HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-31 - Orange Coast Pilot... DRAIGI CIAIT YOUR HOMETOWN DAllY PAPIR I \JI ',(JJ\ l /\ll<,IJ', I 11 1•111 , NB pair flee bandit, 7-hour terror Onofre tests • continue By STEVE MITCHELL Of "'9 O.lly Piiot Sl•lf ~ Low-level testing of Umt 2 at the S an O n"bfr e Nu c l ea r Generating Station continued this m orning for the t h ird straight day after the reactor was shut down 17 days for repairs. A Southern California &Hson Compan y official said today the 1.100 -megawatt reacto r is operating at 0 0 I percent of full power. • M ichac l Callie Dy STEVE MARBLE 01 Ill• 0•111 Piiot ll•lf A Newport Bt·Ul:h coup'(,. escaped safely from an ullc•ged bandit early today following a seven-hour episode that police said star ted m one house. moved to another and ended with two men being taken in custody and two others still at large. Poli<.'E' said they arrested Tom Basich, 20, of Laguna Niguel. and Dav11..I C:u y1111r , ~O. of NPwporl &·11l'h OfC1u•rs said tht.> 1nl'1dent bl·gan lah.• Munday when four mt>n Wl·arang s ki mas k s and armed with guns and walkie talkws brokl· into a house at 1901 Yal'hl Enl'hantn•s.<, The Harbor Halls robbery. police said, esculated when the four mt."n bolted as o fficers arrived. One· of the· alleged band11.5 &sl('h ran toward thl• nearby Bag Canyon Reser voir when· police said they nabbed him after a lengthy chase. A second Gaynor -dashed to an unlocked home two blocks away at 1901 Yacht Camilla. police said. The fleeing suspect, police said, entered the house. confronted r es ide nts Cecil and Celeste Austin, both 65, and reportedly offored them $2,000 in cash if D.lly Piiot Photo by Rlchatd ICo.hler Newport Beach officers ( a bovl') gath er with S WAT team following ca pture of bandit s uspect today. Offil'ers Pete Perris (left) ancl Greg Armstrong lead bandit sus t•f•t•t David Gaynor to police <'ar. Two other armt;d men t'S<'Upt>d. the y wou l d a grl'l' n ot to tdcphone polac.'\' O ff1 ('ers, m l•an wh1 le, i.urrounded the house. bringing in a SWAT team. Several nearby res idents were evacuated and others told to stay in their homes. Tht< man . Cecal Austi n , reportedly was able to distract the suspect and escape HIB wife remained Ix-hind. Pol>ice said t hey spent two hours t r ying to contac t the suspect by using bullhorns and, at one point, threatening to send an a Huntington Beach polJ('e dog that was brought to the sc.-ene. The woman finally escaped at 4:24 a.m. whe n she noticed that the alleged bandit no longer was 1n her house. police said . Another hour went by before police, using a h elicopter at this point, spotted the man crouched on the roof of the house. Two of the men. police said, t>sca ped the dragne t a nd are lx>ing sought today. Officers s aid the r e w as co n si derable co nf usi o n concerning the amtial robbery on Yacht Enchantress. Pohce said the three residents of that house -M artin Mod1ano, 27. Laza Alvi Uar, 2 1, and David Nielsen, 27 -reportedly knew the alleged bandits. Police said money was taken from the h ouse o n Yac ht Enchant ress and that narcotics may have been involved. A sum of money. calculated to be al least $5.000, wa.a discovered on the ~or the house on Yach t Camilla police we re combing the ar 0.4.nd the reservoir today. s arcll1ng for o ther valuables that might have been taken. Both Basich and Gaynor are being held in the Newport city ;ail in lieu of $25.000 bail each . Male strip: The beat goes on By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Oftll• Olllly Piiot 81•1f A te le pho n e con vt>rsau on Monda y has provok ed n e w verbal gyrations over whether male exotic dancing should be permitted at the Laff Stop in Sant.a Ana Hl•1ghL5 On one end of the receiver was county Supervisor Thomas Riley, on the other Laff Stop owner Michael Callie. Riley says he told CaUie that he's opposed to thC' male dancing; Callie says he told Riley the supervisor has passed judgment on a show he hasn't even seen. Raley said today that "reports" from pt'Opl<' who live near the Laff Stop at 2 122 Southeast Bristol S t. have convinced him that thl· Monday night acts are adu It C'n tertaanment as def med by the tou nt y's adult entertainment ord1mmce Call11.' claims the acts. in which men Wl•arang skimpy bathing suits danC'<' before predominantly fl•m;tl<· audll'n('c·s, arc comed y routint-s. "If a man takes off his sh ir t. 1s that adult e ntt'rtaanmcnt?" Callil' asked Cathe has been ordered by the county Planning Commission i.o end the Monday night showR by Sept 11 . Callie said the shows wall continue. ''I'll go to ;ail before I allow them to stop comedy an Orange County." Callie declared Should the shows continue an de fiance o f the comm1ss1on's ruling. Raley ·said the county sheriff's de partment "should take appropriate action." Callie said he telephonl'd Riley Monday an an effort to determine what kind ol response he would ge t if he a pp E:aled th e commissio n's decision to the county Board of Supe rvisors. Raley's district includes Santa Ana Heights. "There's no doubt I would be opposed," Riley said. ''I've had a lot o.~ calls from people in that area "If 1t isn't Chipi)endale's. 1t certainly is that 90rt of thing," Riley said. Chippenda le's is a naghtclub that features male str ippers f o r. wome n -o nly audiences. The reactor was taken out of service Aug. 11 so repairs could be perfo r med on the unit's control-rod m echanisms a nd to several leaking pressurizer spray valves . wh ich a com pan y spokesman said are part of the reactor's cooling system. Crackdown on drunk drivers urged Ed iso n o ff ic i a l s said mechanical problems resulted 1n e igh t o f th e contr ol ro d s operating "sluggishly," adding some rods s lipped. and o ne slipped into the reactor core Leakage from faulty valves r esulted in some radioactive water escaping from one part of the cooling system to another. the spokesman said. But, he said, "no safety hazard or problem" resulted from the (See ONOFRE. Page A2> COUNTY By ROBERT BARKER 01 , .... O•llY r11o1 Sl•lf Huntington Beach Police Chief Earle Robitaille wants state legislators to tighten up a law against drunken drivers "The citizens o f California have demanded a s top to the.• wanton killing and maiming of i nnocen t people by drunken drivers." Robitaille said Monday "But some legislators are glossing· over this." Robitaille said that <t f<'w Orange Count y judges a re re fusing to prosecute susprC'ls OCTD plans big future County residents who use public transportatio n are celebrating 10 years of "leaving the driving to us." And big thtngs are planned for the fut ure by the OCTD. Page B 1. STATE Divers search !or history Divers searc h for his tory n o t riches off Point Reyes National Seashore. P.age A4. Budget cuts could cost life Faye Steffens. 65. already suffering from c h ronic emphysema, fears for Ute ti she loees m ecHcal care financing becaU5t! ol cuts In the state budget. Page AS under terms of the anti-drunken driving law that took effect in Janua ry . He said some judges feel that the driver had to have a .10 percent blood akohol level while driving But he said it's o ft en 40 minutes to an h o ur after the suspect is stopped before a test can be given He said some JUdges feel that the delay made prosecution d ifficult "This has developed into a loss of equity," Robitaille asserted. "It's unequal justice. "A judge migh• d ismiss the casc·. dc·pc·ndang on who you get. and another might charge you wllh murcil'r 1( there is a fat.al arc1 dent involved." R o b1ta1lle said a btll was antrodun•d to change languagl' He said AB 3613 allows a blood· alcohot tC'st to be taken up to thrl't.' hours after driving to serve as proof of drunkenness He said the bill passed the Assembly but failed in the Senate Jud1c1ary Committee. He said he 1s working with the O rangt· Cou nty Chiefs and .. Bee11 brewer thinks small ~ A beer brewer bac k East r<'aliz<'s thinking sma ll, Page B3. Depositors refund likely fits' by The F ederal Deposit I nsura nce Corpor ation is preparing to pay off depositors of failed W estern National Bank in Santa Ana. Page 83 , ' SPORTS Cycle racer future actorr M otorcycle racer Bruce Penholl of Balboa looks bac k o n exciting c areer on the track s and looks forward to acting on the big screen . Page Cl. •• S h e r iff 's Association. the ~a lif o rn1 a Police Office rs Assoc1at1on and the California Police C h iefs Associat ion in urging the Senate Judiciary Committee to reconsider the bill R obi taille sa id that approximately 75 percent of all fatal accidents in Huntington Beach involve drinking or drugs or both. H e s aid there were 1,694 drunke n -driving accidents in 198 I and 26 traffic fa tali ties. INDEX At YourService A4 Erma Bambeck A7 Business 83-5 Cavalcade A7 Classified C5-8 Comics 86 C rossword B6 Death Notkes C4 Editorial A6 Entertainmenl 8 7-8 Art Ho ppe A7 Earle Robitaille Horoscope A7 Ann Landers A7 Movies 87-8 Mutual Funds B4 Public Notices B4;C4. Sports Cl-3 Dr Steincrohn A7 S~k Markets 85 Television B8 Theaters 87-8 Weather A2 Edison High Hawaii)Jound The Edison .Wtgh School fp6tball team ventures to Hawaii this week to play a n unusual school. Punahou High. Page Cl. • >. I 8 Orengo COHI OAIL y PILOT /TuH d•v. Augu1t 3 1. 1882 Stab victim can't Sue police • Viejo Co. reveals cutbacks By &be A11octa&ed Preu The! t'ity Qf W'-'11lmin1tcr 1i111tl ~ wo of It. policemen cun not lx> aued for 1Jumutit'I btx·ault' tht•y did not Wat'Jl a potential 11.Abl.JIJ1" ylctJm of Impending daJ\Ql'r, the Callforn1a Supn·nw Court hu~ ruled. Jn a unanlmo u• dt•c.·1s1on 1.Jy Juatke Otto Kaus, tht• htKh <..'Ourt upheld dl:1m1~s al of u s uit brought by a Southe rn Callfurnlu coupl e aher the woman waii IC nifed four tim e s In a }aundromat under surve1llanct• b)' officers try mg tu (:ate h :t ;t.abber. ' Yolanda DavuJsun and hl•r hu11.Ju"J hnd c'OmP.lallwd uuat 1ht1 wu uaod iu • bait" In tht! 1tA&ktvut Tht• mNtt knowledge ot Mnt D.av1d1<>rl's dangt'r, the C..'01.lrt 1&ld, did not lmpoec any duty on the 1x>lkt•mt•n tu w14rn ltw pownuul v ictim Lo11 Antidt•s S upe r lur C ourt .Judgl' Edwurci Wallin hud dliimi1>Sed tlte suit, holding that the c.'Ouple foiled to wt.ute a t'ausc or action. The attack on Mns Davidson followed thrt'l' others on woml·n 111 the laundromat or 1n o n•· nt•arby Mrs Da vidson s ued r o r Int<' n t lo n al 1i1 n <J n t• 6' 11 g c n 1 lntllcUun of cmotlonul dl1trcu, negllgt•nt lnvl'tlllgotlon. fullun• to µrnll'<.'l und fotlun• tu worn Tht-<:o urt euld Uw pt•ril tu M n; DuvldMm was 11111 l rNHc'(I by th1· Orfl('t.•I'!., thol 8IW WUIJ UOUWUrl1 of tht•tr prt•!k•1wt• und did nut n·ly on thl·m for µrott.!Clt0n Tht•lr mnduct did not chonge the· risk whk h w u uld h &Vt' t•x1 stt•d In their u~·ncc" th1: coun 1m1d The N urt sued, however, thllt the alleged e ve nts leadmg tu the otwck "did not l·onstitull' the office rs' hnl'Sl hour " "It muy wdl be thut sud1 u Phone rates doubling? • 9'Y Tbe Associated Press "Pacific· Tele phone h as ask<•d H:>·r an $864 .5 mallio n r a te increase that w ould more than :louble -basic rates for 7 miJ11on reaidential custo~rs and boost p.y phones to u qua rter · .~·/l'he r e ques t , whic h tht• company saad as basc>d o n economic necessity, would ra1St.· the residential flat rate to $15 si'lltewide, up fro m $7 in San f'rancisco and Los Angeles and $t5.70 in the rest of the state . 'The pa y ph o n e r a lt'. unchanged for marl' than thrc<.• ~ecades. would jump from 10 otTtlS to a quarter in booths with phones where emerge ncy servi<:c aiil\ be reached without use of a coin. Ken McEldowney. c-o -dare<:tor of Consumer-A<:tion, called the move "outrageous" and said it appeared Pacific was try ing to a n tacipall' any losses it might s uffe r whe n it is divested b y parent co mpany AT&T "lt appears that, wha t they're: d,oing is socking people with increased rates of at le ast 50 p er cent," McEldown<·y stud . "They're also making pay phonP l'alls as e xpens ive o r more .-..xpensive than any plact-in the (:C1untry." The.California Publ11: Utihtacs Commission said it w ould be at least a year befon• it would act un the request. The telephon.-.. company said it needs to raise ra tes tu improve the rate of rt.•turn on investmen·t. "Without any r<'laef our rate or return for 1983 would be only 9 .9 1 p e r ce nt," said Pacific s'pOkesman Jerry Beatty. "We are t.·urre ntl y authorize d 12.91 percent and seek to in crease that to 14.31 percent." Pat·1f1c was granted a $tilU million incrt'aSC a year ago. and has another request pending for $70 ma Ilion to offset depreciation Beatty said the re<.-ession hits Pacific T ele phone in an unusual way bec ause unlike other b usinesses. the company cannot dose central switching stations to cut costs when customers c ut back on ealls. Furthermore, Pacific said the l'OS t of th t' pay lt•lc•ph onc· has int-reasl•d along with th(' booth to· house it. In 1952, thl• phmw m:.t $37 and tht.· booth $325 TodJ y lht• pho nl' l'osts $:175 und lht· booth $850. T he la fehnt• :.crv1t'l' ralt· would rt.!main at $2.50 monthly. but thl• number of fr(!(! calls would be reduced to 10 from 30. Calls in exc<."SS of 10 w ould cost ten cents for the firs t minutt> a nd five c-ents for each additional minute Rates for meisu red service w ould be increased from $3. 75 a month with$:.! worth of free calls -to $6 with all calls balled a t four cents fur the first minute' and one cent for each additiom1I minute . Measured busim•ss pho1w rates would go up from $7 a munlh to $11, while the• basat· flat ra tc for businesses would go to $19 from $14.55. If the PUC approves lhe pending $70 million rate hike. customers usang reside ntial flat r ate s e r vice w o uld pa y an additiona l 6 5 ce n ts while business flat rate customers would pay an additton.il 45 res\ ts. plun wa. pc~r po hce prOCt."CiUl't' 11nd doomt..J from lhCt 11l1.1rt," 14ld ttw c.vurt "(ta to1 lur1" ho~c-ver, w 1u In n u wuy dul· t o un y 11rt1rmutlv~ mlll<'ondut·t 011 thu J.1 8 r t u r t h P 0 ( ( I c· 1• r 8 W h 0 ~rt1c.·1pult'll in 1 h(• i.t11kt'l1U t "Tlwy 11turt1•tl u u t us nwn· u l>!et•I V C'I " 1.111d t h1· "iU Ol und 11 ub11 t u 11t·1· o f the t·r1tl('111 m din'\'lt:d BH.Jl11st tlwni 1:. tliut tlwy remalnc'll .;uch fur too long ond were· late• in bL·t·o mlng at·11v1• partldp;mlb "Abi;ent .111 antt•111 tu 1n Jurt•, iiul·h anm·t1on 1s n ot th1..· k1111J ol extn ·nw 1.11111 outn1~l'l1u.., c·ond uc.·t tha t gtvl•t> rlM' tu l1al.>1l11y " .lu~ti<·c Otto K a u~ Tlw :o.lun1p 111 tlw h11u,..1h~ 111;11 kl•I wu.., b l.1n1t•d b y 1h1· M 1:0.,.11111 V11·Ju t •ompan y , 111 1•11111111111 111..: 1 utb.u k11 u f m or 1 1h1111 :mo nt 11~ work fort·t• ~mu· .l:u1u.ir y , I !1111 H y N 11 v I , l h t' "'·')''' h111111'11w ld1 'f wt 11 havt• tr 1r11n 1l•tl 11 ... 1.111ki. tu u.10 full .incl p..11 t 11m1 c·m pl11yt't''· l'Utt1p.1ny :.1.>okt·,111:111 (..icr ry U~nal:>t-n e contirme d today He said the layoffs will affect all de partments of the company. wtlh the e xception o r upper management workers "I thank t'Vl·r yont>'s aware of tht· r1'<:ess1on 111 this c.·uuntry," h e said "I'm opt1m1s t1 l' that the luwt·rmg or tht• pram<.· inw re1H ra t<.· and thl• n 't'OVt•ry of the stock markl'l c<.en bl• U11 t 1n.t step to bettt:r thang11 " Ogn1bl·m · Si.ltd tht• l'Ompany wall :.<.Tap its pl:.ini. for a ne w h cutl4u<.1rwrs bu1lcl ang an Mis.c;1011 V1C'JU A lso, thl· Jac·k G Raub Co wilJ relocatt' from Cool<! Ml'Sa to Mission V1t•Jo Jobless climbs to 7. 8 • percent Ill county to Increased Sales Is Finding the Right The unemployme nt rate an ~ange County took a sharp. but riot unexpected. increase, m July, according to figures released by th e s tat e Emplo y ment Development Department. Tht· pbless rate climbed to 7.8 nercenl from the 7 perc-ent level ln June. the EDD saad. By comparison , th e s tate jobless rate w as 10 5 pe rcent Nationwide it was 9.8 perc·enl ONOFRE TESTING CONTINUES. • • l~k. which reached a maximum 9( two gallons per hour. ' ' The spokesman dtd not know how much of the radioac tive water leaked within the cooling S)'Stem. Testing o n the $1 7 billion reactor began July 26 and Unit 2 1s expected to begin generating electracity early next year when It reaches 20 percent pawer. Unat 2 as not expected to reach full power status unul th e e nd or 1983. The reactor 1s adjacent to Unat 3, a twin unit that is still under construction at the power plant, located three miles south of San Cle mente. Suspect held in firebomb rampage at IBM ... R ESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. (AP) -A former assembly worker for IBM Corp. was charged with murder and asaault after a rampage with a rW e and f irebombs at an lBM complex left one w orker dead and four others injure d , ' authorities saad. The s uspect , Leo nard D. Avery, 39, of Raleigh. s hot himself in the head just before being arres ted at a roadblock after a 10-mile freeway chase . police said H e w as in stable conditaf'r1 early today at Durham County G e ne ral Hospital after brain surge r y, said h ospita l spokeswoman Ruth Harris. The ancadent was the sec.-ond shooting spree in three months i n v o I v.1 n g a · f o rm e r I B M employee. ~\~ Warmer Wednesday <:ons tnl Some high cloudiness today . Olherwlee fa ir High a et lhe beeches 72 10 78 end Intend ·area• 82 to 86. Fair lonlghl Wilh ,overnight tows 84 to 68 Continued lelr on Wednesdey 'With hlQll• et the t>eaenee 74 10 78 .11nd Inland., .. , SS to 90. Elsewhere lrom Po1n1 'Conception to the Mexlcen de< end O<Jt 80 mllet· Smell 1..creft advtlOry 0--8< O<Jte< welflt'I Wt1h norlhwest winds ol IS to 2S 1110011 end 4 to 7 loot MH todey Winds decreasing 1onlg11t end Wedneadey to 12 10 ti! knoll Locally llglll varleble wtnd1 nlQhl Ind morning hours, becoming -1 to aouth-1 10 10 15 knoll during alternoona today end W.Onesdey Wind waves ol 2 10 3 fMI SO<Jthwest swells of I 10 2 laal PllGhy tow cloud• over 1ou1hern """era dur ing • .,17 l'llOrnlng llOVre Wednesdey 11.S. su11u11ary I Thunderstorms hovered over 1oulhern Kansas and the mtd MIHIHIPP• Valley early today. pe111no wide aectoons wllh hell end l'llavy rain A v1olen1 thunderstorm w1lh l!lgh winds pounded the Wlchlla ttea f0< abO<JI I'; hours Sunday 11lghl Llgh1n1ng from lhe slo•m .... btemed lor mo•e lhen 40 lltes, !Wlho•lllff Hid Low·lylng areas werl! ltoodfld. ece11ered power outages were (9porled e11d some roeda were ~Iced ~n trees were loppted winds ousting 10 80 mp h ICl811 lllld •The storm al10 knocked oul t•dar a1 the Wichita Ne honal Waithe< Slf'VICB 111110n and two \lllflVlsk>n ata1lon1 we1e tolled ott tla air during 1he st0<m, ofllclels ~~In also fell heev1ty m 1x1reme tpulh1111arn Arizona and 111e (oulhwe1tarn corner ot New ~ax lco with eome widely ac111er ed eh owe rs a nd t6underalo•m• over lhl no•lhern ~ .... ~8c111er1d ttghl showers tell arr Ille GrHI lakes and CIO<Jdl l'tli.cl In from IM Ohio Valley 10 flhw York. New J1ruy and Oelawar1. A llw leotated Angeles are e•i>ecled 10 reach 86 soarin g 10 95 In Owens Velley Hi gh 1n mo11n1a1n areas are 1orecas1 al 75 to 85 w11h high temperal u•es 1n lhe notlhern desert ranging lrom 93 10 103 and 105 10 112 1n lhe tow desert Overn1ghl lows a•e lorec~s• "' 66 tn downtown 1..os Angeles 10 a coastal tow rang.no lrom 60 10 68 Mounla111 area tows CO<Jld dip lo the upper <!Os with desen tows ranging from 62 to 82 8oe1ers trom Po1n1 Concepllon T e mpe rature s NATION Albany Altx.IQUe A..,.,.lllO Al'ChO< age AIMvilte Allan I• Altan1c Cty Austin Battlmore BlMlngs 81rm1nghm BolM BoSlon 8<0-sv11e 8ulleto 8urllngton Cuper Charlsln SC Ch1•tlln WV Cha1llte NC Cheyenne CM: ego Clncinna11 Cleveland Clmb11 SC Columbus Dayton Denver Dea Mol~I OeltOO Ovlulh El PHO Fllrbenks 21roo Flagstaff Grea1 Fells Heriford Helen!! Honolul~ HO<Jll011 lndnaplls Jackanvl .. Juneau Kans City Knoxv111e l81 Vegas Lill .. Rock LOI Angeles LO<Jlsvllle Lubbock Memp(lte !under11orm1 etrucktn Florlde, ~,.----------------------'" oloud1 covering pull Of r A 1bem1 and the 1oulh1rn SURf RIPDRT ~1l.chl1na. ' , • · California 1 · , ;;,...,,-.. 0 11 8ouahern C1111o~n11·1 w111h., ••-liil-.;a_._ ___________ _ a11tf ..... .... . .... "6 . ,. .... Olf 14 I 3 ijW 14 ' 3 SW 1& 2 3 SW 1& 2 3 SW = Owld b• falt Tu11day with ._,. lwf lehel of ctou01 In tile motl\Wlg ...-Aq Mu O warmer tempera1111 .. ,,_. Zumt ! ~ •••t•I arHt. IC:GOfdlllO to Iha 881\lt MonJCe ~ : HMlonal WMIMI 6«vio. NlwPOrt ~ c " Hloll 11mo111turu..lo....4.o• Still Oteoo County 2 6 I . • I " TOOAY S.Cond low 2·t2 pm S.cond lllgh t 18 p m WIDNHOAY 23 59 First low 3:13 • m O 1 Ftrtc high 9:31 e 11'1 4 4 t.cond low 2.45 p,,, 2.0 Second high 1:c11 .. m. at 8un "'' IO<lay 11 7·20 p 11'1 , rl-W.Onffd.,, 11 8 28 4 m Moon rl-1ooay et t .03 p m . NII W.Onetd•y al 3:35 a.m. r 1•,. Ana lysts said J u ne• and July u111:111p1oyme nt ra tes ty pically n se m Or angl' County as new graduates and s umme r JOb seekers e nter the labor market At'l'Ordmg to the EDD figures. 95,500 p<..'Opk• were out o f work m the t·uunty in July , compared to 85, 100 an J unc The number of jobless an July com pa red to 54.- 600 without work an July 1981 The 7.8 percent unemploym ent rat<.' is th e hig h est s in ce November, 1981 , whc·n the rate hJl 8.1 DCrt'Cnl. The EDD said the number of JObS an the county declined by 17,500 an July. or that figure. 2.- 500 occurred an, the farm secuon due t o s~asonal slo wdowns. Another. 14,000 were attributed to s umme r reduc•tions in public t>duc:ataon. The jo bless rate in Orange County in July, 1981, was 4 .7 pl'rcen t. A det·ade lo w of 3.6 percent w as logged in May. 1981, a record high or 10.6 percent was ~cg1stered in June 1975. . Buyer. Call the Orange Coast Daily Pilot today. 642-5678 WE:Sf'BllN DOBB l'l' MlJUN. BA• $JOOBOr. A.DI l'OBCEi:."' VNBBA'l7Ull.B I.ff FULL FA.BB FLYBBS. ~ck your h ul<J skirts. Western Airlines htJs brought back H<Jw<w for$/()() ro undtnp It's the best bd1g<Jm o f the ye.11 for lull l.tre t1dvelers He re's how to qu<Jhly Between now tJnd October I. simply buy dnd use dny roundmp lull ltJre C01Jch or Fust ChJSs ticket (Y or F c/<Jss only) to <111ywhe1e Western Air/mes flies m the United Stdles eAcept Aldsh Your tnp must be tJt le.1st 300 "" miles eoch w<Jy Then. when you check m for both your deputing <Jnd return f/Jghts. tJSl< the tJgent for " "MahtJlo " st1cket. When you h<Jve two stickers on y our receipt, you httve" coupon good for tJ $/()() roundtnp COllch fli ght to Honolulu II your qutJh!ymg tnp was First C/<Jss, you c-.rn go Fust Class to H<Jwa11 for $200 ro undtnp .,. You ctJn talce your Hawau tnp any day between Sep- tember 14, 1982. tJnd Mt1rch 23. 1983, except the Chnst· mu ho/idtJy pefl,pd (December 15. 1982. to ]<Jnuitry JO. 1983). A.nd ' you must m<Jke your H1JwtJ11 reserv<JtJOnJ tJnd purchase yo ur tickets no /1Jter th.Jn Novembe1 I 1982 S e,, ts <Jre lim ited dnd ticke ting rest11c-t1ons dpply ('Thtvel PtJsses m<Jy not be used to P"Y for tlte H dw <J11 tnp.} So /ly lull f<tre C0t1cl1 01 First CJ<tss with Western You m<Jy have to /MY more than the discounted fare. but Western mms it worthwhile. Witlt ou1: unbe.Jt4'ble SJOO HawaJJ bonu~. CttV West•rn or yow 71'are/ A 9011t lot •JJ det'"13. YOUR TRAVEL AGEN"f KNOWS-JUST SAY YOU WANT TO FLY THE WESTERN AIR F ORCE Or ctJ LI us any hour of the d1Jy ot 111ght "' 534-0881, v1SJt our t1ckat of/Jee m the D1sney/1Jnd Hotel 01111 Costa MeS<J 111 th• Downey Savin~ •nd lOtJn 81nld1ng, 3200 No Bmtol St PdTtJ su con~nie11c111, ""9.stern Au/mos tlene ~n<JI de roservttc1ones quo ht bJIJ tupdrlol (213) 776-4872 FOr Air CtJrgo mlorm•t1on only, cttll (213) 776·2221? TTY/TDD f213J 776-3360 "'" • NIGHTMARE WAS REAL J<tnic:l' L uc:hies, 22, sits amid the remains of her bedroom, which was demolished when a runaway four- wheel-drive vehicle plowed through her home AP Wlrephoto in Grand Rapids, Mkh. She says it's a miracle s he survived as the airborne truck passed direc:tly over her bed as she slept. There wt•re tire tracks on he r pillows. Smallest U.S. county cannot 'keep thein down on the farm' I MENTONE. Tt•xas (AP) Th('rt•'s no grOl:ery ston., 111> school. no 1·hun:h. hull· to do und hardly any water to drink 1n Loving County. su tht• young leav(• the• n(•Sl and keep this lhl· least-populatt•d county in lhl· t'Onlin(•ntal Umtt'd Sl<!ll-i; Evl•n thC' trailblazeor the l'<JUnl v was named after d1dn 't ltvc· lwrt• The· dt:parture~ or tht• Jom•s l·hlldn•n and otht·r~ J1kt• thl·m haVl' further th1nrwd Loving County's already low populallon A rcv1SC'd 1980 l'Cnsus found 9 l peopl(' in lhe t·ou nty. wh1c·h t•nvcr:-fH 7 squan· m1k'l>. and only a smatlt•nng of thoM' wt•n• young f't'iJ!Jlt• Thcrt• b only onl· town. plenty of room ror them. ThC're·.., mon• than six squun· mik•s per pc•t;$on" The land 1s nc:h 111 oil and. wnh a valuation or mon· than $300 m1l110n . the· t•ounty brings in $49 l,OOO a yl•ar al thC' low rate of 16 t~nts pt•r $I 00 valuation ': ''That's more· than enough w kl.'E'P everything operatinR" "We IOS(' our young peopll'. • wh1l'h 1s sad," says county apprais(•r Mary &lie Jon<'s, 51 "They won't livt· hen· OC'l'OJIJ~· it's so far from tht• gnx·ery stun· and bt•caus(• you havt· to haul water Il took mC' two years t11 learn to 11 kP 1 t " Menton " wh1c:h is un1rn:orporatC'd l~ population 1s hsll'tl as 44. but Mrs Jonc•s s;,ud uni v about a do7.€•n pt>oplt· al'tually hve thc:rc, the· n.'M being abst·ntt'<' land ownc.·r.., who have k1·pt their namt>s on lht• voling rolls But s ht• said that "womt-n don't like 10 live· out here That·s the main n·ason Wl' have so few people. Th1·1r wives JUSl don't want to t·ome out hcrt•." Residl'nl Dl·bbll' Dcl·kl·r 1s expecting a baby this month. and Mrs-Jones said the 1.•nt1rc· county IS excited about thc prospect of little ft'<'t pattt•nng around in the me sq u Ile -covered yards and fields. Mrs Joni's and her husband. Sheriff Elgin Jones 55. movt•<l to Loving County 1n 195:J and raised fi ve children. only to watt·h thC'm move· away ont• by one in sear(•h of a bNlPr hfe "We· had a son who was 30 JU:-l befon· he• moved out, but hP harl to mOVl'." Mrs. Jones said. "There· JUSl wasn't anyth~1g ht•n• for him" The· county, wh1t·h bor<l1•rs suutheastcrn New Me·x1t·o. ha. ... no dtx:tor. no hospital. no grcx"C"ry or drug store. no restaurants. no hot<'ls, no n1ghtc:lubs and no laundry The S<:hool and tht> only t'hureh arc closed A hutlding marked "t'afe" servL'S only snacks and oftc•n 1s doSC'd · "It's a gn•at pl<in· lo raise kid~." Mrs Jones ~11d "Th(•re's But Mrs Jom•s said tht•re 1s little chant't' tht• l'OUnty will ever have enough ch1ldnm to reopen its school 1"ht• Pl<·ml'ntary was closed four yt>an; ago when the district cunsol1dawd with the one in Wink. 3 l rmlc·s to the cast Prince 1nust justify existence Say h e has no sp ecific duties as heir to the throne WASHlNGTCYN (AP) Print·c.· Charle:. bchevl·s he must continually justify his ex1st(.'nt't• becaust' he has no spc<.:ifit· dut1l·S as heir to the Brillsh throm• But h(' says he exercises s ubtle· international influence by setung a proJX'r example. In an 1nterv1ew with Thl· Washington Post at Kensington Palac1.·. the' print'C.• -~l' has h · to work ha to pro v<' c <:ould succc regarplC'ss of the pnvil<'gC'S he was born With "I t may sound silly. CHARLES but I think I did have to struggh· -to s how throughout the• &·hools. the umvC'rs1tic'S and tht• O.ily "'°' Oetl•ff'Y ,.~ .... .., Mo'-ct•lf r 11ai11 fl ''"' no '°"'' ,.,,.".,. .,out o.t>f'r tJy ~ )0 0,,. CAii o.rl,;r I 0 m •net"°''' t••O'f ,...11 I• l,.~·•rt"1 military sf'rvic:cs that I was as good. 1f not bettC>r, than th<• other peo pl c l ha t I had to com pl•te with . despite my pos1t1o n." Prinn• Charltos, :Ja. said 1n an 1ntc•rv1l'W publi~hed Sunday It was the first time the pnnt'C' Sell down le> Lalk with an Amc•ncan Journalist for a d1sl'uso;1on, the• ncwspapt-•r said " T fN•I all lht• lime• that I must JUst1ry my cx1st('nt'C'. I must show some of these people that I can do some of these.· things ao; well. 1f not b<'ttcr 1"h1s 1s on<' or the things that k('eps m<• gmng all thC' time f SUJ)p<>Sl'. IS that J can never. l believe, afford to sll back, and I nrvcr muld in oil the• period that I was 1.•dut·at1•d," he said The· print·t·. who Wt.'nt to Cambridge and Un1vc·rs1ty College of WalPs. sJ1d hC' has t-rea tc•d h 1s own rolP uu t of a sense of respons1b1l1ty "I t'Ould do absolutl'ly nothing if I wanted to. I c:ould go and play po I o a 11 o v e· r t h C' w o r I d . I supj)OS('." tht• print'<' S.'.lld "Anything that I do. I have lo create myself So all the interests that I have got mysclf involved in 1 do be<:aus<• I am inten>sted or <'OnN>rned. or anxious I happen Lo mind about this c·ountry. and I mind about all the• c·ounlncs of the commonwC'alth," he added. As to his rolf' as the future king of England. the' Princf' or Wales said, "I JUSl doll the· way I feel 1 ought to As I say, f'm feeling my way " "People are going to tell me one thmg. some' pt'<>plc· arc going to crll1cize and says it's ridiculous -you are going too far -one way or tht• other Others arc going to say marvelous. well done and splendid " We're Listenihg ••• Whc_1t do you llkt• ahout the Oaily Pilot" What don't )OU like" {';111 th1• number bt•lov. and your message will be ret'ordec1. tran ... t•ntx·c1 Jnd c1ehvl'rt'd lo the appropriate editor Thi• same 24 hour ani.v.enn~ service may be used lo record lei lrr., 111 tht• l'llllor on an) top1(' Mailbox rontribulor~ must includr thrir namt' and telt>phone num~r for verification No t'1rculat1on r:ilb, pl<•ast> Tc•ll us what·), on your mind 642·6086 ORANGE COAST CIH•lfled •dvertl1lng 7141942-5678 All other department• 842,.32t I• Daily Pilat Thomaa P. 'Haley f'vt,l,,ti.-• t.)fWf ( .,,,.f r •lllW'VI •I> Qll•(IU • Jane Amari r .... rv•1•~ [d1l()t l . Koy S<hulh V1t,. Pt1nK~nl ttnd 0.r...-IOf of Ad•O<••••"O M idto.I P. HQl'Vey (),,li00r al Motl thllQ 1( .. tukill<ltl Thomoa A. Murphine '"''"' Raymond Modea,n C0<>1roll1u Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. Ouclo< ol Oi>e•m.&t MAIN OFFICE v uo WHI a .. SI cot•• Mo• c. M•ll .c1c1 .. u Bo•'* Cott•~ .. CA .,.,. (WY<'9M ltl) ~ ... CCWltl l'ullt"h'"11 (-y trrito ftew11~1 .. Utv1tr•tl°"' •dHOf .. f m Mt•r «-. w•<U\A,.,..,h '-••In m•v H rtPfoduud wltho<ll •IN< l•I .,.rmh.lon Of <09V<19'1t owrwr VOL. 75, NO. 243 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT!Tuead•y, Augu1t 31 . 1982 8 • Quiet war1n Congress R eagan oppo e WA!:)Jl l NUTON (AP) A qult!l WJI' ovt'r how to tl•ach pt'Ul't.' 1:1 lx•mg wugl-'C.I In Congress. wtth a coulltlo11 of dovt•11 und hawks backing u proposed fedt·rul Pl•acl' Academy and till' Rt•ug1m udmmlstration oppo11ing it The sk1rm1shing 1s spilling ovc•r into the at•adem1c· worlci. whl'rl' ut lt•ast two schools seek to bK'Offit' lhl· llltc or the academy. bu l some• top scholars of rntt>rnauonal relations say 1t should not bl• established at all Although ac.·t10n is possible this year, al least in the Senate, lht• issue• 1s mon· likely to come to a head 1n the Congn~ss th:1t will convcn(· nl'Xt January. "It just seems to me, aflt-r watching the Lebanese crisis, and other crises in tht-world, that 1l 1s m our national interellt to develop confl1l't resolllllon m this t'Ountry to a greater extent than wt• havl'," Rep Dan Glickman. 0 -Kan., principal House sporu;or, said m a rt."l-ent mtcrvlC'W Prcs1d('))t Reagan. on the other hand, has told backers of the propo~I that he cannot support the $66-million, four-year budget pro~I for the acadc>mv hy .:i .,. ALL LEG This munth - old. slendc•r-horned gazelle' 1s the youngest member of one of the world':. rarest animal s pc•c1C's tn capt1v1ty Here we ere on the threshold of September adding another year to our business Ille In the Newport Harbor area. We're celebrating our twenty-third anniversary this month _ Twenty-three years since Chuck and I brought our three daughters . not even In their teens down to the beach area and started our first retell store on Balboa Island Now the girls are grown and enjoying ucltlng careers and families of their own I have to think he would b'e very pleased and provd of the way the little business we founded together back In 1959 has grown and prospered. A lot of Iha\ aucceas hes been due to the loyal Slaff who have been so vauppor11ve through the years. Biii Pannell eighteen years of gracious, friendly service on the aale1 floor and wonderfully creative talents In evidence in our wlndow1 and displays. Marg1ret Gable now semi-retired after 12 years bul atlll lending her cheery presence to the 11ore a couple of days a week Donna Blackman 15 year• of great ~•IP In making th• "wheel• oo round" •nd adding her gemological expertlte and l•welry dHlgn ta1ent1 to the group. $66 millio11 Pe ace Academy ninl!lrt>ss1oni1lly mundutt•d ('Ommlss1on that n:<:omml·ndt'<.11L'I l'8UtbhHhmt·nt Tht• bill to estublil'>h tht· ucademy has 54 i.pon1101'1>, thn't· more• than a majority, in th(• Scnatt•. They range from 8t•n Mark 0 Hatfield, H-Orf! , 1.1 lvad1ng cr1l1(· of m1l11ary s pending, to strong PenJagon alhes su<'h as Sens Sam Nunn. D-Ga . and Hoger Jepsen, H- lowa. Jepsen, chairman of thl' S<:nute armed serviL't'S subcommlllC'c on manpower. testified at a Sl·nat<· hearing on the bill that his support for inneast><J mtl1tc1ry spending and for the academy both "stem from my abhcirrcnn· of war and an understanding of history" George Mason Umvers1ly in Fairfax. Va., and Gettysburg College in Geuysburg. Pa . told the Senate Education and Labor Committee they each would hkl' Lo be the site of lhe academy if It 1s set up. "I would guess there would bt• more than one location, at least al the beginning," Henry Barringer, assodate director of the Center for Conflict Resolution at Georgl· .Mason, saif in an interview T h l' v I r g I n I a Ill l' h u 0 I • I pn•is1dent, George W Johnson, tcsufwd that tht• c·tmlt'r, openin~ this full w ith a c:lass indudmg polite officers and a grac.Jc• school prindpal, is a prototypt· for the P eac:1· At·ademy , wh1\"h is suppoM.·d to teach peaC'l•ful means of resolving disputes Karl Mauson. t·haphun of ~t' Pennsylvania l'Ollegc, &a!d, "!JI appt•al1ng to u s lo hav\? Gt·ttysburg Battll'f1eld, sort of the high wutt:r mark of Ament·an vw!L-nt•t·. lx· dedicated t o non -v1oll•nl dispute n·solution" A leading opporwnt of the idea 1s Theodort· L Eliot Jr., dean of the Fletcher S<:hool of Law and 01ploma<·y al Tufts University In Medford, Mass . a nd a former ambassador to Afghanistan "Ex1~ung public· and private edut·at1onal and research institutions can do the job," Eliot tesufwd at a House hearing last month SecrHary of Education T .H . Bell, Budget D1rec:tor David 0 . Stockman and representatives of the State Department have also said the academy 1s not needed Mosle1n leftists guarding Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) With most of the Palestinian guerrillas already Sl'allcn·d in thl' Arab world, control of thl' Moslem sector of west &•irut has fallen into the hands of kfust Lt•banl'St' m1l1t1amen The· leftists have set up their own checkpoints, issued press passes and plastered posters and pictures of militia commander Ibrahim Qollellat on walls through the former Palestinian t•ndavf' Lebanon's,..stat.e t.elev1s1on said that Lebanese army umts plan to move into Beirut's Mos lem sector starting this week for the f1rsl time since the 1975-1!176 civil war But Qolleilat. 41. told the The• Assol'iated Press in an interv&t!W earlier that he opposes the Christian-c:o mmanded army moving into west Beirut. He also said his men will fight 1f either the Israelis o r rightist Christian militiamen loyal to. nC'wl y clected President Bashir Gemayel tried lo c r oss th e "Green Line" dividing the r1ty into Christian and Moslem sectors "We will fight in both cases, but I don't think either Gemayel or the Israelis will dare mount an attack after the last three months of steadfast resistance we haVl' shown 1n west Beirut." Qolle1lat said A brief flare-up Sunday between Lebanese army troops a nd Moslem mil1tamen on opposite sides of the l1n<' 1llusLratcd the tension arising Crom thl' Palestinian withdrawal It was ~lear who started the shooung. but reporters close to the SC<'ne he;trd what soundc·d ltke three or four rockf.'l- Niii AIAlYSIS propelll'd grenade C'Xplos1ons alld several long bursL'i or automatit weapon:> fire On Sunday, Israel's military chief of staff. Lt Gl·n. Raphae) Eytan, called for the eval·uation of what he estimated were I ,50Q leftist miLiuamen.guarding west Beirut. ., "Surely no om.• can agree to them remaining on the line that divides the• city," Eytan told Israeli military (·orrespondents. "ll is lhe mtenl1on, along with the terrorists. to keep the city divided. The evacuat.Jon is meant lO reunite the t'1ty." Qollcilat's Mourab1lo un militia. estiQ'lctlf'd at about 5,000 men throughout L ebanon be fore Israel's invasion. maintains its headquarters in a mosque with e towering white minaret on the s h ell-sha tter ed Mazraa 15bulevard m W('Sl Beirut Qollcilat. bearded and dressed in camouflage battll' fatigues. granted The Associated Press an interview there The mosque 1s surrounded by hf.'avy weaponry . includtng brand new "Shllka" radar - gu1ded ant1-a1rcraft vehicles made m the Soviet Union " Several tanks, a multiple: rocket launcher and other armor• are patked m the streets near the headquarters. prompting reports that Vasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organ1zat1on had turned over its heavy weapons to the leftists rather than to the. Lebanest" army as agreed lO in. the evacuation plan worked out by U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib. Anna Machen fills out our sales team and ellhovgh she has only been with us one year. ~e Is an old friend from our Balboa Island days and Is a very welcome addition Jean Williamson 1s lhe most durable of our behind- the-scenes staff having put In 19 years ol "book work·· and taking care of our money Alter Margaret Armstrong retired we got Jll Kubica to take charge ol the repair section efficient expedllor and very gifted hands. even to wax carving and making custom design models Judy Blackman keeps the records In th1t departmenl and assists at the · counter Yes. this really Is a famlly affair but who ~se can give such dependable ~pport? lhal 's why I ha11e Jane McE-lv&-ine work i ng aa my secretary It's her sweet voice that usually answers when you telephone here CHARLES H. BARR Watchmaker. Robert Tlhanyl and Jeweler Debbie Galardo help service our customera lrom the back work room Servkle 11 what hH built this buslnelS and It It our aim to kMP that our prime effort That's one of the reatona we have axtended the guerant• e~~w on new watches to thrM ye1r1 1 and have decided to give tlletl~ 1 fr" batterlM on ell new Hin of quartz watchn ·: Rick McElvalna .. 1111 years of enthu1last•c. energetic aupport 11 a Certified Gemologlat Ind bright bu•lne" mind. I've come to Tean on him a great dHI and one of our cuetomera one day Hked If he wa1 my aon . don't I wl1ht r ~_.:::..-:.lety Ac~=:z-There wlll be 1ome 1pec111 celebr111on1 ol our 23rd AMlvetnry In S.plemt>er We are hoping •om• of our old friend• . and new onet too . . l 7ftl A '"'"· Wettclff Plaa ... .,,.... ..... will c;om• and •hare In our celebflllonl. ,. Or ngo Co11t DAIL V PILOT /Tue1d1y. Auguat 31. 1882 New underseas lab developed l l (.~ l o joi11 ;,, o(•ean re earch project off Cutali11a I.OS AN<H<~Ll·;s (Ai') "'' undc-rW¥lt'r laborMlory Lh ul will t•rwhlt• m11rlrw ""*an;hcnt w llw beneath thl' 11C1t for up w IO ililyK 1.1L u tlme could ll'ad to b rt>akthrouih• In n•a.eart•h , 11 USC schmllsl .uy~ "A wldt• jjpc-c•trum of prt•vlously unobwlnuhlt• lnformAtton about c1c..'t•un n1vlronmt<nl 1.1nd rl'!IC1Ur<.-t~ will be made a('Ct>lllible by thui; extcndrn~ t he marine aclentlst'a exploratory 'bottom time',' said Andrt>w A. Pilmanas, Ph.1) He said lht• new lab Is expel·l.t'd Lo be luwct(.-d Into the Pacific (b~an near Sanw Catalina l.sland. 50 miles off the Southc:rn Cbliforn1a toast, 1r1 1984. The proje(·L rs a JOint effort by USC and the National Oceank and Atmospheric: Administration of the U.S. Department of Commcrl't'. The lab will be called the Western Regional Undersea Laborawry, a nd would be:• available for use to qualified marinl' investigators involved in such subjects as marine resourt·cs. sca-Hoor ct'Ology, marine pollution . diving physiology, aquanauL trai ning and lh<' development of ma r ine- explora tion equipment and techn1qut•s Pilmams. wh<>St' Sp<'<.'tnlty 1s diving physiology for USC'• ln11tllutc• fur Murllll' and C.:oaawl StucJlt't>, t'>tplulnl!d thut ~"-!anogruphlc explon•rtt g .. nerull)' are llmatt.>d lo bric>( forayf lnlo tht• dt't.'J> or r~trklt>d to obtk•rvotlon1 m1.1dt· from thr Murful't' •· F.llht•r Lht•y h11VI' lM<t•n llmlttod by thl· tmw Hild th•pth l'orn1tr111ntK of M'Ubo und subnwrsablt· Vl·h1dl-s. or tht>y'vt-bN•n hmllt•d by tht• rc•mou·-l·onlrol nature of unmonm'fi instrumt'n'-' luwNc-d Into tht> sea," he w1d The hurlwrHul, 36 by-9-t oot l'yllndril'al laboratory will b<· lower<'<.! lo a depth o( 90 to 120 feet near USC'11 Cutullnu Mnrint• Scil•nl't' Center, and will be thl• hrsl of its kind to Ix> loc:ated in temperate rather than tropical waters, Pilmanis said. The National Oceun1l' ag<'n<:y plact'<.I u slmilar lab in the Caribbt•an Sea near S t. Croix ln the U.S. Virgin Islands in 1978. He cited ihe use of OC'l'ar1-surfat-e giant kt•IJ' In the manufaCLUrt' of hundreds O( products, includtng antacids, paints and hpsllcks, and said that an l'Vcn more productive sourt'l' of products could be found in the subml'rgcd forms of kt•lp, such as the super-large elk horn k~lp. which as found 60 to 80 feet below the surf al'<' NO 'T' INTERSECTION Somewhere there is a sign maker who has a left-over "T" after making the sign for Westmins te r Avenue where it intersects wnh Del Ma r Avenue in O•llJ PllOI Pholo bJ P•lrlc:• O'Donnell Cos ta M esa . The sign s h ou l d read "Westminstt•r A Vl' " &•sades dropping a "T.". the mcorre<:t sign abo ma kes 'Wesminster" a ·"Place" instead of ;m "Avenue." Divers search for history, not riCheS • in • ancient shipwreck . POINT R EYES NATIONAL SEASHO RE. Cahf (AP) The divers plunged into chilly water.>. push ing past silt and sand, search ing for Spanish gal Icons lost in the storms wh1l·h batter this rugged coast winter upon winter. for history, not riches a romantic history of the ('()QSl. Bound from Manila with a cargo of Mmg Dynasty port:elain and silk, 1t beached and brokt• apart in a storm here in Novt:mber. 1595 -the first r<'('O rded shipwreck on the West Coast. Agustin was 80 feet long and triple-masted, said l..enihan rnagnt•tom1·tt•r 'l> cone-shaped .. c·nsor to a t·omputcr on board. T h e firsl stag <• of a sophisticated hunt for the oldt•st shipwreck on the WC'sl Coast is half over. So Car the divers and their e l ectronic gea r computers, magnetometers and microwave receivers have not turned up any gold. porl·(•h:un or o ther precious t·argo. just "anomalies." "It 's by no mean s a treasure-hunt," said Brigid Sullivan. a National Park Servic-e archaeological conservator, as she shivered on a windy fishing dock in Drakes '.aay. The bay is named a fte r Sir Francis Drake, the English adventurer who landed near this arm of land reaching into the Pacific some 30 miles north of San Francisco. The spec:·1mens will be quickly pac:ked in sea water and Clown to thl' NPS conservation laboratory in Harpc•rs Ft•rry, W. Va. Glass 'Ir iron will disintegrate within set.'Onds of exposure to air if not preservt'<i, Ms. Sullivan said. The• N PS m ight -ma k c an exhibit for those who come he re to enjoy th~ sweeping views from the granitic clifCs or to watch the <.'OrmoranlS and murres dive for fish and the whales slip by each winter Or there may be a self- g~ided tour Cor recre ational divers. Historians don 't know whc•n• the San Agustin went down. But las t week. div e r s from th<' National Park Scrvict-searched where ar chaeologis ts think a sunken ship might be. All Lenihan l'an say for eertain as that metal detecung equ1pm<.'nt h as recorded a n omalies c.:onsp1cuous bumps or zig-u.igs on data sheets spit out of l'Ompulcr:-. l'Onn<.'C'ted to the detector While divers worked !:JOO yards a way, archaeologists aboard a 33-foot Coast Guard cutter <·omoed the w a ters with a magnetometer, which detects iron Whl'n a nel•dlc on a graph movl·d t•rrat1c:ally, Coast Guard Scaman &·ott Hcllige dropped a t•om·rew bloc:k attached by rope t(I a whit< plastic Jug to mark the location for dive rs. Tht• firs t stage of the project C'f>Vt:rs shallow waters -about 15 to 25 foN deep. The second phast'. starting CX.·t. 5, will search grt•all'r uepths. "The age o f collect ing for rnllel'ting's sake" is over , she said. "We're not absolutely sun' it is a shipwreck or what kind of shipwreck" at 1s, said Dan Lenihan, a NPS archaeologist directing ths divers perhaps a bit of anchor, a riv<.'l from a doomc>d ship or a chain around a treasure chest Thl' federal government is s1>t:nd1ng $12.000 on the project said Larry Murphy. a NPS ars.ihaeolog1sl. Much of the $2.3 ~Ilion an eq uipment was donatNJ or loaned. h<' said. But these divers art• st•afl'htng If ships or .riches are found, o nly a few p ieces will be carefully removed so scientists can analyze them and help fill in The crown jewel of perhaps 50 sunken ships is the San Agustin. After studying drawings and paintings, tht:'y think the San What looks like black garden hOS<' 1s really a line linking the Inf ant formula r ecalls DEAR PAT: SeveraJ months ago I read that the Food and Drug Administration was going to Improve Its r ecall procedure whenever an infant formula profluc t bad to be recalled. I haven't seen anything about this since, and wonder if a closer followup m ethod Is now being enforced. I have a small baby, so I'm very inte rested in this. K.R ., Costa Mesa Effective June I the Food and Drug Administration amended its enforcement policy regulations to add recall requirements for infant formula. The new regulations. mandated by the Infant Formula Act of 1980. are designed to expedite and allow FDA to fully monitor the recall of substandard infant formulas. llSSOLUTIOll OF PARTllEIJSHIP PUBLIC AUCTION Ordered by the Attorney for Globe International Handmade Peralan and Oriental Rugs We· have been commissioned to liquidate the entire I nvent or ~ plus others for Immediate cash. · Aa per l nalructlona ALL BIDS WILL OPEN AT .25' on the dollar, and Iota wlll be aold from the next bid on. RU GS FROM: China, Persia, Afghanistan, lndla, Turkey, Pakistan. Romania, Egypt, and Iran. Sizes range from 2'x3' to 18'x12'. AUCTION WILL TAKE PLACE ON Thuraday, September 2, at 8 p.m. NEWPORTER INN 1107 JAMBOREE ROAD NEWPORT BEACH Preview 1 hour prior 10 aucllon-Please attend pre~ A A, & A Int ., Llquldetort *i:O: 213 -709-oo2t Te<m• Casn. C'-'. Viu. MC Who 's Who? Who's N ew~ Every Sunday 1n Under these regulations, an infant formula manufacturer must telephone FDA immediately with notice and the reason for a formul~ recall. The manufacturer a1so must promptly notify its wholesalers a nd o ther dir ect accounts and provide necessa ry information to speed the recall. Manufacturers must develop a recall str ategy th at includes a health hazard evaluation to help determine 1( a public warning is needed, whethe r the product should be recalled at the wholesale, retail or consumer level, and to what extent the recalling firm must check its d1re<.:t accounts to Vfrif y tha.t the product 1s indeed' be ing retrieved. As a followup to FDA, the man ufal'turer must provide recall details in writlng within 14 days. S ubsequent updates are required every 14 days until the recall is completed. At any time, FDA can require the firm to remedy def1c1encies found in \be recall or can request that an infant fprmuJa manufacturer inmate a recall. Vets' burial benefits DEAR PAT: I understand tbat the re have been some changes in burial benefits for veterans. Ao elderly uncle asked me to look into this for blm. Can you help m e out? K.J . Costa Mesa Effective Oct I. 1981. eligibility for: the $300 mortuary allowance was t'hanged from a grant to all vet<-rans with oth er than dishonorable d1S<"hargcs to only those who arc in receipt of t•ompensat1on or pens ion or e ligible to rt:n~1vc either but m receipt of retired pay which was not waavl'<i . The intermc·nt allowance or $150 is payable unless the vet<-ran 1s buried 111 one of the Nauonal Cemeteries or crematt'd, where only a portion would be:• payable. Claims for grave markers a'nd flags are fil ed an conjunction with a large percentage of burial claims. Vitamins lost in cook er DEAR PAT: Altllougb I like my new slow ·cooke r , I woo'der iT tbls kind of cooking d es troys vitamins . I know t ha t whtn vegetables are overcooked maoy of their vitamins are lost. F.T., Huntington Beach During a I 0-tu. 12-hour t'Ooking period in a slow cookl'r a loL of the watcrsolublC' nutrients will bC' lc·ached into the cooking ·~;uid .... according to nutritionists Vuamin C and 8 -romplex vitamin!\ arc the most likely to be destroyed as they are both water soluble and heat liable For example, dried peas and beans lost about -10 pcn-enl or thc·1r th1amin in slow cooking. about :rn pcrct•nt of the niacin in meat will be leached into the broth a nd cabbage slices cooked (or om• hour lose 82 percent of their vitamin C. Loss of vitamin C t·an be: ('Ut by bringing the slow cooking mixture• to a boil before allowing it to simmer for many hours. Loss of wate r and (al solubl<' vitamins can be decreased by reducing the amount of cooking liquid and serving th<' broth with the finished product. • Got " prc>bl1•m:• Tllt'n wr11c· to Par H~ro-• 1 w11z-Par will <'UI red rape. ge111ng rhe - answt>rs and act um ynu noe-d w solve m- -t>qU/LJc.>s m grn·ernment and bUSJness Mail your questwns to Pat Horowlfz. At Your Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P 0 Box 1560, Co:>ia mesa, CA. 92626 r-------------------------------~ I The Salvation Army • I THRIFT STORE · . I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LABOR DAY rSALE 2·5°, OFF ·,LLCLOTHll& '"' WITH THIS H ALL STORES SEPT. 1 -4 New Brook Grove Store Only Sale Continues Sept. 6 9866 Garden Grove Blvd.-3 Blks. W. of Brookhurst Senior citizen discounts available. with card on all items • ·os11 MESA 12121 llarlttr llwd. LtCATIHS IUll WESTMlllSTER '°' 1131 ..... , ... ., ...... .L•••••••••••••••-••••••••••·----~ Penny Loof er "' A NEW CH,AfTER FOR THE 'HISTORY BOOKS AT LAST .. 8.u AND CHILDREN WALK TOGETHER J,. We hove tho largest selection of children's ~ shoes in the entire oreo. ~ #30 Fashion Island Newport Beach 644-2464 I •. ~estcllff 'Plaza 17th & lrvlne 648-8684 - A Labor Day V' Weekend Family Event The Up With People Show is an lrternationally acclaimed cast of more than 100 young people who sing and dance their way Into your heart, with music from home and abroad. Don't miss this chance to see this beautlfl.4Jly choreographed, colorful festival of music. Coming Sept. 5 and 6 to Orange Coast College auditorium at 8 p.m. Advance tickets for $7 available at the OCC ticket office, 556-5527. Tickets on night of performance are $8 at the gate. Event co-sponsored by Orange Coast College and Orange Coast Dally Pilot. -----------------------------------------. I I l SAVE $1.00 -MAIL THIS COUPON TODAYll I I Savo s 1 oo o••r regv1111pri<•01 ·~m·•••On ,, yllll l\11rrno1 vou1 11c~•1 ir1 oovance 1 I YO" pay ~ly $1 00'' I I Meil In occ l·C~fll Of!·~t '101 r~ ........ AnaO t:Mlll Mt•IA Ca Q28'6 l •i.Mtl I •, v • lnln ~!IG·~~7 I I I I NAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ' ADDRESS I I I 'l CtTV · ZIP Pt!ONE-. : I M•li• cntc.k~ P41¥fblto 10 01111ljlt Coot Coll41QI I I r1Cl<(TS AtSO AVAltAILI Ar TICKHftON OUTLCTS AfTlR AVOU$T 1, I I In.•• ,. • T•c•tltl)tt Ovlltl •t ~--" S0u111 CoHr Plu1 I ·---------------------------~------------~ - Budget c ut hits LA widow LOS ANGELES (AP) -~'aye Steffens Is 65 years old, suHcrs from chronic ernphysema and, as a result of state budgl.'l cuUtng, may lose the medical earl' lhul enables her to 11tuy ahvc. "Because I can't afford to pay for Medi-Cal, they're going lo make me give up my life," said M rs. Steffens, a frail-looking 4-foot-11 woman who tips the sea.le at 60 pounds. Due to a bill passed by the state legislature, Mrs Steffens' monthly share of Medi-Cal rosts will rise Wednesday from $75 to $182. She lives on a $533 Social Security widow's pension, and she pays $350 a montl'\. for rent. The $182 bill would leave her with just $1 a month for food, gas, and other expenses. Medi-Cal covers 20 percent of the medical bills that the federal Medicare pro,gram doesn't cover. AP Wlrepnoto The change in the legislation, UNKIND CUT -Faye Steffens, 65, sits with her son , J ohn designed to save $632 million this Smith, in her Los Ang<.'lcs homt' wondering about her futurl'. fiscal year, will aHect the mon• Steffens, suffering from emphysema, fm:es a sharp riSl' m h1•r than 3 million Californians eligible for Medi-Cal. said Health Medi-Cal bill whit'h shl' can't afford on ht'I' Social SL'l'Unty Services Department information income. ' o fficer Pete Weisser . Steffens would be to movt' to a dubwus about tht• econom1t· About 300,000 will have to pay c·heapt•r aparlmL·nt, but Mrs hardship "The Ll'gtslaturc ts more money. and the rest wall Steffens' son, John Smith, said, supposed to reprt•s('nt us, but lose services once covered by "There's nothing that's safe and they're voting themselves a pay Medi-Cal, said Dave M1tchell, the arfordable at a_...Jower price ra1s(• and taking 1t from IJ(.'opl<· department's ch1e£ of eligib1hty We've aJ ready looked. You read lik<' my mother," ht• said, policy. • every day about how old jX'Oplc referring t.o a bill passed by tht· "People a re hurting all over are preyed upon. Arc they telling Senate and by an Assl•mbly a nd you just feel like crying," me to .,o that to my mother?" com mt ttec to nu st• legislator s' sa id L eona Egeland, the The health d e partm<:·nt's pay department's c hief dep&ty director, Beverlee My(•rs, smd in "We're not talking luxury," ht· director for intergovernmental her Aug 20 analysis of the bill said. "We're talking surv1v<1l My relations. that "no one . wanted to sec-mother 's had a hard lift>. Sh<• "Where d o you cut when these cuts come about," and she spent 18 years in an orphanagt· you're alread y dealing with such said the bill was required by "the She worked all her hfe scrubbing a poor population?," she said. painful economic realities floors. Her first husband cJ1c:d of "The disabled, the. bland, the currently facing California" alcoholism. She's a lmost totally aged?" · But Smit h. 29. a patntt'r d1sablc.'CI. And now this. Isn't she• She said one option for Mrs. recentlv laid off from his .)Ob, 1s enlltlt'C! to a lttLle p<.•ace?'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~__.:;___~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~~i.i;E i=g ~0 ~~ ~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~-4 ~ B~ginners of all ages welcom~! Whether you've ice skated before or not. you're never too old to learn We create fun. we treat peopl(;? special. rr----------,, \Mesa Verde 1 $ J OOO Off 1 Center I Ice Skating Lessons I I '°' I 2701 Harbor Blvd., . BEGI NNERS ONL y I H•rbor & Ad•ma Pruenl coupon for di11rount COST A MESA l!: .:·~e~o~m~r ~· ~s·:_ -:!..I 979-8880 PUBLIC ICE SKATING EVERYDAY \ {\8 ~·Stf1()?-$ LABOR DAY SPECIAL 25% OFF ALL DRY CLEANING SEPTEMBER 1st THRU SEPTEMBER 4th Pick-Up Delivery • Laundry • Hand Finish 1000 N . COAST HIGHW~Y 494-4044 ~ '.'.' .. ~·""'1" ingvalues. --""~~~~ -----1 "°"' ~ UOUT i HOUT I !$L49=' •5.99=~· ·$7.49~1~1 ! 2 Good for two pieces of !ulcy, golden I Good for nine pieces of fulcy, golden I Redeem fhfs coupon for a Carry Pack g ::> brown Kentucky Fried Chicken, plus t 1 brown l<e~tucky Fried Chicken. wit h 1 loaded with fifteen pieces of 1u1cy, 1:1 i sinale iervlnc of Kentucky Fries four rolls, a large cola slaw. a large golden brown Kentucky Fried Chicken ~ u11111 two offers per purch111. Coupon aood mashed potatoes and a medium gravy I I I 1111111 two oilers ptr purth•n Couoon 1ood I only for comlllnatlon wllllt/dtrk ord•" Ll111lt two offtrt per p111cll111 Coupon &000 only for c0111btn1llon wllllt l!lt~ ord•" CllllOl!ltr PllY• •II IPOllCIOI• n its 1•• Oflly lor comblnltlOfl wllllt1Cltrk ordtrS. Culle>mtr P•Y• Ill 1ppht10l• ulH ... I Offer ••Plret September 12.1982 I Customer PIY• •II ippllc11111 uits.,tu. I Otter eapires S~ptember 12, 1982 I Prlelt 11111 very at partlclpalln& ~ll0111. Offer expires September 12. 1982 Prlct1 11111 viry ,, par11ctp111na 1oca11on• I COllllOll rood OfllY In Soutlltm 1 Prices 1111y vtlJ 11 pirtlcl11ttlna "1ocillons. I Cotlpon 1000 only on SOlllhton Ctlllorn11 I Clllfon1l•wll•••JOUHtlll1111t111• Co\ll>Ofl 1000 only In Souttltrn Ctlllor1111 •htrt you••• lht mt1111>111111p 1111 ol the llttll!IP INI of 1111 Ktntueky Wll 1 th b hi 1 1 111 KenlYc•y rrltd Chlchn A11ocl1llon . '''" Cftldttt A11ocl11lon. · 1 • yoy ltt • mtm •ll P HI o • e Ktnt11tly rrltd Clllcltn AUocl1tlon ••l'lml ---• --COUPON -• -----~nt1icky Fried Chick~ Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Tue1day, Auguet 31. 1982 .. 5 > Playb oy's H efn er plays ho t • Puhli 'hf•t· nl o WU8 a g ue t at party ut ~is n1anN1on 1 ll• wur. um• 111 the t(Ul'lllli of h1111111 , but Pluy lmy fllU81JLllll' vu1Jl11thc-r Hugh flt'fnrr WU'I n hl*l, loo N\·lghhor b gutl11•n·d ut Pluyhoy Muni.um W1111 Ill Lo!I An~dt'!< Lo hun111 l lt'fl1l'I' .. ir1d Armand ll t1rnmf'r , d1a11 m.in of 0 n· 1 d t· n t u I P1·t1 •1l1·u m l'orv , l ur <lurwl111g u11 u n d 1 :! ~· I o s t· d sunt tu ~;1v1• u ,;, ... 111 .. 1rliy 111 ~ h (J I t• fJ I t t.' h HEfNER NIMIS I fACIS I hav1• lx'{'n dto<lacult'd hr mly lo IJl·111g Lhl· lx'hl m•tghbor I cu11 " Thl' n•lat1onsh1p bl·tw1•1•n l1t1·rt1lUlt' and f1l1t1 wall ht• t•x111n1nl'd dur 111~ LI 111111· duy tntNnat111nal film ft-SLIVHI, Whll'h slllrts St•lH 9 at Toronto own u1 thl· t•11d," 1w1d Ju1w;w lhgh &·hool (\)l'fd\ H l' {.'l.Jft.on Jflc·r u 1oe.·11mmo1<t• w1tli M11n1hall H11o1h S<-huol MJ1 sh11ll C.'1111• h Ray llcndrlck11on 1t1d lw 1>1.rnl httll· att1·11t1on to thl· Ir> yt'•1r old . 185 IM)Und t.ilcklc', "IJUl "iht• KLOod out tht'rt• and look h1·r shot.-." l\ilari.hall d.-f1•11s1v1· l11wmun Mlchat!I Day woo; 11 ...... , lto!'lp1tahh" l><.ly111g hl· ht•ltl h.i<"k when 11111·<1 up oµµos1 Lt.· Jm·k~m Actor/Railer Moore, sllll a rnutan<.·t·~t 54, 1><.1ys hts m·w J ames Bond 11111v11· tould Ix· his la.'it putt ~ulf l'oursc on "C 0 u1rgNl'll ro1 t:loi.un· in a l'tty ·oi.t t.Utllng n1mpa1gn The· ~ t.•stlval o f Fc•st1vul's u u thor-us scrt>t•n w 1·lll'I' s1•r tt·!'I will fl•aturc n·ad1ng~ by :.rn nl)VC'hSt::. and playwrights who h1we eitht.•r wrattt·n S<:rc't'npluys or have had original w111 k m.ult• into films Authors part1c1pat111g 1nduch· Margaret Atwood ("Surfacing"). Roger Lemelin ("Ll'S P loulfr"), William Gol dm an ("Bu11·h Cassidy and the Sundancl' Kid"), and Arthur Kopil ("Buffalo Btll and the Indians") John Irving, <iulhor of "The World Al'l'ordtng to Carp," will prc8'•nt <1 SJX'c.'tal lnl1·1·v1c·w1·d at a Hoyal Air ' ~'orct· lni~l' r111rt h of Lo11do11 ,, l lamm1·1 was unal c• lo Ulll•nd LM'l'aUM' ht· was fly1n lo Londuu, wh1·n· ht· and Prine Cha rles gn•1•tcd two expl<>ll•rs n • rnmg from u round the w Id l'Xp~·d1t1un tlwy hud sponsore an Ot:t·tdl'!l WI spokesman said. lo rt•ading. udy Jackson has fa<'t'<I ouLo;t<ll· Whl·rt· th(• St'! for the· latt·sl ftlm "Ot:to - µussy" r<"M·m · hll·s a m111 t.ary e amp 111 La- tin Anu·ril·a. Moort• s;.i1d ht• plans a long • • r sk~in g vaca-MOORE t1citi aftt·1 srx·ndmg tht· rwxt five· months as Sl'l'fl't agl'nt 007 I ll'fnl•r m1nglcod with Lht• 400 gut•sts tn Lhe bat·kyard of his 5.75-acre c•state, with P layma te of the Y ear Shannon Tweed at his side. lk said keeping his neighbors happy ts 1mporwnt to him "l think 1n1tially, tn a frw quarte r s, thert• were mixed emotions." he said "Your reputation precedes vou . but o pos1uon for thl· first llml' J~ a c•mber of lhL• Juneau High 'choo l f oo tb all ltnt• 1n Milwaukee. "Everyone's been worryrng about J .J , but she stayed in tht· lrenC'hes and was h olding her If tht·y wanl to ask mt• to do Bond again, they wall havt• t~ • come and find ml'," he wa&• ' quotl·d ;is sayi ng b y Press. Assodat1on, lht.-British nl·ws ' ag(·m·y WE'RE CLOSING Old friends like you are hard to leave ... Super S·avings ... --. . Savings up to 60°/o off Quantities Limited Not all sizes available WOMEN'S •LADIES' BETTER BLOUSES . Orig. $20-$32 ............. Now 9.99 •ALL LAf' ES' SWIMWEAR ~rig. $12-$25.. Now 3.99-5.99 •LADIES' CASUAL PANTS Orig. $16-$26 Now 5.99-11.99 •MISSES' 2 PIECE DRESS SUIT Orig. $66 .... ~ .......... Now 32.99 •WOMEN'S SUMMER TOPS Orig . $8-$15 ............... Now 3.99 •MISSES' 2 PIECE SHORT SET Orig. s 10. ............. .... .. Now 6.99 WOMEN'S ACCESSORIES •WOMEN'S CONVERTIBLE SANDALS Orig. $21.' ............... .... Now 7 .99 •WOMEN'S TERRYCLOTH ROBES Orig. $32 ................. Now 11.99 •ALL REVLON® COSMETICS Now 30°/o off •ALL CHARLES OF THE RIT~ Fragrances include, Jean Nate, Enjoll, & Rive Gauche Now 30°/o off •SELECTED EARRINGS Now 50°/o off WATCHES •TIMEX® QUARTZ WATCHES 15 only Orig. $54.95 ............. Now 26.99 •SELECTED WATCH BANDS Now 50°/o off GARDEN SHOP •8" BOSTON FERNS Special 9.99 •6" IMPATIENS & BEGONIAS Special 2.29 • 1 gallon PINK PERIWINKLE Special 2.29 •10" IMPATIENS Orig. 9 .88 ................... Now 6.88 M::N'S eMEN'S SPORTCOATS Orig. $55-$70 ... ....... Now 29.99 •MEN'S CASUAL SL ACKS • Orig. $20-$26 .......... Now 11.99 •MEN'S PANTS (\ Orig. $20-$24 ............. Now 9~99 •MEN'S SWIMWEAR Orig. $11-$18 ............. Now 4.99 •MEN'S NOVEL TY T-SHIRTS Orig. $7 .5o ....... ... ....... Now 1.99 •MEN'S SPORTS ~HIRTS Orig. $9-1 2 .. . .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. Now 5.99 CHILDREN'S •BOYS' KNIT & WOVEN SHIRTS Orig. 4 .99-$6 .............. Now 1.99 •BOYS' BETTER SHIRT S Orig. $9-$15 .. .'...... ... .. . Now 3.99 •BOYS' PANTS Orig. $11-$14 .......... , .. Now 6.99 •BOYS' SWIM SUITS Orig. $9-$12 ............... Now 2.99 •GIRLS'SUMMER TOPS Orig. 3.50-$6.50 ........... Now 99c •GIRLS' ATHLETIC SHORTS Orig. 3 .50-$6 .............. Now 2.99 CAMERAS •MINOLTA Hl-MATIC AF 2 2 only . · Orig. 149.99 ............ Now 99.99 ~NIKONOS IV-A with 2 lenses 1 only s ung. $720.98 ............. Now 499 BEDDING •SELECTED BEDSPREADS Orig. $65 .......... Now 50o/o off •SELECTED SHEETS, PILLOW SHAMS & BEDSKIRTS orig. $19-$30 ... Now 50% off PATIO r~RNITURE •5 PIECE SET "YACHT HARBOR" Orig. $439 .................... Now $249 •CHAISE LOUNGES Orig. $189 ..................... Now •99 Store Hours 10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. JCPenney ~ ~ ISlAND 01 cov••• "°" cer• c11aroe ~ '21 NEWPORT CEN19' ..> • _WM·_ I Newport Beach only ' Orange Ooa11 DAIL. V PJLOT /TuHda~. Augu1t ) 1. \112 , OCTD looks to future • on 10th ann1 versary 1\ was 10 years ago that the first buses bearing a now -familiar logo o pera ted on highways and byways under the auspices of the Orange County Transit District. Those five original routes · have give n way to 69 today. Usage has increased con sistently each year to a level of more than 35 million riders annually -nearly 100,000 per day. The transit dis trict has been growing with the county . And it must continue to grow if anything is to be accomplished to solve . ever-increasing transportation- related problems. W e suggest . that by the year 2000 when the number of trips made by .county r eside nts has increased k> m orC' tha n ,p in e million per day bus uSage is going to be con siderably highC'r than it is today. · ""· And tha t 's why w e also suspect county vote rs will support new taxes to fund new projects like an a lready need e d rapid transit system similar to the vnc under study by the transit distrh.'t and the Ora ng e Co unt y Transportation Commission. A so-called rail sta rte r line that would run along the Santa Ana Freeway will cost no less than $500 million in 1982 dollars. But it must be built. The alternative 1s a Santa Ana Freeway on whkh traffic will not move in e ither direc tion during morning a nd evening commuting periods. B ecause traffic o n the freeway m oves .today -albeit slowly -is no guaran tee it will move tomor:row. Thus, officials o f the 10-year-old transit district face a great chaJlenge as the dis trict moves into its second decad e. W e hope that by the· tnne the district's 20th service a nnive r sary rolls around in 1992'ct;;ra pid rail transit system will be in place -a nd that county commuters are rolling right alon~. too. • · TOWard cleaner ·air -. Alter more than four years of debate, the state.Legislature has at last pr~ribed the bitter medicine needed to bring California in Jine with the r est' of the n a tio n 's industrial states by pru»ing a bill th'at will r;equire smog inspections of all automobiles every two years. In so "doing, the lawmakers moved to "lift Environmenta.l Projeetion Age ncy sanctions that h ave bloc ked $190 milli·o n in industrial construction· that could add to air pollution and frozen $83 million in fe d e ral f,unds for , high w a y , s e we r a.n d .w a t er project$ .. _ Fe_ar of 'adverse pu.bF£_ reaction, opposition from service station operators and hope that the R eagan admin1slral1on would encourage a relaxation of the EPA rules alJ contributed to the e ndless delays in rounding up votes for the clean air legislation . As to p 1c reactio", the medicine w toned down 'ttle by modify1 g the rigin a l requiremen fo annual inspections, settin $10 fee for ins~ons and placing a $50 limit on repair . costs for vehicles that fail. And polls taken while the debate was going on showed between 56 and 70 percent of car owners would accept an Inspection program in the ~nterest of cleaner air. The service station opposition was quieted by dropping a plan to have a s tate wide network or computerized inspection stations carry out the pr.ogram. Instead , ·i nde p end ent statio n s will be permitte d to handle th e inspections provided they use ap- proved new equ.pment operatt-d b) trained personnel and subm it to · m onitoi:fog by the state. f\ny hope for a rela>tation of EPA rules was dasheCI this month when a Washington, D.C. appeals court' rejected an EPA e ffort !o exempt certain industrial projects from the construction ban which had been imposed because of the state's failure \f.o pass an auto · ins~fuu1 program. The af>peals court said the EPA had exceeded its authority in trying to relax the rules and that the stricter standarJ musi prevail. So there was little ch oke for the legislators. The heavily amended bill will not be as e ffective as predecessors that failed to pass, but it does provide the hope of at least a 10 percent reduction in air pollutants. And wi tb some of the smoggier areas still experiencing up to 231 days of unhealthful air a year . that's better -than nothing. It is esti mate d the full program cannot be in operation before 1984. That gives owners of potentially 6 ffending vehicles a chance to clean up their act before the law steps in. Prisoners need a • voice The state Department of some state legisla tors. This sort or'' Corrections has acted wisely in thing no doubt produces what one reversing its decision to close down department official descr:ibed as ''a prison ne w spape rs written and pain in the butt." edited by inmates. But there is something to be The d epartme nt originally said for giving inmates an said the d~cision was made in opportunity t o air their gripes. order to divert the yearly cost of brush up their w riting ability and publishing five papers in the exchange information. And, with prison system -about $58,000 -occasional exceptipns. most of the ·to create other inmate jobs. Later, content o f the papers is fairly officials admitted that the papers run-of-the-mill comment on prison had just become too much o f a happenings~ along with some · nuisance because of disputes over news from outside. s ries criucal or prison conartfons--Tfie-d ec1s1on 0 c.on Tinu e and such items as pictures of publication calls for setting up a scantily clad women. committee of inmate editors and Efforts to censor the contents de partment officials to determine of the papers have resulted in just what .material ~s approp.riate three lawsuits filed by prisoners at for pub Ii cation 1 n a pr 1 son the instigation of prisoners' rights newspaper . That s h o uld be groups, and with the support of adequate control. L.M. Boyd I First bikini An entertainer named Micheline Bernard received more than 50.000 tan letters for one per formance in \\'.hich she didn't dance, sing or reci~ llnes. She just stood there. In 1946. it fo'as. Her. assignment: to model the (int bikini bathi.ng suit. The cameras ~licked and the mail flooded in. : What.. dlatinguished the Kwakiutl from all other Indian tribes was one $alient fact: The y were the only ~own cannibals in North America. ' 'Q . A ''mugwump" la a political •ndepe ndent. I'm told the word lni.ginated In the Bible, but I can't find I ORANGE COAST ~ Dally Pilat . a n y r etf-e r e n c e t o i t i n m y concordance ... ? A. It's from an Algonquin Indian word that turned up in the first Bible printed in North America. In 1661. that was. About 50 copies· of that Algonquin translation of the Bible are still around, but nobody's left alive who can read them . In the original Indian tongue, the word meant caetain or chieftain. The word "typhoon" Is from the Chinese ''taj" meaning "large" and "phu" meaning "w ind." The word "tycoon" comes fr~ "tai" meani!'* ''large" and "chun' meaning "ruler.' Tt.moe ... Holey Pllbl11~ Thomot A. Murphln• fd1IO• Jone Am•I t•lltut••• fdi1or .... KrellNch rort0rio1 '• rcrnDf ThemetMceenn (Clllor 1 ,AfM.UD~f l V\N'VY\QI'\ • . iMi~\CO .·._~Ki~ Oll! I Profiles. of'thelteagan team I WASHINGTON -·Some of Pwsident Reagan:S more flamboyant appoint.c.oes - like Iriterior Secre;ary James Watt and departed Se<?retary of State Alexander Haig -are well known ·to the public. And thanks to the media, The Big Three of the Reagan White House -&I Meese, James Ba ker and Mit.-hael Deaver ·- have achieved celebrity iila lus, s u cdnl·tl y . A s ked by a Nader interviewer about the jar of jellybeans on his coffee table, Le hman said: "Well, there is q uite a !lweet tooth. in the administration for the military." Carlucci leaped into the crowd a nd distracted it while lhe Ame r icans escaped. He was beaten , slashed an<L.-/. stabbc."<i in the nc.'t:k, and barely got awd'Y But the less publicizc.."'Ci adminisl ators are virtually unknown t.o thC' Ame il'an pubhc, even hougn tney-arc or n-o equal importance in carrying o t the "Reagan Revolution" on a day-to-day basis. These are the department heads, assista"nt seeretaries, com mission chairmen and others who a re the field commanders of Reagan's burl'aucratic army. ii. NOW RALPH NADER has attempted t o c lose this gap i.n tb..e public consdousness· by sicking his "raiders" onto the top 100 administration officials. The resulting profiles will be published this week. under the title, "The Reagan Ruling Class." My assoC'iates Tony Capal·C'io and Indy Badhwar got an advance peek at the manuscript. Here are some of the tidbits gathered by Nader's Raiders -forgotten or little-known fal'ts about only slightly better-known-people. -De fense Secretary Caspar Weinberger wasn't always \he free- spending hawk he· now is. Here's what he had t.o say t.o the American Enterprise Institute in 1972, when he was,President Nixon's budget director: "The ide ntification of a threat to securit y does not automatically require an expenditure in the deferute budget to neutralize it, The nation's total resources being limited, it is necessary to conside r what is being given up to mfet the threat . . . The defense budget, in short, . must be seen not only in terms of what we must defend against but what we have to de(end. The more we take from the common wealth for its defense the. smaller il beromes." -Navy Secretary J ohn Le hman described the administration's love affair with the Pentagon lightheartedly but -Jeane Kirkpatrick, the outspoken ambassador to the United Nations, was onc.-e an ardent feminist, though s he now i.pea~s o f th e "e.x tre m es ~f women 's-liberation fever." In a 11974 G -Jl-Cl-lft-1-IRl_l_I -~ book. she c.'Ommented on the dearth of women in politi<.'S in tei-ms that would s trike some' Reagan sapporte rs as downright subversive. She wrote that it would be necessary "to abandon the n otion, s t ill s uppo rted by some • influen tial religious denominations, that men are the natural governors of society .. lhal women are unfit for political or religious or social leadership." She also urged abanct9nment of the idea "that th e r e is so m e th i ng ine ffably incompatible between femininity and the pursuit of power. that femininity is incnror ably' assoc+at e d with .the!" submissiveness of female to male." -Fr a n k Ca I u c e i . .t h e o r ten - conlro\'>crsial deputy defense secretary. has the distinction of having been the s ubject of a hostile 167-page book published by the Communist Party-of Portu~al w hile he was our ambassador t o 'L 1 s b on -a ( e a l h e r i n a n y conservative's cap. "It will take some time for our people to know about the high price that the "'untry paid for the activities that Cartucci developed in Portugal." the Communist authors wrote. The Nader profile also 'recounts a little-known .act of heroism by Carlucci when he was an embassy official in the Congo in the early 1960s. He came to the rescue o"f a carload of Americans who had been surrounded by an angry m&b after accidentally killing a bicyclist. himself. · -ANNE GORSUCH,. head of the En v ironm~tal Ptotection Agency. resolate ly puffed Ma rlboros whil~ discussing carcinogens. with the Nader interviewer. She is described as "a terse, t6ugh attorney whose general litany divulges li ttle to interviewers .... In • style and substance, Gorsuch rare ly gives an inch." -'-F ederal ·'trade Commission , Chairman James Miller Ill has been accused of beiog a patsy for the business interests he is suppOsed to be policing. ln a living demonstration of the Siblical m ote-in-the-eye syndrom e, Miller identif?~the Civil Aeronautics Board. the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Federal Maritime -Commission and t h e A g r icult ore De partme nt as , "captiv~· or the industries they regulate -yet denied that his own agency had succumbed to this old Washington regulatory malady. -Thorne Auch ter, head o f the businessman's nemesis. the Occupational. Safct)' a nd Health_Ad_m inistrali.QJl dismiSSed a f<.'<ieral study that associated nearly 40 percent of all cancer with. workplace exposure. saying the "data is probably soft." But it turned out he hadn't read thl''report. -Treasury Secretary Donald Regan. who..spent most of last year assuring Congress the budget would be balanced by 1984, once wrote: "The events of the 1970s raised the question whether an administration can, in the course or a couple or years. get control over' ihe government's expenditures." -Interior Under Secretary Donald Hodel once said of the environmental movement: "Over the past several years, it has fallen into the hand~ of a small. arrogant faction which is dedicated to bringing our society t.o a halt. I c.-aU this faction the Prophets of Shortage. They a r e th e an ti -producers, th e anti-lachievers." · Letters to ·the editor Raise birth, not marriage fees To the &litor: • In regard to your edit.oriaJ Aug. 23. "Love Helps Cool Discord," 1 feel our legislators should re-think their position on raising the marriage lic.-ense fees. I am not anti-domestic violencr> programs. ip fact I volunteered my services to the MAILBOX people-o f Orange County -a rather broad Interest group. I think you will agree. The board, in opting to back this legislation, had in mind the multiple goals of l'Onscrvation, recreation. public access and housing. each or benefit to the general public. Nothing in th e bill would have changed the rules of the Coastal Act of factually in news stories. while hundreds of readers who knew the victim mo um and see that name as more than just part of a reporter's holes. On Aug. 2 I attended the funeral of my good friend Marian Low. who was more than just a name ,in an ac:ciderit story. She. along with three Japanese studehts. was killed as a result of a • senseless accident in San Diego JuJy 29 when a man plowed into the group as t crossed the street for a shopping ·Domestic Violence Family Hotline, a very valuable program. I am however against tbe-iRCl'e<&sin~f~ery.-few years to make these programs viable. Preparing for marriage is in it.self an expensive ven ture for -<:o uples; they don't need an additional expense tacked on. 1976. On the contrary. the bill was a S people in our Hves, but mettns fo r Htt> Le·gi!'l·htttire .. whiei\1--.w"""ti""e""n_,1,.......s'""'as"'· ,...~~a§ death t o authored the Coastal Act. to say to the unreality sus?ends us for a time while appointed Coastal Commission that_ in we remember their laughter, their hurls, the case of Bolsa Chica it was straying · their hopes and their dreams. from lhe intent of the Coastal Act. To all of us who loved Marian Low - IN MOST cas<'s when people get married they choose to have children. I feel to keep equity within the system, we"should impose a $5 fee in addition lo the few-dollar rec of a birth certificate'. The mon ey raised t:a n be used for programs aimed al aiding the a bused child. We all know there is an alarming rate of abuse going on. As stated before I don't think these fees shouJd be raised every few years, insteed the person(s) charged with the abuse (iC indeed this is their second or third time being accused of such a heinous crime) should have to pay a fine which can also be used for the proper program. either for the abused or the abuser. These programs are very valuable for the battered person and for the one guilty of cau s ing the abuse. W ith Rcaganomics slashing funds from et>rtain programs we nero alternatives to aid In keeping these programs going. KAREN McKENNA-JUERGENS Coast Acl goals To the Editor: · COAST AL COMMISSION members in their zeal to maximize claims of wetland habitat for wildlife seem' to forget the Coastal Act stales that basic goals of the stale for the coastal zon e include e nhancing natural and ma nf'l'lade resources, assuring balanced use .. and tonservation taking into account soc:ial and e<.'Onomic needs, maximi2'.ing public acce'ss and public r ecreation , a nd encouraging state and local initiatives and rooperataon . In my view. the Orange County plan for Bolsa Chica does all or that. SB 493 served its useful purpose by causing the Coastal Commission staff to tak~ seriously the Orange County plan. I withdre w the bill because fruitful negotiations are no w under way be tween the planning staUs of the county and the st.ate comnµssion. Six of the nine substantial issues raised by the l'Oastal staff have now been resolved. SE~. PAUL" B. CARPENTER Loss of a Friend To the Editor: As a former teporttr, l reallJe bow often names o f vlctlMs •re lieted I must take exception with your Aug. 17 editorial character izing SB 493 as · •c:lal Interest legislatlon ihat 11eeka to •· ,. •'"'t! the rules of the Coast.al Ac.t tn '-•"•" ,,~~,,_,,.,.-•c-• , .. ,._ ,.,.,._ .. ,. " ... ~ ..... _.,,_.., .... ,._.... ~··· mld·stream. ' -•' °' '"' .. 11 • , ...... ,.._..,_• lJ• =: _. ..., The "bill 'WU UNU\imously aupported ~~=-:.~'::.:: .. ":::P..~":.. 11 ...,.!.~~ by t~e Orange C o unty Bo1ardfh of :~~~~=~,'':::::,.r,~-=:;'.:t, Supervlton, which reprnenta al o ~·•i<•h .. ,..,'"9' • her whimsical way of mimicking the voices of her favorite Muppet characters, the monkey dolls she made out of socks, h e r honest appraisals o f situations when asked for aQvice, her hopes of becoming a teacher -she will be more than a vil'tim's name in an accident story. She was one of the most real persons I have ever encountered. She wiJl be missed and the void created by her death is truly like a black hole in OW' hearts. For the three Japanese students who d ied as a result of the same accident. and f9r all those other victims of countless other accidents, we realize these victims were all persons who were loved by hundreds of people and will be misaed - just like Marian Low. CHERYL PRUE'IT lmt• Am~ to 1te • draft evMler Fine '° Pl1IOft to tHch othen not to. HoW ....., Wuhinct.on poll~...,.,. dlwawd - 1>rhon untencea handed It.• W1\el'ptenT •. 'c:YlllC- l ,.. ... " Orange Cout O~ILY PILOT/~,:Auguat 31. 1882 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •ART HOPPE -Result of forced· molherhOod infuriates ·reader . . DEAk ANN LANDERS: La1t year I heard you sp.ak at u 1.'0nvl'nllon and wu very pleaat.-d lhal you had the courage to criticize openly a situation you t.'Oruidored uppalUnl(. Judge Donald Halstead of Kalamazoo, Mich., had to rule on whether a n 11 -year-old girl should be allowed to have an abortion. The child had l:x.-en sexually abused for several years by the man who lived with her mother. One· day the girl telephon~ the polke and told them she was going to have a baby and she didn't thinl< she was old enough. She wanted to know if they would help her -gel an abortion. (The child's mother was opposed to the idea.) The judge on the cue, a well-known pro-lifer, dragged his feet until it was too late to safely perform an abortion. So. the child was foreed to have the baby. · I note with interest that the girl is again in the news. She is now 12 and has been charged with neglecting her infant. I am so furious about this I can K'lll'Cely see to write this letter. Where In the world is justice? Where is sanity? How can anyone in his right mind believe NO pregnancy should be interrupt<.'<i for any reason? Please speak out again on this lssui: - OUTRAGED IN MINNESOTA DEAR OUTRAGED: Tbe reappearance of tbls cblld-motber iD cHrt speaks more loudlf tllan anytbhlg I mlgbt say. Tbank yoa for tile apaate. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please get in touc.:h with a heJtd doctor whp can answer my question. I need to know more abOut myself. 1 am a friendly guy who is polite to everybody. If l meet someone who has a proplem, 1 try to help. When I see a person having trouble with h is car, I always stop and do what I can .. If an elderl~person ne<.'<l!l n ~·•l on the bua, I oftt:r mint'. l h ave helped peuple whh their heavy packugus, anow sh ovelina. 1-w cutting, lffky roofs and JUllt about everytbir11 y6u can think of. Do I do thCllC thing. becauie I really want to be of service or because 1 waol to be liked? I am a devott.od reader. Ccill me -JERSEY JIM DE AR JERSEY: Ma~· be l\'s a little of both, but wbat'1 &be difference You sound like a neat guy to me. Tbe world cou d use more people like you. Just keep on doln' wlilat you're.doln'. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Several years ago my brother and.hi.a wife adopted a teen-ager w ho was In trouble. (They h~d no children of their own.) This boy (now a grown man) runs lhe house to suit himself. bosses thtm around, has wonned his way into their business, and ha." just about taken over. The guy is a womanirer, a spend-a-holic, uses dope and is strictly no . • ' ls it possible to rescind an adoption? How is this done? I know they are afraid of this jerk end would iike to get out o( a bad bifr~ain but cton't know how. PIC'81e ~dv1sc . -MUM 'S TIU-: WOHO IN VIRGINIA DEAR MUM: State laws vary iD re1ard to adoptees. An attorney ~n provide lnstroetlona oa bow lo proceed. "-... DEAR ANN: 1 was amau.'<i that you didn't ci~ the most serious .b.<tzard of piercing the ears of , infanlS. They ha~e been known to remove the earrings and have l'hoked on them. Print thl~z . please. -: PEDIATRIC NURSE JN ROC KY MOUNTAIN. N.C. _ DEAR ROCKY: Gulp, gulp. Rigbt you are; Thanks for writing. · What's prudish '.' What's O.K? If you aren't sure, you ne<'d snm£' help. ff 's avai)Jible _in th~ booklc•t: "N{!(:king and Pelting -What Are rhe Limits:>" Mail your r<'<Juest to Ann Land~rs. P.a Bo" 11995, Chicago, lJl. 60611. enclosing 50 cents and a long, stamped. St'lf-addressed envelof?f!. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ~~ Voodoo chants '-11 no cure • HOIOSCOPE .. Sf lf>U. ti.~ of lP"'r r <l.ream·S, P.£t4'\LITV IS ALWAYS Pl."f/AI LAB LE AT NO EX.TA.A C.~J'\R.GE. EIMA IOMIECK ATWIT'S END Overstaying in a·crulemia ,- Never in the history of higher education have we had so many students who go to college beca~ there's nothing else-to do. . Scene: The operating room of General Chaos Hospital. The patjent, pale, sweating and bloated, is lying on_ the table. The famous Dr. Ronnie enters, wearing a.. su.cgjcal mask. in&eresli:ng patterns-of facial paint, a wreath of tiger ~laws and a top hat. Ronnie (as h e grimly draws on his rubber gloves and pjcks up a rattlesnalCe rattle): I never saw a sicker-loOking economy in my life. It's obviously suffe!"ing from chronic stag flatioo. How are its vi~l signs, Nurse Bush? (' , BUSH: TERRIBLE, . DOCTOR. Its inflation rate is 12 percent and soaring. Eight percent of it Is unemployed. It hasn't produced a house or sold an automobile in hours. And ifs red ink is pushing 50 billion. . Ronnie: Fear not. How do you spell."relief'.i.? Bush: R-0-L . . . . .Ronnie: No. no. T-A-X C-U-T. An emergency . tax cut: coupled with.higher military spending, is its only hope. By decreasing.its intake and increasing . its outgo. we will be able to balance its budget. Any Joo) can see that. Bush: I can see that, doctor. And wh\Je you're at it, would you mind making Al Haig's hair fall out? I think he's-out to get me. ' Ronnie: No time for that. ~am ~bout to _P.!':rf?rm the largest t~nrcut-tn tllenfstoryOT organized Witchcraft. Watch this! Forceps. Sponge. Laffer Curve. Abracadabra-kazoo! (He· passes the Laffer Curve over the patient. A clutter of ugly taxes emerges, levitates and floats out the window.) , Everywhere you go, you heat, "You got a job?" .end the answer is, "No, I think I'll go back to school." Ronnie (triumphantly): Absolutely painless! ltS recovery is just around the com e r. Bush: No changes in Ila vital signs. · Marathon studen ts used to be th~ exception. I RONNIE: cURING YEARS of neglect takes knew a guy in the cl';'SS of '47. '48., '49, '50, '51, '52 time, Nurse Bush. Let's count to 10. One ... two .... and '53, who was a baton twirler. He had 15 majors. Bush: Its inflation rate is dropping to seven 23 minors and more than 1,500 friendship .pictures.• .... percent! He was the only student who knew all the words tA:i Ronnie: Hah! I told you so! the school song. Someone said he went right from Bush: And its unemployment is rising to 10; its the G.I. bill to Medicare, before he actually housing starts and auto sales have ceased to graduated one summer With a ~jor in forestry and function; its Dow J ones is headl n~ for the minors in philosophy and nutrition. Back then he . ' "AITHOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER psychQlogical barrier of zero; and its accumulated red ink has hit 100 billion. Ronnie (dancing around the table whil e beating a drum): No ~ to panic. Cut ~ts food st.amps! Cut its school lunches! Cut its old-age pensions! Bush (anxiously): lt's,no good, doctor. Ila red ink ii now approaching' 150 billion with no.end in sight. · Ronnie: Fear not, Nurse Bush. How do you spell "relief"? Bush: T-A-X C-U ... Ronnie: No. n o . T -A -X H -I-K -E . Ari emergency tax hike, coupled with lower doinestic spending. is its only hope. By increasing ita intake and decreasing its outgo we ~ill be able to balance its ~udget. Any fool can see mat. BUSH: I CAN SEE-THAT.doctor. But about~ Haig's hair, could you at least give him a bad ~f dandruff? _ Ronnie: No time for that. I am about to perform the largest tax hike in the history or organized witchcraft. Watch Thia! Forceps. Spo~. Newt's · eyeballs. Abracadabra-kazoo! (The clutter of taxes floats back through the window and settles comfortably in the patient.) Bush; That's incredible, doctor. [ta inflation rate has stopped at seven percent. And you don't have to worry about its other vital signs. lt d~'l have any. Ronnie (proudly): I knew the operation would be a success. Bring In the arms race. The only hope of a cure is to inject more arms. Any fool can see that. Bush: I'm' trying, doctor. I'm trying. BY SIDNEY OMARA . Wednesday, ~ep&ember 1 ~ ARtES (Marl'h 21'-Aprif 19): Bn•a k from rout.inc is necessary despite urgings from those who would have you remain mediocre and safe. Lunar aspect good; take a chanc..-e on yo~.lf own abilities. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Focus on ·career, responsibility, research connected w ith source material. Legal dc..•cisipn vindicate5 your views, actions. Superior is wiUing to make room for yq.u at more elevated position. Get your ideas on pa~r. GEMINl...{May 21-June 20): Coordinate plans with family -open lihes of C..'Ommunkation. pursue educational project. Spiritual values \.'.ome into sharp. clear focus. CANCER (Junt! 21 -July 22): Begin search for h idden resources. Check valuables. including stocks and bonds. What you were about to discard could actually represent a hidden treasure. . · LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): What a~ars...!:f> be a l~ustrt<>uJd actujiTiy be proveroial bk>SSing in disguise. Delay gives you time for second emotional wind. Gathertur forces, review procedures and become alert legal rights, permissions. -'VIRGO• ( ug. 23-Sept. 22): Tasks which had . been delayed now command immediate attention. Tie loose ends, finish what you start an~ realize you are on brink or wider recogni!ion . LIBRA (Se pt. 23-0ct. ~2): Sudden turn of events provides you with proverbial second chance. Be direct, confident, independent, original -get to heart of matters, especiall y where member of opposite sex is concerned. ·was unique. Today. he's your average student: COLLEGE HAS REPLACED the sandy beach with the high 'surf ... the free Willie Nelson concert . . . the mechanical bull that never needs coins. It's Woodstock with respectability ... a cloister with dating ... a port to weather out the economic storm. Wait ..for diagnosis SCORPIO (Oct. 23.Nov. 21): Follow through on hunch; be awa re of property values. security measures and safety devices. Sense of direct.ion will be clarified: Individual who aided in past will once again become available for consultation. SAGITrARIUS (Nov. -22-Dec. 21): Diversify. reach beyond curre nt e xpectations. broaden personal horizons and e xpress yourself in unique style. Relative with diet discovery calls. visits, harangues. There's nothing wrong with it. It sure beats sitting around playing video ga~ until you faint and rotating the garden hose. - But with all these educated people running around, it can't help but have an impact on our futµre culture . The disease of the 1990s is predictable: overqualification. A whole generation will emerge with seven or eight years of college who are too smart to work and too hungry not to. They'll be able to fill out jeb applications in seven languages and be too learned to qualify. So then, how long do you stop off at Academia? What's the limit before you become the oldest professional student in North America? . ; DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: Sooa I want to go Into tbe bospltal to bave 1allbladder, apper G.I. and lower G.I. tests made, as tbls was tbe acJvlce of my pby1lclan. Tbe cause of my UDpleallDt 1ymptonu Is gas .. · I read a few .montbl a10 about tbe new treatmeat of gall1tone1 without surgery. It'• called dl11olvlDI tlte s tous wltb mecllclne. If th · gastroenterologist sboald recommend surgical removal of my 1allbladder, I'd like to feel I can make a cbolce between medical or Hr1lcal treatment. At age 0, my bealtla 11 fine. -MRS .. L . DEAa MRS. L .: There hav e been some e'xperimental reports on the use of drugs to dissolve DEAR MISS X .: I'm glad that you are roming for advice rather tharr putting it dff. Yes, there's a possibility that you may have gonorrhea. See a gynecologist as soon as you can for diagnosis and treatment. Peni~illin should take care of it quickly if it is gonorrhea. If there is some other cause, he will advise you about that, too. I'd like to add this advice. If it is g.c. infection, I think your boyfriend should know. It's a lso possible for a male to have g.c. infection without having any symptoms such as discharge or burning on urination. He may. need treatment. too. Dr. Stc incrohn welcomes «1uesrions fFom readers. He cannot answer all individuall,y but will include ch~ of general interest in his column. Send your questions to him in care of .the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Co,,ta Mesa. Calif. 92626. . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Details unravel in connection with necessary equipment. funding or loan application. Protect credit .rating. Check location of cards. bills, promissory notes. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):. Good news r eceived fro m r e lative in transit. Other circumstances favor your efforts, indicate ultimate success. Taite initiative, make new start, stress indepe ndence and creativity. WHEN THE TEACHER LOOKS at you and PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): What occurs behind scenes plays important "Tole in ultimate decision. Major domestic adjustment is featured. Family member wants to beautify surroundings and p robably has good reason. father . ifs.been too long~ fOUI fflil"B - -_..., ... -------------, When you take a course in The History of the Ill I 1 ' \ u~·~d~titeoch~urfailie~·a~yooAREilie ____ ,~·~~~~~~~•~H~~·-~---~=~~-~=~=~=~===~ ~':1..::~!J~t because it's on the first floor. you've OR. PETER J. STEINCROHN ~~ GOlfN ON BlfDGf When you're asked a question in Ancient ~tory of Civiliz.ation and you're the only one who J BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF knows the answer because you were there, it's ttme stones. In some cases, they seem to be effective. It's to move on. a long ranae proc'eSS. This treatment ts sull being When you try .out for cheerleader and you studied and is not being used by many physicians. If have to palm off your varicose veins as textured a nd when it becomes effective and harmless stockings. you've had it. treatme1_1t, you can be sure that your own doctor It used to be you graduated and you got a job. will be prescribing it for his patients. In the 1980s, you don't take a chance. You get Meanwhile, I believe you are cr088ing too many the job ... and then you graduate! bridges prematurely. Why not wait until your .X -. • ray reporta arrive? You may find, to your surprise, .. ,, 9v PHl INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach . . that your gall bladder does not contain stones and is not the ca'use of your gas. DEAR DR. STEINCJlOHN: I aaderslaDd tbat 6ne part of aa. e11 contains cltoJesterol and the oU.er doesp't. Wbld1 11 it: tbe white or tbe yolk? - MR.C. DEAR MR. C.: The yolk. DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I have a recedlq balrllae wlaicb Is staruna to make. qae self. co•telo11. Is tbue any ~ of ltormoae sltot YH cu recommead to 1lart ltalr' 1rowtb a1al.Df -MR. w. DEAR MR. W.: Sorry. None. I DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: Perlilapt yoa cu 11e1, me wltla my "°'lem. I am lt yean old ud I wa• I uve_IOllll IOl't of vgllatl tDfecCIOll. J've 1tarted to uve some 1U1lat dlacbr1e, Off ud oa, Mme tcelalll1 u4 benlq._ Occalloully, I 1et peJas a. my lower abdemea. My 1ymptom1 c1111• Oii a llatlo ever a ""' 910 1her I llad la&ereoane wldl J1A1-.i ....... .bit, J .......... Ille lot.~ ""1Ni •neral •t ... Hf I'm mHfa too 1mberra11ed lo C9alna& mJ_ .. _,rra~. ftU 11 wlaJ I Hiil '"' --.-Mlll'X. '·Neither vulnera\)le. South deals. NORTH • 97• ~to O AQJ +AIOU WEST EAST •IOU! •AU ~ Q 8 75 '¢ ILl'OI , o 7 O ltlOIU +us• •n SOUTH •kQJ ~AU 0 150 •llQS The biddlnr: S..dl WeM Nentl &t.t I NT PUI 3 NT, Pall Pu1 P ... o.,.nlna lead: Two of •. Brldp expert. do not have to be mutera of the occult to mah thflll' plays. Thett la usually a perfectly io,teal ex- planation for vie thlnp they do. 'The aucUoo ~llUt comment. South had a baJan· ced 16 polnta and North a r . balanced 11. so both bids are textbook. Weat led the two of 1pades. East won with the ace and returned the six. Declarer won a11d tried the diamond finesse. Show inf ex· emplary technique. East 1 allowed the jack or diamond• to win. Declarer returned k> hand wlth•thl king or club• and led another diamond. When Wett showed out, de· clarer took Ute ace or dia- mond•. He now needed four trick• from the club 1ult to fulflll llla pme. After bolh playen have followed to two rouncls of a 1ult, there 11 • sllpt pe~n· tare edp to playinr.for 1 3-3 break over a •·2 dia&libuUon. Yel, det'larer un'hetl&atingly returned to hit hand with llle queen of chabl, c .. hed hit re· mainln1 high 1pade and led a club to t.M teJ'I. Whe'n that held, he had.}tla nine &rich. Lucky rue917 No. ju1t a matter .of clear re .. onlnf. Weit had led from a w"k '" louMer4 1'"9 e.4 •how• up with a aln1leton diamond. Had he fMJd a fivt·card •uU, •I it is reuonable to suppose that he would have led from t hal suit rather than attack ·with a spade. The logical In· ference was that West did not ha ve a five·card suit. and thal his distribution, there fore. had to be H.J.4. This is really a 1~mple ex ercise in eounllng. So much In hridge depends on no more than t he ability lo count to 13: whetller to open the bid ding: cou ntin1 the di1lrlbU" Uon of a hand; or counting the distrlbvUon of a suit. J know or no brld1e expert wflo con11dera IS to •be an unlucky Dllmber! Hew • ,.. dleee dw .......... ....,c ....... 0 .................... . ..,, .. ~ ...... ~ ..... ~" " ....... h -a.. .............. dila ........ ,t.•·o. .. ... N• w I; "'-'· .,... Mlle :==•~" .. N ... I l ' I • ..: ' Orange OoHt DAILY PILOT 1rue1day, Auguet 31, 1182 I ~ Southern. California's most complete selection of lighting at • • cong1et1t1ve . ' .prices . • AI.LIED lighting I, 222 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa (across from Nurse ryland Nursery) 646-3737 I 646-8194 ' Some of the brands we carry: Casablanca • Lightoiler • Forecast • Hi-Lite • Nulco • Stiffel • W estwood • Frederick Cooper • Brite Lite • London Lamp • Westgate • Norwell • P.D. West • Phoenix • Quoizel • Remington • Duro-Lite • Eagle • Framburg • Lavery • Lectra • Luxo • Victor • Crystal Import • Dixon • Hadco • E L A • Carrie Litecraft • Becker • Majestic • Illuminating Experience • American Lantern • Electrix • Wolfe Creations • Tri-Lite • Sonneman • Tensor • Schonbeck • Hinkley • Halder • Halo • Hubbell • Juno • Puritan • Nutone • Plantatfon • Thomas • Dinico • Atlas • L & S • Lightco I I I .SAN DIEGO FRWY i.j > < , . BAKER ST. ~ 0 . s: > ~ ..J -Ill < ~ 1-. ~ ~ VICTORIA ST. l I N .. --- .. THI CllABT IND THI caum ~\ , .,,,,,~ S tatis tics on illegals unleashed ART COLONY ARF-A RFS -It has recently been divulged that Laguna Beach has a populatioh of 2,500 unauthorized dogs. Laguna used to have trouble with unauthorized peoplt.• Apparently the difficulty is now four-legged. The canine c:ap«r came before the Laguna City Council the other night when Pohce Chief Neil Purcell proposed to go on a computer program to cateh up w ith the non- legalized dogs, .~r at least. !"-. to nab the owners. ~I' .. All this came alM:>ut TOM MURPHINI .~ / because of an estimate that ________ __. ___ Laguna has 3,500 dogs amid the population an~y about 1,000 of them are l~n~d. I ' The non-liecnscd houn -~hus fleecing the city government out of b<•twc • 0,000 cl\ld $15,000 e~ch year. . ,, I THIS IS SOMEWHA'I: tlkln with th e problem Laguna J_E:ach had with the last census of people. T he heac;kount came m tar below mun1c1pal c"pectat1ons, which had been roughly based on the• numbe r of times t9ilets flushed around the Art Colony. It was concluded at City Hall that either just a few people were doing all the flushing or some people were hiding from the ct.•nsus-takers. ( I I "Look out. Mar1ha! It's another Laguna tax evader!" The latter theory was ge nerally believed. City Hall suspicion was that these hiders were living in bootleg· housing units and didn't want to be detected. Thls circumstance caused Lagu!1a city government tct lose out on certain funds that are doled out by higher levels of bureaucracy on the basis of census population. It was a sorry turn of events. NOW, ADDING INSULT to previous injury by h1ding people. the dogs are hiding. More revenue is being lost If this kind or thing keeps up. Laguna could get a reputation as the tax evasion capital of the universe. Should Lagunans start using slugs in all the parking meters. the whole town could go to pieces, collapsing into . deficit financing. You will never know how they get an estimate of 2.- 500 u n licensed dogs. The guess was probably made by the same guy who told you there w ere 50,283 people on the beaches last weekend. You want to dispute his figure? Well then. go out there and count 'em yourself. NOBODY E VE R GA VE you a dog count o n the beaches but there are usually quite a few of them there on the wee kends This is also illegal but the dogs have had trouble understanding the law. It used to be In Laguna that the rookie lifeguards were assigned the task of capturing illegal beach dogs. The guards would give chase and the dogs usually ran. Once roped and brought in. miscreant dogs were tied to the main lifeguard tower, where they remained the rest of the day because the dogcatch er refused to come around and take them away. So at the l'nd of the rlay. the guards untied all the dogs they had captured and 11 1 them go free. THIS WAS SUCH enormous fun that the dogs usually returned the next day to play the game again. Chief Purcell, as it turned out, didn't get the $5,498 he needed to set up a computer program to catch unlicensed mutts. It turn~ out to be a vicious circle. Laguna city government, you see. is so broke that it can't afford to go catch those dog owners who have helped make it broke. City Hall just can 't wm for losing. . McGill assuming new post at OCC Dr. Jack McGill has been named Orange Coast College.'s Dean of F.ducat.lon Affairs. M cGill w ill assu me t h e newly created post on Thursday, pending approval by the Coaat Communi ty College Di1trlct'1 b oard o f Trustees at their Wedneaday meeting. McOUI la jolnlng the OCC staff for t h e second tlme In hi• educational career. He became a math and science Instruct.or at the C.C.ta Mesa campua ln l~. iand worked h ie wa y up to ~nt dean of admmione and recorda and t.hen to dean •of the wening college ln four yean. For five yeara McOlll wa1 ~!rector of development for the ' Coast Community Colle g e. Oi1trict, then served a year as vice president for academic and st udent affairs al ModeetQ College. McGill returned to Southern California In 1976 t.o become a regional academic admlnlatrator f or occ·. slate r ln1tltutlon , Coaal.l.lne College. "Jack hae better than 20 ytan of demonatrat.ed admin istrative IU«'ell," says OCC ~resident,' Dr. Bernard J. Luakln. 'He has filled virtually every 11.dmlnletraU~e job available on a campUI. He'• well known for hla 1kill In the development of cunicU.lum and lnatructlonal programa." Dilly Piiat TU!SOAY, AUQ 3Y. IH2 BUSINESS COMICS ENTERTAINMENT 83-5 86 87 l l1u~n1ployed steel worke r f oitnd out hard way dint T exa ws n ~, lull t)f pro1ni es ... Page 8 3. D a Transit reaching milestone County bus ser vice marks 10th b irthday with man y h appy, f aste r re turns By FRE DERICK SCHOE MEHL Of Ille D•ll~ Piiot ll•ff It is dusk this Wednesday as the Orange County Transit District bus pulls to the side or Pacific Coast Highway near the entrance to the gated enclave of Irvine Cove in north Laguna Beach. . An Hispanic: woman and h er young daughter board the bus, empty save four other riders The woman puts 60 cents in the mechanical fare box. The chilQ rides for free. For the better part 0 1 the next hour, they sit in virtual silence as the bus wends its way throuRh the affluent Orange Coast befure heading inland up Bristol Street to a less fashionable nei~hborhood near Central Avenue in south Sant.a Ana. Like 70 percent or those who rode aero buS<'S, the woman, a housekeeper, has no car of her own nearly six out of 10 riders, she uses the bus regularly to get to work. The child is asleep in her mother's arms by the time they reach their destinauon. This is well after 8:30 p.m There are only a few others on the Route 57 bus when 1t finishes the Jong crescent- shaped run ,that t>egan in Laguna Hills. With brakes squeaking. it pulls to a stop along Flower Street just steps from the Orange County Sheriff's Departme nt • headquarters, and the Orange County Jail, in downtown Santa Ana. District offi cials are sensitive to the fact that having such a major transfer point ( 19 routes intersect at Flower a n d Sixth streets) S04"1ear the county jail has probably worried some patrons, particularly those forced to ride after dark. But the open air stops near the jaiJ soon will give way to what's called the Santa Ana Transportation Terminal, to be located two blocks away at the corner of Ross Street and Civic Center Boulevard. near Orange County government's Hall of Administration. The center will include 17 bus bays and related space for sales of bus passes and informational dtsplays. The terminal will be adjacent to an existing parking structure for which a percentage of spaces will be made available to those who park their cars then ride a ~us to work. The district operates othe r so-caUed park and nde facilities in the south cour;!.tYy including Laguna Hills. Mission Vie~ Juan Capistrano and San Clemente. - Most users of park-and-ride facilities catch so-called express routes that go to major employment centers. like Newport Center in Newport Beach. Express routes. which generally follow freeways and major arterials, cost more - $I 50 per ride -than so-called local bus routes where the regular one-way fare is 75 cents during peak morning and evening hours and 60 cents at other times. (On local bus routes, seniors are charged 35 cents during peak hours, but }:)de free during off -peak times ; handic,apped individuals a re charged 75 cents during peak hours, but only 35 cents during non- peak ~riods.) Projects like new transportation centers and reducing _headways -elapsed time Fares roll back for anniversary To celebrate Ii. 10th operational year, t.he Oran1e County Transit I>ls\rlct It rollina ~ck bus bt:..ea to "4!:> ctmtl Wednetday , 'nwnday and't'riday, 'nle regular fare 11 76 cenu during peak travel houn. On •Xpreu routes Hnkin1 maJot ""1denUal and employment ethtera, the resul•r $1 .&0 fan will be reduced to ~o amu. :the dlttr1ct wm alto be awardlna a one· week Jamaica vae-tion for two. Contettanua wlll find entry blbu on all OCTD buMI. Hourly •rvice from San'-Ana to lrvlne, ~Be.ch and Balboa bepn Sept. t, a.trlct otflct.at will a•tlier at 8 a .rn: Wectn.Say at 8(x\h and J'Jower 8~ tn downcown San.a Ar'IA -a major tranaf •r pain\ -to celebri_. 10 yeats of Mr'Vfce. -.. CENTRAL ST ATION -Proposed rapid tra nsit lin(• would branch out from Orangt.• Coun ty Transit District's planned Santa Ana Transportation between bus<'S on any given route -are part of "service improvements" that will mark the distri<:t's pohctes over the next few years. "Our basic system is pretty mucti set," said Madeleine Bickert, while displaying a large map showing the district's existing gridwork. "Now. we're JUSt concentrating on fine-tuning the system." About three million riders per month now ride OCTD buses. That's a 35-fold increase since the district began operallons 10 years ago In the central county -where housing densiues are the highest and per capil<l income the lowest -use of public transportation ts the highest The centraJ county. for those reasons. has more routes than the south <:ounty and more frequent service The central county also was where aero m1t1ated regular service 10 years ago after the then 22-month-old district acquired 11.S first Imes Three routes, linking Santa Ana and UC Irv ine. Balboa Peninsula. and Laguna Beach, were operated. Ten years ago. the buses ran once per h our; today the headway on Rout" 57 to Laguna Beach is 10 minutes. The d1str1ct's bus fleet. work force and budget have grown commensurately. from 25 buses in fiscal 1972 to 577 this year. In the same period. the operations budget has 1~reased from $1.4 million to $72.3 million. The district. which began work with five employccs. now has 1.455 on the payroll An estimated 35 2 m1lhon passengers will ride the buses during the current fiscal year, about 3.7 mtlhon more than during fiscal 1981 -82 -a result of the district's heavy investment in advertising and route improvements. And while buses will continue to remain a big part of the county's transit program. the district has tis sights set on a new system capable of carrying a large volume of passengers in rapid fashion. In l'Onjunctlon with the Orange County Transportation Commission. the district is studying a rap id rat! starter Hne that generaJly would run along the Santa Ana Freeway. It wou ld link Anaheim with the John Wayne Airport-Irvine Industrial Complex East area. !luch a system won't come cheap - • district General Manager James Reichert says the price tag wiU hit $500 milJion in current dollars. and will be dependent on eome type of local transportation tax. Helchert said a rapid rail "starter line" could be In pl~ by the end of the decade -that is, if (undlnl( obstacles are cleared. Pletza. lelt. Tr.111s1t ltnt' •~ sketched along Santa Ana Boukvard with state a n d f E' d (' r ci I b u I I d I n g s I n I h e batkground H e said a h 1g h -v ol um(• s ystc•m is ncccssa ry g1vl·n c:u rr<•n 1 l'St 1ma t.es that show the county's populauon by 1995 will • hit 2.7 million pNson:-.. a :H pt•n·ent increase over 1980. In thC' same• pt•riod. thl· numher of .)Obs in the county ts prt>dicted to increase 48 pen·ent. whtlt• the number of daily trips by rcsidt>nts will hit 9.~I million a 65 percent inl'rease over thl• 1980 f1gurl• of 5 7 m1lhon. Reichert l><lld many ix·rsons question the n eed for SUl'h <1 rapid tr<1ns1t -system. pointing out that thl• d1~tnet cannot fill the buses it has now , ex<'<'PI during peak periods on some rou tC'S But Re1c·hert :.aid lht· bu~ system in place has a lot of growing to do Q\'C'r the next 50 years Busl'S that arc> nc'ar-c>mpty today may not tx-~> t>mptv yt>ani-from now And, h<' said. as traffic· wors<•ns, the need for a rapid transit systC'm will become more and more apparc•nt. s1m·C' buses l'an't travel any faster in l'Ongl'Stton than cars __,,, The dtstnct manag(•r ~aid he• doesn't dispute contentions the automobile will remain a mainstay for Orange Count,y , commut<'rs. He said the purpose of a transit sysu:m - whether based on bUSl'S or some other mechanism is to "siphon off' the extra load of traffic so that freeways will not become overburd<.'ncd with ears filled with . frustrated mo\onsts not going anywh""e very fast ,# Bus ·connections easy · to locate ea Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /TuHdby. Augu11 31 , IOH:l .. ' NEW OFFICERS -Heading the Women 's Auxiliary of the Arthritis Foundation of Orange County's activities for 1982-83 will be from left, Marian Wright, recording secretary; Emma Zinsmeycr, membership chairman, and ·Actress to lead, • sem1.nar "Day Extraordinaire," the 13th annual celebration of women's ach ievement, will be held on Oct. 9 at the C r ystal Cathedra) in Garden Grove. Actress , d ance r , si nging star Carol Lawrenc e tops the o utstanding wome n participating in this year's event, which has ·"Free To Soar" as its inspirational theme. Speakers will include Sally J o hn, author , writer, and wife or New York Yankee pitc her Tommy John; Marjorie Holmes, noted lecturer and author; Arvella Sch uller, program director for the Hour of. -Power television ministry and .wife of Dr. Robert Schuller; and 6-foot-2 humorist Jeanne Rooertson, the tallest contestant ever to compete (and lose) in the "Miss Ame_rica" ~eant. Sponso red by the Women's Ministries of the Crystal Cathedral, the event is open to all women regardless o f church affiliation. T ickets. priced at $17 .50, include the breakfast and lunch. An art festival also will take place on the church grounds that day. More than 2,000 are ex pe c ted . and r eservati o n s are required. For further information c all Wo m e n 's Minis tries • omce .971 -4082. Tom Ca sey to head council Thomas C. Casey. vice preside nt and trust •ffi cer for First American Trus t Co .. Newport Beach. will preside over the Business Council of the Newport Harbor Art Museum this year. H-e replaces Joel Slutzky, president of Odetics, Inc., Anaheim, who remains on the council and is an active member of the museum's Board or Trustees. Also serving on the Business Council board will be vice presidents Virginia Gute. or Paone, Genovese, Haldeman & Gute of Newport Beach. and Sam Gulko, partner in Ernst and Whinney, New port Beach \nd treasurer Al Frt11nk. manager of the · Costa Mesa office of Deloitte Haskins & Sells. Nine other Orange County executives are officers of this museum support group that stages several fund-raising events, including the Run-Your-Art-Out lOk run every spring. B ual neaa Council members repre.ent more than 100 .llrma that devote Ume and money to the muaeum. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTHY ;1 •• ,. II'" .... ,..,. t HJ HAalOI ILVD. COST A MIS.A -14t-I 116- ,. ' , Pat Bonadio, president T h e group raises money to finance programs assisting arthritis sufferers. Women interes ted in joining the 'Stop Arthritis' auxiliary may ('all 547 -!1591 . THI INGAGIMINT RING /f,.iscot•-,..;111il 11 Tt•n•1w Ly1111 llrit1l'O<· of Nt:w!'"'' Bt•u<·h und J<'ra11I~ Arthur S1111th pl1111 to bt-marr l'<I Jun 8 1n Our Lady (.~111·•·11 uf thl' A11w·l:1 l'hurd1, Nl•Wpurt Bcud1. Tlw 111 Hit• l'lt't'l, duughll'I u f Mr uncJ Mrs. John W.11111·1 H11-.t111· ut Nt wport 1.X•ut·h. gruduuted from S.1v. y1•1 l 'ollt·~·· u( Uwnncss Sht• was u 1980 Nt·wport Chap\1·1 Nut1u11t.1I Ch ... r11y Leaguc debulanll'. 111·1· 1111111·1., who atkndt•d Long Bcu<.'h Cit y Collt:'i<<·. 111 1111' ~11 of tht• !alt-M1 and Mrs Willliun Sn 11th .4'/Ji ,...,./ y-l l ogas Mr und Mrs. R1l·hurd Shively of Costa Mt•b<i haw unnou11<:t«I the Ot·tobcr wt•dd111g plans of the11 duughtN Susan and Jc•ffrt•y Rogru., also of Costa Meliii Tht• bride-to-be graduated from Estancia High St'hool anJ ht•r futun• husband 11> an El Mo<lt•1rn Hl~h ., $d1ool ~tlumnus. Announcing a Summer Program . For Teens!. .M U11trH l>1 "'"'\ h4 lf"\ ;· .,11 1 t>f'I 4.tl °""~' tt Uf "'' '" I rt f"f'' Inf> .._.., 111v111_.ro1cM t>-"•J t Jr,. ... ,,.1 ~ '''" lrr••dY'"' ,,,, r\ll"' ,,., , .,.,,"' lu rftH n .,,., 'ult ltOl .. nt111I Htr Powt1 •• Wfll't •h !fir 1tl111f'O Af0t1 \(hrtf' 1f ~,,,.,,, ,., 111•,\f'\ ~,.. t "'' .111>•,t .. ol 4 It•'·~ ?· ..i•'' r, "'"'• ''f ,.., .. ,., 111 T<'re1a Rri.l <'Ut'. Fran/.. .l.,'mith ORANGE COUNTY J TOWN & COUNTRY . ORANGE 1714) 547-8228 ZEE& A mg "tar". 0 6 mg nicotine av per c1qale11e bv FTC method One Beautiful Menthol'M One Beautiful Box. One Refreshing Slim 1oa ~ - \ ... \ ·~ J ,.. . . I Orango Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Tu11dey, Augu1t 31, 1982 Bl ·Te as bUbble burSt for job seeker t e l work r de id to go horn to '' tarve'' Mllll.ANl>. 1'11 !Al') Lmtl ul I 11tt•t•lw11rkt•1 I lu111ld 'l'uylur left tht• dl•p1 t•w1wd Oh111 H1 v1•1 Va Ill• y I :i mun 1 hi\ Ul(11 r 11 1 11 "guurnnll .. •d" ,111b 111 Tt>Xilli Two jullN h11t•r 111111 Ml pounds lif(htt·r. he, d~·1d1'<.l that If lw's f(mng lo st.arve ht• might us well do II 111 home. He sars ht• learm•d lhere IS no such thing as u. guaruntt>ed JOb these days. BO people l1ke him have to "weutht•r the storm" of economk ha,rdshlp. "Things uri• l!t o 111i.: to gl'l bettC'r," ht' shruggc•d. "I Jo11'1 think thl'Y tan gN any wori.t• " Taylor, 40, a fotht-r of two, wai; laid off 13 months ago from tlw Crul·1bll' S tumlt•ss Stt•l'I urH.1 Alloy D1v1!>1on 111 this SLt·t'I Valley town betwt.·t•n P1tu,1Jurgh and Youngstown, Ohio Coll Industrtt•s 1s <:losing tht· pl.int <:X:t 15 ln February. thl' wt•t•k ht· got his finul unC'mplovnlt'nl dwck, Taylor took a ,1oh 1n L1bt•rty, Texas. w nh Nanon~1I Pip<.• and Tube Co. Tht• subs1cl1c1ry of National Steel Corp .. mad<.· p1pt•s 111 tht• 011 wdl drilling boom and f(u&1runt1.·t'd wnr k wlthoul layoff a T uylu1 g11t a p;J1r of $5110 bonui.<•-i, u month'o; f11 •t • how.mg and hoard I It• JUlll J,lt'd ul lht: t:h1tlll'I' lltoe ( 11mily 11t.iyt•d bt•h111d, phmnmg tu 11111v1· down lutt•r "Whut did I havt: lo losl''" Taylor su1d in a l't'<.'1.•nt 111tt•rvi1•w. "I w.1i:. f't•lut:tunt lu lt•avtt But with guar::11H tted no h1y11ff:s. I t'Xf.>l'('lt•d to work the• rt·st of m y lafl'" I But tht• dnlli11g lmw11 Wl•nt bust, and Taylor wns fu1 lougl1l'd May I Tht•n• sull1 W<is no n·ason tu frl'l, ht• th o ugh 1 H ouston nt·wspapt•rs had lid p wanll'd s(•<:t1oni. f1ll1ng mcirt• than 100 pagei.. Ht.• took anothc•1 ,111b as a m11lwrigh1 with St. Hcg1i. Papc•r Co But again there was Lalk of layoffs and shu l<luwns. and T<;ylor dt•<.:1dC'd to go homt· om· week bc•fore he was dut• to Ix· furloughc.•d again "In six months, ll wC'nl from boom to bust, Liter&lly. It's hke th\• huhhlt• hoK bun.t ,'' ht• I ('t'U I lt'ti "I muldn't offoid tu puy 111y mortMHtW up ht'I\' um.I lx• down ttwrc· II l'm ~om~ to sturvt-. I Jlllt(ht ll!i Wl·ll .cu hm·k h111111• a11d sUlrVt'," he su1d ufkr H·lUI lllll8 from Tc•xas th1 11 munth Asidt• from his vu11111h1ng ]l'ltli., Taylor hud u rush 11( personol problt•ms in 'l\·xas By tht• ttinl· ht• was but·k, lw had lus t 50 po11n1b.. 111• oruught his famil y to Texas 1n Jurw. but lwu days bC'fort> ht• wus to mmplt•ll· thC' purt:hasc of a houst'. ht• suys. it burnc.'Cl to th<.• ~round, f.Jrl'tng the furmly to live through the hut summt>r 1n a two-lx•droom trailc·r with no air c· on d 1 t 1 o n 1 n g H 1 s G e rm an i.hepht•rd dog died two days aftN arriving m Texas. Up North, his houw originall y was for sale· at the appraised JH 1 l' <.' o f $ 4 :l . 0 0 0 T a y I o r ultimately dropped the asking pm·t• lfJ $1 8,000 but sllll never found a buyer in the depreSS<.'<i housing market. Aftf'r t h e> famil y movl•d, • 1100\l'OIW I .lllltllt'kt•d I ht• VUl'illll houw llu• mottwr. whu lt11ew two do11r11 11w<1v . i.ufft·rt·d u two11 ull1u·k · "It was l1k1• 1•vt•ry duy y11u wont.In wh.tt'11 ~ulllf!I 111 h.tJljWll next," mud Taylor, wear111~ 11 'J' shirt and Lone• St11r lx•ll bul·kll· "I Cin11lly said we'rt.· not hv1ng like this 11nymore. I fell llkt.· u gypsy . lt wasn't tht.• way I wanwei to raiSt• my kids." 'J'aylin· l't'l'l'IVt•d y t•l .11101 ht•L' Texui> Job ufft·r. but ht• tut 11l'd 1l down flut , twt•11ui.t• ht· w:i:-. offered work as an electrictan for a n11npuny thut u11l11ad1•d foreign stt•t.•I al a Tt.•Xiot., h,11 ho1 "It wai. a mallt•r of p1 llK'lplt- UndC'r d1ff1 •n •111 l'lll'U111!'ll;11\1.·1·s, I might hav1.· Wkt·n thl' Joh " ht· said. Bat.·k al h1., honw m nt·arby East L1vt•r pool 0 11111, Tayl"r worki. al odd job:-., w.1111ng fur svmcth111g p1.·rma1wn1 111.· has two yl•ar., of t'ollt·~t· ;mt.I ha., attendc·d tr<tdt· !'ldtoob, :.11 h1·'i. confident of f111d111~ work NO GUARANTEES Unemployed steelworker Haro ld Tuylor sits m a bar in Midland, Pa., where h e once worked and thinks back on his JOUrney to Te xas m search of work . He found "guaranteC'd" .)Obs but was laid off anyway Family brewery thinks small, prospers Lager-maker sells e very drop it brews as 1·ivals try ~to k eep from going flat • • ST MAH YS, Pa. (AP) - S lrtt ub Bn·wt'ry lnl'., bucking the b i~-1 s -best trC'nd amon R brewc·r11.•s, 1:-. happy being near lhc bottom of the barrel and has prospC'rt•d for 11 dt'<'ades while larger lag1.·r -makers fought to keep from going flat 600 brl'Wl'l'll'!'I 111 I !JI IJ 'l'tw JXJ!'ll Proh1b1tt on high wa., 7!'10 brc:;wprit·s. in 19:!5 . "Th<.• tnmd didn't lwik vt·ry good JO yt•ciri. ago," s;.i1d lh·rb S traub of tht• van1!'lhing lol·ul brewtoru.~ "Now tht• tn·nd h1ok:. good lht• ot ht·r Wi.l)' Oui futun· looks good .. 111 alc·o h o l . pr o mpting towni.pt'Oplt• lo l·all II "high lt•sl " "Yo u C.·an't f i nd a bl'ttc·r- lasting b1.•cr ," s aid Formc·r Chc·atll" a local resident who w;,is los1rig a battle to hold 1n a bulging belly ht.• e<i ll<:d "bt't•r musd(•!." during a Vl!.ll lo tht• br{'wc·ry "We like to fish and hunt and tak e yt•ars' t•xptmcnte and l'omplcllon of u spt•<:iat· tourse. Straub bc>e r is d istributed Within 150 miles Of the brewery. But about one-fourth of it is sold at a drive-up window on the ground.,, where a case costs $8. The S traubs d o little advc•r11smg Th<' family -owned brewery, thC' third smallest commC'rcial beer produn•r m America, has been selling every drop it l'an produ<.'C' and says customers bC'g ror m ore. care of our g arden But then• are no plans to " "Why should I advertise? I dor.'t have en,.,ugh beer now. We havl• some posters We sponsor a 15-mmute s ports s how on the radio in St. Marys. And we have softbdll team , a bowling t eam and a voll <'yball team," said Herb 1.•x pand th<.• plant founded in 1872 ---------------------------- AP Wlrephoto HEADY SUCCE SS -President and master brewer J immy Staub of Staub Brcwt•ry hoists a glass of his product standing beside one of the copper kettles that help make up to ;35,000 barre ls o f beer a year. FDIC to pay off bank depositors The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp 1s preparing to pay off depositors of the fatlC'd Western Nat1onAI Bank of Sant.a Ana. a spokesman has said The s pokesman. who asked tha t his name not be used, said by telephone from Washington, DC , that the FDIC board of directors announced this week that it was preparing to pay off the holders of the 1,800 deposit accounts up to the insured limit of $100,000 per depositor However, h e said the FDIC hasn't given up seeking another bank to assume the dC'pos1ts. "We're still trying to find 0 ~ somebody to take 11 over/' he said The bank was dosed F riday by Doyll' Arnold, acting controller of the currency. and the FDIC was named received Arnold attribu t e d the fa i lure t o significant loan losses but did not specify the reason for them. the spokesman said. The spokesman sa1C! bank failures ar<' up significantly: 30 so far this year, compared to 10 each in 1981 and 1980. He said there have been thr('(! payoffs of depositors this year lO date, compared to two in 198 1 and three in all of 1980 by PC'ler Straub, who brewed a hearty thirst-quencher for lumbc.-rjat.·ks drawn lo this German s c•ttlC'mcnt in the Alk•gh1·ny Mountains about 100 miles north of Pmsburgh. "Small 1s better," secretary lfrrb Straub says. "W1•'rt• able• lo gN up and leave ~hen Wl' wcint to. We like what we're• doing, Wt.•'re just not living that fas t pace Why get any bigg<'r'l" asked cousin Jimmy Straub. prvs1dc.•nl a nd a master brt•wcr "Ween,1oy our lifestyle .. We likr to fish and hunt and take t•arc of our gardens. and we like to gN dont· with our work in eight hours." s~ud brother Gilbert Straub. v1c·c• president and also a master br<:wC'r "Besides, c>xpans1on could 'cut down on our drinking llrne," hC' laughl•d. ho1s11ng a fresh glass of brew S tra·ub employs 45 'peoplC' and produn>i. 35.000 barr<-ls of beer annually The only smaller U.S brt•wNics are Geyer Brothers Brewc•ry 1n Frankenmuth, Mich .. which made 3,400 barrels in 11981, and Anchor Steam in San Franc1S(.'O with 25,000 barrels.4 Anheust'r -Busch. the world's largest brewer, produ ced 54.5 m11l1on barrels last year. Straub 1s on <' of o nly 40 surv1v1ng U S bre w eries. A('(·ord1ng to th e I nternal Rcv<'nuc> Serv1c·e. there were 1,- ~~ COLOR GRAPHICS PRINTER 24995 .... "!-.. • Prints Graphics and Alphanumerics in Red Blue, Green and Black , .. • , I ~ • -. .. .,> • Built-In Commands Simplify Drawing And Plotting • Uses Easily Replaceable Ink Cartridges • Works With Any Oeskt6p TRS-80 • Ultra-Compact Size- Just 21 s/u, x 8 1/4 x 81/2" 4• I • ,{) • 'j. ~· Versatility Plus I Create Incredible Graphics and Print Upper and Lower Case Characters in Four Colors! ~ A 01v1si~ OF TANDY CORPORATION PAICES MAY VARY AT INDIVIDUAL STORES ANO DEALERS SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE . COMPUTER CENTER o: PARTICIPATING DEALER ."' f • ttti Tanoy Co<p , The n urnbt.·r of nwrgc·n. 1s declining a· 1d lht· publtt.· 1!'. loyal lo the n•ma1n1ng ltx·al bn·wi.. ht• said. Found<'f Pl'tt·r Slr<1ub'., "''('rt'l recipe is sull bt:1n~ ust·d at lhl· brewt.•ry &rlt·y mal I , hop., ;ind corn fl a kn an .. · n1okcd wllh mountain i.prmg w<1lt·r drawn from a 170-fuol wt·ll bt•f11n· lhl' be<>r is aged ubout six w(·t•ks It has no sugar. salt. syrups or pres<'rvat1vt•s The b<.•t•r 1s rnmpar:Jt1111·ly high A shiny coppt•r br<.·wt·r built m 190 I makes a bat.ch of b<.'<·r_a day. f111c• days a week. "Th<' big guys can bottlt• m a dciy what WC' make m a year." laughed Herb Straub, whost· w1f<.• and daughter also work al tht-brt>yvery. Tommy Straub, 22. represents Lh<' fourth generation of Straub dt·scendants at the brewery He ll'fl his job at a local bank and hopl•s to b ecome a mas t e.r brt•wc·r, whi,t:h rc>qu1res three S traub • Huwc•ver , the family keeps l'UStom<'rs flocking back w iU-, a brl•wcry tap that is open every day but Wednesday so thirsty to wnspt'OplC' can q uaff a c.'Old one. "Our b1ggl'st goodwill gesture is that spigot right there. That's a tc·rrific advertise ment," said G1llx:rt Stra ub. A list of rC'gulations gover'ning thl• tap reads: "This tap is a pr1vill0 &<' gra n t e d to our customt•rs and not an obligation " With B~nk of America standing behind yoµ, you're already a step ahead. Put California's #I busipess bank to worX for your manufacturing business. Wh<:th<:r you :-upply raw mat<:ri:.tb. parts or finished ~o<.xl,, you m:<:d a IYank that rl".tlJy ~t:ts to know your husin<:s.,. Al Hank of America. we hav <: corporatl' lxmke~ a1 ~pcda.l l<Kation. ... all across the state. ·1nl~ hankers \.\'Ork dosdy w ith you to umk r- stand your hw.inc.."S..' and p >ur industry a.' well. What\ more. they have locaJ authority to make..· Uita1 " impon ant uc..'(fit tkd- o;ion for you. Our corpor.m· hankers pro\'idc acn.·,s to a wide rang<: of financial S<.'r- \ice-, impomuu to you. lnc~ include: 1.int.-s of ac..·dit Accounts rn :dvahlt: amt inventory financing for working capital. C t"ih man- agement St"rvicc...-s to optimize: cash now. tenn lmms for expansion. the TRACS' service for better frdW1t paymmt management International services such a'! l<:tter.; of c..:rc.:dit and forei(Ul exchange for raw material~. components ;md finished gcxx.l5. O ur service capahllit)' is one..·< >f many rca'!on.' why we alread y work w ith 54)% of all (.allfomia bu.4iincsscs. Put th<: money and muscle of CalJfom la 's numhcr one business hank to work for you. ~ your ne-.trest Bank of ,'\mcrka t'orporate service: banke r ro<l,ay. BANKIB OF AMERICA Put #I to work fbr you. IANK or l\MUt(llNIOA • ~mll•• 'Or(• k n• 1°1 A-rote NII\• .. IJ 500N I Newport Center wpon Center Drive Wally Neilsen (7 14) 75944 17 I .. 0tlnQ9 OOMt DAILY PILOT/TUMdaV. Augu1t 31, 1982 ome trade " ,. ,,1 .. , talk set ~=~=-~ Realtor Bill C.Ote wW ,.. .. , 1219 apeek on "How to Trade COP~::"'...;;.. 1 Your Home" in u 7:30 ~~t,,5,,-0401 , p.m. IM!mlna r WedruJtlduy ....... __ •• -at the Marriott Hotel In ..,. ... ....,, .. ....,:;., Newport Beach. _..,..,....,.,. ___ .,.. Cote, prctddcnt of h1I own firm, will t'X plore ... =1111-=================:::;;I the altcrnAtivcs to aelJlna. Photoa.apbic Business Cards a home: In lht!9e troubled e• -a-anomic Umett. A rww Adl4rt.,. IMdlun1 t0t ~ llulil*e 6/ol 'lfM 111oN:n The 11emlnar, free, ls ,13a.oo.. · o pen to the p u bJlc. 1or 1000CAAOS Reservations ma y be ....... , made b y t ele phoning 760-1800. Get a READY EQUITY. Cr&dlt Line.and write a check tor up to •100,000. You can initiate a loan tor up to $100,000 simply by writing a, ch~ck if you·have a Ready Equity credit line. use the equity in YO!:Jr home to establish the redit ~ne, and then you don't have to worry about :_aipprmtals-oi:...pi:OGessin9 wne-A ~"' neeEH~e-m Write a check and you have instant cash. • CALL (714) 644-1634 ..... ,,, .... DALL~~OUND -Val Rodriguez of Signal Hill Clashes a big smile as he accepts a barJi: ticke t on Jet America for a !light to D , · caum 1Ul11111 Terry R. Teeples and Jerald A. Allord have been named to head the land development and commercial/industrial divisions respectively of The .Mes.iter .CO. • Mesiter is a real esta te d evelopment firm headquarlert.-'d in New port ~ach . Sa ndra Tankersley is business service represen tative for Huntington Nationa l Bank. U~o Texas. The .Long Beach -based airlin e offe red 1,000 one-way ticke ts for $4.05. Hundreds Uned up to buy the~. Ellen E. Hansen has been promoted to assist.ant vice president and manager of California Fu-st Bank Harbor View office in Newport Beach. Enterprise National Bank, an organiz.ation in Newport Beach, has arinounced a plan to defer its stoeK o(fering for an indefinite period of time, accord ing w Tim P eralta, bank president. The bank wiU be returning funds, plus interest earned. within three weeks to original investors who had subscribed for the purchase of common stock, Peralta said. Manville shocks hometown •MANVI LLE , N .J, (AP) -Manville Cor p. U. a tradition in thi• wwn, th e r t.•a1on f or ill exU.t.cnc.oe anti lta name. So for tht-pt.'Oplu here, lt. wa1 a n un s~ttllni 1urpriac w hen th•' 1}'6nt a.ix..we maker moo for pro~llon undt!r federal bankruptcy law. "I wish I knew wh;at It all mt:ans," "saiO ' Rose S uto , w hQse husba nd wor ked a t the local Manville plan t for more than JO years before he died of a n asbestos- related cancer. Mra. S uto Is now s u i n g t h e company. still t he largest asbestos manufacturln the United Stalei. "I don't know what to t hink about it ," said Fr a n k S h .u b 1 a k , a n Inspector at the factory where he has worked for 32 years. Among the 766 union me mbers at t he plant, the average age is 54 and the newes t worker has been there· 18 years. " "We really don 't know much ." said S t ep he n Baltnt, the tax assessor for this Somerset County communi ty of 12,000 , w here the plant pays 13 ~-ent of the tax bill. Manville Corp., with sales over $2 billion last year, filed Jast w~k for protection from creditors under Chapter 11 of the Fede r al Bankr·u p tcy .. Ueat Aroerican f-ederal E Gordon Y. Watada, Laguna Beach, has been named vice presi~ent of Thom pson-Crenshaw , Inc., an airpert planning and management consultants firm located in Hawthorne, N. Y. Watada will be in charg~ of the West Coast office near Los Angeles Jnternational Airport. Joseph P. Munger has been.named chairman.of . Code. citing the> threat to Capistrano National Bank and Meredith L. Russell th e co m pa n y f rom president. The bank has branches in Irvine, Sant.a as be s to s -re I a t e d Ana, San J uan Capistrano and FuUerton. litigation. ==~~=NO=~~~~=~=~=NO=OC=E ~~~~~~=~=~=c ~~~~~~~~~,~~=-~ov~THECOUNHR FICTITIOUS BUSINl!SI YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A NEW YORK ("Pl co1r lie 16'-i ••~ 1ntmea 11>r, llt'll PenaEM ftC11T10Ua ....... NOTICE Of' PRIP.AAATION NAME STATE•NT DEE 0 0 f TR U IT• DATED NASDAQ quoqllom. C~ 1·32 t-J2 ln1m1C.i 11v, II~ Pfl\1• ' .._ .. TA.-.n' M •GATIVI OIEClMlATION .., , ........ r99 YOU \llowlno 11'9N\t bi~ ComCIH SJ\!< SJ"'-ln8W"" I~ I~ ""pbp The following perao11 la l!ol11g Th• IRVIN E RANCti WATER The IOllOWtl10 persons ere dotno JA*'ARY -· 1179. ~ ano -· olfen by CmlShr 11 ""' lwa5oUI 1Slt ,.v. Pelrllt ~ u : DISTRICT ·Is prepar•no a ~altve txismess as TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT markel maun H ot Cmwle1 111,1 m·> vJJilly • 1.n 11 n Pelllbon RAINBOW CLEANERS, 27S4 Oeclaretlo11 tor the protect M. K. ARMS, INC . 9 112 Hyde YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY H t.:i:,.~~l?..:..o: ~:'!!" ~~. :~ ~o:,·:~"" ~~~ r.i;; ~r~~~~ EMt Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mer. deacrlbed l>elow. A "Draft" Park Drive, Hunlonglon Bedch, IO&.D /.T PUeLlC SALE. IF YOU m.,•dl>-"' comm-Croslre IS>;. It IOl•ar 1 1 1-16 Pinkf'ln ,._ ..._ ti "-la atlo Is (ii al the Calllornle 92646 NEED AN EXPLANATION 'Of THE IHlon for MonOay. CutlrFd s 1 Ill> Kaman -IH. 1a PlonHI > .... ...,.a 1141 ..-. r n on Se PHOENIX FIREARMS, INC., e NATURE Of THE PROCEEDING .sEtocl. 'i~ 81~. 1~~ c0yac~on. o ·a sv. KtlySv • 2• H V1 Po\•is Vlnem .. buh OuhetlCk>gtu, 5112 Olttrlct t0tllce. 18802 ardeel1 Alabama corporation. 9112 H"de AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD ., ·-•-.,, I .,... • 11-. IHo Klm~ll 17 17~ PruGM Veeper. Shelman O,akl. Ca. 91403 Avenue. Irvine. Ceillornla. and Is ' C ER. AFAProl u v, 1611> o aytM 14.,. IS Klno1n1 1\, 1 Prss1..,,,. Tl* ~la conducted by·an available tor publk: 111spect1Q11. A Park Or Ive. Hu11ll11gton BHoh , co,::,~~c: ~ ~8TEE'S SA!i . AVM Cp 4Y. 0 • 0-• .,,.· • S-1' KloofC. ,, .. 21-.. Proorp lndMduel. Negative oeclaratlon w ltl be Callt~~~.9:.~6 Ruplloger. 9112 NO. 040l2J :~~~~ 1~4. '~ g::"bi:, 1~~· :k ~~!f:v ':.,, ':~! ~e~.·~ V. Ounendogtu. o111tdered tor approval or Hyde Paik Olive, Huntlnoton Beach. 011 October '· 1982. 11 ·10:00 Addl\l\W 10 io•,, o.-yEI l l \I• Kullcu l3 Jlft Pu1oeap Thie tta._,t wu llled with the d,lnppr,ovel by the Board of • M 11 1 1 1 Adv.R.ou )\oo ~It. OlaC•Y\ ,,,... ..... _,, • ~ ~ t•"" o...t.rctt -eouMy-Ctef11 ot·Orange Cou~ trectors of tlle.Ola1rlct a1 llS CelltoMl*'92646 "'· ., 11 1 e m e n-en rltfloe 0 4118\tl , ••~ uv. OlanCr.u u 11 l.•ndAn ll'• • Ra~<:i> 8 11 1 be held 1 the DISTRICT Kennith 0 Dominick, Route 1, Lewyeri Tille Insurance Comp•"¥· Alicolnc 31¥1 JJV1 Oocultl n •,. nv, l.•"41Co 3H• JIVt Aaymnd Augult 27. 19 2. mee l10 ° 8 P.O. Box 125 Fruithurst, Alabama. 520 North Malo S11ee1 In lhe City of Amuu S'-i •~ Dollr"'1 "', 19~ l.llnv• JS.._ 1• RHves • F1984 OFFICE on September 27, 1982 36262 S ta •na ,._ .. t of Or•"""' Stale AFurn ~ S''" Doy1oe "''• 1111> l.ln8•d ' 'f.l"'-nv, Aoac1s .. Publl•h•" Orang• Coaat Dally Project Name: PURCHASE OF R. Ned Walker, Route 1, P. o. o~nc.:'111~';';:;1~.y C AL1'F'o'RNIA ~?,.'~p . ?! ... ??t oo~!! .. f"'o =,.·~ "••·" ~-,,lrn !°, ~:~ ARool>l>Mu .. ., PllotAug. ~ Sept. 7, 14, 21, 1982 APACITY IN REACH 1 OF THE RECO E CE COMPANY ~ .., ., .,., -· •· -..ICl4 '" - • 3836-12 B tAKN~~E ~ 'i~~ 't~f~N Fri: Bo;h~2~::i=r~t·~~~~!?!~6~ Cetllo~n~a Vc"o~poretlon, as d;,I~ :=• 1~ 1~· er.~;,'~ s• 1~ =~'F0'.1 ~~ ~t ~f~: .,_.,. llftT1C( oorporatlon appoloted Trustee uoder that AResMo 1 tv. Econl.ab n on 21-.. MMl\GE u-.. 1sva StHelGO I"~ nu IRVINE LAKE PIPELINE, AWeld 21 11 EIPatEI 111/t 11 ,,,..9'1PI l-" • StPaul ---11U ... S8 OrP~rol•. c t Locat1011: County of Phoenix Flrearma. l11C. cert11111 Ooe<I of Trust.executed by Anadlte '"' ,,,,_ Elder lie s s:r. ,,,..tRt O• s ScrlpH • ... ..._,.,....,. ' Michael K. Rupll11ger. KIM M. ADAMS. 8 sl11gle mSl'I U AnoSA IOh 11 EleNu<I I~• tv. Marlon •"'° •'I• Se ..... NAm 8TATlmN1' Pur Alldtor ..... addiUonal • Prllldent • trualor. rec0<de<f on February 1', •no•<i" •"-10'n El-• w n 11 M ... ILP lO JI ~""" • f 11 I ~ -" d , T'"'· stat-en! was f' ... d ...,th t'"• 1°79. as lnalrument No. 14691, In •...,.:rJeeMI 111~''" 11,7"• EEn"r,,_o.v, 11'• 11 ... llllayPI I'• '"" Svc~r Tiie 0 OW ng flOn 1• oing ~Jt·y In "-·-h 1 of , .... Bak~ ""' _.. ..., "" '"' "' 1 •1• 1~ ~-y~I · S ''• 5,. mst -.......,. '"' -Coy11ty Clerk ot Or1111ge County on Boo!< 13034. Page 226. ol Ottlclal ArdenC.9 J•r. ~ £nRh 4 • .1:; ~c;"rn ~· ,-; ~Me<i ~Ae;:H IC MARKET I N G ~~~~:~:dw~l~~:d~I~~-~ August 27. 1982 "1tat4 Record or Oraoge County, Stele of A11Gsl.1 U\oo U'ti EnlwiMI 11¥1 13~. McF•r1 I~• I~ Shwmul PRODUCTS, 3110 E. Eagle Or., t raoalerred to the 1rv1oe Lake PulJllshed Orange Co11t Dally Celllom1a. under the power of sale :u.r: s ~t.,. m; EqlltSL :!to :,,_ ~~ g~ :r~ ~\~~~: • ANlhelm, Ca. Pipeline (ILP). llefeby raising ILP Pilot, Aug 31, Sept, 7, 14, 21, 1982 therein c;ontaloed. will sellJlt publl<: e~rr:C:e si. •v. ~11:'ft' H2 7.32 M 1 d s • w SC•lwtr Kf nneth R. Smi th, 6 431 syttem presaurM . Thie i11Crease lo, _____ ,_. _____ 38_5_8_-_82 euollon to the highest bldde< for a.11yPP s•. ••11 F'arme.p JJ~ 34 ""'.-1'"1MdldCap swEISv C.tawbe Ln .. k'vlne. ca. 92716. p<M*Jre wlll beneftt all UWI of the.. DIDll( llftTIC£ cash. or check as detcrlbed b4il'ow, e:s~~E. , ':>;;.·~ ~:f~r.,, ~"" ~~ Ml,:.R:; • .... ~!·d:ii~.; Thia ~ II conctuctecl by .,, ILP. {...... nu pay1ble 11 lhe Hrna ol aale In lawful 8 nF :iav. -,_ "' ~ lndlvldual. OATl!D: Auguat 24• 1982 1---------~-----mo11ey of the U111ted Sta tea ot a:~,.,W. IO'll II>'-' ~l= f,Y> ~~"' Midi&• • 1~1~ 111~ ~:~= KenMlh R. Smith Betty J. Wheeler NOT1C"' ,_ "'!!!"'anE'I IALE America, wllhout wan anty express a..11.. s... ~ FIWnFln •'II •'4 MllllDr u 2''11 Sl••ISI This siet-1 wes ftled with the Secretll)I "'.,... •nv or Implied as 10 t111e. uae. Bftl1PI II h 1 Flrc\Bk' n~• ;,,... MJulllG 17~ ""' County Cletll of Orange County 011 Publlshed Orange Coasl Delly T.l ,.No. M542 • possessl1>n or encumt>ra11ces. ell ==~~ m'.; ·~m ~:~cNr.a l!v. l!~ =~~ •t~ ~~ Augutt 27. 1982. f1tla1 Pilot, Aug. 3 1, 1982 YOU A~,~~~tfut~ UNOE~ A r:o:~· ~~~h·~~~~:=~e~~ 118°:/:C:dt~~ ::~ 1~~ 1~~ ~:,':~~8 1!~ 1~: =.'fif ~h. m: 3832·62 """ED Of T'"''ST D'"TlD S-23-11. 81 ,_,, • ... F ~ • ~-I lit' ,. Publl•h•d Orange Coaat Delly .... nv .. tollow1110 described property ,_ r • -orm I ·"' • -••n" •• UNLESI YOU TAJ<E ACTION TO situated In the atornald Coun"' and Blyv-10'1 IO'l't Franll 11 u -•m 101. 10'-' PllOt Aug. 31. Sept. 7. 14. 21, 1912 -----------....,..-1PROffCT YOU" PROPERTY, IT •• 8onan1 ll't 1 FranllE l:J\O 14\1. -!Club ,.,.. l'-i NASO LISTINGS , 3838-82 ~IC NOTICE Slate. to wit 8rwTorn• ,_ tY> FrMSG 28'11 a v. Mue1i.r 1' llY> --.,.,..,,.,,..,,.., __ ,.... __ ..,,....,..,..,.---"!::'MAY •E IOL~ AT A PUILIC PARCEL 1: Rucki•• 11"-u Frr""'' ~ s~ Harr!IC 211• U"1 NASDAQ SUMMARY -------------1 '1CTI1lOUI llU.,._IS LI . If Y 0 U NEED AN Unit 291, City ol lrvl11e. County Buffets ~ ll'll FutlrHB """ 1114 HD•l'e 17'1\ 11'11 ~ NOTIC( ....... aTATEMfNT EX NATIO ... CW THE NATURE C 8urnuc6 10-. 10h nAutm •V. •'-N•ll"'k!. 134• 2l+o -Q Q'"INIT of Orange. Slate of alllomla, .. CHL f!ln 2'h JV. GnOe..c• 1411 ' NYAlrl 2V1 ,.. NEW YORK (AP) -Mo•I acl lvt 0-· l'ICnnout ...... The fOllowlng l*I011S are dol11g Of' THE PROCEl!DIH A .. ahOwn end defined on that certain GHRIE HI •OO • ''" ·T fleAmoll 18TA~I d bual~E~IFIEO PRODUCTS. 88 i~:."·aHOULD CONTACT A ~~~tio!~/:f:,= 1m ~:~~ ~,: i~~ r.::~ :1r ilt;, :::::::~ ~ s~v. ~~rer ·~=~1!J,l4M1'"1~N~~ ..,..!!,__ .!:" ng pereo" 1 otng FIAr Or .• Coale Meaa, Ce. 92628 On "'-r;ber 21. 1982, at 9.00 ol Ofllclal Record a o l Ora11ge c..,En 7•16 ._ .. Glflnttt l "1 t Hike 8 l'.\4 40 "Pl>ltC »9,too ''"' 11'• • "' ---....., Cep!.w s 10 11 C.yrOllYn 1 1'-i HCarC.. 1µ.. l4Y. Tandtrm 151,MO ?I"-21t;. • "' R 1 B'8 TOUCH OF CLASS Robert J. Co11wey II. 17172 A.M .. Tit e lnaura11ce and Trull Coun1y, Calllornla. c..,Alr 11 _,. •~ Hed..ofl ._,. .v1 HwlHGs 11~ 1111> Inlet . 20t.JOO JSY> lS'" • "' H S9t AMbel Gerden GrOlle cA Marina View Pl .. Hu11tlrlgton Bead\, Compa11y. II duly ~ppol111ed PARCEL 2: <:¥•Cl> 101;, 21 HamlPI 11 llV• Hwl~ 1'~ ""' Coors 8 16S,«JO ""' 1141> -l"-t2943 \ • Ca. 92649 Truetee under a11d pursuant lo A'1 undhllded 114'1f\ 111tereJt '" Cel11s ..., •~ H••-'"" 1 Howell 3~· JI~ ~e•u• ••s,100 •~· th .. ~. .. .:..._ L-...:.. ........ .....__ 1913 w MI c h• e l Jo h a z . 6 3 9 2 Deed ol Trull da1ed March 23, 1981 a11d to Lqt 6 of Traci No. 10137 as c,~•r~lv ""'11~ 3011, HHr~== -·~ 2'7"" vJNucrp '"'' 13.16 • a1 ~ s. 1~~ll00,JOO ~L 1 111)1'," -111, ~ Pl~CA 92904. · Sl!Yerwood Or .. Hunt111gton Beactl, r8Ci0<ded Match 26, 1981, as l11at. ahoW11 on a Map recorded 111 bOoll c~~H Jl ~ u::: H:~... 21\o<J 2l1"1 OcHntr 13~ 13,. 'A:;;:E iiS.ooo ii\. •i1~ •, ,.,.. Thll ~ ll'c:onducted 11¥..,, Ca. 92647 No. 34534, 111 boOk 13995, page 4 2 6 . "pa 0 ••• 4 8 I 0 5 0 0 I OwnLM llh ll _..,. --~::GM 34\. JS'I• MflrR• 130,400 lh 1 ll·J7 lndMdull Tl'tll bull,_ la COl1ducted by an 1773 of Olflclal Recotd1 In~ off10e Mls«lleneous Maps. records of ~~~11 ~~ l!~ ==~• ~ ·~~ OllFe~ 3~ 3~~~ Adllapc.O Ann. L.OIMe AMct. u11l11corpoTeted assoctet1011 other of 1he County R9cor'd« of Orange Or•l108 County, Caltt0<nla, togelher Clrfk o •'h ~ IMS '"' IS'"' ,~ ouerTP ""' ,.,,,. OecJlntO Tl* ltalement WMl llled with the then • pertnenhlp. Counly. Calllor11lal WILL SELL AT with all ·Improvements thereon, Cltr.So<M 7+-a ISC 1414 14~ PCA 1n1 s s1 Unch.tnoe<1 Coullty Cleftt of Orange Courlty on Robert J. Corlway II PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST e11cept1ng therefrom Condominium C111UtA ' JI Jl\11 1ntra1no ,.,_ l 'h P•t..18 ll'h II Total ISwt• """ 20 -.,._ Thll ttat-t was fifed with the BIDDER FOR CASH OR CASHIER'S Uolta 24S through 256 lnclualve. CIUUIB J:Jt;, U~ Intel Hli'J JPI. PcC.aA l74'o v. New lllQM _,, • r~· .,,_,_County Clerk of Ora1109 County on CHECK, (payable at time of aale lti end 281 through 312 lnclualve. ~= 2:v. 2:,,. l:~:o'~ ,!~ 2~ ~::;11/' '" 1111 New !Owl Publlehed Ora"I:. Cout Dally August 27. 1912. lewfUI m~ ot the U11lted SlalM) located 1heieon. ..... ''' ''" Tolal .. ttt Plot, Aug. 10, 17, 4, 31, 1912 F....-at the South rront entrance lo the Ex()890ng tJleretom en o11. o4t 357M2 Publlahed Ore11ge Coast Delly old Orange Cou11ty Courthouae r ights, mlnerala mlner1I rlghla. ------..-------..-Piiot Aug. 31, Sept. 7, 14, 21. 198Q located in the 200 Block of WM I· 11atur11I ges rights a11d other "8JC NOTIC( 3888·82 Senta A11e Blvd. (formerly Welt 6th hydrocarbo11 substa11cet below a --------------------------sq, ~a11ta Ana. Callfornle, all right, depth ot 500 fMI under the parcel MOTICa TO CMDn'ORe "8.IC NOTICE· title e11d lntereJI co11veyed to and of 1e11d heretnabova detorlbed, OI' MILK 1'UJll"" ...., OI' held by II under said Deed of wltllout the right ol aun-111try, u ......,.,... TO TRllll""' .....,...COURT Truat In the property ahuated In Mid r-rved 111 the deed from Quell ALCOMOUC ~ LJCml CW CM.lf()llNIA County and Stete deacrlbed u : Ru11·Nortllwood, a limited ( ..... .., ..... u.c.c. COUNTY Oil OflANQI Ldl 27 of Tracl 4808 In the City Per1Mflhlp, reeorded Februety 14. -~-_....,,.,.I •fl C:..) 700 Ctw1c CeMer Dr. W"t of Cosll Mesa. Cou11ty of Orange. 1979 In bOOk 13034, page 22' of Noltoe II l1ereby ~ tNt •bull! a..ta AAa. CA Slate of Celllornle. as per map Ottlclal ReCiorda. 1ra,.1fer. lncludlno an alcoholic P.O • ._• recorded In Book 175 Pages 3 and PAACEl. 3: DeWrege llCll'IM. l1 lbout lo be a..ta •-CA W7ll2 4 of Mlacellaneous Mapa. In the A11 exclu11 .. e uaernent tor madl ot tMt ~on-In Dairy MAMIAGa Of' Office ot the Cou11ty Recorder ot petll•"O al1d related pu'J>09" over buelnH• llnolir" •• THE MILK PETITIONER: CONSUELO M. Nkl County. that po<llon of lot 8 of Mid Trect PAI.ACE end IOcated et U0 Weet BUENO · EXCEPT therefrom ell oil. gas, 10137, as shown on Exhibit "A" to 19th Street. City of Coata M.... RESPONOENT: ENRIQUE 0 . mloerela end otller hydrocarbo11 the Declaretlon of Reetrlctlona Jor ,County~_ol Orange, State ·of BUENO aub1te11cea lyl"O below • deptll of The Springs condomln lGm c.lltornle auMMONa(FAllLY LAW) 500 f•t lrom Ille surlace of said recorded Aprll 21. 1971 111 book Name of Treneteror and llcerlM. CAM ..,...R: 020-a-• proper ty. bul with no right of 1264•. page 280. el1d re-recorded tocl 1 I Hcur lfy 11u m ber and MO~ll aurface 111try. as rllMrved 111 Deed Ml'.I' 3, 1971 In bOOk 128&0 ~ bullnlee eddr.--. Y• ....,. .._ .-d. TM-"' recorded Oc1ober 4, 1963. 578 boll\ 111 Ottlclel Records ot QEAALO HAAUl<l. ~No. _, ............ ,_ wttllout Trua1or 0( rec0<d ~ S,J.G. Or~ County, Ce1Hor111a. (herein 20·tll77, Soctal Security No. yo•r lteln1 lteard vnleH 1•• Proper11ea, l11c .. A •Calllornla relefred to 11 "Oecl1ret1oo"). 11 -.....MM, &40 W. 19th Street. ,......... ..... • daJ9. "9ed ttle Corporation, also 11 S J & G. Caqsort Space No. 29 1. Said co.ta~ Callfornla 92827 11,..a&tllln ltelew. Properties, Inc., A Celllorn11 H H me111 11 further dell11ed end Name. aodll ~number and • JW wWI le Mell ttle edwloe of Corporation delerlbed In Artleles II and Ill of the 6uel"••• addre11 of l11tended Wt atter11e' In l ltl• -tt•r, r•• The atrHt addreaa a11d other Oect.,atlon. Tt• ... -. ~ 119 co6e. are: ..... • •,,......, • ltlM ,_ common dnlg11atlon. II any, of the PARCEL 4: JEFf' E. MAt DONALD 8ocial ,...._ « ,........ • 9ftY, tM1 relA property described above, 11 A non-exctullve ..-nent tor 8iec11rlly No. 207-31-5479 e"d lte llM lft ..... purported to be: 3116 Uncol11 WW(, «1gr-, egresa. UM and e11j0yment LYNNE W. MAC DONALD. hla lllllte. ' -AVl80I Coate M-, Calllor11la 92828. ol the Common ArN deelgneted 111 Poet Office Bo• 8, Loe Allllllloe. U.ted ¥aide ..,...nclefo. RI The u11deralg ned Tru a tee the Oecl.,at1011, Hid H aeme111 Caltfornla 80720 .,._.. ,... deoe* contra U& dlaclelma any Hablllty for eny bel11g fllrther defined and deecflbed Togt oar4'dentton to be paid lor etft •ll111ele • -llVI U.. 1ncorrectM11 of the atreet addr-lfl A rllatea 11 a 11d 111 of the et& proc-tY deecrtbed, In general. ,..,.... ......,. • • .... Lee la end other common dnlgnatlon. If Oeoietetlon. • •• ell etocll '" trade, flxturH .I ...,, 111111 _. ~ any. ltlOwtl heroin. The totlA amount ot the unpllkl aQt If 7-14 and fOOd wlll together 81 Uat•--.... Hffolter el Said u le will be made, but ptlnolpal blAenoe, lrltereet 1--.. ""9l .. ..,.. 18125.100.00. • _.... • • .._.... en .... without cove11ent or warra,.l y, togelher with r.uonebl)I etttmeted Dau ~II Awe ••• " • • • -•It., r.. " • 0., I• ·~-0( lmplled, regardl11g lltle, COlll . ••pen-•fld ldVlllOel ., lalatlng leourlty Agl'MIMf'lt 111•11111111-11, de .... we, potaefflon, or erialmbr1nce1, to the time of the Initial publlcatlon of • tt3.000 w lllJ .... • 111111•0, el "-' pey the unp1ld balance of the thla Notice are 135,431>:18. c..tt 112.100.00 ....... pilMe Mf r01letrede • nole(a) eecured by .. Id O.Od of ~lfllly dllecl Cutllert Cllel*• l<lnd of.._,.. to be tr...,_, ....... Truat, to.wit: t5e,"4.8$, ~ Of C«tlfled Ctledll payeble lo 111o Ht-r--.. ,....., .,.-Ott ....... ..and t, TO THE-MSPOH8ENT: u p rovllted In H id 11o te(1I. Truet• or blddef are aocoptable to --. The potltlonor Ml fllod a..,,,mton 9dvancae, II eny, under the lerme Of Tr u ate 1 p rov 1 d • d prop• r TM tale and tranafer will bl 0011oeirw19 Your """1age. If you 1111 Mid Ooed of Ttuel. i.e.. c:tlargee Identification 11 avlllable. OllMllnWNtod al t :OO a.m. °" or lo Ille • rwponae w1tt11n 30 da)ll Of and •llpll'I ... of the Tru1t• and of From l11lormet1on which the .,._ '9IO 14th dar Of lecltemtlor, lh• d•t• lhat Ihle eummona la the tNlll et .. led by Mid Deed of TruelM dffm• rellable. IMlt lor -. It tflO -=row department Of -* °" yOU, ,_ dofalll !Nt be Truet. w hich Trutt•• mall•• "o ~ ._ Eacnw, lllO. at 2S4 .,...., and IN oourt ~ ..... • TM benlftcWy under Mid Oeld repreH"t1Uon or warranty, the IMt 17111 8trMt, Co•t• M"•· ~ ~ lnjllnOdw or Of TNtt heratofor. .. eeutecl end llreot lldd'"4 °'other aelfM\Ofl Clllomla. °"* «din --••it dMllOrl at dolfvorod (o tho under11gned a E of the atNW9 ~ All otller ...,....... n-.. encl PfGPertY. epouaal MIPllO't, ollltd .m.n·~etton Of DohlUlt and pr •: 291 .BTREAMfiOOO. IM wad Illy ltd T,....,., owlocly, ohlld eupport, ateorn., Oomanct for l ale, •"d • wrlttat1 fRVINI . llfa..NIA HJt• wlllln ,_ ,_ ..,_ ~ IO fW • ..... ooMa, encl ._ °"* ra1a1 • Nottoe of Oofault n llOctlOft to 8alci oropeny 11 bolllO eo1Cf fOt Illa II tlMWll to ltd Tr ........ lt9I rtwy lie ...... Illy IM .,,._ TM .... Tiie utldllrllaned _,..., Mid """°'° of ~ t11o ollllOMMMll -. flf"""-• of .,...., tlltllftt of Hottoa ot Oofeulf .8nCI Eiootton to tocurod W •lllr OffCI ofT1uot , Tiit partlot •fl .. lllel tlle _., ot ~. ot -.., oourt ... lo Ito NOotded In ltd OOUftlY lnOllldlf'9 ... end ~ of 1M C4111f1Mlontortt&.,.,...oftt& auttlotllad PIUlldinOl IMY lllO .._.lllo~C!Pt11Ylllooatoef, T""'901ftdofa..o, ....... end lt4 ...,_ II to be ........ · TNlt .. or conduc11na ..... o.tod AUlllJ( 20, !tu , ..... , •• , tho D•p•rtmanl of Dlted ...., atl..l~.!. TITLE INS RA CE ANO fAUST • 0 ~ l .1 F 0 R N I A AIOOftOllo lever ... C0tttrOI ltM LEI A. -H. Cllril ~Ntf1 100 N. Mlln II., a.rte MCOHVCYANCl ~ .. ll'ClllOled .,.,...,, ly. ~ Hoc*•. Me. CtllfOrnla '2702. Attn: ~ COWAlf'f, . CMlad:-.... to, ttal DIOvtY • W1Mm1. 7WIU·2020 X 114. • ... TNMI ._.,-'* LAW ..... tW 0.: ~ 11. \Ml ~=-mo F~ ~ •a••• ... ,••• ~ -11"11 llllUrlnOl llld • · we~ • Jtlf L MeoOD lltd ~-....... Tnllt COlflpany •• -=A_,. LYMe W. ~ CA •Mid Truat.. Clllf ttHt T,.,....w • T• •·•t ~ JoWlll WMalN . Ill Cit ~1·nM f'ubllllled Onnae eo... Delly "' °'"'" Coa11 = Publl.,._ °'"'" eoaet Deity ll'\lbllelled Or•ne• coat Deity ,..., -.,. t1, .., Piiot -..... ''· ~ 1. 14, 1.•.1 .... : .. ·~ Hot. A44 11, a.pt. 7. 14, •• P1101, Auo. 11, ... 1. 1, 14. *2.a -• NOT.a Ml1-H . . ' MUTUAL FUNll I .___. ( -. •. ... ...., 1 lndPIPl.1 pl 2 W•IU 1 loOpl J Raybntos 4 wlMnvl S.«IPI S PuOlld Ind, 6 Cert·lft<I 1 •llMnvllle I 8huyFSl. 'EmpOE pt8 :~ ~!:~:~ 12 S/>ellrG 3P1 13 n -14 TrM>SO Fin II Amsl"' pf 1' USGypm Of 11 EQlllmr" Co II hPacl.d It lnttrco pt 10 Ml!NkO 11 UnParll Min 11 ArmWln 13 QwrSlllp 1• Slarr.tt JS-· !pf > UPS l.•\I t.tw,J "Cl ~·, : : ~~ n: O._ s .. Up 14.S J•,. >o Up ll • 1~ ~ •. Up U I S. • S~> Up IU 31 a .... Up IL2 81/o "" UP 10.2 14'. 2'• Up 101 •"' I"' up 10 2 11\... .., 11 • Up t 1 11 • 1 Up t I l l V. "'• UP 1,4 lll'o • ~~ Up I 3 10 • >,. UP I. I ll'l'J • I Up a.O , 13h • lloo Up I ., ll"' • 1 Up 1,1 12'-• 1'-Up 7.t S\• • '-i Uo U ,. '"" u 7.4 1•'1'< '"" Up 1 S n 1,, ,._ ,..,.. uo > • 11 t.I'> Up I J DOWNS . ' • Pel Off 7• J Ott n .1 011 ,,,, Oii 17 0 Off ltO Off '·' Oil ... Off '. Ott •.• Off •.• 011 I.I Off '·' 011 •. , 0 11 •• 1 Ott •.S Ott U on ... 1 Off ... Off u Off u 0t1 s.t Off S,7 011 S.I Off I 7 011 S• Io '. .. .. Wlft N•I t.4ft NI I WI•• N•I V .. • N91 M lft N•I I' I -t lDw C... jll I -Claw C'19 fl I 1111• CIOw C... P IM• Ci... (... P I.,., , .... Cllt t~·'" , !1 : ·~ ~-~ ~:;:r. •:!! ,{ ,:1 n~. t ::1~~ "0 = :11t ,t · ~: 1·''°'1 ~ l m r·· ·._.. r~,·~. '; 'T ··~ · t: o.. .. .1on , SJ,, ,.,. "··~ 1.10 • u ''" ... Ml\l\llh• * 4 ~ ,,~. ~ :me' ,; ,~ ~.~ tc 1 "~ ,... .... ~ .. ,. Vt H••I I J4 1 II ,3.. t. M•ll"l..I B t 'WI "' . • I '... . ti ' ' ~ltt Nel n... ' • \I') It .... ,. tO II .. , .... H r ~Cr ' I . I ~. ... :fJ:.t ff I ~. t: ~"'o"'j· • ... I ..,, ·• loo •• r ""' (IO•• c~ 01!,Y ... '°"' • '* " ... H•tllt ,. 10 I 10 •• \, Mrtt:ten , JI 14 .. = .. I • "' 1·. 2.... '-.,........ 7 fO I Mh, ~, MWlll:t , .. ) >i Jt'-i •1 Mf"!llP:r 71• \ • '-Ctll "M I 0 t \llt ;.,r,, a • tt ,.._' "1 (~I J 101 10 • t· ........ pfJ IQ I tt\llt "' ~... n '". Vt MhH t)I I• i ~&I rn .... . . , I u ... I it.NA n1 IO \ 1103 41'-tt ~""'pit IO 10 • H• tin 4!0 20 211,, V> aMeft•I ... t!Mi '"' ~l ~ ,.... I f .\ t ti 11\'o, "" ~IU "' , I~ ,., ""' Owk•I" 1111 I ,_ u .. ~ .. h .14 10 10\<o ~ •• ~·'pl\.., tji 01<1 '"' ' , .. .. LI I l.llJ ' 11• I! " .. I( •l , , ••• 1. ~"'"''"' .1§" '"' ,. " 1•~ •!'CO •.•• .. ,. . '-M" , t " • ,. • NA I n I J' 14 1 .. ule = 'n , , I 2 , I 1-.71 ' u. ..... , " M•ICll n t '-flli, .. , II :...., t't ~" 1 ~ ~ I• t I t1Wt JJV. 0 1 • • .... ... .... -., ~ ,.:,.i." ,-d ! ' ··:r··.· .:-: !f! '·i ', u,""• , .. ,.,.,v,•, ~ ... CNA 114 I I '•' 1 1 ... tth , .. Iii• "' t '", 1,. I f /I J,Jh '-Met~ 1.n. 4 alOt 1)'4-\/') , , ~ .. u 1.... Nt l C'NAI I 704I )J •11 \, Ullllr l t• ,, 1 .......... "' ... I /0 2 11Jf • I Mel ~)) ,, ,... ... "' Irvine firm gets record contract:! I•~ N h fhl\• t ~\I C II(. 11~ 2 i(I 721 JI\ i • I\ OuQLI I 'IO • alU lf\lo \lo H•llf\( .. IJ"-, , Metil .)1.. 1• .... \lo PePt pf• IO'. 1 "' •· 1 1 .. llo., A A '" N•1 no • 1a ,... " Ouq "' 111 ,,oo 1i\1 " H•1r1ri1 , • .o .. 11..... v. Metil pt 1 I ,, ur, "" ,..~ -.,, ,, 1 1 .. "J. · > 11tt • "' AAll .. >o II _!I. .. ,' ~. CC~~ c~ J M1 I Ill~ ,"• \, Ouq fll 1 '!'HO 1)\io \lo H•lnll' • ) 11• 11 v. MerrlM • II lOl di.,•"• P• "'t .,. tJI .,V) .. t~~~ : : ~ "; ft"•: : ACI' 7 I• \ a2' _ , ~~ w· , I I Ouq pl 10) tlO IJ "° tWmCe I t • MrltllM t II IOl ~~ pe L"' I 1100 a1-> • , ... ~fl(o I ... : tie 114<;, v. AMf , ,. S 1)11 w , ... C l~ 110 U ll10 • '• OUQ PIO I 10 ylQO t• t I" "9rcUI\ 1 J2 t afOt "4., \, Metylt ,Jf t• .,, tt t "' P•f'L r I tlJO W.1, I\'> ,. ~ltA 1 t "' n , ~ c i1001 .,, • ¥'1 1111• • '-B"" 11110 10 at 10-~ H.rHC,, t\ 11 •~• " ¥4 c .. II t 11 Jtv.-"' 1'91\wt 2.JO I 111 n1o v. .. ,,. 1.tt ,., »~1t "• .. SA lttl ui.o .ci in. ('•!Mm 1 •o 101. UQO< 111 '*It •.,. Htrll(plt)O IJ "'" Mewo M IO •U MYt '• ""'•P1to 1 11'.t l Soft•Y ·•U nt II "' AVJI l'J Jt U 114+ •I~• C°••••• / IJIJ II•• '° O\lo P< 11) ylO lli<o t ... "-'°"Y J.10 I 1t ~... V. MeMl!I WI . I It , Pel'lw pl UO • ) Ith \ellmrll OW I llO S\<o AIML.etl If It JOf@ lf , It C•llltn J\t Oii 11~ I~ ... • I Ouci pt I 20 yl:IO to •I .. HeubHll 111 th 1;1111 , Me-1,1 .. t ltt IJ ... , V. P.,.NOI I 20 • .. 1 2 , • , l°"'ki pl I · • "-" Ac"'4( l.fO • ~ ""' Vt Ctmrnl 4() • ., 7i11, 1. OyCOl'I. ,J• 7 1• l•llo v. H•ulll wd ,., k \l'I Me .. ~ ' Itel ,. • ..,. P•l'I• plll •• t lO tl • I~ ' .... (' '! '' U'I o v, loo San/Bar Corp .. Irvine, has re<:elv<..J u t.'Onlract w aupR)y U.tekom with a minimum of $14 million ot Electronic Key Telt!phone Systc~ (EKT6) the n~xt two years. . AdmO. .0.0 I I~ Ha \o CR~~ Q :Ill tlf [~\1 ' 1• OynA"' .It 10 11 ·~ "' HewlP \ .1t 11 JUO toh~ j~ M8,Cp 7.St 7) JO t ~ l'-Dt ,J' I •I JOY\, • . 'l'Bktfl I S 12 21~ ""' A .. Es U,_ tJj 14\i v. C•m~ ? 10 I » I'" • Vo I I -HflC.i 60 11 20 11'nt ~. Mnln<+ 1 . .U .. n 10•" \lo Peot1• " I S JJI •'-~. SwFIBk · t 0 141/,., • .. A4mMI .to." II ' ~ C~tnp . \ I 13 ,,. "''·. ,. EGG ~ .n u w 1t6-1 .... Hl\flHr .IO s • .. '"" " M•••uE JSr ' •• •H• "' P•P•ICo '•2'11 t4 ....... "' 1::~:· ,~,i .• ~ :t: :: AMO .. Itel J()V)., Cell'•< Q I lj() l3' J• ~ E Sy.. 10,, Ul lt4'o. \lo HIVOll u 13 IJI . ·~. -M•ll•I JD SIUI ,,.. _.W'1t1p"',"m'•!! I ~ "1 •!!! ".~I ~.' •we-·" ., • IS lA~ •. AflnLf JU I 1~1 :.+o C~•lPl QI 12 111 !,!~ 1 10 EeQl•P .. I llf 101/o Vt HllN!d, ID t .. ,...._ ~. ¥91&'1 wt lt1 ,._ t ,_, -_, n • .. •• ' .,.. - Aftl'IL .. Ill \J\, C•nelA .. )I f .,.,, ' "' E•KO I 1' • IJ 11\.. Vt HfHon 1111 IO alOS » ' \II Mell! pj 2 IO *. ,JOlio .... P .. rle' I 40 HI M U V.' ... SwlPS I !O I fl• 1.-, II. Ahmn• tO o I~ IJ C•p(•h 20 IJ l&;J 11\<a' ~l E••IAll ,.. ,.,. t ~ Hlle<h n l:tl 12 111 U'lol \o Mey!>§ I IQ I 21$ 11 t 11» P•lrlft .IO • •ti U VI Sl>8rtn tO I .. lflltt VJ At1 .. ,, 11 )\, C.•OHIO I J2 I &Sf U !'O I EAL ""'° •2 n.. v. HOl!o.t ... 111!2 .... .... .,..YlO ,. n 112 :12~.. ~ ~tlR( • lSI >. " -·· "" lillf<IP ,. tt IS.. "' The joint announceme nt wus m ttdc toduy by Robert D. Johnson, pr<.'fliienl uf San/Bar, and Rex L. Flint, pr~ldent of Utelc6m,. which as a subsidiary of United Te lecommunica tio ns Inc .. a diversified Lelecommunicationa company. Uteleorn, whkh opcrat,es as a part of United Communications Systems Inc .. sells, installs and services business terminal te lephone products. AlrPrll IO I ~· 11\, I', "'':-:! G 71 f99 .J~ E•Alr PU t'# 7 IS~, ~ HollVS t 4t » , Vo Mc Orm I .. 3 11'1 11 Vt PflNI l.M "lJ2f ~ht IV> *i'' l,t"l S "1 U .. t .. •tbFr• .011 no 11 ,, C••ll ~ .,, • 20t , • !: e,A1•rno 10 ""'-"' H .... o p11.10 . ,, ,.,., .... M<D1P1J 20 ., 10v. PP~!P,00 .»1,,..,J!'. ·:~ l:~~ U!: ,t; J!~ ;.: A-tone ilot .. ... l)(o \.All\<ll t I I~) )1)1.' '> E•\IG I.Jo ) al•S IH·" Vt Homtt• .40' .. 21,. 314'o, v, McOr pl 2 tO .. J Ith t ..... 1111. -•• "-1~ ~ · ,.. AIMo• n hlf 101, '" C••Of I ,)t • .. •• • E<l\IVll I /0 • II lt4. Vt Hol'lde n. • • M\'t \'t M<Onfo 1.10 II •.O ,. ..... , .... ""l'•EI 2 I? I ,., ,,.... "' _...... I ... u IOU ........ Al•P pl/11.3,<n • "' •••• ~:;f.':>1 ',~, 1 ~} ~:~I ::: EsKOCI ,. ,, 311) Ull • , .... Honwll J..O • , ... Uh .... M<OnO ,,,. '.,, ..... ~ ="~ll !!! '·:. ·:g ~~· . ~::~~· ·4t 1: ~ ::"'. v: Al•P clpl 11 Ji ••· 1 1. C•• r 11< 1 10 11 3711 ' "' E•lon 1.n I JSO JI\• v. HoovU 1.2• 11 fO tl'h.. M<GEll 2 I 419 21\o, y, ..., •. • I . . ~IBPl'll .tO 11 IO 29.,,, .., AleP p4 t t~ t 2 t II• Cal\l'll l.lO ~ • If 11 ~. E<hlln St t• IOI IS • ~ Ho118n 1.51 S 11 14\oo .. M<GrH t.• I) 1•1 Sit. I~ P" IE pl 7 • 1200 ff I StMoU .S. t -112.f , ~ Al•Pp4 II •20 IO ,,.. • Eono t"llO .. , 20•.,. h Horlion .Wl lJ .. , 10 ... Vo Mel"'' . ,. U llt-1 Pl\llf.pll /S USO .ov. - Al•P Pl ~... 110 .. • I c ........ I 11 •O 21• g~ EdltBr .... • 11 u •• , = ... " ,,. fO .... Mc Leen ,,., IU """• Vt p""f: , .. ~ 1100 SJ •• ~:g:~ I= rn~ =t:. ::: Al•P pl • .. ,,.,, )t~. I ' t:~:~ I :: : ~ • ~; Eowrd \.n •..... "". h Hol&'I n , ' • >ti<• v. Mc Nell • • 4 14V. Vt Pph .. '1'1 • ..',' 1!03 12,"°20 1 ... 12 Sld()()ft 2 '° • llU ~-I A1~1>eo 1 .o •• .. ~, •• C•>un .ui .. 11• 1 • .,... EtP•"" •·• • J!O 111~ v. 1.0 1 , 2•'-• "" Meec1 2 1 tt"l ,.-..... .. ... s P C9 20,, Allleny l fO l1 1•h• '• <.•HOI 1 10 107•00 ... ·"' EPGpl )IS 21 ,. HoutFll. "°'' l/S ultllt• ~ -..... soo It"'••"' ~!,•Eplll.10 ... '•JO> '•o~~ ........ 5t,'-..... wk··•1, •, ·1~7 • •• ~ ...... ,_: v.~"" Alberto .>O I 18 IJ , I> C.HDCP .. S .. II 1 ~ El(it< 30 U ll~lt.. . Hou•l"I I .S lJ l•l 21 \fl Medlrn .tf II M fl~ t '9 ~'" 5'ib AlllUn I 10 s.. ))\o "' EleCA\ '° 131 lbl· ) Holm pl 2 so J JI.. '"'' Mellon 2.14 s , .. 32>tt-h Ph,IMr l fO '1•22 S1 ..... Alun 90 I• JIS<> ll'u (nlof"e t 7 IJI !~~· 1 .. EDS .-19 141 17 t ~ Holnl pl •.JI I SH• •10 M<llVllle 7.04 10 •JI S0"9-~ Ph ltno 'U 1) l•J ll~o t I/, Slerr .. I le I 2• 10\l'I IV. Ai<oSl<I I QI I 110 20,1 , ~;:::~f 4 ~ f s:i! -'•' Vo EIMe~ I f '"' Houtnd J" • ISllO It~. MercSI 2 1 IU 731/J-IJo f!hllln r I • IJ 21~1t, '-i Sl•MS.. l.20e · 10 t\.'> Vt AIUAI nl 94 • 1713 711. 1, t•nl~I ? ?0 8 IJJ 1~1•, I-+ EMM p I I 1 , V• HouNG 1.10 S l'IS 30'-=•Tell 1.12 • t• 2211. ..... Ph IPe 2.10 • 1113 21"' Vo ~:~h ',;:, ,: '!~ ~h .: AIOOr 1>6 ¥' • C.l'nl•a .J) l1 l2J lS' v; l!:IQln 1.60 S 10 II•,. t Vo HouOA 7 ON IS I Ho ''• "k 1 IO If• llO If!•• IV> Pllll\IH .60 S II ll'/11 t V> Sterc:hl J• IO l IO t ~ Johnson said, "This is the l~rgea.l single c:ontracl that San/Bar has received in its 20-year history. We ,believe this contract for our Vision 2000 EKT~. c.omlng from /1 company of the stature of Utelcom. n'ot only ve_r([ies the ex<.-ellen~ of ours, but provides San/Bar. with a solid base for further expansion in the bu~im.'SS telephone market." A<.'COrding to the terms of the contract. San/Bar will begin delivering units of its Vision 2000 EKTS 10 Utel~m under a specia~ly .created private brand label in January, 1983. ·The contrac t · provides for. caoc-eHation during its initial period (estimated al 60 days) if certain of its t~rms and t·ondilions are not met._ AlklCo I.I* 111 O 't 'o (•nSoW I Cl8 6 ellS 16,;.,: '-Emr\EI 111 UJ •4" + ~. Howell .cl f 10 11111 I• =•dlt1 \·'° ~ ~ ~--~ PP!!"NAG¥1 1 ... 21 17 It~ ~.~ • ~ Slrl8cp .IJ • » 1v. . Alglnl , tO • 'l'I 11'• ... (•n••···. fll • 132 'IO"' \'1 EA•d. ,,, 3) 13~. ~ ~·Pl . .cl II " IJ~ v. n y 2t s :w.... .... .. ~ .... , , ...... I Ol 11 1s2· 2 .. Algl~ 2 19 1 ••1• 1 •~ -' , EmrrA !O 13 1'1 •~... tlullllrd J I S9 t• INwPI .10 I 7'I U .... Pier I , I 11• •4., \lo "•r ..,, • l~ • •• M~l~Cll 2S 11 •••o, 1, C•nllll 1 94 • 93 :;, ' 1": Emharl 1 fO ) Ill l)\,, 4o Hucl~, '!II 10 12 V. INwA l .lh . ttJ 12'-V. PllWY J.lf I 1SJ tl<o , St .. nJ 1.20 l IH ISV. t ~ ~:1:..G ''t1! ~: ::._ ~~~::s~: ~·~ :;." t: ~:::~l:rn I 3t ~ .. :s~ ~~~T( · .. ':nu.:~:"~:~::: UI •:: ~v.:;·; ~::.."r.\'11~1~ n; m~, ~ ~::~~t'l ::'~ ~ ~"":,~ AllOCP J . .c> • IOY• .JA' j . • c. !><> IM 17 1.l<> 10.' '. Emp P1 ., 141110 J•., ~ Human •. .0 IS flO 30~ •• V• Melrm s • ,,, ulta • • Pllny8 uo ' U2 3-"4. " ~:~;;:.~ ~ j ·~ )~ ~= AldCppl6,. I~ Si'" '• l~IP~"11J11 s I• •• ~ ' E""p pll so . zlOO 3\'t• '9 Hvm• plJ,SO 7) "'" +.t MIE plFl.12 dO •• -v, P11nep1 J.lt 114 JI • IV. •1-c \ .~ fi ,,, IS'·• ·~ A1<1ff..f' 12 ' 91 • " ' ' Empl11t .cl I• .O IH•, l~o Hunt(h . .cl 14 91 ul2 • \w MIE plJ 1,)2 1160 SO ., .. Pl '"" 1.10 • 47) i. .. St;;;)Shp I,; ; 94 ll~ ~ AIO 110 ,. Jl••·" t~r.'~V: ,. =~ ~~. ~ EnQt•p .... om 1J"' \o HullEF .IOll•IJS331'Yoolvo MIEpll I.IL . tlOOuft +1v1 Pl•nAK ,. St I .... StorfK lfllt 21 .... 1 AllOPd 101 14 I>'• '; l t n•tll 4 J• JI\•' "• E"cln1{6 tO • , .. 11\. 11 HrOrel I.I• • 11 11111 \lo M1EfoH1,37 tlO u50 + VJ PIMlrn .It 11 11• ttv. \lo Storer ,IJ II S2I Jf~ ~' AlldSlo I 80 IUI 'bl (tll.-o<J , OS 11, 0 1, En\t'1th I tO & flO 1'Y• •,, -1-1 'Na d 111 3V.' ft 'l•YDDY , 12 . fO I . SlrldAll I 34 I H ~o \oo ~~~~~n I Iii 1::;, '• ~~~~::~ :~ ,!~ :t~ •: ~~~S~~ 60 l 1~-t!\'. ~.-:~::."'pl ~:.s I): n,,.: ~ ~~,~ .. ~' I~ n ..... ' .. ~ ~::,1~1~1: ~ = l~ ~p~ ,:, '. t )~r.:: := ~:.'~'..h pl~au· .. 111~ ,': •• :I·: l htnl "' I 20 • I~ 0 . '. EEnlH• I OI.. • ,.. , • .,. •• '•'N .. Aln I., .. J ~?. .\. .... =~~~ :: . . .~ :~~ . ~-PPooeo.,""111 .01 .·, .·,.~, ,'!~·. ~ !.ull•I• •• , IH s ......... The ~wpmenl c.·allcd for in the contract Y<il) be ·buill by \San/Bar's Business T ele phone Systems division, located in Garland . Texas:· ...., 'h1111 ~ • ... 111 3/~ , • nt•• • tl~ tJ-'• . · ~ 1• • '-.. • ••• or•1 -..... -..._·ne• 1 1 •1 11•~ ~ AmlSug ) • .u )I'•. 1. C~ n•m :::: ,. "• 1, 0 • Equol• 1&O10 u Js•,., , , IU lnl I.IS t 111 ,.~, Mt1ckn" l ... S Jll 23 ~ Pndros .fO • 311 19\.e • "" • n • •• • .. Am~c 20 I\" "" ~. "" o '• Equlm~ •' llo h lllehOP t.• I , .. 2l~t -.,.; M llSUI I .... lot? lf'fH \/It Pot1lel .IO .. 12 13• \.'o SllnCI> .. ' II 1St11t • ... Am ... pl J I) J ) , •• c11 .. Ko , • 11'1 •," '• Eqm• p1• •1 I lt'• "o ld .. 18 ... llf If .... MlllAos I fO ' u ·""'• Yo D .... I St A~ !.unEI ,.. 10 IO .. en.,, wl IY • • I " I. • • M" w I so. • 12 .,... rorl« ·-1~ • • S....Co J.30 • •s '° -~ Amr<~ I 37 10 lJ II • Ii 1 86 1 ' , ' EcitGa• I !O ) st 21\'' ,. ~. lllP-r J ... 1 ,,. 21"' \oo .,. • • .. PorlGE l,lf s 3"' 14\o • ~ Silo(. pt 2.25 1 6211, Gas pric_es shut plant AmHM I •O IJ lfO'I 111,. • r n~· ·" •, ~~ , ... "11 •• • .. EqlU IOI IB 103 13 \<o llP-plT.21 110 """-~ Ml118r0 1.20 ' UI 211.oo ...... Pov ... 11.!0 '. 110 to .... •~•A•I• ,, ..... a l20 )J~-;,: AHe~_?.I l .SU I •) 11 """"' · -• -• )<• E>mar~ 1 If 1 II •••-. • •, llPow 1)14.12 .. 1200 lC>4to• 4" MlllA I .SJ I l'I 14~• Ill! p c;-' J tO 4 II~ ..,,_ -• •• An•Ar,' 0~1 140 ,. " '• <:no~~ pl\ 71 II JH. '• E•qulr \ 6i • 10 ii~ • llW 1.0I • IS9 2t y, ~M 3.10 II 2010 .,~ • l\'t or ... . .. . SunMn 4'2 I v• v. AmA 1 llS. 111,, '• ~na..., Ill .00 ~ Sl 1• Eut••C ioc I t i llw ·;·.;. lmpl(p 2Jl l h Ii. lnPL Ut • f7 211Jo l/t ~:g::: !:~' :; ~~ .. h ~~~~'\' • St r. I~ I~~:: Vt AAlr "'' II\ • 11"1"'11 4 81•' \o E>l•lne .. 10 ISi ISi. ... IN(O 20 l .. J I~• ft MlroCp .tO IJ "-' ~ Potllth I .• 9 .. 2S • \. S..prOil JO II 21'3 M'4 ~ EL CENTRO (AP) -High prices .f qr natural gaa. 'an important ingredient in ammonia, wls blamed for • the anutdown of SimCal C h emical Company's feriiliz.er manufacturing plarit here. AAlr pl 7 IN >.> ull•,' ~ (.nn•,11 nl H •••• , •• j . lo E•hr• uo • •Sil ,... lndlM ,.,·OI . 1·20 .. -"' "fl\nln •.• s 2I 20 . "-PolmEI , .. I fOI ..... If• Supmk(; .. I '1ll ull ..... ~. AB.... ,. 11• .... CllNV• Ul8. •)())I•, '•Ely P'B 4. Sufi • ~I lndlMpl1°0 I""' MPM:C , .. s .. t3 .. .,, POIE1"4•!0 .. r•SO U 't ... Sup.cp • , ... ABr•nd JloO I .)'Ill •J•. ~hN~pl:~·.-·~-~~ ~ E••nP 2)1 Ill ... "'lndlMPl21S s •• :::.: =~"pli-12 s n ·l2'h ... Po1Elp4f.04 . t!OO JOV> S••nk 112 21 11~. A8rO pl I 10 3 41 '• n.,, " E .. n pl i fO U 1 ... -lllt lndlM pl) tJ I U \'> • ~ PS ta I Ill<'> .... Premrl .f2 13 D ll ~ Sybron I 01 9 117 IS~o •11t AOio pl , I) II 7f I Cl\~'"" I n IO 111• )S • I E•C•IO • Ml • If ,., .... ,.,. INllG• 3 04 . ; 20 2S... • ..,, Mo or2.tl . . 4 ullllJ ..... PrHl•Y .30 4 • IOY• '· Svb•n pl) .cl . 23 21v •• w. A8rd pl J.&7 J fl~. ~N-z.::. ~ ·~ 17 I '• E•<l>r ,,.... I ,~ Vt lndlPl 2 . .0 ' SI ,..... v. :1•e: .!' II .. 194•. Vo Prmrk n2 . .cl s » 2S • "" Synlea \I 20 12 1011 .,.,, ..... A&dcst ll>O <ICl8 .,.,., c "'M•f' • !!"' "Eu0n• l •••·J''"' .... •riPLfll •·"· ,..,1'1-.. n. obt,, J ,,.,. nto v. P11.....c 113566 JJ«•H• s.-co' ,., ... ,,.,.. "• A81dM I M II n • '• '" ' ,. " \, F-~-ln .. co 14 I ·~ '"'I .... Molllln " Ill 3Vo.... Prim~• .It U 12 ull\> • ~ T-T -.-,eusPo ~ I II u ll.. I {lltl'•· •0 9', ., 17•,. "• FMC 1.4'0 I 1) ,, ... "" '"'"''' n ' ' 113 U h ..... MdMe• 20 ... , .. .,.,, ... ProclG f.10,10 Slf ... n .. TOK n 20e II 2 30 ~ AmC<111 7 911 " 1'/1 )\)• '. '• C•·~Full .cl n fO .... '• F•·~ .a 20 I., ""•>-JI• ln119rA ls. s 320 •Jh Mod(pl II 3l Ho 14 p dAth :r. tr 3S •1 ' .. A(.anpl7ll0 • ll'•• •• u""Cll S711 / 16 .ci•-F•llrCI J'J t •1 "'" ,, lnQAplJ3L 21 21 ~ I 113 10 "'p'ote>r 1.012 1 71.;, j4 ~~~O ••• l'IO 1'h •"' The shutdown affects most of ~lant'1 132 employees, who will be offered job& a't other SimCal· facilities anlt help with applying to other companies, said vice presi~ent Gerald Meade. A(nlry lllo; II J'l o• • (ht !\Ill IJ S•o I• I •<•I II 1 '"' . lngrTK .sa f.I 31 I 0.1 ' i,; Mohlo.OI 17 SU. 13~, 'ill p[' (. 7 I • • I I• 11 ...... + ~C0yan. 11 ~~ 10~ 1~: ,_,, " ( h1umo 1/1 '111 IJJ I•• f •orl.no IO 1 341 It , ~' lnfoSll 1 1~ 71 ... , o;. Moh AUii 'IQ f !(fl """ 1., S• DI I • ... ''"" ' .. l AW 1 tO ' '" SSV> • l\o -·l ~ ,., )Ii•, t nrm pl { I .jf fat0< pl 3 tO 100 »"-'.t lntll<O lb 7 If 14 .. ' v. Monrcl) IO • 9 16~0 "" .. K ol' pt/IS tlO SI • 2 l AW pl f.«I • 11t AEIPw J2• l'IOll II (llty\11 111\ ¥'• '• FamOI\ «llJ., 10 .... IMlln•' ,, h-•·•t Monsen 4 1 ltl ,..,,., .... ~r.:i::pl1,~r .. s ~I·~::·~ {!~,·so I .~·:~\. ~mFaEm•PI 1 ?!? 88 .11•111 ~ • I'• (.h<v wl lu J4., FrW\IF 10 10~ lo lnl-OA\ S 2l , ......... MnlOU 11• • IS 22v .. l'I PS In pl 3.!0 • t.O d20 Iii'> Tafl8rd • 761 34~' IV1 -11 -101 .. '·• '"''' p1 117 •" • " f-aran t '" • ...,, tntA1'n2'5t 11. 'IQ lttt• ~ MonPw 2.41 • 740 13\1) .... PSI p1 104 t1SO I ~ :g~,g>7,~~. I~~~: .. •, ~::."S~t~ 11~: J>: ~::• ~. f-•O..r~ . 27I ,3,llt , :~~~~o2ll.~ • J~ ~!';.~~~~~··::I 1:; ·:~.",~ PSl~f! t.ot::rlSOO IV..,-,._ ~:::~pl I 1; ~· ~ AC.nCv l.8011 II 11'• .. CrnC." 7 10 1 31& 18" • F•Ol(.o I 30 9 100 10•1,-~ lnler pl' 7.IS " l • SV. MooreC 1 I •2l ll't. •• "' PSvN l , 11 S U9 U~ ,,. hndy ll l~ 29'".t' I AHr•ll 8'0 ~ I •• '• (1nC pl • 1100 28 f-dEap IS 1911 , • .._., l•tn•t ~ 1,:IO 6 llt 20 V. MoreM 1.04 l 31 • lf'l '111 PSNH pll.H . ltlO 1' • v. TMycfl ·13 3d 10\1>, ... ' A 1 i ( (', I I 4370 ~ -" , , PSNH "'1·tn . 2tt IW..~· ' r.,.,..1 211> • 32 1"9 ~t A~~~ J~ 1~ Ii;.. !c\"' :~ c:~(, ~I 1.! :llO )1'1 1, ~d""":.. I :t2 I n 21V•• to lntrlk 1:; :~ l~\o =•:.-;~ ~ !~r ~~:1 ~· PSNH plf.21 31 11~• l e.heir n 12 41 ••1o, , ~HMot''" M lt f!~l ~H • '' C(•n(..M plt ~S1n 10 11J00 •1311 •11 F:~e I~ )7\1 ~~ .. 111 l~l~lu )U l2111' ~.,.: :'! Mo:k:,IJ'J j ' ll 10\·::.,: ~~~~J't~ j ~ n~, '-1·.~<t.:::,a I . lll3S f01:-!•, ~. ~ ' S7 •• 1-1 "" • I '" t ' I o • FOSonl' .. 10 I ttVo 1n11-1.-I If IOtl lf\11 • \1 MorseS 20 11 a3S 111.· ~ PS EG 1 s. I '42 71\ v ., AmMot ~J • • '• (•l•<rP I /1 • l7•> l•' • .. F•OtlSI ., 10 • fll7 3' ... ' lntH.'rv -...... . MorNor In 3 11'lt 3JV>.. PSE pl ,. • Tel<I.... • ISJt """. , .... AN•IA" J • " >'I • \. (•llS•< I 60 II_, ... ,I ... F~rro I 10 • » ,,,, ... In I Hr "' > J4 ·~ t,; MolrOI~ I tO .. 1133 ,, • '"' SE G l.fO J 11" Teleo • 1072 ...... ASl>FI" t• 11, " (tly•n• 110 O 110 711• '• I IOUnt J 80 S '9 c121~ h lnlP-1 .cl S 1n1 411, ~.· MIFuel 7 fA • 31 30{• "" p G pipit.GI l !O J'J Tennco 2 60 S l'l'I Jtto IJo S . C I pl 1 I 1' .., PSEO flt .. '200 II • v, T enc pt II II 71'to ~ ~m"ft~ J'°,;; ,( .,: ,;~ . fo c:!b~• "° 1\0 :, 1 • ' .,: ~:~~! .J '! ~~ ~ ~ :~m<I ,_ ..... ~; ,:~. ~' :~rJ•g, ·~ ' II~ ·~::;-~ ~U& :::::: .. I~~ : : ?~ ~ .... ,c ~" 1.fO s:,: s··· .s..~ .... ~ ASIPrtl 3811 111 •1 1 "• (l•r~l J 20 1107' 17 I FnCpA\ 68 • •JO 18\ , \+ ITT ptH L I flV. ~ MunsnQ . S 11"t+ ,._ PSEG p1217 11 l•l't 'lo .Oyc • • .., AmSlr I 7 1 0 ••to '" Clv(ll I IM) 10 3)8 70-•• • '• FnSB;or . • f~ ~ IT T pll( f f 0 t '-Murph( I H .. 31 14v,.• Vo PSEG p1i ' ' Tesoro .cl ) ISS IS~•-"' ·s Cl El 1 ' 6 .,. 18' ' l 0 ~ p() .fJ . , '1"" . . THOr wd tS 1sv. ~ -Ir pl U I l •1' t • •1 •• & , • • • • FlnlF..0 I ...... .,.._ Pl S .. I fl~ .... mur I S Ill lOh-"" PSEG pll,tO . OS20 .OV> I l •SO•.,. J •• l 2I Vi All 5 .oil •llSI ~ , 1, Cl•ll P' 7 .cl 1».J S711 J Forettn 60 IJ>9 11'. v. lnlll pl l.H • lJ"-' 1~ Murry901.l0 • • lt \o ~. PSEG PllOI .. I.SO 111'. l• .co"' l Ill) ._,._ ... All pl • .JI! s• .... Cl••"" "° I 111 & •• , flAlln \ I s ' IS'-. lnlTT .... so I 0 . MulOm.... )f 12,.. . PSEG pll,SJ .. •300 SI IV, l·~ec nt .. : )2 ~~ ..,. ATT pl 3,.. ll'• (ICl'O• .,, 8 f ll ........ FFs'',,",,'L '° • _ ... _ ..... v. lnlNrll\, 12 ) ... 1•"-· '• M~•rlL 2tj )2 • -" pp~!.Gk~" ·.· ·~ ",:.t= ·-1.·.r-1 10 .. -~. ~ Af lpl )It }4 1 ~ '• (1...,llP If 1 100 It'••"' l(l"JO, ll'T• \<, lnlpGp 1.0 I 9 :Moll., -N-N --~ .... .,. ., '"'" ..,. -.., AWah 11() I 38 16"'• " Co•<htn 72 ~· 13• .. +.FIST .. I JO I dll 714o , '• tnlllallr JS 10 IQl. i,.. NBD J.OI • 20 ll ... • V> Pueblo 12 • 3' th l .. Esl f 10 .. If ..... \'t A Wat "' 11) tltlSO Ii•· 'J (Ot \l•tl .cl 77 fJ I .... I. FF•,c,,,1~r. J •• ~'.os • lnhlPw ..... • ... 1310 .... NBI JI 23 l1l ""~ .. P-•P ,:,. t ,... ll~. • .... la El pl J 40 , ....... . Ameren 1110 • 17 Jl', 1 , C\ll QI I IJ I Jo •., .. , • v H f,•• .. lnPw€ 2.21 . 1•10 ullV• t \o NCH' .l'l 10 11 U V> Vt PurllnF .131 ,M t'ill. . T •E Tr 7.al • U V. V• A!J'•fO 10 11 llf U • ~" C0<•CI 2.48 IQ l•'Ht 39 ' 1•1 FIMo.u o..2f W Jh 'to lowt,1 1..11° L 4'... 14ft \, tlLJ.1.8.. .a 4.-_tn_ U la Puroll • LOI J .1111-31'" -~ l .. GT _2.11 1.S 1'1-112• .. •-h ·l\nle k i 20 I? ~J J8~ '·· (Ol•N \ ·.-13 IJ ,,.. \, F .. 80\ •l.'7 32 JJ1oo .,. lowli 2.3' s-t1.'1<1V> .,. N(.A ?fO 11111 •t\'t'+ii; Pyro .• IO ·~· "' 'Tiilnit .... 1r • • .. ~-Amla< 'l .... 107 10 . '· (Oll'(O 9 120 IS ..... F NSIB 2 .cl • 30 21•~ .... IOwlil pl),31 .. 1300 111i1 ~ NL '"" I 4 '°' 19V.... Quet.O I.ID • tll .fO.\o "' lUIA$1 t ,. IJ2 ~. "" AMPln I .cl I) 11J1 SS•• Culernn 110 II ., ,... '• F•IPa S2 l '• . low•PS , .. ' " ~I .,. NLT l.IO 10 lllS ., ......... Qu•kSO .. 1 ISi ""' "• Tut"' ,ts,, IJI • ~ Ampto fl() 17 j4 IJlo '• COIOP•I 120 11.o:M "'•. '• FslP•.., , ~Jl 1·31 ·-•Al 1.AM I 10 , .... "' NVF . Olr ltO ·~ .... 0..•n• •. .0 I II •• , •• ~ TaNMa J ••• , 0 19 "' • Amrep 1• II I\. '• (OllA" /1 I 76 131• +. FIUnRI I lo I 73\ ., ... ., ' "• lll(D(p 2012 JH I V. Nabt<B 2 OS '1 ..0 )S•1-Vo Que\lor 30 t l:W• • " laOG~ .2111 101• 2S"' \lo AmSlh I tO s 1• .... (OlnF. ' ISi ..... j . '• F'lli•6k ... • SJ "•· . ,, .. ,ea 3.3' • If/ • Ne Ito. I ,, u ... 24 • -11--· -laPM: 11110 Sf '"' , ... Amsl¥ 190 I IGJ 71 1 I'> COi Pen I 40 10 It .. FIWt~ 7 10 • II J6 Hek(.p 30ll :DI 11111 • C0o N•P<O s JA 11 11 I~ ...... lt81"41 1' U l l II/It, luUlll J 04 • "21., 12\oo '-Am•I pl . la 11 \'-"° Collin S 1 80 Ill J/ •I F1""b , l S 11 ~lo . -J-.1 -NeplFO .-., 104 20 .... RCA .90 to•ll 10~.. l .. ft In 17 J~• "• Am\1.-1 I &O 11 36 71', • 1, ColC.•• J... 1u 1'I 1 ' " F1sl\kl 10 1 llS IOh • .... J WT S I ta fJ Sf II"-\'It N•rco .. IS 24 2Jl\i • ... RCApl J.IO llfO 30 lulron l,IO 1 -2 m .. \o Ammpn 121? IJ 111 .. '• (01c;, p1Sf8 I IO', 11 FllF1nC 2 f 19 H.._ -•F 1.t012 H2 )fll.•21/• ••hu41 ... 3S 10>11 , ,,. RCApl • S 411 lHlrpfJ.OI 16 21\lo ... AnlOQ. )J "" ,,... "• cso pt 3 •S . ' J• FlttlEn Sl 10 u11v21 ..... 1 .. J Ai¥er .fO I 11 llV> ,. N•IC.,, I • ,. I I -~ RCA ... 1.12 .. 'I~ ,.... "' Te•tr pf l.fO . ' ,..,,. Ir. Ancho1 I 3" 9 H u 1., '• 0 01 OU.J) t.c! ulOI • 1 Flt"lnQ I 7' I 17 2'&. • JAvr pl S:fO f SIV• lh NC•n pl I !O I ,, , , .. RCA pl 3.•S.. 2l -, V. lhe<-IS 1111. AnCl•y I J'/ ... 7J Comt>tn I 80 & 1'11 21'• '• FteatV IOIS Ill ""'' 'I> Jemtw .12 • 114 1011 .. "" .. CnvSt .tOll 11 I IH• ~. RLCn , .. I IU 1~.-.,. lhrE n II ., ... ~ .... AndrG n 20 8 8 f11 i CmDEn 1 S. I 421 11'• '-• Flul Pf I •I » 11 +• V. J epnF I lx .. 103 ... NelOi•I J.10 I U "'• \1 RTE .fO I 70 IV.• V• Thoolll l.:IO 13 Ill ,.,,_ • 1/1 AAnngelUI>< I~ 1,0' 11~2, ?i .... I \o c'~d•• ?! 9 ... '! Finl"' J IS JO u"" "" JellPlll 1... • 71 J•~· . -~ NOl\I pr-1.1$ •• I ISV.-.... "•"""' .71 • U:lt ...... .... Thlolll..,, .. UI .. .,._ "" l>4' ~ , S4 I' no.w n• ~ • ... •"" '. FltglSI . .. .. It) JOV. ••• Jere pl •.• ISO ,. • N•IECIU I.lit s ,. 11v. .. R•....O .. llOl s lhm&.I, 12 12 • O h ... ~~::·~ ~ '! I~ :~~!.' '' ~~~~\' U I~,..; l!~!' ~= ~Fll:"aEPl(Lp n) ~ :~ • .,.~~ n;~ ~ 1:~~::: ;.: . !: !:•,, \ =:~~~ n: 1! 1!! r. ... : ~ :::4: I: 1: ~ :?.,, • ~ ~=-~-:~ I~ ~ un•.,• ~ nlhn~ U b 10 • •'-•, (mwE 1 IO 1 11'1f. 73 -12S ~ ~ JerC pl II llOfO., •I NIHom .. 1'-V. Reycm n ... 11 W 411\, \o T"'lfty .. I ••l 13•., "" Apacl'll! . J4 10 IO!li 1 n.. I . (.wE "' I ., J ,,~. •• Fla Pro 1 IO •• as lt14.... Jere pl ,, ". .. u~ .... ,, HMdCr• .... tll 1\f>. VJ R•Ymll .eo . 107 II /If> ·~ 11c .. o 1,20 s J• 13~ .. Apchl' un 7e SS 10 • 0 (.wE pl I 'ill SI ult' 1 ' " Fl•Sll Sl SI tn. ~-Je-IC 1 • S 122 Jl\oo• •1o NMllEn .fO 1J J014 11~ t 'Ito Reymdl ~ S fl 10>., w Tlctwlr .tO S :132 21... V. ApPw plf 18 8 28« .. ~=~ ~ · .. ~ 1Jl ~., I~ Flwa..> II 41' 10~ •.. , ,Jewltr • 11 fl;.-Vt NMlneS .:12 • •2 l~-.. ::::ii:' J:: '! 1~; ;;~: ~ {;::n. I 14 ~;! Ji::·; I ~~r~~. l~l~ ·~ m ;:..~; ~ C•E pl 13/ 10 11·,I•. •• ~:=: ~ : ~ ,~: :: .... ~ 3=~"p, '·'f . '. IS! m::. ~; =~~1' l.20 '~ = ~~: :;; Rll8•1 p12,I) • . 41 ··~ \I') Timi pl81.SI IS m •• .,, UPS AND DOWNS Arlt PS n 2 l J15S J'1'.. . ~=~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ .. Footl!C. J.?O • •IMI l3111t ..... Jon Lon . .o .. 191 ,,... • . flllS¥tn .... l ., 21"-..,. llllR.t I.Ole • .. ..... ~ Timi pl(A lO lS S6 • l'I AriP Pf 3 ill •9 J•"' •, C.wE pl 1 ]• 1100 ~·· 2 FordM tm 11V• ~ Jorgen I • . I 11~.. NSlend .IOI . n l \lo Vt RecnEq .. • 4~ ~ TltMM 110 JIG f1V. V. NEW YORK tAPJ -l,_ followlne llll ArlPpl 10 10 r?Oo ,,. j • I. c n ES I • I ,. ••• • • For Ml( l.«> • ... 32 Jo.I.... ., II l34 u~. ~ N•llSll I 101 ,,~. "" R...... .lll 'l'I m •• • -l lmiu. J.«> I .. -• ~ -· ,.. Owr • -,_, Ar~BSI tO 6 ,.. c.:n:.ai 7 JOU 1'1l ,,; '. Ft~ I :t2 JI 10~ JOVMIQ I fO • t/4 J2.... '1• NelUI n J i I ultv. ~ llH<e .. 11 4\lt, ... l~ I 12 S 1'4 :tl'--... tlockt -.. .,,.,, .. 1"91 h•ve QOft9 \Cl ::~~~~ "1 11 ~ u;; :, ;: Co"\YC\ l6 ?O 1'11 JI~ • lo ~~~IWh 1 : '! ~ ~~ 1 V. IC 01 n -~0· .. -4~, Vt ~:::-pl I.~ f ·~ =:.. : ~:rcr:t • ~ ''!~ ,; "': ~ ~:-::, 1·~n iU :~~ • W ::,~I~: r~rll=I ofllft=..= Arma4a 17 9\o, '• C.1>m::t 19 12;• .. Foo SIP .. I 12 llV. ~ IU.M 11 SS 32 ... , "• NoPw J ... S ., lftiot-~ R•PAlr Jiii SC:.. Vt 1'olEll plf 11 ' 7t~ lie for -Y· Armco I ?Cl 10 11~ "" .._ Comr 11 l"1 l3" "' Fo•D< • 1,04 I IM J•''-· ... K merl 1131"1 10"' "' N••P Pl 1,.0 11/0 12''1 .. RtPCP AO .,, I IS'•>... lOIEll p12.:i. 10 ,.,,.. Vo Ho -urll~ !reeling below '1 ••• Wl- Armt pl 710 I 1Jl1 • ., ~~~A·~. llO·:·m ~;~·· ~:r~~ .~ :'~: ::~.· .. ~ KeltrAI . .0 no 13:o;., ... Ne•Pl)l ll• noo 13.,.,_ "'R•p,~1.JOlf 112 f11ro .. , To1EdptJ11 . II IS..-"' -.IW1--t•nl-<henee••••IN ~:~:.1'n 1~0 ~I ~ ::: : • 1'' ~~~~~In?:: ! 1~ ~~: • ~: Fr~Plf fO n3 Ith .,._ :::~c:. ::~ -~ ' ~ m~.' .. ~ ~i~;f. ~ ~ ;i ~:· ;,; ::r:~ J:~ :s ,, ~~\I, .. : l~~ '14: ! 1ri ;i~ ~ ::;::::..obe= ~':.. ~=· clo\lne . ~~~;c:, .. ~ .~ 1: g • : . CnnN(, 210 & 29 111 .. '• Fuqu• :.....60 G-G2J_ l9~ ..... :::::~ 21 : ~· :;~·. '~ NJAK nl1• ' m• :: ANY plCJ.IJ. . •S m •• ,.. TO\CO ,. "f .,.,.: :: ,.._ ~~,' .'"", . Pel Arlr.• 70.. 10 19 • : ,c~~f:"'o. I ~ '? .!! ~.s~: : : c;c;~fi' ~ 20 • MS 10 . y, K•Mll ID s 1o! 13'~ . NYSEG 2:20 lll """ ... ::,~1'r'A·1r• .. r:~ tt~~ ~ l ow le ... » """. ~ I OllF.rro l\o Up ll.J ..,,., .. 11711 ll 131,. '• COllEpl·.:; ·,;;;; 36 .... ~.-... 120 's lllf'I .... l((tyPL J ... ) 71 J • .,.,. v. NYSpl I ... y!0 ... 21n ·• R•plllll . ..:·s ISO lS • ~ ToyAV • " ... ~..... J SoceMl< 3 ... ft Up JI.I Ar¥1" pl 7 1 71.,. • • (.onE pl ) IO J'J• 1 CiA l X 1 .cl I •19 ,..._ • •;. KCPL Plf lS tSClt. lJ\I, NYS pl03 IS •IJ U... V. Rep8k p11.12 .. f no 1 11, lrecor \ 30 ll Jtl 11 I/, l y-,,-., J • \lo Up n I ,. .. .,c.o .cl 121 ,... • .. (onFd> , 12 I lo6 )7<. ... GGCEAICO I~ u "o' IHo. KCPL Jiff.SO . JJjjJ ul) ; i NN•-11 I ' 13 ,, . . . RR•~<o ... 32 l)s ll>O! 3"1~. !" lt:"-I •. ' 1~1'" ,,, -, • si.r•R\ ""' • ·11. Up 21 ' Ath10.1 , .ci • .ieii , .. 1 •, • • -• •' 1 11... • v. KCPt. llfT.JO J ul1 • v. whe• n tJ If --,,. • J _ _ -s ~ ~ RAI • ..,, • 1 Up •1.2 A51110 plJ 'let 11 le" <• ConF pl 4 liO t ul/ .J Gei< pl It Ill S01•H I ... ICCPL p12°33 S 11111> o,;, Newml I 20 IOOS fl~• V. R•,..re . :it ''-1TWW ~. Sl)S ·.~ •, L-'•n, 10 • 1'n 41P 14 l AMIOG • 1 • Ut. JI • '-Cn•Fr l · 1 60 123 41 • '' GEO 14 3 llS •'-' ~ KCSou e I • New! pl f !O I •--"-R 1 1 If 1 fSI JI\ \' ---· •.. ~ J... • 'I• Up 11,1 AMID pl 4 IS 80 61'1. '• C.n\NO >I • • ./4 lHo ' .. GF EQP 13 f ' • .Sf JI~• I Nwperll . It ) 17' IV. R::,:,, :.o 1 1• U~. 1 lWC pl J • 1 14V! \<o I Eps.co f:V. ..... Up II.I Alhlone I.ti> " 12 11• ...... Con•""', ... 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I NEW VOAK IAPI AUQ 30 All••n<ed O.tli~ VnchenQtO, Tol•I IH<I"' New h1QM Ne• IOW\ METALS ),J»,.00 '·'"·"°° 1,JU,IOO ,,,..,000 Pth <My iSt 1007 m t.U tOS • Ptr.o <My , .. . )23 2lil .. ) JO • NEW YORK (APJ -Spot no,,lerrou1 rntlal prlce9 lodey· C•ll~t .. ,..71 ce n11 a pou,,d, US deatlnelloN L.eM 2'-21 certta • P<IUfld, Z2lle 37.-.0 -·· • llOUlld. delNwec:I. Tift M.1112 MM• WMk ~· tb. ~ 76-77 o.it9 • pcJUlld, N.Y. ....., IJeS.00 S*,fteM, ___., flletl"-1253.00-1280,00 hoy OU"Of. l>i.Y. ' SILVER Hendy & Ha1m81'1. le.f 10 P« troy OU,_. ' GOLD QUOTATIONS LOftdofl moml"ll 11x1~: '337.75, up $3.00, LOll4len •lternoon fixing: $338.00. up S3.25. flllf1• ettemooo llxhig: 1333.33, llp $3.•6. / • > f'rMllMt thdno: 13311.00, up t-4.00. Zurtel\ l•t• eltemoon: 1$31.75, up $2.75 bid: $337.50 llllled . Heftdf a. Herlftllll: only dally qwte 1338.00, up '3.25. . -~ cdy dally~ 1331.00. up *3".25. ._....,. only O.it'f quoit tab<telllfd $3S4l0. up S3 .. I SYMBOLS e:~'C~ ~)6 IS lf,Q ;18• ,' ' / ~"'"~ 1 t04 ~ ·~ ~~ 1 8:!~Q ~)ta •7~ ~~~ ' ,,. t~~= pf ~ l . N~~:'S n :t2 10 lt1 2n't '"' SCA :lo ... f'4 -IOlllt, 111t 8~rNG\I f.~: n ~... V. :~ ~~TnlCQ }t; ... Off U e88:~:::.P 1~ ;• 101? i~;~· :~ ~~~~~ t . .ci 1~ 1:~ '1;~: 5~ 8-c;.'~P; ,11:~ ia1 .uS:,~, ;.1 3 1;.··.: .. _~_'·. ~~ ,.i ·~ :~ 1'.? !r"~1"" 0o~11~P t~J• °141 "?,) :·.~!~ .. ~ ~: 11! : ',U P.~. 1:,: ~~t~ J.~ ; ,ti~ ~~· " Pr•I~ s... ~ 8:: t~ ~= :~w'.:'n~;~:.'!'~ ';,.~, 8·.~·~ 7-41 11 .! 1' (.rmpKn I 04 1 u I)', h --• Qvlnl t 1' ..., 11 t '1l -• '' '~ " SPShc n ) II MV•-l.oo Untol\C .:rtl U 4 20 ThHmP< ,... \lo Ofl l.l are _,,,,.,., dllbUUfn-ls llNfd on I .... IMI ,A., ~ •'• '' (rwn(lo. I l l 741, '\o G•Pc pl8J 24 a l JPtlo " •~Gn 2 fO S 21 JIV, • V. O<ciPel 2 SO S 1411 JIV., .. 584t!M .fO It Jfl D VJ °"' \lift:'-I... a 13 21 ColuGen • \/J Off l.l QU8rl•rly or u m1-annual Oeotarellon ::~~,", I.~~;:~~ ~~·, 1~ ~~i':.':,) .. ~ 10 m ~!: ,~ g:~ ~ ~ 1~ ~~ :: ~"~.; lt 11 I~ 1~r!: ~ ~~:~ :u~ : ~: ~~ tF.' .»~.~JOT~ 1;::: ~~ 8_;fl ~ 0: .. ;: .: _j n ~,,.!< :~ ~ g:: u Special 0t Hl•a dlvlden<IS 0t ~ "°' e.88e• •• Y,IFFI~ I . .!'=, j l:,,. 'o ~~~~f'~1r o 1~' ~!.. 'o g:~ =~ ,3: =:·; Ii. ::,1:.,m n '.' ~ m~ ~ ~~!: :r~ 1: :t~ ~ lb:-; 1:: 1: •m ~::.• .. ~ ~i~!.(M i r~ u~'°: ~; :.~ .. ~ !~ ~ g:: u =-:i~~~l:"'ar -ldfl'll II\ lhe 'd -""'71'• Culllro le I ll 771, 0. G•Pwpl7.IO .r100 S. • V. •••Sa l.!O • ,. U ~ Occ1Ppt7.30 II 111Jo• 'ill OL l.fO S 11 12~• UnEr ... 2.U .. l ""-""' J6 s...rSL ·~ ~Off I.I 8·Al110 ••l11 or ealra1 t>-1\nnllll••l•plUS 88!!11fo n~ II m :c: ' '.: Cullin n 30 J.11 uJS'•, 7'" G•Pw p(1.n rtOO S.S -Yr H r$-plJ,1S · 2 ....... 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II ~ 1-16 OllEll Pl 1.24 uo ... ,, • ,... IJ11et>R lf.4'( JI 11 ·---· •• ,,...,,eel Ot llO 8Cllaf\ , ........ IMI di~ Bemll 1,60 • 71 >'I~ \+ -D-O GlllHI~ ,._.,Ji ,. If -... L•"""'' II• .. 271 1)--OllEO pl I» rt•SO SO><.--\lo sa-n .... II IU ,;··:..:·~ ~:,r;r,, ... • '~ J'+ . NEW YOAI< (AP) -P rlo•1 .... -lllQ 11'-Declerecl Ot pllid Ihle yew, .,, Benell• J 32 II 1;:; !!-. ~~!': g:',.C:..., 10 nr r 1 : : : Giiiett• 2.JO 10 Jn '°"' • "' L.,.,.., ,20 It tU U + ~ OllEll pl I.JO . '"'° M"' •I """'I Rt 1 ... I IJ U \ii ..... UnHO 11 l ti --141 ThuBday of Ootd coi., oompeted wltPI acc"""'1ell"9 -.,..lh dMOendt 11\ arr-a ==~··o; •ll? 10\.. "' Oe'!Rov St • .. II I' G•enw .91 If l t\>t.. Le"Oa ' .. ' )t fO~. ~ OtlEll pl I... , u i.. Vt SFtlM I • 113 It -Vt UnllrM .Ill IH " I V, . W~ey·a prloe. n-Hew ·-r-Oec:terecl or petd 11'1 pr~ e-t pt f 30 Al\ 711•-111> D•n~Cp t . .O 10 110 J/' • • '-8:::."'r' J• : = J~· •. V> t:::' pll,IS .. ~ :l ·; '~ g::~: = ::~ , 'f:r ::-. :'~ '411W.I l.20 I • 7t ... 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I •lot t~wl::a!,;,;, .. ~8cLa·:" i:e~;i~=1~:·-~HMW :.....-:.--,, .• _"t5{::u·:'=f~:=:::t::..2:at1: ,,_,_~ .• • ... , •. ii: ... ·~'il ''f~=. :: :.;_·~ .. i .. !:~ J;..., iMI I J 1'"' "' Ii '•11 • °"' H~T ' ••; II ,.._, ... , L .11 It lt\l'lt \o ,llC,._ -~· • ~ ~~ 4 " ..,_ ~ fl 'j -t ~I I ' "t"1:'9:: I.* "t j ~1'1"' 9uMttiJ.Jt , 311 I "' g 111 · II ~•t"' H~llW M• 6 41 ISV.-~ -M-M -"ec~Pi*° " U " 1 ll't i ltj '-111'111111 1,Sl I tU '111> ...... j lllllll .-. I t• '*,., Hell., wi ,1 I 11!1\'I ..... MACOM ,M It Ult 17'--\o ftllC ' •1 .. W ' _ "'" ' la ... ~ :ra:·\ &=. ··,~.:,;: ~: ~ :::::..• 11· =-tt·~ • ·~n 'll. ~·= :· '·· ~ i ~ i J·i j ,,.. =· .. ~ -·•' '"'·· ... ff :.~; 0E1 , •• " ..... =:1.m .~ : ...... . .. 12 .. '"• ",...., 1:.i L."' "~ ~ • -"'"'·j !... ..:.;. . ..Ji•"~.·~ 1: J-A-' ,-... ~ •. 1l » • .i. ~I "' ' J4 Jl 1 j''w ~'--• 1 "-..... 1f ~ 14 I" 1 I '=·.... it f loo I "f • h r ti' ;: l.j1 ft~ !it , •. ,,.._ t :~ .• ,,-.!· ............ ~t ~~·-w· .. w l1 is~~ .. u.1 ·• • " .:.:.·.. ., j ... ~ •ti' :-: .. ~ ..... \, ~ ... -c-< -t If Jtl 14 v, Heftt\9 1,4 II .ft -Iii ~J I ii ... • 11t t 11 t *"• II.; t "' 1 : " : : : 'j \It-16 ' *" ·• ' cs• Ill·-7 , .. lt\'t•t\to ...._... 1'..itt "' ., ..... Hcttctt=•" , ·--"' ,..... u I"'•~ wl t' 1it 1111 . .. .. ~ d I .. .,I . ~ -=-· !! c I i.-1 11121 -·\I) 00-• l.tO t2 ii" ... H•r 1• a1i1o--. ........ , ·••i6• 1 JV; "'~ ~-I eM • 1111 lfl ",. •:.: -:~ -1· •.t. "'•.1..... ......, •• 1 ~·1. ~ ,.., • .. .... .... "' • • -.... i.. _........ • ' • .. ••• .,.,_ ,_ • u .... " ... ... ..... I ,, ..... · ...... W llfC , ... _ \l'I -·" I 4 I • " ... ' • \ .. .. -... ... ' Orange Co111 DAILY PILOT/Tuelday, Augu1t S1 , 1992 ... THI: •'AMIL'' CIRCl'8 by 811 Keane "I'm 5 and I know how to write my name!" . ~ARM .\Dl'KE by Brad Anderson ~%~J "Go tell Barbie your problem. She'll listen to you." Jl'DGt: P:\RKER -I'M GLAD VOU'P.E 8ACK' THE-OLD MAN WANT5 TO ~E YOU 1 HE'5 eEEN W0NDERIN6 WHE~E 'YOU WEP.E' HE ~D ~ ALWAVS LEAVE THE r-----.r-i HOUSE AeouT THE TIME THAT WHAT DID o. e . ooee • You TELL HIM? GARt'I El"'D - BHiG~Gt: "It never f1ll1 to h1ppen. You put on 1 couple of 1t11ka, and here come the frHl01d1ra.11 DE:\'.\IS THE Mt.:NACE Hank Ketchum f t<:~ ~ 8-3, \ \" ... "'' ! -c-.!J) ,J by Jim Davis i'ME CAPED AVENGER STEPS INTO TM£ SEAM-I LJNDERWORLl7 ANO Rf.AS5ERT5 MIS NOBLE. CODE ~I WILL SEEK our EVIL. UNLESS, Of COURSE, THERE I THE SUGMTEST POSSl91LITV OF MARM TO M\/ PERSON ' ,. ACROSS 47 Train 1 "M" of 51 ~Ix per "MPH" lt\nlng e Mollulk 52 Army 10 Up advance 1" OrOW!HIP 54 Fumblll 15 Eltlnlc dance 58 P11ent. lor 18 The.'.-: US-lhor1 Ctn. bord« 59 Cowr • MH· 17 Tinting. ·llCI exper1 e 1 Sk.lgglet! 1a·a. worthy of 82 Authof 19 Direction Luct.tg QC> Of Pot., etc. 83 Ca. C8l'llj)UI 22 c.nnlt>el 84 Girt' 1 neme 24 Ceucallan 16 Ground• 1ongue ee Cllqutt 28 Potllllum 87 Arc light DOWN WMEF\EVER IT MAV LURI\ AND PESTROV IT'• llONDAY't P'UZZ1.f IOl. YID 27 PMtUftd 31°'** 32--13....,. 1 Doltlie 21 Vtfllcle 42 M19'M 2 Effigy 23 c.un ... 43 a.int - king 36 MllltlNl'nO Hhur• • Metnedlen lllMd 40 Window,,.,, 3 MOCWI god· 10nO 44 Plott .. 25 Flckfte of old 4e ~ 4 Lifted 27 Angle 47 Ruminant 6 Eeoer bMwr 28 -In 1 wt111t 4e "Wh11'1 In f -Outv•I 2t HlflO lfound --1" 7 Nell IOI 30 DUwttt city 41 H4Mlp I ScottWt 34 Cowt>oy 50 Aeltttw llllrld conlflt 53 AIMtum I Store modlf 35 Wtnt doiMI 56 Al~: 10 lndletfl'IC1 3t Noun tndlllG IW. 11 LlrWlt 37 -out; ~ lie 0.dn« 12 Ptnlf 3t NM1t city 57 "-If a.y'' 13 Mttflc unit 40 lntlmlC• llO -p..,,. /. •. .,. PEANl'TN SHOE NANCY---WHAT ARE YOU DOING? 0 t'l'NK \' WIN 'RBE.i\ ~ ! KNOW ~Ai MAN£.' OF <,()() !>ENT FlOWER5 LAST 5PRlt46 WHEN ~E COACH WAS IN ™f ~rTAL I AND'~ERE H~5 BEEN SOM€ 0150.l~loN OF E5TABU5HIN6 A FAWL-W ~FUND' 0 " . by Charles M Schu lz ~-------SHE COULD 8E ARRESTED FOR rnAT l'P .ASK VA ·-r SHIAV Ht.:RE 11H ME, ~tJl~E 'CCOM0t7A110NS All\J'1 so 000'7. 8/31 ~ -- by Tom K Ryan °™f:RE'S A Ftll... ~RG-t::IST IN MY OUiHOlJSE by Jett Mac Nelly by Ernie Bushmlller THIS 15 T~E ONLY 'WAY l CAN KEEP GRAPEFRUIT F'ROM SQUIRTING .INMY EYE c--·--... by Gus Arrio la by Tom Bat1uk FLOWER~ UXXJLD BE SEN"f 1D T~ FACUl"fl,.> ME.MBtRo WHO ExPERIENLE Ml lll NE!:6 ~ · DEA1H IN -rnE FAA'llL4 .. Of?. WHO ARE A~l6NE.D 10 CAFE1ERJA .STO[)'.) HAllb ! .... I "~f'VEN "0 8£. ~ OR~\1'~1!>1 !~ . • ) ' Orenge COHl OAILY PILOT/Tue t.ley, August 3t,'I 1982 A,. Wlrepholo KE Y ROLE Ingrid B<.•rgman, who died Sunday at 67, nx:kctccf to screen stardom in 1943 ~ith the movie "CasabJam:a'." Sh<.• is set•n in two Sl'on cs from tl'lc film, with Sidney Gree ns trt•el (above) and Humphn•y Bogart and Dooley Wilson (b<"low) Record sets record LOS A NC fo:LES (AP) • A rt·t·ord fo1· the record books "l-:\'l•n th1 Nights An· &•ltl·r," ttw laH"~l :,;111~k 1>, lht· Au,tral1an pop group Air Supply. h;b lofl~·cl into B11l h0Jrd m<tg<•Zmt>'s Top 5. the band's S<'~th t·on:,c,..·ut1vt• singk to do so Arist.<1 R~·ords says that mak<.'s ·Air Suppliers Graham Hu~-.1·11 and Hus..-;t•ll 1 !itl'h<:ock llw first pop singers l'Vt'I' to -.<·11n• with M'V<·n top 5 singl!'s in LI row Slnl't· '' hu l·ls1•1 th<.• Beal le:. Angel witli· usky voice Ann Murray char1n lrvi 11\ M ~ad<)WS crowd Uy SANJ)IE JOY Of the Oelfr Piiot lt•fl Tw1nklt•t11e·' i.lw IMI t, .uul llw 1hru.i1 y hl11r11lc • i.11n~li11d from Nuv.1 Sl·o 11 u r11uk1·~ no lw1w~ ubout 11 Alllll' Mul'l'uy movl•8 ratlll'r awkwvrdly 11liuu1 lhl• i·onn·rt 11tu1.w Who l lll'<.'b WIH'n llht• sings llkl· all a11gc·I with u hu:.ky VC11('(•'1 The aud11•111•c• was an lov1• with Murrny C'V1•11 lx•furt· Shl· wurblt•<l a smgle llOll' r'r1day night al the.• almos t -sold out 12,000 st•al Irvine• Mt•adows Amph1thcatt•r fo:11her you likC'd her or you didn't Judging from the • 1ud1t•nl't'. thl'y liked hC'r. As Cor lwr dnodng -und, thl·rt· wasn't. muL·h of it · she wased, "( hnd that the people who l'Omt· lo.set• me live art:' only fam11lar with me th rough rt'<.'Ords . It's unfortunate ~'<.·1.1usc I have w many talents Ont• of tht·m I want to t.Hlk about nuw is my dancing prow<.•ss ... Sht• tht•n broke into a mean boogie tclhng the.• audien<:e they. we re ''goang to love il." They did Th<'y l'hl><.•rt'CI and hooted. Thl'Y chc'<'rt~ anc;I huoll'd even morl' -many young women <.'Vl•n wh1sl l<.·d when she brought on httr "baby brother Bruce" to c·roon solo and followed with a kncx:kout dul'l, "Fallang an Lovt•"' de111onstr1:1ling that two Murray:. arc bl•ttt·r than om•. Bruce has tht:, -~"111c throaty vo1cc> as his sistc-r but with a ht>av1t>r Nova S<:otia accent Together. th<.•y presented a ' POPULAR -Singer Anne Murray got a warm reception in her concert at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheater. pcdl'l'l blending of vo1<.·<'s that was a r<'al crowd pll-aSl'r: • Sh<' tca~od pt•rnx11l·ally about her first hit, "Snowbird," noung at one· point, "I w1Juldn't do ;.; show without singing 'Snowbird.' Thal would bl' incrt-d1bly stupid but I lak<· to work up to a frenzy first." So. she waited until well into 1h1•' show before warning, "Hert• It comes, llina," and flapping hL•r arms as sh.c slid antt1 lht• 1971 hit single Murray C'harm('(l funs right from th<' start with rcn<l1tim11' uf hll 1111..r hit In ull, .. t11·'i. rt't'U1dl'fl I !IO 'UllU' 111 hc•1 1-1 )'t'UI rm 1ft·~1u11ul 'fllll(lnl( l'lll 1-.·r-thut )t• u a II ll 11 LI ll 11 I 1 r u )( ' N s . ll•lt•v 1i.11111 11how whll1· 11ht· 111111 wu" ww kill!( as a gym t1•a1·hl•r. Amrn1g tun1·1' sh1· mdudc'<I 111 tht• M1·adow., w<.•n• ··Shadows 111 th1· M<11111l1t{ht ," "llt·y. H1·y . B.iliv" "l>1t·t11111•1" a11d tlw 11111• .. tw ·.,,,,d 1s lwr pc.·1Mmal favonl", "\'1111 N1•1•J1•d M1·" H.wkt•tl l>y tlw Jfrnry Brundon 01 < ht"•tl a a11d a gaggle o [ pc.•,..011al 01us11·wns, Murray put on a show tha t could bc>s t b{' dc•&·nbtod as rnl'llow and ladyhkt'. Su nwllow, as a matt<.·r of fal·t . th.1l whc.•n it l'llUl'd, lht•t'l' wus norw uf thl' pushmg and shoving wh1c. h USUiJlly C'hari\!;JC'rtCIZl'S t'Ollct·rt crowds The funs w~rc, so to six·ak, mt·llowcd out to the point wh1·n• thl'y fairly drihl•d off towL1nJ th1 · hugc• parking lot, humming tht•1r favorite Ann<.• Murra y tunl·s. politel y apolog1z1ng for act'1dt•ntally bru:,hmg into o thl·r fans Thl'n· W<'l'I' no gimm1l·ks. and n() nash <'X<'<•pl for th<• rather uncll·rs t <Jt 1,_.c1 boog it'. Ju st stra1ghtforwa1cf guod s111ging Impish grins as sht> told littll• Joke!. on h<•1,t·lf and gl•nuant• smdt·' punt·tu;.;lL'd LI pll'asa111 1•vt•ning ,wh1l'h MurrL1y d os<·d with "Can I llavt· This Dant'c?" whid1 has bt•<·n. playing c&w &tat10ns for mon· than a ye<ir, follnw<•d by the gentle "I'll Bt: lloml'." ;.; lt·n<l<'r dosang to a 11wllow <'Vcnang ---- *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All P1rlormanc11 before 5:00 PM (hctpl SptctJI Eng1gemtnl1 and Hohd1ys) LA MlllAOA MAii 0 MHOCO QI 90••Croru LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·1400 .....aHT~t•l ,_. ....... ·u,.,.rDr ,., ... , ... ,,. "ROCKY Ill" 1•01 t1:.M, :t.» 4. t • I » JO JO "AN OFFICl:A ANO A GENTLEMAN" 1•1 • tJ M >• t..a tM .. _. "FRIDAY THt 13TH PART>" C•I IN >0 t'lM IM •to t lO.t .IO •» NOW PLAYING «>IPGJ - "HOME WORK"'"' "TH( ltAIT MAITEll" 101 tOl l ..... lllU .... .. '>lo! II COSU NIU 1ti-.,.,. j !lflt U l°"'U NUltfl..CtOJlf IUCM liUOIN CROWi OM•lfl.I ! .... I I." ..... '\ ··~.,·· ... ,,, ..... ...,..... ..... ., .. OUllCI WUl'll~SllR . ,, ,.. THI tHASl TH/111.J.IR /IF THI llJ'S from JUNK CARS to MOVIE STARS -, # UWlllllOAlll AC TIOll OvtR l!IO CARS 0(5 TllOTIO,. CV~lt• •tot4t ••,•l••t jUi u •I •61tt•11llt l 111tOlll llll•SI •• ... • •4 •u •·• .. •'\•t\l •~fO PG, ...-... ORANGE ~ ORIVEIN Plu1t t 141 (POI T. THI £:..\ TRA .... ~-e~ • e nHmS1 RIAL ~ P1111 Tlfe GNat MupsJet _. Caper (0 No P1un "'"'I Vic• S41u.., ci.1 Drive-ins Open 7 :30 Nightly Ch1lrli~11 U"d•• l '1 f RE l IJnlh) No•••I * ----. "A FIRST RATE, BEAUTIFULLY ACTED, THOROUGHLY INVOLVING ROMANCE." R ~· -· BRU M 1no A•f'J ~.,..., 1 \1~ ~J J~ MISSIOll YllJO 'J"' •d v t '"' \ l"l\k.\ ... ll .. f ... 't '" .JA. 4,....., y"' .... , ....... -.,, ......... ~ ..... , .... ,,..~. Jlol Ao.,.°'Rioo_,,..., • _ NfWl'OIU BEACH OllAllCl WlSTMllllTEll f,,,.,,,a ..,,.~IJ(>fl C•nf'OC>fTW' ' •• ,., .. 6H n;&o & J4 ?~~J f dwd10~ C14'Htfflf w, t 891 393\ SU JUAN CAl'ISTllAlfO • tO "~'10 J.JC" fJt U "'" ~ 'llP In •9] ..e~4\ -0 "U"\ •ccc.-110 roa '"' t-0..0C•OU '-------- --,... ............. 111'-.1.J,ltjll:fj .,,,,_ .... ,,". OllHOl Pac1hr Or tt•cJ•' ()1 "'" Ir 6)4 91bl "The moat exciting down-to-the-wire action since SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT and the funnlfft bunch of rascal• since THE BAO NEWS BEARS." . - ..•..... · .••. ~~ "''···. ····l•tJ•'•'''·"····· t •••• '1 a I_..._. •M t Ii& tt• LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN "THE JUNKMAN" ,...,, 1•1•t..••• ....... "STAR WAAS",...,, IN DOl.aY IT!MO 11"11. ........ , .... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAI• IN FoevllY At ~ fVno "THE IOlOIEll" t•t ,_. ..... 'ocu1rv ol Conalewooa' 2t3/531-9580 "THE BEIT l.fTTl( WMOllEH<X.111 IN T1!JtAI" r•l , .. , .......... "YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE" 1•1 ,., •• )0 ... "NIGHT SHIFT' 1•1 ,. ... , .. 21l/U4·92t_I ___ _ ---=-- .. HOME WORK" 1•1 , ............. .. "'lllDAY TH1! 1STH l'ART >" 1•1 IN >0 , .. ,.. .. .,.. ... ,,. -'"'• ''"" ~· / u s .. s... !()() s s...., s1111 ,, °"" IMPORUNI NOflCl' CHllOAIN UNDlR 12 fAll' -I ,,_ ... /Jn ftl 1 U • S.I M ,_ 1 IO CIHl JI ~frilO • •OO'l &Y ~ t.ALW· 1 .,/)\ • S,..,,..E" ' "' "'""" .W,., If"•-''°" I\ l\IOlh ")$"Vo --... oOl!Altl •'<1 Clll.lt OIWt'td &JO°" ... - ANAHltM ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN "ZAPPED!" 101 ., 4'!!r ""'-..... "THt! HIT LITTLl .;•..:..:. ''••woy ti ot 1.•,..o" St WHOll'llHOUll ttlf Till.Al" I'll "•..,_ 879·9t50 ••• ' ' -.. llAIDllll OF Tiff lOIT AlllC" '""'' -••THE LEOENO Of THE LONI llANGlll" 1•ot ( ... , \Ouftff' 8Vl .. A rAll• BUENA PARK DRIVl·IN l•"<~.., •~• ••''Of (no" '21·•070 _..,,=-= 9UI NA PAH LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l+nco•r; •--• "'•V o' ,l'\•i'' ··PORKY'& t•t -UP IN SMOtcr 1•1 lift • ,. i.l'f "E.T., THE EXTRA· TEllllEITlllAl" 1"01 -·ncr GREAT MUl't'ET CAPEii" <Ot "TKE IOlOIEll" 1•1 .... "VICE IOU~O" c•I li.llltll"i •Tlfl ::::g:~~I" l•t \Oft-0..00 f,_y df f rOQU't"'°if (101 962•24'1 I <Ot I \()U•{ WISIMINSllU Hl·WAY 39 DIUVl IN 991·3693 "CHl1!~ I CHONO TiflNOI AN TOUOH All OVEll" 1•1 -..OME WOfll(" C•I .... -•THt ltAIT MAITlll" '"' •PRIVATE lEllONI" 1•1 C+"l •• SOUlllC L 1#11( ' '°''llfO "lAPr.?,D" 1"1 ~Hl~~-;.AN:t•I "HIT WHOfllHOUH • "UllD CARI" l•I IN TllCAl"1•t ___ ,;.t•;.;;•l:..:.;,"..:::IOU!tO=:..:.;,--. (•"f •· SOU*ilO IA H A.IV.A LA HABRA ORIVf IH lfll'ottl• ~,. .... ~ fh• .......... 17Mt62 1 1G•NC.t ORANGE DRIVE IN ..... .Ut Ill ,., ..... MISSION URl\l'f IN . . " ,~ .,. I ""' ,, "' \ WARNER ORIVt IN ~.,,.., .... W•tt Ot t•OC" 11•0 M7·~HI "1!,T T .. lll'Tll4· TlfllllEITl'IAl 1001 -"TH£ OflllAT MVl't'U CAPlll" (01 •ol\tO •l\O '"-9 • uo•• c~ •'1• MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ,,..,. "'. • ., .... \ft • ,, ,,.. .... " , .. ..,.., .,,. .............. ~."' 'IJ• -'"• 11'1 ••••·iif It *••' 'WI••" I ' . I f • • • Orange coaej DAILY Jtl1.0TIT"91dty, Aj.uttl1, 1NI I I I ._,II" -EVENNG~ ·--·1··--WONDMWOMAN WIU>, WILD WUT 11.W.A.T. ...HAWAIM_. • I OV8' IMY . Owet: iUI grNt Dmy 011· --~ ... • CWOL ,AINTINQ l ..... SS ... T.~AM> ... HUMAN OOOIT1U Aictlerd K~ '-11 Ihle ~lery treeing the ~ ol the ''OIMl•t ~OnEat1h," ())MOYIE *'Al "Unc* The Relnbow" (19t1)CN¥y0-, Carrie Flahef. The 1150 mldgeta who are In IOWtl for the Hlmlng o1 "The Wturd Of Oz." tum 1 Ceillotnle hotel -~··PG' ***'Ai "Sorcerer" ( 1977) Roy -Scheider. Bruno Cr-. Four deeperete men rilll their Nvea while lleullng 911pioll11e nitro. gtyoerine ftlrougll Soutll Amer!Un..junglee to bettle .,, off·welt fire. 'PG' .., • DC< CAVETT • Oueet: autllor end dlfec:t0t Jonathan Mliler. (Pert 11 (A) • 'All' FOAwAN> "St .. e Of The "'11" A look ...... .., ., ,.. technolOgl- cal ~" wtlk:ll 7:001pr!S;=· f.:NEWI ICUNGf'U I == M•A•l•H Hewlleye ~ 10 dla- gueted with the peace 111111 thllt he••• mettere Into 11110W!I '**· · II JOICDrl Wll.O ....... ~ . Cl> ft.M. MAGAZINE A men'a 50tll·blr111day,' 18- _. Wtdur-Mt; WI aifbol'ne neonatal Mlbu· IMC:e --'vice In Loulliana. 0 INTDITAINMINT TONIGHT . An lnteMl!ew wttll Cl.*Yt Ledd. . CIDWHATON~. Oreon BNn tio.11 11111 fut-~. fact·lllled Id----(D)MOW * *. "loot Sult" (1981) Del\lel Valdez,· Edward J-Olmot. In llMOI LOI Angelel, I '*-Oll9- bre erupt" -the frem- , Ing ol memblrl of • a..c. no 11r111 ·Gl"O for murder. 'R' (Z)MOW **'Ai "Sone And L-1" l1H0) Trev0t Ho.etd, Dew! Stodl .... 8Mld on the noYe1 by O.H. Lew· rence. A domlneting mother INc>ir• her eon to bypeM rOl'lllnCI to bitter . 7:to 9'1'0.. THe TOWN FHtured: Lo• Angelle pl-for • llYCIMr et1ICll; mMt • taeneger who can't talk; Ille world ol puj)plll et Ille Krofft Puppet Facto. ial,~Ynue> IYEONL.A. Feetured! a report on d191- lng; 1pon1 wtdow1; a report on waltr-; Hol- ~··-••men. • M•A•a•H A 1udd1n deluge of wounded ,, "" 40711h ii CHANNEL LISTINGS CHASE -Stephanie Faracy,· Cleavon Little and James Coco (from le!t) are three of 15 hein of a multi-millionaire who are sent on a. winner-take-all chase for bizarre items in ''Scavenger Hunt" tonight at 9 on KNXT (2). · 0 fOllowed by I fire end I Cl)~ rllnel0tm. ***'Ai "Soldier Of • (() TICTACOOUGH Orange" C1t1t) Edwerd MACHIJl I L.!HMlt Fox, S.-Penhellgon. ~ 8'• dallmll• ., • Dutctl • MONEYMAKER8 UllNwllty go !Nit ~ "Sheltering Income Fron\' rete weyt wtler\ Wit br..n T...... out In Eur091. 'PG' 0 YOU~ F<>A rT • .MOVll FHtured: "Tiie Tylll On *'At "In God We Trutl" Tiie Motoeto" Speed· p980) Marty Flldm1n, wey" end "Tiie C•lle Of Andy. Keutmen. A nal\le 0 Junk." . monti le Mnt out Into Ille CID MCI F<>A THE lllOlld 10 r.... monev tc¥ PfNNAHT hi• lmpoV«ilhld -·· Barry Tompllln1 end Tm !2 'PG' McCllWf COVlf ell Ille l:aG •. ONE MOM TRY' b-INdlng 10 ll'Mt 1912 A couc>le decide to "*'1! W0tld ser.... deeplte Nell lllWlg tied I 1:00. (1)-UNIYEME prl\liou1 ,bid .. ~. we1111 Cron11111 report• on ea LA~ a varioua occurren<lll end .........., phenomene In lhe world of SQUlggy ._ jMb'8 ICience, ol Lenny'I triendeNp with 8 QI FATHER MURPHY 1 g!rl he m.t at the LI •• Wiien oullewl 1tMI the tar pita. (R)Q Otpt\enl' 1•¥0till llorM, • 000 COIJftU Ille c:hlldren wtltl o.c. 1rrengee for Felhl lo • dar cover en 1n111n1tlon11 . (A) wr•tllng matdl. MOVIE Cl) Cl.OM-Ult . * * "Klondlk•-Annie" t:OO •Cl) ·MOYll (1936) M .. W•t. VICIOt ** "Scewnger Hunt" McLeglen. A leloon lif'G« (1979) Aicherd Ben~, ,..., .. a deed mialonlty'1 J-Coco. An eccentric ldef11Mr .WO ,,_..ofl'~t mulll·mlllonalrl Wldl hie -eec>taln. wflh the pOllce 15 hlltS on • bturre hot on her tl'lil. wlnner·IM... dlMI for • 0 HAPPY DI.Ya 8 1111 "'P ~ilance. Al'I pilnl 10 m11ry Cfle. a.......,.., ctM'a mother hit 11neg. CR) * * "FrMdom Aoed" CJ. (111791 Mullemmed .\II. Krll a MOVIE Krl1tolle11orr.-Gld1on * * * "The Story OI Ver-Jedlton end Illa neighbor• non And Ir-Cutle" lace ll1r111men1 (tom (1939) Fred A1t8"1, Ginger wlllle lendown111 end Rogera. Two bellroom 111eca. by the Ku l<lua •-•Ileen• embarto: upon Klen ~ th!ly move lnf9 1 1ucc1~111ur dancing the ~Id CllWlll mM· c:er-. lion.(Parl21(A) • P.M. MAGAZINE • 9 THMFI A men'• 501h·blrtlld•y. 18-~AHV .....,., endurance t•t: en The roommat.. IPlfld • altborne neonetll Mlbu-"quiet" Wl!ICNd at Cln- lenc:. ~In Louiellna. ~··aunt'• rwm. (Al c:;i • THE~ • MERYCMWAN Den'1 1M-con111mtng auc-O u1111: Dr. Armand a.. ceu-much Pll'IOn-Hemmer, Jey leno, P- el OOflfllct umil he llnde 11 Bellwood, Nelly sa.-. Inner peece. (Part 2) • MYSTERY • NATIONA&.. "AumclO!e Of Tiie Belley: ~ IPECIAl Rumpo1e And The COut'll "Living Tr111ur11 Of Of True Love" Aurnpole • J'91n" Nine Jap-defend• • tlldler c:Nrged art~ Md performing wttll lhe Q01f\1911on ol -- erll•t• who keep en of 1111 15-yew-old ""'81e Indent cu11ure a1Ne 1cL -lludenll. (Pert 5)(AI if contemporwy IOClety .,. • ""'""" ........ profiled. C RI "Tiie Young" I "Cer1oe • NOYA Alfidl" At the IOI ol t1, "Animal lmpo9tore" The llMNtro Arthw ~ rem1tk1bl1 lorm1 ol 111111 •bout llfe, mue6c end deception uMd by bol'1 people whlle travlllno pred1tor1 Ind thelt Intend-througt!Out the Mldlter· Id vtcllm1 -to Ml 0t r_, Md Eurbpe. •void being Mien -lire CD) MOVIR ll!emlned, (R) Q • * * "FIQur• In A Land· (C)MOW IC•P•" (1970) Rober1 ** "Shlpwrectl" (19781 Shew, Malcolm McDowell. Robert Login. Mikki Jeml-In en unnemed country, ton·Ollon. A ~. his two men flee their rnllltery lwo daugttter1, • reporter l>Uf_. In 'the hope lhllt and 1 run.w1y "' ttrend· llley cen rNCh the border Id on en ilolated ltlend bef0t• ceplure. 'PG' '"" encountering • vlo-CZ) MOYll lenl 1t0tm at-· 'G' * * "Come H-Coffee CIDMOVIE Wlttt Ua" (1972) Ugo Tog-* * . "Breeklllrougll" nazzt, Valentine. A mlddfe. C 1979) Rlcherd Button, aged, .. ccinlultent for the Rod Steiger, A Nazi W · lllllln go¥1mm111I rlk>- geent ~ embrolled Cltel to 1 """' CO!lfllrY In e plot to......,,., .... Hit· t-where he hM ~ 1er 'PG' midi hied of the dlpwt-ment. • f'M. 9 TOO Cl.<*'°" °°""°"' Jeck•• become1, upllt wtler\ ...., fllther end ...., 9 KNXT IC8SI e KN8C INBCI 0 On·TV boyfriend agrN •~out thlit lllrn ctwinoe for hie>- ~I Al • KTLA (Ind I • l<A8C IA8C> e KFflA8 (C8S> 9 KHJ·TV (Ind.I, •KCST CABCI • !jTTV llnd.I ••f<COP·TV find.I .• KCET !PBS) • KOCE IPBS) l Z-TV II 11,aO C tCIMtnald 11 IWORI NY .. N.Y Q1) IWT8SI 11 CESPNI II' • • (Showtlme) Spotllglll ®MOVIE *** "E~ 6f The ...... die" ( 1981) Donald Suther· lend, Kele NelilgM. Whl6e on • remote Scolllati lelend to mMt · • G«men IUbmlrlne, WI Allla apy find• atietter from Ille 11orm In the cottaoe of • 10:001Mee=:· 'A' •• MMY10HART ,,.,......,. .,,.. _.,..., "'* ........... Mtd ........ 8'1 •••• ,.. ...... oetd OOllOtlen Md,_,. I II ....... .~ ... ~ "'8Y .. ......,.. ""°' 0. .. .,. In ~ one.-perfOffft• 8rlte of a dr-IMC>tld IYGll 1 lhort 1tory1 by Toni Cede Bombeta IA1Q • MYITIM' """"""* OI Thi 8111ey: """""* And Tiie Cout .. Of True Lov." AutnOOlf defendl I tMCher Cllarged with the 00truptlon of one ol "" 1 &-...--old lemale 1tudent•. fPart 5)CR)Q (C)MOYIE * * "Honky Tonk Fr- way" (Comedy) 811u 8rldQll, Beverly D' AllQelo, A ameN .• lowrt In Fioride tak• met1«1 into 111 own llendl ~ by·PllMCI by •new~ . CJ) N>MA~: LOY! IN THIDUNll (Pert 3) .MOYll * * ~ "The H_,llng Of Jullll" ( 1977) Mil Fll'r-, Keir OUllM. Alter r~­ lng from WI emotlonel c:rl· "'· • -""'en-a • hOuM Ille! appear .. ln be hlunlld. .... • '°*I NEWS WIMYOU-n:.? "The Dey When Tiie Anl· mall Tellled" Nlnety-)'111· ol0oeduc11or Rev. Dr. WM· llem Feulkner provldM frllh lnlighta Into Alro. All'lerleen folklore. (R) Q Cl)MOVll * * * "Eye Ot Thi Nee-, ' die" ( IH 1) Donald Suther· lend, Kiii NelllQen. While on 1 remote Soottllh lllend to mMt • Germen aubmarlnl, en A11ill IPY llnel• ahelter from Ille llOfm In the cottage of 1 i~ m11rled couple, 'R' I0:41 CMM4800M 11:00 a• <1> o a NIW8 • • IATUN>AY HIGHT HOii: Elliott Gould. G~t: Gery NUll'llii." . ' • YOU AIKED F<>A rT FMlurld: "Clrcu. Doll Ill Trlcll1" end "Swimming Pool jor Horeea." • ~A·s•H "Tiie per1onnel ol the 4077th .,. beellgld by • lone lnlper who belleYM lie' I fltlng on U.S. Heed- -~ HIU: Benny pleyt llOlt to two flt. tie vlalt0t1 from FrMC:e. I 8111•1EllMPORT DOCTOAINTHE ~ 0r.· Upton lmpr-his lmlQI by hiring • female ....... .,, .. (D)MO'lll ** "Honky Tonk, Fr- w1y" • (1981) Wllll1m o.v-. Beverly D'AllQelo. 1llough ~lly 11\'N auper Ngllwey, 1 amell Florlda towrt menagee to allr eel 1 motley collection of ,,.......,, who wind up there by ICCldent. 'PG' (Z)MOW * * * "loot Sult" (1981) D1n111 Valdez. Edwerd J-oin-. In 1940I LOI Angelel, I C-Oll9- bre lfUCll8 -· ~ frem-"'9 ol ~·of• CNGe-no llrlll geng lot murder. 'A' 11:ao. Cl} ,.... • Hlgllllgflta ol the U.S. Open trom the Unit«! St.._ T8rWlil A1eoc1etion Nellon· el T8rWlil Center~ Flulhlng • Meadowl-C~on• Perk. H.Y. •aTOHIGHT Holl: Johnny C1t1on. OuMI: Joe OM~. •O MCNNI NICIHT\.JNI' • MOW . *** "In The OOod Old Summertime" C 1M9) VM Jollnlon, Judy Ollf1end. Neither knowing 11111 "" other " thllt --pen pal, two ~ In • mutk: 1tor1 ere c:onllantty on the outl with MCtl other. ·• THI .llfffMONI In order to -• big bull- ,_ dMI, a-,. hlll to welt on FIOfence end' Allptl, • IANPON> AMID ION Fred'a llfeMyle ill Olenlpted wtler\ ~I NM for ......... ~. • c.YT10NB> MC .... CIDMOW * * * "The Other 9lde Of The Mountain -Pert 11" I 1971) Mwllyn H-.1. Tlmotlly Bottome. Former ~ ,..., Jiii • KJn. mont, rendered • quedt'f- pleglc by I lrllgk: eccldenl, .,...... with Mfl..doubt wtler'I • ,,.. io\11 entere ...., Ille. 11:11 CC) MOYIE *** "MlllOgany" (1975) DIMI Roll. Anthony Pll'- kln1. A young bllCll wom- en rl-from ttie depth• of the ghetto 10 International TUBE TOPPERS Kerr· (28) 8:00 -"Llvlna Treuuret of J apan.•• Nine of JMpan'1 moat rev~red craf tapcoplo and perf ormlng artl11t.a are profiled In National GeographlC' •pecial. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Scaven.ior Hunt." An ooc-cntrlc mllli-mllUumalre sends 1 ~ helrt on a winnt.tr-takc-all chllile!. KOCE (M) Y:OO -"Arthur Rubeinsteln. '' The 91-year-old maestro talks about life, mu1lc and people while trave ling throughout the Mediterranean. KABC (7) 10:00 -''Hart to Hart." Jonathan a nd Jennifer e nter a high. stakes card game to \Vin a valuable bas~ball card collection and rescue a kidnapped boy. lame " • l11111on dellgner and model 'PG' 1t:OO • Cl) AUCE 1: ti (ffJ AACE FO.. THE ~T 81try Tomplllnl and Tm Mee.,.,., -•II Ille ba ... IMdlng to the 1982 World8erlel, Mal ml1und11111nd1 Alice'• lln\ple dinner lnvl· lltlon end 811 but movea 1n with her Ind Tommy. l"I • ENTIRTAINMEHT TOMOHT An Interview wllh Clleryl Lldd • (II FAHTA&Y'ISUNO A lelher trill to win lhe ioYe ol 1111 eon, •nd a wom- en Mii out to ll11d 1 doctOt who diUQpffted wit h 1 f0ttune. (RI • MOVIE * * • "Carmen Jon.." ( 1954) Herry Belefonte, Dorothy Dandridge. Baeed on·111e oper1 "Car~" by Bizet, A rlv1lry eruple between lwo •ork111 11 en Army perechul• pla"'-' • LOVE, AMERICAN ll'YLI - "LOYe And The Wiler Bed" A young wlle order1 a wall< bed. "Love And Thi L1dy Barber" Herb lalla fOt 1 lldy berber. .MOVIE * * * "Get Oul Your Handk11clll1l1" ,( 19781 Gerard Depardllu. Patrick Dew-•· A young end optimlJllc hulblnd QOM to almo11 unb11t1v11bl1 lengthl to en111re hi• wife'• l\epplnMI. 'R' . 1H08 al L.An NIGHT WfTH DIMO LETT'!MtAN -ou1111: Gene Autry, ectr-Mery 81111 Hurt ·~ ITYlE "LOYe And The COiiege . Prof-" Prof-Hud· eon trlel to lltndle 1n arnoroua lludenl. Cl)MOYIE * ~ "Under The A1lnbow" (1981)Cllevy ChlM, Carrie Fllher. The 150 mldqlla "MIO are rn town f0t '"' fllmlng of "The Wlz11d OI Oz," h1rn a Caliloml1 llolel ~tide-down. 'PG' 12:JI '9 Cl) MCCl.OUO McCloud end Chief Clit/ IOtd try 10 ttop • move by New Y0tk'1 mob 10 lnlM· l••I• Au1tralla. (RI . 12:41 CZl MOVIE * * * "E.xclllbur" ( 198 I) Nigel Terry, Nlcol Wllllem- eon. The nplolta of King · Arthuf bring po.er and deltll to the kNgl\11 of the Round Table. 'A' 1:00• MOYll * * * "The Cowt>oy And The Lllly• ( 1938) Gery Coot*, Mette Oberon. A romancing finch llend IWllPI .,, .....,... lrom thedlyolt...., fNI. • MOVIE * * * "Young Al Hewt" ( 1954) Frenll Slnatr1, Dorie Day, Probllma bell! I young couple elter the men et1111 hi• p1rtner'1 ll•llCM. (D)MOVIE *'Ar "l 'nder The R1lnbow" (1981) Cllevy Ch1M, C1rr1e Fllfler. The 150 mldQll1 who ere In town fOt the fllmlng of "The Wizerd Of Oz." lurn 1 Cllilornl1 hotel upelde-down . PG' 1:10• MOYIE **'Ai "Hlgll Ttme" c1eeo1 Bing Crolby. F1blen. A ~ 11111 In loYe with I Frencti tMCher 11ter he returnt to COiiege . (fa NIW8 1:IO 8 al N9C NEWS OVEllHtOHT 1:41 (C) MOYIE * • 'Ar ''Tiie Oct•gon" C 1980) Clluck Norrie, L .. Ven Clfff. A weelllly young wom•n 111111 1 retired mar1111 1111 chem- p+on to protlC1 her from terr0tlll1 trained by the (lb'= Nlnle cull. 'R' * • "AlllCk F()(CI Z" ( 11180) John Phllllp Lew. Mel Glbeon During W0tld War 11, 1 IGP·MCt•t Aua- trellen lllack unl1 pene. ''"" Jap-llnee to perform 1 derlng rMCUe • mlaalon, 2:00• MOVIE * * • "The Helen M0tgen St°'y" ( 19571 Ann Blyth, Paul Newm1n. A torch linger auller1 l*'IOll•I and profllllon11 lou .. lhl lighll I ballle ageln1t alcohollam 9MOVIE + "T•run, The Ape Men"• (198 t) Richard Hetrls, Bo Derek While ICC<>mpany· Ing lier lather ·on a Mell lor Ille legendlry S.. phan1'1 G11v1yerd, I young women le ebduc:ted by en Wldvlliaed wNte men ~ w11 rallld by ~In the jungle. 'R' i: 10 C SJ MOVIE · • * * * "811barall1" (111M) J1ne Fonc:t1, MllO 0'$)11. A detlng ~ heroine of the future encount111 etrange gelealM Ind ¥11· lal111. eccomc>enled by • =~=~bll=dlen lnQll. 'PG' ,1:411 HEWS -- · S MOVIE * * * "The Reel Glory" ( 1939) G1ry Cooper. Davld Niven. A mllltety doctor eld1 In medlcel and polill· eel '1HI In Ille PhlllppiON ' following 1111 Spanlah- Amerlcln War. ' 1:118 MOVIE * * •.;, "T ig9r By The Tell" (1989) Chdatoph•r George. Deen' ,)egger. A llillnem ve l1r1n 11 ICc:UMd of 1111 brotfllr'• murder 11111 relurnlng from Ille war CZl MOVIE . * * "Knlglltridere" C 19811 Ed H11rl1, Gery Lahti. A g<oup ot mot0tcylllt1 trev- 11 wllll Ii Aln1IMenCe 18" Ind llnd lhlll the ""'"" aglln•t evil end '°' ldNtt ••1111 In modern llmea aleo 'R' 1:20 CID MOVIE * * * "Tiie Enfor3:." ( 19781 Chnl EHIW , Tyne Daly "Dtr1y Hll' " Call•ll•n II joined by • lemele rOOkle In 1111 pur.Ull, 01 a group ol Celllomla r1vo1ut1on111e1 l1110tlzlng Sen FrlnCllCO. 'R' l :M CC) MOYIE * * "Jury. Of One" (1974) Sophie Loren, Jeln Oabln. A mother u-underwot'ld connection• to get her eon ecquilled ol rape Ind mur- der dl1tgee. 'R' 1:50 (I) MOYIE * * * "Tim" (1981) Piper L1urle, Mel Glbeon. A young rettrded mW1 Ind • JOHN DARLING ' ~ 1 ; " t ~ ! ~ l .~ -TTING A LAUGH ary Collins. host of t-he ·syndicated "Hour Magazine" that airs weekdays at 1 p.m . on-KTLA (5), breaq up in laughter "'The Chosen' ..• One of the year's best!" at &tor)'. told by actress• Lana Turner during taping in Loe Angeles. Tbt1 show will be tte\e'Vhed ln late September or early October. ~~..,,. ~~flt"'d~· .. "It's perfect. Just perfect:• - -x.MVll wctv • 1ene111v1, IOllddlt•..-0 women~•._ re•etion1t1l1> 01 1011.tl111I .... end~ tlwl ..... 10 WI unonfloo .... ::::19 • * "Oilll• ,.... ( 1171) "lch1rd L_.nGh, 14uett Whllrw, A prol111l1111191 • ~ '""" "" IMIOll In • l>Mut"ul WOft'IM who trepe IWll with a fl'Mlllotl ~MllllllOI~ 4:11• MOYll t • • ")( The Unlinowrt" (t 116 7) Dean JtOO•r. Edw•tO Cllaptnan l :IO (,C) * * * "Hondo" ( 1954) Jonn W1yne, Oerlldlne P9, A Cl vllry dllC>llCll rider encounter• e women end ,,., eon. en Apeclle ohlel'I blood l><Olller 1:30 (I ) * • "S1turd1y Tiie 14th" ( 11181) Aicherd Ben· j1m1n. Pauli Prent111 A Couple diKOVlf lhlll Ille llOUM lhey'Ye Inherited ii being occupied by vtm· ptf", gllolll and HIOrtlO mon1ter1. 'PO' • * *'At "Tiie Haunting 01 Jull1" (1977) Mie Fii'· row, Keir Dullee Aller recoVlflng from en emo- tiOnel Ctllle, a _, l>Uf· CllHll I llouH 11111 eppeara 10 be hlunled 'R' • 8:.48 (%) * * "Siiting Duck1" (1980) MlchMI Emil, Zich N()(men. Two lnepl mob- 11111 llM to Soutll Amerlce and encounter the •omen l»igned to kMI lllem. 'A' 7: ti CZJ • * •.;, "Mid Wednee- dey" (194 7) Htrold Lloyd , France1 R1m1d1n. An amblt1ou1 'Mtl·allrter of the 1920. ... rnt 11111 IUC· Clll ,, .. ill price. 7:30 (I) * * "Terka Thl-"Otter" ( 1979) Documenlary. N•r· rlllO by Peter Ulllnov. The Ille ol 1 pl1ylul oner 11 traced trom hi• blrth In 1 llollow trM.to hi• epic bit· lie wilh the luder ol a hound plcit. 'G' g * * 'tt "Mommle De1111f:· ( 1981) F•ye Dunaway, Diane Scarwld . Fortle1 lllm 11" Join Crawford ral-her two 1dop1,d children In a dC)fnllllc ll~hlr• 11111 varlet from luxurloua com- f()(I 10 lldllllc Olllt;lpllne 'PG' .. -00 CC) * * "The Conquer0t" (1958) Jonn Wayne. Suun H•yward. A mighty MOftOOI warroor lc~U'I dlueh-- ter of a powerful T .,,., king and Mlz" control ·of llilemplre, t:OO CZl * * "Knlglltrldera" (1981) Ed Herrl1, Gery Llllll. A group of mot()(c:yl· 1•1• Ir'"' wllh • Alnela- aance lelr end find thet the 11ruggle agelnat evll end IOt ideal• ••l•I• in mod«n limet lleo. 'A' 10:00 CC) * * * * "The Spirit Of St. Loul1'.:-l1957l J- -"I' S1.Wlr1, Murray Hemlllon. In 11127, Cllerlel A. Lind· bergh becomel. Ille llrat men to lly nonalop ICrON 111eAt1antlc ~•n lo Par-• It . Cl)*.* '"1 "Key To The City" ( 1950) Clerk 01ble, L()(etla Young. A cOuple mMt and fell in 10111 •I 1 mayors· convention held In Sen FrencllCO. n:OOCID **'h "Mommle DHr11r' 11n11 Fay• Dun-•y. Olene Scetwld Fortlet film 1111 Joen Cr1Wf0td rll-her lwo adopted children In • dorne*tlc llmoapher• lh•I verlel lrom luaU<ioue com- fort 10 lldl'11c dlaclpllne. 'PG' •Ol•lll• to ...i-. * • ''T"9 OortlOfl .. (!Ml! Cfw....... 4-, ..... °'**".,... ,,.,. ... "" .....,,. .,.......... ltlM#detl lft Wlli.ft tfle ¥1ctlfM ere lllfnedlO•'-· ··~ .. ~··. I 1tll) OMi Andt-. Lft. d• en.... to evold e lufl.. ICllO -· two ~ ICOula attempt to 19proec:11 I COlllendle c;lllef with I ~ propoe. .. (I) * e "TIWI Is E!v11" (1981) Oowmentllty Fiim loolage Ind drllft811C r• cr1111on1 ere ulfd to tell Ille llory of EM1 P1flley'1 Nlelndc.r- ll:IO CC) * * * * "The,, • ., .. I 1H8l Dltk Bogerde, Alen 81111. 81Md on • novel by 8ern11d Mal1mud. A lurn- of .t111-cen1ury J1wl1h PHHnt 11 wrongfully lmQ<ieon4fd tor Ille dMth of I Child In Kiev. 1!00 (I.) e * "OrMMd Llgllt· ntng" ( 19771 Aloll1td Pryor, 81141 BrldQll. Alter W()(IO War II. I , ... driver bee-Ille lltfl bllCll Chllmplon In lhe hlllory ol lhe r--cer Circuit. 'PG' 1:aG. "Legend Of Thi Wiid" 'PG' 2:00 C8) • • "Cennonball Run" (1981) 8u•t Aeynolde, Dom 0.LulM Verlou• oddball cller1e1111 compell In • COllH~all IWIO ·r-. 'PG' i;30 (I)"+'~ "TteHU<l llllnd" I 1972) Oraon w ..... Kim Burfield. A courageoue boy lOln• the lnlemoue plrete Long Jolln Sit~ICOUt­ lng the -• I Cit· rylng bounty II 1tNl- 1 ·o· 3:00 al * * "Sllltng Ducka" I 11180) MlcnMI Emil, Zectl N()(man. Two Inept mob- 11111 , ... to South All'lerlcl end encounter Ille women Ullgned to kill lllem. 'A' 1:30 CC) * * * "No NukN" t 1eeo1 Jeck ton Browne, Cr01by, St1111 & Naelt. Footage of I Mrill ol 11111· nucleer power concerti lleld In New Y0tk City: dut· Ing September, 1979, 1111u1Jng lb~ _Doo_b1 Brother•. C11ly Simon, Jem4it T1ylor end aruc.. Sprlngllaen. la compiled In 11111 dowmentll')'. 'PG' 9 * • * "The Other Side 01 The Mountain ·-Part II" ( 197..8) Marityn H11M11. Timothy Bonomi. FOfJ"lll cllampion ak Ill. Jill.. Kln- ftlOlll ~·rende<ed • quldri- pleQk: by • ·~· ec:cldent, wr"tlel With Mil-doubt when 1 new I0\11 enter1 her hf• 4:00. * • * "VIVI VIiie!" , (1934) Well-8-y, LIO. C1trlll0 Tiie l1mou1 pelri- ot end rebel rlMe 10 become prllldent ol Mexi- co._ ---- CH) * *'Ir "St. Helln1" (19811 Art C1t'!l)I, Devld Hullm1n An 80·yHr-old men refUMI IO lM\11 hi• 1mall reeort 11ter ~ gill predlcta I ~ dl11ste< 'PG' 4:30 (I) * * "T erk• The Oller" C 19791 Oocumentery. Nar· riled by Peter O.llno\I . The hi• ot • pllyfUI otter 11 trlCed lrom hi1 blrtll In • hOllOw lrN 10 1111 epic bet- tie ....,,, '"' IMder ol • hound pect. 'G' CZ> * Jt * .. Excalibur .. ( 1981) Nigel Terry, Nicol W1lllemeon. The explolt1 ol King Ar1tlur brine poWer end dNlll to Ille knlghtl of ' the Rourid-Table. 'R' 1:00 CO) * * "The l lglf)d Of Tiie Lone AMg!tr" (1980) kunton Spilabury, Chrllto- • • * * * "The Competl· lion" C 19801 Rlchtrd Drey- fu11, Amy lrVlng. Two plan- 1111 at • Sin Frlnci9co music competition find tllat their I0\11 fOt Nell olher conlllcta wltll their prol111lon11 ambilloni. 'PG' pher Lloyo. Tiie Lone Renger Md T6nto pur-·: their arcll'4tllmy, 8u1Ch · •: C1vendilh, who 1111 kid·. napped lhe. prelldent of " the U.S. 'PG' 11 :30 CZJ * * ~ "Tiie Prlvlle 1 Eyes" I t980) Don Kno111. Tim Conwey. Two bum· bling American delecll.,.. ere celled In 10 ln.,..lfOal• 1 Mrlel ol murder• In .,, Englllh cellle. 'PG' 12:00 e • * 'h "Cerry On Rlgll'dlels" ( 19631 Ken· nelll Connor. Sidney Jemet. When en employ· ment egency actYlrt._ tllll II cen tupply ~ 1:30 CC) * 'it "The Conquer0t" 11956).Jonn W•rne. Su11n \' H•ywerd. A mighty Mongol ' werrior kldnap1 the dllUQll· 111 of 1 powerful Tiilar king ,end 114.111 control ol hl1emplre. · • * *'Al "Mommle DHrHI" (19111 Feye Oun1w1y, Dien• Scer.id. Forties lllm 1111 Joen Crewf0td rel-her two edopted ch11dren In • "-tic etmc>tphere ttiet demlnel. 11 flnds·tlla t Ille varlet from luxwlou9 corn- quaMty of 111 11111 me1111 It IOtt to lldiltlc dleclpline. by Armstrong & Bat11:1k: FRANKLY, AT THE MOMENT IT DOESN'T LOOK GOOD/ • ~ . , I' 1• ' • 1' . '• Dilly Piiat TUESDAY. AUG. 31 , 1982 O.ity Piiot l'tlotoe by C"-IM Sta" Sklmmln' along A total of 21 competitors battled for the World Body S kimming c hampionship at Corona del Ma r state beach over the weekend . Doug Bottorf (above) finished second after winning the last th ree years. At left, young Chris Allard hits the water on h is second jump and right is K athleen M cCaHrey of Laguna Beach. an interested spectator . Doug Killian, of Newport Beach, had a mark o f 5 1-8 but fell s hort of Bottorf's world record o f 55-8 set last year. For story. see page C2. CLASSIFllD cs A skidding halt Penhall decides to take new course By HOWARD L. llANDY Of "~· Oallr Piiot Stall Wht!n Bruce Penhall c:aptUrt'<l hi s sN·ond s traig ht WorhJ S,x~dway Championship lltlC' al tht: Los AngC'it.'S Coliseum Saturday night, it marked thC' end of one era and thl' beginning of a n other for the b lond, good-looking Balboa 25-year-old. Penhall said a fter tht• raee that h t• would not c:ompNc· in the World Pairs compt•t11wn in Australia latl'r this year as DfJ11 Sutto11 trad.-d to .tllln·auk~t·. cs .. P•o• c 21 pn•v1ously planned "I've· rt·llred. That's 11," he said. "l 'VE DEVOTED nuw ycurs of my life to speNlway radng and I want to spend more time with my family." he• c'Ontinued. "The lust fi ve years I have been in England most of tht· ume and I am reall y dose to my family and fool 1t 1s lime to qutt " While he is quitting one profession , he has already made big inroads into another. He will pursue a n acting cart'(.'r and has a part on the CH iPs tclc•vision scrws wi th eamera crews filming h is every move at the world finals. Penhall 1s the only American rider to ever win tht• title twice·. In fac·t, he• is only tht• second American to ever win the title. Corde Milne wo n the t•rown in 1937. I n Satu rd ay night 's competition some bad blood between Penhall and English rider Kenny Carter came to the surface. THe ,two had been in previous batt1i;s in England, and when they were .mat.ched in the fourth round of he-at racing Saturday, neither got ofC to a good start. P en ha 11 was third and Carter fourth a t the first turn among the four riders. CHAMP -Bruce Penha ll is calling it quits after win ning Speedway title. P C'nhall soon movl'd up to second :.ind Carter was rig ht be hand "WE BUMPED <ind banged elbow!> for two laps." Penhall said "I passed ham fair and square anu I saw""O"shadow when we went around turn two. I felt a little nudge, then s.i w the red light in the far c:orner stopping tht• ral'c. "Tha t's when I lookc•d back and saw h im under the fence. I could barely feel the nudge and hc was beh ind me at the lame. The two riders came off turn two on the high side of the track and Penhall was in front. Carter apparently felt he should have been given room to pass when he said on the public address m1nophone. "H e (Penha ll ~ouldn't slow down for me." To which Penhall n •plled : "Arn J sup~ to a hut off and ll't ham go by? I have the right of way when I'm an front " Cartc r s pe n t 20 minutes prott·stmg the de<.:1sion to ban h1m from a re-start of the heat and WC'nt 'to the starting line · where he signalled to the referee in the stands. "I DON 'T h ave a lo t o f t-omment on that," Penhall said "I thought he was very childish the way he at:ted. I lost the first hl'at fair and square (to L es Collins). As things turned out, Carter lost two more points in another hea\ race after that one. "He's already claimed he's the best an the world but he didn't ma1:<1: 1t tonight. They let him stay out there at the line too long. "This isn't the first time this has happened. Whe ther he claims to be the best or not, I won the championship. "Really, Kenny and I get afong fine oH the track . Sure. he has to be annoyed. He had three great heats before that incid~nt. "I p ut 11e perc.-ent of my life into speedway and I won the championship fair and square. ln acting. I <.:an do the same thing. I don't figure I am that good right now but I will devote the time to being among the best. I h done it before." IF IT TAKES a 10-hour day to aroJmplish his purpose. don't bet against the speedway ace. He has that kind of devotion to anything he tackles. During his illustrious career. Pe nhall has ridden an three World Finals events and won two of t hem. He has cctptured the world pairs title with Bobby Swart2 a nd until his sudde n · re tirement, was scheduled to defC'nd that titl e this year an Australia with Dennis Sigaloo. · On Aug. 15, he jomed other U.S. riders to win tbe world team tit le Pirates get jllrnp on the arrns. race O CC's b est arm, though , is 'in doubt By CURT SEE.PEN Of the Dally Pl~t Stall Whe n Orange Coast College football coach Dack Tucker unveils the 1982 ed1t1on of his Pirate squad against Pa lomar Sept. 17 . he'll have enough quartl'rbacks lo make the Rams green with envy. Included in h is arsenal are Craig Johnson. a freshman from L oara H igh: Eddie Ashen, a product out of Sacramento. and Greg Denhem, a n All-Ba y League s tandout out of P alos Verdc-s High. Even two of Tucke r's most capable rec..--eivers, K irk Dunham and Mike Roney. were once on the other end o f the passing game ~ O CC sche dule Sal Sei>I l l -Cll•ua. acflmmag• I 10 em ) F" Sep I 17 Palomar Sal Sep• 25 -al Sa<ldleback Sar Ocl ? -Pasadena Sat Ocl 9 '' El C&m1no Sal Oct HI C..-rltoa• Sar Ocl 23 Ml San Anlont0• Sal Oct 30 at F..-ion· Sa• NO• 13 Grossmon1• Sat No• ?O .. San Olego Mes.. Thurs Nov 25 -•I GOl<lon WHI' l•I OCCI noon 'deno1e1 conle<-game lllf Q&m{!S 81 7 3Q p m • unleu 01-WIS<! noledt receiving COfllS figures lo be the best an years. Dunham. Roney and Mike Giddings are all returners who accounted for 75 recepllons, 1,114 yards and eight touc hdowns between them a year ago. Dunharo (6-1. 170) caught 28 passes as the Pirates' split ehd in '81: Giddings (5-11 , 175) was the rec1p1ent of 21 passes and Roney (6-2, 220) caught 26 as OCC's Punahou is not your average high school But one name is conspicuously missing from the OCC coach's roster at least for the first three weeks. The name is Clay Tucker. and until the sophomore left -h a nd er is compl etely recovered from a broken fibula suffered July 30, the Pirates· football fortunes will be ten tative at best This 1s not a case o f dad showing tavoritism lo his son. As a frc.>s hman last season. Clay recorded the finest first season ever by an OCC quarterback, completing 129 passes for 1,550 yards oght end. , Other wide receivers include C hris Hecker (5-11 , 170) and Gary Stenlund (6-0, 165), both sophomores. Hawaiian campus c la ims it h as one of the top s ports progr a m s in the nation For the most part, 1f you've seen one high school. or at least a half doren or so, you've aeen 'em all. All, that is. except for Punahou School, located in Honolulu on a 56-acre campus. Punahou is Edison H igh's opponent Fn~'da at Kaiser High (near Koko Head) on the nd of Oahu. w n for years as one of USC's major contributors of exc~ti onal Hawaiian athletes, Punahou's image as a football power has been toned down in recent years. but aa a school itself. ,'t's still one of a kind. It's a K-12 lorma , although the high school portion is separate d from the younger students. And·'the price of an educatJon is $3,000 per student, per year. ''The academic standards are very high," aaya football ooach Mike Pavich. "We have at leeat a dor.en kids go to Stanfotrd every year and 99 percent of our graduates continue ln college. . "And , o u r .Aathle lic) program is unbelievable. The swim team has never lost the state title in 24 years, the volleyball team hu won the state championship three of the last five yean and we were state chaJnt>lona In aoccer and volleyball last year. It has to be one or the top 10 athletic proarama overall In the nation." • 1be football program, however, has not been able to keep pace since the school PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON cracked down on some "shady" doings a few years ago. There was a time when J-'unahou was a perehnial Oahu power, and helping the Buf 'n Btu was the. practke of "red-shirting" students in the eighth grade in order to put another year on them before using th<'1r high school eligibility. And, according to Pavich, recruiting was ('Ommon. "They used to recruit, literally," says Pavich , "In a subtle way. Some of them (players) didn't meet academic standards. either." Basic integrity was r eestablish e d . however . and Punahou has come back to earth. The 1981 warn wu 6-4-1, according tQ Pavich, and he has five full time and four partJme starters back from that team. A forme r Santa Monica Hlsh uaJstant, Pavich says he decided to accept the shot at Edison because "I'm try ing to establish some things " "I roached at Sant.a Monica for f1v<' years and always heard about Bill Workman and their success. We played Westminster in the playoffs and I thought it would be a real neat challenge. ''And, it's an opportunity for our junior varsity to play the same opponent." Thus the Edison sophomores will be matched up against a jumor varsity team. i:-onceivably with juniors and seniors. but sophomore coach Lyman Clower says such a situation is not a problem. Thi.s is Pavich's second year at Punahou i,lnd he says ,tht' basic different'C between the situation at Santa Monica and Punahou 1s the latter's lack of raw speed and the hungry factor. "Most of our k ids are middle class America." says the coach. "The local klds • ..,ublic schools) arc a little more aggressive and hit well. "Hawaiian football is probably the htttingest football In the western United S tates. But it's not as Y.at as California football. Apart from that, kids are kldtt. "I had a lot of fun-With tut )'Car's team, but I had fun with the kids at San'a Monica, too." A year ago Marina met Castle and (See PUNAHOU, Pase C2) Clay , an fact, 1s the senior returning quarterback in the rugged South Coast Conference. "ft will really be unfortuante if he doesn't get to play." Dick Tuck er no ted "H e's really looking forward to 1t." THE YOUNGER Tucker is ex pec ted t o have thf' c ast removed from his right leg just about the time the Sues open the season. Add another three weeks of recuperation and conditioning. and C lay should be a ble to challenge the Pasadena Lancers in the third game of the aeason. And b o th Tucke rs are optimisUc that Clay might even be ready to go by tho second game against Saddleback. . Meanwhile. Denhem , a 6-11 , 186-pounder who played in the Aug. 12 Lions East-West foot ball game ln the Torrance areal figures to have the best ihot at opening the N&IOn. And whetHer it'• Denhem, Tucker , A shen or J o h nson throwing the ball , the OCC "There's no question that we're going to throw the ball a great deal this year -30 to 35 times per game." Tuc ker predicted . "Passing was t·he strength of our offense last year and it shoul<t be our !\Jrength again this year." In all. Tucker has 25 lett.enneri and nine starters back from last year's team which finished with a disappointing 3-7 mark. Here's a rundown by position: QUARTERBACKS -Tucker comrle ted 64 of 124 ~ in the Cina four games of 81, good for 942 yards and seven touchdowns. Denhem figures to have the best shot at opening the aeaaon. He was MVP of his high achool team afld an All-area .electJon in the South Bay part of town. Ashen is small (5-8, 160), while Johnson (~-0, 190) w ill no dou bt be lur king In the i h a d o w s If Denhem falt.en. R U NNING BACKS Retw-nen ere Siew Southward (5-11. 18$) and Tlm Douaherty (6-0, 210). Southward led the Sout h Coast C onfe r e nce l n <See OCC, P11e Cl) ·. ' 0,... ao.t DAILY ,ILOTITueectay, Augu11 31. 1111 ._ ________________ _.._ Sutton excited ·about trade to Milwaukee From AP dl1palcltes NEW YORK -Veteran ri1ht· II hander 1l9n Sutton wu traded to the Mllwaukee Brewen by the 'Houaton : A1tro1 Monday nlgbt for three undiscloaed players, the A1tro1 announced during their 1ame with the New York Mets. S-utton, who hu a 13-8 mark U)1a aeuon and 253 career victories, waa acheduted to start Monday night's game but was scratched about 30 · I minute• }>efore 1ame time ~ ,,_ with the Ou, the...Aattos said. ' ' Sutton, reached at hi.a hotel, wu .,_ta~ the trade. ''Prof y, I'm very excited," aa Sutton , "Milwaukee la.an outstanding ballclub and they are in the thick of the pennant race. If you can 't get excited about that you don't have a pulae_" MITTON Sutton, who had said in the off-season that he wanted to be traded from the Aatros, added that he was "sad to be leaving the best coijection of friends I've ever had. You couldn't ask for a better group of guys or a better organization than the Aattos. I only wish I could have done m,ore here for them than I have." Quote of the day "George Steinbrenner has trouble speaking the truth. It's been proven. He was hauled into federal court in Washlngton and they proved there that he doesn't speak 4he truth. Steinbrenner would be better off looking after his own business .. He's been late making payments .to other teams." -Angels• outfielder Reggie Jackson, reacting to allegations by Steinbrenner that members of the Angels use illegal bats at the plate. ~ Braves split on Watson home run Pinch-hitter Bob Watson II slarruhed a three-run homer over the left-£ield fence in the 12th inning to g ive the Atlanta Braves an 11 -9 victory over Philadelphia and a 11plit of their -Mond~night doubleheader. In the first game, Dick t-n pitched a three hitter a.nd Mike Scbml d three h its and drove in two runs as the Pha ies posted a 5-1 victory ... Ray -Knlgbt'i tte-breaklng. two-run single cappe<I a lhr:ee·-run rally in the eighth inning itS Houston beat the New' York Mets, 4-2. -It was the 14th straight loss for New York ... Tim R;aines delivered a two-out, run-scoring single to cap a two~run seventh inning rally that propelled Montreal's Steve Rocers to his 15th victory as the Expos downed Cincinnati, 3-1_ ... Joe Lefebvre belted a one-out solo home run in the bottom of the 13th inru.·ng to give San Diego a 2-1 victory over Pittsburgh. It was his aeoond homer of the year and first at Jae~ Murphy Stadium since joining the Padres last year . Wllaon, Leonard pace Royal vJctor.y Wlllle Wll11a had four hHt, • awed twk'Cl and drove ln two narw and DeMla ...._,. won hll '9ftnlh •valaht ~ .. the·~ Km-. Oty 1'oyall beat T9xu, 8-1-Monda)' nitht. The wtn exteoded the RoyaJe 1Md to 2 l"I ..,.... OYer the idle Anse .. in the A.mericaJJ ~ Wftt . . . Dave Wlafleld aluued a three-run homer .. nd Grq N•&tlel .. dd1..0ii MOlo 11hot to power the New York \'ankew to an 6-2 win over Minn Hota. Sllaae Rawley gave up el1ht hill, atruck 04t four and walked two In gainln1 h la aecbnd complete game win of the year . . . Tony Beraaaard homered and Rieb Dotson wqn his sixth straiaht game as the Chicago White Sox edged Cleveland, 4-1 ... •ION . J Pinch-r4!nner Jolin Mo.et BCOred the winnjng run on a throwing error by Milwaukee l>enter Helder Gorman Tbom•• with -two outs in the 10th inning aa Seattle defeated the Brewers, 3-2 . . . Wade Boggs and Toay Perea hat two-run homers to highlight Boston's five-run eighth inning that Ufted the Red Sox to a 9-7 victory over Oakland. Former Corona del Mar star Matt Keouclt started for ~he A's but was not involved in the decision ... Jobn Lowenstein belted his 21st home run of the seaaon and rookie Storm Davi• scattered seven hits In 7~ innings to pick up_llls 12th save as Baltimore beat Toronto, 6 -3 ... Ot.atfielder Rick'ey Henderson of Oakland. who brDke baseball's sfogle season base stealing record Friday night, has been named American League player of the week. Base~all today. 0n this date in base~ in 1959: Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Sandy Koufax aet a National League record by striking ,out 18 San Fr4ncisco Giants' battfrs as the DodgeN won 5-2 on Wa)ly Moon's three-run homer. Today's birthdays: San Francisco Manager Frank Robinson, a member of baseball's Hall of Fame, is 47. Atlanta outflelder Claudell Was~ington is 28. Cleveland infielder J ack Perronte also is 28. Ind~ outfielder Von Hayes is 24. NFL players seek further bargaining The National Football Lea"gue • Players Association, declaring that it has strike authorization from 1,300 players, demanded MondaS' that team owners come to the bargaining table to prevent a possible strike but did not announce a strike date . . . Cleveland Indians' pitchers Len B•rker <Jnd Edward Glynn were·free on bond after their arrest .on marijuana c harges, police said . . . Sebastian Cot collected the ninth outdoor wor1.d record of his career, anchoring a British 3,200-meter relay team to a li~e of 7:03.89 in the Heinz British Games track and field meet a the Cr)'stal Pa.I.are in London -: • . Kurt-Bevacqua, San Diego utility infielder and the Padres' best pinch hittc_:r. goes tor a career first today -a sky catch . He will. attempt to catch a baseball dropped fr.om th e top of a 325-foot high skyscraper and falling at an ~tlmated 100 miles per hour. f'e1evisiori, radio./ . TV: No. ~heduled. • RADIO: Baseball -Angels at Detroit, 4;30 p.m .. KMPC (710); St. Louis at Dodgers. 7:30 p.m .. KABC (790)·. 'Th• h From Page C1 J ~ · 18 yac t . PUNAH.OU PROGRAM ••. has become whippetl the Knights by a 28-0 buket .for the basketball team or score, despite the fact Castle threw a block on th~ f<>?tball H • h R • J already had a game under its belt field, but his 4bsence ts going to 1g 0 er in preparation. • be sorely miaeed. · This is Punahou's first game. • 1 • · • too, but it has three scrimmages FUTURE DEPARTMENT -By ALMON LOCKABEY ...., .................. · Bill Power of New rt Harbor Yacht Club as had yachts named High Roler but one of them has rolled as f , fast or high as his recent Hi Roler in whic h h e will ad a U .S . yachting team reparing to defend the Sardi Cup in Italy. Power and tiis rew are hoping to come n t o nl y as a representativ of the win ning 1eam but as the winner of the Star P t 'Frophy awarded to the top · dividual yacht-in the five-race series. The series sta.na Thursday and continues through Sept. 13. planned before Edison, meeting Marina High it 'picking up Irvine, R a d f o rd ( Pa s s i n g t Y Pe Texas transfer Shawn Han, a scrimmage), Kalaheo and Kaiser freshman who reportedly has before plAying Edison. · pole vaulted 12-0 and ran the 440 As for a · potential crowd for in 53.0 as an ~ighth gr.r. the Edison game, Pavich is uncerlaln. '1The Honolulu pilper ran a sizable .stofy o n Ediaon recen tly." he says. "A lot depends on publicity and we're going to try to sell the people that they're going to see a super football team. in. Edison." Punahou's h ome field in league play is Aloha Stadium whe r e triple headers ds:aw 10-15,000 per Friday night and It's not a short~hange operation. Pavich has 15 assistants Jn his program and facilities to mat.ch. Argosy race - inviiations out Newport Ocean Sai ling Association (NOSA) has ·issued invitations for ita 25th Argosy race, an overniaht family race- . cruise to C.baiOo Beach Yacht Club in Loa Angeles Harbor. NOSA is the organization that annu a lly s t ages t h e famed Newport to Enseneda race. · The Sardinia Cu p , held biennially, is an event similar to Britain's Admiral's Cup and the Pam Am Clipper Series i n • ' Honolulu. A former UCLA player, he relies on a pro and slot offense and Okie defense. 1'~. Argosy was originally known as the Alamitos Bay Argosy and featured an· ~ghte r to L ong Beach .. Hiah Roler was Invited to the Sardinia Cup by virtue ot ner performa nce in the 1982 Sduthern Ocean Rac ing Confereru:e in Florida where she placed first in her class and third overall. In the put five yean. Power's three High Rolers have sailed over 30,000 racing m iles, including such presUJ[foua events u the SORC in 19,-~-79-81-82; St. Francia Yacht Club's Big Boat Serles ( 1977 • 78-82) the 1979 Tranapec from Loa Angeles to Honolulu. and the Newport, R.I. to Bermuda race. • "Our hard work has pajd off.'' said' Power. "It 1ee1n1 ihat West COMt yachttnc. ia apln comlnC of• In the international yacht r-acU\1 world. There are many .,_t CaU,fomia ..Uon, but not many compete Internationally. A couple that should not be foreOtten Aft Dave Allen's Imp fnllll San ll'ranctlco, winner of the 1979 Admlnl'a Cup, and Jim Kilroy'• Kialql whkh haa been a hl1h 1corer in numeroue ln1emaeional eventa. • .. The Weit Coast dea,rvu mor• reco1nltlon for Its 1ntern11ton•l-eaUbre y·acht l'8dnl· ~= Hi1h Roler .,. 111 an • for Olhen -c-9Y ;a.lltC Milon.'~ aUd Punahou had a reputation as a puaing team in 1981, based on total yardage1 which found the air game nejJrly four times as productive as the grolind game. "Actually, we ran as much as we ~." says the coach. "We just had a bad running game." Among the individuals on Punahou'a team ia Al e ma Harrington, a 5-11, 185-pound junior fullback who ia a returning starter. His dad,.Al, i.a an ex-Stanford star and one of the premier entertainers in the area.· . . "We're small and n ot tha t fail," says t'he coach. "The strenath of our club is that it'• a very c:oheaive group. auper youna men who have woekad very hard and ... ho are Intelligent." • • • Bltanda High'• football team, and athletic J>l'OtP"aml In 1eneral, haw at.orbed a touah blow t>y the retlptlon of trainer Bill Kelley, who bu.decided 12 years on the l'09d wlth the la1lea la ~ will continue teachina ~ pli,ilcal educaJibft and hie ICtenN clawt for another . .... ,...... but 80lftlCIM .... ~ tO have to tape up ihe --. Ket.y never made • .tncl• • · Harbor where the yachts, tied up alongside the guest dock at Long Beach Yacht Club for an evening of festivities before starling the race back to Newport Beach the following momin". The Argoey was awitched to C.brillo Beach Yacht Club after the long dock at LBYC waa made a public facility, allowing U9e of the dock only ·for loading and unloading. Thit year's race at.arts o(f the Balboa Pier at noon, Sept. 18 and finishes off Reservation Point in Loe Anples Harbor. The ret.um race starts off Re.ervatJon Potnt and finishes off the .Newport Pier on Sunday, Sepc:-19. - Entries for the raee muat be poatmarked no later than midni1ht, Sept .. 11. No entry fee ta required from NOSA membera who have eartlclpated ln previou1 Entenada races. A $5 fee will ·be charced to NOSA membere who have not paid their annual dut11. . T~i• for the first lq of the race-Will be ~nt.ed at ~YC after the rece. Trophia· for the aecond lea -from Cabrtno Beach lo Ne'Wport wUl llie ..,...._. at n annual mMdnc of NOSA ln October. (. .---_--··--·· OPTIMISTIC -Oran,ge Coaat. C0Ue1e Coach· Dick Tucker ia optimistic about the 1982 aeuon. • From Page C 1 -~•ds' g&me ·plan -» works p~rleCtly-· LOS ANGELES <AP> -Tht rook1<" ~l11rtl'r no ted, "Wh«.!n Sl. Louil! Cardlnul8 -thinkln11 people• look ot the plt~hl ng o f' their I ;4 reco1·d 1tgulnst pa1rln'111 'SluP.u aaalnat Fl!rnando V"lcnzuela -were Valenzuela' -It 11 look Uke juat hoping to get ahead aod st.uy 0..vld agaanat Goliath." ah«:ad of the young pik'her long But the C~ina .. ' lame plan e nough for -relief ac:e Bruce went ju1t a1 1Manaaer Whi~y Sutter to get to the mound as •Herzog planned it, and St. Louiaf they •tarted otr a three-game eked.out ii 3-2 v~ctory to lmprovt1 aeries aJ(ainat Los An~eles. lta ltmd In tbe National Le~aue Easler said than done. F.ast to 21h games. The Dodgers, "If you ge t behind' Fernando with their se<.'bod aucwaslve lou, two or three r·uns, forge t It," fell a half-game back of Atl!inta t-autioned Keith furnandez, the In the N.L. West. Cardinals' first baseman. St. Louis inched its way into a Valenzuela had allowed only 3-1 lead, Stuper pitched his way into the eighth when Sutter took one run his previous two starts over jind. though he gave up a . and was aeeking his 18th victory home run to Steve Garvey to of the year Monday, so getting lead .off the ninth. he whisked ahead of him early didn't appear. away the final three Dodgers on to ~ a log.lcal game plan. rd h · 30 h As John Stuper, the Cards' ground balls fu reco is t save. "Every game means something now," said Sutter, who has five -OCC . FOOTBALL. • • saves in as many appearances. "It wasn't quite that way when I was in Chic:ago. Over llaere the only thing we were fighting for was personal glory -and a new contra<:l." ru1hlng average in 1981 (5.4 yards per carry). Douaherty, out of Hawaii, if nothing el.e, figures to tiave plenty of atamlna. He finished 21st out of 300 who competed in the 1981 Hawaii Triathlon .. Top freshman pl'Olpect Is Corona del Mar High product BUI Bright and Atlanta tr~plant Corey Stephens. . ·RECEIVERS -Roney, who tranaferred from Palomar Col· lege. wu a pleasant surprile in . 1981. He u averaged 15.1 yards per reception last -season, and Tucker went to the tight end often. When the offensive line · gave Tucker the protection. he· 1 had little difficulty finding either Giddinp or Dunham. OFFENSIVE LINE -Tucker is delighted with the hard work of tackle Jobn Swoboda. "He's down to 280 which isn't bad considenng he's been 280 for the past four years," Tucker said. ''He's going to be real good." The other tackle figures to be Dave Kravitz (5-8, 192). In addition, there is Greg Dixon (6-2, 230) . and guard Rich W«tkoff (6-1. --z-ior; bot ti -o ( whom saw considerable action last season. Fountain Valley product Dale · Crane (5-10, 220) will bring AJI-. OranJe County credentials to the center position. "For the first time in four years, I'm entering the season with-a good feeling about Qur offensive lil1e." Tucker admitted. KICKING GAME -It's very much up in the air right no'!\'. Las t yea r , OCC 's ·Mr . Everythina,.Mit& Olsen had the punting duties. This year, Ashen may have the duties. Field goals -and extra points remain question marks. DEFENSIVE LINE -"We'll have an all-freshman .fine this. year. Normally that would scare me, but we've had a very good -recruiting year and we have some top high school players coming in to fill those spots," TlJcker said. Those players that figure to see extensive action include: Floyd Scanlan (6-4, 245), a transfer from University of M·iuouri; Trey Martens (5· 11. 210), a freshman from Fountain Valley High; and 'Dan Moreno (6-5, 240), a freshman from F.di8on H1'dL LINEBACKERS -The Buca don't have a re\urning starter, ~ut they do have Craig Lindberg (6-0, 200) and Eddie.Kesky (5-10, 185). Lindberg broke his ankle in the first game of the season last year, while Kesky -was steady in a backup role. DEFENSIVE BACKS -Free safety Brian Dykstra (5-11, 180). strong safety Dave McNamara (6-0, 185) and corneTback J on Oimalante (5-10, 175) are the t hree returning d efen sive starters from a year ago. "In JC football, your defensive-backs can ·make or break your season," Tucker noied. George _rips ~mp . TORONTO (AP)-New York Y a'n k E! es• bo ss Georg e Steinbrenner lashed out at umpire Dallas Parks for the ejection of two Yankees during a weekend series with the Toronto Blue Jays, calling Parks' actions "ludi'c:rous." On Saturday, Parks ejected Roy Smalley after the third baseman hollered at him from the dugout Keith Hernandez had three of the Cardinals' six ·hits off of V,;1lenzucla, and he's 6-for-11 against the Dodger ace for the year. But even so. he .. went-togrea • ......_ __ lengths to praise Valenzuela. "To me; he's the best pitcher in " the league." said Hernandez. "For his age, the control he has, I've never seen anything like it my eight years in the league." The Dodgers got Valenzuela a run in the second on Ron C.ey's double and Bill Russell's two-out run-scoring single. But in the Cards' fourth , Valenzuela issued one of his two walks, to Ken Oberkfell to lead off the inning. He was forced by Lonnie Smith. but He rnandez .cracked a double to right-center that brqught Smith home with the tying run .. a nd only the second run off of Valenzuela iri 22 innirlgs: Hernandez took third on the throw to the pl~te. then scored the go-ahe!ld run on a sacrifice fly by George Hendrick . St. Louis produced what developed as t~e decisive run in the eighth on a sipgle J>y 'l:Qm _ Herr. a stolen base and Lonnie Sn.>it h 's one-out grounder It's Doug ag~in Body skimming syndr ome intact -After seven years, 1t would seem that a person with the first name of Doug would have a definite advantage in the World Body Skimming champio~hips held about this time annually at ~rona del Mar State Beach. Whatever the future of the event, fo r seven years the winner has had the first name of Doug and this year's title . winner is Doug Killi.a'n, 22, of Newport Beach. Killian is also a volleyball player for USC and.edged three-time defending champion Doug Bottorf by four inches with a 51-8 effort. Doug Garn was the winner of the first three years of competition befor~ retiring but Bottorf and Killian have kept the first name syndrome Intact. Bottorf holds the world record of 55-8. , Competition is based on the longeiit skim In a ~it that iB 65 feet in length, four feet .wide and filled with four inches of water. Competitors run like they are long jumpifl« and slide on their chest for distance. . Basically, competitors hail from .Southern California but one came from Germany to enter the action even though his first naine isn't Doug. He is Espiro Kem~le and it may be awhile before he Ciln unseat one of the dougs now competing. I . Get ....... ~..:.at Sid. lporta lllc. .............. at 20% ........ ~anla combines Nike's most popular features into one classy· shoe; Iona-lasting nared outsoles and foam padded nylon uppers. In a choice of colors with slzes for men, women and kids. .. ,.._~ $24.tl • Sale Prtce4 .. SI 1.18 ¥%¥40AU 0 a .!EX Orang• Coa11 DAILY PILOT/Tu.day, Auguel 31 , 1982 ~ • • . . " " MAJOR Ll~OUE STANDING& A!Mtlcfn LM8ue WllTlllN OIVl•K>N W L l<tnd1 C:!!Y 11 ~4 Aneel• 74 511 ChlOago 67 112 SN111e 62 118 01hlano S8 7 4 1 ... , so 79 MinnH<>lu 47 83 Pc1. o• 5118 509 5HI 417 439 388 362 2'• 9 14 19'r 26 29 , EAITEAN DIV!SION Milwaukee 76 53 !'>89 Bollon 72 ~8 564 4' • Bel11tT10ltl 7 I SJ !>SO 5 ' New 'l'o<lo. 66 63 5 12 10 0.ltOll 65 63 !>011. 10', Cleve4•nd 61 65 484 tl '> Toronlo 61 71 462 16', Mondar·• ScCHH Bal1tm0<e 6. T oron10 3 Bos10fl 9. Oahtano 7 Seattle 3, Molwaui..ee 2 110 11111mo" Chicago 4, Cle•tilanel t • New York 8. M1nno~o1a ~ 1(1n"s C11y 8. T oxas 3 Only g'V"e$ scn&c1u1eo , Toclar"• GamH Aft9el• 1za11n 14-61 al ~''°'' tMoH•• 14·13), n B•lllmo1@ ,1Palme1 I 1 ·3J a1 lorcm10 fludl 9. Ill Cahllnd tKongman :i 10) a• Bos10111Ra ""Y 6-4). n Sea111e tMoore 6 101 di M11 ... au•ce CCaldwell 12· t 11 n ClevelanO IB11rkv1 H!·91 01 Chicago tSiwy -0.01, n New York cGu1d•y 12 -51 Al M1nne•lll" (Ha•ens 8· 10), n T•us (Hough 11· t 11 u1 l(a•1~a~ l.•IY ISO.tC~ .., 4-41. n A1ian1a ~=~~~o N8Uon•I LHQU• WHTEAN DIVttrlON w l 73 58 7J 59 68 64 San Francisco 65 66 62 69 Hous1on C1nc1noat1 so 8 1 EAITEllN DIVISION Pel. GI 557 !>53 !>15 496 413 382 5 . 8 11 23 SI lou•s 75 55 577 Ph1ladelp111a 73 58 557 2 • Moo1rea1 70 61 53• 5' • Plllsburgh 69 62 527 6'' Chicago 58 74 439 18 New York !>O 79 388 24' • • • Monder'a lc:CHH SI loulS 3. l)odeere 2 PhtlaOelph1a 6·9, Allanla 1 1 t (2nCJ g•mll 12 111n1ngs) • Montreal 3. C1nc1nnat1 ' Houston 4, New Vo1k 2 Sen Otego 2. P111sburgh 1 113 1nr111tgsl Only games scrte0ulet1 Tod•r'• OamH SI louts (Mutll 11·8) al Dod9at1 !Hooton •·~;:c1nna11 tHa111s 2·•1 el Monlroal tGullickson 10: 10). n HOUSIOfl IA1•n 12·91 81 New Yo•~ CLyncn 2·51. n Allanla (Boggs 1-01 a1 Pnliade<ph1a (F81me< 2-4), n Pittsburgh (Sar1111en10 5·l) a1 San 01ego (Mon1etusco 9·81, n Chteago (Manz 8-81 al s~n Francisco 1Bre1n.r10 7 ·4) n NATIONAL LEAGUE Cardlnele 3, Dodgen 2 ST. LOUii LOS ANGELE$ H.,, 2b Ot>erkltll 3b ~o.::;m1111 It H.,.n.,..dz lb ,ttend•ck ,, Sutter p l9Q8C41.C McGee cl O.Smolh ss S111per p Greer> rt 101a1s abrllbl ebt hbl 4 1 1 o Saa 20 4 o o o 3 O O O lanareau • 1 t• 4 0 0 0 4 I 1 I Bake• II 4 0 1 0 4 1 3 I Gue,,••<> ,, 4 0 I 0 3011Cey3b 41 10 OOOOGatveytb 3121 3 O O O Yeager c 2 0 0 0 4 O O O Orta pn 1 O 0 0 '4 O O O Scooscoa c 1 0 0 0 J O O O Russell ss 3 O 1 1 O O O O Monday pn 1 0 0 0 ValenlUeta p 3 0 2 0 Roentc~e Dh 1 O O O 32 J 6 3 To1a1s 35 2 8 1 lc:ot• bJ Inning• St loYIS 000 200 0 10 3 Los Angeles 0 10 000 00 1 2 E -Herr OP lOS Angeles I LOB Si lOU•S 5, los Angeles 7 2B Cey I( Hernandez HR Garvey (131 SB Heu 21 SF -HendhCk at. Louie Slupet IW.6-4) Sul1"' (S,30) ' Loe MgeMe IP H A EA 1111 SO 7•, 7 t 1' 1 2 I', I 1 1 0 ' 1 Velenzuela(L.17· 101 9 6 3 3 :> 8 l -2·21 A 47 050 FllllT OAMf f'Mll ........... 1 A1lan1a 000 tOO 000 ' 3 1 PhlleOelphoa 000 221 0 I• 6 13 0 Perez. M00<e (61 and S1na1•0. Ru1twen an1.1 B Don w Ruth.en IO· 10 l Perez O·J HA-Allanla Mutt>hy (321 SECOND GAME ... ,,.. 11, '91Mlle• I At1an1e 400 310 000 003 t 1 18 O Phlladelph11 200 ~00 200 00 t 9 16 2 Mahle•. Walk (4), Garbe• 171. B~1os1an (81. M00<e c 121 ano Benedicl. S1na1ro f 101 Byalfom. J Reed (4). Monge (5) R. Reeo 18) McGraw ( T 1) and Vtrg11. B °'"' 181 W Bedro11•n. 1·6 l McGraw 2·3 S-Moore c 11 HAS·-Pn1ladelph1a, Schm10I C28i Vukovich t51 Allanta Watson 151 , A 43.854 A•''" 4, ... ,. 2 Houaloo 000 001 030-• 6 2 New Yolk ·101 000 000 2 6 0 LaCou~ taCorla 161. D Smith 18) ano Aahby, Swan and Hodges W taC0•1e. 1·4 L-S..,an. 7.(1 S-D Smolll tlOI HA Houlton. lnom 131 A-8.•97 L11119e i,...,..1 \;In( llllt"I' ()01 000 000 I b 1 Mllohual 000 ()()() 2 I• J I O II 'lllul•y 1 .. 1 .. r1•11t110 '•••mn l~o•• 11"*'"°'' 1•1 14nO C•11.. W "°"'"" I~ I I U :;1111 l•y IJ 10 S floa1(1011 1101 A U!l<I!> '"' .. '· Plr•lea ' 000 000 001 000 0 I II J 000 ()()(H)t!O 1-.-1>0- MOWtl~lllflO, StuHy l~I l"kulv• \ 111 ot•O I 11tlflH; [)1 ttvt)1_.iily ll•l @011 ( tlJ Hf\0 t !iu1111u<1v W D~l11011 Ii 4 • ..I · I u•111v~. 10·/ IH1J PllhlJlllUll 0 Hnoru)I '1J Su11 O•auu I •loll.,., (:l) A 20 I Ill American Leaeue Y~kfft e. Twlne,J No"' '1'0<" JOO 400 100 8 9 I M11111eM11• 200 000 000 :• ~ 1l llM.,ltv ""0 \.e1urH1 111010 l1uo1c1" !41 uhd l •u<Jneo W llf wlfy 9 8 I Vtol• 4 :> Hlh Now 'l'Ofk W111llulll t.1111 Nel1hJ• 11111. A 11 315 Ao11t1 t. llan11••• 3 • T .,.h 00 I (l(I~ 000 J 1 f J Ku11•a~ C11y 2 13 020 00• 8 14 0 Du1Clu11 Mut111ck (4) 80•IUttO 171 unil Suhdburg Leon••il encl WA111an W • l .. 011a1d, 9.3 L 8u•cllOt I 4 llAS Kan$u• C11y, Boull (IO) 1 uu•. B Ooll I n1 A 27 ?90 Rad ..... ·--7 .Ooklon.i 400 100 oio 1 13 o Bollon 003 000 15• 9 14 I Koough, 1 llmlr!lwood 181 anrt M Hea111 Torte•· Huisl (II. c1eo1 181 nnt'I Allunson Geaman t91 W Clear. 1~·7 l I Und.,•wooo. 9 -!> HRs Oa•lend Atrnds 1271 McKa~ 131 8os1on. Evan• 2 C25). ~ 1201. BOQQ5 (4) Petti( 141 A 24 128 . Oriole• 6, alu• Jar• 3 Bal11mo"• IJ 1 001 000 6 9 0 T orvnlu 00 1 020 000 3 9 0 • G 08••• I Murltttet 181 unu Nolan EicnhUtn R L Juclr\~Uti (5, and 0 Mu111nt.u W ,Cl Oavos. !>·3 L E•cl111010 0 1 S 1 Mart1no1 t 12) HRS Ballunoru, Lowent>l~"' 1211 To1unlu MO•Cby 191 •• 14 091 Wlllte Soa 4, !...Siana I C1evulo1111 000 000 O tO I 9 0 ChrCBQO 01 1 000 02> 4 9 0 . W&•I• Brv1111an 161 Md 11ussuy· Dotson H1c~"Y !6) Ke111 f8) and F1si.. W Dotson 9.11 l w a11s 2.13 S Ke111t11 HA Cnicago Bernaiard (91 A 14 327 ... ,,,..,. 3, Brewer• 2 Sedl11e 000 000 020 t J 12 M11 .. a~•oo 000 200 000 0 ? 6 ~ B S10CJ<1oro VornJu BHrg (B) u11d Ess•un S wee! (81. Vuh O••~" Slaton 191 antJ Simmon• w Vandc8cr9 7.4 l S1a1c.11 10-5 HR M olwJu•i-~ 0 9l1•11• 126) A tJ 008 Top 10 (8aMd on 345 •I e.1e) AMERICAN LEAGUE Wtl50n KC Youo1 Mil Ha11a11. Cte CQ<>Pflr Mil Gi1c1a lo• yu11ay Bal Bonnell Tor C•r•w. Antal.a 'lretl. K C McRae KC G AB A H Pel. 106 463 69 161 348 123 506 100 166 328 125 482 90 1!>6 324 122 !>16 83 164 318 125 532 80 169 3 18 118 422 65 133 315 i~~ ~= :~~ ~ :: 114 438 83 137 313 IJI 499 74 ,156 313 Home Aune G lllomas M1lwauk"" J4 Ae. Jaclleon, Ang•h. 31; 1 hC.• n1on C le•t!l 3Hd 28 Coope• Mtlwauk"" 26 Og11.,,, M11w11u•ee · 26 "1.une ••ll•d In Mc.Rae. Kansas Coly 114, I hornlCln Cleveland 10 I COOP<'• M•lw~u~ <* 96 G I nomas Mtlwau'ee 94 Yount M11 .. ~ukee 87 Pllchln9 115 Oecl1lon•I Vukovich M1hNoukee 15 _. Bun1s, Ch1c11go 13·5 Gu•dry Ne., ~or• 12-5 Zahn. Angela. 14·1: Sulchlle C1e • .,1and 11·5 Gura KansasC•ty 17-8 Pel•y De11001 14-7 Sla1on Molwau'ee 10·5 NATtONAl LEAGUE Oit•f!t Mii MaOIOCk: Pgn LO Smolh SI l Dv• ham. Ch• Kn1gn1. Hin Buckner, Chi o ... ,, •••. D.....,. .• .. k ... Ooclt•r• Carter Mli T Pena, Pgh G AB A H Pct. 129 492 75 16~ J3~ t28 478 80 150 314 126 •9• 106 1S4 3t4 123 456 09 143 3 IA 131 500 61 156 '.l12 13 1 533 76 164 308 124 470 76 144 306 118 454 61 138 304 124 44S 75 13!> 303 115 424 4~ t77 300 Hom• lluna Mu1phy, Allonta. 32 Kmginan Nfl"' YOtk. 31, Schm1dl Ph•ladelpnra 28 ~ar1e• 1.ion1rea1 27 Horne• Allan1a ?I o ... rreto, Ooclt .... 27. , Aune Balled In Murplly. Allan1a 96, Buckner Chicago 89 Oitver, Montreal, 88. C.it1e1 MonHeal tl8 Clor~. San F 1 ancisco 8 7 Pllchlng (15 O.Clelono) P N1ekro All&nla 13-3 Canoie•a•111 P111sburgn 12·5 Roge1s Mon11e .. 1 1!>·7 Ca111on PMaOelpn1a 17 ·9 0 RolJrns.,n PlllSl)urgn 14·8. Krukow Pn111oelph1a 12· 7 Valen1.,.I•, Doclgare, 17· 10: Welch, Dodger•. 15-1. Deep H• ftetllng • ART'S LANOINO 1Ne•po<1 .. achl -36 angle•s t 7 bonito 228 mackerel 1 •oc~ llsn 97 sand bass 6 sheep~ttead 3 sculp1n l moon fish DAVEY'S LOCKER (Newport hach) -'1s 1 ang1e1s 1 bA•lacuoa 76 b0n•10 •33 catico baas. 395 meeker••. 104 rock htn 10 saod bass 9 y'e11owta11 DANA WHARf -133 angleti 59 bass . 1 1>arracuoa 96 1>d'nt10. 2 ll•l•bul. 169 rn<i ch1trol. 2 rocl\ 11111 S sheepshead, 6 sculpon SEAL •EACH -179 anglers 61 baHacuda 15 bon110 43 calico bus 700 macke•el 303 s1na bass 4 sheepsnead. 3• sculp1n <•••11"1 -79 1ng1en 5 b<>ntlo 10 hallbul SOO mackerel, 15 sand 11ass 200 Queen losh, JOO while croake• aAN DIEGO (HIM Landlogl -168 anglers t56 alOacote I ma•ltn 2 ye110..,.1a.t I bluehn 13 11oqeye _ Optimism high at Dana Hills The Dana Hills High football team enters the 1982 campaign optimistic that it can po!lt its first winning season since 1975. when the Dolphins entered the CIF playoffs. "The Jtids seem very enthusiastic at this time and ready for the season to start." ~d first-year head coach Don Douglass. "We still have some work 'to do but we're looking forward to the start of the sea10n.·· The of(ensive backfield provides the riucleus for the Dana Hills attack. Returning from last year's squad are quarterback Max Cooper (6-0, 180) and running tsacka Shane Pratt (5-10. 180) and Tim Champieux (5-10, 175). Kirk Kenour (5·11. 185) will double up at cen~r and-noeeguard. while M11ce .Germain (6-1, 180) is a returning wide receiver and comttback. Doug1asa ti. also been lmp.reued with tt'\r play of earner Daw Van Enger and strong safety Jim R.cobl (6-0. 175). CO\.UQI • AP T .. 20 I II• llJf> ?0 IUtllo ht flte Attoell•lto l't .. o ,,, _ _.Oil 'OlfeQa 1001~ poll, with '''" Ol•C• vut•• 1n P•t•Oth••••· , ••• Y••t • ,.)Ml lllllllO J.11111111 Ol)ily Ul•H<i<ttlO lnti. ,., .. .,ot.IMI A 81•1-'Y I.,, WO< Illy lild A11tta O•~• w .... A l'Oli.) Aohly Wl1•ll•I C.t1111•1ld .... !unt1 t I I •'A '.-TN AACI , One ""le , M-Wlloet IM<.C•ltOo) e 00 J 40 J 40 :~-::.:..~1~!:,~v;'d1..,..11•h•I O IO ~: Alto 1 ar el.I Oom• •rn)I. O<l\llilt! 1)1M,o<•ttl &ii J•ll414 ..... <1'10t41111(1, MAllJ .. r.011•1 lime I l~ 1/6.,. _ .. IXACfA 10 41 pal(I • 1111 on ll•TH l"ICI P•tt1 11111u tt.M;Utll• •HO •otat JjOlntl I-fi•ll 1"411 Mor•~• (..n.m111P1m •r• '• 00 •J 00 ll•HI ·~-IJuy"l"'ltl.nlwwQal • JJIU tO ~ 0 1 'o&• I '"u' 11ei10111nu1t jMf Cu,q.1nJ 1 40 !lOO 2 60 ' Wu1hl11g100 I t&I I Al•1Ja101 (JI • ' I 'He AtilU) '6U U(J uu .. tu" MilUU II' 3 0 114~ Alutnlna111 Cl••101a. •u• 8on Kott• ltollt .,.,. r e<oc 4 N•llta•h• l:ll Nol Ill ._.,°"'"' ''' fl SMU 101~ ""'°"" 10 I 0 743 I 1h10 I \/ t '1 I O .. >t(lla fl Pu1111 81•1• II Ohl•ll0111a 10 UGC 10·1 0 698 •IVINlH llACI, 7', t1hlv11ua 011 lurl 10 2·0 682 V•1t111111111 111w 1r • .,~11u1 1~ tJn ,, 8<1 4.cJO 1 4 1 638 r •µlo•••u I Wit! \Hl1wluv1 "•O 4 (;(I 11·3·0 814 IVn"""""111>111,ay1 ~ M It Ci.tm1on l fl 12 MIClllQ•fl 12.0,.c SO t Al•O tm .. lHJ l AUu11vtt Kilt l:ilul•hU.&hJllU fl·l 0 S62 Pull OI :, ... u~~ P•u•h(. '............. M•• 11 ' 13 Afkan••• 14 ()1110 Slat• 1n Mlfftnl ''' 8-4·0 47 t t<K.tr. <,tm of Uuw..itt t 1v1( l 01•fh•/ • 1& no11011 II f•uo ::~:g m • ~·~-.~g: ::g 41 prml S4 11 ~0 1·6.0 :1!17 18 'NOi•• Oatt1• 1g Ar11ona Sl••e :10 UC\"A 10 1· 1-236 ta ,ICK II• \U·f · 16' ti I 0) paoo St 6-6-0 157 349 80 wtlh tiO w1oroou IM..~ul" lf1vo hMa.,,1 fl· 2·0 I~~ •:.> l'o<:• :, .. (()ll.0181t0fl IJ•llf l/4 00 wllll I 1·•· t tSO t HJ wlf1u111y h(lio111, lfftw fH"J•'>4.•:0 Colleae llCMdUle THUAl'bAY'• QAMH B•l{ln11m Your-o •• N•••d• lu v90a1 '' Ptatrlf! View A&M 81 Slltpl\en, Au111n 11 ffllDAY'I QAMIH Sv1•cu1e •• Ru1g@r1 at Eul Rutn .. 11010, N J ,tt •ATUllDAY'• O.._a WM1 N01'1••fl At1ton11 •• C•I Stale Fu1Mtt10fl Amon~ S1 al Orego<• • • flock lea • I <IAA•·EI P•.so OI New Me•lco SI . n Mon1ano SI al Ulah. n New M9•1CO 81 Wl::lr•g HOWatO U II M- G1ambllng S101• •• MOlgan Stal• at New Yo1k, n T ump111 al Penn Slate •owlh J11cks0<• S111e at Altbama Sl&kl, n Sou1nern U n e,111une·Cookm1n 11 JacUonY\11-. n ~ • n M1am1, Fla al Florida Cmclnnall 01 F1011oe Stale_ n N11w Hampshire al James Mad>aon • Weslern K'1llucky 11 Lou1s<11lle. ,, Kltfll Stale 11 M•t$11all. n Te .. s A&I al MCNMM Slale. n Memphos S1a1e 81 MIHIUlppi Mlss!Hll)pi Valley S1a1e 11 MoHla Brown Soulh11ut Missouri Slagv al Murr1y,St11e, Furonan at Norin Carolin• Slate. n Sou111wei1 M1ssoutt S1a1e al Notthe•n Alabama n Mossou1ppo Coneuo 01 Nor1hwesle•t1 Lou1s1ana, n v1rg1111a Tec11 at A1chmo11d MlddlO Tennessee S101e 111 S••annah Slate. n Pac•llC e1 South Ca•Ollna. n Eas1.,n KenlUGl\y •! South Caiohna S1a1e. n Norlt(oas1 'Loutslona a l Sov1hern M1sso111pp1, n n Dvho al Tenneuee. n East Tennessee Slate al lenneuefl Tech. MISSISSIPPI S1a1e •• ru111ne Wes1etn Carolina at W•ke Fore&I. n MldwHI on10 U a1 Bowling Green 1od1ana Slate a1 Cen1ra1 M1cn1Qan Northern 1owa at Drake EIOHTH RACE. U lutlu11<1• lnllOllOO Bm1l¥1 (MCCA11011,Cl 40 2 &0 2 10 Svqu11vuh ''·••!ll1mtuJa1 't 40 7 "O SlltJi.•O•IH 1P11u ttYJ 'J 10 Al~o , ut,••d f tit11oly p_,,,, y t4uurnt l'nhc f ~t8t•O!tvr11.., P,tf h••0•1 [1111u I 011 4/~ U EXACTA l'I 111111111 $;j 'or) NtNTH RAC£ I 1• 1t,, 1111ti1·, JulttHN1~ tPIU(otl J J 80 01S4..U G111 tS.1L11ll1·• J U() lbO 660 4 110 6 t>O t1tQ'1 "" J;tobb•'rv (Lomantt•J Al:tO t.H.l!tl R~1Juflit1U' l 1/ nuwurtJ F1yullo11n LU P111u.,t·t.~ .. 1 f u1UfHH 5uliu;:t A l.t!ad r,mt! t 4 J, J/!,i $6 EXAClA \7 71 l!!'•tl $11 00 A11cnar.nce "418 Mond•r'• lranHcllon1 llASEBALL Am•rlc•n LHgue 1 Cl I VI ' ANl lf'l)JAt''.,+ f(o•\ 1llt1d Jtitry Mlt W/i1Jf' I I Uhl \"II It Fh•c. •lh tl Oylil•' ••1 1114J '<• ,...,, Hhh'1J Hfj 111lu•ttl• '' h uo '·"·""' .uu "'tr• '''""' 1t ... ,11 t •H'1 11 M, .. , .. n, 11if1,1•U •uHu•hh·• ' ''" \l.t111111ht•I ut Ith' r",u 1l 1t l 11,1•,I I r .11111 '•~nf•'d !'11111 m111rn i..t....~11• p1,1,• ,. I• tw . ''' •\1t.< 11d l11h•1 'tu U11-· H·J•I t A ,11 1 IJ• ' • .. •alloi p1h ,,,., l(JIH1t1tt kt I •A• r 1 If ' l•tr.1 ! I 1 I t f I '' f • •·\il•fltt•hl llllt ( Ith 11 <•I t.,1 I!" l 1,1,t 1 fl I 11 IHit. lfi ·lh ·,yf11f..,+f•• t1' nu 111h.:1 ''"'"'" ,1 I,, l·J!fl Naflonal l eaguc All .. NIA BRAllES A1keO wa1ven on Al .-...... ~ • ' •'' '. •• t II tl.h ••••• I r o•"'''' 1 ·~', i• h 11 •• , '"'''' "" fl, • .ih• ... o "'' llUll~ llJN A!> I HU' l<t•t ...Jl"<I I k n1t.h •• 10 LJ,tt1 lJ\110!• M ,,~ '~" ... ,1 /111 .. PJll" 01tth1·1 t t:MI l>1.,11 •• 1111 •·l1J1, St f•tl Loucks and l •rry Aay oul11e1oers ltom fu<.~"'' t Hu P,1 •'1 C• 1 I l ,. H,u• llllna<s S1•1e M Eas1ern Hitna..~ N0tthweS1ern al lllln011, Co101ado S1a1., at Mlt1out1 -= --~ 1E» .~ J(I AL r~1 PU~ h.1•n .. ·~o .-.,., Northern ljllnols al TOleao. n Sou1ttern 1111no1s •• Western llllnot1. n Grand Valley Stale at Wesl"n Michogati MIS110Ut1·A01la al Wtehlla Slate, n A'oon" Youn~1owo S1e1e th wee I No1111 '9•1& Sia .!"l1 Baylor, n lamar at Sou1nwesl Tuas St•le, n BOSIOfl COllllQ• 81 Tuas A&M. n NicnOlls S1•1• at 1 ••H Soutttarn. n Ao1 Fo<ce 11 lulu ." Abilene Cnr1s1~an •1 West Texas .s111e, n NAIL plarotts WeclnMC!er'• a-. To•on10 II Seallle (Serles lied, 1· ti Tulsa al Cos,.,os fSer111 lted. 1.1) MOfl1•ea1 a1 fl Laud.,dale 1Ser11S 1-11 Thur-1°•0- • lteel, Vancoover al San 019110 !Serles lied. 1· u Del Mar Mondar'• llHultt (31411 ol U.dlly lhoroughbr-.1 tnff11ng) FIABT llACE. I II 16 mtle$ Villa Poc1l1C 1Blac~1 7 20 3 80 J 20 I uc1orulla (Delahoussayel 4 60 3 20 Derby Day laov 10r1egn1 4 :10 Al~O oacco Ghos1 Oar>cer. Beauty Blooms Aml'tl•Ou• Of'lerm1ned land BY. tne By A•ad•a lulu~I Fina Oul Pia Joy 11me 1•60 -SECOND RACE. 6 luolongs G IOI G11ls !E.Wodal 6 80 4 20 3 20 W11'\some W1nOy Clamonce1 12 20 6 60 Blue Cockatoo 1Blac~l 3 ~ .iuso •oceo K1ss'"q Gwl BOio Meg Ewe W•n F1gu1eneao La11<11;pur s Belle. Madame t romprz V1k1ng Suo Aon•es friend Ramada Time I 09 315 S2 DAIL\' DOUBLE fl 91 paod $26 40 TMtAO llACE. 6 lutlongs ~ Count l<antledy (McCa110fl8 60 ~.20 4,00 Skoo1er Doe t Meza) 3 7 80 1 S 00 Father Moc (Blachl e 40 Also racea Aslrologer Pa1r1ck McF1g Star Cou11 S1e .. ka1>1e Lord Wtldomar Rr-.ng Hope Bom0<1 Lei •1 Sl\OW Potmed Tome I 10 2'5 SS UACTA 17·81 pa•O $805 ~o FOUllTH llACE, 6 furlongs East .. •flllacltOfl 1b11adal 33 00 LaOy ol Aeb 1Guerra1 Svucobea1 (Va1enzue1a1 820 520 3 20 2 60 3 40 Pr1t•l1"'~ tu 1 t ,, t 'H·o11 u~J ,,111>• PlollflJ'• u\f1~1,,,., 11 101 W• 1,11,1 '" "" A1111••11 i•'• A -,,~ftl 1,d " ht·L .1llt•d N 11lli.i • Jnto1 ~"" 111l1r ld fll 1111d 11 n1 >/ ... qt •J-' ,11 •u t !11 ft l/-h(h1l,1 Pit l~l:JIJkV~• t f<Atf ''"'' t •-••1t ww: • r1rn1 HI ' ,,, I • ,, ,., I •! I 11 .f t ' .... Turn1dl ;,1tt.l1••1 h1111 ~. •11.1111111! 11+' "111111 Coasl league. and Ra1a.,1 Elloard. i111or1s1op t1 om Butt,11•• ''' l'+•• I •1'.tf••n1 '"'U' .. 5 1 lOUI!.. ( AUU '~"'' c, ' ( 11 •·\l ,, ( I r\,tCOIT\U~>·' '' 1t \1 ,...11 1<1 •·t • ! 1,.H ''"'"".Iii• l 1t11Cl1 wn 11d (,,,,, l~ui;f 1,t'"-'•'l '' Hut ~"11v "·"'~ ,,,,,,~10111 J.OOTBAll N•llonal F oolball LHgue , A1lAt.IA •A~ ( ()t.' lt 11fr·J J.•'1 • MllfD~, ... !Ul,U•OQ h.~· ft. t ,,,.., •.• 0J, ,,., '-'" 1,t1\J1'j( ,1•tJ t JbJ LI• 111 t.'ICl·l• J;llr.,J •Plt .. l'ttd ii t II W " 1Pf •, 1h'11 '•4. 1Jf~ NOIV1.UnO •11 lim ,,,HJ h\i•qt ~~t11uou• fH1'\•• I.ti " h '-t(tf'/l H l1 l1(Jr;\.U ( i'-'• "• "'',If. t.h.1h·r \•·• I 1 1> h· ., '• ''' t 19..-~t··•,. Vl11<.. t ,, J h tr It 1t h 11 1H1~r ... .,,. llfl'°'ll!f>•• C .f•' ,. t n f \ 1t11111~1.q l/ t\.i. (... t1'41fl TUP"41! '1t•t1 ·~('f' W1•h1••1 4~·ff"I ·'"' htH'fll••f• uflO t.,.,,. 1 (,,.,._,,,, HHJ lirn C,i..,\lf'~ h11PlJ tl ,, t, 0£ flHJit ~(lf~t, l uJ 11' 'ftl lh(flO' Q\• lr f-t It 11 0. J 1 I f•v1' f' • M"t !. (trdf'{•~ • 1 41 Liu ''''' ;• 1 ct11f1 11 .,,, t11r.kli ' J1f lfy "'111nrt1 .,..._ V1ottJ~ it~\.''"'''' Se•n .... Nt.1~1 ,_..,,.,. l,,,,,,,,~ 1tH t>.r•t~ .tn 11 µ1a(l·u L> •• t.,., w .• ~,,, · '"•' A1 •'""'' oe•e• , .... t ••• i. "'" u1. 't ••· ,, •••.• ,, .... ~ MIAMI (;()~Pt• N!:> l ;t ..,,h •' 11, #4111 11"'1 Mt • t:tr,.._u, 1 f •. 1 ,, "., • t1u1• LHt ~ .. 11 WU1• •1 • • • [ t •t 1u 1 t' 11n '-l"••tO !.h •vr (.I.If I>. ,,,<S f 1 ·•""' l uw,•r••11J• q11h u1\1v4 1•nO, olt!O ltp(;1t) ' '"'' ~·1,1e 11(! It .,,,,I. 1ut)\t;• ra 1i1J111t·;I ,. •• ,,,, "' Nlo/i lf-tl t l\.ftt::· '-A ftt• f 1dNI I hJtU'• Ut ,t• t I t f 1f ~ 'II •' tit • t I •• f!,e_('t"' l1fl• fl• 1• ., .. , •,11 ~ 1 Nf '/J •<1Hf' li!At;I"' J1l1H•1ti ,., • *-i•nH'Tt' ~H 11l1•l•J11tk o .•.. I i!ll-0 •ltlf1 J(1lu11•• U•....,,1s 111tt•I 1 "•'' t" I'• 1•11ur"<I t• ••f'f't "'t Nl I./. l"(>k.,., 1r f ., t. ut L u • 1 s.>1w.1 'ftt(Jt°' tt•t • .1 C}.1 l')I t•1•n1. I Ii • 1 '' 1°1t tf\lo fl,w i ~··' •"1t , ,, ,,,, ,., ' f'.11 1 n ,,, '"'' kh• Kul1l\ £I 111 f ·"• r~1.l.111+•111~q''''~ .HHI r111 I (lj'til~lll'·'' /t•(JI fl ......... 1 Ptt I Ar·• ... A , Ar,, t ~ •• I•' t~· Cl bo•J• .... ''h • I , 1hl t • It I .11 1H1 ••' i.t J t(.~ Cltt•$' t ~ f1 •1 • '-.• Jt,,,1 t.I •·t ., t.i...l"I At ti. ,, , ,. •''· ·' I .. • 11 ·'•'ll, ..< .~r1h,1-. I I 11\t•f 11 •rf-t Pl. I • h•I .,,fo1; rw •lUP t 1 •: •• ! ,,1,..111 ,, 1 I bw~ll) t,.tr.111 d11ff1114,.,.,, '"'I Pll t ~b J"l>" ) l£ ( I " '" I· "' l (>,o •r,:•1 (1 1 • '1,,1 , • 11 .J I' ,1 ' ;,, ..., •h 11 Cf"• .. •, ' {1,1y 1• •It ,1 I 1 " t• r,,,,,., C u11.n• 1u111\ftlg 1 ... r .. \••• '"' (,, •·1 ••1 11 1,~lt.1 l'>t 111(1 Wt T ~"" W ISO" C.Q,m11b1H .• ~ SAN OlfGO C.11Af1t.U•t. l•.1ti•·•I Jt>ll W1ll116mrr. f"lftun ''"fl' I 111•m,1 1 fh• Ch1Ct1QO 9Pal$ f· f lulU't' ,,,.,. Ct\l o{ t SAi-i FRANC15C.0 ~~[II C.11! '"""''> Da•15 tullbaclo.. A•ck'( P111on runn1n9 back A11.h11 rw1·~·· 11Pt .. n, ..... ,,,.._ .. ,,~ VtHlnn Rooo ltdlt•t, t\1UI HOu1 C't•tlll•r '""' 0•110 Vft\j.H hr1d 1 tclq:' a WA<;.MtNC.•ON nco ..... ,,., Pt.u.••IJ t ru ·~ r,,,, 111y ouoq ct• lJ,• • P '' 001 n c.Jt>fe•·" ·•' t "~ lt• Ct ,,, c;.,, 1· ,.,., J,r"' T •ylo•. guard. ano Lee~orth, cent•• on w11-;er~ • HOCl<E1 H•llonal Hockey lu9u• 0 TftC'•1 SlCO W1t~r_,',. O' •·<J.J•"''''• nv1nr1ftr•,t 'l\.'U'1t.·'1dt:f If d 1f'h.1CI I , .... 1 , .......... 1 "d' 1ALLAN BEEK FOR CITY cor~C'I L ' ''"" f(il! "9 l..t "'"" 1\1.M\ ~''"fh" , ... ,...., 1-t.uh Othen that figure to tee plenty of playln1 time are J.J. Habey (U,ht end) and defenaive end Dave U> ·r A ~n:sA : Harrta. . . It 1hould be a challenging· echedule for the Dolphins, who will be playing the likes of Pius X and San Marcoa before entering South Coast Leque play against Capistrano Valley; one of the. bvorit.es. . • ''We're goina to find out prfUY quick whot we're aotna to do," DouaJ .. says:. • .. 370 E. 17th Srrt'rl • M5·8700 HllN'flNCTON REACll: 16075 C.oldcn W eal Si.• 847·7771 ~USSION \'IFJO; . Allcla Town l'lu1 • 710.2M1l SANTA ANA: 1224 tut 171h . I.• 547-5871 ~----'!"-------· • Lo_.g season f Or Seahawks? Depth big problem for OV By f>ENNIS BROSTERllOllS 01 Ille OeMr "'°' ll•H O l'l'U 11 v l(• w ll 1" h 1'11111lHJ11 l'ollch Su·vl' Colfl1·11h 1s th(• fann to ad)l)lt that his team 1t\;ly Ix· tn 11 rc.·bu1lding st..gl· al thl· ud vl•nt uf lhc: 19H:l lWlisun , but that dut!sn't mean thl· S....a h.11wks are going to mak1· lhtng!I .c•asy for anybody. .. T h e ll t t I t u d l' h (' r C' I s t.•xct•llt•nt," sa id (.'(Jlfli·sh us h1• l ' m b OJ r ks o n his f 1 r :;t h l' a <.l t.•oa<.·h ing ass1g11ml·nL "The kids art• n•iJliStlt'." he s<.11d. "Tht'y know thC'y'n· g(Jlng to have to work hurd <.ind play some good fundanwntal football. ; ·our goal Is to comt.• o ff the field every night knowing th<tl w e've plOJyc·<.l tht· bl·st football po$s1blt•." Oel'an View grmluatt'<.l st<irtl'rs 1n rncmy of the skill pus1t10ns <tnd tht• entirt.· uffe11s iw ltn<'. Spl·t.·<.ly running bal'k Fn·<.l Brow n , quarll'rbat·k John I kt nil• and rcceivt·rs l<'rt.·d Tu1tlL·, J1·ff Clt·risst• irnd Eric H1 •inholtz are m1si;ing from last yt•ar. "Depth will lx.· <i problem Cur us," Colfll-sh ~ys. "Wi: havt' :w soml' uc.Jc.J people l'Oming baek but most of thl'm-h avt•n't ha<.J a substantial amount of var~ity playing timt._" --'The s<'hedulC' 1s no krndt·r thun in past yew·s. &fort• dus111g .with Fountain Valley and Edison, th(· S<·ahawks must fat'l' Estam·1a. La Quinta. Cypn·ss. Sunny, Hi lls and Weslern in the pn·-scetson ~fort• 1>pc ning Sunset Lt•agu1· p lay i:lgain!it Wcstminsll·r. JVlar&niJ <ind Huntington Beach. "You gotta play who you gotta play," Colflesh p hilosophizes. •·Th e whole league.· ls wcll- toached and very talt•ntcd." Oc:ean View rs cornmg off a 4-6 t·ampaign l as t year wh1 c n foc.iturcd w ins over Sunny Hills (1 7-14). Western (21 -0) and Westminster (28 -14) i n succession. as w<:l I as a :l5-15 's uccess again s t Hunting to n Bc-ot-h at -the end of the scason. "Wf• know that La Quinta will be wcll-coac;·hcd and Cypress and Sunny Hills have a lot of JX'<>plc bac k , we 've hl•ard ," says -Col flesh. Her<''s a rundown bv Position: Q UA RTERBAC K S To c.· ast yt.•ar's full-t ime He le. Co flesh will turn ad ar1scau (St.•nior) •)ton (junior). Pariseau was a s ta r t ing • c.'Orner bal'k last year and 1s a g<>O;d athlete but has little experience at 4uartc rback. Shelton was the quarterbac·k on thl' sophomore' t<'am R UNNI NG BACKS Todd Parkl'r (5-11. 165) f1gurl's tu be the starting tailbat·k. Parker. cited as a leaae r by his coach . piC'ked up progrcssivl•ly more playing time as the• season wore on last year and fmished with :35 1 yards in 87 carries. At the fullback spot is junior Brian Burnside (5-10. 175) who pla'yed sparingly last SC'a.-;on but was on the Spt>t:rnl teams. BIG TASK -Steve Colflesh guides Ocean View in Sunset League warfare. RECEIVERS Senior Jim Ga rton and Kevin Walsh arc tht! top pass-cat<:he rs. along with tight 1·nd DavcCarroll (6-5, 215), a f1.nr· a thle t e who played basketball last year. None has l'Xtcnsive varsit9 experience. OFFENSIVE LINE -At the' tat•klc slots. Erk Martin (6-4. 200). Tood Allen (6-2. 190) and Dave Savage (6 -1., 190) have shown the most promise . The guards wtll be J o hn Donne lly (5-10. HIO) and Gavin Hitcht•ock : (fi-0. 200). Martin and Hitchcock : figure to be the mainstays of the hnc be<:ause of their exi)eriencc. ~ At center is a battle between two . brothers. Bob and Jimmy Himes. Colflesh says that eithe r one t•oull:f be the starter .. A fe w of the : players could b e shifted . deJ>ending on the situation. so diversit y will bo important. "Some kids may have · to know ! two or three th ings." sa id Colflesh. DEFENSIVE LINE : -Donnelly . M a rtin a nd . H 1t~coc k will d ouble up on defense. Also. hard-worki ng Shawn Queaa (5-7, 175) will .see . plenty of playing t,ime. LINEBACKERS -Greg Edwa rds,(5-10, 175). who along with Hitchcock ar~ considered two of the finest players on the team. will spearhead the defense. • Others include Ste fan Seanoa (5-10, 175) and transfer Frank.. Jcracaza (5-6. 145). SECONDARY -Mike Sudyk.a 1s a starlc•r. along with Garton. P a rk e r a nd junio r M i k e D1ehlman (5-10. 145). Robert Ha n sen. a senior . returns al> rorn erback and P'a~iseau is cx~'Clt'<i to pla.y at a safety spot.· KICKING GAME -Doing the punting will be Pariseau to be backed up by Carroll. Th·e place-k icking <:h ores will be handled by one of s;?ithe r two soccer-style boot ers. Ric.·hard Smith or Reid Thiebodeau . Louisville sets record LOUISVILLE. K y. (AP> - With the' m fnor lc•ag u e atte ndance rec.'Ord firmly in its grip, the management o f the Louisville Redbirds basctiall team expl'Ct.s even bigger things next year. Thl• R!!dbirds, a C lass AAA American Association team. rlrcw 8fiH.4.l8 fans this season. breaking by almost 200.000 the· standard of 670,563 set by thc San FranciS<.'O PALA MESA Seals of the Pacifi<.' Coast League In 1946. The team averaged 13,596 fans over 64 home dates. If it could have maintained the pace over a 79-gam e h ome schedule. the numbe r of games played by major le:rgue teams, the Redbirds wou Id have attracted 1.071,95 I fans. and that's more people than fi ve major league teams drew in 1980, the last full regular season. c111 ~<h) l.ITI\'\.' tr; 1m h1 •llK' Complete padla~e Includes ... • 2 nlehts deluxe accommodations • Unlimited eolf with • 2 delicious dinners • Unlimited tennis ' Phone or write today for ~ser•etlons. (714) 7t8·5181 Of (113) 611·7377 shared cart All taxe.s and gratuities Included ~()Cl 1111 ~IOf OO\'r mum rmc u~ ix·r n111h1 Pr Ile I;, Nun OollN~ Ut'9 (P.1dlt1!le 1t•11ll11blc 7 <lt11 ,, "'cd1 Im lmltvldU(ll r~·~c10111lunl rinly Rt1Hh bthCd on 1loublc oc'u j'\llnc1 ond oiler vnlld • lltt<)UQh,l l/1'180) 2001 South HIQh111oy !\95. Pnllbroob. C al1forn1e 92028 \ I l ' ,. Orange Oout DAILY PILOVTuelday, Auguet 31, 1812 ' Chance of-a lifetime Football ·out• atlracl wide variety of wo11ld-be a1hle1es LA JOLLA (AP) -Driven by peraonal droami, thl'Y tloc:kcd ont the· footbl&ll field, llOn~· burl'foot, 1mm1.1 wmarln1 worn-o ut tcnnl• 1hoe11, tutwn•d gym dotht.•fi and fl·w tugalna c·hlldhm. "My fc.."t·llng 111 1f I ket!p pluglnll away. maybe I'll find that ~t of gold.' aaid &.vu Shc..~han, a l.loor·lO·door iwlc111mun and a111pirlng pro Cootbilll 1•unni11~ l>Mck. Shcchun, :!I , wa» umong l*O proSJX'l't11 who unawefcd 11 ncw1pupcr advertl11emcnt and showc..'CI up recently at a free agent tryout with Boston'• team In the brand-new United State• Football LA?ague. "IT'S LIKE hunting for a m~edle In a haystack, but It's worth it if we can find one good football playfr," said•'Uic..·k Coury, coach and general manuger of the yet-urmumoo franchise. "We'd be happy if we find two guys to Invite to camp in January." • Drenched In sweat from 80-dcgree heal and 70-per<.-ent humidity, players of .all sizes and shapes spent 75 minutes at sprints and agility drills on a little -used practice field on the Unive rsity of California-San Diego campus. San Diego was selec:led as the first tryout site, Coury said, "because California is an e xceptional area for free agents." However, the bulk of USF~. rosters will be filled with NFL reje<:lJI, he said. ~ Out of shape but determined, Aaron Evergin. a. 350-pound lineman from San Diego. begged lo be· timed in the 40-yard dash. • of the day -11 bll1terln1 4.4 1l'condi . But at ~-foot·6 1t11 and UO pounda, the-p1.rttlmc go1Jpc:I 1lnMt.1r wun't optlmli.tk ubout hia dum1.'l. ... "I jwit WJnted to 1et look{-tj ot." aald Sumfor11. "lt ~d~ Uke • gre1tt opportunity for poople who mllllk'<i ~e." Nearby. ra •tubby man wllh a pot belly walktod off the field tow•rd hi1 wlfl'. his head down in de jt'<:tlun. "We had to cut him.'' uid Coury. "He ran a fl.4 forty." "Yah.'' aald an asslnant, "downhill and wind-aided." "There are a lot of dreams out here," said Coury. "We told the guys they could cut themselves," said Steve Carpenter, ont' of the tryout organizers. "Some of them did -right a fte r thl' first agility drill." · ''It's your basic cattle c:all." said Carpenter. ·•Some of tpeae guys showed up just want 'to take one last shot." "IT'S HARD to qt out of your blood," said Mitc h Hoop es, atarllng punter for the Dallas Cowboys' 1975 Super Bowl t eain and now a photocopy salesman In San Diego. Now 29, Hoo~'S didn't work out but he took the opportunity lo chat with Cciury, an old friend. Sheehan, cut after running a 4.9-second 40, walked to h.is car <.'On.soled by his mother . "They put too much emphasis on speed," said Sheehan, who was wearing a white T-shirt wnh "Boston" hand written across it in big red letters. ~--.. IT~ 1 ne lolcMtftl --.,. dOifte ~-"UN JIN O.T 0 N W l IT •'9fl9'1MINT COtilOOMtNIUMI. 1M01 Oelewwe 8VMI. HunUngton 8Mdl.CA ..... Oeim• c-trucllon Corp .. I Oe11tor11ta corporation, 11111 FIOfldl ltr .. 1, Huntlnflon leech, CAt28'1. Thia ~ le conducted bV e C1orpor etton Delml ConeWC:tlOn Cotp AoOer1 J. Zlrlll9' Iba Prlllident Thia alal-1 waa filed with the C°""tr Clertl 01 Orange Countv on July 27. IH:l '*"' Pubflahed Or•"9• Co111 Dally Piiot Aug. to, 11, 24, 31. 11112 3&11-n MllC NOTICE PICTITIOU8 weMH NAME8TATa•NT The lollOWlng peraone are dotng bU .. -... OH THOSE DONUTS, t 73• Newport Blvd . Coll• MeH, Ca 92827 Ric hard O Llea, 111845 Sur1btelk., Ln , Huntlng1on Baach, Ca 926>11 led Szuba. 111101 Weltb•ook Cr . Huntington Beach, Ca 92647 Lloyd Vl•rr•. 17732 Ba•ter Cr . Hun11ngton Beech, Ca g2647 Thlt bUtlMU II conducted by • hmlled plfln.tlhlp Richard D Ues This 1tatemen1 was llled wllh the County Clerk ot 01•nge County on Augull 27, 1982 F111291 Pubtl1hed Orange C.oaat Delly PllolAug 31 s.pt 7, 14.21 . 1982 3837·82 Pllllle NOTICE NOtlCI OF T9'UITll'8 ULE A,.Wl,.,tlolo FUTURE STARS? -About 100 men turned out recently in La Jolla "I just want lo play football," said Evergln, a 23-ycar-old warehouse worker who weighed 410 pounds a few months ago. BANTAM-SIZED Ea rl Sanders. a former blocking back for M.arc:us A.lien at San Diego's Lincoln Hlfilh School. ran the fastest 40-vard dash Sheehan, who said he was a standout al Stewartville, Minn., .wasn't ready to ha ng up his spikes. however. "I understand the new Chicago team is holding a tryout here in a couple weeks. I'm going into training for that." Lo-;.:.ON!':-~:;~~:rT AMERICAN SE CU RITIES COMPANY. a corpo<atlon, IS duly appo1nled Tr ustee un der lhe fqllo-..1ng desc11bed deed ot 1rust WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUC TION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH 4payable at llme ol Hie on lawlut money of the Untied Slates) all right, lltle end 10leres1 conveyed to and now held by 11 under 1a1d Oeed of Trusl on lhe property hereinafter descrobed. • for .the first tryo ut held b y th<.' Boston fra n (·hise of the United States . F . ~ ootball L eagu<.'. Prosp<.-cts induded a gospel s ingt'r and a door-to -door sal~man. High School foot.ball schedules ·. "El Toro · Thurs:; Sept. !J ·-Cypress ~home) Fri.. Sept. 17 -Mission Viejo (home) Fri.. Sept. 24 -at Valencia Thurs., Sept. 30 -at Newport Harbor• Thurs., Oct. 7 -F.otancia• (home) Fri., Od. 15 -Corona d el Mar• (at OCC). Fri .. Oct. ~2 -Costa Mesa* (home) 'Phurs .. Oct. 28 -Unive rsity• (al Irvine) Fri .. Oct. 5 -a t Irvine• Jo'ri., Oct. 12 -Saddle back• (hom e) • de notes Sea View League game (all ;tames at 7:30). ~JI home games at Mission Viejo Newport Harbor Frr., Sept. IO -Marina (home ) Fri .. Sept. 17 -Cypr<.>ss (hoine) Fri.,' Sept. 24 -at Westminste r Thurs., Sept. 30 -El Toro• (home) Fri., Oct. 8 -University• (al Irvine) Fri., Oct. 15 -at Irvine•' Fri., Oct. 22 -F.otcancia* (home) Fri., Oct. 29 -Saddleback• (at .SA Bowl) Fri .. Nov. 5 -Costa Mesa• (al OCC) Fri., Nov. 12 -Corona del Mar* (home) • denotes Sea View Lea gue game . (all games at 7:30) JllTH · IDJICIS FELTON M a ye r . m o t h e r M r s BURYL MAY FELTON. Cather ine Mayer. sister resident of Phoenix, Arizona. K atherine Coc·h, brother :passed away on August 29. J a m cs Ma y e r and •'i : 1982 in C.OSt.a Mesa, Ca. She grandl'hildren . Slumb\!r ~is survived by her hu11band Room visitation will be held •Richard Felton of Phoenix. on Wednesday, September I. :Arizona. Private ser vices 1982 from 12:00 noon to :under the directio n of 5:00PM at Harbor Lawn !Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary. Services will ix' •Mortuary. 540-5554. h e Id o-n T Ii u r s d a y. , MAVER Scptember2, 1982 at 1:30PM '. ROBERT WILLIAM a t the Harbo r Lawn '.MA YE", resident oC C.OSta Memorial Chapel. Interment :Mesa. Ca. Passed away on immediately .following at tht· iAugust 30. 1982. He was ~ Harbor Lawn Mount Olivt· :retired Col. from the United Cemetery. In lieu of flowers. :states' Army, where he th e famil y s ugges t s !1erved for 25 years, he was donations to the American :an Adm1nistration Assistant Cancer Society Services jfor 22 years with the AMF und er the dir ection of ;Voit Corporation. He is Harbor Lawn-Mount Ohve wrvived by his wife Joyce, Mortuary of Cos ta Mesa !daughters Christie Hubbard. 540-5554. iLlsa Collette, Elizabeth KINSFATHER <Reynolds, Peggy Hassell. SAM KINS fATHER . •ons Robe rt and Willia m resident of Cost.a Mesa. Ca. Passed away on August 29, ___________ 1982. Survived by his loving wife of 47 years Dorothea , 2 HAalotl LAW.._MT. OLIVIE Moriual'\' • U-n'lf'lt:>rv Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540·5554 "HCl HOTHHS lll.L laOADWAY WOITUAU sons DeWayne Kinsfather and Gerald Kinsfather; 2 siste rs Rachel Klnsfather. Lydia Bailey. He was a member of the Seafairing Loctee # 708 for 50 years and a 57 year member of the Elka. Ma.on!~ services will be held at l :OOPM on Wednesday, September I, 1982 at Pacific View Chapel. 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 , Friends may call on Tuesday. August 31. 1982 from 4:00PM to 9:00PM at the mortuary. interment at Pacific V~w Memorial Park-< In lieu of flowers memorial IALTZ&IHGHOl'f SMTH & TUTHILL WISTCLlff CHA,IL .. - 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa ~4<'·937 1 ptffCI •OTHHS SMSTHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St HunlonQton Beach 536·6539 •C9'te Y•W ....,llAL,M• Cemttt>ry Mortuarv' Chapel·Crematorv 3500 Pac1flc View Dri ve • N9wport Beach 6'4·2700 . " nlributions maybe made to the Sh r inera Crippled Children's Hospital. Pacific View Mortuary, Newport Beach direct.on. OLIN PHILIP. STEWART LIN. born In Bristol. Massachusetts. Pa11ed on August ~. 1982 at the aee of 65. A long lime relident of l...a4[una Beach, Ca. He died folfowJnc a 3 year lllne11, er 45 years M a well loved dedlcate.d teachln1 10H profe.lonal: orpntsed and promoted Junior 1 o lf naUonwide. Ke pnfemld no fannal ...WW. a.w:a hAI ....... wlU be 1trewn at eea. H• NqUelted donaUoN be M9Ck In hi• memory to Gloria Feoht Me morial Fund, a holanhlp fund awarded • yev '° ~y fOU"I f.,. Send to the Glorii ec:ht M•morlal f'und c/o omen'• So. Cal Oolf 11oclaUon Office. 37AO 'ahuen1• Blvd., North oll?Wooii, Ca. 91604 . ... ~ . .. University Fri., Sept. 10 -Woodbridge (ho~ Thurs., Sept. 16 -Tustin (home) Fri., Sept. 24 -Laguna Hills (at M. Viejo) Fri., Oct. 1 -Costa Mesa* (home) Fri .. Oct. 8 -Newport Harbor• (home) Thurs .. Oct. 14 -F.otanci<J• (a\ Npl. i;«arbor) Fri., Ott. 22 -Saddleback• (at SA BowJ) Thurs., Oct. 28 -El Toro• (home) Thurs., Nov. 4 -CdM• (at Npt. Harbor) Fri., Nov. 12 -al Irvine • • de notes &a View League game (all games at 7::30) All home games al Irvine High Estanci~ Fri., Sept. 10 -Ocean View (al OCC) Thurs .. Sept. 16 -Laguna Hills (at M. Vie jo) Fri., Sept. 24 -at San Clemente . Fri.. Oct. l -Corona del Mar• (home) -:-:.urs., Oct. 7 -El Toro• (at Mission Viejo) fhurs., Oct. 14 -University• (home) Fri.. Oct. 22 -al Newport Had>or• Fri .. Oct. 29 -Irvine• (home) Fri .. Nov. 5 -Saddleback* (home) Fri .. Nov. 12 -Costa Mesa• (al O<;X:) •denotes Sea View League game (all games at 7:30) Unless not<.-d. home games at Newport Harbor) Costa Mesa Thurs .. Sept. 9 -Santa Ana (at SA Bowl) Thurs .. Sept. 16 -Santiago (home) Sat ... Sept. 25 -Los Alamitos (at Western) Fri .. Oct. l -University• (a t Irvine)-· ·Fri., Oct. 8 -Irvine• (home) Fri., Oct. 15 -Saddleback• (home) Fri.. Oct. 22 :__ El Toro• (al Mission Viejo) Fri.. Oct. 29 -Corona de l Mar* (at OCC) Fri., Nov. 5 -Newport Harbor• (at OCC) Fri .. Nov. 12 -Estancia• (a t OCC) • denotes Sea View League game (all games at 7:30) · Unless noted. home games al Newport Harbor · , Irvine Thurs .. Sept. 9 -Laguna Hills (home) Fri., Sept. ·17 -Woodbridge (al Irvine) Fri .. liepl. 24 -al Tustin Thurs., Sept. 30 -S "1ddle back* (al SA Bowl) f ri., Oct. 8 -Costa Mesa• (at Npt. Harbor) Fri., Oct. 15 -Newport Harbor• (home) Fri., Oct. 22 -Corona del M ar• (home) Fri .. Oct. 79 -Estancia• (at Npt. Harbor) Fri .•. Nov. 5 -El Toro• (home) Fri., Nov. 12 -: University• (home ) • denotes Sea View League game (all games at 7:30) Saddleback Fri., Sept. 10 -SA Valley (at SA Bowl) Thurs .. Sept. 16 -Santa Ana (al (home) Fri .. Sept. 24 -at La Habra Thurs .. Sept. 30 -Irvine• (home) Sat.. Oct. 9 -Corona del Mar• (home) Fri., Oct. 154-Costa Mesa• (al Npl. Harbor) Fri., Oct. 22 -Universrty• (home) Fri., Oct. 29 -Newport Harbor• (home) Fri., Nov. 5 -Estancia• (at Npt. Harbor) Fri., Nov. 12 -El Toro• (al Mission Viejo) •denotes Sea View League game (all games at 7:30 All h ome games at Sant.a Ana Bowl Corona del Mar Thurs., Sept. 9 -Huntlnston Beach (home) Fri., Sept. 17 -at San Clemente Fri .. Sept. 24 -Capistrano Valley (home) Fri., Oct. 1 -Estancia• (at Newport Harbor.) Sat .. Oct. 9 -Saddleback• (at SA &wl) Fri .. Oct. U -El Toro• (at OCC) Fri., Oct. 22 -at Irvme• Frl .. Oc'-29 -Coat.a Meu• (al OCC) Thurs .• Nov. 4 ~ University• (home) Fri., Nov. 12 -aJ Newport Harbor* •denotes Sea View Leaaue game (all games at 7:30) • Unless noted, h ome pmes at Newport Harbor Mater Del Fri., Sept. 10 -F\n. Valley (at Cerritos) Fri., Sept. !7 -Doi P\.teblOI (at SA Bowl) Thun., Sept. 23 -Loi AJtoe (at SA Bowl) I Fri., Oct. I -at Crespi. Thurs .. Oct. 7 :-EdlJon (at SA Bowl)· · Fri., Oct. 15 -at Pi1.11 x• Sat., Oct. 23 -St. Paul• (at SA Bowl) Fri., Oct. 29 -at ~ Amat• Thurs., Nov. 4 -Serra (•t SA Bowl) Thun., Nov. 11 -Servtt.e• (at SA Bowl) • denote. Anietua Leap pme (all pme. at l :30) • • Woodbridge Schedule Fri., Sept. 10 -University (at Irvine) Fri .. Sept. 17 -Irvine (home) · Fri., Sept. 24 -Orange (home) Thurs .. Sept. 30 -San Clemente• (home) Fri., Oct. 8 -al Capistrano VaUey• Sat., Oct. la -at Dana Hills•, 1 p.m . Fri., Oct. 22 -at Ontario . Fri., Oct. 29 -Mission Viejo* (home) Tburs .. Nov. 4 -Laguna Hills• (home) F ri .. Nov . 12 -at. La~ Beach* • denotes South t League game (a.JI games at 7:30 unless noted) All home' games at Irvine High Ml1,1loa Viejo Fri., Sept., 10 -Tustin (home) Fri., Sept . 17 -El Toro (al Mission Viejo) Sat., Sept. 25 -Carson (home) Fri., Oct. 1 -at Indio, .8 p.m . Fri., Oct. 8 -Laguria Hills• (at M. Viejo) Fri .. Oct. 15 -Capistrano Valley* (borne) Thurs .• Qct. 21 -Laguna Beach• (home) Fri .. Oct. 29 -Woodbridge• (at Irvine) Fri., Nov. 5 -San Clemente• (home) Sat., Nov. 13 -al Dana Hills*, I p.m . · • denotes South Coast League game (a.JI games al 7:30 unless noted) Dana Hills Sat.. Sept. 11 -Garden Grove (home), l p.m . Sat .. Sept. 18 -Pius X (home). 1 p.m. Fri., Sept. 24 -al San M3l!COS (SD). 7:45 Fri .. Oct. l -at Capistrano Valley•, 7:30 Sat .. Oct. 9 -Laguna Beach• (home), 1 p .m . Sat .. Oct. 16 -Woodbridge• (home), l p.m. Fri.. Oct. 22 -at San Clemente•. 7:30 • Fri., Oct. 29 -Laguna Hills• (at M. Viejo) Fri., Nov. 5 -at Montclair, 7:30 Sat .. Nov. 13 -Mission Viejo* (home), 1 p .m. • d enet.es South Coast League game Lag.a• Beacb Sal.. Sept. 11 -at Cal High (scrimmage) Fri .. Sept. 17 -Savanna (at Western) Fri .. Sept. 24 -Elsinore (home) Fri., Oct. 1 -Laguna Hilts• (home) Sat .. Oct. 9 -al l>ana Hills*, 1 p.m . Fri., Oct..15 -Bonita (home) Thurs., Oct. 21 -al Mission Viejo• Frl, Oct. 29 -at San Clemente• Fri:, Nov. 5 -Capistrano Valley• (home) Fri., Nov. 12 -Woodbridge• (home) • denotes South Coast League game (all games at 7:30 unlea noted) La1aaa Hilla Thurs., Sept. 9 -al Irvine Thurs .. Sept. 16 -Estancia (t)ome) Fri., Sept. 24 -University (home) Fri., Oct. 1 -al Laguna Beach• Fri., Oct. 8 -Mission Viejo• (home) Fri .. Oct. 15 -al San Clemente• Sat., Oct. 23 -Capistrano Valley• (home) Fri .• Oct. 29 -Dana Hills• (home) Thurs., Nov. 4 -Woodbridge• (at Irvine) Thurs., Nov. 11 -Diamond Bar (home) • denotes South Coast League game (all games at 7:30) Home games at Mission Viejo C.pl1truo Valley Fri .• Sepf 10 -Foothill (home) Thurs .• Sept. 16 -Eaperanza (at Vale:nda) Fri., Sept. 24 -CdM (at Newport Harbor) Fri .. Oct. 1 -Dana Hilla• (home) Fri., Oct. 8 -Woodbrtctae• (home) Fri .• Oct. 15 -at Mlaion Viejo• Sat .• Oct. 23 -Lquna Hilla• (at M. Viejo) Fri .. Oct. 29 -Chfno (home) Fri., Nov. 5 -at Laguna Be.ch• Fri., Nov. 12 -San Clemente• (home • denotee South Cout ~ pme (all gal'118 at 7:30) . Saa Clemta&e ScWal• Frl .. Sept. 10 -Mqnolia (at La Palma Park) Frt .. Sepi. 17 -Corona del Mar (home) Fri .• Seet. 24 -latanda (hofMl Thun., Sept. 30 -Woodbridp (at Irvine) Frt., Oct. 8 -Huntinaton Beech (home) Fri .• Oct. 16 -14una Hilla• (hofM) ~··Oct. 22 -ow Hl~~) rn .. Oct. 29 -lApna <home> Fri .. Nov. 5'-at Million VJejo• Fri .• Nov. 12 -at Capiltrano v.u.y• • denotee Sou\h Co.t ~ pme (all pmes at 7:30) Raiders, NFL suit delayed LOS ANGELES (AP> -The sla r j. of the damages phase of the Oakland Raiders · National Football League antitrust trial has ~n delayed from Sept. 20 until Nov. 1. U .S . District' Court Judge Harry Pregerson said the delay, announced Monday, was necessary because attorneys needed more time to prepare. The same six-woman ju ry that ruled unanimously last May that the NFL had violated antitrust law by blocking the Raiders' move from Oakland to L os Angeles will hear the damages phase of the trial. TRUSTOR· JOSEPH TIMOTHY COOK and VALERIE JUNE COOK, husband and wife BENEFICI AR Y WEL LS FARGO BANK, N A . i na11ona1 banking assoc:1at1on Recorded December S, 1980 as instr No 8657 1n book 13~1 page 16S9 of Olliel•I Records on tt\e olhce of lhe Recorder of Or•noe Counly, Hid deed ol lrust descrobe$ the totlOwing prQlle<ty PARCEL 1 Unit 123, In lne County of Orange, a,,ate ot California, as shown and d'nd•bed in tt\e Condorn1n1um Plan recorlled in ~ 12868. PllQ8S 10111 IO 1061 1nclus1v•. Oll1c1al Reco1 ds of Orange County. Cal1torn1a PARCEL 2 An undivided 114 Isl 1n1erest as a tenanl In common in lhe lee 1ntere11 on and to the ommon area to Loi 4 of T•act No 58, on the City ol Irvine. County ot Orange. St••• <>I Caltforll•a. as per map recorded "' book 429. pages 30 ,tq 33 1nc1u11ve. M1scell81leous Maoa....Jo the ollice ol the counly recorder of 1a1d county. 11 such term•• defor>e<I 1n the Article ent1tied "Oefln11oon1" ot the O.Ctarahon of Covenants. Cond1t1ons and Restrictions (Iha "Dec11re1ton·· 1 recorded 1n book 12692, page 1605. Ottldal Record•. ol Mid County. EXCEPT THEREFROM all otl, gas, mlMralt and other hydrocarbons. below a depth ot 5oo IMI. wlthout the right ol surface entry, as r..-ved"' ins1rumen11 of record The I ea g u e has PARCEL 3 Easements .. aer aphaled tQe decision. forth on Iha Sect1on1 entitled 'I.. • • 1 I h "Certain E1&emen11 tor Owners ••e JUry WI ear and "Support .Selltement and argumenta, then decide Encroa<:hmeni · ot the Article monetary dam. ages due enl'lled .. Easements .. ol the to the Raiders because =:•lion r•ltwred to In Parcel 2 the NFL delayed their PARCEL ,. E1semen1a aa such move. e8Mmenll are par11cufarly set forth In Ar1 ic le XIII (21 entitled PlllllC NOTICE "Eas.nents" of the Oeclaration ot -----·------· Covenants. Cond1l1ons and P UBLIC NOTICE Rastuclions .recorded 1n book 11766, pages 420 to 48' 1ndus1ve K-t15H Otllclal Records of O.ange Counly, NOTICE OF DEATH OF C1t1lorn11. under t.he section C "'RRINGTO"' 8 u KIE headings In such artlCle enlllled as n ,.. · 11••c · • tallows ··owners· Rlghll and aka C. B. MacKIE AND OF Dut ies. u1 11111es and Cable P E T I T I 0 N T 0 Te 1ev1s1on ·. · Supporl and ADMINISTER EST ATE NO. Sememenr "Encroachment'·. and "Community FecllllieS E_ts .. A·ll4'1H. PARCEL 5 All e~I 0-"'Lot To all heirs, beneficiaries, A of Tract No 9816. as per map creditors and continge nt recorded In book •1 ... 1>898• 15 to creditors of Carrin~on B. 23 1~11ve, Miscellaneous Meps, 1n M Ki k C B K. the ottiee ot the company recorder ac e, a a · · ac te ot Mid coun1y, lor the purpose ol and persons who may be drainage 1>en•ht1ng herein 1bova otherwiae interested in the described land. provided thll such will and/or est.ate: drainage shall not unreuonably A petition has bee filed rellrlct lhe intended u1e and . ~ enjoyment ot S81d Lot A by James H. MacKie m the 211 A'LDERWOOO . tRV1 NE Superior Court of Orange CALIFOANIA · County requ eslin~ that D:C:UD~,"'TO:~A~T::O::~ J a mes H . M a c K I e be ~c.-.. I. , •. UNLHI YOU a pp<V'hle~ as pe rsonal TAKE ACTICSN TO PROTIC'r ttpi-ftentative to administer YOUR P9'0,.HTY, IT MAY H theM esKtateCof CarringtonM CBA. =: :. ~~=-: ~ ac; le, osta esa. NAT .. °' THE r>ROCHDING . (uncter the Independent AGAINIT YOU, YOU 8HOULD . Administration of Estates COWTACT A LAWYEl Acl). The petition is set for "(If a ttreet addrns or common hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 dealOnatlon 11 ahown ab_ove, no Ci · C D . W t warranty 11 given e1 to 111 vtc enter ra ve ea • comci1e1-or corY'Kt,_. r . Santa Ana, CA 92701 on The benetic:laty under Mid OMO September 22. 1982 at 9:30 o1 TN91. by,,_ ol a breach or A.M deleutt in the obltgallont secured · · thereby, heralotore ••ecuted and lF YOU OBJECT to the dellver•d to th• underalgn•d a aranUng of the petition, you written Decleratlon of Oeleu!t ane1 should either appear at the Demend for Sale, end written notlee hearin1 and state your :i:i~.~g~e~'!°'!~~' c:~ objections or file written property 10 181i.ty Mid ob!lgetlon1 objections wlttf the court end thert1lter th• undeulgned be? ore the hcarln1. Your ceu9ed aald no11ce of breach end of • ...... • etectlon to be appearance rpay""' m pel'llOf\ AecOtded May 11. 1912 •• lnatr. or by your attorney. No. 92.112113 In said Ofllclat IF YOU ARE AAecorcll CREDITOR or a conti~t Said ute w1tt b• made, but creditor of the decee9ed, you wlthoul cov•n1n1 or warranty , must file your claim wtth the •ltPf ... or lmplted. regwdlng title, polMNlon. or enciumbrancea, to court or prHent It to the pey IN remaining prtnclpal aum of penonal representative .ttie note(•l secured by l8ld OMd of ap~lnted byJ!;e court Truet, Wllh inter•• et in l8ld not• f f ... ovlded advenc.1, II any, under wit n our mon re>"" Vle tie term• at aald Deed ol Tru11. date of first Issuance of . cNlrClft end e•r>enNI 01 the 1etwrt u provided ln Secllon NetM and of the tNttt crMled by 700 of . the Prot>.w Code ol Seid°"::. ot~r:t.held on Tueacs.y California. The time for tlnt>er 2l, 1tu,et 2oopm.: flllns claima wlll not expire tt1e CNoman A~ entr-to prior to four months from CMc Center Bultdlng. 300 Eut the date of the h earlnt h•Pf'll•" Aver111e . Orang•. noticed above. · YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by ~court. u you .re lnterHWd In the •aw, you may 111• • ,..._t with the court to ~•Ive 1peC'lal notlc• of & tnv•ntory of n&a\e ... la and of dw s-Udona. 9CCOUntl and r•port1 de1erlbed In Section 1200.5 of &h e C.UfomJa Proti.te Code. ""911 J. O'&Mfe. IH .• 1'1 fllart9' W. MllllNo Jr,. ~KANN .. Mil. Altel'MJ at Law IHI N. ..... ~ 1,....af ...... , .. , lu6a • 1 .. N.~ltvd .. .... CA .. ,. •• 1710 .. ~i~·. ~' .. "·CA tlf.1111 ....... i111 r Publttll•d Onn1" Co.n Delly 'vbtl~ Orallfe Coell Delly 11\lol, Awt al,..,. I.?, let1 l'lloe. A111. 31. hpt 1, 1C, 1tl2 *4•11 H»·U \ " .. *IC iiiii ... IO llD1a Pale mTlll "!lm'j,.,. ~·~~TH OP "!!!!!.'#a-11 .,,JJ:.. ... ...,.,...,. ....,_ SVSLVN ANN IOTSN TIM r.;;;.,.. ,_..,. 11 •Dint ••Nlto1•a-a'41LD o••• ~ND 01' Pl!ITION TO ~cTo .. ""'OOlf YILLAOI CONOllllNI, ttlll li11cello11 ,.l>MINllftl llTATI: NO: MTAT .. ,, OAM IAN ,1L-..i L~~r.J::-OA ..... , ... .,... u AANOMO .".,.Av'"• 1010 Cilwert o M, llllNldl, To all he-it'll, benefiriar'-, II TA Ult ~ 'ALMAI OI tHK. • 1111 ...... CA credlton and cont1n1 en\ COflTU HTATI~ II CA80 IAH T!lll •1111,,... i. oonduc1ec1 by credttora of Evelyn Ann ~=-',J~tILJia:.',f~ ........ Md.... Ro\M\ and peonona who may IAH QUINT,.. HTAfH. HH • ~~..,_.. be o\herwl.e lnter"\«J In I= Ct. 11. flounlM Vellty, CA TIMI ~ -llleCI Wltfl "'-the wlll and/or Mt.ate: .. , .... R l 1313 I c County c.. of O.enge County on A potJlion hu t>Mn flll!d 11, FO\lllteln ~.CA u"i:'l 1 Aue •. 1NI In th• S u per ior Court ot Tiiie bllllt-. 1e oonMt9d by 111 Publl• 0 ,.._, Oranp Count,y n.-q~tinai 1.o Inell~ .... _. Md r•n11• CoHt Dilly admlnlucr tht eU•l«' f RN'" Lono 0 ; ....... TN lerioWlflt l*IOll le dolnt "*'-et. • 1ua1NIH AOVll'JlllNO a ~UMOATIOHI, 11114 II f0t0 11 T6ro CA~. WlllM9 tdwerd lrlell. 24111 L ...... ,, ' IJ Toro. CA tHaO. Tiiie ._.,_ i. ~~en lllCIMOuel, w.._ eciw.rd 1r1e11 Tiiie ttet-1 w .. 1119C1 wttll IM C<111n1y Clerk ol O.eno-C-ty on A~.t. 1M2. ,.._, '11bll111ee1 Oreno• Co•et Delly Piiot, ~ 10, 11, 24, 31, ltQ I 3511·9' ... ...,., Aug. 10, 17, 14, 31, 1N2 E 0 Thl1 1t•t-1 wu flleo won 11141 H H ·H volyn Ann Roten, Co•t• County Clerk 01 Otano-Cowity on PmUC MOTIC£ -----------M e• a . C •. ( u n d c r \he A1.1g, t. 1t12. MCTl'flOOi waa "8.IC NOTICE Independent Adminl1tra1lon P,..... ...-ITAftMMT ,tetmoua .,..... of ~tates Act). The petition Publl•h•CI Orange co111 Dally The lollowlnO '*'°"' "• dolrig NAMI ITATIMINT I• let for hearlns In Dept. Pllol, Al.IQ. 10, 17, 14, 31, 199' t>v.i-... The lollowlng P•rton II doing N o 3 a t 700 Civic Center 31174·12 IAVINf; C APITAL. 15U I bvtlneu.. . ToukluN Cltcle. Irvine, CA ,2714. c 0 N s' TA u c T' 0 N c 0 N Drive, West. Santa Ana, Ca. Joeepfl Peter ,..,_, 111441 SUL TAN TS 4908 S Hthor; 92701 on September 22, 1982 Nil.IC NOTICE TouloON Clrole. lrvlne, CA 92714. N-por• Belch Ca 92&63 • Ml 9:30 a.m . OlM~ L. Young. 17U2 GUl!llMI, Stanley HOwta~d Gould 4908 IF YOU OBJECT to the NOTICI Of TRUITll'I IALI lrvlne, CA 92718. S II N ' . LMft Ne I011la-4 Thia bueinelt 11 l!OflCNpted by e · HI ore, •wport BHch, Ce. srantlfll o f the nPtjtion, voa ' ,__el pert,... 112063 h r -" T.I. NI. amat-t ...-·-..... ~ Tiii• t>u••ne•• ,, condUCled by .~ s ould either appear at the T 0 SERVICE COMPANY .. Ginny l. llldlvldual hearing a nd state• your duly appo11119d l ruaiM under lt1• JOMPh Peter .._ St•n .. y H Gould objections or file written fOlfowlng de1crlbed dMd ol 1ru11 Tille ttat-t wq l1led wllll Ille Thi• •l•tement WH flled wHll tne objel·t ions with t h • t WILL SELL AT PUBUC AUCTION ~~·)'Clerk OI Otenge County or. County Cieri< ol Orange County on . . e cour H> THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR ..,..,.. e. 1982. ,,,_ Augutt 27. 1982. before the h earing. Your CASH (payable •I llm• ol aale In Publlehed Orange co111 Delly l'ttalll appearance may be in person lawful money 01 11141 United Sl•!••I Piiot, Aug. io. 11, 24. 31. 1N2 Publlslled Orange Coast O•ll.'Y or by your attorney. all rlghl. ••tie and 1n1er .. 1 con .. yed 31118-82 Piiot Aug 3 t, Sep1 7, 1•. 21. 1982 I F y 0 U A R E A lo and l\PW held by 11 under Mid •11n11C NOTICE 3815·82 C REDITOR Deed ol Trull In the propertv ,.._, -------------o r a contingent 11e1eonaller"dMCnbed· NOTICE "8.IC NOTICE creditor of (he deceased, you lflUSTOR KENT M LEBO et1<1 YOU AM ... Oll'AutT UNC>lll A --===~--------1 must file your cl.aim with the y•RGINIA A LEBO, hu1bano •nd D 11 D 0. T" u. T. D .. TI D FICTrTIOUI .,..... . Wiie " 1<>1n1 1en1n11 .. ttA• ITATl•NT court o r p resen t ll lo ~he OENEFICIARY. SECURITY OCTOllR n. ttU. u...aa YOU The lotlowlng petlOnl are OO<ng per sonal repr esentative p Ac IF I c M 0 RT 0 A GE TAkl ACtlON TO ,ROTICT bUllneta ... ap~oi nted by the court CORPORATION,. corpotltlon YOUR PROPIRTY, IT MAY •• THE GR E R _ ... l>j 30 IOLD lT A PUelJC IALI. II' YOU AT AMERICAN w it in (ou r months from the ecord .... ovember . 1981 .. •ID AN lllPLANA-o·,. ,._ CLOTHING COMPANY, 17895 Sky d t f f . • lnllr. No 31889 In book 14305, '""" .._ P .. 11: Clrcle. Irvine, Ctlllornll 92716 a e 0 trs~ ISSl;JanCf . o f page 1a19 of 0111<:111 AecorcJa In Ille NATUlll 01' THI PROCllDINO Michael Edw.,d Bunning, 1815 letters as provided an Seetion otllc;e of lhe Recorder ol Orange AOAtNIT YOU, YOU •HOULO. Port Manltlgh Pt1ce, Newport 700 of the Probate Code of Coun1y, u rd ~of tru11 de1erfbel CONTACT A LAWYER. 8Mch.Celllornia 92660 California. The time for tile 1011ow1ng property: NOTICI OI' T1tuan1·1 IALE Menfe~~~ep~~;,n~f.,;.p~~.t~:.~~'. tiling claims will not expire conJ~~Yn~~,,,N~r~:!1°~~':~1~~·~ On Se~i:;,,:; ~:,~~~~~ 11 10.00 Calllorno• 92860 prior t.P four months from that certain Condominium P"len o'clock • m . on Tuesdey, al Ille ~ E. Bunning the date o f the hearing recorded In book 10791, page 53. Chipman Avenue enlren<ie 10 Ille Tiiis 11a1emen1 was llled wllh lhe no ticed above. Oflic1a1 Rec;ord1, (such plan being Civic Cenier Bul1dfltg. 300 East County Clerk ol Orange County on YOU MA y EXAMtNE llereu1aller referred .to H .. Ille Chapman Ave • Orange. c.;A. Wt:.ST· Augu!ll 27, 1982. • • Condomrn1um Plan ·1, and u ERN MUTUAL CORPORATION a '1N211 the file kept by the l'OUrt, If d1tlined 1n that certeln Oeclereuon Ca111orn11 Corporation ... Trustee. Publlahed Orange CoHt Delly you a r e interested in the of Covenenta. Condlllona end or subaliluled Trustee, under the Piiot, Aug. 3 1, Sept. 7, t•, 21, 1982 estate, you may file a .._,,uest Rnt11c11on1 lor Newport CrHt :.Deed ol Truat executed by Mers11111 3887·82 • -., H • A 1 11 Kenneth Grouman and Frances With the cou rt to receive om o wners •soc ' on, Ann Grossman, husband and wile . recorded-In book 10348, i,age 893. "8.IC NOTICE spec ial n o t ice of the OllocialRecordsand ln Amendmenl u community p·roperty, herein l'ICTITIOUI au ... aa invenJory o f estate assets rec«ded on book t038•. page •81, celled Trustor. recorded October ........ • , .... 111NT and o f the petitions, a«'Ounts Olf1c111 Records, and Amendment 30. 198t, .. ln11rumen1 No. •0146. -.. ,.. recorded In book t0793 p--518 In 8ool! t4276 Page 530 ol Ofhc111 TIMI follow!"" peraon1 .,. d,w.,,, a nd rep orts d esl·ribed in 0 · ...,... • Records ol Or·ange Count", '"' _,,, S · II I c I a t fl e c o r d a . ( .. I he , butll'IMI u : e~ l ! o !1 1 2 0 0 . 5 o f t h e Oeclareuon 1. ano 1ne L>e••r•llon C•lilornl1. wilt Mii al publk: auction SVN·MOON LIQUOR & JR. Cabfom1a Probate Code. of Annuetoon for Lot ,. ot Tract lo lh• lllghest bidder lor cash, SMt~onKETc'• '!,!~Beech Blvd.. Walter Scott. i\Uonte." at 7817 , (til e uec ierttoon of p1yabte In tawtul money of the _,, · "' ........., La 7 Anne at on) ocoro d Oct bet 18 llnlla<l Stales 11 lhe time of sale Wen-Mo Chen, 7 Glenn. lrvlno. W, lOt E. Harvard Street, t972',n' boo~ id3;1 P•:• 551· the 1nttKes1 conveyed to ano now CA 92714'. • Salte 300, Glendale, Ca. Ofticoat Records · ' t\lld by H id l rustee undar said Pt.tan Chen, 7 Glenn. trvlne, CA ti HS (%13) fSf·HZ7. !bl An undM ded fl 104th Deed of Tru11 1n the property 92i~· bvllneal Is conducted b l'ubli~h .. d Onrngr Coast o .. oly Interest In and to Ille common arN "lualed In laid County and Slate lndMduel Yan 1'1l<J1, Aug 31. St!p1 I 7. IY8:l as defined on Ille Oecltrallon end In described as· W. .._ C"--3850-llZ the Decla'111lon ol Annuellon. Lui 12 ol Tract No 76• t. u en•...., ,..,, bemg Loi 4 ot Trtct 7817, H ehown Shown on• map recorded on Boolf Thia •t•t-t wu liled with the 1 map recorded in book 308 297. pages 1 to 5. both lnciual~ Counl.y Ciera ot o..ige Oounty on PtJBtiC ~~ eges 33 and ~ ol Mtsc.ttaneoui M11cellaneous Maps, records of July 27. 1982. Maps. records of said Orange Orange Coun1y. Calllornta • F1111111 .,.. IMM County • • EXCEPTING 1"'8ffllrom all 011. Published Oran .. Coalt Dally NOTICIOf'TMJaffl'llALE (C) Eac tuslve ••••m•nla gas. minerals and oth.ar Pilot, Aug. 10, 17. 14, 31, 1982 No. l2M4I appurlenanl to said Unit No. 266, all lly,drocarbon substances as more ~' 3575-82 YOU ARI .. DEl'AULT UNDEll A as more apecthcally delrnc.d In Ill• Parllcutarly described on EXHIBIT -----.---------DlflD 01' TltUaT DATED Condominium Pian end th• .. A .. •lltch~ liereto . .and m1oe a •-ec NOTICE OICl-R ao. 1•1 UNLl..-You Dec pan i11ereo1 . • oc-. TAICI ACTION TO PROTECT laratlOn _________ ;...._ ___ YOUR PflOPlllTY, IT .MAY a1 (dl A non·excfu11ve easement l lCHlatT "A" aUf'llMOtt c'OUlllT Of' 90lD AT A PUallC IALI. ff' YOU lo use Ille commol) are• ind Loi 12 ol Trect No 7641 11$ CAIJIOllNIA · -•ID AN lJOlt.ANATION OI' , .. facllllles ol Ille project which heve shown on a map recor~ in 8·0011 COUNTY CW OCltANGa NATURlf OF THe PROClll>INO been or wlll be developed on Ille 297. Peoes 1 to 5, bolli inctullve ol In llte......, o1 ._ AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD following described real properly. Mlaeellaneous Maps records ol Applla•tloft o1 ONT ACT A LAW'IDI. • · Cit Lot 1 ol Tract 7852, u Silo"",, Orange Co1.m1y, Calilo~ma. DMW AnttMNir -.ttn.11 on Septembef t7. 1962 al I l:OO ol'(' a '!1•P recorded In book 302. EXCEPTING therefrom all oil • FwC,_...,.._ a .m., Statewide Foreclosure pegea 7 to 9 lnclualve ol gas, m inerals and othe; No. A1MICll Services, Inc. H duly eppolnltd Mlscelleoeous Maps, ·;ecords of hydrocarbon su.bs1ancas lying OllDSR TO 9"0W CAUM Trustee under ind pursuant 10 Uld Orange County. below • dep111 of 500 feel from tile FCMI CHAN01f Of NAm Deed ol TrUlt reco;ded January 6. EXCEPTING THEREFROM lhtl surface ol seld lend. bul wllhoul Ille Oellld Anthony Metllnez llu flied 1982 H Instr. No. 82·003797 of porhon °1 l•n<I includecJ within right ol entry upon any portion ol •petition In 11111 court lor an ordei Otllclel Record•. executed ·by: Parcel 1 89 sl)own 6n • map the surface •bove a depth ol 500 ellowlng petitioner to change 1111 Robert o . 1,yncll & ·Lorraine A. recorded In boot. 45. P•o• 26 ol fMI. to leke, market mine. expl0<e ,,_ lfom D•vld Anthony Martinez Lynch u trualors. in the office ol Parcel Maps , records of Hid or Grill lor same ... reserved In the lo David An~ Sheraton. lh• County Recorder ol Orange county. Deed from M•• C Hoeptner and 11 11 hereby ordered tllel all County, Stele-ol Calllornl•. WILL (2) Lois t, 2 •ncJ 3 of Tract L•d• S Ho1p1ner. Husbend and pereont lnlere1led In Ille melter SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO 78l l. u Shown on a map recOfdfo.I Witt. recorded May 25 t972 In alorenld 9P9Mt before 11111 COUf'1 HIGHEs.J BIDDER FOR CASH in book 309. Pllgft 33 and 3" ol Book 10141, Page 273 ol Olhclaf In Depat1men1 No. 3 at 700 C!* (payeble 11 lime 01 sale In lawful M1scell1neous Maps. recr, as ol Aecofda. Center Drive Well, Santa Ana, money ot 1ne Uniljtd Stales) at: said county the s1re4t ll<ldress tnd/or other CeillOfnlt, on S.pl. 15. IH2, et South lronl entrance to the Orange EXCEPTING THEREFROM. common dealgnellon. 11 eny 15 10:30 o·clock • m., Ind lhen eilCI County Otd Courllloun, city ol ll owever. any •nd •II ••elusive pvrpOrled lo be· t059t· Toura•ne there lflow ~."any they heW, Sant• Ana. State 01 Celilornla, 111 eesements appurtenant lo •II Way. trvtne. California 9271• • wlly NICI pelilion lor cllenge ol right, title and 1n1erest conveyed '1o Condominium unns ••C91>1ing u1C1 Said S•le wm be mede wlthool name "'°'*' not be grentecl. end now IMlld by it under said Deed Unit No 266 now or 11ere111er w.,ranly u 10 111te po5MUlon or "le ""11\erordered tlleU copy of of Trwt tn the proj:ieny anu.ieo in relerr.O to"' the Oelaration or 11141 encumbrances. tor Ille pu<pose or 11111 order to allow cauee be UICI County end Stele described u · Oec:lerttlOn. as amended peying Ille obllgat1ons secured b~ publjlt*I in TIMI Olly Piiot, Cotta PAACEL 1: A L S 0 E X C E P T I N G said Deed ol Trust. including tile lee MeN, • newspeper ol general An undivided 2.1872 percent THEREFROM 100 percen1 ol ell llnd expense of Ille Tru11ee and of clrculatloil, pubtlllMICI In !Illa c;ounty lnl-1Inend10 Loi 1 ol Traci No. rights lo oil, gus and other Ille trusts created by said Deed ol al teu1 o nce • week tor lour 6027. in 11141 City ol Newport 8eacll, llydrocerbon 1ub11ancu tying Trust. 1dv1ncea thereunder, w1111 coneecuttve WMka prJor to the day 11 shown on 11 Mep lhereol under. or lhll may be prod"ced lntetest as provtded lhef'eln. and tllt ol ulCI '-ting. recorded In book 310. pages 19 Ind from Ille above dt11crlbed llnd. unpeld principal •"d interest ol IM 0.led Aug. 8, 1982 20 of Mlicefleneoua Maps. in Ille toge1her wllh 100 percent of •II Note(s) secured by aald Deed 01 Claude M. <>went office ol the County Recot4et ol rights lo the proceed• therefrom Trull, 10.w11. $75,985. 11. Aulgned Judge of laid County. and 100 Pf!rCenl ol •ti rights, Dated AUQUll 2~. 1982 the Superior Court EXCEPT en mtneral1, ores and bonuses and prollla 1ccurlng Western Mutual -.... C.·Hor811 metals ol every !<Ind end cllarecttlf 111eretrom, PfOvided. however, 111•1 Corporation AttDnler .. l.w and ell coal. Hpllaltum, oll and Grentor wa111H ind rellnqulslles Ill• 100 So. Tustin Sheet 21'1 IW1Mlr ......,,8fd otller lll<e tubstencet In or on •Id right 10 u&e or occupy or lo en1er ·Orange, CA 9266T CltlMe 210 . land. but. llOwever, welving and upon any portion ol lhe IUflace and Tel. (71"4> 77t·•100 .......... CA ma , .... ling any and 111 right 01 entry 500 feel belo.w th• ·1urlace. As al.ch Trustee (7M) ~ 10 11141 turtmce ol said prciperly end measured vel.lfcitlly from the By: Virginia Keys C I Publl1hed Orange CoHI Delly addlllon waiving and reteel!ng any surface ol said land, !or the purpote Truatea Sales Olticer Piiot, Aug 10. 17, 24, 31 , 1982 end ell rlglll ol entry to Ill• ol drll~ng lor. ceplurlng, ptoduclng, Publl1hecJ Orange c.;0111 Uelly . ,35e6-82 1ubturface ol uld properly to • storing. lreallng 1>< otllerwlH Pltol. Aug 31, Sept. 7. 14. 1982 -------------di1tance ol 500 feet betow the ll•mfllng or uUllzlng 1uch Oii, ga1 or 3805-82 Pllll.IC NOTICE 1urlece ol u ld pro petty to a ,olller hydrocarbon or mlneret dlltence ol 500 teer below Ille substenaes, lor the purpoae ol 1-------...------NOTICI Of' TIIUITll'I IAU IUfface by deeo recorded Aprtl 6, exetcilino Grantor's rlQhls thereto, P\RIC NoTICE T.I . No. l'-os7 1J166 1n book 7895 page 511 ••reserved 1n deeds recorded Mey 1------.,.--------0n S419temw 14. 1982 al 10.00 etftclat Record• · ' 17, 1972 In boolc t912 10t29 page IC-41127 e.m ExECU·CORP. N Trust ... or A L so ·.e: x CE p T I NG 657, Olllcral Records, end rec°ordtld NOTIClf OI' IALI Successor Trutlff or Subtliluled THEREFROM Units lOO 10 112, 20"1 Oec:ember 27. 1961 in boo1t 5967, OI' MAL NOPIRTY Trustee, of 111•1 carlt ln Deed of to 212. 301 19 312. 401 10 412 alt page 665. Offlclel Record•. AT PNVAR •ALE Trull e1tecuted by Jam•• H. lnctuslve as •hown upon Ill• YOU AM., Dlf'AUL.T ~RA A11M1 Brennen 111 and Lind• G Brannen, Condominium Pl•n recorded In D 11 D O I' TR U a T D A TI D In 11141 Superior COUf1 ol the St••• llual>end end wjle, and recorded boolt 10738. page 373 of Olfic:lal NO~R 1', 1•1 UNLlal YOU ol Celilorni•. lor lh• County of APfll I~. 1982 H 1"111rutnenl No. Record• ol Orange Courily and TAICE A~TION TO PROT•CT Orange. In 11141 mener ol•liz:zle MN 13008.'" Book 14018, Page 910, of amendrnenl thereto ~ecorded in YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY al H .... d«MMd.' otficlel Recorda of Otanga County, book 10788 page 929 of Olficlet IOU> AT A "'9LIC IAla. •YOU Nolk:e 11 hereby glwn thel the Celllornle, end pur1u1n1 to 111•1 Reclofds ' .... D AN l~TIOee Of THI undersigned wlll Mii st Private ..... certain Nolk:e of Default llMlreunder PARCEL 2: MATURI 01' ·TH• HIOCllDINO 10 the highest and be11 bidder. recor d ed Mey 18 . 1982 n unu 311 u ah-n upon Ille AQAINIT YOU, YOU aHOULD subject 10 confirmation ol H id ln1trumen1 No. 112 · 171380. ol condomlnluin Ptan recorded In CONTACT A LAWYER. Superior Court. on or alt ... 11141 22nd Of1\clel ~da of u1C1 Courlty. wlll bOOlt 1073e. page 373 of Offidal t4 Kamalii Court, Newport BHQi •. dty ol 'Saplembef. 1982, at 9.00 under end purauent 10 NICI Deed ol Aacord• In the offa of 1119 County Callfornle 92863 e .m .• el Ill• Superior Court ot Tnnt Mii II public euetlon tor CNll, Recorder ol H ld County and "(II • tlrMI eddr"1 or common Ctlllornla, County ol Orenge, lawful money of 11141, United Stet" of amendment lll•r•to recorded In designation Is ..tllown above. no De partment 3. locel~d on Ille America .• CNhler I check peyeble boolt 10786. page 929 ·01 Offlclal .., • r r. n I y 11 g Iv• n • I , 0 I I I MConCI llOOf •• 700 Civic Center lo Mid TrutlM drawn on • 1te11 or Record• In !1141 oltice of 11141 Count comptelhu or correctnNt) Drive Wnt, Sant• Ant. Couftty of netlonel bank. • 1t1te or. federal Recorde( of Mid County Y The 1>enel1clary under uld Deed Orange. Stele ol Celllorllle, all the Qedl1 union, or • 11•1• or tederal The etrHI addren a~d other of Tru11. by rHIOn ot • breech In right. 1111• and lnlerut ot said =I:, e nd loan Htocletlon common dMIOnallon 11 any of Ille tile obllgatlons Hcured thereby deoeaNd et 11141 lime ol clulh and _ In tllia atete, al Ille lfont rHI proper1y deacribed •bove 11 heretofore eucuted and delivered •II 11141 rlglll, 11119 and lntar•I that •ntrence to Executive Escrow purported to be: to 111• under11gned • wrlllen Ille Hl•I• ol H id deceHed llH Coms>My. 221 S1>11lh Ola Vitt•. San 310 Fernando StrMt Unit 311 O.Ctaratlon ol Default and Oemend ecqulr•d by operation ol law or Clemente, Celllornla, ell that right. Bell>oe, Callfornla 9288l ' • ·for Sale, end written notice, ol otllerwlM lhan or In addition to th•t lllle end lnl.,MI conveyed 10 end Tiie u nderalon\d· Trull•• breach end ol elec11on to ceuM 11!• ol Hid decHNd. •I Ille time of now held by 11 under Mid Deed ol dlactelma any llal>tllly for eny undersigned to Mii Hid property 10 death, In end to en 11141 e«leln '!t•I Trutl In tM pr099rty lllueted In Mid lnoor'9C1l'IMI. of the ~reet addr-utlsfy u ld obllgallon1, e nd j)roperty tlluated In 111• City 01 County end Siii• CIMcrlbed ••: end other common deaignellon 11 thtffHller 11141 underllgned cauMd CQ.tt• Me ... County ol Orange, lol 1 o1Traci92CM, u per mep any, lllown herein. ' u ld notice ol breach ano ol Slit• ol Calllornl•. perllcul1<ly thereof recorded In 8001< 423, Sa id ule wilt be med• 'but elecllon 10 be recorded May tO CIMcrll>ld u lollowa. to-wit: P•G•• 17 l o 19 lnc lutlve, without covenent or -we rrtnly .1982 .. 1n11r No.82·1801147 In u id Lot 23 o1 Block 0 ol Traci No, Mlteetl1naou1 Mepe. record• of ••pr-or lmpfiaCI reoardlnO Ill..: Olftclal Recorda. 594, recorded In Book t9, pegea OranQe Coumy. CeHlofnla. potMa11on or mmbrencM to Seit ute wilt be made. bul 25·2'8, ol Ml1cet1an90u1 Maps, Tiie •tr••t addtHI or other pay o•reriialnmo prlnclpll .,m of wltllout covenent or warranty, record• ol the Oreno• County common dulgnellon ol Hid 11141 note(•) -ed by Mid Deed of ••Pf-°"implied. regardtno lltle. Recorder. property: 281131 P-Olene, San Truet with lnllrHI thereon H poaMlllon. or encumbranc ... to more CQl'f'lmonly llnown Q : 241 JU8n CtlptalrMO. provlci.o In Mid nota(a) edv....C... PllV the remaJnlnO' prlnc4pel tum ol EHi 191h SlrH I, Cotll ........ 881C1 Nie wlM be mlele without If any. under the lertM <if Mid Deed tM note(•) Meoted by Mid l>Md of C.llfornlL 00¥en8nl or warranty. Hpr ... or ol Truat I••• chergee and Trutl. with lnter"I H in Mid note TIMI Executor of 11141 Etlate haa lmplleel, • to tllle, PO .. Helon or .,,.,_ O. Ille TN.t .. end of Ille prOVlded. advenc:es, " eny, under received • l>ICI ol t 1 t2,SOO, lerma ell _.,,_ lo eatlafy Iha unpaid tru1t1 orH l•d by H id Dffd ol the 1erm1 of Nici Deed of Trull, c .. 11 to f~ E1te1e. The mlnhnvm beMll09 due on IM note"'"°* Truet for the amount ,._.bl) lela, cllargee encl•·~ ol the overbid mu11 be $111,125 Tiie MCIUf'ed bV Mid Deed ol Truat. to ... ime11e1 10 br. I 133 an 14 TnmM MCI ol 1he 1rua11 crMl.O by t""'' ot Hit 01 cHh hi l•wlul wit: .... 9$2.11, plul me ~ The ~ 111fWi., Mies' 0..0 Mid Deed ol Truet. ntoney ol Ill• United Sl•IH on Htlmeleel co111: ••pen••• •nCI o1 Truet hefllo#o(• hec:uteel encl Seid ..,. will tit Nld on TUMIMy, conllrmellon ol Illa, "' pert c-. aCllleno8I It Iha llnll ot ltle tntlllll dell-.d 10 111e under•loned • ~~ 21, 1"2 at 2;00 p.m . ., lr\d t>elMC• ..,,d.,,ced by note ~ OI ... Notao. OI 8lllr. Wfttten Clec:Wlllon of o.f8Ult-end me Chipman Avenue entr-to MCUred by Mortgage or TNlt DMCI ·~· ......._ Oamend tor Sele. end •written the CMc Center 9ultellng. 300 E. on Iha property 10 told. Ten "lllUTllllOll TO'~An .,.,... Nollet of o.teun,, end flectloll to Ch•pman Avenue tn the City ol per can I of lt'l'IOUl'll bid lo ba YOU Mm M WMILT -A w The u.-.111g1ied ..... ._, o,.,.._ C41111orM . clepOllMCI ..-bid~ ... -• """!. DATIO MARCH Hotlo. of Default Ind IJeclloll to A I I ii. It m •. 0 I 111. t n 111 •I llClt "' Olfert 10 be In wnttno end -~ 1111. U"L•ll YOU TAKI ... to 119 reoordeCI In tlle COlinty pWlic8110n o1 Ihle notice, tM total will lie received el Ille afot•teld AeTIO• TO '"OTICT YO'Y' ....... ,... property 11 locetad· lrnOUnt OI t1141 unpaid HI-of Ille CoUf1houM. Department a .. t :OO •IT MAY M 80ll» AT A oete· Alllll* 11. tM2 · Ol>llo•llon MOured b7 tM 1bo~ e.m. on September H , Itta, The IML=.i!_YOUTlll-M • 'a f AT ( w 1 of · ducrlbed dHd o 1ru11 1nd oflerlntlbuy9r,orlllllOlfll,lftUllbe -~ •n. l' .. OMCU>eUM Hllm•teel coet1, ••pen .... i nd sw-1 noourt 81 INI tlfN, ~111 AOAMT lllMCll, •HC edvMOM 11 11u,111.24. O•tlld.tllle 13td o-v ot •uou11. ( YOU. YOU OOlfTAOT A • Mid T~· To' Cleterrmne IM openlllCI bid. 1112. UW'Va ~ "*-l!Mlon you n,my C1111 (714) H7-otl6. CleuCle I, Tllofnpeon, Ill E•eculor DATll>W~P1tt2 " ey: VlrOlftle ,,._0, Oete: AUGutl 23. 1N2 Of Ille letll• Of 1.lnle M" Hiiia, haoutf¥e V10e .,,..,.,,, T.D, IUWICI CO. decMMd. ay. Mlle Kuna, It....,. .. 111e1 '""'"· • Law Offlote of M MCCllln. an. ~1 .. --~ ,~ ler¥IOe8 ly; Kllllllen M. fllllrlck , HlwPOrl llllOI. Tenth "'°°'· Poet -._ Vita 8tlt c.rttoe Ayenua Alllltant ltetllmry OfflCI lo11 ~ Newoort IMch, -~,Clllf.tM72 ~--an.ettyBoulevardw.t. C1lllor·nl1 tHI0·1004. (114) 111•1.......,. •I a..,. c.llfoml81a'" 711·Htt, 11tornt~1 tor Ille • P111>111hed °'W-Co111' 0111~ llubll Orenp COltl O•lly 1714) iia.uta '91HIONt In proMle, Nol. Aug. 14, St, 91Pl, 7, 1111 F'lloe. AUg, 24, 11, 91Pl, 71 1MI Pullllthecl Of•• l:OHI Ollly Pulll!lflld Ot1nt1 COlll Ollly 31'CM7 1711.., "'°'·Aug. 31, ... .,, ••. ,.., "°'· -$1, .... 1. '· !tit. • • .,...., 3121·12 I 6 • 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 p I --- L o-~- T c L A s s I. F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 .a· • Orange co .. t DAILY PILOT/Tueld1y. A\lgUll 31 1eea c ~· ClASllflll . • CLASSIFIED INDEX "1J.l!Jf!f ........... ~~!!!!.~~~~'! •...... IHHf 111 llJ1· . ,.,_,, ~ ······················ ~.~.'!.~ ...••••... }.~, •• ,,,, Jiii I •••••••••••••••••••••• lt ,._ Y111 M, Cll 842-5671 SEINES St-rw'f• 0.rfl'tQO IUICllAllllSl ... _ .,,.,_ .. Aw,_ 1::~111.Umh CarMret6 F..4tU1~M c.o~ °""' ,.,.,.., , . ..,, """'4w• c-----C•• -· t.. ....... , .......... , 11-1-Mrwril......, .. ••14'4 .. ....., .. IMU\HMflllh ~ .... , .. .:.... ~~~c::; ... c-..... " ..... ,.,.. .. , t:.,...-.. ,w.r. :1to·r.-o :; 1011 IOUAL HOUllNQ Oll'll'OflTUHtTY ::: ''"''''"'' lttlet1 1Q1a /Ill rH I estet• edv•rllMO :: In Ihle new1p1per It llloCi •ubJect to Iha Fed1r1I ::: Felt Hou11no Act 01 1088 ''*' which milltt It 11.laclll lo ::, •dvtll'llN "eny prereren-11: c1. llmll•tlon or dlacrlml· • l'lllloo bilHd on ri ce. :::: color, rellglon: Hx or ::: net.onal orloln, or any ,,. • lnten.)lon to mike any "" 1uch preference, Hrt1ll•· lion or dlt crtmlnellon." ,._ Thie ,_.P41Pet w111 001 1 ... knowingly eccepl any m11 adverllslng lor r• :: t•t• wllk:h la In vlola"on J= ·01 lhl law. 1111111 Adverti- sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I ate I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllly for the first Incorrect Insertion only. Oce1tn & Jt•lly v1eww M.ar1n" nJUm, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 911.ft t l,386,000. Ch-anfronb. LIN llU MMll Prime Lldu Nord bayrront . 6 bdrm. 6 'Ii bl\h. Lae L .R .. 2 bolit 1llp1 •1.~.000. - Remodeled 3 bdnn. 2 ba\h + larp rec. rm. beam celUnp, turniahed, paUO.. $420,000. LIRA llU IAYPlllT Llpn view from 6 bdrm. ~ balh, olayroom, dark nn, den. Boe\ 1Up, Now $1.000,000 .• IAYllll PUii Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 m UQ.; a..Dc. 2 b8 dn. 2 boet .,,atea. Red~-•l.500,000. 111111&11 UYI Coronado laland cuat. bayfront lot. ~· boat dock. Plana avail.. Now S370,0Q9 w /tenns. ILIFFI OollO S ingle story end unii.... expanded :; br, 3 ba on largest greenbcl~ lake. $250,000: BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR J <l 1 k11y\•<S' [)1 ,, '• •· f ' ,. ,. ...... l•i "'• ;;;r;,;;;;··········· LOOK •••••••••••••••••••••• For our new regul1r IWIUlllllUI ,. 2 1tory 5 bdrm. 3 bllh lloma with c0¥9red patio f!!~':iiiuiii.!.~1 iii? 'us" ow- . $12 IOOI CASE and microwave ov•n. Flexlbl• termel Owner , Heisted financing. Only $125,000. Cell 9111·5370 - -m10 •u -a) ---------.. $ -----., ------ ••• -Olo.lll -:: ..... -- - 4 Bdrm 2 ~atll cualom Every Sllurdey In the home with pool end Oel Piiot Claulfleds sweeping view o l Ille ~~~~~~~~~~I upper Back Bay end city llghlal Seller mollvatedl WTllll O.M. lod• • \ I . ·/I I 1/ F Ii ' ' •, ..... . Now only $197.500·ca.u Cute 3 Bdr on cul·de·uc IOdi• I 646-7171 at. Selle< wlll help flnen· --· oe . Luge euumJlbl• I -if{ttl~ I ~:~3~~: price,, 15.000 ..... 11 ....... ....... 1211 he ft. h Let 1211121 ·--UEOITIYE . lfl-iifir' ()Ian! 4 Bdrm beauty In Coron• del Mar. Located In lhe Harbor VIJtw Hiiia area. Unbellevabl• c•· nyon 'View, grN\. lor the hoatesa who lovea to entertain In en lmpret alve home end surroun· dings. Good financing , p1ckega. C e ll now. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS COLE'S PUCE e.au111u1 Cametol home. One ol 1111 moet popular models Greenbrootc h•a. Tiiis lovely home hN 11.0 tendef lovlng care end It In mint, mov•·ln Condi· lion. Mejestlc Clilhedrel celllngs In Jiving end di· nlng roo111. Form•I dl· ning ol courH, Huge hlde·•wey mu1er llMI•. Saparete cNldr~wlng. •PICe age kitchen. At· aume • low lnter .. 1 VA 1541-2313 UtiS-4 cars*bikes• *skateboards• trucks.baby. carriages•tea carts•trikes rol lerskates • walker!> .oys •wagons•••• scooters*hot rods•cou\)eS• ·trailers•hard tops• convert- ibles• motor homes*lawn mowers•lfmos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's•••• •typlngtables wheelbarrows~ recreatianal vehicles•golf carts•mode1 LUii II IEFAILl -·.-EHi tide Coell Mna 2 Br 2 .Ba.. home. herd· W.orxf TftlOts, lerge< IOI, cuHl .. uc etrMI. $125, ooo. Owner w111 nnane.. And mull "" now. Llolll ltJ ....,~l lttr •. end •lry 3 Bdrm home. .... nn Enjoy the ocean breezM. -::i:iiiiiiiiiiiiii: Blke to the beech from i lllls Merlna Hlglllandt I II.II -• home. Priced et $120, •wr1 000, wllk:h It $5,000 .,._ 'Chermlng 4 Br. & f8mlly low epprelMI price. Mu•I room. 2 brick llreplecee 1111 lmmedl1t'ety:--Tetc oun1ry tcllchen. q11lai adven1age. call nowl rHldentlel area in mo- 5-46-2313 . ~d•rn 1reo1 by Buccola. 10% dn. $229,000. Ow-. ner carry 10 Y98f•· . ......... BEST FISHING ANO SWIMMING BEACH plus 2 bdrm home • 2 c u garage, Itel le25,000I *'"II.All BAY & OCEAN VIEWSI 4 bdrm, 2'~ b1tll1. fire· piece, 3 car ~age ptue much morel M50.()00t ..... ..,,,.,. .. ....,. . .., .. , ...... MMl11 T/\ Y 1.01: ~·o .... ,." knock• often when you UM r11ult"991tlng Ollty Piiot Cl•Hlfled Ada ,. rMell the Orange C08Jt l'l'llt'k-1. • ~642·5878 March 10 your phone to Sell '"'""' IUI with Daily piece • flll·acil~ clM-Pllot Went Adi. allied ed. 642·58~ Classified works for you when you want to r::~=' s<a\\cAllA-4~;;s .. --.... ------..... ~ nAY I POl&Ml------ ·~'':-i.:':':...~, ::: low IO '°'"' r ... , _ .. -d• _1 tralns•bikes : •ptanos•cars ::; refrigerators :: •skales•••••• I RU IP AL I ' I I' I I I I EPCJC , •• *1 • i=== = = --ai "" .,. tflt'•9'1 .......... you'lltr•b ..... ta•ter In Dally '91ot ,Clnslf .. ••.c.11 Ml-1671 • • "' . I I' I f . I I P R [ C £ f I Tiiey .. y ll•era·t 1 \'Illy 0000 Ii r I I .... rHton wily COMIC• u .. - • 11n11.• ..! 11ec111ie tne, c1n·1. l ... ,,-R-O_M_M_A-·T--.1 ·;-;::·~~ •• ~,._ -4 . I · I I' I I .y 1.11~, ......... _, -11 ...... ____ _. __ ... -,,. .. 1..., ·--Ne '~ ' -1,.......:;-;~-,.-~-N..,.SOll-=-~-.-U-r,_.,r........,r-r r r I' r f I ~~jtr:,1• mu•sj I I I I I I I I -·· Liii .................. - ' ... ,l 0 0 ' •• l!41!1rm .~!lh.... ... ~.~Ill!....... ... ..'!!...~....... !!tm .~~ .. , •.. "9~~~t ........ !.lffl fme..~/IH .. JIM "!!ltlt.ftm. .. J.'M '1.'P.l!.fmA .. !.~! '1m.~At'l.'1 ..... !lftt.t'P/PIJIJIMf .. '1/ffft.~.. P!:t~.V~!~ .. ~'lff1!1.r11~!A~1 A";~·:i"'t" ,_ hrvrtir WI .__., .fMj •••d.,... .._, ........ ,,., ...... , ..... "' ...... P! .. ~ .......... . Ju11~from NewPor1 9Mctl, 20 9Cf• of taroe Oaka and lyca· mOfH, rolling hllta and TRiii ......... ..-......... to flt yCMM nMC11 l'rlme duplex, IO down, IO JHIOe, buy ~rt Of all. Darrell, ownr l agt RE /MA)( Uflllllll MW L1W ..... ..... IAIY. mr.n ••• intH.~ rr.;";"o":"o••••••••oTln'T Jl..vt ., ,14f ;"e"o';l':':o•n::"••••Z'•";"S• ••••t"oo••••••••••••••• it •• ,, • e•1·~ Newpor1IMctl 2 on• tot lllTILI •• r.rn.............. "" UTll/ .... YI .----.-...... ;lm -,, ~r:! lr::u ~•I~ Yewly·Weetlly·Wlnter, 2. live here, all bllfl paid, 2 m111ar b<lrm 1u1t11, •Lii"iirliiiili .. Walk to lhoppl"Q lllr 3.4 9drma, neer pool. luM blt·ln1 A dble gar • deek1. 191 all 761·1221 1had•d ttrHm. Enter (Oeauvllle) 4 BK A I rondlt1on with :!:~~1~!: r:•: :J,9:i l•-------•I view -Pool -Spa. PRICED TO SELL mobile home and MP&· lRlnr ... NOW -Only $619,YOO. Substantli.1lly 2,3_308_1821 .111111 1Uln 11 a1 1 u o e Es r •tr•• 11H "4·348' I ••&OOD n .. le. ht Piasa .. ., 531·81110'1• • F1p1c;, elegant French NII/#,,,, 1111 Sllatp 4 Br. comm pool w1noow1. AC. In hom• •••••••••••••••••••••• ll&ll&Alllll Nt bch 3br w/alunn~ 11185/mo. Have otnere H Cu11ty. 2Br 2Ba, tB1 INITlllLAI .._. kltch, room IOt llld I& 6 Agt Fted T e nor• LIFE'' .tee & lludlo• flU... IJM1ll OC·RfNTALS 760-S3t4 831·t268 or 831-2111 'I 1Br & atu<llo Incl W1h1/ 1Mf1 ftm1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil l1rl•1 1Jf4 BLUFFS LEASE YIAR-AOUND ,UN: <lryr. 1110 tnc;fu<IH pvt ._... ..... / .......... -•••••••••••••••••• ·•• 2 Br. wetel' vu, 1960/mo, Soctal A•tlvttl ea club w /1annl1 cou111. F1bulou1 vlewl Room for ~,... ....... LUlllll I ~ 1 I 11111. rate barn. Excellent .. A.1 ~ d k 1 M 1.,, I b term•. 1230.000. Cell yCMM ""' ng ncOtne l>f<>-un er nu.tr t•t. UBl uo! n e11erow y J·-Ritter. perty or outgrown 1••1• ScptemlJt!r 1st. SEE NOW! ttll Tom -· denoe wt1h laroe equity 14l•llH IOt: this n.at ru1tk1 and Allin.son. 644·6200. hor-and tennl1. Term1 On Lido Pa'll Of. 211r i Agl 840-0020, 780·9818 D I r • c I o r •fr e • :i:&.~~·111.!,~u~ • lr•dfJ, OwnAL.LBk r d • n . • e o . b Id II ' 3 Bd1JT1 detllClled homu wtlftl.lff Sund• Y rated ClbhU & much PETE BARRE TI . REALTY ........ NEW PRICE • NEW Ft· NANCINGI An abundan· ca of re11on1 10 buy. Convenlenlly lo~aled. Three bedrooms. Open floor plan. Poot an<I spa. 1256,000. N1·11M COLDWeu. BAN~O MllllllLUI ....... Excellent cloH to the ocean tocatlon. Spacious 2 BR home with • 2 room gueet/rental. Extra wide • R·2 lot. Owner financing with 25% down. ......... llWllUL ' .... Tll 3 B<lrm, 2 bath lrvlne Terr .. vacant with pool, -shutters, epa an<I good financing, 1Uly al $389, 000. .....__ U,_..IOOLW -. ~~. 875 .••ttlT IUll ........ Only $179,000 for thl1 3Br 2ba home with RV ICCIH and area. Air cond. ,_ roof, ~rpet, pain'\ and drapea. In· c:k.¥Sll land. - \\lt\11 HI HONI llOMI ._ 1-. REALES1AIE 6.11 14111 \ * ......... ., •• "* II Yr. '11111le1 2 br houae & studio zo- ned for art studio. gift llhopa, antiques, etc ...... I roomy 4 Bdrm 3-'hba home with 180 deg. ocHn view In walk to beech. Corona del Mar looatlon. f-415,000 I•· 731·4444 or 731·5115 12600/mo • In •)IGltlent area, Avall•· L 3 bd I I <I 8runch•BBO'!I• more From $"'0 mo · bla lmmedlelely , HM ,m, Kn con · Parlle1•Plu1 "" Nl!WPORT LOTS• , ia.,fr11t/f111 1800/mo on 1 year leaae. Large well landacape<I much more Inc h m oll u 111 100 1110"61 llYlll IULn 2 adjoining 189,000 ••· 1•1 w/fe•llr r•, Five other• to ohooH wlth gardener, Nr Pk an<I 0 " 1 AT 549-3<121 3641 Bear SI 83f·4179 ..... 11111, from. We're th• onei to 1chl1 Sec 1yatem. $1, RICRIATION : (bt wn Sunflo wer & Mt-1111 --..... II call for 1eaae1 000 mo. 833-1290 T • n l\.l 1 • F 1 e 0 McArthur) lnlu IH4 Patll Uldo Advil Condo 3 ,,,.,, lfll ., ........ HW, ~i "'~'Clhrldru• Newport Shore1, comm •hop I• 2 H •a 11 h pori. pool & teundry No #tut.J., llturt, ".....-..... I) Lg 4Br, tlepe to beaoh, IA&tont IP•o & pro Available nowt 1 8r car-14n "41[,tl Llllllf y Ii. ll')')UUAI[') •••••••••••••••••••••• Br. pool. near no1plt1I, •••••••••••••••••••••• Prlcell range !tom leOO w• Po0fltenn11, yrly, family Cluba•Sauna• pets l<t25/mo 931 W 11T1rtltr ... 11 .. 1 beach. $!45,000, Owner In Yell., W. to l1800fmo. Cal) for lkallU $1196 mo. 6<115·3370 111 Hy<lrpmHaeg•• 19111. St !1'48·0482 Custom Allletlon modal, wlllhelp.Agent8-48·10-44 llT IPlllll II· detall1 OcHnfronta 5PM SwlmmlniJ•Ooll 2 b<lrm. 1,~ ba. 2 .Cory ' super landacaplng hlfd· TIUT avallabte SS I ·34Mlll 1---· ------Duvlng Aenge 1----------1 \llOOd floors. F~ench LUll/"'111 .... ..........._....... lt2t HfHU 1'~1 ... t111n .. 1Nwpt Terr condo 3 BA 2~ • r Au TI, u L $550 Mo AllO bachelor .... YllW .a.I doors, ehuttera. $29-9. llYll .... Natural Oeothermal ::1-. 1-I be. no pet1. $725. Pool. Al'ARTMINT•: $360 mo Call aher 5.30 IM land. 3 Br. 2 Ba. llv & Eval wtmda: 11117·4927 ' • Playa R.E. ef:. t9oo ::: ::Shoi::·:,:f:&J ~ I 10 5 bdrma, starting 11 Bluffs area, 3 br, 2y, ba Be<lrooma•Furnllhe<I 957-2740 SlliUllto luttlhOme on tOO.tryt TT~-7500· 3Br2ba o1 Sprlngaon12deede<I -· lllfW l llllacll.Agt.8"8·2389 S i n or.a. 1 a 2 PM 286<1 L a Salle din rm. lg lam rm, all C.IMI l1l #11 1111 $850 to 11395 condo, 2 car gar. wl elec & Unlum lahe<l•No S325 • Bachelor apt 333 amenlllel, ~ tree lot. By WILLIW WMI Bluff• •mall 3 br •Ingle 01 frontage on Warm •••••••••••••••••••••• ,..,.__. 840·9350 wkdya. Pete•Models Open E 21st C M Apt B·D 0 12 " 1.00 C II llllL atory condo. Good loc. Springs Creall. Only 8 ml Lar ....... B<I ..,~ -...-~· ~"'c{'J007. •·" • 1 s tet.500. Agt. &44·5215. from World Famoua Sun c 0 r 0n: d ;1·M·a, . 760-8398 evee I dally 9 to 6 845-6589. 845·8 t03 In the Deane Homee. 4 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiil Valley Skiing. E11traordl: $1700/mo Waterfront 4 BR lam rm, 3 OlkWIOd $395/mo 1 Br 1 Ba en-C.fl ,,_. 1114 bdrms. 3 ba., IOfmal din.· tlll llU nary opp. to develop• 780-8708, 875-2144 be. 40 sllp may be avail 1........ clad garage. tndry rm. ••••••ttltt••••••••••• rm. and llv. rm. Ceramic ••-private, corporate or 12080/mo. 673-4866. I •-paUol yerd, 1m11• pet ok, Ille entry. kltchenlfamlly -•r•-• reltglou1 retreat. Offered OOUI YllW ....... ts 1v111 Sep1 .... ftl UUY room and breakl111 llW LllTHll ~or8:d:lted111::;ne only. "Old" Harbor view sec-S-8600 N;:P~~e;~1E5j :r,~ I le.,.,t hMll/... TSL Mgmt 642-1603 FM 11 ftl/11% nook. Excellent IOCatlon BHulllully decorate<I 1 • ca llon. 3 br, 2 ba, patio, condos. S1000/mo un· 880 Irvine 1550/mo 2 Br. 1'1> Ba. Wlth20%<1ownyoucan near achoola, pool and Cape Cod "' bdrm. 4 CONTACT·. huge yard, beamed eel· lur11 . $1200 lurn (at 16th) r o...,nhouM1 . ..balcony. In- move Into Ihle lovely 4 tennis. $235,000 bath a. Pier and 11ip, David V. V. ualmbac"' llng1, frplc. Luxury homel 845-0295 (71 ~) 5~5 1104 <lry rm, car port, ell bll· Bdrm home, freshly nol<la 45' boat. PIHH n " 11400/mo. 780-0883 lf5'" I' .... ._"-, ... _ .. .. . Ins. Avall Sept. painted In and out. Ter· call to make appoin t-IDAHO REALTY ASSOC. ';J~AllL: "._"'" 1waterlront. "' Br 3. ba. .....r1 leMll/le, TSL Mgml 842•1603 rlflc locallon. A1klng men 1 1 0 111 1h 11 208-728·9899 NEW 4BA 3'/IBA Woodbrld--·on the lake. $2080/mo. 40 It boat slip 1700 16th SI. ~1:~·~0~0 F:~:~Pg~n1tj oul1t.mdlng home. S2. ~~[~~U,:~~TY :~5';><r~:·t~ ~~~II~~~ Exec:uuv:·3 bd, 2 'h b•. avall. 673-4666 (Dover at 16th) 200•000· 208-728-8453 Hwy 87'!1·1148 Many EKtra11 11<100/mo 3 bd. 2ba, 1pe, $900 mo. (714) 642-5113 $325. ulllllles Incl Sm. 1 bd 1662 Newport Blvd, CM 631-73112 540-lt 5 l M leaae 652 ·9541!, 111 & $800 security total I 1111111 Duplu. 2 Br & den w/ 551-2193 or 987-88!17 rftove in coet. 645-5735. Nr 18th/Pomona. 1 Br 1 .__ t~ --lrplc. So. of P,CH. lmmac. ----~~:--;;-;;;c:--;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Ba. upstalra, D/W, car-~HERITAGE rd• --S&OOnio. 7141838-7714 Turtlerock exec, 2 .OCEANFAONTDl•2·4Br porl, weter pd, 1 child •••••"'•• •••••••••••• maatere. den. 2'11 ba, UYflllT LUii By week o r m o nth . .513 ,. ...... "-.. '--. Lid ea ty" STEAMBOATO SFPRINGS., Jaamlne cr.-.'eleg•nl 3 $1350. Alta 644-9080, 15 bedrm, 3'h bllh w/ 673-7873 nOoK.,:,.o, 5P.e51~2000S450. Agt., RE.Al.TORS ~Ma 11\'W .. t: 0 COLORAD · or rea Br. famlly rm, 1tep1 lo 673 8589 I !----------~ " WU 111 TWllll 7"»7300 Ntate Info on 11111 world epa & tennl1. $1500. • ~rrlfllc ma,n ~~Y :lew. 2&3 B<lrm winter rentals _2_B_r-ga_r_<l_e_n_e_p_t.-n-o_pe_t-s. with 2'h baths, 2 car encl #J11i1• V/111 11111~~~~6~~.J'"~~~~~I f1mou1 akt area, tuclled 875-2740. 3 bd. 2 be. wet bar. nice pac ous am ''I ome on Newport Penin $525 Small chlld ok. $440 mo ga~ & yard. 15000 down •••••••••••'/~......... away In the 1pectacular large yar<I, no pet•. w/<lock, 14.000/MO. 548 9950 and pymt uallled prog-Beautiful pool home. Colorado Rockies. call Cnt• #tll 1114 $ 9 3 0 . 8 3 1 • 1 6 1 5 , Marth a Mac n • b . up. Agt, 875-1642 __ • __ . ____ _ Ar',,m, .. ~~~~1R11c1k. Ownert ~~~~.~~'!'.a~ci~s2o~ TRADE T, o8o'o' "25 5508 F Jo~o~ ••••·oc:RENTALS••••• _4_9_3-_77_86 ______ -1 644-e200. Pteoninbsc~a y2,B,: 'sb6ao. o'",mbolk Lco:r3p~~·, 2 ~~· g~·c~r~~ • ~ v ooo cesn. S 142.500. ra.do w·"' .. , :. •• 1 E'atate. 1·5br'a $200 to $2000 HURRY NICE 1br wisp• " ' •-PPllll •-11 ....., ... •• Agent. 675-3890 eves & pets 1550 751 -3696 ICUI YIEW Owner wlll carry bal. ...,.. -•ro 750-3314 open 7-daya pool. ... t-lna, more ..,80 wimds 2 Bdrm. 2 ba, condo. Full (213) 945-4934. for realdenllal Of' Income ll•tin, f1nu, RENT TO OWN: N-2Br OC·RENTAtS 75().3314 1 Bd, I Ba QuplSex. util amenltleaan<IMC.gable. #..-t .. ,. llll property In Call!., Ari-c,..., 1111 2'Aba, condo. Call Rich. Super 5bd. 3ba. Jae, f8m ~~~~~~~~~Winter Rentel 1. 2 & 3 paid $375 mo. 625 to C.11 Ale .... Owner/Agl. ····•l'io•••u•••••••••• 1.on1 Of' Hawaii. 1l% fl· •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,.__etlAgt ...... ~ 6171 rm prnttgfn.1•• Racquel.:: bdrms. Newport Penln· mo11e In Agt, 675-1642. " nanclng + c11h flow. '·""" .._. Clb $t07S,,;,'7760•9307_ Bluff• 3 br, family, 2'h sula Playe Real Estate Sparkhng clean. 2 br. 1•1. 964 " 6171 TElllFIC llME e.cellent Orange Co. Ill au 3 Br. 2 ba on' acl-e w/3 bath, $1400 mo Agt. 873-1900 ba. $<175 Ulll pal<I Re- .... ,.. •• Prof. decotated. warm 3 location. Full price seoo. IAPllTUll car gar plu1 ~· hOU· fH.••• .. ,. 11fl 844-6368; 844-0350. . ... B_E_A_C_H_FR_O_N_T_R_E_N_T_A_L~1 frig 2 small Clllldren Ok, S20,000 dwn fOf a 25% Br, L.A., D.R., F.R .. big 000 and $3 3 mllllon M See 2530 Santa AnL •• •••••••••••••••••••I----.;._-----I b d d 2 b d no pets kllcn .. high beam eel· Agent. 644·9513 DO NOT DISTURB TE· EMERALD BAY. 3 Br. 2 3 Br. Westclllf. mo. to mo 1 m • 8 n r m 1960 Wallace. 642 ... 905 =:t ~~YO,:: llngs, frplc, plus a private NAN TS . S 9 7 5 mo Ba. fr pie, brick patio wilh t S 1250. Agt. H. Fredeflci<, ~~ n ~~3r : r61 e 8 ' 1 Y lrg r:nanlcured yard wl a 3 •--Clt•«•I• 1111 851 ·8228 Ip a . S 150 0 . 2 13 /11_ 831· 1286 1218 Devon · 1 • "' • 902 occulllfd or lnv11tor'1 -_. ""87tt:2255 ==-. tl1 _naeAlloA 1¥a Cell .. .,,... car sMu ~ta1~1M.1&..."'"f.:"-i"iii00iii0:'.ii.!-~•~TU'UAA .. ·&aA.L•Tlae.al E'·' ... 3 B "ba 1 ,. • ----•--"'1 block to beac h. 2Br .-,,_., $375.000 end o own """"'· r' • am rm, Iba $525 u 111 pd o-lagt, 964·6171 • Y u FM -STM"' llvlng rm MP dining rm 3 Br 2 Ba. ocean 11u,1Npt Terr. 3Br 2V.ba. spa. ,..6 57•3 · Iha land. Patrick Tenore. ..,5 m Drive by. 2587 Elden. $825/mo, Arch Beach 1 pool. garage. $725 mo. !--~-· __ .. _____ _ Montlcello Townnouee. c f 552 707 ~ San lemente prl<le o 1900, 842-2t8t Hgt•. Av• I I 8 I 1 . • 4 lot1ifrnt/Ylewl ~~BA . :~D~;:·w:~~ ~':'::'~~-~°:'1~ ~~~: LANDLORDS/REALTORS 633"8212 all 3f'M. 2 b<lrm. 1 ba. appliances. 2 end 3 b<lrm L<lry, gar . garb. dlap, alee garege, houae wtth oc;Hn·hlll• a Fast free tenant provl· HARBOR OCEAN FRONT I <!rapes, quiet beach loc. llreplace. S650 and up comm. pool. golf courae view. Cloae c:1 .. s. BEST Realty Nu 3200' lux nm on blutl. $525 mo. Leaae t o winter. 640-<1784 &41·9486 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ to everything, only 3 539-8184 180 deg vu 01 harbor,! 711183. Avall Sept 15th. ----... -----1L--•••••-f<I a ih lllk 1url. mln11 3br. 3ba. Of'lveby 11526thSt.NB. A111l•1•l1 Ml 11111 •rr• -• ~~a~~ ~-o!:~oul: E.slde 2 Br 1 Ba, lncd security. 11una, •P•· 1 Call 675-31<18 eves U•l•t•iliH Golf courN vi-. Mull Yoo own the land. 2,000 OCcUP".3 b<lrm .. 2 bath patio. encl. garege, n~w $1800/mo. 498--70011. SUPER DEAL 3rm wtcoyj .................... .. aell. 1185.000 wtth 1Q"/o aq ft, 3Br. fam rm, 2'ir cl & ' lew 11 carpels, drepea. paint. tc 1 $ -, .. , ... lllHI Ufl down Ba wide Greenbelt neer 1Y ocean " apt. • 011•1•11111 111 NO pell. $525/mo & M · BHul. 3br Hee. hom•. j Itch. ul I-pd. 325 •••••••••••••••••••••• . p~. Far below market applicable & rent the II 1 '' I . l 1• cur. Also duplu on lncredlble city & ocean OC·AENTALS 750-3314 2 BR 1 Ba. no pets, xrly. MULLAN REALTY other 3 ap1rtmen11 for ,ir t111' ll\'\'•IOWll 1' $1350/1 2807 540·2980aalt fOI' LOfl 1245,000. 'Wm teaM op-lnr.ome. Seller wlll help W.alde S.-80. 548·5442, view. mo. on the water. Super lndry tacll. decll. S 00. lion. Bkr. 844-6368, finance & SAVE buyer 770·56a8 Alla Laguna. 41M·7200 anarp 3Br 3ba, water pd. 1 _8_75_·_0_3_<19_. ______ 1 Ill.Ill lJ¥m thouaan<la of dollarel 2 SA 1 BA duple•, prvt Studio Apt nH r ocean Dock avall. "S1000tmo ... , ... In 11119 4 bdrm t1ofDe wtth Elegant 3 Br & Oen• REDUCED lllng price 11 ll1t1l1 C)atlo 360 18th Place B. Private bHch. lrplo. 1 Ag t . 6 "' 2 -3 O 7 3 or lamlly rm. fncd yant and country 1tyle ho_me. way BELO: current re-•••••••••••••••••••••• $5'45. 851-9522. peraon. $375, Ulfl l>d. 673-7737 • •• /.!'!'!P/~ ..••. /.~!! fol• ol Htraa. Owner wlU French doora. bay win-pl ace men t co 1t 11 1 .,.,,. hWdM Spotlesl Eaetalde Ctetat· Laguna Realty 494-0077 New Exec. home on 2 b<lrm. 2 ba newer <lplx uaisl wlflnancing Only <lows, hr<lwood floo<s. 3 Prlnclpa 11 ONL VIII Call •••••••••••••••••••••• che<I 4 Br 2ba. Never i-••• •Ill '''' WA TEA. 2 Bdrms. plus yrty. Mature non-s,.,..krs. 1135 000 Cd 9fi.5370 lfplc's, very lge 101· owe owner at (714) lal ... blal 1111 rented before. Owner ""·•••••••••••••••••• den. <lock avall1ble. no pets. $750 X 3 J bOc.m S39:i 2 bdsm-1- ba $490 Po~gar.-no • pets. 6'42·<1"70 EASTSIDE 1 bd lots of wood .• qulet. p.111. $365. utils lncld, no pets, 631·3646 AM or alt <tpm. E.1utslde 1 B<lrm. smell but cozy, 1011 ol natural w o od. Rent $390. 851-9522 Newer lg 2 bdrm. 1 bl. prlv patio •. bunt In stove and dlahwaah•r. Enclos- ed gar Ample parlltng. Large yar<I area. 778 Congreaf St .. Costa Mesa. 213-781-7813 1 Bdrm S360 Utll paid. No pets Carport. 383 W Bay. 548-9516 1 B<lrm. Laundry lacil. No pets. Westside. ne>W.' . • :::·sW9?~·. ~= ::~: 142-0131 c~ii":;·;:;;;:EARLv·~; pantwtar. 2 111d1 Ok. no s~1~TgH2L:~~N:. c~~r,; ~igg73yr01/6~~e71:r· 2131;~:9>·6~139s3.9~~1-9192 By Owner 831·2134 1----------WINTER rentals. Aeglr pell. no smoking. • • • or • ov f81tle llH Proper11ea 875-4000 $950/mo. Call 844-7211. houae. walk to bell, lrg i.tit• Aal ,., S.-25 1 bf ulils pd, 417 E Huge 3 b<lrm, 3 ba. prlv \ f >I l I 11 F II ... \ ·. . .. ·. $375. 8'46--4382 Owner wilt carry tlnan· ·----"T""----~ clng fOI' 25 yeara. Only Tiii lllT llY $t35,000. Call 759·1501 I with lo down & low or 752-7373. 2870 San paymen YoU can make Ml guel Dr. Newport thla ate MHa culle ""'"'LJ4e hie ••••••••-•••••••••••• agt. prvt y<I. llngle car gar. •••••••••••••••••••••• Bay Bal boa No pets. patio. No pet•. $600 mo ... .... ... I...... CIH~ 3 BR!,~•·= E'alde . charming 2Br . ~r;rr.3~5 ;:· ~ Lge 4 bf, 1'ir ba, din. rm, 547-1155 • 851-2175 Choice loc. Xlnt fin. Prln 2 Bdrm, 2'Aba, low :!::. e1r'3W er. 1ba, lncd yrd, attach gar. Julie Of 213-374-5922 alt ~y remod., big yard. l--Y-EA_R_L_Y_R_E_N_T_A_L--I STUNNING large 1 Br only. Own 873-7873. down. ~10Vo% flnen avail. ~. 111/lal 1275 MC. 6. ~~7 ~:,S.&-6249 1 b<lrm $500. Cpta. Garden Apt, pool & rec -ft-'-%-..... ---.. -,.-lfl--I ~~~wuawner/Agl. emro~~u=~r"': ~Valls.pt 1, 831·828" '--••I fl, .,, '"' drapes. 675-6606 ares 710 W 18111, St Urgent 1111. Condo. 2 winter )'llflyl 3 Br 2 Ba. E aide 3 Br, 2'ir ba. frplc, 2 ""•••••••!•••••••••• C..liiIUaliiJ1 C.llal Iii #M 'Ill * 2Br 1Ba Near So C . ~ ~ Walker G Lee y<>ura. Newer 2 Br 2 .ea home wlltplc, & formal dining. Seller II moving, cali todey. Agl. Wenda. 544-19554 eet-1818 bdrma, 2'11 ba. Xlnt foe. Olin i..J llllll Atto lnlertor home 3 Br 2 patlol, deck. dbl attach Condo 3Br, den, wet bar. l/"'8nldtl ,41S •••••••••••••••••••••• Plua, S.A Luxury Con-$110.000. S12j000 On. •••••••••••••••••••••• B•$900/mo. By Ownr gar wl elec opnr. $750, lrplc, pool, 1111 laatlMC. •••••••••••••••••••••• BAY v1-. walk IQ.bell, lg do . w/pool $575 No P1yment1 194r.50. Call lltMJt ••n 780-1977 111/last $350 MC. Avail $750 mo. 495-6148 Oar<len Grove. New 2 BR newer, 2 bd, gar, no pets. 833·8974. owner. 714-881-4818 ..... •-•, llll Sept 1. 531-8284 J -l 'h ba. patio, gar, $550 & pet•. $800 8'4<1-~126 --------, .... _., WINTER RENTAL -"""---------#luJN ,,,,, ,_1 S 100 dep. No pets. 2 br. nr OCC gartpalfo 5 Br. light, brlte, MCluded •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 bd. 1'h ba. ~750 . 3Br, 2Ba Condo nr Marl·••••••••••••••••••••• Craig. 5'45·1370. GO. IHlttltr a,t $460 Plus sec 645-1387 2 level Estate alie lot, 2 new moblle homes+ 2 873-2348 or 673-3915 natl Pk. clean. Ill facll. HOME FOR RENT S Child O I( No ""'-s •11..,.... xlnt ·buy1 o n resale, $780 mo. 4"7-2149 3 Bdrm. a 4 Bdrm. $885 Ora..,...tree condo. $500 with llreplace teps to .. """" ••-• PU ,... shopping, achoola all " .... beach no kllch lac $400 "'·~& gait, don't min 1111 •· near by. Owner must Mii • P • c e ·rent S 1 8 5 ... ,... Nancy to $775. Fenced yarda & 1 Br & loft. ten1111. p<¥>f, 67 · O.•• lti•I 'IU .... ,. + 2 B 846-8612 " l l 'In garage•. Kl<11 a pall 1tream. NO pets. Avell mo. 8<44-8 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• thla low priced 1 Br con· rSep<lawclooouda 3pBa'tio a v.,P:·. & wfll Unance. What 1 •••• !,.!!~.~•••••••••• Suc:ft •deal 1br 11111\uge welcome. 545·2000. 911. 553-1141 • 1 room with v, Ba. welk to V1c·1n1 2 bdrm. 2 ba. do In lrvlne. Bell loca· deel! Agent 846-1044 Live In Newport Beach for I al kllch, utll·pd now$330 A 1 I Carport $575 mo han<laome bric)! frplc, Pr I ce reduction . $19,000. 2 bdrm. 1 ba In Oceanlfonl w nter rent · QC.RENTALS 750.3314 gen • no ee 2 bd, 2 be, d1hw1nr, Ael, beach. •II utll. P•ld. no 542 • 35 9 7 sit 5 730 • 7165 :',::! ~~~='':9w~~ xtra lg 2 car garege wt $249,000/ make ·offer. private comm, Very 2 br, 1 be, compl. r"ur----------I I "'d 'Ill W/D Auto Garage Huge kltch., $300/mo. Aela. ----·-----fall, adjacent 10 the I•· wine cellar or dark rm. L.H., atao may teaae. c 111 n . M u 1 t 111 1 blahed. ·Garage. w..,_I Beam celllng1 accent finer • .'.'!r.! .......... ;...... loft ·bd. 1650/mo. Call 549.9322 M·F _ BHll•flH CUZZI. Call now, 'thl• Wiii Mu •••• 11 As A p · 1--::;;;;;;;;~~-675-2742 • <I, y.,. u 111 p. Id . 5 room houae. deep plle OC·RENTALS Jan Martin. 851-9400, Baell. So. OI Hwy, nice ,,,,. 3110 l 175000 owe M8·5e80 997-3970, 8 to 6. carpet, newer llltch. bit· 1·5br'a 1200 to 12000 <lays 850-9188 Evff. patio. $350 mo. Inc ulil. •••••••••••••••••••••• :3'L:3~o. 645-1a3e · 1-s-~-LL_E_R_1_s_P_u_R_c_l{,_A-s-,N-a c,.,,,,, ,,.,, fH.••• .,,, '"' ~~0~1~·+Kl:!.'B~~ 1_150_·3_3_1_4_0_~ __ 1_-d_•_Y•_1 ,,,,,,,,.,,, . 673-535" Agt .873-3" 1s 1w111H'I WALi TJ~\Dll 1<)\ \I k'I \I I \ con<lo, needs IHI tale ••• ~'T.f!~••••••••J.J!.f E~;d•a;.;~·;.;.·~ Realty 5<39-8194 EASTBLUFF: 3Br. 2ba. hnlMH JSIS C.lll #II• Ul4 Lge 1 & 2 br twnhM apt~. on thl• adorable Eutalde PACIFIC VIEW MEMO· pools, tennis courts, Avall Now. 11100/mo. ••••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••• l rplc. dlanwesner, enc . 3 BR 2 Ba country style RIAL PARK. N.B. 2 Plots. ocean \llellr. 3 Bdrm, 3ba 1111 ""11 Piil 840·901g,831-0838 Rancho San Joaquin. 1II,I11, I 11, gar. Nr Huntlnjlton Har·' with querier• •bOve ga-Worth $1800. Make ofr. a g u 11 t h 0 u 1 e . Unique 11111• I B r . Newport Shor" 3 er. 2'ir Model Townhou1e In Ir· Ne1111y decor Gas pd, bour From"" 5 Chll<lr· I rage. Asking $185,000. 601 LIDO Lv mag. 979-5380 $1800/mo winter renlal Bungalow. Mod •PPll, Ba. 2 block• 10 beKh. vine. 2 bd plus den, one encl gar. dwsnr. pool, en OK. 8'40·6807 :!,~~~,~~· Call 8th FLOOR lf--~-l'-'•••/ or $2200/mo yrly. x~ra 1toraga. Yard for Clote 10 school & tennis. the nicest In Ille Cleve· bbg Adults, •o pets 1 & 2 BA. pool, bell llvtng, ___ ..;;._ _____ 11-'-."--------~ Waterfront C.ondo .,_. '" 7141759 7 Kid. A suite deal •I BEST H2·8883 Io Pm• n I . $ 8 2 5 1 !" o 642·5073 year round. $430 & up, -11.21 S11ff/llHI llHI ADULTS ONLY ,,,,..,.,,. 1111 ---4:...._ ____ 539-8l90 em lee. · 728·2148 no pets, 220 12th st. 219 ' .. -•••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna sand. wl111er, 2 Ml 1 m llon 5 Bd m 2 W•tcllff 3 Br. den, office, 1511111 Wl•I -S~Jar V~w 3 BR 2 BA. S.C. Plus, BR. ulll ., avail 10/1. to n •n r · ;>•~ Ba 2 car gar garde-llm6'1xn .,....._BllU --------Long·lerm 111umable Lelle/Option or Pu·r· 1789~ pool, Jae., 192,950, ••· 8130. $1500 rno. Pvt ply. BL Spacious llvlng rm, n ·tr. no peU '1 995. l'8J'llliiH 1100 ~-U CONDO 3 BR. 1 ·~ Be. In· loan on this three be· chlM. YOUR,_ 1850 Wm_ Cote. Broker aume 10'!.'o% Ownr. 213-795-21137 · lge eat In kltch, coi.y 1·837-1458 Of 548-5928 •••••••••••••••••••••• APUTmiTI-aid• ln<lry rm $850 droom and den hOme In aq. ft. (plu1 dbl page • 213-llllQ.1451 1 .............. .... frplc, dbl J1lr. tnc<I n· C •A•• .,_ 5 B 3"BR. 2 Ba. Bal Pen, un-538-3976 or 8"7·4"37 the dellf•ble "Bluffs" at wl opener) Deluxe Con· OCEAN FRONT lmmacuate wvvvay ..,,.,. pri v ate. 1825 worth H ... -: ~pended r. furn. Jacz. oc:.en view. Beaulllully landacapa<I do. Great park aide mer. Aeeentty remodeled move. Call 539·819Q 3 cer g•age. HVH. Ja-s 1 0 5 0 _ n 0 pet 1 • garden apts. Poot & Spa. * Attractive 3Br 2'irba, Newport Beecch. Nlcetr, locallon, next 10 111 Decor lvrn .. 2+ bd, 3 ba, and redecorated. 2 BEST Ally fee. cuul, loaded w/lrench 213-737•7272 <lays Covered parking No spit lvl, lrplc. anct ger upgrade<! " armellla 3 car prk'g. S500K. Oual bdrm, 1',. ba Including windows. akyllfht•. pet• $615, 842-2897 model with large patio ahopplrlg & thHtera. buyer• only. Enclnll11, dining room. Large 9Un· Another 2 Br for 1450. IHIOO/mo. 840· 623. Bach. '1410 to $415 '"j 1 b<I Fr"' Prlv Patio overlooRlng the graen· Incl. 111 amenities. Op· VERSAILLES CONDO owner (714) 848-1088 ny <lec:tl 0Ylf1ooll•-ca-garage too. anady y<I, 833-2237. ~ .. .._,.,, T..idtl 1 Br. 1<165 to $470 ooi. L' au"'nc:1' '{· Quiet· ~I Near pool Owner portunlly to 11111 ow· ""' kid• OK, pet? See at ;f!;-f.:"'!.·,,·;::~··••;;~ 22..,, va~~d •• 80 ·~2 ••• " ....,,, 10 ....... RECENT nerahlp w/quallty home =i:r·Oc!:;,.e;e:.:;:: .. £ .... , ~~~~.Of1 .:.''!;,:er~=~~ BEST FOi' ~or .... option, --.,,,_ .,., ---....... PRICE REDUCTION ....... 11 .. 11vlng1. nean prkg, MC. enlran-,_,,, ·-·· 11·-Nt-1111 .... 11500/mo. 5 Br .. large ····F············,···B·R· 5'40·9826 or 2•4905 . -.-'--·-----.-.~-~ .nd don 'I f:tr et 1"'11 7 1 • I 8 3 1 • 5 O 5 5 or t1 ., _, -S850 per mo. ~ yard, _..__.,, •"'opplng BAY RONT. Winter. 2 Sp~•-··s 2 Br 1 Ba s•25 un•t .,,.,,,, " " cea. outalandlng poo ••••••••••••0 •u••0 • 417-4503 -.... """ .,, 2b 1 All ~""' · · "' · •• • ............ . g:•t uMMn • loanlll &42·2000. ctubhM. By owner. 198. 11f11 TU mt.Tll I •---&. •Jfl K~~=i.J,~~~71 nearby. Agent 848-10<1<1. pl~iinc!:r \1:50,,:~· 3 Br. rn Ba $475 wo.od•b;ldge condo. 2 •--"J-•W!'x 1••~ -900 aa.avm.. --S-a.nd.ra FM ... ,,.,,_,.. ._,, -• " OC·RENT•Ls 7 ..... 331 .. Blutla 3 bdrm. 2 ba . ....,... 873-3724 81~-'106 ' Laundry lac .. pool . bdrm. 2 ba. $800 mo. ,_ tr4 _,, 2 • " .. ~ra 9WiU ••·~••••••••••••••••• "' --., """"' • 548 9556 12·7PM 873 8"20 It 6 ..... <I •••••••••••••• ••••••• 64 -14• San Clemente pride of LIDO ISLE . 3 bdrm. fam locellon, greenbelt. • • • • or ..... n • INVESlOAS ownerahl modems 4 B IHOO S:ngle?? Bach unit w/ 1oma vlaw. 11150 . C..•1111 •r 1111 I •---~ e•~f 15000 down and 1200 p. P•· rm. 1• mo. "•11o, ulll·pd, yd •"'25 •~4.• .. ••. •••••••••••••••••••••• __,, -• .,,.. per mo, n~atlve cHh nl•h •tyle 4 unit apt. Oc RENTALS 15-0 3314 ""' """" Ocean 11lew. beautllully "'2zl:fll!lll .• -.-. .. ;-;; ............ .. flow for 1 31IA 1ba .,., BALBOA ISLAlll\ hOuM with ocean·hllla & OCEANFAONT 2 bdrm, ·• L • Npt Creel view 3 Br. 3 Ba. furn. townnouae, lrptc. -NO FEEi Apt. & Condo ..., ft 11111 golf courae view. CloH 1 Ba 1700 mo. Bill Santa Ana Helghll 311r. Plan 4, 11200/mo. Agent pool & patio. 1895/mo. , .. , Im rentals. VIiia Rental1. LI ..... lWM '"' famlly detatched home. to everything. only 3 Grundy, Altr. 876-8181. big ~ard, vecant. HOO 840-8208 873-0898 Beautlful garden apta. 875·4912 Br°"er. ~,.··u··········,·".·a········ ~1'.R,71c1h . OwnrlagJ. • a•YfRONT Y•E•w"1 ONl-d &~1how1c~~lde .. ~. "81.. p ti /<I k Heel paid ...... -v " N UV mo. kr. ............ .. Newport C:11t. 2BrduPll• C..11 .,,, 1114 N~ : ••. ~ ~hfldren wel: "' lllllYI m .._..____11_.. 31r 2._ on ··=,.,, .... IJ ...., occury 3 Bdrm 2 beth ... llLI .... '9181 .HM condo. Attach gar, dining s•••••••••a•••••••••••B•• come NEW gated 20 Town· .._ --city ~·an II ant If 2BA 2BA Dbl Oar. Patio ••••••••••••••••• T.T:T ., ... pool, tennt•. clbh· TUNNIN luge , r. 2 Br. '2 Ba. $585 home VILLAOE COM· prlftte locatlon. Gar8;C. IHI II ........,lbl a .... , ,;. WIO Ho Peta Winter 2 Br 1'..t Ba condo, ff, 11 Wll<I Qoon. Tl· Oerden Apt .. pool & rec 3"8 w. Wll•on MUNITY. 2 6 3 Br. 2'n _ _......., _......__ Hr. . •••••••••••••••••••••• .. .. ,.. .... ......... •PP c e r n ... HH 87"7..... s·3"/ 710 w • 800 It f ::..-. ,..__!::= .. ~ Al ..... ,. IOUI ,... ,.._ 01her 3 epartme 11 for -·"· or ._ 1890/mo. Garage, apa, cond«oga to Intrepid to area. "' "mo. · 831-5!583 or-842-4905 B1. 1500·1 aq .. o _, ~ ...,,...,._ .....s .............. Income. Seller will help fpl c, t ml to bCh. Wlldj.ooaa. 1850, 714 18th.St. pure luxury. Garag11. "t•I\· 878 -IU 1t, No money down. no finance a SAVE buyer Beauttful home fot.quall· 497-8455 543· 407 S375lmo. Dix rnoblle nm. LC''J!! :,~ ~~~·ry~·~~ •PH In every home· 87 8211 quallfylng • own your 111-llfl thouaand1 of dollar1I fled pereona. gracloutl If· II •w \•e•• w. .. Mature edulll, no pets. ,.7• • master 1ulle, dining "'ome on our unique REDUC"DMlll pr""·la I 12•001 11 ••• •-• --.a o I ...... •" rooms, wood burning ... - ... , " c; ng ...... vng ... l)'IO ........................ Luwuz...._...tTerr~ Ult. ••cure. •.••1 •1ao '1rs2Br 1Ba.·*•"". -•hared appreclaUon ft· ~~~~~~~~~~!way BELOW curr,il r• 875-1530 'HOME FOR AENT .. ......,.....,,.. ...... Newport Bhld. 848-8373 "' •val ... 1 .•• 5_ ..... 25.v llreplacea. micro-wave I te 1 I 1 II.,. nfntAN. We hive 5 = piac:«nenl coetlll Prlncl· 1---------II I F Con o . 2 br, E•traa. "' " """ vv ovena, private patlOa & 1U It-'= homeTlnHwnl BMcll 3 pall ONLYlll Call owner OCEANFAONT duplH, 4 r 750· enced )'ltd, Ouletl Only HH mo. ••=IN Don't wait only t lar,_ 3 yarda.tiar<lenet provl· IA 2'M>a tlcio to 2l00 More lamtllft era getting 11 (714) winter 1750. 2 Ir 1 Ba. garage. Kld9 & peta ...._ 837·2888. nfl •·. avell with 2 Ba.,..-pa-ded. EllOlfll lllllng onfy p' the clfnPl!iQ "bug" this trpl, oar. 840-4111 oomeno......:. 545-2000. agent, ...-15 m1nu111 lrom Faahlon .1 aq It. aymenu run yeer If )IOU have a cem-142 11 •1 ,_, 3 , .. iJ Ba ........ '--'. NII •••••••••••••••••••••• tlo. In q~ area. large Illa~. 1mtnul•10 S.C. - 11200 10 Steoo per mo. par ·th•I'• not getting • • ~/Pllll. 1-.-.-=s--,..------1 "' ......,, ......... DTITI UW9I r,f·'$875 846-3381 Of Plara or O.C.Alrport WAfl Ml ICCINt c11'.1,1.Je:,;_~'ooti.1 at uaed. Mii It now with 'j •~ a...:.. '"f 2 llotY. 4br, 4 bathl, ~ U . condOC . 3 ~agea.gooia a..uttful park-Ilk• aur· 87 5049. Ju•• •••t ol Ne-port " ... 1 ... ....., c It._,. .... •1 -e~I 1011 to .-,oa~noap. o ndln 1 T aced ... ~ • UUMI., lltc.11111 ..., ...,, ••• ••••••••••u•u• nlng rm, Qianl ICf9lfl TV. , •-1786/mo. lllr. 7S32 r u 11 • err PINE LUFF APTS 81v<I & ao. of San Diego REAL ESTATE Ut ..... If .... hot lub, mod. kltch.,.2 Cir •••••oc_•RiNTALS••••• pool. Sunken 111 bbq, 1 fir. With loft, & 2 Br. 2 Fr w y , t 9 O O I mo 631·1400 4%CA-lft1cii?a1r1v.ba. enct.perti~.Avall~. 200 • .......,. MWMf ...n •P•rkllng founttlnt. Ila. Child ok. on Ill• 831·54't, 2473 Or-15, 87~7890 1·Sbr'a I 10 ......., 2 ......._ Spacloua room1. S.-· f A .. ,._. Me9a -·r .,,C.,_w--...... ~,~-~--,-1~:-::f •tarter llofM. No quail-Ill CAIJll 750-3314 °"" 7-411)'1 .,.,.,.,, t bath. Prtva1e. rate dining ar ... Wallt·ln ltuffs, petlo, ¥11W, rptc, ve., ..._.. . - -tytng nee, euper terme. 1-----'---_..;~1 845-tOH ........... ...__... ..... k,._ encl oar .. o.a 1t0¥1, dla· •·.·.·~··i•i•i•j•i••i•i•i•i•i••i•j·.·.·,·1~~~~50f'j7~8~Denflll~~~~~ Ill•••••••-Condo, avall t/1, 2 Ir "& ~Walle 1 hwufler, ..,., lndry rm. 1750/mo, 3 Ir. 2 ... en--.a-II r~ CMlnft . llJST SELL .. 1~ba, frplc. poo(. rnal\D I II.A. remodeled hM WI "'H\#1 tnotoa cen'· 0 MOO/mo. cl•d ... ,.,., Wiik 10 ... OV"' IN NOW. We'll un~ unuv ,., , ... bl'"• Off Und 1 on ·-0 • • -"• •-'"' "' -Owner out of etate 2 bdrm. cathedral D•flY Piiot ..ad u It •" n o P •II. • '" " · 1 __ .. _ ":'a..6 SPMO 831 .. 1 7 bHch. ya,dl balc!)ny. -..0 clON Iha eKfOW In 10 lge f lly 1571/mo, 11t/1M1 & dep. 725 ytt"' Alli fOf 1111, _,,,.,..,.,, ...., Won't 1•1, calf tor ~. Immaculate 3 ldrm ~ ~,:~.~:~ ~belr!!::~e:;:,~~~lng Cl•t1lf'9c1S He·l177 afJet4:30. UMHf ;'~r::,::;.a:,~, ~~=xllaS:~.Pf.t . TSL Mimi 841-190$ 2bdl IMMr'I unit. and mo. • bd + t ~ 5141, golf courte, 3 belconlea. = tennte1 WOf'tc for •IA, 2 la, lfCMt lnO, no llf I ... ftlW . "'°"' tl71 t•IO. 710• 1 ( 1 I or 1 br. wlllom,.'9ffe, and :0:.111 ·= = 000 ownlagl .. 2·2111, PoOf, '91 ber. tinted glala., . Iott OI • ,,U, C.tl peta. "'°I 8.D. 1H11 3 br, l tb•Jrvtfte T.,r, No peca. Utillttel ,,_, 541-1171. perll l n,1 .~•00 . call o..na.. "'-Met-.-141 IM& "*'°"• 2 e8' v-eoe ... otlc end9caplno., .t4Z·S671 . IMNtd It. 14t·1743 home. 11•i mo incl. LA QUINTA Hl-OIA ~I ft.Ult 171.ot1 •It f , ~ '*"· Locetlfiifi A88UMABLE rnfANCINO • mucfl more. lmmecul•t• condlt1on1 f I le )Ir 2ba, 1 -oar. Ctoee t•rctenef. 1•tt lonnte 11211 l'arllllcfe Lii, t blk CONDO epec1ou1 3 1111 1 ona Of Cofone .. Met'• AVAIL.ABLE Meumable 1130.000 "'°"~· ~ orqu c . to mall I pettt.1780/mo. Doon•. t71-1114,. w. of ...... 311111• •• I t • 2 •. •Pll.•v•ll.. IA f I dellwr lndry pratuHI ttrettl. 4 Wfllll 10llChoollfrom1Na to $241,000. Wiii accept cart, boet, Cash Ufft, Pvt pty. IM-7t7t 171-H•I Of EdlftOet ..... J·~ =· ;::..in:or:.~~ l!o0ki:3 Oll'Por1t,_l)OOI, btoclla 10 Liu• Cofone 2·••Y Dune o•rden dl•mondt In tract.. Broker perUolpetlon Home,,.., belohl lunllt • ....__ 1~ M "wirf a..A Jfft ·,Ir. 1-4-404490 p,..,, patio. I Tll · leeclt. Utl 000 home with 4 lldr?N. 2 la Invited. • . kltoh•n. h .. 'ar.,e 3 ~~ 144.ION v~ • ..-n •Til"n" .... .-.l'f I Ir. 1111. _1_1_,_·•_a_u_. __ ~..,.-- _ tt ti 1 and conlempcwary -~ty• n 1 .....__. ..... · ldr1111. 1100 1 . ltT FtmlfY room. Duole. a & 4 ldntl 1¥111. Oelf lor ....... 2 Ir 1 .. tfom INS. No --~.£1:!· ~l70IOft .,. -You don'I ,,._ oi gun to at-ttf!O .... IAITl&.UFF .... llome 18r winter HIO,_J_!ly TIL MQmt. • e.&-1121 pell. Aor ... ffOlft Np1 ~ __ ,, · "draw fatt" wt1en -1"!' -s br. I be. den, fCWfMI •eo.1 • It wtn• llllllU. ""' Golt eour... Oflloe • OPEN DAl.Y 3-5 I 7.9 7H·to51 pleoe 111 ed In UM~ Aeldttl9CIM•lfledao tor ""If-.· l.Jrpta. ..,.._ ~""' •llCIO. ._... ...,._ Nlee a14fmi I ... ,..oef tlrlM 14MIH ,... _,,..'*'I to ..., Plot Wint Adil Cell now the belet dlall Ill _,..,. pat f o , t 1111> Ill o ooetn.. U04 lwlloto, • Od. Ill Hll'lllftOrl It • ce.-... • dO" .... / 141.e111. rMnt rentlll. 141·1171 141"4MO. 111.ao10 18tlhllo. """°417 war11 Adi Call ....... 1, 7 .. 1100 • i.• • ' •;a ' ~ .. !'!t!l.~ ... Applkld, r•~. over .. tnaured. Uo'cl. 4 148111 730-1900 trM .. 11me1 .. ~~~'!.~ ....•....... REAL ESTATE AealdantlallComm'I 813•1919 ~e.,!t ............. . Ott...,..eya, Pertll"Q Lot Repel,.., S.1tco•t1no S&S A1phll ~ 1.-.19GLIO Oen Hellb«g Grading & Pevtng Co. "91/Clt>rnl. Uc: 397804 142-1720 ~!!!!!!Tl •.••••....... Personalized, low coat le- gal -vices: Ind., lemlly, bust lnltltl eot1aultetlon free 553-0290 ~.r.!{'!!~1 •••••••.••. I ''•rl•tt•'1 Sttt.rt "d, bonded agency '420 62J1d St. N B. C Coder I Babytlttlng Cell 845-3748 lnltnl lo 3 y C.M. home. 8 hr de Lie. BBC 19053. 754-6 38 DP'IUI~ C.M er .. : &48-157511 • MiillttL .......... Flfr..'.~ ....... . .. o!lllMM Ill ~ home, No 81Mrn1No 11\empoo "' ~.I.~·~ ''"" lpeclelltl 'a•l ...-u Clry ,,... .. , 139· 1812 ---------IXCIL OA"Pl'T CARI l!!'?.I!'! l!m!!! ••... OfNl!~I. IUSINl!SS H "VICES Htlp tor emell bvtlneH • phone cell away A•o· ordkeeplng, tu prep. luelneH couneellng 4116-12811 .... ~~~ .. , ... I ..... . Jec;k 1u111not011 Owner /Ope111or Carpet, uphol, art• 1ug cleaning Work guu ''" l!et 648-177 t f!!!!~!l'.~!!f!!!! ....• Cement·M•aonry-Block W•ll•-Cu11 WOfk Lie #381067 Rob 547·2&83 Concr•l•·•m•ll or lg• )Oba. Remove. 1ept~ °' ropelr. 846-8512 Drtvet ·P•Uoa-Welkt NO JOB TOO SMALL Ftee '*t 638-2607 Of'ange Oo11t OAll..V PILOT/TuMday, Augu1t 31, 1982 ftf.'tr.111A.ftttnl •• &H.1!PJ1."'1Jl!H •••• «~'*" .............. ft~~ .. tf ••••• !!!~I ............... lt,!~J!!I ............. . ~tl!l~I.~.'! .•. U. •111111 I ... Cullom fWll'lltnlng•l'urn OUM!lt JON :v.; ~et 1810, PrHtlO• Moving Low pet e 11 r1 pet n 11 no • Uc ~= & ln1ertor .. All "•l'•lrt & llMll liteYIN Jotle ,. '""''" apaolallt l. rllH , lenlHllG Mfvlc. , .. 1denllel-com..,e1cl•I AOd'l\I, • ' Cell'°' .. , ... 4·&214 c::.11 Mtt<I "'"' .. ·IS1t '°' frM con· ..... wide VIH ' MIC Complete tnt•HI KllCh· 14M&H1'4 ... 4 ~fl. ,_ HAULll'o!0.01\AOI 11111. lntuted 843-1482. Ctl en oeblnet telllll•hhig I iJ ~ ,_ ~ ......._ •• .~'!'"Mo••••••••••• demolltlon, ole•n•uP .lt•/M.ttlil T• l37, 124 867-4264 .~!~I.••••••••••• ••• R~Od & 1ddltlon1 trN deelgn & .. I Cuti I IOW , .... 81-. 752 HD& iJ!.~ ...... ~"i•!f. Tllll Concrete & ''" r9m0\l.i 1:.r.in: .............. f.•l•ll•t. PAINT!R NEf.08 11ub411 Aooflng·llll typ .. Decorator ety!e lnl. bare, TO()p.dltemoved Clean Outok MIV t42·76$t 00f'lplete l•nltortal Ht• •••••• •••••••••••••• WORKI 30 yrt a•p. Intl N--reco11er~• mantel•. llbrarlH , 111011 up lawn 1enov 76 t-3479 PROF n.-v1c1 vlcH . It ilned •1•11. • ... PAllTlll l•I Aeo~llC c•lllng• Lie •411802 648 973.4 !~le • ..!.•IMdLIC ~;t.2'!'~ .. ' MOWINO -CLEAN UPS He1111ng • y•d clean up llOnd«I & n• Unlcl .. n by Aloherd &tno1 Lie Lie ~897 F1.. ••• ROOF REPAIR -···· ..... ..... OulGk 'clHn l'rH .. , fl01•m• OI NPI Oen 280&44 13 yr• ol happy ~ Peln~lna' 847 bl&a SPfCIALIST 125·118& O..ntlt ,,~!ul!:f. Lend8'!i~~7 873·0548 •1200 Ioctl cuitomer~ 0 SPIRIT Patnllng Ne11e1 "'" Hllmate 770·27'5 • • ••• • • ••• • • • ••• ••• • • • -HAULINQ & CLEAN-UP £••"1fl•l•f Thank you. 8 l·"4 l under bid dad 8all1l1c htiH•I •KATRINA'S: LIVE-IN JeHI•'• Oetdenlng Vd•IQllAgN. Prop """I ····"··~'• •••••••••• Cut1om work. lnl ' ••II. llon Guar lnll1·· f\lkPt•l de.tty mafd Mf'V, c ... n .. up1 • ., .. trim & 03l·OG53/631·0&85... WllOAptH Hc"d 20 Y'• In., .. ,,.,. commit•• 536-013 ···;;oBiLe·seR·v,c·e··· office clatnln?. orpt melnt Ntv 640·8038 AMtoneble, rellebl• H.,b 521·8~2 111 6 30 Retcreen•I~ terffnl ei.antng 13~·~1 0 lflnt1 L ...... ,,., ~~!!J•••••••• W1yne 496·72~ L BATES PAINTING r!/!.1f~J.............. NS/CM 642 11552 JH.1 I•••/•• Tree ttlm, gen cln11p•, ROBIN'S CLf.ANING Verd MAlnt & CIHnup SPECIALI EAi tgl 1400, Ferthln8 Interior Oettgn $ JI I I ·········"••I\••······ cement WOIK Fr•• HI Service •• lhOIOUQl\ly Soo. 1prlnkle1•. 1010, 2 lly $550 64!>-93113 HANG NG/STRIPPING .t!!'!.!l •• T!.~~~ ••••• OoOf'I replaced, doorway• C1tt 549-1804 anyllme. clean hOUH, 540-08117 trM rm11t, d••ln•a•. hill· CANYON PAINTING • 14 VIH·MC Stoll 645·9326 Alarm Co (LIO"d) Security CablMtl & Cerpentry Smell toe• & Repair• Fr" EetlmetH .. 5-2003 •dded. French, entry. •IOI weeding Btlen a I eyetema tor l'tome & cu1tom & Inter tor tll llU• IOlll JCH1n·1 Cleenlng SefVlca 8ee.2283 Vt• In 0 C. Se11111cllon rl/!,I 1aov1/ iw.i s & CtiU ~It 631· 182 .. nyllme Lewn-tt-eflrub tn•••ll Hould·Apt1·Rentat1 guer 494-4541 •• ;.•;.•.;RVA;{is···;··· Ht1,;::'! ,,: s~:S~e HAR.OA0 TA1NiTV .. PRE: !'!t.'!f!!....... ....... L1!:n"M1~:~~=~~:/na. OT~~';~ OF HAS6s"':.~~~7 m.'.l,.,~.f,!, ...•.. L.L········ 0~:i~1~i: :.:i.Nr~t~ Ari~~cp:;erlng ~~'2'~t3~3 l•1ldl111 KITCHIN l'ACELIFT Aeetyllng uletlng kit· ohen c1b. w/real wood a. ... IA nowl 842·088 I SC~OOL DAY CARE DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Free e1t1me11 648·~ Ouellt~ cleanln~ help le I Lie B348276 538-2366 ~ -----• .-••••••••••••••••••••· CENTER. Coate MeH Fore frff tact •hHt, Call ----------,,, 11111 SERVICE & REPAIR Opening Sept l3. Full Aepalra, aml~b apec. 11 QUALITY WEEDING & herel et1. 980· 452 Herry WatM, Attorney 11 E)(TERIOR PAINTING •••••••••••••••••••••• Ven Oppen1 S.tvtee Co 1nd ~ dty c1re. TAM 10 yrs e.cp Bu 552·9582 Ml.Int .-emember Iha 3 OIA,L·A·MAID Quality & Law, 563-0290 Cullom WOik FrM HI Certified HouM~lllerl (7141 838-48e8 ~·'!!. 6PM Aeg111er NOW Well le1Ctur•-Acou1t1c R"• ~Honet>te. Rell•-5-fv Nr A• You1 Phone ReH + tine 1n1 l 1181· BonCle<I S 1 I/day (eve1y •iH •-m•I 0;,;h;ngl~g~·;;~·;d;~ Corner Btlier & Feltvl-Heng-Tepe-SIMI 1tud1 ble, Rick 497·3070 '351$45 540·'48611 ~~~!~!1•••••••••••••• ntng Steve 547-4281 I 3rd wll lreej 631-1234 !~ ••• ~••••••••••••••• ceblnell. paneling. etc 656-4335 ot 556-7787 Lie. 38994'4 l-S32-5&49 Simmons· Oerd-'11ng • APT ~ HOUSECLEANING BRICKWORK Small fobs. RALPH'S PAINTI~ S LOW RATES I Painting, oem1n1. Raia 2 certified pr••chool tee-DRYWALL TAPING Cln·upa, lawn care, full flettltlte. a11p. rel Htly Newport, Co110 Mesa, ln1/ex1. Rea&. rates. 1itl.,I Ft1•'1lf Tiee trimming & removal, wry $40-44 13 chara w/llcenHd d•r All Tt•tura1 & Acou1tle comm & 1utd metnt rite•. 957-33• 1 lr11tne. Raia e75-3175 Ret Free est 530-9898 ••• •••••• •••••• ••• ;.. •II cteanupa & mowlt\O ~ & h.11 d I Fr•"' Kevin ,,.7 • ..,,..,8 ~84 Conaullatton & Hand 55-4-701'1 HO tmlUTHI care. '" ay •va " .,.....,. ----------1 HouMCJeantng, food pre-Brlckwork·smell or tge Painting. OUr lemlly 11adl· Made F1amet 40 year• -- R .. tonlt>4' price•. teat. _c_.M_8_4_s-_2_2_09 ____ ll•ttlHI GARDENING SERVICE per1t1on & •hOpplrlQ.. by Job• 100·1 toe al ref a lion 101 over 100 yrs! Experiene41 646·514 1 llnlltl proteulonil work 'Graveyard Shltt" lie. chlld •••••••••••••••••••••• CIHn·up•. tr" se1v & couple. Xlnt local rel• Since 1969 645-8512 lnt/eX1 Uc. 346252 Ftee TIEE SERVICE outlorn work 1001 No job care, tge F V home, E~E11CTf IC~AN,Prlced hauling. 841· 10116 Pell 842-5937 V' lrltk•lltok•lftll est 861·39$8 r!~!f!!l.!•e.!~••••••• .. Tree Work with a Con- too smen or too btgl Ca· plenty ol et pg r ms r 0 I. rae Ht mete on H1•lffml• -C-u-1t_o_m_h_o_m_e_c_l_ea_n_l_ng-& ALL TYPES MASONRY OllTtM Plllllll ED'S PLASTERING science .. Trimming & blnete, l<llch1n remodel $6/nlle. 8'41·2271 ~~g~8~'2~•1t l~to359 •••••'tt•••••••••••••• complete mtld ae1vlce. Lio 349479 838·3612 2! yre up. Lie. 403941 Neat patches. Int/ext removal t>y Howvd Dot· & tlnl1h1d oerpantry ... FIT Chlld Care 7~ 10 S.n'1 Maintenance Serv Prof • bonded & In• Bonded Ina Aeli Color R111tu~ S.5·8258 toll P 0 Box 34, Cotta elect/ plumb/ c.ibloets/ 5·30. by Yil cred tetcher uc·o ELECTRICIAN Plumb·elee-ctrpentry Unlcleen Syetamt ol Npl #ni•f expert 963-0911 Dick PLAS TEA PATCHING Meu. Ca 92627. Pl\. eounlertopt I do eve<y· (Masters Oegtee). Aget 2 Ouat worlt.-Ree1. rates Painting Cell 1184-5231 Bell. 850.1200 •••••• ••••••••••••••• 642-1932 !Piing frorn 11"'110 llnlahl & up. organized ecllvl· Frff est Tom 831-5072 HIRED HANO. WILL *l-1 MOVlll* Biii's Painting, Int/ext I Raetuccos lnllext 30 ---,-------·· Cell SrM at ti • C •• h N I Ouetlly Houaecteentng To~ quality Sp~lil care I Reeld/comml. 6 yrs HP yrs Neal Paul 545·2977 f•llt •• • (l 1n Ill •210 e.. ·'"' ome nr wp ELECTRICIAN TRAVELI Many dlv11ae I t 1 h c•• ~ S HI •••••••'••••••••••••••• .,..--..;__-.. ..,r..'__,,_·-•___ Hgts Elem. 646·4857 . c"'-res. Wiii'" 842·J•91 w •persona ouc · m, In andllng 25 yrs e.Mp. Cat area. gh quel & Pool •,,,,,·,, •1·•1/11 Mo91 subjec1s, K·14 Sml Joba/Flepalfl. Lie. "" .. .. Irv, NB. Beth 850-0933 ma1e11e11. Lo price Free ..... '! .. : ... ,.'!.ir..... 0 / SS & SIO/h ff!r..'.~!!!!! ........ f!~.'!!.'.'!!!,.!!~!!!! .. 1-2-33_10_8_·C_-1_0 __ 5_48_·_5 __ ~ CALL HANDYMAN JIM l I I Dnl NO ~~:rn:~lve ~:~~353 "' Reis 496-5717 Pool service M~~ ~~~gen 545.51/6 • Shampoo & eteam clean AEMODEL/AOO-ONS RESIO/ COMM"L/INO. Melnt., plumb. reptlt .• !.~~.~~ .... !.(!!!..... QUALITY WORK • neal I Maintenance & repair Color btlghlenera, whl & Cll!pentry. Llc'd 25 2LOlcyr2s7.8Do0'1m~l°!',.n6w8or12k" pel53ntl8ng911A5e71/5/r,o36m3m88.,4 OAESIGN CON&SUbLTAINdT s;:~~~~SC~~;~~~ reu .. hone11 Reta uc' Reaso8n92abl81eJ2rates ~{!~!~.~!~~!!~f ...•. crpts • 10 min. bleach. yrs exp. lrwln 548·27111 .. ""' .,.. • " -• ea/comm 0• e-CO. Lie T 124·436 287107 Dave 964-1045 I · .. Lei 1he Sunslllne In .. Hall, 1111/dln. rms S15; avg ••NORTH STAR** Carpentry · Cabinets sign. ASID deelgner. es 1n1ured. 64 t-8427 v d · Call Slscount room $7.50; covch $10; c tJ st o rn r •mode 11 . Electrleel Con1rector Plumb -Oreln Cteanlng degtee. Rea•. 6•5-4782 WATCH us GROWi ;:!~!~'e1~ ~d:u~~=.~ru~ .~~r•~n 1'a~~dw~e~u:~~ ----------- chi $5. Guar ellm. pet eddltion1, free e61. Ou•· Lie N-Hrvlce. 220 Elac:ttlcal • Tiie ----------1 c f " odot Crpt tepetr 15 yra Illy 2nd to none. Bandel Aefa. Don 986-0149 Trade your olCI •lull for garage or yerd ulel 11·1 a Pace an ad tn the Dally ompate be ore you .,uy exp 00 work myself. Const Lie 416570 circuits. 24 hr 64S-.174 ----------I new goodlaa wi th e Find what you want In better way to tell more Piiot Want Ads' Call now Class1l1ed makes II euy ~ta. 531-0101 548,..271 Clessllled Ad• 642-6e78 Ctea11tte<1 Ads e•2·5878 c1ea1llied ad 842-567J Delly Piiot Clea11f14tds l*>Pfel I 642-5878 642·5678 Ollitt •••l•l 44IO ... ., .. ,,.,.,, SJOI '!!!.r.~'.. ........ !.~~! ¥!!1..'!!!~~ ..•. !.~'!'J IJ!Jl..tf!!'.~~ ...• !.~~ !'!Jl..'!!!'.'.'!. .... !.l.f!I! '!.~11..tf!!'.~ .... !.1.o/! ~;;~~:·.:,~;.~·;;~::,;,·;i; ••••?;;c•hi~"R;;dt~~·a•••• Aouno trip L.A Atlanta. 0en1e11F1on1 Office. plea· Housekeeper wanted. 2 PAYROLL pkg, ulll pd 2955 E Cit (Spltltuel) 111 class $9 alue. llST PUT·TIME sent. t>uay establlthed Br 2 Ba Costa Mese Restaurant cheln Corp ReafE1tate Hwy 675·6900 Jeclt (714) 556-1178 ttcrltlce 1500 caah Va-.Ill II llWI office needs asal lront erea Ael's req Chris Olllce In Irvine neeCla• ltd for 1 ~r 557-7198, olc mgr. 4 dey work 752·9090" e•per payroll super11t1K11 2000 sq ft offlc;e 1pace for Costa Meaa authors Gall 873·3481 Jell Be • felephone promo· week. CM. S.5-7580 1----------1 10 take charge ot re.s· lee. c 1 • avall now. 625 846-8845, 546·5274 ra-tlon clerk 101 local new· HOUSEKEEPER tor mo· taurant payroll Knowing the Complete Orante ~t Martcet Place w 19th St. Coste Mete gardlng authors reeognl· ,._,,.(!'" •paper, Ptlvete &esk. IEltll ••o lEOln. tel, mature. 30-40 hrs/wk computer pay1otl ,. a A111tal•l1 JHa.1 fOH l•••llll II IAltf 4300 645-8830, HA M,. llon night. ;.: ••1 ••,;•••••••••••• u1uet e1t11e Only 1equl-s.48·5588 incl wknds 494-52114 mull Salary commensu-0•/•raidffl ...................... ...................... Not1hrup SEM INAR FOR WOMEN -AH I•• remenl rs a good phone INSURANCE ( rate with ablllly Call •••••••••••••••••••••• Fem. ntoe room, pleaaant Prof. non-smoker, female 1----------l•1lr•tl11• TOlf voice and 1011 01 anthu· ~etary lWe lllllP llEllT"' 549·9322 EI SI C 3 SUNNV NewpoA Beech $20 per person • ••••••••••• ••••••• ••• •lum Pen time f>M and wee-a ----------• ..,...,, ~· Jiii UH de .M nr to share end den home Patio OlllCe ~Dover, Tlcke1 Deadline Sep, 1 Now Enrolllng: No enroll· Hour• CUIM• E"•Mjl[ll P mane I PIT Solos ··-·•--••••••••••••••••• OCC . S lOO /mo In Newport Shores Sui te 2 . $308/mo Call642·7259forlnlo. rnent lee. $31.90wk Incl Mon-Ftl.530:9·30PM kends.<IOOOHllerlaWay. • _.. :~1lllonnln retall Ian~ PARK NEWPORT APARTMEN TS 831-7958 Washer, dryer. cbmm &31· 1094 /,11/ e. •••Ill S300 hot lunch. 6'46·5423 Set 9:30AM· I 30P•• New po r I Be a ch' M1n1mum 2 years e1Cpe1 store Some weekend • pool, 1ennl1, walk 10 • 1 , "" 642·5661 Should be lamll1ar with Sml furn rm nr O.C C. beach, utntlles 1ncludod HSI l~lOf OIM •••••••••••••••••••••• Jt)I W••IH TOTS S8'4 00 to start RVS, COB anCI Medical work requtreo We wit~ Avell 8/1 House ptlv $350. 6'45-9567 Allractlve ruetlc upttelra •••••••••••••••••••••• Aller 1st week, share In O~S•H~PAP~H~~~~r;P~r group contracis Xlnt train 768-0249 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING , _S_1_40_._5-4_5_·_13_7_4_eves ___ 1 NurM"t Aide -ks PoSI· pertnerlhlp profllt I " y • . benelns S11tary com-IN NEWPORT BEACH ,. setting. Y'e eupply dNk, fQlJNO ADS l ion as companion, For lntervl-. 3421 Via Udo.NB. r11ensurate with exper *PllOIE SALES'* A total environment B1t1/1 lf1t1l1 4100 AVAILABLE tMMEOIA-space. co1-:<1r. Vou IYP· chauffeur 0, aide to el-call aftet 8PM Domestic SaCldleback Valley Alea Wiii train, may go on apartment community on ••••••'••••••••••••••• TELV ply pl\one, & ~95 pr mo ARE f derly or Ill. 545-9380 142·1171 Live-In housekeeper. Can· 837·9830 hours, good phone voice. the Upper Bay Private IE.AUii llTEL 10 share wlJh prof 1e11-pr desk. Ctll 84".7211· I REE cooking. cleaning, & 1----------1 good pay Job subjec110 clubhouse and health Wkly tentets now avail ponslble female 25.30· 2 '2000 sq II w/600 sq fl I Rell1ble ledy want• PIT eO 312 T LC. Kevin 545.724 1 LEili HCllETlllY avell "" spa, 8 tennl• courte, 7 S105 & up Color Tl/. bdrm, 1-n ba COM apt 3 I storage. O C Airport 1 CaU•. wotk, Insurance. PBX. t>lr 913 12,..PM Newpott Cen1er Real HELP WANTED PUB pool•,clo••1o"'···•~·s. PhonH In room. 2274 blkstot>ch Pool&ger-area $2000 /mo Genoff.Lore754-1581 Estate L111galion firm 1•1-ttU FE( • .... .,.,..,,.. Bt d CM 81ndery Position. Training Ea••u PE•••• • atrpo11, FHhlon telend. Newpon v · dener lncl'd 1st. IH1. I 851-8928 1•2-Hll voung men wen11 ml1c towatd management In -n.... needs exper Legal Sec'y, hotfJfs tr•• · Convenient shops on 6474'45 sec. 'I\ utll Cons~elo, Wk SO. LAGUNA. 3 7\rch 8 ay job. $4 00 per !lour prlnllng shop. Newport Fer ltw,ert It••• xtnl typing, d•ctaphone & t'·t '''"lle1ff11 site. Unfurnlsl\ld beetle-B E 1 C H A R E A 6 4 1 • 8 9 1 1 • horn e 1 2 SullH fll•n Gd. Hwy 6A5-379Z.; Beach. s.4•8233 fir• 11_1 MH tllr• ~';!~h~g-~9~st Salary aa • 1011, 1 & 2 bdrm epll Ind " 760-6859 Vlslblllty 497-23~1 Loa1. Persian Paasport BI W. IH 1111 FI 1----------1 Photo Lab. Sherp counte< townhss.:'-$1000 $84/ k CC'nse1vellve, non· le •5131127 .!.'I. •• !!-............. BOOKKEEPER P~RMANENT PIT Need * llCMHllST * help needed tor I HOIH Se~rel b __ .. _, __ and I W smoking Fem to shr lg ... ,.,,~ 642-1106 AIHHIHt Jr. •• 8 tHponsl"le pereon lot FI T. Journey, good pav, Photo Top pay tor right •a ...... """'. house w/aame CM. 111 Office tulle king ... e1ure. hours per r , people 675-8122 ... Bdrm units tHlure tine Aetrtger1tor-Mal0-Pool & IHI, 5350/mo & ,50 Nawpori Harbor. 111 Lo11· Fem Gold Leb mix, E.Mpandlng Newport Wffll. ve1ertnerl1n various personal & bu•I· XLNT oppty Job subject designer furniture and Nwpt Blvd & Wiison dep. Cell 7•11. 548_1435 space evallable. Approx med si, Nr Mesa Dr. CM Beach credit card co 544.8160 8·5 'PM ness errands Oepende· to av1111 Photo Lib need• cletk ·t~: aCGeasorles. Move In' tO· Costa Meaa 548-9755 1 , 0 0 0 1 q 1 1 . 645-8967 or 644·2442 hes opening In their ec-ble late model etetlon HELP WANTED PUB. Negetlve Illes. Fiim spll- dey or ieeerve lor tum· M/F 25-35toshr2brEut 714.e,.5 7100 counting dept Appll-INl•ttJtr P/T wagonorvanneoeuary tit 1111 FEE clng various duties FIT m er monthl. Smartly Yearly on Ille beach. hotel C.M. hOUM, $260 mo + · -I Lost White and. gray t•b· cants must he11e 2 yrs w 8 not eJC per• d n 0 n . 675-4918 • Bu• Hours Non·sludent. lumta~ model• open 1oom, lt.ltchjtnette & •;, utlla 842-7471 all -ttnl IAlllllt by female Vic or the college acctng & I yr emol!et tor heavy AIC ...,..1111 1~':~\~~1~:;;, Non-Smk• Wiii Train. a.ally. shower. 1280/mo. plus 4:30 E S 1 • 1 1 Lakes NorlPlwood Ha prectlca~ expe1, 10 key Payable W/Selegerd s:n• Apply 10·2 at On Siie sec. depo11t 2306 W. I JC~. u tea nc · reeepl · cot I• r & I• g •. d • adding mach touch. cal· Sya; good at problem "PUT TIMI Maintenance/ Gardener. Photo/Graph1£!, 3303 Ocetnlront. Newport Pr~f. F to shr beeu1 4 bt sec Y serva. cont. tm., 848·7262 tv o'31·2268 culato1. ConleGt w Set-prefer over 40 y1a 101 Harbor Blvd Sw E 5·8, s~~ ~~~q~I~: ~~. Beach 873..,.154. home wlfrptc, Back Bay, kit • melt hendlg. Rea· by . Mon .Fr I. ;otvlng. anal~zl2g, ~1r"· Be a Cartier oounaelor apt comple". expe11ence Commerce Park. Coeta 1235. 548•6155 I ponslve to your bulllneea lost 2'.A, wka. vray M tab· 8AM·4.30PM 759_7900 houtd have I a lly. 101 a loc•I· newspaper 548 9556 ··-· .,.0 '"'"" 144· 1100 .,,, •• ., 411S needa Adi 405 Fwy In t>y cat. neut .. Teager'", 8-12 hr/wk • llulble No e11pe11ence neces-necessary • · ..,_ ~ -vvvv ----------•••••••••••••••••••••• Ftnanclelly responsi ble F v. lndlv olca, Mo/mo vie Selboa. Blvd & C St ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 840..9193, 9·30·5 30 sary Work only 12 houra 1_1_2_-7 ________ Produciton, packing & 2 Br upper condo, W•t· Pvt 1oom• Loving care, Fem'ale 2~39 to share & from $325. 963-6445 A-ard. 673-5847 Immediate opening for a Building Maintenance. eJC· •week ,S75 to 111.rt plus MANAGER OPPORTU· handllng hoslety, tull- e II II Or, pool, l e•••! bat dlell. rural area. 2• ocasston11 Ho11es1. 45' mttuie. dependebie,.AIP ...... , onl". 40 ht wk Call edClltlonal ahara ot per1· NITY for tce cream store. time, engllsh speaking •650 A II g/ hr. c11e. 559. 7 107 or Motor·Sallor docked In Sm ofltcea nr Hoag Hoe-Found Au11. Shep, blue I k I I I ...... ' nerahlp's p1ollta. •• h I f I option ...... ve 1. 731-12'7 Newport, has central air, pllal, some werehou1e metleF;Shepmlx.blk& cer orhghvoumere-875-810 1 btwn 8 -4. l mUSI ave experence per . Appy In pe1aon:. 6-46-4844, eves 640-8902 .. 11 c ht F L b F A 1 Sh tell groce1. Must have Mon-Fil Ae1ume 9 refs A real fun obi Beach area. salary open Crytt•I Creations Ap~ ___ __; ______ t·-=----::---~--=~ heat, 2 beth•. shower j!' pace eva heap. w ; • · : ... ui •P t 1 ., Management opporlunl-646 8844 1 o 5 7 s CM f S •• ... •• & F S"-blk F boerd system experlen-•----------E.cecutlve relrHI. 1 Br I•--lt•IUI 4ZOO kitchen. ell electrlc I 2·1822 mix, blk & brn M; SfleP. m n mum ' yr• p eg tequlred tie• F'orr Interview cllll -. ca I 1 • pm rel 71 t W 1 th I : PENTH&t:ISE · eeurlty, ...................... PIHi• tend resume, NWPT B!Jti EXEC SUIT~ 'N'; ;"Boll~"""· * IUI 1111¥1 alter 8 oo PM TIME IEOEn ~~~!88~a0, f..~4::;o .............. , MT1 curtenl photo, personer full service. re11 tiles f'.ier P844 3e5e nance 01 purcheae end CIHs 11 req. Great Saliry ext 312 --"~""' ...... + MUaiti9IJ8iott11t""''••rLttS Experience prela1red .. ti U•I• background to P 0. Box X1n11oe. 752·8408 · · • dlebursement Journal• 1' Templelon's Beouty Se· -••Lt 2 airy 4br, 4 bt, dining. 35-B. Bet boa Island, Found: F blk Lib puppy, Good salary, benefits, +Benefits. XLNT Ol)Pty. Frett ttfltt II t T I Ion. Co st a M • s a '~ g11111 TV scrten, ho1 tub, Calif. 92682 OFFICE SPACE·CdM Nwpt Bch wlll ~Iva to d t I t d Job aubjecl lo avall ltttrit/Mtll.ltr I• • fl ftttS 833-7600 aero a• etraat from Coast Hwy 40-0+...,, fl · an oppor un 1Y o 1 • HELP WANTED PUB I I y 0 modern kltch, 2 car gar OISCllmlnellng & llnanGlal· .._11 •• 95 '•• ._ ... ,.-;-good hOm4I 831-534' vence with lhl1 growing Fot qual ty Dentel Prac-11 I 18' lrttr ----------beach· 2 bd ' 1 bl· A viii no• Io 9 / 15 -· .... '" .. _..,. c II 831~072 1)1...... FEE !lee I CM M t e Start your new ca1eer on Receiving Clefk for-retell WHher/dryer. carport 875 7850 ' It respon•lbl• Female Found• M. Kitten. g11y company • Excerpll !tom n 8 ure, x-out 3rd shill. earning s4 clothlng 11ore Pa11-11me 646-«07 • 25-39 years to Share lu· l•d•n1 •-111 lfSO 1lgt1 strlpH . epx 3-4 for Interview list publlcetlon per'd per1oneble Up 10 $• 50 89 "OU .. _ Potltlon. Mon-Fri EJCpe· ----------11 A4 .... 1 ~•110 11ury 2 Bdrm Promon-•••••••••:r;'='••••••••• c n • 1 le• e 63l· l420 .. ' .,.,.. t ed c 11 1 2 Br, 2~ be, den, upgr1· !!!~'!!~ •••• .!~!~!.~. tory Pt To:.WQhome, Beeutll\.ll executtve ottloe ~J.~987 • P. ltr.W. CAFIEEA COUPLE needs Full Time, Pan-llme repair oome more e•p'd You ~:~:::.;no. A:k ,~; ded, $895 mo. IBEACHF"ONT WINTER" overloolcs pool'. Send r• suite plus warel\ouM lri 11111 19ttfltttr woman or lludent to dapartmenl receiving wilt be p1omoted to Kelle 840·5324 RENTALS Npt 8Gh Oct sume currant photo presttgloue o..lan c.nler Found Orey long haired New studio In N-port work 2 to 3 hrs pe1 day. 3 clerk Some aates Mull mgmr & supervisory le---------- •• 2 8A 3' 8A ' I b k d I ' on AedhlU 17f9 ""'· fl ctl nr 20th SI & PCH A E ,. c: d k vela Call 714-537-4840 RECEnll .. IST 2Br, tBa. 1575 mo. yrty, lo .... ay, , or , l>f"SOnl M: groun o 875_3882 from lo·S • · ... ree. xper nee n"· to " •Y• por w • 10 ~neat 545-9485 11 carport cptt ctrpe open newly remodele d P.O. Box 35-B. Selbo• &449539 ft 8 · HB.lnjured540-U82 ded Top pay Aek 101 wuh,lron,pr ... ,poltlh,1----------~~rvj~8wpsmh::d1 ~;·~ t>eerna • 1 t le' w. ea.boll. 714·6'4-2484. lelllld. C.IH. 928e2. • • ., · Found Ulec;k male dog, vtc Cindy end etre tor pltnts 01y1 Furniture mo11et 24+ J"· N-port C.nter 8ro~e· (213) 885·2542 Ol.'li',,_ •-•••I 4~00 Comm'I or bull otflce w/ Weal.aide C.M Home 535-416'4 cell 940-8040, eves $5/hr 10 stari M ST Mer , fo11a9 Mese and rage Firm Muat 1>e good Ocean & 88 view et>ow l••l•I• ,. fAatt fJH •••• ~~.i:!'.:: ••••••• ~.. phone & 700 sq ft ol y111d &45-9032 Work 892· 7737 7$9-075-4. ~~T1,I~ ~~ii~~.:~::adn ~3~ N h~:t. aHm;~t'.'a:' :1,~~so!~ tl~~aHr;:: & iy d •••••••••••••••••••••• m•anow. lllTE• In C.M. on Placentia AldH Cunler, PIT, momlngs Bch E. 0 E. 3 00 C 11 ArchH 01 Newport •-I•••... -11n. • 1250/mo. 846-3332 SCRIM LETS C ft cul. polite. hardworl\lng 1~~~~~~~~~~ 6:30 em · : pm a Blvd. Clllfllde 1 Br apt co:i":et largest Gey tAVINE. Phone an-•· n • e1t1 •d Aide and en Cell Serbara tor appl 11 you do not meet 1hese 1• bet-1 10 am -1 pm, w/trplc. $550/mo. Mele Female Mrvlce In ring, cont rm. ulll pd, ApptoJC 2,000 eq" 11or.. • Aide Assistant IOI' ac;tlve 5'40·3280 11end1rds. don't 1pply Meehenlc·auto MecGre· 644·6572 842·3572. So Callf 540-e716 sctry Htv1, etc Aleo clfolce locaUon, •Ir I ANSWERS tetlrement home 1n N.8. CASHIER/HOUSEWARES Ste111lng Actors Moving gor vecht Corp . 1631 -R-.-,a-1-1 -S-1-,.-,-P-.-,-5-0-n-10-,- 2 Br. 2 Be Steps to . . desk •P•te ,,,Olup cono .. N-por1 81Y(f et ~J1~g5ff' to 7.30 em. Sein bper pref Apply Co. 873-0853 Placentia. Costa Mesa chlldrens store. exper ,.,,75 Mele 35-45 ahr 5bt. 2ba 540·9746 Herbor. (714) 874-1921. I Burl1p ·Piece et Ctown Htrdware. 0 u... PIT F T p 1 beech, trplc . ..-• hH nr s c Plaza/Frwy Crepe. M1rmot et'leftl n.,p, Ntn up 10 Medlcet Reoeptlonlll only . I . et le PROPERTY HOUSE S 122;.._.._ h Ill ' 450 sq, II. 11.00 per sq •I If A 1111 REMEMBER UllUL NSPtTA&. 3107 E, Cat Hwy · CdM S400 week taking anep In ophthalmology. Xlnl Mercl>e, CM 642 ... 714 642-3850 642-1010 6:~_..913 . ..,,...8 are u a. ft.. 4001 Birch .• NB. Offices combined w/llght They say there's a very needs kennel help & b•· * COOi * shots In your eree Ame· working condlllons Seles·Fuhlon Conaultani 1 Br. 1 Be. Sl•P• to SUPER 4 tlr 'f: tennis Agent 541-5032 :;.:~k L•gh~:':!! ~~~8,f,;~y=: ~hv'=i1~~~tl=r~:3~ ~ XLNT Salary, depend•· ~-::;. ~·~·.: Hunt 8ch 548·3789 Top S. free wardrobe. belch U1ll1 paid. $3&0 t ·, J5 1617 Westcllll, N.S. 258 d bl XLNT I J b I 'Cl WI *11111 f•AlllEE* o'n,depe7 1-n•d3e."7ce 730-9080 PROPERTY HOUSE courta. rp • mo to 4000 sq ft. ISi. floor access 2 min frOf'll Lido they can't REMEMBER WHken •. A•k IOf -· •. opp y 0 01 ... , na req . , ,. 10 " 731 .... 642-3850 642-1010 75&-1421. • • Agen1 54 1-5032 1,s1ev. ICk11t 84A5-4800 81k two 754-1033 (Mpm). eu~JecLPt two !Nv•TIEI D PUB Universe!, P. 0 . BoJC 310, Mot1v1ted and rellebte. ----------F 1 1 d A< c y or nne nl: ,., Montebello, Ce 90640 •&/hr + comm Be-tit•. Sales em.roomrnaewane 10 "' Found· M e le kitten lP Tll 111-tlll FEE • ·~ .la• Cl1•1•t1 "" •haf• tvr" Ooeen Front l•'••ttl1l lntu4SIO (blk/grey atrlpes) T•· Fent• tc IEIOll lfFIOE Job eublect lo evall llETlllED? ;•a;·~~·;~·;;;-.:; winter rentll. Leg Bch •••••••••••••••••••••• wtnkle echool 540-7090 with gr p y Excerpt• ltom OttlQe 1,11,_. typing. ti· HELP WANTED PUB Looking for e1.tr• In· charm, ap.c1teul1t A11ell 9115 $325. N 8 3976 81re}I. 3080 eq lmmed opening f well Liii Publtullon ting good phone voice 111-Ull FEE come? Try Pett-Time ocean vu. ~ to bMcf1 I 1-240-7005 •ft 6 PM 11. or laH. MIA zone. Found black male dog groom•,. '""t mgr.~-......., COUNTER HELP eu•y office. Cell Judv at EJC.cerpt11 from sales, Tuesday tl'tru Fri· ~ A 1 541 5032 C 0 r on 8 de I M 8 ' • ""'..,.. .............. ' " AM I 12 N "495. Conlect Mgr et ept MIF to .iir CdM house 2 :/e-~·.. gen • · 875_3568 or 644•6200. 11 dlx 250.unll com1>i.. PIT. Mon.-Frl. Super 642-5830. llst publlctllon day, " o oon C. 332 Encino Ln. tge bf'e, 1 ba, trplc. sun· .r-5750 up. 2180 11 lndu· Apenmem + 1111ry. Ex-Sandwich. CM 545-•867. Apply PENNVSAVEA. A ..__1.1. • .6 dectc & lndl't. 3 t>lk1 trorn h 1oo.-11rlel . Office 18101 Re-11r11Hl1 $'$0 pr'd only. 835-552t ___.. IEL• lllEIUL OrFIOE · 32 OPE°NINGS l 860 Ptecentla Ave, ,.rl•l•ll ,.•~•-beacl). S3to/mo. utlls ./~ .... ---dondo Circle irM & T •••••••••••••••••••••• APT MANAGE-. ••etu--••a ,.. Sharp person tor front lllllrTitM Coste Mesa,Asklor Mrs U ll•fan 1111 1nc4 1?5-1721 ./--· Huntington. Beech COEDS -Would love to ""' n. "" •• Meture l)efeon. Cafeteria ottlce Typing, fifing & WhUe •••••••••••••••••••••• ./ ....... ..,.., 8•2•2834 p1rty wftl\ you. C111 Sue couple. uprd, 27 unit.a. 1tyle r .. 1euran1 Rae· heavy phones 875-9800 llWllllflft IEJWlll oung Prv,_.loneJ. open 0 r I( e 1 h y 1nyt1 me. H.B. 1 8 r ep1 plul 1500. Que!bell • hetllh Glut>. tn TllllH VILUll minded mate -.ks ume h•rt·Alrpert 213/504·3233 1146·3189 lr'llne. EVM & Sllurdeya. OoVlfn'1"~~~8~. 8Man~ tor 2 bdrm, 2 be lrvlne Ofllca/lndu1trlel B1by•ltter 11Mded Mon. 973-06389 to4. jobtevea n , an $14 400 hom. O.r."• ••d OverMH. For dl1ectorv. New 1&2 bdrm. IUJCUry •• y 4,000-14,000 IQ II. All ~UNNY'S Executive Tues, Wed. tor Miiia 2 yr Dey Care Anlstant Ull (312) 888·4347, exl •Pt• In 14 plane. 1 Bdrm Non-smoker. 1395 mo *HLID tfflOll* A/C Hvy Pwr ano Llgh· Str• .. ~ucilon: 1 old glrl. Npt Bch Aree. e111ended day care at J-19 PER I E6 " from $515. 2 bdrm from Incl utll. 551•4255 .,,.. Ong Xtnt tor A&O 111d Offloe.hm-outctll 530-3482. 873-0312 1 choo1 . 3 . 6 pm . V ""'" TUffL Typ~~!~sth~r~~lnd bookkeeping Secretary selery plus lrevet aales S570, Townhouff from &33-04!IO dey1 From 1toom 10 3 room• row t•IH 720-0021. 1314377 7 333 Herctw1<e Salee PIT, Mml ••• 1640 + pool•. tennl1. Balboa ''· home. 1250, From 51 16 1 IQ. 11 l'lo 213·927-4404 lltby•lttet needed, tight _99 __ ._9_·______ retired type, Apply In O&laa" s.40-2500 w1terfell•. poncJtl GH 111. IH I & I 100 ··~ leaM required. Adj, Air· llouaekeeplng, guar1n-MMIUTill ULll per•on Crown Hard-•• um llOllUllY ext 1408 Bel 5.7 comm for cooking • "'-••Ing ........ 7 2 porter Inn. 2172 Dupon1 Pllcentla/171h St. 1500 *** 1.-cl "°"" OOod Hlery p ... F T were, 3107 E. Cat H'°"', Young Minded People • ,,.. ' ....,..a. 91 13·"41·3l0 Cell AM. 133--3223 • •.I Incl. oltloe. 1450 mo. 173·9093 ' · / • · / · IClnt Gomm, •• , IWS paid. Ftom Sin Oleoo lff1nti• Parlor . work In oc Muat. have CdM Only Frwy drive North on F to lhr 3 bt "°"" w. 1 M, Airport .,. .. -EJCec, Su~ 84e-l l84 <IV•. &115-91543 BABYSITTER needed, 2 nai1 tor c0101. wilt train ff4-IJI• Weter Works Supply S.1eh to McF1dden 1o 1 F In Hunt. Bcfl $200 tee. From 225-450 IQ. ft ......_ Open 24 hr• • day gift• btwn 8AM-3·30PM, 140-5249 Mll WllTEI Call Sun·Mon-Tu•Wed lnaldeloutalde aalesper- S •• w Ind v 11 1•0. 843-5317 11 P« IQ. f1. Meny xtr ...... ,," ,,,.,"' .,,, 7 deyt. --IOI a ting d•Y• otl, my ---------SUS GE'T A TANI • 0 n . c. II EI• In. (714)993-5198. M/P' lflr 4er ""· lrvlne, can 657-7010 •••••••••••••••••••••• Jecuul, S1un11. Loeet• home pial'd. Cell •fl * IELIVEllY * ~o e11p Ideal 101 llu· 1~~~~~~~~~1 (714)534-63215 1290 + 'A I Ml HELPf Ar11•1nM<S•1tudlo u welt et rourls11 .• .o11 30 u1 1&-4e dentt & Plomemakers. I-----------.... , "" ........ 5"'°51· ..,.,..' ut 1• -Eocuuve ot11c1 euHe, tp, conMrldate. Garage 81nkAmer1cetd, Amer-..,.: • ' ' * 1111¥111 * Up to StO/hr. Ht11• tun. PAIT TIIE *tfll lelltel 111 •••••••••••••••••••"• .... "''0 " cor,,., Of 4015 Fwy. NMt or unuted rm . or 1 teen Expren. Otnert. All * 1111 1&11 * NHt AppH11nce, Cat tmmed, opanlnge. FTI Coll8ije credit a11ellable L9011n1 e.acn Area. Wiii EASTSIOE CM. Private Female lo atlt 2 bdrm. H•rbor Blvd. Tiki O'V9f &40.40311 welcome 714/645·3433 0,1 . l ie . Aelltble. PT. Colylpl. training. Cell $160 to $300 per~. train. clHs 1tertlng lm- fum. toom a beth Utllt. 2 bt N,I. ept, 1250 1-. 1eoo tq.11. et 90t 2112 H1r~ Bl CM Wiii 1"1'L Pertonible. $260/wk. Jot> 141bject to _M_r _F_uu_tr.r_._98_4-3_4_517__ e48-578 1 uk for Oaor-l'ntdlttely H per hr to Incl .. refrlg., 1318 mo. 720-1145 _ lt.Cd781.f1t1 I I ,/I 11 1 Mlery+l..,e Job1ut>j1Qt all ater1 VelldCADrrv.t•ltc: 873-7544. •• •••t••Pn / Ral&xlng mHNge by ten-to evell. av · High eehool youth w1nted 1...:;g_e ________ 1 requited L.egune 8..ch Mo10t Inn Metur-e, reep. per~n to Fount1ln V alley Office fl•l•lf nl• pro1 from Ltgun1 HELP WANTED PUii. HELP WANTED PUB. tor y1rd,work. Sa1urd1)'1, Ptrl·tlma gen ofc. Oeetre 49G-eo60 Mon-Fri 8·& 985 N. Pectflo Cat Hwy ''" 3 bf twnllle, 1'u111n, IP804I, 2500 eq.11 ••• eo. ........................ S.teh. Wayne or Steve 1a1-•••• n1 111..... HE •t , .. 1e1ence nt Clllf and coll Of HS aludanl •lter- Lagun• lch, Delly/ t300/mo +'A u111•. Cell ~ ~!21!_~~~~:9i 111/Hll by e Pf I 1 0 • 9 P M Excttpte from l!Jtcerpll ltom Do....,. 648·9215 noont 531·8480 SECRETARY, FRNT Ol"C Wkly/ K11Cflen awl!. ~ Ann. 54:..aMO. 8 r 0 ;;:tt~ ~·~.I . c e 11 ~"·'rt. ... 54-2• 1 11•1 publlc•tlon flel publlettton HOSTESS MIF. wanled lo PART TIME POSITIONS :~~ ~~~~l'to~!0!:;~ winter retM. ~ Ne.cl tJlllPClf•l"I M/F 10 751 .. 111 ... •-~•••P•of•• ~=k•1••••• Hllfl 11m1111 IUm o.tlttt earn extra tneoma & High Income. cell Mr .... ntltl SPIOrthtnO e 1hr 21111 1IA apt nr Amer .... n r · "' riow Experienced A.DA ,,... participate Ir•• In • C~ltneo 1184-8111. A~••. "---unit" to 80• Laguna -..Ch. lite 000. UCI Miii• SIS2·1&02 40().900 Pl.Ui 1400 eq. n. ••pandl"I 10 SO. Ctllf ~ t'#O r~ Mii ded tor Orthoc1onllc hlgl\ly etteollve 10 cott, ""' 8' ' 11ri,o, pertclr'f ..... Hr, ' PenlhouN layfronl Sul· Meklng qualllled P81· llOkelt lo Sepl 3 atlow 11 Clf'llCllc.e In Ml11lon Viejo emetf orovp ti.bit r•trll· PUT Tiii venoa. •l•ry eomrnen· bu•. 4 t · e 11 e : M/F 2~ twOf only, no te, p•rktno. patio•. eon• In rnkt a mom• Call lrvlne M11dow1. C111 Preltt1te11 .... , ., ... 130-3103. nlno clH• tor weight EvH end/or wMk4Nld•. •u1t1• wlttt elll)erlence, 640-1161. tmltr, ~to lhr 2t>r, 873-tOOG I o r In te r v I e w . Kevin, 159•U!IO LOOK~ TO ADO -•• •••-•-control. Reta evtll. For Retp91'ttl~ edullt. 0_.., m~· 10 em•l2 pm. Furn room fOf ,.....,, lltttv ,.,.._. ,..f*!dO. CM. lub-letl!Jtec ~ 17 14 12 4 0 -7 024 Or Otnct t• tor lechelo1/ TOO\JASTAFP -·--·-·· lnfocelt.835-3371.0not 21,whhoutltandlng.•I· h°'", llltctt pttv. ..... 0.-., AMMI Prl,,,. llrpott ioce1e on (800)16+4730. 8ao11e1oret11 Pertlet. • 1 MM~ Artllt Do f.':' want • c:erMt tn & For An tractive i:r.aon11111et to aa.YUY/mt V • r d e Ar •• W It ,..,, tt ....,.. 9eectltron1 MecArlttur l tvd. Pr tee "Tl:/:'' fteit 73f-&53' or SM-1831 • 1 Mlnleut'ltl ~"' ~ri:!~'~~r!~:ui 1·H-ou-teetee--ner-.-. -m-u-1-1 h-.-v-• ~g:~ 4j~ 'C!ft:. !•,P,:~ to O.P' o. ot Npl 8Gtl Fin. 6 • 2 -4 5 4 I . II•"'• '*'-.,. ..,_. Beeoh. reduoed. Mull Mii I lal ,.,_,,,, C11en1" not ~ry benefit•. 840·0121 cer, exper pref but Mii 642-4321, E.ict 34e. EOE 811011. Flr'1'. Cllel!ngd Mf.9147 ~~ior. u1 ape. 4t7-t034 ••••••••.,• •••••••••••• •a-J-••If trelri, ... 5-MS& R .. pon s>d'ltlon. Goo Co mpl r n ., .. , ,......_ '800 I.I ••m.a ......,........ .., Atch d ,,. ......... 1t Dentel Aul1t1111t, 1\111 ttma,1--....... ------.-tys>lng, Incl. ete1t111oel, dotl9. rv ~:411 •_.;.: t 1 .a • a• t -, 5 4 1 o r ·--a•• • -• ••••••••• • ·••• ••••••• 200 Ne!'po~,; °' tronl ' beck olftce aJC· ••-11r111' PUT Tm SIH tklllt a 1C>lllllff tor man ... _ n• ..,, 11a.......0024 *'""• w* ~·· .... Attrtctlv• mtrr. couple pertenoe. ADA X4'8')' lie. .ca II .. ••t• numt>ere, IXl)er. req'CI . .._ -_... .._. ~ flOfM In 0 C. AJrpon ,, ... ..:f: I 111 & t~ tfvet rtvete dtnet tee-~ IMetl .. OJ)el't. beM-needed. tor work~pro-H ...... c.11 l40-0tH ~. ,,, befl. ~ ...,. , __ ....... ... ...... ,bl envtrorwnenl. fVll , 1Mt 1on1 te1 .... cort• ,,.._~ ~ ~ hlc:il\ .," feeelonel feMlly In unt• l.nlOY working with klda. e1ou9 mmfr • .,, wfptYt .....,..._ """'" .....,_ • or no ftlllt. tndfvldual Of· Aobl. S•ttler Nl1/CM Nwne & ~ • to PO ...... 1nec. 10 Oo-Oen• .,2.eeeo. tvee & wttnd~ lno1on Hrbr. E•1r·c1 111 Work ewntng1. Wt train be. PC>9f light"'* !Oft & "'1 & OOlllfl vtew. '500. noee Of o..ei ~. HO A.E. BrC!'ttr 9c1 "9eltor1 I o 11 2 7 4 , 0 • G • Wtlllevef 1111 '" t1l-3•03. oooklno and tunning • you 10 beOOtne • YoUttl ow. iif1mo ..... 4M-7aM eq ft . ~JOO eq tt. 1 MO. 942·2111 lo4s.ot11 92142.0274 Roa. 'ern oft lhe metket hom. ••Mnttel. 25 lltt counHIOI'. C1t1 2"'5PM, · 'AH 7ff-19JI WltPI • CINalflecl Acl "nd WPlll you w1nt In per Ml 14~1471 befor. 942-43~1 X:M Went Adi c.I tet-Mfe Stl... ..... t42·6t7t • Cl ... ltled Adi 142-6871 CIHelfled Ad• 042·5e78 Cllf Now1 t41-.HTI Deity P110t Clnelfleds.. epm , ' • ,,,.,i.. ....... Follow up, no cold c111e PIT. Colle Meee olc For Info, Cell 631-7200 Ask for Mr Caraon Tele91lone Sales Eam Big Money by the beach, $300-$ tOOO / Week Call 536-7511 Ttl•,•t1t ltllolftr1 Needed lmmedletely Ideal for sludeota or ho- memakers Hours. 3-9. No selling Alrpotl area Call between 9-12. 640-4647 Aller 1 pm, 1166-0151 TOPLESS MODELS $75 DAY • PAID DAILY no el(p nee • 826-2583 ITILln OLElll General olllce dulies In N B Brol<erage Firm. Hours, 7 am-12 XLNT apply for college stu- dent Stock Room, llllng, etc Call 644-9 t 11. Ar- lene Watter /W1ltr111 French Res11uran1 e•- per Apply 3421 Via Lido. Newport Beach from to AM 10 3 PM \yAITER OR WAITRESS needed al lu•ury Laguna Baac11 Hotet Restauran1 Full Time Poslllon 10, b.reaklul and lunch shlN Contl\CI LOIS Belol1 497-4477 Well lr&Hllt4 Self starter wanrad 10 0tganlze and admfneler n-spaper morgue. Per- manenl posltlol}_.9ey- llme hours. Sal6ry $250 10 start Light clerfcal duties Please send letter and resume to Ad No 1064, Dally Pilot. PO BOK 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 '1!~1.~ .~~!~~ ........ . ~~!!!~!~~.~.t!~~ ... . Mon/Tues Atari. desk. drapes. books. (sci II & sell helpt, hula co11umes. sllver. misc 820 Geneva (olt Bch/lndy) #trfiH'11f .•.••...•..••......... ~'!'~~~ ........ !.~~ * WAITEI + Unl-8eet, Cook Broa. b•ra. Slllm•no DX P•· d•I•. Oood condition f"7· Todd 531-9832 '-'"'• .. 61!t!!~~ ..... l.~~f ' 11w a101n . A"•ood he d11C1klng. '"'°' long, alto r~ i.nclng. c.tt Jim Of Ken enytlme, 71&-1491. .- • 5 speed Ir ansm lselo n. 1 "1""9'""e'""1--=p=-0-r_•_c_h_e_9_1_7_L_e low miles, el(Cellenl con-Mani racer repUcar Rea. dlllon, clean, AM/FM fresh H p vw engine radio. 2 new tires, '83 II· A/C, $8500 or bea1 otter cense paid & MUST D (602 997 9684 SELL! Call 675-3017 or aya > · : 642_0138_ eves (602)943-8606. Late model Toyotas,•·.---------'75 9t1S lndfa Red. blacl\. Volvos Pickups & Vans 17 Datsun 280Z, AIC, 4 Air. ttereo 68,000 ml Call ua todayf . ~P0d_;,,; A:i'i~~· x~~~i"~-We91 Porsche. Westporl. 552-5297 eves 714"645"8272 h'arle Ike •• ,,. 1110 . ••••...•....•.••..... SEE IS 101 1he l1rge11 and besl sefecllon of new and used Bulcks In Orange ~ •l lol0r1119fC-'v 2925 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 111-2100 COl'IMEll CHEVROLET "\.,.,., 11 1 • I ,.. ... ", .... !>4~ 1200 ... l 111111 ClllT YOUR ,HDMITDWI DAILY PIPER llH '•lll\'t AlH ,lJ ~I II l'JIJ, UHANGt LOUN I Y. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS NB pair flee bandit, 7 .. hour terror By STEVE MARBLE oflhe QeltJ ""'°' • ...,. A Newport Beach couple, held hostage In their own home, escaped safely today following a seven-hour crime spr ee In a residential neighborhood. The ordeal started in one house, moved to another and ended with two men being taken into custody and two others still at large. Officers arrested Tom Basich, 20 of Laguna Niguel, and David . Gaynor, 20 of Newport Beach. Polke said two of the alleged bandits are still at large. The episode, which began late Monday and ended at 5.43 a.m. today, started when four men wearing ski masks and armed with guns and walkie talkies broke into a house at 1901 Yacht Enchantress. Police were notified of the robbery by neighbors who reportedly told officers they hear<l..the men ordering residents to''ge~.·· The men reportedly bolted when officers showed up. One of the alleged bandits - Basich -ran toward the nearby Big Canyon Reservoir where police said they nabbed him after a le ngthy chase. A second - Gaynor -dashed to an unlocked home two blocks away at 1901 Yacht Camilla, police said. The fleeing suspect, pollct' said, e ntered the house, confronted residents Cecil and Celeste Austin, 67 and 65 resp<.'Ctively, and reportedly offered them $2, DM!y ll"llot Pfloto by RlchMd Koehler Newport Beach officers (above) gather with SWAT team following capture of ba ndit suspect today. Office rs Pete Perris (left) and Greg Armst rong lead bandit suspect David Gaynor to police car . Two other armed m e n e caped . Onofre ·tests • continue -B-y s:l'EV-E-Ml'JGHEG-b of the Delly ll"llot Sl•ff Low-level testing of Urul 2 at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station continued this morning · for the third straight day after the reactor was shut down 17 days for repairs. Drinking ·hinge told • ID By STEVE MAllBLE The Westminster councilman Of the o.i Piiot Sl•ff was questioned for four hours inster Councilman Gil Monday in the opening day of a H d has testified that his · preliminary hearing in Newport -year Id cousin was on a Beach to determine whether drinking binge the day before he Daniels, a Huntington Beach allegedly shot and killed the man will face murder charges councilffi8:11's brother an a John The slayil'!K took sllil~ J~ 8 Wa_yne ·Air-port restau~ --election day -at Delaney's, a · He .. was like .a d1ffe.rent second-floor restaurant at the ~rson, . the councilman said of county airport. ~IS cousin K~lly Russel J?amels. The councilman's 40-year-old He looked _d1ff~renl -d1ffere,i;it brother, Barkley F. Hodges, was from anything Id seen before. shot once in the chest as he sat in the bar, reportedly drinking with Daniels and a third man. Randy Snyder. Daniels was arrested at the restaurant and the third man.-l"' police said, bolted and did not reappear for two days. ....M.arBhall Schulman, Daniels' attorney, said in an ~p~ning statement that evidence would show his clien t had b ee n drinking heavily and going without sleep or food for several davs before the shooting. slaying Schulman also said evidence ..)IVOuld show that Barkley Hodges had an illicit drug business and that Snyder, the thiJ;d man, was "a dealer" for Barkley Hodges. Daniels, an unemployed sailmaker who is free on bail, appeared at-th~ hearing bur d1d not testify. The hearing was to continue today. The councilman said Daniels was drinking heavily - consuming six beers in a 2-hour (See SLAYING, Page At) A Southern California Edison Company official said today the 1, 100-megawatt reactor is operating at 0.01 percent of full power. Mesa sculptor starls jail term The reactor was taken out of service Aug. 11 so repairs could be performed on the untt's control-rod mechanisms and to several leaking pressurizer spray valves, which a COIJlpany spokesman said are part of the reactor's cooling system. Edison officials said me<:hanical problems resulted in eight of the control rods operat.ing "sluggishly," adding some rods slipped, and one slipped into the reactor core. Leakage from faulty valves resul ted in some radioactive water escaping from one part of the cooling system to another, the spokesman said. COUNTY By DAVID KUTZMANN Of llM D•lly Pllol Staff Calling himself "an intellectual revoluuona.ry," Costa Mesa metal sculptor Ali Roushan turned himself in today at Orange County Jail and began serving a five-day sentence for erecting a towering red-metal sculpture in defiance of court orders. "I'm not angry at all. ThlS 1s not a matter of anger at all," the colorful Roushan said this morning at the Orange County courthouse before going to jaU. Roushan . an Iranian immigrant, has been locked in a testy legal battle with Costa Mesa officials for two years over his right to erect his red steel sculptures on his industrial OCTD plans big future County residents who use public transportation are celebrating 10 .years of "leaving the driving to us." And big things are planned for the future by the OCTD. Page Bl. - WORLD Israelis down Syrian MiG BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -Israel said its jets shot down a Syrian MiG-25 near Beirut today in the fin9t air battle between the two Middle East foes since Mid-June. property at 1550 ~uperior Ave. The welder-sculptor was ordered to report to jail today by Orange County Superior Court Judge Philip Schwab last Thursday. Roushan was ordered to serve time based on a contempt of court conviction issued last December by another Orange County Superior Court judge. Robert Fitzgerald. t:osta Mesa officials had obtained a temporary restraining order, prohibiting Roushan from putting up any more steel sculptures on his property without seeking City Hall approval first. Roushan ere<:ted three of four structures without the required building permit and safety checks. He argued that he is entitled free artistic expression without government interference while city officials claim the towers -as structures - required th~ normal pt>nmts and checks. The Costa Mesa welder was held m contempt and sentenced to the five-day term for erecting the last of the four structures known as ··Tornado," which stands 60 feel high. Roushan's attorney, td.eir Westreich was unsuccesl'ful Monday and today in ob'"taining a further sta~gf Roush an 's sentence in f~eral court and I BUSINESS Beer brewer· thinks small A beer brewer back East realrzes big profits by thinking small. Page 83. Depositors refund like ly The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is preparing to pay off depositors of failed We tern National Bank in Santa Ana. Page B3. SPORTS superior court. However, after a 45-minute hearing in Los Angeles, Federal Magistrate John kroonenberg granted a writ and set a hearing which could overturn the scrappy welder's conviction in Orange County Superior Court. Westreich said this momJng he would ask U.S. District Court Judge Consuelo Marshall today to allow his client to go free. In the meantime, Roushan was to be booked this morning. Accompanied by his wife and hia attorney, Roushan said he has no regrets. "I just want to be able to do something better," he said of his plans for future artistic creations. INDEX At YourService . A4 Erma Bombe<:k A7 Buslneas B3-5 Cavalcade A7 Oaasiti¢ C5-8 Comics 86 Croasword 86 Death Notices C4 Editorial A6 En t.ert.alnmef.I t B~~ Art Hoppe 000 in cash 11 Lhey would agcee not to telephone police. Officers , meanwhile, surrounded the house, bringing in a SWAT team. Several nearby residents were evacuated and others told .to &Lay in their homes. The man , Cecil Aust i n , reportedly was able to distract the suspect and escape. His wife remained behind. Police said they spent two hours trying to contact the suspect by using bullhorns and, at one point, threatening to send in a Huntington Beach police dog that was brought to the scene. The woman finally escaped at 4:24 a.m. when she noticed that the alleged bandit no longer was in her house, police said . Another hour went by before police, using a helicopter at this point, spotted the man crouched on the roof of the house. Two of the men, police said, escaped the dragnet and are being sought today. (See TERROR, Page AZ) *** Hostages· tell of drallla By PATRICK J . KENNEDY Of the Deity "°4 8e.ft Cecil and Celeste Austin's quiet evening at their Newport Beach home turned to a nightmare Monday when an alleged robber sought by a police S WAT team burst into their home and held them h06tage. Their exclusive and gated community took on an aura of a battlf'ground early today as police SWAT teams and helicopters canvassed the area. Austin's neighbors said today they're still stunned b,Y the incident. Austin, 67, said he and his wife heard the helicopters and went out briefly on U)e patio to see what the corrunotiOfl was. As his 65-year-old. wife was closing the door, the alleged robber burst in, he said. She fell over some plant pots and injured her hip and is in Hoag Hospital today, Austin said. __._. H e-""W"lrS I tk-e a tra-j> p e ct animal." Austin said of the man who entered their home . "He was pleading and scared. He offered us $2,000 to please hide him." (See HOSTAGES, Page At) Ali Roushan Hol"Oa.'Ope A7 Ann Landers A7 Movies B7-8 Mutual Funds B4 Public Notices B4;C4 Sports Cl-3 Dr. St.elncrohn A7 Stock Marketa B5 Television B8 ./ Theat.ert B7-8 Weather A2'\ Cubans jam U.S. radio By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 The Cuban government has begun jamming at least five AM radio frequencies in the Unit.eel States, overriding U.S. stations with a mixtur~ of mu.le and propaganda, federal officials reported. Cycle racer future ·actor? \ Edisbn High Hawaii bound Motorcycle racer Bruce Penhall of Balboa looks back on exciting career on the tracks and looks forward to acting on the big ICl'een. Page Cl. The Ed.Lion High School football team ventures to Hawail th1a week to play an unuaulll echool, Punahou HJah. Paae Cl. a Orange Ooa1• OAILV PIL.OT ITuMday, Auguat 31 , 1AG2 1'fale strip: The beat goes on From Page A1 T RROR . • • Offlct>rt aat<J there! wa1 t• o n I I d t• r u h I t• t.' o n f U I I O n t.'\Ul<.-t•rnlng tht· Initial robbery on Yachl Enc hantreu Police 1a1d t.hl•re Wl·rt· two ri-.1dcnt.a of tht' hou" Murlln Modlcano, 27. and Liza Alvlllar, 21. David N1rliw.·n, '1.7, wu.s visit.Ing at the tlmt· "chael Callie By FREDERICK SCHOEMBHL or .. .,.,,......,. A telephone converuuon nu provoked new verbal 1yraUoN over whut.hcr mal4.' exotic danclna 1hould be permitted at thf' Laff Stop In Sant.• Ano Heigh ta. On one end of thl' r.:ceiver Monday w4UI c.vunty S ueprvtaor 'I'homa.-c Riley: on the other Laff SU>p owner Michael. C:allle. Riley ~ys he told Callie that · he's'tlppoeed to,. the male dancing; Callie says 'he t~ld Riley the supervisor has pasaed judgment on a ahow ha haan't "ven aeon. Riley u.ld today that "report.I" from people who live near the Larr Stop at. 2122 Sout.hea1t. Briatol St. have convinced him that thl' Monday niaht acta are adult ernert.alnment u dl'fln£'d by the county'• adult. en~ertAlrun~nt ()rdtn.anc ., <.;allie clalma the act.a, ln which men weurlng Jklmpy bathing aulta dance before predominantly female uudiences, are comedy routlne11. ''H a man takes off hla 11hlrt , is that adu l t entertainment?'' Callie asked. • C&We hAa ~n ord red by Lhe roWlty Plarutlna Cornmmion to end th• Mondar ruaht 1how1 by Sept. l l Callll! said thl' 1how1 will continue. "I'll go to jaJl befoce I allow ihem w at.op curnwy In Orange County," Ca.IJle dedar~. · Should the •howa conthlUl' 1n df'fi1m ce of th.: <:ommlaslo11'1 rullnf· Rllvy 1~d tht• county •her! f'1 depar ent "sh ould take appropriate tlon." ' CaUie said he telephoned Rilt'y Monday in un ef ort to determine what kind ol rt'lponac ht-wou.ld 1.-t If ht' appc.oalcd th e comml11lon '1 declal"n t.o thl' county Board of Sup~·rvi1or1 Riley'• dt1trlct Includes Santa Ana Height.a. "Thcrt''s no doubt I wuuld tx• oppoiwd," Riley said. "I've had a lot of calls from peoplt• In that ur~u " "lr It Isn't Chippe ndale's, It t-ertamJy is tl\at sort of thing," Riley said. Chippendale's ls a nightclub that features male strippers f or women-only audiern.'ell. · Pollt"C 11.1.mJ money was taken from the house "n Ya c:hi Enc:hantres8 ond that narcotlct may have !x...,-n lnvolvtld. t ' I I• rackdown on drunk drivers urged • • A sum of money, calculat.ed to be at lt-a8t •~.000, was diacovered on the roof ot th~ house on Yacht. Camilla and police were combing the: area around ~he reservoir today, searching for other valuables that might have been taken. Bot h Basich and Gaynor are being held in the Newport city jail in lieu or $25,000 bail each. ~v ROBERT BARKER ~--DeltJ 'ht ltaff • un_der tem\S of the anti-drunken case, depending on who you ·get, Sheriff's Association , the driving law tha~ too" effect ln and another might ch arge you California Police Officers From Page A1 untington Beach Police Chief le Robitaille wants state January. He ~aid some judges wjt.h mu;der 1f t~ere is a fat.al Association and the Cali fornia feel that the driver had to have a accident involved. Police Chiefs Association in 1lators to tighten up a law t drunken drivers. .10.per~nt blood alcohol level Robitaille said a bill was urging the Senate Judiciary whil8 e drhtving .. d . • f 40 intro<!uced to change language. Committee to reconsider the ball. HOSTAGES. • The citizens oC California e demanded a stop to the . ut e sa1 at s o ten He said AB 3613 allows a blood- mmutes. to an hour after the alcohol test to be taken up to ton killing and maiming of oc:ent people by drunken era," Roblt.aille said Monday. t eome legislators are glossing thia.'' suspect lS .stopped befo~ a tat three hours after driving to serve ~an be g1ven. He satd some as proof of drunkenness. Judges feel that the delay made prosecution difficult. He said the bill passed the Assembly but failed in the Senate Judiciary Committee. obltaille said that a few nae County judges are sing to prosecute suspects "This has developed into a lou of equity," Robitaille asserted. "It's unequal justice. "A judge might dismiss the He said he is working with the Orange County Chiefs and .. ~!Juor sale of oil From Page A 1 SLAYING.·. • ~~f.~~~~f::~~·~?.:~~~~~ te.ptative agreement to sell most remaining Coquina holdings are stretch -and. was upset be<:ause he believed that Barkley Hodges was going out with his wife. "He told me that a ft'iend had seen Barkley and his wife in ·a car. He said he suspected they had been together for three days," the councilmaft testified. <If its holdings in the Coquina Oil considered small enough not to Corp. for $174 million. create conflicts. She said Fluor 'Fluor ear her this year madP. has no other plans to sell them. ~yblic its plans to sell all of Cbquina for $265 million to the The $174 million will go Kerr-McGee Corp. based in toward resolution of Fluor's $1 .1 ''Kelly (Daniels) said if this was true, he would beat up Barkley. He would hurt him." Oklahoma City. The transaction billion long-tenn debt, she said. »!-S called. off in 1ate June Much of that debt comes from The councilman testified) that he ~ver heard his cousin uSe the word "kill." ~use of funding difficulties. financing arrangements to buy 1The new buyer is the Denver-St. Joe. based Petro-Lewis Corp., which A n a I y s t Ted Go mo 1 of is acquiring only tracts already Bateman Eichler Hill Richards of producing gas and oil, a Fluor Los AnReles said this morninR spokeswoman said. The firm will that Fluor has been trying to get tracts with proven reserves of improve its balance sheet. "I was left with the impresmon that, at the most, he meant to do Barkley serious bodily harm He did not use the word 'kill,'" Hodges said.' .tl8 million barrels of gas and oil, The councilman also testified that he managed to telephone Daniels' estranged wife and that Daniels and she met later that day -24 hours before the shootinJ(. ~said. . :: :Fluor will retain about 900,000 ' es of undeveloped oil and gas es, including offshore omia and Texas. "1 think one of their objectives is to reduce long-tenn debt," he said'. "It was increased fairly substantially when they bought St. Joe. This helps." ic.Fluor acquired Coquina an .JW~t. 1981, when it completed its ,2.2 billion purchase or St.' Joe .Minerals Corp. Coquina, based in Midland, Texas, is a subsidiary of ~.foe. Huntington firtns burglarized several hair styling businesses, a health food store, an ice cream store pd a dry cleaninf business. However, Fluor officials soon ~t up a "for sale" sign on ~uin.a pecause of concerns that ~ relatively small oil-producing l:tusiness would conflict with olients contracting with Fluor for i>tls pr Im a r y se r vices ~\' Police ar~ihunting (or the burglar or b ~ who broke into seven usinel1es along Beach Boulevard in Huntington Beach, fleeing with about $1,100. Investigators said the burglaries occurred alon~ the 19000 block of Beach Boulevard between 5 p.m. Saturday and 7 a.m. Sunday while the businesses were closed. The shops included PoUce said a pry too was used to enter the front doors of the businesses. Officers said the burglar or burglars apparently w e r e seeking only money. a J.t h o u g h t h r e e pa c ks o ( cigarettes were reported missing from one 1hop. Jt J;,o a st a l · f{/ ·-;§om• high clovdlneu 1oci1y. 'tHherwlH fair Hight 11 111e ~ .. ChH 72 to 76 aJld lnlend ·gm 12 to M . Felr tonight wltll e rntghl Iowa 64 lo 81. ' ntlnued fair on WednHdty :J!f':I hlgt1a at the l>Mc'-74 lo 78 illid INel>d .,_ 85 to 90 El1ewhere. from Point Conception to the Mexican ( tPder and out 80 mllee: Smell acMeory ovet outer wet.,. ~t wind• ot 15 to 25 and 4 10 7 loot -todey. MiJllnd1 dec:reaalng tonllhl and Wedneectey to 12 to 1 knot• '-oc:elly llgh1 vaneble wlnO• night •nd morning lloura, becoming we.tlo~ 101015knolt during alternoona today end Wecsn.day. Wind W•-ol 2 to 3 fNt. Soutt!WMt IW9llt Of 1 to 2 fHI. Petchy low cloud• over e thern w1tera during eerly howl Wedneedey Wal)mer Wednesday Bottlf• from Polnt Conc;ec>llon 10 tlle Me~lc•n t>otder ca.n •xr>eet llghl varlabl11 winds during tlle evening end moW.lng houra. becoming wn1 to aou1hwelterty a1 8 to 15 knot• withe Ho-2-foot IOUlh'Wtllt twell Norlhweat winds ol 15 to 25 knolt ere lorecaat wllll 4-lo-7 loot -larthef than eo ""'" ollahore from Sin Nlcolet laland. T e mpe ratures Albany Albuque AmarillO Athevtlle Allt111te Atlante Cly ~ustlo Belllmont Bllllngs Blrmlngllm Blemerdt BolN eo.ton BrownlMle 8uttalo &.trltnglon Caeper Charlt1n SC Ohartsln WV Charllle NC Cheyenne Chicago Clnclnne11 C1evet1nd Clmt>la SC Columbus Dlll·FI Wth Dayton Denver OM MolnM O..rott Dvlu1h El Puo Felrbenk• Fargo Aag1telf NAT'IOfil "' L.o Pep 75 57 87 62 .03 97 68 75 64 S4 69 72 70 100 75 42 74 69 86 57 30 87 72 59 51 18 78 47 .33 75 S8 96 78 77 81 .50 71 61 .02 90 ~ .04 83 68 77 66 ,48 82 66 84 S8 78 82 .04 72 89 .34 71 M 81 St 74 67 .04 99 77 78 88 .01 • 49 .02 10 ee 84 92 64 53 .01 88 88 59 50 .35 81 55 .11 81 49 The F~ For 8 e.m . EDT Tuesday. Auoust 31 •Low TemperaTures R•ln ~ Snow~ Showers• Flumes(!JI ,..._w_...,..~. NOAA U S Oegt 01 C<l"l"'<l'ce Fronts Cold ..,... Wa1m ..., Greet Fens HartlO<d Het&na Honolulu Houlton lndnaplla Jld<tn MS Jeckanvtte Kent City Knoxville LU Vegu Llttle Rock Loulavtlle Lubl>Oek Memptlll Mlem1 Miiwaukee Mpla-St.P NuhYilte New Orieena New Yori< NOff olk No. Plat1• Otcla City Omeha Ot'tando Plllladphla Plloenla Phtaburgh Plland, Me Ptlencl. Ore 75 40 01 75 5& M 48 05 87 75 92 81 75 84 28 93 74 89 88 M 74 83 72 05 85 68 92 75 78 87 .49 lie 72 t3 eo t7 81 80 St 78 82 8t 74 , 13 93 75 15 73 84 79 83 IO 59 100 73 71 70 .. 75 02 74 62 10& 86 IO 86 17 5e 01 n &e Providence Relelgn Repid Clly Reno Satt Lake Sen Antonio Seattle Shr~ Slou11 SIL It SI T pa SI St Spokane SyracuM Topeka Tucton Tut .. Washlng1n Wlc114ta 66 55 80 86 85 81 87 47 89 59 98 78 89 58 .01 98 73 70 fl3 1.02 82 71 .02 88 75 59 42 73 46 03 76 61 01 88 73 96 7-4 98 75 76 86 94 75 01 CALWO .. NIA Apple VIiie)' Bakersfield 03 58 92 ee Bara tow 8"umont Big BMr BllhOp Bly1he C1tallna Eural<e Fr"°° " ee 95 61 78 42 90 54 105 i'8 12 ee M 52 90 eo •• , ·~ 0l~Rf Rf Piil Sm og .. Where to cell (toll frff) for IAt .. t emog Information: 1w--------------~---· ~ reiiii'ia w-. a...,.. A..,.. ... T_, Otanoe CoYnty. {8001 «&-342t LO• AngelH County: (IOC) 242-4022 Alwnlde and Sen Bernardino eout11._; (I00) '87_.710 H\lflltnglon Blunt Huntington "* San•• Ana ....., Jeny 40th St. Newpot1 22nd 8t. Newpot1 8111boe Wectoe Aoallplle, Lllgun• 8iaePY HotlOW Thall .. Broollt Salt CrMti Oc>Mny Beech Poohe-Capo 9Mdl 1-3 '~ 70 1-3 ... 71 1-3 f*-fOOd .. t-3 l•"'f004'. Ill t-2 flllt.jood .. t~ ,..,..... .. I poor • I poor • I poor•fM • 1·2 pOOf .. HI poor 11 HI t-3 ,. '* ~ • f7 (Hole-In-I~) Sen Cltonente Pier TrlfllOar (T..,.trMC) 1-3 good t7 CottOft'• Point 1-2 ~ .. Tr .. o.. t-3 ·-M ten Onoflo1I t-2 poor Ill TOMOfllfllOW't TIOll; High t :H e.m. LOW 2:46 p.m •••II Olrectloll lout'-t. AOMO lpleOde Centw; (800) 242-4tM . Tides TOOAY 8eoond low t;11 p.m. 2.a hoond lllOtl 1:1d p.m. U W.DN .. OAY Flrlt low t ; 11 a.m. o. 1 Finl lllOtl t :31 a.m, 4.4 t.concf IOw 2:48 p.m. 2.0 hccHICI hfatl. t:4t p.m. l.t l11n Mt'i ·today It 7:'20 p.m .. rlMe WedNeclay at t:tt a.m. MOOll "'-t°"Y ., l:o3 p.m" ..,. WedMaday at J;M a.m. ' .. I Robita ille said that approximatelr75 percent of all fatal accidents In Huntington Beach involve drinking or drugs or both. He said there were 1,694 drunken-driving accidents in 1981 and -26 traffic fatalities. Earle Ro b itaille Viejo Co. layoffs due to recession? The slump 1~ the housihg market was blamed by the Mission Vie jo Company, in announcing cutbacks of more than 300 of Its" work fort'<' since Ja~uary, 19,81. ~y Nov . l , the major homebuilder will have tnmmed its ranks to 650 fuU and part-ume employees, rompany spakesman Gerry Ugnlbene confirmed today. He said the layoffs will affect ,all departments of the company. with the exception of upper management workers. "I think everyone's ~ware of the recession in. this country," he said. "I'm optimistic that the lowering of the prime inte rest rate and the recovery of the stock market CAn be the first step to better things." # Ognibene said the compan y will scrap its plans for a new headquarters building in Mission Viejo. Also, the Jack G. Raub Co. will relocate from Costa Mesa to Mission Viejo. 'Bullet Train' to Brown SACRAMENTO (AP) ~ A bill establishing. a new agency to issue $L25 billion in tax exempt bonds to help finance a 160-mph "bullet train" through Orange County between San Diego and Los Angeles has passed the Legisla lure. A 24-6 vote 1n the Senate M o nday sent AB3647 by Assemblyman Bruce Young. 0 - Cerrltos, to Gov. F.clmund Brown Jr .. who supported the legislatioi:i. lt would create m e Lalifornia Rail F inancing Passenger Commission. · · "H e told my wife, 'l'm unarmed cO'ld I won't hurt you. Please help me for my mother's sake. I'm not a cnmmal', • Austin said. "I didn't know what to do bui he never threatened us and we never feared for our lives." After about 45 minutes, Austin said the suspect, David Gaynor, 20, of Newport Beach, moved to the atrium outside the master bedroom and his wife nodded to her husband to escape. He said he walked out of the house and a policeman grabbed his arm and, stooped over, they §rJ.lrried to the SWAT team's "Pi'i!adquarters in a neighbor's house. · Mrs. Austin escaped about 7~ minutes later, again while the suspect was m the atrium looking for police. ''I didn't want to leave my wife but when she nodded at me to take some action I went to tell police.he was tn our house. I felt bad that I didn 't try to apprehend him myself, but the police officer said that r did the rig,!lt thing." unce pollce knew Gaynor was in th e Au s tin home , the helicopter hovered overhead, officers repeatedly telephoned the home and police speaking through a bullhorn urged Gaynor to l."Ome out. "ll wa s abso lutely Crightening," said a woman neighbor who declined to give her name. "I've never seen so many men crawling on their hands and kn ees . They (SWAT team members) were in every bush." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ' THE WB6TBRN ADI FOBC'.B6" BIUNQ8 llACIC rn UNllBA'l'll.BI.B BONV8 FOB FULL FABB Fl3EB8. ]'ad: your hul11 slcJrts Western Air/mes h11s brought back H4w1111 for J/00 roundtnp It's the best bdrgtJm o f the y~r for lull ltJre travelers Here's how to qu11hly Between now and October J simply buy tJnd use 11ny roundtnp lull /are Coach or Fust Class ticket (Y or F class only) to imy1o1here Western Auhnes I/Jes in the United Stdtes. except AltJskiJ Your tnp must be at /etJst 300 <111 miles etJch WtJY Then, when you checJc m lor both your dep11rtmg and return lbghts. ask the agent fora "Mith11/o" st1der When you h11ve two stickers on your receipt, you hilve a coupon good for a S/00 roundtTlp COilch flight to Honolulu. U your qu,,/ilymg tnp wits First CJ11ss, you can go First Cius to Hawa11 for S200 roundtnp. }bu c11n 1.tke your Haw1111 t11p .tny d11y between Sep- tember 14. \982, dnd MtJrch 23. 1983, except the Chnst· mu holiday penod (December JS. 1982. lo \ January JO. 1983). And you must md~e your Hawau reserv11tJons and purdtase your Udets no litter th11n NovtJmber 1. 198B. SNts ore brruted tJnd tJcketmg restnctJons apply. ·(lmvft! Passes m.ty not be ustKJ to f'IJY /or thtJ IUwttJJ tnp ) So fly lull /are Coach or Pint ci. .. with K9.ttern. l'bu mtty hne to pq more th11n th• d.i~nttJd lue, but ~stem mokes it wortliwhJJe. Mth our unbedtobltJ SJOO 1Uw1tii .bortu•. Cdll Western or your 7Jne/ Agient for •U detads. YOUR TRAV& AGBNT KNOWS-JUST SAY YOU WANT 70 FLY '!'HS WESTERN AIR FORCE. Or CtJ1J u1 any hour o/ tlt• dq 0111/ght ttt 534·0881: v1llt our tidet of/tee Ill the DiMteyland Hotel OI Jn Ccrtct MeN in the Do'1rtflY Strmgs 1tnd Latin Building. 3200 No. BmtoJ St. P1tiw 1u c:onveniencia. ~sl9n'I Airlines tiene penon•l de re1enttclon•1 qu• habl• ••Pt~ol: (213) 776-4872. Fbr Air C•rgo lnlortn•tlon on/.)4 CtJlJ (213) 776-2222 ITYITDD (213) 776-3360 . ... ,. y ST.It.TE / ,.· ... • W "' Mild quake rattles Salinas region By Tbe AHoelated Pren _ 1 SALINAS A moJt•rutc 1•1.arth11uuke rumbled' through thc.1 Monterey County region Monday night, the 11lxth k'mblor to jolt Northern California in less than two weeks. No Injuries or damage were reported. The temblor rel(istcrt.>d a m&Jlnllude of 4 011 thu R'(•htcr Sc:ttlt'. lndkutint:: It wus cupubll• of m rate damage, ut.,-yrdlng to the Calll'orniu Off of Emergency Stor·vk'i.'ll hcudquurlN'ed In Sac mento. ... he epk .. ~ntcr uf the quak1• was about 1U . mH ast of Salinus, al.",.'Ording tu OES warning omccr .B. Black, SFSU president· to retire • spring SAN FRANCISCO -Paul F. Romberg, president of San Francisco-State UniveniJty, says h~ will retire this spring. The announcement Monday came after his 10th year in Jhe offi\ . _ Romberg. 61, ii the school's 10th president. He toolt .the post w.hen the lnittJtution was California State University. Previ®aly, he was founding president Qf California State College at Bakersfield. Regulatory agency says ·ne~ rules cut SACRAMENTO -The slate's 2-year-old regulatory watchdog says it is making "steady progr~" in weeding out unneeded reguTations, even though slate agencies adopted a few more rules last year lhan the year before. .In its annual report, th e Office o f Administrative Law said slate agencies prQposed 717 regulations in' the 1981 -82 fiscal year. which ~nded June 30. That was 12 percent more tban the 631 ·proposed in 1980-81 but 22 percent fewer than the 923 proposed in 1919-80, the year before the law cr:eating the office took effect. State agencies must submit all proposed regulations to the office, which can reject any it considers unauthori.zed by law or unclear, Wile of missing professor vows search SANTA BARBARA -Tht! fa mily of a California college professor reported missing in the Indonesian jungle since early Jl.!n"C h9urged authorities in two countries to press on with the search. "I will not d rop this e ffort. I have to know what happened to my husband,'! sa d · Galina Raede, whose husband, John. disap ared two WORLD w<'<'ks into a planned six-wJ k visit to Indonesia. The German-born linguistics professor. an instructor at Westmont Colle~ in the Santa ·Barbara suburb of Montecito who is fluent in a dozen languages. was last seen in the town of Bukittinggi, on the i.sland of Sumatra. He left his hotel room with a camera, bound for nearby Maninjau Lake. but his luggage and personal effects were' left behind in the hotel. Sweden reports Soviet ~ nucl€.ur· testiJJg STOCKHOLM, Sweden -A presumed Soviet nucle ar test l.ook place in the Semipalatinsk area of western·Stberia today, the ·S eismological Institute at Uppsala University reported. Deveral previous n\_1clear explosions have been registered in the &lrnipalatinsk area. Vandals torch Robip Hood's 'hideout' NOTTINGHAM, England (AP) -The Ma or Oak, a 500-year-old hollow tree in Sh wood Forest, htding place of the legendary Ro H_ood. w as set afire by vandpls and may urvive. ~ olice said they were lookjng for two youths seen in the tree before the fire Monday night. .As firemen struggled to save the tree, forest ranger chief Ian Solly said: "Setting fire to the Major Oak is arson against our heritaae. It may be several days before we know whether the tree is still alive." d Cross may curtail B~ja operations TIJUANA, Mexico -The Red Cross will halt ol)eralions in ~ja California unless it can raise enough r evenue to make up its losses caused by the devaluation of the peso, an official said. Tne service agency c;an -no longer afford to buy the medicines and ambulance car parts imported from the United States, Jose Arcos Arena, head of-the Baja Red Cross, said Monday. At a news • nference, Arcos said that to get through the y the agency needs five million pesos, which, rding to Friday's free market exchange rate, w d be about $50.000. ..,. Polish girl, 6 in .Jluffalo for surgery BUFFALO, N. Y. -mothe r and was greeted at Greater Buffalo International Airport. by Rutkowski and· Dr. S . Subramanian. the-heart surgeon who will operate on Emilia at Children's Hospital to close a hole in her heart. Rutkowski said Emilia probably will enter the hospital WednJ:,<iday. and Subramanian said the surgery rouJd tie as early·as Friday. _Gorilla to fly to C~i~ago -for breeding DETROIT -Zoo officials here are hoping that Mesou will turn out to be the gorilla of some big ape's dreams a t the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. The 27-year-old gorilla is the pride of the Detroit Zoo's ape hou~. Mesou will be' flown to the Chicago wo this week to male with a male gorilla, Detroit Zoo officials said Monday. Recent tests have shown that Mesou is still capable of bearing offspring. Mating attempts by two male gorillas in Detroit have failed. Zoo officials said gorillas are extremely rare and loaning Mesou to the Brookfield Zoo will help . the survival of the species. ' . Mono1ir·F rl(Jly If VOil 00 not h•"• )'OUf oec>er by ~ JO pm (I ll biflQtfl' 1 0 m l('CJ Y°O"' COOV Wiii bfl OtJl1~flit1 SelutCS.y .. ,,., Sun<1•¥ II yei.. 00 no4 ::-;-,cf:'~ C::J V:, ~o~.,"'-11': ....... .., .. L. Kay Schulta Vtee l're11de<!t olld o.r-of Adverli1"'V . I '· We1,e i.istening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call tht> number below anJ your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered t ' the appropriate editor . The same 24·hour answering service}Tlay be used to r«ord let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation t•alls. pleast>. Tell us what's on your mind. .. 1'telheti A. MUtphine [d1IC)f K•neth H. 01-'llwd Jr. l>'tKIOf ol ()p«~ .. CleHw.,ci adverttalng 7141142·1t11 All other depertmenta 14z.-s21 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT!lueect1y. Augu1t 31, '1992 $ can't sue police By tlae A11odated Preti - The •·ity of Westminstt!r and two of Ii. polk-emen cannot be sued for damqcs becawie they d1d not warn a potential stabbing . victim of impendin& danger. the California Supreme Court has ruled. In a unanimous decision by Justil'e Otto Kaus, the high court uphe ld di'smissal of a suit brought by if Sou them California cour>le after the woman was kn f ed four t i m es in a laundromat under surveillance by officers trying to catch an assailant. Yolanda Davidson and her husband had complained that she was used as "bait" i n the stakeout. The mere knowledge of Mrs. Davidson's danger, the court said, did not impose any duty on the polk'emen to warn the potential victim. Los Angeles Superior Court · Judge Edward Wallin had dismissed the suiL holding that the couple•failed to state a cause of action. The attack on .Mrs. Davidson followed 'three others on women in the laundromat or in one nearby. ' Mrs. Davidson sued for intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress, negligent inyestigation, failw-e to • protect and failure to warn. The court said the peril to Mrs. DaYidson was not created by the officers, that she was unaware of their presence and did not rely on them for protection. Their conduct did not change the risk which w ould have existed in · their absence; the court said. . . 'JAWS' UP CLOSE -This·great white shark was caoght'off Catalina and brought to Long Beach by Capt. Craig Williams. The big fish was estimated to we igh I,800 pounds and was I6. feet long. · · Ph·one rates to .dolible?. Pacific seeks· $864.5 '1 million statewide increase By The ~ssociated Press P acific Te lephone has as ked for an $864 .5 millio n r a t e increase -that would more . than :touble basic rates for 7 million residential customers a nd boost pay phones to a quarter. The r equest, whic h the company s·ai,j is· based on economic necessity, would raise the residential flat rate to.$15 statewide, up from $7 in San Francisco and Los Ange les and $6.70 in the rest of the st.ate. Th e pay phone rate, unchanged for more than three decad~s. would. jump from· to cents to a quarter in bootbs with phones where emergency service can be reaeh'ed without Ule .of a coin. Ken McEJdowney, co-director of Consumer-Action, called the move "outrageous" and said l~ appeared Pacific-was tryiJli 1() anti<.'ipate any losses i~ miaht suffer when it is divest4id by parent comp;my AT&T: . · • -i·H ap~ars that what they'tt d oing is socking people wit~ increased rates of at lea1t 5' percent," McEldowney aaid,: "They're allJO making pay p~· · ca ll ~ a_s e xpensive or more Y----+--pen . . country." ... Tl:le.Califomia Publk lhi;litiesl: Commission said il would be .at 1 least a year before it ~ould ,,d': : on the request .. The telephone company ~d it needs to raise ra~ to imp~ the rate of return on investment..~. .. "Without any relief our rate or :: return for 1983 wbuld be oruy:! 9 .91 percent," said Pacific.~ spokesn)an Jerry Beatty. "Wf! ate~ currentl y authorized 12 .ti~ percent and seek to increaae that.~ to 14.31 percent." :: •I I P~iflc was gran~ a $tilO;~ million i~rease a year ago, and:~ has another request. pending fa(~ $70 million to offset deprec:iatiOfl.~:. .~---------------------------------.-------~-~.;: Here -are on the threshold of September ... adding another year to our business Ille In the · Newport Har bor area. We're celebratlng our twenty-third anniversary this month. Twenty-three years since Chuck and I brought our three daughters· ... not even In their teens ... down to the beacl) area and started our first retail store on Balboa lslaOd. Now the girts are grown and enjoying exciting car .. ra and famlllea of their own. I have to think he would be very pleued and proud of the way the llttle bualneu we founded together back In t9W- hu grown and F>foepered. A fot of that eucc ... hu been d"" 10 lhe loyal ltaff who have been so eupportlve through the years. 8111 Pannell •.. ~ht.-n years of gracious, trlend!Y MMc:e on the Niel Noor and wonderfully creative tai.nts I" evidence in our wVJ<fOM and dlepfaya. M•f11ret Gabl• .•• now eeml-r8'(red after 11 yHrl but atlll !ending her cMlty praence to· the store • couple of d1ya a .... Donna lleclunen .,. 11 ,.are of t rHt help In maklnt the "wheM ·oo round" end edcllnQ her a-mOlogklal e11pen111 '"c1 jewelry deslgn talents to ttl• vroup. (~ &EMlVl5iE Mety llrr Olfttfled Gemole>v•st ,HARLES H. BARR .. Alck MCEivaine ... l ill Y9l'S of •"""*'le. 91* ... lo-"'"""'----.. • Ctftffi.ct a.motoei.t end btlaht butlnetf mind. 1'¥9 oome to r..n on Nm a oreet dtll Md one 01 9"f cuatomert one d~ •ed If he w11 my eon .•• don t I wlltll . . ... . ---~- . •• . . '· ·~. ... . . .. Anna Machen fllls out our sales team and afthough IM.hal i only been wtth ue one y.er. IM • is an otd friend "°"' our Balboa ~ Island daya end 11 • very Wefcome addtlion. . Jean Williamson 11 ttie moat durable of our behlnd- lhe-ecenea staff having put In ;1. years.of "bootl wen" and taking car, of our money: . . After Margaret .Armatrong ·retired we got JH K,ubk:a to •-.• charge of the t9Pllr aectlon ... efficient 111p'edftor ·and very gifted hand•. ave'n t.o wu carving an~ . maklnv..::tom dellgn rnodete. Judy men keapa the recotck '" thaf, dtPertmlftt Ind· ....... •• t"9 eounter. YH . thl• r .. lly le a tamlly anew but who .... OM give IUCtl dependM»le IUCIC>Of1? . Tt1at'1 why I hevl•'J•n• • ~Elvaln.e 'fOrklng •• my •· \ r,e1ary. lt"I hef eweet. ~ t • t uaually an8"'1 When, ycMe1 ~: • telephone t\9'e. · '· Watcbmek•. 'Aotlerf Tlflenyt 1 end . ...-~__. ...... ~our~froMiN, t I' beotl wen 'PO'ft. ..,.. 11 "'* NI """' .. bull -Md It , our aim to lll9P "* our .... ' efbt. Tlwt't OM of tM !· ... ~..-!dad"" : on new~ to ttw.e .-. •· . .,,..,......,,.;~ ....... ~: "9e Mtl9rtee.Oft ... MW .... flt• C qulltl ...-._. ..: .--.1 A · That•· wtll bl totM . ...,... . oelatHall.ona of our llr An~ln-• ....,. •r• ttopl"t ao...-of .our friandl ... ind .... .,.. too ... wlll oom• ·.,.ca all•r• '" ou .............. . . . .. ... • .- H/F •• NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS tUOHflOl .. llKLUOI ,. ....... , ....... ., ............. 'AClllllC, , ..... ., .... DIUOlf AllD c111c11111•ff noc1 I •CllAlltH AllD •llllOlflO l'f flll lijHO AllD INUllllT \e... No l ..... Ntl $elt\ Hot Wlft Nol w in Nol P I -Clo .. ' C'-' PI -Clow CllQ P-ti 1141\ Clow C"CI P • ~ C.ICI .. C"41 PI 114• (IO .. l.llQ ()ynAm U t0 11 "' HrneG .. lolt . .; ffw Mwt\4 ~ I ~ tt••, "'° Plillllrl'I .It II ·1 It'-' ,,.-pmllC. .. I 1)ol 11JI\' • 4e ,-· -Hemall ... 4t .. " IMH11 '· • "" .... ,., ,, ., ~ ~.. I• "' .,. (Q{I ' 12 , All ~I .._...... .. • .. Mero t ,. t f">. " ... -I : "' .. .,,. I ,, 11, I "•' .. "''~ lOtl Clh ..... Meftw~ n:1t"ri .. "'· ~ Merellll •1. t'-• .... =... .. ~ i:~· .... , ..... , •• t , •• "' 1> t '~' Cltlw ~ 1::ci. I: ! ., . t:~ ... l Mt* 41 ltli. 1 \o =~\.f I~ :-~ 1.t!, w ~=~ .~~I I ldt~: :: :~:;.~.;It 16J ..!~~•I~ ~Pc.'"' 1.19 I 'll •• ,,.,... . JI/ t" "~~ ..... IOI• ........ Mtw." 11 . u • "' p .. r.1 IO~ 0 Ullo .... YKO ' •• i&i ,,.,, pH•• t '° • m-: .. ~. u~ WI() n ; ... "' ...... " J : t i·~· .. '" "'-.... .o • . ·~· ...... ltof .. , • , t •o.... .... 'ii(,., ih ~•' '"h $.a. 1.M ' tl) 'L.•I 1:A1~,,-1&: Jt ~ .... , t!~~ .. I X llJ A i'f J =~~~' ~ • ::a.J''"•> Z!~.:~ :it ::II\•~ t CO ••I 'ltt Joi.lo •~ l $ I IO J ' "'° t ••la \'° ' 1 "''" .. \o 1~ ~,•,'.'•,I~ t !°'i•' ~ Ml, .. J I J1 tlO wSI , I PotC. ll' J t0 10 ult • 11o l I 111 M 16lo • \It •OOf "1 1 ~ '9lo•"" 1••1 11 IV t to tai.+ \'t •~ • d • ••••Ml pllLl2 1\00 4t p.,c;p1A .... ...,,, 1, llW 140 t ttt, ,. ... 1~ •• ,.. ~~1 ~::"' .. ~ ~ ... , 'r.". •ICOll .. ".,,. ..a .. ', ... ~'."'•"'pl Ho, '10 fl ... ·~ Ml lllkt.tt 1100 '° PorG pl ',, • » "I· lo l AW .. 4.. ' ,,, • ~ ~ "• • ir. elOl'I tnl 7'H ,...,~n •f ~•-•MnFd »t l~••""Polllthl,AI ttO JO o 1,flflWll'•to, flOA ,Jl/1 ~ ~= ~U)"' t "O ~it'F~ 'i ~I~~ fa:: ~ I~:~.". ~ :t .JI m:~ .·~ lt~s1 't.1 t''; ~: : ~~,:. tt • ~·~um:.,~ ~=:~.E.:. a~ •. ~ ~~:· .. :-J:~.~· I ' :~ 11U~: .~ ,...,,. ·"'° ilO •~• '•'""'Sil 2 10 1 1w lt"-1 "' J.Ol\llf '·"" I It U"-1 \lo ~ou · · • MdCTtl '·" 1 II II+.• "' Pollilllf '°' 1100 ll • ~, T::!:! 14 ,1l; ~: ~ ~ff. .,,,. s •• )I I ~€.•1111> .. Dl.•,.,'" 1,•,1, J~. ~. El••••ll•. "' ........ "'°Ho·~ :.t 1! .t:· ~ MiCICftl'I, .. , :IOI uv •• ~ ... ,.m}t .,., ,, ,, ....... ,,,..,c,, .. JS it~. \'t ~:: I J : ·1q uli~: ;: €:~~s•' ~ ll ~Ji~: I ilri~ ~ .. 1 ~ n:: : ~~· -~ ,: ~ Ii"•: ~ ::-1,:: .~i ; 'T: n:: ~ =~~nJ: J .,H i!~: ~ i~:t:~. 'l ': .. ~ a:: .. r: AV)( .D .. ~ ""'" ... C•PHld I !)t ' "' Uh ...... llKI.. tt IOt ... .... lfllOllTI ... '101~ llV. ·-M •:aro 1.10 10 »I u~. , .... PrlmM' .... IAI •• ,. ... hltam " I'-' '" A-.1.. ... 141,311/wll ol C•rl~ll :111 llOul\.o• 1r1 ED~ Mlt All UV.+ v.Hum•n'-to" ... ""'''"-Mllll• U e 6 IAh . Pr<KIO •7010 t)tu'lt.,1+1 lflO•'lt •1~ """ ~' AtlMC .... I ,,, lOh I "' e •rll•l<O ., I m Jl'n ' <lo EIMeMe 60 ' • ~~~~U11·~ i4 ·~ :T::. ~~ M.MM uo II mJ ... , • I ProA"' :n IS " '"" "' ~=~·~o , '° t :m '~~: ~ Acme( n.:nb • s '"" t a•n•I ' I JU 1)61,'' Eltln ''° • lt IHw. p HullEr IO I) 1011 Jh .... MlllPL J,. • ,. 21 "' Prol•• I 4CI II ' ""' ... ' It 1 ,. ...... De .04 I ) H•.. e ••oFI » I I\ 11~. Etnf\EI 1 11 J ... u~, 1 KYOr•I 1 I• , ll ii ' MlroCp ell 4 f"> • \'t PSvtOI I I• I JI,. U f'o • .. T~yn Sl W 4'~ • ~ ..... llaJ.Ue . 10 ""'• '-•t arPw f llJ I 41A JI'" EA.el l '" M ,..._,. MIWlll'I• .IO S >I'""~ \'o l>SColpfJIO I 1611> .. · A4im"4 JOe•tl it 1 .. • .. C••P pf 161 10 JI"' EmryA lO ll 4tO 10 " llo IC ll'ld J 2t 1;-1><-1' MP.CC J.IO S 16 6h• • 1"" PSll'lll J.16 ' 1'1 21h • \'-'•"''° ilJ S JJA Ul(i AMO 0 tOOI ~ '• Catl K , 10 • u u-. Emhen 2.40 s • ., 321'1 \<o INAI I '2 1 •• 1.W , MoPSv 1,11 ) • ,, ........ l>~nDI • • rJOO '°"' ..... J::io""' J '101: ~~-.. =" ... ' 'n I lftJ >th • c ... .,,, I.JO ' • •• (mpO\ I n I " .,.. . . IU I ~ I IS • ,. ~="' -"' MoPS pl• ,, ' ' ,. .,. p vNk 2.12 ' .. "'-·.... h A8< nl."'4 • 13 11•> t " I'll. pll Ole "'41 S>"4 ,. • C•rlHw t H t ~ 11... (mp pf '1 .. 1100 no+ v. IUI "iei I -> Ult. l''· /IAll•I n .• IP02 JO" t .-. P NH plJ,IS tlJO 1' ,, fHCftl I IO 6 UIS JIO,., "-Alllnfll .to .. SU U » 1 ~. t •rlHr 1 , ti lllJ (mp"' so 1100 ,..,. • \Ir n ·-t .,. Mo ... I t ''°" nv •• " p H ..,, .. , • I 191'1 .••• ,.,....., . " ''--~. t erlW ... • " IJVI ' Emplnr AO II 0 .. ' l'A ld•hO , • I ,,, ,. ...... MobllH tJ J ~ p NH Jll•.U . . d 21111· .... Ohl • 10 • " "~·. "' Alrf'fo .IO I ltl 11'·• o., CH<HG 1 •11 I II 1.., En9t(.p » 10 '' U\o t "" ldHll I 11 •PO 14\!t • Y> MclMll• 20 11 160 11"-, y, PSHW'>IS !OS Im • It, ~:~oTr rn • J ~!: Vo Alr11Frt . .0 11 -11t..., \, CHllC• .AOI 4S Jll IV., Ennll8 10 • 1J lJh \, lllPowr 1 .• 1 ID J lh • o,. Moct(pl tt " IV., "" PSv J,IQ I tG U.-0, •e•tl'ld -ii 'l 16 "' All,_ JOI 100 .. • \• t alrpl f./6 ro 1.-,. ... , EnMt<f\ I .0 • UI It\.>• "'° llPow ot"J 0A UOO U 1"1 MoheK I .. IO PSv G J St e 11 .. 1 71'-,,. ., • • AIMoen •J 10~. -Enltto " , .... ' llPow pf2.JI ,.., 1'4. ., MohllOI u Jtl .. ~ •• '-PSEG pll 4CI •• IOI-> 'lo THll>il , 11 ... ""'. ·~· ....... ,,. ' ~ ., .. Ct<oCp " s ) •• ENSTA ·'° • IJI .. ~ ..... llPo• "'"" .. 1100 1/V1 l MollAl!O IS 11\h. . PHG pl4.ll 'r•OO ,,~. '-Tealnl .ot u 404 tv •• "" Al•P ltl II . •JOO IO .. ~ ~·:•ni.;, A~ I 't ~! En!tra .14 A M U \<o llW l.01 ' 0 JO • Mol'lrtll ,: ! AO ll\'t, 1J. PSEG pl4 JO ytOOO u~2Vn 1\9 TINMI 1 ... 7 ll ltl/t • V• ~~~::: ::~ . 1~ t~ • \, e:1:~on :.o rn •• ""', ~"'~:. ~·: .~ 1~ ~'"· . "° ::!01e1 _ • • :i ,!._ • "" Mcinwn • / a..o uH'-, 1v. P .. ~~o0 ~? !? '!:: ~r· • .~ ~=~ : :~ m~ ~·": :z At•P ... I --tlO 'I"•• I'' Centol J 20 I 11' JO\'t -~ qu • u • ._ .... . . . . Ml'llOU 2.24 • JI "" • ~ •"' ,....... Y T••Ulll 1.~ • ... I -~.' .... " ,.. -• .. • C .. 11 u ~ Equlmll 11 J11 ... , ll'llllM f)fl.16 tlOO U\li.... Monllw 2.AI • "' ,,. i,. P\EG plJ tr al '""' ;~ -«• " Al .. Ko 1,.0 ) • UY,+ I• •nlta "" '" -'It' Eqmi.. plJ JI • 21 16 n 1 ... IM ptl.U t 1$\/i.... MonSI 1.eo... 20 161/J .... PSEG plJ A.l aAS 11 •• Tealten 1 IO I IAO 20~. \'t Albel'ly l.4CI I 1J 21"> • l\.o tenSoW 1 .. 6 A/A 16 EqlGH I SO S 11 21\lo t .._ 1,.,.IM pl).U A 16\'0 -MOMY .Ut I JI .-. ~. PSEG pl1 IO 1llA to , l v1 T-..lr pl 1.40 16 llV, • .... ·-... ~ .so, •'o ..!! 1'?~. • ..... ~=~~:.1 ~.: ! ;; ~~. Eqtll --IOI II 1JI •>~• ..... lndlo.t l .04 ; ) u .... "" Moo•.C J • JO Jl'lto • .,, PSEG pll S2 y100 ss~, •• TTllh~rE-n 1'0' !,' 1'.~: ... 1 •• -,. ElmArll 1.M 1 ~ All?• !If. lndlPI.. 2.4!0 9 16 U "'-\<It MoreM 1.04 J 1A U'-'lt• \lo PSEG pl7.AO . ytl.O S4''• • V1 • ,. •· Alt•n .tO •• 311 , ......... t nll..1 pl,,., 1100 ..... • E•qulr ... 1 • llV. ..... IM•(O 14 • u. ·~~ .... Mor•n .l2b I " 10.-. "" PubUO t71 l V.. VJ Thlolll 1.20 ' 210 0-t 1\9 .tolcoSld I.Of I ,.. 10\.o' .... Ctn II PS 1·" 1 ., IAVo . En••t IOb ' St 1•11). -lnlmlc n 9 lit 13 • "' "'°'II"" 3 AO • UI HOO. v. Pueblo .12 1 Ill s .... I v. Tlllot.1 wet • " .. o •,, ...... ,. ... ,., nl.94 ' , .. 13 ........ te~Pw 1.: ·~' ~ :~h .,. f\llW .. ID ts ''""I I lf1911lA 3.St s 3'1 Al • .,. MorkNI 1 '31 i SP 20~. ~. PA c.... . 10 , ... v. Thmlkl 1.11 11 l)S .. • 1/ii AIHdr 91 'J''u 1.. n •Y.• . • Elllyl 1.lO • 103 ,..., • "" l119A pf J ll • ,... .... Mo• .. s :20 IJ AO II~.. PUllflP I,. • , .. IJ.. ,r,."°"'m•~ .-.~ 101 ,•J u'1'1~. ~ AlleCp 1.Cll 11 lot.,.. VIPS fl 2" I ..... ' "' Elhrl pf J llJ 9 IM\•. I 1n11rT1t w... • ..-.. ..... Mor Hor I S2 J 1:11' w ....... PurllnF ''ltl ••• ...... -.. "" Alt(:p pl2 .. A 10h • lo ""1'°' 1' l\'t' \<lo Ely pl8 • S 41 lnfOSll I . lt2 11'-, "' MolrOI• i.to IS 10ll ulA"° • J\o Pu roll, I Ill I 6J J1 • -., Tllrllly IO I 106 ulJh • "' Altlnl I.AO A IJt 11 t .\.o l'll•YTI IA ~ .. I"'°• \'t EvMIP .JSI S.-..... "-ll'llllCO lb I ti 1•'11 •.•. Mll' ... t J.A t II Jllr• + 6ir Pyto 4 S4 '"'°· , . , Tlt•ro 1.10 S IA 141to • \o AIOl/E 2.19 l6 II~.+ " en viii 4 S 10 ll~ • l<o Ev•n pl I.«) JI I~, \<It lnlllnv 0 'f't •.• , MUl'llrd ~-• 16 I) + v. QuakO 1.IO t 711 ··-1 '-TldWlt .0 S 113 llV• If, "1111 Cll 2S 1l 14 "• rl·I-· "' """ • "' Ev•n pf 2.10 13 U • v. lnleQA• 6 11 ••"-• Y11 Mnld pf '«) ' 19 1~, " QuakSO 10 I 21• ti+'•• ~. r,1, ... •1tn 1 14. ~ .~~.', ~ A f9 J.16 • IS9 21'-• v. tHAlr .AO t 1H 11 .. • ~ Ereelo 1 . .0 I 1.0 u1t\1 1 'h ll'llAl'n 1 •st ti II ltl\o "' Mwnlft9 · , 11111 "'° gu•l'I•, .o 1 103 IVH ~. "" -~-,. ~:~. ,,./, 1! ~~ j!:;: t; ~~f~ 1: ~ Jt~ :t~.' ~ Emn > ,.• lro ,,.,. "'' 11cpSeJ ~: H 11-... ._ MurPllC 1.111 11 JOI ~ • 1..., .... 1or 1 .,. •: 1j~ ~ ~:m: ~p12,l ~-· ~s t: .... ,.~ft ..... 1, -• ., •• , •• "m'C'·'°. ,, lit.• ...., ---•nttrco . • i 41v.. MurpO • s '" 20"' I.< O...ll pl ' • r1~ , ·,,· .. •, ,,.,•, • ~ . ...,_,,.. , , FMC I .0 I 17• 11\.• • h lnltr pf I 7S , JI ·~· t +-MurryO I 20 6 16 IA \lo -•-ttt.-··--' -AldCp pl IJ. I tll,. .,, """' .IO IS ,., ...... v. FMC pl 1.U • )411. ..... lnlrl~ l .O • Ill 214" ..... MulOm I... ll IJ"-0.. RBI no .. ,, 111 u ......... Tlm•n J.AO I llJ AlbS-I AhlMnl I 10 )lJ )lo;. lo harlCo I S .201 .... V'• F•brQI>, Al JI ... JO._.• \lo lnlAlu '.t0 10 to IH• + *• Myerll.. 2lj ' llO l'ie; ~ RCA tO 10 IS.I 10'At \'t Toclbl .. 1.11 S 106 JJ.,., 4 °"" Alldl"cl tDl • • I• Ch••• W1 •S '"' I'> Fab•el 31 ID t "~'' '-IBM 3.4' IJ UH u10'-, ~ ·-H;._H _ RCA pl '· ·" ""' ~1 'I S4 • JI ""• '"' AildSlr 1.80 • /47 18't•. 1. Ch••I Pl us '. .. """ y. F•cel .. M • . ... lnlFI•• I ,. -2'v1 .... NBD J.111 ' " ""· ... RCA pl , 11 IO "~·. "" To Oil J.» • tts """ •• ,.. AldTtt n I • t .... t V. Ch•se 3.AO 4 1016 J6.\.o I llo F•lrtlld 10 I 9Jl .... ' '-tnlH.,v tJt •"', .... H8 r n IA IJ6 JI , ~ RCA pl J,6S fl ,..,,. Vo To Ed p1A.2t • 10 Jtl/., 1., Allhe" " •• , ' ~ t h•W' pis.JS n 311. Y1 Fe lrc pf J '° lJI 31 • '"• ll'llH pf J ,.,.,_. v. NCH n 10 tO ·~ ... At..t n .. I AO 1'n T d plJ.JI J u ... AlllCll plS N ' • 30 14"'• "' MW! pl • SJh ' ~, F•mOI l AO ll Ill' uJO. .. • \o tnlMln 2 . .0 6 US 1114 • \>e HCNB .• A st IJY • RTE 4CI I AO IV.• \'t Ton e(p .AO 11 •6 U~o .tolcw I IO .. 1"3' ,.~ Cl'lelW'• ·-• • .... 1. F••4'11 ' m . H ... to lnlMull I.al I JOI ,,.,.,. .... HCA 2:AO • ,,., ... ,.,.:· •• ~ A•hPut ·" ' ltt IA\• ..... ToolAOI .AOb 7 11 ""'. v. :~~5:9 iJ A 1U ~~ .... • ~:~~~~."~~I~ I~ ~~ : ~: FPckn '3 ') \'t lnlP-2.AO S 2'1' 0 + "'° NI. Ind I 4 Ill It \'t A•mecl 111 SV.• \11 Trchmll 1 . .0 6 ·JI U~t •10 AmUpl J. 1 J~ .. ChHVpfl.11 2 20~•+ V1 ~~~~: IJ01;1~~ ~h• ~ ,tnllRTTKI , .... ~7 Jl1~-~ N!Jl l.IOIO nA •tit, "-~·.nm<P<O 1.IO .. I: n :r.,,· TToO~~;o lo 21n32 IJ~~"··~t: Amrce 1.-10 II II ~. CllNV ... , .• ,., so )'V• • .,., ' n • --••• N. F .Cllr .. '" ''-. "· .. . . ' -,. ' ~ .. ... , FdMoG I 32 ' II ,. ..... y, ITT plJ ' I •s ..... N•M<B J.ot • lrJt )6 ..... "' R•Y<rn n ... IJ JJ ""' Towl• ... I ,. lllr. .... AmH•• I 10" 1738 ,, ... .,, e h•,V• 1.111 • .. 11\'• .... FedH~ .. ... IJ • .,., ITT pfl( '. 20 ~ ..... NbKB pl3.SO 110 ,. ..... A•vmk 165 lh ... ToyAU. " "I 21\oo' "' AHu pl 3.50 ' ...... 1 ... Cl'le•Pn 1.12 10 ,.. lS•·. \. FedPB I 20 s IJ ,, ..... ITT DfO s . • 4~ ..... N•lco l 1,11 ,j :w.J 24~. h A•ymcll I ) .. I~ Tr•tor. JO I) .,, 11\o. "' ~T,",'~, J,•,1, ••• ••• • ~~ ,c~,:.~ ~ ·~ .. 111, ••• FFd~I.\ '°o 'o, .... 1 ...... lnlllplA.so ._ • AS ..... "' N•IKOl 2'11 IJ 10~. "'ROii"' IAOllJ:i.1 4l•i .. 1v. tw·c,, n 1r ~. .... -, •• -• .c!C>S. J. 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" (rui\ln ID s... 1• Fnse.. IS Ato. "" 1-llG 2.3' s J I JO ....... H•IEO.. 1,321 s IJ 11~. \It "'II"' n • 121 .... Tr•nlnc 1 .. -·~ 11~ Ameen 19011 }II lllo ••• Chroma ,,,,, 1o;J '" lo FinlF+rd I ...... . ·-•PS ,, .. I 1s.u21~. "H•IFG l 16 s .. lth "' AelchC .. ' IJ IJ •• .:. TAAll --AC•n pl 1,IO 11 11'-• .. e nrni pl S 1 0 ' 1 Flroln 61' 1"9 ""° • Vo towaAl J ... 1 JI 2A\'t-\'t Hel(',yp 1.AI U d 11~ • V• AtpAlr . ISi S~ • ~ T y I IO Sl I ll-9 CnJ.ry .IOe..11 .. • ... t hry•lt ,.. ··~ •• l'IAlln . I 10 ...... tPtoep .:io IJ UI 1\io+ ... HIHOlh .. " '"'. "' AtpCp . .o • xlO IS.\11 ... ,;~~KpfO J,11 s "''11' ?t,'1 ' .~.· AC yen llS 9 lllA• JIH'o • ... Chry wl &1 2~•-. FICf\rl IO S7' IA'11 · lr-1198k l.3' 4 ill • . , ... NMdCrt ... t IS) I'-, 1,. AopFnS 1,:1() 14 Sii '2:V• •.. Tt•nKn .01f " ".!', ';';'. AOT 1.M 10 11A J91,. •• Cnry\ pl S9 9'o 1 'io F,\l(n1t I JO llS 16\o 'fo 1 ... ktp JOI>,, 1'12 llto < '-NMOEn .AO 12 20C» ltl>i• '-AopHV l.llJ t 73 Jl~H l'lo TrGP pl··~ . 1100 .;:-• v-, AEIPw l 16 8 "' II Cnut(ll 1 9 1AI 30\o' \, FIBTH 110 112 JIV• lfo ' -J-J -NMll'leS .J1 l AO ,,._, '-ANY pl 111 I 16 T lOh -~~.e~r. i: .· m ~;:: z: €m8t u~ ~ ;~ ;~: .~; ~:~m. , .. s .~ ,: ..... '· ~~;,i : :~ :: m~~ ~ :r:~.· '10 ~ .~ ~~ ... ; :: ==~ =~1~! 1~ m:: · ~. ~::~, :.: : .ID ti~: ~ ~0Gn11CP2?,}•0 • l491S ll'• • ~,' ClnG pl 9 SJ 11000 6I 1 .FIMI\\ J• ' 199 1'-"-JAlvet AO ' JJS 11\to• ll<o NtSvtn I.Al I 61 ul!lh , .. R•pSll I• IS4 11Ve Vo Triton ll7e _ 217 tn., Vo ':GnBdt~ 1'::.-II II .. • :_ t1nMll .n 10 Of • FHBoo SI '2 A Ill JAii. • too JRvt pl S 4CI . J' i' + "° NSt-IOI . 10 I'll • w A•pBll I.All> 1ID JAh Vo Tt1Soln I SO A'Jt ••• =Htr1'1 -.. 9 I ,. •• '.·, Clllcrp I n s •1'1 ~:::. :; FNSIB 1 '° 4 n JAv .... J•msw . 12 • » ulOY,. -~•llSll ' . . I• "'-.. "lhto4 .n s ... ., ....... Trl•lftO ".AO SI -s II"" .. \Iii .., 11'-o-, C I S 14014121 S' • ,._ f \IP• , 6S JVo ..... J•pnF 13Se 112 I-lo H•IUI n 1 I ' 111'9-"-Aevto • U 111 ll • 1'-T I p llS 4I A Hoisl .56f s "' 11r. ..... c:.~~~ I 7G • J~ ;1;~ -"" FIUl'llU I... 139 u16h + .. J•llPlll .• .. • .. n v.";. ~ N•lom l.4CI ' 311 "'-: Rovero tl •h• ,,. T;i:o ( ... 110 ·:~ .• !: AHome J,20 12 20.3 "' .. Cl b '°•so I • FIV•81l .. " '"'· . J••C pl ' .mo u:i.•1. l'1 H•1m pl ' • .. -·... Revlon I ... 11" ,. ... h l I I so AHl>lPl ... II Hll ull • ,,. c1:.~·e .i20 ~ ,, ...... FIW•w: 210 • " 1 • .,... \. Jere pl • ~ •. (lOO M • -· N•vl'w ,_ .. s 15 2• "' Ruf\~ '° I .. IS• .. "' l~~lP I '2 : ~J ·~:~: t! AMI\ S7 .. l•ll 11 • Clvtll 1IO10 3U 20''' \.o FIS<hb 1 S SO )61<.' "" Jert pf 1 • 1100 '6 I<> HevP pl l.XI . a.. llh •I AU.l'l<o-lAJO ·-1 '>\!lo rwtnDl t 10 6 IJ .. \'t AmMol 344 • Cl El J 16 • '°' II'. Flll>Fd 10 1 " 10 V• J•te pl 2.11 ~ u.. \lo Nov.tdS n . I 1:i. • Yo Aoynln J.IO 6 '"' Al • , .... T L ID • .. I + t :~~}~ .. n 3,' ir. 1:,,. c1:e1p11.o ,"!~ s:~:'~ rn::~ .s~~.~;.U~·. ~~::r~\.'·• s ~!~J:~::" =~::JE~2.1l .' '': :1 : ~ =~~e'~U.:'~ .~ ~!'•: t: {:~~ :.o~ i~u:;t: "' :~: ;~,, S:! ,;"';:: ~!:m, ·~' ~: g:,:: !: ~~=~ ·~.i r: r:,: ~ ~=~~ .. :.n .!~+i ~. ~?~~ont~ ! ~ :;::·: ~ =::p:,'~'i~ ! .~ ~t·. ~ u A1.. -~:1~n-n : ~: ASltrll •11 29~ 1s ....... Cluelpl . I J2 11 ..... FIHlpl ••• .. 111 •• "'JollnEf 19 •tQ ,,~ .... N'V\pl ,_., , u ... "'At0Grpl Ill .. 19 ... \~ G 104 AmSlr I I IA7 IO • "' eo~llm ll 161 ull._ • ... Fll91Sf \ 16 IS O.S 101> • o,. Jollntn l.4CI I ., JI .. ,. IV. ,.YS pl 1S 11 J~ •. ;_ Alie A, 10 12 1't J6h • ,,. ~M~ .0 ~ ~ ~~: \<\ A Sir pf S SI • O •. '. o••t•I AO JI 113 111., • o, f lOelP n It 616 ,. .. • \o Joni.II" .o , . <SJ ul61., I Ne ... 11 I 16 l\\oo • •• Rollo""' I AO II •ll 111,, I• UM El ,,_ l2 I l"'° ATT S.AO • 1>40 St'.,. '' C\ll pl I Ill 1 11...,, '• Fl•Pl J l6 • lll M~. . Jo•gen 1 6 I• J H1t v. Nwh•I l2 2'VH 'Ill A6olln •1.0 ~ 1' 2• ''• UHCA } ... TT pl '. ' "°'•.I Coe.Cl i ... 10 21)) Jtl la Fl•Prv l,IO • 256 ...... "' JO\f*'1 • 92 It 129 2lll1. "" H•wml I ... ., .... "• Robin• .i. • ''° U'o '. USl'G .. J t() .. • ••• ' •• ATT pl JM S lA • •• toteN ' M 13 11 11~: \1 Fl•Sll S2 . U ""° V• JoyMIQ I 4CI 4 H9 U ' ... Howl pl •• ~,. J nt-... AothG 1.1.i, S 126 l~lo.. • UnlHV A 1k 8 100 J6l(o • ''• A Tl pf 3.1' 3 ulS • '' Cole<o 10 Jll 16~•' ,,, Fl,_,wn II ,... 10'-.... -IC-k -Hwp..-ll .16 ,S I ... ' :_ AochTI J 04 I • IS 1AO, • "° Ute 3 ~ ~ St•-.' 1"7 AWatr 1,20 S 9 16'••• .. t olemn IJOtl n 1'1'1 Flown M 9 IO ... , KOln ID .0 41;•. Hl•MP l,IO • 1"9• ., Aoow1·1i.1010.2 ll'•" UnC:::t3 e S?V••IY• AW•I pl I ?S 1100 .... ', tot11P•11 '10 I llS ... ,,. .... FIUO• IO 11411 ..... ~ 1'.l.M II II l)O,,, •• ,, H••MDf J,.O I 141 • ...., AOllmH 2 IO" .. » • .. UnlonC ,.. 1 -Alh. \.o AW• !C>f 1.JS rlO 9• • ~ eollA" n I st IA'•• .. FooteC 2 20 I .. lA • +. K m.,1 I 1' , .. ~ ,.,, • v1 Hl•Mpf A 10 r200. • .\.o Aoflr In 6 " 11 ... , ~. Un£lll( j M I s~' ,; • :::::~~ 1 ~ : 70~ m: • ~= ~~:i~n' t. ~ t ~ u:~!i: : ; ~~~~ 1.AO I~ ~ .. : I·"° ~::~t:I I: 7 ~ ::t:: ~ :::::: a~: ~~ • ...... I~ =:n~rn llJ t: Jt~' 0 • 8~~::: .-~ llo: 30"'' V• AITl4tlll UO IJ Al llh • ''• Coll Ins l.IO . lllS 711,, • 111 FIOHr In 111 10~. "'° K•IC pt 1.l1 , 12 1&~7• • "lj•INtf 1-11 .• LJIJO S4'"' • ~ AOll<n\, .. I 42> .,.._ , Un El pl 4 S. :::: ~:~, I Aml.c 1.4' IS .. ,.,, ••• v. ColGH 2116 ~ 111 :ri·~ .... FIHo.d 1,0l 17 SI ..... '·· K•l••SI ' 21S .. ..,.,. "• H "i!Slll,lle ,. 131/o > "" RolmCp II ,,. , ........ UnElpl .. 4C) IJ0"4A-lt• AMPln l.AOISIOOO SI'"''• tolO•pl),48 I so '• FO•!Wll ... 103 11 ....... K•neMI .11" 10 tJ HltOlln 24113 VI""''"' Ronson • 1 ... UnEl"'M.' 31u:rt\'t. Ampc;o . .0 IJ , """ •• t6mbln l llO I llSS ,, ... Fo .. slP ... I JOI II "" K•net> lb s "' IJ~ .... NICOR 3 I 103 .,.,. .... ,..,..., .. ll HS 12'• "' UEI rli.. • . Ir. Amrtp II 10 ... " CmbEn I l<t S 0' JI"', '> Foxl>t \ I 04 7 ~ 11'" t" KClyPL 1 .. S 121 74~, "' HoblAI 12 S 2'1 10\t A-Ml .Cll J tll t Un El pl J ll 1~ S~to "'° AmSlh I t0 S :J4 " , '• tmSw f1 lO • IOl H• • 'o FrplM< .0 10 S3' 16••, '• Kt PL pll,IO 1tO 11'• iv, Hor So II 2 IO 6 "1 u~v .. Ho A_.., plJ 4' . IS 114. \• Un El pl I 4'-1100 ti 1• Amll., I'° s ,, ,,,, • I' t omMI. .. • l2 IS\/t \• FtlQltn .. I '° .......... ICCPL plA,l!O .. llOO ll . . -Hotlln ) .. ll "' AC COl '·°' '.1)4 \I\, ... UEI plH • •JO SJ ~ Am•lpl ..... 2 s•,. ""tomdt• IAllO'I 16..,,, •• F""'"' AO 94 in., '-k<pl p1120 J 11 . Hot1l•nJ.JO S 11 ,, +..., 110,10 2.111 • ASJ 31 • "'uouc.i 1 ,, .. ,,,._ · Amllect 1,.0 II I• 114• • '• CmwE 2 llO 11616 23.,,, ~. Fuqu• .0 ~9 "'-, ~. ICCPI.. p1J.l3 .. 1 11v, v. Hori... .Ill l 61 1v .. \<o Aubtm J "IJ It A0'1> '1• UnPet I IO t IOI/ • ..: , t! Ancmpn .1111 S1 11•, ••Cw£ p1 I 'iC> 11 ••'• '·• • G--0 -KCSou .a 1 9' ll .114 "IAeoet -.IQ I J ~. v. Au•Tou I s 20 ,. , \'-Unlroyl · 6 111 nr .. .,, I E I COil~DlY gaug~ up 1.3 percent WASHINGTON (AP) -ln an encouraging new aign of economic recovery, the government reporced today that lta main gauge of future economic activity jumped l.3 percent Lut month, the fourth mo!'thly .gain In a row. Private eeonomiata had anticipated the latest lncreue In the Index of Leading lndkators, and said In advance that lt would algnal at least a modest recovery from the recetlaion that has lasted for about a year. Today'• Commeree Department report aai<t the July 1aln in the index followed Increases of 1.4 percent in April, 0.7 percent in M,ay and 0.3 percent in June. Tt)e index had falle,A. for 11 consecutive monthl before April. The index, which Includes statistics from 10 separate categories, la Intended to lorecast future ' economic trends. It often begiDS to rise several months ·before the economy pulls out of a recession. Analyata inside and outside the government have said an end to the recession is at hand or very close .. I T-bin yields increase WAStUNGTON (AP) -Yields on short-term Treasury ~urities rose after declines the previous two weeks had sent rates tumbling to thei.r lowest levels in two years, officials sail!. About $5.5 billion in six-month T-bills were auctioned Monday at an average discount rate of 9.746 percent, up from the 8.988 percent of last week. The government also sold about $5.5 billion in three-month bills at an· average rate of 8.604 percent, up from the previous 7.748 percent. Monday's yields, a measure of the cost of government borrowing from the public, were the highest since the Aug. 16 rates of 9.821 pen.-ent for six-month bills and 8.616 percent for three-month bills. Marietta seeks Bendix ·NEW YORK (AP) -Marti,n Marietta Corp. is rnatc'hlng a $1.5 billion ta~eover bid by fellow defense industry giant Bendix Corp. with its own $1.5 billion . offer to acquire Bendix. Martin Marietta's 1"4-member board late Monday·· authorized company executives .to ma.ke a $75 a share· offer for: 11.9 million shares, or 50.3 perce·nt, of Bendjx outstandin_s common. That first phase of the offer would be worth $892.5 million. Martin Marietta, based in Bethesda, Md., said it would then exchange each remaining Bendix common share for Martin Marietta preferred and-or common stock valued at. about $55, bringing the total value oi the transaction to $1.5 billion. . The counterotfer followed Bendix's bid last week of $43 a share for 45 percent of Martin Marietta's common stock .. Bendix would then trade 9.82 percent of a Bendix share for the other outstanding Martin Marietta shares, compleilng the $1.5 1billion deal . AnlOQ t 32 llJ 12 • >o t •E p1 7 2 IA\ 1 .. GAF 10 • 102 10..., .. kCSo r I 1100 1"--. · °"" HoAPN I.JO I ... All•• l'n Ay..,tf I S00 '" 10 , \, nrwt pt w lll!O Al An<:llor 1311 9 11 IA1o t wE pll\/O 11000 ,.1 ,1 GA Fot 170 2 llh .. kenG 112 • ),. 11\io• ~ HEutOJ.19t t • It'••'' RyderSHllblO * J6-1t, 11i, Unll'On l t1 ..... AnCl•y 1.n s "' :l.l~ ~ ... t wE pl • .,.· tSOO SJ•, t , GEICO ,.. • 211 ,. ..... kenHb I .. I •1) u ..... '-Hff\IUI I 2t I "' I~. "' --s -Unlrl'lll 10 Ill AO r • "' -STocws IN THE SPOfilGHT And!G n .20 I S. II'-• " c ,.E p1 I AO l llO .0 GEO 1A ) 100 I to It, K•nPLt J AO 1 .. Jl"" • lt.t Hl"°PS I SO ID lltl 121. • lie SC.a. lO t ~. 10..,, • lo U8rG p1 I 10 1 I\> ~ " . • . ::=;~ .:1Q·.~·n:::1~: t wEpl ,,. 1100 n ...... GF Eqp I 4V.• ""K•PlplUJ ,, II • \IJ HOSIPw2.IA I llt JO sc$f: 11': '?! ??,~· •. • "'uCbTlll'I .. ., Ill 22\'o•"' N·wv~1·P1 -" ........ ~-·.-..... ~ ·DOW JONES AVERAGES tomES •• 1 13 I•'·•-,,, C:.TE 1'1 11~ JI Kelwin t 1'-\'t HSPwpf6,IO .. 1tOuSJ ,, ·• •• •' . UnENeJl2 3 •lt0 21 .. ._ y. "' ~,. __ •• .,._ Anlxlr 1012 SIJ U • '' Comut 1 JO IA l:rl U'' 'I• GlE pl JA A "''" IC•ufBr .J• • .. 1"-• "-NSP pl 10.3' . dO t0· . . SP$lt< n 6 10 ""'; "'Ulllum 2 '2 S •M 1111) "" •"41 l'lel <Ml'llle ol Ille lollNn most ~II,.. ~~:~n~ . .:. .~ ~ '!~ i>ll toP•Y< s .3' JO .,., " 1 '-G•lliou u s 11 .. • .... K•ul pl I so . JS It . -• Hor Tl II I oj all6 ... ,, .. ,..,., ~::: : :; !:; MV. ... UlllU pl J '1 . •• 71 • .... ..... Yor• Stoo E •<Mft9t ,._,, A,_ 21,,3 l2 ,,ComPll' 1117•,t,G•nnetll nlllSJAOV.• ... K•llet JOI A4tl\<o•l'1 ~lll0'110 »~"'SI~\ 17~ Ullhlpl 4 aJ 1lllu1"-tr•d1ngMlklfWllyelmottJ"4tn\I .~~P·-·te'_.., IOll -·.: 'o Comp!;< 11 SI ll': G•pSlr SO I 11 II'" 'lo Kell-1.SOIOIOUUZllt,o 114 Norfrp LIO lllu.YI.,.) ... si"°~~ ? ... J:-..16 Unlllflll lblj so •H••.. Sol'ly Corp 1,J.o,sod' 13•• .. .,. .. ~.. -· IV ~ G•lS¥C I. ~ • II Kellwd' 00 • » 1Jloi ... N•UAlr .. • 11116 l2~ •• r ~ I, Uftllll'ln n • JS .. ,,, I yjMMlvll.. I ... JOO 4.. ... ApPw pl•.tt · JS n • • • "' ~-AM 120 I U 111• • 11• GNrlll Jt 101043 u~, "• Ke""I 10 l II I~• \'t Hwllkp t.M 6 W 11\1 '• Se .. , 1.010 •• U • \'t 1" A , • • CltittSv<e ·-:100 ... \, ill. ApplMo '3I 11 2tl 16'. '" ~~~~ ~ ~ : it u~· \lo 0.tco I 11 I IS It"•, °" Konml .. II Ill 11 •I HwUEn I ilJ A 94 ISw, V. Sag•~ .S. t HJ "J04, •I ~t:~~ J A ~ 1!"'' \'t 80tlftll llS.100 Jl~ • l'n ~•,<1111,2'l ~.~2 11 1~! !!1 '• " eonrA< 'eo I) J2 JS~' Gemt• • 10 1 H to,, KyUlll 2.JO I 104 11~1 \/t HwEn pl2.IJ ., 11 ll~H \o SIJol I.AO A IS 11 .. UPll-so ' J IBM 111,400 6no • t• " r~ ' ' ,,_ •• "• t E Gem In 1 «le I IS.. K.,tGI .·~ • JI• ll'f< V. HwlllOdflA.AO 1 141 -• "-SP•w 1.20 . 62 10 \'t USFoS s OJe A 10'-E .. on 61•.tOO ,.,..,, , .... ~~rar. >:5 ·~ I~:?·· ~~:~:·;·j :~ *~== ~~ g:::;c,;/~;J I~ ~r:":;; ~=~~~·t.:(• ": m~.'. \IJ ==~~ •:: .. :~ J:~:: µO~l'::tp • •. ~ ! ~ 2 :-· ~8~~~,~.:·;~ ~~: ~ ~~·=· :~~:= !~h !: ""'" \ • • t F pl 'so . 2 II GnBcu. • • ll ll'IJ. h K•ylll'lt '. IJ • .. ••• "' No•lon 1 • II 11"-. h .. eGl .., • SSI ,.-,, USGy pl 1 IO 1 :JO •-r T!l l 61S.*I i6 • h :rll'I~. 1 IOtlO 111J~ I )' t~~Frl I .0 S SO...... n Gtonm .. 11 ll ff\o , ~. K!-\ I 10 II 101• -.... HotSlm Ull 9 )10 20 ... , .. SJUMtB .'7• ll 501 t V. • \'t USHom lX SS2 II -, .... .,ox tp ~JS.100 U , \,i •m-•' 1 • ·•' ' GnD•I• • 21 n .... Kt-Dll 6' I. JI'-. , Hor" pl I .0 I ~ • t \lo SJu..,A IA ..... 11 20 6'10o • Vo USlnd 1' 6S t I lllll'I El SU,000 )1 .. :rm(o I.JO IO IOtl "''.' '• ~"·~ '~: : ..... ~· ~~:-' .. GnOyn n JI 20J1 ull..:, "to KlmDCI A I 114 Ulo • '-HO•o i.e,., 1'1 •i•> I Sa-o .M II Ill UV.+ .... USLH\ ".o IJ t~ 11"• • 1 lbr..S.I SOl,AOO 31~1 -\'t WHAT STOCKS DID ) Arm~pf2.10 ,,; ~1' I , eo'ff pf4SO AO 31 .0• 'Ill GOynplA U lulS •J· ICl'lllhlA '212 "1 Mio~ I'> Hutof .t211 ll A4 4 4'o ~AnllRll ... I ll IJv, ... SAlyJ.iOC 1 S 11v.."i... A.rmWln SOO,IOO ""' t .. ~~wfn i% ~. AOllU .. ~ •••• C~P= pll 0 .~ '" ,". ;.; O.nE• 3.'8 10 ..... uH • ,.,, K~r I 10 2A 4 11111 •. NUlrS n .l2 10 Ill ,. • "' Sf• l'ld I • '°' " • "' ' .iM..L--..b)~:J.11,~!Jl----~~~--i~"-.......... -+--~ .... Qfi-+A,pt .... .,,.~r--------.. Pw pll.. fl1t SI Uh, i\/o 10 • · · • USSl•I lllo I.. """"-Artra 10 .. • 191a , •1 e nPwPf 'A .. 11 • A0t30 ) U • ~ l(=\pl IO I i•v. 1,, 0•-1~ 14 I tt0 16'-• J •:;:-\'t STobt UOIO 160 .. l/J ollt. Tooev ~l. Atvln I 11 11 •1 U , o 1 t "Pw pl) 'll IS ,..... SO I lt9 16~0 • -)0 lh O..al I S1 I ) ll'IJ > n l Kh 1 .. 6 11'2 ........ • .. Adventl'<I 811 ,,. Aw"o AO 119 1•'•' .. CnPw ptJ 15 .. ?Sit,• ... 20 S U l \/t ,: ~toef\lt In I 111 Jt .. • ,; O<el f.SO S 1 IJO 11'-• l"' Sevin I SO lnll 1t • :°! Tell pl ).II IOA utOl'li' l\.'o Oe<li..O 149 ~! AslllOll t i1J • 441 1I , , , CnPw pr1 SO • l•"1 ~. Gin\!• .SO IJ HtJ 170,, • -K~~ . .0. • 10.._ i,. O<clP ptJ,SO , • A 1..-.. • .... Sc Pf: I • ~ Tt ll pl J.» Ji'6 1A , '-c Untll...., Jll _, A!ldOG 1 9 4At. 31, 1 , .,, t nPw pr1 23 17 IA'" GnMlll\ t.l<t 10 611 """• Vo I • O<tlP pfJ.12 . , I IS'n '>II "~ I ., I 1.,. u;a.t, • \lo UniTtl t.16 a 3'7 1' • v.. AMERI AN LEADERS Tol•I 1\-\ 193) 1946 AMID pl 4.1~.. SO &Ii,' ._ CnPw plJ 43 II 16•• • ~. GMol J.«le SI JSOl ... .,,. I Kyolot ,11t 21 121 71.,. ... ;..: OcclP plJ,JI ' l II ,_. Stll p plS L 30 5.J •I nlTI pl l,)O 2 11 • J"11 New n1gn, 1• 105 Allllontt I to • )6 ,,. tonlAI• ' SS • .,, GMol pf 3.IS 3 ll~• • .,. Ky-.... 1A I ••• Occl pf IA.61 .. JIA .. 'I• S<lllmc. " • 1111 ,... • .. nlT ,,,.. so . • ,, ..... v. N•w le"" I • AICyEI 2'.11 I 61 20•: '• ConlCOCJ Sii • i • , .. 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I '" m •• "-Vef 11 pl7 U dO U • 1 8enliTr 2.ot A ltO J)',. ~1 Ct lei pl 4.6l •• )6•, \'t Gooclyr I i1J t Jfft uU.lo , IV. otW\ 1.20 6 I~ wlOl\'t "'-PHH .7' II W ,, .. 4 .... Sim Pre 40 t .. II ,,. It. \lOl'Md • 12 "°"· · · · 811Trpl JSO s 1t1 •• "t•lelfBl.~ 110 11 Go•on.J ,. • u .,-.,. 1oo omfn t.M, u ~. _.. PN8Mll.:IW 1 I» io.-. ••. SlmpPt .2tfU 10 1~, 17utctnc ... u 1 • , "" 8eft,,... II • 20 •~•• .. Crum I 1' S 113 2S-"' Goulcl In 10 ISS 1~, .. omMI ? .... I IJO J4to, °"" pre; l .3' t ,_ Al l/"+ I Sll'llltr tot IJ "3 IJl!o. VulcnM 2 4' 1 141 OOV1 ~ B•rclCA .» IS 16 .... • o,,, t wll>to I I 1 11"-• ,,, Govlcl pit JS ' Hit ~. S t0 IS SJ J II) !>SA 60 J 1-. Siner pl l SO , 1 1'1t.t • I.: -W-W - P<I. METAL'S • NEW YORI< (AP) -Spot nonf.,rous metal ptlcN•lod•y • C...., 7~·73 cet1ta a pound, U.S. Clelllnetlon8. LMd 29-29 cetllt • pounc1. Z1M 40 e«1ta • pound. dtl!Wred. Tift M .4445 Melelt w ... compoel1,. ~ 79-77 cetlll a paund, N.V llafCMlfY $365 00 per lluk ,......_ 1325.00-.1328.00 troy ounce. N.Y. lll•rnGp . .o . lo:M 121• + '' t ullln n 1t JAO JS~. "'° Gr•<• t IO 4 JtS ~.:. .. l..nll..Col•r ,'·-• ·-J:~ • •· p•• ~ .:._ 1 116 111 •• • ··-Stl~lln. •it "31 1e•i'I • '"' WICC>ft 1" I 11 11"1 '-Berl'lel l,ot • 110 2A • ~. t um En 1 6 ~ aJl/J , ' _._' "' ·-• ._ 2" + '" ... .-. .. 1·-1 ,.. '• · · Smit A• Ill . . 1 l\o. "·' WO<-1.24 t JtO 211-> • ~ 8erlllpl2.JI .. so,..,, .. Cuttlnt>l 10 1 "• ~. g••1::r: 11611 JI 0 '-•:: LILplE •n llO • \'I PocGE ) •1310 H'-• .... Smilf\tn .. 'tJ1 llllJ ... WO<Ull ·-'° J "'-• 14 80rlWr .«111 . SO IS'• , .. CurtW I 6 lA AO , IV. om:.: . ~~ :~ • l :t :l6: ll 11~ ~ :: ::t:=.. 2~ ,; m ~~: ~ $1n•8 2 31 IJ IJll .. • '" WIMl'1 pl .• t U .. Up ».J Up JI.I , UP lJ-1 ER 8: ~~~ SILV 8.sltn .141 • 0 '"• '• eycrop. I'°"" 1<11 •• Gii.kin Ill ' 1 Jiit. 1..11.. PIT l.JI .. ,, .. _\I; Pa<Pw J.18. , ....... .,. $1nuOr .... 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AUGUS I J 1 19H:t ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS NB • pair flee · bandit, -7-hollr By STEVE MARBLE or 1tte o.111 "''°' alNff A Newport ~ach couple, held hostage In their own home, escaped safely today following a seven-hour crime spree In a residential neighborhood. The ordeal star ted in one house, moved to another and ended with two men being ta.~n into custody and two others still at large. Officers arrested Tom &s1ch1 20 of Laguna Niguet, and Davia Gaynor, W of Newport Beach. Police said two of the alleged bandits are still at large The episode, which began late Monday and ended at 5:43 a.m. toduy. started when four men wearing ski masks and armed with guns and walkie talkies broke into a)louse at 1901 Yacht Enctwn tress. Police were notified of the robbery by neighbors who reportedly told officers they heard the men ordel"ing residents to "get down on the ground." The men reportedly bolted when ofClcers showed up. One of the alleged bandit.! - Basich -ran toward the nearby Big Canyon Reservoir where police said they nabbed him after a lengthy chase. A second - Gaynor -dashed to an unlocked home two blocks a\IYay at 1llO1 Yacht Camilla, police said. The fleeing suspECt, police said, entered the house, confronted residents Cecil and Celeste Austin, 67 and 65 respectively, and reportedly offered them $2. Oe111 Pllol PtMlto by Rlchwd KNhler Ne wport Beach officers (above) gathe r with SWAT team following capture of bandit suspect to d ay. Offi~rs P ete P e rrin (le ft) and Greg Armstrong lead ba ndit s uspect Cfavid Gaynor to po lice car. Two other armed m e n escaped .. OUO in cush 11 they would agree not to telephone police Officers , meanwhile , surrounded the house, bringing in a SWAT learn. Several nearby residents were evacuated and others told to stay in their homes. The man, Cecil Austin , reportedly was able to distract the suspect and escape., His wife remained behind. Police said they spent twp hours trying to contac t the .suspect by using bullhorns and, at one point, threatening to send in a Huntington Beach police dog that was brought to the scene. The woman finally escaped at 4:24 a.m. when she noticed that the alleged bandit no longer was in her house, police said. Another hour went by before police, using a helicopter at this point, spotted th.e man crouched on the roof of the house. Two .of the men, police said, escaped the d ragn et .and are being s0ught today. <See TE"JlROR. Page At) *** Hostages tell of drallla .. By P ATRICK J . KENNEDY or 111e oa1tr P11o1 atett , Cecil and Celeste Austin's quiet evemng at their Newport Beach home turned to .a nightmare Monday when · an alleged robber sought by a police_· S WAT team b,urst into their home and held Lhem hostage. Onofre Drinking hinge ·told • Ill slaying· Their exclusive and gated community took on an aura of a battleground early today as poli ce SWAT ·t ea ms and helicopters canvassed the area. Austin's neighbors said today •they're,still stunned by the incident.· Austin, 67, said he and his wife heard Lhe helicopters and went out briefly on the patio to see ,_ what the commotion was, Ar. his 65-year-old wife was closing the door, the alleged robber burst in, tests • continue By STE VE MITCH~LL of'ttie D.ity "°' l teff Low-level testing of Unit 2 at t he San Onofre Nuclear 'Generating Station continued Uiis mqrning for the third straight day aft.er the reactor was shut down 17 days for repairs. A Southern Califortua Edison By STEVE MARBLE • 0t ,,.. o.i1y "''°' •••" Westminster Councilman Gil Hodges "has testified that his 32-year-old cousin was on a drinking binge the day before he allegedly shot and killed the oouncilman~s broTher in a John Wayne Airport restaurant. "He was like a different person," the councilman said of his cousin Kelly Russel Daniels. "He looked different -different from anything I'd seen before." T he Westminster councilman was queationed for four hours Monday in the opening day of a preliminary hearing in Newport Beach to determine whether Daniels, a Huntington Beach man, wiH faremurd~r charge5. The slaying took place June 8 -election day.-at Delaney's, a second-floor restaurant at the co~~ airport. ."-.. /'~e councilman's 40-year -old Brother, Barkley F. Hodges, was shot once in the chest as he sat in the bar, reportedly drinking with Daniels and a third man. Randy Snyder. Daniels was arresttle at the restaurant and the third man, police said, bolted and did not reappear for two days. MarshaJI Schulman, Daniels' attorney, said in an opening statement that evidence would show his c lient had been drinking heavily and goini:t without sleep or food for several days before the shooting. Schulman also said evidence would show that Barkley Hodges had an illicit drug busi~ and that Snyder, the third man, was "a dealer" for Barkley Hodges. Daniels~ an unemployed. sailmaker who is free on bail, appeared at the hearing but did not testify. The hearing was to continue today. The councilman said Daniels was d ri nking hea v ily - consuming six beers in a 2-hour (See SLAYING, Page A%) he said. She fell over some plant ts and injured her hip and is in.. ff oag Hospital today·, Austin said. "He was like a trapped animal." Austi~said of tbe man who entered their home. "He was pleading and scared. He offered us $2,000 \0 please hide him." (See HOSTAGES, Page A%) · Company official said today Lhe l,100 -megawf reactor is opera?ng at 0.0 rcent of full pow~. Mesa sculptor starts jail term The reactor was taken out of service. Aug. 11 so repairs could be i:;ierfo'l'med on the unit's con trol-rod mechanisms and to several leaking pressurizer spray valves, which a company spokesman said are part of the reactor's cooling' system. E d i ~Jl o f f i c i a I s s a i d mechani~ problems resulted in eight of the control r ods operating "sluggishly','' adding !ome rods slipped, and one slipped into the reactor core Leakage from faulty valves res\.llted in some radioactive ' water escaping from one part of the cooling system to another. the spokesman said. - COUNTY By DAVID KUTZMANN 01 ,,.. o.i1y Piiot Slaff Calling himself "an intellectual oluticmary," Costa Mesa metal ul tor Ali Roushan turned h e jn today at Orange Count)) · and began serving a five-d y ce for erecting a toweri ea-metal sculpture in defiance of court orders. "I'm not angry at all. ThlS is not a ma\'1er of anger at all," the colo rful Roushan said this morning at the Orange County courthouse before going to jail. Roushan , an I r anian immigrant. has been locked In a testy legal battle with Costa Mesa officials for two years over his right to erect his red steel sculptures on his industr1al OCTD plans big I uture County residents who use public transportation are celebrating 10 yean of "leaving the driving to us." And big· t hings are-planned for t he future by the OCTD. Page Bl. WORLD Israelis down Syrian MiG BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -Israel said its jets shot down a Syrian MiG-25 near Beirut today in the first air battle between the two Middle East foes since Mid-June. • Cubans jam U.S. radio By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 -~. The Cuban government haa begun jamming at least five AM radio frequencies in th@ United Statel, overriding U.S . stations with a mi~ture o1 mwdc and propaganda, federal officials reported. , ' pro~rty at 1550 ~uperior Ave. The v.:elder -sculp tor waa ordereQ to report to jail today by Orange county ~uperior Court Judge Philip Schwab last Th ursday.< Roushan was ordered to serve time based on a contempt of court conviction issued last ~mber by another O r ange County Superior Court judge, Rober t Fitzgerald. Costa Mesa officials had obtained a temporary restraining order, prohibiting Roushan from putting u p any mor e steel • sculptures on his property without seeking City H all approval first. Roushan erected three of four BUSINESS structures without the required building permit and safety checks.. H e argued that he is entitled free Mllistlc expression without govemmlmtjhterference while city officials claim the towers -as s tructures - r~uired the normal permits and checks. The Costa Mesa welder was held in contempt and sentenced to the five-day term for erecting the last of the four structures known a s "Tornado," which st.ands 60 feet high. Roushan's attorney, Meir Westreic h was unsuccessful Monday and today in obtaining a fur,ther stay of Roushan 's sentence In federal court and Stock market trading heavy NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed in heavy trading today as the Dow J ones industrial average climbed to 901.30, finishing up 8 points after increasing more than 11 points earlier in the session. Depositors refund likely The Federal Deposit-ihsurance Corporation is preparing to pay off depositors of failed Western National Bank in Santa Ana. Page B3. SPORTS Cycle race'r luture actor? Motorcycle racer ~ Penhall of Balboa looks back on excittn1 caree r on the track• and looks forward to actin1 on th4! bll ICl'een. Page Cl. f • .J superior court. iiowever, after a 45-minute hearing in Los Angeles, Federal Magistrate. John K r oonenberg granted a writ and set a hearing w h ich coutd overturn t he scrappy welder's conviction in Orange County Superior Court. Westrefoh said t~ morning he would -ask U.S. l)\'strlct Court Judge Corisuelo Marshall today to allow his client to go free. In the meantime, Roushan was to be booked this morning. Accompanied by his wife and his attorney, Roushan said he has no refrets. "I just want to be able to do something better," he said of his plans for future artistic creations. At YourServiee Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade ClasaUied Comics Croeswotd Death Notices EdJtortal Entertainment Art Hoppe A4 A7 83-5 A7 C5-8 B6 B6 C4 A6 87-8 A7 Ali Rousha n Horo9COpe , Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds Public Notices Sports Dr. St.eincrohn Stock Markets Television The~ Weather Edison High Hawaii· bound A7 A7 "B7-8 84 B4;C.4 Cl -3 A7 ~ B8 B7-8 A2 The F.dt.on Hflh School football team ventww to Hawaii thil week to play an unuaual achoo!.. Punahou. Htch. Pap Cl . . .. ' .. Orange Oo.lt DAILY PILOT ITueeday, Auguat 31, 1Arl2 JMale strip: Th.e beat. goes on From Page A1 --TERROR. • • OftlceT• utd there wai1 ,. 1) n a I d e r o b I e c o n f u at o n ron<.'t"min1 tht> anlUaJ ro~ry on Yuchl £nch1Jntrt>u Police said thl'rt• wt•rf' two reeidl'n\4 of the hou1.: -Martin Modfiano. 27. and Liza Alv11l11r, 21 David Ntcls<·n. 'l7, w:.1t1 vt.a1tJng et lht- timl' ~y FREDEl\ICI. SCHOEMEKl. 9f 1M cw, ,.... ..... A tt>lephone convNutlon nu provoked new verbul gyratloru ov~r whttlhc:r made: exotic daming 11hould be pemutted al the Laff Stop In Santa Ana Heigh ta. on • 1how he ha.an'\ even -.n. On one t!nd of the receiver Monday waa county Sueprviaor Thomas Riley; on the other Laff Stop owner Michael Callie. RJJciy Nld \Odey thel "A!porta" from ~'Ople who live near the! Luft S tup Dt 2122 SoulhttHt Briatol St have convinced hlm that the Monday nlaht octa ~ adult ent.ert.alnmenl ae defined by th e C'ou nty '1 ,adult entertainment ordinance. Callie clalma the acts, in w.tUch men wearing skimpy bathl'l£ suits dance before predominantly female audlence8, are comedy rouUnes. "If a · man takes off his shi rt , is that .adult entertainment?" Callie asked. :'tlich ael Callie Riley saya he told Callie that he's opposed to the male dancing; Callie says he told Riley the supervisor has passeq judgment Fluor sale of oil 'holdings announced Officials for Irvine-based 1''1uor Corp. announced Monday a tentative agreement to sell most of its holdlugs in the Coquina Oil Corp. fo~&174 million. Fluo arlier this year madP. e_ublic 1 s plans to sell all of Coquina for $265 million to the Kerr-McGee Corp. based in A)klahoma Ci\y. The tr~ction was ca11ed off in late June because of funi:ling difficulties. The new buyer is the Denver- based Petro-Lewis Corp., which . is acquiring only tracts already I producing gas and oil, a Fluor k · d The firm Will ~tie said. ven re.!lirves of ~andoil, Fluor will retain about 900,000 acres of undeveloped oil and gas leases, including o ffs hore California and Texas. engineenng and constructiol'l'. 'the Fluor spokeswoman said remaining Coquina bqldings are $.'Onsidered small enough not to C'reate conflicts.· She said Fluor has no other t>lans to sell them. The $"174 million wHl go toward resolution of Fluor's $1.1 billion long-term debt, she said. · Much of that debt comes from financing arrangements to buy St. Joe. Analys t Ted Gomol of Bateman Eichler Hill Richards of Los Angeles said this morninJl that Fluor has been trying to improve its balance sheet. "l .think one of their objectives is to reduce long-term debt," he said. "It was increased fairly .substantially when they bought St. Joe. This helps." From Page A1 SLAYING. • • stretch -and was upset because he believed that Barkley Hodges was going out wWi his wife. "He told me that a friend had seen aa,rkley and his wife' in a car. He said he suspected they had been together for three days,•• the councilman testified. "K elly (Daniela) said if this was true, h e would beat up Barkley. He would hurt him_." The councilman testified that he never heard his cousin use the word "kill." "I was left with the impression that, at the most, he meant to do Barkley serious bodily harm. He did not use the word 'kill,' " Hodges said. The councilman also testified that h e managed lo telephone Daniels' estranged wife and that Danie ls and s he met later that day -24 hours before the shooting. . .' Fluor acquired ~oquana an ~t. 1981, when it completed its 12.2 billion purchase of St. Joe Minerals Corp. Coquina, based in Midland, Texas, is a subsidiary of· St. Joe. Huntingto11 firms burglarized several hair styling busmesses, a health food store, an ice cream store and a dry cleaning business. . •·However, Fluor officials soon put up a ""for ·sale" sign on Goquina because of concerns that the relatively small oil-producing business would conflict with clients contracting with Fluor for i t s.. _pr im u:..y s e t: v i c e s - Police are bunting for the burglar or burglars who broke into seven businesses along Beach Boulevard in Huntington Beach, fleeing with about $1 ,100 . Investigators said the burglaries· occurred along lhe 19000 block of Beach Boulevard between 5 p.m. Saturday and 7 a.m. Sunday while the businesses were clo6ed. Th~ shops included Police. said a pry tool was used to enter the front doors of the businesses. Officers said the burglar or burglars apparently were 1lee king only money, although three packs of cigarettes were reported missing f~om one shop. · .. Coastal 80"'9 high clou<llneu todey, •therwlH l•lr. High• et the btleche• r2 to re end Intend • .,_ 82 to IMI. Fair tonight wtth onrntght to'w1 e• t o ea. Continued telr on We<lnffd•y ..tth hlgllA •I the beec:tl4ll r4 to re ,llOd lnlend .,_ 85 to 90 , Ettewhere. f rom Point 'Oonceptton 10 lh• Mex•c•n border end OU1 eo rnllM Sm .. u.n ~ aver out., w•t.,.. "'"" llClf1"-t wind• of t5 to 25 lenota end 4 to r 1001 -todey Wlnd9~dec:reutng 1onlghl •nd Wed ay to 12 to 18 knoll Locally vltlable wind• night end morning houra. becomfng ....a to .OUU-t 10 to 15 knoll during •llernoon1 tod•Y •nd WldMedey. Wind wa.,.. of 2 to 3 fWt. Sout"-1 llWellt Oi I to 2 !let. P•tchy tow cloud• over ljbuthern wetert during eerly ~ houri Wedneedey. V.S. summary ~ • H..vy thundentorm• rumbled •crou much of Ille n•tton'a mklMcifon urly tod•y. petting )lorttona of South Oekote wllh OOffbAll·llnd hell •nd dumping ~ to 3\i lnChee of rein et Bowllng pr_.., Ky. • Wll\de gu1tlng to 90 mph blew fWough IOUthwwtern Nebrllllle ~ the 1t«m In eouth-cetttrel ften lucky downed tr•••· 9Q41C1 -et bulldlng1 end roed• A thunder91orm dropped ,_iy )n lt>Ch of rilln at White RMt In eenlrel Artzone durtn9 e '15-fnlnui. period Mond•y ntgnl. ~IN -· QeM'Ally C! ... r In Peclllc Horttlwett and OrNI of Hevllde and Utell , A few 1h ower1 end '"'nderetorm• were 1c:et1ered ~-the F1or1de pent,,.,i.. the ,oentret Gull eo.11 •l•I•• end =Mc:tlon• of the mlddte Vtlley Hrly todey. ,..,. ..... gener9lly -- t . Warmer Wednesday Boaten from POlnt Conce911on lo the Mextcan t>order can .xpect llghl varl1bl• wind• during the evening 1nd morning hours. becoming _, to aouthwwterty 111 8 to t5 knots with• Mo-2-loot IOUlh-t twell Northwest wlnda of 15 to 25 knoll ere lorecaat with 4-lo-7 loot .... f•rther th•n 60 miles oll1ho111 from Sen Nlc:olet lelend. T e mpe ratures NATION N4 Lo Pql Albeny 75 S7 All>uque 87 62 03 AmetlllO 97 68 AllheYllle 7S 64 ,.,,.,.,. 64 89 Atlatlle Cty 72 70 .Aualln 100 75 •2, BefllmCI'• 7• 69 Bllllntt 6e 57 .30 Blrmlngf'lm 87 72 Bltmerck 59 St '18 BolM re 4r 33 Boston rs 58 Bfownavtle 98 re Bullelo 77 8t .50 Buftlngton ...,1 81 .02 Cllt4*. 90 50 .04 Cherl1J1n SC 83 68 Chertatn WV 77 66 .48 g~c 82 6e ' .. 58 cntcaoo • 1e e2 04 Clnc:lnnetl 72 89 34 Cleveland rt 66 Clmbla SC 81 81 Col\Jml>u• 74 8r .04 Dal-Fl Wth 99 71 0.yton 78 88 .01 Oen11« 89 49 .02 O..M~ a 88 Detroit 82 Duluth 64 53 .01 IEJPuo 98 6e Flllrbenk1 !19 llO .3!1 Fatgc> I 81 ll6 11 Flagltalt 8t 49 The Forecast For 8 a.m. EDT Tuesday. Auausl 3 1 •Low Temperatures ...__WH ...... ~ NOAA U 5 Oeo• OI C-c~ Fronts: Cole! .. Warm 99 Great Falla rs 40 01 Providence H1.rttor<1 r5 5e :=telly Helene 88 48 05 HonolVlu 8r 75 Reno Houlton 92 81 Seit leke lndnec>ll• 75 64 28 Sen Antonio Jllcilen MS 93 r4 SMttle Jec:kanvtle -1! 68 Shfevepon Kelle City 74 Stou• Fella Knoxvttkl 83 72 05 St LOUii LAI Vegu 8S 68 St P-Tamp• Llltle Roell 92 r6 St Ste Marie LOUllVllle 78 87 .49 Spokene Lubbock te r2 Syrec:uee Memphta ~3 80 Topeka Miami 8r 81 Tue.on Mllw•ukM 68 59 TUIH Mpl..StP r8 82 WHhlngtn N•alWllle 81 74 13 Wlchlte New Of'IMn• 93 rs .15 66 80 es sr eg 9S 89 98 ro 82 se 59 73 re 88 96 96 75 94 N-York r3 64 CALlf'o..HIA Norfolk r9 83 Apple ll•lley No. Piette 90 59 8ekerl1leld Oii•• City 100 T3 Bent ow Omaha 77 ro a...imont Or1endo 89 r6 02 819 S..1 Phlledphl• r4 e2 Bllhop Plloanlx 106 ee Blythe PtttltlUf~ 80 66 Cetelln• Pttend. er se 02 Eur.-e Ptlllnd. Ore 7.1 M FrMnO - SS 66 81 47 59 r8 se .01 73 63 1.02 r1 .02 r5 42 48 .03 81 .01 r3 74 75 88 rs .01 93 58 92 66 99 66 95 sr re 42 90 S4 105 ;"'8 r2 ee 88 52 90 60 Ii(•-SURf RIPOil Smog Where to cell (toll lrH) tor ,._, $ -~ WMA ..... ..__..... A .... T .... Huntington lllufT9 t-3 taltr 10 Hunl::'tton Pier 1·3 71 8ante na River Jetty 1·3 =g~~ .. 40111 8t. Neowport• 1·3 .. 22ncl 8l Neowport 1"2 ftir-900d .. 9AlboeWt:n , ... ,..,~ .. "°°'plle~ • I . POOf " 1 Ct. " =8rOOlta 1 .. let! c .... 1-2 POOf N ~IMch 1-2 POOf . 71 (H~ln-U.,.enoel • 1"2 ,.., .. ..,, C»ment• Ptet 1-3 , .. 17 Trlll: (T treet) 1-) fOOd 87 Cotton'• Pafnt 1-Z Pf:' .. T,.... 14 . .. lenOnoh 1.2 POOf • TOMo.-.-ow·• TtDE8: H1911 t:H .. ftl. ~ 2:46 p.m. Swell Olractlofl tout"--l. ' I llllMI ~omwttlon: <>renoe ty. (IOO) ~ lo• Ang•IH County: t•OO) 242-"022 ~ Md ..,, lltt'nardlno OOUtll ... : (IOO) ,_7~110 AQMO ~ C«ttw: (to0) 2~2 ...... Tides TOOAY S4oond low 1:12 p.in~ 1,3 S4oond ~:11 p.rn. u IDAY Flrtt low . 3:131.m 0.1 ::!rtow t:M a.m. 4.4 2:48 p.m. 2.0 leoond :f" 1:41 p.m. 8.t Sun Mt toctay et 7;IO p.m .. , .... Weon.ci.y 11t 1:21 e.m. ..WWfoon "-:': llt t.~ p.m .. W~ l#Lll'I., . t. CaW hu ~n ordered by tho county PlannJna CornmlMlon to end the M9nday night 1how1 by Sept. 11 Callle .aid tht• 1how1 will conUnuc. He said there were 1,694 d~nken·driving accidents in · 19lfl and 26 traffic fataliUes. wha1 kind of reepon.ee hr would g.-\ i f he appealed the cumml11ton'1 decl1lon lo the county Board of Supt"fvlaora. Rlley'1 dl1trict lncludea SrtnW Ana Height#. Earle Robita ille Viejo Co. layOffs . d ·ue· to· recession? The slump in the housihg market was blamed .by the Missio p Viejt> Company, an announcing cutbacl<s of more than 300 of its work force since J~uary, 1981.' .ti y Nov . f. t h e majo r homebuild~r will have trimmed its ranks to 650 full and part-time em'ployees, company spokesman Gerry Ugoabene confirme\'.i today. with the exception of upper management workers. "I think everyone's aware of the r~ion in this country," he said. "I'm optimistic that 1he lowering of the prime interest ra!A! and the recovery of the stock market CM be the first step to better things." Ognabene said the company will scrap its plans for a 'fll!W headquarters building in Mllision Viejo. Also, the Jack 0 Raub Co. He said the layoffs will affect will relocate from Costa ·Mesa to .all departments of the company, Mission Vjejo. \ 'Bullet Train' to Brown SACRAMENTO (AP) -A bill establishing a new agency to issue $1.25 billion in tax exempt bonds to help finance a 160-mph "bullet tram" through Orange County between San Diego and Los Angeles has passed the Legislature. · A 24 -6 vo te in th·e Sena te Monday sent ABJt47f by Assemblyman Bruce Young, D- Cerritos, to Gov. F.drnund Bf<\wn J r . , w h o s u p po r t e d t\h e legislatior:i. lt woutcs create the ·Ullifo~ia Rail Financing Passenger Commi~ion. · · · Polk-e said money waa taken from the h ouse on Y11chl Encbuntre11 · A sum of mon~y. calculated to ' be »t leaal $5,000, waa dl8oovf'red on the roof or the howie an Yacht Camilla and police were combins the area around the reservoir today, 1earchlng for othe r valuablee that might have been taken. Both Bulch and Gaynor are being held in the Newport city jail ln Ueu of $25,000 bail each. From Page A1 HOSTAGES. • "H e told my wife, 'I 'm u~ and I won't hurt you. Please help me for my mother's sake. I'm not a criminal'." Austin said. "l didn't know what to do but he never threatened us and we never feared for our lives." After about 45 minutes, Austin said the· suspect, David Gaynor, 20, of Newport Beach, moved to the atrium out.aide the master bf:droom and his wife nodded to her husb&nd to escape. _ He said he walked out of the house and a policeman grabbed hi.s arm and, stooped over, they scurried to the SWAT team's headquarters .ill a n eighbor's house. Mrs. Austin ·escaped about 75 minutes later, again while the suspect was in the atrium looking for police. "l didn't want to leave my wife but when she nodded at me to take some action I went to tell police he was in our house. I felt' bad that I didn't try to apprehend him myself, but th~ police officer said that I did the rig!'t thing." Unce police knew Gaynor was i n t h e A u s t i n home.. t h e helicopter hovered overhead, officers repeatedly telephoned the home and police speakinR through a bullhorn urge d Gaynor to come out. "l l was absolutely frightening," said ~ woman neighbor who declined to give her name. "I've never seen so many men crawling on their hands and knees They (SWAT t eam members) were in every bush." .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '._; Pac.le your hula Wrts Western Al.rimes has brouqht bacJc H.Jwau for SJOO roundtnp It's the best barg.J.m of the year /or lull liJ.TtJ travelers HeTBs how to quahly. Between now and October l. sunply buy and use any roundtnp lull fare Coach or Pirst Cldss t1c.lcet (Y or F d ass only) to anywhere Western Auhnes flies in the United States, eicept Alaslc,, Your 1np must be at ledst 300 ctJ.T miles each way • Thtjn, when you checJc m for both your departing aJJd return flights, asJc the agent for a "MJJhalo" sticker When you have two stickers on your receipt, you • _ have o coupon good lor a S/00 roundtnp Coach flight to Honolulu. II _your qutJhlymg rnp was FJJst Class, you Cdll go First Closs to Hawau for S200 roundtnp You can take your HawoiJ tnp any doy )>etween Sep- tember 14." 1982, 4Ild MMCh 23, 1983, e1ecept the Chnst· mu holiday period (December IS, 1982, to January JO, 1983). And you must make your Howal1 resenrtttions and purchase your ticletJ no ldter than Noftlmber I, 1982. S..ts ore bnutfl<i and ticketing restricti0/111 aplfly. J;ltavel Pttues mar. not be u~1o pay fw the liaw4ii trip.) So fly lull fare C011ch or First Cius wJtli KW•te.m. lbu m•y Ji.re to pq more t.hu1 th• ducounted lue. but ~tern mdw It worthwhile. With our unl>Htable S/00 Hawall bonu.s. Call Western or·your 'T>arel A gent Jor ct1J detd118. ' YOUR TRAVEL AGBN1' JC.NOWS-JUST SAY. YOU NWT~TO FLYTHE WESTERN AJR F'ORCE. Or c.U u.r 1111y hout ol th• d41 or night 11t 534-0881; nlit our tic.lcet of/Jc. in the Disney/ind Hotel or In Co.st• Mna In th• Downey S.rings and Loctn BulJdlng, 3200 No. Bristol St. hr• 1u contoJtJe.nc.14, ~item Alrl.inN ti•n• peraon•I de re.Hrv•done.s qu• h11bl1t e.spttilo/: (213) »6-4812. RN Air Cargo lttlormatlol'I onl~ 041.I (213) "6·2222. ~'T'TYITPD f213) 776-3360. , \ Ofange Coelt DAtLV PILOT/Tvledmy, Auguet 31, 1182 NI NYSE 001'1POSITE TRANSACTIONS ••t&t .... 1~•&HI .. , ............... , .... ,, .. AC1•1c. •ew, ... , .. , .. , ... , ••• ClllC:l••Afl HWll ' UtH .. lt ... MillhtltltlYfMlliU•&lltl .. lflHt .. ~ 'r CLOSING 801.30 .Economy g8uge \ip 1..3 percent " WASHINGTON (~nrouraging avw sign of economic recovery, the eovemment reported today that lta' main gauge of future economic activity jumped 1.3 percent laat month, the fourth monthly gai~w. · riv e omiata had anticipated the latelt increaae in the x of Leading Indicaton, and said In adv~ that It would signal ,.i. leaat a modest recovery from the re<leUion that ~as lasted for about a year. Today's Cornmeri:e Deparlment report said the ·July gain in the index followed' lncreues ef 1.4 percent in April, O.t percent in May and p.3 percent In Jµne. The index had fallen for 11 oonaecutive months before ,..prU. ~ The index, which includes atatlstlcs from 10 separate categories, Is Intended to forecast future economic trends. It often begins to rise several months before the economy pulls out of a recession: -Analysta inaide and ou1aide the government have said an end to the recession i.s at ban~ or very cloee. T-bill yields. il)crease 1 '· . ~ ASHINGTQN (AP) -~ields on short-term Treaury securities roee after declines• the previous twQ weeks had sent rates tumbling to their lowest levels in two years, officials said. • About $5.5 billion in six-month T-billa were auctioned Monday>et-an average d.ilcount rate of 9.746 percent, up from.the 8.988 percent of .last week. The government allo 10ld about $5.5 billion in three-month bills at an a.verage rate of 8.604 percent, up from the previous 7.748 percent. , ·' Monday's yields, a measure of the cost of government borrowing from the public; were the highest since the Aug. 16. rates of 9.821 percent for •. six-month billa and 8.616 percent for three-month billa. . STOCKS IN THE SPOTUG ... , AMEilCAN L METALS . I • NEW YORt< (Apt. -_Spot nonlwr- INll .. prtcee lodey. UPS AND DOWNS c...., 70.73 cent• •.pound. u.a. .... NAW YORK CAPI -, .. fol-• ... Hit -.1na11ona • .........._.._.... l'«k.~i.JL-JE..Ua..111.--1~ ... 14-aa.~,c.~.-...:o.i~~~~~~--1 ltocll• _. _,,.,... INI -...,. • Zlflc 40 oenta • pound. dellvwed. IN meat and --Ille ..-1 beMd Cll'I Tift $$.4445 M9lell Wlletl c:ompoelt« f:" .... of < ....... ••"''"' of ~ol-~ 7&-77 oenla • pe>und, N.~. No =~ tr.llng M-. P ere IMI· --,, $345.00 P« ..... · llllN. -erld _<..,. ... <~ere -......_ 1325.00-1328.00 lrO)' -· .i".,...ce - -11"9"'-' <lollfl9 N.Y. !Wk • --y't ii;m llflO . ...... I.Alt Ole Pct. I ~I I.NP!. U + 2~ Up t6.S 2 OllQLI 2P1 16 + ti. U• 16.• J Ml\WI 2.12PI fto;. • 7:\0 Up t•.t • t>llbll<ll Incl l • "' Up U .J s unTel t.50PI 2' • l~ Up U .l • £mPOE pfB •v. • V. Up ll.I I l...c..ITr II"-• 2 Up 11.J I ClwltC CYpl t•V• • 10~ ~p a·i ·,: :ir.,--.,::r, ,~~ : ,"' u: .. :o II MyenLE I"' • ~ Up IO,t IJ G_.,I,, 17o;. • 1'-Up IO.• U Gdrldl DIS I • llO Up IO.J u E=IM U • 1v.• Up t .I U Delio Cp I'll< • "' Up I.I " Mii y GC Ulto • 114 Up I .I 11 C.-..C• Incl II h U• I .• II 11-.0lncl s II"-• ... Up I.• It ,,.,_1111 IJI(• I Up I .I 20 -Ir Jpl IJ'h + I Up 1.0 21 GoMCp pf8 U • J4'1 UP l.t n GCA Co<1I llV. • l \lo U• 1.t u LevlS4rMIU 2t•\ • ,... Up I.I U P.-lncl tt'°' • ''-Up 7.7 U,P"""° 1111 .. .!:, + .._ UP 1.7 -I.At! '"" Pct. I Wet• Jim llt't -l h cHI , ... , OweMCfte I''-'"' °" u.' J ArmWlft IS 11>'1 Off t .I • '"""" ··--u '"' °" •. , s us s-o • "" •-°" a.o • A-r 1118 t \4 " Oft 7.S I l!)l l'ectff • I " Off 1 .J I PetfkllPtr .,,, -"' Oft 7.1 ' CM'!-pf 21 ,,,. Off •. , 10 Trim ''" -Ott •·' II 0.,UPwlrl ti~ ,,. Off U ttF«~fM~ • '-Off U 1J llllnPW pf """ -1 °" u u GEO llCI ,,,_ -"-Off U U G..._.Mer 6 t\111 -Yo Oft U It KCP\. Ullpf tl"--'1\'o Oft S.J ~=:n= ~"=l ~ u 11 a....,.,ec. u -11111 °" u n en,... 1.1...-si..., -,.,, °" u U Allee!\ Inc 21111 -1111 Oii U .. Clw'Yller wt • 11111 -... Off u IS V(t71.7.7Jpl SJ"° -J"'° Ott U GOLD COINS [)(le to late transmission today's llstlng will not eppear~n the Dally Pilot. -· SILVER. Handy & Harmen. $7.970 per tro y ounce. GOLD QUOTATIONS a, Tiie A11nt ... d,,... Selected world gold pl'lcel loell y: ' &.OfldOfl morning fixing $409..80, on SSAO. LAMldoft 11ternoon llalng $411.SO. off 18:90. ~.,lo afternoon fixing $398.84. up ·~4~ -Praftlltwt llxlng $407.88, up $7.M . z.tcll. late eltamoon fixing $409.SO. up S&.75bl0: $410.50 ulled. HancfJ a Her1t1en only dally quot• $411.50. up 19.30. • • ~only deity qUole $411.SO, up $9.00. ' .,..._. only dally quote fllbricfMd $432.08, up 19.45. .................. ~$409.00 •• $5.00. I:;! It •• •• , -~i i