HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-23 - Orange Coast Pilot10111 CUil Yll-lllEllll llllY PAPIR fl.It If JI I \ ' /\I " , I ' I . . . I .. ORANGE COUN TY C Al I~ Ofl NIA 7'> C..t N 1 S FLOATING 'SALOON' -Entry of the Irvine Company in Sunday's 22nd Annual Newport Harbor Character Boat Parade was in keeping with the waterborne parade's theme: o.Mr ..... ,......,, Qery ~ on Page Bl. The traditional event is presented each year by the Commodores Club of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. \."Newport Goes Country/Western." Additional photos appear ~ Heat drives hordes to beach , It was just another hot August weekend along the Orange Coast J'S 500,000 beachgoers swarmed ~ the.sands, 30 boaters dressed µp lik e cowboys a nd putted around Newport Harbor and a military deeerter got arrested for speeding on a stolen jet ski. ''It was that kind of weekend." said lifeguard Captain Buddy ~lshe in Newport Beach where more than 150 people were pulled to shor e after being caught up in rip tides. Hot and humid weather in inland cities made the cooler strand the place to be. Nearly 100,000 people showed up at the sands in Newport Beach and Huntington Beach Sunday. The water temperature was a pleasant 69 degrees and the air just a couple of degrees warmer. The 22nd edition of the annual Character Boat Parade in Newport Harbor attracted 30 skippers who vied for honors in what has become known as the wackiest marine diaplay around. The the me this year was "Newport Beach Goes Country/Western." One of the boats that plied the harbor waters was dubbed "The B est Little Oar House in Newport Beach" while another craft was transformed into a bottle of Scotch . And the USS Michigan, the only boat ever to have sunk in the colorful parade, stayed on top of the water this year. Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol officers arrested a 21-year ·old man Sunday for Gas prices continlle decline Nationwide survey shows cost 55 I rom last August LOS ANGELES (AP) -handle a major portion of total future marketing plans, If such Gasoline prices continued to edge sales, declined sharply. A drop of plans exist. downward in August. according 2.2 cents in such gas sales was About 147,000 service stations to the latest .s urvey by oil reported in the Midwest, l.46 exis t in the United· St&tes, ,industry analyst Dan Lundberg. cents in the South, .8 cents in the compared to 226,459 a de<:ade In hi s late.st biw e ekly F.astand .23centsintheRockies. ago, Lundberg reported . In nationwide survey of 17,000 gas addition. gas stations being stations, Lundberg found an · Prices for the past several constructed today tend to be high average price of $1.28.22 for-all years have tended to decline volume, self-serve outlets located four grades.of gasoline including during August as the peak in populous, growth areas. taxes, down a half·penny from vacat ion season passes and The industry already may two Wee'·-ago and a penny from competition for motorists ' ~ have r each e d a minimum J uly, the peak of the driving business increases. Lundberg said number of gas stations necessary teaBOn. this decline generally continues to ma i n ta i n • • Am e r ica , s Prices were a nickel a gallon through the fall. automotive society," Lundberg less than August of last year, said when the average was $1.33.83, The most recent Lundberg Lundberg said Sunday. He is Letter. published Saturday, publisher of the Lundb~rg . predicted the steep, decade-long Letter , an o i 1 industry trend of gas station closures may publication. have bottomed out, but that Also, prices for regular leaded major oil companies have become gas at self-serve stations. which unusually quiet about their A lso. the letter said total nationwide gasoline consumption has dropped from the all-time high of 115.4 billion gallons set in 1978 to an estimated 100 billion gallons this year. speedinc on a jet ski off Lido Isle ln Newport Hwbot. Officers said further checks revealed the ski \l(as 11o.Len in Los Angeles a year ago. A 36.foot cabin cruiser was towed to safety Sunday ~ near Seal Beach when the craft IOl too clOlle to· shore and the skipper had difficulty sWdina it back out to aea. -In Wl\Aft& Beach, about 30 bootha were aet up at Main Bftch for the Ener1y Fair. featurlnl exh ibit~ on w ind power, •cer purifi.catiOtll and drip i.J"ria.Uon. Bandits hit two Valley supermarkets Armed gunmen •truck at two Fountain Valley supermarket loeations Sunday, police aaid today. In the first incident, a lone gunman carrying a can of beer escaped with about U .000 in cash from Vons. 16201 Harbor Blvd. Police said he got the money from the cashier after di.splaying a gun in his waistband at about 5:~ p.m. In the second indctent, ahortly after 11 p.m .. a puaetller in a car ~led a sho1'Ufl at a customer who was walking to his car at the Alpha Beta Jot. 8930 Warner Aw. County to retain courthouse ownership It now appears Orange County g overnment will r e tain .ownership of the turn-of-the· century count y courthouse in Santa Ana -a building destined 1o house a new branch of the e t ate 4th District Court or Appeal. What is being termed by an WORLD aide to County Supervisor Roger Stanton as "the best of both worlds" -continued county o wnership and lease of the building to the state -will occur under legislation now pending in Sacramento. Amendments have been added to the legislation, Assembly Bill Soviet navy has the edge The Soviet navy has the lead over America in several areas especially nuclear submarines, according to a respected publication on w orld shipping. Page A5. NATION Divvying up the spoils When the love ii gone there ta of~n a squabble over who gets what. An attorney haa writ~n a book on how to make sure what is youn stayw yours. Page B3. ' . Here comes the judge A Wt.conain woman had plinned • carffr in mUlic. She hu been a beauty queen. h.u a family and now finda henelf u Urat woman to aerve u a chief Judae in 'Wl9comin. Pap 82. J 3763, to permit the county to lease the historic red sandstone structure to the state providing the county begins necessary reconstruction work prior to Dec. 31. 1983. If the co unty meets that deadline, another provision of the bill permitting dire<:t state COUNTY takeover of the bu.ildm, would become i.poperative. Robinson'• origi.11al bill called for the state to gain ownership of the building without compensating the county -a raove that rankled Stanton, whose diatrict includes Santa Ana. Home buildins eased It could be easier to build a home in Santa Ana Heights after action by tM ~ County P1anninc Commission that requires only staff ·level approval for new construc~on or remodeling. P.,e A4. Bank sets new president The Laauna Bank, a financial lnatltutlon emphasizing community aervtce, hu a new pr'Mtdent. Page 86. TELEVISION Being a ldd ·~ Actor Joel HJgl.nl la ~a i.t of fun with hil role tn new NBC comedy, ••aovw lpoarw." He ..-'° be a child all day in the lh<IW .. ~role reftnal. Pap88. -- Blast delays cOnvoy of PLO from Lebanon 1,000 guerrillas evacuate d BEIRUT. Lebanon (AJ?) -An exploding car bomb halted a harbor.bound PLO convoy for about an hour today. but the trucks later brought abolt 1,000 Palestinian guerrillas to a ship that will take them to a ne w home in South Yemen. The loading onto the sbip also was halted briefly while several guerrillas carrying roc k et- propelled grenade lau11c h er s turned o v er the weipo n s. according to Bruce Kaahdan. Israeli Foreign Minis'try spokesman in Beirut. While th e evacull1 on proceeded into its third day Parliament elected a n ew Lebanese president. rightis t Chris t ian militia commande r Bashir G e mayel , a nd the Christian sector of east Beirut e rupted in wild str ee t celebrations. There were 1eports of people wounded by bulle ts fired into the air in celebration Israel's military command mea nwhile said Palestinian guerrillas had made anothe r attack on its east Lebanon forces, firing bazookas at soldiers north of the village of Man.soura. The command said the Israelis returned the fire. but suffered no casualties in the attack Sunday night, which followed fresh Israeli warnings that skirmishes outside Beirut must stop. It said artillery shells later were fired at the Israelis near Man.soura. but added it did not know if Syrian troops or PLO forces we re responsible and that fire wa; not returned. Israel said earlier that three PLO guerrillas were killed in eastern Lebanon and five lsraells were wounded near the southern city of Tyre 1n fighu.ng Saturday. Is r ael t oda y a ccu sed U.S . special envoy Ph1hp C. Habib of a "misjudgment" during the e vac.uat1on of the Palestinian guerrillas from Beirut, saying he authorized exceptions t o t h e w1thdruwal acc.'Ord. In Limassol. Cyprus, hundreds of ~uerrillasjammed the rails of the ferry Sol Phryne w hic h steame d on to Tunisra a fter docking to unload 21 jeeps that had delayed the boat's departure from Beirut on Sunday. "Israel. w e w all make yo ur n ig hts sleepless and your days restless," some chanted. Others held signs telltng Arab states failing to help th em after Israe l invaded Lebanon June 6 lO .. eat your oat.·· T h e estimated 1,000 PLO mem be rs on board were the second group to leave Beirut ir. the sc h e d u led two-wee k evacuation The first batch of 397 evacuees arrived an J ordan and Iraq via Cyprus on Sunday. The third group loaded onto buses in west Be irut's s ports stadium as their lefList Leban~ Moslem l·omrades fired the thunderous machine gun and an ti-aircraft volleys. About 15 minutes after it left the s tadium, Associated Press correspondent G.G . Labelle saw the convoy stop as a car bomb exploded about a mile away, sending a doud of thick black smoke into the sky. There was no immediate word on casualties from the car bombing. The guerrillas' departure by (See PLO, Page A2 ) AP~ SAD GOODBYE -Palestinian women cr y as the evacuation of PLO fighters continues. Truc ks carrying the guerrillas drove through West Beirut to the port area where they boarded ships for Cyprus. · INDEX At Your Service 1\4 H o roscope A7 Erma Bombeck A7 Intermission B7 Business B6 Ann Landers A7 Cavalcade A7 Movies B6-7 Classified C4-8 Public Notices C4 Comics B4 Sports Cl-3 Cl"088word B4 Stock Markets B5 Death Notices C4 Television B8 Editorial A6 Theaters 96.7 Entertainment 86-7 Weathe r A2 Art Hoppe A7 SPORTS Ansels hot; Dodsen not The Califomla Angell, led by Reute Jaclulon'a bluinc, bdt Detroit 6-5 Sunday. The-"Loe Angeles Dodgen, meantime, lost a 14-lnnlng marathon to Pittabw'gh, 4-3. I s Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augu1t 23, 1982 Prime rate drops to 22-Inonth low NEW YORK (APJ /\ h..il( point 1·ut in tht• µr·trnl' lcndinf( rut<· to n 22 month low 1of J:l ~1 jl('rn·nt lifJI t•11tl lo nw11• ma Jiii bunk11 tnduy. r1·flet·t1nu stl't-p decltrws in ttw h;ink1t' l'Olit uf funds. Morgan Guaranty Trust. th1 · nation's fifth largest b:.ink , and No 14 Mannt.• M1dlant.I Bank fol lowed reductions bl·gun f'riduy ut M'Vc-rnl ma.1ur mont•y t•t•n ter banks Tht.• last lime tht· pnmt• ral<.· wus as low was 1 n Oetobt•r 1980 /\t thut llnu•, 11 wwi on JU wav up lOward a rt'<.vrd 2 1.~ percent: • Tht• prtm<', which stood ae high a.'> lti.:'i percent last monlh, 1s the bast• upon which bank.a <·omputc· 1ntt're1t c harges o n sl-urt-ll·rm bwuneu loans to the ir bt•st risk c()rporatc custom"ra. Con11umer loans and mortgagee arl· not tic•d to the prime, but l"hangl•s 1n the prime a re an ind1l·ator or movements in other 111lt.•rl•st ratt'S. Othl•r interest ratt.>s have been µJummt'ling this summer. ]ill1ll1Y Stewart OK hospital check • 1n SANTA MONICA (AP) - Actor James Stewart was m good <.•ondition at St. John's Hospital this morning undergoing a "routine checkup and a routine adjustment of med1cat1on ," a hospital spokeswoman said no t know what type of med1c:auon the actor was taking. In August, 1980, Stewart spent five duys in St. John's Hospital's l'Cirvna ry care unit a ft er l'ompla1ning of an irregu lar pullw CHUTES FLYING -With l'Olorful spinnakers ballooning in the breeze. front runners in the fi eld of 11 New York-36 yacht.s that turned out for th<' first East-West Challenge Dattv Ptlol Photo by Almon Loc:llabey regatta run before the wind. Newport yachters won the event (see stor y. PaRe C2) Stewart, 74, wus adm1ttt•d Saturday afternoon and 1~ S<.·hcdulC'd to bl' rc•leai;cd within the n ext two da ys . Tht· spokeswoman from the hospital's nursing station would n ot 1den t1fy herself and said she did From Page A1 In S1·ptt•mber, 1980, he was hosp1tullw<.l for a mild case ol -.t·1a11ca, wh1L·h apparently was unrl'lated to his earlier heart problt·m II r com plained o f ~t·Vl'rt' pain alon g the sciatic nt'rVC'. which runs from th e 1Jl·lv1s to the back of the thigh. French push pipeline showdown PLO. • • boat tur Adl'n, capital of Marx1!>t South Yt'nwn al the southern lip 11f th<· Arabian p.oon1n-.ula. will bnng tu dbuut 2.500 th{· nur:ibl·r 11f PLO faghtl·rs t·Val·U.itt'Cl from 134.·rrut rn thn•1· davs "~:·PARIS (AP) -The French :•·i&pvernment ordered a subsidiary ,>! Q f a U . S . f I r m t 0 d e f V ;lJ Washington's embargo today and !t •. t ulfill its contract to supply • ~ujpment to build the Soviet <:1lfiatural gas piJX>line. A Soviet freighter 1s dut> in tht· port of Le Havre on Tuesday to take de Ii v er v of th r ~ t· c:ompr<'ssors t.vh1ch wert' manufactured by Dresser earlil•r this y<'ar. The m1n1str y said that "1 n o rd e r to e n s u re t h a t t h l" companies are ablP to eontinut· manuf.1eturing their t>qu1pml•nt .ind to 1..n-.un• that thl' t'qu1pment 1" dt•llv1•11·d on <;L·hdedul<'. the gnH•rnnwnt ft'lt 1t was adviS<tbl<· to adopt .t 11w.1-.un· allowing 11 to n·intorn· lht· lt·g.il1ty of thC'SL' firm!> 11 lht• t'ilS<' of 11tigat1on 1·wntuall y b<·1~~g brought be-fore· f11n·1~n ("OUrtS rk l•;,'!he Ministry of Rcscart:h and t':Jl~ustry told Dress<>r France, a !l~tsubsidary of Dresser Industries -JJ{pc., of Dallas, to supply the ":•Soviet Union wit h 21 c;qmpressor s for the p1pe lint• l •~tween Siberia and Wc•stern Ii lturope. Gold prices drop $11 ;~TNT found -.:1 .. embassy WASH INGTON (AP) A ,.,.quarter pound of TNT has Ix-en .,.ftQund on the driveway of the :tl"ilugoslav ian embassy. but no ., detonator was attached and 1t was safely r emoved, Secret nc8fervice officials said. -.~· The explosive was m a metal i.•elrnister. No one h as claimed •1 rresponsibility (o r the Sunday ~ilicident, said spokesman Joseph !.: Petro. LONDON (AP) Gold pr1c<·~ droppt>d by up to $11 an uunt·<· 111 l'arly European trading today, retreating from a seven-month peak lete Friday. The dollar hl•ld steady against most maJ1ir r•urrencies. Gold opened in Zurich at $377.625 an ounce. sharply down from F'nday's close of $388.50 In London, the precious metal open~d at $378.625 an ounce, falling back from $384.75 Fnday Bullion prices edged higher in later deals. with the metal trading in the $379-$380 an ounce range. Clouds to London's f1vt• maJOr gold dc•Jlt·rs f1x<'Cl thl'tr ret:ommended mid morning bullwn pn<.·e al :s:rn 1 i5. down from the• p,rev1ous 11x .. r :s:rnn :io G<Jld ~oart'd $:HI an ounc(• Frid.iv 111 Europt· boostl'd by "or11<·-. ov<·r thl• monetar v 1mp..i1 t of M<·x1cc)~ finant·1al It ouhll·-. and falling tntl·rest rah~, In Tok vo. meanwhile, tht- doll,11 d1·1:l1m·d for the· fourth ... u J1gh1 trading day lO dose at :!;,:, 40 y<·n eom p;:irC'd with 255 80 '1•n on Fr 1dJ~ • reina1n ~\~ ,.,~=« The Forecast For 8 a.rn. EDT Snowt:::] ;~·10 ) --~~~~~~- I• SCoastal Lale night tnrough mid- ~ornlng low cloud• near the • Jll>aSt otllerwlM letr wllh variable ltlgh cloud• In the allernoona ii! ~igh1 from m1d-701 at the 'l .beachu 10 ml d -901 Inland ~vernlghl Iowa 65 t o 70 : !Hunllngt()l)."'-1>or1 ., .. ranotng ~ a '°"' of 67 10 • hlQh of "15 Elaewhere. lrom P\.'lnl .,5'.:oncepllon to the Mexican .. -ooro. and out 60 mil•. Smalt ; :.Craft acM1ory for outer w11er1 -l'ritll nort'-1 wind• of t5 10 25 """°'* ar'll oombtned -of 3 10 5 f"t through tontghl. Locally -tight vwfeble wind• turning _, to eout"-t 10 to 20 knof9 1hl1 afternoon and evening Southwest 1weti. 01 t 10 3 feet Night and morning log and tow clouds over outer wate11 e11tending to Inner watets U.S. sununary Showers and thunderstorm• dampened areas lrom the Rocklel 10 the central Plain• end Into the tower Ore11 laket end P41fV11Y1Yanl1 eatly loday some ltolated 1110wera drifted ovw Florlda and lhe Caroffnas Moatly clear skle1 covered .,. ... from Iha IOl.llhern Plllln• to the central Gull Coast and In lhe Pacific North-I Sclltered 1how1ra and 1hunderllorm1 Sunday touched .,.... from the Tennes-Rtwr Vtllley through the IOWIH' Great L l k•• and t he mlddla and n orthern A llantlc 11a1e1 Scall•ed thunderllorms IW90t -from MIMourl to Florida Sklea -• pllflly clOudy oYIH' the north-eentral MCtlOtl OI Iha n ation and mo1lly aunny ......... Temparatura1 betore dawn ranged trom 46 al Marquetle. Mlctl., to 91 Phoenix California the Nallonal WNther Set'vlce H)ll Sout hern Calllornla'1 wea lher t hould be cloudy Tueaday wtth lto1a1ec1 allet'noon end ..-nlng thundllt'lhowera In mountain• and duerl1 and poeelbla 1trong, guaty wtnd1 Hight will range from \flt l'llld 80• In LOI Angel••, to 100 In °""' ve11ey, from eo to to 1n mounUlrt .,..., lrom ff to 1G:l ~ northern ~· to 112 In IN iow· ~ <>-night ioM 1te l0tec4ltl In the 1111'1 IOt In ctownlown Loa ~ to • OC*Cll low renoing from • to 10, from H to rite IOI In "'°""' ..... Md "°"' Ille upper eo.to-.10e1n ... ....._ ..... ""',.,.,,. eo,....-. to lfll MlllliC8n llorder CM ~ llOflt vetlebte wind• durlflf tlle r ' night and morning hours. becoming west 10 southwesterly at 8 to 1"8 knots during ttto 1flernoon with a t-lo-3.toot southwest swell Northwett winds could reach 25 knots with a combined 3-to-5-1001 sea tnd swell larthet lhan 60 m11et1 offshore lrom San Ntcotas laland T e mperatures Albany Atbuque Amarouo At"8\11lle Allanta Ausun Baltimore B•lhnos Blrm1nghm Bismarck Boise Boat on Brownsvlle Bull11lo Burlington Casper Cnerllln SC Cher111n WV Cherllte NC Clleyenne Chicao<> Cincinnati Cleveland Clmb11 SC COiumbus Oel-Ft Wth Oay1on Denver 12-. MOlnw Detroit Oulvlh El P1so F11go F'-gslltt GrNt Fallt Heriford Helena Honolulu Hou11on lndnaoltt . Jacltan MS Jacltsnvtle Kana City Knoxville LH VagH Llllle Roell Loulavllle Lubbocll Mamphll Miami Mllwauk" Mpta.Sl.P NAT~ HI 68 89 93 17 67 96 73 90 88 81 94 70 95 65 70 !11 88 82 79 79 76 76 71 88 76 99 76 8A 8A ee 74 96 77 63 69 72 60 87 94 -7 91 93 91 86 100 92 61 02 89 llO 76 81 Lo 57 69 67 55 67 75 63 57 ~ 54 56 58 78 57 58 54 78 59 55 55 64 67 62 68 62 76 63 59 65 63 58 70 56 58 46 57 so 75' 80 65 72 74 87 65 83 77 70 74 79 62 so 80 Tuesday Auriusf ? J •Low Temper,1t11rc.,, . Front~ ...... Nasnvoll~ II~ New Orleans 93 Ney,. York 7J Nor1ollt 78 No Platte q, Okla City 98 Omaha 83 Orlando <IO Phlladph1a 13 Phoeni. 1oq Pittsburgh 75 Piiand. Me 65 Piiand. Ore 90 Providence 69 Raleigh 83 Rapid C11y 7'1 Reno 101 Richmond 79 Salt Lake 97 San AntonlO 95 Sealtle 79 Shreveporl 93 Sioux Falla 83 SI LOUIS 65 St P-Tampa 85 St Ste Marie 69 Spoltane 90 Syracuse 60 TQ9ell1 95 Tucson 100 Tui.a 100 Washlngtn 76 Wi<:hlla t01 CALN'UIVflA Ba1<etsli.td 106 Blylne 109 Eurak1 83 Freano 101 Lancaaler 99 Loa Angelet 86 MOtllefay 64 Needlel 107 Peto Roblee 107 Red Bluff 108 Redwood City Secramen10 79 97 Salln11 ea - 66 74 64 70 r,· 70 6(, 7S 61 86 60 53 60 59 69 54 63 66 89 74 58 75 56 73 80 ., 57 80 68 71 79 66 1 t 81 71 80 89 69 72 60 66 40 SURF RIPORT ..... ..... ,,,.. .. ~ ..... Dlf. 4 1 1 3 WW • 15 ' 2 IW 4 15 1 3 tw .. ,, 1 3 .... .... Sa11 D•f'go <;11n Frenc1sco Sonia Barbara Stockton Thermal Bar!IOw B•q ~er Cotahne Long Beaatl Monrovia Mt Wiison OntBllO Pnlm Sp•inga Ext ende d weathe r 81 7 t ~ 54 78 !>8 105 65 112 102 83 78 50 74 65 82 69 98 67 86 70 96 72 , 12 87 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO M OUNTAIN AREAS Fog and low clouds moslly night-llma through mld- mom1ng1 114ar coast Olherwlse lair and a hltle cooler H1gha coastal 1reas rang1no from lhe m1d -70s at Illa beaches 10 m1d-901 warmer tnllnd areas Lowa 60 to 70 Fair 1n Ille mountain ar ... with highs lrom lhe 80t to DOI Lows In Ille 60I mog Where to call (loll lrM) lor lllNI amog Information· Orange County (600) 445-3&26 LOI AngelH County: 1•001 242·4022 Rlwrlkle and San knardlno QC>Untlea: (600) 367-4710 AOMD l!plaode C9nter· (800) 242-4&ee ·Tides TODAY Sac:ond high 1 17 p.m 5 0 StcOtld IOW 7.36 p.m 1,6 TUH DAY Flrat high 1 20 a.m 4. 1 F1rt1 tow 7·24 a m 1 6 ~ hlgfl 2:0t p m. 4.9 Second loW 8 64 p.m 1.7 8un aata at 7 81 pm., rite• Tueedey et 9~21 t ,m Moon rlMI today 11 t 1 03 • m., Mtaat 1040pm It :.<ud that lx't·o.iu!>(: Orc'SSt·r ~ rll•llverv daw 1!> appru:t<:hing. tht· t 1mpany "has thus lx't•n or<lerl'Ci lo eurTv out th<· ~t'l'Vll'<•s which 1t has n.>ntraett•d " No ofhc1als at Dn·~'>t·r Fr<mt·t· wert> av::11labl1• for t·omml•nt Pres1d<·nt H<·agJn 1n D<•n·mbl•r urdert-d U S. firms n<>t to suµpl~· l'qu1pml'nt for th1· S1bl·r1:.in gasltne as retahallon for Sov1<"t support uf tht• marli;tl law crackdown 1n Poland In .Jurw, Reagan expandc'CI th<• <•mbargo to 111L·ludt• foreign t·ompan11·s manufacturing 1·qu1pml'nt or tN:hnology undl'r U S ht•t•n'>l.' Th t' ;:id m 1111 slral1o11 ha ~ thrcatt•nl'd t·ourt at·t1on a)<(arn-.t violato rs Wc·stl•rn Europt'<tn nati o ns with tomp::.n1es eontr:H:tl•d lo ht•lp build tht· p1pt 1111<• claim tht t•mbargo 1~ tllt•gal G<'mayel, <·lt'("tL.(j pres1dc.-nt on th<' Sf'cond Parlraml'nt ballot dt•sp1u• thl• strong oppos1t1on of Mo~ll'm and ll'fllst k·ad1·rs. was 111 his t'ommand post nl·ar thl' &·irut p o r t Gorilla death a poisoning? DF:NVER (API Thl' dl•ath of 14-yl'ar-old Thomas thl' gorilla, onl'.' of thL• Denver Zoo's ~tar attrac:l1<'ns . 1s being 1nvest1gated as a possible poi~rnng. officials say. "A very strange event c-a~d this because he was a Vl'rv hC'althv arnmal. ··zoo Vl'tennanan Dr H1cha rd Cambrt• '>Jld Sunday BIRTJIDA Y -Gen e K elly turm•d 70 today and says he's hung up his dancing shoes for good "l'm going lo spend all my time· Ix-hind thC' camera and not in front of o ne." he S<lld Exclu sive mid-w e ight s uits 1 for the Brooksgate man Here is an excellent suiting for the young executive who seeks an all-worsted he can wear almost year-round. It's tailored o n o ur trim 2-button Brooksgate model, and is an excellent value considering the quality and versatility. Navy or grey solids or with pin stripes. Coat, vest and trousers. $250 ISTA lltSHI O 1118 ~~tu.f/ ~~@:[) furnish tng9 for lltn: Womrn ~ 'OY-' ~30 \\1-.s·1 7Tf I S l'REET. I.OS \;\:<l~Lt~!4. CAl.IR FASlllO~ l ~LA:";I> .• hWPORT UEACH. CAI.IF. HIGH FLIER -With the setting sun in the background, hang glider pilot Richard LaPorte soars more than 2,900 feet above the ground during a late evenin g ride off Mount Al' W!Npfloto Kearsarge near Wa rner, N.H . According to LaPorte, hang glider pi.lots find late evening thennals among the best for extended flights. Witnesses to robbery-murder receive reward f rorn Arco LOS ANGEL~ (AP) -The Atlantic Richfield Co. has divided a $50,000 reward -the largest ever given by an oil company -among four witnesses who were crucial to the conviction of two men accused of a 1980 r obbery-murder at an Arco convenience store in F.agle Rock. None of the reward recipients showed up when company offidals and the protteCUtor who handled the case Jtathered at the 90ene of the tragic crime, Arco's AMPM Mini Market. Company offtciala say' some of the witnesses eith er feared further exposure to the public or were simply unavailable. One of the witnesses is a young woman who called police when she saw Adam Mirand a and Arnold Gonzales, both now 22, leaving the store the night of the robbery. Store clerk Gary Black. 33, was shot to death in the robbery and Black's co-worker, Kelly Chandler, was seriously wounded. The two years after the murder have been "absolutely hell" for the woman. She was singled out by neighborhood youths as a "snitch" and a "rat" said Deputy District Attorney Curtis A. Hazell. The witness was repeatedly threatened by ttie toughs, who cruised by her home and even plotted her murder, Hazell said. Assisted by the $25,000 she received from Arco, the young woman has left her old neighborhood. Fearing for her life, she had attempted a move once before but was forced to return after she was unable to support herself and her child. Although the robbery and the murder were recorded by a videotape camera and microphone in the store, Hazell said the woman's testimony was key to identifying Miranda, with whom she went to junior high school. MiYanda's face was partially hidden from the camera by a hat. "What she did was incredibly courageous," said Hazell, noting that st';e came forward as a witness before a reward was mentioned. Chandler. the store clerk who survived the shooting, was given $10,000 by Arco. Hazell said Chandler will soon undergo surgery for the third time as a result of the shooting. Chandler has suffered "severe mental distress" and also has moved from the area, he said. An unidentified police infonnant who saw Miranda at a neighborhood bowling alley also was awarded $10,000 by Arco. Miranda was reportedly dreaming up a scheme to leave the country. It was the tip that led to Miranda's arrest. Disease outbreak kills five Encephalitis strikes 16 people in lour states ATLANTA (AP) - Encephalitis spread by this summer's heavy infestation of mosquitoes has stricken at least 16 people in four states, resulting in five deaths, the national Centers for Disease Control reports. In addition, hundreds of horses and thousands of birds have been killed by the di9eue. mainly in the Southeast. Two fomlll of the brain disease -Eastern equine encephalitis and California encephalitis - have been reported i.n people in Georgia, Florida, New York and Wisconsin, the CDC said Thursday in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. The outbreak has led to the death of three people in New York. one in Georgia and one in Florida. Large swarms of mosquitoes spawned by heavy summer rains are spreading the disease, said Dr. David Bedell. a veterinarian with the Georgia Cooperative Extension Service. Encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, is carried by birds and transmitted to horses and humans by mosquitoes. "It's a pitiful disease," said Dr. Harold Kjar, a veterinarian with the Auburn University Extension Service in Alabama. Infected hor11es "stagger, go blind and wander around," he said. "There is no specific treatment. no drug, ao that once a patient has acquired it the only thing you can do is provide general nuning and supportive care," said Dr. Thomas Monath. director of the CDC's vector-borne viral di8eues division. Eastern equine encephalitis has resulted in the deaths of at least 70 hones in Georgi.a this year. Caged quail and pheasants on six Georgia farms have died. About 150 horse cases have been reported in Florida, compared to eight cases last year. Other state s reporting mosquito-borne encephalitis in anirnalB, but not humans, include Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Texas, Maryland, North Dakota and South Carolina, health officials said. St. Louis encephalitis has been reported i.n young wild ·birds in Kentucky, MiMissippi, Ohio and Tennessee, the CDC said. ln July, Eastern encephalitis struck two south Georgia residents, a Lowndes County woman in her 40s who died from the disease and a 2~-year-old Brantley County boy who recovered. Five Georgia children. aged 3 months to 10 years. suffe red California encephalitis, the CDC said. ln Orlando, Fla., a 75-year-old man died from the disease in June, the CDC said. New York hall reported seven cases of California encephalitis. 0.-, ...... 0.-.. ..., ... _ _., ... We're Listening ••• MOnclty ~ •• ,." It "°" 00 -,,_ 'fOtJ' -by S 30 P m C•ll belore 1 pm end Yo<I• cooy "'" 1>41 O•k•m s.ruro.y •ncl SunO•Y II \'OOI 00 nol =: 1t:':n ~ V:~, ~v':.11': _.., Cir ....... ,....._ -Or-. County Arin ••ll>'UI --H\.1"11"'910'1 8HCll -WMl,...MI., .-11H ~No9v*• - What do you like about the Daily Pilot'> What don·t you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded. t ranscrlbed and delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24-hour answenng service may be used to record let· ters lo the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind 642·6086 "' ORAHGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomot r. Hot.y Pvbl ...... ond C~ .. t hteYl,.e Oflle .. Jon• Amari f.ecvr"'• fd~or l. Kay Schultz Vt« Pt .. ldeM ond [);<e(IOf oi AdloertlttflQ MkhcNI '· Harwy O..ector ol Mof\.t!lllQ <C wculolieftl Thomoa A. Mutphln• fd1!0t Roymend Mod.eon Controler kenneth N. Ooddord Jr. ~KIOt of 0.,..ot'Ot't "-----------------------~~-· --~~ -______ , ___ _ Cle 11m.d ed11er1l1tn9 71 4/M2-5UI All other ctepertmenta 142~321 MAIN Off1C£ SID Wtlt ... SI., Coa~ MtM, CA. Mell .-.ne: ._IMO, CMI• ~.CA ~ ~ ... , ..... ""Or .... Co-11 1t.-i111>1"' C- NoMWt ~ lll119lteli.,.1, IHlltOl'ltl lft..,.,OI' .. YtnlMl'IMfllt lltAl" ll'l•Y .. rt~td •11llelll t4M<ltl .. ,11'11•11911 Of ceovrttM ""''· ~-Cl"it:5 ... pelCI et ~·· MHt C·tlllOr'lllt . IVl>S ,........, . SvclicrlpOon by <err1e1 i°J 7S ....... Illy by mell M ,,_,,,.v Or1ngo Coesl DAILY PILOT /Mondey, At.1gu11 23, 1982 s Al Reagan denies sw·~ch Move for tax hike 'no reversal of po~ic't_' WASH I NC T 0 N (AP) 1118 ANA[JB s been led to believe, he aaya. Supply-alders have been I Reagan alao defenda h ta abandoning the White House all support of the tax bill by notln8 year, but the lat.est deeeruon Is that the three-year, 25 percent special. It occurred In the Oval reduce de ficits over the nei<t cut in Individual tax rates he-Offioe. fought for remainB in force, by Ronald Reagan has taken otr three years. lr\81.stlng that only 20 percent of his new supply-side mantle, Reagan, for his part, denies the increaae repre1ent.a new tax.es that he hall changed course, but which puts tax cuts above all he may be the only one that -the rest he c.al.11 "tax reform" e l se, and donned the old-rea1ly believes that. "There iB not -and by claiming it wu the fashioned Republican coat o f any flip-flop on this at all," he price Congress demanded for orthodox economics, which puts further spending cuts. reduced budget deficits above tax told reporters in the midst of his Last January, Reagan wu cuts. personal lobbying carnpai~ on arguing a different cue. "I will Th t 1 . h behalf of the tax increa.ae. ' . . it k balance .... a exp ams w y one year absolutely does not represent any not u you to try to u•e after leading the charge for the reversal of policy or phUoeophy," budget on the backs of the lar~est tax cut in history, Reagan he said in his televised address to American taxpayers," he told a ha to lead the messy fight the nation a week ago. pint session of Conpe. in his within his own party for a tax State of the Union Memage. "l increase that many are labeling The president says he's still a will seek no tax increues this the biggest in history. supply-sider in that he believes year and have no intention of The president's conversion tax cuts wiU give people more retreating from our basic came about, aides say, because incentives to work, save and program of tax relief." the supply-side apostles failed to invest. That, in turn, will trigger In that speech, Reagan deliver on their promise that tax a lasting economic recovery, predic ted the budget deficit cuts would be a certain short-cut whic h will bring in more would be under $100 billion in to prospe rity and bala nced revenues to the government and 1982 and on the decline in future budge(s. Instead of seeing the eventually produce a balanced years. Now, the administration budget deficits shrink, Reagan budget. It's just that the cure will sees the deficit starting at $109 saw the deficits grow to levels not com e as quic kly or as billion in 1982 and growing in that were unimaginable only a painlessly as people may have later years. few years ago. A Wnite House budget official said the president, an instinctive optimist about the future, clung as long as h e could lo the supply-side theory. But by spring, with the recession lingering, interest rates still high and the 1983 budget deficit approaching $150 billion, Reagan concluded "that the supply-side miracle would never come," said the official, who did not want his name used. Moreover, the president was feeling increased pressure from traditional fiscal conservatives within his own party and his allies in the business community to support the $98 billion tax bill Senate Republican11 drafted to Court block -won't transmission line SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The California Supreme Court has refused to block construction of an electric transmission line from Arizona to San Diego County. The Community Energy Action Network and four individuals had asked the court to review and overturn the state Public Utilities Commission's approval of the San Diego Gas and Electric Co. project. The request also asked the court to require the PUC to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act. The $300 million project cal.IB for a double circuit 230 kilovolt line from Mission Gap to Miguel substation and a single circuit 500 kilovolt line on to the Palo . Verde nuclear plant near Phoenix in Arizona. The utility applied for approval of the line in April 1980. The PUC staU and federal Bureau of Land Management joi ntl y prepared an environmental impact statement as required by state and federal laws. Alter hearings, a final report was issued Oct. 2, 1981, and the PUC approved the line Dec. 1. In Marc h , it made minor modifications in its order. Community Energy's petition claimed the PUC violated the California law because its decision was based on an inadequate environmental report. Community Energy is a 1,500-member group formed to "promote public awa reness of and involvement in the world's future energy alternatives in the San Diego area in particular." It said the PUC: -Failed to consider major strategic alternatives such as utility alternative routes or uae of transmission systems operated or proposed by other companies. Al' Wlrephoto FILES LAWSUIT -An Oakland woman, Linda Akulian, 38, right, has filed a $100,000 lawsuit against American Express Co., allP.ging discrimination. With her is attorney Harry M. Snyder of Consumers Union which ioined in the suit. Akulian applied for a "gold" credit c8rd last spring and was denied. She alleges women are treated differently and the company ignores community property in evaluating applications. -Didn't ex.amine other routes which would not pass through the Yuma area, would run along the Mexican side of the border or would involve other utilities in California, the Southwest and· Mexico. -Failed to consider adequately cumulative effects of the project and the alternative of col'l9ervation. shcz,t1and cniwnczck ... THE .,...» .,,,,,,. Mr.-.m~~ l .. ~ ~WE ATER ·,..,01> .. o· oncz. or Uvz. most un -.qua. shz.tlond ~.s ~ll <LW..r 5CZIZ. czach s~tar is all hand fiam<Zd Wlth \fltoTS\8 chz.st ond e>kw.a. stnp:i cz.'911t colors ITT 11.0Ch S'MZ.Otcz.r lxd)r colors a.Ttl bUrgundy, gr<VJ, lL blua., comz.l,ravy 6nd k:rla.n 44 Fa•hlon l1lond ·Newport &och • 7141644 ·5070 WOI Westwood Blud. • Wntwood Vfllo~ • 213/208-3273 -' Orungo CoHI DAIL V PILOT /Monday, Auguat 23, 1G82 By PAT HOROWITZ or .. .,..., ,.... ,..,. DEAR READERS: Aua 'J.7 llf commt1nt deadline on a Federal R~rve Boord (FRB) propoeal to change the way it deals with eeller'a polnta ln truth ln lending diadosures. Current rules adopted last year cfo not Include seller's point• In the finance charge and annual percentage rate that must be diacloeed in credit transactions. Since the truth In lending revision went into e ffect, many financial arrangements have been developed for offering consumers financing at rates below the high prevailing market rates. Following are two types of increasingly common arrangements: -Seller buydowns In which a home seller pays an amount to a lende11 to secure for the buyer of the property a below-market financing rate for the first few years of a long-term mortgage. -Zero percent mortgage rate in which the seller makes a payment to a lender to induce the lender to offer to finance a property without a stated interest rate. This usually requlres a large down payment by the buyer and payment in full in a relatively short time. In either case the seller must either reduce what he or she is prepared to accept for the property or increase the price of the property to compensate for offering these financing terms. When the cost of the property is increased in this way, the true financing cost and annuaJ percentage rate are not reflected, thus hindering the buyer's ability to compare the actual purchase price and financing costs of different properties. FRB is proposing two alternative methods for dealing with this problem. Both apply to disclosures given for loans to buy homee or other property where reduced rate financing is involved and would apply to sellers who advertise a rate of interest and use this type of financing. For more information and a copy of the proposal; write or call Clarencf'. B. Ca.in, Division of Consumer and Commuruty AffaJ.CS, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Washington, D.C. 20551 (phone: (202) 452-2412). Tire grading change DEAR READERS: Aug. 26 is comment deadline on a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) proposal to suspend the treadwear grading requirements of its Uniform Tire Quality Grading Standards. NHTSA claims that treadwear test results are unreliable and some tire manufacturers say the testing method makes it impossible to obtain accurate' treadwear results. However, Uniroyal Tire Co. supports the present system and says that variations in treadwear results can be corrected by retesting tires and believes the test results are :n.aWIUcally IOUnd. The tlre grading •y11u.>m hat been In effect for three years. lt la Intended to help consumers buy the beat tire for their money. It grades tiretl according to trc'6dwear. traction and temperature reelal.ll\Ce. NHTSA plana to do more testing to flnd the rea1on tor treadwear te1t variability, noting. "Until au.ch teeting ia <.'Omplttted, t.he agency haa tentatively concl uded that requiring manufacturers to continue costly testing and grading cannot be justified." The agency is not proposing any changes in the traction and temperature reslatance grading systema. Details of the proposal are on page 30084 of the July 12 "Federal Register." Comments may be sent to Docket N'o. 25, Notice 47, Docket Section, NHTSA, Washington, D.C. 20590. Wants to sell silver DEAR PAT: I bave 1ome expeo1ive silver and art object• wbicb I woo.Id Uke to sell. I've contacted people wbo deal lD 1llver and bave been told tbat my 1llver 11 too expensive for tbem to bandit as tbey don't have that k.lnd of cUentele. It was 11111ested tbat I take the1e tbl.ng1 to someone who deals in such ltem1, but tbey couldn't suggest anyone. Can you? T.A., Newport Beach A YS suggests having these items appraised before arranging for their sale. Then, you may want to contact some of the antique dealers in the Yellow Pages telephone directory who specialize in silver. If they can't help you, there's a good chance they can recommend someone who can. Circus (ans unite DEAR PAT: II there any club for devoted circus fans? My 100, now a teen-ager, bas attended ever y cir c us performance t n Soutberu California 1lnce be was a youngster. I II.now he'd enjoy contact wilb other circus entbusiast1. L.P., Fountain Valley Your son can join 2,400 circus fanciers by writing to the Circus Fans Association of America, P .O. Box 69, 4 Center Drive, Camp Hill. Pa. 17100. This group was started in 1926. ''--- • "Got a probJi>.11? Then write to Pat' Horowitz. PJJt will cut red tape, • l getting the answers and action you need to solve inequities i·n ,... • government and business. Mail I ~ your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa: CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not iI1duding the reader's full name, address and business hours' phone number .cannot be considered. Elvis look-alikes fa ding Public not interested in Presley impersonation acts anymore NASHVILLE, Tenn (AP> Impersonators who capitalized on the memory of Elvis Presley after his 1977 death have faded from the spotlight -now as out-or-tune with public taste as an old guitar. ··Everywhere you went, guys were doing Elvis and there were more bad lhan good," s ays Bill Hane y , 41 , a Presley impersonator from 1972 to 1979. "We'd go to a town where a guy two weeks before had done a bad s how. ••Most of the acts burned themselves out," he says. "I could see it coming ·' For several years after Presley·s death , dozens of imitators made the rounds or Las Vegas stages. smoky nightclubs and high school gymnasiums. Now reduced to a persevering few, the impersonators say lhe public tired because there were too many Presley mimics and some of the acts gave the rest a bad name. INSPIRATION -Elvis Pre- s l ey's ph e no m e na l fa m e s parked a host of 1m1la to rs afte r h is death. CHANGED -D e nnis Wise . 27, had plastic s urgery to ma k e h im look m o re lik e Elvis. H aney , who hails from Marion , Ark., not far fro.m Presley's home in Memphis. now has his own band "I got ready to be me and not someone else," he says. "It was fun while it was there, but I was ready to change.·· Dennis Wise of Joplin, Mo., who had plastic surgery in 1978 in a highly publicized "Elvis Presley makeover," estimates there are only a handful of tour ing Presley impersonators now. down from several hundred a couple of years ago. "There have been a lot of poor acts.'· said Wise, 27 . "They didn't have good costumes or they couldn't sing." Wise says he has no regrets about his surgery and will keep doing his Presley act as long as there is demand ror it. befo re Presley died -unlike mosl of the others, who chased the quick dollars only after Presley's death. He's s till doing a Pre s ley act . but is concentrating on a recording career and has a record out titled "What's Gonna Happen lo Your Memory'" unde r the name "Wade." Elvis Wade of Lebanon. Tenn., began doing a Presley impersonation almos t 10 years ''I'm trying to get away from It (the Presley impersonation>." s aid Wade. Health care field busy By JOYCE L. KENNEDY Dear Joyce: I am 1.nterested In tnbaial a year or 10 for a line of worll daat 11 1ecare even wben times are bad. I woaldn't mlnd worklng ln a ltotpttal bat I don't want to be a (Ooor) nane. What would be a 1ood Joi. to look at'? -M.J .C., Charlotte, N.C. ~ health care continues to grow. oblivloua to the economy's ups and downs, ao does the demand for surgical technologists, formerly known u operating room technicians. The need for hoepital cost savings haa nudged surgjcal technologiat.1 Into perfonninl tMlm that In the put, only operatini nW'llft could do. Under the direct 1upervl1ion of re1l1tered nurse1, 1urgical ttthnolofliat• aa1l1t 1ur1eon1 and ~Oloptl before, during and after surgery. They bring equipment, CARI la fluids and sterile llnena into the ope. rating room. They ahave and disinfect akin where surgeons will cut. In surgery, they paaa lnatrumenta to surgeons, cut sutures, apply dressinp, count apongea and needles and operate lights and auction rn.achines. They help transfer poat·operatlve patienta to the rec0very room and prepare the operating room for the next patient. .READER SERVICE: To obtalr> a tree surgical technology career folder plus a li•t of achool• offering accredited programa, court8y of the J\6sodatlon of Sul'floal Technologtata, tend• postcMd request to Joyae 1.&ln Kenned_y at Box 1660. Co.t.a MeN 92628 . Ask for "Surtlc•l Tt'Chno10f1Ut." If It's got wheels, you'll move It faster In a .Dally Piiot classified ad.call 642-5678 and a f rlendly ad- viser will help you turn your wheels Into cash. ' NOT AGAIN? -Andy Garcia, 7. of Indio finds it difficult to believe that his sununer vacation is almost over. School buses stored at a yard near his home serve as a ~im reminder. Zoning restrictions eased Santa Ana Heights con struction to benefit It may be easier lo wsn approval for construction of new residential units in aircraft noise-impacted Santa Ana Heigh~ as a result of action this week by the Orange County Planning Commission. The commission, in a 4 to 1 vote, refused to extend zoning policies tha t have requ ir e d commiss i o n appr o val o f applications for new construction or remodeling m nosse impacted areas of the unincorporate d community south of John Wayne Airport. units }Vere submitted while the specia1 zoning policies were m e ffect. And all remode ling applications submitted to the planning commissio n w e r e approved. be said. Adler said he does not expect a flo o d o f d eve l o pm e nt applications when the zoni n~ policies expire. One reason iB that there are fewer than s ix residentially wned vacant lots of various sizes remaining m the area, he said. "l just d"n't think there's a lot o( desire to build in that area right now," he said. Meanwhile. Adler said work is continuing on creatio n o f a "community plan" that would guide future develo pment in Santa Ana Heights. Work on the plan began in early 1981 but was halted after an Orange County Superior Court judge overturned the county's proposed master plan (or future development of John Wayne Airport and a companion document spelling out ways jet noise in the Heights would be reduced. Subsequent legal opinion said the planning effort could resume witho ut violating the judge's order Any plan, according to county o ff1 c1als, 1s geared toward elsmmaung future residential construction within the high noise area immediately south of the airport's runways Effective Sept. 24 , property vwners will need only staff-level approval for any n e w construc tion o r remod e ling projects, explained Ric hard Adler, a planner in the county Environmental Management Agency. Many Heights residents had Formaldehyde limit sought complained that the zoning policies placed in effect last year amo unt e d t o a virtual moratorium on new residential construction. Adler, however, disputed that c ontenti o n . H e sa id n o applications for new residential WASHINGTON (AP) -The Consumer Product Safet y Commission is considering a petition s e eking l imits on formaldehyde in pressed wood produc ts such as kitchen cabinets. particleboard furniture, subflooring and plywood. The petition to ban or limit the products was filed by the Consumer Federation of America which charged that, as more people insulate and tight.en their homes to save on energy costs, American homes are becoming chambers filled with toxic gases. Overweight? Just a little out of shape? Or both? Don't give up. "Live-It" up at Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum. Now with 5 locations, and many more to come. Its all here The fun. The ntness. The results. All the right Ingre- dients for your success formula. Join on a 1-year membership and get 2 years of fun and fitness free. Thats 3 years for the price of 1. Get started now. Richard Simmons "live-It" concept wlll work for you. Its an exciting comblna - tlon of exercise, proper nutrition and a positive - • mental attitude that can last for the rest of your fife. Call or come in to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum today 'rou can do It. Join now. fl/uRRv! LAST3 DAYS TO GET A fR~~ RICHARD SIMMONS ANA10MY ASYLUM T-SHIRT Charter memberships now wallable. Join today and get 11 free Richard Simmons Anatomy Asylum J.shlrt. WOOOLNIO HIWS • 2'210 Ventura Blvc:J. • 884-2202 a~. 200 N. BnJnd Blvd .• ~00-042..5 aeurftl.Y HIU.S • 9.506 Llttle' Santa Monte a lJlvd. • 550-88 7 9 f"OCJlfTMf ~· 18030 Brooktlu"t 964-8880 MnOlllAM CJTY•8432 van Nuy' tJlvd ·891-8791 IM'TCH l'Olt OUlt N~T LOCATION COMINCJ ~ 70 <!Aftl>tN GltO\lrl - Orange ~OHt OAILV PILOT/Monday, Auguat 23, 1982 Soviet navy leading American Jane's Fighting Ships shows U. . nuclear ub outnumbered LONDON (AP) -The Soviet ruwy has the lead over the American fleet ln many areaa, the editor of the authoritative Jane'• Fight.int Ships saya ln the 1982-83 edition. Retired Capt. John Moorti, while praising President Reagan tor bulldlng up the U.S. fleet. said In a foreword to the new edition that the Sovieta commiuloned two 1ubmarlnca for every American aub durlns 1981 and 1982. The edition was released this monlh. "The future may well hold even more impresalve classes of submarine with Improved annament In lhe Soviet fleet," he sajd, reporting evidence of new fonna of propulsion such as high capacity batteries, unconventional fuels and the use of cryogenics In fuel cell propulsion. About half of the 367 Soviet submarines are nuclear-powered. Of 128 American subs, only six are non-nuclear powered, he said. "In a period of rising tension, the deployment abroad of even 50 percent of Soviet nuclear-attack submarines could have a disturbing effect on international decision-making," Moore said. He also said Britain's 74-day conflict with Argentina, to recover the Falkland Islands stretched the Royal Navy to the limit. "Time was on Britain's side -1t may not be next time," Moore said. "The excellent and speedy arrangements for the dispatch of the Falkland Islands' task force should not be allowed to obscure the fact that this was an operation targeted against a small navy with four submarines, an effective air force and with the prospect of a comparatively small-scale amphibious landing at the end." Moore wrote. "Had tht• U S .S R ch<>l4m to lntcrpoee a very few nuclear aubmarlne1, a.s they might be expectt-d to do ln lhe Calk' of what they choet' to claalfy aa a 'war of national liberation,' th~ problems of lhc t.aak force commander would have been greatly increased," he said Social Security $14 billion short ? WASHINGTON (AP) -The director of the Congressional Budget Otflce predicts the Social Security system will need $14 billion In new revenues to stay financially afloat through 1985. But Alan Greenspan, chatrman of the National Commission on Soc1a1 Security Reform, said that figure may be low. He made his comments aft.er budget office di.rector Alice Rivlin testified in front of lhe panel. She projected Social Security will need $11 billion ln fiscal year 1984 plus $3 billion in 1985 to maintain a minimum balance in lhe system's trust funds. And she complained that this level would keep the system close to the edge. · ''It doesn't seem to me to be enough to be comfortable," she said. Greenspan agreed wilh her conclusions but said her economic assumptions might be too optimistic. "Instead of thinking we can solve it with $14 billion, we probably oujlht to assume we wiU need a larger number than that,'' he said. Greenspan said the system as structured is subject to economic swings. "The system itself is too sensitive to changes in economic forecasts," he said. A Robinsons Sale INTERMISSION -Paul Fickas, 13, joins his pet red sable rabbit "Starbird" in a nap while awaiting judging at the M onterey County Fair. The rabbit has won many ribbons in show s but 20°lo·45°lo OFF CLASSIC BLUE NORDIC IRONWARE Here. a beautiful classic In the fine-quality, long· Reg Sale lasting ironware Johnson Bros has been creating Cereal/Soup $5.25 $2.98 lor nearly a century With a fresh clean design Mug $6 95 $5.56 perfect for spontaneous luncheons. or dinners Small Plat ter $16 95 $13.56 planned weeks in advance Save 45% on all place Medium Platter $26 95 $21.56 setting pieces and 20% on all open stock serving Large Platter $37 95 $30.36 accessories And be sure to ask us about our China Oval Vegetable $16 95 $13.56 Club Plan Hurry, sale ends September 4 Round Vegetable $11 95 $9.56 Robinson's China 67 To order call toll-free Covered Vegetable $42 50 $34 1 ·800-345·8501 Covered Sugar $24 95 $19.96 Reg Sate Creamer $15 $12 Dinner $9 $4.78 Gravy Boat $21 95 $17.56 Salad $5 50 $2.98 Boat Stand $11 50 $9.20 Bread and Butter $3 95 $2.10 Teapot $42 $33.60 Teacup $5.25 $2.98 Coffee Pot $42 $33.60 Saucer $3.25 $1 .80 Covered Butter $32 $25.60 Fruit $3 50 $2.10 Salt and Pepper $25 $20 ROllNION'S COMPUTERIZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY AP Wlrepfwllo will retire aftt>r th is yea r 's compe tition. A ccording to Paul, who now has 88 rabbits. they become fat after a year old and are n ot good for showing. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR CONSULTANT AT YOUR NEAREST ROllNSON-S . WEU RECORD YOUR GIFT PREFER~~CES IN MRY STORE VIA THE ONLY COMPUTERIZED SERVICE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. .. • ., .. ·: .. ,I ·' ·' ·' • :· • :l • ,I .• ·' :I ·' .t ,t ,t ,\ ,I j \ ., .. ·• ·• I I I I I I I • • t l 1 1 ~ •.. ~ ... ..,, . I I I Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Monday. Augult 23. 1i82 Only o n e log ical site for ,.new jail facility The tl.sne has come for Orange County government to settle if:S meandering about and shuffling of proposals and sit down to select the only logical site for additional county jail facilities. That site is on the property of the James Musick Honor Farm at El Toro. The Musick property is in the southern sector of the county where future population growth is certain to occur. Probably one of the most significant factors favoring the sjte is that Orange County government already owns the land . Considerable taxpayer money would be saved by utilizing property at hand . And that property already is used for the purpose of housing low-risk prisoners. Everywhere the county study committee seeking a jail site has gone, it has run into solid opposition from commercial .or r esidential interests and, sometimes, opposition from government agencies themselves. Irvine was a case in point. Even when the committee journeyed inland up into the boonies of upper Anaheim, there was an outpouring of community opposition, including resolutions from a couple of city councils and even a flood control jurisdiction. Some authorities have suggested that county government I should simply tack on an addition to the present county jail within the Civic Center complex in downtown Santa Ana. We have never been heavily supportive of the redevelopment of downtown Santa Ana by utilizing countywide taxpayers' funds to build a Civic Center complex whi.ch was in part seen as a pump-primer to start a rebuilding program in aging downtown Santa Ana. Regardless of the taxpayer implications here, the Civic Center deV'elopment has been only a partial success in getting downtown Santa Ana going again. The present county jail within the Civic Center is surrounded by many other structures and in its c urrent configuration isn't overwhelming. Arld another giant jail building, however, and th e county lockup will begin to take on the proportions of a state prison. It will not help Santa Ana, either socially, economically or in the city's efforts to upgrade its downtown area. Santa Ana doesn't need another jail. Logic and economy clearly point toward the relatively remote and southerly oriented Musick site. The Board of Supervisors should move forthwith for the Musick property selection. Recession hits honJe By itself, the news that Newport Beach-based AirCal asked 2,000 employees to take a 12 percent pay cut was a shocker. But with an announcement the same day that the Newport Beach-based Irvine Company laid of f roughly 5 percent of its work · force, the implication was clear. The Orange Coast, supposedly the last bastion from the recession, is ben\g affected· just as other sections of the nation have been. And there are indications that some other major employers in the area may have to take similar steps. When and where will the other shoe drop? It is distressing, of course, to see employees have to be let go by the Irvine Company, plus the 104 ,tust announced by AirCal, plus thousands by other companies m this area. These are not statistics. These are people . Many have families and for most it is a traumatic experience. And yet it is a sign of the times, a warning that even our affluent Orange Coast cannot escape. True, we don't have the 14.3 percent unemployment of a Michigan or the 13.9 per.cent jobless of an Alabama. But this does not make it easier for those who find themselves suddenly without a job or with a smaller paycheck. We can only hope that the falling interest rates of the past week might presage even a small economic turnaround before too long to benefit those out of work here and across the land. Love helps cool discord In the past two years, starry- eyed lovers marching to the altar have, inadvertently, raised the imposing sum of $1.7 million for programs designed to prevent domestic violence in the state. That's because the marriage license fee had been increased from $10 t.o $18 under a bill passed by the state Legislature, with the additional $8 earmarked for counseling and other programs aimed at rescuing marriages headed for the rocks and patching up battered spouses. Impressed by the success of this fund~raising effort, Sen. Robert Presley, author of the bill, this year proposed adding still another $5 to the marriage license fee, raising the· tab to $23. The • new measure, passed by the lawmakers and signed by Gov. Brown, is expected to raise another $1 million for the war on domestic violence. The fee may seem rather steep to oldtimers who remember when it only cost two bucks for a legal launching on the sea of matrimony -plus, of course, a modest token of appreciation for the minister or judge who officiated at the rites. But, considering inflation and the soaring divorce rate, the new fee probably is justified. And we sincerely hope that not too many of those who contribute to this good cause will have occasion to use its services when the first flush .of romance fades. ppinions expressed tn lhe space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on tnis page are thos.e of their authors and artists. Reader comment is jnv1t· ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P 0 . Box tS60, Costa Mesa, CA '12'>76. Phone (714) 6~2·4321. L .M. Boyd/ Covered bri dges Argument continues over why the ~ly builders covered bridges. To t.ect the timbeni from the weather'? o keep the horses from shying over water? To pre vent wheeltrack surfaces from tdng up in winter? \'urs ago I asked the question butloud, as it were. and drew positive repUes, all dlfferi!nt, none conclusive, lrorn many quarten. Most common nickname among funeral directors la "Digger." Con1umer view of international • ' finance: "What do I ca.re lf the dollar 'lets stronaer against the pound . ' t ORA NGE COAST -Daily Pilat .. a sterling when it keeps getting weaker against the pound sirloin?" Get It Right: In Navy lingo, geedunk is any ice cream concoction, but candy-nuts-gum is k nown as pogle bait. Q . Do most of the people ln ChJ.na tead and write? A. No, sir. only about one in nine do 50, Q. What's the only c hemical eletMnt named tn honor of a nation? A. Po'°'1lwn. Marie Curle Mmed It. She came from Poland. Thomot P. Holey PubtitMt TMMe.A.M~ne Ed1t0r lane AfMtf l•ec.llllVe ldllor a.t... K.r..wch (dt1orld '• fd~OI Themot Mcc.n" MOflOOlllO f d~Ot ' ' The 'full-court press' is hack WASHINGTON -The clllempted Nixoni.7.ation of Ronald Reagan peaked when chief of staff James Baker's agent at the Republican National Committee tele phoned a freshman conservative congressman with friendly advice about his coming vote on the tax-increase bill. Deputy National Chairman Rich Bond told Republican Rep. Ray mond J . McGrath of New York. his boyhood friend on Long Island, that he might well have a better chance for national campaign funds if he did not follow his inclination to vote aga·nst the tax bill. That was part of what White House aides. using one of Richard Nixon's f avorite sports terms, ca lled a "full-court press." "POLITICS IS politics ," one Republican National Committee aide told us . ex plaining that nay-voti ng congressmen would go to the bottom of the list for favors. Snugly fitting that Nixonian rule were personal attacks on Rep. Jack Kemp, demands for personal loyalty to the president regard.Jess of the issues. and e ven Wh ite House s uggestions that U.S. Chamber !Jf Commerce staffers be fired. The strange events of early August ~nfirmed the judgment of early 1981 by w orried conse rva tives inside the administration that Jim Baker is uninterested in ideology and determined to re move Kemp from presidential succession. For months, Kemp has been barred from private sessions with Reagan and r idiculed in background conversatlon by Baker. Although presidential aides long have insisted that Reagan was vexed by old protege Kemp, the first solid evidence that the president might be swallowing Baker's line came at the Aug. 5 Cabinet meeting. The presidP.nt twice criticized Kemp by name, once for his attacks on the Federal Reserve Board fVllS I NOVIK and once for his adamancy against tax increases ("Jack Kemp just doesn't want to comprorruse," he said, according to one official). That statement from a president who is himself accused by liberals of inabilJty to compromise suggested how far he has moved toward Baker's accommodationist style. It also flashed the green light for personal assaults on Kemp by the White House staff. "Kemp is showboating," one official told us. "He didn't even think of opposing this bill until he saw a chance to promote himself." ln truth, back on June 20 over Cable New s Network. Kemp promised "to take a very visible role and oppose" any tax increase. OTHER WHITE HOUSE aides say Baker was responsible for published reports stigmatizing Kemp for using the tax fight t-0 enhance his 1984 presidential prospects (altho ugh Baker d e ni ed responsibility for leaks when accused by angry House members over dinner at the Capitol Hill Club. Baker was also fingered by businessmen as saying President Richard Lesher and chief economist Richard Rahn at the U.S. Chamber be bounced because they oppose the president. That is the copyrighted style of Dick Nixon, not Ron Reagan. In supposed "arm-twisting" meetings with House members. he is his usual good-natured self. Al one White House session, it was Rep. Phil Crane of Illinois, unalterably opposed to the t.ax biJl, who took the president to task at length for deserting his philosophy -not Reagan hectoring the rebellious congressman. THE FULJ....COURT press ind'uced few turnovers. Rather, congressmen who until now were no great admirers of Jack Kemp protested his treatment to Baker. With a majority of Republican House members not in sight for the bill, Reagan, for the first time as president, had to rely on mainstream Democratic voters. Rep. Newt Gingrich, the second- tenner from Georgia who led the charge against the tax increase, belit!ves this poses far-reaching problems. "If we allow them (the White Ho use ) to succeed," Gingrich told us, ~"they will begin to tum away from their natural allies and turn toward their natural opponents." Such a deviation seems foreign to Ronald Reagan's political compass. JUSt as does the implicit threat to Ray McGrath. E.T. and America's new e conomy One way to look at everything that is happening around us these summer days is to imagine that the America of steel. muscle and innovation built by Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford is being replaced by an America of light, magic and innovation being created by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. Lucas and Spielberg, the n ew industrial giants whose products range from "Jaws" to "Star Wars'' to "E.T .," are sometimes compared with Walt Disney as producers of almost irresistible mass entertai nment. But, as the economies of the developed world shift from indus try to information, these extraordinary young e ntrepreneurs are becoming the modern counterparts of the old giants of manufacturing. LUCAS AND SPIELBERG, in short. are the American empire striking back. Like Disney. they will be responsible for spreading the mass culture. images and ideas of America to far villages and camps. But, like the mass industrial producers in the American past, the light-and-magic men are also layin~ the groun~ork for a new kind of econom y The marketing of "E.T.," S pielberg's film of the lovable little something from outer space. 1s an example of how the United States will -or s hould -be ~ ~--------------------~ ~·~ 1i . RICHARD RllVIS working in the future. One of the spin- offs of the film. which is earning $3 million a day in U.S . ticket sales aJone, is an 8-inch-high vinyl doll of the little character. There will actually be a half.dozen versions of the stuffed toy. ranging in price from $5 to $20. Six million of the things will be marke ted by Kamar International, a toy firm loca.ed in Torrance. Produced under a licensing agreement with Spielberg, the gimmick is expected to produce total sales of $40 million by Christmas. Some times w ords c an hurt Queries, Quandaries and Quips. "Dear Mr. Harris: Some lime in the 1950s. I believe, Sen. Pepper of Florida was defeated for rf'-ekction large ly be<.:ause of a leaflC'l that was circulated throughout the state and turned voters IYDfHY HARRIS against him. Do you happen to know the approximate contenis of that leaflet? - J.A.R., Akron, Ohio." It ~nt QS foUows: "Are you aware that Claude Pepper IR known all over Washington M a shameless extrovert? He 18 also reliably reported to practice nepot.lsm with hia sister-in-law, and bo h.u a !lister who waa once a ~pfan In Greenwich Vlllag'1. He hu • brother Who ill a pracUclng homo saptena, and he went to a college where the men and women openly matriculated together. It ii an establlflhed fact that Mr. Pepper }>efore h_la maniagc: pr&etlced cell~. Wene than th•t.. he hN admitted to being a Lifelong autodidact." ''Dear Mr. Harris: A friend of mmc insis\S that the Bible it~lf has been C(!nsored I find this hard to believe. Is it true? -T.F .. Fort Wayne. lnd." The King James version was condemned by many becaUS(' Adam and Eve were covered with fig· leaf "aprons," whereas in the earlier Geneva Bible they were wearing "breeches." Noa h Web!lter. in his 1833 Bible, subststut<'d "breast" for "teat" and "nourish" for "to give suck:· and "peculiar members" for "stones" -which itself was the Kmg 'James euphemism for "testicles." (In 1895. a Kansas man was convicted or disseminating obK-enity through the U.S. mails: what he had posted was 8 ltst of literal quotations from the Bible>.) . "Dear Mr. Harris: What is tho lxlllt definlUon of 'education' you have• ever .....+ieard? 1 need this badly for 3 tc;.hool paper. -Roger B., Miami. Fla." Abe Mat l ow, tht-humanist psychlatriat, wrote: "Educatlon ii learning to grow. Jc'amlng what to grow to'Nard, JeamJng what is good and bod, learninl what la desirable and undttlnble, learning what to chooee and what not to chooee:• But the doll s will not be manufactu r ed in California -or anywhere else in the United States. The phones at Kamar are answered "Home of E.T.," but the toys are actually being made In 30 factories in Taiwan, Korea and the Philir:ipines. That's the way the new world works. Labor in those Asian countries costs only a fraction of what it costs in Torrance. So. except for the inevitable sales and promotion people, "E.T .," the doll, will provide no jobs for Americans. Or, at most. very few jobs. But "E.T .. " the film, the books, the dolls. the video games -Lucas' Indus trial Light and Magic Co. is developing games now for Warner Commurucations Corp. -could generate billions of dollars over the years. WHAT IS HAPPENING in this case, and will in many others, is that enormous amounts of money will be pumped into the American economy. but few Americans will get jobs because of that. Only so many of us can be employed cutting Spielberg's films, or his hair. or his lawn. More and more. Americans will be selling intangibles : inn ovation, information . pro ce ss . Mass entertainment just happens to be a dramatic and pleasant example of how the future will work. The promise for America, as other nations yearn to know how to live and be like us, is in our history of mass cr eativity, including the creation of cultural geniuses like Lucas and Spielberg. The problem for America is figuring out how to fairly divlde the rewards and revenues of the new economy in some way not related to how many hours each man and woman bend their backs each day. lillllY Ill t took another look at Jerry Brown. ~ proml8e to vote to -00 him away to Washin gton U be prom.la .. to take Oiantun:o and Blrd with hbn. F.D. .. - •ANN LANDERS •ART HOPPE •ERMA BOMBECK Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augull 23, 198~ A'7 Request for one Chance made too late PEAR ANN LANDERS: My mom1ng ritual Is to IC&!\ the front page, read Ann I..andera, and then tum to the sporta eecllon. 1 am reluctant to bother you, but I have misplaced my copy of the column l have been reading to my incoming freshman claa for many yean. I think it has been helpful. h la the one about the teen-ager who Is present at hia own funeral. Thank you very much. -Sincerely, PAUL (BEAR) BRYANT DEAR BEAR: \'our letter made my day. Here It t1 w1tb warm regards and beat wishes for anotber dy-namlte football season at Alabama. OH~ DEAR GOD. GIVE ME JUST ONE MORE CHANCE! Agony claws my mind. I am a statistic. When l first got here 1 felt very much alone. I was overwhelmed with grief, and I expected to find sympathy. l found no sympathy. I saw only thousands of others whose bodies were as badly mangled as mine. I was given a number and placed in a Qlfflllf By PHIL INTEALANDI of Laguna Beach • LOST AND FOUND 'My lDceative.' HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Taesday, Aagut 24 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): What begins as a cilvenion could become a profitable ent~rprise. Focus on investments. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Go slow, lie low, finish rather than initiate projects. Partner or mate demands attention and additional funding. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): New start in new direction adds to independence, provides outlet for creative energies. Leo, Aquarius natives figure in scenario. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Pleasure principle is emphasized. You could fall madly in love. Focus on change, speculation, variety and hunch that pays dividends. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Good news is forthcoming in relation to work procedures, additional room and increased popularity. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Relative aids in revising prooedures -you'll get support morally and where money is concerned. Gemini, Sagittarius and another Virgo play important roles. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You team more about money, interest rates. taxes and investments. You'll alao regain sense of direction and perceive motives of family member. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Look beyond the immediate; cycle is high, you'll be aware of poten tial and in position to do something about it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec 21): Define terms. look behind scenes, take steps to eradicate fears, doubta, suspicions. You're going to be at right place at crucial moment. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Individual you aJded ln pas\ makes reappearance, returns favor in magnificent manner. Focus on fulfillment, desires Ulcf realiz.ation of your own worth. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis on career, ability to reach more people and chance to take advantage of apedal producta and talents. Aries, Libra natives figure prominently. You'll flniah aaignment, burden will be removed. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Be ready for Cresh opportunity, ch.anc:ie for added independence and favorable response to recent request. Member of opposite sex is involved, has faith ln you and will remain during critical time. Open lines of communication. P01 ~Sll01S BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT I'M ALW.J«S ""~ ON YOUR SIJ>E - NO MATTER HOW UNCL.EAR. aT MAY SOMETIMES Bli' WMltM SIDE YOV'Rli ON. catesory. The c•t•aory was called "Traffic F•t.alltiea." · The day l dJed wu an ordinary 1ehool day. How I wish l bad taken the bus! But l wu too cool for the bw. I remember how l wheedled tho car out of Mom. "Speclal favor.'' I pleaded, "All the kid.a drive." When the 2:50 bell rani. r threw my books In the locker. I was free untll 8:40 tomorrow morning! I ran to the parking lot -excited at the tho~ht of driving a car and being my own boss Ftee. It doesn't matt.er how the accident happened. I waa goofing off -going too fast. Taking crazy chances. But 1 was enjoying my freedom and having fun. The last thing I remember was passing an old lady who eeemed to be golng awfully slow. l heard a deafening crash and felt a terrific jolt. G~ and steel flew everywhere. My whole body seemed to be turning inside out. I heard myself scream. Suddenly, I awakened. It was very quiet. A police officer was standing over me. Then I saw a doctor. My body was mangled. I waa saturatd with blood. Pieces of jagged glass were sticking out all over. Strange that-I couldn't feel anything. Hey, don't puU that sheet over my head. 1 can't be dead. l'rn only 17. I've got 111 da~ toni1ht. I'm auppoeed to 1row up and have a wonderful life. I haven't Uvt.'CI yet. l can't be dead. Later I waa pi.ced In a drawer. My tolka had to Identify rM. Why dJd they have to see me like thla? Why did I have to look at Mom's eye. when she faced the most terrible ordeal of her life? Dad suddenly look~ Like an old man. He told the man In ch9rge, "Yes -he is our ton." The funeral was a weird experience. l saw all my relatives and friends walk toward the casket. They paased by, one by one, and looked a t me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen. Some of my buddies were crying. A few of the girls touched my hand and sobbed as they walked away. Please -somebody -wake me up! Get me out of here. I can't bear to see Mom and Oad so broken up. My grandparent& are so wracked with grief they can bare ly walk. My brother and sister are like zombies. They move like robota. In a daze. Everybody. No one can believe this, and r can't believe it, either. Please, don't bury me! I'm not dead! I have a lot • • Allll LAllDEIS of living to do! I want w laugh and run agam I want to sing and dunc·e. Please don't put me an the Kround. I promise if you give me just one more chance, God, i 'U be the most careful driver in the whole world. AJI I want is one more chanru Please, God, I'm only 17. How much do you know abouc µor. <.'OC.'<Jme, LSD. speed, PCP, uppers and downers, glue and heroin? Are aLJ these drugs dangerous? Get Ann Landers' all-new booklet. "The Lowdown on Dope." For each booklet ordered, send $2 plus a long, self-addressed envelope (37 C't'nts postage) w Ann Landers, P.O. &x J 1995, Chicago. Ill. 60611. His· survival going up ID smoke Whom should I run into in the lobby of our towering medical building but the most fearless adventurer of our time, Buck Ace. And I could but shudder in horror on seeing the evidence of his latest derring-do. "Buck!" I cried. "Why is that cigarette dangling from your lips?" "Becauae," he replied with that famUiar far- away look in his eye, "it Is there." Now, Buck had swum the Hellespont, climbed Annapurna in dancing pumps and arm-wrestled a 600-pound octopus in the South Suliman sea. Risk taking was in his bloqd. But never had he deliberately tried to kill himself and I told him so. "The thrill ia not in killing yourself," he said, "but ln attempting to survive. And at last I have gone up against the ultimate challenge." "Smoking?" I aald dubiously. "No.'' he said. "Non-tmoke.rs." FROM THE GLARES OF passers-by. I had some inkling of the dangerous course on which he had embarked. I asked him to tell me more. "I knew thia would be the most exhilarating experience of my life.'' he said, leaning against a pillar and crossing one jodhpur over the other. "So I have spent months training for this very moment." "How did you begin?" I asked . "In the park.'' he said. "For six weeks, I would AIT HOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER go out daily to an open glade and light up a cigarette in order to gradually st.eel myself to the frowns of disapproval and stares of disgust of passing joggers, perambulating nannies and an occasional wino." "Similar to your slowly callowrlng your hands with sandpaper for your climb out of the Grand Canyon on that free.hanging rope.'' I suggested. "Precisely," he said. "I then felt ready for an assault in the stands at the Harvard-Yale game in order to adjust to coughs and program waving. It so happens I received not one, but two assaults plus a beer shampoo." "I COULDN'T QUIT THEN," he said. "I moved into hotel lobbies, airport terminals. restaurants and a rock concert. This last, I fear, wa.a a !iaaco. All people around me wanted to know was what kind oC funny-smelling stuff I was smoking." "What happened m restaurants?" I asked fearfully "I was severely Corked in the Four Seasons.'' said Buck. "Neverthe less. I felt I was finally prepared to test my courage among people 1 knew .. So I lit up at Mrs. Fotheringswope McBean's d inner party." "A dinner party?'' I whispered. persptrmg, "Hostesses not only no longer place cigarettes on the table, they no longer set out ashtrays." "Exactly," said Buck. "First, of course, I asked 1! anyone minded if I smoked. There was a stunned silence and the lady on my left said, as I knew some would. 'Not as long as you bum first.' I responded with my devil-may-care laugh and turned the conversation to my black belt in karate." "Clever," I said. "But what did you do with the butt?" "I s nuffed it out in my de mi-tasse and swallowed it. of course. What else could one do?" • I MARVELED AT BUCK'S fortitude and asked him what other worlds he might conquer "Just one." he said. taking out a large cigar and a match, as he headed for a crowded elevator 1 offered him my handkerchief as a blindfold but he disdained it I shall never forget his brave srruJe as the doors closed behind him. I am afraid, though, that I shall never eee him again. For like most smokers these days. 1f smolong doesn't get him, the non-smokers will. • Punch Solo dining lonesome People who eat alone do not eat "human" ... as we know at. I'm not talking about the single d iner in a restaurant who has a fi ve--page menu in front of rum to pick and choose Crom. I'm talking about the person alone who puts together what.ever is around the house. Women who are separated or widowed tell me they go through stages. At first, they cook the way they used to, trying to balance a cilet and eat what is good for them. After awhile, they st.art eating the things they could never eat before: catsup on egg salad, Cried mashed potatoes, chili for breakfast. or a baked potato sprinkled over sour cream and ch ives. IT'S ALMOST AS IF what you eat signifies a freedom you've never had before. A friend of mine who was JUSl divorced invited me to dinner one rught. She opened a large jar of peanut butter. cored an apple for each of us on a plate to dip in the peanut butter and asked, "What do you want to drink?" ' EIMA BOMBECK AT WIT'S ENO oul of hamburger grease and poured it over a half loaf of bread. I had a root beer float and a dressing sandwich at bedtime I ate leftovers I couldn'l even identify, let alone digest. DID MY TEETH FALL OUT? Did my bones crumble? Did I get sick? No to all of the above, which leads m e to believe that nutritton is overrated. We• don't cook things we really like to eat We cook to impress whoever is around. There's another phenomenon about people who eat alone. They tell everyone that because they don't have to cook for someone, they're going to cut back and lose some weight. They're lying through their teeth. All day. vtS1ons of a jacuzzi filled with spaghetti dance in their heads and they can hardly wait to get inside their houses at night, close the draperies and pig out "Of coune, their intelligence is carefully bred out of them .. .'' I had my first experience of eating alone for a long period of time Last year when I produced a TV show for television. Every night for a week, I had burnt popcorn swimming in butter and a light beer. ("Are you telling me I wrote all day, made 93 phone calls, sat through three meetings and one rehearsal. fought LA. traffic and smog for a 'light' beer?") The second week, I had seven cilfferent kinds of pasta. The third week was my Sara Lee festival Then I had brown sugar on my egg,. I made gravy I know that dinmg alone 1s lonely beyond description, but one night when my husband and kids were out. 1 polished off a chicken leg and impulsively threw il under my arm and ll landed with a thud an the sank. CU -Neither vulnerable, aa South JOU hold: +AK'TI o t O KQIU +JA TIM blddi111 hu proceeded: 8.-. Wnt Nord! EHt J 0 P ... I 0 P ... l • P ... I NT P ... 7 What action do you take? A.-Wlth your firat two bids. you described a hand that is probably unbalanced. Detplte this information, partner baa opted to play a no trump contract. Pau. You don't bave to tell s-rtner that you have nve dlamondt -there la no r...on to aus> poee tbt a dlamond contract ~Ill be any improvement on ou no trump. In addlUoft, a Lwo diamond rebid 1urreata an even more unbalanced hand, or a better than mlnlmurn openlnr bid. Q.J-A1 South, vul111erable, )'OU hofd: • KQ8J4 <:'ta 0 AQJ •Q.17 The bidding haa pl'Oteeded: Lord. I felt decadent GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF SHth Welt North Ea1t I + Pa11 2 <:I Pa11t1 ? What. do you bid now'/ A.-You have as much as Lhe law will allow for an openinR bid that does not quite measure up to one no Lrump. Now, you should do more than simply rebid spades to show a five-card suit.. Two no trump la more detcrlpLivr of both your 1hap.t and your strength In the minor 1ulta. Q.a -Both vulnerable. as South you hold: •n OMU 0 1'1082 •Ats The bidding hu procoeded: N.U Eat 8Mtll Wut I• P ... I NT PH• S o Pu1 4 o PHa • O Pua 7 What do JOU bfd now? A.-Ooo'l be ubamed ff ,via ~-JOO hevt ,..,. tnnnpe te • '"" honor, ao •• and a ndlllr value. U panner le Int.rut.ct In 11&ta. you ahould be happy to coop- erate. Cue-bid the ace of cluba. Partner might be afraid to move because he holds two fast losera ln that suit. Q.•-As South, vulnerable, you hold: +AJU73 ~QJ on •AJ1' The bidding hat pr~: S..U. Wellt N.,U Eat J • Pa11 I NT P ... t. , ... % <:I , ... 1 +QI c::> AK 105 O K l 073 +IU02 The bidding has proceeded: s .. ~ WHt Ner~ Ea1t I c::> I + 1 NT Pu1 7 Whal a.dion do you take? A. -There is common mi.conception that. North's compet.ltlve one no trump response la a sign of wealt- neaa. On the contrary, It Is a positive action, ahowlnit about 9·10 polnta minimum. Therefore, with your 15 points. good lnter~l.atea and auxiliary 1padc 1toppcir. you ahould be doee to pme. Ad• partDtt about your amwu.a. bJ nltlDS to two ... Lru11rp:- What do you bid now? A.-While partner'• bidding doea not show much ln the way of tt.rtngth, be allDOtt certainly haa a alx-urd Mart ault. Viewed In tha~t.. your hand la OOMI bl.J belMr thaa rntnlmum. be- ,'(auae Jc>Ur heart ho U-Aa South, wl•nbW, maA be UPC'.cled aad JOG JOU bold: have prime value11 oo 0..1 •• 01 o AIUta •Ama aide. A ralM to t-"'-._,._ W1'at la ,._ ~ bktf le the ltaat you un do.. •.-NoraallJ, JOU atio.ld U -H•ilh.r vulnerabhl, u Wei am~ wit before• Socith rou ~old1 Rv..a.nl aul._ On thla hanclr I however.• one diamond open ing bid is preferable. so Lhat you can ahow both auit.s in an economical manner. With two-suiters of moderate strength, the higher suil should be opened first, especially if the suit.a are touching, even at the COil of concealing the p~i.M dia tributlon. Reltlter ltrld1• el•"• ....,......... tile C'MllUy ... tlM'-MoelWWp .... t. 0. llMJ .............. J'°'I •••'tf Cll.rlu G•r••'• ltf .. r•DeaJ Ir••••" wlll t.o.t• 1" die ........... ucl &Mtlea of tlai1 laat·PKed ~ ..... u.,,....w.. lll• ure for ••e••••1 ,. ....... t'• • .,, .... eeere,M, MM II, fl te "'G ................. ..... ... ., .. •· P.O. ... Ill, N..,...t. N.J. Off& Mlille dielb ,_,....a. NEWS- PAPRUOO.a. ' ' Over 10,000 Sq. Yds. of Quality Carpet Offered At 503 OFF or More · FOR THE CARPET BUY OF A LIFETIME This is itl We've Pulled Out All The Stops And Slashed Prices To The Bone! 100% llYLOll PLUSHES • FUU ROUS s59s • PART ROUS • ROLL ENDS Sq. Yd. • REMNANTS • WIDE CHOICE OF COLORS Reg . Values To $10.99 Sq. Yd. llYLOll PLUSH All of the most wanted·colors in extra heavy plush. Extra Heavy Reg. Values To $15.95 Sq. Yd. OllE-OF-A-KlllD ROLLS From Values To $30.00 Sq. Yd. We manufacture Carpet •t thl• locatlon •nd Mii for •-· -------··-. ' . - BAKER .. .. MONDAY, AUOU8T 23. tH2 How do y ou foil ow s first album s ma s h? Carefully, says Christopher Cross. Pal{e B6. THI c• 111 THI coum COMICS STOCKS ENTERTAINMENT 94 85 86-8 0 ·a Where the 'characters' were NunJbers ganJe begins HOW THE TUBE TUMBLES: One of our regional television stations sponsored a poll just the other day and promptly announced that Gov. Jerry Brown is now leading Mayor P ete Wilson in the race for the U.S . Senate. Already we're in the polling palaver . This particular sampling, the TV people alleged, was a reversal of the earli~r order of things. Democrat Brown supposedly trailed Wilson as rate as July. Hut no , longer . · Figures on this sample ,,_ ~said that now, 42 percent TOM MURPHINf ~would ballot for Brown; 34 --------· .... _ ...... ..._....._ percent for Wilson while 18 percent remain firmly astride the top of the fence. 'l'his is hardly ve ry conclusive of a nything. One ~ . Candidate who just got bad news from latest political polling. Orange County paper trumpeted the news as saying Brown is thus leading Wilson "in 4 Southland Counties." ALAS, THIS ISN'T QUITE correct unl~ you take all four counties and add them together to get the poll results. The poll actually sh owed the GOP standard . bearer has Brown down 50 to 27 in Orange County. This sounds more like it. • Also, Brown tr ailed Wilson in Rive rside and San Bernardino counties. And while the figure wasn't given, it probably means Brown was holding his bulge mainly in Los Angeles County. Well, you couldn't expect a candidate from San Diego to have enormous appeal in Los Angeles County, where they generally consider politicians from our border city as kind of back woodsy. Wilson, however , has recently been pounding about the precincts in Orange County, lambasting Brown for his appointme n t of one Edison Mille r to our Board of Supervisors. Miller was controversial as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. He lost the seat in the next election. YOU MIGHT SUSPECT that Mayor Pete shouldn't be wasting a lot of his Republican breath in Orange County if he has the precincts pretty well locked up here. He should find other Brown appointees that were unpopular in other counties and go lambast them. Both sides, of course, have differing analyses of what this latest poll sampling means. Gov. Brown e nvisions the poll as a signal that his senatorial campaign has turned the cornet and will now charge full-steam ahead for victory in November. He says the people now understand how botched up Wilson is in his position on Social Security. Wilson's forces, on the other hand, suggests this latest poll is flawed on two points: (I) it was taken too early and (2) it's wrong. T heir own poll shows Wilson ahead of Brown by 6 to 8 percentage points. The TV poll, they suggest, w as taken too early over a scattered area and didn't even touch Wilson's home county. Additionally, the Wilson people say that Brown might have shown some teeny gains because he's scattered some $700,000 about in television commercials. ON THE OTHER HAND, Wilson hasn't even launched his major TV campaign, which gets under way A ug. 30. This will turn the tide, the Wilson campaigners declare. Unless, you suppose, Brown has another $700,000 he can ante up. It seems like a rather melancholy circumstance if this whole U .S. Senate election gets settled over the boob tube. Students to hear HJobility issue Orange County Transportation Commission mem be r Jam es Roosevelt la embarking on a one-man effort to make students at 100 h igh schools aware of county transportation issues. Rooeevelt, of Newport Beach, the eldest son of Preside nt li'ranklin Delano Roosevelt and a forme r congreaaman, said, "Young people have the largest ttake in our efforts to assure fbture mobility." That oomment was made In a letter sent to principals of all Oranae County high echooll ln which Roo~evelt 11 1eeklng permi8lion to add.... 1tudenta. "I believe that high school s tud e nt s , r e p r esenting tomorrow's work force, can and sh ould be made aware of our transportation problem• and what ~ey face down the r'Olld 1f we d o not 1peed up the trans portation project Imple mentation proceu," Rooeevelt said in the letter. Roosevelt was appointed to the tranaporlation cornml9aton about one year ago. The commiulon, formed In 1976, determines how state and Cederal tranaportatlon fund1 allocated to Orange County are •pent. BAR AND GRILLE -Distin c tive insig nia fron t s the "Mercedes" e ntry of car agency owner Jim S le mons in Sund ay's edition of the annual Newport Harbor Character Boat Pa rade. . ~ ON THE BEACH -Spectators found va ntage poin ts all a round Newport Harbor to watch the seaborne silliness. Th is crowd was clustered on a public d ock on Balboa Pen insula, BALLOON BOAT -Singing for att.enUon were theee livin& "telegrams" of the Anlm81 Crackers orga.niaUon. Their boat WU festooned With colorful balloons and coetu.me9 ranaed SADDLED UP -Bob Mueller of Santa Ana w hoops it up· a board the "neck" of a bottle-sha ped Cutty Sark boat. The me of the 2 2nd a n nual parad e w a s ·•Ne w p o rt a ·o·es Country/Western.·• ·- cameras at the ready and wit h hands waving a nd feet : dangling as the ''k ids of all ages" variously celebrated th~ latest lunacy of the traditional water escapade. · · .. ... ................ ..,..., ...... from.Middle F.aat to Far W•t ln theme. The crowd aot ~ meaage -all the ~· • · ,, .. . .. Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, AUQUll 23. 1982 The judge's a beauty ••• but don't let those looks deceive you 11Sy ELLEN PORATH AnuletM ""-Wrlt~ MADISON. Wis. -Angela Bartell WH planning a career In music t:ducatlon In 1964 the year sh~ became Mias Wlaconsln. But when her term was over, she turned down a musk 1ehola.rsh1p to Northwest.em UnJveralty and went on to the University of Wisconsin to study psychology. She decided on a legal career after meeting her future huaband, a law student. Today, lhe 36-year-old Ms. Bartell la lhe first woman to serve as a chief judge in Wiaconsin. "If someone had asked me to predlct 10 or 15 years ago what I'd be doing today, I'd be nowhere near it." Bartell says. Her appointment to Wisconsin's most overloaded judicial district - which began this week -continues her rec<1t'd of "firsts." Named to lhe bench four years ago, Bartell was first in her class at the University of Wisconsin Law School in 1971. She was lhe first woman to serve as a law clerk to U.S. District Judge James Doyle Sr. And she became Dane County's second female judge in 1978. penonaltt y o f Ill occupant organized, committed lo career and family, with fluhee of wry humor Law b ook• and legal award• dornJnate the room, but a montage of family pho tographs occupies a promine nt spot on one wall and large photos of her c hildre n dot the windowsill. A worn pair of running shoes slta on a closet •ahelf, not far from a retired bailiff's gift -a beer mug emblazoned with the words, "magna cum lager." Paintings by her mother, mualclan and artist Marie Baldi, decorate the walls. "I'm optimistic that there's a way to accomplish whatever I want to accomplish," she said. Bartell's husband, Jeffrey, is a lawyer. They have five children , ranging in age from 2 to 10. "Everyone has to pull for the group good," she said. "No one bends the family for his own purposes." The three oldest children help with the c hores. And when a family emergency occurs, Jeffrey and Angela Bartell are equally likely to rearrange their schedules if their full-time baby sitter needs help. "We have, o f necessi t y and preference, approached lhe problem with who can best handle the situation today," she said. "We each do our share, as we're able to do it." a AP Wlrephoto In her new position , she will be responsible for court administration in the 5lh Judicial District -a district of 19 judges in Dane, Rock and Green counties. It is one of 10 Wisconsin judicial districts, and with state government centered in Madison, · certainly one of the busiest. Her husband, she said, has always, been "extremely supportive and encouraj(ing." "He's never interposed any feelings of his that I should be doing anything but what I wanted in my career," she said. "We've always both been the second best helper to the other. LA YING DOWN THE LAW -Judge Angela Bartell, a former Miss Wisconsin, is the first woman to head a judicial district in the st.ate. "It's the same at the office." advice. She will serve as liaison between the court and county and state governments. "Judicial resources are definitely limited," she said in an interview in her Madison office. "We have the greatest pressures now to use those resources." . Bartell's office reflects the "What I do at home is what I have to do well, what I want to do well and what I expect to do well," she said. As chief judge, Bartell will be in charge of the court's budget and the assignment of judges. Parties in legal proceedings will complain to her. Other judges will come to her for "Their input is extremely important if the output of the chief judge is to be accepted," she said . Heckathorne-Vnderwo Kathryn Ann Underwood and Robin S . Heckathorne will establish a home in Austin, Tex. following a wedding trip to Monterey and Lake Tahoe. They were married Aug. 21 in Lutheran Church of the Master, Corona del Mar. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Underwood of Corona d e l Mar and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heckathorne of Midland, Tex. Pagnanelli-Hombs Karin G . Hombe and Christopher J . Pagnanelli repeated lheir wedding vows Aug. 14 in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Newport Beach. Afterwards they left for a wedding trip to Lake Tahoe. They plan to reside in Orange. Parents of lhe newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. James F . Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pagnanelli, all of Huntington Beach. Armstrong-Campbell Lori Campbell and Richard Armstrong were married Aug. 14 in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach. Parents of lhe newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell of Westminster, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Amutrong of San Marino. After a wedding trip to Yosemite the newlyweds will reside in Costa Mesa. Wright-Phillips An Aug.7 wedding ceremony in St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Dalton, Ga. united in marriage Elizabeth Phillips and Lt Jg Donald R. Wright. son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Wright of Costa Mesa. After a wedding trip in Alabama and Florida along the Gulf Coast, the newlyweds will establish residence in Traverse City, Mich. The bride's parents are Dr. Glen D. Phillips of Pomona and Mrs. Kathryn Brock Phillips of Calhoun, Ga. • Baby booni voters' booll1. now By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID A•-..... h-Wtttef WASHINGTON -A record 169 million Americana will be old enough to vote in November, with women making up more than half the eligible voters, lhe CeNua Bureau aaya. The voting age population, which akyrock.eted over the laat two decades as the postwar baby boom gttn e r auon t:ume o f agt>, has i n c reaaed 5 million since 1980, the bureau reporu. Over the last l 0 years, the number of potential voters has grown by 28.5 million, the bureau noted. But lhis rate of growlh iB likely to slow an coming years, reflecting a decline in the birthrate that began in the 1960s. Although there will be more Americans than ever over the age of 18 in the fall, lhe bureau said elecuon turnout usually declines in non-presidential elecuon years. In 1978, for example, only 34.5 percent of lhoae eligible wen t to the polls, the lowest voting percentage since 1942. By contrast, the 1980 presidential e lection dre w 47 .5 percent of eligible voters. ' According to the new bureau study, the rapid growth in the number of young voters has lowered the median age of the voting age population from 42 to 40, with 20 percent under 25 years of age. Of the total, women comprise 52.4 percent of potential voters in the United States, outnumbering men by eight million. Five percent of the women are 65 and over. Women of voting age outnumber men in every state except Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada and Wyoming, the bureau added. Blacks make up 10.5 percent of the electorate, with the high est pt:rcentage in the District of Columbia where they make up two-thirds of lhose old enough to vote Other states with large percentages of voting age blacks are Mississippi, 31 percent; South Carolina and Louisiana, 27 percent; Gt.'<>rgia, 24 pe rcent; Alabama, 23 percent; Maryland, 21 percent; and North Carolina, 20 percent. New York State has the most blacks, wilh 1.6 million . California, Texas and Illinois also have more than one million black voters. \ -· .,,. ,. _. Hegeman-Uniack UCI graduate Mary Alire Uniack and Bruce Hege mann were married m Los Angeles and are now residing in Champaign, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uniack are her parents and his parents are the William Hegemanns of Havertown, Pa. The newlyweds traveled to Canada for lheir honeymoon. OCC offers courses designed for parents Three Orange Coast College courses, designed for parents and lheir infants or older children, will be offered this fall at lhe C<lsta Mesa campus. ALLAN BEEK -FOR CITY COCNCI L :J.eminine Classes, offered by the college's Early Childhood Education department. begin Sept. 7. Parents bring their children -newborn through 5 years of age -to class where they can interact with other youngsters in a supervised 1etting. There are three cl.asaes, divided by age. A workshop for parents of children from newborn to 10 months meets Saturday momin~ starting at 9:30. Sessions for parents of children 11 to 17 months meets Fridays and Saturdays starting ·at 9:30 a .m . •, Sections for children up to 5 meet Tuesdays and Saturdays at 9 a.m. All classes are two hours. Registration for fall class is under way and runs th.rough Sept. 10 at the college admissions office. For ~ation information, call 556-5772. RO G. GRAVESEN, M.D. V......ty OI-S.~ a Martial Tho,.py Clink. UCI Mochcal C•nl., i• pleated to announce the opening of the SEXt.YAL MEDICINE AND THERAPY CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY epedalhlnf in I.he treatment of Sexual & Relatioruhip 0190rden of lndividual11 and Couple. 1000 Weal La Veta Avenue, Suite ~O~ Orange (714) 885-2677 PIRATES PLATTER Steak & Enchilada Dinner Special $6 95 5:00 to 6:30 Daily (--------------------.. p,..i f0< t.. /IU"1 Brri. G for you ' • Classified advertising is your best choice for help in selling the items you no longer need. It's quick and inexpensive. Daily Pilat / ~ Classified ads · < ....._ ~ ~ phone &42-5878 -; ..,,,.-#.,,,,;: ~ ' ....... ,.. afHlsn.I llCM\ SMr~on ~twp.in 8c-.<~ RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ......... terellldS..• 1'22 HA.llOI ILVD. COSTA MIU -541·1 IS._ . 1!.i!'J AM CONDITIOI •IO IOl.M WA'11 MIAT1NO IATMaOOM -.oelLINO So le >l76U a.-Time a~ .. v-o-cc .. Sl0te _... Y-Aree) a>STA MISA 641•1289 1S26 ................. M1SS10H VllJO 495-0401 2~c-.IM(tJl llMM <-.... -., ... ,,.., ......... , • e If It's got e handtft • you'lttr•b ..... • faster In • D•llyPHot • ClllSlfltd I ads. C.11 -642·5'71 C"1 ror ''" t11I01111thon OAANOl COUNTY 3 TOWN 6 COUMTAY. OAANOI (11 4) 141 .. 221 ''In o class by itself" r a - 964-5242 MAGNOLIA & TALIBT toUTMWIST co.. New Memb.n 2 for the 'l Price of Expires 8·28-82 • Posture • Circulation • Tighten Buttocks • Seminars AEROBICS 0.1l9n9d for the Mature WomanO Bad Back? Try Our Therapeutic Loun1ee Home IHts Arllablt vCompilre Our Equipment ••. Peraonel Attention a lnetnlotlOn -I Orang COGlt DAIL y PILOT /Monday, Auguat 23. 1982 Love is love until it becomes business~ LOVE AND MONEY -Attorney Merle Horwitz talks about his book . MEDLEY'S Presents $5.95 Dinner Specials AN OLD·F!SltlONtD By LINDA DEUTSCH Ae-leiM "'-WttW 8.EVERL V IULLS -It wu love at rlnat aJght Ht• ~Id, "Do you w•nt to Uve i.oaether?" She said. "Sure." And soon tht>lr tennl1 racket•. record 1.'0UectJorui and 1Jlverwa~ w~re mingled tn a jumblt• of posat.>alona they called "ours." They hoped it would last forever. It didn't. When they aplit, he said the records and tennis gea.r were his: sh e disagreed. T her e were loud arguments and 1JOme tean. Finally, they called a lawyer. This apocryphal -and more and more t ypical -1980s love story Is why attorney Merle Horwiu has written a book with the no-nonsense title: "Love Is Love, but Businesa Is Businea." "AJJ we grow up, we are taught. that you can't talk about money and love in the same breath," says Horwitz. "Sure, it's cold and crass. But we're not 2-year-olds." Horwitz' book , a thin paperback with entwined red hearts and a dollar bill on the cover, offers live-in couples a complete legal contract which they COUNTRY SUNDAY SUPPER A generous por11on of tender golden chicken. coaled 1n our homemade breading and deep lried -Served with bullery mll~hed po1a1oes topped w11h our own creamy gravy, plus lresh vegetables Include!. souµ or salad hot bread -and a frosty mug ol beer' MUCHO MEXICAN MONDAY can tear oul ond fill tn tu 1ull lh••lr own uranaoment A quetUon-and-anawer teetJon offert advl(."(' on how to apllt up 1uch tn:uurea u IM!aa<>n Ucketa to th~ theater, the leue on an apartment, automobiles, jewelry and furniture. Horw1t.& says the t.~ntr1&ct will stand up In court ar .properly w1tne81t'd, and It avolda legal fees. "About a year ago, I began getting calls from both men and women people who wanted to live ,together but wanted to protect their separate 'property," says Horwlu. Surprisingly, he notes, many or the couples were e lde rly and ch<>!W! not to marry in order to preserve Social Security benefits o r pensions. "I told them I l'Ould draw up a t.'Ontract for them, but I couldn't do It for less than $500 to $1 ,000. That was prohibitive to some people," says HorwiU. "That's when I came up with the idea for the book." Horwitz sold has cohabitation contract to a major publisher but became dissausfied with their plans for the book and bought back his idea. With the help of a friend. Horwitz printed 10,000 copies, went on radJo to promote and 110ld the boou by mall order tor •to "Th~ retpoNie hu been ~at," uya HorWtu. "W~'ve al.read y told a 1ubatanUaJ number, and "'9W a commercial pubU.her la lnt.ereet.ed ln iaklnJ It over and putting It in boolultora. "Everyone who h~an about It aeema to wani a copy." Horwtu concede. that the ground wu broken by another lawyer, Marvin Mitchel.son , whose landmark Marvin vs. Marvin "palimony" cue opened the court.a to property division aulta by unmarried <:oup~. The Marvin case, named for actor Lee Marvin and his onetime live-In lover , Michelle Triola Marvin, applies primarily to couples who have ho written contracts but agree through an oral or implied contract to share their finances. "The Marvin decision had everything to do with making people aware." says Horwiu. "It ~ys what's fair as fair and somebody shouldn't get t,pe short end of the deal becauae there isn't a piece.of paper." A 1as1y South·oH he Border 1rea1 of two tre<;hly made enchiladas filled w11h cheddar cheese and m1ldly-sp1ced shredded beet smothered w11h enchilada sauce ar'ld lopped w11h trec,h ~oor cream Served with the 1rad•lil•'1al Spani\>t> rice ,ind reined beans Includes soup or salc1Cl hot breau and a retreshrng margama' ORANGE COUNTY1S LATEST CLOTHING CONCEPT CHEF LUISE'S ITALIAN THURSDAY This is a real ltahan lasagna tender egg nuod•es W•th a special blend ot 11co11a monLirella parmesan and romano cheese comooned wottt seasoned ground oeet and sausage Covf'•etJ w11h our own homemade llahan meat &auce Includes soup or salad garhc bread a"d ot CQurse a glass 01 wine• Along With Other Superb Selecllons From Our Menu Entertainment Nightly In Lounge Gl.n Yarbrough App•aring 8-24 & 8-25 Shows at 8:30 & 10:30 18774 Brookhurst St. Reservations accepted 963-2366 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 1 MILE so. of 405 FWY. NOTICE DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP PUBLIC AUCTION ORIERH IY TitE anoHn FOR CLHE 1mH&TIOUL Handmade Persian I Oriental Rugs We have been commissioned to liquidate the entire inventory plus others for Immediate cash. AS PER INSTRUCTIONS ALL BIDS WILL OPEN AT 25• ON THE DOLLAR AND LOTS WILL BE SOLD FROM THE NEXT BID ON. RUGS FROM: China. Persia. Afghanistan, India. Turkey, Pakistan, Roumanla, Egypt, and Iran. Sizes range from 2'x3' to 1B'x 12'. AUCTIONS Will TAKE PLACE MONDAY, AUGUST 23 AT 8 P.M. MARRIOTT INN 900 NEWPORT CENTER DR. NEWPORT BEACH TUESDAY, AUGUST 24 AT 8 P.M. HOLIDAY INN 25205 LA PAZ AD. LAGUNA HILLS Prevl-1 hour prior 10 auc11on -Please a\lend preview A, A, & A Inc., Liquidators tNfO: 213 -70l-002I CANCER DETECTION CENTER O F ORANGE COUNTY A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OFFERING BELOW COST COM PREHENSIVE SCREENING FOR EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER • SCREENING INCLUDES• Thorough Physical Complete Blood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Smear For Women Self Examination Instructions Medical Center Professional Bulldlng 18800 Main Street Suite 105 Huntington Beach, Calif. 841-1871 Our low rent warehouse location means lower prices to you ENGLISH WOOL SWEATERS Tuesday, Aug. 24th thru Saturday, Aug. 28th Special Sale Hours 9-6 Corne early to beat the crovvds $1595 100°10 Shetland Wool Crew -V-neck Stripes $1995 1000/o Shetland Wool Crew -V-neck Solid Colors $2495 Lambswool Crew -V-neck -Turtle Neck s349s s299s ,~J 995 100°10 Pure Wool Heavyweights Perfect for mountains and sailing 100°10 Lambswool Men's Cardigans 5 Button Front Many "one of a kind" Samples At Bargain Prices Also choose from a great selection of tradltlonal fashions at affordable prices Lacoste Shirts • Men's Slacks • Ladles Blouses • Large Selectlon of Knit Shirts • Button down Shirts 17891 All famous makers (714) 641-4801 Skyp•rk Cir. Cult• B Afrport Business Center , lrvlne _, • Orang• Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, AIJQUll 23, 1982 c-,,,.-"-..... _,,~ THE t~AMIL't' CIRCl'8 -... "Reminds me of that rcinbow layer cake you made for my birthday." by Brad Anderson "It's the obedience school. .. they want us to Ignore their latest advertising campaign!" Jt;DGE PARKER WHEN o.e. TELL.e DENNIS PASeMOAE THAT 51-E WILL NOT DEFEND LUKE, HE PLEAD5 WITH HER TO DO 00' 1/~0t'P t1/P~1 ACROSS 64 From then 1 Niii 2 W()(dl .5 Young animal 66 Pry 9 Hem end 67 Parent beef 66 At no time· 14 lrllfl ll{por1 Poet 15 SMllwonn 89 TllOM wt1o 18 ~Poe!. do· Sul. 17 P-6onattfy 70 TtnUOUt 19 Wetctler 71 Europeen1· 20 Beget Abbr. 21Art worill 23 Court oeme DOWN 25 ~ 1 Senctlfted 2t ._... 2 But fiber 2t HM wtllont 3 Nut 32~ 4llneety 37 ColMe peece ,.,._,0t$tt1 5~ 318-g '°" '1 Humott1t e Or.-god Oeofll -7 Stlftdllh u,_.... e-- 4 OI-'* IM moon .. ... 9 COll'MtlC 29 All*1ntlr'M 30 Southern FrlnOe 31 .Foot~ 32 Equal: Pref 33 Flulfl e 0 0 4 7 Rlf* ecilon •9Summer 1bbf. $2 Rein. $3 Of aomt Romlonprieee BIG GEORGE by V1rg ll Partch (VIP) "Very tow ov1rh11d." Hank Ketchum ~pr'--...._~~~ 'l PUT 1HE MUO PIES IN iHE 'Fl<16EAATOR 1CALJSE °™ERE WASN'T ANY R004A IN THE FREEZER !' t i ii by Harold Le Doux IOHorw 10~ 34 Strllght 55 Hindu noble .._...._.._.._ ........ of•t,,e 11~ 11---12~ ".... 13 Otoupe , ... ,.,,,.... .. ..,.....,.n....., ..... ..,.., 24~ I u~ ,,....,.. ' I 35 Conjucilon M~ 40Moue .ao.c ... .. ~ ....... .,. ft-1!9'"' 5e Leelon 57 Lo0111 &a T rOllblel HNM to~ f 1 He#: '*· M Al.wl lftto PEANl'T8 ANOTHE~ ~PRISE CMARLIE BROWN ... WE CAN PLAY BALL AGAIN ! A GROUP FROM OOT OF TOWN 8006MT OUR V~T LOT, AND IT'S ALL R16HT FOR US TO USE IT ~ SHOE :\:\~('\' ROLLO, I HAVEN'T SEEN YOUR DOG LATELY GORDO t'l'~K \' "l~KERBEi\N IF YOU "fHINK l.SARN I N<S WHA"T"' ')lt:>O'Yf: 601' IS eAP News, WAl"f'U.. YA HeAR WHO YOUR C'QC. .,.-OR IS GONNA e>e.' by Charles M Schulz --------o--·---11 tJ by Jeff MacNelly ... by Ernie Bushm1ller WE ALWAYS SEND HIM TO A SEASHORE RESORT DURING T~E HOT WEATHER WHlr> NOf? Gm~ HAVE MADE fHE MOVE ... "fHA"f'L..t.. ee AL.L., NURSe "fWINKle C HO.MPeR .' by Gus Arriola· by Tom Bat1u1< LOOK Irr LAV~E AND SHIR®! by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont - •. ' ' a .. ---------,~ ._.S --a - ORANGI &1111 11EAE ARE {l Read all today's U news, e'1ery day Local, county, state, national and international events, come to your doorstep in the bright, light and li- vely Daily Pilot. ® Keep an eve on ~ loeal go,7 e.,rnment No other newspaper brings you more news of your city council, planning comm i s- sion , school and college districts and county government. ~ Laugh, cry or get ~smart Advice from Ann Landers, humor from Erma Bambeck, interesting features on people, Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/~onday, Auguet 23, 1082 To keep up with . all that's happening in your community you need the Daily Pilot ••• every day ) REASONS Wl1Y. • • Ill. Follow your team '-r/ The sports action at 15 Orange Coast t)igh schools, three community coi- leges, UC Irvine and Cal State campuses is regularly reported by the Daily Pilot s ports staff. Keep up w ith nationally ranked college and pro teams, too! B Save money and () shopping time Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised every day in the Daily Pilot. Because the ads are from firms in this area, you save time, effort and money. Enio~· vour ~ Su;.d-a; ~Family We~kly, color comics. finance, "Style'' section and fea- t ures about you highlight the inter- esting reading packaged i n v0 ur _,...--~-.... Sunday Daily Pilot. :;:;;~Y Enough to read - and enjoy. \iii Tune in to tf1e (/ latest TV Joµs The latest, most accurate televi- sion gu i de is published each weekday in the Daily Pilot. On Fridays , Pilot TV Log charts the tube in a conve- nient , easy-to-find ·format. opinions, informa-I I tive column~ and A~ Get into the Daily Pilot 081.IJ Pl.Ill~ comics brighten for only $4.75 per month. your world . -----------·~~~~~:~-~:--~--~~=-~-~-:~~-~-----------• 642~32 • : I'd hke to enjoy the comforts of a home -·-· 111111 '°'° P()\IA()l 1 1 delivered Daily Piiot ,every' day. ;:~:~:~" : ~-----....,' Enclosed is $4. 75 for one month. I u .... ~"o~;:.11s I BUStNESS REPLY LABEL I I .,.,, \.,.,,,., .... -0 ,, CO\'• ....... •t.••04'1t1• I I Address .................... ' ... ' . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Or11nge Co.at O•llY Pilot I I , Box 1560 I I City .............................. Phone ............... Costa Mesa, CA. 9262' I I I . I I I Signature ..................................... "....... CI RCULATION DEPT. I I I 1 ,,.,011.ouw1District ................... Rate . . . . . • . . . . . . • • • . : ·-----------------------·--------------------------------·-: Complete the coupon ••. glue or tape the prepaid lat.I en an envelope fw ma~tng, or coH 642-4321 , A* for Orculatlen • • Bl I I ·-· I . . I .~ :· .. ., ,. i . .. • I . ~: • .. . ~ . . I , ,. : "' "·M~ .~ .. t • :y ·:> • • • .a " ,:-, 2 - Or•no• CoHt OAILV PILOT/Monday, Augu1t 23, ieea And for next number A twin aroundbrtiaktn& hlH been h ld tor lhc Raaty Scupper and Raacal'1 reatauranta at the Oae Pacutc Plaaa office •nd oommerclal cent.er In Hunungton Beach. U00.000 tor ada promot1n1 bendltt of Investing 1n aolcf, 1Uvt'r, phallnum Mnd coppt1r. Christopher Cross sets sails for n e w success The complex al 7777 Center Blvd. C0011al¥ of 14.3 acres. Font Spe a ce Trlnen , Cost a Mesa commercial brokerage COmJ*ny, ia exchwve leasing agent ror the project. ltennetb E . Slezak has been a p poin ted vice president, marketing director of Valencia Bank headquartered in Sanla Ana. Slezak, lohgtime Orange County resident. is chai.rman of the communications division of United Way of Orange County North/South. He is a member of American Marketing, Bank Marketing and Pt Kappa Alpha Alumni associations. Record revenues and earnings for the first six months of 1982 h ave bee n r e p orted by Hellonetlca, I.De., Irvine. Revenues for the period ended J une 30 w ere $3.2 millio n compared to $2.1 million for the same period in 1981. Net income for the same period was $488,100 compared to $287,000 for the same period last year, according '° .. statistics released by the firm. Leonard R . Ac ton has been named senio r advisory ti tie :>ff icer of Titl e ln - 1 aran ce and Tru s t 's ,Orange Co-'u n t y divi - sion . The A seminar on Seca rUy l11veatmen11 La Oran1e Cou ty ti 1eheduled at 7 p.m. ~pt. 1 a\ Nc-wport s~curltlea Corp. In Coat.a Mesa. Inatruction will be offered on how to properly build a diversified stock portfolio fro111 100 publlcly traded companies headquartered in Orange County. Reservations and more Information is available by telephoning 957 ·I 081 . Peggy Glenn , Huntington Beach, will be one of two speakers at the Strategies for S uccess International Convention of Independent Professional Typists Network. The convention is scheduled Sept. 1-3 in Anaheim. Glenn is author of a book, How to Start and Run a Successful Home Typing Busin~. Madeline Zuckerman P ublic Relations/ Advertisin g, Tustin, has been hired by Hoffm a n Video System 1, Irvine , to develop and implement a public r elations and advertising program. Covin g t on Techno logies, Fullerton, a home builder and building co mpon e nt manufacturer, has reported revenues of $3.9 million and a net loss of $482,000 for the six months period ended June 30. P R ESIDENT -John B . Wau is new president of The Laguna Bank, Watz named bank chie f John B . Watz has been ap- pointed president and chief ex- ecutive officer of The Laguna Bank. Watz has been involved in commercial banking 18 years, 13 in Orange County. His appoint- ment was announced by Joan Chapman, chairman of the board. The Laguna Bank is localed in the Eschbach building on Forest Avenue. It opened Dec. 1. 1981. By JAMES SIMON .......... PrMe • ...., BOSTON -Chrluophur ere., whoee debut album with lta oomuc:opla of hJta made hlm the current klna of the mellow rock 10und, aayahe hopee to beat the recording industry'• llOphomore jinx by avoiding any ''c;mreal" on ht.I upcoming second album. "It's undeniable that the second a lbum often doesn't meaaure up to the flrtt one," he aald. "I'm lucky ln that I've had more time than moet people to work on a second one." Cross aald that he hopea to finish and release "Another Pa~e" before the end of the year, ' My goal la always to make a quality album throughout. where there's no cereal or filler," he said. "That's what I tried to do with the first record. And that's what I want to do with 'Another Page.' Good music throughout. Respectable. And whether it's the classic record that I did before, well, that's up to the people." While his record company is hungry for a follow-up, Cross said some of the pressure is off because his debut album is still selling 5,000 copies a month - more than 2 1h years a fter its release. Cross, a sel f-described ''late bloomer," released one of the most successful debut albums in history in December 1979 at age 28. Four of the songs made the T op 10 -inc l uding 1981 Grammy song of the year "Sailing" -and many of the hits ENCORE -C hristoph er Cross has a tough act to follow after placing four songs on the top 10 with his first album. such aa "Run Like the Wind" remain on soft-rock or adult contemporary radio stations. He followed his initial success by collaborating wit h Burt Bacharach, Carol Bayer Sager and Peter Allen on the theme for the movie "Arthur. "That tune. fe.aturing the mellow vocals and the smooth 'instrumentation that are Cross' trademark, also hit No. 1 and was the 1982 Academy Award winner for song of the year. "We did a lot of European promotional tours because in a lot of markets there -especially England -we had no success al all with the first album,'' he said. " 'Ride Like the Wind' hit No. 99 and dropped off," Crom aaid In a tcilephone ln~rview from hJa Santa Monl1,;41, home " 'Arthur' wu the tint 1lnglc over there for rot: that went Top 10. Consequently, 1 did a lot of promotional tours -Including some TV apeciat. with Dudley Moore, star of "Arthur" -and they helped bring the worldwide sales of the album up to more than sJx million ooplet." Cros11 said truat the promotjonaJ work, plua several mualcal award shows he attended, slowed the work on the second album. But an even great.er drain on his time w as his first record producing project, for the Alessi band. Cross plays and aing,1 on almost ever y track of the album, a ballad laden effort releued last month, and used many of the musicians he picked for his own first album. The result sounds uncomfortably close to another Christopher Cross album, which the producer admits could be a problem. "I never wanted to do a coattail situation with my career, and I didn't want them to do the same thing," h e said. "At the beginning of my career , I had a problem with being on Michael McDonald's coattails." He was referring to the lead singer of the Doobie Brothers, who sang harmony on "Ride Like the Wind." "People accused me of being that," Cross said. "It wasn't until 'Sailing' ca me out and other songs where I sang on my own that I was able to stand proud." f irm is a JU~idiary of ll'acor, a 'wholly-owned iubsidiary of ACTON 3outh em Pacific. SmUbKllne Beckma n Corp. has leased 8, 100 square feet in the Irvine Company's new MacArthur Court office complex in Newport Beach, according to a r e lea se from the Irvine Company. NB firm g e t s OCTD pact The education of Sissy Spacek Acton has been chief title >fficer for the Sant.a Ana office >f Transamerica Title Insurance :0. Separex Corp., Anaheim, has .nnounced a net l~ of $378,000 ~r 19 cents per share on revenues •f $194,000 for the three months ieriod ended June 30. That compared to a net Income ,f $63,000 or 2 cents, on revenues ·f $595,000 for the same period nded J une 30, 1981. SazaDDe Hubner is manager of narketing communications at Century D a t a Sys t ems, \naheim. She joins the firm \fter working a s marketing ·ommunications manager at )perry Univac M ini-Computer )perations in Irvine. Darre ll A. Mo ore , o f the 1,;aguna Hills Leas ure World ffice of First lDtentate Bank, s among several area officers of he firm recently promoted to ·oe president. Jon Sbarnborg & Aasoclat ea, .osta Mesa advertising and ublic relations firm, has been tred by Weat Coast Metals 2teruatlonal, Newport Beach, to evelop and implement a ational advertising program. The program is budgeted for Transactions for the lease arrangement were valued at $900,000 and handled by Mervyn Kirshner and Ralph Simmonds of the Seeley Co . Leonard Shane will speak on the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision affecting t he "due on sale" clause at the Creed Forum scheduled at noon Thursday at the Registry Hotel, Irvine. Shane, chainnan of the board and chief executive officer of Mercury Savings and Loan was the first to warn those involved in the American housing business that banking decontrol acts of 1980 would have a revolutionary effect. Hantlngton Be a ch Aquatic Clab has been presented $1,500 to assist in its youth swimming programs. The donation was made by Aminoll USA, I.De. Jack Melaler of Melaler & E menon, Costa Mesa, has been named to a committee assignment for district 15, American Adv e rt is ing Fede ration . Distric t 15 Is comprised of advertising clubs and fede rations in Southern California, including the Orange C.Ounty Advertising Federation. NOW PLAYING L e nac Warford Stone, a Newport Beach agency, has won a two-year, $610,000 advertising contract with the Orange C.Ounty Transit '.:>istrlct. The agency will be responsible for "creative" newspaper and direct mail advertising campaigns designed to increase ridership on OCTD buses. Lenac Warford Stone has worked for the district one year. James Reichert, ocro general manager, noted that the district recorded its tw o highest ridership months during Lenac Warford Stone's first contract year. Bus advertising is coordinated by Wimton Network, Inc .. of Los Angeles . Bus advertising generated $300,000 for district coffe rs during the past fiscal year. NaYy a wards jobs WASHINGTON (AP) -The Navy has awarded $802.8 million in contracts to three companies for charter and conversion of 13 marine cargo ships for stationing in potential world crisis spots. By BOB THOMAS Aswm, ~~ (AP) -Sissy Spacek remembers her trip to Argentina a few years ago: "I was there doing p ublicity (pr 'Carrie,' and I really knew nothing about the politics of the country. I found out from people who told me of friends and rela- tives who had disappeared. Also revealing w as the fact that I couldn't go anywhere without a bodyguard. Even when I went jogging in the park. two men with guns went along with me - and had a lot of trouble keeping up." Her education in Latin Ameri- can politics was furthered with her new fihn, "M issi ng," wh ic h she made in Me- xico wt year. Although the locale isn't s pecified in the movie, the story obviou- s ly takes place in Chile U ACIK during the 1973 overthrow of the Allende government The Polygram-Universal r e- lease uses real names in tracing the disappearance of Charles Horman, Harvard-educated wri- ter and filmmaker who was ta- TH€ ORIGINAL IS DACK. --ur--lrtl-TIJI I N 1MI W S..ofl .... 1'11' of l r•tol 0 ~ ..... .......,. ~1• ~J1' ClllT& INU 10-~~·1c..-..... t1t 4U~ ... ~~· Sit 'HD --f ..... Wnt&• ''"' uo "0' u• c.t c,,-.. 63' ; ... -"1c.toe. °'""' r>r-vt"" ~~·•on •«:«' t\ w~ ,. 0i .... "" H t MU 'tt 0141 MO Oi'4 n W._--------------------•1 MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ~ MAl\K HAMILL HAN\ISON FO\D CAMIE Fl5HEJ\ PETET\ CUSHING cro Alf( GUINNESS -"' ~'!r.-..._..croo...c-t>t JOHN WILLIAMS GAAY t<JJl~ll G€OlCJE LUCAS ., ken from his Santiago home by the Chilean military. His wife and father, played by Miss S pa- cek and Jack Lemmon, battle the country's new rulers -and their American co-conspirators -to learn of the young man's fate. It is a powerful indictment of United States complicity with military oppression, co-written and directed by an expert in po- lltical melodrama: Greek-born Costa-Gavras, who also made "Z'', "The Confession'' and "Special Section." "I me t Costa eight months be- fore the picture began," Miss Spacek recal.ls. "I had seen sev- eral of h is picture.a and had been impressed with them. He told me the story of the Honnans, which he had first seen as a tiny news item. Then he read the book by Thomas Hauser and was certain he wanted to make the movie. "I figured I had to talk politics with Costa-Gavras, and he must have thought, 'She's a perfect fool.• I'll admit that what appea- led to me about the story was the relationship between the daughter-in -law and th e father-in-law," the actress says. "I hadn't really been aware of what had happened in Chile, and I felt ashamed that I could be li - ment had been doing. If the story could affect me so strongly, I thought the movie might affect other people the same way." M~ Spacek met Lemmon last year at the Acad emy Awards, where she was a nomineE for best actress for "Coal Miner's Daughter." He told her: "I've got a thousand dollars on you lo win." She did. Next day, she left to begin fil- ming "M~ing" in Mexico City, where the film company greeted her with an eight-foot pinata in the shape of Oscar. Trouble began at once. The Mexican army, which had been scheduled to portray Chilean forces, declined to participate. So did the Mexico City police. "That was fine with me," says Mass Spacek. "I felt better knowing that the generals were actors and the guns were rubber. Even the tanks were cardboard." The next cr isis concerned Lemmon. The conclusion of "Buddy, Buddy" had been da- layed because Waller Matthau had in jured his bac k in an onstage fall. ving in the United States and not "Costa was in shock when J ack be aware of what the gov~rn-didn't appear," says Miss Spacek. "The moat exciting down-to-the-wire action alnce SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT end the funnlnt bunch of rue.la alnce THE BAD NEWS BEARS." .... -. ............ __ KE.NNr .ROGERS .. ~...,.. TWOOlETH CENTtlff-R»t Pr~s A LION SHARE PtoclictlOll A DANIEL PaRIE r~"' KENNY ROGERS "SIX PACK" DIANE LANE • ERIN CRAY If It's got wheels you'll move It ........... Deity Piiot ctaslifled ad.calt '42·5'71•nd Mut1e b1 CHARLES FOX cacutrw "'*"' EDWARD S. f'ELOMAN tnd TEO WITZER PnxlUClllcl b'/ MICHAEL TRllOUS 11i1111n 11y MKE MARVIN snd ALEX tAAt'TER Oncttd b'/ OANU PETRIE a friendly ad-vhorwfll Mtprouturn ~Wllliels lntocnll. ICl.NNr "'~ 1!111 ~~ "'"' Canno11 .. 11 •un CflGI P1111t 1141 CN ) T. THI EXTRA· MONTY MHON LM • • TiRRESTRIAL AT THE HOlLYWOOO towl w.:'r"liifWF..lf~ m Pl111 ltlr Crur (Ill * Or ye-ns Open 7:30 Nightly Ctultf•~ UMtt1 1:l FAf( Unh•u Not.ct t ~ --·-- II 14 I"-'" ·-;.~ - c ......... ,., .. ,_ .... ~ 11 tit/Ar 1i.i ' • ·~ • • • . .. , • . I ' ' ~ :· I ,: \I Or•nge Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Mond•y. Augult 23, 1982 BT Three shows open I along South Coast By TOM .. TITVS O('tMo.IJNMlt.ft The 1potJJaht 1w1.n&a to the South Cout th1a weekend aa Laguna Beach and San Clemente provide the openins night attractJona with three new 1hows going on the boards ln the two cities. Starting the week off Wednesday will be the comedy "Cheaters" at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse. Sharing an opening night Friday wilJ be "The Robber Bridegroom" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse and a one-man show. "Mark Twain .. Himse lf" at the San Clemente Community Theater. Playing the funny philanderers in "Cheaters" will be Blanche Mickelaon, Howard Goodwin, Brigid O'Brien and Robert Vaught, with Tom Sesma and Laura Wesson ccmpleting the cast as their oHspring. INTERMISSION "Inherit the Wind" at Turtle Rock Community Park, Sunnyhill Road oft Turtle Rock Drive ln Irvine. Curtain la 8 p.m. and ticketa are available at the door. with information at 557-7297. James Whaley and Llsa Stack head the cast of "The Gazebo" at the Huntington Beach Playhouae in the Seaclit(Village shopping center, Maln Street at '1orktown Avenue, Huntington Beach. Reservations 847-4465. Also on stage, through Sept. 5, is "Sugar" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., just north of Costa Mesa. Perfonnances are given nightly except Mondays at varying times with reservations taken at 979-5511 . ''Cheaters" plays nightly except Mondays at varying curtain times through Oct. 3 at Sebastian's, 140 Ave . Pico, San Clemente . Reservations 492-9950. * CALLBOARD -Auditions for the comedy "Mornings at Seven" will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. and Saturday at 1 p.m. by the Newport Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Monte Vista St .. Costa Mesa ... di.rector Deborah Le Vine will be seeking four men and five women from their late 30s to late 50s ... details are available at 631 -5110 .... "BUT, OFFICER ... " -Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda tries to talk his way out of a traffic ticket as Tom Reilly. new co-star of the U~o "CHiPs" se ries , lends an unsympathetic ear. Maybe Reilly will ask Lasorda whe re he got that jacket. "The Robber Bridegroom" is a production made up of students of the Moulton summer worksho_p and is being directed by Craig fleming. David Anthony is musical director, with Michael Cody choreographing tbe musical. Reno theater eyed The show is double cast with Steve Fox and Laura Pryi.goda heading one company and Jerry Garvin and Debi Wheeler starring in the other. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m . for two weekend.a at the Moulton, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach . Reservations 494-0743. Golden West College will hold tryouts for "The Elephant Man" on Sept. 7 and 8 at 7 p.m. in the colle~e theater ... Stewart Rogers 1s di.recting and information is available at 893-7711, ext. 450 . . . RENO (AP) -The MGM Grand-R eno, which already boasts the world's largest stage in its showroom, is on the verge of branching out in the world of show business. Scott Mi chael is "Mark Twain ... H imself " in an improvisational evening at the Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Ave. Cabrillo. San Clemente. He'll give three performances Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m . and Sunday at 3 p.m. with reservations available at 492-0465. Readings for Jack Sharkey's new mystery comedy "The Murder Room" will be held next Monday and Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Garden Grove Community Theater in Eastgate Park, Chapman Avenue west of Valley View Boulevard ... director Rex Day will be seeking three men and three women in all age ranges, with British accents desired ... J ,ud Allen, former director of the Greater Reno-Sparks Chamber of Commerce, announced that a partnership of which he is a member has leased the jai alai fronton at the hotel and plans to turn it into a theater. Allen said plans are to u se th e 2,300 -seat theater for plays. :nusicals and concerts. He said the group hoped to attract Broadway productions which are beginning West Coast tours. Winding up their resrective engagements with c osing performances Friday and Saturday are the drama "Inherit the Wind" at the Irvine Community Theater and the comedy "The Gazebo" at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Art Winslow and Wayne Powell star as the opposing attorneys in BACKSTAGE -The monthly meeting of the Orange County Theater Association will be held Wednesday at 7 :30 p.m. a t the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach . . . each member theater is urged to have a representative or a lte rn ate present ... Allen said a ll that Will new comedy win 'Cheers?' BY JERRY BUCK UT ........ WrtW LOS ANGELES -A s a youth Ted Danson was more interested in digging up old ruins than in creating illusions as a perfonner. His father was curator of a natural-history museum in Flagataff, Ariz., and he often led an archaeology summer camp near Tucson. "We'd go up into the White Mountains and be there a ll summer," says Danson. ''It was wonderful. I remember the pine cone Jights and forest f ires more than the purpoee of the camp. • • I n e v e r DANSON gave a thought to acting until I got to Stanford University. I grew up without television and never saw it until Stanford. Then I became a TV junkie." Danson. who stars in the new NBC comedy series "Cheers" and also starred in the movies "Body Heat," "The Onion Field" and "Creeps.how;• got into acting this way: "I was chasing this young lady I was crazy about,'' he recalls. ''The only way I could be with her was to get into acting. I auditioned and got the smallest part in 'Man Is Man.' Then I got so seriously into acting that I switched to Carnegie Tech." NBC is pinning a lot of hopes on the new comed y, being telecast at .9:~0 p.m. on Thursday. In the beginning it will be paired with "Gimme a Break." but it's expected that before the fall season is too far gone it will be teamed with "Taxi," the hot show the network picked up after it was dropped by ABC. In the new series, Danson plays Sam Malone, a reformed alcoho lic who runs a cozy, sports-oriented bar in Boston called Cheers. He says, "I think "ONE OF THE HIGH-RANKING SURPRISES OF THE SUMMER. rr IS A MOVIE TO BE SALUTED." -Pat Collins, CBS NETWORK AIWlllM 81ooltllu<SI 772 64'6 I'll get more into the character as I go along. I can't talk much about him yet because we haven't explored it yet. "But I like his irreverence. I like a lot of things about him, but he's not m e . H e's a former ballplayer and a womanizer." He says, ''What I love best is the rehearsal and the discovery process. I love to discover another person 's point of view and take it on as my own. That kind of work is hard unless everyone is working together. It's difficult in television because it's so quick." The series, created by writer- producer brothers Les and Glen Charles, also stars Shelley Long as a college teaching assistant who chucks the academic life to become a cocktail waitress; Rhea Perlman as the cynical , but good-hearted waitress, and Nicholas Co lasanto as the bartender. ----NOW PLAYING ----INIU IUlU'AMI auMt1M ltlWrGllT IUCll OUMl WUTMlllSTUI Px11lc's Anaheim Ed'#a1ds Newpofl Cenedome Edwards Ctnema Wes1 Onve In 879 9850 Cinema 644 0760 834 ?5S3 891 393S •IUICMI YllJO ..0 ••MCUCCUTIO El:l-ds Vieao Tw111 830 6990 '°" '"" ,_.._,., With Burt&Dolly "'" much ,..,. juM couldn 'I belqall Malwl B<N PlaJJ Pxillc'i. llllColn Of1Vt In 5295339 821 4070 COSTA MIU OIWllll OMml IMMlll Edw1tOs 1!1tll0< fw., AMC OtlOQe ~ UA City Cine<'N Pxlfle's 0<11191 °'""' lft 631 3!>01 837 0340 634 3011 558 1022 UWtlWft Edw•m west11tOC* !>:tO 4401 I • MM 115 "'"Jufrro .. ~ NOT "~o I IOO ,_. ACCIPflO ,OA TtM lllOAOlltl#T ,... ' ' ' ... ~ remains for the project to begin is for the Securities and Exchange Commission to approve an offer f or limited partnerships in the venture. The partners hope to raise $5,000 to get the project started and to have the first production open by next spring, Allen said. Actor Eddie Bracken will head the undertaking, and part of the plan is to sell subscriptions to Reno residents to attend weekday performances. •BARGAIN MATIN••I • Mond•Y thru l1turd1y All Pertorm1nc•• b91ore 5:00 PM (Except Special En91 .. ment1 111d Holld1y1) tA MIWAI JA MA.11 lo M11odo 01 to1ec10111 LA MIRADA WAlK·IN ttc·2•00 Nl9HTIHln!ll . ......... ,,. IAPHDl111 i ... 1.1111• 11.T, THI IXTU nHHTllAL<N > Ill.Ill AN OPPICH AND A Ol"'11MAN 111 u .............. , .. .. CRfl<H & CHONH THINOI f AU TOUGH 4U OYll 111 U1at41U t... Ill.Ill TMI 111un MOYll ,,., .. '. LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlK IN TMllllTLmu WHOUHOUM IH TUAI 111 u.ae .... 11ae .... 1hM ITAi WAll(N ) ... ..., ...... U1Wl ... t ..... ll IMI LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAU• '" •1,. .. , lO THI ILICTllC HOUIMAN IN > P•IDAY THI 1aTH 'Af.'JIWI u ... ,... ............ 1 .. .. IOCKY lll~~L ,._..., 111M l1M 44M .. u ,, ... 1Mt lac .. 1ry 01 Ca"dlewooa 213/111·9510 TOUNO DOCTOU IN LOYI Ill ll•M lilt •t40 .... t1H 1 .. U IOCKT 111 c..i 11111 ....... t.MlMt THI "UTI MOVll 1N I I l1M 44M Ital "UI NIGHT 1Hlm11 , ...... 1 .... PllDATTHI laTH PAIT 2 tll ..... 1 ........... , ....... 1, ... IMPORTANT NOTICl' CHllORlN UNDER 12 FRU! ~ .,. w..,. Miit Tin Ill 100 • S.I . S.. .... 6 00 Piii Cllf..fl -• fOIJ~ Ut CAii llAOIO IS YOUll $1'1,\t(f~ f llO 4"' CAii IW>"l ~ °""°" llCUSSOl!l l'OSIT'OI --... llQllT ...... !•.U CIN(.fl -llO Git ... - A ~At0 •a.I ANAHEIM OlllV( IN ,,._ey 91 tt1 l•"'°" II 17t·tHO STAI WAii IN I """ TUl!N> ~.d ,... ........... BUENA PARK OlllYt IN f\ " ......... .. LINCOLN OlllVl IN LtMOI" A•• We•t O• lf'~On 121•4070 •• 11JN fAIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY OIUVHN lo• O.•oo ,,.., ol ffoo1~w111 (lo I ••2·2411 /w I I'' t~ , I LI HI WAY 39 0 111'1! IN umD1111 NII TMllllTLmLI WHOllHOUll IHnW c•> AH OPPICH AHD A OINTUMAN Ill TMI PINAL 'lllNn»OWNCNI c tOtf " IOl/loO l. T. THI IXTU"~HHTllAl CN I TMl ILtmlC HOUIMAH IN I PllOAT TMI UTH 'AIT J 111 -VINOMCI> PAST TIMll AT llDOIMOHT HIOH (I ) 111.UI THI HOLL TWOOO ICNIOMTJ Ctl CINI II Mkl"O ._. 11•0 SO OI Golde• a. ........... . 191·3693 IUl '.t5.l<NI THI llAST111.~f11'H (Nl NINI TO PM IWAMP TMIH01N1 -~~C_IM~~-SOUllO~~~~+-~~-C ... hlOu..O A uAtllii A LA HABRA 0111v1 11j -·-·--·--., ..... 2 Iii A .... •I tNOI Alt TOUGH All OVD . ....... MONTT 'TTHON LM AT HOlL TWOOO IOWl ltll LT. THI DlTU TIUUTalAL IN> "¥1 • T'MI lt.KTIK HOISIMAN IN I OJlANGE OQ1v t IN tOf'lta Al\O ffWt , .... ,.c ..... ,.. .. . .. .... MISSION 0111Vf IN .. - •, •,' W A~NUl l·•· I ..... .._ ... ..., ............ Ht• OCC offer course • • • ID movie scoring A n~w couno for (·lnc•rN and music 1tudenta, tit.I~ "l'~Um Scoring," wlll lx· oft.-rro at On.nit> Coo.et Collc:att this fall The thrce•unlt <.'OUl'M', hsu..od WI Music 263AB, meeta Thuniday afternoons from 1-4. Course Instruc tor la Alan Remington, a graduate of the American Conservatory o{ Music. Registration for a fall cllllSel it under way through Sept. 10 In the OCC AdmJuions Office. For registration lnformalion, phone 556-5772. --- ·;. . .. . ! -l -"" •: •' .. ,, , -..J: 1' L I , .. • 4 \ti 1:\: I>!\" IVININQ uoeaAIHALL ~l!St Louie l.'OO ID HEWS WONQEA WOMAN WILD, WILD WEST 1 1.W.A.T HAWAll FIW~ • TOGETHER. .. WrTH LEO 8U8CAGLIA $puking ~lore an audl· enc;e In SKtemento. Cell· lornla, Or LIO Buecagne uroee 1111-. 10 move •way from the "me oener· etion" and Into the lovlng re&Hly of CloM 1181 with tam1ty. ID MAGIC Of OIL PAIN'TlHO "WNl&rn 0.-1" Cl) C8SNEWS QIN8CNEW8 (JD KIDS ON THE k OCK A unique troupe ot pup. pell help children learn an important lesson about what It me1n1 to be handl- c1pl*f 1:30 Ii) FAST FORWARD "Space" Development• In epece tec:llnology Include communication•, manu· tacturlng and weather salelllles. Cl)Q!NEWS (H)MOVIE •••Ao "Nevet Neve< Lend" (1981) P•tula Clarlt. Cath· lean Nesbit I A 11-yeat -old girl escapes her lonellnesa by t1n111lzlng about adventures with Petet P1111 ·a· 0 MOVlE ••'/\ "St Ives" (111761 c.,.,... Broneon. J9CQU8- llne Bluet A IQ(me< crime reporle•-turned·datec:tlve It hlr.O by a -llhy film tancler k> 1ecoY81 a Ml of lncrlmlnetlng ledgera 'PG' 1:80 fD PL.EDGE BAEAK Regularly 11thaduled 1>'<>- gremmlng may be dll•yed due to pledge. brNl\1. 7:00 8 CBS NEWS D NeCNEWS 8 KUNGFU An Incredible battle of Oood 90alns1 evll loom• H Caine contronta the Prince of Darkness to 11ave Mas- ter Kan Ii> THESAINT m M 0 A•S0 H The ben.zedrlne pill Cherie• takes to give him some energy hes strange rMulll • JOKEA•SWILO •m> BUSINESS REPORT (I) P.M. MAGAZINE An lnlerview with Mr T. !hi vtK91n ol "Rocky Ill"; • visit to • whale breeding ~ound In MexlOo QI THE MUPPETS Guest Rile MOfeno (Q)MOVIE ••• "Eye 0 1 Thi~ die" I !SUI t) Donald Sul'*· land. K-1• Nelllg11n White Oil • remote Scottish ISiand 10 meet • Germen S<ibm•rlM, •n AXIi S4>Y llnda shelter rrom the llMm In the coltaoe ol • young merried couple 'R' CZ)MOYIE • • • "The Enforcer" ( 11178) Clint EH I Wood, Tyne Daly "Olr1y H•rry" cauenen 11 jomed by a female rOOlcle In tracking dOWfl a band of revOlullon- arles whO ere fetrMlzlng Sin Ft1ncl1CO. 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featuroc:I. 1 new glf1 Idea. latl hlSIMic phologtaphl ol Lo• Angeles flood1: a man WhO flndt ~Ilona tor prOdUCllor> companlel e a FAM•L v FEUD CHANNEL LISTINGS 0 KNXT l(.RSI 0 KNBC tNBCI 0 KTLA llnd I 8 KA8C (Att(.I 0 t<FMB tCA!.l (I) KHJ TV llnd I a:> KCST (ABCI CD KTTV llnd I (I) l<COP TV lino I fD l<CE T IPBSI 6l> t<OCE !PBSI PERFORMS -Mikhail Baryshnikov is joined by Natalia Makarova in performing Jerome Robbins' "Other Dances" on "Dance in America: Two Duets" tonight at 8:30 on KOCE (50). CD M'A·s·H Col Pollet. Hawkeye, BJ • Frenk and Rader get nope- leUfy !OSI on their way bKll lrom a medical ~•· •no Cl) (I) TIC TAC OOUOH &:I MACNEIL/ LEHRER REPORT ml EVENING AT POPS John w 111101111 and the Bo11on Pops Orchestra are joined by virtuoso vlo- 11111s1 1t1hak Partman tor • perlormonco of Brucn's Violin Concerto No 1 (RI (C)MOVIE • • • "Hondo" ( 1954) John Wayne. Geraldine Page A cavalry dlspllch rider encountllfs 11 women end her aon. en Apactla ch1el't blood brothllf 1:00 IJ (I) PRIVATE BENJAMIN 0 Cf! LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PAAIRIE An elderly relallve threatens to sue '°' custo- dy of J1mea and Cassar>- dra (R) D MOVIE • • ''> 'Back Street .. (196 t) Susan Heyward, Jonn GaVtn A married man keeps a m.11resa wtto muat remain forever In the bad<groond. D BEST OF THE WEST. The noto11ous Calico Kid returns lo Copper Creek to go to school (R) Ii> MOVIE • • • ''> "Calling N0<1hllde 777" ( 19<18) James Staw· arl. Helen Walker A reporter reopens en 11. vear-otd case 10 lree a wronglully tmprtsoned man GJ P.M. MAGAZINE An Interview with Mr T, the villain ot "Rocky Ill", a look at now movie advarllsements are made Cl) THE IMMIORAHTS The son of an llahan 1mm1- g• ent couple becomeS a s/lipp1ng magnate aher his paren1S dl8 on an eat1h- qu.k1 (P111 I) • EVeNINO AT POPS John WIHlams and the Botton Pops Orchestr• are )OH>ed by mUSIClll com- ad y ster Bernadette Patera III YOO ASKED FOR IT F .. tured "Your 0r .. m HOUM In A Botti." and "J~ Bizarre Fuls 01 Strength " CID SHE'S N0800Y'S BABY "A HIS1ory Of Ame<ICan Woman In The 20th Centu ry" This documentuy 1racea the grOWlh of wom- en's rOleS In the home, et work end at play from the turn ol lhe century to the pr_,! •• lea!urlng such lamous personall11es as Mae West. Shortey Temple, Eleanor Roosevell ano meny rnore 0 On 1V l 1 TV t1 HAO ' t 1rh '"''' WURlNY N ' " <WHlSi ( IESPN 1 $ 1Showt•tl1') 0 Soo111qt>t G ll,1tJh• N••W\ NC•!wOfk) (S)MOlllE • • • .. LOii HorlZOll" I 1937) Ronald Cclm1n, Jane Wyett A kldf\IC>P8d diplom11 dltcovera lhl Hlmal•y•n kingdom of Shangrl-L•. • pl-of etetn•I ~ and tmmor• tellty 0MOVIE * • • "LOOlclng FOi' Mr. Goodbar" 111177) Olene Keaton, Tueadey Weld. A soc1111y repra11ad sc,,0011eech., •••k• excitement by ft9<11.1&ntlng stngles ber• and lurll'lg var- ious men Into on.night stands R' 1.30 II (I) WKRP IH CINCINNATI Herb llAIS LM up with the "perlect date" via • oom- putor dating~. (R) 0 MOlllE • • • "Wlrloc:k" (111511) Richard Wldmani, Henry Fonda Attar rlddlno a town or 0011awa. • oun- a11noer •• ~ by one or the ,.,,.,., wt'I> helped him &J SINGLES MAGAZINE An 1n1tlfV\eW with &bl>a Smith, klntno with conn- dence; comedy with Mau• reenMurpny ml GREAT PEAFORMANCE8 "Dance In Amerlce. Two Duets" Mikhail Barylhnt- kov and N1t1ll• Mu.,ove pertorm Jtwome Robbln1' "Other 0el'IC4N" to music by Chopin; and lb Andi<· sen and H .. lher Welle perform Pater M1rt1n·s "Calc:lum Night light" to music by Cf\eflM IVM. (R) ®J ENTERTAINMENT TONIOHT An lnte<vlew Mfh Ann Remkl•lQ 9:001)(1) M"A"S'H A Koreen lermer Miit • OO•I to Kllngof 11\d • valU· able entlqUe lo CNlr1N (R) D Q!MOW: * '1 '"1 ' MIS R'I Dauohter" 119711) Clorts Leachman. Season Hubl•y The mothet of • rape victim embarks oo e 1teume11c end fruslrlllflO bettte to bring her d~ter'• 11p1s1 10 trial (RJ GJ MERV ORIFAH Guests Loi• Feten•. Cherlea Grodin, Heathtw Thomas. Arthur M11rr1y Dancer a ®)MOVIE • • '·• "Heroes.. ( 1977) '°'enry Winkler. Sally Flak! A yoong oi" on • cr-oa.,. country but fourn8'J t>eeornes lnvotved wHh a Vietnam vetertn wtlOM burning deal11 11 lo lltrl a worm t111m With en old wu buddy (CJ MOVIE • • • The Conqueror" ( 19S6) John Wayne, Su.aan Haywat<I A mighty Monoof warriOI ktdnept th8 deuo~ '"' of • ~ T"11t king and ~ oont•OI Of hit empire (J1l MOV1E • • • "HMY81\ Can Well'" f 1978) w.,ren Beatty. Julie Cht1Slle Aller • PfO foot- ball t1ar'1 llf• II pram .. turely c;laimed by 11n Inept angel. the man la o*Y81\ Ille bodY of • mllflonelre lnd.,.. 1r1aMs1 10 continue 1Mng 111 PG (O)MOVIE • • • "Something For Everyone" ( 1970) Anoela Lantt>ury, Mk:hMI YC)(k ~8mb8'1 of • WMllhy EurOpelln !amity engaoe In murder end otnet forms of devl11n1 bell•vtor to aellaty ''*' v ........ dMlt• ·JI ll lMOVll • • • • file M~Kle 01 MOIOMI I Cr.... ( llU) INUy Hutlon l'dd,. 9U•t.k '"' Wtletl I YOUllO g11I find• ....... , P<llQl\9nl •Iler • ""'"' on lhe town w11" • OIOUP of 011 i.h9 le "tlld• j)fHMd 10 io.ttllty lhe 1•11* I.Of. OAl.A Of' 9TAA8 IN2 Bevefly 81118 no.11 •n eve n1no ot pett0tmenc.. by 100 1111 • In the WOrld• of Of>er•, oenc.. 1ym1>110ny. Cl'larn.,._ mull¢ and tl'le '""'": J-l1"1rw le m111tc dl1ec:tor for the oale 1:30 ~ Cl) '1l THY AICH CerlOll• glVH Wlkl Biii •nd 8oo1ti. I Clllh COUIM In aoclel eopetlo<lly G AN IV£NINO WITH atLL MONROE ~O FNEHOe Thi lop ,,.,. ot blu4IQ1U1 mullG, Including Biii Mon- roe ana th• Blue Gr ... Boya, T1an11llenltc Blue- grau 11\d lhl OrMngrus Ctoogwa, .,.norm In a conc.t1 tal*f 11 Roctlff- 1w'1 Manhatten Square Peril In 11181. 10:00 8 Cl) LOU GAAHT Rour1 1nvHlloat1on ol watll"'41 prolll-• lumt oot 10 ~ emb•maulng IOf Mii Pyncnoo (RI eama> News 10:30 cm NEWS I!) U.S. CHRONICLE "Year 01 The Eagle" lhit plight ol the bald eagle I• .. a mined (!)MOVIE • • "Kiii And Kiii Again" (1981) James Ryan, Anne- tine Krlttl A m1111a1 ans ••P«I battles the minions of e power·mad sctenll1t 1ntt111l on en11avlng man- kind With o new mlnd-eon- 1ro1 drug 'PG' DMOVIE * * .. Frldey TM 13th. Pert II" (1981) Amy Steel. John Furey The grlaly kllllng1 continue at a summe< camp Iha I had ~ clOsed down ette• a series ol bl~.,,• murders occutred lhete 'R' 11:00 IJ D D Cll Q1l a! NEWS D SATURDAY NIOHT Host Jultan Bond G..-t· Tom Willia Ii> YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured "The Scleam Mecnlne Roi.tar Coastet" Ind "Engl•nd'a Pet Pty- Chillrlat " GJ M•A•S•H H8lldley• 8lld Jrapper are detetmlned to make an 11sue ot thit llC(;idental ahetllng ot a South Koreen vlllege by U.S at1111ery Cl) BENNY Hill Benny Is lnte"11ewe<I as one of the world's leading &e•y film producers ml DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Mlc:haet run1 Ille obstacle course 01 love (C)MOVIE • • • •;, "Women In Love" (1970) Glenda Jacllson. Alan Bates Baled on the novel by 0 H lewrence. Two couples experiencit Amblvelent leetlngs of tov• end nete In lhelr romantic: ralallonahrps wnn their respective mates. (H1MOVIE • • * "Claah Or The Titans ( 19811 Hatty Ham- lin. l.84KenG9 Otlvter MY1~ IC h8'0 P8fl«.ll la helped by hll tethet Zeua In a Wies of dangerous IU111 es he tries to win the hand ol • Phoenician princess ageonsr the wlShea of a vengeful sea goddess 'PG' (O)MOVIE • • "Friday Thit 13th. Pet1 II" (1981) Amy Sleet JOhn Furey The grisly killings continue at a summer camp that had been cll!1ec1 down ef1er a -lea o1 blierre murders occurred there ·R' (%)MOVIE • • • .,., 'The Endless Summer' ( 19861 Mike Hyneon. Robert August Two young Calltornle tut1tws treve4 around the wot1d In ... n::h ot lhe per· Itel wave 1 1:30 II (I) QUINCY The motner 11\d llillet ol a young man presum41<1 to be Ille vlellm of 8 bomb 1naist lhl boy Is still altve O Q!TOHIGHT au.1 hOst· Geor~ Certtn • III A8C NEWS NIOHTUHE G MOVIE * * "Who Kiiied Mary Wne1'1 'Er Name1" (11171) Reel Bu!lona. Allee Piii}'· ten A retired boaer dacldH to become e lleulh af1er the murdtw of aatr•tw•lker TUii TDPPIRB KNBC (4) 8:00 -"Llttl~ Houac on th Prairie." An t'lderly r~lallve, who rejected James and Cauandra when they were orphaned , thr aten1 lo 1ue for their cuawdy. KOCE (50) 8:30 -"Dance an Amttica: Two Duets." A look at choreographers Jerome Robbins and Pet.er Mart.ins and their work. See photo, left. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Mn. R's Deught.er." Cloris Leachman 1tan In story about a mother of a rape victim who battles to bring the rapist to trial. KCET (28) 9:00 -"Gala of Stars 1982." Beverly Sills h osts a n array of performances by top stars in opera, dance, symphony and theater. ID THE Jtffl!ASONS Pr...,•rllel jitter• heve Jen ny quoallonlng hor love IM Lionel g) SANFOf\O ANO SON A queatlot'i 111-.. to whither Fr.a la r•ally Lamont'• lithe< ID CAP'TIONEO A8C NEWS 12:00 8 EHTERT AIHMENT TONIGHT An lntervl<tw with Ann R"nklng D O MOVIE • • ·· Amerlcalhon" ( 11170) Johr Rtller. Hervey Kor- men At the IHld of the 20th·c;entury, U S Preel· denl Chet Roo•velt 11eg. es " national 111111non to 111ae lunda fOf n11 ben· krupt governmellt (RI G» MOVIE * • • "Esthet And The King" (1960) Joan Collln1. Richard EgM A J11doar1 maiden choHn by the King of Peral1110 r•place hla fQ(- rruir qu_, trl81 to hell the persecullon o1 her peopl6 Cl) LOVE. AMERICAH STYLE "Love And The Boorn· 11reng· Dave tak" the edvrce ot his good Irland Je<ry Love And The Old eowt>oy· Two Old mov;e sters are rc1unlled on a TV talk snow 0MOVIE * *'" ·The Blue Lagoon" I 111•91 Jeen S1mmon1, Oonala Houston A vouno girt end boy an1pw1eciced on a P1ohc ISiand come to lo•• each otner es tney mature 12; 16 l&J MOVIE • • • "Clash o r The Tl11ns" I 1981) Harry Ham· lin. Laurence Olivier MVlh· lc hero PerseYI It helped by his father Zeus In a ae11ea ot dangerous tasks as he tries to wtn Iha hand ol a Phoenician prl~a against the wlanea of a venge!ul ••• godd11U PG 12:30 0 Q!) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests rock singer Elvla Cos1e110. comedian Herry Sheartw U COUPl.ES Cl) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE "LOV9 And Thi Awak6n· tng Miene.I hH to tutor two actors In the him h8'a <11rec:11ng 'Love And The Smell Wedding" Werwty end Robert try lo help OU1 e fr141nd 1n neeo (O}MOVlE • • Just Tell Me You Love Me ( 1978) Robet1 Hegyes LIU Haflmen A IOv•struck COlieOO drop- out goes to Hewan ror a visit and decides lo stay 'PB' 12:40 IJ (I) COLUM BO An orcheatre conduclM lakes drutlc: measures 10 prevent a scendal wllen Ills m1s1te11 tnreetens to expose thelr at1e11' to his wife. 12:45 CZJ MOVIE • "Tanen, Thi Ape Men" (19811 Rtchard Harrla, Bo Oeretc A young woman ffercnes tor he< mining lathe< In Iha Afrtc•n jungle where •hi ·encounter• en unc1v1lll.O white men 11\d an Q(engutan 'R' 1.00 I OE.Ne AUTRY MOVIE * * 'i\ "My o..t Secre- tary" ( 1948) LMalM Dey. t<ltlt Oouglu An eo111or·a eeer•tary llnde that he likH Olrlt 111<1 pllV-lhe 1181d more olten tt\an he wrttM 1:ot (ff) MOVIE * • "MH88Cre Al Central High" I 1978) Andr-Ste- vwr1, Rob«! Cem1dlM A cru1•d• for revenoe beglnt •fler 1 prank lhal _,, too far wu pulled on tne quieter atudenta by e group ol bored high· lcl'loof lrlend1. 'R' 1:18 CC) MOVIE • • * "Ledy Tekea A Cnanc•" I 1943) John W1yne. Jean At11lur. A woman llnd& an unwllllng candld1te tor marr11oe while nusbend-huntlng In the Far Well 1:30 D (8 N8C NEWS OVERHtGHT 8 OEHEAUTAY 1:45 0 NEWS 2:00CIMOVIE • • "The Btue LaQoon" ( 11180) Bloolce Shields. Chr11toplter Aikin• Two caatewey chlldren orow 10 adoleecence on a remot1. South PK1flc lllf•nd and lxpet\en08 Ille petll)I 01 llrst tove. 'R' 2: 18 CS) MOVIE • • "Sneke Ftat Va The Otegon" Two kung ru war- riors clash In 1 deadly bet· lie 2.30a,.~ 2:35 CID MOVIE • • "Br eek throuoh ·· ( 1979) Rlcherd Bu11on, Rod Steiger A Nazi aer- agean t becomes embroiled In a plot to aHaaslnate Hiller 'PG' 2:40IJ NEWS 2:45 (C) MOVIE • * "Young Joe, The For· gotten Kennedy" ( 1977) Poter Streuss. Barbera P11rl11n1 The eldest Kenne- dy v<>lunleen tor a denget· ou1 wartime mlaslon which, 11 9Uocesslul. would bflng him beck• hero and one 11ep CIO_. 10 !he WhtlaHOUM (%)MOVIE • * * * "The Mlrecte Of Moroan·a Creek" ( 194•) Belly Hullon, Eddie Brack- en When • young 01r1 finds hetHll ptegf\8"1 lfltlf 8 nigttt on !he tOWfl with • group Of Git, at\e It h.,d. pressed 10 Identify the ,.,,..., 3: 10 I) MOVIE * *'"' "Sub1ertvge·• (1968) Gene Berry. Joen Collins. An American agent In Lon· don ~ lnvOlved In a ahaky merrlaoe triangle with 1ntern1tlonal compll· cauons 3:35 {S) MOVIE • • ,,., "Stardust Memo- ries" (1980) Woody Alletl, Cherlotte Ramp11no. A sue:· ceutu1 director laces a personal crlala u he trlet to make some major decl- lionl tn hi• lite 'PG' S:48@MOVIE + 1t • "LOOltlng FOf Mr Ooue1011· (11771 OlaN l<fflllf•. T"'"4•~ Weld A tOtlally rel)rau•lll eohoolte•cille• '"k• HCll-1 by h~llllQ .it\OIM ~,. end ""tno .,., • IOu4I men Into one-nlOflt 1111/ldt 'R '; 10 (If) MOYll • • • ...... _, Cen Welt" ( 10711 Wa1111t1 Bea!ly Julie Chr1111e Taw•da•'• Da,,tl•.,. Mo .,I•• -~- 1:30 (%) • • • • "The Mlrecll 01 Morgan'• Creel!"' (1944) Baity HuttOt), Eddie B1ec~ en When • yO..llQ girt find• he•aetl Pf&gnant 1f1er 1 niont on tile town with • group ol 011. th• 11 hard· prHMd to ldent1ly the 1111\ot l lOO lCJ * • • Fl1"1 00fdon" (1980) S1tn J J~I. Max \loo Sydow A 1r10 ot aerthllng1 travel to the planet Mongo and help 111 oppr....O lnhlOUa/\la In the ovet1htow ol the IVll EmpetOf Ming 'PG• ® • • 'Willy Wonk• And The Chocoteta Factory" (1971) G-Wilder, Jack Alb«taon A wOfld famou1 contec:llonet offers • hie- time eopply of candy to lhe live winners ol • lrea...,re nunt Oll • •1" "Seems like Old Times" ( 1980) Goldie Hewn, Chevy Chote A 1of1-hoa11ed lawyer Is torn between her hopelfft 8M· hu 1 band· turn ad-bonk robber end her upllQhl prlffnl touaoand who la running tor California attorney gener111 'PG' 0 • • "Breaking GlaH" ( 1980 I Haze! O'Connor. Phil Daniela A B11t1at1 punk pop star·a 11testyle u111 met&ly lead& to l••O-OY 'PG 0: 18 (21 • • • • The Fire· men s B•ll ( 11168) Josef Sve1, M811e Je?kova Elab· orate ptans to fell !heir 86-yeaH)ld Clllel at a spe- cial bait go awry 10< • group of well·m•anlno Czecnoaloveklan foremen 10;()0 (CJ • • • "011ve-ln" ( 1976) Glenn Morshower. Lisa Lemote Several TP· as teen·eoers mee1 during a night ol romanGe and axcllement al a drl\!9-ln 111aaH.e lea1ur1no an improbable dlaa1t8f film OD • • 'h "The Spira! Sleorceae" ( 19771 J11eque- line Bluet. Chrlatopher Plummer A beautiful d .. f. mute Is tetrorlzed by a mysterious killer wno lurks In the shadows aurround· Ing an elegant mansion (.5) • • •.-. "Viva Las Vegas" ( 196-4) Elvia Pres· ley, Ann-Margret A Las Vegas swimming Instructor b8comeS 1ne objecl of at1ec11on tor a apona car nul end hie tta11an lrl8fld 10:30 CZ) • • 'Down Argenllne W•y" I 19,.01 Betty Grable, Don Amec:he A beautiful heiress foltowt a -althy Soutn Ame<!Car1 trom N- Yorll to Argent1ne 11:30 (.$_ • • The Man wun Bogart s Fece" (1980) Roberl SKChl. OIMtl Hu ... sey A man deetd81 to change hlS litestyte end pny11cal 11ppeerance to resemble his tcr~ idol 'PG' 12:00 0 * • "Ouebec· (19511 Corinne Clllvet John Bar· rymore Jr In thit t800s. a Cenacuan revolt 11Qlllns1 the Br111sn Crown is com- phcaled by the romlll09 that blosaoma belw8tlfl • rebel teade< end lhit wife ot 0 British OlllC8f G» • • "Three Secrets" ( 1949) Potrlcla Neal. Ru1h Roman Three women ate united by tragedy when thetr husband• ere tnvOlved on a plane cresn Cl) ••·~"Kisses For My President" ( 1984) F"red M11eMurray, POiiy Bergen A WOINI\ ~ llw '"" llllNlle u. ~ end Mt IMlbetld ha IO c;oeae wM INilnt .. fir• !NM r11a1 I.Ady .. CC) •• "The hlllmOr• Bullet' ( tHO) Jam" Cown, <>mat 8htwif A •tnall·llM& pool lluet ... ~· •alee 120.000 end win 1 big tourn1"'8tll 118f0fl he C8ll have • t 9"\atCh With an Old oppo nenl WhO hM ,_ IOI! •' any o-'PO' 11· 11 (ZJ •• "HMnai.eo-" I t H 1) Andy K.eufrnen. lier· r!MSelte Pet.,., In • WOtld ol the MW Mure, two comtn8(ol81 robOll •lq)eri. -the VICIMltudea of flttl IO'le ·PO' 12:30 00 • • 11\ ··some1hlno ShQ(I 01 Per8dlM" ( 11171) Suun 9.,.,.dOn, 0.Yld Stem.,._g T "'° youno Hew YOfketa learn 1b0ut lo"'8 •nd the vlCIMlhldft of a one-lo·one 181ellon1hlp 'PG U * • Tt>e Blue Laooon' I 1080) B<ooh Sht•ld1. Chr111oph., Allllnl Two CUllw•y chM· dren orow to~ on a remote. Soulh Pacific ulland and ••Pet~ the ~of tlr1t IOY8 'R' 1:30 ($) • • • "Ehns" ( 19711) KUf1 Ru&Mll, 5euo(i Hub- ley Ehnt Prealey rl-from P0--1y and obKUtlty to achieYe teme and f0<fuM •• • ...,peratar muSICal per- torme< 2:00 CH> • • "Cout To Coa1t" ( 111801 Dyan Cannon. Rob- el! Bloke. A run1way nouaewlfe and • Ktappy trucker hauling cellle COHI 10 C0811 become the taro•• ot a wild era.a· country chase. 'PG' 2:15 (Z) * • * * "The Fire- man's Ball" ( 11168) Joaef Svet, Marie Jezkove. Eia11- or110 plana to feta their 86-yeill ·Old Chief el a spe- cial ball go r.ry tor a group of well-meanlno Cz&choslovaklan firemen 2:30 ft I> • ''I ' The Blue Lagoon ( 111411) Jean Sim- mons Ooneld Hou11on A young girl end boy sr11pwtecked on • Pac1tic island come to IOve eecti olhet as they mature 3:00 (Cl • ••,."Marco POio. Jr · ( 1973) Anlmeted. Vooce of Bobby Rydell. A deeoenoant of the famous •~plorer 1ourneya to X1111a- du on search of 1he othw nalf of the Golden Medal- lion ot F11endanlp •G' 3:30 C?l *.*·~"Teti Me A Roddie" I 1990) Melvyn Douglas. Ltla Kedrova. A wrthdrawn, elderly woman, unawe1e Iha! she Is dying, emba1ks on a long journey lo r~uaint he•MU wllh her geographically and emollonolly Hparatad 1em11y ·pa· 4:00 0 • * 'Rock Island Trail" (1949) Forrest Tuck· or. Adele Mera A mllll struggles 10 prevent a Ila· gecoacn line lrom <>Ptw•· ting 1n hta area 4:30 (C) • • 'i\ .. A Global Affllir'' ( 1~) Bob Hope. l•lo Pulver A beby. tound by II becl'lelot In the lobby OI the United Nations, IS Cl81med by ell the me<nbet natlot'is ($) • • 'Trusure ISiand" I 1972) O.son Welles. Kim Burroetd A cou•-oeous boy totns the infamous ponate Long Jonn S1tve< In ICOUI· Ing the -S fOf s/111>11 car· rylng bounty worlh Steel· I~ G' U •"'··Smokey 8'181 Thi Ou1r· 11981) Jimmy McNIChol. Janel Ju11811. A hogn scnoot delinquent gets the wh<>le town on his tr••I when he makes off with the homecoming queen end heeds across the 1tate In a --OI 1101en eutomoblles 'PO' 5:15 CZ)*•** "The Mlrede Of Morgen's Creel<" ( 1114<1) S.tty Hutton, Edd141 Brack· en w ...,, • young gin llnda heraetf pregnant eller 11 noght on the town with e group of Gls, Iha 11 Mrd· presMd to Identify the ,., ... JOHN DARL ING by Armstrong & Batiuk IT'~ T1ME NOW TO ()0 OUT ANO HAR'IEoT "1"H0$€ C~Of"b THAT PLANTMAN HAS 0EEN l-IELPIN6-US6ROW THl~~UM~ AC. lUAl-LY. J OHN, FOR A PLOT THI-::> !!!>IZE, 11 P~06A6L-Y WA':>N'i NEC E.~hAR)' 10 RENT A CON\9 1NE! Joel Higgins polishes 'silver spoons' role LOS ANGELES (AP) -U, as James Howell aaya, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," then F.dward Stratton m is a very, very bright boy. Stratton. played by Joel Higgina in the new NBC comedy "Silver Spoona," la an overage kid who t.oUa away every day at his video games, electric trains, and all his other to)'I. It'• a show about role-reversal. The fabuloualy wealthy Stratton ii careful and lrresnnrurlble. Sort ol a tober "Arthur.r.-·- Hla 13-year-old eon, played by lUcky Schroder, I.a the adult of the family. The t.een..ager teechea hl1 father to accept re1ponalbillty, and Stratton lntroducea hl• aon to the pleuurw of ChUdboocl . - "rve done two other series and I was always the straight man." Higgins says. ''In my last seriea, 'Best of the West,' I waa the straight man surrounded by whackos. Now I'm the whacko. It's a matter of proving what you're capable of. If you get locked in, you're dead. "rm really getting into more demanding acting roles, rather than just being myself u the adventurolls young man," the actor says. "Before, when I went up for a comedy part, they told me I waan't funny looking enough. Cary Grant waan't funny looking. I've always felt comedy came out of act1J\I rather than looking flinny ." lfl&lina, who allo wUJ be teen in the CBS minlHriet "Bare r..nce.·· allo ltarred prevtowly ill "Salvage-1," allo on ABC. "One o( lbe reuo.nt I took 'Salvap' WU that altho\Acb ft w• an lldventure," he U)'I, "I knew wttb Andy Grif:f.tth in lt there would be aome comedy. After' ll'Mlt.. I didn•t want to do another adventure.'' Of hia new aeries, Higgins says, "I don't know yet where F.dward Stratton le headed, because it's solng to take awhile. But transition from the pilot to aeries baa been interesting. "You eet up a sltuation in the pUot that you can never repeat. In 'Best of the Wst,' he wu an F..Mtemer who became a manhal. I could ne ver acain be that tenderfoot," HIUina~aaya. "In th1a pilot, I wu a com ete flake. My kid ahowa up and tend hlm to mllitary achool becauae I don't want the reaponaibillty. Once into the aerie., I can newr again be that totflly carefree. "F.dward ti the type who'd be h•Pf;Y whether he wu rich or not,• the actor con tlnuff. "It takel \I.Jent to be happy and he bll It, I'm allO a happy penon. I uMd to Uve on a fourth floor walll-up and the Mlahbo.rbood wa1 eo ~I Md to run the Jatt fe"I( blodai home. "l mn't -.y ll'Mlt 1 WN ~ 1- happy the," h• NJ11 'even thouah my fraternity brolben wen all brain aupoM and I WM an actor" wtthout a di.me. "One of the t.hinp that make me happy ia that I've learned to enjoy the process," Higgina aays. "As a performer .-l e njoy performing. Not only the actual performance but the reheanala and all that goes with iL" In addition to acting, ffiaina alao hat hi• own bualneu, turning out jingle• for comrnerdala. "I wu on V11Catlon in Paris but I wu busy wrtttna jlnglea and eendina them by trana·Atlantic cable,"lioe recalll. "You can't pt away trom It. I got bame Ured, but my partnen call and they needed a Coon Llaht JLnaM by the next mom1nc, YOU lit down and write It." He a.nd one of hla partnen, Many Sllwstrl, are wrlttna a muttcal adapted from. an old movie fOI' wbkh they boUlht the riah'8. He'• wrldna the lyrband 811 v e •tr I tfi e m u a 1 c . SUv..tri and ff.latm'1 othc' par1ner, Jeremy Stone, wrote tbt ~ and ~ the mulk! f« the ..... pl'Od~ of ~ and Illa AmatinC Technkolor Dream Coat.." I . Diiiy Piiat MONDAY, AUG. 23, 1982 ClASSIFllD cs Pennant race just heating up And here come the Brewers! • By JOHN SEV ANO O(ttle 011Uy PllOt Staff In this madness the experts call a pennant drive, the Angels and Detroit Tigers staged a real, old· fashioned donnybrook Sunday afternoon at Anaheim Stadium. In a prelude to the real fireworks, whl{'h are expected to start tomghl when the best in the East,-Milwaukee -meets the tops in the West -the Angels - in a brief two-game series, Sunday's affair seemed to have a little bit of everything . and involve almost everybody. From M anager S p arky Anderson's expulsion m the first inning, to the fans' verbal display of an apparent bad call at the plate in the fifth, to Reggie Jackson's dramatic homer in the seventh, a stadium crowd of 33,- 136 -not to mention players. ma nagers, coaches and umpires -had been truly put through the wringer in the Angels' 6-5 come-from-behind victOry. "YOU HA VE TO be patient and not try to press thjngs," said Jackson of the Angels' road from here on out. "You have ID let 1t happen. see it happen and then take advantage of it." biggest miscue occurred in the bottom of the fifth inning, during th~ Angels' four-run uprasang, whl•n he called DeCinces out on a play at the plate, a dec1s1on replays showed dearly wasn 't the best choke. Ev<'n the 33.136 umpires in the stands knew what the right call should hav<' been and they let their displeasure be known not only :n the bottom Of the fifth, but through the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth innings aa well. And. JUSt lo compound Thnl was a 110 doubter. I knew it was out the moment I hit it. McClelland's blunder, the Tigers c:a me roaring bat:k in the next inning to re-assume the lead, making the umpire's call look that muc:h worse to the Angels and the fans CLOSE CALL -Angel baserunner Dou_g DeCinces was called out on this play after trying to slide under the tag of De!IJ ll'ltot f'tloto by CllettM St.,r Detroit catcher Lance Parrish. DeCinces argued tn vain that he had beaten the throw. Angels won anyway. 6-5. The Angels engineered all three to perfection in defeating the Tigers. Trailing at one point 3-0, and then later 5-4 •. lbe Angels made the most of the opportunities presented to them. Consecutive doubles by Joe Ferguson, pinch -hitter Rob Wilfong and Brian Downing, coupled with an RBI single by Jackson, lied the score in the fifth inning. Jackson then came home moments later on Doug DeCinces' fielder's choice. "That was pro bably the umpirt•s toughest day in his ltfe." said Manager Gene Mauch with a smile Mau c h . 1nc1dentally, alo ng with DeCinces. wasn't smiling when the original call was made. "He'll probably never forget the date Aug 22." ASKED WHAT the umpire told him about the caJI , Mauch rcplted· "Everything." "Yes he did. No he didn't Maybe he did." added Mauch, paraphrasing McClelland's words as to whether DeCint'eS hit home plate or not. "He was just mixed up on the play and didn't know what to do." That last one was for the birds Dodgers try to forget Pirates' theft; Cardinals next Two innings later. Jackson hit his game-winner, his 29th homer of the season, over the left-center field wall with Rod Carew aboard Said DeCinccs: "When you go (See ANGELS, Page C2) PITTSBURGH (AP) -Don Robinson says the Pittsburgh Pirates sensed they would beat the Dodgers Sunday when he pitched out of a bases-loaded, one-out jam in the top of the 14th mnmg. ''We all talked about how many times that happens and a team comes right back to score," Robinson satd after the Pirates stayed altve in the National League East race with a 4-3 victory. Mike Easler. whose homer gave the Pirates a 2-1 victory Saturday, started off the 14th with a single. One out later, Dale Berra cracked a single to center field and when Pedro Guerrero scooped for the high-bounding ball but couldn't come up with it, committing an error, Easler scored. Robinson. 14-7, relieved for the first time since April by pitching the final three innings. He was scheduled to start the first game of a doubleheader against San Diego today. "l went to Chuck Tanner beJore the game and told him he could use me if he needed me," Robinson said. "You like to ust: tight-handers against the Dodgers if you can." Steve Sax double d to lead off the Dodgers' 14th and moved to third on a single by Ron Roemcke. But Robinson then got pinch hitter Jose Morales to fly out to right field I After Pedro Guerrero drew an intentional walk to load the bases, Robinson. struck out Roy Cey and got Steve Garvey on a ground out. "[ felt real strong out there my velocity was there and so was my curve ball," Robinson said. The Dodgers took a 3-0 lead by scoring solo runs in the second, fourth and fifth inningll. But the Pirates scored twice in the fifth inning and tied the score at 3-3 m the You like t o u e right- handers against the Dodgers ii you can . -Don RoblnM>n eighth on a one-out triple by Berra and a ground out by Jim Morrison. Cey doubled and scored on Steve Yeager's single in the second. In the fourth, a two-out single by Garvey scored Rick Monday, who had walked. Bill Russell singled to lead off the Dodgers' fifth and scored on a single by Roenkke. Richie Hebner. recently reatoqu1red bv the Pirates from Detroit, doubled in the fifth and scored on Easler's single. Tony Pena singled and scored on Omar Moreno's two-out single. Hebner started the game m right fteld. the first time he has played m the outfield in his professional career. Burt Hooton, making his third start smce coming off the disabled last after knee Kotar needs surgery for tulllor renJoval NEWARK, N.J . (AP) -Doug Kolar, the New York Giants veteran running back who retired last month, w1U undergo surgery Tuesday for removal of a brain tumor. The tumor was described as "very serious," and is located in a portion of the brain where surgery might jeopardize Kotar's eyesight, team sources saJd. t h r e-e w e e k s ago p 1 a y i n g volley ball in the swimming pool," he said. "l started getting headaches about a week later so I went to the doctor for a skull X-ray, and It was nonnal. So I called up to the Giants and went up there for a CAT scan and that's where it showed something was wrong," said Kotar , who played seven seasons in the National FootbaU League and sat out another with a knee injury. surgery. reured the first 11 Pirate batters but ran into trouble in the fifth. Hebner doubled and scored on a single by Easler and Pena followed with a single Two outs later, Omar Moreno got an infield hit that scored Pena. The Pirates tted the game in the seventh on a one-out triple by Berra and pinch hitter Jim Morrison's grounder. It was generally conceded the Dodgers were in deep trouble whether Guerrero fielded Berra's single to center cleanly or not. Had he come up with the baJI correctly the Pirates still would have had runners at the corners with one out. The Dodgers had already blown .the game on severaJ occasions, leaving runners in scoring position in four of the last six innings, including 'the 14th which seemed t.O wrap up the entire game in a nutshell Dodgers Manager Tommy Lasorda questioned Garvey's selection of pitches on the final out afterward in what was otherwise a den of silence m the Dodgers' dressing quarters as their NationaJ League West lead was pared to one game over Atlanta and 3'h over San Diego. The Dodgers try again tonight at St. Louis. where the Eastern Dlv1S1on-leading Cardinals await. Jerry Reuss (12-9) is scheduled to be on the mound fo r the Dodgers against right- hander Bob Forsch ( 12-7) "That was a no doubter," beamed Jackson of his HR. "l knew at was out the mmute l hit It "It's always a thrill; it's sull a high to hit a game-wmning home run. The media and the fans seem to make a real bag deal about my home runs -like mine are different, so to speak. But I enjoy them as much as anybody else -probably even more because I'm really in on the action." Despite Jackson's heroic home run. however, most of the action was centered around home plate Sunday and, in partkular, directed at rookie umpire Tim McClelland. BEFORE THE game was an innmg old. McClelland had sent Anderson back to the clubhouse for an early shower after the Detroit skipper disagreed with a few ball -or strike -calls he felt should have been made. And, whale the Detroit batters seemed to argue ove r McCIPlland's calls most of the afternoon. the rookie umpire's Laver sweeps Legends title LOS ANGELES (AP) -Rod Laver defeated Fred S1Dlle 6-1. 6-4 Sunday to win the $33,000 Foster's Lager champ1onspip at th<' Los Ar:geles Tennis Club. Laver. the No 2 seed from Australia, took home the $10,000 ftr.;t prize. while Stolle, aJso of Australia. earned $6.000 Lave r broke in front early taking a 5-0 advantage in the firs t set Laver broke his opponent's S<'rve in the second and fourth games of the set en route to the victory. Stollt> partially recovered in the second set as he and Laver traded games through 4-4. The dcc1s1ve service br~ak cx."Curred in the ninth game of the set as Laver again broke StoUe's serve for the third ume in the match ID go up 5-4 in the second set. He held hlS own serve in the 10th game and went on to win the event for tennis stars 35 years old and up He's an irregular regular Angels' Ron Jackson has handled the role admirably ty OURT SEEDEN tour years in the Angel farm system before coming of the 011111 Piiot Staff up to the big club in 1975 for 13 games. It's hard to believe that Ron Jackson has He started the '76 season in Salt Lake, but 10 actually made it to the plate 113 times this season. games later, he was back with the Angels. And he After all, the only time Jackson sees any action stayed there for two more seasons. in the Angel lineup is when a seven-lime American He was traded to the Minnesota Twins in 1978 League batting champion falls to answer the call or aJong with Danny Goodwin in exchange for Dan one of the team RBI leaders is injured. Ford. In fact, he e njoyed his best major-league But, w hen either Rod Carew or Doug DeCinces season with the Twins in 1979 when he batted .271, is absent from the lineup, Manager Gene Mauch hit 14 home runs and knocked in 68 runs. only has to tum to the other Jackson on his team for "I liked Minnesota, but when you went to the help. ball park it was just dead," Jackson recalls. "Here, they've got everything. And we're winning. That's the main difference." "I didn't know about this until just last week," Ko tar said Sunday in a telephone interview from his hospital bed. "I'm going to need surgery Tuesday momin~ and maybe a fter they get in· there they can fmd some answers." Kotar said calls and visits from friends and family have lifted his spirits, but he admitted he was very nervous about the brain surgery. SUPER-SUB -Ron Jack.son has supplied the Angels with some punch this year. "I'M NOT TOO worried about how many at- bats I have," Jackson says. You have to take the good with the bad. I'm just trying to go out there and do my job." The "good" Jackson refers to ls his batting average. It's .327. It's tops on the club. Even better than Carew. Jackson spent 1981 divided between the Twins and the Detroit Tigers. He opted for fTee agency after the '81 sea.son and wound up playing for the Angels' Pacific Coast League farm club-in Spokane. He played seven games there before the Angels recalled him. Now he Is a fixture &mOni the Pine Brothers, the label attached to the Angela' reserve playPrs. Doctors have not ye t detennined whether the tumor i.s benign or rnalignan\. Kotar, or.e oC the Olanta' all- tlme leading rushers, w as admitted Jate Saturday to the hoepltal run by the Unlvenity of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. The 30-year -old former Kentucky 1tandout said he has no Idea how long he hat had the tumor, and probably would not have known abou\ if lt weren't for a freak awimmlng pool ICddenL "1 "°t kJcked ln the heed about ' "Thia ain't no knee," he saJd. Kotar said he had no noticeable symptoms until a few weeks ago. "The docton said I was luck y becau.1e If I hadn't gotten klcked in the h ead and had the headaches, I might not have come ln unUl it was too late," he said. Kotar tetlred July 23, houra after reporting to the O lanta' Pace Untveralty preaeaaon tralnina center. He said the dedsion to retire wu unrelated to the brain tumor, •nd WH made only bean.we h1I shoulder WU very ton. Rams acquire Yary from Vikes From AP dl1patcbes The Rama h ave acquired veteran o ffen alve tackle Ron Yary from the Minnesota Vikings, the team announced Sunday. Yary, 36, waa a 14-year atarter for the Vtklnp and played in four Super Bowla. Named All- Pro •Ix timet, he waa a co~ star at the Unlveralty of Southern C..UfornJa. "I just hope I can play enough to maintain that kind of average," he aaya. "It doesn't mean that much now, but after the season, I can say, 'hey '" It's been a strange aeuon, Indeed, for Jackson. He played about Clve straJitht games early ln the seuon when Carew had an lnjured wrtst. He dldn't play again unUl 40 game. later. "The tfUY' were kidding me about 40 days and 40 nlghta, Jackaon rec::alled. lt'a about the time Carew wu getting h1I 25-game hitting streak. "l know it'• a Iona time to wait, but we have some vet.erana on this ball club and they have to set a rest toroe timet," he add.a. THIS IS NOT the flrtt yHr Jackson hH dilplayed h1I talenta ln Anaheim. He waa ortcSnaU.y ~ by the Angela, you mitht recall. •pendina I \ WHEN HE WAS seeing action at third lut week, while DeClnces was nunlng a aore bllCk, Jackaon owned a mini four-.rame hitting streak and had hit safely in nine of 10 games for a .500 avera,e (15-for-30). , Neith er hts hlttlnf n or hi1 defense have deteriorated because o his sporadic play, and neither doe. hia mental prewaUon, putjeularty with a manqer like Mauch calllng the lhota. "I don't take anything for ll'&nted," Jack.on aaya. "You don't know what ~'s thlnkinc. He'• such a grut manager. He'• alwaya th1nJd.na about three lnnU\p a.heed of everyone~-You Jutt have to be ready." He aaya he feel.a more com.fort.able pa.yin& tint (See RON, Pa .. Cl) - l J - Cl Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augu1t 23, 1982 r----------------------- Runne r heats h eat -in Death Valley From AP dlapa&cbea DEATH VALLEY -A champagm· showN cooled a Santa Si"ll Monica man Sunday as he finished a ~ 100-milc run through Death Valley in furna<.:e heat Allan Korolow1cz, 29, hmped into Scotty's Castle, a former mansion ronvertt'CI into a hotel, shortly befort• 9 a.m after a run of 26 hours and 40 minutes. said Vern~ TJ<lrks, who videotaped the ev<'nl Korolow1<.-z wa . ., welcomed with a spray of champagnc by htl> .t<.'COmpanymg five-member crew T Jar k s said the runner, who lost 15 pounds.was in good cond1llon except for blisters and a swollen knee suffered before the race when he was forced to dodge a careening truck as he waiwd m•<1r tht• side of the road. The run startc.•d at 6 a .m Saturday as Ashford Mills rums in south Death Valley. Korolowicz, a prnfossional sports trainer, trudged along hot asphalt as the temperature soared to 119 in the shade, said Tjarks. A crew game him wat<'r and ic·e. Subtracting rest stops, he h ad about 21 h ours of running time. Korolowicz said. Quote of the day "It's ride, ride, ride: kick, kick, kick. Nobody's loose a nymore. Everybod y's looking over his sho ulder, worrying if he's next . to 11 catch the ceiling falling from upstau'S. -New York Yankees' pitcher Rieb "Goose" Gossage, referring to the turmoil within the club's organization. Aipken, Orioles lower boom on Texas Shortstop Cal Ripken Jr. led a la record-breaking 20-hit attack for Baltimore with a home run and four singles to back the e1ght-h1t pitching ot Jim Pa lmer, as the Orioles blasted "Texas S unday night, 10-:! for a sweep of their three- game series. Balt1morc collected more hits than any team against T exas since the fra nchise moved to Arlingto n in 1972. breaking the ,, previous mark of 19 set by Kansas City this year ... Elsewhere in the Americam f .eague, Paul Molitor singled in one run and scored another C. lo highlight Milwaukee's , three-run ninth inning as the O • Brewers pulled out an 8-5 ) dec1s1on over Seattle .. t Rick Miller hit a two-run homer to cap Boston's four- RIPICEN run fifth 1nnmg and the Red Sox broke a three-game losing streak by toppmR Oakland, 4-2. J erry Koosman pitched a seven-hitter anCI K.ansas City committed three errors and several mental lapses to help Chicago knock the Royals out of a share of first place m the West, 12-3. John Castino's throwing error on an mt1eld hit by Mike Hargrove wii.h two outs in the bottom of the ninth allowed Cleveland to s<"Orc the winning run in a 4-3 triumph over Minnesota . . Dave Righetti allowed JUSt five hits in seven innings to lead New York oast Toronto, 3-1. Wadkins holds On thl1 dau• In buat•boll 1n llJtJ I Th San Frandaro Glonll n h«f t1w homen1 In on lnnlna to tltt a m Jor ll'agut• record. Orlando Ct·~'du. Frllpt• AJou, Jim Davenport, W1llu• M11y" atnd John Orsino d id tht honol'al Lea beats Astros third straight time Ch arlie L ea continued his la mastery over ttw Houaton AalrOll with a four-hlltc-r to IN1d Montrt•ul to u 5-0 v ictory Sund ay night that 1nappt•d the Expos' thre<.>-game lOlling itreiik. Lea, who has beattn the Alltros three straight times thi11 · season, did not allow o hit until Ray Knl1ht'1 double down the third-base line In the fourth inning Ga rry Maddox'• grund slam in the third inning off Clncinati a<.-c Marlo Soto broke open n Ught gam e and p owe red Philadelphia to an 8-1 romp over the Reds . . Dale Murphy drove in four runs, including a pair with his 30th homer of the season in the seventh inning. ai. Atlanta outlasted the New York Mets, E 10-9, and moved lo within L • one game of National League West leading Los Angeles The loss extended the Mets' losing streak to seven games and was only the sixth victory in 26 games for the Braves Reserve catcher Glenn Brummer stole homi;· with the bases loaded and two outs in the bottom of th£> 12th inning to give St. Louis a come-from-behind 5-4 t riumph over San Francisco . Blll Buckner, Scot Thompson and Jay Johnstone delivered run-scoring singles in the seventh inning and Buckner drove in the decisive run with a single in the eighth as Chica~o nipped San Diego, 8-7. Oiler mistakes aid Jets' victory HOUSTON -New York J ets [!] quarterback Richard Todd hit Jerome t. t Barkum with a 34 -yard touchdown pass and Johnny Lynn recovered a blocked punt m the end zone to key a 24-point first halC Sunday and lead the Jets to a 33-16 victory over the error-plagued Houston Oilers. Lynn rammro in from the left side to block a punt by rookie Skip J ohnston and the n recovered it in the end tone in thl' first quarter of the exhib1t1on game to start the J ets toward a 24-0 halftime lead. Inkster wins women's amateur title Juli Inkster fired a birdie-b1rd1e-n eagle on the back nine Sunday to capture a 4-and-:J victory over Cathy Hanlon in the 36-hole finaJ of the U.S. Women's Am.atucr go lf championship in Colorado Springs Inkster. winn<'r of this chan:ipionship in 1980 and 1981. is the hrst golfer to wm three consecut1vt• womcn·s amateurs since Virginia Van Wie in 19:32-33-34 Television, radio Following are tht· top i.porL-> ewnts on TV tonight Raungs are: v v v v t·XC'C'lll•nt, v v v worth watching, vv fair: v forgt•t 11 e 5:30 p.m .. Channel 7 v V v v BASEBALL: Dodgt•r.. at St Lou1S Cardinals. Announcers: Keith .lad~.<-On and Bob Ueckl'r It's a banle of National League d1v1s1on leaders this evening as J<.•rry Rt•uss ( 12-9) opposes Bob Forsch (12 -7) The Dodgers. leaders by one game in the Wt-st. t.akl' a two-game losing streak into the game and are 3-:i on this road trip RADIO Baseball Dodgt>rs at St Louis. !'>.30 p.m . K.ABC (790); MilwaukC'<' at Angels. 7·30 p.m., KMPC (710) on to win title Sam e o ld story for Kite --another second place finish GRAND BLANC. Mich (AP) -Lanny Wadkins said 1l was a peculiar day. but for Tom K1tC' ll was all too familiar. Wadkins fired a 7-under-par G5 in the final round Sunday and held off a determined bid by Kite lo win the Buick Open golC champ1onsh1p by a stroke He left the Warwick Hills Golf and Country Club with a record 15-under tot.al of 273. But for Kite. the £inish markro the fifth time in the past two years that he has been runner·\Jp. ••rt's been a s trange day." Wadkins said "I didn't drive well, but my putter was just on fire on the back nint.' today." Indeed, Wadkins snaked 1n a putt of 70 feet for a birdie on the 191-yard, par-3 11th holt:.'. the second in a string of four straight hirdies on the back side. "I made· the birdies on the birdie-able holes.'' Wadkins said. "Tom and I go back a long way He's made some putts on me and I've made some on him. ''With the wind today. I kuew ll was not impossible to come Crom four shots back. One thing in my mind at the start of the day was the wind was the same as 1t was the first day -and I played well then." Wadkins. who will play n<.•xt week m the World Series of Golf at the Firestone Golf and Country Club in Akron. Ohio. had rounds of 66-71-7 1-65. George Archer finished m a three-way tie for second with third-round co-leaders Curlis Strange aAd Payne Stewart at 12 -under 276 over th e 7.001-yard. par-72 layo ut at Warwick Hills Golf and Country Club. Defending champion Hale Irwin and Jack Renner were 2 strokes behind that trio al LO-under 278. Wadkins, who earned $63,000 for h is victory, was tied with Kite at 15-under after both men birdied the 598-yard, par-5 16th hole. However, Kite. playing one threesome behind Wadkins, hit his tee shot into deep rough with a 6-iron on the par-3 17th, chipped up to about 6 feet and rolled hjs put just by the cup for a bogey to fall back to 14-under Still, Wadkins needed a gutsy save for a par on No. 18 to maintain his lead. Wadkins, who now h as won three PGA Collins takes top money SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP)-Bill Collins, playing steadily while challengers falte red , won the Greater Syracuse Seniors Golf CJauic with a 1-under-par 70 S unday and a 72-hole total of 285. The •25,000 flrat-place money was the moat ever w on by CoJllna, who h ad f o u r Prof•lonal Golfen' A.-odation tour victories In 19$9 and the 19601. Hit lau regular-tour -victory waa the 1962 Buick Open. and It paid $8 000. Auatcallan Ouy Wolatenholme. I. ( , who had to quallfy for the first- ever PGA-1ponsored event at the 6,&72-yard Bellevue Country Club layo\lt, also ahot 70 but. bogeyed the 18th holo to finish second at. 286. After rolling in a 12-foot puu for a blrdle-8 at the 17th hole, Collina approached the 18th tee aware ho waa leadln.J for the first time ln 71 holes. Trying for accuracy In the wlnd, he bluuxt a 3-wood about 320 yardl off the e1'Nated tee. hit a wed~e to the ~on the 449-yard bole and 11ank a 3 'A ·fool putt tournaments this y<.'ar and 10 in his professional career which began in 1971 . pullro his tee shot badlv un the 18th and the ball l,rnd(>d in tht• ninth fairway Hall of Fame awaits Carner after victory CLEVELAND (A.P)-JoAnne Carner says Hollywood would have loved her wire-to-wire 35th carCl'r vi t'tory Sunday in the World Championship of Women's Golf that qualified her for the LPGA Hall of Fame "If you were writing the .;c-npl, you 'd like 1t that way," said CarnC'r. "I usually get in one of these big. prestige tournaments and play terrible. I fe el wonderful I'm happy. real happy." earner's triumph earned her the richest pm:e in the women's spon , $50,000, after she finished with a one-under par 71 for a total of 284, four strokes under par at Shaker Heigh ts Country Club. Her big payday boosted her 1982 bankroll past $248,000, breaking Beth Daniel's singJe- season LPGA mnrk oC $231.000 set two yeant ago. Her margin of victory over Japan'• Ayak o Okamoto also establiahed • tournament record. Okamoto cl<>-'led with a 6~ for a 289 total and picked up the biggest. paychl'Ck of he r career. $26,000. Carner 1dmitWd she fought a bad cate of nerves and rteallcd a pre-round conversation with h~r huaband, Don Carner. "Don told me. 'Go out and havo /un ' Man, 1 couldn't even brutbe. l couldn't am.Ue becau.e my Upa w re 1tuck to my teeth." CONCENTRATION Angel third baseman Doug D1Cmc:<.>s eyes first base and gets ready to From Page C1 O•llJ Pllol Photo by Chui" Sterr throw Detroit runn('r out during Sunday's game at Anahe im Sldd1um Angl·ls won. fi -5. ANGELS REGAIN FIRST PLACE. • • right on throu~h (meaning over •he plate) and you know there's no way you t·an physically Ix> out "Ht• JUSt madl· a mistake and I think hl' know~ he madt' a m1st.<1 kC'. ll"s nut C'asy to bt.• an ump1rC' I know I wouldn't want to bc om· I w ant lo bt· a play<'r. "'That's what I like about this ball club," explained Jackson "Everyone contributes. Today, 1t was my turn .. but DeCinc:es. Lynn and Baylor have also produced.'" alter lhe game lhOI hlS wtoSI was slilf bul ioosef'led up as ine r.on1es1 went a1ong Foll os sc11eou1eo 10 play ooth games against th., Brewers M•uc:h on lhe sognoltcanc:e 011tie 0oew8'5 M!rotts Sure 11 s s1gn11tCJ1n1 but so was Ille on11 w1111 Boston ano so was the one w11n Oe1r0tl F••"Y game ev.-ry se<oes toas its own ~al 50gnoloc:anc;e hM>y Gflch- on 111e Milwaukee !>eroes We II probably gel 1acked up !or M1lwau~ee. ~now1ng they re on lors\ plac:e and 1he series presenls a possible playoll compe1111on 1 1'11nk 11 s 1mpor1an1 10 play \hem well ond es1ablosh some momenlum (for 1a1e11 11 woll be 1n1eres1ong because neither of us nave .i 101 or speed and ne1111er team has a super po\Cnong stall Bo1h soCles rely on lloeor ollonso•e guM DeClncee on Milwaukee "It's fvrturwtt· that Wl' won becaust• I think ht· knowlt ht• made a m1s t.ak(• ;ind an ump1n· 1s like an athlt•!c'. lh<.'V don't want to look bad l'1ther .,· "Jackson is like all the rest." added Mauch. "He comes to the park to win ball games. I think the feeling (of being wmnns) has grown among thC'mselvcs on a daiJy basis. The Angt•b. who havt• won 11 of thl'lr la!>t lti ~wm•s and art' 4-:l on thl' eurn ·nt homt•stand, got four innings of suhd rd1ef from Luis Sanch1-•1 (5-2) Luis Tiant SldrtL'Ci for thP Angt•ls but had t.o leave after fvur innings wtth a stiff back. He was tralling 2-0 at the time "Like tod ay, when we wer" bt•hind, it was Like the guys on the bench w e r e say in g 'Hold 'em . and wc•'IJ l"On11· bal·k Let's go· ... In mv opmoon Miiwaukee os lhe best club over lhe1e (m me Al Easl) Whettoer they won" nr 1101 11 s 1us1 sometimes lhe best clubs rJnn 1 won Goong 1n10 Sunoay s games 1he 1wo clubs had h1I better than 300 home runs between thc.>m or roughly '" home<S e•ery none innings The Angels ha•e been m lors\ place or lied for Ille lead 83 da•S this yea• Mike Witt (7 4J •s ~heduled 10 go aga1n11 Bob McClu1e (9 51 on ton1gh1 sopener * ANGEL NOTES Shortslop Tim Foll. wllO d1C1n 1 1l&1t lhe geme u he ,..as s1111 nursing a sore w 11sl c:ame on as a delenso•e repl11Cemen1 on lhe sl•th Fou wtoo shook ~·s wr111 loUoW1ng his Ills\ ground ball and d1C1n 1 look loo gooo on hos first !rip 10 the pla1e SdoCI Finally OeCtncea· reac:l •on to a r8')0<\8' s Q<Htlllon a&ltong whel1-the lans would s.ee a couple of 10.9 games the nex1 couple of nogn" II lf>l!V oo I hope we have the 10 Newport pair captures regatta Insan it y take team troph y in East-Wes t ch a lle nge Eleven N1·w York -:~6 v.itht.s turned out Friday, Saturddy .ind Sunday fur tht• firs t East-West Challengt• n·g,1lla for the• l'la~ Th<' regatta was sailf'd on a 11m·-dt•s1gn boat-for-boat basis with Waynf' Ault tC'ro and Tom Omohundro of the host Newport Ha rhor Y:wht Club C'mergmg as thl' overall winnc·r Hunnt•r up was COC'r de> Lion, lliward Hart, King Harbor Ym:ht Club. and third was Peggy Comfort. Amf'rJt'an Yat:ht Club. N. Y .. in an unc:hrisl<'ned lx>at Top SC'Ort·rs frn the tl•am trophy was the West Coast tc•am l"'1mpoc;c•d of Insanity. Austero and BOATING Omohundro. V1d1ot. Phil Ramer. NHYC, and Coer de Lion. Edw;ml Hart, KHYC ThP £.1st Coast team w as t-omposed of Peggy Comfo1 t. Amt•ncan YC. V1vat'l'. J ohn Trott, Cedar Point. N Y .ind Marrakesh Express. Peter Godfrey, lnd1an I !arbor N Y '\"p w manual tor t"atamaran OM'ner~ Sailors hoping to break into the art of sailing c atamarans arc advised that Surfglas. Inc .. producers of the Prindle Cats. has issued nf'w comprehensive manual for catamaran owners - particularly Prindle Cat owners. Sections include "Sailing" with photos and text on tips for proper sail trim, trapezing, launching and instructions on bow to tack a nd jibe. The ''Aftc.•r Sailing " section includes instructions on loosening the• rig, lowering the sails and traill'ring. "Tuning for Performance" is a collection of bps to achieve optimum spced. Also included is a drawing of a catamaran with the major parts pinpointed, along with a glossary of sailing terms and illustrations of knots commonly used in catamaran sailing. The manual can be ordered by sending a check for $5 to Surrglas, Inc., 1810 E. Borchard Ave., Santa Ana 92705. The pnce includes shippmg and handling charges. t'outll sailing c••mplonslllp set Boys ond girls from various Southern Caltforn1A rommuniues wlU compete Friday ln the United Airlines O lympic Youth Sailing Championship m Long Beach, cloeing out a summer long progr am t h&t Introduced hundreds of youngsters to sailing. The championship regatta will be he ld at the Leeway Sailing Center In Long Beach. About 300 youtha learned Sabot CJASS aalling this summer in training acsslom &t Long ~&eb and Playa dcl Rey. The progr.-m, In Its 1eeond year. ts coordlnated by the Los Anjelea Olympic OrganJzlng Commlttee. the L os Angele• Department of Recreation and Parka and the Long Beach Department of ~rca\lon Uniu:d fllrlin , an otfletal 1ponlOI' of the 1984 gamts in LOI AJ'\& lee. will apoNOr &he Otymp&c youth .. 1111'\i program throuah 19&4. heau. The top 40 satlor<; I rom tht• µrogram wrll t-ompt'lt· for Olympit· style· rnc'Clals Coa.frit Guard 11flt"rs boatlnlf c•la!'t!t A boating skills and seamanship t·oursc 1s being offered by F'lot1lla 22 of the Unilc'CI States Coas1 Guard Auxiliary, sl.<lrtmg Sept 7 ol 7.30 p.m. at thl' GrC'at American Savings & Loan. :i2222 Camino Caµ1strano. S::in Juan Capistrano. Course 1nlormat10n will indudt' the nautical rules of th<' road, "boat hand I mg. safNy l>qU1pment a nd regulations. t·harts and l'Ompass. marine engines, sailing, WC'ath er and marine radio. among oth<•r sub.)C'Cts Th<' C'lao;.'> fC<' 1s $5 µt•r pNson plus a small fee for pnntro materials Tc"<·nagt•r; as well as adults are wekome The• course 1s a1mt-d at persons new m the fie ld of boating More information can Ix• ohwinc'Cl by calhng lli Palml·r. floulla cummandt r. at E!:il-1527. or Don Genm·h. public relations off1t"t1r. 556-0540 From Page C1 RON JACKSON. • • base these days even though he bc:gan his career as a third baseman. "I'm not reading the ball as well as I should." he admi s of his third-base play " On his offense: "l <'ould bt' a good designated hittN some day I'd like> that. But I feel I"m a good firsl basemen. l'w learned to hit left-handers super weU. Most left-handers' pitches tail away from you and I've learned not to try and pull the ball. "You try to kill the ball and you're going t.o ground out to third," Jackson continues. "Actually, most o f my hom t> runs hav e co me off right-handers." But like his hard-hitting and perhaps better known teammates, Jack.c;on 1s hmmg the ball just as hard consistently which 1s one of the reasons the A ngels a re battling for an American League pennant. "This Is a veteran ball club and these guys can play," Jackson says of his teammates. "They may make a few physical mistakes but you don't see many mental mistakes. "You know (Detroit Manager) Sp._rky Anderson once told me he respects every brul player who plays on o team that's managed by Gene Mauch or (Baltimore Manager) Earl Wuver. ' They're not going to beat themselves with me ntal mlstakee." he aaya. And, It appears the Ang. ls didn't moke a mlsta.kc when they signed Jackson early thl1 season. Llke the algn on t'he Anaheim Stadium wall read.I: - Ron Jackaon -back In ac~on. T he UAL youth aallln.1 champfonablp will begln at 10 a.m. with the fU-.t of two prellminary Stone Mill Business Park Your Professional florist 291 5 Red Hill Avenue A· 106 Costa Mesa 641-0810 I I I l ' ~ . . "' " MAJOA ll!AOUI ITANDINOI Amerlcen League WHTlllN DIVltlON W L f'ct. O• A~t 71 52 577 KanlH Clly 70 S3 5e9 Ch!C8QO b5 57 Sll 5• • Suullle S9 64 490 1;> Oakland SS e9 448 16 T•••• 48 72 400 21'"' MlnnNOta 43 60 350 28 l!AITl!llN DIVlllON Milwaukee 72 SO S90 8ollon 6e S6 S4 1 e 81111more 64 S7 529 7'h Detroll 62 60 508 19 New Yoo~ 61 60 504 10~ Clevel6nd 59 60 496 11'"' Toronlo 59 es 47e 14 luMar'•k- Ana•I• 6, Detroit 'l New York 3, Toron10 1 Clevelano 4, Mlnneso1a 3 Chlc11go 12, KanaH City 3 Bos1on 4. Oakland 2 8al11more 10, r .... 3 Miiwaukee 8, Seanle S Tonlghl't 0.IMt M iiwaukee (McClure 9·S) It A~ (Win 7·4) Chicago (Trout 6·7) •1 Clevalend (Walla I· 12 or Whitson 2·2) Toronto (LH I e.9) et New York (Morgan e-6) K1n1n City (Fro11 e-S) al r .. aa (Schmid! 3·4) Delroll (Pelry 13·7) al Oekland (Norris 6-7) Boal on (Tudor 9-91 •t S..ltle (Perry 7-11) NetlonelLeeaue WEBTEAN DtYltJION w l .. ct. oa l>odgero 69 S6 552 Atlanta 67 56 S..S 1 San Diego 65 59 524 3'"' San Francisco 64 61 512 S Houlton 57 66 463 11 Cincinnati 47 77 379 21''1 l!AITEltN DIVISK>N S1 LOUii 71 S2 .577 Phlladelphla 69 54 561 2 Mon1ru1 es 58 s211 8 Pl111burgh 64 59 520 7 Chicago 5-4 72 429 18'"' New V0<k SO 72 4 10 20'"' luMay'a lcoree Plll sburgh 4, Dodgen 3 ( 14 1nn1ng1) Allanla 10. New York 9 SI louts S, San Frenctaco 4 ( 12 1nnlnga) Phlladelphla 8, Cincinnati 2 Chicago 6, San Diego 7 M ontreal S, Hou.ion 0 Today'• 0.IMt 0od9er• (Reuaa 12·9) at St LoYla (Forsch 12·7) Sen Franclaco (M artin 5-e) 11 Chicago (Bird 7 • 11) San Diego (Hawkin• 2·3 and Weith 6-5) 11 Ptnaburgh (Candelarla 10-5) and Baumgarten 0-.C). 2. n M onlreal (Gulllckaon 10·9) 11 Clnclnnall (Pt1tore 6-9). n Phlledalphla (Kruko w 11. 7) 11 Atlanta (Camp 8-7). n New Yori! tZechry e-5) at Houaton J Nlelcro 11 ·91. n Ana•la 5, fl99,. 5 CAlWOflHTA Ofl'1'IOll ltb rhbl •r llbl Owning If 4 1 1 1 Whlltr 2D 4 0 0 0 Cer-lb 4 1 1 0 F WIM ci 4 1 1 0 RaJc:l<on 3 2 2 3 Hrndn If 4 ;> 2 2 Lynn Cl 4 0 I 0 Prfatl c 4 I 1 1 O.C1nc1 3b4 0 0 1 Tr-dn 3 O O O Beylr dh 3 0 2 0 Lemon rl 3 O O O Grich 2D 3 0 0 O JhnM r1 1 o o o FrgM C 3 1 2 0 Bri\11 3b 4 0 1 1 Ketlhr u 1 0 0 0 l each 1 b 'JI I 2 1 Wllng Ph 1 1 1 1 T<mml u j O O O Foll IS 2 0 0 0 To1e1a 3? 6 10 6 To1e1o 33 5 7 5 kore by lnnlno• OelrOll 000 212 000-5 Celllornla 000 040 20•-8 £-DeClncH DP-Detroit 1. LOB- Detroit 2, Calttornl1 9 2B -Herndon, Downing, Baylor. Ferouson. Wlllong HR-Re Jackaon (291 He<ndon 118), Leac:n (3) Dtlroll Wltcoi. Underwood Pulintck Ruck., (l.2·4) Tobi~ IP " e 2 ,. 4 0 EA 18 SO 4 3 I 0 0 0 I'\ ... I I 0 I , I 0 2 I 0 1 0 0 0 C.itlOfnl• Tlent 4 2 2 O Kl.on 2 3 2 0 s~ ,,,. s 21 4 • o o 1 Ktao<1 potcned 10 2 belier• tn lht 8tn WP-Klao<1 T 2 54 A-33, 138 Plret .. 4, Dodg•ra 3 LOS ANGELES PITTSI UAOH 5 , 2 •b , " bl .., r " bl s •• 2D 7 0 I 0 MorPno cl 6 0 I I Roenocke II 1 0 i 1 J Rey 20 6 O O O Monday.rt 2 • 1 0 Meooc~ JD 6 O 1 O ·Ma.,MUoh 1000 lnmosn 1b 6020 S H~ 0 0 0 0 0 H"bnr rl 4 1 I 0 lll,.01 • l)n I 0 0 0 1 l'~UfYl' p 0 0 0 0 Mll'dnlo P 0 0 0 0 S1rgl pn I 0 0 0 Motals on • O O O Rbnon o 1 o o o 8«:kwte P 0 0 0 0 Ril!IP< II 6 1 3 I Guer cl 6 0 2 0 T Pena < S 1 I 0 Cey Jb 6 1 1 0 Bern n 5 1 2 O Garvey lb 6 0 1 1 Rnooen o 1 O O O Veage< c J 0 I 1 J Molner on 1 O O O Frair P 0 0 0 0 E flomo o O O O O Baker II J 0 2 0 Mornsn ph I O O 1 flussell n 3 I I 0 Scurry p o O O O One pn 2 o0 o0 o0 Lacy rt 2 o 1 o Be1n9r SI ' Hoo1n p 1 o O O Sc1osc11 c 3 0 O 0 TOIOIS !12 3 13 3 Totals kore by Inning• ~l 4 12 J LOI Angele• 010 110 000 000 00-3 P1t11burgn 000 020 100 000 O 1-4 One OUI when wonning 1utl r.coreo E Cey SH , Guanero OP-Loa A~el 1. P1111ou1gh 1 lOB Los AngelH 15 Pltltbu•on 9 2B Cey Heb"•' Salt 3B Bet1a SB Belondt• 11) Lacy 1341 8 -Hooton Garvey T Penal Loo Ar\Qtlto I .. H 1111111110 Hooton ~"' 6 2 2 0 ro11ter I'• I I l 0 S How• ' 2 0 0 1 N1e<let1h1er 4 I 0 0 0 Beckwrlh(l 2· II '\ ' I 0 0 Pllloburgh Rnooen 5 1 4 4 I E Romo 2 0 0 0 II Scurry • 0 0 0 I Tei\ulve 3 3 0 0 ' D RbnsntW 14-71 3 l 0 0 2 Scurry polchtd lo 1 balle< on ,,,. tllh T 4 07 A-19 00$ Amencen League Red ... 4. A'• 2 eos1on ooo 040 000-4 12 o 01~1anc1 000 002 000 -;> 7 I) Denman Burg,,,,,._, Ull enO Alltnl!On. langlord and M Hea1n W Denmen. IO l -Lanoto<O, 9.14 S Bu•g- "' HR Boslon R M iller t41 A JI 398 lndi.tl• 4, Twin• 3 Monnesota 010 000 200 3 6 Cleveland 000 01" 00 I 4 6 I 0 Connor Reotern 191 Llllle 191 encl laudner Sulchtte and Bando W- Sul<lolle. 11·4 L-0 Connor, !>·5 l!fl• Cleveland A B•nn1stor l•I B~mlo 13) A -10.929 YankMI S, l tua JaJ• 1 To1or110 000 000 010 I 6 New Yori. 000 210 OOx 3 8 I Gou R L Jeckaon 15). J Mclauohlln 181 ano B Martinez. Whitt 181. R1gttet11 Gouage 18) and Ceron• W floghelll. 8·5 L-Goll. 4.9 s Gosuoe (271 HRs -Toron10, Moseby (81. New York. Grilley 171 A -33,731 While lo• 12, lloyelt 3 Chicago 030 1!'>0 120 1" 16 3 l(an$85 Coty 000 000 102-3 7 0 Koosman amo Fis~ H111 191 Spliuortt Fros• 16) and Wathan SlllUQhl (II) W- Koosman 6--5 l Spl•llorlf. 8·7 HR-Chcago ICemp ( 131 A -33 73 1 Oriolte 10, RAN>gtf• J Ball•more 302 01f 002 10 20 C T<'xas 020 000 010 3 9 C Palmer ano Dempsey Honeycut• B0tlano 121 Moret>ena 1~1 \.Of"e< 1~1 el\l Werner W Palmer 10 l l Honeycuu 5· 15 HRs Ban1mo1e F0<0 191 R•P'l'n I 191 Songle1on ( 10) ,., 9 848 llrew•tt I • ..,.,nan 5 Molwnukee 050 000 003 8 10 0 Seallle 400 000 010 5 6 1 Haas Stoton (81 anO Yoat F Bonnosler Caudill 191 ano Ess;an W s1a1on 10.4 L -F Bann1tter. 11.9 HRS Sealll<' D Hendeoson I 12) Cowens 1161 A 9 :;.>90 Netlon1t leegue Cubs I . Padrao 7 San D•ego 104 001 001 7 t4 2 Cnocago 000 400 3 ,. 8 I I 2 Snow. Lucas (6), Deleon 171 Curti. \111 ano T Ke<'lne<ly. NOies, PrOI) (3). Ca~ bell (51. Tldrow (1) W HernandN (81 le Smith (91 and J Oevll W -Tldrow, 6-2 L -Lucu 0.10 S -Le Smnh (91 HRs -San 01ego T Kennelly I 15). Gwynn 111 Chicago J Oa111s 181 A 23 601 l raffe 10, Melo I New York 10:;.> 302 000 9 13 0 Allanla 022 120 2h-10 17 2 O•tlbey Fslcone (41 Orosco 1!>1 Hausman 181 ano Hoogea M anier MOO•<' 131 Bedro11a (6) C 01ou (I) Gart>e< 191 ana Sonatro W (.. Oiaz. 3-2 L OrMCo 2-9 S -Ga11>e1 123) 11Rs- New Yori. K•noman 1301 Allan•• Hubbara 181 "'4uror.y 1301 A 20 466 Cerdlnala S. Giant• 4 Sa" Fratl 000 004 000 000 4 12 1 SI LOUIS 010 200 001 001 5 15 0 Hammel\"' tfrt••nono t II. HOllanO (8) M on1on 181 Levelle t 101 ano May Anau1or J Manon \61. Ba11 tll) Kasi ( 10), l ahl• t 1 I I ano T enece Brummer 191 w Lanll •·2 L Lavelle 8·6 Hl'1-S1 lOU••. McGM (2) A 46 927 l'tlllllM I , Reda 2 Ph1lsdelph1a 114 100 010 8 8 0 C1nc1nnali 100 000 010 2 8 1 Cnr1s1et\S00 and B Diaz, Solo. Hayes (4) Le<brandl (61. Lesley 19) and Trevino w Christenson 8-8 L -Soto 10.9 HR Pnlladelph18, MaddO• 17) A -21 670 E•-5, Aelroe O Montreal 040 000 100-5 7 O Hoo1ton 000 000 000-0 4 4 l ea and Carter fluhle l aCone 121. laCou 1•1 MoH111 171 RObe<~ (9) 111>1.1 Knocery W-Lea 11,.e l -Rvhle. 7.9 A -13 714 AF1991 Hetegff IATTlNO Al II H Mfl "90 Pct. Ro Jae, son 113 12 37 ;> 19 327 Car-375 64 117 1 31 312 OeC1nces •26 69 126 24 79 298 Lynn 402 79 I 17 111 73 ;>91 Oown•ng 46e 86 131 19 S3 291 R<' Jacl<so 402 70 110 29 76 2H 8enoq\H!t 102 15 28 I 9 272 Bay•or •73 59 127 111 74 268 Boone 356 34 94 7 48 26-t Gr<h 42 103 13 54 2eo FOi• 384 40 100 2 47 2tO Ferguson 70 8 17 2 7 243 C•ar• 73 9 18 2 5 219 Wilfong 145 19 29 1 1 I 200 Burleson 45 4 1 0 2 l!MI Ketlehe< 40 5 4 0 I 103 Tolal1 4 195 621 lo 149 140 593 274 ll'ITCHING IP HM 10 W-l IRA Hewer 61 •3 34 34 2-1 '92 Ste" er 1 7 4 5 0..0 2 47 Wiil 133'" 124 42 &t 7.4 3 10 T1an1 22'" 23 5 23 2·1 3 22 Aa!M'J S2 45 23 40 3.3 3 48 Sa~cM ~ 64 28 4;> ~2 385 Zahn 175~ 17 I 55 63 14.5 381 1(1son g94', 89 35 !>8 7.4 3 83 Forsell 181 177 •e a. 10.9 4 03 Renko 142''1 147 44 71 10·4 4 05 Gotu 65'" 67 25 38 &-4 • 55 Total5 , 121"1 I 073 399 S63 71·52 3 7e 3 I I 4 0 J I 2 I s Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Monday, Augu1t 23. 1992 SCOREBOARD N'LlxtUmON ,,... •• C*er9 ,. ._..,~ ,,.,, 14 10 3 8-33 O..a 0 0 7 9-16 NYJ -Lynne r-ed bloclted !Mil 1n 9nd zone (Leahy klclO HTJ -Bllrllum 34 pea. lrorn Todd (Laehy lllcll) NYJ-Augualynlak 3 run (l,aahy "'"' NYJ FQ l Hhy 42 NYJ-'G lHhy 38 HOY-T Smllh 23 pau lrom Nlelten (Kamp kick) HoY-8ai.ty. Ramwy l lepped OUI ol end ron. Hou-Allen 14 p-trorn NlelN n (Kemp ltldc) NY J-8tapnena , paM lrorn Ryan (klek flllledl A~.4*7 .......,_, ••attettc• RUSHING-~ York, Crulchlleld 11-55, L~ 7·34. Augualynlak 3-13. Houeton, l!ctwanl• 9-39, Crefl S.21. Campball 13-13 13. PA8SINCl -N a w York , Todd 7·13·0-19, Ry an 9·11·0-95, Houaton. Nleleen 11-31-0-214. Luck 4-1~ 1-28. ~. 1·2-0-13 REC EIVING-New York. Sohn 4 ·80, Lewi e 3·28. Welker 2· 18. B Jone• 2· 19, Barltum 2-48. Houalon. Campbell S.38, T. Smith Ml, 8all9y 3-SI . FIELD OOALS MISSED -New 'Y0tk. l aahy 41 Houllon Frotach 40 47, t<etllp 49 IATUM>AY't LATE MIUl.TI Colla SC, FMc:onl 3 lcot9 by Ouar1era Allanll 3 0 0 0-J Bat11more 1 11 3 7-34 All FG luckhurst 37 Bal Smith 38 D81S from Pagel (\' 000 klCk) lal -FG WOOO 43 Bel -8vtle< 83 l'lt9 from f>egel (Wood -ICMI Bal OfflOO 9 PHI lrom Pagel \Wood kick) Bal f Q Vhlello 37 Bal -Wright 1 run (Vlltlto klCkl A -56.74t lndMcluel llat .. 1101 AUSHING All8nl8 fl•oo• 9.34' Robinson 4 17 Ball1mo1e. Franklin 7 .39 V!Clcey 4-3 t P4SSINQ -Allan1a, MorsMI 9· 15·67 Broomall 1·12·113. Kelley 2-2.10' BaltlMore. P904'! 9· 11-207 Scnlrchler 5-fl..99 flECEIVING -All•nta. Miiier 6-53 Strong 2·•0 Balllmore. Buller 3. 131 Defloo 2·42 MISSED FIELD GOALS -Allanla none Balllmora none Broncoe 17, Dolphtn. 14 Sc:or. bf QuerteH Miami 0 0 7 7 -14 Oen\19< 0 3 14 0-17 Oen -FG Sleonfon 42 Mia -Franklin 4 run (Robinson klCk) Oen -Winder 28 run (St .. nfo<t klclll Oan -Brow n 20 pa11 f rom 0.88f'g ( !W"lis k IClt) M1a -Hallin 70 peas from Jensen (Robinson k!CllJ A -73, 191 lndMdllal •tatletlc9 RUSl-41NG -Miami, Hiii 6-45. Cowan 9-37, Franklin 7·34, Jensen 4-28. Diana 1·4, VlgOr'tto 1.1. Boatner 1·0 Denver, Winder 7-511, Wlllhe11 14-54. Poole 8-34, Preslon 3·23. Parroa 3-23, Ly!le 1-6 PA SSING -M l em1. Jensen, Woodley 3·10·2·46. Strock 0·6·2·0. Denver. Herrmenn 8·17·0·120, OeBero 9 .12.1.102. Monon 1·2·0· I RECEIVING -Miami, Heflin 3·96, Otane 2-17, Hiii 1·22. Cowan 1-19, Vigorito 1-18, Fosler 1· 13. Dalley 1·12. Denver. Wnght 2·30, M cOamel 2· 19. Wlllhelt 2-20, Egloff 1·29. Manning 1·21, Arnold, 1·21, Brown 1-20 49ef9 11, Cerdtnal1 13 tc«a.., Qu8f1.,. SI Loola 0 3 7 3-13 San Francltco 3 6 0 7 -16 SF-FG Warachl1>9 31 SIL-FG 0 ·0on0gnve 38 SF-Eelky 9 run (klek failed) Stl-Love 4 run (Altta ktek) SF'-Ramaon 3 pell from B Clatk (Werachlng kid!) StL-FG Athe 42 A-51,931 lndlwtd•el ttatlettc. RUSHING -St LOIUI 4noeuon 6-33. Mllc~I 1·28, Morris 3-21. Love 9-18 San Frenclaco. V Wllltams 10-48. Eaeiey 8-22, Moore 4-16. P ASSING-St lou11. Lomax 8·10·1·81. Hart 5·8·1·57, ltsch 4· I0-~58 San Franclaco, B Cieri< 11· 13·0·97. M on11ne 9· 16·0 -105. Benjamin O· 1 ·0--0 RECEIVING-SI Lou11. Mllchall 3-60, T. Grey 3-37, Lefleur 2·12. Tlli.y 1·24. San Francl1eo. Ramson 4·21, Wiiton 3·43, Moore 3-28, Young 2-40. Snumann 2·38 f"llELO GOALS MISSED-SI Loula, O'Oof>OOhW 37. 47 ..,,...,c"ief93 ...,. "' a-tara t<anau City 0 0 3 0-3 New 0.leenl 0 3 0 3 -6 NO -FG MOefeen 24 t<C -f G l~48 NO -FG AnderMn 52 A -48,515 IMMdYel ltallallc:e RUSHING -KanHt Clly, Balton 7-24 8 Jack1on 4· 18, Thompaon 6· 13, Crouse 2-3, Galnea 1.3, H1dno1 1·2. Oelanav 2-m1nu1 8 Murphy 1·mlnue 6 New O•leen1 J Roge11 I 1.37 M LllWll 7 ·~3 Ga1an 6 22 Q fl~ra 8 16 W Wllaon I 6 Ouc'911 1-4 B Sco\I I I °"'kalt ' 4 Tyler 2 0 PASSING Kanaao C•ly 'uller 12· 17 1. 107, Kanney g. 18· I I 18 New Orleant Manning 1·4·1·11 8 Scoll 11·2 1-0-94 RECEIVING -Kan .. 1 Coty Ce1aon 7-85 Rome 3·J3 Smith 3·33 Hancoc~ 2·35 Mer&nall 2· 14 S.lton 2· 13 D••on 1·7 Gaines 1·5 New Orleans L Scon 4-48. Ouekell 3·28 G Rogers 1· 1 I Gat41n 1· 18 Branner 1-8 W Wilson l·m1nu1 3 J flogera 1-m1nus 1 ~ISSED FIHD GOALS Coty Spengler 38. lowery 011eans. Anderson 3 7 (Olockedl l(anua 46 New end SO Buick Open (•l Orend Ilene, Mich.) 273 Lanny W&Olo.•ns. S63 000 68·7 I 71-115 274 Tom K•le S3 7 .800 279 George Arcn"' S 18 200 Cu•loS S1ranoe S 18.;>00 Pay"8 SI-art S 18 200 271 Jack Renner S 1;> 163 Halt Irwin S 12 163 2'Tt JOhn Coo~ S 10. I 50 Bob EHl.,ood S 10 150 Pele< Jacobsen S 10 150 211 Re" Calowell S7 I 75 ~l•m Peele $7 17~ Jonn Aoams S7 175 Lou Grahom $7 175 Larry l•ejjlet $7 175 Mike DonalO S 7 l7 5 212 Bill Call"" $5 075 Barry JHCkel.. Sb.075 Voc1or Regalado S5 075 Scoll Simpson SS.C. 75 213 AnOy Bean S3. ~00 M•lo.e Reod SJ 500 Tom Simpton S3.500 Clarence Rose $3 ,SOO Fred Couples. $3.SOO Crll'{I S1aa1e1 S3 500 214 7 1-67-69·6' 74-67 e9-68 68 69-119 12 68 69-e7 .72 13 68 69·88 70-68 89 71 65 n 11 11 61-11 69-n 72-67 66·7' 7 68 12 10 n.10 69 70 68 74 69·70 70 72·68 , , 74 6663-73 71 6e 69-13 73-70,, 68 73·611· 70 10 b9-69· 73. 7, 69·69 73 n -11 10 10 70 53.73.72 70-611 72.72 1;>-69°69°13 I •·66·12 74 69·68·71 ·7'> Morns H&lalskv S2 433 73·71·1"·68 Bobb• c1ampe11 S21433 70·73 11.70 Dave Eochelberoer. ~;> 433 12· 71-70· 11 Fuuy Zoelle< S2 433 10-12-10-12 Dane Ou101ey. Sl 433 70 10· 7 I 73 r.ovm Levenson S2 •33 70·69· 70 75 Senior• t~mement (•l SJftcUM) 2U B•ll COiions S25 000 .. 73· 71 1 I 10 Gur WOISlllf'\hlm $15 000 71·73 7'1 70 297 Pe1er Thomson Sii 000 Boo Goalby S!I 000 -Bob RosDUro S5 000 Ge11e lolllef SS 000 zt2 Paul Ha•ney S3 875 Oor1 Jenu•"f SJ 975 193 Bob E•oc><son SJ ;>SO 8'11 JOhnston SJ 250 Sam S"""~ SJ 2!>0 294 Ari Wall S2 800 Frtcldltl Haas $2 800 , Gardner Oick•nsn $2 800 295 Jim Ferree S;> 500 George Baye< 12.500 4n Sllvers1one. S2 500 2" 10 1' 74 7 I 70·76 70 7 I 7J.73 75 1111 ·2.12 73 72 '1 74.79 69 7274 6977 77 77 15 69 74711771 78 70 75-70 71 76-74 73 69-73 76--76 77·611 74.74 75.74 7! 68 72.73.1a.1i 13 75. 7!>-n Howie Johnson $2,300 '1·1'·78 73 LPG.A WOfkl Ch1mplonehlp (al Cl••eland) 2M JoAnne Carner, SS0,000 219 Ayako Okamolo S26 00073-72-75-69 2tO Amy Al<:Oll S 17 000 2t2 74-69· 75. 72 Jan Stephenson. $11.500 76-70-73-73 Pally Sheehan. $11.500 76-73-71-12 29'1 Jenet Ale.a $6.500 217 Hollis Stacy. $6.500 294 Sand•• Heynie S4.000 75.71-80·88 211 Nancy LOC>GZ. $3.000 302 teJ -M!lrla )Oe Beth Dano.,. $2 .000 30S Selly Lillie S 1,500 e -denotes •mataur 74-77-75--72 76 78·7!>·75 78-76-77-74 Del Mer •UNDA Y'I llllVL Tl (2ttll of 43-d•y 11'Cw0419h•te1 '""""-l PlfllT llACI. e fllr1ong1 S•tenl Woll (Calnda) 15 20 6 llO 4 40 ~~°':r:00o.ible 1~1 a oo 3 20 !'Halli• Pai (Ortega) 4 60 Also reoeo Oate And Corn TuN to Beef Swill R.,nn., Proud Ouke ful9N Tloa T llWI Ollr\C4!f Time 1 09 415 l l!CONO llACI . , "10 m11ea Big Oouo 'P!>c:ay) 15 40 7 .40 8.110 Jerome J>rwlt (Ollvar81) a.ea 5.40 0-.vOte Oewn (Capttllne) 8 90 Atec •aoed. Pltfca'• O<Mrn, ,,_ .• Icy 81u t, blremely, Clef-~. Hell Satan. Donald Pllnlte. Tome I 42 3/S 12 DAil Y DOUl l l 19· 71 paid S 149 20 THlltO llACI . 6 lurlonQs Lo .. eo.1 (Mcerrn) 4 20 3.00 2 40 410 :JOO 2 40 l•Oy O•b•lllla CGU8H81 funny One (Veienruela) Al-JO r aced RAmftmber Make UI) 11.•I 480 280 280 Holly £m • Tome I 09 31!> ti EllACTA •4·2) paoO '54 00 ,OUllTH llACI 6 furlongs 'foung O..troyer (PcyJ 5 60 J 00 2 40 Ple~a•no Tlmu !Olhssvl 3 40 2 80 Under~ Man (M1u1 3.80 Also raced Olympoc Goal S.ahaw\ Ramblln Alono EOd1e • He<o Em•ssery !om~ t 09 415 FIFTH AACI. I 1116 m1l1111 on lur1 8111011 1SnOtJmekeq 4 60 3 00 2 60 GOfaen Flak cB1ack1 10 20 4 oo S11alood IValenzuetB) 3 00 All< raceo Ruslv Canyon, Call Me "'41ster, Agllamont, l n Aa-. rime I 43 15 EllACTA 17·31 P••O S 138 00 llXTH AACI. One mW. Nord•c Pronccu cPcy) 6 40 4 20 Rov•ew ot lhe News ISnmlHI 1 40 Ms NAIMl S11ee1 10.IU) Also • eGeO Jamoe s Oe11gn1 Pulle s Double M1sky Wes! Time I 37 315 3 60 4 80 5 8(, Atl'lar H \llNl'H "ACE. 6 furlongs BOicl and WUllng • PCy) 8 40 4 00 3 60 F1111 C•au tOelahousuyeJ 5 ;>O 3 40 W1n1~r Sporol (ValenZuele) 4 00 Alsc raee<I Entereza. Wind 01 Franc41 Sny BIC!Oar Jeyene tome 1 oe 41!, 15 f llACTA 17 ·'21 0110 $1;>7 00 12 PICK llX (7-4-4-2-3-7) paid 13,995 eo wnh 21 wtnn1no 11e:11•• (lb< hOr ... I S2 PIC1< Sia eon.o1auon p- $53 eo wttn 919 winning tlel<•ll (llw norMll $2 Pick SIX ICl'lttCh coneoletlon patd Ht oo wtth 392 w1nn1no 11e1t.,, !four ~. one ICl'atCh 1 EIGHTH llACE. 1 1 miles on turf G-Mt S1reng1n (Pncy)6 110 5 00 3 40 Water 8al>k (C.."'8da) 9.40 e.20 T aka the Floor (Mc:Cerron) 4.40 rake Iha Floor (McCar1on) 4 40 Also raced TM Captain Ask Ma Sword Blade C1eehu1. Sun Worshop Beldale 810 Prosperous !loci.wall Hugabey, Barga•n BllCO"Y Tome 1 49 NINTH AACf . 1 1116 1T11ies Pai·• Dude (lamencell3 60 9.00 7 40 •»ngs Dawn !Guerra) 13 00 1 60 Prune Pte IBlackl 4 80 AllO raced Premoum Deposit, llloec:otore Gr_,., Mlgnty C-r, nw.1 -'· Plaza i>.1nca. Tl""' Time I 42-3/6. S5 EllACTA CI 7J pe10 $683 50 Allendance 23 228 Hollywood Perk SUNOA Y'I RIEI U\. TS (lttl tf 5J..nlght ...._. -•"'O) FllST RACE. 0... mole pace Keywe J-IRosenl 14 00 8 ;>O 6 20 Pone Hall Salurn (Koerl19) 32 60 16 60 Stable Hand IC>esome<) 7 60 A"o recea Ashley Lora ~ oollsfl F onune ci.ar Nogfl OuOle >!~ Mlcto Hano-Pe<lec1 UQM N AYO$ Tome 102·115 a OACTA 14· 101 o•ld s I 15 'I 70 H CONO RACE. One mole pace Mldnoght Pelt IRlclrdl 5 20 3 40 3 80 B•ack Merk N ISlemermanl 7 60 8 80 FAlf Slar1 tB8fne11 9 80 Also r8CllC! Rays Gori N Blaek Collon M lnnenah• Fell• Kenwooo Cneoles l 1 yll GIOly N Maple Deleam r,,... 201 11!1 THlflD AACI. One mole pace P•o• Joye (Prerce) 18 40 1 40 5 ;>O Wlnnre One Tome IKuebletl 5 60 • 00 <;r.rambhng Rall tF19Col 4 80 Also racecl Hun1ers Babe, Flying lonya Argo Siar. Oueiane T•me Tnayer AnOy>1 Suga!. Caned111n Dew Toma 2 02-415 SS I XACTA 14·81 pa10 $140 70 ,OURTM RACE. One mole pace 1 .. nnvs Led (She<ren) 5 70 3 40 2 <;() Touch 01 Elegance tGorau) 4 00 2 80 unaware IBalre•l 3 I<' Alto raced Super lrock N Conn• 4<1~ Belmar l asa Love W"e N. Oreo Byrd Good flaven Time 1159--415 J!Fl'H AACE Otle mole pace Suttin H-ITOOdl 7 60 4 00 3 20 O<~ Sack !Goudreau) 4 llO 3 20 Amasia.s 1Kue1>1e<1 S 00 AISO race<I Special Oual•ly Jrva Talk Cap OUf'la•uft t<ona Co•sr ~1n1stttr T yfla< T•me I 58 t3 lllACTA I 1-91 oe•ll $48 00 llllXl'H AACE. One mole Dace Brage110 tOtaomerl 1;> 40 7 40 5 20 'l'e..Oo ICo~and) 16 20 t3 60 ~ow Lyn-(Spr199st II 40 Also reQtd Doctor Don N Jobe Ho Ov""'-Cn.lff&Wll1 Sconng Or1ve Tome I 59 U IXACTA t1 41 PB•d $470 00 l lYIN'TH "ACI. One mite oace Sne~~Y P~te IKueblr) ;> l 40 9 20 4 40 llghln1n Slim (8ak8f) !> 80 3 UO SunMI Beech (Aubu11 3 2C Alao raced Vole• Oesert Son Paddleboard, Pr1m11~ Streall, Tr11M Fl!\Qara BIO OeD1>1e Andy>I Suitor '11"'8. 2.013/S 15DACTA I1·1) paid S119 SO f lQHTH AACI 011,. "'ff Ot<~' P'roleo-U11>om11 • 110 ~ 20 ;> 9\ (lraemer N ILDllQOI , 20 4 00 Noollel rry .. t61tot1n1 3 'O A•to 1aceo !'..a,.IH Ue11 y 'itormv AllK'" Foed 8•••~• S•"O Squeeu HOtK• Hanov•' Tom" I 58 115 Nltlnt llACE On" onol,. 1111<.r Game Ho~ •tt•nt>uH1f IJ 40 ~ b() 6 00 'f'lHJfl'O ...... .on 0111th .. ; '~ 00 1 20 Srroh1ng lol '"ubonl 3 20 AtlO rllCed Md• 8vrnr,,o At<Jen N Rt•nut "•O Mer ... bt>T t ut•n•••• l>uoet feel S1an1e, """ fome I 59 • ' SJ EJIACTA I~ hi 11ai0 $;141180 S2 PICK SUI 4 I I r 4 ~I P8•d $25 683 60 wlfn one wu\n'"V l•c.,et U•, no, ... • S:> p,,.., c:;,, L0'1">0fA11on oa•o S6t t •O wllh 14 Artnn1nq llCli&h fftv.- IOOtSMI S7 Poc.k 5,. •<.•al<.11 conso1a11on paid 16 1 t 00 w•1h ...,_. .... 1nn1no t1c;kela flOV' hOf...S one -..crate.tu TENTH AACE. On" m•ll• pecfl 1 ewha• Crt•»I 1Anara111 4 40 3 Ml 3 ;>O Yl'>u Crll MI !Oe1omet1 I I 40 1 00 Cha11au1 Hewt> 1v .. 11olodongh11ml • 20 Also '8CfKI MUii• HanO'tlM A ... ,. "'u Lucl<y CerO A flry11n N l C. 1 Byro ShEuv~ Junior Hondr Ao10, Time ~ 01 , S3 UACTA 11 41 paid Sil(, 10 Allendance 9,863 Men'• tournement (at L09 Af\g81M) llngl" ,.,.,., Rod Laver 1Aus1r1111a1 oar FrN! SIOlle 1Aust eha) 6· 1 6·4 ll lY<'• wins$ 10 000 S10lle wins ~ 0001 ATP Champlon1htp1 (el Maaon, OhloJ Slngleo Final Ivan Lendt 1Cro<"o•lov~ko1) oaf Sieve 011n1on «US I b·l I b lll'nOI wrnt. $48 000 Oenlon Wint $24 0001 Grend Prl• t~rnement (•I ltow•. YI.) SlogloetFIMI l 8P•clut IU :. I 011 l"l ~romm 6 4 &·2 ILepldu~ v.•M S 15 0001 Jay tUS I Pl1y•r'1 Chellel'lge --(al lilOt'ltreal) ~ 1"'91aof'ln•l Mor11n& NavrOl•IOv.l IU SJ dtf 4nore& Jnege• IU S I Ii·~ 1 !I (Novralllova wons $34 0001 DO\lbteo 11"1ftel Nav•alllova-Canov Reynolcls (US J oet Barbara Polle• Sha•on wa11n IU s' 6-4 6·4 1Navrtlll()Y8 Reyno101 sphl S •3 0001 Women'• tournement (al Mahwah. N.J.) Flrol AO\lnd Slnglee 1v.i Elucla•on IClec.,oS1ova~1fl oet Mary lOU P•alek •Us). 6·3 6 I leSloe Allen llJ S t oe1 llU)IC•• Mounon ) .. 4! 'e'''ttdl Jn Ou"r tU S t dPI VtCllf1 ~e1,on tU SI 0-6 7.5 6 I P1'1no1 lOU"' •U S 1 del Gl1"'• C~ 18rnaon1 I'> 1 IHI E11se Bu19on tu S 1 det S.1sy '<agel!Ml'l Ill S I 1-6 6-3 6· 1 ART'S LAlllOlftlO (....,_, .. ach) - 102 tw>Qlera. I barr'M:vd•. 318 bon110 2 r>ahbUl, 622 mect1e•4" u rOCk rrsn. 35 sano DBM . 3 1 kelo tteaa. 11 scutp.n 1 blue Dasa. 1 cabezon 4 ~cl DAYO 'S lDCKl!A (Newpon 8-tl) -265 ang1.,, ••12 b0n110 73 cthco bus I 528 mecketel. '12 •ock t111h 9 'and be&s. 2 yellowt&ol 4 yellow hn croa~e< DANA WHAll, -290 aflgler ~ 59 oau 9;>8 bonito 1 109 mftc~er111 33 rock f15h I l l!llOWlftll SlAl I ACH -198 anol~rs 8 barr acv011 3 1 ~ bonoJO 28 caloco bass I 150 mackerl!I 19 rock rosn 167 s.oncl bau (Barve) -162 angl"'' 4 nahb<>I 600 mackerel 6 sand nus 1 ~ulpon ,00 QUMn ""'· 300 WM~ C•oe~e< SAN 0.0 0 (H&M L-lnt) -399 ang•er• 462 elbaCOre 2 yellow hn luna • b'a eye 1una WMl!end tTeMeCttone FOOT9AL.L Nettenal ....... L-.ue ATLANTA FALCONS -Signed Allred Jenk ins. wlele recel..,.,, 10 1 lw0·)'991' conlrect HOCKEY Netloftel Heel!., L...- EOMONTON OILERS -Signed Tom RoYlllon, center: Chllflle Huddy, delanMman end Mike Spencer • Camel. Where a man belongs. 8 mg. "tar", 0 7 mg. n1co11nc av. per c1gafe1te. FTC Repon DEC. '81. Werning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ----·----- t J C4 o lle e lapped ... Orange Co111 DAIL V PILOT /Mond•y, Augu11 23, 1982 91."&:..'/~ H liOtie~ = UU ,.._ .~~.) MO Al.IM Y ......... ..... MOllH It 1wn1~1.n ,., Ille ... =to+ ""°' •<n TO I fl 0 , • 0 ... 0 1n 0 A Q I or:• ol fHOM .. "YAN -.. -COAltOAAllON .. O\lly ~·eel 1r OI ~ IOClt... HotlOI II 11WftV 11*1 ltltt bid• Tr111tH 11nder th• foltowlng Pl&IC NOTICl NOnoa °' ftUertrt IAU l 0111 Ho I 160"1'1 IMAN ,. No ........ MOROAN1'0WN W Va. tAP) A-Thu NCAA C.Ommlttet· on lnCractlonB t\•• publicly reprlmand~d und ceruiured West VlriJlnlll Onl ver1l\y tor men ·~ baaketball recruiting vlolatlona, and WVU oftlclul11 say the penully la !air le UGI MIUllllllene Dfl1111, 011,. ot wlll be 1eo.t1ted 101 HI• to 1111 a.or~ o..ci ot tl'\Al1 WIU till H11n11no1on IHOh, COi.iniy OI lllQhell blcldtt Of UWI IOl!Owil'O IAMd AT 'UlllO AUCTION YO THI Drano-, 8t•t• ol Oallfoll)la. 111411 1 eQUlptMnl ~ lltf tH1e11 ~ HIGH UT llOOIA ,OA 0A9H bul~ lt1nal11 1a •t>®t to be midi to 1111phil 10 1111 need• 04 the Cout ,.,.,., .. 11 time of ur. In lawM llh Whan IOm 11\d Hun IOOll Kim Oommunttr ~ Olltrlot: money ol 1111 Un1t1d 811111) 111 11 en1t1r1u who11 bu11n111 IU,.PlUI 110 IALI, l'IQlll, tllll and lnl«•I conveyed to 1ddr11, 11 ''O 1 811mm1r1worth COAST COMMUNITY COLLEOI! 1nd now held by 11 undlf Nld OMd Ill-. City 01 ~ulllfton, Coun1y ot DllTAICT ol Trull 1n Ille PfoC>lfly 11ett1111'11< Ot.,., lltet1 Of Calllornle. S111 bid• wilt b• op-d ena a..Grlbed Tiie ptOC)etty to bl tr-t.rred II publlety r..o elcMld '°' ~tea TRU8TOR MARTY J MANOILl cs.ecr1bldlnGl"WllU.Alllloct.ln lt1M1 .. lltted Oft th• proc>OMCI 1nd MARILYN J MANDllL llllCll, llJ1turw. ~I Ind QOOd torm 11 I I 00 1 m • Thur1d1y, hulbll\d all4l wife \111111 ol lhal Oonul ~ llllOWll S.Ottimi. *I. 1"2 111 Ille Olltrlcl B E N E F IC I A I\ Y S K 0 F E D .. "ANY OlD'TIME DONUTS" Ind Admlnlt lrellon lulldlllg, '''0 MOATOAOC COAPORA TIOH, • 10«;4lllCI II 1113 9Ulf 811•1, No Adem1 Av1nu•. Co1te M111. OOtpotellon, 0 , City ol Cotta~ Coo.incy of C elllornle All blel• mull b• Aecorel•d Augu11 26. 1911 H Oranoe. Stell 01 Cellfotnle, d1llver1d 10 1111 otflc1 or 1111 1n1tr No 32000 In book 14104, AMlllllCAN ITAll 8ANIC .. dllfy 1ppolnled Tr111t•e 111\dll th1 IOllowtng d-i~ OMO OI ltu•I WILL llLL AY l'UILIO AUOTIOH TO THI HIQHHT llODll'I l'O• OAIH (pey1ble 11 tlm1 ol ut. In 1ew1u1 ~ or the united a= Ill rtoft(. title end lf1t1fl1I eon to llld ~ llelCI by It under llld 011d OI lr111t In 1111 propefl~ twelnelllf cMIGtlbed TllUITOA Ql0..01! FREl!MAH, • wlClowei HNUICIARY ARTHO'll'I• HOWA"D Dl!Vl!lOPMfNT CO • IMC "9cofdld Jut" e. 1010 .. 1nw Ho. 7268 Ill boOlc 1,114, PIQl 1601 of Ofllolll Aeoofd1 In lhe otllcl ot 1111 Recordat ol 011ng1 Co11nty, llld dMO OI tru1t d1torll>et lhl follOwtng prOOlfl)': The N CAA did noL impose 11am:tions against the school, ;ind the penalty wall not aUe<.'l the school's ellg1bility for post-season basketball compeliuon or television ap~arances. 'No question there was a violation but we felt it was very techrucal. very minute," said Athletic Director Fred Schaus. ''The lightness of the penalty suggests the committee djd, too.'' ·T h e r e p r 1 m a n d . Schaus said, was "very fair." The NCAA said in a release issued Tuesday an Mission. Kan .. that West Virginia Coach Gale Catlett violated recruiting regulations by participating in a March 1982 news 1.:onference in Detroit lo announce .a prospect's intent to enroll a l the unive rsity Coaches are prohibited from speaking to members of the media at such announcements, the NCAA said. The coach also was invo lv ed i n brief conversations with two prospects at the news conference Such conversa tions are considered "recruiting contacts" and are not penniu.ed untal the high school basketball season is completed, the NCAA said. Charles Alan Wright, c b a.i rm an o C l he Committee on ln(ractaons. said the group was "satisfied that the violations m this case were unintentional. "T he commit t ee believes that a public reprimand is appropriate in this case, in part. to admonish the institution lo take every precaution to avoid si milar viola l ion s of NCAA recruiting legislation in the future." he said. WVU President E. Gordon Gee said school officials "feel fortunate that we received a fair hearing and we~e n~t assessed any sanctions. Catlett said he and his s taff "have been very careful not to break any • rules." He said he had no idea he was breaking a rule. DIATH NDTICIS PARSONS HARRY OLIVER PARSONS. resident of Founwn Valley. Ca .. Passed away on August 20. 1982 He was a pape fitter for 20 years at &thlehem Steel He 1s sUJV1ved by his sons James and Douglas. a daughter Manon and 7 grandchildren Services will be held on Monday. August 23, 1982 at 2:00PM at the Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel. Servlc•es under the direclion of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa. 540-5554. McCQaMIQ( MOITUAllES Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768 0933 San Juan Capistrano 495 1776 HA.Hoa L.AW~MT. OLIVE Moriuary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa M esa• 540-5554 r11t1c1 HOTHllS IB.L. IAOADW.U MOITU .. Y 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALT21aOHOH SMITH & TUTHILL WHTCU" CHAftlt. 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 64&-9371 Th• bulk h 1n1f1r wlll b• P11rch11lng Ag1nl et th• 1bov1 01G1 1oto ol Offialll ~da In the con111mm11eo on Ot ,,,., 11>1 10th lddr-prlOf to thl 11m1 Ill for 1111 olllG• ol th• R1<10l'd1t ot Or11'1Q1 d•~ or S.p11mblr. 1082 11 10:00 op 1n1 n g 1 o 1;> 1 111gtb11 Io r County. "'"died ol trutl d11er111N I m II W .. t1rn Mulull berow, conlldlfallOn. the followlfl\I prop4W'IY PARCEL I: Unll 21, In tne County of 011ng1, 61111 or C111to1nle ... lhown on thet Clf11tn Condomtolum Plen rlOOfOl<I M1y 3 I, 1g77 In bo011 122111, P'OI 1810. Of!t¢111 A.cord•. In the ofllol ol 1 he county ,_dlf of Mid oounty wllOM •ddr"' 11 14081 S YOl'b• Propo11I torm1 1nd oomplet• IXHl.,T A 8 11111. Sull1 No 10 1. Tu1lln, ln1truotlon1 m1y bl obt .. nlCI I I Ille DESCRIPTION CllllOtnll. Puroh11lng D1p1r1m1nt of l h• PARCEL 1 An unllv1d1d 1/14 Th11 lhl tut dll• for nung clllm1 Olttrlet 11 the I.bow lddr-, For 1n1«11t In ano 10 lOI 1 or Trec:t No In lhl lllGfow rlflffed 10 hlfeln It lddltlonal l11f0fm1tlon a< lneoecllon 10006, In 1111 Clly ol Coe11 M .... 8'c>l1mblf 0. 1982 IOOQlntmtrll, call Olenn A. Fatmtr Coun1r, of Or1ng1. S1111 ot So fer 11 le known to lhl (114)666-67~ Calll0<111. 11 pet mtp rec;ord«l In T11n1lerff1, 111 bu1lnau n1m11 8ida muat bl~ by 1 l>Ook 484, p1g11 O 1nd 7 , 1nd 1ddre1111 uud Dy 1 he ClRTIFllO, CASHIER'S CHECK OA MllOllttn10U1 M9')1, In lhe otllol ol Tranef9t0f IOf 1119 PUI lhrM yMrt PERSONAL CHECK m1C11 peyabll lhl <;OUnty rec;ordlf ol Nld county lfl 111111. to 1111 Co11t Community College EXCEPTING THEREFROM Unlla 0.11d Augu.11 17, 1g82 Dtttrlcn, or Chi!. In 1n amount no I 10 14 1nc1ut1ve, ea ellOwn on 1tw1 PARC l!L 21 Art Wlldtvldld 1164 Int-I In Md 10 Lo1 1 Of Trect No 00t3. 11 oar map ~dlCI 1n boo!( 393, P19M 6 llld 0. M,.,...,_1 Mep1, In 11141 otftce ol the county r1eOl'der 01 1&ld county, together wllh lilt tmprovem1n11 lh111on, ucepnng therefrom Condominium Unit• I 11iraugh 04ll'IGklllVe,1oct1eo Sth When 1111 thin 10•4 ol th• 1ot1t bid. Condominium Plan recorded In Hun Sook Kim P11IOllll ohlc;t(1 .,, IOOIPt•bll up book 13828, p1g1 t 338, Olltclal Tren1t11roes to thl 1mOUnl ot 126.00. Oepollte RIGC)(dl '""'°" Publl1h1d Or1ng1 Cont Dilly of 1uco111lul bldder(I) will bl ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM Piiot, Avguat 23, 1ge2 epplllCI 10 thl O\.lrch ... ptloe. Othet lhl ••clu1l11e rtghl 10 po-.lon of 3729-82 d1po11t ohecll1/or c11h wlll be 111 thou 111111 deelgn1t1d u EXCEPT THEREFROM 111 oll, 0 1a, mtn11r111 e nd 0111er hydrocetb0n1, below 1 depth or 600 IHI, wlthoul the rlghl ol turrac:e entry. u rll«'\lld In ln11rurnents of rlGC)(d ----D-,.0-,1-C-NO-T-.l-C_E ____ 11turn1d aller the Bo1rd or bllconl ... g1reg111. p1110 and deok '"""' TrultM'I M)09ptlnOI of hlah bid(•) Ir... a I I h 0 w" 0 n •• Id -------------wn1cn w111 1:>1 on Oct 20. 10'82. Condominium Plan FICTITIOUS IU81NES8 All up1n111 ol cu11g1 1nd PARCEl 2 Unll 11 .. lhown on NAME STATEMENT remove• er1 1111 rHpontlbllltr of lh1 Condominium Pl1n 11>ove fhe lollow111g persons dre doing Purchi~e). 0% Mlw tu w11 bl referred to Duson.tu iss ldd«I lo Ill amount• uni-valid PARCEL 3. TM 1aclut1ve rtghl lo E'L CAMINO PARTNERS 1<1S 111111 11111 I ll( permit card poUMalOI\ Ol lhOM pot'ltona of Loi Wesl M1>1n Slr94!1 Sui111 200, Tuston ea;ompanlll bid. 1 d .. crlbld In Percet 1 ebove, CA 9s2~~R I r 0 E" EL 0 p MEN ' All properly llated heroin II olle<ed :l111Qna1ed ,, Cf.11, cs-: 11, D-11 tnd lor sale u ts w!)ere 11" end wHhoul p. I I on Hid Condominium Plan COMPANY General P11rtri11r l<IS racourM tQillnll 11141 Dlllrlcl The Ind 11 1ppurten1nt lo P1rc1la 1 West Main Stroel. Su•le 200. Tusun 0111rlc1 meket no gu1r1nt11. and 2 11>ov1. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST OATEO MAY 29, 1g79 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. CA 97680 I Thia bullneH 11 conducted t>y a wer:,:~· or riprllt nlll on. YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A llmll&d pennerehlp •AP' or lmpllld, With r1gerd to DEED OF TRUST DA TED AUGUST El Camino Pannors. GOlldlllon of pr°'*1)' of llll'INI of 13, 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE property for eny UM or purpote. No ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR D Colllornla Limned Clllm Wiii be oon1ld111d tor PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A Portnorshlp 11 d I t By Sp1111 Oe\lelopment I ow1no11 or I UI ment or PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEEO AN Company, Gene,0 1 Par1ner rHCIHon ol thl 1111 baaed on EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE WynM S Gotng, Jr llllufl OI the pr='l: to complelel 0 F T H E p R O C E E 0 I N G General Parlner Nlllfy llll O\.lrch..-n all rwpecil. AGAINST\' OU, YOU SHOULD Tn1a s1atemen1 was 111,td wllti lhe No re1urn1 ellowed The District CONTACT A LAWVER thilll not be '"pon1lbl1 for 1ny Coun1y Clerk 01 Orange Coun1y on eccldent or lnJury reeulllng from 2157 PtelllC Ava No A 104, Colla Me1a, C1lllornl1 Aug t7 1982 purehall of or~y on 111e "(II • llrMt lddr111 Of common 1058 W111werd line, Coate Miii. CA. "(II I llrMI addr ... or common de11on11lon 11 shown 1bove, no w11r1n1y It given 11 to 111 GOrnPlaton111 Of correc:t11M1)." Ftt5Sts P1yment In lull mu1t be m•d• Pu1>11shed Orange Cohl Daily within ten calln<Slf dlYI llftlf notice d111gn111on 11 shown above no P1101 Aug 73 30 Sepe 6 13 1982 Of 1w11d; Ind 1111 ttllTl(I ) ""'91 bl w.". n I y , • g Iv. n e. I c;>, II s 37l4·82 rllTIOVld trom tlle DIJlrlc1 lllCIUly 11 complet-.a °' correc1neea1 The benellclery under uJd Oeld of Truat. by rlUOf'I ol a bt'NGh or dlltull In Ille Obllg1llOn1 MCUred '""•by. 11e<11oro11 1xecutld 111<1 d11tv111d to lh1 und1relgn1d a -1111n Oeoter111on of Oe111.11t ll'td Olrnllld '°'Sell, Ind wr1111n notic:. Of brelClti Ind Of llec11on 10 C1U11 lh• underelgn•d to 1111 11ld oropeny to utllly Mid obllgellon•. and 111er11f1er 1h1 under•lgned ceuMd Nld nottc. 01 DrMCh end ot election 10 be RIGC)(ded May 13, 1982 H Instr No 82· 1&5gg1 In Ofllctll Rlco1Cl1 POOLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI eua1NU8 NAME STATEMENT l he 1011ow1ng person 1s aoong t>usmess os time ol lull p1ym1nt. D1po1l1 ol The t>eneflclll)r undl< '81d Deed 1ucce11tul high blddlf(t ) wlll be 01 . Trust. by flllOn ol • br1ach °' conlldlfed lorlelled II m11erlal(1) deltull In lhe obltga11on1 aecured 1w1rd1d '" not removed from ltiereby, he111o tore e11ecu11 end Olllrtcl Oflml-within time llmlt• dellvered 10 1n1 unde11lgn1d 1 specified. Dtllrlct r8Mf'V9& lhe right written O.Cleratlon or Olleult end ao r1-td-1lle mitllial(I) for Nie Demand for Siie, and wrtttllfl notice or Mii 10 next hlah bidder1•l ol brMCh and or llocllon 10 ceuae Seid 11111 wlll bl m1d1, Dul without cov1n1nt or warranty, 8XOf-or lmplled, reg1rdlng t11i,. po.-alon, or 111cumbrenC1S, 10 P•Y the remllnlnO pr1nclpll 111m or lh" notl(t) lllCUrld by llld Deed ol fruit, wttll lntlf' .. I u In Mid no11 provided, ed11anc11, II 111y. under Ille term1 ot •lld Died or Tru11. f-. Ch11gw ll'ld •ICPI"-of the TrullM end of Ille tru•t• CtMted by llld OMd of Tn.tl!. Stlct NII wlll b!11 h1ld on Tue1d1y, Sept1mber 211. 1ge2 11 2:00 P M 11 11>1 Chepmen Avenue ll'llranct to the ~ Clnt11 Bulldlng, 300 E111 Ch1pm1n Avenue, In lhl City ol Or•noe. CA THE THREAD M tll 268 Hanover Orivo Cosio Mesa. CA 92626 CHARLOTTE DIANNE RUNGE. 268 Hanover Onve Cosla Mesa. CA 92626 This t>u9in1ss 11 conducted by an ind1v1duAI Ct11tt101te D flunoe lh1S s10111men1 was llled wllh tne Counly Clerk Of Orange Counly on Aug 17 1982 F1115572 PuD1t1had Orenge Coas1 Daily P1101 Aug 23. 30, Sep! 6 13 198:.> 3705·82 P\8.IC NOTICE ,tcrmoua HAMIEST The rollowln bulllnesa u AXELRO LEASING CO , 3121 Wur Co111 Hlgt1w1y. No 8·B, NIWPQt1 Belctl. CA g2863 ARTHUR 0 AXELROD, 3121 WHt COHI Hlghwly, No ll·A, Newport Beech, CA g2683 Thll butl"811 II Condueled l>y In lndlVldull Ar1hur D. A•elrod Thia 1111-1 wU flied with the Couniy Clerk on Augu•I 16. 19112. 1"115481 Put>llshed Or1nge Cont Dally Pllol, Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 13, 1982 3732-82 P\&.IC NOTICE FfCTTTIOU8 IU91HU8 NA• STATDIENT Thi followlng person IS doing bu&lneMll (Al PPPLANTS, (B) FRAN WILLIAMS PL.ANTS. 457 S1n1e An1 A_,ue, ~ 8Nch. CA 92663 FRAN WILLIAMS. 457 Senta Ana Avenue. Newport Beech. CA 92663 Thl1 business 19 conducted t>y an lndtv1du11 Fran Wiiiiama Thia 11a1emen1 was filed with the C;oun1y Clerk of Orange Countr on Augu11 13, 1982 P:ll5365 Publllhed Orengo Coast Dally Pllol, Aug 16, 23. 30. Sept 8. 1982 3610.82 P\&.IC NOTIC£ FICTmOUI IUa.£18 NAME 8TATEMIENT Thi IOl!Owlng per10n1 era doing bullftMI u . TEO COOK TOURS. INC , dba ISlANDS IN THE SUN. 2814 L1r1y11t1. Nawpon B81Gh. CA 92883 TEO COOK TOURS, INC. a C1lllorn1a corporation, 2814 lel1y1t111, Newport B11ch CA 921163 . This bual""s 11 c;ondue1e<1 t>y • Ol'POr1llon Tld Cook Tours Inc. Thlt 1111emont WU Ille<! wtlh lhl nly Cle<k of Or1nge County on UQUtt 13, 1982 F1"* Publl1hed Or1nge Cout Delly Pilot, Aug tll, 23, 30, Sept 8. 1982 363S.82 Nil.IC NOTICE '1CTTTIOUa IU8 .. H NAME aTATW•NT Thi lollowll'IQ oe<iron1 1r1 dOfng bWll ........ ANY OlDTIME OONllTS. 1113 Blk1t Str111, No G. Coet1 Miu, CA g2628 SAH WHAN KIM, 1301 Summ«fWOtlh Pl-. Fulllflon, CA 112833 HUN SOOK KIM , 1301 SumrntrlWO<'th Pl-. Fulflrlon. CA g2033 Thie txltlnell II COllOUC1ed by In tn<1lvldu11 8111 Wh1n Kim Tl>lt 1111--.1 Wll flied with the County Citric of 0.1ng1 Counay on Augu11 18, 198~ '1"721 Pub111n1d 011n111 Co111 0111y Piiot, A09 23, 30. Sept. 8, 13, 1982 3731-82 Tht. notlcl 11 rn IOCOfdanOe wtth the undersigned 10 1111 a1ld s.c11on 81440 81441 Ind 81450 of propef'1y lo 11111ry .. Id obllglllona. lhe C.llfornla EctucatrOn Code ind 1her1111er lhe undertlgned 111 NORMAN E. WATSON ceuaea llkl notlel or breacti Ind of s.ct'lt 1lect1on to be 11co1d1d M1y "· Bolld :lrruet-1g82. H ln11t No 82-153590 of COMl Community Nld Offlct1I Rlcofd1 CQ11eoe Dt81rlc1 Seid 11111 Wiii bl m1d11, but Publl1hld Orang• CoHt Delly without eov1nan1 or werr1nty, Piiot. AUQU91 23. 30, 1982 e.11or ... Of Implied, r~atdlng 11111, • 3726-82 PO&Mlllon, or 1ncumt>r1n~s. 10 -------------PIY the remllnlng prlnclp., sum ol f1tBJC NOTICE '"' notl(•I aecuted by .. ,d Deed of -------------Trust, with lnllr"I 11 In said note ~COURT Of provldld, ed111nc11. II any. under C~ORNIA the terms ot ael<I Deed or Trull COUNTY Of' OAANQI! •-. cherg11 and 1~pon1et or the 700 c~ c....., Dr. w. Trusr111 end or 11\t trust• crea1ed by llo11 .. said Oeld Of Trust a-ta Ana, CA 111702 S 8 td 911111 wll I bl he Id on llAMIAGe OI': Wednetd1y, Septembet 8, 1g82 at " I Tl Tl 0 MI A : a H I " l E y 2 ,00 p.m 11 the Chapm1n Avenue MAT\.OCK en111nc;1 lo lht Civic Center All"ONDIMT: .11,,AEY l . Bulldlng, 300 Eut Chepm1n MAT\.OCK llYllnlHI, In 1111 Clly or Or1ng1 aLWOMI ('.U..Y LAW} Al lhl tlm1 ot lh1 lnlllel c.._ MO. ~-ooblk:allon of this notlGI. tlle 10111 NOTICll YCMt M1'9 1Mef1 .-ct. smoun1 ol the unptld b.,mnc. of the nie -' ...., deCllde ....,_. ,_ >bllg11lon MCurld by lhl 1bove .,....... ,_ bMl8 '-" ...._ :le1crlbed d11d of 1tuat and JOU t...,onct ,..... a.,._ AelCI H1lm111d co111. 11xpens11, and tf1e ~ ...... M!Vtnc411 IS $131,g7f. 16. "JOU_..,."..-tM ldlltoe Df To determine 1h1 opening btd, 1n 1t1or11er 111 11111 Metler, JOU YOU may cell (7141 g37-0986. lfloutcf do .. ..,_,., .. "'-' ,_ 011e Augull 6, 1g82 r.....-or.,......, W lftf, mey ~ SKO·FEO MORTGAGE be Med e11 ttm.. ~ORP AYllOI U1ted tu aldo d1111111d1do. II •r1•u111t pued1 dlcldlr --· Ud. .......... . -... Ud. ,........ dlfttN deit...,LMlll>kmulanq.. ..... a1 U1t1d d111e 1ellell11 11 c-to de IHI ........ lft .... 11111110, de•err1 llec1rlo ..._..._.., ..... --. u aald Trullee. By T 0. Sorvlc:e Co , IQIO'll By VIClll J Andrldge, Anlsl1nt Secrlllty One Clay Blvd., W111 . Or1nge, Cellloml• 92668 7 t•/835-8288 Publllhld Oreng1 COHI 011ly IOI. AIJ9 18, 23, 30, 1982 3592-82 IU ~ 8 'l1uhn. II lllJ =--pued• '" , .. tetr1H11 1 1----fltlllJC---NO--TICE----- 1 TO THE RESPONDENT: The l-~NO~nc,,.,-,,""'E~INVITINQ,..,,..,=-...,...-_,-.-­ p1tltlon1r hu lll•d • p1tltlon Notice 11 llef1by given 1111t 11141 conoernlng your m•rr1etgl. 11 you fall Boerd ol Tru1tM1 of th• CoHt lo Ille e raaponw within 30 dl)'9 °1 Community College Dl11rlct ol the dete 0111 Ihle 1ummon1 11 011ng1 Countv, C1lllornl1, wlll ~ on you. your dtlfeull mey bl ' enttrld Ind tlll COUtl mey 111111 8 receive 111led bide up 10 t 1:00 fudgment containing lnJuncttv• Of am. Tueeday. Slptemblf 7. 1982 °''* orderl cooceinlog dMalon ot it 11141 Purehlllng Dlp1t1ment or property. apouHI support, chlld Mid ~ dlatrlet toelted at 1370 cullody, ohlld iupport. ittorney Adame v1nu•. Co1t1 M111, ,_ COlll ~ 9'oc:fl other rllllf u Callfoml1 II whlCfl llme Mid bids rnav' bl gren1.a by 1111 c:out1. The w1~':f'T~s~~A~ci~· g11nltllmen1 of weQM, tllllng of FIVE·YEAR RENTAL WITH money or property. or oth« eourt 11.1th0<l:red prooeedlngt may atao PURCHASE OPTION: ORANGE retull COAST COLLEGE. Dtrt:.0 MerGtl g 1982 AM bids 1r1 to bl In IOCOf'dlnCI t.t ~ 9ranc:t1. c't1wtr · wttf1 Ille Bid Form lne1ruct1on1 end NeMy w...-~ cond1110nt end Speclllcatlon1 wnlch Publl1hld Oran~ Co1et Dilly "' now In 1111 end m1y bl ~red Piiot Auo 23 30 I • 13 1"8" In Ille ofllol of lhl Purcihulng Agent • · ' • · u, • • c ol Mid colllge dl1trlc1. _________ ....;3_7.;;.~.;;....;;.:2 EAlch blddlf rnull atbmh w1111 ht. l'tllUC NOTICE bid e c11hler'1 check, cerllllld check. or bidder'• bond ""d• 8TATHIENT Of' WTTHOftAWAl ptyl bll to 1111 order of 1111 Cout ,_,.. Community ColllQI Ollt:rlct 8-d "ART"NE" .... Of'UlATlMQ ot Trwt-In .,, 9'T\OUnt not llM ..,..,... than lllltl °'"*'' of 111111.m bid ... FtCTTnOUa .,.._ •• MAME QUlfll'tl .. that Ille blOder w111 ll'lllf The follo wlng pereon II•• Into 11141 l>foe>Olld ContrlCI 11 thl WlthdtllWl'I 11 • gen«al Plt1ner trom 11m1 It 1w1rded to him. In th• thl pertl*'lhfO operetlng under the _, Of flollurw to 1ntar Into 9'ICfl llclltlOul bu._ -ot H.S.T. conlrlCI. thl Ol'ooeede of Ille dllCtl 0£VE1.0PMENT COMPANY, 16897 wtlt bl fO<tlltlCI, or In the ca.. of 1 Algonquln, Suite I. Huntington bond, thl 1\111 tum t-.Of w111 bl Beteh, CA 928'19 forflllld to Mid COlllot dletrlGI. The llctlt1ou1 bu1ln111 n'"" No blddlf may wltf\dr-1111 bid 1111-1 for the partt'MW'lhlp w11 '°' • l*IO<I tor lorty·ftw (48) daye nlld on Juna 2, 1gtg In Ille Cout1ty •It« thl d111 Ml for the 09lfllng ol Or111g1. th«eof. • '1 mu Tll9 Boerd o1 Truwt-~ Full N1ma and Addr111 ol 1h1 the l>'Mllcle of rlflc;tlng eny and ., Penon Wllhdraw1ng· blda or 10 wllv9111)1 lm1oullflllll or Kl..-nc L. THoWsoN lnform11111 .. In any bid or tn the 4012 OMIM Chll ~. Hwl ........ 1 ..._,CA... NORMAN L WAT90N IAw Ot'lloee of ....... , ....... ,,,....... C WllUAM CARLSON JR C.... c--.. C.-... Dliliertat 2130 Mlln 81.11.0 ~~·~ Orafltll.. Ca.t 0ettr Huntington 8eech, CA 92648 ..---. ..... -. .. ftel Publl1hld Oren.91 Coal Delly rm.a Piiot, Aug. 23, 30, 84pt. 8, 13, 1082 3735-&2 Pta.IC NOTIC( I "1CTITIOU8 ..... Nil.IC NOTICE Complrofllr Of rtll Currency Trt•11ry Oe,lltt-1 At lhl time of 1111 lnt111 1 puDllcatlon ot thl• notloe, tlll IOlel emount Of 11141 unplld b1t1no1 ol 11141 obllgetlon 1ec;ured by the above d11crtbed d11d of tru11 1nd 11llm1t1d 00111, expen111, end 1dv1no11 11 13g,~28 .05 . To det«mlne lhl 09lf\lng bid. you may call (714) 937-0080. 0.11· Augual 10, 1082 AMERICAN STATE SANK u Mid Tnatw. By T D . SERVICE COMPANY. IQllll By. P1tndl A. AandlM, AAtltent &rc:r11wy One City Btvcl., w .. 1. OrlllQI, CA g2968 (7 14) 1135-8288 Publl1h1d Ot1ng11 Co111 Di iiy Pilot AIJ9 23, 30, Sept, 8, 1g82 3715-82 P\8.IC NOTIC£ Of'"Cl Of' n. aHEl'l.,P:.COftONOI,, COUNTY Of OflAHGa NOTICI Of' aAU UNOEll DIC.._. OF FOMClOauAl Woodbridge Ptrkllde. lie Plllnllll YI D1Vld Ell)lh Smtih, el II . detendant. No 385263 I, lhll und«tignlCI, BRAD GA TES. s11er11t-Coron1t. County 01 Or1noe. State ol Calllornl1, do ""•by ~lty 11111 by vlrlue of 01cree ol Foreclosure end Salo In 1he Superior Court ol th• County ol Orange, s1111 or Celllornl1, en11te<1 on Juty g, 19112. •nd rlCla<ded on Juty 9, 1982 In lhl 1t>ov1 entl11ed ect1on. wherein Woodbrtdg1 Perk1tde Mllnlenence AUOClatton, • C1Hforn11 c0<por111on. thl 1t>Ove nemed pl1lnllllC•I. 01>111ned 1 100gmen1 •nd Oec1111 or rorectowro ll'td Mii ag11n11 OIYICI Ellllh Smllh a11d Julie Ann Smith dellfldltll(I). tor the sum ot One Tt>ounnd Eight HundrlKJ T~nty One end 10/100 Oollara. lawful mon.y of 1111 Unllea Slates. •n<I by vlr1u1 of • -11 01 enlc>tCXlf'l>llllt tn aald ICUon IUUed on July 23. 1ge2 I em commended to NII 111 tho propeny In lhl County or Orange, S1111 of Cellforn11. d11crll>ed •• IOllowa· Unit 4, LOI I, ot Trac;1 lle58. u recorded In BOOll 4211. pegea 30-33 lnclualve of lhl olllClll records of 0.1nge County. S11t1 or Celllornla The prOl)ll'ly ta more cb<nmonly known 11 27 E1gl1 Point, Irvine, C1lttornla Togethlt wl1h ell •nd singular the ten1menu, n111d111m1nl1 1nd 11PPUrtenanoas 111e<eunto belonging °' In anywtM appertllnlng PUBLIC NOTICE tS HEAEBY GIVEN Thel on lu1101y September u . 1ge2. 11 10.00 o'clOCk. 11.M or th1t d•v 11 Mein Lobby. Courthouu, 700 Ctvlc C.11111 Drive WMI, City ot Santi An• I wlll Mii 11141 et>ova dwcrlt>eO property, under 11ld wrll 1nd dlClrM, Of 10 ~ 1,,._toOf 11 m1y De n1ceu1ry to 11111ty 111d IOOgfnlOt w1111 1n1 .... 11 Ind coats. 10 1hl hlgn.tl bl(lde<, tor Cuti In lewful money or thl United Stet" Otlld 11 S1n11 An1. C1lllorn1a., Augo1I 2. 19$2 BRAD GATES. Slle<lfl .Coron« County ol Or•llQI. Clllf By. K Bfown, Slrgeen1 .. .._ A.Lii 1200 M8fttl .......... lull• 112 llfttl AM. Ce. tlt7'01 "1Mlttff'1 AttOtnet Publl1h1d Orange CoHf 0111y PllOt, Auo g, 18. H. 1982 34119•82 N~8TA~ Thi loltowtng IMf'llOft• .,.. doll'IQ ~ .. ; of 1111 Uftltecl ., .. " W11h1n9f0ft, D.C. r\aJC P«)TICE WHEREAS lllllftclory 1vldlt1CI 1------------- NEWBAY, 17g92 M llch11t h 11 1>11n or111nted 10 the "°TITlOUa llUelNSaa rtllllC NOTIC( Scuth, !Mle. CA g2714. --==~------LINDA CHORBAOIAN, U13 Comp1ro111< ot ti>t Currenc;y thll ...._ aTATl•NT LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK localed Thi loflowlng Plf'IOlll .,. doing "1CTI'T10UI ~• 81uro1on. Fo11nt1ln v1111y, C A NAiii eTATIMPfT 927ot Th1 lollowfng peraon It doing LESlll! ORl!ENING, 0001 bUllneN 11· Newport 8hor11 Drlv•, Ho 1, HUDSON MFQ CO. 1280 Newoo11 lleclh, CA 928a. l..•nA-. Unite. COlllMwa. A OB EAT YAMAEUJI, 2 CA 02820. Sunbum. """""·CA t2f16 ANDREW l . SANDOR. 201g OOH.ALO R. CORBIN. 37 ~•r• Street, No. C. Huntington Montpelll1t, Newport 811ch CA 8MGll, CA 02841 t2t80. ' ti* bu.in.t 11 conc1uctld by •" Thia ~ 11 conductlld bv • lndMdual • _.. 8 Olnlf ti Pl"f lllftlllp. rv..,,,., llldo( Und1 Ch«bligllin In Hunllngton B11ch, 81111 of bu*'-u: C1lllorn1e. hH compllld with all BAIOHTON INVEITMENT rov111one or 111e 11a1u111 or th• OAOUP, 695 Town Center Dftve, Unll1d S11t11 requited to DI 10th Floor. Cotti~. CA t2t28. comp1t1d wllh belort being BAtOHTON Rf8001'1CES. INC .. 1u111orlud 10 comm1nc1 th• OS TOWll Cant.et Ol'l\09. 10th Floor. butlnlll ol bllllllng 111 Nellon., Colt•~. CA t:lm, B1nlllng Aaloel•tlon Thll b\1""911 It oonduc'led by 1 NOW, THGREFOAE, I 111r1by ~IOn. c111lly l hAI lh1 1bov1.nem1d IAIOHTON 1110011t1on 11 1uthorl11d 10 AUOUlllCU, INC commence tile tx.11111111 of bankll'IQ . Orild O. ,KIUlmen H • N1t1onll Bll'tlllflO AlllOOltllOn. Thie ttet-1 WU ftlld wttll 11141 Thia 11111m1nt w11 fll•d with Thlt ttltement -lllecl wttll IM eouniy c.11 ot Orlf!OI Covnty on Couflty Cllrtt ot Oranoe Couflty on on July i1. IM2. AUQUl1 13, 11112. IN TUTIMONY WHEA!OF Couf\ty Cllrtt ot On1no• County on wlt11111 my t11gn11ur1 Ind IHI oi AUQUl113, 1982 ~ l~I ~ OI Jvf\I, ltU con ... HUD,,.... ,,..,,. '1-7 Put>lllhed Ore1101 Co11t Dally Publlthed Or•no-co .. t Dall "'°'· Auo. 11. n. )0, ...,, e, 1"2 Piiot. A•-. 11. n JO . .._. "' , *2-12 .._ •• ..._.. .... CompuOftlt Of ,,.... ~rf8fldy A....,., .. ~ cn1rt1t Humber 17M>I -T""' C.... Dr. Publl•h~ Or•nr CoHt D•llY c.... = :' -PMol. July 12, tt. 2 • A11g 2. t 1f, p tlllltled O A Co Diiiy n , JQ, $eell I , ttt2 3t3Mt ~ ~ 11, Q.T....,:.••. 1112 HS4-t2 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 6 42-4321 H1111111 11 ~ 1 .....•..•........••••• J;,.,,,, I 002 ··•·••••···········•·· ft lllct Ytwr Ad, Call (5) ""' Ullllt IOUI YllWt 642-5678 NOUS£$ f 01 SAU I LOUAl t.CWll...O 01'1'014 I UHtTY Slap 10 beech • t uP•' d1lu11• ' bdrm. 2 beth Own«'• unit plu1 2 t>Orm rental 13H.000t , .. _ .. llo.1-hltMI .......... P•41tw.filll• C•IMa.&'• .. l\ttH .. {(l(Oflt d•I Mer '•h ..... O•n• f'ou~ E.f Two ,.,,..,.. .... v.u., ltUMf""'Utt tlf.•f'h '"'"' •fun• ftit.rh ,.,.,...,..um. t..•w.I\• N11u•t Mt••liuft V••JO ~:r.::.!:::tl \41\ ;.,,,,.' • .,,,"."" I~ ... ~A• '-•I ...... " \llNh l.•t Wfl• .... ''"'"'"" MOC.U• fli.,,,.., '•I.- llHlALS ft.ova"' ·"·~·-~d tt.wt.-. t "'""'"'' .... ,..._..,..,"'"u' l "' c (N't(k.1nuruum111 •v•n I ondomlnh;fth t nt To•~\4"\t''urn To.nf>.wu, l "' lNoteH• Yurn ~·.~,'f\lAf Arih t "''v•n I ~:;:."'" w I M I n:r, "M~ll.~~,, '·"'·'' ..... ,, .... "°'ln,.-wt KPnttl-. \'.,ttion M••U•h Ktnlah tu"'-•••• tiUtCh for "t.nt Off•<• Hff'hl "'-''"""u K•nCel ll'CtvMttel R•ffM•I ;::.·.,: --·~" M1-.• kt>nhh 114t ,.., IOdl 101• IOl1 '"" , ... ,,.,., 111)4 IOOll llM ·-llWJ """I ,,_.., .. .... "'"" Ht/I' H""i '""' " .. '""' fllll ...... .., ,,.,, P1llll1llerr1 •ettee1 .. ....... All rael 811111 edv8f'llM(S • 111-l ... . In 1hl1 n1w1p1.p11 "1::;;55iiii~ eubj•e;I 10 the P'ld'1el Fair tfou11ng A~1 ot 11>e8 wlllCh m•kll 11 Illegal to t1dvertlae "any preferen· ca, llmlllllon or dl1er1m1- n111on b111d on 1ac1, color. re1101on. 11x or n11llona1 origin, or eny1-------.....;.. __ 1111•nt1011 10 m11k1 1ny •uCh prelerenc. llmll•· Ill OAIYll tlon or dltcrlmtnetlori · 11,400,000 Thie noweplll)er wlll not Hlghell point on the gOll knowingly •c:c•P• lny courte Vlew1 torevtt ' "I 11dvert1tlng tor r1tl 111• M1gn111can1 4 BA. 4'"" BA "" 11te which 11 In 11lolat1on man1gable m1n11on :~~ or the law W ood floore, Sneryt I'll" "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Wegner t>llh1. gourmet ~;~~ • kitchen, 1pa & brick :::: UllOHt Advertl · courtyaro E•c•llent lerma. fi'~~ sers should check 144-lotO ~:~ their ads dally and ~iiiii~iiii:iiiii~ !~ report errors Im-Ii 1u. med I ate I y . T h e *HYER lllRH • ~ DAILY PILOT Thia cuatom Ivan Wells <JOG 3S• dllalgned home Wll bulll .... .., sumes llab1llty for wtth uecutlve en1ena1- the first incorrect n1no 1n mind Ou11111v I ti h I lllroughout from the SO· ,...,. nser o on y. lld oak paneled dlfl 10 ,,.., lhe mahogany p1neled !!:: lomlly room Some ol ll>e ~ H111111 for Sile numerous toatures ere 1~ ••• •••• •••••• ••••••••. Sensauonal view of Fa· ,,..., Ct•fl•l /OOZ shtori lst11nd & ocean, ~,,···;;R···,·u··,·,··L·l·.;·G···· pool 11. ape w1ou1s1de ~~ n n t>ar. 3 car garage. c;om· rw plete security 1ys1em !:;.~ STREAM end ot course formal di· tl<JJ $90,500 Greet I Barm nlng To view the luMu- :~,~ condominium with bub-rlous lellurea ol lhts ,,.,,, bllng stfeam oil your megn111cen1 residence :~.,:: prlvete patio Walk 10 call 759-1501 tor priveae , • .., hidden swimming pool snowing S 1.500.000 "'"' Many, many extras, lire-FEE !~~ l)faee, walk to shoPPlng, ~ BUSINESS, IHYEST- "'" yet prlvaie 546-2313 l't'P.'1l!T'!'.Tl~UUJ .. ~ f £L!§\1'il1 · · · · MENT, FINANCE thol\IMU Oppcw~. Ku.\IM'h ~ anlttd :~~:::::~: ~'.':~~' NuM> lo IA•n I MOM) Yt1ntf'd• Mortr•an TO, ANNOUNCEMENTS, PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND ANWiwM<""'nt\ ( ., Jaoof lt..ira•l '&A•o~ '-""' 6 f'wod Pt'rwwu.1~· Wul(lvt•• T••••I• fMPlOYMENT & 1 ... -. ,!!!!~.~ATION Ju&We•IM• ..... .,, "'•"'"' "'. t I A"'"'"" MERCHANDISE "*••IW'•to Afolf"'tMM ::!t;"1~ Melf'ft•h ~::"'' o 6 t:qu1pmirru Dot• ,..,.., to \OU rutf'\Jluu l-•teH' s.1. """-• '°""'H\.okl '; O(,,;h J•·••'l' LnnWr• MK .... Mf) Ma~u.~, M1"f'll•N<l'l.ll Y. •n1"1 1'1wMt"el IMl" .. m•IUto C)fl;o('• F'wtf'I A •·411140 ..... ~:::-,; ~~~~,·,:.~ ~·"•(,""~" ~-• "~'•wr•nt b., ~it:c.to •h• 1 ~ .. '"' BOATS ' MHINE EQUIPMENT r,..,...,., fto•t\ Jlh1"' '-nirt lka.h \hflM t.qtJ10 Bl>th •'o.•, ao.u R•M t "iert•"' Hoth '41f eo..it. ~,,. Ooch llt•h~·~ &or.to..,..,..,,., TllNSP'OU A TION .\1ur.l"I t •"""" '•I• lh·nt tlmuc<ar" =:-~·~=~~,.,, .. · M!,fllw "''"Sale-ki"nt fte11n, Tr.HI !~~ .. ~~,L,:•!"i.,,, AUTOMOBILE <.i11M,.I AMtqwh l l•HH l ... , ... " .... , ......... ..,. \l-'•h M.c.-Ml"ld• 'W~10r•U• ''"'-'-' "•"' " ... ", .......... , ""'""*•ft\#1j AUTOS, IMP'ORTED 4t*A4Pt411 AU• Ko'""o ~""' A~tlft Uhl•) BMW ft1;1"f't &f(""' O•~~n ....,,.,1 r .... Jkwt .. J.,_,., J•N<'rt K•rm.tftA Vh1• .._ ...... .M•f4• ll•,~··'"' ....... , .... MC ll """' P•M••• P•"'J"t4 ...,Hft4' " ...... u ""'"' .... , ... "•'•' l'.!! ~rw r:ru~·pft v~••••••• Vt4..-o MITOS. MEW c-r.1 ~I~ UITlllf 0.1. POOLlllE lfTTlll iou Cute 3 Bdr on cut-do·SBC = et Seller wlll help linen- ~ ce Lorge assumable loan. Full price S 115,000 Lovely Newporl Beach condo with large patio on greenbelt Xlnl financing. Assumable loan S 110, 000 81 10 25'/t Ow ner wlll consider 2nd T O & 1ease1op11on Rllduoecl 10 S 197 500 Call Sally Shipley >IW ""' '2llll hi! W.J )4<A) !o<ljj 751·3191 FAMILY ElPHDINli GEORGE ELKINS CO Thia I• 1t1t1 home tor the 759-9100 growing lem1ly Six. yes 6 ••••••••••• big bdrms, 3 baths, big living room with 11re- pl ace F amlly room wllh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2nd fireplace Formal di- ning. lemlly kitchen wllh upgraded range. grill 6 microwave Ankle deep carpeting Shtmmerlngl pool end spe GorgBO\Js Inside and out A deflght to preview C•ll tor pr1- vtew ~46-23 13 Ill HIE umr an. Charming 3 Bdrm den large remlly area. up to date A Dlock 10 lhe beach Apt rents at $600/mo Large 11 ''>'/• loan $475,000 U,_.l ()Ut t1()~f -lfll!!~~~l,il~-.·-· R111tors. 67s-&000 .,.,, ~~ l!!!!!!iillllilliliilliiiililliliii~~--------~ :: HAL HTATI OFO 11/)H Ill,., 1006 ""'-' IUCll LOCI TIO• • ••••••• • •• •. • • • • • • • • • ~ Well established New-ISUllD CHARM '"..OO port Beech locatlon lor Redecorated 3Br 2Ba on =: aale All replles conll-p11me locetlon Geroge, ,.,.., den11a1. P 0 Box 82 I sundeck patios Nr No ::1 _B_a_l_b_o_a,_C_a_,_9_2_6_6_1__ Bey. Owner wlll COllSlder ·~ HHDOIED I 1 n an 6 7 5 -5 3 I 9 ...... 1 673-5291 :: IEWPORT HOIEI 1,1 ... wtr. Harbor View Homes 3 • =:: Bdrm 2 bath Monaco on f •• !.~'!!'!!~!~ ..... !.~? ;:: lee 11nd' Assume e1.IS· lflT llY .. , ••& ting at low rate end seller --• :,: wtll canyi Prlct'd lo sell 2 br 2 De. den. FP. p1t10 al '214,000 -call IOday1 owe et 12Y. or ev1n 5'Y. l!Jf' _ . sm.ooo """'o. ~~~fhh1 Tw~ll:~l~rT:~:!~les =I ========-:-:.1 with ucatlenl aettlno WJ.111 Ii Eich has 3 Bdrma, 3 "* LOOK baths, lormal dining and :: large 1am11y room Both 9V1'l F 01 our flew regular ere in move-in condition .:!~ weekly lealure with mce PlllOS. double BOAT SHOW-garages end close 10 1>eecne1 ANO both h•ve CASE good llnenclngl C1ll tor ,110 your own shOwlngs ::: Every Stturdey In Ille 842-1200 .,,. Dally Piiot Classllleds - tllO ~~-~~~~~~~~I . m•J:: ::: 1111,000 LAllU 1011 I: .. t _, ••EASY TERMS•• Wood/glass Views. 3br, 2t>a. Smell but cleuyl 497·23221497-5487 '°'"liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Cen•• ''' #•t IOZZ ~i 2 ILH llWPT II .. h·~.;_jt·j;;·;;;;;·· » Chermlng 4 Br & l11nlly H e+G ~ room 2 brick llreplac:es, 0 omc Ulll+lncome ,,,., w tat -Flex Terms -· counlry kllchen. quiet 509 Acac1e COM nr bell ..-reslden1111 area In mo· Spatteu vacant Duplex 11ua •1~ ""' .,,.,, lflll "1U lllt 'IHI .iai lfl.U II» •in tllll ""' •I» 1111 •1• "1 ... dern t11c1 by Bucolla Hu;. 5brl3bi+3t>rf3ba 10% dn U29.000 Ow-o()t< own/bier 645-7048 ner c11ry 10 yelfa 144-4110 WllM YIEW Sauullto Luak lle>m41 on lee l•nd 3 Br. 2 Be. llv & din rm. lg fem rm. e ll emenlH ... lg tree IOI By Owner S31 3,000. 640-7007 $20,000 •••• ~~ Mmllllll ;~~ EAceptlonet v1tue Four ti• b•droom. famlly room, :;:; dlnll'IQ room UP941t bey ..,,,. vl•w Motl1tll•d Hiier .,,,, 1209,500. Oh• So ol Hwy duplex Only 3 yrt old Oerrlfl, Ownr t Agt. R•/Ma.a 750.122' C.U.• ''' #u JIU ···············~······ = 111-lllO =~iiii;ii=::;;I .... YllUll 1111,111 11fThH'"'"4 Thie n••I 38drm 2b• with 0"91' 1800 eq " with IOVll)I pttlOI end ,.,. lrll! Ii ""° •11J - "" SILl/l&YrlMT An 1ffordeble prlo. on the wet• wtth pler/1llp fOf 30' boet. linJoy ovt- door llvlng with ~,.,oe petlo end deck Adac>te- ble rH ldenc1 0-1n b• dUPl•ll Of home. OWC leroe 2nd TO. $4"8,000 .... ......... denl. °'"* wlll flnenca 1ubet1nll•t ht TO at 12~ Int. 1 yr lerm A l....nold •t•le. P'1cled to Ml! In IM. .... 1111 I ND UNIT. 39 IHCh• -:---::::~----comoer. Quiet 01.1l•d• &.ta ... lltM NiO tn 1>1ee11010ue ouar· mr. .............. -.~: ded gate oommunlly. IM' ::==.ctr,,« .. :~ ....... ,., m•bl• loen on 11111 3 on thl• 4 ld1 College ldrm, den w/ouetom Perk flome Md OWnef ........ 000 ...... eddlUonel IP9-.,... • • lln~lng, Pun prtoe 11 \4-All td HONl oNy 1111.IOO, Don't .... lt(MIU' IM. • Oii ·~NOW! f'CAL (SlAf"! 6J1 MOU \(.//ltt'/'t/ I l \ ' Or nge Co111 DAILY PILOTIMondey, Augu1t 23, 1982 Cl Real Estate -the Complete Orange Coast Market Plac ~~!!!! .~ .. ~ !.'.'!....... ~'.!!!! .~'.'. !.'.'.'·...... ~ .. ~!!! .~'.'. !.•.'! ...... ·I ~ .. ~!!!.~ .. ~:. .. ~'....... !~!!~!.!!!r.!!r. ~.'!!'! ~'.I!!!!.¥~.'!'.'!'.':'~ ... ~.. ¥.~!~!! .¥~!~!~.1!~-1. ··I ~'.!!!!.¥~.'!'!.-.'!~!!... A,.,,.,.;, H A,.,;,•••t• t;111111 1001 Ctott•I /OOZ ,,.,,,., JH4 llw .. rl ,,.,, IHI 20% oowNcwm ouy 3 111 Clll• "'" Jilf /nla1 JZl4 .,.,..,1 IHii Jiii .•• ~~!~!~.!~ .............. ~!~!~!~~!!. ...... . ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ... .. . . ... . .. . . . ······ u~~·;d· N~::· •• ~-~~·:·;.1;·~;~· ~·:.·;:~·;,~··;;:.; :'.~~··, ~~. ::!~:::r~ ··s;:;~,~·;;;:;;p·:~;·· ....... RiiTu·······, ;l'Rijf iiii?ili•· c.,,, ,,,,, ,,,. ~l~t ...... P..¥. ,E.1•1.u HDllEI Condo• no mooey oowo n''"Y --"'•"Iii•• $ t 111. h>ll11• & $1500 poelllve 1 p1110. bll·ln1, kid• $426 I 10 Cl txlrma, etertlng at •••••••••••••••••••••• vacant 2 8A, i 8A, eat· whit• thay IHI ( T 14) 0 0 0 9 v 0 w n e 1 1111 ·93 llltn near Or•ak 0C RENTALS 750.3314 S8&0 IO •1200 8IQ CANYONU~p & lrO 1 II. 2 ... I U , port, an Cl i.a. I H& Prbr Wt'#I 88)' buyfront ShJ)I' for <I IJOOIM. 546·9&22 Agl 648 8665 uv_.1 Well l~•ted. l'IHr OU I ST ANDINO I t>r w / ~~n8o4 08n/l 4 e1eoPA Newly decor OH pel. 5 4 2 . 3 & 9 T~ A 11 e renw><folt..od 3 W1tn. 3 bi.ath Sl.20ll,OOO --OC. C.ollege & SC Plaza 'I • encl g11 . owahr, pool, 7S0·7l66 QUIET YHUIL~OllH OSI 54.600 Owner wlll nug• 14.f'D.. NIS~• PO Oi home w/ bbg Adult•, no Pell 1---------CX'i·lln & ,Jt'lty Vll'W' M<rnnc· n>o111, I 1 week 01 Ing or1ly .. 11 •I 10 x grOH Call P•llo. ullf·pd '300 Clll LJ 1"{~_ gard•n•r. In grHI c;ono 642·~73 B••ll•f,.. lMlnn, :1 bttth. :mlll "If Ct $ l ,:1ttr1,0llO ELEGANCE $149,999 2 rm, 1h 764·11993 (Prln only) OC-RENTALS ''° 33 14 'l~~{;vr" ~nty tSOOO /mo to qu•I IH1t U41 On·1mfrnnt Greele you the moment _b11th. e)213)3 4.9022 __ I.ti• 111 Salt ZIOOi:i Br 1 Be w ' c'fi''· drpe, I T)' Le~~n4. BR TOWNHOME ~81iB.AU •••••••••••••••••••••• ynu ent•r thll lmm•cu· ...................... v11rd E/llde 626/mo 83~·860() w/nu crpt & paint Alao -..;.. WltfPLITlll LIDO ISLE HOMES lele 3 bdrm. 'l be Turtltt IELIEYE IT •• FINEST VIEW 875·60_811__ __ pool. ape. greenoell 6 I UAJT•lllTI I & 2 Sr Dleoount on P Im L J·' N rd"" I • ,__. r. l Rock Hlghlllnd• Oar(lltn 011 OT I IN RANCHO CALIF OC RENTALS oloee to FHh 111. Only BHutllully ltnd1oap•d •Orne modtll POOi. Sp1. r to uo 0 .,..y ront :> uurm, .> 1 ~ 111tti Home Forrnet 11v1ng and II b 11ore ee1e1ea • Reeoy 10 1-&br'a $200 lo 12000 $1195/mo lmmed avail garden 8p11 Pool & Spa G Y m . 8 a u n I . •I c Lge L H., 2 boat lih lJ!S Sl.!Hlll,000 dlr1tng 1m1 hceptlonal 111eHy10 own o hom11 llulld On paved road 2 750-3314 ooen 7-0•y• ~523CA""''J)a·fRVIWE I w e have many more el Covered parking . No 846-0819 µHtoral VIEW Outt1en· 111 Newport Bear.hi ONLY mlle1 lrom cenrer Fro gre11 prtc:•• Aleo wl pe11 0e4--U-Jlt_poo_l_al_de_1t_tr_a_1_er_g.e_ Remodc=olcd :l bdrm, 2 hulh t lnrj((' rt-<: 1111. ding land1<:op1ng & patio S:15 000 dc>wn ftn <l ... $80,00'1 20% down RENT ro OWN New ::!Br Woodbridge-on lh• lake I leeStl option• to pur· Bach. $41& 2bl, 2 ba, bltn•, dtwhr, beam ct•rhngs, fUI lllllh ('tJ, ""llOll $'l<!O,OOI) toreas One of 11'11 bHI 1ume $7!1 ,000 • 30 yr OWC tol 12'/o 752·2550 :l'/\b8. coodo Cell Rion E•8CUllve 3 bd, 2 '"' be chase Cell today FRED I Br $470 1'~ mllee btactl. No pall . LINDI ISLE llYFllOllT ....,. 1ocet1ons 1tep1 10 th4' 1011r1 Seller It flolOhl. -Owner/Agl 98'4·617 1 Many blrHI $1400/mo I TENORE 631-1268 or 2250 Venguard S500/mo. &38-8382 pool and ape S299.000 moll¥eted and will carry .,. I D 3 Br 2 oa on ·~ ec;re w/3 I • a 1 e 6 5 2 -9 5 4 9 , 760-8 702, 11gt. 540-9826 or 642-4905 0111ttnce A •P•Clout 2BR 1,.•••I• •, 11111, car' gar plua guMI nou., 55 t-2 t03 or 987-8857 2 81 I Be Mlnutte from condo with community I 111111 Z400 se Set 2530 Sant• Ane I OC·RENTALS SpecJou• 2 Br 1 e a S-.2& ocean. newly pelnt•d, Lugoon Vl!!W Crom 6 bdnn, ~ blitli, fJfuyroom, dark nn, den. Boat slip N ow $1 ,000,000 'I~ poo1 andtp1 $121,500 .. ••••••••"•••••••••• DO NOT DISTURB TE· 2Br/dbl gar Good area 1-6br'a$200to$2000 3 Br 1'~ Bl $475 $485/mo 720-0844 or U' I"" 121 1 •1o an11re Mammoth condo. N ANTS S 1200 mo I S895 Avail Sept 271n 7!>0-3314 open 7-d•y• Laundry 1ec . pool 720-489t ll ~-··-WiJlk 10 lilts, Mountain· " COllOC1 714/272 0097 548 9558 12 7PM ---------llYSllE PUCE '"' r)' back • ell pro(ect In I BR Orangttrte condo, Avail Now $1100/rno F1repf1ca, pool 011n-leundry. walk·ln clOMt. 'lt.~1.~ ~ B 851~226 I · EASTBLUFF 3Br. 2ba. • • t br, lrplc, pvt patio, pool, Spectacular bayfront Jplx 2 br. 2 bu up, 2 hr. 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces Redut•e<l $1,500,000 I ' Mammolh Prol decor 2 BR. nr SC Plz.a Condo• by ine lake. pOOI. 1ennl1, 640-9019,631-0836 waahet. pV1 p1110 X LG S •o D 83:1.·860() Rilll"1 .... r t , ' , · ~55·2238 msg Pool, Joe, lull sec;, car-Avl 917 1460 675•9229 qultl 4v mo t i•· ;J po11. LUJ! unll. Grell Loe Park Lido Condo, 3 Br 2 G 8 rd en 2 Br $ 6 8 O were Pl,,.., &42·8607 CDllOllDO CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lol 85' boot dock Plans avail. Now $370,000 wlt<•mu ILUFFS CONDO Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt. $250.000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 8oy\1de Or•v._. N 8 b7S b lbl I LllE lllROWllW No Pett $550 plus $35 Eaec 3rm. wtpOOI •P• Ba lrple, dshwah. lndry 557"2841 B•all•fl,. I•• Clt•••ll 1016 Hen111talr Lake Front. I u 11111 v 5 5 8 . I 6 2 8 . ~ kllch, nr lrwy $470 rm. 3 carporls, patio B N lllZ lf523CAMPUSDl·IRVINE ··,·.·,·;11···T·u···,· .. ·;·l·T~· .. •• ~~~5~gg,? te.2~~?011~0 775-2580 o -RENTALS 150.3314 $795 851-9522 ~ .... ~ •• !' ........... . " " " 7 1 4 . 8 4 6 . 3 2 7 8 0 r lllEL lllUll ll•r TURTLEROCK EXEC . 2 Lease or lease option l•r· Bachelor Condo. Slape 10 L •• ••.•.•.• ....... '.'·'•••••J•tU••'• FOil llYfSTOlllll 714·337-3635 Agl • Oecor.ator perlecl, apa-mitre, den 2'"' ba, more. ge 4 Br canal front. FAIUl.f l.PTI und Flreplace, OIW, '' San Clemente pride ol crous 2 bOrm. 2,,...b•. n-S 1350tmo 851·9350 yeerty. avllll 9. 1. commty Beeutlful garden apt• rtlr1g $365, t yr lat. EIHALI llY AWARD WINNER Ocean views. 3 bdrm. 4 be, kit w/convenlences. lam rm. toe garden. pa Ito, lorm11 din rm, lge llv 1m Quiet cul-Cle-sac $812,000 By owner 673-4411 onw111nher!h1YIP1;, ~Odu&nrl~ S1ppa1. IHI Eil•ll Cape Coe Pool, Jac. rec; 2 Br 2.,... Ba. garage, frplc, I pools &5 1~~11, wetk 10 ~~ll=~~~k~,,1~~!~ P!~-2131 jl2·3171 alt 6. ~ v Z'IOO eree. pvl µ1t10. belc:ony, commty pool, S150/mo b6ach. 1 Imo family conwi £•••H J.•ti Jiii house with OGHn-1\1111 & Exci10•1 wine cellar & lge garage Broker 851-8800 6"5-3370 att 5 wk~. 2 Br 2 Ba 15,.5 ••'••••••••••••••••••• no1f courae vlf;tlw Close ••••••••• ,. • • • • • • • • • •• u AAw•·--.. Or lse opt Leguna Ben Decorator well paper, I 398 w Wllaon 63 t-5583 -.._, to everything. only 3 4B Joa $469K S70K draperies and more f!l. .. '!t~!!t.t .. !.2.~~ CH'••l•i••• Mott tleganl apt. bldg years old 6 shows like r • s 1 o 5 o / mo c 1 11 £•'ER 'LO BAY 3 Br 2 U.•'•r•/•L-~ 3~zs Large 2 Br t Be wl1h L ee h fl 1 NEWI New owner COUid e q u 11 y 8 5 5 • 0 5 1 7 . ..., " 1, ... , In aguna e<:... nee occupy 3 bdrm . 2 o11lh I 544-2170 548-2239. 10 30 to 5 30 Be Ir pie. brick pallo with I ••••• ...... ••••••••••• garage, d/w, laundry rm locallon In town, breeth· -pm I 1 p 8 s 1 5 o o 2 131 LUM 2Br. 2Be, S.C Plaza, $'495 l•ktng vi-•. ell bulll·lna. city & ocean view opt I! l 1•l1l1 MESA VERDE·3Br. 2Be. 876-2255 Vu. AC. pool. avail 9·L Also lrg 2 Br. 1 Be "490 he a I e d Po o I' ~~tfe':c:b~~8~~=~119 ',~~ ...................... 5850 mo 191 6 lit+ sec: 1---$575 mo. No pets, Sher· Avail 9·1. 845-6825 sub -gerege. elt v11or Ho111ts lot S•lt Trade or 1se opt. 4Br 3b11 income. Seller will help Hoa••• F•t•f•L•~ dep No ca111/lg dogs 13 Br 2 Be, ocean vu, 'Y or Donna 979·2390 Oon'I wait only 1 large 3 LHH only. S850 & up. ...................... S E • • A a1'1 9-15 751-36A2 1825/mo, Arch Beech dys Br avail wttn 2 Be .. P•· 330 Cliff Or~ 494·8083 $469,000 S70K equity finance & AV buyer ...................... v ., I Hgt s. A v a 11 9 / 1 Hoa111 101 Si lt ..••.••.•.•••......... c.,,, /11111 l OZ4 ···•····•····•··••···· f~!!~.!!!!~ ...... J.~~~ _8_5_5_·0_5_1_1._5_4_4_·2_1_10 __ 1h0uaends of dolleral l•/)OI /dHd Jl06 Loaded 3rm w/lroplcal 633.9212 all 3PM Garden Grove New 2 BR tlo, In quiet area, large ltallll II lilll 4100 MOME FOR Sll( RCOUCED selling price •••• • ••• • • ••• • ........ patio, coiv kllGhen $325 1 C 1 'ft be. patio. gar. $550 & pool $675 845-3381 or •••••••. •••••••••••••• " $191,000 or $295.000 OO 1s way Oceenlron1 winter rental QC-RENTALS 750•3314 0 EAN AND WHITE $100 dep. No pets 675-5949 llJ llH••ate 3 bdrm, 2 ba. separate **EASY TERMS•• BELOW curreni replace-2 br, Iba, compl relur· WATER VIEW 3 sun· Crelg. 545-1370. GG PINE BLUFF APTS Contact l e rgeat G ay dining, covered pello. Wood/glass Views 3br, ment coall'I Prtnctpa ts b1shed. Garage, washer/ Spac. 3Br. 2Be lownhOU· decke. 3 bdrm. 2'ft bl. 2 1 Br with toll. & 2 Br. 2 Mele Femite aervlee In Ponderoaa St (Harbor 2be Small but clessyl ONLYlll Call owner at dryer U 111 pa 1 d se. lrplc mtcto, 2 cer gar I lrpc·a $I 125 Mo plus 3 br 2 ba. deluxe condo Be Child ok, on the So Calll. 540-6716 ond Baker) $135,000 97 23221497 5457 (714) 997-3970 8 10 5 w/opnr S760/mo Avell sec Avell now Lrg P&llo, pool & spe. 12.71% IUIUIU FllUOlll Just In time for summer. this lovely pool home leature1 terrific llnen • clng. 4 large txlrm1. new paint. near perks and schools. Offered 11 $139,900 540-1 151 963-0363 4 • • 642-0138 Sept I 548-3278 496-0554, 531· 1188 child o k near SC Plaza Blulfa. peuo. view. trp1c. ---------L 11• I lOSZ Call us for YEARLY or $685 mo 213·964·2686 encl gar . gas stove, dis· 950/o FINANCING .!l. .. '!~.'!fl.".!........ WINTER rentel5 Aeglr Easlslde house 3 br. 2 oa. HARBOR OCEAN FRONT hwaaher. spa. lndry fm ROOMMATE FllDEIS AVAILABLE! VILLE DE CERISE Sill J••• Proper11es 675-4000 2 car gar Nu 3200' luM hm on bluff LUXURY 2 BR 2'"' l'a, $600/mo Qualify al 9 9°,... Interest • I $800 mo 548-3561 180 deg vu ol harbor, Nwp1 Terrace condo SPMC 631·6107 and you can buy this 2 BEAUTIFUL Cu11l11u 1011 L•1.••• B11ci 314 aurt. m lna. 3br 3ba, Poot. etc. lplc, Patio 1----------Oldtel 6 largest agency. Bdrm home or ren1a1 OLD WORLD •••• ~ ................ •• ................... E'slCle 3 Br 2be. tam rm secutlly, sauna. spa Kids OK Qulell $695 mo Newer 2 Br 2 Be No pell All cilenta tcteened wtth wllh yard, patio and TOWNHOMES S600 mo payment for Emerald Bay pY1 beacn living rm. sep dining rm St995,mo 496•7009 837-2686 Avail epprOM Sept 1SI photot & rel«ences ood 1 11 bee by Howard Mark Co 2Br 2Bacondo 91..,'4 VA pools. tennis courts, Drive by 2567 Elden S450 760·1418 or Credits Coemopoutan ~hes&~~~~ $~;~.900• trom $!59,000 loan esk1ng S94.500 ocean view 3 Bdrm, 3ba $900. 642-2191 O<.ean view 2 Br 2 Ba Towaio••n ,_!>4_8_·_8_6_7_5______ Good Morning America, 6"4-7020 495·3244 760-0297 66t·3360 6 g u e 5 1 n ° u 5 e 3 Br 2•L Be. neer new. 180051 Sleps to beech. Nice 2Bdrm 2 be ••oat Tile Tomof'Tow Show. $1800tmo winter rental " s 1100/mo Oatrell Re/ F•rauiH JSZS M lSSlllllLE YI LI. Lllll llUL ESTlTI II ti •-L 1_,. S1ot1 Aa1 lOIO or $2200 /mo yrly lenc yerd trees, 2168 Ma. 759•1221 · ...................... ulil pd lewp!!! 141-11ff ----------1 twr. llH:IC• VVJ ...................... 7141759 0047 Miner $750 840·5010 BLUFFS 2 BR . 2 BA . TH $525/mo 548-0477 -,, .. ,,;. V1ll1• 1034 •••• ................. . ,-oou• YIEW . Greenbelt nr pool Frpl at 8,.....,,, on lhll 4 bdrm home on e1ts1 side of Costa Mesa with pool, spa and many olher &menltles $110,000 In assumable loans. On a cul-de-sac tool owe Reduced 10 $159,900 Call 979-5370 ........................ TERRIFIC HOME JIST LISTH 2 or, 2 ba view. p\11 street. Large 4 bdrm. 2 ba, family Fl 3 2 b 2 1 1 . pello. dbl gar Adults . NEW BREED APTS 2500 eq 11 Condo. wlll ec- INVESTORS Prol dec:oreteo. warm 3 2 bdrm. 1 bath home in gated comm Lovely de· home. Ii• rm, fireplace, edec br a rp N P t 1 ed 1950 tBR & LOF'T Frplc, rec cepl 2 adlts, or 1 adlt S5000 down and S200 Br, LR, o R F R big prestigious Nor1h Sanla cor Non-smoker No bit-In elect kllch, temlly S 1150 mo 1422 Terrace 0 es. mm • • room. pool. Jacuu.t. gaa w/ 1 child or ju11 1 edit.. Per mo neoellve csah Po 1 s s 1 3 o o m 0 rm attecned 10 2 car gt Way 760-8376 6 mo or longer lease & water paid No pets Pool, lg kit, 2 patios, lg !\Itch . nigh beam eel· Ana Large lol, r()l'lm lor ~ Call Jo Ce ol ( 1) flow for a 3BR lba sgl tings. tr pie plus a lrg Rv Owner will cai•y 1st 497-3230 rage Fenced yd wllh 644_9060 or ~44.8::i3 393 Hamilton. C M balcony w lbey vl•w 1amlly delalched home manicured yard w/e 3 To with S25,000 uown JI, / I i 3161 pstt.o We~:~: gard;n~ L•f.••• lllf.Hl 3252 _6_4_5_·4_4_1_1 ______ 1 _5_5_7_·7_8_83_or_64_0_-633 __ 9_ Call Rich Ownr/agl car gar. A real value at Close to perk 6 scnool & .!.'!r.! ••• !f! ......... incl d al mo 4 1 •• ....... ........... Westside SPARKLING M/F proleaalonal 22-3010 964-6171 $375.000 and you own f'Opp1ng $131,!>00 LIDO ISLE . 3 bdrm. lam Sec Pel on epproval Niguel Shores PV1 comm A••1la111t1 F•t•iliH CLEAN & SPACIOUS I 6 shr 2 bd, 1 b t apt In the land. Patrick Tenore. Drive by 3094 Yellows· 4 br 6 famlly 2 ba. •'•••••••••••••••••••• 2 B N I ed Cd M N on. s m k r . BHlia1t•• 931.1266 rm. 4 Ba. Sl700 mo tone (oll PaularlnoJ atrium 3 car gar. Pvt Ii/HI r ew y' ec. crpll, 957-0701 Agt by appt beecn & rec center drps, dshwr, range & re· S300/mo + ulll. 1a111u1 _ ,. ( >I l / Jl /.,. ,, lf1t) 1040 OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. s1250/mo. 759•1465 Ptai•Hll 3101 lrtge. view & ocean + dep. 760-8238 evea/ • •••••• •••• • •• • •• •• • •• 1 ea s 7 o o mo B ti I Lro e"ec. 2-&1y home nr ---•• • ••••••• ••• •••• • ••• • breeze 1. no p e' s wknd CLOSE TO OCEAN G Cl Alt 675 6161 So Coast Plaza 4 Br 2'-t Lrg. yrly. hall blk to bah. 1 $385-$475 642-0684 & --------- µ l Al ~ • ~ 1 ~~ 'V f '> ' P;.t [ "4 t 0, 3Br. 2Bs. dbl car gerege. 2 patios. lleg11one lrplc, owner-custom bit home $127,000 Ow ner will carry 1 at loan. Rey ••Oar41e, llltr, 141-7721 PlYlll llEIT111 HAVE GOOO INCOME??? SHORT ON OOWN PAYMENT??? PAYIN'1""tAXES??? With our lnves1or, live & geln appreciation In lantastlc 3 Br 3 Be new No money down. no I run y, r, • • Be. av ell. 9/ 1 $795 I llli11io11 Vioio JZ61 br. gar S625 1 rm & ba 552-9723 M/F shr beaut. Back Bey Lid o Realty OCEANFRONT duple11. Blomgren Ally 760•9355 ........... '/~......... S32S. lndry. 151, 18tll, pl ----------• condo Pool. lac. 1ennl1. qualllylno • own your Brand New Homes & Winter $850 up. $750 I HOME FOR RENT dep. no pets 673-9327. Eas11lde, Lrg bright 2 br $300. 645-5165 nome on our unique Condos, no money down Clown, 2 Br 2 Ba. lrpl, Ees1slde clean older 2 Br J Bdrm & 4 Bdrm ,6951 1·~ ba pello. evell 911 MIF to shr 4 br condo. shared apprt'ctallon fl. while tney lest 1714) 673-7300 gar 640·4111 1 Ba house $525/mo 10 ,800 Ftneed yards 6 C # 3124 $550 640-0997 ~:~;~ ~~ Hu":it~ B~:~:. ~ I 'iii5ii4ii6-ii9ii5ii22iiiiA~giit.iiiiiiiiiiiiii BEACH con AGE No pets. 548-6680 gar ages Kida a pe1 s .!!!~ ••. !!! .. ••• .. •••. LUXURY CO I DOS ~~e51~~~~·1io~~~~w11, BR 2'>oo. 1600 10 2100 11 2Br 1ba. t>lk 10 beach LANDLORDS/REALTORS welcome 5 45-2000 S440/u111s pd, 1 br, ups. sq 11 Payments run ILIFFS lllllAll avall Sept t $650 winier. Fast free tenant provl· Agtnl, no fee talrs. close 10 beach. lots Wll te le. Cst Plell Mester Bdrm, own bath, Sl200toSt600permo You own the land 2,000 2Br tBa.lrglot,Conract $750 yrly Ulll pd dars BEST Really ol wndws. beau1 sun-Frplc, elegant French near Beach/Ad ame Call Geo Brooks ar sq II. 3Br. lam rm. 2•;, I Elsa. egt 75 l ·3 l9 I 645-8943 539-6194 11, .. 11 1 ..... L 32~111 sets. Sept 10 642-5027 windows. AC. In nome s250imo plue SlOO sec. 714/891 5556 Ba. wide Greenbelt near 662-24 11 N "' •• VJ security 2Br 2Be, 1Br 960-6030 or 960-7874 • pool Far below merlcel T.,li• IO fo OCUIFllO•TI PHie. STUDENTS UNITE Pany ~···";··;;;;· .. ;-;;·;.-H••ti•flH IBa 6 studlot. Pr11111gloua N B avall ** * $245,000 Wiii lea9e op-...................... 2 slory 4 Br 2•.., baths 1 hse 4 Br bestc decor ewpon " 'It J.1ti 3140 I Br & atudlo Incl Wahr/ now. female only '325. LOW DOWN $129,500 toon Bkr. 644-6388 e IEW CO•IOS dining rm, oian1 Scree~ appls. big lncd yard, fair Be 2 blocks 10 beach ....................... , dryr. also includes pvt All prlvll 645-0515 ., Assume (Freddie Me<:) 4 TV. hot lub. mod kltch 2 m 0 n e Y BEST 18 8 crose 10 school 6 tennis Ou tel Juniors 6 1 Br club w/tennls courla. Br 2 Ba lrplc 19811 1 2 Bdrm, 2'1be, tow car anc;I parking Avail 539-6190 962-6683 From $375 Pool, ree l gym. pools. jacuul1, Rmmatewanttd,lhr lge2 Busnerd St Brk/Own SELL 011 TRADE down IC>"'.-;. lln'n &Y8ll Sept t5. 675-7650 Costa Mesa Chermar Weslclifl 3 Br. den. office, rm · sauna. enc;lsd oa· saunas. t>eaulllully deco-BR •Pl In CdM $250 mo Call Rich Owner/Agt 17301 K-' ff 673 1896 642-7743 11••1011 lllllE 96•.9 171 crptd 2 Br 4 family 2•;, Ba 2 car gar garde-rage ..... son ° rated clbnte 6 much • SIS tlllln Gracious 4 Bdrm tro· leYBI Pvt spa Contemp Clecor Asking $319 000 • meke olr Bkr 846-0709 -~ Elegant Home 4Br com-· · SI 1 842 7848 ----------Prime residential lot As· 1 home Stngles line too ner. no pell S 1050 8 er · • more From $450 mo F 25-35 10 stu 2 bt, 2 ba P eie view gated com-Kids OK s••o ••ove 1-&37-1458 or 548-5026 Inc ls moat utll 100 king $500.000 6"0-7665 OILll ltll Ellllt mun11v $4500/mo ~~ "" ESTATI UYlll Promonlory point apt . E~~~~~,'y 3st~;e &hg~: /fdi/t Bo•ll •539-6194* ~.~ v=.·3m~n~~: ~~~~~11~1g~ar~-~~~11 ~~'0 (btwn Sunflower & (9em-1pm) •• '! ................... 760-8099 now Info IH bo RI 549-3421 3641 Bear St N B 6 7 3 . 8 6 o 1 French doors, bay win· F11 Silt 1100 BOHll V•l•r•i1AH $475 3 Br 2 Ba dupleM be• u 11 I u II y done . pool Sunken gu bbq, Mc:Artl'lur) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii condo. ne11t to all shop-3 Bdrm 6 alngle monthly ping. No down payment. ren1 Stepa to beacn. minimum cesh needed 2 1 3 / 2 8 5 • 3 5 O 7 & for c1011ng co11 Phone 2 13/360-5465 wkdys 831-5055. 842-2000 2 t3/617-3585 ~~~~;.n::;~ l~~~g ;2:so"c;~;~p1~~~~;p~;t ii,-;;;;r· ....... Jl0Z ~~:dc;~"d!~r~;ous1hau:; ~~~~r07~~~~~7 now ~~=~.~~~gro:,c:,,u;t:!~:. A;~~~b~~o&w:e~n~~ ~~ ~n~?eMre~1;.. f~~~d~~ total, 5•1, dwn. xlnl foes-p1110. awning & ulll shed ••••••· .. ···,·,·•L••••• ••• yard. kids tine. Sm lee at Bluffs ere•. 3 br. 2,,., ba, rate dining area Walk-In pelS $425/mo 931 W S262 per mo plu1 utll. 11on. s 179.900 Fee 1and 2 br t be. llv rm. kllcnen. RE S BEST Othe" a vall condo 2 car gar w/elec closels. nome like krl<:h· 19th SI 548-<l492 Adami & Bulhllfd .,..._ By Owner 631-2134 PBtlly furn Adult perk Yeer1y-Weekly-W1n1er. 2 539-6t90 6 0 9350 en 6 ceblnelS Welk to Spacious 2 Br 1 Be on Call 964-7167 elter egm. ~~~:oi'ic~~~~n N~:;,e•:1 3.4 Bc:Jrms MAKE tT vouRS S350 A ~f<,~~39; e~ea Mr~~ 1 Hun111r:,~o;:.e~.'8;505 ees1s1de. near achoola, WIE 2 Ill TWllSE wlth 2'ft betna. 2 car encl gar 6 yard. $5000 down and pymt asalsled prog· ram . Call Rick. Owner/ Agt. 964-8171 0001 VIEW 2 Bdrm, 2 ba. c:ondo Full emenltlea end sec:. gate. No qualifying with $6000 dow n 10 75% loan program 1v1llable Call Rich Owner/Agl 964..6171 1100 PH Ml. $20,000 ctwn IOf a 25% lnte<esl In propeny w/1u sllelter benefit• Owner occupied or lnve11or'a position IYall Cell Rich owne< legt, 964-817 1 rofler sk ates • walker s'toys ·wagons···· scooter s• hot r od s'coupes· trailers'hard t ops'convert- ibles 'motor homes'law n mowers' limos •corporate headquarters •garden carts M odel A's ···· 601 LIOO l!th FLOOH Waterfront Condo i\Ot:l.TS ONLY Sf>''Cl.3c:ular V1<'W $ill!l.~OO Wo1 ""'"· ijrokl'r 211!1 Tustin Ave. ~Ila JACOBS REAL TY wnole nouse, eat In kltcn. N1 Bch 3rm wloobbltng 2 Bdrm-furn from $605 no pell S450 631"6155 ,_.t'~ .. ·~;~.= ... Mesa rn back PRO• big lncd yard. Kids pet• spa. cozy kltch .$400 2 Bdrm-Townnouse furn. Lovely Ea.slllde 2Br 1ba Cefol •711:. ""49 OWIH IUPHATE Must sell clean double wide Cameron wltri 81· teched sunporch & car· poll loce1ed in 5 Siar Greenlee! Park Asking onl~ $34,500 subml1 your lerma • owner will cerry r welcome Sm let at S v .,.. .... .A"A~EIEllT BEST cell 539•6190 OC-RENTALS 750·3314 lrom 675 2912 Peppertree Lene. • No pela. Utllltles tree• No pets $4 95/mo, Femeie Wt11c1111 lftt. llir.·8113 EAR BEACH 3 br 2 bl!I CHARM: E1tpended 5 Br LA OIJINTA HERMOSA 559-4718 pool, w /d, non-1m kr u 3 car y,arane HVH J•· $290/mo 631 7332 condo gar pool. tennis. """ 16211 Parkside Ln. 1 blk • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l SOOO mo 673•0672 cuzzl. oeded w/lrench w 01 Be&<:n. 3 bike S E'slde C M 3Br 2ba con----------- HELP' Responsible cple, windows. altyllghts. 01 Edinger 847_5441 do Lg yard. lrplc. 2 car Fem to ahr furn. 3 br 13 yr old boy, cat g dog 2 Br 2ba c;ondo Cape $1600/mo 840-2523, · · gar, pool/lac S725/mo condo. $300/mo. E/Slde need house In 'Old Seoes. Excrualve Ellde 833-2237 ll•,,..11 J.•~• 3161 631-7905 C M Ave II no w . Huntington" area. H B Pool prof lndscp'g, pV1 I••••<>;................ 2Br ardtn apt 642·2225 (West 01 Adams. South P 8 t Io· 2 c • r g • r I ILIFFS lllU OCEANFRONT • sharp No ~. S..40/mo _M_1_1e_3_5_-4_5_sh_r_5_b_r,-2ba- ol Beech Blvd). Approx .$750/mo 642-2137 or Townnouse 3 Br 2'1t Be 2BR, winter. no pets. ger 548-9950 nae nr s c Plan/Frwy. S600/mo. renl or lease/ 494-479 1 $950/mo 644-8138, S650 mo 213/795-3018 Spa s25o+ahare utlle. l~=o=p~ll=on=R~e=l=s~. 53=6=·=9=83:2:·:i2 Br house. 1120 Orenge 850• t801 2Br. 1Ba. S550 mo 4Br, 12,5~~":~ 1 'A"I bl. ~ ... 110'Y1 64 t-~913 Ave Pref sr ctllien Cln LmS/IOUl YI ' 2Be. $750 mo Acron ~3..,600 soc' ""11 rm,,. M-IF-to_sh_r _......__5_br_llomt __ ,4501 1 d from bC:h Sepl-June be .. mo e I er ..,... mo inc gar ener 2 muter bedr"1 aullH, 12131 848•2232 s 30 PM 2864 LaSellt w/pool. lrplc;, oll Baca leyft .. t/l•f•r•. Price Really ~8-3209 declcs sp1, ell a.ires, 957-2740 Bey, C.M S300 u1111 Incl. Park Udo Adult Condo 3 2 BR & loll In f'xcetten1 very nice 3 Br 2 Ba ft· 1795 mo 964-3466 OCEANFRONT DI• 2·4 Br 3 B 2 Bt No pets 2nd _63_1_·_8_22_0 _____ _ Br Pool. near hospllel. •\ l>1\ '''°" ol loc:ellon on Edgewater m~y rm, Mesa dtl Mer. Lse/opt or sale or trade 4 BY week or mon 1 h r l'emale roommate want- ( I h I $1200mo gardener. $950 Sierra Br 3ba Orten vu 673-7873 noor S495+dec> .... non-·--"~to -... -be8ch $1•5,000 n.-ar .ir or n'<''lm"nl C"11 v 5 A" 2245 .... ..,,..,.._ .. _., wlll nelp Agent 646-1044 ~~~~~~~~~~ Bay1ron1 ~ndo/Unlurn ..., 3 br " ba ...... U"t r-do ....,. ~ '"' .. " ' Mgmt Co 641-1324 855-0517, 544-2170 13 Br 2 "· Winter S750 ""'" lrvlne COOdO 1240 _.._ I-NEWPORT HTS 2BR tBA 2 Br 2 Ba. ocean front ' ..,... ~ ~· ulll 559-7418, 752-9089 " CREST RE ICED C L On Lido Park Or • 2 BR & I t II 346 IOUl YlEW Winter $750 Lrg oello. pool & apa. GAZ E R ••. l&f I t•l llTf I ll den, securl1y bldg, pool garage, ne• o par Delu~e new 2 Br 2bt. PROPERTY HOUSE cnlld o II n.ar SC Plaz.a Perk Nwpl 2 bf. 2 ba apt, ..... ---'-'-r---•· i I,,~ l'<•lt ,, __ --r-----4 ihls s1alely 4 Bdr 3'. Ba Crr8ll 1SOO S995 mo A Ogle 644-9778 lrplc, deck, nar Sec 642_3850 6"6-1869 $865 mo 213.gg4.2886 NB '350/mo +'A utlla. :l: u io k o.. r.; 1'1. ut... e•ecuhve home has Ju11 •••• -,,-~·•••••••••••••• " 760-1554 ah 12 , "" r v :-•••.•. ~·,~:·::: ;:."!; ...,.. "' "' been reduced lo $384, 6 graves In Pecl!lc. View C JU I Elegant 3 Br 2''> Be. 2 j••e Adulte One for Eastslde, brlnllt & cheery . ...... ... .. • I oala Mesa n urn story. POOlltenn11. fur· 8 2 5 . 0 n a '5 8 5 A , t • "'~ .... 2nd n t R r~ .1 ... 1b,. "'"'' •' • ~ "' 1 • 11. :, ,r'01~ .. :.;; ooo Amenities Include 3 Memorlel Park Sold out RETIREMENT apt, 2 BR nlthed S 1300 Un turn 844•8722• 55u1_6822 or ,., ••• I 1 Br 1 Be n11ur11 wOod r-BR qu..,1 1 r umML F' h~""i!~1,0~b;~;~,;-/1 .... • • car garage. wet bar. 2 sect1onotVt1t1detM11r clean & quiet locatio" $lOOO. 642 .,80• U•l•t•i1A" celllng1 6 cabinet• .ba\h ormatur-e I ' t<oo oo frprcs and much more $550 each, lell 2. 4 or 6 Re frig Included $400 -o " • •••••••••••• ........ • $420 851-9522 Pool. Jtc, lt1nnla. C.M. nr •*"-•N••U •• I''"""' 1•• u ..... !!;t .. , .... ,. !.:~:; •.. ''""' ""''"'-' ...... . '-""" ,...._uo• •i•••""t' ... ,, »W•• ... ,. "'.,. -~··· iOll!fH eOt"'"'',.• ,,.. ···~~ •JA•• •J' w-i-"f''_." t)~·~ •J-.i •• ''".. .., .. ... ,,._.. ~ ....... ! .... lt\f"~ .-.. _. ,, .......... , ... , ., .... 4'11 ,,..... .._. ... ··~ ..._. ~· .. "'""'"' ,, w--.... ti ....... no-'''.-n 111t-• "'•• h M•• "4W~"" ,. .. ,..,...,._ ,.., ... * ~,,_,.... •o. .. .,.. ,,~ .......... ,,.""" . ,,... ,.,.., ... ,.'#wol•......... '!ill(> '4•w ,_,_ ~to,..J ('g)AI"'" . ... "IU •• ......... •\• ff ...... •.. ..... .. "' .. ' '01.1•• '''· ''-""'' .... '411•• 1t¥'-l•H ....... .,,. ·-· ....... ~ ... _, ··-··-., ... ~ ... .. .. 111 .. , ... , .. _ •f.'-"'··~ ., ........ -· . ....... .. ...... ......... . ,, ( ,,...,,, .. , PROPERTY HOUSE J JL-· l l ~ 31-405 $310 7&1-8133 Iv • • 111~ Assume existing loan 968·1695 alter 6pm mo 642•3850 846•1860 31Br925 Ba, c8o3mm P22' .!.~.!.!~! ....... "!'!Clean 2 Br +Fem Rm. m.,, --~ '. 119'4 Make an otter 631-7370, 573 ... 0519 before 6pm waterfront Homes, Inc 11 Imo 1· 12vv. Vrty 1775. Oelu•e 2 br, w/d hk.,up, pauo. 2 peo-__ ... _______ _ ~·••• -:-549-3546 D I I 631-1400 MESAVERDEexechome. 631-2711 Fred Tenore, gar .. prkg. Neer water. pie 1515. no pell. Looking for aomeone to ,.~"'•""' •l "'" 2 sty, 4 BR, 2'A be. dtn. egt 675•4000 (Brett) 642.0461 locate & share ac>t, CM, •n·•• ~ Uait1/11S1J1 ll00 11L-·l / ~ 3z·-lormetdlnlng,lplo,grdnr NBorCdM 831-3981 etc • '~ .... ••••••• .. •••• • • ••• I -• I ••• V'W' s 1100 mo 6.o15-6991 For leaee or lea.a option. Bev front b&<:h unit. SA&O 2 Br 1 Ba .. 1tove. rtfrlge, :)161:1110,.• SIPEll TU SllELTfll •••••••••••••••••••••• Sl500/mo 5 Br · large lncld• uttls . Daya pool No pe11 $420/mo. _m_'G _______ _ TRADITIO~L REALTY " FOil llYESTllllll Y~I~ ~~25·NC~~e, 2!~1g:~·· H .. li•ilH ~:~~byac~~~~· ~~~~g~n..o 960-2471. avea 675·9302 423 W Bay 548-9518 A~e~J:e~~r '.ft>!,~~'!~(;. Sen Clem•nle pride ol 675--4000 (Bretl). ~n., 3 Br 2 Ba. lrplc. yard, or couple. 497-39lHS ownership, mOdtrn Spe. ••c. JZIO genge, $700/mo ~~~~'!Xi~ :C.~~~~11T:~ '''/::,.,.,, 3101 ·····oc.°ReNrA°Cs····· IO~~IHr •• !.~!!!~~!~ ..... !!..!! ~4~r5,~~·· pauo. oareo•. R,e:;:..;~~~.':m•kh/ ~~ layfrHt Ll4• hie golf courae view C1011e •••••••••••••••••••••• 1-5br's S200 10 12000 S450, 2 Br. ulll. pd. 4 10 ., __ .. _ 851·8800 beach H.B. 1220 & •,t viii. I Waaa. I l B I I I 30' 180 750·3314 onan 7·dl"" Super p1noramk: OC:tln, Harding. Balbol No °'""-••• n• ee 10 ev1rythln11i, only, 3 zro~u. ~o':,~~I ~llch., ,.. ,. bey 6 night llghl view pell. 547-1166 '325 • Bachelor aot. 333 &38-2876 Linda . ~.~k:eO:.,o; s:j~~~~6 Prln ~"es.;..~ ~':W &o!n~~~~ I or 2 Br 6 2 Ba. furn/ Nrg:~hp!~~.2~ri-~~d:~e ~~';'dl~'~; 4B~.B~O::,· c, ,.1 IHfUlll E 21st. C M Apt B·D 2 rmmtH lo lllr S.lboe occupy 3 Bdrm , 2 beth unlurn , Yr lea a t OC-RENTALS 750•3314 Decor a led !Ille a .fr.!!!!~!•••••••••••• 64&-8589,846-8103 Pen hat, 3br, 1'1'.ba • 20'-' hi" •1rtietl city 6 ocean view ept If $ I 3 5 0 Imo WI n le r 'M odel" In the earth· Ovple11 large 2 Br 2 B1. ••• YUH lrplc;, lenc.d ~llo. 1217 Urgen1 aale Condo 2 eppllcable & rent the S950/mo Opn Aug 29. Lrg 4 Bdr home, 2'"' Ba. 3 tones Community tennla laundry, garage. yard -+ utlla. John, 97MH7 bdrm•. 2•11 ba >Ont IOG. other 3 apertmenta ror 673-0433 or 558·1610 car ger, nr beach & couna &IWlmmlngpool tmmtd oc;cupancy 2BR11Ab1.Pv1~tlo.no btf 5pm(atwonc) S 110.000 S12,000 On Income Seller wlll h•IP Crnr 10th/Bay achool1. Kldt & ~t 01< 24 ht guard•CI g ete 770-2904 Ptll. '62& 1&52 Elm. Reec> non_,,.r oN40 Ot< -Payment• 1947 50. Cell I finance & SAVE buyer Winter rental•. quiet Bel· Sl l50/mo 98'-509e Avallabl• tmmtdltlt ly. c.,.,,, lfl M.I UU 648-3927 10 •hr lg• tu'rn home: u•c owoe< 714·681•4818 thou11nd1 ol dolleral boe loc 3 BR 2'"' ba, s 1900 per mo. Donna •••••••••••••••••••••• SpKlou• 2 Story 2BA lit\ own bllll, C M. 548-2497 5 Br light, brlle. aecludtd REDUCED selling prl~ new hme $975 mo CU1e B•atlaflt• Godlhl U 844.f200. STEPS TO OCEAN I~ 2 BA, pool, pvt. ~tlO, oar· John ·---. " ,.,. 2 level E11ete alzt 101. o f $295,000 00 la way 1 BR 6 work rm, furn, •ut.u 3141 Br 2 Be frplc, m any port, children 01(. no -F.-m--t0-1-h-r -w-,-.. -m-.-28-, ._ ............... _ .. .,. 1nopplng. achooll all BELOW cur1'9nl replec:.-$600 mo 873·&369 8••e•ld•0••m··a··v.··11·a·b·1·.··w·.··.: •mt nltlt1. 182&/mo . PETS. $475/m o 2310 Iba apt CM Aec. Id '-to 1ono '-....--• net1r by Owner mutt NII men1 co11111 Prlnclpal1 Days 642-67&7, ~ & Santa Ana A¥t 645-3017 S 2 4 2 5 0 & ,_. 'u l I I · & will finance. What 1 ONL'Vlll Cell owner et Cttl•I '•11111 3ZZZ therly Bil Townhou•• Wllnd• 831-M30 ~ 213-376-8107 831•72ee · ' IN r F} E D ~:::~:\92n~4~54a80 \0~: (7141 s;,i1~i~;.·;•9;:c;~.·t;,: ::~~ ~~nnl~r;o:,~·~~ Ct1ll lftll Jll4 '30&/mo. 1 lk 1 Ba. ~-F RMMT WTD to w ~8R -I I r I I ellO maw...... 842-D 131 med celling. $796/mo appllance111m•nllle• ...................... Clld ger•:r:· lndry rm, ""' N bOl'I yearfy $260 , 707'"' Acacia 840-8188 s 1 4 7 5 m 0 Ag 1 •Laro-1 9r. 1 9a. dlhwr, p1t1ofyar • ~I pet~. 8 7 5 • 7 7 3 8 ( e f 1 6 ' I E. C I Blu,'. Wiiand 4 h · 3 bl •-t••• ln·Mtt. •AAA 837 ,....,.., BAYFRONT CON DO: lndry rm c erport W/ avall. s.pt. 8•7 270 .. 1 • ~ ....... A_R ...... "_,......,r-i lamlly & ~UI ;;, 2600 ~ ............ :"".~·~ Large !I Bd Home. I . """""· B .. ul. Yltw. 28A 2b•. side. $300. AY•ll i-11. TSL Mgml 842-1803 _ .. _. __ .,, _____ .,.... I II I r I 1q IL End unit New E·•ld• c M Trl-ple11. MP CorOf\I dtl Mar I'"'•• JU4 Sec;. bldg .. no Cl'IHdren °' 645-0825. F w1nltd to •h•re N.I • .. _.._ .. _.___,..........,_ l I hr u out. I 3 1 6. 0 0 0 . metered. I 18,000 grot11 780-8701. 976-2144 •• •••••• ••••••• • • •• • •• pe1-. S 15oo 87,..&e79 U&O/mo. 2 Br. 1.,. Ba. apt, 1 blodc to bdl 1218.. ,_,--0-----.1 :'· Ownr/Agt. 844·8308 • 1 8 8 • 0 0 0 . 2 er 2 Ba, dtn, frple, •lee>• LIAlllU Blutta 3 bdrm 2 bl good 2f~~~P'~:~~:; '= ~~°"= ::fO:Z·:: 878~. 545-llU 5 " 1 E . 1 ,.,IW!n•l:let on11 •'"l' C!Old Lii IPT OlllD 1•303•897•2887· I to beech. 1 1070/mo.1 3 Bdrm detaoMd homn loca tlon. green belt, u 2e' mo. (7 14)694-188i I Ina. Avii1 Sept. ' F•m•le roomm•t• want· 'I r I I wln1trwl'9nlw11010•111Qup • Income prop•rty, No O srre ll, Rt/Ma 11 ln excetl.nt a,..,.Avt ll•·1 •omt Yl ew. 1 1 150.1 .....e. fSL Mgmt 8"'t.1803 t<l,~lludent..Ado- .. - . -fl waa eoco•d muOO*ft were 1nan•11c:tualve commu· downorvery i m a 11 1 75ll-1221 I ble l mm•dl a t e ly . 844-0388. I t1ble2bfl'louMon ..._ .---------.only •1u11no couo11 -. nlty. Wilk 10 bch. Every down P I•• u c 111 •cu 1 • 2 Br 1 a a r $800/mo cm 1 yeer lt aM. I WlltWI Y1LUll $5304540/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. boa It lanes H H mo I c 0 T p E K I I amenity I Shewn, 191 at &48·2168.; oceen1ld• of GCH, gR·1' I Five Olh•r• to ChOOH :a10 CANYON 3 br, 2'A ba. 1 & 2 Ir. •Pl• I Yl ll.. 1 l tOfy. lheg Cfl>t. d,pe, 873-etOO .. tor cwoeyn i---.1...-... 1, ........ 1--.('"'' ....... l -e '-""" ,.,. ...... ,.,. ....._. Mutt M41 • h &,000 Call alt 8PM, 673·31177 ' lrorn. We're I~ onet to vlt w. Yeerly or allort , PoQI, epe, lndry rm, no PetlO. trplo, beemed «*• Paytu at W1ter front .__ ..... __, __ .__ ........ __. _ __,, "' •:::i, .. ,... 7:1 -11 I Mullen Re&lly 540-2960 I l '.W. Ont1 .... I l cell for ltaMt l •rm · A Y • 11 · n ° w · , P'\a. lmmect oocupancy. llnoe. enclld penioe. HOMM: ev" H1·123' ""..-... ""'~'"" -1 Atk for Lori I unite All 2 1>drm1./ C•tt 1ftu 3U41 844-8080 E\ltn, Agt 1 81' ~60 TSl Mgmt, 142•t80G Vldll . • "IN' ~tfO r r r I' r r I' r 11 Owner wtll call nnenclng ......................... ' (Uj] NPT SHORES 3 l>r. 2 ba. 2 "· 1515. 11R '380 utll peld, o•t·1-------- 1ll1US IM 5Q!J11tts l ciaullled Ad• are th• Call egent 8&1·1217 1~8:111~~.~:.~d1 8:~!1:.~ ~i ~'Cfhrldgt , lplC. p1t10, rw. club. NH Cell tor appl. ort laund , no pate, ~.4!!~ .... ,. • ~~f ur1tn l I I I I I I I 1· en1wer to a auccH1tu1 Trlplu h1t1ld• C.M I new cerpel1, SrapH ,' Reahv I yrly Agt. 873-8080 TSL Mgmt. 6411412.2. g:3 W. 1ey.1:.:H11 I UNNY N-po'1 ha.otr JOI llNl"'WI . . • • • . . . ·I garage or yatd talel ll'• • Owner wlll carry, lrHI I paint. No pate. 1&10/mo. r. 1Npl CNe1 vtew 3 8'. a 8&. 2 Br 11,t e., no pate, "460 Compare before yO\I buy. Pinlo Ottto.. W ~. - ... um •~-It at ua .......... _ 11_ be•t•t w1y to tell more tu •h•ll•r 842· 431 1 plua eecunty, 54~2. .iSI 300Cl I Plan 4, 112.00/mo. Agent for 2. permona. 755 w Clu.lfled mallt1 It ... y Su ite 2 . 830•1"'0 . -----wwn wtltt....-1 -, people! Matte 71o.6G29. ttttll1n111t1 Pl11n.lr•h•• 840-8206 t81h SI. &4&-9607 642·5871 =-:l=.83=1·=1=-094~===== (~~-~----~----~-~ J • I t\o t •• Orange COHt DAILY PILOT /Monday, Augull 23, 1982 ~"'~'M.4'fm~ ... ~~!r..t.f!m!!........ ~~~~!!!~!~'········ ~~!!!r ................ jr~1~ .............. f1'~.1!tr.fn~! .... . ~l 67 Per Da r JAYI "8P,Al((A8V $h•mpoo ' •tu m C!IMn fap d MOM will car• for Wall •••lu•"·AC.OU•ll6 Tllll l'IOllN'S CLEANING •&· 1 •V1H• Piii P&1m1t Alatm Co (Lie di 8ecutlty • Prof Ba1tendlng Sat1.1 Color brtglltanar•. whl your chll<I '4ny eg .. My Hang Tape StMI 1tud1 SIH'vlce a lhOrayghly lop quallly lf:lal care bloAlchard Sinor 11, 1y1tem1 101 home a hat'1 ALL YW PA Any OCCH IO(I Pllbl ba1 crpt1 10 min bleach Home C M 11411 rtU LI(; 380044 t-1132-61140 Top~/remOl/90 Clffn Clean hOUM 1140-08&7 n ~ OU .. ,, ... S.C -vtty A lor a I 1170 761121112 1 1114 t Hall. 111//dln rm• t 111, avg up, lawn renov 7& 1-3410 In andllng 2 yre exp 2 044 13 yrt or happy · II 6 MN i 30 d•y ad 1oom 1160. couch 1 10, C111tr••l•11 ,..,,., DRYWALL TAPING MOWING Cl~S Joan'• Clelnlng 81H'VIC• CompellllV• RllN IOOI cu1tomett ••llmate llM 4 • In th• •• ,, .. ,, hnJt.. cnr $6 Guar •llm 1l•I •• REMOOEL:AocioNr · All T•al1Jr••,. ACO<JlllC tiaullrig lendlOtlplng HouM•·Apt1-Ren1111 No OVIH'tlrne 130 13()3 Think you 1131 4410 11,rldl•n - • HILY .. GENERAL.BUSINEsa·· odor Crpl r8')•h l6yra & Carpenll'; I led 215 ~·1 K•Vlt• II~ ~r.. ... 842·11907 Olfle.. 54o-i:m STARVING COll EGE , ' •• SERvicit i'RePAt;:·· PILIT srnv1ccs op Oo woik m~aalf vr• MP 11w1n b48 2t11l lJHlrlt•I TIRf!O OF HA&8Ll!S? STUOl!NTS MOVING .!1!.~!J.............. v1n Oppene &ervtee co ••a"IOE Help lor emall bu11neH a A•I• 63l-0101 I •••••••••••••••••••••• ll••'rm•• Quality ct11ntng help 11 CO lie l 124-4311 • •rthlng Interior O.atgn (T 1') ll3lHSM -" phone call away ~·c· --8-N s---, ......... 111·R•••4. ELECTRICIAN PllCl<l ••••• ,.................. ,..,., "•'• OG0-'14152 l111u19d 641-114"7 HANOlNOISTR1PPING llRIOTllY ordkeaplng, tu prtp, No 1a1ml o hampoo Fr" Ht Raae price• r1gn1 "•• .. 11m11e on I Carpentl'( Muonry I I WATCH US GAOWI vi .. ·MC Scott 1146 032& I r/J• 0 1 1 co 11 Stain Speclall1I FHI Oual WOfll Lie 3371110 ta1ge or im.,I )obi Roofing . Plumbing EApar Hou•e Cleaning P ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• 00 IT NOWI UI 11•. unu no dry fr .... , 0311·1!1112 e<c!l-4010 LIC 3116021 073-03159 Ofyw1fl l!ltuc;c;o file Relltbl• Rel• rullg• Mo .. lng Low ASA PAPERHANGING Cnuck fof Ille Work 4119• 1266 RemO<la4 J 8 646-0llllO !1()3 18711 rate•. lantHllC Nrvtce 1 yr• IOUI ••P Ou11 Ir .. Ell Dv• 640-15 •88 lo fer S .. 4ra C j J I #dl ,. Cu 11 om r • m OU• I•· ELECTRICIAN I Sl•t• wide VIH & MIC work Prtc•1 11111 at I [o11 wk11d• 876-6100 Your Dally Piiot • ~ •• !'.~ •••••• ~I....... .. •••• 11.c ... r•I• addltlon1, lrM .... Qua-Sml Job•IRepalra Lie Ben'• Melnt11n1"ce Serv APT & HSECLfANING I lnevrad 543-11482 C111 t811011 Alee. 751 7027 --6ervl0a Directory Cablneta & Cerpaotry •;;• .. •• •••••••• •••••• Illy 2nd to 11one Banda4 2331011-C 10 54&·5203 Pturnb .. lec-carpenlry Aellabla, np, 1el1 No f -137, 124 I Tl~ lnt1all & Ree>llr Rep1aHnt111ve sm1111 Jobe A Repalre ~':~=!c~:,•o;z~8'rick con 11 l lc 4 111 5 70 RESIOI COMM'LllNO I Painting Call 0114·11231 Job 100 email 057-3341 --Expert wellcoverlng 111-GuaranlMU work Aef1 Free E1Um11ea 845-2003 #381067 Rob 547·2883 548-4271 20 Y" Oo My own work HIRED HANO, WILL LET ME 00 YOUR I '•'•"•1. •1•11•110n AHi ptlco I ~tee HI Bob 1175•8595 141·11ll, Ht. UI Lie. 271104 1 Al 8•6·11128 TRAVELI Many div., .. I CLEANING FOR YOUI ••••••• •••••••••••••• Coneullan• Anignment ---~~~~~~~~~C I Orlvea. pallot. walka Fr" l .J, ll•tt.e• I IH cho111 Wlllle 1142 3491 CMICdM Jufle 842-0087 PAINTER NEEDS 5111 8690 T1H ltrriet ;;.. .~!1!."..'l............. E11 No ~Ob 100 •mall Lie 3001188 R.mOdel. **NORTH STAR•* WORl<t 30 Y" up, Intl ,. I •••n•I ···;··t.'owRATES .. $" .. t£a1ll••I C•lld•I Ooor hanging, remodel, 38-2607 Add'111, Cablnat1 Elecl11<:1t Contrector CALL HANDYMAN JIM iHl•l.,1111•• E,o., Acou1Uc ceillnga •• '!!. ••••••••••••. ••••I Ti~ trimming 6 iemoual •••••••••• .. •""•••• cab1ne1a. paneling. etc C 1 1 b 1 k 648-8586164$-4644 I.IC New 1ervlc• 220 M 11n1 plumb repair. •••••••••••'•••••••••• Davit Pe1n11no 647-5188 *•BRYANT S• • j" • tied, r•appU.O, ou•r . Painting cement Reta ~110 °c":: ~0•111c1r1• p•a1r10c • C I W---6 "I cl1cutta 24 hr 645-4174 painting RH/comm'I PROTECf YOUR HOME! Cullom work, lnl & •·t wancoverlog Remov11 '1 cteenupe & mowing lneured, llc'd • 14811 I Jerry 546-4413 • •· 01 •• "'-"'• •• 1 538-09571538-3684 Prot M 40 evall now ft I a 554-7017 730·1000 1r.ee111m11e• loundallorta lie O ••••••••• .. ••••••••~• f•r•/l•t•••ll•/lj I I I 8 .. 10312 ' llc'd20yttfnare1.11l1 Al TvPH 42·1343 PIEE ISTllUTEll 536-5013 Kii Aemod. ceramic Ille. •••••••••••• .. •••••••• I xn re 1 • Herb (71•J 521-8012 efl A1•61/1 Rea•onable prices. la•t. Concrete-small or lge Clblneta Call now .,, .. Cullom Aellnlahlng-Furn B •• •.•.'.'··· Sept or later, rem acade· 5 30PM rl~!!!!t• .. •·.~1.·r ••••.••• '•t•ri•• ~.,r.:,................. p1oieaalonal WOik ~ estimate 8•2-0881 & lnterl0'8·All Repalre ~MP.jo9s...... mlc 35 Until Aug 31 l BATES PAINTING EO'S Pt.!"STERING ···M~;i ~~i,j~;.··.t·;4··· ~: ~~~~~~~~·s':~~~~~I~:' cue tom work tool No job ~~~:11R:i;i~e5 t';place or Decorator 1tyle Int, bara. Call for tlll 844-5294 & Smell Movl11g Job• 873•2041 SPECIAL! Ext sgl 5400, Neal Pl1Ch1111, Int/ext Oayte•e Sf> & S 10/hr , S&S Asphll 631-4 l99Llc too 1mau or too blgl Ca-man1e1a. llbtarlH, hlQh Cell Mil<E 8411-1391 £ I AJ' 2 tly $650 645-0383 Rea1uccoa 64!1-8258 M1 Mo1gan 64!'>-5 1711 t Dan Hallberg G1adlng blne111. kitchen remodel style rel .. d panel walls 6 ~~f!!.-.IJ'A. • • ••••" •• • HAULING-GRADING .~ .... ••••• • •••• • •• •.. CANYON PAINTING • 14 PLASTER PA TC HING -1 ENGLISH TUTORING ! & Ptvlng Co Ree/coml !1~~)1~~udm~~,~~:~~181 f!iJ~.f. .. '! ............ calling lie 11311-2366 JHtle s 011oerMg demollllon clean-up VllEO WILL.I yrs In o c Setiafacuoo Ru1uccos ln1/n1 30 Reading writing & • lie 3117804 842-t720 HARBOR TRINITY PRE-~•111/t Clean-ups. 11ee trim 6 Concrete & tree removal For• fr .. 1a01 ahee1, cell guar •94-4~ 1 )'II Neal Paul 545·2977 g1ammar Pvt 1natruc- counterlops I do every-SCHOOL DAY CARE ...................... m11n1 serv 540-6035 Outck ae1v 642-78311 HarryWeese.Allorney11 11on SSth1 751 1840 'Allen• • 1hing from S18rl 10 flnlshl • KA TAINA ·s LIVE-IN Law 553.-0290 OUALITY PAINTING •••H•li•• 11 ... 11, ---: ....... 1.............. Cell Brad at CENTER. Coate MHll nskpl5, dally maid aerv, billet La8410lfl8I PROF SERVICE ' EKllfnt reu ratea ••••••••••'/~ •• ~•••••• ... eraonell-red. tow cost le-(114) 111·1210 Opening Sept 13 Full olllce ct11n1ng, crpt Tree trim. gen clnups, Haullng )'Id clean up ll•l••tl Lie B348276 536-2368 14•r11•lesl11·lt•ttl, W/o,frt CJ•uiaf gal aervlces: Ind . lemlly, and ''-dey care 7 AM lo cleaning 835·2116 Quick & cte8n. Free HI •• • ••• • •••• •••• • ••• • • I Free est Rees pr1c11 , • •••• • • ••••• • • •• • • •• • bual. lnltlal consultation CUSTOM wood patio co-6PM Regllter NOW "--R ~~7'1~~~-~~~ a~ry~m=~· 673·0548 BRICKWORI< Small Joba EXTERIOR PAINTING I Oval work Lie 337169 "Let Ille Sunshine In' free. 553•0290 v111s. oecks & fences by Como1 Bake1 & Fairview 1.,_, ••f.111'1. Newport, Costa Mesa, Custom work Free est 645--40!0 Coll Sunsnlne Window Randy, 641-0622 556-4335 or 556-7787 ••••••••• •• ••••••••• TNE lllHI soe11r HAULING & CL.Eo4N-UP lrvlne Rais 875-3175 Rues ~ line 1n1 & Sllll· Cle11n1ng, Lid 548-8853 .. L • • I Ooors 11placeo. doorways .. .. Y01/garages Prop. mot lllng Steve 547-4281 R 0 0 M AD 0 IT I 0 N s 20% Monthly Olscounl i1n1ltl•f C S . Ew.per & dependable added French entry lawn-tree-shrub 1n11all 631 -09531831-0865 Brickwork-small or lge Honall.Rel1°ble & A•te --•••"•0•••• ••••••••••• ''I!.' •rrltl Cl\ild care during grav-custom & Interior Tree 111m11emo"al )Oba lOO's loc81 refs RALPHS PAINTING ienA-• JC&~B Conti uLIC Loving mother wlll oabyslt,. • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • d F v ~ 5 vv w; 4 1 • lull time, Nr Fairview & EXCEL CARPET CARE ayer shill Lrg Hm. 631-1528 anytime f Lawn care/Rotolllllng Rou.clHlli•I 1nce 1969 645-8512 R lntFlexl Raes 1118' •347877 974.7955 •• !! .•. !~!!!!~I ..... . B.k-. c••. 5•6•8653 Jack Butflngton plenty 01 steeping apace ---ree eatlmata 548-6065 91 • el ree est 536 9898 C -... ~ 841-2277 Dr-•// 1 ••••••••••••• ........ rw•r••f J II ompu1e1 word proc41a Owner/operator -;:1.-.................. OUALITY WEEDING 6 Housework own trans· •••••• ••••••••••••••• P11n11ng our ramify 11ao1-.!!..~I............... sing Fast. accurete serv Compa1e belora /OU ouy Ca1pet, uphol, araa rug Llc'd Daycare. ages 2-6. ORYWALLIACOUSTtC Malnt Remember tile 3 por1auon. Eng speaking ·ABC MOVING · tton lor over 100 yrsl Huber Roollng-all types Reas rates No1a1y Fr&e Classllled makes It easy cleaning Work guar my home, Segerstrom & Repairs. new & old 11 A's Reaaon1bla, Rella-1 Ca 11 EI o 1 s a So I e a 1 Oulck. C11relu1 Service lnllexl Lie 348252 Free N-·recover-decks pkup & <lehvery Len. 642-5678 Free Est. 645-1771 Fairview 957·0360 yrs exp Bud 552-9582 ble. Rick 497-3070 548·4839 Free estimates 552-0410 est 681-3998 Lie "411802 5•8-9734 751 · 1314 9!!!~~.~!'!!~! .... !.~~ 9!!!~~-~!'!!~!. ... !.~~ ~~~!~.M~ ....... !.~!~ ~!.'!~!.'.'.~!'!!!!.!.~!~ "'i/::J."'' ,,.,, 503S ~!!!!!!.~' .•...... !.~~¥ '!!.11..'lf.'!!~".~ •••• !.'.~~ IJ.'.'l..'lf.'!'.~~-••. !.~~ '1;1.e.11 •• "'!!!!.~".~ ••.. !.~ q~llf.t.11 •• 'lf.'!'.~!. •... !.'.q~ UEOITIVf HIRS IHI SPACE OIM 2 Br 2ba condo, nr So Cst Beautllut executive office •• • • • • • • ••• • • •••• • ••• • COEDS • -"Jou Id love 1° CHoltr&t IEIEUL OFFIGI MOHfOLUIH llOIELS IAVINE. Phone answe-Anracllve rustic up1111rs Plza $4501 lat & last No suite Plus warenouse In IUI. SlTilEI party with you Call Sue Needed 101 luxury Le-E•perlenced person lo 3 days, S hrs/day in Nwp1 Toni s Scanty Panty now ring, conl rm. ulil pd. se1t1ng We supply desk. pets 2131693-4890 alt 5 p1est1g1ous design center M•ril•C• Ce l•o ~ r3 ~g 1 ~~3;nY 11 me guna Beech hoiet Wee· run small olllce •type Bch LI hsework Reis hmng models Please sclry aervs. etc Also space, copier You sup-3 bi 2 ba deluxe condo on Rednlll 1776 sq .ft S 1 11 1 1 1' & 2• 1 / 4• kends 11 must 3 days per quotes answer phone Own 11anspo11a11on call 548-6•44 c M desk space. S150tup ply pnone, & $95 pr mo lrg patio, pool, spa, 675-3882 lrom 10-5, pecr~·znf n 15~49 nd week Con1ac1 Mrs process mall Spendpe11 675·36751675-3471 NURSES AIDE S•0-9745 pr desk Cell 644-721 1 chlld 0 k near SC Plaza 644-9539 afler 6 Aobl s:,~:,ce NHICM si:~e~~:~e~:"ci~~~~e Vaughan-Purole time learning 1nspechon MOUSECLE&IEll 1617 Wasl cfl11. N B 256 *FREE RENT* $665 mo 213-964-2686. 'Costa Mesa· RE B1oker Bd Re81tors Ollice-hm-oulcell 494-8460 lor small machine shop Exp 8 r Mus 1 ha 11 8 on Ped1a111c. group in N B to 4000 sq. ft. 1st. lloor Move·ln Allowance 642-2171 5415-0611 83 6377 EOE MICRO P1ec1ston n324 S Full or pll1me Call Mrs Agent 541-5032 Mo-Mo. No lease req A,.,, ••• ,, f•r•ill1H retail or olllce 600-1200 1-coo• Camino Capls1111no, la-upervlsor qua1111es Austin 645-4670 Full se1vlca, furnished, OI U•/•ra JllllNt $I 497-S 132 Sell S 12.000 aec Mort· "' guna Niguel Mature Pall lime Excel· ---------450 aq. It $1 00 pe1 sq recepllconl areu • 2 •••••••••••••••••••~~ gage. 4 yee1S strelght 1•ri•••I Min 2 y1s eKper Hiring 714-499·4508 1 lent pay 966· 1300 Olllce position Must be I t., 4001 Birch . NB mo t1ee From 116 sq 11 SE•w111D l11tl•1lri•I •••l114SOO note 1 2 "• r or $•nit., S360 tmmed Days only Geneiel Office Legal Secretary on Hu11t· e•perienced in corr•· Agent 541-5032 960-2471 " "' ··a···3•9•7•5•B•••••••a•••••• S80001Cash on Costa •••••••••••••••••••••• (714)553-0735 ong1on Beach PIT Expe1 spondence. o1ds h111ng ----------1----------Ylllall!E N lrch 3 60 sq M H Insurance agency tn Necessary At 19· ast 2 1yptng etc 546-0606 •• tt or less M IA 0 esa ouse Irene I E llll .. IEmEM&I Counler Help for dry Coat11 Mesa has opening ll•WMtl ••tll 3169 New 1&2 bdrm lu11ury Agent 541•5032 z l1e 556-421111lte1 4PM I " Cleaning Pla111 Exper 101 eneigeiic person 10 clays a week Flex nou1s Operators w/cllentele ••••'°;................ apts in 14 plans 1 Bdrm I Eecort for Women I or will train Must be neat handle a vartety 01 office Wilt 1111n on IBM Display NBI CM •Int loc Amla-WESTCLIFF BLDG. NEWPORT BEACH \,.01At o 'oft••f(lofl Cb•t>e ll'td +rt1ft• Ate • An COAOrt1eN"f ~c _.... ,..,,,.,, .. ~ ""'"" Nr~nfaTs~'v~~tRe~l~~11do lrom $515, 2 Od1m lrom $750 up 2160 II l11du· All••••t••••tl/ 4Q7.5725 \bet 8am-8pm) I 'n app e arance du11es MuS1 be respon-wruer 847-6041 ble working owners. 1aor 675_.912 Broker $5 70, Townhouse lrom stroal • Olflce 1810 I Re-499-1985 30846 Coast slble and w111111g 10 learn I legal Secretary. tempo-_ oeats 631·4 111 __ $640 + pools, tennlS, dondo Circle d M & T 1tr••••I•/ White Mele wlll model Hwy South lagU11a. P Id b II l YOI IESEIVE nt walerlalls. ponds! Gas Hun11ng1on, Beach LOii I f•••tl Ray a company ene 15 iary, 2 weeks Civil L111-Part time ma1u11 girl lro tor cooking & healing l 842-2834 ••••••••••••••••••• ·•• 530-3283 I Cell attei 9 am For ap-ga1iori. Newport Center day needed by small NEW gated 20 Town-paid From San Diego 300 I $ ,-0--All•••11t••••l1 S/00 DANCERS poln1ment. cell Pauline, non smoker, lully expe· mntg shOp tor tight olflce home VILLAGE COM -Frwy drive North on 1 sq t 4. ••••••••••••••••••••••A 111\0ugn In 8 non. 549·8909 rienced only 760-8866 work. lyptl1g & packing ./ u ... ... ,/ '""' ...... blikOIW' .t:c. .... ...,~. ,,,_ .... "" Call Mr. Howard 645·610T MUNITY 2 & 3 B1 2'/w Beach 10 Mc:Faoden 10 front olllce large 1ear Paycnlc Readings ma11t1me business. hold 1100 ft • 1,000 WHk Mllll SnLISTI lrYE·ll A M We 1 s s Co Ba 1600-t800 sq fl ot S door 1789 whinier Ave (Sptrltual) MaS1ers fie. all oceans. • 7141851-8239 pure luxury Garages. 118w 1 n d v 111 8 0 e Days 540-9352. Eves Jack (714) 558-1178 unlimited tonnage, us Motivated stytlsl needed Permanent. lull lime lor --------- spas tn every home • (7 i 4)893-Sl98 646-0681 Merchant Marine Also Full & part-llme dancers lo Join progre"l"e salon m1n1ma1 care or semo-PART TIME DE LIV ERV ---------• master suite. dining • 4000 SCRAM-LETS sail lie Would entertain wanted lot Ba•e Min· Sall Comm/ Vacation invalid Exper or willing PERSON 18 yrs gd *.EL.IE OFFICES* rooms, wood burning .!!.!! ................ lt•11t•/1 W••tH 4600 a"ocatlonal tuns. wknos 1mum Teleg1ams. Audi· C a I I man• g er · I •o learn ca1e ol lleos-droving record 751-4705 From 1 room 10 3 rooma II replaces. micro-wave EAST SIDE CM Private ••••••••••• ••••••••••• ANSWERS & 1118 llke • at little 10 no Ilona being held lhls 714-540-8889 tomy No lilting, no hou- From Sl 16 8 sq. 11 Ne ovens, private patios & lurn room & beth U111s. ClllPOllTE oherge tor "light stul1" week lrom 9 AM 10 3 PM Hardware Sates PIT, semi I seworl\ M tF Releren-1 PAIT TIME Yards.gar"'ener provl· Incl refrlg S315 mo P•ESIDEIT s F Applu at Bare Minimum. ti d cas Eves and/or weel\ends lease required. Adj Air u .. • n Define . Cream I owners teva reeman 8 ' re re type, Apply In · R Porter Inn. 2172 Dupont ded. Elegant llVlng onty 673-7544 Recently moved 10 Noise . Pocket 673-3500 dys, 673·8211 I 1 07 W 1<a1a111, Ste 216, person Crown Herd-1' 673-2389 esponslble adults, o11e1 15 minutes from Fall\lon Anaheim or call (714) 21. with oYlstandlng. al· Call AM 833-3223 Island, 7 minutes 10 s c AOOMI BALBOA S230 Calltorn111 desires quetlly MEDICINE othetWtae 778-8421. ware, 3107 E Cat Hwy LOAI OFFICEIS 1rac1lve person11111es 10 Executive olllce suite Plaza or o c Airport mo vl-turn avlb 9/ I, 1 remember one very I Tr1w/ 54SO I CdM Aggressive Newpoll I work will\ you1n fllges corner ol 405 Fwy, Neao Just east of New port I I 2 3 + non . s m k I Furnlst>l!<J home lor rent cold winter when I was •••••••••••••••••••••• Beach lorm ~c1eks moll· 10-14 I Call 2-SPM H8!~ Blvd Take over Blvd & so. 01 San Olego 673-90 IS seasonal or long term growing up It was so LA 10 Atlanta, 1st class DA TA ENTRY CLEAi< Ell-HIRING voted ind1vtdua1s Tern-642-4321. Ex1 346 EOE leue. 1600 sq.N at 904 Fr w Y $ 9 0 0 I mo Room lor Rent 2 Bdrm cold muggers were only' a11l1ne 11Ck91 $960 Value, pendi ng Nwpll Bch MAii WORIEll Ollf loroes open MuSI ha"e PROJECTIONISl ' P/llme 11. Calf 751-6191 531.5439, 2473 Orange hse College Patk, CM, In Laguna Beach, stealing cougl\ M EDI-I will eell SSOO. cash Valid I credn card company has R E lie . exper prel'd. NB Fountain Valley Olllca_A_v_e_ .• _c_os_1_a_M_e_ .. _. ___ , lull prlvllegas $300 C811 Newpo1t Beech. CINE. 1 101 1 ye11r 557-7196, Jell i'T lemo positions avail L.~cat :"~ ~~~ 36 ope-Harbor-• ac111c 675-4580 ell 8PM ans w a' B d d 5 2 0 , Corona del Mar L• 11 f. ' S300 •• frstl•t or Date Entry clerks ' n ngs n erent de· 955-0073 apace, 2500 sq.It, at 80¢ 642•4300 24 hr •• ! ....• .'.".~•••••••••• •• ~.~--··••••••••••• 10.000 key strokes per I pa11men1s P/tl•• llHllH ic!i ~a~~l~g~~~~·& Back Bay NB pvt rm I Contact (714) 494-3757 I SdHll I a'o nlllx:cei /e~ua'~r:, i ';:,~· !~~,0~!~~~·~~~~ Supplement your income roo k hurst Cell $!8S/mo 0 lncl utll Yng 2 Responsible. retired ! FOUND ADS 1 •• .'~.'.'!~.tJ!!'! ••.. J.~~ Mon -Fri 88 m 10 1 080 lypong & clertcal lunc-1 ~~d~:~~~te~~a~~Y1~~~~ 751-e191 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING I em . 11 on • s m k r Adults (MIF) wish to rent Student Trainee Fall en-4 30p m 714-759-7000 11ons Small Nwpt mtg companies 14 hr guar 4-00----900--P-l_U_S_t_400 __ sq_~h Al~~1~'f~~~ir~~Ce~1 646-5559 ~oub~et H:':'teolwo' 6 amto ARE FREE rollmenl Snow horse IECOllTlll SALES P MOJi.H STARTING co $1000 + comm plus alnt Donus 1neen11ve Penthouse Baytront Sul-apartment community on lg 1m to rent lplc patio 964 6110 P stable live In Non-P I T FI T xlnl comm II ( I II 1s2oo+1 851 ·0444 program Goodapea111ng te, parking, palloe the Upper Bay Private batn $250 lat 1u1 H B • smokers 244-2218 1 work In CC Must have 1 lf•f ••0 • Maintenance/ Ga1daner voice a must For pe1so- .,..8_7_3_-_100_3 _____ -I clubhouse and neatth near bch 536-7103 Call·. Jo)i W••IH 1015 llalr lor color, will train H•• prefer O'le1 40 y1s 101 na1 1nterv1ew call Jell Scaling Down? Stulln SP8, 8 tennis courts, 7 Sleeping room w/patlo HELPI Responsible cpla. •• • • ••• • ••••• •••• ..... 840-5249 I 41,ar1•11ft, apt comple• experience P 8 1 1 e r 9 0 11 a 1 out? Lower overhead pools, close to business. Pvt ba entry Avail Sept 13 yi old boy, 011 & dog 142·1111 light housework In ax-YOlll Mllllll necessary 54 8·9556, 7141545·5776 malntalnlmage,ottlce at al1port, Fashion Island. 12S250 1t137t S neeo house In "Old chng for prl rm /be DEITll&U'T PEOPLElllw 12"7 PTIMES&LE n c E c 1 h mo 8 h t Huntington" area, H.B Resp mature e .,.. 'd NEWPORT BEACH 1 ' ---------' S negency enter, uJ on11en1en s ops on Newport 6 6-3592 01 (West of Adams. South ·• · X,.vr .. 714·984-5354 MEO CHIROPRACTIC Enjoy working with klc:Js, suites In N-pon nr Alr,l slla Unfurnished bache-781--0467 ot Beach Blvd) App1ox. loS1 Al OC swap meet. 2 rete1enoes. 545-25 fS Challenging, rawa1dlng Call Sat-Wed Noon ASSISTANT 1 girl olllce end wish Increased eer- port. fully equipped &~ tors. 1 & 2 bdrm apla and C S600tmo. rent Of lease/ RINGS Se11t1mental va-B•/'f. w .. tH 1100 caieer oppl'y loi a me-HOSPIT •L P/T P M Ins exper1enct> t 1 1 1t1lled tor every bus'.I townhouses ~';t~· ~~rnn. ~~~10'i{'~~I oplion Reis 536•0832 tue RE WA RO 540-6968 ••• ••••••••••••.. ... • lure energetic, uper · "' re Q u tr e d Bane I 11 s ~~~~~· ~;~~~11ri~~' 1:~r~ ~~:·,:~~"~~I~ Sever!~!~!=and 1 Reasonable 538-8544 LOST Giey 811d cream ICCIHTS HOUYUU ~!~!11~:P/~~s F~~~~ lOCHITS 541-4779 how 10 become a trained 833-11978 Bdrm units feature llne Prof woman & 1• yr old female ce1 (Had yellow AO AGENCY smkr 644--0595 llECEIYUU MCll. TillllH Ules counselor Call d I PVT ENTRANCE & BA da•.,,hte1 wish to share a collar w/tag) 1 ur old Fast-paced environment General olflCe position in ?-5PM 642-4321. E~t SO LAG estgner urnllure 11nd Non-smkr. bualneesl -· , Oenlll We con11nue lo g1ow and 345 EOE UNA. 3 Arch Bay ec;c;eaaorlell. Move In to-prol la 8 Sth S250 nome with 8 responsible Gtenneyre SI , Lag 11 you have rat111ed ex-E corp acc1s receivable piosper as the natton's ---------500 sq f1 with good hwy gun 1 o o m m 1 w , k Chlld1en neerlbroken pe11ance, excellent ly-llpe!lenced R.0.A. nee-0111ce Medical blll1ng vlelblllty 497-2351 day o1 ieserve for sum-49•-0451 2 13.S 95 . 0 71 1. h m Reward 497-1377 ping skills & en(oy a 101 ol dad for Orthodontic ex per pre I 'd Good mos1 successful o11d llUl ESTlTI SALES --S-u-.. -,-.-, -c--ec-.-o-tf-._-e-~ mer months. Smartly WANTED: Pe<eon 24 plus 526--4077 responalbllfly, we need pr11c1lce In Mleslon Viejo communlca1Jon. mathe-respected marke11ng co Neeo 2 exper people In 10 ren1 room In Costa --v • you Call 979-7000 • · · metleal and typing llk'lils ~ ..,. ..,. "' lurnlshed tnodels open lost whit• F Shepherd area 830 3703 Due to expanSlon. we ! comm6 !Clal and 1ndu- Prime airport locale on dally I • /I / vie Atlanl8 & Newland. E na"e ooenlngs lor I or 2 s1r1a1 real es1a1a lor suc-Mac:Artnur Blvd Price Mesa Piofesstonel pre-•••••11 anti 1-t B 536-2287 ( Ileen) IEITll lSSIST /Ortll•. Must be dependable highly mo1111aled lnd1111· cessful and g1owlng llrm reduced Must seal On Jamboree Rd at I'd Beau! vi-2 yr Old Fi•••tt Aide lo I ed Ch 1 Id XI & ' e s P • 8 n d s e 1 1 • duals 10 assist In men11- 497-«>34 San Joaquin Hiiia Rd ~ g ~ _d9 04 O ~ adl~ y~ ~ ~ ,··.·1•1•••••1•1• •• • • • ••• ••• • • L~~ml e~a'~a3n.MSaSna1J01Pe<>lqnullne wom11~ p~~n~rl. r~u;.~ be~:· R;A :: :r~~~le mfll~~:~ 14_640_8950 gament ~n89~ =~~I~~ t cin:~l~~s &••· 1100 63 , pm Must drive Balboa Newp ort Bae ch ~11plc:J advancam11n1 tn 7141646-5051 *I'm -u• t-8506 evH $275 l>.Mtt••itw SOOS His Or, S8n Miguel Rd 1s1a11d 675-5652 640--0121 HOSTESS salaryanoresponSlbllily iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii -* Spac 3 Br 2 Ba lplc, gar, plus.,., utll HO<Jse pr1vga ••• ~~; ..... ;,........ R-aro 553-1950 Exper 1n publlc contact O.C. Airport 11rea P1ot beach 2 bllls $900 yrly met WllT... Lost Male. yellow lllb. Ap1 Manager, couple wt Dental Asststanl. lull lime. preferred, ovt will 1r81n environment. full 1e<Vlce. No pets 645:1682 4 BR 2 Ba hse, WIO, ate Swallows Quarters but Is approK 4 y1s. reward experience for 100 unit lront & back office eit-10 nelp show spectacu111 aggressive. nard wo11<111g or no lrllla. Individual ol-1----------,225 mo. No 111 & lest not your typical Video 631_0658: 642_4522. Jim ga1den ept., Costa Mesa perlence, ROA X-Ray lie ~:ewf.~~e~~=~~ ;;:,~hy. lnd1v1dual who desires 8 floee or desk space. 1503 bdrm or den. 2 b11th 646_8386: 642_4172 Game? Weighs 0111y 7 $750 + bonus+ apt, 1eq .. salary open, bena-Tele·Meikettno caree1 11 tq It • 3500 sq It. 1 MO Upper duple• Aval! Sept lbs & can be carried LosL 2 yr old brwn Germ. 642-4907 Wkdys. Illa. NawpOft Beach area prospective buyers 1 or 2 you are seeking a ch&I· FAEE. 759-8978 tlee1ly 538-3600 R1l•l1 #•1111 4100 under your arm? 19 89 Shorthal1 pointer Cecil & Artlll . PI T. ror sllk screen 642-6680, el/ff & wknds days wk Bilght end tengtng and 1ew ard1ng ~~~~~~~~~~1318-;-2~8:&.""i;-pj':-iilri!cie~I ·•••••'••••••••••••••• 01ange, CM 6A2-31SI 673-3403 exciting personality, ax-1110 Ith t -1 8. 1pl, garage. SUWI MORL easy lo set up u plug-I-shirts Experlanceo callanl conva1Satlonallst pos n w an es •· CdM dlx1ulla.AIC.ampte beech 2 blks y11y g1ng In you1 toaster? LHts •Hklaoe 831-3494 IESfllEIS ti C&Ll and super grooming end bllsheO, growing com- pkg, utll pd. 2855 E. Cat 673·2571, 675-9875 r,kJ~ r:n~~I ~~~0:~11~ Takes only one minute to REWARD Sentlmen1a1 Bat:1ys1tte1 wanlec:J lor 4 lor 1he Proteaalonal that I appearance 11re ebsolu· peny, c!ll ~e~"s~~l(ln· Hwy. 975-&000 Crappy 2br, 11ea1 beach, Phones In room 2214 play & can never be value Gold Chain with mon1h old Full time 111mpty doesn't have Ille tely euanllal Reel es-non 81 '141 4 • 2000 aq tt otflce space for nlee eraa, lurn or unlurn Newport Blvd CM mastered? Hae dapen-bu 1 1 er 11 y c n 1 r m . Mon-Fri. slertfng 9-13 lime, end lor everyone tale lie la nelptul. but not Wl\at 8 Wonderful World! lte. Ct • 8'1811 now. 625 S600tmo 673-6336 649.7445 gable mlcro-?procceuor 494-7432 Your home or mine concerned wltn "alue 1equtre<J Send replys to W. 19th SI, Coale Mella 1----------1 as.a circuitry an get 955-2526 Fial design fee, $3 pe1 sq Dally Pilot Ad No 1041. 01 Shopping rig I'll at 6 45-8830 . see M rs Eucullve Condo 1BR. B [AC H AR [A you started lmmedlalely FoYnd SheltletCoflle type 11 we wlll sell 111 co8l P.O Boll l560, CostP your fingertips evarydayr Northrup. den. ocea11 & bay view. In an unt1pped market small dog. lrvlne area. plus 20% 759-l406 po Mesa. CA 92628 Dally Pilot Classllled ----------1 Celh cell, trplc, security lor under $6500 lor 5 June 497-5728 B1111klng B 5 2o B b 1 Ads To place you1 11d, If it's got wheels you'll move it faster ina Daily Pilot classified ad.call 642-5678 and a friendly ad-visor will help you turn your wheels into cash. I S750 ' II 9 S $8 I Units? To fll1d OUt •bout O• 1 al oa stand. T 1 1 d . 2000 ft b 1 ga e mo ce • 4 k v TELLER 92611<> urn o o ay s cl11ss1fled call 6•,·5678 and let 11 and ~gh't ~rk ~~~~s 834-1547 · W tnls unique product call Found female collte trt-Io r t n e o est buys C1esslllt>d Ad-Visor help St orag e area wllge WESTCUFF 1 br condo Relrf9erator-Meld-Pool ~~oci.~J;~;;ss'~~l,·~~e ~~?:1 c~~ka N~~~~~o'~~ Part-time po11tton eval-llllYEll 1;:6:•:2:-5:6:7:8==-----=)'°"=========L'oe•= •;:. •;:. •;:. •;:. •;:. •;:.•;:. •;:. •;:. •;:. •;:. •;:.•;:. •;:. ·=•;• ovemeed door ac<;ess. 3 pool, no pets. SSAO mo Nwpt Blvd & Wiiton 75•-3734 table In oor South Cout 101 light toe.I dellverlea.1t min lrom lido Isle Ideal 673-6640 Coate Mesa 1148-9755 ARTIST Need e~cepUonet 1----------1 Plaia Office fucperlence F/tlme Mon-Fri, neat for comb olftoe/S1or1ge Yearly on Iha b98ch, 110191 artist to do 1por11 action Found Meu Verde, 2 p1elerred Conlect •PP 234 Fish., Ave., CM Call 845-4800 ask toi Watertrontlwlnter, 1 br room. kitchen & shower figure sketches 81 reas Fem Kitten• 8119 Kathy Amburgey 540-9373 Vickie or Anna $800 & SSSO Days 13"01 1 d price. James 861-3386., ____ 5_4_9_-_00_7_7 ___ 1 714-~0-4088 -E--C-------O:ii07.~~~'M'-;;:;-t;l-6~4~2:,:-21 ~12~1 ·~·~v!411~73~0-~021 o~·~ ' mo. p VII •ec fl· '. c ·LIFORNI.. FEDERAL AT. H EAT-Be lie h & 2000 aq 11 w1500 IQ 11 poall. 2306 w Ocean-btwn. !>· 10 Pm Found Fem. Hu1ky puppy, "'sAVINOs"'& LOA.N aflm Earn $3000 mo etorage. o c Alrpoil $675, 2 Bi 1¥• Be, lrg UP· hont. Newport Beach -L-IO_U_l_O_A_T_IO-N--0-IS_T_A_l_B_IJ_. apx 8 moa, Albertaon 695 Town Center Or. Supervl1or poalllon• I,. I I 2 0 0 0 I m 0 per. Eastblull. dbl gar, 873-416'1 TORS STOCK ma1ket, CdM 67J .• 7359 Costa Meaa. Ca. 92626 .... 11 831-2801 1151-80211 no Pets, pool 8011 l•••tr l••llll 4ZOO Light Bulbs • Ftuore· Found genl'a ring vtclntty Equal oppty Employer --........ ----.y-•-ira_O_I __ , Amigos Wey 844-7118 •••••••••••••••••••••• acen11 • Commerc111 Dover Shorea • •• • • • •5 wr•n _,. WTILIFF wtElU am&LS Light F1x1ure1 • Heavy e.cs-o 190 Private Olfloe ... 14115 0 t Sh I I Del 1---------sp•~tou 2 bd -~-.. Av11l1"'--. Agt 67 .. 8170 u Y e v ng . uxe ••rP pa•y.-( Branch Otflce .. $75 -• rm, ...... ""' "" Office Funrnlture • Who-,.,,,..,, 5350 _.' -n• Ana-Ing Service. $40 poOI. nice area No pets 1 Br •IMI>• 4, acro11 tl'le tesale Price• • • • ••• • • ••• • ••••• • •••• .lfl II TIWI 752-8408 1675 644-4187 11ree1 lrom the beach DISCOUNTS AV AILA· Be 1 telephone promo- lnttrloi Deaton firm has J750tmo 3 Br 2 Be en-S.295/wll. 875-5068 BLE Liiii I YIOll'I lion clerk IOf local new- 400 aq. It. lurn'd upatilre clad garage, w alk 10 t0•••f1tOIT 3 011y1 Only PHOTO MODELS spaper Private desk, otnce iapace ror rent In beach, yard/balcony .._ August 2<1th. 25th, 26th ESCORTS/DANCERS cuuel attire. 0111y requl· Skypark area. Looking Won't teat, call tor appt l1IM1 Pt•l111le t 1 Autry lane, lrvlne OUTCALL 24 HRS rement le a good phone tor compatible co. foi TSL Mgmt 8'C2-1603 2 atry 4br, 2'Aba, dining, Or Cell 213/553-85115 111·0101 vote. and lo!• of enthu- lnfo. call 558-21132 Hk "• c1 •••• ,. 3111 giant TV tcreen. hot lub, I.rnt•••I alasm H~··· for Jan. • • • • • • • • • • • •.... •• •• • • modern kite,,, 2 car gat ~ Slabte Amerlcen host fa vv 1 Br. pvt deck. old WO<td Avail now to 11/111, 1Mlf••/lw SOii · Mon-Fri ll.30-9;30PM COiia M"' 200 aq " to charm, 1pect1oular 67S-7050 ••• .-; ••••• ;,........ mlly wanted for high Sii ll 30AM·l.30PM 2.,.,,. ..,. ft 7c~ ..., ..,, 1----Reaort condoa, BullhHd echool 91udent All living 164.00 to ata ... """ ....... · ~ ,.... . ..., ocean ""· wllk to b9ach Trade your old atull tor Cit L hit (C 1 ·~"' wlll ....... ...,. d " II & up Cllll Realonomlc s 9 c y, aug n o o. ~ ..,.. ,,... Y9 Aller let weell, aher• In · • 4 5 ont1C1 Mgr at apt new good lea with 1 Ak~-1 " ti r1 hi 6. II 9 "0 .. ,. •"lwkndl Corp '"75 '"700 c 33 '""" ·nun ng, I ng • ., "'"· partn-1hlp profit• " ..., 2 Encino Ln Ctaallfl*! ad 842·667& g11nbllng, We hlvt l'illl1· 1'iii54ili·i82i4i3i ai1ikifoiriMiarleiiiiill For tnla<Vi.;, T al1. $50.:?0,000. Pvt par-1• olll 1tter llPM IYHllU PUT 111E Be a cerrlar counaalor lor a locel newsp•par No experience nee••· airy Work only t2 houra a wtek. S75 10 atart plus addltlon11 t h8!e of p1rt- n&r'lhlp's proflta, A real f\.ln Jobi Man8(181M1'11 opponunl- 11111. For Interview cell att., II 00 PM. ~2-50711, ext 312 FACTORY TRAINEE 3 1htl!1, tdMI ror woman OV8f 30. No phone 01111. Apply In penon; IVERPAC CORP. 5465 P1oductlon Or, HB ty, <213>1111a-2284 HOTIO 142-1171 !'.~!1 .. '!~~.'!!. .. !.01¥ DAIOEll en 112 ex~~':,,~ e~. l 25K. lllort term. w.tl -I h I / I 1. ~~~~~~~~~~ A,...... In -.on ...... t You can be a WINNER cured, 311% to1n • 10 • 10 I tr 10•1• 1~ ..,..., ,...... · ..._ Of ~ Q. value. •03-7674 ltrttfl •Ufltl, ~:!~7m::O~~~ mo tor Mi:. t 11114 ..... Jµst by sending us your name a nd ~ s •=n, r1e11 Tiit Leet l1rr11l. ___ 7_eo._11_11_1 __ , __ 4_01_-"_4_n_Eo_e __ 'dd d I llJI 711•1111 arpet clHntng & tight I llUIMI I .. ress an by watching for your: ;;,c;0;;;~9·;;;;;;.0.;1~~~~~~~~~lmatn1anenoa.somed~ PLANT MAtNTENANCE name in the Cl3SSUied a ds Of the ! RE Lo1n1, !OK Up. No . *** V~~evanlng•, p '' Par1/tlme, 13.50/hr. Ml- 0 91·ly P "lot • Credit Chac;k, No Pen·' 1 I tura. rtllt ble. C•ll Mo-. I . : atty. OennllOft ' ANOC. Atl111tl1 P1rlor ICASHIER/HOUSEWAAES nlc., 842·5804 •It. o. W h I 1 873.73 t I 0,._ 24 h" 8 day I Slat laaCrOE)(Wpar1i prlefrd• !.pplyfl • ,.~ .. ,___ 1n ltrkM'\ lo t 1• r1n·u-.. itrt':t nmu~rmrnt nttrer : ,..... Ha .. --...,.,...,. lton<o l>f ~portlni l'' rnt" ,Ju~t f11l 0111 tk•~ rouvon and •, t" Sacur.O. dl1e0un1.0 Ill 7 days • wMll I 3107 E C 1 Hwy CdM ' Pff. ll am • 2 pm, Mon-1 I >ti h TD'• for 181a. Pvt plf1Y, Jacunl, Seuna l.0011• • ' Fri N-.d mature ~ mn1 1111 ay lot t• : ts , (2!3)etl-?264 11 w_,t 11 Tourl•t•. I COMPANION . w/olltce expe1 10 do • I a t: I 81nl1Ama1tcard. Amar· Llw-ln, older lady lo help bk kg, typ'g e!:lm ' ( l ) ) 14NTBD (..---05----) ) N·ewspaper Carriers for routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • • • Good Enmin9s Super Trips Great Prizes CALL CIRCULA Tl ON DEPART ME NT Daily Pilat 642-432 t Classified Department, Dally Pilot : 111 ~ _::. ~ ~YOU HAV£ • 111, 2nd loan h p,..., Olnere. Alt drau, cook mHI•, It phone. COuld Into 330 w. Bay Street, ("osla Mt>n, CA 92826 : z :: .. :.-; " or 3rd r O to SEL.L? welcome 7 14/040~3. 11 .. w11. Mult hive car. 1\.111 llma Cell &&&-2il3i. ':::::::::=:---:-: ........ -==---i---------".'""""--•=--..:.__ ... _,_-_.:...,.....1 700-11145 2112 ~•arbor 91. CM N.9. 8.48.0805 ' 81111 lor l orn• • ~ '-=~~--~~:-:-:-:::=:~========- ' 1 J l --· !'.'1..'!.~~ .... !L !'.11 •. Wf!!.'!1. •••• !.~~ REAL ESTATE 8AlE8 Tl&.1 .... 1 Pereoneble. motivated HIHVATltllllT .. 1.. people OMde<t to •n•.-v11 I ..m '1000 P9f wk. wor· _,. ... king 20 hra. wkly. Cllenll mllm l tr11tnlng p1ovlded. Den Plu111n1 1urroundlng1 flvey 714·720•0234. EUy l'IOurl 3.g pm, IHlnlllllT Newporl Beach Area l aw Firm ,H eka recep· tlonlat with llghl typing allllla. Full time potlllon C.11 Karen 851· 1005 Mon-Fri No Experience nec.11ery Olli~ IOClllod In N B Call 641·01 t9 betWMll 2-4 p,m. TILIPHH llVllTlllll W.11 For 1oee1 cot~• •Porl• HOlnlHllT and performing art• pu- F or buay Chiropractic bltcetlon PIT, FIT Cell office. Min typing 55 _5_5_7_·99_1_0 ____ _ WPM, good flgurH apll- lude. 9·15 Mon/Fri Exp dHlred. non 1moklng prele<'d CM 631·5690 Telephone Salea Eern Big Money by the beach. $300· $10001 week Cell 538-7611 for rour lawn mower Orange COHI DAILY PILOT /Monday, Augu1t 23. 1982 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 LINES ) ., OLLAR& • days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non·rehil'deble. litre llnee I t.DO) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 .._, IHI lt/1t1IJ,.He1 1.110111J1e.Jlu1111 IOIO IHtt l•ll HIOl1t,11, loll •••• !!f IA•t/fH•/ ~.".~' • .' •• rf!!.~'!. ••• !.~!f ~!.'!.'1.!'!r..tJ!!. ••• :·· ':;'A •••••••••••••••••• ········•········ ••• 1 ••••••••··············I ·····'·· ··•••••••• •••• ••••• •••••• • I Cl•11Jc1 IS20 D•l•u li11 ••1 111.11111•• 01111 ············::~:······ WAllTED! •••••••••••••••••••••• Sign up nowt flor Info ESTATE SALE AUG 24(.25/26 ~ I MIHL A t i Liie model Toyotu UMITll lffll Call. 847·7688 FV -Shey repllcH: ptckupe & Volvo• Pickups & V•n•' 12 7., I I I a ...,._ CAT COUP•• 4 10 Ch0018 C ' f t /le Shlh·hupupp1 ... 2·~mo PllOtl llle, flllf1 Hl•H lr<.>ml (0067861 ISlk elluetOde Fln.evell.O,A C c'~ t I~:~ .. ~. ~6.8 bt. ~~ Tl•ta l tlO Al •• , ,. I .. -·n" ..... I A30~3). Price• starling.. •• au .... 992.0011: 839·988? att A11t i4ut· furniture. llummel i.. Conn Aucust llow Out $2,995 HLY Sl,tlll TlllOll 6 Organ, Chkkcnng ¥4 Grand P1urw. 18 lllltolal Etlitlons 1ei.t1 Rtttltwtr China, doll11, Cig. 8 docks w /cal«nd1•r, I '"~.~~.~.,, COSTA MESA DATSUN 14 mo old need• home primitives, linens and loL'! niort• gocxJ1es THE WORLD'S FIRST I "60 .001., H 0-'461 631-1992, 152.0651 MC or VISA OK. HOBIE DEALER Miniature Schnauzer Pup WI llY plea, AKC rogl•. Champ HELEI IOLAID Hobie Dana Point USED CARS & TRUCKS aired 3M/ IF. 768·81523 . 34 195 Coast Hwy •• Dana Point =53 Studebaker Champion COME IN OR CALL FOR frH II 11• IHS J1nJ 1010llfl1t1llHHH (114) 418-12&1 5 pass cpe Nice car FREE APPRAISAL •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••'!.•••••••••••••• Wo•IH IOll I $3750 2131592-1792 Cormte•·O.Llllo Lovabi. Fem Hlm•leyan. 4 1 3 1 carat (loo1e) di•· •••••••••••••••••••••• I OMEVROLn yr& . dectawed front. mond I color VS 1 Apr WANTED Worklriu bike 1,. .. I lollhltil IOIS ltd llt•tt lfH4t4 18211 BEACH BLVD spayed 979.3993 de~t $9200 like 13700 PP for 5 yeer old. and tiny Ill, i.'1 •I I•••••••••••••••••••••• 1946 Ford Woody We· HUNTINGTON BEACH 2845 H•rbor Blvd. 714/540·6-4 to Ertn 631·9276 olllce fridge 494·8n9 ••• ~(~!f~!~! .... !.~~~ WANTED 10 renl uil· gon $t3.000 141-IOll, Hl-UJ1 16Mos Spen/Colllemale B tlf I I '~ I OAR ---IFICE boardlor2 week1 Ill.II OLlll Hsbrkn St1o11 Lie. Xlnt ~:~.S uonly ~4 .. chl 1111/c.l I SAOll C 673-4629 1 1929 Fore Model A Town TOPLESS MODELS $75 DAY • PAID DAILY no exp nee: • 826-2583 over t"-counter & pttono w/klds 6'2·4174 640-8S88 l•llt••••I• IOIJ 50 hp Mere OIB. new IHll Siii• Sedan $10,000 deB f d fUng/ gra ---------•••• • •••• • • ••• •••••••• ·91 eng Never In t /W1r / -~~le ,:r,p{: Fltlm; UOnduerrwGrtrtotnwgtng Goner al \~1:n~1;P~d ~!~~ ~::n~ IS2000LI WHlfl!51A2.•~109 YAMAHA Baae Amp i~~O°s'35~;5~:T CASH 1 ··-~~~! ........ .!.~~~ ;~:gos1~f;.~~~~r Avenll Mon-Fri Apply Muter panlon 957-3222 dy1 " .... Head wlll'I e double 15· I Sllp1 avellablo. Corona For Your Cerl Top Dollar Paid DATSUN Btueprlnt. 234 Fischer ~g~~fu~~: I~~ =~o=~~~ Wllilo gold ring, upplllre PV speaker cabinet V>iF radio. $200 Gray del Mar erea, S9 pr II !Olds 98 Convert 1949. JOllltSOlt I Slit _A_w_._C_M_5_4_0_·9_3_73__ rlenc41d auto undorwrller F11•il•11 1050 surrounded by 3 die· Ft1nder Basa Precision marina er•g. Volvol drv Pegg Y or C • r r Io ~~Ilg .G51.o~g4 n;,•52$~~~2 Lh101l1-Mereu'J * TWll Z OARS * A HIS ANO HER MOOELI Salea ••uat ~avo a minimum 01 ••• ••••••••••••••••••• monos. $800 552-4409 Guitar with case and tu<-I tr ens. s a I e I t r •de. 955·2473 wkdya 8·5 · • E SI A I di 11 "" " ires . ell In oxcellont 554·1277 Sam 2626 Harbor Blv ~:e /l'I:• N:·Eu~o,!~; 2 yoera exp . wltl'I non-**I BUY* * WANT ED diamond, brll· condition 41 Ft. llttrlll --J-a-ua_r_X_K_1_4_0__ Coste Mose 540-5630 1 Auto . 1 5·•PMd •tick. both have Lux. Pkg wl pow windows. elr cond .. cruise & have ptulh Inte- riors Wiii tell one or both. (068ZSA) ( 150721 ). Jutl nood rollable pany to make small monthly pm11. No old contracts 10 auumo. No back pmts due Ask tor ROM 8'42·4'400. Proto LIM. Ettorii. .. Exo.rclao ma· standard markoll Wo llen1 cul 3 Cl, •Int COior, IJl-0111 l ·IPM· Jol'lnson 2$h~Soulboard Ellcellenl Newport Har. Ro~dstor $7s00 --P-r-em-tu_n_i -pr-lc_e_a_ china. Comm. Wiii ltaln. otter comr,etltlve salary, Good used Futnllure & lncluslon OK PIP . t 84011295 bor 1oc Near Publlc1 631 _8813 or 759_8944 Terrltorloa aaalgned ellcellenl rlnge benefits. Appllanoos-OR I wlll sell 645-5552 Ive m90. I • • 1 Dock StS,000 554·2328 ---------~1~~811go~ ~7Yd~=.~~) 213-592-4239 and • pleasant working or SELL for You 01/itt f.,•it•tl I Botti ''"" 1040 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE· Excalibur Serles t .66. In good condition ;~~~O~~';'anl Call Lori. MASTERS HOTI.. LlrlllHk 1015 E••i••••I IOIS ·····'··•••••••••••••• Newpon Beach. 40' Call 36•000 miles. 1Che~y. Sae Us First! Salos; Hardware, full time 141-1111 111·1121 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• .-,.~••••••••••••••Classic t8 Lepatrako 842.4844 lrom 9_ 5 1 new wires 9 S 3.9 5 5 1!11!'-~fl~![9"'~j In retail hardware store. WlJTll/WAnllESS WHft4 1St4 IBM Personal Computer Conlury bay boat. 4 cyl, Mon-Fri · Marty days 73· 134 . , .. no Sunday1 or evoa. See wlll'I cer tor wicker bas· I IUY FllltlTIRE W t I .a.al or Apple 2 & 2 Printers Grey $3500 675-618 t eves 673· 134'1 Steve. H.W. Wright Co. L 957-8t33 I t lfl •••ti Must sell 673·7422. PIER up to 28' $150/mo. 64 Cll co en 128 Rool'luter. Coate kellunch aorvlce 9·30 to es HUTMWllTIH f< •Ill SPUlll 18' S tOOlmo. Mercus1 b~'i. 0,,;7 · 1110 DATSUll 210 Mesa. t 30 pm Mon.Fri. Earn Beautiful 8' Floral Pillow 31792 Camino Cepl · O O~S S FdOR SA1LElll Winner 1•1 Char~cter Cllennel 873-8145 545.9078 5 epood tranamlnton. $150 lo $170 wkly Must Sola. like now $200 Slrano San Juan Capl· os .. s an ma c no Boal Parado 17 Xlnt I 3SKI BOAT I low miles, excellent con· s:'~·r:/T·A~e~ell ,~·~~) be neat, personable, en· 552-4108 strano' ch•~;5~1 ~crl,llco pnc~ bay cruiser S2500 or t6' Johnson V·6 110. R1t111ti1o•I I dlllon. clean. AM/FM 772-«7 I =~~~~ .:~~-0747 al 10 8 Ft Maroon SOFA, good 493-1023 ~~sl $2300 ~~~~~r;_:~nN bast olfor 673·7677 $1500 firm 673·2190 Vdit/11 1530 . radio, 2 n-11roe. '83 II· cond. $150 33 8600 '11 PAOIFIO •••••••••••••••••••••• KXll II 1t1 .. , 111111 conse paid & MUST S&l.11 PlllH Wanted for retail shop on Belboa Island. Appty In person onlY. Mon-Frt: 226 Merine /i.v Part & lutlltlmo WANTED ENERGETIC & 759-5079, 552·6667 11. II IOIO 9·Spm M·F 8 • Tt10INtl1liH VACATION SPECIAL I 1 "'' 11" .. o111111~1 SELL! 53 995 C al l CR T E I t lltl ••H•• 8 0 B d p sucun "FH•ll•" ••••• ,.-............ •••• '78 GMC v c I -3 EA IV poop e or S 50 •••••••••••••••••••••• Sharp I on aper .. / •• .1 J'&. ,.140 an onv. ow Hlgho~t casll tmmO<llelely 675-3017 or 642-01 8. costumed belloon Cell-Earllltone couch 1 Anllque mahogeny cebl· Copier. 8'A X .~ t". 8''> X Custom built Oteaol en-~!.~~'!.~ .. ~!!.:".... mites. Kini cond Musi for our vehicle Do· ESTATE SALE very aorvtc;e Must have Dresse~ S2~ Wb•:r~• net wllh orlQ RCA radio 14··. 11 X 17 . double-g1ne Lots of leakwood •82 PUCH-MAXI. brand sell 8<18·8123 mo:tic or lore1gn OOSX In own 111nspo1tallon cell table. ulc . u e · & record player-$75 oo. sided. labots. transpa-Beautiful cruiser OrUll· new r>evor used 5450 4 WiHl Dti rll ISSO 551 8285 1980 Datsun 2 · x 1 780·8768 for appl $150 G$~~d 9°t,';:J;C:' JVC .. table AM/FM rencies $ 1250 (7 t4) cally reduced Prlv Party 640:880 1 teav~ mes· •••••••••••••••••••••• • ~~~Obl~;l~~;;~s = onoman · sleroo radio wltll 8 track 646-4070 645·2561, 673-9301 sage LARGEST JEEP DEALER A I H call. 759_4229 Sua::q.~. ,::"'~~~~ ~!!l.~.SJ.l!.~ •••.•••.. Beautiful 5· earthlone & record !?layer-$75 ~: loll IOl1 Must hquidete 26' Well· 1·79 MOTOBECANE Un· In ll'le Wost •• ".~1.'1 •• ~/!.~1 ••••••••• -Exlen· C..I # coucl'I with 4 walnut batllroom marble type •••••••••••••••••••••• cren Nova Wllrtr Sips 4 de< 100 mlles l'laa baa-desµe.ately needs A•ii 1101 "77 B210 hetchbk. Lo ml. surler lPOf'tl>081. 1en· •••• ~ ••• !!~••••••••••• ch airs Sac $145 stnk ln ldoor&2drawer SILE 111n~ cond la! s8900 5400 ;,40_8801 your JEEP •••••••••••••••••••••• sreroo. runallOoke Jtlnt. alve background nee HHlul + alereo. bike. 675-7768. cabinet plus metchlng 2 . I a I< e 5 11 pvt p 1 y ke1s. Highest Dotter Paid 10 Au41 IOOO Tur~• S26501bsl 957-0440 AHumos only Bulu paintings relrlgo 1202 Wl'llto contemporary di· door wall cablnel & Schneuzera $99. Spring· 645-72301754-6861 leave message Call Gary Gray 26.000 mites. fully ioeded '77 280Z. air cond . 4 spd. Inc .. 398 t MacArthur Donegal Opn Dly R d 48" "m8lble type" well lhell, er Spaniels $195• Pit 77 Puch Newport. 2000 OUltlE COAST sunroof, gd cond Like amlfm stereo. xlnl cond. Blvd. Sle 106. NB 92860 ~t-93 l2 ntng table, oun all tor only $100.00. Bulls $239. Mixed kittens P1r11tr W11tt4 miles very clean appea-E $ t 3 400 OBO c 752 6408 s.... plus 2 leafs. 24" ea No l'IOrso blenket·S20 00. $10-$15, Military macaw 25 tt Skip Jack Hunting· I ranee Runs greet Must AMC/JEEP/R IAILT ~~w5 . 8 2 i 1 Eves • tn/ou1 ell • ltorctui/11 chrs S 165, 87S.1174 g 'r I . s r Id In g he I $950. All puppies Incl ion Harbour Slip tmmac. see h 50 549-2753, 2524 Harbor Blvd .. CM 857·9684 cays _d_a_ys_. ______ _ llOIRED1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ktng size watorbed. nalu· (sme11~$25.00; new car lree v01 oxem 640-0090 loaded. $2200 dn. $111 I Mike 1 549·8023 645-7770 1111 lthll 121MI Looking for extre In· A..tl••n 1005 ra1 solld oak & oak vene ~~!r 1~~~~~411-~; Oal~gy: 1;,.., I thJ••• IOH mo 5 5 7 • 9 3 2 7 • v . Motobecane 50VLX, lllnt •75 Blazer 4x4 Robutlt A~Pd:1=.· ~~:;C~11:~~:1: E xcellont condition =~1rJ:k.';a:~;J'~~ ••••~•••••••••••••••• ~:0;:,'.0$~~~ r:~1~.~~ rims (BMW'i f 901 of Lik·:·;;;·i<i,;,;.jj"$;1~~~ 669-0500 de cond. blue. surf rt1ck1 trans . Kint cond. $3500. AM·FM tape, sunroot. througllout Tape doc:k. 4 day. 9 AM to 12 Noon. F~~'!!,~~l~·~re offer 4·$200.00, two new con· pleno & bench leu than 11 Tu1atl ltat Incl $?90/obo. 760-0247 1 Mike 631•757o full pwr, dnt cond $5400 S~~orire ns. xlnl mpg. 1660 Ptacenlla Ave, dial tires 195170 HA 955 1486 A 1e1 ski wltl'I lrallor ,., ... ,. •••••••••••••••••••••• Apply PENNYSAVEA. antique•. Compl. "lnl•ld 559~ 124 linental a1eet belted ra· t yr old Cell after 6 pm, FaSler. lunor, safer. ll'lon ,.111 ... .,,.,,1/ I Tratkl 1560 OBO. 962·6136 499.1439 Costa Mose. Ask for Mrs. wood .. bdrm sot '22· Beau I. leaded glass 1<1·$100 OO: BMW 3201 • Needs motor $1200. 12· kHll ll IJSO •90 Datsun 4x4 Pickup lllW 111Z '79 280ZX. black beauty White 000; compt. din rm set bookcase/desk & proaa· hoodmask-$20.00: mlr· Movtng. Wurll1zor spinet mlml ski boat 2 seater. •••••••••••••••••••••• * MTl.111111 * •••••••••••••••••••••• wl gold trim, ale, amlfm Saute cook.mln 2 yroxp. ~~;n:•c:r1~~1;:1s~5~~:J; ~~c~d~oc~1;~5c~~l~,b~1;1 ror medicine plano,4t~:·:i1dhe.~~~0' 45 HP Mere' s 1.ooo Y1:;.~"~1~Tc01::i110~tr~:~ Get real lllgh w•tl'l tllls s tereo case. lmmec full time position. Apply loather sofa w/matchtng 859•9679 cab_tnet-$20 00 Cell g:~~;589 1 II 1645·2730 new 'wiih only 350 ~lies sporty btn metallic 4WO $7900. 978-0629 In person at Gorda Liz cllalrs & Slools. genuine 642 0138 28' 1978 S1<.1pJ11ck good Cell Mark 111 &45·2038. If complole wlsl'lell. AMI Oa1sun •75 280Z. new Restaurant 900 Bayalde Io o Par d couch w I Mutt R1IH C1thl 1f1W001 ht llOlml Sr.,rti•f c.H1 IOH cond fully equip incl no enawer, please keep FM/CB guages use, for paint. mini cond Loaded Or. N.B. ••ust heve Re-matching cllelr & stool & PRICES START AT Sofa • ••••• •••••••••••••• 1 1 955 34u trying evenings best w or I< o r P 8 Y w / x 1 r e1 $ 6 8 O O ,.. 8 to 20• long. 36¢ per It ROLLER SKATES j raier · BUT DON T DELAY! · le<enoes. many other lie ms ~8:':,s 1:~·6S7°1•:::~~ 775·1491 anY11me Ladios· sz 7, $45 Sherri lo•I•, R,.t 1976 Husky 125 MX In pW73366) Jusl need r&-SAUi-SERViCE _6_7_5_·3_o_2_1 ____ _ SECRETARY. FANT OFC 675 " 3738 Mattress and F0undatlon John Wayne Tennli Club 759-9200/ ~0-4270 Ci1ttll IOSO perfect condtllonl Musi liable pany 10 make 79 280ZX GL peckaga. Adv Agency Good I)'· A••liHfll 1010 S ts Twins 577 lull $97 Family Member91'11P Try S 1 72 S b t k & •••••••••••••••••••••• sell tor ONLY S•OO Call small monthly pmts No LUSlltl 27.000 m1 Mini cone ping and phone voice .rr.•••••••••••••••••• Q~n s147 l(l:V. $l67 $1500. 760-0499 I bing: k c~ 8 ~new 40 Viking tor Charier Merk at 645-2038 If no old contracts to asSYme 831·2040 495-4949 $9300 675-6241 ouantlal Shottl'land a HARBOR AREA • ··• · ac pac . ran n Fishing diving & en· answer preaeo keop No back pm1s duo Ask I •••1LEIAOI lllW plus. Oppor1unlty ro ad· APPLIANCE SERVICE 3 ~~Mngo'im tables :6 1 7• Homellght XL·2 Cl'lalnaaw US divers single siege 1 er 1 e 1~m11n 1 Ca 11 trying evenings best lor Rose 842-4400, Proto t ..., · F11111i 11ZJ vance. Salary commen· we Mfl rec::ond . guar 4 air nnetto •a Used 3 times SIOO. Aquarius Regulat or 662•2788 LIM 28402 Marguerite Pkwy •••·········n··,··m···~·· surate wltll experlenoe appllanc81 ~9-3077 $97 I bunk beds with (714) 682-0907 $200 for all YAMAHA 100 Enduro. lo M1u1on Viejo 11111 ( • matt $177 (714) 662-0907 Cal 3-30 alttpt I m1 S 150 or lrado for llsh 69 Fore F 100. V8. 4 spd. (Avery Exit olf 1·51 OILY AITIHIZ!t Call Carol. 10 em-12 pm. Refrigerator wllh freezer l lSOOlllT flHnlll IMoving Wurlltter spinet 1 7 •1631 3600 gear 548-9832 AC new tires body Open Sun<Jeys I 557-0642 for sate '(tlo !._great • "' 4•7w· ~ 2'2Y.' NEW GOLD Newport t• • • f(•ll&llf Asking St~ or best OI· 11H luhr, Cetta i;:;::,·. 3· r· high . SaoO PENN REEL S350 494-4806 1·73 KZ 900 20 000 ml ~~3~g~~4-~7~ paint r.r nmlll•R " 11nn111Y/OIO tor C all Darlene. .... Frlgtdelre gu dryer. yel· Call 714/6<14-7007 ,..,, Soil 1060 Many e1Ctraa. very good ~YIL IUUllllPl toC.F.O.olNptBchFln 492·3327()(83t·4675 13l ·llOI low.very ctoen $l50 .u •,,,·,, ••••·'·••••••••••••••• sllapo St200559·0111 71Toyote V-6Bu1ck II ~:=:; Svces. Firm Challng . 642•3559 • r<.. A 16 Hobte cat. yellow wl 78 Yamaha 175 Enduro Munete 4 speed Mags. Sates·ServtGe-Leastng ~~ Anpon position Good \I llY APPLl&IOEI NEAR NEW SOFA Eerlh· 11ifl lt11H IOll 1eq sunnae sells Like Mono sf\Ock xlnt cond sllell $4000 invested I '13 UOl'1 Art llertl M RJTS SIH skltls & aptitude for sacrifice $200 lree del and orhet" games From BEAUTIFUL 25' RCA USrl ••LI Corvalr Van Runs good + 76 2002 4 spd snlrf '------- 1yplng. Incl •111t111lcal, L., 957-8133 ronos M ust sell will P11~1ll MHlll1et ••••••:f••••••••••••••• new $2500 675-6161 I S600IOBO S57·1491 St500 or trade? ·54 NloeSelt"Cltonl I numbert, e•per re<fd. Rdelrfgordat1 ohr • ewahaher,. 559•872:, dys/eves 595 10 $495. 548--&469 Color TV sale 2 yr wrnty II' -79 HD Sportste<. clean. $350 6-45-2730 Mark 19t7PVB) -1 Call 640-0123 ryor. s w s or S 148 Free delivery Sa\le big bucks' 25 new $2400 C 3100 West Coast Hwy freezer. 846·5848 STORE FIXTURES tor Family membership Now· TV John's 646-1786 Lase<s used for 3 deys tn 7141527.3149 1·1i Datsun PU 4 spd, * 79 320• euto A l Newport Beech llOlnlllY Movln Frt ldalre 85 sate Solid wood tablet port Boach Tennis Club. the o ·oay single handed 2000 eng Weber cub, (54677501 642-9405 Exper·d. 8·30-2.30. 3 day dryer g~110,! very cl~an chairs, antique trunk. $600 Cell collect Or Vi'H FJ•~•••llOll chemptonshtps Fully 79 Yamalla tT250, gd louvers. custom •eit gate I * '79 3201• 4 spd IOB· F'Jol •rzs wk Xlnt typing Non· 5150· .,.2•35·89 wood wall cabtnots & Low 2131326--4840 P••9•c•11•1c••:.1c•ro •w••9•v•0••A•;1: equipped cond $750 or 1rede for 8 1n1r Custom palnl d*~8101737260Y1P5C19pd •n/r·f ~ amoke<.COfonadet Mar .,.. racks. 492-8922 evoa onnas 2411,9 Free mo-TheLllSOfStore Honda 185s ATC I ~3500 /obo Ricky ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 673-1770 Sears Twin Door Coldspol 675-4491 days. J~h~m~:~~~I~~~:• 5~1~8b v t a s C 811 C 1 an cy 824 w 18111 St. C M 642-4034 540· 7618 ~S?f00~~81. auto sn/rt 7voo~'i'~,!~n~~Y":,e~:: lfORnlllY ~;~to4;':~~4~~h lreezar Black wrought Iron table Besl olr 7141551-1941. 631-0906 642·0846 'll SIZlll IM3l0 1 V101 1510 l486ZOJ) now clutch. now Irena. Ellpandlng CPA Firm and 4 chairs $50 213/614·3173 • Lido ,. To1at1y recond w 1E.XTAAS. $400 ····77°F~;;·.;;;c;~;·•• IH-311 1 needs 1op. some llght FIT. phones, typing, div GE Rolrtgerator: ~lllte. 548·2483 Allentlon Manufacturers. 1Ht1 I #111•1 w1111 care 2 sets sails oa11o 545.5357 * MUST SELL * 208 w 151. Santo Ano body work. 0uns good. taphone. 10 Kay. word boll om freezer. 8 rosl Glfs fireplace sand iray In Newport. Colle Mese Llai••••I Trlr $1595 675-9568 75 SUZUKI TM 100 I Closed Sunday . S900/0BO ood aum· proc helpful. Excellent free. $150. 979-88 6 with tree form rock $50 area We aro -king a ••• ~.;ii;•••••••••••••• eves XLNT COND $350 SUMMERTIME FUN! CHOICE INVENTORY mer car Chet 548-5863 benefits. 833-9887 Judy I ' I IOZO 548·2483 source ot supply for uaod fhHt1I fOlO •10111 Sa,.tt 548·59 i3 ' Completely customized VOLU"E SALES ·77 Fta1 X 19. Stereo, AIC. •••'•••••••••••••••••• cor ,.. e new _.. J~ ,, rugelad bovea or •••••••••••••••••••••• n • & self·COnta,ned w ith I ... Ilk s· 000 hnlet Statle1 Motot>ecane Grand Jub1· 5 PC PLAYPEN/PIT 9118819 01 uniform atzo. 11 39· Richardson Sport Phoe.nt x. tul ly rece ·71 YAMAHA 80 sink refrlg . cabinets. allt~ 73t.1345; 634_.546 ATTENDANT Full & pl toe. t2 spd touring blko. Burgundy. good cond you receive goods on a Fisher Steeps 6 Asking equip d. covers. $750 RUNS GOOD. $100 POlJle Custom paint , " rime apply Cl'levron hardly used Extras $500/0BO. 642-3719 regular bHlt then di· $16.000 (213) 9 tS..8437 1 673-2190 546-5913 wtieets & much more to flAT IHOIAL 1251 No Coast Hwy. Lag MuSI soil lmmed $375 COFFEE TABLE acard tl'lo ce:1on • Wo ------5 BIKE MOTORCYCLE see I 1w14041 Just need I 0 I II Cl ARE N '74 Flel 124. mint c:ond. Bch 875·2153 Dark wood. good cond would like 10 epeak to TRAILER. 2 SPARES rolleblo party to malle lllW eng & trans xlnt. 30 mpg, Nlahl"I ladles 5 spd tou· s4o. 848·3478 you about buying your Boat picture ads provide s2oo 546•5913 small monthly pmta. No amlfm stereo. n ew ltwlq MH.ilt O,.r. " used cerdboerd. Oell old contracts to aasumo Sales·Servlce·Loaalng brekos. tire• $1400. Production O'kper nece&-ring btko. Kini cond $65 ROOM DIVIDER Don Walton 845-6777 '71 YAMAHA OT250 ete<:· No beck pmts due Ask 850 N Beacll Blvd 642.3289 ury. Piece rat ... Co1ta 844-6989 Solid oak. llke new ~k. ironic tgnlllon, spec for Rose 8 42·4400 , Le Habra 1--------- Mesa 642·9651 Mon's 26" 1o speed nt!W s100 8'48-3478 2 Tickets lo ··us" conoe<t oO ~\ • sl'locks. l'lardly ridden Proto LIM &22-H U H••'• 1111 TUOIH All( condlt~4~~5 Klngalze waterbod. com-~~~ ~~~~ .:i,•,':, S250 642-6421 1 75 Ford Ven. 80.000 Open Sundey ... iiiiii.iiiiTili;••• PART TIME. lmmedla1o plete w/shee1s. etc $35 eael'I Save $5 end s~~ g lt1l11 B1a11 $1}1/ miles. runs good $2300 OR.HIE ctlm'I We can helpf a.fore you opening. 850-0907 $100 645·8363. time waiting In line to 1\ • 9 • ~~ l1atl$tlllf'• f/60 Call 962•0945 OLIHT buy, check our unbMtl- TILIPHll l•llil•1 buy 645-0414 ~e-~ \ • ..... :r.'••••• ••••••••• 1111 FHI b1e aetec11on. saving• IOl'on-s ... /!~!!!!~!~ ..... !.~~¥ 2 PO. HOT. SIFA Sz 13 gunnyaack dross. 1~ Roni 26' motor home. Tl18moa van Great tor &"' and Htvloe todayl -llOW 310/FT. Cocoa Brown Velour, llke now Anlq Victorian sa~ sips 8. lully loaded I ""°'k or SYrf. $695 OBO I UIUYEllSln good condition $75 11ofa & Wedgewood wht I~ 645•86t8 640-5144 --·Es a sr•YIO( We need good people lo Redwood 2x6 decking. 536-9832 porcelain gu 1tove Side Rent 22· Class A dlx Tl· Satos·Sen110o·Leas1no -" set up eppolntmen11 4-20· 10~. also redwood heck bicycle 8'2·5207 tan 5400/wk, 644•8722. 'II ftr4 lot1tllH ~ ~ R\/ER 2850 Harbor Blvd ~~e~r t~~1~o': ~4:,n~:~o. 7;~.;1~1or Ken People who need People Rm DMder. 6x8. NII SUP· }_ 551·8822. 642-8808 = t~~.'o£:a !~~= Rtn lJ\ a~Q~liCQ Holiday Inn'• n-travel Tllal s What tile ported. off-white $40, Tt•lllll Tt1r1J 1110 $750 557.5129 I~~ I~ I~~ l l~\I\\ club. Salary + ebmml• Make your shopping ea· DAILY PILOT 894-8947 enY11mo •••••••:;r•••••••••••••• Honda, Toyota. Oa11un. s lon + bonu s Call sler by using the Dally SERVICE DIRECTORY ·st Alr11reem 19· Sell "75 Dodge w 1noow Van ell makes. $lll9 does II. 833-3740 aner t pm Piiot Clessllle<I Ads •s all about• 321t E•lonslon Alumlnum contained Gu appllan· Custom t1n1. soa11. retrtg 72 BMW 2002 now an-No 111 or 1811. No depo. ::....:::::=====-'-====-=:--:.::.:.:.::.=--:--~ redde< $70. 1423 oes S 1800 830· t 135 $2450 6U·4026 glne. good ste<eo, good alt No lie '" DellY'Ofa ( ,-,498 648 • I Aitll WutH 1510 cond $3500 642-1689 any 1eue. buys any c.et BACKSWING buy dletrl· A•ll S1mt1, ul• •••••••••••••••••••••• over our co1t. All SeYel"S butor direct. R,. $349 ._ A"'"'lllltlll HOO PAY '79 5281 4 speed, loell'lor. Leeslnn. 634-0189 $ " • .... WE BBS whoela. excellent ___ .. ..;.._., _____ _ Bu n °..,, 2 7 "· 1 0 v e •• ••• ••••• • • ••••• • •••• c o n d $ 1 3 . 5 O 0 '78 Honda Civic CVCC, 4 111 ... 1 640·2088 All Chevy truck per11: 'it TOP DOLUR 644·8325, 559-8442 spd, tow mlloa, $3200. $ 5 ff 15 24 Id ton to dlesel. Rbl t. 673 70 ~arc;;e~ :'no p~d ggd tran1ml11ton from St65 FOR USED ClllS 1111 1201 HW ~4~~~e'8a~ll • 11 or l\"10 500"1 YOU l l 8£ SEEl"IG SIG"IS AROVNO TOWN C.l\lLING AITENTION TO SALES! leW Tl IAYE A SIOOUSFIL UIAIE SIU (or Ywd ..... lt .. te ..... etc.) Pl ace your ad In the Dally Piiot CIU1lfled aectlon (It's ~t to run 3 days fOf' maximum exposure). If you pay fOf' your ad In advanoe we'll run It 3 days and only charge you for 21 2. Get your FREE Garage Sale tlgnt (all you haw to do la come In to the Dally Pilot & pay tor your ad In advance - we wilt give you two 1 1 x 17 Signe -FREE of charge). 3. Price MCh piece of merchandlee. 4. Havt ple"ty ot change on nano (nlckets. dim es, q u arters, halves, one end f ive dollar bllls). Aetax, have fun, and ~nt '/O!Jr money • the Md of the d-v. cond 494-1864 & up 554•1850 aw MAUii Sunroof. A,M/FM CllSMt·. ---------- AulobOdy Stuttent noeda ta, A/C, Alloy r i m•. 81 Honda Accord LX. Baby crib youth bed. projeCtt , ·10 to ·92. Imp PllTl&O/lllAlll Automatic. low miles EJitrn. low mllMge, whi te formic•. clec:n & Domoatlc em cars. lite 2480 Herbof Blvd $14.500 or best ofr 838·2870 mattreN $35 494· l664 trucks NOllr totala $$ COSTA MESA (714)529-6202 '76 CIYI<; Xtnl cond. ortgf- Engagement and wedding Seve Money S$ ·no Junk, Ml·UOO •70 2002 Perl cond. N-nal owner, am/Im lier«> ring HI • cott 11400. 28 Ericson Fully equipped cruise 2nd o ffice hrvtce Mt·141l Int. New paint. run• pef't cue .. $2400 780-3825 never worn, S 1000 213·944-8452 $2500 Firm •79 4 OR ACCORO 642·5937 6 sans. UHF. compass. covers PAINT & Ille body work. WE llY 1575-9746 Reg ges, 5 •Pd. et..-.o. Pin bell Mechlne Perfect cl~~~~~~~$ t 6·500 up 10 50'1. off 'fOIJr body OLUI OARS • 7 7 BM w 53o1. 4 d r. lo ml, mint S6700. ··RaQe car· shop ell Bill 536-9832 All TlllOll lmmec . aunrf. llhr. am/ 875-95651546-1302 642·!937 Hl PUT NI Im cus, elloya. plw. 4 J•••M ,,,, Plnbell mectilne 1250 631•7570 Mike IPd 18490. Marty dev-••'••••••••••••••••••• "Clrcw" 1200. Set your course for fast ~ales 973-1345, eYM 673-1344 ·11 XJ8. Xlnt eond. Mull 642·5937 w it h a Dally Pilot b oat picture 2)l78· 15 Champion Fl· •79 7331. em/Im •t•r•o "'' First '4.000. Avtellon•Mllllne reetone whllewelle, gd cauette, bl•Gll wi red 644-22&1 Compua 150 ad. Each Saturday, the Dally trMCI. SAt lpr. 548-58!3 leetl'I«. Tele• 0-.., IMM. J•guer )(J.12L lmmacu- 642-5937 Piiot will otter you a d space SuperSt1e11H10-1& 2131978·81118 d•ya, let• 22K m1. ttede '°' N-s>0t1 Beec:;ti Atn1e11o ' t hat not on ly d escribes your x1n1"~e.5'~m,135. 1111 llYll 2131372·8245 evee ~~~ ~~•n 111m• Recquetball Club "'*"' b oat. but p ictures It as w ell Top doll1r1 for Sporle beral'llp In Nwpt Ctr, o s12&1ob0. 87&-7697 The price Is guara n teed t o AitH lfl i.li ~:~~'. :~~ empere. Magic 111and Oold Charter buoy your spirits -$45 If we ••1MPORTANTNOTice • • "tk tor u1c MGR 1··-11-320-,,-.. -,-. -e,-e-u.-A-M ___ F_M_1 Memberlll~. 11&0., cut-t ak e the picture , an d only $40 TO Af!AD!AS AND M llAllll stereo 8 Ire.ell, redlbtk, r • n I pr I o• • t 4 0 O. t AOVE.RTIS!!RS VILllWMll Reoerroa. 1nr1, 1 own, 759--1211, ~m I It yo u p ro v ide the picture or a The price of ll•m• ed· 1 111711 Bffch BIVd. i x 1 n t o on d I e o o o. M'Mll•NHI 1 2 COiumn 3" a d . vertlMd b)' Y9hl01e dM-HUNTINOTON aEACH ,_63_l_.0_1_1o ______ I ,., t«a In the vehlCle claMl· I 141 1M le.it fllf l ••• f!!'!f ....... l!f! I For further detalls abou t ho w !led ed\ltlf't~~ O:tumna • 1•••••••••••••••••••••• 111•11~•••• IWANTID. L•no11 0 111n1, 1 doe1 not nc u ~·1 ___ ,... ... --.-r •Y 11,HI HI '" ~ I PfllCllll• P'ftem. Dlnnef, Dally Piiot boa t p loture ad• rft:.':r.~1=~fln1nc~ I For Cluatfi«I Ad '74 Colt. Mint tunning .01 rout • u11d. btttd l butter I can w o r k for y ou and to cnargee, , ... for .., I><>'-ACTION ~ond., Good tlr•, u.0001 .. n1u1M. I plat ... Call An~ Ad d 11 I lutlon control device Call• mllea. 9 18T OFFER. """ & 459. 842-4* 24 llfL 1<:hedule yo u r a , ca ffl'tlflceuona or d••ler 1 oelty Pltot Otye 157-28 tt _. • • ... ,'UANITUAI! wam.ci: ~ 1 842·6878 and Hk for Salty Lee. 1 documtw1t ary Pl'•P•ra· AO·VtSOR I drawer welnut cllHI 1 t16n chero H unlHa 842·5878 8UL. Idle llema with e faalnl 4 2 1 2 e 11 1 e 1 po r ox. 1 otnerwfH •l>Mlfled by 1 Deity Piiot Claaellled Ad Ml• II mu• w.. ~&..11L..A..-.L.L.._.;;a•_._...a..o......L1.-.a.-_.;i~':..---:..-_-____ .:==_J b 4N-2'fa l!!!-~leer. l ---------·I 142·0971. • • _ i t '8 lit OlllJ'1 I llllfll 1 lAIL y PH 0 I /Monday, Augu1t 23, 1082 ~.''.'.~·. ·'~f~! !'~ ..... ~.~'."!. 'll!t~! '!" ....... ~ ... ~-.·t.!'!'I.'.~'-~ ...... ~ ... '!!1.~~I!.~~~ .~. ••• ~!.~'!1.!'!'1.'!.'.~ •.•••• ~ ... ~'!1. ¥!11. •••••••••• '1 ~ ... ~'.' .. ~~~~........... ~!.~'!1. ¥!!!. ......... · l"''""''"I M~~~~f!J~~.' ... l.~!f1 ~~~~~~!!.~~~.· •.. !.~~~ f~!!!~.' ......... .!l.'9 r.•~!~ .......... l.~~f Y.'!~!.'!~11~ •••••• l!.tt M!f. ••.•••.••••. mf f1J.'J!,t •••••••• !.~{' ftm!!f ......... !.~~~ . ''"''n. • 11.111 11 .. 11J1 11111 111" SI 1111 POHOH 11 1 I 'II Corolla OetuH, HK. lttt 11H ; ' '13 CADILLAC 'It Otlftnl "'" ~ lilh '"'"' 11111• Jet .. , ••• ···go Mllll .. 11 )(Int COlld '" •• ,OH•... un hH 1,000 2 d, hatdtoe>. 92000 or I tu~, tlhn red c;onvlH •• 11'\I. l'•t•• '. ',,,,,,,1, ~ I 1~ o' I SJHU/ott., U& ~·3• /I 2t 000 I " l!'•Ole 8)(<1, tow ltll llMI Olftt U2-IOGll llbl• good •lrong C•I tu" •\ '"' AJ•lll .,, "''"' L••lla.1 ... , ... r I d 1111 •m m tllU• • m 64&-46211 11800 730-8793 , 4011 """"' Hb Uftll •lltt I • I Jllf tr .!.!~r. .............. ~~: 0;;:'·~';'.~~ = -----Ch•rtlll fflllft....., HJI II'• I •r t~U 10,000 •It• •• ,, .. tt, 'll '''"'" 1113·20<13. <1117·32411 ,,,,. 111/t •••••••••••••••••••••• .,..J•f ••••••••••••••••••••• : SEE us PllllTI :.:: 4"'ooc1·· ••• ~ ·.·p·.·,;.· ~~·. 7•, Mu11 t<Ut•• 1•111> '"• M11tt Ille Ht• te fi l Y Jilk Ml C.c•llenl m.cn '70 R•bblt, red w/wht Int Ill UI • r v ge " ..,,._.. a'',.01.t.I 0.11 ".I cont.I SJ 000 OllO 1 we haue a ~00 .. •••,.,,· l;dlt G<ll< ''"· •llf:ower, 8 t1•11 11ood ''""' $1',0110 · • 1pd, 1up•r c ••n. • " .,.. :i'> 1 ;.:140 ar It• et 673 6436 $ 1760 Flit.• 11,.11•72,.11 tor 111• l•t0•'1 and t>.et 1 !Ion 01 N( & U9EO cyl Call aft 4, II 3. t2<111 19 M"rc ••I•• .iOm.o turl>O 411 Ot.lO r1111 .. 1 &I" giml ~""" s:•.1 ooo "' J 11 "' "" 9144 . 0 1 H" 1 ulec 11011 ol new and Chevrolet11 f. ' -IHO 7 .... Xlrlt lnl•r 01, ,.. .-,. vw T .... INQ fl I 0 ,, 833 1300 I h I " n Lll•d UICkl n t•noe •••••••••••••••••••••• Cl11t1t •noln• over •u GOOD COND 13600 C nt t d• 1 • Look• 11unn1ng, perloot 493•33861661_2026 ou Y 0 Y ·7 I fORD M1ve11c11 Oooo t o p S 3 6 O O C • I I __ _ __ I cond 3 n-t11e1 11Gon fiU 1110 n-. tuna ore•t. 11 .. eo 1'15 l TO '1 doot •1dlo all PORSCHE/ AUDI • .' •• !.'!!f!!........... !3 25 ! 1161 ~7b .. 0 .. ,.M3 1 k • •~ new "'"· 62.000 ,,.;11111' LOOK FOR GAEA T MOTORCYCU VALUES IN THE FR IDAY EDITION OF THE DAILY PILOT! ••.•...•.............. I ·711 MOA 'I •1111 111j AMI IM <..11'9 XLNI cond l\!)1 .1:i•1 .. MEISTER libO 11106 ·111 Rabbit lntleril llk•I ~ I 16~0 49<1·3211 1.i lhlng, oood llr••. " 1·4v l ·" ...... 4 ft I Xln1 cond $2 100 I 13631Harbor191vd brake•. muffler Xtnt ' 81 Caprice CtaNlc. A/C,1 642-1388 Oruden 0 1ov11 cond $3000. 7!1t-7821 Vol•• 1111 •I tftOr~c_.. etec eunrl, many""" . --1 AutOJ 111/ ~A•tOI U1 Salas-ltnloa ---•••••••••••••••••••••• I 673-3063 $8700 74 MUSTANG I. Otila /J}\"''··~1····· ... · .... ·····'················ LtHll( ·74 vw Bug, rblt engine, # 1 Valwt lllltr 2926 Harbor Blvd I · Au1 0. AC, nw radlala. xlnt •••,j/J• 115 '' tl•t IHS nu tlrea. xtnt cond COSTA MESA 1909 Nova Super 1port. cond aharp! $2'150/ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••"-•••••••••••••••••• 714 638-2333 $2500 642-1689 11 OrHlt OtHtyl 919 2500 350 VII, <I tpd, PO•lt111c. I OBO 644·8170 78 CuttaH Supreme I USC SPECIAL _.,,._ ___ , ___ --atereo t ape clean a 1 * IHT SILL * 80 !124 Turtnt 1oad1<1 '80 63 BeJa Bug. 1835 eng . laill •••"IOI tut $2400 e75-183i 71 TORINO Driven t>y 924 Tai.a over lllHH dual C8fbl Must eelil -1.., • '70 Buick Ltd Cleen. rune lltllti old lady ONLYI 52K SUPREME DELIGHT II Cuetom <IHl~ned 11162 plu, 001 $ l.000 $1000 Call 673·2912 111 LWlll mech well 92,000 ml 68 Impala Wgn. runa xlnt m1 PS/PB lmmec 1n1t '1 tiow yoo'll leel 111111 <lrl· Pont11c 2000 etcht>ack 7 t4t825 1600 81 Rllbblt convert Onie OVERSEAS DELIVERY $1600/bel 893 8053 $850/0BO 835-7775 minor dings $15001080 v1ng th11 fully equipped USC ex111r1or color• wllh ~~~~;(i= 1!!,DJ!!!,.,, •• ,., !.~~~ OlTCM US WITM OUR PRICES DOWMI Over 100 111<w 11 '""" Mercoe1"" ~tinz Lt1m, .• ,, & c CJns10Uf our lu,,...,.,. ut r&rH_Jd1l"l1ult'> or •~u'J ft"" llnelnclno1 HtJU&l! ~, I"" •ft') I DIAL '11 I•>• :1.1 htl ,•tt,t '8 I lllOSfl Ur1oJoor •1 000 f'n I I tt ::ti 0 I I ._.. n I t f tt tJ ChlOM" flln'S ~"'rout Piii lull 1 noul i.·H •O 1 Wkt.ly~ / 14 •,•,f 0: 1 I t'llO:, w'""' 714 '67~ 14to4 !I) 30(1(} 4 \I Ill' "Ill.JI Perla< 1 tu• ,J l t "' '" ll'U<jti l 1!jlll 1Jlu" , ' l'l> 0 I) 5<1h t•~'> f,.I!> bl J 54q.1 80 4 !>O"L "''"~' \l" \ I I J3 000 tn•v n11IH '"' mil C $ J 'l II I LUSE l 1112 PEUllEOT 10& $ TURIO DIHEL $289 pm month plus tu• Ill ,,,, ntn Cll•~\HI e1Hl u '~t' un dpproved trtt l•I l.ffl t,;OSI St'> 111! s 11 :,f) (tl!<il '"''' '"tJ Uf"1~ H dn-.J J!)k fOf' ch~ 1101~· 1St-• tGu8!>l BEACH IMPORTS Mt! Uove Slrt•ut Nl WP()fH AF-AC: ft 752-0900 '69 91 1 Co11,• "'flt-'e, Al ,~ 'A<h,..t-h S t n LL ,0 11 t.'Lf tt•1f.. • • 1pt. Nt't-1Js t1oct, "'..,., ~ ~ 4 SOU (; 11 4 7.' I b•lt• 1030 EXPERTS ea1 3 Krl1 545.5673 m1d11r11 w11n only <111,000 custom USC cerdln•t R JI R f 1Sf auto tr1n1. met paint , C1"ll•t 1115 , miles. 1111 wheel. Lenoau and ootd crulhed velour . .' .• ! .• !f.t............. wn11e walls, am/Im caas. •••••••••••••••••••••• 62 Cnevy, wOfklng. orlgl· 75 LTD 4-dr. 73K ml. root, wire wheel• & morel interior Loaded with "1 Ol ALE R IN U.S.A RlJYCARVER RtJl.LS fOCE sport Stults. 6600 miles EARLE Ill OOIT!IPUTlll ni l owner $800 or bell excell engtne. &ml body wny '"Ille for teH. enJoy equipment, one ol a $8890 L11111e or buy VOLVO OAllLU01 ofter 962-9269 d a m a g e $ I 2 0 0 botn economy & com· klndl Low mileage de· Ma11y d11y1 973· 1345, 1966 Herbor Blvd. we apeciallze 111 teatea '68 STATION WON 327 645-3706 or 547-6939 1or11 ( tBEZ913) Just monS1ra10' (3<1908) eves 673· 1344. COSTA MESA for the bualneH execu· Auna gd, nda pnl $390 /II f9SO need fallable pally to IOI LOIUiPRE 72 BUG rebll eng, xlnl Hl·laOJ 140-Htl live & prol11111on11 I d YI 8 9 1 -0 3 1 3 ••• !~~!~ .. •••••••••••• ~~t~e ,:0m~i'~ ~~~~~:! POITllC cond. new radiate, em/ '68 1<1'4S Sdn, xlnt cond . Lars• ltlHtltl 2 '3•592·•5 t6eva 17 BOBCAT S1485 10 assume No back 13600 Beach Blvd Im stereo cau .. asking Of I 1112 80 ColllllOn 4 dr halchbk Moonrool 63 1.' 153 $2300 494 9606 OOOd Int I pllnt I tires. IW (Ive men on phone) prnts due Ask for Rose WESTMINSTER • .. (114) 131-2100 S,,b a160 8mt,vaAn~•g10F~.c1Bm1apeur,u1nOkKI Wknda I I It LI ranly. &xc111 con., fllHlltJ• g9gz 78 DELTA ROYAL . s 1600 675· 1978 Eves & o.~111101 I all extrlll, undet W81 -v 842-4400 Proto LIM ~ ..., .., p tW • tOa $5500/0BO 559·6414 .••••••• r .............. Dsl . 50K ml . Power (114) 112·1111 .... • • • • .. •••• • •• • • ••• · o o '78 2<15 Stetlon Weoon. 1 644-8170 '80 Mua1nng Ghia h111cn 78S11.ib Superclaon5dr cass $!3 ,0 O/OB 11u1omat1c.low mlles,xlnt -. .., __ back,l 5Km•.•cyl,eulo 1h1u-ou1 J(tnt cond . '79TAANSAM T·AOOF I Gllo Low 1owm11es•Sun l-828 t846. 1 736•0487 cond. all options, $7500 Ni\8[ .. R~ 11975 Maltbu Classic s5000 644 •2300 $2750 080 Wknds 8·5 * IUIT SELL* I rool Auto 963· 1579 69 Bug. AM/FM oass.runs 675-0 4 51 . message i(, \()I( .-1 \.._ , Good cond 1 owner Bryon 497-5613 SUMMERTI M E FUNI $4975 good, nds palnl. S 1400 675·6538 I .J J ,,/ • $ 1400 955-3052 '65 289 Auto Trans, clean. l'J I g 0 Midnight blue mat . VII· Subua 9162 494·6875 ___ '76 s 1a1 Won 4-ap, good lbOO lt41uor Blvd '69 CHEVELLE ~hcu~po ! i9~0P :~~ka :0 •• ffl!t·PLYM.OUTH•••• tour bucket seela. con-··;;1~~:5;;;,~;:L.~;~~g .. '68 BUG Rbll New •II-cond . AM/FM $3700 Co~t• Mh• 540-<JlllO 4 DA SEDAN $900 979 4544 '1 dr cpe Deluxe xlnt :°'!·o~~t~:;Be2x~~~·j~~: SAODLHACI dtels Cassette$ ~j~t 642-9751 •--642-8065 cond $1050 5<14-2168 need reliable perty to ~~'"~9~00Y & int 1 · 'll VOLVO 2141L '78 Fleetwood Btovgham, • aa O Old••obil l f9SS -50 PLYMOUTH make small montnly SUHRU '· 2 80,000 ml. 11v11rytntng on I 1mmacu1111e. tow mileage f~!'.'!~ ... ".~'.~ .•••• !l.~ •.. •••••••••••••••••••• 2 <11 cpe Delux. xlnl pmts No old contrects 831-2040 U5·4141 * 66 BUG $895 dlr* 11. musl sell $3150. $7 195 675-5977 '82 CONTINENTAL 1110 OLDSIOllLE cond $1050 544 2 168 10 assume No back 9165 ~:~~:ii ~~';X ~~·;E .ts 644-2497 THE UR&EST 1 * IHT SELL rlf CUTUSS HPREME --.,1 cRtCKET ~';'it~44~~ P~~~0'~~i0se '!.01.~~'................ AUTO SALES 646 2886 Beoutilul new body styla. Coupe Auto trans , Slick shlll, reg oas l'H.ti '1li'. 5 ~PNlll ur11 ' 74 Coroll.i Wagon. 4 spd. • · A U ff SELECTION ' !llmllar 10 Seville but de· e<-onomtcal diesel power $500 545· 1716 '77 GRANO PRIX b'I MB;>aos "''<l nw111,, 1111 •llluys Weber~ Now illC New paonl & tires 79 VW Conver11ble, sto-.!'.1•1.'1 •• ! ............. , ot le111 mndel, low mllea-~·oned w /llmouslne & 1oa<1ecl1 (26421 Allrac· 70 Ousler, 6 cyl. au!O. Loaded, 601<, orig ow· 1 s4 00 11 I' ""1 1""5 anti setth Runi;11001\s •II S 1650, red 3 years Only 2800 Gt•llll 9f01 ge Cadillacs Jn Southern comloll Luxury 1n1 & uve earl re bit eng. runs good n e r S 2 7 0 0 / ob o 07n~.;;;~ ~ '0 fH Whit., w•th t>lac• inteilor Bst of• 957-0440 m11es A rare one lor 1ne ••••••••••••••••••••••I Calllornlel See us today! completely appointed O•LY 141151 f795 645·7578 545-1089 71 4 ·e41i 0, •• 1~ 6i' :>so SL r.o11i •01·~ ~;~·;;ici'7~~?0r~~~02'.lev --•0•91•L•,-1•1•1•0•0--~~8~4~~;er s 10 ' 500 c~~h1'~ tin!:~ !!iT:c':~~ lllERS ~~',/~~~1~~' A~~~e1w~ MO~~~~a~~~;~:l•t !!!'.'f!! .•••••.••• !.~¥1 80 Ponttac Oran Prix V6 ~•lvur ll'dY tie •• ., oiin '16 PORSCHE 9 11$ 75 foyOl d Corolla Gd 70 Bug runs good 01 pr eviously owned ClDILUC oveodrtvll 10 give you NEWPORT BEACH 65 BONNEVILLE 4d• pfl· 10,000 mi. economtcal 4 8 2 1< m 1 ~ 19 1 •l' B •lk ,.,, bl Kl.. eathnr cond 675 3854 alle• S1595 Porsche'•. Audi's and 2600 Harbor Blvd great gas mileage while 133.0lill larless. gd trans $795 , ,.1n1 car. ltke new $6500, 548 O?I 6 111t 1u10 "'"""o' .111oy., I tipm 642-8717 v o==:, COSTA MESA dttvono In ~llyle! Jusl need OBO 545-0897 ttrm 720· 1665 81 MR/ 1'}0 Sf 1 l-"" L.1rro1 :• tdll $ H.~(lU . ~ 540 1860 •ellable party 10 make Are vou planning a movtt? • .11 F L ~ blue/tan Mont 14t\ m. 11.iO 60Jfi I ------72 VW Super Beetle, rust --2£llOJklU • small monlhly pmts. No ' ,. IJI• '• fiaa,llbiri 9910 $42,000 67J 1,.>Jll " 77 Toy 4·whl PU . 5-sp, tree. new paint, ve1y ,_.~ old contracts lo assume Classllled ads will polnl FORMULA 400 Orig •••••••••••••••••••••• ttll Purscn~ 911 Tttrga. l bed. shell s111p bum· clean, •lnl runner&. rub· 445 E Coest Hwy No back pmts due Ask vou In lhe right dl•ectton Pont engine. burns teg wkdys b44 t;.i~.J lf•btt :iuoys very n1c11 per. pusn bar. nu clutch j ber. must sell soon Newport Beach for Rose 84'1-4400, Proto to llnd the no me you gas. A CLASSIC! $2500 $5750 Edd1a 548 7245 S3500 642-9726 alt 6 $2500 OBO 631·0260 673·0900 LIM need ~2·5676 714°644-1649 all 5 PM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii THE MATCH THE NUMBERS ON WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES 0 ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ;><uf• Hall•••''' 1 t •, ''" , '" 41, 1 i i~ '\ r.1or.~s '> ,.,,,, ,,, ... " ..i 1 ~. ·~ 1 111•1 ' £1 • I c.;o,.-p ete ,t>Otly :,1 QI <, 1 •" '"• t t l't\ 5, r. r· Dt'OI uPen Mont1 iv "" , I• ; ,, l J :, 1: 1(1 PM ,1n11 ti II M 10 5 P M Orl S..;!urrJa, BEACH IMPORTS ti·U ,.,j .ir• • , H, • 1 r~· V II r. THEODORE ROBIHS FORD Modern ~al<' <;f"~" i: rt<trt' ho<ly p.l1n1 Ii. '"" OPpt~ CompcldlVP I ''"~ ,,,, lt'.I , ..... r1a11v fPnt~I~ >rJf)O Hdrbor Blvd [0-,t.tMPs,1 14;• lu111oi15J •8:.111 JOHNSON & SO N LINCOLN MERCURY t'f\?6 li.1d•o• II I M•· I '" • .. 10 r,i;3n C,7 Ypars 111 1111·1• l ~ 1,11 , , 1, 1 11,,,,,,11· (;0111111-" ulc1es1 Lin '0111 MPll "'" , .. I, ... I 0 SOUTH CO.AST DODGE ?lififl H.11 nor t ,,, r • ' ~I• 1 r, .1411 U.l It' I-IV st>rvoce HEWrORT IMPORTS 3100 W Coa•t It qhw,1v Nowport Beac n Tei 6'\2 9<105 ~40 1 7611 !tu r 1t11a11 Headquart1w, NEWPORT DATSUN 888 O• "'' 51reel Newport Bosch Tel 833 1300 At the '' ~nqlP C>I Jamboree MacAllhur & Brostol behind Victoria <;~.1•0on 5ales Service Ll'i1S1ng & Parts We make great Cl•·d·~· 0 NA BERS CADILLAC 2h00 H,«Our R1,r1 C.osta Me~ Tel 540·9100 Orange t.;;ountv.., Latge<,I Cc1cJ1llar dealer Sales Service Leas· nq fl) 0.A YID J. PHILLIPS BUICK·POHTIAC-MAZDA Sales • Service • Leasing 24888 Al1c1a Parkway L.igunJ Hills 837-2400 6) CH ICK IYERSON PORSCHE·AUDl-YW 415 E Coao;t Hwy Newport Beach 673-0900 The only r1e<1l111.,~11p •n Oranqe County With these three great make<; unde• one root' 0 AL.AH MAGMON PONTIAC-SUBARU 2480 Harbor Blvd Cos1a Mesa Tel 549·4300 Sales Service Leasono Mr Goodwrencn G) CLASSIC AOTOMOllLIS 765 Newton Way. Coll• M•H . Tel 631-1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIAL TY" XK 120 '1/1<40 '1/160'1/E-Type1 Sales -Serv1oe -R91toratlone Ott Ptecentla between 171h & 18th In Coate Mn• BOB LONGPRE POHTIAC 13600 Beacn 8 1110 Wes1m1ns1er Tel 892 665t Oranqe Cou,,tv" oloest c1nd la•ql'.,, Ponr.ac dedlt.>r~h·P '>ales Set v1c1~ Part<; DICK MILLER FIAT/LANCIA "Probably lhe lowest pnc.eo Fiats 1n Sou1he1n r alitC'1•111.1 ILoc;.a1ed 1 mile north ol South Coast Plat,, near Main SI and Warner Ave 1n Santa Ana 120 W Warner Sanla Ana ~5' ;> 1J;> 0 SANTA AHA DATSUN 2001 E 171h Street Santa Ana Tel 558 7811 Your Or191nal Deoocateo Daisun Dealer 0 MIRACLE MAmA We ve moved' Our new ioca11on is 1425 Baker S treet Costa Mesa Tel 545·3334 Stop by & v1s1t ow brand new showroom and see why we re the 111 Ma1d11 dealer in Southern Caltlornra Sales Service. Parts and Leasing • ANAHEIM MAmA "01tly O.C. Mnde DHMr ........ ,,. •• Ser-Ice L ... cen·· 601 S Anaheim Blvd . Anaheim 956-1820 Just notth ol Santo Ana Frwy on Anaheim Blvd. Call us tors!' WE ARE HARO TO FIND-BUT WORTH IT' A SADOUIACK IMW /SUIAltU W 28•02 M arguerita Pl<wy • Avery Pllwf exit We otter what no bank or IHse company cen 1 Ei1pertly staffed. most modern service & parts dept , 2 One ol the Southland s most e11par1enced sates & leasing stall. 3 EHmlnallon ol the midd le1111 n t>y leasing dealer direct 831·2040 Mission Viejo <495"'*9<l9 COST A MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540·641 O Serving Orange County lor 16 years 1 M ile So 405 SUNSET FORD, IHC. (Home ol Willie the Whalel 5440 Gatoen Grove Blvd Westm1ns1er Tel 636-4010 ORANGE COUNTY VOL VO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd . Garden Grove Tel 530-9 190 Exclusively Volvo to cover alt your Volvo requltements New•Used•Sates•Leasing•Parts•Serv1ce•Body Shop Freeway close 1n the heat! o l Orange County at Garden Grove Blvd & Brookhurs1 0 CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Over 20 years serving Otange County• Sales. teasing, service Call 546·1200; special parts ttne. 546-9400 body snop ltne. 75"·04::" 0 ROY CARVER ROLLS ROYCE-IMW 15"0 Jamboree Road. Newport Beach 640-64« Sates. Service. Patts And Leasing fD COlllMlllll DeLILLO CHIVltOLIT (Forrn«ty Groth Chevrolet) 18211 BMCtt Blvd , Huntington BMCtt New • UMd • Sai.e • Leulng • Part• • s.Mce Come by and 111 our H~ tnvtntOtYI 8 .. M 1087 549-3331 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP. 642-5678 .. - .. 111111 ClllT 1111111,l llACI I flllllll lllllY ,.,, INI )/\' ALJ(d I'.' .'I l'l•l.' OHANC.l. C<)UN TV C ALIFO l~N l l\ 25 CENTS F LOATING 'SALOON' -Entry of the Irvine Company in Sunday's 22nd Annual Newport Harbor Character Boat Parade was in keeping with the waterborne parade's theme: "NewJX>rt Goes Cou!1try/Western." Additional photos appear Dmlly Net ~· bf 0ety A"*- on Page BL The traditional event is presented each year by the Commodores Club of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Heat drives hordes to beach It was just another hot August 'weekend along the Orange COast as 500,000 beachgoers swarmed lo the sands. 30 boaters dressed up like cowboys and putted around Newport Harbor and a military deserter got arrested for speeding on a stolen jet ski. "It was that kind of weekend," said lifeguard Captain Buddy Belshe in Newport Beach where more than 150 people were pulled to shore after being caught up in rip tides. Hot and humid weather in inland cities made the cooler strand the place to be. Nearly 100,000 people showed up at the sands in Newport Beach and Huntington Beach Sunday. The water temperature was a pleasant 69 degrees and the air Just a couple of degrees warmer The 22 nd edition of t h e annual Character Boat Parade in Newport Harbor attracted 30 skippers who vied for honors in what has become known as the wackiest marine display around. The the~e this year was Prime rate drops to 22-rnonth low NEW YORK. (AP) -A half- point cut in the prime lending rate to a 22-month low of 13.5 percent spread to more major banks today, reflecting steep . declines in the banks' cost of funds. Morgan Guaranty Trust. thP. nation's fifth largest bank, and No. 14 Marine Midland Bank followed reductions begun Friday at several major money- center banks. Bank of America announced in San Francisco that it would match the prime lending rate of 13.5 percent. Crocker: Bank. San Francisco said it has lowered its home mortgage loan rate to 15.5 percent beginning today. The new rate, down from 16 percent. applies to loans amortized over 30 years with either a five-year or seven-year due date. · The last time the prime rate was as low was in October 1980. At that time. it was on its wav up toward a record 21 .5 percent~ · The prime, which stood as high as 16.5 percent last month, is the base upon which banks compute interest cha rges on short-tenn business loans to their best-risk corporate customers. Consumer loans and mortgages are not tied to the prime, but c hanges in the prime are an indicator of movements in other interest rates. Other interest rates have been' plummeting this summer. The interest on three-month certificates of deposit. offered in minimum denominations or $100,000 and an important source of funds for banks, stood at 10.05 percent today. "Newport Beach Goes Country/Western." One of the boats that plied the harbor waters was dubbed "The Best Little Oar House in Newport Beach" while another craft was tra nsformed into a bottle of Scotch. And the USS Mil·higan. the only boat ever to have sunk m the colorfuJ parade. stayed on top of the water this year. Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol officers arrested a 21-year-old man Sunday for BIRTHDAY -Gene Kelly turned 70 today and says he's hung up his dancing shoes for good. "l'm going V> spend all my time behind the camt"ra and not m front of one," he said. speeding on a jet ski off Lido Isle in Newport Harbor. Officers 8ald further checks revealed the ski was stoJen in Los Angeles a year ago. A 36-foot cabin cruiser was towed to safety Sunday afternoon near Seal Beach when the craft got too close to. shore and the skipper had difficulty guiding it back out to sea. In Laguna Beach. about 30 booths were set up at Main Beach for the Energy Fair. featuring exhibits on wind power. water purification and drip irngation. Bandits hit two Valley s upermarke ts Armed gunmen struck at two Fountain Valley supermarket locations Sunday. police said today In the first incident. a lone gunman carrying a can of beer escaped with about $1,000 in cash from Vons. 16201 Harbor Blvd. Police said he got the money from the cashier after displaying a gun m his waistband at about 5:35 p.m. ln the second incident, shortly after 11 p.m .. a passenger in a car leveled a shotgun at a customer who was walking to his car at the Alpha Beta lot. 8930 Warner Ave. The gunman and the driver escaped with the man's wallet containing $10 and credit cards. police said. Child ~neglect ! rap djropped against Stuckle By DAVID KU1ZMANN Of the Dait1 Hot 8teff An Orange Countr judge dismissed relony child negl~·t c harges today aga1ntt Carla Verne Stuckle. lhe mofler or a 14-month-old boy whoee father is state Sen. Johp G. Sc:nmitz. Ce ntral Orange County Municipal Court Judie Gary Ryan dismissed lhe charge after the district attorneys offic~ conceded there was inaufficient evidence to warrant praieculion The child had suffered severe genital injuries and was temporarily removtd from Stuckle's custody until earlier this month. when a juvenile court judge ordered lhe release of the child to Stuckle Both Stuckle and her attorney, Michael McDonnell, said after this morning's court hearing m Santa Ana that charges would never have been filed H it hadn't been for Sen . Schmitz' i n volvement in the matter Stuckle. a Tustin resident. has claimed that the Corona del Mar lawmaker 1s the father of both her infant son and an infant daughter · Birth records on fate m Orange County list Schmitz as the Cathe11 of both t'hildren. · Stuckle told reporters th1~ rnorn1ng that she felt no bitterness about charges being filed against her and was not: angry at Schmitz even though the GOP lawmaker had not made any public statements concerning the highly publicized issue of paternity. "He had to make his decision," the Tustin woman said. Even so, she said, she is still in love with Schmitz, with whom she said she carried on a nine- year love affair after taking a class taught by him at Sant.a Ana College. Judge Ryan made his ruling in (See STUCKLE, Page A2> Blast delays PLO Beirut • ID ouster 1,000 g uerrillas loaded aboard ship BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) -An exploding car bomb halted a harbor-bound PLO convoy for about an hour today. but the trucks later brought about 1,000 Palestinian guerrillas to a ship that will take them to a new home in South Yemen. The loading onto the ship also was halted briefly while several guerrillas carrying rocket - propelled grenade launchers turned over the weapons, according to Bruce Kashdan. Israeli Foreign M 1n1str y spokesman in Beirut. While the evacuation proceeded into its third day Parliament elected a n ew Lebanese president, rightist Christian militia commander Bashir Gemayel. and the Christian sector of east Beirut erupted in wild street celebrations. There were reports of people wounded by bullets fired into the air in celebration. Israel's military command meanwhile said Palestinian ,guerrillas had made another attack on its east Lebanon forces. firing bazookas at soldiers north of the village of Mansoura. The command said the Israelis returned the fire. but suffered no casualties i.n the attack Sunday night. which followed fresh Israeli warnings that skirm ishes outside Beirut must stop. It said artillery shells later were fired at the Israelis near Mansoura. but added 1t did not know if Synan troops or PLO forces were responsible and that fire was not returned. Israel said earlier that three PLO guerrillas were killed m eastern Lebanon and five Israelis were wounded near the southern city of Tyre in fighting Saturday. Israel today accused U.S . special envoy Philip C. Habib of a "misjudgment" during the evacuation of the Palestinian guerrillas from Beirut, 5:1ytng he authorized exceptions to the withdrawal accord. In Limassol. Cyprus. hundreds of guerrillas ;ammed the rails of the ferry Sol Phryne which steamed on to Tunisia after docking to unload 21 jeeps that had delayed the boat's departure from Beirut on Sunday "Israel. we will make your nights sleepless and your days restless," some chanted. Others held signs telling Arab states failing to help them after Israel invaded Lebanon June 6 to "eat vo11r oil." The estimated 1.0.00 PLO members on board were the second group lo leave Beirut in the scheduled two -week evacuation. The first batch of 397 evacuees arrived in Jordan and Iraq via Cyprus on Sunday. The third group loaded onto buses in west Beirut's sports stadium a.S their leftist Lebanese Moslem comrades fi red the thunderous machine gun and anti-aircrart volleys. About 15 minutes after it left the stadium. Associated Press t'Orrespondent G.G. Labelle saw the convoy stop as a car bomb exploded about a mile away, sending a cloud of thick black smoke into the sky. There was no 1mmed1ate word on casualties (See PLO. Page A2> Huntington man rescued by neighbors from blazing house Two neighbors were credited w ith rescuing a Huntington Beach man whose home was destroyed in a weekend fire. Huntington Beach Fire Capt. WORLD Ro~er Hosmer said Ronald McCracken was asleep alone in his single-story residence at 8252 Darsy Drive when the fire broke out at 6: 15 a.m. Saturday. Soviet n avy has the edge The Soviet navy has the lead over America in several areas especially nuclear submarines. according to a respected publication on world shipping. Page A5. NATION Divvying up the spoils When the love is gone there is often a squabble over who gets what. An attorney has written a book on how to make sure what is yours stays yours. Page 83. Here comes the judge A Wltc0nsin woman had planned a career in music. She haa been a beauty queen, haa a family and now find.I henelf aa f int woman to 1erve as a chief judge ln Wilconain, Page B2. ,. ,, A neighbor, Alton Tindle of 8331 Darsy Drive. passed the house on his way to work and spotted smoke, Hosmer said. Tindle sounded his car horn to COUNTY alert the resident. The noise brought the fire to the attention of anot h e r neighbor. Donald Maynard of 8262 Darsy Drive. whose wife Hom e building eased It could be easier to build a home in Sant.a Ana Heights after action by the Orange County Planning Commission that requires only staff-level approval for new construction or remodeling. Page A4. Bank gets n e w president The Laguna Bank. a financial institulioh empha.slzing community service, ha.a a new president. Page 86. TELEVISION B eing a kid again Actor Joel HJggins 11 havin1 a lot of fun with hi.a role in new NBC comedy, "Silver Spoons." He aeta to be • child all day ln the show featuring role reversal. Paae 88 . called fir efighters while Maynard joined Tindle in attempting to rouse their neighbor. The two men were unable to enter a rear door, but spotted McCracken through a bedroom window. According to Hosmer. the two neighbors shouted to (See FIRES, Page A2l INDEX At Your Service 1\4 Horoscope A7 Erma Bombeck A7 Intermission B7 Business B6 Ann Landers A7 Cavalcade A7 Movies 86-7 Classified Ol-8 Pvblic Notices Ol Comics 84 Sports Cl-3 Crossword B4 Stock Markets B5 Death Notices C4 Television B8 Editorial A6 Theaters B6-7 Entertainment 86-7 Weather A2 Art Hoppe A7 SPORTS Ansels hot; Dodgers not The CallfomJa Angela, led by Regie Jacbon'• hltttng, beat Detroit 6-~ Sunday. The Loe Angeles Dodgers, meantime, lost a 14-inning marathon to Ptu.aburgh. 4-S. I HIF --------------------------------&,: OAILV PILOT/M*•V1Augu11 a31 1eea i,, 1 • I WIDS ward for light d • ice The installaUon of energy- s av in g d e vices that automatically a hut off lighting and ventllatlon In unoccupied rooms haa won Golden W est College In Huntington Beach special recognition and a monetary award. College offlc lah said Golden West ha.a saved $17,- . 500 annuall y since the Installation of motion sensors . . • A c o urs e on s m a ll bu s in e ss l'Ompu te r applica tions will be offered this fall through Coastline College. The class will be offered . rro m 6 :30 t o 9 :30 p .m . ~ Wednesdays, beginning Sept. · 8, at Marina High School in that de t whether a room u. occupied. e collep wu one of 35 w sw in the MVenth annual Coat Reduc tio n Incentlv Awards Pro~ram. sponsor by the National Associati n of College and Universi Buslftea Officers and the nited States Steel Foundati G o lde $1,000 a reAived its Tnergy Huntingu!n J:ieach. Instructor J effrey lJ Bttk will discuss compu ttr alte rnati ves , acquisati~n and compute r problems. More i.formation on the course car be obtained by ca llin g t he co ll e g e a t 963-0824. ME RCEDES MELTED Newpo rt Be ach fireman sifts thrpugh rubble of garage at 405 Morning S tar Lane where fi re dc·stroyed th as new $80.000 Mercedes S unda v Pvening. oe111 ll'llOI Photo 1tr CMrtee ... n Auth o rities said the l·aus t• o f th l' blaze is s till unde r tnVt'st1gat1on and that th(• ownc-rs h<J Vl' no t been located. (" '"' rat~ decline boosts stock market gains •,N EW YORK (AP) -The •1 ~tQCk marke t 1..'0ntinued its broad ""and sharp advance early today in ~ry heavy trading as a 13.5 -pe rcen t p rime le ndin g rd le spread throughout th e banking industry. From Page A1 FIRES. • • r111'1ake the groggy residen t, then '• tielped him out the window to ~.J;ifcty. 1,f""W itho u t quest ion . the ir '• ~tions saved his life," the fire c:aptain said v1'B y the t im e fire fighters r"gitnved, the house was engulfed ,..,-tn flames, said Hosm e r who ·;:estimated $110,000 damage to the i4tructure and its l'Ontents. McCracken was treated a t the ,s c?ene but d id n o t r equire ,;Jfospitalization . Hosmer said. "'' The · cause of the h om e Cire n~mains under investigation. n._ Huntington Beach firet1ghters were summoned to another fire ..Sonday in the city's industrial district. Hosme r said a small fire at C re ative C urric u l u m . l ~622 Producer L a ne , trigger ed a sprinkler system but failed to set off an outside alarm bell. '• The s prinklers extinguished the fire. then continued spraying vl:ilsid e t h e build in g w he re aieach ing aids, including books ;'~~d tapes, are s1.0;1. r-"7-i, Re tail, iechnology , mining . chemical and forest-pro ducts issues paced the gainers. PrtCE's opened mixed followang last w e e k's record -setting performance. but then resumed their gains as trad ing moved into tts third hour Vo lunH.· on the Ne w York S to<.'k Exl·ha ngt· after two hours of tr;1dmg \111.iilt•d 49.-t:! mill mn s hun.•.,, t·omparC'd w ith :{;l 9:1 million a t that hour Friday Gatnl'rs o n t hl• Big Boa r d JUmpl'<.i tu mon • than u :i-I ll•;id over lusl•rs , and th<' NY S E 1.:omposlll' 1ndt·~ dimtx'(I 0.8!-} to t)!),!)-t Gas prices continue decline Nationwide survey shows cost five cents I rom last August L OS ANGELES (AP) - Gasoline prices continued to edge downward in August. al~rdmg to t h e la test surve y b y o al industry analyst Dan Lundberg In h ts latest biw ee kl y nationwide survey of 17,000 gas sta tions, Lundberg found an average price of $1.28.22 for all four gra des of gasoline including taxes, down a half-penny from two weeks ago a nd a penny from Ju!y. the peak of the driving season. From Page A1 PLO. • • from the car bombing. The guerrillas' de parture by boat for Aden, capital of Marx ist South Yemen at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula. wall bring to about 2,500 the number of PLO fighters evacuated from Beirut an three days. Clouds to Pnt·<·s wt•rC' a nic kel a gallon ll•Ss than Augus t of last year . wht•n tht• avt•ragc was $1.33.83, Lundbl·rg said Sunday He 1s p u bl1::.ht-r uf the Lundb e r g Lt' t t t• r . a n u 1 I 1 n ct L'-; t r v publwal1on Also. pm·ps tor rt>gular leadc-d ,i,cas at s1•lf-st'rvc stations. which ha ndll• a rna.ior portion o f total sale•:,, dt'(·l11wd s harply A d rop of :! 2 r<>nL'> tn SUl'h gas ~les w as n.•portt·d 1n tht-Midwest. I -l fi t•t•nL.., in th1· South. H l'l•nts 1n thl' f.:ast and 2:~ 1·1·nL" in tht• Roc:k1<'" Prtu·" 101 the· past st•vernl vc•a1.., h,1vt· lt•ndt'd to d ecl1 nc· du rt nl>( A ugust as the p eak v acatUJn s eason p asses and l"o mp!'t1t1on for mo to rists· bus1nt'"-" 1mrcaSC'S Lundb<'rg said th1:, t.h'<·lme generally continuf'S through tht• fctll T hl· most rN"t'nt Lundber g Lc·tH•r. p u b l ished Saturday µrt•d1t·tt•d tht• !>tt•t•p. dt><·adt'-long • re In a In trt'nd of gas st.attun dosun·s m:.i;. ha ve bottoml'd ou t, but that maJt>r 111 1 companic .., havl' l>t"l:Omt• un usually q u 1t•t .ibou t their f utur<' markNtng plans. 1 f ~uc-h plans <>xast. About 14 7.0U!} <,<•rv1c1· st.attrm1. t•xa s t 1n th(· Unllt·d S tatc•s. comparc·d lo 2l6.45\:I a dpc·;.1d1· .. go. LunclbPrg rl'portl'd I n a dd1 l 1on . gas s ta tio n s ht•ing rnnstruett-d today H·nd w bt· high volum1·. st'lf ·st'rv1· oulll'L'> lot:att -<1 1n populOU'-. growth art•as Tht• tndu<.t r\ .drt•;id\ m."· h a ,. e rt' d 1· h t· d a m 1 n 1 m u 1 t' 11umbt.•1 of ~as st<l lu•n:. nt'lt~••' t o m <• 1 n ta 1 n · · A m 1· r 1 l" a .., .1utom<Jll\'l '><X. lt•l' Lundbt r lo( ...aid . The Dow J ones average of 30 1nuustrrn ls. which gaim•d :lO 72 points Friday to push 1L.., gain 1111 tht• wee k lo a rC'l•onl 81 :!.4 potrll:.. was up a nother 9 :l2 tu H7H HI .11 ~ a m PDT T hl· tran-.p11rlal1on ind<·>-.1bo ros<· hut tlw uttlll \ From Pa e A 1 measun• was off a fraction . T lw markl•l°!> surg(· has been attt 1butc·d m ai nly l o rec ent dl'dtnl'::. 1n 1nter c>s t rates and t·11ng rt'S.'>tonal pa....sage las t week 111 a S!l :i h1 l1111n Lax increase bill. STUCKLE CHARGE NIXED \.\ h <it would havt· lx·1·n the· f1 rc;1 day of a prel1m1nar v h t•;i nng aga m:.t Stul·k lt· The• .i:i-vl'ar -old w um.in w a.., ,1rrt·!>tc:d by Tu-.u n poltct· and ch•irgl'd with fl'l11ny c hild ncglc'C·t a f tt·r-d1.11:lors dtst•ovc •r't ·(j that ht>r 1nl a n1 .... in ·., J.H•n1~ "'"\> nc•a rly !>l'Vt'r<·d by having d ..,trnnd ot hair wound lightly dround tt. Rct·o n!'>lrut·t 1 vt· surger y was p1·rform t•d <ind t ht• c h ild was rPturned to tht• mother followin~ ,1 JUVc·nile t·ourt hl'an ng earlier th1:, munth Still pl•ndmg against Stuckle is a Sc•pl 10 ht•armg in juvenile c11ur1 dl·altng with whether she ean m<.11n1.<Jtn pt·rm<inent custody. TNT found at embassy WJ\SlllN (;TON 1A P1 t\ 4u.irt1·r pt1uml ttl TNT hw, IJt'l n tnund on the· dnvt•wav of tlw Yugo-.lav1an t•mli;1..,!'-y: but no dl'lonator '' ,.., .rt t .. t·lu·d cind 11 ",.., -.;rtl'h r!·m o v1 d Set rl't S1·rv1t·t· 11ff1 t"w b -.u1d . Thi· 1•xµlo-.1vc• wru. in a metal r an1:,tc•r Ne , on<' h.Js claimed 11·..,pons1btl11y for lhl' S u nday 1m·1dt•n t. s..11d spokt'Sman Joseph l'c tro :~~~ ni ght and morning hours. beeom1ng west lo aouthwesterly al 8 to 18 knota during the alter noon w•th a 1 ·10·3·1001 IOUlhWH I swell Th• For•cast For 8 a.m. EDT Tuesoav Au')usr 24 S ~ now t.:::.:.:J l •te n ig h t through mtd - ,rnornlng low clouds neer the , cout, othefwi111 fair with 11arleble •l)lgh cloud• 1n the efternoona \111gha fr om m 1d·70s •• the beaches 10 mid-901 Inland --Ov erni ght low s es 10 70 2 ,Hunllngton-NewP<><t •rea r•no•no -; 1fr°""• low ot 67 to• hlQh of '75 ''El sewher e rro m P~1 n1 " .~oncep11on 10 the Mexica n » 'i:>order end out 60 m11M Smell 1 'cralt adv11ory for outer weters w.lh northwest winds ol t5 to 25 knots end combined seas Of 3 to ~ feet lhrough tonight locally light variable winds turning -t to southwest to to 20 kl\ott ltil1 a fternoo n e n d eveni n g Sollthwest swells of t to 3 feet Night end morning log and low c l ouds over o uter w at er• utend111g to ll'lnet weten . U.S. s1unn1ary Showers and lhunderttorme d e mpened ar eal from Iha Aocklel to the central Pl1ln1 9nd Into the lower Grett l ekH end Pennsyh-enl• early today Some ltoleled shower• drolled o.,., Florida end lhe Cerotlnu . Mollly cle1r tklu covered .,... fl"om the toulhefn Ptttll\1 to the c.ntrel Gulf Coest end In the PaclllC N0<thwes1 Scettered sho wer• end thund«llorme Sunday louelled .,_from the Tennn-Rtwr Ve119)1 through the lo-Gre81 L ek•• e nd the m1ddl 1 end north er " Allen11c 11e1e1 Sult«ed thundert10<m1 1weot .,_ from Ml-rl to Florid• Skllll -e P«t'Y Cloudy oY8f the l\Ofth-centrel sec:tlon or the n etlo n end mostly t unny ...... e. Tempereturee belore dlwn reng•d from 48 et Merquette. Mlc:h.. IO 9 t Pllollnlx California The NelloMI W881h9r S4NIGe 11y• S o uthern C111torn11·e ••••ll•r 1hould b• cloudy T~ with 1"°'9t9d 11temoon 9'ld ev.nlng thunder~• In mountelna end d u1rt1 end poMlble atrong, g111ty Wind•. HIQllt wlll rlncl9 from the lllld 101 1n l.o• Angel•tt1_to tot In <>-it v-.y. from llO to to Ill mountain .,. .... frOfll N lo 103 Ill non'*11 d9«!1 to 11i In 1M tow Nwt. ~ lcMI -fOtfC:Nt In 1111 hlfl\ OOtt In downtown Lo• Ang9lll to • coeetel low renglng from II to 10, ,,...., M to lfl9 90a ., lftOUfltlllnt Md "°"' ... _..., IOltolM70elllctlt~ 109W8 "°"' Point~ to IM,,..._. borM _, "*" jjo/11 v~ Wln4'I dllfll'IO tM • Northwest winds could reach 25 knots w ith a combin ed 3-to-5-fool sea 81\d swell lerthef than 60 mllel olfst>ore from Sen NICOIH liland Te1nperatures NATION HI Lo Albeny 68 57 AlbUQue 89 e9 Amertllo 93 67 Asheville 77 55 Allente 87 67 Aus1m 98 75 0A1t1m0<e 73 63 81fhngs 90 57 Blfm•nghm 88 64 Blame•ck 81 54 Botse ~ $6 Boat on 70 54 Browns1111e 95 78 8ulfel0 65 57 Burllngton 70 54 CalPI< 111 54 Charl•ln SC 88 78 Charlstn WV 82 59 Ch1.rltte NC 79 55 Cheyenne 79 55 Chicago 78 &4 Cll\Clnnatl 78 87 Cleveland 7t 82 Clmble SC 88 88 Columbus 78 61 Del-Ft Wlh 99 78 Oeyton 7tl 83 OenVlt 84 " °" MotnM 84 85 Oetr04t 69 83 Duluth 74 58 El Peso 98 70 Fetgo 77 &e Flagstaff 83 68 GrNI Fall• 69 41 Htt110fd 72 57 Helene 80 60 Honotulu 87 75 Houaton 94 eo lndl\eplil .7 IS •Low Temperat11res ~ ..... ..... -- Frol\1!. C :,.... ;, J-sn MS 91 72 Jech nvtle 93 74 Kens City 9t 67 Knoxvllle 85 65 LU Veges too 83 Little Roc:k 92 77 lou1avllle 81 70 Lubboek 92 74 Memphta 89 79 Mtemt 90 82 Mllweultff 76 59 Mpls-St.P 81 60 NUhvllle 6b 66 New Orleen1 93 ,. New Y0<k 73 64 NotfOlk 78 70 Mo. Pl•n• 91 61 Okla CHy 98 70 Om8ll• 83 66 OrllrlOo 90 75 Ptilledpttl• 73 61 PllCMlnl• 109 86 Ptttal:lur~ 75 60 P111nd. • 85 53 P119nd. Ore 90 60 PrOlllderloe 69 59 =~ty 83 89 79 5• R9no 101 63 Rlchll\Oftd 79 86 $911 Liit• 97 89 Sen Antonio 95 7• S..111• 79 58 Slw"~ 93 75 Sioull .... 83 56 St Lou• 85 73 ' SURf RIPDRT ·'if 3-5 2 3-7 3-4 1·2 .... .::Ct g::: , .. , OOod ,.,, fair Aftf ... T..,,_,, 11 80 89 69 611 67 ea St P T&mpe St St" Mane Spokane Syracuse Tot>t"ka Tucson Tulsa Wuh1notn W1ch1t11 CALIF<JRNIA Bakersheld Blythe Furelte Fresno Lancester Los Angeies Monterey Needles Paso Robles "led Stull Redwood City Sacramento S11tnes San Diego San Fr&ncilGO Sent• Berber• Sloc:k ton Thermel 8 81JIOW Big Bee• CeteJll\• loog BMch Smog ' ...... 85 60 69 47 90 57 69 60 95 68 100 71 tOO 79 76 66 101 7 1 t06 8t t09 - 83 101 71 99 80 86 69 6• 107 107 59 108 72 79 60 97 55 68 49 81 71 ~ 54 78 58 105 65 112 t02 83 78 50 ,, 65 82 69 Whore to cell (toll troe) 101 l•l"t llTIOQ tnt0<metton· Orange County (900) «5-3828 l.Ot AngelH County · (1001 242-4022 RIY9'11WM Md Sen Berl\ardll\o counti.t· (800) 381·47 10 AOMD fplllOde Cen ter: (800) 242-4000 Tides TOOAV second high I. 11 p m 5 o 9.conCI 10w 7 .38 p.m 1 6 TUHOAY Flr1t high 1 29 e.m 4 1 Flrlt low 7·2'4 1.m. • I 6 S900lld h!Gh 2-00 p,m U S.Concl low I 64 p 111. 1 7 S11n Mtt •t 7 31 p m , '·'• .. TuM<ley It t .2 1 a_m Moon ,, ... tOd•y at 11 03 • m .. Mtl at 10.40 Pm ,. Exclusive mid-weight s uits for the Jlrooksgate man H erc is an excellent suiting for the young executive who seeks an all-worsted h e can wear almost year-round. It's tailored on our trim 2-button Brooksgate model, and is an exce llent value con s idering the quality and versatility. Navy or grey so lids or with pin stripes. Co at, ves t and trou sers . $250 HTAll.ISHID 1111 ~~~ ~~liII~ furntshhlQ9 for iltn. Women ~ loy$ ~30 \\ h :-. I' 7T I IS rnEh'I: I OS \ '<iti l.FS. C AI.IP. F,\~HIO'.\: ISi.. \:--.I>.~ h\\ l'Olt1 HHAC l-I. C I.IP. , • . STATE 150 people stranded by mudslide By Tbe Auoclated Preu KINGS CANYON -About 150 pt."'t>Ph'. including 44 e lderly people on o tour bus, spt•nt 1m unexpected l'Xlra night Inside Kings Canyon National Park after their exit was blocked by u 400-yard-wide mudslide that buried the only highway to Cedar Grow. oChcials said The highway today was cleared by workers after the pass of mud and huge boulders came tumbling down in a driving afternoon rainstorm Sunday, Ul..'t.'Ordtng to purk dh1putcht:r Barbaro ~II Tht' se<:ond lune lt1 t·x~·lt'd to be open t'<i law ltua morning. Park Servi~ spokesman Marv Jen.sen said the people were never in any danger He said the rmnstorm started the slide onto Highway 180 about a half mile W<.'Sl of tht• park boundary. blocking 1t with a m~ of mud and rocks 400 yards wide and five to six feet c.Jeep with boulders as large as l·ars. Palm Springs fire now under control PALM S PRINGS -A 3,350-acre brush fire ignited by lightning has been brought under control with n o damage to homes after winds helped spare damage to a nearby {'Ommunity, the U.S . Forest Service says. The fire that began two days ago l'1ght males northwest of Palm Sprin~s was brouRht under Bills planned to save S AN FRANCISCO -State aSS('mblyman Art Agnos says he'll introduce legislation to block the state's order halting publication of sax prison newspapers. One bill would lie up the salarll's of top Department of Corre<.·t1ons off1t·1als until the suspension order as rC'scmdt'Cl or the matter 1s •nvestigatl•d. The other wo u ld anwnd the WORLD 1..'0ntrol at aoout 6 p.m Sunday, said a dispak·her with the forest service who d id not want to tx• identified. He said the fire was c.'Ontaincd at ti a.m Sunday. Many of the more than 1,000 firefighters battling the blaze were sent home late S unday and earlv today. • prison papers Cal1forn1a Penal Cod e to gu;l:antee the newspapers the riRht to publish . The [)(.partmenl of Corn'Ct1ons 1ssu t!d an order halting publications at the six state pnsons, saying tht> money spent ea<:h year to publish the newspaix•rs would be bC'lter spent on .)Obs for inmate!; Forest fires ravage southern France DRAGUIGNAN. Franl'(' -Wt'Cke nd fort-St fires along the Fre nch Riviera killed at least one person, destroyed foresL'i over 38 square miles and fo rced the evacuation o f a n unkno wn number of campers. a uthorities said Sunday. About 2,500 firemen, soldiers and volunteers Terrorist bomb misses PARIS -The bomb intended for a U.S . diplomat in Paris may have been planted by an elusive Arab ter rorist organization that has claimed responsibility for the assassination of one American diplomat and an attempt on the Hf£• of another, Fre nch pol1c.-e say. U S. commercial attache Roderick Grant was the target of the bomb, but instead 1t killed a police bomb disposal c•xpert and blew off the were battling the blazes Sunday in southern France a nd on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. Off1c1als said thl' damage in southern France was the worst caused by fires since the hot, dry summer of 1979. • U.S. diplomat arms and legs of another one Saturday. Police said they were investigating the poss1b1llty that the bomb was le ft by tht' Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Fac tion. whic:h claimed respons1b1hty for ll an telephone calls t<> news agencies. The same group said previously 1t earned out the assassination of U.S Embassy mahtary attache Col. Charles Ray in Paris Jan 18 a nd 1hc· attack o n t he embassy's c:har gc d'affaires. Chnst1an Chapman, last Nov 12 Carbon monoxide kills seven in Mexico TECATE. Mexico -Five ml'mbers of one fami ly and two other people were killed by carbon monoxide fumes in a death trek to the bottom of a well where one of the victims had descended to fix a leaking gasoline pump engine, officials say. Two o the r s w e r e reporte d an c ritical NATION mndiuon at Tajuana Gent'ral Hospital after they also climbed into the w ell in the farm town of Colonia Echeve rria, located about 20 miles cast of Tecate on the Mexicali Highway. All the victims. ex{'ept a fireman who was killed trying to rescue them. lived on Rancho Chula Vista. a local farm Shultz to meet with Gromyko next month WASHING TON -Secretary o f State George P . S hultz said he expe<'ts to have his first meeting with Soviet Foreign M inister Andrei Gromyko next month when the U.N General Assembly convenes for its fall session. Schultz, interviewed on NBC's "Meet The Press" Sunday, said 1t 1s quite possible the question of a summit meetmR between President Reagan a nd Soviet President Leonoid Brezhnev will be d iscussed 1f a meeting with Gromyko takes place. Asked whether a Soviet-American summit would be desll'able, Shultz said 1t depended upon whether prior assura nces could be obtained t hat such a meeting would yield positive results. "lf not. then there is no point to 1t," Shultz said. American Indians ·air economic problems LAKE LURE. N.C. -Re presentatives of more than a dozen American Indian tribes, some hurt by unemployment rates as high as 60 percent, m et Sunday in the North Carolina mountains to develop a unnro response to thell' econom ic problems. the low-income bracket, are having problems," said Joe Dan O sceola, a Semino le from Hollywood, Fla. "The economic depression has hit the reservation harder than a n ywhere else:· Most of the tribes represented are from the Southeast. a lthough representatives caml' from as far away as Alaska. "Unfortunately, Indians, as well as people of ~ ''""•v 1t "'°" oo nae ~ fOUf OraOe' t>., !I; lO o rn c•fl ,,.'°" • 1 0 m Ind 'f(Xlf CliPY wtlf be d••~ ...... eo We1re Listening ••• What do you hke aoout the Daily Pilot? What don't you like" Call th.~ number below and your m essage will be recorded. transcribed and deli vered to the appropriate editor The same 24-hour answenng service may be used to record let ters lo the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone numbt>r for verification No c1 rculallon l' a lls. pl <.'a sc Tell us what's on your mind 642•6086 OA~E COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley P~bl·sl>e< ond C1>1el E •e<ut••" Otfic"' Jane AmClfi hecut .. e Ed<oor l. Kay Schultz Vice Pr .. ide<!I l)n(J O..t1etor ol Advettil"'O Michael P. Harvey Dlf ectOr ol Mo! ~-'lt!Q IC1tclllotoonl \ Thomas A. Murphlne fd1t0< hymond Moc&..an Controllol< Kenneth N . OodclGf'd Jr. Olt.CIOI ol {)pe.ahont ClauHled advartlelng 714}142·5'78 All other ct.partmant• 142-432'1 MAIN OFFICE UO WKI a. SI , CO!lle Me ... CA Melt ........ lo• IMO, Cati• Me ... CA fM'6 COPYtlOlll 1'92 0.Mtt Goetl P'*lltl•lf•t C-¥ Ne-• tlllr1et, ltllltlrOflen" edMor .. t ,,._...or -¥fflfM.._q ... , .... moy M ••!lrMIKW wtt"911! ..-<lel .. rmltt!oflOf<OP'f•ftM-r , Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Monday, Auguat 23, 1982 H/F CHUTES FLYING With colorful spinna k Ns ballooning in thf' b reew. front runners in lh<• f ield of 11 New York-:Ui vaehts thul turnt'd l)Ut Dallr Piiot Photo br AlmOl'I ~ tor tht> firs t Eas l-West C ha lle nge n •gatta run lx•forc• lht.> wind. Newport yat'hter-won the l'V<'nt 1s1•c• ~tor~. Page C:l) County to • retain courthouse Historical building to house state court of a ppeal It now appears Orange County government w ill rl'tain ownership of the turn-o f-th•· century county courthouse 1n Santa Ana -a building dl•stmc·d to hoUSl' a m•w branl'h of lhl s ta l l' 4 t h D 1 s t r 1 c· t Co u r t o f Appt.•al What 1s being tC"rml'd by an aidt' to County Supt.•rv1sor H.ogt'I Stanton as "the· bt.•st of both w orlds" contanut•d countv uwncrshap and l1•asC' of tht· building to thl· statt' w111 o<.'(:ur under ll'gaslation now ptmdmg 1n Sacramento. Amendments have Ix-en add('{! to the leg1slallon. Assembly 811! 3763. to permit th1.· county to lea~ the his torn: red sandstone structur(' to tht.• state providing the {'OU nty begins nN'l·ssa ry reconstru1.·uon work prior to I:>et:. 31. 1983 l£ the countv meets that deadline. anoth<:r prov1s1on of the bill permitting direct stat1.• takeover of the building would become inoperative Robinson's original bill "alk'Cl Inmate flees county jail An Orange County Jail inmat<' escaped this morning when hcf ran through an open gate an the· ;ail's outer yard. S h eri ff's Lt Wyatt Hart 1dent1f1ed the massing prisoner as R obC'rt R . Glenna. 2 4 , of AnahC'1m Glenna was s<•r vmg ti me on a burglary conv1t't1on. Ha rt said the inmate was outside the jail building at about 6 a.m . today wti1le at work on thC' kitchen crew when he darted through the OPi'n gate Ht' was wearing h i s white k1tl·h e n uniform for thl' stat£' to gain ownt'rsh1p of t ht• bu1ld1 n g without l'Ompl'nsating tht• county a movl' that rankled Stanton . whost• district includt•s Santa Ana Stanton t'•1nv1 nl·ed fl'l low supc>rv1sors to !'>t'l cts1dl' S3 m1lhon in l'OUnty Harbors. Bc•aehes and P arks "o 1st r 1 t· t I u n d s f or upgrading uf thl• building. Past studws condudcd the· building 1s not l'arth4uakP-SiJfo At tht• samt· tlml'. Stanton 1n1t1all'd talk!-. with Robinson on perm11tin~ tht• t'ounty to retain owncrsh1~nd ll•usl· tht• building to th(• stall'} Stanton said leaSt' income from the stat(' would t•ventually defray thl' reconstrut·tion costs. At that point. the county c.'Ould make an inco me on lease opC"rat1ons And . Stanton said, coun ty ownership would insur e that historic groups would have a1..'C.'eSS to tht.· buddmg. perhaps for use of soml' s pac:e for a rou n ty h1stor1cal museum The n e w Orangt> County d1v1s1on of the a ppeals court was <Tt>att'd by leg1slat1on passed in 1981 No JUStlCE'S have yet been <ippo mted bec:aus" of litigation eonwsung the Jaw Tequila surprise 2,000 gallons spilled in crash WAPAKONETA. Ohio (AP) A tank truck hit a bridge on lntcrstatt· 75 c•arly today. spilling up to 2.000 gallons of tequila onto the· highway and into the nearby Augla1Zl' R1vt•r. authorlles said The highway patrol was for('('(! to clOS<· a S<>ven -m1le stretch of the hi ghway betwee n Cr1d ersvlll1.• <1 nd Wapakoneta bet·au::.c the liquor 1s highly flammable A largt• fish kill was t·xpcc:ted Ken H arsh . a s tate Env1 ronmen ta I Pro tectio n Agenc:y spokesman in Columbus. said: "With this much material. W<' ex!)\·<:t a big fish kill. "They'll d1('. but tht>y may die happy." T he Oh10 Highway Patrol post at S t . Marys said traffic was halted on Intl·rstate 75 because pohce feared an explosion or fire. Traffic was rerouted while the tequila was being hOS£'d down by th C' W apa k o n t';.a Fi r e IA·partmcnt H1ghw;;y Patrol Cadet Sandy Shanks said the truC'k's tank was "hangin~ halfway over a bridge on the interstate." PollC<• also dosed Ohio 67 below the bndg~. '>he said . Thl· driver. Ronald Hurloy. 31 . of San An tonio. T e xas, was admitted in stable condition at Joint Township Hospital in St Marvs after the acc1de?lt. H ars h sa id a compan y ln Nogales. Ariz . confirmed that the tru<:k was two-thirds Cull of tequila. Pat Morrison , also an EPA off1c:1al. said between 1.000 and 2.000 gallons of tequila spilled from one of three compartmen\S 1n the truc·k. She said the owner o f the vehicle . Reynold s Transport of San Antonio, was .;ending a nother tank truck to p1{'k up the remaining load sh<l..t1and cmwm.ck ... THE ••" ... ,~~ 'ilfr'J.\~~~ ~ .. ~ ~WEATER ·~..,0,_,..,,.o' ona. or thtz. moet urnqua. ehzUond ~ta,rs yo.il t <LW.r ~<l a.ach s~tar is all hand. fiamrz:d with into.TS\8 chtz.st and ~larzvz. &tnpz <2.1@1t colors ma.odl S'Ml.Otcz.T b:xiy colors arrz. buf9undy, grey, lt blucz.1 comi.l, fY!NY Orrl~n @J(Q='(~@)~~ 44 Fashion Island· Newport &ach • 714/644-'5070 1001 \.Vt>stwood Bluel.· Wt-stwood Vlll!J~ • 213/208-3273 ' i ) : I : I I 4 • ' ' , : •• . . t • I I I I t ' . . . . MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1982 H/F D THI CDAIT AND THI COUNTY COMICS STOCKS ENTERTAINMENT 84 85 86-8 How do you follow a first album smash? Carefully, says Christopher Cross. Pal{e B6. 0 ( Numbers garne begins HOW THE TUBE TUMBLES: One o f our regional television stations sponsored a poll just the other day and promptly announced that Gov. Jerry Brown is now leading Mayor Pete Wilson in the race for the U.S . Senate. Already we're in the polling palaver. This particular sarnplinR, the TV people alleged, was a reversal of the earlier order of things. Democrat Brown supposedly trailed Wilson as late as July . liut no , longe r. · r-'\ Figures on this sample ,__ ~said that now, 42 percent MURPH I NI ~would ballot for Brown; 34 --------'_._ ...... .-..-percent for Wilson while 18 percent remain firmly astride the top of the fence. This is hardly very conclusive of anything. One Candidate who just got bad news from latest political polling. Orange County paper trumpeted the news as saying Brown is thus leading Wilson "in 4 Southland Counties." ALAS, THIS ISN'T QUITE correct unless you take all four counties and add them together to get the poll results. The poll actually showed the GOP standard bearer has Brown down 50 to 27 in Orange County. This sounds more like it. Also, Brown trailed Wilson in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. And while the figure wasn't given, it probably means Bro..yn was holding his bulge mainly in Los Angeles County. Well, you couldn't expect a candidate from San Diego to have enormous a ppeal in Los Angeles County, where they generally consider politicians from our border city as kind of back woodsy. Wilson, however, has recently been pounding about the precincts in Orange County, lambasting Brown for his appointme nt of one Edison Mille r to our Board of Supervisors. Miller was controversial as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. He lost the seat in the next election. YOU MIGHT SUSPECT that Mayor Pete shouldn't be wasting a lot of his Republican breath in Orange County if he has the precincts· pretty well locked up here. He should find other Brown appointees that were unpopular in other counties and go lambaste them. Both sides, of course, have differing analyses of what this latest poll sampling means. Gov. Brown envisions the poll as a signal that his senatorial campaign has turned the comer and 'will now charge full steam ahead for victory m November. He says the people now understand how botched up Wilson is in his position on Social Security. Wilson's forces, on the other hand, suggests this latest poll is flawed on two points: ( 1) it was taken too early and (2) it's wrong. Their own poll s hows Wilson ahead of Brown by 6 to 8 percentage points. The TV poll, they suggest, was taken too early over a scattered area and didn't even touch Wilson's home county. Additionally, the Wilson people say that Brown might have shown some teeny gains because he's scattered some $700,000 about in television commercials. ON THE OTHER HAND, Wilson hasn't even launched his major TV campaign, which gets under way Aug. 30. This will turn the tide. the Wilson campaigners declare. Unless, you suppose, Brown has another $700,000 he can ante up. It seems like a rather melancholy circumstance il this whole U.S . Senate election gets settled over the boob tube. Students to hear rnobility issue Orange County Transportation Commission member James Roosevelt is embarking on a Qne-man effort to make students at 100 high schoo ls aware of ~unty transportation issues. Roosevelt, of Newport Beach, the eldest son of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and a former congressman, said , "Young people have the largest •take in ,. "'lrts to assure (uture m That C( letter w Orange ' fo'hich · permiMi1 aa l'TlP.t!e Ln a .ncl;>'!il "' all hiP,l: sch.x>ll In •1eit is sett'.•:1g r.d~ st>· .•-:.11ta. "I believe that high school st ud e n ts . representing tomorrow's work force, can and should be made aware o( our transportation problems and what·they face down the road lf we do n o t speed up the transportation project impl em entatio n proceu, '' Rooeevelt said in the letter. Rooeevelt was appointed to the transport.atio11 commission about one year ago. The comml11lon, formed in 1976, detenninet1 how atate and federal tranaportaUon fund• allocated to Orange County are spent. Where ·the 'characters' were BAR AND GRILLE -Dis tinctive insignia fronts the .. Me rcedes" entr y of car agency owner Jim Slemons in Sunday:s edition of the annual Newport Harbor Character Boat Parade . ON THE BEACH -Spectators found van tage points all around Newport Harbor to watch the seaborne silliness. This crowd was clustered on a p ublic dock on Balboa Peninsula, BALLOON BOAT -Singing for attention were theee living "telegrams" of the Animal Cracken organization. Their boat was festooned with colorful balloons and coetumes ranged SADDLED UP -Bob Muelle r of Santa Ana whoops it up aboard the "neck" of a bottle-shaped Cutty Sark boat. Theme · o f th e 22n d annual p a r a d e w as "Ne wpor-t Goes Country/Western." cameras at the ready and with harrds waving a nd fe~ d angling as the "kids of all ages" variously celebrated th~· latest lunacy of the traditional water escapade. ...,,... ...... -~. l:met from Middle F.ast to Far West ln theme. The crowd got t)w message -all the metNget. · . ·': ., .- Orange Coae• DAILY PILOT /Monday, Augu1t 23, 1982 H/F •• OMPO ITE TRAN ACTION OUOfUIC»li INCLUD• Ut.01\0111 , ....... YO•• MIOWltf P&(ll'l( .... '°''°"" •• ,.o .. awo ClllCll ..... ,. Ooc.• I •C .. •111•1 • 4110 •ef'Olltt 0 I Y ''°'' Ill.OD•• 0 INUl .. 1 f AirCal selects marketing firm From Wire Service& AirCal, N('Wport Beal·h , has announced th e sd1>t•tion or Admarkl·llng as WI new adverustng ugent·y 1•Ha·t1vl· 1mml-<l1a1.ely "We haVl' lwl'n talking w ith Admarkl•\mg for several months and belll,Vt• the profei.slonallsm, l'feat 1v1ty ..ind t.<C fl'l'l1vencss demonstrated by Admarkettng will bl· of great support \,0 A1rCal's markNing dforls," swd Harry Lehr, Viet' president, marketing and business planning. "Their role will bl· e>SJX>C1ally Import.ant in the new low-fare <.'Ompet1t1ve environment," he said Lehr said Admarke ung w ill be cha rgtd with the deve lopme nt of advt'r t1s1ng programs, including extensive markt.>t planning. research. and media placement. des1gn1>d to stre ngthen AirCal's market position in the West Admarketing. headquartered in Los Angeles, has one other airline client 1n Long Bealh·based JM Amcm·a. W .R. Gr ace nam es executives Thl' appointment of R Gerald Gelinas as senior vice president of marketmg for W.R. Gtace & Co.'s Far West Serv1res unit. with headquarters in Irvine. and Donald A Met2n1k as vice president of marketing for Par W£'st's Family Rvstaurant Division was announced today by Anwar Soliman, Grace executive vice president and h<.'ad uf the company's Restaurant Group. Gelinas. :rn. previously served as director of national advertising for Sambo's Restaurants Inc. and. most recently. as vice pres1dC'nt of marketing for the VelVl·t Turtle d1v1s1o n of the Saga Cor p. The announccmt'nL'i were made 1n New York City. Metznik. :!4, .)Olnt.'<.f W R Grace & Co in J 981. Prior to Joining Crace. ht' servt>d as an account executive for Young & Rub1cam Inc. from 1972 until 1976, when he joined thl' Colgate-Palmolive Co. as product mana~er. In addition to its Coco's and .JOJOS .operations, Gral•e's Restaurant Group <1lso operates Houlihan's Old Place. El Tor ito·La F1est<l Mexican restaurants and Del Taco Mexican fast food restaurants. W.R Grace & Co .. a d1vers1fied tnternat1onal c hemical concern, last year reported sale:. in excess of $6.5 bi llion. A irlines president quits Alan H "Skip" Kenison has announced his resignation as president, chief executive officer and director of Jct America Airlines Int· , based in Long Beach. Kenison statt..>d that he tendered his resignation with regret but that personal business affairs will require immediate attention. Donald C. Rhoads. 50. had been elected bv the board to replace Kenison as president of the airlrne Rhoads has been executive vice president of J ct America since the company's founding tn September 1980 ln add1tton. Thomas T albot, ch airman of the board o f directors, announ ced tha t M ax Van Dordrecht has been appointed as chairman of the executive committee of the board of directors ,. Gold, m e tals quotations Gold By The Associated Press Selected world gold pr ices today: London morning fi xing $381 75, off $4 75. London a fternoon hxmg $394 50, up $8.00 Paris afternoon fixing $384 43, up $12.65. Frankfurt h xmg $383.0 I. up $4 .27 Zurich late a fternoon fix ing $38 l 00. up $4 .00 bid. $391.75 asked. I Handy & Harman (only daily quote) $394.50. up 8.00 E ngelhard (only daily quote) $394 50, up $8.00. Engelhard (only daily quote) fabricated $411.23, up I I $8 40. Si.lver Handy & Harman $8 000 per IJ'Oy ounce Meta ls NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous met.al prices today: Copper 70· 73 cents a pound, U.S destinations Lead 26-29 cents a pound. Zinc 40 c.-ent.s a pound, delivered. Aluminum 76· 77 cents a pound, N Y. Mercury S365 00 per flask Pla&inam $291.00-$296.00 troy ounce. N.Y. J Gold coins Due to late transmission today's I isting w ill not appear In the Dally Piiot. ______________________________________________ ....,.,. \ v el! Pw I '° I u.t 14\o'> • \I> w .. ,,u .Q)J U Jh + •.&. Wlllll•h 1J UO t1~ + 'I'' vd!P pll.n 110 uSS .... W••",,, ..,. 1 11 ... Wiii~ 1 '° • -.4 .... \\~ llelP pl'f ti ltOO '°"" IV, WtllllO .. •h • ... WI-S 1 VeEI pl .!IMI 1!00 e.J • 1 -·~' ft t )4 l't"" "" Wllllefft I lO 10 l(lllJ 14'-t 111, Vall' of' ti rt00 .... .. W.111,. '·" 4 ~~ H"-• ... Wll"'E" 4' • iOf ~· \oO velliP IJfl"' • " "" wt1'M t• ' ,, n-.... • w!'""° .~ • JI ,.__ "" ' V•EI' pll,JO dO n • "" ~t"'V' JI 11 1)4 11'-._ W "Oil t.4& t J$ • ..., t .._ VOfMd 1tr U"' o W. w!!'I I •• 9 147 14 , W nn011 JO ... v 1'-• "° Vvlcl~ .40" •Cl t\lt-I& W~I' 111",IO (120 » + "" Wlnt9fJ 111 . 110 ~-W• VvkllM t 4" 1 •I• ""• lilt WJll"11" I • I 1'0 ,,_,., • 1'-Wl\111' \I M t l4 U.. "'' -W-W -WJklt el 0t t I-'--Wit< I'\. ) H t I.. 1•"-• WICO" t 14 1 • 11-. \It W11Alr 1' 4\ot • ... WIJ< !'$ t U I IU JI-i-We<llCW I 14 t 41t M .. • 1 ... WAI• U 11 .. 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Wll I 112 tu'"" Ill ~ we._111 4'14 " t \'t I II ..... -• II It ti _ .. !,#'" W•YO. M S t ?"-+ "" Wll I fllC • YI llfftlll I ' .. ~ {\ I I JllllJ Piiat MONDAY, AUG. 23. 1983 H/F ClASSIFllD cs Pennant race just ;heating up And here come the Brewers! • By JOHN SEV ANO O(IM D .. fy Hot ltaH In this madness the experts call a pennant drive. the Angels and Detroit Tigers staged a real. old-fashioned d onnybrook Sunday afternoon at Anaheim Stadlum. l n a prelude to the r eal fireworks. which are expected to start tonight when the best in the East -Milwaukee -meets the tops in the West -the Angels - in a brief two-game senes. Sunday's affair seemed to have a little bit of everything ... and involve almost everybody. From Manager Sparky Anderson's expulsion in the first inning, to the fans' verbal display of an apparent bad call at the biggest miscue occurred in the bottom of the fifth innmg, during the Angels' four-run uprising, when he called DeCinces out on a play at the plate. a decision replays showed clearly wasn't the best choice. Even the 33.136 umpires m the stands knew what the right caU should have been and they let their displeasure be known not only :n the bottom of the fifth, but through the sixth. seventh, eighth and ninth inninp as well. And . JUS l to compound That was a no doubter. I knew it was out the monient I hit -R_,,gle J.clr.an plate in the fifth, to Reggie it. Jackson's dramatic homer In the seventh, a stadium crowd of 33,-McClelland's blunder, the Tigers came roaring back in the next inning to re-assume the lead , makmg the umpire's call look that much worse to the Angels 136 -not to mention players. managers. coaches and umpires -had been truly put through the wringer in the Angels' 6-5 come-from-behind victOry. "YOU HA VE TO be patient and not try to press things," said Jack.son of the Angels' road from here on out. "You have t.o let 1t happen. see it happen and then take advantage of it." and the fans. "That was probably the umpire's toughest day in his life." said Manager Gene Mauch with a sm il e Mau c h . incide ntally. along with DeCmces, wasn't smiling when the original call was made. "He'IJ probably never forget the date Aug 22." <;LOSE CALL -Angel baserunner Dou_g DeCinces was called out on this play after trying to slide under the tag of Deltf f'Mot l"holo by ClwwtH ltitrT Detroit catcher Lance Parrish. DeCinces argued in vain that he had beaten the throw. Angels won anyway. 6-5. The Angels engineered all three to perfection ip defeating the Tigers. Trailing at one point 3-0, and then later 5-4. the Angels made the most of the opportunities presented to them. Consecutive doubles by Joe Ferguson, pinch-hitter Rob Wilfong and Brian Downing. coupled with an RBl single by Jackson, tied the score in the fifth inning. Jack.son then came home moments later on Doug DeCinces' fielder's choice. ASKED WHAT the umpire told him about the call, Mauch replied: "Everything." "Yes he did . No he didn't. That last one was for the birds Maybe he did," added Mauch, paraphrasing McClelland's words as to whether DeCmces hit home plate or not. "He was just mixed up on the play and didn't know what to do." Dodgers try to forget Pirates' theft; Cardinals next Two innings later, Jackson hit his game-winner, his 29th homer of the season, over the left-center field wall with Rod Carew aboard. Said DeCinces: "When you go (See ANGELS, Page CZ) PITISBURGH (AP) -Don Robin.son says the Pittsburgh Pirates sensed they would beat the Dodgers ,Sunday when he pitched out of a bases-loaded. one-out jam in the top of the 14th inning. "We all talked about how many times that happens and a team comes right back to score," Robinson said after the Pirates s tayed alive in the National League East race with a 4-3 victory. Mike Easler, whose homer save the Pirates a 2-1 victory Saturday, started off the 14th with a single. One out later, Dale Berra cracked a single \0 center field and when Pedro Guerrero scooped for the high-bounding ball but couldn't come up with it, committing an error, Easler scored. Robinson, 14-7. relieved for the first time since April by pitching the final three innings. He was scheduled to start the first game of .a doubleheader against San Diego today. "I went to Chuck Tanner before the game and told him he could use me if he needed me," Robinson said. "You like to ust: right-handers against the Dodgers if you can." Steve Sax doubled to lead off the Dodgers' 14th and moved to third on a single by Ron Roenicke. But Robinson then got pinch hitter Jose Morales to fly out to right field. I After Pedro Guerrero drew an intentional walk to load the bases, Robinaon struck out Roy Cey and got Steve Garvey on a ground out. "l felt real s trong out there . . my velocity was there and so was my curve ball," Robinson said. The Dodgers took a 3-0 lead by scoring solo runs in the second. fourth and fifth innings. But \he .Pirates 1eored twice in the fifth inning and tied the score at 3-3 in the You like t o u se right- handers against the Dodgers if you can. -Don Roblneon eighth on a one-out triple by Berra and a ground out by Jim Morrison. Cey doubled and scored o n Steve Yeager's single in the second. In the fourth, a two-out single by Garvey scored Rick Monday. who had walked. Bill Russell singled to lead off the Dodgers' fifth and scored on a single by Roenicke. Richie Hebner, recently reacquired by the Pirates from Detroit, doubled in the fifth and scored on Eaaler's single. Tony Pena singled and acored on Omar Moreno's two-out single. Hebner started the game in righL field, the first time he has played in the outfield in his professional career. Burt Hooton, making his third start since coming off the disabled list after knee Campbell finds way to forget the agents ~,.V.~Lc~~~\' Earl Campbell. going Caesar's All Gaul one better, has divided his life into four parts, and pieces of his 237 pounds of football- carrying power can be found in some of the most prestigious banking and public relations institutions in the country. He hired the New York firm of Hill and Knowlton to serve as his public relations outlet. Their job i.s to put the former University of Texas All-America in the public eye and keep him there with RS80rted e ndonements-He got Cullen Bank of Houston to handle his financial problems -take his money and advise him on how best to invest it. Ernst and Whinney, a Big Eight accounting firm, was &aligned to do his taxes. surgery. retired the first 11 Pirate batters but ran into trouble in the fifth. Hebner doubled and scored on a single by Easler and Pena followed with a single. Two outs later. Omar Moreno got an infield hit that scored Pena. The Pirates tied the game in the seventh on a one-out triple by Berra and pinch hitter Jim Morrison's grounder. It was generally conceded the Dodgers were in deep trouble whether Guerrero fielded Berra's single to center cleanly or not. Had he come up with the ball cor rectly the Pirates still would have had runners at the comers with one out. The Dodgers had already blown the game on several occasio11s. leaving runners in scoring position in four of the last six innings. including the 14th which seemed to wrap up the entire game in a nutshell. Dodgers Manager Tommy Lasorda questioned Garvey's selection of pitches on the final out afterward in what was otherwise a den of silence in the Dodgers' dressing quarters as their National League West lead was pared to one game over Atlanta and 3 V:z over San Diego. The Dodgers try again tonight at St. Louis. where the Ea.stem Division-leading Cardinals await. Jerry Reuss (12-9) 1s scheduled to be on the mound for the Dodgers against right- hander Bob Forsch (12-7). "That was a no doubter." beamed Jackson of his HR. "l knew 1t was out the minute I hit 1 t. "It's always a thrill: it's stiU a high lo hit a game-winning home run. The media and the fans seem to make a real big deal about my home runs -like mme are different. so to speak. But I enjoy them as much as anybody e lse -probably even more because I'm really in on the action." Despite Jackson's heroic home run. however, most of the action was centered around home plate Sunday and. in particular, directed al" rookie umpire Tim McClelland. BEFORE THE game was an inning old, McClelland had sent Anderson back to the clubhouse for an early shower after the Detroit skipper disagreed with a few ball -or strike -calls he felt should have been made. And. while the Detroit batters see med to argu e over McClelland's calls most of the afternoon. the rookie umpire's Laver sweeps Legends title LOS ANGELES (AP) -Rod Laver defeated Fred Stolle 6-1. 6-4 Sunday to wm the $33.000 Foster's Lager championship at the Los Angeles Tennis Club. Laver. the No 2 seed from Australia, took home the $10.000 first pm.e. while Stolle. also of Australia. earned $6,000. Laver broke in front early taking a 5-0 advantage in the first SC'l. Lave r broke hi:. opponent's serve in the second and fourth games of the set en route to the victory. S tolle partially recovered in the second set as he and Laver traded games through 4-4. The decisive service break . Ot'Curred in the ninth game of the set as Laver again broke Stolle's serve for the third time in the mat.ch to go up 5-4 in the second set. He held his own serve in the 10th game and went on to win the event for tennis stars 35 yews old and up. He's an irregular regular Angels' Ron Jack son has handled the role admirably t By CURT SEEDEN Of tM o.-, Piiot ltaft It's hard to believe that Ron Jackson has actually made it to the plate 113 times this season. After all, the only time Jackson sees any action in the Angel lineup is when a seven-time American League batting champion fails to answer the call or one of the team RBI leaders is injured. But, when either Rod Carew or Doug DeCin<.'eS is absent from the lineup, Manager Gene .Mauch only has to tum to the other Jackson on hls team for help. • "I'M NOT TOO worried about how many at- bats I have," Jackson says. You have to take the good with the bad. rm just trying to go out there four years in the Angel farm system before coming up to the big club in 1975 for 13 games. He started the '76 season in Salt Lake, but 10 games later, he was back with the Angels. And he stayed there for two more seasons. He was traded lo the Minnesota Twins in 1978 along with Danny Goodwin in exchange for Dan Ford. In fact, he enjoyed his best major-league season with the Twins in 1979 when he batted .271. hit 14 home runs and knocked in 68 runa. "[ liked Minnesota, but when •YOU went •to the ball park it was just dead," Jackson recal.la. "Here, they ve got everything. And we're winning. That's the main difference." "One day I woke up and I said to myseU, 'Where am I going to be in 10 years'?" said the big running back of the Houston Oilers. "Maybe I better start doing aomething about it." ~ fint thing he did wu to pick up the phone and call an old friend and amociate, Witt Stuart, and advt.e him that he needn't keep tr~lng to line up endonementa and o\her ouwde commitments !or hlm. Then, in case he got into any trouble with Uncle Sam or anyone else over his financial dealings, he allied himaelf with a top Houston law firm, Holland and StepheNOn. SUPER-SUB -Ron Jackson has supplied the Angels with some punch this year. and do my job." • The "good" Jackson refers to is hla batting average. It's .327. It'a tops on the club. Even better than Carew. Jackson spent 1981 divided between the Twins and the Detroit Tigers. He opted for free agency after the '81 season and wound up playing for the Angels' Pacific Coast League farm club in Spokane. He played .even games there before the Anaels recalled him. Now he I.a a fixture ~ Ute Pl.ne Brothen, the label attached to the .Anpll' reeerve pl.ayPf'S. In less delicate terms, what Eerl was telllng hla Houlton agent was that he wu fired. "I said, 'Man, thlt la nol what I want. I don't want to keep doing things and peytna ano\her guy a percentaae. I got to look ah ead and build IOl'De kind of a 80Wld '--'.'' 8o lnl-.d of de~ on am ... t. be ~I.eel Vffth lour atablJ9hed tqdl'M ftrnw to Like care ot. hit 1&MidaJ.lztd needl ~ • contrtct beU. "It teemed the moat practical way to do it," CArnpbell explained by telephone between \he OUen' training -.tons at ~o State University in San Angelo, Texas. ''The pract.lce ls for your agent to handle moet of thil stuff. While agerita are all honeat people, I auppoae -you feel like you don't ha.ve control of your money. "I don't especially llke th•t ..,..n'-181Wff, rd raU\er have a ~t CODtnact. l think a lot of hilh"p&ki athletea lookfna \o futute security will 10 thll rou•." Rams acquire Yary from Vikes From AP dl1patcbe1 The Rams have acquired veteran offensive t ackle Ron Yary from t h e Mfnnesota Vlklnga, the team announced Sunday. Yary, se. WU a 14-year •tutu for the Vik1n,_ and played ln four Super BOwla. Named AJJ.- Pro six UrMa. tM wu a colJeae uer at the U nl vtra1ty of Southern Callfomla. "I just hope I can play e~gh to maintain that kind ol average," he aaya. "It doesn't mean that much now, but a.ft.er the lleUOll, I can aay, 'hey ... It'• been a •tranae aeuon, indeed, for JacklOn. He played about five atcalght games early In the aeuon when Carew had an lnjured wrist. He dJdn't play -.&ain until 40 pmee later. "The ffUYI were kidding me about 40 days and 40 nlghta, J.cklon recalled. lt'• ebout the time C.arew wN gett.lna hll 26-teme hittin2 ttteak. "I know it'• a lone time to wait, l>ut we have IOl'ne vet.erana on thJa a>.U club and they have to get • rest IOme tlmll," be adda. THIS IS NOT she first year Jackaon hH ~ed hJa talenta ln Anaheim. He wM oriCiMllY al by the Anpla1 you m!lbt rec:aU. apindlnl WHEN HE WAS seeing action at third laat week, while DeC1ncea wu nunina a aore beck1 .f ackaon owned a mini four-game hitting at.reek ano had hit salely in nine of 10 gamet for a .~ aven,e (15-tor-30). ' Neither h i• hittinf nor hJ1 defenae have deteriorated becauae 6 hia sporadic play, and neither doel h1a mental pre~atlon, parUcularly with a manaaes-Uke Meuch cawng th.e ahota. 0 1 don't take anythl.t)a for granted," Jadclon says. "You don't know what Gene'• thinkJnl. He'• such a sreat mana&er· He'• llwaya \hinldDI about thrM ~ 9heed of weryone .i.e. You )9l ~ to be Nllety .• He MYI he teell mor. comfortable playtnc flm (8" RON, Pap Cl> IJHIA UH/UUTI mil l'HANC.I l tJIJN I, < 1\1 II t>HNIA :.?~ CE:NT S FLOATING 'SALOON' -Entry of the Irvine Company in Sunday's 22nd Annual Newport Harbor Character Boat Parade was in keeping with the waterborne parade's theme: "Newport Goes Cou!"try/Westem ." Additional photos appear D ... y ll'tlot l'tloto by Gary Alnbf- on Page Bl. The traditionaJ event is presented each year by the Commodores Club of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. ·Swimmers, characters abound By STEVE MARBLE or ... o.itr,... .... . It was just another hot August weeke nd along the Orange Coast • 600,000 beachgoers swarmed bver the sand, 30 boat owners dressed up like cowboys and putted around Newport Harbor and a military deserter was apprehended for speeding on a stolen jet ski. "It was that kind of weekend," said Newport Beach lifeguard Capt. Buddy Belshe. Hot and humid weathe r in inland cities made the strand the pl ace to be . The water temperature hovered around 69 degrees ·and air readings were a couple of notches higher. More than 100.000 persons s pread o ut thei r towels in Newport Beach Sunday and an equal number visited the state and city beaches in Huntington Beach. Choppy surf and riptides kept lifeguards busy. Lifeguards in Newport recorded' 150 weekend rescues and said one bodysurfer dislocated his shoulder and a second, daring the waves at the Wedge, suffered a neck injury. Orange Cou nt y H arbor Patrolmen arrested a 21-year-old man S unday off Lido Isle in Newport Harbor for speeding on a jet ski. Further checks, officers said, revealed the motorized craft had been stolen a year ago in Los Angeles. A 36-foot cabin cruiser was towed t o sa t ety Sunday afternoon near Seal Beach when the skipper brought the boat too close to shore. In Laguna Beach, the Energy Fair was set up o n M a in Beach Saturday and featured exhibits on wind power, water purification and drip irrigation. But the real show-stopper was the 22nd version of the annual C harac ter Boat Parade in Newport Harbor. The wackiest (See PARADE, Page At) Car blast delays PLO • evacuation But Beirut loading resumes as 1,000 guerrillas depart • BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)-An explodi ng car bomb halted a harbor-bound PLO convoy for about an hour today, but the trucks later brought about 1,000 Palestinian guerrillas to a ship that w ill take them to a ne w home in South Yemen. The loading onto the ship also · was halted briefly while several gue rri llas carryi ng r ock e t - propelled grenade launche rs turned ·over the w eap o n s. according to Bruce Kashdan, I s r aeli Foreign Mini s try spokesman in Beirut. Wh i l e the evac u a t ion proceed ed into its third day School buses put out to pasture By STEVE MJTCHBLL or .. o.itr,... ...,. The Laguna Beach Unified School District Ls retiring much of its dilapidated bus fleet, opting to hire a private transportation company to carry youngsters to and from 9Chool. When school reopens ne x t month, students at the two elementary achool.s and Thurston Intennediate School will ride to campus aboard buses provided by ·San Clemente-Camp Pe ndleton Transit. The transit company was the low bidder, at $177,625, of three firms vying for the one-year contract. WORLD The company will provide its own, newer buses, and hire some of the district's current bus drivers to transport youngsters. District officials figure to save a minimum of $10,000 a year by contractin8 for bus service. Clyde Lovelady, the district's business manager, said, "Some of our 14 buses date back to 1971 and 1972," Lovelady said. "It was getting increasingly m o r e difficult to find replacement parts for some of the buses." And. considering each new bus costs $80,000, Lovelady said, the district looked for other means of busing children. IStt BUS, Page At) Soviet navy has the edge The Soviet navy has the lead over America in several areas especially nuclear submarines, according to a respected publication on world shipping. Page A5. NATION SANTA MONICA (AP) -Millionaire bualnemnan Alfred Bloomingdale, cloee friend and adviser of President Reagan, has died of cancer, according to an announcement today from Bloomingdale'• of flee. He was 66. BlQOmingdale, a member of Reagan's "kitchen cabinet," was heir to New York Bloomlngdale's department store fortune. ll,ere comes the judge . A WJ9a0nsin woman had planned a career ln m\.ilfic. She has been a beeuty queen, has a family and now finda benelf u fint woman to eerve u a chief Judae ln Wllconlln. Pap B2. ------- Parliament elected a n e w Lebanese president, rightist Christian militia commander Bashir Gem ayel, a nd the Christian sector of east Beirut er upt e d in wild s tr eet celebrations. There were reports of people wounded by bullets fired into the air in celebration. Is rael's military command meanwhile said P a lestinian g ue rrillas had made another attack on its east Lebanon forces, firing bazookas at soldiers north of the village of Mansoura. The command said the Israelis returned the fire. but suffered no casualties in the attack Sunday night, which followed fresh Israeli warnings that skirmishes outside Beirut must stop. It said artillery shells later were fired at the Israelis near Mansoura, but added it did not know if Syrian troops or PLO forces were responsible and that fire was not returned. Laguna eyes input for energy panel IC you've got a lot of energy - or at least know a lot about energy -the Laguna Beach City Council might be in terested in your talents. To set up an Energy Committee to develop ways to encou rage -or at least not hinde r -e n ergy efficient measures. the council is soliciting applications for appointment to the new panel. Lagunans. with an interest in, o r kn o wl e d~e of, ene rg y COUNTY conservation are urged to submit a letter or resume to City Clerk Verna Rollinger no later than noon Sept. 17. The City Council is expectmg to name seven to the fledgling panel wh~n it meets Sept. 21. Councilwoman Sally Bellerue, who proposed the committee's fonnation, said it would develop priorities for the city for the use of energy-efflcient measures and renewable resources. Home building eased It couJd be easier to build a home in Santa Ana Heights after action by the Oranae County Planning 1 Commission that requires only stalf-level approval for new constrtlction or remodeling. Page A4. Bank gets new president The Laguna Bank, a financial institution emphasizing community service, has a new president. Page 86. TELEVISION Being a kid again · Actor Joel Higgins la havlnl a lot of fun with h1e role in new NBC comedy, 11Sllwr Spoont." He ,eta to be a child all clay in the show fMturlng role reversal. P119B8. Child-neglect rap · dropped against Stuckle By DAVID KUTZMANN Of tlM Dally Pllol Slan An Orange County Judge dismissed felony child neglect ch arges today against Carla Ve rne Stuckle, the mother of a 14-month-old buy whose father IS state Sen. J ohn G. Schmitz. Central Oran ge Coun t y Municipal Court Judge Gary Ryan dismissed the charge after the district attorney's o f£ice conceded there was insuf ficient evidence to warrant prosecution . The child had suffered severe genital i n j uries a nd was temporarily r e moved from Stuckle's c ustody until earlier this month, when a juvenile court judge ordered the release of the child to StuckJe. Both Stuckle and her attorney, Michael McDonnell. said after this morning's court hearing m Santa Ana that charges would never have been filed if 1t hadn't been for Sen. Sc hmitz ' involvement in the matter. Stuckle, a Tustm resident, has claimed that the Corona del Mar lawmaker is the father of both her infant son and an infant dau~hter Hirth records on file m Orange County list Schmitz as the father of both children. Stuckle told reporters this morning that she felt no bitterness about charges being filed against her and was not angry at Schmitz even though the GOP lawmaker had not made a n y public statemen ts concerning the highly publicized issue of paternity. ''He had to make rus decision." the Tustin woman said. Even so. she said, she is still in lov<' with Schmitz, with whom she said s hl' earned on a nine- year love affair after taking a das.5 taught by him a t Santa Ana College Judge Ryan made his ruling in what would have been the firat day of a preliminary hearing <iga1nst Stuck.le. The 43 -year-old woman was arreste d b y Tustin police and l'h<irgcd with felony child neglect after doctors discovered that her infant son 's penis was nearly sevc:red by having a strand of hair wound tightly around it. Rcl·ons tructive surgery was performed and the child was rC'lurned to the mother followin~ a JUVCnile c.'Ourt hearing earlier this month Still pending against Stuckle is a Sept. 10 hearm~ in juvenile court dealing with whether she ~an matntam permanent custody. Laguna· victim a real dummy When Laguna Beach police arrived at a location where an in jured man was r epor tedly spotted in the bushes, they found there was little they oould do to help A passerby called police late Saturday t o r eport a man slumpe d in the brush off St. Ann's Drive and in obvious need of medical at tention. P o lice arrived to find the figure bent over and motionless. A closer inspection showed the inert victim was a discarded mannequin. AP Wlu p t Mo SAD GOODBYE -Palestinian women cry as the evacuation of PLO fighters continues. Trucks carrying the guerrillas drove through West Beirut to the port area where they boarded ships for Cyprus. I INDEX At Your Service /\4 Horoscope A7 Erma Bombeck A7 lntermi~ion B7 Business B6 Ann Landers A7 CavaJcade A7 Movies B6-7 Classified C4-8 Public Notices C4 Comics B4 Sports C l-3 Crossword B4 Stock Markets 85 Death Notices C4 Television B8 F.ditorial A6 Theaters B6-7 Entertainment B6-7 Weather A2 Art Hoppe A7 SPORTS Angels hot; · DOdgers not The California Angels, led by Reale Ja.caon's hitting, beat Dctrolt 6-~ Sunday. The'Lol Angeles Dodgers. moantlmc, loat a 14-inning marathon to Pttt.aburgh, 4-3. I \ I I I • I Laguna art school signups slated Regl1 t ratlon for the with naUonaJ acc~1tnt1on. Laguna Beach School of Art Classes include Holloware, la scheduled ID •tart Sept. 6. fiber construction, large-tcale The fall semester 'wfll mark mural paintJng. stained glass theachool's2lstyear. and leaded g l ass and performance art. It's the only Independe nt For further informati1m. art school in_ Oran~e County call 497-3309. __ ....,... ___ _ • Bingo games spon80red 10 p.m. All proceeds will go ID by the Senior Citizens Club of the senior citiz.ens club. The Laguna Beach are scheduled games are at 384 eglon to start Sept. 10, at the Street and there free Ve t erans Mem o rial parking at 401 Glenneyre Community Center. after 6 p.m. The games are scheduled ID For further information, begin at 6:30 p.m. and end at call 497-2441. ------- • • The Senior Citizens Club doctors. lawyers or grocery •of Laguna Beach is seeking shopping. volunteer dispatchers or The transportation • drivers ID donate one day a program is called FISH and month to help provide free has been operating since 1979. transportation and assistance For further information, call ::0.. for senior citizens going to 497 -2441. Stewart OK • Ill hospital SANTA MONICA (AP) Actor Jameti S~wart waa In good '-'OndltJon at St. John's Hospital thla morning und~reoing a "routine checkup and a routine adjustment oC medication," a h011pltal apokettwomun aaid. Stewart, 74, waa admitted Saturday afternoon and is scheduled to be released within the next two days . The spoketiwoman from the hospital's nursing station would not identify herself and said she did no t know what type of medication the ac1Dr was taking. In August, 1980, Stewart spent five days in St. John's Hospital's coronary care unit after complaining of an irregular pulse. In September, 1980, he was hospitalized for a mild case of sciatica. which apparently was unrelated to his earlier heart problem. He complained of severe pain along the sciatic ne rve, which runs from the pelvis ID the back of the thigh 0..,, .......... £NE RGV E XHIBIT -M e mbers of the weekend fair included more than 30 booths, Orange Coast Energy Club display solar power with educational tips and exhibits on w ind panels at their booth during Energy Fair at power. water purification, bio-f\Jela, drip Main Beach Park in Laguna Bea_c_h_._T_h_e __ i_r_r_,.1g:....a_t_io_n_and focx:l systems. ~, .. • rime rate reduction spurs stock market gains r~ . NEW YORK (AP) -A half- ·point cut in the prime lending rate ID a 22-month low of 13.5 per cent spread to more major banks today. reflecting s teep declines in the banks' cost of funds. nation's fifth largest bank, and No. 14 Marine Midland Bank followed r eductions begun Friday at several major money. cente r banks. Bank of America announced tn San Francisco that it would mat.ch the prime lending rate of 13.5 percent. Croc~er Bank, San Francisco, said it has lowered its home mortgage loan rate t o 15. 5 percent beginning today. The new rate, down from 16 percent, a pp hes to loans amortized over 30 tears with either a five-year or At that time, it was on its way up 1Dward a record 21.5 percent. The prime. which stood as high as 16.5 percent last month. is the base upon which banks compute interes t charges on short-term business loans ID thetr best-risk corporate cus tomers Consumer lmms ::inri mnrtP;;iuM arc not tied to the prime. but changes in the pramt' are an indica1Dr ot movements m other interest rates. Otht.'r interc·st rates hav<· bt·c·n plummeting thlS summl'r T he interest on thrl'e-munth c:trllficates of deposit. offered tn From Page A 1 minimum dcf14iminations of $100,000 and an important source of funds for banks, stood at 10.05 pN<:l'nl today. compared with an <.ivcrage 15 25 percent in the final WC'<'k of June· Morgan Guaranty Trust. thf> From Page A1 ·BUS. • • Gas -prices continue decline PARADE WINNERS. • • marine display around , the p arade attracted mort.' than 2,000 spectators. LOOSE SCREW AWARD (animation)' lntegroly Oon l.Je<:llly SUAVIEST SWA8 AWARO (co•lume) Pacohc Chp!>f!r Gerald lhOltll)OOn and Jim Sh1pm9n The business manager said most of the savings will come from not having to keep a fleet supervisor, as well as costs for gasoline, repairs and hiri.ng private buses for special education field trips. Nationwide s urvey shows cost dip 5 cents from last A ug ust The the me for the !::iunday afternoon parade was "Newport Beach Goes Country/Wesle'rn" and attracted such c•ntraes as "The Best Little Oar Houst' rn Newport Beach" and on£' boat that w as transformed anto a bottle of Smtch. CRUl TENOCN CUP 11neme) "Wagon T '''" S B•ker District officials say they'll keep most of the current fleet - a t least for a while -in case the .con tract with San Clemente- Camp Pendleton Transit does not .work out. But he said several of the buses will be sold in the fall, with the rest maintained for athletic events, field trips and special education events. Under the contract with fhe transit firm, bus drivers will be paid $7.25 per hour and the company will provide seven Y9-passenger buses for five hours o n weekdays and another '1'9-pasaenger bus for two hours on weekdays. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Gasoline prices continued ID edge downward in August, according to the latest survey by oil industry analyst Dan Lundberg. In his latest biweekly nationwide survey of t 7,000 gas stations, Lundberg found an average price of $1.28.22 for all four grades of gasoline including taxes, down a half-penny from two weeks ago and a penny from July, the peak of the driving season. Prices were a nickel a gallon less than A ugust of last year, when the average was $1.33.83. Lundberg said Sunday. He is publisher of the Lundbe rg Letter , an oil industry publication. Also. pnces for regular leaded ~as at sell-serve stations. which Clouds to handle a major portion of IDtal sales. declined sharply. A drop of 2.2 cents in such gas sales was r eported an the Midwest, 1.46 cents in the South, .8 cents in the East and .23 cents in the Rockies. Prices for the past several years have tended to decline during August as the peak vacatio n seaso n passes and c0mpe t1tt o n for motoris t~' business increases. Lundberg said this decline generally continues through the fall. The most recent Lundberg L e tter, publish ed Saturday. predicted the steep. decade-long trend or gas Statton closures may have bottom ed o ut, but tnai maJOr oil companies have become unus ually quiet about their future marketing plans. if such olans exist About 147,000 service st.atwns exis t 1n the Untte d State~. • re In a In The Forecast For 8 a.m. EDT Rain~ Snowfil] LTuesoT ~ypeA~ril ur~t 24. "' . Sl'lowersmmm Flumes~ Let• nlgnt tnr ,ll10rnlng low clou n ·~; Olllor#IH tllr with ,111gn cloud• In 1ne el ,H1gn1 from mid · 70• 'beecne• to mld·91; l Ovornlgnt lows Huntington-Newport .. .trom 8 low of 87 to I nigh of 5. • Et •ewhere, from Point Conception to tne Mexican <border end out 80 mllee:: Sme" ·craft edvttory lor outer water• with ~· wind• of 15 10 25 ~ end combined -of 3 to s IMI tnrougn tonight. LoceHy llgnt Yllf\8ble winds luming _, 10 -thwal 10 to 20 knot• tnla afternoon end evening Soulltwal swella of t to 3 feet Nlgnt ena morning fog end low cloud• over outer water• extending to Inner _,.._ U.S. sunintary snow•r• end tnunder•torm• damp ened ere•• lrom th• Roell* to tile oontrel Pleln1 end Into the IOwer Gr .. t Lek.. and Pennsytvante early today. Some lllolelld 1llowerl drll1ed ,,.,_ FIO<ld• end Iha Ceroonu. Mo•lly clear •klH covered .,_ from tile -thefn Plelnt to !tie central Gull Cout end In tne Peclflo North-I. Scattered •ho w•r• enel 1hunder1torm1 Sunday ICM.died lll'M8 from Ille T--Al"9r Valley througn tne 1~ Greet l •k•1 end tne m lddl• enel northern Allenllc ll•t••· Sutltted tllooderllorm8 twepl er ... from Mlleoufl to Flor1de. Skle8 -· pertly doudy ,,.,. ltl8 nortn-centrel eectlon ot Iha natio n enel mo1tly •unny ....... T ereture1 before d awn r from 48 et Merqueue, 0 91 Phoeftbt. CiJlif ornia Tne Hetlonel w•t1111r ~ 1ey1 Southern Celltorn1a·1 weathe r ellould b• oloud y T~ wltll ltOlelld afternoon encl 9'MllnO thu~I In mounteln• end dt .. rte end poeelble wono. 9'*Y Midi. HldW wMI rln09 fl'OM IN mid toe ln LOI Ang•let~O 100 In 0-W V"*'f, from av to 40 fn ~-.trom N•toalfti. ~~to 11t lntftel0w ~ IOW9 ........ In IM Mefl tot In ..... ..._ Loe n1gnt arid morn1no nours, ~Ing -1 to aouthwest8fly al 8 to t 8 knoll during tne afternoon wltn a 1-10-3-1001 • ow em r,1 " ,c:,. WlllUI '°"'"-' awell. Nonn_.1 wlnda could reecn 25 knote wlln e combined 3-to-5-loot -end swe11 tmner 1nen 80 mllel otlahore lrom Sen NlcOles 11181\d. T emperatures H4 Lo ' Albany 68 57 .. -.. Albuque 89 89 Front!. r •! ........ Amerlllo 93 87 AaheYllle 77 55 Atlenle 87 87 JKksn MS Au•lln 98 75 Jecksnvtle Baltlmo<e 73 83 ~Clty Billings 90 57 Knoxvllle Blrmlngnm 88 64 Les veg .. Bl•merck St S4 Lillie Rock BolM 94 58 Louisville Boston 70 58 LubbOCk Browntvtle 95 78 Mempn11 Butlelo 65 57 Miami Burllngton 70 58 Mlhlf•uttee Cupe< Ill S4 Mpte-St P cnertttn SC 88 78. Nullv111e cnan11n WV 82 59 New Orle&M c nar111e NC 79 55 New Yo<k Ctleyenne 79 65 Norfolk Cntcego 78 il No. Piette Cincinnati 78 Olde City Cleveltand 71 88 omene Clmble SC 88 Or1endo Columbus 78 82 Plllledplll• Del-Ft Wiil 99 78 Pl\oetllx Oey\on 7d 83 Pl~ Denwr 94 : Piiand. 0.MOinM 94 Detroit • ea Pt1enc1. Or• 58 PfCNldenoe Oututll 74 Relelgn El Puo 96 70 Rapid City Fargo 77 58 Reno Ftegfieff 83 58 Rlcllmond GfNt Fet .. 89 48 Seit Uk• Hert lord 72 57 Sen An1onlo Helen• 80 ~ S..nle Honolulu 17 Hou1ton 94 == Ind~ -7 St~ W1 91 12 93 ,. 91 67 85 65 100 S3 92 77 81 70 112 74 89 79 90 82 HI 59 81 60 85 66 93 74 73 ~ 78 70 91 81 118 70 83 M 90 75 73 81 109 88 75 80 85 53 90 80 89 59 83 89 78 S4 101 83 78 ae 97 89 95 74 78 sa 83 75 83 se 85 73 ·]'· SURI RIPDRT £ D ' n A~ ·-A~ .......... . =. , ..... Hunt::1'.:1 Pier .,.. 11 San• ...,,. ..i.tcy ,.. :::~ et 40ttr St. Mlwpon 3-.8 et ==··~ 2 filllf eo Wecl09 3-7 OOod et Seiter. 3-4 fair 11 Qoheny IMctl 1-2 fair el ~-=I 24 = 87 --~Pier t-3 es 2-4 es '.1•, •• St P-Tamp• 85 80 SI Ste Mlllifl 89 47 Spokane 90 57 Syracuse 69 60 lopell• 95 68 Tucaon 100 71 Tulsa tOO 79 Wuhlngtn 76 66 w 1cn1ta 101 71 CALIFORNIA Bakersfield 106 81 Blythe 109 Eureka 63 Fresno 101 71 l811CHl91 99 80 Lo• AngelM ee 89 MOfllO<oy ... N..Olea 107 Paso Roblee 107 59 Red Blun t08 72 Redwood City 79 60 Sacramento 97 55 Sellnea ee 49 San !);ego 81 7t Sen Fr IW'ICieco 64 54. Senta Barb11t• 78 sa Stockton 105 85 Tlletmel 112 Barstow t02 83 Big BNr 78 50 Celellne 74 6$ Long 8eecl'I 82 89 S mog Where to o•ll (toll lrff) tor lelMt ~ormellOn: Or8nQO ty:J800) 445-3829 LOI Ang~I•• ounty: (100) 242-4022 "'-"Ide end Sen IWNlfdlno OOUMltl: (IOO) 3'7-4710 AQMO lpl90de Cent•: (IOO) 242"'4tM Tides TOOA'W' hcond hlgtl 1:17 p.m. s.o Second loW 7:Mp.m. u TUlllOAY Flret Noll 1:29 e.m. 4.1 Flrll IOW 7:24 a.m.1 1.• Seoond nlOh 2:ot p.l'I\. ••• 8eooncl IOw 1:84 p.m. t.7 r :::ll:: :o= .. ~ In lftlUMllM .., ... ._.. 11111 to ... '°' .. - TtllflloW ~.SttMI) 1J0::oo Cotton'• 04nt .. .. Sun H ll et 7:31 p.111 .. rl ... , Trwttel · 44 qooct 81 Tu.cl_., et 1:21 e.m. ...... ""'.._CCGfl-.ae;l9P•lll11111 .......... ...., .......... ""' ---..... dutlnt ttle a-Onofre w ~ ee Moon rlMe todey II 11~ e.m., Tnun~·a TIO£&: Hllgl\e z:oe p.m.: Low: 7• 4 a.m.: Swell •"et 10.40 p.m. Olr9ctton: • • --,- ' • compared to 226,459 a decade ago, Lundberg reporte d . In addition, gas stations being constructed today tend to be high volume. self-servc> outlets locate<' in popuJous, growth areas. The industry already may h a v e r e a c h e d a m I n 1 m u IT' number of gas stations ne<"eSSary to ma1ntatn "America 's automotive society," Lundb<-rg said. Also. the le tte r said to ta l nationwide gasoline consumption has dropped from the all-tame high of 115.4 balhon gallons set in 1978 to an estimated 100 billion gallons thui year. The Irvine Company. the largest land developt'r m Orange County. entered a boat dubtx•d. "How The West Was Won " The winners, honored at the Balboa Bay Club following thl• two-hour festival, wert•: MAYOR s CHOICE Shtp Hou~e Wolloam Grundy COMMODORES TROPHY (dt'COroilton1 "lnt90111y . Don Liechty DEEP SIX AWARD t oJecor4il oont Argus Sea Scovl5 BIG TOOT AWARD 1~011no 1 Fasc1na11on Jack HMtor LEAKIN TIMBERS l ROPHY "Jactl S Pnogbound. Brent W•hlberg end Dick Plavon WHE.E.L. STEAM ANO BELL (steam bo&tl SS M•c;llogen, · Alexender Oale. DIRTY OLD MANIFOLD (oldell boatl Argus." Sea Scouts GRANO ANCIENT MARINER (one ol a kond) ·Sereno.' Merk And1<son BILGV BINNACLE (cleulc yacnt). 'Electra.· Eric Tllorsen DRIPPY STUFFING 80)( tworl! boet) Oll1c1111 Paul ano Dick Moch91czytc COMMERCIAL THEME Tile lrvlne Company COMMERCIAL COSTUME Animal Crac~ers COMMERCIAL SOUND· Jim Slemons Mercedes COMMERCIAL ANIMA llON (ll~e) Cotty Sark CO MMERCI AL AN I MAT I O N (mecllanocel) Balboa B•y CkJI> COMMERCIAL SWEEPSTl\l<ES Tne Irvine Comp•ny Exclusive mid-we ight su its for the Broo ksgate man f Here is an excellenc suitin g for the young executive who seeks an all-worsted he can wear almost year-rou nd. h 's tailored on our uim 2-button Brooksgatc model, and is an excellent value considering the quality and versatility. Navy o r grey sol ids or with pin stripes. Coat, vest and trousers. $250 I SlAIUSHIO Ult <fi£6~lfiltj/ ~UDJl~ l\irntshlt\QS for llm. Wointn ~ 8og.s 530 WEST rrit ~TR RRT. l.OS ANPl:il.liS. CALIF. PASH ION ISLA O. Nf.WPORT BRACH. CALIF. .. • MONOAY. AUGUST 23. 1882 l I low do you follow a f i r t a I b u 111 s n1 " s 11 ? Carefully, ay · (,'hri.'itophcr- Cro s. Pa1<e 86. THI COAST AND THI· COUNTY COM ICS STOCKS ENTERTAINMENT B4 B 6 86-8 Where the 'characters ' were NunJber s ganJe b egins HOW THE TUBE TUMBLES: One of our regional television stations sponsored a poll just the other day and promptly announced tha t Gov. Jerry Brown is now leading Mayor Pete Wilson in the race for the U.S . Senate. Alread y we're in the polling palave r. This particular sampling, the TV people alleged, was a reversal of the earlier order of things. Democrat Brown supposedly trailed Wilson ' ~ as late as July. Hut n o · -" ~ longer. . . ,,...._, Figures on this sample ~"'A said that now, 42 percent TOM MURPH I NI ~ ~ ; would ballot for Brown; 34 --------.....;.'..i;-"'-11--:..-percent for Wilson while 18 percent re m ain firmly astride the top of the fe nce. This is hardly Vl'r y conclusive of anything. One Candidate who JUSI got bad news from latest politic.al polling. Orange County paper trumpeted the news as saying Brown is thus leading Wilson "in 4 Southland Counties." ALAS, THIS ISN'T QUITE correct unless you take all four counties and add them together to get the poll results. The poll actually showed the GOP standard bearer has Brown down 50 to 27 in Orange County. This sounds more like it. Also, Brown trailed W ilson in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. And while the figure wasn't given, it probably means Brown was holding his bulge mainly in Los Angeles County. Well, you couldn't e xpect a candidate from San Diego to have enormous appeal in Los Angeles County, where they generally consider politicians from our border city as kind of backwoodsv. Wilson. however. has recently been pounding about the p recincts in Orange County, lambasting Brown for his appointme nt o f o n e Edison M iller to our Board of Supervisors. Miller was controversial as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. He lost the seat in the next election. YOU MIGHT SUSPECT that Mayor Pete shouldn't be wasting a lot of his Republican breath in Orange County if he has the precincts pre tty w ell locked up here. He should find other Brown a ppoin tees that were unpopular in other counties and gu lambaste' them. Both sides, o f course, have differing analyses of what this latest poll sampling means. · Gov. Brown envisions the poll as a signal that his senatorial campaign has turned the com er and will now charge full steam ahead for victor y in November. He says the people now understand how botched up Wilson is in his position on Social Security. Wilson's lorc:es. on the othl·r hand. s uggest this Jatest poll is flawed on two points: (1) it was taken too early and (2) it's wrong. Their own poll shows Wilson ahead of Brown by 6 to 8 percentage points. The TV poll, they suggest, was taken too early over a scattered area and didn't even touch Wilson's home county. Additionally, the Wilson people say that Brown might have shown some teeny gains because he's scattered some $700,000 about in television commercials. ON THE OTHER HAND, Wilson hasn't even la411ched his major TV carnpaign, which gets under way Aug. 30. This will turn the tide, the Wilson campaigners declare. Unless, you suppose, Brown has another $700,0 he can ante up. It seems like a rather melancholy · ce if this whole U.S. Senate election gets settled over the boob tube. Students to hear nJobility i ssue Orange County Transportation Commission m e mbc>r James Roosevelt 1s embarking on a one-man erforl to make students at 100 h igh schools aware o f county transportation 1s...,ues Roosevelt, of Newporl Beach, the eldest son of Pres ident Franklin Delano Roosevelt and a forme r con gressman , sa id , "Young people have the largest stake ir 1 ' •Hons to nssurt;> future m That et letter 11e Oranae ' which pennbel as rr .... •e in a .nclµ··:s of all hig:• 11e.,vola In 1•ll 11 itee1.1"\g ·1cidrefl~ 1t1· ,r ,1ts. .. "I believe that high school s tudents . re prese nting tomorrow's work force, can and should be made aware of our transportation problems and what they face down the road If we do no t speed up the transportation projec t Implem entation process," Roosevelt said in the letter. Roosevelt was appointed to the transportation comm ission about one year ago. The commission, formed in 1976, determines how 1tate and federal tranapottation funda allocated to Orange County are spent. I ' . BAR AND GRILLE Dis tinctive ins ignia fronts thC' "M<'fl:('d(•s'" t•ntry of car agency ow ner J im Slcmons in S unday's l'd1wm of thf' annu<1I Newport Harbor Characte r Boat Parndl• ON THE BEACH -Spectators found vantage points all around Nt'wport Harbor to watch the seaborne silliness. This crowd was clus tered on a public dock on Balboa Peninsula, BALLOON BOAT -Sinaisaa ,for attention were tbeee uvtni "telegrams" of the Animil CNcken orpniatlon. Thelr boat wH festooned with colorful balloons and coetumet ranged _ ........ _ €~· ~~.JI . .,,_,,.., c:ame ras <1t tht• n •adv and w ith h ands waving and fee tf:(\. dangling as thl ·•kids. of all ;ig(·s·· va nvusly celebra ted the-·' h la test lunac~· of the trad1t1onal water ('SC'Apade ',·;....·~ i .. wr Or1no• Oo11t OAIL v PILOT /Monday, Augu1t 23, 1982 The judge's a beauty • •• but don't let those looks deceive you 8y ELLEN PORATH personallty of Ill occ upant •11tttrtM "'-wrttef urganlz.oo, c..'Onunitted to carH>r and MADISON. Wil Angelu &rtt•ll f1tm1ly, with fluhN of wry humor WH planning a care~r 1n music Law booka and legal award• f<1~catlon in 1964 the year she dominate the room, but a monta(le of oecame Miu Wlaconsln. family photograph• occupies a But when her tenn was over, she prominent spot on one wall and large turned down a mus!c acholanth1p to photos of her children dot the Northwestern University and went on windowsill. A worn pair of running to the University of Wisconsin to shoes sits on a closet shelf. not far 1tudy psychology. She decided on a from a retired bailiff's gill -a beer le&al career aft.er meeting her future mug emblazoned with the words, husband, a law student. "magna cum lager." Paintings by her Today, the 36-year-old Ms. Bartell mother, musician and artist Marie is the first woman to serve as a chief Baldi, decorate the walls. judge ln Wiaconsin. "I'm optimistic that there's a way to "If someone had asked me to accomplish whatever I want to predict 10 or 15 years ago what I'd be aa:ompUsh," she said. doing today, I'd be nowhere near it," Bartell's husband, Jeffrey, ls a &rt.ell says. lawyer. They have five children. Her appointment to Wisconsin's ranging in aJ{e from 2 to 10. m~t overloaded judicial distti~t -"Everyone has to pull for the group ~hich begd~ t~f~ wts~k -conunues good," she said. "No one bends the ,.er recor u1 irs . family for his own purposes." Named to the bench four years ago, The three oldest children help with Bartell was first in her class at the the c hores. And when a family University of Wisconsin Law School emergency occurs. Jeffrey and Angela tn 1971. She was the first woman to Bartell are equally likely to rearrange serve as a law clerk to U.S. District their schedules if their full-time baby Judge James Doyle Sr. And she sitter needs help. became Dane County's second female "We have, of necessity and judge in 1978. preference, approached the problem AP Wlrephoto In her new position, she will be with who can best handle the responsible for court administration in situation today," she said. "We each the 5th Judicial District -a district of do our share, as we're able to do it." 19 judges in Dane, Rock and Green Her husband, she said, has always, counties. It is one of 10 Wisconsin been "extremely supportivt: ·and judicial districts, and with state encouraging." government centered in Madison, "He's ·never interposed any feelings certainly one of the busiest. of his that I should be doing anything LA YING DOWN THE LAW -Judge Angela Bartell, a former Mis.5 Wisconsin, is the first woman to head a judicial district in the state. ~udicial resources are definitely but what 1 wanted in my career," she limited," she said in an interview in ·d • w • al bo h '---h "It's the same at the office." As chief judge. Bartell will be in charge of tht: court's budget and the assignme1.t of judges. Parties in legal proceedings will complain to her. Other judges ~ill come to her for advice. She will serve as ha1son between the court and county and state governments. her Madison office. "We have the sai · ' eve ways t U<:'t'n t e second best helper to the other. greatest pressures now to use those "What 1 do at home is what I have resources." to do well, what I want to do well and "Their input is extremely important if the output of the chief judge is to be accepted," she said. Bartell's office reflects the what I expect to do well," she said. H eckath orne-Underwood Kathryn Ann Underwood and Robin S . Heckathorne will establish a home in Austin, Tex. following a wt.-dding trip to Monterey and Lake Tahoe. They were married Aug. 21 in Lutheran Church of the Master, Corona del Mar. Their patents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Underwood of Coron a del Mar and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heckathome of ~idland, Tex. OCC offers courses designed for parents Three Orange Coast College courses, designed for parents and their infants or older children, will be offered this fall at the Costa Mesa campus. Classes, offered by the college's Early Childhood Education department, begin Sept. 7. Parents bring their children -newborn through 5 years of age -to class where they can interact with other youngsters in a supervised setting. There are three classes, divided by age. A workshop for parents of children from newborn to 10 months meets Saturday mornings starting at 9:30. Sessions for parents of children 11 to 17 months meets Fridays and Saturdays st.a.rting at 9:30 a.m. Sections for children up to 5 meet Tuesdays and Saturdays at 9 a.m. All classes are two hours. Registration for fall class is under way and runs ·t~ugh Sept. 10 at the college admissions office. For re~tration information, call 556-5772. ROY G. GRA VESEN, M.D. VC>l'IMrly DI_._ S.1 • MarilAI Theropy Clint<', llCI Med1<.al l"•n~r ia pleued to announce the opening of the SEXUAL'MEDICINE AND THERAPY CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY 1pecializin4 in the t.reat.ment of SeauaJ &. Relationship D1torden of lndividual11 and Couples 1000 Weet LaVeta Avenue, Suite 505 Oran1e (714) 835-2677 PIRATES PLATTER Steak & Enchilada Dinner Special 5:00 to 6:JO Daily Pagnan elli-Hombs Karin G . Hombs and Christopher J. Pagnanelli repeated their wedding vows Aug 14 in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Newport Beach. Afterwards they left for a wedding tnp to Lake Tahoe. They plan to reside in Orange. Parents of the newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. James F. Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pagnanelli, all of Huntington Beach. Good for you! Classified advertising is your best choice for help in selling the items you no longer need . It's Quick and inexpensive. Armstrong-Campbell Lori Campbell and Ric hard Armstron g were married Aug. 14 in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach. , Parents of the newlyweds are Mr. and Mts. Neil Campbell of Westminster, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Armstrong of San Marino. After a wedding trip to Yosemite t~e newlyweds will reside in Cost.a Mesa. · Wright-Phillips An Aug.7 wedding ceremony in St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Dalton, Ga. united in marria~e EllZabeth Phillips and Lt. ,Jg Donald R. Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Wright of Costa Mesa. After a wedding trip in Alabama and Florida along the Gulf Coast, the newlyweds will establish residence in Traverse City, Mich. The bride's parents are Dr. Glen D. Phillips of Pomona and Mrs. Kathryn Brock Phillips ol Calhoun, Ga. ALLAN BEEK -FOR CITY coe~CI L flt, ... IC# bot Al~!\ ftn 1 ''"' ~N'l ... ,4\ ,,.,..J""" ·~~ RUFFELL•s Ul'HOLSTERY ........ t.r 9d S..• 1 '22 ~IOlt IL VO. COSTA MUA-541·115~ !iii:! AllCONDll..,..... IOI.Al WAfSI HIAflHO MT*<>OM~ ~ '~ 11101 I P•lat ~ SerW» Time 8twt1 at Your Door Dai J I / / ~::: ;:;,;:-£i~~i9 < ~--, ~ MISMONVllJO 495-0401 Classified ads '*---,., ~. 2"22 c. ... 0.,11 ...... pho~ne642-5678 •· 7°# ~·~=;=...,.=-,=·~·~·_.,=,._,=.,~~I • If it's got e handles • you'll grab ....-....... a sale ,......... • faster In =~ ForTeeml _. llot>ttt Powr t hts Oft>QMO • '4*••1 Summtf PIOQI..., to rnttl lllt seH omotO•tftltftl nffOS ol tttn.tQt!S Now 1111 lttn'O" c111 uote1a11y lu rft 10 rt.ch ntl Ml l)Oltnh•l lllt Powlft way on 1111 ,,,, .. ~ ltlll0$jlllfft ol s.-ctuws Aectwt .ws1antoai ""'"" OIKW!ll Oy rnttv!flO tl.tlMI - • Dally Piiot e c lasslfied e ads. ca11 • 642·5678 c.fl IOI lrM tllfOll!lfltOll OAANQE COUNTY 3 TOWN l COUNTRY. ORANGE (71 4)M7.e2at Ba)Jy boom voters' b'oom now By IU.NDOLPH E. SCHMID Al .................. WASfflNGTON -A record 169 mllUon Americana will be old enouah to vote in November. with women making up more than hall the elliible voters, t.M CeNUa .Bureau aaya. . The votina aee population, which 1kyrocket.ed over the lat two decades u the poetwar beby boom gen eratlbh came of age, has increased 5 rnil1ion lftlCe 1980, the bureau reporta. Ovet \he last 10 yean, the number of potential voters hu grown by 28.6 mllllon, the bureau noted. But thi.a rete ol growth I.a likely to slow ln coming years, reflecting a decline in the birthrate that began in the 1960s. Although there will be more Americans than ever over the age of 18 in the fall, the bureau saio election turnout usually declines in non-presidential election yeara. ln 1978, for example, only 34.5 percent of thoee eligible went to the polls, the lowest voting percentage since 1942. By contrast, the 1980 presidential election drew 47.5 percent of eligible voters. According to the new bureau study. the rapid growth in the number of young voters has lowered the median age of the voting age population from 42 to 40, with 20 percent under 25 years of age. Of the total, women comprise 52.4 percent of potential voters in the United St.ates, outnumbering men by eight mtllion. Five percent of the women are 65 and over. Women of votlng age outnumber men in every state except Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada and Wyoming, the bureau added. Blacks make up 10.5 percent of the electorate, with the highest percentage in the District of Columbia where they make up two-thirds of those old enough to vote. Other states with large percentages of voting age blacks are Mississippi, 31 percent; South Carolina and Louisiana, 27 percent; Georgia, 24 percent; Alabama, 23 percent; Maryland, 21 percent; and North Carolina, 20 percent. New York State has the most blacks, with 1.6 million. California, Texas and Illinois also have more than one million black voters. Hegeman-Uniack UCI graduate Mary Ahce Umack and Bruce Hegemann were married in Los Angeles and are now residing In Champaign. Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uni.ack are her parents and his parents are the William Hegemanns of Havertown, Pa. The newlyweds traveled to Canada for their honeymoon. New Memben 2·-~1 Price of Eicplres 8-28-82 • Posture • Circulation • Tighten Buttocks • Seminars AEROBICS °"""" .... th. Mature Woman• Bad Back? Try Our Therapeutic Lounce~ Homt lkrltl A rlllbll V"Compare Our Equlpr-... t .•• r,., • I A\" - lftetru. 1 .. " • ~~'{!f.(e.1. !!.'!. •. . . . . ~~~!!! .~ .. '. !.'.'! ...... . c,.,,,, I 001 0111111 I 001 .•••••..........•.•..•••••........•......... PllllllLA MDIII Prise WMt Bay bayfronL Sllp1 for 2 bMta. r.imod,.ltd S bdrm, 3 beth Sl.200,000 Ocean & JClty vll,'w:s M11r1nl' 1 oorn. I bdrm, 3 bl1th, 3700 sq. fl $1.38~.ooo Occ.>anfront LIDO llLI MOIEI Prime Lido Nord bnytront. ~bdrm,~·., bu th Lgc L.R., 2 bocit 1llpt $1.000,000 Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + lMJg rtoe. rm. be1tm ceilln,gs, fumtBhed, pet.le. $420,000. LllDA ISLE IAYFllOIT Lagoon view from 6 bdnn, 5 bath, pl11yrnom, dark nn, den Boat slip. Now Sl.000,000. IAYSIDE PLACE Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br. 2 ba dn. 2 boat 1paces. Reducro Sl.500.000 OOllOllDO Cl YS C.Oronado Island cust. bay(ront Jot. 115' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w /t.crm.s. ILUFFS COIDO Sinsle story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on large.t greenbelt. $250.000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )..it Boy\•dt?D<••<' NS b7S blbl Orange Oout DAIL. Y PILOT /.Mond1y, Auguat 23, 1082 L Cl {{~~~~!. ('.~ !!.'! ....... ~~'!!!.{ .. ~ .. 'II.~..... !~!!!'!!. !!~r.!!l. !fJ!!f 1 !{~~!!!. ~~.'!'.'!l!A~~ •. 1 '-~~!r.. v~t~!!.'!~.~.. ~~~!!!. v~1!.'~.1 .. A"-.. A,,,,.,·:·'" A"o.":··r ." '"""'•• JIMf .,,, .. ,, •• ,,, '"'' 20~ DeWN wlll Duy 3 trl I Coll• ""• 31Ztilm•• "" ., ... ,, ,,,,. "" ••• ~~[~!~.! ..••••.•••• ····'·~!~.~ ....... " .. 8~1;";~·;.;;~ .. 11~·~.·:1& ;·£,,'~;;;::;:;;;:n~·;~: ~1~~··, ~; c::~~~::~.1 ··9;u·.~;1~~·;;;·~;;:,~;··1 ·· .. ···iiniif ...... ;;.•lln.-.·,·· .. ··1·1··,·a··L·a·;; I!••'• #n• UU ~_,~ltlf! ...... r..~ Condot. no monev down many a1nan111.. 1119. loant & S 1&00 potlllv• p11t10. blf Int, kldt '4211 1 to II bdrm• 1tanlng al • ~ :~•••••••••••,.••••••• vaoont 2 llt 2 IA cat• white lh•y latt (71 41 0 0 0 By 0 w n II I 1111 II'\ ftlorl ,, .. , bt .. k oc RENTALS 7ll0-3314 1950 10 11200 BIG l,A~ON.aha?.: & lrg 1 ... z ... s ... port. ttlC yd. hu 6•1111122 Aot I ~•8·6CMlll e¥•11 W•ll localed. ntt•r 0 I~ I ANOINO lb I ~~00° .. ai: 4 ·~"!Op N•wly Oteor 0•• pd, & .. 2 3. t 7 . A f I 8 --------OC C<>lleQ• & EiC Ptua U ~ r w fJ " 0 " " A enGI gar. dwt hr. poor. 730-71811 QUIET YIRUILLEI 00111 OSI 1141100 Owner Wiii huge ~D.. NISH pool home w / bbg, Adult•. no P•ll -------- 1 Wiik offering only tell at 10 X orou Call pallO, Ulll pd S300 C&ll Lj '\1/s,._ QAfdan.,, In great c:ond 1142·6<>73 •••"-' .. EL£8AMC£ $149,999 2 bOrm, 1~. 164 &llllJ tP1111 onlyj ~RENlALS 7&0·3314 I 'l~'4'-:"'1" Only HHl mo to Qual IHI} 1141 Oree11 you the moment balh, e)213)3'14·5922 £.11 f•t l•/1 ZZOOI" Br I !• ~I crp~'2··~rpt, r.~)' t•~n~ BR TOWNHOME lllMLn ... BJIU ••••·.:.::,·,·,·UTlll••••••••••• you on tor thl• lmmaou· •• • • •••• • •••• • •••• • •• • yard, ..111ua l b ., mo 831·86()0 winu crpt I Pllnl Alao --.;;; u VI "" late 3 bdrm. 2 ba Tunle IELl!YE IT .. FINEST VIEW 1176-5068 ----~ pool, •P•. grHnbal1 & APAllTllllTI 1 & 2 Bt. DI.count on Rock ~Ughland• o.,oen I IN RANCHO CAI.IF I OC·RENTALS I e1oe4 10 FHh ltl Only Baaulllully landtGaped -model•. Pool. Spa. ~lome Formal 1t111ng and OR IOT 11 IV• ••l•IH Aea<ly to 1·5br'• 1200 10 12000 1 I S 1105/mo. tmmo<I evall. g&•dtn 1plt Pool & Spa. G Y m • 8 a u n a • •I c dining rmt bceptlontl 11'1 easy to own• horne bulld On paved road 2 760·3314 open 7•day1 't523CAlitP'15Da·lllVU'E I we ht¥1 many more 11 Covered parking . No _e_4&-ot __ 1_9.__,. ___ _ p11lor11 VIEW. Oul1tan· In Newport Beachl ONLY mile• lrom oenter. From graa1 prlcea. 1'1to w/ pets Deluxe poolaldo xlra large ding 11ndtceptn11 & patio $25,000 down and Ill· $80.000 'ov. down -Rl!NT TO OWN. New 2Br Woodbridge-on tho l•k• I tuasa opt1on1 to pur· Bach $415 2br, 2 ba, bl1nt, dltWtlr. 8rtH Ona ol lh1 U1t1 1uma $75,000 30 yr OW(.; al 12% 762-21150 2',<,t>a, condo Call Fitch. Executl¥a 3 bd. 2 'A ba ch&M Ctll tod1y FRED 1 Br. $470 l 'A mllM beach. No P91-. locltlOnt tt•P• lo lhe loen Sellet 11 1textbl1. Owner/Agl 9e4-tt7l Many Extratl 11400/mo 1 TENORE 631-121111 or 2250 Venguatd $500/mo. 53M382 pool and 1p1 12gg,ooo mollVatCKS and w111 e1rry ., I D 3 Br 2 ba on ·~ 6Cfe w/3 1 1 a a I a 5 5 2 • 0 6 4 9 . I 760-8702, -agl 540-011211 or &.e2-4905 2 Br 1 Sa .. lnul .. trom btl1nc1 A apaclou1 28R ,.oa•I• •, fl•tl, I car' gar pklt gueat hOU· 561·2103 or 987-8857 I "' condo with community lf11•1t ZfOO See 2630 Santa Ana OC-RENTALS Spa<:lOU• 2 er I Ba. '425. ocean, newly painted. p001 and apa $ 121 500 •• •••••••••••• •••••••• ~O NOT DISTURB TE 2Br/dbl gar Oo.od aria 1·5br s $200 to 12000 3 8 r 1 ·.-. 8 a S4 7 5 $485/mo 720-0844 or 1'4-lZll ''•ahareMammorheondo, NANTS 11200 mo. $695. Avail S1p1 27th 750-3314 open7-da)'11 Laundry lac , pool 720-4801 walk 10 1111•. Mountain 851-6226 COiiect 7141272·0097 IEASTBLUFF 38r, 2ba 545.g556 12-7PM. , _________ _ back Bell project In 1 BR Otangetree condo, Avail Now $1100/mo Ftraplace, poor. dlth· \~~;,:~~· =:.r~'°C.=: ~ Mammoth Prol decor 2 BR. nr SC Plia Condo• by the lak.•. pool, tennis, 640·9019,831-0838 wU/181', pvt patio X LG qulel 14110 mo. Oala- •-955-2236 mtg Pool, Jae. lull MC. ear· A11t 9/7 $460 875-9229 Garden 2 Br SS80 ware PlMa, 8'2··8807 • l)ort. Luit unit. urHI Loe. Park Lido Condo, 3 Br 2 557 284 !~~~~~~~~~ UH lllllOWMllD No Peta $550 ~· 11 135' Exec 3rm, wlpOOl tpo Ba lrplc, dlhwlh. lndry --·--1-----ll / Su c1 .... ,, 1011 Hamlltalr Lako Front I u 11111 y 5 5 8 . I 8 2 6 ·] lg kllch,,,, lrwy $470 rm, 3 carports, patio •• , .,, .. "'5"3C~ .. llO•,"-·l',.'l"'E •••••••••••••••••••••• REDUCED $80,000 lo 775·2580 OC·RENTALS 750·3314 1795 851-9522 ••~ B•tHat 3141 ., ' ""'rv ua "",. IUPEll Tll SMELTEll $595.ooo. Owner fin •~1.1 -=-.a •••••••••••••••••••••• ------·---· / 1 4 . 8 4 8 . 3 2 7 8 0 r MOHL DtlUll llOME TURTLEROCK EXEC .. 2 ILeaae or lease option lar-Bachelor Condo. Stag• to f!l..".~~.~!!.f.t •• J.~~ FOil llYESTOlllll 714.337.3535 Agl Decorator perfect. ape-'J malra, den 2•;1, ba, more. ge 4 Br canal tron1. F&IULY lPTI sand. Fireplace. /W, San Ctemente pride ol -ciou• 2 bdrm, 2'hba, n-$1360/mo 851·9350 yaarty, avall (,. 1, eommty Boeutllul gerden apta. refrlg $365, 1 yr lse, E.E••LI IAY ownership, modern Spa-• J ,. / / Cape Cod Pool, Jae. rec. 12 Br 2'1> Ba. garage. lrplc, pools & tennis, walk to Pallos/dec:ka. Heet paid. 21315112·3171 al1 8. "" ntah sryle 4 unit apt "'' .,, I I ar.,a, Piii pallo, balcony. commty paol, $T50lmo beach, $1300/mo tamlly ~~,,:''' 2 children we!-I.•••••"''' JUI Oce~~~l:sw~N~!r~. 4 house wllh ocean-holls & • •• ~~~~~!'I.~••• •• Y.~~ I wino cellar & ige garage Broklf 851·8800 845-3370 atl 5 wkdys 2 Br 2 Ba S56S ••'••••••••••••• .. •••• I golf course ¥lew C.iose Or 118 o 1 La una Sen Oecoratc-r wall paper. 1 398 W Wiison 631-55"" toUIPlltlT ba, kit w/conven enc91• 10 e¥erylhlng, Ol\ly 3 B 3 P S SgK S70K draper•H and more I.••••• J.1d 3Z41 C••'••l•I••• °" lam rm, lge garden, PD· years old & shows like 4 ' be " O ' s 1 o 5 o t mo c a 1 I ••'••••••••••••••••••• • Large 2 Br 1 Ba. with Moat flleOanl apt. bldO. tlo, formal din rm, lge 1111 NEW• N w owner could • q u 1 t Y 8 5 5 -0 5 I 7 I EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 011/1111111ild 34ZS 1 d In Laguna Beach, llnelt rm Outel cul-de-uc e 544-2170 5"8•2239. 10 30 10 5 30 Be lrplc brick pallo w1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• garage. d/w, aun ry rm location In town, bt'eattl-occupy 3 bdrm · 2 bath pm · Lux 2Br 2Ba S C n1aza S•95 raking •-·-all built 1n1 1812.000 By owner city & ocean view apt 11 I spa S 1 5 0 0 2 1 3 I • • " • Also trg 2 Br t Be: $-t90 v........ • • 673-4411 ilppltcable &. rent 11111 R1at•l1 MESA VERDE-38r. 2Ba, 876-2255. SV5u7.5AC. pooN I, atva11Sh9·1. AvaJI 9-1 646-6625 ~ueb~gtaeradge, 1plovoao1o'r' 3 f •• • ••• • • • • ••• ••• • • •••• $850 mo lit g 1st + sec mo o pe s, er '"' . Ro 111 lo S•lt H I S I other apartmenta or 13 Br 2 Be , ocean ¥u. ry or Donne 979-2390 Do • 1 3 LaaM only $850 & up. II I •• ~~!!!..~~ .. ~! ....... Trade or lse opt 4Br 3ba Income. Seller will help HolllH far•l16td dep No coli/lg dogs. I $825/mo. Arch Baach I dys Brn. tavwaallllwolnth1Y2 8 1a'r .. gepa-330 c1111 Of. 49•·8083 ••••••;;••••••"'joz4 $469,000 S70K equity finance & SAVE buyer •••••••••••••••••••••• Avall 9-15 751·3642 Hg 111 Av 8 11 9 / 1 1 ff!!~ ... !!! ........... f!.'!~.!!!! ...... J.~~1 855-0517. 544-2170 thouiands or dolleral l•IHI lll111d '106 Loaded 3rm w/troptcal 633-92i2 all 3PM. Garden Grove New 2 BR 110, In quiet area, large /Ii ·ao I J.1ei 3111 •• MlllE FOil llLE OOO REDUCED selling price •••••••••••••••••••••• patio cozy kitchen 5325 l't. ba. patio. gar, $550 & pool $875. 645-3381 or ,!.'!~•!••••••••••••••• 1Z ll~ llllllllLE $198 ol $296,000 00 Is way Oceanfront winter rental OC·R.ENTALS 750_3314 IOCEAN AND WHITE $100 dep. No pall. 675-5949. NO FEE' Apt & Condo ' 3 bdrm, 2 ba. aeperale ••EASY 1ERMS•• BELOW current replace-2 br, 1 ba. compt. relur· WATER VIEW 3 eun-Craig. 545-1370. GO , __ P_l_N_E_B-LU_F_F_A_P_T_S __ rentals Villa Renrals FllAIGlll dining, covered patio. Wood/glass. Views, 3br, menr costlll Principe ls blahed Garage. washer/ Spac 3Br. 2Ba townhou-decks. 3 bdrm, 2''> ba, 2 I 1 Br wllh Iott. & 2 Br. 2 675-A9 l2 Broker Ju1t In Ume for summer, PonderoH St (Harbor 2ba. Smalt bul ctassyl ONL Vitt Call owner 111 d r ya r U t t I Pa Id se, lrple. micro. 2 car gar I lrpc's $1125 Mo plus 3 br. 2 ba delu>1e iondo. Ba Child ok. on the lhll lovely pool homa and Baker). $135.000 497-23221497-5487 (7 t41 9!17·3970 e to 5 w/Oj)nr S760/mo Avail sec Avail now Lrg. patio, pool tpa, BIUlll, patio. view, frple, ,,. IESERYE m ~ngatu~a1!,:i:r~~~'.":.~ 1 ____ 9_63_-0_3_6..,..3___,::---I • 642 O l lB cail us 10, YEARL y 0~ Sept 1 548·3278 496-0554. 531· 1 t88 ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~9~.~~S:: encl gar , gas stove. dis-NE w gated 20 Town- d 95•..-FINANCING f!l.~~-~Jl!.!L.!.~~~ • WINTER runlets Aegtr Easts1de house 3 br. 2 t>a, HARBOR OCEAN FRONT . hwaatle<. tpa, lndry rm home VILLAGE COM· paint. near parkt an AVAILA8LEI p 675 4000 3200 It LUXURY 2 BR 2'.lt l>a, S600/mo MUNITY 2 & 3 Br 2''> tchools Olla red at VILLE DE CERISE SH Jt1H roperties • J 2 car gar Nu lu• nm on blU Nwpl Terrace condo SPMC 631·6107 Be 1800-1800 sq ti of si39•900 54~1151 ~~;u~a~~9~~n:~[:5~ BEAUTIFUL I C••illr•ao 1011 L••t11H B .. ci 3148 S500 mo 548-3561 ~~?, d':tn~u g~rha~b:;· Pool. etc. lplc, patio pure lu>1ury Garages, ~HERITAGE Bdrm home or rental OLD WORLD ••••~·••••••••••••• •• ··'••••••••••••••••••• E's1de 3 Br 2ba, lam rm. • . ' Kids OK Ou1ell 5895 mo N-2 Br 2 Ba No pets. spas on every home • with yard, patio and TOWNHOMES $600 mo. peyment lor •i Emerald Bey pvl t>each uvlng rm. sep dining rm ~~~~;;•y, ~;~n7~:pa 837-2686 Avall epprox Sept Isl master surte. dining REALTORS good locallon near bell-by Howard Mark Co 2Br 28acondo 9'·W.VA POOi$ tennis courts. Drive by 2567 Elden mo • · ---------$450 760 -1418 or rooms. wood burning chas & pools. 1129,900. from Sl59,000 loan. as11rng $9'4.500 ocean vlew 3 Bdrm, 3ba $900. 642-2191 •Ocean view 2 Br 2 Ba. 1'ort•iOt1lll 548-8875 I.replaces. micro·wa¥e ISSUMllLE Yl LI. 644-7020 495·3244 760·0297 8111-335o & g u 9 5 1 11 0 u 9 e · B 2 a !800 s I .. steps to beach, N1ca 2Bdrm 2 be ••ost ovens. prrvall p1111os & S 1800/mo wlfoter r8nlal 3 ' " a. near new., $1100/mo. Darrell. Rel Fo1alll1H 35ZS v "' LlllO llUL HTATl ., B a. 1069 $•al• An• 1010 or $2200/mo yrly fenc yord, trees, 2168 Max 759•1221 •••••••••••••••••••••• utll pd yards.gardener prov•· ----------•~.'!!r.!! .. !!f!' •••.•••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 7 l41759·0047 Miller $750 840-5010 I rBLUFFS 2 BR. 2 BA . TH $525/mo 548-0477 ded Eleganr llvrng only at 8WY. on rhl1 4 bdrm home on eul side ot Colla Mesa with pool. spa and many othe r amenities. $110,000 In usumablo loans On a eul·d•-sac tool o w e . Reduced to It 59,900. Call 979-6370 ,., ,,; v.11 ... 1034 OCUI YIEW G bel I F I 15 minutes from Fashion • .!'.9:'! ••• '!•••••"'••••••• TERRIFIC HOME JUST LISTED 2 br. 2 ba. view, pvt streel. Large 4 bdrm. 2 be, lamlly I rteel n dbtl nr poAod llrp NEW BREED APTS Island 7 minutes ro S.C INVESTORS home. llv rm. llrepluce, I Redec 3 br 2 b8 2 lrpl ·pa 0 • gar u s • IBR & LOFT Frplc r~ Prof decoraled, warm 3 2 bdrm 1 bath nome ln gored comm Lovely de-v N p 1 I ed $950 · ~ P•aza or 0 C Attport $5000 down and $200 Br L R . DR. FR . brg presttglous North Santa cor Non smoker No biHn eloct kltch, lamtly SI 150 mo 1422 Terraoe 6 ° es. ~m • 1 -room. pool. Jacuzzi, gas Just east ol Newporr per mo negative easn kltch., high 1J11am cat· Ana Large tol, room I<>< pa 1 s S I 3 0 0 mo rm attached to ~ cat ga-Way 760•8376 c mo Jor conger (easa & water peld No pell. Bl¥d & so of San Diego flow tor a 38R lb• tgl tings, lrplc. plus e trg AV Owner wrll carry Isl 497 3230 rage ~enced Yd wllh 64~1~o~ 8~4~153~1) 393 Hamilton, C.M F, w y S 9 O O I mo lamlly delatchad home. manicured yard w/a 3 TD with $25 000 down -patro Water & gardener L•'l.•H lli'l.HI 3252 -or • 6.e5·4411 631.5439 2473 Orange Call Rich Ownrtagt car gar A real value at Close to parll & school & ~'."!r.!!.~~ff'. .• J.J.~?I ir.cf'd at $825 mo S400 •• ••••••• ........... Westside SPARKLING A•1e Cossa Mesa 964-6171 $375,000 and you own shopping $ 131,500 I LIOO ISLE 3 bdrm. t'dm S8c. Pat 011 approval Niguel Shores pvt comm A•1rl•t1Jll F11r•idH CLEAN & SPACIOUS 1 & tho land. Patrlelr lenore, 4 B S 700 Drive by 3094 Vtillows· 4 br & ramify 2 ba ·'•••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br Newly redac. crpta. Buldfl•IJ 631_1266 tm, 8 I mo tone 1011 PaularlnoJ atrium. 3 car ger Pvl B•lio• d d h & J.ati 1040 lldm OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. 957-0701 Agt by appt beach & rac center l111i•HI• 3101 1:~:e. 'v~:;,/~~ce~e;; \' ( : 'I l / !l I~',, PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS . it r.1 ', I\ ·•~\.[ <.,' ¥£ NTS ••••••••••••••• ••••••• 1 ea $ 7 o O mo B ti I LrQ e3'ec, 2·s1y home nr, S 1250i mo 759• 1"65 • • • •••• • •••••• • ••• •• •• breezes. no Pet s . CLOSE TO OCEAI Grundy, Rltr , 675-6161 <:,o Coast Plaza 4 Br 2'> Lrg yrly hall blk ro beh 1 $385-$476 642·0684 & COUNTRY CLUB LIVIN~ No money down. no 1 __ --Ba avail 91 1 $795 Mi11io11 Vi1lo 3261 br. gar, S625. 1 rm & ba 552-9723 38r, 28•. dbl car garage. qualifying • own your Brand New Homa11 & lido Realty OCEANF$R805NOT dup$17e5xo. B1omg1e11 Riiy 760-93551 •••••••••··"··•••••••• S32h. lndry, tst, last. pl IN NEWPORT BEACH A roral envlronmenl apartment community on the Upper Bay Private clubt1ouse and health spa. 8 1enn1s courts. 7 pools, close 10 bu11ness, airport, F'eshron Island Con¥entent shop s on sne Unfurnished bache- lors. t & 2 bdrm apts and townhouses 2 pa11oa. ftagstone lrplc, home on our unique Winter up. HOME FOR RENT dep no pets 873-9327 Eastslde, Lrg. brighl 2 br. owner-custom bl! home. shared anpreclatlon fl. Condos. no money down 673-7JOO down. 2 Br 2 Ba. lrpl. Easrslde clean Older 2 Br 3 Bdrm g 4 Bdrm $695 ---------l'lt ba patio. avail. 911 S 127 .OOO. Owner will " 5 while rhey last (7 14) gar 640-4 tit 1 Ba house $525/mo to seoo Fenceo yards & C ., 3124 1 S550 640--0997 cerry let loen. ~~~;~~~Hu";;',e;~~.3 i 54iiii&-i 9i5i2i2i Aigitiiiiiiiiiiiiii BEACH COTIAGE No pels 548-6680 garagu Kids & pets .!!!~.!'!!!~••••••••••• LUXURY COIDOS ll•J ••Car41e, ""'· 8R 2'1ba. 1600 10 2100 2Br Iba. blk 10 1>each LANDLORDSI AE.ALTORS welcome 5'45·2000 $440/uUls pd. 1 br, UPI· Ml·ll21 sq 11 Payments run ILIFFS llllllll avail Sept t S650 winter Fasi tree renanr prov1-Agent. no lee terrs. close to beach. lots I W .. te Se. Ost Plata ~~~~~~~~~~I $l200 10 t600 per mo. You own the land 2.000 2 Br 1 Ba. lrg lot. Contact S7'i0 yrlv u111 pd ders BEST Really ol wndwa. b11u1 sun-Frplc, elegant French :: Call Geo Brooks at sq f1. 3Br, lam rm 2·.~ Elsa. egt 75l-3l9• 645-8943 539-6194 N•w rllt•'"" 3269 Mts.Sept.10.6.e2·5027 windows, AC, In home 7 l •/891 5556 Ba. wtde Greenbelt near 1 662-24 I 1 " . .., •• I aecurlly. 2Br 28a, 18r PIYlllli RHT'n? HAVE GOOD INCOME??? • · I OCU•FllOIT/PHlll. STUDENTS UNITE Party ····"; ................ IHHli•il•• pool. Far below market falll'• 1090 h • B b d "'"'"""'r1 Sn~as 3 Br 2,. 1Ba & llUdlOs. * * * $2•5 000 Wiii •--·-2 atory. 4 Br, 2'·> bath•, 58 • r aaic ecor • "v-.-v ~ v ' •-... 3140 !Br & studio Incl Wshr/ ~ · ,......., 00-1 •••• •••••• • •••••• • •••• a I b I d d I l Ba 2 bfocks to beech -• LOW DOWN $129,500 rlon. Bkr 844-6368 I lfW COllOS I dlnmg rm. giant Screen epp 9• •Q nc yar • 8 ' • •••••••••••••••••••••• dryr, alto Includes pvt S540 • 11000 Several bacnelors and I Bdrm units feature lrne designer lurnrlure and accessories Move 1n to· day or reserve tor sum· mer mon1ns Smartly lurnoshed models open daily Assume (f'r8dd•e Mac> 4 TV, hOl lub. mod lutcl't 2 mo n 11 Y BEST fee close to school & tennis Ou tel Junior~ & 1 Br club wllennla courta, Br 2 Ba trple 19811 2 Bdrm 2'~ba , tow car encl parkrng Avaot 539-6190 962-8683 From S375 Pool, r ec gym, pools. j acuu ls, SHORT ON DOWN PAYMENT??? Bushard St Brk/Own SELL OR TRADE down IO'r,.,, linan avail Sept •l:i 57:,.7550 CO!lla Mesa Charm111 Westcllll 3 Br. den. olllce. rm • sauna. enclsd ga· saunas. beautllully deco· "All.Oii Rl"tr c9:~_16A171c,h Owner/Agt I 2' B 2 d rage 17301 K~lson oH t d lbh & h 642-7H3 ~ .,.. Eleganr Home 4Br com-crprd 2 Br 4 lamlly ) a car gar, gar e--Slater. 842_7845 ra a c sa muc Prlmerea1denllatlot.Aa-plete ¥•ew galed'com-1 home Songles lrne 100 ner. no peu $1050 more From $450 mo. s as ouaun Gracloua 4 Bdrm trl- Wlth our Investor, five & level Pvt spa Contamp decor Asking $319,000 -gain appreciation In make olr Bkr 848-0709 fantutlc 3 Br. 3 Ba. new •---------- condo, noxl to all shoo-3 Bdrm & single monthly ping. No down payment renl Step• 10 beach minimum caah ne~ded 2 1 3 / 2 8 5 -3 5 O 7 & f<>< closing cott. Phon41 2131360-5465. wkdys PAYING TAXES??? 631-5055, 6.e2-2000. 2131617 -3585 WH 2 Ill TWllSE with 2'n batha. 2 car encl gar & yard. 15000 down and pymt aasls1ed prog· rem Call Rick. Owner/ Aql. 964-8171 OCHI VIEW 2 Bdrm, 2 ba. condo. Full amanltlaa and sec. gate No qualifying with $6000 down 10 75"1. loan program a¥allable Call Rich Owner/Agl 964-8171 ... PEil •1. $20,000 dwn for a 25"1. lnllfesl In property wlt&JI shelter benell!s. Owner occupied or Investor's position avail. Call Rich ownlflagt. 984-817 t ____ , r ql lerskates • walker s•toys •wagons•··· scooters•hot rods*coupes· trailers"hard tops•convert- ibles•motor homes·iawn mower s· 1 i m os ·corpcrate headqua rters •garden car ts Model A 's···· GAZER" .. lh LU\'~ l'OU\N \.Ill• i:. ,.,_,, 0..1,. "'''•"1 "'·'• -t' "" ,.,j ... Auo,J "t •• •'• $10•1 f • d4"._,.,.top ..,., .. 09• f,., ¥ ' ~1 II w u,. )l "( •tod w0rdu.:.1r~#1Y'd "IQ t ,...,,., \\I\ It It ot "'°"" Zed«. bi•tt. 1tign w:o ... o l""09'•U-.... • °'. "~ .. ""' ... .,. !::? •. 1...-.. .H~· lif0" /t we,..-.. ... -· J It) tt .. _ ,.r .. .... .,. -t•M~• ._, .. ---· '"-..... ~,~~ ". ~"'"•'"'' ..... a w., ...... "°""l • ... " .... {'II ...... --U•illlo(llt flO'" .... ,.. ...... °' ,. ~ .... u•• .. "'""' II!:::"• .,.J. ov...,....._ , ...... , ,,,~ ··-.,...,.,..,. __ ...... U lta ,..,..... •• It c.uttCOl,N IS•°"I 6)~ ,~ ... ~~~· ::4'. 1•'" •rt1 .. _ """"••1••'1 ., .... ,,G..,. ··-...... ...... ,, .. )]..t1. !tC... ... ... "°""" 117>1HO ... "'"'"' ·-· Aout.11ut JIWWfll .. -......... ttOo UC.. II-JAflt • n-· ~,,. 1.1 .... ...,. ,,, " ~-,. ...... .......... ,. .. _ ... _ .... HUI ,._, --... •"'-' .... 61" ,,~.,, .... ., ,,..._.I . -;;;m-~ ... _ .. ,_ .a... .. ,. ........... ..... .. _ ··-.... ·--\!dG-i ®AJ••rv ..,., (;,,,..,.., king $500,000 640-7685 Ot1"t1Hl E1t•le muntry .$'4500 /mo '~~dsl~~ suo M o¥e 1-637·1458 or 548-5026 ESTATE LIYlll ~~~~; .. ;;~g~ .. ~'~roSt. Elaganl 3 Br & den, ... ,•••••••••••••••••• 760-8099 1 w *539_6194 * Harbor Ridge, mountain & Beaurllul park-like sur-(btwn Sunflowe r & country sryle home M•bll• Hoa11 oceen,vlew. 3 Br 3 Ba roundlngs, Terraced McArthur) French door a. bay Win· Fn $111 JI 00 a • .,,, Valar11id1H $475 3 Br 2 Ba duplex beaut If u II y d 0 n 8 ' POOi Sunken gas bbq, On Jamboree Rd at San Joaqurn Hills Rd oows. hrdwood ttoora. 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••1 has crpts lhru-ou1. up-S2400tmo Avall now sparkling fountains. total, 5•..-dwn Kint loea-palto. awning & ulll shed • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... ••• •• ytrd. kids lrne :>m IN at 1 , rare dining area Walk-in lrple's. very lge lot owe 12,.50 Champion. carpart G1111ra/ JZOZ graded deco1 shady I By Owner 760-1977 Spacious rooms Sepa- lion $179.900 Fee land 2 or 1 ba. hvrm. kllchen RENTALS BEST Others avail Bc'::.~:r;aea~ b~~ ~7~· closets. home llke kllch- A¥allable now! 1 Br. car-Por1 pool & laundry No •••·1100 pets 1425/mo. 931 W Spac 3 Br 2 Ba tplc, gar 19th St 548-0492 beach 2 blks. S900 yrty By Owner 631-2134 partly furn Adutt park Vearly-Weekly-Winlet 'l, 539-6190 opnr · 640•9850 days en & cabinets Walk to ~~~110{~c~;~~n N~!et:, 1 3.J4 lBCdrOmlsS REALTY MAKE 11 YOURS $350 A 760-8398 eves Mr Begg' Hun1t1~~~-~.'!505 Spacious 2 Br 1 811 on No pets 645-1682 Eutlldo. near schools, 3'ti(j;m or de-n-.-2-b-e-th- no pets S450 63 t-6155. Upper duple" Avall Sepl 601 LIOO 81h ~'UJOH Waterfront Condo ADULTS ONLY Spt'<'!a<'uf;ir Vrt•w S789 :ioo Wm Coh Brok• r 2 t 19 Tustin Ave. Costa wnole house, eel in kltch, Nr Bch 3rm w/bubbllng I 2 Bdrm·furn from $605 Mesa In back I PROP big lncd yard Kids pets spa, cozy kltch $400 2 Bdrm-Townttouse turn l"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil welcome Sm tee at QC-RENTALS 750-3314 from S675 I'" Ml .. l"EMEMT BEST cell 539-6190 N I Utllltl f t OWMH DESPERATE " • " CHARM Expanded 5 Br 0 pe 8 es ree Musi sell clean ""ouble 815·6173 NEAR BEACH 3 br 2 be 3 car garage HVH Ja· LA QUINTA HERMOSA u c;ondo gar pool tennis 16211 Perltslde l..n. t blk wide Cameron with at-I S900 mo 673•0672 · cuzzl. loaded wllrench w. 01 Beach, 3 blks s. teched sunporch & car-HELP• ResponsJbl8 cple, l w indows. skyllghta. ol Edinger .. 847-5441 port localed in 5 Star 13 yr old boy cat & dog 2 Br 2be condo Cape $1600/mo 640-2523. Greenleaf Park Asking need nous~ in 'Oldl Sertes ExeluSlve E'stde 833-2237 lllWMll J.1d 3111 only $34,500 submit your Hunllngion area H B Pool. prof lndscp·g. pvt •••""••••••••••••••••• rerms owner will carry (Wett 01 Adams. Sourh pat to. 2 ca r g a 1 ILUFFS UU OCEANFRONT -sharp ol Beach Blvd) Approx $750/mo. 642-2137 or Townhouse 3 Br 2'1' Ba l 2BR.wln11f,nopo11,ga1 $800/mo rent or lease/ 494.4791 $950/mo 844-8138, I $650 mo 2131795-3018 option Reis. 536-9632 2 Br houM 1720 Orenge 850-1801 2Br. 1Ba. $550 mo 4Br. Ave Pret sr citizen CITY LITTS/OCW YI 2811 $750 mo. Acrou $450/mo 1nr1 gardener 2 mastlf bedrrn sullet. ltom bch Sept-June Price Really 548-3209 decks, spa, ell extras, (213) B.eS-2232 Vary nice 3 Br 2 Ba ta-$795 mo 98•-3466 OCEANFRONT Cl11" 7-~ Br l1J1111t/U1f11ra. Lovely Eattalde 2Br Iba I/early 538-3800 2912 Peppertree Lane. No pars s.e95/mo, 3 Br ? Ba. lrpl, garage. 559-4718 beach 2 b lks, yrly, 673-2571, 675-9875 E'slde C.M 3Br 2ba con- do Lg yard. frplC:: 2 car Crappy 2br. near beaetl. gar. paolljac $725/mo moe area. lurn or unlurn 631-7905 $600/mo 873-6336. 2Br garden apt. No pets, $4.eotmo 54&-9950 2 bdrm, 1•;1, be, 2 story $550 Mo Also 1 bdrm, I ba $360 mo Call alter 5 30 PM 2864 LaSalle 957-2740 Execurrve Condo IBR. den, ooean & bay vMIW Calh cell, lrple, MCUrlty gata S750tmo. call 9-5 834-1547 WESTCLIFF 1 bf condo pool. no pets. $540 mo. 673·86•0 Park Udo Adull Condo 3 Br pool. near hospltal. 1\ I II\ '"Inn or beach St45,000 Owner llurh111 lnvr•.slmr'nt Cr1 wlll help Agenr 646-1044 2 BR & loll In f'Xcellenl 1ocat1on on Edgewater S 1.200 mo By week or month 3 Br 2 Ba. No pell 2nd Waletlronl/wlnter. I br mlly rm. Meu del Mar. Lselopt or sale or trade 4 673_7873 floor l•llS+dep $600 & $550 Days gardener. $950 Sierra Br 3 b a 0c1 en vu 540·2245 642· 112 t. eves 730-01CM Saytrorot Condo/Unturn Mgmt Co 641-1324 555•0517• 544·:ll70 3 Br 2 ea Winter s750 3 br 2 ba. Oeluxe condo. S675. 2 Br H'• Ba. lrg up. 0 L d "' k O 2 BR & NEWPORT HTS 28R 1BA OOtrll YltrW 2 Br 2 Ba. ocean front n ' o .-ar r.. 5 s Winier s750. Lrg patio, pool & spa. per, Easlblull. dbl gar. IAYClllJT HHOED C•••t111 £ot1 dan, security bldg, Pool. garage. next to park. 346 Deluxe new 2 Br 2bt, PROPERTY HOUSE child o k near SC Plaza no pets. pool 809 This stately 4 Bdr 3'-t Ba C,..._11 1500 S995 mo A Ogle 6'44·9T78 lrplc, deck. gar See 642-3850 546-1869 S6e5 mo. 213-964-2686. Amigos Way 6•4·7118 execuOve home has Ju1t •••.-...-A •• •••••••••·••• E 3 a 2 9 2 Ad 1 o t baan , .... uc--' to $3"4. 6 graves In Pac;lllc Vtt!w Cost •• s /U I legant r 'I\' •• gate u IS ne or EHlllde br""ht & ch_,., USTILIFF av ..., """ v a me e n urn story. poof/1ennl1, fur-$ 8 2 5 . one S 5 8 5 A .. tl•l•ll 1 Br 1 'Ba "n'arural wood~., 000 Amen1t'-include 3 Memorial Park Sold out A ... TIRE·'ENT Bpi 2 BR 5 68 -s ~. 2 bd .... ... ... • • nlahad $1300 Unlurn I fµ4-8722, 51· 22 Of "•l•t•1·1L-~ I ea111ng1 ' cabfnats pac..,..s tm. v-. ear garage, wet bar, 2 sectk>n ol Vista del Mar clean & qulel location $ IOOO 6.e2-8808 •••'',: ••••••• ~!':' ••• , •••• 5;20 8., 1_9522 a pool, nrce 8'88 No pets frplcs and much more $550 each. sell 2, 4 01 6 Relrlg tncludad •400 0 I • u • $675 ,. ... •767 v • PR PERTY HOUSE 3 Br 2 Ba comm pool I•/"--l1/1•4 JI-..., -Auume exlsllng loan 968· 1695 alter 6pm mo 5•2 3850 •• 6 1859 --Cl 2 B + F A ---------••eke an ol1or 631·7370, 673-0519 belora 6pm .. • ..., • $1195/ 'o 83 I 1268 •••••••••••••••••••••• ean '· am. m $750/mo 3 ·""r 2 Ba en-"' v Wllerlront Homes. Inc. m • • Yrty $775. Oelulle 2 br, w/d hk-up, patio. 2 poo-..., 5•9-35•8 Da /IXll/ 631-1400 MESA VERDE ~·ec home. 631-27 11 Fred Tenore. gar . prkg. Naar water pie 151 5 • no pots clsd g'rage, walk lo 1· 2 sty,~ BR, 2,, be, den. agt 675-4000 (Bren) 642-0461 bHCh. yard /balcony O•itl /01 l•lf 1100 --32,.1 formal dining, lplc. grdnr Won'1 tut. call tor appt_ TRADITIONAL RF.ALTY ••••••••••••••••••• ••• l•liH 111101 "" $ 1100 mo 646-6991 For lease°' leaM option. Bay front bach unll. $450 2 Br 1 Ba., stove, retrtge. lSL Mgmt 6.e2· 1803 S',rll TU SMELTER • • • • • •• •• ••• •• • • • •••• • S 1500/mo 5 Br ' large d II O pool, No "'"ll. $420/mo E Yrly S726 Cute 2 br, gar.. yard. KhOOls. shopping Inc 1 1 u 1 1 a Y' "" FOii lllVESTOlllll pr kg, N 88 1 w a 18 r nearby, Agent 8-46-!0.e4. 980-247 I, 8¥89 675-9302 423 W. Bay. 6-48-9516 San Clamen1e pride of 675-4000 (Brelll B11•li1JflOll l•lkl 3 Br 2 Ba. trptc, y1'rd, ownership, modem Spa-I ,,.,, JZfO •••in 111_. •••l•l•ll · ~··-g11rage, 1700/mo. ntsh style 4 unt1 apt. •l)IM •••••c;c:AENTALS••••• .,. ~ •• !.'•••••••••••••'!~.'!! \Br 1 Ba. petk>. gareg. • la....,tlt U4t lilt house wllh ocaan-hllla & 11•l•nl1 JZ01 l -!ij>r'a s2oo to 12000 WIE $450, 2 er. utll. pd. 410 s.426/mo. 1" golf course view Clo11e •••••••••••••••••••••• 750.~14 ....,..,,. 7-d•""' Super panoremlc ociea,n, Harding. Balboa No Bro6!er 851-8800 ~~.CJ!!l~'!. ••• H.rf 1 Br pvt dock, old wortd c hlirr11, 1peet aculer ocean vu,-"' to boec:h $495. Contact Mgr at ac>I C. 332 Encino l.n. lt•t WM leok 10 everything, only 3 Bayfront minus 30', 180 -... ~. ,_ bay & night llght view pelt 541 l155 1----------1 Choice Joe. Xtnl lln Prln years old & ahowt Ilk• deg vu. gourmet hitch.. Nr Sch 2br 2ba w/double from thll 2 8R, Oen, for· -S325 • Bachelor apt. 333 ... ,, bl ,,,, only. Own 673·7946 NEWI New ownlf could I or 2 Bt & 2 Ba. turn/ gar. patio, bll-ln1 S480 mal din rm & 2 BA hOm8 C•-'6trUI lfa«iJlll E 2111· C.M. Apt B·O •••••••••••••••••••••• occupy 3 Bdrm., 2 bath unturn. Yr l ease OC·AENTALS 750-3314 D e cor•t•d Ilka a •• r.••••• .. ••••••••••• 64s-4589,845-8103 28t2bacondo,nrSo.Cct 20'-' ltltw •erbtl city & oceen ..,,_ apl 11 I 13 50 I mo W I n t er "Model" In 1118 earth-OupleJI 1¥00 2 Bt. 2 ea. •U Yllll Pila. '4501111 & 1191. No Urgent 11le Condo 2 applletble a rent tho $950/mo Opn Aug 29 Lrg 4 Bdr homo. 2~ Ba, 3 tOflft. Community lonnl• laundry. garage. yafd poll. 2 13/6~ eft 5 bdrm •. 2•L bL Xlnt 1oc 573.0•33 or 558-1610 car gar nr beach & lmmod OGGupancy 2BA l~ba.pvtpatlo,no ---------,, olher 3 apartmtntt tor .. • court• & swimming pool. · pet• 1625 !552 Elm. 3 bf'. 2 bL deluxe oonoo. SI 10,000. $12,000 On. income. Seller wlll help Crnr 101h/8ay :;~~11•~1i~=~ OK. 24 hr. guarded gate. no.2904. M&-3&2' Lrg. patio, pool, 1p1, ~ll"ol~ .n, f f) ~ ha..• -Payments 1947,50. Call finance & SAVE buyer Winter rental•. quiet 8•1· Avallabl• lmmedlately. Cin•• ltl #•t UU child o.k.,,.... SC Plaza. ':::'::;' v~ l'GU t'f~-<b (:..~~ u• own•. 714-&61-4818 1hou11nda of dollaral boa loc. 3 BR 2-n be, 11900 per mo. Donn• •••••••••••••••••••.,• SpaoloUt 2 Story 28A 1'A 1&85 mo. 2 13-"4-HM. -----.-.~GA• t. ~ 5 Sr. light, brlla, HCluded REDUCED H lllng prloe new hme. $976 mo. Cute B1•tl;,I•• Godatiall ~. STEPS TO OCEAN latOO 2 BA. pool. P"'· pt11o, ear- • --""""" "' .._ 2 lavel Eltate alze fol , of 1216,000.00 le wey 1 BR & work rm, turn, Bil at 1241 Bt. 2 Sa. lrplc, many port, chlldran OK. no ~II l'laJ.w ._ --i.. shopping, achoolt all BEi.OW current replec. $800 mo. 1173-5360 •••••• ••••••••••••••• amenlllee. 1825/mo. PETS. 1475/mo. 2310 ., ,,.,,,,,, .teM ._,. '°"" •-..,.... -dt near by. Owner muit Mii mant Cioatlll Prlnclptlt S•ldom 1v1lltble W••· Daye 642·5757, e..,.. & Santa Anl Ave 845-3017 •••••••••••••••••l'~':l' l .---------. & .,,111 tlnanca. What 11 ONl..Ylll C111 owner at C•rMI l1l #11 Jiii therly Bay TownhC>uee. Wknd• 831-8830 or 2 13-375-8107 IUWlll ~ I II I F £. E 0 I II • 9 •6 1044 (714) •••••••••••••••••••••• Boat 111p. 5 bdrm, 3 ba, 2 • daa .,gtnl .. • &42 O 38 Spllt i.v.1 2 Br-den, be•· oar, tann11. pool. all C•lll #1u 111f $305/mo. 1 Br. 1 Ba. en-YILUll ' ' I I r I I A~lng 'i!!:.'500 I h.. -1 mad ceOlng. s1g&/mo. applleneaa/amenlll••· ...................... Cltd ga,aga, lndry rm, N-1&2 bdrm. lu11ury a may · 707'.\ Acacia. 840-1118a s 1 4 7 S mo Ag t Largo 1 Sr. 1 Sa. datlwr, patlOf ~11'0, emall P9I o6!. IPll In 14 pl-1 Bdrm I I Slull• w/land, 4 bf, 3 ba, l•tMI 1t1anfw ZfOO 5 8d H 837..oeee. 8AYFAONT CONDO. lndry rm, carport. W/ evell. sept. from 1515 1 bdrm frOftl , ~RM E ~ 1 • ramlly & bonu• rm 2eoo ........... ~,;;;,, ••••• 1 Lacoo det :ne· I Beaut. view. HR 2ba. side. $390. Avail 9.11 TSL Mgn'lt 842-1903 1570, ToWnhouM from I Ii I r •Q ft End unit New E·lid4 C.M Trl-plox, aop. Of0t)8 ., 11m.. 1144 I Sec. bldg .. no cnlklren M 84&.ee25. 1550/ 2 a 1'A 8 1840 + POOll, tennla, ... -. --l t hruoul $316 000 mel8'9d. 118.000 QfON 7eo-t701, 875-2!4.4 1·•••••••••,.••••••••u pelt. S!&oo 87Mt79 T mo. r. a. ~ I s 0 91 1 E I ' Ownr/Agt. 844-~. tJoUa7~2~f7 • 12 er 2 81, don.1.1rp1e, 11epe LUlllll la1utt• 3 bdrm. 2 ~ OOOd 21~~,C:.~~. '= ~ ~·;;: ~18::'~~;_JT4.::.~~ • t ~ -_.,cold M · 1 to bt•cl'I 11070/mo. 3 Bdrm clelectted "°"* 1 tocallon , greonDtlt, 1525 mo. (714)694-1681 , 1111. Avell ~t. paid . ,,om l tn Dl-oo I I r I I ? •lnt8'wMnlwHg<owlngup. Lii. •n 001 Income property N o l Darrell, A•l llil ••1 111exot11en1 ar11.Av .. r.-1 •omo view. 111&0.,..,... I TSLMgmt 842-1IOS ,,.'t drive Norllt on • ---•. • Ir waa110GOld~-. l 1n an exetual.,,. comtno· down or very tl'l'lall 7511-1221 ble ll'l'lmldl atoly . 64~. I Bffclh 10 Mcl'lddell to --------.,only•1 .. 11noeouo11-. ntiy.Welktobeh.Ewry down. Pleuo c all,'Cutt 2 Br, •P•. o•r,' S800/moon 1)'91rlNM. eioc•Nv ............. .,. .. A I WllTLAllYIUMI 1630-lf40tmo.2 •·1 Be. aeewlnd Vlll •oe I '0 T P E K _ amenity. Shawn, tgl at 548-2158 ' OCMn .. oe 0, PCH n..1,I Flv• othart to chooH , 1 "y "'"• ~~ ""o' "aho"": I , & 2 8r. 1pta evall .. , 1 itory, lh~drpl. (714)11~51N. I I' I I' I e ~ ""' .-i. .......... Mu11,te11 • ae5 ooo c , 8PM 813 3sn t from W~rt the on.• 10 "••· • '•Y r r, PQOI, 1pe, ll'l(lry rm. no r ~lo,~ • oet-.___. _ _ _ _ • tw'...,. • ,.,. ...._ _,, l Mullen ~ .. lty 54Q.2ffe> 1 l'.We Otst1 •11• ; all • 1 • • ctll ;or IMM8. • 1 •rm· A" e 11 . now· , tmmect ... .._ OW'99 -..._ .,... ......... "-""' ,_ 1 .....,_ · Atk for Lori I II untie. Ai'-2 bdrmt.1 NII #tu ,._. e.M-totO Evan. AQt. pell., 8r $4~~· 1 Tl Mefnt. "'t-1IOSl •u .............. ::;n • ,_, •o r r r r r r r r I' I Owntt wl" cell tl!'•nctno ._. ............... -::-: g NPT SHO~ES 3 ~ 2 ba,' 2 Br. 1515. "" IHO utll peld, cer-1~AITflDI OM. Privett 1tm11~1 : CIHtllled Ad• .,. ttif Call IOllf'll 981-1217 '1w,::,·~e~:rid1 ::~= ~i ~r1dgc , lplci. P9tlo1. "'· c:tub. N75 TSL ~1'°' -Z'a..122 Po"r •• *'~~r.-·· ::::!..':'to~. ~i ': • ~· \lflftjl I I I I I I I 11 •n•w•r to • IUCC9•t lul Tflplu EHi aid• O.M . I f\HI oerptla, drapea. I Re1lt1 I ytly. Aol. e7s.toe0 ..... . ' au" _,. 17S-r"4. ~--. . --- . . ·I garage Of yard Mlel II'•. Own., Wiii l;«f'Y.t great I paint. No,,.. •• 1510/mo. .., -INpt Crete vtew I If. I 8Z ~Ir 1i. 81. no pete, 145() Compare tltfOr• )'O'I buy. c"'o.,..m~Pi"!"f"' ... "'~'~"-· ~OO~ngef~tlTl•'."l"I - .. 1 ..,. ._ .. •~&.a.......a.1--11.. ti.It« way to lell mM1 1u atleller &~11-11431 I oNI MCVrl1y. a.lt-5442, "" ._,,., Plat\•. •1too1mo. A.gent '°' 2 pereone, 7H w. Cletllfl«I meetee It eMY· &Clot! !'Mn. Hunt aotl. ~--•• ~ -1 ~ Mat11 ~1o.6820. 1t.!tft.lna11u l"l.111\,lrilw I MH20t 11tt1 It. ....,.ff01 .!"2.s&7! _ __ l'llllN ,, .. IM MU ------~-. Oraoge Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Monda~. Augu1t 23, 1982 ~====~==!:~~~.~IJ.:1P.:i'M .ftmft ... 9!.tr..'.f!rtln •••••••• rNH.F.'11............ ~ ............ l~•.!m!~!!~t ........ !rn!fu ..•.......... lr!.'1.'ffr. ••••••..••••• ~n!!l.fn!nff •.... ~1 67 Per 011 JAYS 'IPIAKIAIY" 81\al'ftpoo & 11 .. m olMtl hp'O MOM wlll oar• fOf Wall lulur-~llc TRiii "011N'8 CLIANINO I •&-1 Mflll• I PIM PMll'nlt Alarm Co (llc'CI) leciurtty • P•ot Oa1tttndlng lwv Colo• brlglUanare, wlll your cnucs Any IOM My UaliatlG·!,.lf""4 111.M163 .. '.'~~. T_.._..1,_,.v..., CIMn htvlC• • thorO\IQl\ly T~ Qllallty 8~1111 cat• b~lcllarO ltnor lie •v•t•m• tor nom• & "41t'• ALL you pa Anv ooc;a110n "''bl bat crpt1 • 10 min ~lleh H~ c M e.41 -1113 I 9.... .. ...... ......... -·--CINll hOUM &4~ta7 I ndll .. 2 4 ,. bl.Ill-I.a ~' !Of • I 819-7562/H I I 14 I Hall. !IV/din rm• 1111, •vii ,_________ Up, 1••n ianov 18 l -347t n • ng • )'rt ••P ¥ Vfl Of nappy Htl I I 84& Mii 30 day ad room 17 00. coven '10, OAYWALL TAPINO Jo.ti'• CIMnlng 8wvta. COl'\~lllve Rat• toe•• CUllOIMfl ma e r• I. In,,. 1.,i •• ,, hnlHI Chr 16 Quar ellm. pet All l ••lurM & ACOUl llC ~.ww,•NO CLEAN U'S HOU-·APt .. Aanl•I• No Over11ma 7~1363 Think )'OU, 831·4410 '11/dltn a&M J •••••••••••••••••••••• Ft .... , Ktvln 11111·9019 Ft"au .. tng . L1nd•Nl4!.~"G7 II OffiO•I 1140-12117 &TARVlun COLLEOC • •••••••••••••••••• -Q!NERAL IU81NHS odOf. Ctpl 1~alt 16 >'19 •f " • .,90 ~ 11 .. tl•• HAVICE & Rl'JPAIA Pl.IT SERVICE& up Oo w ork myH ll yu ••P lJHlll HJ TIACO 01" HASSLES? STUO!NTS MOVINO ••'•• • .-,.. ••• ••••••·~·· van Qopani 8ervloa Co H .. p 10, amall bualnMI • Aef1. 531.0101 •H••••••••••••••••••• .,.,f!!I• Ouallty otHnlng h•IP 11 CO lie Tl24>43& ferlhlng 1nta1lor 0.11Qn 11141 836-4eoll .· lllYlll phone 0111 away R•C· NO St•em/No Shampoo l4tl'1t•IHlll•flt•t4, ElfCTRICIAN Priced ••c••• •••••••••••••••• 1 he••I A111. llll0-'1462 lneurtd 114 t·8427 HANOIN0/8TAIPPINQ ••ltTtllY Ofdk11plng. , ... prep, Stain ........ ,.1111 Fiii FrM .. , RHI prtca1 right, ,,.. Hllmatt on 1rpentry . M11on1y WAfCH us GROWi VIH·MC Scott e.46 11326 1111 00 IT NOWI 8u1ln111 ooun1allng drv FIM .. , 939-16&2 846·4010 UC 398821 1173-03511 Drywall . 8tucao . Tiie ~111011 Atfl. rtll QI .... ov no Low ASA PAPERHANOINO Chuck For Tiie W0tk "'"~ Ouar work I.IC 3:HHlO 11tgt or •m•ll )Ob• Roofing Plumbing fxper Hou•• Ctunlng P 1 •• 1 -i ··•••••••••••••••••••• 41111· l265 R•mod-4 J 8 1148-0000 563· 11175 rat ... lanlHtlc Mtvtc1 7 y11 local up Ouar Fi• Eat Oy1 1140·5 IH Allthf1H4fa C,jJ. /l,jl Cu11om rtmodt ll· CLECTRICIAN I S1a1twl0a VIH&M/C work Prlct111111 a1 Ev1.wknd11175-6100 YOUt 0.lly Piiot .! •.. !.t .~ .. ~J. •••••• f!!!~~!/.C:~!!!!!~ ..... addlllont. lr'M NI Ou•· Sml loba/A9')alre. Lie. e.,.Pt'' Mba~~~ance s.t" I AAPT & HSECLEAN11NG tneured 543 84112 Cel H lrOll Al.C 76t·7027 Ti'• ln•••ll & a-air S«v1c4 Otr11e101y Cabinet• & Carpentry ~ Illy 2nd 10 none Bandat 233101-C· 10 548-5203 um --catpantry allabl1, ••P. re • No T 137, 124 ... ._,, ReptlMl'ltallv1 Small joDe a R:ga111 Wall~~~;:i.Bl~k Contt LIC 4111 &70 P11111tng Call 1144-5231 job 100 trnall 957-3341 Exparl wallcovarlng In· GuerentMCI w0tk Rell Fr .. "•tlmatM •4 ·2003 3 7 5•8·4271 ... RESIO/ COMM'l/INO. '-'tR•o H ·No. Will LEl ··e DO YOUR •• ,.,,.,. etallallon R1H prlc11 Fr .. "' 6oD 87!>-88115 142·Hll, tit. 121 ... " If 11106 Aob &47·2883 20 yr1 Do my own work. " "' "' .., f~ •••'• Coneullant Aulgnmi n1 ~!!!!!~~~~~~~I C t Drives. pauoe, walk• Fr.. lt • .I. ••ff•H I IH Lie 278041 Al 11411·81211 c~~~~~uw~~~Y8~~~3'::, c~~~~~~~1r.08~l-~~7 ~~~/fi~~R:~~~ops~n·,·,· 881·8680 -.!!1!."..'1............. flt No lob 100 •mall. Lie 30811811. Remodel, ••NOATH STAR•• c ·Ll LI•NoY···N JI E I .. I ti __ ;,I , ... , ••••Hl "' lll•e C•lll"..fl Door hanging. r•modal. 636-2807 Add'n1. Cabinet• Elte1tloa1 Contractor "' ""' ...... M Hl•llllttl•t. •" ... cou1 c ..... ng• ••'•"•••••••••••••••••• a.:-~:.:,.·• • • •••• • ••• • cabin ell. panellng, etc Cu atom concrete brick· 6411-86811/1145-41144 Lio New 1arvlc1 220 Ma Int • plumb. rep111. • • ••••• • ••• •••••. ••• • Oavll Painting 847-S 188 •*BRYANT'S•* W"\fll"....,, r•apl)lled, juar., Painting cam1n1 Ral1 C clroullt 24 hr 8•5·4 t74 P•lntln\o Ret/comm'I PROTECT YOUR HOME! Cullom wotk Int a. ext w1Jk:overlng Removal ~~~~~ ~1~ .. ~i~!t~! Jtrry 54g.4413 r~~~~a~~~~•;P'l'.1~.·d· .~~t~.!~~~~~. fu•/t•ll lllJ•/li 53&-67163&-3684 Prof M 40, 1vall now., llc'<I 20 yre I~.,.., rals 1 All Typee 842· 1343 Al~I Re111onable prlcel, fall. C_o_n_c-re-,-.---,-m-a_ll_o_r_l_g_• cabinet• Call now . Ir .. Cuelom Aaflnl1hlng-Furn •• ~~~l .. J.............. ept or Iller, 1.,-n aced•· M ••••••h~.;r.-;••••••••• Fllll EITIUTlll S38·5013 Kii. Rtrn04 . ceramic Illa. ••••••••• •••••••••• ••• B s"lnt r•I• 841•11312 1 ~~o'V714l 521·8012 ar1 '1Hl•t 111,,..11 .:o;;;.:~;;:p;;;,~:· L~i· proleutonat work Jobe R1movt. r9')11Ce or estimate 842-08& 1 & lntatlOfl·All A•palre DUMP JOBS mle 35 Unlll Aug 31 L BATES PAINTING ED'S PLASTERING , •Repairs, Seelcoailng cu11om work tool No Job repair 845-8512. Decorator style Im, b1r1. Call lor HI &44-&2941 & Small Mo11lng Job• 873•2041 SPECIALI EJct egl S400, Neat PllCllH. lntleKt • S&S A•Pllll &31·4199Lk: loo small 01 IOO blgl C•· ·---------mantel•. llbrarlH . high a ' I Call MIKE 646-1311, i .. ,, A" I 2 ••Y S560 1145.9393 Realuccos t\45-8256 ' Oen Hallberg Gredlng ' a Paving Co. Ree/coml •l ie 3117804 842-1720 blneta. kitchen remodel style ralaed panel wall• & .!!.! .... ".I............ HAULINO·GRAOING •• , ••••••••••••••••••• CANYON PAINTING • 14 1 PL.ASTER PATCHING & finished c11pen11y . CAii' C111 c.lllng. Lie. 5311-23611 Jeesle'e Gerd•nlng <lemolltlon. clean-up. YlllO Willi yrt In 0 c. sauitecuon Rutuccoa Int/HI 30 countertop• I do every· SCHOOL DAY CARE •••••••••••••••••••••• malnt Mfll 540-8035 Oulek .. ,v 642-7838 Harry WeaM. Allorney II I H /J rl l J ,,,. ,.,.,,, ..•.......•........... S LOW RATES S 1 roe trimming A removal, 1111 cleanup• & mawing 554-7017 r ... ~'.r.'~ •••.••••••••• Mo•I aubJIClt K-1• Day/eve Ss & S 10/hr Mr Morgan 646-5176 ENGLISH TUTORING Reeding, w riting A grammar Pvt lnttfuC· tion S5/h• 751· 1640 etecl/ plumb/ cablnat1/ HAABOR.TA1Nir~/·P'F\e: ••I f C•ean·upa, tr" trim&. Concrete & tree removal I F0t • lree fact aheel, call gu11r 494-45•1 yr1 Neat Paul 545·2977 :An.nna thing lfom Sllrl to llnlahl CENTER COii• Man. •KATRINA'S LIVE-IN L•w 55-3--0290 QUALITY PAINTING •• ' .,,. •r.. I ••••••• ,.............. Can Brad II 0 I llakpra, dally maid M<V, a.111 .. la•4• .. ,,., PROF SERVICE • E><lllnt ,. .. '"" ·,:.·;;···1·· I ........... W l ' C1 J l.Par.anaJLled, low cost I• (114) ll1·1210 pen ng Sapl 13 Full ofllc1 CIHnlng, crpt Tree trim, gen clnupe, Haullng • ytd cle•n up lt11e•n I lie 8348276 536·2366 ••II• II&•· t•ttl. , ,.,. •• ••• •f gal eervloes: Ind . lamlly, and '-' d1y cere 7AM to cleenlng 835·2116 •II Oulck & cte•n FrM ell •••••••••••••••••••••• Free osl Reas prleea ··~··••••••••••• ··~·· bull. lnltlal conaultallon CUSTOM wood patio co· 6PM Regl1tar NOW cement wor Free eel 673·0548 BRICKWORK Small !Obi EXTERIOR P.i.INTING Oual work Uc 337169 lat the Sunahlne In d k & I b Cotner Baker & Fairview D..r •••I•• Call 549· 1804 anytime NawpOl1, Co91e Me... Custom work Free eat 645·4010 Call Sunshine Window trM. 553-0290 ~9;~dy ~4 ~.062;"c;es Y 556-4335 0, 556-7787 •••••••••r••'••••••••• Tl! lllHI IO"ll HAULING & CLEAN-UP 1r11lne Reta 675-3175 Reas +tine 1n1. & 1111< Cleaning, Lld 546-8853 .. &. J i I Doore replecld. doorw1y1 " Yda/garages. Prop. mg1 nlng S1e11e 547-4281 R 0 0 M A 0 0 IT I 0 NS 20~. Monthly 01acoun1 "'!.!It •I, Ex per & depend•ble added. Franch, entry. Lawn-tree-shrub Install 631-09531C"1·0865 Brlcl\work-small or lge I Honest Reliable & Rel•· L••• •••••• ••••••••••• C•1r..t S1n Jt1· Child care during gr av· cu st 0 m & 1n19 r1 0 r . Tree !rim/removal y lobe IOO'a local refs RALPH'S PAINTING rencea.' JC&B Const lie ovlng..mothll wlll babysit ••• •••••••••••••••••• eyard shill . lrg F V Hm, 631-1628 anytime. Lawn ca1el Rototllllng 0 J J I Since 1969 645-8512 Int/ext. Reas '"" 11347677 974-7665 Wor' lt1t1lll•1 lull time, Nr Falivlew & EXCEL CARPET CARE plenty of sleeplng apace Free eatlmatt 5'48·6065 nl 81H H• •I . Rel Free eat 536-9898 • •• ••• • • ••• ••• • • • •••• Beker. CM 548-8653 Ja<;k Buffington 641•2277 ,,,,_ II ••••••••••••• ••••••·· 1lt•r••f I II Coniputer word ptocea· Owner/operator ---------'::/::~•••••••••••••••• OU~llTY WEEDING & Housework, own trena-•••••• ••••••••••••••• Painting our family lradl· .!!..~I••••••••••••••• 11no Faat, accurate Hrv compare belore /OU Duy Carpet. upf\ol. area rug Llc'd Oaycere, age• 2·6, DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Ma.Int R~mber Iha 3 portetlon, Eog speaking • ABC MOVING • 11on for over 100 y111 Hube• Roollng-111 typet Reas 1atas Notary Free Classllled makes 11 easy cleaning. Wo1k guar my home. Segerstrom & Repairs. new & old 11 R'a Rea1on1bta. Rella· Cell Elolsa Soll al OulCk. Careful SerY1ce lnt/a)l.t L1c 346252 F1ee New-recover·decl\s pkup 4 dehve<y Len. 642-5678 Free Est 645· 1771 Fairview 957-0380 yre e•p. Bud 652·9582 Die. Rick 497-3070 548·4839 Free eetlmates 552-04 10 ell 661·3998 lie "411802 546·9734 75I·1314 1,.., f000•1at1J1 t1St•114300 Ollitt •••l•I 4400 l•1iu11 •••t•I ff50 lt01t1•1•1, ,,.,, r!!!!!'!.'! ........ !J.~~ IJ!.'l..'lf~!'.'.~ .... !.J.q~rlJ.-.11..'lf~!'.~~ .... !.l.'A 1 1J.'/l..'1f!!'..'.~~.-:::!.l.q~11J.tJt..'lf~!'.'.'!.. ••• !.l.~ Ro·o;;;~~~eo;~·;2·3; M·a·s~~;·5;,;~:~:;;·;:,~: ,;;~;;;;.~·;;·~~~~·~:·:1; 5;~~;,;~;~-.~~~,~~ .. ;>iii~; ••• ~! ••.••...• !~~~ . , COMPANION llHHIH I llOHIOLHIH . 0111c11 position Must be mo. view. furn avtb 911, near Beech I Ad a ms. now. female only $325 suite plua warehouse In ll•IA I YIOll I Live-in. 01<1er ledy to help PLANT MAINTENANCE 3 days. 5 his/day In Nwpl I e•penenced In cor10· f / 2 3 + non. s m k r $250/mo. plus $100 sec All ptlllll 645-9515 prestigious deelgn center IOOW HAS SSS tor TO's PHOTO MODELS I dress, cook meals, 11 Par11t1me. $3 50/hr Ma· I Bch LI hsework Reis spondence. t>•da. hiring, 673·9015 . 960-6030 or 960-71174 R on Redhlll 1716 sq. fl RE loans. 10\ Up No ESCORTS/DANCERS hllwll Must have car lure rellabla Call MO· Own transportation 1yp1ng. etc 5"6-0606 Room for Roni 2 Bdrm Ollitf leot•J 4400 :::~~.~~~~·;~g,::; :;;.g~~=~,,r;_o~ 10·5. ~~:di~~~~~~ & 0A:S:: OUTCALL • 24 HRS NB 546-0805 nice'. 642·5604 all 5 675-36751675-347 t Opeiators w/cllentele, haa. College Park. CM, •••••••••••••••••••••• 673-1896 673-7311 HI 0207 Oteoltr&t IEllUI. OFFICE "OHECLHllll NB/CM. xlnl loc Ami•· lull privileges $300. Cell Fountain Valley Office F 25 35 I sh 2 b 2 b "Costa Mesa· ecured, diecounted 1st Needed lor luxury LI · Eaparlenced person to E" Par Mus I II e ve t>le working owners. lair • n •we r ad " 5 2 0 . apace. 2500 sq 11 at 60¢ Pro.mon~or/ pol~i api8 Mova-In Allowance TO's for Ule Pvt party. gune Beech hotel Wee· run small ol llce-1ype Supervisor qualttles I deals 631-4111 1142-4300 24 ht a II Good oposure, N B . 6 7 3 • 8 6 0 i retell or olftc. 600· 1200 (213)698·2264 S~~e~!~~!:'u~~~~e kands a must 3 days per quotes, answer phone. Mature Part uma Excel· Part time mature glrl lrl· Back Bav. NB pvt rm good parking, Talbert & (9am-1pm) s I. 497·5132 Olllce-hm-ou1call wee!! Contact Mrs process mall. Spend part lent pay. 966-1300 day needed by small $185/mo. Incl ulll Yng Br o o k h u rs I Ca I I la,11t1l•J ll•t•/4500 Sell $12,000 sec Mort-631·6377 Vaughan-Purdie lime learning lnspecllon mnlg shop tor light office rem , n on • 11 m k r 751·6 l91 •••••••••••••••••••••• gege, 4 years atralgh1 494·8<160 tor small machine shop Legal Secretary In Hunt· work. typing & pecking. 6465559 ROOMMATE rem. lo NB 3975Blrch 31160sq. note 12•1. for EOE MICRO Precision 27324 lngtonBeach PI T.Exper A M We i as Co • . 4g~~~.;,~u:e~1~~iu~-share 2BORM Condo It or leu MIA zone. $6000/Cash on Costa le11o••I Camino Capistrano. La· Necessary. Al lent 2 7141651·6239 Lg rm 10 rent lplc patio $262 per mo plus utll. Agent 541.5032 Mesa H ouie Irene COii guna Nlguel days a week Flex hours bath S250. Isl 1881 H B ~~l-~~3k Ing, palloe CAda~,&7 B61171h11d a61ea 1750 up 2160 II lndu· 556-4211 al1er 4PM ••• 1!.'.rJ.t ... 1 ••••••• !.~~~ Min 2 yrs eaper Hiring 714•499•4508 Wiii train on IBM 011play PART TIME DELIVERY neat bch. 536-7103 all~-1 '"" em Im med Oeys only wrnar 847-6041 PERSON 16 yra gd Steeping room w/petto Scaling Down? Starting stria!· Olllce 18101 Re-A.•e••t••••I•/ lllltlll llm.EIUl I (714>553.0735 General Office Legel Secretary llmpo· dr1v1ng rec0td 751·4705 out? Lower overhead LIDO ISLE 5500 dondo Clrcla •M & T I I / Insurance agency in 1 Pvt be. enlry Avall Sept maintain Image. office al •1, ulll., non-emoker Huntington, Beach. i"":•,• ' 4117E5~o2rt5 (lor w8omen Ccounler Hpelp toE.r dry Costa Mesa has opening rg~?i'on~ ~:!,~'orf'c~;~:: PlllT TIME 12 $250 mo. 111 31th SI Regency Center. Exec Carol 675-9449 842·2834 •I I• ••• ·bit am-8pm) leanlng lanl. •Per . tor energetic person 10 Eves and/or weekends Newport. 686-3592 or suites In Newport nr Air· 1300 It $450 •••••••••••••••••••••• or will train Must be neat handle II variety ol olfloa non smoker lully ••Pt!· Responstble adulla. o11ar 781-0467 poit. lull" equipped • Female Westcllll erea, sq A.••••t••••tl SIOO,w1111e Male wlll model 1 In II PP a a ran c e · duties Must be rospon· rlenced only 760•8866 21 . with outstanding. al· , o I I d k Front office, lerge rear •••••••••••••••••••••• Ray 499-1985. 308a6 Coaat alble end wllllng to learn PVT ENTRANCE & BA stalled fo1 e11ery buel· poo . w • non-sm r door. 1789 whittler A11e Psychic Reedlngs 530 3283 H""' South Laguna. P Id .. _ fl LIVE·I• tractive personalllles to Non-amkr, business/ ness need lndlv 0Hlce1 s290imo. 631•7332 Days 540·9352. Eves (Splrllual) • •• , 8 company .,.,ne la Permanent. lull time for work wllh youth (ages prof. Laguna Bch 1260. mo/mo. lrom S375 Fem 10 shr furn 3 b1 646-0681 Jack (7 14) 55&-1178 A l though In a non· Ca1 11 1•11er 9 am11 ~0r1,•P· mlnlmal care ol 111111-IO· l 4 ) Call 2 ·5PM . 4IM-045~ 833-9976 toodo. $300/mo EI Slde R t J W. IH 4100 I marlllme business. hold DANCERS ~~;.,:"~~'· ca au one. invahd E•per or wllllng 642·4321. Exl 346 EOE WANTED Pe<son 24 plus so. LAGUNA. 3 Areh Bay ~.2M2225A va 11 now • .'~ ... ! ... ~~•••••••••• SCRAM-LETS Mes11ta lie. all oc;eans. llOO It l l,000 •••" to learn care ol lleos· PROJECTIONIST. P/Ume, 10 rent room In Costa 500 sq 11 with good hwy ~ • COllPllllTE unlimited tonnage, us ll IAIR musts •omy. No 11111ng. no hou· axper pref d. NB Meea. Prolesslonal pre· vtslbollty 497·235 1 Male 35.45 stir 5br. 2b1 I PllESllEIT ANSWERS M11c11an1 Marine. Also I ' Motivated styllsl needed sework MI F Releren· 675-4580 all 6PM h S C Pl /F sall lie. Would enttlf1aln Full & par1-1 me dancers 10 IOln prnnresslve salon ces I'd. Beaut. View, 2 yr old SuD·let Exec. office 98 nr ua rwy Recently r.•.Jved to Define . Cream avocetlonal runs . wlmda wanted ror Bare Min· Sell Co~~/ Vacation I 673-2389 P/ff•t MIHIHS con d ° C 8 11 A m Y Prime elrport rocale on :.f~·4:~;o+share ullls. Noise • Pocket & the like • al 1111111 to no lmum Telegrams. Audi· I C 8 11 rn 8 n e 0 8 r Supplement your Income 6 6 9 • 9 4 0 0 d 8 Vs 0 r MacArthur Bl11d. Price • · Calllornla deslree Quellty MEDICINE charge lor .. right atulf' I tlons being held this 714•540_8889 · Lill OFFICERS I by doing interesting work ll3 l ·8506 eves. $275 reduce049M7u60st3-4 I MIF 10 shr lge 5 br home Furnished home lor rent remember one very owners Steve Freemen. week from 9 AM to 3 PM A8ggrte~i5'"" Nkewport 1 on behalf ol nallonel plus ',<, utll. House prlvga. • w/pool. frplc, off Back cold winier when 1 wes I 673-3600 dya, 673·8211 1 Apply at Bere Minimum, Hardware Sales PIT, semi eac 1 1m .. ee s moll· companies $4 nr guar Incl. Bay, C.M $300 utlla Incl seasonal or long term growing up It was 10 otherwise 1807 W Katalla, Ste 216. 1e111ed type, Apply In valad indMdua•s Terri· plus xlnl bonus Incentive 4 BA 2 98 nae. w 10. etc •llm IULS* 631-6220 Id 1y Anaheim. or call (714) parson Crown H11d-lorles open Must hllve program Good speaking $225 N 1 t & 1 t 1n Laguna Beacn. co muggers were on Tt•nl 5450 778-6421 ware. 3107 E Cal Hwv R E Lie voice a must For perso· · · mo. 0 1 as 0 C Airport area Prof Famele roomm111 want· sleallng cough MEDI· •••••••••••••••••••••• C ,., Harbor ,..actll' 646-6386. 642-4 172 environment. lull MtVlce, ed. non-smolter lo Share Newoort Beach, CINE IL A to Atlanta, 111 class dM 955.0073 ~ nal interview call Jell .,,,,, ,,,,,,, 4100 or no lrllls. lndlvldull ol· lrY1ne condo. $240 plus Corona del Mar I.Ht' r ' $300 airline ticket S960 Value. DATA ENTRY CLERK Eli· HIRIN ~1!,~!5~;7~6° n 8 I ••••••'••••••••••••••• llces or desk space. 150 utll 559-7416. 752·9069 Contacl (7141 494•3757 •••••••• !.~~•••••••••• wlll sell $500. casn Valid pending Nwpr1 Bell Ltaa Prtotu/Escrtw IUWI MOTEL sq II • 3500 sq t1. I MO I !or 1 yHr 557-7196, Jett credit card company has Hiii WllllHlll llLY Min 2 yrs exper Heavy P.TIME SALIS Wkl" rentals now avall FREE 759-8978 Park Nwpl 2 Dr. 2 ba apl, 2 Responstllle, retired FOUND ADS F/T temp positions avail Local firm has 36 ope-1yp1ng a clerical lune-, · N.B. s35oimo + V. utlla. Adulte (M/Fl wish 10 rent laaJ1rm••I 101 Data Entry clerk s d s $105 & up. Color TV. 750.15548" 12 ••""·~"••••••••••••• lO.OOO key strokes per nlngs 1115 dlllerent •·1 llons. mall Nwpt mlg l Phones In room. 2274 CdMdl'/.sulte.A/C,ample Mobile Home lor 6 mo. Aft£ FREE lft .. ll I hr a.per required I partmen1s co $1000 +comm Newport Blvd. CM. pkg, utll pd 2855 E Cst PV1, qulel 2nd fir lurn LR, M u s t a I I o w p e I n I l•lll•"ll•• 1""5 Con I a c I J Ta I Io r ~ 1 0 8 0 ($200+) 851-004 &46-7445 Hwy 675-6900 BR. beth IOI mature M/F 964-6110. .. vv --__________ , POOi, jac, tennis c M nr C U •••• •••• • •••• • •••• •••• M on • Fr 1 8 a m t o Ma1n1enance1 Gerdene1 En1oy worl!lng with kids, and wish increased ear· nongs, ulllize your out· going personallly IHrn how to become a 1ralned sales counselor C all 2-5PM 642-4321 Ext 346. EOE 8 EACH ARE A 2000 sq fl olllce space IOI 405. 5310 751•8133 Iv a : 1s1udanl Trainee. Fall en· 4 30p m 714·759-7900 prefer over 40 yre 101 lie Cl • avail now 625 msg HELPI ResponsJbl1 cple. 142 Hl rollmant Show horse Jr apt complex. e'/.pertence w 19th St. Cotta Mon. 13 'ff old boy. ce1 & dog • I ttable Live In Non-HOllllTIH SALIS P MO H STARTING necessary 548·9556 $84/ k 5 4 5.8830. sea Mrs Looking for someone to need house In "Old smol\ere, 244-2218 PI T. FI T, xlnt comm. •• E1,1rl tlOt le 12·7 11raL ESTA.., lllES W locate & share ap1 CM Huntington .. arH, H.B. k 1 OC •• t h "" n ; Northrup NB or CdM 63l.'398l (West 01 Adams. South Lost At OC swap meet. 2 J1j1 W1•IH 1015 wor n mus ave I H•t !MED CHIROPRACTIC Need 2 expe1 people In Refrlge<etor-Mald-Pool E•ecutive olllce suite msg ol Beach Blvd) Approx RINGS. Senllmenlal v•· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ~:~.~~~9color. will train ~1,art•t1h, ASSISTANT 1 girl office commerclal and lndu· Co~-::ip~'!!~d & ~·~~~~55 corner ol 406 Fwy, Neao $600/mo. rent or leue/ lue. REWARD 540-6966 Light houuwo1 k In ex· Yllll MlllEI PIT P M Ins. experience s1r1al real estate for suc· Harbor Blvd. Take over Apartment to share In option Reis 536-9832 LOST Grey end cream chng 101 pr l rm/be l IHTlL All'l PEOPLE HLY 5re4q1·u471r7e9d Benell IS cesslut and growing firm Yearly on the beach. 1101111 lease. 1600 sq.ft al ooc Laguna tor llberel male • female ell (Had yellow ~.~!fen:!'u;:s_~~~r'd • NEWPORT BEACH 714_964_5354 Best working conditions room, kitchen & shower. It Call 751-6191 or couple. 4117-3896 Prof woman & 14 yr old collar w1t1g) 1 yr old Challeng111g. rewarding Call Sat·Wed Noon llMT. TllAJ•EE on Newp ort Beach 1320/mo. plus •ec de· mc-E s1m1 Resp Fem to shr w / daughler wlshto l/'larea Glanneyre SI. Leg •• ,. W••IH 7100 career oppl'y for a m•·1 w 7141646·505l posit 2306 W Ocaen· ... ., same, non-amkr nr home with a responslble Children heartbroken •••'•·•••••••••••••••• lu••. energetic. e'/.per • HOSPITAL e continue to grow and lronl. Newport B11cn IRVINE. Phone answe· beach H.B $220 & ·~ ulll room m t W r k Rawatd 497-1377 AOOHITI lllOllYllll ass't Top P•Y Fringe lOOltlTI prosper as lhe nations 673·4154. ring. cont rm. ulll pd, 536-2875llnda 213-595·0711 hm Loll wnue F Shepherd AOAGE.NCY benefllt 4 dys. Non· lllCIJYAIU most successful and l•••ll 11•1111 4Z00 ~~~~ ::~~!· s1~50~~'p0 2 rmmtea 10 shr Balboa 526-40n vie. Atlante 4 Newland'. Faat-paced environment smkr 644·0595 Genera.I office ooenton In ~~~"'!x~:~~~~ ~0e •••••••••••••••••••••• 540-9745 Pen hse. 3br, 1~'.ba. H B. 536·2287 11 you have related ex· Dental corp eccll receivable have opening& 101 1 or 2 WIRLY RHTllS 2000 t1 b -11-1-lrplc, fenced petlo $267 l•li•lll/l•r11t/ t.ost 8113 M Sealpelnta ~~019:.C~i~s 4•;~,~~·::011~;. E.xpertenced A.O.A. nee-olllce. 'Med-lcal bllllng highly motivated 1ndl111. 1 Avellable. ~I. 675-8170 sq •com · 0 ces + utlls. John. 975-6267 Fi•l•fl H T <led lor Orthodontic exper prel'd Good duals 10 11ss1sr lro man•· and llghl woik lhOP. bef. 5pm (al work I • ••••••••••••••••••••• lmalayan, San Joaquin responslblllty. we need practice In Mission Viejo communication. mllhe· gement. 1 Br sleeps 4. acrose the S torage area w/lga l•1i••11 His Or. San Ml~el Rd you Cell 9 79 .7000 area 830-3703. maucel and typing akllls Aapld advancement In etreel lrom the beach overhead door acceu. 3 Resp. non1mkr. child OK. n.NrtuJt. 5005 Reward 553· Ill (Elleent Mllst be dependable salary and responslblllly 12115/wk 675-5068 min from Lido Isle Ideal 10 shr lge furn home .••• "".('°; ••••• ;'··•••••• Lost Mele yellow Lab Aide ror peralyzed young Hllll AUllT/Ort••· r esp . and 9 e 11 . EAper in public conlaC1 IOWF•HT for comb office/storage. own bath, C M 548·2497 Wilt... approx 4 yre, reward. women Mon-Fri. 7·30·5 Chelrald• Xlnt wage & motivated preferred. but w111 train Call 6•5-4800. ask for Jonn Swallows Ouertera but 11 631-0656. 642 .. 522. Jim pm Must drive Balboa Dena ROA or ellglbl• I Rutz 714-,6•0-111150 aggressive. hard working ... a.-. Pt1itt11l1 Vickie or Anne N t Be h _. __________ ,Fem 10 •hr w/tame 2Br not your typlc•I Video Lost 2 yr old brwn Germ. Island 675-5652 aw Po r e c HQSTES ind•Vldual who <letlres a 2 llry 4br. 2'-"ba. dining. 2000 sq 11 w/500 sq 11 Iba apt. CM Rec facll. Game? Weighs only 7 Shorthair pointer Cecil & Apl Menag9', couple w/ 640.0121 S T•l•Merkellng career II giant TV screen, holtub. storage, 0 C Airport S 2 4 2, 5 0 & 'Ir u I II tbs & can be carried Orange CM 642-3151 eicperl1nce tor 100 unit Dental Anlstant. lull time, to help show speclatul1r you a1e seeking a Chll· modem kltch, 2 car gar are a $ 2 o O o 1"" o 631·7288 under your arm? le as · front & back office U · Newport Beach Ellecu-lenglng and rawerdlng Ava II now l o 9 / 15. 851-8926 easy 10 sat up 89 plug· lllfl •eoklltt rrden IPI .. Costa Mesa perlence, ROA X·Rly lie. tlve residence to wealthy position With an esta· 675-7660 F RMMT WTO to shr 3BR glng In your 101111111 REWARD. Senllmen1111 750 + bonus + apt. req , 111lary open. bena-prospecllv• buyers 1 or 2 Dll~hed. growing oom. lt•l•I• ttlt1114300 •EWPOllT IUCI ;~15n~7b~~~e(r~1~255°, Takesonlyonemlnuleto value Gold Cnaln with 642·4907 wkdys. 1111.NewportBeacnaraa day• wk Brighi and pany. call Kevin McKln· •••••••••••••••••••••• Private o01111ce .. s1•95 857_27031 play & dc1an never be bu 11 er11 y c 11 arm Artlal . PI T. tor etlk screen 642~. ev•s 4 wkn<I• exciting personallty, ea· non al 7.1.4/l 5E4l5-S5778 llJ IM•••tt Branch f Ice .. 75 mastera HH depen· 494-7432 1-1hl111 E•perlenced 673-3403 cellent conlleraaoonellst Contact large•I Gey Answering S9'vlC.e 540 F wanted to share NB dable mlCiro-proceasor 631·3494 and super grooming end T S Male Ftrnale service In 752-6408 •Pl. 1 block 10 bCh $278 base circuitry? Can get ound She1t11/Cotlle lype B1by1111ar wanted 101 • llSttR•I II Oll1 eppearence are •bao•u· II~~~~ ~:i,'~•=a"i!r.~~ 'So. Cat". 540-6716 Interior Design llrm h11 575-4340. 545-8865 you started lmmadlately smell dog Irvine area. month old Full llma, lor the ProlesalOnaJ lhll tely eaeent111. Real et· call 548-6444. C M " sq . urn upsta is SUNNY Newport Beach I d S6SOO 1 5 Mon· r1, starting 9· 13 'T "" " " ollice space lor rent In Patio Olllce 1133 Dover, or un ar or Found lamale collie trl-Your home or m ine time. and for everyone required. Send rvpl)'I to llURSES AIDE Skypark area Looking s u 1111 2 l 3 0 8 / m 0 units? To llnd out •bout colo1 choke chain Ilea 1155-2626 conctrned with value Delly Pilot Ad No 104 1. p 8 cars•bikes• ·skateboards· trucks0 ba by car riages•tea car ts •trikes rol ler skates • walkers•toys ·wagons•··· scooters ·hot rods• coupes• trailers•hard tops· <:onvert · ibles•motor homes•1awn mowers•timos ·corporate headquarter s •garden carts M odel A 's .... ROOMMATE FllDERS •00 M 1 'd 1 In an unllpp•d m•.,llal June 497·5726 F almp"' doesn't have th• 11111 t'~. ts .. elplul ... ul nol I ror compatlble Co ror 931•1094 this unique product call cottai Vic Nor1h..:.ood Flat deelgn '"· $3 per sq P .0 . Box 1560. Coe ta ~ 11 •dlal~I~ groug In N. · into call 556-2932 ask Mr Patrick. l oll·frea 754-3734, · It. We will Hll at co11 l~M~e~t~1.~C~A~9~2~6~2~tl===.J.A~u~ua~l~~~r 6~P4~~~~!5~e7~0~al=l=M=r:;.s~~~~~~~~~~ 101 Jan. 1·800-53 1·5255 eicl 820. Banking plus 20.,,. 759-1 406 P.O Old"t & largest agency *llLIU IFFIOIS* ound· MeH Verd•. 2 TELLER 9B2o!.~120 BllbOe letand, All cllenla ecreened with Costa Mesa 200 aq 11 10 From 1room 10 3 rooms LIQUIDATION OISTRIBU· Fem Kiilen• 8/19. """ """109 & references 2600 sq .. 7"• nar ..., From $1 16 a , 11 Ni TORS STOCK 5•11.0077 ... ~ ., -....... .... Li hi B lbs Fl 0 • Parl·tlme PO•ltlon I Vl l-....... 1. C-m""""llan f1 • Cell Rea•~-om1e lea•a r-u1r..,. di •tr g u • u r • i-----------.,...., · v• """' '"up ""' • .vv<-tlf t""'nn 2""'172 Oupon" 1 scents • Comm11cl1I ound Fem Husky puppy, lable In our South Coaat Oood MOfnlng America. Corp. 675-6700 "''", 8 Pl Iii E ,_....~ The Tomorrow Show Call AM. 833-3223 llghl Flxtur11 • Heavy llP• mo1. Albertson au o c. xper...,..,. 141· 1111 IHI IPlOE OI• Duty ShelYlng . Deluxe market. CdM 67!P359 preferred Con1ac1: ~~~~~~~~~~ Attrac11ve rustic upetelrs Office Funfnllure • Who· ound gent's ring vicinity Kllhy Amburgey :: 1 w pt d k leMla Prleea Dover Shorea 714·540·4066 sell ng II SUP v •• . DISCOUNTS AVAILA· CALIFORNIA FEDERAL apece. copier You 8UP· BLE 645-9 190 SAVINGS 4 LOAN ply phone. & $116 f:r mo 3 Daya Only ''"'•'-'• 1310 11115 Town Center Or pr desk. Cell 644· 211 ~~.:.=·;:::,., August 24th. 25th. 26th •••••••••••••••••••••• Colla Meaa. Ca. 921126 lllYH '°' llghl local dallllet'les F/llma. M on·Frl, n•at app 23• Flener Ave .. CM 540-11373 -------EAT·CHEAT·Be tlcll A 1llm. Earn S3000 mo. Sup•rvllot poalt1on1 avell &31·2801 2500 sq f1 Condo, wUI ec· cept 2 adlle. or I edit w/ 1 chlld or juat I adlt Pool. lg 101. 2 P•llos. lg balcony w/bay view 557.7883 Of 640-83311 *FREE REIT* ./ ....... 11 Autry Lane, !Nine COEDS • Would love to Equal ogptY Emgioy: ./ ,..,..., Or Cell 2131553-8505 party with you Call Sue mltlll Mo-Mo No 1aa11 raq ,/1 .. ---. or Katnl 1nyllme PUT 11111 M/F "'ofeaaional 22-30 to Full service. l11rnl1hed. ./... •RTIST N..__. 1 ,.-110 al 2131804 3 "" "' .. _.... "' ...., x-... n · • ~ •Re9 p••T·T1111 Ba a carrier counHlor 1hr 2 bd, 1 ba •Pt In recepl/conl arH1 * 2 / -"""" att11t to do 5port1 aC11on -•• -c d M N on 1 m 1c r mo ftee. From 118 aq 11 llgura •kalct>at al reas. Stable American holl le-M II TtWI for • local n•wepap•r $300/mo + utll. 11111111 960-2471 price. Jam•• 6111-3388, mlly went•d lor high a. 1 lal•pllone promo-No • .,.parlance neoH• + clep. 780-6238 evee/ =--,.--------1 btwn. 5-10 p,m achoo! 11udan1. All 1Mt1g tlon cl•rll IOr local ~-1er;. Worll only 12 110\lrt wknd Female roommate want· expentet wlll be pd. dy• •P•P•r. Privet• dHk. a W9tll 175 10 atart plu1 • ed, prefer atudent. Ado-1617 WHtcllff, N.B. 256 l•nfl•l•I 979-6058, •vlwkndt oaaual aUlre. Only raqul· additional anare of part- MH" "'' beaut. Back Bey rable 2 br houM on Bal· 10 4000 tq. fl 111 floor ~llDl!l IOI• 541-8243 atll lor Marie ramenl 11 a gOOO ..... ~e n9t'alllp'e profile. condo. POOi. lac. tennis boe 1111nd $295 mo. • 1 541 '"""2 ~ "'"'" A-·••·-jobl 65 .. gen ·~ ••• ••••••• •••••••• vOlca end tote of anthu-... A~·-'"':.....,.... ..... t:IQO, &45-51 673-6900 aatl 101 Carotyn 450 aq fl 1 1 00 per 1q. R•aort condoa, eu11n.1c1 EllTIO 1ta1m ..... ' ........ ~ ••'" MlF 10 ehr 4 br condo, Payne al Waterfront ft.. 4001 B itch • N 8 City, Laughlin (Colo. . Houri llH. or Interview Gall amenltltl, Eutblulle. ~~~es, eves 337•7238 Agenl ~1·5032 Rlv9r) Hunilng, lltll'llng & 1&10111 Mon·Frl 5:30·11:30PM 1t1« 8.00 PM. 842·547&. ... .:.:N::.:.B:::·...::•::2~40::·:...:7:.:20-0:.:..::.:5:..:7.:2 __ .'..;=========-:.:;;. gambling. Wa have rant· I h I I la h Sat e·30AM·1:30PM t ict 3li. ,-----...., ala. $50-'70.000. Pvt Pat· to .• ., 0 •· M4 00 to ll•rt. FACTORY TRAINEE • ty. (213)608·2284 ltrette parties. After 111 ww11. lhara In 3 en1ft1. l<Met '°'women You can be a : Iii W. IH JOJO T L 11 I p.,1,,.,en1fn profit•. oWll' 30. No pnon. ca11a. WINNER ' I, •• !!"-•• ~!.......... ... nt 1rr1h. For nt41Mew, Al)f)ly In pareon: S25K, 11\ort ltm'I, well... 111 1111 call attlf' llPM .. tVERPAC CORP. • ~ curacl. 35% loan • 10 • • I 142·1171 5455 Proc1Uo1'°'1 Dr. HB • 1 ,: ~ value. 493-71174 *** tlT 111 PrHf .... lleft Just by sending us your na me and I lf•Gf3."' l'n•t AH fl p rt ' '"pw r>rat·cs. full ttm•. ;address and by watching for your ·····ii·uiii.iil.'lf! ~ 24 1h,• ~d•~' c=:!7m~~~. motor I ~~. =:.. '°' name In the classified ads of lhe I lertnn.. ... . Jacu:X1~ar.:n~ocat1 T90-ltfT I 4117-4477 EOE { l } ) WANTED ( ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • • Daily Pilot. • spec1a11itng 1n 1;112',,ci 1 ••well u Tourla1s. Cat:n~•anr~~glll a-aJOffloa I i TD'• tine. lt4t aankAmertoercs. Amar·, ~ no.. I P~ PIT ii am . a pm, Mon-.Win h cke\5 to th~ c·1ri·u~. nrea amusf!ml'nl attrac 1 4' I Robt. Salllat NH/CM lean bpraat, OtMr1. All. Hf.;"53"'19...,.,, i1gl. l'rt. ·Need mature per.on • ··Ions or l p<>rllng C'\'t•nt~ Ju~t fill out this t ouvon 11nd : t A.E. Brol<ar 8d AealtOf'I welcome 71411145·3.433. w/olfto1 ••!>•' to do I mall h todtty to th• • U i 1142.217 t &45-0811 t112 Hart>or II. CM CASHl!A/HOUSIWA,.H 1>111tg, typ't eo W9"' & Good Enmin9s Super Trips Great Prizes CALL CIACULA TION DEPARTM ENT Dally Pilllt •1 I -11eoo1e wtto neec1 peopte • s11ee. ..,,_,Cc· A"'*1 !)hone. Could work tnto C1aHlfled Department, D all" Piiot 1' S t » .!t too YOU HAVf • t11, 2nd lhoutd •aye Chai* Iha ; al Crown atdwar a , Ml UrM ~ ut-2tU, ~ !: .. .i or 3rd T O to SELL? Service OtnictOt)''" the 3107 l Cit Hwy • c;;dM Mii fOf L.oma '==:13=0==W=·=B-=-=-•Y::-:Sft-="~---os-ta_M_r_s_•..:.·....:c:....".;..;..'2;•:..:2:.:6_.!.., _z.!..' ...:VJ:..:.......:O::......:..fooo.J_ 7to·tt41 DAILY P11.or • 0taU111ec:t Ad• e42.se18 ci .... fled ... 2>a.78 • ... ---• -WWW z L.~====~====:"':~===~=====:!l!~~!e=~L 642·4321 llllllCUIT 11¥111 lllTIDI r\' \ 11 I l I~\ • ! ' I ' , I • OHA N<.f 1.11tJNl V C.Al lf O llN1A 25 CEN TS F LOATING 'SALOON' -Entry of the Irvine Company in Sunday's 22nd Annual Newport Harbor Character Boat Parade was in keeping l"ith the waterborne parade's theme: "Newport Goes Country/Western." Additional photos appear D811y Piiot Pf\olo by Gery Ambf- on Page Bl. The traditional event is presen ted eac:h year by the Commodores Club of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commert't'. Swimmers, characters abound By STEVE MARBLE o<it.e Delly ""'°' awn . It was just another hot August weekend a long the Orange Coast as 500,000 beachgoers swarmed over the sand, 30 boat owners dressed up like cowboys and putted around Newport Harbor and a military d eser ter was apprehended for speecJjng on a stolen jet ski. "It was that kind of weekend," said Newport Beach lifeguard Capt. Buddy Belshe. Hot and humid weather an inland cities made the strand the place t o be The water temperature hovered around 69 degrees and air readings werl' a couple of notches highl'r. More tha n 100,000 persons spread out their t owels 1n Newport Beach Sunday and an equal number visited the state and city beaches in Huntington Beach. Choppy surf and riptides kept lifeguards busy Lifeguards in Newport r('(.'Orded 150 W<."'<.'kend resc:ues and said one· bodysurfer dislocated hi:> shoulder and a st"<:ond, daring th~ wav<.-s at the Wedge, suffered a neck injury. Ora n gl' County H arbor r Patrolmen arrested a 21 -year-old man Sunday off Lido Isle in Newport Harbor for speeding on a jet ski. Further checks. oCfic:ers said, reveC1led lhl' motorized craft had been stolen a year ago in Los Angeles. A 36-font (·abin cruiser was towed to satety Sunday afternoon near Seal Beach when the skipper brought the boat too close to shore In Laguna Beach. the Energy Fair was Sl't up on Mci1n Beach Saturday and featur<'d t'xh1b1t..' on wind power, water purifo:allon and drip 1rrigl\t1on. But the real show-stopper was the 22nd vef'i1on of the annual Character Boat Parade 1n Newport Harbor. The wackiest <See PARADE. Page A2) Car blast delays PLO • evacuation But B eirut loading r esumes as 1 ,000 g u errillas d ep art • BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -An exploding car bomb hailed a harbor-bound P LO convoy for about a n hour today, but the trucks later brought about 1,000 Palestinian guerrillas to a ship that set sail to ta~e them to a new home in South Yemen. C hristian sector or east Beirut erupted 1n wild s treet celebrations. There were reporLc; of people wounded by bullets fired into the air in celebration Israel's military command meanwhile said Palestinian guerrillas h ad made a nother attack on its east Lebanon for('('S. firing bazookas at soldiers north of the village of Mansoura. The command said the lsraehs returned the fire. but suffered no casualties an the attack Sunday night. which followed fresh Israeli warnings that skirmishes outside Beirut must stop. It said artillery shvlls later were fired at the Israelis near Mansoura. but added 1l did not know if Syrian troops o r PLO forces were responsible and that fire was not returned. Israel said earlier that three PLO guerrillas were killed in eastern Lebanon and five Israelis were wounded near the southern city of Tyre in fighting Saturday The loading onto the ship also . was halted briefly while several gue rrillas carrying rocket- prope lled ·grenade launch e rs turned over the weapons. according to Bruce K ashdan. I s raeli Foreign Mini stry spokesman in Beirut. Actor reported OK Israel today accused U S special envoy Philip C . Habib of a "misjudg me nt" during the evacuation of the Palestinian guerrillas from Beirut, saying he authorizea exceptions to the withdrawal act:ord Whil e t h e evac uati on proceeded into its third day .Parliamen t e l ec t ed a new Leban ese president, righ tist Christian militia commanaer B ashir Gemayel, and the SANTA M ONICA (AP) - Actor James Stewart was in good condition at St. John's Hospital this morn ing undergoing a "routine checkup and a routine adjustmen t of medication," a hospital spokeswoman said. Stewart, 74, was admitted Saturday afternoon and is scheduled to be released within the ne xt two davs . The spokeswoman from the· hospital's nursing station would n ot 1denufy hcrscH In L1massol. Cyprus. hundrros of guerrillas pmmed the rails of the ferry Sol Phryne which steamed on to Tun1s1a after dockmg to unload 21 jeeps that had delayed the lx>at's departure (See PLO, Page A2> Pipeline to thwart Irvine traffic Workers wlll begin a $2 million project n ext month to install three miles of p ipeline o n Trabuco and Jeffrey roads m "Irvine, causing traffic on Trabuco to be confined to one lane in each direction. The Irvine Ra n ch Water District's pipeline will tie into the new Allen-McColloch pipeline, WORLD which leads from a regional water plant in Brea to southe rn Orange County. Contractor Colich & Sons will install the pipeline on Trabuco Road from Culver Drive to Sand Canyon Avenue . Then the hne will turn onto Jeffrey Road and extend to Walnut Avenue. The pipeline will be laid under Sovie t n avy has the edge The Soviet navy has the lead over America in several areas especially nuclear submarines, according to a respected publication on world shipping. Page A5. NATION SANTA MONICA (AP) -M i llionaire businessman Alfred Bloomingdale, close friend and adviser of President Reagan, has died of cancer, accor ding to an announcement today fr o m Bloomingdale'• office. He was 66. Bloomingdale, a member of Reagan's "kitchen cabinet," was heir to New York Bloomingdale's department store fortune. Here comes the judge A Wlaconsin woman had planned a career in mUaic. She has been a beauty queen, has a family and now findl henelf u first woman to serve as a chief Judce in Wi8oonsln. Page B2. the southbound lanes of Trabuco, so traffic patterns will be changed to create one lane in each direction on what arc now the n orthbound lanes, said district s pokeswoman J oyce Wegner-Gw1dt. Work will be undertaken in three s t ages to prevent bottlenec ks from extending COUNTY farthe r than necessary. she added. The new pipeline will be the water district's first conne<:t1on with the Allen-McColloch line and will serve the central part of Irvine. off1c1als said . lt 1s proposed t.o be Jinked with other Lines from future ground water wells. said engineer Gil Correia Home building eased It could be easier to build a home in Santa Ana Heights after action by the Orange County P lanning Commission that requires only staff-level approval for new construction or remodeling. Page A4 . Bank gets n e w president The Laguna Bank. a financial in stitution emphasizing community service, has a new presiden t. Page 86. TELEVISION B eing a kid asain Actor JoeJ Hlgains is having a lot of fun with his role In new NBC comedy, "SJJver Spoons." H~ geta to be a child all day in the show featuring role reversal Page 88. · Child-neglect rap dropped against Stuckle By DAVID KUTZMANN Of the Delly Pllol Steff An Ora ngt> County JU d gl' dismissed felony t.·hild negle<.·t charges today against Carla Verne Stutkle, the mother of a 14-month-old boy whose fa ther is state Sen John G Schmitz. Central Ora n ge Cou nt y Munit:ipal Court Judge Gary Ryan d1sm1ssed tht' charge after thl' d1str1C'l attorney's o fficP <.'Onceded there· was an!>uff1c1ent 1:v1denct• to warrant pr<>s<.>cution. The child had suffen'Cl s<•verP g c n 1 ta I 1 n j u r 1 1• s a n d w a s tc.>mporarlly r emovt'd from S tuckle's custody until earlier this month, when a jUVenil1· court judge ordert'Cl tht• re lcaSt> of the child to Stuckle. Both Stucklc and her attorney, Michael McDonnell. said after this morning's court hearing in Santa Ana that charges would never haw bet>n filed if it hadn't been f o r Sen Sehm1tz ' 1nvolvt>mcnl 1n the matter Stuc·kle. a Tustin resident. has dC11med that tht> Corona del Mar lawmakt•r 1s thl' fatht-r of both ht•r infant son and an infant dau,l?ht<'r. Hirth rt.'<:ords on file an Ornngc· Countv hst Schmitz ali thl' father of both c·hildn·n Stucklt.> told reportt>rs this morning that s he felt n o bitterness about chargci> bc•mg filed against her and was not angry Cit Schmitz t•ven though th£' GOP lawmaker had not made any public statt•ments c:om·t•rn1ng the highly pul>hcized issue of paternity. "He had to make his dec1s1on.' the Tustin woman said. Even so. she said. she 1s still in love with &·hm1tz, with whom she s;.ud she t·arried on a nane- year love affair after taking a dass wughl by him at Santa Ana. Collt:g<.•. Judge Ryan made his ruling an what would have been the f1rsl day of a preliminary hearing against StuC'klc. Thi• .i:J-yt.•ar-old woman was arrl'~t1•d by Tustin police and t·hargt'<i with fl'lony (•hild neglect afll•r dcxtors d1scovt"r<.>d that her infant son's pc·nis was nearly i.evf.'1 t•d by having a s tranrl of hair wound tightly around 1t. Hc•t·onslruct1ve surgery was pcrforml'd and the child was rNurnc'<.I to the mothl'r Collowan~ a juvl·nlll' <.~Jurt hearing earlier this month Still pending against Stuckle 1s a Sept. 10 hearin~ in juvenile murl cll'aling with whether she c:an maintain permant'nt custody. A n e w number f or city hall Tl'lt •phone prcfixl's for lrvane City llull t·hanged LOday fro m 754 to 1)6()' Pcopll• who dial the former pr<•f1x during the next year will hc·ar a recordec.J message n·mindmg them of the change. Tht:> prefix was changed by Pac1f1c Tekphone bc•cause the former number wac;; almost out of rema1n1ng open lines. thus discouraging expansion. c ity offl(·1als said. Thus. the new number for the Cit v Hall switchboard switched today from 754-3600 to 660-3600. AP ~ SAD GOODBYE -Palestinian women cry as the evacuation of PLO fighters continues. Trucks carrying the guerrillas drove through West Beirut to the port area where they boarded s hips for Cyprus. INDE X At Your Servlce A'I Horoscope A7 Erma Bombeck A7 Intermission B7 Busin~ 86 Ann Landers A7 Cavalcade A7 Movies 86-7 Classified C4-8 Public Notices C4 Comics B4 Sports Cl -3 Crossword B4 Stock Markets BS Death Notices C4 Television BB Editorial A6 Th~aters B6-7 Entertainment 86-7 Weather A2 Art Hoppe A7 SPORTS Angels hot; Dodgers -not The California Angels, led by &ggie Jackson's httUng. beat Detrolt 6-5 Sunday. The-Loe Angeles Dodgers, m «?antlme, lost a 14-innln.g marathon to Pltt.sburgh, 4-3. ' - lrv1ne 's third annual Standard Flower Show will be presented from noon to 4 p .m . Sept. 25 at University Community Park .• O rganizers of the show, which is co-sponsored by the city a nd the Irvine Garde n Cl ub. are encouraging residents to participate or simply drop by to enjoy the colorful o fferings The theme of this year's show 1s "Mys tery and Magic," •Org~rs of the Irvine Harves F es tival are und entrle1 ln the art11t1c design cateaorfes will b e asked to int.erpret s u c h categories aa "Whch cralt," "A st r o logy" and "Superstition." Eight categories of awards will be offered, with judges certified by the Nation a l Council o f state Garde n Clubs. Those inter,ted in entering should ntact University Community Park at 559-0851. plus an extra $50 for game booths. A maximum two exhibitors can share a booth. with a $62.50 fee per party. accepting pplicati~ns. from people or groups wishing to operate ooths during the celebr ion from Friday th.rough Sunday, Oct. l to 3. Rental fees are $tSO to $65, Interested people c an contact organizers at 552-7336 for more infonnation. MERCEDES MELTED -Newport Beach fire ma n sifts t hrough rubble of gar age at 405 Morning Star La ne where fire destroyed this new $80.000 Mercedes Sunday evening. Delly Pltot f'flofo llr Chertee lt.,.1 Authorities said the c a u s e of the blaze is s till under inves tigation and that the o wne rs h aV(' no t been located. • rime rate -reduction hits 22-month low '"' .~r NEW YORK (AP) -A half- Jl(>int cut in the prime le nding rate to a 22-month low of 13!'5 percent spread to m ore major bank s today, reflecting s teep declin es in the banks ' cost of funds. Morgan Guaranty T rust , thf' nation's fifth largest bank, and No. 14 Ma rine Midla nd Bank followed r e duc tio n s begun Friday at several major money. center banks. Bank of America announced in San Francisco t h at it would match the prime lending rate of 13.5 percent. 4'~ Crocker Bank, San Francisco. said it h as lowered its home m o rtgagl' l o an rate to 15.5 percent lieginn ing today. The new rate. down from 16 percent. applil'S to 10;1ns amort1zl"d over 30 1ears with either a h ve-year or At that llml'. 1t w as on 11.s way up toward a n.><:ord 21 5 percent. T he prime. which stooa as high as lfi.5 pen-en L last m onth. is thC' base upon which banks compute interes t c harg<'s on short-term business loans to their bes t -ris k corporate cus tomers . Consume>r lolln" llnrl mnrlP:J"P" are no t lied to thl• prim<'. but «hangC's 1n t h e prime a re an indicator ol moveme nts in oiher in tt'rest rates. Othl'r inte rest rat.es have been plummt'ting this s ummer. The inte rest on three -m u nth t'C'rt1flcates o f d e posit. offerl"d 1n From Page A 1 m1n1mum denomination s o f $1 00.000 and an important sou re~ 11f fund:. for banks. stood at 10.05 ix·rt-c.·m today. eompared with an a vt:r<1gt• l 5 2!) pen:enl m the final Wl•<:k ol Jurw From Page A1 I PLO. Gas prices continue decline PARADE WINNERS. • • marine dis play around, the -LOOSE SCREW AWARO 1an1mauon1 d d h 1n1ec;iri1y, Oon Liechty para e attract e m o r e t an SUAVIEST SWAB AWARO (COSlume) • • from Beirut on Sunday. "lsrael. ·we will make your nights ~pless and your days restless." ~e chanted. Oth·ers he ld signs \_elling Arab states failing to help 'them after Israe l inva d ed ~banon June 6 to "eat yo11r 011.·· Nationwide survey shows cost dips 5 cents from last A ug ust 2,000 s pectators PacoltG Clopper Gerald Thompson and Jom The the m e for the Sundav Snopmen afternoon parade was "Newport Treon c~u~!~~OEN CUP t1heme1 wagon The e s timated l,000 PLO .m e mbers o n board were the ~ond group to leave Beirut in ;.'pe scheduled tw o -wee k evacuation. The fi rst batch of 397 e vacu ees arrived in J ordan and 'lraq via Cyprus on Sunday. The third group loaded on to euses in west Beirut's sports stadium as their leftist Lebanese Moslem comrades f ire d t he thunderous machine gun and antj-a ircraft volleys. About 15 minutes a fter 1t leh the stadium , Associa ted Press correspondent G .G . Labelle saw the convoy stop as a car bomb e xploded about a mile away, sending a cloud of thick black '!ftnoke in to the sky. . LOS ANGELES (AP) - Gasoline prices contjnued to edge downward in August, according to t he latest survey by o il industry analyst Dan Lundberg. In his latest biwee kl v nationwide survey of 17,000 gas sta t ion s. Lundbe rg found a n average price of $1.28.22 for a ll four grades of gasoline including taxes. d own a half-penny from two weeks ago and a penny from July . t he peak of the driving season . Prices w ere a nickel a ·gallon less than August o! last year. when the average was $1.33.83, Lundberg said Sunday. He is publisher of the Lundbe r g Let ter . an oi l industr y publication. Also. pnces for regular leaded gas at self-serve stations, which Clouds to handle a maJOr poruon of total sales. dc<.:lmed sh arply. A d rop of 2.2 C('nls in such gas sales w as r<'portC'd in tht' Midwest, 1.46 c:ents in thl' South .. 8 cents in the East ;md 23 cents in the Rockies. PriCC'S for the pas t seve ral y ears havl• t('nde d to decline d uring Aug u s t as the p e ak v ac:a t1on ~<.·ason p asse s and 1.·o mp<.•t1t1 o n fo r m o t o r is t s' business intn·a~'S. Lundberg said this dcd1m• E:(C'nC'ra lly continues through the· fall. Th(' m ost r ecent Lundbe rg Lett<'f. p ublis h e d S aturda y, ~r<.'CIK·ted the steep. decade-long tre nd of gas st.atton closu res may h ave botto m e d out. but tria t m aJOr oil companies have become unus u a ll y q uie t abo ut the ir future m arketing plans, 1f such plans <·x1st About 14 7,000 serv1c.'<.' stations exis t 1n t he United States . • reina1n }light and m9rnlng hours. becoming weSI to southweaterty at 8 to 18 knolS during the allernoon with a 1-10-3 -toot IOUlhwe&t Swell. The For&east For 8 a.m. EDT Tuesday. Auqusr 24 Rain~ Snow EZ] Showersl1111111J Flurriesli!J •f,oas tal Late night lh rough lnld · morning low clouds near th• , coast; othe<wlse l1lr with varlable 11.'lgh clouds In Iha •llarnoon1. Hjghs lrom mod-701 at Iha !'beaches to mld·90a Inland. •Pvernjght Iowa 85 to 70. ,Huntington-Newport wea renglng lrom a IOw of 87 to a hlQh ol 75 1 Elsewhere. t1om Pcl nt Conception to Iha Me11lc1n b«der and oul 80 mila SmaH 'Creh adYll<>fY for outer watera with nor1h-t wlndt of 15 to 25 knots and combined -ot 3 10 '"6 feet through tonight Locally light Ylfllble w\ndloft\Jmlng -t to southwest 10 10 20 knoll this afternoon a nd evenin g Sooth-• swetls ol 1 10 3 1"1 Nighl end momlng fog enc:t IOw clouds over Ou1'r welers ax1endlng 10 Inn« w1111ra U.S. sitnunary Shower• and 1hunderatorm1 dampened arees from Iha Rocklea to aha central Pleln• end Into th9 lower GrHI LakH and Pennaytv1nle early today. Some ISOlaled aho-• drllted over Florlda and Iha Cerollnu. Moatly clear eklea covered .,.... from the IOUlhefn Plalna 10 the e«ttral Gull Coest and In Iha Pecitlc Northweat Scattered shower• end thundaretorma Sund1y touched ereas lrom the TennftMe Ahler Valt.y through th• I-0,...1 Likes end the middle and northern Atlan1lc atate1 Scettered thunderetorme •W99t .,_ from Missouri to Florid• S-lea -e partly cloudy -the n«th-e«ttrlll MCtlon of the nation and moally eunnv ---·· TempareturH belor• d1wn renged lrom 48 at M1rque11e, Mien .. to 111 Phoenbt • Ca lifornia The Nltlonal WMthif ~ HY• Southern Celllornle'a weather s hould be cloudy Tu.day wllh leoleted enernoon Ind --.1ng thundef1h~1 In mount1ln1 end dHer11 end poeelblt arrono. ou•'Y w1n<11. HIQM wt• 'lllOI from ti. fl!ld 101 ln t.01 Angelff, to 100 In o-n. Vtlwf, from to to to In mountlln .,_, ffcwn H 10 1M In. northern ::l'o 11 a In the tow """· Qwmlgfll art lorec•t 111 (he hltfl 90• In downtown Loa MOelle to 1 oc:-t• low r.,,.ino "°'" .. lO 70, "°"' .. to the .. In ll'IOllMtlne lflCI '""" Ole ""°" .. lO "" 10. "' -dtlettt. ._... from~ C::ono•t1o11 '°Ole MllllCen .... -~ llOfll v•leoee wtn0e WlftO 011 Nonhwest winds c~ld reach 25 kno1 1 with a combined 3-t<>-5-loot ... end swell larthef than 60 mllM onshore lrom San Nlcolu lllland. Temperatures NATION HI Lo Albany 68 57 Albuque 89 69 AmlnllO 93 67 Aaheville 77 55 Allen!• 87 87 Auslln 98 75 Baltimore 73 83 BHllngl 90 57 Blrmtnc;ihm 88 84 BISmarck 81 54 Boise 94 58 BoSlon 70 68 Brownavtle 95 78 &.111110 65 57 Burlington 70 58 Casper 91 S4 Charlstn SC 88 78 Ch1rls1n WV 82 59 Charltll NC 79 55 Cheyenne 79 55 Chk:ago 78 64 Clnclnn1111 78 87 Clevel•nd 71 82 Clmbla SC 88 88 Columbua 78 82 Oel-Ft Wth 119 78 Dayton 7d 83 0en"9f 84 5t 0.Molnel 84 85 Oelrolt 89 83 Duluth 74 58 El Puo 9e 70 Fargo n se Aagetatt 83 58 GrHt FeJt 89 ... HartfOfd 72 57 Helen• 80 50 HonOkllU 87 75 Houston IM 80 lndnaplle .7 86 •Low Tempernrures ', . . .. .. ___ Front s C :.-.r ....... •''' -JIClcan MS 91 n Jacicanvtle 93 74 Kant City 91 67 Knoavme 85 6S Les Veges 100 83 Lime Roel< 112 77 Loolsvtlll 81 70 Lubbock 92 H Memphis 811 79 M11m1 90 82 MllWaukee 76 S9 Mple-St.P 81 60 Nuhvllle 85 66 Nelllr Orleena 93 74 New Yorll 73 64 Norlolk 78 70 No. Plane 91 61 ()Illa Clfy 98 70 Omaha 83 66 Orlando 90 75 Pht1edpt11a 73 81 Ph<>enlx 109 88 ll'lttlburfr. 75 80 Piiand. 85 53 Pt!Md. Or• 90 80 Pr0¥ldence 89 511 Rlllelgh 83 69 Rllpld Clly 79 54 Reno 10 1 83 Richmond 79 66 Salt lak• 97 69 Sen Anionic> 115 74 S.ttl• 79 58 = 93 ?: 83 St LOUii 85 73 • BOif RIPIRT '* m n ·~· .... . .... LOMtleft .=. femtJ. Hunt::'iton Pllf 87 8anta ne Alww .i.tty ... fOOd " 40th 81. NllwP«t 3-5 good 80 22nd 8t. NllwP«t 2 ,.., 811 ... boeW .. 3-7 OOocl 811 hit Creel! , .... llllr 87 Dolleny Beech 1-2 , . ., 88 ~lttetl (H~) 2-3 OOOCI 87 ~llOer ,rc·at:1 t.a goocl es ~ 1.r.:!d 85 Cotton'• Olnt 4 ea ,, ...... ..... OOoO 88 llon Onofre 4-f ~ N ~~·1 TIDE.I; HIOfl: 2:0e p.m.; Low: 7: a.m., SWiii! -, .. , ..... St P Tampa 85 80 SI Sae Maroa 69 47 Spollem! 90 57 Syracuse 69 60 Topeka 95 68 Tucson 100 71 Tulsa 100 79 Washongln 76 66 Wochlla 101 71 CALIFURNIA Ba11e1s11e1d 106 81 Bly1ha 109 Eureka 63 Fresno 101 7f Lancaster 99 80 Los Angeles 86 69 Monterey 84 Needles 107 Paso Robles t07 59 Red Blulf 108 72 Redwood City 79 60 S1er11mento 97 55 Sallnaa 88 49 Sen OleQO 81 71 San Fr1ncleo0 64 54 Senta Betbara 78 58 Stoel\ ton 105 65 Thetmal 112 Barstow 102 83 Big Bear 78 50 C1t1llna 74 86 Long a.ch 82 69 Smog Where to cell (toll lrH) tor 1e1111 ::&::•ormetlOn: OrlnQI nly. (IOO) «5-382e Lo• AnoelH Count~: (8001 242-402a RMtllcle and 8111 a.trletdlno countlea: (IOOI 387-4710 AOMO Epleode C.,,ter: (IOO) IZ42...ef Tides TOOAY Seoo11d Noh l.t7 p,m. &.O Sec<M\O IOw 7:38 p.m. 1.81 TUllDAY Flrat lllQh 1:He.m. 4.1 Aral low 7:24 a.m., 1.8 8eoond hlQh 2.00 p,m. 4.11 8eoond low 1:6' p.m. 1.7 Sun 11t1 11 7·31 p.m .. ,,_ T\IMCll)' It 8.IZ I I m, Moon rl-today M 11<03 1.m., Mii It 1Q.40 p.m compared to 226,459 a d ecade Beach Goes Country/Western" LEAKIN TIMBERS TROPHY ·Jack s ago. Lundberg reporte d . ln a nd attrac ted such· e ntries as :1~~~~ound , Brent Wahlberg and Dock addition. gas s ta tlO''IS being "The Best Little Oar House tn WHEEL STEA M ANO BELL (steam cons tructed today tend to be high Newport Beach" and one boat boa11 SS Michigan Ale~ander Dale 1 I th'•t was transformed into a 01RTV OLD MANIFOLO toldes1 boall vo ume. se f -serve o u tie LS loca tee' u Argus sea Scou1s In populous. growth areas. bottle of 5<.'0tc:h. GRANO ANCIENl MA RINER (one OI a The industry alreadv. mav_ The I rvi n e Company. thC' kondl ·serena, Mark Anderson BI LGY BINNACLE 1class1c yachl) have r r• ach e d <1 m 1 n 1 m u rt' largest land developer in Orange E1oc1ra. eroc rt10rsen numbC'r of gas stations n('(·cssary Cou nty, entered a bo,·,t dubb< !, ORIPPv sruFF1NG BOX (work boal\ t 0 m a I n t .., 1 n .. Am ..... r 1 c· a • s "How The West Was Won." 01t1c1a1. Paul a11d Dock Mic11a1czyk ., ._. COMMERCIAL THEME The lrvone a utomo llVC' sociC'ty," Lundbt·rg The winners. honored at thC' company .d Balboa Ba.v Club follow ing the CO MMERCIAL COSTU ME Animal sat · h f . I Coackers Also. the lettl'r said to t a l two-our esuva ·were: COMM ERCIAL SOUND Jom siemons . d ) t MAYORS CHOtCE Ship House Mercedes nallonw1 e gaso me• t'On.sump ion w111oam Grundy ERC r 0 c has dropped from the all-tame -COMMOOORes· TROPHY (decorallon) Sark COMM IAL ANIMA I N (love) ully high of 115.4 billion gallons set In •fntegroly Oon Loechly c 0 MM E R c I AL AN IM Al I 0 N 1978 to an estlma t___. 100 btllion DEEP SI X AWA RO (decorat•onl tmechanoclil BalbOa Bay Club '-""' . Argus Sea ScooJs COMM ERCIAL SWEEPSTAKES Tne gallons this year. BIG TOOT AWA RO (soun d ) lrvtneCompany .-----------------F....;;a=SG1na11on Jack HM_le_r ____________________ _ - Exclusive mid-weight suits for the Brooksgate man Here is an excellent suiting for the young executive who s eeks an all-wors ted he can wear almos t year-round. It's tailored on our trim 2-button Brooksgate model, and is an excellent value considering the quality and versatility. Navy or grey solids or with pin stripes. Coat, vest and trousers. $250 UTAlllSHID 111e ~~ ~~~~4§?D l\trnlshlng& for lltn: Womtn ~ loyt ~30 WEST 7TI I STttEtn. I.OS . 'tGliLR~. C:ALIR fASHION ISLANI>. NHWPORT tmAC ll. CALii-: \ • ORANGE COAST COSTA MIU IDITIDI MllN!,,\1 ;\lll1I ! .·I I 1/ OAAN Gt COUN TY C ALIFO H NIA 25 CENTS FLOATING 'SALOOr\' 1'1111·, •it 1 l1t l1\·1n• Company in Sund:iy·s :!:!ml 1\111111.il N1 "I ttr t I l.11 l•111 l 'h,11·act<·1 Boat Parad<• wa!'> 111 k('q•111 1., \\1th 11'1 \\.ii• 1l1111111 p.11.u lc··., tlu·m<·: ''Newpcirt l;tll'S Cm11111' \\ t -,11 111 ' ,\tld111c 1i1.d 1il111tus apµcar O•lfY Piiot Photo by O•ry Ambro .. on Pag<' Bl Th<• trad1t1onal evc:>nt ts p\-<>sented eac:h year by thl' Commodorl'S C lub of the Ne wport Harbor Chamber of Comnwn:<'. Swimmers, characters abound By STEVE MARBLE Of lh• D•llY Piiot Sl•ll It was just <mnttw1 11111 \l1g1h1 weekend along thl' 01,11111 l •.1s1 as 500,000 b<.'al·hgo1·r-., "" 11 1111 d over the sand. ;m ho.ii ''"'"'"l '-dressed up ltk1· l'tt\\ 1111\., .111d putted around Nt'"l"''t ll;1rlw•r and a m1l1tar " tl«.,1·111 r \\ ,,., appreht'nded f,;, sp1 •1•cl111g .. 1. " stolen JN ski. "It was that kind 111 '" Pkl 11d said Newport Bt·.11h lil••i.:11.11d Capl. Buddy &•blw Hot and humid w1·,itl11•r 111 inland cities m<idt· tht• ... 11.11111 rh• pla c:t• t o hi' Thl \\ ,, tc·. tempera turf' hovPrC'<.I r1n 11111d f i!I degrees and air n ·adrng., \\ .. n couple of noldW!:> l11 ghc r Mo re than 11111 111111 '" '""'' s pread out th1 1r i '. 1,.. 111 Newport Bc-ach S11ncl.1\ .111d ,,,. equal numbl•r vis111 d th•· ''·•'• and c1t v lx>ac:h1·., 1n I lu11t1111•l·111 Beach · Chopp) surf .111d 1 q '""' ., 1,1 f'I lif~uards hu:-\ Lt I 1·1~11.11 cl-. 11 :-,;, . .,,1>1111 11·,·11111'-d 1:-io \\'<"<'k<·ncl "'"' uc·-.. .1t1d ·-..w l nru· hodvsurfer tf1.,I• 1 it• d Iii li11ttld1 1 a nd <• •' "lld d 11 lllL' I h1 \\":t\"t"" ;it thP \\1d~· o.;11 fl11<'d o111t'tk 1n1urv ' 1 1 , , 11 1 • t ' • 1 11 11 t v I 1 .1 r b tJ r l'.t1111l1111•11 .1 11 .... t .. <1 ,1 21 Vl'.ir old 111.011 ~1111d.1\ 1111 Lido (.,lt• 1n :--.;, ·' f>t•l I I l.11 hn1 Im sp<:vd1ng on 1 11 I ... ht Fur tlu 1 1 ht'<.:ks. ofllc"(•r;.; .11d. 11 \• 1lc·d tl11 motortlt•d l"ra ft I .id 1 •' 11 .1011-11 •• '' .1r a~co 1n Los 'nL.• •"' .\ •• 11 111111 l .. 11111 t ru1M•r wa:- '''" c cl 10 ... ,,,,I\ Sundav "\1'111<11111 111".ll ~, .. ,1 ·Be~1dl when the· sk1p1.c 1 b11111~~H tht• boat too ' t• ,...,, \II ltt If r • 111 l..ci.:1111.0 I~ .wh. tht· E11Prgy 1"111 \1o1 '''li p on l\.1.11n 1(, ,, 1 ...,, •'It I' n1d lc·a tun•d 1 ,lqlqt• "ii \\ 11Hl )'11\\ l't . W<ttl'I 1•'11'111• .1111 11 111d cl11p 1rng:t1 11n1 l(11l 1 I 1 r • .ol ... 1 • ''' .;toppt•r \\'Cl~ tl11 !.!11.t ,., r 11111 111 th•· .1nnual 1 ·Ii .i , , 1 • r II" .it I' :1 r "d t 1 n :'\ .. v. I •"r 1 ll.11 h111 '!'ht \\ ;11 k1c·st Newport to seek U.S. housing aid? In a departurt frnrn tlt1 P"": the Nc·wport &·ac·h Ctt ' l'm1111 ii wiU consider the· u -;1• 111 f1·d1•1.d housing monc•y tonight The uty. 1n p;1st \l0,1rs Ii.• opted not Lo apph fnr bl•ll k gra11• money through l-l o u ... 111i.: ,ond U r b a n D l' v l' I 11 p m .. n ( . ." 1 1 officials hav<' 1 ndurl'd 1r1111·1 11 from legaJ aid and ta11 lmu,..111g groups for th 1s pnwt 1c·1 · If the city is sucu•.,..,f lll 111 ''' apphcallon for 1 h' 1111111t' 11 would be cnt1tl1·cl to "-·1!111 111111 Other items un tlw P\"1"111111! oouncrl agrnd.i an ORDINANCES I) L1m111ng hou" 1 Ol'' pumps 2) ESl8bhsh1ng unlll'rm 1 ,., ,. '1 tor cl1v ernp1oyees CONTRACTS 1) AulhOrlle agrP('mPMI w I w llT • ' Simpson lo• r1!9air~ nn l du •~, r,, 11<;" 2) Am~d a'JreetTwn1 iN•'h 1-, 11 111 o, 1 Schmid for design o' '1Qhl·t 11n 1i1n'-'s ,., • merging Innes on Par.1f1t Coe~• 1h11nw1, WORLD REPORTS 1 I• n-,, 10..,,..,.,., .. ,, fl ~~f(). f ::,.•un, 1 I IP Ir rO-:trhtnQ fence ct o 11 P f,ttr S1u!i!' 1 At.,,, t tht1••1 • r1t., qti wall .11 3611 (. 1.t~1'1 fir tlt•.,.ird ~ l) 1'< c.t·t.t rf~!!i.•onalu1fl n' Paula Gor.Hrey a.s •fl'-''Tlt°'f' t tn" rrn,,...,. n1 H ')uahly Citizens AJvt!i.Of~ L Jf'11,m ,,,..... CONTINUED BUSINESS 'l ,,, .,,.. ; r , S 10 000 ~•Jnl to South c. 8SI H••c.••rt ,,~ 21 l'iJ'"" 1101 runt 10 •acant po5t on Nr·Y.UtHt [u ,. .. ,.1 crll•f'lf• C•t1zpn, Advisory nrnm1ftf·• CURRENl BUSINESS , M""""'~ -111ch.Hf\ tr 1m C.ovnc.irn.a;n Pau 11.',~fl •t'Q•trJ1<'1tJ »I .Andr~w ~ Prn51>y1ena11 h1Jr ti Sovie t navy h as th<· <>dge The Sovwt navy h.1!> th< l1·ad C1\'1 1 J\ml'n ca an several areas c-spt'<·tail~· nuclc•M ~ubmannl•s, ac't·ordmg to a r esp('cted publication on world o.;h1 pprng Pag<· A5 NATION SANTA MONICA (A Pl Mrl lio na1re businessman Alfred Bloomingdale>, cl<>Sl' friend and adviser o f Prc·s1d e nt R<'agan . has dtf'cl of cancer , according to on a nnounc:t•men l t o day from Bloomingdale"; offict•. lit-was llfi Bloomingdale, a m ember of Rt>agan's "kitche n cabim•t .'' was heir to New York Bloomingdalc's de partment. sto re fortune. Here comes the judge A Wisconsin woman hod planned a career in music. She has be-en a beauty quf•l•n, hus a family and now finds herself as first womnn to s~rve as a chief judge m Wb;consin. Page 8 2. marin~· d,1s play around, the paradt· <i ttrat'tt.>d m o n • than :!,000 i;ix-t·t.ators ThP th<'ml' for the Sunday ;tftt-rnoon parade was "Newport B<•at·h CoC's Country/Western" ;.ind attn1t·tl•cl sul·h entries as ··Thl' &·.,t Ltttle Oar House m Nt>wport Beach" and one boat 1 hat was transrormed into a botth.• of S<:ott:h Tht• I rvine Company. the largl'Sl land devl•loper in Orange County, Pnterc<l a boat dubbed. "'lfow.Tht• West W<ts Won" The winners, honored at the Balboa Bay Club following the two-hour festival, were: -MAYOR"S CHOICF 'Shep House, W11t1em Grundy COMMODORES TROPHY fdeco•allon> tntegnrv Don Ltecllly -DEEP SIX AWARD (dt'cora11on1 Argus ... Sea Scouts BIG T OOT AWARD tsound) • Fasctnallon Jeck Hesler LOOSE SCREW AWARD 1ancma11onJ ln<egnly Don LM1Cllly SUAVIESl SWAB AWARD (C051umei Pac1f1c Cllpper, · Gerald Thompson and Jim Shipman CRUT TEN DEN CUP (theme> Wagon Train, S B•ke< LEAKIN TIMBERS TROPHY Jack S Phogbound Brent Wahlberg and Dock Plevan -WHEEL, STEAM ANO BELL f51eem boall "$ S Michigan:· Ale•ander Dale -DIRTY OLD MANIFOLD (Oldest 1>oa11 Argus. · SH Scouts -GRANO ANCIENT MARINER tone ot • ltlnd) ··s.ren•:· Marl! And•rson. (See PARADE, Page A2 ) MERCEDES MELTED Newpor t Beach fireman s1ft.s lhrough rubble of garage at 405 Morning Star Lane where fire dc•s troycd this new $80.000 Mercedes Sunday evening. COUNTY Home buildin¥ eased It could be easier to build a home in Santa Ana Heights after action by the Orange County Planning Commission that requires only staff-level approval for new construction or remodeling. Page A4. Bank gets new president The Laguna Bank, a financial institution e mphasizing community service, has a new president. Page 86. TELEVISION B eing a kid again Actor Joel Higgins ·is having a lot of fun with his role in new NBC comedy. "Silver Spoons." He gets to be a chiJd all day in the show featuring roJe reversal. Page 88. Child-neglect rap dro'pped' against Stuckle By DAVID KUTZMANN 01 lh• D•lly Ptlol 81•N An 0 1 <t n g c· Co u n t y Judge d1 sm1ssl'd ft·lony l'htld nt·~IC't:t l"hargt'S tod<ty agains t Carl<J Vc·ml:' Stut:kl<'. tht• mother or a 14-munth old bov whos..· father is stall' St·n John u Schmitz C l" n t 1 a l 0 r a n g e C o u n t y Muninpal Court Judgl' Gary Ryan d1srn1ssed thl' c·hargt• aftt.'r tht• d1 s tr1c:t a ttornl•y's o ffice mnc:edl·J thl'r<' was msuff1c1ent (•videnct• tt) warrant prosec:ut1on. The c:hdd ha d sufforl'C! st•vcre gcn1 u d inJuric•s a nd wa s temporarily r e m oved Crum Stuckle's tustodv until t•ar11er this month. wh.c•n a juvc·nll<• c:ourt judgl' orderl'Cl thl· re>lease or th<· l'htld tu Stut·klt .. &th Stul'kk· and her attorney, M1l·hae l McDonnell, said after this morning's court hearing m Santa AnJ that charges would rwvcr hav1• bc-t•n fdt'Ci rr It hadn't b t• t' n f o r S t· n . S e h m 1 t z · 1nvolvl'mt•nt 1n th(• mattt•r Stuckle. a Tustin resident, ha.s da1med th<it the Corona dt'I Mar lawmaker 1s the father of both her infant son <t nd an infant dauJ?htc•r Hirth rt'<:ord-. on file m Orange County list &:hm1tz as the fatht·r uf both d1tldrcm . S tut·kll• told n·porters this m o rning that s he felt no· b11ternl'Ss ahout l'harges bc•1ng ftlt>d against her and was not <ingr y at Schmitz t'Vl'n though the GOP lawmaker had not made anv publl<' statements t'Oneern1ng the highly publit·1wd 1ssuC' of paternity "'H<· h<.td to make his dec1swn." tht· Tustin woman said. Even so. she said, she 1s still m lovt• wrth Schmitz. with whom shl' sard she earned on a nme- year love affair a(ter taking a dass taught by him at Santa Ana Collegr Judge Hyu n made• hts ruling m what would havt· bt•t•n th<• first <IJY of a pre liminary hearing a~;imst Stut·klc. The• 4:l-vc·ar-old woman was ~ttr<'sted by T ustin polic:e and charged wllh felony c:hdd neglect aft<'r d<X·tnrs disc.•overt'CI that her infant son 's penis was nt•arly 'i<'Vl'red by having a strand of hair wound 11ghtly around ll Hc·c:on strut·llvl• i.urgery was 1wrformt•d and the• t·hild was / n•turned tu the moth(•r followini.? a JUVen1h· t·ourt hc·armg earlier this month S till rx:ndmg against Stucklc 1s a Sept. 10 hearin~ m juvenile m urt dl'almg with whether she t·<in m<Jmtcun permanc'nl custody. Tustin pol1t"l' 1nvcst1gators havt• mamwmed that th!:' injuries 111 th l' t· hr 1 d w l.' n · caused dt•libt·ratc·lv Stul"kh.• has de nied th:n shC' I!:> rt•sponsrblc· for causing Lhc· injury Disneyland c haracte r s • • nix union Out Wt•st. Mil·kcv Mouse will t'Ontmue lo l'Ut h1i, own deal With his boss<''i 1n the Walt Disney amusemt'nt empire No employee who appears at D1snevland m Anaheim as at·tors <.1rc· un1onizc..'Ci and there are no l·urrent atll'mpts for them to .JOtn a union . a (·c:o rd1ng to park spok£>Sman Bob Roth About 100 employl"t'S at Walt D1s nev World m Lake Buena Vista. Fla .. decided to unionize this week rn a 45-41 vote. Ro th s aid Dis ney la nd has between 100 and 150 character ;ictors. d cpcndrnR on seasonal attt'n danc:<' o.i<y ,.lot Photo by ~ ate" Author1t1es· s aid the cause of the blaze is still under investigation and th at the owners have not been located. INDEX At Your Service A4 Horoscope A7 Erma Bombeck A7 Inte rmission B7 Business B6 Ann Landers A7 Cavalcade A 7 Movies 86-7 Classified C4-8 Public Notices C4 Comics B4 Sports Cl-3 Crossword B4 Stock M arkets B5 Death Notices C4 Television 88 Editorial A6 Theaters 86-7 Entertainme nt 86-7 Weather A2 Art H o ppe A7 SPORTS Angels hot; Dodgers not The California Angels, led by Reggie Jackson 's hitting, beat Detroit 6-5 Sunday. The~l.os Angeles Dodgers, meantime, lost a 14-inning marathon to Pittsburgh. 4-3. J ( offering Hebrew classes Fou r Hebrew claase!4 will be offt-rr.d •t)11s f a ll by Coastline Community Colk•gc In Nco•wpo rt Beach , Costa Mesa and Seal Beach. A bcgmnmg Hebrew class will bt.> o ffen•d Tuesdays. beginning Sept. 7 from 6:30 Lo 9:30 p.m at Coron a del Mar High School, 2101 Eastbluff Drive. Roo m 209. Newport Beach. An tntermt'dtatc• He bre w class will be offl'rt.•d Tuesdays beginning Sept. 7 from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. at the Mesa Verde L earning Cent er in Cos ta Mesa Anotht•r beginning class will lw o ffere d Monda ys, bt•jltnntn~ Sept. l 3 from l to 4 p.m at Seal Beach F1tld1ty F'cderal Savings und Loan Assn , l ~i820 Seal Beach Blvd Another beginning t·oursl' will bL' offered Sept. l ~L Mondays from 6:30 to 9 <l0 pm. al Mesa Verde Learning Cente r , 2990 Mesa Vt.'rdt• Dr1 w East. Cost.a Ml'Sa F or reg1sl r a t1 on informa lion call 9ti3-0824 or rt•g1stt•r during the first two w(oek~ o f duss ' ri1ne rate drops 22-Inonth low EW YORK (AP) A half. int cut in the prime lending to a 22-mon th low of I :3.5 rcent spread lo mort' ma;o1 ~nks today, reflt•cting stt•ep declines in tht• banks' t·ost o l runds. . ,. Morgan Guaranty Trus t. lht> nation's fifth largest bank, anci No. 14 Manne· Midland Bank followed r e duc tions bl'.'gun Police seize .four in Mesa :yehicle theft 1• A Costa MC'sa pohl'C' c:ar was damaged a nd four ml'n were· orrested early this morning in ('Qnnection with the alleged theft ~f a rental van. polil'C' said ... Officer Gary Walsh saw the• van at I: 15 a.m this morning a long Eas t I 8th Street a n d pursued ll to Nc•wport BoulC'vard •d L9th Strct>l wht•rt• polic.•c said the four susp<.'Cts jumped out. .•. Walsh · the n plal·(od his policC' unit in front of thl• rolling van to keep it from e nte ring Newport B9ulevard, polict• said Both ~hicles s ustatn£>d moderatC' damage Arrested on susp1c1on of auto theft according to poltcc were: Edward Smith, 18; Leon Ph1lhps. 22; Jimmy Ray He rvey, 19, and. Randy Lee Reynolds. 22. all o f (,aglewood Poli«' said t.oday that th<.'y arc !M!archmg for the owne r of the v_,n. Th<.' vehicle had been ho t wired. .. ,. Friday at several ma.)Or mom·v C'e nt£'r banks. Bank of Americ:a a nnoum·<.'d in San Francisco ~hat 1t would match th(• pnme lending mt<· of 1:1.5 pcn•t-nt. CroC'ke r Bank, San F'ra1w1sco . said 1t has lowered Its honw mortgage loan ratC' to 15 5 percent beginning todny Tht• new rate. down trom lo rx·n·t.•nt. applies tu loans amort1Zlod over :!() _years with either a five-yt><1r or At that lime, 1t was on its way uo toward a record 21.5 perl'l'nl · The prime. which l>tuou ai. high as 16 5 perCt.>nl lac;t month. 1s the base upon which b;mk~ compute inte rest chargt's on short-term business loans to thc•1r best-risk corporatl' customt•rs Consum<.'r Joan!' ;mci mortl?a!lt·:, a re not tied to tht.• prtnw. but changes 1n the primt• arc a n ind"·ator ot movements in othl'r interest rates. Othe r interest rates havt.· bl•c•n plummctrng this summc·r From Page A1 PARADE. • • BILGY BINNACLE (clauoc yacht I Etectre. E•oc Th0<sen DRIPPY STUFFING BOX (WOik boa11 Ottic1aJ Paul and Dock MICh&IUyk -COMMERCIAL THEME The Irvin~ Company -COMMERCIAL COSTUM E Animal Crackers -COMMERCIAL SOUND Jim Stemonll Mercedes -COMMERCIAL ANIMATION (live) Cutty Sark -CO MMERCIAL ANI MA TION (me<:hanoc.lll Balboa Bay Club -COMMERCIAL SWEEPSTAKES fhll Irvine Company Clouds to • Ill ousted m•;UWT. Lt•l111nun (AP) An t•x ploci1ng t.•ar bumb hull1·d a hur IJc1r bound PLO l'Onvoy tor· 11bout IHI hour toduy. but the tru1.·ks la ll•t' b1 uu..iht 1Jbout 1,000 Pal1•s\inllln guerrillas to u :,hip thnt s<.•t "'iii lo lake tht.•m to u nl•w hornl' 111 South Yt'm~·n Tht.• lnadinll onto lht• ship al:«.> was halt(·ci briC'rty w hile several gu1•1-r11lus n1rr y 1ng rol·kct prorwll1•d f.(rt•tiad<.' launchers l l1r n ld OV l'I thl· weapo n s. •H'<'Ordinl( to Bruc.·e K ashda11, l!<rac•l1 Fon·1~n M1n1i.tr y :.pokl'Sma11 111 Bt·irut. Wh1l t' tht' eV8l'Uat1 o n pro(·t·(•dl•d into its third day P a rl 1 a m l' n t <.' I l' l' l <.' d a n c w Leban<'!><.' president, r1ght1s l Chr1st1.in m1llt1a oomm an dc1 Ba s h 1 r G c• m a y <' I , a n d t h c• Christian St'Ctor of east Beirut l'ruptl•d 1n wild s tree t \'l'll·brallor}:. Thcrt> Wl're reports o f pt•oplt· w ounded by bullets ftrt•d rnto the a u m celebration ls rnel's military command 11tt'a nwhllt• s<11 d Pales t1n1an l..!ucrril la:, had made a no ther att.al'k on 1Lc; cast Lebanon furc-t>~, firing b;izookas at soldiers north of the v1llaiw of Mansoura. Pair bound in $40,000. Me a holdup P11l1u· 1n Co!-.ta Ml·sa an• '>t•arc·hrng lcxl<1y fur two ml'n who llC'd up tlw owm·r uf a beauty supµI~ shop :ind an employl'l' l>t•fun • flt•t•1ng with .J<"Wl•lry ilnd t.ash v.ilul'd .11 mun· than $40.llOO lnvt·,.,llgJturs,~ .. 11cl that thl' two n11·n w.dkt•d 1nw (.'o.,t..i Ml'sa Bt•auty Supply, ~14:i W lHth St Fr 1d a -:-• ,Jl about H pm .. dl·mJndin~ l·ash and valuabll•s from tht· womc•n who wen• sta ving latr• tn box supplit·s In o rdt•r Lu rl'l0t·aw 1 he stun• Sh11 IC'v I loff, thl' owner of thl' :.tori•. and M<.trla Craig, both 47. Wt'l l' bound a nd gaggl'd with ma:-.kmg tap<• h.v thl' :1ssailants. Nt•1thl01 woman w;,i~ ~t·nousl v hurt • 1 loff lold polit·t· that a diamond ring <ind p<•ndant wt•re takC'n (.'r;i1g, who frt'l'd h1•rsc•I [ first to t·all polu:c, lost $45 Ill ca.sh and ;1 µ. ·.11 1 l hokl'I' lJ tH' O I th c• SUS pl' l' t S I S dl'scrib<•d :L'> a malt• white m his mid Ws. thin build. about 5 r~t 7. with blond h<11r Th<. other 1s described as a malt· Mcx1t:an in his late 20's, about 5 ft>t•t Y. 150 pounds. Hoff <;Uff<.'rt-d a cut hp when c;ht• was fort·cd to th<• floor bv thl· two mC'n , pohl·e smd - • re In a In The Forecast For 8 a m EDT Tues<lav Au·iust 24 Raon~ SnowC] Showers f11III Flumes~ 1Coa.'4t<t I Lale night through mid· •morning low olouds near the COll4t, otherwise lair with variable lligh clouds 1n the afternoons Highs lrom mid· 70s at 1he ,~e•ehes to mld-901 Inland t>vernlght Iowa 65 t o 70 ;~untlngton·Newl>Ofl area ranging Crom • low ol 67 10 • h!Qh ot 7S Ellewhere, lrom P~ont •"Concep11on 10 the Mes1ea11 •botdef and oul 60 motes Small craft advisory tor ouler waters Wtlh ,_lhweSI winds ot 15 lo 25 ju1011 and eomb4ned seas ot 3 to ~ tee1 through tonight Locally hghl v111ebl9 winds turning _, 10 llOUthwesl tO to 20 knoll lh11 allernoon and evening South-•t swells ol t to 3 feel Night end mormng log end low clouds over outer wa1er1 extending to inner waters U.S .. "tu111111ar.v Showers and lhu'1derstorma dampened areas from the Rookies 10 tho central P1atn1 end 1n10 th• lower Greet Lakes and Penn1ylll11nta early today Some lsol11t8d thowers drifted over Ftortda and lhe CBroOnu Mostly eteor skies covered areas from lhe llOUlhern Plain• to the central Gull CoHt and tn lhe Peclllc Northwell Scattered shower1 and thunderstorma Sundey touched areat lrom the Tennes-River Valley through 111e tower Great L1ke1 and the middle end norlhern All1n11c 11a1e1 Scatt«ed thunder1torm1 awept areas from Ml1110Url to Ftori<le SklM -• par11y cloudy over the nOf"lh·central t9Ctoon 01 the n allon and moatly au,,ny elMWl>llfe Temperature• belore dewn ranged from <l8 II Marquettt. MICh , to 91 Pl'I08fl1X California The N•tk><l•I Wnthttf Senno. HY• Southern C•lllornl•'• w••lher 1hould b• cloudy Tu.d•y with leotttctd •ltemoon end evening thundllf1howllf1 In moun1e1n1 ind duert• •no pofflble llr0f19, gutty wind• Hight wlll r•nge from fM mid 80• In Lo• Ang•IH, to 100 In Owen9 Vetley. from 90 to 90 In mounteln ., .. ,, from ve to 103 In north«n ~t110 t12 Int.,. IOw deMl't. OvitrnlOht IOwt .,. f~t ,,, tM high 801 ,." downtown Lot AnottM tO I 00-1111 IOW renglng IYom e5 to 70, from 58 10 Ille 80e 1n moumelne aino lrom the uppw eoe to tt1e 10. 1n tne ...,.. loet.,. trom Point ~IOn 10 the Mexio.n b«der Gan ~ Nghl wtrll~ wl11d1 clurlnQ 1111 • 111ghl B'1d morning hours. becoming west 10 southwesterly at 8 10 16 kno1s during the allernoon w11h a 1-10-3-1001 sou1hwes1 swell Not1hwes1 winds could reach 25 k nolS wlll'I a comb ined 3·10·5·1001 sea and sweu h11ther tl'l•n 60 miles otlshora lrom San Nicolas Island T e niperatures NATION Albany Alt:>uque Ama,,llO A$1'18v111e Atlanla Austin Blll11more Bllllngs Bumlnghm Blamarck eo.se Bo11on Brown1Y1te Bulfalo BurhnQIOn Cas~r Charlstn SC Ch11rlst,, WV Charltte NC Cheyenne Chicago Clnc1nna11 Cleveland Ctmbia SC Columbus Oel-FI Wth Dayton Denver 0.. Moines Detroit Oululh El Paso Fargo Fleg91atl Great Fant Harllord Helena HonOlulu Houalon tndnapna Location Huntlngt0'1 Ptar Sarti• Ana AIYllf Jat(y 40tl'I St. N.wport 22nO St. Newpofl Balboa Wedge HI Lo 68 57 89 69 93 67 77 SS 87 67 98 75 73 63 90 57 88 64 81 S• 9• 56 70 58 95 78 65 57 70 58 !11 54 88 78 82 59 79 55 79 55 76 64 78 67 71 62 88 68 76 62 99 76 7tl 63 8-4 59 8-4 65 69 63 H 58 96 70 77 56 83 58 69 48 72 57 80 50 87 75 94 80 .7 8!> •Low TemnPr.11ur»~ Fron I<, ,- Jacksn MS Jac~snvlle Kans C1ry Knoxville Laa Veges L1111e Rock lou11v1lle LubbOCk Memphis M1em1 Milwaukee Mpla·St P Na11hv1lle New OrleaM New York Norfolk No Platte Okie City Omaha Orlando Phlladphoa PhOenlx PlllSl:>utflh Pllend, Me Piiand. Oro Provl<lenc:e Raleigh Rapid City R8flo RICl'lmond Seu Lake San Anlonoo Seattle Shr.-..port SIOUX Falla St Louie TodaJ'I A119/Mea. 3-<I 3-8 3-8 2 3.7 3 ... 1·2 ~ .. Wan 8hapa axeallent = ,.,, good ,.,, lllr - 91 n 113 7• 91 67 85 65 •00 83 92 77 81 70 92 '" 89 79 90 82 76 5!l 81 60 llS 66 9J 74 73 (j4 78 70 91 e· 98 70 83 66 90 75 73 61 109 86 75 60 85 53 90 60 69 59 83 69 79 5.l 101 63 711 66 97 89 95 7.l 7g 58 93 75 83 56 85 73 Awaraga Temp, 117 89 Gii 60 811 87 88 8alt CrNlt Doheny Beech Poc;hao019Q 8"oh (Hole-ln-the-Ftnet) 2-3 good 87 8an Clemtnt1 Pier t·3 good 85 Traflllg8f fr ·SlrMt) 2... good 05 CcllOll'I l'olnl 4 tllf•good 08 Tr•u.. 4.e good 1111 aen Onoh 4.e gooc1 811 ~~'&':~'S noes: HIQfl: 2:08 p.m .. Low. 1.1.-a.m . swe11 ... .. SI p T.Jmpa 85 80 SI Ste Marie 69 ., Spo~enA 90 57 Syroeus& 69 60 Tooet<11 95 68 tucson 100 71 Tuls11 100 79 Woshingtn 76 66 w1ch11a 101 71 CALIFORNIA Bakersfield 106 81 Blythe 109 E'urekll 63 frn~rio 101 71 I anCll!IOr 99 80 LOS Ange•es 86 69 Monterey 64 Needles 107 Paso Robles 107 59 Red Btulf 108 72 Redwood Cuy 79 60 Secromen10 97 55 Salinas 68 49 San Diego 81 71 San f'ranclsco a. 5' Santa Barbttra 78 58 Stoekton 105 85 The< mat 112 Barstow 102 83 Bio Bear 78 50 Catalina 7.l 65 Long BHch 82 1)9 Smog Where 10 call (toll lraa) for lat"t 1~lorma11on· Orange nty (800) "5-3828 Loa AngelH County· (800) 2<12 ... 022 R!Yeralde and San Berrtatdtno c:ovntlM· (800) 387-4710 AOMO Ept1ooa Cartier 242 ... &ee (1100) Tides TODAY Second high 1: 17 p.m. 5.0 Second tow 7.38 p.m. I 11 TVHOAY Flrat high 1 29 a m. A. 1 Ftrll low 7 24 • m.1 I 8 S.Cond l'llgh 2:06 p.m '·' Second tow 8·54 p 11'1 1.7 8u11 Hll 11 7 31 p 11'1 . rtt<te Juetd~ 1t 8.21 a.m Moon 11 ... today 1o1t 11·03 am , Mt.tat 1040 pm - DREAM BED -Dave Adelsohn (lefl) and work(·r Jac k son Reynolds look a t speaker on bC'd Paul Mt.·Cartnl•y e:i->kl'cJ thf' Costa Mesa DallJ Piiot l"ftoto bJ L.e "ayna cabine t maker to build to r ~tev1e Wondl'r 111 honor of tht.~1r mus ic hit "Ebony :md Ivory · Dream bed from Mesa Rock star's gift real top of the line model ByJOOICAOENHEAO O(tti. DallJ Piiot Staff P aul Ml'C<i rtrwv wanted to g1v(' S tl'Vll' Wcmcf;.,. ..., becJ , nol JUSl any bed UUt CJOt• tha t would lull th(• mu:.1c·1an to sll'l'P With five Sp<•ak<>rS, Vibrator., and gl·ntly flashing lt~h ts and c·ost "more than a Fc·rrari," ac'(·ordrng tu Oavl• Adelsohn of Costa MC'Sa who built 1t Adelsohn, who sp<>c1ahws in unique t·drpt•n try for sound ~vstt·ms. took om· look al the skctl'h submlllt-<l lJV tht> forml'r &•atk ;md said ht• ·Jnd his l'l'l'W would hdVl' tht· lwd don<.• in 6U d avs. That wai. l:x:forL· Lhl• drawmg for tht> dr<•<1m hod blc•w away in the wind. Luckilv Adl•lsohn has d good me mory · T h a t w a s a 1 i. o b c· f o r c· ll'<:hnH:1ans at Chnsopht•r Ha nsen L1m1tl'd uf Los Angt.•les fC'll two w e <.' k s b l' h 1 n d s l' h e d u I l• 1 n subm1tt1ng drawings for the <;11und systt>m Luckil y Adl'lsohn was ablt· to w ork roun·d tht• clock The bed finall y mov('CJ out ·or the• Costa Mei.a· shop at n oon S u n d a v • l w o d a vs b c· h 1 n d S<·h(>dult: · "This 1s lht• t ou gh est assignment vet," swd Adclsohn whose been building cabinets 12 years. "h 's a l 0. r submitted thC' bid and all I could think of 1s. what will I do 1f I get 1t" What Adelsohn did was build a ninl·-foot long black sued(• framt• b<.'d equipped with s pea ker~ underneath and surrounded bv light s hafts that are topp<'CI with spc·akcrs. But the highlight of th<· luxury prOJCCl 1s the t'Onsok· systl'm al the foot of the bed compll•tt• with thl' fmt•st am/fm fine· tunc·r. turn table. l'aSsl'lll· .. 111d l a f.ll' rc'<'Ordl•r One push of tht-button and th<· chrom('-CndlJst•d console moves to th1• hrad o l th(· bc·d Adc•lsohn !><.11<1 ht· spc•nt $:.!,000 alom: dl•s1~nrng tht· touth t·on l rol pam.>I for tht ~1111o.wr· wh., 1s blind Although he· ha~n·1 spok<·n d1n'f:tlv to McCanrwv. th£' Cosl<J Mc•SJ t·abrn1·t liutld('r ".,<ltd h<· w;1~ told thJt lht fornH r Bc-<.ttll w<i nlC'd to <111 :>11rnt'thmg spt.oe1al for Wondt·r in honor of th<·1r h11 "Ebcmv .111cl lv11t\ · 'JI, •1 • '1gn1·<J ll." S<.ttd /\d1·b"1 Hut \.\ c madt• 1t l.>l":-1hl1 Wrn1d1 • • \Ill'( tt•cl lo f'l'('l'I\ 1 tht• gill 1111 ~ .. , 1·1·k Actor reported OK SANTA MONICA (AP) At·tor James Stl·wart was in good cond1t1on at St. John's Hosp1t··! this morn ing uncJc•1 going ... "rouurw che<.'kup and a routmt• ad justmc•n t of m ed1ca lion ... a hnsp1tal s pokes woman so1d Sl(•wart, 74. was admitted Saturday a ftern oon ancJ 1s s<:hc-duled to be rt-lea.~ w ithin t h e n l' x t t w o d a v s T h l' ~pokcswoman from the· hospital'~ nursing s tauo n w o uld not 1dt·nttlv lwr..,c·lt ;mrl said sht• d id 11 U I k n ll W W h a t t y p l' 0 f nwd1t·auun 1h1· actor was takrn·g In Augu ... t. 1980. S u ·wart spc·nt t1ve duvs 1n St John'' l)itsp1tal's 1 or o n ;, r ' 1· ·' r t• u nrf t a f t C' r 1·•1mpl.11n1ng 11f Jll lrrc·gular pul~· In St'JHC'mhPr, Hrnll he· was hosp1taliZ<·d for a mild l'ase o l sn.1tll':t, whit h app<1rt•ntly was unn·lJtt d 111 hi:-c·arlll'r h•·drt prob km Ex clus ive mid-weight suits for the Brooksgate man Here is an excellent s uiting for th e young executive who seeks an all-worsted he can wear almost year-round. It's tailored on our trim 2-button Brooksgate model, and is an excellent value considering the quality and versatility. Navy or grey solids or with pin stripes. Coat, vest and trousers. $250 ISTAlllSHIO 1111 ~~~ ~~~ l'urtttshlnQ9 fJ>r lltn. Women lir loy.s . . ~.\O \\HST rn I STREHT. I.OS \~rn-:1 .RS. CAI.IE t1ASHIO~ ISLA;\;I>. NHWPORT Hll' CH . CALIP. llllCI ClllT lfWPURT llACH I Hill ml:ll l\1t lNI ,,, ' 1 l 1' • I • I I I I • OUANGE COUNTY. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS FLOATING 'SALOON' -Entry of the Irvine Company in Sunday's 22nd Annual Newport Ha rbor Characte r Boat Parade was in keeping with the waterborne parade's theme: "Newport Goes Country/Western." Additional photos appear OeUy Piiot Ptlolo by Gery AmbroM on Page Bl. The traditional event is presented each year by the Commodores Club of the Ne wport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Swimmers, characters abound By STEVE MARBLE 01 lhe Oalllf Piiot Slelt ll was just another hot August w eekend along the Orange Coast as 500,000 beachgoers swa.IT(led over the sand. 30 boat owners dressed up like cowboys a n d putted around Newport Harbor a n d a mili tary deserter was apprehended for speeding on a stolen jet sk i. ''It was that kind of weekend," said Ne wport Beac h lifeguard Capt. Buddy Belshe. Hot and humid weather in inland ciues made the strand the p l ace to b e. The wate r tem perature hovered around 69 degrees and air readings were a couple of notches higher. More than 100.000 per son !' spread out their towels in Newport Beach Sunday and an equal number visited the state a nd city beaches in Huntington Beach. Choppy surf and riptides kept lifE."guards busy. Lifeguards in Ne wport recorded 150 weekend rescues and said one bodysurfer dislocated his shoulder a nd a second, daring the waves at the Wedge. suffered a neck injury. Orange County Harbor Patrolmen arrested a 21-year-old man Sunday off L ido Isle in Newport Harbor for speeding on a jet ski. Further checks. officers said, revealed the motorized craft had been stolen a year ago m Los J\ngeles. A 36-foot cabm cruiser was towed to saie t y Su nd ay a fternoon near Seal Beach when the skipper brought the boat too close to shore . ln Laguna Beach, the Energy Fair was set up o n M ain Beach Saturday and featur ed exh1b1 ts on wind power. water purification and drip 1rr1gation. But the real show-stopper was the 22nd version of the a nnual Chara cter Boat Parade in Newport Harbor. The wackiest Newport to seek U.S. housing aid? ln a departure from the past, the Newport Beach City Councif w ill consider the use of federal housing money tonight. The city, in past years, has opted not to apply for block grant money throug h Ho using and Urban D evelopment. City officials have endured criticism from legal aid and fair housing groups for this practice. If the city is successful in its application for the money. it would be en titled to $496,000. Other items on th e evening counci I agenda are: OAOINAN<:fS 1) Llmllong hours ol operation on pool pumps 2) Eatabllstung uniform pe<sonnet palocoes tor city employees CONTRACTS 1) Aulhorlze agreement with William M SlmpllOn lor repairs on Lido Isle Bridge 2) Amend agreement wllh Williamson and Schmid for design or right-turn lenes and merglOQ lanes on Paclllc Coaa1 Highway WORLD PIEPOflTI t) Acceplence or videollpe equipment lrom Group w Ceble. 21 B1t101 argumenl In lavor of aquatic center lease at Nonh si.r 8e11eh 3) Reporl on Caltrans West property near Hoag Memorial Hospltel •I Details on attorney roes In John Wayne Alrpart llllgallon. S) Changes In bylaws ror Llbrery Board meellngs 6) Support 19th SlrHt·Bannlng Avenue bridge ave< Sen1a An• River 7) Acceptance or storege building and engine room el Big Canyon AH«volr 8) Acceplance or mlecetlaneous perking 101 1mprovemen1S 91 Revoke permil for encroaching fence end gete on 36th Street 101 Approve three-tool·high wall et 3611 Oceen Boulevard. · 11) Accept raslgnauon or Paule Godfrey as member or Envlronman111 Ouellty Citizens Advl9()()' Commltt .. CONTINUED llU91HH9 1) Cooslder giVlng $10,000 g<ent to Sou1h Coest Rec>«tory 2) N•m• eppllcent to vecenl post on Newport Beautification Clllzena Advisory Com mm .. ClMRENT IU91MH9 t) Memorendum lrom Councilman Paul Hummel regerdlng St Andrew's Pratbyleroan Church Soviet navy has the edge The Soviet navy has the lead over America in several areas especially nuclear submarines, according to a respected publication on world shipping. Page A5. NATION SANTA MONICA (AP) -Millio n aire businessman Allred Bloomingdale, cl0&e friend and adviser of President Reagan, has died of cancer, according t o a n announcement today fro m Bloomingdale's office. He was 66. Bloomingdale, a member of Reagan's "kitchen cabinet," was helr to New York Bloomingdale's department at.ore fortune. Here comes the judge A Wi.aconsin woman had planned a career in music. She has been a beauty queen, haa a family and now finds herself as f lrst woman to serve as a chJef judge in Wiaconsin. Page B2. m ar ine display a ro und, the parade attr'acted more tha n 2.000 spectators. The theme for the Sunday afternoon parade was "Newport Beach Goes Country/Western" a nd attracted such e ntries as "The Best Little Oar House in Newport Beach" and one boat tha t was tran sformed into a bottle of Scotch . The Irvine Company. the largest land developer m Orange County, entered a boat dubbed. "How The West Was Won ." The winners, honored at the Bal~a Bay Club following the twbihour festival. were: MAYOR'S CHOICE Ship House Wlll11m Grundy COMMODORES' TROPHY 1decora11onJ ln1egr11y. Don Liechty DEEP SIX AWARD ldecorat1onJ "Argus. Sea Scou1s -BIG TOOT AWARD 1soundl 'Fasconehon Jacit Hester LOOSE SCREW AWARD (an1ma11on1 'lnteguly. Don L1ech1r -SUAVIEST SWAB AWARD lcostume) 'Pac1f1c Clopper,' Gerald Thompson and J•m Shipman -CRUTTENDEN CUP (Iheme! 'Wagon Train. · S Baker -LEAKIN' TIMBERS TROPHY Jack S Phogbound Brent Wahlberg and Dick Pl av an -WHEEL, STEAM AND BELL 151eam b<>at) "SS Mlcfllgan. Ale.andtlf Dale -DIRTY OLD MANIFOLD (oldest ooaq Argus," Sea Scouis. -GRAND ANCIENT MARINER (one ol a kind): "Setena," Mark Anderaon (See PARADE, Page AZ) MERCEDES MELTED -Newport Beach fireman sifts through rubble of garage at 405 Morning Star Lane where fi re destroyed this new $80,000 Mercedes Sunday evening. COUNTY Home building eased It could be easier to build a home in Santa Ana Heights after action by the Orange County Planning Commission that requires only staff-level approval for new construction or remodeling. Page A4. Bank gets new president The Laguna Bank, a fina ncial institution emphasizing community service, has a new president. Page 86. TELEVISION . Being a kid again Actor J oel Higgins is having a lot of fun with his role in new NBC comedy, "Silver Spoonu." He geta to be a child all day ln the show featurinB role reversal. Page 88. , ' 1 Child-neglect rap dropped against Stuckle By DA VIO KUTZMANN 01 lhe Oellr Pllol Sleft An Orung1· Cuun Ly JUdgl' d1sm1sst·d frlony l·hlld negll'l'I c hargl•s today against Carla Vernl' S tuckle, the mother of a 14 -munth-old boy whOS<.• father is stall' St·n John G. Schmitz. C l' n t r a I 0 r a n g c (.' o u n l y Mun1l·1pul Court Judgl' Gary Ryan d1smi~>d thl· chargt• after the district attorney's off1t·e concl•tfod Lhl·re was insuff1l·1ent ev1dl'm:1• to warrant pr<>M.'<:Ut1on Thl• c-hild had suffl•rt•d M'Vl'rc· gl'n1tal 1nJuril's and was temporarily removt•d from Stul·kl<"s custody until t•arl1t•r this month, when a JUVenll1.· court judge ordered tht• rt·lt·as<.• of the t•hild t.o Stuckle &th Stuckle and her allomt.·Y. M1c:h;wl Mt·Dunnell. said aft~r this morning's court ht•armg in Santa An<t that charges would nevt>r have lx>en filL>d 1f 1t hGtdn't b e t• n f o r S e n S l' h m 1 L z · 1nvolv1·m1·n1 1n tht• matter Stut'klt'. u Tustm res1df'nt, has c:la1mt'd that the Corona dc.·I Mar lawmokt•r 1s the father of both hl'r 1nf~int son and an infant daughtl'r Hirth rl><:ords on fil e in Orange County list S<:hm1tz as tlw father of both t'hl ldn·n. Stu1·kle told reporter!> this morning that she felt no b1tll'rn<·ss about charg<.'S bemg filt•d a~ainst h<:r and was not .mgry ut St·hmllz even though the GOP lawma k er had not made Jn y public statt'mcnts. conc<'rnmg thr highly publicized 1ssUl' of paternity "lit' had to make his dl'C1s1on ," thl' Tustin woman said. Evt'n so. she said. she 1s sull m love with S<:hm1tz. with whom she S<Jld she carried on a nmc- yca r h>Ve affair after taking a class taught by him at Sanw Ana C"llegP Juclg1.• Hyan madt-his ruling an whc.it would have bet•n the first day of a preliminary hearing ugwn:.t Stuc:klc Tht• '1 3-year -old woman was urrestt.'d by Tuslln polet'<.' and chargl>d with felony child neglect aflC'r d<x:tors d1scovt.·rt-d that hef' infunt son's penis was nearly Sl'Vt·n•d by having a strand o f hair wound tightly around 11. H<·constructive surgery was pNforml·d and the child was rt•turnt-d to the moth1.•r followm~ a JUvcmdl' court hearing l'arher this month Still pt'ndmg against Stuckle is a Sept 10 hearing in 1uvenile rnurt dcuhng with whether she l'<tn mainuun permanent custody. Tusl1n police mvc st1gators hav<· m .. 11nt.amed th<it the inJuries to l h c• t· h ii d w l' re· c· au s e d dl·hlwn1tc·ly Dow closes up 21.89 in big day NEW YORK (AP) The stock rnarkcL extendl'd its broad advann· today. <:1ge11n in ver) hl'avy tradmg. as a I :i 5 pt•rcent pr1ml' lending rat(• spread throug h out the ban king industry Retail, technology. at>rospace. ml and a1rll ne issues p<.1cC'<.l the gamers. Big Board turno-.•cr an hour before c.·lose today was 7ti.93 million shares. compared with 60 99 m1l11on at that hour Friday. Gaint•rs on the Big &ard hC'ld nearly a 4-1 lead over losers ThC' Dow Jones averagC' of 30 industn:ils. dosed up 21.89 points at89J 17 Oaltr Pllol Photo by Char1ff Sien Authorities said the ca use of t h e blaze is still under inVf .. 'Sl1gation and that the owners have not been located. INDEX At Your Service A.4 Horoscope A7 Enna Bambeck A7 Intermission B7 BusinC'SS B6 Ann Landers A7 Cavalcade A7 Movies 86-7 Classified C4-8 ·Public Notlces C4 Comics B4 Sports Cl-3 Crossword B4 Stock Markets B5 Death Notices C4 Television B8 Editorial A6 Theaters B6-7 Entertainme nt 86-7 Weather A2 Art Hoppe A7 SPORTS Angels hot; Dodgers not The Callfornl& Angels, led by Reggie Jackson's hitting, beat Detroit 6-5 Sunday. The-1...os Angeles Dodgers. meantime, lost a 14-lnnlng maratho n to Pittsburgh, 4-3. ' 11 'I Orang• Cout OAILV PILOT/Mondav. Augutt 2.3. 1982 N Dow · Jones Final UP 21.89 .. CLOSING 191.17 AirCal sel e cts marketing firm F rom Wire Services A1rCal, Newpo rt Beut•h. has announC'ed t he selecu un of Admarketing 8S Its new advc•rtis1ng agency effective immediately "We have been talktn8 with Admarkeung for sevt.'ral monlhs a nd belic•ve thl• professionalism, creat1v1ty a nd effl•ctivenc•ss dl•monstrated by Admarkf:ltng will be of great suppor't to A1rCal's marketing efforts," SI.ltd Harry Lehr, Vl('e president, marketing and bus1nc'S.'> planning "Their role will be espc<:1ally important in the new low-rare t.'Ompeuuve envi ronment," he said. Lehr said Admarketing will be chargc'CI with the development of advertising programs, including extensive marke t planning. research, and media placement, designed tu strengthen A1rCal's market position in the West Admarketing. headquartered in Los Angeles, has one othc,r airline client in Lo ng Beach-based Jet America W .R. Grace n am es executives The appointment of R. Gerald Gelinas as senior vice president of marketing for W.R. Grace & Co.'s Far West Services unit , with headquarters in lrvine, and Donald A. Metznik as vice president of marketing for Far West's Family Resta urant D1v1s1on was announced today by Anwar Soliman, G race executive vice president and head of the company's Restaurant Group Gelinas, 36, previously served as director of national advert1s1ng for Sambo's Restaurant:; Inc. and, most recently, as vice president of markeung for the Velvt>t Turtle d1 v1s1un of the Sa~a Corp. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT 'l{.W .-QQt\ fAP• ~dlt"'\ l c,l m ~•Ct' AnG ,....., C'VnQf' of lhl> f1ltHn mG\t 6(tntf' Ntwi. YOf'• !ihKk E:.•\"anoe '"\VI!\, ~: .. ~·;a~g11~11., d: ;;t,~tn•n,:11, ~ (.,p,, Nlc>IO,.\ t ~ .00 '8 • • ""' I f:lw I Ill IOO f>8• t-. •e>n ' 14'1 100 ,, ... , ... .,_ orONiol I 068 +QO 16~ • I s,on. l.c>ro ~11 )()U 111, ~, Art•fH' TA1 filti4U0 )/' • '• • ... r.ow 87f> ~ >• • •n"4.,1 Mto '" 100 J•-. 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AMERICAN LEADERS METALS N(W YORK fllPI metal PflGfl •Oday Spot non le,, ous Copper 70 73 cenu A pound U S oe'1onatoon1 t.od 26·29 cen11 a aouno Zinc 40 c;e!lts a pound d4tlover.a Tin $6 3772 t.Ae1a1s Woe~ compoaote lb Alumlnum 76· 77 cenlS • POUn<I N Y Mefe.ory $365 00 l)ef llHk Platinum S29 I 00· ~196 00 troy oun,;• NY SILVER Handy & H1rman 'e 000 l>O'f troy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS l y The Ao.octet.cl PrMo Self>cted wQlld 90'<! proces •oday London mQIMlQ h•ong $381 1S olf S'4 rl London allernoon ft1urog $394 50, ~I uoo j P•rlo •119fnoon IO•IOQ S384 43 "" '12 6 1 I Fr~ fl•lllQ $381 01 ue> $4 27 I Zurich 1119 ettemoon ltaonQ ~ 1 00 ~ I ,. oo bid S39 • 75 3$~4'0 , I Handy a H1rm•n fon•v d•oly Quol11 ,394 50 up U 00 I Engelhafd tonty daoty qvo1e1 '3!M 50, Uf> $800 • Enoelherd 1on1v d~•ly qvotel l•broc•t .. I ~ II 23 UP $8 40 SYMBOLS