HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-30 - Orange Coast Pilotlillll ClllT Ylll lllEllll lllll NIU OH ANG (-COlJ N I y l 1\1 It ui.r ... A ,", ( IN I 'l DO THEY HAVE A PERMIT? -Monday means back to work for fort builders at Adventure Playground in Irvine. Bryan o.., ,... ,...... "' ,.Mric* o,,_.. Goodson, David Becker, Sean Hughes, Mike Brownell and Geoff Goodson hammer clubhouse. Story on Page Bl. • PLO's Arafat leaves Beirut, vows to fight BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, bound for an undisclosed home in exile, today left the city that had been his stronghold for 12 years aboard a converted Greek car ferry. Arafat, who vowed to carry on the fight against Israel "until we win," stood on deck wearil\g a black-and -white checkered kaffiyeh headdress. He smiled and made a victory sign as the ship Atlantis cruised into the Mediterranean Sea. The Atlantis was escorted out of Beirut's battered port by two American warships. PLO spokesmen and Lebanon's state radio said Arafat was heading for an official visit to Greece at the invitation of Socialist Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou before going into exile in the Tunisian capital of Tunis. Arafat's chief spokesman, Mahmoud Labadi, who left with the PLO ch.airman, said earlier the ship might stop at Lamaca, Cyprus, on its way to Greece. Nine WCll'Ships from the U.S. 6th Fleet and the French Navy were cruisin&.. lo the harbor ~ the single-smokestack, luxurloua looking, Atlantis put to sea. Le banon Radio said American s hips and one French frigate were to escort the ship to ita destination. A party of at least 30 people, including bodyguards with their faces covered, accompanif?d Arafat aboard the ship. A delegation of Lebanese l e ftist leaders and former Moslem prime ministers boarded the ship with Arafat to say farewell, but left 15 minutes later. The ship, which appeared to be a well-appointed pa.saenger craft, then set sail. As the ship put to sea, 11 cannon salvos boomed in the background and were followed by four other · rounds to salute the departing guerrilla chieftain as he left his Israeli-surrounded west Beirut stronghold. Earlier, Arafat said, "I am leaving the city, but my heart is here." Arafat arrived to a scene of (See PLO, Page A%) ~ Many patients flee hospital fire Dallas • ID DALLAS (AP) -Denae, acrid smoke from a three-alarm fire filled a 12-story hospital today and forced evacuation of dozens of frightened patients, including many from ~care units. No injuries were reported, but authorities hurried to move • patients and accompanying medical equipment 10 safe areas of the private Medic~l City Dallas Hospital, fire officials said. All but 01.ie elevator in the hospital ceased to operate during the emergency. The fire sent smoke billowing . 22 degrees ln l'ermont Button u.p y,our QYercoat· in north U.S. By Tile Aaaoclated Prest Sweaters replaced swimsuits: as summer caught cold across the Northern states, bringing twinges of autwnn with record low temperatures in more than two dozen cities and 3 inches of snow at a VemlOnt ski resort. Temperatures along the East Coast were already rising towards summer norms today after a mass of cold, dry air d escended from Canada and moved east Sunday. The land cooled quickly in the wake of the front , and the mercury dipped as low as 22 degrees in East Haven, Vt., and in Thomas, W.Va., where it was 28 degrees. a record for the date. "It settled in on top of us and once it did, the winds died down," said Frank Lucadamo, a weather service forecaster in Pittsburgh, where an August record low of 39 degrees was set Sunday. The dyin.g wind allowed the relatively warm land to cool rapidly, without clouds to contain the heat. The reason for the unseasonably cool weather and the threat of an early frost was a "cold air pool -larger than it should be -over the North Pole and extending down through Canada," said climatologist James Newman of Purdue University, who predicted a frost date at least 10 days earlier than nonnal in the Midwest. He said the Mexican vqlcano EJ Chinchonal, which erupted . in April, spewed enormous quantities of ash into the atmosphere and left a dust cloud from the equator north to about Oklahoma C ity. The cloud reflects sunlight, Newman said, cooling the land beneath it. Iowa state cllmatologist Paul Waite said the frost threatened a bumper crop of grain in the Midwest, where planting was late because of a wet spring. Waite also was pessimistic about the co~ winter. "Two out o f three cool summers lead into cool win ten," he said. ''This is another thing (in addition to the volcano) that s uggests to us we're in a cool period that should last through winter." The front and the volcanic ash left a spectacular sunset alon~ the southern Connecticut shore Saturday, with the atmosphere turning green and orange as clouds cleared. Bergman, Cancer clail!JS Ingrid 67 • LONDON (AP) -Ingrid Bergman , who won three Academy f.wards and whose roles ranged from Humphrey Bogart's estranged love r in "Casablanca" to the prime minister of Israel in "A Woman Called Golda," has died after an eight-year battle with cancer. One of the last of Hollywood's legendary figures, the ,Swedish- bom Miss Bergman died here Sunday, her daughter , Pia Lindstrom said in New York. Miss Lindstrom, a journalist, was fl~ to London today. Miss Bergman s son Robertino and twin daughters, Isabella and lsotta, also were reported en route here. Funeral arranJ(ements were WELL WORN -. Ca1>9 and coveralla of Charley and Wilhelm Qlen hanc on fannhouR. Wilhelm has bad to carry on farmln 1 by htmaeU U*8 ayt. P ... AS. being handled by Harrods. "It will be a very quiet, family affair, said ~ Jackman, the luxury department store's funeral director. "A ft er cremation her ashes may be taken back to Sweden." Miss Bergman, who became one of America's brightest stars as Bogart's co-s1ar in the movie "Casablanca" in 1943, made a stunning Hollywood comeback after quitting the movie capital in the late 1940s because of criticism of her love affair with an Italian film director. She had been suffering from cancer since 1974 and had undergone two mast ectomy operations. Her former husband Lars COUNTY Schmidt, last of ber three husbands, was with her when she died, said London theatrical aaent Sue Hyman, who made the aJV10uncement of her death here today. Looking back on the string of brilliant films that brought her three Osca rs , her three marriages, three divorces and her fiJ(ht with cance~iss Bergman wrote in hef1'98'0" autobiography, "I have always thought that I wiU go on acting and acting and acting ... You need never give up." Miss Bergman's Academy A wards were for best actress in "Gaslight" with Charles Boyer in 1944 and "Anastasia" in 1956, and for best supporting actress for "Murder on the Orient Express" in 1974. Her other acclaimed films included "For Whom the Bell Tolls ," "Notorious" and "Spellbo und" for Alfred Hitchcock. "Inn of the Sixth Happiness," "The Yellow Rolls Royce" and "Autumn Sonata," for her Swedish compatriot, hlRrnar Bergman. Mm Bennan's last role was in the film made for television in 1981, "A Woman Called Golda," in which she played Golda Meir, the tol.lgh-minded laraeli prime minister. , Miss Bergman was born in Stockholm on Aug. 29, 1915. Both her parenta had died by the (Sff BE RGMAN, Page AZ) TELEVISION Playground paradise Public TV ads to cha nge At Irvine's Adventure Playground, the kids create their own world. Page Bl. NATION Oilman hopetJ 110 save rhino A Texas oilman has turned a 1,500-acre spread lnto little Africa ln an effort to save the black rhinocel'OI. Page A4. Matcbboolcs 'mate.Idea' Many..JD.18ht consider IUCh a c:ollecUon wtthoui merit but BU1 Hubbard would be bud ~ to pert with hil mat.chbookl. Paae . . Public television could be adding one of the mainstays of the network• - commercial advertising -it needs the money. Page B8. SPORTS Raiders' debut victorious Raiders' debut ln the Colbeum a 1\la.."ell as they tum back Packen, 24-3. Dodgers, Angels laU Dod~n fall out of f1nt place, Angela fall furtheT behind. Pqe Cl. up from the first-floor storage cloee' through a-dirty ~en 'chute to most floors, said Dallas Fire Department Arson Captain Don Howard. The cause of the blaze has not yet been determined, he said. The smoke was first reported on the 12th floor -a cardiac care facility -and patients were moved to lower floors, Howard said. Smoke continued to fill the 349-bed hospital. "We actually didn't get very many of them moved out, but the nurses are helping them up there." Howard said. "We'd have brought them all down here if the elevators were running." At least 50 petienta -most of them c lad in bathrobes and several cllngi.ng to wheelchairs and inlravenous fluid bottles - congregated in the first-floor hospital lo_b_tty after walking down from higher floors. '· ~ ......... REMEMBE RE D -Ingrid Bergman, who died Sunday at 67, is shown with Gary Cooper in a scene {rom the 1943 movie "For Whom the Bell Tolls." INDEX At V our Service A4 In tenn.IJslon B3 Erma Bambeck A7 Ann Landera A7 Business 84-5 Movies .82-3 Cavalcade A7 National News A3 'cl.aasitled C4-8 Public Notices B6 Comica B7 Sporta Cl-4 Cromword B7 Dr. Steincrohn A7 Death NotkleS B6 Stock Marketa 85 F.cUtorlal A6 Televiaion 85 Enter1ainment 82-3 Thea ten 82-3 Horoecope A7 Weather A2 lmua Canoe Club pulls uJ,se t The lmue Canoe Club of Newport pulled a 1tunntn1 upaet at the U.S. Outrllaer Canoe champlonahl1>9 Sunday. C2. I ). -~"''\' \\t Continued stoTies J>LO LEADE R LEAVES • • • cha<>1 In a blttck Men.-t.'<IL>s at th!.' ~:U.S. Marine-controlled port uf eir ut, w hich has been the l se mb a rk lng point fo r ~housands o f PLO flgh te rs ~errted to other parts of the Arnb ~orld. 1 •• t Ali he stepped from the car, he aluted the Palestinia n and ebanese flags held by honor ards, but the surging throng of ell-wishers cut short a plannt-d tary ceremony. His limousine was esc:orted to lhe port by F ren<'h Foreign Lcg1onna1re1 and s t rlngenl St.-cunty precautions were taken at the por t, especially around lhe boarding area. "I am leaving to continue the s truggle so that we can wm," he told reporters 7arli~r i n a farewell visit to le ti9t Lebanese leader Walid J umblntt. "I a m very proud because we had the honor to defend this part of Beirut ... in spite of 100,000 explosions one day from the alr, ,.from the sea, from the land." ERGMAN DIES AT 6 7 ... time she was 12 and she went to live with a n uncle and spoke later of how her lonely childhood led her to acting. A 5-foot-8 beauty, with deep blue eyes, she quickly became a leading lady in Swedish films before prod ucer David 0 . Selznick invited her to Hollywood. TW() I N A TUB -Pat G lasgow and Jim Slik ker (wearing cap) cle~ned up i.n annual Balboa Bath tub Race Sunday, taki.ng first place m t h e madcap competition. More than :rn people entered the contest which pits skjppers in bathtub-like Dair '11ot l taft "'°*> bf "--._., boats paddling from th e Halboa Pavilion to Balboa island and back . T h e two Orange County Sheriff's harbor patrolmen equipped their craft w ith a shower head. Her sweet. innocen t image was sullied whery she met and fell in love with Italian director Roberto Rossellini in 1948, while still married to he r first husband Swedish brain surgeon P etter Lindstrom. Small boat crosser 'all in' • AP Wltephoto ~TRESS DIES -I ngrid ~ergman , winner o f three 0~ cad em y A w a rd s. d i e d :"Sl:lnday on he r 61th birthday Lfh London after a long battle 1 w ith cancer. ' . She left Lindstrom and in 1950 gave birth to an illegitimate son by Rossellini, whom she later married. The affair created an uproar. She was denouncod from pulpits and in the U.S. Senate as a "cheap. chiseling female." Movie studios shunned her and despite a decade of triumphs, she quit Hollywood for Europe in 1949. F'A L MOUT H , Errglarur(AP) -Bill Dun lo p , a lre ad y nicknamed "Small-Boat Bill" for his record Atlantic crossing in a 9-foot sailboat, ate chef-cooked meals, bathed in hot water and slept in a real bed for the first time in 78 days. D u n l o p , 41 , bu'lk y a n d bearded , nagge red whe n h e stepped ashore on wobbly legs at Custom House Quay at Falmouth Harbor in Cornwall on Sunday, and his wife Pamela said after helping him up the steps, "He is all in." The former truck driver from ~echariic Fans, M aine, set the world's record for making the eastward Atlantic Ocean crossing sing le ha nded in the sma llest boat. He left Portland, Maine, J une 13. Dunlop said his fiberglass.boat. Wind's Will. previously reported as 9-foot-ene-inch overall. is actually one-eigh th of an inch shorter than that. He was able lo talk briefly after a hot bath. treatment for .salt-water sores on hts body and legs and a change into clothes h1S wife brought with her . -Lagunan rescli.ed 1ifter surf • seizure Cop kills fell ow cop, holds deputies at hay A 26-year-old Laguna Beach and early mo r ning clouds man nearly d rowned aft.er he Tuesday, dearing in m id-CAMP. VERDE. Ariz.. (AP) - A police officer killed a fellow officer, held up a store. stole a s po rts car and ho led up a t a rugged campground where he wa s h o lding o u t t o day s urrou nde d by d ozen s of deputies. authorities said. .sutfe red an epileptic seizure morni n g wit h coast a I "~nday morning w hile surfing m temperatures peaking in the n~guna Beach. according to mid-70s. nt'i.feguards. Lifeguards reported that 180,- '" .l:ifeguards. who declined to 000 people visited beaches from "~entit y t h e surfer. said he Seal Beach south to San 41'f.allowed water and was Clemente Sunday. About 150,000 !:~retty blue" when they pulled people visited the same beaches •1hitn out. Saturday, when it was overcast r!~fOtherwlse, the Orenge Coast m the morning. J.b!aches were relatJ~ely quiet. as On an average s ummer ..<Jlierast skies Saturday and tugh weekend, about 500,000 people w inds Sun day aparently will spend time at the Or ange .Afscouraged a heavy turnout Coast beaches. lifeguards said. Phoenix Polwe Officer Thomas H erna ndez Jr. 31, cal mly continued to ho ld police and sheriff's deputies through the night and Into the daylight hours 85 miles north of Phoenix . ·,·1 The number o f r escue d .'! '1'fhe 30-mph westerly wmds arc s wimmer s also was below He smoked cigarettes and r.~ted to pick up again today average for a summer weekend, pol1Shcd the stolen car with his ''tlnd Tuesday and coa s tal withtheexceptionofHunungton T -shi rt before starting .. authorities have issued a small S tate Beach where a strong n egot1at1 o ns to su rrend e r "·c~t advisory. riptide pulled 110 swimmers out himself. his semi-automatic ~~.· .. ::.:;~;P~•c• n•g~ :·~"~hrough·:r~~~-~~;· hours . becoming .,..est 10 •··~.., •oulhwell 8 to· 18 knots In tile 1,q atternoo111 today and Tuesday. .: :C o nsl a I ., . POINT CONCEPTION TO THE , :MEXICAN BORDER ANO OUT 60 MILES -Ovet OUlt< waters rrom •' ' .Point Concec>llon 10 San NiGolu •• 1 • INnd no<t~I winds 10 to 20 knolt wilh 2 lo 4 tool •••• t/l<OUQtl tonight EIMwtler• llghl , ; variable winds mghl and mOfnlno • ' hour& b«:omjng _, IOUl"-t 6 ' to 1e knota thla allernoon fl .SouthwHt 1well1 1 to 2 feet J 1 1 Highl ano morning low doudlneH ) , becoming p1rlly cloudy In the :. ' ..namoon. "' -. V.S. sllmtnary Thund•ratorma hover•d over SOUtMrn K&llUI and Ille mid· M1n1111ppl Vell•y early today. patting wide MC1k>na wttll hall 8l'ld heevy nlln. /I vlol•nl lhund•ratorm with high w1nc1e pounded ,,,. Wichita 11rM tat aboul • .,., hour's Sunday nlghl. Lightning from Ill• etorm w11 blamed fo, moril than 40 flrea, authOfltlaa aald. Low•tylng ITOAI were flooded, acauerlld pow•' outagaa were r•por14ld and some road• were bk>cilad when tr-Waft IOpplad ~~d!J.ulllng 10 80 mph, The llOrm also knocked out r1d1r at Iha Wichita Nallonal WMthar Servk;a 11111on and two 1~ 11at1ont _., IOl'9d on Iha air dut1ng Iha llOf m, offtdall Mid. Rain alao fall huvily In ,.,,_ aouth•Ht•rn Arizona and Iha aoul ll••atarn corn•r of New Mexico. w ith 1om1 wldaly a c all•r•d 111ow•r1 and tnuncler.ionna ~ Iha no<tharn Roc*lea. 8callarad light 1how•r1 fall -tM GrN I l.alt81 Ind doudl fotled In ff om tM OhlO Valley lo New York. Haw JerHy and Del aware A f ew l10111•d ttlundenlOf._. llruckln FIOflda. wllh cloud• coOerlng parll of Ala bama and t he 1outharn ~ ·calilornia Felr today •llh high• al Ill• ~In towat 701 and mld·&Ot In w•tm•r Inland 1ra11. Soma nlOf'I 1t1rouC1h mid-morning low cloud• 1onl ghl and TuH day. othetWIM fair. Overnight iow. 64 to ea. Hlyl'I• Tuatday ranging fl'Otn mid-Ot at the o.ecn.. to mld-tOl In Wfl1'I* lnl8'ld .,.... l1t••h•r•. from Poln l o onctpllon to 111a Mutcen ~ ..o out eo m11ae: """" etlft lilMIOtY -°"'" wet•• to<' 110rthwe1t wind• ti to to jlnott entl 4 to 6 foot HH thrO\ltfl Tuetelay loc;ally llOhl ....... --,,.... and mOt~ • Southwest 1we11 ol 1 10 3 ree1 with 1 lo 3 toot wind wives NIQ/ll and morning •-cloYOs witll moslly clearing during allernoons anJ evenings T e m pera tures NATION HI Lo P'rc. 67 34 88 61 9" 67 75 58 100 PU-VI•-Se<vce lo()M U $ 09pl ol C-..CA! Albany Albuqua AmanllO A$h8Yllle Atlanta Atlante Cty AuS11n BaltlmOfl 81Hlng1 Blrmlnghm Blamarctc 8olM Bolton Brown11111a Buffalo Burllnglon Caepar Chatl•ln SC Charl1ln WV Charflle NC Cheylf'lna Chk:aQO Cincinnati Cleveland Clmbla SC Columbus Oal-Ft Wlh Oaylon 0anV8f 85 69 . 88 .53 99 79 Fronts:Co6d .. WS1m WW SlahOnafY•• 0.. Motnea Detroit OUlulll EJ PMO Flllrb81lks Fergo Flagltalf GrNt Falla HartfOtd Helen• Honolulu Houtton lndnaph JacUn MS JKk--.11119 K&ol City KnoiMHe l.M VagM Ullla Aoctc Loultvllla Lubbodl Memphis Miami 73 49 94 60 90 &9 .20 7& 55 85 66 69 48 ~~ 66 44 .01 e5 55 .07 60 74 79 4e 74 64 83 58 72 43 75 52 71 3e 79 05 71 45 9e 73 73 49 88 se .03 71 04 .42 ee 38 .02 &9 51 .06 es ee e1 40 75 60 80 47 75 41 69 39 e5 52 .05 88 75 93 80 80 53 95 72 90 73 92 04 e5 67 100 73 91 88 79 56 93 845 91 72 88 79 02 Mllwauk• Mpe.-81.P Haahvllla New Oflaan• New YOfk NOl1olk No. "'-"• Okla Clly Omah• Of'lando Plllladphi• Pl\oanl• Pllllburgh Piiand. M• Pllend. Ore Provtci.nce Ra1819h Rac>id City Reno Sall I.Ale• San Anionic> SMttJa Shf'evac>«t Sloull F.,.. SI Loule St P-Tarnpl St Sta Metia Sc><*-SyrecvM Topalla T~ Tulta Wut>lngtn Wlcllltl 65 44 12 69 60 71 86 63 93 75 72 so 70 60 94 87 94 72 75 86 90 73 10 •e 106 64 72 e7 18 83 39 19 88 82 u 86 48 13 76 59 79 . 80 34 es s7 er. 68 118 77 71 67 .Oii Ill 73 76 e7 .38 92 55 91 78 63 29 •835005 ee « 83 69 Ile 1e 92 73 73 53 97 71 CAUfOftMA Bakanflald 90 73 Barmtow 101 e9 &Numonl 9S 68 Big a.er 75 44 8lthop .. &e Blylha I°' t1 C11allna 72 M Cul-City 12 11 Eureka Fr HOO LancaSI., Long Beac;ll lot Angeles Marytvilla Monrovia Monterey Ml Wilaon Nead lat Newport S.ach o'"""'~ Ontario Palm Springs Pasadena P .. o Ro Rad Blu Redwood Clly Sacra man to Sallnu SM a.rnardlno 8811 Gabrlal sen Diego 8anFr~ San JON Sant• An• Sant• Batbera Sanla Marla Santi Monica Slockton TlllOa Valley Thermal TOfranc:. Yuma CANADA Calgary Edmonton MontrNI Ottawa Aaglf\8 Toronto I/~ Winnipeg SU Rf •f PORT Tides,..., _ • -. S.cond low 1:3e p,m ~~-~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!'~----&ac:ond high 7:41 p.m 72 811 88 ee 80 97 9• 72 78 104 74 73 90 105 88 90 88 78 64 71 93 89 80 07 77 e4 73 71 7• 86 70 105 77 107 88 54 83 84 87 84 88 M 55 68 67 68 67 65 59 57 80 ea 60 63 76 64 83 66 57 80 52 81 8& 70 sa 55 67 61 69 2~ 54 79 65 e2 44 37 39 39 37 3e 61 51 2.li 5.e Vlllld lo I'""'' IOOay. -- -TU91DAV IWf 1-1 1urt ,... ,... , ... Flr11 low 2:47 a.m o o ....,. Awt Mu ,.,., Awt Me11 '"'ew Flrll lllgh 9: 15 a.n1. 4.2 Zun. 2 4 14 t 3 SeconOIOw ·~ ........... 2 3 ,. ' 3 aw 2. t2 p.m, 2.a _,,a --.. waw Second lllgh a 15 p.1n. u ~ 8Mdl 2 6 15 2 3 8 I OC1 Ian ,.,._,. 0oun"' -" a 11 2 3 WIW un M I I ey I I 7:22 p.m., .._.. ., .. .. , .... n-dey " t:tt ··"'· Out10c* tot T•--'-: llOoW ...-.... Moon r .... IOCll)I>• 5:20. p.m,, -•· ......,_ Mt9Tl*Otyet2:4 t e,m ' rounds of ammun1tton, police said . At o ne point, Hernandez traded 100 rounds of ammunition for a Coke, then refused to drink the soft drin k. police said. At another point, he• exchanged some kind of rifle or long weapon /--~ Wlraphoto SAFE ARRIVAL -American yach tsman Bill DunJop greets his wife Pai:ne la on his arrival at Falmouth, England, Sunday after crossing the Atlantic m his 9' -1" yacht, smallest v~l ever to make the crossing. Dunlop . 41 , a truck driver from Mechanic Falls, Maine, s pent 78 days at sea. for fruit punch. · Police said Hernand ez was believed to be armed with two semi-automatic weapons. one of them a rifle. and 3.000 rounds of ammunition • An e ssential w o rsted su it fo r t h e Brooksgate man T h e subtle-striped suit is always in gooJ taste and well favored becau se it allow~ for a wide selection of accessories. For the yo u ng executive we offer a fi n e wool len tailored o n o u r trim 2-button Brooks gate model. It's mod erately p riced and comes in c h a lk or m ulti-str ipes on navy or .grey. Cqat, vest a nd trou sers, $200 ISTAlllSMI O llU ~~ ~~IX~ furntshtngB (orlltn·. Wom tn ~ aoys S30WHST 7TH STRHliT .. ~OS ANGRL BS, C ALIP. FASHlON lSl.AND. N~WPORT UEACH, C ALIF. • • I 'Turtle' headaches told Pulling up the covers can cut down oxygen Nl!."W YORK (AP) -If you find that falling back asleep for a few bl inutes on Saturday mornings sometimes leaves you with a throbbing head, you might be suHering from turtle headaches. People who wake up, want to go back to sleep and pull their head back under the covers to block the morning sun can also be blocking their supply of oxygen. says Dr. Gordon Gilbert, the discoverer of the turtle headache. "They're retracting their heads the way a turtle' would," Gilbert said in a telehone interview But he added ; "I don't know that turtles get headaches in that situation." Gilbert. a neurologist in St Petersburg. Fla. who teaches at the.University of South Florida, described the turtle heada<.'he in a letter published today in tht' J ournal of the American Mt'Cikal Associalton. It oc"t:Urs only in the morning a nd only in people who've awakened and gone back to sleep, he said. "Moot people don't dive under the covers when they go to sleep at night," Gilbert said, and that's why they probably wouldn't get the turtle headaches 1f they got out of bed when they awoke. "It's something they do trying t.o go back to sleep when it's already become light." The headache "prob ably occurs quite a bit," Gilbert said, but "people don't identify it because it's relativitlY mHd" and most doctors are unfamiliar with the phenomenon. Oxygen in the blood drops, and carbon dioxide builds up, causing a headache similar to that som etimes experie nced by mountain d1mbers at high altitudes where there is little oxygen. While turtle headaches are usually not ll' serious medical problem, permanent damage can eventually occur if the brain la repeatedlY. deprived of oxygen, Gilbert saiij. A doctor who doesn't question his pallents carefully to see whether they are turtle headache su fferer s might wrongly diagnose them as potential victims of brain tumors. People with such tumors often report morning headaches, he said, but they would be likely to get the h eadac hes ever y morning, whether or not they go back to sleep. Gilbert first described and named the turtle headache 10 years ago In the Journal of the American Medical Association. Mail-order church members busy reaping t~x-free money LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -If the members of Universal Life Church Inc. don't do muc:h praying. it could be because they're too busy decidin~ how lO spend their tax-free income. Ever since the Rev. K:irby Hensley, a North Carolina native and tbrmer Pentecostal preacher, founded the church in 1962, he's been teaching his congregation ways to beat the Internal Revenue Service. "I try to show people how to live a good liCe," said the 71 -year -old Hensley. who traveled here from Modesto, Ca l iL, to sp,eak at his organization's 1982 world convention. "I'm fighting for freedom - not just religious, but every kind," he said. Hensley claims to have issued free minister's credentia ls to about 55,000 people. He charges $35 t.o provide a paper that gives each minister ilUthority to lead a congregauon of at least three people. Enclosed in each mailing IS a set of detailed instructions on how Universal Life members can write oCC up to 75 percent of their federal income taxes by making contr ibution s to their own churches. So far . n o one In hi s congregation has been convicted of tax. Ccaud..but Hensley said he is continually pestered by federal agents "They're trying to say we're not a church," he said. "How do they know? Who can say what a church is and what isn't?" Hensley says he has been audited more times than he can remember, and currently fs involved in "about 50 court cases scattered all over the country." He estimated that his followers earn about $50 million a montfi by contributing about half of the wages they earn in other jobs to their churches, then writing the income off on their tax returns. "A lo t of people have found out that heaven is right here on F.arth," he said. One group o( Los Angeles business executives round Hensley's idea so profitable that tl\e~ recently formed their own n:!Trgious sect. The Church of Harmony c harges a $1,200 ordainment fee and Is based on the same principle, said Hensl~y. ''Some churches tell you if you'l'e bad, you'll go to Hell,'"'~Jle said. "The government is acting like a church ~ause it's trying to do the same thmg by teUing us we have t.o pay taxes, or we'l) go to prison." Raymond Hughes, a Universal Life minister who leads a congre~ation in Louisville, said he belongs to the church because "all Go.ds serve the .same pur~." Hughes was arrested on gambling charges in 1980 when police raided a poker game he claimed he was holding to raise money for his church. He was convicted late last year, but is • appealing. ''I don't belJeve anybody has the right to tell you how to worship God," he said. Assessed · property value up Utility valuations increase 14.3 percent, to $40. 7 billion SACRAMENTO (AP) ~ The value of state-assessed utility properly rose 14.3 percent this l_ear, says the Board of Equalization. The report said the value of gas, electric. telephone, telegraph and pipeline companies a ll increased. But that of the railroads barely held its own. The value of the fix ed property of companies which own railroad cars, Like Amtrak and Pullman, declined 15.2 percent. Principal property appraiser Bill Jackson said it was because federal law exempted much of Amtrak's car-washing, repair and roundhouse in Los Angeles from some state tax. The ..«>tal assessed value of aU staJK..essessed property for 1982 J11S $40.8 billion, up $5. I billion from 1981 The owners will pay about $467 .l million in local property truces during the 1982-83 year, based 6n an estimated statewide average tax rate of 1.144 per-' 09fyf'tlef0etl•wy 1.c.-.... d cent Sance enactment of Proposition 13 in 1978. property taxes have been limited to 1 percent of market va lue, plus a small . amount to reduce voter-approved debt. Unlike l ocally assessed property. however, the stat.e board assesses utility properly each year at current market value. The board said the value of gas and electric utilities rose by 14.4 percent to $19.8 bil l ion; telephone and telegraph rose by 15.9 percent to $18.5 billion: pipelines increased 15 percent to $572.6 million. and railroads increased 0.23 percent to $1.91 billion Jackson said the change in the value of utility property in the various counties varied from 79 percent higher in Sierra County, where the bojlrd assessed water rights owned by the S ierra Pacific Power Co. for the first ttme, to 1.4 percent lower in Lassen County, where much of the utility roll IS property owned by two f inancially troubled railI'oads, Southern Pacific and Western Pacific. Sierra Pacific has protested the water rights assessment a nd the board has scheduled hearings. The board said the tax on private railroad cars -cars owned by comparue like Amtrak and Pullman -will produce $6.57 million in state revenue for 1982. The tax hit an all-time high of $8.92 million in 1976-7"1. just before Proposition 13. The rate was 1.13 percent of full value this year compared to an all-time high of 2.86 percent in 1973-74. Those cars are assessed and taxed by the board, with the tax based on the amount of time the cars spend in the state. It is the onl y property tax levied, collected and retained by thj: state. Cars owned by railroads are included in the assessment of the railroads and the taxes are levied dlld collected by the counties. We 1re Listening ••. ~Ftoo-v '',..,.. oo noe ,,_ 101f -by 5 30 p m call 1>elo<e 1 o"' ano yOuf coov w.11 be dehvefeo Sotlurclay and Sunday II )'Ou 00 no4 What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like" c <Call the number below and your message will be recorded. , transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor ' The same 24·hour answenng service m ay be used to record let 'tels to the editor on any topit' Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please ;::,?.":.. ~ ~. ~.;n ...... c:: __ ., Tell us what's on your mind 642•6086 ORANGE COAS"I CIHtlfhtd adwrtt1ln9 7141142-M71 All other dep•rtment1 M2...t321 Daily Pilat Thomae'· Hoi.y f'ubll\hfot ond Ch .. ! E•tc'ullve Offi(411 Jone Amari hK~lt•• EdttOf • l. ~ay Schult1 Vice Pre~ Gnd OwtclOf ol Adve<t11•ng Thoma• A. Murphlne t(111or loymond MecL.on Cont·• Kenneth N. 0.CW.d "· Dwectot ol OpetotlcJllt - MAIN CWACI! mw ....... M .C .... Mttt,CA. Mall....._: .. x IMO, C•leMeu,CA ...... e .. .,, ..... Hn °'.,. c:-.. ~wittM111 ~. ,.. _.•tones. 11..,.., • ., .... MllttMI mtllltwer ... Vet'llM-lt -It .... V llt r.-N Wllfltwl 't'Klel ...,.....~ .. ""~,.... -·· Orang• COHt DAIL y Ji1LOT /Monday. Augull 30, 1982 9 ZIG-ZAG MANEUVER -The Ticonderoga, the first of the Navy's Aegis guided missile cruisers, leaves a "Z"-shaped pattern in its wake during sea trials in the G ulf of Mexico ,, ......... built by a division of Litton Industries, "rriet ever y objective and demonstrated, without question, the capability to carry out h er mission." ear BH~.;.!;~The-Navy said the cruiser, . - Women doubt Reagan policies ' 'Gender gap' blamed on administration programs WASH I NG TON (AP) - Ronald Reagan still has a woman. problem. American women retain deep do ubts about the Republican incumbent after watching h is first 19 months in th~ Oval Office, doubts that could spell trouble for GOP candidates this fall • Women give Reagan lower marks tha n men for his work, continuing the unprecedented differences between the sexes in their opinions about a president, Associated Press NBC News polls and other opinion surveys say. And on the more personal ratings of the president, women are more negative on Reagan than men. They trust him less and they are less likely to say that he "cares about people like Ille." Working women, who were the key t.o Reagan's poor show- ing among women in the 1980 election, remain more negative about Reagan than other women. This "gender gap," as it has come to be called, is also showing up in many Senate races, with po!Js f inding Republican candidates doing less well among women than among men. "I think Reagan is in large part responsible for the gender gap." says Kathy Wilson, president of the National Women's Political Caucus. "Th.ey are looking at the administration policies a n d saying. 'There's nothing in this for me.'" "Frankly, the Republicans by 11• 11111111 and large have deserted women's rights," Eleanor Smeal, president of the National Organization for W omen , said Thursday . "Presi dent Reagan's administration and his programs have been so extremely against the principles of w omen's equality and equal opportunity across the board that it ls hard to single out one as being worse." ''We are trying to bring this to the nation's attention. We believe American women have caught on.'' she said. Smeal said NOW is trying t.o capitali:ze on lhe gender gap and raise $2 million to $3 million to elect candidates who support women's rights this fall. Women's concerns about issues directly affecting them as a group were heightened by the demise of the Equal Rights Amendment o n June 30 a nd were not significantly assuaged by Reagan's appointment of Sandra Day O'Connor as the first woman on the U.S . Supreme Court. And women's concerns about Reagan's defense policies, which first llrose in th e 1980 presidential campaign, have continued. In the latest AP-NBC News poll, taken August 9-10, 40 percent of the men gave Reagan a food or excellent rating. But on y 33 per-cent of the women gave Reagan such high marks. At the high point in Reagan1g overall job rating .:.-66 percent tn a AP-NBC News poll taken in mid-April 1981 -69 percent of the men gave Reagan high marks versus 62 percent of the women. The gender gap in the ove,..U job ratings has varied from a low of 4 percent.age points to a high of 12 points in the 15 national AP-NBC News polls since Reagan took office. W omen a lso h old more negative views on Reagan's work on the economy a nd forei~n policy, averaging about nine or I 0 points below that of men. · On the economy. 23 percent of the women rated Reagan's work as good or excellent in the most recent poll, while 33 percent of the men judged his work thM highly. On foreign policy, 38 ~~ of the men in the Au.guat poll gave Reagan top marks for his foreign policies, while 29 percent of the women rated his work that way. l One of Reagan's strong pouits with Americans has been • a f avorable perception of hi.in personally. But Reagan is muih w eaker on these dimensioh~ among women. ! Using a standard question ~n compassion, men split by a 44-&t margin in the August poll 6n. whe ther Reagan "cares aboilt; people like m e." Women wet~ even more negative, disagreeleg by a 37-57 edge. ' i . , • I . ... ' l at-<la.SQ. fbr toy.s ... t f. L thz. da95ic knit ,aosy caN- P?lY /cotton blq,nd, in e rainlxw cl' color.s. si~ 0-20. , • j .. Orange CoHt DAIL y PILOT /Monday, Augu1t 30, 1aa2 BYU: Where the action isn't MIDDLE -USC is ra~d 14th in terms of sex o n American campuses. SALT LAKE C:I~) l'loyboy magazint·~ tht•. "1exu1tl tt'nipcriAturc-" lll :lO U S eolle-gl'I, and Brlghearn Young Unlveraity landed In the cellar -much to the relief of officials of lbe Mormon inalltutlon For itll Oc-tober issue, Playboy polied 2,000 atudentis ln a surver, entitled "Sex On Campua 1982. • After considering such things as campu~ style, administration male-female ra ttO) and the op- portunity for sexual fun and gameei, Playboy said Brigham Young was at the bottom of the heap. Contacted in Provo, Brifham Young spokesman Pau Ri- chards said he was delighted to hear that. "We feel It would be where wt• would l'Omt• In If they hlld survl'yt•d 1t•vt·rnl hundn-d t'UI lcl(l'S around tht• l'OUntry," Ri- chards mud Toppmti tht· ~·hurt Ii. the Uni ve111lty of l't-xmc, where Playboy detK.·rihc-i the campus style a5 11 "frontier free-for-all " At T~xa11, Playboy :wys, the typical campus male Is an "urban cowboy," the typical female a "Mu1•gan Fairchild with spu111." In contras t, he described the students at the Mormon BChool as "haloed pioneers" and "vestal virgins." It said the hott.cst BYU hang- out ls "any plane leaving Provo." Playboy has this advice on how to come on to a BYU wom- an: "Don't." ''I'm glad we Clunked," said SchiAJ)('r ~lawson. president of the 1tudcnt body at Brll(hum Young, addlna thul he found tht" dt!•l·r lptlons of h i• at•hoo l "urcuatk-tnd humorou. " "But Crom my point of vww, it's u gen r rala za tl o n , a stereotype," !Ulld thl· ~'Onom1<.'tl major from New Canaan. Conn "l mean. I don't hove a halo." The Murmon Church. unlike P layboy. 1trongly admonishes il.8 followers to shun premarlt.ttl sex. Some 98 percent of the universi- ty's 26,000 students are Mormon and 22 percent are married. Playboy associate editor Ke- vin Cook, author of the article, said In a telephone tnterview from his C hicago office of the rankings are his own opinions, but are based on the question- naires, telephone interviews, vh1lt1t tn 11nm .. -<'huols • .111d mule• rh1l h1-•'d n·ud Cook 5tlld hl' didn't v1111l Prnvu DB r.art o! hiti n·sc·orth, but, "I (·gn t wull to get Lht•rt· " Th,• :lO schools in th1· ord,·r ranked by Playboy are. The Unavensily of T~xUH, lmlt una Unavenity, Arizona Statt• University, the Un1veris1ly uf Nevada-Las Vegas. UCLA, lht· U n iversity of Florida, SWl't't Briar College, the Univcn1ily of llllnols, Lhc University of Mil·h1 gan, Smith College, Rin• Una versity, the University of Ala- bama , th e Univers it y o f Colorado·Denver, USC, Harvard University. the University of Iowa, Grinne ll Collegt•, the Uni- ver si t y of Idah o , But l e r University and Brigham Young University BOTTOM If yo u 're looking for acuon , Brigham Young appcan> not to be the place. Oilman ·turns Texas ranch into ; 'Africa' to .save · rhino GLEN ROSE, Texas (AP) -A battel'ed yellow jeep bounces along the road, winding through hllly,.lush fiel4-. wher.e a n experiment is plabned to save one of the world 's m ost magnificent and ser iou sly endangered beasts -the black rhir)oceros. At the wheel is Tom Manti.el, a tanned, balding Fort Worth oi lm an wh ose hobby e ncompasses this unusual 1,500-acre spread. "Close your eyes and you would think you were in Africa," a puaenger observes. The lay · and.clbnate of the land an hour's drtve south of Fort Worth are comidered similar to terrain and temperature in central a nd aouthem Africa. A dot.en species o ( endangered and rare wildlife, about 600 animals in all, roam the refuge: Arabian oryx, addax from North 1--..4.M~-.,~~WIW:LbllCk...f.rom F..118t Africa. Fallow d eer , sable ant.elope, axis deer, aoudad, red stag deer and sika deer run free among the 8CtUb oak and fields of four imported pasture grasses. A amall herd of Grevy's zebra feed in a aerier-t>f large pens. Then there ar~ some native spl!des -wild turkey and white tail dee.r. rhino fared even worse. tt,;s been estimated that nine of 10 were killed." Mantzel has declined to discuss details of his project. African governme nts might demand more money for the animals if they know how much he plans to spend or might refuse to release them if angered by publicity, he said. Ms. Harte said the group hopes to raise the $100,000 from the fund-raisers at Glen Rose and in Houston and San Antonio. A fourth 1s scheduled for San Francisco. An ltahan truck manufacturer, I veco, is unde rwriting t h e benefi ts -$1 5.000 for the Gle n Rose barbecue alone -and is building two custom trucks that wall eventually transport the animals from the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport to the ranc h after the y arrive from Africa, Ms. Harte said. Mantzel plans to fence off up to 300 acres· for the rhinos. Tiiey will be separated to prevent in- breeding. He is developing a herd of the Grevy's zebra tn the same way. The 35-year-old Texan l.s vice preside nt of marketing for the American Quasar Petroleum Co. of Fort Worth, a job he said f i n a n ces what is n o w a: $50,000-a-year operation at the ranch. Mantzel's Waterfall Ranch will be the site Sept. 18 of the first of four fund-raisers sponsored by the Afri can Fund f o r Endangered Wildlife to raise money-for Mantzel's rhin o project. LITTLE AFRICA -Fort Worth oilma n Tom Mantzel sits in a jeep on his 1,500-acre spread near G len Rose, Texas, where about 600 :ndangered and rare animals roam. Mantzel's next project is to fly four pairs of endange red black rhinoceroses .from Africa to Texas. Pro ffts fro m sell ing the animals are turned back int.o the ranch, but many of their offspring are not sold Mantzel trades the young for new pairs he can crossbreed or for different $pecies Invited to the G l en Rose barbecue are several hundred moneyed and animal-loving Teuna, who Mantz.el hopes will den.ate enough m0ney so he can fly two t o four pairs o f rhinoceroses from Africa to Texas. extensive hunting , their numbers have dwindled from 200,000 10 years ago to fewer than 20,000 today, tJle group says. l Poacflers kill the huge animals for their horns, treasured in the Middle East as mater ial for carved dagger ha ndles and in Asia for grinding into a medicinal powder. rhinoa?ros hom brings $2,500 to to a poacher and 10,000 percent more whe n car\ted or ground up, says Julia Harte, director of fund-raising for the New York- based wildlife fund. -capturing and flying out the animals is expected to C<l6t more than $100.000 -and the rewards will not be immediate, he said. "They'll be putting us in a pine box when we have herds ... it's a project that will take the rest of our lives." Mantzel's as the first suC'h project. said Ms. Harte Now he is confident his new venture will succeed. "You have game rangers that make $60 a month, so when a black rhino walks by, you can see the incentJve to kill it," 5he said. The rhinos eventually will be bred and some or their offspring sold or traded to zoos. The fund predicts the black rhtnoceroees will be extinct at the end of the decade. Because of An eig ht -p o und black Manuel's project is ambitious "We're talking about two-and - a-half years until we get back any offspring," Mantzel said The black rhino "is the most e nd angered animal on the African continent," she added. "In the 1970s over half the rhmo population was killed. The black "The re are a great many obstacles, pohucally , monetarily and otherwise," h e said. "But unless w e a pproach them we won't know w hether we can overcome them." : ... ~~\ : ~,, .. .• ~ ' By PAT HOROWITZ . Of' the Delly "°' ..... Dangerous toys recalled DEAR READERS: In cooperation with the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Reliance Products Corp.. R.I., announced a volun tary recall of a~proximately 390,000 ",Protecto Hold Me Tite" squeeze toys, Aaaortrnent No. 06233, because of the danger of cho1d ng and/or suffocation. Since 1974 approximately 390,000 of the toys have ~n aold for about $1.97 each. There have been two separate re ports alleging that two infants choked and suffocated when the handle ot the squeeze toy lodged in their throats a nd caused obstruction of the airways. The product is an animal-shaped squeeze toy with a handle and a built-in speaker. Three models are involved: a pink elephant, a yellow bear and an orange lion. The product is packaged and sold under the brand name "PROTECTO" and labeled "Hold Me Tite" amortment number 06233. Stamped on t he squeaker leCtion on the back of the head is "Reliance Products Corporation, Made ·In Taiwan." Algeria luFes world trade ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) -Nearly 1,400 finns from 60 countries are thronging Algeria's 19th .. uai International Trade Fair, aeeking a bigger lbare of the North African oil-and-gas nation's 'N 1 bWlon import market. "With ita developing industrial baae, Algeria is ID the market for almoet everything and it has mone, to spend," one Western trade official uld. Alaeda buya 80 percent of lta impoe\I from the West, Md a tour of the sprawling fair, which runs chrouch Sept. 10, reflects l.ncreued competition European, Japanae and Amerj.can firms for tcade dollar. air it a ahowc.ue of the lat.est torelan &tehnolotD', lncludlna manu(acturtn,1 machinery. ~ and ..,-M:ultura.l equipment, pueenger Cll'lt b9eYy whlcfa, communication.a equipment, holrtbdd appl.l,ancm and office aappllee. rew conuac .. ar• contludtd. That takes --ca.. II not years, of. detailed neeotJatJona with AJteria'• larp, na-...ow~ enterprl'". But ......, bu.lb •an _, patUc1..,.uon-tn ~ I • .... .,odwt11 ~ AJaierian Off.ldab. • •• Consumers should remove these products from use immediately and return them t.o the retailer where purchased for a full refund. Or the toys may be returned to Reliance Products Corp .. l 08 Mason St., P .O . B ox 1220, Woonsocket, R.I .. for a full refund. J Retailers should remove the toys from sale immediately a nd return to Reliance Products Corp. for a full refund. Anyone wishmJ( additional information may contact CPSC's toU-free hotline at (800) 638-8326. Faulty fuse detected DEAR PAT: h there any quick way to tell lf a fli1e bas blown because of an overload or 1bort circuit? I know about trial and error, hat I'd like to know if.the fuse lt1elf gives any due to tbe cause of the troable. E.L., Huntington Beach If the transparent part of the fuse has become dark and muddy it usually means there is a short. If. as usually happens, you can look through the transparent face and see that a strip of metal there is broken, it indicates an overload. Helicopter still m ystery ' DEAR PAT: We llve In a mobile botn'e park on Monrovia ID Costa Mesa. Every day, I ncladlng Sand ay•, a blue and white lrtellcopter files over -always on tbe 1ame c-oane from the north beading due south It always return• tbe same way 4S minutes later and makes three or four trips a day. All of us Jtre curious. Can you find out who owns this helicopter and wby it makes so many trips a day over our homes? F .L., Costa Mesa Sorry, but A YS couldn't identify it either. A Costa Mesa Police Departme nt spokesman says the chopper probably is owned by a business or an individual. It definitely is not the police helicopter. The black and white "copper chopper" is small QJ)d its surveillance trips have no set pattern. Perhaps one of our readers· wtll know the answer to your question . H so, you 'll be contacted. Gasoline, diesel d e fined DEAR PAT: What'• tbe difference between gasoline ud diesel fael? Abo, where can I get information about the locatJoa of ttrvlce 1tatlon1 ln other parts of tbe country that have diesel fuel avaflable? V.G., Costa Mesa Both gasoline and diesel fuel are refined petroleum products, produced from the same barrel of crude oil. Aa the temperature in the refining process is increased , the lighter products such as gasoline are th~ flrst to boil off. The diesel product requires a higher temperature to vapori21e. It is the refore a heavier, less volatile fuel than guoline, and is able ~ help lubricate certain critical areas inside the engine. You can rl"quest a copy of Gulf's Auto Diesel Location Directory by writing to Gulf Auto Diesel Information Center, P.O. Box 1563. Houston. Texas 77001. or for the location of the nearest Gulf Auto Diesel service station, call (800) 323-1710. Allowan ce· not taxable DEAR PAT: I am a clergyman ud part of my salary bas beea designated as a rental allowance or parsonage. Is lt taxable? S.T., Costa Mesa The rental allowance used to provide for your home is not taxable as income. The amount. however. must be included for self. employmern tax purposes. Internal Revenue Service Publication 533, "Self-F..mployment Tax." discusses this procedure and can be ordered by phoning IRS at (800) 242....a585. • "'Got a problem? Then write t.o Pat Horowitz. Pat wW cut red tl!pe, ._ 'l getting the answers and action you need to sol ve inequities in r"1 • governm ent and business. Mail• .. • your questions t.o Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coa.9t Dally Pilot, P.O. Box , 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, but phone inqWries or letters not induding the reader's full name, address and business hourir' phone number .cannot be considered. THE BEST r••••••••••••••••••••··~··••••••-t in readlngenjoymentcomestoyour LLAN'"'BEEK I The Salvation Army • I home 7 days a week In the OR CITY COUNCIL ! THRIFT STORE i .Daily Pilat 642-4321 -.. ·--• • ~----No-11a_o_F __ "'"_.......__.,...,..._-__,! LABOR DAY SALii FORFEITING BUSINESS 0.EARANCE I I av PUBLIC AUCTION i,, 250!. OFF 11WITILIL111n11... i AUTH!NTIC AND HANDMADE •• I /(, I PER~~~NT~~~ND~~!~11'-Y05 I ALL STORES SEPT. 1-4 I • AuctlOf'.'Mr Tony Magneml haa bMn commlsaloned to I New lroolc Grove St•• Only I ll~ulcfate all Inventory. I Sale Continue• Sept. 6 I R~ardle11 of retell pr cea, no reaaonable t1artlng bl~ refuHc:I 9166 Garden Grove Blvd.-3 lllti. W. of •oolchunt I TUESDAY, AUG. 31st -8 P.M. I Senior citizen dkcountt avolloW.. with cord'on all Items I MARRIOTT HOTEL -NEWPORT BEACH I I • to0 NIWPOIT CINTM o•. •ASHK>H ISLAND I 0 'LIU,_ WUTlllllTD 1 ,_ -c..fl a a..._....,,...., 1.0. Prmew 7 P.M. I llTI IESI _. I IULlll I ....,..,._. DON'T MISS THI W01 ta1CnON °' 1 11H ...., ... Yll 1111 ... l•llltef ..... I , ..... , .... -AHTIOUI tu01 °' ALL 11m • I _______________________________ .. , "--------------------·----------.. • . _, ... Orange 00111 DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augu1t 30. 1982 s• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-- PLO victory ·signs no surprise to Israelis ON WAY OUT -Trucks laden with Palestine Liberation Organization soldiers wound way out of Beirut for the start of * * AP Wlt9Pflolo a 65-milc journey to Damascus, capital of Syria. Syrian c.'Ommanders directed the land evacuation last week. * * JERUSALEM (AP) IAraellfc were not 1urpr1Sl'd by tht.> 1pectudc of tht• Paluunurn fight.ere Cla.shinai "V" for victory slgnB WI they leave Beirut, "'1ylnH they expc{'ted the PLO to fashion triumph out o f what larael conaJders total surrender The P alest i n e Liberation Organization says it won the wa1 in Lebanon by stalling for 78 days an l!\raeU drive to annihilaw them, longer than any other Arab force ln previous Middle East wars. They ~1110 claim tu have won supporters to their cause of reclaiming a Pall'Stinian homeland from the Jewish 'stale Israelis shrug off the victory claims as face-saving attempts by discredited PLO leaders . The Israelis say they didn't invade Beirut's PLO strongholds because of U.S. pressure and a desi re to avoid needless casualties. Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, architect of the June 6 invasion of Lebanon, says 1t was o nly because of the Israeli bombings that the PLO agreed to leave. He said in New York City, "we would have arrived at this stage of expulsion much earlier" had it not bee n tor American pressure. Sharon calla tht' IA'bi.uwtc: wur u "c-nahlng defeat" for tht• PLO. "rruhtartly und Lo a grl•at C!Xtcnt pohucally." llirael auffored 3:14 11old1t•1 :i killed and 2.100 woun.ded , u 1h·vast1.1t1ng blow for th111 tiny country of 4 m11J1on people and 1t.ll civilian anny. Sharon SLJys t he dispersal of the• PLO among Arab countrll•i; vlrt1.rnlly eliminat~d It as a I mili tary threat and cut off th~ "snake's head" of 1ntcrnauon lerronsm. - "We• were cxpec·ting the PLO to daim vi<:tory and we planned__) for 1t," said Mosh e Ye gaqM ass1swnt director-general of the J. l Foreign . Ministry in charge o~.A 1nformauon __ Vegar told The Associated Press that worldwide televisio~ coverage of the PLO victory: pan.ides out of Beirut were hard to counter. "We can't stop the from waving their fingers m V - for-victory signs, but the main> point 1s that they are leaving," he iod said :olE; A brief background paperhri prt'pared by Yegar's departmentfX"'l and d1Slributed to reporters andn° embassies said Israeli pressure or(>m ' the PLO in Beirut "led to thtP""" collapse or the PLO forces :· 11ti I I>, Hussein I aces thorny .issue • in aftermath • AMMAN, Jordan (AP) -The war in Lebanon leaves Jordan's Kirig Hussein where he's been for much of his 30-year rule, performing a delicate high-wire act over the turbulent Middle F.ast. On one hand. he fac.-es increa- sed pressure from Jordan's Pa- lestinian majority -72 percent of its two-million-plus population -for action to recover land lost to Israel. "U no solution to the PaJest.1- hian problem is reached soon, something dreadful will happen," says Maher lrsheid, a Palesti nian who lives here and on a farm in the West .Bank. On the other, there is the les- son of Lebanon -allowing guerrillas to operate from Jordan , could open Hussein's country to Israeli reprisals. "The government is well aware of these dangers and wiU try its best to· be iron-handed," said Ahmed Eytoum, Director General of Pr ess and Information Technically, Jordan is not one of the Arab countries providing new homes for Palestinian guer- rillas from Beirut. The 1,300 members of the Palestine Liber- ation Army whose arrival here was completed over the weekend were already based in Jordan. They are part of the Badr for- ce, one of four brigades whith make up the PLA, the military arm of the Palestine Liberation Or~anization. The others are the Hit.tin soldiers bcised in Syria, the Egypt-commanded Ain Jallout brigad~ and the Iraq-based sol- diers of the Qadiseyeh brigade. Since September 1970 when Hussein's Bedouin arr~ crushed guerrilla forces in Jordan at a cost of 20,000 lives, Palestinians have been forbidden to attack Israel from Jordanian soil. The PLA fighters are consid- ered to be part of the regular army. They live at a Jordanian army camp and are under the l'Ontrol of J ordanian authonties. "We have re,ected the princi- ple of setting up guerrilla orga- nizations in Jordan," Eytoum said. "The PLA members are under our control, and they work for the interests of Jordan." ... ·The PLA unit was set up in 1974, and since t~n. Lnere ap •• pe,!lr to have been no problems. "Everybody knows the limits," observes Mahmoud Sherif, editor of the Amman Arabic daily Ad- Dust.our. "It cannot be otherwise September 1970 is a sad memory in the n\inds of Jordanians." But th~ June 6 Israeli invasion of Lebanon presented a chal- lenge to the delicate agreement.• Hussein's response was to per- mit the PLA unit to go to Beirut and to provide m1lttary hard- ware. It was not as strong a step as some here nught have wished, but it was more than the Pa- lestinians go from some o ther Arab governments. Arab reticence to help the PLO is a potentia.lly explosive issue. "Lebanon expe>sW the failures of the regimes," said one Arab diplomat who asked not to be identified. "Their inat·tion will strengthen the radicals. Every Arab state will be called to ac- count. T hey will pay for their inaction sooner or later . Don't think that the Cf9lm you art.' seeing now will last." The calm that prevails in Jor- dan is almost uruversaUy attri- buted here to the leadership of Hussein, 46, who celebrated the 30th anniversary of his accession to the throne Aug. 11. The British-educated monarch inherited a fractious kingdom, weakened by blood feuds and tribal rivalries. In the early years of his reign he survived nume rous assassina- tion attempts -shootings, born-. bings and even acid piaced in his nose drops -and several coup attempts attributed to followers of then-Egyptian President Ga- ma! Abdel Nasser, an arch-rival. IL.______llF ni ,.. T I G ff T L I N E -K i n g ,qqi: Hussein of J o rdan has a TiAJ- diplomatic job a head o f himM with a large population of t ..; Palestinians in his country-uul clamoring for a homeland. • rl11 IJn~-! Army cutS women's roles, enlistments '(}(Y, I O<ll1 d i1~\· HJlr ' U.S. p redicts fem ales will s till play an importan t p art in mili tar y ~ .nor IJ'~o NO SCR EECHES -Shigeji Kawai of Kanazawa City, Japan, demonstrates a h omemade violin designed not to bother nearby music critics during practice sessions. The instrument he says, delivers a violin sound at a volume unlikely to disturb others. He has no plans to marke t the violin immediately. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Army IS promising that women will play an increasing role m its ranks. even though it has lowered the goals for female enlistment and barred them from 23 more .)Ob categories. The changes result from a l 112-year study of women an the New policy t o l ead t o l ower attrition? Army that started after the number of female enhstees rose ... steeply m the late 1970s and field commanders began complaining that combat readiness was being hurt. Under guidelines announced late last week, women will be excluded from 61 of the Army's 3;37 occupellonal specialities, compared to only 38 categories currently Certain JObs are closed to Real Mickey Mollse operation Distributing Disn ey sou venirs b ig business CASSELBERRY. Fla. (AP) - The big black cat patrolling the two-story warehouse is in charge of keeping out every mouse but one: Mickey. Mickey Mouae ls everywhere in Lou Bauerle'a storage depot. Mickey's face is on drinking mugs, spoons, inflatable toys. puz.des, pencill, 1queaky dolls, postcard.a •. games and pennants. Other Disney characters, In- duding Pluto, Donald Duck and Jiminy Cricket, also adorn all kinda of products. The warehouae, a distributor of Florida eouveninl and carnival parap hernalia, supplies Wah Dlaney-ln1plred toy• to gift 1tore1, motel lobbies, druptores and novelty 1hops. Beuerle la a middleman who funnels fOOda from the 11COres of manu.facturers of Oiaocy-1.lcenltd product.I fo \he retail out.leta. "We're heavy Into Mickey Mouse stuff because o f our locale.'' Bauerle says. BuCM1ckey Mouse is big busi- ness au over. "Anything Disney can put their name on, they'll put their name on," says Dave Uavls, a part-owner of Davie Distributors Inc. "For everything that Disney has, they've got a company that makes it.'' Walt Disney Productions 11- cenaes manufacturers to produce 165 differe nt items with lta characters, stories and ~ng;. The company's character- merchandistng department gros-' led $30.56 million in 1981 , accor- ding to Disney's annual report. Manufacturers u1ually apply to Disney Productions for one- year licenses to produce trade- mark l~ma. says Tom DeStuio, Dtlney manaser of Ucenain1 for the East.em Uol\ed States. Disney conducts a thorough investigation of the applicant- com pan y a nd the proposed product before granting produc- tion rights. The manufacturer ships the items directly to dis- tributors s u c h as Davis and Bauerle. Distributors mark up prices 25 percent. and retailers double or quadruple th06e, Davis says. "You can't work on a 10 per- cent markup. You can't drive the truck up the street on that.'' he says. ' Florida's Disney World and Disneyland In Anaheim, Calif. also enter Into agreements wtth manufacturers to produce prod- ucts told exclusively at the theme parks. •'We try to keep a fairly sizable number of Items here that aren't avallable anywhere else," says Disney World apokesm&n Charles Ridgway. One Orlando company, Park Print, producet1 nothing but T- 1hlrta with the Dlaney logo told excluaively at Ot.ney World. women because the Army says they could lead to combat, thus violating the long-standing Army policy barring women from comt>at. In addition, the Army saJd 1t plans to limit the number of enlisted women LO 70,000 or 10.5 percent of the total force, by 1987. Currently, there are 65,000 enlisted women, or 9.3 percent. · Since the study began, the enlistment ceiling has been set at 65,000. The new limit -70,000 -is less than the Ca rte r administration's ceiling or 87,000 . women by 1986. Lawrence K orb. assistant secr etary of derense for manpower. said none of the 1,400 women now in the 23 .)Obs that will be added to the oH-limits ~isl will be forced to leave their speciaHtJes. And he predicted that as a result of the changes, women "wiU play an increasing role" in the future Army. Among other ihings, he said the new policies will likely lead to lower attrit1on among women. w h o had been quitting at a rate about 14 percent higher than that of men. Maria Elena Torralva, who c hairs a Defense Advisor y Committee on Women in the Services, agreed that the "role of women will be increased." "The message we got from the Army (during a briefing about the study) is that no woman would be denied a job that she 1s Occ up at i o n s o p e n t o expande d. wom e n capable of performing, aside from the combat exclusion rule," she said in a telephone interview from her office in San Antonio, Texas. The stud y, which will be released in final form next month, began after the influx of women into the service several years ago. Throughout most of the 1970s, there were only about 12,000 enlisted w omen in the Army, with most of t h em Yti l'Onfan«'d to nursing and clencaJi1ti 1 JO~ ~~ But 1n 1977 , the Carter':. administration greatly expande<hm the number of occupations open be>_ to women because of fears that not enough men would e nlist ID--· the all-volunteer army. ;: Increasingly, more women ;: were se nt into the fi eld , :: prompting complaints from some : : field oommanders. : : F o r examp l e. some~ commander s sa id femal~ stretcher bearers were weake than men and thus less able lift the stre tchers above the i""- shoulders, said Brig. Gen. Ronald ·~ W. Zellman, who headed the ~: review :: .. •• . ' . ' 1 • Zeltman's group divided Army jobs into five different classes depending on physical demands. One finding showed that 64 percent of the enlisted jobs fell in the most strenuous category, or very heavy. in which more than 100 pounds must sometimes be lifted and 50 pounds must frequently be hoisted. Of the enlisted women, 42 percent are in that category, he said. •' . ' . : . ' . ' . , : ' ,. ·J ~i ll t: •• 4 -· Good meals. ,. d \: 4 • •• Ii -----~ 5.n&._ l$J.'llft1H11aL~ Miil I t77Dll1 I .. 7=' ~~ Good ror two pttc" of Juicy, &Oldtn I Good for nipt pieces of }ulcy, 1olden I RedHm this coupon for • Carry Peck g brown Ktntuc•y Fried Chlcktn, plus 1 1 brown Kentucky Frltd Chlcqn, with I loadtd with tlft1t11 pieces of Juicy, ,, I G.I slntl• serttnc of Kentucky Frlu. four rolls, 1 ltrp col• altw, • l«I• 1olden brown Kentucky Fried CtlftUll. ~ limit two offtn Pf' pvrtllttt. COllPOll '* mt$hed ,otetoet end • mtdlum lfl'IY· Llllllt twt off•u ,., ,_,..,. •• °"'°" '* Ollly IOf tOlftlll111tl011 wllltt /datk onltre. I llllllt two offtft"' pvrtllttt. c~ .... I 1111J '°' c ............. wlllt•/dl,. .,.,, ~w ClltlOlfttr PIY• Ill •1>11llealllt .. ,.. .... Ollly '°' ClldlllltlOll wtlll1/dtf'll lfdtu. • C11•t-,.,. •II •llealll• .. ltt ta•. lll1:dJ Offer explrH September 12, 1982 I C•tttllltf ""' 111 •11ca1t ""'tat. I Offer uplru Stptembtr 12, 1982 mo-- l'rleM "''' "" 11111111cl111tlll11ocallt111. Oller expires Stptembtr 12, 1982 '''c" 11117 wrr 11 ,.111clpatln1 lotttloftl. • tllCI CtvPM '* onlJ 111 lout111m 1 Mc• NJ .,.,, 1t pt ttlct11tt1n1 ttettlOllt. I Cell• ttod °"" ltl 1t111M111 C.lllOl'lll• I C.ltfo111l1 wl!ertrt!llttttl1-· C011POft -111'1 hi lov"''"' CtlH0111l1 wtltrt 1"''" tllt MlllMnll• -L tf Ult 'f09.I ..nill• ... 1 tf tllt "-tllCllJ ~.,0 1tll ... t11t """'"""'' t•I ot 111_. K4f!lllCQ tried ClllC-..i AIMcltllell. '"'! Q;lllclt;ft AtMclttlOll, • llCMt.cllJ rri.t Cllklltll -.1111111. • • tllO'> -----COUPON ------~ntu~ l'ried· ~- it , ". Orange Ooa1t DAIL V PILOT /Monday, Augu1t 30, t882 Since its formation an 1968,' the remarkable orga nization known as Up With P eople has entertained more than seve n million people in 47 countries. spreading its upbeat messag<' with u a n c es a n d s o·n gs i n m a n y languages. Its youthful members -lht· age range is 18 to about 26 - almost all start out with little or no professional experience. but with a load of the required e nergy and enthusiasm. The sort of dedication that enables them, for example. to learn 30 n ew songs, including several in foreign languages, in less than a month. That was the accomplishment &f.-lthe 130 members of the Up With People group that will bring an end-of-summer gift to our area this coming holiday weekend. In a program co-sprinsored by Orange Coast College and the Daily Pilot, the visiting troupe will perform at 8 p.m. Sept. 5 and 6 in q1e college auditorium. '· Sale of tickets -$7 in advance and $8 at the door -will help provide scholarships for cast members wno arecn6sen from the 8,000 from around -~he world wpo apply for membership in the non- profit organization each year. But they still have to pay much of the $5,000 co st for tuition, travC'l expenses, food \lnd lodging on their treks around the globe. Those chosen, about 500 in all, are divided into traveling .troupes o f 100 or more a nd traine d to present the ir m essage of good cheer in skillfully poijshed shows. In order to redu~e expenses and learn about the cities they visit, cast members usually stay with local families. Right now, the company is seeking 60 more families in our area to provide a bed. breakfast and transportation to and from rehearsals from Sept. 2 to 7. This is a chance to get to k now s·o me ta I e n t e d a ti d interesting young people. Call 556-5880 if you could providt! lodging for any of the group. In an y case, don't miss this rare chance to see Up With People in ac tion next Sunday and Monday. And if you're sufficiently inspired to apply for membership, just stay on and talk to cast members after the show. It could le ad to the expe rience of a lifetime. Taiwan balancing act President Re~gan has shown again that ~ has his pragmatic moments. by approving an agreement with China governing arm$ sales to Taiwan. The accord clearly recognizes the importance of cordial r e lations with the mainland gove rnme nt to o ur strategic interests in east Asia. The Taiwan issue long has been an irritant to -U .S .-China relations, and the arms sales agreement -although not entirely satisfactory to either party -at least will forestall deterioration of relations, which would have serious consequ ences for U.S . efforts to keep the Soviet Union in check . The agreement stipula tes that the U.S . gradually will scale down arms aid to Taiwan, keeping sales at a level equal to or below that delivered over the last several years in both quantity and quality, "leading over a period of time to a final resolution.'' China had demanded a specific cutoff date, but Reagan refused. For its part, Peking reiterated a commitment to seek "peaceful reunification" of the island with the mainland. The arms agreement. made possible by vague wording open to wide ranges of interpretation, was the latest maneuver in a balancing act the U.S . has maintained in its China polic y since President Ric hard Nixon 's hist o ri c breakthrough journey to Peking in 1972. Des pite the n·e w e ra of goodwill, China has adamantly insisted all along that Taiwan is a province of China, and that U.S. sales of arms to what P e king r egards as a renegade regime i ntrude s upon Chinese sovereignty. (Th e Taiwan government is the remnant of the Nationalist government defeated by Mao Tse-lung's communists in the 1940s civil war.) Since Nixon's trip, the U.S . has been between a rock a nd a hard place largely of its own making. Good relations with the mainland regime play a key role in U.S . efforts to forestall expansion of Soviet influence fn east Asia. At the same time, American officials have been hesitant to take any action that would s mac k of "selling out'' Taiwan, which W ash ington unrealistically recognized a s China's sole government for nearly three d ecades. The arms accord allows the balancing a c t to continue . Conservatives, predictably, howled that agreeing to cut off sales was a violation of the Taiwan Re lations Act of 1979, which defined U .S . relations with the island regime after Preside nt Jimmy Carter normalized relations with Peking that year. The law commits the U .S . to provide Taiwan with adequate weapons to mai·ntain a c redible defense deterrent. The agreement's vagueness gives the U.S . considerable leeway in arms sales, and we don't agree that it violates t he 1979 law. Whether the Taiwanese will ever need to use their defenses to fight a mainland invasion is pure speculation. For Peking to attempt reunification by force would mean a costly, bloody operation burdened with outdated military equipment. U.S . sanctions of some sort would almost be a certainty. \V\th scores of Soviet divisions breathing down their necks, the Chinese don't need to incur the wrath of the U.S. The legendary patience of the Chinese also may come in to play. The late Premiere Chou En-lai said a century may pass before the Taiwan issue is resolved. Last year, Peking put forth a reunification proposal that would allow the Taiwanese to maintain their social and economic system after joining China, and even keep their armed forces. Taiwan rejected the olive bran ch as a "trick." For now, the Straits of Formosa a re peacef u I and probably will remain so for the foreseeable future. The crucial accomplishment of the arms sales agreement is that the U.S . has acted pragmatically to maintain its interests in east Asia. Mutilati on b y muffin Comes now Edna Smiler of !Farmington Hills, Mich., who ,Seeks relief from the courts because she bit into a muffin which she alleges contained part of a blueberry bush. i Edna alleges that the chip off the bush mutilated the inside of )ler mouth to the tune of $50,000. :At least that's what she wants ln the form of balm. 1 In reporting her lawsui t • against the doughnut shop that sold her the of fending baked good, news dispatches out of Farmington never did make it clear if the muffin allegedly containing part of a blueberry bush was supposed to be a blueberry muffin. If It was supposed to have been a pineapple muffin, you might figure Edna would have a stronger case. tnl-••pressed In the space abov• are those of the Dally Piiot. Otner views ex· on th'' ~e are those of their authors and artists. Reade" comment Is lnvlt· • Addreta The Dally Piiot, P.O. BolC IS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) -41Zt. • ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ' ·I . . . Thentcu '·Holey ,llbl.,..., ThotncK A. M.,,.hln• Ed11or Mine Amari E·~"'· fd1JOI ...... ~ (P•!Orrol ,. fcfllot "*'-~" ~(O.tcw , • •• Wh\lts on'? America's 'voice' drowned WASHINGTON -President Reaga_n hai.; announced plans to moder,nize the "old and ~et.eriorating" equipment with which the Voice of America beams news and comme ntary to much of the world. particularly to countries in the Soviet orbit. The upgrnd ing is n ecessar y to overcome Soviet jamiving o f VOA broadcasts, which are often the only source of ob.XX-tive information in thoiw !antis. THE WHITE HOUSE declined to reveal how much this modernization program will cost. But my associate Indy Badhwar has se<:•n an internal briefing paper prepared for the president, giving details of the proposed expenditures The confidential document, sent to the White Ho u se by the Interna tional Co-mmun-ieatio·n Age-Rey. p-uts the situation in stark terms: Unless VOA gets about $300 million for construction and land acquisition: it will be a bush-league operation compared to Radio Moscow's high-powered propaganda operations. Quoting from an eyes-only memo from ICA Director Charles Wick to White House aides Ed Meese and James Baker, the briefing paper st.ates: "Without assurances that VOA will !:>t- able to operate with state -of-the-art equipment from sites in Germany. the United K ingdo m , Morocco and Sri Lanka. we will no longer be a principal competitor in the international broadcast business. a field already domi11aled by the Sovit-t Umon." The Soviets now h ave at least ·:rn 500-kilowatt transmitters on the air, the paper explains. "In addition to beaming their broadcasts wherever they please, their power is beginning to crowd G. -JA-Cl-AN-D-ER-SD-1 -~ weaker signals such as our own from nearby facilities," the document warns. The $300 million is designed prim~rily to improve the quality of VOA 's reception in Eastern Europe, Soviet CeRtral Asia, the Middle East, Af.rica and Lalin America. It wouJd also allow an increase in broaac:asting hours and in the number of languages in which VOA transm1 ts 1 ts programs. The ICA briefing pape r lays out :several suggestions for overcoming "critical gaps in our coverage" around the world. Here are some of them: -VOA is negotiating for a site on Grand Cayman Island in the Caribbean. from which it t'Ould send medium-wave broadcasts to Central America. -Negotiations are also under way for transmitter sites in Sri Lanka, from which VOA broadcasts could reach all of China. largl· pa(ts o f southern and western Asa& 11nd Soviet ~tr-,d Asia. The n•lay sta tion in Tangier would be upg raded by the installation of 10 500-kw and three 250-kw transmitt~rs, antennas and a power plant, at a cost of $150 million, Tangier beams to Eastern Russia. th<" CauC'asus. the Persian Gulf area and central Africa. -T he Munich relay station would get eight 500 -kw transmitters with antennas, at a C'ost of $45 million. The· present equipment, "manufactured before World War II, operates with vacuum tubes," the briefing paper notes, adding with undc•rstatemcnt: "It is no longer reliable" THE PROPOSED modernization of the Munieh facility "would assure (VOA of a strong signal as far as Soviet cin tral Asi-a and Wes t enl Siberia in the U.S .S.R.; it would reach Pakistan and Afghanistan. to which Pushtu language broadcasts will soon be initiated. and Lran in Southwest Asia, the entire Saudi peninsula induding Oman and the two Yemens. a nd the strategic Horn of Africa." Negotiations with West Germany ma~ be tricky. the document warns, because the proposal would involve allocation of new frequencies in an already crowded broadcast band. and would also draw fire from le ftists. But the briefing paper concludes that "Bonn's response would probably be positive." More coininercials could kill TV Sometimes it's hard to know whose side justice is on . The Justice Department has just filed a petition with a federal judge i n Washington demanding that television stations stop agreeing among themselves to limit the number of minutes of commercials they will sell in a program. The Justice Department says that b y limiting commercial time, the television networks and stations are driving up the price of what they c an c h arge advertisers. COMME RCIAL TIME doesn't seem very limited lo those. of us who watch television, and the television networks have done little enough for us, but limiting commercial time is one of the things they have done. The rules established by the National Association of Broadcasters say that a network should only sell six minutes of advertising In one .hour of prime time. They can sell 12 minutes in other time periods. In other words, except for three evening hours. they can use 12 minutes of advertising an hour. If the networks limit theselves lo six minutes of commercials an hour in the evening, why. you might logically ask, is the broadcast called "60 Minutes" only actually about 50 minutes long? Good question and I'm glad you asked it. "60 Minutes" is only 50 minutes long because another NAB rule is that the networks are allowed a total of 10 minutes of what they call "non·program material'' in an hour. They can use six minutes of advertising and four minutes of something they don't call advertising even though most of us would. The other four minutes might be taken up by announcements by local stations and by network promotional material telling '~~' -AND-Y-ROD-Nl-Y -~, you how great the shows are you're going to see later in the evening or later in the week. It's all selling, but for some reasol'\ the NAB doesn't call it commercial. If you think there are more commercials than movie when you're watching a late movie on TV, that's because it's non-prime time and in non- prime time. television stations allow themselves 16 minutes of non-program material in every hour. So, I don't know what tht!' Justice Department is up to. It seems to me there are a lot more unjust things around for them to worry about than removing a voluntary limit on television commercials. President Reagan wants fewer government regulations, but not allowing television stations to voluntarily regulate themselves seems Food was te staggering ' 'flJ!nas l Learned En Route to Look.ins Up Other Things: -That ·the United. Slates throws away or otherwise wast.es enough food each year to feed an extra 50 million ~pie -almost the total population of ance. . . -That the biblical Iaraelitea held ao tenaciously to observance of the Sabbath ~ IYlllY IDlil "> that the Romana found them!elve• compelled to t'Xfl'\Pt them from mtllt.arY aervlco. (Tl)e rulea of the Scrlbea eoumented 39 main kinda of work forbtdden.) -'nlat tn .11 Salvador the recocniled eeMOna are tho ''Wef' and the •'dry'' - the wet fJ'Of1\ May_ to Octobe1-beinc confusedly called "winter." and the dry from November to April is called "summer." -That Cardinal Richelieu came lo court ln ·1617 with an income of 25.000 livres from his ecclesiastical benefices; ln later years. it ex~ed 3 million livres. (Like all statesmen of hit Ume, he made money out of polltlc1, commln1Ung public and private funda.) -That the Faust lepnc1, IO popUlu in Uterat~ and opera. la bued on a real pcrt0n, Dr. Johann FaUlt, a maaldan and astrologer who Uourlahed In W~bers fn ,the early 16th amt\.lry, and who lnapin!d musical compoelUOnl by Wagner, Gounod, Berlioz, Spohr. Soito and Busonl. -Ttu.t one of Qeorp Waahlnlton'• rare propoull to be tUrMd down by C o n 1 r e a a l n l 7 9 0 w • 1 "'h I a reeomm~ndallon that we ettabU.h a 1'natJanal university'' on the order of the French Sorbonne, with uniform requirtmenta for all pu1a of tlw country. like a fonn of regulation Itself. It's as if the Justice Department were inviting television to commit suicide. The n e twork executives haven't comrnent.eQ on,all this yet, but if I know the networks, they're going to find it difficult to deny themselves this oppo_!"twtlty to... make roore...money for...a. _ _ while. Without restrictions, how many commercials do you think they'll put in? Twenty minutes in each hour instead of the 16 they have now? How about dividing up the time equally? That would make television shows half commercials and half entertainment. They could rename "60 Minutes" and call it "Half an Hour." IT WILL KD...L commercial television if they put in more commercials. It may be a slow death, but it will die, because most of us are already very near the limit of our tolerance for commercials. I can't watch .Johnny Canon or a late movie because there are simply too many interruptions. They take too much time for what I get from the entertainment portion of the show. With no limit on oommerdals. it's going to make it eaaier on aome people. Television write.rs, for example, won't have so muc.h time to fill. There will be fewer affairs on the soap operas and fewer intrigues on 'Dallas." It could also drastically alter sporu coverage. I can imagine that the rules for boxing will be changed. Instead of rounds of three minutes each with one minute between rounds, television will broadcast fights in which the rounds only last one minute. The commercial breaks between rounds , will be three minutes. Foott.11 will add a four-, six-, eight-10-and 12-mlnute warning to the two-minute warning I they already use for commercials. U 1 were a newspaper or ~uine publisher, I'd be hoping the Justice Department wlna th1a attempt t.o lift restticttona on c:ommerdala permanently. Nothing'• going to kill commerotat I televildon quicker. I I l ------1 In aNwer to the ~uea\Jon, "'What ti 'JN do&na to~rica?' ~~ ........ ==---......... = ... --~ ........ .,............ .. ,_..,. -·· ... ...., ..... I Orange Coa1I DAILY PILOT /Monday, Augu1t 30, 1G82 A7 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE a workaholic on· life with Lesson --· , By PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna Beach "I think you'd do bettel a round here if you showed a bit more cehfidence.'' DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your •n •wor to ''Unfulfilled Behind the Facade on Ftfth Avenue" was excellent. T he lady of the Fortune ~00 complained bluerly about her d rlvon , money-mad, statuM-conscious hu11band and lli '1ed off with a lament about not havtng married a profet10r. In ease she geUI another chance, I'd like to tell her what it's like. I am married to a profemor. He Is also a wor kaholic. His only tripa are to meetings with colleagues. Sometimes the coUege pays hl11 way. Wives are not Included. We cann.ot afford to go along, so we stay at home. My h usband has no hobbles. He conalstenUy puts In 12-hour days. seven days a week, teaching classes, attending department a nd college committee meetingJ. preparing exams and lectu res, reading term papers, adv1sing students, w riting articles and doing research m the library. • If a student calls during dinner (which happens four nigh ts a week), he must go to the front hall. We can afford only one telephone and that's w here it is. We live in a modest home. I made all the curtains, bedspreads and slip covers. I also make my own clothes and those of my daughter . We entertain a lot -if having graduate students in for hot dogs and Girl Scouts for punch and cookies can l.Je called entertaining. We talk a great deal about money -mostly how to make it last until the end of the month. Being a professor's wife is all it's cracked u p to ~. ond le88. I'll 1lgn this -BROKE AT T HE BOTI'OM DEAR BROKE: W~ere dti you aet tbe Idea you are at 1'e boctom? You're preUy clo.e to tbe top lf on«i coa1ldert preat11e lmportaot, ••d many people do. WbJle life la academia baa 1ome tboras among tbe r o1e1, H't ln11Dltely bealtbler &ban the black-tie, ulcer-mJaralat aet. DEAR ANN LANDERS: In response to "YoungJtown Mother," my 1tory has a 'ditferenl twist that might make her see that ahe Is not guilty. She asked, "Would kida stop t.ak.lng drup if they could feel the pain that we, their parents, feel?" I have been feeling pa.in and guilt for three years, but not becauae m y child took dope. 1 did. My best friend told me about some "great stuff" that would make me fftl terrific and at the same time remain alert, attentive and In control of my senses. It sounded fantastic. I was 21 years old and had a 4-year-<>ld daughter w ho kepl me homebound day and night. I was going nuts. The "great stuff," I decided, would be an ideal way to escape. The capsules contained PCP and LSD. 1 was totally out of m y mind for almost 36 hours. Thanks to the Good Lord and a loving husband, I did not harm my daugh ter and recovered from a wild, crazy, mind-blowing trip. Needless to say, my so-called beat friend is no longer around, and I don't miss her one bit. My humckum life looks prettier and prettier. 1 bope a little of the gulJt stays with me as a reminder or how fortunate I am. -FOUR-LEAF CLOVER IN ti AM MONO. DE AR CLOVER: PCP and LSD could have 1crambled your bra ins perma nently. Tbe r eal problem witb street drug• 11 that tbey are often laced with indeterminable ingredients. The dealer cooldD't care le11 if wbat be sells mlgbt cal11e a few dozen people to end up In tbe morce. He's Interested only In m oney to 1upport HIS ablt. Don't flunk your t'hemistry test. Love is more than one set of glands calling to another. If you have trouble making a distinct.ion you need Ann's booklet, "Love or Sex and How co Tell the Difference." Send a long, self-addressed, st.amped envelope with your request and 50 cents to Ann Landers, P 0 Box 11995, Chicago, Ill. 6061 1 Heart attacks vary POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Taesday, Aagust 31 ARIES (March 21 -Aprn 19): Circumstances take sudden tum in your favor; terms are defined in manner which strengthens your position. Wish comes true, domestic harmony is restored. . TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Focus on career, ambition, prestige and standing in community. Recent mistake will be corrected and your views will be vindicated. Superior does plan to make room for you despite initial misgivings. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Lon g-range ptojects come into shar p, clear focus. Fund ing becomes a"'ailable, special com municat&i.mo are received which encourage and inspire. CANCER (June 21-July 22): What seemed a lost cause w ill be revived. Family member reveals hidden nest egg. Money wiJI come from surprise source. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Welcome new contacts, strive for greater independence and get to heart of matters. Focus on legalities, publicity and clash of ideas. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Follow through on hunch -you'l1 rise above petty politics and establish your own policies Check for rights. permissions. What you possess is more valuable t han _originally anticipated UBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): Display versatihly, highlight creauvity and shake off any tendency to brood 'bout what might have been. Imprint style. state Views. stress excitement of discovery. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Be willing to tear down for. 4ltimate purpose of rebuilding on a more suitable structure. Emphasis on property, safety, secu rity and long-range projects. You could make a profitable deal. Another Scorpio plays key .role. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ): Ask questions, m a ke inquiries; give full rein to intellectual curiosity. Focus on short trips, visits, messages, requests from relatives in transit. It will be necessary to analyze, to piece together bits of information, in order to come up with complete story. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You'll have reason to cetebrate. Lost article is recovered, debt is collected and financial picture becomes considerably brighter. Family member talks about purchase of luxury it~m. Be receptive, but remember recent budget reaolutions. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Techniques will be perfected, procedures will be streamlined. Moon position highlights initiative, confidence, vitality and ability to be at right place al crucial moment. Pi.sees, Virgo persons figure prominently. DE AR DR. STEINCROHN: My ha1band's doct9r Is, I think, altra-conaervatlve. After my hu s band'• heart attack, whi c h was an uncomplJcated affair, tbe doctor ke pt bJm In tbe hospital for tbree weeks. Tben, on coming ltome, be advised him to 1tay away from work for at leas t tbree month1. I know all attaclla aren't the same, but con•ider what a doctor advised lala clotest friend afte r bl1 beart attack. Be wa1 ill tbe botpltal for only 10 day1. He wa1 allowed ap and aroud wblle convalescing at home. And back to office work within a month. How long do yoa believe a patient s hould be Incapacitated after an attack? -MRS. E. T . JOUI HfAlTH DR. PETER J . STEINCAOHN DEAR M RS. E.: As you say, it all depends upon the nature of the attack -all aren 't the same. Neither are all patient&. And to· carry it further. neither are all doctors. Their treatment varies according to their experience. l believe a moderate course of treatmen t is best. Not discharging the coronary-attack patient too early nor too late. Treatment will depend upon the severity of the attack. According to a recent report put out by the AMA News Release of a study of patients with uncomplicated heart attacks (Archives of Internal Medicine). "Two weeks of hospitalization ls just as safe u three week.a~-for uncomplicated attacks. Harvard Medical School researchers could find no difference between the two groups with respect ' to survival, heart disease-releated deaths, frequency or severity of anginal pains, use of medication and subsequent heart attacks. Punch Here's an important point, Mrs. E. Does your h U!lband smoke? Pat.ienta w ho were smokers a t the time of t heir heart attack , a nd w ho stopped smoking af terward, had a significantly higher survival rate lh;an patJents who continued to smoke. DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I 've bad a daodenal alcer for yean. For U1e pa1t two years, I 've beee qalte ·comfortable wblle taking clmetidille tablets to control tbe pains. Lately, I've noticed tllat takiDg u extra drlDk of wine at dlaner make1 me feel actaaUJ druk. Wlly am I aaddenly anable to ltold my ll•aor? -MR. F. DEAR MR. F .: Take it up with your doctor - perhaps you shouldn't be drinking at all. A recent study ·has shown that aome patien13 on ~dine can't take liquor because t.he drug causes higher concentrations of alcohol which makes them feel more intoxicated. DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: My father ls 81 and quite depreued. He refutes to take medication. Oar •.cter H)'t tile dlfferentlal diapo1l1 ls not ea1y. Sometimes depression tllat 11 temporary and actual senile dementia mimic each other. MeaawMJe, wbat do to? -MRS. U. DEAR M RS. U.: One way to help make the diagnosis is with a trial COW'9E! of antidepressant' medication. So, you'll have to rind 90me way to convince your father to take his medicine. If his trouble is dementia, he will not respond to the treatment. However , if the problem is depression, it's likely he will lmprove within a few weeks after taking t he antidepresaant.s, Dr. S tem croh n welcomes questions from readers. He c.annot answer all individuaJJy but will indude those of general intere1t in h is oolumn. Send your questions to him in care of the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, O.ta Mesa, Calif. 92626. -- flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END Honeyilloon enduring Honeymoons in this country just aren't the same as they used to be. Some couples take their honeymoon weeks, months and even years after being married. NOT ONLY HA VE honeymooners changed, so have their reasons for taking a honeymoon. Newlyweds in the '30s, '40s, and '50s used a honeymoon as a ritual apart from-family and friends to get to know one another Traditionally, they did thlS at Niagara Falls on a Monday morning watching water drop 182 feet. On Tuesday. they went to the Canadian side and watched water drop 173 feet. On Wednesday, they would board a small boat and cruise within a couple of miles of the wa'ter dropping 182 feet. On T hursday, they would soar over the falls in a small plane. The ultimate test, as it appeared to me, was to see if the bride was still a ttractive to her husband who was seeing her for the first time with stringy hair from all that lousy mist. Today's honeymooners are seeking adventure. They've had the silence and the time together They go on a honeymoon to see people, sights and things. NO MATTER WHAT YOU call it or how it's changed in concept, the honeymoon endutes . . especiall y with women. Don't try to cheat he.> out o{ 1t. If she's had one, she never forgets it. If she'i never had one, she expects it. The mosquitoes and the sunburn are forgotten. So is the rental car that over heated, and the mattress that smelled like a baby's wet diaper. PISCE S (Feb. 19-March 20): You make discovery which restores confidence. You'll get backstage view, secret will be revealed and you'll attend clandestin e conference. Older individual becomes valuable ally. shares benefit of experience. Relationship grows stronger. ~~~ ...... ~~ ~ -~----· .....,b..::"""L The run-down cabin becomes Xanadu, the rowboat an Onassis yacht, and the arguments over "I! you're going to sit in a bath.room this entire trip, do it, but rm going to the beach!" never happened. No matter how long t he relationship or how ' informal t he weddi~g. a h oneymoon promises' roqumce . _ . and it get.s better every time you tell about it. Q.1-Both vulnerable, u South you hold: +I ~Qt! OIU1071Z •AIU Your rlght·hand opponent open• the bidding with one 1.-de. What action do you Lake? A.-U you have any reaeon· able alternative, avoid mak· Ing • takeout double or a major suit openln1 w;thout four tard1 In the other major. With fewer than four card1, you certainly don't want partner to take out. to the majoT on a weak four-card ault, . but that will be hie natural lncllnaUoa. On this hand, for eumplt. hear\a will be tht ri&'ht contJ'act onl1 if partner can bid tht m fntly. Tberero,., 7ou 1bould not double. An overc:a.U ol two dla.monda dnutbes our "We have a problem. David. They wa nt to change It to a baaketball game." hsnd adequately for tJle moment. • Q.2-Neither vulnerable, 11 South you hold: +AJW OU ¢AKQ1071 •t The biddlnf' has pr0teeded: Weat. N.,... Eut 8Mti. 1 <;I ,... z <;I ? What action do you take? A. -This time you don't want t~ loet the 1pade 1u1t; ao double -you want t.o of· fer p.rtner an Inducement to bid a four-card l'pade suit, If he haa one. More than llkely, an overcall of thrH diamond• would end \ht auction. Don't won7 about parl.111r rt• 1pondl111 to 7our double In clube. If he don, 7ou can cor- rect Lo dlamolldl at the 11mt level -your hand ii f* tl\OU h fot ttlia action GOlfN ON 81.IDGf BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.3-Aa South, vulnerable, )'OU hold: •7 OKJMH OH +IU064 Partner open. the bidding with ol'\e no trump. What do you re1pond? A.-;Jou know exactly where fOU want to play the hand. eo why wa1te time? Jump to four hearta, showing a dbtri· butlonal hand with not much In the way of high carda. Three heart• I• wronr. If )'OU jump to thr" bearta and then c:orrt ct to four liearta o\'er partner'• rebid of three no trump, you are 1howlng elam int.erH t.. Q.4-Both vulnerable, as South 7ov hold: •IU94 OI ON +4&1871 Your rf1hl·hand opponent o na ih Id wn h one hurt. What action do you Lake? A.-You would llko to make a takeout double In an effort to lndute partner Lo bid epadea. Unfortuftat.ely, he la more Ukt lJ to *l>Oftd &wo dl&mond1. You would then t,. forced to bid thrM c:lube, and you ar. not qutt.e 1tt01\f enou1h fot that attfon. 8t content with an overe.U of two clube. · Cl.I-Neither vulaerablt ... South you hold: ••• <::IQTll 0 411.H .... The bfddin1 hu proCMded1 N•"' !Ml ._. W.t 1• .... 10 ..... INT hli '- WM&dt,_ Md MWt 4 .-WltA clft ._._ 1M 1uc9' ,... ,..,,.,.. I• part- ner'• ""l. ft woul• be to alp otr with thl'ff no trump. PtPtntr almoet surely w a f1v..aJ'd spade euit (with four d ube he would havt opened one tlub; with four Marti he would have Nbid two heart.; and he dld~I. ral• dlamondal, 10 you ahould tell him about your nc.UHI. eupport. J\lmp to four 1pedet. thou1h thl'ff epadn la a rusontble aJte,.. natl" sine. It la forcJftj on thil JUCtJon. CU-A• South, vu1nerable, you hold: ' •ACllt C,&Q.Jm OA •Al Thl~hu~: ,. ... s.. ........ 1 0 r .. 1 c, ,._ 1 c, .._ 1 WW do 7ou Wei aow? 4 .-TlleN la a '""nq Lo la tKit OU -~. should try to real.at It. What happena If you learn that partner w an ace and two kings? It he does nol have t he king of apades, you ml1ht be bidding a 1'"8nd 1lam on a ClnesH, and that le not a pa_y· Ing propoallJon. The eolutJon 11 to eta.rt a cu.blddin1' .. quo~ with four clube. That way. yov ahould pl to lur11 whfeh kinp partner hu1 aDd at what level the contract belonp. a ... ,......_.._ .... , ............ ewtet OtfM ~die....,., P• a ..,, .. ~o..-. a........ ... ··~·· t• -0..... ....... .... ........ , .o ..... . N.,,_., H.J. ttta. MaM ...... ,..._ .. Ht•• Al Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augu1t 30, 1982 MOMENT OF GRIEF -Wilhelm Eilers holds kitten and sheds tear as he "'~" remembers brother and lifelong fanning partner, Charley. Farmer plows on alone NEW PRAGUE, Minn. (AP) -When. ~harley Eilers died last June, it was the end of an era. on the 650-acre farm where the y were born. Now it's hard for Wilhelm to work alQne. Eilers; who was 75, and his 78-year-old brother , Wilhelm, teamed with their horses to grow and harvest crops year after year Now Wilhe lm is trying to continue alone. Trying to mow the hay was almost Impossible. Since the 1920s, the brothers had hitched sturdy teams of Belgian draft horses to work the rolling land. They worked sunup to sundown, raising com, beans, oats and cattle. And they stayed with the methods they knew best even after mechanized equipment made farm work easier. "I hope I can stay here," Wilh1!!1fftt' said . "I don't like town." "We bought a Moline tractor in 1930, but we didn't like it that much," said Wilhelm. "We couldn't talk to it like we can with the horses. And you take harrowine -only a horse can do it ri~ht.''\!' O .n May 31 : Wilhelm was getung ~ m a room next to the kitchen when he heard a soft bump. Charley had suffe red a stroke and lay on the kitchen floor. He died June 9. - A few days later, Wilhelm called neighbors and agreed to reRt his land to them, keeping WILHELM EILERS only a small parcel for himself. CHARLEY EILERS Copter no-no..-at drive-in bank Pilot's innovation doesn 't set well with commander BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) -The Louisiana State Police has frowned on helicopter pilot Mark Schaffer 's innovation to s peedy banking, so the next time he decides to stop in at the automatic teller, he'll have to do it like everyone else -by car. Schaffer had just left Region 1 headquarters in north Baton Rouge one day recently when he apparel)llY decided to use the automatic teller at a Capital Bank & Trust Co. branch, said Col. Grover "Bo" Garrison. Witnesses said Schaffer, in uniform, landed his blue and white helicopte r in a large clearing alongside the bank, got out and made his transaction, returned to the helicopter and flew away. "It's never been done before. We we re all rather wondering," bank employee MellSSa Ekman said. Although it was a safe lanaing and takeoff, Garrison said he still intends "to have a chat with the command pilot." A decision on whPther to discipline Schaffe r would be left to the pilot's commanding officer, Garrison added. PAID A0¥£Al t5('MfNT City HOW TO GET OFF THE on right · ~ooting LONG BEACH (AP) A 22 -blo c k transportation project got off on the right foot ~hen, at its dedication ceremonies, the city accepted a plaque designating its n e w aidewalks the most comfortable in the paved world. The project -which includes a bus lane, new sidewalks, trees and landscaping -was honored by the 'International Academy f.or Standing and Walking Fitness for its aldewalka, which prgyide foot comfort with a floor surface that varies from ;carpet to brick to wood. 1 Dr . Charles R . Brantingham, a foot specialist from nearby ,r..o. Alamitos, announced the award at a podiatry convention in Chicago, saying his colleagues had 1walked the streets in utumeroua cities, and "these are the beat sidewalks we've found anywhere." • City of6ciall put their best foot forward when they save 1peech ea, turned on fountains and ran a but through a peper banner dw1ng a davlons celebration. r1Downtown Long Beach la now a place of •real lntereat and actlvlty," said City IMana1er John Dever. { "We would not spend •24 million In tax aupport without !knowfna that Lons 8Mch would beheflL'' DIET ROLLER COASTER flow many yeera of your life havP been wulf'd riding the diet roller coeJJter? flow many time11 have you lost weight by depnv •nic yourself of your favorite foodJJ. JJt..1rrvat1on. fasting. and strenuous eicerc111e. only t.o !!«' your exces• w1'1ght regained fa_oilfl' than you evl'r imagined7 How many su1c1dal bingemg ep1!JOdes have you uper~nced 1n your hypnollc. )'l't perfectly human. defiance of uuu.eless and boring diet menus? Statistic~ ba•ed on ep1demiologic and biomedical atudl~ Ahow that more than 9~ percent of the ~ pie who go on var101u diet!J regain their weight. usually m ex ce111 of what t hey 1011 DIETING PROMOTES OBESITY! Recent ecientlfic 1tudies an now confirmin1 the 1trlking obtierntlon made by Dr Den R Kirkham M!Verel yun ago· DIETING ACTIJALLY PR(). MO'{'ES OBESITY! Dr. Kirkham.• Newport Beech phyaician. who h currently Mtdlcal Direct.or of the HART lnstltuta, ii a paduata of N- York College of Madicinoe. haa recelV9d many aw1rda for hi1 achJevement.8 in tlM rnedlcal pro- fesalon. He wH t-towed ~he AJMrican Mlldical A1aociatlon Achievement Award. The l..aRoche Awerd, the Deen"• Awer,d. and lw la llat.ed In "'Who'• Who lnt.ern11tlonal."0 .. Who'• Who in l!a W•t.'" and 00Who01 Who In the Unit.ad !kata9 ... "'Whan we dlet-1.e .• cvt clown on our food Int.ab and Mt only the amount and typae of food preecribad b,y a stvm doCt« Of weilht. lou plan. wa I~ our ~boUc eMcler!cy. Our bod* manap t.o fwict.lon very wfil with the r-caloria Liiey reciew on a sjvm dlat, and they •Lop bumlni the 11.ored fat. Jn other worda, we hit.• platAau and 11&.op lo.tns w-,tlt. M•nwhlk 8'nca ~are -m t.o be..,.,. on and off "'· almoR __,._ avmtu.al· 11 r.vari. t.o -...i lltiJll or ov-tll\fl and we and up put.- Uni on all the Iott welfht-plue ll'IOfa-bacau• our bod.lee have adapt.ad to the loW caloric Intake and cannot U!I<' the> e11tr1 calories consumed when we l(O off thl' diet. ·Dr K1rkhlm cl1r1fit'd Dr Mitra Magbuleh. Kirkham s co·worktr at the llA HT I "'lilutP. hu conducted COn11d~rable research on food i nd 1lcohol addiction, Ur Magbuleh u plained that diet prognm~ prrpeluale Fat Mentallty by ' \ DAN KIRKHAM, M.D. MITRA MAQIULEH, Ph.D. M.P.H. rainfof'Cll\f' tlM obe11e pereon'a preoccupation with food. Slhe la told when, what, and how much to .. 1. ... well .. which loom .,.. OK to plf Olll on By dlNllOWblf ~In food1, diet p~na Ml lhlmle!Vff up for rallure. When a penon 11 on a diet.. llhe 11 ml-1ble and 11 llWa)'I look.In& forw1rd to the day I/he can eat. normally apln, 'nl8 "forblddel'I fnilt." effect. la problbly tlM main cao• of the palnM blnpa mo.t dllWn u_pari-In thlir ._..,ht IOHelfortt." THEW AR 18 OVEA 0r .. Kirkham ind Mqbuletl expl11n LU th«-1r overwf1ght pa· llents how to stop dil'ltng once and for 111 IS they 1Ulrt losing Wt'lght on thf' HAHT NO.DIET PROGHAM. Th11 uruqul' and <'(lrnprehens1ve prol(Tam enco~ pM11es all the major H pects of sucauful weight los11 i e. nulri· t1on. physical activity. manage- ment of inner reehngs and social f'nv1ronment By au.ending 10 w~kly sesst0ns or 1nstru«ion. periodic individual ronsult.ation. and • two-year follow·up al the llART l n11til ute. t he par· tlcipant1 learn how to make pt'ace with food. how to chlng1! their rat metabohJtm into a thin lftf'Labolism. how to safely enJOY foods by applying the principles of llun behavior and how to 1chleve be1t re1ulL1 throuah lndlviduelly·teilored, short· duration phy•ical acllvit.les The feellnp u pru-t by tlM areduatet of the HART lnat.l tut.e ind.icat.e thal lhll rational 11<>lu· tion to weight problem• 11 Indeed eucceuful In getting people off t.he Diet Roller Ca.1tar: '"The HART Prognm helped me both mentally and ph.ytlcaUy. I beume tha wey I wanted to without the u1u1I fruatretlo111 eJllOCiated with wel1ht reduc· tlon:· '"Whenever either of ua dieted In the paet. the other family membera alwey1 •uffered alone with ue. Since we joined tlM HART Proerard not only hav. our own .. 11111 hablu been po1ltlvely affected, but lhe children are ectually enjoying It too. Thh 11 derlnlttly a rewudlna family •flair ... Once the pet1enu on the HART protram raallu that dlelln1 la Irrational, they besln t.o mjoy food• that they had foraot- c.en ...,.. eo dellclou1. Por them. tlM Wlr 11 over It l11t-they can have thair cake, NL It., and •till loee.-.laht! Ill If you wlah more lnrormaUon about I.ti. HART Pnlsram. call 17141 7&2-6081. 'nl8 HART In. 1Ututa Inc. 11 locat*S et. 4120 Birch !kraft, Suite 113. N-port O..ch, Callfornle 92NO. ,-, I I I I I I 1,' I/ I I I I I I CARRIES ON -Wilhelm Eile rs, still u s ing horses, drives team alone as he farms ~----t land near New Prague, Minn. MONEY IN YOUR POCKET Start saving today. Ca II 642 -4321 and ask our circulation department for home delivery. Coupon Savings -one more reason people all along the Orange Coast valt1ethe I ,-, I I I I I I I I 1' \I I I ' ' TllcmTllDTHICDUlllY Dallr Pllol Pholoe br f'alrlck O'Donnell At this part of the Irvine University Park kids get a chance to let it a ll hang out. Little F ra nco Cittadino, 8, (right) h a s a little trouble conqueri ng 'Mt. McKinley,' but he does (far r ight) to become king of the hill . Mean while, s ome of t he older boys (below) - Bryan Goods on, Geoff Goodson, Mike Brownell, David Becker and Sean Hughes -construct what look s like a clubhou s e. No girl s allowed? ' Dally Piiat MONDAY, AUG 30, 1982 ENTERTAINMENT · BUSINESS TELEVISION , 82-3 84 8~ . ''E .T.'' ma d e a believer -and star -o~ · of Dee Wa llace. Page 83. ., D ~ o- -· . • ! I I .I I ' ! 1' I ' l . -• I ' Ii ·playground where just about anything goes ' By SANDIE JOY O(tt. o.., ,..,. • ..,, A lot of junk -huge truck tires. lumber acraps, scraggly ropes, nails, aluminum cans, old newspapers and ramshackled shacks -litter an oth erw ise neatly manicured park in Irvine's University Park section. The place is nearly overrun with b~. furry rodents. The park supervisor, Diana Miyasaki, is a ecavenger and pack rat of sorts. A beggar, too, in a polite, enthusiastic way. "Wouldn't you like to take a rabbit home?," she urged. "They make real good pets. And, they're so cute and cuddly. Here, wanna hold one?" Miyasaki is proud of the mess in the large, muddy, wood-fence-enclosed area behind the architecturally pleasing building which houses her office. "There's nothing else like it in Irvine," she boasted. "The next closest one is in Huntington Beach, and theirs is only seasonal. We're open year-round." Miyasakl's pride and joy is Adve nture Playground, tucked away in a comer of Beech Tree Lane off University Drive. The playground lets children experience the creative adventure spirit of play, she' explained. "It's a concept that originated in Europe where it was really popular." If the laughter, whoops a nd comments of children using the playground are an indication. the concept is popular in Irvine, too. "You can do anything you want here," said Christy Puente, 13, "anytime you want. Except after 5. That's when it closes." Puente and her friend. Lisa Booth, 13, indicated they're a little mature now for the playground but they have pleasant memories of the place. "I built a fort about two years ago. It used to be right over there," said Booth, pointing across a bumpy, muddy lot. "I did, too," offered Puente, smiling. The pair agreed the playground is an outstanding concept. "Kids can come here and play and their mothers don't have to worry about them," said Puente. "I build when I come here," said 8-year-old ' Dan Feder. "We have the biggest fort over there, and we built on it a lot. "I like to play with the rabbits and watch the babies that are 3 or 4 days old. We have over 20 rabbits." (See HARD HAT, Page 8 2) Robert Lu.dyke, 10. a hai-dhat. worn with t lN9. ~hrl.ty Puente, 13, relaae• on a tire swing . • I ' -. -____ , _____________ _,.,... ________________________ ...,.. Orono• CoHt OAILV PILOT/Monday, Auguet 30, 1982 THE WEDDING PICTURE Mr. a'ld Mrs. Richard leoni.f Leonis -Pohl Miss Katherine M. Pohl became Mrs. Richard R. Leon is Jr. during a ceremony conducted in Our Lady of Guadalupe chureh, La Habra. The bride is the daughter ..of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Pohl Jr. of La Habra Heights and the bridegroom I.a the.m of Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Leonia of Newport Beach. The newlyweds traveled to Maui for their honeymoon . They will establish a home in Fullerton. Enfield -Pollard ~ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Enfield Ill are residing in Huntington Beach following their Aug. 14 wedding in Lake Park. The bride, the forme r Norma E. Pollard, is the daughter of Dixie C1kalo of Tustin. Her husband is the son of Thomas and Sue Enfield, al.so of Tustin. " \ . From Page 81 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Enfield Ill The bride graduated from Romulus High School in Michigan and the bridegroom is a Cal State Fullerton graduate. Smith -Gahm Chapman College Chapel m Orange was the setting for the wedding ceremony uniting Valerie Karen Gahm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gahm of Irvine, and Bradford ~ Smith, son of the Jack Smiths of Wellington, Kans. After the Aug. 7 rite, the couple traveled to Carmel. They will reside In Orange. The bride graduated from Chapman and her husband was graduated from University of Kansas. Erickson -Lorton Deanna Lynn Lorton and Jeffrey Scott Erickson exchanged wedding vows Aug. 14 in Newi)ort Harbor Lutheran Church. Afterwards they left for a wedding trip to Hawaii. HARD H-AT CLUB OPEN FOR FUN • • • "And, we look for nails. We have over 200 ·nails. I keep them in a secret hiding place which I can't tell anyone about." His 7-year-old brother, Mark Feder, agreed. "The.park's fun and I like t.o build things bke parts of the house and play with my friends and the rabbits." ' ·~ ·" ' Seven-year-old Josh Spitz said he likes to - ~ .......... ~ O'OeMll TIME TO RETIRE? -Will Bruno Pronsetto make it acrOIJS balance beam he built from 1eraps at Irvine's adventure Playground? ' ,, ,, build, too, and look for nails. • "Sometimes," said Spitz, "I like to climb or just play with my friends. It's a neat place." Still another tort-builder is Jens Amlie. 7, who ha& been busy ""cleaning up the nails" around his territory "and making it all safe. It's fun here." he said, "because you gel to build and stuff." The children at Adventure · Playground are quite imaginative, Miyasaki noted, and even created a new sport. "Have you ever played Frisbee golf," she asked. "See those poles with targets painted on them? They did that. The object is to hit the target in a certain number of pars and keep going on around." Imagination is what Adventure Playground is all about. Children are encouraged to explore their cTeative instincts while learning useful skills. "Everything is so structured and neat in Irvine," Miyasaki said. "There's no vacant lots and open fields where kids can just go to build a fort or pile up tires. You can't even put a si~ up. But, the kids can do that kind of thing here.' While touring the huge junkyard that's called Adventure Playground, she talked about her pet project, the Hard Hat Club. It's a i;elf-supporting program, she explained, and "almost an extended day-care because kids can come here directly after school and stay until 6 o'clock. "It caters to a lot of needs in Irvine where both mother and father work and they can have their children in a supervised setting where they don't have to worry about their safety.'' Designed for children In first through sixth grades, the Hard Hat Oub will include planned adventurous activities including cook-outs where they.'ll be taught outdoor cooking techniques, a safety program on how to use tools, a fort-building cont.est and an overnight campout. It'll cost parents $130 per child for the 12-week Hard Hat Club program, Miyasaki said, which runs from Sept. 27 through Dec. 17 weekdays from 2 to 6 p.m . The charge is necessary because the city now only funds the playground during the peak times such as summer and spring vacation. Other expenses are taken care of through Mlyasak:i's Ingenuity and that of her staff. "All the lumber here Is donated," she explained. "A4 a matter of fact, everything is donated or found." "We oollect newspapers and aluminum cans for recycling and all the money goes back into our park. "See that plot over there," she said. "It's our little garden. We're hoping to grow carrots and lettuce to feed the rabbits. We had com but they ate that all up." At last count, there were at least 34 rabbits ln the Miyasald's domain. "Did you see the new babies?" one of the children asked her "I don't want to hear it," ahe retorted, hands flying to cover her ears. But, she did go to in•r ect the newborns, meanwhile telllng the story o Butch. ''We have Butch penned up now," ahe said, "b'ut he WU IO fast, he WU hard to catch up with. I even had a raneom out on him, ottenna the kids quarters for the video pines lf they coulcf pt him.'' Seema that Butch la the father or huaband of the O\her 33 rabbl\I. ''He's awful amart," ahe explaJned, "and used to even climb the ladder lnto' the pen and burrow under the fence." "We pfveaetable ICl'aps to feed the rabbltl br, dlging through the trMh out behind Alpha Beta, ' ah• explained, lJ\c:Uca~ lt wu aet1ina harder and harder to support Butch • brood. "And, we sell the beby rabbltl to pt money for food," the Mid, W'8ina lnyoM wit.hJn euahot to take 11a nice UtU. bunny hOnw for keeps." ReptratJon Information for the Hucf8-t Club ii available by calUna e60·3838 or 56t·085l. Walk·ln ruiatratlom will be eccepted from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 20 and from 8 1.m. to & p.m. Sept. 21 and 22 at tho Irvine Community Servtcee Dlpartment, 17200 Jamboree ao.d, Irvine Mr. and Mrs. Charles Si/ii/ling Parents of the newlyweds ar<' Mr. a nd Mrs. George Lo rton and Mr. and M rs. J a mes Eric k son , a ll o f Costa M esa where the n<'wlyweds will establish their horn<'. The bride attended Estancia High S<:hobl and her husband qltended Orange Coast College. Sihilling -Dray An Aug. 7 w e dding in Firs t United Methodist Church, Costa Mc.'Sa, was performed for Catole Noe l Dray and Charl<'s Leslie Sihilling. They are residing in Newport Beach following a honeymoon in Northern Cahfornia. Pa rents of the Orange Coast College graduates 'are John and M ary S1hilling qf Costa Mesa and Earl and Judy Dray of Crystal Falls, Mich. Haber -Martone Stephanie Martone, a former high school teacher Crom Newport Beach, a nd Melvyn Haber, restaurateur and owner of the Ingleside Inn in f>alm Springs. exchanged wedding vows at the Hotel del Coronado. Among the family aod friends Witnessing the ceremony were her pare nlS Nicholas and Ano Martone o1 Palm.S prings. his mother, Mary Haber of New York and R on Cohe n of Huntington Beach. a membN of the wf>dding party. Every Sunday "0 OF THE HIGH-RANKING SURPRISES OF THE SUMMER. rT IS A MOVIE TO BE SALUTED." ---et CoUlna, CBS Nl!TWORK Af"'M:.\W'C~l .. n Mt ~ ·~·'-'(_-...., •• ,,. .. at_•_,.._..,... .-v_-. .... ,,. I • ... i..., ... ~ -. lllU IQMS.ul'lilu S29 S339 •lWl'OllT llACM OflAllCll WllTMIHTlA Ed .. JtO\ """""'' ~ la .. ••d> C«N WHI C~m.l 6U 0180 631 2~~3 11'11 J91S MllllOll YIUO SH JUAll CAl'ISTllHO lOw•D< v~ r.m 830 6990 P4k"" -.., o ~'"" fl •Q1 ·~·~ "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!" "It's perfect. Just ~rf ecC' - ----~ 1111.JI ~--tJllUtXill . ..,,. .. ·--·~ .... MOft.-nutS. 6:00, 1:15, 10:15 Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Smith Mr. and Mrs. M e/.vyn Haber MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE "'°°"""IWol,,..,.'"QI ••Onlo;m --._,, ,,.. ..... b*)I ol "1:1,. CO'Nl'W b' .._.-ft9 Of._,,~ "The moat exciting down-to-the-wlN action alnce SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT and the funnl•t bUnch of racaJ1 elnce THE BAD NEWS BEAR8." __ .,,... --.....- ICENNF aOGIRS ............. cl) r. • • I I I • U Wl,.,,itoto NEW STAR -Dee Wallace says it's "nice to be noticed" in a movie with three kids, a dog and an extra-terrestrial. E.T. 's 'llJOllJ' real believer By BOB THOMAS AMecleted ,_ Writer HOLLYWOOD -Do you believe in E.T.? Dee Wallace did, and she was there to see the ingenuity that brought the tiny space traveler-to life. "No matter what it took to make E.T. move and talk , r thought of him as a real person," the Kansas-born actress says. "AJ,1 of us in the movie did. I think the audience can tell if you don't believe in him and instead are thinking of the 11 people back there who are running the little sucker." Enough Americans have believed in him to make "E.T .: The Extra-terrestrial" the flyaway moneymaker-of the 1982 film summer and perhaps of the century. Reviewers have agreed that one of the strengths of the Steven Spielberg film was. Wallace's well-shaded performance as the harried mother. It could easily have fallen into cliche except for ~r intelligent portrayal. ''It's nice to be noticed " she admits, "and it's oi-easy-when you're workfng with three kids and a dog. Not to mention E.T." Dee Wallace has been noticed in memorable performances for several years. She played a hooker in a "Lou Grant" episode and that led to the woman-at-the-bar role in "10." Her work in a two-part "Skag" prompted a call from Steven Spielberg. "I went to his office and talked with him for an hour and a half," she recalled. "I didn't hear from him for a year and a half, and then my agent called and said, 'Steven Spielberg wants you for his new picture.' I said, 'OK , what's the joke'?." · "Apparently Steven had seen m~ in 'The Howling' and had followed my other work. Even though I had played a call girl in 'Skag,' he always saw me in the role of mother." Now she's enjoying the fallout from "E.T." "For ~ears producers have been saying, 'I'd really like to use her but she has no name.' Well, thanks to 'E.T.' they can use me now." Deanna Durbin would be proud. Dee was born Deanna Bowers because her mother admired the singing star's "genuine quality." Dee's birthplace was Kansas City, Mo., but she grew up across the river in Kansas City, Kan. She later shortened her name "because nobody could pronounce Deanna." As a girl she saw the Durbin movies and lots of others -"I came from a re latively poor background, and o ur entertainment was the television set. We watched the Saturday Night Movie and my father danced with me to the 'Hit Parade'." After graduating from the University of Kansas in theater and education, she taught school for a time. "I liked the kids, but not the administration.'' she said. "They say they want yol.lng innovative teachers but then they put their thumb on you." Dee moved on to New York, where she found more work in commercials and industrial shows thaD in the theater. One of the shows brought her to Los Angeles, where she decided to stay. She started in films at the bottom, touring the casting offices and grabbing "day-player" work wherever she could find it. ~ , _ _., .. ,NOW PLAYING u ,_ _,., .. llUClt ~~s-· :r..~.~;r-c-.... _..,. -~::::;... ~.~~ • •diJffilil~f ... T. ........ =..: .. :.::•"'"1 . , . .. . . -•acit< 'o--. °"'"' 11r '34 t )61 "'" ... ,,. 'x..tlftHIWf'f ttOrrvtWt H•lH l -~-----------~-------··-......... '::::. Stage scene . By TOM TITUS or .... .,...w,..... , .. ,. ll'1 the calm befort• tlW 11t1111n ulon(( th1· Uran~l' • Cu1uH Cootllght front, with unly thrt•t-show• currently on tht• boards and no OJ>l'nlng~ 11,:heduled thla we~kcnd But aClcr Labor Uay comes the deluge -13 new produc:t1on& In a five-wrek stmt. • The new eea8dh ottlctally opens next Tuesday when "Oeathtrup" arrives at th~ Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. Four other openingli aro crowded into Friday. Sept. 10. three on the community level and one, the musical revue ''By George," a presen tation of Saddleback College. Sharing an opening night on the 10th are two shows by the same authors -"Bullshot Crummond" at the Newport Theater Arts Center and "El Grande de Coca Cola" at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Also bowing in that night is the vintage drama "Rairt" at the West.minster Community Theater South Coast Repertory inaugurates its new season Sept. 14 with the American premiere of the lrish labor comedy "All in Favor Said No!" On the 16th, the San Clemente Community Theater begins its all-comedy schedule with "Lovers and Other Strangers." The Gilbert and Sullivan operetta "The Gondoliers" brings the Newport Harbor Actors Theater back on stage on Sept. 17. The same evening will find Showcase Productions mounting "Absurd Person Singular" in Westminster. A pair of blasts from the past, both In a zany vein. are forthcoming from the Costa Mesa Ciivic Playhouse and the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. Costa Mesa reprises the venerable "Arsenic and Old Lace" on Sept. 23, while Laguna comes up with "Room Service" the following evening. The lrvine Community Theater closes out its 1982 season with J.he risque comedy "The Mind With. the Dirty Man," opening Oct. 1. And Sebastian's West Dinne r Playhouse in San Clemente joins the parade Oct. 6 with another Gilbert and Sullivan piece, "The Pirates of Penzance.'' Of the three s hows now in progress, two of them will wrap things up this weekend -''Sugar" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse"tind "The Abracadabra tops week's pop chart By Tbe Associated Press The following are Billboard's hot record hits for the week ending Sept. 4 as they appear in this week's issue of Billboard magazine. HOT SINGLES l. "Abracadabra" The Steve Miller Band (Capitol) 2. "Eye of the Tiger" Survivor (Scotti Bros.)' 3. "Hard to Say I'm Sorry" Chicago (Full Moon-Warner Bros.) TOP LPs 1. "Mirage" Fleetwood· Mac (Warner Bros.) 2. "Eye of the Tiger" Survivor (Scotti Bros.) 3 . "Amer i can Foo l" John Cougar (Riva-Mercury) A~~o PART OF "US" -Rock singer Pat Benatar will be one of many rock superstars to appear at the mammoth "US" Festival, Labor Day weekend, at Glen Helen Park near San Bernardino. .. s Orang• Cout OAll.Y PILOT/Monday. Augu1t 30. 1982 calm,.but not for long 111111111111 Robber Bridegroom" at the Lasuna Moulton Pluyhowie. "Sugar," tht• musical ver•lon of the movie "Some Like It Hot," play• Tueaday throuah Sunday at varylna curtain limes at the Harlequin, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., just north of Cotta Meu. Call 979-5511 for ticket ln(ormallon and retervaUona. THI fHRSl rH/111.ll/1 Ill' THI 8D'S from JUNK CARS to MOVIE STARS '.4i' 11IE J ~ *BARGAIN MATINllllS • Monday t"ru Saturday All Perlorm1nc11 before 5:00 PM (bcepl Sptdel fllflfllllllltl 11141 Helidaya) I A t..ll"A.f A._.., MHOOO 01 t O••cron• LA MIRADA WAll< IN 994·2400 ~AY THa 11TH rMn J" 1111 .. ., ·-He.---- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN f ocutty 01 Coll4•owoOCI 21J/IJ1·tll0 "THE JUNKMAN" '"' ............... - "I TA" WARI" "1 .. OOl.9Y l nMO ..-.--· ... - LAKEWOOD CENTfll SOUTH WAI. IN FocullV Al Doi MIO 211/6W.t211 "Tita •• , Lm\.I WMOMHOUM • TECAI" 1111 _ ... __ _ ~vOUMO DOCTOfta • LOW" 1111 __ .. -.oHT 8"WT"' 1111 --- .... ..... .... , n ... 1 · » ,_ \..-1. 'S \..,.• ,,.,. .-••u IM,OR1ANT MOTICl' CMllOll(M UMDlll ll fllfl! "°"" .,.._ ... n..r11.1••s.t..lla.•Lit M OM-ASOUMD•.U MICMllllOIOIS.U_.,• •f "°""' CAii ---ACaUOll'I --....CAM '°"1MU l•l'U ~ ..,._ .. Oii "" lllOO A,..APlf ,._. ANAHEIM OOIV(·IN h••'S'O' tt ot lerftOf'I SI 179·tll0 "tlAIOIRl~~~~- OI TH« LOil AM" IHI -"Titl LEoaND Of TMI LOMR llAMOlfl"' ,,.., ,,.. .. _ l ut"'4A PA5'11 BUENA PARK ORIVf IN U"<ot,. ••• ••t.t el cno" 121·.070 fli ft.,iA r>A"t LINCOLN OOIVf IN l•f'ICO'f'I ........ Of lftO" 121·.070 I "C ... Ctt • CMOMO ,,.... I AM tOUQM AU. 0...-1111 -"TMI •UT MAITSft" 1•1 C"" fl SOIMO ~·1111 -·•n WMOMMOUM • Tl.JlAI" 1111 Cljll .. _ A "&fl,, .. lA HABRA 11111.0 •N -·-·--·-'" .,, ..... .. ,,,., - ORANGE 011•111 IN ... ' •. MISSION PPlvl 1N .. . .-• n 11: WA RNf"' 1'"""' ,,.. ' ~!·-~--­ "f'OMY'•"1111 --w • IMOIC:r 1111 .... T. TMI UTIIA· """'I TillA.L" cHI -•TitR QMAT ~C""""cet c'"'"- tM<• lt•O S. ol J G.lt-OIOfff•-• 191•J69J . 1..T.TMI~ ,..,...TlllAL --"'"41.-AT ......a'TCANll".-i At Laaiuna, tht.-aummer workahop production of the bluegrua mualcal "Tht' Robber Bridearoorn" complete. ha brwf two-weekend 1Unt with final performance• Wl•dnud'ay throuah S11turday. Cur~ln la 8 p.m. In lht-playhouae. 606 L.a1una Canyon Road. Laguna Bt>at'h, with reservatlont taken at 494-0743. ContlnuJng lta run at Sebutian'A 1t the comedy "Cheaters," which pluys through Oct. 3 at the dinner playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Curtain times vary Tuesdays through Sundays with reservations available at 492-9950. f ---~-· ~---- Bl Orcango Con1t DAILY PILOT /Mondny, Augu1t 30, 1982 'Business sh y ing from uncertainty of eco nomy By JOHN· CUNNIFI'' A, helMM Anatrel Nto;W YOHK Whilt· 1 ht• Ti1nid approach ·rit icized a ta lk but "', h()W II' ~ I\ II lllll'lol ... \ ,., y !ftlcml( I '1•111.111~ I\ 111~ .ii ol fort'<.·u11t11 no.,.. lw•m1• I ,uc ·d 1 ,111 llti J>ugc• 'H11.,1111•'. t1wl1111k · by Mc•rrill l.v111 Ii I•:, 1111 .. 1111t·11, wh1t•h "" lt1d1" 1111 ••1111111111 thut by IU84 I' ljOll,d "fll 11d111~ ··~htJ Uld ,ll It 11 loll• dl.tlllolltc",1Jly bu•lneu sector scornis Lo 11h1111• Preeident Reagun's SJJpr<Mil'h tu econ omica, It h asn't tx-cn doing 1t with investment dolani For most of 198:t, whai;h tht.• admlntstration once had hoped w o uld be a ':recovery year, businesses ..: have cut both : e xpe nditur es r and a p pro- • rrlatlons for uture ca>p - ita l p rojects, . s uc h as new .Plaut and .··equ ipment. CU""'1ff r. .· T he late%t evidence o f timid •. behavior comes in the form of a • • Con ference Board survey thal ' , . found Lht• 1111ll{)n'11 1,0011 lurgL·!lt m u n u f u t· t u r l' r t. r l' cJ u t' t' d appropnut1cms fur plant and c-quapmcnt by 22 pt•rt'\mt in the &•t•oncl quarlc•r Such hc.·havior IS l'UU!ilng n lot of hl'ltd st.-r<i tch1ng, and 1t hai. g1vtm nst! tu tlw l'fltll'l:Sm lhat business l!tlks II OOtt.er gome than it plays. 11 bus1m·ss doesn't gt>t on with its spc·nd1ng, 1t 1s satd, things w1U be in a sorry mess. Bwincu ~y dOffln't s~d until ii IS certain thl' market ts tht•rt• Call It t11rnd1ty Al"l'USl' 1t of lttl'king entrt!prt•rwurial zeal Tht• fal't is, bu1n rwss t oday df,.:~n't spt•nd u11lJI ll must. Anti th1•11. srnnl'timt!:., 11 t·an't To l;>cein, htAA than 70 pt'l'\.~nt of manufacturing capacity Is currently ~ing ulll1red. In many arcu.,, ractoriet1 11t.and empty. in o tht-rs, shifts have been du.continued Meanwhile, the 1dll· plant and equipment m·ust be mamuunt>d. Indus trial produ cuon has decline d in 10 of the past 11 months. reflecting a persistent and pervas iv~ W(.'1ils11~u._ln_ retailing. Orders are off Profil<> too Between the first quarters o f I !J80 and 1982 corpora~ profits fell 33 pcrc:cnt. Perhaps worst of all, capital has bel'n almost prohibitively Companl~s that ord1unr1l:1 might have of{erc'<i stoc:k to tht• publll· have )lad to po!.lpcmt· i1ud1 plans becuUSt.' of .c11.,1ntt·n·:.t uu the part of the invl•Nt111g publw And some of tht· 1'iilnll' eornparur·s h a v t• b" e n b I tH' k l' d I r o 111 borrowing by rates so high tlwy left little opportunlly fur profits to bt• l'arned. Many proTllles.o. huo;1n1..._<,<:,, m fact, report tht·v havl' h<'en borrowing simply to 1 l·main in exis tence, a prattrt'l' that buy:s time but whic:h l'ould, unlt·ss lht· economy improves and ratc>s fall, eventually lead to th1•1r doom ' IRVJNE FIRM TO CONSTRUCT PLANT Archi tect's r endering de picts how comp leted world's largest geothermal power ed food p rocessing plant will look. The plant, to be ~.located in H o ltville in the lrnpenal Valle~s to be built. by Ultrasyste m s Inc., h eadquartered in l.rvin~. U ltrasys tc.m s a n nounced late last week tha t it had received a $45-milhun grant from th e µ.S. Depar tmen t of En ergy to con s truct the $69-million p lant. [Taxable county s ales triple ~ ' . • Ill f S parked by sizable population • growth, taxable sales in Orange County m ore than tripled during the 1970s. In transactions subject to sales a nd u se tax, Oran ge County ~ gai n e d 326 .8 p er cent, w hile s tate w id e growth d u ring the d ecad e averaged 231.0 percent, according to the California state Board of F.qualiz.atlon. T he following percentages of growth were re~stered: Newport .Bet1ch, 287 .8; Costa HOTEL BOSS -Ray Kovas is g e ne ral man ager of the Marriott H otel & Tennis Club. N e wp ort B eac.h . The Hunt ington B each resident has w orked with the firm 10 years. M esa, 309 9 . 1 rv1 nt•. 951 .6; W estmins ter . 40!:1 1 Fount.am Valll'y, 526. l ancl Laguna &>ach. 156.:i During the 197 1-81 penod. the California Consume r Price Index rose in the arc·a by 129.0 percent. '· lnd1v1dua l e>arn1ng powe r increased as p<.'r capita taxable sales r ose by 22 1 6 percent (county>. 210 l JX•rcent (Nt•wport Beach). 264 5 perc.·c·n t (Costc& Mesa), 207.2 percent (Irvine), 340.6 p ercent (W t'stmins ter), :i56.6 per{'ent (Fountain Valley) a nd l l Z.O percen t (Laguna Beach). Statewide the increase averaged 177.0 percent. A l l ty p es of busines s experienced sizable growth in number of outlets in Or a n ge County except service stations which declined in number over the decade by almost one-fourth, from 1.475 to 1.125 The greatest growth occurred in fir m s dealing 1n h ome S a n t a A na ba.nk d e clared insolvent Wr·slt•rn National Bank of Sa 1ta Ana. a small institution bcsC'l by numcruu' probh·ms in ret.'(•nt m onths, h<Js b<·t·n dt-clan'<l insolve nt bcl'ausc of what author1t 1es dcH·r1hed as "s1gmhnmt loan IOSSl's." The 20-month-ol<l bank was se1zro late· Friday and dc-<'iurc<l 1 n ~ o I v t.• n t . a l' l' o r d 1 n g 1 o a statement from the 11ff1C'e US Comptroller of thl' Currt·ncy an Washington D.C "The Comptroller allributed the insolvency to significant loan lossc•s," the slat cm<·nt said, adding l hat thC' bank grew rapidly after being l'harten'<l as a national bank by th1· c·omplroller in Dec-ember 19811 The· bank, w ith $25 million an assets and $20 malhon an deposits, was placed m the hands of the Federal Deposit lnsuranl'f' Corp., the age ncy th<it 1ns urC's bank deposits. The FDIC said it h opes to a rrange for another institution to take over Western National's deposits Comptrollers' officials refused to answer any questions. Th<:' Wester n Na t ional insolvency action is the first such failurc in Orange County since the Depression, according to bank anaJysts. 1 Early this year, Western Na"uonal ran into trouble amid a maze of lawsuits surrounding its 32 -ye ar -old majo r ity sh areholder, Craig E. Caldwell. and other bank officials . D.i ldwcll, who owns 58 percent of the bank stock, and others w<-re charged wil!J improper behavior in the sv+tAf In the suit , minority / shareholders accused Caldwell of accumulatin g h is controlling interest in the bank th rough an illegal securities schem~. . furnis hings a nd ;ippli;i rH <·~. whOS<• numlxor uf uutll'L'> nl'arly doubl<'d The assessed value of· property rose by 254.4 percent for the county; 241.6 percent in Newport Beach; 228.5 per cent an Costa Mesa , 710.2 percent an Irvine; 216.5 percent in WestmmstC'r. 292.5 percent in F ountain Valley and 264.6 perce nt m Laguna Beac h . Statewide the assessed value of property rose 180.0 percen t. APPOINTED -Bob J Burks has been appointed to the state Employees Advisor y Committee o n P e n sion lnvestments. He is president of Tustin-based American Pacific Adminis trators , lncorporated 6-story Newport c omplex 'topped out' .. • I Emkay Development Co., Inc., Newport Beach, has announc·ed "toppinl out" of its six-story- p l u 1 -p e n t h o u se , 95 ,- 000-squa r e -foot W esterly WANTED! CLIEN'TS Who Are Looking For A TU FllE W•y To Meke Thell Money Grow ...... . Current lnt••t Rate t 1.21-x. -IOK Qllw111teed S.ftty of Print'ipll -No Marlet ltislt ' -No Current ~ lp Whtn ,..-To ~lclery --Al~ -IDCAIW ' ., " . \ Place office building at West.erly Pia<.'<.' and Quail Stn'N 'M)c building. to be-completed in Jun e 198:3. will be th e culmination o f more• than a decade of d evelopm e nt by Emkay on a 200-acre parcel of land . The parcel, known as Newport Place, contaJns 60 bulldinRS in a Photographic Business Cards . - A IW'W Advef llMQ medlUm lor y0Ur ~ a/Of your productl •1J e.oo· lot •000 CARDS 642-4321 Direct or coll«I, to aub.teri~ to 11our homt town ~. tM ....... busin ess, professio n al a nd commercial center. Thl're is 82,000-square ·IC'Ct ot offke space. Business • seminars set A series of free conferen~ i.!I bein g offered to small business o wn e r a , m a n age r s, a n d ent repr e n e urs who wish to Increase their business sutttSS. Tho. conferences will be Tuesdays from 2 to 4 p.m. ln the Fid elity Federal Buildin g, 2700 N. Main St.1 room 409. Santa Ana. · rree lndlvtdual counaellng it available wt\h a eervq corps of retired executlvus courwelor. Fot an appointment with a coumtlor or m or e in !ormattun on t he programs call 836-2709 . With tl11 "''llll d1•1•l1111· 1n llllL'll "I tll't'> 1>111111' Ill llil'.~I' l'UllllJUllll':. m1gh I P'l.1 v1• 1>1 I II ... 1v1 d Stall 1h1 \ •• 1111 otlw"' h.1v1· 1ll•u1ly -.l ;alt·d th111 p11111llll'> lo 11 i1t1 """'I 1<'1111 dt•hl fll'>I , ..i11d 111.ly 1111·11 11111•.a•h•r ( •\ f/.111-.1• '" It I., ft11 11°,J'>t1Jh '>IH h .10, tht't' that 11111 .. 1 l11r1·1·.i-.1 l 1·1111rn111•.h d on't -.t·c · 111111 It 111111111\1 111• 11 111 t'o•f1tl.1l "Pt'11d1111• 1111111 1111d l'llLI 1111d lllll I , l'\it'll '"""~:" II I ,, ;11 that m;111v pl.1111-. li,1\ • hn .. ,, ... 11wlll!'ll'llt mid l VI II 011.111< It 'J l 11 It 1 I •II f IJI '>Udt Vll0W'> «rt• "'·''" 11,. .,i..w -.tu •ngtlwntnR u ( 1111-..111 , . lt11u ld h;1vc • ~itined 11111111••11\um I.cu fllWtng .,hould lx• 1111111 .dl111d.1ltl1 prof11 ... and cash l l•t\\ lu"d\I 111 II 111111111).( Ji<•oplt• ~h·111ld 1 .. w·1t111g hut k l.11 work .111d ,1blt lu bu\ ... g.11n ,111d tax 111• • 1111\'•• h,<ndd lie 1 nl.1r'~111g 11.t ·''''''"' "' 1.q1l1.il lt1 l•u: .• 11•"·· t11111d'' l '1·rlwp'> 11111 d1111'1 \1111 IJ.1111< 11 t>Ught llJ 111."' DRANGI COUNTY BUSINESS Bronson II. Purtl~ 11 "·"' 1,. 1 11 n a nat·d Vl\I' ll"''td• 11t 111 c11rpot.1l1· rnarh.t'l111..; Mtc r111l.1 l1· Corp .. ln ·irw Purdy µ11·"1"u ... 1, \\,, pn,.,ud<•nl rnorkl'l111g lot Ho )(•Ht B u., 1 n ,. "" Mad11111 •-. and h ad w11r k1·d J :~ yC',1r'> With X1•1:oi.. l..'11rp D:JVul C:lapp h iJ ' b I f' II a ppo111l1•d 111;111.1gt I 11 I J.l U IJ I 1 I I t' I a t 1 o n ~ £ u' PURDY Mic.-rodah• Corp., l 1 v1111 111· j<Hn~ \the l 11111 I 11•111 H.u ,ii Milgo wh1·n· lw wa-. 111.111 11'• 1 "' nwrk1·t1 11g t•u11111111111• .1l11111s lor the• 1111111111t1 I 11111d t11 I dl\'"11111 Loui~c A. Harman 1· 11 • )Jl'l');Hl<·nl ma11agP1 111 Hank vi Amcri«a's S;;n C:l1·1111·111t· l11,m1 It l la1 m.m. l11rnw1 Iv rno111.1g1•1 1ol th1 (' 11nn.i dd P\l,11 111.1111 h r.t I3Jllk 11( A111~·l Jl.J, II\ 1·~ Ill S.111 J u.111 C:.1p1.,11 .1n" Jd r H a llm an 11.. 1 .. ' II :1 j1 I' ti I 11 I l' cl 111 , t I I, t I I II g 11•p11·-.. 111:111\C• l111 ('u,lomwl':t\ 1· Carpets, ln1· .. 1-'11u111.1111 \'.ill•·' 111• \\'II 111· I I'""" al·I• I Ill F ll arr1 -.on P ool e, v1c.c· Pll 1.J1 , .. ,,, ·•M.111.1 tJf Philip ~I'" I 1... I 11 , 11 r pt1r.t1, d ...... ~ '1'1111\ ('11 .. 11,1 f11 I'll • (1 I I• d l11 ti 11 " 11 " I II .. I I I II ... l' I ~ I• f \ I I ' I II I •I l .. II II l 1 I 1 I \ I r I w \ H.1lt111•111 \., l'li1l11. POOLE :\.11111 I I, 11.11( tll 1·111111i.11l\. f1ir lhC' \:i...,t•Hl \'u·10 to., r-.J1-;si1111 V1r-.1c. .l11h11 I. 1tuh) ;11ul Hic·hard A. "1moO\l'O oJ F'ord Aerospace's ,\t'ronutron11· di\ 1· 11111 N1·wpm 1 J,. u I \t It tlllttltl.: JHrltt1p.111Lo.; .1 ' I 1 t t 11 t• t f I f' 111 fl 0 a t "- '11111111• rl pf,tllllJ.l I lllll(llt•llllll llf J "• 11 I r 11 I 1 ., r 1 ti • ,\ I 1\1 H I' ~~Id' \\ 111 d I 'I , ti I I 11 .ll t 1111 SS ti I• • 111 n1•1 .1n1 I 111 ' 111• """ lu-ld .it lht• us t\,r 1·•11• • ,\rirt.11111 111 dl\·1-.1un F;!li11 t\11 t "' u• B.Jw Fl.• Thi· I. ·d .:... IC•l1<.lll1l 11• dt 1 ... 11111.., lht .iii lof1 11 H•lld ltll'-'iJt ,\ 'tt'ITI 111l1 o11 t111 1<1111\ ,., d11 1·1 tor nf ;l1~.il1• ~ ... \"'' ,,,., <./11c·r;1t11J11 and :->111 , It" 11 1 1\ 11\1 '.JI' fl' 1.1gr im n1.111dg• r H e rakes big· profil • d espite recess1on SAN rHAN<.'ISl'll 1,,1•1 Not t•vcrvbod \' ·,., "u fl 1 ·r 111g tr' I he rE'<'t•s.'>1on: T oni Co.111·., 1•x1>1~·1, t11 makt· about $500,IHJO tl\J" •w.11 Cm.Itel\., 2.8, IS ,1n Hl\'l''lllit Ill l•'otl (' s t a t (' b r 0 k ( I I 1 t I Ii '. s , , ll Frannst·o off11. ••I 1\1.11 • 1 .... S Mll l1lhap \1,h11 It ti• o1h 111 apartment bu1lri111~· -.1t11p111ni.: ct•nll·rs and oth1 r 111111111• 11·1.11 propc•rt 1 ('~. H t' 1 !11 nl, .ar•· Wl'althy investor.., <111d v.1r11111., partners hips wh" 111 1"\ .111d ..,, ll acros.s the nation Thi ... Vt·~ll .... ,,, 1.ig• tr<lll!.t!Cl1on ·would'" ,, ~I rnilh•·•• ap.irtn11 nt build 11 • 11, • 1 •Ji, 1 r ,,,, oftheSunlxoltar• '"'" S111ll11rr1 Californta," C11.11 ........ 11d 11J .111 1ntC'rv1t•w at h 1 .. 1':11111.111 ,1tl1'111 art>a offk l'. "The ::.e l l C'I 1111 ~It I ltt· ol 11 andw1du<1l tntll • • tvd 111 1.rlq111• prt1f11 .... -..1n11.,1111 '' h11 11.ad 11\\111·.! th1 propul\ ln1 -.c•\1r . .J ,,,,..., and \\'ii" 1ntt·rt ... 1, d 11 po-.,..tl11\ taktn~ <ld\.,tnlag• 111 -.cum ol lit< new ta"< liiw-; ..inrl 1J11 buv<.·1 w nu Id ht· .i s' 11 d 11 .11111 • ii..," inl1•11•.,tt•d 111 lLih lr1)' td\ .1111.11•1 11! tht '"' l.i\\~ 111d ol111111• ''"'' '" •• -.r 1111 p11va11 • 11 ~·t I\ II• it I• 1 •II; (.11,\lt's .111 1111111,..t l11 . .rd1·d bachl'lor who h..i~ bt·• 11 ~II h Murt·u s & M1 1l1d1ap 1111 lour years, dcc1d<'<I un hi-.< ff('t'r wh1h· s till majoring Ill bu-.11w ... s admini'ltrat1on in 1 ollc·j.{C' "I was 1nten· ... 11•cl 111 1h1., bus1 n1•ss from lht 111111 l resC'arl'h1·d it It \1,1 .. s lit•· 1111h bus111css I l·ou Id f111d "l11t h sat1sfw<l all of tht t•nt1•11.1 th.11 I established as b< 111g antw1 ••1ll 111 thf' 1cit•al carf'<'r," lw -..ml "They were v1 ·1y ll't'1•pt1\t '" young pcoplt> -that w,.-. 1101 .1 d1sadvanLagt· but p11, ... 1hlv f'\'1 ll an advantage Tlt1 1111·01111• p otential 1s u nllrn1t1•d "\ ou virtually <.·all your own h1.1l1r-. having no one tell whc·n m ''hat you were suppos<'<I tu he • drnng, having in <'SSt!lll't• vour own busint'ss . .md it's c>xln•nw ly challenging." . Commission s 111 1nv c•l>trrwnl real estate an' almolit alwfly:- neeotla ted, but a s Coa t es explains, "on the smaller dt•als. $2.5 mil ll<>n (Ind below. very eldom would It be wrJrth the whlle to work below slx~rcent. On the larger dealA, it'r, more of a nogotlut(od flat foe, $250,000, on thla deal, $850,000 on thut one.'' H e geu 60 perrent oC his oomm'9sion , wlth the ~t going to Marcus & M1lllchnp. Coates apends four or five Claya a month travt!lln tu tilt· up various pro~rllt's and sny" he nonnally works about 60 hours • .... l-. '\ 1 ll EPR F~l'ER Tum l r 1 ..... .J rr·<1l L'S tJtl broker. , :-O)J\ 1 ts to rn<1kP $500 00 1h1s )I ill ,•, \11d .dtl\ .. ugla h1.., hu:-ancss ha , • 1 •t I 111.111< 1.tl .t ... J')o'l ts. he· .. ,1\ II l.1~.1-. 111 l11l1t\ It• ~f'l .tlt111i.: \\••II \\tlh 1wnpl1• to be ll.111\ "Ul'(',...._-.tllJ ,11 II f1 ·, n1ud1 mor •' ;a pl'ople hu-.am·-.· Ix'< au-.i tht 1·c:onom1cs of 111\'t stmf'nl rNil l'Statf' are ,,, tu.ill\ pr•"' ... rmpk•." hl' said. ""\ 11U 1,1•1 l11ok al J dN\I and Jn I"" 01 thrr" n1111u1<-:. Jn~lvzc> •he 1l•11al 1·1·0111ir111'"' "\1111 l·:•n put t h1 m 111\ '1111 µu·u of p<Jpt•r After thc1 1 11 1~ mul It m11r1• a people h u 1 111 s, and ,1 n 1 n t u 1 t 1 v e 'l'hJ;.1 llt'~... • 1 '11,11,..., who hv<-~ an Tiburon . • ... I\·; ha.. 111;11•1 .1 .... <.f't ts ,m ah1hty to lll'g11t1.1l1 \;\I'll, ~OnH thing " ht:' ft•l'b 1' 1·1ul1.il to his krnd of rt>al ..... 1.1tt • A<1 lo whv l 'v<' been s111i t ...... rul. l think 1t'!; because I ""' k 11••1s11 n a h lv hard, I 'm r<'H'1111,1!tl) mtl'lhgt•nt l think l '111 n go1Jd. negot1a tor and tha l''> a n t'Xtremcly important aspt-t.·t ul our busine8S," he aald. "OUJ w hole business 1s centered nrnund negotiating The besl negoluaor ls the ont-who gets the Ix-st dMI " The key to s u «~<>sc;£ul ncgotlalton. according to Coat.eS. "i'I knowill$l how far to push each f'lcment lt you push il too far, yol.l don'I. get it a t all. If you don't pu.1h lt for enouah, you don't max1mtrc it. A )Qt of tht reason my c.lienta dt'al wlth me ls ~au th~y feel my abUlty to n ROtlA i stn>n,et than other p ooplc th~y know iJl t h o bu3ln ." Please mail this coupon with your check, made payable to the South Coast Foundation to: Timothy L. Strader, Benefit Chairman, South Coast Foundation, 1501 Westcliff Drive, Suite 205, Newport Beach, CA 92663. Please respond by September 6, 1982. Seat- ing assignments given in order of response: 11'VINE MAIDWS AMPHITHEATRE • Orange CoHt DAIL y PILOT /Monday, Auuu~t 30. 198~ s \ r. - . - . -.· - . - . - . - . -. -. - . - . -. -. - . - . - • D Please make my reservations for the Sinatra concert. ! D Star of Hercules, $250 per person I D Star of Centaurus, $100 per person (No 1 . ..i w.v 'il .ATINGJ • I D Star of Aquarius, $50 per person • Total Due (100 % tax dedl)ctible) .! D l'm sorry I can't attend, but here's my donation to help I the South Coast Foundation's star shine brightly. • I NAME ~--~-~----~-~-• I ADDRESS ~-----~-----~ • I CITY_· ____ Zl~ __ PHONE ____ _ • I MASTER CA RD/VISA# _______ EXP.DA TE _____ _ AUTHORIZ~l) SIGNATURE ____ .-·----------- .. -~- •• Orange CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Monday, Augu1t 30, 1082 MUC ftOJlC( occ offers ..ra .. HcHi. 1e Mrth llV.. lllat 1119 MOftOI OI ftlUITl&!t IAL.I Aikido ,..,. ol T'u•1W. ol the CHll iT' .:' .~.:r~NIMAH Community Coll••• Ol1lrlDI of AM~N ITATI IANK .. d\Ji'I o,.n,. Cou11ty, Calllo,nl•1 •Ill 1ppolnl•Cl Tru1IH unit .. ,... 'tffl~u:::•d bl11 u:.1~ I ti fOllOWlncl detoflbed Hid 6f trutl fhl N~ MeM UNfltiO ktlOOI oi.l•lel \Odey ennOWICl4! 11• l>Oi60Y 10. 1111 Ind reduGed prlol meale 10< (.hlidren uneble 10 pey Ille 11111 prlff ot meel• Mrved undlt Ille N11ion., k hOol l.4lf1Cll'I end lc:hool ltrMklu1 ftfogreme lou l echoo4 ott1C1al1 h•ve ldOplld tlle fOllowlng twnlly Ill• •n<I tneome crtterll '°' oe11tm1n1ng ellglOlllly :t 1t..' Putc~': ~l~lfl OI WIU llLL AT PUILIC AUCTION Mid OOl6IOe dlllflc1ioc.ieo 11 1,70 TO lHI! HIOHUT l lOOIR FOR A.demi 71..,.nue , COlll Mot. CASH (p1yable II llm• of Hie In C.ilfornte 11 wtllCh llrnt.Mlcl bid• lawful money OI the Untied a!::l wlll be publclly ooened end r1llld tor 1111 rl;ht. 111111 end lnt.,•I oon CAUf'OflNIA IUOllNUTY ICAUI '°" r M I A.a MDUCIO ~I •AU Clll6dr.n ""'" ,_,.... whll IMel'lle 11 • .....,. llM ....._ffle course le•el• mer be .. ._.... fOf lrM ., r~,...... ,....,. INCOMI •UG*l.ITY outOILINlll Julr t, 1112 • .NM IO, 1111 modem Japa.neee maru8'1 a rt baa e d on n on· real1t.ance rather than 1tterurth. wUl be ta1,.1ghl b y Orange Co11t College'• community aervlee olll.ce. The three t 6·week fee-bued clusem begin the week oC Sept. 7. Beginning cluaea-mct:l 'l'\u~sdaya from G-7 p.ni .. and Thundaya from 3-6 p.m . A beginning and lntennediate leve l counie is scheduled Thursdays from 5-7 p.m. ONI TllA8H OOMftACTOA. IO liM now held by 11 under Mid rAMtU 'IVl •Yt•A lllNTAL WllH DHd Of Truat In 1h1 property llU ,. hef tlnetltr deeetlbed. ,UllCHAU OPTION, OAA~O! TAUllTOA Ol!OAOE FMl!MAN, OOAIT OOLLlOI. 1 wldowtr All bld9 we lo be In IOC>Mdenol 111~.,ICIARY · AATHOFEA1 wtttl 1119 Bid 'otm lnllNGllOne end HOWARD DlllllLOPMelNT CO • Condltlone end Speclfloatlonl which INC. we now In 1111 end mey be MOUNCI "9cofeled June f . tt?t .. 1n11r In lhe offtol Ol lhe Pufohulnel 11.0tnt Ho. 72N lfl bo01t 13114. peg. 1601 01 Mid OOlllOI dlettlot. Of Ofllolal "-d• In the ofb of Eaoh bld<llr ~ tubmll with 1111 the Recordtr of 011ng1 Ooun1y. bid • c••hler • oh1ok, Mtllll•d Hid dMd ot 1ru11 dnorlt>•• th• ohecll, o r bidder'• bond med• IOlloWtng P">P«tY' j>aYlb .. 10 Iha Ofc.iet OI the~ PARCEL I. 'un11 21, In 1h• COIJl'"unlly COlleOI Oltlrlct eo.td County of Oreng•, St111 o f of Truet ... In en amount not 1111 c.111ornle u 11\oWn on thet c:enaln thin ft~'*°'"" of Iha tum bid u a Cond9f'"lnlum Pl1n 1ecordld Mey Q111ten1 .. lhet the blddlt will entff a 1 t977 In boOlt 12211 pege Ul75. fnto the PfOC>Olld Conlrec1 II lhe oMcial Rec:ol'dl In the oflloe ol tne .. m• le 1w1rdld 10 him. In th• county recorder' o1 H id county. ......,, of fllture 10 .,.,., Into IUdl PARCEL 2· An undMffd "°" I' 2 l 4 ~ 8 7 8 For Etch Addlllon1I Family Member Add .. WllKLY 1111111 AIOUCID 50. 117 $111 187 0 t&e 167-22 ' 0-104 115·210 0·23) 234-331 0-271 272-388 0.309 310 • .uo 0-348 340-4116 o-:w 388-550 138 OAOH INCOMtl , .. so &07 0 874 O· 841 0·1,008 0·1, t7• 0·1,341 0·1,608 0·1,87S $187 MONTHLY fltDUCID I 608-722 cm 161 842 I, 1117 1,009 t.434 1.176 1,87 1 1,342 1,808 t,509•2, 148 1,878 2,383 $238 PMI M>· 8.0llO 0 8,0QO o 10.m o 12.m 0 14.090 0 18,090 0 18 100 020,100 2 000 ANHUAL fllOUCIO • 8,081· 8,8e0 l ,091-1t,5t0 10,091-t4,360 .,,091·17 210 14 091-20,050 I 0~09 t-22.800 18. l~f-25".700 20 101·28.800 Course fee ls $30. For information 556-5527. oontrect. lhe l)<OOMde of In. cMc11 1 1n and • LOV"'lf T No. call wlll be tonelted. or In the OMI of• =~~ '* m~~1:11c1'1:~ l>Ond. the l\IH tum uw.of will be 393, PAOM 5 Ind 0. Mi.c.41~ ~led 10 Mid COlleol dlllrlc1 MllOt. In the off~ of lhl county • A fl!rnily OI one meen• • s}upll who I• nl1/~ llOle euppor1 tnehtullonllllld children .,. etw•y• one memb•• tamillft only II the welt1r11p1aoemen1 aoency Mlln111n1 leQtl r"pon1iblllly for 1119 child Femlly m11n1 1 group or rolaled. or nonret111d lndlvl<1u111 wt10 are llvlng " one economic unit. Children lrom temHlet whOM lnc;ome 11 11 or below Ille lev•lt enown ere eUglble lor trM or redlK«I p11Ce moe•• Course Instructor la Wayne Tourda, a third· 0 WlrepfM>to degree black belt 1n CHILD OF· WAR Tl:iis young boy was o n e o f aikido. the wounded m the r«-ent f1g hung between Israelis a nd the PLO in Beirut But the youngster may be spared any more sights of war after the PLO evacuated the area last week. Skiers speed limited No bld<I« ITl4IY wtlfldr-hie bid recorder of Mid county. 1ogether for • p«IOd for lorty-llw (45) cleY9 with 111 lmprov1m1n11 thereon. ener the d•l• Ill for lhl opening e&oeptlng lhltefrom Condominium 1~80.rd of Tflllt-,...,_ Vnlla 1thrOYgh84 IMlulMl, loc".llled the pnv1lege OI rej9Ctlng llnY and IM 1~CEPT THEREFROM Ill oll, bid• Of to w!IM 1111)' lrregulerltlel Of II • a . m I n ., • I I I n d 0 I h • r lnl0f'm11111 .. In 1ny t>td Of In the llydroc:erl>Onl, below 1 dee>lh ol 11()() ~N • WAT90M f .. t. wllhout th• right of 1url1ce AppOc;ellon torm1 are being Ml'll 10 Iii llOMel In e lellar lo p11enl• Addlllonal coplel ere 1v1llabi. 1t the prlnclpal'e otltce In eech aclloOI To dlacourege the po11l1>1111y ot mlerep<-llllOrl. lhe lpplleellon form• con1111n • 1111emen1 •bOve lhe epace lor 11gn11ure oertlly1ng thal 111 1ntorm11ion turnlehld In the lpplleetlon la ltue and oorrect An 1dd1tlon111111emen1 I• lidded 10 w11n 1n11 the lppltcetlon la being mlde In connec:11on Wllh Ille rece1p1 ot tedlt1I tunda, 11111 aclloOI olllci1l1 m•y v1r11y the lntorm111on on the eppliclllon, Ind thll dtlibltlle ml11epr-1111on ol lnl0<mlllon mey eubjeel the 1ppt1e1n1 10 proeecuuon under eppllc;11>M1 11a1e •nd criminal llllUH Appllclllon1 may be tubmi11ed 11 eny time during Ille Yt1f In Clfll il1 c.ues, fotllr children ••• lllO e11g1bi. for Ir .. or reduced Pfic. mall• II 1 tamtty 1111 toe1er enlldren llYlng with lhem tnd wlllles 10 apply '°' meel• tor lhlm, the lamlfy tllO<..w eon1t11C1 Ille tdlool Matchbooks .__._ ...... "'T..-.... entry, u r..vect In 1n11rumen11 of ~~.. record CWI C~ C..,... Oteb1ot YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A ~ °!,-.e C-t Delly DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 21, ~--. .. ytt • .., .I, 'fm 1179 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION sm.a TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT ---.. ---IC-1111\-TlCE----I MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE Under 111e provllk>n• of tne PQltc:y the pr1nc1r1J of nch acnoot w111 r9'11ew eppllca11on1 Ind oe1..-m1ne tlllglblllly 11 p1r1n11 lft d1uellaf1ed with Ille ruling o the ofllclt l, they m1y with 10 dllCUH the dllClllon wllh Ille a.1ermlnlng olllelll on In Informal basis II lhey with to mok• 1 lormel eppe11, 1hey mly mlk11 requeal either or Illy O• In wrlllno to Mt Fred C C11'11r, Director ot Student SINl<:ea. PO Bo• 1388, NlwPOf'! e.ec11. 92863. 760-3284 lor 1 11ea11ng lo tPPtlll lhe declllon The pollc;y con111n1 en outllne ot lhl heltlng prooedure It e tamlly member becomes unemployed or JI femlly alia ch1ngea, 1h1 f1m11y ehould con11e1 the acl\Ool 10 tile a n1w app11e111on Such c111111ges m1y make the cnlldren ot 1111 f1mlly eligible tor addlllon11 t>enellll II the family Income 11111 II or below Ille levels shown 1bov1 .--"" IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION ------------lo F THE NATURE OF THE COV IN GTON , La (AP) -"But officer, l was only going 16 m iles an h our" ~ COURT M PROCEEOINO AGAINST YOU, YOU CA&IORNIA SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. ~ ~~ 1058 We11w1rd L1n1, Cott• In lhe ope1a11on of Child laedlng praoram&, no child 'Wiii be dllCrlmlnatld eg11n11 beclu .. of rl<ll, aex. color, neuonsl origin, age. or hsndlctp first love ' · MM&, CA. "(II I etr ... lddr ... or Eecn !Khool and the omce ot the FOOd Service Oepartmenl Ms a copy ol t'1e complete policy wnlen mey l>e rovlewe<I by llflV lnlerellld party ...... =. ~ moa common d11lgn1llon 11 1hown MAMIAGI Of't tbove, no w1rr1nly 11 given u .!o Ill Publl1nod Orange Coatt Dall~ Pllol, Aug 30, 11182 NEW ·O R L E ANS (AP) -Bill Hubba rd's. prized collectio n would be considered worthless by • fanciers..oLs.ucb th ings as C.'Oins., art and wine, but fe w collectors get so much for so ltttle "Everybody h as to collect something," he said. "Some of us just happen to like m atchbooks ." . Hubbard is co·chairman of the Rathkamp Matchcover Society, which recenlly h eld its 42nd a nnual con ventio n this week end. About 200 collectors registered to buy, sell, s wap or just admire some o f the world's most exotic matc h covers. Adorned with everything Crom p o l itical cartoon s to landscapes, princesses to burlesque girls, the matchbooks o n display filled three large meeting rooms. Matchbook collectin g is not done on a smaU scale. Hubbard has about a million covers, which h e ~id is t y p ical for a serious collector. "These arel'\'t the kind of collect.ors who just till up a brandy snifter or a rishbowl,'' he said. H ubbard's collection instead fills up two rooms of his home in M e mphis, T e nn. Like m ost fanciers, he kee ps his books in dozens of pho to a lbums Sorted by categories. MQre discriminatin~ ts Bob Oliver, a past pres;deot o f the society who lives in Mira Loma, Calif., and was w ear ing a shirt printed with dozens of match book covers. "GeneraJJy, a \x>Uector will have a m illion or two,'' h e said. "I've got just a couple o f hundred thousand g()Od ones." DIATH NDTICIS MULHERN wife Sadie. J. daughters H U G H T H O M A S Sandi (David) Eason, Mary MULHERN, resident of Jane (William ) M!nna, Cona Meea, Ca. Pastted away OeraJdme (Wayne) 0 ~em, on August 28, 1982. He was a 2 sons Allan (Marilyn) ~tem. Financial P lanne r for 30 Richard (Sandy) S te m . 1 years with the Camb ridge 1uster Pearl Rosenfell, 2 C api tol Compa n y . He Is br~thers Louis Stein and survived by ru.s wlJe Martha, M 1 I l ~ n S l e i n , I 6 sons Brian , Terranc e and grandchi~n and 15 greet- Tlmot h y, g r a ndchilden grandchildren. He w~s a Nathan and Kyla, moth,er member o f t~e American F.dlth Dougherty. brothers Medical /\SIOC1alld!" and on T h o m as Mulhern, siste rs staff at Hoag H ospital for 12 Marjorie Harvey and Colette ye~rs , a member o r the Pedrott.· Maas o( Lh e Irvine Country Club and a Resurrection will be held on me~ber o r .th.e Retir ed M onday August 30 1982 at Officers Association. He w as 7:30PM al St. J~hn the a retired Col. of the United .Baptist Cath olic C hurch. Stat.es Army for 30 years. Prayer se. rvice w ill be held Services will be h(tld on on Tuesday. A ugust 31 , 1982 Tuesday, August 31.' _198~ at at 9:30AM a1 St. John the 1 l:OOAM ~t the Pacsf1c View Baptist Catholtc Church . Chapel w1~ Pastor Charles lntennent ~ces Collowll\g Eason o ff1c1ating. Friends al G 0 0 d shepherd may call at the M ortuary Cemete ry Huntingto n from <MlOPM to 9:00PM on ,eeach Se~•ces under the Monday, August .30. 1982. direction of Harbor Lawn-lnterment at Pac1~1~ Vie w M ount Olive Mortuary o f Memonal Park Pacific View Costa--Mesa. 540-5554 M ortuary, New port Beach STEIN directors DR. WILLIAM S TEIN. a EDW RBDR ~VRANKLIN resident of Newport Beach . A " . The St. Tamma n y P aris h Council is considering setting a 15 mph s peed limi t on the T c h e func t e R iver - hoping to keep wate r skiers away. The council tried to ban water skiing on the parish waterways in Ma y . But a s tate attorney general 's o p inion recently said the council can't forbid the s p o rt although it do~s have the authority to set speed limits. An o rdinance lo set the limit on the Bogue Falaya and uppe r Tchefuncte rivers n orth o f Interstate 12 1s- gche dule d for councll considera tio n Sept. 16. The c ouncil set the river's first speed l1m1t last week -45 mph . Youngest graduate lauded 'I Tl Tl ON IUI • IHI fl L Ir Y complel-or correct,_), --..... -D1-m1_l_C_NO_T_IC_£ __ _ · The beneflcllfY under laid Deed ' .-.-. MAT\.OCk or Tfllll t>y rlllOft or 1 brMCh ·or ------------ftll,ONDI NT: .1.,PfllY L. d«eull in the oblloelloni MCYred NOTICI: Of' TIIUITWf'I IAU llAT\.OCk ~No 7010S11 14WC>Me.(P ..... 't u•)-lhlrl by, heretofOfl IHOUlld end T. -No.,,.... CAM NO. I>-.... !:.~:'~r~::!n u~d~~~·~ s K 'o -i E o · M o R T G A G E NOTIC•I Yev IMrH Met! wed, Oenillnd'lor Sale, and written notlGe CORPORATION u duly appointed TM MWt INlf...,.. ...._.,... of brNiCn Ind of 16eGtlon 10 cauM Trull•• under the lollowlng ._. ,_ ..... MliFd ...._ the undaralgned 10 Hll 11ld dllerlbed died ot lnJtl WILL SELL )'M ~ ....... ..,... "9M property 10 .. !11ty tald obllglllon1 AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE et. IHM R11•rn ..... end lher .. fler lhl undertlgnid HIGHEST BIDDER llOR CASH •,... ....,. te ..-11111 lltWtoe of oeuMd IAld notice OI t>.-eecn Ind OI (pay1t>I• 11 time ot Nt. In lewtul e11 1ttNMJ t11 11'1• l'lllttN, ,ou election 10 be Recorded Mly t3, money ol lh• Unllld St1l11) 111 ..._.. •• ,,_..., ..... ,_ 1902 11 lnllr No. 82·185191 In right. 1111• end ln1., .. 1conYIYed10 ,....,_ • ......., • 11111· ,.._, Offlcial Record• end now held t>y II under H id Deed lie tl9d • ..... Slld ule wHI bl med• but of Trus1 In the proper1y 9-elnafter AYllO I U1l1d 91 1 e l do llh 1 I ,' t dltctlbed Mt11111dH1. II lrllt•n•I ,_.. ~= ;~::..e;.:. ,~:i:.a ·;:,~: TRUSTOn MARTY J MANDELL .... _... "" .... euilll•~··. pclMlllon, Of encumbfenoet. 10 end MARILYN J MANDELL, -.,. U& NePOlldl ....,_ pey the r.nelnklg pr1nc1pe1 eum ot t1u1blnd Ind wff1. •• ..._ LM II ..._l1n... ncMe(.iMWflc:I t>y laid Deed ol BENEFICIA RY. Sl<O-FEO ...... TNll With lnterett .. In Mid l'lOM MORTGAGE CQRPORATION .• ._, U1telt dH•• eellolter el provided lldvtnOM If Illy under OOfPOf•llon. -to de 1111 eboeedcl et1 .... he termi of uld D..o oi Truet Rtcord•d Auguat 25. 118 t 11 e1u11t o , deber r1 ll1o ert1 ,_ c:llergee llld ·~ OI t~ 1n1tr No 32800 In t>ooll 14194, ..._...._ .. ,di .a.-.. TMt .. llld Ol ltle tl'Vlll etMled by l>loe ·t090 Of Offldll Reccrd1 In Ille 111 n111 ..ta o .... u lal'I, 11 NJ Deed of Trut\, Seid Nie wtH be ofllc. of lhe R«order ol OrlllQI ... 11ne, puede ••• r .. ltlred• • d on Tueld•y) September 28, County: Mid deed or tru11 deecflbN tlellllpo.t TO THE RESPONDENT· The 1982 al 2:00 P.M II lhe Chaprnen 1111 followlng?xopertyA • YenUe en1r~ to'"' Ctvtc c.n1.. ~ _,... · pltltlonar hll llled 1 petition Bulldlng 300 Eot Clltpmtn DESCRIPTION concerning your merrlllQI. II you fall .....,_ 1n· the Clly of 0r_,. CA PARCEL 1. An unllvldt d 1114 to n1e 1 r411C)Of1N Within 30 deye ol /.I th • time ot th• ln.ltl~I ln11r .. 11n Ind to Loi 1 ol TrlCl No. the Chll th11 thlt 1ummon1 le-blloatlon ol thll notice, Ille totll 10095, m the Ctry of COStl M~ -WO on you, your dlteutt mey be nt of Ille unpeld blllence of the County ot 0 r Inge, S 111e of entered Ind the oourt mey ent., • t>llgeuon MCUrld by the ebove C111tornl1, u per mep reco<ded In Judgmenl cont1lnlng lolunctlve O< ••crlbed died of trutt end boot\ 484 , p1g11 8 1nd 7. other 0<der1 oonotmlng dMSlon of •tlmtt•d coetl, upeneH. end Ml~l•neoua M1p1, In Ille office of properly, epouaal aupporl, Chlld dvenc ea 11 139 229 05 To 1111 county reco<der of H id c;ounty. ou1lody, ohlld 1uppor1, tllorney .,mine llll openlnQ bid: you mey EXCEPTI NG THEREFROM Unll1 1 ... , c:otl•. Ind IUCfl other relief u 17141 937-0906. 1 10 •• lnolullve, u lhown on the mey be grented by the court. Tiie 0.te· AUQUll 19 1982 Condominium Pl1n rec;orded In garol1llment or w1gH. teklng 01 AMERICAN STATE BANI( 00011 13828, p1ge 1338, Offlcl1I rnoM'J' or property, or other court .. Mid Tflllt.. Record1. euthortud prooeedlnge m1y elto B y T O S E R v I C E ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM rllUll. COMPANY the ••dull.,. rlghl 10 po-.lon ol Oiied Mwc:h II, 1982. •• Ill lhOll are11 d11lgn111d .. LM A. lflftd\, C--By: Pelr1ole A. Rendell. baJconlet, 9w1g19, petlo Ind dlcil Nefter W-.e-, Depwly Alalstent Sec:fftllfY I [I 1 1 1 I a h o w n on ta I d Publlthed Or1n,g1 Co11t Delly One City BMI Wll1 C&wlornlnlutn ~ Pllol, Aug. 23, 30, s.p1. 8, 18, 1982 Qrenge CA e2eea . PARCEL 2 Unll '1 .. lt>OWn on _________ ...;3_7,;,.3$-8 __ 2 rr141 a3s-a288 lhl Condominium Plt n 1t>ove P\B.JC NOTICE Publlahed Oreng• CoHI Delly ret;;~~~ 3 The nt --l'1CTTTIOU----,--su-alNli_._1_1 __ Piiot. Aug 23, 30, Sec>• 8. ~~ie2 poee ... tcn ot 1~x=.:.~ J,~ TAIPEI, T&wan (AP) NAM! ITATllMDn " t d11crlbed In Percel t 1bov1. -Presjdent C h ia ng Th• lollowlng peraon 1, doing P\B.h. NOTICE ;.lone1ed'a1cf.1tcY.1t,l>-11 enc:t Ching-kuo met with a bulll'9U M : NOTICE or M>f'UCATION p.11 on Hid Condominium Pl1n la-year -old boy who lS HUDSON MFG c o • 1280 FOA •A.Ht< HOU>IHO COMPANY end .. 1ppurlen1n1 10 Percel• ' l.ogen A~. Unit E. Cosl1 MN&, NOTICE IS HEREBY GlllEN by Ind 2 t bove reportedly the youngest CA 92828 the Appllcllll PNB An1nolll G1oup YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A college graduate in the ANDREW L. S ANDOR. 2019 4665 M•cArlhur Courl N•wpori DEED OF TRUST DATED AUGUST U n I. l e d s l a t e s . o.i-· Str .. t. No c . Hunllngton &IC/I. C1Jllornla 1n1111 will •POiy IO 13, 1181 UNLESS YOU TAKE S..Oh. CA t2648 the federll Ret«Ve Boerd pureullll ACTION TO l>RO TECT YOUR government officials said TN• t>ullneu II conducted by'" to Seollon 3 or lhe Bink Holding PROPERTY, IT MAY BE 'BOLO AT A toe! lndlYkklll. Comptny Ac;t for 1 bank holding PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN ay. Andrew S1ndor company EXPLANATIO N OF THE NATURE Jay Lo. whose fath er Thi• 1111em1nt wu lllt d ""nh Tile Appuc;inl lnlenda 10 ec:qulre O F T H E P R O C E E O I N G is f r 0 m Ta i w a n • C'.ounty Clerk or °''""9 County on 590,000 1100·1.1 lhtrH of P•clllc AGAINSTYOU, YOU SHOULD ~raduated from Boise on July 27, tl82 Natlonet Bank. •885 MtoArlhur CONTACT A LAWYER. Ftt411a Courl. N-porl E11111eh. CaHlornl1 2157 PIClllc Ave. No A 104, Cotta late University in Idaho Publl1h1d Or1nge Cout Delly The public: 11 Invited to 1ubml1 M ... , Ce1ttorn11 and has been accepted Piiot, Aug. 18, 23, 30, Sep1 8, 1982 wrllten c:ommenfa on hla eppi101Uon "(It 1 11reit lddreu or c:ommon for graduate S•udies at 3822·82 to lhe Federal Re-ve Board 11 the de1lgn1llon 11 1hown 1bove no • 1------------Federal Rteerve Bank ot Sen Wlf'lnly It given 11 10 Ila Stanford University's P\B.IC NOTICE Fr1nctsco, •OO Soull• San1ome c:ompi.t-or oorr1C1neee)." h . Slreel. San Fr1no11co C1111orn11 Thi t>enellcllfY und« 111d Deed mat emal1cs msutute. 'ICT1TIOUI •Ul lNEll 94t11 TM c:ommen1 period on thla or tru11. by reuon of 1 l><NCh °' At the W ednesday m eeting, Chiang lauded the youngste r for his success and told h im t h e p eople of Taiwan a r c proud and h o nored by NAME ITATE•NT 1ppl1C1t1on will nol end belore cllltull In lhe ol>llgatlona teeurld Thi foltowlng pereona a1e doing Oc1ober 1 t982 Call Mr Gordon th11et>y. here1ofore aatcule end bu•1'-• u · Smllh 1415) SU -2229 •1 lhl d1llv1rtd 10 1111 underalgned 1 NEWBAY, t7992 Mllc hell Federal Reserve Bank ot S•n Wf111en Dlclarlllon Of Oefeull Ind Soutn, lrv1ne. CA 127 t4 Francisco 10 find ouf 11 you hive Demand for S1i. Ind written nOtlee LINDA CHOABAGIAN, 9813 1dd1tlon11 lime tor eubmlttlng ol b<Hc:ll end of etec:tlon IO ceuM Slurxeon. Foun1e1n v1111y. CA commenls on this 1ppt1ce11on or 11 th• und1r11gned to ••II ••Id 1270 you l1"d more 1ntorm111on about property 10 11ll11y l9ld obltgt llon• his achievement. Jay was born United St.ates LESLIE GREENING. fi001 submllllng comr'9"lt The Federal end fherHfler Ille undertlgned Newport Short• Drive, No '· Reserve will con11der commen11, ceuMd Mid not!Qe o1 br..ch end of h Newport Belch, CA 12863 lnc:fudlng requeats tor 1 public tlecllon IO be recorded M•y 4 m t C ROBERT VA MAE UJI, 2 m .. llng or lormel '1eer1ng on the 1~2. 11 lnetr No 82-153580 0j Svnt>urel. lrvtne. CA 92715 appllceuon. II lhey .,. r_.ved by llld Otflcltl Record• DONALD A CORBIN , 37 Ille Federal Reserve Bank during St ld n it wlll be mede b 1 Montpelll1r, Newport Batch. CA Ille c:omment pe<lod without covinint or we rreni;. 12MO ,..') Publlehea 0 11nge Co111 Delly •!IP'-or lmplled llQlfdlng title Thi• butl ....... c;onductelf' by II Ptlol Aug 30 Sepl 6 1982 P<>SMNlon or ~umbr-1noae I~ ~al partnerlhlp 3855-82 pey the rmlnlng prlncipel ... ~ ot Lindt Cllort>egltn •-..-1111\TlCE the note(e) eewrld by lald Deed 01 Ca. Passed away on August (FRANK) BRAY, a retJden t 27 1982 Survived by lovin~ of Huntington Beach._ Ca. Gang pro1' eel ' Pass ed away on Friday HAUOll LAWH-MT. OLIVE Morluar,i • CemelNy Crema1orv 1625 Gisler AY,. Costa Me~a 540.5554 l"IUCt llOTHH S IRL H OADWA.Y MO ITUAU t tO Broadway Costa Mesa 642 9150 IALn &IHGll OM SMITH & TUT'HILL WHTCLlff CHAPll. 427 E 17th SI -Cos1a Mesa 6.tEl-9:)71 ,.HCI UOTHIU SMfTHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main S1 Hun11nq1 on Belich S36-6S39 PACtAC VllW MIMOl14L 'Aal C•~tt'ry Mortua~ Cttapel-Cr•m•tory 3500 Pac1f1c V1rtv OtlYll NewPOrt Beach 644·2700 ~ MOITUAlllS LllQUl'lll Beach •9'l-8•41!~ ,. UOAJ,,I Hrll1 7ee.o933 Sin JuM C10;11r1no -.111e c August 27, 1982. Mr. Bray was born in Foam Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada on December 24. 190 I. He was the owner a nd operator of Bray's Food Center, at 218 Mam S t. Huntington Beach !or more than 40 years. He was a member of the Finl Christian Church and had served as treasurer for the the church for more l.han 15 years and was an Elder LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -County supervisors have voted to give the pro batio n departmen t m ore con trol over a $2. l C million anti-gang project which relies on former gang members and "stree twise" worke rs, s o me with cri m i nal records. Thie 1111-t WU llled wUh the ,._,,. "" Trull wllh lntlrlll u In Mid note Coun1y Clerk or Or1nge County on • Aunuit 13 1182 ITATEMfNT OF WlTHOflAWAL provided, 1dv1noea. If 1ny. under -· · · ,,..., l'ROll 1111 term• of Hid DMd ot Tru•t. Publl•h•d 011nge Co111 Delly PAfllltSfl.._ Of'EV.TIMO '-· chergee and ••1*1-ot the P UNDllfl T rullM Ind of Ille trut11 c:r11ted t>y llot. Aug. t8, 23, 30, Sept, 8. 1982 ACTITIOUI ., ..... ..,.. Nld Deed Of Trull. __________ 38_3_e.._8_2 Thi follo.,lng per1on h11 Seid ••I• wlll be h•ld on fltalC NOTICE wtthdrewn u • genet.i l)lf'lntr lrom Wednetdl)'. September 8, tte2 11 --------· ---the pertnera/llp oc>erlllng under tile 2:00 p,m 11 Ille cnepmen A~ F.merilus, he was a charter------------ • n d Ii re member of the ___ rtaJC ___ M>_T_ICE_· __ Huntington Beach Lions rtClTT10U9 .,... .. Club he served for 8 yean ,. ... l'TA,_NT on the Board of Trustees Th• ro11o .. 1no ~reon I• doing bullnMI • with lhe Huntington Beach (A) PPPLANTS: (I ) FRAN School Dilt.rict and had been WILLIAM$ PLANT~ Sent• An• a member o f the Board of A-. Newport . CA 12fe3 Founders o f the Coaat FRAN WILLIAMS. 487 81n11 Communhy College 1ince ~~venu., ~ BMoll, CA 1958 Beloved hutband of Thie bu"'-11 conducted t>y 111 '1CTmOUI 8UltNHI NA• ITATS•NT The lollowlng peraon 11 doing bull.-u : .-.,.ELAOD LEASING CO .. 3121 WHI 00111 Hlghw1~. No 8·B, Newport BNch, CA t2M3. ' ARTHUR 0. AXELROD, 3t21 Wiii Co111 Hlghw1y, No. 8·A, Newport Beach. CA 92863. Thia l>u"'-la oonc:t\ICMll,by 111 lndMduM Ar1hut 0. Aolrod Thie 1111-1 WU flied with the County Clerk on Auguet 11, ltU. ,, ..... Publlehld Oren,g• Co111 Delly Piiot, Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 8, 13, lt82 373242 Be atrice E. Bray, lovin1 lfidMdull rta.IC NOTICE father of. Raymond F . Bray Thie 11,,!:t"!."'~ wllh the rtCTITIOU9 euiiNIH oC Huntington Beach. Ca., County CWtt °' Orenot County on NA• ITATl•NT a I 1 o • u r v I v I n g a re 6 Augu9t IS, Itta The tollowlng per1on Is doing grandchildre n , 6 great· ~ttael t>ullneu 11 Ir. n d c h I ) d re n and a Publl•h•d Or•n.11.• Co111 D•.lly THE T ti RE AD MI LL. 2 8 8 daughter·ln-law Betty Bray. Piiot, Aug. 1&. f3, JO.~~.=~ ~:8'ko8~er D1lv1, Coa11 M1u , CA 'Friend• may call at Pl~l"C'e CHARLOTTE DIANNE RUNOE, Brothers Smida' Mortuary rt.m.tC NOTICE 208 Henover Ori~. Coltt M .... CA until 9:00PM today. Funeral PICTTnOUe .,_11 °'~~! t>utlne" 11 conoucted t>y i n IMlrvlcet will ~ oonducied on MAim lrTAT'DmWT lndMdutl, Tueeday, August 31, 1982 at The following perton 11 do1110 Cner10111 o. Runge 1 1: 0,0 AM at th~ FI rs t l>ull,_ •: TN• '"'""'"' w11 med with the C hristian C hur c h o f PHNOM PENH NIWS. 1914 CounlyClefk of 011ng•Coun•v on Huntington Beach. CA. with =:;Pl., lull• 8. Coate Mela. Ce. Aug. 17, lt82. Plllln Dr. Thomas W . Over ton topf\ffl ~1111 Montfwla Publl•h•d 011n_11t 00111 Dally offldaLlng. lnt.el'Tnel\t will be A .... IM, Colla 0.. IHl1 "*"· ~ug t3, 30. *t• O, 11ti. 1912, made In the W Htmlneter ™' ...._ 11 "Y"' 3708 .. 2 Cemeter y . Tbe f•mlly lndMcMI ...... "'°"' 1u11aat contrlbutlon1 be n....,.,. ... ..., • .,.. l'NICt. co t)..e 8uilcllna F\ind ~ an d 0r.,... Ooul!'1 on o f the F J r •t Chrl1ti11t ~ 11, 1tta. • ,,_ C hurch . Piere. Brother• 'ut>tl•Md o,.~ co..1 Dell) Srnitha' Mortl.Mlry dlrec:tont.. P1101 At.It. 11. 12. n , 1ept. t. wt ~3'·8!139. ,....., ) ,. llc1lOou1 t>utl,_ n~ of H.8.T. 1ntr1noe to th• Civic C1n11r DEVELOPMENT COMl>ANY, 16"1 Building. 300 EHi Ch1pm1n Algonquin, Sult• 1. Hunllngton Avenue, In the City ot OrlllOI. ee.c11. CA 12849 Al the ll l'fl• of the lnlt lt l 1'ha flctllloua bu1ln111 n1m1 oubllGellon of thl• notlee, tile 101.i lt•t-t for 1he pertnera/llp ._.. amount of lhl unpeld balll'ICe of 1111 tlled on June 2. tl19 In tile County >l>llg1Uon 1eou11d by the tbove o1 Orenge. :lucrlb1d d••d of trull end '1f77W H llm•t•d COiia, ••P•n•••· Ind Full ..lime end Add1111 or th• ldYll'lOM la 1131,171.1&. ,.,aon Wl1hd1•wlng To determine lhl opening t>ld. K...-nt L. TMOWtOM -rou m1y C.i4 {1141 tG7.otee. _,. o..... cir. 0.11 AUCll* o, 1992 IMltMttlft ..... CA... ~ SICO·FED MORTGAGE lAW Off1oee of ,.OAP C. WIUIAM CARLSON. JR. 2130 Mein St.1140 HuntlngtDn IMc:ll, CA t2&48 i>ubliahed Otange Co111 Dally Piiot, Aug. 23, 30. Sept. 8, t3, tl82 3738-12 l'lCTITIOUI •Ul '*H NAMll ITATS•NT The rottowing l)eftoni are dotng l>ull"9N U .. aald Trutt ... By T.O. 8ervto. Co .• egent ly Vldlt J. Andrldge, AMlltlllll SecretllfY One Olly Blvd .. Wiii, Otenge, Cellfomle 128M 714/13M281 Publlalled Of1n91 Co.11 Deity , AUO. t8, 23, 30, IN2 '602~ Ml.JC NOOC£ EL CAMINO i>AATNERS, 145 Well M1ln St'"1. Suit• 200, Tualln, flllCTTTtOUI ..-11 CA 928&0 ..... STATDmNT 8 PI A 11 D E II EL 0 P Ml N T The fOllO'#lnO l*tonl .,. doing COM'>ANY, Oenerel i>erlner. 115 bullnMI aa~ W111 M11n 8tr .. 1, Suitt 200. Tuelln. ll!O COOK TOUM. INC .. dbl CA 12eeo ISLANDS IN THI SUN. 2ff4 Tiii• t>utll'Mt 11 oonducitect by 1 Lal1yet11, Newport leach. CA llmlled p1rtnert11lp. t2H3. !I Ct mlno Pe11"'1!t. TIO COOK TOURS. INO •• • Callfornl• L~lt•d 0 1tlfo r 1111 aorporetlon, 2114 Pvtnerlll!P Ulty•tt•. Newport 8 H oh, CA ly &pltlt DllYlfOpmenl taM. ~,. 0-at P1ttner ™' ~ .. ~ ~ I : .. ;~,::· Jf. COt1'0R' Ted CoOlt TOI.ft .. , Tl'lll atat9f'!*ll Wll i1ltCI With the TNe litelernent .. Nild Wl'll IN rl'Y c~ ot Ofenot County on eoun.y ~ ot °'9n01 ~ on uo. f1 1M2. ~ ''· ,.._ -. ,,... .-- Publlt hld Oreng1 Cotti O•lly "'Olll lllO Ofl llQI Coett DIHY AIJO 23. 30, &.pt t. t3 1811 ftllol, AUO tt. n,, IO. tecit. I. 111l • 3h•-t2 ~ COAIT COMMUNITY COLUOI. OttTNCT NOTICE OF IA&J OF NlllOMAL NONflTY TO ~IT lllD09.fl Notlel le hwet>y given thel bide wlll be recalved for HI• 10 th• lllgMlt bidder ol the lol!Owlng UMd equipment wtllch hu ~ dedwed ~ 10 t1'IA needl OI the Coeat Commu~ College Olelrlo1: SURPLUS BID SALE; COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE OISTRICT Sale bid• wlll be opened end publicly rMd ~ for MQftglllCI Item• u lltled on th• P<oi><>Md torm ti 11:00 am., Thurtd1y. September 30, 1M2 In the 01etrlc:1 Admlnletrellon Bulldlng. 1370 Ad•m• Avenue, Coi l• Me11, C1lllotnla . All bid• mut t l>• d•llY•r•d to th• oflloe of lh• Purah11lng Agent II th• 1t>ov1 9ddrMe prior to the time Ill tor the opi ning 10 b• e llg lt>l e for coneldet•ltcn. Propo111 lorm1 end complete ln:llnictlont mey be obtained " '"' Purc:1111lng Department of 1h1 Oi91rlc:1 II the lbove eddt-. For ICklltlooel ll!formattoo or inlpeetlon eppolnlmenl. call Olenn A. Farmer (714)~154. Bldl mutl be ~ t>y I CERTIAED, CASHIER'S CHECK OR PERSONAL CHECK mllde P41Yabte 10 the Co111 Community ColMtQI Ollttlct. °' Celt!, In en emount no IH I lhln 10% of lh• IOtl l bid. ~ c:lleck• .,. 10C9Plable up IO the etnoun1 of $25.00. Oeoolllt of IUCCI H ful blddet(I) will b• epplled 10 Ille purc:l\ete price, Other depo11t c:hec:ll1/or c11n wlll .I>• r1tu1ne d •lier lhl Bo 1 rd of TNltle't ~ Ol llW! b'd(1) wnk:h win be on Oct 20. 1082 All e 11p1n111 ol c1rt19• end rll'l'loval 1r1 Ille r.,pontlblllly of Pur~a). 8% ..... tu Wlli be edded to el wnounll UflMN valid rete ll ••I•• 1111. permit c1rd ~bid. Ah proper1y lilted herein II Olftred tor NII "u la. white la" Ind wttlloul ,_ egainlt the Olltrlet. Tile Ol1trlct melle1 'tlO guerantee, warr~n1t!. or repre1entatlon, 9J1Pr or trnplled, with regard to condition of property of ~ OI property '°' wY'/ -Ot putl>OM. No cl1lm wlll be coneldered for ellowence or 1d )u1tmenl or 1110111on or th• u le b111d on llllMe OI ttle property to ~el Mtlety the purcl\Mw In Ill reepecn.. No return• 1110-d . The Dltlrlcl 1hell not be reepdnlll>ll for eny eacldent or Injury r11ultlng from purdleM of prope'1y on Nie. P1yment In full muet be made within 1en c:elend., d9}'9 etler no11ce OI -ard; end the ltern(e) rnutl be removed trom the Dlllrlct fec:INty et tlm• ol lull peyment O.poell ol euccee1M high t>ldd•ti•I will t>e coneldlred forfeited If met.,111(1) ewtrded ere not removed lrom Ollttk:1 pr""'-within time llmltl soecflled. Dlalrlo1 ·~Ille right to ~lee metenet(•I tor NII or NII to next high bldder(1). Tf\11 notlel la fn eocordenoe With Slc:tlon 81440, 81441, end 81460 OI lhe Celttornle Edueellon Code. Ill NORMAN E. WATSON Secrllery, Boltd of Tl'Wll- Cout Communlty ColleOI Olltrlc1 Publitllld C>renge COHI Dally PllOI, Augutt 23, 30, 1982 372M2 P\B.JC NOTIC£ ~nnoua.u ..... NA.MS IT A Tl.llSNT The followtng perwona ere doing t>u.ir-u : ANY OLDTIME DONUTS, 11 13 Ball., StrMI, No. G, Colt• Mele, CA 12828. S AH WHAN l<IM, 1301 SummeRW0<1h Pl-, Fullerton, CA 92e33. ..UN SOOK t<I M, 1301 Summer1wor1h Pt1oe. Fullerton. CA 92833 . Thl1 t>u~ 11 conduoted by 1n lndlvlduel. Set) Wiien Kim Thll 111._I WU nlld With the County ~ OI Ofenge County on Augull 18, 19&2. n11111 Publl1h1d Ortnge COHI Delly Piiot, Aug. 23, 30, seen. e. 13, 1982 3731-82 P\8.IC NOTIC£ Comptreltlf of tlle c.,,.,_, T-r Depenment of IM Uftltld ...... WMtt(ftlfilft, D.C. WHEAl:AS 111laf KIOrY evldeoc4a ht• Deen preae nte d lo 1111 ComptrOller or Illa Cl.rrency 1hll LIBERTY NATIONAL l!IANK loclled in Hun1 1ng1o n 814c11, Siii• ol C11itornl1. bu ~Mptled with 111 provll lOM of Ill• llllUIH of Iha United S111u requlr1d 10 bl 11ompll1d wllh b efore btlng llUlhortH d 10 C:OMM•nc:t lh• t>utlneta ot t>enklng •• • N111on11 &1nlllnD Auocl1ltcn NOW, THIEREF'OR!. I hertby ce(tll~ thll th• 1bove •n1med 1uoc1111on 11 1uthorl11d to Gornmencl 1111 t>ualn-of b1nll(ng i1 1 Ntllonll 81nklng Auoollllon IN TUTIMONY WHIRI01'1 WllMll 11'1)' llgl\llV... ltlO ..., ot ofllol tl\lt 2nd dtY OI Jun.. '912 C. T.OcnoWr Comptl'Ollef Of "" °"'11M)' cnen• tMnber '1* l'Ubll•hecl °''! Ooa11 Otlly "'°'· Juty "· "· ~ t , .. 11. U. 00. ""· I. I 2. 3t3&·1a 3828-82 Pllll.IC NOTICE T•1ltCll NOTICE OF TflUITH'I SALE T .I . No. M064-01 Fiie No. 1142-504 YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A LO NU ~OHM SECUAI TY (INSTALLMENT) LANO CONIHA<.;1 WITH P0'09ER OF SALE DATED DECEMBER 12. 1975 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU i'IEEO AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER On September 21. 11192, a1. I 1 00 o'cloc;I( Im . St EWART TITLE OF CALIFORNIA. H duly 1ppoln11d lru11 .. und« end pureu1n1 to Long Form Sec;urlly (ln11111men1) l and Con1rec1 With Power ol Sile ("Con1 r1cl' I recorded December tll, 1975 11 ln11rumenl No 2209(; In 9ooll 11800 P1ge 1015 of Offlcill ~de IF\ the office ol Ille County Recorder ot Ofange County, Stele ol C1111orn11, eaeculed by ROBERT ALAN l(ITCHENS .• alngle man 8S Vendee, 1nC1 ELMER PATTERSON 1nd ELSIE W PATTERSON, as Vendo,. • WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHES l BIDDER FOR CASH (payable 11 limo of eele In 11wtu money ol Ille United S111es1 11 1ne olllcea ot Stewan Tiiie or C1lllorn11, 900 Norlh Broadway, S1n11 Ana, Calllorn!J 12101. (7141~5&-111•.11 right, t11i. ind ln1eres1 oonveyed lo end now neld by II under eald Contract In the pr~ty lllluated In IAld County Ind Stlll deectlbed IS LOI 2 of TrlCI NO 653. as per m1p recorded In Book 11. Peoe 42 ol Mltullaneoua M1pe In Ille ofltoe ot Ille County Recorder of Of1nge County . The slreel 1ddre11 and other common designation. 11 tny. ol the reel properly d111crll>ild above 11 purported 10 be 2289-2287 ·2287'~ PllCltic, eo.11 Mesa. C.Jllorf\11 The u ndersigned T1us11e dl1cl1lm1 any llebollly tor tny 1ncorrec1neu ol Ille s1ree1 lddreu tnd other common Clealgn1Uon, If any, "1own ner11n S11C1 1111 wlll be m1de. buf without coventnl or w1rr1nty, •KPrta• O< lmpUld, regarding lllle. POIH11lon or 1nc:umbr1nc;e1 lo PIY lhe reme1nlng prlnclp11 aum aeourld by u ld Contract. 10-w11 $45,938 00, said amounl no1 lnaludlng lhe prlnc;1pal btlance p1y1b1a on unoO e r1y 1ng encumbr1nce(1), 1ub)ec1 10 which Ille rlll proper1y Will be SOid. wllh Inlet .. , thereon, u provided In Hid Con1r1c1. 11dvanc11s. II eny under the lerma of u1d Con1rac1, lees cherg111 end expenses ot tno TruatH and ol the tr,11ata crealed by !Miid Conlrtct Thi Vendo•a unde< !Miid Contract hefototore •~eouted and delivered 10 1111 unders igned 1 written Oec:leretlon ol Oef1u1t end Oemlnd tor Sale. 1nd • wrlllen Nolle• ot O.t1ull 1nd Election 10 Sell Tiie und1talgned ceuaed 111d Nollet of O.teull Ind Electlon 10 Sell 10 l>e recorded In the coun1y where the rtttl prQl)8rly II loctllld As of the lnllltl publleellon ot ,,,. Mollee of S1i., the 10111 emoun1 ol Ille unpaid bll11nce of the obliglllOn aecurld by tne P<oC>lflY 10 be sold, cnol lnoludlng ,,_prlnclpel blllnCe p1y1bl1 on u n derlyi ng encumbr1nce(1). aublecl 10 Wllleh the rNI property Wiii be IOldl end re11on1bly e111m11ad co111. e11p11n111. 1nd 1dv1nce1 •• ot Sepltrnbef 21, 1980 IS IOllOws. T 0111 Unptld Prlnolpel B111nce S45.938 00 Elttmated Co1t1 •nd EKPIRllH ol ForeclotYre $ 2.028 20 E1t1m1tld Adv1na.t end Credit• ot Vendor s 1.548 10 TOTAL "49.514.30 Diii AUQUll 20, 1982 STEWART TITLE OF CALIFORNIA H Hid Trutl ... By TOM OUEEN. 111 VIQI Prllldent, Coun1y Manager CIO An09<9Qn, Abl0<1 l M1Mdl 3800 Wll"11r1 BIVd . Sulll 1700 Loe Angelee. CA 90010.2874 (2 13) 3f8·3385 Publialled Orenge CoHI Dally Piiot. Aug 30. Sept 0. 13, 1t82 3eo.t-e2 Nlllt NOTIC£ FICTITIOUI __. .. N ... ITA.,_,.,- The tollowlng per.ont ... doing bu.W-11: IAIOHTON INVESTMa.~ GROUP, tta Town Oenler Otha, 10ltl Floor, Ccet1 Mwa. CA t HH. IAIOHT~ AEIOIJACta. INC .. eta Town Center Ol'fv9, 10ttt ,IOOr, Cotti Mela, CA t2tM. Thie bu.,,_ le oonductld by I OQtWlllon 8"K)Hf0H flUOUlllCll. INC, Otvtcl 0 K""""'" Thie tllt«Mnl ... Neel wlill !tie County an °' Orenoe ~ on ~11.1111 ~ coey ... ICaA.lll ~----"-' -"' .... ~·· .... 0.-.... 0A- Pvl>ll•Md Oflmtl Cout ~ fltloe. Auf, ... n. m. ..... ~ • I .. • • l I . ! ; ' d j I I • THt; t't\~IL,. l'IRCL'M by Bil Keane "And I wosn't even allowed' to keep a FROG in ""' my room!" BIG Gt:ORGt: by Virgil Pirtch (VIP) by Brad Anderson DE:\:\IS THE Mt::\Al't: Hank Ketchum <~ S·30 "How did you two wiggle In here? And no ... I'm not going to.fead you 'the funnies!'" WEN "TONY Pl.EADS Wrl"M o. e. THA r St-4E NOT c;ET IN'VOL.VEO IN HIS FATHER'S~ eHE A.GP.EE5 Wini THE REQUEST! '' 1ffRD6J' 111~-3~ CALL HIM AS SOON J.5 YOU GET eAC~ TO YOU~ OFRCE I 00N'T LET HIM TALK VOU INTO Ol5CUS- ""' ..,..,..._~NG rr F\JRTHEP.1 'I,~ ~~ Orengt Co11t DAILY PILOT /Monday, Augu1t 30, 1982 PUNl'T8 'Travel Tf ps How to avoid carsickness.seasickness o and airsickness ... I I i J 6 JO Tl'MBLt:" EEDS NANCY, COME AND SEE THE FISH I CAUGHT r-:~~~ AND HAD MOUNTED FLNIK \' "INIKERBEAN AND ~ IF WE iHINK OF THE SiAFF A5 -mEN 8£.l PuU.tN& i06£TH£R , Wf. CAN All HAVE A Wl~NIN6 -----------. by Charles M. Schulz Be careflll what And ~ome. yo~at. 1 . OFCOURSE, I ATE HIM FIRST c,JES, A QUE.5f10f\l 1"'1 iHE BACK . by Tom Bat1uk GARt'IELD j A rooiBALl TEAM .. by Jim [)av1s r--__, £.>EAR I LOOK OllT. WORLD! HERE COM£5 iME CAPE'7 AVENGER ! OM, SURE, 5UPE.F\-HERO CRIME F'IGHTEF\'!1 MAKE FOR AN OLP .. OVERUSEO STOP.V LINE ... IATUN>AY'I 9'UZD.1 IOlYEO city: 2wordl 48budll 53 1<eep one'• 55 Centr1I New Yortt city 5fCog I 57 Aiied up 61 For•t unl1 11 USSR ctty aaur.,.. 13 Mr. OettllWln 15 Hertm room --~--~~~~~----6 UT MAVE VOO EVER HEAF\0 OF A FAT, Wf.At< ONE? ( ll I ON ~ QA~ Ul(f. ~'i.. WW.. NEVER ~UR~ NE. \'() \Mru,1~ IAAI 'lOO'~E. ~ '«'.lO AN E\U1RIC. PRti N 001 UKtUNf.~"fH ~N iO COO\.. Of~ \ Al\. I~ ~~"f~RS ~ eu.,.. · NOWWf; WON'1" HAVe ANY MUSIC FOR 1"HIS COCK1"Ala... HOUR! I .I ! ~ .. .. •1 :t •I ., 'l J f .. •,-, Orang• Co••• DAIL v PILOT /Monday,. Auguel 30. 1912 \111'\IJ\' lve.G e:001•· NIWI .,..,.,. WOMAN kJ>, W9U> WUT ' • 8.W.A.T. HAWAII P1VEo4 II OYP!MY "Grier' GUMI: Belly o.r- rell (R)Q ~ Mll!W f'or I '°""".....,. Wftlrl'I IN l!Wfiat Imo • ltricl ,...,. loueeeot.,.. (l)MOWW *** "l• .. M " l!Mll ...... Twry,NIMf..._, tofl. The ...... .. !(Ing 'ArUM ~ pow end HMtl 10 ... "'*"""' Of lhe lbllldT.-'W ·~MellUO Lou Conte'• l111bb•rd l•r .. t Oenoe ComC)My pettor mt !he com1Ce1 "Al The AON lucl"' end the aopllllllceled '"l!Jloefpta From Oer9'IWln 0-. '' • u.a. OHAONICU .. ..,_ '4S'" llw• decadee of Amerlelen hletor; r......a 1 changing culture and the medle'e lnfluenoe on II. Cl)MOVll • "The Children" (1N0) MW11n Sllak9f, OH Rogera. A atrange redloe cllve Cloud turne • group of achoolclllldren lnlo mur- d«oue 1omblel wl1h black ..;ROCE.. ('0),_7!30 KCST (2.8) 8:00- "!:venlng at Pope." ~ Cart.er, •tar o( NBC11 "Gimm. a er.ek" 8nd B~t "Ain't Milbehavin11~• fOrce9 wlth t1w Abyssinian S.ptial Ch<>•r. KHJ (9) 8:00 -'1 all W• Danoe." The first ln weekloftf •Ml of movi~s ttalutJng Fred A.talre ad GU..er RoJ{era. KNBC (4) 9:00 -".ll't~ Boed." F)nt o( a two.part mlrftlerut a~t two men who team Up to keep their land that had been granted at the end of the Ctvtl War. See photo, left. ~ KNXT (2) 10':00 -"Lou Grant." Lou and a policeman are vlctlma at an arme~ holdup. G MAOllC M 04l PAMlHO RECONSTRUCTION-ERA DRAMA - Muhammad Ali and Kris Kristofferson star in "Freedom Road ." a !our-hour miniseries to be rebroadcast tonight and Tuesday night at 9 on KNBC (4). llngwnella. 'R' 11:oo•••C1>a:1a rnytlerteue llgNI to e 111ip. poeedly deed plene4 Md, .,,., lending. dleol:owr lflat the-aoewMe- clroua clown eno • ,.,_ •Hllllllt• l hl'dl nt. In IMM'C*t......_. • (ll tllOYtl "Bayou Ccxintry'" (()CM NEWS I == e;., 00< OAWTT G~• Truman Cec>0t• (PW1 2)(R) • FAST FORWAN> '"About Compul.,.." HO'# computet• W()(1I 8nd thelt eblllty to c:ommunlc•t• wllh men In the future tr• eumlned. Cll8NEWS 9 I.AMEY MIU.EA 7:00 I C88 NEWS H8CNEWS KUNG l'U I == w·A·a·H A "chal culltN'" end • nurM from the ll063rd .,. ""' to lhe 40nth In return for Hewk•ye and Nurae ~· •1 •JOKER'8 WllO • llU8IHU8 REPORT Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A vlllt to Joe Nem•th'• football camp for young. at.,.: • 98-yeer~ r-t high IChool gr.Ouet• 0 EHTERTAIHMENT TONIOHT An Interview wflh John C-WtM (C)MOVIE ***"A Utlle ~·· (t11711) Laurencie OIMer. ~ Lene A.n elderty con W11st Join• two young run- •w•yt In love on • med dUl'I ec.fON the Europeen continent wflh the chil- dren·• P•r.,.,11 end the poltce In hOI purtult "PG' (ID BUS STOP The llvee ol _., tr•- .....,.. change wtwN1 they .,. llrended In • Mnell Kenna lown. Margot t<ldder ana Tim Melheeon •tar. CD) NFL; TliE 8EA80H TliATWAS A look beck ., the 1081 pro loolbell MelOfl 11 highlighted by 1111 lnleMew wflh lhe "Pleyet Of The v ..... " Cincinnati'• Ken Anderwn. (l)WHAT'S uP ~ F•tured: • hurnoroua look •I the ..-t Industry; • modem-day bounty llunl- er; three of A,,_a·a levorll• IJllnny dipping hOIM (%)MOYIE * • .. Sllllng Ouc:ka .. ( 1Dt0) Mlc:hMf Emll, Zech Norman. Two Inept moC>- 1tet1 flee to Soulh America end encounter the women aulgned 10 kit! them. 'R' 7:30 8 2 OH Tl4E TOWN Featured: ventrlloqul•t Peu!Winchell end hit ~ peta Jerry M.non.y end Knucklehead: 1ctor George HwnNton apealc• of low: the dlNbled go lll9hl;. FAMtl. Y F£UO THAT'S HOU YWOOO M•A•s•H Rad., writ .. home 10 hi• mother while Hewtl• CM· nee on loot ln9pectlon end Col. Potter get• ehol In the bedlelde. • ~/LE.HAP AEPORT ID EvtHNJ AT POP8 Nell Cet18' end New YOt11"1 renowned Abyulnlan Bep- 1111 Churdl Choir jojn Jonn w1111em1 end the Boeton Popa O•c:IWltre l0t lll'I -- nlng of Ooepel-"" jau. 9 YOO A8KED FOR IT F .. lured "A Witeky Can- dy f11c:lor;" and "The Roy ROQ91'1 M-m." 1!00 8 Cl) PAIVA TE RN.JAMIN Benjamin apot1 • mlulle 1>4Mng &Melled Into Fort Bradley bul can't get Cap- tain Lewi• to believe her. (~ D 8 um.£ HOUSE OH T'HEPfWRtE Chen.a 1 .. .,.. lhe farm to t>ecome • c:arY8' of fine turnllur• (R) c;i • MOV1E * * * •;, ''I'm No Angel'" (1933) MM W•t. t-v Gr•nl A Hxy c:lrcua denc:er wtth • r(JW(fy pest become9 Infatuated wl1h the charm• ot a handsome playboy. •a:t JOHN 8TEJNBECl('8 EAST M EDEN When Cel 1ewns tl\el nil mother 11 alive lltld la now • lwnous madwn. he pr• clplletea enother lwnlly lregedy by reYMllng the ,_. to his brother Aron. IPtrt 3) (R) (Ptrenlel dis- cretion 11 edviled) (iJ MOVIE * • • "Shell We Denao" ( 1937) Fred A11elre, Ginger ROQ91'1 A palr of dancer• are forced lnlo marriage beUuM Of ~bll<: opinion. aa P.M. MAGAZINE A ¥1911 10 Joe Namath'• football camp f0t young- 11er1: • 118-year-old ,_,, high lchool grllduele.' ·TH£~· Oen'a alkontumlng MIC.- CMa CllU-much peraon- el con111ct unlll he find• Inner PNC»· f P.,, 21 • £VEMNQ AT POP8 Nell Cartw Sid New Y Ot11 'a renowned Abyulnlan Bep- 1111 Church Cnol• join John Wlalam1 lltld the aocton Pops Orcr-tre '°' en --nlng of Ooepel end juz. (D)MOVIE * * "The lrlal'lmen" (1978) A proud INl'lmen retueM lo yleld to progr-wtwN1 hi• bu91nese u • teeml1er la lhr•tened by motorized tranapo<1 atlon (l)MOVIE * * * '"EIYla" ( t979) Kurt RuaM41, Seaaon Hubley. EM1 Pr•ley rt-trom poverty Ind Obscurity to ec:hleve lame and fortune .. • tupetltllt .mutiClll pet- lormer. • JOEL OREY IN CONCERT Include• • aelul• lo qeor~ M Cohen •-*I 8 (I) Wl<AP IN CINaHNATl Mr. Cerl1on'1 rnolher IKf•lfy ...... ~ .. 10 turn the 11et1on•1 - Into !allure. (R) • 8tNOlD MAOAZIHe An Interview wtth ~­ Tony Oenu of "TUI"; how 10 klu with contldtlnce: comedy wltll Maureen Murphy. ID OAEAT PERFOAMANCU '"On 'Giant's Shoulder9" Terry Wiies, 1 Ylctlln of thalldomlde. por1re)'9 lllm- 1911 In the 1tory ol hil Nie wflh hi• edopttve p-te end their atruggle to Iner-Terry'a It~ enc:e deaplte hit hendl-cac>•. (R) (%)~ ••YI "The Sin Of Hwotd OlddlebOCk" (11M7) Ha'otd Lloyd, Frencea Remeder\. An embltlou• ..,._..,,., of the 19209 IMrne ttla1 ~ hu It• price. t:008 (() M•A•&•H Sidney Freedmen la ~ 10 the 40771h lo atucty lhe ellec:ta of ~ on the c:arnp pet.annel (R) D8MOW: • * "'freedom Road"' ( 19711) MuheMrn-d AH. 1<'11 Krlllolteraon. At the Qloee ol the CMI Ww, en ••- Union Army toldler relurne lo the •bendoned plant•- tlon Where he w• • "- llfld convlnc:el • Illar• «opper to "'1elp Nm buy the lend. (Pen 1)(R) .. MERV GRIFFIN Gueat1: Jacil JonM, Fred Grandy, UM Roblnaon, Johnny Yune. • GREAT P£AFOAMAHCE.8 ··0n Glant'a Shou~·· Terry Wllee, a Ylc11m bl lh811domlde. por1re)'9 Nm-- NII In Ille oMoty of his life with hla edoptlvw perem. e nd their •lruggle lo lncrMae T erry·e lndepel>d- enoe deeplte ,. hendl- c:ape. (R) (C)MOVIE • * * "The Hunl«" ( 1979) St.,,. ~. Ell Wal- lach. Ralph '"Pee>e" Thor- aon teed• • ~oua lte .. • modem-day bou"1y hunter "PG' (IDMOYIE ••'1t "SI Hetena"(1118 1) Ar1 Cerft9y. Oevtcl Huf!· m1111. An 80-Y9S-old men reluMa 10 leeve hla emell r-1 attet I geologl9t predk:tl • YOlcanlc: dleu- tet. 'PG' gMOYIE "'* "Sokl" (t978) Vincent Gii, Pwry AnnWl>ng. A llerc:e!Y lndependtnt A-. trallan -.n wtlO Mlflla •• • loreal ranger bec:ofnet lnvotvoed "'"h • !Ire pllol. ~~Y..aHT HOii. Ml•ltel 8 pUlman. ~ti. IMe Coateelo. Mr. Mllte. • YOO All(E> FOR IT Futured: "Your Orewn HouM In A Bottle"' lltld .. Japaneee Blz.6rr• ...... Of Slr«lQlh." • M•A•S•H HIWkeye Mii .. e leUet 10 hll tether, telling him aome ol the wec;ay ~ In lhe 4077\11. • llE.NNY HIU Benny pleyt •fire chief. I BUllNE88 A90AT DOCTOR IN ntE HOU8E Her molher lhlnk• Mk:tlMI 11 Just the rlghl medicine for Cynlhja'1 dellc:ate con- dition. CC) AICHAAO PRYOR IN COHCPT The well-known comedian lhootl pointed betbe et lllrnoat ev«y lnatltutlon Imaginable In thla unoen- t0red, no-hold1-berred ooncert perlonnanoe. CID IAATH, WIND ANO WIN CONCERT The )la-funk-rode 11'°'4> combine npk>elve llnglng wlttl complex c:horeogre- phy end ft-"Y tpedal effec:1• In • pertonnancie leped .. lhe Oakland Coll- -In Oakland, Cellfor- nlL .MOVIE ;t YI "Under The Rainbow" (1118 f) CheYy en-. Cwr1e Flaher. The 150 rnldgell who ·ar• In town for the llCmlng ol "The Wlul'd Of Oi:· tum• Celltornle hotel upalde-down. 'PG' 11:30 811) QUINCY Oulnc:y orderl • ptyeho- loglcal 1ulopay when he can '1 find conc:lualve evl- dence thel an evengellat took hl1 own Ille. IJ 8 TliE BEST OF CAMON Hoat: Johnny Cu1on. Guet11: J-St-trt, Don Adwn1. Manhattan Tr11111ler. (R) •a:t ABCNEWS NIGHTUNE .MOW • * • "Go For Stoke" (1951) Ven Jotlneon. Glen- n• Marie Can•. The heroic: «2nd Combat Reo-- lrnent II comprleed of A"'9ric:enl end J~ during Wor1d Wer II. • ntEJU'FUW George'• new hobby drlvee Loulae up the nt • 8ANFON> ANO 90N Fred bu\11 e recehorM In hOpee of breeding Nm. • CAPTlOHED ABC NEWS t2:00 . !NTERT AINMENT TONIGHT An lnleMew with Jotln c-....... 8 9 MOVIE • "Sketetown U.S.A." ( 111711) Scott , a.to. "Greg Bl'edford. A young akater lellt In love et the local roller-clllco rink, where he le c:Mllenged by • atreet gang leeder In • diem- pion.nip c:ont•t. (!=ewey 'R' *•>A "l aura" (1HO) Dawn Dunlop, M111ud Adema. A --t,... N prevent • rel1llo111hi, ~ • eculpter ...... whom .,.. ,.... llM Ill affair end her ~ belletlne deoglltet "R' 12:G6 (I) MOYIC ... Twun, The Ape Man'" (fH1) ~d HeMI, lkl o.rw. A young -- MarehM tor her mlllllillf tether In lhe African jYftQM wt!«• ahe encounters an uncMllzed white men erl4 en orenQU11n. 'R' 11:21 CC) MOVIE • • "Goodltye , Emmenutllle" ( 11171) 8ytYla Krtalel. Umbel'lo OreHll A · beautiful women'• -c;ll for the ufttmttte 9"l'tlc: apet1ence twlng1 her to • ltertllng rMIQatlon. 'fl' 12:ao u a LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID~ GUMta: Tom '114-ouw, .-..h Gordon, lllmm.it• AtWy Aaron.C"l ·~~ ITYLE "' l.0¥9 And Ole Conjufel Viall'" Herry Is pan of In e xperlmenlel prl1on profec1. ••(ove AMI TM Lowty f-*'11"' One ltur- glar ~ '-tllree oou- plee. llve&. (%)MOYIE ....... ••Soft• And lOllett .. ( 1HO) Trevor H-at4111, 0... StockwelC. Sued on the novel by O.H Lew- rence . A dornln•llrto mother lneptrw her tllll to byp-rom.,_ to .,..._ himMll. I 12:40. Cl) LOST TN?A9UAE OF TH£ COHCEPCION The recovery by e teMI of dlYWI of an .. tltN!Md 1 200 mlllton In beoty 1t0ted In • eunkell 8penlell gelleoll It dltonlded, WI- iiem Confect nen'ltM. (A) ,1:001 ·:::UTRY * * * "Oetec:ttw St~" (195 t I Kirt< 1>ouG1U. Eae. nor Pwti•. A ~ Y°'* City detec:tlvw ...... ,. work with I meniecel -until t"9 -.eta "°"" eppMt1ng In nil peraoiMI. oft-duty llfe end ~ rellltloneNpe. gMOYE * • .. FliPy The 13tt., Pert II" (11181) Alfly 8t .... Jolwl F.-.,. "'9 grWy' ~ continue el • 9UllWfler cenip tll•t heel ti.11 lllleed down .,,., • _... of blurre mu<dert OOCUNed 'th;;.-. :R. 1:3088.C..wl 1:401CWIN=Zun.v . 2:00 ""* UNBCPUACJATB> llENNYHIU. The wtM Md -~ Brttlafl comedian ponr1Y9 winou. charec:tere, lflctudlftg • * .. "Fleta OI '1Jty'' ( 191'1) ...... IM, Mlfta VI. A ..,.., ... ~ ..... ~---~ l .. .,.. ,. "'°"' .,. • Bane- t <* '°' 19c10ty .. ". • fflf CC>MOV9 • • • ··~1n.. (11178) Olelwl ~.UM L--.. S.Vet• fex .. ...... •eer-!MM Mt~ • l'llftlt of __,_ M d ·•-t llt • d~ l~fltrt -t4llletur1110 an ~o'''* da.i.ter ftMi. 111' ...... ~tt1n1 OuCk•" ("'°'Mich ... Emll. ZM:ll HqfmeA. Two in..,! MC>b- ...,_ --. te 90lllll Amtric:a #ltd aneou.ter tM "°'"*1 elCllaned to kilt"'-. "R' ...... Movll •• .,.. ··n. Mt19lolen" (111') flfl 911clfV, Kim ........ A,.,......_ hll .... ,. "'""" ttle --"' jl.letloe. -~ T'~W!Mt ...... ~ ( tn 11 Krltt en ""•'· Mlltllew Oelda~y. A -~,_bf...,,.,. ~ -~ .... ~ "'*""of.~~­ic.t hiell ac:tMlof. "R' ... ®MOVIE • * "'8cou1"1 Honor .. (1110) O•ry Oofi991en, Katherine Melmond. A ..., wpheti oont Ind ~ reluctMI, "-P'-IJ _,,.. elleCUtlw lllto btollbmlng den mofher t• • ,,.. of CUb Seoute. Ml~""""'" The-watMc-oon...,._, lfloot• pointed batbl •t lllfnMt -v lnatltullon lrnaglh•ble In thl1 -.. ~. no-hold•-Darre4111 ~pMerm-CZ> CIHDMICOl'le ud(J)wow. • ~ ''The ,.,., .... Mueto.r· C 197') ~-. ..... 8f\IW ~.A ~~ ·-.. , I produoer jlterM 10 IP9ftc -...... In hie·-projast ;. 9tag1ng " Olllftl(;!I W) In ~--·..-tcOD. 'TOHY •• .,,.. -My Funny YIMltllne'" -" '1 Left My ...., '" ..... =-~=...: ._ 8annlltt at .... Y«11'• ~c.te. ..... ~. (11181) Mo-I Tert"Y. lllllOI ~ NI\. The ~ elf king ,.,,._ bring ~ Md ....... t'O the knlgtltl of tlle "-und Table. '"' • Cl) TIC TAC OOUOH The veraatlle talents of the Tony Award-winning enlert•~ner .,. 1 .. tured In lhla ~men allow which t:aO 8 Cl) HOUIE CAU.I Ch1rley aulfera lrorn lnaomnl• end Norrnen OllC• .,, Inflated ego. • MOVIE • ** "'Johnny Come lately'" (11143) J-Cec>- ney, M9fjorle Mein. Two veceren ne•tpeper pub-""*' join Ion:. In e ftght egeinll • locel town boel. JOHN DARLING CHANNEL LISTINGS fJ KNXT CCBSJ 9 KNBC CNBCI 9 KTLA llncl I 8 KABC tABCI D KFMB ICBSI 0 10-U TV (ln<I I Iii KCST (A8(1 GJ r< TTV (Ind ) 0 On TV l Z TV H HBO C 1C1"'·m~• 1 • !WORI NY NV 11 1WT BS1 ( tESPNI s cShowtune) 0 Sc>olloghl 10:00 8 (() LOO GMHf Lou end • hero-tllng policemen ~ IN Inn-• Yl~Uma of • vtc:bl9 armed llCJlduP. I ••• NIWI AT Tl4E "°81! IUO Lou Conte•• Hubberd StrMI Dence Compeny pertorma the comk:el "Al The Roee Bud"' end the toPhlstl<:eted "Exoerpte From Oenhwfn Oenoee." (11)MOYIE •LOY£.~ ITYl.E '"love And The E)"9Wlm.... .. nw .. on• honeymoon 11 • bed -· "Love And The Sec:urlly Building.'." BHI melt .. • .-nl-bllnd det&. (ID MOW g) KCOP TV Clnd I • KCET (PBSI C9 t(able Nf'w\ Nelwork) • • "'Deedly 8'eeeln0" (f981) ~ &or.,ane. Loll Nettleton A Mng ••• .,,, "Allen" (11179) Tom Stc.,,-ttt, YllPMI Kot- to. The er-of 1 epeoego. Ing ~ep carrier follow • ~ KOCE cPBSI Network-style ads on public TV? NEW YORK (AP) -By one account, is asking $450,000 Cora half-minute d on the last, two-hour episode of 'M-A-S-H." And with sponsors willing even talk that kind of dough, it's no onder there are those ln public TV er for a cut of the acUon. fact. 10 Public Broaacaating Service tions have been selling or trading air lme. mainly to local busineases and tut.ions, aince March. Seven of them t together the other day to market that valuable commodity on a national "I would expect th.at with lndividual pUona some of the ads you are going o aee on public televlaion will be dentlcal to thoae now carried by 1C01mrrtoen:ta11taUona," 1ay1 Vinc:ent Saele, IJ)rlaklent of New Orleans' WYES. J '• all put of • plan devlaed by n .urr,eu to help public broadcutlng •lp ltaeU In a period of decllnlng edtral tupport. ~ iniu.a.lly appropriated $172 )mlWCn foe public radio .net televt.ioh for 1983, but tNt WU cut to $137 SJ11.11K1on. 'nw a.pn 8dmlnl.-tration then ouaht to chop the ft.ca l '84 pproprlatlon from $130 mllllon to 106.8 mUUon. but c.on.n.. late tn the • maintained the nl1her level of The ~. however, la clear: The federal government wants out of public broadcasting. Indeed, there are thoee in public TV who feel the heretofore non- commercial inatltution ahould 1upport itself, large ly wi th corporate and foundation aupport, viewer subecrlption and -here'• what'• new -the lale of time and 1ervices. PBS announced a month ago that 1uch "revenue-producing lnitlatlvea·· - college oounes for credit, the sale and rental o f videoca1ette1 and other material •nd facilltie1, notably the network's advanced satellite dJauibutlon system -ral9ed M milliort tn the Year ending June 30. It'• not much, but .enough to augest a lucrative aource o1 income f« the future. the IOnt·term answer and there are thoee In pubUc ~ vehenently oppoeed to the let., may be ln lhe sale of commerdal time. The~e'a no quntloft adverdaera .,.. Interested In tho public televl1ton aud ience which la, u they say, "upicale," rneanln1 1hai'ply defined ln compoeiUon. with money to tpenc1, For that reaaon 1 the ttaUona ~~Una In the mtlonal .,_ ..,. cam \ wlU be~ pnmlUlft pnc.,... rou1h y what. CBS cbaraee for "80 Mlnutet" or ABC for "20~20." .. I think . ----------- what you're buying is an untapped audience," says one station executive, "BO you're offering the advert.19er a unique situation." Beyond that, the sp0naor geu u uninterrupted program and none of the commercial "clutter" that accompml.le9 • network show. Saele aaya the New Orleana station, for lmtance, had enllated 83 oom.merdal accounts through mid-August, wtth groea ad aalea of mo!'e than '200,000. And that'• atrictly local butlne.. T he aeven stations lnvplved fn the newly conceived joint effort to MU advertising Ume to naUona.I tpOnllOr• -WYES, WPBT ln MJami... wrtW In Chtc.go, WHYY in PhlMdeJptm, WQLN In Erie, Pa., WJPB tn Mu.de, Ind,, Md KCSM ln San Mateo -~rnent a crc.-aectlon of the PBS convnunlty. The 1tationa are restrlct.S lh their efforu -Pf'OIP'N'W can't be tnterrupWd for commerclala, no more than two · minute•' advertl1tn1 at a tlmf, no polhtcal, reUlfout or a~l-lnter"t .poca. And 10nW hmw lmpoeed chelr' own 1tandard1, rejeetfn1. for e xampl•1 commer~lala for _ ''personal h111ene' product1, or refu.tna ada ad~nt to P"OI"&"" for children. t T.,..•ff•f'• •• ,11 .... ,,, .... -- ""a:i flT' ~OOf!·­{rHO) ._ J, Jef-. .._ VOii I~ A lflO of -t~ ,,_. 10 the ~ Monoo and help Ill tppfeaeed lnhllbllllnl• In tfle °""""-°' tlle ftll lmc>er0t Ming 'PO' t:OO. *-* '"Hawmpal" ( 1971) J-HMli)ton, CfvCllO. ~ Connelly. Member• of lhe United 8111 .. Cevatty oy 10 ed!llat 10 riding tem· ... ""'"'of ll«eee In the unlemed, lllWIMI Texu of the 1aoo. ·o· •.ao (I)** "Siiting Ducka .. ( tHO) Mk:hNI EmM, Zach Norman. Two tnec>t mob-et•• nee to South America end encounter the _, Melgned lo kill them. 'R' 1:00 CC) * * ~ "Pepillon" t 11173) Steve Meo-, Ou1tln Hoffman A pair of Oewll'• Island convict• apend theft time ptennlng their ~ . 7:30 Cl)*** '"Tim" ( f98 I) Piper ~. Mel 01~. A young retarded men end e....ittw.~ -develop • cloee relellonahlp ol mutual need end underatendlng tllel leedl 10 en. unorow>- do• marriaoe t.-00 e • • •.,. ··Sorcerer"' (11177) Roy SchelOer. Btu- no Cr-. Fout dele>er•t• men rlek their lhlee wt\lle hauling exploelve nUro- glye:«lne Chrough South Amerl<:en )unolea lo battle en Oii-weii fir•. ·PG. (%) * • "Only When I Leri" (111118) Richard Atlenborough, David Hemmlnga. A trio of Brltlan conmen attempt to fleece • mllltenl Alrbn dlplomel. ·o· 9:48 CZl • • "Knlghtrldera" (11181) Ed H.,.,ls. Gery l.ahll. A group of rnotOfcyl· leta travel with • Renela- aance lelr end find lhel the •lruggle egeln81 evtt end for lclMle ••l•I• In modem I"'-alee>. 'R' 10:00 CC>•* "Honky Tonk F-•)'" (Comedy) 8-1 Bridget. e.....rty O"Angelc>. A email town In Florid• tu .. matt.,. Into 111 own hendl wMrl by-pe.uad by .,_hlghw8y (I)••>,; "The Trouble With Glt11" (1M8) EM1 Prealey. Merilyn Muon A -1t•Yellng anowman rune lnlo 1111 aorta of trouble wl\Me eteylng In I Mldwett- ern lown . • • • •;, "The Blue lagoon" ( 11149) Jean Sim- mon.. Donald Houeton A young glrl and boy ehl1>Medted on e Pacific: !eland come to love each other • they rneture. • 11:00 CID ••• "The Other Side 01 The Mountain -Ptrt II" ( 1978) Merilyn HeHetl. Timothy Bottom•. Fonnet dlemplon allier Jiii Kln- "*11. rendered • quedrl- plegl<: by • tragic ec:c:ldent. ..,. .. ,... with NII-doubt wMrl • ,_ love .... t.,.. her lh. 12:00. • * * "The Oenclng MUI.,. .. ( 1943) Slllll Lau· NI, OIMw Hardy. The boy8 tllk8 -• dancing IChool that runt no r1elt of being IUed '°' eccldentl. • *** "'CMtleKeep"' ( 11M19) Burt lanc:uter. Petet Falk. u.s Infantry- men llttempt to protec1 • 8elglen c:utle lllled with et1 t•-.iree from o.rm1111 attack • • * * "The Proud Nld The Prot-·· (11158) Wll- lleM Hold•n, Deborah Kerr Problem• erlM wtMirl •young wtdO'# lalll In low w11h • M llrlne. CC> ••• "Hondo" (111~) John Wayne, OtN'eldlne Pao-. A cavelfy dltpetc:tt ride< enc:oun1er1 • woman -end her _,, .,. Apec:toe chief'• blood brolher. (I) * * "S1tu•day The 14th" (1118 1) Rldlard Ben- jamin. Paull PrenUN A OOUple dlleoYet lhel the hOuM lhey"Ye lntlertted It --_,,.....by --pi<•, Ohm'• Md MIOf'led lftOllNrl '"°' •• • "loll>" ( 1t7t) Virt. oem CM, '-1y Anlltfrono • llelotly ~1110e11t ,.., WOlllAll Wflo ""'°'"' • • toreel 'tlnO« ~ Involved wltll • fire pllol. 11:1• (%) * * "C-Hi ve Cof- fee With U." ( 1172) U00 To0neu1, ValentlM A rnlddle·eoed 1 ... --.,,, '°' the " ....... govetn-metll 1eCoc:e1ee 10 • 1tnall countty IOWf) ""'*'9 he hee ~ IMde heeO of , ... ~ment uo CC)*. '08/ll1>Mec;k" ( 11171) Robett Lcoan. Mtkkl Jamlaon·OCaon. A ~­ er, Ill• two d~teta, • repo<1er end • runaway .,. 1tranded on en lec*lt- ed 19111/ld ett., enoounter- lng 1 Ylolenl •lorm 1t Ml. ·a· 2:00 ® * * "8'Hkthrough"' t f9791 Richard Bunon, Rod Slelger A NIU.I --geent becomel etnbrolled In • plot to ......anete Hii- ier 'PG" (I) * * * "The Outrage'" ( tMA) Paul Newman, L.au- rencie Harvey. Four dl"er- ent verlllona of a r8')9 end 11'\Uf der 11ory .,. given .. IYldence In the 1r1e1 of • cowardly bandit D * * "'Hawmpal" ( 11178) J-Hwnpton. ~110- phet Connelly Mernbet• of the United StetM Ceve#y try to .Ojuet to rkltng cam- el• tnlleed of ~ In Ille untamed. lewfeu TeJtU of the 1aooa. ·o· CZl * * * "loot Solt" ( tllat) 01nlel V1ldu, Edw9fd Jemet Olmoa. In 111401 Loa Angelff, e CIUM cetebrt erl.IPl8 fN9t the framing of "*'"btN'• of 1 Chlc:llllo alreet gang for murder. 'R' s:ao CC> • • '" "Plnc:ncHtt Grand Prla" ( tll80) Ani- mated, All« hi• cardeelgn 11 11oi.n by en -~­ IMQue. 1 brltllent mechan- ic decidee 10 bulkl .,, ...,.,, better racing mecnlne end compete with hla nernMla. ·o· CID *• "Alleck Force Z"' ( t 1180) Jotln Phillip law. Mel Gib.on. Outing World Wat II. e IOi>-MCtet" ,,,.,._ .lreHen •ttaclt unl1 ~ tret• Jap-llnet to perform • daring reec:ue mlNion 4;00 D * • * "'In The Good Old Sunvnertlrne" (1949) v~ Jonnaon, Judy Gar- land Neither Mnowfng tl\et the other II !heir Ma"ef pen pel, IWO Clertta In • muelc atore er• c:on11entty on Ille OUll #Ith eed'I other D * •;, "Under The Rain- bow" (19111) Cnevy ChaN. C111rle AIMr. The 150 midgets who we In town IOt the Cllmlng of "The Wiz- ard 01 Oz," turn • C9111or-' nla hOlel upside-down. ·po· (%) * * •;, "The PrtYele Eyee" ( 1Dt0) Don Knotta. Tim Conway. Two bom- bllng "'"*'l<:en de1ec:t!Yee .,. celled In co lnveetlgat• • -• 9f murderl In en Engllah c:utle. 'PG. 4:30 Cl> • * "tnveoent From The Deep" ( 19111) P\lp9etl. The world Aquanaut aec:urtty petrOI end combet craft Stingray t>ett... an army of aquatic: ...,.. """° .,. .determined to lake overtl'leplanel. 1:00 CC) * * YI "Peplllon" (11173) SI-~. Oualln Hottman. A pelt' of Devll'• lallnd convk:11 tpend ,,.,. lime plennlng thelf ..:ape. (11) * •;, "Under The Rain- bow"' ft9e11 Cf'9Y\I cnue. C.,.,le F1eher. The 150 mldgeta who -In town fOf the filming of ''TM WIZ· erd Of Oz," tum 1 Celllor- nla holel upside-down. 'PG" ll:aG (%) • * "Sitting Ouclta" ( t980) Ml<:heel Emll, Zach Norman. T-Inept moC>- lletl flee to South America .no etlCO\lnter !he women Ullgned to klll lhem. 'R' by Armstrong & Batiuk • . . # • • .... . . \" • l!m~r.:!1111~~~, •• -.-r-r~-r-r":"T"~..-~"7.:"':::':::-'~~......,.,..... ..... __,.._.. ..... ~-----..--.......................... 11!!!!!'!'9l'!m!!l ....... lllll'IP ... • • Dilly Plllt ' · . MONDAY, AUG, 30,_10~~ CllSSlf 110 ~- ._., . : UPS AND DOWNS -Odis McKinney (left) of the Los Angeles Raiders goes flying over the pile created by teammate Ted Watts (ZO) and Green Bay's James Lofton (80) during Sunday's exhibition game at the Coliseum. At right. -, .. C4 AP wtrephotoe Mak;olm Barnwell of the Raiders duels G r een Bay's Maurice Harvey and Mike Murphy for the ball during the first half. Raiders won first Coliseum home g.ame. 24,3. Tiant cheered, holllhed BOSTON (AP) -Luis Tiant w as given a standing ovation by a crowd of nearly 33,000 aa he took the mound, the scene of many of his greatest triumphs. But the Bost.on Red Sox didn't treat him kindly. "I felt pre.tty ~ood until the dinger, then I don l feel so good," T1ant said Sunday after he gave up four runs m two innings of relief as the Red Sox rode the long baU lo a 9-3 victory over the Angels. The ReQ. Sox b uilt a commanding lead on rookie Wade Boggs' two-run h9mer in the second inning and run Rice's three-run shot off starter Steve Renko, 10-6, in the third. H o wever, t h e Red Sox, remain ing 5 ~ games behind Milwaukee in the American League East, buried the Angels against Tiant in the seventh. Jerry Remy drove in one run • with his t hird hit, a single, and Dwight Evans followed with a three-run homer, his 23rd of the year. "Hey, I got a hit off him (in the seventh), but that doesn't take a nything away from Luis," Boggs said. "He is an immortal. He still can throw hard and he 'shows you all those moves on the mound. The onJy thing you can do against him is sit back and wait on the ball and hope you can hit it." Raiders' housewarming .a success < For the fifth C.'Onsecutive game in the five-game series the Red Sox s potted the Angels the lead. However, Bost.on, which pulled o ut a 7-6-victor y °"n Gary AJJenson's bases-loaded squeeze bunt Saturday, ra llied again, completing the series 3-2 and a season mark of 7-5 with the Angels. "Their t.eam is built for his ball park, but we managed to hang in there and win three from them," Boston Manager Ralph Houk said . "We really should have won at least one more, too." LA overcomes early mis takes to dump Packers in Coliseum d e but By ROGER CARLSON or tM 0.-, l'tlo4 Staff 6-7 outside linebacker. "But it was important to us. LOS ANGELES -The Raiders made their debut in their new home Sunday night and quickly proved there is a way to live with mistakes in the National Football League, simply win by a three touchdown margin. Whe n the 24-3 exhibition victory over Green Bay before 40.906 at the Collseum was over there were nothing but smiles in the winners' dressing quarters. the mission was complete. "The coaches, management (Al Davis), they made it clear they wanted us to look good. We didn't want to fall Oat on our faces." During the first haif of play the Raiders managed to cough up the ball twice .on fumbles by Kenny K ing and Marcus Allen and Jim Plunkett was intercepted. Maybe the Raiders are better than they displayed. maybe there will be more fans behind them in the future, but you can't put the accomplishment down. either. An oCCsides call on the defense ke pt a Green Bay possession alive on a punting down. which set up Eddie Garcia's. 50-yard field goal. But if there was a n y doubt to the Raiders' ambitions, they-w ere dispelled in the third quarter as Coach Tom Flores elected to go for a first down-with a · fourth-and-one situation at the Green Bay 20. "It's only an exhibition," said the towerin.~ Ted Hendricks, the Raiders' CdM's Morris has things under control He's put winning in perspective By ROGER CARLSON or tile 0.-, Not Slaff At 44 and fi.rmly entrenched at hia residence, wit.hin eyesight of Corona del Mar High School, football coach Dick M orris appean1 to be one of those rarities in his field -a cornerstone. After appearances in the ClF playoffs five limes in the last six years, three with a share of the Sea View League championship, Morris is looking no further than to more tiUes, more playoffs. And. Morris does not appear to be a candidate for ulcers. Despite imperfection, he's learned to live with it. "I didn't h ave things in . pe!'pectlve during my first year (1976)," says Morris, recalling when h ia team was 6-1 with Mil8ion Viejo next. The Sea Kings wasted a · 14-polnt lead a n d lost, 28-20, aendina Morris Into a fit of depretRon aa be went homet later that evening. When he arrived h ome he found out one of his daughters ·w as in volved in a serious. ~t, the eff~ of losing y9ur an.r aber worrying about the ~ ~ootb&ll game became ., inlQnificant," uya Monia. "That n l1nt I put everythina In penpectlve." And, acx:ordirig to Monia, he ~·t io.t it. He hM received good suppport durlnc bis relan. but aaya: '"'nwt'1 probebly becau.e we've won more than we've loet. It'• no& worth it to bud your butt and Joee. l!:verxon•'• ma d . If that happens, I 11 IO to HawalJ and surf like everyone else. "How long will I coach? I don't know. when it isn't any fun · anymore. When you weigh things a nd get a negative result, I'll quit." This is Morris' 15th year at Corona del Mar. his first eight years were as an assistant after short s tints at Edgewood and Baldwin Park. With playing a nd coaching experience under several coaches (including Don Coryell), he says he has developed a phil080phy of taking the things he liked best from several. "One of the real dislikes I had as as assistant was not enough responsibility," says Morris. "Sometimes I was n o more than a spectator at the game. "I give my assistants a Jot of responsibility." Among his aides for the '82 campaign are Dick Freeman. Jim North, Rocky Ford and Russ Sutter, all in walk-on capacity. This is Freeman's seventh year. and North's fourth 9e&f<>D . But, for the rnoet part, it's been a revolving door with uaistanta -walk -o n • usually keep walkina. And, th ere are the chanainl times. "Now, if an Ulistant teU. you be l1n't going lo 1cout on Saturday night, or he isn't going to do this or that, you can't do much except accept lt," aay1 Monia. Freeman and North, however, have added 80me 1tabWty to the coaching ranka and Morril labell Ford, last year'• 1oph omofe (See DI~, Paae Ct> It was 3-3 and anyone will tell you n 's a field goal situation. But, as if the crowd's pleading had an im~t. the Raiders went to Allen over 1,ackle, he barged three yards for the firs't down and the Raiders went on to score a touchdown. Flores re fused to admit anything. saying, "I just felt we needed to go m for the soor~ and I felt we could make it." . But nose guard Reggie Kinlaw. a.drQittedly on the other side of the ball, gave a more realistic response to the question. · "I think· he (Flores) would have gone for three under normal conditions," said Kinlaw. -... -''!Jfhia •is t~ first place we've been where we'w had some cheering. We're profeaslonal players. but you have to ' -' have someone behind you sometJme. "This team has to turn the fans on." While 1t took the offense a full two quarters to even begin to look hke a unil, th e d e fense effectively s mothered every thing Green Bay attempted, ending the Packers' exh1bit1on winning streak at two and putting both clubs at 2 -1 with one preseason contest remaining before 1t becomes for real. The defense, less e nds John Matuszak and Willie Jones (injured) held Green Bay to 91 yards rushing and 110 yards passin~ (net). ··w e consider 1t a shutout." said Hendricks, who added that there was no more pressure Sunday than any other game 1n the past two years. alluding lo (See RAIDE~S. Page CZ) Righthander Dennis Eckersley. who had to leave the game in his last start in Anaheim Aug. 19, against the Angels in Anaheim, showed his r igh t bicep pull is healed. Eckersley. 12-10, allowed two runs and six hits in six inrungs. Then Bob Stanley gave up JUSl one run in the next three innings. earning his 11th save. StanJey. the undisputed king of the Bost.on staff, nearly had his season. if not career. ended. With two out in the seventh, Juan Beniquez drilled a liner back toward the mound, Stanley, who is 6-4, managed to get h is glove up in time, catching the ball as he was knocked Jenkins sends LA tumbling f rorn first Dodgers try to rebound against Card s LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ferguson J e nkin s. the 38-year-old right-hander, isn't going to join the select 300-win club this season, but he might make it next year and. if so, he wants to be nght where he is now pitching for the Chicago Cubs. "I like pitching. I enjoy the ~ame. I hopein the next month the Cubs offer me a new contract for next year," Jenkins said Sunday after helping to pitch the Cubs to a 7-1 victory over Los Angeles, his 10th win of the year. his fourth in a row -and No. 274 for his career. "Three hundred? Well, I'm still trying. It's within my reach. But I'd sure like to remain in the National League." The Dodgers are n't so sure. Sunday marked the third time in four decisions they'd lost this year to Jenkins. The loss. which snapped a four -game winning streak. dropped Los A ngeles into a virtu al tie (or first Jn the National L eague •W est, .001 be hind Atlanta. Ton.lght the Dodgers host· St. L ou la, J he leader <fn the NL East, while Atlanta pla)'I at Philadelphia. Bob Welch, 10-9, who had won six of hh seven previous ded1loo1, took the loss, h is 1eCOnd against the Cuba In little more \han •. week. ~e save up two runs b1 the first inning, but tOCnC auapect defense helped the CUbe tc0re runs in the third and fourth lnninll· A ~ ball Jed t.o a run tn the third lnnlnf and a fly to center that fe 1 amid three . .I . . . fielders contributed to a run in • the fourth. Finally, in the sixth, after giving up three successive hits, Welch came out. "I thought he was throwing the ball well," said Manager Tom Lasorda. "He should have given up only two runs. He just got behind in the first inning and WE couldn't do anything against J~nkins." The Cubs came to town with a 17 · 7 record for August, the best of anyone in the league. Tonight, Fernando Valenzuela 17 -9, bids to become the majors' first 18-gam e winner when hE opposes St. Louis'. John St~r. 5-4. in the open er of a three· game series. T he game is already sold out. SA INTS DECIDE ON RICA RDO NEW ORLEANS (AP) -The New Orleans Saints have agreed • to eithe r trade or cut kTcker Benny Ricardo deeplte the poor pe rformance of the rookie drafted to compete for hia job, Coach Bum Phillip said S~. Ricardo. from Caata Meta Mah and Orange Cout Collep, waa not tchedwed to kick 8aturday night, ao h asked foe -and ac>t -pennisaion tQ. joln hii wtfe ln Detroit at \he bedlide of a llk:k relative, PhillJpa Mid. ' Ricardo joined the Satnta• after the leCOl'ld aame ln 1980 and Md the team in s oorln 1t with 81 point.a. · - Cl Orange Ooa11 DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augual 30, 198! .-------------------------..... Strik'e talks slated by players:_ union From AP dl1patcbea CHICAGO -Representatives of m the National Football League players f., union gather today for what could be a showdown on strike strategy againat · the league owners. "I think there is a pretty good chance a strike date will be set," Ed Garvey, executive dittctor of the NFL Players Association, said Sunday in a telephone interview from his Chevy Chase, Md., home. The players have been angling for 55 percent of the gross receipts brought ln by the 28 teams, including television revenue anticipated from a lucrative l'Ontract recently signed with two of the three major network.I. "We know the owners are about to put an offer on the table," Garvey said. "!'hey've been talking to some of the players individually about it." . But, )l e s aid , so m e o f the player representatives have been dissatisfied with the owners' refusal to bargain. Quote of the day "We just hope the Raiders play well In 1982, we realize the harrassmenl, bad faith and UJ'\f air dealing on the part of the NFL will continue. These guys are the most -massive, media-controlled a nd powei:- hungry group in America. They couldn't win In the courtrooms of the United St.ates. Now they'll take the next step and try to bribe congress and overturn the court system and have the NFL lawyen rewrite the U.S . Constitution." -Al Davia, Los Angeles Raiders managing general partner, following yet another courtroom victory over 'the National Football League that rejected the NFL's a ppeal to delay the Raiders move to Los Angeles. Perrault runs like a million CHICAGO -Perrault, ridden by ~ Laffit Pincay Jr., and trained by Charles Whittingham, bolted into the lead at midstre\Ch Sunday to capture the Budweiser Million, thoroughbred racing's ric_hest event, by two le ngths at Arlington-Park. England's M otavato, ridden by ·one-time whiz-kid jockey Steve Cauthen, led through most of the l IA-mile race before Perrault caught him and hit the wire in a track -record 1:58 4-5 Be My Native, the only 3-year-old in the field and another invader from England, was ridden by Earlie Fires and finished second. passing Motavato in the finaJ str ides. From Page C1 DICK MORRIS . • • Baseball today On lhla ln bwwb.11 In llJ4 l. LCl'I Warnok! t tht St. Lout.a C~ no.hJt th Clndnn11tl lledl 2·0 al Crolley Field, On thla date In 1918: lt took the New Yortt GU.n\I ol\Jy ~7 mJnutAhs to tx>at ttw Brooklyn OodgeNI 1.0 On thi. dntt· 1n mo~ ~troh'ei Ty Cobb mad<' t".1s major 11.'ogut· d\!9Ul In the Tlgeni' ~-3 victory over NPw York and doublt.•d m has finit ut·l»1t .. tho tlra\ of his m .'Orff 4,191 career hlL". Today'll birthdays: Han of Fame outfielder Ted Wllhllmll is 64. Philadelphia Phillies relief ace Tug ·McGraw Is 38. San Francisco Giants pitcher Renie M1.trtln Is 27. New York Yankct.•1:1 pitcher Rog~r Erickson Is 26. Winfield's homers carry Yankees Dave Winfield drove In four rWlB Ii with a p air of homer s and Lee MazzJlll belted a solo shot to back the three-hit performance of le ft-hander Tommy Jobo as New York posted an easy 8-2 victory over Toronto. Winfield's second homer of the game and 25th of the season, a three-run blast over the center-field wall, capped a four- run third inning rally that gave the Yankees a 6 -0 adva ntag e Elsewhere in the American League, Amos Otis' two-run double keyed a four-run first inning and Larry Gura gain<!d his 17th victory as Kansas Cit y won its sixth straight game, 7 -4 over Chicago, a win that moved the Royals two games ahead , of the Angels in the Western WIHFIELO Division . . . Cecil Cooper drove in three runs with a homer and a single to lead Milwaukee to an 8-1 romp over Oak.land .. _,_Qesignated hitter Randy Buab drove In a pair of runs to boost Minnesota past Cleveland. 6 -3 Eddie Murray drove in two runs, including the sixth -inning tie-breaker, as Baltimore won its ninth game In 10 OuPngs, 3-2 over Texas . Rookie right-hander Jerry Ujdur spun a four-hitter .is Detroit held off Seattle, 6-2. Mears able to stand the heat RIVERSIDE -Ric k Mear s su r viving brutaf h eal a nd t he Riverside lnternat1onal Raceway long course, picked up his second straight • VJctory and fourth of the season in winning the A1rCal 500-kilometer lndy-car race Sunday. Twenty-eight carro started the grueling race, but there were only four running at the e nd, tying an Indy-car record set at Trenton, N.J., in a 200-mile event in 1974. This was the smallest group of finishers in an Indy-car race smce 1978 when five cars were-- running a t the end of .a 500-mile race at nearby Ontario Motor Speedway. Mario Andre tti succumbed to an electrical problem and Mears' teammate, Kevin Cogan, who set a course record in winnjng the pole. blew an engine halfway thr ough the race after building a lead of nearly a full lap on Mears. • coach , a nugget. Ford is a 80und quarterback coach and gives the Sea Kings the hype fact.or. Morris says the Sea Kings will "Ford had me so excited once I was ready to go out and shave my head," says Morris. S utter, a Newpo rt Beach helicopter policeman, is the newcomer to the ranks. offer a more varied offense this year, with more motion and sets and deeper passes ' But, for the most part, the Sea Kings figu re to re!lect their coach -fundamentally sound with a reading 50 defense. Two in a row for Carner Carlton, Phltlles atop Reds 1 teve Carlloo plk•hrd u thrt"t•· hitter and atruc:k out 11 1.111 Philadelphia downed C1nc•1nnutl Sunday, J-1. Ciirlwn rill\ his rtrikc.'Out total tu. 211. 11ectmd In thu nu1jor lt•ug uc• w C!~lnn"~' Marlo So&o, who hH 221 ... Elaewhere in the NaUorual Lcaaue, Dou1 Bair hurlC!d 3 ~ lnnlnp of hlllc'ii relleC, td°lklng out .even, u St. l..ouU. curned u doublt·-n cudt?r aphl with S'1n Olc·a<.> by winning tht! •~cond game.•, ~,3. Tht· Padres romped, ~4 ln the opcnl'r behind " 15-nlt attac.:k h ighll(thted by ll three-run double by Rick Lancellottl, his first moJor -league hll . Andre D1w1on 11 lummed a two-r un homer and former University High and Saddleback College CAM. TOtf product Tim Wallach added u solo blast to he lp Scott Sa.ndenon win his eighth game as Montreal knocked off Houston , 5-3 . . . Jim Morrison blooped u two-run single and Jason Tbomp1on hit a two-run homer. leading Pittsburgh to a 4-3 triumph over San Francisco . . Glenn Hubbard, Claude ll WultlnJtOn and Rafael Ramirez drove In two runa apiece to lead Auanta past New York, Y-4, extending the Mets' losing streak to 13 games and pushing the Braves into a virtual tie for first place with Los Angeles in the National League West. Fort Lauderdale, Vancouver get even AJI four North American Socc..oer m League first-ro und playoff series have been ext.ended to a decisive third game, after Fort Lauderdale and Vancouver posted victories Sunday. Berndt Holzenbein scored with just 19 seconds gone in overtime as Fort Lauderdale posted a 1-0 victory over Montreal. Meanwhile, Ray Hankln's goal with less than nine minutes left gave Vancouver a 1-0 triumph over San Diego. Vancouver will visit San Diego Thursday, while Tulsa will be at the· Cosmos, Toronto at Seattle ana Montreal at Fort Lauderdale on Wednesday. Goudreau stlll In critical condition One of North America's leading • ~ harness drivers, Shelly Goudreau, remained in critical condition Sunday, one day after undergoing surgery for injuries s uffer ed in a s pill d uring a race. Goudreau, 34, received head injuries in the ac.<cident at Hollywood Park Friday, a nd was rushed unconscious to Centinela Medical Center in Inglewood New York Gian l s quarterback Plail Simms is almost certain to require knee s urgery that will keep him sidelined the entire season, Coach Ray Perkins said S unday. "W e arc still 75 percent sure he tore his medial collateral ligament completely and that there is some damage to the interior cruciat.e ligament." Perkins said David Polle, assistant general manager of the Calgary FlamPs, is e>t~ to be named general manager of the Washington Capitals later this week. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled RADIO: Baseball -St. Louis at Dodg<>rs. 7:30 p.m .. KABC (790). Curren takes surfing trials • Tommy Curren of Santa Barbare, the top- ranked amateur entering the event, emerged the .,; overall winner Sunday at the Stubbies California surf trials at the Lower TresUes near the Camp Pendleton-San Clemente border. Curren defeated Carlsbad's David Barr m the Cinal man-on-man competition by winning the fLrst and third heats in the best-of-three format. Curren won \he top prize of $2,000 plus a round-trip ticket to the biggest surfing contest in HIGH POINT. N.C. (AP) -of the green and she two-putted the world.,. March 5 through 12 of next year in LPGA Hall of Farner JoAnne her bogey. Burleigh n ead, Australkl. Barr earned $1 ,000 for Carner capt u red her second Carner had twice escaped his runner-up effort, plus an invitation to the consecutive tournament Sunday. defeat in the playoff, first by Australian meet. e dging d e fe nding champion chipping in Crom 30 feet on the In the final mateh, the waves ranged from six Sandra Haynie in a five-hole second extra hole and then by to seven feet in the first and second heats before playoff to win the He nredon sinking a 15-foot putt two holes IN CONTROL -Corona del dropping for the final one .. The change in conditions Cla$lc. later. Mar's Dic k M orris h as put didn't seem to bother Curren. . Carner won the title when Both players had broke n the coaching in perspective. ..I thought it was kind of a blesmng in disguise tournament record after 72 holes '---I .,_ .... " h 'd ' Haynie ran into trouble on her \ ~uae was so un:u, e sai . drive on the fifth extra hole. ... Cur ren advanced to the finals wnh 2-0 Haynie's tee shot lanc;led in a Justanold Love captures Derby victories over Bill Ward (He rmosa Beach) and Mike hazard area next to a lake on the Cruickshank (Dana Point). Barr reached the title From Page C1 RAIDER WIN-. ..- the titlmetlme lack of offenolvo punch. • "We've CJlrrled them (the ofleJ111C) for the IJA&t two yt.•aJ'I,'' uld Hendrick.a In o mauer-of ·ftct tone and look. llcndm k'> s:ml 111-1 lt•unirrwtc.'lf were very much llwun· of thl• honu•town <:rowd. "lt was a look· und·I!(.'(' uttltudc,'' said llcndncklj ''Wt• wcrt' cyetng cuch other. "Tht>y were look1n~ lo M't• what we can do. "Wl· wc•rt' looking Ul them, to aee what they were goin~ to do. h was soml•thmg when tht fans started booing the Green Bay Packers. We're not usc.'<i to that." .. Plunkett linhched the night by comple\Jnlt'14l uf 19 for 185 yards. while his backup, Mare Wilson', h1l 5 of 11 for 66 yards and a T D. "I made a few mistakes tonight I'd like to have back.'' srud Plunkett, "but I just have to 1hovc It out of my mind. "At first it was hard to gl'nerate an)' offense. I haven't had mul•h success here (the Coliseum), not in high school, college or in the pros. Tonight waa a pretty nice feeling." • After Allen carried for the lirst down at the Packers' 17 in the third period It was Frank Hawkins putting the finishing touch to the 64-yard scoring march with a short burst. With 3:30 left Wilson hit Malcolm Barnwell with a six-yard scor ing pass and Billy T~ylor capped it with two seconds to go on a 3-yard ("UJl The Raiders got their final touchdown r Rich D'Amico set it up with an lnterceptlo and 12-yard retum to the Packers' 10. Davis downplayed the slim gathering (40,906 leaves a lot of empty seats in the Coliseum). "No," said Davis. "I'm not disappointed. Our football team wil l take care of that. I am sorry, though, for the inconveniences (ticket problems) we've caused our fans." Well, then, did the 24-3 decision make him happy? Again, Davis said no. "The idea 1s to be 30 miles from · h ere in January (P..asadena). Then, I'll be happy. •·w e're not the dominatng team we llsed to be. but 1 don't sec anyone in pro football dominating. We're going to gel everyone here wearing the silver and black. It was Homecoming for H eisman T rophy winner Marcus A llen. formerly of USC, but his numbers were just passing -9 carries for 41 yards, 2 receptions for 15 yards. Stadler's par enough -to win AKRON. Ohio (AP) -Masters champion Craig Stadler threw a final 65 at the leaders,, then .~at stubborn Ray Floyd with a scrambling par on ·the fourth_ hole of a .sudden death play9lf Sunda)' for the title and the $100,000 first prize in the World Series of GolC. "I just kept up my scrambling ways.'' Stadler said after acquiring his fourth title of the season 1 and taking a big lead in the year's money~ race. "l hit only one green (in the playoff) but I guess 1t doesn't make a helluva lot of difference,'' Stadler said. "I d on't feel like I escaped , but Raymond had the better hand rn the playoff. "He just made the first mistake." And that mlStake. worth a diCference of $45.- 000 between the winner's check and the prize Floyd won, occurr.ed when ,t h e PGA title-holder was unable to gel 1t up and down from rough to the • right or the 17th green. the fourth playoff hole. lm~a pulls upset lmua Canoe Club of Newport Beach stunned • the heavily-favored Tahitian Club to win the U.S . Outrigger Canoe championships Sunday. Imua c~mpl eted the Avalon to Ne wport journey in four hours. 17 minutes to win the competition by 10 minutes over Ta.hi_t.i. The winning squad took the lead earJy in the race and held it throughout in reaching the 18th Street finishing spot a mile and a half ahead of the runner-up Tahitians. When lmua reached the end or the journey, it w as averaging 70 strokes a minute. In the 21-team competition, t he Off Shore Club of fllewport Beach was third at 4:34, seven minutes behind Tahiti. Fourth was the lmua No. 2 Club from Newport, which also finished better than had been expected. Next competition for lmua will be the Molokai race late in September, a chaUenging journey of about 50 miles in treacherous water from Molokai to Oahu m Hawaii left side of the Cairway. S he put RUIDOSO DOWNS, N .M Jerry Nicodemus, Justanold Love match by beating Willie Morris (Woodland Hills), her second shot just short of the (AP) _ California invader took the lead in the {lrst jump 2-1, and Sean McNulty (Capistrano Beach). 2-0. --------------------- green, blut hehr mobalmentum causedall Justanold Love scored a front· from the starting gale in the 440-S bb"This is th~. fardthest l've ever been in the ~ ~ • Your her to .ose er ance and f running victory in capturing the yard race. then steadily pulled tu ies contest, sai Barr. "f'm happy with my A..CffST Professional into the water. $l mllli·on All-Ameri'can Derby f h 1 ted f' ld }>erformance. It was a learning experience because I away rom t e t.a en te of f d 1 ___ .......... · be h 1 __ .... florist Meanwhile, Carner put h er Sunday. ending Special Effort's 3-year-olds. oun out ·~o:u to ge t m tter s ape. n~" to aecond shot within 10 feet of the reign in the quarter horse racing work on my physical endurance and stamina." 2915 Red Hill Avenue kin and two Putted for Id T he !illy earned $333,'00 with A-108 Costa Mesa · pa r . wor . A turnout of about 9,000 witnessed the i · k 641-0810 aynie's third shot stopped short Ridden by veteran jockey the biggest victory of her career. compeution. Stone Mil Business Par Mesa wins soccer title The Costa M esa Cowboys withstood some furious four th-quarter pressure from Mission Viejo and held on to win the Am e r ica n Speed.eoccer A.s9ociation crown Sunday, 5-4, at the Loa Caballeros Racquet and Spor1B Club ln Fountain Vall~y. Down 4-3 in the third quarter. Costa Mesa rallied to take the lead on goala by Kevin Walshe at 8!47 and . .Tavio Zambr ano with 1:46 mnain1ng. Ft-om there, it WM Up to \he Cowbo)'I' deteMI! to pre9eJ"Ve the victory. The Viking• scored flret five mlnutet Into the con~ on • pl by Geny Hall. c.o.ta Meet net1*i the next three .. Manny Cuenca, Je11 Benbow and Cu enca ~l~.ln taJUed, "but the VUdft91 acxnd the nut tru. goala. ,~--------=-------''----=--------------~,....;:...;;..:;:.~..;.:.;;;~;;,_----------------L~------------------~ PALA MESA Spend ) days and~ nlQhts at Pala Mesa Resort anc.J cn1oy unlimited QOlf on our 6 461 yard cha mpio nship course Deluxe Quest room fine dlnlnQ tennis and swimmlnQ MC ell SO parl of 'his complete pacbeQe Pala Mesa Resort Is nestled In bcautltul North San Dle~o County an easy drive fro m home Complete paclia~e Includes ... ~ 2 nl~hu deluxe accommodations • Unlimited ~olf with • 2 delicious dinners shared earl • Unlimited tenpl• All taxes and ~racultles Inc luded Phone 01 Wflte toda, for ruer•atlon.a. (714) 711·51•1 OT (113) 111·7377 Spcc111I 11117 over mom flllC' 14~ per nlQhl Prlu! for Ncin Ot1lfctn 1109 (PacllaQc atallablc 7 1111, a wecll for tndlvldual nm.•rv111lons only Q111c• boM"d on doublC' occu p11nc1 11nd offer nlld 1hrouQh 1 l/1 ~/89 } Pala Mesa Resort 9001 South HlQhWftY '95, tt.tlbmolt C ollfornla 99CXl& SUPER NAUTILUS & OPE N 7 DAY S r oR MEN & WOMfN ,, . ' ·. I+ ' I ~ I I , 1 -mea lflR ca&IW a't. (lM)'\lf·• A • R 0 • I c ~ . . • • MAJOR LEAGUE &T ANDINO& American Leeaue WESTERN DIYtafON W L l'cl. OB l<ansas Ct1y 76 64 685 Angele 7 4 56 569 2 ChlCBgo 88 62 5 16 9 SeaUle 6 t 88 473 14'> Oakland S8 73 443 Ill'• Te .. s 50 78 390 25 MonnHola 47 82 364 28', EASTERN DIVISION Mot .. aukee 76 52 5&4 Boston 7 t 58 550 5' • Balhm0te 70 58 54 7 6 Detroit 85 63 soe t t N-YoA 65 63 SOB 11 Ctevetand 61 64 488 t3'• Toronto 61 70 466 16', Sundar,'• lc0<H Boston 9. Ange• 3 Now Yoi\ 8, Toropto 2 Balllmor" 3. T exAS 2 Minnesota 6. Cleveland 3 Kansas C11y 7, Chicago ( Mllwaukoe 8, Oakland t Oelroll 6, Sea111e 2 T onlghl'• O•rn.t BanlMOle (OaVls 4-3) Ol TOIOlllO (Gott 4· 101 Oakland !Keough 11 161 •t Bost n (HufSI 3·6) Seattle (Sloddard 0 I) el Molwauk (VVCkOviCn 15·4) Cleveland (Wa11~ 2 (Dotson 8· 111 Now York 1Ra .. 1ey II Ill Ml Monnesot• (VIOia 4-4) Teos (Butcher 1·31 a1 Kanau C11v (Leonard 8·31 Only o•mM scneduled Nallonal Leeaue WESTERN DIYll"ION W L Pct. OB Atlanta 72 57 558 Doclo•n 73 58 557 Sa~b1ego 67 64 5 II 6 San F1arn:1sco 65 66 596 8 Houston ' 6 t 88 469 11• 1 C1nc1nna11 50 80 385 22', EASTUIN DIVISION SI LOUIS 74 SS 574 PMadelph18 72 5 7 5S8 Montreal 69 6 I 53 I 5'> Plnstivrgh 69 61 531 5'> Chicago 58 7 4 439 17 '> Now York 50 78 391 23" Sund•r'• lcorH Chicago 7. Dodgen 2 Montnlsl 5, Houston·'S Allanla 9. N-York 4 PholadelPhla 3, C1nc1nna11 I San 01990 9·3. St Louil 4 5 Plllaburgh 4, San franclsco 3 Ton'9ht'• O•fTlff SI lou•s (Stuper 5·41 at Dodgere (Valenzuela 17 ·II) Allan1a (Ptwez 0-2 end M1nlftr 8 9) at Pl'11tadetph1a (Ruthven 9 10 • d Bystrom 5-5). 2 C1nc1nna11 (Shotey 5-11) a MontrHt (Rogers 14-71 __..,.. Houston (Sutlon 13·8) al N-York (Swan 7·51 Pollsburgh (McW11Uam1 7 71 •I San CMgo (Welsh 7 5) On~; games scheduled AMERICAN LEAGUE Red Sox t, Angela 3 CALIFORNIA 901TON ab rhbl .Orhbl Downing It 5 o 1 O Remy 2b 4 2 3 I Beniquez ct 3 O 0 0 Evan• r1 3 2 1 3 Carew I b 4 O I O Rice II • 5 ' 2 3 ReJac:kaon rt 4 0 0 0 RMllt.r C1 • 0 0 0 Baylor dh 4 O O O va11rimsk1 dh 4 0 I 0 OeCtnca 3b • 1 2 0 l.Af\aford 3b 4 I 1 0 G11tll 2b 4 2 3 1 Boggs lb 5 2~ Foll sa 4 0 2 I Nld>Ols ct 2 0 0 0 Boone c 4 0 I I Staptelon N 3 I I 0 Aller>aon c 4 0 0 0 Total• 0 3 Totals J.4 II 11 II Scof9 b1 lnnlft9e Calltorn1a 010 010 001-3 Boeton OU 000 40a-11 OP -Boston 2 LOB -Calllornla 7. Botton 9 "28 -OeCtncH. Grich, Foll. Remy. HR -Boggs (3). Rice (1111. Evens (23). SB -Remy (13) S -NlchOtl Cefffotftla ' IP H fl I ll ea IO Renko (L. 10-6) 2'1'1 5 5 5 2 2 Saf\Che? 2\IJ 2 0 0 3 3 Ttanl 2 4 4 4 2 3 Corbell 1 0 0 0 0 0 ao.otn Ecke<"41y (W. 12.101 e 8 2 2 ' ' B SlanieyiS 11) 3 I I 0 0 T -2 37 A -32 3S6 NATIONAL LEAGUE Cub• 7, DodgeA 2 CHtCAOO LOI ANOEUI ebrhbl oobrhbl Wiiis 2b 4 ' 3 2 Su 2b 4 O 2 o Sel>dt>etg 3b 4 I 1 1 L.endrNU• c:t 4 0 O 0 Buckner lb 6 I 2 I Mond11Y lb 3 0 1 0 Durham cl 5 O 0 1 Marl/lall N I O 0 O ~aon II 5 0 0 1 G~re<o rf 4 0 I 0 Johnston• rt 3 1 1 O Cey 3b 4 1 1 O Wood• rt I 0 0 0 Roen!Ck• It 3 1 I 0 JOavlt c 4 2 2 1 Rueaelt u 1 0 0 0 Bowe 11 4 1 3 O SclOetJa c 3 0 1 I Kennedy 11 0 0 0 0 Yeager c I 0 0 0 aflklM p 2 0 0 0 Oetanger N 2 0 0 0 Tldrow p 0 0 0 0 Garveoy lb t 0 0 0 MOiinar ph 1 o 1 o weecn p 'o o o Hernandez p O 0 0 0 Forele< p 0 0 0 0 Tolals 38 7 13 7 Orta P'I 1 0 0 0 Bedtwtlh p 0 0 0 0 Bek8' Ph I 0 0 I Stewart p 0000 SHowep 0000 Totals 34 2 7 2 le«• by .......... Chtc.go 201 102 0 10-7 Loe Angel• 000 000 200-2 LOB -Cllleego 8, Loe A~ 5 28 - Bucl<er HR -J Oavta (9) Sii -Wiiia (31) S -Jenkins SF -WMlt Chloego IP aflklns (W, 10· 13) 6 Tldrow 1 H9<nande2 2 H fl l llHI O 7 2 2 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Lee A ........ WMdl (L. 15-11) S'li II 8 5 2 II FOfater v. I 0 0 O O 8eclcwtth I 0 0 0 0 1 St-art V. 3 I I 0 0 8 HOW9 l'l'I 0 0 0 0 2 Jenltit>• pltdlecl 10 3 betters HI 1i.. 7th P9 -s-1e T -2 S6 A -47.1143 Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augu11 30, 1982 Amerlcen Leegue Yeoll-I, Blue Jeya 2 New York 114 0 II 000 8 1:) O r0<onlo 001 010 ooo~ 2 ll ' JoM ano Cerone Clancy ~ (3), Schrom (71 and B M1111nei W JOlln 10-10 l Clancy 11 12 t1R• New Yo'k W1nt1eld 2 1251 Maulfll (81 A 34,313 lloyale 7, White Soa 4 Kansas City •OO 000 102 7 1 I Cn1cago 000 100 003 4 10 ' Gure. OulMnti.rry (91 and Walhan. Hoyt. Kern (8). Lyle 181 and F11k W Gura. 17·8 L. Hoyl, 14 13 S Ouleenberr~ (31) HR Kanan City Brell p8) A-28. t8t ............ 1 Oakland 001 000 000 I 3 M1twaukae 201 022 01• 8 17 0 Norris. Halina (8) and Newman, McClure and Sommons W McClure ·~ L. NO<tl• 11-11 HR Miiwaukee Coo-1261 1-34.563 Twine I , lndlan• 3 CleVelend 300 000 000 3 5 M1rineso1a 010 001 04• 6 10 Whitson Sp•ll'M• (81 and tiU&ey. B Cutillo and Butera w B Caatlllo. 8-10 L Splllner 10 8 HR C .. veland. Thornton (281 A -8,9215 Orlolee 3, Ranger• 2 Ta.as 100 000 100 2 6 B&lllmore 000 102 00• 3 !> 1 Ta nan a and Sundberg, Flanagan At'ld Dempsey W-Flenegan. '1 10 l - Tariana. 6· 15 HR Te .. t Perro&h ( 11) A -25,393 Tigenl,Met1Mre 2 000 102 I 11 6 11 0 e•lll<l 000 110 000 2 • 2 U1d~1 and l M Parrlah Perry B Cl k (61. Musselman (61. Vande Berg (8) Ca 111 191 and s-1 w u1dur. 9.7 L -Perry, 7· 12 HRs Oatroll H Johnson (2) Seattle Sweet 1•1 A-8,998 Nallonal L~e PlralH 4, Olan • P111sourgn 202 000 c 10 Sen Fran 000 010 020 3 11 I Candelaria. Scvrry (8) and 1 Pena, R Maritn, Holland (31. Lavelle. (8) and Brenly W-Candelana. ti 5 L -R M1111n 5·8 $-Scurry ( 121 HR-P11tsbu1gh J Thompson (281 A -22,017 Phlll ... 3, ll..S. 1 Cmcmnall 000 000 0 10 I 3 2 PMadelph1a 002 001 00>.-3 6 O Bereny1 Hayes 181 and Trevino, Camon ano B O!az w Camon 17·9 L-Berenyo, II-I 4 HR C1nc1nna11 Landes1oy 111 I-39,237 ........ Melt 4 l'\1tante 00 I 20 I 230-ll 11 2 New York 000 130 000 4 10 2 P Nleilro, Bed1011an (7) end Benec11c1. ZaGhry, Hausman (71 Orosc:o (91 and Bochy W-P N1ek10. 12·3 L-Hausman. 1·2 S Bedrosian (II) A-3•,471 E.•Poe 5, Aetroe 2 Houston 0 12 000 000 3 I I 0 Montreal 130 000 Oh-S 7 I Knepper and Ashby Sanderaon B Smith (71 and Carter w -Sanderson, 8· I I L-Knepper 5 13 S B Smith (3) HR•-Montreal Oawaon (Ill) wa11ecn ( 1111 A 38.3311 FIAST OAME Padt .. I , Cerdlnele 4 SI Louis 000 12() 00 I 4 8 3 San Ooego 005 103 00>.-11 15 1 Forsell. J Marlin (3), KHI (51 811r (6), L•hll (7) and O Pon er. fen ace (II) Show. Cur111 (5) and T Kennedy W- Curlls. 8·6 l -Forsch. 13-8 SECOND OAME Cerdlnele S, l'ed,.a 3 SI Louis 2 10 000 110-5 10 2 San Diego 011 000 100-3 6 3 LaP04nt. Bau 13). KUI (71 Sutttw (8) end 0 Porter Hawkins, Lucas (5). Deleon (8) and Sw11net W Bau 4 3 L -Hawk1n1 2·5 S Suiter (29J A-17 379 Top 10 (a...d °" l4S •• bel•• AMERICAN LEAGUE O •• A H l'ct. W W•I'°"· l(C 105 •58 87 157 34~ Yount Mii 122 S03 100 186 330 Harrah, Cle 124 4711 90 154 322 Gare:•• Tor 124 532 80 169 318 E Murray. Bal u,_.w 85 132 317 ~r Mii 121 512 8:> 162 316 U'RAI' ICC 130 ~95 H 156 3 1~ Bonnell Tor 116 378 58 119 315 c -w. Angel• 101 •os 69 121 314 Brett, KC 113 434 82 136 313 ~R11n1 G Thomas Miiwaukee 34 Re. J acllson. An9el1, 31: Tnornton, CleYeland 28, ~ Milwaut.ee. 26 Ogilvie Milwaukee 25 OeClncaa, ........ 25 Rune l etted In McRae, Kansas C1iy 114 Tnornton C-ano. 101 Cooper Milwaukee, 96 G Tllomu, Miiwaukee II• Yount Miiwaukee, 87 Pitching (11 Oeclelon•) Vukovich, Milwaukee. 15·•. Burr>1. Cntcago. 13-5. Guidry, New York, 12-5 Zahn, Angel•. 14-t: Su1ct1tte. Cl~and. 11·5. Gura. Kan1n Coty, 17-8, Petry, Oetroll. '4·7. Caudill. Se1111e, 11·6 NATIONAL LIAOVIE a •• " H l'ct. Oll•er. Mii 128 41111 75 164 338 Mlldloci< Pgh 127 475 80 ISO 316 LO Smun SIL 125 487 105 153 3 " Clutham. Chi 123 4~ 89 143 3 14 KNglll Hin 130 497 62 1&5 312 Buct<net. Chi 131 533 711 164 308 ~o, LA 123 -486 78 143 307 ... .,. I.A 117 450 81 137 304 Cat1tw Mil 123 44 t 74 134 304 Concepcion. C1n 118 454 40 137 302 ~RUM Kingman, New York, 31, Murpny. Allanla. 3 '· Carter. Mo111r••I. 27. Schmidt. Phlladelph1a, 27, Horr>••. Atlanta, 27. Q~ero. Dodgen, 27. lluna a.ti.cl In Murphy, Allanla, 95, Buckner, Chicago, 811; Oliver. Monlreal. 88. Caner. Mon1rea1, 88, Clark , San FrMCllCO, 87 '"dllfte (15 DecMloM) P Niettro. Altanla. 13·3. Candelarla. Plltaburg.11, 12·5, Aogera, MontrHI. 1'· 7. Carlton. Plllladatphla. 11 ·II, Valenzuela, Dod1era, 17·1; 0 AoblnlO<'I, Pltt1burgll, 14-8, Krukow Plllladetphla, 12.1. ••tell, Oode•r•. 1M. SCOREBOARD NFL !XHIBITION Raider• 24, P9Cken 3 ICOfa by Ou"'1era Grean Bay 3 0 0 O 3 LA Raldera 0 3 7 14-24 GB -FG G1rcia 49 LA -FG Bahr 44 LA -Hawkins 2 run (8ah1 kick) LA Barnwell 6 peas from WlllOn (Bani kick) LI'\ -B laytor 2 run (Bahr kick) A -40906 TH m Statlstlce oa F1rst downs Rullles-yarda Pas11ng y11d1 Return yatdl Pu- Sacks Dy Puntt Fumbles· lost Peflalttes-yardt Time 01 Poaae111on II n -e1 110 38 15-38·2 3· 111 10-43 2·0 10·75 28 18 lndlwldual llell•llc• LA 20 35-144 232 103 111·30·2 5.44 7-37 4·2 7.50 31 42 RUSHING -Green Bay. Ellt• 5-21, Mtddlaton 2·18 Lotton 1·12. Jensen 1·9. Rodgers 4·9 Huc kteby 3-7. Torkelson 2-7, Meed• 1·4, Aeaves 1·2, Campbell 1·2 Los Angeles. l'llten g.• 1. Wiiiis 6-41, King 7 19. Van E,twln 3· t• Prulll I-I I. HaWklne s. l!L B eylor 4-11 Pl-SSING GrHn Bay. Dickey ' 9·0 ·26 Wn1tenu11t 7 13-0·84 Campoetl 3-1 l· I •O. Menucci 1-S· 1·• Los Angeles. Plunkett 14· 19 ,_ 185 WolSOfl 5· I l· 1·66 RECEIVING Green Bay. Lollon 4-87. Huckle by 3 36, Jensen 3.17. Jellerson '·I 7 Cotrmen 1-10. Meade ,.4, Elllt 2·3 Los "';r.' ... Br1n<;11 5·9•. Ftamaey 3·32, ernwlll 3-29. Muhammad 2 -46 , Allen 2 -15, Christensen 1-16, Hawkins 1·8, WHhs 1·8. Pruitt 1.3 MISSED FtELO GOALS Gteen Bay Garcia 31 Los Angtfes. none IATUROAY'I LATE RUVLTI Bronco. V, Viking• 17 Icon by Ouetten Monne10ta O O 10 7-17 Oenvet 7 13 0 7-27 Oen -Preston 2 paaa trom Morton (Slemlorl klOk I [jen -Menning 18 pass lrom OeBerg !£GIOl1 PU.S .kom Oeaetgl l:>en -Wal.on 10 pass lrom OeB.;g (kk:k tailed) Minn FG Oanme1e1 37 Minn Swain 25 tumble 1ecove1v (Oanm<1ter kl<:k I Oen -Ryan tumble recovery 1n end rone (Karlis k!Ckl Minn -Boyd ' I pau lrom Wiison (Oenrneler k!Ckl A. -73.371 lndMduel Stetletlce HU<>HINU -Ml"-M>ta. Young 4·25 Galbreath 6·25 Herrell, 3·23. Nelson 4·2 I Otwwet. W1Uhlte 9·35, Hobbs S.23. Canada 3·22 Pl'ISSING M1nnuo1a Wll1on 20-37 ·2·2011 Denver. OeBerg 7-' 1.0.108. Morton 7-11-0.se RECEIVING MIMesafa. Lewie 1·411, Br.-4·27, Harrell 2·26. Galbreath 3-25 Denver. Upchurch 2·39. Pre11or1 •·35. Odoms 2-23 Dolphln• 17, Chle'9 17 Score bf Ouerter• M1am1 O 10 O 7 0 -17 Kenau Coty 3 7 7 O 0-17 KC -FG Lowery 33 KC -Ooaon 1 pen from Kenney (Lowery klCI<) Ml• -Cefalo 15 PUI from WOO<lley IRoblf\sOn kick) Mia -FG Robin.on 20 KC -O••On 4 pus trom Fuller (Lowery lllckl Mia -Cowan t run (Ro1>1naon ktc;ll) A -42.J90 lndhrlduel 1Ut11tlca RUSHING Miami Bennett 10-46, Nathan 11·39. F1anklln 9·3•. Cowan 12-34 Kanau City. Jackson "2·33. Delaney 7-211, Bellon 5 14 Pl-SSING Miami , Slrocll 16-31·1·163, Woodley 9-13·0 72 Kansas Coty Fulle• to. 18-0·88 Kenney 5-9-1·83 RECEIVING Mtaml. Cefalo 5·69. Balley 3·44 ()upe< 2·34. VIQOrilO 5·24 Rose 2·21 Ken ... C11y. Caraon 4.35 Hanoock 2-32. SmHll 1· 13. Dixon 2 I t FIELD GOALS M ISSED Miami Rot>tnaon 47 J8 KanMt C11y Lo-v ,s3 DMD ... ftehlna AllTI LAN61No (Newpon-...Ch} - 89 angltwl 2 barracuda. 133bontto,314 mack•el. 84 rock hll'I, 38 send t>au, 38 M:Ulpln, 2 cebelon. 23 ~. 103 kelp bass DAYErl LOCKIER ("--1 h edl) -178 anglers 1 oarraeud. 1111 oon110 59 eallco b .... 537 mackertf. 50 rock lllh. 64 nnd ba11 DANA WHAllF -232 •no'-'• I blue lln tuna, •llll.OAH. 4 barracuda, 280 bonito. 3 halibut, 1135 mackerel, 8 aculpln, 20 "-Pl/lead lllAL •IACH -180 anglers 33 barracuda. 22 bonllo, 37 caltco beM. 4 hallbu1. 527 mec11.,e1. 500 ..no t>ua. 51 aculpln, 2 "'"PahNO (a. .. 1 - 210 ang1«1 13 ~to. 3 hellbul. 750 mec11ere1. 18 Nnd b .... 3 acutpln e10 wf\lte c.c>Mer, 51 S QUMl1 1111'1 , I AN 0.00 (Halil ~· -3711 ano*• 534 •bacOf• World Serie• of Ootf (•I .uron, <>Me) 271 a-Craig Stadler, $ 100,000 70·611-75-65 Ray Floro. ss&.ooo 69-71-811-70 HO 1160 Aoki. $.'.14,&00 Curfll Slr&rlg•. $111,llOO Bob Shearer. S tll,llOO 211 Jacl! Nlcklaus. $16,000 Tom Kile. S 16.000 Lanny Wadkins. S 16,000 291 em Rootw•. s 13 ooo 217 Tom Wataon S' 1,500 Jerry Pala. S' 1,500 2IO 77-84-70-87 71-71-72-lla 69-89-73-7' 71-75-72-67 73-68-73· 7 I 70-72-72·71 75-72-71-87 75-74-811-811 75-72·70-89 CaMn Paete. $8,750 TNneyukl Nekjm. $8.760 74-71·72-73 -Denio Wa1eon. $1.500 Sco11 Hoch, $7.500 Andy Bean.S7.500 213 Mark McNully. $8,500 * Terry Gate, $e,OOO 211 74-11-76-71 715.70.74.72 73-73-74·72 73. 76-74-70 MaMhlro Kur•ml $5,500 119·74·78-77 211 Bob Glider, SS,000 IOO George S..rn1 S-4.S50 Sam lorrane., S4,5SO 302 •·Nalhenlal Croel>y )CM Larry Gllberl. S-4,200 won ptayoll emeuwr 78-73-711-71 79-70-76-13 73-77-7•-78 79.7 1-72-73 H•nredon ClaHlc (el Nleft Point, N.C.) 290 x.JoAnne Carner. S24. 7~ 70· 71-611· 72 Sandra HaynMI. $16.170 73-64-71-74 -2Q Janel Cotes. sa.eoo Kalhy Whllworlh,.$15,llOO Hollls Stacy St.800 ... Nancy Lepez. SS 528 PeUI Atuo $5,528 ns Pat Bredtey S• 785 -Pally SllMl'lan. $4.455 2111 Sandra Spu11cn, S-4. 125 .. Dianne Oaltey, $3,485 Donna H White, $3,465 Sytvta Benolaecn.S3,41l5 -Amy Alcoll.S2.636 Stephanie F'arwtg, $2,6311 Cathy Sherk. 12.836 JU(fy Cl•rk, S2,836 ao 7 I· 72-72·68 75. 72-68-88 88-71-73-71 72· 72-69· 71 70-72-74-68 72· 70-10· 73 72· 71-72· 71 78-68·71·72 7 l-611·75-74 7J,-72-74-70 89-73-69-78 14-74-67-7• 69-72· 72. 711 73-75-71-69 Penny Putt, S2 1211 73-70-73-74 AleHndra RhnlVdt $2 1211 70-74-74-72 2t1 Donna c;_.., SI 7114 Suaie Mc:AIMsler SI 7114 a...ri..y Ov...Cpr, SI 7114 LO<I Hu•llold. S 1.794 2112 Bonnie L-. 11.551 Jerllyri Bmt. S 1,551 VICl!I Tabor, I 1,65 I al Katny Hite, S 1,353 Jan Fetrerls. $1.353 Lynn Adam a. SI .353 294 Karen Permetal, f l, 134 Sat'ldta Pal,,.,.,, SI 134 Belh Solomon. s '· 134 Chatltl Mnlgmry. SI. 134 215 Cindy llncoln. S9 11 Nancy Aut>ln Sii 11 Pam Gtetten, $1111 J-LOCI<. Ill I 1 Salty llltMI, $1111 •-,.on C>leyolf 78-74-70-72 70·73-74-75 71-75-73-73 119-75-76-13 12-11-n.13 75. 72· 73-73 75-70-69-79 73-74. 73-7 4 78-74-72-72 72-78-71-78 75-72·73-74 71-7S-75-73 75-74-73-73 75-71-76-73 Del MM IUMOAY'I MIULTS (35111 of 4).4ey lhot-ehbred _.,,., FIRIT RACl. e furlongs Colleen• Ma11a (!>tu ) tO 00 6 ~ • 60 S..btMl.e Payoll (Maul 8 80 5 40 Meradetd• (V1ttenruela) 4 20 Also raced Wish a Star. Cutesy Bapkln. Stuffle Tutt ... fortunate Miu Eullec:t 0-, All Mer ... Moke'a luel<y L.ady, Crazy Lillie Cat Time 1·11 115 IECOND RACE. 1 1116 m11e1 Put Pleuurea (McHrg)8 00 4 80 ' 20 tdla OueheH (Vetgera) 42 80 16 60 GetloeHn (Sol>lll•) 6 60 Also rac:.d Ral• Lady P11ncea. Toy, F .. 1 Scvllle Gata.ta Ball One For G111y. P1tu11m1 F L 'lngenue Nicely Nall""· Song or ti.. laland Tim. 1 43 215 *2 D~Y OOUeU (11-61 paid S43 20 ntlflO IV.Cl. One m11e Sterlrng SllV1 (Vlnlll 3 60 3 00 2 co Roll • Nalurlll (Pierce> 5 20 2 60 Aguila (Blac-• 2 20 Al.a r8C*l LOd• 0 LUGk Common foe Time 137 215, 91 EXACTA (5·61 paid $56 00 'OURTH llACIE. 6 lurtongs Ring ot Erin (Slb411el 10 00 5 40 4 00 College Money (Htwlty) 10 40 4 80 Solar Gold (Mau) 4.00 I.ISO raced Cougar'• Mark. SIOCll Se>4tt. Ira B~. Siik 81Cllery. Jeultwa Time 110 mH RACI. 1 1116 mllet on lUrt Engltlh Gi<I (OlhNy) 10 40 • 80 3.00 Wllata Bel .. (Sl>oemeket) 3 80 2.60 T rual U• (Cepltalne) 3 00 Alto reced lorn GoddHI. Velva! Brin. KIN 'Em Goodbye. Corley Moor T ldelellmea Time I 44 215 • U ACTA (7-8) pal<! $87 00 llXTH RAOIE. 8 lurl<lll\lt NMVua (Caatlln<ldal 33 80 1 I 80 I 1 60 KnlQhlly RappC)(I (OthHyl 3 80 3 80 Bid us (Valenivefa) 8 00 Atso raced Oac'a Man 1 8111 Syndrome Filth Commander Br•n• Hyperfo rean Pr•1•1"'a11ve Reac:HHblllly 1-c:es I.IP. Pu•pte llrn. ' 09 115 IEYIENTH RACE. 1·~ lu1tong• on full lluen Chico (OlhHyl 3 60 2 60 2 •O Blue Btu• (Cn!aneda) 3 60 3 00 Mulu 1McH11gue1 3 80 Alao racMS Alwty1 a Chance, Welham Green. Never Cry, Sland Pat, Oue Sera, Arndetm lime I 29 21~ S5 U ACTA (4 81 paid SJ•~ t2 PICK llX (6-5·5·7·9·•) pllld S 10 143 00 wllh 12 winning 1lckela (llx no1M1) S2 Piek St~ consolauon paid S 102 40 with 3116 winning llCl<el• (lo•e nor ... 1 $2 Pock SI• acratch c;onsotauon P••d S258 00 w1lh 13 winning 11ci.e1s flour _ .. , one saalchl EIOHTH RACI!. 1', moles on lurl Honey Fo• ICllnda) 10 60 4 20 3 80 Sangue ($hoemalltwl 3 00 3 20 French Cnarmer (Blac:kl 11 1.p Also 11Ged Satin Ribera, M ola Hunhnglon, Berry Buth. Alm or a. Cannon Boy. Norlhorn fat>te, Alllci<et f1me I 48 •IS NINTH RACE. I 1116 miles B•eeched tVlfuta) 13 20 5 60 4 40 A Fasl Peace (StbilMI) 6 00 5 00 Swot! Runner (McHargue) 8 60 l'lllO raceo GOO<lbye J Y, Oon Won Honcho No1or Gaotl a Dance< Summll Oancer Tru•ton • Double. Forty Eight Fau111 Mortwe Time I 42 115 S5 EXACT A (7 91 paid S 167 50 Attendance :>3 369 Hollywood Park SVNOAY'I MIVLTI (11111 ol 53-nleht hemeee meeting) FIAIT AACI. One ml .. pece. Forever W/Love (Grny) 10.00 5 80 300 Adandy Jet (Perry 21 20 8 20 Iron Duke (Wiiiiams) _ .2.60 Also riced Jlr>dH Image Treaa• Hunter Gedar Mr Content. Snaf1er Painter Andy's Pep~ Full JIQger Tome 2 02 315 13 EXACT A (5-41 paid $249 00 8ECOHO RACE. One mlle pace C R Farno tRICllmondl 9 20 S 00 3 20 MM1et Switch (Vlldnghm) 4 00 2 80 One Mo H1llbllly (SIMth) 2 60 AllO 1 ac:.d 13anchi. Monnellaha Fella M•dntghl Mine Jungle Law. lmmacvta1e: Hav f'un. Hor11on Star. Pa ea Eddie, Magna Cetta, PetlH lo B rime 2o1 315 THIRD RACE. One mole pace Oroentoer (Longo) 21 20 5 20 3 60 Keedosa (Kuebltwl 2 80 2 20 lmper .. 1 Pronce N (Mar chena) 2 80 Aleo raced Black Mark N. Tudor King. ~~~;"• Jenamone Rays Giii N. Mindy f1me 2 00 315 t3UACTAt10·61,,..ld $78 90 FOURTH RACE. Qr-. mtle trot Andy • Meleo< (Vllndnghml33 00 10 60 5 2() Brenda Speed (Par,tw> 5 20 3 40 c11-1u1 Mooae 1o.son-1 4 20 Also •aced Flaoo Hanover, Final Chip, GOiden P11de. P11loleto Pal, Ktmbel F lime 2 02 1/5 Fl"" RACE. One mtle pace Tenandahalt (Hyman) 5 20 3.60 3.20 Bye By• Scotty (Kueble<) 5 60 3 80 Wlndemeta (T-· 5 20 Also raGed MT'1 Express. Mas1er O G Away From Hom4 Fareway 8111, One For Oen a Unlorgetable Star. Andys Hlilaglrl Tome 2 01 415 13 EXAC f A (7 21 P8ld $54 60 l llCTH RACE. One mtle pace Th•M Fingers (AnniS) 15 2() 9 llO 5 20 Prlm4ll"" Streak (Caton) 211 40 14 20 L19n1ntn S~m (Baller) 4 00 l'ltao rac:.d Bear Rug, Paddleboard. Oeler! Son, Suntel e.acll Volar, Glen Mldby Sneaky Pele Tlmr 1 SI TIS S5EUCTA (6 t)p11d S1.11850 HYENTH RACI. One mile oace S1n1u Berry (Vln<J9hm) 11 60 4.20 3 00 B1aemar N (Lo119ol 3 00 i 40 Nordel Trya,t (Sleetnl 2 40 Also tee.cl Tutanake!, Roseland B•et, C•ulseaway, Laleal Lin. N Time I Sil '5 EXACT A 14· 7) paid S67 00 EIGHTH RACE. One mlle pace Heclg .. ow L.yn• 8 20 4 20 3 00 Honda Harry (Va1te.n<11ngham)7 60 4 40 free! Bassel (Anaeuon) 5 40 Also reced Stormy Attack, Strip SqUffle. 5cot'lng Drive. Jibe Ho Time 1 58 315 NINTH RACIE. One mlle p&e;e Protesaor O.brne (Atrdl • 20 2 40 2 20 BreglltO IOe•omer) 3 00 2 40 Y•ldo (COl)ela11d) 3 20 Also reced Horace E Hanovar. 0-1..ue Jennys Ltld N, Ooc:1or Oon N Time 1 57 315 13 EIACTA (3·51 paid $20 ~ 12 l'ICK llX (8-7 6-4-S-3) peld $34 • 5• 1 60 with one winntn9 tockel (ala horsetl $2 Pl<:I< SIX con10latlon paid $479 80 wHh 24 winning llc:tceta (11"" nor Ml) TENTH RACE. One mite pace, Specoel Ovallty (l-ub4nJ11l 80 :~: ~:: Aldllll N (Bakarl 12.80 8 00 Ory Sack (Parker) 3 80 Alto r•ctd Char1erl1 Play, Sultu1 Hanover, Kone Coall. Young Miiiion, SpericetrOM. Kansas Cll). Avon $perk n,,,. U8 315 ~ IEUCTA (3-8) paid $345 20 Attender>ee 9,050 Camel. Where a man belongs. B mg. "rer'', 0 7 mg nicotme 11v J>Pr c1gare11e. FTC Report OEC 'Bl. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determ ined -. That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your He&lth. I ' AlrCal 500 (at Rlnrelde) R"1ul1t ol Sunday's Al1C1 I 500·~11omeler lndy-nr race, wHh lype ot ca,, lupa compleled and winner'• averll{le •P4Hl<l m mph 1 Ric~ MHrs, Penske PC· 10 Ford 95, 1169.c 2 !om S nt1va Ma o ch 82C·9 Cotwor1h 95 3 Johnny RulnerlorO March 28C Cosworth 93 • R o o•• M ears . P•n•k• PC 7 ·Cosworlh. 90 !I Al l.ln~r Jr Morch 82C.-C<>swor1h 86 6 G1eg Lelllf>r E .. gte-ChevrOlel 78 1 Ooek Simon Wa1son-Co1wo11n &6 &• 8 Bill Al&up Penake PC-7-Coa'W0<111 SS 9 M1Mo Chandlllr. Eagte-Ch<Wrolel, 5010 Kevin Cogon Penske PC-10-Ford, 1 t Cllrie l<nell~I. Eagle-Coeworth, 50 12 . Josele G1H1&-;-~nak e PC·ll·COtwo11n 46 13 Jeory Karl . Pens~e PC 7 ·C05W01lh 4~ 4114 BIH I ampe<o Longnorn·Chevrolet IS H o wdy H o lmes Marcil 82C-Coswor1h 39 16 Bobby Ranal Mar ch 83C-Co1worlh. 39 17 Ill Unser Longhorn LR-03B, 28 18 lony Be11ennausen March 82C-Cosworlh 26 t9 P8ncho Carter March EXP Cosworm, 25 20 Hector Rebaque Merell 82C·Coawortn, 22 ~ U•c• •eoguson, Eogle·Chevrote1. 15 22 Heim Jonn1on Eagle-Chevrolet. 23 Ma110 Andren•. W lldc;et 88-Cosworth, 11 10 24 Pete Hatsmer, Eag1e-Cnevro1ctl 25 ..Johnny Par5o ns J1 March 82C-Coswor1n 8 NA8L oteyOtts FIRIT llOUMO ( ... I of Tilr .. ) l at1Kde1'• Scot. l ulM 1 Cosmoe 0 (Seties fled I· I) l1MC1a11•0- For1 1.aude<d•le 1 Montreat O (~leS tied. II V1ncouve< I San Otego 0 IS.Wies lied f. I) U.6. Open q&latltylng (al New 'ron.> _ Men'• owe11n.n. Jo.n1no. the m .. n l\eld fOf this .,....., U S Opan were Hans S1mont1on (Sweden) Mike Brunnbtwg (U S ). Scoll Oa11ts (U S I Mike OePalmef tU S ), S..... Brawler (US ) Mike MyDu1g (Soulh Al""•· Jerome Vanier (France). Le11 Shtru (US I. Pai Cash (Australia). J81 0.lou'8 (US), Cary Leeds (US ), ErtC Kortla (U S I CMs Mayotte (U S ), Ben l•tetman (US I. Chris Dunk (US I and Btad 'Gilbef't (0 s 1 W~·· UYAllT..,. Jo1n1ng tha main held tor tnos -·a U S Open were Pam Whytcrou (AUSll•ll•). Plier Vasquez (US.). L•U<• Bernatl!On (US I. Heathtw Ludloll (US I. Jean Hapner (US ), Sophie Amlach (Franc:.). Germa•"8 Onaco (U S) Kate BrUhe< (Brllaln) e.na Amy Holton (US> Women'• tourn.ment (el .......... IU.) llnglaeflnel Latah lhompson (US) def Bettina Bunge (WHI Germany). 1·6 6·3 IT"<>mp.an wins S20.000) Ooublae Fine! Batbefa Pollllf·Shaton Walsh (US I def ROiie Casat1 (US }-Wen<Jy Turnbull (Aullralia), 6-1, &-• Men'• toumament (el Somera, N.Y.) Ooublae Flnel Sh-ood St-8r'l-Ferdt Teygan IU S ) del Ivan Lendt (CHchoslovakla)-WOjt.., Flbe!. (Pot.and) fl...3. 2~. 6-4 1s1-ar1. Taygan apkt S 10,000) Men'• toumemenl (el JertcM, N.Y.) ........ f!NI Gene Bayer (V S I def Jonan Kr..., (South Alrlcal. 6·3, 6-2 (Mayer wlnt s20.0001 Third ..._ llngt.. Shtomo Gllckllllln (111"4) <!.i MW'll Edmondllon (l.Ullratta>. 7·5, 6-4 tar. 8 "'' ca • I I. I ... I: f!Y -- BllUTIN BOARD 1',url fllOmH. ""' 111 ... l•at gy1111uu1 lrl US Wllory wlll llH<lllll• Ill• field Ill lh• IJ s PrOIH•IOllal gymn•••IC• CIHti~ •• Hi. f OWltl flu•l<l•y Sepl 111 111<1 al Anallolm (;0t1v111111011 Cn111n1 on 6a1urdav Sep1 26 Thomae 1llere1 lllt! •POlllQhf wllf'I •11 all·llAr cul ot Amerlc1n and 1n1ernallon11 perl(lllll••• 1n 111a unlqU41 enllflllnmenl aric:.t 1pottl p11>1Ju(.llOn wlll<.n comblnH the thrill or prec111on compe1111011 will\ 11111 beauiy ot lh• ~rlo1m1no 11r11 Tleketl lo• both 1hoW1 are prlcecl at $ tO, S8 50 and S7 with lwo dollar dltc0unt1 on elf pnoe11 to. children l2-end•ur1der They may I.Hi purchased of the F01um 1nd Corwenllon center bo• offlcH end 11 all Mutual Agencies 11nd t 1ckel• on ou11e1a Mall orde1 purcllHH mlly be m11de 10 lhe Forum, BoK 10 lnglewooo, Cat llU:IUtS and al Anaheim Convet1l1on l.enlef. llOO w 1<,atell& Avtl Anaheim. Cal. 92802 T1cke11 m11y also be cha1ged by 1e1epno11e by c•lllno 111e Forum (213) 874.4700 01 lho.Conv111111on Cenret, (7 t4) 999·8960 Lendt top !if"Pded The WCHIO Cnamp100S11 T 4>Pena •I lhe F0tum MO:-" ennrs Forum Classic lhrougn Sunday Se 'I Oay S"l)I 20 ano runs e11cep1 tor the S~ndfy 2 ~6 wllh rwo sessions dally Ivan Lend! one 1 m champ1ons111p clrcuu 11111 ye~r. will~ 11~~ :op Players on the WC T singles draw There will 815~P ;:ea '2r fhe 32 player rourney • 1.,.1eam Ooubtes m:::y hold wm be ba111rno for $300,000 In Prize • Tickets ere on s11t11 now I and all Ttckel•on oullots A~ Ille Forum boa o•flce are p11ced at s75 560 1 J«'sston se1tso11 lltkera sosslon seals range rrom :3'',0 S ~~ and lnd1v1ouat onsn1ps in Hun1111g1on The pro SurhnO GMmP~ througn Sunday eeac:11 sre se1 tor w, e':,"~~~nremattonat compe11101 s included in 111e ie4 ion Australian Mark ate three-lime World c:~~p hlS tourlh bid IOI Ille Rich8rds who will be ma I and lellow ~Mryman 111te tn 1982. f'lli 10~1i:,:;;~: •. , 11ignas1-1an11.eo pro c11eyne tiOt en an 11 sur1e• Dane Keaiona ot Hawe 1et1est wr1ing contest The c11amp1oost11P 15 1~90' s1eies w11n S30.000 1n eve< 10 be held 1n Ille ~~ 1 ... 0 Dodge lruCl<S 10 De proie money u w,et'. place men's and women s awarded to lhCl 115 • 11n11ners Boog lf' blard battle On Sarurday. Sepr 18, a Moray Boogie Boero contest will be held In con1uncrlon with Ille t31h Annual Senior Olymplcs wllh clleck-1n llme at 7 30 11 ~ 81 Ille south Side or the Hunflngton Beach Pier ompellflon 11 open lo all Morey Boogie B d riders who are 20 ye11rs or olde< Age group d1v1s~~ ~~ 1:;:1-;;x,ear lnctement5 with.no upper ilmll Ridei! ed on wave selec:hon, performance anel lime spenl In tile blue .,.aler of fhe wav ~he en1rv tee 19 S6 wllll en entry deadlfne Sept 15 C or mote inlormaflon con11c 1 Mary l ee llrislensen a1 439-0900 '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......I Sinith says 'no thanks' H e doesn 't want Kuhn's job NEW YORK (AP) Tai Smith, longtime baseball executive now m private b~siness. says if elected he would not run . af drafted, he would not setve as commissioner of baseball. Smith. fired as Houston Astros president in 1980 art.er bualdmg the club into a pennant winner, has been hypothesized numer ous times as a replacement for Bowie Kuhn, most recently In an editoriaJ in The Sporting News. "The S po rting News Editorial 1s a fine complime nt." Smith said Sunday in a telephone mterview from his home in Houston. "but I think the game would best b<> serv~y Bowie Kuhn's re-election, and I am not a candidate." WHEN SMITH was fired by Astros owner J ohn McMullen two years ago. at caused an upheaval in the Houston front office bordering on mutiny. S mith turned down several baseball offers at that time to open his own business. Tai Smith EnterP.rises, a sports consulting firm Att.er his firm was sucressful m represent.mg several clu bs tn salary arbitration cases with ballplayers, Smith's popularity escalated, resulting in s p eculation h e could become the next commissioner of baseball. Kuhn's term of ofhee expires on Nov. l , 1982, and the commissioner has substantial opposition. ''I think, first of all, that the commissionership is a very difficult task, and it's easy to criticize Bowie," Smith said "But frankly. I feel many of . the critics don't always understand aJJ the fact.ors or considerations ... the game would best ~served by restru~uring." THE FATE of Kuhn has been closely linked with baseball's efforts to restructure the commissioner's office and the two leagues. A compro mise committee, formed at baseball's . summe r meetings In San Diego, currently Is working on a compromise that could save Kuhn's job. That compromise could include the hiring of a new man in the OOtnrnissloner's office to handle buliness affairs. He would be known as COOBA • (Chief Operating Utllcer, Business Affairs). · Would Smith. now 49. consider such a job? - · "When I left the Astros. I was presentA:?d with a . great many opportunities in baseball," Smith said. .:Cribbs wins local competition • Stove Cribbs of Founialh Valley won the lOci\I tlnalt of the Malibu Grand Prix Road Runner Race.off N!Cent.ly at t.he Malibu Grand Prtx track ln Fountain Valley. Seawulff MAllJNA IH'~. HEY St·uwulH, sk1 pp<•rtxf l by !\ob WullCwun, Shut k hilond Yavht Club, Ncw\)Ort Be~ch, Wl.UI th(' wmm•r of thCI Dt•l Mm I Trup 1y prechct.ed lus nm.· out of Callfornll.t Yncht Club. WullflOn~• pc•n.,•nu1i:ic uf l•rror for the :i2-malc course wu11 O.ij38. CLASSIFIED INDEX .... , ,,,,,, .............••....... !'.~~!!!. ~'.'. !.•.'!....... !'.'.~!!! .~ .. ~ !.'.'.'....... 11 ••• ,. ,,, ,.,, •.•..•..••...••.•..••. ~,.~~~~ .......... '.~~ ~ ... ~~~~ ......... !.~~ ~!~.~ ..•... !.~~ llllTAITllL nJOl llltollH a.ti., la d .. Plf'lll Atl· tolulaly mu1t 1811 O..u viii• modal In axclu1lva BIO Canyon Handaom1 French doora throug hOul, hfOh celll11ge tleve all bHn plaatered wllh smooth llnl•h lmprea· atve lwo-el<>fy anlranoe and 11111ng room, oak- ltoored kllchen and le· mlly room. Luxurlou1 meater 1ulta, and large brick tarraoa. The homt 11 vacanl , and aweillng your tlnel touch The price hea been reduced to S650,000 and Iha eel· llYlll TUUOI Ull,000 Monllc1110 Townhouaa 119,"9 by ~ 28R l"'BA W/D d1hw1hr, garb dltj), 9llC o•rlQI, ciomm pool Onve'Rltchie'11 Dmm~md 1.11 from Mnnnu YudH Club was a de>&.· N{'('ond with ura error of 0.894. Tt Ptxt YHr U, C1ll 642-5678 Tw<•nty bot1L'I J)Ul'llclpatt.td in the ra<·c which swrtcJ ut Muran u dt.•I Rey ond took iht.· b<>al.8 to i.-}OUSES FOi SALE 8 hip Hock oft the Cat.111inu Isthmua, then around tit:: ~1·~ 1 the west end ol thl· uiland lo CaCITarbor ~·iif•tti.:i!'f:':~,t r n. (' lot'CWll <itl M•t fhird wm; • .,u1<-11wu ll. Murrny •Or'don, Marina \;""1• .... , VC. 1.2:!5: fourth wai. Algeria, Chut:k Fr anklin f ~;:!."'n' Callfornta YC, I ~iW, urHJ fifth wa1.1 Masty ~a. Ton) 11=::.:.·,~·:,h Collins, Hollywood YC. I 4U8 , ~~:: ..... f-i..,.~.11111. Haldt•r captur..-,. Bt'C rarfA Jam Land<>rman's En eson-46 Ru1der wa." tlic lnu.>rnutaonal O((shon• Rult• Cla!:>. ... A wlnnc.•1 1n th<• seventh and final r at'l' or Balboa Yad\l Club's 66 Series Sunday Final standin~ 1n the i.cvc.•11-rat•t• i.en es will bt• announced at a l\ltC( dall' IOR Class B w1nni'r wa~ Apog\'l', t·o-skippcred BOATING by Milt and Marty Vogt•l. Long IX•ath Yud'\t CJub, and the IOR-C wmrll'r was Insanity, co-skippcrt'd by Wayne Aust.cro and Tom Omohundro, Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Summary of cltIBS results: IOk·A I Raleler, Jim Linderman, Bat1>00 YC IOA·B I Apogee. Miii end Mllrly Vogel long Beach YC. 2 Audacious. Mlku KennO<ly. Los Angeles YC, 3 F1ombuoyon1, Barney !"d Sieve Flem, Lo110 Beach YC •. 10A·C I lnSnnlfy Wayne Auaiero·Tom Omohund10, NHVC PHRF ,.. I Oe1a1ls, Alon Andrews SVC, 1 TVDhOOn. John °'"'"' LBVC 3 Tory Bob Dodds, New11or1 Harbor YC PHRF·B 1 Runaway II Paul Wiebe!, Voyager s YC ~ r>o1py. Hoy Smclau, SVC 3 0109()1 Paul S11orp 8il1te C0ttnl~lan YC PHRF-C I Howlin Owl . .i.llun S1-ar1 Vov,.gers YC 2 LapwOfll> Camel Odin 9rw11t1011 Nll'l'C-3 Mock1nnc We> fhompson. Cap1a1r11no Bay YC ' ... Adams on pilots winning sloop I .. •~"• l'il•tiMI ~l"tOI' Vl•JO ~:r.::.!:.•:t. ~ft Ju.el\ t •ttth .,.,.,. \.i,M• Afte ;...1 .,,~" "'-""'"' L•t11.n• Y.nttnlMler .Mo«Ml• tlon•, "•'• RENTALS It°"''~' tvt~u.tu•d 111.w'"" l nfu1tU,h.O Huu•"" •'Utn°' I of rondom1tuutrn turn t ondomuuumt Uni To•nhow•fllt rwrn T~oM.tuw• I l\J Ou~lt~~ ~,n ~lntalJPlf Apb. •\lrft A..,U t..nfw"• ApU J'\lrn t'H I t1f Koo"" Room ' tlOHd UOIC•h M1'4,.h •~"'"'' HotttiiH ~';'.'r;"~ ~~~~~,.~ llt"M•t"10Vl•t•• f;.9#•f•" 11;1 R•"'I Kathy Adamson at the helm of the sloop Bang 1111><• " .. 11.1 Bang Maxwell won the spinnaker division tn l:::~.~,:::,~~1 Capistrano Bay Yiu:ht L:lub's Las liolondrinas race.1 ~::.1~ ..... .., the third in the Urange County Women's Oc.-ean ,.,., ,.,,,'*" Racing 5<-n f>S -Runner-up was TKO. sailed by Fletcher Olson, 8USIN£SS, INVCST Balboa Yocht Club. and tlurd was Stingel'\ t'0· 1 MENT, flKAMCE k ~'\lfW"'\,,~· s 1ppered by Mary Wathen and Julie Timon, " .......... "'"" Capistrano Bay Yach t Club :::;::;::: ~~r:::.,· In thC' non-spinnak<>r d1vl5lOn the wmner was :::=:n:~~i:;. Scadora. Janet Braught.on, Dana Pomt Yacht Club lwon • ., .. r••• Second was Sorcerer, co-sk appc.•rcd by Lenore· Collms and Biffy Roscnc, Voyagers Yacht Club, ANNOUNCEMENTS. and third was Gold Rush. Ann &'<:ker. Capistrano ~ nlSONALS Ir Bay YC LOST Ir FOUND Af\nt,NAHfft•"h c. ., r•w Aec• of Cups takes ;,.gatta . 1.,,, .... ~l)Ctl'•• lh.1 • •·ownd p .. ,.lo()lf\•t•• '°"'•I t·1vt111o• T,ntl• Ace of Cups, co-sk1ppcn.'CI by Bruce and Mark Gohson . Alamitos Bay Yacht Club, was the winner in the J -24 District 21 c hampionship regatta ' .SERVICES Saturday and Sunday at Balboa Yacht Club. ..... .... 1 "'" 1 "' 1 &>cond was Amem:an Express, Steve Miller, Kin~ Harbor Yacht Club, third was Electric.• EM'10YMENT ' Pumpktn, Mark Rasf.t.'llo,' Bahia Corinthian Yacht I · "EPAUTION Club. and fourth was Expoob1dent, Mary and BiU ~,:;::~;,.::~ .. ,- Menninger. Los Angeles Y&eht Club. 11•1P"•"'•• ,. • 1 Nlr\•ana ~'Ins one -design r e.,aua MEICHANDISE Pt 1""'~''"'' N ~"""·"'~ t.rvana, co-skippered by Rick Evans and Andy Awt•- Marcus, Newport Harbor Yacht Club. was the tld.':; ,..11.,..1• wanner in the Etchells-22 Class of Balboa Yacht C:.".'"'••• 1"1"•P-•• C lub's One-design regatta for outside classes ~t., ... Saturday "'"'""'• R ... , .... s..1. unner-up was Jack Dollahatc, NHYC, and t\Cr ... third was Cyrene. co-skippered by Arthur Robinson ~~"-' and Ted Munroe. NHYC ~:C.~!•:, ,..~~l•"C"~• B 11 t I t M1Kttl•rM'llOWt \i •ntrd osmer s a s 0 " c Or)' Mu•l(•I ••m•m••U '"h"t JY,., • t qw1p Five ·c1asscs of dinghy sailboats turnc..'<i out for ""' D P Y h C b. "' d s c~nua, .. t'.'!•·.~. ana oint ac t lu s r.n less ummer Regatta ~,,.;c;;!i~~ Sunday. The Winners: • 11 .. l ... , .... b•r CORONA00-15 Bill Bosmer. Un&ll8Cf'led ~~·r ... to lhrt ..... .... FINN OOn Wiider Unall8CMd SAILBOARD Paul He11g5l&bee~ u11811&ehe<I LI00-1• Cv~n "'lalanos~y Oan• Potnl YC LASER Knrtan Tollehn181 OPYC Solo race opens In Newport, ft.I. NEWPORT, R.I (AP) Threading through a crowd of spectator boats. 16 sailors from mne countries set sail Saturday an the BOC Challenge solo race around the world Richard Konkolska of Czechoslovakia. m the 44-foot cutter Nike 11, was first to cross the starting hne off Goat lsland, b<>atmg into the East Passage of "'Narragansett Ha y and out into the Atlantic_ BOATS ' MARINE EQUIPMENT (,~f'Wotal lkt•h ....... ..,.,,"., .. &,,.h i\,.ruu• t CWIU &Hh P(ri.tt &et.I lteftt nurt•t 9'DMAS.tl ~'Shs-b'""'" ... ,,~·~· g.,.u Slot••• fHNS'IJITATIDN . .,,, ... <•m~" ~1 .. R""t O.nncUr-a ==-~ .. .._..... MG&.cw Hnu Stir "'"' Tretff.n Ttf"'fl '1 !:,.~~~~f\Juu UCI 11 • signs to baseball team UC Irvine baseball coach Mike Gerakos has announced the names of 11 players who have signed to attend UC! in the fall. The list includes two out(ielders. three infielders, two catchers and four pitchers. Jim Gasho, a fn.--shman from Irvine High. and Brady Anderson, a freshman from Carlsbad High, are the outfielders. Gasho hit .330 last season and was named all-league and AJl -Orange County. The infielders are Mike Chapman, a freshman first baseman from La Quinta High; Adam Ging. a freshman shortstop trom Loyola High; and Brett Martin, a freshman third ba..<1eman from Westlake High. . The catchers are Je ff Field. a freshman from Costa Mesa H igh, and Milch S hirts, another. freshman from Torrey P1nes In Del Mar. Fields led Orange County in home runs last season and was named All-ClF. AU-Orange County and all-league . Th e four pitchers are right-hander Jose Maduena, a junior from Cypress College; Mas Yota, a left-hander from Lakewood High (a freshman), Bo Kent, a freshman right-hander from Long Belleh Poly Hlgh; and Nick Camaro, A fre5hman right-hander rrom Sweetwater Un ion Senlor High ln National City. AUTOMOBILE l.•Mt »I .\nhQWU l IU\U l .... , .... ~ \ .. ._1r1 .. , "'"h H:•f4' "'""' tWf\«I Utt\t• fruclL• \&IQ A~t11 IA~ti"C At.lffMl'llf•!Hf'l't AUTOS, IM'lllTED ti•Mr•I All• Mc.nwo A"'1• o\w.ttu' Hui•> BMW ".p.-1 ~ O•lt"" rert•t• ., .. , lfond• J•I"•' J •AH'ft "•'""'-"" ''"•• LM!IWCl"lll Mttd.-Merud~-. IWl'U )((i 11118 \N"I )' ...... Pf'lilffl ,....-., ... ".-n.evU Kofi• Moyn lltO\., s .. 111 r::: .• TO)<lU s~~:-::-••• ., .... c ........ ~;."t •I t..-.~~ •• ~:...,. AUTOS, lt£W AUTOS,USlt Cl!nreMt Miller named assistant~~ .. , Joe Miller has been n1med on usiat.ant baaebaU r:'.!;,., coach at UC Irvine, head coach Mike G erakoe hu ~~o announced. • .... ,.,,. M -~ Wer lt a 1971 graduate of Arizona State, ~-'" I ... I ... '"°' IOll !OD ll&t , ...... 1o;q 111.l' llMI 1044 IOOI llllO IOU lllll 109 lall 1cn1 1..i I .... I .... IOll 1100 EOUA~ H()uttffO OP,.OllTVHlfV Pulllll1htr'1 lttl111 All reel Htatt1 ad11erUHd tn thll newspaper 11 1ublact 10 lhe Federal Fair Hou1lng Acl ot 1968 which makee II Illegal 10 advarllH "an~ prefaren- c•. llmltalfon or dltcrlml- nauon baaed on race. color, tellglon, ranee, II· m11111lon or dlacrlmtnallon .. ht Tl•• lfftrt4 Thia neal 3Bdrm 2bt wllh over 11100 1q II wllh tov11y pa1101 and gar· don• Owner wlll finance 1ub1llnll1t lat TO 11 12•1, lnl 7 yr larm A leHehold amt•. Prloeo 10 aell "' 168. '"·1111 /Jn NIGEL UAiU Y f.. AS~UCIAT [S 18' will-carry paper. Call l--.-,-,-.-1-.-1--1 Trudy ~lubblalleld. " CdM duplex. bell IOCI GEORGE ELKINS CO 1$41-9480 HH Ill HllE Ooll courN vi-Mu11 Mil S 1115,000 with 10-lt down MULLAN R!Al TY 540-2980 aak for Lori IUOllll UYlll In 11111 4 bdrm home wllh family rm, lncd yard and toll of axlraa. Ownel' will 111111 w/Unanctno Only 1135,000. Call 979-6370 now . \ ( : ·I l I 111: •II h i A I' '\ •'t • ' I f.Al ••f , Thi• newspaper will nol knowingly accept any adventelng tor real ea-759 9100 tale which la In violation ....... -•••• I~ ol the law. Pride o f ownarahtp Greet a1tum financing 1324,IJOO 1·942-8580 C1111 #111 lOZ4 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii """ •••••••••••••••••••••• IEU ftlll WIE I II TWllSE Vacant and rudy 4 wllh 2'"' b1lh1. 2 ctr encl Bdrma and large tamlly gar & yard $5000 down room, remodeled kll· and pyml 11111180 pr0g· cl)en. nicety upgraded ram. Call Rick Owner/ 1hruou1 1169,0j)O l:: EUOU1 Advert!· ~ .. ' Agl. 96-4-6171 142•1200 . OCUI VIEW WEIT IEWPHT 2 Bdrm. 2 ba, condo Full Duplex Two three be· amenlllH and MC g11e. droom unlfi ~xcellenl No quelltytng wlll1 18000 locatton Steps 10 sand dow n 10 75% to1n Ocean view lrom upper program available Call ~~~~~~~~~ unit Greet ttnanclng RI ch 0 w n e 1 I Ao I : PETE BARRETI ·•· REALTY Submll on AITO $349, 964·6171 000 f--~~~~--~-1 TIHY'l IHT llY :,: sers should check = their ads dally and ~= report errors Im- ::: medletely. The = DAILY PILOT as- ;;": sumes liablllty tor 111'0l the first Incorrect -I Insertion only. ~ Ho•11• /or S'11 ,,,., •••••••••••••••••••••• 111-llDO ~~ ~.'!'.!!!~!! ........... 1;;;===;==~ HOO PH Ill. $20,000 dwn tor a 25% lnletesl In properly w/tu sheller benefits. Owner occupied or lnveator'e position avail Cell Rich owner/agt, 964-617 t w ll h low down & tow payments you can make Ihle Cos1a Mesa cutle yours. N-er 2 Br 2 Be home w/frplc. & format dining. Seller Is moving, call today Agl Wanda. 544-1955. 669-1616 ~~ ,,.,,,, 10021' )""° •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ IAllllll =1 PRICED! ......., Meea Verde 2 Bdrm lllll>I condo wllh community !~'!i pool, microwave, fresh •llO paint and minutes close ;;I 10 parks and ehops Sel· ~ l er wlll carry! Only :~ $89 ,900-call lodayl f\)Q 646-7171 ""'° -THE REAL ESTATERS ....,. ~IO I ,.,,. ~ LOOK :;1 For out MW regular j(\)): weekly teeture I BOAT SHOW- CASE Every Salurday In lhe ' Dally Pilot Ctaasllleds \f(J)1~-~~~1 mo.,.._ ~ THE MOIE OF = IRS. CLEAi \ajj) Almoll 2,000 •Cl ti. of squeaky clean, clean 11- vlng In lhi1 Meta del Mar creampult Big, big rooma, ell on one level 4 Bdtm, large rear yard w 11h lrull lreea and a covered patio Musi Mii I lhls wee«end 546-2313 .m THE REAL ESTATE RS .,,. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I llll) -«m CIO IWIHWlttll WATER'S FINE No qualltylng, super 3 S12,000 IOWI bdrm with rock pool In ULIOA ISUll c;ounlly Hltlng. Mull SHO llt, ••• a,OOO BOii Asktng $1 17.900 Spacious 3Br + 2'hBa. • Bkr 848-07 9 redwood patio & apa, Lillie Island bayfront i----------handaome b11ck trplc, Enloy Ille charm ol Bat-$5000 MOVES VOU IN 11tra lg 2 car garage w/ t>oa Island from the patio Wiii gamble wllh you on wine cellar or dllrk rm. of thta Ideally localed Interest rale lluctuatlon M u a f s e 11 A s A p home Presenlly a du-& move you In w/$5000 646-5680 ptex. could convert to cash N-luKurloua A /C, ---------llngle family Motivated 1650 IQ 11. (nol counting SELLER IS PURCHASING setter double garage w/etoclr condo. needa tasl sate 144-IOIO OOllllHO~ 2 S1ores. 1 block to ocean, 25% down. Ow- ner will ce"y balance GOOD FOR OWNER USERI $265,0001 lallllta l•J ,,.,, Wtalftn *lli-lOIO* *UYOllEST* 12¥. financing 1pacloua execullve ranch slyle home In presllge area. Thie hOme le&lures 3 bra. lrplc. large 101 & lee land!! Lowest price 81 $260,000. Call 759-1501 ot 752-7373 for appolnl· menl lo see. 2670 San Miguel Dtlve. Newport Beach ~ Walker& Lee opener). 2 & 3/3 Be on thl1 adorable~tsllle condo• N exl 10 all 3 BR 2 Ba country slyte shopping & 1he81era wllh querier• above ga· 631-5055 or 642-2000 rage Asktng $185,000 Financing 11 gOOd Call VA REPOSSESSION 4br, agl 642-6368 3ba, pool, $8000 dn $136,000 Agl 546-7739 TRIPLEX NEAR BEACH & SHOPS • • • • • • • • Turn your unusabfes i1)to usable ,cash.Call Daily Pilot classified 642-5678. ''lllf• ...... . ...... Countty houeo wilt\ 3 bedrooms and 2 be· droom back unlta each w llll laundry room. Shows true pride ot ow- nership wllh fireplace, sundecks and gerages 15"1• down or lrade tor T .O 's $245 ,000 644-7020 Ulll llUL ESTATE Have aomel hlng you want lo Mtl? Ctaulfled eda do It well 642-5878. ,, --.... .... uc......:-• .,( .... ...... ,,. .., .... ., .... .. .. .. ......... tl• ....... ...... ..c-. .... ·-· --IOU -2 11ory 5 bAtrn. 3 balh homo wtlh c;o..,.,ed pallo i:::::::::: and microwave oven. Flu.Ible 1erm11 Owner uslSled financing Only S 125.000 Celi 979-5370 lllUIYN O&SI PllOE ........ ·-·-··-'O•w'• ···- J, • ..,... .._. ·-....... .,~, ··-....... "°'""'.,_..... .. ..,,.-. . .. _ --~ -mt> -IOIO Q I «Ill -..... today I . lf : .. /LI 1l1:·11 J<tf 4• 1" .\ 1~.f ''Ml ,.,T'i '°'° o:i l------------ Oovet Inside Big Cenyoo Owner' wanla cash-give• a low price. Llghl and airy atmosphere. 2 Bdrm• & 2 balhs. Only $350,000. ,, ....... ''°'*"""' 1•1..-I\ •• ,. '"'-"•• ,, .. ,. 11c;..o,.,.. • , .... "". ..... ,,~._.... llC...•• ... ••• ,., ...... .... 2'"~''·"41 ....... ,, .. HA"f .. ,,. .. tJ,1 ., .. '-l"• ··-··~· ,.,."' ..... 00.•• ,,,._.II ............. ,.._ ... , .. ........... ..._ ..p,.,~ • ...,., ...... -.--..~ , ...... f l ..... , )./fH-•• ., ,,. 1Jrii "'-Id IJ•I .... _ ... . ..__ . .. -. ..._,,.._, ,,.. ,,,. . .. ,,..,, "o.' ., .... 11 '•....wl ..... .. .... ......... COLE'S 1,U,_.IClU~ 11ClM~ PUDE ReahO<I, 1$75-6000 Beautiful Camelo1·homo. 1-:::::::::~1 One of lhe moel popular Iii L.;:;.;....;..;....;..=_.;....;. __ ...;._ __ ....:., __ --1~:.=:.:!!..::l =1 ,,,,~ .,_.,.•1\00! '°"'"' ....... d i f .,., J1Jl>'1V( ~~(n11#1 v \111 ~ .. 1.111.1 '"\ ,, ..... •110 t llll ... ::: , ... tl'M ••• - •t• mJ Ali •wi --=1 modela Greenbroolt h••· I II FllEOLllllE Thia lovely home has had UIE ll OfFOI 18f'ldet loving care and la tn mint, move-In condl· Family area next door 10 lion M1je1t1c calhedral Newpor1 on • tree-lined ceilings In tl\/lng and di-llreet. Greal lltarlef wllh nlng room• Formal di-3 bdrma. 2 balha and a n1ng ot courae Huge large yard • room to ex- hide-away mulef sulla pend Separare clllldrans wing, space age kllchen Al· autn41 a low lnteresl VA loan 541S-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS llllT COIDITlll Beeu1~ully l1nd1c1~ & maintained 4 Bdrm home Great corner tocallon w/axlallng RV ~ Owner Wiii utlll w/llnanclng Full price IWHIUH 0 11 tlWnlH" REDUCED AGAIN . now $230,000 tor lhlt adora- ble CO<!*' 3 bdrm with pool and patio. Near Faehlon lslend and Aeach Ortva by 1536 ~erenade Terrace and can - ~All HI Hl1'1 I II IMI ' ltK. REAL ESTATE n.11 1411q TU 1HIU ,.,u .. 0~"~..,~~~t :; '°"" •o tor"' tov1 ~le wordt I OULCOY I e 11 I I I I I CUEJI l'i . I r I I _ t I PUREP I! .. I I' r I . ! .... .... There mual De a belfar way 10 keep Ame!IGe Q•"11 l>Hkles ne .. ng 111e Wf'IOlf! ~un1ry 1n , ~_1_c_R1_1~1~,,_,E1_K..,1_1 0 c ..... p .. •• .... ,...,. •• 0,,...111 L-L.-..1-.L......JL.-..1--'. ""' ::~;:;,1,.:::. ';:. 7...S .::! J'' ';T t.t•'~Mtf() l(11(t\ tN 1 1HISI ~0<.101\ ~1 $142,500. 151-3 t91 !~~~~~~~~~ ATTtlTitl 6 VNY •·"•lll( •80VI t[fl(I~ I I C::. '•I 1 I ( T ~PH!IPI "''' 1, uaut• ••mas 10 GI• ,+,Nsw1• •hll .,, ... lf!ll tl IS I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I mt11 :;~ •••• • noo a.. Ft. ~ tffltt -1218 ... Ft. ~r. .. Ltt 12ts 1 to '/IJ;; tlJD !: SH0,000 :::; •• , ... .,~l '"'· "'.. ...._nn 1980 aatat price. 0on·1 SOUll-LrTS hswtn l1 Olnllfltlflt111IO mtea Ihle glanl 5 Br 3 Ba '\ beauty. Great tarm1. Call ---'----------------- now 631-7370. 549-3546 TR,\DI TIC l\ \I ~I \I '' 11" C..• ., .,, 1111 n•1::::::~::;~=~1 ~-..........•.•.....•••. ~: R DIUll M TEl•ll ~ IAlJe& ISlm lo flt your,Medl Prima ;;"; Flral Mme ll•led. Char-duplex, lo down. lo ptloa, m1 mlog nr new 2 11y, 1r-buy pat1 Of alt. Darrell. ;:. ohltaot ura l gem. 4 ownr/agt RE /MA X m.1 bdrme. t1m rm. Ov•llty _75_9_-1_2_2_1 ____ _ '1U de1lgn end decor .... My..--.... thfoughovl PaelQnad tor .......... ~t quanera. fSnc.d 10 HOIT).+oOueat'+inoom. Mii S59&.ooo. Sellar n-owe tat -Flu. Terint nanot No 104111 tee. 50t Acacll CdM !" bOh M4-4f 11 SpottaN Vaoant DupM11 •• Hua. 6bt~bf/3ba ... «01< own7bllr 946-7041 T l\ Y I .< >I i < '( ) The 12-ycer-old C rlbbt will represent the Fountai.n Valley track In the atatewfdc final on 8'1nct.y, Sept. 12 againat eight opponent.a at the Anaheim fadUty (Z430 Ee;t KateU. Av .). ~ 91fnner of the l•l final• al Fountain-. Valle1. Cflbbt pc11ted a bn•lap time of 63.00 .eoondl. dri\rlna a Road Runner cat ln a race agalnat the clock on the, tWilting half-mile coune. where he pitched two ~an for th Sun Devil.a. ~~-" Ho wu a louerman In ~ball. foolbeJI and p,..,_ ba&kttbtll at Bolll Grande Htah. He a1ao letterc.'d in .;:...,.,. bue~ at Oranae Cout Coll~ge. J------- ,, / ' Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Monday, Augu1t 30, 1982 ~~~!!!..~~ ... !. ...... ~~!'.!~.{'.~!!.~' ....... !'.'.~'.!!.{•.' ... '.'! ....... ~ .. ~!!!.{'.~.~'!'.~...... ...~!!JHP!lle.-!. .. !~'!f~. ,.,,,!~.. ·;:::i:i':i "~' A,,,,.,,,, ~!.'!r.!!.~t;' IHI ;__,t La.i Ill• ,,.~,, IH"' JHI h ill• IOH Mt ••d -...., '11f CHI• #111 IUf '••••• 11•111 Jiii ••••••••••••••••••0 • •• J~~!r!t~~ .........• ~~!!!PH~.'!. ••••.•. '-••••••• •• -• ....-~ •• ";'ll'l't ••••••• t ••'•·•••••••~••• •••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••"•••·~··••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••'•••••••'••••••••••• Aenoho San Jo•quJn HTlllllH llW LIW PllOI FU Ill OllY .. (Oeauvtlle) 4 BR -A I condition with view -Pool -Spa. PRICED TO SELL NOW -Only $610,900. Su\)jlur\lhtlly under market! Mus t be In escrow by 1----.:!!.e,pt.ember li.\.. SEE NOW! Call Tom Allinson. 644-6200. MACHI IRVlll llULn Cell, !mereld 91y Ally I llW OHHI jlilliiliiliiiiiillliiiiililiiiilliill LEASE W/OPTION Condo 38r, den, we1 bar, Model TownhouM In Ir: CHll #tN ,,14 .,,...,, ...,, #ff we II 11nd you• 1111 ol 2 Bdrm 2.,.b• tow Liil llU TO PURCHASE lrplo, pOOI. 111/ l .. t/MC. vine. 2 bd plut den, one •••••••••••••••••••••• •• -• ..-••••••••••o••••• avallabl• horn11 w/ uown IOV•% llnan' avalt 2aA 28A Obi Oar Piiio Wall and ... Whal Int .. 1760 mo. •115-0146 the n10111 1n the devt· Large 2 er t 8 1 wllh NO FEl!I Apt. & Condo 1menlt111 1n Emeral(I Bay Call Aloh Ownef/Agl . w 10 No Pelt Wint er r11t 00 .. 1111 Option 11 111 1 ui tl Jiit 1opm•n1 182o1 mo 0119t0.•. d/w, laundry 1m· rtnt1J1. VIiia Rental•. 4114-1840 064•8171 1808. 973.7999 today'• pr toe to purch ... ':".'.'.'!1~ •• r.'.'i! •• •••••• • 728-2148 M 15. 117&-4912 Broiler. 101 11111 yM r. Goroeoua 2 HOME FOA Al!NT ---------Alto lrg 2 Br 1 Ba: 1•90 Jff 1111111 m & 3 19r, 3 01. 1Jr, AIC. 3 Bdrm. & , Bdrm. se116 D.,lu11 Avall 11-1 0.f6·6826 l560 eq It new condo•. 11 to 1716. Fenced yard• & h 1•l1•'4 JIOO Don't wait only 1 large 3 NEW ~led 20 ~o;n- 111 Y•lr 1• compleltd 01r1011. Kid• & p111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Br avail wllh 2 Ba.. •· ~0u~1T't' 11L~03e Dr. ~.,; 1u1omat10 quaJlllGallon 11 weleome 5,6 2000 3 BR, 2 81. Bi l Pen, un-11 1 1 1 1 P 1naured (CHANCE OF A Ag~t no '" • furn. l•ci . ocean view, o, 1 "s:~5• 0:5•338~rg• ~·u·,.1eoo1 .. ,.-u'r8.?°oaqar·a"g·,o,1. LIFETIME) 631 -60'65. • $1060 n o P•'• ~~ ...... ' . or " ¥ , 6•2·2000 ., ·-.I. ,.,, 213-737-7272 dlyt 1-"_,,!:}'.:._._"-"-'-----IPU lfl 1ev•ry IJOIJll -.,,...,,-•I• •' · mee1e1 1vtte, dining OC·RENTALS ••••"••••••••••••••••• WllTUll YILUll room•. wood burning 1·1lbr't 1200 10 12000 OC-RENTALS Autl•t•ll f•1•l1tH 1 & 2 B 1·5br'e $200 to 12000 ·'•'•••••••••••••••••• ' 1pt1 avail., llrepl1ce1. mloro•wave 760-3314 open 7-d•Y• 760_33 14 op•n 7-d•Y• 1.iMt lil••I 31H pool, ap1, lndry rm, no oven•. prlvlte p11loe 4 RENT TO OWN· New 2Br • ••••••••••••••••••• •• pel1, lmmed oec:upancy. yerd1_._11erdener prov I. ~!l.~'!~.,/l.'.!L.J.~~~ eeautllul home for quall-YILLE IE OElllll '!!~!!.!~'.{!.'.l~.l! •• 1.. fled per1on1, gracloua II· • BEAUTIFUL #ttllt ... ,, vlng . 12800/mo '" OLD WORLD ftr ff/f ll00,_8_7_5_-1...;.153_0~---- ' TOWNHOME& •••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFRONT dugJex, by Howord Ma1k Co. 2 new moQJlt l'lornet + 2 winter •760. ? Br 1 Bl. lrom $159,000 Kint buy• on r eule trpl, g8/. 0.0·4111 496-324• 760-0297 1pa c1 re n 1 ' 18 5 • 646-8612 BH111 U•l11•l1AH 11 ... ~,, ,.,,, IHI live In Newport ee1ch tor Q.;;;;r········1ioi 2'Abe, condo. 'ce11 Rich. EASTBLUFF. 3Br, 2be BAYFRONT. Winier. 2 BR I Br. 14•0·1•60 ded. ~"'U, tlvlng only Owner/Agl 964-817l Avail Now. 11100/mo. 2b1, I car gsr All •P· 2 Br. 1515. 16 mlnulll I om FUl'llon e•0-9019,831-0838 pll1nce1. 1850/mo Call for appt. Island, 7 mt ut .. to 8.C. 3 Br, 2 bl on~ ecrt w/3 Newport Shorn 3 Bi 2,~ 673-3724, 673-4106 ' TSL Mgmt. 646-8122 Plan or 0 .C.Alrport. ••• • • ••• • •••• • ••••• •• S 19,000 2 t>dtm. 1 bl In •• ••••••••••••••• r •••• -!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii!~!i!~~ii! ' TERRIFIC HOIE prlvele comm Very llEITlll • Pro! decorated wlrm 3 c 1 • • n M u • 1 1 ••I Voerly Weeltly Winter 2 Br, L.A .. D.R., 'F.R., blP. 676-27'2 3 4 edrm1 • ' ' PElllllU 110111 Prize West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdnn, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.It. $1 ,385,000. CA'e&Olronb. LIDO ISLE HOMES Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdnn', 5 ~ bath. Lge L.R., 2 boat slips $1 ,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceiling,, furnished, pali~. '420,(J()(), LllDA llLE llYFROIT Lagoon view from 6 bdnn. 5 bath. playroom, dark rm, den. Boat slip. Now $1,000,000. llYlllE PUOE Spectacular bayf ront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces. Reduced-$1,500,000. ) ooaoiuo ciYs Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w /terms. ILUFFS CONDO Single story4end unit, expanded 3 br1 3 ba on l~rgest greenbelt & lake.J250,000. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR car gar. plus guest hou-Just aut ol Newport M . See 2630 Santa Ana. Ba. 2 block• to beach, ltlHI Nice 2Bdrm 2 bl. Moat Blvd. & 10. of San ~o DO NOT DISTURB TE· clo':' to echool 4 len"la, liaJaHI• Jf Ol util pd. 622 Hamilton SI. F, w y . $ O O O,I m 0 . kllch . high beem ce . llllEILW .JlOOIS RHLn lings, lrplc, plus a private 2,.x6• wllh 7,.1125' enclo-O NAN TS . $ 9 7 5 mo. 982 8663. • •••• ••••• ••• •••••• ••• 1525/mo. 548.0•77 031-6•39, 2•73 Orange 651-8226 Westclllf 3 Br, den, office, WlllTll LUXUllJ COllDI Ave., Cotti Miii. lrg manicured yard wla 3 aed ar111t, ll~ht lnterlora. PR P car gar. A real value at 1 1 d ktl L MllllEIElllT $375,000 end you own I an c en arge " lhe land. Patrick Tenore, ~~~5;3~· 2 br. 2 BA lll•l1ll .... IL IRWI llll 2'~ Be, 2 car 01r,j11de-Spectacular Bey View 2 WIL tt le, Ott p•--i n er, no p et 1 9 9 5 bd1m, 2 ba S950 per rno • HM PARK NEWPORT APARTMENT S ILIPfl l&IUJI You own the land. 2,000 sq It. 3Br, lam rm, 21.1\o Be, wide G1eenbelt, near pool. Far below market $2•5,000. Wiii lee.ae op- tion Bkr. 644-6368 Decorator perfect, epa-1-637-1'58 or 648-6026 Avail Aug 30 Frplc, elegant French 11111011 0.111 0 II • cloua 2 bdrm, 2'nba, new 613-0433 windows, AC. In hom• • ••tt I · Cape Cod. Pool, Jae. rec. CHARM: E1<panded 5 Br. ---·-------security, 2Br 2Ba, IBr Double wide Lancer lo-lialt area. pYI patio, balcony, 3 car gerege. HVH. Je-C•t••• '•/ #1r 31ZZ I Be & atudloi. COUNTRV CLUB LIVING cated In a 5 Star Ore11n· Unlurn. lerge 3 bdrm. wine cellar & lge garage. cuul, loaded wllrench •••••••••••••••••••••• IBr & aludlo lnol Wahr/ IN NEWPORT BEACH lea! Peril Prime end unit 3be, home In prestlglou• Decorator wall paper, wlndowa. akyllghta, Ocean view, beautifully dryr, 11110 lncludH pvt A total environment with 10111 of privacy. 2 area with tenuttlc draper lea and more. $1800/mo. 640-2523. furn. townhouse, !<pie, club wl iennla court•. apartment community on bdrms .. 2 baths, atta-comm. beech etc. Gr .. t $ 1 o 5 o / m 0 . ca 11 833-2237: pool & patio $695/mo. gym, pool•. Jaouuti , the Upper· Bey, Prive• ched sunroom & 2 car !amity home 11500/mo. 548-2239, 10:30 to 5:30_ For leaM or leue option. _6_7_3_-0_8_9_6 ______ aaunH, beau111ully deeo· clubhoute end heelt'1 c arport. Reduced to Ootufr11tl l1hr1. pm. $1 500/mo. 5 Br .. large B••li•sl•• rated ctbhae & much ape. 8 """'' courta, 7 $38.000 submit terms. d h 1 h 1 more. From 1450 mo. poota, cloM to buelneee. 17141673·4400. Large 3 bdrm hOme on Da.,l•i•I JZU yar, tG oos.6e"opopng Ifft 3140 Incle mosl utlt too. airport, FHhlon Island. water Avall Sept 15. ••••-•••••••••••••••• nearby. Agent ,.,.., •4. •••••••••••••••••••••• Convenient •hope on IZIJIUl-2121 • Vrly.$1150/mo. 2 Br 1 1~ Ba cond o, Blulfe3bdrm,2ba,good ESTATILIYlll 549"3421 ·36'lBearSt alte,Unlurnlllhed b~ Elegant 3 Br & den . HARBOR 'Fin~~~~cl~~:·~~~rm, ~:~~'.mf ~~,~~··b~~: ~ooc!~ov"1'e!~eS~~:~· ~~~~~fl~lg~~rt;."~~~a~~d l_U'_c_~w_rt_~u-~_J._u _n_11_o_w_e_r_&_1 :~n~!:!~rm eptaend country style home. frplc. remod. kitchen. •97-6455 644-6368. pool. Sunken gas bbq, Available nowl 1 Br. car-S5•0 • $1000 French doors, bay win· formal dining. Bright and sparl<llng fountains. port. pool & laundry. No Several baehelorw and 1 dows. hrd,111ood floors. 3 alry. II ~ 3a31 Npt Crest view 3 Br. 3 Ba. Specious rooms. Sepe-pets. $425/mo. 931 w. Bdrm unlll feature fine lrplc's. very tge lot. owe W1t1rfr11t ••••• • ••• !!~............... Plan 4, $1200/mo. Agent rate dining area, Walk-In 19th. St. 548·0•92 designer turnlture end total, 5% dwn, .11lnt loce-·\ 1>1v1Mon of HOME FOR RENT 1_8_•0_-_8_20_8 _____ -1 closets. home 1r1<e !<Itch-1---------:1 acceseorles. Move In to- llon. $179.900. Fee land •m"i1:1iiriih'mir.lliiihii'·i11'1-1iliimil"ii11tiltll·'li1 •l~~~~·~J~1~-1~COO~~~~ 4 Br $750. Fellf .d yard, N-port C:ut. 2Br duplex en & cabinets. Walk to 2,gg~mM0~·~1:·b~c~~· day or re88fVe lot 1um-By Owner 631-213• gar1g41. Kid• & pets _,_ condo. Atteoh oar. dining Huntington Center. 5360 mo. Call after S:30 mer mont h•. Smutly liJfrt .. LI•• Isle Ctn•• ltl 1f11 3111 come. 5415-2000, &gent, area. pool. tennis, clbh-1 Bdrm-turn, $505 P M 2 8 6 4 L a Sa I I e lu1nlsh11d model• open Mt•• Wit~ ltt• C'c'''~ £•I• ISOO s~i1~~;;:2·9;:;~.·~: no lee. ~~~d1:,;:~1~o ~:.~!;id~~ 22 B~~~~;.!~~"n~~u~s~~. 957•27•o. dad;; Jamboree Rd at Choice loc. XJnt lln. Prln •••• 'n .............•. med oelllng. $795/mo. B••ll•il•• W ltdgoose $850 , from $675 S325 ·Bachelor ap t 333 San Joaquin Hiiia Rd. only, Own 673-7873, PACIFIC VIEW MEMO· 707'A Ac.,,.a. 8'0-'8188 •-*I JZ~O 213/691 -7537 No pets. Ulllltles !reel E. 21st. C.M. Apt B-0 . 1•4·1100 20% ltltw • ., .. ,, RIAL PARK, N.B. 2 Plot•. Laroe 5 Bd Home. • •• ~ •••••••••••••• "!. _3_B_R_2_B_e_a_pl-lt_l_ev_e_l.-N-B_, LA QUINTA HERMOSA 6•5-6589, 645·8103 • u c 2 Worth $1600. Make of.. Corona del Mar OC-RENTALS d 3 1 16211 Parkside Ln. 1 blk l.S..:p_a.:.c..:lo..:.u.:.s:..:2...:S:...t..:.o...:ry:...2..:B..:.R_l_'A.t---WTIL--'--1-f-f --roent sale. ondo. Lv msg. 979-5380 760-8708, 675-21« 1-Sbr's $200 to $2000 con o. gar1g41a, poo a. W. of Beach, !3 blks S. bdrms. 2'1't ba Xlnt toe. Close to Hoag Hosp. 01 Edlngef ... 647•54,1. BA, pool, pvt, patio, car-Spacious 2 bdrm. view, $110,000 s 12,000 On c .. 1 •• 1.1 ••• ; OOEll VIEW 750-3314 open 7-daya $785/mo. Bkr. 646-7332 port. children OK, no poOI. nice area. No pell. Paymen1s $947.50 Call f•,,.•••ln 1100 "Old" ._..arbor VI-s~-NA BCH, 2br w/lg patio, llYE II llW l/1•n1t J.1tA 3161 PETS, $'75/mo. 2310 $675. 6'4~767 owner. 714-661-4818 •••••••••••••••••••••• n ._, cozy kttch. kid ok, $450. •••• •••••••-••••••••• Santa Ana Ave &45·30171---------• ---3 BR 2 B • s c tlon 3 br 2 ba patio T LS 751) 33 Lu•ury N-"""' T~race OCEANFRONT Dix 2-4 Br. or 213-375-8107 $750/mo. 3 Br. 2 8•. en---e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 Br light, brlt•, seclud-.. "'· • · Vlll11. ' ' ' ' OC-REN A -14 ~ .,..,.., ~ tk : · v "" 1 1 593950 huge yard, b4!1amed cel-1---------Condo. 2 br. E11tru. By week or month 1------<----1 clad garage, wa to 341 8oy\1de Or •Vt· N 8 bl~ bl61 f!~.'!!~~'!J~Uv..!.~~1 !~!{~! ..•.••..• >-'.'M1 INVESTORS $5000 down and $200 per mo. negallve cash flow for a 3BR 1ba sol !amity detatched home. Call Rich. Ownr/agt. 9641-6171 s .. 1i.1t•• ••d 1040 .....•.•.............. CLOSE 'TO llCEAlr No money down, no quall(ylng -own your home on our uniq ue shared appreciation II· n anclng. We have 5 homes In Hunt Beach., 3 TIIE UlU 0111~ AISlllULE FIUIClll Beautllul I Bdrm end unll on II\• water Deco- rated 1n earthtonea with shutters thruout Many e1<tras. Assume current financing and owner will consider carry1ng 2nd TO Asking $118,900, call 540-1151 ~HERITAGE REALTORS 2 level Estate size lot poo · ac.. • • aa-llnga. lrplc. Lu1<ury homel TOTALLY custom houtel Quiet I Only $695 mo. _6_7_3_-_78_7_3 ______ S395/mo. 1 Br. 1 Ba. en-beach, yardl.b•lcony. shopping ' schools ail sum e 1 O ~ % , 0 w n r ' S 1400/mo. 760-0883 3 & huge den. chefs kit. 837-2686. clad garage. llWffY rm. Won't lut, can for app1. near by Owner must sell 213-990-0451 Formal din, ptuah decor ---------101• 2Br. bltns. gar. no patio/ yard, small pet ol<, TSL Mgmt 642·1603 & wlll Jlnence. What a . OCEAN" FRONT LUXURY 3 bd, prvt com-stone frpl, finest area Oceanside 3 rm w/pool, Jg pet a. Steps to sand. avaJI. Sept. deall Agenl 646· 10'14 Decor turn .. 2+ bd, 3 ba, 6m7u5~2t71J,:, t!n1n6l·ls, 110n1m. o ISi 4 dep & you're In. patio, bit-Ins, S•80. $525 mo. Winter. {213) 1_T_S_L_M_g_m_1 __ 6'_2_·_1_60_3_. •rchh]! h81 t0111d-~po- P r 1 ce reduct io n . 3carprk'g.$500K.Qual. ""u " $500. Renlala R Us OC-RENTAL~ 750·331' _,_,_6_·9_2_2_o_._41_46_·_4_75_o_. __ $550/mo. 2 Br. 1'n B1. " u• ...., .. '' $249,000/ make ofter. buyers only. Encinitas, 537-8970 IEWNRT IElllTI Lg Bechelor, fr pie, no Townhouse, balcony, In-Blvd. L1rg41 Bachelor ept -l..H .. also may taase. owner (714) 6'6-1068 llUI 1&m •---------2 bdrm, 1 beth. Private. pets, steps to sand. $300 dry rm. car port, au blt-1_s_5_50_._7_7_s.._i1_1_•_9_.., __ _ D.'J'x,,1. OlllllITT 1111 IOYES YA 6'5_9095 m o . W I n t er ( 2 1 3 ) Ins. Avell Sept. O&llERY YILUll Well-kept 4 rm ple11 + 4•6-9220, 446-4750 TSL Mgmt 642 1803 aJll II llll 1100 Beavtllul Jasmine Oreek. g 11 r age. Be 11 RI t y BLUFFS CONDO . 2 Br. 2 • I bdrm apt. S•OO mo, •••••••••••••••••••••• Ocean end greenbelt 539-6190 tee Ba _ Greenb4!llt nr pool. Lovely 3 br. 2 ba, gar $530-$540/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. Avall. Sept 111. Walk to SIHI TAX llELTIR view. 3 BR, 2 lplcs-, 1----------1 Living Rm w/lrpt, Dining Steps lo water. Furn. or 1 story. shag crpt, drp1,1_Bea_c_h_._6_7_l _-6_6_2_2 __ _ FOR llYEITIRlll ·community pool & tennis J + 2, 1121 Rm _ pvt patio_ dbl gar. unlurn. Yrly Days, patio, frplc, beamed eel· 1 br, w/llove, refrg, and -3 BR, 2 tplca. commu-Juat right for lemlty, all 1950_ Call JoCarol (Agt) 6 7 3 • 1889 . ( 2 1 3) lings. enctsd garage. narl\lng. s•oo. call Sen Clemente pride of nl1y pool & tennl• maJor appllanc••· nlce, 6"_9060. 585-0921 TSL MglT)t. '1142-1603 &75-0612 alt 5. ~~~er:!'~e ~~~I~!~~~ !~:.~~:20:.erbara f~K. Besl Alty 539-6190 _2_B_R_r_e_m_o_d_e_le_d_h_1_e_w_/1 Ouple.11 2 & ' Bdrm avall. $325, ullllllee lnct. Sm. 1 CONDO splcioua 3 BR, 2 house wllh ooean-hllls & 1---------gar, t 'h blka off sand. 2Br winter $650, yrly bd. 1662 N-port Blvd. BA frpl dehwr lndry golf course view. Close Condo. evall 9/ 1. 2 Br s725 yrly. Aak !or Biii, $850, 41 Br winter $900. CM 631-7392 hoo~. 3 Cllportt, pool, to everything, only 3 1'Aba, lrple, pool, mature 631-1266 yrty S1200. Across from Clean 2 bd, enci gar, w/d prvt pa t Io. $ 7 65, years old & shows ltke ad u t t •. no Pet•. oc .. n. 530• SeHhore, 851 9522 601 LIDO Newt N-ownef could $575/mo, 1tt/lut & dep. om UTEl/IOW YI 651·6070 hOokup, patio, 2 people, __ • ___ . ____ _ $'75. 6•2.·0•61. 2 B 2 B I $525 N UIEFIOIT WI.I. occupy 3 Bdrm., 2 bath 968-5577 afler 4:30, 2 meeter bdrm suites, 2&3 Bd 1 I r 11 rorn · 0 rm w nter renta II REDECORATED 2br. 1 pets. Acroaa lrom Npt BR 2'hbe, 1600 to 21001--------- 81h FLOOR Waterfront Condo ADULTS ONLY Spec1aeular View $789.~00 Wm Cote, Brokt•r sq fl, Payments run $1200 to $1600 per mo. Call Geo. Brooks at 5 8 3 B 1 d city 4 ocean view ept. If NEW •BR 3,~8A • BR. 2 Ba. grdnr Inc, no dble gar .. decks. spa, all on Newport Penln $525 B h G-'I C Otfloe rl a, sol am. et, applicable & rent the ,850 & s 0 19811 xlraa. $795. 964-3466 up. Agt, 675-16•2. be. dupteit w/angl ga-0 "' ourse. dream home. Pool, tee.., other 3 apartments lor BAV VIEW, 2 car-garage pets. · · rage. 1530. 559-5001. hrs 9 ..... 54~855 714/891-5556 lake views. Fr doors In Income. Seller wilt help S1500 mo to mo. So ol Bushard St. 642-7743 UY I IOW YIEW Winter Rental 1, 2 & 3 Mb1 to view balcony & finance & SAVE buyer Hwy 673-11'8 m•I JZ44 3 br, 2 ba Irvine Terr. bdrma. Newport Penln· 3 Br 2 Ba, bit-Ina, tat & 2 ~~1"goe' °°"?0j Weali lit ...... " •••• 4% CASH or? 3Br 1"' ba, s11111er home. No quell- fylng nee. super terms. 6'10-5078 Dennis many other amenities I=...,-------thousand• of dollual C. 1 JI, JIZ4 •••••••••••••••••••••• home. s 1400/mo Incl :¥~.-1~ya Reel Estate deposll. S850. 631•3537 ~ptlon ~6Co~0,,.·111~•:,~. Asking $'10,000. Ownrl Park lido Adult Condo 3 REOUCEOseltlngprlcela •• !~ ... !!~••••••••••• LUIElll gardener. 1619 Bonnie OYptex, 2 br, 1 ba, arpta, 6'6-4844.eve15•0-8ll02 Agt relocating 842·0162 Br pool. near hospital, way BELOW current re-MESA VEROE-3Br, 2Ba, 3 Bdrm detec:hed ~.omes 0 o on•. 6 7 5 -1 5 4 1 . -B-lo_c_k-be_a_c_h_l_bd-.-u-11-1.1 drp1, gor., patio, clean. --------- or 551 -6829 for detalla beach. $145,000. Owner placement cosllll Prlncl· $800 mo. tat+ sec dep. In exoellent area Avalta-673-2242 Yrly 1450 mo. 1823 w. Nr achls. No pets. $525. Execullvt retreat. 1 Br MOVE IN NOW. We'll close the eso1ow In 10 days. Asaume my 91~•1. VA 4 11.7'Yo 2nd $1021 mo. 4 bd + 2 stry $1'2. 000 own/agt 842-2581, 5•8-8365 on esstom. linen. wtll help. Agent 646-10-44 pals ONLYlll Call owner Gard. Incl. Avail 9-15. b I e Imme d I~ t e I Y i--,-W-,.-,-, -2-~-... --· B a t b o a B I II 2 ,_5_•6-_72_3_4 _____ _, PENTHOUSE. Security. H IOIP HWI at 17 1') 751-36•2 $800/mo on 1 year lease. Family room. 6«-8053 (213)941-3065. Nr t8th/Pogion1. 1 Br 1 g~:!a8~a0< 0/.';,:,::.;0· LOCITIOll LOCITIOll 10 T1rtl1r1ok 1 1411 Custom Atherton model. super landscaping, hard- wood floors, French doors, shutters S299, 900 Dys, 774. 7500, Evs/wknds, 997-4927 3 bdrm. 2 ba. Plan 3 In the Chancellor Homes One-slory. covered Pll· tlo. Perfect for the small family $147,oOo To place younnessage before the readlnuubllc, ph1'11• Delly Piiot HoaJtl /or Silt Ho11111 lot S•lt ..........••...••..••••.••...•...•.•...•.... I Bl& CANYON -I I TOWNtt<M COfl>O DIVORCE SALE 1 Must sell-owner out of state. 2 bdrm, cathedral celling, 2 bath, oyerlooklng golf I course. 3 balconies, jacuzzi, tennis, pool, wet bar, tinted glass, fireplace, lots ol I mirrors. 2 car garage, e•ollc landscaping, much more. Immaculate condition. 1 Assumable S 130,000 mortgage. Reduoe<:I to $249,000. W iii accept cars , b oat. diamonds In trade, Broker participation I 1 Invited. ' I 21 CHJOll lslantl Im• I OPEN DAILY 3-5 ' 7~9 759-9051 1 Classifi ed works for you when you ·want to ) BY OWNER 842-0138 E'!llde. 3 Br 2b8, fem rm. Five oth~rs to choose BEACHFRONT RENTAL f Ba, upatalh, O/W, car----------WATERFRONT OPUC llvlng rm, eep dining rm. from. We re the ones lo EASTBLUFF E11eo. home bdrm, and 2 bdr m . port. water pd, 1 child 2 Br, 2'h be, den, upgra- PVT BOAT DOCK l•tt•I lll•I"' Z000 Drive by 266 7 Elden. cell for l91UMHI. 3 br. 2 be. den, lormal W I n I er 0 r ye 11 r I y OK, no pete $450. Agl., ded, $895 mo. !:';:;:.,:;•;•,>g:,'.o';'g ;.;;,;.;.;·.;;;~;'!;;;;~;. •900 ... ,.,.., (~i)llbodbrldg.; ~1~1~p0 .2 ~r~·~·5~,er~e~ 674.is73. 646-s902 no, ... 5•s.2000 6'0-5324 w/NO monthly payment! 1 blk from Ocean 12 X Ol.11 2Br 1 'hBe Twnh... " f142-0350. 2 Br garden apt, no pete. 2Br. 181. '575 mo. yr1y, $585,000. 675-0652 . Grosa. Well melntalned. 1'hBe, patio, no pets. Rc~lllil 1---------1A,.tf•1•ll Small child oil, S•40 mo carport. cpts.. drp1, open VERSAILLES CONDO ~~~~g. :~2°fP1"9· Bkl. e's!: mo~ ~·5;~8'6~1 I 551 3()00 s~fi~sfm~~· ~.!:~tr:~'. •• .'!~!~!~!~~#. ....... 1-L-~_46-_3_9:-r50-. 2-· -b-•• -c-rp_t_. -drp-,-1. ~,~)~st~~.~· Balboa. 1br/1be. so. exposure. 1----------1 ec ay, ' a, n no 1'2Ularrano p~,.).lr••n~ Agl. Fr ed Tenore, J.JHl lll••I JIH c""'arport Nr OCC. No •*• C.''t•t•.... •••1 view of ocean Subhttra· Ull /11 $111 ZZOO rm, fplc, lrg yard1. Nu ,_________ 631 -1266 or 631-2711 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 $550 751_36.,... ':'! •••• •~ •••• .':' •••• '!!'.~'. nean pr kg. sec entran-•••• ••••••••••••• ••••• crpts. drapea. pa nted REITALI ........ BLUFFS LEASE 2 BR 1 Ba, no pet a. yrly. pe •· · "" 1 Bf, pvt deck, Old world Cati, outstanding pool/ Wll'T WTI Inside & out. $850 Inc. 1 to 5 bdrma, atartlng at 2 Br, wllef vu. $950.rno. lndry fecll, deck, $600. 1 BO, N-Carpett, charm. specucultr clubhse. By owner. $98, No quatltylngt No down, gardenef. 675•7034 $650 10 St396. A.gt 6-40-0020, 760-9678 675-0349. No Pets, $400 ocean vu, walk to~ 90·0 assu m. Sandra $800/per mo. Fallbrook LOADED 3br, 2ba w/party •-JL--S•B-1929 S•95. Contact Mgr 11 ept 642-6149 8.6 view acres at 10"~ fl-patro. bit-Ina. now $500 •tTtLI,, --C. 332 Encino Ln. liiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiil nan. $160,000. 769-2968 OC-RENTALS 7~14 LMlle 3 bdrm, lflnt cond, l1•i•1•I• 3101 1 Bd, 1 88 duplu, utll --------- BALBOA ISLAND BAYFRONT Saltly h1tr SH0,000 F.11 1trlot SH0.000 fl111oe.i ,_d_a_ys_·-------1SHARP 2br. 2ba w/)ungt11 L1rge well landaceped 2°bd;~:·2·t,~·~~;·d~j; ~~e_ ~7!g~i·1:.6fi.~~ ~1!.M! ••••••• ~ S,EOT.011 •• patio, pool. kid• ok. wltti gardener Nr Pk and yrly. Mature non-amkrs, 3 br. 2 ba. o.lu1<e condo. ..... $475 achls. Seo system 11. S-Sparkllng clean. 2 br. 1'1• L ti 1 FILL &OIE · 000 mo. 8:J3-1290 no pets. 750 X 3 ba, $.475. Ulll. paid. Re-~gd. pa 2:...P0s0c · ...,'!,~· .. ITI "m. OC-RE.NTALS 750·3314 2131799•4195, 257-9792 trig. 2 small chlldren ol<, C II Ok.,.._, ,,_, .. ---•iff l ... ••1n or (714) 673-3986 S665 mo. 213-96'-2686 Fabulous YI-I Room lor NICE 1br w/utll pd, lg be-.... ,.. nci ~ta. horses and tennis. fefma kera kltch. now $330. • bdrm. 2'h ba. S 1300. $425. 1 br utlls pd, 417 E 1960 Wallace, 642-•905 A,.lfat•ll hraJdtrl . trades. Owner/Bkr OC-RENTALS 750-331' Avall. Sept 9. Daya Bay Balb oa No pets. 1 bdrm, $396, 2 bdrm, 1 « U•frua ,,,, 731-444• or 731-5115 LANDLORDS/REALTORS 't513C.U..U,J)a~~ 933-•755: Ev. Wkndt 547-1155 ba 1490. Pool, gar. No •••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT LOTS• Faat free tenant provt-1-6-44--22-2-'------1 YEARLY RENTAL pets. 642 .. 470 IUWlll 2 adjoining s89,000 ee. de<s. BEST Realty Woodbridge-on the take. Lg •Br. lleps to beach, I bdrm. $500. Cpts, Eutslde 1 Bdrm, small YILUIE 1 ___ ....:6:'.3:.:1.:_...:..:1:.:.7.:9 ___ 11 __ ~::5:::39=-6:-=t9::':-=---Executive 3 bd, 2 ·~ ba. Newport Shorea, comm drapes. 675-6608 but co7V. lots of nalural ,_ Many Extraal $1400/mo pool/tennis, yrly, tamlty -1 R $ 3 New 1&2 bdrm. luxury • .. -------•I Oat 11111#1 .. m RIOI 1 ea a e . 5 5 2 . 9 5 • 9 , S 1195 mo. 646-3370 an c.,,., 11/ #11 31Zl w 0 0 d · e" 1 9 0 · epta In 1' ptan1. 1 Bdrm ,. I. ~ ~~-LANDLORD NEEDS big 651-2193 or 967-8857 5PM. • ••••••••••••••••••••• 1-8_5_1-_9_52_2 ______ 1 trom $515, 2 bdrm from 1---------1 ,, .. , --tu write off HY• ""' 1---------1---------1 BAY View, Wiik to bch. lg N I 2 bd 1 b $570, TownhOUM from 173-1110 l ...... 1..,.11 •••••""0• •••••••••••• SUPREME 3br, 2ba w/lg Nwpt Terr condo 3 BR 2'..t newer. 2 bd._gar, no ewer g rm, 1• ~ wr II STEAMBOAT SPRINGS. th 1 t • BR 2 % 8 at h $725 p .,.,,.,., ,.. 6 prlv patio, bullt In stove S6•0 + poot1, tennla. IOYER llllEI COLORADO. For reel cu1tom pool houae ¥11 oer, ape. blt-tna, ss7s. be. no pell. · ool. pets, ..,.,,.,, .,.. 12 · and dlshw11her. Enclo-wa1en11t1, pondel Gu 3 Br 2ba, pool, 11tate Info on thl• world chefa 1<1t. Format din, CC-RENTALS 750-331' 111 facll. A.gt. 646-2389 2 Br, den lrptc. patio, led gar Ample pmlng. for cooking & h .. tlno Playa R.E. 613-1900 famoue ski area. tucked huge th1lng room, natural Tu 111er0 c k e "e c. 2 Bluff• area, 3 brl 2'n ba step a to beach $950. Laroe yard area. 778 paid From Sen Ol~o 1---'l'-Y-O_W_l_E-.---1 away In the spectecular rock lrpl detlgne< decor mutera, den, 2in bl, condo, 2 car oar. w/elec. Darrell 759-122t, agent, Congreu St., Cott a Frwy drive Nonh on n Colorado Rock lea, call thruout vi-patio. ape. Rita 64•-9060. 673-8589 opener. 6-40-9350 wkdys; RE/MAX. Meu. 213-761-7813 Beach to McF1dden to Westctltf 3 br, huge yard, Tot I Fr e • n~~.~~· Us 537 8970 W .... IMI 760-8398 evk Ct1l1 lln1 3114 Utlt pd, 1 br, $300/mo. ~~.~e~-~8: 111•0 ' top· oond. Nr park & 1-800-525-5508. Colo-T · Tt ..... •• waterlront 4 BR tam rm. 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• Quiet Patio, nr bch. -'---'------- schools. Sec. ayst. Prl-redo West Real Eallte. E.slde 2 Br I Ba, fncd ..., bl, •O slip may b4!11v111t. 1 II. 2 II, a IR. Sept. I & 15. 6«-6958 ..... 4,,, ced lor quick aale. patio. encl, garage, new Brand new never occu-$2060/mo. 873-4666. Newly decor. Gaa pd, •••••••••••••••••••••• ltaltll carpets. drapes, paint. pied 2 bedroom, 2 bath, E encl gar. dwahr. pool, 1 Bdrrn S360. Utll pald3. No EASTSIDE CM. Prlv111 B!~~~ ~:~'o.3 ci'~o:il~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• No pets. $525/mo & se-flrepleoe. 2 car gerege. N WPORT CREST Agent bbg. Adul11, no pets. pelS. Carport. 38 W. l\.lrn. room & beth. Utll1. 1189,SOO. A.gt. 64•-52 t5. Bll lfl htlllllf' cur. Alto duplex on Excellent looetlon, hu 2 beaut. 3 Bdrm 642•5073. Bay. 548-95l6 Incl .. relrlg., 1315 mo, lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil•••••••••••••••••••••• W.1tde $•60. 6•8-54142, acro111 the "'"t from condos. S I OOO/mo un-1 Bdrm, Laundry lacll. No 673-75••. 1• ltlHllllul 31H 770-5629 leke -withvlew.CloNto f urn $1 200 furn w 1 1--------u" l&Yf •• IT .hop:t:ln .. Full use of 645.0295 pets. Hiide. Employed, non-1moklnn •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR 1 BA dupla.11 prvt • S37s. 6'~82 r•ap. Fem. Neer OCC-"'. Custom country English Cell u1 for YEARLY or • Woo bridge amenltlH. Waterfront • Br 3 ba. ..... ..... BnU v b1yf1ont home with pl9' WINTER 1ent1t1. Aeglr rtlo 360 t8th Ptaoe B. Sept 1 • '825/mo. John $2080/mo. •O It boat ellp ..._.. U '9 Beautllul 3 BR 2V• fJA, No 1225, S50 de~>. 967-8390 and allp, designed by Propertlll 675-~ 5'5· 851"9522· 845-1037 avall. 673-•668 APUTMllTI Peta. $575 lat. 1191. NC. Laguna Beec:fl M°'Of Inn lnter,nat1on111y acctalmed Clean 3 BR 2 B• tplc Spotle11 E1at1lde det•t· 3Br, 2Ba Condo, encl p&-Beautifully 1and1caped 63 t -l 109, 5'8·0•68, 985 N. Pllciflo Cat Hwy. archltecl. 6 be<lrooma, 6 1 ' SeoO ched 4 Br 2ba. Never BEACON BAY 2 bd, 1 be, ~ard~ apt1. Poot & Spa. 955-2522 La~una Ben. Dally/ baths, gourmet kitchen. patio. gar. w nter. r•nted before Owner 110· pool, 1725 mo. prvt bch & tennla, $850 d kl N Wk I Kl .. _ -" L 'Orm.I din rm •• •curlty mo. 675-3683 682-2888 ullte tncld, avail 9101. overt par ng. o Huo• 3 bdrm, 3 ba. prlv to•-• av-. :' v particular. 2 kids Ok, no pell. patio. No pet1. MOO mo. winter ratea. 4M-529' _L system. 12,700.000. Beyfront home evell. now peta, n o 1moklng. w••U ...,, JUI 675-9826. Bach. 1410 to $'15 851-2175 Laguna Beach, 1111 c~ 11300/mo aummer 'or 1950/mo. Cati 644-7211. ••'••••••••••••••••••• 3 bd 2ba apa. $900 mo 1 Br. $.465 to 1470 klno parr:ng area Nr - winter yeertyt 3 Br 2 Ba. agt. EMERALD BAV 3 Br 2 111 & soOo MClUrlt)' to11i ,...02_:~26vor1ng~2ar~...,.5 •••fl•s.a...• bu 1'. , 4 . o 1 '7 6 Alao Interior home 3 er 2 •I • lllM Be. frplG, bflek petlo with move In coat 8'5-5735 __ ..., 6 .. ._.,,, •1 .. Ba 1900/mo. By Ownr • • '4 a . $. 1 6 O O 2 1 3 I · · IHi 1141 _5_•_0-_1_1_sa_. ____ _ 760-1977 ~~!~~! ~:!'n:.,~~:·~ 8 t-2256. • B~~'1'~. 3s 1b;0;•;~~·A~~ sg-:~•12,fre~~as!"/:· 2·bd~·;·;;:~,;·,;,i,;"ir~ Furn room for rent. Prtv LldO 9Qlty ~l!;'!~.l!.'.'.t •• 1}.~f bttht. pluth carp111, 3 ,:;5~m~~· ... ~:~aa.:~ti 84-M368; 8''-0350. ~:8~~:a 1~~7°,;M,poot. :::.~~i8Avall Sept 1. C0;',8d ~Ito~ rP:':·. M:: 67~7300 E.lnefald Bay, pvt ~ach, moat '/.pica. $600'•. Hgt 1 , A v a 11 9 / 1 . 3 er. W"tctlf1. mo. 10 mo. 6 • 2 -• 5 4 8 . ti om • .___....__J"' ____ _. poot1, t1nnl1 cour11, ~8ee __ t _53_·_8_t90_tee ____ 833-9212 aft 3PM. St250. A.gt. H. Frederldl. llllJID'l WW· _64.:..._11_·11_64_7 ____ _ 1~~~~~~~~!I ocean view. 3 Bdrm, 3be MN, I U Ill HARBOR OCEAN FRONT 831-1286. 1218 Devon "'2iat~ Loe 1a2brtwnhleepll. compl. furn, wunlng i:: & ~ • • t ho u • • · walk-In kitchen f0< Momt Nu 3200' luic hm on blutt. Ln. p••Hy ·-trplc, dl1hw11her, encl. done, TV lncl'd. Working It• Clt•••I• 1011 Sl /mo winter rental Gar•oe tor Popet Yard a 180 deg. vu of h•rbor. ,,.,, ... , 1111 ...., .,..,. "" Nr Huntington Har-man. AMI. QM544 •••••••••••••••••••••" or If 2_gg1m o yrly. oardenl Won't laet . hur-eu11, mtnt, 3br, 3be, ••••••;::••••••••••••• Beeutlful gerd1n apta. bour. From "475. Chll· llKI TU lmTll 71M7 9 •7 ryl BHt Atty 539-6180 atcurlly, uuna, apa. I.gt • br, tt,; ba, din. rm, PNa0t~.d~•c.hlHld .. r~P~~· dran OK. 8•0~7 "~•"'mt;:;r. ~~~/~ ' PH JmlfHm Em•rald Bay 3 Br, view, IM 11800/mo. 4ffo7oot. newty remod .. big yard, ,...... ' ... ....,. t & 2 BR, pool.I. ~h living, bl. pool, tight UM ot kit & San Clemente l>rld• ol =let 11., 11200. Emerald NOTHER E II-gardener. S760. come. year round ~30 & "ft '376mo Ha--SOl2 ownet11hlp, modern Spa• Rlty '94•1840 hou11, u1 Ullopt Of Nit or trade . .C 83-4-1547 dye/&4M249 2 Br. 2 Ba. $585 ti 220• t2t• Lt 2 " gar, · der lor $400. Crptd bl· Br 3ba. Ooean vu. 3118 W. Wlleon nope • "• · • 2 11 ... • ,.~ · nl•h •tylt • unit apt ___ .. 2 ti E z t Kid 1 0 1t ~ 1 I 15th at, rooma, "'' M. .....,.,. hou• with ooeen-hllla;. ~n• on..,.., winter, n1, • erme. • 855.0517, 544-217 ..-... ,..., 831·8&83 or 842·4006 M .. a. Avell t /t, Cell QOll courM "'"· CIOll 8 • utll Od .. av•1110"· to Call '"~:"'9' ::-Beaut. 3br exeo. home, ,,.,__,...., 1411 PIN! BLUF:F APTS CONDO 3 BA. 1'" ea. In-enytkM HO-t1to to everythln~. onl~ 3 1130· 11500 "'°'Pvt pty. '* · 1 * · lnor9dlble cl~ & ocean •••• r.J::'ZS:"r.•••••••• 1 Bf. with lort, • 2 Bf, 2 •Ide l ndry rm. '650 ~ f 7. ~ •• ,, old ... OWi ... it3-7110-21G7 t M • " t • • 50 280 7 Garden Qrow. Nft 2 BR ... 538-3178 or 847-«37. ,,.,.,. '. II .. .. 01 • .. , I nH view. 14 mo.· '"' b•, patio, 0.,, 1&60 & Ba. Ohlld ok, on tht . ~·;;:1.... •••••••• !WI New own« oould .. ~ .... i IJlf bdrm hH, newer Car• Alt• t.eouna. •f.4·'200 , 100 dep. "No ptU. Blvfl1, patio, View, trplO, • Attractive 3Br 2'.\ba, •MAii 11111,. ~uryc!.~r:;.2.::,1n rioo isLt:;•bdm,~·I~~ f,'~ic, 'i~v!iyth:1i:tt·;~ HR l~ba, 2 oar gar, Or16g, &<t6·1370, 00. ~"GU etove. dla· eplt M , fr~lo, enol o•r. Wk~ rentele now av.it epplloable & rent the rm, 4 a,., S17~ mo. doubl111rag1, fenoea deck, oc view, Cl_~ 1 bdrm, luicuryOOfldo. ~ ~mO. epa. lndry rm. 18 15• 942•. at7 J 105 & up. Cotor2r,': other 3 apartmente for ---Y •rd. 1o0 ' •. Bu 1 clean S900/mo 497 oarage. Flreplflce. Pool, SPMO 831·8107 lnlllt tau hon11 In room. • 1n,ome, Seiter wfll help OCEANFA9~T 2 t>drm, ~11-6t90 fee '---• .m '"' 1p1 m1oro-wav1 oven •••••••••••••••••~: ~ l!Vd. CM. llntnce & SAVE buyer 1 Ba 1700 mo. 8111 rrr.':';'~•••••!••••~•••• dt1hwH her. Tiie kttoti New9t2Br.2Ba,Nopeta. Woodbridge oondo, 2 ...... 7~ 111ov .. nd1 ot dollartl Orundy,,Altr, 87M181. 8'·d 1!.'.: ?id'""'' nlot SOUTH L.AOUNA Char· and bath. Walk In cto-Ava" •ppro.11 Sept. lat. eb7drm91..20 2 D~·,19~!!'!: 8 £AC H AR f A • AEOUCll.OMlll""Pflelll .. Y" ·-·r Jf'Yl'~·up, min" 2 bd 2 ba, bell 111t1. ~ "•tlOfa· 1450. 780-1418 or ~ 11 a .. or ..... ._ ... MUlflllT/h no peta. 1&50 mo. 220t • 1 1 " 448 .... 78 way BELOW currant ''" 0 Pltc9nll• ..a-7flt3 tloUM, walk to beltt, rg olnj ""'" ng •lream. • '--•• La.II .!Ma p 11c 1rn•n1 co 11 111 2 •torv1 •l>f, • b•thl, dt. prvi yd. llnole car ,.,J 162 '* mo. t42·l'~ o.dllleot 10 Oo-Cart• :ni.-= .. ~ ... 17.ll' tl•/-'- Pr1no1p11• ONLVlll Catt ntng rm, glent ac.-n TV, pac 3 BA 2 Ba OOfldo, On~. •e mo. 09ll or t 71-021t 'Wtlet9YW tlle Fed Studio, \\ blk to beacltt, If" ft o.tner at (714) hot tub, mOd. klto'1. 2 Olf w/111-. 2 ~ g.,, fl)le, 213·170·3111 Ilk for Roll 'em ott '111e mltket unfurn. S3111 Incl. utll. FWrio-atott-=:- l _.41-ll •I enol1•, 9' ~"'r81nQ, Aval! Bepl. no P•l•. 1 971 mo. Julle Ot 21W74-5tl2•ft Find •ttat ~~ 111' Wltt'I. CllMlfltd Ad LUUJ.. 4114· HIT: Nwpt ll¥d & •111 • ., 15-s~ 842-4371 °' ~" t. Dally Not , Cell~ Ma..at7t '9$•7t3r or •tM-11410. Coet• MeM ....,.111 ' , •i • --. -------------· Orange Coa1t OAILV PILOT /Monday, Augu11 30, 1982 ~ ... .. ·''··········· 1 67 Per Dav O•b~tltl no In 11'11 home, 11~1 • All yuu II•~ n1 1010~92-~4~2 '°' • Ju,~~~.'u ~!!!~~.~l~A .~!!~~'. •• • JAYS "8PCAKEA8Y' HILY f>rot Bartendlng Sefv PILIT .Any occN lon ,,,bl bar 1111¥101 I 879·7662/&21 11• I lllllOTOllY ,.,,.,,, ltm111 .......••.•••..•••..•. DO IT NOWI GENERAL BUSINESS • t • ..o SER\llCE8 At tr 11•'1 Holp lor 1mall bu1lneH • Your Dolly Pilot phot1e call away Rec Service 011ec1ory .ordkeaplng, 1a11 prep. Representative Bulllnha counaellng 142·H11, tit. HJ i-4g_o_. 1_~6_5 ___ _ ~~~~~~~~l ff.~1!.~~!!~#~I. ..... . ~!!.-.~'!!!!. f!!!{".l! •• · c;,~~~l~:. ~a~~\rr~ Applied, re-applled, guer Free E1t1ma1ta 846·2003 Insured. lie d 4 t 4J)91 130· 1900 froe 11sll"1a1ea KITCHEN FACELIFT Reslyllng ealttlng kll· Chen cab w/real wood Save SSS nowl 642-0881 ~,~~~~'.'!! ...•.....•.. f!!I!.~!~ .......•••.. Door hanging. remodel, A1•lt1/t cabinets, penellng, etc ••'••••••••••••••••••• Painting, cement Reis REAL ESTArE nes1dent11l1Comm·1 673-t9}9 Oflveways. Parking Lot Jerry 546-44 13 Repairs, Se111Coatlng S&S Asphll 631·4 199Llc FllU HTI•ATISI oan Hallberg Grading Reasoneble prices: last, 3 Paving co Res/coml prolesslonal work Lie 397604 642-172C custom wo1k tool No Job too smell or 100 blgl Ca· 1>lne1s. kitchen remodel & llnlshed carpentry elect/ plumb/ ~blnela/ counte•lopa I do every· thlnlf from start to flnlshl Call Brad at ~!!!!'!111 .•••••••••••• Personallzed. low cost ht gel services Ind family busl lnlllal coneu11011on tree 553-0290 • b 'Iii (l14) 171-1210 .!.~' ... ~'··••••••••• HARDWOOD INTERIORS Oharlttt•'• Sitters Addlllons·remod's-doors Llc'd, t>onded agency Pauos. Small jobs. too 420 62nCI SI, N B 760·2685 548·8654 C Coder's Babysllllng Agency Call 645-3746 f!!r..' •• !!!!!~ ....... . lnlanl 10 3 yra, my C M. EXCEL CARPET CARE home. 8 tu day Lie. Jack Bulflngton. B8C 19053 754-6238 Owner/operator "'lP'I IAIYSITII"'"" cerpe1. uphol. area rug ~ "• cleaning Work guar. C.M area 646-5759 Free Est 645· t771 Aaaout1•111l1/ b111Ht1•1•l1/ ,,,, ••• ,.; l1111ul1/ Lost I F•u' Lfll I F••-' ~~;~;;;~;;;;;·siOO b~;-;;;;;;;;;;·g;;; •..••••...........••.....•..•...........•••• s $ $ $ $ s s BINGO s s $ s s s s Shampoo a. 1tN 1n 04Mn Color brightener•. whl orpt1 • 10 min. blMCh UeJI, llv/dln. rma 1 111; 1vg room 17 60, cOUCh 110~ chr $5 Ouar ellm Ptl Odor Crp1 repair 16 y e11p Oo worll my11ll Rell 53t--010 t No StHm/NO 8h1mpoo Stain 8PtGl•ll11. Fut dry ,.., ..... 639· 1682 f!~t~!t'.~~!!!!~ ..••• Cemtnt·MllOtl'Y·Blook Wall...Cu1t. work. ~le #381067 Rob 647·2683 Conc.rel•••mall or lge jobt Remove, replace or repair. 845·8~ t2 Orlve1-Pa1101·Walk1 NO JOB TOO SMALL Free CIJt 538-2807 CiJI' C111 ....•••••••••.•....... HARBOR TRINITY PRE· SCHOOL DAY CARE CENTER. Coat• Meee Opening Sept 13. Full and 'h day care 7AM 10 6PM Regl11er NOW Corner Baker & Felrvlew 558-4335 Of 556-7787 2 c9f1111ed pre-school , ... cher• w/llcensed d•r. cate. ·~ & lull dty a11aJ . C.M. 645-2209 11. ~!JM ••••••..•.••.. f,,."lft!!,l •••••••••••• r~1~1111. •••••••.. : ••. OeootltOt ti~ Int, b•t1. HAULING I CLIAN·UP omplele l•nllorlat 1er• ftll PAllTlll m.nl.11 llbr.rl •• bl"'h Ya/tarlQ .. Prop ""'t vlou trained •1•11. .., 1 etyi. ralMd pan414 wallal f~/remov.d CIMn 131-0H3/13t·Olt0"' bond9d & Int UnlclHn O~Ch•rd lnor Lio oettlng Lk:i &3t·f3ff up, lawn renO¥ ?tt•l''81----------8Y•l•m• of Npt &oh 2 4. 13 yra of happy Dfalllif MOWING · CLEAN UPS ,.~~!!!!~!!~f. ••• .. •• 1_1_eo_._1_2_00______ 'i~'.:·~~ t 4410 •• • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • Haullno • Landeoaol~ ROSIN'S CLIANINO ,,.,, .. ~., c Fr .. ••t ..... 7 • ....... ..~ .. , " uttom work 1n1 6 ••t. •KA TRINA '8 LIVf IN ....,,. .,., ...... ·I """OUO'"'I' ••••••• •• •••••••••• 1M ttou 540·01&7 y d M I a. Cl llC d 20 ytt In a1ea r1l1 hlllptt. dlll'y maid """· J1u1e·1 Gardenlno 0 n " • •r • nt H nup Herb (114) 621-80t2 all olfloe oletnlng, or pt Clean-up•, tr• lrlm a Joan'• CIMnlng Servlcle Bod. 1prlnkl1r•. ro10, 6.30PM _c:-IM_.n-:ln=o--•_375_·2_1_f_6_..,~:afc~ll:..n..:t~Mr.:.....v _ __;&4_..:..0·..:80:..;..;.3..:6 ttouNa·Aptt-Ret11alt lrM rmvt. dr1lnege. hlll-----------O l5 O 217 llde WHdlng. Brian L BATES PAINTING !'!!.'.!~~l!~I......... A¥1Ht• LI .. , .. ,,.. T"1R 1 GMeo. OF H .. s& 4 L::? 50&-2263 28P1E1yc~~~ f;.•415-~1•31400' Oooie rlC)llOtd. d<>ONtl yl TrH trim, gen. clnupe, ,... ....,. L I All •""" " 93u addtd, flrenoh. entry, c1m1nt worlt. Fr" H t. Oulllly clainlng help 1' .!'-'. •••••••••••••.••• _C_A_N_.V_O_N_P_A_l_N_T_IN_G_·-14 cu II om a In I• t Io r Call 541M~ tflY'lmt hefel Reli. 960"7452 Yllll Willi yr1 In 0 C 811111acllon 031all8tcou1t10 QUALITY WEEDING & OIAL·A·MAIO Quallty & FO< 1 lrM laot ahMI, call gu1r 494·4641 repllrt, •ml lob lpecl. I 1 Malnl Remember th• 3 &erv. Nr Al Your Phone. Hatry WeaM, Attorney 11 OUALITV PAINTING yra. e11p. 8ud 552·9502 R'e. RaA1on1blt, ~I•· 1351146. 640 ... 609 Law. 653.0290. E'Xlllnl, reaa ,1191 Wall te111urH·Acou1tlc _b_1e_._R_i_ck_._4_9_7_-3_o_7_0 __ 1HouMCIHnlng, ••per, rt-llll••!l Lie 03482?8 636·2386 H1ng-Tape.Stffl l lUdl Simmon• Oardenlng • llable, £ngll1h •peaking. ••••••• •••••••••••••• EXTERIOR PAINTING Lie 380944 1.532.554g Cln·up1, lawn oara. lull 842·!11120 BRICKWORK Smell lobt Cullom work. Frff "' DRYWALL TAPING comm a fUld malnl. __ H_O_U_S_E_C_L_EA_N_E_R__ Newport, Colla MHI, ReH + llne Int. & Ital· All TtitlurN & Acouello 1_8_4_8_·8_8_11_4______ wllh t Kper. 10am·6pm. Irvine. Rell 575-3176 nlng. Steve 647-4281 Free HI Kevin 876-~88 GARDENING SERVICE 641..0702/1138..0403 Brlckwork-1mall or 'Pi' RALPH'S PAINTING IJHI,',.,, Cleen·up•. lree • .,., & APT & HOUSECLEANING jObl 100'• local ,. • I II t R I •••••• : •••••••• • ••• • •• haullng. 641· 1098 P1te Rellable, ••P ref. Hrly Since 1989 645·8512 Ra,C\~!e· .. ~a\;~~:898 ELECTRICIAN-Priced Ill ' ratn. 957-3341 v,lrf•L·····L.······ I "t r 11 1 al• .. ,. "' "' Pelnllng our lamlly tradl· r g,, • rte et mt a on •••••'"•••••••• •••••• ,_ I I d ALI.. TYPES MASONRY f l1rge or tm•ll lobt. Seo'• Maln1enanct Serv Houaec ... an ng, oo pre· LI ~49479 838 3812 lion or over 100 yrel uo 398821 873·035g Plumb..tec·carpentry ~~~·~::.' x~nti:J'.li"~.r: c • ~1:•;~1~;~9~46252. Free LIC'O ELECTRICIAN Pelnllng Call 964-5231 1142-5937 !~!!~f ............... OllTIM p••1n11 Quel. work·Reat rlllH HIRED HANO, WILL *' 1 MIYIH* "' Free "1 Tom 631·5072 TRAVELI Many dlvery Cullom home cleaning & • 25 yra e11.p. Lie. 40394t WI le .,.2 .,.91 comrlete mild Hrvlce lop quellty Speclal care Bonded. Ina Rele Color ELECTRICIAN chores 11 .... _,,, Pro . bonded & Ina. In handllng 26 y11 exp expen 963-0911 Dick Sml Jobs/Repalra lie CALL HANDYMAN JIM Unlclean Syalem• of Npl Competitive R•te• 233108·C·10 548·5203 Malnt .. plumb. repair. Ben. 850·1200 No ove'11me 730-1353 Biii'• Palnllng. lnt/eicl RESIO/, COMM'L/INO 'Graveyard Shirt' lie. chlld 20 yre. Do my own wo1k care, lge F. V home, Lie 278041 Al 646·8 ~6 plenty of alpg rms $6/nlle 8.4 1-2277 palnllng. Rt1/comm'I. l I J ~7i, -STARVING COLLEGE Realbtcomml. 8 yra exp 538·99571636-3684 .~.!!.~': ... !~~!!..... STUDENTS MOVING S Cit eree High quat & _____ C____ IE•1llElll II W.L CO Lie T 124·436 material• Lo prlcil Free Carpentry -abtneta .. est. Rafa 496-6717 •-.-.-N-O_R_T_H_S_T_A_R_•_•_ Plumb -Drain Cteenlng for ll'te Professional that lnaured 1141-8427 Eleclilcll Contractor Eleclrlcal -Tiie simply doean't hive the WATCH US GROWi QUALITY WORK -neat, Reis Don 966-0 t49 time, and lor everyone ---------reea . honest Reis Uif C •• ,l',,.l•tl ~-•1111 Lie New Hr111ce 220 •----------concern•d with v1lue Pre11lge Moving Low 267107 Dave 964-1045 •••••••"••••'·":?••••••• clrculla 24 hr 845-4174 rate•. lantaatlc aervlce REMODEL/AOO.ONS 1---------•••Ii•• Fla• design lee, 13 per aq Slate wide VIH & M/C. p e I e. t r I . p 8 Int Ing • & Carpentry. Llc'd. 25 f!!~.'!~!!.!.~IJ!}!~ .... ••••••0""u::P••J•O•B••s•••••• 11 We wlll 1911 '' coll 1n1ured 543·8482 Cal. resldenllel-commerclal t I 546 2719 • "" plus 20% 759·t405 P.O. T-137,124. Complete 1n1-ex1. Kitch· yrs a1tp. rw n • Custom Refinishing-Furn & Small Moving Jobs Box 5 t20 Balboa lal1nd. en cabinet refinishing cu s 1 om rem ode 1 a. & lnterlora·All Repairs Call MIKE 646-1391 92660 M. I ltm additions. lree eal. Qua-Call for est. 644-5294 HAULING·GR.AOING DESIGN CONSULT ANT • ... ~ .. ~/.. • • •• -~~'. •• • • • 55 7 ·4254 Illy 2nd to none. Bandel 11 Rea/comm. & boat de· Nuraea AH't tor home PAINTER NEEDS Con at . lie 4 185 7 O. C11'1•l•• demo lion, clean-up. sign. "SID desl~ner·. BS care avail lmmed, lully WORKI 30 yrs e11p, lnl/ 6(8-4271 ••••••••""•••••••••••• Concrete & tree removal. d..,..r..':.. Reaa. 6 .. _.782 Ina 638-5863 Vickie, eit Acous1lc ceilings TIE IUll WIE Quick serv. 642•7838 ...,. -".. 1·92t·1060 Lie. 366780. Free eel. 11.J. l1tt.H I IH Lawn·ttM-shrub lnttall PROF SERVICE Oeelgn profes.lonal. ISIO, Davis Painting Lie 306888. Remodel. Tree trim/removal Haullng -yrd clean up res/comm •Peclalltt. Compare belore you buy. 847-5186 Add'na, Cabinet•. Lawn Malnt/Rototllllng Quick. & clean. Free est 847·2378 for free con· Cla11lfled makes II easy. --------- 646-85861645-4644 Free estimate 648-6085 673-0548 'suit. 642-5678 Classllled Ads 642-5678 Young Prolesstonal. open minded male seeks same for 2 bdrm, 2 bl Irvine home Garage. yard Non-smoker $395 mo Incl Ulll. 55 I ·4255 eves 633-0450 days Fem 10 shr 2Br, 2Ba CM apt, non-smkr. $225 mo + 'A Utll. 645-10•9 Roommate to shr 3BR house In H.B $230 plus utll, 1sl/IUI. 848-8453 WESTCLIFF BLOG NEWPORT BEACH .......... " ..• •"'J • "' ''" ;."'~ ,/~.-... .,, ... _ /,..., ___ , /,... .. .., .. . 1 -.... ... Call Mr Howard 645· 6t0t ·co111 Meaa· Move-In Allowance retall or office. 800· 1200 1.1. 497-5132 AlllUL lllPITll Caehler, PIT, mornings Liii& I YIOll'S needs kennel help & ba· Call Barbara lo• appl. PHOTO MODELS lhtr. panlllme. Mull be , ____ 5_4_0_-3_2_8_o __ _ ESCORTS/DANCERS avallable mornings & CASHIER/HOUSEWARES •~---------1 OUTC.ALL 24 HRS weekend• Aak tor Jane, Sales Exper Qrel A'ppty l ' Id/ I J45IO Hl-0211 754·1033 (6-8pm; at Crown· Hlrdware. .~.!'.' ••• ! .•. !~!! •••••• ~======== APllTllEIT 11111. 3107 E C11 Hwy CdM N.B. 3975 Birch. 3660 aq. Iii r COO" 11. or leas. MIA zone. SUNNY'S Executive ran1aat1c oppo1tun11y * " * Agent 541-5032 Stress·ReductlOf\: wllh growing company. .XLNT Salary. depend&· OfflaHlm-outcaJI lmm9d opening for well S750 up 2160 II lndu-631-8377 groom9d apt mgr couple ble • .XLNT oppty. Job 11rlal ·Office 16101 Re-I~~~~~~~~~~ at dill 250 unit comple11 su~~~ ~:~~'io PUB. Balboa la home, S250, *IELHl IFFIOH* Watch this column for places to lst. laal & s 100 sec. From 1 room to 3 rooms t ·rr 966-84791213-864-3107 From S1.18 a sq 11 No dond,o Circle #M & T *** Apartment+ salary Ell· t•l·llll FEE Huntington, Beach. pr'd onl}o 835-5526 • 842·2834. Afl ti p rl Excerpts from an I • or APT. MAN.AGER. Mature Lisi Publlcatlon 1200 sq. 11., front olc. lge Open 24 hra 1 dly couple, e11prd, 27 unlla play Bingo. his column WI leaH required. Adi Alr- 0 "I F to shr 3 br houM w. 1 M, 72 Ou appear each Monday in the at y 1 Fin Hunt. Boh $200. porter Inn. 21 pont. P ~ 8"8-S3l7 Call AM 833·3223 Pilot. "" place your Bingo a or 1--------E>1ecu1lve office suite, ad .all. 6412-5678, Classified A . ~IF shr 4Br hie, Irvine. corner of 405 Fwy, Neer $290 mo. + '.4 ulll. Ml-HarbOr Blvd Take over chael ~51-2255 lease. 1800 aq.11. 111 90C MALE TO SHARE h. Call 75t-6191 rear door. $425 mo. 829 H.B. t Br ept plua $500. COUNTER HELP 1 day• a w.ee1< F s~ Termlnal Way, C M Jacuzzi, Sauna Local• '~8_4_6-_3_1_8_6 ______ PIT. Mon.-rl. - 5 4 O. 9 3 5 2 day a . 88 well 111 Tourlal•. ';ii.pi Manager COll()le. ex-Sandwich, CM 545-486 . 646-0681 -· BankAmerlcard, Amer-perlenced lor 100 unit OOllTER lllLP ltw,trt·Alr,trt lean Expre11, Olnera. All garden apt, Cott• Mesa Mature person. Cefe1trla EVERY FRIDAY DOORS OPEN !l PM IST GAME 6:30 ''"'o NWPT BCH CONDO 645·4224 o 111ce11 n cs us tr I• I welcome 114/645-3433. $750 plu1 bonut plus style reat11uran1. Rae· •.000-14,000 aq 11. All 2112 Harbor Bl. CM apt 642-4907 wkdeys. quelball ·health club, In AIC Hvy Pwr and Llgh-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Babytltler needed for 2 yr Irvine. Eves & Saturdays. Fountain Valley Office ting. Xlnl for R&O end EIOTIO old glrl, Npt Bctt arts, full 1_9_73_-_o_83_8_9_•0_4_. __ _ apace. 2500 iq.tt. at 60t low rate• 720·0621. DUOElll llml Mon-Fri. 630·3482, IEOlllltlll l&LH rem to shr 2 br C.M. a fl . Good upoaure. 2t3-927'""404 673-0322 r I h I /I h PIT. FIT, itlnt comm. (EARLY llRD SPECIAL 8:11) ~~,~~!t~'~!i>~~2~~:~1 &~~ ::r:~~~ i11'r. ~ P!~c~~~la~~[c!!'. ~5o1~ 1 80,,'tt•"••rtlOl•s'-,_* __ l_A_ll_ll_A_l_D_* __ ~~~k,i; ~~or.M~~: 1~!~ 81. Edwlfd Church 751-6191 646-1164 dya. 64S.9543 0 r • Wiii train Personable, 840•5249 Dane Point "96-1307 Female to shr 2 bdrm. 400·900 PLUS 1400 ~ 11 """· Tht Last H1rrah. ..1ary + llP• Job subfeet r---------2 ba N.B. ept, $250 to av-11 * DELIVERY * 720 1645 Penthouse Baytront ul· lll·IHI 111-1111 "' Btt1/1 #t/1/1 4100 J1at1/1 If Si111 4300 -eves le, perkln", pallot •1at1/1 WHIH 4IOO HELP WANTED PUB ••••··'··••••••••••••• •••••••._... .. -.-... ••••••• Mature, resp. person to • 111 ... 11 FEE * DlllYEll * Yearly on the beach, hotel shr 3 br twnhae. Tustin. 573•1003 HEL0Pl0A~i;i~;d~·;t~dj~ Relaxing muaage by ten· Excerpta from Neat Appearance. Cal room. llltchenette & ROOllATE $300/mo + 'h ullls Call Sub·let Eitec otflce ap. conserldale. Garage nla pro• from Laguna llat publication Or lie • Reliable. shower $280/mo. plua .Ann. 542·2880 Prime alrpor1 locale on or unused rm or ? Beach. Wayne or Stev. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $250/wll, Jot> sublect to sec. deposit 2306 W I fllDERS Good address (E Bluft, MacArthur Blvd Price 640·4039 by a pp I 1 0 • 8 P M lllT PAIT TI•E avail Oce11nl rontr Newport Oldest & largest agency. N.B.J. quiet. for mature, redu<:e<l49~~~:-l •----------_54_8_·_28_1_1______ · • HELP WANTED PUB Beach 673-4154 All clients screened with busy exec Pvt balh l=jjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill•liH11/hn1I/ IOOllE lllOTMEllS M II Tift 111·1111 ~llS pho101 & releutnGeS $ 3 O O. non. am k r . t• l'U••t• Be • leiepl'lont promoll-E11cerpts from Riii Bo•fl • CredllS Cosmopolltan 6«·.0369 (eves moally) •SllTI 101.I* •••••••••••••••••••••• Need two r.-ved Mat on clerk lor locel new-llst publlcatlon P••v•t •r•0•0•m••9• •L•0••vl•n•g••c•a•r••·. Good Morning America, o c Alrpon area. Prof l•il•tll llckets to Sept 3 thow at •paper. Private desk, 1---------- T T In Sh Need responalble M/F to 1 t 1 11 •• _.. Irvine Meadows. Call ouual atllre Only r....,ul· Dental bal. diets, rural area 24 he o orrow ow. 2BR B env ronmen · u ..... ce. n.-rtuit. 1005 ...., EJlperlenced RD A nee hr care 559-7107 or ltw trt 141·1111 ~7{1. Mike ~5:.1~CJ· nr. or no ltllls lndlvldual of-•••~••••••'·••• .... _K_ev""'.'""ln_._8_5_9_·5_5_50 ____ rement 11 1 good phone ded lor Ortho.donll~ -!_73~1-~1~2~47~-----~~~~~~~~~~ flees or detk apece 150 .American Prof. Miii now 1111••.J voice and lolS of enlhu-practice In Mltslon v1e10 Male 35.45 ahr 5br 2ba Pvt room & bath. hou... sq 11 • 3500 aq 11 1 MO ixpandlng to So. Calll ltmtll 5310 tlasm Houra area. 830·3703. S•••ll 1 .. 11/1 4ZOO hse nr s C.Plaza/Frwy. ~~::'o~'.'ii.'t3~~4° utll. l~F~R~E~E-~7~5~9~-8~9~7~8~~~1 =~,~~,;kt~:~ 'Caii ••••••-•••••••••••••• Mon·Frl. 5:30·9:30PM tmAL A$11SUIT ;·9;:;,;,;;~·~.·;~;~;;~h; ~~:.4::;5+share ullls. Pvl room & ba1h & en· CCSM dl11 sulle, A/C, ample 1f 7: 4) ~ ~ i, ~; 0V2 1: ~; Ulllll IUTLEIWI Sa~:~~~·~;~~PM Oo you want •car-In street from the beach 1----------trance Nr. Goldenwell pkg, utll pd.' 2855 E Cat Escort for Women Alter lat ~. lhare In Orlho utlllzlng all your S295/Wlt. 675-5068 M/F 10 ahr 2Br. I Ba apt. c 011 e g e s 2 5 0 H .B . Hwy. 875-6900 (800)654-6730. 497·6725 (bet 8am·8pm) par1nerlhlp prollls. ROA skllls? E11ce1 wage & $305 mo. lnci ulll & car-536•0794 • * IH 1030 • • , For Interview, benefits 640-0121 r~~~,,~ ............ . fanh1no 1t1tetlor ON1gn HANo1NOISTRIPPING VIH MC Scou 645.g325 ASR PAPERHANGING 1 y11 IOCel a•I) Ouar work Prlc11 11ar1 at $8/rOll Alec 97g--0e~3 !.f~!! ............. . erlllled Hou .. S111e11 Bonded I 11/day (ev11y 3rd wk'lrM) 63f·t234 ---.- r!!!!!!. !!~~{"-' ..... . Co111ult11IOn & Hand Mada FramH 40 y1111 E11pe11tnee 646·514 1 r1~~!!!t{~ .. ~!~ ...... . ED'S PLASTERING Neal PllChH, lnl/IJCI Re11ucco1 845-8258 PLASTER PATCHING Reotucoo1 ln1/ext . JO )lrl NHI Paul 546·2977 ~!!!~!.'!~1/.~!tf!! ... Remod & addlllon1. free dHlgn & eat Oual & low ratea Steve. 152.g556 ~!!!!~#. ............. . Huber Roofing-all lypee Naw-recover-deck1 lie ,/4 I 1802 548·9734 ROOF REPAIR SPECIALIST $25-S t85 Free eallmate 770-2725 $~1H•I ..................•... MOBILE SERVICE Rescreens/New screens NB/CM 6'42·9552 ~!!!'!!!lJt!!!~~ ••••. Alerm Co (Llc'd) Securl1y ayatems for home & bualnen. Sec survey & ealfm111e tree 645·5898 It!!~~!!!! ....• : ..•... SERVICE & REPAIR Van Opp~a Service Co. (7 t4f 838-4666 .... ' FI!!.~~ ......... . I LOW AATet I rr .. 1nmmlng & removll, au ~ & '1\0'#lnQ &6•·7017 ........ tall SUMI TrM Work wllh • Con· 1c1enc•" Trimming & removal by Howerd Doi· 1011 P o Bo• 34, Colta Me11. Ca 92827. Ph 842-t932 !~'.'.'!~I. ............ . Mott 11UbJec11. K· 14 Oey/eve $5 & I IO/hr Mr M0toan 646-6 m1 !!'!~~!t:.~~~~~!~1 ..... "Lei the Sun1hlne In" Call Sunehlne Window Cleaning, ltd 548-8853 20"1. Monthly 011eoun1 LET US MAKE YOUR WINDOWS SPARKLE! Sa111 guar 8311·6331 If it's got wheels, you'll move It faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser wi ll help you turn your wheels into cash. EUllllS ltELP WAITH PART TIME ssss GET A TANI Be a carrier counselor No exp Ideal for etu-denlS & homemakers ror a local newapaper Up 10 I lO/hr Ha,,. fun No e11perlence necea-aary Work only 12 hour a lmmed openlnga FT I a week $75 to llart plus PT Comp! 1ramlng Call addlllonal share ot part· Mr Fuller, 964-3457 nershlp'1 proms HOSTESS M/F. -n•ec:l 10 A real fun lobl eern extra income & Management opportunl· par11c1pate lree In e lies F=or Interview c all highly effective lo coat, •lier 8:00 PM 642-5676. small group habit retrSJ· ext 312 nlng class for weight control Refs avail For Executive Secretary Info can. 835-337 t Once 10 President and Vice-& F<>" All President ol fall growing l·IN_S_U_R_A_N_C_E ____ _ company In San Cle· menle Muat be proll-IROIP IULTI clertl lyplsl with aknts In CUJ9I W•lln dlclaphone. Vydec word Minimum 2 years e11per processing Computer Should be ramlllar wllh oacl\ground helplul RVS. COB and Medical Non-smoker Salary gr°"'p coniracts. Xlnt open References requl-benellls. Salary com· red. Immediate opening mensura1e with exper Call for 1ppo1ntmen1, Saddleback Valley Area. Kathy. 714-492-6801 Call 837-9830 Experience In video nles I p II I _. & systems 1ns1a11111on •r llO ,.,.,., Excell wage & benefits Oala Entry Person n ... Call Valerie for Interview ded lor second shllt, 3 6 2 9 pm-midnight Mu11 be appl 4 • l 44 responsible Paid Com· Exp weekend recepllonlll peny benefits Salary needed for re11 estate commensurate with e11- com p any 1n lrvlne & perl ence Call Kate, Costa Wesa Call Suzan. 549-8909 631-0213 ,_L_l_IA_l_l_E_C_afT_U_Y_ FIH llTIITll Nawport Canter Real Your orlglnal, llrst-qualtty Ea late l.ttlgellon firm anwork may be used In needs uper Legal Sec'y, our n ation w ide art-iclnl typing. dlCtaphOne & marketing eflo'1 Volume shonhand a muat Salary sales of beller lltho-1_o_pe_n_6_4_0_·6_960 ____ _ grapl>S Is our business For delalls cell Mr Mer- lin 857-8869 Fre1t ltflot ll•ot11t/M1111er For quality Dental Pree· tlce In CM. Mature, ••· per'd . personable * MICHlllST * FIT. Journey, good pay, XLNT e>ppty Job subject to avall HELP WANTED PUB. 131-Hll FEE uce<pla lrom llst pob11ca11on OOEHFROIT port 675-0282 2:i: ~ 1~ 0:~~1~ ~~!c'61~~ •• ~~!1' ••• ~! ........... !". I S4SO ce111111er 6PM· IEITAL lal~ta Pt1la111la F rmmte. S300/mo, ullla W 19th SI Colla Meta Wanted. Flnanclst Backer .!!.~•••••••••••••••• 142-llll AlllLWlf.ll --------I G d 2 slry 4br, 4 bll. dining. pd, Nwpl Shores, N.B C•111.11 lfl Jiat 4350 · ' to help eatabllah glass Round trip LA. to At11nta. Furniture mover 24+ yrs, Maintenance er ener. gient TV acreen, hol tub, ._•_re_a_._n_r _be_ec_h_._64_5_-_2_5_4_7 L•l•m••1te•d··a·c·c·e·a·a·.·•10•r••1•,•0: ·~~-~-~-h-~u-~-~-o_._•_e_•_M_r_•_ blowlng •'1111 In Laguna 111 class. 1960 value, tlT 312 Newport Center Dental $5/hr to start. MUST preler ov~r 4o yrsle lor 83t-1420 modern kltCh. 2 car gar .-.-studio. 497-8763 aacrlllce $500 cash Va-Group continues lo have ictn1 driving record ept. compe•. exper nee Av all now to 911 5. Shr 2 br, 2 ba C M. 11p1. r age only Hunt. Bch SUNNY Newport Beach lld 1 1 557 7196 grow Pleasant. busy, MUST be relleble. clean necessary 5.a-9555• 675-7650 nlcely decor. fully furn. downtown $50/mo. Pallo Offk:e 833 Dover, ll•il::I," 'lt•ll 0' 8 y!tt · ' Binder)' Poaltlon. Training establlahed office needs cul. potlle, hardworking 12·7 $250/mo + '1 utlls 960-1197 Suite 2 $308/mo I ' 5035 573•34 1 J toward mtnagement In a 1ron1 office person, 11 you do nol meet lhese, ... ________ _ ,_6_45_-_9_3_90_1_11_. _5 ____ ,Slngle car gerege, atorage 631-1094 ...................... li•/n.1•1 printing shop. Newport also a chalrsfde assla· aiandards, cson'I apply 1" V•t1li,. 1 .. 11/14250·-c 1----------I.I, l&llllll ••"'•~"·•••••••••••• Betch 844-6233 tant This la an oppcrtu-1 Management ••••••• ••••• •• ••• •• ••• SUPER 4 br. 'fa. 1ennts only. North 011a Mesa. IEll IPAOE OI• .. ~ It I ldNll • 1 Star,vlng Actors Mov ng Ufott• Markets BEACHFRSONT WINTER courts. lrpl, 275 mo $60/mo. 546-7214 Atlrectlve rulllc upt11Jr1 11• • a'°2'nd l•1lr•tll1• 1005 BOOKKEEPER ~~~1!:. ~~~e:il~g P;~,: Co 673-0853 ll1•f. Tral•tll RENTAL Npt Bch. Oct 759·1428 Mtllng We aupply detk. Special zing In 11t •••••••••••••••••••••• ronmenl 640•1122 Generel Help. earn up 10 10 May 2 BR, or 3 BR, Fem roommate wanted to Ollitt l••l•I 4400 1p1oe, copier You IUP-TO's alnoe 1949 Now Ertroltlng: No enroll· Mature 6 hourt per S•OO week taking anap .. Ill fHr Oaner n e w I Y r em ode I e d Share turn Ocean Front • • • • • ••• • • •••• • • ••• • • • ply phone. & $115 pr mo Robt. Sall!« NH/CM ment 1 ... S3 t .90wk lnci week V•lnarl•n Dental Assistant, l\Jll lime. shOIS In your area Ame-Sier! your ,_ career on 714-544-2484 winter ren111 Leg Bch. WCITIYI AITIS pr deal! Call 644·7211 R E. Broker Bd Realtora hOt lunch 646-5423 644-a 160 8·5 PM lronl & back olllce ••· leur photographera nee-our 3rd shlh, Mining $4 • ,. JOO 9115 5325 IRVINE Phone enawe· 1----------642-2171 545-0611 1--------------------parlance, ROA .X-Ray llc. ded, P/F' time, no exper ,.1111 I• •i11e 4 Avail ring. conl. rm, utll pd. 2000 eq ft w/600 aq II WIDOW HAS us for TD'• Jui WutH 1011 hHtH,.r P/T req . ulary open, bene-'d w 1 Up 10 S4 ~ 11 you ~ ·~.;·•••••••a•••••••••• 1•240-7005 af1 6 PM actry ••rva. etc Al10 11orage, OC Airport RE Lo•n•. tOK Up. No N7::.:.:..·,·Aj~:::~;·.:_::,: w1nt uper'd non· ms,NewportBeacharea ~n1::~.rro.Bo~t;,~ ;~~·b:'opr~o~~·,csedy~~ -All Ill EIUTll M/F 10 shr CdM house· 2 desk space $150/up a r •a S 2 0 0 0 Imo Credit Check. No Pen· v•-.,. -,,..... amoker for hHVY A/C 642-8680, eves & wknds Montebello. Ca 90640 Has beaulllul homea In lge br s. 1 ba, lrplc, aun-540-9745 851·8g29 Illy ....... -ntaon & 6·~. tlon a• companion. Payabl• W/Saleg1td 673·3403 vmgel1mtca'11· au71~.53aory7 .... '!' Laguna-Dana Pl to lhsre d~ & lndry 3 blk• rrom •---------.,..,., ,...~ cn•uffeur °' aide 10 II· 5 d t bl IEIH&L IFFIGE .. _....., $ 3 o o I up on a y beach 5360/mo, ullls 450 sq. 11 $1.00 per aq. lrwNllT IUOI 1_&_7_3-_7_3_1_1 ______ derty or Ill. 545-9380 Y•· goo • pro •m Dental/Fronl OtflGe. plea· 1 lnlervlews held every 494-1294 Incl 675·!721 II., 4001 Birch , N.B Private Office $495 ,_R_e_ll_t_b-le-la_d_y-.. -1-n-la_P_/_T S~~"J·h::'~)coi;I~;. 11nt. busy ettabllsh•d :~o~":io~Yf~~j~: Wed 7-8 pm al 111 Del •• , ••••••t• 1----------1 Agent 541·5032 BrlllCh Office .. $75 A•••ut1•1•l1/ work. 1n1urance. PBX. 8-12 hr/wk -llexlbl• office needs eul. front Busy office Call Judy 11 Mar. Costa Meu and n People Who need people A _,1 Strvtce $40 1 I r/ olc mgr 4 day work every Thura 9am-noon al Con1act largeat Gay should always check the t61~eatcll~, N.B 11256 ns ~2 8408 • 111•,••.! ' Gen off. Lore 764·1581 1140-9193. 9;3().5·30 week CM. 645-7580 642-5830 1390 N C11. Hwy . Leg. Male Female service In Service Direct""' In the to aq, · 151· oor • Wll •••• Houaekaeplng and coo Bulldl"" MalntenanGe er1· Government JOBS Many Bch. E. 0 . E. So. Calll 540-6716 DAIL y PtL6T Agent 541·5032 so LAGUNA. 3 Arch Bay. A •••••••••••••••• ··,·,·oo·· k Ing HrVICH In .. : per only 40 hr 'NI<.' Cell HITAL OFO aECEn. lolls available In us and ~~~~~~~~~ ;::;-.....-----===.J .... -=======---= 2 Sult•• avail. Gd Hwy •••••t••••ll onenna for n11v11e room 676·6101 btwn 8 -4 . 548-5588 Overseas For directory, VJ1lbHlty 497 -2351 •• •• ••• • • •••• • • • ••••• • .... ._ ,..... MARKETING IEllOMAllllllli ( t ) ) W4NTBD { ___ <:05 ____ ....,) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • • • Good E11rnin9s Super Trips Great Prl1es ' CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT · Dally Pilat 642-4321 ,. p1ychlc Reading• and bath. 645-1433 Mon·Frt Reaume & rets DISHWASHER-Morn or call (3121 888-4347, •~• hwptrt ltaoll (Splrltual) Iii J WHIH 1100 _r_eq..;.u_l_red_. -----eve. Apply btwn 2·4PM. J·19 Office aulte overlooking Ja~ (714) 558-1178 ••~'-••••••••••••••••• * IUS llllYEll * 342111111 lido. N.B. Hardware saie. PIT. semi Newport Harbor. LHt Coate Mesa autl\ort c•ll AtttllfHI .Ir, Cius II req. Grtat Salary Domestic retired type, Apply In space avalleble Approx 648·8845. 54&-5274 re-f)l(pandlng Newport + Btneflll. XLNT Opply. Live-In housekeeper, peraon. Crown Hard· 1 • O 0 0 • q f I . gerdlng authors recognl· Beach credit ctrJ co Job eubleot to avell. cooking. cltanlng, & ware, 3107 E. C11 Hwy, 714·645-7100 !Ion nigh I hat opening In their IC· HELP WANTED PUB. T. l.C. Kevin 545-124 I 1_C_d_M _______ _ •• ,." UlllAJll counting dept, Appll· 1•1.Hll FEE blr 913. 12-4PM. MULTI OUI SCRIM LETS cant• muat hav1 2 yre • Exec. SultN Incl. r9oept.. n • college ecctng & 1 yr ExCltlfpta from llAlllllll "c'y Hrve, conl. rm., ANSWERS praolfcal e11pe1, 10 key 1111 publlcttlon CIHtlll•td Adi ere th, '1 M.V • C.M . Anh . H B .. kit .. mall handlg. Au· n adding mach touch, cal· •----------anawer 0 • succeaa u G G tocallon1. Salary & pon1lv1 to your bullnea1 Cloudy . Juice oulllor. ContaC1 W. s.t-Trtde yourdolld llulllhfor ~!'~or yard aelel lt'1 a comm. to $25.000. 48 hr need•. Adi. 405 Fwy In 11 y , M 0 n . Fr 1, new goo •• w t a ..... uer way to tell more wk Incl. tvu & wknda F.y lndlv. ofoa. Mo/mo. Upper. BEICiket 8AM-4:30PM 759-7900 Clualfled ad. 842·5878 peoplel 869·1983 $~~i!~9 10 EIPElllEIOE IEOUlllEI • Cll'MI Opportunity • Young Minded People Onty (714) 84~-4543 --fri>ln 1325. 963--84'4~. PICKL ----------l ~t;i;•t:~:.~ A1m:~: 1~~~~.T~~~~ a ~.f!!f!'!!~!.. ........ ~.f!!f!'!!!! .......... ~.f!~!~! .......... ~.f!!f!'!~! ........ .. Sm offloea nr Hoeg Hot· pltal, tome warellou11 1pece 1vall Cheep 642·1622 grMn bellldet having the malure, dependable. A/P lfj,./1 I lfi,.11 I ld,.11 I lli..U I whole country rn • cter'k for high volume r• Ja1tn11lu 1111 lallnttln 1HS la1l1stll•• 1Hf J.1trwtlu 1115 PICKLE. tall grocer. Mual neve ·~··•••••••!.!..!.!!. ••••-.!..9••••••_!_!.!_•••.!_••_!.. ••• ••• • ••••••••••••••••••• NWPT SCH EXEC SUITE SEMINAR FOR WOMEN mini mum 2 yr1 P•Q Full Hrvlce. rHt r11e1 S20 per perton board 1)'81911'1 •11peft.fl· Xlnl IOC 752·64011 Tlelcet Oeadh Sep. t Qe, Job entail• m1lnt• '.'l.-i •-t·-' ~~,, Cell 642·7259 for Info. nenc. of puretleM and .... ••• ~ •• dl1buraement j0Yrn111. n•••• .. ••••••••••• .. • WJ/ • ftU' fJlf Good Hlery, b•n•flte, Beautlful ••9Cl.ltW. Off10e r.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.·1 and opportunity 10 ed· • M.tlt• plul WllTllhouN In 1• Vanot with tl'tlt~~ prNtlgtou• Ote!On center ,..~11 ,_. .. 7 on Redhlll. 1718 aq. fl. fnllUI\ S company . .,. v 676-3U2 from 10·5: uunu AD ,_for_1n_terv19w __ ·~--- 0-4...,9939 1fter e. liflWi &mm'I Of bull. off~ wl ARE FREE ........... ...., phone & 700 aq ft of y11d New atudlo In N.-.pon In C.M . on P11oent11. Cal·, Area. E11perlancie n••· 1250/mo. 8484332 ded. Top pay Atk for Appro)t 2.000 eq ft 11or•. Hl·Hll Cl~om. &36-4164 choice locallon. air I~~~~~~~~~ Work 192·7731 oond.. N;r.r,ort Bl11d •1 Aid .. Hwl>Or. <71 ) 874-1921· Loll: PASSPORT Certified Aide ind 1n -" A I• 842· 1 tot Al~ AMl•t.nt tor actflle Offtc. blntd /llQhl retir.metlt ~ In N.I . com w ,.,....i. ,,.. , 1:$0 ram. 10 1:io em. work t hop • 1torag• • .-1110 •••••••••••••• ·.;; .... 1 ... .,... Lg OWl'l'tMd dOOf COID8 • Would IOYt to 1---~~_,.-~~--tcC*8. 2 min from Lido pert; with you. Cell 8'11 ... ~ 1.Ufl lalt . C1ll ...... IOo •el< or )(a1lly eny t tme. 1t•re'IAUZ1 for Vlclty or Anni 2 131804-323$ CfMtlflM Ml 141-Ml'I - WE HAVE THE ANSWER! YOGA IN THE MORNING! Sri Devi •Peace of mind •Healthy Body •Brealhlng •Deep Relaxation •Whole Body Approach •Toning •Tension •Mcdillltion FRIE DEMONITRATION Tuet. Morning Aug. 11 10 A.M. Clea ... begin the MXt day Wed., .. pf. 1 •t 1:30 A.M. YOGA CENTER . Of Callfomla 441 I. 11th It. (btwn Tu1tln & trvtne St.) (A NofMl'roftt educ•ttonal Foundation C.O.ta Mela Ph. I• m1 1 ,. tor your ou111rown btk• • Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Monday, Augu•t 30, 1982 DOL DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It ano1her 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, m_uat be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non..felundable. l•tr• UMe t1,00) 31Nl!S Cl.ASS I Fl OLLA AS s642-5678 -• . w. ,. 11~ A II IOIO ,.,.11.,, 1110 Of/In ,.,.11.,. ' ... ,J:;.~11'' • I010 ~-~!!l.!'!!r!! .. 1.~~f ll1t11trtl!•I 1•·1.,.,.m/ !•J1..t~'!!..u!J.ff r.'t/l.."1.'!11. •••• !.~~ ~!!I. •• ~........... .!//..~!~~~ •••.•.••••• ····a··c··o····N·o···r -.·e·L·.:· Lal••••' '°'' ...................... LAAOl!ST JEEP DEALER StHllll fJJ, ....,,,. ,,,, "'.Tl •&all RU Tl INI "' "' • •• "';l.i/5. ••••• •••••••• C •••••••••••• •••'/'• • • 11111 lllL ._. ,...,.... lale1 Aefrlg 10 cu tt, no tro11. WITH FOUR CHAIRS O!SKS FOR SALE 8tlp• avelllbl•. or one In tt'Mt Weit • •• •••• • •••• • • • •••• •.. ••• Mull have exper. Hourly Wtfy not try tim. aharH FollOw up, no cold calla avocedo. &Int 1 175 1 160. 720.1021 Dok• and metchlng del M., ., ... S9 pr fl dHperately n"d• weo• neo. H1-4G91 end make tome money PIT. Coate M ... ore FOf 842·81171 chi lra tt 111crlllc• p1lc1 P • g g Y or C • r' 11 y01Jr JEEP Meture counter ~reon, lot• onenge? 7111·3 191 Info. Cell 631·1200 Alk DlahwHher. portable, 6 Choe :r~:~o':rn1 Cond at $650. A•pttcement 0611·2,.73 wkdy1 1·6 H~~~~l~r=~ld PIT. Herbor Cl11ner1. ~nt Clel'k for retail for Mr. Carson. cyclH. h1rv111 gOld 8 $85 , ' 720· t021 coat 12300. CALL OAWN 41 Ft, IHrl•C IUHI OIUT 11-476 H1rbor IM, Ftn V1y ~hint atOl'9. ParMlme TeletthOnl s.... mo new, runt IJ«f. 1160. 9·5pm M·F 833-MOO exc1ll1nt Newport Her-u•o/ •ttP/lll••tLT 839-2666 pOeltlOn. Mon-Fri, Expe.. E1rn Big Money by the ~2-8571 HVY WROUOHT IRON Ouk. black mete! with bor IOC Near PvbllC -.. ------~-.,,,...--1 l'tMol ~red. Call for beach, 1300· StOOO/ l/rn/u IOZO tOUNGE & CHAIR wood grain formic• top Dook. 115,000 564-2328 2624 Harbor 81\ld., CM Meehyanlc·•ucto MacG11~31• 11P9t. 644-6070, A1k IOf week C•ll 636·7511. •••••••••••••••••••••• w I •,m100 720 1~2'1 b I• Made by Steel cue PIER up 10 28. 1 150/mo 549·8023 ~5-7770 or aoht orp.. K.tle SCHWIN~Bo •• 2-4" V•r· $150 548-8480 • ,L 1!110 Placenll1, Coate M.... UllPTlllllT T1l1l'HI ltfl1lt1n altu tO· , xlnt cond. I.I 11. IOTS 18' S 100/mo Mercue it•~•I Ne ••... 1mmedl1lelu 19'0 5•... "''"" wood delkl ptvt Mll C Ch1nn•I e73 ... a 145 ...................... . Medical ReoeptlOnlal For bu1y Chiropractic Ideal 10~ atudentt or h~· · "" ••••·w····,··~····~··••• oftlce equip. Reuon1t:>le • II LI • I 1tlt PIH In oehlhalmolc:ll>'· )(Int o,llCI. Min. typing 55 mtmlktr•. Houre. 3·9. Olrl'• Schwinn Bea~h .. •• .... priced 875-9t37 "" •• • •• otllllll XLT wor ~con ~~:n•. ~M. gOOd figure• •Ptl· No Mlllng. Airport erea. crul911, $60 Boy I WHttr• l1lllllH II 1 I Or ,., IOfO BY OWNER 4 cyl , 5 apeed 1r1na & Hunt. · 64'"3 · tude. a..e Mon/Fri. f)cp. Call between 9· 12. 27·1nch1 llgrtt weight IOITllWEITllll •• ~~! ....... f •..•.••.. 3o· Dock. power or lull r1ew tlria Ready to gol * 1111 TllllEI dealred, non amoklng 640-4847 Aller 1 pm, 10-apd, ,30 Neatly new 3 1792 Camino Capl· Electric Plano, Wurlitzer. I down mut, $ 160 mo (R88595) s-tw'd. CM 831·5&90 986·0t51 Exercycll $50 548-3088 11reno, Sen Juan C1p1. 'tr old. Ideal for apt 875·0852 OILY $31115 * Aeateurat\I Bookkeeper, TOPLESS MODELS Cue tom built cruiser, 5 atrano $850 673·8701 l1w11er1 IHI lllJ Motivated end rell1bl•. eccountlno IXplf helpful. $76 OAY • PAIO DAILY apd. •II atrH. mu11 -493-1023 $ ,,,. a.Hi IOl4 \JP TO 44 " $6/hr +comm. Benefit•. Pllt·tlme. Apply In per· no exp nee • 826·2683 $250 oflet 131-3402 ll•t•J., 1011 .r. .... I.............. $350 month 873-4424 Job IYbJect to avlll. eon 9-11 •I Joah SIO· ' 11·~1 •••••••• !T............ SCUBA GEAR 0 Ts PS •v •1L•eL· HELP WANTED PUB. cuma Aeetaurant, 2601 mflT • ••I Radial arm uw. 1295 Complete, $300 e A LI " " " .,. .11 .... nr .,, I I 1oz• .()907 NewpOrl Beach 40' & 45' -.. W. eoe.t Hwy, NB Pert lime, 3 at1erno • ••• '!~!!!.!.~ .•...•••. ~ O B O. w/•tand a nd (714) 862 Call 642•460 lrom 9.5, bcerpla trom Retell S11e1p1r1on. lor P e r w 1 e k · C d /FT blade 848•4005 SOO Mag Weatherby 2 X 7 Mon-Fri THEODORE ROBINS FORD lOOO HAAaOa ILVO co~ TA MUA 042 . OOtO lltl put>Ucatlon Children• •lore, exper 955-3004 llOW 310 '1 lli1tel11an., IOIO Redfield Scope $100 SLIPS avall Huntington ••lllll. fllll only P/T FIT, Petite nPllT Redwood 2x8 deck ng ••• ,................... 831-2877 H b B II '11 LUY PICKUP T M ....... CM 842 47t4 4-20' long lllO redwood Antique mahogany cebl· a r our Y • WI r I ho u • e FI T .,....,.., · • Needed part/lime In our fencing. C~ll Jim or Ken net with orig. RCA radio Mena large O'Neill wet 7 1 4 • 8 4 O . 5 5 4 5 . Elita clean with very IOw 731·527i Selee-Fllhlon Contultan1 Coll• Mesa ottlce Call anytime, 775-1-491 & record playar-$7500. suit. Xlnt cond 646-7766 mllea. (1S05407) Redu· llllllY S&LEI Top •• lrff wardrobe. 10 ..... ~2-8488 c & "JVC" leble AM/FM $80. &46·2017 ·--s·~,J' Ced lo 1f'ideP90dence. 730·9080 VETERINARY HOSP Ornamental Iron orner stereo radio with 8 track. PRIMO SPRING .-.'!( ,.,,.,,.. •010 $3375 Looking for personebll. or 7s1--4347 elngle column 1 h88 .,., JI neal, energeUc peraon needs one PI T A.H.T. paneta. $40 648-1888 & record ptayer·S75.00. WET SUIT. $45 •••••••••••••••••••••• BILL MAXEY TOYOTA able lo grow with a well s ..... PIT, RelaJI Fabric and two kennel ... ,,. bathroom "marble type" 548-2017 4 x 8 It Custom slate pool 19202 Beach Blvd "let:>Uanect Co. Min 1 yr, Store, An 1 . ( 7 1 -4 ) tants Call 831· 1030. C1l1 1035 alnk In I door & 2 drawer WAVE TOOLS table $500 Pleaae call Hnlingtn Bch 962·0829 ,., ... nu,'Mf'Y Mlllng 9X• 772-4471 WAITER OR WAITRESS B··,a·c··k··.·m-·o·k·,··;,~·r~i;~·. cabinet plus matching 2 SURFBOARD $90. 760·6234 evaa 'd. F/llme. Slat door wall cabinet & 1---------Musi sell 1975 Datsun per. req . 0 . I . SALES PERSON wanted needed at luxury Laguna Mele, I yr, $150 obo "marble type" wall shell, 548·2017 Pickup, Great condition. 11:;8 Hl•ry 19o to 1• w/expfl(, for retail store, Beech 11°111 Restaurant. 957-0607 all tor onl~ $100 00, SCUBA GEAR f11•'J!'!tl•tl,. New 11res. shocks & 2 per mo. Pd. holldlyt L1gun1 8ch part-time Full Time Position for hor•• blan et·$20.00·, 2 ••••• •••••••••••••••• bra .. es As"lng $2400 & vacellona. HolPfllllza· 494.551() . t:>raakfest and lunch lhlt1. ..... 1040 av Steel tai;ik, alum tank. ll•l•tlie' lih1 1140 a• • tlon Ina. avail. Interview Contact Lola Beloit ":':'-•••••••••••••••••• g Ir I' a r Id Ing hat regulators & acceu. BC •••••••••••••••••••••• Oarlene. 492-3327 or LOOK FOR GAEA T MOTORCYCU VALUES IN THE FRIDAY EDITION OF THE DAILY PILOT! ~ ... '.'.' .. tr~!'.'.~ ... !.~!'! ~ ... ~~.!!'!r.!~ ...... . Top Dollar Paid For Your C11tl .IOHSO• I IOI u ... , •.• ., ... 'J 2828 Harbor BIY Costa Meaa 540-5&30 Premium prlcea paid for any uaed car (foreign or domestic) In good condition. Sea Ua Flr111 lllW 1112 ..•......•.••••••..... CHOICE INVENTORY VOLU&AL.ES IOI loLAllE• ••• Sales-Service-Leasing 850 N Beach Blvd LI Hebra 122·11U Open Sunday by appl. only. Cell Tue 8.... 497.4477 Ill tlle41HH 11111 (small)-$25.00; new car Atl 11lnt $250 all. 2484 '62 PUCH-MAXI, brend 631 ·4875. thru Fri. 648-7441 llOIRED1 Sign up nowl For Info: floor mats-(4)·$20.00. Santa Ana Ave CM new. never uaed 1450 1--,-7-9-T-O_Y_O_T_l__ Sales·Servtce-Leeslng LLOYDS NURSERY Call: 847-7888 FV new 14 Inch llghl alloy Med diving wet suit, xlnt 640·86011aave rnsg I Looking lor extra In· ·Well lr111ft14 rims (BMW'•l set or Losgbed Pickup. very '11120111 &rt ltr• NURSES AIDE, exp1r. come? Try Part· Time . Self starter wented 10 Min grey poodle, 3·~ yrs. •·$200.00: two rtew con· cond $50 ~484 Senta '79 MOTOBECANE Un· clean ( 1p382601 Nice Selection! only. for 3 10 1 t end 11 Mlel. Tueedey thru Fri· organize and admlnster needs good loving home unental ateel belled ra· Ana Ave. CM. de1 100 mllM, has bas· $3lll * '78 2002. 4 spd .. sn/rf to 7 1hlt1a. Compellllve day, 9 AM 10 12 Noon. newspaper morgue. Per-Free to the right 111mlly dial tires 195170 HR kets. $400 840-8601 'll.ltll 11.111~.1 111111 1917PVBJ ulary, ucel. benelltl Apply PENNYSAVER, manent position. Day· 760·8006 14-S 100.00: BMW 3201 ,..,, , ,,,,,.. leave message BILL MAXEY TOYOTA I ,,,, I \11 '·' 1111 tlHI • '79 3201, auto., AIC and good working eon· 1880 Placentia Ave. time houra. Salery $250 SHIH TZU AKC PUPPIES hoodmas~$20 00; mlr· 1:.•l••••t VESPER small molorblka, 19202 Beach Blvd. (5467750) dlllone. Conv1l11c1nt ~~~= ~ Aak for Mra. to atart. Light clerical Camp line, Fa/M, Haor: r o ' m e d I c I n e ••• ~.~··•••••••••••• 50 Special. 700 mll'fa Hntlngtn Sch 962-0829 H1~~'8:~~~5~81:;:~1:'1'64:,~ • '79 3201; 4 ac:>d , loa- _H_OllP __ ll_aJ_N_B_. 64_2_-~ __ . -1----------duties. Please aend lelle< led color• Ouer from cab1ne318·S20.00 Call 1 .. et•l IO/O only, good H new, $450 69 For .. FlOO, V8, 4 spd, rn est I c or I o re 1g n d+~801 (73728!~. fls""' antrf" Pa-TI• W1U •a• •1 and resume to Ad No s2oo 539·0925 842-01 •••••••••••••••••••••• OBO 551·1384 Iller "' "' " ,,... _, ~ 1064. Delly Piiot. PO Box · 38' Richardson Sport 630pm AC. new tires. body 551-8285 1659zOK) College credit available Waler Works Supply t560. Costa Mesa. CA FtH I• f•• IHS ~hi l(Clml Fisher Sleeps 6 Alklng r---------straight, nds pain I •·A--- 1 ---.. ---• * '80 5281, euto, sn/rf !1~57t081~•k ~a:';. a'nald0 ne.'ouc'a"~ ~~':',P,;~1~9~2~62~7~~~~~~~ ....................... 8 to 20· tong, 36c per tt $16,000 (2131918-6437 ·11 Puch M!,xi' Mop!d 1_s_1_35_0_4_9_4._68_7s ___ .!.'!!i .• ~1!'.'.'.. ••••••• (-4&6ZOJ) V'W" .... I· Freeto goodhOme.2yrM 775·1-49t anytime. Wiil lrede 840 I C Sect Perfect con ... ton un ... ar 'll CHEVY ••• ,,, 1101 na.an1 ge. <714~5· Hulky/Germ. ShlP mht. SAFE 17, T8S, R5E. Riverside warranty Bargain at ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• '208 w. 1'1, Sante Ana PUT 1WI 11'111/Ulll S. ••• r.••.• •• W ••• n ••••••••••• good W'/klda, •flectlo-MaJe>r Model 1712 Counly for aell or power $325 548-3088 • Longb,\cl.,l'lckup with 68 Sunbeam 4 dr. IOOlla Cloled Sunday E~ and/or ........... _ .. ,, P ti I '° nete 831"8678 $200 (714)662-0907 boat 833.0013 Approx ll•t•r-"lll/ aux ta '.°"(tMt5933) good, runs good $1295. ·-.. ...,._,., art me, 111p1r ence lfi t' I .. t ~r• $2975 557 5659 C ri f11S Reapontlbll ldulta, OYW r:qulNd. 875-0!_0$? .. l!!.~.f.!!.....!.t..... ASSETTOwHqyNo male" Cllrpet Sale Used & 2nds; $50.000. StHl•ll ,, so . --.fl. .•••.......•••...• 2 r.Mth~tndlng:' • SECRETARY. FANT OFC Mon/Tues. Atari, desk, >'11 old. ner tranllr . Isl quality. $4.99 sq yd INFLATABLE SEVY LOR •••••••••••••••••••••• BILL MAXEY TOYOTA Aa'i 1111 '71 Capri, -41,000 ml, sun trectlve pereonalltlH to Adv Agency. Good ty-drapes. bOoka. (tel II & must find gd home !or & padding & lnatallallon 10' ANT EC Never used t976 Hu ally l25 MX. In 19202 Beech Blvd. •••••• • • •••• • ••••••••• roof, Immaculate. $2950. work with youth (egH ping end phone voice self help). hula c;oetum11, Fred. 492•8243 Lrg aelectlon. 838·5543 $100. 536·6574 perfect condition! Mual Hntlngln Sch 962-0829 IO Aa41 1000 Tar~ 548-8513, 759-0838 10• 14). Call 2-SPM • eaeent1'1. Shorthand 1 sllve<, mlac 820 Geneva Adorable furry 8 week Old sell for ONLY S-400. Cell 28.000 miles, fully loaded &42-4321, ut. 348. EOE ..... Opportunity 10 ad· (ott Bch/lndy) kittens. Need gd. home Hoap bed. etec., w/ IHll lluia• Mark at 845-2038 II no ·74 Ford Courier, ha1 sunroof, gd c:ond Like ~. SeMiry commen· 551•2135 trapeze, wheelchair, r.;/ •••I HJO a newer, pleue keep camper, cell ah 6PM. new 113 .400 OBO. PUT Tm ~ with experience ...... rt ... ti w 11 k er . crutch ea .••• "';l.!f •••••••••••••• trying evening• t>eat 549-3579. 6 4 5 • 8 2 1 1 Eve 1 • ••• la.. C4111cafol.10 am-12 pm .•• -.-;1"; •••••••••••••• : fat•llatl llSO 968• 1225 AVON red 1t1n w/motor '12 •Ill& llLIWIH 77 FORD C750 Heavy 857-968-4 days. Enjoy WOf'klng with klCS.. _5_5_7_-064 __ 2_____ NEWPORT HEIGHTS •••••••••••••••••••••• llOlllE LOYlllll ~~~16~~~nd '395 1nter1tat1, 450 ml. duty van. 22· box, one '79 Audi 50008 Lo ml. Wortt event""•· We trlill 450 Catalina Or.lcomer **I BUY** I have aomethlng beautl· S4200. 645·7«-t ton 1111 gate. side doort & Auto • ..ir. anrl, i..... bYy .... 11.mTUY/ml Braad.-Shlrta. lew JIJlU· ruT e 30" hTgh aeramTc ! larlellt wl1eli11. ron up rNrM&nyllxt?ll"l. out $6150. 960-6515 . ~Mlo~c'!ri ~.r,:: to C.F.O. of Npl Sch An. qu.. turn, toys, blcyel• Good uaed Furniture & h 0 r 9 e 0 n 1 Y s 7 5 No 30,1. 1600 88 1 No 171 •O•ll 01100 Guerenteed new engine. l---------I 'Svaea. Firm. Challng.. (boys) Appt111ncaa-OR I will sen 840 8709 / k da 83 7000 Ml LIKE NEW drive t111ln. Michelin tires. lllW f11Z ~~~2~-43~2~1~·~X~3~48~~~~ ,._pon. pqsltlon. Good or SELL for You • eves w n 32 $700 661· 87 $850 • 645--4·1·99 $8100. PP 6'40-2076. ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• :: typing. 1nc1. 11at11t1ca1, llAITtlll AIOTIO.. llH LIDO ,.,,, P•r111 1040 • II • I •110 '81 vw pie~ up 1ruc 1c. PAYROLL S/H Mlllla & aptitude tor ll1tdH"I• 141·1111 111·1121 llHllllSI •••··'•••••••••••••••• ill Ill, illH JI diesel LX Blaupunkt Reatauran1 chatn Corp nwmb9re, exper. req'd. •••••••••••••••••••••• Classic 18' Lapetrake •••••••'•••••••••••••• Office In Irvine need• c .. 64().0123 A. • 1005 If Flll•ITllll Custom 8x 15'. auto, Cent bl boat 4 cyl llle&I lor the fisherman. AM/FM Slereo. $7200 exper. payroll aupenrlaor ---------•• .'!I!.'.~ ••• •••••••••• L I I 057•8133 heal. Ian. wet er. lights Grfr•/'/35oJ 675.e 161 ' family or live In u · 16' 494-4366 to take cherge of re•· ... ETUY M \J ST · S E L L • e• $7500 orig. $2000 YRU Scoteman. 101d11 of sto--T0-Y-0-1a-.-t 6-A-M-/F,,.M-S.,..t_e-_1 11urant payroll. Knowing Full ttll'M for Newport DIESPERATElll Womens Queen Bdrm set. almost dlll4SS8fTlble. 675-0695 •118 SPUll rege & reedy to go · one reo cassette. Small computer payroll ta e Beech Jewlah Temple, 10 apd bike. Sears Free new, all solid ha.rdwood OUPET Winner of Cherac1er owner $1500 487 Mor· camper shell $2175 S&Ul-IHYICE O.ttu 11ZO . .••.................. 'll IATSll 110 Deluxe Llltback, very clean. (#6069) 12111 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 Stach Blvd Hnllngtn Bch 962.0829 1110 D&TSUI 210 5 apeed tranamlaslon, low mites, e11cetlent con- d 1 t I on. Clean, AM/FM radio. 2 new tires. '83 ll- cen 11 peld & MUST SELLI Call 675-30)7 or fl.42-0138 mual. Salary commeneu· e w p a & 1 -1 2 3 -4 or Spirit. xlnt cond ucr aalil. 2 draa, 4 mlrs, 11•· Boat Parade 17' )Uni nlng Canyon at Pee Ille I 673-6618 rite with eblllty. Clll 662-oe3t. $65 OBO. Antq match!"° moire with llghl bridge & Hl~h ~u:ll~~'. 1~~1 ne~. bay c;rulser $2500 or Coest Highway, Corona ---------LUllH 549-9322 ---llY/IEOEPT, setol2dresaera&ladles m lr behind bed So j~~.67;0695 cu bestoller 673-7677 del Mar Tel 8'14·9526 'll FORD •WD 831·20-40 495-4949 '11DATSll210 I -• vanity table. CIRCA beautiful • mull see to ---------1 283 1 A I , --1. I I Full pwr xlnl cond WIUUCI ID With automellc. air * ,"o.E llLE N-flnanclal co. h .. 1930 $1,000 tor _ entire appr1clat•. New $5100 El T It Like 27' Chris twn 1, bat • • .,erntl, II I · 76 " ec ypewr er tank fish 11nder $5 000 a A • HOO i $6000 675-27 28402 Marguerite Pkwy eond & less than 8 000 potltlofl ev.11. for Secre-set. Or wlll conalde< sel· wUI Mii $1950 986-1438 new SIOO Please Call · · · • ttelllllll Vleto ' ( GUI079 tary wllh good lyplng Ung separately Has been 851:3199 between 8 30 0 B 0 6 4 2 • 0 3 6 8 . ••••••••••••••••••··~· ·so Toyota. xlnl cond 2"9. Mission ff 1 actual miles 1 I W iii train, may go on tltltl & Ofgantzlng abUlty. In family for yeara. Rec:· •11t lafse Cttltl & 4 Mon-Fri 548-2352 All Cnevy truck pans o\ 000 ml Radio, 4 spo (Avery E•ll o 1·5) •4881 tiours.goodph<l'l8volce, Salary oommen1urate esslon forees aalell Wiii PRICESSTARTAT·Soll .74 carver 25. mintoond t on to d l e111 Rbll $4000 1-79 5-764-4 Open Sundays • good pey. Job aubject to wtlh •Jll*. 83t-6887 consider beat ofler Beds $t97, Sole & Love Gray Cocllallel with cage LOIS of equip, wlll seU or transmlaslon from $165 t-797-3696 IUllE Cll•n'I Bl~~2A.X~~iv~:A HELP WANTED PUB * ... OlRJ * eve Meltreas and Foundation table $30 557-8393 Autobody Student need Datsun Pick Up lllEIT Hntlngtn Sch 962.0829 1vatl. Pleaae call 549-0576 Seat $167, Bedl · $50 Fprmlce kitchen trede 675-58111 & up 554·1850 ~---------1 111 ... lt FEE Oood --.,. PhOne vol·•---------~1s. Twine 177. lull $97. IF YOU HAVE TtiE INI· Bos!on Whaler, 2 Yfl Old. proJICts. '70 to '82 Imp Loaded Clean $2000 & '81 280ZX GL pkg w/T· 1a .. -,,.. °'· Hte type, XLNT S•· FlrtitlH• 1 ... ,... Queen $147, King $167. TIALS OF I I . 35HP motor. Kini & Oom11tlc sm care. 111e 546-6249 eves lop. atvr t:>lue. XIII clean. 11£t ..:::........_ laryHE. ~W~~J9C'TED10PU11vBaJ. I Solkl Brus. antique 3 pc living rm tablu SS877. Cll c;8~0d12$632,000 firm (7t4l trucks Neer total• $$ COMM'L DIESEL lake over payments.PP n ,.._......., ...-"'" 675-0397 4 Chair Olnelle Sel 9 , You ere In luck. Beautllul " • Save Money S$. no tunk. 3 quarter ton c:us1om c 111. Iv mag. 730.9321 111..... Anllque solid Mahogany Sb1u7n7k b1d1 with matt hand tooled check book •IOITOI WllALEll 2nd olftc • aervlce pick-up truck. 1800 ml S•les·SetV~Leeslng ·77 DlllYn 280Z. A/C. 4 Pre School ... _...., lrom 7 ... / & 213-944-8452 range new !Ires, many f:V""tv' CAR\/.ER d • ..... ~ .. • dmr~.'r'oe~ •. s 2'~~w~BO llSOlllT FllllTIH cover with horsu head 9' Tender fully equip· extras. Price for lmmft-l~l apd . AM/FM, •Int con h let publlclllon C Initials of CHO Error. ped, 8 h p Evlrhude PAINT & Ute body work. d I ate 9 a I e $ 4 5 0 o. r.w ~J~ ~ ~ l:.·llt\ l\V Low m II ea $520 0 Teac er 646-4005 1950Harbor. M cost $25.sell lor $15to 675.()191 $1800. upto50%ollyourbody 675·1358 N.l\~~N.lf\. 552·5297eves Expr'd and/or E.C.E. _,-aay A••linttl 1010 111 .. IOt :~f~~1r'~~ ~1!~= A-Bristol 38' cc Connie •hop 811 Biii 536-9832 • -V.-,-1----.......,,,...5,...7,...0 1_·_·~_._:_::_, ... _,. .. _'_._'_':_'.,._,,_"-,-- 1 ·eo 280ZX. T·top, 5 spd. credential•. Stan Sep1 I, .... mATI .,.,..HARBOR.AREA···· Antique Walnut Bdrm Set. 91191 Dave w/silp. Completely refur-Traller hitch for '78/'82 El ••• ~ •••••••••••••••••• '79 3201, red, ale, em/Im 1/c, XlrH, beaut sllv/ 8:30 to noon delij. S.lery FuU Unle. ,... estate II· druser, chest, IUll bed · blahed, loaded S5000 Camino. 5000 Iba. S 100 Chev ·77 ¥cT, surte< van, ceas. mini cond. $9200 gray. GL Pkg. Talce over •c•le. C.M 540·8070, een .. deelnlble but f'IOI APPLIANCE SERVICE $500, 841~ 130 Memberahlp In University D . p .• 0 w. II n ( 7 14) 536-8574 lo ml. llr. evto. 1ape, •Int 646-2088 lllH pymte (2 yrs) et 9-12 pm. n~u1u South We.aell·recond., guar. & Athletic Ciut:>, Newport 675·9146. 531-1123 3 BLUE VAN SE ATS with 55495/ofr. 496·8313, $33~ or buy oulrlghl ---.,..---~--::-1 ' --· . ' 'eotdw•ll appllenc... s.49-3077 Sola: Striped gm/yell B h Y1 pan $800 ,.. '76 BMW 2002. ale. anrf. '9850. 846-3!i18 Production, paoklng & ---v befge Loveaeat & chr. eac ·/ y, · '82 Dorsett. 18 tt CC. fl· B A SES S 9 O a 11 831 ·2750 Blaupunkt am/Im cau 1--------~ hendllng hoalery, full· a.nicer. Celt Suaan Roe I llY &Pft.IAIOIS Broyhill. S225. 841,...130 Joe 89 .03o5 berglaall 75 HP Evlnrude 536-8574 l 973 Oodge van. xlnt New paint and chrome. '78 8210. 2 dr, 4 spd AIC time, Engllah ~eking tor •PP OI n t m • n 1 • Les 957·8133 John Wayne Tennis Club OB Head Galvenlud cond • st 900 1595 new Michelin radials AM/FM 36 plus MPG, I • I In per• .. n· l31.ol3e Cl{ 499-1320. Rattan Bentwood rocker Family Memt:>ershlp. trailer In weter now I c Mint cond $6800 or ... ~, wht . clean $2950 per . ,.ppy ...., · Seara Kenm0<e Washer/ w/nreef'l cuahlon 170. Aal••l•thl N ewport Blvd M ..,.,. Crya1al Creetlona Aoc>e-1 " 11 841 4130 $900 Incl. tf11n1ler. $2600 673-8633 •••••••••••••••••••••• 842-2050 offer 714-841·0368 963-9385 rel. 711W,17th St .. C.M. SOVICE STATION Cryer. Almdnd eolor, a . ca . 1·340·1284. call collect. Ill--•-le .. , h•er IMPORTANT NOTICE ATI'ENDENT moat n-. will Hll lor Oreal 9' ArcMects Teak "" -• fO READERS ANO 72 VW Van. rebll eng. idnl P/T lfFlll .. AllT Pertltl-, evenlnna & $395 Set. 986-1438 Wood O.k $126. Water Pump 1""HP Briggs 38 11 Grand enke Xlnl ADVERTISERS cond $3 ,500 OBO 83 -1413 • .:.Z "' & St.raton Portable & gas Steep 8 159 500 64 3'44 S41.()6()8 Sm. N.B. ofc. 1 ...-..... NMI •P1>98· ** WAATED ** 648-8111 motor $t50 845_881, eond. s 0 _. • The price of ltem1 ad· l·I ; evs PIT Perton dr ... ahop In ranee &-hendwrlllng. UPRIGHT FREEZER TABLE round w/4 Ghalra An AvaJI. 8-4 8800 verllsed by Yehlele dea· A•tll Wutel ISH N.B. Women'• clothing ~ly lft i>erton: 2590 Good concf. &4~59 Caned beck. aolld. Ste11i Moving • Frigidaire gaa MUST LI OUIDA TE 28' lers In lhe vehlcle clH•I· •••••••••••••••••••••• exp nee s.44-2470, Mar· ~ llfvcl, C.M. Coldapot Relrlg $225 $400. 536-3438 evea. dryer. yello. very clean Wellcrall Nova w/lrlr lied 1ov1rt11lng COiumns WE PAY ge T f ACHE R • PRE · Meytag, Speed OuMn Of P di lt60 &42•3589 Sips 4. xlnt cond. lat doea not Include any " ,_._ SCHOOL, lmmad full· Frtoldal<eWUhlrS99.._ BeautlfulFrenc:h rov • C1111nel $t25 Sew ma· $8000 tal!e• It. PP eppllelbi.taxes.llc~nse. TOP DOWR r •-_.. t!Mt ~t. ~ ~72 nlng room ault1 tn Cher· chine s475 Freaer S50 84517230 or 7S4-6&82 1r1n1l1r Ina, finance Ex.perlence prefarracl. 11'8. Herbor erea. Into rywood lncludH oval Air cond S30 9788 Em· 1981 18' OUlllll .. e•-ric charges. lees for Bir pol· FIR ISEI CARS Templllon'• 8eMlty S• ,._ ,.,. New g•• atove, never tebl1 (extending to 96 F 11 ... ...... lutlon con trot device 1 on , Coat 1 Me a a . ,,_.,.. used, white. plloll1n. lnchel), table peds, bul· mona llunch Unbelleveble All certlf1callon1 or deale1 AW llAllll 133-7800. Tti.phc>fMI N IH & light $380 ~1-8378 let. 8 uphl. Chalra. All In Furn doll house $75. Va· color Is gel-coated red. documentary prepere· PllTI&O/lllAll ~-Apply 779 W. 1 old ,._..lg 26 cu 11 excellenl oondltlon. nlty table $25 Beaut. all extraa Incl comp!. lion cherg11 unleu 2480 H11tbor Blvd Mor• faml ... .,.. oettlnO 19th St, COit• Mese. Ste cvr,...,_, ""'r· __." i'ree S235· $1405. 540-e&27 w ood • rmolr 1 200 canvas ·& uphol . llak oth••l(W.IH 1peclfled by COSTA MESA the c:amc>lng "bug" tt* R. 5~;-1v091·8r_, • 675·3260 decka. stereo. 1va11 Im· the •OVertlNr i•t ••t1 ,,_ med $20,000. 720.()855 1--.......,,...----:-::-::-:: .. --yeer. "you hlv. a~ 2 PG llOT. MFA hw11ert hHlt S.u11l 1510 Ml 1411 per that'• not getting Put )'GUI' ed\19ntemg ,,,_. M oving Frigidaire gas Have new aofa • mull T ••I I I 0111. M ••. 40' OllOHll l .F. c··,.·•,• 1 •1c•••1• 9 • 8 • 9 ••c••h•r•y•a·19••r -----0 -----u.Md, 1111 11 now with a MQI wMr'9 the ,..dera drye<. yellOw very clean Mii lmmedl Cocoe brown • f971, all &'•ss. d1l'1. WE IUY Clatllfled Ad. .,... &42~5878 $150. 842-3589. 11 ....,. ~...,... s75 ~trslt~ R .. r. altp. we 81 1,_,, stretch Limo, xlnt cond. 0 SOON YOU'LL ee SE.EIN4,SIONS AROUND TOWN CALLING ATTENTION TO v our. g"""3• "....,.832"' · · "' .,,. II C 11 " S 1 h OLUI CARS 5 v-• NEWPORT B CH. Full try $10,000 dwn, $79, Best o er I ... r mt Family R111leable $900 500. Bllr 213·493-3728. 1-8_5_1.()(1 __ 11______ All TRIOKI ESTATE SALE: Sarouk or beat otter. 751·8376 875-9007 llf .. I/ Oriental rug, Steinway lfllttlll•HH IH I C/11tle1 fSZI ebony grand piano. Er· W••tel IOI/ II, ••I ••• •••••• • ••••• ••••• •• mine cape, executive •••••••••••••••••••••• Ct•tlll fJl.SO Mtlll 11&"•1 d"k. cry•tal Chlndeller. Po"r mower and edQ81 •••••••••••••••••• ••• Shay repllca1; plcilupe & PY1 party, 1·883-743 t. wanted. running or not. 40' Viking for Charter coupes 4 to choou CONNfll CHEVROLET 'll." 11.,rt• '' IL . I I 'to. I \ .., f " I SU-1200 k d k 667-3939 Fishing, diving &' en· froml (008788) jSlk. Rolltop 1olld 01 H • I---------11 r ta l nm en 1 Cs 11 54 ·• wide. " new. •,; ll•1le1I 862-2788. A309131).LPYrlclel•,•,ttartl1no at 1111 Hiii prl~ 1395. 848-4005 llJ 1"4.:..P~oa-ter_eu_rt,...1ng-1on-. ..,o,...n_•_z •• /~!.'!~!'!~~!! ••• !... 011 S.IO .. ..,, I ~~~.~~~1~:. '~.~::~~ weterbed. new •,<, price. Newpor\, 7 i4ie3 i -3eoo. 9 t4'•· Audl'a $495 oeo. 848-4006 YAMAHA eue Amp •• _49_ .. _ .. _8o_e______ ,.. for U/C MOR Held with I double 16" •- Boat picture ads provide King a Steams & Foater PV speaker ceblnet. &a.111 hll HU M ..... "Inspiration" mettren, Fender 8111 Preclalon ff•Hob;C;t:·;i;;•;; YILISWllll 28' 6rlaon Fully equipped cruise, lux down pillow top, Guitar wllh case end ex· llq •unrlH 11111 Like 18711 8Mcfl 61YCI &'salla. UHF. coinpeu. covert SALES! I If you ,. pflnn1ng to 9e1 together S<HM of the 1ttms you no ~ use arouno vour llOfnlt and Mt up c; OM! .... be "''' you lollow IOft'll lll'IOOf1anl 1 .~T~ALL handct•l1ed lnalde, orig 1<81 • all In .. cellent $2600 876-8181 HUNTINGTON 8EACH Pertee\ condition St6,500 1800 w/aell for 1300. condition. new .... n: •••Ill 53 Studebaker Chemplon 142·20IO 123-4537 7eo-eooo UMIH 1..,. ..._ -15 pau cpe Nice cer. l---------11----------------4 Set of Old flthloned woo-~~~~~~~~ ~~.blgu-~!'~ ~~~ ._S3_1_so_.~2_13_1_69_2':'."·_ 17_9::--::2 -1 wam11 n Anything ltllt 11111 hH usabollly and some value a. MOW TO IWCI D.ao. Iha Dt•ee on eech item and then lag ll'lat """ L~C»SAU W~ HIH from F11day through Sundl)' "9fll """ -· NOW ... llffTUP Melle I ... Y le>r buyers to view the ltema •nd hllltte 1 oentt'lt Ill•~ with 1ull1clent cflanve for lt\fllt to PIY I. MOW 'fO Ait'flRTISI fM l'llblt lnlllPltn11ve piece 10 relCfl mar. ~pie II fled Mellon of this nltWIPIJ>er ... -....ca . Y.w dep1rtment wtll M hlPPY to give ,., art ••a In ldv1rt1llng y0ur 1ate. Jull au UI ...... ~ )'OUf tllt ~ 0 0 ded bdrm f\trn, dbl bed. Oruma (Roget1) 4 Pc, ,__ ......, ,. • St85. 875-5810 • Oyno enere, 2 cymbal the O'Dey tingle handed leM h•1t ........ Lale model Toyo1u. Xlnl glrla Bdrm Oountry 1tand1, t high hel, Zlld· champlonahlpa Fully 1041 Ford Woody W• Votvoa. Plekups & Van1 Oerden 8-pc Mt, Prln· )ten & P1t111 cymbal• + equl~L111< 810fl gon, I 13,000 Cell Ill tode)'l OMI dey bid w/drSW«I. all hardwire. Oood cond. 2 w ... h SI c •• CNvar mirror. ci.. cllr. I 3 Io. 8 5 1. 1 8 8 2 . e 4 · '"' • ..... 1929 Ford Model A fown Sed•n. I 10.000 boo•umlff, drlller" 2 nlll _e_1_3.c>ee2 ___ .,,.--_______ 84_2.o_l4_e __ _ a tend•, OJll't •196. All Bttnd,...., lqv!pmettt 32' Clenlo C1ul1lnft 1963 Studebektlf Av1n11, 81e-2s18 PHvey Bendit sow. =~:ndExf:an~.~~~ usoo. era.t111. Whtie French Provincial Amp. W/A\ltOmbl IOOI.. L. k 8/Q t ~ h w11cn 1280. Dean M•rk· tnH. u e •ova, '82 • 88, 71,000 or ~~:~:. dJ:!:~: :i~~.~ ley Pro-Meg icouitlo VHF, I ' glue dln~y •• ml. oood cond. 1120 maUreteel .. tloqprlnga gutter ptCk•UP W/OHI MenyeJCltH. Deepere •· oeo ...,..141.0110 wtth ,,.,,.., 1>rown vln)'I 150. Shure microphone rnult 8141· Hl.OOO or bit Ill umohllt I 1011 .... 1. PE HS wtcue, oorO. Ofr, 876-1391 deya. 'll T•ll hend•o1rv1d Mextqlan adeptor I etend 1100. , .... llAllAIT ikCIP.llon1I oar, Stu Co" .. ta"""", White vi~. 640·1078 Ult rOf Bonnie. .. .. IC., .. " t~• 000 fl'l•t 'l>tt>y" ~. Ow!'I« ..,,... ..-.. "" ' '"• ' for ao ve1ra h11 1u11 FIOl"ll I 011\1111 occe • Mertln 0.28-12 atfl,,g, wt Denni• 873·3&33 deya completed lovlrtg rH· n11 Ohrt Tbl l•mp I ,herdo1 .. , 11tnt oond. Ptlncne 19 eet xtnt oond.. toretton Alltlnt tf7 000 ploturH. All Dltgitn-1700. U7·1211 1 12376 •'"1-"•H 11101~.' IAvtllmt n t: pr toed In good condition. nu tr r, . .., ..._ , .. 0 IMl·3018. Oflln hnJl•lf f 4K-834& 416-t t.atS I . e .. utlful lteded JllHI L./...,.f "'' OWNEA SACAIFICI 11ft1 A~ IACfUFICI. 'H bOOkCIM/dHll, jrrHI· •• ::1':"'.IJo.•• ••••••••• ~ <l. Only frtea, lnct M~ Corw. Perl. b.o< rodtlnt ctllllt. fx• Sm dHk•top Dennlaon t • lhOf't • l'ltlll. HuNY ~url'· 1:" •· .. P.~-~. oehnt CondltlOft. AMeo-coPllt. Good cond. o 1' t •ea. 7 7 • 8 or " -• , ...... l\IO!el ...... 7t tHO 141•1010 "l'lnl tl1.01~ tl1 1 " ........... .. c .... ..... ,.. u .. t JH • uo .. to, WI Ill USED CARS a TRUCKS COME IN OA OALL roR flUAnUllAl COfll"lllf·O.UllO lllYllLIT 182'1' l!AOH 9LVD. HUNTINGTON I~ Ul .... l, 141-1111 Get ORflN ~eh for WHITE elephlntl with 1 Cl .... lled Ad Cell 1-424111 Set your course tor ••~t sales with a Dally Piiot boat picture ad. Each Saturd1y, the Dally Piiot will otter you ad space that not only deactlbM your boat, but plcturea It u well. The price la guaranteed to buoy your eplrlta -$45 If we take the picture, and only $40 If you pr&/ld• the picture for a 2 column 3" ad. For further Cletall1 about hOw Dally Pilot boal picture a<U c•n wor>< for you and to Khedule your ad, oaJI ·. e.42·5e78' and nk for Setty L•. .. I ( \ ' I i ' .. Oreng• CoHt DAIL y PILOT /MondlV Augu1t 30, 1982 MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE WITH THE NUMBERS IM THE BOXES A TL.AS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 546·1934 3 blocks 90Uth of San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd Complete . ,body shop. Sales. Service. Parts. Service Dep1. open ll!Mtday thru Friday 7·30 A.M 10 5·30 P.M and 8 AM to ~ ·f f'.M. on Saturday HACH IMPORTS Oov• Street Newport Beach Tel 752-0900 Call i.s """' 1 sti: • • l\lfa R<'mf'o Peugeo• Saau & THEODORE ROllHS FORD sales. service. parts. body, paint & tire depts. petltlve rates on lease & daily rentals 2060 Harbor .. Coate Mesa 642-0010 0< 540-8211 JOHNSON & SOM UNCOLM MHCUIY ..,bor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel S4<>-5630 57 Years City family service -Orange County s oldest Lin· rcury dealership. SOUTH CO.AST DODGE Herbor Blvd , Costa Mesa Tel 54o-0330 RV service lata. cu11om van conversions MIWrOIT IMPO«TS W Coast Highway, Newport Beach /540-1764. The Ferra11 Heidquartert Tel NEWPORT 0ATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach Tel· 833· t300. At the triangle ot Jamboree, MacArthur & Bristo! behind Victoria Station Sales. Service. Leasing & Parts We make great deals• •• HA.BERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-9t00 Orange County s Larges• Cadillac dealer Sales Service Leas- ing G) DAVID J. PHILLIP'S IUICK-POMTIAC-MAZDA Sl:lles • Service • Leasing 24888 Al1c1a Parkway Laguna Hills 837-2400 0 CHICK IVERSON PORSCHE-AUDl-VW 415 E Coast Hwy Newport Beach 673·0900 The only dealership 1n Orange County with these three great makes under one root• • Al.AM MAGNON P'ONTIAC-SUIARU 2480 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 549 4300 Salea. Service Leasing Mr Goonwrench • CLASSIC AUTOMOllLH 705 Newton Way, Coate M"•· Tel. 031-1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIAL TV" XK 120'11140's/150'a/E· Typee • • Satea -Sefvloe -Reatoratlona Off Plaa.ntla between 17tn &. 18th In Co1ta MeH I 01 LONGPRE P'OHTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd Westminster Tel 892·6e51 Orange County's oldest and largest Ponhac dealership Sales Service. Parts • DICK MILLll FIAT/LANCIA "Probably the lowest priced Flats 1n Sou1tiern Cahl0fn1a" (Localed 1 mile norlh ot South Coast Plaza near Main St and Warner Ave 1n Santa Ana J 120 W Warner. Santa Ana 557·2132 • SANT A AHA DATSUM 2001 E 17th Street, Santa Ana Tel 558·781 1 Your Original Dedicated Datsun Dealer • MllACLE MA.JD.A We ve moved! Our new location is 1425 Beker Street . Costa Mesa Tel 545·3334 Stop by & v1s1t our brand new showroom and '" why we're the !JI Mazda dealer 1n Southern Callforn1a Sales, Service. Parts and Leasing • AMAHllM MAZDA "~ o.o. ...... 0..- wltfl '"" "'"* &... Can" 601 S Anaheim Blvd . Anaheim 956-1820 Just north of Santa Ana Frwy on Anaheim Blvd. Call u1 l1ratl "WE ARE HARO TO FllQD-eUT WORTH IT! • SADDLllACllMW/SUIAIU 2&402 Marguerite Pkwy., A~ Pltwv exit We offer what no bank or ltHt company c.,, 1 Exper11y atatfld. moll modern Hrvlce & perta dept : 2 One of tn., Southland's moat experienced sal• & ltaslng staff. 3 Ellmln111on of t~e middleman by leaelng dffltlf direct 831 ·2040 Ml11lon Viejo 495·49'9 OR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR T01 .BE PLACED . N THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOt REP. COST A MESA DATSUN 2845 Hart>or Blvd .. Costa Mesa Tel 540-6410 Serving Orange County for 16 years. 1 Mlle So 405 • SUNSET FORD, INC. (Home of Willie the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove Blvd . Westminster Tel 636-.-010 OIANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove Tel. 530-9190. Exclualvely Volvo to cover all your Volvo requirements. New•Uaed•Sales•Leaslng•Parts•Servlce•Body Shop Freeway close In the heart ot Orange County at Garo.n Grove Blvd. & Brookhurat. 0 COMMELL CHEYaOUT 2828 Harbor Blvd . Colla Mesa. Over 20 yeara aer'tllng Orange County! Sales. lea.sing. service. Call 5'46-1200: special parts fine. 546-9400, body shop line: 7~-04C'l 0 ROY CARVER ROUS ROYCl-IMW 1~0 Jamboree Road. NawPort Beach 64o-6«4. Salff, Service. Pans And Leaalng. • A CORMllR O,LILLO CHIVROLIT W (Fonnerty OfOOI ~) 1121 1 9Mdl IMI., Huntington 8Motl New • UMd • ..... • L4IMtnO • PMI • lerw. Come by and ... OIJI Huge ln¥entoryl M7-tol7 ...._, - .. - a • DO THEY HA VE A PERMIT? -Monday mea.nS back to work for fort builders at Adventure Playgroupd in Irvine. Bryan o.-, ,... ~"' hUtcfl o,,.._. Goodson, David Becker, Sean Hughes, Mike Brownell and Geoff Goodson hammer clubhouse. Story on Page Bl. • • lllTlllTll lllCI I f 1111111 llWI 2 children die ' house fire; • ID residents flee By DAVID KUTZMANN or .... .,..,,..... ..... Two small c hildren were found dead In the smoldering ruina of a Garden Grove house today after flames surg ed through the residence and routed 10 other occupants. Two children also were injured in the pre-dawn fire. Police and fire officials said the blaze erupted at about 3:40 a.m. at the home on 10822 Markey Avenue. Though the cause of the fire is unde r investigation, officials said a faulty heater in a hallway outside a bathroom may ha\·t; been responsible. Authorities said the bodies of the two young children we re found in a -front-bedroom-after firefighters controlled the blaze \ at about 4:30 a.m. They were identified as Joshua Linder , 2, and Melissa Meyer, 4. Injured in the pre-dawn blaze were Jeremy Linder, 4, and Scott Meyer, 8. Jerem y suffered burns on his hands while Scott was treated for second-d egree bums. Officials said the single-family, single-story home was being - occupied by 12 people -five adults and seven children. Fire Dep~rtment spokeswoman El.Jen Corby said it appeare d two famihea were living in the home, but 1t is not yet certain to whom the house belonged. Conflict ing information was gtven to police and fire officiala trying to deter mine whose residence it was, she said . Firefighters on the scene were told the home was occupied by a woman named Cindy Alston, 20. But polit-e were told the house was being used by the Linder family. The parents of the Linder children were reported to be st.ay~ng at the house. 'the paren of the Meyer children, however, were not here. Corby said she didn't know wh,re the~~yer children's family lived. Fire officials said neighbors caJled the fire departme nt after seeing s m o k e a nd flames sweeeing through the house. Except· for the c hildren who we re found dead inside, all other <See FIRE, Page A2) U.S. to loan l\'lexico emergency $925 million WASHINGTON (AP) -The -.U.S. -government has agreed to lend Mexico $925 million as part of a $1.85 billion package of emergency sJlort-term loans by industrial countries to help ·Mexico through· its financial crisis, the Federal Reserve Board announced today. The loans are intended to tie Mexico over until it can secure longer-term financing through the International Monetary Fund. Mexico is eligible for up to $4 billion in three-year loans from the IMF. Mexico has outstanding debts of about $81 billion, the most of any country, and a lack of cash to meet its obligations. . Settlements, are intended to aid Mexico's efforts "to strengthen i ts econ,pn:iic and financial p()sition." "The overall multilateral e ffort 'f!i designed to provide an orderly transition to an economic adjustme nt program that the M exican government has announced it is developing," the Fed said . .., Normally, the IMF requires a country t'O adopt an austere economic program to qualify for loans. Under th~ loan program, the Tre a s ury will provide $600 million and the Fed $325 million through a swap a rra nge ment, which means that Mexico wlU receive U.S. dollars in exchange for pt9os. · The loans are m addition to $1 billion In advance payments to Mexico the United States made Ust month for oil that will be put tn· the Strategic Pettoleum .Reserve. Mexico also has arranged to postpone repayment o f $10 tillion in private bank loans that "11ill fall due within the next ' three months, and has persuaded commer cial banks to ext end another $1 billion in new credit to the troubled country. Other countries participating 1n the sho rt-term loans are , Belgium: ·eanada, Fiance, West Germany. Italy , Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden. Britain, Spam and Switzerland. The Fed said 1=entral banks from 10 other cmintries also are participating in the arrangemeni of short-tenn financing to the &nco de Mexico. In ii. announcement today, the Fed said the loans. made through the Bank of International Arafat leaves Beirut, ,to ·fight BEIRUT. Le banon (AP) - PLO chairman Yasser Arafat. bound for an undisclosed home in exile, today left the city that had been his stronghold for 12 years aboard a converted Greek car ferry. Arafat. who vowed to carry on the fight against Israel "until we win," stood on deck wearing a black -and-white c h eck e r e d kaffiyeh headdress. He smiled and made a victory sign as the sh ip Atlantis cruised into the Mediterranean Sea. The Atlantis was escorted out o( Beirut's battered port by two American warships. _ PLO·s p o k es m e n and Lebanon's state radio said Arafat was heading for an official visit to Greece at the invitation of Socialist Prime Minister Andreas PapandreQ u be fore going into exile in the Tunisian capital of Tunis. Arafat's ch ief spokesm~. Mahmoud Labadi, who left with the PLO chairman, said earlier the ship might stop at Larnaca, (Sff PLO, Page A%) Cancer claims Ingrid . Bergman Three-time Academy A ward winner ,succumbs in London .,...,..,... .. LONDON (AP) -Ingrid Bergman , wh o won three Academy Awards and whose roles ranged from Humphrey Bogart 's estrange d lover in "Casablanca" t o the prime minister of Israel in "A Woman Called Golda," has died after an eight-year battle with cancer. One of the last of Hollywood's legendary figures, the Swedish- born Miss Bergman died here Sunday, her dauihter. Pia Lindstrom said In New York. Miss Lindstrom, a journalist, was flyin~ to London today. Miss Bergman s son Robertino and twin daughters, Isabe lla a nd Isotta, also we re reported en route here . affair, said Alfred Jackman, the luxury department store's funeral director . "After cremation h er ashes may be taken back to Sweden." Miss Bergman, who became one of America's brightest stars as Bogart's co--star in the 'movie "Casablanca" in 1943. made a stunning H~wood comeback after quittin& the mo• capital in the late 1940s beca~f criticism of her love affair with an Italian film d irector. She had been suffering from can cer sin ce 1974 a nd had undergo ne two mastectomy operations. REME"BERED -Ingrid Bergman, who died Sunday at 67. is shown with Gary Cooper in a scene from the 1943 movie "For Whom the Bell Tolls." Funeral arrang~ments we re being handled by Harrods. "It w ill be a very quiet, family Her former husband L ars Schmidt, l ast of her three husbands. was with her when she died, said London theatrical agent Sue Hyman, who made the WELL' WORN -C.ps and coveralls of Charley and Wilhelm Eilers hana on farmhou.e. W~lm haa had to carry on farming b_y htrn1el f thete da)'I. Pap A8. COUNTY Play~adise At Irvine's Adventure Playground, the kids create their own world. Page Bl. NATION . ' Oilman bQpes to sal'e rhino ' A Texas oilman has turned a 1,500-acre spread int.o lit~ Africa ln ~ effort to save the blaek rhinoceros. Page A4. Matchboolcs 'matchleBB' Many migh~ consider such a collection wttho\at merit but Bill Hubbud would be hard pretled so part with h1a matchbooks. PageB6. . TELEVISION Public TV ads ·to change Public television could be adding one ot th e mainstays of the networks -- commercial advertising -it needs the money. Page BS. SPORTS Raiders' debut victorious Raiders' debut in the C.ollaeum a aucceea as they tum beck Packers, 24-3. Dodgen, Ansels tall Dod~n fall out of tint plece, .....,., .. fall further be~. Pap Cl. announcement of her death here today. Looking back on the string of brilliant films that brought her three Oscars , her three marriages, three divorces and her f~t with cancer, Miss Bergman wrote in her 1980 autobiography, "I have always thought that I will go on acting and acting and ecting . . You need never give up." Miss Bergman's Acad emy A wards w ere for best actress in "GasUght" with Charles Boyer in 1944 and "Anastasia" in 1956, and for best supJ)orting actress for "Murder on the Orient Express" in 1974. H er other acclaimed films included "For Whom the Bell Tolls," "Notorious" a nd (See BERGMAN, Page A%) At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck A7 Business 84-5 Cavak:ade A7 Classified C4-8 Comic. B7 Cnmword B7 Death Notices B6 F.ditorial A6 Entertainment 82-3 HOloecope A7 °""'"°' ............ TALKS TONIGHT -Rep. Dan Lungren, R-Long Beach. will appear tonight at a t:Own hall session at Huntington Beach City Hall, 2000 Main St. The program begins at 7 p.m. in Room B-7. lntenni.-ion B3 Ann Landers A7 Movies B2-3 National News A3 Public Notlces 86 Sparta Cl-4 Dr. Steincrohn A7 Stock Markets B5 Televtslon B5 Thea ten 82-3 Weather A2 lmua Canoe Club pulls upset The Imua Canoe Club of Newport pulled ·a atunnlna upset at the U.S . Outrigtier Canoe champonahlpe Sunday. C2. • ,. 1\1 H/F 1 ..... ------------------... ~ elected by homeowners . .. -lo The Orecnbrook-Fount.uin Valley H omeow n er's -Associatio n has sc•lected its 1982-83 board of directors. The board is a volunteer governing body for the G r eenbrook community which is made up o r 474 homes and 2,000 residents in an area bound<.'d by Ellis •Patricia A. Seely. deputy public guardian for Orange County, will be guest speaker Wednesday at a meeting or the Avenue, Magnolia S treet, Talbert Avenue and Newland Street. The new officers are K.,noeib Kast, presid e nt: Robert Wenzel , vice president; William Moore, secretary: Betty ~coralle , treasurer; Al Moro, assistant treasurer, and Forest Newball, member-at-large. Newman, Ave., Huntington Beach From Page A1 , PLO LEADER LEA:VES . . . tprw. on I'-way to Gnoe<.'t:. rcrliud lO other S*''-of the Arab Ntne wantupe ltym the U.S. world. 6th Fl t and the French Navy M he •topped from the c.,-he were ct\Jlalng ln thl• hurb<>r a• saluted the PalHtln'lan ~nd the alnght-amok.c.1Jtuck, luxuriou. Lebanese flap held b)' honor lookln1. Atlantia put lo IH. auarda but the ltJl1inc thronC of Lebanon Radio said American wen-w'tah era cut ihort 8 lanncd ahl pa ond one French frigate military C'«)remonv P were to escort the 1hlp to Its Hll Umouaine wu «*.'Orted to dHtinatlon. I the port J>y French Foreign A partyAf' ot least 30 people: Leglonn'alre1 and 1trlnaent lncludlng bodyguards wlth their aecurlty precoutiona were taken faces covered. accompanied at the port. eepedally around the Arafat aboard the ship. boltrding area A delegation of Lebanese · leftist l eaders a nd former v;.Qcape swi·m Moslem prime tnlqlaters boarded .r.J1:1 the ship with Arafat to say fareweil, but left~ 16 mlnu.tea s11·11 tough later. The ship, which appeared to be a well-appointed passenger craft, then aet sail. As the ship put to sea, 11 cannon salvos boomed in the background and were followed by four other rounds to salute the departing guerrilla chieftain as he left hi.a Israeli-surrounded west Beirut stronghold. Earlie r, Arafat said, "1 am leaving the city, but my heart ls SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Some 83 athletes who tried to swim m ore than a mile from Alcatraz Island in the tricky • bone c hilling currents demonstrated why few inmates attempted to escape from the former prison in San Francisccf - Bay. Orange County Chapter of the Alzheimer's Disease and R e lat ed Diso r der~ Association Th<• meeting begi n s a t 7 p.m a t 1he Huntin gton Valley Convalescent H ome, 8382 The program will focus on c:o n se rvatorship ver:sus guardian~h ip. Alzheam~r's Disease 1s a progressive irreversible brain disease for which the re is as yet no known cause or treatment. • A~Wlf'epftolo here." Arafat arrived to a scene or cha08 in a black Mercedes at the U.S. Marlpe-controlled port of Beirut, which has b een the disembarking point f o r thousands of PLO fiJ(hters "If something happens o ut there, you know you will never get the ball and chain off your foot," said Dave Homing, who comple t ed the swim in 33 minutes, 15 seconds Saturday as the first leg or his victory in the "Escape from Alcatraz" triathlon. ti Meetings are free and open to the public. ARAFAT LEAVES -Yasser Arafat, chairman of the PLO, embraces a Palestinian in West Beirut this morning before leaving for a so-far unknown destina tion with other PLO .guerrillas. - •Ocean View High &hool will h old fr eshman orientation night Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. at the school gym, 17071 Gothard Ave., Huntington Beach. lnformation about the associat e'd s tude nt body, athletics, pepsters, band and pa r e nt-teac h er-s tude nt activities will be presented. 2 degrees ln l'ermont Button up your ,.overcoat • ID north U.S. Th e r easo n for the unseasonably cool weather and the threat of an early frost was a "cold air pool -larger than it should be -over the North Pole and exte nding down through Canada ." AP Wlrephoto - ~ACTRESS DIES Ingrid Bergman, winner of three A cadem y Award s, died • Sunday on her 67th birthday in London after a long battle.. with cancer. • • • "Spellbourfd" for Alfred Hitchcock , ''Inn of the Sixth Happiness," "The Yellow Rolls Royce" and "Autumn Sonata," for her Swedish compatriot, lngmar Bergman. Miss Berman's last role was in the film made for television in 1981, "A Woman Called Golda," in which she played Golda Meir, the tough-minded Israeli prime minister. , Miss Bergman was born in Stockholm on Aug, 29, 1915. Both her parents had died by the time she was 12 and she werit to live with an uncle and spoke later of how her lonely childhood led her to acting. A 5-Joot-.8 beauty. with deep blue eyes, she quickly became a leading lady in Swedish films before produ cer David 0 . Sel znic k in vited her to Hollvwood. Her sweet, innocent image was sullied when she met and fell in love with Italian director Roberto Rossellini in 1948. f ~IRE KILLS CHILDREN ... S ~cupants had fled to safety unknown. believed to be Millie ~ )!Vhen firefighters arrived, Corby Linder's sister, Billie Brooks, 20 · ~d. • Candy Alston, 20, and he~ : Those staying an the house 10-month-old son. David Alston; were idenllfaed as J ohn Linder. Katie Meyer, 10 months old, and ~. and his wife, MJllie Linder, Jason Meyer, 4. •# 23, parents o f th<• Lander John Linder suffered a broken c,hildren; Felicia L1m.ler, age toe. (lY Tbe A'SSOClated Press-- Sweaters replaced swimsuits: es summer caught cold acrass the 1" o r t h e r n s ta t es , b r i.n g i n g twinges of autumn with record low temperatures in more than Newport man sente nce d in land sc·h e m e A 44-year-old Newport .Beach man has been sentenced to 90 days in Orange County Jail and put on three years probation in connection with a scheme to sell land ow ned by actor Fred McMurray in Riverside County. Sentenced Friday in Orange Coun ty Superior Court was Bobby Joe Yarbrough , who was convicted of cons piracy a nd grand theft charges. Deputy Distric t Attorney David Pomeroy said Yarbrough was one of three men involved in the scheme to sell the 131-acre pare-el to a Los Angeles area man for $675,000 Pomeroy s aid the three claimed they had purchased the land from McMurray. However . the acreage was sull owned by the actor A second defendant an the case. Robert Gerba of northern Orange County; was sentenced to 30 days an Orange County Jail and placed on probation. f~\' Fair thrQugh Tuesday .:-:9 . ~ . :_;' . • ~ ~oas tnl SOUTHeRN CALIFORNIA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN AREAS -Nlohl and morning low Cloud• and fog near the coatl, olhenollM felt. High 1emperaturH In low 70. at Ille i>eechel and Ille . 80e to mid 901 In Inland velleyt Lows se to 89 in coaa1eJ ereaa Mounteln hight 77 lo 117, IOwS 4S through the SOs v .s. sunimary Thunders1orm1 hovered over aouthern Kenaaa and Iha mid· MIH IHlppl Valley early IOday. petting wide MCtlona with hell and '-Vy reln A vlolenl thunderllorm wllh high wtndl pounded Iha Wichlla erea fOf el>Oul Wt "°"" Sunday night. llghlnlng from the atorm ...., .. blemed for more than 40 ftrH, euthorftlet Mkl low-tying areu -• flooded. acanered power ou1ege1 were reported and aome roeoa were blocked when 1rees were 1oppled by winds gulling lo 80 mph, offlcl•la aald The llorm also knocked out red1r 11 lhe Wlchllo National WHlher Ser.Ilea 11allon and lwo teievilion 11et1on1 wa<e 1041.0 off the elr durlog Iha 110fm, olllciala Hid. Rain Ill<> fell heavily In extreme 1outhe11tern Arlrona end the 1outhwe1tern corner of ,Jlew Mexico. with 1oma wlde ly • c • t t • r • d • h'D w • r • 1 n d lhunderat0<m1 ~ the northern Rodllee. Scettered llghl 1hower1 J•tl l1Y« the GrNI Lel!M end Cloudt rohd In ffom the Ohio V• ,y 10 New York, New Jersey 1nd Oelewere A few laolaled thundertl0<m1 11ruckln Florlo1. ,.11h clouds covering peru ot Alabeme end lhe 1ou1hern ~· ·california South«n c::;mo;ni,., wealher ehould be felr Tuudey wllh pt1tcMe ol cloud• In 11141 morning and wermer temparetur•• In co .. tal ereH, eaC1ordlng 10 lh• N1ttonel WMlher s.rvloe. . Hlqh 1emperaturu In Lo• ~ ere e11pecited to reech ff. eoerlng to 95 In Owen• Velley High In m oun111n areu ere lorec11t et 75 10 II!! wllh high ttmperaturH In the northern OllMt1 renalno from 9G to t03 and 106 10 11~ In ~t,,. loW deMr1 ~ IOWI ere le><tcNI 11 ee 1n downtown LOt Anoeite to • OOMlll 10W rtnglnO !tom 80 to et ~ ... kMI OOUld ~o tM ""'"" •Ot with deMft • r.nglno trom t1to12. 9oeten !tom Point Con09!)t~ ,. to Iha Me•ican ooroer ca.n expec1 Hghl verleble wind• during lhe night and morn ing: hours . t>ec;omlng soulhwesterly at 8 to 18 knola In lhe allernoon with 1 Ho-3-1001 ~hwest swell, NOflltwesl winds will range frOl'T' 16 to 2S knols wllh 4·10·6 fool MIU llrttlef lhan 60 mlles ottshOfE from San NICOias Island. Temperatures NATION Albeny Albuque AmarlHo Aaheville At1an1a Auan1c C1y Autli<I Beltim<><• 8illlng• Birmlngllm BllllT\alQI BolM Bos Ion Brownavlle Buttelo Burllnglon Casper CharlSln SC Charlsln WV Charl11e NC Cheyenne Chic ego Clnclnnall Cleveland Clmt>la SC C04um1>u1 Oal·FI Wlh D1yton 0en ..... 0.. Moln.a Delr04t Duluth HI Lo Pre. 6T 38 88 63 94 68 7S 58 85 67 66 6S 02 99 7S 73 55 44 64 90 73 76 51 85 59 16 69 51 96 7S 83 53 66 44 as 58 80 70 79 S6 74 85 83 55 72 6A TS 60 ,05 71 S8 79 81 71 S6 98 77 n sa 118 S9 711 117 .64 M 5e .OG 69 44 .CM 95 ee .13 83 50 01 75 43 100 Na-Wea ..... ~ NOAA U S Oeo4 OI c_... .. CI Fronts: Cold .. Warm .w Kans Cny l(noJ1ville L1.s Vegu Liiiie Rock L.ooilYllle Lubboek Memphis Miami Miiwaukee Mpl.-SI P Nashville N-Orleana N-VOfk Norfolk No. Plana Okla Clly Omah• Or1endo Pt\lladpl'lia Phoeol• Pltttburgh Ptlend, Me Ptlltld, Ore Provldenoe =~lty 12 es 100 IT 67 66 78 7• 84 72 T9 14 lit 06 511 18 56 71 73 74 61 49 69 73 87 t5 74 09 ~ 86 57 40 60 .61 52 53 611 48 Spok•ne 8S Syrac:vM 86 Te>pe411 113 Tucson 96 Tulse 92 Washing Ion 73 Wlehlle 97 CALIFORNIA Bake<allald Btythe Eureka Fresno Lenc1111er Lo• Angeles Marys vi lie Monte<ey NeedHtl 01kl11nd P .. o Robles ~Bluff AedWood City S~amento Sallnee Sen Diego 70 S2 47 71 73 76 57 70 05 01 90 66 108 72 52 88 81 88 84 80 67 72 104 73 S8 90 5S 86 59 1e se 84 S4 Tl 41 80 70 87 5e 73 57 7t El Paao Fairbank• F11go Fl-ostatt GINI Fiila Hertle><d Heltrla Honolulu Houtlon lndnec>fll Jac:i<ln MS Jecttenv11e 80 49 TS SO 02 89 46 Reno Richmond Sett Leite San AnlonlO S..111• Stvevepon Sioux Felle St Louis 79 tG at a8 86 69 118 93 72 72 9"1 94 76 90 70 10& 72 $3 ea M 76 79 u 71 115 49 87 7S Sen Frencleco Senta 81rb1t1 S.j!ta ~Alrle 14 S•kton Thermal Ulll•h 86 66 tOS as S2 .OS 811 7S .Ot 93 81 80 83 9S 7S 90 73 SI P-Tamp1 St Sle M.O. " 7" es 75 112 t t 63 68 2t 74 ta 63 37 70 10 77 41 13 .; ~~~~RI RIPDRI Loc:.ttoft -• ---:=:. Huntington Bluff• 2·3 Hui llngton Pier 1·3 S1nta Ana RI..,.. Jett~ 2-4 401h St. NtwPOn 1, 2-3 22nd St. Newpol'I 3-4 Belboe Wedge 2·4 Roell,plle, t..guna t-2 SIMC>Y H~ 1-2 Thelill-etOOICa 2·3 891'1 ciem.n1e Pier 1.2 Tr1te1Q« (T-!rtrMI) 1·2 TOMORROW'S TIDES: High t ·15 t m OlrtctlOn w .. 1 ' -....... lalf-90Qd gOOd good gOOd 0000 felr felr ,.., felr felt 10 Low 2: 12 p .m Swell Berti ow Big Be9r Bl9hop Cetellna Long e.ech MonroYll Ml WllaOn Newport Bffeh Ontario Pllm Spring• PIMdene Sen lemerdlnO 8M1 Glltlriel • .,, Joel Ti des • TODAY 77 tot 76 ae 72 aa 94 76 ,. 90 tOS ae 93 eg 84 Second low t:Ga pm. Seco<1d Mgh 7·41 p m. TUllDAY ;1.15 11.8 First lo'.11• 2:47 a.m. O.O Flf•t high II: 15 a.m. 4,2 Seoond IOw 2. 12 p,m U Second hltl' 8: 15 p.m U tun N it todt~ et 7·H p.m .. fl ... Tuttdty ti 1;2t I m. M00tt ,.._ IOd.ey et 5:20 p.111., NII TUteldey el 2·•1 e.m. two-dozen cities and 3-inchee or snow at a Vermont ski resort. Temperatures along the East Coast w e r e already rising towards summer norms today after a m ass of cold, dry air descended from Canada and moved east Sunday. The land cooled quickly an the wake of the front , and th~ me rcury dipped as low as 22 degrees an East Haven, Vt .. and --iA Thoma.a. W .Va .. whece it was 28 degrees, a record for the date . "It settled in on top of us and once it did, the winds die d down," said Frank Lucadamo, a weather service forecaster in Pittsburgh, where an August reocord low of 39 degrees was ~t Sunday. T he d ying wind allowed the relatively warm land to cool rapidly, without clouds to contain the heat Vi~tim of cycle crash on Ortega Highway dies A 23-ycar-old Massachusetts man d ieri Aug. 27 when the motorcycle h e was riding eolUded head-on with a pickup truck on the Ortega Highway, 3 miles east of the San Diego Fn.>cway . A Cali fornia Highway Patrol spok£>sman reported that Peter Zelazo, of Adams, Mass .. was pronounced dead on arrival at M~ Community Hospalal in Mission V 1e jo Zelazo was riding west un the Ortega Highway when he was struck head-on by an eastbound pickup truck allegedly travelling on the wrong side of the road. the spokesman said. The driver of the pickup, Arthur M . Lyons , 33, o f Mountain Center in Riverside County. was arrested and charged with manslaughter and fe lony drunken driving, the spokesman said . L yon s. who sustained moderate injuries in the collision. was treated a t Mission Community Hospital before being transferred to R1vers1de General Hospital. ' County boy . electrocuted by power line A 13-year-old Placentia boy was electrocuted Saturday night wh en aluminum poles from a dismantled te nt contacted an overhead power line. Police identified the victim as S hannon Gorman, who woUld have been an eighth grader this fall at Tuffree Junior High School. Officer said Gorman and a friend where taking down a tent after a backyard campout when several poles Gorman connected together strlfk the powe r line. The other youth, identified as Brent Fish er, 14, knocked Gorma n away from the pole after it struck the power line. An essential worsted suit for the Brooksgate man The s ubtle-striped suit is al ways in good taste and well favored ~ecause it allows for a wide selectio n of accessories. For the young executive we offer a fine woollen tailored o n our trim 2-butto n Broo ksgate model. It's moderately priced a nd comes in c halk or multi-stri pes on navy o r grey. Coat, vest and trouse.rs, $200 n HTAlllSHID 1111 ~~ C$.1i®D fumiJhtngs tor . . Womtn ~ loya 530 WliST TTH STRBBT. LOS ANOBLBS, CALIR FASHION ISi.ANO. N6WPORT BBACH, CALIF. • - WORLD - Iran,· traq trade artillery fire By The A11odated Pre11 NlC.:OSlA, Cypn.11 -Iran &nd lnu~ tradro 1&rtillciry fire alona their 300-mlle war front S unday and both side1 claimed they Inflicted heavy losses. An Iranian mJ}itary L'Ommunlque alllo said Iraqi warplanes raided Iranian poslllona in the border province o f llam, but Iraq made no reference to air raid• In lta account of the: d11y'11 flaht1n1. lran said th" w11rplanes were drlwn off by anU-alrcraft ground fire. The lranhrn communique uld Iranian gunners killed 11 ~ Iraqi eoldiers and wounded 20 othen In 17 locations along the front. The report, carried by Iran's official news agency, put Iranian loaes at aeven wounded. Poland warns against public protests WARSAW, Poland -As Soviet and Polish troops held joint maneuvers near the capital. Poland's martial law ruler warned against public demons tration s on Tuesday, the second anniversary of the suspended Solidarity union. "Martial law can be Uked or disliked, but it IS a law which must be respected," Premier Gen. Wojciech Jaruz.elski told cadets at a military !iiChool In Poznan, west.em Poland on Sunday. "Disturbing this law will not be tolerated." Jaruzelski reiterated a promise to e nd martial law by the end of the year if the country is calm. Underground union leaders have been calling for mass demonstrations Tuesday to show the strength of the union, suspended when martial law was imposed last Dec. 13. American ties ~goslav in ehess match TOLUCA, Mexl('o -Yasser Seirawan of the United States and Krunoslav Hulak of Yugoslavia drew after 57 moves in the final round of the interzonal chess qualifying tournament he re. The draw kept Seirawan from s haring second place with former world champion Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union. In another late game Saturday, Yur S. Balashov of the Soviet Union defeated Andras Adorjan of Hungary in 46 moves aft.er five hours and 20 minutes of play. NA TO anno·unces annual fall maneuvers CASTEAU, Belgium -More than 117,000 Some 70,000 soldiers from seven countries NATO troopers are to take part in two land, sea will be deployed in a field training exercise and air exercises in Denmark and West Germany named "Carbine Fortress" Sept. 13-23 arouod over the--next" seven weeks, -according to -an--wm-zt>arg;n-we~y. tllea nnouncement a nnouncement by the North Atlantic Treaty said. --\ \ Organization. The troops from .he United States, West They are part of NATO's annual fall maneuvers and will be officially opened in Naples, Italy, on Sept. 2, officials said Sunday. STATE Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark will be back~ up by air forces from another exercise, "Cold Fire 82," It said. $400 million said • spent on gas pro1ect SACRAMENTO -Nearly $400 million has been spent by two·of California's largest utilities in their attempt to import liquefied natural gas to California from Alaska and the Far East, the Sacramento Union reports. The newspaper said in its Sunday editions that the cost figure -whic h is expected to increase -was contained in recently released information compiled by the state Public Utilities· Commission. Coast Guard searches SAUSALITO -A saiboat from Sausalito bound for Hawaii is nearly four weeks overdue, prompting a search at harbors from the Canadian coast to Baja California. the Coast Guard reported. The Coast G uard sent out an urgent search bulletin to ocean vessels and harbor masters NATION Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and Southern California Gai; Co., through a consortium of subsidiaries, have sought .per.mission from state and federal regulators to build a terminal at Point Conce ption to receive s hipments of liquefied natural gas from Alaska and Indonesia. But the 5-year-oJg_ project near Santa Barbara has--been plagued by high •costs ana opposition from environmentalists, although legislation had been approved to expedite th~ project. for missing ketch along the Pacific seaboard Sunday in search of the ketch D'Marie ill. George Short. whose age and residence was not immediately known, and an unidentified 29.year-old fem.ale companion left the Sausalito Yacht Harbor July 10 on the 36-foot ketch. The two were due in Hill Aug. 3. Aerospace workers approve new contract AKRON. Ohio -United Auto Workers union members at the Goodyear Aerospace Corp. ended an 18-day strike on Sunday by approving a contract which, except for cost-of-Hving boosts, contains no pay increase. About 87 percent of the 900 union members voted in favor of a three-year package that offers no wage increase, but maintains cost-of-living raises worth about $2.86 an hour over the life of the pact, if there is an 8 percent inflation rate. The 1,474-member Local 856 went on strike Aug. 11. Sheik and sheika begin custody battle MIAMI -An Arab sheik. under court order, has promised to put up $1 miU1on cash to guarantee he will not flee the country with his four children in a bitter custody fight with his estranged wife. Sheik Mohammed al Fassi, 27, whose sister Smithsonian recovers ·WASHINGTON -The Smithsoniar1 Institution has recovered the lower half of a set; of ivory and gold false teeth made for Georg(! Washington in 1795. but the FBI is still on thE! lookout for the hrst president's upper dentures. is married to a nephew of Saudi King Fahd, and Dena al Fassi, his Italian-born wife. were to present their cases for clistody today in court. His wife is suing him for $3 billion. His fortune has been estimated in the billions of dollars. Washington's teeth A Smithsonian employee found the historic: lower teeth May 3 in a storeroom drawer nea1· where they had been repo~ missing more thar1 a year ago. a spokesman for the museum saicl Saturday. We're Listening ••• -ay·l'nday II y0u 00 -"-~ -l>y~30pm u ll-• 1 P"' .,..., YoUt cooy '"" oe ct_. • ._.,., =-' .,,., ~~," r. "'dO ~ b91or• tt:"m •nd rovr 000\I ... u .,. --"° What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your messa1e will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let· te rs to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind. 642·6086 ORANGE COAST CIHllfted aclVettllfftt 11 ....... 2-M11 Daily Pilat ThomcK P. Ha&.y ~ ond 0,., hecvtr.e Qffjc• Jone Amari h9CV!••• £d11or l. Koy Sdtultir Ille• 'ratldeM ond Director °' ~llulg K•""..tt N. Oaddwd Jr. OW.c.tot o4 °'*otloftt . AN other ~ntl M2 ... U1 MAIN Of'PICI •••"'-"M .. C-.MfM.CA, Mell...,._: 9tllt ... CC.le Mete, CA .... *-''-f13 "Id M e. ... MeM. c.lllenlla. IU" 1..-. rl9'1 .... llV ,.,,19, 14,,, ........... bylftell.9', y, -,, Ora"ge Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Monday, Augutt 30. 1882 H/F PLENTY OF SAND -Morning clouds and a hazy afternoon kept the crowds small along the Orange Coast beach es over the weekend. Dally Piiot Photo by Ch~ lt.rr This scene was rcx·ordcd in N<•wport Beach near the Balboa Pier. .. , Epilept.ic surf er resc~d .. ---..... .. after seizure off Laguna A 26-year-old Laguna Beach man nearly drowned after he suffe red an e pileptic seizure Sunday morning while surfing in Laguna Beach , according to lifeguards. Lifeguards, who declined to ide ntify the surfe r, said .he s wa I lowed wale r and was "pretty blue" when they pulled him out. Otherwise. the Orange Coast beaches were relatively quiet, as overcast sloes Saturday and high winds S unda y appa r e ntly discouragfj,d a heavy turnout. The JO.mph westerly winds are expected to pick up again today and Tues day and coas tal authorities have issued a small craft advisory. Weather officials predict night and e arly m orning c lo uds Tuesday, clear ing in mid - m o rn 1 n g w it h coastal temperatures peak ing in the mid-70s. Lifeguards reported that 180.- 000 people visited beaches from Seal Beach south to San Clemenw Sunday. Aoout 150,000 people v1s1t.ed the samt· beaches Saturday, when it was overcast in the morning. · .- 0 n an average s u mmer weekend, about 500,UOO people will spend ume al the Orange Coast beaches, !if eguards said. The n umber o C rescu e d s wimmers also was belo w averagt• for a summer weekend, with the exception of Huntington S tate Beach where a strong riptidepulled 110 swimmers out to sea Sundav. .Small boat crosser 'all in' FALMOUTH. England (AP) -B i 11 Du n Io p , a I r,e a d y rucknamed "Small-Boat Bill" for his record AtlantJc crossing in a 9-foot sailboat, ate chef-cooked meals, bathed in hot water and slept in a real bed for the first time in 78 days. · Dunlop. 41 , bulky and bearded, staggered whe n he stepped ashore on wobbly legs at Custom House Quay at Falmouth Harbor in Cornwall on Sunday, and h is wife Pamela said after helping him up the steps, "Me is all in." The former truck driver from Mechanic F'alls. Maine, set the world's record for making the eastward Atlantic Ocean crossing singlehanded in the s mallest boat. Ht' left Portland, Maine, June 13. Dunlop said his fiberglass boat, Wind's Will, previously reported . as 9-foot-one-inch overall , is actually one-eighth of an inch" sporter than that. He was able to talk briefly after a hot bath, treatment for salt-water sores on his body and less and a change into clothes his wife brought with her. "It was real tough , a lot tougher than I had expected," he said. His worst moment was during a gale when his boat turned over but righted itself. He was harnessed to the 12-foot mast. • ' AP W1repMto SAFE ARRIVAL -American yachtsman Bill DunJop greets his wife Pamela on his arrival at Fa lmouth, England, Sunday after crossing the Atlantic in his 9' -1" yacht. smallest vessel ever to make the crossing. Dunlop. 41, a truck driver from Mechanic Falls. Maine, spent 78 days a t sea. He said he had trouble with hts food stock because many of the cans in the 200 pounds of canned food were rusted by sea- water and became contaminated.. "lt got a b1 t monotonous throwmg cans overboard," he said a.B-Q,aSQ, fbr toy.s ... " thz. clas5ic kn1t,~c.arci P?ly/cotton b~ 'ih.a reinlxn.! or colors. 5\2¢8 8-20. 44 Fcuhlon II/and · Nt!wport &oclt • 714/644-5()10 1001 Wt-•twood Bluel.· Wt-miood Vlltagf!' • 213/208·3213 .. / I ... I' 11 I I i , ~,YJ,~w" , .. oQ•~~Q.~!!~.,•c !~~~•ot•~o~•!!Q~ 1111«:•• .. U••• •oouu" ,~'ll:/.-. •• ••at•••• ( ·------------- 'Irvine firm gets record contract •&n/Bar Corp., lrvine, hat received a contract to eupply Ut.elcom with a minimum of $14 million of Electronic Key Telephone _Syetem.s (EKTS) the next two years. The joint announcement waa made today by Robert D. JohNtOn, president of San/Bar, and Rex L. Flint, president of Ut.elcom, which la a 1ubsldl.ary of United Telecommunlcatlona lnc .. a diversified telecommunications company. Utelcom, which operate• u a part of United ·Communlcationa System1 lnc., sells, lnatalla and services business terminal telephone producu. Johnaon said, "Thia 18 the largest single contract that San/Bar has received in its 20-year hiatory. We believe thi.a contract for our Vision 2000 EKTS, coming from a company of the stature of UtelC?m, not only verifies the excellence of ours, but provides San/Bar with a solid base for further expansion in the business telephone market." A<Xlording to the terms of the contract, San/Bar will begin delivering units of Its V15ion 2000 EK'!'S to Utelcom under a fpecially created private brand label in January, 1983. The contract provides for • cancellation di;ring its initial period (estimated at 60 days) If certain of its tem\8 and conditions are not met. The equipment called for in the contract will be built by San/Bar's Business Telephone Systems division, located in Garland,. Texas. • - Computer world's fast est Hitachi Ltd. announced tc>Qay in New York City the development of a new "supercomputer': callable of 630 million float~ operations per second (MFLOPS), making 'it the world's fastest computer. Hitachi says that user's programs for conventional scientific-use computers can be easily applied to the new "supercomputer," labeled the Hitachi S -810 Array Processor System. Marketin& of the Array Pr<>CeSS?r ~ystem wW start in Japan In September and will include two models, the S -810/20 and the lower.end S-810/10, extended storage using MOS memory chips and four program products. Holiday to sell Delta Holiday Inns Inc., Memphis, Tenn . has reached agreement to sell Dalt.a S~hlp Lines Inc .. 8: ~ho~y owned subsidiary of Holiday Inns, for $96 nullion m cash to Crowley Marillme International Inc., a subsidiary of Crowley Maritime Corp., San Franci.9co. On Apdl 29 Holiday Inns' board ·of directors • announced its intention to dispose of Delta and Delta has accordingly been t reated as a discontinued opera tion in the company's consolidated financial statements. Based on the terms of the disposition announced today, the company expects to JXl8l a one-time, after- tax charge against earnings estimated at 65 cents per common share or approximately $25 million. Federated acquired b y Aetna Aetna Life and Casualty Co. and Federated Investors Inc. announced they had signed definitive agreements concerning Aetna's acquisition of Federated. Under the terms of the &Rreements A~t~a , Hartford, C.onn. will acquire approxima~y 4.4 ~on shares or about 87 percent of Federated's out.standing share~. through a merger involving a tax-free exchange of l.25 shares of Aetna common stock for each Federated share. Furthermore, Federated manageme.nt will retain the reniaining approximately 13 percent tnte~t in the firm through early 1988. Gas prices shut plant EL CENTRO (AP) -High prices for natural gaa, an important l.ngredient In ammonia, was blamed for the shutdown of SlmCal Chemical Compan y '• fertilizer manufactw1ng plant here. The shutdown aflecui Jn09t of the plant's 132 employees, who will be offered Jobe at other S~ facilities and help with applying to other companies, aa.id vice president Gerald Meade. Gold., metals quotations, Gold By The Aasoclated Pre11 Selected world gold prices today: London morning fi>ung Holiday -market closed London afternoon fixing Holiday -market closed. • .. Paris afternoon fixing $391.37, off $20.66. Frankfurt fixing $400.00, off $25.25. Zurich late afternoon fixing $402.75, off $14.25 bid, $403.50 asked. Handy & Harman (only daily quote) $402.20, off $15.80. Engelhard (only daily quote) $402.50. off $15.50. Engelhard (only daily quote) fabricated $422.63, off $16.27. Si.hr Handy & Harman. $7.720 per troy ounce. Met.ah NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous metal prices today: Copper 72-73 cents a pound, U.S . destinations. Lead 26-29 cents a pound. Zinc 40 cents a pound, delivered. Tin $6.4207 Metals Week composite. Al•ml nam 76-77 cents a pound, N.Y. Mucary $366.00 per flak. PlatJaam $325.00-$328.00 ltOy o~. N. Y. ' 'Col4coim Ow to late transmission today's ll1tlng wll l not llD09•r In the Detty pttot, \ JUlllTll BIARD Kun Tnomu, lh• QIHl••I gymnHI Ill u 8 hlAIOfY, wlll hHdlln• th• lletd 111 1h• U 8 P1ofeutonal gymnullo• Q1u11C •• lh• F0<um Sunday, Sept 111 ,nd at An1hetn1 C011ven11or1 Cet\I., on S•lutd•y, Sept. 26. tnomu t1111 .. lht •oott1ot·11 wllh an all·••ai c111 of Ame11oan and 1111ernallon11 Pfrlo11ner1 In the unique ••\ltrtllnmtnl and 1po111 pr04ucllon wntcn comblnH lht 1nt111 of prtclllon cornpe111ton wllh tht beauty 01 the petfOtml~ a111 Ttctcatt tor both thew• are pllced al $10. $8.60 anc:t $7 with two dolter dlacounte on 111 prlcet for chlldr~ 12·and·undor They mey b• purchased II Ult Forum and Conytnllon center C>oa .olflcH and 11 all Mutuai Agenolee •nd Tlcketron oullela. Mell order purcha ... may ~ made to th• F0<um. 8.0ll 10 Inglewood, Cel llO;jOd and. al Anaheim Con11enlton ~let. llOO w Katell• Ave .. Anaheim. Cal. 02~2. r H/F Orange Cout DAILY PILOl /Monday, Auguat 30, 1982 Seawulf f wins yacht trophy . GlASBIF llD . MAI\lNA DEL REY -Seawulff, ak1ppcred by Rob Wullhon, S hark bland Yacht Club, N'ewporl Beach. wa.:; the wlnntir of &.he Ot!I Mar Trophy predicted log race out ot California Yucht Club. Wullflon's percent.age o f error for the 32-rnll~ (.'()UJ'llO Willi 0.8a8. •IHI,,,,,. CLASSIFIED ......... ;i ••••••••••• ,,,.,,. ,,, ,,,, N11111 ,,, '411 ...... }•T ld1 ••••....•••••......... . ..................... •·•·•••··•·······•···· P! ... ~~~~ ••••.••••• 1.q!t ¥!~!~~~ ......... !.~~ 9trJ,.!m •••••• !.~ Dave Rh.chie's Diamond LU from M urina Yacht Club waa a close second with an error of 0.894. ,, !!~. ~· t tit ) 642-5678 HHTAITW. --------~ Mont101110 Townl\OuH .. IOI Ill.OT... lllYlll TOUOI S70 009 by OWrntr 28A •• AAA 1~BA W/D d1h.w1hr , a.II_, 11 dMS)tflle. Ab• 1 1..-eolutely mu1t Mii. 0.IU• 1tf fl•t Offtrt4 Qllrb dllp, 4llec Qltage, comm. pool. 111111 model tn txclu•lve Thia neat 30drm 2be e41·941Se Twenty boat.II participated in the race which MotlSfS FOi SAL( started at Marina dul Rey and took the boat.a to a-11 Ship Rock oft the CataUnn Isthmus, then around tlt::~~.1• the west end of the island to Cat Harbor. 8:.".:::r w:.'h Third \Y88 Dulcinea ll, Murray Gord on , Marina &:::':: YC, 1.225: fourth was Algeria, Chuck Franklin, ~.,.,. v California YC, 1.329, and fifth WWi Mlaty Sea, Tom .:; ... "::l.h . c 9 ... ... Collins, H ollywood Y , 1.4 8. .... "•f~ ... 1: IOla ICID := um UIM IMO :::: IOUAL HOU91HO OPl'OIUUHITY BIO Canyo11 Hand1om• wllh ovt• 1800 1q ft with ---------f"1ench door1 throug· lovely pa1101 and Oat· Ill! HI •tll hou1. high eelllr1g1 hive dtn1 Owner wltl finance Golf coutM view. Mull ell been pt11te1ed with aubatonllal 111 TO at Mii $111&,000 with 10•1 • emoorh llnllh lmptee· 12.v. Int. 7 yr httm A ..down hllll1ller'1 l•ff•tt •Ive IWO•ltOry entranoe ltfllthOld eatete. Prloe<I MULLAN REAL TY All r .. I eetate advertlMd and llvlng robm. oak· to Mii In fff. 540.ieeo .. 11 for Lori floored kitchen end I•• ..... ••11 In Ihle newepepei 11 mlly room. luxurloue -•a IUb)ICt to th• Ftderal IUOIHI UYlll brick tem1ee. The home Which makee II Illegal lo 11 vacant, and awalllng • • , Tlckola may atao be Charged by telephone by calling the Forum (213) 81•·•700 or the.Convention • 14&11Mtjlllt e4"'MIJll ... I IOllO lllU ICISI Fair Hou1lng Aot ol 19118 matter suite. end lerge .. 1dvel'1IH .. any preloren· 1 f ! · oe, llmll1tlon or dlacrtmf. your lnal touch. The , , In thl• 4 t>Orm norne with family rm, lncd yard and 101• ot txtraa. Ownet Wiii IHltl wlllnanclng. Only St36,000. Call 979-5370 now .• Centet. (71•) "9-8950. Lendl top ~eeded Tile World Cllampl Sh opona at Ille F on Ip Tennis Forum Clastic through Sundayors:'iit M2°J1d~y, Sept. 20 and runs excepr for the s~nday 2 P m~ 1~ two1 SO&alons dally Ivan Lendt one 01 · · c amp onshfp..· circuit lhls ye~r wlll be t,~e :op Players on lho WCT •<1 ISl~les draw. r't1ore Wiii :,;;,PbSef!d '2' lhe 32·player tourney. e a f.,.team doubles The lleld will be ballllng lor S300 000 I money. . n prize Tickers are on sale and 811 Tlckarron oulla~sow at lhe Fotum bo~ ofllco are priced er $75 SfiO All cr;~llon season llcllel1 ••salon seals range' from s~nlo $~~ Qlld lnd1vldual Pro surllnt contest hips in Hunlln9ton The Pro Surllng Ohamplo~~rough Sunday Beec;h ere &el lo< Wednesd&Yetnatlon&l competitors Included In 11>1 Ho~ 3~~~pton >.uatranan Merk are tllree-tlme Wort kin his rourlh bid tor Iha Richardt, wtto wilt be marlva? and fellow coun1ryn1an 11111 In 1982. t1111 tongtlme Ice's hlgtlest·ranked pro Horan and Ame• ;~~~~4bene Kealoha ot Hawa::chesl sur11nQ con1es1 Thi champlonsnlp 1~~~ States wllh $30.000 '" ever to be tield In the two Qodge trucks to ~e prize money as w,e111~p'1ece men's and women' ewarded to the 1rs t1ntst1ers. Boogie board battle On Salurday, Sept 18, a Morey Boogie Board contesr will be held In conjunction with me t31h Annual Senior Olympics wllll check-In time 81 1 30 a.m. ar lh8 SO\Jlh side ol the Hunllngron 86ach Pier Compe1111on ls open I() all Morey Boogie Board riders Who are 20 years or older. Age groop dlvlstona are In five year Increments With no upper Vmil Alders wlll be 1eoreo on wave sel~tlon, performance and time spent In lhe blue wa111 or tho wave Tho entry tee Is S6 with an entry deadline Sept 1 s For more lntorma11on contact Mary Lee Chrislensen et 439-0900. Smith ·says 'no thanks' • He doesn 't want Kuhn 's job·· NEW YORK (AP) -Tai Smith, longtime baseball executive now in private business. says if elected he would not run, if drafted, he w ould not serve as commissioner of baseball. Smith, fired as Houston Astros president in 1980 aft.er building the club into a pennant winner. h as b een h ypothesized numerous times as a replacement for Bowie Kuhn, most recently in an editorial in The Sporting News. ''Th e Sporting News Editorial is a fine compliment," Smith said Sunday in a telephpne interview from his h om e in Houston. "but I think the game would best be served by Bowie Kuhn's re-election, anc:t I am not a candidate." . ' . WHEN SMITH was fired by Astr os owner John McMullen two years ago, it caused an upheaval in the H ouston front office bordering on mutiny. Smith turned down several baSeball offers at that time to open his own bUSiness, Tal Smith Enterprises, a sports consulting firm. Afte~ his firm was successful in representing several clubs iA salary a rbitration cases with ballplayers, Smith's popularity escalated, resulting in speculation h e could become the next commissiq11er of baseball. Kuhn's term of office expires on Nov. 1, 1982, and the commissioner bas substantial oppositio n . "I trunk, first of all, that the commissionership is a very difficult task, and it's easy to criticize BoWie," Smith said. "But frankly, I feel many of the critics don't always understand all the factors or considerations . . . the game would best be served by reitructUring," THE FATE of Kuhn has been cl06ely linked w ith baseball's efforts to restructure the commissioner's office and the two leagues. A compromise committee, formed at baseball's s ummer meetings In San Diego, c urrently is working on a compromise that could save Kuhn's job. Th.at compromise could lnclude the h iring of a new man in the commission er's office to handle busineas affairs. He would be known as CXX>BA (Chief Operating omcer, Business Affairs). Would Smith, now 49. consider such a job? "When I left \he Astr06, I was pl'eSeJlted with a great many o pportunities in baseball," Smith said. Cribbs wins local competitio~ Steve Cribb. of Fountain Valley won the local firutla of ihe Malibu Grand Prix Road Runner ~-Off rece.rilly at lhc Malibu G rand Prix track In Fountain Valley. · The 12.-yeu-old Cr{b bt wlll repreient the Fountain Valley tnck in the •t.-tewide final on s~. Sepl. 12 qainst cight opponenta at the Anaheim facWty (2430 Eul ~tdla Ave.). ~ winner of the local Unal1 at J'ountatn· Val.lay, Cnbm posted • one-lap \lme of 63.00 . eeconcb. drlvtntl a Boed Runner tat lh a rlCO apbwt · the clock on ~ lWtitina hall-mile ~. . - • '"""' .. .JO ~llH•h Raide r capture8 BYC raee l:J~r;:cr::i.11.~., s. ... "~· Jim Linderman's Erlcson-46 Raider waii the International Offshore Rule Class A winner in the seventh and final race of Balboa Yac•ht C lub's 66 Series S unday. Final standings in the seven·race series will be announced at a later date. IOR Class B winner was Apogee, co-sk_ippered BOATING ~, .ID by Milt and Marty Vogel, Long Beach Y ach t Club, and the IOR-C winner was Insanity, co-skippered by Wayne Austero and Tom Omohundro, Newport Harbor Yac ht Club. Summary 0£ class results: IOR·A -1. Raldai. Jim Linderman. BelbOa YC. IOA·6 -1. Apogee, Miii and Many Vogel, Long Bea~h YC: 2 Audaclou1. Mike Kennedy, Loa A"Qlloe YC: 3. Fl1mbuoyent. Barney !!~d. Steve Aam. long Beach YC, IOR·C -1 lnaanlty, Weyne Aulleto-lorn Omohundro, NHYC. 1 PHRF·A -I Oot .. IS, Alan Andrews. 8YC. 2. Typhoon. JOhn Olsen, LBYC. 3 TO<y, Bob Oocl<lt, Newport Hetbo< YC Pl'IRF·B -I Runeway II. PllUI Wiebe!. \loyagort YC. 2 Porpy. Roy $1nclelr. eve J Biii-, P•ul Sna•p, 8ah11 Corinthian YC PHRF-c"":\ I Howlin' Owl. Allan Staw8'1. Voyeoert YC: 2 Lapwo•th Camel. Odin Br~alhon. NHYC, 3. M6Cklnec. Wes Thompson. Capistrano Bey YC Adamson pilots winning sloop Kath y Adamson a t the helm of the sloop Bang Bang Maxwell won the spi'nnaker division in Capistrano Bay Yac ht CJub's Las liolondrinas race, the third in the Orange County Women 's Ocean SttJ IJotMh loul1I u 1vno Wtlt4.m1Nlfr MobUt Uomu ••k RENTALS Racing Series. IUC'INESS INVEST Runner-up was TKO, sailed by Fletcher Olson, ~ • · := t01• , .. IOM , .. ,. UGO price hH been reduced _ _. ____ .._. _ _,.., n1Uon baaed on rece. 10 Sll50.000 and the HI· 1 _________ 1 GOlor. rellglon, renee, II· ler wtfl carry paper. Call IY OWIEll m I tat ro n ° 1 T1udy Slubbltfleld. discrimination." CdM duplex, t>Ht foo l Thi• n-•paper wlll not Pride of owntrahlp knowingly accept any Great auum. financing . . \ f >I l I 1l /:'II 11t "I I • \ '• • t f I/I '•I 1dvert11lng tor real 81· 759.9100 $324,900. 1-942-8580 · tale Which la In vlolallon C. # I OU iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiii l~1'iii0,iiii1iiiih8iiii1iiiiawiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •.:::::::::::::: ·w·'1~1·1··2~1·11· ··rw· • 1° • .. ·,·,·· MES& Yllll -1• V acent and ready. 4 :: Ellltllt Advertl· with 2'h baths, 2 car encl Bdrma and large lamlly ''°° gar & yard. $5000 down room. remodeled kit · ::: serS ShOUld Check and pyml USllled prog. Chen, nicely upg1aded •llOO their ads dally and ram. Call Rick. Owner/ thruoul. $169,000. r.: report errors Im-Ag1. 96-4-5171 142-1200 5 b:l~~a~~Lbrr:s~ WUTIEWNllT 20~!~f~a.~~~?!.Fu11 ZS» II blllt f Duplei< Two three be· amenities and sec. gate. = sumes a y or droom unit&. Excellent No quellf)llng wllh $6000 : the first In correct tocatlon. Steps to eand down fO. 75V. loen Insertion only. Ocean view from upper program avallable Call ~~~~~~~~~ unit Great financing. A I ch 0 w n er J Ag t . - PETE BARRETI c,. REALTY Submit on AITD. $349, 1_9_6_•·_6_1_1_1 _____ 1 j u•1 B•••11 l•r 1•11 ooo. HOO rH Ml. i i;;r;;,~;;···· · ··· • · · [~;;;';1;';-l;J;OO;;;~ [ s20,ooo dwn 1or ·a 25•1. >.n ••••••••••••••-•••••. Interest In properly wllex ::; s .. 11•1 I OOZ •helter lleneflte. Owner ~ • •••••••••••••• • •••••• occupied or lnvea1or'a := ·1&•~111 position evall. Call Rich nw owner/agt, 964·6171 TtlAY'I lllT llY with low down & low payments you can make this Costa Mell outle yours. N-er 2 Br 2 Ba home w/lrplc. & formal dining. Seller Is moving, call roday Agt. Wanda. 544. 1955, 669-1616 ~1 ··e•a PvilerrodeED2I Bdrm WATER'S FINE _ .,,. No qualllylng, super 3 112 000 ltWI "°' condo wllh community """' • "' • • .• ., ... • bdrm wllh rock pool In ' ~ pool, microwave, fresh ••LtfA llWI country setting. Must 1110 •t. wo· paint and minutes close -sell. Asking $117,900. Spacious 3Br + 2·~ea, ::: 10 parka and shops. Sel· 1111,000 Bkr 848.0709 redwood pallo & epa. •4111 ler will cafryl Only Little Island bayfront. 1---------1 handsome brick lrplc, :;: $ 8 9. 9 0 0 · c..a II to d a )I I Enjoy the charm of Bel· $5000 MOVES YOU IN litre lg 2 car garage w/ •lo.!O 646-7171 boa Island from tile patio Wiii gamble with you on wine cellar or dark rm. oeoo of this Ideally located Interest rale fluctuallon M us t s e 11 A SA P -h p ti d & move you In w/$5000 646-5680 ome. reaen Y a, u· cuh. N-luxurtoua A/C, ---------THE REAL ESTATERS pie•, could convert 10 SEL E.R LS PUACH>.SING llngte family. Motivated 1650 sq It, (no1 counting L · seller. double garage w/etectr. condo. needs fest sale Balboa Yacht Club, and third waS-Stinger, co-M£JCT, FINANCE k. d b M W h d J 1· T . :l:::.-:uP.i;::'i,; -1 s 1~pere y ary at en an u te 1mon~ 1 .... ,,,,..10 ,., ::~ Capistrano Bay Yac ht Club. -...... ,..,.., ~o<t - •010 opener), 2 & 313 Ba on this adorable Eastelde 144· condos. Next 10 ell 3 BR 2 Be country al)llo ~~~~~~--· -..0-0pp~g & theaters. with quarters above ga-631-5055 or 6-42-2000 rage. As~lng S 165,000. ·t00K In the non-spinnaker division the winner was i:::~~!:'O:· teml For our new regular 1110t1 Tll' :l: weekly fea1ure Seadora, Janet Bra ughton, Dana Point Yacht Club. j '0 '"· • 1801 T SHOW• Second was Sorcerer , co-sk ippered by L enore 1.,NOU"'CEM£MTS and third was Gold Rush, Ann Beckec, Capistr ano PHSONALS & ' Every Saturday In the CIMMEICIAL 2 .Stores. t block to ocean, 25% down. Ow· ner wllt carry balance. GOOD FOR OWNER USEAI $265,0001 .. , ...... , ,,.,, Financing 11 good. Call VA REPOSSESSION 4br. agt. &42·6368 3 ba. pool. $8000 d n. --T-R-IP_l_EX __ N_EA_A __ $136,000. Agt 546-7739 BEACH & SHOPS • • Collins and Biffy Rosef1e, Voyagers Yacht Club,1 "" " ' \ CASE Bay YC. • A ......... }!~~ & FOUND )acroj Daiz Piiot c1ass11te<1s Cor Pool )UO Ace of Cups takes regatta l!!.ai.T<f..!i!: ~ THE llDME OF lealten •lll~TOIO* ~• Turn your unusables into usable cash. can Daily Pilot classified 642-5678. Country hOuso with 3 bedrooms and 2 be· droom back unlla each with laundry room. Shows true pride of aw-nershlp wllft llreptace. 1undecka and garages. 15•;. down or trade for T.O.'e $245 ,000 844·7020 Ace of Cups, co-skippered by Bruce and Mark Golison, Alamitos Bay Yacht Club, was the winner in the J -24 Diittrict 21 c hampionship r egatta Saturday and Susiday at Balboa Yacht Club. t:.':'CI~;.. =: MRS. CLUI Trov.i• -Almo1t 2,000 sq.It. of • • • • • SEIVICES ,._,Yl<f Dirt<'t Of')' Second was American Express, St.eve Mille r , . Kin~ Harbor Yacht C lub ; third was Electric 1 Pumpkin, Mark Rastello, Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, a nd fourth was Expoobident, Mary and Bill Menninger , Los Angeles Yacht Club. EMrt.OYMENT & Nirvana wins one-design regatta Nirvana, co-skippered by Rick Evans and Andy Marcus, N ewport Harbor Yach t Club, was the winner i.n the Etchells-22 Class of Balboa Yacht Club's One-design regatta fo.r o utside classes Saturday. Runner-up was Jack Dollahite, N'HYC, and third was Cyrene, co-skippered by Arthur Robinson ' and Ted Munroe, NHYC. Hosmer sails to vletory Five classes of dinghy sailboats turned out for Dana Point Yacht Club's Endless Summer Regatta Sunday. The winners: CORONADO· IS -Bill Bosmer, unallached FINN -Don Wiider. UnllleohoO SAILBOARO -Paul Hengsleb<!Ck. unallachec! LI00· 1• -Evan Metenosky. Oana Polr>t VC. LASER -Katran Tollelmlor. OPYC Solo race opens In Newport, R .I. NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) -Threading through a crowd of s pectator boats, 16 sailors from nine countries set sail Saturday in the BOC Challenge solo race around the world . Richard Konkolski of Czechoslovakia, in the 44-foot cutter Nike 11, was first to cross the starting line off Goat Island, beating into the East PaMage of Narragansett liay and out into the Atlantic. ' UCI signs 11 to baseball team rtlPAIATION Sthoota lft.UWC\IOft /,o:ft1"'.::~r~· .. • y MEICHANDISE ""'"-i!-wl"•A<n Awt1-. ~':: MN~nab ~ru6-ec.uounent Doc• ,_.MlO YOU F\frMW't Ca.rare.S.lt --·-Good• J ..... ,.,. u ... , ... ~ N..,IM_y llh.wtll•NOMa llltt«lllMOW.t "' •f'lf'(S Mw.1ttaJ IMtr\llrMftl.J ornn "'"' • Equip Pt<s ~·": ~~~~,:: .. o-. urt ""'•~,.,,. au ~.•rlid*'H1'1 Sic,,.o IOATS & MARIN£ HUlrMCNT ~.J Boab,M•fM S.rvto -.. N.,IM Equip ftNta,Porwrtr ....... o .. ,.. .. , -.s.11 -..s11,. Do<h :=:=:Sll TIANSfOITAllOM Alnraft ~·(:~~~ ft•n& a::&:: ....... Mat0t Hm..~Se.k R•nt T'ta;Mn,T'rav•I !~9:,~~ulvu G<fMt•• A~TOMOlllE AM"'•~· ChHI('' R~r•elMMt V•luctH ~,':,~:.~od• Trwu Yat\t Aw•Al..-•••n& Aw40tW1ftt~ UC Irvine baseball coach Mike Gerakos has announced the na mes of 11 p layers who have o-r~~TOS, IMrGITED signed to attend UCI in the fall. ~::.110-0 The list includes two outfielders. three ~;~·"""'» infielden, two catchers and four pitchers. c."'' Jim Ga.sho, a freshman from Irvine Hi~h, and ~ O•Uvn Brady Anderson, a freshman from Carlsba High Pnr•ri h '"? Fl•t are the out(ielders. Gas o hit .330 last season ana -· was named all-league and All-Orange County. 1:=: The infielders are Mike Chapman, a freshman l':,.~1• first baseman from La Quinta High; Adam Ging, a · ::~: .... it-•• freshman shortstop ·trom Loyola High; and Biett :g, Martin, a freshman third baseman from Westlake =.,. High. ~::::: The catchers are J eff Field, a freshman from ...... ~. "Costa M esa High, a n d Mitch S h irts, a n other ~'!, ., ... fres.hman from Torrey Pines in Del Mar. Fields led =· Orange Co~ In .home runs laat 9eason and w as 't;o(!:: named All· , All-Orange County and all-leagve. ~':.:".:!', •• The fo ur P.itc h ers ·are ri~t-hander J ose vo1 ... Maduena, a junior from Cypress ege: Mu Yota,· AUTOS [ a left-hander from Lakewood Ht h (a freshman); 0_..1 ' II W Bo K ent, a freshman right-hander from Long Beach Poly High; and Nick Camara, a f.reshman right-hander from• Sweetwater. Union Senior ffigh In NaUonal Cily. , IOOO 10C6 101) lrOO -llOIO •HS -l(Z ---~ -----117) --... .., -., --... --- .... o ----· ---- '110 tl:IO llJt 11«1 ••• ... 1111 tiat ... ••• -----.,. -- squeaky clean. clean II· vt~ In this Meaa def Mar creampuff . Big, big rooms, all on one level. 4 Bdrm. large rear yard With fruit trees and a covOJed patio. Must sell thl1 weel<end. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS IWIEIWIHIJ 2 story 5 l>drm. 3 beth •UYOllEIT* 12¥• financing spacious ~11ecu1lve ranch style home In preallge area. Thia home features 3 brs, trplc. large lot & fee lendll Lowear price at $260,000. Call 759-1501 or 752·7373 tor appoint· men! to see. 2670 San Mtguel brtve, Newporr Beaeh. ~ Walker & lee M me with covered patio 1:::::::::: and microwave oven. FleJ1.lble terms! Owne1 asal1ted financing. Only $125.000. Call 979-5370 1 loday. I -\' { : ·/ l I 111~. ,, ~[A "• '\ f•wf f ~t Nl 0:., THE REAL ESTATE RS MllT OOlllTIDI . IWIO UYS .... tllLIFYlll" REDUCED AGAIN .. now $230,000 for this adora- ble qomer 3 bdrm with pool and patio. Near Fashion talend end ' beach. Drive by 1536 Sereriade Terrace a11d • call. Be1u1fllully land101ped -& malntalhe d 4 Bdrm Wl\TI IU HONl home. Greet corner · 11t1Mt' hoc:. locellon w/exl1t1ng AV REAL ESTA.TE 8CiGe81. Ownet wlll aul1t 6.1 I· 14(111 w/llnanctng. Full price $142,500. 751-3191 1~~~~~~~~~ Ammtll c:::. ' .. . ( ' --t'-' • 'I .'I H ,, I J t • 1 LIHI IUl Ell.Tl Have something you want to aell? Claastfled •d.I do II welt. 642·5878. STAR GA'ZEK., t---....,.-,:-.---lly CLAY~ POLIJ.,N---..--~-t 'Vi !7::~~ ~! r.:': ~ To devt lop mu109c lor Mondoy. ·--""~"'910-.. of your ZddiOc: b"1h tign 0 ~',,,_':6m0:-':.o,~. ~ low to lorm lou• w~i. -cit OULCOY l 11 I I I I 1--,...c_u,...E_J _1.--il 1 , I I' I I . I PUREP I! I 1· I' I : Tl>eie muat ~ • ~lier wey lo lleep America gfeon IM!sldff nov111g Iha wnole country in • :=:r==R:, =I=t=• =E:I =K=,~~, ;·· ~:-;~:~.~ .~~_:~~~~ ~:' .___. __ ..___.___..__...__. fOv cN~•~ fr()ffl .,._, No l ~ ••"'9 NU"'61Rf0 lfll!RS IN I H.CSI ~OUllR!S A UNSl'•M<lll( j118QVI ll tlltS I I I I I V 10 Cll llNSWU . • IOllM·LITI Aanren 11 Olnstft...._.11M 1111&1111mas 1980 aale1 price. Don't mlu tl'lll giant 5 Br 3 ea ~•uty. Grfft term•. Call .-------------------, now &31·7370, 549-354& TR.\Dll 10\.\1 ~I .\l f \ .. l · I. I I . IUllll:UIT M••Nl•\'t fdl1,11 .I Ill 1·11.,' DO THEY HA VE A PE RMIT? -Monday means back to work for fort builders at Adventure Playground in Irvine. Bryan UlllA IUal/lml.., OH ANGl:COUNTY C:AlH OH NIA I':> C.l NI ~ -Dellr Piiot f'tloto bf P•trtdl O'Oonnefl Goodson, David Becker, Sean Hughes. Mike Brownell and Geoff Goodson hammer clubhouse. Story on Page Bl . 2 children die house fire; residents flee • ID By DAVID KUTZMANN 0( the OeffJ Piiot Shift Two small ch ildre n were found dead in the smoldering ruins of a Garden Grove house t oday after flames su rged through the residence and routed 10 other occupants. Two children also were injured in the pre-dawn fire. • Police and fire officials said the blaze erupted at about 3:40 a.m. at the home on 10822 Markey Avenue. Though the cause of the . fire is under investigation , officials said a fauJty heater in a hallway outside a bathroom may have been responsible. Authorities said the bodies of the two young children were found in a front bedroom aftRr firefighter8 controlled the blaze at about 4:30 a.m . They were identified as Joshua Linder, 2, and Melissa Meyer,-4. Injured in the pre-dawn blaze were Jeremy Linder, 4, and Scott Meyer, 8. Jeremy suffered burns on his hands while Scott was treated for second-.degree burns. Officials said u.1e single-family, single-story home was being . occupied by 12 people -five adults and seven children. Fi re Department spokeswoman Ellen Corby said it appeared two families were livmg in the home, but it is not yet certain to whom the house belonged. Conflicting information was given to polke and fire officials trying tO" d e termine whose residence i t was, she said. Firefighters on the sce.n€! were told the home was occupied by a woman named Cindy Alstcn, 20. But police were told the house was being used by the Linder family. The parents of the Linder children were reported to be staying at the ha.,se. The parents of the Meyer chi!dren, however, were not he re. Corby said she didn't know whfre the Meyer children's family lived. Fire officials said neighbors called the fire department af~r seeing s m o k e and f l ames sweeping through the house. Except for the c hildren who were found dead inside, all other (See F IRE, Page A2 ) Computer dog license biirking up_ wrong tree? , . Laguna Beach City Council members have pot a leash on a proposal to license d ogs b y computer, citing the cost of the program as a reason for quashing -at least temporarily -the notion. Police Chief Neil Purcell propo~ed automating the dog licensu1g system to assure a highei cqinpliance ra~. l • He said the city currently licenses about 1,000 dogs each year -far below the estimated 3,500 canines in Laguna Beach. B y feeding li ce n si n g information intc a computer, the c hief said the city could eventua lly iden tify all d og owners in tcwn. thus indreasing license revenues by $1°>000 to $15,000 eech year. ~ But, he said, first time costs of setting up the licensirig program would be $5,498, and it would be several years before the city couJd begin tc recoup those costs. The council majority, while endorsing the plan, said such a project would not be finan.cially plausible at this time. By withdrawing $5,498 from the general fund. the council said, the city's budget wouJd fall below the 10 percent reserve level. Howe~r. the council did ask the volunteer Pet Responsibility Comm ittee to r evi ew the proposal. They hinted the prog~m might be initiated after next · year'J fiscal budget is compiled. Purcell's program would , include a stepped-up effort by animal control officers to locate unlicensed pets. In addition, he · su~ests that youths be hired, along with Laguna Beach Police Explorers, tc canvass the town. house-by-house tc locate canines and their owners. Once most dogs have been located and licensed, the chief said, a nnual renewal notices could be sent to owners tc insure future revenues to the city. The compu,ter system would be a ble to check renewal f ees, rene wal dates, current rabies vaccin ation s and provide a complete financial audit of fees received. $925 milliOn loan to Mexico OK'd WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. government has agreed to lend Mexico $925 million as part of a $1.85 billion package of emergency sh ort-term loans by indus trial countr ies to help Mexico through its fina ncial crisis, the Federal Reserve Board announced today. The Fed said central banks from 10 o~er countries also are participating in the arrange,ment of short-term financing to the Banco de Mexico. The loans are intended tc tie Mexico over until it can secure longe r-term financing through the International Mon etary Fund. Mexico is eligible for up tc $4 billion in three-year loans from the IMF. Mexico has outstanding debts of about $81 billion, the most of any country. Cancer cl~ims Ingrid Bergman. Polic~ s.eek T'h · ·A d A-d · ' b . ·L d bandit in LB r ee-tLme ca em y war winner succum s 1n on on · ' t h . t LONDON (AP) -Ingrid luxury department stor e's Looking back on the string of BVern e JS Bergman , who won three fun eral director . "After brilliant films that brought her Academy Awards ani:I whose cremation her as hes may be three Oscars , h er t hree roles ranged from Humphrey taken back tc Sweden." marriages. three divorces and her Bogart's e stranged lover in Miss Bergman, who became fi~ht with cancer. Miss Bergman "Casabla nca" to the prime one of America's brightest stars wrote in her 1980 autobiography, minister of Israel in "A Woman as Bogart's co-star in · the movie "I have always thought that I Called Golda," has died after an "Casablanca" in 1943, made a will go on acting and acting and eight-year battle with cancer. stunning Hollywood comeback acting ... You need never give One of the last of Hollywood's aft.er quitting the movie capital in up." legendary figures, the Swedish-the late 1940s because of criticism Miss B ergm a n 's Academy born Miss Bergman died here of her love affair with an Italian Awards w ere for best actress in S unday, her daughter, Pia film director. ''Gaslight" with Charles Boyer in Lipdstrom said ip New York. She had been suffering from 1944 and "Anastasia" in 1956. Misa Lindstrom. a journalist, c ancer since 1974 and had and for best supporting actress was flying to London today. Miss unde rgone two mastec tomy for "Murder on the Orient Bergman's son Robertino and operations. Express" in 1974. twin daughters, Isabella and Her former husband Lars Her other acclaimed films Isotta, also were reported en Schmidt, last o f h er three included "For Whom the Bell route here. husbands, was with her when Tolls," "N otoriou s" and Laguna Beac h police are seeking a s hotgun-wielding bandit, who held up a local tavern owner early Saturday morning, fleeing with $600 in cash. Police said Crawford Hartley, who operates the Coast Inn at 1401 South Coast Highway. was walking to his car with the night's receipts at about 3 a.m. The bar o wner said th e " suspect, who wore a tan stocking over his head, came up behind him and ordered him at gunpQint to place his belongings on the ground. · AP ~o REME MBE RED -Ingrid Bergman, who died Sunday at 67. is shown with Gary Cooper in a scene from the 1943 movie "For Whom the Bell Tolls." Funeral arrangements w ere she died, said London theatrical "Spell.bound''. for Alfred being h andled by Harrods. "It agent Sue Hyman, who made the Hitchcock. "Inn of the Sixth will be a very quiet, family announcement of her death here Happiness," "The Yellow Rolls affair, said Alfred J ackman, the today. Royce" and "Autumn Sonat.a." Hartley complied, placing $600 in receipts, his wallet containing abou t $10, 'shaving items and prescripµon drugs on the ground. A witness told . officers the s u s pect fled o n foot . = fiELL WORN' -Cape and coveralla _6f Charley • and Wilhelm.Ellers hang on fatmh+. Wtlhetm· has ha d to carry on farming b y hlm aelf theee days. Page A8. ... .. COUNTY Playground p iiradise At Irvine's Adventure Playground, the kids 'fl'eate theii own wor ld. Page Bl . ' NATION ~ 'Oilman h ipes to save rhino , A Texas oDman has turned a 1,500-acre ppread into~· . Africa in. an effort to save Uie black ~ roe. P-ce A4. Car ram ~bank; 3 injured SAN ,J.0$1! (AP>.r-A runaway sports car with an ~ivd&.as man at the wheel . crashed Into · Bank of Amet(ca branch ln el&ht people, one crltJcal.ly . TELEVISION Public TV ad~ to chan~e Public television could be adding one of the mainstays of the networks - commerci~l advertising it needs the money. Page BS. SPORTS Raiders' debut victorious Raiden' debut in the ColiteUm a succe98 as they turn back Packers, 24-3. Dodgers, Angels fall Dodgen fall out of fint p)ace, ~la fall further behind. Page Cl. • INDEX At Yo'lir Servieoe A4 Intermiasion B3 Enna Bombeck A7 Ann Landers A7 Business B4-5 Movies B2-3 Cavalcade A7 National News A3 Classified I C4-8 Public Notices B6 Comics B7 Sports Cl-4 Crossword B7 Dr. Steincrohn A7 Death Noti<.'e1 B6 Stock Markets B5 F.dltorial A6 Television B5 Entertainment B2-3 Theaters 82-3 Horoecope A7 Weather A2 !mua Canoe Club pulls upset T he Imua Canoe Club of Newport pulled a stunnin g uput at t he U.S . Outrigger Canoe champlonahlpe Sunday. C2. • ' I ' .\I L Laguna school • reception set A welcome back reception to honor the sta ff o f the Laguna Beach Unified School District will be held Friday at 8 a .m . at Thur s t o n lntermedjatc School. District superinte ndent 8111 J •T h e Cah forn1a Re tired Teachers Association, Orange tsarne1 will introduce PTA presidents a nd Jack Perry will introduce members of the exec uti ve board o f t h e Education Foundation. Coffee and cake will be servEtd a nd the public is invited. , Coast Division, has scheduled the f ir s t of a series o f luncheon meetings on Sept. 13 at th e Gene•:a Pres b y teria n C hurch 1n Laguna Hills. Earl Hulsey of Long Beach will be the main speaker, d iscussing "nutn tio n and weight control. Hulsey 1s a hcensed marriage a nd' Cam1ly c.-ounselor. For furth er call 581-9984. in format ion , ~-· TWO IN A TUB 7 Pat Glasgow and Jim Slikker (wearing cap> cle~ned up i!l annual Balboa Bathtub Race Sunday, taking fi rst place m the madcap competition. More than :rn ~pie entered the contest which pits skippers in bathtub-like .,.., ,... ........... "'(;--- boats paddling from the Halboa .Pavilion to Balboa Island and back. The two Orange County Sheriff's harbor patrolmen equipped their craft with a shower head. ,. • Friends of the Laguna Beach Library will host a n e nd-of-s umme r book sale • Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . outside the li brary's lower level. A l arge sel ec tio n of hardbacks a nd paperbacks will be on sale at reduced prices. Proceeds will benefit the li brary at 363 Glenpeyre S t. Neighborhood ·Watch hailed -..../ By JEFF ADLER O( the Delly Piiot ll•tt Th e Laguna B e a c h Neighborhood Wa tch has been selected by the California Crime Resistanc.'e 'Task Force as one of 35 e xemplary crime prevention Space shu~ttle funding cut S PACE CENTER. H ous ton (AP) Space workers may have to be laid ore and th~ next shuttle m ission d elayed beca u se o f P residen t Reagan's veto of a supplement al m o ney b il l, oCCicials say. Kenned y S pace Center , in Florida, would shut down if it is forced to lay off its 2,100 federal civil service workers, "but that's very unli kely," space cente r spokesman Hugh Harris said. From Page A 1 FIRE • • • occupants had fled to safet y whe n fire fighters arrived. Corby said. ~: u Wlrephoto : ARAFAT LEAVES -"Y asser Arafat, chairman of the PLO. 'i#mbraces a PaJestinia.n in West Beirut this morning before ,1eaving for a so-far unknown destination with other PLO · gue rrillas. T hose staying in the hou se were 1dentif1ed as J ohn Lander, 29. a nd has wife, Millie Linder, 23, paren t s o f t h e Lind er ch ildre n; Fel1c1a Linder , age unknown. believed to bt' Millie Lander's sister, Billie Brooks, 20; C indy Alston, 20, and h e r 10-month-old son. David Alston, Katie Meyer, 10 mon ths old, and J ason Meyer, 4. # 0SOUTHERN CALIFORN IA COASTAL ANO MOUNTA IN AREAS -Night end morning low cloud• end f,. near th• COHt. ottlerwlte fair. lgh lempeteturee In low 705 •I the beachel end the 80s to mid 00. In lnle.nd valleys Lowa 56 to 89 In COUtl l ereu Moun!Aln high• 77 )O 87, IOwl 45 through the so. U.S. sumrnary Thunderstorm• novered over southern K1n1H •nf the mid· MIH IH lppl Vela.y e rly todey. petting wide MC1lon1 with hall and llM'fY rein. A violent thunderstorm wtth high wlnd1 pounded the WICMI arM for 1bout l'n houri Sunday n~ht. Lightning from the atorm w 1 blamed lor more 1111n 40 llr•. authorlllee MIO Low-lylng ., ... -e flooded, scattered power outegee were rec><>rted 1nd 1ome road• were bloclted wtlen tree• -e toppled !J; wlnd~uatlng lo 80 mph, lClals . The 110rm 1l1M> knocked out radar 11 111• Wichita Nallonel Weather Servtce 1tallon end two televtllon station• -e jolted off Ille air during the atorm, oll1Cl1l1 Mid. Rlllft eleo fell heavily In extr- 1outheHtern Arlzone ind the eouthwellern corner of New Mexico , with 1ome w10ely ecattered eh o were e nd thundlntorm1 ~ the northern Aodd• Scatlered llf ht 1hower1 fi ll fN9I IM GrMI ..... end CIOudl rOllld In from the OtilO Valley to New York. New Je11ey end Deleware. A few laolaled ttlundef11orm1 11tUCkln FIOf'lde, •Ith cloud• covering per11 of Alabem• and t he 1out hern ~- California Southern Ciiii0riii1·1 -•ther ellould b• f1lr TuHQly with ~ o4 CIOUdl In the morning and .,,.armer 1emper1ture1 In coutal •r .. •;.:cc:ordlng to the NltloNI WMI a.Mel. ~ tempereturH In Loa -npectld to rHOll ee. eoatln~ to H In Owen• V•ll•Y High n mountlln ereH .,. loreoHt at 76 to 85 with high 1emperatur11 In 'I: north•rn dlMr1 r~ from to 103 and 106 to 11 In the 1aw deMft, OWmlOM IOllll are IOt~ et .. In dfff 1llOWl'I La, MfllliM '° • ooeM.a1row':'U"°"'eo10 "· ~ .,.. oould :'t to Ille 111>1* <t0e Wllll dlMr1 OM ~tromatoU. "°"' '°"'' ~IOI! Joh n Linder suffered a broken toe. Fair thro.ugh Tuesday to the Mex•can ooroer can lll(pec;• 11yhl vulable winds during the n ght ano morning hours, ~Ing SOYlhwesterly at'8 to 1e knots In lhe afternoon with • Ho·3·fool southwest swell. Northwest winds will range lrOfT' Iii to 25 knots with 4-to-8 1001 sees farther than 60 miles ottshorE lrom San Ntcotaa Island T eniperatures NATIOH HI Lo Pre. Albany 67 38 Albuque 88 63 Amar111o 94 68 100 Alhevllle 75 58 N .. Cl''* Wea"'-< $etYCO Atlante 85 67 i.QAA VS Gel>• ol C~te Allantc Cty 68 65 02 Fronts·Cold..., Warm.., Stallonaty •• Austin 99 75 Baltlmo<e 13 55 Biiiing• 84 64 Kans C1ly 82 87 14 SPOklM 85 52 .OS Blrmlr>ghm 90 73 i<noxY1lle 85 66 SyrlC\.IM 66 4l Blamer Ck 76 SI Lu Vegu 100 76 TOpelce 83 71 01 9oiM 85 59 16 Utta. Rocle 87 74 Tucson 96 73 Bolton 69 51 Loul1vllle 79 64 Tulta 92 78 Browns vile 96 75 Lubboek 93 72 Wash1ng1on 73 57 8utt110 63 S3 Memphle 91 79 Wtc:Ma 97 70 88 Burlington 88 « MlllTll 88 81 08 Casper 85 58 Milwaukee 65 58 t8 CAL.,ORNIA Cherllln SC 80 70 Mpl•ShP 69 56 71 B1kera11e10 90 66 Cherllln WV 79 56 NU/lvllle 88 73 Blythe 108 CIUlrltte NC 74 65 New Otleana 93 74 Eureka 72 52 Cr.eyenn• 83 55 N-York 72 61 Fresno 88 61 Cnlcago 72 84 NorfOlk 72 49 Lance It er 88 84 Cincinnati 75 60 .05 No. Pl11te 94 69 LOI Angeles 80 Cleveland 71 58 Okie City 94 73 Marysvllle 87 Clmbte SC 79 81 Omaha 75 67 15 Monterey 72 Columbu• 71 56 Or1endo 90 74 .09 Needf'et 104 011-FI Wlh 98 71 Phll1dr.la 70 58 Oak lend 73 58 01y1on 73 58 Phoenx 108 86 PHO Robles 90 55 Denver 88 59 P111abu•fr 72 57 ~Blull 86 59 O..Mo4Mt 78 87 .84 Piland. e 83 40 Redwood City 78 se OelrOlt S8 56 .03 Ptlend. Ore 88 80 .81 ~lfT*\tO 84 5-4 Duluth S9 44 .04 Provldenee 88 52 Slllna.I 71 47 El Piii<> 95 88 .13 :::?'Citv 76 53 San Diego 80 70 Felrbenkt 83 ~ .01 79 58 San Franclaco 87 se Fargo 75 43 Reno 86 •8 Sent• 8ar1>1ra 73 67 Flt191tett 80 49 Rldlmond 71 49 Senta Marl• 71 Gr .. t Fllll 75 ~ 02 S•t Like 85 87 '" Stoeklon 88 66 Hart lord 69 46 San AnlonlO • ee 75 Themlal 105 Helen• 85 52 05 S..t&le 71 se 21 Uttllh 77 HonolulU 88 75 01 . Shr~t 95 74 16 Barstow 101 Hou1ton 93 81 Sioux Fall• 76 63 37 Big a..t 75 lndf\e911\ 80 83 SI Louil 92 70 10 BllhoP 88 Jadc9n MS 95 75 St P-Tempe 91 77 Cet.itn• 72 Jack9"Ylle 90 73 St Ste ~1rle 53 48 13 Long Belch 88 Moorovl• 9• Ml Wllaon 78 • Newpot't Beach 74 SU Rf RIPIRT Onlatlo 90 Palm SPflng1 t06 P...otna 88 a.n 8-M<otno 93 81111 G1br9'I 89 '-= ,. Sen JoM 14 • 1~ w ... A-... i.:.catton ..._,. T_,, Tides HUtlllnglon 81Utt1 ·3 felr·OOod .. Hunll:if on Pllr 1·3 OOOCI .. Senta · ne River Jelly TODAY 2-4 OOOCI 87 Second low 1:38 p.m. 40th St. NewPort 2-3 OOOCI 17 2.5 22nd SI. Newport 3-4 OOOCI 87 Second~ 7:41 p.m 6.8 BllbOe Wedge 2·4 ,. 17 Aocl!ptte, Lllgune 1-2 fair 87 TUHOAY == 1·2 "* 87 Flrll low 2:47 1'.m 0.0 2•'3 ,.,, 87 ~lo-. ..J:16 a.m. ~ llln~eP ... f•2 lalf 10 2· 12 p.m. 2.a Tra11: 8eoond hlOfl 8: 18 p.m. 1U (T· ,, ... , 1·2 '"' 10 Sun Mii IOd~ It 7:22 p.m .. Olt~~~=~w·a TIDES: Hlgll 8:11 1.m. LO• 2:12 p.m. Swell , .... Tueedey 1t :n a.m. Moon 11911 t~ at 6:20 p.m .. .... T~et2: 1a.m. \ pr~grar_ns n ow o p erating in Cahfom1a. The announcement was made recently by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. -after the sta te task force r e vie w ed community c rime prevention pr o grams a nd selected those that could serve as models for other communities in the process of est.ablishing similar programs. "Your innovative project 1s credited with reducing burglanes by almost 10 percent 'This 1s far better than the figures for other . communities m cau1ornaa and a n e ncour aging step in our fight a gainst crime," the governo r wrote to Laguna Beach police Chief Neil Purcell. The state designation of the Laguna program will mean that government officials, criminal justice perso nnel , c rime prevention experts and private citizens' groups will have the opportunit y to visit L a guna Beach a nd obser ve h ow t.he program functions. T h e s u ccess o f Lagu na 's Neighborhood Watch can be Yicti:111 of cycle crash on Orteg~ H~ghway dies attributed to its goal of building a citizen-based program from tlie outset, explained Tim Miller, the Lagu,n a B e a c h Police Depa rtme nt's c omm unity services officer. Miller said the Neighborhood Wat.ch program is unique because it 1s a non -profit corporation , raising funds to support its crime prevention projects. Ongoing programs funded through Neighborhood Watc h inc lud e sem inars o n loss p r even l ion fo r busin e s s e s •• personal satety lectures t o r senior c1t1zens and safe ty classes for school children. Besides a 10 percent reduction i n b urgla r ies ci t y wide, Neighborhood Wat.ch was called t h e sign i ficant facto r that resulted in a 56 percent decrease an burgla n es an a north Laguna A 23-year-old Massachusetts pickup truck allegedly travelling target area. man died Aug. 27 w he n the on the wrong side of the road, "I'm ver y ha ppy about it," motorcycle he was riding collided the spokesman said. Miller, who has worked closely head-on with a pickup truck on The drive r of the p ickup, with Neighborhood Wat.ch, said the Ortega Highway, 3 miles east A r thur M . L yon s, 3 3, o f of the state designation. of the San Diego F reeway. Mounta in Center in Riverside Brown cr eat e d the Crime A California Highway Patrol County, was a rrested a n d Resistance Task Force in August, spokesm an reported that Peter charged with mansla ughte r and 1977. to encourage the need for Zelazo, of Adams, Mass .. was fe lon y drunke n driving , th e ci tizen in volveme nt in supporting pronounced dead on arrival at s pokesman said . L yons , who local law enforcement efforts to Mission Community Hospital m sustained mode ra te injunes m reduce cnme. Mission Viejo. the collisio n , w as treat ed at Laguna Beach's Neighborhood Zelazo was n d ing west on the Mission Community Hospital Wat.ch first w as formed in the Ortega Highway when he was before bem g t r a ns fe rred t o autu mn of 1980 and incorporated struck head-on by an eastbound Riverside General Hospital. in 1981, according to Miller. ,-''--~~~~--...:::..~~~~~~___;~..:._~.:......:~~~~_:_~~~~~ I An essential worsted suit for the Brool<sgate m an .. The s u btle-striped suit is al ways in g ood taste and well favored because it allows for a wide selec tio n o f accessories. For the young executive we offer a fine woo llen tailo.red on our trim..2-button Brooksgate model. It's moderately priced and comes in c halk or m u lti-stripes on navy o r grey. Coat, vest and trousers,. $200 HlAlllS..10 1111 ~~ ~Wi!tiK~. fumllhtng9forllfn.Womtn ~lovs· 530 WEST ITH STl\BBT. L<lS ANGBLBS. CALIR FASHION ISLANQ. N6WPORT BEAC H, CALIF. ... lllllil 1:1111 ~111111111111 O RAN GE COUN r Y C Al U OH N IA ;o-,, Lt NI c;-, DO THEY HAVE.A PERMIT? -Monday means back t6 work for fort builders at Adventure Playground in Irvine. Bryan ' • Oailly f'llo4 f'Mto by ... tndl O'OonMll Goodson, David Becker, Sean Hughes, Mike Brownell and Geoff Goodson hammer clubhouse. Story on Page Bl. 1,'lrvine battles tra.ffic sig. nals I/ . By GLENN SCOTT t Of tM Dlllly Piiot lt.n . _ Irvin e's traffic specialists a t City Hall still are ar~uing against adding new stop lights a t the entrances to Culverdale despite pressure from residents and an . appeasing attitude of the City Council. Staff member s are recommendi ng to the city's Transportation Commission to advise against the signals when the group meets at 7:30 torught at City Hall. City Council members asked the advisory group to review the J5roposa1 after at least a dozen residents complained at a July 27 m eeting of lon g delays and dangerous conditions ~t the two entrances 'to their village. Co u n c i I me m b e rs w e r e sympathetic to the frustrated and politically organized residents and said they were intiined - s ubject to the transporta lion commission 's advice -to add signals at Thiel Avenu.e and Main Street and at F erris Avenue and Culver Drive. However, city employees hired to study and operate the traffic circulation system were opposed to the signals in July and still are. Dennis Wilberg, transportation services manager. said in a recent memo t o the commission the inte r sectio ns presently are "adequate from a technical and safe ty standpoint." Adding the signals, he said, would not be in the interest of the majority of motorists who pass through the intersections. The signal at Thiel and Main would cost $96,000 and Culver and Ferris would require $200,-uuu. tie satd. To fund them. he said the c ity would have to postpone higher-priority projects, modifications to signals on Red Hill Avenue from Main to Barranca Park and installation of a separate signal at Von Kannan and McGaw avenues. Jeanne O'Laughlin, presider •• of the Culverdale Com.mnunity Association, said today residents weren't surprised by the staff recommendation. But she said it doesn't change their point of view. Without the improvements, she said, the· neighborhood may be forced to wall several years for the Irvine Company to deve lop adjacent Village 14 to improve traffic flow. "While the rest of the city grows, we stagnate," sh e said. She also said the city should wait until school resumes to study traffic flows because as muoh as 75 percent of the busy morning traffic from Culverdale is related to education, whether it's getting children to school or employees to UC Irvine . 2 children die house fire; ( • ID residents flee By DAVID KUTZMANN ()('Ille DeUy Pl6ot l t.n Two s mall childre n were found dead m the smoldering rums of a Garden Grove house t oday a fte r flames surged through the residence and routed 10 other occupants. Two children also were lnJUred in the pre-dawn fire. Police and fire officials said lhf.' blaze erupted at about 3:40 a.m. at the home on 10822 Markey Avenue. Though the cause of tht> f ire is unde r investigation, officials said a faulty heater In a hallway outside a bathroom may have been responsible .. Authorities said the bodies of the two young children were found in a front bedroom after firefighters controlled the blaze at about 4:30 a.m. They were identt{ied as Joshua Linder, 2, and Meli'!iSa Meyer. 4. Injured in the pre -dawn blaze were Jeremy Lmder , 4, and Scott Meyer, 8. Jeremy suffe red burns on his hands while Scott was treated for second-degree burns. Officials said the single-family, srngle-story home was being occupwd by 12 people -fi ve adults and seven children. F i re Departm e nt spokeswoman Ellen Corby said it appeared two families were living in the home, but 1t IS not yet certain to whom th~ house belonged. Conflicting information was given to pol.tee and fire officials trying to d e termine whose res1de nc·e 1 t was, s he said Firefighters on the scene were told the home was occupied by a woman named Cindy Alston, 20. But police were told the house was being used by the Linder family . The parents of the Linde r .<.·h 1h:lren w er e reported to be staying at the house. The parents ·of the Meyer childre n, how ever, wcrf.' not here. Corby said she didn't know where the Meyer children's family lived. Fire officials said neighbors called the fire department after seein g s moke and flames sw eep ing through the h ouse. Except for the children who were found dead inside, aU other (See FIRE, Page A2) Arafat out .. PLO chief vows to carry on fight BEIRUT. L eba non (AP) - PLO chairman Vasser Arafat, bound for an undisclosed home in exile, today left the city that had been his stronghold for 12 years ·aboard a converted Greek car ferry. Arafat, who vowed to carry on the fight against Israel "until we win," stood on deck wearing a black-and-white ch eck e red kaffiyeh headdress. He smiled and .made a victory sign as the sh ip Atlantis cruised into the Mediterranean Sea. The Atlantis was escorted out of Beirut's battered port by two American warships. PLO spokesmen and Lebanon's state radio said Arafat was heading for arl official visit to Greece· a t the invitation of Soc1a1Jst Prime Minis~r Andreas Papandreou before going into exile in the Tunisian capital of Tunas. Araf,i'{'s chie f s pokesman, Ma hmoud Labadi, who left with the PLO chainnan, said earlier the ship might stop at Lamaca, Cy.prus. on its way to Greece. Nine warships from the U.S. 6th Fleet and the French Navy were cruising in the harbor as the single-smokestack , luxurious looking. Atlantis put to sea. Lebanon Radio said Ame rican s hips and on e French frigate were to escort the ship to its destination. A party of at least 30 people, mcludmg bodyguards with their faces covered , accompanied Arafat aboard the ship. • Cancer claims Ingrid Bergmktn v.s. to Joan Three-time Academy Aw~rd winner succumbs in London $925 million t LONDON (AP) -Ingrid luxury d e pa rtme nt stor e's Bergman, who w o n three funeral director . "After Acade m y Awards and whose cremation her ashes may be roles ranged from Humphrey taken back to Sweden." Bogart's estr anged lover in M iss Bergman, who became "Casablanca" to the prime one of America's brightest stars minister of Israel in "A Woman as Bogart's co-star in the movie Called Golda," has died after an "Casablanca'' in 1943, made a eight-year battle with cancer. stunning Hollywood comeback One of the last of Hollywood's after quitting the mov1e capital in legendary figures, the Swedish-the late 1940s because of criticism born Miss Bergman d ied he re of her love affair with an ltahan Sunday, h e r daughter, P ia film director. Lindstrom said in New York. S he had been suffering from Miss Landstrom. a journalist, can cer sin ce 1974 and had was flying to London today. Miss unde rgon e two mastectomy Bergman's son Robertino a nd operations. twin d a ugh ters. Isabella and Her former husband Lars Isotta, al90 w e re reported en Schmidt, last of h e r three route he re. husbands, was with her whe n .,.....,.,.. Funeral arrangements w ere she died, said London theatrical REMEMl.iERED -lngrid•Bergman, who died Sunday at 67, is shown with Gary Cooper in a scene from the 1943 movie "For Whom the Bell Tolls." being handled by Harrods. "It agent Sue Hyman, who made the will be a very quiet, family announcement of he r death here affair, said Alfred Jackman, the today. WELL WORN -Caps and coveralls of Charley and Wilhelm Eilers hang on larmhouae. · Wilhelm has had to carry on fa rmi ng by himself the.e days. Paae AS. \ COUNTY Playground paradise At Irvine's Adventure Playground, the kids create their 9wn world. Page Bl, NATION Oilman hopes to save rhino A Texas oilman has turned a l ,500-acre 'spread into little Africa' in an effort to save the black rhinocerm . Page A4. Car rams bank; 3 injured SAN JOSE (APJ -A runaway aporta car with an unconacioua man at tho wheel crashed into a Bank of Amer ica branch · today, injuring elght people, one critically. A • TELEVISION Publi'} TV ads to change Public television could be addin g one of the mainstays of the networks - commercial advertising -1t needs the money. Page B8. SPORTS Raiders' debut victorious Raiders' debut ln the Coliaeum a auoceaa u they tum back Pack.er1, 24·3. Dodgers, Angela tall Dodgers fall out of flM place, l\niela fall further behind. P age Cl . ~ Looking back on the string of brilliant films that brought her t~ee Osc ars, her three marriages, three divorces and her (ight with cancer. Miss Bergman wrote in her 1980 autobiography, "l have always thought that I will go on acting and acting and acung . . . You need never give up." Miss Bergman's Academy Awards were for best actress in "Gaslight" with Charles Boyer in 1944 and "Anastasia" in 1956. and for best supporting actress for "Murder on the Orient Express" in 1974. Her o the r acclaime d films included "For Whom the Bell Tolls," "Notorious" and "S p e llbo und" for Alf red Hitchcock . "I nn of the Sixth Ha ppiness," "The Yellow Rolls Royce" and "Aut umn Sonata," INDEX At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade Classified Cc mies Crossword Deith Notices &iitorial Entertainment Horoecope A4 A7 B4-5 A7 C4-8 B7 B7 B6 A6 82-3 A7 to Mexico WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S . government has agreed to lend Mexico $925 million as part of a $1.85 billion package of e mergency short-term Joans by industrial countries to help Me xico through its financial ~nsas. the Federal Reserve Board announced today. The Fed said central banks from 10 other countries also are participating in the 'arrangement of short -term financing to the Banco de Mexico. The loans are intended to tie Mexico over until it can secure longer -term financing through the Inte rnation a l M'Onetary Fund. Mexico is e ligible for up to $4 billion in three-year loans from the IMF . Intermission Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Spor1B Dr. Steincrohn Stock Markets Television T heaters Weather 83 A7 82-3 A3 B6 C l -4 A7 B5 BS 82-3 A2 CdM lootball coach cool, calm Dick Morris ii firmly establlahed u Corona del Mar High School football coach. His teams have been In the playoffs five of the last atx years but he takes it all in ttride. Page Cl. lmua Canoe Club pulls upset The lmua Canoe Clu b of Ne wport pulled a stunning up1et at t h e U .S . Outrlaaer Canoe •championships Sunday. C2. .. ..... - Rock c~ncertr Se t for Irvine teens The rock 'n ' ro ll group the ci ty's Community Carrier ls to perform a l a free Sevices Department, will be concert for Irvine teen-agers at Heritage Park Youth from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday. Services Center. 4601 Walnut The concert, a s umme r Ave., Irvine . finale to the Conc.-ert Under All teens and their families the Stars series sponsored by are eligible to attend. -------• Irvine Children's Chorus Admission prices ~o the will perform "The Pirates of performance, an adaptation of Penzance" a t 7:30 pm. Gilbert and Sulliva n 's Thursday and Friday m the popular musical, are $3 for auditorium 'at Irvine H1J(h adults and $2 for children. School. . . • A 10-mile fun wtll be sponsored at Irvine's Wilham Maso n R egio n a l Park beginning at 8 a .m Sundiiy. Oct. 1'7. the event is limited to the firs t 1,500 partici pants to e nter , said race director Jacque line Wolf. Runners ca n call th e association at 641-1708 £or more information, she said. TWO IN A TUB --:---Pat Glasgow and Jim Slikkc.•r (Wl'aring cap.) cle~ned up '!' annual Balboa Bathtub Ran· Sunday . taking first place m the madcap competition. Mon· th;rn :m people c.•nwred the contest which pits skipµ<.>rs m b~1 thtub-likc.· D•llY Piiot Photoe by Ch•ftM St.fr boats paddJJng from ~he Halboa P avilion to &lboa Island and b;~..:k. The two Orange County S heriff's h ar bor patrolmen t:'qU ipped their craft with a shower hl'ad Sponsored by the South Coast Runners Associauon, 'Bathtub Four kids injured Race' won camper smashup by lawmen • ID Four children ranging in age from 1 to 14 years old were reported in stable condition today after being throw~ from a van that struck a concrete divider or. the. Santa ~a f reeway Sunday Newport man sentenced in land sch e m e A 44-year-old Newport Beach man has been sentenced to 90 days in Orange County Jail and put on three yea~ probation in connection with a scheme to sell land owned by· actor Fred McMurray in Riverside County. night 'near irVmc. · The Californiwl Highway Patrol said the carr'lper, being drive n by the father of the children. went out of control in the northbound lanes south of Culver Drive when it lost a tire. Ne ithe r the father. Angel Altarmrano. 39, of Burbank, nor three other adults sitting m th~ cab o f the pic kup truc k and camper were seriously hurt. F o ur of Altamirano's six children 1n the camper shell. however, suffered serious injuries when they were ejected. They were identified as Jaime Altamirano. 14. Missel Altamirano. 13. Lourdes Altamirano, 10, and Yeson ia Altamirano, 1. From Page A1 FIRE. • • By PATRICK J. KENNEDY Of IM Dall~ Piiot 81•tf An Orange County Sheriff's Harbor ·P a trol team '"won the mad cap seve nth annual Inte rnational Balboa Bathtub Race Sunday, paddling in ahead of 11 other weird vessels. One of them the "Balboa Brothel" - came aparl m mid-Bay. This annual end-of-summer silliness 1s sponsored by the Tale of the Whale Restaurant and requires the boats to be paddled and to be equipped with bathtub fixtures The race is from the Balboa Pav1hon dock, around a buoy and back Nearly 1,000 spectators lined the docks to watch Pat Glasrow of Newport antl Jim Shkker of Costa Mesa paddle to victory in their "Harbor Patrol" tub. Sentenced Friday in Orange ounty Superior Court was bby Joe Yarbrough. who was convicted of cons piracy a nd grand theft charges. Deputy Qistrict Attorney David Pomeroy said Yarbrough was one of three men involved in the scheme to sell the 131-acre parcel to a Los Angeles area man for $675,000. occupants had fled to safety when firefighters arrived, Corbr said. Spectators cheered when the Balboa Brothel came apart and pilots Robert Owen and Harry Oh tumb led to an unexpected bath in the bay. That cra ft. really no more . strange than the others, consisted of Inner tubes tied together. A clothesline pinned with women's underwear and dollar bills hung from a shower fixture. And everything got wet. Pomeroy said the three .~laimed they had purchased the :Jand from McMurray. However. •the acreage was still owned by the actor. A second d efe ndant in the case. Robert Gerba of northern Orange County, was sentenced to 30 days in Orange ~unty Jail and placed on probation. Those stay ing in the house were identified as John Linder. 29, and his wife. Millie Linder, 23, parents o f the Lind er c h ildren; Fe licia Linder, age unknown, believed to be Millie Linder's sister; Billie Brooks, 20; Cindy Als ton , 20, a nd h e r 10-month-old son, David Alston; Katie Meyer. 10 months old, ana J ason Meyer, 4. Winner of the "Most Unique" craft was Frank O'Brien, an insurance salesman from Orange, for his boat that was a real bathtub. c omplete with a telephone First finisher m the A-Class was Rob Cox with his "Tale of the Whale Restaurant" entry. John Linder su££ered a broken toe. Fair through Tuesday Coas tal SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Night and morning IOw clouds and fog near the coaal, olherwise lalr. H~ temperalures In low 70s at lhe bCHICl'lft and the 80s to mid 908 In Inland valleys Lowt 56 to 69 In CONlal .,e .. Mountain hlght 77 to 87. tows 4~ through the SO. to the Mexicen ooroer can expec1 llghl vulebte winds during the ni ght and morning ho urs . beCOmlng soothwesterty at 8 to 1e k nots In Iha allarnoon wilh a l·I0-3-lool SOOlhwMI swell. Northwest winds wlll range frO<T 15 to 25 knots wilh 4-10-6 toot Hat larthef than 60 miles olfshorE trom San Nlcotas Island. T e mperatures NATION HI l.o Pre;. 67 38 88 63 94 68 75 58 85 67 100 M1110'\a1We-~1 NOAA US 0.01 ol Comm.-r.• U.S; sumniary Atbeny Albuque Am.,~lo A""""'te Atlanta AtW>tc Cty Austin Balttmore B1n1ngs Blrmlnghm Bltmatclt BolM Bos1on Brownsvfte BuH.io Burttng1on Caape< Ch•rlatn SC Chartstn WV CharlUll NC Cheyenne Ch•c•go Clnctnnau Cleveland Ctmbta SC Columbus 0 •1-FI Wttl DaY1on Oenv.r 68 65 02 99 75 fronts:Cold.,.. Warm .-. Thundaralorma hove1.CS over toulhern "l(•naaa and the mld- MIHlaalppl Vall•Y Hrl~ today. pelting Wide MC1 Iona with hall •nd hMvY naln. A vlol•nt thunderalorm with high winds poundll<I ttle Wlchltt ., .. tor •bout 1 'h h0\lr1 Sunday nlghl Lightning lrom the 11orm wH blemed tor more then 40 llr•. authorllles .. Id Low-lying ar .. a -e floodll<I, 1c11tarad power outag111 were reported and eoma ro1d1 were blockll<I wttan •r--11 toppled by winds gusting 10 60 mph, ott1e1.i1 Mid. The 1torm etao knocked out reder •I the Wlch1t11 Nallonel w .. ther Serv!c41 atallon and two teMvltlon al•Uona were Jolted off the •Ir during th• atorm. offictata Mid. Rllfn alto teU hffvlly In a11treme south•Hl•rn A rizona end Iha aouthw•ttarn corn•r ol N•w Ma111co. with aoma w i dely ac•tt•r•d ahowara •nd lhunWatorrna OYef the n<lf1ham Roctl .... Sull•r•d llghl ahow•ra fall -the GrMt lak• Wld ciouda rolled In from Iha Ohio Vellay 10 N•w York. N•w Jaraay end Oal•w•ra. A law 11ol•t•d thunderstorm• alruckln Florid•, with clcwd1 conrlng putt of Alab•m• •nd th• aoutharn ~. ahould ba fair Tuaad•Y with Dae MolnM Detroit Duluth EIPuo Fllrb4tnk1 F•rgo ' Fi-osllH GrMI Fall• Hwtford ~· Honolulu Houlton lndn.pila J.ctian MS J~ 73 55 84 84 90 73 76 51 85 59 16 69 51 96 75 63 S3 66 '' 85 58 80 70 79 56 74 65 63 55 72 84 75 60 05 71 58 79 61 71 56 98 77 73 58 88 59 78 67 .84 ee 58 .o3 89 44 .O• 95 88 .13 63 50 01 75 •3 80 •9 75 50 02 69 46 85 52 05 88 75 .01 93 81 80 63 95 75 90 73 Kans City f(nox111tte LQ Vegas Uttte Rock Loutavilte Lubboct< Memphil Mi•mi MllwlUkM Mpts-St P N .. h111llll N-OflHnl N-York Norfolk No Pllllll Okla City Omeha Orlando Phlledphl• Phoenix Plttll>urgh Ptl.nd, Me Ptland. Or• ProvldanCa :=:r'c1ty Reno Rtcllmond Slit Lllka S•n Antonio Sellllte Shr8\lilP0'1 Siou11 F•tl1 St Loult St P-Temp• SI SI• Marla 82 67 85 66 100 76 87 7' 79 64 93 72 9t 79 88 81 85 58 69 56 86 73 93 74 72 61 72 49 94 69 94 73 75 87 90 H 70 58 106 88 72 57 63 40 88 60 ee s2 75 53 79 58 85 46 7t 49 85 87 " 75 71 58 95 74 75 63 12 70 91 17 63 48 SURf RIPORT 14 06 18 71 15 09 .81 14 2t 16 37 10 t3 ~!!!!':.~?.n~I~ WHlhe: .~, 1 ••. • petc:MI of c:loud8 rn the morning and w1rmH 1ampar1tura1 In c;o111 .. ar••• • .ccordlng to the -~;;;;~~iiln~•=!!!=!!!!=~~~~---,..tlonlll ~Mthaf SaMoa. . ,....,.. • AM' Hl9h temparaturaa In Loa Locedoft AW91Mu ..; Ti ... 1-2 ,.., 70 ~ .,. expected to raecl'I Ml, Huntington Bklf!a ~-3 llllf11CJOC1 7 ' eoarlng to H In Owana Valley. Huntington Plat 1:3 • Ooocl H Hlgll In mountain araaa are Sant• Ana River Jetty 2-4 """" 17 for•c11t 1t 78 lo 85 with high 401h 81. NewpOt1 2-3 g;;;; 87 temp•r•tur111 In Illa northern 22nd St. Newport 3.4 good 87 6-'t ranglnt.ltom 93 to 103 Ind a.Ibo• W9dga 2-4 fllf 87 10& to 11.2 In the tow daMrt. Rockplle, Lagun• 1·2 t.,r 87 O'lernlg'1t lowl ere for-i It Sleepy Hollow 1-2 lair 87 ee Ill doWnfown Loe Angale9 to a ~lfoou 2-3 tllr 17 oe.tal IOW r*"Oll'IO trom 80 to 88. $an Clement• Plat 1·2 fair 70 Mountain -lowl OOIMI d4ll to Tr81111Qet Iha upper 4qa with cteMtt lowt (r -S"lreel) r*"Oll'IO from '2 to 12. TOMORROW'S TIDHt llo91WI from Point 0otlcl9t~ Olr8C11on Waat. Hlgll 9 : 18 1.m. Low 2: 12 p.m. l wall ' - 70 Sfatiooarv • • Spokane 65 Syracusa 66 Topeke 83 Tucson 96 TulH 92 washing Ion 73 WICh1la 97 CALIFORNIA Bakersfield BIY1hO Eureka Fresno Lancaster Los Angetes Marysville Monterey Need lea Oakland Puo Robtet Red Blurt Re<lwood City SKrlmfillO Selin•• S•n Diego San Francleco Sent• Barbara Sant• Marla Slockton Thermal Ukiah Bwatow Big BNr Blaho!> Catalln• Long BellCl'I Monrovia Mt Wllaon Newport ee.cn 0n1Mlo P•lm Sp1lng1 Peaadenl Sen &arnardlno 8811 O•brlal San Joaa Tides TODAY 52 47 71 73 78 57 70 90 108 72 88 88 80 87 72 104 73 90 86 78 84 71 80 67 73 71 86 105 77 101 75 88 72 88 94 78 7' 90 105 88 93 19 84 05 01 88 66 52 61 64 58 55 59 56 54 47 70 S6 57 56 Second low 1:38 p.rn. 2.5 Second high 7:4 t p.m. 5.8 TUHDAY Flrat IOw 2:47 •.m 0.0 Flrat high 9: t5 •·1'1 4.2 Saconcf tow 2. 12 p.ln. 2.3 Second high 8:t8 p.rn. 5.8 Sun Mii lod1y 11 7:2' p.rn., rt.M TIHNl<lay et 8:28 e.m. Moon rl-todey 11 5:~ p rn •• Mtl Tu.day 11 !l•4t I m ,... . "BATHTUB" BATTLE T he "11th Street Locals" c.tre edging 1n front of the "Polish Navy" m a race to the.• Balboa Pavilio n dock during S unday's Balboa &1thtub Race. '· An essential worsted suit for the Brooksgate 1nan T h e s ubtle-striped s uit is a lways in good taste and well favored because it allows for a wi<l c ~electio n of ac.:cessoric:-. Fo r the young executive we offer a fine woolle n tailored o n o ur trim 2-button Brooksgatc model. It's moderately priced an<l comes in ":halk or m·ulti-s tripes o n navy o r grey. Coat, vest and trou~ers, $200 UTAlllSHID 1'U ~~~. ~~---x~ furntshlnge for lltn. Womtn ~ loya S30 WliST 7'fH STRBBT. l.OS ANOHLES. CALIR FASI llON lSLANl). Nb.WPORT 8BA<.:H. CALIF. r . " DO TREY RA VE A PERMIT? -Monday means back to work .for fort builders at Adventure Playground in Irvine. Bryan • Cllll lllA llRlll onANGE COlJN' y. C ALIFOnNI A 4'~ CE.NTS • _ o.-r "°' ~ .., ~llbtc* o,,,__. Goodson, David Bec~er, Sean Hughes, Mike Brownell and deoft Goodson hammer clubhouse. Story on Page Bl. 2 children die house fire; residents fl~e • ID By DAVID K UTZMANN O(t!M O .. ty l'llot 8141ff Two small chilqren were found dead in the smoldering ruins of a Garden Grove house today after flames s urged through the residence and routed 10 other occupants. Two children also were inJUred in the pre-dawn fire. Police and fire officials said the blaze erupted at: about 3:40 a.m. al the home on 10822 Markey Avenue. Though the cause of the· fire is under investigation, officials said a faulty heater in a hallway outside a bathroom may have been responsible. Authorities said the bodies of the two young children were found. in a front bedroom after firefighters controlled the blaze at a~ut 4:30 ·a.m. They were identified as Joshua Linder, 2, and Melissa Meyer, 4. Injured in the pre-dawn blaze were Jeremy Linder, 4, and Scott Meyer, 8. J eremy suffered btlrns on his hands wh'ile Scott was treated for second-degree burns. Officials said the single-family, single-story home was being occupied by 12 people -five adults and seven chihiren. Fire Departm e nt spokeswoman Ellen Corby said i l appeared two families were living in the home, but it ts not yet certain to whom the house belonged. Conflicting information was given to police and fire officials trying to de termine whose residence 1t was, she said. Firefighters on the scene were told the home was occupied by a woman uamed Cindy Alston, 20. But police were told the house was being used by the Linder family. The parents of the Linder childre n were reported to be staying at the house. The parents of the Meyer children, however, were not here. Corby said she didn't know where the Meyer children's family lived. Fire officials said neighbors called the fire department after seeing smoke and flames sweeping through· the house. Except for the children who were found dead inside, all other (See· FIRE, Page A2) U.S. to loan Mexico $925 million Newport man sentenced in land scheme WASHING TON (AP) -The U.S . government has agreed to lend Mexico $Q25 million as part of a $1.85 billion package of emergency short-term loans by industrial countries to help Settlements, are intended to aid Mexico's ·effo~ "to strengthen its ec:.011omic and financi'-al position." "The over all multilateral effort is designed to provide an orderly transition to an economic adlustment program that the Mexican government has announced it is developing," the Fed said. Normally, the IMF requires a country to adopt an austere economic prognm to qualify for loans. . Mexico through its financial · crisis, the ·Federal Reserve Board announced today. The loans are intended to tie Mexico over until it can secW-~ longer-term financing through the International Mon etary Fund. Mexico is eligible for up to $4 billioii in three-year loans frol'T\ the IMF. Under the loan program, the Treasury wi ll provide $600 million and the Fed $325 million through a swap arrangement, which means that Mexico will receive U.S. dollars In exchang£ for pesos. A 44-year-old News)ort Beach man has been sentenced to 90 days in Orange County Jail and put on three years probation in connection with a scheme to sell land owned by a<:tor Fred McMurray in Riverside County. The Fed said central banks from 10 other countries alao are participating in the arrangement of short-term financing to the Banco de Mexico. M~xico has outstanding debts of a~ut ~l billion, the most of any ctuntry~ lack of cuh to meet ks obligations. In it$ announcement today, the F.ed said the loans, made through the Bank of International ~ . PacTel asks huge rate hike SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Pacific Telephone today requested an $864.5 million rate increase, blaming inflation, competition and recession for the move which would more than double residential flat rates. If approved by the state Public Utilities Commission, the increase would boost the residential flat rate to $15 statewide, up from $7 in San Francisco and Los Angeles and $6 .70 in the rest of California. The PUC indicated that th~ earliest it .couJd role on the request would be late In 1983. The increase package includes a jwnp in the pay phone charge from 10 cents to 25 cents in booths with phones where you can reach emergency service without use of a coin. The pay phone rate has been unchanged for more than 30Jears. The hike woul leave the cost of lifeline service at the present $2.50 a month, but the allowance of 30 Cree local calls would be cut to 10 . 'l'he loans are-irr addition to $1 billion in advance payments to Mexico the United States made last month for oil that will be put in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Mexico also has arranged to postpone repayment of $10 billion in private bank loans that will fall due within the next three months, and has persuaded commercial banks to ex te nd another $1 billion in new credit to the troubled country . Cancer claims Ingrid. Bergman Three-time Academy Award winner succumbs in Londoh . ~ ~ LONDON (AP) -Ingrid luxury department store's Looking back on the string of Bergman , who won three funeral director "After brilliant films that brought her Academy Awards and whose crematio n her ashes may be three Oscars , her three roles ranged from Humphrey taken back to Sweden." marriages, three divorces and her Bogart's estr anged lover in Miss Bergman, who became fight with cancer, Miss Bergman "Casablanca" lo the prime one of America's brightest stars wrote in her 1980 autobiography. minister of Israel in "A Woman as Bogart's co-star in the movie "I have always thought that I Called G<>lda," has died after an "Casablanca" in 1943, made a wiU go on acting and acting and eight-year battle with cancer. stunning Hollywood comeback acting .. You need never give One of the last of Hollywood's after quitting the movie capital in up." legendary figures, the Swedish-the late 1940s because of criticism Miss Bergman's Academ y born Miss Bergman died here of her love affair with an Italian Awards were for best actress m Sunday, her daughter, Pia film director. "Gaslight"withCharlesBoyerin Lindstrom said in New York. She had been suffering from 194.4 and "Anastasia" in 1956, Mlss Lindstrom, a journalist, can cer since 1974 and had and for best supporting actress was flying to London today. Miss undergone two mas t ectomy for "Murder on the Orient Bergman's son Robertino and operations. Express" in 1971. twin daughters, Isabella and Her former hus band Lars Her other acclaimed films lsotta. also were reported en Schmidt. last o f her three included "For Whom the Bell route here. husbands, was with her when Tolls," "Notorious" and Sentenced Friday in Orange County Superior Court was Bobby Joe Yarbrough, who was convicted of conspiracy and grand thell charges. Deputy District Attorney David Pomeroy said Yarbrough was one of three men involved in the scheme to sell the 131-acre parcel to a Los Angeles area man for $675,000. Pomeroy said the three claimed they had purchased the land from McMurray. Howeve r, the acreage was still owned by the actor. Aral at leaves Beirut, vows I to fight on BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) PLO chairman Vasser Arafat, bound for an undisclosed home in exile, today left the city that had been his stronghold for 12 years aboard a converted Greek car ferry. I • Arafat, who vowed to carry on the fight against Israel "until we win," stood on deck wearing a black-and-white checkered kaffiyeh headdress. He smiled and made a victory sign as the ship Atlantis cruised into the Mediterranean Sea. ,.,,.~ REMEMBERED -Ingrid Bergman. who died Sunday at 67, is shown with Gary Cooper in a scene from the 1943 movie "F-0r Whom the Bell Tolls." Funeral arrangements were she di~. said London theatrical "SpelJbound" for Alfroed being handled by Harrods. "It agent Sue Hyman, who made the Hitchcock, "Inn of the Sixth will be a very quiet, family announcement of her death here Happiness," "The Yellow Rolls affair, said Al'fM Jackman, the. today. Royce" and "Autumn Sonata." The Atlantis was e9COrted out of Beirut's battered port by two American warships. PLO .spo ke sme'n and Lebanon's state radio said Arafat was heading for an official visit to Greece WELL WORN -Cape and coveralls of Charley and Wilhelm Ellen~ on farmhiot.M. Wilhelm ha• had to carry on farming b_y h lmaelf theee da}'I. P-.. AB. C<>UNTY Playp-ound paradise At tryin,e's Adventure Playground, the kids create their own world. Page Bl. NA'rlON I Oilman hopes to save rhino ~M oilman has turned a 1,500-acre spread i litUe Africa in an effort to save tht' b . rhinoceros. Page A4. Car rams bank; 3 injured SAN JOSE (AP) -A n.tnaway aporta car with an uncotlldoul mU\ at the wheel cra1hed lnto a Bank of America branch today, tnturing etaht people: one criuc.lly: TELEVISION Public TV ads to change Public televisiqn could be adding one of the mainstays of the networks - commercial advertising -it needs the money. Page 88. SPORTS Raiders' debut victorious Raiden' det;>ut ln the Collaeum a auOC'eSI as they tum back Packers.· 24--3. Dodgers, Angels I all Dodgen fall out of first place, Angela fall further behind. Paae Cl. ..... INDEX At Your Senlice F.rma Bombeck Bualnesa Cavalcade aa.ifled. Comics Croasword Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Horoecope A4 ~7 84-5 A7 C4-8 87 87 B6 A6 'B2-3 A7 Intermission Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Sports Or. Stelncrohn Stock Marketa Televiaion Thea ten Weather CdM football coach cool, calm B3 A7 82-3 'A3 B6 Cl-4 A7 B5 85 B2-3 A2 .. · Dick Morris ii firmly establilhed as Corona del Mar High School football coach. Hia teams have been ln the playoffs five of the last six ye#U'I but he takes it all ln 1tride. Page Cl. • lmu'a .. Canoe Club pulls upeet The lmua Canoe Club of Newport pulled a 1tunntn1 upaet at the U .S. Outrl11er Canoe champtoNblps Sund&y. C2. C/N Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Mond1y, Augu1t 30, 1882 'Long arms' paddle • 1n 1 arbor Patrol pair win Balboa Bathtub Rae! !By PATRICK J . ltENNEDY i9ftMD.itf .......... : An Oran1e County ShertU'• 1 arbor Patrol team won the ,. adcap 1eventh annual ternatlonal Balboa Bathtub Sunday, paddJ.ina ln ahead 11 other welrd ve.eell. One of m -the "Balboa Brothel" - me apart In mid-Bay Thi• annual end-of-1ummer aUUne11 LI 1pon10red by the Tale ot the Whale Re.taurant and requires the boata to be paddled and to be equipped with bathtub flxturn. The race 11 from the Balboa Pavilion dock, around • buoy and back. Nea11ly 1,000 1oectaton lined l4'our kids injured :.. . ··n ·camper smashup · Four, children ranging In age ~om 1 to 14 years old were ~rted in stable condition today after being thrown from a van f.9.at struck a concrete divider or. ~ Santa Ana Freeway Sunday ~ght near lrvme. !•.The California Highway Patrol !fDd the camper, being driven by me father of the children, went out of control in the northbound lflnes south of Culver Drive when it lost a tire. Ne ithe r the father . Angel Altamirano. 39, of Burbank, nor three other adults sitting in the cab o.f the pickup truck and camper were seriously hurt. F our of Altamirano's s ix children in the campe r shell, however, s uffered serious injuries when they were ejected. They were iden tified as Jaime Altami r a n o, 14 , Mi sse l Altamirano, 13, L ourdes Altamirano, 10, and Yesonla Altamirano, 1. Two other children were not seriously injured. The tour tnJUred youngsters _ were being· cared for at the intensive care unit al Western Medical Center in Santa Ana. Victim of cycle crash on ·Ortega Highway dies A 23-year-old Massachusetts nian died Aug. 27 when the motorcycle he was riding collided head-on with a pickup truck on the Ortega Highway, 3 miles east M the San Diego Freewav. ',A California Highway· Patrol spokesman reported that Peter Zelazo, of Adams, Mass., was J>(Onounced d ead on arrival at Mission Community Hospital in ~ion Viejo. . :< Zetaw was riding west on the Ortega Highway when he was struck head-on by an easU:>ound ~om Page A1 pickup truck allegedly travelling on the wrong side of the road. the spokesman said. The driver of the pickup, Arthur M . Lyons, 33 , o f Mountain Cente r in Riverside Co unty. was arrested and charged with manslaughter and f elony drunken dri'c'.ing. the s pokesman said . Lyons. who sustained moderate injuries in the collision , was treate d at Mission Community Hos pital before being trans fe rre d to Riverside General Hospital. ' . FIRE KILLS CHILDREN e e e Eown, believed to be Millie er's sister; Billie .Brooks, 20; d y A ls ton , 20. and he r l~month-old son, David Alston; occupants had fled to safe ty wheq firefighters arrived, Corby said. the dock.I to watc'h Pat Glucow or Newport and Jlm SUkker or Coat.a Mesa paddle to victory In thelr "Harbor Patrol'' tub. SpectAton cheered when the Balboa Brothel came apart and pllota Robert Owen and Harry Oh tumbled to an unexpected bath ln the bay. That craft, really no more it.range than the othen, con.slated of lnner tube. tied tosether. A clothesline plnned with women's underwear and dollar bllla hung from a 1hower fixture . And everything got we t. Wlnner of the "Most UnJque" craft waa Frank O 'Brien, an huurance u..lesman from Orange, for hia boat. that waa a real bathtub, complete with a telephone. First finisher In the A -Class was Rob Cox with his "Tale of the Whale Restaurant" ~ntry. "It's really not a serious thing," understated Linda Brannon, spokeswoman for the race. "But it's fun." All contesta nts got race T - shirts and free meals at local restaurants. Award winners got round-trip tickets for two to Catalina. Slikker and Glascow each got a first priie of a weekend for two of lodging and meals in Catalina, Brannon said. "BATHTUB" BATTLE -T he "11th Street Locals" a re edging in front ol the "Polish ... Navy" in a race to the ' Balboa Pavilion dock during Sunday's Balboa Bathtub Race. Katie Meyer. 10 months old, ano Those s taying in the h ouse {ason Meyer. 4. we re identified as John Linder, TWO IN A TUB -Pat Glasgow and Jim Slikker (wearing •· 29, and his wife, Millie Linder, cap) cleaned up i.n a nnua l Balboa Bathtub Race .Sunday, Delly Ptlol Photoe by Cheftae Starr boats paddling from the Balboa Pavti1on to Balboa Island an d back. The two Orange C.Ounty S h eriff's h arbor patrolmen equipped their craft with a shower head . L~ohnLinder sufferedabroken 23. parents of t h e Linde r taking fi rst place m the madcap competition . More than :lO ~· children; Felicia Linder, age people entered the contest which pits skippers in bathtu b-like Putton up your overcoat. •Y The Associated Pren low temper~t.ures m ~re than and the mercury dipped as low as Sweaters replaced swimsuits; two dozen cities and ~ mches of 22 degrees in East Haven. Vt., filsummer caught cold across the sno~ at a Vermont ski reso_n. and in Thomas, W.Va .. where it 1'orthern states. bringing The land cooled quickly was 28 degrees, a record for the ~nges of autumn with record Sunday in the wake of the front,, date. ~\" it~ Fair through Tuesday to the M•x~n 00<oer can expec;1 tight v•rlable wlnda during the nlglll ano m orning hours. becoming sa.thwesterly at 6 10 18 knote In the afternoon with e 1-to-3-foot southwest swell The FOfecalt For 8 p.m. EDT Rein ml Snow (]J Tuesday. Auqust 3 1 r.::;:i ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AJ\EAS -Night II/Id morning low ctOuda end fog nHr the coHt. ottMww!M lelr. High tempetetur• In low 70. et the beeches •nd the 80s to mid 90a In lnl•nd v•lleys Lows 56 to 69 In coutel .,.., Mountllin hlOh• 77 to 67, lows 45 through the 501 f! .S. sum"iary Thunderstbrmt ho1ered over tOUlhern K•ntH end the mid· MIHIHlppl V•lley H rly tod•y. pelting wide MC1tona with hell end '-vy rein. A violent thund•ratorm with high winds pounded the Wk:hll• ., .. for about t ·~ hOura Sund•Y night. Lightning lrom the atorm waa blamed lor mor• then •O fires, authOrltlM aakl. LOW•lylng ereu -e flooded, acatt•red power outegea were reported and .ame ro•d• we<• blocked whetl Ir--e toppled by wind• gusting 10 60 mph. offlclala Mid. The atorm •lao knocked out rad•r •t the Wlchlt• N•tlon•I WMther S«vloe atatlon end two t~tlon atallona -e jotted off the elr during the tlOfm. otfldela Nkl. Rain ale<> fell heevtly In extreme aoutheaatern Arlzon• 1nd the 1outhwe1tern corner of New Mexico. wllh some widely 1c1tter 1 d 1 how1r 1 and lhundlralonn• OV9f thl nonhem Northwest winds 'llflll range from 15 to 25 knots with 4-to-6 foot SIU 1•11haf then 60 miles Ofbhof( from San Nicolas Island. Temperatures NATIOM Albeny Alt>uque Ametino Aahavifla Att•nt• Atl•ntc Cty Aullln 8a/lllTIOfe Bllhng• 81rmlnghm 819marck 8olM Botton Btownavtle BuH•IO 8urtlngton Casper Cherlatn SC Cher1aln WV Chartlte NC Cheyenne Ch~o Clncinn•tl Clave4and Clmbl• SC Columb\.11 O•l·FI Wiii Dayton OenY« 8:r'1"" Duluth EIPuo Felrbenka F•go HI Lo Pre. 67 38 88 63 94 68 75 58 85 67 68 65 02 99 75 73 55 8' 64 90 73 76 51 85 59 16 69 51 96 75 63 53 66 44 85 58 80 70 79 58 ,. 65 83 ~5 •72 64 75 60 05 71 58 79 61 71 56 98 77 73 58 88 59 78 87 .&4 66 541 .03 89 ... 04. 95 ee .13 83 50 01 75 43 100 ~-w·-~· NOAA US Oel>t ol Comm..e• Fronts Cold ..,. W3/m ...,. Kena City 1(1'¥311vlfla Lal llegH Little Rock Louisville LubbOCk Memphis Mleml Mllweultee Mple-St.P NUhvllla New Orlaen• New YOfk NorlOlk No. Piette Oki• City Om•h• Or1•ndo Philadphl• Plloanl• Pllttburgh PUend.Ma Ptlend. Ore Pr~ 82 85 100 87 79 93 9 1 ee 65 69 se 93 72 72 94 94 75 90 70 106 67 66 78 74 64 72 79 .. 81 06 56 t8 se 7t 73 74 61 411 611 73 87 16 74 09 58 88 57 40 60 .61 52 53 58 48 Showers. Flurrlast!!J Spokene 65 Syrecuae 66 Topeka 83 Tucson 96 Tul11 92 Wuhlngton 73 Wlehlte 97 CALIFORNIA B1ke<1liel<I Blythe Eurelle FrHnO Lanceater Loa AngalM M•ryavme Monterey Needles 0.kland PHO RoblM Red Blull Redwood City Seorarnanto SeMnu Sen Diego S•n Fr•ncleco Senta Berber• Sent• M•rl• 52 47 71 73 78 57 70 OS .Ot 68 90 66 t08 72 52 88 6t 86 8' 60 87 72 tO• 73 58 90 55 66 59 76 56 84 54 7 1 47 60 70 67 58 73 57 71 ~-Scattered llght allower1 lell ~··" OrNt F•ha 80 49 75 50 02 69 48 :'c tty Reno Richmond Salt Lake Sen Antonio S..1118 Slv8Yeport Sioux F•ll• St Louis 72 83 ee ee 75 79 65 71 85 lie 7t 95 75 82 9 1 53 •9 67 75 t4 Slodllon Thefm•I Ullle/I 8er•IOW se se 105 -the O...t lak11 and delude rolled In from the Ohio Valley to H1w York. N1w J1r11y and Delawar e. A law Isolated tllundeBtorm• atrucllln Florid•. with cloud• covering pert• of Alebema end the southern ~ ·calilornia Soul"-" CiliiiOfni•'• wHther ellould be lelr Tuud1y with petm. of doudt In the morning Henford Halan8 Hono4vk.1 Houtton lndneptla Jedleo MS JICllanvlla 95 52 05 88 75 01 93 8t 80 83 95 75 90 73 St P-Tempe SI Sta ~la se .21 14 t6 63 37 70 10 77 48 13 SU Rf · RIPQRT • ·····.··, end warmer tampar1tura1 In J, " co1•t•I arMI, eccordlng to the ll!ij~~G~b~!!!!!::=!=~=~~~--· NetlOMI Weattw SaMc41. ' Tift ·-Hl9ll tampareturu In lot ~ · A .. 1 INpe ~ -~ to fMOll II, Hun1inglon Bluff• ... flit-fOOCI t01rlno to H In Owen• V•llay. Muntlnolon Pier 1-3 OOOd HIOll rn moun111n . ., .. , are a.n11 .J.na Rtwr Jetty 2-4 OOOd foracatt 11 76 to 8S ,.Ith high 40tll St. Nawpon •2·3 OOOd tamparaturH In the northern 22nd St. Newport 3-4 OOOd ~ ranolno lrQ!n t3 to 103 lfld 8albotl Wedge 2-4 flit 106 lo 11flll-thllow daalr1, Aookplla, Laguna M! fair O\wnlgM IOWI eta lofacaet II S-.V 'HOiiow t•t lw .. In ~ LOI MOllM '° I Thallli-lf004ta 2-3 fllt OM11ta1 low tenflnO fr9"1 IO IO ... l1n o.n.n11 Pllr 1-2 lelf ..... T-.. ee " 87 87 87 67 17 87 87 70 ~ ... ICMll oowld dlD to Trlffllglr IN Opper 40t wttll deMr1 loWt (T4trwt) 1·2 lelf 70 renoltll "o:'omU ~o:· Conwptlofl TOMORROW"S 'TIOH: HfGll I · HI 1.m. lo,. I : 12 p.m . 1,.ao IOMlrt Dltec!ion W•I f Big &Mr 811lh0p C.t•lln• Long 8Mch Monrovt• Ml WllllOfl I Newport 8aKh Onterlo Palfn 89fing• P~a 8an BarnardlnO Sen Olbrlll Sen JOM Tides TODAY 77 101 75 ee 72 ee 114 78 74 90 t05 ee 113 89 •• 8aoond low 1 :38 p.m. Second high N 1 p.m. TUllOAY 2.5 5.6 Flrtt low 2:47 a.m . O.O Flf1t high 9: 111 a.m. 4.2 SaconG low 2: 12 P.M. 2.& Second high 1;18 p.m. U Sun Mt• tOday II 7:22 p.m •• rllal Tuaaclly 81 1:2t a.m. Moon ,.... today at 6:20 p.m .. Ml• Tueaday •I 2:A 1 a.in. l 'An essential worsted suit for the Brooksgate man The s ubtl e-striped suit is _jlway:, in good raste and well favored becau se it allows for a wiJe selectio n of accessories. For the yo ung executive we o ffer a fine woollen tailored o n our trim 2-button B rooksgate model. It's moderately priced and comes in c h alk or multi-stripes o n navy o r grey. Coat, vest and trousers, $200 lnAlllSHIO 1111 ~~ ~~@[) fumiithtna1 for lltn. Wo'nun ~ loya 530 Wl:iST 7TH S'tREBT: LOS ANGBLBS. CALIF. PASH ION ISLANQ, NEWP6RT BEACH, CALIF. .. .. • DO THEY HA VE A PERMIT? -Monday means back to work for fort builders at Adventure Playground in Irvine. Bryan lllPllT IUCll I Hiil llll:D onANGE COUNT y C ALIFOH NI/\ 'l'> CENT S D.., Not .-..oto bJ ,_•trlcla O'OonMll Goodson, David Becker, Sean Hughes, Mike Brownell and Geoff Goodson hammer clubhouse. Story on Page Bl. 2 children die house fire; -residents flee • Ill By DAVID KUTZMANN OftheD.., ...... ai.ft Two small childre)Y' were found dead in the smoldering ruins of a Garden Grove house today after flames surged through the residen<..-e and routed 10 other occupants. Two children also were injured in the pre-dawn fire. Police and fire officials said the blaze erupted at about 3:40 a.m . at the home ctn 10822 Markey Avenue. Though the cause of th~ fire is under investigation, officials said a faulty heater in a hallway outside a bathroom may have been responsible. Authorities said the bodies of the two young children were found in a front bedroom after firefighters controlled the blaze al about 4:30 a.m. They were identified as Joshua Lin.der, 2, and Melissa Meyer, 4. Injured in the pre-dawn blaze were Jeremy Linder. 4, and Scott Meyer, 8. Jeremy suffered bums on his hands while Scott was treated for second-degree burns. Officials said the single-family, si~gle-story h ome was being occupied by 12 people -five adults and seven children. F i r e D. e p a r t m e n t. spokeswoman Ellen Corby said it a ppeared two families were living in the home, but it is not yet certain "to whom the house belonged. Conflicting information was given to police and fire officials trying to d e te rmine whose r esid e nce 1 t was, sh e said. Firefighters on the scene were told the home was occupied by a woman named Cindy Alston, 20. But police we re told the house was being used by the Linder family. The parents of the Linder children were reported to be staying at the house. The parents of the Meyer children, however, were not here . Corby said s he didn't know where the Meyer children's family lived. Fire officia ls said neighbors called the fire de partment after seeing smo k e a nd flam es sweeping through the house. Except for the childre n who were found dead inside, all other (See FIRE, Page At) U.S .. to loan Me~ico $925 million Newport man s entenced in land scheme WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S . government has agreed to lend Mexico $925 million as part of a $1.85 billion package of emergency short -term loans by industrial countries to· help Mexico through its financial crisis, the Federal Reserve Board announced today. 'Phe Fed said central banks fmm 10 other rountries also are participating in the arran.gernent of short-term · financing to the Banco de Mexko. The loans are intended to lie Mexico over. until it can -secure longer-term financing through the Inter natio nal Monetary Fund. Mexico is eligible for up to $4 billion in three-year loans from the rMF. Mexico has outstanding debts of about $81 billion, the most of any country, and a lack oC cash to meet jts obligations. In ita announcement today, the Fed said the loans, rtlade through the Bank of lple rnational ,,, .... .,..... Settlements, are intended to aid Mexico's efforts ''to strengthen its economic and financial position." "The overall multilate ral effort is designed to provide an orderly transition 19 an economic adjustment program that the Mexica n government has announced it is developing," the Fed said. Normally. the IMF requir~ a PacTel asks huge rate hike SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Pacific Telephone today requested an $864.5 million rate increase, blaming inflation, competition and recession for the move which would rriore than double residential flat rates. If apJfroved by the state Public Utilities Commission, the increase would boost the residential flat rate to $15 statewide, up from $7 in San Franci.9co and Los Angeles and $6 .70 i n the r e st of California. The PUG indicated that the earliest it could rule on the request \,YOuld be late in 1983. The ittTI?ase package includes a jump in the pay phone charfe from 10 cents to 25 cents in booths with phones where you can reac h emergency service without use of a coin. The pay phone rate has been unchanged for more than 30 years. The hike would leave the C08t of lifeline service at the present $2.50 a month, but the allowance of 30 free local calls would be cut to 10. country to adopt a n austere economic program to qualify for loans. Under the loan program, the Treasury will provide $600 million and the Fed $325 million through a swap arrangement. which mean!l that Mexico will receive U.S . dQllars in exchange for pesos. . The loans are in addition to $1 billion In advance payments to Mexico the United Stat.es made last month for oil that will be put in the Strategic Pe troleum Reserve. Mexico also has a rra nged to postpo n e repayment of $10 billion in private bank loans that will fall due within the next three months, and has persuaded commercial banks to extend another $1 billion in new credit to the troubled country. Cancer claints Ingrid Bergntan . Three-time Academ y A ward winner succumbs in London • LONDON (AP) -Ingrid luxury department s t-o r e's Looking back on the string of B ergman, who w o n three fun e ral directo1 . "After brilliant films that brought her Academy Awards and whose cremation her ashes may be three Oscars, her three roles ranged from Humphrey taken back to Sweden." marriages, three divorces and her Bogart's. estranged· lover in Miss Bergman, who bec~me fight with cancer. Miss Bergman "Casablanca" t o the prime one of America's brightest stars wrote in her 1980 autobiography, minister of Israel in "A Woman as Bogart's co-star m the movie "l have always thought that I Called GQlda," has died after an "Casablanca" in 1943, made a will go on acting and acting and eight-year battle with cancer. stunning Hollywood comeback acting ... You need never give One of the last of Hollywood's after quitting the movie capital in up." 'legendary figures, the Swedish-the late 1940s because of criticism Miss Be{Bman's Academy born Miss Bergman died here or her love affair with an Italian Awards were for best actress in Sunday, her daughter, Pia filmdirector. "Gaslight"withCharlesBoyerin Lindstrom said in New York. She had been suffering from 1944 and "Anastasia" in 1956, Miss L indstrom, a journalist. cancer since 197 4 and had and for best supporting actress was flying to London today. Miss undergone two mastectomy for "Murder on the Orient Bergman's son Robertino and operations. Express" in 1974. twin daughters, Isabella and Her former hus band Lars Her· other acclaimed films Isotta, also w ere r eported en Schmidt, las t o f her t hree included "For Whom the Bell route here. husbands, was with her when T o lls ," ''Notorious" and Funeral arrangements were she died, said London theat.ncal "Spellbound" for Alfre d A 44-year-old Newport Beach man has been sentenced to 90 days in Orange County Jail and put on three years probation in connection with a scheme to sell Jand owne d by a-ctor Fred McMurray in Riverside County. Sentenced Friday in Orange County Superior Court was Bobby Joe Yarbrough, who was convicte<f of cons piracy and grand theft charges. D e puty District Attorney David Pomeroy said Yarbrough was one of three men involved in the scheme to sell the 131-acre parcel to a Los Angeles area man for $675,000 Pomeroy said the three claimed they torad purchased the land from McMurray. However, the acreage was still owned by the actor. Aral at lea ves B eirut, vows to fight on BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) PLO chairman Vasser Arafat, bound for an undisclosed home in exile, today left the city that had been his stronghold for 12 years aboard a conve rted Greek car ferry. Arafat, who vowed to carry on the fight against ¥ael "until we wm," stood on deck wearing a black-and-white check e r e d kaffiyeh h eaddress. He s miled and made a victory sign as the ship Atlantis cruised into the Mediterranean Sea. The Atlantis was escorted out of Beirut's battered port by tw o American warships. REMEMBERED -Ingrid Bergman, who died Sunday at 67, is shown with Gary Cooper in a scene from the 1943 movie "For Whom tl:ie Bell Tolls." being handled by Harrods. "It agent Sue Hyman. who made the Hitchcock, "Inn of the Sixth will be a very quiet, family announceme nt of her death here Happiness," "The Yellow Rolls ' affair, said Alfred Jackman, the today. · Royce" and "Autumn &nata." PLO s p o k es m e n and Lebanon's st.ate radio said Arafat was heading for an official visit to Greece ' . .. WELL WORN -Caps and coveralls of Charley and Wilhelm Eilers han& on fannhouae. WilR•l(tt - h aa had to carry on farmlnl by hlm1elf these da}'I. Page A8. COUNTY Playground paradise At.. Irvine's Adventure Playground, the kids create their own world. Page B l. NATION Oilman bopes to save rhino A Texas oilman has turned a 1,500-acre spread into little Africa in an effort to save the black rhinoceros. Page A4. Carr~ baalc; 3 injure d SAN JOSE (AP) -A runaway sports car with an UnoQnlciOUI man at the wheel. cra1hed Into • Bank of AmeJica branch today, lnturlng elaht people, one crtt(cally. TELEVISION Public TV ads to change Public television could be adding one of the mainstays of the networks - commercial advertising -it needs the money. Page 88. SPORTS Raiders' debut victorious Raiders' debut in the Coliseum a success as they tum back Packers, 24 .. 3, Dodgers, .Angels I all Dod&ers fall 9\lt of first place, Anaela fall further behind. Pap C 1. • INDEX At Your Service F..tma Dombeck Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Croaword Dea~ Notices EdltoriaJ Entertainment Horocope A'I A7 84-5 A7 C4-8 87 8 7 B6 A6 B2-3 A7 ln termission Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Sports · Dr. Steincrohn Stock Marketa Television Theaters' Weather CdM lootball coach cool, calm 83 A7 82-3 A3 B6 Cl-4 A7 BS BS B2-3 A2 D&ck Morria ia finnly establlahed aa Corona del Mar Ktah School football coach. Hia teams have been in the playofta five of the 1ut ax yean but he takes it all jn atrtde. Pap Cl . lmua Canoe Club pulls upset The lmua Canoe Club of Newport pulled a a t unnin g upset a t the U.S . Ou t rlaaer Cano@ championahlp1 Sunday, C2. • " • ... I · Orange Coaat DAILV PIL.OTIMonday, AUQUll 30, 1882 NB 84 NY E COMPOSITE TRAN ~ACTION OUOU"Ollll INCLUOI •••OUON , .. , .... 'fOll•. llllOWIU ~·c·~·c ~ ... I OllOlt OIHOIT ... o Cl .. (l1tllAT1 Hoo· l•CMAlllOU ANO ••l'O•TIO IY TMI NA)O •NO 11t01Nlf ' ., Dow Jones Final UP 9.83 CLOSING 893.30 Irvine f irni gets record contract San/Bar Corp . Irvine, has rl'<'(.•tved a «<>ntract to supply Ut.ekom with a minimum or $14 m1lhon of Electronic Key Telephon~ Sysi.ems (EKTS) the next two years. The joint announcement was made today by Robert . J ohnson, president of San/Bar. and Rex L ~i t, resident of Uteleom, wh1l·h 1s a subs1d1~. of 1te 'relecommunications Inc., a d1versif1ed ' -unications company · Ut kom, w hit'h o peratt-s as a part of United Cctmm ications Systems inc . sells, inStdJIS and .\services busfn~rrmnal tdl'phont! products. Johnson said, "This is the largest single contract. tha't San/Bar h re<:eivcd m its 20-year history. We • believe this C.'Ontr' ·t w~V1sion 2000 EKTS. C'Omlng from a company of' rf s ture of Ut.clc:om, n .. ot onJy .verifies the excellen e of urs. but provides San/Bar with a sblid base for er expansion in the business ·telephone market." . According to the terms of.-1.he contract, San/Bar \ wiU begin delivenng units of 11.S Vision 2000 EKTS to Ut.elcom under a specially created private brand label 'in January, 1983. The contrac t provides fo1 cancellation during its 1nit1al period (estimatNi at 60 days) if cert.am of its terms a nd cond1 uon.s are not met. .. The equipment caUed for m I.he .contract will be built by San/Bar's l3usmess Telephone Sysli!ms divisiofl. located in Garland. Texas. Gas. prices shut plant EL CENTRO (AP) -High prices for natural gas, an important ingredient in ammonia. was b~ed for the shutdown of S1mCal C hemical Company's fertilizer manufacturing plant here. The shutdown affects most of the plant's 132 employees, who will be offered jobs at other SimCal facilities and help with applying to other companies, said vice president Gerald Meade. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS UP'SAllO_N_ NEW YORK IAPI -T,_ I01lowl1>9 11>1 ·-· "--Yark SloO E•<'-ltO<kl -_, ..... lNI NVe gone '4> 1M --°"""" 1"-..-1 NWcl ""' r:n-o1 c-.._t<llfl• OI vol....,.. ... -.0.y No MCUl'ltln l•..il"9 ~low iz A•• ln<I· .-. Mel -percen~ CM"991 we IN dlHeAftCe -the Pr•vl°"\ Ctoll"9 price -today's ~~m prlc•. 1 cr11~ ~~'s,,. .c~ upPcl" > ~ ~~~ndp1 ~,,. • s::.; ~~ ::.~ 4 E,,,Prelnc: 17•• 1•, Up 10 f ~ ~•koFd J ''• Up •I A P-CO.p 10 \, Up I I 1 Ouall I t7D< 13,,, • t Up t 0 I CBI Ind JJ.. ,... Up I t ' 80<'..-)I• • .. Up I I 10 S19dlkl5ln s 11.\-, • I'• Up 1 • 11 CM'Mr'tWld 1Ct ._ 111 Up •I n Je,,,..Frd t>I• • 11,, Up • f ;! ==~tf"u ! ::: ~: : ~ 1S Gn()yfl 4.JSC>I 1J • '"' UP • • I• 8 ...... r Ind .,,. ... UP • J ,, World Alrw 11> • ,., Up • J II Nll1CM plA JO\, • I•• Up •I 19 Wylel.Ab\ •• 1 • i. UP t I 20 ZefW111 A II '-UP •O 11 AAA "' ~ • lo Up S 9 11 Orwlclf ll' 1 • '• UP S' lJ Uf\P•r-k M•n ,,.. .,. Uo s. -I PSlnd J SOI>' 2 v1Mnv1 S 40l>I > W•tU 1 tOP4 4 Re'lbftl°' s c.-1-1...i ... 1-11i. I 8 1 >C<IY FSI. f Welw Jim • PSlnd 4 l&c>f 10 P\1«111<11 '"° II Fer westFn 11 HMW IN! 1J TwPKLO 14 I(~"' IJ SMllrG lPI It Tr- 11 Tr-0 Fin all NIMhwSv H USGypm ~ 20 A~Trll 21 Equlrnrk C9 12 GotCIWslFn u lftlw~o pl OOWHS I.HI 10 u •.i. ,, "" 11•., ... • "~ • 2•• I~ , .. ttV. ... .Oln ~1 s• • , .. JO ~ )I,·· ,~ II GOLD COINS c~, '" • 1-. 1•. 1, "" , ... .\>+ .. '• .. lln ,, •In 1 "" .,, 1 "" v. .,., Sin Pott 011 11 J Ott n • 011 n2 Off II • Off •• Off • t Oii •• Off •• Off I• Oft •o Oii , • Off , • Off I I Oii , 0 0 11 ,. 0 11 •• Oii • , Off • s 0 1• •.> Oii •I Off t I Ofl •• o 0 11 S • Due to late transmission today's lfstlng w ill not appear In the Daily Pilot. AMERICAN LEADERS MElALS NEW YOR~ IAP1 "'e1a1 P•<~S 10<1ay Spot nontertous Copp•• 7 2 1 :S 1.enu • povno u S dest1natt0n1 1. .. c1 26-211 cenlt • pouno Zinc •o cen11 • pound del•Vl!fed Tin '6 4Xl7 Me1111 wee~ eompo,.te o\lumln;im 16· 77 CMll • PQvnCI. N Y ...,cury S36!> 00 P8t llasl< Plellnwm $32~ 00 "28 00 11oy ounGe NY SILVER H•nely II Hermon. $1 720 per troy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS ly TM o\1toclat9d l'rMe s.i.c11te1 WOllCI gold p<I.,._ IO<l8y londofl morning ll•lno HOl•d•y -me•ktil CIOMCI London et1.-rnoon l1•1ng Hol•d•y - ma1'el cloMO Parle ellernoon "••no l39 1 37 011 $20 68. ,,.,,_""1 11.ing 5'00 00 Oii 1?5 25 Z11rlch l•I• •lletnoon ,,.,ng $402 7!>. alt ,,. 25 b'<I ''03 so UllO<I Hend1 A Herme n (only d•ll'J. guote) $402 20 Oii I IS 80 Eno-tttard lonty dally quote) 5'02 SO oft SIS SO Entalha•d 1on1t d••ly quot•I r11>f!ce1eo '422 63 on S 16 27 SYMBOLS d·New yearly low u N.,. yel!lfly ntQh Uni.tt otn.<-'"'N noted ••let of 0Mdend1 era ennual dlal>urMmenli bflMO on Ille liill qu111a 1ly or 1em1-ennual dec1erat1011 Spec111 °' ••tr• dlvtdeno1 or peymenll no1 det1Qn8lt0 ts reoular ere tdenltfi90 In Ille l0Uow1no lootnoles • Alto ·~"· OI ...... b·Annual ,.,. plUI 1100 dlYl<lend C·l1qu1e1111ng cllvleland O.Cla•tcl 0< p1ld 1n p•ecedlng 12 montht 1.0ec:1ered or paid ell., aloe~ dividend or "'"' up 1·P11d "'" yeer. d•Vlc:lend ornllled. deterred or no acllOn laken el re11 ell~ ..-tlni! k·Oecllred 01 peld lhlt Y9 ... WI ac:c:urnulativ. ,...,. wUh dlvl<lend1 tn errN('ll n-~ laeue •·Oecl1ted OI paid In precacllng 12 month• &>Iii• 11ock dividend t·Ptld 1n atOCll In P'ecadlng 12 molllht. ullrnatad CH h valve on ••·di~ OI ••-dl•trlbutlon dlla ~·fk•d1Vld9f\dl Ol 8••rtghll )'•EJt~ lll>CI ...... In tu• 1·8alff If\ 11111 Cld·C•lle<I wd Wiien dtttrlbuled -wi.i 11111•d ww-Wllh w1rran11 ••·Wlll10111 werrentt •di.-E•-di.tr1b\111on PE rallo The P<lea Of A •'oell u • mu111p1e ot per·•h.,• ..,,,.ng~ bl' dlVldfn9 Iha lalltl 12·rnoftlh _,,,.. tto<- lnlP l&tl Nit P'~