cotner Lot For Privacy. ldMI FCK Eiltl« C0U9le Or Single. L.ow Maintenance Yard. Only He.500. With Fantaatlc ~able V.A. loan. Oon't Ml .. ~It Opportunity. POSSIBLE LEASE/OPTION 3 Bedroom. 11~ Bath TownhouM In Huntington peach. Fireplace. FHA Anumab6e Loan. Great Starter HOITl8, Or P09albla Income Property. A "Fixer." Rented $826 Month, 1891000. Call Jay H8Qllef. Newport Center n,AIVWI r.nu ntv A•AI S::cttAt•I An AthMIWtlA!f'\n ~.~ t" th.""'' v nu",.. _ _... _ _.._ • -· ·• --... or~ OdU,,.Y RWal ·~ttetittAn· A~tslitsf &iP~~~ ro·~'OAlt Y Ptt..:errs~~.·ixegtm·~f: 'ftft ~ 17 ., •••l 111111 ll1a1e1 l•1 $111 B••••• let •It ••••• 1 • 1 1 ' • • •• • ••• •• ••••• • • •••• • • • • •• • • • • ••• •• • • •• • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • •••• • •• •• z S H 1 s 1 •••u• ,,, s.1, R••u• 1., s.1, .... ,, ,., s.1. ~H .. •!!.('.'.'-'-'·'······· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ··················1·00··2· 19-I JOO ,._ I 1002 ,._ I 100 G1•1r•I 100 ,. J IOOZ ,. ..... ,., JOOZ Ct•e11l -••r• -•t11 -•tr• ..•.••••••••.....•• u~•e11 u~ 5 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••··········· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••..••.. ..•. .••••.. •• •••.. •••. •••.. ..•. .•.. 3 II COllOS! Coles worthy BIG CANYON TASTE ~~ ~::i 1~:.~e~! RARE BLUFFS OPPORTUNITY C M PRICE $120,000 now $105,000 & C • . & 1209,999 w/$5000 to J ·' f · L (). El Ab d F T h $10,000 down only. For ust l1 slt'u· ronl row vaew. OW l'Sl eganc.:e oun s rom e details call Patrick or EQUAL HOUS!t«l OPPORTUNITY pril'l'd "~" Plan 3 Br. family room 2S45 EAST BLUFF OR. Second You Pass Through The Fred TllOOfe 760-8702 or $1!J7.000 As.,.unll' loons. Submit un dwn NEWPORT BEACH, CA. Inner Gate S urrounding Flora l 631·1288 ro 2645 Vista Ornada $315.000 640-0020 Bouquets And Step Onto The Tile Open Sat/Sun 1-5 Entry Which Sweeps You Into hMidttr'I hffttl ILUFFS LEASE u i Bdrm, water view, $950/mo. Also 3 Br. front row view $1200/mo. 140-0020 llt-1111 WIPI YHI FH'T WIH YH LUU Indoor-O utdoor Liv ing At I ts Eastbluff potential unlimited. 5 Bdrm, Finest. Featuring Box-Bea med country kitchen, extra lrg family room & Ceilings . Country Fresh Lace 3 Ba. This home has been betrayed Curtains. Antique American Oak abused and then abandoned. Premium Fireplace, Fre nch Doors, Mast.er location. Fabulous neighborhood but the Suite With Used Brick Fireplace. .. US1'111 • •YllE TElllll All •HI estate lldveru!Mld In lhls newspaper Is subject to the Federal Fair Housing .-.ct ol 1968 which makes It Illegal lo adYer11se '"any pref«en· ce, !Imitation or discrimi- nation baaed on race. color. rellglon, 11111 or national origin. or any Intention to make any such preference. !Imita- tion or discrimination." home needs everything. BofA financing $225,000 Fabulous Financing. ---------------of $1 54,000-total price $205,000. Not for To See It Is To Want It! TRUSTEE SALE # 2395 the faint of heart. 2800 Carob, F.astbluff. See thla exceptional home! Recently redeco· rated with cream color cerpe1a. plantatlon •hut· ters & wood floors. II hes brick planters. a sperk- llng pool and separate ape AINI for NeteJle (agt) Thia newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real es- tate which Is In vl<>latloo ot the law 1111111 Adverti· sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm - m ed i ate I y. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect ~Insertion only. ..... ,.,i.i. ~;;;i·········;·;;i ................•.•••• FllllLY m111111 This la the home for the growing tamlfy. Six, vee 8 big bdr,,,., 3 batha, big llvlng room with tire- ~. Family room with 2nd rtt~. Formal di- ning, femlly kl1Chen with upgraded range, grlll & microwave Ankle dell$> carpeting Shimmering pool 9nd 1911 Gorgeous lnllde and OUL A dellght to preview. Call for pr• Ylew. 54$-2313 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS Have something you want to eetl? Classified ads do It well I Call NOW, 6'4~·5678 View Lot-Cowan Heights On Sept. 10, 1982 at 11 am, at the front entrance of Stan-Shaw Corp., 2315 E. 17th St. Santa Ana. Calaf, said trustee will sell to the highest bidder Lot 32, T ract 1968, Known to be approx. ~ acres of vacant land. For further 1nformat1on contact: STAl-SIUW COllP. 11•1142·1111 Said Salt' will be made without covenant or waJTanty, expt1!9e(I or implied WILL IUU l1w 111111 lall ll11tlt C.st1• Luxurious Laguna Hills Home, big ho use, big room s, hill to p view . $595,000, Consider trade your home or what.ever?? ........ c.. 1141111-0111, atte 1a1 .. ao1 BETIER THAN A NEW HOt.l TITlLLY IEmLEI, IElllLT I IEllOIELEI IEYAITITlllLJ ITTUOTIYI IPD Tiii WUIUI UT I HI 1-1 ,. 1Ul IUllln N • ..,IYlll TllUIE", M Here is a marve lous opportunity to acquire a "better than new" home in a lovely prestige comn1unity. No waiting for grass to gro~or trees to mature, and no big fancy new house price ei ther' This gorgeous custom masterpiece situated across from a delightful park is just 2 Jong blocks to Balboa Bay awaits your admiration. Ranch style with Frenctl flavor: ·4 bdrm, formal dining rm, skylit ceWn~ family rm, h ide-away loft & sparkling pool. Offered below replace~ent coe\ a\ $478,500 (you own the land), over '250,000 aawnable loan at 1,1~. WOW! \\.' I-:SLI-:Y ~ TAYLOR CO. HEALTOHS '>1rw1· IH·W WISE SELLEI PllCll Tiii Tl SELL Unquestionably the best buy in Big Canyon. Four bedrms and family room. Immaculate throughout. Nt?w carpets, drapes, marble entry & decor. Electronic security system. Wet bar. 2 fireplaces, 3 car garagP.. Artistic pool and spa. Priced right at $695,000. Gate guarded area. Call 644-4910 for l nnission to enter. 1C lll•M TIU I • IPll Ill 1-1 N Ill CAIYM Hlf OlllSI Builder 's own personal residence. Not the average speculator built home. T he ar chitectural design and meticulous attention to de tail reflect the owner's d esire to create an unus ually high quality home built to please the most discriminating family. 5 bedrooms, 6 'h baths, plus all the amenities one would anticipate. $1 ,950,000. Owner financing. IEW ElllJll II Ml.MA llWI First lime listed. Charming nr. new 2 sty, architectura l gem, 4 bdrms, fam. rm. Quality design and decor throughout. Designed for guest quarters. Priced to sell $595,000. Seller finance. No loan fee . 2U IWltll IHI UT I Sii 1-1 IM 1211, ... -YllW FIH F.arlht.ones thruout. 4 br. 211> ba. family rm, d ining rm. 2.378 sq.Ct. Vie w of Pavilion, ru t.e lites & Catalina: 1211 SllFUIE, otll UT I Ill 1-1 IUMI YlEW llLLS -IHE Y&ll Quiel, park-Uke setting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac St. 3 bdnns. fam. rm. $379,500. 1211 IU WIST, -lnl Ill 1-4 2 lllOll Tl IEWPllT 1111 -HH,MO Charminj{ 4 Br. & family room 2 brick Careplaces, country kilchen , quiet residential area in young development by Buccola. 10% dn. Owner carry 10 yrs. YIEW-UIE A Mlfl-IPTIUU Two story Nantu(•ket 5 Br. with beauhful Sunset pool s urrounded by 14,000 red bricka. Tastefully decorated throughout with w all p apers a nd shutters. Shows like a modQI home! Ma ny upgrade,. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 incl. land. WUUY ~ UYUI oe .. IUl..TIQ 1111hl ............... ·--•Nlf...W Ill!!, u. MMl11 Hell't tometlllng Co IMMlt llLL Idle llema wlU'I e Clllilllfted edt CtQ" .-. ~ Piiot Cl_,_ 14. Call Me To See! DIANA PlETENPOL-VOLPE ........ RVM* of Irvine nmnu..a 1'11 W. llY tPEI UT 1-1 Prize West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boata, remodeled 3 bdnn. 3 bath $1.200,000 Ocean & jetty Views. Marine room, 4 bdnn, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1 ,385,000. Oceanfront. UlllSLE-.S 111 YI& LM _. IPD -1-1 ~ Udo Nord bayfronl. 5 bdrm. ~lh ti.th . Lge LR .. 2 boat shps $1,500,000 kemodeled 3 bdnn. 2 bath + large r« rm. beam re1hngs. rurrushed. patioe. $420.000 LllU ISLE UYFlllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. playroom, dark nn, den. Boat slip. Now $1 ,000,000. llYSllE PUCE Sptttacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 be up, 2 br 2 be dn. 2 boa l llJ>llCel ~IX't'd -$1.500.000 CORIUIO CAYS Coronado Island NSI bayfront lot 85' boat dock. Plans avail Now $370,000 w/tenns ILIFR ... Single story end unit, e>epanded, upgraded 3 br, 3 ba on l.argett greenbelt. S250.000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )41 Boy\ d~ D• ... "8 e.1s t>'C>I BEST IN BLUFFS 673-6571 or 67S-6000 OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 I JlilillOOf 11<>Ml'S FOllECLISlllEI Lrg 4 8d Spanish estate w/pool In mint eood 111 1412 Santiago, Dover Shores. Mu11 be sold. Price cut S 100,000 10 $318,000 w/termsl Open Dally. Call Patrick or Fred Tenore 760·8702 or 831-1286 usnmu. Cute 3 Bdr on CUI-de-MC at. Seier wm help flnan- c e. Large aaaum1ble loan. Full Pl'loe I 115,000 . 751-3181 UllM IJllE Only $.425,000 with great lerma and View Call for detall1. Patrick Tenore 700-8702 Of e31-1~ RVM* Of~ .. 1 • ........ !j}) 175·551~.& 1P11IMll1-1 •11111Um MYrml .... INt..,... ... .., ...,., ... , ... 4 .. , ........ ,, .. f ••llr r•. Walls •f ..... .,,,, .. , ... , IEIT llY. Love ly 2000 sq. ft. 3 bdnn, 2 'h 1., ... , lit• ••rm baths, fam. rm., wide greenbelt, near rH••· 11' tHltt• pool. Only $249.000. lllll•• Tll WI. Hlll•1• .. , .... ,., WILL LUSE Imel. Sy appt. tMf'D tft11Mt st1ar IPO 1-1 Ht • ..., .,..._, II· 2111Yht1 ...... .,./laM 1111.-1 ===: 1M P1aJa, I .,, .... 11H 1111... • ..... ••11... 111 II 11 Yhta ..,.._ I lfr, cn11•1N U..,_ ii..tc.W: ,..... HELEN 8. DOWD COLI CW NEWPORT MAL TORS llULTHI, 110. 144-1111 llHLC-M••· c-...... OISTLE IY TllE IEA Come down on the hlll and cm.c1c IJUI this OM of a kind prevue home ol tht year! 4 Br 4 Ba maaterplec:e w / wtiltewtter w . It 10,000. Opn..S.t 1-$. 242 P~. CdM. Call Aon Salter •75·5511 . ....... B EST FIS HING .-.No lffllllllLE 1.1· SWIMMING BEACH Plu• Jllf 2 bdrm hOIJI• -2 cer Muet NII nowl Propetty gerege, .111ct le25,000I reduced H0,0001 4 lrg *lnlUIS Bdrme, Charming rerntty BAY . OCEAN Vlf;WSI .. room. pool. ~ Prime bOrm. 2~ bathe, llre-Men Verde 1oc:tHon ~. 3 ctir peg. plUa UfG,000. Cell MN ~- muah morel MOO,OOOf Cellenil 131· tHI .......,""' ..... I'"\ I ' ' I ·· .. ·, ,., .... ,. "' 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertltlng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 21, 1982 • This Weekend! Keep this handy directory with you this weekend as you go house-hunting. All the locations listed below are described in greater detail elsewhere in today's DAILY Pl LOT classified ads. Patrons advertising open houses tor sale or rent in The Daily Pilot may list such information in these columns each Saturday and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 4 Rue Fontalnbleau. Newport Bch 675-6000 $350,000 Sun 1-5 117 Marine, Balboa Island, N.B. 631-1400 $25'4,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4;JO Catalina Dr., Npt Bch 675-6670 $209,500 2308 Cliff Dr. (Nwpt Hgts) NB 842-5200 $397 ,500 27'4 E. 22nd St., Costa Mesa 846-7171 s 165,900 Sun 12-5 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-5 2 BA plua FAM RM ot DEN *19 Curl Or, Jasmine Crk, Vu. CdM 840-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12-5 7 Rue Cannes (Big Cyn) NB 760-8333 $450,000 15 Evening Song (Trtlrk) Irv Sun 1-5 760-8333 $169.990 Sun 1-5 1123 w. Bay. Balboa, Penln. Bal. 845--4220 $275,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 14 Whitewater. Jasmine Crk, CdM 844-9060 $290,000 Sun 1-5 **827 Via Lido Soud, Udo Isl, NB 673-7300 $1,850,000 Sun 1-5 1829 Port Sheffleld (HVHma) NB 673-7761 $299,000 Sun 1-5 * * 10 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 644-6200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 10 Morning Sun (Trtlrk Adg) Irv. 975-0303 $299,000 Sat 1-5 3 BEDROOM '4832 River Ave., Newport Beach 675-2399 $184,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 314 MarlQold, Corona def Mar 631-1<e00 $669,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **4611 Seashore, Newport Bch 675-6000 $550,000 Sat 1-5 * 1315 Santanella, Newpor1 Bch 675-f!OOO $369,000 Sun 1-5 1538 Serenade Terr. Irv. Terr, NB 531-1400 $230,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 307 Sapphire, Balboa Island, NB 873-5291 $365,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **210 Grand Canal, Balboa ISiand 675-6000 $575,000 Sun 1-5 2 Shoal 0'1ve, Jumlne Crk. CdM 760-1900 $389,900 Sun 2-5 11 Rue Vert•. Big Canyon. Npt Bch 213/4 70-2880 $499,000 Sa/Sun 11-6 2345 16th St., Newpor1 Hghts, NB 6'42-2171 $245,000 Sal/Sun 12-4 5041 Pase<> de Vega, Turtlerock, Irv 760-1900 $159,900 Sat 11-4 **1418 W. Bay, Penln. Pt, NB 675-6161 $1,200.000 Sat 1-5 36 Rue Fontainebleau, Nwpt Bch 844-0«8 $599,000 Sun 1-5 * 1016 Dover Or., WestcUff, N.B. 631-7300 $255,000 Sun 1-5 *20'4 Via Eboll, Lido lale, N.B. 673-7300 $595,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 1905 Yacht Puritan, Seavlew, NB 6'44-6200 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 2753 Drake (Mesa del Mar) CM 540-1151 $124.900 Sat/Sun 12-4 278 Virginia. Costa Mesa 963-6767 s 135,000 * 1824 Port Stirling, Newport Bch Sat 1-5 846-7171 $214,900 Sun 1-5 1903 Yacht Colina, Newport Beach 6«-1017 $485,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 ••38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 675-7060 $525,000 Sun 1-5 1218 Keel Dr (Hrbr Vu His) NB 631-1266 $375,000-Fee Sat/Sun 12-6 25 Mainsail (Jaamn Ck) CdM 640-9592 $382,400 Sun 12--4 16 Rocky Pt (Spygla) N.B. 760-8333 $1,975,000 Sun 1-5 2001 Yacht Resolute (Seavlew) NB 760-8333 $'4'49,000 Sat 1-5 2501 Harbor Dr (HrbrVuHls) CdM 760-8333 $585,000 Sat 1-5 2298 Redlands, N.B. 63-1400 $248,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 '416 Carnation. Corona del Mar 631-1400 $569,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2405 Cliff Drive. Newport Beach 631-1400 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **7-48 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl, NB 644-9060 Sun 1-5 11 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk. Irv. 844-9060 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 870 Sandcastle, HV Hiiia, CdM 644-9060 $312,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1863 Braemar Way, Newpor1 Beech 759-9100 $365,000 Sun 2-5 616 Marigold. Corona ct.I Mar 676-5511 $370,000 Sa1/Sun 1-S * 10178 Durango Rivet Crt, F Vty 675-1771 S12,4,600 Sat/Sun 1·5 2559 F, Elden.1. co.ti M ... 675-1771 •152,000 Sun .1~ . ; 'H ... f 14 Rue Oeauvllle, Big Canyon, NB 631-7300 $599,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1301 Oolphln Terr, Irv. Terr, N.B. 631 -7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1218 Key West, HVHllls, CdM 644--4910 $379,500-Fee 1718 Port Westboume. HV Homes Sun 1-5 759-1601 $223,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 •1901 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7761 $795,000·fee Sun 1-5 *512 Rockford Pl., Cameo Hghlnds, CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sun 1-5 **7'48 Vla Lido Nord, lido Isl, NB 644-9060 Sat 1-5 350 VIiia Nova (Coll Pk) CM 646-0303 $132,500 Sat 2-5 3 Vienna, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 644-6200 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #3 Valley View, Turtleroct<, Irv. 731-7771 $270,000 •426 Flower, Costa Mesa 646-7171 $209,000 2506 Fordham . Costa Mesa Sun 1-6 Sun 1-5 646-7171 $129,750 Sun 1-5 * 1.e12 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 642-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Or. (Baysho1es) NB 645-6218 $299,500-L/H Sun 1-4 4 BEDROOM *21052 Indigo, Huntington Bch 962-0293 Sat 10-5/Sun 12-5 222 Coral. Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 943 Cedar, Costa Mesa 845-3000 s 125,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 1206 Dorset Lane, Costa Mesa 545-7091 $126.600 1589 Skyline, Laguna Beach 494-1177 $255,000 Sat 1-4 Sun 2-6 *** 184 Grimaud Ln, Hunt. Hrbr. (2 13) 439-027 1 $1 .575,000 Dally 1-5 *2221 Franclsoo, Newport Bch 675-6000 $260,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1142 OorMt. Coate Mesa &31-7370 $ 128,900 Sat 12--4 •21512 Camino Trebol, Lake Forest 870-1900 $2 t6.000 Sun 1-5 242 Poppy. Corona def Mar 759-1221 1910,000 Sat 1-5 160t Marlnera.. Newport 8"ch 8"4·8200 $239,000-Fee Sat/Sun 2·5 •W St. Ctw, Coat• MeM &48-7171 $135,000 , Sit 1-& .. . . Orange County Real E•tat.e/An Advertillng Supptement to the OAJlY PILOTl8eturd9y, AUguat 21, 1t82 _ 19 -:G'~c"";'.-~11'1t':l~!'"'"'lli~.-.~~~...-::-:--,-;:-...-~ *1514 Ruth Ln., Newport Beech 646-7171 $234,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1901 Yacht Marla, Newport Bch 646-7171 $339,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1838 POrt Charles, Newport Beach 646-7171 $189,500 Sat 1-5 SM plua FAM RM 0r DEN 2145 Mlramari!Jal Penln 673-2212 ~76,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1036 Polarla, Dover Shores, NB 646-0523 $975,000-fee Sun 1-5 2100 E. Ocean BIVd., Bal Penln, NB 548-5655 673-2282 $675,000 Sat/Sun H ........ ., ........ 30422 N. Hampeon, Ctwtr Terr, UoNIQ 494-1.171 Son 2-5 * t412 9antfallo (Ovr 8'w'I) N8 t.31-UM JIJl.000 Set/Sun u .... voe GMrMll Dr::.._ w.a Verde. c.M. 179-5098 $1~,.500 8.aJ8un ;t-6 1314 W. Bey Ave., Npt Buch 675-9$70 S1,H6,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1837~ Dr, Irv. Terr, CdM . • ~ ... 78,600 Satl8un 1-5 2032 Swen Dr., Meea V«de. C.M. 467.,2472 $205,000 Sat/Sun 1.S 1 W&rm9Pr1no .. oodbrldge, Irv. 644-2999 ~.000 Sa 1-4/Sn 1-5 *8 Winged Foot (Bg Cyn) NB 760-8333 $795,000 Sun 1-5 11 Aspen Tree Ln. Univ. Park. lr11. 675-2373 $225,000 Sun 1-5 4621 Gorham, Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $769,000-Fee Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hiiia, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $1,095,000 Sun 2-5 *978 Sandcastle, Newport Beach 67~ $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **319 Morningstar, Dover Shra, NB 644-9060 Fee Sun 2-5 606 Harbor Island Road, N.B. 631-1400 $1,-495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1255 Somerset (Bycreat) NB 631-7370 $384,000 Sun 1-5 114 Via En9Uen0, (Mar. Pt) San Clem 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1-5 **542Harbor181 Or, Prom. Bay, NB 758-9100 $1,200,000 Set/&Mi 1-5 11 a., 8ebelttan, tfwt>or Rkt9e 7'°"-1800 I 1,800,000 Sun t--6 . ' ... 1441 Gala)' Or. eoo-~ .. -5•1 SM7 '4!0.000 .· . ~ 1-5 .......... Or ... -~,· . : . .!.· ••W·t1,-.-."' ~~Mc; I ·-~-~iu, ~·· • •1-730CJ --~ • . &If\ 1...fi • .. .,,..,..."Dr.:~ ....... .,_..Jd ..-;.eoo . -. 1~ • -. . '*'°'\Ila"'°"''°'..., ..... en,.7300· t&M,000 . •SW, 1-5 1118 8omefllt Lane, Weetcllff, N8 831-7300 ... 75,000 Sun 1-5 1630 Anita Lw. Htbt ~ Ne 831-7300 $298,000 Sun 1-5 **833 BaYtkM Or., Prom. Bay, NB 873-4115 $1,060,000 Sat 1-5 1261 8urtllne Wy, HV .... CdM ....._.10 '$2'15,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 133 Via UncNne, Udo Ille. N.8. 844-.8080 Sat 1-5 213 Dtemond, Blilboe lilMlnd &44-4810 t586.ooo-Fea Sat/Sun 1-6 *14 Bum6ng Tree Act, Ilg Cyn, Ne 844-4910 ~.000-Fee Sun 1-6 *11 Canneit ~Or, 8p)1Qll Hlel, NB 831-7300 '82S,OOO Sat 1-5 434 leaoflla, Corona dll Met 644-1211 eM&,000 Sun 1-6 • •. . .. 4931 Lorianne, Calff Homes. ltv 769-1501 $142,500 . Sat/Sun 12-5 1222 Suaeex (Weatc:Uff) NB 642-5200 $237,000 Sat 1-5 1007 TU!et Way. HV Hiiis, CdM 6«-9060 $3-49,000 Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hiiis, Big Canyon, NB 6«-9060 $1,095,000 Sun 1-5 307 Carnat~_Corona del Mar 6«-9060 "50,000 Sun 1-5 2671 Bayahore Dr, Bayahores, N8 644-9060 $759,000-Fee Sun 1--4 1501 Keel, Hrbr VMtw His, CdM &M-6200 $319,000-Fee Sat 2-5 1948 Port Charles, Newport 8-ct'I 648-7171 $330,000 Sun ~ 9461 Gateeheed, HuntlngtOft lldl 813-8787 '316.IOO Set/Sun 1--5 ·---·----a.an *2211 Tu.tin Ave., tlftpott 9ch 648-a.430 *320,000 . Sun 12--4:30 I 9DROOll **4028 Chat)MI Pl., Nwpt lei!., NB 173--0202 $816,000 Sat/Sun 11--5 **708 Via Udo Nord, Udo lale_, N9 876-8181 $1.600.000 8'Ml 1--5 2912 Cerob, Newport BMch 646-1044 $284,500-L.H. Sat/Sun 1-5 5 BR ptue FAM All or DEN *45 Royal St. George (Big Cyn) NB 646-7171 $895,000 Sun 1-5 1\.1448 Galaxy Of, Dover Shra, N.B. 675-2373 $995,000-Fee Sun 2-6 *3 Muir Beech (Spygla) CdM 760-6333 $2,295,000 Sun 1-5 2591 Bayatiore Or., Newport Bctl 631-1400 $725,000 Sat 1-5 3181 Madeira, Costa Mesa 673-3663 $149,900 Sun 1-5 2724 Mendoza (Mesa del Mar) CM 631-7370 $159,000 Sun 1-5 *35 Rldgellne Or, Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $2,650,000 Sun 2--6 3 San Sebutlan, Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $2,100,000 Sun 2-5 •70 Hlllctee1, Bia Canyon, NB 760--1900 $1,595,000 Sun 2-5 **401 North Star, DoYer Shra, NB 548-1188 $1,495,000 SaVSun 1-5 292 Henowr, eo.ta ._... 979-6370 $152,500 891 t -5 .. .Rocky Palw1ti ~ tflll, N.8. • . '831·~ 1.-~ . ' . • 1kir1 t-S I ......... 2 ---~l -~CS!. NB • ·t7'-'8da .-:MG , . -a..w -~1t;:.~CM . ._:M e NIJll!OOll 233 Vie Qenoe., Udo Ille, N.8. 873-7300 '576..000 • aun 2-6 I • ptue l'AM RM 0t DEt *938 Via Udo loud, Udo lale, NB 644-9080 Sun 1-5 7 llt .... l'MI Ml or DIN *1406 ~ Ln, Dowil' ~NB 213/2-.7728 '580.000 s.t/Sun 1-5 * 110 Vitti Trteate, Udo ..... NB 831·7300 .. .,5,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOii SALE 1~ •300 Caane¥ Ln 1101, v .... r-. _ _.._._, NS 831-2tfl ·•120,000 a.t/8un 11-e 1000 MecAl1hur I•. a.ma Ana Me--2318 *71.000 ... 12-4 *1738 Westcilff Or, Westdlff, NB 873-7300 $119,000 Sun 1-5 100 Scholz Plaza Ph 10, Versailles, NB 631-7300 $259,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *40 Canyon Island (Big Cyn) NB 642-5200 $219,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *204-4 Tustin (Eaat.aide) CM 642-5200 $135,000 Sat 1-5 HMO Iowa St. 10: Coate Mesa 646-7171 $89,900 Sun 1--5 21R ... FMl .. •DEN 209 19th St,., ..... Oft'°" 631-1400 $319,000 s.t/Sun 1-5 a W900ll 885 ~ Bonita, Tbl lluff*, NB 831-7300 *229,000 Sun 1-S *2421 v.... Hoalr.---. "11.8. 873-7800 $1~4.500 I # 8el/8un 1-4:30 . ~ ~ .......... .,DBI 2645 Vlsta O"rnada, Npt Beach 640-0020 $315,000 • .savsun 1-5 17 Rue v...,., Big~ .... 75e-8100 '8501000 s.t/Sun 1-5 •2642 "'-ta OrnecM....,... N8 • 759-9100 $209,000 SaVSUn 1-5 * 1 Pandora (Irv Groves) Irv. 642-5200 $139,500 25 Rustling Wind, Trtk'k Vista, Irv Sun 1--4 759-1501 $269,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2RDAOOll * 1099 See Bluff Dr., Costa Mesa 646-8190 $167,000 Sat/Sun 11-4 9517 Bickley, Huntington Bctl 983-6767 $99,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 8IDROOll 700 lido Park Dr. #22, Nwpt Bd'I 873-2633 $45,000 SaVSun HOUSES FOR LEASE I ........ PAM Ml • DllN 1155 Pott Klmberty, HV Homal, N8 759-1501 l12&0Jleaae Set/Sun 1~ 1730 Port a.rmouttl, HY HofM9, NB 759-1501 11200,..... 8et/8un 1-5 CONDOlllMUMS POR MNT I -.00. *' &umm. Wiie (Nwof Terr) .. •m-2111 *816 mo. aa tWJS 10-1 * Pool ** ~'front *** ~°'". Poal -· . . ... I ' I I .:.. 20 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertls4ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 21, 1982 Ht•IH NI s.J1 Bt•IH /tr Salt ..............•.•.•.•....................... IW•n~ 1111 C.•11•1 1H2 ............................................ IPll IMIE llllAY 2-1 (Ir ~J .,,.. ...... ) 1441 IWIY M, MID ll•ES ,,. ....... "llW •wlH" -::.:.,. ......... , .... ...,. .... " StH,Oll. HI IWI TH Ulll lw11r t1e .. 1q, lew llferHf rite. IWIEI WAITI lOMI. UCIEW llllEll, IEALTll lll-2111 TERRIFIC Hot.I Prof. decor, warm 3 Bdrm, farn rm, big kitchen, high beam ceil.i.ngJl, fireplace+ a large private manicured yard. A real value at $375,000 and you own the land. Open SaVSun 12-6. 1218 Keel Dr, CdM. Patrick Tenore, REIX, 631-1266 R&"M~ of Costa Mesa UAL UTlll lfO t1H,MI UHll IOI lllAOI LlllTill **EASY TERMS•• I bl' h d N Wood/glasa, view.. 3br, We I Hta • e ew-2ba, Small but ctuayl port 9eactl locatlon tor 497-2322/497-5-487 sal•. All repllH confl--------dentlal, P.O. Box 821. Fullerton BalbOll. Ca .. 92661. EXEC .. 8 bd, 5 ba, pool, sports ct, sep oltlce, Classified Ads ~2-5678 $360,000 524-3288 ••••••••••••••••••••• : TOM CARNEY BUlDERS : : **BEST BUYS** : • • :oPEI HOUSE SIT /SUI 1-1 ! • • • • • .. • • • • OCEll VIEW ! COUITIY FREICI • 21• I. ..... lh4....... ...... .: •Reduced to $675,000 with $552,000,. •ASSUMABLE FINANCING AT 14%.,. • • : IOWEEI BAY AID OCUI : • J 141 lllruaar Ir, llllHl1 P11la. • •New Country French. Steps to jetty • •Reduced to $575,000 with $452,000 • •ASSUMABLE FINANCING at 14%. • • • ! CAPE COO 2 & 3 BR. COtt>OS : : 111 le1te Yhta. Eutsl4e·o.sta ••n • •From $137 ,000 . All uniu have• • llreplaces, wet bars, French doors and! •fully landscaped yards. • • OPEN DAILY l -5. • • • •NEW 3 CONDO PROJECT FROM,. • $169,000 • • NEWPORT HEIGHTS • • 1597 Riverside and 16th St. • : Spectacular 3 Bdrm, 3 IA baths : : 548-5655 MS-5270: • 850-9778 • . ~ ................. . '•~ ... f .. .. ~·"":.'!.~---.:.:,.·..;..· ... ·.-... ,>. ............. " -·-Immaculate 4 bdrm, 3 bath home on a 35' lot with a sunny red tiled patio. Remodeled with- new kitchen & baths. Some city lights view. $505,000. SPECTlOIW VIEW Cliff Haven custom home with 180 degree bay and ocean view. 3700 sq.ft., 2 master suites. 3rd bdrm w/bath. Oak floors, formal dining room. 2 fireplaces, wine cellar. Creative terms $682,500. UIO ISLE 41/2 bdrms, 3 baths, family & dining rooms. Large 50 foot corner lot. South sunny private patio plus pool. A dramatic custom home. $595,000. Ull ISU + PHL Extra wide lot plus pool. 3 bdrm, 3 baths, fabulous decor. Assumable financing. $595, 500 .. IAYnllTOllll UATIUP Furnished 2 bdrm, 2 bath bayfront condo. Located In security building with outstanding view of turning basin. Boat slip available at best rate In town! UlllSU Can only be appreciated by a visit. 3 bdrm., 4 baths, den 3 car garage Romberger design. Radiant heating, 2 patios. Built In storage plus many amenities, on 60' lot. $675,000. u11 tau IEW umu Permanent bay view, large 3650 sq. ft. of good living. 30 steps to Nord beach & playground. 6 bdrms, 4 baths. Sunny south patio. Separate guest quarters downstairs. Best financing. $575,000. WESTOUFF OHM IPEI ll•Y 1·1 1111 WllTOUff Priced to sell at S 119,000. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, pool, walk to shops. Move In condition & vacant. Ul11llff Bank repo 2 story, 5 bdrm, famlly room, corner lot. Greal family home with lots of room. Near park. Bank offering new 30 year loan at low Interest with 20% down. See & save $$$s. $232,000. lllFH ... 11 tPEI llT /Ill 1-4tH 2421 VllTA NIU Lowest priced 3 bdrm, 11h ba, 2 story In the Bluffs. Freshly painted, close to schools, shopping & pool. VACANT. Reduced to $124.500. Lido Realty 673-7300 HtH•• 111 S•I• HHu1 /11 S1J1 H1H11 for S•lt HH111 lor S•J, . .................................•......•••.•......•................................... S.•11•1 1002 C.•11•1 l HZ l••tr•l 1002 r;,.,,.i 1002 ...........................................•...•.•............•......................... 11.\HB()H Hl·:.\LT\' OK FINANCING 21% HWI South of the Hwy. in Coron.a del Mar. Well built 3 bdrm. 2 bath home on R-2 lot. Needs a little T .L .C. Open beam ceiling, fireplace, large back yard. Out of state owner is asking $240,000 & will finance at 12% interest due in 10 years. 20% .... Corona del Mar rental units South of the Hwy. just a few blocks irom the beach. Currently earning $1450 per mo. Price reduced to $229,000 with 12!h% financing. 214'HWI Ocean and bay views from these beautiful R·l lots in a quiet out-of-the-way section of Cor ona del Mar. Attractive owner financing. $595,000 each. Two lots left. 104'11WI Popular Bluffs "C" Plan with 4 bdrms. and 3 baths. Near the pool in the newer Bluffs. Large living rm. opens onto sunny patio. Owner will finance for 30 years fixed rate. Asking $279,- 500 L.H. um••••• Well. almost anything. Owner is desperate to sell this clean 2 bdrm. mobile home in 5 Star Greenleaf Park, Costa Mesa. Has attached carport and encloeed sunroof. Asking $34,500 owner will carry the financing. Anything reasonable will be accepted. Adults only. lfllUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 20,811 st. n. West Costa Mesa divided into four 5,000 aq. ft. units tilt Up construct.ion. Located on l.4 acrea with ample off st reet parking. $960,000 aubmit terms. 100% Wiii Prime corner location on Segerstrom in South Santa Ana. Nicely landscaped 4 yr. old tilt up bldg. approx. 15,300 sq. ft. with 5 qua li ty t e nants . $ l ,040,000 excellent terms. 1714) 673-4400 12131 621·2821 Th• Hari>or Arff's L°"')Ht h tabli,lwd Ru l Estatt C:O,... 11~\J ll I( >It HYEI l .. EI -I II CllTll IRoulon Hodges built & Lois Harding decorated . First time on mark et. Beautifu l lrg living rm, frplc, formal dining nn, fantastic family rm w/wetbar & frplc. Huge Mstr suite has frplc, walk-in closet, elegant Bath. Sliding g lass doors to designer 's pool & spa. Completely private garden & atrium. 5 Bdr's, maid's qtrs. 3 + Baths, 3 car garage. Imm.ac. throughout. Substantial cash down-OWC A .l.T .D. Terms negotiable at 13% $665,000 Appt. only. Hope Gerrie. MO IMO Tll 111111 11. llt-1111 200 FT. llWNIT UfflllT BOAT ON THE BAY.JlllAY ON THE OCEAN. Spacious. open & ~nny all view home w /panoramlc decks, on huge prime Island Point. +docking & prkg galore,+ y<>u own the land. + owner financing, all for $965,000. Open Sat/Sun. 11-5. 4 28 Channel Place, Newport Island, Newport Beach. 673--0W2. A NEW WAY OF LIFE IN lhe BEAUTIFUL IRVINE -ADULT MOBILE HOME PARK HOMES FROM .. $40,000 10 $55,000 w/good financing avllll Cell Mary Graham . 651-2360 0( BOyd F\ltrt 675-5930 WTllllOMI Attractlw 2 Bdrm 2 bath, 1 atory townhome with flreplace and 2 car ga- r age. E111clu1111e Cape Serles -don·t miss this OM! Open Saturday 1 -5 . Only s 135,000. 2044 Timi 142-1200 H 'llLIFJlll 11.l'J. Auume the 11t Trust Deed 35K down. Seller wlll cerry lhe rest. No qualllylng. You benefit with 10.5% eflectlva Interest 3 Bdrm 2~ Ba Sundance Townhome Formal dining, Family room. encl. Patio with Gr"'1hOUM Window end Decorator Tiie, 2~ yeers ""'· 1111.-CALL ME TO SEEJ Diena Pletenc>Ol-Volpe ....... laJ.N,, w •• , I IOI ......•...........•... ISUID CHARI J PETE BARRETI . "EALTY Redeoorated 3Br 28a on J~~~~~~~~I prime locetlon. Gara11e. I:: .sundeck, palfot. Nr. No Y RENT 111? DOWN PAYMENT ??? No Qualllyl11g. rnon1111y payments 1tructured to your needa. Call 549-2969 Of 675· 1415 Bay. Owner w1" consider llnan. 675 ·5319, 673-5291 Cornµare belore yuu buy Classllled makes II easy 642-5678 IMDlU UY1 Front row • superb location and ocean view. Owner has had change In plans -must sell -will consider exchanges. llll tSLlt Bayfront Trlplex. Sandy beach. View t he sailboats. $1,250,000. IUlll·Plll AOUS. Country llVlng - zoned for horses. 1 acre parcel near Rldgellne C.C. $1 85,000. ..,..., .... a1r ........ a --.-- 1-C • ' -· . Orange County ReaJ Estate/An Advertising Supplement to.the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 21, 1982 - 21 B,.,,, /., S•lt BH1t1111 S.11 IHu1111 S./1 !'.'.!!!!.{'.~~~'. •...•• !'.'.!!!!.{~~'••••••• !'.'.~!!.{~/.~{' •••••.. !'.'.!!!!.{'.~!.~~'···•••• !'.'.!!!!.{•!.!.•.'! •.•..•. .••.••..••••••••••..•• •••••••••••••••••.•••• .••••••••••••••••••••• C. .... 1114 C.. # JIU • tt. ,_ ai Ii ,.. Ima IH4 .... hlw '"' CM.u 111 II# Jiii C.t• ... lft4 ••• !~ •...•..•..•....•.•.• !~ •.. ~........... ": ___ I IHI •j.!I IHI ••••• ! ............... . •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... •j 2• ~ft -.. -·· ·-UITll• HLY MESA VEROE·3Br, 28•. a u • . ........................................... OPEN HOUSE; Sun. 1-5. • ..... --·-FR, lrplc:, LR. COY patio. 11 Aapen Tr•• Lane, or CUSTO HOUSE. Poaalble no down. Brand S11,DOO llWI xlnt fin. l1•0K. ~/ lllf MllSE Unlverally Park. Spa- OOOExcellent ftnanctng 1539• new • bdrm, 7 beth. Lovely • Bdr home w/ rltr. 751·3~2 No I downl Only a12•. cloul & drematlc enter- &500 aq ti. John Marlhall tam rm, no qualifying 900 wlterme, rernodel9d l/ 4 •CR£ PllJS SP• talnment home plua 675-&921 Agt. &31-22•2 ANume !OMS, take PWf Ill YIUIW .U ~beauty In good eo.ta 7~ n n ou-t hOuM. Only *225. UPI -Ill A-I 000 VA 11t et 11.50%. Mint 4Br. 2Be. completely r• area. Aaeume 179, 000. Cell for d.Calls B. 4BR/Fam Rm, plua 1 --S2 I , cond.CellOlanaCappel, modeled. New roof, 000 T.O. at ,10%. owe Fabulous newer 4 bdrm beach estate. Elleruen Broker , bdrm rental unit '*' So. of hwy. R-2 3 Brr• Re/Mu 131·12M plumbing. palnl & car~. balance! Don t mla thi. H famil b . k f I luah deco &7S.2373 or 720-0740 model. Liv rm opens to Xlnt llnenclng. A auper one lnv"toral Contact as y area, nc rp c, p r. fireplace, Ju•t •tes>• to pvt backyard. Move-In bargeln at 1125,000. Petrick or Fred Tenore, Extensive cul-de-sac grounds feature '---•• '-d IHI So. Bay. II 1parkle1 & cond 0 Mu &4S.3000 -:-:r.tt:••••••••••••••• there's lots or wood · ~eat terms. 11 · 7eo-t702 or 831·12&6 Koi pond, waterfall, orchards, etc. --RY pane111no. ..... Del • 83,.,2ee· egt amm111 '""'6A $4l5,ooo 67~8 Exceptlonel value.• Bdr •• L.11111 IEIT NY MUM ._mull 3Br,28a.dbfcwgerage, 2 a..newpalnt.carpet& ,IOI New ocean view con-S111,111 2 patios. flegltone lrplC, drapea. Allume 1103, IMrffitt taltl S12t temporery 2 Bd 2 Ba 2 br, 2 be, den, FP, petlo. 1tt ---...,_..., own«-eustom bit hOme. 0 0 0 0 1 n 10•n1 10 r unltl (2 of Metil Juat off owe at 12% or even 5%. ·-.... -s 127 ,000. Owner will 09e Al-1111 1111( ., ••• E 114-1212 PCH. Nr Laa Bt1-ree-$275,000. &45-•220. Thia nHt 38drm 2ba carry 11t ioen. It Imo &:/"*10pnt. ..... Aft • • taurent. Only 1385,000 with over 1800 aq tt with 1., War•le, lffr, king S 128, • Hee wllow down and great WM lovely patio• end gar· Sat 12•5· 1142 OorMt. Beeutllul • Bdrm famlty termal Call Palrlck or h.S...U 1111 dena. Owrl4lr wtH finance Ml-l72t &31-7370, 5-4i-35-4& home. leatutlng •P• & CLISE Tl IOW 'lnlat IHI Fred Teno<e 760-8702 or •••••••••••••••••••••• 1ub1tentlal ht TD at encloaed garden room No money down, no•••••••••••••••••••••• e:J 1•12e41 12% Int. 7 yr term. A IEU YElllE IEST off the mailer aulte. qualllylng -own your IDUL N ...... .-T leuehold •late. Priced Completely remodeled home on our unique Your ~ et the beach-lo Mii In lee. C I ST I I p I I L thruout with many up-lhered apprec:letlon fl. lor the lerger lamlly plusl Ouptex, lelturea 3 144-1211 · lllE gredee for tti. dlacflml-nanclng. We heve 5 bdrma plus BONU 8drm1 and 2 beth• each natlng buyer. Aaklng homee In Hunt. BMctl., 3 ROOM and 91991ate f unit. Excellent c1rpet1 $50,000 below mkt. 1195.000. For an ap-BR 2'hbe. 1600 to 2100 mlly room. Cent. Al and drapea, 2 car ga-o w e paper at 12%. 3 polntment lo '"· call aq ft. Payment• run end* llftretlon IYltem rage. Welk to bey, beld'I Bdr exec entertainment Wll al UT. l-4 540-1151 11200 to s1eoo per mo. Nie.ty loeated Plan 1 and~ 1335,000. home near MeN Verde Call Geo. Brooks et TUttle R.c>dl. ta IUOO. ~.·HERITAGE ••2.1200 cc. Cell Diena Cappel, ANUme 103K, 12K dn, 71•1891-55541 .. l"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Re/Max 831-12&6 30 Y1 loan. 4br/2be, toe PETE BARR En . REALTY 1• add-on. s 12&,600. Aot'• 4% ~5--7091 REAL1'.0RS .. ._ IWUI IY .... ....,_ -.UIZll lftlU&. Immaculate 3 Bdrm..._...=====--~~ Divorce forcea quick Do you IM!e dlallangee? 2bath owner'• unit. and Plfm lllTTTT Nie! 3 bdrm, 1 be. frplc, Haw we got one 1of you! both with lotted beam poeelbllltlee. aet,500 ·ell teer-down cond ition. .. urrm Off Brookhur•I & Her- i~;5i5i~;I apeclout 1 bdrm rental, 2~ oer .. lge lot wttou of overpriced, no terma. 1lf •II llU celllnga. lrp•cund • vwy HAVE 0000 oflera conaldend. Truly one of a kind. calf pr1va19 pool. Located on INCOME??? &42-45415 eva & wttnde. before It fella. 931-7370, '57SCA#fSJ)a:~ Newly refurblahed one of Corona del Mar'• througtlc>ut·MW kltdlen prettleal •trHtl. • SHORT ON ft twm '111.. ~&-783t ~ end beth&. Slng6e ltory 3 bloetc• to Uttle Corona DOWN Reduced S 11,0o61 ~Nr· -A beeC buy. LO¥efy 3 BR, 8dnn with erldoeed ~ BMch. S2H,OOO PAYMENT??? ,_ aolar ... twnhee. 1 2 Be, plUI tend. S 177 tlo end double garage. 144-1111 ml. rrom OCMn. Appto•. 900. Owner. te1-3933 $359,000 with good ~-PAYING TAXES??? 1500 aq tt, 2 br, 2~ ba. nanclng. Open houae Sat/Sun lido ea .. UT./ ... '42·1211 Wllh our lnveetor. 11w & 11-4. 1099 SH Bluff 1 Wermeprtnoa, Wood· f:t" eppreclatlon In Ortve. ~&-1190 67~7300 bridge. eHul., model ~'-;r!:'to3::.::::. 2 bdrm, 2 ba hou .. E· STEP INTO THE YARD & r'*'1t T0,23oee11K e':i1fl;~ C....... 1111 ping. No down payment, remOdet ,...,.._._, <Ntm exotic with pool & :: Agt, Nan, 144-2"9 IWUllUY AWARD WINNER OCNn views. 3 bdrm, 4 be, kit. wtcon-•icee. tam. rm, toe oerden. pa- 11o. fomiel dln. rm. toe llV. rm. Quiet cul-de-aec. 1812,000. ey owner. &73-4411 Fenteatlc buyl N. end . ~t•. l98doua 3 br, 2 ba, lrpl, lem/ kJtcNn plus 1 br gueet apt. "'-'"-io.n. Owner Qlfy 2nd. ~59,500. Peg Men. Aler, 404-7571. A PETE BARRE TI . REA LTY --------1 aide All,_ cuet°"*'8d atep lnlo Hewell, tie.rt ~~~~~~~~I .. ,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• minimum ceah needed encl. y~rd.':'t;plc, oak waterfall. 2 BR & den, S & S T~ • .,.., 1tl9 ••--aa• • I ••• ·~~ 1°'/~15nge.~20oof>tlone cat>IMI•. bltlne, oeramlc huge fem rm wtber. water. warm cteoor: IM _._.. ..._ a.... 1llrM lnll.., ..,_1.1 Wll 83 • • • • tile, more. t142,tOO. t11UOO. 831-8011 apa, elegance galore. IWlll lllPI• ._. Vul Pnv Area. • CW-I-' .. 1111 on thl• • Bdr College UMI 2 • JWllll Owner flexible. 138 W• Asking •319,000. Bier ooll Bdnft IMdl flee. Sell/ ...................... Perk home and own« w4tll 2'h bethe, 2 oar tnef nut. 668 IHI. II '"' JUI 948-0109 w nda. ~14' ~~~~ :a.::o~':i.1~ ::,~d-=== •L1W ... 1N~ :;·iiiiiliiiiiii.ii 11111""' l>6E ... ,11uuumn Owner 8Gl 840-1615 ~ S132,600. Don't weft ram. Cell Riek. ~' 2 new very d•lu11e New 3 edrm 2 belh *F'Of'CES SALE* ESTATES A chatmlno 2 bdrm & _. -•-• c.il 171-6370 HOwt AQt. te4-et11 hornee. 2 bdrm +Oen, VERY deluxe home ea.-4 br, 2 ba, pool. Nice den oondO on • prime -.. , 2~ balh, S1etK MCf'I. .,.._ t158K. Owe etee. 1 ml from b99dl. ~tot with eeey ec· With 3 Br. 1Y. ea. htc. .U ¥IEW owe s ~ en-oaee. ~ 1S%. 873-<1358 21052 Indigo. 1e2-om. Delwc9 Condo. ~ a.. '° oommun11y poo1 By Owner. e•• •• 2 &drrft, 2 bA. conck>. Full -:--:·=u===--;;;;-;;; .. :::--.:-1...=.....:..::·:.:..::..:::....::.:.:.:==--CH BANKRUPTCY ding 3 bdnn, 2'it bettl, & ctu~. Fabuloua .--,_--.. amentt1ea and eec. 991e. * , ... ,. ,,.,,_ JIN ~ _._.,,__,,, ~ ...._ Llncoln model. on.,,._ flnanc:Mo. t 1as,ooo. --aiOOO Model~ be9uty on •••••••••••:::'°JL•••••• pr.,._...,...,..,,. etlgloue EMt Y ... Loop. llll._ ~ 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil No qu8lfythQ..... tree llned etteet. 3 bd, 2 I"' a Benkruptey Act allowt Tenn61, .... ..,q. .... ~-. ... 0WC lit ·~ Twine II down. 10· 75% loan be, upgraded home. 4 Bdnn. 2.,. bethl, tamlly lor eeeum~lon of MO, recreetlon, HCellenl ea 50t AQda \.iGM IV bc:tl t.11~ :~ o·~·A Cello t . Walk lo .. ec:floof9, tan-rm, for.mar dining rm, 000 "'ooolln. 1'o'"'°· Pm. 5' aehool. S174,000, Cll'll) 8'>otleea Vecant ~ Al11•1'81 Leal 964-4171 nla courta, end perk. ec>arttMno poo4 end ..,._ $10, dn. we 1 • aa.ooo down. aee-106& .-. 5br/3be+3bt/~ 1•1 TD of M0,000 Nly --------Owner lleldble. S137,600 Vecant ~ reedy Lge 000. F.P. S105,000. •Ir By Owner 3 Br. 2.,. 8Wa. .&40K ownl1*r MS-1'048 a11umeble. Owner wlh ..... a Jody/Agt 557-1289 .._,,,,..loan. sUbmlt. 1'h 8a. ,_land, 50 eec. Woodbridge Collage ... Dfm...... cerr~ 2nd TO al•o. 3 &20,000 dWn tor e 25% E.elde 2 Ir & 1 Br...,._ 8kr. ~7. ~~ AQt. 841-4141, Home. Cermel plan llee ·••c-....._ w... .... a._ . '"*.,. or siturecpta :':.i~~=R ~ 1ntweet 1n P'°'*1Y wttu ,.,. holW. 1 1ot. gooc1 I a m .. ..... upgraded appllancea. _,-..:..171:..,L.;r::..:it.L.::l;;,.L,ll.L.JI_ M"' P-1 TIIN,9" llhelter beneftta. Owner Income. owe a100.ooo atido0 o w e ,100K *** catpa11, drapee, eJc & fs!!! ~ lllJ ~ c..y GAi, MCI ~640.~~ S12•,900. ~led...:., 1n;;_11:;; a1d13%. S1"3f9006•. 1 M83e•a 12~ '10 yr 10178 Du-LOW DOWN. S121,600. =W.·~e· •• '!-LL' ~= •• -•••• ••••••••• ........ Sautallto LUlk home on fee land. 3 Br. 2 Be. llv & din rm, lg fem rm, all amenltlee, lg tr .. IOI. By Owner . 1 313,000. &40-7007. SH,111 MWI Dix So. of HWY ctuptex. Only 3 yn otd. o.rr.11. Ownt/AQI , Re/Mn 7&1-l.221 TRAii ... your ~ lnoome PfO-peny °' ovigrown ,...._ 6eflC8 with larva equtty for ""8 neet rwttc end roomy 4 ldrm S.,.b, 11ome with 110 deg. oc:een "'"' In •• to beleft, Carone dlf Mar -...on. ••.-o .... nn .....--· El en Ave. • , Al Ct Chrlettne A-.ne (Freddie Mac) 4 -""' EA Fl By Owner, '°"'* mdl. 4 owmr/agt, "4-e171 556-eeH ...,.._ ~7~~ni Open SIS Br. 2 8a. frplc. 1H11 NCING AVAIL.ABLE. 9t, ~vu ewer ,_ 1111 -1-5' Buahard St. Brk/Own S14t,t00. eu-5712. golf courae, alarm MESA VERDE &42-n"3. Open HOii* &Ir! ,..... ayttern, llWd In 6 moe. ~ s.t1&1r1 14· ~:.':'~ a&ooo~!!~~ a200 ,..... 123 Aac*lo Wind. :;: ~~ ~09~,C?!'-TO 8Yowner 541·2•72 r mo negetl e caah S10000neededtooowr Lowly 2 etoty, 4 Br. 2" loan. 7141496-4223 ~ -Jtlnc:::zm:· •Br' t205,000 Open Sat/Sun :::. lor a 38R v1ba egl all 'bacll payment• & Ba. on~ NC. eepa----------1~8a 2 sty, torrMI din 2032 Snn Dr, CM family detatcnect home. chargu. feke over 'a.a':,/,,.r/:1 =•:':/: YIUI • 111111 rm, park like reer yd, VA REPOS 4br pool. Call llllch. Ownr/agt. Ste4,000 In loana et pafk & Khoola. Aaau: aeAUTIFUl. ~ dMn, lovely neigh-S 13&,000. MeH Verde 984-41171 a 1110 mo. 4 yr old • BA, mable loW lntetelt loan. OLD WORLD bofnOod, t182,500. Agt. 3br S1 51,500. Agt ....... ,... ... 6 ~~t~~TATE S1U,500. Fred Davit by::,.,~Co. • 7 • 5099 6't&-773t . 8paclou1 lrl-level • 141-1488 Ao9nt 551-3000. from t15t~ llYUTll/.... 8dm'I, 3 be, lam rm. W• Lat ...._ • .. .... llWI 4ff.U-M 1ecM>297 AXER $91000 Eaattlde C'oata MeH, 127.000 unotr .,.,..., Owner .......... Hurry! 645-0383 .... .,,,,..,. m.M'ltained. Pt1oed unw CMi4 or1 178,700 1 TD lmm-ulate ............. 2 nwket. *185•000• Open •% or? 3• nt. be. AMl.llN8 & I ft A /etC 0b · •-1 INd 1"' -• ""'"" Sunday 1·15, 17018 aten. "°"'8. No QUall 1 r o • • Y ••• ~-.••••••••••••••• betll conck>. Frplc, Wlilk OfMnfeal It. tytno nee, euper tenne. e1r .. m, P«teot tor 1•t lo Weftlllff "'°"" Greet ~ U. 14()..S078 De1We time buy9ra & llwMlorl. iooe.lon. 1et tlfM ~ ...... --cett ~. ,., Wr/ below nwket. Or..---......... l -~ S11U OO. /lvit, .... K. Shlelda. •t4-7511 •u"-"8 •••••••••••••••••••••• da)l8; .-417~214, .... JHI OPEN HOU81! CWLY -"' Ill.I •••• ••••• •••••••• ••••• 1-1 Pfft J bdml. 2 ... ...--·~.:.:.4~ ~~~ ~!'1c..~..!::t~ dlnlnt. CO'<lef'M petlo. Nr. MHCIOWlerk Golf Dr. La • bdml, 4'41 ... 'ono.oea ••u=rK>r cou,... UMK, 11~~ uo• boet ClcN*, poo1 • ~ '°"' Wiii .,. '° 1110t<, .., .., <!1•) at-0t1f -·--~ •--------·i etao wn.ce beOI( 2nd. ,. .. ny World-lo W ~!!!!!!~!!!I .. -... °"' -"-""*--_,....,...... .... 1L.RANTg·~--.. OM*'I ..,_. , .. ' ~ , :f. IOO I~ bdrm. W "' ...... tr tM OM101fta "INI" .,... r.~-•••u••-tt°U :..:n nu· niw'notnt ''•"c" • • ,.. ",_...._. e ~ •fend New "o'"H & 1-----------4 ' '._., ' *""' OOM ,_ •"8t'• not .. tttno m;J.._ "*' .... 9ICft. .,, 1174-• ., ---· ... "°" wtlll • •!"• ..... (714) Owilltd Adi ..a..1111 9e11....... ii 6 ° n1 •.M. I.... 11'•mt ; . ' 22 -Orange County ReaJ Estate/An Advertl8'ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 21, 1982 B•a1n IH s.11 H•aH1 l•t S.11 B•a111 l•t S.11 R•a1n l•t 1111 llH 111 l•t S.11 B•a111 l•t S1J1 Odi11 ...i 111•1• Ofj11 ...i llllt. ·······•·····•······•· •.................••..........••...........• ·········j;i;~····;,· ··············•······· ............•.........••..••.••••••••••••••••...•.••..•..•.•••.... !'!P.!!.~ ... !.'M !'.'!r.!!.~~ ... J.lj! !'.'!r.!!.~~! .. !.l.!1 !'!!r.!! ......... ! ... ! !'!!r.!!.~!! .. !.~! !'.'!r.!!.~!!! .. !.ljt ";::1;.:9" 1100 !-!~!.!~r!!!l.!!!!f ." Ill IEI I IPI • WL l1UU , _________ , _________ •••••••••••••••••••••• 20% DOWN wlll buy 3 trt- ....... YllW BaycrHt lamlly enter· ....... , BIG c•NYON WILi Tl llAll 12x60 Champion. carport, plexes In Co111 Mell. Single level 2 Bdrm 2 2200 aq It of elmost ,_ talnment home. 3Br. If .... n Newpor1 Sh<lf• r.. land. patio, awnlno & utll sheet with 12% auumabla bath ~ 1200 aq ft of luxury home w/forever pool/ape. Just reduc.c2 Sharp, ocean view 3 OPEi HOUSE Lge 3 Sr 2ba, ,_ cpt. 2 bf. 1 ba. llv rm. kitchen, loans & S 1600 positive "r..dy.,t~·; cOn. view! Only '359•900 w/ to $289,000 fMI 2007 bdrm, 2'A ba, sort earth-Patios, dbl gar. Allum•· partly furn. Adult park. 1111 '83, 1'*' neat brealc do, ~Ing Bio C.. tremendousF ~~I Call Holiday Rd. V8CWlt, loctc tone decor, ape & all l l l•t Vtrfl ble ~at. $223,000 Seniors pref. No pet1. even. Well located, near nyon and haa community Patrldc or r ... enore, box. do direct. or call ottww extras. $500,000 & 111-1111 Xlnt locallon See at OC College & SC Plaza. pool and tennis. Alt f« Bk 95S-2841, 780-7292 g r • at term 1 .• , .. h t/lu4aJ 1 2119 Tustin Ave, Cos11 GSI 54,800. Owner will $219 000 Meosa In bacit. sell at 10 X orou. Call ' · IUYllW IAIU• (714l95S-0177· 11.f 7~3 (Prln. only) #41 ...,.. ...... 180 degr• view. Leaded , 3 BDRM · 2.,.,BATH By Owner, extra wide, IPD UT/• 1-1 glau. oak firs, t'Uldoor 3 BR 2>'1 ba condo, ocean App<ox S235K aaeum at Cabana/Mobile home In 2 CoVlngton 4-Ptex•. top 142•1.... flreplt 3 Bdrm • great vi-. Aaaume $140,000 12% Lido Park on Newport loc. Nr So. Cat Plaza. &WW IEWPllT ILIFFI home.' By owner • 3% to 11t TO, or ..... option or $499,000 Ownef/Bkr Bay. Pvt encl1d patio/ Greatly reduced·prlce & j PETE J BARRETI ··· REALTY lllUIYM Sharp condo, 1170,095. Won't lull~ Nie. Patrick Tenore, agt. 831-12te II ~ aallSll ~~~· .. :.~1,000, aml dn. 63r e1n_,.t,;,,,_111 1 0 O mo . 21~1 .. 2• J!!=::=~=~ garden & pvt beach & down. $80,000 can F"l5115 .. .,.... .,.,.,.., ....., cibl'lae. Walk to Udo Vlf.. han-le. OWC at 12%. J11 IWI lll t,m lage. Ample prlmg. S39. Agt. 845-8100; 5-49-13M Below rnatllet-good .. 1aJfnet LWe Ille 1 .... 1 .... •-ES S 750. w/a11umable $28, $22,000 ~«:latlon c»- aumable loen, sparttllng .... -.__ R-2 F .. Land. ~block to llYD ..... BEST llil Bl.lff 0 0 0 Io• n • ~ I 1 % . ductlon '°' 1982. East· 0 I •nm -11nd. $195,000 full pr. IAYFlllT 11 87"'5552 clean, vacant. n 'I' ,..k......._ IOc Xlnt fin Pn Fin S50,000 dn. Owner -11&.Y 1_. 07' aide C.M. 5 Units, 3 '/f'I $287,500. Call Pete ..,..,,... · · n .w.. 11. •-old deluxe 3 Br 2 Ba Johnton, 831-1288 oN'J. Own 873-794e. may carry tat and/or .., • Lt ... ,,., ....,,,.,, _,. Br~ak even w/J75,000 •at R. TUii 2nd. All,_ offera coo-.... nils .... H4 aSl Ul1'D-fllJ b..H 1$11 down. 1384,500 SP. "' ... -1 a-~ lld«ed. Prine only , ............. •~I •••";"J'Jt~~............. 831~518 ·-.,_ 3 BR. A·1 cond/locatlon. .... .... 4'1 llrtlt... --..... -Space B of Plot #208. ___ . ___ _ Contemporaty-cathedral Owner wants older hm In -3 Bdrm, 2 yra new, Cypr"' aectlon In Har· R••y Riff ceilinQI, tpa, only 4 'I'S Npt Bch or E'llct. CM. Waterfront Custom Home I .... 4 .... enowa Ilk• model. IUP4W bor Lawn Mount Olive ~ old. 1'educed to 1289, Part trade, xlnt flnan. with pief & lllp, f• land. ..... ..... ....., loca11on, excellent llnan· Cemetery, CO.II Mesa. can be had 11fely by -• •• 'I .. 000. Call Pete Johnson Kerry wkdya S.8-0331, $976,000. 646-0523 Ml-Jtl1 ... 11. clng, covered decll, put. $475. Write Verdie R. l>UfCt\alng theee exctu--• -• 831·12M other 551·2812 ting green. $315,000. Thllmont, Route 1, Oek· ~e's : LUXURIOUS Immaculate, tHa.futty li~===~~=r-1 Park Udo Adult Condo 3 own• r /Ao 1. Ca I I land, Arlt. 72811. Or call lex. Nwpt, 3591<. decorated, aunahln• Br. pool, ,,.., holpttal, .... -78G-8&18 (501) 431-8312 ART 15 unite, E/S6de bright 3 8drm condo. -·-11.. bMch. $146,000. Owner ESTATES . 2 Bd, den If.. C.M .. 720K. CHARMING Vacant and read'/ for 3 Br Udo 8enda. 1 btk wtllhelp.A91ntM-1044 brary, cu1tom Spa. 1tll Yhtl 4e1 In 8~1np~l~V= b oard & care home, ..... at 11900 per mo., •-8-==d;;;N==H===-1 beeoh. Poot, Low down. umlf 1• -FANTASTIC VIEW. $510, 2 Bdl'm, ,_land, 2 '/f'I aectlon of V .. ta del Mar. 1851<. Bob Scott, bkr, := :' ~·'=-~ ~. ,:,w mo:;:wn = =· ~o:. IN VERSAIU.£8/NEW 000 (evM) 769-1078 agt. new, bP bey*-· S)(of. '550 w:tl, ... 2, 4 °' 8. 831-6384, 752-1920 mountalnl and-.. while they laat. (714) ner 87S..23" s.outlty, pool. AaduQed 3 8' 2 ea, fam rm, pool, decorated, redUced to 988·1896 after 8pm. l'INt ........ 142•1211 546-9622 Agt. l~~~~~~~~~I price beCauee no rMlt'/ many amenltlff. I 118. SH6,000 with 140,000 873--0519 betore &pm. 8 unite. All 2 bdrma,/ 1: 1 ... 1 S120K. 831-2918 O o o . B 'I o w n • r . down. Owner wlll MiP II-ll---...-3-• <>wrw w411 call ~ j PETE J BARREn .. REALTY ..,. IWIW BAYFRONT llY YIEW s•• 9885 nanoe. _.. caa aeant 861-1211 eq tt, 38t, fem rm, 2~ unllU Belboe p.,._,.., N9wly 2 br. 2 ba, den, FP. patio. 1800 sq. It. atoralront Good financing evall. Ba.wldear..tbett,l'IMt decorated 28drms. 1'.4 OWCat12%or-15%. property, Harbor & Taylor, Crowl Co. Y04.I own ltW land. 2.000 cnllN\ 1 houM from~ on the IDT "' --~1-•11 --· •• l!!P..'l. ...... !.~ ... "· ULD pool. Fw below matht bl 2 car gar 1195 000 1276.000. &45-4220. Adame, Coate Mell, 642•1423 &45-3178 .. 1~~~~46~· ·~:Oir~.' MiWlll~4i::.i·~~~ I • 111, ...... . MEL FVcHa ' . ·~ .... ,_ Ila t heavy tralllc. M<M754· Trlplex Eutslde C.M. TElllFll ,_ ...... ····~·············· • c.u..w ... ; Owner wlll carry, graat Prof. declotat.d, warm 3 •1111111 FM 11,.d. Outatlndlng •tM11f mlll LR -crJ-.f l"~•n ,.......,_,, 1111 tax shelter. 842-5431 Br, L.R., D.R., F.R., big SEAVIEW • El-ant a bay *-from thll lincury 1 week offering onl'J. -Ill.aC)lCl".&.a (, ••••••••-•••••••••••• ·Mark kltch., high beam eel--• condo $149,099. 2 bdrm, 1~ GJrealt Newport: Aaaumable 30 --------Unga, frplc, pfue a lrg charming Hampton ·BAYFAONT Mlfml -bath. corner unit with y yew flnanctril'1' ..... 000 IMI I« We 1111 ~ng';~"'; J: V:: at decor, ape, Pvt comm 142-5002 tlon, aec. 28R 2be (213)870·3511 or munlt)', chw~ino. mini UI "611 I ...., d / 3 model, fabuloua vi-, PROPEATIES Oue•tand=_..., toc... view. Coaat Flnanclal, tit. at 15%, -ect com-•••••••••••••••••••••• $375,000 and .'/O'll own w/poot & lemle f9ClllUM end unit. .000. (213)374-5922. bdrm, only 174,000. ' ~ the 1enc1. Patrldl rencn. M8s,ooo. Open HOUM &11rmu1m11a -.. unmt .,.....La + n + ,.. Agent 15e-o120 •t• ma Llf - Sat/Sun 12·5. 1903 Price alaatled 188000 Uttle 811. Ille 38R 2ba •--~ + 1 BA apt, axceptlonat OCEA FRONT WIJI -.. Yacttt Colina 844-1017 Xlnt ftnan. OmtlftfpQoc. 3 w/apt. Wiii conalder Deluxe 1 bdrm Condo cuatom but11 w/ROM•: Decor lu N 2+ bd 3 b NN 4 BR. Baclcba'/ .,..., Br & den. 2tot2 Vlala treda on Bal. Ille and/or Penthou11. Security Fruit treea; Dog run; '"··aoo • ~· HI acnie 1111tth large bul'- 3.200 eq. ft. pm. comm., Ornada. '20t,000. Agt. 1 oat•. Pool, 1p1, club· 0,..t off-.treet pkg. onty ~~::-~~iy En~inttu· dable pad. All cuatom 13e7.500. Wiii trade for &44-0491 carrywf::-n· ~~000· hou11. Xlnt financing. 1320,000. Ruth L.9Urle, owner (7141 Me-1088 • propertlH In exc111.w. i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~roperty, TO'•· Wiii -... ~--- -S135K or ti.t offer. Call Rttr. 84e 4380 .,.. with vatue of ttomea ti 1 111Wl9 _. .. , 28R 2ba & den. IMut. for apt Sat-&m 1..S PM. ~~ from $700,000. Priced --••••·OP on or ow uro-t ..... c--... -. 2 ndltlon Communlt'I 831 ......... Ill._ $50000 ... ~ --'-t N•EW-US'T,_...IHG dO'#n. RHd'/ to dMll ~ 2'.4 11a Xir':r' 1oc cp~ol, apa and uune. ........., 3 .. ..._, 2~-~. 1"'11 ~ 1111 .. .,~n;;; :=.; F'"BUlOUS .....,,._.,.1 0 w n er I 8 r o k • r . • • · PWiiid -""""' ,.. .,. _,,,_., -:::;. • • " ~ _. ~~"ro. n~t4. ~=· :;:1~ ~ ~~:":-~~~A BMt buy'~n Bac:tt B•'I· S598,ooo. 144 044f ·iifiimim.lii $!~5.~ord .. A•klno 4 Bdrma and 3 llltha, 8a'/frOf11vlaWcondo.28R own«. 714-eel-4418 876-8878 Neer MW 2 bdrm. den, --.. ·-985-6022 837·5519 Include mother-1,.·l•w 2 e.. MC.~· Boat lllr 5 Br tight brtw MCluded iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii= 2~ ba. Reduced to 2 bdrm lux. condo In a.ir °*'*'t• prt0e of --------unit and m .. lel' bdrm av all. 000,000. 8y 2 1· 1 Eat t • 1 1 1 i 1189,tOO. 10~ loan. gated comm. Gr .. t fl· o.•ltltp. modtm ape. IH ~~1~'~A&Jf' Miit•. OrMt ~ owrv/bkr. 87~7 sh:;:ln~h~!~. :ii Owner. 840-9272 nancl"f · UH.900. nleh •WI• 4 unit apt. 5 acre •t•tee. -to 1PD Utmlf 1-1 PORTOflNO 48r, 2'.i\8a + ,,.., by. muet .... ,~CPOOfOUOltf.AlM ··=--640-9e06 hcKIM With OOlll1 '* & buld . On pav9d roed 2 1nl 9-bonua rm, fee lend. & will finance. What a r.w• -•• •~ ,.,. ....... 1-1 golf course .-W. CloM mMes from center. Aom •"'-"7 500 1--1""" d 11 .. 8 .. 1 10... 8rand NW 3 Bdrm 2 be. -.,,... ••' to everything, 0"1~ 3 •10 000 20 .. d NJ 1211 ..,... , . _.. ,.., ea "gent "' • .... fem rm, 1 atory home, •••••••••••••••••••••• y..,.a old & ~ II•• owe• , .... 1' _,_ .... 7 ..... ~. • "' lllJ..... :.::lzf.::!,500 l.h., Pl0PHT1£.S,INC_ tfW't well 'fff-.0. gate. .. TAI... NEWI NN OWi*' ~ •• en. ""......., j PETE BARRE T: -- -..uimum prtvecy. LOW .. -11 IF OCQ1py 3 Bdrm., 2 ba9I .... ,.,., ...,, w,llend, 4 tw, 3 be. Pli!iltlil •••ience. Seier San Clemente pride of Cft'/ & OCMfl YWtr apt.• ,_, M flloime 1M6dalltlel lot. ,,,. fwnlly & bonus rm. 2900 -• Ill flMnoe wf'K¥w Int. rate. OOM.-.Np. ~ _.. appllcable l rent llt• .,i ....... _ klnO A00,000. l40-7t4MS aq. ft. End unit. New ~· n ••• Wl,000. nl•h 1tyt• 4 unit apt. oli.r 3 aoart~t• for -~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!! e~:g~~· 3•t'f. 'h:~~: ~;A:i~: Jn:ezoo. ~'.~.~:: 'O':~~~ !!-11• •a •1 :;:,-o::_•:-.~ t!: :-:ww111 .. :;: 2ar. '*im'to'~ = Ft~ ~:. bay win,: V.... 2 & 3 8*ln unb. •r•I II II ' ' to everythln.to:;t I ttrQl.l~I Of dOUatal Delett 1 ' : • 111111 hrdwood floors 3 LU. ., .... Attracttw llnancfng. 11-4. YM'• old a M~ twtc:e i --...'711 . REALT Y 2 8d 2 Ba condo In per-:::. •• ._y ... lot. oWc In en exctuetYe ~ For S... By-Owner NEW!.._ ownw cOUlld flf _,. 0.00 la ~ "eflate-Mammoth oondO. feet cond. St••• It total, w dwn, atnt loca-nlty. Wiik to bCr\. Ewry IUYllW/llr ..,.... ~ s lldrft'I., a bllh lavn ,..,..,.. Walle to lltta. Mountlln- w/120.000 d•n for "°"· 1179,900. ~lend. amenlt'/. For~• view of oc•an LOVRY city f..oo.t1 *-..,.,If IMnt 1ooetcnt PrlnCllpal1 baek • Beat proJec1 In 1180,000I (Heve omer. 8'/ Owner 831·2134 Must ... • MS,000. and mount.alna. "3 8dtm appllcnib .. & rent tit• Of'4LY If all Own•r et Mammoth. Prot. decot. aleo). cal P9ttick or Ff'tld --------~ AMlt'/ 540-2te0 with •P• l aolarlum. NrlM VIW oti.r 3 apertmantl fof (7W) 95~238 mag. Te,.ore, H1•12H 01 Ul9DftD Rll\l'C Alk fOr Lort Open tor Hc:htngr. Fl-\nlUU1 Income. S..W w11 ,_ ... 2-1111 1,..,ge 2'A ~ realdantlal llN\INft Illa mftlW/ .. ...., nanclng avellable. ,..... ..... finance l SAii! buyer .. Iota with \lleWI. Utllltlet .. ·-IA.!../ R&IM~ min ITM 8Hutltut effttle l\ory ~---·lnfOY large ~ brtc* tw• race. 3 ldrme, Jormef dltllnel room and D.-c entry I« privacy. '825 000. 141-1211 j PETE BARREH . REALTY .... ....., 11..t 1111 -..... ••-_ 2 ldnft, 2 ba. T•~ ~h"'oOu~EdOa .::~dol~ OupJex, zero v111cancy. are avallable. located View of OC*an and ctty -... ,.,. and complet•l'I fur-" .,.._ M...iian Otirdena, 1711<. only 27 ml ... from Pflm llghtl. 3 Bdrm, 2~ Ba ~pvt lot.Sor 4 bdrlnl, SOMEASET In great nlehed. SO yHr ""•n· ~~J:/~ ,..:.= Supef term•. owner Springe. Prlc .. from s>lu9 offloe, 2 frplca. .,~!~~0:0 ':: =:!':.nthr!Z~1;:! ctno. ~ ment coeUll Pr~1• S49-1m :!!noc:.;01n~::.:O,a~ ~='9'· Reduced mebla 11t at 10.75%. pvt. garden• a deck•. 121 ONLYlll Call owner at ,...., , .. ,,... W. Call 7t4-38S.2392 0 s'T T0ROPEZ Guarded gaut• t-nl• .... ............. ....... ~ A AN ona Cl'le· (714) •••••••• ~fiT ... ,..:-;;iJ 3 . etc. $37t,ooo.'c;;i ro; FW ~..... -=~761-1877 MZ-1111 £~ ... ~~.,: --:::1,,_, mt CUSTOM LOT appt. l4CM221 ~~,~·~·~"~di-=:=-:::::-,.. ,... t~lir~: ....... iiiiiiii ....... HARD 11.l HAUTIFUL 2 IA 2 •• 81.lfFS C(JI)() ... ~!'!."!!! .... !!.!!·~~on:,• o~r::~;t:;.,,~~ UAL man o..f ... afoo.n9nd ~=d:-.~c1:::. r:~r; , ....... Ptttl• ·::,~;;:o!2:':~':~ do:n. PIUU Clll. p::~:.:~ dly ~ Wiii IUbOrdl-p1u1 other up~r•d••· ... loan ••king 194,soo. SN'Wn, agt at 546-21118 ,-... bulll to ..,.._ Wiik to "'*-~ lkM ......... fWlt and tnc, C)flef•tlng 1' 1cre1. 55 acrea In 808 HAUEY. MAl..T°" loClatlon. Ver'/ well ~ ~·~ .. ~ I rm ltH, 011et ta.000 ...,._ ~d. Drip Ir• CA&.'-14•••N 601 LIOO ~Md~ ~-..... _..._ ...... ..,.., ..... ~ .-... Bt.h rLOOR •• "9•1.,... Aell fot Jen on wide ereenbelt. ~T.:;r.•••••••••• montt1tr ":' """*"': r19anon 2 he>u9M. le-11111 111111 w •-.J Condo Mee~ hwltfUllY remod.ied· 2., t.., Irv• 0.... = •n 1 o•ri co" • tano.Of QrOUnd rHdytor ~:l:.:.:~: ~ ==t:~ c::lti.·r~ ~~~·· " .. , .... ;\~1-:::r.~ ~i~~~ ~ rtmoct. IM0,000. Wm Cot.a,.,._. --~ l'aO lllil·IOOO. • ,._••••·--'· ti~ ..,........ Cell~ Mldll Cll °""· 21. ,., ~ ..... SIS-1417 • -..... .~. • .. .. My Alfi • """' -""'.ae1nww••nw•11=:;-J=~ • JI. , ...... '"'°°° ~1;~1~~~~~-r=---· 1~mt .:-'WHfTI ..,._... ~ltfWf,.::,• i::. pru· !.!_" ..__ _._ Mlft a ?I I SUM Ctll fllloll Ow!!.4Jl~t. 1-.., ,_,,_..Ollll9. Cell.....,. "4-117' ·•4 • Oli11 •• .i ,,,.,, .••••.........•......• ... ,.,,, ,,,.,, ,,,.,, 1100 .....••...•........... llYE IWAYU RanchO Celli. 27oo+ sq fl 2 11ory on S acres Reduced 66K N o w 169K. LANO WEST 1-676-20401496-7076 Flllbrook 8.8 Acres. 10% financing, down negolia- b le. 180 deg. view 49'6-710• ()( 7S9-2968 --. Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, August 21. 1982 -23 B•••n Uld11•/1it4 811111 U•l•r•i•i-4 811111 U.Juald-4 811111 Uld1111/1it4 R1H11 U•l1t•i1it4 611111 U•l•tald-4 C.U..U./.., •••••••···-···•••••••• •••••••••••••••······· •••••••••••••••••••••• ••···················· ••···················· •••••••••••••••••••••• Dal-I ,,.,,, •·-~ ~~~~-.t ........ !.~f f!!!~.!!!!~ ...... !.~~! ~!.~.!!!~ ...... !!!~ !m~! .......... .!~~~ ~~!~.!.'1.-.!L.!.~!f ~!.'!r.!!.!ffl~ ... 1.¥.~ t:s .. :· ... ' llEITILS OUTSTANDING 1br wt STUDENTS UNITE: Pal'1y LUIElll Lrg 5 Br home wlOCNn, WTILlff Liii Mt" v~: huge hae • Br baalc dec;or. goltcourae & min vu, •BA. 2·~ be. S13001mo. 157 Yeetly-Wtekly-Wlnter. 2. paUo. utlH>d $300 Call appl1, big fncd yard. fair 3 Bdrm dettched ,,omn huge pool & •P•· For Ava il Sept. 8. Oya, ,., 0, ,, .• ~ ,.,3;'0 3.•Bdrme. OC-AENTALS 750-3314 money BEST fee ln excellentarea.Avalle-executlvec>fprofeulonal 833-4785: eve/wknd dya JACDIS REALTY 28r 108 /c IS dps 539-6190 ble Immediately . wlfemlly No peta. 644-2224 --------w rp · r · $8001mo on 1 year Jeue. $2300. 495-4223 1 BA. So 011 Plaz ... pool, PllDP yard. El alde. S525lmo. Coate Mau Charmer• Five others to chooae CHARM: Expanded 5 Br. tennla, no peu. 1475. •alllEMEIT 675-5068. c rpld, 2 Br. 4 family trom. We're the onea 10 #JllH• V/11• 3111 3 car gerage. HVH. Ja-842-2029 • QC.RENTALS home. Singles fine too. cell for leeaee •••••••••••'•••••••••• cuzzl, loaded wlfrench --------- ______ ...... _n ___ Y' •539-619•• to $800. F~ y11d1 & 833-2237 $100 dep. N o pe:a HELP! Reaponalble cple, $500. Cottage 2 BR 1 BA, $.475 3 B 2 B d le Rc•lllJ garages. Kid• & pell . Craig, 545-1370, GG. 111-lllJ l-5bf'e S200to 12000 Kids OK $440. Mova [UiJ . HOME FOR RENT windows. tkyllghll. Garden Grove New 2 Pi'\ i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 750-3314 O""" 7-da now Into ~i \\\l\'4lbrtd9c 3 Bdrm. & •Bdrm. 1695 $1800l mo 840-2S23. ,.,~be. p11lo. gar,$55.i & 13 YT old boy, cal & dog dining., ... fncd yd G•r ' •-up JC ·s . welcome S45·2000 lllffl llU IHJ 111•11 need house In ·"Old very clean. Children OK; haa crpta thru-out, up-·1 1 JIMMI Agent, no f.. Townhoute 3 lk 2~ Ba. Ft1 LI.Ill IJtd•••• #00 Huntington .. arae, H.B. no pate. 213-471·t871 graded decor. •h•dy "~~ranu l'h-.lr.ln•· $950/mo. 844-8138. UITll"' •••••••••'-••••••••••• (Wfft ol Adama. South btwn 7 & 8PM wkdye. yard. klda llna Sm fee 81 lm&LI • ..,..,, ... ,. 31'1 850-1801 3 br. 2 'A ba. condo "'l.E " aag of 8Mctl Blvd). Aruvox. BEST Other• 1va11. •• -.-;1";-;; •••••••••••••• ..... ..... ---539-8190 I 10 S bdrm1, ll811lng 81 -1uf lllJ81 -....,., IJTU/-.&• Q $1000 mo 111 & IHI TO EXCHANGE $189, $600/mo .. ..,,, Of IMMI $325. Cottage/duplaa. $650JO11200. -. ....-.... -month. He dap 1500, 000 equity lor lncoma l~~Ofl::tlon~~-~Re~ll~-~53~8-~9~83~2~-~I newly reconditioned, MAKE IT YOURS $350. A BIG CANYON lharp & lrg 2 mut8f' bedrm. IUl1ee. cleaning dep 12SO property. Call Mike Crow new c11pe1. I BA wl wflola houM, Ml Jn kilcll. condo. Only 1850tmo deck•. 1pa, all extraa, Adulla only, no peta, cell of aauna & lncd yard. No big lncd yard. Kids pets LAG • BR • BA SPA-$795 mo. 96-4·3•86. Jeck Ga J v Jn . d 8y 1 Taylor, Clow & Co. lpt/ .... le/F•r• pets. 213-•71-1671 bJwn welcome. Sm lee at NISH pool home w l LMlopl Of' tale Of trade. 4 7 s 2 . 1 7 3 o, av a a 642· 1,.23 or 64S-3176 Drive by 700 Lido Park 7 & 8PM wkdye. BEST call 539-8190 gardener. In greet cond. Br 3 b a O c e • n vu. 588--0629. Dr. No. 6. Call lor details RENT TO OWN; N-281 NEAR BEACH 3 bf z bl ~~·~}999/mo to qual. 855-0517, ~2170 -Lo_v_al_y_v_u_, -3-B-r._P_an_t_h_OU_· Or Jae opt. Laguna Bch 4Br 3ba. $489K. $70K equl 1y 855-0517. 5"'6-2170 l1•l.J1 ...••................. ...... ,.,.,,." .......•.............. .. , ... ,,,,., "" ...•.........•....•... Call UI lor YEARLY or WINTER ranlal1. Aeglr Propenlet 875-4000 NO. BAYFRONT DPLX Each Unit 3 bdrm. 2 ba Front $1200 mo winter Rear Unit I 1200 mo yfty 760-1977, 87!>-1541 1700 mo 21'1b•. condo. C.ll ~lch condo. gar. pool, tennl1. LAG • BR TOWNHOME 3 Br 2 ea. comm. pool M . 2 car gat, MC gate, Owner/Agl964-6171 l 900mo.873-0672. wlnu crpt & paint. Aleo $119Slmo 831-1288. Lalt World, 544-52S8. Harbor Ridge EllllHI vu 3 BR wlfem rm. lplc E11ce11en1 views. 1pe. eeeurlly, comm pool,& tennis. $2800 CondotBtytront Avail turn. or unlurn • fan1a111c Joc111on wl views. 2 BA. aecurlty bldg. pool $995 mo 3 Br, 2 be on 'h acre wl~ n•I pool, spa, greenbelt & 831-2711. Fred Tenore, _544 __ -_2_11_1 _____ _ car g11. pk.ls guest hou-EHtelda 3Br 2 ,hb• -.52JC~PV5Dl·i..--cloM 10 Fuh. 111. on1r agt. O<angetree condo. ssoo. .. See 2S30 Sanl• An• townhouH. Nr pool & , .... "'~ S l195i mo. lmmed. 81181 3 BR 2·~ b• OPEN DAILY I Br & loft, lervlls, pool. 00 NOT DISTURB TE· I • I We have many l'llOfe at •27 B W ' 1tra1m. NO pe11. Avail NANTS. 1 1200 mo tenna ... valable now I BA O<ange1r .. condo, greet prlcH Alao w/ .. • estmlnalerAve .. 911 553-1141 851-6226 S725lyrty Jonn Marshall. by 1"8 Jelle. pool, tennis. lease option• to pur-ll100 mo 63l-S&&l 1--·-------- 3 Br 2 81. garage, lrptc yard. No pets. 648 W 181,,. Isl plul sec S78Slmo. 499-1617 Agl 631-2242 "VI 917 $480 875-9?29 Cllue Call today FRED IOI.II FIMJ 3 br 2 bl. deluxe condo 2 Br 2ba condo Cape E.>cec 3,m. wl....,..,... .,,.8 TENORE 631-1288 or Lrg. Piilo. pool & spa. Se<let E•clusive E"slde """"'..... 760-8702. agl, 3 Br 2 Be. )'Urly, $IOOO child o.k. near SC Plaza lg kite,,, nr frwy $470 5 Br 2 Be houM Winter $685 mo 2l3-9M-2686. Pool, Pf'OI lndl(;p'g, pv1 OC-AENTALS 750-3314 OC·AENTALS 1850 p. t I 0 . 2 c Ir g Ir 1 Sb •• 1200 to 12000 fl.4S-307 LUXURY CONDO 2 BR. nr SC Plu. Condos $7501mo 642-2137 or TUATLEROCK E)(EC . 2 750• 33r t• 7 d 1 br ......,.,, Jae etc .en• •791 mstre. den 2~ ba, more, • .. open · 1Y9 F le Of le AA t•--· """"' · Costa MeaalUnlurn Pool. Jae. lull sec. car "' ~ or 8941 a .... op ""'· Ag1 Nan 6'4•·2999 e piort, Lux unit. Great Loe $1350tmo 851-9350 EAST BLUFF· 3Br 2ba $1500/mo. 5 81 , large • ' RETIREMENT &pl. 2 A. No Pata $550 plus $3! BACKBAY, 2 Bd. 3 ba, Avail Now. 111001~0 .. yard, schools, shopping LUXURY 2 BR 2'"' ba Clean & quiet locatlon. u 111 11 y 5 5 8 . 162 6 bll-1n1, trpl, yard & gar . • 8dr 21'1 Ba, Turtlerock 640-9019,831-0836 nearby AGefll 846-1044. Nwpl Terrace condo. Relrlg Included. S•OO 775-2580 plus full rec faclllllea Highlands. beaut deco-Pool, etc, lplc, patio mo $750 642-6477 rated, 8" 1pa, S 16951mo .. Par1c Lido Condo. 3 Br 2 For leaae: Harbor View Kida OK Quiett 1895 mo ~ Watarlront Homes, Inc MHL HUii ... ( Very nJc. 3 Br 2 Ba. la-lease. 8S1-2290 Ba lrptc, dshwltl, lndry Homee 2 Br. & Oen. 2 Ba. 837•2688 1nla1.U Jl01 1~~~~83~1~-~1400~~~~ OecofllOf perfect IP• mlly rm, M.u del Mar. Ranch San Joaquin. 2 Br rm. 3 carport•. patio. lrplc, lhult~ 189 ---------2~•t,;•:;i,~··=;j;~~ 1-ciou12 bdrm, 2%ba, nev. gerdaner. $950. Sierra & Oen, Condo Premium s795 651·9S22 ,......._ Pehlt ,..,..,.,,. E P-ln. ~.ilnt~ .• 1050 ... l1lul Jiii Cape Cod. Pool. Jae. rec Mgmt Co. 641-1324 Golf oourM & lake view L-Of leue option lat· 3 BR 1~ b dbl --• f1talli# JSZS ....,.,. ""' "" • •••••••••••••••••••••• vt tk> baJcon No pet1 A ail s.p1 1 4 e 1 • a.. ger. V"I'...,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• mo 875-1245 Yrty a12s. Cute 2 b<. gar . 11 1ea. p I pa& ' y 325 Roche1lllf, 3 BR 2 Ba, $ 9 S 0 / v .. 1· G9 r c!na front. IUl'I l>Of'Ch, loads of Pfl· BLUFFS 2 BR · 2 BA · TH ~~~.~'.~ ... !.'.~! EtMrald Bay, pv1 beach, pools. tennl• cour ts, ooean view. 3 Bdrm, 3b• &. gues t hou•• $ 18001mo winter rental or S22001mo yrly 7141759-0047 prk9 Near w eter wnecettr lge9arage 3c:a~.hugeyd $750 mo ,..gen yearty.avall..-l,commty v1cy Agt. 67S-3890 -GrMnbeltnrpool Frpf Oacortlor well paper 673-1181 pools & tenn11. walk 10 evslwknos s 1200 mo _ .,,..1Jo . dbl,..., Adul~ • 875-4000 (Breu) draperlu and more mo. 1-8011, 5-48-3350 LSE OPT 0 3 2 beact>, S 13001mo !amity ,... •-•• •-•a.....-S 1 O 5 O I m o . C e 1 Elegenl 3 Br 21'1 Ba, 2 SFR Woodl Nb, ,,.~ .. ~/s 645-3370 aft 5 wkdyl Harbor Ridge. tmmec, 2 No Pall lmmed • $950 · _._ 5'48·2239. 10:30 to 5 3C • r"'V"' -BR wlvlaw Pvt epa. 6 mo or longer lease. ln&HI• JZ01 pm ~::~~ls~~~~~n~nf~,'~ mo plus op t ion Newe<>rtShO<eS3Br.21'1 gvtrded gate, tennli, C 111 JoCarol (ag•I ....... • •••••• • • •••••• $1000. SS2-8484 Ba. 2 bloek• to beac,,, unlurn. $ 1650, fully t11rn. 644-9060 Of fl.44-8300 Baylront mlnut 30'. 180 ••• 211La1& c•~-to ....... OOI • 1-nl1 s ,,,,. deg. vu. gourmet kttcn ' _, r-. PROPERTY HOUSE 2 Br <!'"' Ba. garage, lrplc, ,.,_ ..... • ..,, . 19uv. 644-5340 Au1la1•ll f•ta/1iH 1 Of' 2 Br & 2 Ba. luml Frplc, lam rm, plueh 8-42-3850 646-1869 comm1y pool, 1750/mo. 962•6683. PllY&n PUii ..:..."::::·:.~,·:·;····;,·~ u n 1 urn . yr 18 111 cp11. 1 ml from bch, 2 Broker 851·8800 Lease WMIClllf 3 8dr, ax-_,_ ''"' -~ -I car gar, quiet II Nopat1 SFec home 2 yt'I old.. c all cond. lrG well TOWNHOUSES. We.st-•••••••••••••••••••••• Attracll\19 2 Br house LGe 1 3 5 0 I mo. W I n t • r Only 1800 mo tor ,,,. BR. 3 ea. IOfmal dlnlng. 2 br 2 ba. Cathedral eel-1 a n d 1 c Ped V rd w / alde Beaut. new 2 er 2 ea. 10-~~ 1~mbc~nc:6~~~~ ~~g~~~~ ~~ns5~~~8~~ rlghl famlty 8-45-1637 Hp ftmlly rm. lge ao-ting IM'l. rm Patio, Un-gardener. MC ayatem 2 matr bdrm•. 2'"' balht. wer dupllC, aide patio, _, .,_ Vtfed patio $1100 mo lveralty ttlc $795 mo SllOOlmo Nr park & wuher, dryer. relrlg. tptc, ~ St2001mo & Av .. t ......,1 I lo June 1 Cmr 10th/Bey. Eastlick I BR duple.a. utll Joan Bracey. a 11111 Imm ad c 1 l l ecl\oola 833-l290 $700. • ulll •!M-OOn Winier rentals, quiet Bal-lnel. yard, pat Ok Unique Homes 4117-3042 3 bdrm•. 2'"' batne, kids Lr' 3 Bf 2 Ba lower dphr 2 bf, 2 bl, view, pv1 atreet, bot Joe. 3 BA 2'"' be. ~~~ ~\;;<>;:2~1 87:i~ or 84"-S125 U•IU IHd JZ41 W~tcllff3 Br. dell. offlce. 1 ok, pel maybe. John w 'lrplc. front pa110 G818d comm Love!)' de-,_ hme 1975 mo CUte or • MESA VERDE aJCec home. ••'•••••••••••••, ••••• 2 I\ Ba. 2 cat GI'· Gtr~ Manhall, Agt. 631-2242 I 12001mo yrly & ulM oor. Non-amokar No 1 BR & work rm, furn. M ESA VEADE·3Br. 2Ba. 2 aty, 4 BR, 2'h ba, den, EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 ner, no pele $105 BAYF'RONT CONDO· 3 Br 2 Ba collage wllrg p e I• I 1 3 O 0 mo $600 mo. 873-5389 1850 mo. 111 a 111 +sec formal dlnlng. lplc, grdnr. 8a. frplc. brick patio with 1~7-14!>8 or 548-502e Beaut view 28A 2ba fron1 patio. on No. Bay- 497-3230. "-nu lil •-r •••4 dep No catsllg dog•. 11100 mo. 84s--6991 1 pa. $ 1 so o 2 1 31 11-1 • ._0 Sec:.~-no chHdren oi-front wtn1tf rental $1200 -... •-'-... Ill n IS 7S1 ., .. i 2 87•225a wm; -.. & ulll • ..,..,, IH1t J/ff ••u •0 •••0 •••••••••• ,..v .,. . ..,.,.. .,.. " SPANISH VILLA ; 7 peta. SI 875-9678 3 Br l'h Ba home near •• -.-,..-;;............... ....., Yltw EI Slde 2 BR 1 Be, yd1. !~!~!~{~J~!!V..!.~. 3 Br 2 Ba, ocean vu. bdrm, 5 bath, huge 1 .. Hart>or View 5 Bdrm So-No Bay. winier $800/mo LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, lam ., ..... ., gar, pat OK, S630 mo. 3 br & den 2 be crpts l82Slmo. Arch Beach mil)' rm, pool & •P• -meraet wlpY1 bee(( yardl & ulll. rm.4Ba.1 1700mo. Beaut. exacllamlly hme 6•2-5261. 640-9200 drp1 frplc' blHn'• ow· Hgta . A111 tl 9/1 completely ramod.eltd. endr~leaturea LORAVANCERLTRS with • BA. 2 Ba. plua X240 dye S795. ~~778 . • 833-9212 •ti 3PM. $2800/mo. Call Century Avail $18001mo. Bkr. 873-4062 OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. powder rm, ,_.,rlecl lor Modllfn 3 Br 3 Ba pano-2 llGrambow Ally. Alk 759--0619 ---------1 Ba I 7 0 0 mo B 11 l .. -Loaded 3rm wllroplcal B••thl311• ramie ~AAnl cA•., ............ tor Ruth 213128g. 7726 ~ Grunoy. Rllr. 876-8l6l entertalnlnG wl wetbar, Piilo. cozy kitchen $325 •-1,._. •• 90,:;::::-21313 ..... 7 • .,"1-1., o.L I Bltiffa 3 ocsrm. 2 ba. good •A-'-·•Ja Jll1 OCEANFRONT d I pvt 'l•rd, custom tree QC-RENTALS 750-3314 -• ,.,, .., ""' .,...,, .. 1n IU 1&11 UY location, greenbelt. •••~••••••••••••• Winier sa50 up,u~;5"(; = :1 ~~;ran. Spec;. 3Br. 2Be townhou· •••••oc.•AENTALS••••• OCEAN ANO WHITE A111M 911 l11x. lwnhM tome view. S 1150. bM1tf¥t Stwta. down. 2 Br 2 ea. frpl, Eiieen Artullovtch Atty. aa, frple, mlero, 2 car g1r 1·5bf'• $200 to $2000 WATER VIEW 3 aun-SSISO/mo, tilt, la11 & MC ~~68 1 'A bike 10 t>iecli. 2 GAf. IM0-41ft wl opnr 1760/mo Avail 750-3314 open 7-daye Oedla. 3 bdrm. 2'1\ ba. 2 3 br. 2 ba. 3 car elec: ............... WI~..... bdrm•. 2 b•. iplral ---------Splll level 2 Broden. bM· Sec>• I 548-3278 frpc·a $1125 Mo plus g11 .. multi-level. ftplo, --•-1 1 $(( 11 BEACH COTTAGE med eelllnG. 1711Slmo 2 bt. 1 be. trplc, dbl gat. sec Avail now cathedral oailing. lkyflle, SOmefMt model, 5 BR 3 ~~ p Y~:: 11 and 2Br 1t>a. blk 10 beac,,. 7071'1 Acacia. 8'40-8188 Eetttlde hOuse 3 br, 2 ba, yard & patio. 1800 mo. 496-0554 531-1188 Piiio, Incl. water N-ba, no pelt. non emkre, ,.11.,.. itaOo ~~enc; avaH Sept 1. 1650 Wlntllf. 2 car gtr 111. 1811 & depollt. Rel• ' crpt. No pet•. Comm. 11850 mo. Avail 911112. • l'73--t3M:,,;.. ti 1750 yrly Utll pd Large 5 Bd Home '800 mo S..8-3561 req"d 875-2520. HARBOR OCEAN FRONT pool. AGI 549-7962 940.7171 645-8943 Cofone del Mar Nu 3200' lu• hm on blutt LI yrt llell blk 1 bch 1 760--8708. 875-2 lU E'elde. 3 Br 2ba, lam rm, Nr Bch 2br 2ba wtdouble l80 deg. vu 01 "•rbor. BLUFFS LEASE t!· ~-1625 1 ~ & be 3 Bdrm & tlnG .. monthly llvlng rm, MP dining rm ger. p11lo. blt-lne $480 surl. mina. 3br. 3be, 2 Br. water vu, S9501mo. S3•26 _ kicf .... let 1811 pt rent. Stepa lo beach 2 Br 2 Ba. den, lrplc, 1tap1 Drive by 2567 Elden DC-RENTALS 750-3314 aec.urlty, uuna. epa. Also 3 Br, front row vu ..-.. 'no .;,:.·e 973·_,. .. 27• . 2 1 3 t 2 e 5 . 3 5 o 7 & lo beach $1070/mo. $900, 642-2191 I nn I ,,,.7 ll200/ A t 840-00"" ....,.. ,...., .., oar r 8 11 . A e 1 M 1 11 Lrg 4 8dr home, 21'1 ea, 3 1...,5 mo. 4...,.. 009. mo G ...... 2131380-5485, wkdye 769·1221 3 Br 2•.; Ba, near new. car, Qtr, nr beach & Ocean view 2 Br 2 Ba. 760-9978 WTILIPP C... "1 lfal J11J 2131817-3585 tenc. yard, ""'· 2168 IChooi•. l<kl• & pet OK 1800 a.I .. stepa 10 beech, Harbor RldG•. movniel 3 Br 2 Bat 2 car gar, ••••••••-•••••••••••• .....,._IP..... Cute 2 Br. epa. 9~r . Miner 1750 8"0-5010 11150/mo 984-5096 1 1100/mo. Oertell. Re/ Avail. now By Owner view, cloH 10 comm OCEANSIDE Of HWY 8r ... OOMne60e of PC+i. A 1. M 1•"'1""1 780 19n pool. $1100 l MGUr. Agt. Altt~N-8 beOl'I. w/WIO, 2 ttory, 4 • 2•.; uelha. Cell eft SPM. 873-3577 Lrg uec. 2-•IY home nr •u.''-C . ax .,_ '"" • H2·7tl00 evell tit. l400 P9' mo dlnlncl rm, pl ScrMn So. Cout Pt.u ... Bt 2'A •u It 11_. -a• -B!Utt. condo. Sherv 3 Br ~ utll. 876-tO& 1 TV.h01tub.mOCl.kllcti 2 New CdM Hm 3Br 2'hBe B•. av•ll. 911. 1195 "' -••• 1down3 ~ $1260 .., _, .... ""' car encl parkln~ Avell frptc. S30001mo 317 8JomG<en Atty, 780-9~5 ...................... ~ 3 br 2 be. 2 lrpl up. • C#fa .... 1111 C 11 Seldom avellable Wee· S 11110 mo. 14n Terreot 9"4·2to7 3 bdnn, 2 be ltW'9 Tet-••••••••••••• ••••••••• Sept 15. 875-78 Po In•• t 1l 1 · 8 Eattkle clNn older 2 Br'. th8fly Bar Town,,ouee. wa" 7eo-1378 Bluffs .,.. 3 bt 2~ ..... race tlome. 11400 P9f 1440/utlll pd. 1 bf. ~ EJeoant Home. •Br. com-9"l"'4l81• g.5• M·F. I ea. llOUN S5251mo. Boet •• 5 bdrm. 3 be. 2 I • oonoo 2 Car~.,.;;; mo Incl grdtw. tlllre. eloee 10 beeoh, loG pi.te view, gated com-3 BR 2 ea.. lpte. view, new No P9Q. 1148-Ge&O c•r. tennla. pool, all Nonh end 3 bt, 2 be, Walle opnr • 840•9350 daya: t7~1541, t1S-t242 ol wndwt, beaut. t un· munlty. H500/mo. paint & cpta, St.000 mo. appllancHlemenllle• to t>Meh. MOO mo. Peg 7~98 -.. Mr._' 8IO CANYON a bt 2~ be. --. Sept. 10. e.42-6027 780 aotll Agl 780-0807 2 Br. 1 Ba. EUlalde, ,... I f 4 1 5 mo . Ag t Allen, Altr, •94-767t ...._. I y • • • • dee, Ip, enc gar. rear 837.otee. OecotlltOt 3 8A S Ba Bio ., ••· Hrty or etlort ........ Cnll #IH JIJf yard, older people prwf. mu• f/1,,,., IAfl Ctnyon ~o overtoo-I e r m • Av • I I . n 0 w, IMf} Jl4f •••M 11.Jinldli •••••••••••••••••••••• M &-2"23. lrrl•• '144 • • ···a···· • •••• • •••• klllQ GOlf covrM Av•ll 944-tOeO !Yan. Agt. •••••••••••••••••••••• •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Stunnlnci 2bf wl~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Niguel tlof9 pv1 comm. 011/82 848..oe32° • NPT 8HOA£9 a bt 2 be Qul•t Junlort & 1 Br ...... aJ ,., patio blt·lna lcldt 1425 Xt re Nlae 2 Br. home, 4 br t family. 2 ba, · • • F •n• p I ' •••••••••••••••••••••• CC-RENTALS 750-,:»314 H50 lnddl tle>v9, refr!Qe P.,,Ofamlc vlw. Ranc:ho atrium. 3 oar gar. Pvt Nf 8c:ft 3ttn wlbubbllng rptc, S*tlO. nt. club, N 78 ro"' ... oo • r ec ll•fllllll •· & 11tHe. &.4t-•102. San Joequln 28r, +den, beaoh a rec c enter. ape. OOZ'/ kltch..'400 "·Ag!. en.eoeo rm .. •~n•, eftCllCI O•· H~Condos, Pie••. ~e:.·:-.~::~o' ::;!:', 1.ANOlOAOS/AEALTOAS r.ru'f:i1~~~"f~· 11260/mo. ?S.·14&8 OC-fllEHTA1.8 7ll0-33'4 ~ ~ r-l •· 3 II&. :r.·=-'rAr off At' · lllpncee..•H new carpet•. drepH, Feet ft .. 1en1111 provl-Wooctbr~ !tie lake a er. TCl'Mh"°"'9 tor.._, S1epe 1o Nnd, 2 It 1 .. ~ 200 "'°' "°8111 ~ 10 Oo-Cat1t paint. Nope11.SllO/mo. ctert BEST Realty EllllCIUt~-t>d 2 ~ k l800/mo, poet. l tewne waetl•rldryu, oaHn Fad Trade your ~aturnor ~ MCUfttY. 54 .. sua • ..._.1.. Meny !Jltl'llel ttAOOtmo see.am°' Mt.aiot ,,.._,, A I •• y • e • • • • 1 n rw.~-:f:: ll'Mrtet n ew 1ooctle1 with• '770-M2t. He'<i'9 80IM1J'llrlt 10 eell? l e•e• 'l&t-•64 1 . Have aomet~ lo aell? 111-9So47 ct .... fled...ed tM llClt WMfl •Ct•lflldAd ciw111eo tel 142..&111 s-1 idli It-ii2·M7e ci-•w eds oo n welt &11-21a or M7-M&7 CIM•lfled • oo 11..-. went Ma Cell Mz.se11 tNel'f dl!r· .. ..-11 Celt NCMI 6Q.fil71 l,f' I t fi I 'I " .. c I r I 24 -O(ange Cou AMI Eatate/An AdWrtlllng Su~ t.o the OAJLY PIL\.'TISaturday, Auguet 21, 1882 ........... ,. .... w ..,.,_,, ., .... A,nhH•lf ..,.,.,.,, .._,, .,,_,,,, F·-::::'·_._......... ,......,,..., ._,__,."'-it l1alrual1tfl fl""'1UdM lal,.,.hW flllanl.W .... ...,,, 4100 ······'··············· --*'..... . ........................ w:::::~.····~· •••·••·••····•···••••• ............................ ;;•·······~····· •••••••••••••••••.•••• 1!.ff ~~ ... l!!f ~H.~ ... -.IM! ~~.~ ...... YM •;:z:: ,,., ~.~ .. HM ~!.'!r.!!.~~ ... ~! au•--. t br. plue t1udy, 1ndry. 2 bdrm. 1~ ba. ~. Ulll pd 18r 1300/ mo, •••••••••••••••••••••• UDO DELUXE 2 Br. lrplo 1750/mo. 3 Br. 2 Ba. en- "" eur-utll•. Incl. SISOO. DlltlwHher, prlv patio. qulet,patlo,nr4bch.Avlll 8ac:MIOrOondo.St•to trg br!.ck patio DR. oled garage. walk to •LUnll. , •o•d 8'f'5..5885. Gw. No 1>91a. $520 mo. S •Pt 1 • t 15th · Hnd. Flreplace, DIW, $1050. 875-6359. beach, yard/balcony. Wkly renlale now IYBll. $t05 a up. Color TV PhonH In room. 22741 Newport Blvd. CM. ~7-445 543-5478 544-e968 refrlg. 1385. 1 yr lae. Won't laat. call for 8Pl)I. ~~~~·:·~~~~ ·; .. ~~~.~~: '1:.,.i. "'1 2 br apl, N.E. aide. r.noect 3,:-r 2J:~te. 2nd 213/592·3t71 aft 8. SC.~ :'J.i~".to· ~: TSL Mgmt 542-1603 8 EA C ff AR£ A ::. '>Kh •1• room•. s.pa. .. ............. ,, ••••••• front, eul·d•aac, quiet. · S40-2245 11ftM J144 No peta. 845-1682 la CW.nit ,111 $S4/wk ,... 'din!•~ area. Waite-In 2 bdrm 2 ba ._ dplx $525 mo. (714)684-1861 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ·toe..ts. llonie Ilk• kltc:h· yrly. Mature non-emkre: evea. 2 Br. 2 Ba. trplc, dl•h· Woodbridge allarp 2 BR, llM/-. "" 1 Br, pvt deck, old wond !>' & .:11>1net1. Waite to no pets. a750 x 3 *Lo 38' 28a,.,,, SC Plaza. wuher garage, emall avail 9/1, MOO. .. ,.. charm, •P•eteeular Refrlgerator·Mald·Poot t'i. ittngton Center. 21317""4196, 257·97t2 F_... ....... _....,. yard. $530/mo. Evaa 551-3000 L,.. pvt apwt~ Me>-~Convu. wllll<Mto beactl Nwpt Blvd & Wlleon 1 Bdnn-fufn, $5015 ·-·· eunny, -•· ...,, ~ ~ ftlne. -ts tact gr at 11Pt Ccs1a MMe s.&-9755 2 Bdrm-tum fYOm MOS ~. 2 Br, uttt. pd. -410 ptax, no ... '*'· COi pref. 830-445a. ,__ ... ,,.,. 1lfl dernw·•" ~O!! ..... a.!~~ c 332 Encino Ln ya-.., ..... t ............. hotel 2 Bdrm-TownhOual rum. HarGl"1f, Balboa. No '525. 97r2418 6-1/M 2 Bt 1V. Ba lrplc Po01 ::1'••••••••••••••••••• -'" .,_ "' ._.,. . . ,._,, ""'' ,,. .,.._., fforn W7I ~ 541-1 '6& .,.,.· at1~ ~ NO ~ ear petklng. Letoe Clo-,_,. .... room, tcllehen 6 ahower, N ""*'* lr..t Wll1l.lll WLtm p • i • A v a 11 n 0 w MOtt 1410ant 11Pt. bldg. ... •. GrMI for elflCIMe or •••••••••••••••••••••• 1320/mo. ~ M<:. <le-i.Ao &f.~A HERMOSA Bachalor. )'Mlly, ~ b1k to 1 & 2 Br. apt a avall., se251~. 831•4984 • In Laguna Beadl, flnell 1 eoul)M. Patio. laund 2 Br 2ba condo, nr So. Cat poell. 23041 W. Ocean- baaeh, clean, Inc. utll. pool, ape, lndry rm, no locltlon In town breath· lac;ll. OPEN SAT & SUN Ptu. S-450/11t & IU1. No front , Newport Beach 1821c!, Patltllde3 ~ r Won't l .. t tong, will be peg, ll'NMCI ~. 3 br. 2 ba. deluxe condo. taking vi-, all bullt-tne, 1 t to 3. Dflve by 5403 pate. 2 t3/693--4690 att 5 _6_~ __ 1_~_. -----W. &Mdl, · rented by Sit. No ctlllt 1 Br. $440-*460 Lrg. patio, pool & spa, h • a 1 a d p 0 0 1 . River Ave. Thell cell I •--•-fZOO of ~ ... 947-544t. aft Sat. Roger. 6-46-9131 2 Br.1515. child o.k. near SC Plaza. aub.-garage, elevator. 646-1771 Iv mag or 3 br. 2 ba. deluxe oondo .• ~.~!::: •••... !'!P.!!.~ .. !!.!t P~:t·.~!~.1 ~!· ~i TSL Mc;:!,~°' ~122 c= ;:,~:-~~:;. ~~u:'~: !:!°~~P-39:;r:':r den, 2 bath. =~ ;;~1~!.li~=:: A~!'!',.:~~110 THE ¥825/yrly, 4175·09413 2 Br t'n Sa. no!*•. 1450 w/d hk-up. pello. 2 peo-·~,,.,. llff Upper duplex. Avail Slpt ...., 4111 675-7996 tor 2 peraona, 755 w. pie S515, no peta .•• -•;«";;••••••••••••••• 11..,.ty.538-3800 •••••••••••••••••••••• $3h1Ma00 wk.,..._1,L blklas to ~ ,. lfMjUJI tBth St. 64~7 642...o.4et. Tll lllllfE m 3 Br 2 Ba, lrpl, garage, EASTSIDE CM Private ,. "~ooa .. '/!!!!~!.••••••••••• NIOt 2Bdrm 2 ba. Moar 2 Br. 1-81., stove, reltlge, NEW gated 20 Town· beach 2 bites, yrly. furn. room & bath. Utlls. beach. 673-9384 g Duplex lwge 2 Br. 2 ea. utll pd. pool. No pate. $420/mo. home VILLAGE COM-873-2571, 675-f875 Incl.. refrlg,, 13 t5 mo. 1 Br. lleeps 4, acfoea tile laundry. garage, yard. $525/mo. S48-0-477 423 W. Bay, 548-9518 MUNITV. 2 l 3 Br. 2'/t ACf Ir bMCh bright &73-7544. etreet from the beach LIFEJJ lmmed. occupancy, Ba. 160().1800 eq. tt. of & 099'1 2om0 1o' ....... ROOMIB .. LBOA. 12.,0 $295/wlt. 875·5068 770-2904. NEW BREED APTS 3 Br. 2 Ba. frple, yard, pure lu1tury. Garage•, I r, pat . ,...,ry ,.. g ,. ____ ~-• .,. __ ••-tBR & LOFT. Frplc, rec garage, $700/mo. IPH In every home • rm 730 /mo. Yrly mo. view. turn. avtb 911, Laguna Beach cottage, Yl!AJMM>UMO FUN: Social A ctivities D l reetor •free Sunday Brunch•B80'11• Pantes•Plue muc:h more Qftl!AT RECRIATION: Tennla•Free Lesaone (pro & PfO shop)• 2 Health Clube•Saune• Hydrornusage- Swlmml~"°<>ll Dffllng Henge llAUTIFUL AJ'ART .. ENTI: Sing les. 1 & 2 Bedroom••Fumlehed & Unlurnlslled•No Pat••Modal1 Open dally 9 to 6. ....... ..... .......... ....,... ..... , ... 880 lrvlne (at 16th) (714) 6'4.5-1104 ............. / ... 1700 16th St. (Dover at 16th) (71_4) 642-5113 ------room, pool, jecUUI, gaa 1Br.1 Ba. patio, garage, maater suite. dining 968-8283 11 2 3+ non·• m k r . bite to Diamond .St ;;ev:·c·o;o·cr·a&oo~· ~9~·'.f.!~\~;,~~ ~::: "'2~,r:e, 851 _8800 room•. wood burnino erapf)'f 2br. near beech. e73-90t5 · ~:;~rw1c~v:~L0n3~~. ocean view. 1 Bdrrn, &45--44 tt llreplac:H, micro-wave nfQe arM, furn or unlum. Pteaaant room evlll. Bay 494_6942 trplo, modern kitchen, 25 • Bachelor apt. 333 ovene. ptlvata patio. & $800/mo. 873-8336. St., C.M. Working peraon --------- deck. s8ar, 873-3271 or Deluxe 1 BR upper, E. 21st. C.M. Afct 8-D. :d~'E:=~n1~,,:r~~ Executive Condo. lBR, only. $160 Incl utlla. --*T 831-0 2 painted, pa~og137~ 645-6580, U M 03 t5 mlnut• trom Faahlon oen .. oc:ean a bey view. _5_4_8_·3663 __ . -----.. ..... , ...... STEPS TO OCEAN large 2 tat, credit r . S-t mil ... lelano. 7 mlnut• to S.C. Cath cell, lrp6e, security Room for Rent. 2 Bdrm 2 stry 4br. 21Aba. dining. Br. 2 Ba. lrplc. many Weat•lda SPARKLING 2 BR t'h ba, pvt patio, no Ptau or o .C.Alrport. gate. 1750/mo. call J-5 Ilse. College Park, CM. giant TV.ICrMn, hot tub. amanltlaa. $825/mo. CLEAN & SPACIOUS t & pate. 1525. 1552 Elm. Just Hit of Newport 83-4-1547. Ml prMteges. l300. Call modem khott. 2 ear gar Da'f9 8-42-5757, Evea & 2 Br. Newty redec:, ~11. 64$-3627 BMI. & '°· ot San 019go WEST CLIFF. 1 br. condo 9 n 'we r Id II 5 2 0 . A vs I I now to 9 / I 5. Wttna. 831-a30 drr:· dshwr, ninge & r• Fr w y . s 9oo1 m 0 . pcol, no pelt, '540 mo. 842--4300 24 hr. 675-7850 C.t•... UU ~r?:·z!~e.w n~ ~c:,~~ S~~Ps~1.~:~: 631-6-439, 2473 Orange 873-6640. Femtpvt room & bath. VH•llN lt•lmflSO •••••••••••••••••••••• .... ., ••75_ .. ,.2 "'"D" • ~ort. ehlldren OK. no Ave .. Costa Meaa. w ,_.. ti I t 1 b Compl. "8ellld prtv, C.M. ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• 1 • ' ... I .. .-or.-. ~ -vvv-o "' a .,,ron w n er, r. $ 2 9 0 Imo, 'n u I 11 . LK. ARROWHEAD·2sty • 552-9723 ETS. $475/mo. 2310 $4100 a $550. Oaye &3t--O•t2 ft 20• Newly decor. Oaa pd, SllltaAna A\19546-3017 e.42-1121,...,..730-410-4 ---~-------i n-4Br +lo • ..... 2 encl gar, dwehr, pool, 28'. poof, W•tslde 141' or 213-375-8107 i---------1 Back Bay. NB. pvt rm lrptea, 2 balcon'", ca- bb" Adults no P•t• mo. 1'1 & last, .U WIW S 185/mo. Incl utll. Ynn ll'ledral eelllng. color lV. &.-2.5o1s. ' · 833-8633 S395imo. 1 8'. 1 8a.. en-COUNT..V CLUB UVINO 10 etepa to Hnd. Lge I em . n 0 n . 1 m k r ~ Sipe 14. North Shore. meatiBJIU ........... Baautltully landaoaped garden apta. Pool & Spe. Covered parking. No pet1. Baell. 1-415 1 Br. $470 2250 Vanguard 5-40·9826 Of &42--4905 Spacious 2 Br. 1 Ba. $425. 3 Br Ht Be 1475. Laundry lee .. pool. 5-48-9558 12-7PM. Eastslde, Lfg. bright 2 bf. clad g•:J.•· lndry rm. IN NEWPORT BEACH 28' & patio. Fum or turn. 646-5559. S285/wlcnd. $3915/wk t~ ba. patio, avail. 911 pattol y• · emall pet°"· A total environment Winter or yrty. Bier/owner ________ __, _15_9_5_1mo_._5_22_·M3 __ 1 __ 1650 840-0897 avail. sept; apartment community on 848-4557 or 982-2305 Lg rm to rent !pie patio PALM SPRINGS LABOR · · TSL Mgmt &42-1603 the Upper Bay. Private bath $250. tat last. H.B. D .. "' N-Condo 1 Br LmlY 1550/mo. 2 Br. l 'A Ba. clubhouee and health Sm~ll$30::n fr:~!aeh near bc:h. 536-7103 1~ 4, pool. ape. ten: -te le. Id .... Townhouee, balcony, ln-spa, 8 tennl• court•. 1 un mo. r M/F prof. Capl•traro beh. nts. avall. an'f1lme. $50 Frplc, elegant French dry rm. ear port, all bit· poote, cto• to bualneU, &45-3&83 Houae w/oceen view, day. Owner 5-48-5489. windows, AC, In ttoma Ins. Avail Slpt. airport, Fuhlon llland. Ac:toat from bea::h, atl.ldlo $250-$300 mo. Paul security. 2Br 2ea. t8r TSL Mgmt &42·11103 Convenient •hop• on apt 11 $385/yrly. Encl 714-759·2988. wkdays ... Ile a.. O.W. 1Ba & 1tudloa. $530•'540/mo. 2 Br. t BL site. Unlumlahed bee gar. poo( and laundry. 1 8-5. Labor Dey Rodeo. Wkty/ 1Br & atuoto Incl Ww/ 1 ......... ~-pi, drpe, lore. 1 & 2 bdrm •Pt• and adult only. 840·5078 wknd ratea. 3br/2ba, ·~ 1 ... townllou-. Dennie Npt Bch, quiet home for lrple, COior tv. Nonernkrs. dryr. ateo lnckld•• Pv1 patio, lrptc;. emed eel· SS-40 . StOOO 1---------1 buey exec, non·amtcr. S..'\t.97661492•2951 club w/tennl• court•. llngt, enclsd gar11g9. Several bac:Mlora and 1 $675. 2 Br IV• Ba. lrg up-$300. 1-528-8948 or gyrn, poot1. Jaeunl1, TSL Mgmt. &42-t803 Bdrm unit• feature fln•i per, EHtblulf, dbl gar, 644-0369 Maul Klhel 1 br, ocean saur1tenda•.,belbhau•t•llu!lymdecu~<>;:1-.-__ -_-.... -1.-,---.,-.... -designer •urnlture and no pet1, pool. 809 -S--l-----,-,-1 view . tux. S30 day v .. vu -,.... ----··-'-. Move In t<>-Amigo• Wfi'I. &«·71 t8 teep no room w Peto. 673-8210: 673-2493 eve more. From $450 mo. ••• • • •••• •• ••••••••••• ........,_,.,.. Pvt bl. entry Avall Sept Incle moat utll too. Vecant 2 BR, 2 BA. car-day or r...,.... for sum-Wllllff 12 5250 mo. 111 37thSt. lt•l•ll It II.,., 4300 ---------lflreplace, pool, dl•h- OCEANFRONT • eharp washer, pvt patio. X LG 28R,wlnter.nopete,gar. Garden 2 Br. S6SO. 1650 mo. 675-3033 557-28'1. 549-3421. 3641 8Mr $t. port, enc . yd $626 mer months. Smartly Spaeloue 2 bdrm, Ylew, Newport. 886-3592 or •••••••••••••••••••••• (btwn Sunflower 6 5 4 2 • 3 5 9 7 . A It 6 furnl1hed m6dele open 781-0487 1-RM ..... 730 7165 dally. pool, nlee a.rea. No pet1. _, McArthur). --·-------_sa_1_5_. _6"_4_-_47_6_7 ____ Compt. furn. congenial Contect laroe•t Gey YIW ....,, 1•u1U,,.. °'1 Jambof" Ad at black man. Hunt Bch .• Male Female aervlce tn 2Br. 1Ba. 1650 mo. 4Br, 2Ba, $750 mo. Across from beh. Sept-June. (2 13) 848-2232 OCEANFRONT OlK 2--4 Br. By week or month. 673-7873 Spaetoua E.Sld• Apt• lfM} 314' San Ja.quln HIH• Rd. ~~r.~s~'v:.:tR!,;:n9o Reasonable. 536-8544 So. Calif. s.co-e7 ie Encl ""'· patio. dahwshr •••••••••••••••••••••• 1••.1tOO Fem, 30 shr toe la111s11 "9lFll!!ll:I, & eto";;. Most uUI tr-. WllffLITIU --•-•-----,---6_75 _ _.._9_1_2_B_rok_er_. -1 N:.,.~.t~.0=~~~ :.'~: twnhae w/resp. working • No pell. 1 & 2 Br. Dl1coun1 on R 1· I , • tl ,.. # s250 536-0794 fem •unbelievable rOOf\'ls. Fa.J Alli 2 BA. 1 paraon $510 aorne models. Pool, Spa, H ••f •• 3140 UfJaf ,HO · overlook Ing brook & B-utllul garden apta. 2 8R. 2 peraoni SS-45 Gym , Sau n a . • t e . •nA i..d waterfall. Pool, 1ao. i.ke. Pldlolldeata. Heat paid. 2323 Elden Ave. CM 646--0Cl19. •••• .. •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Pvt. room, Costa Meea. etc. NB/CM arH. from No petl. 2 children wef· 842•76015 ---------SSO 1'111(, parking. Kitch S300. 760•8045 ecme. 1--------Deluxe poolalde Ktra large Kennebu'nkport? prlv. 154WOl2 Lovely 3 BR 2 Ba, gar, 2 Br. 2 Ba. $585 vallabla nowt 1 Br. ear-2br, 2 ba, bltn1, dewhr, -P-VT-. -E-NTRA--N-O_E_&_B_A-1 M/F nonamkr ahr l'rvlne 2 atepa to •eter. tum. or 398 W. Wiison 831·5583 pon, Po01 a laundry. No 1'h mllll beach. No'*'· Isn't tl'lat the boat Non-emkr, buelneut br. 2 b• Woodbridge ~1~;s..r.a:iy . 0 Y •. Large 2 Br. 1 Ba. with pat, .... !· SJ.41 ~5!::''1:.,.t32 1 w. $500/mo. 536-8381 that won The America's Cup tn "75? prof. Laguna 8<m 1250. Chateaux w/M, 32 a 4 yr ---------~~· d/w, 1-·ndry rm.· • .,,, · .....,...,... Avall 9115, ntc:e arH 3br 494-045t old son (r.aldla wllfldsl WI ' .,.th St ... ...._ -~f"\f'""\~ Welklng diet. to lake, n •• .rt • ._ 9• 2 Br. 1 Ba. on 2'Atba 2 ear garage. lrple: \;.....~~.II ..._,,_V/A ::.:::!) TE F E t·... CM ... I .,, ,.., ••10 tlo. UtlllllH Incl. Avall $850 A19o 2 2ba $560' AMM · · H ""'· • .,,opp ng .. "" · -· .., Se9t 8. 2er SSOO/rno, 1 Aleo lrg 2 Br. 1k1490. Hltld .. neer sotlOOla, t 4· &~...a 89 If yoo re not sure who (or wnat) KennyWnkpOrt lrg. yd. nioe oree. 3 br. mo. & ~ utlla. 552-90141 8' $400 mo. 876-6437 Avail 9-1. 8-46-M25 no P4'1•· ~. 831-8155. at laet. .,.. 1 Wa$. dOn'l fetl bed-yoo're not alone. houee, frpl. est· 7958. lnt'I •t-•rd-wtll ahr Don't wait Oftly 1 fMOt 3 L~ ·Ee.ltatde 28r 1ba. 2 Br. t Ba. Mln\JIM from Kennytiunkport Is one of 14 distlnc'tlwty 1150. turn. CdM apt. 0.,, w/ 3:,>9n~;0~ bfia~ Br. av•M with 2 ea.. p .. 2912 P•ppertrM LaM. ocean. newly painted, • 01f'ftttnt IPll'tment ftoorplansat SNwlnd VIiiage WANTE~ Person 24 plus nonemtcr. f t 1. 1400. a7 875-4e30 llo. In quiet 1r ... 11rge No P•ll. $4f5/mo, S48S/mo. 120·084" or lnH\.lntlngtan 8Ncll SNw1noVin.1s aresult to rant room In Coate 675-5t48 ~mo. • ~sl!:s. 945.3331 Of 559--4718 i-1_20-_,._ee_1_____ of t(Qlty pet'SCINll~proft:SSiOnal pliMlng. M .... Protest1on2a1 pr• -2500--1q-t1_c_onc1o __ ._wt_K_ao_· · E'slde C.M. 3Br 2ba con-WALK TO BEACH: Bacfl. The kind of attention yoo Cle5etve. rd. BMut. view, yr olO cept 2 adlte. or 1 edit 3 Br. 2 8a.. w1r11w S750. lll'OI Eaatllde 1 Br. 1 81. c:IO. Lg yard. trptc, 2 ear •tova & relrtge, 8H & . A perfect blend of nature and llvulQ-eon do . Ca I I Am Y w/1 child or 1u1t 1 edit. ~t~er 2$~. ooaen front N-c•!~2!•·~rl;~ & Kr,· -J::'Jao. 1125/mo; ::•;ofe'd. 130 I mo. nestled in a forest With bilbtltlng brooks ana q\/ift :: ~-a~~g oev::.Y S2~~ POOi. to kit, 2 pttlof.. IG PROPERTY HOUSE °""'Y· -"'· ""'1 . • 1---------poodS. t®led Dy llilUral °"'1f'I ~tes. AdO b:1 plU• v, utll, HOUM prlvga. bale~ w/bay vi•"" 8-42-3850 ~tMt PINE BLUFF APTS 2 Br. 1 8a triplex 1'At mite 2 br, 1¥. ba nr bctl. Sept. that tennis c:oul'\S. swimming~ a~ and Incl. 557-7 or 840-8331 •--'--if t Br. wfttl loft, & 2 Br, 2 beach, lncd yard, oar. 1 CIHn. P•tlo. bale. 1 convtnlent toaQon OQr Sl\Opplng ano ---------i M/F prof .. slonal 2:2-30 to ..,..._.. W Ba. Child olt. on the r.novated. $525/mo. '790 $450. Tim 842·9040 et'Ylj)IOymetrt •ncJ yoo've 90' a pUIOf anyont would Employed m~te. laun<lf'; ahr 2 bd, t b• apt In ••• ~~!••••••••••• Bii.ifft, patio, Ille'#, lrplo, Sean Pl. 873-8921 BaehelOf apt, turn or uni, proudly call home.(Evltn Kennybunkportl) ~:t.O~J-o&~o •.,f":o c d M . N on . am I\ r l.tlM I~ 3M ar1C11 gar .. Qll •tove, cite. 28' garden apt u t 11 pd, non , m k r . Ont tnd lWO bedroom. Oflf and two b.ttl'I arn $300/mo + ullt. tatltut •1.................... ~~· ~a. lndry rm. No Pet.. $440/~. 98().288e t J5lSOO 1 • + dep. 760·8236 evee/ Yrly $7715. 0.luJC• 2 br. SPMCmo. 831 ~107 5-48-9950 ,_W_A_L_K_T_O_B_EA_C_H_• -e--~rtments rom . "'""'Im. wknd. oar. prkg. N .. r wet.,.! • 1 & , ........ Alt ltt ~ WF shr beaut. Beck Bay 875~-4000 (er.tt) Ntwer 2 Br. 2 Ba. No pet•. NJ.:.;~!!~r.2 .~:~.; :,~: : ~ d . ': :;v;·o / mu~. :C:rS'l·d~ti&M~lr~i~l~t conoo POOi. Jae1 tennle. Smalt 2 BR 1 Ba. yr'fy, In· :·~10 IP~eoo ~'fre 1:; Ina, patio, gar .. lga open 53ll-7t79. ton 1111,. 74IO.Ot89 or 548..e283. $300. 6-45-5165 • dry leoll\ daok, HOO. ~76 • ll'tlll. Reedy to mow 1n11•1-br-,rplc--pvt_p_e_t1_o_pool__ In Ni. quiet rOOf'l'I 'w/pvt MIF to aflr " .,, condo, 8?6-034t · · 1490. (213)161·711i iau"°'v 'walk•ln cloMt: t55SS Hufttlnotcn Vi1110t Uine tultin9fon &ud\. CA tfll'Y & ba. taas tnol utll. 1menlt111. Elltblulie. Bay rrone blldl unit 1450 L= 1 Br. t ea. dahwr, 2 IMftm, ,~ be. 2 11ory. quiet. S4tO mo. 0.11-(114> .....,., 83to3Mt N.8. 124Q. 120•057'2 lnolda utlla. b a y a In ry rm. oarport. WI IMO Mo. Meo 1 bdnn. t _. PlnM, 842..eeo? frcn1 tTlt Sill Ollgo ,.,.._, dnW nont1on IMOl10 • •• 2 ....... ..,10, .... 1 Amrr!aa. '""'-· lllt ..... 2 M0-247', .we f'75-tM2 :_.~-.]!_to. Avail a.1,1. be IMO 11no. Cf# .,.., Mcl.-n. dWI,... on Mdlllill!l 111 Salwirld WllOf ~ ,... •• ... .... ift ...... ... -------,-1 ~ l='O PM. HM l.dalle .,..........._ ---• ,_ ..-. tO ..... ,...._ UH mo. No ,_. a llM. If\ IPC CdM -lftO • ...,,_...-.it. MMJt?e wam ~ Cili "°'"7' ~1• ,,.., _ _.. .. _ ._, _,. ,_, 141 •• 141-4112 In.MN ---------------------------------------------------:-----., Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 21, 1982 -25 ••• ,,,, ,, ,.,,, 43 ••• ,,,, ,, "'" 1300 Ollitl ••• ,,, 4100 Ollict ,,.,,, 1100 .•............•....•..••..•.••••.....••.••..••..•••.••.•...........•••.•••••.•.......... M/F eslabt'd prol only, Quiel MtF 10 skr W/23yr WlTtlflllT 2 5 • 3 3 . s I r 8 I g h I . M In Cdm blk frm bch AMI I I non-smok • clean. 10 shr 2 b r 1 b a po o I S 2 9 5. ""'Cle/ etal Ip. 2bd, 2'.lw be new condo 673-5309 on P C.H overlooking $300 mo C M Dave. Shere lrg 3br w/1 rmmle •'•••C--"t N!_~Po6r41"B5a0y51Avall Im· 631 -4391 ./c-....... .., mvv "" In CM avail Sept 1 S300 ./"""" .-------------1 Master Bdrm. own bath. mo Incl ulll Deposl1 re-,r1..,_ 2000 sq It w/500 IQ 11 near Besen/Adams quired 548-8490 ./rtJH.--.-. storage 0 C Alrpori $250/mo plus $100 sec Perk Nwpl 2 br. 2 ba apt. ,/ ..... --a r • 8 $ 2 0 0 0 I m o 960-6030 0< 960-7874 NB $350/mo + ,11 ullls ./-..-~... _8_6_1_·8_9_2_8 ____ _ Steps 10 beacn. 3Br 2ba 760-1554 all 12 IEWNIT WO• M/F 19-30. $250 or Ammte, 1 Br. 5200/mo Private Olflce ... $495 $325. 122 E 341h St NB 181 & last Shr bills. Jim. erench Otfice ... $75 Call Answer Ad 721, work 642_6097 •HLlll lfflOll* Anewtlflng Servlce ... $40 , 642-4300 24 nr11. 752-6408 PraSllglous N B avail now. female only $325. All pttvll 645-9515 F 25--35 to snr 2 br. 2 ba Promontory point apt. N .8 . 673 -8601 (9em-1pm) Neal F mid 20·1 to shr 2 br N.B. apt w/same. $225 & '"' utlls 552-4400 Male rmmt needed, t blk from t>c:n. non-smker. no flakes Avail. 8/2 1. 6-46-9223 ROOMMATE lem. t o 1hare 2BDAM Condo. $262 per mo plue utll. Adams & Bushard area. Call 964-7167 after 6pm. LIDO ISLE $500, 'lo u111 . non-1moker Carol 675-9449 Responalble female rmmt 25-30 10 shr Bal Pen. flouse w/aame 675-3798 eves. Lg bdrm. p..i bath. pool. From t room to 3 rooms 1--------- garage, w/d , no smo· From $1 16 a sq. 11 No CoSla Mesa 200 SQ fl to king $300/mo ~~58 lease required. Adj. Air· 2600 SQ. 11 75c per SQ porter Inn 2172 Dupont ft & up Call Realonomlc, OUST MtlllllTtl Call AM 833-3223 C°'p 675-6700 Has beautiful homes In -E-x-ac-u-1-1..,-.-01-1-1c-e_s_u_l_te_, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Laguna Beach 10 share corner of 405 Fwy, Near ltWPMT 0111111 S3001up Dey 494•1294 Harbor Blvd Telle over f&llltl Pv1. quiet 2nd fir furn. LR, lease. 1600 sq.11. al 90c l••• .. latellJIWllYlllll ll BA. bath for mature M/F ft Cell 751-6191 • Pool. jac, tennis. C M nr Fountain Valley Ofllce Ille 405. $310 751-8133 Iv space. 2500 sq11. al 60c lfflCltS msg 1 11 Good ei1posure, Small three room Sulla Gorgeous 2BA, 2BA con-good perking, Talbe« & wl1h separate entrance do wl pool. spa, amenl· 8 r o o k h u r s I C • 11 to llngle 120 eq fl olflce. ties. Xlnl loc .. Nr SC 7! 1-6191 sub·leeMd. Secretarlall PI a ze. 0 CC. FI u or ~tlonlst. telephone 662-2247 alt 4 • wknda 400-900 PLUS 1400 sq. ft. C 0 Peothouee Baytronl Sul-opler/ services avella· Penthouse nr beach, prl-le, perk ing, patios. ble If desired. Free Par- •73 1003 klrtg. Cell Ml" Marla vale ent. & blth, H.B. " • '40-Htl _S3_00_1m_o_5_3_6-0_7_9_4_~ -S-ca_l_ln-g-Do_w_n_?_S_ta_r_tl_n_g ~--------1 Looking for eomeone to locale & share apt, CM. NB or CdM 631-3981 mag M to enr 4 bd1m house In Nwpt, 1 blk from beach $230t mo + 'I• utlls. out? Lower overhead •2600 sq It Industrial unit maintain Image. office at with 325 aq ft of olflQe + Aagancy Canter. Exec 5000 aq It upnall cove- eultes In Newport nr Air· red & lenced yard port, fully equipped & •2400aq11 lnduslrtal unl1 stalled for every bu1I-with 9000 sq fl of up- nen need lndiv ottioes grlded office. mo/mo. from $375. •2400aqfllndustrlalunlt 833·9976 with 1500 SQ ft of UP· Neat. nonsmkr prel. ~8-0141 alt. 6pm. Female Wutcllff area, graded olflce. pool, w/d, non-amkr. Apartment to share In SO. LAGUNA. 3 Arch Bey. Have 1ub-laua tenant 63 7332 500 sq It wl1h good hwy I "00 I f Ill $290/mo. t-Laguna for liberal male vlllbltlty. 497.2351 or • sq t o o ca 0< coople 497-3896 ~If desired. Fam. to shr furn 3 br Sub-let Ex~ec. otflce Motivated Owner condo. $300/mo. E/Slde F has 2 BR apt 10 Sh818 Prime airport locale on 751-4760 C . M · Av a I I n ° w w/F 35 plus. $230 plus 'h MacArthur 91vd. Price i--------- 842-2225 utll ~8-0606 reduoad. MuS1 _, l•li•IH •••l•I ffSO ..•••••••••..•........ Mele 35-45 shr 5br. 2be Ne lux condo. Harbor '"iiiiiiii4i9i7-i 60iii3iiii4iiiiiiii Beaullful executive olflce • flH nr S.C.Plaza/Frwy Ridge. alt'y shr. straight 11 eulta plus warehouse In Spa. $250+share ullls. $550, 752-9442. dye. *llnl llALI* prestigious design oenter 841-4913 640·2434eves. on Redhill. 1776 sq It. O.C. Airport area. Prof. 675 3882 I 0 5 F/M to 1hare 2 br In Co-W anted· 2 rmmtes, stu-environment, lull MtYlce. • rom 1 • : rona del Mar $300 mo. dents prel 1st. last & 0< no frill._ Individual of· 644-9539 alter 6. Av a 11 9 / 1 5 Eves sec raq'd $260/".'lo. llcea °'desk apace. 150 ~047 N.B condo 675-85g5 aq ft • 3500 aq 11. 1 MO. 'Coate M811• Move-In Allowanc. retaM 0< olflce. 600-1200 I .I. 497-5132 Share Beaut N B Wes1· 2 rmmtes to anr Balboa 1~F~AE~E.~7~5~9~-3~9~7~8~~~ cliff 2BA 2BA apt wt Pen hse, 3br. 1V.b1,1: employ. 35+ F/M. POOi, lrplo, fenced patio. $267 Xlnt Hart>of Blvd IOC. Juat -1.-,-.-,-,,-,"-.-.-.-,-.1-1_s_oo_, W/O $325 + ·~ utll. + utlls John. 975-6267 No. of Baker St ., CM. •••••••••••••••••••••• -9<1_2_-64_9_2_. -----bef. 5pm (81 WO(!() 580 & 1250 eq.tt. apec:ee. N.B. 3975 Birch. 3660 sq b ---------1 Fle><lble leaMe. Call Prop It . or IHS. MIA ZQne. Aeap. F to lhr beaut. 2 r. Chnstlan lady wtll lht nice M g r , 6 4 5 -8 1 O O ; •-..t 541-5032. 2 be So. T1.11tln ap1. C .M. duplex apt wt 549-13&6 .....,_, $287.SO/mo 731-8630 meture, congenial fa-1---------750 up. 2160 II lndu· M/F to w IO• 5 br hOme mtle. $175 64S-1<le2 CdM di• solta, AIC. ample atrial • Office 111101 R+-B ---------1 pkg, u111 pd. 2855 E. Cat dondo Circle .-M & T w/pool. frplc, olf aok Resp nonsmkr, child OK. Hwy 675-6900 Huntington. Beac h Bay, C.M. $300 utlla lnci. to ahr lga lurn. homa,1---------e.42·2834. , 631-&220 own bath. C.M 543-2497 2000 aq 11 olflce epeoe la< Rmmate M/F, nr occ. non•emkr &250 mo. 2 BA, quiet. 642-2344. 875-«24 JOlln IM. C1 • avall now. 625 1300 sq. ft. $450 ---------1 W, 191h St. Coale Mesa. Front olflce. large rear PSSSTI Are you a dtvor-6 45-8830 . see Mre. door. 1789 wttlttler Ave. ced dad/agl M faellng Nonhrup. Daya 540-9352. Eve• Inflation pinch? Need 1---------64e-oe&1. Prof. Fern. noo-amkr. anr 2 8t 2 Be CM apt. Pool, tennis. Jae. $327 & ·~ utll. 545-435e. Ill msg more ......,.,.7 Bfeak out & PVT. OFC. $175/mo. Nr. 1----------i lht gQ;o;;u. N.B. Bey-O.C. Alrpot1. Conv per-ntlll WDIH fllf Cftll home w/2 egt mo-king. pvt entrance. In· •••••••••••••••••••••• there. M35tmo + 'h utlta ctudea utll Acptlon 9¥811 otlPtllATI get• you pvt rm/ba & by trrangamen1 TtylO<, PIUlllllT Female roommate want-olllc:e to ehr Li nda Crow & Co. 642-1423. R tly ad 1 9CI. non-smoker to share 6-42-&6101631•1777 645-3176 -' mov 0 llvlne condo. $240 p1u1 · I Cellfornle desires qulllty u111. 559-7416. 752-9069 CdM Prof Woman seek• 1111 IPAOE.011 Furnished home for rent sarne for quiet 2 bdr hee. Attractive rustic upstairs Amm1 wanted female, wlk bch $325 share bllla aa111ng. We euppty desk, aeesonel or long term non-smoker share 4 Br 6«-4028 apace, copier. You aup- h o use. Cd M , $285. ---------ply l)Mne. & $95 pr mo _~ __ 2_5_9 _____ ~!l.'!.f!!.~'. .. !!.~~f pr d9tM Call 644-1211 M/F 11-35 to ahare 2 Br. 2 12x20 Garage f()( r.m, pvt •FllEE llEIT* 81. Woodbridge Town· entry. atorage or earl, flouaa. $325/mo 9111. MO mo 846-2556 Mo•MO. No taeaa req. t57~642 ---------Full NtVlce, lurnl1had, 1U61--I I fffl teceptloonf. areaa * 2 M/F move In lovely home .,,,,_ ••I• •••• mo. 1,... From 116 IQ It. CM. Pvt Ba & compl ••••••••••••••••••I ff0-2471 tiouaehold prlv LHlle DlotTIYI lltTI 1---------642-3277. IAVINE. Phone anawe· 2000 1q n, comb. olfloe9 In Laguna Beach. Newport BMch. C°' ona del M If Contact (714) 494-3757 2 Re1pon1lbla. retired Adult• (M/F) wfah to rent Mobile Home lor 6 mo. M u1t allow pat 984-8110. IM/F ah ~ ltul CM ring. conf. rm, utll pd, and tight work lhOP. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil to r t 1ctry Hrva. etc Aleo Storege area wllge HELPI Rtsponatble cple. home, 1 ml. from l>Meh j daak apace I 150/up. OV91't!Md door ecoua. 3 13 yr Old bOy, cat & clog Spt. wuher/dryet. trple. ~t745 min trom Udo Ille Ideal need house In "Old t300 646-1&37 I I b ___ , ... ,_ ________ 1817 Weatdlff, N e. 2$1 °' com o .. -•• a<ege Huntington" etea, H.B. ent quiet, reap. nonamtcr 10 4000 aq f1 111 floor Call 846·41100. aek ror (Weal of Adami. South to thr antique flll•d Agent (>4 1.5002 · · Vickie or AnnL of Baectl 81vd). Appro•. pool.ide Newport condo. Interior 0e119n firm hH MOO/mo, rant 0< leeMI 1316. 54'·8238 450 92· '1. 11.00 per ~· 400 eq. n. rvrn'd upattlrt llon. Reft. 536-9832 1flr tbdrm apl. non ft., 011°4\.:J~~fl • N. • otflee apace for rant In !~~~~~~~~~ tmkr, no utll, Newport Agent -kyptrk tree Looking Prof womtn a 14 yr old 9eedl 1280. 5-48-3008 Atrpon Ell 8 for oom,ra' Ible Co. for dauehter wlah to llh.,. a ,,. IHtaal draw In !flt tea. ,,C:, .. uf.....e:'i,q. ':t lfornfo;~ 656-2932 uk hotnt wttti • ~tlbtt WHI •..• Dally Piiot 1 1 per eq. "· Meny 1111 ... I-_-. __ . ------r 0 0 m m t. w , It • O••lf'ed AO. e42-H78. Cell 567-1010 ...... Idle ltelM 842·H71 2..13·Hll-O 71 1 • llm -N6-4()77. Reach over 86,000 of the Orange Coast's most affluent adults . . Advertise in the Orange Coast's most successful real estate magazine Call 642-5678 to see how little it takes to reach so many. Daily Pilat Newport Beach • Costa Mesa Irvine • Huntington Beach Fpuntain Valley • Laguna Beach . l ,. 1. I . ' 1. I ., -• t ::cm c::sw: ...., :z a On Your y ' • ... . -....Heater? , .• It should be about 130°, unlf:SS your laundry includes diapers (they need hotter water). Higher temperatures produce water too hot to wash your hands comfortably. Check your hot water heater. If the thermostat doesn't show degrees, set it on "medium." After a day or so, run a little water, then wash your hands. If the water is still too hot, turn the thermostat down a notch at a time until the water feels right on your hands. Besides saving water and energy, you could also save lives. Hundreds of people, mostly children, are burned each year because hot water temperatures are too high. For more energy-saving tips, ask a member 9f the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® for a free booklet. There's a REAL TOR® near you wherever you live. A pubHc service of the ..., .... Cllllifieds 642-5678 r Oranoe OountY,.... &ttlle/An AdWrtlllng 8upptemel1t to the DAILY PILOT/8aturd9Y, Auguet 21, 1982 -27 We deal in real -estate~::·~~ But our real business. , ~ A...7- • IS PEOPLE Real estate is not just "three bedrooms, two baths, double garage." Or "18,000 sq. ft, zoned industrial, near railroad siding." It's welcoming a new family to town and helping them feel at home as well as find a home. It's helP.ing someone . who wants to start a business find the best location in terms of purpose, place and price. It's working with other concerned citizens in the commun~ty to improve the quality of life by helping prevent vandalism, revitalizing a rundown neigh- borhood or doing whatever else we must . . It's helping protect the rights of home- owners by becoming politically involved in the issues that affect them, and advising the lawmakers of our interest and opinions. We're the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® -an organization with more than 706,000 members nationwide. We're real estate profes· sionals, but our real business is people. A public MMc8 of the -~ Claalftedl 842-5878 .- .. .. • • 28 -Orange Coun~ Real &tate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Sat1,.1tday, August 21, 1982 LUii WITI .,.. Tl llY -S+S former modet . .. hold the price one full year! Fabulous 2 story! Assume low Interest financing! Call 963-6767. MST UU -Custom 3 Bdrm 21A bath Newport Beach, remodeled pool home on fee land! Seller creative, bring your offer. This home has It all. Located near Harbor Island! Only $650,000-call nowt 646-7171. 1111,-STUL If -1700 square foot home! Huge family room! Wine cellar! Only $5500 down, $974/mo. first year! Call 963-6767 UWUT PlllD MEI& ta. -2 Bdrm condo with community pool, microwave, fresh paint and minutes close to parks and shops. Seller will carry! Only $89,900 -call today! 646-7171. UHITIYI -lWI ITllY -Rural rarity wfth city convenience living In this rare Republic hidden two story beauty In mint condition. Huge rooms throughout, two cr&c:kllng fireplaces, one In llvtng r<>Oh'f, the other In the family room, space age kitchen, beautiful spa and shimmering pool with waterfall. Overlooks proposed regional park. Owner h ighly motivated, call 546-2313. llUB KL U 1111 -Gorgeous 3 Bdrm home In Ea81alde, Costa· Mesa. With tlexlble cash down, seller wlll finance t>alance at below current rates! Reduced $10,000 ... $135,0001 963-8787. , - A .... llUL -Lowest priced ~ Bdrm 2 bath home In the area, wtth pooll Take averexllt"'° and seller will carry. Try 10% downl Only 1136,000.oea!I fl>WI 646-7171. ,.. 1111-1111,111 -Steal this 3 Bdrm plus faml!Y room, Huntington Beach home . . . 1700 square feet! Wine cellar! Only $5500 down, $97 4 mo .. first year! 963-6767. llllT 4 1111111 fllll. in.--This Is a real sleeper -been reduced to below market as owner leaving area. Big home wttt, 4 bdrms, big, big lot with trees, shrubs, etc. Needs p~nt and cleanup and you wlll make a good profit. Call 546-2313. AlllMIU llWNIT _. -Harbor View Homes 3 Bdrm 2 bath Monaco on fee land! Assume existing at low rate and seller wlll carry! Priced to sell at $214,000-call today! 646-7171. TllH fll TIE PllH If Ill -Tremendous opportunity for little Investment. One 3 Bdrm home and one 2 Bdrm duplex. Property zoned R-5. City says six units can be built. Excellent buy at $140,000. Call 546-2313. IUll llDIM ••• 1111 UHUll.ll -Executive 4 Bdrm estate! Blocks to beach! Like newt Gigantic family room, genuine beam celllngl Plush new..-earthtone carpeting throughout! Freshly painted! Assume financing; no qualifying! Call 963-8767. ... .al JUI.I'S ....... YI.Liii .... - 1 Bdrm+ den, 1 story, $7,300 down, $72,900. 2 Bdrm. 1 story, $8,300 down, $83,000. 3 Bdrm, 1 atory, $9,200 down, $91,900. 3 Bdrm, townhpuee, $11 ,500 down, $.11-5 ,000. Upgraded unite, all have poola and spa. WE NEED MORE LISTINGS! Call S..8-2313 IUl1T • 'Ill IUT -Fragrant flowers and fruit trees offset the landscaping In the front and back of this beautiful home. Huge ramblTng two story home In mint condition, In Mesa Woods. ~as huge llvlng room with fireplace, big, big rooms throughout, big cheery kitchen with bulltlns, etc. Seller hlghly motivated. Call today, 546-2313 I II 1111 + Piil + IPA, 1101,111 Unvellevable price for so much! A real doll house! Assume low Interest loans, no quallfylngl Hurry, 963-6767. ... 1 Y• TllU -Fabulous Dover Shores 5 Bdrm 4 bath home on fee land. A super view, pool and spat Seller wtll exchange or carry. Call now for details. Reduced to $849,900. 646-7171. IEWI AISIMm PIMITI -3 Bdrm home, huge family room! Brand new carpeting throughout! Low down, low payments avallablet Call 963-6767. llU YM twl -Home on this double Iott Existing home Is a masterpiece, decorated to perfection! Assume long term financing, no quallfylng. No Balloon paymental Hurry . 963-6767. Fma F•-PLU, 111t.IM -No negative cash fldW: Super aasumable loans+ $89,0001 Units need work! One 3 Bdrm & three 1 Bdrm units! Hurry ... 963-8767. llLUI WILL UllY -Exqulalte 3 Bdrm 3 bath Irvine Terrace pool home on fee land with sweeping ocean, channel, bay and c:ty lights views! This apaclous home offers great assumable plus Hiier terms. Open house Sunday 1-5PM. Prtc:ed well at $995,000 on fee landl 646-7171. ·