HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-20 - Orange Coast PilotORANGE COAST YOUR HDMITDWN DAllY PAPfR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS R ed Cross buries Beirut massacre victims HEIHUT. l.1·11.1111111 1.\!'1 H1'<I Cn>S.'> w111 k .. ,., go1llwr1 ·d •ll t bl11.Jtl'd .md hlill kl•111 d b .. d11·· .11 ,, n1.i...._., ~IJ\'l' t.wl.1\ 111 11111 111 '"" µ11'i.l111111n.111tlv l\!11,1. 111 11 I 11~:1 , c •" 11 p' \\ I I l' I I ' I ' p" I I ., ' ol \ hu11dn·cJ, 111 nvrlr.111 ·. \.\1 ·11· 111 u !> ' a l' r , . d I ' ' < • Ii 1 1 ., l 1 , , 11 1111IIt1..11111'11 But d l1·;o11l111g 111d1 ·111 11d1·111 1ww ... µapt•r rqiot ll·d tod,l\ tli.11 .1 !>hacJowy ll't 1111 ~ruuµ th.II It." v11w1•d tu dr 1v1· .di 1111 t'tg111·1-. 1111111 I ,1 li.i111111 1 l.111111·.I II 1.11111 d 11111 rlw -.l.1ughl1·1 I .i .11 I , l" . .111111 I .111g1 ii\ II J' I lt•d ,,, lil1H1d ltlH I 1 l.11111, Iii.ti lh 11111\ \\,1' It -.p1111,if1)1 .t111 ·1 tl\ "' 111d1111lh 1111 1li1 kill111g "1111 11 1 ... 1.11 I .1111 1 1,,.11,111"11 ltl.111,.. 1111 d1t l111 111 ( ·1111,11.111 11111111,1-. 1111\\ 1•\'t'I, l\\'11 'I 1·1 1\ \I\ 111 \\ '>lh'lll'I' .t.111111d h1.11l kilt\\ .1l.M1Ul lh1 tll.1'>.-..1111 .111d 11 I 11 IPllllllUI Iii 1111111, lx·lu11 l.1k111g .11·111111 Council to decide 'dogs on beach?' By ST E VE MITCHELL Of tM D•lly Pllol 8tatt Dogs on 1h1· l)f ·,1t h l I . s t h (' ... I fl Jo( I ,. 111 11' I cont rovt r.,1al -.uh)''t t in l .. 1Kw1.1 &•at· h . and t ni· 11n I\ top11 I h . .t ever prompll'<I ,, C"11y c .. un1 ii tu movf' " mc·1 1111~ to 1.1111• r quarter.. to c1t't·omrnoda 11 f 1 11 11d' and ((.)('!. of {'11111111' ll"al'h~o•·r <.. And it's 1111 tlw .1~1·nd.1 11111 1· aKa111 TuN-.tla" rnKht Las1 month th1 C1t\ ( · .. 11111 rl rf'CjUE'Stf'd a n v11·v. of ·th1 hnur' dogs art• al111wt'tl or1 lit) h• .11 lw-. Curn·ntly. d .. K 11v.1w1 ... 1.111 onlv walk lhP1r p1·1 ·, purporu-dly 1111 ,1 1< .. 1sh IH fc.11 INDEX At Y<>111 S1•1\111 · ,\·I Errna Rc1111IH'< k 1\7 Rusin•"-" II.I ('av;ikadc ,\ 7 Cl;1s.<..th1-tl " 111 Cornu~ IH l'ros.<;w111 ti Bl f >t,;ith N111t• 1· ... ( .,. Jo:O It ton.1 I Ali En t1·rt..c11 n1111·11 l II , A rt ti opp• J\ I I loroM">ll4 t\ I Ann L.1nd1•r' f\7 Movies 11:1 l'olit1C'al N11t1•-. /\I Puhlw Notte, . .., l 'Ii Sport." ('I '1 Stoc k Mark••h IS.I TC'll'VlSICln Hh Th!'alf'rs 11~1 Wc•atht·r f\'J. World N<•W<., A:I Ha m and .Jflt'r h p nr during thl' ... umnwr month..,, .ind bt·fon· 9 a m .1 n cl .i r 1" r f'1 p m 1 n th f• w1nt1·r M;in \ doK 11w 1H'r' b1·li1•v1· thoM" hour-. an· ton rl'slncllvr• l>nK (CH.., on tht· 11lhl'r h.1nd don't think C"arnrn·.., 'h11uld 1•v1·1 lw .tll11v. 1·d on th•• IH'Oll'h Thi· 111rr1·nt 11nl111.m1v· 1<; wh;1t \'OU I .ti I ,1 ; OlllJlfllfl\l',1' Th.11 mPan<, II 11•,1\'I'" h11lh f.11 t11111., unhappy Sn .ct th1· 11111111ii'1•'<jllt..,l,1 ii\ 11ff11 i.11... will pn·<;<·nt ., rl'lltffl .11111 .1n.ilV''" of pr;1ct11 , . ., 1n 01111·1 IM•at Ii t 1tws r .. ~.1rd111g th1· f11111 ft •11t•d JH'L' r111 rn,1.11111• 111 Nt''I""' ~·<1l'h clo~s arc pr11h1h11<·d fr11111 anv 11lv '>lr<ind rlur1111oi the· h11-.\ su111nw1 rnnnth' Thr•\ 'rt• frf'f' 111 roam t lw rl'St of t lw v1 •ar a' long ,1-. thl'y art· 1111 ·l1·ash r111d at"Companr<'<I by thf' owner Otlwr 1·1lJC'S ari• not o;,1 l1•nwnt llun1111gt un H1·a l'h , San Clrnwnll'. S(•ial H4•,1d1. Hl'dnndcr Bc·,11 h , Manh;Ht.111 lw·1lt'h. Santa M111111 .1. I ll'rmos,1 Bt·<H h. I .onl>( l~':wh. < )( f'<tns1rl1• ,ind ( 'crro11nnn ''rn ti\ proh1h1t do~!'. 1111 the· -.;ind nw lllf'l'llng. wh11 h l>t•!(lnl> a l fl pm 1n l'nU nC'rl chrimll"r.,. should lw w1'll att1•nciN I Anri. g1vC'n thr cuntrnv<'rsy, n t 1ty st.ii ff recommf:'ndatinn ln thr <·oum ii rf'garch ng dog!I 011 the• hf-a<'h l, rather noncommtttal "He•«nmmendNI nC'lton," tht• staff rt'1:>0rt begins "That City l'oun1 ti rf'VIC'W ~ind dl!<CllSS 11•port .. 1,, 1\111-.1 "'" . i1 ... "" "·1.d r .• -. ... 111'\\''> .l~'.I Ill\ · .. 11d 1111·,1d1·1tl 1 • "lold l fl11 !11111 \ '.die ti 1111 I '11 """ 111 ll1 ··~·Ill 111 ... l J'lllllh \\1111 lht :--11\ttl 1'1111111 .11 lit• ' i1 ' 111 I l \ ( < 11II11 ii \\ ll la .I \ II \\ I 11 11111111111-( h1 "'I '!' ........... 1.J ll11·tl111• \ .... 111 .. I" '"""·ii 1111 .,,,1,..:1 111 I<• .1g,111 th.11 .... 111 ,,, .... I It.it .• ~h.11. 111 l lt1 It 'fl''""d1Jlll \ 1111 tlt1 II\ l'I' 11f l.!1111.I 111 111~· .It(" Ill I .1·11.1111111 1111\\.111.1\ ... , ... 11111111 Ill p.11lit111 .. 1. hv tho...i• who l'ould ha ve• 1u 1·Vt'llll·J but d1J 1101 prt•v1•11t 'I\ I i\v1v fro111 d11111g wh;11 It d1tl B1t·1h11t.:V did lllll llillllt tht llnlh'<I Stalt·-. 111 thl!> 1·hoq.(1•, h11l w1·1·k .. 11<I Tu:.:. 11·pu1 L!> 111ad1• -.11111lar l'h;.irgl'!> iJ11d d11I nw11t11111 W.i!>l11ngton SJ.X-'C'lfw:rl ly 'l'lll' HO hc1<i11•:. Wt•t l ' pl.rl't•d 111 11vlu11 :.o.tl'k!> and l1111•d up 111 "'' lo ,, 111.1~., j.(riJVl' und1·1 thl· lib1111g -.ur1 111 tllt' Ch.1t11l.1 c-.11np 111 w1 ·,1 H ,. 1 1 u l I' 1• 11· 1 K u 11 g. a JI l1111·111«l11111.d H .. d < ·,.,,.., •d 1111 . .J 'hlltl lh1· l.11dt1•-. Ii.Hf l1t I II 11•111v111d 11\1•1 ~I 1111111 " 1111111 ( 'lt.1t1ll,1 ,111d 1111 ollljoll I I ti S,1ltl ,1 I .tlllf' l111lh 11111111 111 I I 11.1111•,1 .111d 1•,.i •. ,11111.111 11·(11~:···· ... 11111'.l 11f wh11111 .ill· !Vlw .. 1 .. 111 Kung ,,,11 f l>od11 "' 11•11 • l.1111wd lt\ fl •l,111\'1'' \\lltrlif 111 IHll 11 d Ill 1111 l,11g1· g1.1\1 N11 .111111.111 11111111 111 1111 I .ii IJ.tgl ft,1 -, li1•1 II ll1,1d1 11111 Ku11g .... 11d l1u11d1 .. 1h 111 .. 11 "' 11111·. 1111~hl .. 1111 1,.. liu11cd 1111d1 I tl1t• I llltltlt• lh,11 Wltllt">M'l> .. 1111 th• ktlh '" li111ldon·tl uvc.•r tho 11 v1111111' < ltlw1 1-:.llrnJh'!> of 1111 d1·,t1h t11ll 1.111gc· frurn :JOO to I ollt I N .... , ,, 111111111d of t•arlh ;it the 11111.11111 111 lh•· Sabrc1 lamp. ~''"'"""g \.\111111·11 dawt"<I <it the d11 l \.\ hc·1 • I he·y clJlffil'cl 200 , l11ld11 JI w1•1t• burtl'<I, A.. .... • .. 01:1att-d 1S1•1• Vl<'TIMS. Page A2) Lagunans celebrate exodus Throust1111b iii L.1gu 11.111 ... u11w1•ri.:1·cJ 1111 Ma111 l3.·:rd1 P.1rk Satur ti.iv lo n·lt·br .11t· thl· 1·11d of 1h1· tuuri...l !>l',1!>1111 ..and 1h1 · n ·turn of Laguna lo L..1gu11.1m. M111d vou. th1·rt· Wl·rt· uul of low111·rs -,uno11g th« throng-. of n·l1·l11.1111-.. hul lh1 v w1 •11 11'1 t.ilk111g 1'1·1 h.rp" IL W<L' lx1..1l1"4 ' 111 the l'111th 111unsl. 1·11111ph·1t· with bl.it k ,1101.-,.. and -.•x:k,, ~hur L'>. H,1w.i11.111 "l11rt and K11tb k l'allll't a ... 11 ur1g up l>y Lht· nc·1·k .it lht• p.11k t ·11t1 :11w1 • T h I . d ,, ~ l 1111 g f I ' " l I \' II If .. , rndudl'd fam1h g.1111l'"· hot dug ... and .,oft clr111k ..... 1 l1fq.~u.11 d dl·rnonstratrnn. h.dlrn1n,, .ind thrt·1· s t·µar.it•· "kyd1v1ng c·xh1h1t1on~ th;11 h1~hlighlt·d lh1 village· porty 1\1..iggrt· Ml·gg' 1h1· nl·\.\ I\ 1·ll'< ll-<l htmor<1ry g11v1 •1 nrn of th1· ··!>talc"· of L:1,14lll1J , arr1v1·d !>hortlv :if11·1 11011n . 1n .111 ,;rnbular)cc• with " poltl't· t'~'tH'I M1·111b<·r~ o f l lw t'hJmlx·r of l'11m1111·n·t· unltJ.11lt'<I thl· affahli· gov1·rnor rn a gur111·\ .md rol11'tl hc·r 111 lh1· !>Lag1., wh1·rl' !>ht• w1•k11nll'd Lagurwn-. l11tlw1r11v. 11 p,1rt\ .. Thi' I!> w1111d1·1 Cul JU"l wo11d1•rf u I." t hc· '"'"' g• iVl'rnrn ;mnounl"t"<I drvlv ··Now gc·t mt·# l1t1 off 1h1~ stag1· .~ ...LW T h t• c 1 t v ' ' r 1• « r t• a t 1 11 11 dt'partmt•nt '>µ1111 ... o n ·d f.;mtly gamt•' r.ir1~1ng fr o m m1h11.il t·ha1rs to whc·l·lb..arrow r<Ht'" b e t w l' e n I h c• ~ k y d 1 v 1 n g exh1h1t11ms Troph1C'S <Ind ribbon:. w 1·111 111 thc· wrnnpr,. 8111 Farrt•ll ,1 mc·ml°"·r 11f th1 · LJ~una BC'a< h AU!>lllC-!>Sman., A .. .,..,.l(1,1t111n. th1· -.pon~1r... or tlw V1lla!(t' Parlv. t1•rm1"<i the· l'\'t'lll :r 'iUl't'l':O..°' "W1 ...old mon· th<1n 1.7011 hot d11J.!'" ht• ~11d th1' morrnng lie• f1gur1•d .ihout ~ 1100 L ,q.(unans and gut·~t' a ttc•nnl·d tht· twath f1·st1val II LHf.'lanans hun~ a touri .... 1 m Pffif!) n ncl \Htt<·h N I pa ra c hu1i .... 1 .... clrop in on lu·a<'h parl~. Suf•·l y i1n·•·s1ign tor!-i would like lo hear from o ther pilots who mi~ht h 11\'t' ,. ...... Friclay'~ midair collis ion betwt>Nt this pion(' and n c.-~-.nn 2 10 ov•·r Fountnin Valley , II Crash • witnesses lacking B Y ROBERT BARKER O( IM D•lly Piiot Statt Fl'dl·ral 1nvl•:.t11.tc1tor~ may 111 ·vc·r kn11w who was at fault in lhl' m1rla 1r enll 1s1on over fountain Vallc•y Friday that took 1w11 l1v1•!>. an 111vest1gator said . "Unfortunatelv. WC' don't have .1 good c•yc>w1 tn.c•ss in tht• a ir." ..:11d Wally fo'unk, an mv~t1gator fm the Natrrmal Tran.-;portation Safl'tY Board ''WC''VC' rf'l ('1vC'd s 1•vera l l'V<'w1tm''"' aC'<:ounts from fX'OplC' n.n thf' ~round, bul lhC'y a r e non av1<1tors w ho may not havC' h1td a g11txJ angle of the colhs1on ." K1llC'd wht'n their C<:'ssna 2 10 plunged into a neighborhood on NPwland Str("('t south o f T albert Avl'nuC' 1n H u ntington Beach "'t•n· pilot W illiam A C la rk. a .1~1 year -old Cos t a Mesa ,. h I r 0 pr a r l Cl r. a n d (I I g h t instruC'tor Ff'rnando Ism eno. 46, u f Gardc-n Grov<' T he S4.'('ond plan<'. w h1<:h polire said was p1 lo t C'd by K i rk McQuown of Red o ndo Beach , return<'d sa f<'l y to R e dondo Beach . returned safe ly to Jo hn Wayn C' Airport a fter losing a n c•ngme in thC' c-olhs1on Safe ty investiga tor Funk said Mc Q uown 's tw1n -eng1n e Bet'Chcraft Kmg Air was h eading f o r B u rbank Airpo rt at an allltude of 3,000 feet a t about 4 45 p.m whe n McQuown said ISee WITNESS~. Paae Al) I• ·----- Orcmgo COi.lat DAIL V PILOl /M ontJ•y, Sept•mber 20, 1982 [~' \\.t Continued s tories 'Hill Street' dominates Emmys ~ BURIED. • • rflS phl1tog111pht•r A11h lkur portt.'Ci Otht•r WtJ11Wn w.1tl1·d 1111.t b bcd by tl11· l1111h1·:i 111 i.ldlll JatiVt'8 A scurc swt·pt tlw t'LJ111µ.., wtw11 ord ('1rt•ul:.itt-U that th1· kllh·t'll ad rt'turnt'IJ, und 1mrny rt•fugt>t>i. ere lk.'t'll U1•t:mg to lht· fringei. thl' shantytowns But ~1rut ad10 quott>d policl' ai. say111g ere w1•rl' no mort• niur tJt:rs The ncwspapc.•r All Nahu1 said receivt'd an anonymou:. call m a n1'1n whu da1m<•d Lu present "The Front for the.• ibt•ra tro11 uf Ldrnnun from orc1gncrs," and said tht• nghll!>t up was "n,i.pons1lilt• fu1 tht• ration of mcc.s k1lhngi. 1n tlw fugee c·amps of Sabra and a tiUa. "The (ront·w11l <:onl1 nu1.• action til no fon•11!:ncrs an· ll'ft 011 banese soil." said tht• c·al11•1 111 b1c, aC\.'Ording to th1· paper 11 ve no otht·r dt•t.a1b. Jr """'l> th•· r11 ... 1 11·pC11 lt'll d a1111 11f n·spuns1hll1t v f111 tlu• 111.1~'\lil'lt'. w h I l' h d I ,. w w II I I d w I d " l'011demn11uor1 L1ttl1· b k1111wn ,,hqut tlw .. (I 1111 t • " w h H Ii HI s (I l' I <H ll 11.' d r1.•spu11s1lnhty frn tlw August 1Y80 a ltt·mpl to 11s:<ass11111t1• US Amba.-..-..idcw .l11h11 ( ;u11tlll'r l>t•u11 as w1•ll as 11ull1l'l'OU::.. bluodv t:ar bomb altucks on Pall'Sllnwns and Sy11aru. m Lt:b<.1111111 thl' pa.st two yt·an. Thi· l';ol1·,l1111 • L1ht·1 Jl1on Or ga1111;ot1or1 .u1d lht• Syn<.111 govt·111111t•11t li.1vt• du1mt•d t ill' Crout 1i. ;111 Jf111 u( brad's Mu~ul intt:lhgt·rwc agt'l1l'Y Is rat' I 1 Prim t• M 1n1 st t' r Mt•11ad1t·m Begin's Cab111cl, !> t u 11 g h y w o r I d w 1 d l ' t·o11dt•11111JtllJ1\ ,Jlld 1·hJr1!:•')> uf l' o mµ l 1t·1 l y 1 n th t' s av a g t' bloodbath. 1!>s u1 'I! a !>tinging 11·hukt· lod;iy, dl'ny mg "with contempt" aet.'U!>Jtwn::. that 1t was rc.'Spons1hlt • fur tht• 111a:.. .... u·1 t' W ITNESSES SOUGHT. • • he saw something flash past lllm out of thl' eorncr ()f Im. right t•y t· "He saw a tra tl of fu1·l and h eard a thud and kn<•w ht· had been hit," she said He lookt'd to his ldt. Funk said , and sa~ tlw Ct·ssna 210 descending and p1t.'l.'t•s swrung tu separate f' u n k s a 1 J l h (' t• 11 ll 1:, 1 on tX"l.'Urrt'Ci in F<1unt...1in Vall1·y. jus t over th~· b orth ·1 (rum tht• Huntington &•ad1 ert y lirrnt, .rnJ not over Mtl;• Squu1't• Park as rcportt'Ci pn·viuusly She said Clark .111d ls11wr 111 apparently wt·n· ht•adinl( for J o h n W a y n 1 • A 1 r p 1.1 rt a f I t· r eompll'lmg a tra1rnng S(·s:,1111\ Clark had t•harti:r<-<l tht· plam• carilt'r 1n the dav beeaust• ht• wante<l to be..• l'hl'«kt•d uut 1n tht• Cessna Hoh I lopt• upplauds as K utt• Smith rt•nt'ls to autlit•ru·t· afte·r lt•adin~ tlwm in "(;od Hlt•s!-. A mt•rit'a" tlurin ~ Emmy Award~ S u n cl ay. Mexico inspection cancelled Lopez-Portillo does about-face on contra band t·hec k TIJUANA. Mexico (AP) - Outgoing Mexican President Jooe Lopez-P o rtillo has mad<· a n ; ~,Santa Anan ;1 ~hot to death ' A 21 -ycar-old San ta Ana man 'leiied today at WesLcrn M t·dtl•al Center several hours afll•r he awas shot in the back of the ht•ad 1while riding with friends in a car I.in downtown Sanr::i Ana, poht·c 1ka1d Miguel Ang<·I Corll'z. off we~ .,,aid, was found lying o n thl· "rbund a shor t dro;lanct.' from ':lwhere the car he was riding in l~rashed into a wall on Pac1f1c iAvenue JUSt south or Isl Str<.'t't Po!JC'l' said an unknown p<.•rson apparently OpE'ncd fire on the ear. No arrests have IX'<.'O made· about-face o n his order th at tourists leaving the eountry be checked for contraband grcx.-cn<'S ''W e want o ur Ame rican friends to come as always and honor us with their business," Lopez-Portillo declared at a rally attended by abo ut 2,500 Tijuanans Sunday. The Mex ican governmt·nt had issued a list o r 20 subs1d1zed g rocery items tha t tourists wouldn't be allowed to remove from the country. and customs agents were preparing tu stdrt inspc'<'ting shopping bags But apparently bowing lo the l!ntreat1es of Baja California m e rcha nts not to antagon1zt' American tourists, Lopez-Porullo said that customs agen ts will be s tationed in grocery stort's, instead. and wilJ warn Ameri(·ans about purchasing forb1ddc·n It.ems "We're going to have a lot of Sunny and trust bt·t wt·en us WI! know Anwrin111s havl· a grt•at respt:.'('t for tht• Jaw ," sa1ci Carlos BustJmt•fltt". prt•srdt•nt of lhl.' B a j a C a I 1 f o r n 1 a .; l a t t' dt:vt•lopmt•nt L'Omm1ss1nn. who mt•I with Lopez-Port illo Aflt•r th1· meeting, which al~> involv<•d AaJa Cal1forn1a Gov H<1lwrtu tk la MaJriJ ;rnd a dt'lt·gdt11>n o f lo('al bu:.1nt•ss ll'Jdt•n.. Bustanwnlt• said that th£• presidt•nt also agrt•t.'<.I to unfreew dollar a ct.·ount.s for some border mt·n·hantl> (, ~ ,<nH·ert s ta r s rol e c·orrccte d A rt.·v 11·"" Sunday on B1·n Vt·n·t•n'!. <:onn·rt at Lht• lrv int• Bo wl !-.ho uld havt• :.tatt•d ht• pla)'t'(.I tht• rolt• of Judas m th<· mu!.1<·a I .. Jt~u~ Christ Su p<:rst.ar " Tht· D;,iily Pilot rPgrelS 1 hl' C'rror I-" warlller Smog The Forecast For 8 a.m EDT Tuesday September ? l Ra on r::J SnowQ Showersl1111111J Flu111es~ Ca Ii forn ia Forecasls c.otl lor warmer • 1empe1arures 10 per5151 ln•OUgh • T ueaday under c.IOll<I dolled ' skies along tne co&s1 "'h•le &'1ernoon bree~es blow O•er lllfl 'weSlern desetts Los Angeles h1gh11 will be in 1ne row 80s w1ir1 coas1a1 temperatures ranging lrom 8 '.I 10 93 FaH c.on<1111ons on mounlaon a<e;u are !l•pected 10 conllnue with hogns lrom 67 lo 76 The mercury could 1ump as hogh es 9i 1n nonnern dese<1s en<! tOO on lhe IOw oe-1 th11 National W11athllr S!'rvrce says The Aor Oualily Managernent Oostr •Cl prtKhclS gOO<l au qvallly 10<11ty across lhe en11re Sou1h C.0851 Aor Bilson Goo<! aor w11h a Pollutant Slan<lar<I ln<le~ of • 2 1$ lorecasl lor coa11a1 areas 1n1an<1 Orange County. hogh an<! low <le~rrs an<! on Bann•no TM <loslrlcl pre<l•CtS PSIS of 67 a1ound me1rOl)Olnan Los Angeles and Hemel·Elsonore 75 in the San Femando an<I Santa Clarlle •81~ 92 around Rovers.de and San Bernardino end 100 In Pomona and lhe San Gabroel Valley AOMO 1a11ngs are as rouows Good O 100 unheallhlul for ,t'nlll•vt' people 10 •·200 unhealthful lor everyone 20 I 300 and ha tar d o us 301 ~ Boa1ers traveling lrom Pooni Concep11on to Ill!' Me11 can bo•<ler can e•pect loghl •eu&ble w•nds during lhll evening and ------------ morn 1 n g hours . becoming southwesterly 11 10 to 18 knots on the allernoon w11h e 1 10 3 1001 sou1hwes1 '"'ell No•thwe51 winds more than 60 miles ollshore will range from tS 10 2S kno" wllh 3· IO· 6-1001 seas T p111pera I 11 rP.'\ Albany All>vq~ Amarollo HI lo Pep 64 39 80 51 03 78 56 ------------Ashevlll~ 70 58 03 87 66 ll .S .... ,, ,,,,,, a ry F roe I Wiii n111g5 weo. ISSUe<I I Or par u o f 1t1e 011 k o les 11nd north-st Nebrosk8 IO<ley wl>ole thunderslorms spr1111tl lrom Maryland end Virginie Into norlh«n Florida end over Ille Gull Cod . Scatlered 1tiowers el.a rer1 •n New M eA ICO Oregon l\nd 1oulh4lrn Wuh1ng1on and over lhil uP98f Gre111 l akes region For lonlght and e&rly TuM<11y the N111on1I W11111he1 Servlc11 predicted see lier ed 1how11r 1 on th11 01110 Valley pen 1 ot the Norlhee11 a nd lrom lhe Norlllwe11 lo 11111 1ou111 11rn Roel< ... Sce11er11d 1tiun<1111 ahow11ra -• expected •IOng Ille Oun or Mexico. over Flor1<11 11nd elono IM IOUlhern Allenllc Coa1t Cleat P IM -e prediCted tor ll'le South-I end lhe nortt>e<n a, .. , Ptaln• Atlanta A1lan1c C1v Auslln Ba111morn Biiiings B1rm1nonm B11marc~ BOllM! Booton BrownsY11e Bullalo Burlington Caape< Charlsln SC Charl1ln w v Chert11e NC Cheyenoe ChiCllOO Cmc1nn11t ClfMllend Clmbl1 SC Columbut Oel-FI Wiii 0 1y1on 0en-Oes MOlnes OeirOll Duluth Et Puo Ferpo Flaoatatt 69 57 02 98 n 74 52 70 49 83 69 60 40 73 58 33 69 53 95 73 64 39 63 46 68 '17 87 74 I 32 70 SS 73 68 14 63 42 73 4S 73 51 70 44 88 88 71 42 80 66 51 71 43 66 49 1 t 48 06 10 38 ..,5 46 04 86 81 23 54 42 75 38 •l nw l!!m0{'1a111re., fl. t '• '" I \" t .~• ... ' ... .. ... ( ... l t"l'1 Front!> ( ·I I ~ Gr~al Falls 73 Harllord 70 Herena 74 Honolulu 89 lndnap11~ 69 Jocksn MS 84 Jac~soY11e 91 Kans Clly 75 Knowtlle 82 las Veg11s 90 Lillie Rock 76 Louisville 73 Lubbock 80 Memphis 78 Miami 86 Milweukee 73 Mpl•·St P 82 Nashvllle 77 New Orleen1 90 New Vork 73 Norl~k 75 No Plelle 70 Ohl• City 70 Om&hl 71 Ottendo 90 Ptilla<lp!Va 73 Ph<>enl• 100 Pitt•bui h 70 P11•nd. • 88 Pllel'd. Ore 87 Prollldence 89 Raleigh 78 Rfl<lo 84 Sell l •he 81 Sen Antonin 95 $eallle 87 Shr.-.eporl 91 SIOU• Fella 62 SI lovlt 72 SI P·Tamp& 811 SI Ste Merle 59 Spohne 90 SwlK:UM 82 41 46 39 74 42 73 72 51 87 8A 59 51 58 S8 80 A6 S2 S7 73 SS 68 AA 8 1 53 73 63 71 AO 48 59 49 86 38 SS 811 S8 87 .. 54 78 35 67 311 33 7' 26 21 t8 25 05 'II II Temperelurea around lhfl nation before dewn ti~ lrom 34 In Oevll1 L ek e N 0 • and Or end For kt , N D 10 88 In Ph<Mlt\IJI, A rlz l~xten<l,•d weathrr "'~3:e .... !D _____ R_f R_IP_DR_T C0~8TAL. AHO MOUNTAIN .AREAi -Flif eaoec>t eom. late nlQhl end morning low~ ~ ., .... In 009818' MCttone Hlgtle rMQlncl ffOm 70. ,_ IN OQN1 to '°9 In velleye LOWI 56 lo 98 Mountlln hlgM In 70. • L-311 10 60 ' 8url A•t 2 3 2 3 2 4 , 4 •llllle~ I lurl ll'rd 1'l 12 12 12 ..... ..... .... , .... Illa• Olr 2 3 SW 2 3 SW ' 3 SW ' 3 SW .. .. Too<>•• 76 •5 Tucson 95 6A I u1'18 65 80 04 Wosnong1n 77 57 Wocl1tl8 75 58 0, CALIFORNIA Apple Valley 82 53 Ba~erslleld 79 64 Barstow 86 64 Beaumonl 83 S3 Big BoM 68 33 Blyltie 96 .69 Culver C11y 81 ~ Cure~• 67 Freano 80 58 Lene.stet 80 67 Long Beaoh 82 65 LOI Angeles 79 66 Marysville 76 Monrovia 89 59 Monle~llo 82 6A Monlerey 10 SA Ml w 111on 61 49 NH<llee 96 71 Newport BMCh 73 83 Ont•rlO 84 Sii Palm Sprmo• 112 88 Pa..a.tia 113 80 PH O Roble. 83 52 Red Bk/If 75 S4 Re<!Wood C11y 7A S8 S1cram4tfltO 7A SS S11ina1 7S 51 Sen a.<nardono 71 52 Sen ()jego 17 87 Sen Frenciaco 69 57 Sen JON 75 53 Sent• B1rb111 78 S3 S•nta Monica 7S 86 Slocklon 711 SS I ehoe V1ll4!1y 54 40 Thetmel 98 72 Torran<;e 79 83 ll'AN AMERIC AN A~IOO 90 75 08 Barba<!Ot 88 79 Bernwd• 82 75 02 8ogot1 8C 50 CurlOeo 90 11 Freepot1 90 10 Ou1dal1ja11 8 I 59 Gu1delovpe 90 711 H1van1 118 76 Klno1lon 1n 79 Mon1ego 91y 73 fH M1all1n 93 82 MMldl 112 73 M .. ICO Clly 72 56 Monttfrey r 86 12 NllMU 88 72 08 Rergman win po thumousl y for "(;olda' L 0 S A N ta: L 1': S ( A l' ) N1ll"11 ''11 111 Strl'l.·t Blu1·ti' dumlllllll·d l lw 1':111111 ys fur •I s1·t·ond yt·ar, I 11~rid B1·1 K111;111 w11n an ,1wunl fur h1·1 1111.il pl' I' r (I r m II n t• t.. .• I\ d 11\ a 11 y 0 I tt•lt•v1sw11'1i lop 1\1111111 '! w1·nt lo show;,, that Wl'I 1• C .lll('(•ll•d llf h.1d dt)S(• t·alb M1i.:. At·rj.(111a11, wh11 d u ·d of t'arwt·r AUK ~Y. wai. 11a111t'll ht•st lt·ad l.lt'lrt·~ rn a l11111t1•d ~·1 11•' 111 :;p1•cwl al tht• :1•1lh 'l't•lt•v1bllHI Al'adc1ny awards Sunday llllo(hl for ht•r portrayal 11f ls1 tll'h Prinw M 1n1su·r Guld,1 M1•11 111 "A W orn.in Callt·d c.;olda " 'fht· synd1t·atl·tl m1111s1•111•i. WJi. Jl!o.11 nam1.'<l bl'st drama i.pt'<.·ial .. Hill Strt'l•t Blu1·s." tht· piJht·t· drama that combint•s violc·nt·l• and comedy, won six 1.-:mmys, two short of last year's r1.•eurd nurnbl'r The· w111 gavt• a mut h llt't.•dtod lift to Nl3C. long stUC'k m tht· rating' n·llar. <11ld hooskd lht• lll'tW1>rk lo lht• till> With '.W Emmys A.BC was rwxt with Ill aw<inb, CBS got l:l, PBS W<m f1Vt". .1nd thrt't' wc·nt to i.yncl1catt·d -;h()w~ A d1~1µpi>i11tmt•11t for NBC was .. fo'<1mc'," thC' t:rrtaeall y an-la1nw<l hut low -ral <'U s h ow about aspiring perfonnl·rs th at 1 lw n('twork h op«d would M;.1111 attention the wav "11111 S tn•l't Blues" d id lru.t y;·ar Tht• shuw won one award Sun<fay night to Harry Harn s for d1n~t111g to add to the four 1t p1C'kt..'Cf up in the earher-annoum·t•d tt't.'h nit·al and craft <:a tegorit-s "Barney M1ll<'r." axc'<i by ABC af\.l'r e ight years. was nam(.od lx>!.t l'Omedy series Michael Learn1..J won as bt·::.t IPad actress in a drama :.cn t.-s fc)r hcr portrayal of M<i ry BenJ3min an "Nurs4o'," c:ant"t.'lt.'Cl by CBS N a n c y M a rt· h a n d , t h 1• ar1stot·r a t1 c· publ1sht-r M r., P ynchon on "Lo u Grant." w;1s named best supporting al'trC'ss 111 a drama series for tht> fourth t i me . Th a t s h <1 w a I s <1 w a s dropped by CBS <1m1d sagging ratings and controversy vv(•r th<· poht1C'S of star Ed Asrwr Pia Lincl ... 1r o111 . 1la11~hh·r of la te actress Ingrid Bt·rgmara. ac·<'•·pt~ Emmy on beha lf of he r m o the r who "":-. honoa·•·•I po .... 1humous ly for out la nding p<'rformam·•· for twr portrayal in "',.\ Woman Callt.•tl (~oltlu :· Ch11 i.t11ph • 1 L l11\d l1r<,,t !>Upport111g J l tul ··~ Lill' '>j)JU'U uut HPv .Jim lg11.1t11\\ :-.k1 "M A s II ""ol!.1) t n 1111 I lt·d but ""Ill lt•.ivl' tli• 111 .11 ll•r 10 v1·;ir" this f;,ill 1111 ( BS tht· (Jl'o<l un·ri. h<iv1· d111d1·d lo qu1l whdt• ahl·ad Stai Al.111 t\ldc1 w1111 h1i. third Emmy i 111 11ut..,LJntl1ng 111Jnl'Cl y .1n11r ;is JI.iv. k1 \1 1'1t•11·1·. .ond L1.1re1t.i Sw11 """ 111 I 'ot·~··1111I I 14:'>1 su µporll 11~: i•t tr'·"' , , w ,, rd ,,., Maj Margc.r l'l I lould1.111 liolda did .. T h c thrt-c·hour aw ard show at lhl! Pasadena C1v1c Auditorium l·ndcod with an emotional tribute to Katt• Smr th, one of TV's t·<1rl 1est vanet v s tars. She was push('Cl on suigc• in a wheelchair by Bob Ho pe . joi ning th e .iud1enec· 1n singing "God Bless Ame r1t·a ," a song she made famous. and wiping a tear from lwr cy(• at lht..• end. "Hiii S tree t BluC's" was narm .'CI best drama series for the .,(.'<.'Ond year, and repeat Emmys wc>nl to Daniel J Travanll as best lt'ad ac·tor in a serit.>S for h is role "Taxi." winner of two acting Emmys, was t·ancl'l<·d by ABC' a ftt!r last St'ason but NBC s natched 1t up and thC' offb<.•dt comedy will conunue Awards went lo Carol Kane, bl'Sl le<itl actress in a tvml.Jy St.'flt'S for a one-shot appearanN;' as Latka's 1 m m 1 g r a n l b r 1,d C' , a n d M1i.s IJprg111 ;1n" .. ;,"".or ti W e•!> 1U'l.'t'Pl1·tl i>!' orw of 111 1 daugh1t•1', t (·It• v I ;,, I() n n l' ........ \\ I' 111ol11 l' 1.1 L1nd:-.l1um, wh11 .,aHI "I tt <1lly d11 11·1•1 :>he · d1·,1·rv1·' 1111 .. .1\\.ifd although thl· '11111111 11t111n w,.., strong I th111k ..,i., .1bo d1 .... 1·1 vt·i. thl' award for twr µt•d or111.in<•1 off l'amc·1a Shi d i...pl.1\• d thl· sanw rl11{nrly' 111d n1ur:1w lhctl ai. Frank Funllo, the pa tient prt'('1m·t t:aptain. and to Michael Conrad as best supporting actor, for h1!. portrayal of Sgt. Phil E.st<'rhaus, a man with an eye for # tht• Jadac.-s. ' Vested tropical suits tailo red in o ur \\'o rkroon1 s 1-h·re 1s c111 11np1.·1.1. ahk 1,111k 111 .t ~ 111l\ll1r ta bk. lighter \.\l'llo?.h t 'u 1t111~. Dnl' 11;.1'"" 1111 1t 1., th e expert work \d (1ur own 1.111111., ,\1111t ht:r 1::. the ,uperb hlcnd tll 1. r1.•a:-.l'-11.•,t..i.1111 p11ht·.,tn ,111d wnrsteJ T h" ~-button nwJt.'I u111H·, 1n mnJ1um b lue. nwJ1um ~rn rn nan l'.11lid : 11,1\\ p111 '111pc : or ml'li1um blue l a1H' h :urlitll' L11,1t . \'1.'\l an <l trnu~cr.,, $380 lSTAl llSHIO 1111 cfi);~JJ 6/);r.}jr' /;)' CG~~€ill furnishings for llm \W('lmcn ~ Bo~s ~30 WVST 7Tlt S l'H EET. I OS \ "\( ;t·'.I l·.S. C,\1.11" t-A SlllON 1:-\1 \,I>, ~l·.\\'l'<lllT til-:,\C ll, C:r\1.11-'. ..... STATE Buses rolling again By Tht Auuela&ed Pre11 LOS ANG l!:Ll!:S Bu11 drivers returned to tht· roud loduy after lea than hull tlwlr union's membel'!ihtp approv~.J a 32-month contract, endin~ u flve-dav strike fo'ull resumption of st'rvu·t• tht ou~hout the flvl' cuu11ty Soulhl•rn California Rapid Tnm111t Dlstrn.·t c11me ju11t in llmt· for lht' morning crull(.·h for 11ome 600,000 cmnmuter11 who scurried for alternate modes o f transportation during the walkout Cable car fund s welling SAN FRANCISCO Sun f'r ancisco's privately ra1sl·d cable car restoration fund now t o p s $ 9 m 1 111 o n a C l <' r a Wt!(!kend telethon ra!St'd mnrl· than $400,000, a spokesman for the fund said. The cable cars will shut down this w eek until 1984 for a co.mple te $68 2 mtlltl)ll WORLD overt1aul Uf th;H 11u111, $ ll! rntlhon must he ralst.'d from n m tr1 bu lions. Film and tC'lev1111on stars T on y Randall and Mic hael Learned were hosts of the telethon. Among the stars who appeared were the Smothers Brothers, Rita Moreno, Peter Donal, Tony Bennett, Eva Marie Saint and Lena Horne. Socialists back in power STOCKHOLM, Sweden - The Social Democratic Party of former Prime Minister Olof Palme, back in power after six years, swept the elections with promises of more jobs a nd greater worke r control of Swedish companies. Speaker of Parliame nt Ingemund Bengtsson was expected to as k outgoing Conservative Premier Thorbjom Falldin to remain as a caretaker unti l the new Parliament elec ts a prime ministe r a few days after it convenes Oct. 4. Princess awaits entombme nt MONTE CARLO. Mo naco -The body of Prin<.~ Grace lay in a small family <.•hapel today prior to entombment in a royal crypt beneath the cathedral where she married P rince Rainier III, a palace spokeswoman said. The re were unconfirmed reports that Rainier de layed the interment to make room for another grave 1n the royal c rypt beneath the 19th centur y cathedral wh~re he was married 26 years ago so he could join his princess upon his own death. No de finite time for tho inte rment was announ<.'Cd, but palace spokesw o man Nadia LaCoste sa id It would probably be sometime today. T e rroris t s hold 80 hostages SAN PEDRO SULA , Honduras -Crack a nti terrorist troops we re sent tu the C hamber of Commert e bui l ding t oday wh ere guerrillas de manding the release of prisoners repeated threa t s l o execute a n estima t ed 80 h os t ages. inc luding two Cabine t min isters, officials in this mdustrial ci ty said. The Papal Nunl·to fo r Ho nduras and Nicaragua, NATION Andr e a Co rd e r o df Montezemolo, arn ved from Nil'aragua on Sunday and a top Honduran otcictal said 11 was h o ped h e wou Id a ic negotiations between th• rebels and the government. About 10 guerrillas s ho their way into the butldin1 Friday evening whe re 10 people. mostly businessmer were holding an economi conference. One guard wa killed and two men wounde m the takeover. Railroad talks continuing WAS HINGTON -Under threa t o f g ove rnm e nt 1ntervent1on, railroad and union bargainers resumed face-to-face negotiations today to end a day-old nationwide railroad strike. The talks coUapsed Sunday. seven hours after thousands of locomotive e ngineers began walking o ff th e ir Job, bnngmg to a haJt most of ~ nation's freight rail traffic ad many Amtrak passenger tr*' in the South and ..,est. ~ Thro u ghout the d y S unday, federal me4iators l w ith the two sides separa y in hopes of findinc area of agreement, officials Wd. Social Security actions o f WAS HINGTON -The Congress by the e o the y~.,, National Commission on Social Tne commission h art>ther Security Reform, moving in half-day meeting se fOI Oct. slow gear, is waiting like the 18, but is expecte o wail rest of official Washington for until a marathon uion , the election returns before it tentatively set for N . ll-13, decides what to do about the befo re co mplet g its troubled retirement program. recommendations. The panel, which President Social Security is Reagan created last year after short-term criais in i s h elving his own reform fund. Unless Congr package. wiU hold its seventh something. the pro meeting today. By law, it must have problems payin report back to Reagan and on time as soon as J o., ..... o.11.wy ........... We're List Green Berets expand WASHINGTON (AP) -The Army plan.• to boost lta Green Beret forces by more than 1,000 troops aa part of a drive to rebuild U.S. capability to C'Ounter leftist guerrilla movement&, aayM the head of a new command for military special operatlon1. "We're making a comeback ," Brig. Gen. Joeeph C. Lut:t aa1d about the renewed lnterMt in the Green Berets, an elite fighting force that has been in decline since the Vietnam War. The Army a lso announced creation last week of the 1st Special Operations Command, which will use the Green Berets as the nudeus for consolidating Army for ces train e d In unconventional warfare. The new command will be activated Oct. 1 and based at Fort Bragg. N .C, the c urre nt headquarters for the Green Berets. Lutz, now head of the Green B e r e ts. was named commander. The Army said the command will <.'Onsist of the Green Berets, the A rm y Rangers , a psychological operations gro up and a civil action battalion. The Green Berets, officially known as the Army Special Forces, now number about 3,600, down from their peak of 13,000 during the Vietnam War when they were used to advise South Vietnamese troops and train tribesmen living in mountainous areas. While primarily assigned to teach armies of other nations counter-insurgency tactics, th e Green Berets are also trained in sabotage and organizing guerrilla operations behind enemy lines. Recently they have trained Salvadoran army units both in El Salvador and at Fort Bragg. The Rangers, who wear black berets, are chiefly responsible for conduc ting commando-type operations in support of regular Army units, such as raiding an e nemy 's headquarters in wartime. Lutz said the new command w ould lighten the command and control structure for special operations and enable the Army to better respond to Soviet- backed guerrilla threats around the world "We're showing we're serious about this business," he said. Creation of the new command is considered part o( the Reagan administration's strateg y lo counter leftist Insurgencies in Central America, Africa and Asia. "These are the kinds of forces that might be used in place of co nventional forces when conventional forces would not be feasible," Lutz said. Lutz said the decision, on the conunand followed a study that concluded that the greatest Soviet successes in recent years have occurred In Africa, Latin America and Southwest Asia - a reas wh e r e use o f U .S . conventional forces w ould be difficult. He said 16 countries have moved to Soviet -bac k ed govemmenu in the past 25 years, while 21 countries are "on the borderline." Lutz said the Green Berets are striving for a new "quie t" Image that downplays the "macho" reputation of eHte corps had in the put. Lutz said the Green Berets would be expanded by about 380 men to make up for positions cut in 1980, and would get about 1,000 more positions later. He said some former Green Berets would be contacted about re-enlisting, especially those who apeak Spanish. lrriitondtytu<11v It~ 00 l"llOI ,,,.... '°"" ~' ov ~ lO om <-•II r:.•or• / o"' .no "'°"' cooy ..... tt °"' o.,......,M s.lv<Oa;~ Sv~•., ti y(k,, Bo') ntJ1 ,_..w , cooy ov I ~ "" c.11 Defor• 1 t m •l\O V'ftV' COO'f' #'ll t» ........ .., . Whal clo yo u like aba.il e Daily Pilot., Whal don't you like' Call the number below a your message will be recorded. transcribed and de h veredlo e appropriate editor. The same. 24·hour an5Ne g service may be used to record let· ters lo the editor on any .opi Mailbox contributors must il'clude their name and telephont n ber for verifi cation No cir~latlon calls. please Tell us what's on your m1 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ThomcK '·Holey Punt111Ni< M<1 (h,~ C •a<u!••• Olfot"' Jone Amari f•a<u!tve Edit0t l. Koy Schulta Vl(a ,, .. odall< ond O...ctOt °' Adv8'ht "'O Mkhoef '· Horwy o .... c10r °' Mor' .. ono IC. ( lllot ;oo.I Thomat A. Murphlne fd•t()t Raymond ModAan c Otllfoilet Kenneth N. O.CW.tl Jr. °""''°' °' 0-otoOM --------- 642·6086 CIH11fled advef111tng 714.1142·11471 All ottter depertment1 142-4321 MAIN OWICI •WHl 9efM , c .. u-. CA "'-II...,._ ... IMO, C•i.-.. , CA .... ,.,,, ..... ,.Or ..... c-"'*'"""' c--.. ........ --.."-'"' ............... , __ _ YatllMmeMi ........ ~y .. , __ .. - t.-c lal _.... ......... ( .. ,,,, .......... , Otenge Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Mondey, Septtmber 20, 1112 Zapped b y laser Staff Sgt. Carlos Garcia a ims laser transmitter on his M-16 rifle a t opposing forces in war exercises he ld at Fort Ord recently as the form of video games comes to the U.S. Army. He is shown in inset with body ha rness and sensors around he lme t that buzz loudly when hit b y laser beam. The ne w laser system lets Gls know wh en they're usho t" a nd adds realism to the exe rcises. The units' cost $I , 700 each. Stomach surgery for obesity 'may cause brain disorders' NEW YORK (AP) -Surgery described as a "last-ditch approach to weight loss" can cause brain disorders, according to a report In the Journal of the American Medical Association. The operation, usually done on wverely obese people who have failed to lOlle weight any other way. is called gastric plication, 110metimes ~(erred to as stomach stapling, The stomach is partitioned so that most food paaees through it without being at.orbed. Dr. James MacLean of the Manson Clinic in Seattle, who said it was a last-ditch a pproach, described in a letter to the journal the case of a 24-year-old woman who developed potentially serious complications after the surgery. Three months after surgery she became nauseous and aeveral weeks a fter that experienced double vision, dizziness and headache s . Those symptoms were followed by nystagmua, a jerking of the eyes caused by a malfunction in the brain stem, MacLean said. Mac Lean, a neurologist, determined the woman had Wernicke's encephalopathy, a dlllorder c.auaed by a lack of B vitamins, especialJy thiamine, vitamin B-1. "The brain doesn't function properly without it," he said. The condition occurs in alcoholics who don't get enough vitamin•, Macl..ean said. The surgery la done to cut down t he amount of food absorbed by the patient, but It d oes allow enough food to be abeorbed to maintain health. h may . h owever, prevent the abeorption of B vitamins in 90h1le patients, MacLean said. MacLean'a letter followed a May 14 report in the journal of two similar cues of Wemlcke'• encephalopathy after stolDllCb sta ling. ~oee cases w ere identified ~ · Regis W. Haid, Ludq Gutm.n and Thomas Crosby of the neurology department at W.-t V irgin ia University Medical Center in Morgantown, W.Va. Ford loses $9.2 million case High court upholds judgment in brake lailure case .J SAN F RANCISCO (AP) - The Ford Motor Co. has !ailed in an attempt to have the California Supreme Court overturn a $9.2 million judgment to a man who suffered brain damage when the brakes failed on his Lincoln Continental. The c ourt last week rejected Ford's claims. saying there was substantial evidence to support the award·1ng of dama&ee, there was no error in admitting mdence about brake failurea of other models· and no error in jury instructions. Ford was appealing the results I of a 1978 trial in which damages were awarded to James Ha.saon, then 19, who suffered a fractured skull and extensive brain damage in the 1970 accident. The accident. which ended his plans for a career in medicine, resulted in his total permanent physical disability and psychological problems, his suit said. The brakes failed while Has.90n was driving the car down a winding 15-degree grade of Mount Olympu. Drive ln Los Angeles. Four passe ngers received minor injuries when the car plunged into a fountain. Hasson claimed the brakes failed because the brake flwd boiled or e v a porated . F ord argued there was a partial fallute because of improper maintenud two years earlier on the car. • Ford also a~pealed becau.t some jurors w ere readi n1 °" working crossword puzzle• during the trial, but the cow\ said there was no proof t h• activities resulted in an untatt decision. The case had been r~trl ' because Ford had won lb reversal of a $ 1.1 million in the cue's firat trial in 1971 . ' sha,tland CN,wncz.ck ... ~ @)~o~@)~~ 44 Fothlon /-'and· Nftl/flOf'l IJNclt • 71416f4·Jll10 1001 ~Shllood 8IUd. • \'4!lfUIOud \.11. • IU/IOl-317J .. ; l: f: • t. . I Or1ng,1 Cout DAILY P1LpT1Mond1y, September 20, ttaa ~~·\ .,.,~ Shared housing for • • avail • state seniors ID DEAR PAT: I am to years old aH am plaulal a move io Northern Callforala la a few moatll1. AltltHlll I wlll be movlnr. a. be cloeer to f1mlly members wllo are tbat part el a.. 1ta&e, 1 •Ill "' be llvlaa wteta .., of &Item. I wo•hl like &o look late tlte posliltlllty of fla4la1 sured lao•U.1 te red11ee my llvla1 expen1e1. Are tltere Hy state- apoaaore4 pro1ram• to llelp 1enlor ctlllo locate Ual1 lype of boHlna? · L.E., Co.ta Meu The California Department of Housing and Community Development has a listing of many shared houalng programs for seniors. The department estimates that approxlmately 200,000 older people live alone in homes with ~ or more bedrooma In th.la state, ao the potential. for shared housing ls ideal. For a list of more than 50 organizations throughout the state which match seniors, write to: Senior Shared H ousing L ist, Departme nt of Housing and Community Development, R oom 102, 921 Te nth St .. Sacramento 95814. Tracing a mo11ey order DEAR P A'f: I sea& a moaey order wla. •· mall-order reque1t for mercbHdlH to 1 compal)y In Ute Soldl several moadll •I•· Tiie l&e\D I ordered IUM'I arrived 1841 I'd U.e to f Ind ou& If Ille moaey order IU1 bea ea.W before I contact tbe compuy. ney always request "proof of paymeat" wllen you 1111 about overdue dellverl. Tlals 11 ea1y If yoa send a cbec:k, ltu& I don t uow llow &o prove a money order IU• been ca .. ed. ~ C.D., Foutain Valley The J)08t office adviles waiting a month after malling a money order before you have a tracer put on it. Take your receipt to wherever you purchased the money order and fill out a tracer form. Hair transplant deductible DEAR PAT: I bad a balr tru1plant tlll1 year because U made my Job as a aalesmu ,.. ea1ler. CH I claim &Ill• 11 dH•cdoa • my &HH'P M.lt., H•1tl4 Ve.. A recent Internal Rev rullna now allow• hair tran•r Included u a meciicaJ deduc\Wn. r equired to 1how any reamp procedure. ClearinlJ house to DEAR PAT: I've e.clond Hbscrlptloa label aad eaa re1ardl•1 my 9roblem wl 'Moaey" ma1aalae. I ordered nlae 111 J b•t bave received oaly tltree. I wrote, b faven't llad tlle cour&Hy of a reapoHe. tlao would appreciate die addreaa of P•bll 1 ClearlD1 Hoaae, ao I could write to Ute ffr ltelf. too. lf.C., rvlne Your subecription proble d thoee of nine other readers are betng otwarded to Publishers Clearing House 1~ aolution by . . . l h<'tr lrt'(• Magazitw Action Lbw .ervk't'. The addrlllll 11 :uu C hanntl Drive, Port W1t11hlntiton, N.V. l1060. Magazine Action Line Informally m.,dlaht• compla~nu about maaazlne auhllcripUona. The toll-free number la (800) 645-9242. MAL uka t'Onaumen to try to work with the ma1az1ne'1 cu1tomer service department before asking for ha help. If the dlspute nvoJvea a non -member '<:Ompany, MAL will send the consumer a Hat of magazin es fro m which a s ubstitute subecnpuon can be choeen. • 0"Got a problem? Then write to P.t fj Hcirowi'rz. Pat wlll cut red tape, getrin// the amwen and action you, need to •olve lnequleie• In n government and buaine ... Mall· . • your ql.ll!Stiona to P.t Horowl~ At 1oor Service, ~ Coiut Daily Pl.Joe, P.O. Box 1 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92826. Aa many let~n • pcmible wUl be anawered. V Olkswagen tops • • as .gas ·miser EPA ranks imports, domestic cars on mileage per gallon WASHINGTON (AP) -For the sixth s trai ght year, Volkswagen has captured the top spot in the government's annual mileage rankings, taking No. 1 with an innovative car that has a stop-and-start engine. The Big Three U.S . companies, which managed to break the foreign stranglehold on the top 10 for the first time last yearihad no such luck with their 983 models. The best they could do was No. 11 for two General Motors' cars equipped with Japanese-built engines. The N o. 1 car. a diesel- powered Volkswagen Rabbit, became the first vehicle to reach the 50-miles-per-gallon barrier in the annual rankings released Sunday by the Environmental Protection Agency. EPA ranks cars according to their mileage on its urban driving test. VW achieved its feat with an engine that shuts it.self off every time the driver takes his foot off the accelerator for more than 1.5 seconds . The e n g in e automatically starts again once the accelerator is touched. Volksw agen said s u ch a feature should result In great s avings in stop-and-go c ity driving. Because tuch a car will start far more oft.en than regular *** cars, VW officials say it will be equipped with a special long-life starter motor. The aut om a tic s topping feature can also be disabled by pushing a switch. In the relu.m of an old idea, this four-speed-manual Rabbit will not have a foot-operated clutch. Instead, a n electrically operated clutch will work every ti me the gear-shift lever is touched. VW will begin making this special version of the Rabbit at The Honda Civic was the highest -ranking gaso line- powered car at 46 mpg. The only other car in the top 10 with a gasoline engine,-a-:toy.ota.SIMle , was next at 44 mpg, tied with the diesel-powered Isuzu I-Mark and another Niasan Sentra. Three more Volkswagens, a Jetta and two Rabbits, rounded out the top 10. All the cars in the top 10 have manual transmissions and four-cylinder engines. Gene ral Motors Corp. 's Chevette and its sister car, the U.S. autos failed to make top 10 in gas economy its P ennsylvania asllembly plant in December with a limited run of 3,000 models to test demand for the car. In a continuing trend. eight of the top 10 cars are powered with diesel engines. Seven diesel cars made the top 10 last year. The Nissan Sentra and a Volkswagen Rabbit w ithout the stop-and-start feature tied for No. 2 at 48 mph. Nissan, Japan's second largest automaker, has sold its cars in this country, for years unde r th e Dats un nameplate and is in the process of s witc hing the cars to the corporate name . *** Pontiac 1000, both with diesel engines made by Isuzu, posted the best mileage for a car from o ne of th e U .S . Big Three companies at 42 mpg. The Chevette with the same engine was No. 1 domestically also last year at 40 mpg. Both U.S. an<t foreign cars showed big strides in achieving better fuel mileage. 'Last year's best, 45 mpg by a VW Rabbit, was beaten by four of this year•s models. Othe r top-ranked domestic cars include diesel-pow ere d Chevettes and Pontiac 1000s with automatic transmissions at 37 *** The best and lVorst listed WASHINGTON (AP) -Here are the best -and worst -fuel economy performers as rated by the Environmenta l Protection Agency for the 1983 model year. The make and model is followed by the miles per gallon, the transmission type, whether t he car is gasoline or diesel- powe red and the amount of money EPA estimates you would spend on fuel each year if you drive 15,000 miles. These figures do not apply to cars sold in California, which has stricter emission standards. THE BEST Volktwagen Rabbit. 50 mpg, semi· automatic lour·apeed. dletel. $450. NI.an s.ntre, 46 mpg. manual four-speed. dleMI, $468. VOikswagen Rabbit. 48 mpg. manual lour- apeed, d-.., $468. Honea CMc. 46 mpg. manual fi~9C>Nd. guoline, $537. llUZU l·Mant. 44 mpg, manual four·9PN(I, dleMI, $511. Toyota Starlet, 44 mpg, menu.I live-~. guollne, Nlslan Sentra. 44 mpg, manual nv.9PN(I, d ...... $511. VOllltwagen Jeua, 43 mpg, manual llve- spee<I, dleMI. $524. THE WORST ~au au.nropone. 8 mpg, tl'l<M-apeed eutomallc. guollne. $3,094 ROlla·RO)'Ce Camargue, 11 mpg, thr ... apeed tiulom•tlc, gUOffne .. $2,760. Rolla-~ Co<nldle, 11 mpg. tl'trM-9PN(I automatic. guoline, $2,760. Rolls·Royce Sliver Spirit, 10 mpg. tl'trM- speed automatic, guoline. S2,475. Cadtti.c Llm6uSlne. 10 mpg. tl'lrM-IC)Md autom•tlc, lluollne. $2,475. Ferrari 308, 11 mpg. five-speed manual, guoline. S2,250. Ferrari Mondlal, 11 mpg, five-speed m.nual, gaoline. $2.260. Jaguar XJS. 14 mpg. tttr••·speed autom•tlc, QMO!lne, S 1,781. P«Khe f111 , 18 mpg. live-speed manulll, guollne. $1,547. Buick Riviera. 18 mpg, lour·•P••d automatic. gaaollne.11,547. Imperial. 18 mpg. tl'l<M-apeed automatic, guollne. s 1.547. Old9m0tllle Toran.so. 18 mc>g. four~ automatic, guotlne, 1 1,547. Buick Electra. 16 mpg. four·•P••d autom•tlc. guollne, $1,547. • " {),\ {\~~~Strt<:r-S Ql) lb mnrlb <!tart Ql)f lour PIRATES PLATTER New lllnrlb J1asltinns ··"' ,, .. ,., = .. ,., I••~••• I = ----------. Steak & Enchluda Dinner Special 5:00 to 6:30 Daily .... 'Wl!Gt Annualired n 51~ Annuali1.ed W~JaRate e Yield •a 1117to 31...,.,Mlnl111ua11 ~ .. nee t20.000. Act today on this high rate account Stop in at }Dur nearest Allstate Savings office or call collect (213) ~5913 and a member of our Bank-by-Mail Department will be happy to help )'OU. This account is fully insured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC. AllBllli BIVIDDS Allslllte s..qs 6 Loan, a member of the Sean fanily. Ove' 13 biJJion in ..u. C 1982 Alletate SIM• It Loan. ,, I mpg. Getting 37 mpg with a gasoline engine is American Motors' Renault Alliance, ~king its !i~t appearance in &hia country. IHS ~·eni10f1rl91-• of the French-designed Renault R9. Gasoline-powered models of the Dodge. Omni and Charger and the Plymouth Horizon and Turlsmo round out the domestic top 10 at 34 mpg. Ford's popular Eacort had a 29 mpg rating, the same as the Plymouth Reliant, the beat- 1 ell i n g Chrysler model. Chevrolet's popular Citation had a rating of 27 mpe. The EPA rankings are based on an urban trip simulated by running the car on a laboratory treadmill. Because of criticism r. that the figures wer e unrealistically high, EPA has stopped reporting 1eparate city, highway and combined mileage figtares and now only reports the city ranking. the lowest of the three. Automakers can still use Look, Ma, No U • • • . · the other figures ..in their advertising. The EPA said copies of its auto guide will be distributed in October. BENS Warning, Tht Surgeon General Ha Thlt Cigarette Smoking It Dlftll'OUI Signs on Interstate 25, near Las Cruces, N.M., don't quite agree on the spelling of Albuquerque. Tl_ie near sign drops the u after the b. &HEDGES rich enough to be called deluxe. ular and Menthol. pen a bc)I( t~ 1 .. ··111;· o.e .. .,.. •. ,_a...,_,m...._ I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Septembet 20. 1912 TV comme ntator a n g r y a t politician 's f ailure -to show By JBP...,P _M>LER no&ed that Wray la llw fl.rtl or-.. ..... w Incumbent In the 1how'a Takina It on the chln la on lhree~paJan hiatory to ac- way to diec:rtbe what happen-cepl ah Invitation and then ed to Weetminlater'• Demo-decline'° af,PffC· cradc Aaaemblyman Cllet Apparent y, Wray auended Wray when he failed '° ahow a commllt.ee heerina In Lona up for the wa>ln8 of a televla-Beach that mornina concer- ed debate with -opponenll at nlng that clty'a harbor and Oranae County'• public tele-opted to take an afternoon• vilion awUon KOCE-TV. tour of that bualliftl port ra- When Wray did nol a~pear ther than face the alare of for Thunday afternoon• ta-t.elevlaion lighll, CoOper re-' ping of the weekly "Voter'• ported just. before the taping Pipeline" 119riee citing vague was '° begin. ~w-Jnoaerator J1m--"-""rr.rai'"• lejTsrartve col- Cooper let him have It on the leafue. Assemblyman Nolaa air. F r nelle, R-Huntinaton A perturbed Cooper opened Beach, attended the aame the ahow with an early ref-hearing and did make it over erence to Wray'• absence. t.o Channel 50'1 Huntinat.on Explaining that most candl-Beach studio 'in time for the dateta take the show and the taping. opportunity lo debate their Wray's opponents on the opponenta serioualy, Cooper November ballot, Republican -Calif~rnia family smaller, earns $21,000. • l'llllll:ll 11111 County'• 43rd dU.trkt, <.:rean will anawer ~ut-atlon11 telc phoned in by dlAUicl vott•ra durlna the half hour ahow It O.rt1 All•• and Llbt>rtArlan will be bl'UM<k·ut frorn 7:30 to ClllrlH Barr, alon1 with 8 p .m . un San 01«.>go'a FriaeU. and hia Democradc KFMS.TV (Channel 8). challencer Rebert HH1oa, / * * * * can be leen wt..n lhe ehow Two lncumbt>nt Republlc!ln • aln Wedneeday at 8:30 p.m. legl1latora re reaentin lht• and aaaln al 10 a.m. Satur-Newport day. B e a ch * * * * area, A1-Republlcan congreulonal semblywoma candidate Jobaale I\. _clllA-_____ Mr-a r I a I will IJielf out bi& bucks In an er1uoa lnnovallve way Tuesday and Rep. night when he takes to the Rob e• t airwaves in a live t.eleviaion Bad II am , broadcul h°'ted by former will be on "Today" show host Frank h a n d Blair. when the .. .-SON In his lalell quest to win Newport Harbor Republican voters In 1outh Orange Wome n open their n ew County and north San Diego headquarten from 3 t.o 7 p.m. SACRAMENTO (AP) -A "typical" California family earns more than S20,000 a year. is amaller than ll was 10 years ago, and probably moved during the last five yean, according t.o 1980 cenaUI data. The data, released by the state Department of Finance, said the me<Jian income for California families was $21 ,541 in 1979, up from $10,732 10 years earlier. T)le report did not mention the impact of inflation on purchasing power. Nearly 8 percent of the 1tate'1 families earned $50,000 or mor~ in 1979, but 18.4 percent had incomes under $10,000. Blacks had the largell number of families in the latter category, 34.1 percent. American Indians were the second poorest group, with 28.2 percent earning less than $10,- 000. While wases were going up, Thunc&.iy al M>4 N. N~wpvc"t Blvd., Suite 103, Newport e.ach. * * * * Both the Repr.Ahlu:im und Dtomoc ratlc cand1datl'11 for 1ecretary of elate will bt• brin1ing their campM1gnH to Orange County Incumbent Marcil Foq Eu will ht> the ('tit s •aker at Thuraday's dinn e r meetln~ of t~ Natio:-n a I Wo- rn en• s 'Politi - cal CaucUI at the Me- dical Aa- aoclatlon Conference Center, 1u 300 S. Flower St., Orange. the size of households was dropping. In 1980,~e average h<>Ulf>hold was com o( 2.67 people, compared to .95 in 1970. 1 The d e partment said the ~ange in family size was due t.o several factors, including age, changing marriage and divorce patterns, and birth and death rates. · Not counting children under age 5, more than 55 percent of the state ulation moved · at A Robnsons Sale MARTEr FIRST-QUALITY PERCALE COMFORTERS, DUST . RUFFLES AND SHAMS. Looks like a whole new bedroom's In the making. In any of six deliciously rich colors: slate blue. coral. birch. pale jade, amethyst. or winier white. You can match up all the accessories. even mix them. Bljt don't delay. Although we've purchased Martex's entire group (hence tnese almost unhearq· of savings). quantities are limited to stock on hand. subject to prior sale. Color and size selection may vary in each' store. Polyester/cotton percale (comforters filled with polyester fiber.) 6rig. Sale Twin comforter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90 138.• Full/queen comforter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 135 151.• King comforter ....................... $180·~ Orig. Twin ruffle . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60 Full ruffle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70 Queen rullle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80 King ruffle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90 Standard Sham . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 Robinson's Bedding, 54. Please. no mail or phone orders. Every Bride who registers in any Robinson's now through October 23, will receive a complimentary copy of the Bride Guide (while quantities last). • Sale $19.89 $28.99 $29.99 $38.• $14.99 Rt-pubh("8n 0...-0.ffy, who la turrenderi"I hla Ju. 1embly 1eal to (.'tultrt'nlt> Eu. will 1&ddrt'U tht• Jkpublican Aaod1&u:ot1 of Onanae County at 5:30 f> m Sept. 29 at SantA Ana'11 Saddleback lnn * * * * Both th" Republican nomi- nee and the wriie-ln candi- date In the 43rd Congretlio· nal District are opening cam- pMign headquartera. WritcJln candidate Ron Packard opened hla Orange County h"adquarteu, at 32861 Camino Capistrano, Suite C, in San Juan Capi· strano, Sept. 18, while Creu will open his Orange County headquarters, al 25522 Jero· nimo Road, Ml&11on Viejo, Thursday from 5:30 t.o 7 p.m. ~ast once between 1975 and 1980, the department aaid. Orientals are the best educated .group in the 1tate: More than 31 percent 25 yeAr* old or older had completed four yean or more off college. The figures were 20.8 percent for Anglos, 11 .3 percent for blacks and 6.5 percent for Hispanics. M o r e than half of the \ Hispanics Jn that age group had less than four years of h igh school. .... .. .,, r.,. J .... !. ·' ~,. l • • 1, • I ... O'enge Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday. 8 pternber 20, 1982 ·--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..;..---------------------------------- Irvine annex proposal faces many obstacles The Irvl1n• City C.:oun<:il appears t o have c r e at e d considerable political smoke in studying a proposal to annex nearly 700 acres of uninhabite d land down in the te rrito ry of Leisure World at Laguna Hills . There may be smoke. but perhaps ve ry little real fire in the idea . . The apparent motivation for 'adding this te rritory to the dty is -that the Koll Company wants to build a business park o f 186 acres in the southerly section o{ the proposed annexation prope1·ty. It is understandable why such an attractive addition to the city would get the attention of Irvine officials. And it has. Most recently, the City Council voted 4 to 1 to proceed with the second part of a three-phase feasibility study on adding the territory. 1 Problems involved m such a city addition appear to be almost insurmountable. for one thing, the ci-ty addition wou Id split Leisure World, the retire ment community of 21 .000 residents which is in county territory . The a nnexation might look a lot morc logical to county authorities who mus t approve it s ho uld the addition include Le isure World. That possibility 1s unlikely. The presidents of seven Leisure World homeowner associations have already contacted lrvine city officials indicating they oppose annexation. Additionall y, some Irvine officials hav e suggested they wouldn 't b e inte r es ted in annexing the ·r e tirement community unless there was overwhelming sentiment in favor by Leisure World residNlL~. Thot demenl appears to bt' clearlr. mJ~ing. . 1 hen th<>rt' ore problt'ms with the· proposed Koll dcvt:'lopment it.self. The propost.'d busim>ss park property is owned by Rossmoor Corpora ti on. Bat:k in 197 4. the U.S . Marine Corps paid Rossmoor $4.2 million to assure that the land would never be developed lx.>eause it lies direc tly b e neath the Marines' jet flight paths. Rossmuor has since sued in an e ffort to r egain deve lopment rights on the Land. The ouU..'Ome is uncertain at this time. K oll officials see m to be leani~ toward the idea of ~ctting the land into the city because a previous development proposed on the prope rty was r e jected by Orange .County government. The county turned it d own on the basis that it would cre ate too much trafCic congestion in the vicinity of El Toro Road and Moulton Parkway. Thus the re could be some feeling tha t a n approval would be more easily obtained under city gove rnment than in county jurisdiction. All f a ctor~ con s idered . howev e r , the anne xation proposition seems fairly out of the question at this time. Leisure World residents oppose it. The Marines can be expected to come out agains t it. Odds are s trong county gove rnment would reject it. The evidence would suggest Irvine city government shouldn't expend significant amounts of time or money pursuing it. A little state help An unhappy side effe ct of population growth and escalating land values in Orange County has been the dis placement o f many mobile home dwellers. often the elderly who have given up larger family homes a nd the less affluent who canno t a ffo r d c urrent housing prices. Many communities have passed , or are co n s ide ring ordinances that would provide. some protection for the occupants of m obile h omes if landowners s e e k t o re place p a rks with condo miniums or o the r more profitable commercial uses. Often this requires a zoning change. in which case a local ordinance c an r e quire that occupants b e given adequate· notice of the change and help, sometimes financial, in relocating. Some communities also have tried to put the brakes on space rental increases that can force te nants out. But re loca tion is n ot always simple, because land available for mobile home parks has dwindled rapidly. new e r .parks usually refuse to accept older homes and, even if space can be found, the cost of moving a mobile home can run into thousands of dollars. A new state law may offer some re lie f to the be leaguered mobile home owners. It requires local g overnme nt age n c ies to search for n ew sites for mobile h o me parks p ro p os ed for conversion before granting zoning changes to permit other uses. The law will take e ffect Jan. l. Under th e law . loc al gov e rnment. before approving n e w zoning. mus t fir &t try to determine ·if spaces are available in other r easonably-convenient parks and, if none can be found, look for o ther land that could be developed as a park. This is an encouraging step, but unfortunately opposition to the bi 11 b y s ome cities and counties, real estate brokers and park owners . for c ed the lawmakers to water it down with a proviso that conve rsions still may be p e rmitted if it is not possible to find alternate s paces for the displaced mobile homes or land for a new park. The best that can be said is that it will prevent cities and counties from granting new zoning in orde r to gather more tax revenues without making some e ffort to help tenants. As for more stringent requirements, such as paying for relocation costs, that • _,probably still will be up to local authorities acting through local ordinances. Tickling voter-palates It started in California, but the idea of en couraging voters to hie themselves to the polls by offering assorted rewards seems to be spreading. 1 Prior to the June primary, a t.ntleman from Woodland Hills nnounced an e le c tion weepstakes with a free trip to exico City as top prize for voters ho malled in their ballot stubs or a drawing. Soon dozens of trms were offering to donate rizes, and in the end some 700.- voters responded to the off er. But, as other states expressed nterest in this voter-catching tunt, the Justice Department amed that it is against federal aw to make any payment for oting, and the prizes might be onsidered a payment. A ali fornia congressman has ntroduced a bill to legalize the dea, since participants In the 'voter lottery" are eimply dolng ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Pvlllt\-... ,. NY Of ,.,. , .. , el l)t °"'"' ._, \I , C••I ... ~ Ado'"' tOtt-•llOnO.ftO IO ll&t 1'60 Ce\l• ~.CA t1•1t their dv1c duty. -with a little encouragement -and have no guarantee of any material reward. The bill probably will pass. Meanwhile, in the recent primary election in Baltimore, a similar enticement was offered. A local fried chicken chain offered a free one-piece chicken dinne r , complete with rice and a buttered biscuit, to any resident able to produce a voter registration card on e lection day. By the end of the day the chain had served up 26, 485 free dinners at a Cost of almost $50,000. City election officials don't know if this was what turned the trick, but they report the more than 40 percent voter turnout was "unusually high" for a local primary election. Given the gustatory tastes of Southern California , a free taco-burrito a~ial might be even mo~ effect.Ive in stimulating voter partfcftNtJon here. ,......_, .... a.y 'Mbtithtr Thom0t A. Murphln• Ccl•Q J•ne AfMlri t ....... r,_ lorbcw• K,_...h f tlllor!OI 'oOf (d1IOI Theme. McCenn Motlog"'f (cl-tor I Is the U.S. already at . war? SIENA, Ital, --.. War, war, war! That is the story o Europe during my Ufe," said an Italian musician who was born in 1905, rolling his right arm in a slow circle each time he pronounced the word. "America, that was supposed lo be different." The people running the United States are seen by many in Europe this summer as being no different from the kings, cardinals, kaisers and emperors who have kept Europeans killing each other under changing flags for as long as men have been able to write here. In four languages across West.em Europe at the moment, Americans are being quoted as advocating "protracted nuclear war./ THE WORD -"protracted" -is being quoted in English, French. Gennan and Italian. "A pretty striking word," said Peter Wilsher, foreign editor of the Times of London, writing last Sunday of the controversy that has been building on this side of the Atlantic since the leaking of Pentagon documents that discussed the United States and the Soviet Union trying to outlast each other during months of nuclear exchanges. Th e y kn ow something about protracted war in these parts. In 1230, the Florentines besieging Siena catapulted dead donkeys and human excrement over the walls of the city in an attempt to start a plague. That was a lactic of ''protracted war" that often worked in those days. .... . ... The plague and nuclear arma are quite aimUar u toola of war. ln the piaua of another ltA.&llun dty, Lucca. I sat with an American politician whose father was from thl' town. "I have been reading in the 'blbllot•~u· (library) hPre," said stat(? Sen. J ohn Marchi o( New York . "Plagues played such a part in the ~· ~--------------------~ ~~~ 1'i ~ RICHARD RllVIS · .. history of places like Lucca and Siena. What was extraordinary about the plagues and their social and political effects was that they cut across all lines -economic. sOcial. No one was safe. Societies were just destroyed." That, of course, is what nuclear attacks would do -destroy societies as we know them. The death by blast and radiation will not discriminate -as plagues did not. The bombs, however, will be much quicker'. What we have managed to do so far is to contract protraction. So the old Italian piano player with a sense of htStory warned that there might not be a difference in the essential attitudes toward war between the old world of Europe and the new world of America. They were talking that way last year across Europe when President Reagan talked of "limited" nuclear war -U.S. and Soviet mlaaUee limited to European targeta. The president denied he meant that. Then Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger began talking about "protracted" war -with missiles flying back and forth like dead donkeys into helpless civilian populations. LAST WEEK, it was Weinberger's tum to deny -sort of. He distributed personal letters to important Western European editors and correspondents, saying that he was being misunderstood. Reviewing the secretary's record, The Observer in London said editorially: "Mr. Welnberger's dbclaimers are thus not altogether ·convincing .... Arnold Toynbee's slogan of 'No annihilation without representation' (or at least disc~ion) still holds good." "If Weinberger wants us to keep our worries to ourselves," said Mr. Wilsher, "he should give us less to worry about." Those Europeans misunderstand Mr. Weinberger. He does want them to worry -much, much more than they are now. Because. based on my own recent conversations with him, Weinberger, like President Reagan, believes quite sincerely that we ~re already at war with the Soviet UniOn. The protracted war, in their view, began decades ago, and they are determined that all of us -Americans and Europeans -wiJJ fight It. War. War. War. End of an era for state JC system (Today's column 1s wrHren by Mr Waters' associate, Phil Jordan) An era has ended in California's vast education al system, that of junior college-level basket-weaving. "Basket-weaving" is a generic tenn for the no-fail classes catering to athle tic scholarship students, long on sports ability but a bit short on brains. More recently it has come to cover an ever -increasing numbe r of non· (or barely) academic classes offered at the state's community colleges. THESE ARE really "hobby" classes for adults, and mcluded such subjects as jogging, ham radio, conversational Spanish for travelers, and judo. However mteresting they may be for those who take them, they seldom carry degree credit for any major save, in some cases. one In physical education. They remained a part of the state's community college offerings because they were popular not only with those who took such classes -or non--classes -but also with community college administrations; eve ry such student, after all, was another student to be counted when asking for more state support. This September, a lot of clas&es In basket-weaving and related subjects are not being offered at the state's community colleges. It remains to be seen just how much they will really be missed. The reason they are being dropped is 'the precarious state of the s tate's economy . In June. the legisJalure , . flll IATIRS I J ordered Chancellor of Community Colleges Gerald Hayward to cut $30 million from his proposed 1982-83 budget. He passed the word to the community colleges around the slate -the ax fell on what academics politely refer to as "self-help personal development courses.'' This isn't to say the need for such classes -If there is indeed a need for them -can't be me\. One way Is to charge would-be students enough to cover costa, including an adequate salary for the perwons teaching them; this ia already done in many high schools that offer the various subjects involved. If, as many community college administrators fe ar. few would-be students are interested enough to pay their freight, there are other resorts for the sincerely inte rested, including courses at private schools and. as a last resort, self~study at home with books on whatever subject. For those who can't afford to buy the books needed, there ~ still public libraries available. The Reagan administration, for what may be self-servlng reasons, sees the national economy Improving. If that is rea1ly the case. then the state's fiscal crunch shouldn't last much longer either. DOES THAT mean we can expect basket-weaving classes to return to the state's community colleges? Let's hope not. There is no doubt many thousands or tens of .thousands of Californians have enjoyed junior college-level hobby classes over the years, but they do not belong in the aame category as truly educational subjects. academic or vocational, much leas deserve funding by the taxpayers. If such non-classes -and a lot of other frills in slate government -had never been started In the first place, California and Its taxpayers might now be in better shape than they an. Ignorance grows in proportion to knowledge A c cording to most modern cosmologists, the µnlverae is continually "expanding" -each aegm.enl is moving away from all the others. and the farther they get, the faster they go. This' aeems incomprehensible to the ordinary mind, and It would have been } . IYllO 111111 eo even to astronomers of a ~neratlon ago. The human braln iaalmply'not built to grasp a fact of thia dlmenaion. r make lhll point not to confu.e or confound ua, but to Ngett • much more modest eatlmate or what we call "knowledge." Mon of ua ~Ueve that u our kno=led e grows, ou.r_ ianorance corrttpondl y dlmlnishcs. Thia may be true ln matters, but not ln tarae ones. Actually, OW' llnorance lncru•• ln d1nc:t proponion to our knowlect,e. M the OM p-owa, tM other P'OWI aloftl wllh It, not otherwlM. The man we learn about the cosmos, the more we rtiall• how little we corn~ We know more about molecules than we did before, and we have cracked the atom. but each "advance" dtacloses a new mystery and opens a wider and deeper fJeld of inqairy. The sum tot.al of knowledge hu expanded enonnoutly ln the laat few centwies, but much of what we have round la more pualing than what we ''knew'' before. Tl LI my beUef that this wW alwa)'I be the caee, and that lt la futile to expect adepce to provide u. with ultimate aruwen. For one thins. our mental facultles work within time and SJMK.'9, which structure and thus deUmll our IP'f&P of the nature of the unJverte, Us origins. and lta pl, lf any. A quarter-century ago, Warren Weawr ex~ thJa ¥Mw ln • strtkina metaphor. In a pap•r enthled .. A Sdendlt Ponden Faith." he wrote: "It II • lhouah ~ were woritlna ln • lf'Ml forest of ignorance, makJna an evu lar1er clrcular clearina whhln which Uaht comet thfOUlh · · . . But, M that ctrde ~ w.r and iaraer. the ~ of oonWct with lponnce allo aC lonpe Md lal\IW. .. ~ ..,_ more and man. But there la an ultlmata --in which lt doel not pin; for the volwne of the appndated but not wwlltntood U.pe gettlns larger. We keep, ln science. getting • more and more aophisUcated view of our ignorance." 1 It would be absurd and impertinent to! deprecate the remarkable achievements of ldence ln our lifetime alone. It®" aeem necessary, however, at thi precarious polnt ln man'• history, to remind ounelvee that, as Shaw said, fo trVery queltlon ldencie answers, it rai8ee 10 new quesdona . We may look to it for succor, but not for NlvaUon. Th1I, if it is to be found anywhere, it l"Midet ln the he#1 of man. not in \he core of the nucleua. I •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBEOK •ART HOPPE \ Orano• Cout DAILY Ptl.OT/Mond•v. 8•Pl•mbef 20, 1982 tt7 f Reader run ragged over hosiery purchases DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thia la golng to aeem like a territically trivlal problem compared to most you receive, but 1'"9 aot to get lt off my chest. I'm au.re almoet every woman Ln America has 80IMl throuah tlJJa UOW bum. YOU •pend two 01'- three bucb for a pair of new panlyhoee, and within a week you have a big ugly runner and have to throw t.he pair away. Or, they're 80 stretchy they droop down a.round your knee. and run within the week. Or, they're 80 NON-stretchy you can't get 'em up above your knees, and they still run within the week! Why can't the hosiery manufacturers figure out how to make a nylon stoc~ that fita with a proper degree of stretch and doesn t fall to shreds in alx days? lan't nylon supposed to be one of the tougbetst substances made by man? To put this into economic f ocus: Wanda Worker apenda two buck.a on nylons every week. That'• over a h~ dollars a year, not to mention the agaravaµon and time spent running to the d.ru&l10J'e on a lunch hour to replace the pair that aelf-<leatructed on her way lo work. HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA 'heaclay. September Z1 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Defer to judgment of legal adviser . Do more listening than &11erting-diplomacy becomes valuable ally. Accent public relations. willingness to make major eoncesaion to family member. By giving, you'll receive plenty in return. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Study Aries me.age for valuable hint. Go slow, maintain low profile, define tem'8, steer clear of self-deception. keellre diflerence between being open-minded and being gullible. Cancer, Pisces, Virgo penons figure pcpninently. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Focus o n responsibility, special relationship, employment, depende nts and cooperation for completing important project. Define tenns, be aware of tine print and don't attempt to be your own lawyer. Keep eye on Piaces. • CANCER (June 21-July 22): Favorable lunar upect coincides with added popularity. higher education, spiritual values and plans for journey. Relationahip intensifies. children could be involved and a speculative venture is highlighted. Watcb Aries. >-. I eald, Ann, lt ~ terrifically trivial, but lt'• maddeni.J11. You have contacla all over. Will you pleaH aak 1ome body who is big ln h osiery manulac:twina what atvee -beeldet my 1wck.lngl, that it. --LAl>DER LEGS IN LIMA, OHIO DEAR LEGS: You really bU a bot button? I contacted foor of tbe leadlDI boalery maoufacturenl and I laave never beard 10 muclt doable-talk, tr pie-talk ud faacy ways of 1ayln1 .. DO comment.' All tlaoae coatacted by my office a1lsed &Mt tlley aot be ldeatlfted -and wuld I please aot ume tbelr compuie1. I am re1peeUa1 tllelr wlsbes. Bat, of tbla you caa be aure: Tbe boater)' 1Dd11try llaa a mlpty sweet tlll11 1olD1 aad baa no lnteatloa of lettlD1 10. We llave been ripped off, lf )'Oii wlJI pardoa tie pu, for lo. tlleae many years, ladles. A.ad tlaey wUI contlaae to rip aa off becaaae tile no-nm ayloa1, wlllcla U.ey bow bow to make, woald ptlt a aerlot11 crimp lD tlaelr sale1. ID otber words, we are at tbe mercy of a coa1plracy of self-Interest. E.T. not so I was talking with a group of mothers the other day when the subject got around to the movie, "E.T." One wotnan said, "C'mon, the reaction of the mother to thla extraterrestrial creature was unreal. Here's· a suburban hou.sewile who comes home to a weird kid with vulcanlz.ed skin and bug eyes, 5-inch fingers that pick up everything in sight, who filches beer from the refrigerator and speaks in grunts and she isn't even shocked!" "What's to shock?" I said, "You have just deecribed the boy who arrived at our house last night in a van with a pink serpent on the side." "WHAT DID YOU DO?" she asked. "I told him to call his mother and wash his hands before dinner." To me, that was the only real part of the movie. I learned a long time ago you can pick your children's pediatrician, breakfast food and winter coat, but you can't pick. their friends. Nothing ever sur prised me. Usually my children idolized kids I predicted had a future in prison laundries and lfcense plates and forbade them to speak to them. They were the kids who drove their fathers' cars at the age of 10, played keepaway on the playground with an elderly substitute teacher, and took a married woman to the prom. The other mothers in the group agreed. Their My advice 11 tbb: Sbop aroaad. Low-priced, 1oocl-ffttln1 nylons are out tbere. (I wear tbem myself. and they look as good as tbe top-4ol11r variety. Sorry, I cu't pabUu tile brud aame.) For daUy wear'-bay nyloH wltb reinforced toe and beer. ODe faaal way to 1et a le1 ap: If you rip one 1toc9'ing, cat ll off and 1ew on tbe &ood 1tocldag from uotber pair tbat almUarly falJed yo.. DEAR ANN LANDERSi I am a 17-year-old male with a big problem. I quit high achoo! last year and moved out of the house. 1 stayed away four months and decided lo move back. I hold down a job and make good money. unusual flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END · children brought home friends that made E.T. sound like one of the Osmonds. One mother said her son's friend claimed he was a faith healer and tried to make all the holes iJf the phonograph records fill in. Another child went on vacation with them and wore his "lucky" underwear for two solid weeks. (Lucky for whom?) THERE WAS PROBABLY not a scene that touched the hearts of mothers everywhere as much as the one in which the little beU'ig from another planet spewed out the only two words that had real meaning for him, "Phone home." As the homesick little boy repeated "Phone home," 1 was reminded of a friend of my son who asked if he could use the phone to call his mother and tell her he had arrived lo spend the night and was all right. I said of course. His mother was divorced and lived in Hawaii. We lived in Ohio. No wonder there wasn't a dry eye in the house. '1 have on offer lo nlOv(• into r.n apartment with a friend. I am really tempted. becaute l am not happy living with my parents -too much argulna. The problem: The friend la female, l tW4U' there I. nothing between us. She,,'" Uke • al.It.er. My parents are worrlt.'<f about.-how it will look. (The apartment ia two blockJi from our houle.) I don't give a hoot what the neighbors aay. I want a peaceful life so I cun tttudy. What do you aay? - TROUBLE IN EDMONTON DEAR ED: Sorry, bu& I'll\ too IC)Ure to 0~ Heh u arraa1emeot for 1 17-year-old '-lp acllool kid. Ren& a room witb a family or, better yet, 1et Hme couaaellng and learn bow to cat dowa oa Ge argulng. Ann Landers discusses teen-age drinking -Its m~s. its realities. Learn rhe /acts by reading " ze and You -For Teen-agers Only," by Ann Landers. Send 50 cents and a long, aell-addressed, stamped envelope ro Ann Landers. P.O. &x 11995, Chicago, ILL 60611 P01 SH01S 'BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ,,.. TAKE S U\RG£ A MOUNTS OF AIR, WAYE:R , F"OOD, SLL'E:P, LOVE AND E'l<.ERCISE, JUST TO KEEP ME JOUI HfAL1H DR. PETER J. STEINCAOHN Tumors not always alike LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Take initiative in improving security, in evaluating property and putting an end to bickering among family members.· Get to heart of matters by making direct. personal ,appeal. Member of opposite sex expresses unusual viewpojnt. Back at the ranch . DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: We are constantly advised of the seven danger signals of cancer, but I have jyst lost my husband after futile operation for a malignant brain tumor. More specifically, it was a glioma of the brain and it seemed to have struck without warning. VIRGO (A~. 23-Sept. 22): Emphasis on short trips, vmta. relatives who aeek your oowuel. You'll regain 1eNe of direction, you'll be ha~ that you choee COUl'8e requiring persistence; d · tion and courage. Cancer, Aquarius penons play significant roles. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Element of luck rides with you; you make correct money decisions hued more on instinct than experience. Glemini. Sagittarius natives play key roles. You locate lost object, collect pertinent information and recoup recent I<*. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Be willing to tear down for ultimate purpoee of rebuilding on a more suitable base. Cycle high which coincides with return of vitality, enthusiasm and dedication. You'll be at right place at crucial moment. Watch Taurus. SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): By analyzing situation, fear will dissipate. Emphasis on what' occurs backstage. Focus on intrigue, mystery, c1'"deatlne meetings. Member of opposite sex makes reaaonable request. Avoid tendency toward hasty rejection. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J an. 19): What you need can practically be handed you on proverbial silver platter. Avoid attempting to force issues, realize that diplomacy is now an invaluable tool. Wish comes true, romance fills void. Watch Libra. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-F eb. 18): Accent on bu.sinea development, career opportunity, prestige. participation in community projecta. Define terms, steer clear of schemes, look behind scenes for solutions. Cancer, Pieces, Virgo natives play key roles. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Accept added respqnalbility. Perceive potential. Pursue educational project. Accept necessity for spiritual valuee. Journey Indicated for near future -you'll have facts, figures in very short time. Watch Capricorn. Good morning. housewives and other shut-ins. It's time for another chapter of "The Golden Yean," the beartwarm.ln8 tee-vee drama that a.ska the question: "Can a retlied movie actor who once enthralled millions with his good looks and aw- shuck.a demeanor find happlnea J.n another line of work enthralling millions with his good looks and aw-shudu demeanor?" Ys. As we join Ronnie today, he's in the living room of the main house on his 688-acre Rancho del Cielo high in the mountains above Santa Barbara. He's talking to his grizzled foreman, Ed Chapparal. as Nancy. the beautiful rich girl he married, sits quietly in a comer twirling an Adolfo lariat. RONNIE: IT'S NO USE saying another word, Ed. Nancy and I have made up our minds. We're packing up and moving out. Ed: But you can't leave now, Ronnie. There's so much to do. The brush . . . Ronnie: You'll just have to hire another hand to keep up with the bnaah, Ed. I'm plumb wore out. Nancy: Just look at the blisters on his hands and how slumped he is in his chair, FA:I. Can't you see? He needs a vacation. , Ronnie: Nancy's right, Ed. Say what you will, we're taking off. Were planning on getting away from it all for a while at the Eastern White House. Ed: In Waahinaton? But you were just there last . . . last . . . Well, I know damed well it was this year 80llle time. After all, Ronnie, running a ranch is a full-time job. Ronnie: That's what you always say, Ed. when I want to take a much-needed break. Nancy: -You know how much good it does him, Ed. He always comes back refreshed and ready to plough into his chores. ED: MAYBE SO. But who's going lo mend the fences and chop the wood while you're awav? Not to mention watching over your thundering herd of 14 cows which make this a tax-deductible working ~ Al1 HOPP! THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER Ronnie: F.d. the one thing rve learned as a rancher is how to delegate responsibility. I'm counting on you and the boys to kee p things running smoothly. Besides. this is going to be a working vacation. Ed: Well, you might have told me sooner. That's sure a load off my mind. Ronnie: That's right, Ed. I'll be on the phone to you constantly. And I'll be writing letters and issuing statementa on any crisis that comes up -gophers, l oco weed, dry rot, you name it. Nancy: I wish you wouldn't always take your problems with you, dear. Promise me that this time you'll forget your troubles and just do nothing -at least for the first few days. Ronnie (cbucJc.IJ.ng): Gosh all hemlock.Jou sure can't please everybody. Tell you what I' do: I'll sleep in mornings the whole first week instead of getting up at the crack of dawn lo ride the range. And maybe I'll even take a little nap every day after lunch. Ed (shaking his head): That sounds right nice. Just don't blame me if -while you're off relaxing it up in Washington -the whole consarned ranch goes CO rack and ruin. CAN ED SAVE THE RANCH? Will the cows be sore at Ronnie for taking too many vacations? Tune in next time, folks. And meanwhile, as you mosey down the winding trail of life Into The Golden Years, remember what Ronnie always says: "Aw shucks, th~s a heap of hard, boring drudgery in running a ranch or running a country. So hire 10meOne else to do it." There were no symptoms until a week or eo before the operation. Can you tell your readers and m e more about this horrid thing? Were there symptoms we overlooked? It seems he never really had a chance. Could he have had? -MRS. S. DEAR MRS. S.: Not knowing exactly what complaints your husband suffered from, Mrs. S., I can speak only in generalities. As anywhere elae. there are many types of tumor ln the brain. One estimate is that about 55 percent are malignant and about 45 percent benign. But even a benign tumor can be "malignanL." in a way, if its situation in the brain is such that it menaces vital functions. As in your husband's caae, some may attack stealthily and silently, so surgery comes too late. Other brain tumors may be metastatic (extensions from cancer elsewhere In the body -stomach, lungs, kidneys. etc.). Such are, 0£ course. very serious and beyond help. But. as I said, there are the benign tumors. Early operation can save the patient. Usually, brain tumors are not silent. I recall one patient in his middle 40s who began to complain of severe headaches. His vision became blurred. Without any apparent reason he would have sudden vomiting spells. He also noticed a lo. of equlllbriwn. . He immediate])' sought help. Bnil'l surgeons removed a benign tumor the si1e of an egg from his cerebellar region. He recovered compl~tely. Had he waited much longer he rnia.ht have lost his sight completely. What I have been saying. Mrs. S .• is that early di~ is import.ant. Nobody should try to make his or her own diagnosis. Ne verthele11, the following symptoms should make one auspicious: severe, unyielding headaches; vomiting without any other gastrointestinal symptoms; bl~ of vision; uMt.eadiness of balance or ga t; suacien ~ in penonallty. Q.1-Eut-Weat vulnerable, aa South you hold: GOREii 011 BllDGE even two no trump could be in jeopardy. Pass. •10'7U <::>9 OtN •KQJ7S The blddln1 ha• proceeded: N_... Eut 8o_. •• DMe 1 What aaion do you take? A. -Jdeall7 7ou would like t.o tall partner that 7ou have a di.trlbullonal hand •Ith ex· ceUeal eupport for bl.I suit. but v.irtuall7 nothing on the 1lde. You can do ju1t that by jumping to three clubs-that. la a p""mpUve actJon over a 'takeout double. Armed with this knowledge, partner may decide to ucriflce aplnet an oppoaln1 rame, ln which case 7ou will preMnt him with a very eultable dummy. how meny ace1 partner hold1, 10 jump to lour club9-the Gerber Conven- tion. A jump to four no trump would be quantitative. not ace 11kJng. If partner 1how1 three acee, chedt for klnp with nve clubt, and bid a rrand slam It he h11akins11 well. Q.J -Aa South, vulnerable, you hold: •AQJI074 OfJ OAS •QN The blddln1 ha1 proc:eededi Hwdl t:,at S..da W eat ' tNT .._ I• ... •• ·-4 0 ·- 4. ·-' 'Wlaa& action .. )'OU LllleT A.-IJ blcldlef _. eNbl over ,oar Ju•'-pu1•r BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF 1howed 1lam lnt.ere1t. However. his failure to cu• bid rour heart. means that he does not have the ace of that Hit, and 7ou could eaelly have two loeen there. Check on It by blddinr five spades. II partner has the kins of hearts, he c-.n contract for a email 1lam-probably In no trump, to protect hia klna from a lead throufh. Q.4 -Aa South, vulnerable, )'OU hold: •AQJ5 'V'JJOla O'l •AKQt Tht blctdlnf hu procMded! ~ ~&.&... ... I o I o T What do lou Md "°"' A.-Euu ,.... .. pl hu _. __ ._. ... ,.,,..._,., are now In a hlrh-level gueH· Jn1 rame. We would give up on l rrand slam and hope that partner doe1n't have too many values in diamonds. In which case even the 1ma1J 1lam ml1ht be too hiJh. But eht hearta aeema about rl1ht. Q.5-Neither vulnerable. as South )'OU hold: •IUH 'V'J OQJJN •AQM The blddln1 has proceedtdr w .. t Nertla tMt s .. u. 10 1 0 •1• 1 • ...-IJ&ln What action do 1ou taktT A.-Thf1 I• an unnallMd aucUon-Eu&'1 Wd II lore- ••· 8o •a'l double HW, .... u.oup ,.. .. ,,.. ~ I.all& a falrl1 111W.• ' tiaJ penalty on your op- ponents. You may ,et a chance to double them at an even hl1her level. Q.t -Ae South, vulnerable, )'OU bold: •AKN <:IA1• <>AMS •H The biddlnf ht• proceeded: ~ w .. t N_... £a.t I• Pue I NT P ... 1 What action do you take? A.-Whlle you have a rood 115 points, bear In 'lllnd that partner'• maximum la 10. Even If bt ••have an ab- eolu.. maahnum. pm• wlll ................ JOU ... " DO '°"' ""' '° dtfflop. And ........ ,... fllld puiDtr dh a .............. , ........ . I Raltlter ltrl•1e elalt1 ~t&Weemtryw tlile te.H.U .. ,..... .... t. 0. u.., bew ........ , ... .tea'U Cllarlt1 Gere•'• "Pear·Dtal art•s•" wW tMclt ,.. tlte l&ra&el'ee ... tacUce ............... ... ........ &Mt .......... die eve fer ......... aA:•11s. , .. •ce,J ..... _...... .... II.Tl .. ~ .. o...... ..,. •• . ... .......... P.O .... N•wu•, N.J. ttM. ... = ..,..._ te Neftt ..... \ ' I ... Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Monday. 891>temb« 20. 1912 MILGREN-SQUAR&--.. . . ..., D&8 lON •t1t • T AfL.O" B UD LOPE% 2 70 t 7TH e T. eoeTA MiraA e .. e .aaeo "Alterations" For men & women Have you lost weight? We will refit your wardrobe to perfection. 3 pc. Suits reduced to s9999 HIGH GEAR STYLES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY adldaS~ adldaS..,; Tnerl4Er · 270 East 17th St./ Costa Mesa 548-3323 ... Something Special feminine fashions 250 E. l 7th St. ~ CostaMesa 645-5711 ' . All Sale Merchandise BelOtN · East (SELECTED MERCHANDISE) We Specialize in Fashion For The Missy Figure (Size 4 thru 18) "(SALE DOES Nor APPLY TO SPECIAL ORDERS) •17"' IT. COITAMUA STOIEONLY Wet Seal Consolidation Sale Merchandise Consolidation from all stores ~ . PRICES SLASHED up to 75% on Tops, Shorts, Slacks, ~hirts, Bathing Suits, Dresses, Playsults, ., Jumpsuits, Sleepwear & Lingerie J THICmTUDTHICOUm What 's leader's MONDAY, 8 PT 20. 1982 STOCKS COMICS TELEVISION signature worth.? RICKY TICKY POLITIX: It has now been vastly reported that the Orange County DA deep-sixed a whine from Gov. Brown's office, seeking a probe to determine if Irvine hospital campaign leader David Bak'.'ar had attempted to "bribe" the governor. No doubt some of the distrir.t attorney's aides enjoyed a few good be llylaughs before they fed the Tetter from Brown's aid, Byron Georgiou, into the sh redder. r...'\ All of this came about 83 84 86 l'11tri,·i11 111·11 1•1· 11111/ '1'0111 ltos11ui g1~1 f;,.,..,, 111:-t lt• t>/' />ow er i11 111•w l1·i . ..,J, t:on1edy 111 S<:ll. /111~1· 1'5. r;- \ D ~ 0 , D•llY Piiot Photos by Chutes Sterr T_O_M_M_U_RP_H_l_N_I ~/-because Baker's group was ,~ / trying to get a bill through · ~ the hallowed hall's of Sacramento that would allow Saddleback Collej!?e to lease ..out an unneeded section of its northern campus for a hospital site. The bill got to the governor's desk. There was strong evidence he might veto it. Gray sl{ies, wind not all bad THAT WAS WHEN, at the 11th hour, Baker fired off a letter to Gov. Brown, urging his support. Lacking that. Big DavE; suggested he might send letters to 15,000 Irvine hospital supporters, suggesting they might not want to vote fQi:.. Bn>w.n in bis. U.S. Senate bid this Nov. 2. Baker's warning of what he might do apparently ticked off Brown aide Georgiou, prompting the governor's sidekick to scream "bribe" to both the Orange County District Attorney's Office and the state Attorney General's Office. Now clearly. Baker might have been a little bit rash. But there wasn't any bribe here by the wildest stretch of Politics can really get heavy in smoke-filled back rooms the imagination. If anything. it was just the opposite. It was a political threat. Baker, a former UC Irvine basketball player and currently a Newport Beach attorney, sometimes known as "Big Dave," didn't do any different than a lot of special interests would do to the governor if they could get him trapped in a smoke-filled back room. Baker didn't have a smoke-filled room handy. Time was running out. So he did it in a letter. THE SMOKE-FILLED ROOM technique is almost sacred m political circles. You can almost dream it in your mind's eye now, as some legislator collars a governor on behalf of a favorite bill he wants signed into law. It might go something like this: "Lissen. Guv. it's me, your old shipmate Senator Schnapps, from Piney Gulch County. You 'member how I campaigned all over Piney for you last election , don't you Guv? Passed out all those bottles of fake s nake oil? ''Now I asked for some of your valuable time to bring to your attention my urgent bill, you know, SB 247658922, that outlaws pop-top beer cans and makes beer bottles with caps on 'em mandatory. "THIS IS URGENT for your signature, Gov. Do you realize that more than half of the beer bottle cappers in our state live in my district? And every one of them has mothers and fathers and uncles and cousins. "Why, they even formed this giant association, 26,000 folks, in supporting beer bottles with caps. They call it the Beer Experts for Legal Capping Help. That's BELCH for short, g6vernor. "Now I just know you want to keep all those BELCHers happy. They want to vote for you this time, Guv. They want your support for all those beer caps, and all those jobs. "Sign the bill, governor. Here's a pen. It's yours to keep. See the cute beer cap right under the e raser? "I'D HATE IT, but if you don't sign, I'll just have to go back to Piney Gulch in my district and tell those 26,000 folks that you turned your back on all the BELCHen." Clearly. after a few sessions like that, any governor would be happy to just have them mail it in. • CC sets sein1nar A six-hour seminar, designed acqualnt participants with the b market In Oranie County, will be presented at Orange Cout Collei• Saturday from 9 to 3 p.m. ln OCC's Fine Arta 116. The $20 adrniaaJon fee udes ~tertala. . Tlcketa ~ on aale In the OCC lcket Olflce, located In the ollege'a AdminlauaUon ulldlng. The office 11 open onday throu&h Friday Lun 8 .m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday. • Crom 8 a.m. to noon. Tickets may be purchased by phone, using Visa or Mastercard, by calling 556-5527. Tickets, if available, wtll allO be IOld at the door. The seminar, "Job Market Opportunities In Ora n1• County," will explain how lndlvlduall can effectively re1earch companle1 and orpnlutiona t.o d1ICOver c.arew Opportunities . Guy Hahn of Co ta Mesa takes lirtH' from flying his own glider. lop. lo c heck tail o f frie nd's craft. Sor111· Pl'oplt· d1111'l 111111<1 that St pt1•nil>t'1 '" ..,~ tttng t1 ·1·111d-, Int 1110] 11111p11:i1u11·-.. \\tlh 111.1·.1-..1C111,tll\ l111sl, \\tnds Ill tfW :tfll'llll>OllS H;uho·cont1ulll·cl glul1 1 lwhhyt~ts g;1tlw1 1111 th1 bluffs h<·hrntl E. ... tanet.~ ll1gh S1 houl 111 0>-.t.t J\.11•s.i to 1 :1st their • Wlll~t <l dP~1gm. llllo llH' bt l'l'Zl'S Tltc~ \\ l kumt tlw eh,ilh•ng1 of guultng tl11·11 <rafts bH<k through tht· <·h<mging air l Urr< nts to <.1 ~1f1• l,mclmg. Th(• hush<'~ and bramhh.., be lo\lol 1 U'>ht<>n those that don't m<1k(' 1l Kt•n (,umpd rt•lrit'H '"' hi ... plant•. ahmc·. hefon· hl·adin~ hom(• to llu11t i11~ton B(•a<'h "ith hi:-. hroth.-r John. 2- Bl Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, September 20, 1982 TIE WElllll PICTllE Patton -Huber Carol Ann Huber and Doualu John Patton were married ln Harbor ChrlaUan Church, Newport Beach. Aft.er a wedd~.p to Lake Tahoe and Yoeemlt.e, they are real ln C.O.ta Meea. Mr. and Mn. John Hu r of 1rvine are perenta of the bride, who ii an alumna of Cal Poly, San Lula Oblapo. Newport Beach and Lake Almanor resident.a. Mr. and Mn. R. C. Pat Patton are parenta of the bridegroom, who attended Biola Collqe. Schmitl -B abbusn Earl Buma Miller Garden at Cal State Long- Beach was the 1etting for the Sept. 6 wedding of Wendy Jo Babbuah and Edward W. Schmitt. Parents of the newlywed.a, who will reside in San Clemente after a honeymoon on Maul, are Mr. and Mn. H . Edward Babbush of Long Beach and Mr. and Mrs. James J . Schmitt of Seal Beach. The bride graduated from UC Berkeley and her husband graduated from UC Santa Barbara and Hasllnga College of Law. Dunn -Phillips Audrey Phillips and Dwight Dunn exchanged wedding vows at Temple Shir Ha-Ma Alot in Newport Beach. · · Edward and Suzanne Phillips of Newport Beach and Max and Phyl.liss Dunn of San Diego are parents of the newlyweds who are residing in Huntington Beach after a Hawaiian honeymoon. The bride studied at Orange Coast College and her husband graduated from Marina High School in Huntington Beach. Bramnick -Wiggle Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Newport Beach, was the setting for the wedding of Cathy Wiggle of Newport Beach and Dennis· Bramnick of Co1"9na del Mar. . The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wiggle of Newport Beach. Her husband, the son of Dr .. and Mrs. Paul Bramnick of Studio City, attended the University of Southern California wh$'e he affiliated with Delta Tau Delta. :Following a reception at Promontory Point and a Hawaiian honeymoon, the newlyweds are residing in Corona del Mar. Pa.trick -Grigsb y ;Jennifer Helen Grigsby-and Michael Patrick recited their marriage vows in St. Andrews P~yterian Church in Newport Beach before their we~ing trip to San Francisco and Northern Calffornia. =Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee Grigsby of Costa M~ are parents of the bride who is a .enior at Cal ·. State Fullerton. Her husband. is the son of Mr. and Mra. James Patrick of Huntington Beach and a graduate of Golden West College. Kelly -Lea Marlane Marie Lea and Kevin James Kelly, who were marrie d in Community C hurch, Congregational, Corona de! Mar, sailed to Catalina Island for \heir honeymoon. Robert Edward Lea of North Hollywood and Norma Cowden Lea of Sepulveda are paren~of the bride who attended Orange Coast College. Her husband is a graduate of Cal State Long Beach and the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Leslie Kelly of Newport Beach . K osk o -Farb er Jennie Lee Farber, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Farber of Newport Beach, was married Saturday in the First Unitarian Church of S~ker Heights, Ohio, to Dr. John Wesley Kosko Jr., son of Mr. andMi::s. John Kosko of Tallmadge. Ohio. The bride, who earned her bachelor's and master's degrees at Stanford University, is a Ph.D. candidate in clinical psychology at the University of Washington. She completed her internship at the Cleveland Veterans' Administration Medical Center and wW be a therapist at the Cleveland Clinic. The bridegroom, who received his medical degrees from Case Western Reserve University, is a resident in urology at The University Hospitals of Cleveland. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Omega AJpha honor societies. The couple will reside In Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Allen -Collier Old World Wedding Chapel in Huntington Beach was the setting for the nuptials linkJng Judy Patrice Collier and Dale Martin Allen. The bride, who attended Orange Coast College and is the daughter of Duane and Ruth Collier of Huntington Beach, and her husband, who attends Golden West College, plan to reside In Huntington Beach. Flem ing -H ombs . The Fem Grotto on the island of Kauai was the V setting for the wedding of Orange Coast College -students Stacy L ee Hom bs and Gary Daniel Fleming. · Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. James F. Meyers of Huntington Beach and Mrs. Afton E. Fleming of Santa Clara. ' ....; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Patrick THI lllAllMEIT RllG .. :· - E"#Slert -Murray :Nancy J. Englert and David J . Murray have reseived St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in New~rt Beach for their March 1983 wedding. :)['he couple met on a three-month tour of the Unlted States and Canada while she was ~yland's 1980 Ambassador to the World and he • was·• member of the singing and dancing troupe, K.idi; of the Kingdom. :-rheir engagement was announced by her ~ts. Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Englert of Corona del Mar. The future bridegroom is the son of Mr. and :Mrs. Dale V. Murray of Newark. :;rhe bride-elect holda a bachelor's degree from the University of Ariwna where ahe belonged to KaJJF AJpha Theta, Mortar Board and the student sen.-e. Her fiance, who earned a degree in music ~Cal State Fullerton, is pursuing studying for an MBA at that campus. After her year as ambassador, Englert became a community affairs marketing representative for Disneyland. David Murray, Nancy Englert Kilmer -Mullin Mr. and Mrs. M. Daniel Kilmer ill of Newport Beach announced the engagement of their daughter Debra Jeanne to John Stanley Mullin Jr., son of Mrs. McComb Mullin and J . Stanley Mullin of Los Angeles. The couple graduated from the University of Southern California where she affiliated with Pi Beta Phi and he with Kappa Sigma. An early spring wedding is planned. The bride-to-be was a National Charity League debutante in 1973. Joseph F. Chow, M.D. is pleased to announce the opening of his office for the practice of DERMATOLOGY Skin diseases. skin cancer and surgery. Acne. warts, moles, cysts and allergies. Oiplomate. Am. Board of Dermatology Fellow Am. Academy of Dermatology Day or Night Care (714) 752-5858 355 Placentia Ave. # 102 Newport Beach, CA 92663 !Y'!:! Mr. and Mrs. Kevin .I. Kelly 8 TENNIS LESSONS •2000 Co1t1 1111 Tennis Club 557-0211 -CONDlllOO*IO SOUit WA Tm NIA.,_ IATitlOC»ll ....,..,_ 5t I< '"•!1 Set\4ce TlrM S\Wta el YOVI 0oo< (Cal 81«11 ....,_ YOVI ArM) COSTA MISA 641 -1 289 112'.._,.,.IW. MUON VIUO 495-0401 2'"2 <..-. c 0 t ..... cs-.... ......., .•• ..., """'·' 6Ai.u ' . ( .o6 EARLY BIRD DINNER SPECIALS NEW BUSINESSMEN ' $6 95 Tenderloin of the Island .................. .. Honey Dipped Chicke~ ....................... $6 95 • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. HEADACHE VICTIMS! WE ARE DOING A CLINICAL · STUDY ON MIGRAINE HEADACHES. NEED VOLUNTIHS THE STUDY WILL COMPOSE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TWO CURRENTLY USED MEDICATIONS IN THE TREATMENT OF HEADACHES. CALL 714/642-1057 8-9 a.m. or 4-5 p.m. Ask for Marilyn CANCER DETECTION CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY' -----------------.. 1 Co nt•ct the DAILY Fresh Pacific Red Snapper ......... .' ....... S695 A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZ ATION OFFERING BELGW COST COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING DIVoRCED? SEPARATED? .. , ........... -"""' IC! llYORCE RECOYEIY WOllSHOP Sbr TueMloy heninp Sept. 21-oct. 26 St Allhws ~ C~1rc~ Nlw,.rt lacll ....... M .. , .. ... ..,._.._._..... ..... ...... ............... ... _. .............. ,,, .•. , ........ .frt. PILOT for lntorm•tlon regu ding the county re quireme nt s tor using • Flctltlous BuslneH N•rne. 642-4321 EXT. 332 DAILY PILOT . scartBelng lbe\\tlmn ~ WR.,Bel Sirloin Tips ........................................ $695 Petite Prime Rib ................................ s795 All dlnnera Include fresh vegetable, soup or "dinner StJlad, hot rolls & butter, and deSHrt. 4250 MARTINGALE NEWPORT BEACH , 833-0080 Call lor lfM i.ft1•tio11 ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN I COUNT!ltY, ORANOI (114) M7-1221 FOR EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER • SCREENING INCLUDES• Thorough Physical Complete Blood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Smear For Women Self Examination Instructions Medical Center Professional Bulldlng· .. 18800 Main Street Suite 105 Huntington Beach, Calif. 841-1871 L • . • • • . • • Please mail this coupon with your check, made payable to the South Coast Foundation to: . Timothy L. Strader, Benefit Chairman, South Coast Foundation, 1501 Westcliff Drive, Suite 205, Newport Beach, CA 92663. Please respond by September 6, 1982. Seat- ing assignments given in order of response. IR.VINE MAIDWS AMPHITHEATRE . 'Orange Co11t DAILY PIL.OT /Monday, Saptomb;r 20, 1982 .8 r·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·--i D Please make my reservations for the Sinatra concert. • D Star of Hercules, $250 per person I D Star of Centaurus, $100 per person r.vo LA wN SEA TING) ·• I D Star of Aquarius, $50 per person • Total Due {100% tax deductible) ! D I'~ sorry. I can't attend, but here's my donation to help I the South Coast Foundation's star shine brightly. • I NAME _____________ _ • I ADDRESS ______ ~-----~ • I CITY _____ z1r __ PHONE ____ _ • I MA§TERCARD/VISA #--------EXP.DATE _____ _ AUTHORI ZED SI GNATURE _______________ _ ; . . :· :· .. J • T•I fAlllLW c1ac1:1 by Virgil Partch (VIP) __.---\) \\That's not a REAL sirter. It's our grondmo. She .. Whit ire you trylno to do" tum thla pl1ce Into 1 LIKES to take care of us." Junol•?" by Brad Anderson-DENNIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum 9-20 O••~·-~ o.: 1J?.40ffe<J:>J ''You have dialed Sidney, Australia · direct ... your charge$ will begin Immediately!" flPoN RECEMNG 'TONY'S PHONE CALL, 0. e. GOE& OIRe.cn. V lO THE HOSPITAL' HE F\EC06NIZED ME euT eAAELV' THE _ _, DOCTOR SAIO IT WA& A MASE>IVE HEART ATTAO\• I ~ b 6 ~ A ACROSS 83 Electric unit IA T\MOA rl I 1 Poudlel 84 United Sl•t• PUZZLE IOLY!l> , 5 T red! ewnt ' • frllgl'lnCI ee In r...ve· 14 CMM 2 WOl'dt 15 Alglrit city 87 Golf wernlng ...,......., 1t DubW el Of I period 17 Str~ ti Wtiarda llerott: 10 Prtft.• '°' 2wordl IQ" tlOld~ 71~1n 111'1 DOWN 20 ,_,.._, 1 Scatltr ncNtl 2~ 21 lme*flelly 3 Pollte 23 Monty holder 4 SclloOI bOOll ............ •m~• 25 w.-. 5 Aebbll HNlwt lfenlM H T ennll tter 7 l(lftd of Qk1 U Ftrm ~ 8 foloW nem1 47 Joined 37 ..... • Sutty Pl'IOll 31 w .. -· 49 PrlCldld )t lrtdi9'1 OMd tO Clrd 9lfM leltntd 52 High up 31 E..... 11 ~or JIM-32 loc:ue S3 CMOI er• 41 Gt-......, 1n9t 33 Ftmfly 11or 41....., 12 A 0. 34 Eg,ptien 55 L._ - 41 T_. .-1S,......,. dlrioer M -Wiidt 41-11 F .. ""9 35 UNodl: POIC. 57 l(lngdorn I 6 ~ 'l -'lO I d ·--If.....,_,. • W•touree M lllp1Mktr1 11 ..., ... t• o.tll -.or.... 5t Pram puttier • ~~--+-+- .. --111 f7T,...._, O,._ IOPrllon .. ~ ... ltDldl ........ 11~ •W ••.,.... •uew taHtroee -. d 6 b bV Chlfln M. Schulz When putting a_way ~ur Juqgage after arriving home,always close tht zipper~ so bugs can't crawl In. ,.... _____ _ • l J I 1Tavel Tips ... w Arriving Home" NJ\NC\' OH NOl YOO M!ANll .. rrs HOT so 9M WMEN 'OJ COMSf PER IVE NE\Q 9EEN ~RE ... by Tom K. Ryan Vl!S •• OOR Rl!CIPE FOR reMMICAN S~FfS NO ~A 5SOUrr. Q v (i by Ernie Bushm1ller I'LL TAKE THE BUS HOME ON SECOND I'LL CUT ACROSS I 1M VERY TIRED FROM MY WALK IN THE COUNTRY DR..\BBLE RE:t,AX , MR. Q...ARK ... c:>R . WO CHANG IS A v eRY SKIL-t.-~t:' ACLJPLJNC'T"URIS"f' ... '1·20 FOa •ETTEa Oa Fea •• alB ~ISG04~1t> B~I~ HIM Hl!RE ~ HE-wt<ES FNE. 10T~~L-- THOUGHT---THE FIELDS by Kevin Fagan NO, I 'f~INK 10$~'51' ~ ~s lMRISf~R. by George Lemont 1-r's JUS"f' -rHA-r He PRAC-r1cec:> FOR SIX YE!ARS IN E:NGL,ANc:> ! .. .. I •• I' 'I . ~ .• ·' .. ... ': (' ' I I I I .. J t 1, ., I •• \ •I •l b It fl h ·~ Or1ng1 Coatt DAILY PILOT /Monday, September 20, 1982 • Labor has its da"Jf. in SCR comedy By TOM TITUS Ol"H!itD.., ...... I ... Given thl~ naturul 1mlmoaltl~1 of labor and m11naal'mt!nl, nbl to mention the trudlllonul c.·1110 conaclouaneu of the Brlll.&h L.lrt, one might expe<•t an lriah comedy about a factory. work 1topptagc to be virtuaUy teeming with hilarious lnvecuve Well, "teemlnf" isn't qu1le the word in the cue o "All In Favor Said No." the American premiere of Bernard Farrell's work which opens "ALL IN PAVOfl I AIO NO" A comedy by 8-fn.,d Farrell, dll.Cle<I by David IEmmee, eelllng by MlchHI Devine coe1umH by Tom Re1muuen. 11g1111ng by Cameron Harvey, atage manager Bonnie lorenger, pr Hen tad 11y Soulh CoHI ~Of)' nlglltly ••C991 Mondaya at 8 p m (7 $0 Sundeyt) and WMltend mati-•I 2 30 tlWOUQll oc:t 17 11 Ille Fourth Slap Tl\Mter. 1155 town Center Drive, Colla MH• ~atlOnl 857-4033 r... CAIT Giibert Donnelly . ..... . Tom Roequt Chft.IY Metcalf ............ ... ... Paul Rudd Dave ..................... .. ............ Steven 8reeae Liam .............. .. .................... Jeffrey Combe MIM Temple . ................. ... Patricia Fraser Sally .... .... .... ...... •• Mary Beth Evan1 Mike ReynOld• .. .. . Hal Lendon Jr 0.. Kavanaugh .. ..... . Kendall Mclean Eddie Malone . Richard Doyle Una Krt.ten Lowman JOll'I .. • '.... ... .. .. . Anni long Ri>Mle Partridge . , ...... John-David Kellet the ne w season at Soulh Coast Repertory . "Dotted," perhaps. Or maybe "spiced." It's more of a gentle jibe than a comedic broadside. Farrell's characters, clerical and menial workers at a Dublin metal p lant , are eccentric but hardly outrageous. When one white collar employee is ordered to cross class boundaries, and refuses, a wildcat strike ensues and frustrations mount on both sides -which are equally inept at resolving the situation. Despite the persistent feeling that the playwright _might have created Pat ricia Fraser, Tom Ro qui more comic confrontal1on, director David Enunes' produclJon of ''All in Favor" is entertaining. gathering momentum after a rather deliberate first act. Farrell's characlers bec::ome far more interesting a Cler they have tasted power, and we revel in their bungling deployment of it. The nominal hero of lhts slapstick saga is Paul Rudd as th~ offace union representative who e ngineers the work stoppage, muddling beautifully Lhrough repeated crises. Richard Doyle is his blue collar counterpart, a rough-hewn crusader who takes more *** *** Prentiere year on 2nd Stage What's new at South Coast Repertory? The entire Second Stage season. d(.'llMht In tho 1ama than the nuu:mntt. The potll&ht, howtiver. lnf'vlwbty •hlft1 to tho 11.ilng offh:a monagf'r (Tom ltOlqul), who ~ the atrlkt• a.11 &&n opportunity lo play with hi• t>lt"c trlc.,• tra in . and tht-blind aw llchboard operator (Palrll'i Fraser), R0tqul'1 plucky aoulmutt• Together. they kttp serlousn~lli at bay in a pair o r ltnely etchf'd character 1tudle1. ln the enemy (mapegement.) camp aru gathered the bou (Hal Landon J_r..), hls superior (Jolµl-David Keller) and Landon 's loyal aecretary (Kendall McLean). all IUlturaUy characteriu'<i as Insensitive cretins. Anni Long •nd Kristen Lowman are delightfuf as a pair of assembly line lusics. while Steven Breeae, Jeffrey Combs and Mary Beth Evans complete the casl as the younger members of the work (Orce. ~ The SCR production is meticulously dC8igncd by Michael Devine, who has created a m08t realutic office-factory atmosphere. Splendid subtleties abound throughout, both in direction and design. "All in Favor Said No" should find favor with SCR at1diences if they are patient enough to let the plot develop at its own pace. Performances continue nightly except Mondays through Oct. 17 at the repertory theater, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. TWO MORE ST AGE productions join the September song of openings this week, both. comic reprises,..f rom the distant past. "'They are "Arsenic and Old Lace" at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse and "Room Service" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. "Arsenic," opening Thursday, features Helene Briggs and Robbi Schoonover as the lethal old ladles, with Pierre Beaureguard, Mathew La llTlllla I Vlf!!nt.'. Jack Wlllt•nbach.-r, Judy Barbuallu, Sen Patlain, Randy Phillip!!, Loult Spartano, Burt Carlaon and George Schoonuvt•r aat.u aboard. f'1all TombcUim la dtr(<etln&. P 1• rf or m 3nct'1 w 111 b t• g Iv c n Thu~aya through Saturday1 ot 8:30 p.m. through Oct. 16 at the Playhouse, on the Or11nf(t> County Jl'alrgrounda. Cull 754-5159 for llckct lnformatlon. Al Laguna, "Room Strvlce" will feature Robert Kokol, Mlch.ael Blellti and J on Sidoti under the direction or Doug Rowe. The c.'Omedy opens the Moulton's 60th anniversary seuon Friday Alter opening weeke nd, the show will be staged Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 p .m. (with 2:30 matinees Oct. 3 and 10) at the playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach. Reservations 494-0743. CALLBOARD -Both the Costa Mesa and Laguna playhouses will hold auditions for their November productions next week, with Costa Mesa casting "The Solid Gold Cadillac" and La~una scheduling readings for "Sherlock Holmes." The Laguna tryouts will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. in the theater for the play based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's 1898 script. Alex Golson is directing and wilJ be castin&. 15 men ahd three to four women In all age ranges. Call 494-0743 for details. Eight men and nine women are needed for "Cadillac' al C.OSta Mesa, with auditions planned for Monday at 7:30 in the fairgrounds theater. Further information is available at 754-5159. • 8ARQAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Performancea before 5:00 PM IElce,l S,.a.I £1191 .. llltflts 11111 Helidays) "AN OfflCUI A.ND AOCNTLUllAN"lll) ,._ ___ _ Five new American plays will receive their world premieres on the Second Stage i.n 1982-83, according to SCR artistic directors David Emmes and Martin Benson, who made the announcement at a meeting of the Orange County Entertainment Writers Association on the opening night of SCR's ·-~~~===!!======!!====!I· new production, "All in Favor Said No." I "SCR has long been committed to the discovery and development of new plays, and this season marks the fuUillment of the Second Stage promise to showcase new work by young American playwrights." Emmes noted. ..,.. ~OYI>. TMI WAU." 11"1 ·--------·- "This is the first time in the history of the Second Stage that we are able to offer an entire season of plays new to California lludiences," he added. aM£ u•-.._. uo •on• f:"'-... "*'*'*" llt >SOI '°'""'" lC1•6• ~c.... ,..~ .. S•lr t1 NOW PLAYING llTOlll ..--WU TM•ftll ( ..... ~. lf•., .. $owVIC..W l ....... °"""' Wtu 111 IUO ,,. ''" HIHU •~T•IUCll --llUT .... fO i...---c-. c-........ .,.1t1>to. .... .... 1 .. U • 1$Sl ftl >tlU ,., .. --•Pt....,...t01fl 1 .. -.. -· '-'• -°' .... Ht MH llt 1770 a:x--1 The premiere sea.son will open in November with a drama entitled "Brothers" by George Sibbald. The play. according to SCR officials, "pits the power of union brotherhood against the spirit of individual freedoms" as it depicts a father and h is four middle-aged sons waging a blue-collar battle L-----....!:'""::::::· .... =•..a:=: .... ::::::"':::""=-=·-=="'~1------.J for family solidarity. According to Emmes, the decision to produce an entire season of new American plays was the result of several factors. including playwright commissions and an award to SCR of a grant to produce a new American play by the Foundations of the Dramatists Guild and CBS. The Costa Mesa theater is one of five in the United States to participate in this new plays program which supports the sear ch for, development and production of a new work at SCR in the spring of 1983. South Coast Repertory also has commissioned several playwrights to write plays specifically for production at SCR, either on the Second Stage or tbe mainstage. These artists include T e rry Wagener, Elizabeth Diggs. David Berry, Romulus Linney and' Jim Ryan. .. The Second Stage is SCR's inumate, 161 -seal arena-thrust theater, which has been in operation since the. !all of 1979. It was honored recentJy by the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle for "fostering new plays and adventurous plays new to the West Coast." "Brothers" will run from Nov. 3-21. The balance of the Second Stage season will be announced later, Emmes and Benson said 'Grace' TV movie may be dropped LOS ANGELES (AP) -A propoeed television movie bued on the life of Prinoe9s Grace has been temporarily shelved and pouibly may be dropped becall.9e of her death in Monaco, a spokeswoman for Embamy Televt.ion said. · ABC had planned to telecast "An American Prince91" during the upcoming season. "We were about a month and a half from production," said Barbara Brogllattl, F.fnbaasy's vice president for public relations. "We still are, depending on whether we decide to go forward. "The only decision we have made la not to chanae the acript we have. It will be a tribute to Princel9 Grece aJ)d a storybook look at her life end.i.ng with her wedding." Brogl.latti Mid th.at no dedalon or diJlcusslon of the film would be made dur111g the eight days of mou.mlng proclaimed in MONICO. (Princess Grace died laat week of compllcaUon1 from Injuries NStalned in • car ac.'Cident. She had reportedly "1ffered a 1t.roke just before the crash.) ABC Mid in a 1tat.ement. "It would be in the wonrt ,a.tble taste and moet lnappropria"'-"or ua to make any comment at this ume ln Usht of this sroat traaedY·'' The network had orla\.naUy announced the movie on ~ 28. 1981, and aid It would tell'CUt It that--6cn. . But forsnaw Ulm ttar Grace Kelly, who married Prince J\atMr m o1 MONaO tn ••\ npr 1111 d .,.. ~•••re at TV bk>p'aphla planNid by ABC and . CBS dropped ill p1ma f« the movie IMt June. \ "ONE OF THE SEASON'S HAPPIEST SURPRISES.• -Cheri .. Chempfln, LOS ANGEL.RI TIMI!& MIHlOlf WllJO Eaw410\ Y•to r.." 930 8990 Olll llOl O<!r'llum~ 63• 7SSJ IHW,OflT IUCll (d .. 410S Newl)Oll Ct11e<llJ 6•• 0760 WllTMIHflll £ a .. 110 C•11tm' Wes1 &9 1 393S OllAIMH Pacitic s 0t•ft91 0tiv1 111 63• !1361 I HTl fl .,lllMI SllO U M•.i, Drove In m )014 HOH.MraACCIPTCD IOA fHl llllOAOl#Ofl LAKEWOOD C ENTER W AIK IN ..,.. Pl.O\'OI TMI WAU." C11> ·-·------ ·~11 l.OVWM" ,.01 ---..... CMO..l"f11l --- lAICIWOOD C INTIR SOUTH W &l • IN ~LOVIN"1•1 ---..... CM GllW.e" 1111 --- •ocwlly 0 1 Coftdlewooo 21J/IJ1•tNO "THI MeT UTTI.a 11"1 WttOMttOUM • TWJIA9• ---• "'NIGHT .....,.. ,.. __ ... -..OCKYrtNI --..,...OX'"INI --- ..,...,,.., TIC,_ ,AllT r"" .... ------ ... """'" --·~ -"4,S..Ul ---41-IM,OIU ANf NOllCl• CllllOIU N UNOfll 12 f llU! """" ......... """ fll , •• SIL. Ila. ..... Lti l'ti CIMl""-·-IMCNl-•"Olasrt.¥lll '' 11111 #A CNI ~ ,..,,, -iansGlf --_ ... • '9lllllU 1·au lllf-ll _. .. • "",._ ............ ..- ANAHEIM 0 1>1vt-1N , .......... l•-" ___ .,.......;.._ff..;._to ___ ..,..... __ c..., ,,_ "llOCKY r CNI •IUlllllll LOvute• Cl'I -._,.CM OMt.1·1- c;.., 11- ~ ./'°"'A I A.Qt. BUENA PARK OlllV! IH ~ .... .-.. -........ 121-4070 • r •4 A f A'-.. LINCOLN OlllVf IN ,~ .. 4•• •• ., ef •t'O'I 121·4070 I ,.,,,, 'lllrr. ... FOUNTAIN VAllEY Ol!IVI IN "1IOCfl., .... !WI -.. Alf,._. AT ..... --.MON-" .......... -llllOUllO ........ LA tiABRA I w" IN ___ . ...,,.,... __ ,,.., .. , ~ " .. -"ITAll TMK It THI WRAnt C»ICMAlrtNI C•-t fl ~ • 1 . T" TI4S el!TIIA TllWISITillAL"t"91 - "THI ... , urn.a WMOMMOUM-• nxae• I'll -..aHT...,,..11111 ..... P'LOY'D: nta WAU. • 1111 -·XllMllllAI" -:1111n- 0 '1ANG E 1>111· .. 1 IN '-" ... ~,,.. ...... c ..... 6a4-H61 """_,"""' __ ,,..._.TUM" ... ............ . MI SSIO N (11.'1,.1 IN --.· "~4"' •••M••• .,.cm1·1111 ............ ..actll" ---"9LADI _,_ .. 1111 __ .,._. Local , county, ~tate1 nation~l and i nte.rnational events come to your doorstep i n the bright, li ght and lively • l • • • ' • I J I ' . ' I ' • • J . ' • J ' ' 81 Or•ng• Coa•I OAILV PILOT /Monday. 8eptemb9r 20. 1982 'Mattbew Star' family fare D/ Jl'RED f\OTUENBERO trnublo 1poUln~ th&! bad 1•aa1 mUllcal•Wl'ltem. h'1 bwk>d very A NT':w"'.!MvOWrR...,K Wllh all t'"' Crom Qu11dda. T uy 1nl1t.•r a lot. lootely on tht lDM movie that r.. 1·~-Woll Sher.h~rd , anutht'f oame to Broadway th1a )'car, but hubub over thL1 two TY movil'ti Quudrlttmun, • here to protect quickly fell tn a potholu. Thu Idea about th•· royul rnmitrK't' ~twutm him from the world'• d1maur1. of chara~nt brt>aklnai Into iOn& Churll'tl 1tnd Dlar\Jt, u ~·ouplt• o ( Ht• tiuvt•d Matthew'• lire b y doetn't work on th ranch. even fumlly 1how11 allpped by. "Ttw brlnalng him to Amcrlcu tt'a H aongwrher Jimmy Webb la Power• of Matthew Star" on certainly a d ifferent rol~ for involved. Friday and "Seven Brides for Louis Gou~u Jr. a tter h i• Seven Brother»" Sunday. fon.-e ful pertonnance u the drill Webb'• "OtalvHton" waa "Mutthew Star" siaru w ith Instructor In "An Offloor und a n..'<'Ognizable' In 1evcral numbeni, the bri,ht light.I and sounds of GenUeman ." bu t the 1 yr l c 1 w c re n • t "E.T.,' but It really borrows Gossett remains th<' thorough memorable: "Hannah, you're a creative~ from that orl~ina l 1 h '·· .... married lady, and l'm your man,'' d professional, re allng Ill fi('n OUB alien an friend of man In • outer spa<..-e story to the genenAJ la la U.. One foo~stomplng equare Superman. without laughing, or making us danc:a number did ral1e the ' Young Peter Barton, he of the laugh. And he even g ets lo energy level a bit. dreamy eyes and the Pepciodent r .. mlnd viewers that there's more Se l 1--th smile, plays Matt.hew Star, who "' t n contemporary tu•-· e came to Earth from his native to hre than drugs. computers and story line has Adam McFadden. Quadrla after tyrants killed his video games. the olde1t of aeven brothen royal parents. Quadris' technology may bt' living o n a ranch, marrying The destiny of this prince is to 100 years ahead. but pills haven't Hannah and bringing her home. harness his power of telepathy replaced food, he says. "We don't She didn't know about the (reading minda) and telekinesis want to lose the romance of brothers, and they didn't know •(willing objects to move) and living." about her. regain his throne. While on this * * * Richard ~an Anaerson (Dr. backward planet, he wants to CBS also jumped the gun on Jeff Webber on "Gen e ral I~~~ ~~~a.!:e;~e life, go to the Sept. 27 new season with Hospital") and Bt()(Adway dancer • Matthew also must deal w ith "Seven Brides for S e v e n Terri Trea1 are an engaging 1an Air Force general, who knows Brothers." In the future. It will couple. A. for the other brides, .. Royal romance Catherine Oxenberg stars aR _ .Lady Oiona S pencer ond Chri topher Baine portrays Prince Charles in a drama about the royal couple's romance tonight a t 9 on K NXT (2). his secret, and intergalactic be a Wednesday night series. one McFadden is 12. so CBS must · Kid 'th any',,. ___ T.:_:h~i~s~is~a~r~a~r~e~-:h~y~b:::_r~id~,~~~-be::.~th~ink:ing:::·::.~lo=n:g:.:,run::·~'W.::_:e~aa::'.y~n:o:·~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~::::::;:::::::::::::::::=:::~~~==~~==;=:::~~:::::::::::::::::r:::::=::::::::::::~:::;• 1enem1es. ss~wo~ a.v· ~·;:;..:= TUBE TOPPERS -::~M:.:.~ .. !'. ::::::~!i towerd the top. 'A' lord. John Lennon .,. bC&rneel on ,,... p!Utk: •.eo l'1C\ YOUft Ul'I WIU tu<geon wtlo Ol*•led on uu lhem. 'PO' ~ 10~.~;_;1..::.E KOCE (50) 7:30, KCET (28) 8:00 -12:aom ***'"' ·-ni.Fetmer'• ........ ~ "Carmen." Elena Obraztsova and Placido oeuoh•er .. 11947) LorMI• ' ' * *.,.. "Cry Reoef" ( 1973) D · f t d i T d , Young. JOMph Cotten. A ·~ o m1ngo are· ea ure n e n core Me• Off• ap1r11ecS swect11h g1r1 rune I ~~ • ~~'.:.""..;...:.~:;: production of the popular opera. Dawl IRlf' no.,lf'• """'' ,_ ,_"' • -~ Yle'tlm m1e1e1ten1y ldemlllM KNXT (2) 9:00 -"The Royal Romance of ~~~Urban eow. ~• 1111 lnnoc.n• "'*' •,,., Charles a nd Diana." Drama traces 7:00®••.,.. .. UOnOf~ boy"(11M10IJoflnTrevo11e, , ~='Gou.,.MN°' romance of Prince Charles and Lady o.-t" 119111 AntllOny Debi'• w1ngw,. A~ uu lar O\llnn, OllY9r AMd. A let wortter wtlO rena.. ~~·-··· M ..... _ Diana Spencer through their spectacu herd~ldlng Bedouin._,., hlmMU 1 modern-d•y l ' \lo:'1otl>:\ y EVENING 15:0080 NEW6 8 CHA.AUE'• ANGELS D 9l NFL FOOTBALL G<Mn Bly Pllci<en •I N- Vorll Gltnll 0 G WtU>, WILD W£8T • 8 .W.A.T. ., HAWAII FIVE-0 Mc011rett lrllCQ • kNler wtloM lllgetl have bier\ wr... of Army men. • OvtAEASY Gueet: J8Cll Pear. (RI 0 G UHOl.MTAHOIN<f HUMAN IEHAVJOA "Con1c:lou1ne11 And si.ep·· (I) C8SNEW8 QI NBC NEWS (C)MOVIE * •.,.. .. Adem'1 Women" (19721 heu BnOgee, JOhn Milli A wrongly lmptla- oned Mllor ettempll 10 win 1111 ,..._ by merrylng an 1n11uen11e1 woman. ®MOVIE * * "The Kid From Nol· So-Big" I 19781 .i-ntfer Mc:AIMller. Robert Vlh8fO. A 12-yMr-old glrl llnde herMlf In •nd out of trou- ble while rurltllng the town ~· 0MOVIE * ·~ "A $ep11•1• Peeoe" (1972) P81ker 81...,..,ton. JOhn Heyl When • prep lldlool tludlnl eutltrl • perel)'zlno lell. hit room- m•I• wr•llM ""1h hit own gulft l ... lnga lbout Ille ecc:IOenl ·PO· 1'80 • OICt( CA YETT .. TV Journallata" ~11· Oevld Brtnlliey, T Id Kop- pel, H8rry Aealontf, Rob- ert Mec:Netl (Pert 1) (RI QI!) 8EW1HO POWER (l)Q!NEWI e:eo I HOKU8AI 7!00 CM HEW1 HllCHEWI • HAPPY DAYS A.OAIH Rlc:tlle h .. • prot>lem Wl'llft ~ •JIPICl• him 10 get them fr• 11c:1<et1 for • roc:ti~ G THESAIHT • 11ot•A•1•H A Ctlf ..... c:olon8I Iner- " Ille number of -1outly wovnoed aoldlert anMng 81 Ille compound. ., Qt J0t<ER'8 WILD • GD 8U81NE88 REPORT (I) P.M. MAOAZINE TrenaatlenUc: felry 1a1e; 1 tetnlly or drcua deredevl•• (Q) HAMMER HOUSE CW HOMOfl "The HOUM TMt Bled To 0..lh" A young fllmlly encounter unutUlll plumb- ing problem• •tier moving Into their new houM. (I) MAIMN HAMUICH: THEY'RE PL.AYIHO t#V IOHQ Liu Mlnnelll, Johnny M•thll, Oa.dVI Knlghl Ind carty Simon ling IOlftl of IOdly'a grHlfft hllt Including, ''The W•y We w-." "Wha1 I Did l'or low'' 8lld ''Nobody Ooee II Belter." (%)MOVIE * • * * "Gigi" I 1958) Meut!c:e Cheveller, Leelle Caton. A tomboy being groomed by hit aunt end grendrnother Mll out on her own to c:a1Ch • 111en .• ?:JO. I ON THI TOW.. FalltUl'ld. • ,.,,,...., ...0- dlng; • vlelt to 8pego ,... IM.lrent '*"*-the wlllt lor r•Hrvetlon1 11 thr•• --•: a 11'911 10 • laughter wor11eftOP I QI 'AMILY nuC> ,IAllMU Jon Voight and Jane Fonda star in "Coming Home" tonight a t 9 o n KNBC ( 4). l<aneu City Royala 81 Cell· fornle Angela • M"A'8"H Whtie Col Potter writ• home. Frenk ancl Hot Upe hllYe • wood CllVlng made for him and ~., •eac:uet .,_ .. .., (I) TIC TAC DOUGH • MACNEIL I i..a.REA REPORT GD OAEAT ~ANC£8 "C•rmen" El•n• Obruteove end Placido Domingo ere INturecS In Frel\Co Zelflrelli'a ataglng of George Blnt'e poput., Ol*I el>Out e 11YP1Y wom- en and ,,. r~ wltl'I • aoldler •ncl • torlldor fRI T AU<JHO SEX. •. WITH VOOAI008 A penel of ••pert• en,_ queetlOna ooncemtng teltl· Ing with dllldren •bout ~lw MXU8' l09iel. l:OO IJ(I) M"A08"H While working 1'1 Ille com- bel zone, Hewlleye c:omM und., h•evy fire •nd begin• drewlng up 1119 lut wftt 8nd '"lernent. (Al D 18 UTTlE HOUH ON THEPAAIAIE ln l•h Eow11d1 ueka ,.f\Jge wllh the lngallt when 1'111 8'COhOlltm Nina 1111 m1r<11g1 end hla lrlendl IUl'n thelf l>K«a on Mm (RI G THECJMAT AMEJUCAH 81HG-ALOHO Hott. St-Allen. G""t•: T .G Sheppard, Jerry Reed, Cherllne TNlon, The C8')taln And Tennllll, Don- na Fergo • P.M. MAGAZINE A German women wt10 eeme lo the U.8 to find • hu.t>end, I betllncl IN --lootl •t. l08 ~ ... eec:on t«vlCe ., MOVIE * * • .. PromlM Her Af'ry- lhlng .. ( lllfSISI Wanen Beel· ty. laelle Ceton. A young woman 1t1empta to ftnd • mM lo merry her end act u • l•lher for her Child. eoMAr Pf#OAMAHCO "Cermen" Elene Obrazt•o.,,. 8nd Plecldo Domingo -teeturecl In FretlCO Zeffltelll'1 ltaglng Of George Btzel'• popular optt8 ebOUI e gypay wom- en 8nd her ,__. wllh • IOldler 8nd • toreador. ~MOVll *** "Alrplenll" (11180) Robert H•yt, Julie Heget· •v After .,.. lilflln«'• etew •• .,. 10 food pollOlllng, • nervou1 former war pHot le P<MMd Into t«vlCe end mutt contend with on- boerd h)'ll«la, • Mc:r911w control t-and CllcM- lltlecl rnemortee. 'PO' MOV1I * • '-' "Tullpe" (111811 Gebl K8')18". Bernadette P11er1 Wherl he falle In low, • IUlcldal man ,,.... to c:encel Ille c:onlrec:t he pul outonhlmMll (1»MOVIE • * * "The Oree! MUllS* Ceper .. (111811 Ch8rlee Grodin, Olen• Rigg Report.,.. Kermit, Fome .,,d Gonzo tr-• l•bu· IOul llolen jewel 10 Lon· oon ·a· LS)MOVlf! * * "Looker .. (11181) Alb•rt Finney, JemH Coburn The my1terl0ut dMlhl of •-* Of~ lllul model• lnvolYld In • new edvet1lllng projec:1 111 blltnld on Ille piMtlc: eurgeon wtlo 09t'•led on them ·PO' O MO~ •• * * .. The Tin °""" .. ( 19711) Oevld Bennett. Angela Wlnlller. A em .. 1>0y with utMJauet ~or perc:.puan r•lt01• polllk:a, humen c:ompenlonlhlp end ...,.., edullhOo<I end wend· .,., •bout hi• oourllty cklf. Ing Ille lurnuttuoua ~ of Ille NUI regime, rwtleaaly ~ng. loy drum. 'A' 1:30 8 (I) MUUt IN ~Tl On hit blrlhd•y. LH ennounQM thel he'• going lo New Vor11 to IMle e atab •• lllevlelon )ournallll'll. • 000 OOUPt.E Olc:er bllrlend• en attrec- llv• young lady, then flnda he mu•t compete with Feil• tor her •flec:tlon • 9:00 8 (I) MOVIE ''The Royal Rom..-Ot.. Che rt11 And Olene .. (Premlare ) Celherln• Oaenberg. Chrl1topher Bein. The lrue .tory of the r_ .,.._ l*'Y Diena 8penc:w end P"'- ChllllN le dn1rnallzed, D IBMOYll • * * * "Coming Home" (1971) J-Fonda, JOll Voight. The wit. of a Me<lne c:eplaln 11111 In tow wtlh en embltter9d par• pleglc Vl91nam -wt•en Wf\tle her huebanCI le -· -(Al (Parental dlecr• tlOn .. acMMcll • THAT'9 INCMEMel.a Feelured: en expert htl1Cflet w-. 8lemela l""4M .,. IUCOIMllully ... e<eted: • piece of a plent helpe eot\19 • blvtel lftllf• der (Al • MlfW~ Oueeta: Robert Ur'lctl, The Motel•, Gerry Lopez, Chf11topher Norl'l1. !=.OC>fMU • • "Blonde Venut" (19321 M-1ene Oleertcfl, C.,y Oram WMfl 1 wom· antrleelo~...,.... end her ~ ""119 ,,., hulClerld .. Ill, '* eftol't• IMd to .,.. Mlc:lt llfllllr. CHANNEL LISTINGS t:aolll MOYll .... "Pie)' Miity Fot Ml'' ( 1971) Cltnl IEMtwood, JeHICI Welle r. All 00......S WOfl'lefl .,,.. 10 IOl'OI hit~ upon e dllC IOC*9Y wtlo le '"9dy lmoMd -"" 81\0\Nr pt, ~MCWll 1J KNlCT ICBS) D KNBC INBCI • t<TLA (Ind.I .KABC IABCI • KFMB ICBSI D l(HJ-TV (Incl ) • KCST IA8CI e tcTTV (Incl I • KCOP TV (Ind ) • ICCET IPISI , e KOCE I PBSI 0 On TV t l TV H ~00 C ICIMMll1) t fJ IWORI NV , N V ff7> CWTBSI I IESPNI I tShowtlmf') • *t11Qn1 • ICAf>le Nf'w\ N•lworkl • * * * .. ,,,. 04MI 8ottom lkltlt" ( , .. , Dotti °"'' ~T~.A~ ~-----· Pl wtlo,.... •• .....,.. l'Mid...,...... (B)MCMI fl• .. ,.,, n. ........ . (IHI) ..... , ... lllrt .... ~... --· edding See photo above ret1s11 1te1Y• e11empt1 10 wt ~ .,.,. .. .,, ego. W • , . occupy llby• for 20 YMA· eowboy ,.,.. In tow th • 11t1ic:.i com1c wt1c> thrlwlil K.NBC (4) 9:00 -"Coming Home." A ·PO' girl he mMt• In • popu1., .. • .,., by devouring bittersweet, moving story of a paraplegic 1:ao(%)••'-''·s..1er·1te80l ;.''ry·end-••n *· (I)~ vound him. Vietnam war veteran and his love for a M1tlln Mull, TuHd•Y 12:4& (%) • • .. BIOndl venu1 .. ,_,.,,.. Weld. A happlty metrled ,...._ ••• ··ear.,.,....·· 11He1 marr1·ed woman. (Pare ntal discre tion 1111321 Menene ..,...r1cn. J F M 0 8......... Marin OOunty couple ere Ciry Grenl. When • worn--Olld•. 110 • ·-· advised.) See photo, left. 'Pll"eO by their 1ren<1v A daring~ heroine of ••c R 1 .. A neighbor• into exploflng .,, ,,._ 10 11.1ppor1 ,...,..., th• future encounter• KA BC ( 7) 10: 0 0 -r Y ape. 81\ernet~ lit.lyW. 'R' end ,.,., Ctllld wt\111 her 11renge 1181U._ _,vii· terrified rape victim mistakenly identifies 1:00CC)•u "l'llCryTomor-=:c'1r1':t!i.'::' ... ~ona ~ ... ~ .• byPO.• an innocent man as her assailant. row" 111155) Suaan Hey-1:30 •• .. c .1111AnnleAncS .,,....,,,__,_..,.. werd. Alcherd Conte. 10'.30 • INOINNOf.NT Acir-Ulllen Aoth ttrug• Litlle Brllt'-.. ( 11181 I Burt NfTWOMNIWI ••• "Moby Didi" (ltse) their modeat ~ to glM wllh elcoflollem end• LancMler. JoM Sevega. • U.8. ~ Gregory Ped!, Alctl¥d ltepper9. flldlng cat-. Two tough ouU•wt 1*11 up "Junior High School.. 8eMf1er1 BMed on IN 1:tS(fi)MOVlf. g *"""A s.i>etete •pelt or t_,_ege gt"-end Tr•dltlonal aduc:e tlonal __ .... ..., ......._ __ ~ *** .. L ...... """ For Mr. p~" (1"721 P· .... er St• Ilk• lhlrn along on their velu11 ere mee1ur1d ,..,...... ~, .._.,_, -·-· """""' -• .... lld-..rrturee. 'PO' The c:.ota1n or the wt\lller Goodbat" (1971) ~ -·John Heyl. When e 1 * "Ht1rry"t W., .. 1Qelntl Ille rMllty of mid· .. Pequod" bec:om11 KMlon, TUMOay Weld. A prep t c:hool 11uden1 119811 Edwtlfd Herrmann, d~. euburban )unlor caught up In • l>IOodthlrtty 1oclally r1pre11ed euHere • pertllyzlng felt. his G«eldlne Pege A .,,,.,.. h~•· quHI lo< vengeence 1ohoolle1c:h1r H•k• roomme11 wr•t ... with 9 MOVIE egeln11 .,, elus/YI whll• excitement by frequenting h .. own gult1 l•llng1 et>out tow~~"': comee ...!: ,. • * '-' "H .. rtlend" whale. elnglM b.,. end luring Vet· the accldlnl.'PG' tr.. 0 eunt, (19811 Rip Tom. Conc:h•t• • MOVIE lout "*' lnlO ~nigh! 9:00(%)•••• "T"*'-Lllt• -Ille IAS ba tu" Ferr .. t A rancfler 8nd Na • * * "0.WM" ( 195-CI tllnda. 'A' lie" (1974) Keith Ct1rre-'PO' hOUHllHper l•c• lh• Merion Brendo, ,,..,, Sim-1:JO . ~ Al/Tff'f dine. Stllliey Duvel. Thr• 2:00 ••• .,.. .. Mornmle rlgor'I or frontier life In mon1 Nec>Oleon Bon•-Cl)-.. .. ~ llCaped c:onvlc:t1 Ml off O.•r11t" (11181~ 1910W)'omlng. 'PG' ' ..... lltt • * • * .. H .. rtlend" on • c:rltne IP'• ..,......., Ounew~. ~ · (Z)t.IOVIE =.;;-.:.-::.-:.11 ~ (1979) Alp Tom. Conc:hate the Oec>r~ ~v;·~~ Fonlet film tttlf Joen •• .,.. "Th• Looney, Loo-roung MMllU.. wtlo Femlll. A ~aotOl'8 wl(I. South Cf.wtord r.... her 1WO M'f, loonay ~Bunny r~ahlmloranolher. -tllk•herYIM'CI~ e:ao • **"'"StrengeCat· ~ a~n~ Moille" (tNll At*nldld. m LOW.AMINCAN ter aaoee the II'..,_ In go" (19401 Cl8l1l Gable, vllf1M from luxwtoue com- Volcel by Mt! ~ • .MM l'TYLa the Atnettcwl ~or Joen Cr•wford. After Foray. New mataNI It "L-AnCI The For-1910. 'PO' eecap1ng from • pena1 lort 10 Mdletlc: dlac:IC>tll'll. b1enOec1 ""1h old In 1hll Tree" ~ 8 QI Nee ..wt ltlancl, • Ofoup ol IMll llnd 'PO' c:omplletlon Of C11N1c: Fritz Ill MOV'IE OYENmHT PHct end h1pplneH 2:15 (%) • *"' "Cruy Merna" Freleng "Looney TunM" • * "Shedow In The I NIW8 through rellglon. ( 1975Sol Clorte • L~lng· l••lurlng Bug1, O•tf" 2•.1• MOW!._.... 10-m • * • ""-'-1 ..... st~ Ann 1'*"· " 11•vvv• ..._ , Streel•.. (1111551 Dene .. ._..,... ...,., .,..,_ ,,,... ~ femlty run• Into tough luQk Dud!, Porlly r ,.., V08er'nlte Andrews. ry'' (19511 Klrll Oouglu, In Al'llanau Ind endl up e Sam, TWeelle Pie Ind oth-(%)MOVIE • *'" ··s.-ie1" (19801 M•· EIMnc>f Perller. A .... Cltlmlnel band on the lam In ~lr~0• the certoon • * • .,.. "The Mt111 WhO tin Mull, Tueeday Weld A voni City delec:llYe 1nac:k1 Calltornta ·PO' --WouMJ Be Kln9'' (111751 h11>9lly merrled Merln hie worll with • menlecel -IU\ 0 11:00 I CE NEWS a_, UlJ • • •• ,...., light· IATVN>AYNIQHT s.an Cofloery. Mld!MI County couple tlfl IPUffed Miii unlit the effect• beQWI nlng" (1971) Alc:herd Holl; Brooendl ~tlWfofd. c-:~._, on the .tTory ~o":~ =.ti;: ~'Y l ..... 1n.: ~ Pryor, a..u enog-. An.t by ""-•-d Klpling. WO ........,.,.. ....,, "• -~1v-, Wof'ld W8' II, e t&lll dflYer Oueel: Or Jolin. 8'1118" IOldlerl Mt OU1 to llfwtyte&. 'A' r•ttonefllpe ~ IN l'lrll IMacll. I MADAMl'I PlACe delm the rlchM and~ 2!IO g MOYIE CC) * * * "OMth In Ven-M" A "l"H *** "All .......,t Lnnn" ........ (1"71) Dirt! ....__ ..... , ~In the hlalory of or • ramote, llgendery .. ,.... ~-. ...,. • _... lher~droull 'PO' The 40nth oomplic:at• klngdolli 'PO' (ttl11 Gene Hec:tunan. Sllv-Mengano. During ll:48 CZ)* •'4 "Seri81" (19'0) the encSHVOft or two ll:JO e OOUPt.U Batt>t• s1rei-io. Artat hi• .t•Y et • p1ue11 v-tec:r'M -Ill ln-t"'•"-• ._,._ ....__ ~ fr M•rlln Mull, Tueedey __.. ..,..~... _..,,.,.. being .,.,..,,.., om c:o<· tlan hOtll. en eolnQ oom-Weld. A 11app11y marnecs MCtt other. • ·~ "AIOI 0'1 SunMt POf•I• •llec:ulM 10 Chain-poe« ~, .... young Merln County eouple ere e ST'NETIOfllAH Slrlp" (tllfST) Aldo Ray, etore night rnanager, • Adonlt wtlO becomee 1111 epurred by lhllf trendy ~ Mlmay F.,mer. A pOllo.-~ man'• ...._ • Ideal of metc:h,... ~. neighbor• Into explot1ng Slone oonducta • relent· man'• deughter bec:orrlet etyle end vaiu. -tllfned CID * * * "AollerOOMter" .iiernatlvl llr.tytea. ·R· IMe -di !Of'• P<ri wtlO In~ In no.• and drvge ~·'A' (11177) 0-ge s.gal, Tim-•!OOG • • .. The~·• ... 1t10t dollln • C09 ""• on lkintM Sltlp, ~ 8 MOYll oth)' Bottome. A 111ety dav-beforehlar91w.ment. e LOYl,AMlrtlC.U. **"" ".kNtrrWf To The 1n1pector dHP•••••ly ~ Ch=Ph•; I 9Ul .... IWllOftr l'TYU • C4n1er Of Timi" (1N1} elttn19te to find the extor· ;;.:;-· ~QOM U:.:., OOCT°" .. THE "love And The l.Mt Jolie" Scotl lfwf)', 04gl ,.__,, Oonl1t who le plenllng IOI" of • "°'* CD)MOW A tr<IUP ol Ir~ ftnd homemade ·~ In co..... M 8 member 1 Loftue ~ Dunc:en to * * "The Blue L.egoon'' ~ nppect In • America'• IMdlng _... roed 9etl9 to effect the •_ .......... lo ............... _ °' ........ .--..... ... _. ....... 'PO' eec:ape or eiJI conw:t• wtlO ,_,.. '""' ..,w_,_ Clt801 BrOOl!I Shllldl , ..,,,. WW'P ·--"' nom , .,_.,__ ftMClld I bfeell HMlttl. Chrtetopfllr Atlllne. rwo one mllllon l.C. to • -. Cl)••• "North By .,. 0 up • 11:ao•CE T!WtNll.JOHH. t--Of"'9Mure. ...........__, .. (19591 c--~of bOOtleggen CINI-_._,, cNld!ren or-to -"·-.._ .. ._ -· l!lgln"'°°""11ne M.O. acloiMcel-on a ..mot41, t:OO a ..wt Orent, £111 Merle Selnt. All Ct) * * .. The LMI Gir.tf9" Tr..,.,_ end Gonzo 11y to SOulh P8Clflc: llland end 1:11('.C')MOYll adwf'tlllng man'• Mte 11 (1117111 SuMn An191Ch, keep • Vietnam WI wtlO ~ tr.. parioe of ••• "Alfplanel" (19'0) c:hlflged drMllc:ally when Simon Werd. The lrue ito-lhot • po9I from being llrtt IOw. 'A' Aober1 Hll'fl, .Julie Heoer-he .. mlllelten for • CIA loclcld aw..., until UM)I can e MOVltl ty. Aner .,, llrtlner'• c:rww ~I. ry of Betty Md Jock f •outwh)'hldlOH.(A) •• "MeMnAnd H-d" , ... to loocl poleonlng,. • •• .,.. .. TorctlSong" ~~·of~n!.~ •at..wt (19'01 Paul LeMet, Jeeon MM>Uttormer-pllotl8 (tt53) Jo•n Crewford, (I)•• "YCJUnOAndFree'' YOU AtKID '°" rT Aoberd1. All OlherwlM preeMd Into MrvlCe end Mlc:hael Wilding. A Broed-.,......._ FMhHed: "The Humen unknown gu e1ellon mwt COfltMd ~ -....., eler IOwd eec:retty by (t979l Erik W-, "'""rn Ante OI South Arnettce" ellendMI delm9 to be 1t1e boetd hytl«ia, e MetelM e blind plenitl IMde en LMMn A >'Ollll9 Motmon end "The lllrcl Thel FllM ol _, ~ .......... boy ,_ meny ~· .. he ·~." rtgnllul heir ro HowerCI COfltt •-empty •l'ICI unMI ~,.,.. •PProec:hff edulthooct . ..,,,___ HuOhH' bllllon dollar Mad"'*-* 'PO' .._ ·PO' • THIMriMiOHI •ta ... 'A' (l)MOYll 11;tt(%)••~ .. TheLooney, '4:30. ** ·~ac..t " Nac>oleOn _, Uneoln 12!40. (I) COl.UM90 ••••.. .._ 0-,'I LOOM)'. LOOM)' lkloe IN\-And The MY91erone From can do It, ~Ill betl9¥W A '"Y*tel'Y Wl1ler -one ......,. In Teen" (tMO) ny Movie'' (tNtl Alllrnet· Mera" 119111 Pu1>1>9tl. he c:en 100. of her own f1c:11ona1 murder Vere Alentove, Aleiiat Id. Volcee by Mel II-. C-.>teln Scarlett QOM Into e CMtTlOHID A10 p;ot1 10 _..,.,. the O..th Batatov. Thnle country "'-Foray. New mlteriel deep llCMIOI~ .top the NIWI Of ,,., ni-. glrie with -...t fOall II blended with old In thll d....... M-terone ~om Q'.I AIO NIWI end~ lftOll'ltO IN big c:ompll1llon of clMelc: Frill ...,,, ,. NIGHTUNI 1:00 8 QI LATI! NIGKT Wfn4 ..-lo .,...__ their 1111111'-Fr..._,,, "L-. Tunee" deetrO)'lng Earth. ~~ OAVIO'~•w _., ..-~ _,.. --• t:OOCll>**"ThunderblrdaTo Ui&J-•~ ...,, ,__.. tlonl. leelurlng 8ug1, 0 •11)' -... ***"" "81oodbtoltlen" 0.-te: OOl'nldlane Bob l:M(B)MOYll Duell, Potky Pig, Voe.ntta ~.~::e~: (1971) Alcllwd Oete. Tony = ~lat":.= •• "Al The Mattllle" 8em, T-..le Pie and otll-clelty equipped rock•• Lo l!llanco, A )'OllllO tMn (IHI) Pet• ,... 8oM1 «• from Ille cerloon ......... mual -the ..._ dateltobtMlt~lrlld-endhilclogManAay.(A) VOuftO A ~ ...._ -* ·o· .. ...,. ltlon by worlllflt In • llOapl> I = ~ orac111nt ~ P1** 11:ao e • • "Knl0htr10an" ~ .::;::::= on tal~fotcfllldr•H•tt. •flM ''The Ilg Cam!WI'' hie !WO)..,,,... wr...-. (1H1) Ed ~ Oaty 1:11C%>••"Lootc•"(tNI) ~~~OOMtNO-~IMtot>. 'A' llfllt, A "'°""of blll.,. Albert Finne~. J eme1 ·-·--" (IHI) Klr1I DouglM. Jen ridewlttlatrawlnOrllNll-,._..__ The ___.__ (Jj)MOYWI Sleflnt. In Otder to booet 4:00.MOYll --felr and ~ ....,._.. "'1·-- * • "Harry·• W•" (1H11 hi• careat, 1 r9')0rt• * • * "Hloll Allk'' (tNI) thet the ldMlletlO etrugolt o..111e oh_... of~ Edwerd Herrmenn, o.r• ~ the ~ Of JMltl lrolln. Qeevoll Ut· .....,,.. ~ •xlela In lft06. '""' mocSele ln-.oMd In • OIM P1ge. A llftll.town the .... °' • "'811 tr~ tie. A trio °' or.or '"9ndl em tlmee llleo. .... ,.... ectwnlelng pro)lc:t poetmen -to ..,. a6cl In • ~ ptOI ,,... ,ooci.ry °' • ""'-t~ • * * "The Lat Womtn II• blamed on the plM1tc of 11111 -1, wtlo OWll the 1:10 (C) MOY11 lloll dOlllre from • ~II On Earth" (1H1) Anthony tu<OIQll wttO opereted on .., ............. ••w-,.,,,, ,.., An...ioen d""" Cleelw. 'A' C ...... .. .J them. 'PO' ,,.. --,..... • * * "AM\lm Vl A Mlfl ·-. .,...,.,., I~ °""" l:M (H) * ·~ "lladl 9-itf' (Ill•• FM: THI MAN Ctllld HorM" ( 1971) Alofl.. (I) MOYll ' ' Moret end. l'ollOwlng e ( t"? t) M-, --. w..-...0 THI GINIUI •d Hentl. U. Soncler• **** "0101" (IHI) nudMt ~. ttw.. ~ ~-;-.,_;;; .,...,. ~y portr1y9 ~· An 1ng11111 LMd M-a a-..... ~ t*ln divert lleOOllW hrttl'e by ~ ...... A P'cM AltMtt ..... In Wiie OM-r.Cwne to AIMttca .,_. Ceron. A ~ ~ --~ end 1 uo 1wL ........ men 9'M* llPM • ttie hi ....,_ 1Mt IN llouJC Of'OCMMd by'* aunt end (Bl** "~er"(tHll ,...... N .. llrlOt• ll'etlonntno 1nc11w ""° Wllllttd tllrfl erw~ IMI 0\11 on Alll•rt P:lnney. J•m•• hOfN ...,..._ ~ C-.. In Loe~ 11110 "'* ..,.,. N1V1 1o1t 11er own to oetct1 •'""' ~. r... ~ ....._ __... 11: .. Cl) MOYtl . * * * ''The HUl'Mt" ( tt1t) 1-.~.ow• led\. .... ..,,.,. .. Thor· _ ...... ..,..,_. ... •• .........,.. lloun1y ,...,'fl'O' • 1 ..... :L'"'~°' Hott: Joflnny CerlOfr. °"""" Olwtel ~ "9111 ............. ""'°' luanq.JOl'll ....... .,., -~AM9fT ~ " .......... *"' ~ .. .._ ....... ...... .-m.-• ltlCMI JOHN DARLING . .. , .. llllJPllll ClASSIFllD , MONOAV, SEPT 20, 1082 C6 • 1nce lllakes pitch ~ for J starting · r~le • ' Delly Not ~ .., Gery MlbfoM ~endell Tyler of the Rams finds himself in a Lions' d en during Sunday"s 19-14 loss. I • I . .f:\ngels, Royals get down to business : It's showdown time in the American League Weit. t' Through no real spectacular play on the An els' part -they just finished a so-so 4-3 road tri -but rather thanks to some unexpected ger rosily by the Minneso~ Twins, the Ang~~ ~d Kaflsas City open a crucial three-game series in ~eim tonight in a flat-.footed t.ie f~r first_. ' The game, which will be televised live on Chjnnel 5, will feature a pair of left-handers. Geoff Zaljn ( 16-8) gets the starting assignment tonight agmnst KC's Larry Gura (17-10). ! And. suddenly, the schedule doesn't seem ~ favpr Kansas City anymore .. ~e Royals have six ga.rpes with the Angels remam.ing (three home and ~ away) and seven with Oakland (four home, thn!e away). I The Angels play Kansas City six times and Tebs seven times lthree home, four away). < Sunday, the Angels got a lift from Bruce ~n. who pitched a glittering four-hitter as the Ani7els topped Toronto, 5-1. --""f' "We had no idea what to expect from him ~use his back stiffened in his last outing against C:hfcago," said Manager Gene Mauch. "I had a leffhander ready to replace him if he had trouble wi the first batter." Third baseman Doug DeCinL'eS had the only American League Weat Angels Royals w 84 84 L 65 65 OAMIS M MAMNG Pct. .564 .564 GB ANCMEU (11 <-: HOME (8): Sef>t. 20, 21, 22. Keneu City; 0c:t 1, 2, 3, r ...... A.WAY (T). Sef>t 23, 24, 2!1, H . r ..... Sept 27. 28. 29. Ken-City KANSAS CITY (13) -HOME (7) Sepl 27. 28. 29. A~ Sept 30. 0c:t 1. 2. 3. O•lend AWAY (81 Sept 20. 21. 22. ,.,..._; Sept 24. 26. 28. Oulend Angels run batted in and It proved to be the winner in the first inning. Two runs scored on rookie third baseman Dave Baker's two-base error and a pair of wild pitches by rookie Mark Eichhorn, 0-2. allowed two more runs to score. After losing the first two games of the fdur- game set with Toronto. Mauch was asked 1f he was relieved to be heading home on even terms with the Royals. "It's a lot better than belng a game behind," he replied. "And I don't look ahead to Kansas City as a series. ''I th1nk of one game at a time. If we go in hoping to take two out of three and don't, what are we supposed to do? Slash our wrists?" Kison retired the first 14 batters he faced Sunday before issuing consecutive walks in the fifth. The Blue Jays collected three consecutive hits in the sixth for their run. • The Toronto run, driven in by Al Woods, cut the Angels' lead to 2-1 and the Angels replied with three tuns in the seventh. DeCinces led off with a double to left. Second baseman Damaso Garcia then fielded Reggie Jackson's soft grounder, but tried unsuccessfully to catch DeCinces sliding into third. Alter Brian Downing struck out, Fred Lynn walked to load the ba9e9 and DeCinces raced home on a wild pitch, moving Jackson to third and Lynn to second. Juan Beniquez bounced to third, but Baker's throw was. ofC the mark and Jackson and Lynn scored easily. Rod Carew led off the Angel first wilh a bizarre triple. Moseby seemed poised to make the out on a high Uy to shallow center field, but the ball fell five feet in front of him. Garcia and shortstop Alfredo GriUin had also given chase. DeCinces followed with a groundout and Carew scored. The Angels went ahead 2-0 in the fourth when Rob Wilfong stroked a ground-rule double, went to third on a groundout and scored on Eichhorn's first wild pitch. u s ton's Dickie Thon scores as Dodger catch er Mike Scioscia misses the ball (arrow) . Will season end with Rams 0-2? By JOHN SEV ANO 0( IM Dlllly Hot Stalt The truth, often times, Is not always kind. And, there are a lot of unkind truths about the Rama. Fact: The Rams, although talented, are not as good a football team as previously tho<.aght. Fact: Bert Jones, although talented, ls not as good a quarterback as previously tl)ought. Fact: The entlre Bert Jones acquisition Is an appareqt bust. Can you imagine how the Rams might have improved themselves 1r they retained their first and second round draft picks instead of sending them to Baltimore? Fact: Vince Ferra~amo, despite his poor showing in Canada, hasn t lost a step as far as his ability in the NFL. If anything, Ferragamo might be better in 1982 than he was ln '79 and '80. FACT: FERRAGAMO, without question, should be· the starting quarterback. Strike update .•• Page C3 Fact: Coach Ray Malavasi won't make the necessary quarterback switch because he ha.s vowed to stick with Jones, regardless of the outcome. Fact: The Rams lost another football game, this time to the Detroit Lions, 19-14, before 59,470 at Anaheim Stadium. Of course. everything the Rams have -or haven't -accomplished thus far may all be for naught if Tuesday's expected strike by the players proceeds as scheduled. But even If a walkout does take place, it's going to be hard not to look back. once things get settled, and see just what Ferlagamo is doing for the team. "He's scoring points for us. That's the bottom line," commented one player who asked to remain anonymous. "I CAN'T TELL you why we played better under Vince than Bert. We didn't do anything differently . It's just maybe we feel more comfortable with Vince. He's been here before. We've seen what he can do." And, apparently the fans have seen enough of what Jones CAN'T do. As early as midway through the second quarter Sunday, the fans started their chants of "We want Vince. We want Vince." And, a quarter later, they cheered again when it looked as if Jones had been injured on a running play. The fact of the matter is Jones did hurt himself. pulling a hamstring in his left leg, but he refused to come out. Jones gamely stayed 10 for one more down, but when it was apparent to Malavasl that Jones was favoring his left side, he sent in Ferragamo as a replacement. Jones. unsuspecting of the move, did a noticeable double-take as Ferragamo came charging on the field to the wild accept.ance..oL.the-fans. Ferragamo not only finished the drive, but he finished the game, almost rallying the Rams, in the process, from a 16-0 deficit. Ferragamo fell short of that bid, but didn't in another as he pounded a few more nails in Jones' coffin. (See FERRAGAMO, Page C4) At least Malavasi's _ not worried By CRAIG RUSSELL o<tMo.llJ ......... What's wrong with the Rams? The question came up following the Rams' collapse in the second half last week against Green Bay. You know the story ... leading 23-0 at halftime Los Angeles gave up five second-half touchdowns without countering with any to loee, 35-23. The answer last week was nothing. It was just one of those things. And Coach Ray Malavasi promiaed it would be a different team that would take the field Sunday in the Rams' r egular season home opener against the Detroit Lions at Anaheim Stadium. "We will play good football Sunday," was how he worded it at his weekly press conference Tuesday. odgers seek help from Astros after heating them When he was reminded that he aaid that prior to the Green Bay game, Mal•vasi responded, "Yean, but I've never been wrong twice In a row." In that cue, hlatory wu made in Anaheim Sunday. Even with the blue and gold promo\iOn and the hanaln1 ou.t of RAMbunctiOUI bumper stickers, the Rama put on another d1amal performance. l~ to the Llonl 19-14. center in the bottom of the 10th inning, the tying and winning runs raced home and the Dodgers pulled out another one, beatlug the Astroe, 5-4. So, instead of having their lead trimmed to 1 ~ games, the Dod&en clJng to a 2~-game advania,e heading into \he flnal two weeks of tile eeuon. Loe Angeles hu 12 games left, Atlanta haa 13 remaining. The Dodgers' latest vkt ory was a •tunning one. After belnc blanked the night before. they were tta11Jn1 acaln. 3-0. when Ron Cey eent a charge thl'Ol.tgh the near-capidty crowd of '8,· 110 with a three-run homn·in the sixth, a whiatlJng liner that cruhed into the left field pavilion. Then, when the Altrol pwhed ....,_ a run ln the top of the 10\h, It appeattd th.e Dod~era were about to squander another strong pitching job by Fernando Valenzuela. "Nah, I didn't give up, not at all," said Guerrero. "To me, the ,game never looked loet. Even when the other team aoores 10 runs In the flnt inning, I feel we can come back." ln the bottom of the 10th, tralllns. 4-3, the Dodgers got a runner on flnt, but there were two outa, when Ken Landreaux singled to rtght off relJewr Frank LaCorte, 1-&. That brought Steve Garvey to the plate, and he walked, only the ninth tlme he'• walked all eeaon (other than ef.lht Intentional peilM!e). The A.ltrct tirou«ht on Bert Rot....-. a noted fork ball pitcher, to work to Guerrero: who Is having his finest eeuon. Roberge tollled up two fork bal.la, both balls, then a third one that Guerrero ripped for his game-winning hit. Valenzuela, 19-12, has loet aome tough ones lately and he took Sunday's win ln stride, aaying, "You lose some close games, then you win one like this. Yes, baseball hu a way of balandnJt out." Tho1,1ah the pe1ky Aattoe j,eppered Fernando for a dc>&en hits, only one was fpr extra bun, a double by Phil Gamer. and It'• the one that nearly sent Valenzuela down to hla fourth loa In five dedllona. (he DODGERS. P.,e Cl) • h marks the third year in a row that a MalavMi...cc>11Ched Loe AngelH team has started the .euon 0-2. Before Malavul came alof\I, the Rama hlidn't oPened the eeuon 0·2 since the 1983 club under Harland Svare io.t lta flnt ~: on lta way to a &·9 So .,.ybe now the~ ot what'• WfOnl with the RUN la (8" LUU'. Paae Q) ('I Or1nge CoHt DAILY PILOT /Monday, September 20, 1882 A's pitcher caught napping in Chicago From AP dispatches CHICAGO -Oak land A's la pitcher Steve McCatty was scra&.ched from hla starting assignment against the Ch icago White Sox Sunday because he overslept, club ofCiclals said. McCatty, 9-6, missed his wakeup call and arrived at Comiskey Park just a few minutes before the l:l5 p.m. CDT start. according to club S{>Okesman Mickey Morabito. l McCATTY Billy Martin Morabito said. Less than 12 hours earlier, the team had left the park after sweepin.c a twi- night doubleheader from the White Sox. The nightcap lasted three .hours, 56 minutes, tying a record for the lengthiest nine-inojng game in American Lef.gue histoty. "McCatty was honest about it and A 's Manager was pretty understanding," Preston Hanna started in place of McCatty. McCatty entered the game with two out in the third inning after the White Sox had taken a 5-2 lead. Quote of the day Coach Denni s G r een , whos e Northwestern team extended its record losing streak to 32 games, bowing to Indiana, 30-0: "We have made some strides. We had some opportunities to get in there and score. but I didn't think we could get shut out by anybody." Durham puts slug on Expos' hopes Leon Durba m slammed a two-·• run homer with one out in the eighth inning Sunday to lift the Chicago Cubs to a 7-5 victory over Mont.real, to complete a three-game sweep of their series and just about oust the Expos from the National League East pennant chase. It was Durham's 22nd homer of the year . . . Elsewhere, JobD Stuper ii'lrtf Doug Bair combined to scatter seven"" hits and Wlllle McGee's run- scoring single highlighted a two-run fourth inning as St. Louis w o n its seve n straig ht, 3 -1 over New York ... Rafael Ramirez , C l audell Washington and Jerry Royster drove in two runs apiece to pace Atlanta to a 6-1 victory over Cincinnati. The DURHAM Braves remained 2 1;z games behind the Dodgers in the West . . . Man.ny Sarmiento pitched a six-hitter and drove in two runs to help Pittsburgh rout Philadelphia, 8-1, and drop the Phillies 4 'A games behind St. Louis . . . Rookie Tom O'Malley'1 single with one out in the bottom of the 11th inning gave San Francisco a 4-3 decision over San Diego. The win was the eighth in 10 games for the Giants, while the Padre$ lost for the e1'bth time in nine outings. Haas outlasts Adams in sudden death Jay Haas subdued stubborn Job.n n Adams with a routine par on the second hole of a sudden-death playoff Sunday for the title and the $45,000 firs t prize in the Hall of Fame Classic in Pinehurst, N.C. Haas, who came from three strokes off the pace with a no-bogey final round of 66. was forced to the playoff when the gritty Adams rolled in a 15-foot birdie putt on the last hole of regulation play . . . Sandra Haynie and Kathy Mc""Mallen combined for a 7-under-par 65 to win the Ping Team championship by two strokes. Haynie and McMullen finished with a 54-hole score of 2Q-under-pllr 196 in the LPGA event . . . Billy Casper captured his second straight tournament on the Senior PGA tour by sinking a 12-foot birdie putt on the fourth extra hole to win the Newport, R.1., event in a sudden-death playoff over Bob Toaki. Both golfers were tied at 10-under-par 206 after 54 holes of regulation play on the Newport Court Club's 6,566-yard course. Dauer keepa Orlolee on Brewer•' trail Riera o .. ur'• two-out, lOth-lnnlna h<Hntt ruf1 S\md•y i•v Ill Saltimora 1 dramatJc 4 2 vk'tory over Cl vtland and kf!pt th hlah-tlylna OrtolM ~t two pmt'I txohlnd Mllwaukt-c In tht> ~rlcun LMa\.K' Eut Thi-victory wu th 26th in 31 11m01 for B•hlmore, whlrh aot u complete-aame pt'dc>rrnum·t• from Mike FllDllh, 16-10 . . Eln•wht•ro, Milwaukee ~ protected Ill lt•ad H Paul 1 W' Molitor drillt'd u thrt•t•·run homer ond Gorman Tbom11 Added £t two-run blast In lht' Brew rt' 14· 1 romp over New York. Mllw uk tied a team re<.'Ord with a nine-run eighth Inning . . . Gary Gaettl slugged his &e<.'Ond grand 11lam of the season l o h el__p Mlnm.'IOta oreeze put Kansas - City, 9-4, and sweep their three-game eerie9 . . . Carney LanlforCl'1 first grand slam of his career helped Bolton edge Detroit, 6-4 . . • Gres Lullb1kl knocked In five tuna and Steve Kemp homered and drove In tlvee runs to pace Chicaio to an 8-3 triumph· over Oakland Rookie catcher Orlando Mercado clouted a grand slam for his first major-league hit -the tint time that's happened In modern baaeball history -as Seattle downed Texq, 9-7. Th<.' winning pitcher was Edwla Nueat prnenUy the youngest player in the majors. Baseball today On this date In baseball 1973: WUUe May &8cball's "Say Hey KJd"- announced his reltrement, effective at the end of the season, ending a brilliant 22-ycar career with the New York-San Francisco Giants and the New York Meta. On this date in 1969: Pittsburgh's Bob Moose pitched a no- hitter aglan.st the New York Mets 4-0 al Shea Stadium. On this date in 1968: New York Yankees' slugger Mickey Mantle belted the 536th -and last - home run ·of his career, a solo shot off Boston's Jim Lonborg at Yankee Stadium. Tulsa surprises Oklahoma State, 25-15 Tulsa fullback Mlcbael Gaater reeled off a 41-yard fourth-quarter • touchdown run and place-kicker Stu Crum added a school-record four field goals, to lead the Hurricane to a 25-15 victory over Oklahoma State Sunday night in Tulsa. The swarming Hurricane defense insured the win over the favored Cowboys a few minutes after Gunter's TD run, stopping Oklahoma State running back Ernest .Anderson twice at the goal line . . . Indy car rookie Heeter Rebaque inherited the lead when Al Unser stopped on the last lap and went on to win Sunday's Road America 200 in Elkhart Lake, Wis. . . . The sixth -seeded team or Brian Gottfried and Raul Ramirez won the World of Doubles tenn is championship Sunday in Ponte Vedra, Fla .. when the third-seeded team of Australians Mark Edmondson and Kim Warwic k failed to show up ... Jim Kelly, Miami's senior quarterback who suffered a separated shoulder in Saturday's 14-8 victory over Virginia Tech. is expected to undergo surger y today that will end his collegiate career, school officials said Television, radio Following are the top sporU events on TV tonight. Ratings are: vvvv excellent; vvv worth watching; V' v fair; V' forget it. 9 6 p.m., Channel 7 v v v ·- NFL FOOTBALL: Green Bay at N.Y. Giants. Aanoaocers: Frank Gifford, Howard Cosell and Don Meredith. In what may be the final NFL game before the strike. the Packers visit New York trying for a sec;ond straight victory. Green Bay came from 23 points down to top the Rams, 35-23 in its opening week. New York is 0-1, having Jost to Atlanta ~~· . 6 7:30 p.m.t Channel 5 v V V V BASEBALL: Kansas City at Angels. Annoucera: Bob Starr and Ro'l Fairly. It's a showdown for first 1-lace in the American L eagu e West, with the Angels expected to send Geoff Zahn (16-8) against Larry Gura (17-10) of the Royals. The two teams enter lhe crucial series with identical 84-65 marks. RADIO Baseball -Kansas City at Angels, 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710). Foo\ball -Green Bay at New York Giants, 6 p.m ., KNX (1070). Servite, Marina still 1-2 in poll This week's -prep football "'°" acHOOL TM9 weell'I eotMdUle <;;;:--•> IOAY Four of Orange County's to~ 10 prep football teams lost over the weekend, but Serviles 29-15 aetback to national power Moeller High of Ohio failed to bump the Frian out of the No. 1 position. Edison. a 6-0 loser at Vista, dropped from No. 3 to No. 6 and Santa Ana and Capistrano V8l.Iey fell out of the top 10, replaced by Saddleback and El Dorado, respectively. Servile had Moeller down by a 15-14 margin through three quarters and quite possibly exhibited the best paaing game within the Orange County structure in the process. Marina continues to hold its No. 2 spot. but that position will be tested Friday by FoothiJJ's KnJghta, who have moved into Ediaon'1 vacated No. 3 slot. Foothill ii 2-0 after surging past CapistTano Valley and Fountain Valley and the Knights' only W. in a 13-1 CIF Southern Conference championship 1ea10n a year ago was a non-league 1etback to Marina (24-14). They'll meet Friday night at Ora.nae Cout College. In other 6ig games~ week, Ediaon meets perennlal Loa Anlcelel power Banning at ~im Stadlum Saturday night and Miulon Viejo plays host to the ''other" Loa An,e.let1 power, Canon, a.lao Saturday nlsht. Huntington Beech v1. Lo1 Amlgoa at Garct.n Grow Loe Allot vt. Malet Del at 8A Bowl 80IM Gr91\de VL Savanna at La Palma Park A1ncho Alamlto• v1. WHter11 at Bolu Grenet. Fullet1on VI. Kenn410Y ., W•tetn M8QllOlla at Buena Parll L8 Wllaon VI VIiia Petll at El Modena frNOAY 81 P1ul v1 Founleln Velt.y at Cerr1to1 College Foothllt VI. Marina 11 Orange CoMt College Newpol1 Harbor II W•tmlnater Ocean View VI Cypf-11 W•tem Captetrano Valley VI Corona d•I Mar at ~Hlllbor Eatencil ., San Clement• lrvtn. It Tutllft Univet*'Y w Ugu,,_ Hiit 81 MiMIOn VlejO 8~ at La Habtl El T«o at V819nda Elelnoft II Ltgunl ~ Orange VI Woodbftdge at lrvtna Dene Hille ti lwi'MtrGOe.1.. (8.D.). 7 45 C..yon v.. Kalella at La f'tlma Part! L.otra at Owct.n Otow PeGllloa al Et Modena Pot. Team, ·record 1. Servile (0-1) 2. Marina (2-0) 3. Foothlll (2·0) 4. Jl'Mperanza (2·0) S. Mater D.t (2·0) e. Ed1mn <~-1> Dally Pilot Top Ten ... 7. El Modena (2.0) 8. Million Viejo (2·0) 9. Sadd1ebKk (2-0) 10. El Dondo (1-1) n11 week Idle Foothill Marina La Quinta Loe Altoll s.nntns Pldfica Canon La Habra Sunny Hilla El Dorlldo VL Sunny HUI• ••• Buena Plfk &peranu v.. La Qutnla at 80IM Or~ E~ldo w. Sanla Ana at Santa An• Bowl Santa Ana Vfllleot II Ltut'"Oef Sonora II 8'M-Olindl AnaMlfn vt. Troy al Fulltlton Delnterl 11 Blahop Amel I.A Wath~ al Serr• l.OyOla ., l\tt.-11 TW ,....._ ft, Ubel1y CMetien II Mlll lqutte Pll'll, 111 m IATUMAY lenftinO VI ldltol\ It Metltinl lledllim (I Pl'I\) Colle ...._. VI Loe A*Tlllot et w .. i.n C#toll II Mittlotl ~ .... ,_ ,llnlrldo• Prep at Oap111r1no vellt1' Olwlll..,, f p.m """°'1 Chf!lllM al P...o.nt Poty, I P m • J, Delly Piiot Ptlolo by fllcMrd K* .. I Ron Cey of the Dodgers is greeted b y teve Garvey and Rick • Monday after three-run homer Sunday. . , . .. ,. Ruby Lady among DODGERS. From Page C1 •l 1•l • • ~ • Argosy winners Gar m·r doubled to lt'fl wit h onC' out 1n th<' top of the 10th. and JoM· Cruz followed with ll s 1 n g I c· N l' x t . Lu 1 s Pu j o ~ grounch•d to Ai(•>. T avera'- play111g third in plot'<! of Cey. anlj he• nall1'Cl Gam<>r m a rundown lluwl!vc·r , Tony Scott followc•d wnh a stngk· to drive in Cruz and put thl• As tru. ahead But thev didn't st<.iy on top for lung "" Fifty-nine weary skippers and crews sailed home to Newport Sunday after a rare to Cabnllo Beach Yacht Club followed by a night of partying Saturday. The event was Newport Ot'C•:m Sailing Association's annual Argosy. on<' or three events thl· organization sponsors throughout the yeat. Trophy wtnncrs in tht.• ran• from Balboa to Cabrillo Bea1.·h: PHRF·A 1 Ruby Ledy Cltll Jallriu South Shor• VC, 2 Sidewinder. R1e:nard Bluiel Bania Co<1ntn1an YC, 3 Indigo T~. Geofg• O.acon. Vovaoers vc PHRF·B -1 Ftre CrHI Pet Gta11er 88100. YCI 2 Fatcon Jim Ure Soutn Sl\o1fl VC ~ PHRF-C -1 Sund11 Gran1m Gibbons SSYC 2 Kaneol\e. Ari Cutc;hlle BYC tOR Mom.ntum Pet., Tong, SSV(. SORO 1 0.hence Ric;n1rCl Nowling SSYC 2 T1<1nam1 Dlllil Gray. Voyagers VC 3 NmOle, 8'uce Huma.nn. BYC ORCA (C•lam•1 anal 1 lnvoctus Mike CrulCICShanlt, BYC. 2 Erin. eow.e Houghton SSYC Cabrtllo 9Hcll to Newport PHRF-A 1 O.bra Richard Reuff SSYC 2 Ca1s P•1amas C811 Last VYC 3 Tigress GU KnudlOf\, SSVC PHAF·B -I Avanh, Fred Manino VYC 2 Fore Cresl Pet Gl&Zier, VYC PHRF-C -1 c.tebrehon. Jan F1u119ge. ·SSYC, 2 Jusl Ptaln Crazy, Don KrOlM/DevlCl Buch1nen, VYC IOR-Marrakeat E•ore11. To m Scnock. Newport Harl>Of YC SORO -1. Ntnote. Bruce Humann. BVC. 2 YenkH Pasha. Kellh Oln1moor. BVC. 3 Sorc:«er. Denni• Ro-. VYC ORCA -1 Erin. Bowle HOUljhton. ssvc. 2. lnY1Ctua, Mike Crulc;k1hank. BVC. Daybreak victorious Daybreak, skippered by Bob Gates, Capistrano Bay Yacht Club, emerged as the Catahna-27 Fleet 4 champ in the fifth race at Dana Point Yacht Club's Dana Point Series for Pl'rformant•t• Handt~·ap Racing Flc•c·t yac·h t:. and Cat.alim1-27s. Th.e fdth r ;n·e w as hl'ld Sunday with A .G K ad1 n g's Wrc<kless as the overall w1nm·1 in the PHRF The• fifth r ac:<' wmnl·r in tht' Cat.alina-27 class was S unshint.·. sailed bv Hon Ma~nmky,DPYC . RunnN-up m the Cat.ahmi-27 fll'N t•hamp1onsh1p was St•n.·na, John White, DPYC. and third was Condor, Wtl I 1l' Luz10, unattached Results of Sunday's fifth senc-s race: OVERAll 1 Wrecktess A G KadtOQ Cap.11rano Bay YC 2 On the Way At Nelson Dana Pom1 YO 3 Go•no Lett Steve Franta Oana P0tnt VC CLASS A 1 Riek N Roo Jell Ro0era/ Otck Riller DPYC 2 GanClalf Ooug a/lo Suzanne Jones DPVC 3 Bog Kehuna Mark l ownsend DPYC CLASS B -1 Wrec;1<1ess A G KaCl1ng Capo BYC. 2 On the Way. Al Nelson OPYC. 3 Aries Gt'O<ge Burlo.h8'd1 DPYC CLASS C -1 Ge>ong Lett Ste•e Fran11 DPYC. 2 Endless Summer 011ve MCM•llln DPYC 3 Moody Blue Mike Henton Capo BYC CLASS 0 -Amigo Brian Falterman DPYC CA TALtNA-27 -t Sunsn1ne Ron' Malanosky, DPYC, 2 Sunset Pally Mace / Steve Dunton, DPYC. 3 Funny Feehn' Pete MeaCla, Capo BYC .tlcCalle.•·· Brane.•· H'ln David McCallcy and M1kt' Braney from Caltfornia Yacht Club teamed up to sail I.hear boot Flying Circus to victory m Bahia Corinthian 'i.acht Club's Star Invitational Regatta Saturday and Sunday. The· Oodgc•rs head for Sallf.l D1c•go Tuc·sday nig ht to begin. B' two-gam1.· !>e•r1t•s Both Tul'Sday·~ and Wcdm•sduy's games will be tcll•v1wu on Channel 11 :. National League West ..... W L Pct. GB Dodgers 85 65 .'567 Atlanta 82 67 .550 21/f ' "· OAMU REMAINING DODGERS (121 HOME (71 Sep1 24 26,• 2b San Fr1nc.1ac:o Sept 27 28. CIOG1t1n¥, Sept 29 30. Allan•• AWAY (51 Sept 21 San Fte90 Oct 1 2 3 San Franc:osc:o '- ATLA"ITA I 131 110ME 131 Sei>l 24 25 : 26 Sal' Otego AWAY (101 Sept 20. 21 2, HouslOf' Sept 'J7 28 San Francrsc:o Seot 29 30 DC>dg«a, OC1 1 ~ 3 San 01ego One-de ig n busy . · Th1rtv-n10e boats in stx cl~ turnt'Cl out Saturday and Sundii'y f or Nc•wport Harbor YacWt Club's One· D<'s1gn rc>gatta fat-- bay and o<.'t•an c'Ourscs. ·' Largest cla!>S on ins1dt• courses was the combined Laser A and '~; fleet with eight entries. Thf. < winner was Mike Sentovich.' J Alamltos Bav Yacht Club. ~~ J the runn<'r-up was Charlie Buck1n iham. NHYC. -'11 NFL standings NATIONAL CONFERENCE West Dlvlaloa W L Pct PF PA Atlanta l 1 .500 30 52 New Orleans l 1 .500 17 21 Rama 0 2 .000 37 54 San Francbco 0 2 .000 38 47 East Division Washington 2 0 1.000 58 47 Philadelphia 1 l .500 58 58 Dallas 1 I .500 52 43 St. Louis l l .600 28 31 N.Y.Glants 0 1 .000' 14 16 Central Dlvl1ion Detroit Green Bay Minnesota Tampa Bay Chicago 2 0 1.000 36 24 1 0 1.000 35 23 1 1 .~00 39 33 0 2 .000 23 38 0 2 .000 10 27 auttd4tr'•k- o.cro11 19, flafftt 14 flakMn •• Allenta I• New Vor11 Jeta 31. Hew England 7 N .. on.ent. 10, Chicago 0 Plllladelj>hla 24, Ctewtand 21 Kan ... City 19, San Diego 12 Pilt~gll 26, Cinc:lnnall 20 (ot) Dellu 24, 81 Louie 1 DenYet 24. San Franctxo 21 Hou1ton 23. S..ttlt 21 WMhtnQton 21. TtmPA 8ay 13 Mia.ml f4, 8alllmor• 20 TOftWll'10.-. Gr_, Bay at New 'font Giant• (Channel 7 11 II pm) AMERICAN CONFERENCE West Division Raider• San Diego Kansas City Denver Seattle W L Pct. PF PA 2 0 1.000 61 31 1 l .500 35 22 1 l .500 28 26 1 l .500 27 44 0 2 .000 28 44 East Division Miami 2 0 l.000 69 48 Buffalo 2 0 1.000 37 31 N.Y.Jets l 1 .500 59 52 New England I 1 .500 31 44 Baltimore 0 2 .000 33 48 Central Dlvi1ion Pittsburgh 2 0 1.000 62 48 Cincinnagi l 1 .500 47 32 Cleveland l 1 .500 42 31 Houston 1 l .500 29 48 Pot•lble Tlluredey Qem• Allanta 11 Kansas City (Cfl1111net 7 at S 30 pm I "" ..... 8undar 0.11'\M flam• at Pllllaclelphia (Channel 2 at 10 1 m I "81der• 11 San Diego 1cn11nnot 4 al t p m I Bullak> at Hou•ton Dallas II MiMMOta Denll9r at New Orteana SI loolt at WUlltngton s..111e at New England Tampa 8•.)' 11 O.trolt New YC>f11 Gian11 11 Pt1111>urgh Mlaml et Or.en Bay New VC>A: Jell •t Be411tl'IOft Cllleago •I San FraflellC<I .,......._Monda~. a.,1. no- Clnclnneu al Cle~ 1cnaMt1 7 11 e pm I 82 HOUR All AMERICAN LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harbor ltvd., Co1ta Mo1a 540-5630 MARATHON I SALE Tlus., Sept. 16th - Mon., Sept. 20th .... ... 1101.111 ... JOHNSON &SON presents ... NFL ,. ........•... * Green Bay over New York • 'J t I frustrated ai ders e:m b arrass A tlanta, 3 8 -14 ATLANTA (AP) "Go On St.rike. Oo On Slrike," came the anary chant from fruJ\raled ·AtlantAl fana u the Faloona were 'humiliated by the Loe Angelea Raiders 38-14 in their home .o~ner. . The Raiden. now 2-0, h1ad just :.cc>red to go ahead 31-7 midway Jn the third period Sunday '>Ulen ~t in the crowd of M,774 al ~ta-Fulton County Stadium •Unleashed the chant over ana :over for about a minute. • The Falcons, 1-1. responded ' tth an 80-yard, seven-play to~chdown march, but the tQildera already had done too Eh damage on the passing of Plunkett to Cliff Branch and running, pasa-cawhing and ieaing of rookie Marcus Allen. Jbe 1981 Heisman Trophy '1Umer. ·; When the dust had settled, the Jhiders had sacked Atlanta ~u.arterback Steve Bartkow"ki •ven times and forced five tiamovers -three interceptions and two fumbles. i• Those turnovers included one the final period in which · artkowski was sacked and (wnbled. Lineman Archie Reese Picked up the ball and lumbered 75 yards for a Los Angeles fouchdown. , Pla_yers from both clubs met on t.be field before the game for a handshake of solidarity before the game, drawing a chorus of boos from the fans. As for the chant, Bartkowski, who threw 56 passes and completed 34 of 375 yards but only one TD. said: "We deserved to have them (the fans) thumb their noses at us (for our play)." Marcus Allen · Other Falcons claimed they could not make out the chant. When informed, all h ad no comment. On the field, the game was no contest after the Raiders scored twice within 43 seconds late in th e fir st h a l f to take a co mmanding 24 -7 l ead a t intermission. "We made the big plays and they didn't," said Los Angeles Coach Tom. Flores. "Our defense was superb. I didn't think that the Falcons were down. They are a very good team and If they looked bad, I would like to think it w as because w e f orced mlatakee. Marcua /\Ihm hid a.nothtr 1ood 1ame." Allen aet up Raldor1' flret acor• with a 47-yard paH to Branch to th 14·yard u~. then took a Plunkett 1wlna pua and acorcd midway In the <>pcnln& period. Allef\. who had 03 yards on seven carrlea. and caught four pa8flCtl for another 39 yards. then ael.-u11 Chrle BahT'• 3.5·yat'd field goal wlth a 41-yard run before scoring on a 4-lard run only 2:48 before the hal . .....,. 111 flllloone 14 ...... ..,~ L.A IQ!d«a 7 17 1 7-38 Atlanle 1 0 7 0-14 LA -Allen 14 pa .. from Plunkett (BAhf kk:k) All -Andtewa t run (Lucltllul'tt klek) LA -FG Bahr 35 LA -Allen 4 run (Bent kiek) LA -Stench 30 P .. • from Plunlten (Behr kick) LA -Hmwkln• 1 run (Qlllr kick) All -Roblnaon 17 p.a from BankOWlkl ~ LUCll tlutll k lck) LA -AMM 75 rumble return (Bahr ltlelt) A -&4.174 r-•1et•t1ce LA Alt Flrttdown1 17 Ru"-"y111d1 31·100 PUiing y111d1 264 Aetllf'n y111d1 100 p-18-30-0 2e 21·63 322 7 34·56-3 3-20 8-38 3·2 1.ee 32:04 Seck1 by 7.53 Punll 7.37 Fumblet-lolt 2-1 P9n10l••yardt 14· 107 Tltn9 of P~ 27:511 ~•tatletloe RUSHING -LOI AngelH, Allen 12-56, Kl~ 8·38, Hewtdna 4·5. 'feylor 4-3, Pruln 1..0. ~junkett 2·2. AU•nl•. Andr-• 10-25, Rigo• e-21, Caln 5-17. PASSING -LOI Angeln. PlµMlelt 15-29-0-237. Allen 1·1·0·47 Allent•. Bartkowtkl 34·5e.3-375. RECEllllNO -Loe A~. Branch 6-138. Allen 4-39, Bwnwelt 3-50, ChrlttenMn 1·50, H1wkln1 1·5, King t-2. Atlanta, Clln 7-55, Andre•• 5·94, Miiier 5-89, Riggi 5-23. J1ckt0n 4-39, Hodge 3·30. Jenkin• 2-37, Roblnaon 2-1e, MlkMll• 1-12. MISSED FIELD GOALS -LOI AngelH, Beht 51 Raiders' def ender TC'd Watt~ make interception despitt' pr<' sure of Atlanta's Alfred Jnc:-kson. A nte ate r s place second NFL strike to begin Tuesday? Mariners win, 3 8 .:..6 • in tour n ey Un ion sa ys 90 p er cent of players s upport walko ut Rick T eddford threw five touchdown passes. including three to Bruce Jans, to carry the Hunungton Valley MariQers to a 38-6 rout over Alhambra Sunday in semi-pro football action at Fountain Valley High. The UC Irvine water polo team may have finished second in its own tournament this weekend, but the Anteaters did manage to post an impressive 9-7 victory over defending NCAA champion Stanford Sunday afternoon. Earlier, however, top-seeded Wasserfre unde Spandau of Berlin, West Germany. posted a 9-7 decision over UC Irvine to .win the tournament title with a 5-1 record. UCI was also 5-1. but landed second because or its defeat to the German squad. In the loss to Wasserfreunde Spandau, UCI was even, 7-7, entering the final mome nts before allowing two goals. Peter Campbell and John Vargas poured in tw~ goals apiece, while Jeff Campbell, Trevor Dodson and Diggie Riley tallied once apiece. Stanford held leads of 3-0 and 4-2 over the Anteaters in a later- match, before the hosts rallied. UCI scored five times in the second period to take the lead, \.llen added a pair of goals in the third and fourth quarters to seal the decision. Newport Harbor High product James Bergeson had three goals for the Cardinals, who completed the weekend with a 4-2 mark and in a tie for third with UCLA. Peter Campbell had three goals for UCI, with Dodson, Riley and Vargas chipping in with a pair apiece. NEW YORK (AP) -The National Football League players' union stands poised to deliver a strike vote that could shut down the 1982 season as early as this week. The nine-member executive committee of the NFL Players Association , meeting in New York today. must decide whether to call a strike that could begin as early as Tuesday or a.Her the third week of the season, Oct. 3-4 . If the group votes to initiate a walkout at the end or tonight's Green Bay-New York Giants game io F.ast Rutherford, N.J .. the first game to be afCected would be Thursday when A tlan la visits Kansas City. Union officials contend that at least 90 percent of the league's 1,500 players will support the walkout. "A decision has not been made at this time whether to play the Thursday f(ame," said Jack Donlan, the owners' chief negotiator. "The decision to go ahead with the game wil} be made by the league's competition and executive committees." A strike would be the first mid-season work stoppage in the league's 63-year history. The owners' last financial offer, which they estimate is worth $600 million this year and $1 6 billion over the next five years, was re jected by the unlon's executive committee on Sept. 8. An informal poll of the committee, conduc t ed this ~eekend by The Associated Press. found near-unanimous support for initiating the strike this week. "The longer you wait the harder it Is on the players, the more pressure they a.re under," said Mark Murphy , th e Washington Redskins' player representative and a nv_-mber of the union's executive committee. A second member of the committee, who requested that his name not be used, accused the league of forcing a player walkout. "What else can we do? They have pushed us to the wall," he saJd. Joining Murphy on the executive committee are union president Gene Upshaw of the Los Angeles Raiders; Jeff Van Note of the Atlanta Falcons; Dan Jiggetts of the Chicago Bears; Stan White of the Detroit Lions; Elvin Bethea of the Houston Oilers; Tom Condon of the Kansas Chiefs; James Lofton of the Green Bay Packers and John Bunting of the Philadelphia F.agles. E'.d Garvey, NFLPA executive director. said Sunday he will make no recommendation. RAMS' PROBLEMS CONTINUE .. • From Page C1 r6ore appropriate. But if you ask M.alavasi, the answer is still the ~nothing. i•1t•s a long season and I \IO)uldn't count us out," was the . ftfth-year coach's expected reply. "&f you want to count us out, go abead. But I think you're making a-t>ig mistake." i ·Malavasi's right, t h e Rams c8h't be counted out after just tWo games. But he might be vM-ong saying that it's a long ~n with an apparent players' ,.s~ r I k e l o o m I n g . A n diJK>WlCelllent Crom the players' eliecutive committee i.s expected ~y. but If things don't chang Sknday afternoon'• affair at l\'liaheim Stadium might be the l4it bit of profeaafooa.l football 'll eee for awhJle. tn any event, strike or n o s~e. the Rams must right the s)).lp, and quick. But to make cttrectlons. the problems must be sibtted. and neither the Rams n..er the Lions can seem to pPtpolnt exactly wher e the ~tern lies. ·trhere ia agreement on one , however. The Rama do the penonnel. On paper the Rama ml1ht better ~nonneJ than the ," aald tS8h t end '0.vid HW. w o caught a \wo.yard t c h down paH from Gary QilrUtllOn to (.'UJ.mlnate a lix-play ywd drive that aave the Uone t-o ]e9(t with just 22 leCOnda t.n the third quaner. '"'nlen'• doubt they hive 'reat ltte•. Today, maybe the turnovers did them m . They're very talented athletes, I just don't understand their problem ." "That (being 0-2) doesn't mean anything," said Billy Sims, who gained 119 yards on 25 carries even though he says he's about 70 percent right now. "They probably have some problems.'' But knowing that problems exist and actually spotting specifics and changing them rs another story. "It seems like they have excellent personnel," said linebacker Stan White. "They might even have as much talent aa anyone in the league. But there's eomething rnming and I Just can't pinpoint the problem looking from the outside In." Danielson tried to add some insight. "They're a good team, but It's (Loe Angeles) a t.ou_gh place to play," explained Daniel.eon, who is In the midst of a small quarterback controveny himaelf with Eric Hipple. The latter started the game for the second at.raifht weel<. but after going 3 for 4 ln the passing category waa pulled tor the second straight time even though hie team w11 leadina &-0. "You need to De a very ·~ pel'IOn to be a quarterback here, continued Denfelton. "And your teammatet need to be atrong, too. "It just do..n't make IW"Q9e to pay • suck!s500,000 to play and tu have n y like him. I don't know why they (the fana) wer. on Bert today. &ut evMybody . . loves the second guy and sometimes it works 'Out. I geL bored when they boo the quarterback and then ch eer when he's a hero.'' But the history of the Rams is filled with -.heroes and villains. And Sunday was no exception. Trailing 16-0 in the third quarter, Jones was taken out of the game with a hamstring pull, and on came the fans' lavorlte, Vince Ferragamo, to almoet pull out a Rams' vi.ctory with two fourth-quarter touchdowns. If Oaniel.aon is right, that could only add. fuel to the fire. But not In Malavasi'• mind. "Bert's still the No. l quarterback." said Malavasi. "Nothing he did today waa that 1 saw." ~ White, a former teammate of Jones' at Baltimore, would agree, but in even stronaer terms. "I don't thlnk it mattered who was at quarterback today. lt'erraaamo 1ot ln there today and the momentum chanaed. But Bert would have done the aame Q\lng. "Bert'• a competitor and I atJll thJnk he'• the belt quarterback in football. If I had to choole, l'd pick Bert," said White. So It appeart H If nothtn1 chan1e1 with the Rama . Clrcumatancn, which may be beyond Mf'\avMl'• control, haw creai.d another quarterback eont.roveray. "The players will decide." he said. "h is their jobs they :m: putting on the line." The NFLPA , wh ich represents the league's 1,500 players. struck for six weeks m the summer of 1974. but tht.• contract dis pute was resolved during the exhibition season The collective bargaining agreement that resulted from that 1974 strike expired July 15 Negotiations on a new contract started last February On Fnday, when the talks broke off . Upshaw said the recent round of negotiations reminded him or th<' February sessions. "It is the same old thing over and over If I closed my eyes 1 could dream I was s1 ttmg m the hotel in Miami hearing them give the same old arguments, the same old positions," Upshaw said Although the union has dropped its most controverswl Seniors comple t e tourney Orange Coast area players enjoyed some s uccess and suffered some disappointment Sunday 1n the final rounds of the Pac:ific Southwest Seniors Tennis Championship at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. Jerry Van Linge o f Newport Beach was beaten in the 35 singles classification by Dave B ohanon o f Garden Grove, 7-5, 6-3. while Laguna Beach 's Dick Leach fell to Horst Ritter of Pasadena, 7-f>. 6-0 in the 40 finals. Bob Duesler of Costa Mesa lost a tight mat.ch in the 4 5 finals to Coronado's Jim Perley, 7 -6. 6 -2 , but Ron Livingston (Laguna) beat K ing Lambert of Santa Ana in straight sets. 6-3, 6-2. to capture the 50s crown. In the 65 championship, Tony Prodan of Irvine eull)' defeated Bill Smith of Palm Springs, 6-1, 6-0. In the women's divisions. Ellen Bryant (Newport Bea c h ). Marilyn Straw (Laguna Beach) and Helen Peret (Newport Beach) were all vice.on. demand -a fixed 55 perrent of each team's gross revenue both sides still are far apart The union now is se<'king $1.6 billion over a four-year p<>riod to indude 50 percent of all current and future tclcvision monies. a wage scale a nd creation of ::i central fund from whJch player salanes would be dispersed. "The major stumbling blocks remain the wage scale and central fund." Donlan rc1te rat.c.-d Sundav "We are not going lo abandon a system o f individually negouated contracts, a system that works. for the unio n ·s proposal," he saJd. While Garvey and Donlan have failed to agree on much this year they both spent Sunday doing the same thing, wat.chmg the NFL on television. Tcddford connect.c.-d on scoring strikes of 30. 40 and 20 yards to Jans. and a pair of 40-yard TD passt-s to Dale Rickard. Teddford w as 20 o f 26 overall for 270 yards Another touchdown was provide d b y Isaac Soto. who earned 1n an mtert-ept1on from 20 yards away Dcfcm.1ve standouts included linebackers Mark Fata and Joe Rhino Larry S umhng was the leading rusher, carrying 10 limes for 80 yards The Manners improved their High Desert League record to 2-0 and will visit Los Alamitos next Sunday at 1. f>l •. L~ Ct. You;rolessional ~ . F/oflSf FLORIST 29 15 Red Hill Avenue A-108 Cos1a Mesa · 641-0810 Stone Mill Business Park SUPER NAUTILUS I AEROBIC CENTERS Bryont knocked off Sue Stt'v n1 of Lot Angeles, 6· 1, 6·3, In th 35e; Straw topped Suf'lla Bowden (La Jolla). 3-6, 6·9, 6 ·1, for the 401 crown, and Pert't won a touah one from Pasadena'• Dorothy MatthJeaaen, 6-2. 6-7, 7-5 In the 45 flnala. ......,..., 7'41 lMICDl• tut Ultl•Atft ~7UIM• com1111u >a> SI ltlSIOl -· 11111• ... ,. ......... ,.,._ Pat Damion o Newport B•ac h wa beaten In the 30s tJtl ... . ·" .. w .... ...... , .... •·1•.,.,. 013) 112 0110 '""'"' ... _ ....... , ......... " (11t) m $411 • 1/1> I •t ,~ \ti."' ( .. \f ~., ............ ,.,..., .. v-.f". ,..,... .,.. (114) m•1 smt nuau int ......... (114) 11"4113 ' M•tt•a ,.., ,...._ (114) 11'·• .. .. 't Orang• Coaat DAil Y PILOl /Mon •v. September 20. toaa • • Steelers win again ' Chargers, 49ers dumped· on roall From AP dl1patclae1 PlTI'SBURGH-Owuym· Woodrurt'11 30-yard lntereepUon rotum 1el up Terry Bradshaw'• two· yard touchdown 5*1111 to John Stallworth with ju11l 1:08 aone in overtime Sunday aa lhc reauracnt Pittsbursh Steelel"I rallied to defeot &ho Cincinnati Bengals 26-20 ln a ~auonal Football Leugu1• gume. Woodruff'• interception of a Ken Anderson pass on a third-dpwn play gave the Steelers a first down at the Bengals' two-yo/(i line. 298 yards and three touchdowns, then fired a pass to a wide-open Stallworth just inside the goal Une to give the Steelers their second victory in a row over a 1981 playoff team. The Steelers, ending a four-game losing streak to the Bengals, had upset lhe Dallas Cowboys 36-28 in their opener last Monday night. CIJlels I ti, Cllar•ers I a KANSAS CITY-Nick Lowery kicked four field goals and Gary Green blocked a punt that was recovered in the end zone for a touchdown as Kansas City posted a 19-12 vjctorv over San Diego, their first conquest of the Ctrargers since 1978. The Chargers, who trailed 16-0 at halftime, hurt themselves consistently with poor execution, turnovers and penalties. The game left both AFC West rivals at 1-1. and in two games the Chiefs' offense still has not scored a touchdown and the San Diego defense still has not allowed one. The tone of the day was set on the first series when Green, an All-Pro cornerback, burst over from the left side and leaped high to block Maury Buford's punt on the 25-yard line. The ball was batted, bounced and batted around until Kansas City's Dave Klug recovered it in the end zone for a touchdown. Bronros a4, 41Jers 21 DENVER-Rich Karlis drilled an 18-yard field goal on the final play of the game, lifting Denver to a come-from-behind 24-21 victory over San Francisco. San Francisco quarterback Joe Montana ahd helped spark the 49ers to a 21 -14 halftime lead with a pair of touchdown passes. But early in the fourth quarter, ex-4Yer quarterback Steve DeBerg fired his second scoring pass of the game. a 37-yarder to Rick Upchureh, to draw Denver into a 21-21 tie with 9:29 left to play. On the ensuing series. Montana passed 30 yards to tight end Charle Young and the 49ers threatened again, driving to the Denver 36-yard line. But safety Dennis Smith picked off a Montana pass and returned it into 49er territory with 4: 17 left, setting up Denver's clinching scoring drive. The Broncos were successful on three critical third-down situations on that final drive, including a pass interference penalty against San Francisco line backer Keena Turner. Ea61es 24, Browns 21 CLEVELAND-Ron Jaworski rallied Philadelphia for three fourth-quarter touchdowns, the last one a three-yard run by Leroy Harris with 22 seconds remaining. as the Eagles nipped Cleveland, 24-21, their first victory m Cleveland Stadium since 1960. The Browns had taken a 21-17 lead when tight end Ozzie Newsome wrestled a 34-yard touchdown pass away from Eagle defender Roynell Young with 57 seconds to go. Jaworski, who completed 25 of 41 passes for 341 yards, rifled scoring passes of 41 yards to Ron Smith and 11 yards to Billy _9lmpfield to bring Philadelphia, 1-1. back from a 14-3 deficit. Cowboys 24, Cardinals 7 ST. LOUIS-Quarterback Danny White drilled touchdown passes of 29 and 24 yards to Doug Cosbie and Drew Pearson. respectively, placing Dallas to a 24-7 victory over St. Louis. White's scoring tosses, his fifth and sixth in two games. helped Dallas defeat St: Louis for the eighth time in their last nine meetings. The Cowboys, while snapping a 7-7 deadlock in the final two quarters, went ahead on Billy Joe Dupree's six-yard run late in the third quarter. NFL ROUNDUP Dolp•lns Z4, Cult!i 20 MIAMI Running bock Tommy Vigorito ract'd 33 yard for O l.ulJL'htlown 1:12 lnto the aecond halt and Uwe von Schomann boott>d A 29-yard rleld goal Luter in tht' third quarter rut Mlamt ralllcd for a 2(-20 victory ovc:r up114.1~mindt.>d Baltlmott. P laet>-klckt>r Mike: Wood boott:d two field goals and passed for a touchdown after picking up a fumbled anap to lead I.he Colt.s,roftensc The triumph, the Dolphins' nJnth in &heir last 10 meetings with the Colts, boosted the defending AFC F.ast Champions' records to 2-0. The Colts, fleldlng the NFL's youngest team with an average two years' pro experien<:e, dropped to 0-2 ofter their set.'Ond straight narrow loss under firsl-)'ear Coach Fronk Kush. Vl~orito took a handoff, swept oround the left end, then broke through the Colt secondary and sprinted untouched Into the end zone as the Dolphins erased a 17-14 halftime deficit. Jets 3 I, Pacrlots 7 FOXBORO. Mass.-Dreeman McNeil rushed for 106 yards and one touchdown, and New York capitalized on three intert-cptions to score 17 points as the Jets rolled to a 31-7 victory over New England. McNeil, who gained 116 yards in the season opener last Sunday against Mia.ml, bolt<..od across from the one-yard Une early in the fourth quarter ·as the Jets regained control. A 98-yard kickoff return for a touchdown by Patriots rookie Ricky Smith had cut the Jets' lead to 17-7 late in the third quarter. McNeil, who rttshed 19 times, scored to cap a 42-yard drive started by linebacker Lance Mehl's interception of a ~ by Matt Cavanaugh. The Ameri<;an Conference F.ast rivals evened their records at 1-l. Saints J 0 , Bears 0 CHICAGO-Veteran Ken Stabler hit Larry Hardy with a 10-yard touchdown pass and Toni Fritsch booted a 40-yard field goal to lead New Orleans to a 10-0 victory over Chicago. Disgusted Bear fans booed the pregame solidarity handshake, cheered the presence of White House press secretary Jim Brady and chanted "strike, strike, strike" through much of the s(!cond half. The Saints took the openin~ kickoff and marched 80 yards in 10 plays for their touchdown. with Wayne Wilson carrying seven times for 44 yards and Stabler completing three passes for 41 yards. Wilson finished the game with 138 yards in 33 carries. The closest the Bears came to scoring in the first half was when John Rovelo attempted a 52-yard field goal, which fell short. Reds kins 21. Bues 13 TAMPA. Fla.-Joe Theismann passed eight yards to Charlie Brown for one touchdown and Washington capitalized on Tampa Bay mistakes during a tropical deluge to take a 21~13 victory.' Mark Moseley booted field goals or 35 and 21 yards. set up by two of four fumbled snaps by Tampa quarterback Doug Williams. Moseley added a 19-yarder following a holding penalty against the Sues late in the game that moved Washington to the Tampa Bay 21. Oile r s 23, Seahaw"s 21 HOUSTON-Earl Campbell rushed for more than 100 yards for the first time in 15 games and scored the winning touchdown oh a 12-yard run with 53 seconds to play, rallying Houston past Seattle. 23-21. The Seahawks had come from behind m the fourth quarter behind quarterback Jim Z.Om, who threw a 29-yard touchdown pass to fullback David Hughes with 5:42 to play, giving Seattle a 21-17 lead. The Rams and Lions met (for one last time'!) a l midfit·ld before unday's gamt" in Anaheim. FERRAGAMO MAKES HIS PITCH. • • From Page C1 It should 00.. noted. loo. that Jones, afler getting hi!> ll•ft leR tape d. told Malavas1 he was ready to go back into the game Malavas1 told Jones to sldv on the sidelines. however, that 1t wasn't worth risking any more damage to his leg That didn't set too well with Jon(.'S "l was ready to go back in." saJd Jones curtly to a rC'porter's question about the 1nc1dl'nt "Ifs no big assut.•.'' he added sternly "I was hurung so he pulled me out and put Vannie in. · Vinnie then did a good .)Ob so he left tum in." When tt wru. pointed out that Fcrragamo failed to <.'Omplcte any one or his first f1vc passes, Jont.>S became testy "It was the coach's de<:'.1s1on and that's his JOb." said Jones. just prior to walking off "I'm just here to play football " The Jones way of playing football. though; hasn't t.>X{ll'tly lx'<-'n conducive to winning -if two gamC'S into thC' season 1s any md1cal1on. SUNDAY, JONES wa~ a mere 8 of 16 for 99 yards and one intNtcpt1on_ While h« was in there. the offense fa1l(•d to manufaC'turo a single• point. And, al one stage, the Rams went through five scorelt'SS quarters, spannrng two games. before Ferragamo got the team on the scoreboard m the fourth quarter J ones. m fact. outs1do or the one or two occasions ht• au·t.>d out his arm. looked very similar to a non -running Fran Tarkenton. l',erragamo, on the other h.and, was 11 of 17 for 184 yards and one touchdown. The hometown favonte came w1thm an ·eyelash of pulling the game out. too, before a blindside hit by a Detroit lineman late in the game caused Ferragamo to fumble and the comeback to shatter. wht•n th<-' fans and players seem to bl· lx·hmd you. "Sull. thlS whole thing lS very hard Bcr1·s a class guy. He wants to be m there and I want to be in there. Whatever happens, though. happens. Whether I stan or not ts not my decision to make. "The> underlying thing to all 01 this 1s winning and losing and nobody wants to lose." Smith-Stoklos capture title S1ng1n Smith and Randy Stoklos outlasted Tim Hovland and Mike Dodd 3-11. 9-11. 15-13. m a four-hour double final lo split the $10.000 first priz.e m the Cu~rvo World Championship of beach volleyball at Redondo Beach Sunday's NFL • All this and Malavas1 still pointed to Jones as hls No I QB. 1( you can believe that Top-seeded Smith-Stoklos defea ted second -rank ed Hovland-Dodd. 11 -4, 11 -6 earlier Sunday m the winners' bracket f1no1s: but lost in the finals rematch. forcing the overtime playoff EMlea 24, Browne 21 leofe by 0-'9'• Pl'lllaclelphle 0 3 0 21-24 Cleveland 7 0 0 14-21 ci.~ 19 pua from Sipe !Bahr kM:ll) Pt»-FG FranllNn 47 Ci.White 3 "'" (Bahr klckl PN-Smltl'I 41 paaa from Jtwor1*1 (Frtnlllin klell) Pl'll-Camplleld 11 pa11 from Jaworakl (Frllnknn klell) C ... Newloml 34 pus from Sipe (Bal'lr kick) Phi-Harrie 3 run (Franklin kick) A·78,l30 lndtwlduel le.ttettoe RUSHING -Phtlaclelphla, Hantoglon 11-52. ~2·38. Harrie 1·3, Jaw'orakl 1·1 , White 10-45, C Miiier, 7..0. Pruitt , Sipe 2·22. PASSING • Pfllladtlphla. Jaworski 2~1-1.341_ c ...... anc:t. Sipe 20-41-2-2311 RECEIVING • Pl'lll1d1lphta. Carmlehatl 8 · 100. Smltl'I 4·13. Montgomery 4-48, Ctmpfleld 4-32. OUlcll 2-28. Spagnola 2·21, Harrington 2·9, Kab 1-13 Ct1v1land, New1o1n1 f.122. FMCher 4-37, Whitt 3·15 C. MNllr 2·16. Hall 1·31, Pruitt 1·12, Walktt 1-7. MISSED FIELD GOALS • Phlt1d1lphl1. none ci.vtland. Blhr. 39 CowboY9 34. Cetd!Mle 1 ._. by o-ttr. CowbOYS 0 7 7 10-24 81. Louil 0 7 0 0-7 0.1...co.t>ll 29 PHI from Whit• (Septltn klctl) 8TL· Tiiiey 4 pau from Lomo (O'Oon<>ohul llllc:ll) Oel-OuprM 8 run (Septi.n kldcl Qel.P-.on 24 paaa from White (Sep11tn llldl) Qel.fO Sep!WI 25 A-60,705 1Mt>1f 'll ......... RUSHIH<l -o.itae. eor.tt 22-98. Sprtno9 4-HI. ~ 3-14, OuPrM t-8. St. Loulit, Ancl4lra0n 17-30, lOmlll 3-18, Morn. 2· 11, Orwn 1-3. PASSINO • o.a.t. Wlllte 20-32-2·2M. St Louie, LOfMll 22.-...1.291, Ortilrn O-t-0-100. RECEIVING · Oel!M, HNI 1-101, PMtaon 4-67, Ootlett 3-'7. 8of1nal 2-40, Cotble 1·29, ~ 1-io. OllPree f.2. st. Louil, ar.- 10-110, Tiiiey 4.29, .Andenon 4·28. Matlh 2·31 l.aAIUf 1-16, Gtwv-1-13. FIELD GOA4.I Mt88Eb • OellM, Slptlen " St. LOUii. O'e>onoot-tO. ............... 21 ...... ..,ta-tw. 8911 Fr~ , 14 7 0 0-21 ~ 7 7 0 10-24 IF-Solomon 41 pert frOll'I Mont.ana (Wlf'ICll*IO lddl) o.t -tJpdlufc:tl 17 jNnl NllHn (l<Mtla ~ -t.kMn 1 run IWertdllnO Wll 09n -Pwroe 4 .,... from Oelerg (l<arll kie*l '' -Clatll 24 p11a from Monta na (W....._kie*I Den -Uochurcn 17 P•" rrom o.e.,o summaries (Karlis ktc:k) Oen -FG Karlis 18 A -73.1589 • ~•wt1et1c1 RUSHING -San Frtnc:t1c:o, Williams 18·•6. Moore 7-33, Cooper 4·10 Denver. WlnOer 12-38. Wlllhl11 4-21. Pwrot 11-18. PASSINO -San Franc:t1c:o. Montana 28-37-2·338 Denver. Morton 3·4· 1·40, Ol8erg 14-22-0-157 - AECEIVING -Sin Frenc:ltc:O. Clant 9·127, Solomon 4 -1011. Young 4-47. Denver, Upc:hurcll 5-77, Oeloma 3·28. Parrot 3-12. MISSED FIELD GOALS -San Francisco. W«ec:hlng 39, 50. R9deldna 21, Bue• 13 ._ .,, a-tlr9 Wlllllngton II 11 0 3-21 Tampa Bly 0 8 0 7-13 w-erown 8 PMI trom Theltmann Clltck failed) w ... FG MOMley 35 TB·HOUH 82 pan from Wllll1m1 (klc:k laJlld) w ... Fo MONleY 21 Wu-.k>rden r-ld bloQlld punt In end tone (klell fail9d) T8-WllO« 7 run (Clpeoe klc:kl Wu ·fO Molelly111 A~.117 lndlVtdllM llltlltlcl RUSHING • WeahlnglOtl, Riggin• 34·138, Bonti.y 8-22. Hannon &-13, Thelamann 2-e Tampa Bay, WHll1m1 11·411, Wiider 1 t·35. Owenr 1-17. PASSING • Warhlng1on, Tll1l1mann 12·20·0· t 12. Temps 81v, Wiiiiams 1•-27-0-199. RECEIVING • Washington. Monll 4~41, 8rOWTI 3-33, Rigglnl 2· t 5. Warren 2-15, Oldllt 1-e . Taimoa 8-y, Wiider 5-48. Houll 4-105, JtMe 2·22. T. N 1-14. JonM 1·7. J Bell 1-6. MISSED flELO GOALS • Mont DotoNM M1 Colt• lO --...,o-w. Blltlmor• o 17 o 3-20 Mleml 14 0 10 0-24 Mii -woocn.v t run (¥on 8chamann klcii) Mia -H.,dV 4 PMI from Woedtey (Von 8c:timm91'1n klcll) Bii -Butter 53 PM9 lrOfT! Plg9j (WOOd lllcll) Bii -FO Wood 61 Ill -l<rtuM 4 PM1 from WOOtd (Wood kldll Mia -VIQOrito 33 run (von &hemenn klOlll Mii -FG von 8«lemlnn 211 811 -FOWood41 A -51,"9 ..................... AUIHINO -8alllmor•. Dl•on ,20·87. MclMHlln 13"-40, C. Ftaflltlln, 4-11, Plgll M , 9tatll 1-e, Wrlollt 1~ Mltnll, ~'ttllan 14-68, A Franlllfn 1~48, WOOdi.y, •·I . VIOOtltO 2-31 PAISING -Wlmor9, ........ 1..0-124, WOOd 1· 1-0-6. Mlernl. Wood/llfft 1e.2t-0-180. AICEtVINQ -l eltlmore, 011011 a. II, loult f,M, "'""· '-II, Hanry Ml,~ 1·11, Kr .. 1•1. Miami, Hltfle 4·71, ~ 4-U. Cefalo 2·27, vioortto Ml, Hiil 2·1, ~ '· 1·8, Hardy, 1-4 , MISSEO FIELD ~OAL.S -None 884nle 10,...,. O Scot• .,., o-ttt. N-Ofluna 7 0 3 0 -10 Chk:ego 0 0 0 0-0 No-Haroy 1u pau uom ::itabllr tt-ruscl'I kldc) No-FG Frlltoh 40 A·~.eoo lndMdlllll llat11tlc1 RUSHING • N-Orleans, Wiiton 33-138, J Roger• 10·20. Tyler 9-20, Oafan 1-4 Cl'lic:aao, Sutley 6-27, P1yton 1·20, McMahon t-4. M°OOflhMd 1-m1~ PASSING • New Orl1an1, Sllblar 11· 17· 147· 1 Chicago, Avettlnt 3-9-33·0, Evant 2-4-18-2. Mc:Mahon 12-22·131 RECEIVING-N-Orlelns, ThOmpaon 3-74, Groth 2·27, Ouc:k111 1-31, Hardy 2-10. Brll'lnlf t-4, Wiison 2-41 Cl'llCIQO. Peyton 5-42, Eat1 2-36, S.9Chnaoet 2-27. Suhly 2· 111. Moorenead 4·19. Wall• f·24. Margerum 1·13 MISSED FIELD GOALS -New Orleans. none CHk:llQO, ROllllO 62. ... •• 31, P•trlot• 1 lcOf'I by OU.WI NY Je4r New EnQlend NYJ.ffO Leehy 30 0 10 7 14-31 0 0 7 0-7 NYJ·Todd 7 tun (i..atly kick) NYJ-Augu11y11lak 8 run(LHhy klc:kl NE·Smlth 911 kickoff r111.1m (Roblnaon kk:kl NYJ·McNelt t run (LHhy kick) NYJ·Oltrklng 13 PHI l•orn Todd (LNhy llk:ll) A·63,615 IMMduel Swltlticl RUSHING • New York, Mc:Nell 8·38, Crvtc:hfleld 9-34. Augu91ynilk 12·63. Harpet 8-3e, Dierking 3•11,.J JonM MO, Todd 2-1 · NIW England. Coltlna t3-•1, Ven EtOhln 6-21. WMthtts. 3·1"1nu• 1 PASSINO • ~ YOf'k. Todd 17-7-0·185, N4!W England, Cev~gll 8-17·3~. "ECEIVING • New York. W1lllar 8·84, McN111·4·31, J,Jon11 2·10, Dierking 1·13, Oallnty' 1·11. Barkum 1·8. Ntw Engt1nd, WNlhlr• 3-24, M0<01n 2·31, COiiin• ,.., FIELDS 00.AlS MISSED • Non. CMef9 1t, ChenMn 11 .... ..,°"'""' Sari OllQo 0 0 0 3-12 KM ... City 1 0 3 0-19 KC-King •tcO•ld t>IOCkld ktca In end fOf\I (Lo.ery kklli) KC -FGl.owery 10 KO -FO Lowery 27 l<O -FG Lowwy 41 80 -Chandler t7 pan from Muncie (lenlrlcflk• kid!) tD -Safety, .... blOCll In end ION ICC -f0~'4 ID -FO "'*'°1*1 4t A -IO,f14 .................. "UIHINQ -8•n °'"o, Muncie 12·62, CNndlet 1·21. ltOOll• 1·( Foul• 1-0 KIMM 0111. OtlaMy tcltlt, JICll.ot! .. 20. KtnMV 1·11. 8111<1900 7-11, Marel'loll 1 7 PASSING -San Diego, Foura 21·36· 1·20•. Wlnerow 0-1·0·0. Munc11 I· 1 0· 17 Kenaas Clly Kenney 22·30-1·203 AECEIVING -San °'41QO. C11ano1e< 6-69 Winslow 6-81 Scai.1 I 26 Siever• 1·26. Joiner 3·22 Cappelilllt 2·9 Munc•e 3-6 Brooke 1·2 Kansae Clly Marshall •-63 Ceraon S-150, Hancock 2·28. Sco11 •·2• J1c:k1on 1-5 Deleney 3-11. Bledsoe l·S Dixon 1-8, Hadnot 1·3 FIELD GOALS II.OSSEO Nono BtHler• 21. hnoai. 20 kOfl by Ou..-1era Clnc:lnnall O 3 7 10 0-20 Pnteburgh 1 3 7 3 6 -26 Pitt· Slallworlh 15 PIH from Bradsl'lllw (Anel«eon kk:kl CinFO Andlreon 25 Cln·JOl'lnson 1 run {Breech klc:kl Ptt1..Ciinnlngh1m 2 pus trom Br1d1h1w (Andttton klc:k) Ctn-JOl'ln'°n 9 run (8reec:h klC:kl Otn-FG 8reec:n 31 Pl11.S1altw0f'th 2 peu trom 8radthaw (no altltl'lpt) A·53.973 lndlvtdull 1w11111c1 RUSHll'IG • Ctnc:tnnall Johnson 18·49, AltHnder 6· 13 Plltst>urgh Pollard 8· 14 Harri• f.3, Dlvtt 3-8 PASSING -C1nctnn1l1 And111on Plllll>urgh Bradsllaw 29 ... 2-0-298 RECEIVING -Cincinnati ColllntwOf'lh II• 144, Roar 7·65, A Grlllln 4·0 . JoM1on 2-21 P11taburgh Harri• 11·811. Cunnlnot11m 5-82. Sllllworlh 4-5<1. S-•Y 4-33, H1wlhorn1 3.35 MISSED FIELD GOALS · Ctnctnnall BrMC:h 311 P1111burOh none Ollen 23. hehawb 21 tc.f• bf Ouartera Slllllt HOUllOtl Hou-Cuper klek) 0 7 0 14-21 o 1 10 e-23 10 pa111 from Ntet•tn CKtm1>I Sll·Wllker 40 p111 from l(rltg (N JOM1on kick) .. ou·FO l<empl 24 Hou A.fnlllt l\lmbll rec:;overy (Kempf kletcl S...T Brown 3 rul'I (N Jollnr on ktc:k) hl·"UO"" 29 PIH from Zorn (JOhMOn IWG!t) ' Hou-C11npbtll t 2 run (lttcll t1111d) A_.3,117 "'4M•'* tl•llettel RUOtilNO·Sltllll, T, BtOWfl Wt, HUQhll t-22. Ooorn1n1t. 3-10, Smltll 1.9, IVOfY 1 ·4 ~orn 3•2, Krieg 2•2 Houaton. Campbel\ »-tO, Nllltln 2·T. Be11ty 1-13 CIM* 1·8, Orin 1.0. PASalNO.S..ttte. ICrllO t6-22.0.16t, lo.n t n.o 113 Houeton. Nf1tMW1 17-37• 1·131. c.,,..,.,.. 0-1• t.(). ,.IOllVINO·hattle, WalUt ••• ,, ,,..._._ 4-41, HuQNe '-"· T flrown 3-3t. Ooofnlntl 3-minu. ~. C111 2 ·II. 8rnltr1 1•23, JdWlt 1-11. Tlol 1-1. aewyer 1-7. Houeton, Cr•f\ M:I, Cltll* 4_.2, Campbell 4.mlnut I. r1 1.0 GO.ALO MllSlO-None. "He's still No l ," proda1mcd Malavasi of Jones' stalus. "There was .~othmg he did wrong that I "But didn't the warn look Llke •l was playing bettl.'f under Ferragamo." asked a reporter "THAT'S A DUMB at'Cusat1on and assumption," was Malavas1's stem reply. What lsn 't dumb was how the fans and players seemed to react with Ferragamo in there There was an excitement, a winning air that never seemed prevalent with Jones "Somettmes people operate better under certain conditions," said Fcrragamo. t·hoosang his words c:are(ully. "It's somethin~ intangible, but you can sense at OllrOll A6mt Oii Oii Ott Oii klek) * FO Tl'IOmas 45 FG Tl'lomn415 FG TllOmu 30 Hill 2 P•N from Danletton (Thomar LA Gumen I run (L1n1tord klc:k) Oii FO Thomar 33 LA Miiiar 8S PHI lrom F1rr1g1mo 1Lan1f0<d klek) A Sll,470 Teem ll•tlellee Flrtl OOWll• Autlllt y1rd1 Pa .. lno y•rde A4tturn yllld• P1•11• SIClll t>y Punt• Fumblel IOll Penaltlll -y11d• ~" ol Posreulon ,,. .............. 0.1 LA 111 21 38· 148 30· 111 207 284 23 32 17-34-t 111·34-2 2·111 t-12 57 4-30 4·1 4-3 10..ee 7·• 1 M07 RUSHING -Oltroll. Simi H• 1 tll, Klnll 4·1!i, Butll'f 1·14. LOI .l\nolll. tyllt 17-6S, Guman 5·211, Reddin 4-18, 8. JOl'lll 3-o 13. Wlddy 1•mlnu1 18. PA811NO -Detroit, Hipple 4·13o1·97. OttillltOn 13-ao-o-122, '°"" 0-t·O.O. Loe Anell••· t JOftll l-11· 1·111. F1111oamo '1·17-0-1 ... ~ 0-1·1~ llllCllVINQ -Oii~. 1111\t 5-103. 8.-y 2 17. f~ t ·IO, ~-1·13. HAii 2·13, 8c:ott 1-M. N1oM11 Ml. Kint 1-10, Hoffte 1•4 Loe A~. ~ &.•1. ~ ..... Miiier I 1' I, l> Hiii 2•21. llllOdttfl 2·0. kblt 1-17, ..., .. ,.,,, Delwwd , .. MISSl!D FllLD OOALI -LOI A~. LtnlfOtd 31 Smith lx"<:omes the first person ever t o win three world championships. Sm1th-Stoklos captured the Cuervo Laguna Open al Main Beach ln July. Hovland-Dodd's overpowering net game forced \he playoff, but Smith's full-court defense and Stoklos' powerful spiklng were decisive in the final 15-pointer. Hovland-Dodd earned $5,000 for second place. The World ChampionshJp was the culmination of the six-event Pro Beach Volleyball Tour. Bills holding player tryouts BUFFALO. N.Y. (AP) -The Buffalo Bills, Jlke the Las Angeles Rams, are holding tryouts for players to take the place of regulars in the event of a Nal1onal Football League strike. according to a published report. Players practiced over the- weckcnd at Rich Stadium under the guidance o( Coach Chuck Knc>>t. the Buffalo Courier- Express reported In Sunday's ediuons . Knox refw.ed to comment on wh ther he would ult' the playel"I In the event o( a strike, tentatively aet for Tuesday. but he aald: - "Some clubs h.ve bftn 8\vtna mau tqrouts to 1et them (playen) ftedy to play It thitt'• • aUike, but we..,. -:l do th•t. We've 1ot a llat f playel"I we've hlld ln cuap we waU Ult them If tt ~ry.•• - f.·. f!. '· ... ... ~--t • f:: E?: : ·•' . , ... I If .. .·. ,,, ' ~ •' I. MAJO" LEA04E ITANDINQI Amerlc•n LHOue Wl!ITIRN DIVllJON A~• KanM1 Clly Chicago SN Illa OaklaM , .... MlnnMOl8 W L M llS 8• 85 79 89 70 78 63 87 59 90 58 93 I AITIRN DIVlllON M ..... 111.0kM 89 60 IMll!mO<e 87 112 lloelon 82 87 Oetroo 7• 73 New York 73 76 Clevetano 12 75 Totonlo 89 80 llYndeJ '• ICOfH A,,.-s. T0<on10 1 lloelon 6, Oe1tOll • Pct. oe 564 564 .534 4'A •73 13'11 418 22 398 26 378 21 597 584 2 5$0 7 503 14 490 18 490 18 483 20 Ba!llmota 4, ~•no 2 c 10 lnnHlQ•I Ctwcego 8, Oakland 3 MlnnMOla 9. l<anHt City 4 Mllweuk" 1•. N..,. YOik 1 Saa111e 9, Teus 1 Toclar '• OamM Kanan C"y CGu•• 11-101 at Ane• (Zahn 1M) n 0.11011 (Mo<1t1 IS· 151 at ea111m0<a (Palme< 14-4), n Clelleland (Bafk9' 13· 1 I)., New YO<k (Guidry 14· 11. n Bo11on (Ech a111ey 12 -121 11 Milwaukee (H .. 1 I 1·111. n Toronto (LUI I I· 131 at Mlnnsota CC•nllllo 10· 111. n TuH (Mallach 7.71 at Oakland (Confoy 0·21 n Chicago (Hoyt 16· 14) al SHiii• tBannlst9' 12-10), n N•tlon•I l•8flue WHTIRN DIVtllON W L Pct. 08 Doctoa<• All1nta 85 85 .587 San Fr anclsco San Diego Houston Cincinna11 112 87 550 2'" 79 70 530 5'\ 75 75 500 10 69 llO 463 15·~ 55 114 3&9 211V. I AITf.RN OIV1llOH St Louie Pttlladalphl• Montreal Plllaburgh ~~!k 86 83 81 87 79 69 79 69 68 63 57 91 577 5'17 ··~ 534 8\'o 534 ··~ «3 20 385 28'\ l undeJ'• kOfM Dodeefe s. Houston 4. ( 10 Inning•) Cflleego 7. Montreal s SI Lours 3. N ... Yor11 1 Pllltburgl> •. PNl~P"I• 1 Atlanta •. c1nc1nnall 1 San Francisco 4. San Diego 3 ( 1 t Innings) , ..... , .• o- Pillabu•gh (McWllllama 7 • at Chlc4>QO (Nolel 8-111 Monlrul (l .. 1'·111 at New YOI~ (Ownby 1·21. n Phlladelphra tDa nny O· 11 et St Louie (Anouta< ll-10). n Allenta (Boggs 2·21 at Houlton (Ryan 1!>-11) n Only gamea scl>eduled AMERICAN LEAGUE Angel• 5, llue .l•Y. 1 TOIU)tlTO CAL.aflHIA •rhbl •rhtll Gateia 2b 4 O O O Ce1..,.1b S 1 I 0 Mot11by.c:1 4 I 1 0 0.Clnces,3b5 1 1 1 lJl>tllaw,1b 4 0 2 0 AaJC1111t,Oh4 1 0 0 WOOda.11 4 0 1 I Oowntng.11 4 0 2 0 Powell,rl 4 0 0 0 Lynn.cf 4 1 1 0 Petrll.c; 3 o o 0 Pe1111.cf 0 0 O O Adams,dh 2 0 0 0 W1Hong.2b 4 I 2 0 D 8ak9'.3b 3 0 0 0 S.01QH1 S 0 0 0 Gfillrn.aa 3 0 0 0 Boone c: 3 0 1 0 AOMllM 4 0 0 0 Tola!$ 31 1 4 1 Totelo 38 5 II 1 kora by lnnl"f• E D Baker 2 LOB -Calllo<nla 11. Toronto 5 2B Downing, Wlllong, O.Clnces 3B-Cat..,. S8 -R Adema C fl . Celltomla II' H R ut M 1 0 Klton (W.11-5) 9 4 I 1 2 2 TotOflto ElcMOfn (l 0-2> 1 Sentny 2 WP-E>enhOfn 2 5 3 4 1 0 0 1 T-2 37 A-22,025 Red lloa f , Tio«• t Bo91on ooo 000 240-6 a O Oelloll 000 100 021-4 8 I T Ydor. C-181 and Al-ton. Ruel< et T OOtll (8). 88111'1 (8) and Pam$h W - TUCIOf 12·10 L-Rucket, 2-8 S -C-(14) HRs-Bo9'on. NICllOb (71. 0.11011. Perrlll'I (2111 A 18 209 White loa I, A'I J Oeklano 200 010 000-3 8 0 ChleagO 203 003 00•-8 12 I Hanna, McCally (3) D Acqullto (8) OwcNnkO (6) and Kearney, K- K .. n 171 and Fisll Hll W-KOOMTlan 10-e l -Hanna. 0-4 HRs-Oal<land ArmH (261. Cruc:1go Kemp ( 171 A-19.742 Twlna f , Royata t KenlM Crly 000 000 112-4 9 0 Mlnneeota 003 080 OOx-9 12 0 Cas1<0, Atrnalrong (51 T uh• (5). Black (8). Outtenbarry (8) and Slauglll o ·eon"°' and LaUClnar w -o ConnOf. 9.7 L-Cas1ro. 2·2 HRs-Kansas City. Wuntngton (7). M1nnesp1a. Oaatll (241 A-7,255. .,....,. 14, Yanll-1 New Yori< 001 000 000-I 8 1 MrlwlUkM 000 023 Ollx-14 15 0 Rawley Fru••• 151 McGlolhen CBI l(eufmen (II) and Wynagar. Sutlon Siiton (0) and Simmon• W-Sutton 2·1 l -Rawtey 10.10 HR•- Mltwauk ... Moltlot ( 17). Q ThornN (37) A-30,308 Ot1otaa ... lndtena 2 Ci.vetand 020 000 000 0-2 t 2 Bai1lm0f• 001 000 100 2-4 14 0 HHton. Sptllnar 171 Glynn (Ill and Nenorodny, HUH 'f. Flanegan a nd O.mpHy w -Ftanagen, 15-10 L- Gtynn. S-2 HR1-Ctewl.and, Nenotodny (3). BalllmOll. 0.-(81 A-41, 127 ' lll«IMf• •• ~ 1 Te.oas 001 OOt 500-1 10 I S..Ula 100 080 00•-9 t3 2 Honeycutt, Cot"9t (6), '*'Ila (Ill Md Sundbetg. w .. _; NunN, Stanton 181. Vanda Ba<g (7). c.udllt (71 &n(j MalC.clO W-Nunez, 1·1 L-Honaycult, 6·111, S Caudlll (281 HRt-Taaaa. G Wright (Ill. Sample POI. SMllla. T. Cru.t C f4), M.,cadO (1) A 11,339 Ang .. A~efegM IATT1lt0 Ro Jllektn car ... Deel"°" Lynn Downing AaJecUn Bayl()f Gncn S.Olql 9ooM FOii f9'guson Cieri< Wiifong K- Burlasn Pat tis Sconiers AO ams Tolall Al II H HR Ml l'ct. 127 t6 42 2 18 331 •82 81 150 2 38 311 631 Cit 160 211 90 .301 438 84 129 18 82 29e 678 101 182 27 79 281 489 '!. 137 35 91 280 56.3 61r 148 22 II! 263 463 Cit· 121 18 112 2111 182 >22 47 2 21 2$8 4U '° I tO 1 64 261 ••7 42 111 2 50 248 79 9 18 2 7 228 80 10 17 2 5 .2 t3 t79 24 37 I 18 207 47 11 8 0 1 170 45 4 7 0 2 l&e 0 I 000000 20001 .,000 50000000 4.098 747 1,391 1641685 273 P'ITCHINQ ti' " .. ao W·L lllA Haule< 6~ M 39 38 2· I 246 Klson 127~; 108 41 74 9·5 3 17 Sle!tet 211>i Ill 10 13 1.0 3 32 Sane~ 86\1 88 33 5-4 7 ·3 3 36 Aue 52 45 23 '° l-3 3 48 Will 1116'"° t84 48 79 a.5 3 115 John 207'" 7111 38 82 12-12 3 811 Fotacll 2141o'i 210 &e 70 12-10 3 73 laM 206\'I 205 59 73 16·8 3 83 Renko 152 75 28 38 11-4 .485 Mreno 49'"' 55 23 22 -G-7 4 74 Cotbell 1a1~ 70 35 $0 1·0 5 19 Ttanl 291, 39 8 30 2·2 S 711 Curlis 7\'t II 3 8 0-1 S 17 To1e111,3S04\ 1,327 457 872 84-116 3 M NATIONAL LEAGUE Doda.,• 5, Attroe 4 L08 ANGe~I HOUSTOM •rllM •r llbl Tl\OrnU.2b 4 0 I 0 Pull>,rf 4 0 I 0 S Su.2b 0 0 0 0 TllOn,N 5 I 1 0 8roel<.pn I 0 0 0 l<nlghl. 1 b 5 0 I 0 Lndra,cf 5 I I 0 Garnar.3b 4 1 2 1 Gervey, 1b 4 1 2 0 J C<u.i,11 5 I 3 0 Guer•o.rl 5 O 2 2 Aellby,c 4 0 I 0 Monday.If 4 1 O O K Bus.pr O 0 0 0 Roenlcl<.11 O o o O PujOla.c: I 0 0 0 Cey,3b 3 1 1 3 T Scolt,ct 4 O 2 2 8'edty,pr o o o o Ootan.2b 5 O 0 O Ta-as,3b 0 0 0 0 u<:oss.p 3 I I 0 Sdoscla.c: 4 O 1 O Totman,ptr 1 0 0 0 Yaeger,c: 0 0 0 0 LM:orte,p 0 0 0 0 RulMlt.U 3 0 0 0 0<1a,ph 0 0 0 0 vtnzal•.p 3 0 I 0 Balengr .pn 1 1 0 O Totela 37 5 II S To1e11 41 4 12 3 le«• by lftnlfl9e Hou11on 101 001 000 1-4 lCK Angeles 000 003 000 2-5 T-out Wflal'I .winning ""' eeoted E-J Cru• Run ell OP-Houtlon 2 L08 -Houtton 10, Loa Anga taa 8 2B-Guenaro, Gerner, HR -Cay (221 SB-Tl\omN (2~ G.,_ (221. J Crw (201. S-Punl SF-G..,,_ HouatOft ,,, UICoea 8 LeCorle(L, 1·5) Raoerge 0 " 7 11 1 R IR MIO 3 • 0 2 2 i 3 0 0 0 0 0 Loe_.,..... VlnN(W.111-10) 10 12 4 3 1 8 Robarge pl1c;tled 10 I Deller In lhe 100• l -255 A-48,110 ~ ...... PtiMllea 1 P1111t>utgh 025 100 ooo-8 12 o Pllrladelpl>la 010 000 000-1 11 2 Sarmiento and T Pana Nlcotta. Krukow. ~ (3). Bysttom (8), Ballet (Ill. Mc;Gr ew (II) a nd Vlrgll W - Sarmlenlo, 8·3 L-K1ull.ow. 12· I I 'HR-Ptlttburgn, e-(15) A-37,352 C•dlftela S, Met• 1 St Louis 000 210 000-3 g 0 New Yortt 000 000 100-I 7 1 SI"'*, 8811 (7) and 0. POf1a<. bld'trt. Oroac:o (Ill and Hodge8 W-Sluper, 8~ L -Zacllfy, 6-8 S-Balt (8) A-0 ee8 Cllbe 7, i-llpoe 5 Chtc:aQO 200 I 11 020-1 I 4 0 Montrael 310 100 000-5 11 0 Ripley, Pff)fy \2). Cll"'pt>etl (5), Ttd<ow (61. le Smllh (II and J Dellis. Rogan. 8 Smtih (8). Fryman (II). Aeet<lon (II) and Carl., w -Ttelfow, W L-8 !imnn. 2·2 S-Le SrNtPI ( 15) HAa-Chlcego, Teble< ( 11. Durham (22); Monlr ... Otnoer (221 A-42,4 t .,.,,.. ...... 1 A1i.nt• 040 101 ooo-8 8 o C1nc1nnall 100 000 000-1 10 t Mahler. Pe ru (31 a nd Sinalro, Berenyl. Herr11 (5), H•yH (I I end Trevino W-Petez 2-4 L-S.renyl f · 111 HR1 -Alla n1a . Roytlar (21 Crnonne!I Redus ( 1) A-12,203 Olante4,PadtMI San Olego100 020 000 00-3 10 2 Sen Fran• 000 000 000 01-4 7 1 Show. Ora_, (7), Deleon 1101 and T l<ennedy S wisher. Hemmakar, Mtnton (8~ tioltanCI (9) anc:I Mey, 8'enty W-Hollend, 8 ·3. L-Oe La on. 7·5 A-11,SICI Top 10 <AMect et1 as at 11ete1 AMIAICAN LUOUCE Q d II W W~!IOll.l(C 124 $37 It Yount.M• 143 582 118 E Murray.Bal 138 500 n Garcia, Tor 133 5'IO 83 Coaper.MH 142 5118 911 Hetreh,Cle 148 558 911 c-,Aneela 1211 482 81 Srel1.KC 132 504 112 Rice,Btn 132 5211 711 lanslotd.Bwl 121 456 114 • .......llllilllle H l'ct. 181 337 194 333 15' 318 170 315 188 314 188 S14 t51 .313 1&e 310 1111 30e 131 305 G Tl'IOlnM. MllW9UltM, 37, Wlnlleld. '""* Yoril, 38, AUae41-. ....... Ill Thornton, Clevalend. 31. Coopet, MllwaukM, 30: Ognvte, Mllw8UltM, 30. Or1ng9 Coa11 OAIL.V PIL.OT/Monday, 6-ptember 13, 1982 SCOREBOARD ......... , ....... McRH. Kenua Clly, 123, Cooper M.._... .. , 114, Ti-nton, ClaYelan<t. 112, G Tr>omea. MlhfM ... 107. Wtflllalcl, Nwr Y0<i., 106 NATJC)NAL l U OU• Q Al II H l'et. 148 683 84 190 337 145 645 112 177 325 142 650 t" t74 318 148 804 67 '" 313 1311 509 75 159 312 142 54• ·a5 tee 309 •• m 11 "' .-1• Ma 11 * ..,, t• ..., tClll 111 .IOO 141 IOI M 111 .IM .._ RYM Kingman, N ... York. 37, MUlphy, Allenla, 35, Schmidt, Pnlladetpnia. 33, Hoonar. Allanla. 32. 0-rwe, Dod9N•. at. ....,.. a.tied lfl Murpny. Allan1•. 1011, Oll11et, Monlrut, 105, 8ueknet, Chlcao<>. 99. Hend1lc:k, St Louis. 911, Clark. San Francl~ll COt..Ll!OE HOW TOI' 2IO ,AMD Hefa'a how the IOC> 20 ,_,.. In The ANoclated Pr... c:otleOe lootball pall laredlUI ...... 1 Wull"'Qlon (2.0.0) bNt Artz.one. 23·13 2 Piii (2·0·0) bHI Florida S1•t•. 37.17 • 3. NebrNka (2-0-0) bell New MulcO Slate. 81·0 , 4 Alabama (2.0.01 bNI MIUIHlppj, 42-14 5 FIOftda (2.0.0) dlO not play 8 Soutn.in Metnodltl (2·0·01 bNI TexN-EI Pua 31·10 1 Oeo<gia 12.0.01 did no• l>l•Y II. Penn Stall (3·0-01 bHI R\/IO'fl. 411-H 9 Atkansu (2·0.0) beet Navy, 2"·17 10 Mlc:hlgen ( 1-0·01 lost 10 Notre 0-. 2l-11 11 Nortll Carolin• (1·1·01 bHt Vllnderblll, 34-10 12 Ohio Sm• (2-0.0t beel Mith!Qan Slate. 31·10 13 Arizona State (3·0·01 bHI Houllon. 24-10 14 UCL A (2·0·01 beat Wlacont ln, 51·26 16 Miami, Fla (2· 1·01 beal Virgin• Tedi. 14-11 18 Clemaon (0· I· 11 llad Ballon Collage. 17·17 111 TellM Cl.0.01 bNI U18" 21· 12 111 Southern Cal (1-1.0) bNI Indiana. 2a.1 20. Notre Oeme ( 1.0.0) beat Michigan 2).17 CoetecM ICot .. IAT\MDAY"a LATE OAMH u or s.n Otego 40, Clar~·Mudd 0 Redlaeld• 4 I. USf 0 ,_ Me•ICO 49, UNL V 21 (eo<racted 8CO<el SUMOAY'I KOM TulN 25. Olllahome Slela 16 uc1=.J:':.r (et UC lrftfta) W-'tellfMM ~I, UCI 1 W-1reuncle 2 2 3 2-t UC 1MN 3 1 1 2-7 UC trv1na acor1ng P Campbell 2. VwOQ 2. J Campbell 1. Oodton 1, Riley 1. UC h'YIM t, lltanlord 7 Stanford 3 1 1 2-7 UC 11V1ne O 5 2 2-11 UC Irvine ec:orlng· P Campbell 3. Oodaon 2, RJ1ay 2. If argu 2 on-aocw.. 2 UC Sen Otego 12, San F1anc1aco Stale UCLA 9, UC Santa Barbata 7 USC 8. Pacific 3 Celltornla 5, Stanla<d 4 Long Beach Slate 13, Sen FrancJac:o Slate 2 FrMnO Stale 4, UC San Otego 4 UCLA II. use 5 w a aaerlra unde Spa nda u 13, Cellfornl• 6 UC Santa Bllfl>era 8, Pacific 6 ,.,... . .......,. WHHrl1eunde Spandau. 5·1, UC lrvtne. 5· 1. UCLA. 4-2, Stantotd. 4·2. =·~ri .. ~t~; wcsJi:-Je,~~: 2-4; UC San Oleao. 1.3-1. San Francl9co State. 1-4, Padlic, 1-s. Fr-Stell. 0-4-1 AllT'S ~~'\-..1-72 e119lara 30 ban . 2 bonito, 60 mack .. at. 18 r~ lllll, 4 .,...,.,....,, 13 tcUlpln DAYSY'I LOCHA t~ ...... ) -187 angleta 17 bonito, 14 calico bMa. 1 halibul, 2611 mack ..... 351 lode ,..,., 18 8MWI baN llAl alACH -129 englera 33 bonito. 42 c.itco baN, 1 ltftQ cod, 4$0 IMCl<etel, 455 roell nllh, 21 Mild base, 8 ~ 115 eculpln. (..,..)-113 a11g1ar\ 11t bonllo, 1 hallbut. 800 mackerel. 3 Hnd bn•. 1 yell-fin etoall .. , 800 wfllla croeker, 300 ~ ~AMA WMAJlf' -248 8C'QlerL 112 beM, .. -.110. 1 tMllltlul. A.~--. 387 rocll flan, 33 thHPtl'lead , 30 acutpln, 2 cebazon, 1 llemme1hHd tlllM'k. ~ .=r.r.:m.,. 1111t1 .. ,..., •• -""'' A~ALOOaAI '1fteT ltACI. 4'' lurlOnCI• Ftqtaclla (Sll!lthl 10 00 2.80 2 40 Clirlollt Bubble (PeclrOH I 2 20 2 20 Adotlng Pow.r CAonclt 2 ,6 Aleo receO' Double Perk, Htg" Burel. Double 0-tcaunt Time 65 • IUCTA (2·11 paid S3600 QUARnltffOf!HI H CONO RACE. 3$0 y.,dl Adloa SWI Baby (Hett) 4 20 2 80 2.40 ENy Jet KJng (Adair) 3 40 3 00 Jet Set Rab (Tonkt) 3 00 Alto rac:ecl. Stephania f*!ueet, Blda ENyw\n, Fortunea Fa11orlla, MIH S~a Jet, Comrecltlt. Hawlteyae Pride Time 17.BS TitMO RACL '00 yardt Senatot Sega (H.,11 11 20 4 20 3 00 Churp N Go (Creage<t 12 80 8 00 Pret1y A41batle (Lackey) S 20 Alto racad; Twice The Spice. Your Pl-Of Mine, Metty Wagon, Ea Et Te. lnll.yt Oaliot>t, Reel M ...... Time 10 71 • UACTA (11·31 pal<I $2SS 50 THOftOVOHallEDI FOURnt RACE. e lur10ng• , Radiant Oewn (61blllel 8 20 3 llO 3 40 Royel Wlnd•totm (Rondt 3.60 3 00 1 MHble (Bleck I 3 20 Aleo raced F'aal Scullla, Star Brutll. MOOf Envrous, Abao<bift9 Time 1 10 4/5 'IFTH RACE. 8 lurtonQI Son or Dfaam« (Han..,.) 1140 380 300 8e F'" (Sibilla) 3 20 2 60 8e11er Try (Slalllng•J 3.80 Alto rtced Upper Edge, Mor)and Roao, Prlncaly Cn11ger. Olympiad Promise. Money Dua Time 1 11 115 IUCTH RACE. I 1/t6 m11ae 1tano1my Fl1 (Slblliel 7 20 3 20 3 20 Old Aca (0<1eg•I 3 oo 2 eo Sporting Clau (Han_..I 4 40 Alto raced Ttlhot, Cypriot Boy, SOiid Set. Lll1'1 Gey Rulel. EJ1ctu11va Choice lime 146115 91 llACTA (1·21 Paid '52 00 MYEN"Tlt MCI. 8 IU<!OngS • Mr Enlllu ...... (Sbll 8 40 4 00 3 40 GIO'<te Man (Ellredel 3.00 2-80 Otympjed HOii (Han_,) 4.80 Alao raced Feoaral Judge, Fl1e1 Baller, Flllh Man. Two Sid ... Ro111y Tabla Time 1 11 215 llGHTit M CI. 6 I• Hello H~ COrtegal 820 340 280 Sonoma Hosl-S 00 4 20 Palaha Aaat 7 00 Ala o raced E•cl ... lvt Youra. Ra.mamen1e. Wlnaoma Wln, Sunstune Room lime" 110316 91 ElACTA 1~·21 paid $H 50 MINTH M CI . 8 runong. 8afnt1ron. StieOow (H-1 ~ Mf Amiga 700 ~~ !~ Vain Tllrodunotlon 6 80 Aleo •aced Rtghl Poatllon. Kandon Can Oo. Cl ... lc Hottday, Fancy Guy, Hawalran Sand TllM I 10 3/5 TlNTH RACL 8 lllrlOnoS Prim Duet (Onaoal 7 io 3 60 2 80 Fleal Malinde 4 40 3 20 Bed Bed Lucy 2 llO Aleo raced· Petit• Room. Century's Lady, Jan't Prlda N' Joy, Fake Fur Time 1 12 2/5 • IXACTA (2-4) paid S70 00 IDJVENTM RACE. 1 1118 rnilft 0-(Sibilla) 3 80 3 20 3 00 Amen 8'01-5 60 3 80 CE 5'*1> e 80 Aleo raceo. Cron Flag•. Grl1lle, 84.nno.tong. AltrOftng, Ma .... WettlOt. Valanllne L..,., Kamalii King. Time 1 4<1 415 fWtUTH IAQ 1 11 115 Ml ... Coding Along (Onege) 1140 4'° 280 Gama OI Sp1ea 8 20 3 80 "'*" tcy Btesl 3 00 AllO raciecl Cyn)on Reel, On Iha Ptowt. Sk!pper Shella!, 1n<11an Lew• Time ue a1s • ElACTA (5-1) paid 1103 $0 Hollpood hf1l IUNDAr a MaUl Ta (2'7111 .. ~ ...,_ .......... , '1flaT RAca. Ona mile ~ Outulgnl Lori (Longo) 8 20 3.80 3 20 For .. tet (P8'ttef) 3 80 4 00 Wanda Nevada (Croghan) 7.60 AltO laced' Flying l"onya, M .. l., D G. tn.y.r, HI C Sl<lpp«. Bang Go L. AMI, Andya Sugar. Time 2 02 115 SI I U CT A 17-31 paid S28 10 M COMD U C£. Ona ma. ~ Ona Mo HHblty (Sltnt J 20 3 00 2.40 Jungle Lew {Toelelt 11.60 4.00 MNttr Swtleh (Vllllancl'"9he1'n) 2 80 Aleo raced Vlncero, Sllck Sw1k Charming Gent, Pape Eddie, Danie Allegro, M T 'a Eapr ... Time 1 Sii 115 TIMO llAC•. Ona mlla ~· Gunnet Frost (Park .. ) 7 80 3 llO ~ 80 RO)'don Legacy (Sprigosl UO 2 80 P V 8'81 (Pe<ker .Jt ) 2.40 At.o raced E11argallc Kid, Tempo 1111'9 Oii!>. Flow9t .._, 8qvlre L- T L, Tudor 8e)', 8"'* T~ N, Natban'e ..,.Ima. 1 57 315 SI U ACTA (3·9) peld 138 10 '°""'" flACI. One Mlle 01 l(altmaun (Grundy! 4 oo oo 2 eo Reaal RetJM t (L~ 5 00 S 80 Le M-Pride (Spr I I & 00 AltO •ac:ecl Dent• ay, 0... Slr, Flash 61otm, GOiden Pride, Flnel Chip, J1y• Memorlea. 8'e11da 81*1«1 Time· 2~1 216 FWTH "-'Cl. One mlla pace Fred a-. (Sl>tgg•I 4 eo 3 '° 2 40 Super Sue N (Sherren) 13 20 8 80 T1endy Tryu (TodO Ill 3 20 Also rac:.d· Sllill.lng N, Timely Reward N, Hardy M11ef at>ar, J:e1rdtle King. Oreo Byrd, Flying Aooa1, Tutanak!H Time 1.511. a UACTA (4·10) paid $103 50 11.XTM RACI. One mlla pace. Sneaky Peta (Ledley) 5 20 3 eo 3 oo Ligmlnltl SlifTI ( Baket I 3 20 2 80 Atnbl#IQe (Vallandlnghamt 5 20 Also 1 ac:ecl Hey Guy I, OeM<I Son, TO<ldl•h Daalgn, Pr In I maker. SunHI e.acn. Andya Sullot Tlrne 1·50 115 N IXACTA (6-31 Pllld S29 50 MVINTH RACE. One mile pace Scor"'Q OrlYa (Pre;) t3" 80 24 80 12 20 HedQarOW Lyna IRtlcNa) 3 '° 2 llO Ooc1ot Oon N (Grundy) 5 20 Alto raced Jannya Lad N, Flying Bo•cer, Strip Squeea. L00111ng Goad N, Midnight Pete, Bragallo. &row Ral- Tlme t 57 115 • llACTA ( 10·1) pakl S 1.390 50 IJOHTH RACI. Ona mile pace Branding 11on (Sleelhl 26 20 10 80 4 00 Bay LHI N (Ralehlord) 8 40 $ 20 Tt>e Thllly Bruddar (Kueblel) 2 80 Alto raced Mula• Joke, Logan• Dr-... Santu Ba<ry. Curtla Hanover. T 0 EKOtl Time" 1.56 215 MINTM llACE. Ona 1Me pace spec1e1 Ouatoy (Abnl 8 60 5 eo 3 60 Garry Ayr (P.,ka<) 10 80 9 40 Max Burnbro (BalKargeon) 5 20 Alto raced Pinch Hll. Kflr. Kenludcy King. Teel li"*)I, T-a, Mandetla, Aldan N Time 1 57 415 13 IXACTA (7·101 paKI $131120 '2 l'ICK llJI C&-4 .... 10-2·7) p.icl 15,· 427 00 wrln ll• winning llCll.eta (five notMtl $2 Pick Sia conaol•llOn peld U O 60 wllh 5211 winning tiekell (lour hO<_, TINTM RACE. One mrla pace Royal Edward (Prk1t 5 20 3 60 2 80 VICIOf Cnarle& (Crognan1 10 40 3 60 OH·Trtbu1e N (Todd) 2 '° OH-Or_I_ (Perryl 2 60 QM-OeadMal tor .now Also raced Modetn Touc:h. Renea• Chane.. R.,,...t Prince, ldut Baba, Hal Cheria, CIMr Nigh! Time: 2.00 a IUCTA ( .... )paid see 70 Allendanoa 8.330 DouMM•~· (el~Vadra,l'loa.) , ...... Brian Gotllrled (U S I-Raul Ramirez (Mexico) def Mark Edmondaon·Klm Warwick (Aullralla l by dalaull (Gotllrled·R•mlrat tplll $411.000. Werwlell·Edrnondton ll)lll $2•,0001 Men'••~· (at l'lllemlo. '6dly) '"" ... ,...., Marlo Mar11ne1 (BollvlaJ daf Jolln Ale••ndet (Australia), 11-". 7-6 (Martine• Wins $20.000. Aleaanclef wins S10.000l M9n'• tCM1rnem.nt (etPMla) ........ ,IMI Yanntc:k Noan (Franca) dal Henri Leconte (F<.,_), a.1. 6-2, 1.- Pt1elflc louthw .. t Senior• (al Newpon lleectl) ........ "Ml• Man's 35-Dave Bohanon (Ge•d8ff' Gr0"91 def Jerty Van Lln0r(Newpcjr1 Beecn~ 7 -5 &-3 Men • •O-HOftl Riii .. (Paaaclena) daf Dick Lead> (LllJUn• Beach). 7-5 6-0 Men• 45-Jtm Perley (Coronedo) del Bob °"9sltf (Coale M-t. 1.-. 11-2 Men·a 50-Ron LMnglton (Laguna lleeellJ def. King Lambe<1 (Sant• Ana). 6-3. 11-2. ........ • 55-6 •m Maleh ICalabHMI def Pata Welt/I (ciar-t~ 7·5. 8-3 Man't 80-Sam Planc:la (Canoga Pwtl) def Doug Whoflleld (Dena Potntl. 6-3. 6-3 Men't IS-Tony Prodan (Irvine) def B1M Sm"h (Palm Springe), a.1. 8.0 Man '• 70 -Laonard Dworkin (Glendale). Cnucti Sten1on (Leguna Hllltl Hen retired al M Woma11'1 30 B J Oravu (Palm Sp1tn11•l def Pat Damion fNawpo11 Belltt>). 11-2, a. I w-·• 35-Ellen 9ryan1 (~ 8"cll) del Sue SI-• (LOI Angeieal. ..... ., Women'a '°-Ma1"yn Strew (LeguM Beech) daf Suell• ~ (La JOllet. 3-t. e.o. a.1 w-·· 45-Helen Perez CNewoorl 8Hchl def Dorothy MallhlaaHn (P...o.ne). a.2, .. 7. 7·5 Women'a SO -Donna Snerback (Yo1ba Llnd•I del Estet Nelentledt , 1cn.1awortn1. e-1. w Women'• 55-Lot• Olafk (Clelamonlt def Plyecl\er1 HUllffY (8elletly Hlllll, 11-3.~ - Hatl of,.,.. Ci.Mic (et f'IMllw•t. N.C.) m ~ -Jey HNI, $46,000 70-70·70-641 John Adema, 127,000 8M111·71-119 m Cums Strange, S17,000 m 69-70·811·60 Allen Miiier, S 10 ,333 611·72-7 1-87 Mor•• Halaltlly. '10,333 7o.-et-73-81 Bobby Clampett, $10,W 1111· 71·70-89 .. D A W•bf';X• $8,082 7).71·1111-70 Mike Relc:I. .082 7<>-ell· 70-71 ., Roget Mallble, 17 ,000 71·72·71·07 Jack Renn<11, S 1, 000 72-64-71·74 212 Jrm Deni. $6 250 73-69-70-70 211> Kenny Kno1 S 1,553 76-69-70-71 8eeu BIUQI> SJ,533 75-70-70-7 t Cn ...... Krenll.414. $1,553 71·69-74-72 287 Tom Purli9'. $1,259 72·12·12·7 I Sieve Melnyl<, St,259 70·73·12·72 "Hel Sunon. S 1.269 89·12·71-75 Gery McCotd, SI 2S9 71-72· 71·73 -Wally Armal•ong S 1 050 74·70-75-6Q Mika Sullrvan Sl.050 73·10·74-71 Chip Beck. $1.050 72.73.7).70 °"111 Welton. S 1.050 70-75-70-73 .. John Fought, $850 B•uee Devlin. $1150 Merk HeyH. S850 Ed Flott. $8$0 611-711-71-73 2IO 9obt1l1 WadkHlS, $705 72-73-75-70 Geotge 8Ul"ns. $705 Jim Nel!O<d, $705 71-73-71-75 211 8111 Callae, S60ll 77-68-76-70 Jell Sande<•, SSOll Rlct>erd Zoll or. Seot 11-12·74·74 Tommy Vatenllne. $609 68-76-71·78 2'2 Rex Calc!Wall S570 73-70-711-73 Bruc:e Oouglau $5 70 74-66-76-74 8'lly B..-$570 72-73-7).74 Tllotnu Grey. S570 74-71-73-74 Ed~y,$570 10-13.72.71 m Phfl Haneock, USS 10-10.1•·19 •-Won playolll 1 LPQA Teitm Chemptonahlp (al POttleftcl, Of .. ) 1• Ha'f"MO-McMullen S2 l.600 1• 87-64-65 Barrel1·Rublo S 10,800 66-115 .. 7 Gerbacz·Rluo $10,800 66-115·117 200 Capon1.w nnworth ss.aso 67·117-641 Johnaon-Wallon u .aso a5-87-ee l-·WNl\am S5,8$0 118--8M7 201 DanMfl.Ullle S-4,700 70·65·641 202 Van Hoose-While $4, 120 flG.68-8 8ef1QlllC)Clnl0Germ11n S-4, 120 65-67·70 203 Hafeman-Lock S3 080 118-70-85 Moaneu-Solomon '3.080 69.97.97 Cot'Mtocio-FWWIQ S3,080 71-84-641 Britz· Han_, S3 080 et.ea.at Bartlell·P-aon S3 060 N-ea.611 204 Moora-MU<aol.a S2.127 &9..-..641 OwJe<·Poal S2, 127 70-67-t7 H•tlon·Slnglalon $2.127 88·87-89 20I Fe<<arll-Huke $1,847 6~70-641 Ale•·Clerll $1,647 811-87·811 C-·Sneihan Sl.847 811-87-811 -Kumlarlki-SpuLlcn S 1 2115 73-811-65 Hu•notd·Uncoln S 1,2115 73-ee-87 Hagoa-Klul S 1 275 611-68·70 Celllaon-EggeUng $1,2115 611-118-70 2117 Da11ey-Relnh81dl II, 100 20I 12.ee.81 Putt·Sl<innet $1.000 71-66-811 Oii-Young Sl.000 118-811-71 C....Oay-.i-s 1 000 85-70-73 20I Fergon·Joyca $900 71·88·70 Ok:lr8"on·Welk., SllOO 67·119-73 Senior• tCM1m11ment (et Nawpot1, IU) -•·Btll)I Caspar $22.500 8oO Toallt 1 14.300 207 Dow F1ntl-ald, Sl,000 20I Howle JOhneon, 16.500 20I Gerdnar Oic~tnson. S!.5$0 Miiie Fatc;hlCk, $5.5$0 210 8oO Goalt>y. S-4,550 Oen Slit•. ,. 500 211 Sam SnNCI $3.700 Jullu1 80fos. $3, 700 212 Peter Tl\Orneon, S3. too 214 70·89·69 68 71-70 83-'19-67 72 72.97 72.99.70 611-71·12 Piii.ii H•ney, $2.550 71·73·70 Robena 0ev1can10 S2 550 7 '· 70-70 211 Al 8al<Mng S 1.775 8111 Collons. S I. 77 5 Ket Nagle, $1,775 8111 Jolln9orl, SI, 775 Jim Faffaa. Sl,776 Pate COQC*, Sl,775 217 Bob Roel>llrg S 1,487 50 Fl«ldia H-Sl.467 50 Olclt Ma191, $1,417 50 F«d. s 1.487 50 71·72·73 72·72·72 7).73-70 72·7l-71 75°74-87 72·7&-68 70-72-76 72-73-72 72-75-70 74.73 70 Camel. Where a man belongs • 8 mg "1ar". 0.7 mg. n1co1ine av. per cigarette. FTC Repo11 0£C. '81. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.' \ tar. Sm• • -•M1 I .. • • Ot1nge Co 11 OAILV PILOT IMondty, 8eplemb« 20, 1882 ~D~EA~T~H~S----~---rn--i_n_a_r. ..... -----"*-'C--"°'--a-------Ml-~-~-r-~c---------..-..--------------- El SEW HERE offered Helper A' Wlrepflolo WILLOUOllBV, Ohio (AP) -David 0 . Slllelda, 81, a pioneer In X ·r•y photo11raph y, hu dlt•d . Shield• became one of thti flrat pc'()plo to bu l'C'il•wn.'<I by the Anlortcan Ro1i.wy of X·Ray T«hnkilllll. at college· Tht-rn14nu11t•men t of human rc¥Ouro<·• 111 tht• subj£-ct of a tlt!rtc• of ttvt" 1C'mlnur11 being offort!d by Orungl' Coi.1 l STOCK 'fON (AP) Dr. C o ll eg.-'11 bualneu Donald Pace, 73. n•nuwnNI for plon!K'rtng reiwan:h Intl> managep\ent program. tho llnka bet wren cigarette The tut m i n a rs a re •moklng imd cancer, died offer<Jd Cor $5 Cllch , and Thurlld11y of c•n~-er of the t'Omplt<tlvn o£ uny four lymph nude.. • e a r n s a t t " n d c c 11 a BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) - Or. C1rl E. Arbetman, 71, founder and dll'ClCtor of the All e rsy R es~arc h Laboratory a t Bufhlu General and 1he Allergy Clinic at Children's Hoeplt.al, died Wednesday. LONDON (AP) Rosalinde Fuller, 90. who p layed OJ>hella t o John Barry mores Hamlet in New Y or k in 1 922, died Wednesday. CL EVELAND (AP) Krlstjan E ldjarn, 65, who finished h is third term as president of lc.-eland in 1980, dJed. _.___ -rertificate·-. -- ·rhe opening ~ion in the series, tHl t!d "l mproVln.a Productivity Throu gh Employc~ Motivation." is scheduled Thursday from 7 to 10 p .m . For information, phone 556-5860. Fullerton man he ads drive ll·••••, . .,. .... NOTICE OP DEATH OY HOTICI °' ..!"':a'11'a U U RUT" 8 A IN 8 81 00 E vou ARI'" OtPAUt.t UteOltU COL!l, aka RUTH 8. COLE, DHD or YRUIT DATIO MA!_!, •.. _ RUTH COLD ..... D OP ,. UNl.IH vou TAICI ACTKJR -"" Af"I TO PROTICT YOUR P"OPf:RTY. P ET I T I 0 N T 0 IT MAY II IOLD AT A ftU8UC ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. IHI, IP vou NllD AH A·llOO•. 111,LANATION 0, THI HATURI. Tu Mll ht-Ir•, bunefldariN, rou;~~~~c:.~~~NcOo:::~~·z crttdltur• and cont1n11e nt LAWYllt c r " d I t o r 1 o f R UT H On Oc;tot>er 12. 11182, 11 11 30 BAINBRlDOE COLE, aka • m . BfVflRl.V JACi<80N. 11• ou1y RUTH 8. COLE, aka RUTH ~f_:~~:~g ~·~~;r~:i~:O,~"J COLE and peinona who may Mjy 23. 111eo ... 1n1tr No 241141. be otherwlte llll~rtlit~-d Jn boot.. t3815. Pll09 9119. or Ofllol•I the will and/or est.ate· l'lt0ord1. •xecutect by· ~•lemell M · Abdi, •n unmarried woman, 1 A peUtlOt\ hWI bt.-cn flit'<! 1ru11or, In the olflo• of Ill• County by Oorutheu E. Colt• In the Rtcorder of Orange County. 8111it0f S upurlor Court of Oran"t" 01J11ornl1, WILL &ELI. AT PUBLIC C " AUCTION TO HIGHEST 8100ER o.un~y r~quOltl.ng......th.Jll FGA CA&H {Plty'lble .. lime-of .... D o r othe1i1 !!:. Cule be In lawful money of the un111d a ppoi nte d a11 per son al St1IH) 11; tll• m11n entrenoe of repretientativi• w udm!ni#tcr C11tforn11 CHllH . Incorporated, 100111d 11 808 8. Bucih Blvd., t h e e • t a l e 0 f R u t h ,t.n1helm, C•lllornl• 92804, Ill right. Balnbridge Cole, (;Qeta Me&a, 1111• ind lnterett conveyed to 11.nd Cal ifornia (under the now held by 11 under Mid o..o of lnd d Trul l In th1prope<'ty11tu1led In .. Id cpcm cnl Admlniatration County end s 1111 deecrtbed u : ol Eetat.ee Act). The petition PARCEL I Is set for hearing in Dept. Unit 353 as ahown '"d dollned N 3 t 700 Ci i C on thet oert1l11 condomlnlum plln O: a V <' enter recordeU June 22. 11178 In book Orwe West, Santa Ana, CA 12121. page 1745 of 0111c:111 82701 on October 6, 1982 at Rec;orde or Orango County, 9·30 a m C11tfornl1. ' ' . PARCEL 2 IF YOU O BJECT to the An undivided 1/44tn 1nterHt 1n granting of \he petition, you and lo 101 7 ol tract No. t0t37, H should either appear at the shown on a map rec0tded In book h I ... 4 28 . pag•• 48 10 so of ear ng an.-sta te your Mlacelleneous Mapa Record• or objecllon11 or file written Orange Counay, CaJllornla, 1oge1he1 objections with the court with 111 Improvements thereon, before the hearing. Your excepting the1et1om condominium be . unlls 3 13 through 356. 1nclualve, apJ*arance may In person located thereon or by your attorney. boeptlng the<elrom ell 011. 011 I F Y O U A R E A rlgllta, mine1e11. mineral rlghte. Jo Ann Burnett, 1982 national home economics teacher of the year, gives h e lping h a nd to Raymond Bowie, a ninth grade student at a Tulsa, Okla., j unior high school. LOS ANGELES (AP) Stan Davia, 76, a gag-writer for such comedians as MilU>n Berle and Jimmy Durante, died Sept. 8. FAIRBANKS. Alas ka (AP) -Belle Herbert, an Athabalican lndian who was believed to be Alas ka's oldest resident at age 129, died Friday. Willia m ''Bill" Wied e of Fullerton h as been named chairman of the Orange County United Jewish W e lfare Fund campaign to b e n efit social and huma nitarian causes locally, in Israel and overseas. W eide is vice chairman of th e board of Ri verside -based F leetwood Enterprises, Inc. and its subsidiary com panies. He served as Fleet wood president nine years. CREDITOR . natural ga5 rights and ottier or a contingent hydrooarbon subllencH below a crediwr of the deceased, you depth or 500 loet unde1 the parcel m ust file your claim.with the of land llorelnabove ducrlbed court or present it to the IWlthOUt the right of surface entry as raserved In the Uood from Quill personal r epr esentative Run-Northwood a llmlted appo inted · by the court partnerahlp, recorded Januar\I 12 within four months from the 1979 1n bOOk 12998, page 383 ot date of f1'rst issuance of Otficlal Record• PARCEL 3. le tters as provided ln Section An exclualve easement for 700 of the Probate Code of perking and related purposes over Cali (orn ia T h.e time for tha1 porllon of 101 7 of uld tract No . · . . 10.<t37, as ahOwn on EJchlblt "A" to Pilot on flight honored fUing clauns will not expttt ,,,. Declaralion ol Res1rtc11ona for prior t-0 four m onths from t he Springs Condominium, the date o f the h earing recorded Aprll 21. 1978 1n book 'ced bo 12~•. page 820 ol Offlclal Record• • nol.I a ve. and re-recorded May 3, '1978 In YOU MAY EXAMINE book 12660, pega 578 offOfflcl•I the Ille kept by tho c;ourt lf Records of Orange \;ounly. You are interested in the Calllornta (hereinafter relerred to a• . "Oeolaratlon". u carport 1paoe No. estate, you may file a request 353. Slid easement 11 further with the court to receive defined and dncrlbed In Artlcln II Super Chicken Ill flew from OCC to Georgia s pecial not ice o f the andllloftheOec11r1t1on. John S boe craft, w h o piloted the Super Chicken III on a record-sett ing cross- country balloon flight that began in Costa Mesa, has been selected to receive the Mongolfier Diploma for outstanding performan ce in gas ballooning during 1981. With co-pilot Fred Gorrell, ·S hoecraft lifted off Oct. 9 , 198 1 from Orange Coast College and traveled more than 2,500 miles before touching down on Blackbeard I sland off the coast o f Georgia. This flight, the third Super ,Chicken excursion, was the first non -stop coast to coast balloon flight in the United States. The balloonists reside in Phoenix. ** Dana Mic.be lle Cody ,20, of La Palma, representing the Orange County Fair, was named winner of the 1982 M iss Californ ia State Scholarship Competition held last month in San Jose. A Cypress College student majoring in communications and nutrition, Cody is the r ecip i e nt of a $7,500 sch olarsh ip which she plans to u se at UCLA a f ter obtaining her AA degree. In addition to the scholar ship, Cody will also receive a $5, 000 wardrobe. cash. a trip for two to Hawaii and oth er prizes. As second runner-up in the Orange Coun ty Fair's All American Girl Pageant and winne r of the fair's Miss Congeniality award, Cody was selected as the fair's entry in the state competition because of her talents and accomplishments. NlllS/f.ICIS James B. Davis, brother of Sandra L. Hughes of 2391 Notre Dame, Costa M esa, has been p romoted in the Ai r Force to brigadier general. Davis is the deput) chief o f sta f f, p erso nnel at h ead quarte rs, Tactical Air Command, Langley Air Force Base, Va. •• R osalia Whitn ey, a p rofessional ballerina with 25 years of exp e ri ence in televis.ion. stage and film, has joined the faculty of the Christine Baltes Dance Cen ter in Fountain Valley. Whitne y will tea c h intermediate and advanced ballet s tudents. H er professional credits include solo performance with t h e American Ballet Theater and the Borovansky Ballet Company. She also has appeared in summe r stock productions. •• Jac quelin e du Pre, thf' English cellist whose career was cut short by m ultiple sclerosis eight years ago, has received an honorary doctor of music degree from Leeds University. The degree was presented r ecently to the wheelch air· bound Miss du Pre, 36, wife of fonductor-pianist Daniel Bare nbolm, by the Ducbe11 of Kent on behalf of the unive rsity. The duchess, wife of Queen EUzabetb's cousin, is uruve rsity chancellor. ** The former manager of the California Ins tit ute of Technology's Athenaeum club, Robert Louis Smith, has been sentenced to three years in prison for embezzling $190,000 from the private organiz.a ti on. Superior Court Judge Gord o n Ringer in Los Angeles imposed the three- year ma~imum term allowed on each of two felony coun ts of forgery and grand th eft, but h e ord ered that the terms run roncurrently. Smith pleaded guilty to the c hatges in June. Seven additiona l forgery counts were d ismissed. The 54-year-old Pasadena man was accused of submitting bogus invoi~ to the c lub o n Ca ltech's Pasadena campus bet ween O ctober 1970 a nd October 1980. •• Chrysler Corp. c hairman Lee A . la c occ a, whose parents passed through Ellis Island on their way to a new life in America, has kicked off a campaign to raise money for · restoring the isla nd and the Statue of L ibery. Ia cocca, nam e d by President Reagan to head a commission to r estore a nd preserve the two m onumen ts, h as launched a fund-r aiser with a goal of $230 million. Ellis Island, near the statue in New York Harbor, served as a processing point for about 16 million immigrants in the late 19th and 20th centuries. PARCEL 4 inve ntory of estate .assets • A non-exclusive euement f<>< and of the petitions, account$ Ingress. egreu. use and enjoyment and reports described in or Iha common area designated In Sect l 0 n 1 2 o o 0 f the the Doct111at1on. said eutmant . being further defined 1nd described California Probate Code. 1n Articles 11 and 111 of the H A R V E Y , K E N N Y & 0ec1era11on. GARDNER The street addreu •nd other B . RI .. _ d W 8 b common designation, II any, of the Y· c .... r • UC U&ll reel property described above Is 1775Z Skypark Blvd. No. purpooed to be 353 Streamwood, 140 Irvine, Callfornla The undersigned Trustee d1ac1a1ms any llab1llty lor any 1r>eorrec1ness of the street address 1nd other common deslgn1llon. II any. shown herein Irvine, CA 9%714 (714) H !-0%1% Published Orange Coast Daily Pilot, Sept. 13, 14, 20, 1982 S•ld sale will be made, but without c:ovena"t or warranty, 4018-82 express °' Implied, re19arding title, pouesslon, or encumbrances. to ------------•pay the remaining prlnclp1I sum of P\&.IC NOTICE the note(S) secured by said Deed or Cl'P _. TruSI , with Interest thereon. •• NOTICE OJ TitUa,: •. ULE provided In Uld 0018(1). •dvar>ces, 11 1ny, under the terms of ,uld Deed On Oc1<>W 5, 1Q821111i001.m. of Trust leis ch11gas and F I R S T A M E R I C A N T I T L E experiSM ol the T~uSI .. and of the INSURANCE COMPANY. I truats creeled by ul<I Deed of Cellfornl1 corporation u Trullee. Trual. tor 1ne amount reas~nably or SueceNOr Truet" or Substituted estimated to be $20,478, tS. Trutlee. of tll1t c:erllln Deed of The t>enetic1ary under aatd Deed Truet 11.uc:uled by STEVEN ,t.. ot Tru11 heretofore executed 1nd SCOTT. 1n unmarried man 1nd dellverad lo the undersigned a MARIL VN J. MARl<S, en unmarried written Oeclerahon ol Default 1nd woman. 1s joint 1en1nu, ind Demand for Sale, and a written reoorded October 22, 1980 es In Notice of Oet1ult and Elecllon to tnetrument Nb 33443, In Book Sell The undersigned caused said 13800, Page 906 ol Offlciel Record• Nottc;e ol Default and Elec:llon to of Ore.nge County, Callfomle., e.nd Sell 10 be recorded tn the county purtu1nt lo that cer1aln Notice of whe<e the reel property la located. Default lhe<eund9' reclOlded AprM oat• s.p1emt>er 8. 1982 22. 1982 •• Instrument No. Beverly Jackson 82-139232, ot Olllcl1I Record• of 85 said Trust .. ••Id County, wlll under 1nd By: Bevef'I)' J1c1<1on pursuant lo 18kl Deed of Trust Mii 806 s Beacll Blvd .. 81 publlc 1uc1lon for caah, l1wlul Anaheim, CA 92604 money of tha Untied SlllH of Tel 1714) 99S-3222 America, I ca.slller'e cneck p1y1ble Published Orange Coast Delly lo Hid Trust" drawn on 1 1111e °' Piiot, Sept 20 ;, 27. 0c1. 4, 1982 nttlonal bank, • state or federal 4139-82 credll union, or 1 •1111 or federal saving• 1nd loan 111ocl1llon -----------domtelled In Ihle 1111e. 11 the main PtllUC NOTICE enlrtnc• lo flrll Amerlc:en Till• --NO-TIC--f-IN-.VITtN0----8ICl--l--1nsur1noe Company tocated et 114 Ent Fl11h Str .. t, 1,, the city ot Sante NOflCE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11181 Ana, Calllornla. 111 that right. !Ille the B081'CI or Tru•t-or Ille Cont and inler"I oonveyed to and now Community College Olelrlcl of lleld by It under l8ld o..o of Trust Orange County, Callfomla, will In Illa property ellualed In Hid receive 1eal1d bid• up to I 1:00 County and Stall Oft«lbed u : 1.m . luead1y, ~tambef 28. at tile Lot 38 of Traci No. 9372. 11 Purell11lng D1p11tment of Hid lhOwn on 1 Map recorded In 8ook oollage 411trlc:I loc1t1d 1t 1370 410, p1ge1 1 to 3 lnoluilve, Ad•m• Avenue, Costa Meu, Ml1c1111neou1 M•P•. record• of California 11 wttleh time 181d bid• Ori..,.. COunt Calif 1 wrn be publlcly OC*'18d end read for. ···-y, orna. PURCHASE OF PRINTING Excepting tllerefrom all Oii, gn, mln•rtll and ollltr llydrocarbon PAPER; INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA tubstllllCll tying below 1 depth of CE NT ER. 0 RANGE C 0 AST 500 .... from Ille IUrt-of Mid COLI.EOE I nd bU wtthout tile ...... f All bid• •r• IO be In 1cx:ord1nce • • 1 · ..,..t 0 entry wtlh the Bid Form IMtructlons and upon any portion of th• 1ur11c1 Condition• •nd s.......at'--tlone ...., ...... l l>ov'e I depth of 500 feat to 111\e, ......, ""' .._., market, mlM, npl0tt or dr111 for .,. now on Ille end may oe MCut«I 1.un IHGHOH SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCLIFf CHAPEL Chairman anno.unced urn•. •• reMrVad In deed• from In the office of tile Purc:hulng A09n1 Nil.IC fl>TICE Virginia Flippen Kindel, recorded of:!:= ~!~:bmlt with ,.,1, l'k>....,,ber 18. 1976 In Boole I 1H1, .. _ -aTATEMINT Of' UANC>OHllENT pege l9lll and In Book 11ge1, page bid a c11hler'1 check, certified OJ U" Of' 1920, both of Offlelll Recor·~. chick. or bidder'• bond made 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 PtHCI MOTHUS SMrTHS' MOITU.UY 627 Main St HunllnQlon Bt:ach 536-6539 PACIHC YtlW MIMOllAL '"'" Cemetery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pacific View Drove NewPOrt Beach 644·2700 hank E. Anderson of Costa Mesa is ch airman of H omecoming '82 at use. It is scheduled Oct. 23 from 10 a .m . to l p.m . in USC's Alumni Park and su rro unding a r eas. Pi c nics a n d ot h er activities wilJ precede the USC-Oregon State football gam e . Kick -off time in Los Angeles M emorial Coliseum is 1:30 p.m Anderson . a 1950 graduate of use. is pres· ident of FAC, a financial planning firm. Marines cite volunteer aide An El Toro resident has received the firs t Volunteer of the Quarter award for Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro. FlCmtOUa llU8'Nli81 NAllft The itreel addran or otller payable to the oro.r of lhe Coasl The lollowlng pereon h•• common dHlgnatlon of uld Community CoOeg• Olllrlct Bowd abandoned tll1 ute of Ille flclltlou• property Is purported 10 be 36 of Trull-In .,, amount not lee• bu1lnet• name: Glenn, lrvln.,.CA 92714. then five 1*'04lnt (5%) of 11141 eum THE MILi< PALACE, 840 W. Seid aale wlll be midi witnoul bid" I guat&ntee 11111 Ille blddet 19th SI., Cosll M-. CA 92627. ~ovenant or warranty, expreu or wlll entar lnlo Ille propoHd Tiie Flctltlou1 Buelneu lmpllecl, " to lltle, po-Ion or Contrac:1 11 the eame la awtrded to Name rlftrred to 1bov9 wu filed In encumbrinoea 10 18111ry Ille unpaid him. In Ille event of failure to enter Orange County on Septem~ 2, lbelance due on tile 0011 or not" Into llUc:ll contract. tile proceed• ol 1960. !Mourld by aald o..o of Trull. 10 lhe ctledc wttt ba fOttelted, °'In tile GERALD JAMES HARUl(I, lwt1; 139,9~4.30, plu• lhe followlng cue of I bond, the Ml IUITI tllereof 14681 Wnlfall, Tuattn, CA 92680, tullm1ted 00111, eapenau end wlll b• lorfelt•d to Hid collage Tiii• bulllnMa Wll c:on<klc:lt<I by itdvllleel II ,,,. Ume of the lnltlll dl•lrlc:t. 1n lndhrlduel. publle«tlon of Ihle Notice of Sale: No bidder may wtllldraw Ill• bid Gerald J. Hetulll 1117.605.27. lor a P«IOd lof forty-flva(45) d119 Thi• 111temant WU llled wtlll Ille MOTICI TO f'tlOfltftfY OW.R 1111tr 1111 dill ... f()( Ill• openlno COunly Clerk of Orange County on VOU AM .. Dl'AUL T UH011R A tlltt'lOf September 1, 1982. IDll O OP T"UaT, DATIO Tiit Board of TruSI-,_,...,.. r:1..-•IPTlllU" ~"°· UNLlll tile prlvlleg9 of ralecllng any 11\d alt Publlelled Orange Co"t Dilly 'YOU TAKI AC TO l'fK>TICT l>ldt or 10 wal\le any lr~ul1r1tlee or Piiot, Sept. 9. 13, 20, 27, 11182 'YOUR ftRO,fRTY, IT MAY al 1nform1lltles In 1ny bid or In 1111 --------.....;3;.;;8.;.78-~62 aoLO AT A "'*-JC aAU. W YOU bidding. '"'-IC Ml\TM"r INllD Mt IXl'LANATION OI' THI NORMAN I!. WA1'SON McCOIMK:X WOITUAlll5 LaQuna Beach 494·9415 LaQuna Hills 768-0933 HB lieutenant in law school P a tricia Micke lson , c hairm a n of the volunteers at El Toro's Navy R~lief Society, w as presented the award by Brig. G e n . Richard M . Cooke, commanding general of the station. He lnltJated the program. l"uaL nui....-. ~·ATURI OF THC ,_OCHDINO a.eretwy, ,ICTITIOU• au..... QAINIT YOUw~tu IHOUl.D Board of Truat• NAm aTATWMaNT OHTACT A. LA C0Mt Community Detecl .._ N" C04laOt Olstrlct TM fotlowlno PlflOl'I• .,. dOlng -. · .._..,..... 2. 1 A; Publlalled braol\l\6 Co111 0111 .. ~U: r .......... tMnTMa ·•-' C Piiot Sept, 13. 20. 11182 8RANOVWVNE PROPERTIES ;..,...-..... ~·I 4021-62 11~ • Llmlltd partnet1lllp, 1823 E. .._.._ ·aelaft 1 ttll SI .. No. t02, Santa Ana, C" iDM 0..--, Autheftnd Oflloet San Juan Capistrano 495·t776 HAalOI UW..-MT. OLIY! ... Mortuarv • Cemetery Cretn1 tory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa S.0-555-' ,_Cl•OTMBS 1&1•0ADWAY MOtn'UAIY 110 8roectw•v Ca.taM ... &42·9150 t .... Lt. Sandra G . Sylvia, daughter of Gerald R. and Aiko T. Goodlng of 6 191 M eadowlark Drive, Huntington Beach, baa e ntered the Air Force lnttitute of Technology to atudy for a doctorate In law at the Univeralty of Arl7.0na. The program provldet Air Force membert with education In aclenttflc, englneertn1 and other Cle lda at civ i lian unlventtJe. . Ml.IC ~TICE PlCTITIOUe .,._ .. N.-8TATW....,-Tt?t IQl!oWlng peBC>nl are dOl'IO buelnete Ml TH8 MILK PALACE, SAO W. 11tll SI .. Cotta Mela, CA 92927. JE,, E MICOONAl.0 , 11&e• St. Pierri Wey, OV!>f .... CA toe:IO. LYNHI W, MMOONALD 11M8 91. Pt.fr• Way, CypteM, CA 9()930. TJ'lie bu11nMt II ooncll.lelld Dy en lndlVld\ial. .. •. M8COoMlcl TJ'lie •tttement WM tlled wltl'I tile County Cl«IC Of Or.,,. County on • ......., 1, 1912. ''""' ,ub11111ect Orano• CoHI Oally ,Mot, a.t. e. "· ao. tr. 1Ma sen.at 92701. 1114 •• '""' ••. MERRILL A, MOI. TZ, JR , At1 ie-.ta AM. CA ll70I lndlYldUal, 0931 OtnyOl'I Hiii• Rd., 1C'7M) eu-1111 A~m. CA 92807. PubHIMd Orange Co1t1 Coaal THE RE 0 8 A IC I< A 0 i' D ~ Ptlot, Slpt. 13, 20, 27, 1'82 BUii.DiNO COMPANY .• ClllllOl'nla 402042 eorporeOon. 0ener11 Pt11Mr. 1123 1-----------E. 11111 81, No. 102, 811nt1 An1, CA 92101. Tiie Atd 1r1c1t RotCI MOtne Co. Marrlll A. Moltz, Jr., Pf•. Tllla 1l1~ ,,... ftltd with t.,. County Ctettt of Of•"98 COUtlty Ol'I Stpltmbaf t, tN2. ,.._ Publlthtd Ofanoe County Diiiy "°'· tept. e, 13, 20, 27, 1M2 _3Nt-ta Call 142• 1171. •• Put • few worcfa lo -.orlll for ou. Follow your team in the Ml.IC fl>TIC[ P1Cnnoui ., ..... NA• aTAT'RlaNT T114 followlng ~et• dolno bUtlnMI M : M. FlAGu&ON & HAHN RfAL ESTATE, 3000 W. Coul Highway, Newpoft IMeh, CA t2te3. HliNRIETTA MAR IE FERGUSON, 30H2 C11nlel'bury 91 .. ~NO*. CA 1'977. LOUIS Ql.IN.!11 HAHN. 19 s1on11no1on. uoun• 1~11. CA 92U1. fhlt buelneM 11 ~ Dy I gef*ll 1*1'*INCI· Henrtetta M, ~ TNll .. ...,.., -flleO Wfttl tM Courltf ci.tt ot 0rlfl09 eouncy on ..,._.,., '· 1N2. 6 ClAISIF llD 4 2 • -5 6 7 8 D A I L y 6 4 2 • 5 6' 7 8 CLASSIFIED INDEX • •.•• ~fl! •.••••••••. IWt '""' llilT 1011 lllto ICl:M ·-16'11. ''°' 14* 1eo. ltMI IClllll IQQ IOI! llllt ,.,. IWI IUIO ..... '°" llM 1100 tOUA&. ~ OPPOIHUNITY ....... .,, ........ AU riaf ula • iCJl!8fU~ In ih11 newspaper 11 t Uble<:I to Ill• F'edtrel Falr Houelrio Aol of 1"8 wtilcll mak .. It Illegal to advert IN .. any prefeten-c•. llmllatlon or dltcrlml· ntllon bH•d on reca, color. religion, 1111 or nttlonal origin, or eny Intention 10 make 1ny 1uch praferenC41, llmlla- tlon °' dltcr1mtnallon." ..... 1~.-i Tllll newapaper will not mo knowingly accept any :: 1dvertl1lng for real .,ta-{t: te which 11 In vtolallon of 1u the law. = iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1100 ZD -t.00 ~ ~ -1100 -IWO ~I HIHla 4dvertl- sers should check their ad9 dally and report errors lm- m ed I at el y. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. ~:1 ............... .. -= •••• ,, /11 ,,,, JIOO •••••••••••••••••••••• 40'JO ,,,, ,,,,,, :c:= ..•.••................ o,io flHt/IJ J OOi •JOO •••••••••••••••••••••• = LOOI :.~ II DEFAULT C.lOO u~ -~ And mue1 sell now. Light and airy 3 Bdrm llome. EnJoy tlle ocean breezes. Bike 10 the bead\ from this Marina Hlglll•nd• llOme. Priced al $102. 000, which la $5,000 1>6-IOW appralaal price. Mu91 eell Immediately. Take advant age, call nowt 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS ~IOCl ~ISO )300 ~ For ourl99} r•gular weekly feature · --1011 •100 ~ IOIO "°'' --llllO --IOC) -m$ ---*111 --.. , IOIT SHOW- CISI Every Saturdey In the Da1z Piiot aaastflecl• lfWNIT NITS 1·2 LOTI Older 2 Bdrm llome on large lot. Minutes to beaclles & •hopping. Seller wlll carry flnen-cl n gt Well priced 11 $ 139 ,500. C •ll nowt 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS =1 = BR,t.ND NEW "Haart of -Orange County" Town· -llomes -Lullury 3 bdrm : llomea betullfully de· signed, Quality buUt -and nnanclng now 11181 you ju11 won't bellevel Call now Brandywyne Pro- perties II, 531·9670. *lllFlllT* U&TIUP '"' IUl' 1-1 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdrm -2 bath. REDU· CED TO $499,5001 UT lllYllmt IULTN/IWID *'ll-1111* IEU mll ITUL Lovely 4 Bdr 2 8a llome, lrg tree attaded )'T"d, pa- nelled f.amnr, room. M· eluded pat o off Mstr Bdrm. Super price for "" et only $1!59,900. 751-3191 C:::. ',I I ' ~1'1.( 11 11ot0 I 1 .... , ........... Wanted, In placa. N-· pon Harbor/Cotta Mesa area. All lnqulrlee conll- denll1I. Mall repllea to Ad. No. 1020, Dally Pltol, PO Box 1580, Colla M .. a. CA 112427 LltlllATIM 125,000 dwn. aHumt low lnter•t loana. Sharp 3 Bdrm home. $240,000. Frad T.,..ore, 831·1286. 831-2711, Agt. OHIYIY 11111 Laave 111• city behind. Two bedroom comfort with a f.treplace, new noor.. #Id new fencing. Work In th• clty It you 11'1\itl, b\ll eecape to Sll-vefado 11 the end of your dey. Tiiie Olk·ahaded collage faaturH tome .,.,-y 1n1ert111na flnenelna tllll might mtika 11 your petfeC:t ~ Mr, ""' Chardt II the penon to Call for ...... For Ad Action Cll a Daly Plot Al).VIS(I 642-5671 ... 0"9f llel ...... ..,... clout bedroom•. Hute 11v1ng room 'onMI OI-'*" room ....... .-. -. ........... .... etlOIOI ,. ... eaurt . MIQ;bOO. , ... • ,.. • l ... Orang Coett DAILY PILOl/Mondoy. Septemb r 20. 1982 (;7 ,..,, ,,, ,,,, ~~'!f ! . ('!. ~~· •••.••• ,..,,,, l lfJ •·•••••••············· •··••••······•·••···•• !~~!!!.~'.!.'.'.' ....••. II ,. .. ~!!!.¥~!,.~,!~ .. ·!-.~~-f~!~ .. M~ •. ~!~.,,.!!!~ ..•.. ~.'! ..•••... ,, •• fnlf./!!tt ...... !.~~1 ~'.m!l..,!1~ ... J.~f 1"/.,'t!.~" UH f!!/~.!!!~ ...... IJ.t1 !~{~! ........... /.~~~ ~!.!m!.~!~ .. J.~t ·'L,~IN n# :.:.;a;.················· ~!.~~t{ •....•••• !.~~ ~! ... ~~'!. ......... !.~~ llYll• AlllLITI ITIAL •••••• ...r.i~ .......... IUPUI """' 2Dr 2be IUCH A DEN 2111 Iba I; VltW i ' 20• t:ONJo. w ••••u•••••••••••••H• UlllWllMU PrirN t..ldo NMf bti'Y7t1lnt -fiill"fl\, l\ Lse LR . 2 00.t &Upt aa.~.000 lllllh -R.rnodellod 3 bdrm, l bath t IAf¥l' n.-c m1 "-'11 t>t!Wni)I, furnlliht!d, palll• $420,000 PlllMllU •111 Prlu· W1 .. l Bay bayfl"Ollt Sltpi for 2 lxloQl.f remodeled 3 bdnn. 3 b11th $1,W0.000 Ocffn &. jetty vi •wt M11.rln roum. • bdrm, 3 beth, 3700 ttq.ft $I ,;jtl~.1100 Ol'\'anfront Lllll ISLE llYFROIT Lagoon view from 6 Wrm, 5 buth, pl11ytoom. dark rrn. den. Boat 11U11 Now $1.000,00U UYlllE PUOE Spectaculw-bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 bu up; 2 br, 2 bu dn. 2 boat •pi&t.'t. ... Reduct.'<l Sl .~0.000 Flllllllll UIOH New 4 br, 4 II\ boll, custom French Nonmindy &tall" l.2 pnme acre hilltop $1,250,000 AVILll Fee simple cottDge on quiet Descanso St (Ill Flats) $14MOO. 001101110 GAYS Coronado Island cust. ba~ront lot 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w /wrms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )-11 llriyHfr Dr•v• ~.ti ()7) 61(>1 TllPLU I 111,100 Great C.M. locallon. three 2 bdrm unite w/ garages. Rents are low. No qualllylng w/20% dwn . 831 ·7370 , 549·3546 2 1L11 1wn 111 Charming 4 Br. & family room, 2 brick llrepleces. country kitchen, qulll resldentlal area In mo· dern tract by Buccola. 10% down. $229,000 Owner carry 10 years *IAYOIHT* 12¥• financing apaclous e.l(ecutlve ranch 11v1e home In pr11t1ge eree. Thi• home taa1ures 3 brs, lplc, large 101 & tee landll Loweat price at $280, 000. Cell 769-1501 or 752· 73 73 tor eppolnt· ment to view. ~ Walker & Lee COLOWCLL BANl\eRLI .... uu Trade,,~ Dt. 21• WI .. gal, tPa. Dll-IM to7• •urv lmM!I ... HOO mo man 1.1'91 ••1,• ... llWI Qnfgeout ~Ii llo!Tie WI llOme, Anaheim com ~110.1>004. kid oic 1475 OC F\IHTAl..I 760·3:114 •~ 841·,Ut D•aulllul p11k·llk• eur-pvt )Iii, pultlng gr"n 1 1 ... 111 .. ""'T 1 ..... 3 T d incl man., .. 11.. Try P • • ,.,,., lfl • Hm• •n .. Al 1.,...., t4 LUlll" Mt.:LAIN c.cll\c:lo, lfg c11 rounc:ttnga err ace :J •PW~• bclrma, :I'S. 10 dWn t.or delllll tall la.n1n1 HI vra lor AH -'" nyon, 2 '" ''• bl 1m. pool lu111i.111 QM bOq, WflfPIC & 112 Clle&,MIO• P 1 t 1 1 ck Te 11 0 r a LA. Orange 0 DllQO, •lllO WTllH• 3 Dd1m Cla•ecfled homet maculale, c.nllc:I O/<. no aparldlng lountaln• .. ••• " .... " ... .,.,... nr~ dONl~ ..... 111111,1nuat ~.. 760 1702 c:o .. lal 11r111 H0.000 3 Or Ci.an & quiet, c;ar In •xG411ient wea Ava.Ila pel• a 1100 mo Call 8PICIO\I• rOOMI fM9• -,...... ..... t1 UI 911 2046 or 0111 d,.P .. , l•unC11y bl• lmm•dlately Oer1y 01 Chi Itta r111dlnlngar11 Wall! In Ill .... llL A,SAP p,, ... c;all Dllr 300.!l&t I ., 0 0 ~ • up . y., Cl . UOO/mo on I YMI ,_ U3 1101, 700·1397 clo .. 11 flom• 1111• kit· 113 t 411111 or 831 22.e garage W111ar palc:I No f'tv• otn•r• 10 Choo.. chen 1. cablne1• Wallc 10 IUl, llH,OIO lracse my lrNtdew Al Peta from Wa'r• the onet to 48•, 38•. 2 ety I~" lay, tiUl'lllflQIOf\ Centet A bHutllul updat•d & Alll h /11 1011 Of0"'8tly IC>l l•I• mol nur tlJI san11 ttebel call IOI INMt din rm, lndrv rm, l1plo, 1 Bdrm turn, f&tl uPOrldecl duolell CIOM •••••••••••••••••••••• hOfM 088 2M& 000·3989 (Uj)w.. rrn tor bO&I C>l RV, 0t<'n1, No,,_., UtMlli.e ftMI In loc:allOn Upetalre hH 3 bdrm, 3 ba, CutlOfl\ view aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 111tl/I 2 O 1 B 2852 8 ~~ n"\\dhrldQ~ St2b mo 894 31 tO LA OUINTA HERMOSA p1an1auon ~u11.,1. 1011 ~o~~.:/~~~1c•~3~11fn· lllPPI 1&1U1• •••••••••••••••••••••• An~· Ave 1;4 ,450 ·~~· Ru hu H Tll WATH t8211 Parkald&Ln, 1 t>lk of mirror• • both unit• Ownet wlll help llnanoe Y°" own the llltld 2 000 ,. 1 I ·-~ ... t '"""'" w ot a..ctl. 3 bill• a. heve own petloe. N11rly 12 .... 000 0 ' al•lll •11 I n '"' ·vuv 551 3000 UalbO• Cov11 e11ecut1ve ot (dlnna. '"•47·644 1 0 I "" 1q ft, 3 r. tam tm. 2'"" •••••••••••••••••••••• no-2 • c:I (I "r 3 .. .,_. " new cerpet. 1eat or •• :..7044 8c11•088., o lo a bel 3 BA 2 Ba 'A ecra toncld, 11111 •11•11•a 1·~""'"1"1 ... a • • ,. owner or rental. __ "'_u_ · .. 8 • w 1 reen 1· near •lhl CM w111eld• fplC & bdrm All opening lo l.1'1.H• ,,.,. J141 •••·IOIO BHll•sl•• pool F11 llwlow marlcel 11•/11•1• 3101 mucn more $600 mo llllTALI g11c:l1n p1110 ovedoo· •• ••••••••••••••••••• 124$,000 Wiii ieaH ott-• • • ••• • •• • • • •• • •••• ••• 17 1 3938 2 lo 4 bdrmt, 11arllng 11 king walltf, 2 lrplc'1, gaa Lu11ury atudlO. ffM HBO. . ,.., 1040 llon. Bkr 844·0134 48r, 28•. c:lallwthr, W/0. ____ ,800 l0.Sl3i6 11ro rlog_, •i:>• et~ • .JIC phone, maid Hrv, 1pa, I... . ............. • ••••••••• lov11v home from !fept· CHI aid• C M t & 2 bd Maybe furnlltl d •llP tor ff:J<r wlt 4119-3015 r I l 1001 for flftl time euyera . POOL lllMI Jv~. 873 8214 01 (213) hOOH• Encl yrd•. from boll avelleble Only •••• !!.!!!'.~•••••••••• New program 2Condot 244·&&12 $375/moiot.678·1642 St99111mo 7!.t-'787 •SIOHT & SOUND OF Sl:A tBr. frple. gar. - w i nter S425 mo 494·6194 HllY OIPI Ott Quaint 2 Odrm home with huge game room • or make It a large mHtlf 111llt Dormer window•. picket fence. double o•· rage Excellent POlnt lo- callon Cloee to t>eac:llea. '300.000. Owner will P- ilat with financing 142-1200 I j PETE J BARRETT ... REALTY Ctr••• 111 #u I OZZ ....•.........••••••.• l•lt•it , .. , Offer HomttGueat+lncome OWC 1st -Flex Torma 509 Acacia C<IM nr bch Spotleaa vacant Duplex Huge 5br/3ba+3br/3ba 440K own/bkr 845-7048 t ti• 1 etory + lurnllure l1111t. luHI llH ......... 988·8103 evH 171,000 C ullom 4 BO & fA ll1w .. 1t ,,.,. 3111 3 Br, 2'" Ba, lrpto. 2 cir "•• 3 Br 2 elorv o'looklng pvt pool ore .. •···~••••••••••••••••• g&r. nr So co .. t P1ua. .I.I . Prt11ertJ M1•t. SI 10,000 alng rm lot kld1 Qufft LIDO ISL • 3 bdrm. lam comm po~ & tpa 177& Verulllu 2 Br 2 81 ALMOST OCEAN FRONT Call 988·2297 Agt hM 1111 own Uv rm w/fple rm, 4 Ba, S 1700 mo 980·3208 Condo S700lmo 2br, l'_..ba hovM, 1778 •• Ttll IAJll eu~~i: ~::., ~:~11::,~ OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. E/1ld• 3br 2'"b• l1m rm, Broker759-0120 mo 2br, 1 ba duplex. hU FtrHllHrt 81t1. Reduc:ed lo $320, 1 Ba 1700 mo Biii ~::c·A~en~~;~·~c~ I~~: LllO ISLE ::~~•.'= ·~~i:°'C:: 2 atory, 2 bc:lrm t \.'o b• 00 Ruth Laurie, Rllr Orundy,Rllr.976-8181· tennli,pOOI Avall 10·111 2 "· 4BA~Ba&den,$1400 &.44·1640/407·6125 buoh•Condo Co·OP 1148-4380, 845-4765 Beaulllul home tor quell· $700/mo lit IHI & dl9 'lS 31.41M"'5J)a·IRVbC£ mo 222 Via Paletmo, Poot. uuna, weigh I BEST DEAL IN HARBOR tied per1<>na, grac1ou111-648 8e91 or 846-30~8 T 11rt 111 ock 811 ec. 2 ___ 6_7_5·7168 !'!!r.!!.!!~!~ ... 1!.~? room, eut> parking RIDGEi Beaut 3 Br home vlng s25ooimo 118 ., 8, 1 Ba Oen y'erd 3 BR 2 B _d_b_l __ O_•_ Wini'"' ran1a1a Oceen and Pier View 676-1530 • m1111r1, den, 2'11 ba • car " ... LI.I..,. at Sl•"OOO s65 with lnored View In 25113 Elden $525/mo $1350, Alto 644-9080, bllns, !pie, patio, grdnr now avallable Call .... ""· • • pr .. llglou• gate QU81ded Outstanding I a den, 2 83t·3871, 875·2880 673·8589 Incl S900 648· 1232 ,,. .. IULn OOO 14ndtr mark•0 1 All o om um n S 4 8 S M Ba, sundeck. for 1 or 2 Oya, 848· t677 Elaine Ma••i•M•IJ CHll or new fin rHI 642·7745 i>erton• $750/mo lae 1 Executive Blutl Condo 3 bd Available Now Oar-PllP -5 5 opp'y for eomeone who Llke new. Bullder'1 Mo· dener No Pell $930/mo 2 Br 2ba luxury condo Nr flf.I 111 con act laat Agent VERSAILLES CONDO yr Loi• Miiier, agt c beach •11 amenltlu. ----------83t 1266 del lly llghU and 831 1816· 493-7766 "' •• 631·8100 A•k for Jim 1 br, 1 bl, 'Southern ex-• Ocean View. s 1200 per • ' Most belulllul complel! Oc1enlront Oelu'I 2 bd, Rlgf\elrner po sure-, 1ubterranean NEWPORt CREST CON· mo ORANGE TREE CONDO -S7 45/mo tiarry PllOI 2 t>a $ 1200/mo yrty In· Olo.E To -••• p rkg, HC entrancn, DO -Bteut 3Br. view 642-3893 1Br, air, refr18 Incl, no 2 1 31 2 7 8 . 6 4 O O or eluding utll 752-9488, __ .. 0 u .. I 8 n d Ing p 0 0 II $1200 mo AQI 645-0295 pell Av all I . 1 $485 213/870-3008 673-0881 No monev down, no clubhse. By owner $98, ---------3 br, 2 ba. lrplc Quiet toe mo 551-2554 qualltylng own your 900 assumable Sandro Oceanfront 2 Br 1 Ba Meta Verde Xlnl cond ltw111rt llel1lltt 8eau1llul ocean vu 2Br, home on our unique 642·6149 garege, petlo, no pell S8501mo 875-9400 3 Br Cambridge townhou-3 bdrm, 2'·~ ba. private brrght a alrv. Mature •hared appreciation fl· ---------Includes uUls unlll June 18, pool. Avail tOll 5 Obie gar ciose Jo be•cll only $850/mo 83t·O 174 nanclng We have 5 IALIOA llWI $ 6 2 5 & $ 5 7 5 /mo 3BR, 2'),BA CONDO $650. 548-6198 845-9095 OCEANFRONT ,.,.. Bdrm. hom.I In Hunt. B •• ch. 646-2510 2 yre old 1129•500· DEEAF ELD -· 2 .... DESPERATE'' 10., dn Seller 111 bu I Lov..,v ""· 3 Bdrm 2• ... Ba comm I Ba $650/mo. winter 3BR 2'Aba. 1800 10 2100 ,, -Ll_d_o_w-9-19-r-tr-o-nt_h_o_m_e_ 5 .. , w Y 2•L b t h $725 " • .... II. Pauments from down Int tale Rick, bkr, 55"2 0a4,3o1wntt 5ome. pool, 2 car garago: Bachelor, •l•P• lo si'200 lo S1800 mo. Call 10% DOWN/OFFER Bdrm, 9 .moa ,.... 831-8741 -• pm. $900/mo. Fred Tenore. beach $500/mo. winter lllYIH THUOE NEED FAST ESCROW! $1500. 640·5273 Agt. Woodbridge 1 yr new 631-1286 or 631-2711 PROPERTY HOUSE lat T~:s~~EREO ~:~~~.~ 7~~~8o9k1~55~6on 5 bdr:~ ~:r~e~lorl~n. '_o_c_e_a_n_l_ro_n_t_·_l_t_tr_e""'c-tl-v-e 1c;:~.2n~r ~1~8's~~~ ~~: home! 3 Bdr, 2 Ba, gar-Agl 1 642·3850 842-1010 This neat 3 bdrm 2b• /ma• 1044 S tepa lo So Bay. 3BR 2ba $1200/mo. 9 548-8680 ~a7~er Inc. ng pets Newport Crall EKec Beeutllull Bachelor Con- with ove• 1800 sq 11 with •••••••••••••••••••••• Substantial price reduc mos 118• Sui ·9lt8 ---,,,-.S-T_S_l_D_E ___ L tm95o7. 8 1 4Y00'· all Agt. condo Elegant & clean. do. pool, spa, weight • ~ arry · 4 BA 3ba. no pets Lse room, underground ~o.~~.Y C::~~~·w~t8n::~ llYIH, $121,100 i tiloinii6i75i-Oii6i52iil\iiiiii Bl•lll U1/•ta/1i1I 2 Br t Ba. t car gar, lge 2 bd, 2'h ba, park front $110/mo Agl Carlena prkng $575 plua elec1rle subatantlel I ti TO at Adorebll starter home In •••••••••••••••••••••• yard $850 673-0168 condo 'h ml. to UCI. No 67s,.1771 E .a 1 & W k n d a 12% Int 7 yr tOlm A lovely nelghborhoodl Ex· UH ISLE C.Htll JZOZ 2 Br. I Ba. yard, lrplc. pets. 846-2850 bkr 213/433-51011, Mon.Fri leesellold ea1ate Priced cellent llnanclll9 avaJla· WITI POtL •••••••••••••••••••••• bonua room s5251mo ---------Sea View 3 Br 2'n Ba 11·6PM 714/538·7701 to aeo 1n tee ~l~dl~~·~v,,~::'i,!~s d~1; Beautllul cu11om bullt REITALS 6N7o£ P2•860t• 28;631·3E6171 or l.l•HI l11ti 3Z41 ~~~·Y 1~7'011~ i'':''v ~~•!n --,-0-,-,-.-,,-,-.-,-/-Y-le_w_I_ "7"·5 70 •' bdr 3 bath home Yearly-W ....... ly·Wlnter, 2. ~ ., den ••'•••••••••••••••••• • • " "·• ' ' 3,. Bdrm.,..,1 " HARBOR OCEAN FRONT $1 550/mo 546-8e85 Outstanding 2 and 3 -1y••y First floor open1 onto " 3 br, 2·~ bl. famlly rm, bdrm 2 be ldry fr"" rn -. pOOI •M patio Second JlCOIS REAL n Nu 3200' lux hm on bluff Studlo-Nwpt Hgll • • • ..-. di DOW YIEW ~ floor opens onto betco-~~:noa~41-~~;"o 2567 180 deg. vu o~ harbor, 5400 mo No pe1~ bal. winter 840-4784 144-4110 "' . .... ~, Hard 10 tlnd Btoedmoor. t-;---:---. You must see this PROP sur1, mtns, 3br. 3be, M-~2-7404 Step• to aend, 28t, patlO, exp'ended 4 Bdrms, ~~~~~~~~~! ellghtful drematlc lllllliEllEIT EASTSIOE curlly . uuna, spa Beach noun 1°'2 Bdr 2 winter $600 mo. 3312 TAYLOR CO. ~·-1 ,,,., gourmet kllcllen. extra lO"' DOWI ----------• ome. we tnvtte compa-3 br, 1 be, gar $850 $1800/mo. 496-7009 Ba. 2 cer 0·., $1001,.,;0 SeaSllort Of 873-4243 large master suite $429, ,. FORECLOSURE SALE naon. $595,000 115·1113 ____ 6_73_-0_188 ___ Old charmer, view, 3br. Fred Tenore, 831· t268 OCEANFRONT 3 BR 2 Ba 500 I /H "'-' w.e duplew t~ms to Immaculate Woodbridge•---------~ ----------........, ti I _.... d '-N --e . 1200 -.., ft. Ul'tlil()UI: t1 Ml' flt YOUf budget Own 111 Avelon 2 bd. ba, A/ • '' ra •HI It Plaza .,.. S750t mo beach/ town S 1150 ocean view Walking le•e • 211114-ft. ..,..,,u~ ~ • "' 2 c lldlll • 1., • I y 3 Br house w/pool, SC '"""' "· r,,..., ec.. r. or 831-2711 Agt tge unit, spectacular WTI"' ., or pert. Darr•ll ownlagl corner 101 $16,000 down 2 Br n .. r all, $700/mo Linda Hart 631•1266. 494-8930 WHtcllll 3 Bdr, S1250 dlllance 10 shopping & .. let 1201120. Aeallora, 875-6000 RE/MAX 758-1221 & TO Pay 857-2045 l1Jfre1t/l1f1,., agl -EM-E-RA_L_O_B_A_Y_. _3_b_r_, -2 Clllfhaven 3 Br, $876 H N-port"• finest r .. tau- IJI0,000 HOl NnH PRICE. By Owner, well located lidO Realty 2 Br & loll. eJtce1 tocatlon 3 + 2 $625 Nice decor ba. 1800 sq. It. frpl, brick Frederick, agl 63•• 1266 r • n '' Furn I ah• d * w•NrE·o Slll,000. Orangetree condo, I Br 0 n Ed II. w. t . r INllh plusn carpell, mo-patio, with 1pa $1600. St 100/mo 67~83 .l•a VR•I( n '" a loft Presenuv rented 673-7300 S 1200/mo dern kitchen. yard. flat, 2131876-2255. UOLlllYE WINTEA RENTAL. 2 & 3 -•Ml IAYFROIT OR 2 Br Collage near Big tor lnve11men1 purpoaet Oetfi ••sa/lihrl --------'"•ltt• •1HE On the golf cour 10 Corona Beach, 11lnt llna.n or a11all lor lmmedlele ________ __. RETIREMENT apt 2Br, children welcomel Pool 3Br. 2'),Ba, 2 car garage -" " Bc:lrma, Newport Penln~ Custom belutllul 3 Bdrm OCUIFROIT B. EUertsen· • Broker occupancy Priced 81 ---------1 • 1 1 ti too Many rentals at w/opnr. tncd vd. ocn 2 BR, den & fabulous 180 aula. Playa Real Estate. home, mtny, many Ill· 675·~373 or 720-0740 actual mld·l981 purcha· 2 .... ,. ,.,. Oelff c een .. qu el oca on BEST 539-6190 coat lllew. Avall lmmed $950 degree view Community 673·t900 1278 500 wl h t0% FAST ESCROW • Cash .. price 01182.500 Ow· -S400/mo. mo. 497•1051 pool & tennis. security -A--1--1----- tru. ' .. ~I 1 plul shopping center to SPYILASS ner will llelp finance on Newi>Ol'l Bay wltll atlp. l111llere/Y1t/l1fr1 Lm1"1o.11R1'o1om3 Bforr. ~RV90pa'*rk· gete S 1900 per month ,., ••• 1 down owner ... I carry 81 trade In Orange Co. Total security. $495,000. 3 BR 1 1 1 W'91111 CeH &111 O on n a O o d 1h111. 01/•1al1i" 12Wf. lnttlfeel. Agent 844·9513 U$oufh,orf" ~:~.-2033. 759·1071 Kl· Call AM Mrs . Gori. Large &n af~H~12~t,:;· Ing frplc 8 a chefs kit· 2 bdrm, 2 ba, fenced 644·6200 •••••••••••••••••••••• llJ MeOarllll1, lltr. 5 Bdrms, • .,.. ba 7 1 4. 6 3 1 • 2 4 8 2 ' or W1terfre1t lle•e• chen brlghtln II up, kids vard, large covered pa-l1/1'N lll1ai 3IOI l .. ·ll21 R-... u-...... 10 ••59,000 t•IY P&•l 714·323· 7517 pe11 gr eel Hurryl BEST •••••••• •••••••••••••• G C ""' "''"' ... , "' 00 539 6190 1 tlo. Quiet St. Waeher, S 1 B lalanc:I EXCHANGES Precious gem 11ones for trade. Will trade precious gem 11onea ror Real Estate. Wiii con1ldtr anything ol reHonable velue. For Example· AutOI, Yachll, Palntlng1, RV'•· or equity In going t>uslneaMt pp 631·6188 MA NIFI ENT s Twin Leke Cr. YILUll I IU· 14 · cos dryer. Avail Oe1 1 $850 tud o apt, &Jboa • CALL 760·1468 Ot•11111/ flllll J JIL-a l J I 3z-CLOSE TO NEWPORT Mo. 675-9060 •1u3n5nOyy, r~yut•8t3.'9m212~:. COUNTRY /? fl/ ":2:? . 3 bdrm, 2'/t be Dublin •••••••••••••••••••••• I... I II -Fenced 6 room homo, ""f// Y Ma-~ Model Becka 10 nice ll1il/1 81•11 :•9 .. ;•9··~·c;••A.. cozy frplc, dining rm, lull Smell hse, 2 bdrms, 1 ba 642·3560 R[Al [STATE 6A4·63"7 greenbelt Thi• home hH f'. • I 1100 , a s' oon m, garage! Kida pets are lrpc $680 mo 2 Br •Pl gar""• No pets NS ON .. 7 hed the bllt ol core II 111 1 gar. No pets 11 /mo. t 1n8 s 5 0 o e Es T 760-1476 h•t• All 3UO -.. MA I A11oc11t1on pool and •••••u··,·,·u••••ll•l•l•l•I••••• 2 2 7 c o r • I ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• S7501mo. 227'_.. Coral Cllll #n~ IOZI lennla. st29•600 2131395-3511 1_5_3_9_·6_1&0 __ c_o_s_T ___ Charming 2 br. 2 ba s 5 Y"• new 3 Bdrm, w.ba, 213/395.-3511 •••••••••••••••••••••• Beeutllul 24X64 3 BA 2 $5<15 3 Br Mom'a bath tor Laguna beach llovte on cul·d•·SIC. klOa ok Aa/L-- ..... fint le .. Superb con•trucllon • exqul1lle decorating 8000 sq/It, 2 acres, specuw:ular vtewt Seclu· ded Lemon Heights • North Tuatln Hiiis aree surrounded by other ~It estalH $2, 150, Ouwded g1te communt· ty. Neer South Coall Pleza 1 bdrm, 1 bl Condo $79,999 For appt Riek Alffrtttt Reallor/Oev~ ..... .,,. hllpt 731-4444 731·51151 2 bdrm. 2 ·~ b•. den More lamllles are getting Condo. 2 car garage, Ille camping "bug" thla laundry hook-c.rp1. Walk year It you have 1 cam· to Pool. Sauna. Conv lo-per thal'1 not getting cetlan. S 119.000. used, sell It now wl1h a lll·44U Ctaulfled Ad. LIDO ISLE-40' LOT New on matket with Sunn., South p•tlo and remo deled a n d new dec or. Herdwood ftoon, i.act.d glHe, gourmet kitchen In thla 2 bedroom plue den. Priced under market t~r quick aale. A..um.mte loana and OW help nnanc.. Mlt,500. \.\AH HI H01\ l I IOMl" l't Ill \I It 114' '••~· "····· .. ,., . ...,...,, ''·--···-·· I.Uh • tJI..,., u., , ... ~ ..... " ll\ '4., .... , .. &.l-ht.o4 931-1400 97W900 ~ STAR GA'ZER"tt.,. ., ",y ~ l'OU.• ... Ut t.A -t1 ..... o.1, £(Wwl, G.• -t1 .,,. "r1. ""·'~j., ,. •'-· , .• ,. oc.r II;.,/.., To <H•tlop ,,...nOQt fnr M<.t"dO• H•JJ. .. c t.od worct\ '°''~·""Ohl~,, H)7"1f ol l'OU' lodooc b<n+u!Q" KOtrtO '. ........... ., ""• ocr 11~ •• 11 "·...-·· .,, ., . '" .. U • ... . .. .,0,, ,, .",... .. M ..... ... .. ~ J 717 •• ,.,......... •"··· ... }t•t_:'i: • ,..,....wt. .. t\I ... .. ..... ,...., .,,, •'" IMM"TI .. tlill ·~·"' ""~ .... -"r ~ .. "'• ...,.,,,. 10~ ... -flOl-.• "'"' ... ~ Otc II • .Ii ,,,_. "'t.l'f•• , ....... Ille~· ''"-'-· .,""""'-· t>t1w.,.. . , ...... ., ... tJO! l•l-.. -. l•h•-•· ..... •'1•"'1-t'tf•W. ,.,. ...,. ,. ........ 110.t ''l•• ""•• 11•-·-YC ..... ,.. ~ ... ,.,. .. ,,__ .. ..... II»~ ..... .. _ ..... ,, ... _ ,,.-... ltt.~ n .. "·-· .,,,_,., .,_ 'tH"...,' •J '••• ..... ............. ..._ ..... .. ..... ~t..···--..... .... •"r ... ,., .. . ....... .. .... _ ·--·-,.,_ ... ... . , ....... ··-'° ......... ~<.oo4 ®""""" .... (.,s .• ,,., '==' S«:\l~lA-a r..~~-.... .... _ ...... ____ ._,," CUit I HIWlH -----·I ·~:...:.:: ........... _ _.._ ... HA S P A I I I I I r r . __ L_E_N__.W ~'..--11 , 1 r r 1 1 . PllATA i!I ---------My broth•• In I•• •• a very r I r I llghl •lffper H•'• IM only guy .._ ... __ ... __ ._____ I know who !IH 111 alarm clOck H I F s 1 " I that --. --,,~,-,-,.-1-0 C:"'"°lote tit• rh"'''• o"'"4 _ _,_.__ ... __ .. ____ ... _ -· -:;.~;::;.1.:. ::c. -::"J .:! • mii.j;"4~m r r r 14 r r I' r I • fo.Sl!te,~unm1 I I I I I I I I ..... l IWIH WILL UllY HI 10 Yll/U"Xt BA, ....._ llvlng and dlni"" •lhl ......, lot In canyon 1 blk to $725/mo, t11/laat $300 --. .,.. ... privacy & bath lor kid• '""' • I 3101 area Kitchen opens to 1t•l•••I• 3101 t 0 0 1 Hur r y 1 BE s T beech at West St S875 dep Ave1I 1011. Heldt rt•••H I ~~~-5;3~ Corner lot 0~·~h;·;;~~h·•2·a;•,:•,.• •539-8190 • COST ~:i21~~~!-~~n3 5 1 1 or 979-2390 ;•bd;~:·2·~·;:;_;·;.-x· With 20% down you can condo. oc;ean vu, NCUrl· Houee + ga.rago P'leed 11 MacArthur v 1111ge 1 Br yrly Mature non-an*re . move Into this lovely 4 BY OWNER · Irvine Thi ly S7501mo 600 E $460 Lorge 5 room•. 3 Br. North end, ocean Condo Walk to ahOP· no pell $750 X 3 Bdrm home, lrt•hly Groves, beautiful 2Br, Oceanfront 997-8382 emple room tor every· view 494-5841 afl 8 & ping $475 Isl a $400 213/799-4195, 257-9792 painted In and OUL Tet· 2Ba, dbl car garage. 838-3094 body In 1 VtlfY gOOCI IO-wt<nd1 494-584 1. sec Adu Ill pref Heidi or (7141 873-3938 rlllc location. A1ktng $89,000 St 1,000 down JZZZ cation Kids. pe11 are no £ BHI JZSO _9_7_9-_2_3_90 ______ B 1 c11 e I 0 r , y 11, 1 y . Sl47,000 For appolnt·1 832·9!99 -c,, ••• i1J #11 problem OUAAANTEED ,fl.~ ••••• !-..••••••• c •• , •• , .• ,.... S3401mo. Utll• paid men! to see, oall •513CAMMDa·IRVM Uve In Newport Beactl tor 22oo·~·~~;·i,d:·;·;;:; SBEEASVTICCEOST 539. 90 HOME FOR RENT n-'•1•/1,6-.8 3izs 675-9562, 646-1319 540•1151 • St9,000 2 bdrm 1 ba in car gar 2 story, crn of -vi 4 Bdrms. e11ec llome, ••• '!~· •••••• ~ ••••• ". •• Clean 2Br, lBa, patio, w1.••• IHti 1041 private comm Very Bayside and Hell0tr099 •EW OAPE "' sooo. Fenced vard & ga-3 Br Condo near So c $600 mo ~HERrTAGE REALTORS •• ••••••••••••••••••• clean M8~~.~2 ~~3 673-8823 or ••lllel lrH• lte•e ~541(~:~~~ ~~'!~lo~:!n:r!e~'~:i~: 963·t031 evesf'#kndl llllW.I UY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Decorator perfect. apa· fee pools. spes & clubhouM Lerge 3 BR 2 Bl, lrplc, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimj AW.ARO WINNER SPYGLASS ·Southport" clous 2Bdrm, 2 1~b1 , JZf aveol Security galO balcony, garege, rtftlge. 112,000 llWI Ocba.eekn1L~/cson3v_!ledrn~;.s4. t•((R!~!~f lp••1 5 bdrm, 4'1\-ba, lam rm, Pool. jec, recreation IJ.~•!f!!'..~{fj! •••••••• ! $650 Call 979-6231 eves No pets. Yearlv $800 _ -· ~ " ---bonus rm On quiet cul-area. pvt p1110, balcony, HO""E FOR RENT & wknds 760· 1713. 553· 1778 ..IO .. I I d 0 I Id L 2 de-sec 5 Twin Lax• Cr 1 &. 1 .., • am. rm, 9e gar en, pa. oub a w e ancer w ne cellar ge garege 3 Bdrm 1750. Fenced C .8 I II. •1•• Spacious 3Br + 2'~Ba. 110. formal din. rm. tge llv bdrms , 2 batlls, alle· $2200/mo 780· 1468 Decorator will paper. Orengetree Condo, S475. 11111 •I II >1· - redwood patio & •P•. rm Oulet cul-de-sac ched enclosod sunroom A fl/ draperies and more vard 4 gerage Kids & 1 Br & loft. tennis. pool. ·~··•••••••••••••••••• handsome brick Ir pie, $812,000. By owner plus 2 car carport. Prime ""a-Yeta-~ S 1 1 5 o / m o c a I 1 pets -tcome 5•5-2ooo •Ire am N 0 p • t • So 01 Hwy deluxe 4 Br 3 xtra lg 2 car garage wt 873-4 .. 11 corner loutlon with lots RCAL £STAH 644·6397 548·2239 trom 10.30 lo Agent, no 198 _5_5_3_-_1_14_1 ______ 1 =~4~,~~~a~r~~r r!'~1 wine cellar or dark rm. --------•I or privacy. Owner la mo-6·30 pm. M1,,,..1t ll•ti 3Z61 2 bd, 2'1\-ba, 2 car gar, agt RE/MAX 759.1221 M u • I • e 11 As A p . NO. L.AGUNA COTTAGE tlvated! Price reduced to "-,,. "''' 3zz~ ····~················· I I I t N H b . ""' • H ti t NICE • I ti 0 1 11 orage, r er or W lk t Bch 2 bd 1 • 646-5880 Price Reduced I Low 138,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• •• •I•• .. rm w party pa 0 HI Sell and Oekwood 1 0 · rm, down Ownr Molvd. Nr OCC Col. 2br patio, JHti 3Z40 Lg kltch. fncd Vd $425 Apts 545 •3874 da, ba, lrpc, bal. Quiet. Enc •FlllEOLlllRE• Apprvd plans lor expen· cory lcltch, MORE S510 •••••••••••••••••••••• QC-RENTALS 750-3314 840•5156. eves gar S775 675-8589 •O llWI Uf slon. R-2 lot, oceen vw CC.RENTALS 750"3314 NA OCH Nice 2br wlhug& CC.RENTALS QUIET 2 Br 2b• frplc, ao o m alder 2nd p1llo, novel kllch $450 "" wner w con Am Miiier, agt no.2189 OOITI MHI OC·RENTALS 750-3314 1·5br's S200 10 $2000 A•lllallll F•r•I••" 01 hwy. long t9rm J750 at 0% tor 3 yrs. 3 Br 2 be ·-.a I I II 750-3314 open 7-deys •'•••••••• ••••••••••.. mo 979. 1340 Eastslde. $159,000 Agt CRESCENT BAY DRIVE -· rta• t•t CC.RENTALS .. , ... /dHi J1 &cS-0254 Cu1tom 5 leval home, Decorator perfect, •P•· l·Sbr'• s2oo 10 s2ooo Newport ShOres 3 Br. 2'~ •••. •••••••••••. •••••• Ciill •••• ocean aide ol llwy, gteat clou12 bdrm, 2'1\ba, new 750•3314 open 7.daya Ba 2 blocks to beacti, WINTER 9 mo 3Br. 2Ba 1114 t•LT l"J. llWI u1umable financing Cape Cod Pool, 1ac, re----------clOle to IChool a tennis fully turn, 3rd hse rrom 5BR 2'),ba. 1908 ell, Priced below mkl creation area, pvt patio. Sharp 2 BR condo, t sty, 982-6683 so Bey S800 rno $18il,500. Auume In, 497 ·2338 Stu-Ag! beJc;onv.Wlneceltar&lge all bltna. pool, S550 mo _E_A_S-TB_L_U_F_F_Ex_ec-.-home--1 675-1030 owe balance Prine 540-3666 O•r•g• Decorator wall Call 540· 1158. esk tor 3 br 2 ba. den, formal --------- 0 n I y . 5 4 4 . 8 3 9 0 a --Ll-,-.-E-.-,-T-,-.-.-.,--·---------· paper. draperlu and _o_ ..... ________ dining, 2 frpla. garden l1l1'N 838-9851 · l 1. I more S 1050/mo Call 3 bd, 2 ba houH wllh tncd pa I I 0 , s 1 2 5 o m 0 111/11•/1 310 Need. h• ...... 2 Br 2 Ba. OOOGREATtt03CBN V21BEw,. 2, .!!~!'!! •. !!l!!.l....... S-48·2239 10.30 10 5 30 yd. nr park & IChOOI 642·0350, 857..t828 •••••••••••••••••••••• New ori:~n• Condo, 1q ' '· 1' am 8-Plex In Btuff1, NB. BU Pm $750 840-4051 or _________ _,Small 1 Br carpeta, dra lrple, pool, cfubhse, walk ::,i:~=~ b~j11~&~;i~ owners unit Is xtra lg& CALL NOW 2br 2ba w/ 636-0621 atter 8 Pm. E~s~b!u"s 3tBCi 02g•, ~v:ll ~:2~-,~:f~~j.~~tove ~0u~0~'v;2~ ~:1~ ~~5~~~ 1~·~g m~wn ~~~s 11;2~·61~55~ =~ gar. ball!~:.teh S500 3 ~r, 2 ~· ~y pel~t~/ ::,°.-0:~ '!k ~C:,n~1:1n:r Winter Rental 3 Br 1'• 673-3313 fer appt OCEANFRONT, 2Br, Agent CC.RENTALS 750.3314 cMeainnol•l,nc&e GVa"tteldr Be 1 cer gerage IQ r UDO BAYFRONT new 4 $700/mo Steps to bay, 2 PH•er•ta It. huge deck. wlk to t>eh. Apt, duplues tor 1111, Nice 3 BR 2 Be. den, Mesa 1700/mo. lncla garden&I' Br 5 Be. 12950,mo. bike 10 beach 301 Ed· very pvt $5,000 dwn poalL!v• c ash call d-' M d "'"~ 57"'" 3 bdrm, 2 ba. Sep din · .,. ai, gr nr, no pelt ....,. "" 831-3671, 675-2860 gewater (Coronado 11 S 1650 mo, for 38 mo. Shewn, 549· 1959 $850 SI M Co rm Covered patio ANXIOUS Ownar/agt 641 _1324"" gml 4Br, 2Ba, grdnr incl $750 H1tbor 111-Homes, Car· Baylront) Robinson Adams and Harbor, near 49 •• 1098 att Sun EXCHANGE mo Realtor 548·5647 -rythl~S1"5000 '" · 761•8923 met Mdl 3 Br, lamlly rm v•v ' ..... ~~ • CC.RENTALS Leas. $1150. 644·8977 Oc11nlronl & clOH to ...,....., llllllOllED $50,000 equity In Hunt· 1·5br'a $200 to S2000 HOMES FOA AENT Sm1111 t & 2 Br Apia Su.Ell Cuuom ocean view 1 1n0g,toCnoaHtearbMoeu,r9coanrdeoa 750-331<1 open 7·daya 3 & 4 Bc:lrm, $726 to Bluffs 3 br. 2'" ba, lam $350-1750 Yr1V & winier h 2 B S L S800 F d d 4 rm, greenbelt, pool. 675.-5102 Dp,D•t111n g:':'1oc1~io't.·11.0p.1 ~~ unit•. Can add cash LANDLORDS/REALTORS encK.ld v,ar •, $1400 mo. Agt 644·0134 ----·------i n 714/645-9654 FHt free tenant provl· garagea 1 ge 1 Winter Ren1a11 Bach, 1 $1100 lllVES beach. s1 .. 1 It tor S275, ---------1 dera. Cell Biii Realty welcome. 546·2 00. Harbor View Home, 2 Br, bd. and 3 bd with ocean 000. Oarre41, agt Re/Mu utl /11 $a/f l 639-8194 Agent, no IM den. 2 Ba St 100/mo v I 1 w 5 3 5 _ 8 7 8 e, YOI 11 150.1221 •••• ••••••••••••••••• • 840.a 169 or 831-3965 Bullder hH "'"""•I gain £ Jl'I I 10"1 "tW•IR a Ir. 2 ... 3:ar;!!• c,r~ga,;,~~7b~ H .......... ·---4 b 3 _8_7_5-_o_s_t8 ____ --I ptoblefTle. wiilieu. wtth .!l.~!~ •• 11!.! •••••• ~. t.,.. 1011 In Huntington Frplc, range, yerd, gar•· canyo;; Ln 879 5901 :~pj.~~j~;:"sm' yr Y11r1y, ·~ blk to t>eh lrg 1 ~~~.:'~t"~~~~.1; VILLE IE OElllE =11P~:i,~n~: ~~ Coo7!0°',~~-~~~v~ RIGHT FOR F~MtLY 119• Oct. 1 ~,.~e~;,,l;dzufp~~~·,~ meatiBllY APAIT11EITI Beautllully landacape<I garden apls Pool & Spe P1t10sldect<1 No pe11 Becllelor $4 t O.~ 15 I Bdrm $465.-~70 2250 Vanguard 540·9826 or 842-4905 Large 2 Bt, 2 011h1$565 398 W Wllaon 631-5583 or 842-4905 3 Bdrm, 2 Betha $825 151 e. 2111. 544-2408 Wcal:fteld FmlLT APTI Beaumut garden apt ... Palloa/decka. No pell, 2 children W91come, 2 Bdrm w. 81tlla S540 2 Bdrm 2 8111\a ISM 398 W. Wlteon 631a6563 or e.42-4905 PRICE. N-2 Of 3 8r, 3 BEAllflFUI. and We In u I only. 848 W 18tll St. 6 com~I rooma. 2 lull <2t3)374•4509l396•8086 tut, $825. 673·0327 ea Condo-a/o * lu• OLO WOALO 714·980·2411 499·1817 t bltha, •"cure garage. Harbor R~ lease 4 8t 3 FURN DUPLEX· 3 Br 2 BAY TIMBERS amenlti.e. Or .. t locltlon TOWNHOMES If, t / Dnn. 1 BR TRAii.ER Private, K 1 d · $ 5 2 5 BEST Ba. beaut. dec;or, 3800 It, Ba. 9t7 E Beiboa. Wini· ~*e!:'G~lc. pool next door 10 ,11 enop-By Howard Marte Co. ••• I •, t, lard, no '*' Utlla paid. 539.e 190 COST pool, tennis. quttd gate 8 r 0 r y r 1 Y • ---------ping, th1a1er1 & tran· from 1159,000 lntrl ZI 0~1 1•00 2 B N .. _ h 12.500/mo. Bob or OOvt. s 1oo .s1•o 1 m 0 $550/mo. 2 Br. ,.,.. Ba . 495-324• 780-0355 •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 mo+ aecurlty .. r '" ..... ac;, Koof:· A"I. REt M•lC " eponatlon. ---------Kona HI Time Share 4119-817 lamlly unit ready Now 7,.,._ 221 • "' 873·5746 or 340-4524 Townhoull, bllcony, ln-7t4~1·5055 or ...... ,, IH•t IHI Condo• 1o, Ille 1 Br & 2 kid• are ellrlght Call ... .-dry rm, cmr PQr1. all blt- 642·2000 •• -.-a••••••••••••••••• Br. Call for detalle. 4 8r28a,Dltln&.d/w,new Bl!.ST53t·8t90COST NE"flPORT C REST UYFlllT lne..Ava11s.p1. 95% FINANCING WANTED,,, 540..448• cpll, drepea, lrplo, dbl CONOO-S..ut 3Br New 1 bdrm, l>fhtate ptrlllng TSL M9mt 642-1803 ear gtf, pool, USO/mo Huge 3 Br $595 2 Ba & I • ooo' and beach VIII Paid AVAILABLE 23 tO Santa Ane Ave lamlly rm. dining rm CaH cpt Pl nt, • 1 mo. . 16304540/mo 2 8r 1 Ba.. 0u1111y '' 9.9% 1n1., .. 1 UYFllll tr PALI IPlllll Cell 2t3137S.&101 BESf 63H190 COST Agt M5-0205 s550 Mo 752·•511 1 etory, eNIO criit." drJ>I. rate and you can buy thla BY 0 W N E R New H.AA80R VIEW HOMES Wlnttlf/ytly, apac. 3 br, 2 pttlO. lrplc, bMrned cel- 2 Bdrm llome Of rental NUlflOIT Cu1tom built llome for *3Br. h1nllH, nr SC •BRJNO THE KIDS• -bl Sttpe from bHCfl llng1, end9d garage with yard, patio, end FAST ESCROW • Caah Nie. e•cNnQe Of trade Plaie, S A Pool, 1pa 3 Br 2 81 tllowe ,,_.. 38t. i BaS dln rm, lg kit, Ocean & bay view trom TSI.. Mgmt. 142· t803 good 1oea11on nett bet-plu• lhOl>plng cent• to Located new P'•tlolou• gar. 1780 rno No ~1• 1 o o 1 R • n t 11 f 1 •I big Jd. 950 mo. Agt aund<tek Mutt ... , $850 .., s Chea and pool• S129, 1r1c:11 In or1nga co canyon Countrv Club 752·6&22 $550/mo. 55 t 130 winter . $850 yrly. -~5•1~~·~ ~~ 900. '44·7020 Agent. &«·08t3 '"' In Palm Sprlnot 3, ---ll Avlll IOf tile llttl of Oct tWT YllW 878-5204 CM e3t·7392 Ulll IUL llTAn 400 1e1u•re IMI Of kuwry -BEST COST 83t~et90 Cataline & mt1, Hunllno· ~--"'."'"""'.-=---:".~ --------PllTlll llfEI llvlng with 3 bedrooma LANOl<>flD doetn't Clfl OV!A 4 AOOM HOUSll. ton nlglll Ille• New. Cle-~!'.'..~!!.'f!! •• 1.t. Nr !Ith/Pomona, 1 Br 1 llbll .a Prof. ~•tect. warm 3 Ind 3',. blll\9. Pool and ~~~~~!:~:,:!' 1300 rent• t + 1mall tvxe 2 br, 2 ba, aecur OCHll view, Deeutllully 8•. downa111ra. OIW, 4 Bc:trm 2ba executive Br, L.A .. 0.A, F.R., b'9 J I c u 1 i I ..,.... 11 11111 chlld maybe pet, m•ybe gate, brtck lrplc;, yard. llA'n. townhouH, lrplc:, cari>ort. wat., pd, 1 ~ tioeme In lovelv MH• klteh., frple, plu• 1 Pfl• S476,000·fuml•hed: 1et """' OUM. gourme 111 got • fenced yerd, No P••• ldHt 101 no-pool & petlo. HHtmo OK. no Pill 1450. Agt., Vtrd•. Oule1 cul· dt-MC. vatt l<g manloufecl yard TO ol 1425,000 11 15%. IOfmaJ dining, rock frpl blt•ln appln• QUA neymoonere "SO. See 873...0898 •no f• 545-aoQO 12% financing avail. Llr· .. I l)tlYlll putting green Call WHkd1y1 only: c:letlgner OICOr lhrUOUt AANTEEO SERVICE 111 thin Cell. '8103 STUNNINO t t 8 I' auumable 101n. A 3 Ci t Qarage. A rtll (714)140·8331 Brolrer Many ~1oUTRA$ BEST 538-8190 COST &UNSET Bl.UFF8. cor. t8r, 2 8lk1 to bch, utll Qwct.n t arge l ~ 17t,t00. Cafl 079-5370 value II t 375,000 and ooooerallon. UNDER MARKET "" of VIOtorla ' !. P•· lnCI :· .. 3p~fl12o'no, .,, $450 arM . 11~'. =·St . )'O\I own tt11 tend Try "-ti ,. 1 ••~f ciflc Ave .. Cot ta MeH mo u• ·• 10% own. Patrick Teno-,.,.( ., .... ,, '9ntl .. f•u• &a7.at7o ~1! ........... !'."!.~. 142·8808. 844•8722, ~,-,-.-.-hl.~':"".-,---,"'.:''l=':l • 28r tBe NMt So 0. , •• U MHt ,,._,. UI 3 DA 1'" D• c:lf)lll, SA Hgta. TllTUltll 55t-$822. •••••••••••••••••••••• Plu.a, S.A. LU•Uf}' Con-·····~·-~············ f'nOd yaro G•' INC mo s t I 1 • ~'IU do •lf)OOt 1110 No ROffburg. Of 14ao, City 20201 I e '1rch 11: 3 bdrm, 2 bl , lrpo, NewtY t8tll0delecl 3 bf 2 uper , ul ... a, • m.ae7 . MESA VEROf _,.,,fie# 1-5. Me.000. 833•11127 elrlum, w8'bar, gar. ba, t NOtmo. 2 bt', t ~ counyard, 17 private. peta. 4 ONI. y $ t5.000 DOWN (~) '72·9944 Aee'n pool Wiii! to bul '760/mo On the Penln· N ° p... I 60 I m 0 2 '"· t aA, "*L pool, 48r, tg tot, H tumeDI• ----------t3br, 2~ba. nf new • ...,_ and mkt OrH I eond. 1u11. ll•P• to oceatl. •73·3313 ger, 13115-~ W. ••k• • loan• 81u•Ag t ---------8!L\, ldte ltel'fla with I yard, tr ... Call alt. 4 ttOO Y r ly/wlnter Oya Haw eom&lhlnt to aetl? Ho P•l •. ol\lld ott. 481·2338. '40-3HI lel ldl9 llefftt 14t.ee11 OelfV Pltot Cl...mect Ad UOO. '4Q..5CHO IU.aet7 4Mnlngt 876-3132;..,. 14Mf10 Cluatlled eat 00 ll Mil 1115/rno 141-0l'a \ f >I l I II F If .. \ . .. .., . ,. Cl 01an04t Cout DAILV PILOT/Monday, Sept•mber 20, 1912 u~1'.4A!1!ou0p~r for • 30 day ad In the MIU PUT SUMI lllllTtlY OOIT NOWI AA fer IH4re Your Dally Piiot Servlea Directory RepreMntatlve lessim1al Service Diret:I ~1~!1~ .•••.•••••.•• Olvorc•8upport Change All family Mattera Alt'y Koflrotll 148·•375 ~.~.'!.!I .......... . lflfllll 10 3 Yfl, my C M home 8 hr day Lio 08C f9053 754 ·«1238 ll.P'I IAIYIITTtH C M are1 848-5759 Biby1lttlng In my homa, nr Vtetorla, C M. 642·11482 Loving home. aga1 3 & up, FIT $<10/wlc, + bel /alt tchl, CM 556-3822 f-1.'1'!.a.'!~ •••••••••••• CUSfOM wood patio oo 111111, cltckl & ,..,,Cllltl Aemod add'n•patloe 700-2686 541·1154 ~!,.'!!!.~!,.~~!!~. AOO'NlllAl!MODELIN() Pl1n1 Llc'd Oeorg. Pllmef a 8on• 640-78 t4 MallOl\ry, carpentry, con. C11wl S.nl11 cr•t•. ldd'n•. ll\t/1111 ,. ...... -................. mod. lk:'d 848·0781 -SNmPoO & ttHm ci..n '!ff!!."!."A, •••••.••••. ~~!¥.•A •••••••••••••• • •• '.'·'·'·'·'·'·'1.•.• ••••••••• '··'·'•;''•1. ,,.,, ,,.,,,, 1#/l•• oAJlo N1Na nRv1ce MAUL1No •tud•nt "" ....... , :~ u ... i. · ii•·;a;rini'i" ... ··'~·;·itHvA°N;:,·;·.;··· ···Ao<:f~iNO·Aei-i:1A"a .. CIHn·UPI. lrff HTV & lge truck LOwHt rete f I Cadel'lllC 36 wlll 00 by "lchard SlnOI LIO WllllC.OvtrlllO 09'n0Vtl 8nltll )Obt 0 k frM tall hauling 84 t· l090 Pett Prompt Can 769· tlnO h1hld chorH tor rm a 280644 13 y11 or happy All type• 842 1343 rn•IH C4111 Tom• Clluc:k __ T_111111_ 11 you, Jonn brd or hMall &48-3633 local cu1tof'nt'I I C .8_4_2_·6_3_0_2 ____ _ Ltndacaplng Malntenan Ct , Lewn & ger<*'t we, clean up Ken Jone• • 638-HS 10 rtl'a CLl!AN-UPS, QAAAQl!S. •• ,., • r11ani. you, 03t 4410 .!! .. !!!.............. tH•• ANYTHINOI CALL • Cua tom ~t & eill C.,tllled ~M Slit et I ••••••••••••••• • ••••• • F\ANOY 842·7647 ~~~;·j;;l~;,"~j·,;~~ Mc Cl 20 yra 1n arH, telt Bonded St11d•y l~t'Y M08tLI IUMCI Color br1ghtenen, whl l#e•ntlt crp11 • 10 Min bt•ach ••••• • ••• • • • • •• • • ••••• Wllltll WAITll ttall,llv/dln.rm1Sl&,e~ *KATr.INA'S LIVE·IN Mowt:p, ...-~I""' ,, .. ,..,. .HIH/11•/a• ----------1 ca1, trained 11'tf. bon tt b 621 2 !! 30 3 a k I J 63 t 123• Aetcreena/New acr..w dtd & In• Unlcleen ar -80t 111 ' w 1" NB/CM &42·9552 .. k d II Id ' ..., .... ""'"' •••••••••••••"•••••••• room 17 50, COUCh 11 • "' pr • I 'I ma MfV, •wHp ng. rH e1tlma· R081N'8 CLEANING cttr S8. Guar. ellm. Ptt ofllce oletnlng, crpt tff. 645·&737 Service 8 lhoroun~I Sytttma 01 NPt Ben 0111'1 Painting, 1n11a.1 ""'•" fi•I•• I • .,, 860· t 200 Re1IOl00111rnl 8 yra exp • • • • • •• • • ••• ••""•• • • •• • • •• ••• • • •• • • • •••• ••• S Cat area High <Mii & Coneultlllon & Hand SERVICE & REPAIR odor. Or pt repair~ 16 yr1 __ c1_1..,•n .. 1n_;;,g_. 8_3_5_·_2_1_ te __ ,.1 -.. LHllC',./a• ••P· -no work myulf Dtl...J •--1 FINESTKINO-c111111Joutt. ~40-J •••••••i'I••••••••••••• Riii. 831-0101 ••• ~!~l.f:'f!!!!....... OAROENINQ Ci.1n·up1, Joan'1 Ci.anlng Servi~ Verd Mllnt & Cleanup. *T YHI lllYIOI •m landte1ptng, monthly Hou ..... Apta·Aentale Sod, 1prlnklt11, roto. Lowut rattal Prompt, No Steam/No 6hampuo • malnt Ntll 842·8795 Offk:.. 540·1287 trM rmvl, drainage. 11111. nHI p1oteu1on11e 15 S111n Spec:t11111 Fett Ptreonal. qualllled drl· ----------1 •Ide weeding Br tan yr• ••P 848-Ml84 dry Fr" tit 839· 1582 ver1 IOf Vftl.lt day to day K&O Landtcape Malnt TIRED OF HASSLES? 686 2263 m•ter11111. 1.o ~ FrM Made f'urnu '40 yeat• van 0-pj:)fn• Servlc:e Co HI Rate 496·&717 Ecpttltl'ICt 8<1&-5141 831-4668 ----r!~!!~V.~·~-'!. ••••••.•.. ! ................. . ED'S PLASTCRINO TILE INSTALLED Neat PllCl!e•. Int/HI All Kinda OuarantMCI Waekd1y1 altar 3 11117 ~~~~~~~~~~I Weellenda, day1, nlghll, -overnight Lie BHC 1368 Call Irene 556·4211 Ul·llll1 ed. 122 ~ .. ~'!!fl. ~!!!~'!f ~ ... errand• ''°Shopping, dr Rettd/Comm Clean~p. Oualll'I cleaning n.lp 11 --·------CUSTOM PAINTINO EXCEL CARPET CARE appt•, Church, etc. All Liit llaullng 548-2489 l'lertl Atta. 980•7452 ..... ,. lnllaxt Resld/comm Jack Buffington d 1 B .. ••••••••··•••••••••••• Free e11 lie 64• .. 1708 Ownet/operator nee 1 mt • 't nOur or MAINT. & DESIGN OIAL·A·MAIO. Quality & BRICKWORK: Smell lobt Carpet, upttol, Itta rug day. 494-5857 Ot>wlln Land.cape Serv. Strv. Nr A• Your Phone. Newpon, Coti. Meu, 15 yr1 exp. NB/CdM I'm RHIUCCOS 645-8258 Rell Jofln 840·9217 PLASTER PATCHING KllCti bllhl tnlrlee Autuccos lnlle1tl 30 ou111om & comm. yr1 Neat Paul 545-2977 Free ell 840·20ll2 Applied, re-•pplled, guar., lnaured, llo'd. 414891 730· 1900 free Nllmll8S !'!.!!!!!f.~ffl!! .... 50% Of'F FIRST MONTH Oependabi., affordable. auentlal. Answering 1trvlct, aecretarlal & bu1lne11 1ervloe1, mall box rental, word procts· alng. Ttlu-Fac1lmlle, O<der entry, page11-i.ase buy, delk IPllCe rental ANSWER NETWORK 780-7320 (Uk IO< AV l ~~~'!.'! •••••••..• ~. REAL ESTATE Realdentlal/Comm'I 873-1919 At1-Antlques-Jewel1y ApprelM & Liquidate Michael Hein 1153.07 17 ~~~~ •••..•........ Driveways, Parking lot Ae9alra. Sea1eo111ng S&S A1phll 63 t-4199Llo Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co. Res/coml Lie 397804 842· 1720 Wiii babysit al my homa, S<IO/wk A•••· Beach & Adams 536-3493 ~~.'!'9.~ffi'!~ .••••• PHM SPlOW. SH (haircut not lncludedl Linda Shain 979-5851 ... ,,, •• ,.,,. .. C'f/ l•ITiH ......••.............. Boat Cabin• cleaned. Ca· ter for trips. A· 1 rel' a 842·3047 Of 8-48-4640 ,,,;.,,, hmt11 ..........•••.•....... ltlllOALL GP Business "Doctor" BOOkl/ Olla/Word Processing 90 Min on-site vlalt $60 e1111a time l 25hr. (7141 545.5979 f ~!l!~~ !!~!~I. ..... . KITCHEN FACELIFT Restyling ulallng kit · chen cab. w/real wood. Save $$$ nowl &42-0881 f!!~-.!~ ......•...•• Remod· & addition a, lrff design & eal. Qual & low rates. Steve, 752-9556 I ln W k ,. ·'l Written agr""*'t on ... 51•~5. 1539.oe•" 1 1 A f 875 3 75 1m111, my prlcu are CF~!: E~·1 8~~-t~u7•;-'f!f!!!!............... mo. malnt. 844·12411 ---------vv---1 rv ne. • 1' • 1 1malll Aon 673-6477 f~!!!!~t •............. CHAMPENOISE Fine Catering In the Old wood tradition &45·985f f!!!!~!I.~~'!!!!! .•.•. Cement·Matonrv·Block Walla·Cuet WO<k. Lie. 11381067 Rob 547-2883 Or111..,.Patlo1-Walk1 NO JOB TOO SMALL Fret est. 536-2807 Oesperattl Patio work Free deal~ lo prlct1 Xlnt rel• 4117 • 7354 CAU' C111 .....•.••••••..•....•. Loving Care, birth 10 4 yrs. 20 yra •~per . rHa E·Slde, CM 631-2410. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC ... 1..-..... ,.--------I Cuitom home cteanlng & v trloll-llHll·ltttt INT/EXT PAINTING Aepalra, tml Job 1pec:. 1 t .... ~.1!'!~............ complete maid HflllCt ALL TYPES MASONRY & WALLPAPERING yr1. ••P Bud 662·9582 Carpentrv • Muonry Prof., bonded 1 lne Ltc 349479 838·3812 Cuetom work FrH .. , R II Pt bing UnlclUn Syaltml of Npt Wall ttxturtt-Acou1llc oo ng . um · l'l 8cn 860·1200 Cu1tom Brlck·Stona ReH Steve 547·4281 Hang-T1P9-Steel atudt Drywall • Stucco • Ii. Btock-Concre1e·Stueeo Swaneon & Son Painting Uc 389944 1.532.5549 Remodel J B. &.45•9090 OuallfY HouMCltanlng Rel• Free 111. 549-9492 Complete u1 1 etory Carpentry • Cabinet• w/1 pereonal touch. CM. u,,./a ------home from $395 lndlvl Eltttrlt•I Plumb • Draln Cltanlng Irv, NB. Beth 850-0933 ~1 ••• ·'··••••••••••• •• dull rooms from $45 + ••• ••• ••• •• ••••• •••••• Electrleal • Tiie HOUSECLEANER m11e1lal1 Reta, In• ELECTRICIAN-Priced Reta. Don "6-0t49 Oood raft NB & trl/lne •A-1 llYtll* lie. '05341 831-4870 right. free Htlmate on Top quallty. Special care large or 1m1ll job1. Gen. contr101'g, malnl, pref Glady• 54l-0702 In handling 25 yra ••P Lie. 398821 873·0359 plumb. repair. p1ln1'g, B&M HouMcteanlng Competitive Rates LIC'D ELECTRICIAN mobll• home MfVlce Aeuonable Call Bente No overtime. 730-1353 Qual wotk·Aea1. rain Jim 53t-9957l53ll-S8S4 Balboa llland 875-38l0 -ABC MOVING· Ftee e11 Tom 1131·5072 B•rl..H 11Hn Bachelor'• HNCleanlng Ouk:k, Careful Service ELECTRICIAN •HAAOWOOC)FLOORS• & Laundry Serv. Karen, Low rat". 552-0410 Sml Joba/Aepalra. lie.' BHutllulty cleaned 640•28181850-0892 STARVING COLLEGE -~~~,~~ ............• Farthing lntertor Design HANGING/STRIPPING Vlta·MC Scott 645-9325 ASR PAPERHANGING 7 yra local exp Gutr wo•ll Prices 1t1tt at S8/roll Alec 751 -7027 233108·Ct10. 548·5203 and wtJCtd, 832·•881 HOUSECLEANING STUDENTS MOVING llc·o ELECTAICl·N Honeat & 0t""'ndable co lie T 124·438 E I " ., /'1 ft....... A" 8• 8427 aperl wol 0011e•lng NEEDS WORKI a•• ••• Brenda .,.,2.2690 lnaur...... ..1. I II I R ······""·············· ----------1 WATCH us GROWi nlla II on. eaa p11cea Lie. 418988 642·8023 DUMP JOBS Qualllled 11,kpra, From ---------1 Cori1u1tan1 Assignment 646-6838 --~~-----&c:17'~:K~o~l/3°g1>1• ~8~•~• ~ :1:f ncd~s. ~!~~1;9J.~ffi~~~~ •••. _5_8_1_._85_90 _____ _ Childcare wkdy1. cred C.t'••I•• leacllef. Organl.ted ICU· ••••••••ill•••••••••••• \Illies c M 6-45-4857 TREES CHhltllll ,..,,., ···········'·········· •. , ........... . Lio. 306888. Remodel, Add'ns. Cabinet•. 648-8586/845-4644 Topped/removed Clean up, lawn renov 751-3476 Simmons Gardening • Cln-upa, lewn cue, lull oomm 4 ra1ld malnt. 846-6884 857·6195. NurtH A11'1 for nomt Paperllanglng, stripping, HAULING·GAAOING care avell lmmed , fully pelnllng JClnl work, lg O< demolltlon. clean-up. HOUSECLEANING Int 538-5863 Vickie, 1mall lobs, reuonable Concrete & tr .. removal. B'/ Scendlnavtan Lady 1·921· 10&0 retH • Reis Free HI Quick MtV 8"42·7638 e11p'd 548-2171 Brendan 988-7427 PROF. SERVICE Elolu'• HOUNCleantng !!!~!!~I. ............ . Hauling • yrd clean up Quality work, reapon•I· QUALITY WORK • ne'llt, Quick & clean. Free ••t ble. good ref1. Call re11 .. honftl. Reis Lie 673-0548 645-3831/548~4839 287107 Dave 964-1045 !!~~ .. !~~!~ ....... . ••BRYANT'S•• Wallcover1ng Removal All Types 642-1343 for your motorcycle --------~ II )/ Cullom Ceramic Tiie .• ~!! .. ~!............. work, fret HI 675-8100 ATLAS PLUMBING & or 548-7283 Olen or Heating, 1pec11llzlng In .,...c_11u_c...,k.--.----- 'epe1rt 845· 1888 IH • ti H nL 141-1121 .... ,.Low"R.41e&T ... Wa1e1 Hea1tr Spec:lall TrH trlm/rtmov, clean 24 nr plumber etc up$. mowing 554-7017 PLUMBING REPAIRS f•tft/a• Rep1pe-Aeplace-c:tr1ln1 •••••••,..••••••••••• • • • Free est. Reas. reUabl,!t Most subjtelt, K· 14 645-2811 Costa Meta Day/eve SS & 110/hr ~!!!~!!~!~I .......... . J 0 Horn Relln11hlng Anllques, kit. cablnall. hne p11nt1ng 645·0664 Mr Morgan 645-5 1711 Exper Tutor, moat aub· jec11. K·6tll grade 15 hr tleirlbte hra Ll1a 960·8036 Reading tutor, S 10.00 hr. IHI' K a t II e r I n e A m b t r • .... !'!!............... 714·882·2378 Santa Ana Huber Rooting-all typee. WJ.J.,, Cl••ala• New .. rec·over-decke • •••••••. ••••• •••••• •• Lie u 11802 548-9734 "Lei the Sunlhlne In" ROOF REPAIR Call Sunshine WlndO)'i' SPECIALIST S25·S 185 Cleaning. lid. 548-8853 Free estimate 770·2725 2()0!, Monthly Dilcount "'HENRY ROOFING.... lnl/ul. Ruld/comm'I Shake-Shlngle.:Comp Free est. 20•1o monthly lie 415232. 548·8213 _d_l_scou __ n_t._&4_._.._7_9_8 __ CRAIG CLEANING CO llOOF PAOILlMl Resld/comm'I. 1n1/e.wt Oonl reroot. repair 81 Screens. mirrors Ladder fraction of the cost Call work . Owner oper Lee 857·2890 646·3089 • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS tor Merchandise under •1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items tor cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for tull details. '3 DAYS 31NES 42~5&78 (~· IEirtre MMe 11.00) CLASSIFIEDS = A~:;:~::.. A':,~;.~:::.~ ~:i.;:::.. A~;.~:::w ,~! ........... ! .... ,!. .. ~'}!.!!.f~~!!.!.~'!f ¥/!!~~-~!'!!~! .... !.~'!'! ~/!!~~~~!~!~! .... !.~'!'! la111~ijl fS 1 ~!!!.~.!. .. ~~f .••. !.~!! •••••••••••••••••••••• c-····;i;••••••• .. ,.i. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••,• HB, prlv, bdrm tna ba for IEINlltlLE llALl Fountiln Valley Olllce WITIFIL •••• !~.!••••••••••••~ ~!~.!~ ..... .!!~! .!!!~ ••• ~ .•..... !..! ..... 11.,,.. 3lf0 ~!!!r.!!.~!! .. !~~' $~;5s~e°3~:~·5r cook. i~~·=~1;,.r:;~d :~: apace.J500 SQ tt. II soc HWPORT cunn NI~ ~T! ~~~e ,~ .. ~I 2 BR. 1 BA, old houM. no * a,t 2 II •C'A Light management du11es ly Newport IOdglng On • 11 ood exposure. With use ot recepllon, 541 5032 I pell, child OK. All utlt pd S , .. C t Pt •••••••••••••••••••••• I -.. .. --... I ti B1t•l1 #•l•/1 fl or near the water wltll good parking. Talbert & conl •oom. kltch, ptione. --·------- FOUND ADS ARE FREE 4 15 Hamllton ,535 Sou•• oas aze1• ar7e5a 2 bdrm. 1 ba, encl garage Ol r....,..,.,...,2BR1ent Of re • ••••••'••••••••••••••• Brook h u rat C 111 NCretarlal & word pro-l••••r1-Alr,er1 I &4 t.0763 · e c get e .. $375 mo (Beach Bl and red cpl 1p1, utll pd 8 [A C H I RE I compatlbi. roommate(•) 751-8191 ce111ng M11I & messaoe 0 111ce 11ndu 11 r. a I , &46-4667 Slaterl 841·3152 Sml beach motel " " M/F Garage a muat. 'To ----------1 -~ a~u ·-16, 11 • 645-0440 $800 Incl ulll. Phone ·----------· • •• _.,are ..,.y 4.000-14,000 sq II All Brand new Condo 2 Br 2 Upgraded duplu unit, 2 B . $84/Wk an• w • r • d • 5 1 9 . dttlred Cell Judy, AIC Hvy Pwr end Llghl·1 Ba. 2 car garage w/ br, 1 be. bll·ln kll . din ••flaflla ~ VersaJlle• Jr 1 Br MCullly 8•2-4300 24 r1r1. •lllTI IOLI* 7141760-0lOO Ing )Ont !Of R&O end low opener· wood burning rm, lge llv. rm wllrptc, 1 B•tH•t 314 Z condo, lu•u"' amenities RelrlgertlOf·Mtld·Pool O C. Air..,... eru. Prof Cal: 142·1111 trplc, view ol stream & c•r encl gar $595 + •••••••••••••••••••••• $565 493-0JJ9 Nwpt Blvd & WlllOl'I &YUL l•EllATELY ''"" Otllce/Store/Bualneaa 'ates . 7 2 0 . 0 6 2 1 • ~~~~~~~~~~ wa ter I a I I•. s 7 8 5 5350 sec. Small ..,..1 OK 4Br, pool. spa, · Co•ll M•• 5'48•9755 T 11 / 1 environment, lull MtVlce. apacet tor lease 580 & 213-927-4404 = 882·1309. 957_0701 ..,,1 ,.. $1500 mo. OCEANFRONT 3 Br. 2 Bi.I----------o I r w pro mature or no lrlll1 Individual of· 1250 aq.11. Top loc • Found young tamale Srey ..,, 492.4353 lge unit, apacl8cular Yeatly on the t>each. hotel mele exec wl'IO travel• lion or desk apace. 150 Herbor Blvd. just No l1ata11 W•alH fl Sheepd og mti1. 10 1396/mo. 1 Br. 1 Ba Apt 5525 Beau11ful 1 br Iott & ocean view Wllklng room. kitchenette & lhO-u tenalvely, belut new eq tt • 3500 eq 11 1 MO Baller St . CM lnq mgr •••••••••••••••••••••• Pkwy & 405 Fwy, M v . C8'por1, lndry rm Sub· den. 1 • .., be. patio. lrpt, ~!!!r.!!.~~!! .. !.~~~ distance to lhopplng & -· $280/mo plus llC condo In N.B. Harbor FREE 759·81178 645·8100 28 yr old slngle working Claim at 0 C Anlmal mlt on pet, baloony Call beam celling bulll Ina N_..,,,.., rlnnl rntau· ~t 2308 w Ocean· Ridge trM Pref 2 linen· ~~~~~~~~~!'j ----------1 male needs reasonable Shetter for appt. · • • NO FEEi Apt a Condo rents' Unturnls .. ed front, Newport Beach. olally rup M/F Pool, Small ofllce. Nwpt Ben one bdrm apt Non·---------TSL Mgml 642· 1603 gar. lndry lac. no pet• rentals VIII• Renl•I• .. 873 4154 tannll cr11. •P•. 3B•. Hll SPAOI c• 15i'12 (184 IQ 11) good drtnk•r & non-smoker Lost Cllow. reddl•h In 540-6338 675-4912 Brollet SlOOO/mo 673-4483 •--·-------completely turn, utll Incl Atlrac11ve rustic ups111r1 loc free pncg Suitable Have relerencee Mike color, So Laguna ., ... tllTllT Ill S52S Very Nice 2 br, 2 2 bdrm, 1 ba, $575 yearly.1Plne Knot Motel on Coast $500 mo 553·0644 Al Mltlng. We 1Upply d""· lor 1e11red buslneumen, 979-2699 499-1817 R-ard. E11l1kle $625/mo 2 Br 1>1. bale, frpl, beem eel· Steps to beach 1116 w. Hwy, NB Step• to Gallagher Of 760·1645 1pece, copier You sup-investors, bldrs Furn or 1----------1 1'h Ba Townhouse, all ling, built-Ins, gar, lndry Balboa. ocean. Wkly ra111. ply phone, I S95 pr mo unlurn. GR. Capital, Inc I • /l ,, LOST Tiger kitten. re· built-Ins, lndry rm. car· tac, no pet• 540.8338 213-065•2542 __ 64_5_·_0_44_0 ______ Rmmte to lhr Irvine hou· pr desk C,~ll 84'4·7211 640-8811 •ll•fU •n•l1 ward, Brookhur1t/ lndl•· port. yard/balcony, tmall M Mo11 amenities avail Fl•••tt napolls. HB. 968-8888 pet OK 2 bd, 2 be townhouM, E-COUNTRY CLUB LIVING s iepa from Beach, 2 IEED l PUCEI or nHrby S260+ulll SO LAGUNA. 3 Arch Bay EKecutlve suites, lull aer· •••••••••••••••••••••• i child's heartbroken. TSl Mgmt 642· 1603 s Ide. 4 yr o Id. yd . IN NEWPORT BEACH bdrm. 2 t:>a, Ureplace. RtHonabtt r1tt1. Kit-857· 18e8 2 Sulltl avail Gd Hwy vk:t. grellly redueed, no ls1i•lll • , L011 Dog, fem GOid rad __ _.;;. ______ 1 S600/mo 998-7300 days, A total environment $630 202 2 111 St. _ .. ~ttea. ft"-.-·"' Vlllbillty 497-2351 1e ... 754-0274 ~~Ill !(. SOOS NEW BREED APTS .part I lty ...,..,..., .,. ...... ..., ,....., Roommate wanted. ---'--------1----------1... • •••• •.'. •••••••• c •. 1r. med .. u . No Ilg• 1 Bdrm w/loh Frplc. rec Evn, wttnd1 the Upper Bly Prl1111e Bachelor apt, quiet and vlH. SANDPIPER MO· CeM Qeorna 1142-6381. Exec: Sunn Ind. rec:epl . Furnished & copy ma-Re• u u ran I • M •Io ' er e . eta tr • I ask for Dick. 840-2428 men commun on 675-54&4 Mrvlce, z channel mo· 5250/mo Costa Meaa llPER IAIWll SHARE N B. EXEC office Ch II M \/ d room. pool, jacual, gas clubllOuH end hHllh TEL, 1,..7 ..........__. ........ ..-clllne $lOO per mo Orange County•hlgh area 549-203l & water paid No pet• apt, 8 tennl1 courtl, 7 private, no pets CM &.45:'9137.'""'' ..... u Ptnln toe, prof male 10 stir eec'r .. rv1. conl rm • 857-6363 vOlume-111 or part Mr B llUOELn 393 Hamilton, C M 011111ial 31JI pools. close to business. S400. 1131·2299 ---------2Br·IB• ept, nr tennis kit., mall llandlg Re· ----------1 Webber (714) 764-0596 Blue and wlllte atone _84_5_-4_4_1_1 _____ 1 ;·9;·;;;~;.-~;;;~;.·n~ ~rport, FHlllon laland. HWFlllT V1C'1ll•• l•allll 4110 cna. '320 mo. Yrty Craig ~~~~·~:.~~ Y~~rl b~~~ IEWHAT CHTH Soutll County Arcede Loll VIC Calvary Chapel 13115 • tBR, relrlg. no very clean. S390/mo. sl~~11.J~~~~:111~0~!c~.!'. 3 bdr .. 2 ba. gar. great L:k;•T;h;,:.•;;,•;;t;•;; 83l·3495. 873-0300 Fwy Jn F.V. Jndlv ofcs Full Service Suites locetlon & machln81 or or Sp11et •I Harbor Bl pell, 2 ec:tulta pref 731-C 2131402-2657. Sea at lors. 1 & 2 bdrm apls and loc. Winter boat dodl. 4Br 3ba e)(8C Rmmtlt wanted. M/F, 10 Mo/mo lrom 13 2 s SIOIT OOITlll locetlon only 586-2896 REWARD. 548· 7206, W. 18th. 873-7787 1 24682 Cordoba Or Ap1 townhouses B 11 1 11 m . c 0 mp I 1 urn . lhr beaut 3 BA nme In _96_3_·_8_44_5 _____ -l 1625 .. Oeeen View Simone 01 Tom 646-2196 1550. 2 Br. H\bl twnhse _A_.-------~ $540 • S1000 ac e 01. grta1 loc 5 5 2 . 2 1 t 5 0 r • v.. Irvine. Pvt be. pool, lac:. NEWPORT EXEC SUITES All you need for one ,.~ .. ,.,., LOSI dark gr~ 5 mo male Pool, patio, no pet• Several bacllel0t1 and 1 V::~Y ••2 IOI 975-0311 tptc & mucti more If Int· Full aervtce, reasonable m=h~ ~:t 0 I /IY SOJS K I TTEN V I c 831·2177. 941.0574 B i Bdrm unite luture llnt •-.... -•1 PAL.II t1•-t -are1tad Pl•••• call. rllet Xlnl toe 752.a408 _____ ._4 ____ 1 !f~I U ;" Fullerton/18th St C M Ht •fll• designer furnllura and ._ -714·752·7933 (hm), Near OC Airport 60¢ per w:nted .. SO% ~~·rt~~~; 642·4755 Clote to beach. 2 Bdrm, ... ,, 31f0 accessories Move In 10-... c1 .... ,. ,111 (Monter~ Country Club) 540·2538 (Ole) Leo EHOlltlH l11ittS ,, plus Private entrence I 1 I I -------- 1•90 mo. Crpta, drp1, •• :r; ••••••• ••••• • •••• day or reserve IOf IUm· •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 bf, 2 t>a. turn .. wltrplc A I t d M Ample parking lncludee nves or oil I preaent y hepller4 L .. llU pool. gar· No pelt Oetu•e poolllde 111ra large mer montlls Smartly 1 Br. PV1 decit, Old world Golf, tenni. & lwlmmlng m • win• : atura, For leaH, 3 adjacent uillltlts Mike Crow, Agt 0reniec:t we ldocaTted Loll 9114 White fem. 6 8"42·"'670 2br. 2 bl, bltna, dtwhr, 1 h charm, epectacul1t Dally, wkly 1 monthly reap fem. for 2Br 2bl eicecullve 1ultea. Top rangelree con o lkt Bl coll /Whit urnls ed mod1l1 open lk 1 .. _ 11 C 11 •• k N.B . apt. S2 t5/mo, floor of prHllgloua ad· _8_4_5_-3_17_6_._64_2_.1_4_2~3 __ all 111t & depreciation mo. ue "w • Larg. ~ Bt. 1 Ba d/w, In· 1'"' mlles beacll. No pets dally. ooeen vu, WI 0 ..,.ac r 8111 · • "'1 r · 11111111 &42-0422 drau. 8eautltul view. benefits tor monthly ne-REWARD Vic Mariner'• d r Y rm ' W /a Id e . $500/mo 536-8382 $495. Contact Mgr at apt 558·8001 wt!Clys. Hlghly upgraded. Recep· 1 .. Ja111 l••l•I 4450 gellve & sml equity down Pk. 84&-1903 $490/mo. Aval! Oct 2nd TIWIHlll REITAL.I On Jambor" Rd II C. 332 Encino Ln. Kona. HI Condo for rent 1 Fem 30 •~r lg• lavlah tlonl11 eervloe provided •••••••••••••••••••••• based on a c 1 u a I FREE HYPNOSIS Cl.ASS &45-8825 2 br, l'hba, $550 San Joa.qufn Hiiia Ad 1 &. frplc, atovt. relrlge, Br. 11tep1 4, Avall 10-15 ;w"11M :..::::· working Sulla evelleble lndlvl-Retell stOfe at 2650 Avon, mfd-1981 purchase price Improve your NII Image 1 ~1., A .. ....., 111 ...... ,. 3 br 1,.., bl. 1 .. 75. 144-1100 1cro11 tr om ocean. to 10-211 1250/weak em ~I ble rooma, du1lly or u a group. 1865 •Cl fl. ptua 8 car pa I d 9 5 5 • 2 O 3 3 . Tues. Sept. 21. 7PM. For ..... -.. , •• ., 1----------I '400/mo 881·1192 540--«&4 over no b<ook & we-Ideal tor branch office 0t ge•eg. 641-8777 759-1071 Karen re a er v 111on1 p h Lg. bach w/lple, patio & Oppty '°' opt to buy 2 Br 2 Be rrom $525 No ----------1·---------1 tarfall. Pool, j1c, lake, carpot1. $400. No pet• 545-3367, 957·1413 pets Acron from Npt A,.rl•••ll fru•l••H l•atlh r. 6'.n flH etc NB/CM trH From r.;~~n 1~1'~:~1;·~~:: EXIO. IFFIOH/ #u•l '' LH• SOIS _9_64_·38_79 _____ _ M ... Pines, 549-2447 WMll.AIE Bell Goll CourM Office ., u.1.,. ,,,. ...................... s275 780-8045 (714)780-1818, Newpon WARfHllE ••••••••••••••••••••• Found: Black Lib puppy hrs 9.4, 545 .... 855 •••••••••••••••••••••• OIKflmlnatlng & flnanclal-F I Ill 2 bf 1'"' b I "A•t-In Stontmlll Be•uttlul $20,000 10 140,000 to wired collar. Santi Ana Spac. 1 & 2 br. lovely ----------1 SUW I)' re1pon1Jbla Female 0 r • • •P • ......,., '"' " IOan for 2nd Mor1~agH & 16111 CM. tM2-0e78 2 Br. 1'"' Ba No pet1. '450/mo for 2 1>4lfl00• 755 W 18111 . St. 648-9507 2 bdrm, 2 be up1t1lr1 No pell, 1500 mo Avall 10/ 1. 549-3598 1 bdrm. dpl1t bldg Nie.'yd 1 person '350. No pell 842-0481 1 Br. up1111ra, no pe11. avalt Oct 1. S370 mo 352 V1c1or1a, 645-8181 pines & atream1, eec Avl Sept 15/0ct 1. yrly Ill 25-39 yeare to 1hare lu· 20·27 nonemkr. Wa.lk to Coile Mell 1 or 2 room reception area, olllcta, 760·0909 (213) 889· 1415 --------- gales, entry by phone, 11eps fr beech 2 BR 2 Ba. YILUIE 1tury 2 Bdrm. Promonto-OCC. $237.50 + dep aullta From 175/mo. warehouM. C.M. 1778 aq Found: tam. OoblH ml· lge rec 11ea Incl. gym. S750 mo. Call ror appt, ry Pt. Townllome. over-Oct. 1, 645-4892 Utlls lncld. 779 w 191h ft •I 791. 875·3882. ll•••T. WHIH SOJO xed, blk end brn. Male oot • e~'" •"'9l 875-0124 ult 10< Kate New 1&2 bdrm. lu11ury I .. I S d 1144.9539 ••••• •••••••••••••••• Cockapoo. ~ale ml.11 blk P o spa. .. ,......., apts In 14 plana. 1 Bdrm oo .. a poo en rHu· Prof. pereon 10 ahr Park St 851-8928 ----·------1S100,000 Needed tor 1 'I' Lab Fem and malt EIT•tt L_.., ''t Block 10 bHCh, 2Br. from S540, 2 l>drm from me, cvrrent photo, pet• Newport lwnhH. 2 br. New""" EJtec suite 2 min C1••1ttl•J High return. good cradll Borzoi Shephtr" mix • '""• b "'h & 1 1700 16 5 T aon11 background to 2'h bt, IP•. ttnnle. many ""' • I I 15 sec d b 1 1 TO " Beaulfful park-llke 1ur· '·v 1 1 ry mo 1 • ownhou" from P.O. Boll 35-8, Balbofln-amenltlea. 720•1948 from Airport llH lndlv ••I• I ff · ure Y • on Beige Mala ml11 She• rounding• Terraced yrty 968·8263 S665 + pool•, tannla, derl olllot• In 1 lu1turlou1 •••••••••••••••••••••• , .. I estate pp 642•9723 pherd trl Male Collie mix pool Sunken gas C>bq. 1BA DUPLEX wattrlall1. pondal GH Oldel1 & largest agency. Ftm hH 2 br apt. to antique tllled bualneaa 3200 11 tn~uat•l•I apace "'iJf:l.J• 11 1nst blll and whl Fem. ml11 1p1rkllng tountalna STEPS TO BEACH lo[ cooking & heating All cllenll acreaned With ll'lare w/f. 35 up. $240 + environment equipped w /comm I fl on tag.a / SO·• Rhodesian bm with blk Spacloua 1oom1 Sepe-S400/mo 8.42-6970 p11d. From San Diego j pl'lolot & reftftneta. • .., utll. 548--0llOll. with Tix W P an1 ~ R 1nd0 1 Ph S 1 • CM • o1 muzzle Numerou1 e1111 rate room•. Sepa111t di· Frwy drive North on Credlt1: Coemopotltan lrg conf~r.,;oe rm. lot• ~j 548· 11153 Ask tor Gor· ••••···· .. ··-.·;_m••••;.••••• and klllen1. 844-3888 nlng area. Walk-In clo· lovely 3 bdrm. 2 bl, new Beach to McFadden to Oood M 1 A lea Fem. 26·35 non·amktr. parking. mo/mo 0, 1.... don or Roger • , -In Newport BMCl'I Shell•. 1811, home-like kitchen & cpts, drapu and IP· S •aw In Cl V 111 • g • TM To:~~ ~ow.· ~~~~tu•:,2~.0~• u:if. from 1375, desk space Comm'I beach 1oc1t1on, ltr1111t Ot. 110. 125 Meat Or , CM Meet Harb« Shop'g, roo· ~blnet~:...Walk to Hunt· p2Utan3ces5.8S5t•Po• !02w111oerr. (714)803·5198. h=::t 141· llff __ M_2_._1eo_1_. -----!~~ ""'M78ove Jn •!Iowa~ apx 500 e.I .. $600/mo SpecTtaot!zlng In '1'gt•&9 2nd Found; Dart! Calleo rem• my. clean 2 BA 1 Ba, lngton ......... 1er • • "' 1 ... , ... ._ ::::.: .....,......, total. 848-8844 •since ~ b •am 1 , n 0 p e 11 2 Brm unturn, 1575 673-11189 •••••••••••••••••'!~ P81k Newport 3 br twnh-Robt. Settler NH/CM ctt. green IY"· 1410·1420. TSL Co 2 Bdrm Townhoute OCEANFRONT 4 Br & 3 N.8 pvt home, kltdl. prlv. Flnanclally r11ponalblt It, F/F, vu back bey, RE Broker Bd Rea1t0<1 731•7851 8"42·1803; &42·1278 unturn., S650 er 2 bl HCll trplca. non.smoker 12115 Femtle 25-39 to"*-& pool, ltnnl1, tpa. Jan 642·2171 545-04511 Found a medium l lH 28r 2bedupl9x,pV1yard Nope11 Utltltleafreel St650/ S1450 rHpec:ll-850·1t9tor631·7215 :::i:'.c;i:.::0:!:8~4~~ 759·~ WIOOWHAS$$l forTO'• blonde dog. Vic. LA QUINTA HERMOSA veJy EAR BEACH I -.. -.-.-.-m-.--.------RE Loans, 10K Up No Warner/BMcl'I ., ... c.u S650/mo 16211 Parkatde Ln, lblk PROPERTY HOUSE N rg maater Newport, haa otnlral air, ,, ~• Credit Check. No Penal· C a rt 1 t 9 5 5. 2 413. &45·17511 w ot Beach, 3 blka s. 842•3850 842•1010 bedrm, w/prv1 bath, 111t llHI, 2 bllh1, 1howar, Lux. 2 br, 2 bit, frplc, aQ 847 8929 GARDEN RETREAT 2 Br. or Edlnger ... 847·5441 of kit, PoOf. l9mtlt pref. kitchen, all tlectrlc. amtnltlt•. 1342 + Vt ty. Oennlton & Anoe --·-------- tV. B•. Condo. overloo-1------------INEWPORT SHORES Ou-988-5082. PIHH 1tnd reaumt. Ullll. Non-amoker . 873·7311 FOUND: Appro11 10 mo. king pool. IP• & Nnnlng IUltllll WAL.I pi.it 2 bd. 2 bl. dwn1tr1. 190 & up with kitchen, current photo. pereonat 876·0634. Monty 10 loan for rael e~ ~~b·.,r:1•·s~::;~~: brook, xlnt cond No lrg 1 & 2 BR lownhOUM frpl, dW, 2 Clf git, patio, weakly. OONnlront Mo-beckground to P.O. BolC _IJ._A ___ -. ___ -.,--~-,-,,-Watch this column for places to ...... Tru•I Deed loan• 548-194" _.,, ... ""'Imo 848.7452 •Pl•. encl gar, frplc. I 11 0 0 mo • g • n t tel. 1115-8740 35·9, Balboa lllan<I, c ... _, .... ,., •f"' 714/545.,..930 "' ::::·.4-1·2880 hook-up• Naer Hunt e75·1642 ,_11_1_9_2_ee_2 ______ ,····A·.-............... I Bl Thi I 111 1----------1 .,. ._ •••-a •H-,. E Side CM llngle on pvt p &y ngO . S CO umn W R.E IOana avallabla tit a Found: Yng lem cat. 6 5 .EASTSIOE. 2 .... 1 bl, Hrbr from 1476 Chll· NEWPORT Penln1ul1 1 ....._ -2 BR 2 ea ................ w/ ·-.Ml•. clean,''°'.... h M d I th 0 II ... mo. Mela kitten Whit ""' "' dr-OK ••o '"'""7 -· -n-... ..,.. _, 7 ..,,... appear 88~ C On By n 8 8 Y ~nd T D ·a Up lo .,0% 1 po I a . .. 4 8 . 8 O .... ·, -· · "-• .,_, bd, 1 be. SA36 mo. ut118 -· view. ftm, 2S-35~•· only 110. I 3-3800 LT\/ Tailored 1 nt " "'" kid• oK. Peta? 1595 uui Piiot. To place your Bingo Parlor ....... ,· •1. ,. .... 1°e15your _54_8_·_19_49 ____ _ pd. ll3t-4320 Agt 2 Br 1 Ba. garaoe. 2nd nr, pd. agent 875-18.42 Wkly rental• U 6 up. Afprox 1378. 642 , Dana Pt 0.,-cie, frOl'lt drl· ,....., " ""' -'------~--1 balcony. llOVt, D/W, Stapa to bHGh. 2 Bdrm Color TV. lrff cofttt, 2 hrl. No. 616. v-•)'. CIOH lo beach. ad call 642-5678, Classified Ads. Found: Owar1 rabbit, M. EASTSIOE S550, S300 MC. dep. Call overmragt. 1526 helled pool & 1tep1 to Xtrt ltrgt apt nMr ~ 170. 873-3313. A•aHaH•1al1/ white w/blk apota. tc:to- Bachelor 1 Ba."'' 897·5686att5. 873•2 2 att•p••. OCMt1.Kllcf'l'11111JI • 1 / 1 M/F . • ·'/ rabte 5 •9.•o•• ahowet, lgt yd, 1275/mo. u "" 988 N COPt Hwy ... p ex w poo · · Slnglt car gwaoe In Coet1 rflll•lll 548-1949 ~ u ,. "' 873-0188 Quallly 2 bdrm. 2 ba, LOVELY 29R. 2BA. Laoun1 &..en. 40A·ll2"4 EVH/wllndl e40-t910 Meta, oompltttly en<:lo· ...... IOYS Q.UI OF f//1#11 i.11 I llHI ---. ___ .......__ ----------1 upttatre, no pet1 17871 ,_., blk 10 bell, wtd, ..... r. Non k ~BR ........ 1 ..cs ses1-., 75l·52M 9i.\le GAIDIN GIOVI 'flttjfl •••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND. Gray kitten, ttm. 281' 1Br, '425 mo Van Buren 1528. Clll for • 00 •-Single room lot mature am r .. ·-· 1 tP1 """' WI v •-II• S nta A .. t 9tlChetof 1375 mo. apt 848-5924, 960-1347 Nopeta Yrl'l,e•7 /mo.+ tamale. Npt Hta. 1200. to beecl'I. '3&0. Ml'-lai.J 44lf l°*Y MondtY NIQnl ~/!!~~f!."!!~l! •.••••• e!2.8704na ng 1 arH. 497•2336 540-3llM Stu utlt 676·t7 Call 845-3487 1175-3231 :;:"••••••••••••••••• Doore Open 5 PM llll ......... ----------2 bd, & den, 2 be. flPI. Walk 10 beecfl Yrty CltM 2 m .... 10 lhr uni 3 9A 2 1617 Wt1tollff, N.L 288 Special Gfngo pr~rtm Sept 20tll M eo.o!o4 • f'ound Fetn GOiden L.•b Decorated apecloua t br. tndry hookup, tenn11 & 2 I>< 1 be se6o. Ho pfts. WANT pvt rm a bath, bl apt, 1,. btk to ocn. to AOOO aq tt. 1tt. noor 1100/'200 Pota 7 ml11, vlo M•Jnollt l 1 be. CONOO Ste b4<10, 1 P • • n r b c II aa' e ' ' NwpllCM for working •---t 541 &032 t•~ 1----.a •37 , ...... a Yortltown MI INll..alOa AC, llft-4n appt, w/d out• 714/teo-3748. ~.,.1 19 ""'°'cit, non-ttnkJ, no 1275 & '328 673-1127 _,.,......-,_._. ___ -1 .._ __. ~v.. ., -.. _ SCRAM LETS ' . .... carpr1, Ptfl0..1. no J*I, 3 8drn1. 3 Ba Apte. Avail. Y1fW &rf. kit. ly 10· t 642-2010 aft MIF lf'lr my &t. CM hM, Airport lrN • Enc. Sul· • FOU: • Golden Ae'lrtt- nt 8.C. Plua. •700 mo. lmmtdlattly. HOO & Excluatw Ctltf Or. arM, 1PM pe_t1 o .k. la\Jndry, etc. t•. From 225-460 aq. tt. lal ....... h p-,.11 ANSWERS :;, vi:to~~t ~~"'t 5ae-n94 -& wknd• S62S. W118f paid. 2 kid• larg• 1 er Fantaatlc Room In 4 bdrm 2 bt 1315()/mo 640-7673. ~1r:s~C;f1111Y Jtlr... • -" 648-"90. 8p1clou1 t It. Oardtn ok. Frplc, dl1f\w11har, Octtn view. 1800/mo. f\OuH. wUhtr drvar. 2 rooma fOf rent, 111 anct l•1ro• Fltlfl Pal'lth • NewtY Ail'· POOi & rte. AU utH 9 a r ag t . 15 45 • 2 0 0 0 Wk d I YI 8 32 • 34 0 0 Kitch. t4c S2211 UO d.. !eel rtq'd. Qall bt4 I and 400-IOO PLUS 1400 eq, ft. ~ llth-1• 3:J0~9:30 , .M. AP811 ' Flnllfl paid. No peta. AOfnl, no 1.. 072.0171, Wkndl & lYM patlt only 9 PM PentflOuaa 8eytront Sul-'""'" WMISPlAS ""'*11 Meat ~ 1 Bdtm apt, urn pd tMa-1294 142.,..112 tta-IMI ~;3.fi:::,11 1 no. p1t101 CASH PllZll ~ t>::~~er-=w ~.: _1_Ht_.,_ .. ..__A_w_._Apt-'-.8 .. 1 4 blka from t>uoh Baytront 1 8r. acit. tn 11111t Beactt Condo room ltn· M•-~ F' tow c-.-._,. --------1 YIO [. SMtl AM Canttn 9toid Ille only OU'! I knoo. ~ ~th .•••••• :P.lf A411alt~ 11'\MMVt Cly ..,,.. nla pro1 tro"' L~n: IMCtl WtyM • by •Pf t 10 -t~M ....... , Ha¥t 90fft«tllno to Mil? S4001mo 207 Chicago. p11e11 1450/mo )'H rly. mecl 1 105/mo 224 tttti Jn exGhllnge tor oooklne Ma¥t IOfMffllnO 10 Mii? "=~=~==:!:!·~·::·~=' =·======~ 11u an aletm clotk tMt CISAHlecl ada dO II _... 1.fSS.-.9&4 873«e222. $1. HI, teO·M39 4111M & It f\ ...... 144·5'11 ~ tdl do It well .-WHtlP£1'S ~~~..l===========::t..=========:::::::::: \ ... ' . . UIU t Mll'I •HOTO MOOUI UCOl\fl/DANCl?R OUTCALI.. 24 H"I Mt .. Hl ••• Aff11tt1 Parter Open 74 hnl • day 1 der• a wee11 Jac:uu1. Sauna Loo1t1 •• well u four II ta BankAm111oard, Amerl· can txpr .... Diller•. All welcome 7141045-3433. 2 t 12 Harbor 81. CM OHll..OCAA _,...,.., m•tur• woman to ~.,. In my homa, T -Ttl lot 1 yr old Mull have A1t1 & Car NO ., .. (1141 076-114114. EYM .. ...., ....... , ,,. ,.. • 1114 ... ,,, II y0u are I'll tMc:ll you hOw you oan make • min IUetlme Income or $5,000 mo Within 12 mo An e•· citing opp'y Oall 101 •PPI PUT TWI ...... lnloy working _..,, kid• WOllo. ~'NI• We 1ra1n you to beOC>me • ~OIJth counMIOr Call '·U'M, 842 43J' 1()40 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Monday, 6op1embet 20, 1982 C.9 ~!~tff/!11.......... .!."..'H!........ ... "t' t'' ~.,, ,,,, T!MP.!.'.t ••••••••• 1.!!ml.l!!m •...• ff .. v 110 .. lln bt'••ll "" living 10011' .. , II Pol .•• ;;,,!I!!, .......... ···..,,····'·'·"···'·t.ii.'.'···'·'·d· lAM , J r p OIAt. 11 • •• •• .,. • •• • •• • • • •• • • ••• fa1tht~ l:S&o/bat of• ,~J In o,. wut V 1161111 A11tiq1M1 O M dr c.tl 00·3013 IA\llN COPt R 210 Wint•• Y11pa Motor d 81.iy I• f8 t7 hr OOl ti.Ill tt. ,., "''"' ITlltror •fin o .. quaen n 8Mty mau oooo •mu oro11 .cootet "•~ wi to "°° vou1 Jll!IP - n•lha, ,rH t 11rel Catt, l at OIO t4MOOI a bo11 aprg, Ille• new -4H·1HI btwn 9-tipm l7...Utl ' llloh•t Dolt• "-tO IU-4 41 2707 M 1200 en 4411 LIOO wt.Cly ...,, * ·-!-!..!:V-~~ri_ Grlitot, 1 A Small IM A/J.llU HI 1,110 DINING room tabt• & 8 DHK gray, tollcl woOd, >Ont COnd 14~-o327 -9'llT ktwltJ h ar• • ·;;AAiOA.AAlA •••• ohal11, 1111.t new tono to1rn1o1loP.1601? ·eo p';uoec>1 • MOI 1011P •1J11P/lll&ILT N~ Irvine ArM 14 I* APPl.IAMCI IUMCI cul\om padded I 1100 840-48 14 (lllrll Concl) U00 1524 Harbor 8Wd , CM • P/tl•t ltr1l111 hour Call evenlno• W• Mii .-CS guat 87J Ht2 lin 1111 call &13-M83 ._.f-9013 14~7710 Supp~1 yOllt Income 1·180·0 152 tpplltl\CM ~1-3077 CJ\10 8aby1tna, ponab.., •••••••••••••••••••••• #i I / -1 f'r11h llH by doing lnt11t1tl11g 1 .. SER\/IOE SAlfl • )(Int l 'l ll aaaa u-fl OOOd COf\d Cantri.t, M/Jl, A.da, Yet .,.,.,, II ;~•••••••••••••••••••• ltpllon• Hite worlo on grOWttl oppty wl 1m mfgr, "'"'""""'"' 126 076-?983 Iowa, Cr .. t.cl Pattall ,...,.,, 1.110 Toyota 711 AM"M 81• behalf ol nallonal com meeh ••Per. Spanlt h L• 1157-8133 OOOd 9lnger1 831·1744 ••••••••••••••••• •••• reo e••••lte Smalt 1 14 11 • pl SlC flONAL 3 po. mo-J11wa Spae<tway Olk•, H camper 1h11t 12175 OllHUTlll !:1' •• ' ou 1 ue helpful, 11•lld ~111 Ott· W'91\1r-Oryet·Refrlg dern, nallJral teJCture. ctll con~ Mutt ... to 073·01118 tor votw r~llratlon d1I· uetatl111 bonu1 lnoentlve v•r'I lie, good driving Ol1llwalher·FrMar 118"x 128" u new, qorl· 111••1 I lhJl•I IOIO app1ec:lat1 I 1800 or bat 984·2992. 983-6592 • • I .. /.... oioorama S.IH Hpr racord. 641-22541 )Unt cond &40.5841 i•~e i•oo ,.74•11... •••••••••••• ••••••••• olr 770.3590 '74 Chevy l..uv PU, ;;;;; ~, P•Yt.. .,100 dally. HH•H•tr rt prev. but wlll train Ille "' ~ ·" "" Wirtltatr ltlltf brlt.•. ctutch, raota1or. l'akl twlc4t weetlly. ror woman e•ecutlve 4 1IQht Ptr•On P:or Inter• SER\/ICE PERSON WHtlnghouM Rang• Top, SOFA Trad Hunt•r 0'""· '860 1>03-7246 '75 YAMAHA 250 Olrl run• good Oepeno.able Jene SlltW9ll'1 78()..1828 750·6584 dt)'9 per wNk Noon to 1111w cell Me K1uk " Mature Plfton wltll g ... overeltt 011111 Sttnthony print wlaprlcot & beige, Bike. Auna good, 1400, 11000 045-8143 SINGLES DIRECTORY CONTRACTORS 8pm. l!nglleh t1>41aklng. 546-57711 nefal knowledge ot •lee· hood. 4' long, Coppeno• (flARKl!!R BROS,} U" 3 lfrA HF ftfltt 111 Opm. 842-2&41 ol Club•. 14 967-112711 The Sewdual Corp le Good driver. Reis. Per· IUL l lTATI •*'I I 111c1~y to pel'form outelcle ne 1250/obo 60-4g94 moe. old, tacilllcie 14&0. Upr~ht wlbencll., '71 C~-\(o tOl'l 4W~ PU. ATT"' yn~ lady ,~ .. •t-IOl''"'tlnn bid• from ~on-manent c.o•ltlon. Cell -"'11 oe In th• pool 1 apa alt llpm. 1174 113• $700/ol 1 1•" 9"5• lllAOULATE eng OtHt, bod~ 0 · P•. "' .. ., "'' .. ., v d 84 8224 I N_,. 2 .~ ....... , • ...,..f.le In lnduetry We offer the • "' " .,..,. "u pb. oo work 1ruek, lluanl 01 er man, Lynn, trecton 1amlll11 with the •~• • • •"•• ..., .....,. ,,... Whl 1 1 D a YAMAHA, 200 cc:, elec:· B • 1 4 1 2. p I a,c• n 1 I a SaWdUat FHllval for the Wknd1 840·4~09 oommerolal i nd ndu· opportunity to grow with ' POO ryer. •• a It. maroon 1ola, exo. • ,,_ If--~ i-~ trlc etait ONL. YI 3000 I tOOOlobo 073·&124 11r1e1 ,.., Ntate 101 tue-• fatt 01owtng compa.ny NHd• coul)le amall cond 1150. 552·H 87 •r..11.-• .._, .,,.. ml $5411 1146 0223 92870 oon1truo1ton or 11183 HoateulHoat need ed "111u1 and growing ll1m In an Heiting lncluatry. P••ta ~o e.40-3433 M on. d•y 6 eve. or • •••••••••••••••••••• . . . ''°seeoToyo. 'oe.4~.11,4,•MU9·~!,~·. Danc1r1 for Bachelor S 1 wdu 1 t Fe 1 II111 I Apply l ftar 6 PM. Tha 8Nt working condttfone Should Oe r•1pon1tbl1 7511-50791720-407g SAILBOAAO '76 Honda 300 8 apd 0 ,. ,. 0 ' Bachetorette Par lie• grounda. For ipeclflc•· ~Ofn«etone Celt, 3000 B h Ith o I Compl w/mut, rig & Mu1t Mii Lo mlle1 evaa 4114-7 811 73a-8538 or 658•8538 ttone & Info. c111Alida11 er11101 St, Cotta M"•· In Newto°rt uo "" • ~oo ••n•• 0 WAllTElll Lg drHHr, gel. oond .. tt.14r 8095 1550 84a-8382 4H-7004 All bids mull 546-5570, Debbie 7 l4I040· 61 humour. t4/&48-H04. WASHER • Q•S ORVER 150. 052·0&07' evM. & alt •••••••••••••••••••••• ------~-1 fHI fJ10 CllEW .EE.ED be r~lved by 10·2-82 R E Sale• Several pottttona open GOO<! cond. A;u, price d a y M o n . o r 5 It GLASS SHOWCASE Husky 380, d ... 11 ocaulp. •••• .. ···~~·.•,••1•1·,·0•• .. • ·•,•• V'IOSTESS/ MOST full or P-Ttme. \/erlou1 1164-0332 789-60791720.4079 -GOO<! cond. 195 P•d. big tanll Aurv - ElcperlencedM/F.non-COSMETOLOGY 15.50hr.Wllltraln CAIEEll Shllta M inimum Slid Qd ond 5~-7632 good 1450/oller Sotab•d,2hlb1ck emoker. healthy, tor Allthltlclana, expw. re-Beach Rellaurant Call $ 12.80/llr. For Fee Info, MAYTAG Wuher & Dryer ma rMMr. 157 c · 642·6496 Hiii, wetbar, Icebox ~~~~ ~~l•M~~~:~s= ~~·~edNa~k~".ci"~.:.,',!;i 83 5. 4 44 9 2 70 7 N OPEi HOUSE call John 031-0820 bronze. good WOik ing u~ n ss:i~tld ~ y•.11•:: ''c.. b41•, ,,,,,, ..... , ,.,,; ~~~::t 2 ct~~?.o,•r~90~ resuma 10 "crulM", Boit Beauty Center. II Lido Bilstol, S A. 1mall fee SHIPPING cond $300 760-8310 750·50791720-4079 •• !!~~.!!~!!! ..• l.'!!f •••llltlll 1 I ll' OBO 8787, Laguna Nlgvel, CL ~~~~:2.\/lllage, NB _H_O_S_T_E_S_S-Fl_T_d-ay_1_Ba-·1 COSTA MESA Shar~~:~~a\~~ per· Refrigerator, like new, wl Sml. dHk. good cond. BEAUTIFU~ 25" RCA Co-•••••:to'o~···'··••••••• ___ 11.4_2_·2_2_0_1 _ __,...,. 92877 aed on nper. Ask lor NEWPORT eon 10 boic & ahlp cat-tctmaker. $400 Or belt 120. 552-11887 evea/all ICH TV. 2 yr wrnty 1148. Rent 28 motor hom•. A•I•• W••I" ISH I .... ELI.. Lou I 1 Gue,, a Ca II TUESDAY tons ol ft'ata•. "'" •o hra offer. 84 1·3153 d a y M o n o r FtM dell.-v, or:; Sun alps !~!u8llY8 loadped. ••••••• •••••• ••••• •••• 1111fH 118"' .,. -""'",. 7u.•50791120 •0111 TV Joh·n-·'a' •• -1788 .,...,.. t6 ( aul) •--J SJH People na.ded to tral 652-3270 tor lntervlaw SEPT 21• 1 ' wk. Start S6.00 Call GE electric dr~er . 2 yre .,.,,. -.,.. WE PAY •• ~r:!!!.' •• •••••••••• at Couneelora to aid Village Pantry Rell 530t CALL MISS KELLY wkdyt Mon-Fri 548-5139 old 1175. · o. .... t ·MJI PACIFIC MICROWAVE llllllttl lT IHI SllYIOI ott1at1 In dl1tr ... or wOh _u=n=lv=er=tt=t=Y=°'=·='rv;;.==:I 141-0IOI Shoe SalH, 25-35 hra, 073-9172 Nie• lurnllure and •P· ANTENNA aales & MM· 21 h Good condltlOf'I TOP DOLUR Peraonal, quallfled com-r.:c0h~\:::·,.~~.'.~ :in·~ -••P only. Hrty & comm .. Relrlg. •Ide by •IO•. Ice pllen"s 714-240-2148 Cl. Call Clancy 83t-0904 5~6--0481 FOi Ulfl CARS panlon drtvera tor your ~I and happy person. lltlTIU/HIT Call today and O•I all the xlnt oppty, Chlldrens maker 31x31, 5'6", 1200 Antique Mah dining Mt, ~tEATHKIT HW08 'r11/J111 111r1l ll 10 aa .. IUl lll d1y to day errands. All welcome to apply. for the Towers R11t1u-anawera 10 what a tuture Bootery 644-2464 Mr. 957-8178. 548-0460 mint eond. 1800. New HAM RADIO, $130 •••••••.,•••••••••••••• ..._ Sh op pl n II . doctor'• Con1act: Ol1n1tlca Cent· rant In the Suri and Sand In retldtntfal Real Eat ale Miiter Retrlg, perfect cond, 2 yrt Whir I pool re trig 1400 Complete. 831-5519 2~~1('-'Y lf0:~~~'·s~~~06•!; POITlAO/l lllll appt1, Church, etc. All er. 774-0121 between Hotel. 1555 So Co11t S1Je1~~·tdmeantoyou. SNACK BAR -'d •• 1 1 973•101 2460HarborBtvd B ~ "' mO\/~ • must se I • ., COLOR T\/. Old console, c Io a es I b Id Ca 11 · needs met Y hour or 9:30 AM and 10.30 PM Hwy, Laguna Beach 4 c h' I F d p COSTA MESA d 494 .. 8•7 aa ••r oo rep. Almond or. lcemekar Formica Dining Table. wo(l(a. 1501? 644·87113 alt 6PM •Y· • ., " Mon thru Fri. Set 9:30 dayatwk. 9 am • 3 pm. 0 I d I I S200 675 3298 & 141 4100 AM 4 30 PM Ex per Pre1. Apply In pen ng en c 0' ng • wtcnd• 421152", with (1) 24" leaf, 540-4614 A • i 1 • ldHll I • : person to Loulae Bololt. ahlfll. Mllure. Seec:llfl alt. 9pm wkdya O o o d con d I 3 5 Pl 994A Home Computer •I• iill'I'. ti ,• Utl 141· 141l 1•111.rti,. 1005 CRT Data Enlry People, Country Club. 538-8866 Elec. cook top, ov•n. 960·5644 Software and tnatruc-I Att HHtill l fOO --------- •••••••••••••••••••••• Must type 60 WPM, tie· =~=======! Telephone Sollcltors nee-hood, Tllermedor, gd t1on1. 1230. 646-2374 p •• A.tN •• T.•&••11·t11•••b•od••Y••w•o•r•k·, WE IUY MAPLE AVE CHRISTIAN iclble ahllla Spanish Hot Roofers wanted. Call d d Fl t 1 R 1 c d 11"0 673 ••ea C CARS RMUttoo.-.-1011S • " ra • eaor o. con · u • ..... ullll LIJ' "--~, 1-s up to 50" oll you1 body LEAi SCHOOL IN C M . Re-l ""'llllnna+.Pleasecall Bob or Nev111e at E celle t kl di Lid a < • --,. ,..... ... :.. x n wor ng con • o • • •••••• •••••••••••••• INl1 I lluhl1 shop eat. Biii 964~332 lllD TRUCKS glaterlng K-2nd grade, 851-9303 ask for Bev In 642-7222 2299 HARBOR ttLVO. Ilona. Top compen11-Dinette Mll4 chllra, exc. L I 1m lndl1o1 claeses Open Personn.I. ()(Int pay). ---------C 0 ST A MES A. CA tlon. Call Jeanne. or Kim WullerlOryer combo. cond I 150. 552-6667 ~·~•••I WHEELS 4 US MAGS w/2 :~!1f.1~~:.~h3crd care oay Bartender wanted. F~~~~!rlg~l;~IYJ~'~•-92827 9-6 •9._07•8 ~~~J. ~~~0°~~3-~~~~ Mon. all daytevea or Q.~,;11 ••••·····goio Goodyear 11111 125 COHMElL CHEV•OLET ~ ll<irlio>f II • .f Corona del Mar. An Equal Opply Co .. .. -. Lido 759-50791720-4079 •••••••••••••••••••••• each 675-5467 Like i. I I 573--8267, Ask for Kathy terlrt. hm. & fam muSI WANTED new •• !f.!l!!!'........... spk Eng .. own car, rel. RESER\/ATIONIST nee-F II SITOCKwlCLER,K Relrlg Wotlnghouae J1r11Jn 1010 ALu••1NU .. CA-NOE _________ , DECK HANDS 642·5001 ded, win call from our u I me, 11 tra n. lop · · ••••••'••••• •••••••••• "" ,.. Bil• Wut" 1100 N Be h 111 pey, xlnt opportunity. For lrost-free, lctmaker, as Gorgeoue 1 4C1 marquise 675-9797 A•l•I l•1 S•l• ....................... Full time. 109 pay ... .,.. HOUSEWIVES -port ac 0 Ct, no ••• Info C:lll John new. 1295. 873-4466 CUI RUBY. 11900 "AYAK Tad L·~ ··l·M·P··o·R·T·A··N·T··N·o·T··,c·E··· • • t-. To\ "1 t." \ S4f>. I 200 M•l1, Anltt. ral poaltlona open Xlnt MAKE EXTRA SSS eicper nee:. Wiii train Hrs. '831·6620 Lido 640·8688 "u--.. •"'""IO~Bo' TO R"•OERS *NO ---------, .... &J•t 09P0r1unlty. For foe Into Call Janet. 556•0481 3 • 9 PM 6 4 1 • 0 1 1 9 , GI S' ..... b Id 1 lg ..... .....,., ..,. ,.. 1111 11111 •• " call Joon 631-6620 2-4PM ITIOl/llllL RMI b1on ""' Ya ere r II ti/ i n 1011 673-4522. 675-5467 ADVERTISERS Top dollars for Spoils Fast, accurate typist ---------Dental Hygienist Elcpe· $275. Whlr1pool waeher •• ~ ••• !.;'•••••••••••• The price or 1tem1 ad· Cera, Bugs, Campers, (IBM. Electronic 75). Or-V IECI H&llDV' rlenced and expanded &/RETAIL CLERlV' OLEH S 125 Frigidaire wuher For Rent. 1d5 11 111b5•0r~as9s6;0;~~X vettlMd by vehlcit daa· 91''s . Audi'• ganlUtlonal tblllty. Pho-$ 12.50 hr. Wiii train. duties prefer'd. Costa 15 hr. Wiil train, lull be· Newport Beach R/E $75. N-Maytag Porta· .ltllll here 4IO llleier ory. ' . lers In the vehlc:le cla"I· Alk IOI' U/C MGR ne sklll1 Bookkeeping LOOIClng for hard worker Mesa 1·879-2000-nellt1 Call 835-4449. Firm Atapon1lble for ble dl1hwahr 1200 SIB. Grading ol all typaa otttct, 962Al772 home tied edvenlslng columns .llll llllllll nper 'dHlrable. Top ca11 835-4449 2707 N. _ tuu••MCE 2707 N Bristol, SA, proceulng mall, ship· 546-8872 Low rates Call alter 3 J.al.I #.U.l-.A•tt doH not Include anv YILISWAIU benefits. I 1200/mo. BrtatoL s..A. Small Jee. naa -1\aJI fee. OJJ\dQ...acel1 vloG. supply Aefrlge9', to "'111 cu n mm PM 54a,.4997 · .... :...: .. , --eppflcable 1 ..... llcet!-. 114-835-8448 lllllATIH SAUi Commerclal/per1onal iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil or · rlnL nventory re-,_ only 1235. Wuhw .,...,.,... --transfer fees, finance 1871 t Beach Blvd. A~p;-:;:.t:i-:.·.:~.~I~. PIT, FIT, xlnt comm, ~~;~oc".n~~dc·:~~:~;-SALES ADVENTURE ~ •. d~ ••• :7~:. 't.':i lg 5 cycle only 195 G G !'.{'!.•!!~~.'!.~! ••• !~! ···;,;;;l;·Ek.ci;."a",:··· f~~rn'c~~r~c:' :~~~ HUNT·~~~~Oo~EACH .3:.'~~t·~~~-~-584() =k,: ~Or.M~~.· t~~v: .~:~~~~R DESIGN TRAVEL 553-09Sl40PER SEC ~Ti~:~e:.~j-~';3 ~0~3= 0~~~~'::~:5-:1~11 ~~r~~~:~~;,'y o~r:::~:~ --w--.-.-T_E_D_!_~:: . ....., ... , ...... , "'-·-.-· 840-5249 S*LES 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 775-1491 anytlma. •··ti ... ,,, .• , tlon ch11ge1 un1ea1 • Oualllled Couple to ma-"' 11 I IYEI lor friendly 0111-. Busyll ----------~ ,., th 1 Ill d b Lale model Toyota(,. Dental-chalralde, PIT AM. Need 5 Art & AC()ffsory -APPLIANCES SURPLUS JEEPS. Cari-L. • I f03f o arw 11 spec 1 Y \/ol Pick & \I •' nage 13 unit apt. bldg. In 111p. ROA, 4 dys pr wk. design conauttanta PT or LHdlng Publlcatlon Firm phones, mag. publllher Ctoelng warehou':;t ra· Boats Many Sell tor Un-•• ;;,:~!'!!'··•••••••• lhe adYtll'tl-c11~°'· tod ~pt ~i eo.ta MNI atll11ng NOY. Bu ........ 11, __ N now has lmmed ope-Good aala'l-& benellt1. 00 er·-.. -~ 1983 Evlnr .... ----------ua ay •:· Ref'a. 700· 1418 111111 •Y .. -nt o ...,., pt FT. Wiii tral11. 499-1461 nlnga for Guye & Dolle c 11 K th 7" 3,...,. frig•. walher•, d • all Cler 150. For Info Call ...... ·-" ......, Aatlt•llr/ ~ wtcn<Sa. _c_t_r_. 040-0300 _______ L.,.11 Secretery who would llke 10 travel _• __ • __ Y __ "--"""---1 at cost. (312>931-1981 Ext 2239 4 HP out board, n111e1 Cl• IS Earle Ike DENTAL ASSISTANT -.. white they work In US Telephone Satea & Ille Garden Grove Appllance ROLL.ER SKATES used. S525. Call Doug •••• !.'!!!!•••••••••••• Appllcattona now being Have youi been sear-O.r,.raft ft 111,IOO major Clt laal Denver, dellvery worl<. Oath paid 13191 H•rbor 81vd Men's u n. new. Doml· Turin (work) 673-1434 lllHL "l"il TOYOTA·YOUO taken for lull time office Mary Hickle Agency Houlton, New York, etc. dally. Apply 779 w . 19th, Garden G1011e (home) 642-4910 ,_~~~--:-:--"' ,..,sonnel, typing, 10 k-Ching for • rewarding 19762 MacArthur Blvd Ste H Cotta •• 537 .... 33 nlon. $75/obo, 656-9526 ---------Shey rel)llcu; plckupa·& "" ...,._ 11•4 ..,.... -, career where your chair· on a random Itinerary. • ...... ...., M-..&. HI lea Pl'_. coup11. 4 to choo11 & 1ome tight bookk•• lrvln• CA 1140-2920 11 le Open Sun 11-4 King 11 Watetbed '°'' •• ,.. Cetk ...... ping required. Paid me-aide expertise wlll ba ~°bmuelblneat. no TIUPlllE ~~·~~~~~~~~ oak din tot. Pentu ca: bySharp.LTD.Llkenew. lroml (008768) (Stk. ,.., .... o u .uo.,01 dlcal plan, vacation pay. ultd & apprec? 11 ao, we LIU OFFIOHI 0 able to leave dim· IOL.IOITOIS -more Pioneer stereo sac 11300. PIP A3093). Prices starting at ~======:::=! Apply In pereon only, no Invite you to join us & Aggreasl ve Newport med All expenses P 2 20 cu II Frigidaire, r•· · · 557•9509 tlLI Sl,1•11 - phone calla. 2300 Herbor ahare In the growth ol Beach firm Hekl motl-wk on the job training cond. S200 552-6667 _9_5_7_-8_2_3_8_. 5_4_1_-4_4_4_4. __ ----------1 USED Jf~:~ITR CKS Blvd. Coate Meu. this caring dental ottlce 1o1ated lndllllduals. Tetrl· progrem. All trenap fur· We need gOOd people 10 Mon all day & eves or l•lll1t1trlal l lllltr A\/ON Red Start dinghy COME 1: OR CAL~ FOR Xlnt b•nellts Includes torles open Mu'1 ha1o1e nlshed High earnings & Ht up appointments 759-50791T20·40711. . -,.,., with mtr mount• end El •ao Apt M1n11ger, couple wl med Ina. $1400 II quall-R.E. Lk:. Harbor-Pacific: caeual working cond. llom our N-port Beach ---------•• oars. GOO<! shape 1295 fl APP,...SAL e11per1ence for 100 unit flees. N.B. 5'1&.-5602 955-0073 makH this an iclnt oppty olllce In t~ evening I~ ~!!T!!~! ......... ~.~~~ Model 886 Near new (25 _6_4_6-_4_00_5 ______ 1 Cormter-OeUllo garden apt., Co111 M .... ----------t IOI' a car--orltnted In· Holiday IM• new trav... MEN'S 5 SPEED hra on clock I Cost 19. New, n......, used extra IO OtlEYltln Salary + bonua + apt. lllTAl. ASSllTAIT Lose welglll & make mo-dMdual. Prevloua joba club. Saltwy ± commit-BEACH CRUISER ,125 000 • sacrlllce tor 15, Martin gaft With oetach. 18211 BEACH BLVD 642-4907 wtcdya. Wanted· auper usls1111t, n.y. for complete dttall1 d.aling with people aueh 1 Ion + b on u I . Ca II Dou ... ,.5 OO 9 500 963-0363 h 0 0 k & II n e I 9 5 HUNTINGTON BEACH can 00 all. 25 hrs 1 week call Brennan Mllllgan. u Fut Food & WaltrM-833-3740 alter 1 PM. g .,...,. 1 X 1 ,. .. 4005 VlSSEllLYV' S200.837-7112. ~5-1856 alngllelpf\.11,bul nOi~ T ....... h~s....... PEUGEOT, 10-speed TA~~z,oPtERl•SlllAkN_RIUllGI _ .... _ .... _______ '53Studeb·~erchamplon 14l ... ll, 141-IH1 ---------For p111ona1 lntervl-E.......,arn ""B.,,"' •• ;::.., by 1... men's blke. 21 1ncn Ira· ...... ,..,. r9,.98v• •-·11 •-1 ~o -Sii • S7 nr. Full benefits. DENTAL OFFICE MNGR Mal• w•--1 'V ... _ .. _, '"' .... .,.. " -' ,.,..,., _, 5 pass cpe Nice car T Doi Call 835-4449 2707 N -_,., contact M1 Barbara beach, 1300-110001 me. Xlnt cond 1170 obo ••••• •••••••••••••••• $3750. 2131592-1792 op ar B1latol SA Small fee EH\ctent, Enthusiastic & OON QUIXOTE MOTEL Tue-Fri IOAM-5PM week Call S38-7511 494-4747 Lag Bch Mobile Ption., dlrecl dial, Ctaulc 18' Lapllrake organized:, wl bkkpng 2 tOO Newpon Blvd, 750-8955 · · mt m 0 r v I 2 8 5 o . Century bay boat, 4 cyt, leelll h•n leelllelll P~d AUPAIR llve II the beac:h exper 4 dy wk 546-3000 COSTA MESA TOPLESS MODELS Schwinn V1t•Uy lO •pd 997·4251, 838-8207 Grey $3500 67S-8161 en all 1cht & some wknc:i ---------1---------175 o •y • P•to D*ILY S 100; SR 10 apd $35 · 1946 Ford Woody Wa-aupervtSlon of 12 yr old Danial/Front Office. Piii· MAINTENANCE SALES ASSIST ANT • no ex';,~• e2a-25&3 530-0325 Magic Island Gold ltfettl-WAITll gon, $13,000 FOi' Your Cati girl IOf prof woman. I.I unt, ,busy establlshed Full time. minimum STOCK. pleulnl perw-~' me membership $750 t3 It Boston Whalw In .1111111 I Ill haekeeplng, cooking. office needs asst. front $12 26 per hr. Xlnt op-nallty, good appaar IOI' v TUm l •iJ.,•f end current du .. 1200 good condition 1929 Ford Madel A Town U..el•·lhre1ry rm/board & 1m salary. otc mgr. Exper ~ 4 portunlty. For lee lnro ~!~~.:=;:n~s V'IUTllOTll ll•tui•l• IOIS1_0_1_s·_8_5_811______ 21~4 1-5365 Sedan. 110.000 <?6-Z6 Harbor Blvd' 675-2t29 ...,.. Ul.1::i'~~·k M call John 631•6620 Day wtr. No nlghte. Xlnt S8 -17 hr. Exciting poet· ... iiiw .. 3i .. in.... l rltetal 111 -2-8.-1Wn--d-sl-.-S-k-lp-J1-ck-. P_n_o_t 1963 Stuclebalcer Avanu. Costa Mesa 540-S630 Automotrve _DE_N_T_A_L_A_S_S_IS_T_A_N_T_1 ~~~·p~:t:~~~1n'1~~· ~~~: ~~;klg~ll c~7:.· P=l~r;.i. ~~~. ~u~l4 ~~n;f~t~.7 C~I'. Redwood 2x: dec;lng. ~ ~ b~1;1 :·3·~ •• f~r~·:'. =· ~~~,~~o ::i~: 15500 1175-6161 pa:::~1~r;:ys::: car luum1•TE Xlnt opportunity fOf ex-g11m. $300 Wk Mr Salt 759-1201 Bllllol, s A small lee. 4.1()' long, lllO redwOOd 642·6"5 det, trlr. better than new. '66' MUSTANG CON\/ (foreign or domes11C) ~U ft per P11t time. 4114-9788 761-2406 lancing Call Jtm or Ken 557_..756 111 6PM. "Ground Up R111or1-In good condition OPENING! llllMAl-IEOllITT Sales--Men & Women Waltreases & Welters over anytime, 775-1491 Solar Penett, all controt·i----------i 11on" See us Fllltl Management OIEW llAUIEll I '8 vr with Exper. Apply In n.. IHO led equip tor hot tub or UY M&T 6 cyl. Chempagne lntr Auto lonloo !:~1f:d s~rur~t~n~~~~ Uftlt• ·~·•'1 Direct aetH eitp. requl-,poraon. 1768 Newport :-.?.~••••••••••••••••• s P • I 1 2 o o 16 It Johnaon 110 11500. Ember g Io ••tr nlum. RalerencH and red. Mull bl a along ,.. ,_B_1_v_d._C_._M_. _____ 1 Adorable Keeshond Pup-213-286-2230 673-2190 71 4/886-2215. Writer Experience Required lc•f• Tri Rii i c1ulter & able 10 trave4. WAREHOUSE plea. AKC reg, champ Wedding Dfna. 9-10, long I • I H 42 ·49 Wiiiyt Jeep111r, Former m 111 tar y Call 075·6101, Mon-Fri, ltll• lt1r OarHr C111110AM·1PM only. Mr. 1 Full llmt. several posl· llnea 4M, IF. 5 wtce. Re-while. Orig s175• now ru • I cond Must Hiii e•perlence.. 1 plual 8 am. 4 pm. Stan your new car-on O.Naro 894·0565 Ilona open. Xlnt oppor· 1arv1t1ons & pre-11les s 1 2 5 . L 1 k 1 n 1 w Anxious O'f¥1l8f wan1a olr. 960-4076 Man~enallta and ex· ----------1 our 3rd •hilt, earning $4. •H(SPlllH tunlly. For lee Info call 551-5007 759.0451 evlwknda 1_B_k_r._6_4_6_-4_00_5____ ------• ceptl I growih potent· V'IUFTSPEllSDI -John 631-6811> INI S •1 IOIO Thinking of a new home lal. Cal Service Manager 18 hr . ., ___ 11 ~nl""•· Up to S4.50 u you be-1-faJlmerl< Gitt and Pertv 1250 0 F1H If Fie 1045 WEDDING DRESS com-•••• !1 •• ~!............ tor aprlng7 See Ille many R L ......,., ... -come more exp'd. You Shop. Must bl experlen-• O Weekly pay· •••••••••••••••••••••• plate wltll all 1ccea1. 0. C 1 listings In today's cleHI· ~8 11.ul•u llhrt oy 81'49_.300 Small t ... Call 5-4449. wlll be promoted to ced. and wllh 1 dfflre to checl<a (fully gueranteed) Abandoned klltent need coat $600 Sell for $300 1 Hobie at, yet ow wl fled columns 642•51178 c ·,~,1,1 \h·'·' ·..i11 n.lll a. ma~non ~ontiac s4t-43oo· Harbor Blvd at Fair Of In Cotta M ... Ullamtl P111l ttme or luhltlme In clients' homta. Requlr• m111111· minimum ege 20 yeara; 2 yeara college or chlld care experience Valid drl11ar'1 llc•nH. Protesalonal Sitting Ser- Ylce Agency, 250&8 Via \/lento, Ml11lon Viejo. 951-5684 Babysitter, Mon-Thura eve1. hra v1111d, my home . Np t Bch . 5'18-2911 Babyaltlw, mature & re.p. perton llMded to baby- 1 It my home wkdv• 645-6507 ett 3PM. IUlllTTll Needed lor lnfent In our home. Pwmlpart llma. 646-8023 Baby11t1er1Houae11"rr for my CdM home 3 chlldren, 14, 12 & 20 mo 8:30·5.30. 0-n trt ntp Reis. De penda ble . 87~901 v UllTE•Ulv $3.50 hf. '*" or•1 tlpe. Bch raataurant. Cell to- d ay . S ma ll I••· 835-4441. 2707 N. Bt11tol, S.A. UllTlllAWll ........ 3 llou t mlf'lmum, t!:~ •lrlct, 'ooel Oervtoea. 1H7 P'l•c.nll•. Cotta MeM.7~3 2101 N. Bristol, S.A. mgmt. & supetVltory 11-train tor menager poal-working part or tull lime homM More Info SI.re 9 983 ll2S t · teq. sunrise ulls. Like ''========:=~======;;::;;;:;;;; Ory Clnra counter clerk vela. Cell. 714-537-4840. llon. FULL TIME. TuH at home. Weekly pay-c'111 548·1305 . • new 12500. 675-6161 '' 25/30 hrs wk. 5 days. tnter11tew1 held every thru Sat Huntington checks malled dlrec11y to 6 LO\/ABl..E Kittens, 8 Miii STtU 1200 16' T Cat wltr1r. trade lor CdM 673-4493 Wed. 7-8 pm at 111 Del Beach Area 982-8910 vou lrom Home Office weetci. 2 calleo or best offer 831·5519 dory or windsurfer. Mar, Costa Mesa and ---------1 ~ Wedneeday. Siert 545--5087 REEL LAWN MOWER (213)634-2730 Ron UOllW lfflOEI every Thurs 9am-rioon at SIOlnllY /U EO. Immediately No expe-PllOIUH 1390 N C11. Hwy., Lag. Min e YT• hvy MC:retanal rlence neoessery_ Natlo-\It Great Dane and part McClain 20" • rebullt HIT SILL Fountain Val'-mortga-•Bch~~·~E.~O~. ~E·~~~~ exper req Challenging nal company Do your Saint Bernard 2 yt old engine. St20 831-5519 1980 MacGregor 25 _, _ poaltlon tor someone w0r1c right In the CQmlort Lo v ab t e IO• dog PINBALL MACHINE excel Trailer. motor. \/HF. Xlnt ~~~.::,'~ MECHANIC, lllPW In fo-unuautlly brlOht a altll· and MCUrlty of your own 536-3493 cond 12501? 17,000 536-Q325 loan escrowa. Salary & reign cars, tull time, led Fa<~ h11 & hard ~°::; :.:=. ~~:!; Free to good homa, 10111-&40-4814 21' •Hlr .. tr C1tte• comm1111on Rewarding contact v e •. SOr1c we o er satery to name ano a.ddreaa to: bl• mliced brffd, good 1981Sears10" raOlal saw Full equip .• lmmac ~ 0990rlunlty 714-492-9311 San Cl•· iu2~~ per yr, pentton American Fldetlly Com-wllh kid•. M , 1 yr & 10' table aaw. 1200 14000. (2131498·61137 RESIDENTIAL mente .,.. & ~· ~bon:i~~ pany. 1-flrrtio Oapt. 77, 893-7793 .. George, 83 t -5,79 IYS MORTGAGE SERVICE Medical tranacrlptlonlst. ,. not lhl belt pltaM tell 1040 LOM Star Dr .. N.w f •i•lhlrl IOH Ava -28_'_A_l-..__--0-Cu:--tt-.,.....,.S-al-lboa--t 11 John Cuaack wor·k at home Curr-t B ,... TX 781"" .,..... -· your smarttlt under·,~_rau_n_ .. _•. ___ .-__ •••••••••••••••••••••• Comp ll81'eo 1125 Huge with ellp tn Sante 8arba· 9&4-ll090 exper. required In Medi· challenged lrltnd about ·· **I BUY** bklhlv I 100 2 end Ible ra. Priced tor quick tale flllT 1111 Ollll cal RCICOfd• Dept, Must ut NON-SMOKER. Col· 14 0 . bk ah If $ 1 5 $8900 80511166-1861 bperltneed prel•rrtd, be proficient In all P'I•· llna & Aaaoc • 507 San Car•t• S.lll ••• Good uMd furniture & 642-1289 FI T, Fle•lble houri, -of medical dlctetlon. Nlcolaa. NB 044-5771 ;;;;.,••••••••••••• Appllanote-OR I wlH Mii t---------SABOTgdcond.1250.Alt lec1 M le Surtand 788-8500 M ·F •••••••••••••••••••••• orSELLlorYou Four 161b bowllngbatla, 8 , 581-8855: days, con arg • 9AM-5PM. SIOlnllJ VARO SALE. Cloltd our 116.-ll *I_.._. 18·10. 652-6087 evea. & 499-1325. Sand Hotel, 497-4477 FULL-TIME. need •• ,,.. t B• ... /b th II _.., • VI.WW M 0 n . a II d. y . 0 r ----~----1 ----------t MEDICAL FfT Front o~ .,.... I ore. ""' a non1, •••..... J•• tl•I 769•5079, 720•40711. 11' Spafk Sundano.r fM M poaltlon. Mlulon \/leto P«ton wlfuN aecretarlal •how c111. oondot ... ______ .__-_. __ .. _1,".'"'."'--:-:------60 eq n N II, never used, Ara you adventuroua, 495-1060. •kill•. Incl computer dHk, cash register, girt I Ill FtllJTlll #ittill••H•• 1 450/ob o. Alt. 6 & n..0 mon-v. & 10111 to knowledge. for Htotpa-boxH. bags • ell below Lii • 957•8133 au••IH •••i wknda. (213)402-4380 lt1Yll? Celllornla merke-L"'lllll '!!lllEE ce diet. by airport. K.R. coat CASH ONLY II "'' ._ aft Andereon Co .. Inc. Call t I · •• • ••• •••••• • • ••• •• ••• · ting company hll 10 4 opening.I . Hing to Bennington. r v ne. Oak dining room tabl• & O 1--------- Boat picture ads provide "' Qpenlnga IOI' atoarp, mo-travel. Salary open. Call Paula (714) 649-1343 551--0467 uphot1tered chalra. Xlnt WAITEIJI 1H11, Ill,. tlveted nlQh·echool ora· 835·444 11. 2707 N. .;IEOllO&llY•; colid. 1800 64&-20&3. s ER G s DRYER Dwh H10 l~ail~.J.!~ du at. a 1 0 I r. II• I 7 B I ol s • s " I .... .... WA H & A •••••••••••••••••••••• w11tern StatH & CS•· r 11 • ' "'· me "· 11500 mo. Typa eo wpm, ll1ttA1•1/11 flllfTlll·IEW OOO<I cond. Reu. prict. 81..IPS avall. Huntington monatrate an ••Citing ..u work l~lldently. Fl.Ill •••••••••••••••••••••• PRICES START AT: 904--0332 H. r b 0 u r B. y . new produc:t. Training Scanty Panty now hiring benefit•. Call t3S.•449. b'!J!.'f 1115 Mattrt11 & Found. Mt 7 1 4 • 8 4 0 • 5 5 4 5 , prooram paid. Ab ove for tunlon tfiowa. Exp'd. 2707 N Brlltol S A •••• •••••••••••••••• N-factory Maled Uaed oomlca, records, 84Cl-77efl. IWf'lilOe Ntnlngt, trent preterr•d 548·0444, Small I• . . . ANTIQUE STOVE OlllOfd Twin 171-full $97 paparback book•. The 1-.-,,. -S-Hp-l0t----or-11-11-w-/ .. _ t__... • Untveraal, Early 1900'• Queen $147-Klng lt07 Of 1""' HB HO 5888 -.. -. '"'"• return guatan ,._, CM. · SlmTUl/llOIPT porcelaln. Gaa, 1225. 111 rec v•r • · tet•down mast . Balboa 2t' Erlcaon Futty equipped cnilse, ~/•1r1~·:M ~~r~ ~·~Ra~~ t-rc' Mt eigtney. Typing SS &41-51159. Sof!o~a1o8:':.!19:197 #edtd Covea, AYlll now. Flex/-e ulls, UHF, compau, covert ~~~" Ortho~dlc o 111c!n wt: o:'c; :n::_ecJo1:.~o'! o1s,~~~~~R~RE ... ~.'.'!~!!!!~.'! ••• ~~ s:~ ~~~:.~dM .,... Perfect~~~~ 1 10.soo llmll•d llcen11. PI T. rol , 10a m -12pm. ••ITILJ* COSTA MES.Ae31·000ll Sii/it. c a ll Cartlt11-----------------11 n IM .... 831-2200 657-0642 &ITltll fllll ~A~~ .'::!~";f.; 714·1155-2473. Wl<dya Sharp petllOn !or front OFFICE HEl.P • Parme-SECRETARY-General ofo, Antique.' Cofte«lblea 0~~;2~' ~:~,•t,~b~ PV ~ak« a.blnet A" .,,.a....,....5..,....,.....~...,...,..,.,..,..,....,...,,,...,,,..11 ottlci.. Typing. 1~ nent. part -time II you land development. hvy *f Lr I 18" ... ,. a pada, bune1 In e11cell1nt condition. BOAT SUPS AVAILABLE: hM¥Y pnonee, o7 are detell tonac:loua & phOMe & 1YO!tlg. SH Of ~ft 82" 10" (2drwrt, 4 dr) S1,000 ~Beech· 25', 28'. Otnertl have moderete typtno equiv req Mature, non· M 1 R ET* $300/0bO, IM8-4H4 an ••t .. llt 1..,. 30' 40 ' & 45· Call lklll•. ptHHnt phon• amkr. l end rHum• & " K Spn\. -I 042-4844 from 11-5. JOBS!JOBS! p eraon•llty & KNOW .. tery req. 10: PO 8011 Mon·frl SAILBOATS call A&P 700I, N.8, Ca 112te0 ,._ & UNO Merdltndl-Movlno antique•. Chin• Alto Sax, Yam111a, xtnt --------- Manne IMM114t ae clb .. lu1n • din. 111, cono 1250 Good tor Doc« apac. available up 21 Cllltfllno• for depta. LOCAL FIAM I TAff POSITIONS $1,175 NO EXPERINCE HMdecl In eome del>t•. ILL&rt .. O all for Ap pt ,, .......... Al PUTTim Ev" end/or WMtclllda. Aeeponalblt ldulta, OVftr 21, wl111 OU1etandlng, ... tractive per10t1allltee to work wllll youth (1gu 10· 14). Oall 2·11 PM...i 8'2·432t, b t. 340. EOr: S.. ht, 11 ....,_ dllMI. etc. Me·2648 atudertt .,.2-4714 to~" 111.50111. Ardell. -n•Y u. l.oe Alatl'llto• 1'1.C.-freclc SpaCUIYlf C1pteln'1 BUNOV Flute with muelo ,_IM_a_._5_735 ______ 1 Secretarl1I poalllon In Info 1195·1234(99!-77" a.cs. OraWlfl, cab, b«S. e•end. 1 17.,-.~. 0 ..__ MARCUS CHANNEi. llde ectl~ Newport Cenlerl~~~~~~~~~I ' .., .. _.. • ... AHttor'a office. Front 1; all In one. $4(), 557-W t 84().. 12114 tie to 28 "; $ 150, atao office poelllon requtr•a Ulll IAI 1111 Formlea Dinette wltll vet· OAUMS 4 pc all nerdwr •Id• up 10 11 ft I IOO d telephone voice, Anllqut, 3\tx5, 1200, tow ntUQ ettalrt (4). Uk• or .. t IOf .,.Q1nnet a200: 073--ll4S • 8.H. & lll)l)Hr•n-&44-05111 •It 4pm new 1150, 780-~10 t'IS.5417. .,,, ,,.,._ NH eel eatlle ••P•· •••••'• ... -.-.... ; ....... . rtence helpful but not Uttle Mtaa Mulfet .. , on a Teak Bar, handmede. 81tloue Htol'I achoo4 llU· n1ay SJ()RIG£ eHenllel. Pr•l er looal Tuffet, etong came a °'*1t lo II ft, MOO. danl d..it .. 8'I "*"*'· Ill\ ft re1ldtnt, For Interview •PICl•r 1nd rHO In th• 7804310 11111 OUAl.ITV cello. 'Montllly bo•t •lorege caw~.!°""• y'-e.... =''-t~l:,1C~~=·~~~ 8811d O•kn Oap1111n~: tA-2117 91'1 ..,., 24 "' Meutlty; _, • ,.. •• T""et and bOuQl'lt 11 helre. t• nltfttel. Olll# hnltM ~ tree-~ "9elton A.-ttO tor lllH. Vou can NII .. 780-~10 ._,_, ,., ... your tunet and tote ot . • •• ~:x.tt••••••••••• 1111 , .. l1r I r. Ollllt l lllno• tl'tfOUOll l(lf\a St bed.~ UMCI, • " '*""--~ tllbte tor .. Di lly Pllo1 Ct11111ted w!lr.,,_ offloe 1711. .....___,, ,,,_.Call 1.U·M71 1131, 71C)..1310 7to-atO .....- ' Set your course for fast sales w1th e Dally Piiot boat picture ed. Each Saturday, the Dilly Piiot wlll o tter you ad spece that not only describes your boat, but plctur91 It •• well. The pr!Qe 11 gu1ranteed to buoy your 1plrlts -$<45 If we take the picture, and only $'40 If you provide the picture for a 2 column 3'' ad . For further det1111 about how Dally Pltot boat picture ad• can work fot you end to IChedute your ed, catt 842·5178 and _. for Salty LM. • I • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Mond y, Soptomber 20, 1982 ) 12 POITIAO -12000 Automatlr., air cond., pwr ateerlng, am/Im (576 135) 1111 ••llttlh +tu Cap coat 193~0. RHI· dual $4232.59, total 0 1 payment• 19916.32 + ta• MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE WITH THE NUMBERS IM THE BOXES 0 ATLAS CHRYSLEll~YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 546·1934 3 blocks south ol San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd Complete ,body shop. Sales. Service P~ Service Dept open Monday thru Fnday 7 30 AM to 5 30 P M and 8 AM to S P M on Saturday • IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Streer Newport Beach let 752·0900 Calt us W" .,. tl'le "r•· 1 ~le; ' • A.Ila R <'"1"0 Peu9eo1 SaalJ & Mu~t11at1 THEODORE ROllNS FORD Modern sales, service. parts. body, paint & 11re depis Competitive r1tes on lease & daily rentals 2060 H1rbor Blvd , Costa Mesa 642·00t0 or 54().62t t • JOHNSON & SOM UMCOLH MYCUIY 2626 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Tel 540-5630 57 Years of friendly family service -Orange County s oldeat Lin· coin-Mercury dealership SOUTH COAST DOOGE 2888 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540--0330 RV service spec1a1111s. custom van conW!fStons • HIWPOIT IMl"OltTS 3100 W Cout H i ghway, Newport Beach tel 642·940Sf540-t 764 The Ferr an HeadQuartera NIWPORt'OATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beech Tel 833-1300 At the triangle ol Jamboree. MacArthur & Bristol behind Vtctona Station Sales. Service. Leasing & Parts We make great deals• 0 MAIERS CADILUC 2600 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-9t00 Orange County s Largest Cadillac dealer Sales Service Leu· 1ng. • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICK.POMTIAC·MAZDA Sates • Service • Leasing 24888 Ahc1a Parkway Laguna Hills 837-2400 fa CHICK IVERSON PORSCHf.AUDl-VW 415 E Coast Hwy Newport Beach 673-0900 The only dealership 1n Orange County with theae three great makes under one roof' • ALAN MAG HON 'OMTIAC-SUIARU 2480 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel !>49-4300 Si les, Service LHs1ng Mr GoodWfench • CLASSIC AUTOMOllLll 785 Newton Way. Cotta M•a. Tet 831-1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIAL TV" XK 120'1 I 140'a I 150'1 I E-Typea I XJ'1 Salee -S8fVlce -Re9t0f'allona Off PltQentla between 17111 & 18th In Cotta M ... I 01 LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvo Westminster Tel 892-6651 Orange County s Oldest and laraest Pontiac dealership Safes, Service Paris DICK MILLll ffAT/LANCIA 'Probably the IOwest p11ced Fiats •n Southern Caltlorn1a" (locatao t mite nofth of South Coast Plaza near Main St and Warner Ave 1n Santa Ana J t20 W Warner, Santa Ana 557·2132 • SANT A ANA DA TSUH 2001 E 17th Street Senta At11 Tel 558-781 1 Your Or191nal Dedicated Datsun Dealer 0 MIRACLE MAZDA We ve moved' Our new tocatton 11 1425 Baller Street. Costa Mesa Tel 545-3334-Stop by & v1s11 our brand new showroom 1nd see why wa·re the #1 Mlldl dealer 1n Southern Cah forni1 Siles SVfV1ce, Patts and Leasing • ANAHEIM MAZDA "°""f o.c ....... ~ ... '"" Swrlu~C-" 601 S Anaheim Blvd , At1ane1m 956-1820 Just north o f Santa Ana Frwy on Anaheim Bh1d Cell us l1r1t1 WE ARE HARD TO FINO-eUT WORTH ITI. • SADDLllACIC IMW/SUIAaU 28402 Merguertt• Pkwy • AlllfY Pllwy e•ll Wft offer what no b1nk or lttH comp1ny can I £•pertly llaffed mo t modern 11rv1ce & par11 dePI • 2 One of the Southlend 1 most ••pertenced tales & le•lng 11at1. 3 Eltmmatlon of the m14dlem1n by INllng dealerdtrect 831 ·2040 Mlasion Via o 495-4949 COST A MESA DA TSUH 2845 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 540-6410 Serving Orange County for t6 years 1 Mile So 405 SUNSET FORD. IMC. (Home of Willie the White) 5440 Giiden Grove Blvd . Westminster Tel 636-4010 • ORANGE COUNTY VOLVO 10120 G1rden Grove Blvd .• Garden Grove Tel 530-9190 Eicctustvely Volvo to cover all your Volvo requirements New•UMd•Sales•Leaslng•Par1s•Serv~Body Shop Freeway cloM In the helrl ol Or1nge County at Garden Grove 8tvd. & Brookhurst. 0 CONNELL CHEftOLET 2828 Hubor Blvd • Coata Mesa. Over 20 years serving Orange County! Siles, teuing. se.-vlce Cell 54(M200; apecl1I parts tine. 546-9400. body shop line, 754-04C'\ 0 ROY CAIVll IOU.S ROYCMMW 1540 J1mboree Road Newpatt Beech 840-6444 Sales, Service. Parta And Leasing COllMISR DeLILLO CHIYltOLIT (formerly Groth Ol'leYf~) 11211 INCtl l!Yd., HUlltlhQton 8"cl\ N.-• Uted • S.-• Leulng • PW11 • Setvloe Come by and ... our Huge tn¥et1t0f')'I 147-eotr 14~1 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT ·vouR DAILY PILOT REP. 642-5678 ' • ORAICI CIAIT Rll llllTDWI IAllY Ml MONDAY SEPl EMBE R JO 19li4' OHANGE COUN I Y C AL 1J OH NIA ;l!J CENTS Red Cross buries Beirut massacre victims BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) Red Cross workers gathl'rOO 90 bloated and blacken<.'<! bodit.•s at a mass grave today m one of two predominantly Mosll'm n•fugetc• camps Wh ('r e r<'p orts say h u ndr ed s of civilians were massacred by Chr1 s t1an miht1amen. But a leading independent newspaper reported today that a shadowy terror group that has vowed lo drive all fore1gnNs Laguna's I dog laws changing? . By STEVE MITCHELL Of the Delly Piiot SI.ti Dogs on the beach. It 's the single mos t controversial subject in Laguna Beach , and the only topic that ever prompted a City Council to move a meet ing to lar ger quarters to accommodate friends and foes of canine beachgoers. And it's on the agenda once again Tuesday night. Last month the City Council (See DOGS, Page AZ) INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck A7 Business B3 Cavalcade A7 Classified C6-10 Comics B4 Crossword B4 Death Notices C6 Editorial A6 Entertainment 85 Art Hoppe A7 Horoscope A7 Ann Landers A7 Movies 8 5 Political Not.es A5 Public Notices C6 Sports Cl -5 Stock Markets B3 Television B6 Theaters 85 Weather A2 World Ne~ A3 rrom Lt·banon daanwd It carm'<.I out th<' slaugh wr. lsrat•l's Cublnt•l angrily n •jt.'<:tt•d as "blood hbl•I" damb that 1ts army was rPsponsablt• direcll y or indirectly fur lhc ktll1ng, w h ich ls r uel and Lebanon blame on d ifferent Christian m11itaas. However, two Tel Aviv newspapers claimed Israel knew about the massacrt'. and let it con tinue 36 hours before taking action. h a llenges surf In Mosc.<ow, the official Tass 11t>ws agl•ncy said Pre1ud ent LNmad l. Brezbncv called on Pn-s1dcmt Hcagan "to act jointly with thl· Sovif'l Union at the St..<Curity Council with a view to bridling Israel." Tass said Brezhnev sc.1n t a personal nwssagc t.o Reagan that "strcs!«.•:. that a sha re o C the respons1blhty for the rivers of blood being shed an Lebanon nowadays 1s borne, in particular, Dave Settles, Huntia,gtun Beach, ride to sixth plac'e finish in the j unior' divi ion of Huntington Beach Surf Conte t. Cary Clibsy, 16, a lso of Huntington Beach, wa overall champion of week tourna ment. by th ose who co uld h ave prevented but did not prevent Tel Aviv from doing what it d id." Bre zhnev did not name the United States In this charge, but weekend Tass re ports made similar charges and did mention Washington specifically. The go bodies were placed in nylon sacks and lined up next to a mass grave Mnder the blazing sun in the Chdf.Hla camp of west B e irut. P e Ce r Kung , an lntcmatlona1 Red Cross o((ic:1al, aal d th e bod ies h a d been recovered over 24 hours from Chatilla and the adjacent Sabra camp. both home to Lebanese and Palestinian rcfuge<.'ll, most of whom are Moslem. Kung saJd bodies not claimed by relatives w ould be burit..>d In the large grave. N o a ccurate count o r the carna ge .h as been made, but Kung s a id hundred s more vicl1m11 might s till be burled under the rubble that wltneuet said the killers bulldozed over their victims. Other estimates of the death toll range from 300 to 1,500. Near a mound of earth at the entrance to the Sabra camp. screaming women cl.awed at the dirt w here t h ey claimed 200 children were burled, ~ated (See VICTIMS, Page AZ) Lagunans celebrate e x odus . Thous and s o C Lagun'a ns converged on Main Beach Park Saturday to celebrate the end or lhe to urist season a nd the "return of Laguna to Lagunans." Mind you, there were out-of- towners among the throngs of celebrants, but they we re n't talking. P erhaps it was because of the cloth tourist, complete with black shoes and socks, shorts, Hawaiian shirt anti Kodak camera strung up by the neck at the pa rk entrance. The day -long f estiv ities included family games. hot dogs a nd soft drinks, a lifeguard demonstration, balloons. and three s eparate s kydiving exhibitions that highlighted theJ· village party. Maggie Me ggs, the n e wly elected honorary governor of the "st a te" of Laguna, arrived shortl y afte r n oon ,, in a n ambulance with a police escort. Members of the Chllmber of Commerce unloaded the affable governor in a gurney and rolled h er to the s tage, whe re she welcomed Lagunans to their own party. "This is w o nd e rful, j u s t wonderful." the new governor II announced dryly. "Now get me off this stage." Th e c it y's r ecrea t io n department sponsored family games. ranging from musical chairs to wheelbarrow races between th e s k y diving exhlblUons. Trophies and ribbons went to the winners. Bill FarreU, a member of the Laguna Beach Businessma n's Association , the sponsors of the Village Party, termed the event a success. "We sold more than 1,700 hot dogs," he said this morning. H e figure d a bo ut 5,000 Laguna ns -a nd guests -:- attended the beach festival. Lagunans hung a tourist in effigy and watched parachutists drop in on beach party. Valley eyes roof rule 8y PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(tfM 0.-, ,... ..... Fountain Valley will become the next city to consider a fire- retardant roof ordinance a fter the Anaheim !ire that destroyed 500 dwelling units and left about 1,500 people homeless last April. In a memo urging the City Counc ll to adopt the roof ordinance at Its meeting Tuesday. F ountain Valley Fire Chief Richard Jorgensen contended t hat t he city "has develo ped many wood-shingled residential areas that represent a disaster waiting to happen." The proposed Fountain Va11ey law, b8sed on a model prepared by the O r a nge Coun ty Fire Chiefs Association, would require r oo f s place d o n n ewly constructed homes as we ll as replacement roofs on existing h omes to be m ad e of n o n - combustible or fire-retardant material. J orgensen has asked the council to adopt this measure as an urgency ordinance, meaning it requires approval of four-fifths o ( th e council r a ther than a majority and that it would take e Cf ect imme di a t e l y a fte r adoption, not 30 days later. Asked today why he requested the urgency status, Jorgensen (See ROOF, Paie AZ) Crash lVitnesses sought By ROBERT BARKER orttie D.-, ,... ...., Federal investigators may never know who was at fault in the midair colllaion over Fountain Valley Friday that took two lives, an investigator aald today. "Unfortunately, we don't have a good eyewltneu ln the air," said Wally Funk, an lnveatigator for the National Tranaportation Safety Boe.rd. "We've received several eyewitness accounts from people on the ground, but they ,are non-aviators who may not have had a aood angle of the colliaion." Killed when their Cemla 210 plunaed into a net1hborhood on Newfand Street aouth of Talbert Avenue In Huntin1ton Beach were pilot William A. Clark, a 35-year -old Cotta Meaa chiropractor, and flight instructor Fernando ~o. 4e, of Garden Grove. The IK'Ond plane, which POlJce aai.d waa piloted by kirk McQuown of Redondo Beach , re~urned safe ly to John Wayne Airport a fter ·losing an engine in the collision. Safety investJgator Funk said M c Quown 's twin -engine Beechcraft King Air was heading for Burbank A i rport a t a n altitude of 3,000 feet at about 4:45 p.m. when McQuown said he saw 1e>methlng flash past him out of the comer of his right eye. "tte aaw a trail of fuel and heard a thud and knew he had been hit." ahe u.ld. · He looked to hia left, Funk said, and aaw the Cessna ·210 deecendlng atld pieces starting lO 8epar&te. Funk uid the collls ion occurred ln Fountain Valley. just over the border from the Huntlnaton BNch city limit, a.nd not over Mlle Square Park as reported pnvioul)y. She Mid Clark and lamerlo apparently were heading for John Wavne Alroort after completing a training session. Clark had chartered the plane earlier in the day because he wanted to be checked out in the Cessna. He intended to fly the plane to Lake Tahoe for a vacation with his wife and small ch ildre n . a ccording to Jim Parsons. owner of Panion'a Air, a flight school at John Wayne. Funk said the pilots WHe flying in "see and be aeen" conditions and were not i.n radio contact with lhe airport tower. She speculated that the pilots may have been distracted by a panel instrument or somethln1 else 1n the sky and didn't aee each other. She aaid the Beec:hcraft wu flylna at 190 knots and the Cessna at abo\at 150. She aaJd the planet "had a &rMt cloau"e rate of 1peed" whkh may have been • factor ln the colllsk>n She said the Celll\I wu nyt..ns a f~w feet below the Beechcraft. ' • Hlf Orange Ooa1t DAIL V PILOT /Mondi~. 8epttmber 20, 1912 Man s caling 48-story tower d, '"l'hla need.I to be done u u po111dble These are tlmet hen fl.re servic.oes are being cut k. We need to provide moro -11\e protection." Jorgensen estimated that 9~ nt of the homes in Fountain alley .have wood-shingle roofl, hic:h were blamed in the r~id of lhe Anaheim fire. Since that blaz.e, the oties of e, Laguna Beach and Costa esa have enacted ordinances ~ new and replaced roofs lire-retardant. stories • • roof mc-..'lurt• has come Ix-fore tht- <.'lty council. L.ut month, th~ Huntlnaton Beach City Council vo\C!d down a fire-retardant roof ordinanct', contending It would Increase hou1lng costs. Several council members also argued that the molst ocean tirecze1 off Huntington Beach would prevent an Anaheim-type fire. SAN.-FRANClSL'O (AP) -A tuxedoed cUmbar with a bwtln i('Urd ld(\n\lfytnai him iu an ''urbw\ mount..lln i!t•r" wlcbr41Ct'tl th«.-10th onnlverury of th~ 48-story Trunaamt'rlca Pyramid today by Inching up It f'ruatratc.td police stood bt•low. unublt• to 11wp the fll(urc In thL• white tuxt"do 01 ht' lnc.:hed his way up the lido of the poln~'<I 1ky1crapN. one or the most diatlncllve 1hapc1 In th<' San Francilco skyline. ' "Yeah, ther~·s wmQ nut up t h •re on the eaat alde," said police Sgt. George Kowalaki. Kowal1kl aard the-climber passed a business card through a window that Identified him as Ron Broyles. "It •Y• 11tuntman' and 'urban mountahnier,'" uid Kowallkl. M ht> r !tt<'d "" lho 12th atory. cllmbe-r Ron Broyl(•I Hid by walkJe-talkle to hla apokt'llNln. JOC! Landi, that he p1.1uu1to1pcnd tht' ni1tht ju1t below tht· 212-foot sx·ak on the 8~:~ foot building and may •J)l'nd Tut'lk.luy night ut the "summit" If weather p<.'rmits. Kowal1kl .. 1d Broylu Informed poll<:<' It would t.Ok<• 111>< houu to scule the structure, which hu11 n vt•r been cUmbc.'d . But Londl claimed thot waei Ct ruse. "Anything to keep thl'm from stopping him," he said. "It will take, perhape, ah< hours to get to the bast" of the needle. But then he's going to have to rt.'St because h@'ll be too tired lo r~ac:h the 1umml\ tod1)'." Broyle. ronlinnt.td that, aoylna: "It will &ake nw alx houni to I t to aa ~tJon.'' Broyle. was Identified by Landi aa one of the few cllmbcn to acole major buUdlnp 11round thr country . although the 11poke1man said there were "hundreds o f 1l10-ran1 who never reac:hed \h \Op." The fad wa1 begun In 1977. when George Willi& c.·Umbed the 110-atory World Trade Center 1n New York City. Broylca hat mode three major climbs, occordlng to Landi. · Landf said ht> climbed the 24-atory United American Bank m Knoxville. Tenn .• on Aua. 12, 1981. On Nov. 71...he NIChed I.he top of tlw Pnch TNe Plau Kotel In Atlanta, 73 l&orlet, and on June 14 of th.la y..,, ht ICaled the First In'4tntate Bank In Lot Anaelee. at 62 1tof'iea, one of the talfeat bulldln11 Well of the MIJli.lppl. The 6-foot•3, l 80-pound Broyle. la a re1lde nt of Loi An&t"les and Marin County lllKt haa a de1ree tn city planning from the Unlveralty of Tenneaee, said LandJ. The spokesman explained that Broylea choee to ~p "celebrate tho 10th annlvera•ry" of the bwldlng becauae he watched lta completion In Sept.ember 1972 while he waa 11ervtng 1n the Navy on Treasure laland. . Such proposals have been pcussed by some Newport ach officials, but no formal Fountain Valley Fire Chier Jorgensen disputed this view, contendin~ Santa Ana winds that spread t h e Anaheim flre traditionally blow toward the ocean, canceling out any effect from the moist marine air. ·oGS ON AGENDA. • • .,_ utl'ied a review of the hours County to change welfare policies? allpwed on city beaches. reotly. dog owners can ly \\r a 1 k the l r pets - h.n~-taruy on a leash -before a.j,ilHnd aft.er 6 p .m. during the r months, and before 9 m. and after 5 p .m . in the tet, M any dog owners believe oee hours are too restrictive. g foes, on the other hand, n't think canines should ever allowed on the beach. The current ordinance is what you caU a compromise. ·1• 'that means it leaves both factions unhappy. So, at the council's request, city oUici.als will present a report and analysis of practices in other beach cities regarding the four- J,Qoted pets. '-'l'~ For instance, in Newport ~ach, dogs are prohibited from ~:» city strand during the busy ""SUmmer months. They're free to oam the rest of the year -as g as they are on leash and mpanied by the owner. l!'(r Other dtJes are not so lenient. '~Hun ling ton Beach: San :1'\:::Jemente, Seal Beach, Redondo '~h, Manhattan Beach, Santa 1 . onlca, He rmosa Beach. Long · · h, Oceanside· and Coronado J ctly prohibit d(,gs on the sand. io The meeting, which begins at 6 ~m. in council chambers, should -CC well attended. And, given the controversy, a city staff recommendation to the council regarding dogs on the beach is rather noncommittal. ''Rttommended action.'' the staff report begins. "That City Council review and discuss report." Other ll•m• to b• oon1ldered TuHd•y Include: 1. Adopt m1nu1 .. ol council meeting• 2. Approve oen-.i warr•nlt, 1>9yroh. 3. Approprl•t• $2,252 lor puking ~·., 1ya1em. 4. "dopt re1olutlon regarding variance appeel at 1369 qa11101a Drl11e. 5. Support lagl1lallon thel would dalele liberal construction mendat• from labor Code Nellon 6. Adopt resolutlon requeatlng tuna. lrom county IOf lifeguard tervfQea 7 Approve requeal 10 M" l>Mt end wlM •I Irvine Bowl Oct 9 lor Ep11copel Sa1vlce A"lenoe 8 Outline clly's concerns ret•tlve lo l.aguna/l.eurel Canyon projeet 9 Approve final mep and 1ubd1v111on agrMment for Tentallw Trllc:1 7327 10 Declare month of Octob91 "United Wey Month " 11 Consider aecond reading to view preMrVallon amendment t2 Proposed Ofdlnanu amending drainage ·-· 13. Interviews and appolntmenll to ...-gy committee, 14 Consider funding la< ceble teleltlt!On committee. 15. Award t~ but bid for $285,537. HI. Con1lder emendmenl to eneure condominium convartlont mffl p•rklng raqulr-ts. 17. Con81der dl1play of care subjeet to conditional UM parmtt 18 Contldar -1ercourea at 382 LadrOlt St to be placed on Envlronmental S.n1ltlve Ateumep. 19 Conllder raqUMt for variance a1 1640 Catmaltt• St. 20 Contlde< clly acqullltlon ol 3. 7 Kta pottel ~ property •t Big 8end. 21. Contlder dogs on beach Ofdlnllfl09. 22 Conllder 9'>PMI of denial fa< a muuge lecllnlcl•n pe<mlt. 23. Contldet lorm•tlon ol clrc:ulallon •nd Hlely, recrHtlon and community ~es. housing, energy and environment, end commlnee on .->lot citl1en panels 24 Consider ntabU1hlng • Hetsler Park tult IOfca 25 Public communlcallont By STEVE TRIPOLI of!MDellyNat•a.ff Faced with a posmble influx of new welfare cases. Orange County Super visors are considering changes in the county's general relier policies aimed at lessening th e local impact. The changes. as proposed by the county's Social Services Agency, would tighten the eligjbilily requirements for county relief. Marje Crawford- H anson of t he agency said county workers also are seeking to transfer some current relier recipients to federal welfare rolls. The influx of new cases is ex p ected t o r es ult from legislation passed earlier this year in Sacramento which transferred responsibility for the state's Aid for Dependent Children Unemployed Parent Program to the counties starting Oct. l. No funding accompanied the transfer of res ponsi bility, Concert star's I role cor rected A review Sunday on. Be n Vereen's concert at the Irvine Bowl should have s tated he played the role o( Judas in the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar." The Daily Pilot regrets the error. ~ICTIM S BURIED AMID T URMOIL ... ~I ~tess photographer Bob Dear from a man who c laimed to A scare swept the camps when .,,~. represent "The Front for the word circulated that the killers ~ Other women wailed a nd Liberation of Lebanon from had returned, and many refugees '""°bbed by the bodies of slain Foreigners," and said the rightist were seen fleeing to the Cringes \..., relatives. group was "responsible for the of the shantytowns. But Beirut !..:r;: The newspaper An-Nahar said operauon of mass killings in the radio quoted police as saying ,rlt r«etved an anonymous call refugee camps of Sabra. there were no more murders. dvl ~\" Forec•t11 cell lor warmer ,Jempareturas to par91st through Juudey unoer ctoud·dotted WklH elong tile coHt white -ttt«noon t>r-n l>ICJlllr OY9t the tern~• Loe Anoelel hlghe wlll be In the ~ 80e with ooatal temperaturw • anglng from 83 to 93. Fair Condltlorlt In mountain .,_ are fbpactad 10 continue wtlh hight ·om 67 to 76. Tiie m«euty could ~mp u high u 92 In nOftll«n 0-11 •nd 100 In Ille low dn«t, Ille N•tlonal WHther Service Mya. Boetera trevallng lrom Point Conc•pllon to the Mexlc•n bOfdet can U"9C1 light vwlable wind• during tile evening •nd morning houra, becoming souti-1er1y at to to 18 knot• In Ille tltamoon With I 2-t~loot 90UthwM1 IW9lt NorthWMI wlnd1 mOf• tf\an llO ml.IM olfthore wlM range lrom 15 to 25 knots will\ 3-to-6-fOOI - U. . sun iniary Froet wernlng1 -• lllU«I '°' per ... of th• D•koU• and nort~t NebfuU today. wNle lhuf1 erttorm1 tpread lrom Mer end •nd Virginia Into ~ Floflda and aver tile Gutt ~-ad .,_. llllo .... In Ne~ Maxlco. Oregon and eo.i1119fn WHlltngton end over Ille ufll* Gfaet Lak• f9QIOn. FOi tonight and Ml1y T'*"ay. tile Natlonel Weatllet Service i><adlc1ad acatterad -"-9 In tile Ohio Valley, par!• ol tile NortJl••tt. and llom tna Nortllw••t to th• eoutllarn AOClllll. Scattered tllundar1howera -• expected llong t'-9 Gulf of Me.loo. ovw Flol'lcfa and along tile llOiltham Atlantle CoMI. Cle« llklM -• pradtc1ad IOI' Ille Sou1'-1 and tile nor'lllam Great Plaine. T•mp•r•turaa around th• natlOn bet0t9 dawn ranged fl'om 34 In Devll1 I.alee, N D .. and Qrend Fork•. N D • 10 88 In Pfloanba,Artz Exten ded weather COAITAL ANO MOUNTAIN AAIM -,. ellOePI IOIM .... ... Ind """'" IOw ..... ~ -In COMtaf .... • Hlglle ,~ "°"' TOI llW tht oeeet to 111 ~ • I.Owl .. '° .. Mountain In 10. ' LOWI 16 to 60. Sunny and w-armer Cons t n l Sunny and war!'Mf todey with highs of 75 10 63 Continued lalr tonight end Tuead1y Overnight tows 60 to 65 Hlgllt T~ay 75 to 85 Eltewhere. from Point Conception to the Mexlc•n border eno out 60 mil•• Nor1"-I winds 15 to 25 kno(s with 3 to 6 1001 combined -and tmlell over outer waters through TuHday Locelly light vatlable wind• night and morning hour• 1>ecomln9 aoutllwa~ll to _, 10 to 111 knot• wl1h 2 to 5 loot wind weves In tile •It~ todey end TuHday. South-II awell 1 lo 2 ffft Mostty sunny today ano TuHdey except tor pllehy Mrly morning low clouds along tile coast Smog Tile Air Quetily M1n•9ement O.strtct p<adld1 good w ~ lod•Y ecrou the •nitre outll Coast A.Ir Satin Good •Ir with a Pollu1anl Standard Index ol 42 ii lor-t IOI' coastal areu. Inland Ofange County, high end low"-"• and In Banning Tile dlttrlct i><adlctt PSlt of 67 eround matr~lt.,., Los Angtlail end Hemel-l1lnore, 75 In the S•n Fernando end S•nll Clat1ta vallayt, 82 eround Riverside end San Bern•rdlno end 100 In Pomona and th• San Gebrlel Valley AOMO ratings -at lol!Owl· Good. 0-100. unhHllhful lor Hntltlve people, 101-200: unha•llhlut for everyone. 201·300. and hnerdoua. 301-600 Temperatures NATION "' Lo l'cp Albeny 64 37 Albuque 80 57 .1S Mlat1llo 78 53 Ntt'~ w,~ .. t"-t'' Sf-4._~,. 1 NO"" u !> 0..0• o• Com"'<'" •· Fronts Cold..,... w.um 99 Altltvllla 70 59 03 Atl.,.,ta 87 61 AtlAl'ltc Cty 19 82 Auetln 95 73 72 Baltlmot• 74 61 13 ~ 70 45 BlrmingMI 83 59 Bllm•c:k eo 26 8olM 73 47 .50 eo.ton " 52 Bfowntvlle 95 75 Buffalo 64 46 Bufllngton 63 40 CMS* N 35 Charlttn SC 6f 73 2.34 Cll.,..tn WV 70 55 Cllartna NC 73 87 Clleyoanna 63 41 ~ .. 73 45 .08 73 49 Cleveland 10 47 Cknl>la SC 86 67 .•8 Columt>ua 71 ... o.1-Ft ¥1111 80 M .51 o.y,on 71 ... o.n-M 54 O..MolnM 71 ... .oe Datroll 10 ... Dl.dutll 55 :Ml .02 El Puo 85 N Faroe> 66 31 Flagelllff 711 42 GrMt Fllte 73 34 HattfOfd 10 0 HaWla 74 43 a SURF RIPIRT ,.r::;:c.. .... ....... ........... ..... , ..... HuntlngtOtt Btulte 1-3 ft. '* .. Hulttt:'il°" Pier 1·3 It. "" .. Santi nl River Jetty 2-3 It ~ .. 40th It NftPOr1 2-3 ltl 94 22nd St. N9wport 2-i It, ... laltlOa w:r. 2-3 ft. 94 8-' Clell'lerl I Plar 24 It 16 ,,.,..., rc-s•,.••l 24"' t7 C«lon'• Olnt 1-2 It, ,.., ,,.... 1-2 It. ,.., SanOnofre 1-2 It, ,., T Olt'Otf OW' Htofl TlcM: ~;~ 12: 12 p.m.: &.ow Tide IN t 111.; IW911 • !'ot.1tt00.11 v •• Honolulu 89 76 Houston M 74 19 lndnapllS 69 49 Jeck111 MS 64 " Jadltnvtla 91 71 .33 K-Clty 75 45 Knoxvtlle 82 61 LuVegu 90 65 Utile Aodl 78 62 06 Loulav;lla 73 48 Lubbodl llO 61 oe Memplll• 76 6A .02 Miami 86 79 MllWIUkM 73 46 Mpla-Sl.P 62 4.4 Nullvllle 77 61 New Oftean• 90 13 New YOl'k 73 61 Norfolk 75 69 .OS No. Platt• 70 33 Olole Clty 70 se .05 Ofnalla 71 ... Ottando to 73 =r."' 13 68 . 12 100 75 ~ 70 42 M 40 1.17 Pllaod. °" 67 57 1.111 Pr~ 89 441 ~City 76 ee M " Aano 6" 35 .05 Slit Lake et 55 .05 811n Antonio 85 71 .10 Seattle 67 611 ~~ 91 19 .63 62 H SI Loul9 72 M St fl-Tampa Ill 73 .28 St 8te M•le 5t ... 48 8c>OltaM ~ N S'tf_.. 40 Topeka 7f 43 Tides TODAY hcond hlgll 11:37 ..,,.., 6 .... 8-ld ._ •·oe PM. 0.1 TUH DAY l'lnl high 12:12 •.m. 4.4 '1fat IOw 6;Nam u 8ecOftd hlOfl 12. 12 pm. 8.2 Second IOw 7:00 pm. 1.0 ~ MCI locl~ 1t f N p.m., , .... Tlleldey It 40 a m Moon ,._ tocley .. t 4t am • Mt11tt.Otp111. ' Crawford-Hanson said. County worke rs have discovered a number of current county relief cases that may qualify for federal help. she added. Transfer o f those cases, hoped-for passage of the policy changes and a stepped-up effort to find jobs for J'elief recipients may help keep the impact of thf' Oct. 1 change to a minimum. The county currently has no accurate prediction of the number of new cases that will result from the change or their cost. & a result, no additions to the $4.1 million general relief budget are b eing sough t at preaent, according to Crawford- Hanaon. Supervisors wUJ consider the changes Tu~ay at their regular weekly meeung. Santa Anan s hot to d eath A 21-year-o1d Santa Ana man died today at Western Medical Center several hours a fter he was shot in the back of the head while riding with friends in a car in downtown Santa Ana, police said. Miguel Angel Cortez, officers said , was found lying on the ground a short distance from where the car he was riding in crashed into a wall on Pacific Avenue just south of 1st Street. Police said an unknown person apparently opened fire on the car. No arresta have been made. Scouts collect for boat auction A boat auction will be held f o r a u c: ti o n w i 11 be a Oct. 2 at the Balboa Bay Club 105-year-old mode l of a in Newport Beach to benefit three-masted German vessel. the Boy Scouts of America The model is seven feet long Sea Base. and valued at $20,000. Sabots, windsurfers and The auction is by invitation several vacation trips will be with a $10 d onation per auctioned at the 4 p .m . person. Invitations can be fund-raiser. On diaplay and requested by calling $46-4990. ----- •The Newport Harbor Ne w port B each P o l ice chapter of the City of Hope Chief Claarlet Grot1. will hold its monthly meeting The meeting is open to the at the Sheraton Newport 'public. For ~re information, hotel Tuesday a t 7:30 p.m. J:al) ~0-1338. :_ The guest Sl>Caker will be ----- •For the seventh year, members of the Orange Coast YMCA are coUe<:ting clothes, canned food and toys to take to th e vi llagers or La Romarosa in Mexico. •The Costa Mesa Sanitary District had announced a reduction in ita annual charge for trash collection from $66 to $62. following a decision by the County Board o f Supervisors to lower the gat.e •Southern California College in Costa Mesa has received $60,000 in computer equipment Crom Fluor Corp. o( Irvine. Vested tropical suits The collection drive i8 being organi%ed by the YMCA's Men'1 Club. To make d o nations, ca ll 645-7285. charge at the county landfill dump from $7 to $4.90 per ton. District offidala had 1et the higher rate prior to the board of supervitora' decision to reduce the new chuje. The new equipment will be used in the liberal arts college's in-house computer system and in the math and science departments. tailored in our workrooms Here is an impeccable look in a comfortable, lighter weight suiting. One reason for it is the expert work of our own tailors. Another is the superb blend of crease-resistant polyester and worsted. This 3-button model comes in medium blue, medium grey or navy solid; navy pin stripe; or medium blue fancy hairline. Coat, vest and trousers, $380 fnAellSHIO 111' ~~~ ~~@x) furntshtngs ~r -.:wo mtn ~ loys 530 Wf.ST 7TI t STREET. t.OS ANCBUiS. CALIR FASHION ISi-ANO. NEWPORT 8£ACH. CALIR • • • r Or•no• CoHt DAILV PILOT/Monday. September 20, 1882 HIF • STATE Buses rolling again ill Street'·dominates Emmys By Tile A11oelated Pre11 LOS ANGELES Bua drtverv rt1turncd to the road today aftt'r leu than half their union'• membenhlp approved a 32-month contract, ending a flvti·duv strike. Full resumption of aervice throu(lhC'lu\ the flv ·county Southern Californ ia Rapid Tranalt Ohnrlct came ju#t In timl' for the momlnat crunch fot 110mt• 600,000 c.-ommutera who •curried tor altt'rnate modes of tranaporUtlon durlfll the walkout Ca ble car fund swelling SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco's privately ro111cd cable car restoration fund now tops· $ 9 mi I I 1 on a ft c r a weekend te lethon raist.>d more than $400,000, a spokesman for the fund said. The cable cars will shut down this week until 1984 for a co.mplete $68 .2 mill ion WORLD overhau l. OC that sum, $1\J million mmt bt> r<'lised from rontnbutions. Film and television stars Tony Randall and Michael Learned were hosts of the telethon. Among the stars who appeared were the Smothers Brothers. Ri la Moreno, Peter Donat, Tony Bennett, Eva Marie Saint and Lena Horne. Socialist s back In power STOCKHOLM, Sweden - The Social Democratic Party of former Prime Minister Olof Palme. back in power after six years, swept the elections with promises of more jobs and greater worker control of Swedish companies. Speaker o f Parliament Inge mund Bengtason was expected to ask outgoing Conservative Premier Thorbjom Falldin to remain as a caretaker until the new Parliament elects a prime minister a few days after it convenes Oct. 4. Princess awaits entombment MONTE CARLO. Monaco -The body of Princess Grace lay in a small family chapel today prior to entombme nt in a royal crypt beneath the cathedral where she married Prince Rainier III. a palace spokeswoman said. There were unconfirmed reports that Rainier delayed the Interment to make room for another grave in the royal crypt beneath the 19th century cathedral where he was married 26 years ago so he could join his princess upon his own death. No de finite lime for the interment was announced, but palace spokeswoman Nadia LaCoste said it would probably be sometime today. T e rrorists hold 80 hostages S AN PEDRO SULA. Honduras -Crack anti· terrorist troops were sent to the Chamber of Commerce building today where gue rrillas demanding the release of prisoners repeated threats to execute a n estima t e d 80 hostages. including two Cabinet ministers. officials in this industrial city said. The Papal Nuncio for Honduras and Nicaragua, NATION Andrea Co rd ero de Montezemolo, a'trived from Nicaragua on Sunday a nd a top Honduran official said it was hoped he would aid n egotiations between the rebels and the government. About 10 guerrillas sh ot their way into t he building Friday evening where 105 people. mostly businessmen, were holding an economic conference. One guard was killed and two men wounded in the takeover. Railroad talks continuing LO NG ElcJ to:S (AP) NBC'1 llflt Strc•M Blu Ii" domln <.I ttw f:mmy» for a tiC'l·Ond '"'" ln.crlti Bngman won u wurJ for he1· Clnul pcrto1 n<.'l', u nti muny of tt•lt•vlal s top honu.-. wt•nt to show1 t t w1•rt.< cnnct.'lt'<.l or had cl<>IM.' (.'II Mias rgman, who died of can<.'<!r . W , Willi namt'd best lead uc.•t In u Umltro IK'tlc.1 or special tht• 34th Television ~cadem :1ward:. Sunday night for her trayul ot tsrciell Prime Mfnln Culda Mel r Tn "A a p pla uds as Ka te Sm reacts to audie~e ter leadin~ the~n .,od Bies · Amer ica'1during Emmy Awa rds . nday. Woman Called Golda." The 1yndlc1tM:t mln1aorte1 w11 alto named bt>tt drama 1pc.'clal. "HUI Stre t BluH," th<' pollct' drama thitt combine• vlultince ond comedy, won alx Emmy1. two ahort of tut yHr'• record number. The win aavc ll much- nt'e'ded llft to NBC, long 1tuck ln the rat.Inga cellar, and booitod the network to th top with 20 Ern.mya. ABC waa next with 18 awarda, CBS got 12, PBS won tlve, and three w.mwt. to a)'Odlcated 1bowa._ A dlaappolntment for NBC wu "fame," the critically acclaimed but low-rated 1how about a1plrlng performers that the networl< hoped would gain attention the way ''Hill Street Blues'' did laat year. The show won one award Sunday night - to Harry Harris for directing - to add to the four lt picked up In the earlier-announced technical and craft categories. "Barney Miller," axed by ABC after eight years, was named best comedy series. Michael Learned won as best lead actreta In a drama series for her portraval ef Mary Benjamin in "Nurse," canceled by CBS. Nan cy Marc hand , the a ristocra~·c publisher Mrs. Pynchon "Lou Grant," was named bes supporting actress in a drama ries for the fourth time. That show also was d ropped by CBS amid sagging ratings and controversy over the politics of star Ed Asner. "T~." winner of two acting Emmys, was canceled by ABC after last season -but NBC snatched It up and the offbeat comedy wlll continue. Awards went to Carol Kane, best lead actress in a comedy series for a one4 ahot appearance as Latka's immlg r anl bride. and Christopher Lloyd, best supporting act.or as the spaced- out Rev. Jim Ignatowski "M-A-S-H" wasn't canceled but will leave the air after 10 years this fall cfn CBS -the producers have decided to quit while ahead. Star Alan Alda won his third F.nuny for outstanding comedy actor as Hawkeye Pierce, and Loretta Swit won her second best supporting actress award as Maj. Margaret Houlihan. Miss Bergman's award was accepted by one of her daughters, Pia Lindstrom ., daughter o( late actress Ingrid Bergman., acc~pts Emmy o n beha U o( h e r moth~r who was ho nored posthumo usly (or outsta nding perform ance for her portrayal in uA Woman Called Golda ." televisi on newswoman Pia Lindstrom, who said, "I really do feel she deserves this award, although the competition was strong. I think she also deserves the award for her performance off-camera. She displayed the same djgnity and courage that Golda did." The three-hour award show at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium ended with an emotional tribute to Kate Smith, one of TV's earliest variety stars. She was pushed on s tage in a wheelchair by Bob Hope, joining the audience in singing "God Ba America," a song she ma d e famous, and wiping a tear from her eye at the end. "Hill Street Blues" was named beat drama aeries for the second year, and repeat Emmys went to Daniel J. Travanti as best lead actor in a series for his role as Frank Furillo, the pa tiept precinct captain, and to M.icluiel Conrad as best supporting actqr, for his portrayal of Sgt. P hil Esterhaus, a man with ~ye for the ladies. • ICO rescinds inspection orders Me TIJUAN Mexico (AP) Outgoing ·can President Jose Lopez-Poi· lo has made an about-face n his order that tourists lea,1g the country be checked fo~traband groceries. "We wa our American friends to e as always and honor us their business," Lope'?·Porti declared at a rally attended y about 2 ,500 Tijuanans S day. The Mexican government had issued a list of 20 subaidbed grocerr. items that tourists would.n t be allowed to remove from the country, and customs agen ts were preparlng to start inspecting shopping bags. But apparently bowing to the entreatiea of Baja Califor nia merchants not to antagonize American tourists, Lopez-Portillo said that customs agen~ will be stationed in grocery stores, instead, and will warn Americans about purchasing forbidden items. "We're going to have a lot of truat between us. We know Americans have a great respect for the law,'' said Carlos Bustamente, president of the Baja California state development commiaslon. who met with Lopez-Portillo. After the meeting, which abo involved Baja California Gov. Roberto de la Madrid and a delegation of local b ualnesa leaders, Bustamen~ laid that the president alao agreed \o unfttae dollar accounts for eome border merchants. He said the merchanta would be allowed to get at their dollan, fror.en in Mexican banks for two weeks. to pay debts in the Unlt.ep States. WASHINGTON -Under threat of government intervention. railroad and union bargainers resumed face-to-face negotiations today to end a day-old nationwide railroad strike. walking off their jobs, bringing -to-a halt most of the nation's freight rail traffic and many Amtrak passenger trains in the South and West. Thr oug hout the day Sunday, federal mediators met with the two sides separately in hopes of finding areas of agreement. officials said. Co~t mussel toxins increase The difficulty of getttnj dollars contributed to a milJt shortage in border town.a lut week because milk dlstributon couldn't buy plastic bottles from the United States. The talks collapsed Sunday, seven hours after thousands of locomotive e ngineers began S ocial Security ac tion slow Congress by the end of the year. A stud~ mussels off the Southern lifornia coast has revealed reas ed levels of PCBs, hea etal and pesticides in some h rs, a state official says. The W Resources Board and the s Department of Fish and Game ently released the results of t joint mussel testing study, na "Mussel Watch," which w onducted mainly from 1979 1981. Musse from the L o ng Beach ·L Angeles Harbor showed crease of 300 times and 100 times higher than in Northern CalifomJa. Newport Harbor mussels showed a 30-fold increase of DOE between 1979 and 1981. and levels of chlordane and PCBs from the mussels in Anaheim Bay were termed "abnormaJly high.'' The study indicates the amount of toxins has been decreasin g in N o rthe rn California while it has been i n creaslna in Southe rn California. No warnings on collecting or eating mussels have been issued. Authorities say they do not know at this time where the pollutants are coming from, but are looking at marine traffic, wastewater discharge and home use of DDT. Five mussel m o nitoring station s have been set up between Huntington Beach Pier and Crescent Bay, the report said Bustamente said that th'\ freeing of dollan would applf o n 1 y t o b u a i n e s s e a t h a-t "contribute to productivity." Lopez-Portillo'a visit tJ> Tijuana coincided with the~ annual Binational Bordlt'- Govemors conference, au.endeil by governors of Califor nia, Arizona, New Mexico and Tex.M, as well as governors of Mexicaia border p~· . It was the f:ir'll t ime a M xlcan p reaiden l attended conference. WASHINGTON -The National Commission on Social Security Reform, moving in slow gear, is walling like the rest of official Washington for the election returns before it decides what to do about the troubled retirement program. The commission has another half-day meeting set for Oct. 18, but is expected to wait until a marathon session, tentatively set for Nov. 11-13, before completi ng its reoommendations. the cone ration of DOE, a ....----------------------------------------- The panel, which President Reagan created last year after shelving his own r e form package, will hold its seventh meeting today. By law, it must report back to Reagan and Social Security is facing a short-term crisis in its old age fund. Unless Congress does something, the program will have problems paying benefits on time as 900n as July, 1983. pesticide vative of DDT, the study sho . Some of e highest levels off the Califo coast of chlordane, copper, le nd zi nc were found in samples ar Marina del Rey. The leve of the pesticide chlordane re 10 times higher than at ne y sampling stations We1re f:istening ••• MondtY·f nOIY II You do not "-"°"' -· Dy ~ $0 p "' <all Delot• 1 om M'CJ vou1 cooy Wllll ~ -.,.,.,., ;;:;~ ~ ~no·~/ I":,.,'*':: befofe 16';;,. .~ VOUt COOY .-ul Cle dJthYeted What do you like about the Dally Pilot'> Wha n·t you like? Call the number below and your message wi recorded. transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate edito The same 24·hour answering service may be u ters lo the editor on any topic Mailbox contribut their name and telephone number ror veriflcalio calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind. ORANGE COAS1 CIHllfled advert! All other deper1m' Daily Pilat Thomen '· Haley ,~and Ch.el f •ecut1•• Ollie~ L koy Schult1 Vtt• '°~ ond Owector of ~"'1119 Mkhoel , . Hervey OlrKIOf of MClrt .. tng IC1tc~1an1 ' Thomot A. Murphln• fdotor loymond Mod.ean COMtoa.. KenMth N. O.d.tortl Jr. DttettOr ol Op..otoOM MAIN °'1lC£ l:ID WHI ... SI , COiie , CA Melt ~U. 9o• IMO e ~ .... CA "62' Cert•ltM Ha Or ..... \I "''*""'"' ~ i.. """ ,_., ltllftlr ..i1t .. 1a1 m-.... .... 11 ........ 11 ""'-'" .. '~"'-wftlwv! 9-lel.-rmlttlol\Of< 1-Mf. -.-,,,.. • 1: @J~o@@)~~ 1. 44 Fashion lalonct • NNPM lkoch • 714/6+f ·5010 J 1001 Wt-atwood BliKI. • Wntwood \1111ogti • 213/IOl..Jl13 I . • MONDAY, HPT, ao. 1992 STOCKS COMICS TELEVISION What's leader's signtiture wor..th? RICKY TICKY POLITIX: It has now been vastly reported that the Orang<.• County DA deep-sixed a whine from Gov. Brown's offln•, seeking a probe to determine if Irvine hospital campaign leader David Bake r had attempted to "bnbc" the governor. No doubt some of th<.· distri<·t attorney's aides enjoyed a few gQOd bcllylaughs before they fed the letter from Brown's aid, Byron Georgiou, into th e shredder. r..\ All of this came about H/F 83 B4 86 Patricia Fra er and Tom Ro qui get fir. I la le of power in new Irish com edy at CR. Page B.'i. 0 I ~ 0 ~I' lx.>cause Baker's group was TOM MURPHINI ~ / trying to get a bill through ----------~ ...... ---the hallowed halls of Sacramento that would allow Saddleback Colleji?e to lease out an unneed ed section of its northern campus for a h ospital site. The bill got to the governor's desk. Tpere was strong evidence he might veto it. Gray skies, wind not all had THAT WAS WHEN, a t the 11th hour, Baker fired off a letter to Gov. Brown, urging his support. tacking that, Big Dave suggested he might ·send lette rs \O 15,000 Irvine hospital s upporters, suggesting they might not want to vote (Qr_ l3rPW1\ iJ'l bt~ U.S. Senate bid this Nov. 2. Baker's warning of what he might do appa rently ticked off Brown aide Georgiou, prompting the governor's sidekick tu scream ''bribe" to both the Orange County District Attorney's Office and the state Attorney General's Office. Now clearly. Baker might have been a little bit rash. But there wasn't any bribe here by the wildest stretch of Politics can r£>ally get h£>avy in smoke-filled back rooms thc> imagination. If anything. 1t was JUSt the opposite. It was a pohtacal threat. Baker, a former UC Irvine basketball player and currently a NewP9rt Beach attorney, sometimes known _as "Big Dave," didn't do any different than a lot of special interests would do to the governor if they could get him trapped in a smoke-filled back room. Bakc>r didn't have a smoke-failed room handy. Time was running out. So he did it in a letter. THE SMOKE-FILLED ROOM technique is almost sacred in poliucal circles. You can almost dream it in your mind's eye now. as some legislator collars a governor on behalf of a favorite bill he wants signed into law. It might go something hke this: "Lissen, Guv, it's me, your old shipmate Senator Schnapps. from Piney Gulch County. You 'member how I campaigned all over Piney for you last election , don't you Guv? Passed out all those bottles of fake snake oil? "Now I asked for some of your valuable time to bring to your attention my urge nt bill, you know, SB 247658922, that outlaws pop-top beer cans and makes beer bottles with caps on 'em mandatory. "THIS IS URGENT for your signature, Gov. Do you realize that more than half of the beer bottle cappers in our state live in my district? And every one of the m has mothers and fathers and uncles a nd cousins. "Why. they even formed this giant association, 26,000 folks, in supporting beer bottles with caps. T,hey call it the Beer Experts for Legal Capping Help. Thats BELCH for short, governor. "Now I just know you want to kee p all those BELCHers happy. They want to vote for you this time, Guv. They want your support for all those beer caps, and all those jobs. "Sign the bill, governor. Here's a pen. It's yours to keep. See the cute beer cap right under the eraser? "I'D HATE IT, but if you don't sign, i'll just have to go back to Piney Gulch in my district and tell those 26,000 folks that you turned your back on all the BELCHers." Clearly. after a few sessions like_ t~a~, any governor would be happy to just have them mail 1t m . • OCC sets seminar A six-hour seminar. designed to acquaint participants with the Job market In Orange County, will be presented at Orange Coast College Saturday from 9 .-.m. to 3 p.m. In OCC's Fine Arts Jiall 116. The $20 admission fee 1ncludes materials. Tickets are on sale in the OCC Ticket Office. located in the wollege 's Admlnlatrallon .Building. The of!lce la open "Monday ~h Friday f,"Om 8 a .m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Tickets may be purchased by phone, using Visa or Mastercard, by calling 556-5527. Tickets. If available, will allo be sold at the door. The seminar, "Job Market Opportunitlea In Oran1e County," will explain how individual• can effectively reaearch companle1 and organlt.atlons to dlacover career opportunities. /1 Guy Hahn of Costa Mesa take time from flying his own glider, top, to check ta il of friend's craft. ,. - Some people don't mind that September is setting records for cool temperatures with occasionally• brisk winds in the afternoons. Radio-controlled glider hobbyists gather on the bluffs behind Estancia High School in Costa Mesa to cast their winged designs into the breezes. They welcome the challenge of guiding their crafts back through the changing air currents to a safe landing, The bushes and brambles below cushion those that don'i make it. Ke~ Gumpel retrieves his plane, above, before heading home to Huntington Beach with his brother John. • Ottnge Coaet DAILY PILOT /Mondey, September 20, 1812 H/F \olft Ntl Ml.. Ht1 'WI.. N•I .. ,U Ntl \41H !IHI l'i. .... tC .. "<'llt l'fhO•Cle"C,_. r&IWl•'=C"" l'IM( .. 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'l···i.; '1 j (f ,_T .. .,.,. ,,,,,~ .. fec1... ) m 1 ... .JiTt f ,,,.._.. .-ti a... .... He .. .,ff M '"" ~-m "' ·1• ~ lfl I. lt -"• '° -kt!_. t llt-llt., ~ 1 =: ~ ~-= ,,._ tflll • t1 "' • llt + I ~~-JI'~~ \ w! ~ T~ 1J? •11t.:... '9 I " I.Al 1 n ~ 9' rr.~·· 'j I 16 i .. !' 1 1 \Ot , * llt ,.. 1 14 T~ll 1• 1J ?T11t + t: Ui r IV .--.. L• 11114 II -W llMet · J f ... ,. -'11 • t• ,...,_ U1 .. ..._ \jll t ...... ta J , r ~ ' !ti ~ .. ,,. .. 6.7t , • ti Iii IV .. t ,I • ;M IJ ta ~-UI 10 \6i t lit • . • .. an" Diego opposes utility rate hike SAN DIECO (AP) Th~ city wlll oppo.e part of a requt.~tcd rate Increase by the San ote10 Gu and Electric Co. b«auae $20 mlUlon of extra money la beln1 n-quested to make up for loet aaln due to cuatomer conaervatJon. At 1tate Public Utility Comml11lon hear ings be1lnntn1 today ln NatJoMl City, the public had a chance to oppocse an over•ll $90.3 million l.ncreue llOUl}lt by SOO&E, Deputy City Attorney William Shaffra.n ea1d he would tell commlaalonerw that $20 mllllon of tbe increue ii ~ln1 sought to rmke up f« cusiomena cutuna bllc:k on energy Wle. He a.LsO contend.a that ratepayers shouldn't ball the utlUty out for the coeta of overcontractlng oil that It found It didn't need - aaaln1 because CU810mera Wf'te uting lea. Harvester loss grows CHICAGO (AP) -International Harvest« Co., engaged 1n a struggle to avoid bankruptcy, repQl'ta it. net loes this year probably wW be more than a half· billion dollars greater than previowdy efiimat.ed. · The company estimated its net lo. for the tiecll year endlng Oct. 31 would be between $1.5 billion d S1.6 bllllon. ln July, it placed ita lou for 1982 at between $POO million and $1 billion, a.a.Id Bill Colwell, a company spokesman. lJel Monte closing plant SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Del Monte Corp. will close its can plant here, puttillg about 55 full-time and 65 seasor:ial employ~ out of. work, a company• spokesman said. China pacts signed LOS ANGELES (AP) -Subsidiaries of Atlantic Richfield C.o. and Santa Fe lnt.emational lnc. have signed the first oil and gas exploration agreements between U.S. <.'O]J\panies and Ch~. . . The aj{reements -in which the f~rms will cooperate with China National <?f~ore Oil Corp.- were signed Sunday at ceremorues m Peking, A1lCO spokesman Raymond Parr said. ARCO China Inc. and Santa Fe Minerals (A.ala) Inc. and the Chinese corporat.lon will drill throughou_t a 3.600-square-rnile area of the South China Sea known as the Ying Ge Hai basi.D. Parr said. Firm's earnings off Ultrasystems Inc. of Irvine reported revenues of $9,370,000 and net income of $171,000 for the quarter ended July 3 l. ln the corresponding period last year, revenue. were $6,110,000 and net income totaled $366,000. Earnings per share, based on 8 percent more shan!e out.standing, were 5 cents vs. 12 cents. The decline ln net income was attributable to losses sustained by a subs.idiary construction company on oil refinery-related work. Plant to close FONTANA (AP) -Kaiser Steel C.orp. said It will cloee its Fontana coke plant pennanen~r by the end of the year. putting 400 workers out of jobs. Stephen A. Girard, Kaiser's chairman and chief executive officer. announced that the company accelerated the scheduled closure of the coke plant from the previously announced deadline of mid-1983. He said market conditions and environmental considerations forced the change. Cash dividend due WESPERCORP of Tustin announced that directors declared a five cent per share cash dividend on common stock of the company. The dividend is payable Oct. 11 to shareholders of record Sept. 27. WESPERCORP manufactures, markets, integrates and services products and systems for the infonnation processing market. Gold~ metals quotations·, Gold By Tbe A11oclated Prell Selected world gold prices today: London morning fixing $426.25, off $1~.25. London afternoon fixing $424.25. off $17.25. Paris afternoon fixing $427.76, off $7.59. ~\ .• ::i • f '~i ,,;.. +l ·' . ·. :· :: . Frankfurt fixing $427.00, off $18.97. ::· ... Zurich late afternoon fixing $4_22.50, oU $19.00 :·>-'~· bld, $424.00 asked. :: Eagelbard (only daily quote) $424.26, off $17.25. :!· Engelhard (only daily quote) fabricated $445.46, ;;: o!f $18.12 . Silver Handy & Hannan, $8.650 per troy ounce. Metal. NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous metal prices today: Copper 70~-72 oenta a pound, U.S . destlNtJons. Lead 2~-29 cents a ~· Zinc 40·42 cents a pound, delivered . Tln $6.30f0 Metals Week composite lb. AJamlnam 76-77 oent.1 • J)C)Wld, N.Y. Mercary $340.00 per flaak. Platlnam $340.00·$341.00 \J"Oy ou.nce, N. Y. Goldcoim ,. Ou• to 11t• tranamluotn today'• llatlng wlll not appe9r In the Deity Plfot • . .. i: ,. • t. .. .. ,. .. I• .. ~ ' r s .. I I I Falcons frustrated aiders embarrass Atlanta, 38-14 , ATLANTA (AP) -"Oo On &trike. Oo On Str1kt>," came th anary chant from fruatrated 1Atlan-. fana u the Fakona were 1humJlla~ by the Loe An1elee Raldera 38-14 In their home.· OJ>!ner. The Raiden, now 2-0, had just tc0red to 10 ahead 31-7 midway :tn the third period Sunday when fllM)lt in the crowd of 64, 774 at lAtlanta-Fulton County Stadium runleaahed the chant over and over for about a minute. The Falcons, 1-1, responded with an 80-yard, seven-play tpuchdown march, but the tbidera alreedy had done too iDuch dan)age on the passing of lim Plunkett to Cliff Branch and Che running, pass-catching and passing of rookie Marcus Allen, the 1981 H eisman Trophy ..umer. When the dust had settled, the Raiders bad sacked Atlanta quarterback Steve Bartkowski eeven times and forced five turnovers -three interceptions and two fumbles. Those turnovers included one in the final period in which Bartkowski was sacked and fumbled. Lineman Archie· Reese picked up the ball and lumbered 75 yards for a L os Angeles touchdown. Players ftom both clubs met on the field before the game for a handshake of solidarity before the game, drawing a chorus of boos from the fans. As for the chant, Bartkowski, who threw 56 passes and completed 34 of 375 yards but only one TD, said: "We deserved to have them (the fans) thumb their noses at us (for our play)." Other Falcons claimed they could not make out the chant. When informed. all had no comment. On the field, the game was no contest after the Raiders scored twice within 43 seconds late in the fir s t half to t a k e a c o.mmanding 24 -7 l ead a t intermission. "We made the big plays and they didn't," said Los Angeles Coach Tom Flores. "Our defense was superb. l didn't think that the Falcons were down. They are a very good team and if they looked bad, I would like to think it was because we -forced ml1take1. Marcu1 Allen had another 1ood aame." A.Hen Ht up Ratder1' tlrat 1core with a 47-yard paa• to Branch to the 14-yard line, thtn \.OOk a Plunkeu awlna J>A11 and iCOrcd midway in the opening period. Allen, who had ~3 yard• on seven car ries, and cauahl !our · passes for another 39 yardl, then aet up Chrla Bahr'• SIS-yard field goal with a 4 J -yard run before 11COrlng on a 4-,ard run only 2:48 before the hat . ......... 'Melon• 14 IMteltJ0-*9 L A R411<Hlfl 1 11 1 1-38 Atlante 7 0 1 0-14 LA Ali.ti 14 PU4 lrom Plunkett (Behr kick) All -Andr-1 run (L~lwftl kloll) LA -FO Behr 35 LA -Allen 4 rvn (Bahr kl<*) LA -Btenctl 30 paq from Pklnkett (8elll kick) LA -Hewttltll 1 1'\111 (Belw kick) M -Roblneon 17 PQ11 trom BartkOWllll (Luckllurll kick) • LA -RMM 75 IUmb\4 retUtn (Ballr kick) A -~.774 .~ TNm llelllHce LA Alt • Flret down• 17 Au111M-yerd1 31-100 Paulng yard• 264 Return y11d1 100 Pu-16-30-0 2• 21-$3 322 7 34·56-3 3-20 6-36 3-2 7-88 32:04 Sack• by 7-63 Punll 7-37 Fumblee-loll 2· I Pena1ti.e-y11d1 14· 107 Time of Po ..... lon 27:5e lftdfltldlMll •tatlllloe RUSHING -l o• AngelH. Allen 12-68, King 8·38. Hawkin• 4·6, Taylor 4-3, Pruitt 1-0, Plunkett 2·2 ""'"''· Andrewe 10-25, Rigg• e-21. Caln S-17. PASSINO -Lot ... ngelu, Plunkal1 15-211·0·237. Allen I · 1·0 -47. At11nta, Bankowlkl 34-K-3-376 RECEIVINO -LOI Anoelff, Btanch 6-138, ,.llen 4-311, Bernwe41 3-50. Clwtsl~ 1-50. H1wkln1 1·5, King 1·2. A1l1nta, Celn 7-55. Andrew• 5-114. Miiier 5-811, Riggi 5-23, J1<:k1on 4·311, Hodge 3·30, Jenllln1 2-37, Aoblneon 2-18, Mlk .. h t-12 MISSED FIHD GOALS -LOI Mgeles. Bahr 51 Ortnge Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Monday, S•ptember 20, 1882 Ra iders' def ender Ted Watt makes interception despite pre· ure of Atlanta's Alfred Jackson. Anteaters place second NFL strike to begin Tuesday? Mariners win., 38-6 • 1n tourney l fnion says 90 pµcent of players suppori walkout ' Rick Tcddford threw five touchdown passes, inc luding I The UC Irvine water polo team may have finished second in Its own tournament this weekend, but the Apteaters did manage to post an impressive 9-7 victory cil:ler defending NCAA champion Stanford Sunday afternoon. F.arlier, however , top-seeded Wasserfreunde Spandau of Berlin, West Germany, posted a 9-7 decision over UC Irvine to win the toumatnent title with a ~-1 record. UCI was alao 5-1. but landed second because of its defeat to the German squad. In the loss to Wasserfreunde Spandau, UCI was even, 7-7, e ntering the final m oments before allowing two goals. Peter Campbell and John Vargas pouredjn two goals apiece, whjJe Jeff <.Wnpbell, Trevor Dodson and Oiggie Riley tallied once apiece. Stanford held leads of 3-0 and 4-2 over the Anteaters in a later match, before the hosts rallied. UCI scored five limes in the second period to take the lead, then added a pair of goals in the third and fourth quarters to seal ' the decision. Newport Harbor High product James Bergeson had three goals for the Cardinals, who completed the weekend with a 4-2 mark . and in a tie for third with UCLA. P eter Campbell had three goals for UCI, with Dodson, Riley and Vargas chipping in with a pair apiece. NEW YORK (AP) -The Na ti o n al Foo tba 11 League players' union stands poised lo deliver a strike vote that could shut down the 1982 season as early as this week. The nine-member executive committee of the NFL Players Association, meeting in Ne w York today, must decide whether to call a strike that could begin as early as Tuesday or after the third week of the season. Oct. 3-4. If the group votes to initiate a walkout at the end of tonight's Green Bay-New York Giants game in East Rutherford. N.J .. the first game to be a ffected w o uld be Thurs day when Atlanta Visits Kansas City. Union officials contend that at least 90 percent of the league's 1,500 players will support the walkout. "A decision has not been made at this time whether to play the Thursday Rame," said Jack Donlan , the owners' c hief negotiator. "The decisiDn to go ahead with the game will be made by the league's (.vmpetitlon and executive committees." A strike would be the first mid-season work stoppage in the league's 63-year history. The owners' last financial offer, which they estima te is worth $600 million this year and $1 .6 billion over the next five years, was rejected by the union's executive committee on Sept. 8. An informal poll o f the committee, conducted this weekend by The Associated Press, found near-unanimous support for initiating the strike this week. "The longer you wait the harder it is on the players, the more pressure they are under," sa id Mark Murphy , the Washington Redskins' player representative and a member of the union's executive commitlee. A second member of the commHtee, who requested that his name not be used, accused the league o f forcing a player walkout. "What else can we do? They have pushed us to the wall," he said. J oi ning Murphy on the executive committee are union president Gene Upshaw of the Los Angeles Raiders; Jeff Van Note of the Atlanta Falcons; Dan Jiggetts of the Chicago Bears; Stan White of the Detroit Lions; Elvin Bethea of the Houston Oilers; Tom Condon of the Kansas Chiefs; James Lofton of the Green Bay Packers and John Bunting of the Philadelphia Eagles. Ed Garvey, NFLPA executive director, said Sunday he will make no recommendation. RAMS' PROBLEMS CONTINUE. • • From Pege C1 roore appropriate. But if you ask Malavasi, the answer is still the same-nothing. "It's a long season and I wouldn't count us out," was the fifth-year coach's expected reply. "If you want to count us out, go ahead. But I think you're making • l a big mistake." d Malavasi's right, the Rams can't be counted out after just •··two 1ames. But he might be ' wrong saying that it's a long seuon with an apparent players' •'s't r l k e 1 o om i n g . An announcement from the players' executive committee is expected today, but if things don't chang Sunday afternoon's affair at Anaheim Stadium might be the last bit of professional football we'll .ee for awhile. In any event, strike or no strike, the Rams muat right the ship, and quick. But to make cprrect!ona, the problems must be spotted, and neither the Rams no'r the Lion• can aeem to pinpoint exactly where the problem lies. , There la agreement on one polnt, however. The Rama do have the penonnel. 1 "On peper the Rama ml1ht llave beUet ~el than the Liona." MJd t.lght end David Hlll, \fho ca uah t a two-yard tJ>uc bdown pa11 from Gary [)anl.e18on to culm1nate a 11.x-play 7J.yard drive I.hat pve the LION I( ~M &Md with ;.t 22 ll!COnda ~ tn ~ quartar. ''There'• • doubt \ht)' have 'reat lfbletea. Today, maybe the turnovers did them in. They're very talented athletes, I just don't understand their problem." "That (being 0-2) doesn't mean anything," said Billy Sims, who gained 119 ~ards on 25 carries even though he says he's about 70 percent right now. "They probably have some problems." But knowing \hat problems exist and actually spotting specifics and changing them Is another story. "It seems like they have excellent personnel," said linebacker Stan White. "They might even have as much talent as anyone in the league. But there's something m.i.Ming and I just can't pinpoint the problem looking from the outside in." Danielson tried to add some lnsjght. "They're a good team, but it's (Los Angeles) a tough place to play," explained DanJelson, who ls In the midst of a small quarterback controveray himself with Erle Hipple. The latter started the game for the second straight week, but alter going 3 for 14 In the passing category waa pulled for the second • 1traight time even though hta team waa leading 6·0. "You need to be a very stronff penon to be a quarterback here. contJnued Danlelaon. "And your teammates need to be strona, too. "Jt juat doesn't make an1e to pay a euy $500,000 to play and to hav• nobody like him. I don't know why they (the ftn1) wtre on Bert today. But ev~rybody loves the second guy and sometimes it works out. I get bored when they boo th e quarterback and then cheer when he's a hero.'' But the history of the Rams is filled with heroes and villains. And Sunday was no exception. Trailing 16-0 in the third quarter, Jones was taken out of the game with a hamstring pull, and on cam e the fans' favorite, Vtnce Ferragamo, to almost pull out a Rams' victory with two fourth -quarter touchdowns. U Danlelaon is right, that could only add fuel to the fire. But not in Malavasi's mind. "Bert 's still the No. 1 quarterback," aaid Malavast. "Nothing he did today was wrong that I AW." And White, a former teammate of Jones' at Baltimore, would agree, but In even s tronger tcnna, "I don't thlnk It mattered who wu at quarterback today. l''irragamo got In there today and the momentum chanMed. BUt Bert would have done the same thlng. 1 "Bert's a competitor and 1 a\ill think he's the beat qu..rterbtck in football. U I had to chooae, I'd pick Bert," .. ld White. So lt appears as if nothlna chanau wlth the Rama . Clrcumttancet, whlch may bf beyond Mal.avail'• t'Onwol, have created another quarterback controwny. ''The players will decide," hl· said. "It is their jobs they arc putting on the hne." Th e NFLPA , whi c h represents the league's 1,500 players, struck for six weeks in the summe r of 1974. but the contract dispute was resolved during the exhibition season The collective bargaining agreement that resulted from that 1974 strike expired July 15. Negotiations on a ncw contract started last February. On Friday, when the talks broke o ff. Upshaw said the recent round of negotiations rerrunded him of the February sessions. "It is the same old thing over and over. lf I closed my eyes I could dream I w as sitting an the hotel in Miami heanng them give the same old arguments, the same old positions," Upshaw said. Altho ugh t h e union has dropped its most controversial three to Bruce Jans, to carry ~ demand -a fixed 55 per<.-ent of the Huntington Valley Mariners each team1s gross revenue -to a 38-6 rout over Alhambra both sides still are far apart. t'tsunday in semi-pro football The union now is seeking $1.6 billion over a four-year period to include 50 percent of all current and future television monies, a wage scale and creation of a central fund from which player salaries would be dispersed. "The major stumbling blocks remain the wage scale and central fund." Donlan reiterated Sunday. ·•we are not going to abandon a system o f individuall y negotiated contracts, a system t hat works . for the union 's proposal," he said. While Garvey and Donlan have failed lo agree on much this year they both hpent Sunday doing the same l mg. watching the NFL on television. action at Fountain VaUey High. Teddford C.'Onnected on scoring strikes of· 30, 40 and 20 yards to Jans. and a pair of 40-yard TD passes to Dale Rickard. Teddford was 20 of 26 overall for 270 yards. Anothe r touc hdown was provided by Isaac Soto, who earned an an interception from 20 yards away. Defensive standouts included linebackers Mark Fata and Joe Rhino Larry Sumling was the leading rusher, carrying 10 times for 80 yards The Manners improved their High Desert League record to 2-0 and will visit Los Alamitos next Sunday at 1 Seniors ~~~~~-.-~~..--~~~~~~~- />I •• L ~ • Yo%otessional complete ~ · Florist A..ORST 2915 Red Hill Avenue A-108 Costa Mesa· tourney Stone Mill Business Park 641-0010 Orange Coast a r ea players enjoyed som e success and suffered some d isappointment Sunday In the final rounds of the Pacific Southw est Seniors Tennis Championship at the Newpor t Be a ch Tennis Club. Jerry Van Linge of Newport Beach was beaten in the 35 singles clHsification by Dave .Bohanon o f G a rden Grove. 7-5, 6-3, while Laguna Beac h 's Dick Leach fell to Horst Ritter of Pasadena. 7-5, 6-0 in the 40 finals. Bob Duesler of Cost.a Mesa Jost a tight match in the 45 fin ala to Coronado's Jim Perley, 7 -6. 6 -2 , but Ron L ivingston (Laguna) beat King Lambert of Santa Ana in straight sets, 6·3, 6-2, to capture the 50s crown. I n t he championship, T ony Prodan of Irvine easily defeated BHI Smith of Palm Springs, 6-1, 6·0. In the women ' divisions, Ellen Bryant (Newport Bea c h), Marilyn Straw (Laauna Be.ch) and Helen fferez (Newport Beach) were ell victors. Bryant kn~ked off Sue Steven• ot 1..01 Angeles, 6-1, 6·3, ln the 36s; Straw sopped Suella Bowden (La Jolla), 3-6, 6-9, 6-1, tor the 40s crown, and PeTe1 won a tou1h one from Paudena'a Dorothy Matthle11en, 6-2, 6-7, 7-6 In the 4& fin.all. Pat Oamton o Newport Beach wa be• .. n In the 301 tJ\l IMC.Ch, SUPER NAUTILUS I AEROBIC CENTERS Ullllllltft .. ,., ... lllCllf cem•sa .... .. ... nt1Ulllll 1_,MlftllU JIU SI tmlll Uttst ..,., ...... 91' '''11 •'1'1\"°~ !l llmlt" ., .... .,. .. , ,, ... ,., ... , Slltt CtlllU llfl ··-(113) ... _ . ...,...,, .. ~,--fl_.,, lt~h'f ....... I ......... ltltlHI& 117-1170 ....... ,~ .. , ... ~ .......... __ (114) ,..., 01•> t ....... _ ... 014) (114) RI 4•>' .. ...._ $31 "'' m•1 (114) ..... 71' Ull f ,I \ 011111 ClllT lllPlll llKll I HUI lllCU MO N DAY. SlPlEMUfll JO 198;.> OHANGE COUNTY C A LIF OAN IA 25 CE N TS Red Cross buries Lebanon massacre victims BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Red Cr~ workers gathered 120 bloated and blackened bodfos at a mass grave today in one of two predominantly Moslem refugee camps where reports say hundred s of civilians were massacred by C hristian militiamen. But a leading indepe ndent newspaper reported today that a shadowy terror group that has vowed to drive all foreigners Laguna's dog laws changingr By STEVE MITCHELL 0( the Dally Piiot lteff Dogs on the beach. It's th e single m ost controversial subject in Laguna Beach, and the only topic that ever prompted a City Council to m ove a meeting to l arge r quarters to accommodate friends and foes of canine beachgoers. And it's on the agenda once again Tuesday night. Last month the City Council (See DOGS, Page Al) ---INDEX---. At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Art Hoppe Horo9COpe Ann Landers Movies Political Not.es Publlc Notices Sporta Stock Markets Televiaion Theaters Weather World Newa A4 A7 B3 A7 C6·10 84 84 C6 A6 ~ A7 A7 A7 ~ A6 C6 C1·6 B3 B6 ~ A2 ~A3 from Lebanon claimed It carried oul the slaughter. Israel 's Cab inet angri l y rejected as "blood hbel" claims that its army was responsible directly or indirectly for the k illing, whic h Israel and Lebanon blame on different Christian militias. However, two Tel Aviv newspapers claimed Israel knew about the massacre, and le t it continue 36 hours before taking action. hallenges surf In Moscow , the o fflclul Tass news agency said P res Iden l Leonid I. Brezhnev called on President Reagan "to act jointly w ith the Soviet Union at the Security Council with a view to bridling Israel." Tass said Brezhnev sent a personal message to Reagan that "stresses that a sh are of the responsibility for the rivers of blood being shed in Leb;mon nowaday~ is borne, in particular, Dave Settles, Huntington Beacl~, r ides to six th place finish in the junior's d ivision of Huntington Beach url Contest. Gary Clib&y, 16, a leo of Huntington Beach, was overall champion or week tour nament. by th ose who co uld have prevented but did not prevent Tel Aviv from doing what it did." Brezhnev did not name the UnJted States ln thla charge, but weekend T aaa re ports made similar charges and did mention Washln~n speclflcallv• The 120 bodies were placed In nylon sacks and llned up next to a mass grave under the bl.azing sun In the Chatilla camp of west Beirut . P e t e r Kung , an lntemaUonal Red Cross official, said the bodies had been recovered over 24 hours from Chatilla and the adjacent Sabra camp, both home to Lebane11e and Palestinian refugees. most of whom are Moslem . Kung said bodies not claim ed by relatives would be burled in the large grave. No accurate count o f the carnage has been made, but Kung said hundreds more victl ms might still be burled under the rubble that wltneaee s~ud the killers bulldozed over their victims. Other estimates of the death tolJ range from 300 to 1,500. Near a mound of earth at the entrance to the Sabra camp, screaming women clawed at the dirt where they claimed 200 children were buried, Associated (See VICTIMS, Page AZ> LagUnans celebrate exodus .. Thousands of L aguna n s converged on Main Beach Park Saturday to celebrate the end of the tourist season and the "return of Laguna to Lagunans." Mind you, there were out-of· towners among the throngs of celebrants, but they weren't talking. PerhaP6 It was because of the cloth tourist, complete w ith black shoes and socks, shorts, Hawaiian shirt and Kodak camera strung up by the n eck at the park entrance. The day -long festivities included family games, hot dogs and soft drinks, a lifeguard demonstration, balloons, and three separate s k y d iving exhibitions that highlighted the village party. Maggie Meggs, the newly elected honorary governor of the "state" of Laguna, arrived shortl y after n oon .• in an ambulance with a police escort. Members of the Chamber of Commerce unloaded the affable governor in a gurney and rolled he r to the stage, wher e she welcomed Lagunans to their own party. "This is wonderful, jus t "{Onderful," the new governor aAnounced dryly. "Now get me otf this ataRe.' T h e city's r ecreation depa rtment sponsored fa mily game s.,anging from musical chairs ~ wheelbarrow races betwee n th e s k y diving exhibitions. Trophies and ribbons went to the winners. Bill Farrell, a member of the Laguna Beach Businessman's Association, the sponsors of the Village Party, termed the event a success. "We sold more than 1,700 hot d~." he said this morning. H e figu red about 5. 000 Lagunans -and guests - attended the beach festival. Lagunans hung a tourist in effigy and watched parachutists drop in on beach party. Valley eyes roof rule By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(tt.DellyNot ..... . Fountain Valley will become the next city to consider a flre- retardant roof ordinance after the Anaheim flre that destroyed 500 dwelling units and left about 1,500 people homeless last April. In a memo urging the City Coun cil t o adopt the roo f ordinance at its meeting Tuesday, Fountain Valley Fir e Chief Richard J orgensen contended that the city "has developed many wood-shingled residential ·areas that represent a disaster waiting to happen." The proposed Fountain Valley law, based on a model prepared by the Orange County Fir e Chiefs Association, would require r oof s pl aced o n n e wl y constructed homes as well as re placement roofs on existing h omes to be made of non - combustible or fire-retardant material. Jorgensen has asked t ha council to adopt this measure aa an urgency ordinance, meaning lt ·requires approval of four-filths of the council rather than a majority and that it would take e ffect immediatel y after adoption, not 30 days later. Asked today why he requested the urgency status, J orgensen (See ROOF, Pa«e Al) Crash witnesses sought lh ROBERT BARKER or .. .,..,,...,t.,. F ederal inveatlgatora may never know who was at fault ln the midair colliaion over Fountain Valley Friday that took two lives. an lnveaUgator said today. "Unfortunately, we don't have a aood eyewitnea In the air," aa.ld Wally Funk, an lnvestlgator for the NatJonal Transportation Safety Board. "We've recelved,&,e ra1 eyewitnets accounts tntr"people on the 1round, but they are non-avlaton who may not have had a aood anaJe of the colliaion." Killed when thm Cem\a 21 o plunaed into a neijlhborhood on Newfand Street IOUth of Talbert Avenue in HunUn1ton lM•ch were pilot William A. Clark, a 35-yea r -old Co1ta M eu c hiropractor , an d fll1ht lnattuctor Fernando lmlerk>, 48, of Garden Ol"Oft, The eecond plane, which polJce aald waa piloted by Kirk McQuown or Redondo Beach , r e turned safel y to JoA'n Wayne Airport after 'losing an engine In the collision. Safety Investigator Funk said M c Quo wn 's twin-e ngine Beechcraft King Air was heading for Burbank A irport a t a n altitude of 3,000 feet at about 4:45 p.m. when McQuown said he aaw aomething Oash past him out of the corner of his right eye: "lte uw a trail ol fuel and heard a thud and knew he had been hit, .. lhe aa.ld. He looked to hia left, Funk utd, and aaw the Cessna 210 de.cendlng and pieces •tarting to eeperate. ~ Fun k uld the colllalon CJtCUJTed in Fountain Valley, just over the border from the Huntinltoft Beech d\y limit, and not over Mile Square Park aa ~ .. ~.r·and lamerlo a pparen\ly were heedlna for John Wayne Alroort after completing a traini~on. Clark had chartered the plane earlier in the day because he wanted to be checked out in the' Cessna. He intended to fly the plane to Lake Tahoe for a vacation with his wife and small children, according to Jim Parsons, owner of Pa.raon's Air, a flight school at John Wayne. Funk said the pilots were flying in ''see and. be aeen" conditions and were not ln radio contact with the airport tower. She s peculated that the pl)~ ~y have been distracted "by • panel instrument or tomethin& else In the aky and didn't .- each other. She aaJd the Beechcraf' w• flying at 190 knota and tht Cem\aatabout 150. Sheea&d U. planes "hid a .... , dolure ra-6 of apeed" which may have been• factor ln tht cnlJ.lwkw\. She said the c.ina was n~ a few feet ti.low t.M BMc:hcraft. Orange Coe l DAILY PILOT/Monday. September 20, 1912 NI II). CTI ON ,.1.. Ntl WI•\ Nol w in Nol .,.I•• >ttt Mlft < 1 ( ,. I ""' c1ew t"'t " r !Id\ c1 .. w C"41 " .,., l '""' C'hll Pe•IN " .. t;" •• ,c klw c "-P " '''" '"' ,,. 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FldUnl l IO 6 :12 2J.\\ • '• lnlP-l • .c> S ltll 41"" I M11l()n'1 •It JS 121• • .. ACA 'I> 11 toMO n~. • • Tl\rmEI 10 SI 14 't AmSlr I I 21 »"' C1nMfl n IO lt7 t4'o • V. Fld<SI 2 IS I ~ tnlAKt i. I'<. Myt'5L :111 !Ill Hr .... RCA pt J lO 110 ll t Tl\IOlll 1 JO IS W uSO\. • .. AStr ,,. s SI J .,.. (lli<ro 1.n S6011 Uh· "" Flot~ .. s IM lt\'o "' llllTT 2. ... IUI ,... -,._... RCA Pl • I n-1w lo Tl\m&.121111 Jl 46.\, I All s ., • ,, .. SS ........ C•llSvc I IO It l7'S •5"'. " F11CpA • ,. I 12• .... "' ITT pfJ • I ...... .,, HBO l (JI • Jn ts ... ACA pl ) 11 Ill ,, ..... Tlloml<f -10 )1 111 .... AT~ pt • 16 SI~•-'• CllSv< wd . 11" ... s~' V. FnSBAr 1S 4\t V• Ill PllC 4 ll 4J NBI n 14 167 11 •. ' '" SICA Pl 3 •S :W U Tl\mMd 20t • "21 ,,~,' '' ATT pt 3M I 3'"9 ~. Cllylnv 1 70 6 12'7 ~ + V. Finl Fed :II IH• ... ITT~ S • o u, V. NCH 12 12 12I "'" '• ALC n .. S4 9 Tllrllly IO I lS ll.._ V. AW•fr I 20 19 1111,' ~. Clyln pf 2 . . 1 Sl'll. V. Flr••ln .60 J:ll II•• V. lnlT pl 1.~ ~ ~ NCNB .• S Ill 14 • ~ .. RTE. .c> I I" ,.._ • lo TIC•ro I lO t 10 "'' '• AW•I pf t '3 ISO 22'n °'' Cl•blr .60 1'16 II St. V. FIAUn \ I 40 Wo • .... llnnllTNTrlOI !·1, , U. ;4~, i. ~CLAlnd 1 401 11 21!~ •111~ 1, R•l1Pur 71 t 1:11• "'-o, TldWlr !Ill S 172 1911 t , AWAI pl 1.:s rlSO '*"• "' Cl.,kE l.10 . 110 JIV... FIClltl ,IO Mt to \o II ' • • " -· ~ A•m..S 171 s•, Tl I 401 l\.o '' Atntron 1,60 • ' Jl\1-~ Cl•Cll t.IO 10 IQJ >Oh ... F11Cl\k 1.10 SSI ,... .. lnlrpo l . .!O 1l u i..... NL l 'IO 10 .., u41' • • ·~ A•""" 1 IO I) • .... Tl~;. n I IS m ..... ... Ame•D ., 9 l4 u.. ~ Cl••E.1 2" • 2S1 111' ... FIBTe• I 10 s 411 "'• .. ln•r:-.: I 60 • "u••· ••• NVF Cler ., •~r A .. • • 11.. • • lO n •H· ''· Am•lk I 10 12 IH 1'I "' ClvEI pf 7 «>. 11'0 Sl • \l'I FtClty 1 • "• Int r l5 .~ 10.~, t 1, N•~B 2 ~ I 111 JI"• 1 • R=~~" .. 12 J1t .!O , , " i::::!~" 7 l1 JS 41,, h Dow Jones Fina OFF .65 CLOSINQ 818.21 --- Utility rate hike opposed by SD SAN DIEGO (AP) -The city will oppose part of a requested rate increase by the San Diego Gas and Electric Co. because $20 million of extra money is being requested to make up for lost sales due to customer conservatjon. At state Public Utility Commission h earings beginning today in Nationw City, tt\e public had a chancl' to oppose an overall $90.3 million Increase sought by SOO&E. Deputy C1ty Attorney Wilham S haffran said he would tell commissione rs that $20 million of the increase ts being sought to make up for customers cutting back on energy ~. Cash diYidend due WESPERCORP of Tustin announced that· directors declared a five cent per share cash dividend on common stock of the company. The d1v1dend is pctyable Oct. 11 to shareholders of record Sept 27. WESPERCORP manufactures, markets, integrates and servil-es products and systems for the information processing market. Firm's earnings off UILrasystems Inc. of Irvine reported revenues of $9,370,000 and net income of $1 71,000 for the quarter ended July 31. In the corresponding period last year, revenues were $6.110.000 and net income totaled $366,000. · Earnings per share, based on 8 percent mo.re shares outstanding, were 5 cents vs. 12 cents. The dc.>eline in net income was attributable to· losses sus~ined by a subsidiary construction company . on oil refinery.related work. China pacts signed LOS ANGELES (AP) -Subsidiaries of Atlanuc. Richfield Co. and Santa Fe lnternat!onal Inc. have;: signed the first oil and gas exploration agreemen~: between U.S. companies and China. ·• ····· AMI« I ... 11 101 Jl'IO \~ Cl•EI pf ,.,.. l«IO SJ Flntsl• , ... s ton ,,... • tnPw Pl 2·• ~ • Nbi<B pl) IO llO JI A•vm' ,. ,.. T1mlln ) Cl 1 1 ., .... ' AMP In I Ml I• 11• SI'-• I Cle•pll, .0 1 41 I • V. FIMtu l• 10 117 ... , towA EI 1 n • .. 14 ' ~~ Ntko \ I tr h 67S 1• : ', Aeymdl I S lSJ II .. • '• Too~ 112 S ltl lllo • I~ Amp<o 6011 '12 ... CIO<oa ., ,,_ 17\lot '-FN8ol >1 "2 • llJ lS -1-llG L i. I Jt -· '• N•P<o• 2•U 14 '"' R••llln 140111Sf? 44 "To .. l\m SO 7 """" '1 STOCKS IN TH£ SPOTLIGHT "''" 9P 10 ' , ... \ .. ""'"p .. • .. 11\lo-"" FNSIB , ., • ., 1S ••• 1-111 pn 3l llOO " • N•plFd _.. ,. tO•· .. AudBI IO • llOI ,,.. .. TOIElll\ 1 Ja I 2SI ''"" ••• ::::~::.. :-: ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~=·~ . 1 ll 1~ :1-~ rn:..•AI I 10 I n I~~.• ... ::::~ ~: : 'r, ~!~-~ =~ =IS !: ~~ : : =~i~\ O:'o:~ I 7l 1k '< ~:1~: :::rn '! "n!':: ~ "'""'pf .. I --l'o CoHlal • .OJI W JIV. ... FtV•Bk .M S 100 I I >t "°' IP<oCC 10 11 721 •h "" IOICMI I I '1 "'" lle<nEQ S6 6 • " Ton•• .c> 1J 10 IH1 '• Amtled I 60 II 37 1?'-'~ CouCI 7 •II 1101 _,,.. • V. FIWIK 7 10 • 10 U \" \lo trv98 J Jt 4 ~~ ~ :'.! NCnv·SI 611l ti/ :IO•o " RtClmn )(),. 1.0 1, '• ToolAOI 400 I "" 174• \> :~~n .l1r. ~ lt~: ~ ~::~o' .Ml: l~ ff::: ... :. m~r:. , t ~tr"!~ Hek(O ~J-J -It , ~. =~'.~/"orrn Im~! ~=~rn S ~ ~:: ~ ~rc~ll t.0 • ~~ 2::-... AM hot 1.36 ,, II IS-loo V. Coltmn I 10 10 • 1.4.... Fl .. IEn .Sl 10 1513 11\\ "" j ::!.F I ... 41 40 tl•t • v. N•IEdll I 171 I 16 lflo • '• RefcllC .ti 11 .0 IJ'~ ~ T:Co If 1 111S IS • t h AnCIAy I» S aM U -I C0111P•1 I 20 1 l2t lll'o I,) f'lemne I 2' 9 2t )'JV• "° JAl-r 1 ~I~ :~ It\,, <.) H•IFG 3 It S S4 JIV. • lo RtpAor 341 )~ 1 • Towle 64 I 260 1' • t AnllrG n .:IO t 61 ll CollAlk .12 I .S '~' _.,, l'leclV 10 t• ten n >, • Ill ~ ·-'h N,i(lyp I .. IS llS 2Ht RepCp Ml • !JO 17\o • Tow I• pl .. 10 IS , 1., !:=~ I ::~ .m m ..... ~::~:..1 '., t ~ 1:::. ~ ,. .. , pf Hl 101 """ JAvr Pl s ., • ~~! ... NIHom IOJ , ... ""' AepFftS I 10 .. m 42• •• 'o loyAIJ\ 10 Sia )O'l<o '• , " t'"' ~ c I IO 2'0 11"-... Fll91S'I' ,. ,. ,, ,,... t 1•m';' ' ~ • :: '"' ••• N~rt : I; ,;er ,:.... :": R:r,Hv I '° ) 114 ,. ... :-; Tr~Of' ' JO u ,., w .. :; ~:,•t~y ~'~ ~ 1!t ~rg;-n:s~s '~M)~.,,_,~ =F:1:-.Ep'cLP"1·~~.~ ,. ... : !!::' 1!rr~· ~~ t.# ~~ 1\. 5~!rr~ .~ ~ 1h ,:::· "' :.Np~.~~,!o...' il~ff:· /~t,, •• ',~~ ::~ ·• APA<lle 7' t 3lS lo>li Com:in l.«l • 1'1 11"" '-Fl p 1 iii I 2lt ""' ~ J•rC Pl I 11 i100 SO ' '' N~m1 US 11\o • .. AepB~ I e S IJO h •4 •~ TW w1 ••. •'' :;cp~ ;n: 12i ~ • 1: ~:!ie.", 1 ~I~ m m:' ~ FFtt:,.sf!._ S1 II ~~ :~\,1 t; re~~= 7 ~ :: ~·I!·~: =~'~ ': 1~ ul;~ • -, ::~2!; p11.;,2 S I~ ~~'• • 1:; ~=CCWl: .J. .. 111 it~ h "'-..._ -1' 110 ,.~.-~ C ~1 .. 6 -160,, -'' C Pl ' II I 14'" '-NellSll 12) ,.,, h '" l W pf I -l?I' .._,...., ••• • .... om~ .. F-r 1 st 10 SI ti :::~.re 1 • l'I"-, 1 , Aoco • u ,. JO•• rwc p1 , .. 34 u :~f :~ r~ L:::~ n"' ~~dJ ' 2 IO'; l~! r,~. ~: ~::':'.c '·~ : II:~ ~~ • ~ JewlC ol s '~ .,,., • : ~ :::~.:. n I ~ i .. u :: ... '~ =::r~ I .. 1 II~; ,:. • : : f~:~~::; ~ ~ • ·~! ~:~ .... ArlP Pl ) SI II 2•h '"' CwE pl 14' J lltl ''4 FordM 2J12 27 lo\ Jewl<r 11• 11 •"' ~-Natm Pl • 141 lt'o •I Aul\.,,, 10 1 11 1~1, • '• TARll' SJ I I \, ArkBll 60 IS 7•~ • ~ CwE Pl I t0 IS 1)'11. v. f'0<MI( 7 . .c> t , .. JI V. JollnJn I 11 , ... 0 .. ' \\ NtVPw '.. IOS 741•• 1• Runro I (JI 22 71J If' 1 TrAn••o I.II) ) •tJ 2'.t'•, \.i Ar.i• \ .'7 S51 U... CwE pl 1 ' 141M '-FMJ( pf 1,IO 2 60 h JollnEF 10 6' 14~• ~ Nt •P pl I 60 IM> 12 Re nln 7 10 • llll ..... " - 1 , ArlnAI 4l ... CwE Pl I lll l llJO St • I'll F ~ I -10 to.\. \. JoMCl'I I .0 I llO ll~ I> NevedS n •] 1"-Vo A•!ln (/fl Jj 11 112 p, TrnS< of ll7 1• ll'• • ~ Arm~. • 10!;\ Vo CwE -• 37 tl 11._., "' ,..,.., -Jo•~ -1 1 l3V. I NE-El J 11) "'', '• ' ., , 1 T••m<n WI /1 •t• • .. -,.. ' FIHOWd 1.0l IJ JIS •n1 I •w"-,.. I .• ., Aeytn of• 10 .., .0 '• ~ TrG pl IO JJ 1460 11 Arm<O 12010 179 U \'J 1~ CwE Pl l.17 11 2040 V. FO\IWll ... • J/7 llV. l\ JOftl...11" 60 onl 11 • ' NJAM: ftl It IS 1•'-h lteyMtl I 10" SlJ 11'• '• TiGP Pl l SO " '°"' Arm< pt ) 10 S 2'"° • ~ CwE ts I l4 110 Slllt• l "" Fo•SIP ... I S9 tt•o 1:f::' JI~ ,0: m; • ~ =~~~ n~ • .:~cd!" Rt~M 11,. )0 I .,.. '-T MOii 2t s•., •, :A~W~pfl•n'l~ISO ~ 1•~7 ~11"' • ~ ~C!,.,o"'P,wyS<t .~-; ~ U.tJ 11 1 ~_: ~ =~r.·~ 1.:; ,; l~l.1' ~I;~. :: JoyMfll 1~1l!._llll~ 24 ' '• NNYYSS ~Oll IOIS 11~ t!~: '' =lt~;~i :I;:~. tl~I ~.r .. •: ~ ~~::~,:: : .: m; ~ 11.""w pfJ IS•• aoo 11..., i .. C -~ 111 j.y; °"' Fr 9lrn 46 • ' ~ ~ 10 10 .. N~,..'lj I 7 j, i; ... :: toOr-. -'o 1 • .. TrlCon J.tlt •IU :IO'" '• 11.:'eo IO 10 .JO ll'• c::::::t iJ SU ISlo. Fr..,.. ., ltS llh ... ~~~n II 10 ,;~:. "" Nw ... I nu • ,.. • . AloOt pt IO ,, ';: ~ Trl(ft pf 2 )0 • •17 tO'-. '• A E 1 ~ 14 fl''• Vt! 7 •1~ 24 ~ FuQ.,. IO .. 10 .,, I 1• -S 211' Newmt I •1 ~ 41" -RlleAl4 IO IJ IS4 ll. TrlSoln 14S 40, • I• row • •,. ~ c;p1.,,., 1 • ~ .. _ c;..-G _ IC ,,..rl ~ ~, Nw~· •• •4 4-7_ 0 s• • • Ao~""' 1 .c> 11 3' "'• Trtet..a ., so ., 11 Arlra 10 '7 11 II .. COtlAllf I I 60 20\lt-• \\I OAF 10 6 2f9 t \\, 1. KAllrAI -,,.. 14~• ,...... ~ --AODllll t 10 S Ill 11 " T Pc I IS S 11.. " Arvin I 17 11 2t to» lo C-MI 2 10 I It ll'°' AF 1 JO 17 UI'. v. K•lsCe .0 6 JO 11 v, Nl•MP I IO • '67 ISi 1 • "" AOblftl S. I 13 11 '• •1• 00 1"-'9 AMr<AI .c> IJ)l U!;\ • '"' ConnE ~.IO • l 1211• • \lo G r 2 .c> t IJS 2 "" lo ICAIC pf 1.17 10 I• \I. Ni•Mpl l.tO dO 16'-• 1• AO<l\0 I /ti> S 111 IS\. 1,. Tr <O t• I I ~. A .. 10ot !_.7.~ 6 IOIJ ~~ \lo CnnHO 1 JO 6 .. IHo • '-g~! ,IOj U 1'1 ,: .... , 1' ll•ltrSI • lt4! 11111.~, ~ HNllA•Mpl:-;ri ~··,~ •1!300100 ~~> li~ Roch fl 704 I m 1"•' .. rnr~~ 1: 1: 1;l l!t;, 1,, Alhl ......... _..,., "' Con•« .IOH "' 1' ... GEICO S4 I 101 1t ~ K•M MI .21 I ~ ,.v ... -... u1~ IOA.:. ,·~ .-3 AO<kWI 1 S.10 IM ., ••• , ... Tuc1E P '., • 111 11'• .. At/110 pfJ.W. • '.14~ "' Con Ed " .. s .. It~. ,,.. Gel< pt 74 1 uSI\·. "" l(•neb lb s ... T • "m -"' A.int pl')} s '"• TwlnO. 110 • ,. IS• •••• Al<IDG 2 10 1176 31,_ "" COftE pf 6 I u12S • 2 OEO 2• ) IS'I I~ '• ICClyPL t .. t 2SI U"° ' NitMof In 1100 SS'o • ''-ROllmH 2II)10 1!111 62',, '' TycoL 1 10 • ICll ,..... '• AIJ<IO pt 4.IS 2 ~ v. ConE pt 4 . .S ..•• JI ..... GF Eqp .. • .... "' KCPL .,., :IO .! ~ ~:~~ns '~., ~ ·:~. : : AOfttl• 1 lSI ,,., • '• Tylor "° • • 1.... .. AAllMIC-EI ! ~ •• ,?: ,.. • ,, COftE pf s " ., • ~ GTE 1 92 1 IOIJ JOO,, Yo llCSou • • 1•• I•'•. I ~1cOA ) • •• ,. ••• " Rol\r pl J IJ IS ,. • hmw n 11J IO'. Y •'" ' (OftF!k 112 1 Ill )7 • l<'t OTE pt 150 I ,... ~ KanGE 111 6 >""I 21, :::~••i If •' •-IO'• AollnEn ft 7.. I• -u...u.-A11Mlro 0.W l '19 IS-1• (OftF Pl 4 50 t It \, OTE pt 2 • n "'• l(enNb I -I l'I n~ • , N~So~ n 7• • 10•-11 'l',, \\ Aoltl"' .. I I.. 11°• '-UAL 1J IOOt t2 • .. AttAICh 7 .c> 7 lll2 44 • 1 Cn\Fr1 I IO 231 41'"' \\I 0 IHOu SJ S .c> I•» \\I ICanPLt l .c> I • -v• ' .... A tmC 71 ff! U \o '' .c> 1 11 I' ::::~::: Jli .~ "J .... ' 1~ ~~~·;: : !: ~:~ · .. &!~Sf."~ 1P~ m; .. ~:~~n"" 11 ~ '::;. =~~.~",JO ~ ~ ;~~' "' :; to , ,t ,L '· ~~~pl 1 ~ ,~ "1:"'. ,: AUA< pl 2 IO • 103"' ''• CnPw pl4 16 tlOO 79 0 •15"< I Ja S ff 11\11 L . Kelifllr 14 SI ,.._ Norttll OI l •••1 •\, • ~: Aortr 'II I) 1'7 JJ• •• '"' UMET :n. 41 1•• All•1Co , SJ .. ,.. • '• CnPw Pl• so 1100 JI') c;e.,M » • SU IJ -Kalll pt ''° s II NACoel IO • 10 ,... • Aow911 OI J .. '" 1. UNCAH IJI 4'• .... "'::r.•1 n" ,. ,.~. \, CnPw ptl .u a.o 50 Oelco '11 1 JU "~' Ktllff .JO ' .. ui. • NoAPl>I '10 1 IJJ ., A-•" pf1.. IOI" '• USFG >IO ' U9 J'l''t. "' All~-~ 1,s 1,u101 ~11 '~" CnPw p11.n • t lOOO Sl''> .,, OemC.a 7l • l1'• .... !!•.','1-'.?!! • ltlO ,,,,,. ~Eur01Ut1,1! •, .1! :~. ... RC c~ I°' • 4S " 1. Unll•• , ,,. • 2• ~ , ... "'"<"""' 1·~ I ' CnPw pl • 1• 11 Gemtn 1.00. '1 Ult> V. " wd -I 111 1,•, "°" .w -' AoylO 1 '10 • ... Jl't "' UftlNV 4 7M S llS 1•>. • ... Avco Pl l 20 12 ., ,.. CnPw Pll '11 It 17 GAi 4,,.. .. 11 l<•nel 10 J )7 s... NlndPS I so 10 '" 12... A II ',... 21 ... • > l • ... S<l"' .. Avery 90 10 140 ,,.,, .,, CnPw r><l .IS . • is.-.. ;_ GA~I .. _ u UH :M • i4 Kt nml .. II ISi 1•'-• ,.oS1Pw 1.1• 7 101 ~·~: r: A~,{~ I • 23 IS ..... ~~:rt s ., I 10'2 .... Avnol 111 17' u i.-V. CnPw ...... SO . ll lllJ')• ... Gn8ul\ .II • I It~'\ llo l(yUUI 2 20 1 IO 19 NSPw pl• 11 .tlOOu Ay911H I SH 112 71 UnlonC 1'I tJ 41't • '- Avon 2 • 1* ,. ..... CnPw p;.; n 21 '~. "" GClnm tt.10 Ill ., "" Kt nOI ... • n 11"' NSPw of• IO llOO .. ss I ~ AydtrS' ... 1n Aft'! Jill .... UnEI« I "' • 1l0 ""' 1. Aal• I IS 9 Ill 17\, • .. en~-··-1-21 r"o •· ••1 10 •;, llerO~ I 70 J II NSPw of7 .. dOO S• I ' S E -~ - 1 'I 2 7 -" ' r -"' --" •-) · " Kerr • I 10 I ~1 -·-1 NSPw -I l100 SJ•• l'---Uft 1 of • "" ,_, -' ' • "''din. 19 • ,. , CnPw pl2 tl ) ... ,, ~ GnDyn f"n 10 l:MI » • ... ' • -H n .... '.143 • SCA :IO • m '"• '. 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VP I.• t Tr.-cn nt •l o • "' Up I J 10 C°"dur• Co '2'o • I• UP 1.1 11 UALlllC p( ?I • f\1 Up I 7 IJ Dayco (ofp ,. • I. Up 7.1 12 Pit< I Imo! I' 1 ' 1 Up 1 I 14 COfllC-•1 • • 1, Up •.s IS NIMt .. sv· •• • • • ' UP • s 1• PSEC. 4 JOpl 11.l ' ? '• ~~ :·~ :~~~~,pi Ji: , .. UP U tt N-In< •'• • .. Up S.I :10 Del-Co 1• • • "' Up ).6 21 J-<.or .... • " Up S6 n ~~ 1~ • :: Up l~• H v:.~:~J1& r· : 1~: ~: U OOWNS Ntmt l ••1 C.., Ptl ' lllhHAfV ) 1'4)1 ,, , .. Ofl 11.1 t 11141 ... ,v •V. "" Ofl 1$ • J Pefll,Oflll I'-I 8:' II.• • heft\ Pd ?~ ::-,.,.: ; : S N~lt 0 .,. ... "' • 8roo~m n I'> "" Utl I • 7 '""'" .. .., ,... • • Otl • ' I E-r<e t'-w Ott I I 'N-.. A• )-loo '1 Ott I.) 10 ,_.,.1.w11 "'' ''-Oii , • 11 H-rUnl• II* I"° Oii 7 JI 1t ¥1Miill•lli. s~. "' °'' •·' IJ t/eEP 7 •191 ~ 1"' Oii t.7 14 ._. 8 .s~. "" Oii •• 4 IS 1t9P8kCp pl tJ 111 Ofl t-1 ,. WlllmsEI n .... ... Utt •• I II 011111...1 2.!iOllf .. • Ott s.: 1• ll•mo •" " Ott s. It Le'lllStr.un ~ It• Ott S 7 10 l"yroEllQ'f •V. " Ott S.1 ti TW Corp WIA .\, .. Off SI 12 AM HOl>I 11-. ... Ott S.. n Gtl"Ki..-,. 11~ '" Of• h 14 ... ,..... ·-''• Utl s s u GMll• n '"' Oft s • GOLD COINS N~W YORK (AP) -Price• IOdlly of gold C04fll, C)Oflll>Aft(I wllll Ftldl'{I pric)e. IC,,,..rrend, I l•Oy Ot , $443 25, Oft 17711 M•pM IMI, 1 110)' Ol • $44t 25, Oft l8.:...... IO peM1 I 2 ltoY 01 , ~21 00, Oft lt25. AIMlrlttn 100 Of-fl, H02 l•OY CCI • "422 50, on $1.21 METALS •Y TM Auoc:t.IM .. ,... s.lecled world QOICI ptl<lff IOOey Landon morning liitlng S428 26 Oii $l~02:don allernOOn llAlng 1424 25. 011 ,., 25 ,..,,. 111ernoon llalnQ $427 78 on 11 6t F1enllf\lf1 f1aing $<12100. off 11197 z11rld1 •••• allernoon na1ng $422 SO Oft s 19 00 bkl. "42' 00 etlted Hendy I Hatm•" (only delly quote) S424 25 on SH 25 • E,...illard (Oflly datly quottl SA2• 211 off $1125 l~•rd , ......... u ,...,.., ... , ... ,.., •• "' I • • SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS :· ., The Aoocl•IM ,., ... Seiecltd WOtl<I 90"' ptieff to<l•y Cep,.•r 70°'\· 12 cent• • po11nd u S 0..tlNlllon• LMd 25-29 -.1e a pound Zlfto 4G-42 '*''' 1 poulld. ~ Tin h 3040 Me1als W .... ~· lb Alllmlnum 78-17 -.11 a poufldf\, N Y MeN11,., 93.0 00 por ftNI\, lll•llf'IU"1 1340 00•13' 1 00 lrOy OU~ N 'f :,~!, ~ Falcons frustrated Raiders embarras Atlanta, 38-14 ATLANTA (AP) "Go 011 Strike. Oo On St.riktt," carol' the ansry chant from tru11trated Atl&&nw fW'\11 u the FAkons wt•rc humllllltud by the Los Augclt'lf R aiders 31:1 14 in their homt.• opener. • The Raiders, now 2 0, hud just ecored to go ahead 31-7 midway In the third period Sunday when most in the crowd of 54,774 at A tlanta-Fulton County Stadium ¥Jlleashed the chant . over and aver for about a minute. The Falcons, 1-1, responded with an 80-yard, seven -play t ouchdown march, but the Raiders already had dont.> too much d8Jllage on the passing of Jim Plunkett to Cliff Branch and the running, pass-catching and passing of rookie Marcus Allen, the 198 l Heism3n Tro ph y winner. When the dust had settled, the R aiders had sacked Atlanta quarterback Steve Bartkowski seven times and forced five t,urnovers -three interceptions and two fumbles. Those turnovers included on11 in the final period in which Bartkowski was sacked and fumbled. Lineman Archie Reese picked up the ball and lumbered 76 yards for a L os Angeles touchdown. Players from both clubs met on the field before the game for a handshake of solidarity befort' the game, drawing a cnorus of boos from the fans. As for the chant, Bartkowski, who thre w 56 passes and completed 3-1 of 375 yards but only one TD, said: "We deserved to have them (the fans) thumb their noses at us (for our play) " Mar<'uS AHen OthL'r Falcons claimed they could not make out thl' <'hant When informed. all had no ('Omment On the field, the gaml' was no ('Ontc.>st after the Raiders l)('Ored tw1t't.' within 43 se<.'Onds late an the f irs t half to take a commanding 2 4-7 lt>acJ at intermission. "W(' made the big plays and they didn't," said Los Angeles Coa,·h Tom Flores "Our dc•fc:flS(' was superb l didn't thmk that the Falcons were down They are a very good team and 1f they looked bad, I would like to think at was because we forced mlatakt!I. Marc:u1 Allon had another &ood gcun , " Allen aet up Raldur1' flret ecore with u 47 yard PHI to Branch to the.< 14-yimJ line, then wok a Plunkett fwlna pau und 11Cortd midway In ttw opening period. Allen, who hnd ~3 yards on •even carries, and cau8ht four passes for another 39 yards, then sct up Chris Bohr's 35-ynrd field goal with a 41-yurd run bofore 11(.'0ring on a 4-lard run only 2:48 before the hat . RatcMrt M, '•lcon1 1' loot• brOuati.<t L A Raiden 7 11 7 7-38 Atlllntt 7 0 7 0-14 LA -Allen 14 p ... from Plunkett (Batlf klekl Att -Andi..,.. I run (LUCkhUlll klckl LA -FG Bahr 3S LA -All"1 4 run CB1111 lllckl LA -Bfanoh 30 Pih from Plunkett (Batlr kick) LA Hawkin• I 1un CB•hr kick) All -Roblnaon 17 pau from e.,1kow1kl (luckhum klckl LA -Roese 75 tumble return CBahr klckl A -54,174 THm lletl1tlc1 Flrll downs 17 LA Alt Ru&llU·ytrd& 31-100 PtHlng Y"ds 284 Return yards 100 Pu-t8·30-0 28 21·63 322 7 34-56-3 3·20 6-36 3.2 7-118 32.04 S.ck• by 7.53 Punts 7-37 Fumblff·IOll 2-1 Pen1ttles-ywd1 14· 107 TltM of POSMSSlon 27:68 lndlYldual ltatl1tlct RUSHING -lot AngalH, Alltn 12-~. King 8·38, Hawkins 4-5. T'1ylo1 4·3, Prulll 1·0. Plunkett 2·2 Alltnta. Andrewa 10-25, Rigg• 8·21, Cell) S-17 • PASSING -Los Ang1ln, Plunkett 15-29·0·237. Allen 1-1-0 ·47 .At11n1e. BlrlkOW$kl 34-56-3·375. RECEIVING -LCM .Angete1, Branch 8-138. Allen 4-39. B1rnwell 3-50, ChrlalenMn 1·50. H1wktna 1·5. King 1-2 .At11n11. C1ln 7-55. Andrew• 5-94. Miiier 5·89, Riggi 5·23. J1ck1on 4-39, Hodge 3·30. Jenkin• :r-37. Robfnaon 2-18, Mlk .. ke •· 12 MISSED FIELD GOALS -Loa Angeles, Bahr 51 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Monday, 8tptember 20, 1082 * Raiders' defender Ted Watt makei, interception despite pressure of Atlanta' Alfred Jack on. • Anteaters pilice s~cond NFL strike to begin Tuesday? Mariners win, 38-6 • 1n tourney Union says 90 percen.t of players support waJk·out Rick Teddford threw five touchdown passes, including three to Bruce Jans. to carry the Huntington ValJey Mariners to a 38-6 rout over Alhambra Sunday in semi-pro football action at Fountain Valley High. The UC Irvine water polo team may have finished second in Its own tournament this weekend, but the Anteaters did manage to post an impressive 9-7 victory over defending NCAA c~ampion Stanford Sunday afternoon. Earlier, however, top-seeded Wasserfreunde Spandau of Berlin, West Germany. posted a 9-7 decision over UC Irvine to win the tournament... title with a 5-1 record. UCI was also 5-1. but landed second because of its defeat to the German squad In the loss to Wasserfreunde Spandau, UCI was even, 7-7. enter ing the final moments before allowing two goals. Peter Campbell and J ohn Vargas poured in two goals apiece, while Jeff Campbell, Trevor Dodson a nd Diggie Riley tallied once apiece. Stanford held leads of 3-0 and 4-2 over the Anteaters in a later mat.ch , before the hosts rallied. UCI scored five times in the second period to take the lead. then added a pair of goals m the third and fourth quarters to seal the decision. Newport Harbor High product James Bergeson had three goal~ for the Cardinals, who completed ·the weekend with a 4-2 mark • and in a tie for third with UCLA. · Peter Campbell had three ~ goals for UCI. with Dodson, Riley and Vargas chipping in with a .pair apiece. NEW YORK (AP) -The National Football Leagu<' players' union stands po1s<.>d lo deliver a strikl• vote that could s hut down the 1982 season as early as this week. The nint'-member exec:utive committee of the NFL Players Association. meeting !" New York today. must decidf:'l.a.u.hether to call a stnke thaT'ooulc4begm as early as Tuesday or aflt'r the third week of th~ season. Oct 3-4. IC thl' group votes to 1nat1ate a walkout at the end of tonight's Green Bay-New York Giants game an F.ast Rutherford. N.J .. the first game to be a ffected would be Thursday when Atlanta v1s1ts Kansas City. Uruon off1c1als contend that al least 90 percent of the league's 1,500 players wiU support the walkout "A dec1s1on has not been made al this llme whether to play the Thursdav izame."' said Jack Donlan, the owners' chief negotiator. "The dec1s1on to go ahead with the game wall be made by the league's competition and executive committees." A strike would be the first mad -season work stoppage in the league's 63-year history The owners' last financial offer, which they estimate 1s worth $600 million this year and $1.6 b1lhon over the next five years. was rejected by the union's executive committee on Sept. 8. An informal poll of the committee, ''onducted thi s w eekend by The Associated Press, found near-unanimous support for initiating the strike this week. "Th e longer you wait the harder it is on the players, the more pressure they are under," said Mark Murphy , the Washington Redskins' player representative and a member of the union's executive committee. A second member of the commjttee, who requested that his name not be used. accused the league of forcing a player walkout. "What else can we do? They have pushed us to the wall," he said. Joining Murph y on the executive committee are union president "Gene Upshaw of the Los Angeles Raiders; Jeff Van Note of the Atlanta Falcons; Dan Jiggetts of the Chicago Bears: Stan White of the Detroit Lions; Elvin Bethea of the Houston Oilers: Tom Condon of the Kansas Chiefs; James Lofton of the Green Bay Packers and John Bunting of the Philadelphia F.agles. F.d Garvey, NFLPA executive director, said Sunday he will make no recommendation. RAMS ' PROBLEMS CONTINUE. • • From Page C1 more appropriate. But if you ask Malavas1, the answer is still the same--nothing. "It's a long season and I ' wouldn't count us out," was the : fifth-year coach's expected reply. ' "If you want to count us out, go · ahead. But I thank you're making -a big mistake " Malavasi's right, the Rams can't be counted out after just · two games. But he might be wrong saying that it's a long · ··season with an apparent players' strike looming . An announcement from the players' executive committee is expected today, but if thin~ don't chang Sunday afternoon's affair at Anaheim Stadium might be the last bit of professional football we'll aee for awhile. In any event, strike or no strike, the Rams must right the ship, and quick. But to make corrections, the problems must be spotted, and neither the Rams nor the Lions can seem to pinpoint exactly where the problem Ues. • There it agreement on one point, however. The Rams do bav the penonnel. " n paper the Rams might have better pel'IOnnel than the Lio . " aaid tlght end David Hill, wh . caugh t a two-yard tou hdown pa11 from Gary 1.ton to culml.nate a six-play drive that gave the Llona 0 leed with juat 22 teec>nda lef the third quarter. "There'• no doubt they have 'reat at letea. Today, maybe the turnovers did them in. They're very talented athletes, I just don't understand their problem" "That (being 0-2) doesn't mean anything.'· said Bally Sims, who gamed 119 yards on 25 carries even though be says he's about 70 percent right now. "They probably have some problems " But knowing that problems exist and actually s potting specifics and changing them is another story. "It seems like they have excellent personnel," said linebacker Stan White. "They rrught even have as much talent as anyone an the league . But there's something mis.sing and I just can't pinpoint the problem looking from the outside m." Danielson tried to add some insight. "They're a good team, but It's (Los Angeles) a tough place to play,'' explained Danielson, who Is in the midst of a small quarterback controversy himself with Eric Hipple. The latter started the game for the second straight week, but after going 3 for 14 ln \he passing category waa pulled for the second straight time even though his team wu leading 6-0 "You need to be a very atronff pera<>n to ~ a quarterback here, contlnued Danielson. "And your- teamrnatet need to be atrong, too. "It just doesn't make aenae to pay a guy $500,000 to play and to hav nobody like him [ don't know why they (tho fans) were on Bert today But ~verybody loves the second guy and sometimes it works out. I get bored when they boo the quarterback and then cheer when he's a hero.'' But the history of the Rams is lilied with heroes and villains. And Sunday was no exception. Trailing 16-0 in the third quarter, J ones was ta}<en ?ut of the game with a hamstring pull. and on ca me the fans' favorite, Vince Ferragamo, to almost pull out a Rams' victory with two fourth -quarter touchdowns. lJ Danielson Is right, that could only add fueJ to the fire. But not in Malavaal's mind. "Bert's still the No. l ~uarterback," said MaJavasi. ' Nothing he did today was wrong that I saw." And White, a former teammate of Jones' at Baltimore, would agree, but in even stronger tem\S. "I don't thJnk it mattered who was at quarterback today. 1''"errasamo got tn there today and the momentum chanKed. But Bel"\ would have done the same thing. "Bert's a oornpeUtor and I atlU thlnk he's the bett quarterback In football. If I had to choo.e, I'd pick Bert.'' laid White. So it appear• H If nothing c h angee wlth th• Rama . Clrcumttancea, whtch rn•y be beyond MalavNI'• t'OnlJ"OI, have created another quarterback controv~ray. "The players will decide," he said "It 1s thmr jobs they are putting on the line." The NFLPA. which represents the league's 1,500 players, struck for si~ weeks in the summer of 1974, but the c:ontract dispute was resolved during the exhibition season. The collective bargaining agreement that resulted from that 1974 strike expired July 15. Negotiations on a new contract started last February. On Friday. when the talks broke off, Upshaw said the recent round of negotJatlons reminded him of the February sessions. ''It is the same old thing over and over. IC I closed my eyes I could dream I was silting in the hotel in Miami hearing them give the same old arguments, the same old posiuons,'' Upshaw said. Altho ugh th e union has dropped its most controversial demand -a ftxed 55 pcrc-ent of each team's gross revenue both sides sull are far apart. The union now is seeking $1 .ti b1lhon over a four-year period to include 50 percent of all current and future television monies, a wage scale and cr eation of a c.-entral fund from which player salaries would be dtspersed "The maJOr s tumbling blocl<s r emain the wage scale and central fund," Donlan reiterated Sundav "W t:! are not going to abaoPon a system o f individua'lly negotiated contracts, a system that works. for the union 's pro!X>S31." he said. While Garvey and Donlan have failed to agree on mul·h this year they both spent Sunday domg the same thing. watching the NFL on television. • Teddford connected on scoring strikes of 30. 40 and 20 yards to Jans, and a pair of 40-yard TD passes to Dale Rickard. Teddford was 20 of 26 overall for 270 yards. Another touchdown was provided by Isaac Soto, who earned in an intercepuon from 20 yards away. Defensive standouts included linebackers Mark Fata and Joe Rhino. Larry Sumling was the leading rusher. carrying 10 times for 80 yards. The Mariners improved their High Desert League record to 2-0 and will VlSlt Los AJamitos next Sunday at J. Seniors .~~~~~--.-~~~~~~~~~~~ e Daily Pilot f>I •• L ~ • Yo~rofessional complete •. ~:::1:!~s ~ · Flonst • you. call FLORIST 2915 Red Hill Avenue tourney Orange Coast area players enjoyed some success and suffered some disappointment Sunday an the final rounds of the Pacific S o uthwes t Seniors Tenn1s Championship at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. Jerry Van Linge of Newport Beach was beat.en in the 35 singles classification by Dave Bohanon of Garden Grove, 7-5. 6-3. while Laguna Beach's Dick Leach fell to Horst R1tter of Pasadena, 7-5, 6-0 in the 40 finals. Bob Duesler of Costa Mesa lost a tight match in the 45 finals to Coronado's Jim Pei-ley, 7 -6, 6-2. but R on Livingston (Laguna) beat King Lambert of Santa Ana In straight sets. 6-3, 6-2, to capture the 50s crown. In the 65 championahlp, Tony Prodan of Irvine easily defeated Bill Smith of Palm Springs, 6-1, 6-0. In the wom e n'• division•. Ellen Bryant (Newpor-t Beac h ), Marilyn Straw (l..quna Beach) and Helen P"erez (Newport Beach) were all victors. Bryant knocked off Sue Stevena of Loa Angeles, 6-1, 6-3. in the 351; Straw topped Su~lla Bowden (La Jolla). 3·6, 6-9, 6-1, for the 401 crown, and Perei won a t oush one from Puad e n a'1 Dorothy Manhle.en, 6·2, 6-7, 7-~ In the 45 flnala. P•t Damion o Newport Be•ch wa beaten In the 301 Utl ma&ch 642-5678 A-108 Costa Mesa· Stone Mill Business Park 64 1-0810 SUPER NAUTILUS I AEROBIC CENTERS llMllll'ft Mel .... '"" ., .... ICll, cnu •u -· n47 LlllCll• tlft ...... '•••m .,st.,. 1111 St ' .. """'•'••\JWf~ '""an .,_, .,. I •t I' ....... fA .. l mu cttuu "" (11J) ... _.,._,, ··~1 ·-... ,. .,.._,.. ... .,... ......... 112 mo ........... " , ... ..._ ... w....-1 ,..,...,, (JH) (Jle) "'_ ........... <11•> ~l ·S.11 (JH) ~1•1 "'·•Ill . Mt• . .