HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-21 - Orange Coast PilotDIANCI CDAIT YOUR HDMITDWI UllY PAPIR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1912 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Fan penalizes football strikers $200 million By DAVID KUTZMANN Of Ille Delly l'llol ateft A Newµu rt B1•.Jd1 11•i..11l1111 f ru::.tra11·d by th1· 1111 pJ ,!>•' b1•tw1·1·11 NFL 1->lav1·r:. .111d ()Wllt'r ... SOU!(ht to µ1•i1ali2.t· till' k'agut• by $200 11111111111 Mo11day w h t:n ht-filt·d a diJss .11·111>11 law suit on lx>hulf uf 1 mdl1011 St•&sun llt·k1·t hol<lt·r~ 11.Jliu11wul<· Thl· lt.'gal Jl'tlun w;Lo; f d1'tl in Onmgt· County Suix·11u1 l'uu1 t j Us l b t' for l' t h (' :, I c I kt' b v 111t·nibt•rs o f lh1• NI< L l'l,1y•·r' A.'..'>< ~·1..i l llJll <.l/.(d II IS l l I lt' N, I lie )ll,1 I ~ ooth.ill L1·a1oeu1· lw •).(afl Mor1tl.1v 111Khl (H1·la1t-<l s111nt·' i'c11ow <.'I 1 Thi• tw11 'ldt•' hJV•· l>1·1·11 urliJbh· tn J~I •'<' 1111 .1 "''"" pl.1y1•1 l'•intra<'t Su1111o: lht• l1 .. 1gu1• .111d till· playt·r-. w,.-.01:1allorl Wo., Nt>wµorl bus11ws:.man W.!yn .. B1t·~man, a !~mi. -.1·.c.on llt'kt•l holtft•r wh11:.1 Jttur 1wy said t'.1rl1t•1 M u11Jc1 y that tht• lawsuit w a ::. rnt·ant to ;.how pl.1v1·1' J lld 11wn1·r' 1h.1t f.111:. 1111• 1111 .. 1 ctf lwinJ.( 1g111111·d "Wt• w.1ntc·d th•• pl.1y1•1' ,111d """ nt·r' to k1111"" th.it th1· t.;r1:. .• r 1· r111t g11111).( t11 t..1k1· 1111, lv1ng down a:. tlit•Y u,u.11ly do," .1ttor111·y Ci1•orgi· H11'>1'111.i 111 N1•w I'"' t l\4:.1ch ~11d Tht• !>Ult, 111 f'f(1~ I "-t·t•k' $:!00 rt•funds fctr , .... h 11f th1• 1•:.t1111.1ll·d I 11111l111n f ·'"' 11.1t11111w1J1· who h11l<l ~·a:.1111 lit k1•1:. f 111 N Fl . hom1 · g;mws Jus t like days o f yore Whf'n tht> Pil~rim, a n·1)li(•a of thf> ship mad.-famous h) H it"'hard He nq Dana, ~ailt•d into ~t-wport llarbor thf>re was a wPlcoming paradt· of woodt•n boats; s t.•t• Pag<· HI . Tht• hrigantint• h ad ~01w to Wilmington for r e pairs anti w u -. ~oin~ back to i t ~ perman<·nt berth a t Dana Point. Safety packets readied By ST EVE M ITCHELL 0 1 1"-De lly P11ot 91.tf More than 3~l.OOO n·s1d1·nt1·c; and bus111ess1·s in four !>llU I h Orange O>unty Co111mu111t11..., will rece1vP handbnok.:-. anrl multi colored evacuatwn map:. this week , t'C>Urll'!>Y of Suulht rn Cahfom1a Ed1S<m Co The 1nforma1mnal documt•nu. mandated by fC'<lt>raJ rl.'gulatmn, arE' to prov1dt· rl'S1denLc; 1n San Clemente. San Juan CapL5tran11. Capistrano 8<>:1c-h and Dana Prnnt with procedure~ to IX> t.ak1•n 111 the Pvent of a S<."nous 1nl.'ld1•nl at t he Sa n 0 no f re N u c It· .1 1 Gene rating Station lt11·ated thre.-;· miles south nf San Clem(·ntl' Residents 1n t h<>S<' arras ;ir1• t'ons1<1Precl lCJ he within tht• Smilin~ t•vat·ut·t•.., picturf'd in Soulhern California Edi!>.on Co. h a ndbook don'I a pprar loo alarnH'd ahout nu<'lt•a r tH't·id.,•nl rt> port . t·mc·rgl·nty pla11n111g zo111· ('<;tahlished by thl' Nudt•ar R rgulat ory C11mm1%111n ond othf'r ajo(encat•s Thl' 1 .. rg<' :l:l by 17-im·h map 11wl11d1'<i in the pal·kC'l outhnc-s primary f'Varuautm rout<'c; c1nd (Set' EDISON, P a ge A21 Hll~l'lltU !>«Id tlw luwsu11 r.11:-1·<1 tht• ISSUt' ,,, wlil'tht•r St'd,1111 t11·k1•t lwltft•f'> .111• third part y ht• II t• f at I a ( t l' '> cif 1· 111I)I11)'I'1• 111n1r 111 to. twt w1·1·n µ1.Jyt·r~ •incl 11wn1·r' In purtwula1 . tilt' ll'~al Ul'twn .illt·~t·s that Htl'~'>llldll. a gl'rwral 111.11U1~1·r nf Soutlwr11 C<.iliturnia l'm·umallt~ in Sanw Ft• Spr 1ng:., hd<l l11s st•ht"<lult• 1Jf bus1n•·i.' 1·ntt•rt.i1nmt•nt f(lr t•l1t·nt' "J1sruptt-d and 1mp;.i1r1_·<l" by tht• lir1'.1kd11w11 111 111·g1111.111011 ... 1> .. twf•1•11 pl1t y1·1, ;11ul e1W lll'IS Thi· 'u11 1 la1111:. th.11 lht· :!h N I-' L t 1• J 111:. .1 11 d I> I,, y ,. r !> .15.!)(X'IUlhlll "l11t•t1d1u<I th1·11 duty" I•> Sl'IJ'>IHI ll• k1•t h11ld1•r ~ Irv 1101 (' (> ll d U l l I II I< ' ' I< II P J (,1 I t h 111·g11twl11111~" to arr"'" <•I " 1ww l't>llll'dl'l l311_·ssmun says 111 his luwsu1t that he wa::. µ1111111,.,.'tl ".i11 1·1111n· .-ind l'Ontlnuou' fn11tlJ.i II ...,.,,,1111 11f Iii .I{ a m "s 1111 l <> n ' l' t' 11 t 1 v " Crean to 'l'h1 N•'""'J11•rt n·:.1d1·11t s;ud hl· holch, (11ur ..... ,1>1111 l1t·k1·1.'. Vdlued ••I $!'1H~> Ile -..11d In· ;.ir rung,•d his lru~1nt'!>.'> 1·nt1•r t.11nnw11t sc:ht'<Jult· 1H·t·i11 din).( te1 lhl· stht·du l1: o l i.::1111l·:o. With tlw announn•mt.•nt 111 .i playn stnkt.·. thl.' suit so1d. 111 · P1uld n11 longn plan hi!> bOc:1al * lll'dul1· ".ind lhui. rwt rt'<.'C'IVt' th•· l11·111·f1t of h1:. !>l'<c.1111 t1ckt·ts" use TV call-in tonight to boost image By JEFF ADLER Of Ille DeUr Plloe Sl•tt H e pu bl ll an t·on K rt•:.sau na I t·and 1<latt· Johnn1t.' H l'n-t11l will take to u ·l1·v1smn to111ght in <HI a pparen ti y un pn '{'t·<lt ·n lt·d ha! I hour t·al I 1r1 :-how ck~1gne•d h l bolstC'I his unfavorc1hl(' publ11 image Tht· pnmt·· llnll' lt·lt:v1:.1on show, wh1t·h will pn·-t•mpt th1• regularly schl'<luled game• show Tit· Tue· Duugh . will 1·0::.t th•· Crt-an l'dmµa1gn uboul $50,000. s;.11<l Alltm Hoffenblum. Cr1·un's t•om pa1gn t·onsultant T hi· pun.·ha.se or SUl'h iJ blol'k of Wlt'v1s1on t1m1• and tht• "!lv1•" fonnat an· first!> for dn Orang1_· County t·on~rt•::.saunal c·an<l1dall·, l1~·al polit1n1l obscrvt.•r-. agrt't·cl Hostt·d by former "T11d .. y" show ancho rman F'r·ank Bl~Hr. the· broadrnst as J1 ~1gnc'<I to !>how the "rt·nl" Johnnie Cr ,•an, "' man far d1fft·1t·nt from lht· om• th1· nt•Wl> nuo<l1t1 porlrayl-d dunng the primar y t:ampaq~n . Crt•an expla1nc-d "Thi· :.how as 1ntt•nJed tn show ' peoplt: that 1 don't fl"SC.•mbk my image· al all to show thJt thL· 1mag(• t·n·att•d ""a:. 1nt-c1rr1·tt.' Crc-an said BttWet'n 7 30 and 8 pm . viewers will be ablt' to phont' 1n qul•Sl1ons to Crc•an on San Diego's K F'MB TV. Ch<tnnel 8 Orangt-County res1dl•nb whu subst·ribC' to tht• sou th l'OUn tv l'abl<' svstt•m that ufft·rs KFMR to Vll'~t·rs Jlso will b< ablP to watt·h Th<' 4 :~rd Cong1 l':.\lonal ELECTION82 D1~tnt·l mdudl'I> portions of :.outh Or ;,ing1• C11unty and mut•h o f nurth San D1q~o County C 1c·an's l km•l(Ttillt oppom>nt 1n th«· rat't" Hoy "Pat" Ardwr, ha!-. announnil ht· will upc•n has S .1 n M a r l 11 ~ l' d m p a 1 g n h1·adlJU<1rt1·r. to Jnyunt: w1Sh1ng t11 w..ilth lh1· hroddtai.t Aft<·rw;.il'c.ls, ArchL•r su1d hP will lw glad to JOSWC'r 4Ut•stions ri1-.1·d hy th1· public Crc-.rn ~1d ht• 1-. '1•>.htlarotc·d" bv t 111· pro'>pt•t t u f !>pt .. 1k 1 ng rh11't tlv tu :t:1rd <l1:.tnll v11\t'l'l> 111 ... JJdL·<l lh<tt tht· rat•· IS u1114u1· IK'l'aU~· 1t p1u. turn ag.11nsl ht' own 11nag1• "W1· luund •>Ul t•<ctrly on th.ii "111'11 1 m<'t'I pt't1ph· ~·Nmally 1t t hc1nw·~ tlw 1m .. gt· .. Crf"an :.aid. 1n 1·xpla1n1n~ why tht• live t1·l1·v1:-.111n ft1rma1 had bt•t·n ~t·lt'l.'tt•d If tht· broatka~t 1~ a sut'l't'Sb, Crt·<rn :.01<l 1t n1u!J stgnc1l an t•lt>t·t1vn da v v11·t•>rv H of fl'.nhlum s<11 d hL· rt>eommended the unusual st<•p or buying tht· half-hour show l:x'l.·;.iusc· "lh t• probJcorns with the tand1dall' wc•n· unprt'<.·epc>nted " He sard that that thl' $50,000 nisl lor thl' produrtmn was !>pill 1•v1•nly lx·tWt-t·n pr1>dut llcm l'~ts and promotion Askt·d whl'lh1•r Arl'h1•r C'l)Uld ISee CREAN, Page A21 On of re reactor operating S d n 0 n o f r 1· N u t I ,. <1 r (;1·n1·ra11ng Station'!> lln11 ;.! n·a<'l<>r began pumping out tlw JUll't' Monday for th1• f1 rsl l1mt• s1nrc tht' $1 7 l.>11 11011 reac tor showt>.d up on blueprmts 13 y(•ar:. ago Off1t'1dls at Southf'rn Califor nia Ed1~on Co . ma1or nwner of thC' nu< lt•1;1r plant south of San Cl!.'menlt', said today th1· rt• act" r beg a n "n t• r g l'l. 1 n g Cahfnrn1a hom<>s anJ busmes.."4.~ at c1houl 20 pt't C'<·nl t·apat.it) shortly aftN noon on Monday By thP end •Jf the day. Unit '.!. was s hut down f or rou11n(· maintenance. but an Edison oll1c1al said he t>Xp<'l'lS the I .JOO mel(awatt urnt will be back on hne "1n a day ur two " Tht• dome-shapt-d reactor h<l!- b<'<'ll operatmg 1nterm11tc·ntly s1nec February wht•n Its urarnum fu<'I was loadro and low-powC'r Lcsung began When the reactor goes hat:k on hn<'. probably lalN t h is w<·ck. 1x1\q•r will lw 111er1•a,1·d lo ~o rwr(t•nt rapdnly tht'n lo IHI p .. rcc•nt bl.(ort> rt•ot·h1ng full 1·apt1t•1ty by tht· fu-st .. r th•· v•·ar. an Ed1:.on spoktc--sman :.aid Umt 2 1s on<' of thrt'l· r1111'1P.1r rl'allol"l\ c1t San OnofrC' U111t 'i, 1L'i 1,100 lnt'WlWdll twin, I!> t'Xµt't:lt'<i to go on lme in about a Yt'ar U1111 I mnstrUt'tL'(I in Hlfill . h;1:. l:x'1:·n -.hut d1>wn sint'f'• F1..·l>ru;11 v whil1• workmt·n makt• tht• n •at·tor mort• t•arth4uak1• rf'S1st.ant Whc•n all three reactors are w 11rk1ng .11 1.1p.1t11~. ttw nud(•ar stc111on 1:-1·xp1·c tl'ft lo produn• 1·n11ugh 1·l<'<'lrn 1ty (or 1 2 m11!1on 1·u-.111111!'rs 1n ct·ntr;il c111d south1·rn Cohfonua W1ll1an1 H t;11ulJ bo<ird t h,11rman ;;nJ t·hwf exelul1v1· off1u•r of th1· ut11lt v. S<JHI Unit :l's 111111.il produt 111111. "s1gna Is the h1·~1nn1ng uf e1 lll'W t•r.-1 of d<>tT•·as111g dc•1)t•11d1·nt·C' on ull and otht'r fossil fw•Js prt'l>t·nlly nc-;'d1"Cl lo g1·n<•1 at<' n1nst of the l'IC>t'lr11·11v bt01t1R ll"'fl .. 4 suspects held Four pt..•oph• who allt•gC>dl) u.st-d hammers t.o hr1·c1k display cast-sand tak(• $1 50.000 worth o f merc·hand1se from a La~una Hills JC'Wf:'lry store· havt• bt"f•11 arrestt-d by Orang<' County Sh Pr I Cf's deputies Sheriff's Sgt L ynn Nl•hnng 1dent1Cil'd three o f the men as Stnklt'V Smith. 20. Alp;'lrone Collms~ :LO, and M1r hal.'I Crame. 22. all of Lo:-. Angt.·les Tht• fourth pC'rson was u Iii -year -old girl whose n ame w.1s w1t hhelrl Nehrmg o.;a1cl th!.' four are Ill < ustody on susp1t·1on of takmg thl' Jt'Welrv from Slav1c k 's rn the· La~una H ills M;.11 --INDEX - At Your S<'rvrn' Erma Bombf'<·k Business Cavalcad1• Classified i\4 A7 fYl 5 A7 Ex-policeman denies molesting 6 Huntington girls Comics Crossworcl Death Nolll't'!\ Edit.orial Entertainment Bob Gr('('n(' Goren on Brul~(· Hor06C0pe An n Lander.; Movies Mutual F'und!I P ublic Nouc-es Sports St.ock Mark<'ts T elevi111on Theaters Weather W orld N f'ws C:5 8 Bn 8'i C!'l A6 87 A7 A7 A7 A7 B7 B4 C:l 4 Cl 3 8 5 B8 87 A2 i\3 By DA VIO KUTZMANN 01 IM O.ity Pllo4 Sl•tf A forml'r Long &•ltch polw1_• 0U1cer known to llC'IJ(hborhood C'htldrt>n 111 lluntmgton Aeat·h as ''Uncle• M ike:" has d(•nu'Cl un th<' witn ess stand that h<• mol~stt•d slx young girls a t his Cap<' CottaJ(e Lane hunw Du ring h ls two hours o f l<'st1mony, Mo nday, ddl.'nd:rnl M1 c h 11<'I B ruct> M t·Dona ld nd m 1tted to JUror!I 111 S u perior Court .Judge Donald Mc:Cart1n's court t h a t h is home was a popular place for ch tldren This was b<>cau.se h e had two pinball m achmes m a gamf' room an his garage. h e said. But Mt'Oonald iMlsted tha t he never m ade sexual a d v ances towa rd the chlldr~n o r sh ow ed them th e "triple X -r11tro" s lides h r h a d o n t h C' n 1 C' k " I o d l' o n maC'hllll' in his .l{<lrDj(t' Six nt'q~hhnrh11od g11ls l t! s l I f I e d I II s t w (• l' k t h a l Mc-Donald at various t1rnf's exposl'<I h1 m:.1•1f and fondled t h t-m when t h1•y v1s1ted h is rPs1<lr•n1•(• tn pli.y ptnball The g11 ls ran~t'1:1 in agr from 8 to 12 Thi.' 42 y c•ar old def1•ndant, suspendl'd rrom th{' Long Real'h pohc~ forC'l' following h is arn•st last May. 1 t·har ged w ith 17 felony c·ounL<1 m vofvm g a lleg<'d acts with the s ix girls ovcr o two -year pcncxJ beg1n n1ng an 1 ~80 lie 111 (rf.>(' on $1 00.000 bail. Q u ,. 11 t t t>n e d b y d e ( c n s e at t o r neJ Ga r y Po hl so n . McDon ol suggested that the c h tldrl'n may h 3vp test1(1ed ht't·ause th<'y wC'rl• a n gr y w ith him He said he had quarreled with ~veral gtrls JUSt days beforf:' his arrest because they had n dden Neighborhood children called him ~uncle Mike' t ht'ir b1('yCll'll ovl'r h1i; la w n Md)onold said h e &180 had been curt~ll use o f his pin ball mac ause some child ren h ad ecom e rowd y e nd also b<>cause he WR!I N."rovering from k nt-e surger y AJJked by Poh lM>n his reaction to lwrng charged wit h child molc-stallon, McDonald said. "at first f Was h urt VC'ry dN'p ly 111 think that I l'Ould gt•l childn·n that a ngry <•l m e•" McDonald, who spt•nl Iii yt•ars on th e Long &ach police force, said he !Aler ~·amC' "angry and dC'prl'SSt"d" as si rcsull of the < har ges aga1ncit him "H ow do vou 11·1·1 now?" Pohlson a.."'ked · .. Scored," Sll1d McDonold The de f endant saad nei g hbor h ood children frequ e n tly called h im "Unc le M ike" a nd liked to spend time at his h ome. He said he d idn't m ind this because "I enjoy~ ~inf( around ch ildren " •J Md )c.mald ha:. a tN!n -agc son and tlaughtc>r who live w ith h is (1rst wife An 1nf;.1n1 daughtN dtt'Cl Ill 1966 Bl'f<•rc· Ml'Don ttld tl.'st 1£1C'd Monday. a neighbor said on th e w 1t1ws.c; stand th1tt he overhl'ard two vounj( ~iris w h o testified 11gtunst McDonald sav. "We J(o t lf nC'le M1kt' good But 1f w e're c11ught lying, wl''ll be 1n a lot of trouble'" Ne1"hbor Philhp Bur1k , w ho lives next to McDonald, S81d ht' hear d t he gir ls talking aa he stood In h is garage last month The girls were 111.&ndlng m front of 9 Ftou!le next door. Burlk aald he heard on e 11( the girls call Md>ona ld "• ('rttp " - s IWOt.44' UW M i@ Rail s trike leaves train depots abandoned lh 'I ht• i\'hlll'IUh•tJ l'tt'!t!> Th,. 'I d •• v 'ii" 11 .1110 ll w I it I ,,,i1111.11 l 1•11g1111·1·1' ... 111k1 • "'" ll'f l ( '.ildw lllo lhl1'"'1\g1·1 11.111\ "''!"'I~ '11 luully ,,1i.111d11111·d .11111 rntlroml Mlf H'I \'1~111':-0 ... 1111ggll11g to d1•llv1•1 111.111 .11111 pr od111 1 ( ',oltl111111.1 1111111IH'I ' o f tl\l• B1 oth1 I hn11d u f l.t1l'VOllll IVt' 1-:11~1111 ·1 ·1 , w1·1111·d u11 • .ff1'1.'lt'l.I h v \A.llld 11( l'rc·,1d1•11t u ... 1g;_111 ':-. 1.oll tor 11111g1 , .. .,_..,.011HI 111lt•rv1•11111111 tu f t' 11 d l h l' " l I I k l' li v l II I .!tr 111111 1111 11ol1t 1 lJllllJll U11l 1.11l111atJ 1111 111.11' w 1·l1onwd th•· Ul 1\\' 'lt.111111o1d 1tll lk1·" doit'l Ul\lllilly 11"1 v 1·ry Io n ~." :<lll d Luu S • h \I'. I 1' I , d1ll11 11111 ll II f l I\ t • 111111111':-. N111 th1•111 V1.1l1f111111 .1 1l1v1-.1un "L'o11gn·s!li1e11111l :wl11111s .11!11w tll'g11t1 .111um1 lu 1 o nl111Ul'. Jlld Wt> 1\111 w c>r k urnltr tlw old l'lllllflll'I w h1d1 IS ll(•l lt·1 tha11 tlw ··0111r:ll'l 11i.111.1g1•1111•11t w.1111:-. U'> to work u11d• ·1 " l.11 ... A11~· "'' 11111'\'I\ I U 1111111 St.1111111 1111111111ll v 1111111 \\'llh "' '"""' .• , :umo p.1,.-.1·11..:1·1' .. "·'' w •• ,. 1·111l 11y M11111t.1 y 1·>.11 ·p1 !111 .... 11111 · fll'llJI , •. JlllS.'lfllg lhl llll~~h l\1111t.1k li.1-. 1111:-i•d d11w 11 th •'111114 "Jil'f .1111111 Wllh tl11 l.1-.I .111\11 IJ>••l•·d ,111 1vul d u1111i-: tlw ... 1rak1· pul1111j( 111 fl um < 'h11 UJ.t•> M11111l.1 y. s .11d i!:dw.11 d M111 ri". i.t1•111 •1 .ti s up1•1111t1•11d1•11 l I 01 /\11111·ak 111 I ,11:. A11g1'11•-. Nolll'I'' 111 \lw :.ll'lkl' W L'f'l' IJll'lt•d oil ~n~ port Bead1 n·~i cl•·nr-. I.rough& a <'ar ni\1al atmo~phert• to a pre~!'> ":c.-onft•rt·11t·t· "ht·n tlwy u1ul•·r~c·on·•I c:rnwt•r11 with f•x pans ion plans l·h ~· 01u· of tlwir 1wi~hhor~ -St . A ntln·w·~ Pr•·~h~·tt·ri a n Church. I• , .. 1111."•d l\111t1<1k ,l,111111 1" Ill lllht•I p.11 t.. 111 tlw :.1,111 /\llh 11ug lt 1111 111 " WI 11' 11111 Ir llllSll"l llllj.( Jit •l'\t1l1•, thl') Wl'l'I' 11111Vlllj.( .11 fc-,1:-.l '>1111111 fr1·1j(ht H.1111 11.ul ,,,.,k1•s1111•11 ,,1111 p11u11ly \A.'" lw111g ).(IVl'll 111 111.111 ,111d 1i.·11-.h .1hh•" .. ud1 ·" 111od11t·1· (111rn 1111 'IWtt•'!> ug111 ullu1.ol 1•1•111t·ri. <:n1w1·1 i. "d1111 '1 ::.1·1·m t 1111 llllH l'l lll'd yl'l lit'l.olll'>I lay f,11 1111• lar 141•:-.I p.11 l 11f I h• · ... 111111111·111:-. 111 I n •sh t1•u1l und v1·J(l't.1hh·!> art· l1v 11 u1·k ." s1.11d Don l,<l('klw1 t o f C'11 l1forn111 '11 M •ikt.•L News S 1·1 v 1t·.-111 ~11l'r .u111•1H 11 Ht· 1·!'t•mult"<l th111 Ii~ IA1 !JO 1x•rn·nl of llll' 11\uk'r. produ('t• h1 Hhippcd by 11 ll• k . u 11d "nwn· t nic·k14 ;1 n · ,,v,11lublc· n o w lJ1•1·au111• tht• v11lu1nt· IS :<luwi11g un lMlllll' lhlllgh II k 1 • I ru 11 .m d 111e Io ns " Unmn Pa1·1fic· spokt-11mttn John I-· 11 r h t• !> :rn 1 d w h 1 I l· 1 1 x I 7 II 1•11.,;1111•1!1'" wen · on s tnkl·, 75 t.o Ill> suµi •rv1sors hud t.ukt·n 11vl•r about 1i,,1f till' :W trto1111t 1h1· r1.11l 111ud norrn.dl y rt.Hl l\ h C't W•·t·n L11" An1<1·h·N and 1.a11 V1•1<all "Wt•'rc· not kt<ldJlll( ouNt•lvt'li thul wt•'rt.• I()() p1•fl'(•1H 1•ff l'l'll Vl', bt•<.OUIJIC' w1•'11· nrJt." i''orh1~ 1111111 "But w1.· u r 1• mu k 1 n I( h 1· .1 cl way 1 ra dd1v.·r111g llw l11uds 111.11 w~rt· l1·f1 b y th1· u11IC1n lo<'<>ffi•>l1v1· l'll~lfll'(>f'h .. lit• .!>JIU ll would prc>h<1bly t.;1k1· 1h1: n·sl 11f the wN·k u, c•ou1vll·tc li,;111 Ul'llVl01'1C'8 In thc.-11 ~"l'S.'11()1) All • lS not a 'haven' S t. Andrew's plan dra~s neighbors' • ire By STEVE MAHUU; Of lhe Oellt Piiot Stell Stt•w;irl ll 1l'k.., Ii,,.., l11·1·n a l l l' n d 1 n g S l A 11 tJ r t• w ' s Pri·sbytt·ne1n Chur d1 for nine y1•ars 111• was rn<.11 1 ll'd tlwn· 111• t•Vt•n ll v1•s 1n ,, huusc· ownt'd hy \Ill' drurdi But l l1t·k s da1r11:-. 1h1· N1·w1:>0rt Ht·..id1 d1urd1 Ii<" g11111• loc> far nuw, l11·c .. ..ik1ng lh<· vny rult'S 1l 1s suµpusNI lt• stand fm 111• suggl'SlS St Andrew's has gon1• out of 11..-. w •• y l1J ;.l1t·natt• his frll•11d s and n1·1i.thh111·s 1n lhl· Cl1ffhav1·11 1·u111111un1ty with a mult1-1111lllon d11ll..i1 1·xpa11s 11111 p lan H 1l'ks soys St Andn•w 's has lt.'d a v1rtw1I "bl1lz krn·g " through t h c· q u 1 <· l , r t• s 1 d 1• n t 1 a I n1•1ghburho11d 11l'Jf Nt•wpurl llarb11r l1 1~h &·ho11I Thi' t'hurch and rnanv <1f its rwighbors for months havt· l>l•en lcl<:k l'll II) a hc•ti \t'd ba 11 ll• over plan::. t<> t'on slrul'l an H5· foot santlucirv on th'-' l'hurt·h grounds Thl• l'h llll h :.avs its t·urn•rH sam·tuarv 1s too ;ma ll a nd th:it worsh1p.1w rs o fl1·11 art• turrwd away Ncgo\l.illlms ht·lwt'l.'11 thl' two i.ldl'S rc•porlt~lly hav1· brnken tiff w1lh both s1d1·:.. blaming llw o thl'I Th..il <;p<tl IS :.c:hl'CIUll'd lo 1·um1• bl'for<' 1111· C11y Cu u 1wll flt'Xl Wl.'<:k M onday evl'ning. Chffhavcn rl•s 1J0n1 ... :-.l;qp•d a prl'SS t·on f1·n ·nn· lunwd µrul1'st rally S igns go up tu un der seor(· lhetr d1st•n t'h a ntme nt w i t h church leaders and their building plans B a rb a ra Whitf o r d . a spokc.•spt:rson for lhl· rL>Side n ts. <itt:used the c hurch o f being less than sincere in trying LO resolve t ht• biller dis pute. She said CliUhaven residents havl' been thr eate n ed with "politic a l c lo ut" by c hun·h l1•adt•rs. S he said church leaders have h eld out false h op e that thPrc was room for negotiations IJll tht· l·>C~n.'>lon. whc.-n sht· l>Old tht•n • rl'ally wasn't Rubt·rl C urti s, a t hurc h membN a nd 1.:het1rman or S t. Andre w 's building committee, rt'lorted that the res1dcnt.s' dairns are JU8t so much n onsense Curlis said the churt':h nas gom• hUt o f 1ts way LO <it.:<:ommoda tt· n·s1dents and. at o n e point. ;igrc'Cd tu scale down tht• planned SClnl·tuary fro m 105 tu fi5 fe<!l "We 've had n o choice b ut lo h slc'n," he said. "T he>y'vt• bt.-en su loud Wt' 1.:ouldn't h e lp b ut lis te n . W e hove been and we rema in st·ns1uve to the ir d e mands ." Bui. said Curtis, the rc.'S1dcnts h ave g onC' overboard in their demands a nd h ave put togeth er a "slick cam,,aign" to d1scred1t the church "Whal they (\he residents) rf'ally want," h e said, "ts for St Andrew's to m ove o ut of t h e n e ighborhood." P eter Gendron . president of the· Cl1ffhaven homeowner gro up, said St. Andrews has long been a good neighbor He said residents are n ot op posc.od w thC' chur<.'h 's expanding . so Icing as 11's don e within reason Hl• said the church should slick with thl! t·ity's 35·foot hC'1ght limit o r fmd a n(•w ::.1tt• whl•rr• thC'rt' 1s more room G('ndro n s aid that 1f the· n1un c ll approvvs the• building plan for the c hurl'h , r('s1dents w ould have no cho 1c:t• but t.o hie a law suit agains t lhl· city :md S t Andrew 's 'CREAN. •11 •·From Page A 1 • • Poor economy blamed for huildillg industry slump .,, ,c;iis 1· $~(),I)()() f111 I lit "'h1Jl1 , anip.11g11 , 11 1111 • 11ldu111 1111111111·nll'd. ·If lw "'"''I\ l :-oi.x ·rHI 111url• th<in :s:;o 1100 ht won ·1 t)I pulling o n mu1 h 1•f .i tJll\pJ1gn Crean's 1m:1gt• prohlt·m:-l1t•g.111 durin g th1· prim.ti'\ wh1·n lw 111unrllv \,\ .1 ... :1cl'u.,1·d by (;()}' • • p p o n £• n t ' '• f c· rn p I ii v 1 n g 1111d erhand1•d t';1mpa1gn 1.<11·l11.., lh ROBERT BARKl~R 01. lhe Delly Pllol Stell 11·., 1111 t'l.ttn11111" .ind 11111 lh1· ( '.dt I 11r11 t.i l '11.i .. 1,;1 l'11111m1-;,111n 1h.i1 1, 1 .. ~µcmo;1blt· 101 1tw ... 1ump 111 th1• busl<l1ng 1ndu s 1ry ll \ t 11 d I Pg l 11 < 11111 Ill I ._ 'i 111 ll , li.111 " <1111,111 Na11n11 ~·h\A. .1rtz. l\11111 d1r1g 111 Sl'l)\A.;irt1 , lllt l'rl's t r:i l!•s .i11· m.1k111g 1l 1mprnf11alllt· tu hlllld h1ln:a-s. ''The.· L('agu1· or Cal1t 11rnt.1 C1 t1t•s n •cf'ntl y said t hat th" building -;Jui11p i:.. not \')II lu:-.1v1 l<t C:.d1for111a or tht· 1•oast," 'ih1· SJ1d "Thl'n· ,ir1• 1•n11ugh l>uald111i.: p1·11111ts lo k1•1·p the· 11111(1,11 1111" bll!>' T lw f ·•l t th.it I 111n 11 ., .011 · 11111 lwmg hut It c m h1 · 11 a1·1 ·d 111 I fi, t·t IHIOlllV "L1ktk al 1h1 11t1111h1•1 o f pt. 111111 1 • x t 1 • n :; 1 11 11 :.. 'I' h <.' " 11 a s l a I l'11 n11111-.:..111n ,... 111rn111g under .1\1.ll k l11 ·tdU'4' II "' •• hJnJv \,\. h1pp1t1g per!>411l ' ~l h\\ "' '' \\ ·"' rt''l>'llld111g lll 111111 ""t 11 \'1·k d 11, Or.1ni.:1· (' u u 11 t ' L • .tH, 1 ( • o u n c 1 I l 1·p11·.,t'lll,l\I\'\'°' Ill 1111\fl(•t llf~ll w1l h d l't'U:..,11111 ' 1111 \h(· Bolsa <. 'h11.1 n1.1r--hla11d-. The labor re presentatives said in a IC'llf'r to Schwartz that to a largl' d egree the comm1ss1o n 1s rC'spons 1ble f o r the lac k o f movC'ment in con struc llon a nd rclcitC'd mduslnes along the C'oast S e c retary-treasu rer Mary Yunt saJd pro.JCt.·ts w ere ready u1 go during morC' fa vo r ablt• Pl'ono m1c times <'X<.'C'pt t ha t they T h al 1m.1g 1· pr11hkm .... i.l'> •()mp11 und1d whrn r1·d1·1al E lt·c.·t1on Co1J11TIIS'>111n rl'p orh 1 1·vl'ak~I Cn·an <;pt·11t 111 l'Xl'P~-. o f :SH00.000. lh1· most in lht• 1·11un1n. in winning hrs pnmarv b1cl · HB clears up utility hill finally T hi· atTim11n111ui, h'n11r of th1 primary rut't• c on v 111l't·d 1h1 "'cond -plac.·1· GOP f1111s h<'r. tnrmer Carbb11ci M av11r H on Paekard, to mount .1 wn11· in Ind l11r tht• gC'n<·r.111·l1'f tum Deadly flood cleanup c ontinues S AN SALVADO R . El S alvado r (AP) RC'sru 1• worke rs dug t hrou~h piles of muddy rubbl(' 1odc1y pressing a '10a r c h f or m o n · v 1l't1m'> of nirrenUal floods that d<i1m1·d at ll'a st 2:l2 l1 v1•s. E l Salvador·~ wnr s t natura l d1s;is\('r in 17 ;pars Hl'ltef ag1·11l y o ff11·1als <;a11I 1 h1•v l'XJ>I'< 11-d the dt•ath toll lo I IS(• l o !)()I) l{(•SC'lH'rS w 1•r1 Jigging through mud. roc:ks a11d 11\hrr debris thc11 slid off h1lb d u r 1 n g r 11 1 n s t h a t b <• g a n Thur~rlay lh ROBERT BARKE R o( 1he 0.11, Piiot St•tf I 1 111.1' h.1v1· s p1·nh :d lh<1 l Jlununglon Bt•<1c·h City C"oum·rl Oll'ml11•1.., w 1·n · h.1rd h1•.1rlt•d last 1111111 l h v. h1•n t ht•y rt' f U:..t'(I to I ulh < ompt•n:-.111· J h11mt~1wners From Page A 1 11.1rf1< 1·11nlrol prnnl..<. w11hm tht• , ·nwrgf'ni·~ planning zone-should 1•\',ll'Unt1on lx'('Omc• lll'<.'t:•ssar y ( >n th1· ha<·k o f the· map IS a lr~l 11f "dus" a nd "d11n'ts" lhal rt·"1d1•n L' ,1fl• H'ikC'd \II llOll' Jl1 lh1• 1•\•t•nt of ..in C'nwr g 1 m v JI th(' 1w.1rlJv nu1 lt'ar puwc•r stallon . .. l>o•;' rangt• from "rt•ma111 1 .1!111," to "µruv1dt· J thn•c-.dav .. upp ly o f food cind wall'I' for P"L'" In the "d o n 'ts " nilumn, th1• ,1:.~11l 1,1t1nn w hic h mis1.1kt-nly paid an t•IC'l'tr1c1ty pill for lht• CllY C)ff1c·wls n·p;11d 11>1· <h •bt in full M11nd,1y night Th(· S 1•ag.1l<• llom1·11wn1·r " A~-..c:x:1.ill11n hcid lx·t·n p.1y 111g 1lw l 'll·l lrit· htll "''V•·n Yt':Cr)'o o n a sc•w1·r pumfJ -.wu1111 a dJ<-lt't•nl to S t• a g a t 1 • t• o n d o rn 1 n 1 um-; 1 n llunt1nglo11 H arbour It wasn't until M <1r< h that tht• it•-..dents learn<'d th1•v v.t•rt• p.1yang the bill by m1:..t."lk.t· The homeo wne rs group last m onth asked the cn y to pay tht> tab o f $8,076.25 But the City Coun c il agrC't-d to pay o nly $5,404.53. The o fficials balk ed at pay inR the entire amo unt until Monday • issue emergency handbooks Ulrlll y s uggt•'L" l'\'Jl Ul'I'" "f(',\\'I' firearms, drugs or altuhol" .11 h11m1• It also 'ugg1·sLo:; rc·s1d1.·n L., lt'.1V1· fun11un• and valuablt•, hC'htnd. say111g Sl'<'Unty w ill lw prov111t•d to eva1·ua111111 arc•as Throughout the• hrochun•s a11· 1lluslrat1ons of smiling t•w1c·u1-.•<, m('ettng al a rc•l't•pllon and < .1rt• t•en tt•r. drav 1n$( to lhl••r dC's1gnalt•d c·V<1('Ual1c111 l'l'nlt•r a n d w a l (' h 1 n g l h l' 1 r h o m c• tc•lt'VISIOO for 111format111n "afl1•1 .1 n c· m .-r g c· n 1 v h .t .; ht'<· n d<•<:larc'<i .. Th<' 16-pagt• "Em .. rgenc y lnforma11on H ancHxxlk ." includes ~'<'lions descnbmg the· different kmds or rad1a l1on : how to s hield voursC'lf against ra d1a t1on. a nd 1h1• diff <·rences bC'lW('C'n an "unu~ual 1•v1•nt. an a h•r t. a site 1· mt' r ~ 1· 111 ;.i and a gen c r a I 1·1111'1 gc•nt v .. Also 1111 ludt·d m lhr package art• n •lurn forms for rrs1den ts who an• hard of h<'armR. v isually 1mpa1 re d or 1n n <'ed o f transportation s h o uld an evacuation be necessary In addition to the information packet. the Orange Coast South lC'lephone directory will include a summary of the e merge ncy pla n and a map o f I.he pla n n ing zone In a le tter to rec1p1e nts. the c hairman o f the board o f Southern California Ech son Co. suggests the map and brochure be "k e pt in a handy place." Jus t in case. Late night fog due along Orange Coast ~~~~~~~~~~-=~~~~~~~-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (;on!Cf (I/ Sof'nl! ea1ly mOfnlng log 01 tow c•ouds al Ill<! t>eocnM 1n Orange C0<.n1y otll6',.l'if! 1111 !Oday sou In P, '' 'o es 1 a I a r ~ 1.l " We1H>PSOa1 ""' n1g11 m l os A11g111es c<><>ld '""' h lhtl m1<1 80s wolh a coaslal high lrom 90 '" 9 7 HtQh• on Inf' moun1111M ~rP e•P<KleO 10 pAAk at 85 Northern desen highs w111 range fr om 85 10 95 w11h 1empere1url'' '" 1ne low de<Jetl 1na1 could 1eat n 105 .... Cn1rl1te NC Chityennt' Cn1caoo C1nconn11t ClevelenCl Columbu~ Otll·FI Wiii Oeyton Den-ae. Mome• OlllrO•t Duluth 711 67 65 J6 !>5 45 11 49 65 47 70 48 81 66 611 48 63 so 60 H '6 36 66 42 40 '2 66 SI 89 60 76 58 Reno Sen Lake San An1on10 Sari 01900 Sa11 Fren Sea Ille Slou• Fe111 St LOUii SI P-hmpa St S1e M41tll! Spol<lne Tooake Tueton TulM Wa1111ng1on 68 76 CAllfOlllNIA 10 33 81 55 81 71 71 65 76 S6 63 58 58 43 8s se 89 73 47 4 1 73 58 61 43 118 85 73 5e 69 83 Sehnas San 8etnerdtno Sen Gebt1el Sen Diego San FrenclllCO San JOH S1n11 Ana Sant• Berbata San•• Crut San1e Marie Sant• Monica Stock Ion T~ '/alley Tha<mtl T0t11nca Yum• d idn't h ave coastal comm1ss1on p<'rm1ts "If It were n't (or the• delay!> by th t• coast al comm1ss1on . 'thev w ould have b C'en built u ndt:r bNlC'r econo mll' l'tmd1t1ons and at low e r anu•rest .. Yunt said that Orangc U>Unl~ cons truc tio n unio n lul·al~ art· rl'porting an unemployme n t rate.· o f about 50 pern•nl n f 1hrtr m<>mlx'n> T h <> labor cou n cil al:.n <.'omplaaned that labor inlt·n"!•l!. w ere being exl'ludt·d by the romm1ss1o n in planning :.t•S.'\IOO!> o n Bols;1 Chica. "Wt> a r(' o utraged that in your t·omments you refcr c nt·cd onl~ on<' small s anglt:>-inlcr<'St group. th<' Amigos de Bolsa Chica. and e xc luded all oth N inte r ested organizations," the letter said "Yo u omission o r labor and othe r respon sible parues from lht.' plan n in g p r ocess reflel'ls p artia lity towards certain groups." said the letk'r. signed by Yunt a nd two labor offtctals. Schwa rtz said s h e n evE'r personally mentioned the Armgos e nv ironmentalist gro up, s he said Orange County labo r had leg1umate concerns a nd that the coast a l commission "w ould continu(' to hear them " Ho w ever, Yunt c laimed that o ther coastal rommass1on o ff1c1als did single out the Amgos for pla nnang session s a nd that Schwartz didn't m a k e any allC'mpt to correct them . 83 48 ------------ 112 53 88 55 77 65 ~ 76 56 80 50 82 58 90 SS 82 52 87 411 7S Sil 82 61 68 29 99 7t 82 57 100 72 Extend ed wt•athe1· SOUTHER N CALI FORNIA, COASTAL AN O MOUNTA IN AREAS -Felt tlK~t tome 1111 nlghl and •••ly morning low OIOudfMU coastal .,_ Hight In ll'la c:oastal aru.1 ••nQl"Q from IOW 70. near Iha l>MGllM 10 io. 901 Inland valleyt Oll9rn1Qt11 lowt M lo 65 Mounlaln r-lhlOl'lt In the 701 end fowl 35 to 50 H•glls !ow 70s al lht' t>eache' 10 low 80s inland vRlll!y, Some petclly late n1 ghl and ea11v morrilng low ciovds end log near tne co111 olherw•SI' 1~1• lh1ouon WedneSday lows to•11ghl 60 lo 66 and n1gh1 WednesdRY ?5 10 85 Ca lifornia Moch 01 Soulllern Celllt')tnoA will b a lre a t11d l o we1 m e r lemp11relu•u W11dn11aday and St11>•eml>f!< au ""'' Ilea bet!n 111e creenesl In 1111 1•11 111r1111 ye111. 8CCOfdlng to woelhl!f end lltr quallly olllclalt Bottlers l•om Po•nl Conc;ep11on lo lhe Mf'•oc1n bo1de1 should erpecl 11g111 vAr tal'lle wrndl t>ecom1no •oulhwe911!fly Al 10 10 18 knols m lhe allernoon and even1n11 Wtlh • I to.2 IOOI •oulhwe91 swf!ll Nt)rlllwesl wmds over out or wate1 a will rAnge from 10 In ?O ~nnr• w1111 3·10-!>·•ool 'M!BJ l 1 •• ti; •. ~1111111u1ry Showera lllunde•••ormt and dllulo d•mpened I~ upper Oh•o RIV!lf ••lley IOOlly And strelGhed along Ille Gull Coest and over lh• Allentic coast slate. El PHO F11trb1nk~ FleQllalf Heriford Honolulu Houllon lnOnaplfa Jeck1n MS JKktnvlle Juneeu l(•n• C•tv l H Vagu llllle Roell Los AnQlllel Lou1tvllle Mempllll Mleml Mllwauliee Mpll·SI P New Orla•nt Nl!W Vork N0tlolk 84 66 74 91 55 511 llO 77 82 H Boker1lletd 49 • 8111tow 64 Beaumont 11 BIO 88¥ ,3 Blylha '5 EuttU 83 Fresno 62 Lencatt41f 63 Long BellCh 112 81 IHI 511 112 48 10 29 98 70 70 55 82 55 112 50 .. 59 12 83 ~---.,,.-...-~U---· R_f R_IP_IR_T Jim Blrakos. dl1tr1Gt manager fOt t,_. Aft Ou•llly Man11gemen1 Ortlrlcl. saya 111at from Jen I uolll Sunday ,,,. South Co.II Al< Be11n had only 57 flrtl·alege ""OQ eie<ta com~••IKI Wllll IHI rn ,,,. .. ,.,. perlOO .......... llnd 75 In tll80 'And II IOol<t lll<e II Wiii llay that way · M Hid T~ Nallonll WHlh41f s ... vlce. miun wh ll 11 , pra dlCl•d Iha conllnuellon of tunny 1kle1 and palcNis ol row c1nod1 mo111 In The upp111 Mldwes1 and P111ne 111e Oak OIH M1n"4tso11. par11 or Nebrtske Iowa lll'ld W1a<:on11n ware under lhretl of lrMui warntno• before dewn too11y Ck>u<!y •lile9 ltng11<9d over ,,.. upper Great l tikH end wldaly ~11 ... lld _.._, tOUGhad part1 or New M•••co •nd Arllona Warm lempereturn In the 701 end 801 pre¥111ad 1n the Sun Bell Thvnd4tfttorma were expaclad 10 continue tn 1h11 Allantr<: region and Ovtlf lhll •oVthern hall 01 tlla I Rocky Mounteln region• loday r11r lklea were e•pecltd eltMIWha<a, HQtlPt fOf aom41 cloutl cover from Iha Gutt Cou1 10 the Ore•t IA~ff lhe Cllllly Wltll<t of Iha NO<lh Aflentic turned troplc11 11orm Oebby 1n10 a poorly defined wHlhat ayatam. Iha N111on1f Huwe-lAnlar IMlld Debby 1oe1 llurrtc1n1 1t111u1 Sunday n10111. end Mond1y tl'lt llotm wee moving towti•d ,,,. 81111111 I•••• el 46 mph T1mper11ura1 before dawn ranged lrom 32 at Hlbblno. Minn , 10 13 In PhOtlfllx. Teniperatures Albany Alblique AnGllOfaQe Allllnla Atlenlc Ct'f 81ltlm0t• 81tmtno11m BOIN Bolton Bullalo Cherlalri SC Cherllln WV 67 60 69 S• 5!1 ,3 711 61 66 60 83 61 711 61 611 47 62 52 10 46 80 78 11 SS Okie C•ly Omtih• Oftando P11111dPh141 P~nl• Pll1tblirgh Ptland. M• Piiand. Ort PrOVl!Mnoe 70 77 88 58 58 85 61 78 73 55 111 5~ 102 73 82 8~ 85 411 Los Angalat 64 MatyaYllfe 79 Monrovia 48 Mont•~llO 44 Montet..,, 71 Mt WMton SS Need .. • Ill N41wOo<t 8"ell se °"'""° 43 PaHll SP'•noa 73 Pa.,.o.na 58 P..oR~ 74 Rlyt(ll(I• 0 Alld Bluff 49 ~O<I Cltv 67 "9no 48 Sec•lt'n9lllO 111 62 L-tleft r, :: Huntlnoton Blufta 5 HuntlnOton Pit! 7: 6~ 8an11 Ane AIYe< Jttty 1 8 70 401h St~ 97• I l 22nd 8t Hewl>O<I "' 88 81141>oe WlMIQe 18 illoGllp41a. Leeuna 1117 1181 Sleepy Hollow Thei19 .• erao111 H 4t llln Cle!Mnta Plef ~ :! Tr•fllOtf IO " IT..f"l,..O 10 ~ fomorrcr;;,,:,t" Tide; .,. ti o.r.:iton 8ou ,...., .. .. , ..... 2'·3" t.., It 1·2 It 1-2 n 1·2" 1·2 ti 0· I It O• I It O·t n '~" 1-3 n .. ..... T~ ee 15 15 95 IS 16 15 t6 t6 t6 .. 12 41 p.m. Low Tide: l :lt 1"' .,..... Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOTITuuday, September 21, 1182 STATE Building climber fails By Tbtt Anoclat~d l'reu SAN Jo'H ANl'ISt'O A tUXl-<lo dud :-.1\111l 11rn11 t1 y111H 1 " h 1.· u 11.· 1 11 , • tt ~ :1 r .. o 1 T r u 11 i. a m 1• 1 1 t· u P y 1 u m 1 ti surn·ndt•rl•d tu µoht·t• ubuut halfway up tht• ungular Sun Frant'IS('O landnwrk, anJ wus qukkly arr~k"<l uht•r 14 hours of l'l1mb111g . · · T h t• r l' • s n o I u g 1 1· a I t•x plunation" for lht• 14 hour l'hmb. Ron Bruyks mud bt:fon· his ar n •sl Monday ni~ht 0 11 llll' ;J!>th fllJOI "l 'l11111J111g U l11Jlldmg lO 1111' lS JU!il hkt• II µalt• of cl11 ly luu11J1 y Yuu n·ul11.c.• i.ot11lt'1 01 luh'r It hui. lo "4· dun1• " The :.!U y1•11r u l d Llls Angt•lt•s mun who dt•scn lwd h1ms .. 1r us an ··urbu 11 muunlU1nt-t•r" wus held 111 lll'u of $3,000 ball ufll'I' bt•rng bol)kt•d for invl'st igation of f<·lon y malicious m isl•h il'f, rnisdt> nwanor lr<.'tlpassmg a nci rc>sisting or dt>laying a rrest. Prince Philip visits LA LOS ANGELES l'nm·1.· P hilip of Eng land wants lo l'on v1rwe afflu1.•nt l'Onsunwri. they c·an do without luxury goods made Crum tht• carl'aS.'>('S of endangcrl'd 11nimals. and the wealthy a re p:1ying lo hl'lp him spread the word Q u ee n E l 1zabl'th !l 's husband, presiden t o f tht· World W1ldh rt· Fund, passtod the first cvcnanf.! of his six dav Southl·rn California v1sll at ~ $5.000-a -pcrson bt·neht for tht• Swiss-based animal prolt~:llon group Former St"<.Tt•tary of Stalt• Alexandl'r Haig Jr. and a{'tor Jimmy Stewar t were among the 50 guests invited to the J . Paul Gl•tty Museum an Malibu Mo nday night by Cordon Getty. son of the oil magnate, Shark attacks biologist liARBERVlLLE A Stall• ma rine biologist. attatked and mau led by a gr eat wh1t t' shark, nt"t.'dt'<.i 100 stitc·hcs to close gaping wounds caused by tne creature's slashing tl'eth. officials said today. T he sha rk. estirnat<'CI to be, WORLD at least 12 feet long, attackt'd M1chat'l Herder on S unday while he and tw o other men were diving i n t h e Bear Harbor ar<'a of thl' Synkonl' Wildernt'ss Area about 250 miles nor th of San Francist·o. Israel supports troop return By Tht-Au odated Preu Thl· ltcrat•h l(oVl•rnnwnt, fn<:lng u s torm of c.•rit1c1s111 11Vt."r thl' &•irut rt•fugl't' l'ump massal·res, today npprovcd the n•lurn of U S .. ft'n•nch und I Utliun truops to thl' Lcburwsc C'upit.al but rcj<'<'tcd proposuli; for an 0CC1dal inquiry into thc slayin~s. Ca b inl'l Secrc>ta r y D an Ml'ridor announ<.'t.'ti thl' dt'l:isions in u statcmc.·nt rcud to reporters in J l•rusulcm a fter a 5 If, -hour Cab1m•l mL'Cting. The sla tl'mcnt said Prime Min1s tc•r M1•nac h cm Bcgrn's gover nme n t "appr oves t h e proposa l of thL• president of the United S ta tes. M r Ro n ald R eagan . to r <.'-l'St dblts h multinational fon·c " It said Is r ael suggest s a coordinating l'Omm ittee of Israel, L ebanon, the United States, France an d Italy "to ensure that in the new circumstances the bloody .~erro r will n o t b e renewt-d. Isral'I blames the massacre on Lebane se Christian militiamen and d enit•s Israel h ad a n y responsibility. d irect or indirect, for th<.· slayings of at least 160 rt•sidents of two mostly Moslem refugee <.'amps. Whe n ask<.•d if Isr ael w ill ac-c<.'<.it• to the U.S. and Le banese demands to pull its troops out of Beir u t , \Vt cridor replied , "We intend to tak<' our forces' out o f Be irut." But h e w ould no t t>laborntt'. T he dec1s1on paves the way for the..· n.-turn o f thl· U S. Mua ln1·H and ~·n·m·h 11ntl ltuliun troops w ho l('ft tlw Lt"bum•1w c.·upital uCu•r uvcrSt.•t.•ing the..· w ithdrawal of the P1.1lc.•11 t lnl' L lht•rut ion O q "an izution g ut•ri·llllu anc.J Syrian troups lust month. P resident Ht•LJ'kon announcc'd Monday in WWi hlnKlon that U.S . Marines would return tu Beiru\ w ith Israel's a pprova l. u nc.J France and Iwly also SC1id thl'Y would sent! troops buck to thl' Le banes..-c apital. T h e three <.'Ountries' forces supt!rvi!l4..>d tht.> , eval·uation of Palc•s l 1n <' Liber a t ion O rg a n1 zat1on guerrillas and Syrian troops from Beirut last mon t h undt.>r a U.S .-sponsorc>d plan. Seve ral l awmaker i; arc criticizing Rl'agan's det·1s1on to send U .S . troops back int o Leba non, with one Democratic senator saying it will be a "miracl e" if n o n l' o f the Americans a re klll<.'d. Other members of Congress. howevl'r. expressed rcluctanl support for Reagan's move, a lthou g h few gave it thei r enthusiastic backing. Reaga n announced Monday that he is ordering the Marint.>S back to Lebanon to "h elp bring that nightmare to an end." Sen. He nry J ackson, 0 -Wash .. said the decision Lo send troops is "not wise and I think it can lead to furlher trouble." Jackson said the M arine s would be targets of snipers w ho can "operate with impunity." Challe~ges surf Dave Settles of Huntington Beach rides to sixth plac·e finish in the junior's division of Huntington Bea ch Surf Contest. Gary Clisb y, 16, also of Huntington Beach, '!'a& overall champion of week tournament. Gemayel elected in Lebanon BEIRUT. Lebanon In a r a r e display of M os lem and Christian coopera tion . Am in Gemayel was elected president today w rt•place his you n ge r b rother whose assassi na t ion a week ago unleashed an Israeli drive into west Beirut and th<.' slaughter of hundreds o f Mos le m refugees. Pres1dl·n t Elias Sark is next Thursda y Eighty of the 29 s ur v iving mem bers o f Parliament showed up for the elecuon at the army's military academy in su b urba n Fayyad1eh. three mJles east of &-irut. Irvine firm official ''guilty'' Parl iament e lected t ht• 39-yea r-old lawyer by a 77-0 vote, with thrt'l' blank ballots, t o succeed incumb C'nl Guards ringed the academy and posted sharpshooters on rooftops t o protect t h e lawmakers. A black -draped portrait of the slain Bashir Gemaye l was hung inside t hl' building. Controls relaxed in Mexico TI JUANA , Mexico M exico 1s r elaxing some con t r o l s on e xchanging curre n cy so that Ame rican shoppers and foreign-owned assembly plants will continue to bring dollars south of the border Gov Roberto de la Madrid of Baja California announced the adjustments Lo reporters Monday after talks between NATION U.S . and Mexican governors whose border states are most affected by Mexico's worst financ ial c ris is 1n half a century The six Me xican and four U.S . governors agreed to set up a b1 -nat1onal c.'Omm1ssion to study the impact of currency restrictions. which still apply to Me xicans and are hurting U.S . border merchants who rely on their business Congress mulls rail strike W AS HI NGTON T ra ns portatio n Secretary Drew Lewi s 1s ask i ng Congress to approve quickly legislation ordering an end to the crippling stnkt-against the nation's freight railroads . Rep. John D Dingell. D-M1c h .. called Lewis a nd other witnesses before has House Energy and Commrrc<' Committee today to te-st1fy on President Reagan's request for congressional action. Efforts to end the 3-day-old strike by locomotive engineers moved to Capitol Hill w hen ta lks between u n ion a~ m a nagement negotiator s broke off after a three-hour session Monday. L OS A NGEL ES (AP) - Federal prosecutors say millions o f dollar s in b ribe money to Mexican oil company officials was included in contracts for equ ipment f r o m America n manufaeturcrs in the late 1970s. Justice Depa rtme nt paper s detailing the accusations came to light Monday whe n the president of C.E. Miller Corp. of Irvine, Charles E. Miller. pleaded guilty to one l'O Unl o f a iding and a betting bribery. He ente re d another guilty plea on behalf of his com pany. w hich also was charged. M iller faces a m axim u m sentC'nCC of fi ve years m prison 2 s tranded on island found safe By The Associated Press Two persons stranded ashore over night on S a n Clem e nte Is land whe n their boat went adrifl were found safe. acr-ording to the Navy. T h ey were amo n g fo u r occu p an ts o f the R ega lis. a 45-foot yacht tha t illegally tied up Sunday on the deserted island which the Navy uses for naval artillery practice. A Navy spokesman said the two we re in good condition and released. Treasury hill yields down The other two members of th e party were found by Navy personnel Sunday night as they walked toward the naval station to report their boat had gone adrift The stranded pair had become separated from the other two. the spokesman said. WASHI NGTON Yields on s hort -term Tre asury securities have fallen slightly. hitting the ir lowest level in about a month. officials said. About $5.6 b11l1on in new three-month bills were auction ed M onday a t an ~-y l="O•'f II VOV 00 l"lo()t fl11-...t• vovr paper by !. JO 0 M C•ll a.tn-.. I om ano 'fOv' cuo" ""'H o. Otthw_..,fll(l $elutdl V and $"n<J1y If yO\ol 00 ~I ;::~• ,tf.":n c~:d• v::, :o~.,,":...~,~ o.t•v9'fed average discount rate of 7.849 percent. down from the 8.161 percent of last Monday The government also sold about $5.6 billion in six-month b1 lls at an average rate of 9 443 pe rl'ent. d own f rom 9 704 percent. After a reprimand from Navy officials. the four returned to the boat's homepor t in Ne wpor t Beach . The Coast Guard said the boat was operated by T homas Trojnar of Fullerton. T he island is located 65 miles northwest of San Diego. We're Listening ••• What du you like a bout the Daily P1lol? What don't you like? \all th<' number be low and your message will be recorded. 1 ranscribed and deli vered to the appropriate editor The s ame 24 hour answenng service may be used to record let ters to the editor on any topic Ma ilbox contribulors must include their nam<' and te lC"phone number for verification No circul alion 1·alls. please Tell us what ·s on your mind 642•6086 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomot P'. Haley P11~+,ktu °''d Ch~4'1 £ •tt(ut .,,,. Ofl•rf'i'' Jone AmOfi f ·~v'•"@ fd1t0t L. Kay Schulh Voee P•otlden• ond O~eclOt ot Ad•9'11\ln~ Michael '· Hemley !Necror o4 ~0<• e•"'Q l(wcwlo11onl Thomas A. Murphine fr1110< '· Raymond Moct..on Con11o4lef '\Kenneth N. Ooddatd Jr. D• KIO< o4 Op..°''°"' --./ CIH11fled 1dver1l1lng 714,.42-5171 All o~er cse.,.r1men11 142,.321 MAIN OfflCE POWntlevSt CO\l•Me••.CA M•lf •OO,..H lo• l!tQ, CO\I• ~ ... CA ~ Cooyrl9M ,.., ()<-Co .. I Pu011"11"9 (-y No n-• •tori." 11111\lr•llOfl" •Olto<1a1 m.iter.,. _. o r ll .. .....,ll ,,.,.,,. mey lie reprOOut.O wll'-'I •P«I•• .,.rmh\IOn of cc111yr19111 •• ,., VOL. 71. NO ... and a $1 0.000 fine, and his firm could be fined a maximum of $1 miJlion, William Pendergast o{ the Jus t ice Depa rtme n t iQ Washington. D.C .. said. He is free on a $5.000 personal r{'(.'Ognium ce bond a nd as scheduled to be sentenced Oct. 25 by U.S. 0 1str1ct Court J udge• David W . Williams. The case is the first in wh ich an individual has been charged unde r the Fo reign Corru pt Pract ices act . b ut sever al compa nies have faced s uc h charges in the pasl. C .E . M ill er. wh ic h now operates unde r a diffe re nt name. was d escribed as a firm that engineers a nd ma k es turb'ne compression systems for use m the petroleum industry . The government charged that paymc>nts of 5 perce nl of each turbine system sale price were to go to G roupo Indus trial De lta S .A .. which was to pass the investigation into allegations that severa l Amer ican petrol-:urn equipment companjes made tarp payoHs to P em e x officials - known by the code name "follca" -to obtain or keep contracts with Pemex. m o ney to t wo o ffic ials o f Pe ndergast, who came to i..o. Petroleos Me xicanos, Peme x, the Angeles for Miller's arraignment, national oil compaAy of Mexico. said the government ch arged· The governme nt said that tha t Mille r helped Crawford Miller and his company assisted Enterprises, Inc., of Houston, in a in the payme nts through the use ...,ribery scheme in January, 1978. of commerc ia l airc ra ft tra ve l .. be tween L os Ange les a n d ln the late 1970s, Miller's (inn w as a subcontractor of Crawfold Enterprises, which sold turbine compression s>:stems to .Pemex. Houston. T h e J ustice De part m e n t documents w e re filed in a n ... Ofano-Oout OAIL.V PILOT/T.ueeday, leptember 11, 11U Books listed that aid • ID tracing obsolete stocks DEAR PAT : I hlurlted my 1rudmotller'1 eatate ~11 1ammer aad llave ru acro11 a lar1e box fllled wltll eN 1..0 cerUflcatn. Are "ere uy refereee book• tllac co•ld llelp me leara "•Ir wortll1 S.G., Huttutoa Beaeb The Securities and Exchan.le CommlMlon prqvlded the name. of the following book.a, which you probably oen find in a public library or at • s tock exchange or broker's office: "Marvin Scudder Manual of Extinct or Oboolete Securities," published by Marvin Scudder in four volumes. stocks issued from 1926-1937; "Robert D. Fisher Manua l of Valuable & Worthless Secu1itiea," volumes five through l4, which includes securities iaued from 1938-1975; "Valuable and Extinct · S«urltlt!I," pubUahed In 1"°4 1md J~2ti by R. M. Smythe & Co. Inc .. 170 Broadway, New York, N.Y. lOO!U~; '"l'ht• NutlonBI S tock Summary.'' publlt1ht·~ by the N•tlonal Quotation Burt"au Inc , 116 Nu.ou St., Nl'w York, N. Y. 10038; "Moody's lnduurh•ll Manual" a nd "OTC lndu1trlal Manua l.'' publiahed by Moody'• JnvcJ8tor Scrvk't'9 Inc., eg Church St., New York, N.Y. 10007, "Stock Owde," publlsht'd by Standard & Poon Corp., 346 Hudaon Sl., Ne w York, N.Y. 10014; "Fitch'• Ct>rporall> Stock Reviews," publlahed by Fiwh Investors Servku, 12 &relay St., New York, N.Y. I0007; and "Financial Stock Gulde Service,"_publlshed b}'. Financial Information lnc., 170-Varfok St., ew York, N.Y. 10013. IRS suards records DEAR PAT: Wbt 1tept doea .. e laterul ReveDH Service take to prevent 1omeoae t lH from ob&alal•I laformalloa from my tax reeord1: O.T., Fouatal• Valley The IRS hH desl1nt>d an extt:n•lvt' 11c-curlty proaram to prl'Vl'nt unwarrantf>d dlaclo•Utt' of taxpayt:r Information IRS rt•prt•at>ntBtlvt•a mull fo llow 1Hrl nait•nt prcx."todun~ dNlan<.'<i to verify th~ ldt•ntlty of e ach tax pay(•r w ith whom they d<•al. Taxpayers vlalllng an IRS olfk-e Bre not given confidential tax Information unleu they have an IRS notke or bill, a copy of their return, or have o thc.>rwlae properly Identified thefl'WelVetr. Taxpayen who phonl' the IRS must llkewlac Identify thcmaclves before any <.'Onfldential tax Information Is diacusled. Burial benefits !or widows DEAR PAT: Wiil tl1t Veteran1 AdmlDl1tratloa provide burial beaeflt1 for a widow of a veteraa? I'd al10 like to know bow maay veteran•' «'•meterletltbere art la tbls COHtry. H.K., llHlla1toa Beacll A widow muy Ix• buru.•d In u r111t1onul t't.'OWtt•ry If the• Vl'lc-rtm Bli,11 la bum-d tht•H• Otht•1wl•••, no uth..r burwl hNH fllfi u1<' ovullablf' to lwr. The Vtitt>run11 Admanlstrat1011 opcrah.'li I05 national remctt•f'it'!I ln ~8 11t.at1• und !"'ut·rw R1ro Wld is d<'vd uping five m•w C'i'01Nc•1h11 to ll\t'('t futurt• nc't.od!> Currl'ntly gmvc'\itt>s on• ova1labll• an 58 ~·t•mctc>rh·1> Tht· cxpundC'd 11ystem will c:ons1st of 9,000 ac..ri-s 11( land whc•n Cully .dc•wlopt-d --·,.aoi a problemJ .Thcn w.cite..U> Pat Horowitz. Pat wJU cut red tape, ... 1 geWng the answers and action you • n eed t o solve ine quities in n government and business. M 11ll . . your questions to Pat Horowitz, At 'rour Service, Orange Coast Dai.Jy Pilot, P.O. BoK 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered. Trumpeter Red Rodney gives his all and Takahashi Obi waxes mellow on vibes at Monterey Jazz Festival. •I U.S. tells how to protect yourself against • crime . By The A11oclated Pre11 Are you guilty or contributing to a crime? President Reagan has urged legislation to fight crime and make it harder for Criminall to escape punishment. But many crimes could be P.revented without additional laws or enforcement efforts if conswnen acted to protect themselves. A guide distributed by the Justice Department says that an estimated half of all auto thefts result from keys left in the ignition and one-fourth of all illegal entries into homes are made through unlocked doon. "We are not so much victims of crime as w e are accomplices," says the guide, "How to Protect Younelf Against Crime." Moat people are familiar with the need to protect their homes with deadbolt locks or other security devices. But they frequently ge t' careless when they are away from home. Here are some things you can do to make your life safer: ON THE STREETS -Limit your losses. Don't carry more than you can afford toloee. _ , -If confronted by a robber. surrender your valuables and do so qwckly, but without making any sudden moves. -If you must defend yourself -if your attacker isn't satisfied with robbery -scream for help and try to run. Robben and muggers usually pick victims who are less able to fight than they are. -If you are carrying a purse or briefcue, try to walk near the building side of the 1ldewalk, with your pune or cue ln the hand away from the 1treet. A shoulder bag should be carried over one shoulder, suspended between your arm and body. Do not croea the shoulder strap over your body; many pune snatchers operate by yanking hard on the strap while p~hing their victim in the opposite direction; you could risk serious injury. -A void weapon s like handguns or knives that can be tume against you. A whistle on a "We are not so much victims of crime a s we are accomplices." bracelet or strap around the wrist may be a better defense. Don't hang the whistle on a ch ain around your n eck: the robber may strangle you to keep you from sounding an alarm. -Spre-ad your valuables around. Try to carry money, credit cards, identification and keys in separate places or, at the very least , in sepa r ate compartments In your bag. -If you witness a crime, call police or an ambulance. Don't try to be a hero .• Do not intervene until you have called for help' and don't take any action even then unless you are positive there is no danger to you personally. IN YOUR CAR -Check a ll sides be fo r e getting in. Look for flat tires, obstructions in front of the wheels and any signs of illegal entry. If you think your car has been broken into, call lhe police and wait. Don't risk disturbing fingerprints or other evidence. -Even if everything appears n ormal. look through the windows before you get in. You might discove r someone crouching on the floor. -If your car won't start aft.er you 've left it ln an unfa iliar area. parking garage. etc. be careful. The problem could have been caused deliberately. Scan the area. If you don't see anything suspicious get out, lock the doors , and call for help Do not accept a stranger's offer of assistanc.-e. lf he or she insists and tries to get you to unlock the door, blow the horn and keep blowing it until the stranger goes away or help arrives. -If you must carry valuables, consider an alarm system, but weigh the pros and cons carefully. Any such system 1s subject to false alarms and may be ci r c umvented by an experienced thief. An alarm system also can simply tip off a thief to the fact that there 1s something worth stealm~ -Don't stop in a remote location. even 1! 1t looks like there is an at'C1dent or someone m need of help. Drive off and call for help. Ir someone tries to enter your car at a stop sign or s~p hght. pull away Sound your horn to attract auenuon and head for a service st.a lion or other source of assistance. Readers 1ligest issues condensed version of the Bible NEW YORK (AP) -The 23rd Psalm is now the 13th, and there are neither chapten nor vel'9e9 in a new version of the Bible from the people who have condenaed everything from. works of Homer to thoee of Lewis Carroll. version. the streamlined Bible is "smoother, more invilin8. more readable" says Jack Waiah, the But the editon of the Reader's Digest Bible say it is better for being smaller. Forty percent shorter than the 850,000-word Revised Standard · editor who began cutting in 1975. "The average reader who sits down to read the St. James or Swiss town honors clown . VEVEY, Switzerland (AP) -This mountain town has tipped Its derby to a famous neighbor, unveiling a bronze statue of Charlie Chaplin. The life-size statue depicts Hollywood's clown prince as millions remember him -in tails and bow tie, cane in the right hand and a roee, clasped to his che8t. ln the left. Creeled by F.ngliah 9Culptor John Doubleday. it WM oommillioned last year by officials of Vevey, which overlook.a Lake Geneva. Chaplin lived In an 18th century hillside mansion ln the village of Conier -above Vevey - •UFFELL'S from 1953 until Christmas Day 1977, when he died at the age of 88. Municipal officials said his widow, Oona, left an oveneu holiday to return for the unveiling. Also pre.ent was Anette-Emilie, one of the couple's eight children. Mayor Bernard Chavannes said Chaplin's preeence had ~n an honor to the re~on. The statue, which coet $24,155, is a replica of one created by Doubleday for London'• Leicester Square. UPHOLSTHY 114' tit ....... ltJZ HtUIOI IUD. .......... ········ -· .. -····· COSTA MIM -141-1116-Newport to Avalon ,, ' f RSV Bible never tinlshes," inessential or repetitive by the reduced by only 15 a nd 25 explained Walsh, a 54-year-old editors and their consult.ant, the perrent, respectively. editor who condensed part o f Rev. Bruce Metzger of the Although none of J esus' New "Moby Dick" before tackling the Princeton Theological Seminary. Testament words are changed. 10 Bible. But weU-known passages are left percent are deleted. Abo ut 5 Although other abridged forms alone and can be located in the percent of the Reader's· Digest of the Bible have been published, index of the Bible. released over Bible consists of new words used 1 the weekend. to make transitions. the Reader's Digest claima only Walsh said he was amazed to ita edition cuts the standard Bible Some of the Bible's 66 books (and that even the fa .nous line-by-line to excise what Digest were subs tantially reduced, epistles of St. Paul were "loosely editors call "the three r 's": · 1 di "'-·od Ch j 1 d repetition . rh etor i c a nd mcu ng.c.A us, ron cesan expressed"letters thatlhe feisty red\. Deuteronomy. each of which lost p r e a c h e r d i c t a t e d undancy. about seven out of every 10 extemporaneously to a secretary. Space al.so is saved by deleting words. But the New T~tament Sometimes '"Paul got a lattl~ _lar--=g:....e_b_l_oc_ks __ of_ma_te_n_·al_'_dee_med ___ g~oe__;,pe_Js_o_f_M_ar_k_a_nd __ L_u_k_e_w_e_re __ ca_r_r_ied _away," Walsh said NEW WA ~Annualized 1Ve1~7f1Rate RM ACCOUNT •a 2117to 3l ..,.,Mlnl221u211 .... nce $20,000. Acttodayonthishighrateaccount.StopinatyournearestAllstateSavings. office or call collect (213) 240-5913 and a member of our Bank-by-Mail Department will be happy to help you. TI)is account is fully insured up to $100000 by the FSLIC. Allslahi SIVll18S "'-"" ... ....-.. ... __ .. ,.....,.. ..,. _ ... _, ,_ .... _ .... ·-, ...... ,.,..._ ..,... ......... ..i_ ,....,., ... -.-..... Orange co ... DAILY PILOT/Tueeday, September 21, 1182 Mayor's a champion of a commuter 700 miles T lw 'mayor of Elmwood Pint•(•, Ohio, a 11u bu1 ban Cincinnati village, has quite a commute. Ht' work• more than 700 miles away in South Dakota. Me lvln Griffin , a m eat pack'-'r who has llvt.>d on the sum<.' street her<' ror all of his 48 years, flew to Sioux Falls, S.D .. last week to lu.'t•p from losinf his job and retirement bcne Its. He doesn't drive and until last wee had navcr been · a plane. Gr iCCin worked 29 years and eight months Cor the Partridge Meat Co. plant in Cincinnati. which closed in August. He will be eligible in f o ur m o nth s for fu l l retirement benefits of $550 a month. The tria l o f "To nig ht Show" host J ohn ny Carson on misdemeanor c harges of drunk e n driving wa s· postponed Monday to Oct. 18 by a judge whQ warnt.'<i that no further delays would be allowed. "There will not be another Seniors' suppers slated Two "super suppers" per week, plus a movie. will be offered senior citizens by Orange Coast College's community service office. The s uppers will be 'served on Monday and Wednesd ay evenings. Sept. 27 through Jan. 26. in OCC's cafeteria, from 5 to 6. People 50 to 60 may purchase dinners for ' $1. 75 each . People 60 and over will receive dinners (or $1.65. Dinner r eservations may be m a d e by ph o n ing 556-5880. Senior movies, for persons 50 and over. will be screen e d Monday evenings. beginning Oct. 11. The movies wi ll begin a t 5:45 p .m . in OCC's Forum. Admission is 99 cents, and tickets will be available at the door. Films on the agenda are: Oct. 11 , "African Queen": Oct. 18, "Lost Horizon'': Oct. 25, "To Kill a Mockingbird"; Nov. 1. "Count of Monte Cristo"; Nov. 8. "Man in the lron Mask"; Nov. 15. "It's a Wonderful Life": Nov. 22, "T e-n From Your Show of· Shows"; and Nov. 29. "What's Up, Doc?" OCC sets • seminar A seminar for senior citizens, titled "How to Prevent Violent Crimes." will b e presented at Orange Coast College in Cos1.a Mesa. The seminar is slated Sept. 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. in OCC's Forum. Single admission is $3. Couples will be admitted for $5. Seminar lecturer is Mark V. Lonsdale. a security con su lta nt, martial arts instructor. and combat weapon s competitor. Business explained A meeting o n "Starting Your Own Import/Export Business" will be h eld at t h e S h eraton Newport, N e w port B each, Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Doris Nieh. foreign t r ade lec turer and l n at r uctor a t UC R iversid e a nd UCLA Extension, wiJJ preside. For in formation. call 536-5710. Colton fund TUL A RE (A P) California Pla ntin g Cotton Seed Dlatrlbuton haa a llocated 1 151,260 for research . Dlrertora d ecid e d t o d o n ate ... 750 to University of Califo rnia r esearch •pecl11l1tt for project• r •llt1n1 t o cotto n production probleml In lhe Sin Ja.quin V 1Uey. con llnuunc~ air1uHl•d," 1flld Bt•vt>rl)' H illa Munldpu l JudJ(c Claarlea D. Boa111. "Thia matter 111 solna to trlul one way or unotht•r on lht~ 18th.'' B oags p os tponed t he ma t t e r afte r Caraon's attorney. Robert L. Sllaplro, satd he hadn't finished l oo king at a ll th«> prosecution's cv1d1•nrt' yet. Deputy District A ttorney Phlll Wynn did not contest the. ...... ·~--- Inspiration strikl'S diUcrent people different ways. For P evo Culllford of Belgium, c r eator of the c uddly charac ters k no wn in the United Stat.es as the Smurfl, inspiration struc-e form of table salt 25 ., go. The author of children's books was at the dinner table and found himself at loss for the right word for what he wanted to shake on his food. "Pass the u h , uh ... sch troumpf (Flemish for 'wh'atchamacallit)," he said, according to the Sept. 27 issue of People magazine. ·Now Tht• nor\M.'r\."' w111 ti ruott'(l In h111 rtWnwry and wa11 tht· 11turt1nte pulnt for tht• fl(x·k of fuur·rintwrt'CI blul' trull11 an wh1ue bonnNs that huvt.' bt't·n fraturl'd in 25 book11 by Cull lford. Pit uburgh Symphony mw.1c director Andre Prevla has been namt>d full-Um<" music director of th•• Royal Philh armonic Orchl•stra In London , b u t won 't leuvt' fil\aburib.J.<> qo_it. "I did not accept thc Royal Philharmonic post until l had ascertained that I t would not Interfe re with as much as a morning's rehears al h e re ." Previn said. PMVIN "W e don't think it will affect us at all," said Marshall Turkin, managing director of the Pittsburg h Symphony. "His contract with us will conunue." 11111 Prnvln has ugrt•C'CJ to a thrt~-yc.•ur contrul'l with thr H oya l Ph1lhurmo n l<:. tx•acannlng an Junr 1985. Si ngQr Dolly Parton, h08pltalazed carll('r thili yt•ar with gyn<'t.'Olog1(•al probl<•ms, Is r('(.'OVcring from abdominal surgery at home in Nashville. Tem1 .. but hope to rcsumt! work In a couple of months. Parton. 36; was forced to cancel a concert two weeks ago in Indianapolis and Oy to New York fbr treatment, a s p o kc s w o man f or the enter tainer, Beverly Ma1ld, said. The problem turnt.'<I out to be bleeding abdominal polyps. whicb were benign and r c mo./ed through surgery, Magid said, adding that no more problems are expected. Billy Carter, brother ot former Presideol Carter , as and them~ 4Ing NOW / now dln-t tor uf rourk1•t1n1i fur St't1ll llowllnR Sy11t1·m1; Int: . u mu h I I l' h o me rnunufocturt•r Th t• nt•w j ob means the 45·y<•ar-old Ca rtc>r w 111 b e mo v ing b al'k t o Geo r,g I a , CARTIR said Sa~ Scott, the J>Wsidcnt of th(' company basl•d an Waycross. about 120 m il(.ls from the Carter family home an Plains Bally Carter. s ince June 1981 , had been a publk relations s pokesman for Tidwe ll I ndu s tri es o f HulCyvllk•, Ala .. which also is in the home manufaNurlng business Choreographer Agnes de Miiie, 77, has some advice for people' who hope to reach a "livc)y. e f f ec tive and interesting old age. "Start preparing at the age -.. I ' of 6 If you're a clod whttn you'r(• young. you'll be a· dt•cayl•d clod when you're old." de Milll' aaid In New York. Ot• Mille, ulso a danc."<"r and te&eher who rECOvcred from a atroke In 1975, waa one of seven celebrltlea pre .. nled with "tlmeleu alar" awarda by t he Nauonal Co-..nc:il of Women of the United Sua&es. Actreu Joaa Fo.talae, who turrui 65 in October, advised those at the award ceremony: "Save your money, learn to like yourself a nd ha n1 in there . . My career gave me a chance to become one wllh myself. A B ritis h i ns ura n ce company has donated 40,000 pou nds. the equivale nt of $68,400, to pay for a larger- t han-1 if e sculpture of the Beatles for their home town of Liverpool. T he bronze sculpture by artist Jolin Doubleday will s how Jobn Lenaoa, Paal McOartney, Geor1e Harrl1oa and Rln10 Starr performing on stage. ·- • ' I ' , ca ', / 8y 111,y.'j>~''' ... .'Ji>& U.s lt/r£s ~o ) \.. '°o'9· Gov, ,.. ' '~ ... 'a ,.. / ', 11' ~ I '' 'I/ I .... I ...... Warning: The Surgeon Gener1I Hes Determined That C1garene Smoking Is Dengerous to Your Health. Compet1t1ve brlnd tlf leYets refleCt the lowef of either FlC meltiod °'Dec '81 FlC Report SOFT PACK 100's FILTER. MENTHOL-2 mo. "11,-. 0 2 mg. nicoune IV. per Ctgartltt by FTC method. .. 'I ,,,, - r I •'! ns 1 8 frl• ./ ') ~ ~ JoJ nu nq • If . ... , £W .iw ,.,m -~·""----==-------~- • Orange Co111 DAILY PILOTI TuHday, eplember 21, 1912 Wh y not u se s tate's abandoned HJan sion ? The dilemma o ( Ca hforntn'~ ''white t>le phu nt" governor'f! mansion still is uru;olvl-d. The 24 -r oo m d w t•llanf( perched on l r acres ove rlooking the American R aver 15 mill-:> fro m Sac r a m e nto h as bee n vacant, except for a caretaking staff, sin<'<· , it was completed in 1975. A group of friends of thL•n- g o v e r n o r R o nald R cagiln ·purchased the site and gave it to the state, with the proviso tha t only a gove rnor's mansion be built there . And so it was, at a cost to the state o f some $1.5 million . But by the time it w as finis h e d , Reagan's two lt!rms as governor 'were over and his SUC.'CeSSOr , J erry Brown, would have no part of tht.' mansion. He pre fe r red to settle into a sma ll a partment dose to the Capitol in Sacra m en to. This year tht> L egis la ture , desperately trying to g et the st.au.· budget unde r contro l, and eyt>ing the $50,000 a year it has cost to maintain the e mpty m a ns io n . decided it s hould be put on tht> market and so provided in the> fina l budget. The theory was that prcx:ecds of the sale could fund construction o f a n e w dwe lling f o r th e governor in S acra m ento, thus saving the cost of landscaping and furnishing the mansion -a long with the po te ntia l cost o f the 15-milc commutl' to th{' l'apawl. Thu t i;ou ml:J pr:wti<:al on tht• SUrfUCl', UUt ttW rt' a rt• a ft:W snugi;. Firstly, wh<•rt• is the st&tc going l.u find 3 buyt-1" wilh u l'OUple of mlllion to anvc:st an a r<Jthl•r f'C'mo te residem·c tha t will ('OSt o ~ma ll fortune to furmsh a nd m1unw m·? And, a~s~manJ< the ma nsion could bt> sold, w o uld 1t y ie ld e n o ugh t o fi na n l·c a n e w gubernatorial dwelling a l today's construction costs'? And where would the next governor live in tht> meantime? Both Re publican candidate G eorge D e ukmc ja a n a nd De m ocro tic candidat~ Tom Bradley have said they would be quite willing LO live in the "white e le phan.t'' iC elected. But it 's for s ure they wou ld n ot settle for a J e r ry Brown-type city apartment, so It could we ll t'Ost a pre tty penny LO provide inu·ram ho using for the governor until the mansion is sold and new quarters built. S ince neither of the current ca ndida t es s h a r es Bro wn's aversion LO the mansion, a nd since it is just stand ing empty, 1t w ould seem to make a good deal o f sense to let the e lected governor . move in, instead of going back to squa re one and trying to rus tle up funds to build yet a nothe r mansion. This one might work ou t pretty well after all. Misapplication of lalf The good news is that women have retained contro l of their reproductive organs Cor another year. The bad news is that the 99 gentlemen and one lad y who have, b y a mis applica t ion o f the democratic process been given the right to legisla te m orality. will take anothe r crack at it next year. The s ubject, of course is abortion . The Senate last week voted to table, and thus kill for the year, a bill from Sen. Jesse H elms. R-N .C .. that w ould have made permanent the temporary ban on direct or indirect federal fina nci ng o f abortio n a nd w o uld h ave· declared that human life begins a t conception. Th a t m easure w o ul d permane ntly re m ove an o p tion tha t princi p a lly touch es t h e nation's poor. What Sen. He lm s and Co. are saying is that it is be tte r to support a n unwantt>d child 18 years than to pay a sma ll price no w to ac hieve w h at a w om a n h as d eemed b est for herself and he r fam ily. I n Sen . He lms' h a nds, motherhood is a form of punishment. "You m ade this mistake. You live with it." All w e ll a nd g ood , e xcep t society as a whole w ill live w ith it. The problem is a belie f o n the part of the conservative corps in Congress that those issues that are still a subject of debate in clerical and medical circles can be resolved by an act of la w . With that logic intact. presumably we can soon look for leg1slat1on on the origin o( the species. hfe after d eath a nd the e fficacy of prayer . Let's face it, a bortion is here. Women will continue to opt for it. r e g a rdle s s o f the pre vailing pe rceptio n of. its m ora lity . The d iffe ren ce as tha t those who can afford to do so, w ill continue to seek m ter vent11on from licensed physit!ia ns . Those whom Se n . He lms ha s disenfranchised will h ave to seek less profession al outlets, a nd the toll in huma n life will t h e n inc lude the lives of pregnant women w ho could not afford hospital care . If Sen . He lms a nd has friends used even a small measure o f the e nergy they are e xpending on our s p iritua l1 li ves o n the actual business of running the country, we would a U be bette r off. And i{ those in Congress w ho oppose the anti-abortion measures could fish a round m a back pocket .a nd extract the courage o f their convictions. perhaps the country would have a little m ore respect • for the political process. Th e n e xt tim e th e conservatives tro t out this issue, let's see it discussed and disposed of. once and for all. Perha ps our cha nces are better next year. After all. it w on 't be an election year Still Inore honors F. Sherwood Rowla nd, the UC, Irv ine , ch e mis t who firs t warned the wo rld that the use of fluorocarbon propellants in spray cans could be d eple ting earth's ozone layers, thus increasing the threat of skin can cer, is being honored once again. The Ame rican C h e m ica l Scoie t y will give R owla nd 1 ts Award for Creative Advances m Environme ntal S cience a n d T echnology . The uni ver si t y r esearc her , a lo ng w i th ha s toUeague Dr. Mario Mo lina, first dre w worldwid e attention in 1974 with assertions that fluorocarbons from aer osol s prays and other similar uses were damaging the earth's stratospheric ozone. The Ora nge County Press C lub w as o ne o ( the firs t lay groups to honor Rowland for this w ork, giving him a Headliner of t h e Y ear a w a rd. N ow he has received yet another honor {rom h is prof ess1o n al peer s for his continuing research. F. Sherwood Rowland is due sincer e congratula tions and the heartfe lt than ks of the citizenry. H e is a cr e d i t to h i mself. his university, and perha ps everybody on this old globe. L.M.Boyd/ Oldest toy · Q . Which is the older toy , the erector set or the yoyo? A. The yoyo. That name onJy dates back to the late 1920s, but the toy ltaelf has been around for centuries. 'l'he erector set was invented in 1909 by a New Jersey doctor named A.C. dllbert, and It's still exceedingly popular. Probably the most endurtng cnanulaciiired toy of all. Excep\ for the pocket knife. if you call that• toy. ' Q. Do the winners of the Nobel and ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Pulluer prizes have to pay income taxes on them? A. No, sir, the IRS spec1t1cally excludes lht'm. M leru1t. halt the men who regul~rly go to singles bars are marrie d, research reveals. Most. common grounds for dlvor<.'e ln the People's Republic o ( ChlnA is a charge by wives that. their husbands refuse to treat them tu1 equals. Thoma• '. Haley Publ•<li•• Thoma• A. M"'phlno [tMOt Jon• Amorl l •f<••··· !d' .. ~'"9fa Krelbkh I d./olool f'CIOf ! d•IOt Thoma• McConn .Monog111g (dotOt r Dipl~macy ;hides terrorists WAS HINGTON -Three years ago, 1 broke the chilling story that foreign dit't.ators are sending their secret police to the United S tates to intimidate and silcn<'<' t•rit1t'S. Some have been sileru.-ed permam•ntJ y. U.S. authorities not only arc aware of these terro ris t activities but, for diplomatic reasons, have foiled to stop the tyrants from exte nding their repression to some of America's ethnic <.'Ommunities. ONE OF THE worst offenders is the Philippines' conge nia l dicta to r , Fe rdina nd Marcos, who was wined and dined at the White House last week. The cause of humanity would be better served if President Reagan, instead of raising his glass to toast Marcos. would raise some questions instead. The ugly questions can be found in secre t intelligence re ports which are available to the president. One top-secret report charges that for the past decade the Filipino leade r has sent "action teams" to the United States "for the purpose of infiltrating, monitoring and possibly counteracting the threat of anu-Marcos groups." The re port ~warns of "the possibility of violenc.-e." ln fact, violence has already struck the Filip ino i mmigrants who work in Alaska's canneries. Most of them belong to Local 37 of the Alaska Canner y Workers Union. Their leaders have been staunchly pro-Marcos, with close ties to the Filipino consulate in Seattle. But two anti-Marcos reformers, Gene V1em e1 and Silme Donungo, challenged the leadership and won top posiuons in their union in late 1980. The following April, Viernes visited the Philippines for the first time in h is life and spoke out against Marcos. Then, late in the afternoon of June 1. 198 1, the two 29-year-old re formers were at work in the local's Seattle office when two gunmen came looking for them. Viernes d ied instantly in t he volley of bullets. Amazingly. Domingo, w ith four .45-c.aliber slugs in his body, chased the G. -JA-Cl-AN_D_ll-ID-N -~ two assailants into the street, pointed them out to a bystander and managed to give their na mes to a medic before passing out. He died the next day The two assa ssins w e r e late r convicted-. The prosecution argued that the two rutmen were members of a gang in volved in high-stakes gambling m Alaska, whose activities were threatened by the union reformers. The gang leader, Tony Dictado, was convicted of ordering the murders. But a "oomm1ttee for justice," led by Seattle attorney Mike Withey, was not satisfied with the gambling moti ve. It susf>ected that the double murder may have been orde red b y authorities in Manda , for these reasons: -The convicted gangleader took the witness stand. He swore he did not order the murders, which, he insisted had nothing to do with gambling. He knew the truth but could not reveal it, he tesufied, "because my children would be killed in the Philippines." -The head of Local 37, Tony Baruso, owned the murder weapon and was honored by the Philippine government (ave months a fter the killings. He clammed ur at the trials under the protection o the Fifth Amendment. He pleaded the Fifth 109 times during the gunmen's trial, another 31 times during gangleader Diet.ado's trial. During the second trial. the d e fense attorney accused him of ordering the murders. -THE SLAIN REFORMERS were in contact with dissidents in the Philippines, Including two labor leaders who were arrested last month by Marros and accused of subversion. Inspired by their contacts with their coll eagf.les in the Philippines, Viernes and Domingo spearheaded a resolution at a Hawaii con vention of longshore men which aiutho ri zed th e sending o f an investigative te~ to Manila. -The FBI and U.S. naval intelligence have a close working relationship with Filipino intelligence officers. These agencies have full knowledge of Marcos' intimidation tactics in this country. Yet they have shown no apparent Interest in the murder case. My assoc iate Dale Van Atta questioned the Philippines Embassy about the murders. A spokesman said Preside nt Marcos had ordere d an investigation, which was conducted by the labor au.ache in the San Francisco consulate. The Philippines government's view is that the murders were strictly a local ma tter "involv ing union rivalries." Suggestions of any connection to the Marcos regime were drummed up by ''critics on the West Coast jus t to embarrass the Philippines government," the spokesman said. "We are amazed that the Phillppmes ~ovem.ment should be dragged in to this.' Meanwhile , d esp i te th'e three con victio ns, the '.[ie rnes-Domingo murder case is still open Letters to the Editor Risk managers can c ut cos ts To the Ec11w r: On Sept. 9 Mr Kennedy wrote about pote ntial losses facing the cit.y of Newport Beach due to its continued use of asbestos-cement water systems. In the same issue, Mr. Adams questioned the total liability of the city of Laguna Beach in clauns and lawsuits. Both of these letter s highlight a critical problem facmg every priva te business and public entity, large and smal l. Each risks insolvency caused by a single catastrophic event or lawsuit and/or from numerous smaller 105Se5 in combinatJon. and the resulting increases in insurance premiums. Examples are found in the newspapers every day. Recently, a judgment was rendered against the city of South Tucson which far exceeded Its lnsuram-e coverage and Its own reserve. The cit y is now considering assessing each taxpayer a proportionate share of the multi-million dollal" court award. It ls still not known whether the city o f Ana h eim w ill h a ve to pay for disastrous apartment fi res of last April -the outcome will depend on who was rC?Sponsible for m~intaining the trees and power Unes that caused the fires. Yet, In m y own city, Huntington Beach, the council rejected a proposed ordinance requiring treatment of shingle roof1, whic h mi ght prevent a simi l.ar caw ttophe. WHAT CAN BE don~ to prevent or minimize the financial and eoclal Impact of these disasters? The single most l'COnomlcal step which can be taken. by buslneues and pubUc enUUet alike, ls to employ a ql.lalUled risk manager. Jn CaUfornJa, the average salary Is around $40,000 per year, but the rilk manager saves his organization many times hla ular1 and oper ating xpenses, In teduci.-d inaurencc and clalrn.s eoet. Many are alao highly qu•l tfled aeneul admlnletratora, thus making their risk mana1ement akUla available to even the smallest orsanJutlon What II found, how v r, ta someone lnex~ri need in the complex ttchnlques of risk management "h11ndlln1 the Insurance ... They have no ex~rt. to whom th y can \Um for advice. except • MAILBOX the se llers of insurance, who have a vested interest l speak as a professional risk manager with seven ye.ors of experience, now unemployed due to the current economic conditions in the real estate industry In · which l was last employed. In the past few months I have contacted numerous organizations in Orange County to discuss the problems outlined In this letter. I find an appalling lack o f a ppreciation b y managers o f the tre mendo us risk s to which t h e1 r organizations are exposed. They refuse to listen to how the techniques of risk manage ment can be applied to both minimizing the risks and cutting costs. The sole purpose of the risk manager is to prov id e peace o f mind -to managers. elected officials. shareholders and taxpayers -. knowing everything that can be done 1s being d one, at a reasonable cost. to protect assets and future incoml' from unexpected losses. MEREDITH LUCKOW Con sumers will p ay To the Editor: We comme nd the Daily Pilot for taking our county officials to task for obruptly jacking up land use processing fees by more than 1,000 percent last month The unprecedented act.ion of our supervisors is particularly ironic, coming on the heels of the widely acclaimed ope ning of th e new County OPvelopment Processing Center. Thot .move was supposed to save on housing coeta. But the ribbon..cut\lng was barely b hind us when the cost of doing business with th county akyrockc\4.'d. The county tolka who pushed the9e big fees said they w~l"t' only trying to recover their coau tor IO·C•lled entltlem nt-to-use appllcatlona w hich build •nJ Initiate. What It really means, however. i• that for the i>rlvlleac o f making appllcallon \o cx-erctae conetitutionally protected property rights, project applicants will have to pay the salaries of a host of regulators who poke and ponder the project before it even gets to the decision-makers. EQUALLY perplexing ts why we have to pay for these same regulators who may be working hand and glove with those o pposed to mast er -planned development of the county. The abrupt and untimely increase in development fees couJd not catch the industry at a worse time. With housing starts here off more than 60 percent from the same period a year ago. this business 1s a lre ady reeling under g ove rnment r e gul a ti o n s and breathtaking interest rates. That's why we hoped the supervisors would think through the big rate hike. It's too bad, really. because consumers will ultimately pay for all of this. They get it in the neck every time. PHlLIP BE'ITENCOURT Executive Director Building Industry Association of Orange County Sam's friend To the Editor: I am a 10-year-old girl of San Juan Capistrano I am a good friend of Sam Willett and l really wish the government wouJd help him instead of makins( him go back to Africa. His whole family is here, not in Africa. What If you had to go back to nothlnj[? How would you feel? Please help us keep a wonderful family together. ERIKA LARSON 1111111• WhUe Ronnie apent a QOUple of v.catlOnl rld tn1 down the trail at the r anch foUow.d by the Secnt Servkit 1 WM aid~ my v.catlon '° •ve money tOr taxee. SUCKER ; • .. \ Orang• Oout DAILY PILOT/Tu•day, 8eptembef 21. 1982 ~,, 'Save helpless animals,' says rock • music fan DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 am • teen· ct who loves rock music. l also love mlmals. I cannot at.and it when I hear what ls going on during some of these punk rock <.'On<.~tts. Please do what you can to '' stop It. I am talking about the on-stage murdt-tin~ of helpless animala. At one concert the group threw a bunch of baby kittens into the audience and demanded that they be killed or the concert would not continue. Another group steps on baby chicks and stomps them to death to the beat of the music. Last year an attempt was made to blow up a goat at a rock concert out East. Strangling cats is another method · used to get the crowd excited. Last January in Des Moines Ou.y Osbourne - a heavy-metal rock star -bit the head off a live bat. Isn't this just sickening? No wonder there is so much violence and sensel~ killlng in the world. With these craiy nuts torturing anim8ls and thousands of people thinking it's fun, what is going to happen to the human race? l won't sign my name. J ust call ne -ANIMAL PROTFX:I'OR (AGE 13) lN WARREN, CONN. DEAR A.P.: I bave received several letter. complalnbas about a rock 1roup tbat to11ed baby kitten• Into lbe audience and demanded tbat tbey ' be killed. I allo bave 1otten letters al>out a aroap tbat 1tran1le1 cblcke11. No one, bowever, bH tolCI me wben or wbere tbue borrlble l1cldent1 occurred, nor laat anyoae come uf. wltb tbe names of tbe groap1. A Sun·TlmH llbrar an aearcbed 1tl11t ud low ror docomentaUon aad tlaere l1n't a llH to be found. So, unle11 1omeone caa produce aatlaentlc evidence, I must a11ume tbese 1torle1 are untrue. But wait, I'm not flal1bed. Ony 01bourne did Indeed bite tbe laead off a bat la Dea Moines la1t January, bowever. He claimed someone tbrew lt to blm from tbe aadleoce ud be tboa1bt It wa1 a toy. Wben be dl1covered be bad blUeo tbe bead off a live bat, be was bortlfled and laad to take a sedes of Htremely palnfal rabies allots . Ouy uld under no clrcumstanc~ wo11ld.be ever do that again. DEAR ANN LANDERS: This la for "Scared ln San Jose" who was worried about. the hot. checks she has been writing. The best thlng that could happen to her would be to have a check or two bounce. It worked for me. I got Into the habit of writJng checks about two days before I deposited my paycheck, thinking they had a couple of days to clear. I was wrong! Some checks cleared ln one day. Others took as long as two weeks. I then started to go by what the bank said my balance was -and that was even rlskler. I e nded up, nine months ago, with four overdrawn. checks Cwhich the bank covered for me, \hank the good Lord) But the one that wun't cov •red wu the rent ch ck . Imagine my embarrassment when the landlord called to say my check waa rcturnt.od marked "lnAuitlctent tunda." Thal incident cured me of a double cur~. compulsive buying AND writing check.I before the money was In my account. Now lam -SOLVENT AND SMARTER JN ARIZONA OEAR SOL: I know t be feellai. Who I cbaaged baak1 recently U of my persou.I c lleckJ bouced In &be tran1IUon. I WH red-faced ftr weeks. You could be rlgbt about experience bel~a sure cure. Got those weddmt bell blues over oost . • guesc list . . . what to wear . . . and other detaib? Ann Landers' rompletely new "The Bride's Guide" will help. For a copy. send o dollar, plus a Jon'g, seU-addrcssed, st.amped envelope (17 cents postage) to Ann Landers, P.O &x 11995, Chlcago, lJI. 60611. Scoi-pio finds missing· item QUllNlf By PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna.Seach Wednesday, September U ARIES (March 21-April 19): Take ring roads; avoid direct confrontations. Emphasis on long-range plans, ultimate justice, vindication. Terms will be clarified, superfluous material will be eliminated. You gain rare insights. Pisces plays keY. role. • HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Wha t was promised will be delayed. Individual who makes commitment may lack financial support. Know it, protect your interests. Member of opposite sex is interested. Refuse to give up something for nothing. Watch Capricorn. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You'll know what to do at right time. Emphasis on impulse, emotional responses, significant ch anges and intuition. P ersonal magnetism soars, members of opposite sex are attracted and you could win popularitycontest. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Emphas ize potential -get legal papers in order. A very important person will make overture You ~n complete assignment. Controversial decision goes in your favor. You'll have breathing room and can play waiting game. VlRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22): What you need as close at hand. You actually are aware of this, but tendency is to continue search far afield. Practical approach brings desired results, despite objections from th08e who would see you scatter your forces. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Associate helps get job done. It is up to you to set pace -take initiative in clearing away debris, emotional and otherwise. Focus on basic issues, unique services and safety measures. Avoid heavy lifting. Keep eye on Leo. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): What had been a mere premise will become a viable concep\,. Lunar focus on short trips, ideas, relatives and special messages. Remain flexible. despite those around who want you to stay put. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You locate what had been lost. missing or stolen . Emphasis on GOIEN ON BllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAA SHARIF Neither vul nerable. West deal a. NORTH • 976 (::)k64 0 9873 • 954 WEST EAST •8543 •IO i;:;i J102 ~9753 o K J o 1064 +AK87 +QJI063 SOUTH +AKQJ 2 IV' AQ8 0 AQ52 +2 The bidding: West North E&1t I + Pa111 2 + Pus 3 0 Pan South 3 + 3 . Pa11 4 • Pa11 Pau Pa11 Opening lead: King or +. We have si nned. In the hand tha t accompanied our tribute to the late Herman Filarski. we inadvertently cut out Lhe line or play adopted by Filarsk1 and leh in thf' alternative that would have failed. We hasten lo cor rect our mistake. Agaiost Filarski's four spade contract, West led the king of clubs and cont inued with the ace. Declarer rurred and tried two high spades. and the contract. seemed hopeless when East showed out on the second round. But declarer came up with a beautiful line of play. filarski abandoned trumps. cashed the ace of diamonds and ace·king or hearts. then led a low dia mood and ran it lo West's king. West did the best he could by returning another club. forcing declarer to ruff. This was now the position: NORTH +9 0 6 0 87 ·-WEST • 85 'j J 0 - +8 SOUTH •Q <:;I Q O Q S ·- EAST ·-<::1 97 0 10 +J Declarer led lhe queen ol diamonds. West ruUed and led his last club. Declarer sluffed dummy's remaining diamond and ruffed in his hand. Now he led his last dia· mond. and West was helpless. 1rMi-uffed, d~mmy would overrun and the queen of hearts would score declarer's tenth trick. If he slurred his heart. the dia mond would win and the nine of tTumps would be declarer's fulfilling trick . Rubber brld1e <lube tbrou1hout the couatry use the four-deal brid,e format. Do they know eomethlq you don't ? Charle• Goren's "Four·Deal Bridie" wlll teach yota lite 1tra~p1 aod tacllu of thl1 lut·paced ac· lion pme that pro"icles the cure for anendlq nabbera. f'or a copy and a acorepad, tend II. 75 t.o "Gortn·Four Deal." care of thh new1paper, P.O. Box 259. Norwood, N.J. 07648. Make cbeclc1 payable to New• paperbMb. payments, <."Ollections, significant changes and gain through written word. Member of opposite sex confides feelings and is sincere. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Controversy ends; your point of view prevails. Accent on personality, charisJTU.1, initiative, ability to pioneer a project. You'll gain through diplomacy and by being gracious in victory. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Delay or confinement might actually prove beneficial. Look b ehind scenes, gain second wind and keep resolutions concerning one who is temporarily incapacitated. AQ~RIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Focus on demes, ability to profit from business venture and intensified relationship. Older Individual becomes ally, lends benefit of experience. Accept added responsibllity -you're in role of empire builder. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Project can be completed; you'll gain cooperation from those in authority, governmental agencies. Obstacles are removed, green light flashes for progress. Follow through on theme which has wide appeal. Sights need not be narrowed. SCMO• ZONS How to speak menuese Americana can't resist naming inanimate things. • They buy a home and right away it tias a name: "Dun Roarnin'." "Dew Drop lo o:· "Bonnie and Wilbur's Mi Casa. Su Casa." The check hasn't cleared for the new camper when it .becomes, "The Five Vagabonds" or "Mortgage-on-Wheels." Some people s pend more time naming a rowboat than they do picking out names for their children: "Frank's Folly," or "Q.E. Ill." YOU SEE NAMES ON apartment buildings that make you fantasize (La Dolce Vita and Bali Hai) and housing developments that carry out themes (Friar Tuck's Retreat and God's Little Acres with Heavenly Financing). Even hurricanes are given human status by dubbing them with first names of men and women in alphabetical order. The most intriguing names, however, are to be found on menus. Any food or drink worth its salt has to have a cute name. Can you remember when you last saw a menu with the plain word, "Hamburger" on it? The informative burgers are easy to interpret: Bacon burgers, Cheeseburgers, A vocadoburgers and Chili burgers. ' The regional bur~ers are fun: Yankeeburger, the Pilgrlmburger, Y all Come Backburgers, the llMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END · Sidew i nd e r~rg er, and the Make -Yo u-a - Starburger. -~ But the vague ones make me suspicious~ Solarburge r , Polyestc rburger, Spaceburger1 Aphrodesiacburger, and the really scary one: THB ORIGINAL HAMBURGER! . I never sit in a restaurant and read a menu that I don't think of a great group of authors who sit at a desk day after day trying to come up with another name for a fish sandwich or a bowl of clam chowder. f America is fast becoming a bjljngual country; English and Menu. THE OTHER DAY I MUST have stared at .a menu for 20 minutes. The names didn't give me clue as to what the food was. Finally, I took the plunge, "I'll have the Mt. Helena Eruption. the Denture Stain Under a Blanket and the Hair of t~ Dog malt." . I got a bowl of oatmeal, a blueberry cobbler and a vodka mart.mi. A lot of people don't have that for breakfast. Hunt for fa~hionahle drink .ends with I a • twist I have an alcohol problem. It's not what you think. Fortunately, l ar.n not an alcoholic; I kn. ow people who are, and I would never make light of their predicament. But nevertheless, my alcohol problem is troubling to me. It's like this: When I was 18 yea.rs old, I drank Scotch. I thought I wu Humphrey Bogart. 1 sat around in my high-1ehool letter jacket, nursing a J&B on the rocks. I felt pretty worldly. I was a man. I had no reason to think I would ever change. TO ME, THE WORLD wu made up of two goups: Scotcl'-drlnker1 and wimps. I reserved an INOUdant sneer for males who dared to drink any liquid that wasn't brown. lf you were iough, you drank Scotch and you drank it straight. Several yean later. while I wu In college, J noticed eomething strange. I no longer had my taste tor Scotch. 1 dldn't like It anymore. Thll presented a dilemma. ln no atmosphere in America ia It more eteential to be cool than on a college camput. Part of the aura of be1ng cool CONlsted of drtnk.ing Scotch at patties. Now r (;'()U)d no lo~r do that. 1\41luctan\ly, I awl~hcd to vodka martinis. Granted, they were clear In color -a deflnJte disadvantage. Bot their alcoholic content wu so hiCh &Mt I felt 1 could meet any challenge that wu thrown at me. After all, Jamee Bond drank vodka martini.a. Thlnp w.nt flne for a wbQe. Then, jult alt.er I IJ'8duated, I gnd;:::f ~that vodka martinis no lonpr tuted to me. . I 808 GlffNI I made a compromise. l sw1tched to a drink made out of vodka and lime ju.Ice. It tasted pretty good. There were two problems, though. The first was that the drink was green in color. The &eU>nd was that It wu called a vodka giml«!t. When you're walk1ng around with a green drink in your hand -a green drink called a vodka iimlet -ll la fairly apparent that you are no longer llumphrey Boprt, never mind Jamee Bond. I tried to shrug this off. After all, the drink was still mainly vodka. That'• a real drink. THE VODKA GIMLETS lasted for 1 while. A couple of ytara ago, though. I came to the sad ~lion that -;ee -vodka almleta no longer tMted good to me. wu cloee to panic. 1 waa on an alrplane trip to Phoenix when a TWA atewardftl uked me lf 1 would like a drink. She uw me helllt.ate -I didn't know what to order In thoee da)'11 -and the Nuet~ tornethlna called a "Bocce Ball.'' A Bocot Ball, lt turned out. waa made ln at.all .... It f•tw.cl orance juice. 90da water and a IWeet UqUfW'. I liked It a lot. It tMted wry 8CIOd to me. It; too. thouah, preeented 80t"nethlnl of l d1lemma. It WM one thing to whisper to a 'fWA stewardess, beneath the whine of the jet engines. that you would like a Bocce Ball. It wu quite another thingl when you were back on solid ground. to say it to a bartender. You laugh. Try it sometime. Sidle up to your favorite bar, cock your head, look the bartender in the eye, and say: "One Bocce Ball." It was a terrible period i:'l my life. 1 started lytng; 1 aaJd, "There's thla drink, I had it on an airplane once but I don't know what the name of it I.I. Here's how you make It.. though." And I would explain. That got me through the embarrassment of saying the words. But I sUll felt a little weird sitting at a bar with what looked to be a tall fruit drink. I decided to auta It out, though. Bocce Bal.ls it WU. And then IOmelhlng awful happened. Boa.-e S.U. ataned laltlf\& bad to me. I BY THIS TIME I WAS eeverely depressed. l happen to enjoy ben: I a(J to them a lot. They are a Sood place to relax at the end of the day, to alt ln allent reverie, to ltrlke up a converutfon. Back when ! had been 18, I had bwn netted by the very prot~t of a lifetime ,.,.nt downln1 1trai1ht Scotclw!9 at wood-pane~. manly ban. Now, here I wu . I couldn't even take a 8occo Ball anymore. I th.ttw my alf-8t.eem to the wind. One nlaht l just charpd •t.railht up '° the ~. 1hou1dered my way between the~ and work!na women and Mid the dreedful words I newr lhougbt would s-my lips: · ''St.nwbtrTy daiquiri.'' I felt I couJd flO no JoWer. lmaaine &.M IC'tne. # On my left is a woman in a handsome suit, ~ a Cutty Sark on the rocks. On my right is a womaq ln slacks and a blouse, drinking a Jack Daniels and waler. I am trying my best to smile a touglf, sardonic smile and gai.e into the middle~ like men at. ban are supposed to do. It's a litlle hard to carry off, though becauae aittina in f~t of me. in a stemmed glass, Is a frothy plnk concoction 10pped by a plump fresh strawberry. Invariably the bartender would solicitously inquire: "Would you like a straw for that?" I didn't think too much more about my horribl~ fate. After all, nothing worae could happen to me. Night after night J sat on a stool, my elbows resu~ on the surface of the bar, sipping my strawberry daiquiris through a 1traw. THEN ONE NIGHT last week, aomethl~ terrifying happened. · . The strawberry daiquiris stopped tasting aood to me. I saw the bartender mlxlnt something f ~r somebody's maiden aunt who had somebo wandered onto \he premleet. He waa putlina l~tnta Into a blender. "What ls that?" I lnqulred. "You really don't want to know," he u.ld. "No1 ~Uy," l Mid. "It looks pretty ,ood." "Whr don'tlou Ju-t have another atraw daiquiri?' he .... "I want to know what you ).wt mtdt,'' l Mid He~ "It'• an Amaretto and Ice cream, .. he .akl. You don't want to hetlr \ht-l"8t of ~ at.ory. \ ' Orange Coa1t OAIL.V PIL.OT/Tueeday, S..,tembef 21, 1812 Delly "'lol "hoto br Pelrtcll O'Donnell Lunc h Time Will lame duck make comeback? WASHJNOTON {AP) - When Democrat• In Con1re11 forced a poat -e lectlon "lame-duck'' •eaalon in 1980, Rep. Bud Shwiter. R-Pa., began, showing up in public placea with a toy duck. The 1crawny, limp and bandaged duck was Shuster'• way of needling Democratic conaresalonal leaders for holding the seasion after that November'• GOP landslide. He brought the duck to several news conferences and and even posed with it on the steps of the Capitol. The prank brought chuckles from Shuster's colleagues , although several GOP leaders complained privately that the joke was wearing thin when they had to keep sharing the billing at Republican news conferences with the duck. Will Shuster bring out the duck again now that President Reagan and Republicans in Congress have called for a rump session this fall? "I don't know if I'm going to get the duck out of retirement," Shuster said. "I still think lame- d uck sessions, except in a national emergency, are grossly unnecessary." Lame ducks are members of Congress whp have had their political wings clipped -either, The term wu ort,inaJly WIC.'d In the 18th century to ref r to bankrupt bualneumen and alowly crept Into the language aa a alang reference to ofticeholden on their way out of power. There have only been four such leMions In \he put 30 years -that 1980 1e9Slon, which dealt largely with the budget; 1974, when Nelson Rockefeller was conflrriled as vice presleient; 1970, when Congre11 approved the Equal Rights Amendment; and 1954 when the Senate censured Sen. Ja.eph McCarthy. "The truth of the matter is I don't know where the duck is anymore," Shuster said. "It really doesn't belong to me, but to the freshman Republicans. I Jtlnk Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-CaUf., .s the keeper of the quack." * * * Senate Robert Dole, R-K.an .• Influential chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, was reminilcing the other day abc,ut his Cai.led 1980 campaign for the GOP presidential nomination "You might remember, I went around the country a couple of years ago saying, "if you're looking for a younger Ronald Reagan with experience, here I am,' " he told the National Black Republican Council. "Well, my wife made it to the White Houae." Dole said. "I drive by every day and wave." June J o hnson of Ba lboa Isla nd likes to feed the ducks in her neighborhood . T he ducks like it, too. 1 through retirement or by defeat a\ the pol,ls -but who must return to Congress for the- remainder of their tenns to take care of uncompleted business. Elizabeth Dole is a top White House aide, serving as Reagan's liaison with special interest groups. SENIORS Corona d e l Mor M ed ical Will A:et·pt Medicare Assignments As Paymen t In Fu ll '. ·.~ •.• . ! 720-1339 QAMoPM t ' ' \ ' t ~ ... ' ,._ HEADACHE VICTIMS! WE ARE DOING A CLINICA L STUDY ON MIGRAINE HEADACHES . NIED VOLUNTEERS THE STUDY WILL COMPOSE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TWO CURRENTLY USED MEDICATIONS IN THE TREATMENT OF HEADACHES. CALL 714/642-1057 8-9 a.m. or 4-5 p.m. Ask for Marilyn Si~r SERVICE S maintaining tl.e Statuj & ..Am~ience in Your _)Jome 'Jl.af '/OU l'et,uire METICULOUS CLEANING & MAINTENANCE ACHEl.OR-ETE SERVICES ERRAND SERVICES I 642-6149 I (\•t-"-Stcl6?-s @lb llorlb <!tart @flour ·Nrw lllorlb Jta.a~ion.a lUCkBM~'S EARLY BIRD DINNER . - SPECIALS . Tenderloin of the Island .................... $695 Honey Dipped Chicken ....................... $6 95 ~Fresh Pacific Red Snapper ................. $6 95 I Sirloin Tips ........................................ $6 95 I ' Petite Prime Rib ................................ $]95 All dlnMff Include freah veg•t•ble, .cup or 'dlnMf .. 1.d, hot roll• & butter, •nd deaert. 4250 MARTltGALE : •WPOIT BOCH 833-0080 AND Personal Loans You don't hear much about personal loans these day ·. They seemed to Jis- appear fo r awhile . But at Household Federal they're back. We're mak ing Personal Loans, ecured·and unsec ured , up tt) $10,000.* You can u e the money fo r any worth- while purpo. e. A nice long ummcr vacati on. Or perhaps that new living room furniture. O r just pay off some extra hills. It's up to you. Let one of our loan counselors help arrange a lnan for you. When you need a lo::m for personal use ... chink Household FeJeral. ·1.11.tn• , .. .., S5.000 mu•I t-... w~ur<.J wuh r\',1l 1•r ~r.,.tnAI f""J'<'rl~ ' WE'RE NUMBER ONE Household Federal came iJt first with the highest percentage rate increase in reserves among all large S & l's in CaHfornia according to a ttcent LA TIMES survey. So your money ls safe and sound with Household Federal. AL Home Equ ity Loans ,- You don't have to sell your ho me to cash in on its increased market value. Borrow against your home with a Home Equity Loan from Household Federal for the money you need today. Make your home more valuable by starting those long overdue repa irs. Build that spa. Start a business. Or you may use the mo ney for a variety of other purposes. One of our loan counselors can arrange a loan and repay- ment plan specifically for you. At Household Federal. .. loans are back. ) • / ,., ..... - ............ COMMNY 8'NCE 1119 •• ANAHEIM1 HS NO. EUCLID AT CRE CENl AVI!. I 114111l·7440 • CEallTOS1 llU >SOUTH ST. (11J) 914·9470 • INDIOt 91010 HIOHWAY 111171•/ l•M•94 •LAKE USINOlE1 H9fl0 Ml. !llON TRAIL (714) 674·14>0 • LONQ BIACH1 4lU ATLANTIC AVI. 111 ))4llt·Ml6 • M !UON VIEJ01 l4\"4I MARGUERITE PICWY. (714) S86-9900 •NI\\ POllTllACH14 >01 MAC ARTHUll ILVO. (7141~H-1Hti7 • l lV£lSIOE1 7/400 LIMONITE A\IE, (71 4)68M854. SANTAANACAPnON1 sn1 E.SANTAANACANYON llD. C71•> Y9tl-81tU. WE TMIN T£1l1 14011 f'EA('lt BLVD. (?14) 119).1•91. Auoomcu IN SAN OllGOCOUNTY. MONDAY. THUR DAY 9 A .M.·4 P.M., FIUOAY 10 A.M •• 6 P.M .. SATUIU>.\Y 9 A.M •• NOON CMOIT IMNCHUI. ·---l - THICUITllJITHICIUITY TUESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1982 STOCKS COMICS TELEVISION 85 86 98 Laurc11ce Olivi r ' "Inchon" i · being pro1uoted with giv<~aways by it producer, the Rev. u11 Myung Moo11. Page 87. 0 .o Volunteers to come • ID handy can ODE TO NEWPORT MIKE: Most people, by the timo their age h as adva nced to the half-century mark, w ould just as soon forget the whole thing when the b irthday rolls around. I mean, just forget trying to position a ll those candles on one cake. Newport Mike probably was no exception . NEWPORT MIKE w as officially named Michael R. Lawler when he first gazed upon this tired old globe back in 1932. There had been better years, you know. There was this Depres.sion on. --------r..\ _ Urigina ll y. h e w~s TOM MURPHINf ~r, "K a n sas C ity M ik e," ,~ having grown up in that ________ .-....._.......,..._ metropolis, but that a ll changed during the past 30 years while residing at Newport by-the-bay. SO IT WAS HE came to The Big 50. All of this probably could have passed quietly except for the fact that Newport Mike had these two grown sons, Michael Jr. and Drew, who were under no circumstances going to allow Dad to ignore the fact that he was n early 25 percent as old as the United States of America. . So it was that these two darling boys got a whole pass( l of bumper stick ers printed up that proclaimed, fi'Newport Mike" as he Is fondly pictured at 50, by his sons "Newport M ike Hits 50." These have managed to get on bumpers from Seal Beach to San Clemente. Meanwhile, the lads somehow conned Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather into issuing an official proclamation, lauding the half-century mark achieved b y the former president of the Newport Harbor Jaycees, who no longer qualifies for membership under the age rules. WHEN THE BIRTHDAY celebration finally rolled around this past weekend, Newport Mike's boys had lined up a full day a nd night of activities and invited 200 of Newport Mike's closest friends. Just so that nobody missed out, the activities included: -A golf tournament at the Newporter, complete with tee prizes, Bloody Marys to keep the old boy going and gag gifts. • -To relax afterward , brunch a nd then a bay cruise aboard the family yacht, the 23-foot s loop, "SS Afternoon Delight." -A luau upon the beach a t Shorecliffs. complete with roast pig , Tahitian dancers, a windsurfing contest , h orseshoes. a nd body surfing, followed by a stripper. courtesy of Strip-0-Gram. The lads weren't done yet. StiJJ on the agenda was a night at the ballpark, with the former Kansas City boy seein g the Royals of that city battle the Angels from clubhouse accommodations. THUS IT IS, clearly, that if Newport Mike wanted the day to pass relatively unnoticed, h e missed the mark. After all that celebrating. one point is certain. Even if he wasn't 50 years, he'd feel like he w as. By JODI CADENHEAD Oflhe Oell1 "lot llett About 33,000 pl·oplc• ore expected to try to break a Guinness Book's world record Saturday by forming a 22-mile human hand-holding l'hnin from Huntington Be1u·h tu Yorba Linda. United Way oC Orange County hopes to strengthen support for volunteering by asking residents Crom a ll c:ommunitic•s to link hands along the Santa Ana River bank. P articipants can s how up anywhere along the river's bike trail at 9:30 a.m to JOl n the r~rd-sctllng attempt. Although registration 1s not neC'ei:sary . about 14,000 people Wooden boats • • 1ntr1gue Hundreds c rowded into Newport Beach's Lido Marina to witness what was called the first wooden boat show in California. It was a blending of the old and the new, the nostalgic and the state-of-the-art. Some wooden vesseJs dated back 100 years including the Jade Dragon, a n 8 1-foote r , from Denmark with logs still aboard written in Danish, German. Portuguese and English. And there was the Yehis, built m 1906 and reported to be the oldest gasoline-powered pleasure boat on the California c.-oast. The highlight was a regatta S unday afternoon with the older wooden boats c hurning the waters of Newport Harbor from Lido Marina to the harbor entrance. Th ere they greeted the Pilgrim, a full-scale replica of the vessel chronicled in the novel "Two Years Before the Mast." The 14 5-foot squarc-ngger. pro perty of the Dana .Point Ocean Institute Foundation, was re tur ning from Long Beach where it had undergone regular maintenance which is something less than regular given the complicated task of readying the Pilgrim for the seas. The original Pilgrim was the ship Richard Henry Dana sailed on as a common seaman at the age of 19 m 1834. The craft was used to haul manufactured goods, including cattle hides, from California to Boston. The boat, crewed by only 12 men then, bur nccl in Boston Harbor in 1875. The rephca, now an Orange County landmark that serves as a floating classroom and training ship, was built over the hulJ of a 1945 Danish schooner brought to Dana Point last May. Lido Manna will be the site of two other boat shows this month and early October. A used boat show, featuring 130 seaworthy craft, will be held Oct. 22-26. The annual in-the-water display of power and sailboats will be held Sept. 29 through Oct. 3. ebbed ma t or wooden boats stood out in Nf'wport Harbor. huw 1>ledgcd lo 1>how up for thL• hu11d -holdTng (•vent, smd Unitc-d Wuy spokesmun Gl'Orgc Phillips. "ThL• dramu and attention lvrnt.• from wuncJcring 1( 1t will work," smd Phillips. "Wl• won't know until Saturday " The final link up, expected lo last two minut.cs, will cx:<:ur at Anaheim St.ud1um under the Big A sign al about 11 a.m. The world rl><.'Ord was st'l last year by 17,000 hand-holdt•1'8 m Shropshire, England. About 33,- 000 people will bo nc.'t.'Cied to form Saturday's 22-milc> t·hain. "Sometinu:s ll takL'S a big bang to wakt• up a sk•l·ping giant," :.<11d Ph1lhps "In ll'rms of l'harttable g1v1ng Orang<' County 1s a sleeping giant " • The• non-prortt organization, that helps suppc.>rl 87 ag<mdc:11 in Orange County. will kick off al!l fund-raising campaign Saturday following the hnk-up It's t.uken more than a year of planning and quite a few hundshakes to gc•t the cham idea near rcuhty. "There are a thousand details," said Phillips. "The logislJ<.'S are astounding." "First there was the problem of blocking off streets. None will be closed since the trail runs beneath city streets. Then cam e the parking headache. People can park at the Anahei m stadium and in residential neighborhoods along the trail. Bathroom fnl'1lilies aren't pan; of the dusty trail traveled mnd111M by JOggcn; and bicycllst.1, IO portabJe rc.>slrooms will be set up. West Coast Amateur Radio Club and North Orange County Emergency Radio Service· have vo lunt eered to st up <.'Ommunicatlon points to ensure a simultaneous link-up. M egapho nes hav e bee,, supplied by the Girl. Scouta qi Americci and the Orange Count_1 cHapter o f the American R~ . Cross wlll be on hand to atte~ !<> any injuries. 4 ' Now the only things needdd are 66,000 hands., said Phillips:·, : J J 0.-, Pitot '91otoe by CiwtM ltarf . pectators compared the decks of 42-foot powerboa l built in 1906~ above~ a nd a 196:1 Chri Craft at show. Coin, stamp fans .... , due in Long Beach·~ If it's wheeling and dealing in stamps and coins that interest you or IC you just like to mingle with philatelis t s and num ism a ti sts, there's a n exposition in Long Beach next week just for you E"'ery R. Nadasdy, a Newport Beach builder and president of the 170-membcr Long Beach Stamp Club. says more lhan 350 dealers in coins and stamps wlll be on hand at the Long Beach Convention Center Sept. 30 to Oct. 3. Nadasdy. a life-long a\amp coUector, said stamp collecting is back to normal today, after what he lcrmed a crazy three-year period where lnvcttc.>rs blcw'the market out of sight. · He aald the stamp marke t soared skyward due to inflation and the number o f people looklna fol' lnvestmcmts. ''We're back to a point where you 'll see a n o rmal annual appre<'iation of stamps now; at prices collecton can ag~h't­ Afford." he said. The Newport Beach rollectOt says there are between 20 and 22 million stamp enthusiasts ln the United States, many of them a tte mpting to compl~te U.S .. collections. .- And with more than 2,000 commemorative and d efinitive (those printed for everyd•Y WM!~ stamps in circulation, that's a task. The Stan'\P and coin exPoli~ begins on lhe eve of Natlc · ·. Sump Collectinl Mon). Nadasdy says. ;~:. ~-~ Hours are 10 a.m. to 8 ~~ . Sepl. 30 to Oct. 2, and from~~. a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 3. Adm'811=· $1.50. and free to senlon over· and )'OUnptera -8C.'COf'n by parent.a -under 12. !·:·t ~or inforrnttlon. call the ~ Philatelic Club in Coeta Meu a$ ~5-1791. . Orttnue Coa11 DAILY f>ll Ol /Tu IP~OOUJ[rn mm~~~u~ vening's star mjssing; . i:.,ost-show party. proceeds •. •• A sell"-'t group of w<.•IJ.w1shl•rs was waiting ~11 Ben Vereen how well his l~:nefit c:onccrt ._R ~he Laguna Beach MuSl.'um of Art had been ived ~-=~ Museum directors and undl'rwriters of the • w were munching fruit, c:h(.'(.>sc and sweets at i.-• oli Gardt.>ns when the word cume: Vereen ~ exhausted" and on his way bade to Los eles. 4:!. ~:;: He had <.'Orne home from Europe only two l 9'f.S before his Irvine Bowl appt.'aran<.•c Saturday ... ~ht and was schedul<.>d to cau.·h u 9 a.m. plane {~i;indny heading east to begin work on a newly )Jijtten one-man musical I :;·;: The "exhausted" explanation was certainly j l;elievable after th<' two-hour conc<.>rt during ) ~pich Vereen was sddom still lfo danced and l sang and on two occasions walkl'<.I to the top of I the bowl using the bench bm·ks ror st.airs. On both trips he was moblx•d by womt•n grabbing I bun for hugs and kisses. · . But even with Verc>en a no-show al the '! pfirty, guests seemed to ix• having a good time and wet e raving about his ix•rformanee. · ; Underwriters included the Mission Viejo : C(i./ Phi hp Morris Co., Orange County Home and Garden magazine, Mic h ael and Susan • McFadden; S tein/Brief Group, the Daily Pilot, Orange Coast magazine, Ken and Marla Bird. Tom Megonigal, Roger and Eik>en Ohanesian, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Williams, Henry and Janet Eggers (she was chairman of the event), Dr. and Mrs . Richard N~quist. the Cartwright '14oundation, Mrs. Le~ring Cartwright; Crowell, Weedon and Co., Doris Groves, the William Jordans, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Levin, Virginia Mayo-Tomaso, Dr. and Mrs. Norman Nixon, David Steinmetz, the Mario Tart.aghas, Mr. and · •Mrs. Boyd J effries. Smith International, and Allergan Pharmaceutical Co .. Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Herbert. There was partying before the concert, too. The museum hosted a cocktail buffet for the patron contributors of $100 or more. Round tables on the terrace were centered with hurricane lamps decorated with burgundy candles and chrysanthe mums .. The Bruce Bennet Quartet provided the music as guests dined on crab. salmon mousse, turkey. won tons and other hors d'oeuvres. The guest list included the John Parkers, Robert Gages, Howard Cusi<.-s, James Baldwi~ Leon L yon s. G eoffrey Beaumonts. Ronald Soderlings. Richard Steinbachs and Faith Strong, Richard Ouelette and John Watz. Also Ors. Ronald Waters, Stephen Pauley. Gordon Seg~l. Mark Wcrtzhe1mer, Paul Murray and their wives and Dr. Harry Montgomery. Assisting Janet Eggers with tht' bc nl'fit arrangements were ~acquc Bassett, Maril' PeizJo, Pat Atha, Lauri Pclissero. Evie Lewis. Jim Croul, and C.J. Pelisscro. Other comrrlittce members who had been working for &x months on the c.'Oncert were Jeanne and Dawson Adams, Linda Bratcher, Charlene Croul, l!>iane Jordan, Linda Toney, Rosaura Ulvcst.ad, J~an Wagner, Arnita Albright and KJlthy DouglasS, MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: A membership tea and open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Monday at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art, 307 Cliff Drive, is planned for guest and prospective members of the Affiliates. Membership chairman Arnii.a Albright and Trudy Farrin~ton will welcome the RU<.~"ts. and Louise Voloshin, Beverly Tuttle and Linda Toney will serve retreshmenL"I. Men and women interested m joining the support group may obtain further information by calling Albright at 581 -1724 or the museum at 494-6531. At top, Vivian and Eugene Le vin chat with Janet Eggers, c hairman of Ben Veree n's concert for Laguna Beach Museum of Art. Also partying before the show w~re Marla Bird with Ann and Jack Knowlton. Antique show-smooth success . Dellp Net ,...... ~ c ......... ..,., Michael Perkins and her husband Robert admire rare bone and baleen mooel o( Napoleonic hip. • • "This nfakes other antique shows look like flea markets." said one guest at the preview of the Newport Harbor Art Museum Council's fifth annual show. "I go to a lot of shows back East," he continued, "and this is one of the ,best in the country." Also there was comment on the smooth setting up of d isplays. "Everything was done the daX before the party and went very smoothly, ' said Nora Lehman , advisory commltlee member. "Th.e exhibitors credited this to the preparation of the museum council." Guests attending the Invitational preview examined antique prints, quilts, furniture and jew elry offered by d ealcra com i ng from Californ ia, New Mexico, P ennaylvian la, Connecticut, Virginia and New York. Bet.ween booths they adjourned to the patlo for a lavish buffet catered by Dclaneya. . All proceed • from the pa rty , the supplementary lectures aud the three-day 1how will benefit the mwieum'1 operaUn1 budlet Gueata spotted ftljoying the popular event included Jean Aldrich and her ctau11\t.er, L i% Toomey; Barbara and Alex Bowle, Dan Cavanau1h. E. G. and Ward Chamberlin, Dr. John ChOng and hia wife Junie, Pe~ and Les Cotton, Jessie and Howard Daum, Ileane Doolin, Henry and Jill Durkee. Bee Jay Hershman, George Irvine, Sassy Luby, Nancy and Tony Otting, Tom and Emma Jane RilPy, Bobbie and Bill Stabler. Dottie and Glen S tillwell . Michael Gering and hundreds of other antique buffs and museum supporters. Michael Perkins heads the council and Gay Bryant and Gertrude Thomas complete the • advisory committee. This show Is the only top-notch antique show In the country that 1s done totally by volunteers They are still counting the proceeds and expect to know by week's end how this year's event stacks up against lost year's $50.000 money-maker. -Tickets dwindling Tlck<>ta to Friday's Harvc>st Moon ball ln The Registry Hptal, will b<" available through Wednetday says Shelley Schultu'. chairman . The ball, a black-tic prelude w Irvine'• Hnveat Festival on Oct 1-3, will f«>nture enter tainment, decorations and music with a 1930 theme. Tickets for $75 a couple to the gourmet dlnn r may be obtain d by Clllhng Schultu> at 720·2227 or 645·8616 Richard and Marjorie Cooling try out antique jewelry di played by first-time exhibitor Edith Weber of New York and London. r------------.. I AJ; I ! We~~;~ ! : $1.6~~ J : . -(Jr ~· : : W''JtfffeA : I T . I I I I ft;j c::\ COMMEl(:tAL CRtl)IT A.AN. It«:. I I ':IO,. Con1101 °"'"' Co~11t I I co .TA MFSA: I I 370 E. 17th Strkt • 64S.e700 llllNTINGTON BEACH. I I l<.075 Colde11 Wtt1 St. • 147 7171 I Ml !"-.ION VIEJO: I Alkl1 Tow11Plue •770-3651 I SANTA ANA1 I 122~ .:. •• 17th SI. • 547.$171 I 11-----------·-· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tue.day, Septembet 21, 1082 remembered Marine staff noncommissioned officers from El Toro and \- Tustin staged the ir third annual "We Re member" event as they hos te d·som e 200 disabl~d veterans from Long Beach Veterans Hospital. Above, Archie Moore, former world boxing champion, confers with Brig. Gen. Richard M. Cooke, CO, MCAS, El Toro, and actor Buddy Ebsen from Newport Beach. At right, Moore welcomes Joey Amieva, resident of the vets hospita l, to the gala .dinper -show. Good general managers key to better productivity By JOHN CUNNIFF Af 8u.IMM ANt)'ele NEW YORK -All through the 1970s the statistics showed, but it wasn't until the decline in U.S . productivity began eating away at profits that short-sighted management finally realized it had to do something. You can squeeze year-to-year profits out of a company by sell ing off assets, by buying others, cutting research and ignoring long-term investments. Some managers found you can get away with it for several years. But then it catches up with you. The company's shrunken capacity cannot take advantage of marke t conditions. The lack of r esearch leaves p r oducts uncompetitive. The company's old-fashioned plant cannot produce efficienlly. The story is familiar. its consequence too: a spate of theories and practices, some fads, and every so o ften a miracle solution proposed by an author or consultant . Management by objectives. theory Z , quality circles, strategic planning, worker partic1pat1on, bette r communications. hypnotism. Walter Fackler, professor of bus iness economics at the University of Chicago, isn't very The most beautiful Christmas store in all the world is opening soon in Newport Beach Come late September, we'll open 1n Fashion Island, Newport Beach. Plan now to come see our "fairyland" .. a fantasy of mdg1cal animated scenes. scores of deco(ated Christmas trees, and a non-panel collection of over 100,000 holiday ornaments from 60 countries of the world. m~r®riginal O.l~rt11tma11 ~nrr Opening late September Fashion Island -Newport Beach 14th Anniversary SALE PIH DRAWING LA· l·IOT UClleA·IOClllf o.-"'9 Wot k HoW CXt 11 y.., Heed Not k ,.._,To WINt 1111 INAlYSIS impressed. "It seems to me we are in danger again of getting caught up in the trappings of management fads as an easy way out," he says. "And there is no easy way." Observing many companies and many managers over the years, Fackler has arrived at one momentous conclusion: "For the individual company the key to improved prod~ivity is the developme nt of good general mana ers." To illustrate his point, he has been offering audiences various assertions lhat he has come to believe in strongly. As othe rs have, you may conclude that the assert.ions are not altogether new, and that some should be obvious to any intelligent executive. But you might also observe that perhaps they've been forgotten, and that while simply stated, they penetrate deeply. Greatly abbreviated, but in his own words, they are: -Good management is largely personnel administration -and I don't mean by personnel departments. You get results "Ben with /"9'1' ya ddlar left. ~~ 1stf~~~ Huntington Savin~s }mows how to treat a neighbor. No matter how little you have in your checking account on any given day, your money will still earn 51/•% interest. .. only through people. Personnel problems are too important to be left to personnel departments. A good general manager is also the chief personnel officer. -Manageme nt by fear is self-limiting. A good manager is a leader, a pusher and a teacher The leader gives an organization a sense of direction and purpose with which all employees at all levels can Ide ntify. -Keep lean -not emaciated and not fat. -If you don't have a union and you get one, you deserve it and you deserve what you get. . Unions. by their nature, restrict flexibility, innovation, and change. If you are doing things right. unions are not as likely to attack. -Good financial controls are necessary in a well -run organization, but they are no s ubstitutes for e ffe ctive management. Unfortunately. too many general managers tend to manage numbers rather than people. -General managers will not fulfill their full potential unless they have operating experience in various functional areas of the business. Don't promote tha't accountant befo~ giving him a good dunking in manufacturing, or in oper;ltions. or marketing. Not only that, but your account is serviced absolutely free. You can write as many checks as you like and never pay a ~rvace char~e. We call 1t No-Strings Checking, because there's no minimum balance required. No service charge. And still you get 51/•% interest compounded daily on every dollar. Isn't that the kind of checking account you want, too? CD HUNTINGTON SAVINGS ~~:'°" Or•,,o• Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Tuuday, September 21, 1882 IE l:DllTY llllla The J. C. Ca r ler dlvl1Jon or l ntorn&Lloruil phone & Telesraph Corporation algn d an menl to providt.> pumping nw:hln ry tor 1tw A Dhabi Gy Llquefoc\Jon Co .. Ltd., LNO/LPO lito age 1yawm projl~·t on Du l•land, Unllt'<i Arab ' ral<'w. Th~ order ill In exceM of $12 mlllion, m't'Ordlnl( c Co.ta MCt!U-but.'d company. Th~ t-qulprnl'nt I. g manufactured al tht' loal racillly. W & K Company of Santa Monk11 M..~Url'tt manent financing for an claiht·huttdlng • trial park in lrvinc romplcwd with $3,840,000 lded by At.itna Life ln.surant'C.' Company . Situated on an 11.2.-acre ~'OJ at l\ocktit.0ld Bo levard and McLaren Road, Irvine East Bu lneaa Center ll t.'Ont.ains 170,470 tquare teet of sp e. It was designed by DeR evere, Wlae, Ga atian & Aasoclate1 of Newport Beach Dave Dombe ck, Huntington Beach , and ard "Butch" Edge, El Toro, have been named ot.ional consult.ants for Princeton Industries, a -raisin g company. Dumbeck was a sal es e.en,tative with Honeywell, Inc., and Edge ht and coached at Saddleback Valley Unified J. . Claack Olten has been named manager, sales s u or t; Steve Kocb, franchise sales su pport ma ager; Gary F urnee, regional sales manager: ~~!_~a Lombardi, sales support manager, and J' Clari1teo1en, West.em regional sales manager. f E co no L ube 'N Tune, headquartered in Ne,port Beach, selected Madeline Zucker man Pu lie Relation1/ Advertising of Tustin for its pu le relations program. ~The Wyle Laboratories electronics marketing gr p division in Irvine has been appointed ~ an au h orized franchise location by Pamoto r Incorporated, which manufactures industrial fans an, blowers. , Suzanne Yax of Irvine has been promoted to m~ia director a t Cochrane Chase, Livingston & Co. Inc., Irvine, an advertising, public relations an marketing, agency. I Glenda le Federal, in recognition of Cystic Fitfrosis Week (Sept. 19-25). is distribut ing inf~rmative pamphlets in selected branches to edl.kat.e employees and customers on cystic fibrosis. Branches participating include Anaheim, Costa Mesa. F uller ton, San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano. Telecommunlcatloos Design Corporation has opened new national headquarters in Orange. The fi rm perfor ms telecommunications consulting services under contract to business, industry and government. Semicoa of Costa Mesa has announced the appointment of Jack Belove of Newport Beach vice president. operations. He was vice president, operations for Decisionmakc r s. Inc., a microcomputer hardware and software marketing and publishing company. EIP Microwave, Inc. of Newport Beach. has introduced its first model in a series of mjcrowave frequency generation instruments. Thl' company has specialized in frequency measureme nt test instruments. Thu Suamu Corporet101 <it lrvlM nnmt1d Mlclaa I Ryaa pu .. ldent and chJc:t X('('Ullv officer He WU director or Information 1y11tcm1 for Tile 8 reegee Corpora11on hc:1.1dquarwred In Cu1l4•r1lno. Tht> WeaUn Soutb CoHt Pla11 Hotc:I rc.1.>t•ivt'll the Four Diamond r1tlng rrom the Amt•r1can Aut0moblle Assudollon. The raung wUI ~f)pt'Llr In the 19B3 cdHlOJl ot the Callforniu Nevoda Tour Book Klr k Andre w1, Ca rolyn Buve r, R o b e rt Conway and Kevin Spence have bc.>on pr1>mou:.od to n\anugl'r in th~· audit department ot the Newport Beach office ot Peat, Marwick, Mltcbell & Co., an lntt'rnutlcmal accounting firm. Keith L. Schult1 has been nJlJncd mnnogl·r of the Sears Buslneu Sy1tem 1 Center m Costt.t Ml'YI, the fu'St such Scars unJt in Orange County. lt is l0<:at<'Ci in the ArncrlCarl City Bank Tower, South Coast Plaza 1'own Cc-nt.er, at 611 Anwn Blvd. Advanced Tax Concept• of Fountain Valley, an ronJunction with the Founta in Valley Chamber of Commerce, will prt.'SCnt a free investment and tax planning seminar. St'pt. 22 al 6:45 p.m at lhl' Holiday Inn in Costa Mesa For anrurmill1on, <.·all 962-4441 Armco's Aerospace and Strategic Materials Gr oup will rcloc<itc hl'odquurters to N'l'wp<irt &.-at·h from Irvine efft>ctivl' S4.•pl. 27. The 8,100-squart.>·fool h at.'adquarlcrs fal'ility will be·Suite 260 of tht.• Pa1:1fw Muluul Plaui. 8'10 Newport Center Dr1vt• Tht.' group was base.'<.! at 18662 MacArthur Blvd Rieb O'Malley, ol Oceanside. a Southern California banker. has joined Ma rine rs Bank National Association (in organization) as vice president and Sl'nior loan officer of th<.• San Clemente faciltty. O'Malley was Vt<..'l' pres1dt•nt and managl'r of the Bank or San Clemente The Electronics Association of California named Joan A. La Rosa manager or the Southern California division. She u; a former S<'nlor executive with both Fluor Corptm1t1on and Hughes Ai1waft Company The Sa ddl e b ac k N ati o n a l Ba nk (in organization) held a ground-breaking ceremony for the bank's offil'c to be located in the Laguna Hills Square. The two-story building will be across from the Saddleback Community Hospital. Donald W. Olson has been named as the bank's president and chief executive offit..-er He was president and chief cxe<·ulive officer of Garden Grovt.> Community Bank in Garden GroVl' from its inception in April 1979. Hoffma n Video Systems, 17752 Mitche ll Street in Irvine. will open its 4,200 square foot Orange County facility Sept. 30 with a video demonstration at 2 pm. and a reception at 5. Oscar 's Lock & Key has taken a five-year lease on 1.100 square.feet of space in Von·s Shoppmg Center. 10089 Adams Ave., Huntington Beath The property was leased from Western Shoppmg Centers Inc. for $39.600. Don St. Jean of the Newport Beach office of Business Pro p,e r&l es Broke r age Co mpa n y represented both parties Vagabond Sailboats sold Oceanside fir m acquires S anta A n a facility The Coleman Company of W1chi ta has announced its subsidiary, Coast Catam a r an Cor.p. of Oceanside acquired for cash th e assets of Vagabond Sail boats. Inc. of Santa Ana. Ui-ider its brand name and that of 'Holder, Vagabo n d marrufactures sailboats ranging in a,ize from 12 to 20 feet and related accessories. Products include the single hander Holder 12, Vagabond 14 daysailerlracer, Vagabond 17 daysailer and 17 overrught.er and the Holder 20 ocean racer. Vagabond has grown rapidly since its formation in 1978 with sales last year of approximately $1.6 million. Ther e w ill be n o change in existing management or ln the use of cop yrights, patents. trademarks, designs or distribution channels, oHicials said. Vagabond will operate as a d ivision of Coast Cata maran, manufacturer o f H obie a n d Hobie Cat sallboats. Coleman. traded on the New York Stock Exchange, 1s engaged in the manufacture and distribution of outdoor recreation equipment. This includes camping and thermal products. backpacking equipment, canoes, Hobie Cat sailboats, O'Brien water skis, Crosman Airguns, camping trailers and heating and air conditioning equipment for manufactured and site-built housing and air conditioning for the recreational vehicle industry. (* I ) ···-Our Most Affordable Pocket Computer Model PC-1 H-3501 14995 •Only 1 1/ut x 87/a x 2)/•" •Programmable In BASIC • Llbr9ry of ea ... n. Software Our Moat Powerful Pocket Computer o·~i!'rj •Powerful ExtenMd BASIC •E.xpMdebfe 2.IK Memory • 7 x 1 M Gnlphlca Dlaplay iE ··~ CiiZl co C!II cbJ cm co C!!J ca ([) ffil CD CE> CD CD CiJ Cil IE C!.l 8 a a • Iii m CD CE CD l!)(El CDGJ CD c:b D •• a al CD (.!J rn CiJ Ci) cm Gl CD CD 8 •••• 9 CD El cm:::l CE:> ~ <!> dJ • • • • SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE. COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER A DIVISION OF TANDY COAPOAATION •t• .,_,, c:. PRICES MAY VAAY AT l~OIVIOUAL STORES ANO D!AlERS - Munion Man11eem~nt Sy1tcm1, lntcgrinor of Ht-wlt•lt·PackArd t.'Omputt.·rg und CU-)l.om IK>flWW'l' for Vl'.'rt1cul markl'l», hu~ thnngt-d 1U1 nuuw und movC'd to l4lrg1•r fodhtll• In Irvine at 170112 Mltch<•ll Strl•(•t South. llionnmcd American Data Jndu1trle1, th<• firm will continue to &pt.>eluJl:tt' in lnvc.intory control. dh;tributJon, retail pomt--0f -sail'.', lcaslns. acc.'OUntlng and mnnuf• ·turlns oppllcauons. Danlt l F. May, prt.'Sldl•nt und d'1id c>Ct'<'Ut1w oCfl<.w or Republic Airlines, Inc., h.u8 tx~·u £>1l'<.'t.t.'<i to the board of direc tors of R('Xnord . ll Milwaukee.based manufacturer of industriul mnchlm•ry and components. J . Trevor Spruston, a<.'Count exc-cut1vc.· or E. F . Hutton & Compa ny Inc. in Fashion lsland, wtll offer a ~rit.'8 of frf.>l• S<.>mln:1r:. tu be held Tuesdays and Saturdays at lht-ftrm11' 1ww 0CC1<.'l'h al 860 Nl•wporl Ccnl.<'1 Drive. Fur 1nform<1t111n, cull li4•1 ~ 11 l. Tht• J ohn Ha ncock Companies will prost·nt finunc1al seminars at Equ1tublt.• Saving!; and Lonn ~·l 2155:.! Broukhurst St. Huntington Bt·at.·h , or1 Wednesday and Sept 27. Oct. 2 and O<'l . 6 Progn1ms begin at 7::iO Wl'<'k nights and 10 a .rn on Saturday. For information, l'all 546-5141 Garre ll G. Bickford of Dana Pmnt has been appotntt.'d managN of th(· Laguna 1 lills branch offil'e of Title Ins urance and Tr us t. Ht• held a sim11<1r position with Ch1t•ug" Talk· Co in Phoenix. Th<.• Metropolitan Water District's board of d1rt'<'lo~ approved a $6 5 m11l1on appropnatwn for construction of a small hydroele<:ln<.· gl•twralton plant in lht• city of 1~1 Habra. When the plant gOC's on the ~ine an the spring of 19lM. ll is S<:hedul<.od to produce enough t•k"Ctricity to serv<.• 3,500 homes, S3Vlnf{ the l'<)UIV8lc•nt or 30,200 barrels of fuel oil per year It will be known as the Coyote Creek power plant. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK !AP) (.Off Ur .. .... 1St f4'1. "'• .>al>\18 NASDAQ Coll>G•\ tnfr•tnd .. ' • :<G•R ~J711J2 Intel ll•· ,.. •u•:xP qvota11ona showing Com(IH HI I Sil ,,..,., Enr •' . ... Peer t hlghett bids •nc:I Cm1!>111 t 11 I 1l1 I lnt9rph ,.,. ,,, I Pen•Ent lowesc oilers by Cmwl•t 174• 1)1 I tntmf"<I ""' "'• Peril• s market makers •& ConP.o ?•-.... 1~'· 1n1mtG• I) • \II I P.opE:ap of Mond•v P11ces Cordi\ ,, I ,, ... lnBWllh I I•• P~lrlte Cro~ Tr~ ... ,,, ' twaSoUI ,. ,.;. Pelllbon <10 nol lnc:klc:le rotaJI Cullrfo .. 1 .. J•m,br I).\• 14 PnolaN•t matkup matkdown Cytltron •.. ... JPtttO n•. n •a P•••c•SS or commission IOI' 01•~·' ll ll\t " J J • ' ' .. Plnlt.rtn O.rtM \ H U•• 1 l7 It l1b10-.1 yn PoonH• \ Monday DBter .,.)7) w..~.~. ~ l I Pla>llnt S1m1t. '::. » g:~~~' u ... ,, , .. , ' .. PO\.SI\ .r.E:l ll'ICI ·~'"' K•lv•r '• I PtoGM AF.r.HrOI 'J'll I JO'' ~wtrE• .. ... te•m•n ,, . ,, PHSlevn .r.VM(.11 • .,.. Out(ry\ ,..,_. 1s•' o<elrSv • u t ,. Pro;rp Ac•cJln\ 111• 111• 01111nCu 21 2) l<lmtMll 19 ''"• PbSvNC 1\'.:'t~· 9 ... 91. 0oc .. ffl 101• 101 i l(lft911\t )•. l Purlllen )'• •.. Oollt(,n 711. ,, .... o<toolC. ,, ... ,,., PutOC-c> AGtfff 11 .. )1' 1 Ooyl08 1~ 111• :~:t:v IA , ... , OuOrC/l Aln(,,p IA I• • Drn•tCn n ... ?)"' • 91, R•9f!~ AN•tin\ IA " . Oun~O ''"' "'• K"lfttk«' Jt4. ''' • .r.Ou•" I'• I .. °"'''°"' •'• tO • l•M• 1o , ..... 1~·. R•y RHYtt ARHMQ n l '. , .. l:•tl'Vi,t 14 • I) l.•ft(!A~• • • ... Aoao~v AW• ... ,, ,, .. Etonl.eo l •rwCO ... I "' RobbMy An.dot• I • , .. u . "• lllnv\ ,, . ,, .. An<;1SA ti , ""• EIP••EI II • U I L1n8fd ' 11' I 114.,. Aou~ S.Ohtr AnQAC.0 /O· • II Eldf'rb-,, 4. 11•. S..IKO ~~~~. II o fl Elt .. UCI '~. '~ ~?.'l~n ,. , .. SIH•IGo ... ' , ... EIMoCI> ti • I&_• • MGF 011 .. . ... St Paul "'OenCA> • ... EnrOt• ti'> ,,. .. M•d•Gl ''" .. ••'· S<rlpli ' AllC.>LI ts ... IS .. lflrMft ' 1 ,. ,, ' M•~IP, J• I ,., All~A \ ~ 1'1'· E:nR\" s s • M• Al • ... ~·. t•Gal<! ft\Of \ Awnt@~ , ••• 1•"-~~~i~t" IS IS'-M•r•on l .. J'> Sv<Mer ::::~~ • ••• "'• ""' M•ullP )0 ,,. , Sv<m•I •• ·~ ~1'i'f(' •"• . May Pl • • • SflMad ::;',t~Eg """ n•. Sl7 I J1 Mayn01I s s•' Sii ........ I .. I~ ~••m<A> )'' • l>'· Mc(orm , ... , .. ~er•A\ Baul fr )I ' l1 F Hllcor " I 11\._. < F•rl I I• $1t1<on• l•rl\MO. \GI ' 101• f IB•~r> lO JO • M(Qwy ,, .. u.1. .. ~•IWlr e..11 .... i ·. s .. F1Bo-.1n ., ·~ . M<R.0 "" 1S SwEISv e ... 1111 .. . .. ~ .. ~:~~f~n 11'' ,. M10~aW lO' 11 I $1andyn e.11l. ~)A·. . . .. Mdloe..c> I ' ···1 StdNIK•O 8t•MQI " ,, " ) ~:~e"' ,, •• Jl MICll 'IP• 11., 11~ S•dA~ Bl~ 11 171.. 1& • 2•' I M1dl8• • Biro I'• ••• Fl•Nr.• l•·. l•' ... ::~·~e';G 1} ... 1l'• oor•c"' J~ 3'-Fturotb 1 f t. 11·, " I Bly•-II'• .... Fo•P~IO 1)'1t o• ... MOie• S7 S1'1 &ontnl 14. , ~~~~·l~ ~·· 601 Mont(DI 1-., I\. Brwlom "'· 11 .. " 11 "'• ti;' H er business clears clutter SAN DI EGO (AP) K.art•n Shortrtdgc• lhlnk.a of hl•n.elf as someowhot or u phy111cum lor mc"Uy pt.'<>pl<> u dcx·tor for tht.• tll110rgi1nl1.t-<l "Mo11t pN1ple don't know why thf'y'rp dlaorg1tnl:tt•d,'' atw HUY~ ¥\ a bu8ln<>1111 broch urtt, "They n<~'<t d1agnos18, 11milnr to the one tht'y'd gl't from their famJly phy11lc111n " For several months. ShortrldQt'. 3~. hoa spc.>cialitcd in thtii kin<l uf "ht•uhh cart>" through her one pt.•n;<1n Orgunlu•i. Unlimited. Sht• t•horgcs $1 ~ un hour to lead tho mt'SI• bound to neatness. h u11uully wkw two tO five hours to dcvlS<> 8 sy11tcm to dt•ur dt.'sks, nrasntw Cll(.>11 and puy loll' bills, :sht· 11:11<.J K111inl( dutwr has psycholog1cal bcncC1\.I, 14ld Shortr1dgt>, who holdt a master's degree in coul\M'ling J)5ychology "I 5t.'t: pt'Opll' who Urt• !I() fru~trated.'' she nok'd "They can't find somNhlng and they almost go cra~y. After awhile, tht• 1doppiness overwhelms them and they have no earlhly idea what to do." lfor more than 20 c.:laents include sales representatives, artisb, tN1chers. mterprctc.•rs and a c:omputer programmer Cleaning up l'ach rat's nest rl'QU1rcs the JX•fl>Onal touch. ShorlmJgc said. "Maybe it's a !title like ESP," she said . ··Knowing what's goang lu work for what person h 's mc)rt• a JX'rception of understanding pc'Ople's nt'l'ds. Sometimes. it c:omt..>s to me instantly. But with l'UCh or my clwnts, 1 talk to them, gel to know them, try to find out what those needs are "For example a dwm might think th<: problem 1s a messy desk top when actually 11's lads. of an cff('('tlVe fahng syst<'m Ont't' you get their l ites in shaf>t:, the incoming mall automatically goes an the right drawer." On one assignmc·nl, sht' cleaned up a small study by (.:Utting and rahng newspaper clippings, stacking letters and ball~ and describing ways to brighten the room. The result: three Large plastic bags of trash and a neat room She even balanres l·heckbooks. does 1n<.-ome tnx forms and pays bills. "The worst is unpaid bills," she said "People amass late chargt..>S or bounce checks hke crazy. Or they can't find their Qht..•c:kbook. Or their checks. Sooner or later-. it's a foelmg of being inundated. Then, not being able to make decisions over the most tr1v1al stuff " ''"'-''', 'St•nnrne lJ )4 I 11• , 11 SlerlSt , .. , .. UPS AMO DOWNS ~' • ~'• 1 ~:.~~I 111 1'I 40 ..o•. U'• l)1, ~upitrE:• '"i. ,, • Nl:W YORI< (API Tlw tollow•n<;I ll\t 70 10•. !lylt.n ........ , .,,hOw• the O\llttr tN (.ounter ,,, . ,,,, TIME DC ' l., '1o<H -w•rr.inl\ n1a1 fl••• oorw ..., , ... , ?!. '·~· )/ .. JI ' In. mo.I .no _,, '"~ "'°'' i....o on ~~~·;I ~~~m~ ?J n·. ~rt f'f\I ot < f\ano<' r~ro1..,., of .... ........ ., ., . tor Monday '11 I U •· t•l<f'f\A " • 11 • No MCur•hn lr4Cht\Q otlo-11 •r• 1nct ~I .., Ten•nt .. I··-· .-., H~I ..,... l)tJ<.M\I•~ <.rwlnQI\ .,. ltw H. n 1 opr••r •• ... o.tt .. -• bet-1ne e>< ... -. "'°""G ""' , I I Toml()il )'. ~ 11' 1 IJ' • 1 loyol• > "" . ... ptOC. •nd Uono•t • 1 .. 1 bod C><l«I 17tJ?•4 TW1E .. s • , ... )O• •JO•• I r1c.OPU n· 4 ,, • ..... , .. l ToonFd ll' 1 u~. U .. 1310 UnM<C.11 11• .. ti N•iu Lii\t '"11 fo'tl t•• , 1•\• U~ Enr s, .... )'• l•KO ~ , .. I Up no ""is•. I us Sur t11 • ?l4· Lamotl '° . J•' Up 10• I)', t• us Tru, 11• .. 11 MOnQrn• , .. .. Up ". ... I • UVaBV> ,.. , )ot .. I jj'.: r: '· ~~~~"8 l l • • VIOO.OSI , .. '> Up .. , u-. '"'. s Nunw,.. to•, . I ... UP \j I • Ft NI~ • .. Up Ul .al .a1,. VNIA ., ., . tO , 11 ValH•tl , .... ". I ~· J ... • 1 •• Up 131 ,. • ,. ... v..-o... • .. 10·· • F-1or•• I'-'• Up !) s ,,.. 4 V•lcro IA .... • BullBr pl ... ' UP I)) 10 P4KCHI . , I Up II I JI· 1 • ., Vottr•St . ... • • ,., .... 1'1'• Vooeocp .. , ... II (mpM.oQ ! • .. Up II t 11 "'°'Y<>I ' .. .. Up 10 I 41._ 49 lr•NBlll l9 ' ''"-· 114,,. ie• .. W•tnEI .,. ' tJ IJ Oncron• ) . . Up -to S 11~ ttl. W•llEnr 11'• u1• 10;10.Vcl S'. " Up 100 2-' • 7•• 1 WDH'O lt•. l1•. 1S Sv11<or s . ~. Up 100 I• TrnrS h ,. l'o Up •• ,. '''• wHo•o ll' • 31,, lA' • .).41 I WtnOf( t71J ., ... II Pula\f, II ' '" UP 9 I • ........ W•Hr•u 1~'• U\.t II (hmlU II ' ''• Up '. 11'• 1'I W1wr<> > "'• u " =¥~ l UP 9 I 1• ,. '==•'" • . .. '° • r ~ Up t I " • 11 • 11 F-, .. .. UP 19 :; • :;.! WOOOLOI ,. , lO ,, T P'"•'f • • . • UP •• •• 11 Wr1:r;tw 1]·. I] ,, b ll,(Off"I,,, J'. . '• Up ., it\_.. 1" • l•OI\ t U'. lS·• l • E••on• l • UP ll 11'-111 .. ". Noe ~·<•Otfl JS f-•1.0LO J • .. UD I J \I SS DOWNS N•mt U\I "~t t"<t P11.ulni , .... Oft JCH I• 't OU 117 =~~,\' 8·::8 But~ I~ tl't Ft•n~EI I)'. .. :f: i~~I NASDAO SUMMARY ~rl . . '· 00 14 J Bullet• )µ.JS'• FruG JO'• i•·· Mo'"''" • B "II' ... .. 00 I) 6 Bur~ 10 10•. J.-r•mft1 ... • • Morlm s Vor1K ·~ .. Ott I) • CHl 1n ,,, )'. FulhHb "~ ,.t. Mot(ll.C> • 0-fCN s .. Olt I] 0 (PT ,.,. 1S G"Autm 1' )O•, NEW V()AIC CAPJ -· Khv. owt I fllt>NI ~ 3 ... l '• Mwller ' Oii 11 t C:.1Wt$v JI 1' • GnO..vo , •• 1'• NarrQC ,,. , ,.. I ,.,. <"""'" \CO<h "':.:".., Cly NASO I ~Ent S I ... Oii 11 0 ClntedH J J•. e;:~~~· :f ' lf J ND•la ,... .. • H•""' Votum. tO A\ll.O ChQ • l• ... ... °'' II• C.pEn ' .. " .. N•t••S u" 11 .. MCt s .. 1.100 ,. u •. ·• 10 Oeltal>lr s•. .. Ott " s c.os"'" .... 101 1 GraPflS< 11 .. tP 1 NVAlrl 1 1, • T •-m Ul,JOO 23 21', •• II Cmc>H11 -1 Ott II I C•P.lllr I\ J'<> l ... GrtyAO\I t} ., HoOOG .. ~. •'• P•u.Tm .... .oo 1•\• •••, , .. ., 0."°Mnll • . Ott II I <Ar•CP JO• .. 11• ... Glllnl\f 1• I •' 1 Nltl"' A )I'. )I', Cnlafl ..i1 900 13', IJ .. I) ICNwto un , . Oii II I Cteu> I \.• ••• Ayrooyn • . • 1•. N101"' 8 n '• s. Syi.u ),., l(IO ,~ •• I .. .. bnfa , . ()ft It I (NtRo~ » )1•-.. HAdW>n •' ..... N•i.• B O•• U Ovolton ,,0, 'IOO u u • , 1•, I~ Am Py• , .. s " Oii 10• (hrmS ta~. u ... H•mlPI '1'..t " .... NC.,G\ fl' 1 IJ', Otl"r 1¥/,100 A rt 31 S ,.,. .. Aepco ... I 011 10.s C ... t1H :12 ... ,,,, Herowi. t ~.. ,, • NwlN(' .. tOh tt Cros.trt!I 1'1,jO() ta•.. 11'·1 -••·1 11 y~un ••• .. ()fl 10.0 Chmua .,. J .. HrpR-I'• ,1_. NwUPS ""' .... Bur-S l'IO 'IOO to 10•. ... " , .. " Ott IOO CIWlUll I•' , 16 I H••!>GP 11'• )t..\_. NO•eU lt•• lt .. It BIORWI w1 , .. .. ()ti . ) ~ ...... Jtl• ,. .. H•rllNI ,. ... ,. .. WJNu<"P ... .. Ad•an<:lld ., '° '"'.,.''" ·~ ., Ott tS lr1~0 = =~: ~:~~ , ... u Oo-r ... J ••"t OKll...O -JI l(T~ ... . OI• •s C1US..O. ,. Jtl, ~::2: JI J7• •• Ull< ... "9f0 2,J20 21 ~.::L 1 • '• Oii t I ClltUIA ]7•, J1 '• tiOIODm 1'. 2 JI 1 JH• lOl.i 1""9\ J.)4S ,, 1 ) " Oft I• (1l1UtB ~ .. ~! • I ~:°.'7~. 1t ' ""' Onforro I • 7•. N•w ltlQM '° ,. SoftornVo I .. Oii 16 lli•rllJl , . ,._. OtW'rTP 10 '°" "•"" ,.,... ,. u Conu>IR\ , .. .. Oii • J C._Cp ~ s .. IMS Int 16' 16\. PC.r. '"' ' '" 101.i ..,In )I ),. IOCI , ,. kVHt"W' , .. Oii IJ ,, LINR\C. 1 I " ) .. 011 ., MUTUAL FUND NEW YORK IAPI EQu•I • II • IS' ll -I IJ 1'1Nll t l1v"y"'Fo ., .. Nl H•IBo Ill • \\ 9 -,oro •J JU .. >-SIO<' .. 11 NL lite toll-lnQ -,.,.,...,..., G•OUI> Puntn 10 •I 10 t s NL Mu1 ... 1 of Om.atl4I u wit> 10 w II U t•CI-~Ito bv HIYlcl '0 10 I) fl\rtfl '.. Hl JP Gttfl 11 SS ll... Anwr to lol Hl. Huflh IS l6 .. 19 ~:~ IO so Nl ... H•I-"Uot • H -11 •1 u \I Tr-27 Oo NL JP Into ' .. I w GrW1h • '' ) ,.. Ho Vld ISOI •• ti Strat11w l: I~ ••Ion ol *""'""' N 0 • ( F1n.tnt1•I Pl'og Janus • .. NL lntom I ... 00 l11<om • ,, ... Slr•I G4h 1J. Nl o ........ •rw.. ••• I) II ••II T••NI Dyna 141 NL Jol\n -..0<11 Tk ,,. 'u 10 •• 11\W\C I •1 t '° c .. prl<:•• •I _k,, I • ' • I • I ' F ... n. 13.., Hl B-ll ll "., MllOWI ".. Nl ()ptn 12 11 IJ Jot S....Grtl\ IO,, "ll ...... M<\lrillH Cnl Sh• 10.. NI fft(!u\t • ll NL Grrttl to a. 10 •l MuC 51\r •• IO NL , .. E• "lf 1011 h• Mgo IS,. 1• It 'O<ild naw been (fl.art Fd ti .. ti 1' IA<om /)I Nl U!I GVI IAS t II N .. >tl )l,"4 NL Vl'lla IS 7S "61 T•;::::.., J~~~ JI \Old (HeC a1~1 (tip Dir I) I• NL ht lnw\tor\ TH Ex I 89 9 '4 Niii Avta I fi Nl Voyeg 11 1' 13 JI Grwltl t 6' 1 Oo Vtl~I °" bOuolll '"'"'""' unaveol 8 )I N D A p K•ulmn .. Nl N•C Ind 12 ,. NL Ouawar ,.. so Hl lv•lue P'lll .. ," Colonlal F....O• I 1 • I • t • • • o<em...,-FunCI~ H•I S.CUJillO R•lnDw J 02 Hl WCM'lcl 17 u ft 1'I CN•ttl _..,.., Ful\CI 10 I) It /l DIKO •• 10 n lncom I JO I •• e.1.. 10., II 0 R•••rt I .. NL Trn• c.. • JI tO '° '911 h y Grwtlt /SJ IH Gr"'tfl 10. llJ Gr-107111/0 Bond Jt. JSI Ao<llh 194211 JI lrn•-ICW Nl .r.&te IA 11 Nl HI Yid • •l I 01 f11<om 6)) 6.. HI YIO • I) • 19 Grwtfl 1.10 I JO S.l~O 5-<\lr TT~!~ :q 1! ~ IOH66l Alcorn JC n.. Ml l11<om • 1' •ta N•tAet I SI • 07 lnlll'cl 10 1' II 1' p,..fO 6 )I • 10 [QV1I t 0) Nl r;'°ne ~ 10• ':j "'L ADV ti 11 NL ()pin I U • •2 ()pin ) .. • 4' M"" B 1 n 1 H IA<om • IS • •l G,._,,. I).. Nl "' • AfllCu<• I).. NL T •• MQ 10 ,, :12 IS T .. E• I cw I., °"'" 1l1' ,, u scoo I., t., Into IO,. I'll Twnc Se-I IS 01 Hl AIM"""°' Cotu Giit ti.. HT ... WlfQ 711 I. Summ 11 !a .. " To [• l 71 I,. SCP•ul 111"911 TwnC UI • u • S4 CvVlcl II ti 1114 (wlct\ AB I 21 I JI U Well 12 11 Nl Te<h II OS 11 OI Tot Rt SU S.. Cac>ll 10 U 10 'IO USA.r. ~ G•MW•Y CwllflCO ... 113Fo•ler •SJ S1t TotAI 111Jll2• l'•lrflO •1'1•1 Grwlfl 11 011.U ?~ to~J NL .... to 37 Comp BO • /I ... 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Utility rate hike opposed by SD SAN DIEGO (AP) Thl· city will oppoee part of n requested rate Increase by th\• San Diego Gu and Elcxtrk c.o ~ $20 mllllo11 of extra monty I.I being requeined t~ make up for lost 11ulc1 due to cU11tomer rontlC!rvauon. . At stat · Public Ul1Hty Com mission h earing• beginning Monday In Nullonal City, lh~ publlc had a chance tn oppose an overall $90.3 million increase sought by SIXi&E. . - _·_l_ ll Ii Deputy City Altorney WIUlam Shaffran s1ud he would lell com.mlasloners that $20 million of the Increase is being sought to make up for cwstomera cutting back on energy use. .. u Cash di vidend due WESPERCORP of Tuslan announced t hat dtre<.·tors declared a five cent per sha.re cash dividend on common stock of lhe company. The dividend ts payable Ocl. 11 to sha.reholders of record Sept. 27. WESPERCORP manufactures, markets, integrates and services products and systems for the informat!on processing market. . ·-. .. Firm's earnings off •• "'. Ultrasysterns Inc. of Irvine reported revenues of $9,370,000 and net income of $ 171,000 for the quarter ended Jul5' 31. In t.he corresponding period last year, revenues were $6, 110,000 and net income totaled $366,000, Earnings per share, based on 8 pert-ent more shares outstanding. were 5 cen ts vs. 12 cents. . The decline in net income was attributable to losses sustained by a subsidiary construction company on oil refinery-related work. China pacts sign e d LOS ANGELES (AP) -Subsidiaries of Atlantic Richfield Co. and Sant.a Fe lnt.ema~onal Inc. have signed the first oil and gas exploration agreements between U.S. companies and China. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK (AP) -Sales, Monday pc Ice and ne1 change 011,,. flftMn mot\ ecllve New York S 1ock E•ch1no• • 1115ues, 1tedlng neltonally el more lh•n ,!,N•I MIO 16',200 11Jf'• + .. l&M 112.100 ~ + 141 eu"om 7'2,100 u.. '"" P•rkr0r111 11',600 8, , 1~ N•I~ '9S,600 19vt Mer1lnM s 611,IOO 4410 l\'o Amer T& T 61l,IOO m: ! ~ Clll<orp 601.~ ,,~ ~· Sony Corp Sii .-.. Euon ~,•100 ?!~ .. T•ndY 4IO, .. ~ wemrCom 4n ,aoo ... , "',. DtlleAlrl > .el.JOO 2Plh Pul>S11C Col 4St ,t00 IS .. H1lll>urVI -,000 1).W AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (API -Sa!M Monday priCe end net chenoe ol IM len mott acllv• American Stock Eachange i--. t1edlng netiOnally •1 more than S1 • \lo DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW Y0RK14PI F1ne1 <>ow..-....... ,_ -.O.y, Step ••• STOCKI ..._ '-OMe Cite ; JO Ind ar.:.., tlfAS tol.11 '"·-OM 20 Trn 15'.7' »S.41 IS1.0t 3'2.ft+ 0.61 1S Ult llS.40 llt.1• llf,U 115.JI-o.J2 61 Slit Ul.41 >.SI 04 J50 Jl 3S4 12 0.11 llldUl •,tst,llOO ,,.,, 1,611.000 UlllS 1.067,lOO tl Stll 1 "47 )00 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK "".' 4t.ll • ()0 tAPI $tp 10 T "":J. -..,. ltU u • NEW YORK tAPI S.p 10 r..,.., w -210 py..,. -,, IOIJ Q6 "'° SI • Pnv. ... ., JM -114 ., ... ,o .. • •o . "" .... 7'1 n 164 , • .... . \. -.. Uf ~wt~PK P.Q~N~.,. 1a1~1~ 11.i tllOW• 1ne N-Yor' Stoo f«""'Ot •loch """ .... .,..,,i. tll•• have -1111 tllt "'°'' --IM "'°'' IN-on "'""'' oc <"""9t ·~rdlen ot votumo for Mondlv No MCl)rlllea 1radlng below S2 ara Included. Net and P9fcelllllg8 changes 81'e lhe dltferenct1 t>el'NMll \he prevtou1 clostno prloe and Monday's prloe. u~ U\I ChO Pel. >7 • 6 Up "4 11"1 • 1 ... Up 111 1• . ., \,. Up 11 1 t\oo • '-Up 10 • lt't • 1''9 Up 10 .. I \. Up tOl '""''UplOJ Uh "' Up '·' )~ , I t Up 9 S 1-"' UP I t I '> Up I S >ol • 1"' Up t 4 Ht • '-Up l .J 11 • l\1 Up 11 )h :i.. Up l .l 7\tt • .... Up 1 I 11 ... , • '"' UP l • I\,. • '> Up • S lJ • J Up 6o.S ""' • I Up 6 4 14 .. • h Up 6J Ii. • "" Up 6o.J 1\\ • Up 6 J •'-• .. Up 6 l 1~ • 141 Up 6o.I OOWNS LHI C"11 Pl • ... Off "' ~ -1 .... Ott ••• s1.. ~ .. Oft " • IS I'-Off I04 7 " Off ,, "" 111 Off I . )~ • ., Ott ... ,... 1. Ort 1 7 }.. .... Off .., • \'l Ort 1.1 t " Ofl 1.J JO~. ,... Off "' "' ... Ofl ... ""' h Ofl 65 S"• :i.. Off 64 Sl~ J'-Off .... 1~ YI Oft 61 l-"" Off •.1 41 t~ Off .. , 2l -lllo Oft 6 I .... " Off •.1 ,,.. I .. Off .. ..... '"' Off • 0 ' "" Off u '°"' IW Oft 1.t 14~ '-Ofl SI GOLD COINS NEW YORK (AP) -Prictle Monoay of gold c:olN, oompt11ed with F11dey'1 PflOe 1(,..,...,....,, 1 troy oz.., a.43.25, on 1775 Me pte ..... 1 troy o~ .. •••e as. on u oo ... lltMll IO ..... 1 2 lfO)' OIL, ,52 l 00 . off StH A...,._ t• lt'IWll. .tl02 110)' o~ .• "422 60. of! 17 H . Souro.-DMll·~· • • METALS er TN A-a.led ,.,_ ~Id world oc>IO Pfl<lee Mondlly l o11dol' morning fl•lno S•2fi 25, ol'f S 1~::doll elternoon fixing S•2• 25. o(f $17 25 P.i• •1t11noon fl•lng '427 78. o" 17 St. """'"flH1 11x1no $421 00. on 118.07 z11r1cro 1•11 a11.,noon 11.ttlng M 22 50. ott $ 111 00 l>l<I, 1121 00 atllld He11dy a "•'"'•" tonly Oelly quol•I $424 25, "" 117 25 1.,,...._d (only deity QUOl•l S-424 25. at! $17 211 ·~~d I-, e.Jt ...,.,ri t•ic•f .. U•~ ~ .. ..,, SILVER Monday Henoy & Harman, Ill 650 per ttoy ·-< ounc. GOLD QUOTATIONS er Tltt A-lated ,.,... S..C:lld WOtld oc>IO "''°" MonO•y Cep pet 100\-72 u nit • pound. V.S .,..~~ ., .. Leed 25-29 -··. pounCI ,. a-a 40-42 -· e pound. dellWrecl n. .. 3040 ..... .,. w .. compoelM ... ~. ;,......,_ 7&-71 09'\ll I poul'ldft, H Y -:) Mi9tcW)' '3'40 00 pet lleell ,._1111-1340 OO·Sa.41 00 lf01 -· N Y SYMBOLS \I l \ .. Orat1Qe Co1111 DAIL V PILO T /Tu11d1y, 81pttmbtr 21, 1082 T Ht: t'A~IL'' ('I RCl'~ by Btl Keane "Grandma always soys 'Well in MY day. Isn't this still her day ?" '9.\R'9ADl'KE by Brad Anderson "You're the only dog I know that has to have ketchup, mustard, soy sauce and relish on his dog food!" au; Gt:ORGt: by V1rg1r Part ch (VIP) •' "Takt It back. Tht p111 art touching th• m11h1d pot1to11." Hank Ketchum 11111 by Harold Le Ooux iiiiiJl:C=--=:--------=:w~~ r.;;y;:;;;T~~~:'ia· MEANWHILE THAT'S P.16HT'1ELL '900' '9 l . t.LI :\S BUT IT W/>.S ON SALE'-· C,AN1T You OVSRLOOI' IH,AT? ACROSS 1 Crooned 5 Tome ol O&y 10 Pass~e 1' Applier 15 Un&1ded 16Ntl '17 Fle•tblltty 111 Uocovefed 20 Enrich 21 Wttttdsm 22 Btac;ll' Poel 61 Actor Skinner 62 Backgam- mon zonl' 2 WOfdl 64 811 65 Hackneyed 66 Design 67 Hope god· dess 68 E•plo<er La 23 BeQl!lnt"O 69 Slitchlls 25Chum 28 Whirled DOWN 30 Aller -1 Swells 31 Anooy 2 Cru1s1ng 34 Prongs 3 Abode 38 Scolllsh rov(>( • Bravery s A IC MONDAY'S PUZZlE SOLVED I M I L E I SC E N T T I D I A A N I NA IM E II IA IY A IO y S I AH I l E E I [ ME UT "'" l l y w ~11 •111 E E LS--YIE IT -N E r IT E A ""-"' I P EA (T A IT IA "'" D f l I Y E IR E D l lNIA .. S llOtO N- -11 J D•TllT F O A N I A I E D I C E A $ ( "~ A ~ Kl f A M E A IC A O N I f If 0 l'I f I E "'" l I A kl [j I E E H I D E A M 38 Equality 5 Hallowed one 25 Weter bOdlet 48 Stowe char· 39 Flag cOlors 6 C11ucho 28 Play a banjo acter • wMdS 7 S1mon·pure 27 Religious 5 t Blanket 42 ll!<llan • 8 Not diluted siatue 52 Rested 43 I e • lully 9 HamrMr part 28 Endorso 53 Small dog• 44 lnttAlll 10 Heat·lreat 29 Untried 54 - -on 8 4S Of tht ~ 11 8ueb11N 11111 3 t Hoot _,.. horse tt1 Gii in a tong 2 wOt~ 32 Fry 55 Stato Abbr 41 Colot• t2 --Cllina 33 ttalr lock 57 Knotk• &O Atlt... 13 NUtllt!flC 35 Glowing 58 AdjeetlVI 5 t Matsh• tufll• 3 7 Asian tongue &uffla 63 --1Mttutl 18 Bof1 nlCk· •O Food fish 59 Sefad dish 55 -r ... 1uno name •t eauinet 60 Layers M ~ 2• Matblt 46 Flower• 83 LeUtr THE 015TP.1Cf ATTORNEY THAT LUKE WANTS TO TALI"' NOW' Tl' M BLE" Et:OH WHA"f 'fHIS 11\"E l\l!:f:PS IS r/CRE CMA~ COMFOR'lS. SHOI:: ALL GOOD THIN65 MUST COME TO AN END .. ;-.=,__~ t ............... . ., lt by Tom K Ryan by Jeff MacNe ll y The deceased was known for his dry wit by Ernie Bushm1ller ---A ND HAVE FOND MEMORIES O F MY CHILDHOOD? THEN YOU1LL BE G LA D TO HEAR 1 INVITED T EN FRIENDS OVE R FOR tCE C REAM ~·ve 60f '™EM CNH~ <x)CJ WAN'f '™EM I GOtJS ! ~·LL ~E ~ ffC«.E 'TONl6MT/ ~ ~IU. '4QJJ llUE (,ONE, 1'14t Pt1l"E~ ~U<W 114E. ~SE~ lOAotO, A~O ~ 1'14£. 'f'llNb fhl~ IS ~1 11"--....---. 1~£. l'l.A1E. ! i..,t.. ~: • by Kevin Fagan q 1 1'00 SAO wt COJl.ON1l C,E.1 "f1CK£1S foR 11 ! NO,.. A CCO Rr;>ING "fO MY S ISC.R IS ,.. DE!COr;>fSR R ING.' fOR BETTER o• .~oa 1'0118t; by Lynn Johnston l.EfS See. ·E.'t'ERYJHING~ 1N CHRIS~S BFG, H~E'5 A ~'/ Tb 1HE HOOfie IF '/dJ N~D MoR'E CLOTHES . IF '/OJ~ NOi GOINe w HfWE7. THIS II /J eRf'f-1 Will .. 'Inchon' pitch: the Moon's the limit By BOB THOMAS AMeoleted p,_ • ....., Moviegoers attending the $48 million Korean War film "Inchon," which was flruttlt.'ed parUy by a church founded by Rev. Sun Myuns Moon, mjght win an expensive foreign car wl\h $100,000 in it.ot glove compartment, a trip to the Orient or television sets. The sweepstakes is lavish by Hollywood standards. Even the film'a d1stribul1on deal is ·unusual: MGM-UA ls not paying the $1 l m11hon for print.s, advertising and promotion. Those costs, plus the sweeptstakes, whic h include a Rolls-Royce grand prize, were supplied by One Way Produc tions , h ead ed by J apanese businesmnan Mit.suharu Ishii · Ishii is a me mber of thi'Unification Church of Japan. which lent One Way about $30 m1Uion to finish the film. Moon, founder of the church , is listed as a special adviser in the film credits. The film, which stars an international cast headed by Laurence Olivier and J acqueline Basset, was finished in 1979 but only opened last weekend in l ,250 U.S . and Canadian theaters through MGM-UA studios. "Inchon" a nd th e sweepstakes h ave drawn criticism from the anu-Moon Citizens Freedom Foundation. whlch claims membership of 5,- 000 parents, former me mbers and others. Henrietta Crampton, MOON spo k e ~w o man for the 450-member Los Angeles chapter, announced plans to picket theaters playing the film. "The film eives Moon credibility," she srud. "The sweepstakes is just another way for the Unification Church to get addresses for its mailing list. That Rolls-Roye,-e was paid for by the money those poor kids make from selling flowers on the s treet." Moon is free on bail after his July conviction for income tax evasion. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison , fined $25,000 and ordered to pay prosec ution costs. The conviction is being appeaJed. Dale Olson. a Beverly Hills-based publicist for the movie, said Ishii borrowed about $30 million from the Unification Church of Japan to complete the movie. When asked whether any d mditions were attached to the loan as to conte nt of the film. Olson said. "I don't think so because nothing has changed . . . I have been very close to this picture since before it started -I was over in Korea several times during productio n -and I never once observed any involvement by Rev. Moon ... The screenplay remained basically the same." J oy Garrett, a s pokesw o m a n for the Unification Church of America. told T he News World, a New York daily founded by c hurch members, that "lnchon" was not a church proJeCt. She said One Way was not a unit of the religious organization and Moon had no financial interest in the film company. "Mr. Ishii, who was a businessman in Japan, borrowed the money from friends and business associates in Japan," s he said. "T~ is no fund- raising money involved in making fll!Wilm." Garrett said Moon had been a prisone r in a North Korean labor camp during the war and was released as a result of MacArthur's invasion at Inchon. "Inchon" has been a curiosity since it began production three years ago. Producer Ishii paid Olivier and Bisset million-dollar salaries, far more than their usual fees. Ben Gauara, Toshiro Mifune, Ri.chard Roundtree and the late David Janssen also received big salaries, as did director Terence Young. Creator of 'Annie' working on sequel By JAY SHARBUTT A~Ot81'N Writer NEW YORK -Thomas Meehan once worked for New Yorker magazine, writing its ''Talk of the Town" column. Then he wrote the book for his first Broadway musical, "Annie," about America's most famous cartoon waif. Then he and the show became the ta.l k of the town. ln sho rt order. Meehan won h is first Tony Award, got rich and achieved almost every writer's dream -his own saloon, in this case a bar and restaurant here called the Gardenia Club. "It's got an overhead fan. Every now and then I fantasiU' that it's Rick's Place," he says, referring to the smoke-filled joint Humphrey Bogart ran in ''Casablanca .•• He hasn't had much time lately to lurk in his saloon. He's been at home, writing the book for a new musical, in.spired both by troubles over a movie and the belief that if at first you succeed. by all means try, try again. "Annie II" is the new w ork-in progress. a sequel to the musical that since its 1977 premiere has grossed nearly $200 million from Broadway and road companies, plus $9.5 million from the show's movie sale. For this second effort, he's teamed up again with his Tony-wjnning "Annie" mates, lyricist- director Martin Charnin and composer Charles Strouse. He says It picks right up where the original left off. ·~e first acene is really the last scene of the original, which ends on Christmas morninf, in 1933," he says. "We start with Mrs. Hannigan ' - evil. larcenous. boozy orphan-tender by trade - "who has just gotten arrested. She comes o ut ahouting bloody murder, vowing revenge." Then. he said, it follows Little Orphan Annie. her dog Sandy, and all the others up to the fall of 1934, ending on Oct. 28, which by sheer coincidence "lam daughter'• birthdlly." ~uels to blg-hlt films now aeem the rule, not the exception. But you rarely find any on BroedW•Y· The Wt specimen, in 1981, WU "bring Bick Birdte," a 20-year-latet po1t8c:ript to "Bye Bye Birdie." That eecond eUort died fut. Same U\ll'\i could happen to the "Annie" eequel. But what If It proves u big • hit as the orijinal? Might there be an "Annie m." an "Annie (V," and ultimately an "Annie Goes on Sodal Security?" Meehan lauahs. "I don't think ao." he 1ayt. '"l'hll might be it M far u I'm CX>lll'etned. I'm not ewn au.re UUl ll • aood idea, let me tell you rll)\t at the top. We're \aJdna mornoua riakl, with critial abd everybody elee." Orang• Co••• DAILY PILOT/Tunda~. Septem~r 21, 1982 Hold ev •ry thing • 1natra tickets selling Th:k t•l• (or Frunk Slnutr{l'8 benefit oonc."t•rt Ol 8 p.m. Saturday at tht" Irvi ne M eado w 1 amphilhentur are 1till uvallablt• from Tlcketrun or the office of Soulh Coast Foundation for the Dcv e l op mcntolly Dlsablt.-d. Michael Uielilz ( lf"fl) and Rob .. rl Kokol ( righl) lry in vain 10 SloJ) lhcir finum·iul Hongel" (Joe Wilson) in a his seen•· from tht' c·omic revivul h Room Service,'' OJlcning the Lugunu Mo uh on Pluybousc·'~ 60th seuson 1-'riduy. Cul' 494-074·3 for lit·kt•l informa tion. Ticketron oullela 1tlll arf' stocked with many $2:> Uckets for seating an the loge IK'Ctions al the outdoor theater In the Lagu na Hills, u id Barbara de Boom , executive director or the foundauon. Tickets for $50, $1 00 a nd $250 seatli are available al th e foundation om ce at 1501 W. Cliff Drive, Suite No. 205, In Newport Beach. 'Marxist' musical approved NEW YORK (AP) A rt..odnal appeals court has allowed thl.' comic characters or the lale Marx brothers to be t'Oplt•d in "A Day in Holly wood, A Night in the Ukraine," a Broadway show. The pan e l re ve r se d a Manhattan fe d e ra l judge's finding that the musical copies the famed comae ac t without lie<•nsed authorization. U.S . Dislrict Judge Wilham C. Conner had made the ruling last October, shortly after the show ended an 18-m o nth run on Broodway. Owners o-. the comme rcial rights to the Groucho, Chico and Harpo Marx characters.had filed the suit and won a ruling that the producer, Alexander Cohen, was hable for damages. The amount was to ~ decided after the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. in Manhattan ruled on the show produc•er's appeal. In reversing Conner's ruling, the appeals court said the judge erroneously based has decision on a New York State law which makes ownersh ip to rights of publicity transferrable after death. . The appeals court held that because the Marx brothers were residents of California when they died and the plaintiffs also were from that state, the issue is governed by California law, which does not permit survival of pubUcity rights after death. The plaJntlffs included Groucho Marx Productions Inc. of Los Angeles and Susan Marx, widow of Harpo Marx. •BARGAIN •ATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Perlorm1ncH before 5:00 PM (Elcept Sfl'Clll Engegements 1nd Holidays) .... ILT-LUWANAC41 WllTllHlllll t-A ... H 990 -011 COllA ..... tO•• .. SH:•,...• ,., ~,.o l'"·~·~ •Pl .... ( ... Jr.,~.,. ff•it'Ot ,., .. • • 611 )~I COllA llHA tG•f'ot $< ~,. C..; • P "'' .... , ,,,. ..... , .... • 114/lfllllOTOll IUCll OflAllOt fCI• .. ~\ .,,....., O" '"C ' C-,..,,..-.. 1•1 Oltl 13• Hll l"tlNI OUMOI ('1441 0 .,. ~ O';,fl' ( •• '),.,..,,..,, •• '!.\' 06~!! .,. 1'10 NOW PLAYING ••• IU\ WISTlltUTll .... . .. '"' ,, ~· Hl 11>91 •P•.,.~t-nl"d 1f1 CXJ(iioo.....-}!. "THE KIND OF LOVE STORY FOR WHICH THE PUBLIC'S BEEN THIRSTING. A SKILLFUU.Y CRAFTED ROMANTIC DRAMA WITH HIGHLY CHARGED PERFORMANCES." -0.fte Shellt. TOOAY SHOW MISSION YllJO 10 ..... 0 v. ,., 110 ~q90 OllAllGl t ..... ,,.. f,H 7\~1 llf W,OIH llACN 11twt1J "'"ft'i .. 'r .•. ,, 111 t U ll/f.O WfSTMlllSTUI , 1A 1 t ,,. W• I ~"' Nl~ m 2.00 4100 1100 1 100 ir;;.J • .thO 10:00 10MM !€.!!!'!!!. 1100 2:A6 ... 11.10 8'10 10:00 OllAlfGl F'.l<tl 0.••7 f)I.,, t loi. U&I SANTA fl "lllllCS ~P11 1 \I 11d• 0• ~11 !01• • .,,_ 'LOYO: Tltl -~-11'1 •OOl.aYfl'SM.O -uo.---·- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIC IN ._ l'l.OYO: TIC WAU •Ml --·-................ .. IUMMVI LOVlllr 1a1 ............ "MACH OllU..8" ,., --- lAl<EWOOO CENTER SOVTH WAI M IN Foc~11y 01 Conol••ooa 211/111•9110 "TMI Ntt UTT\.I !"I WNOMNOUM • TlllAI" ---• "NIQHT .....,.. "" ........ ,r.111 "IND ANOE MD INCIE8" 1111 . ................ , .. "f'lllOAY Tltl 1Jltt ,AIU,. .... ... -·----- ._ .... , .... °'910 l.t ,_ UI -Sllrltl- IMPORTANT NOTICE' C"llOIUN UNOlll 12 FllU' -... ·-... """ff! , •• Sol, Ila. ""' "' ... IN .I> 10UN1 • -'-'"CM! -IS ~ Pl:MlJ' f "° ... '""-""" -'l(QSJOll• --__ .., _, .. "'1 ~--0ll--- ... ,_, ..... llt.iil ANAHEIM DRIVf·IN t ree•Of t• Of l•,.,.01\ it 979·9150 •THe INCU.UI" 1•1 ~w ~VK.ll'IAIC"llfl ,.... h '°""° ---- "IUMMf;ll LOVllll" 1•1 -"llOCKY Ill'" CNI -•aTAfl TMK II: TI!E nAnt "MACH Offllr l"'I Cl#f • 1 SOUttO CW KHAN" tN I _L_ Cott h)Ou'llt\.I t UI NA PAP• BUENA PARK ORIVf IN hf'COff't ,..,.. -··· .. '"°" 121·•070 8Ul~A JIA.~• LINCOLN DRIVE·IN .,. t .......... ~ t (I HI WAY 39 ORIV! IH •eUJllMUI L0\11111" I'll -"KACH Olfl\r 1•1 CINI rt SOUtlO ""OCl(Y Ill" 1111 -•rAIT TIMll AT MMMl.MONT HMllH" .. Cltfh- 1 A H.AltiW .. lA HABllA [)ll•VI IN .,..., ...... Ill ...... .,. • ..., ..... 17MNI - i. .. ·~ • ' ORANGE lllllVt IN "TMI •aT UTTLI ""<INltOUl1,IN THAI" l•l "'IN'NDI" 1111 ... ... . . .. MISSION (Hll\11 •H . . "LT. TIC EllTIIA TIMISTlllAL" 1"'11 - •TMf MIT UTT\..I WHOMl+OU':.,.IN TH.AS" Iii! "NIONTIHWT'" 1111 -·,,.a so o1 Ootl-Gloo.t••- 191·l69l ...._ 'LOYO llle WALL" flll -•JCAHAOU'" 1"'11 ;•ttt ,. tOUftlO "INCH<*" , ... , -~IKA...,..r..1 C!Nl "- .. " .. 4""91,.. ...... c-.. 63 .... 9361 • Local, county-, state . nationql and international events come to your doorstep in the bright, light and lively 88 Orang• Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Tu tday. September 21, 1912 'Money isn't everything' Actor nixe .. high By JEl\RV B\JC'K A, T•'tt.left Wrlt9' LOS A NC l':L to:S J\l'tor t off r' to tay on 'General Ho pital' aa1d "I have a pretty good ld~ll wh1u c.•vcryonc.-11 making u I bellev(• thut'a true'. I wu In tht' tup thl'\<t' for the• pu:t\ yc.-ar and the jump wrut qulw largt•" Ch r111 K11hln11u11 1rny:; lw hu:i. turnt-<l tlown the "highl'til 11fh•r" ever made In dayl1mt1 lt•h•vlslon I and will leave ABC'• hit soup I opera "General Hospital'' in October. lie w ould not dl11cluiu.· tht' amount of the offer. But an induttry 1Jpo kc11man said the iu1lary !c.>r top ~p o~ra atara la approximatel y $7,ri()O u WC't•k . Solurk>s paid to prlmc'·limt• 11U.111J are l'Onsidcrably more, but vary widely according .t o h ow suct.oessfuJ a series is, how long it's 'been on the air, .ind the individual popularity of the Ul'lOr "Anolher reuon l1 that In the 16'11\ 2 Y\ yt•1.u'I l'w had Uule 1tory Un ll'• nul N.1wa.rdlni to make a lot of mon y 1tnd not be Wk.'<i c.-nough creatively. And I wanW<l to be frtt to do other projects.•• RobllUUn ta.Id he hilt plana for two tf"levltlon pllol8 and hopt.'11 to star ln a movie baaed on the: llfo . of the late film 1tar Montsom~ry Cllfl. He 1tara in "Savannah Smiles," a featuru motion picture coming out IOOn. ' Robinson said in a tekphorw I Interview from his runch 111•1.11• Flagstaff, Arli., \hut he will tape • his final appearance on Oct. 8 1 and it will be telecast two wc.><!ks 1 later. He has swrred in the popular soap opera for the last 4 1"1 yt?ars 'as Dr. Rick Webber. He will be the aecond major 1tta.r to leave "Oeneral Hospital" this year. Oen.le· fi'rancis left the show to algn a contract with CBS. She pfayed Laura Webber, and her character was involved in a romance with Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary) that ended in a highly publicized weddlng that br o k e dayt i m e viewing trends. I He said he had made th e decision Friday not to a<.'Ct!pl the offer from ABC. Robinson said he was leaving to pursue a career in motion pic tures and prim e -time television. "Th ey told me ll was the highest contract in dayume," he.• "l'm leaving becaust' money isn't everything," h «.-said. 11 't-:Sl>A \' EVENING 8:00 II 0 G NEWS l'I CHARLIE'S ANGELS 0 WILD, WILD WEST m M"A"S"H Hawtteye 111<1 Hot Lipe go 10 the 8063rd to demon· ltr•t• hi• lllet181 1•1111- pl•nl operation (Part 1) Cl) HAWAII FlVE-0 fl) OVEREASY "Ar1llrltl1" G""ta Harold 11\d F8y8rd NICholU (R) i HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS "Fiim The l>J"lmlc lllu· •Ion" Burt Reynolds is a police detective invest igating a murdel" o n ~"The Killing Affa ir" tonight a t 8 on KTLA, Cha nne l 5. (I) CBS NEWS ®J A8C NEWS Q g•l 18Clng on Mulholl811d Qt N8C NEWS Drive: per!'1141.Mnl m11<eup [C) MOVIE wtth l•ttoo1: the ultlm11e • • •;, "Recillllow" (1980) llmoullne P•ul MOC•rtn•y •nd ti) TIC TAC DOUGH Wings Thie l'llOfd ol the fill) MACNEIL I LO.N:R t>end' a U.8. t-lncludea REPORT perlorm•nce1 of "Jet," '1!) MONEYMAKERS "8•nd On The Run," "Silly "How To CllOOM A Finan. Love Songs" •nd M>me old Ciel Plannet" 8e•lll llelllds 'G' (I) JOHNNIE CREAN FOA g~ CONGRESS •Yr "~ 'N' RoH High 9 YOU MKEO FOA IT School" (1979) P J SOIM. C&l RACE FOA Tl1E Vinc*1t Van Patten A PENNANT budding songwrllar 11 811ry Tompkins •nd Tim Vince Lombardi High trlet McCanre< covet au the 10 ge1 lhe 1\8~ 10 blHI 1Nd1ng IO Ille 11182 teco<d her l'nlltle while 1181 W0<kl 8¥1et 1<1u8lly 111'1btlkKn frlerld 0 BMEBAU puraoea 11>11 KhOOI hMrt· Kanua City Roy81s 81 C8li· throb 'PG' l0<ni8 AllQllle e:30 G) OOOOEA DUGOVT 8:001J {)) THE IOOS ti) DICKCAVETT euHHY I AOAORUHNEA "TV Journallsta'' G.-11 MOVIE 01Vld &tnkley, Ted Koo· An1m•tld The 8CMlnturM J*, HMry ~ Rot>-Ind ahenanlg•n• ol Suga er1 M.cNeil (Pll'I 2) (R) Bunny llfl recapold 11\0 '1!) GROWIHO YEARS v1nt109 C8r1oons INIU<ing "He<edlly And EnVlron· Ille Road Runner •r• Pf• rnent" 1en1ed (RI (I) a NEWS 0 a FATHER MURPHY ®j BARNEY MILLER JoM MICtlfft Murphy PfO- (a} HAMMER HOUSE Of po-to tNCfler MN HORROR WoodWard. unawa.r1 thllt • "The ThlrtMnth Reunion" rejec:lld young Oirl It plott- Rutll Caimi It bioughl Ing revenge 11nd 1 tyranl)t l•ce-to·l•ce wllh aome out to d"t'oY the O<Ph•n· de<angld tndlvlduala wh\le O (R) lnvHtlg•llng llrange ll•P· MOVIE pentng1 •t 1 funer81 • * '" "The Kllllng Alf1lr1" . 1:46 m OOOOER PflE-GAME ( 1971) Burt Reynolds, Joan SHOW H8cicatt. A potk:e detective 7:00 8 C88 NEWS In I Southetn Caltlomla D N8C NEWS community h .. his h•nd• 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN lull when he lnvastig•tes • -murdef -A8CNEWSQ Q ~ HAPPYOAYS 0 THESAINT 1L1<J m 8A8E8AU Roger a lrre1ponalble Los AngeiM Oodgefa I t younge< !><other movM In San Diego PadrM with him (RI Q 0 MOVIE • Qt JOKElrS WILD • * •;, "08rll Puaege" &') G!> 8USIH£8S ( 1947) Humphrey Bogwt, REPORT Lauran BK8ll A m.,, (I) P.M. MAGAZINE •IC8Pft from San au.nun T8klng 11 In ltrlde, • pet. IO PfOve hlmMlf lnn<>c4W'lt lodlc81 tor 11og l•ndef• ulled Pl•yboar M-utne 01 murderll'Q Ill& Wife ..., Q) MOVIE ®) EHTERT AINMEHT * * • "The 0.lec11on 01 TONIGHT Simas Kudlrk•" (19781 nie llr•1 01 • lour-part Al•n Arton, Shl<ley Knight repor1 on Ille l\9W Ian pro-A llthu•nl•n H•m•n !II_ Miming f.5) FAEAIE TAU makes 1 darlng 1Mc> 10< lreedom lrom • RuMian THEATI\E at1tp moored olf Ille coast "The T8ie Ot The Fr<>o Prince . Robin Wlltlama ol MHs.clluMtta 6l) NATIONAL 118" In • f8nHtlc81 181e ol GEOGRA.PHIC SPECIAL • prince wtio'• turned Into "EtOSl'I•· Place Of Dry 1 lrog by• witch' a spell Watet" Extre0<dln•ry am-(})MOVIE •••• "ThlevM Uk• Us" m•I bel18111or I• ObNr\led In thlt ltlm recording the ( 11174> Keith C8rr•dlne. Wiidiife or EIOllll, • pr• Shelley Ouv•ll ThrH 1ta1*1 convict• Ml oft Mnr• 11.1rroundlng 1 huge on 1 crime """ during dry llke In the southwM1 lhe Oec>•Mllon )'NII In lhe Afrie8n' COUf'llry of NetYll- South ~· (R) 7=*> 8 2 OH THE TOWN Iii MYITEllY fNlu•ed • vltlt 10 Ille Sergeanl Cribb. Horlzon- R8m1 C'-laeder'a tr.in-1•1 Wllnan" An underworld hoodlum la Ing camp, • behlnd·t1--found uneoneclou• Md -looll 11 the recenl badly l>Mlan after ttlllng US leellval, a higll-IMNon Scotl.nd Yatd ha wit· meo-.now. I 8 ,AMI nuoi_......._J/-~:::'. Iha murder of hit LA LrY ~~.(A)Q • COM,AHY ••• ''l'n Cry Tomor1-" The 111<1•' 9lnQlng CWMfl ( t95St SUNn H1yw1rd, gel • boo8t when lhey meet • WHlthy '9Qnl0< Richard Conte Ac1r-Lii• 8 t!YE ON LA. Man Rolh llr'UOQIM with FMlured • rtp0r1 on in.. aleollotllm and I 18dlng CHANNEL LISTINGS e KNXT ICBSI e l(N8C (NBC! e KTLA ltnd.) • ABC IABC) e KFM8 ICBS, e KHJ•TV Clncl.I e KCST CAICI e ICTTV Cl net.> 'e ICCOP.TV ltnd.l e KCIT "ISi e KOCI (PIS) (OJ On-TV (J) Z·TV ® HBO CCJ tClntmH) Cll IWOR) NY., N.Y. az> IWTISI IHPHJ Cll I lftowt I me I • SCIOUlgtlt • tC..l>I• N-• Ntlwo,to Cllr- (H.J MOVte • • • "Rot1arco•1t1r" ( 1977) Geo<ge S-oat, Tlm- ottty Bollom•. A .. 11ty ln1pac1or dHPlr•taly •1tempt1 to find lhe ••IO<· 11on111 Wflo 11 pl•ntlng homemade ••ploslves In Am«IU'1 leadlng llml.l- ment parka 'PG' (SJ MOVIE * *'"' "Sphinx" (1981) Fr111k 1.angall•, Lealey· Anne Down A ruthleM bledc mMket antlqultlea ring •llemp11 lo atop an EgyplolOQl•t from dt8cov· etlng the wMreeboutl of • e><leeleN llllua 81111 •• permilled to vt.w 'PO' 0 MOVIE • * "Knlglllrlden" ( 1981) Ed H8"1t. Gary Lahti A QfOUP Of b4tler1 rtde with a lr•wllng ran81--lalf •nd dlacover that lhe ldNlllllC llruggle egMllt IVll ••1111 In modem tlmea llto 'R' 1:30 a III lAV£RNE a SHIAl.EY C••mine •nd the glfl9 go b.c:k 10 Mhaullle for lhelr 10·>'Mf high Khoo! reunion (R) o t:OO IJ (I) MOV!l . •• 'A "~o Al Large" ( 1979) John Rlller. Anne Archaf A llrl.IOQNng young llCIO< dona the gulM ol 8 11.1pernero •lfet untntan- 11on111y llOl>j)lng 8 holdup. (R) D O THREE'S COMPANY J.ck lumt lnlo 111 uncon- lrOll•ble fount.in of -OY ""'*' he _,, J111e1 to • gl•morous petty (RIQ fl) MYSTERY "SerQMnl Cribb Hortzon- 1•1 Wllneu•· An unclarwof'ld hoo<Jlum 11 found unconscloua and badly !>utan •llet tailing Scotl.nd Yllfd Ila wit• "4ISMd Iha mu<det of his gangstet boa (RIQ '1i) NOVA 'The Sdance Of MU<det" Scient1111. l•w enlorc»- mant e><otMelonell. doc- IOfl •nd conYlcted rn<Kd· lr'lrl di.CUii Iha rMlltlM ol murder (A) Q ('%)MOVIE • • .,., 'C r11y Mame" ( 1975) Clorla Laachm•n. Ann Sotllarn. A atruggllng l11mlly run1 Into tough klCtl In Arll•nsu •nd and• up • Gtlmln .. band on the twn In C•Hl0<nta. 'PO' 1:30 G l!I TOO Cl08E FOA COMF<>m The Rulhet 8'1 lllslted by Henry's nelTlw6 Chllflle, • renowned pr11e11ea1 )Olcer (~ fO;(IO u a NllC WHn"f ,ANA "The Man Who Shot Tha Popa. A Study In TerTor• llm" Mllnlln Keib axam- IMa the complP phenom- enon of tnOOem-cMy tw· rorlanl, N menlfMted In tllt tllampl on the u,. of P°" JOfln PllUI M. O eee8NIWI 8 9 HMn' TO HAM Jona111an ltld Jennlftr try to protect • QO>ltr,_I Wlt'*lt en<I llllCO¥ef a killer wfllle 'ttlCtllonlng llboalct • f\lxury P•n riger tt81n (A)Q 8 IOUNl:ltfMM Tiit 81eeter1 -1o1nt<1 by Wiiiie Ol•on ltld Cit! ,__ kine tn • l•l"l*lt<I con. cert . • HAAOQHOal "Humen 1..-1Mien11· fhct Prlct Of IC~" The rtof'lte end wetter• or humM ~· ueed In ecltntlflc ~ .. .,. •emlned '"'' CC>..,. **i. "Uttfe ~" ( 19101 Tatum O'NMI, l<rl•· ty McNlchol Al IUmmet camp, two tMn·age glrl• compete to -who wttl be lhe llrtl to IOM her lllrglnt !!.. 'R' (Ji)MOVll • • "GrMMd Lightning" ( 1817) Ric:twd Pryor, 8Mu &ldon. After World WM II, 1 taxi driver becomM the flrat black Ch81T1plon In Ille hlllory ol the r-..c.r clret1lt. 'PG' Cl) "°"ANCl: 8TOlEH LOVE (Plrl 1) 10-.30., IHOEPENOEHT NETWON< NEWS (D)MOVIE • * "All The Mlfblei" (1911) Peter Falk. Burt Young. A hu8111ng, wt- Cf,.Clc Ing m11neger puthM hi• two female wr .. 11er1 towlfd the lop. 'R' CJ) THE THIAO HEW YON< BIO LAFF OF'I' Robef1 Klein l'IOSI• a com- edy Mlowdown ... luring 11"9 of New Yortc'1 beet •land-up oomtca, lllj)ed llw ,, lhe Copacabena. D HAMME.A HOUM OF "°""°" "The Two F-Of Evil" A l•mlly'I vac41llon trip 1811M • IU<n for lhe worM wllerl they atop to plclt up • mylo-' terlout hltehlliller. 10:46 (%) CIHEMAICOM 11:00e O 8 (1) lit CB NIW8 • IA TVAOAY NIGHT Host: Ted Knight. I MADAME'S PLACE M0 A0 S•H Hnkeye end Tt8PP«'I pt1n1 to go to T <*yo 811 lntarrupled by the surr- der ol tome wounded U.S soldier• by the Ch'-. ., 8TMET8 OF 8AH FMHCl8CO A Mllesman 8ttandtng I con¥enllon ballaWI he hM kllled • lhapely 1'111Clhhltler """'° lured him to her houMboal. • IM lllNU8 flll90RT • DOCTOR IN THE HOUM °' Am of tndlll .... ,. Ouncen with hit r-cti PfOjec:1. MOVIE • • ·~ "The Oct•gon" (tNO) ~Noma. Lea V•n CIMf. A -lthy yovng woman ~•• • retlf9d mwtlal art• Ql.m- plon lo protect hef lrom 1etrortst1 trllned by the T1erloul NlnJa cutt. 'R' 11:30 • (I) QUINCY Quincy C\lb hi8 vac41tk>n a.hort wner.. hl• t>ack -.;p uncovera evidence ol llOM- IClda In the dMlh Of 8 poll- tlcllll. D CB TONIGHT Holl: Johnny C•rtor1. 8 1!1 A8C NEWS HIOKTUHE G YOU A8KED P:OA IT FNIU<ed: "England'1 Cfa- ry 8u9h People" ltld "The HUlnllll Pool T•ble." ·THE~ LoulM plans to go •-Y lor a WMkand 111chaeoio0- 1ce1 dig. CD CAPTIONED A8C NEWS MOVIE • • "Alt The M8rblea" (t981) Pater Felk, 8ur1 Young A hultllng, wt-. craclclng ~ puthM his. 1WO fern8la WfMtlera IOWlfd the top. 'R' .MOW •• ** "Allared SlllM" 11oeo1 wmi.m tWrt. 8lalf Brown A Harvard acten. 1111'1 genatle 11NCtUf9 ts altered Wilen he conduct• mlnd•upandlng axpetl· manl• w!th teolatlon tanlc• and powerl\.11 h•ltuclno- ~·· 'R' 11:40 (CJ MOVIE * *'A "Urb111 Cowboy" ( t980) J ohn Trevolte. Debra Winger, A ~ '*' WO<lltr who lanc:IM hlmHll a modern•d•Y ~18Melntovewlttla gift he "*"' tn a populllf country.and·-tem ber. 'PO' 000N LOCATION "Aldl Llnte" The mutlf o4 mlmlcty gl¥ea ..... lmpt .... lions of Roneld AMgen Md AICNlrd Nl•on. among ocheta. 12:00 e 1NT1"1' NNMINT TONIGHT The int of • tout-pM ~ on tn. ,_ 11111 pro- '~AIY -.AHO Alt undlrpal<I Wt/A SlfMI ~t ltld ..... rlCf'I Cllen1 ·~ flftlelitt, lftd • cloetor 111et to l>flnQ beoll tilt deed. CA) eM<MI •• "Tf'lt Oevll't I " (1 ... l Cflfletl)9Mf ~ "8'Pll Metktr. A Nder81 ~ ooee llOderoo\w ,. • --of •rMdtMOto ....... ...,..,. Of ... DOIWtot• wflo .... ,....., 10 IWMll up 1 IMO Of t>ootletotf• fflllflQ In INIOlllNI ... • MOVll ••••"A N11f1t At Tiie °'*9'" C1t131) .... .,-.. wt, Allatl '*-' A .,.,.. Chris Robinson TUBlmPPIRS George Burns set for-dramatic role GE Theater begi1J 1nonthly erie NEW YORK (AP) Gc.-orge BurN will makt.> hia TV dC'but in a dramatic r ole wh.-n "CF. T heater" prese nts "Two of u Kind" on Oct.. 9. It's the first of four monthly productioru In the long-running "GE Theater" 11eries &c:hedul~ for broadcast betwoon now und the end of 1982. ''Two of a Kind" is the story of a young rnAn, played by Robby Benion, who resc u es his grandfather -Burns -Crom senility. Also appearing in the originaf TV production a r e Barbara Barrie, Cliff Robertson and Geri Jewell The monthly 1eru~1 bef(an Sept . 12 at 9 with a repeat pl•rformance of "Skyward." at.arrlng Bette Davia and Suiy Gilstrap. Jn November, "GE Theater" will broadcaat "Something So Right," •tarring Patty Duke' Aiftln. Jame• Far.-n tlno and: Rick y Schroder. It's about •. young divorcee who attempt& to• solve the behavior problema 0£: 'her 11-year-old son. "Bill," the acclaimed dramati~ production starring Emmy winner Mickey Rooney, will be rebroadcaat as part of the serice, m December. W~dne•sf•t,.• Day11 ... .-Mot'!lt9• KTTV ( 11 ) 7:00 -Baseball. The Los Angeles Dodgers take on the San Diego Padres. · l :OO lCJ *'"' "Slnbad And The Eye Of Tiie Tlg«" C 1971) P•trlek W1yne, J-Sey- mour The duhlng h«o b•lllel unMflhly c:rNtur" 8nd I dHdly Ilg« 10 remove Ille curM thll keeps • young prince from hi• rlghtlut pt-on Iha lhrone. 'G' (I).··~ "Utll• Oerllno•" (1980) Tatum O'NMI. Kttt- ty McHICfM)I. Al wmmet CMlp, two teen-eoe IJlr1I compete to -"""'° wlll be the flral lo ION her Wglnl· tr. 'R' U • *'~ "~ MOVie" ( 19711) Oocumen1ary. Mullic by Mike Oldflald. Archival lllm lootege Chronlclea Iha ltlumplle ol Ille U.S. apace P'OQ!8ITI, locullng on Iha drMl•tlc Apollo 1 t moon r.Mlng. Cl) • • * "Play II Ae It L8yl" ( 1972) TuHd8y Wald, Anthony Perklnl. A 1ormer Ktr-becomel dlalflusk>ned wllh mar- riage, molhemood end Illa. CBS (2) 9:00 -"Hero at Large." John Ritter plays a struggling young actor who becomes a "superhero" after stopping a holdup. .NBC (4) 10:00 -"The Man Who Shot the Pope." Modern-day terrorism is examined in this NBC White Paper: special. , KTLA (5) 1:00 -"The Little Foxes." Bette Davis gives a powerful performance in this 1941 movie drama based on Lillian Hellman's play about the post-Civil War 5Quth. of uny anipboerd •I-.. .,,,.,. totllly dlatupt• an ope<• CGm9MY wtllla In 1181y • LOVE. AMlNCAH 8TYL.E "Paten!'• Siik•" I "Ttma Mechlna" 1~.JO 0 QI LAn HtGHT WfTH DA VIO L.ETTfMlAH Guast1: G G0<don Liddy, SWOOSll Kuru. (RI I COUPL.Ea LOV!. AMENCAN STYL.E "Love And TM covw" 1 "Love And The Welgllly Problem" (Q)MOVIE •••;,"The ChlMM Con· nectlon" ( 1973) Bruce L ... Rober1 Balter. A rnwtlal llf1• lludant aeca out to •-. Iha murdat ol his tNCher In wlllCh a rtv81 IClhool ... lnvOl\led, '11' 12:40 8 (I) MCMIUAN a win Wl\lle inv.11ga11ng • mut· dll'. Mee unoovws • oon- nectlon ~ Setllllltln and Iha~ gltte s.lty r_,_ NCh H811ow· ~ 12:41 MOVll • • "loo111r" (1H I) Albert Finney. J llllH Coburn The m)'ltertoul dMlh• of._ ... of~ ttfut modal• ln'llOllleel In • ,_ ldvertlllng ~Ojec:1 .,. biatned on 1M l>l•tlo turgeon who opet•led on them 'PO' 1:001'1 MOVI! * • * •,; "The Uttle Fo•M" ( 1941) Betta Oavte. Herbert Mara.hilt 8Ued on Ille l>l•Y by Ulllan Heflmen. A Southern f8mlly lloee Ill downl81t •fter the CM1 war • MOVIE • • "Aid Garten" ( t954) Roeeinary Clooney' Jecll C..800 A man ftndl 1oY9 '""lie MWdllnQ '°' hit brother'• klllef. ® Mca '°"THI PIHHAHT Berry TompldM ltld Tim ~-.. , ... l>UM '-ding to the 1912 WorldSer1M 1:t08 MOVIE • • "Sldal<lclll" t t11741 Lou Goaeatt, Larry H8i0· man A con INlll ~ .. ~whirl the wN11 man ......... hi• 1>1ac11 conv.oe In the ~...clvll War WMI {fl HIW8 1:30 0 Qt NllC NEWS OVlflMGHT ®MOVIE ••"Agency" (1981) Rob- ert Mitchum, L.. M•fort The ,_ heed OI a onlfor Am«loan ldvettlllng llrm UMI • chttdren'1 bfNl!l .. t drink CM'IP8JQn 10 lranemlt ll.lb/tmlnal pollltcel mea- M ~ * * "Sex Ray" A Murlttlo ' men_,_ •ray p "4fll the ~ 10 "' .... In)' woman 1111 hOCltitMly In io.... .MOVi. *. * "Outlelt<I" (IN 1) Se•n Conn•rr. Pa ter ~A~ marehal ""'-llQelM a rllltl of my9- ttri0\ll dNthe wf1tlln • mlnlflo oolony on -of J\iplltr'I lllOOnCI. 'R' t:008 MOVi. *** "Ship Of Foote" (IHI) Vivian L•tof'I, 81rnone Slgllofet. A mot~ -'"*" o4 PHU n.-t II for~ 10 lhllfl c:loN qullf1er1 wtllle traveling to Bramartlf\'lln CCJMOVIE ••• ,., "Roelle.how'' (1N0) P•ul McCarlna y and Wlngt Thia rec«d of the band's U.S. tour lnc:ludM perl«mlllCM ol "Jet." "Band On The Run," "Siiiy Love Song•" and aome Old &e•11e 1>811•d•. 'G' 2:118 NEWS 2:20 CZl MOVIE * * * • "Thievea like Ua" ( 11174) Kellh C8tredlne, Shelley Ouv411. Three Neaped conv1C11 MC Off on • crime IP'M during Ille Oepr ... lon ~In the South 2"~1NEW8 ~40 NEWS MOVIE • * "Hllff')''I Wer' (t98t) Edward Hemn8nn, a..,. dine PIQe A atna11~1_.. PQ9tman ~ to the Md of 1111 lllUnl, who -the IRS bad! lax-'PO' 2:41 8 MOVIE ***" "The RoN T•I· too" (19$5) Anna Magnani, Bun Lancatter 8Med on the p1ay by r-Wll- tlam• A woman lMt• h« tall h\1$bend'• lel""""- befO<I becoming ~ with another man 3:Ge MOVIE * * * "Which Way II Up?" (1t17) Alcllafd Pryor, lonlUI McKM. A M X· ll•rved lrult pleker ta c.ugn1 tn • com1e croeenre ~ hi• union and the Mob, and • hypocrltlcal ptMCher llndl hNwn In a 18dlel' choir 'R' 3:.30 . MOW •**'Ai "T'-Thr"" ( 1938) Joel Meet•, Mlri- em HO()ktna. The "-ltld rec>ut•tloN of • man Mel 1WO -.,. ~ Cleltr0)'9d by a c:Hd'I vlclou• 1111. .MOVIE • • "All The Matblea" ( 198 t) Ptller Felk, 8ur1 Young A f'lustllng, --. crlOlng maneoer ~ hi• 1WO ........ -lier• toward the 100 'R' ):40 (CJ MOVIE • • • "0..lh In Venice" (19711 Dirt< Bogwda, Sllvs- n• Mangeno. Ouflng hit "•Y •1 • ptuM vaneu.,, hotel. an 8Qlng CQmpoMf ancounlara • young Adonll who ~ hll ldNI of match .... t>Mutv. 4;IO (J) OOUNTiff GOU TO IHOLANO Mii T'llll• holll 11111 ooun1ry mullO ~ lllmecl tn Engl•nd IHIUrlng Krl• Krtatolferson, Jeff'; Lea Lewtt, Roy Of'bllon, Boll Cllf Wiiiy, Tltfl Olbbe IM 8llly s-n. 4:H(1)MOW * •" "8"181" (IMO) Mat· tin MUii, Tu..cley Wltd A 111pplly rnetrled Marin Coul'llY ~ -apuff'ed by their trendy nelgtlbor'I 1n10 e~ lllternattw ~·w 4:40 (II) MOVll • • "Thi t.leetinO" I tNO) Olorle OrCINltM, Johll Car· redllle A novtlltC ,..,_ a Nc:ludtd VletOflen -. llon wMfe.,,. ~ llev• Ing etrenge. trotlc ~ 'A' (%) • * • .,., "Soldier 0 1 Or•noe" ( 111791 Edw•rd Fox, Su .. n Pan118llgon. Six cl .. tmltM •t 1 Oulch unlve<llly go their ~·· rate w1y1 when wlM>r'eall1 out In Europa 'R' 7:3011 ••'It "ThrH Warrl· ore" ( 1971) Rlndy Ou•ld. Cll8flet White Ellgle. A 13· yau-old tndl•n boy, aallMllld ol being racoo· nized aa • w111rtor, learns to llPPfaa.t• hie herl111g1 •fie< v111tlng hi• slcll Q!...andl•ther 'G' 1;00 CC) • * * •;, "BtNl<er Morent" ( 1910) Edward WOOOWatd, Jaclt Thomp. tori Aullrlli-contertpt- ed to flQhl on England'• Ilda tn the 8otr Wlf decide to fight Illa Boer guarlllH on their own tlfm• 'PG' (8) • * "The Pttot" I 1980) Cllll Robertaon, Ol•n• Balcer. A pilot turns to drinking to escape the unh8PC)lnea8 ol 1111 mat· rl11g1 and the lrullr•llon of h'8 car-'PG' 1:30 (%) * * "Looke<" ( 198 II Alber! Finney, J•m11 Coburn The mytle<lou1 dMlh• ol a Mflel of be•u· lllul model• lnvoiv.d In 1 new advertising profeet 1111 blamed on the plaatle eurgeon who oper•tld on them 'PG' t:JO • • • • "Too Hot To H•ndla" ( 1'38) Cluk G•ble. Myrn• Loy A reoort• falls In tove wtlh NI r11181'• gttllrland wlllle c:rHtlng Illa own ,_. ecoopa llt * * ''°' "Mornmle 0HrH1" (11181) F•ya oun-ey, OlaN Scarwld For11u film lier Joan Crawford r81-her 1WO adopted chMOran In • dorwtllc •lmospMt• lh•t v.,,.. from luaU<ioul com· lort to ladlllle dllCipllne 'PG' 10:00 . * ••'It "PrMllKI Potnl'' ( 1982) Sidney Poi- tier, Bobby Oertn A prlton P•yclll•trt11 trlel lo under· ttand 1111 ant1-s em111c, 81\ll· l>leck patient. (C) • • • • "Robin And Marian" (1978) Sean eon.. nery, AUdrey Hec>burn An old« and wl-Robin Hood return• from ballle to Sherwood ForMI 10 recl81m hit belo"8d Maid Marl111, who haa anlered 1 conven1 an<I t81lan h« vowt 'PG' **'It "The Looney, Looney, Looney 8ugl Sun- ny Movie" (1Nt) Mlmat· Id V'*-by Mel Blanc, June kl<ey New 1'11411 ...... .. blenOed with old In ttlll compilation of clasalC Fritz Frelang "Looney TunN" IHturlng Bugs, O•lly Dud!, Porll:y Pig, Yoeemlta Sam, T-le Pie and ot~ 1r1 from lh• cartoon _...'G' * * • "The 8adlan· dtr1" (1958) Alan ~. ErnMI Boron•ne Two men tchemlng 10 llHI I gold ahlpmertl wtnd up •I • Me•lcen fieal• 10:15 (%) ••• ,., "S..181" C 1980) Marlin Mull, Tu11day Weld. A happily married Marin County couple •r• tpUrred by their trendy neighbors lnlo •XP40tlng alletnatlW NIMtylel. 'R' 12:00 II '***ti "Pltht Of Gtory" l1957l Kirk ~ .... Ralph MMket During World Wtr I, 111 Offtcer order• hit men on 1 IUl- cldl rnlellon at Verdun and 111an attempll to conce•I hi• lolly bJ detnanding the IJllCUllon of lhrM IOkllers by WflOf'll he ..... lhreelened CC> * ••• "Alllflornon" ( 1110) Macllllo ICyo. Toehlfo Mttune. Through a _.. of t\Mtll>eallt , an elglllh-Oclntury Jaci- WOOdO.u1t• f'KOUllte 1111 ~ of • ,.,,.._. 10 a 8uddllle1 prlelt 1M a aervenl ti:ao. * • 'h "The OMer1 R811" ( 1953) Rlcl'lllfd Sur. Ion, J-MMOO. A Brit· la.II commando In c:Ntge ot 111 Auatr811an dlvltlon In North Alrlc8 foroea hi• men to defend • str•tagle dMer1 outpoll. **'It "Heedln' FOf 8roedw•y" ( 1980) Rax Smith. VMan Reed Four young, 111anlad and ecerld performer1 go to New Yorti City to audition for a &a.clWey Mow. 'PG' 1:30 ct)• *'It "Tribute" (1980) J•ck Lemmon, Robby 8en800 An lrrflll)008ible Bro•dway ptHI agent begin• to regl'tll hit wMted ttle 8t\CI hll tenuoua rel•· tlonltllp with hie grown tor1 'PO' 0 • * "Belllealat Gll8c· tic.: Conq.-1 Of The Euth" ( t980) Lorne Greene, Kant McCO<d. The Gllactlc8 reechM Earth cioNly pursued by a Cylon •II.ck force lntanl on deltroylng the plat)9t 2!00 (%) **'It "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Sun· ny MOVie" ( 1981) Anirmlt· ed V'*-by Mal 81anc, June Forey New material II btel'lded with Old In ttllt compllatton of CIMllc: Fr!U Freleng "Looney TUOM" lalturfng Bug1, O•lly Oudt. Portly Pig, Yoeemlt• S111'1. T ..... le Pia Md otn- etl from the cu1oon ..-.·a· • 2:30 * ...... "Contrec1 On Cherry Strfft" (11177) Fr•nll Slnetr•. Varn• Bloom A pollcem.,, Ort- ._ an unont>odo• plan lor br1nging cnmlnalt to jultloe. S:30 (t) • ~ "Slnbed And The Eye Of The Tlg«" (1977) Patrlek W8)'M, J-s.y. mour The duhlng hero bllllel ~Illy CfNhiflll Ind 8 dNdly Ilg« 10 remove the C&KM that llMPI • young P<tnce from hi• rtghttul piece on the lllrone.'G' (I) •• "My Champion" (198t) Yotto Shlm•d•. Chris Mitchum. The true ltory of • lemale JapeMM running champion IS IOld • * • "HenQllf 18" ttNO) Oetren Mc:Gevtn. RoC>et1 Vewglln. "-8tefl.. .,. .. • --oovwnmen• lnttllllatlon lmlMtigal• 1M ~ ol • utellte'• IUd· oan o.tN:tlOn. 'PO' (%) • • "Lootter" ( 1981) Alber! Finney, J•mH Coburn The my11erloua daetha of • --of bNu- ttful modelll lrwOlv9d In • ,_ ~ projec:1 .,. ~ °" lhe plettle -oeon """'° CIC*'81eel on them 'PO' 4:00 . * •• "The Horw ~ dlert" ( t851) Jotwl Wll)'M. Wllllem HoldM. The Union CllVltlry dmw I-a lout- liall8 lml<llt l*"90Nll con- lllct• "'-IN ofllceta on the eu«>tect of -· 1:00 cm • • • "The ar..t Muppet Clf)ef" f1Ht) Ch•rlN Grodin, ot•n• Rigg. ~-· Kermit, Fonla Md Oonzo ~ a fabulous It<*!! ,.... to London. 'G' I! 11 (%) * • \\ "'Ttle ~llQOO" (1NO) Ct'iUOI Nomi, LM Van Cleel. A -althy young 'WOmlltfl IWN • retnd mw1llll art• CflMlo. pion 10 ~ her "°"' terTon.t• lrMted by 1M ~ ... oull. 'R' e:ao • • •.,. ''tlww wem-cn" (1t 71) IWldy Oveld, aw. WMe f.lltle.. A tS- yeu•Old 11101a n boy, ..,__, of belnO recoo- nlled ... -not. IMrM to ...,....tllt ~ an• ~1119 Mt 16ell .. _..._.'O. . by Armat---a B•tluk ..... ------------------~--... OH, M'( OOCTOR -rt)LC7 M'5 ~1' Wl'(fCHING THI! N~ WNJ MNONG M• Nf!A\JO\.JS/ • 1•11•· TUE80AV,S!PT, 21, UN!2 ClASSlfllD Homer eases the pain for Foli By CURT SEEDEN Of IND...,""°' 8tllff Angel Manager O<mc Mauch camo lO the ball park Monday a fternoun thinking there was "no ch.ance" Tim Foll would be in hls starling lineup. American League Weat tx'<'n sayln&. it's t(Ot to f4.>t:l llctlcr real Cast," Jl'oll said nftcr the game. refc•rring tn hl11 u!QIOrl4.-d ullmt•nt.11 "Tonight, 1 just ft•lt llk1• I could go out th1•rt• und fidd ground balls." Lu111 Sanch..:z.. 11.J L!lltn his 17th vll.:wry ngn1nst eight defeats. W L Pct. GB 85 65 .667 The little shortstop, aching all over the plac.-e with a pinched nerve in his nt"C:k and muscle spasms in his leg. origanally was to be replaced by young Ricky Adams in the starting lineup. Angela Royals 84 64 .560 1 QA ... 8 fllMAINING ANQIL8 ( t2) -HOME (S) Sept 21. n KanMI City, Oct I, 2, 3, r. .. a. AWAY m Sept 23, 24, 26, 28, Teaaa, Sept 27. 28. n , t<ansas Clly KANSAS CITY ( t2) -HOME 171 Sept 27. 28, 29, ANOILI; Sept 30. Oct t 2. 3, Oal..tano AWAV (5) Sept 21, 22. Ane-te; Sept 24, 2~ 28. 01klen0 'f'oh didn't suy if he fell lik<' he could go out and hit homl' rum;. And, his hfth-innmg shot just did e lude Royubi' left-fielder Wallie Wilson's leaping effort an the corner. "Toni~ht was a very import.ant game tor m1.,· admatlc.>d Zahn. "lt'a the first llmt.• slnl'e I came into the American LeaguL• that I've been so mvolvc>d in a ptmnunl ru<.'t' It's tmport41nt w know that tonight. I'm sattang here right now and we're sull an It. f thank the Lord for beanjl j{tven a chance to be with a winning club lake lhtB " ,>. But within an hour before the Angels' important opener of a three-game series with the Kansas Caty Royals, Foli's name had been penciled inlo the lineup, then crossed off. and finally squeezed back an the No. 9 slot. Mauch may have been a bat mdedsave before the game, but as it turned out, the final decision was the right one. the Angels went on to score a 3-2 vac·tory over the Royals before 42.322 fans a t Anaheim Stadium and a Southern California television audience. Whale Walson angrily complained that the ball had boum.'C.'<i ofC his glov not a fon as th<.' umpires ruled -Foli dragged ham.self a">und the base paths with his third homer of the season. And Foh still had enough strength to (acid those ground balls, whit:h is a must when teammate Geoff Zahri is on the mound. He can also thank guys Jake Foh and first baseman Ron J ackson, who was ansertc.>d m the lineup to provide some strength from the right-hand side of the batter's box agaani.t left-hander Larry Gura. The Victory. the Angels' third straight, • tim Foli I Foli's two-out homer in the botlom of the fifth inning snapped a 1-l tie, and moved m one game ahead of the Roy in the American League West. " ith all the prayers my wifl• has The veteran left.hander scattered eight Kansas City hits Monday night, but needed nlnth~inning relief help from Jack.son's RBl double m the ~venth inning turm.>d out tQ be the winning hit as the Royals man.aged lo scratch for one (See ANGELS, Page CZ) ' Season-long walk? Two Rams say they won't strike I f'rom AP dispatches ' Striking players and team uwners both say they are willing lb lose the rest of thl• Nauonal football League season if it means wmnang at th<.' bargaanang uible ; Fans. dismayed by the first regular-season strike in the sport's history. are about to be qarraged walh Canadian and ~liege football , along with rpovies, as telev1s1on networks !'K:ramble to fall the aar time. ~ Gene Upshaw. prt'Sident of the l.500-membe r NFL Players Association, announced the strike Monday after the union 's . executive committee voted . ~nan imou_s l y in favo r of a lkalkout. The strike began about Efght hours later, after the Green Bay Packers beat the New York Giants 27-19 to complete the ;ason's second week. 1 "Al the conclusion of tonight's ~me, the league w all be struck," pshaw. a Los Angeles Raiders uard. said Monday ... No practices. no workouts, no games 'fill ~ played unul management e-n gages 1 n good • fa 1 l h bar~ainin~ " : He later added the players 'lfere ready to hold out "one qay longer than management " Strl"e at • glance ON STRIKE: The t,500 memt>ert of the NFL P11yers AsSOC1atlQl'I against the 211 teams EFFECTIV1: DATE: II begtnt tO<lay The first 01m1 to be 1llec1eo will be Thur1oey'1 Attwita-Kensas City geme in Kansas Clty EJClt£CTED DUftATION: It could last one weellend Of cencet out the lfllire ~. NFLPA DEMANDS: A totll p.ckage of SI II b1!11on over lour years with St .06 ol thll coming lrom SO percent ol t he club'• ~tw0<k·televiMOO package, ptua Ir" lglf\Cy ~tter thr" yeers llltlA"AQEMENT'8 Of'FEfl: ~ totll p.Ckage ot S 1.6 b1mon oYef li'le years, trom wh1t1Yet source the Clubs choose EFFECTI ON TY COYfflAQE: CBS ptan1 to continue coverage of Ifie season. NBC wtll tele_y•se Cen1olen f"oolbell league gama en0 ABC wlll revert to prime-time progremmlng Turner 8roadcuung ol Atlante nu algne<I 1 contract lor 1 S«tes ol games bit-all- star teems m•de up or attlkers movie, "The Cheap Detective" starring Peter Falk. It's the second time in just over a year that a strike ha s i nterrupted American professional sports . Baseball players struck last summer for 50 days in a dispute over Cree agency. NFL players staged two training-camp strikes. in 1970 and 1974. The football strike centers on money and how the NFL 's billion-dollar income should be distributed. · Players, who originally sought 55 percent of the gross revenues o f the NFL's 28 teams - estimated at $3.6 biUion over five years -changed their st.and last Friday and asked for 50 percent of the clubs' $2 . l billion television contrac t , plus a minimum-wage scale based on length of service. The proposed contract would run for four years, as opposed to the five-year pact offered by the owners. Don Ian says owne r s are "una It e ra bly opposed" to guaranteed percenta_ges and wage scales for the play•rs-:-Tney have offered a package contain1ng $10,000-a -year bonuses for veterans, plus base salary hikes. Both sides have reached basic agreement Qn how much a new contract sh ould cost -$1.6 billion. The length of the contract, where the money comes from and how it will be divided are the sticking points. Ed Garvey. executive director of the NFLPA. said he hoped the stnke "will force the owners to start bargaining in ~ood faith." Mark Murphy, a member of the union's executive commit~ and a Washington Redskins defensive back, said it was "vital" for NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle to step into the talks Rozelle so far has not participated in the bargaming. and Donlan said Monday night that the commissioner sho"ld remain on the sidelines. Deify ll'llot l'Mto by Cf\lrlN Slaff Don Baylor cores a h ead of throw to Kansas f:ity's J ohn Wathnn. • But Jack Donlan, executive director of the NFL Management douncal. countered that team oWners were prepared to "go as l~ng as necessary. including the ehtire season. to prove their ?.:>int." ! He made his remarks after a Monday night meeting of the o).vners' executivC' committee, Id in New York. Big plays go favor of the Angels • Ill At least two members of the )lams. tight end Mike Barber and offensive guard Bill Sam. said tfley would not strike We have the momentum, they were playing tight -Ron Jackson By CRAIG RUSSELL •pectal to ttM Deity Pilot worthy of dissection. Consider the following: • "I'm against what they (the p)ayers) are going for," Barber said "I thank it's been handled y(rong. I'm not leaving unless there is a lockout" : The hrst game lo be affected bi{ the strike will be Thursday night. when the Atlanta Falcons were scheduled to play an Kansas City against the Chiefs. ABC. which was to televise the game, afmounced at will instead show a With the pennant race in the American League West coming nght down to the wire, al's only natural every play made during the pivotal three-game series between the front-runnang Angels and Royals will be magnified l,000 times. -Larry Gura, normally a conLl'Ol pitcher, has a pitch get away and hlts Bobby Grich square in the back with two outs. That sends Don Baylor to second and he scores on an RBI single by catcher Bob Boone. to iruUte a shoestring cat.ch. His try fails. the ball gets by him, and Grich scores easily from second base. If Marun makes the cat.ch, the Royals arc out of the annang. If he just takes the safe route and plays at on a hop. Grich might not have scored from second and Kansas City still might have saved a run In the first game Monday night at Anaheim Stadium there were a number of situations -With the Angels leading 2-1. Ron Jackson hits a blooper down the right field line. Jerry Martin races lO the line and tries -In the ninth inning with . fl look at the issues that led to strike I ' Players want percentage of TV revenue, owners say not a chance • .Y The Associated Press , Details of the National• Football League oonfract dispute may be confusing, with k about percentage of gross and salary es and career adjustment pay. But now t players have decided to strike, here in ~estion-and-answer fonn is a look at the ues that led the players and owners to elr break in talks and the decision by Jtlayers lo walk out. i Q: What led to the strike? t A; The players association originally anted 55 percent of gross revenues. The wners said no. The players then emanded 50 percent of t elevision enues. but the owners quickly said no to t, too. Negotiations broke off last Friday the association announced Monday that "'ere would be a strik e, s tarting ifnmediately following Monday night's t e between the New York Giants and Green Bay Packers. : How long could a strike last? A: That is lmJ>09.'lble to determine at this int. It could be over before the next heduled game on Thursday nlght; it oould t the se&IOn. Q: What is the main issue? A: The l.ssue ii no longer the amount of ey to be d.atributed -the two sldea veg ncrally agJ"ffd that the amount will $1.6 bllllon -but on w:tere the money come fh>rn. Playt'rs want 60 pem!'f\t of TV revenues. Owners say they will not give up control of lncome. Q: What about Insurance? A: Unlike baseball dub owners. who had strike insurance when players struck last year. football owners have none. However, they have a $50 million loan guarantee from Crocker National Bank in California, which they may draw from to pay bills The players have no form1AI strike insurance or a strike fund. The players. however. have already played one-eighth of their acheduled games and been paid onc--cighth o{ their annual salaries. Q: H6w soUd is the union's support? A: Most players appear to support the walkout. Only a Cew players -two from the Rama. for example -say they will not stri}le. Many other players, even 10me who say they will atrike. have been critk•l of the union and ita demand&. Owners have ta.Id they may cany on the 1euon. Players say they will play at least ahc c•mes made up of 1U1kfn1 players bfglnnlng In three weeks. The unlon'A requeat for a f ixed percent.age of revenue goea back to the 19609, when the NJl'l.. w• (.'()mpeUng with tho Amtrican Football ~.,ue tor playerw. Then , accordlna to the players fl1uro1, two-thirda of tM 1~·· revtnuet went Into player .. lari•. Stnt. the two I~ merRed ln uno. the union ays. that f&pre has dropped to 30 percent. Th<' owners say that current payrolls constitute 44 pert.-ent of their revenues. Q: How do NFL salaries compare with other major sports? A: According lo the management council's figures, the average salary in the NFL in 1981 w as $90, 102. The average National Basketball Association player earned $185,000 and the average major league baseball player $143,000. Top players. are also paid less Walter Payton. the NFL's highest paid player. makes about $800,000 a year -a Jot of money, but much leas than tJu~ million a year paid basketball's Moses Malone and baseball players Dave Winfield 3nd Grorge Foster. Q: Who would benefit moat under the union's proposal? A: Linemen, klckcrt And d('fcrulve backa. The glamour players like quarterbacks, running baclu, re<.-civcni would gain the Jeut. The playen1 'have propoeed a fhc('(i 1eale of minimum aalarlea ba11Pd on a<'n iority regardless of poeitfon. Thua, all flnat-ycar players would g t al leaat $75,000; a ll aeventh-year playor1 $17~.ooo , ell 12th·yea.r playerR $400.000 PJayc:l"8 would be free to negotiate for addltlonaJ money. But tceording lo the union•• t11urea. a 10th-year quarterback would aet only five (See STRIKE, Paae Ct) ~----____ .....,,_ • , runners at first and third with one out and down by two runs. Kansas City Manager Dick Howser e lects not to go to the benc h but instead allows raghthand-halling John Wathan and Jerry Martin to face raghthander Luis Sanchez. The Royals get a run on a ground out but Call a buck short. -But the most controversial play of the night came earlier in the game in the fifth inning. Tim Foll. hitting with two outs. hit a long fly to left which Wallie Walson leaped for. along with 10 or 20 fans. to try and make the catch. The ball bounded back onto the playing field but was ruled a home run. "l thought I knocked the ball back into the ballpark," said a dejected Wilson. "He (third base umpire) said he saw a fan hit the ball. "But the fan hit my glove. not the ball. I would've caught it if he hadn't hit my glove. That's when 1 really got upset when he said l didn't touch the ball. "But they (the umpires) didn't lose the game for us," continued Wilson. "We lost it. They (the Angels) got two other runs." "The umpires said the ball was above his (Wilson's) glove." said Howser . "If that'.s what happened then they made th~ right call. I couldn't tell and George (Breu) couldn't tell" ln any event, the homcrun wag Foll'• third of the season and first In Anaheim Stadium. It was his fourth a•mc-winnl~ hit of the yfar. "I thouaht the ball was gone,'' said' Foll. "l really didn't think he wa.' &olng W go all the WI)' Over there to get it." The btll hit ju!lt 10 feet inside: th tout pole. So. In the fi rst ga~ al I ot, all the big plays ~med tO so ln the Anaela favor . And that alway• Ht'ms to oe the way things go wht'n you're playihg well. • "There was no doubt in my mind that we were gomg to wm lomght," said Jack.son, who had three of the Angels' six hats on the night. "W e have the momentum. They (Kansas City) were paaymg tight. especially arter losing a series t o Minnesota." For the Royals. it's been a frustrating last few days. "It's always frustratmg when you 'r e losing." said Brett. "Especaally when you lose four o r five in a row this late in the season." The Royals have now lost their last five straieht t.o drop out of first place for the Clrst time since Aug. 26. "This was a iliugh loss because we're one game down now," said Wilson. ''But we have to forget about this game and worry about the next two." Brett echoed his teammate's thoughts. ''This was a very important game until (we take the field) tomorrow." said Brett. So now the attention is turned to tonight's gome a nd the Wednesday And then to the three games in Kansas City September 27-29. It IS these five games that will probably decide the pennant. And during these five games, a ny error. pickoff, miSl!ed cutoff man. homerun, strikeout, diving catch, or game·winning hit 'could be the difference between {irsl and S«'Ond place. "You have to play everythlna as a big play, bli out. bla ~ame - that's wh11t I was taught,' is how Foll put It. On Monday night, the A~els mtide the big plays. Tonight• a new ballgam •. And. according to Wllton, ttw Royals have lhrtt choices "We're going io clth c>r leave hert" one \.Ip, one down. or thl'ft k»ck. lt'I \.Ip to WI." And th4t P"'ttY ~u wna h up. t •I Orango CoHI OAILV Pll.OT/Tu11d1y. 81pt1mber 21. 1982 ,.,. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ..... ____________ ....., eason may he over, says Charg~r ' Klein From AP dispatches SAN DlEOO Gene Klein. 5l owner of the San Dil•go Chargers, said 4. t the Nationnl Football Lt•ague Players Assodallon's call Munday for a strikl' probably means the 1982 s.:ason wiU b<' canceled "That could be the season," said Klein, one of seven members of thl• NFL Management Coum:1l 's executive oommlltl'C. "h's very po5Slbl" we won't have any more games. Next July, th06<' who want to play football will rtiport to camp and those don't can do whatever they please." Saying he was "disappointed but certainly not surprised," Klein said the owners resolutely oppose union demands that would give more power to Ed Garvey, the NFLPA's eX«'Utive dirt.>clor. "The main issue 1s Garvey's attempt to eontrol all the money. He wants si fund whereby all teams and players have to <.'Orne to him. He would then disburse as he SC<.'S fit. He then would become the fin-ancial czar of the NFL. when, m fact, he is nothing more than a hired hand. · "We don't intend to give the money to him so he can build a power base," said Klein, one of the league's most vocal critics of Garvey. He added that if the players aren't willing to work for the $1 million being offered each player over tt)e next fivi-v~rs. "the strike can 11.0 on." Quote of the day Bob Lo1aa of the C.:h c·11110 Trlbum• In wrlUfli about lhu \anford Purdue IAmt! laal Saturduy: ••tt \htt Olppor playud qullJ'Wtback, he'd havt1 lO ch1m6'e hltl Mm to Johl\ Elw11y. St.anford'a mutl wUh thl" aold o arm domlnuted PurduP S11aturday th.., wuy Gt'Orgt• Gipp did ll to Not~ Dnmc opponcnui In mov11~. h'• htu d to <!nvhdon u 22-yl·ur ult! 41.¥ a living IC'gC'mJ, but Elwuy turnt-d In u Hull or 1''m1w sx•r!ormunw" Lowensteln's homer lifts Orioles Jobn Lowenateln's two run II h o rner in thl' ninth Inning lHtl'U Baltlmort• to (I a I C'Urtll'l){ll'k vk·uiry uvt•r Ot•t1•o it Fonday n iS(hl In Amc.•r,lcan Leagu-e action. 'l'ht' win was 8ulllmort.''s 27th an 32 gnml'll und kept tht> Orioll'S In tht.• thick of tht• Aml•t'tt·im Lcagut.• East JWnnam rul't> . . Gorman Thomas, who had earht•r slugged ht!> 38th homl•r, hll J sucnf1t't.• fl y .. Wllh thl' lxti;t'l> lotidt.'{f tn lht.• 9' ,_ 1 I t h-i n n I n g t o g 1 v e Mllw:iukt.>t• its )IJXth straight win, 1.1 4-3 triumph over Boston Thl' win maintained the Brewers' two-game lead over tht• Orioll'S . . Joe Simpson scorc•d once and drove in thl• go-ahead run {i J with an infit.'lu singh.> in the fifth inning us Seattle LOWINITllN downed the Ch11~1.1go Whltt- Sox 5-2. Simpson leggt>d out a bouncer bctw<.:.en first and S<.'COnd to 54.'0re Julio Crui, who had tripled to open the fifth . . Randy Busb urovt• in three runs with two homt•rs as Minnesota dt'feated Toronto, 4-1 Mike Rlchardt's three-run homer and Buddy Bell's two-run triple spc.1rked a six-run first inning off loser Ma tt Keough th11t carried Texas to a 10-3 win over Oakland. Keough, the former Corona del Mar High standout. dropped to 11 -18 for the season with, the Joss. Brave• fell three game• back Dlellle Tlt11'1 doubl(· to l~h· a C'C'nkr flt-Id •·o,...,.t Terry P•d1I from tlrat ~ with orw nut In th • bcmom uf tho ntnth lnnlna w lift J luuatcm t111a 4.3 vktory over Atlanta Mondny nlsht. 1'h4t lllllt dropped th" Bruvc.'11 to a full thrt'<' aamt>t beh,nd thC' dlvllllon IN1dlng Dodger• In thti National Leauae We.t. Tho Dodaen were ldlt" Monct.y Joaquin Andujar Mnd Uruce S•Uer comblnt'd to at:attcr nlnt' hlta, whllt> Geor1e Hendrick humnwrl-d u two-run double, u the 1uralna St Loul8 CurcJln1.1l1 opt>ncd their Natfonal Leaaut-~ le d tu ~ 1h "nmn with their eighth straight victory. a 4·1 triumph over second -place Phlladclphia ... Dickie Nolet doubled and tM.'Orl-d u run to back hus own f1ve-hil pitching und ll•ud the Chtcogo Cubs •to u 3-l vit·tory over Pittsburgh ... Sun Diego st'<.'Ond baseman Juae Bonilla, who undetwl'nt treatment tor chemjcal dependency earlier In the IK'uaC>n, waa activated by the Padres and will be avallabh: to play tonight Montreal Manager Jim Fannlnc was relcaS<.'<.I frorn Queen Elizabeth Ho11pltal, two days after being admitted for a severe migraine. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1981: Steve Carlton's third-inning strikeout of Montreal's Andre Dawson was his 3, l 18th career strikeout, enal:>llng the Philadelphia left-hande r to become the National League's all-time strikeout king. On this date in 1973: New York ace Tom Seave r beat the Pittsburgh Pirates 10-2 al Shea Stadium, enabllng the Mets, with a 77-77 record, to take over first place in what would be dubbed the "National L eague Least" d1v1sion. On this dale in 1970: Jn only his eighth major leagut' st.a rt Oakland's Vida Blue no-hit the· Minneso~ Twins 6-0. La• Vegu to feel 1trlke pinch A Natlanal Football L• 1ue • rtkt> wlll 1low to 1 llidclt" tho fk1w or locnboll pmblora who flock to t..u V •11u uch wttikend w bc:t lfOmi• $I& mUll.on on ••met and ~ llkP mt)'-int at lho tabt . gamtn" offlci11J said Monday. Ll.11 Vfpt IOUl"t'C"I e1tlmalf." $100 mllllon chaniw• hand• on an overuae pro football wc.x•kend • .. Attom~Y• for tht> NCAA workc.>d lnt.o lhtl night preparing w filu u rt'qUt'lt lor 11 8luy uf o frdt>rul }udg<•'• ruhng that h11 Invalidated all of the aaaocJollon'• t'Ollegt> football tclcvis1on contracta .. A faulty rompuwr caWIC.'d two power CaJJurc.'I, on of thl'm • near-blackout. at Giunta Stadium, diJrupll~ play during thr 8 ~nd quart~r or th<' 0t£-t•n Boy-Nt•w York Giants same . . . UCLA quarterback Tom R1m1e7 won Paclric-10 football offcm1ive . player o th · week honor» ---A c.:h4ru:rl-d Vnlttod Arllinc.1 OC-8 toking the &ltlmore ColL-t home after their NFL game against Mlaml Sunday had to abort II.a t.nkeoff after l0&mg power m one engine. The team and lt.s baggage! was taken back to the ~rmlnal and transrerred to a Boeing 727. Television, radio Following are the top sports eventa on TV torught. Ratings arc: v v v v excellent: v v v worth watching; v v fair; v forget il. n 7 p.m .. Channel 11 vvvv BASEBALL: Dodgers at San Diego. . Announcen: Vin Scully and Ross Por~r. It will be Burt Hoot.on (3-5) on the mound for the Dodgers tonight against the Count, John Montefusco (9-10) The Dodgers are now three games in front of Atlanta in the National League West after the Braves lost to ijouston Monday. RADIO Ba.sebalJ -Kansas City at Angels, 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710); Dodgers al San Diego. 7 p.m ., KABC (790). ANGELS EDGE ROYALS, WI~H HELP FROM FOLi • • • STRIKE. • • From Page C1 run off Zahn in the ninth. "There was no doubt in my mind that we were going to win tonight." noted Jackson, w.ho is the club's leading hitter with a .344 average. "They (the Royals) were playing tight especially after los ing a series to Minnesota " "You hate to lose a tough ball game in a tight pennant. race," admitted Royals' Manager Dick Howser. "It was the type of game we expected. but we expected to win." Zahn struggled through the first inning, allowing a leadoff s ingl e to Wilson and then walking U.L. Washington. He then turned around to strike out ~both George Brett and Amos Otis but allowed an infield single to Hal McRae to load the bases. And it was Foli. ranginf to his left, who kept the bal from reaching the outfield, preventing Wilson from scoring an early run. Frank White's ground out then ;>oded the threat. Bob Boone put the Angels on top 1-0 in the second with a double, scoring Don Baylor who was aboard after forcing Fred Lynn. Kansas City tied the game compliments of Lee May's third homer of the season in the fourth. Zahn allowed the Royals to put at leasLone man on base l.ll every inning but the third and eighth. And when he allowed singles to · McRae and White to oeen the ninth, Mauch went to ~anchez who has become quite a stopper in the last two weeks. Sanchez. who has won four of his last five decisions, carried a 1.62 earned run ;iverage over his last 16 games into the ninth inning. and he promptly showed why. He got May to hit mto a force out, did the lillme with catcher John Wathan (with McRae scoring on the play). and got Jerry Martin to ground out to third to end the game. Irvine's Salinas is player of week ln Irvine High's 1982 season-opener he ran for 101 yards on 15 carries. inclOding a touchdown in a 14-0 victory over Laguna Hills, and that's not a bad night's work. Last week, however. the Vaqueros' Johnny Salinas, a 5-7. 145-pound fullback in lrvin~s winged-Toffense, reeled off 152 yards on 16 carries and scored a touchdown on a 62-yard dash, which earns him the Daily Pilot's recognition as the area football player of the week. "He just really runs to daylight well," explains his coach, Terry Henigan. "In our offense the fullback position is very similar to an I tailback -he has some leeway and he's just very tough for a little guy. A returning starter in the Vaqs' backfield. Salinas plays offense only, although he could easily start in the secondary. too. ''We don't use him on punt returns or kickoff returns. either," says Henigan. "He's just too valuable, you can't afford to lose him. We want him fresh when he's carrying the ball, although we're basically a four-back offense." Salinas earned his school's honor as the Player of the Game a week ago, too. and Henigan explains his honor back-to-back. "Normally we wouldn't do that," he says. "But m our grading system he only had two minuses the whole game " Prep players of the week Joe Paluck, Coron• del M•r A 6-0. 190-pound senior linebacker and offensive guard. Paluck had nine una11l1ted and three aaslated tackles on a night In which the Sea Kings· defe.nse limited the opposition to a ffeld goal Carlo• M«lln•, Co•ta ,,,... A defens!w tackle on defenM, the 8-0, 185-poun Medina led the way ollenslvely with his blocking 11 guard. and was one of the big keys 10 Wally Grant's 91 yards on 23 e.rrles Shaun T•kkln•n, !Edl•on Takklnen moved from outside to middle llnet>ecker with Andy Sinclair moving to onenatve tackle, and led 1 defensive sur~ with 11 un&Mleted a~ur a1111ted tackle•. In addition to pleylng center on Otf8r\M. EddM Chrl•lln, El Toro The 5-10, 185-pound detene!Ve back Intercepted • p .... blocked a punt, made eight U811t4td and four unaHl•t•d llCkle1. HCked th• querterbeck and recovered a fumble In El Toro'1 10.0 loH to MINlon Viejo. .,.,, Spl.e, Eetenple He ren tor 137 yerd1 on 28 carrlee. caught 1 nlne-yerd touchdown pau and had two ...ieted laclelee wt'INe pte~ng roY9( on cMNn ... Attd, he punted for e 37·ywd .....,. In btencl•'• 14-0 vtotory OY9I' Laguna Hutt. Dav• Swigert, Fount•ln V•ll•Y A eophomore, SwlgMt ran for 107 y&l'ds on a dozen carries at tallback and elso returned a kickoff 28 yards. by far the best any Barons' running back has shown this year. LOUM C•rda, Huntington Cefda. 1 185-pcund senior, h•d tht tackles, two lnlercept1on1, bloctced a field goe.1 end eeuted an Incomplete pasa at 11rong 18fety for the unbeaten Oilers, who whipped LOI AlamltOI. 10-0 K•vln McO.nnon, L1Jgun• The 6-2. 190-pound senior tight end e.ught,,-38-yard touchdown pl88 anchria a key blookef for the Artists' back1, In addition 10 dominating his llde of the tine H a defensive end In Laguna's t8-0 victory over Sevenna 8111 M«:I••, M•tln• HI• 8-5~. 230-pound freme • domln1ted 81n Lute Obispo to the point tttat Merine ICOf'ed all lour of lte touchelown1 over I'll• lfH of rMPONlblllty. "HI did not blow • tlngle IMlgnment," 1&ya hie coech, DIV. Thoml*)n. • AftdY WlllMm•, M•l•t 0.1 The~. 110j>OUnd Mnlor led the way tor Miter Del'• runMre with I'll• pulling at guatd, at the Monatcl'lt . .-pt put Do9 Puebloe, 41.0. Hie beet contrlbutlone were blOcklng the llnebaclcere 1nd malclno cruclel blOdtlng adfuetment1. "You can't ask any pitcher to get any hits tonight because l do any more in the late innings have a bad wrist. I didn't get any than what Luis Sanchez has hits tonight because Larry Gura done lately," admitted Mauch. lt got me out." was Sanchez's third save of the "It wu a tough game tonight," season. added Foll. "There were two The Angels pulled off the pitchers -veter ans - Important victory despite a less-established t.'Ontrol pitchers who than-awesome performance from know how to win. And that's Reggie Jack.son. who like several how they both pitched tonight." other Angels, 1s less than 100 Gura was. ~~ing a career- per¢ent. ..., tying high 18th victory. He also The Royals actually walked carried a car eer 11-3 record Do_ug DeCinccs mtenl1onally to against the Angels into the game load the baS(..'S with two out in the oottom of the seventh inning * to get to Jackson. ANGIL MOTla: Denni• leon•rd, who The r1'ght-f1'elder , suffer1·ng own• • lllellme 14-2 record eg•lntt lhe Angela, pltcl\et tonight lor 1t1e Roye!• He'• from tendinitis in his wrist, had 10-s thl• ... ton •ncfwnt oppose Ken Fotech I d t k t · d ( 12· 10) In Ille MCond g•me of Ille Mriel a rea Y s rue ou twice an Mondey night'• g•m• wea 1ernpotarlly hilted popped to first. He promptly hit end 111e Roy•I• r-•ved • ternP<>f•fY tear• 1n into an inning-ending double 111e li•th Inning .men ptlcher 1..w;r Ow• 111111 Play. • hla erm Whtie at•t11nQ • double pley on , b.111 hit beck 10 ,,., by ,red Lrnn. After _., N e v e r t h c I e s s • h e w a s mtnut• ot conw1ta1i0n With 1ra1ner 1111cti•r d d b f CCllMt and -warmup pltehM, he was •ble surr oun e y reporters a ter to continue "°" .iaclileon'• Mvenlh· the game. 1nrnng double uee1 •Club mMk '°' '-b-• ''Damn. what would happen if -242 . .., 1n 1179 Wt1h only 12 ga,.,.. I h · · h ?" h remelnlng In th41 regular MUOI\, Ille Angell got some its lonag t . t e 11111 bout th• 1op p11chlng 11111 1n '"' puzzled slugger asked. "l didn't Amerlcen Leegue with • 3.43 eerned run •llef•ge Belllmo<e la aecond at 3 811 Angel outn.tdef ca.,..._.... one ol -rll pleyer1 recelled from Spokene during lhe roed trip, ..... 1"41 Peclltc Coest League leeder with 53 llOlen be-81\d 14 lrlple8 thll MUOI\ Aclor Cerro! O'Connor, ol Arohl• Bunker'• Piece. WH on hand for Monday nlglll'• o•me Jets lose Klecko NEW YORK (AP) -All-Pro deferwive end Joe KJecko, who injured his right knee in the fourth quarter of Sunday's National Football League game against New England, will be out for approximately 12 weeks. the New York Jets announced Monday . Klecko underwent surgery Sunday night at Lenox Hill Hospital for a ruptured patella tendon. said team spokesman Ron Howard. ltON .IACICBOW TV .networks, , plan changes NEW YORK (AP)-NBC said Monday night that it would televise a Canadian Football League double-heaqer Sunday in place of strikebound National Football League games. CBS plans to show a tape of last January's Super Bowl XVI between San Francisco and Cincinnati Sunday afternoon, while ABC will replace Thursday night's Atlanta-Kansas City game with a movie. "The Cheap Detective." The CFL telecast will begm at 10:30 a.m . PDT, with British Columbia visiting Toronto. The nightcap will have Calgary al Edmonton. beginning at 1 pm., according to NBC spokesman Tony Page. A special one-hour ediuon of NFL '82, NBC's regular pregame show. will be aired before the British Columbia-Toronto game. the network said. Don Criqui and John Brodie will handle play-by-play and color commentary on the first game. with Dick Enberg and MerUn Olsen, the network's No. I NFL broadcast team, doing the Cal~ary -Edmonton game Johnny Solina NFL standings From Page C1 percent more than the current average for that posiuon, while linemen would get a 150 percent increase and kickers 290 pcr<.-ent. Q : What Is the diff£'re nce between this dispute and the basebalJ players' strike last year? A: The baseball strike was over the principle of free agency, not money_ .Baseball owners wanted to limit the free agency the players had already gamed and the owners resisted. Football now has the most restrictive free -agent requirements of any major sport. Under it, a team that signs a player for $80,000 -less than the NFL's average salary -must give up a first-round draft chok-e. Only one player has ever changed teams that way -Norm Thompson, a defensive back who played out his option with the St. Louis Cardinals and signed with the Baltimore Colts in the 1970s. But free agency has yet to become an issue in the football talks. The owners have offered a slightly liberalized version of the same free-agent system that raises the salary requiring !irst- round compensation to $110.000. Team pos ts bond DETROIT (AP) -The Muskt'gon Mohawks are assured a s pot 1n the International Hockey league after posting a performan('(' bond and wall play their first league match on Oct. 16, a team official said Saturday. The league-requ1r<..od posting of the bond was the last step in the delayed s tartup of the new organization which had bee n troubled by financial problems. said J. Dean Owen. president and general manager of the Mohawks Breit K•cur•, Newport A junior, the 6·0. 205-pound defensive tackle was credited wllh t2 unasslaled and three assisted 111Ckles, sacked the quartMback and 1ossed Cypreas for losses on lour occasions He also sparkled at offensive guard NATIONAL CONFERENCE West Dlvlslon AMERICAN CONFERENCE West DMalon Dav• Mount, Oc••n Vl•w The 6-1, 195-pound senior carried for a 5.1 average from his fullback poal, and was primarily reaponalble for teammate Todd Parker's yardage with his blocking for the Seahawkl Bobby Wllll•m•, Saddl•lHlck Wllll1m11. a defensive back !Of the Roadrunners. had three unassllled tackles on defenH, and ecored a touchdown among the 71 yard• chalked up as 1 tailback es Saddlebeck '"Pl PHI rlval Santa Ana. G•ry l•nuzzl, Unlv•t•/11 The 5· 11, 180-pound fullback averaged 18.0 yards on 1h1 e.rrle1 and scored 1 touchdown on a 36-yard Jaunt for the Trojans. He elso caught a PH• for seven yards In 1 20-13 Mtb1c1< to Tuetln. Rlch•rd 8rown, WHlmln•l•r A 8-3, 215-pounel llnebecket and tight and. Btown C*igl'lt two pa .... tor 45 yerde on otrenM, White on defenM he wu credited with nine un1111lated end eight 1uleted tacklH , ceuMd a fumble, rnede an Interception and c1u1ed an Incomplete PHI. John Sohrt»der, WOOdlNldtJ• A repHt Hlactlon, Schroeder certled for 1 15 5 yard• everaoe ana wit In on Hverel key tacklet at etrong Nfety. He wtt.rld • brOkan flbu.. In hit ~ Ind It Iott for the .... on. WoocJbrldga dropped a t5-14 thrlffaf to rivet lrvtna W L T Pct. PF PA Atlanta 1 l 0 .500 30 52 New Orleans l 1 0 500 17 21 Rama O 2 0 .000 37 54 San Francisco 0 2 0 .000 38 4 7 Eaat Division Washington 2 0 0 1.000 58 47 Philadelphia 1 l 0 .500 58 58 Dallas 1 1 0 .500 52 43 St. Louis 1 1 0 .500 28 31 N.Y.Oiants 0 2 0 .000 l3 43 Central Division Green Bay 2 0 0 1.000 62 42 Detroit 2 0 0 1.000 62 42 Minnet0ta 1 1 0 .500 39 33 Tampa Bay 0 2 0 .000 23 38 Chicago o 2 o .000 10 17 W L T Pct. PF PA Raider1 2 0 0 1.000 61 31 San Diego l l 0 .500 35 22 Kansas City 1 I 0 .500 28 26 Denver l 1 0 .500 27 44 Seattle 0 2 0 .000 28 44 Eaat Division Miami 2 0 0 1.000 69 48 Buffalo 2 0 0 1.000 37 O NY Jets 1 1 0 .500 59 52 New England l l 0 .500 3 1 44 Baltimore 0 2 0 .000 33 48 Central DMllOD Pittsburgh 2 0 0 1.000 62 48 Cincinnati 1 1 0 .500 47 32 Cleveland I 1 0 .500 42 31 Houston 1 1 0 .500 29 48 Mende~··._.. Oreen 81y 27, New 'fOf'k Ol1t1tt 19 M• H•rltor llvtl., C.tt• .... ..... JOHNSON &SON pretenta ... lllFL ""' ......... W8'11 Be Back * Soon I Hope ~ . . .. . MAJO .. LIAQUI ITAHDINQS American L••au• WHTlllN DIVllfON Angela l\aill•a I.ii) ""''-"11<1 '><!Olli• OalollirKI ,., .. Mum•••ut~• W L G!! 11!1 8• (ljj 1'1 IQ , 1 18 ~ ... 88 t.O 00 ~1 9l MilW;AUl\ltif• B•IWl)(Jt ., Bu•tt>t1 0.111>11 N•w Vutl\ c;..,•e•~•tll T0ton10 l!A8lEllN DIVlllON uo 00 1111 61 Ill 118 14 74 1 I lb 11 1'J 6~ l'I Mondlly't lc0tet Angel• J >1•••H• C•ty :> Ba111m0t" .I °""°'' 1 l>ct. GD ~(17 ~liO I ~JU ~·, .,, It' 4 IJ IJ 400 l'• 180 .'b bOO ~87 J ~., 11 ~I~ 490 10'. •llO lb •1.0 ; I Ci.vef.ino 4l Nev. Yo-h u,_,,,4.1 , '''"J MtlwaukM .. Bott0f1 :'\ • , I "''""U'' M1nuw$0h1 • l orunlo 1 T .... s 10 OalolGl\11 .) Sei1111e s c.;'"'-"ll" J Tod•r'• Oem .. IC•ri•.is Ctly !l tuna10 IU .,, .,, Angelo 1F0tach 11· 101 Clevotldll<I (Barlottr IJ I I a1ul Wfltl•u" • /1 ;~ ~~w Vo•• IGUIO•y t• I nro~ A•Qh""' 11 111 0111,.>ll iWllLU\ 11 ftl "' 8ulllrtOfH~ tll M1Hhnez 14 Ill " Bostun (T01101 !I VI"' Motw11ulo~· 1M~•J•• h 11-IJI 11 TNVIHU (Slt"l> 14 l<4~ ut MH1t1•tJ.1~!tt tV•OliJ 9 1)," Te"o' C•iou\Jh 1s 1 t) Ht Onklnnu °'"'"''''l> 0 2), II t,l11c.Ago (Burn" IJ 511~1 St\ilftlr 10om11,h11 12 Ill " Nellonel L••au• WESTERN DllflflOH Dodge11 Atlanta San Frant1KO San Ooego Houston C1ncmnau W L Pct 0 8 85 65 ~117 8, 68 547 l 79 10 530 5•, 75 7S 500 10 10 llO 467 •5 SS 94 369 29't EAITEAN DIVISION S1 Lou!> 87 63 ~80 Pn11adelph1a I 1 611 544 5 , Montreat 19 69 534 7 P111aou1gh 79 10 530 1•, Ch~O 61 83 447 ?O New YOllo 57 91 385 29 Mondllf o lcot., Chtcago 3 Po1t•OU•91'1 1 Montreal •• New Y0tlo IPPd ...... St lOU•S • Ph11eoelph1a I Houston 4 Allenle 3 Only games KMdulecl Toder'• O•meo Dod9•1• fHooton 3·51 at Sen O•ego (Montefusco 9.101. n Montreat ILH 12.g •nd Sa11de•son 10 121 at New YOik (Own.,., I 2 e!MI Swan 10 tll Pit ltbur9h CT1innell I 01 et Ch1Cago (Jen••ns 11.1s1 San Francisco fMar11n 6 91 at Concinnao IShlfler 6· 121 n 7_ ~~:~~la tCemp 11 91 01 Huus ton 1Ruhle Plliledelph1a tCar1111n ?O 101 at SI Lou•• (Rasmussen 0-01 n AMERICAN LEAGUE Angele 3, Royel1 2 KANSAS CITY CALIFORNIA WW•l•nn II v Wsgtn SS Brett JD Ohs cl McRae lit• While 2b I May lb W1thar c Mr.r11n,t fotais •b I h bl Ab r h bl 4010 HoJCk\I• It• .a l• J 1 3 0 0 0 0.-CnCl Jh 1 0 0 O 4 0 0 0 !'<(I J~• ,,., , 4 0 0 0 4 0 I 0 R Ctdrlo rl O O O (' 4 I 2 0 O<i"'""ll II ;) 0 1 0 4 0 •o ll'""'r •oo~ J , 1 t Bay1rn ti' • ' O O 3 0 0 I G11GI 2t· I I 0 0 3 O 1 O tl<>On<' c 2 o 1 1 Fnlt" JI 11 32 2 8 l TOl4•\ ;>: JG 3 Score br Inning• >1;3nsas C•ty 000 • 00 1 / CetlOtnoa 010 010 10· l E -u wa.n°1>91C>f• OP .... >•I C·•· 3 CalltOfnia 1 LOB KAr"\" <.;.1,. 1 C..:•1 torn A 6 29 Manin J'.f(I Jt1c.i. <.on uA l Ma~ 131 FOi 13 SB l/l'l>l• 3~1 <, B<> ·~• K•nta• Cllr IP H A EA BB so Gu•a IL 11 , ,, c. " 3 4 1 TuftS 1 O ) ' C•tllo1nl• Zahn •IV 11 8 8 • ) I • ~ Sanchez 15 3 I O O o o U Zarin P•1(FWfl tu f r C)Hl•t~ tf "• jlt'i H0P Gr tt" l.ly Cu•+t • 1 .. A .. •2 322 Angel everagH BATTING AB A H HA RBI Pel Ro JaG~son Ill 15 •5 2 19 30 Ca1ew 482 81 1SO 2 36 311 DeC1nce5 533 86 160 26 90 300 Lynn 440 84 129 18 82 2113 Downing 579 1#)1 163 27 79 282 Fie Jack•M •93 87 137 3~ 91 718 Baylor •6• 69 121 18 62 261 Gr.ch 567 70 148 2' 85 281 !len•QUltt 182 22 '1 2 21 258 Boone 4AO •O 11 I 1 55 252 Foh 4SO 43 111 J 51 249 Clerk 80 10 I 1 2 5 213 Wilfong 179 24 37 I lb 207 Kelleher •7 9 8 0 I 110 Bu rte.on 45 4 1 0 I 170 Totals !12S 7SO 1'.197 167 698 ?73 PIT CHINO IP H •• 10 W·L ERA Haas~~, 69'• S4 39 3& 2 1 2 45 IC•SO<> 127'• 106 41 1• 9.5 3 17 Sancllez 111'• 118 33 S• 1 3 3 ,9 St,.rei 21'> 19 10 13 1·0 l 22 Aue 52 4S 23 •O ;) .) 3 46 Witt 165. 164 46 79 8 s 3 6S Jotm 201·~ 219 .)0 62 12 12 3 611 Forscl1 2••" 210 56 10 12 10 3 73 Zann ' .... 213 63 75 17 8 3 76 ~~o tS2 159 49 7• 11 6 4 31 Golt? 111 75 23 22 3 7 • ,. Toant i>9'• '.\'I II JO '' ~,,. Cut111 1• 9 38 0 1 5 87 IOIBIS 13!19', I 335 •lit 675 8~ 65 3 83 llrew•ra 4, A9d So• J Boston 010 002 000 oo J • 1 1 M~waukM 010 001 001 01 4 10 2 Ec:ketaley 8 Stanley I 101 An<I Al...,,S<>n Vukovich ancJ Simmons W Vukovich 18·4 L B Stanl9l' 11 1 HRJ M•lweukff G Thomes 1311 Oglov>t• 13 IJ A I) 64 I Oriol•• J. Tigert 1 ~11orl 100 000 000 I 1 0 Oatumore 000 000 012 J 6 o ~OIPS and Pamah P8i!"f" S11;w1•1 (91 end OempM!y W Stew1r1 9 1 L M01110 t&. 16 HR Ba1t1mor" l o"~nlfe•n t23t A 8.2411 Twin• 4, alua J•r• 1 T0<onto 000 001 000 1 9 1 MlnnMOla 00' 100 02• 4 9 ' Leal end Paloall• B CHMIO R o •• ., i!ll •nd Lauoner w 8 Cest•llo. 1 1 11 l Leal 11 14 s R O•••S 1211 HAI Mlnneaota Bulll 2 \41 T0ton10 9.,11e111 f151 ... -2.830 lle119en 10, A'• ) Teus llOI 201 000 10 " O Oelcland 00 I 010 100 3 1 I Tenana Darwtr• 181 end SundOf'•O Keou9ll Hanni 111 0 AQu•sto <71 8nd Nt1Wmen w hnana 1 18 l 1Ceouo11 11. 18 HRS Te•H R.cnatdl Ill Oakten<I A Hand91 son lgl A 10 833 ... rlneto S, Wllll• lea 2 Cnicago 002 ooo ooo 7 9 t S..IU. 200 011 10• 5 11 3 H0'(1 LtM 1e1 aruum f7l and F1&1< e Cletk Bordi 161 lfanOellefg (7) end SwMI W 8 Cle" A 2 L Hoy1 18 t~ S-Vandekg (4) A 4 428 Hatlonel leegue Cu!M t. l'ltate• I P1llH•u•Qll 000 00 I 000 I 5 0 Cll~O 000 110 10• 3 7 n McW1111am1. lek11lve 1t1 11nd N1cua1a onii (II, NOiet, W Hernanoe1 191. Tldrow (91 and J 0••11 w Nol.. 0 " l McW111i•m•, 1·8 Aelroe 4, arn•• a Allllllla 100 020 000 3 6 I Houtton 000 00) 00 I 4 1' ' Boggi. Btdrot1111 1111. O••b•• (9) ano Sln11to. Ry1n. l Sm•th 171 and Athby W l Smith, 4 4 L 0111Wr, 7 0 HA A1111n11, II llamtrn (71 A 12.e 19 C81clln .. e 4, l'hllllee I Pllfledetph.. 000 000 100 1 O t Ill l .,.,., 100 030 00• 4 I 0 Denny F11mer 161 McOraw 171 Attam••ano tll end Vorg~ Andu1ar Sult .. (71 1nO 0 Po•I•• W Andul•• 14 10 l o.Mr 0 2 S 5Ult., C341 A 15 IOt Top 10 •••••• ... cu •••••• , H l'el U~ '14 I 11 If t 1\11 IH f,./ 111 lll'l t )1 IJ'J !>414 /I IW .t If 14 1b(lltlll 11111 :lit. 114 ~4~ 11 I/ I 114 1411 Me 11( l/'t 114 tUi 412 I 1 16 t 1 I I 13J !Kie llJ l~ll tOT !Jj !Ill 10 1111 JOI IU 4llO Ill> 14 I IO I Home Au11t Ci lllum•t. MllW3Vkt"' J• Wiul1uhJ N11w v ... ~ ltl, lle Jaebon, A~lt, U, lh0t11tu11 Cl4l•elll11d. 31. OQIM•. 1.1i..v ,.i 1_ 1111110 l •ll d In Mdl•n. llMllUt (.tty llJ. <.u"''"' Mllw;~k· o 1 •~. fhmnlun, (.to111:1.u'd I I:.' Q fhu'llO> M1lw&uk... IUD W111l1t1ld N"w Vvt~ Ill~ Pllchln9 ,,. D•~l•IOllt) \f\l~nYl"h MllWllUkllll I" 4 l"lllmtor ~--ltHtu.ltt' ttl • Au1111 Chit..,,go l) f;1 ~utt l1ff• ( 1.w .. 1.mtt 1.1 «. 'lehn, Anv•••, 11 I, Gu1u1 y Nvw Yt>t• 14 I f'<lttV O<ttotMI I~ ff ll•nko, An9•I•. ti t NAllONAl LEAGUE Ollw•H Mtl M..Olutk Pylo lo6mllh t.1 I °"'""m ~ht OuGOne1 Ch• Ou•r1ero.Dodg•r1 lek••.Dodg•r• II ttrnnndr .SI l O• .. aun Mii <..ArtO< Mtl 0 All II 1411 'ot,j 114 t4tt '>41 •u 142 ~·.o I Ill 1.111 )O'J '~ 1411 608 87 142 Mot IS 1U 522 75 1411 ~47 15 135 557 102 141 W6 114 Home Aunt H Pel. 1!111 31T ,,, J.'4 114 110 1~9 Jl1 189 )I I , .. lOI 151 303 16J JOI 167 300 IS I Ill~ 11"'11'"·"' 14 .... Y0tk 37 Murphy All.llllOI j!> l>1111molll PholitOelplu" JJ Huo 11"' Ail~lllJ ;)1 GU•tr•ro, Dodg•IO. 11 Aun• B•ll9d In Murµt•) Atlanta 106 Ot1vu1 M unltCHU 105 Ou~kn~r ChoCilgO 9'! lt~ndrn lo SI lt>u•t 99 C.:la•• S•n F11ute•&(Q IJ§ Pitching C 16 O..:ltlo11t) P N·ot~ru Atlant" IS 4 Rau••~ M11111o~~1 17 1 t..~111011 Ph1l40elph•" 20 t() Cttndoh•tt• P1tt,buron t J."" Aet.t••, Dodgert. 17 10. Fo1sch St lou•s t~ y Swan N'°'w Yurh. 10 6 J N16luo HOY11lot1 16 10 Pomone F•lr MONDA Y'S RESULTS f121h d•r ol 11·d•r mH llng) APPALOOSA& FIRST RACE. 6 lurlt1ngs A Det• 11ors.. 1Ped1oia1 s 110 l au Double lndemn11y 1s1 .. 11111gif 1 lO The Genahdd 1<10 18urt1SI 2 •0 1 70 2 60 Al~ •"Ced Bo B•o .. n r,.,.,,.,,,.i Bu<" , (;"""' T101e ' 14 3 5 lS EXACTA 15·31 pa10 $40 !tO OUAATEAHORSES SECOND RACE 3!>0 )&101 Gac;is '"''"'"'0<\01 19 60 l 80 !!. 00 Ala HOS! (~•OfT'.bdl 11 00 4 40 S1i'1'< Ba••Cuda (Hilrli 2 8CJ AISO taC't'tJ 8cHb1e" M O\)h Don Ourn Spec•fy Boon• Revelatlort C1ovfl'1 Mi,.trt Reos Oe5iire l1mf! 1189 THIRD RACF 400 vard~ fm••Ot!"C) RO'.)tl'I 1Smnhl31 60 I bO 3 90 lolla Tmy G•y 1Har11 6 00 4 80 l•~e to Go 1Tor1•$I 3 oo Atao raced Toms. Dteam Ma ... turre O'tter 5Moo.. GAllopono Oer,,.1r>C1 T t •• '" 1 ""'" No Oouo1 M,on •~ Gun l ime 2on S5 EICACTA 13-81 "d•<l $307 00 THOROUGHBREDS FOURTH RACE. 6 lur1on11s Trade Forst 1N09v•11 8 20 wes1Prn ShQltlS 1Asm"ss .. n1 Fond Out ISol'ncen • 60 l 20 4 20 300· 5 60 Cid Also •ac.a Gold Jae••• R1tH Run T ullulvn • Beck Powde• Pano• Time t 12 3 5 FIFTH A,4C£ 6 lu1lon9s C.1>e1v Cntel <011ega1 5 •O .a 00 1110 Sunnam Gold (NOQUl!ll tl 20 ~ 60 r acnendon • Boy 1Est••Oat J 00 Atso rac~o ZHJoc C11mufll• n.e 1 riplp Champ M~ Ne111i1e G•fl E•ec.ut . .,,, C•••m T•me I IZ I 5 lllCTH RACE. S lurton91 Slut R0m Roe.lo IBIK~) 3: 60 7 60 .) 90 DO· Tull 10 S.al tS•bo el 2 llO 1 40 CCNnl Cartac10 1C•u11 3 00 DO O•sQuahl•t'd flom I ••t PIAC•d Sl!!COl'O Aiso 'a'~ A'r.Oe4n Ho C.ho,. J,m ,..,. F10004>0 Fiich f 1mf' 1 1' 0 U EICACTA 7 11p1 ti Si?O ~0 SEVEN'TH AACf. b lu•IOllQ\ E•llo•aoo Senos 1c .. m 8 40 5 oo 3 40 Beo Yu• Bu• lSlal1•n9st 1 •O •XI Humm1f' t1e,m3" 1Wth1Pt 6 '40 AISO ·•~ed frOd ...... Comft Ch<•I ll;tnO Jetiu Time 1 12 4 5 llGHTH RACE. 6 luflon<Js To Teti the Truth 1Peo•o11116 20 4 00 3 20 Plentylt~t !Ortega) 7 60 4 80 Double TO• (ROndl l 00 AIM> raced Goto~n Pohcv O.amooo Bell Sh01gun Annie Rolling Gui Femmn Fl•• l •me t II t•S SS EXACTA 18-2 paid $156 50 NINTH RACE. 6 lurlort0~ Ooubl11 Flull IS•bollt!'I 9 •O • 80 • 00 LAiH 1Menat s 60 • 60 Soooota Mley 1F~uetoa1 6 00 Alto raceo Amon•• 11010 loo•u u •e Bl!'au R1i;•O Pa1c" M"s Gae•••1 Coulff Gwt Tome 1 10 • 5 TENTH RACE. 1 I 16 m•IM Se>t.ta,.o 1B•ackf 111 80 1120 s 20 300 JOO 4 60 Mo Mt"40C>'le PltoHe Be on B•ac:i. Buliet tS•b• •e1 Regal SOOl't tSta "'9•1 At.a •llCed TOIO s Pr nee Aun t0t Bunetm • Pa-ntet lune Ti-t •6 1 5 U EICACTA t4 51oe0 S120 00 ELEVENTH RACE. 6 rurl0"9• B1.ghl LIOy tHanwnl • •O 3 :1Q 2 60 A Tea1 n He< EY11 IMitnAI 4 110 • 60 MOCletty Bla•M 1Campu1 4 00 Also raceo Hing or lrin G1smonda Gro"''"ll Rega•d Maya" Woodland ~lolit l•lllf! 8arD&J1an Tim" I 09 3 5 TWUFTH RACE I I 16 m1IH Retune IM•n•I 13 00 5 70 3 80 Be1110 ICamllBSI 3 60 3 40 Stetting Ctopper fC1u11 5 00 Also r1KPO C1N11t Squ~r11 ll1gh M1tm<>ry Proper GMI Fast Orphen CrtoUIA Time 1 .c7 215 SS UACTA (6-•J paod SI 10 SO Att•n<l•rice to. HIO NFL P.ck•r• 27, Glan11 11 kore br Ou••l•n <'.rt'<"' Bey 0 7 • 13 17 NY G•ent1 r.1 l 1 0 Ill NYG Mnrr ·• J run 101ne10 • IC'I NYO !111•1 t lull 1n•P1>"" Oul of end lUl>O NY(, I (', O"""IO ~ 1 0 8 Jfllflt"'' 1 µau from Uotloev IS••-uO ... Ckl NYO C11atm1" I run tD•MP•o kotkl GB Lotton 11.l tvn l!'ittn,.,ud klOI GB lve<y 11 run tSt•,,..,ud k>el 1 c.e FG Stt!'l .. ud 37 08 ~G Stenerud n II 68 •06 lndlvldu•I lt•lltllc:t AUSHING Gron Bay IVIOt)I 7K 114 M•oci. 5 14. ROdgen 2 9 Lofton l 83, fll•• 1·2, Stechow1c:r I 0 J•n-.1n 1 ·O C>lc-•r 7· 14 NV Ollntt. Chatman 8 20 WOOllOlk 6· 18, MO.HS 5·~0 HMt•• l 13 Srynn•• 2 7. Bro0n1 1·6 FIASSING 0111en Bly, 01okey t3·20 0 203 NY 01•n1a Brunner •6-33 2 191 A!C~ll/IHO Grfl!n Ger lolton '4 101 Coll1111n 3·80, Epps I 14, Ivery 1 1• JenMn 1·7 l twlt I 0 Mt>"'8 1 I AOCI01111 I•,, NV 01erllt Mul!'dy ~ ~9 Pt1~int • •?, Wooll~~ 2 10. 01•y I H Mtllltt I I Bt19nt 1·6 !lt111k 1·' F'IElD 00A.L8 MIS!\r " <lr•t1n ••I' n1>ne NY 011n11 none Coll•f• rell..01 Tll• "'"" ,.-1 W!ilol•ll 111 I l•l•I I II ll I 11'~ J 1'411-4••• 1111 2 0 !J I 0 II ) t•1t1 11(11 ~ II II ti\<# 4 At•h&fl•• 111 1 Ct 11 IM\ ) I li~•I• :l Ct 11 111 • ....11 ..... ~lht;,O••• t 0 u tell , r......... 1 0 u ,.J I f'enft lat111 I U U f31 • A••uo• 1 O O q, Ill Nt•h• "°'"'• I 0 U 4 IQ 11 N4H th t;"' uliua I I u 4lkl I/ II( t A I U 0 414 11 Ill"" '•I 11• l 0 CJ 4~1 14 Alll1>1•• •1"1" I U 0 • JT ·~ ........ \/lljjlll•d '0 0 Jiii lll M•""" II;\ l I 0 ~~ 11 le•• I 0 0 "" II 'J1•1ll••lll l .• I I I 0 1711 '" '"""'.. ~ 0 u 1:.11 ~0 Moth'l/.UI t I 0 146 ,-.. Lona .. ech VC teT•nd •••I•• long •HClh 10 latllmu• !lLUllA I l•mllvnyM1I Oa111uy 11111 Stt»e f l•m LLIYC MOM<. Mt01n :itr ... 1 Mot11rt0•• Cue Stet• o ... c11 vc l'ttHI A M•t•no• [Cl <..arpenta1 l\alOU• YC ''"'° II No•• Ill Jor111 JOtduu L8YL PHRf C l'"'lj•W• .141t1y M0<1IQOm11ty Al~m<IO• Olly YC ltlhmu• lo long ••Kh 'otOAA (Glipwt ftiiJll1 lv(!I LOYt,; MOllC Jubolff 1t•1ry Wh&llOI> LBYC PHRF A 1nv1Uuo llyVh I llm-1 I UY<.. PHltf 8 Re••l•l•nn 0111 Fo1d1•111 Voy"91!'t YC PHIH (; fllu• Oelo• Don Hoa1y W004.l•O HuU 0-W-out. Aa..n Men'• tourMment (at O•n•u. l wllaerl•nd) flr•I Round llnglH M•'' W11 ... uur 1Sweaen1 del Ate1ant1rn (.i.iltololl1 tArQft"l"'nl 6 O 6 3 Joa~1m Nyll 1 Oum I bwu1l•n/ 11•1 A11ge1 G1m~11~1 1 Sp,11111 6 ~ lo 0 Guy I or \l<'I (I r ~flc11) tJol M111cua 1tac11v11r 101"1111 1 ~ 6-3, Rol&nd St•Ul~r \Sw•flUrlOnllJ ..iul Alberto lOu• 1!ip11m1 t 0 4 Ii b 4 l•m t.v11uu1 IU S) dot Alf'1•nU111 Pu1.,)I~ 1C1111tl & 1 G-2 0111nu f'\N•01c (Wt~):l <1ttttndU\'1 def M uri.;.o!.. O•tOJtl I VuQ•l\lllYloil 6 l b 'l M•n'• tourneme11t (•I S•n F1ancltco) Flrtl Round Slngl .. J1n°n1y Atllh tU S j dtif Ma,ltn O•v•'9 U S 1 I (I I; I 7 (, 9"3n T \!llChei IU S I Cl«I e ..... k r•~t• '"' 1u c; 1 1 s 4·6 6 2 Joh11 ir.~ ..... IU s ' Ill'• P,11 CHh fAut11111oa1 6 3 I; 4 M·•·· c;., ... 11 llJ s I del P~te• Ren• .... t u S 1 6 • C • £,.,,.llf "'•1e• tu S 1oe1 Joao <;u<i•<'> tll•U•il f;.J G 4 l om M~10llt! IU SI 11~1 M•t l'ulC<·ll IU SI b ' 6 3 Ettot ftt11"n'" IV '1 dl'I lloro Bovine tU S 1 ~ I II 0 • WCT Cl•11lc ftl Inglewood) Flul Round SlnglH v.-n W u1,~1 tU S » O~t ll1ti Na~loil&• IR<>men1J• 7 ti 6 • B•• Scanl0tt IU SI 11<1 8 01> lu1t1V~I b·3 b I Hlah...SJ:hool 'WOM~ Marina 11, Tu•tln 2 llnglff o., lo 11 IMI Oel Thurmond 6·0 0111 Ho•k•nl 6 1 lllll Mumenthditl• 6 O Clous fMI won 6 2 6·0 6 0 Albe•ls (Ml losl 4 6 WOii 6-1 6 I Ooubl•• •1•11•• Srnnh~ld (Mf def Young·Parke, I> • ""' Sm•llt·S•&el 6·0 dttl WMll·Jones. {i I LOlllO Ng111cm \Ml won 6·3. 6·3 II 4, ~')"II ll1liebrnnd !Mt won 6 0 Iott 4·6. wort l •gun• Buch II, El Toro 0 lln9IH W1llfotl1! tlBI del C•ll• 6·0 def Campbilll 6 2 uel Oeorrnger 6 I Joooe tl81 won 6 I 6' 62 Brown ILBI woo 1 fl 11 I 6·2 Dou bl .. ~h~tm W •ll·H" tl B• t'lf"-f 1 itnn,., Cnop & I O~I [,.11vv S1w1n>a11 6 2 do• M0t11• C•tlHOn 6 3 Co~ .. ey Pa<. .. (t..81 won 8 0. 6 1 6·0 Cl·.o••~r '"'0' •l ~ "°" & • G 0 6 I Men'• 1occer COLLEGE aoc.a Colfeve 5. Cef Tech 2 South•rn Cel1lorn1e College sco11ng Roane 3 Woooworth 1 Bueno 1 DMP ••• ll1hlng AA~·· LANDING (Newport ••ech) -16 angler• 3 bau 130 meci..,., 111 rock 11sn 16 tc:<llPtn DAVEY'I LOCICEA (Newport hecll) - SO anptera 1 bon•tO 1 catoco baas 200 m&ek91el 3711 toek h•h 5 1and bHS OANA WHAllF -65 ·~· 18 blH 2 bonito 711 mact.etet 4 I rock loth 22 eculp.n 20 SllHp!Jl4leO IE Al •EACH -63 angle•• 82 D•111Kud• 23 bOnolO 65 C•l•tO b ... 40 mtc11ar.. 160 •oc• hsn. 11 sano Dus 25 .. 1111• CrOfk.. I "-Shead (881g•) -35 •"Iller• 60 bO(lo(O 700 m11Ck9ffj s und DUI 200 QUO't'<I •·Sh l!IO .....,. c1oa•e1 I AH DIEGO (H•M l •ndlngl -:18 ~'1(119<1 67 Donllo I .,....0,.11•1 3 DHS 1 rock l1sn ' Mondo'• tran1tct1on1 tAHaALl AmerlcenL..,.,.. OE f ROil TIGERS Announc:•ll tht tH40n11oon of Aurelio Lope?.. pCtc:~e< aAIKllaALL Nellon .. •••ll•llNll Aaeocletlon O(TROtl PISTONS -Signed Bob ElllOll. c11nt•• 1orwa•d and Welker D Ruuall, 911erd. to mu111-year contr~. fl 'OOTUU Ntlfoftal ,MIHll LfflW BUF,A LO BILLS -Welve d Nlc;lc Mtil•M•,., kif.-... alld Allen Ctwt., 111nnono baci< Stgn..i lam•• Pattlall c:0tnerbac:1c and ElrM H41f•at• h1Ck9< ..OCICIY N•llCM't•I Hochr L•-oue NHL Appo•nt•d 1rvin9 0111mdmen e11aormat1 or 111 0-11 tn•lllOet• comtmll" 11\0 Lou Nanne -ch•ltman HARTFORD WHALERS Sent P•ut Frtck•• JI~ Palladino t nd M•rk 8z1d• go•h••· Sieve MacDouoa" M.,11 Ma111n Oetry McDon•ld. Derttn McVty M•lta 8h .. end Jim Wei th Otl•n1emen, Oan 8ourbot1n111. D••• S1oy1novlch M ike McDougal. Dave Mc:Ooneld 1nd Vince Magntn Ith wlnge, Matto C..fl '•aneol• leCompte. Aobefio l avoi.. Dtnlll• Mart•r>. Ao .. Veto and Jell llh;le, c1111ttu. Don Omen 8111n Coughlin. Paul Cf~. ArcNe Handa,.on end il•11oy Mtc:O•ego• rlglll •lngl, 10 8lng111m1ot1 ol Iha American Hocltty l Mfllll lleturned Aaiwy c:-on. Diii 11!1gu1r1, K••ltl lkllllltr elld JOllll Melo.011Jo, deltnttm•n. Brtnl loney arid M•ka Hollml ll, 1111 w111g1, t.•11y Power, ~ltf Ind o.nlt Oort 1rod Allly Ollhen, right Wif1QI. 10 In.ii IUl\IOf tt.,,,I lffW YOAK 18lANDEA8 Aelurnad TOdd lumbard, ~oati., Jttc:quet l'l'tv"'"• C:hu~ 01tmt!ltf atld Aogat KortkO, ~ttl'I, Nell CO\lllel, rlgllt wtng, Aon H1111cty, Oatr, l_., ano Al•n i<a", left wlnga, ano v.,n amttll dlftnMman. 10 !hell jllniof t .. 1'111 COUIOC MEMPHIS STAlt ltnllOunC•d lhl 101onauon of lob l'etfet1on, 111111110 Cl>tl!CIO< Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/TuHday, Septtmber 21, 1082 (;3 Mike• Zulclivur Big plays spice • prep football Th(• mag1ea l h111• 11( st.T1mmagt• was obviously the 3K-yard lam• lw.l W1>t•k thrc.-<.• big plays of 62 yards wv1(• n•(•lt•d off tn ttw preop football season's se<..'Ond Wl'{'k of non-lcugu<• ucllon Manna'!. 8111 M;1rh•r, lrvinl"s Johnny Salinas and Umv.,.rsity'' M1k1• i'.;1ltl1var l'uch rP<.·ordcd a 62-yard toul·hdown µlay The Big Plays 64! 8111 MarlN· (Munna). TD run 62 Juhnny Sulmm, (lrvm1•), TO run 1)2 M1kt· Zu ld 1v;.1r (Umvc•rs1ly), TD pw.s from Will Watson 50 G11ry h11luu1 ( Univl·rs1ly), run / Tbe seitsoo's big plays 80 Swv(' Opriun (Mal<·r Dc·i); 79-Richard Aguirre (Matn Dt·1), 71! Vern on Wa lleric h (Edison); ti2 Bill Marlt>r (Marina), J ohnny Salinas (Irvin<'). M1kt· Zuldivar (University); 59-G erod Jones (&lison); 52 Kl'Vin Brudlcy (Saddleback). Chris Mandt•v illt:> (lrvilw). 5 1 Dave Patte rson (Corona dt•I Mar). 50 Gary Ianuzzi (Uniwrsity). This week's statistic leaders Rushing 1. J ohnny Salinas (Irvine), lti-152, 2 Matt Spies ( Es tanc·13), 26-1 :n. 3 Rudy Figueroa (Woodbridgl• ). 22 128, 4 Danny Thompson (Huntington Bt•adl ), 20-I 1-l , 5 Dave S wige rt (Fountain Valh•y). 12-107 Passing 1 Tim Hanson (WC'i:.tmmst1•r), 11 -23-1, 152 yards. 2 M1kl' Zorn (lrvinl'). 8-18-1. 140 yards; 3 Chad Pariseau 10c:c•an View), 10-21-0. 131 yards. 4. K.evm Burke Woodbnc.Jgl'I. B-15-1. 99 yards Receiving ~ I. Timmy Vull·nzuc.•la (Wcstminswr), 5-76; 2. Chris Mundt•vtllc (lrv11ll'), 4-83, 3. Chris Lung (F'ountcii n Valley ). 4 -67, 4 . Mutt Edd y (Westmmstl•r). 4-50. 5. Jon Nowotny (Edison). 4-30. I Ern: (lrvinl'I 8 Scoring Kurmun (Manna), 12, 2. Mik<' Zorn Lions have plan for unused tickets By The Associated Press While many Naltonal F'ootbaU League teams were wondering what to do about season ticket sales because or the players' s trike, the DetrOlt Lions were one of the few teams to already have a game plan figured out Meanwhile, clubs w<'re awaiung offiL01al word on what to do Crom the NFL Management Council's executive comm1llt'<'. which was discussing the ticket s1tuut1on among other thmgs. As for the Lions, spokesman Brian Muir said: "The re will be rdund'i. If a game's not played on a specific date. but it's postponed to a later date. tickets arc valid for the late r date. But if the game's canceled, the tickl'l prwe will be refundt.od to the buyers." Muir said that season ticket holders will get an automati<' refund <'hl'Ck to be issued shortly after they finu out how many games arc to be missed. "Individual game ticket holders either need to bring their LickeL<> to the Lions' office or they can be mailed by reg1stcn.od mail. and they'll get a refund that way. "Thi.' ticket s1tuauon is the only preparation for a possible str1kl' that I know of that the Lions are making I don 't know o f a n y signings o f new players or 5''<.'N'l workouts or any of that." A s po kesman for the Mnnesota Vikings, meanwh1l('. said that his team hadn't developed a definite plan only that "rt•(unds will be given if games flatly aren't played" "If games are postponed," said Mer)(' Swanson. "uckcts will be honorro when the game 1s made up " Addcod Swanson. "Wl''ve been getting a lot of calls about tickets w,. hold every hope that the games missed will Ix-mad(' up -either in mid- week when the season resumes or after the season. We have no plam. at this time for ticket refunds for games that are played as scheduled." William HobNts. lll'kct manager of the BalHmore ColLo;, says the league wiU tell his team what lo do with season uckets. "h's my understanding it's a lcagu1• rule," he says "As soon us thl' li•;,igueo advises us. we w ill know" Pack comes hack EAST RUTHERFORD. NJ (AP) -Th<' Grl'<'n &y PaC'kc•rs staged their s..X'Ond consecutive second-half ra ll y. tr1ggc.>n•d by James Lofton's 83-yard end-around for a touchdown, to beat the New York Giants 27-19 Mnndoy n ight The eond of the game ~ignnled thr 11tart oC tht· first regular- SE'ason strikl' m the 63 year huitory of the NationAJ Football Le~gue. "SN:ond halves are tough on c:m1chcis." said Bart Starr, wh~ Packen. op('nl'<i the ~ason eight days ago by turning a 23-polnt deficit lnto a 35-23 v1c.·tory over the L<>s Angeles Rams. Starr refused to dlS<.'USo'I thl' strike, callro by the playel'8' unlon alter h and the N ~·L Ma n ngcmen\ Council t::uh.•d to negot1nw o ~'(>lll"t'tive barga ining ogr<>emc>nt. Lofton'• run t>esan the comeback from a 19-7 deficit and h ell)('d dl'OIJ th<' Gian ts to 0-2-0. The cnd·uround rou!l4.>d th(' Pa<'kt•rs as much as Gene Upshnw, \he players' union pr<'sidt.'nt. h d rou~ Lofton t•orllcr. "He gave me my w9kl• up call this mornina.'' the P!M:kera' s wift re •Iver said. "He called mt' up •nd Mid. •Go pllly. h 's your Inst game.' "l think thl~ will 8pur both •ldE>!t.'' Lofton said of the strike. whoac flrat casually -t,arrlna 11 1udden eettlement -w11l be Atlanta's gam at Kanau City Thunday ni1ht. MllC MOTICl IUNRt<>ft COVl'T M 1ttl tTATI Of' C&i.,OtlN14 '°"THI COUNTY O' OflANOI r11e "'-'• ••· llO le a .. INOllUON CHUWVNO elle ANNA IL.Olll MINOl .. 10.. 1b llOlll A HIHOIASC*, dec .. Md. CAii NO. AltSl03 NOTICI Of IHTINTION TO HlL "llAL l"flOlllATV AT tlfltYATI IALI Nolle.• •• lle•l'lly g1v1111 11111 ~ubttc:t 1t1 cu1111rn1111vn toy ""' 111111ve 1u1toll1td 5011411101 t,;ourl 11n ~IOI/tit I I 111111 •I Qt th1,.11111t111 w1t11111 1110 1in10 ellowocJ tiy tow the und11111g1111u •• u•ec:ulo•• 01 111e w111 o t llOl~l HlNOLIH"10N Cl!l l W'l'Nl>. dK•Hlld. Will Miit .... p111111e HIU 10 llHI 1l1gl1111! .. ncJ IHl•f no1 b lddo1 on tho 101m1 ona c:ond1hon~ 1tero1nnllu1 mun11onod •II llglll, 111111, 1mcJ 1nto10.i ol Cl OISC. HE N OC.A SON CIH TWYNO dotHMlCI UI the limo ol hO• CIOulll 11nd 1111 tight lllle ln<l "'"''"" 111111 lhll '"''"• llllt 11tqu11 Oil Ill IH1d111on to 111111 al dliGOdOlll DI 111{1 1111111 (If hi11 Oll•th, Ill 11111 lltlll ll•lllltllly loc11rno 111 tho Coumv al 011111110 Suto Ill c .. 111011110 da1t1111 .. a A• follow• I Of 53 OI TtllU Nu 4~60 111 ll'lowro on ll Map rOCu•Cl•O Ill aoo~ 1!17 pago> 28 10 13 111t.lu~1v11, M 4'ce11an11oua M t41l• Oranqe County Colitorrna H1" llflll>f'•ly '' commonly 1t•le111111 10 •• 9!>S M9Qlllldrt S11et1t Co~to M ffsl Ca11fo1n1a 9?6<'1i rt•e 181U ., •ut1111c.t IO C.U1t4Jnl le.ces cove11anl$ COflel•l •on!> restric;11on~ lllt\HV11t1on• ro9hll 11ghl1 ol wny 11nd .. .,~em""" o t 1ec:ord Tho P•<IP«'''Y '' 10 be M>ld on i'ln •• ,, bllll•" B1d1 or oll~• '"' 1n1111e<1 tor th•!> Ptoe>erty 11nd must t>e 1n Wflllng and will b• r~1v0d 111 111u oflic.• ol PER H TRESLER OllOf('Oy IOI tald ••tculors 11 1200 N Mein SI , Suole 710 Santo Ana. Culllorn1a 92701 or may DI llled wlllt the c1e11t ol thos Supomo1 Coun or delMlr ocJ to PER H T REBL ER pe11>0nally UI any limtt <titer lite lirsl puDlic.auon of th•s nouce ano nelare maluno thll sale • The prope11y will ba sold on the tollowing terms Cash 01 part Cllllh and par1 credit, the terms ol such credit to bu acceµl9bhl to tho unde151gned ancJ 10 thtl Supo.no1 Coull Five perctml IS'Yol OI tne amount b1CI 15 lo accompany t11e oller by ceml1ed check (sc1ow 1s 10 be opened w11n1n three b•n~tng days fottow1no conltrmat1on ol sale Dy tne Supe11or Cou11 ancJ to be ot 30 days du• dt1on T ht1 oa111nce ol the cash part ol tne proce or the balance ol 1ne pnce u the case may be shalt bit pa1cJ upon close ol HC•Ow TaallS rents O()l!!lahng and maintenance c•penses and premiums on insu•artc:e ac;ceptaDle to the purcna.., shall be P<Ol'8lllO as ol the date o l the cto&e 01 escrow f:;peor.65 ol c.•amonet1on 01 to tie 1eco1 ding ol conveyance transter 18HlS and any 1111• msu111nce policy i.naJI bt snared between me µa11oes 1n aC(;O•da"'e Wlfh IOClll Custom &ncJ fJlllCllCt: The unders1gnea reservH tne roghl to refuse to accept any DocJ~ Oaled Sept 2 1982 Joan S Henderson Co·E•ecutor ol me Woll 0 1 tne ·•Dove ndmea decedent Dated Sep1 2 1982 John M HencJe1son Co·E•ecutor 01 1ne Will 0 1 tne above namecJ deciedent Dated Sept 8. 1982 Per H TreDler Attorney lo• E1ec.utor• Per H 1 reDler McDermed. Monroe & lreble• Attorneys at l ow Suite 710 1200 North Mam Sltt'OI Santa Ana CA 9270 t ..... .,.. NOTICI Of' HUIT • IA.U OTO Ml O* "-Al¥• QUAADIAH TllUll OH O 8rl1VICLS. a COIPOlatll>ll M 0\111 •111.101nted ftutl•• undet Ill• IOllOwlllQ dMUloed 11..0 Of 111111 W ill !1 £ll Af PUBLIC AUCTION TO lHl' tilOHflT BIDOCR .. OH CASH OI N Ml 1011h 1n 8Kllon ~t2Ch ot lri. CMI C.od• elt 11g111 lllle ano 1n1t•et1 conveyed 10 and now ~d by II Ult<IW tlllCI Oeecl Of 111111 In lh111 "'OPe•ly 1tetelne11., 0.K•ll..0 I AUS 1 OA £ RNI[ RIVAi a ""0 .. 1n•11 IHNrf'ICI ARY 61lVIN 0 lVCCOLLO and ANO(llCA lVCCOLLO, hu1Dand and wile •• Joint T el'Ullllt RacordecJ May 2. 19110 11 1n11r No 21 t t 1n booll 13~06 PIQO , .. 10 ol Ollic:lal Record• In lh• olllce ol th• RllCOldtt OI Orano• County, tatd deed ot vutt detc:rlbH lhCI following ptoJ>*tly lot 82 of Tract No 3168, 1t1 the (;lty ol Co•ICI M•tl .. P•• map recordO<I 1n Boo~ 96. Page• 31 an<! 32 ot Ml11G1tllan•Out M1p1 In th• olflc.e ol lhe County Rt<.orotr ol Orange (;ovnty Mly bt alto known H 312 H1nove1 D11v1 Cotti Me11. <:ahlornta (II 1 •Heal 1dd•en or common dHlgnelton •• allown lbo!fl no wertenty •• glYflf'I aa t o Ila comp111en111 01 COfltc:lntSI) •• The banehc11ry under aaid Oeod OI Ttull, by tHton ol I Draach or deflull In the 0Dhgt11ona 1ecute d tllateDy. heretolote executed a nd d•h•etld 10 tlle und«Mgned a wr111en Oec:lert11on of Oeleull t nd Otm1nd lo• s 11e. end wrinen notice of bt..cti and of ele c11o n to c euse the underSIQned 10 NII Mid properly lo aat1sly said obllgallona. tnd therealltt the undersigned caused 1a1d notice ol bteach and or eteclton to De Recorded May 20, 1982 H tnatr No 82· 173797. OI Uld O lllClll Recoraa Setd Hie wlll De made, but w11nou1 covenant or warranty, expreu 01 Implied, regarding 111 111 , poaseselon , or oncumbr encea, 10 pa)' the remaining prlnctpal wm of tile note securld by aatd Deed ol Trutl with Interest 11 In Hid note provided, •d•ln~. 11 any. undat tho torms ot r.a1d Deed ol Trust, leea, c h1rges and openses ol tile Truslee and Ol tho trusta created by r.aod Deed 01 Trust S110 uie wm be '11e1d on Tueaaay Septembe• 28, 1982 at 11 00 a m • 11 t h e front entrance lo GUARDIAN TRUST DEED SERVICES. 1600 Ea11 Mayteir Avenue Orange Calito1n1a YOU AR E I N OEFAUL T UNDER A OEEO Of' TRUST OATEO MAY 111 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE A CTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOlO AT A PUBLIC !IALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST l'OU YOU SHOUlO CONTACf A. l AWYER Tne 10111 tmount o t Ille unpaid batenc.e ot the obligation MGUled Dy tald property IO De sold. togethtr with 1nte1at. late chargH. and eattmated coats, Hpenses. and ad•tnces. as ol the date ,,.reol. •a $1).390 00 Oaled' August 3 1, 11182 OUAAOIAN TAU8T DEED H AVICES, A C0tp0r1llon, •• aald Tru11 .. 1IOO E. Ma1talt Ave. Or llft9*, CA 12917 (714) n1 ... 10 Ylcllr Lewi•. AHi. Secty. Publlahed 0rlf'09 Cou1 0111y Piiot. Sept 7, 14. 21. 1982 3898-112 (71Al !>58·8112 PuDlislled O•ang~ P110t Sept 14 IS 21 Ct.nt Oa11y ------------- 1982 PlELIC NOTICE 4050 82i---,-,C-T_l_TIOU __ 8_9U_8_1N£_8_S __ PUBLIC NOTICE SPS.SSU'2 NOTICE OF TAUSTEE'I SAU No.12:2422 YOU ARE IN OEFAULT UNDER A OEEO OF TRUST OATEO MARCH 31 1981 UNLESS YOU TAl<E ACTION TO PROJECT YOUR PROPERTY 11 MAY BE SOlO AT A PUBLIC SAlE IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANAltON OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOUlO CONTACT A LAWYER On October 8 1982 at I 1 00 AM , Statewide Fo1eclo•u•e Services Inc n duly appoonteO Trullee under and pur$uttnl 10 Deed ol Trust 1eco•ded May 19. 1982 as instr No 82· 172799. ol Oll•c1a1 Reco1as uecutt1cJ by William M Evenson at 1rus101. 1n the olhce of the County Recorder of Orar>oe Counly, State ol Catolornoa WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (Payeblf' al ume ol sate 1n lawful money ol the Untied S1111os1 at South •ront en1t1nce to the 01ange County Old Courthoute. C11y ol Senta Ane. State ol California ett nght 11t1e •ncJ Interest con• yod 10 and now lleld Dy 11 undet aa1d Deed ot Trust 1n tlle properly s1tu111ed 1n sa•d County and State descr•o.d 11 lot 28 of Tract 4603 .s ~· map re<:Oloed \f'I DOolo 181 P•G" 23 tnd 24 o l M1sce11aneou• Mapa ol Orange Counly Tiie slreel ecJcJress end other c:ommoo designatoon 11 any ot lhe real property desc11Ded 1Do11e 1s purported to De 16S 12 Spruce Street. Fountain Valley CA The undera1gned Trutlee d1Sc;l11m1 any 11abrllty lo• eny 1rtc:orrec1neu ol the 1tree1 edd•ess end othet common designauon II any shown Iler etn Slld sale will be made but w•thout covenant or w1rr1n1y eap1ess or 1mplled, rega1dln9 title. poue'51on, or encumbrances to pay the remein1no p11no1pat sum of the not~sl secure<! by said Oeeel ol Trust. with 1nter e11 thereon •~ orovtded on aa•d noteca>. advances, •I any, unoer the 1erm1 ol aa1d Dffd of Trust tees, cha1ges and expenses 01 the Truatee 1nd ol 1ne 11us1s e1oaled Dy aald Deed ol Ttust. for the amount rtason11bly .. s11m11ea 10 be St t,O 13 311 Tile benellc:'lary undl'I ... d Oted 01 T1usl h11ratolo1e executed 1nd da11ve1ed to th• undt11lgned I written Oecta1a11on 01 Oe11u11 and Oem1nd for Sala 1nd 1 """lten Nolte• of Default 1nd Etec:llon 10 Sell Tile underllgned cauMcl Mid Nottce ol Oeleull 1nd EIKtlon 10 Sett to be recOlcJIKl '" the county Wllet• the •••• prOPeftr •• 1ocn1eo Oaled Sec>temt>er 3 1982 StallW'de roiec10su1e $efvlcel Inc as aald T1u11ee NAMf: STATEMENT Tiie IOliowlng persons ••e dott>g ou11neuas OH THOSE OONUTS 1734 Nt wport Blvd Coste Mese Ca 92627 Roc;hard 0 Ltes. 19645 Surtt>teaker ln Hunung1on Beach. Ca 92648 Ted Szuba 1810 I Wellbroc»t Ct Hunllngton Beach. Ca 9264 7 LtoycJ v .. rra. 17732 8aJ1let C1 , Huntington e..ch, Ca 92647 This business 11 conducted by a hmlled partne<lhlp RtellercJ 0 LIM This stetement wu hied with lhe County Clerk ol Orange County on August 27. 1982 F1912M PuDllShed Orange Coast D11ly Pilot Aug 31, Sept 7 14 21, 1982 3837-82 PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT OF A•ANDONMENT Of USE Of flCTtTIOUS •USINIESS NAME Tntt lollowortg persons have aDanaoneo the use of 111e F1C1111ous Business N1me ECOLOGY MAINTENA.NCE COMPANY 1637 I Beach Blvd Suite 100 Hunllngton Beech CA 92647 The F 1c1111ou1 Business Name rel0<reo 10 above wet hied in Orenoe County on July 14 1912 Ron E Lucero 11821 Fry Circle, Huntongton Beacn CA 92646 Jonn R 8 11 or 490 I Heol Av1nue Huntington Beacn C A '12649 Th•• business was conducted Dy a general p11tnetsll1p Ron E luce•o lhos 1tatemen1 wu hied w1lh the County Cletk ol Or1nge County on Sepl 10 19112 F1'3m Published Orenoe Co ut O&•ly P1to1. Sept 14. 21. 28 Oc;t 5. 1g92 3g63-jll:> .. Plait NOTICE FICTITIOUS IVSIHEH NAMe StATl:MENT The lollowlng P••son la doing Du11ness at RAINBOW CLEANERS, 275• 6•11 COHI Hwy .• Coror>• clel M11. Ca Vlnamsabuh Ouhenctogtu. 6 t 12 Vespe1. Shefmen 011<1. Ca 9 1403 This bus1ne81 It conducled by tn indlYldu.C V OvhenCl<>Qtu Thia ltltetnenl WU !tied With Ille County Clerk ot Ot•noe County on Auout1 27. 1982 F1112M Publllhed 011ng• Coast Dally Pilot AUO JI. Sept 7, 14, 21, 11182 3836-82 MLIC NOTICE BV Subllllutoon By Virgtnia Ap110 flCTITIOUt 8UllHIH EllKullYe V~ PreStdent NAMI ITAff_,.T PubHahed OrtnO• Co111 01lly Tile IOllowlng ~11ona ere doing P.tol Secll 1', 21. 28. 19112 butil\NS H 40St·l 2 CURTIS & VACCARO . On• -------------• Newpo11 Pltee. Suite 1010, Po11 Ml.IC NOTICE OlllU ao~ 8708·611 Newport ~~~~~~~~~~-i9"c:h.CA02MO flC:nTIOUI •UllNlll W1ll1am M Curt11, 439 V1111 NAM€ eTATIMt!NT Suttle, Newp0t1 8e1oh, CA UUO The l ollowtng pe,.on 1a doing S • n E V 1 c; c: t r o . 2 $I 1 but1neu 1•. CIHhllw Olive, Newport Be1ch, A CR AO ENCi ES , 2 4 30 I CA 92663 En11nld• MlutOn VllJO, CA 92691 f r w I n L K w I I • .. • 5 2 9 F'r1nk Otor0t Nuv•n• 2~0 1 P10tnon1ory Drive West, Nttwl>Orl E11Mn•a1. Ml .. IOll \liajo, CA 92691 htc:h, CA 11'880 T1t11 out•ntU 11 conduClfCI ov an T111t Ou.,,,_. It OOflO!Kl.O by 1 lndlvfdv •I g-•I p11t,,..t111p fr1111< 0 Nu~11 Wllfi.tn M Cu~tlt. Thta ••••trntnt wit 1111<1 wHll Ult th4s 11et.,,,._,1 wtt Iliff wtlh thl Counly Ci.rt. of Ortnot County on Couniy Cln 01 Ortngt Coun1y Ofl Sept t . 19t2 Sepl 10. 19'2 "11"81 , ,.,, " Pue>t11n1a 011no• Cou• 0111y Publlaned 0 1ano• Co••• 01111 P11of, Sec>t 14, 21 H . Oct a. IH2 P~OI, 89')1 14, 21. H , Oct a. tM2 ~, ... , .ao6e·t2 t '. Or1no• CoHI DAILY PILOTl11.1Md1y, September 21 i982 ~ .. ~.::::.. ....... .:::::::!:::..:.:::.::..:::::._.:..~:.::.:.~.:;:.:.:.:..:.:..;...:. .... ..:.. ........ ~~~~~~.:'j:::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::i:::::-:::::::~--::;::::::::::-::r:~==:::::~~~::::::::::::::r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. - . BUlllTIN BURD Blr.t rl.-r•r•··~ U S Nati o n a l Cr1t u rium C.:hum11lnn1d1lp hi('V<.'ll' rut'l'll, Ph1{-.·ntlu S trt'•'t , Costu Mt••a, Saturday and Sunday f''rl'<' w publk. Sa turday 111d wduh•: 8:45 u m -pu• 1 Ul't! cert>monit · 9 a n1. Sprlle U ::> Wumcn's National Cnwnum C humf>luru hip ( 13 laps; 41 km , :l6 milcH). I-urbor Blvd. of Curs 11utomobilc exhibit; South Coast Kiwanis Club sporis pt:"ntathlon .. 10 a .m . Wild Oat s StJgl' entert.ainml•nt 10:15 a m W ome n ·~ A wards presenlatlon. Harbor Blvd of Curs U . S . V e t t' r u n · s C r 1 l 1· r 1 u m Champ1oru1h1p (lfi laps; 5 1 km, 32 miles). . 11 :30 a.m. -Harbor Blvd. of Cars parade, with Estancia High School marching bund and Weslc>rm•tlcs. 11 :40 am -Vete ra n 's a wa rds presentation. Harbor Blvd or Cars U.S . Junior Na tional Crilc rium Championsh ip ( 16 laps; 51 km. :i2 miles). , 1 p.m.-SporlS pentathlon awards present-Otion. 1:10 p .m -Jun io r aw a rd s presentation 1:15 p.m -Program concluded Sunday schedule: 7 a.m.-Posl registration for Del Taco runs. 7:45 a.m.-Del Tal'O runs pre·race ceremoniC's. 8 a.m. Del taco 5K dis tance fun run begins (3. 1 miles, SK). 8:05 a.m. Del Taco lOK distance fun run begins (6.2 miles, lOK) 9 -12:3 0 -To u ve ll e s t a g e entertainmenl. Harbor Blvd of C<lrs automobile t>xh1bit. 9:30 a.m. Runners awards and raffle. 9:35 a.m Century 2 I Gold Suir Realtors prc·sc:hool "Big Wht'<.'I" ra«'S begin. 9:45 a .m Pre·race cert.•monies. featuring drum a nd bugl<' corps. Harbor Blvd. of Otrs parade 10:40 a.m Harbor Blvd . of Cars U.S. Senior Men's National Crilerium Championship (25 la ps; 80 km; 50 .miles) l. 15 p.m. Sen ior Men 's a wards presentation l ·30 pm Progra m conduded ~· .. .t. Flag lootball r I 1 • ~· . Flag foo tball in Newport Beach . Compet1t1on an three div1s1ons A - 7th and 8th grades: B -5th and 6th grades; C 3rd and 4th grades Emphas i s o n pl aying all guarante-ed at least one·th1rd or every game. ; . A D1v1s1on games at Community Youth Cente r. T hursd ay nights at 5:30. 6:30 a nd 7.30. B and C Div1mo~ games at Mariners Park Saturday First games Oc:t. 9. T eams form e d a t Ande r sen , Eastbluff. Harbor View , Mariners. Newport Beach-1lnd Newport Heights schools. Pracuce after school, one hour between 3 and 5.30. • f. . ' Registration. Ne wport Beach City Ha11 parks, beaches and recreation office, 3300 Newport Blvd .. P.O. Box 1768, New.port Beach , 92663-3884. Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fee: $1 5 for those without blue and gold jersey. $8 for those with jersey. Call 6 4 0-22 71 f o r furth e r information. P r o J!J·mnastl«-s The United S tates Prof<'ss1onal Gym nastics C lassic at A n ah~1m •Convention C<:'nter and the-Forum in In~lewood Anaheim -Saturday, 7:30 p.m. The Forum -Sunday, 6 p.m. Includes Kurt Thomas and other world class men and women gymnasts competing for prize money for the first time in th<' history of gymnastics. Adull uckcts. $10, $8.50 and $7 Juniors: $2 off all prices for children 12 and under. Tic kets ava ila bl e by w ri t ing: Anaheim Convention Cente r. 800 W. Katella Ave, Anaheim 92802 or The Forum, P .O Box 10. Inglewood 90306. Include $1.50 handling charge. Also a vai labl e t hro ugh Anah ei m Convention Center and The Forum box offices, Mutual and Ticketron outlets and Tower Record stores. Group tickets available by calling: (213) 674 -5020 Tic k e ts m ay b e c h a rge d by tele pho n e b y calling Anahe im Convention Center. 999-8950 or The Forum, (213) 674~4700. Sirene finish es first \ AV ALON -Slrene, skippered by Ed Riesen, Jr., Hollywood Yacht Club (formerly Balboa Yacht Club) was the winner of Catalina Island Yacht Club's Ramsey predicted log ratt Sunday. The 31 -mlle rnce started at the Cataltna Isthmus, took the fleet around the wctt end of the 1sland, down the back side and around th~east end, Uni&hlni at Avalon, Rlesen's percent of error WH • low 0.868. Second was S.. Wulft, Rob Wulllton, Shark Island Yacht Club, Newport &ach. wtth an trror o( l.126 ercont: third WH t..yn Su Ru. Ira Barillay, ~taltno Is land Yacht Club. '· Ronn coinp at D r t Fifty l'hOOllf, lllffl'Od 01:r011S lhrt'i' dlvl11l1mic utld l n c I u d I n ~ fo u r C 11<' chumplon~h1p ~uodli In m<•n and womcm a runluc. Invad e.> Dana lliU. HIMh Suturduy for th~ 1982 Dana Hill~ cro!I." l'OUntry invltutlonul, wh il'h bc·~l ns ot 8 u rn und l'Ondudt>!'i ttl 2:10 p .fll · with the las t o f 19 cu tt·uorlt-s. Tht• 3-milc l'ourNc' IR over grnss, s1d£'wulk und tral'k s urlaccs nnd In eol'h d1v1s1on will b l• categories of freshmen, sop~omorcs, J'unlors on,d seniors, an wome n s v a r s it y alld junio r v ars it y, a lo ng with Jun ior high boys und girls on the Div1s1on 111 level. Among the D1v1s1on 111 c•ntries are Costa Metia, Irvine, F.clioon, Fountain Va lley. Marina and Ocean View, along with El Tor o. Eisenhu wt-r, O range, Ora nge G le n, Pasadena. Rolling l11lls. Sa nta An a Valley, Tustin, Vista, Millikan and Long Beach Wilson. D1vi s.i<m.. II e ntries include Estancia, Laguna Beach and Woodbridge, alo ng with host Dana Halls, M issio n Vie jo, Arlington . Beve rl y Hills, Hawthorne. Los Altos. M1·ra Co s ta, Norco, Ri versid e P oly, South Pasade na, SaddlC'back, Sa ugus a nd T o rrey Pines. D1 v1s 1o n I e nt ries inc lude Ca pist rano Valley <i nd Laguna Halls, alo n g with Ba rs tow , B o l sa Gr a nd e, Be llflowe r .• C oac hella Vall ey. C o nn e lly , Central, Gahr, La Salle, CX·eans1de. St Fra ncis, Sl. John 8ost.'O. Sherman Indian, Santa Ana, San Marcos, V1ct .. r Va lley and Agoura. ;.Success for a r ea produ ct s It was a produc:t1ve day fo r a number of area football products aro und the co untry Saturday. At K a ns as, fo rmC'r Edison High s tandouts Frank Seurer. Omo Bell and Dave Geroux all had a bag hand i n th e Jay hawk s' 3 0 -19 swamping of TCU Quarte rback Seure r ran for one touchdown and threw for another m completing 12 or 17 pass atte mpts for 207 yards w ith no interceptions. Bell carried the ball 12 times for 54 yards and Ge r ou x plunged over from the one for Kansas' llnaJ score. Marco Pagnanelli, the c x·Huntington Beach High star now at the Naval Academy, tossed a pair of touc hdo wn passes, including one of 5 0 y ard s, in the Mids hipmen's 29-17 setback at Arkansas. Wade receiver Emile Harrv fro m Fo unta in Va lley High c aught seven passes for 107 yards. inc lud i ng a 48-yard strike from John Elway, but Stanford fell to San Jose S tate. 35-31. Ex-Unive rsity High standout Harry Biiiups was Oregon's leading rusher ( 11 c.arries for 58 yards) in the Ducks' 10-4 setback to Fresno State PUBLIC NOTICC FICTITIOUI BUllNEH NAME ITATEMENT The lollow1no 011rson " 001110 buainess •• CREATIVE NETWORK 425 10th Street. Newport Beech, C" 112663 D•n Tec:k9noll, 7920 Fontan• St Downey C" Thit t>usines• 11 con<1uc:111d by an lnC1lv1<111el Oen Teckenon NM.IC Nemec PUellC NOllCI' Mt-IC llt(lflCl NlllC NO TICC NRIC NOTICC PIOTtnOUI IU....... Pl(;flflOUI eua11i1111 ,.orn10,,. IUll .. UI • u, I • , 0" ·ci 0 u" T 0, IUl'llllOlll COUltf NAMtl afAllilitlNf NAMI IYATIMINf NAMI aTAflWINT CAl.lfOAHfA M CAL1'0AtifA I ht1 111t1"w11111 11a1tun I• JflllMll !1111 tl.>llu~11111 l•l't1t•1t1• 1111t Ou11t11 111• f1.11111w111g 11et1011e 11e 11011111 COUNfY 0, OMNOI COUNfY OP OftANOI .,""'' .. ' .. 1111 .. IHH• .. 1.1111h1Ht .. 100 CMo Cltfl••t O•f'te, *••• too Chllo Cen••• Of •••• 'f'UMMl[ll • ., .. ,. 011\Uilt COMl'Ullfl UIVllllO,.. UI PAClllC. UfU I HI NIJNf!i. flO .. JI.. lanl•Ana.J:A A~aitue, C•)911 M..-. CA 11611 D &CO, 11121 I •latDI Bani• An• l1mw1 A 11100 loullt Ou11k1•1 aellle ihw1, Celllen1la li703 I' O ... aJI '"'"" [tlllflt "'••Oii 1:1.0 C.:A 01104 .. , ... 1, Mu11lleln1 CA 911<10 MAnHIAUl Of ._,.A"'· CA tn02 ... , .. "'••JIU• t ill'" .. _UOI I ,, ·11•11. 6UIJI ' ....... ...... U.¥lt Raoe•• ( l'lfpolfllll>'• JOt l'r llTIONtn P11Yltl$ COU 1( n MAltllllAOL Of e.~n CA 11;1116() ll'lf. • ,,,,...,, •• ~· IV!Jlilllklll 4.,00 WQI llu•11ett1• nuaa, Cam11llk; c.-Rf aPON Or NT or or , R[ '( PfTITION R CON,Ufl 0 M Thia wlllnwe i. t<l41ou<1.0 by en Caml'llt OI 11210 Ntwpo.1 81111( ti, 93010 COl 11 R 8U HO UllJMUual CA 9/IMIO 11\lt butt1lft• 11 ~11Muc:ted by II aUMMONa l'AMtLV LAW) R(SttONO(NI NAIQU( 0 1Su••11 l'1a1u... 1111• 1o1"'"" .. •• "".u"'11"1 ltf M c0tpot•1t0f1 c.ate NUMU1t: D 20 111• eurHO T111t •lu!e111m11 wll• lllOCI w1l11 In• 1.111110•111100 Cll1111Holl1 A Poll.. NOTICll aUMMONl(,AN!L'f LAWI Ctluttt~ Cl@t~ of 01•111) .. Gnu111y on U11111111m II '•Wlf llodl. fJOllUC.h Voll h•V• Meri •*· Tiie COUii CAal NUMlllll· O»N·H Soul 1u, Hiln a Auut11•••• hu fiellto.w. 011lb1111111 ma1 decide •••'"'' 1011 without HOTICll '1171SI M1111111 ( """'lm•11 6 Phllllpt rour being heord unleu rou You lien '"'8ft •llM. llM co1H l'ut1111111HJ Or•11111 Coor 01111 fl<Kra1mr A l•w COfJX>flllun , .. pond wflllln IO d•r• llloed the mar docldo .. 1ln•t row wlthou 1'1101 Sat>I 14 11, 21 Oc.1 ~ 1oa2 11111 11u111m11111 wu hkoi.l *•It• ll•u 611w111 11.111 ittffl lnfonftatlon below r•ur b•lnt ll••rd 11nl1u rou •Q•4 8:1 C(>utllV C.le•lo. ol 01er1\19 Cuu11ty un 81111• tfiOO If JOll with lo 1M11 the edvlce of fMttOf\41 within IO MJI it.ed Ille -------------lt11>t 10 lllS2 lo• AllQtlH C.A ll0()17 '" 111llorn•r In 11111 m•ller, rov lnfOfmotlon ....... MtlC NOTICE I• '''7111 f11,. a1a1-1 wu fifed wtm 1~ allolltd do so pr-omptty" thet ,_ If you wtM te 9"tl ttie ....,_Git ------------Punf11h11i.l 011n111 Gool 01111y C.O\lnly Cte•• ot 014110it CO\lnty °'' ietponN 0t pl .. dlnt, 11 anr. "''' en altotn•r In this "'ellor, r•u FICTITIOUa 1ua1N1ea Pflol, S•cn t•. 21. H ()cf 6. IOU Sept 17. lllS1 bo llto4 on time. tNMlld do .. iw-r,ttr Mtllel ,_ NAMI HATIMl!NT -' 3ff0 12 '111tt AVllOI t .. ponM Of jlleed nf, If MJ, m•r The following pe1ton 11 domg Publ1tt1111 Oran8• Co111 01lly Ueled Ila aldo <1eman<10<10. II be ltle<I on time. bulln•n aa PUBLIC NOTICE P1101 S•v• :1 I 28 cl !'I, 12, tll&:r trlblln•I pu.cM decldlr contra Ud AVllOI c 0 N l:I 1 R u c TI 0 N c 0 N . -------------.. 110·81' ''" •uda....1.--. ... _ 4111• Ud. u .... ._._... Mmlf\4114 .. ,.._ SUL 11.NT&, 4009 Souhort. "cnmou• IUBtNeee ------------r11pond• dentro de ao dlH. Lea I• lllblln•f Ploled• dtc11dl1 contre Ud Ntwpoll lleA,h, C• 02663 NAMI ITATIMl!NT PUBLIC HOTICE lnformKlon qw 1l9w. •In •lldl•ncla • m1not 11u• U<I Sl811141y HOwltlllll 00\ll!l, 40011 The IOllOWl"Q OllttOlll ert dOing SI U1led d .. ee 1ollcllar el •Hpoftd• d1t11fG do IO dl•t. LH It St 1t1hOrt N 'lwPO•I llUch Ca 1>u•11111u u• ITATEMENT OF AaANOONMENT conMlo d11 un eboiledo en HIO l11lormaclon q11e tlf118. 9~603 Tiil-GRE A T AMrRICAN Of Ual Of FtCTITIOUI ••unto, d eb•rfa llae erlo al Ull•d d .... Hllollar. Cl.OfHING COM PANY 171195 Sr.' IUalNHI NAMI! I d b .... t T .. ,. "'·••••MM i• ·--···~1-• by •11 C l h fOllO inn oer1on1 he-ei tnm· ... let~enle ....... ••I• '"_.. con•• o • un • 09..,0 •n •• • lf\dl~tdu':i'i " • vm•Yvv .... • p rk Corcle. Irvine •lif(lrnla 9271 • .., • I . tu ~~·,. 0 •°i:eeclon, •I .... ., •• "n '0. d. b., r 0 .... 0 . r '0 Shm~y ti c.cxi10 MIChlMll Edwarel Bunn111g IS 16 lllll>dOntCI In• UM or lhe f'IClll O\JS •l11un1. Pll•d• H r re9lalt•d• • lnmldl•l•m•n••· de .. ,. M•Mra, lt11t 111110"' nt wn 111(1(1 w•lh In• Port M1111•1gh Piece. Newport Bu11ne11 Nllmt ltempo au rt1p11e1t• o •189eclon, •I ..._, County Cla•lr. o~••no• County on lleacn.Calilorl'll• 92660 IH ·ST'l'l E PHOT9GRAPHY. I lo THE RE6PONDENf alg11n1, pu•d• Hr reglatrede • °"UOll~I 2J 11182 Joyce Bunning, llf 1:. Pon 635 Beker SI, V103. Cot111 MHD, Th• peuuonor hat ltlod 11 pollltO<I tlempo. FtMH3 M1111101gh Place. Newport UHch, C" 92626 c;oncarning your marriage II you 11111 I fO lliE RESPONOENf Pubil•hod 01a11go Coast Oolly C8111orn1t 92660 Tho F1c1i11ou• Bu•tnou Nbmu tn 111, • 1•1ponae within 30 dava or lh• 1>e1111oner hH hied• 1>41Ut1on Piiot Aug 31 Sep! 7. t•. 2t. 1062 M E Bunning ••felled 10 obove was filed •n th• dt18 th•• 1ht1 summon• la conc~1nng your marriage If you la11 3e Ill s2 Thia a1111omont WH fllod wflh tho 01ango County on !> 8-112 :.e..ii<I on you youi oe11u11 may be to Ill• , ra..,ona.o within 30 deya ol Cou111y Cleric of Or1ngo Counly on J'ey 01v1u Stellm•n. 1279 enttrod end 1,;0 (;OYll may enter 1 tho dlle that lhlt summons 1s PU8LIC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUa IUalNl!H NAME STATEMENT I he 1011ow111g per aona ""' nooriu bu1men 119 O NE HOUn MARTINIZINU 15084 Golden West Ave Westminster. (.." VICIOI c loung. 27 12 Poin Pl IV Co'<tne, C" 0 1792 Brund• H Leung 271<' Pam l'I W Covina. CA 91t92 Tll1s l>usoneH '' c:ondutlOd lly a geneflll 1>Dflntl1Sll1p VICIOI LO\lng This s111emeo1 WllA filed Wllh the County Cl111i. 01 0111nge County on Sept 10 1982 F1117173 Publ1shccJ Orungo Cout Daily Pt101, Sept l<I 2 I 28. Oct !> 1982 3983·8? PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tl'l11 follow1g parson 1s doing Dus1n11~1> o s A) ALEEOA WETSUITS, 61 LIDO WETSUITS, C1 9ALBO" WtrSUITS, DI WEDGE WETSUITS, (I POINT WETSUITS, 22 t Mein Shell! Hu1111ng1on eeaclt c" 92648 Lois Jce11t•t lo Brown 308 Rob•n Hooo Ln Coste Mesa CA 92627 Thi$ OuStn(!SS IS COlldUCle<I Oy an 1nd1vldu8I Loia J Bru"'n This s1oi.1mcn1 was filed ""''" lho County Clc1lo. of O•&nQC! Cour11y on Sept 10. 19S2 F197115 PuDhshed Or 1111ge (;od~t Daily Pilot Sept u 21 28 Oct !>. 1982 • 3944°112 PU8LIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tile 1011ow111g persona 01e Clomg business as OEEJON ORIGIN,llLS 330 I Harbor Bt~d Suite 102. Sonia Alld CA 92704 Deanne Brown 209 Wake Forest Cosaa Mesa CA 92626 Ro1>er1 M c Ellavy 17220 N-hope SI Su110 223 f ountain Valley, CA 92708 Thrs buSJnt'SS •• Condu<:le<I Uy • general partnership Deanne Brown This s1a1emen1 ... as filed w11n lho County Clerk ol 01a11go County on Sep! 10. 1962 F'97H8 PuDllshed Orange Coast Daily P1101 Sept U 2 I 28. Oct 5 1982 3999-S2 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTTTIOUS BUSINESS NAME IT ATEMENl The lollow1ng person is Clo1ng business as LMP -RPH ENTERPRISES 956'8 Ham•llo n Ave 371 , Hun11ngton Beach. CA 92647 Lynne M Po1tu111 253G Santa An• Ave J Coste M•n CA 92627 • This t>usoneu is con<lutteo !:ly ,jn tnel1vrduel Lynn• M Pe111e1 This s1a1emen1 was hied wrlh me County Clerk ol Orange County on Sept 13 1982 F197227 PuD1tsh110 Orange Coasl Da11y Pilot. Sept 14 21 26 Oct s t98< 40!>7·82 PUBLIC NOTICE AUQuSI 27 19S2 Rull•nd Rd Newpor I Beach CA iudoment contoinino oniuncrnv• 01 t.et~eo on yoo.1 your default mey be f1M* 92660 olhe< or<10t• conctrn1no dlVlsoon 01 1110tored 11nd lht C(X.llt mey tnlet a Puolianao Orange Coast Doily Lest11 Meri. vosnic:K 1135 property apouut suppofl child l"°omont CO!llltn1ng 1n1unct1vo or Pilot Au(! 31 S11p1 7 1' 21 t982 Baker St V103 Co11a Mesa CA cuilody 'Chtld support 1110rnoy ornor Otdo15 concerning d•v111on or __________ 3_8_6_7_·8_2_ 92~: busmoH was conoucieo oy 1 lee•. co"s ano such othlll rolrer 11,9 prop1111y 'gouul support. Child "'1nllC NOTICE 1 may b• granted by lht! court ThG c:u~aody chHd tuppor. 011ornoy ____ n_iu ________ g1ner111 p11r1not1hip n gorrllthment 01 .. ages. 1aklno of ree,, c:osu.. Ind r.uc.h otne1 1111101 as FICTITIOUS 8USINEl8 -.I Jay O &llllmo. • 1 11 lh mon1y or properly, or 0111e1 court may be granted by the court The NAME ITATEMl!NT lll•S Sl&lllmenl was mod w I u DUlhOrtlOd proceedlhgs nony 8110 0111111shmen1 al WOQllS IOkln!) ol Count• Clerw ol 01ange County on O"" 1 0 othe c~•r Thv 1011owmg persons 1110 oorno "-pi ;7 t9s2 rosull mo11ey or pr ,,.., y, r r ~ Duaineas as """ ·• Ft .... I Oate<I July 20. 1982 1ulhorozed proe18Cl1ngs may also A N A H E I M Bu I LO I N G PuDlished Orange Coasi Dally loo " Branen resull ASSOCIATES. 9930 Tt lllert Pilol Sept 21 28 Oct !> l2, 1992 (;lert• Oaled May 26 t9S? Avonu11. Fountain Valley Cehlorn11 • t09·S2 By T M Burns LEE A BRANCH Clerk 9270S Deputy By Ch&rlOlle Hooke• FHP 1 n c . a Ce 111orn11 PUBLIC NOTICE DEAN A. OENISOH Deputy CO#P0ta11on, 9930 Tal°*'I Avenue tM Town Center Orlwe, LAW OFFICES OF Fountain Vllley. Cahlorn111 92708 FICTITIOUS eualNESI Suite IOO FELCZER & JAUREQUI NAME STATIMENT CMta Meu, Callfornl• 92621 1505 Cllr Perllway W., 8te. 900 Th11 bu11ness is conduc100 Dy 11 The tollow111g pe1eo111 are doing Tel: (11AI '41-3949 Orenge, CA 926'1 llmlttld pe11nershlp bua1ness as Publlthed Orange Coast Dally Tel: (71•) 1137· 1151 FHP Inc SIDE SlREE I HAIR SALON, P110I, Sttpl 21, 28 Oct b 12. 1982 Published Orange Coast Daily Ray Pringle 2630 Avon. Su110 D Newport 4175·112 Piiot AllQ 31 Sept 7 14 21 1982 vice P1ea1den1 B11ac:h. Cal1fornf8 02663 PU8llC NOTICE I 3666·62 Th11 11a1ome111 was hllW.I with lhe Gone T Pat 237S t Hobart County Clerk of Orange Coun1y on B•'l· Lagune Niguel Ca1t1orn1a tc.01191 PUBLIC NOTICE Septambe1 17 1982 112 17 N OTICE OF SALE OF REAL NOTICE F1t71H Linda Toby Maloney. 1650 Park PROPERTY I YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Publtshed Orange Coast 011ly Newport No 315. Newport Beach AT PfUVATE SALE OE ED 0 F TR u IT, o ATE O P1101, Sept 21, ~8. Oct 5, 12, 1982 Callfornla 92&60 No. A·111..oM OCTOBER 27• •Mt. UNLESS YOU 4 174·82 This 1>us1noss Ii conducted by o In the 811pertor Court of the TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT ----PIJ8--ll_C_N0_J_IC_E ___ gonorol pa1tner11>1p Slate of C•lllornle for YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE Linda Maloney The County of Otenge SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU l<lCTITIOUI BUSINESS This s1a1emenl WIS liled wolh lhe In lhe Maller ol lhe E'stalfl ol HEED AN EXPLANATION O~ THE NAME8TATEMENT CountyClerk orOrangeCountyon EOWARO M ONT GOM E RV NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING The follow1no pe11on ts cJ01ng Seplemoer 17 1982 97117 Deceased AGAINST YOU, YOU IHOULO t>usiness as Ft Nohce •I hett11>y given lhal the CONTACT A LAWYER. RICKMAN REINF'ORCING Publtshe<I Orange Coast Oa11y unOetltQnoo ,..,115oe11 al Pn•ate sate NOTICE OF TRUSlEE'S SALE STEEL 242 4 Gr1v11r Avenue Pilot Sepl 21 26 Oct!> 1?, 1982 lo Iha h1gh11s1 and best b•<ldflr T.S.No.2·7517/vlt Anaherm, Ctt1tf0tn1a 9280• 1-----------•09-'-·-82 •uDj~I 10 conlumatoon ol •o•<I On Secnemt>e• 28. 1982. at to 00 Larry Willtam R1clr.man. 242• PIJ8LIC NOTICE Superior Court. on Of alter the 28lh o Clo .. ~ a m on Tuesday at the Gr1ver Avenue, "naneim Calfto1n111 day 01 September l982 81 ll'le Chapman Avenue entrance 10 the 921104 !iOl!C~ INVITING BIDS ollice ol JoM P B1s"o1 ?08 1 C1v1c Cente1 8u•ld1ng 30D-Eul This bu11ness •S conduc100 by an The County San.talion 01str1cts ol 0usmeH Cen1e1 D11ve. S11ole 145 Chap"1an A•e Orange l,;A Wf,ST 1ndtv1du8I Orange Cou11ty Callforn111, Will Irvine. Counly ol Orange. State of ERN MUTUAL CORPORATION a L•rry W Rickman r11ce1ve seated D•d• unlll Thu1s . <::alil0tnia 927 I!> all lh& 11<;1hl, llfle CA11ICHrwa Cotpo1aa.on es T1us1ee. This statement wes "18<1 with trte September 30 ~S2 11 11 00 a m and mleiest of said decea~del th<i n1 subs111u1e<1 T•ustee under the COYnty Clerk 01 Orange County on Bids must De received al the rime ol dtoth and all lllt' "Ohl lille ~ed ot Trust ••Kuled Dy M11<$hall September 17 1982 OtSlroCI• Adm1n1a1ra1tve olf1ees by and interest that 11'1• t'Slale of Sll•d I' enneth G•ossm "' end Frances F1t7ut Published Oranoe Coast 0111y PtlOI Sept 21 28. Oct 5 12 19S2 4 112·82 PUBLIC NOTICE Cahl0tnoa ro1 the rollowing s11u8111<11n City of Hun111191011 Beach Recor or. 01 0 , a nge Counly. llHI date end tome ht!remebOve SOI de c •a' e d h 0 ' a c q u 11 e d b, Ann G•ossmen husbend and .., te forth, II which tome lhlly will be operatoon Olla .. or C.therwise Olher 11s commun ty P•operty herein ou1>hcly 09ene<I end 11aam1ned at than °1 •n addoflort 10 mar ot sooo calit:d 1 rustor recorded OctoDer the office or 1h11 D•slrocts 10844 deceased at me flme ot deern •n JO 1981 as ln•trurr.en1 No 40146 Ell•S Aven11e Foun11.11n Valley, and to all ll'te certain real property I'" Boo~ 1427!. Page 530 01 Oll1C1al PORTABLE GAS DElECTORS County o l Orange Stale ot Ca111orno11 will Siii a1 pubhc. auc11on FICTITIOUS BUllNESS SPECIFICATION NO E·129 Calitoinia parllculllrly descrot>@d dS 110 the h1ghe•1 bidder fo• cash NAME STATEMENT Bods muat De 1ubm111ed on the follows lo""'' payaDte m 1awlul money ot Ille Tne 1011ow1ng person 11 doing lorm supplied Dy the D1stroc1s in LOI 93 OI TrJcl J90J "' Pll• llnoled Stat~ at tho! 11me of sate Du11ness as accordance wolh all prov1s1ons ol map recorded •n Book 165: Pages lhe mteresl conve1eo to anO now LE GAYE WINE IMPORTERS the speal1Ca1ton1 411 10 !>() inclusove Of Miscellaneous helCI by sa•d lrusaee und..r u1d 180 N-!)0<1 Center Ot Sun• 180 Spec1hca11on1 b•d blanks and Maps Official Records 01 Otange Deeel ol Trus• •n tt•e p1openy N8WPOfl Beach, CA 92660 furtl'ter 1nform•t1on mav D• County C11tlornia As•essors $1lua1ed on ~tel County and S1a1e Albor! Richard L11Geye 335 0D1a1ned at the obove address Pa1c111 No I U -503 O• morr oesc"be<I as • Emerald Bay Laguna Boecn CA letepnone 540·2910or962-24 1 I commonly known as 9332 Motoi.ao Lot 12 ol Tract No 76• 1 as 926!> 1 /s1 J Wayl'il Sytv11Sle•, Hunttnglon Bf'aCh Cahf0tnoa 926'47 •hown on a map reco1oe<1 on Book Th•s 1>u11neu •s conoucled Dy an SECRETARY Terms 01 aale cash in lewlul 297 pages 1 10 5 llOlh onc1us1ve of 1nd1v1duot Bo111d1 or Directors. money ol the Unoled Slates on sate Miscellaneous Mops rocorda 01 Albert R1c11ard LoGaye Co11n1y Sen11et1on 0111nc1s or port cash onel l>Olance evidenc1>d Orange Counly Caltto1n11 Th1t 11atemen1 was hied w11h the No• I 2. 3. 5. 6 7 and 11. by note 1ecure<1 by Mot1gagf' 0• f)(CEPTING thtu,.hom all 011, County Ciera.. of 01ange County on ol Oranc;ie County CA Trust Otoed on the PIO~tly 50 IOld gas mone1a" and o 111 er Sept 17 1962 PuDltsheel Orange Coast Oa•ly Ten perc:enl Of amount l>•d 10 l>t' hyel•oca•bon auD,tences es more F1t7'51 PtlOI $epl 2 t 1962 deo<>S•le<:I "'''"bid 0811,Cularly desc,,bed on EXHIBIT PubhShed O•an~ Co1s1 Delly 4 t53-82 Bodi or offers 10 be •n "'"tmo and A anacneo t1ere10 11nd m•<lf' a P IOI S,.,.,1 2 I 2S 1 5 12 19S2 will De aece .. ed at rne alore.,a•o ""rl thGreof 1 ~.. • · 4 1118·112 PUBLIC NOTICE off1Cf' n1 11nv time alter Ille hrst "'0 ~ PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8U8tNU8 NAME STATEMENT 1 he follow•ng person is doing bUllr>eSS U t 11 SILVER IM PRESSIONS PHOTOGR,.PHY (21 Sil VER IMPRESSIONS. •521 Piny()tl lree L111111. Irvine C81t10<n•1 92715 ROBERT WAROELl fRACY 4521 Ptnyon Tree Lene. Irvine. C.Jllornta 92715 TPl11 buJlll'tflU ~ C:Ol'IOUCllld Dy en lndMdu•I Robert Tracy Th!S are1emen1 waa fllea w11n lhl Coun Clerk ol Orenoe COYnly on Sep1 17 19S2 F191"0 PVbltcauon l!ereol end Delore dlle EXHIBIT "'A" NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION of Siie , Lot 12 01 Trac:t No 764 1 as OF PARTNERSHIP 0J116Cl l!u, ~nd day or Septf'mt>f'I '"own on ii rnap rKOrdeO 1n Book PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY 1982 297. PaQes 1 to 5. bOlh lncluatve of GIVEN thol DIANNE MILETTE. and victor Montoomery Miscellaneous M11ps records or GERALD NA OLER here1otore Adm•n•slrllor 01 1ne Orange County Ca1tforn1a <101no l>uStnHS unde1 Ille hCllllOYS Estate OI said Dece<!enl EXCEPTING lht>rehom all O•I I 1 r m n 11 m e a n <I s I y I e o I 208 1 Bus•ness Cf'<•ter 01 ~ a s m • n e r a I s • n a o I h e r AU T 0 M ATE 0 BUS I N ES S Suite 1•5 hydrocerDon suD1tances lying ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS. 81 315 livme Calif 92715 t>elo,.,. a <1ep1n ol .SOO IMI trom the 3rd Street C11y ot Hun11ng1on ,.llO<ney tor "dm.n1s:1oto• surlace ol UICI •and out w.lllout the Beech, County 01 Or•no• State of Pu1>1i1hed Orenge Cont Da•ly •fOhl of en1ry upon any p0r1oon 01 C11lll0tn1a. d•d on the 3111 day or Pilot Sept 14 15 2 t 198<' 111e su<lace anove a depth ol !>00 August. 1982. by •b•ndonm.ent. •053 82 leet to lake. markel m1n11 ••Plo•e dlu olve the se1d pertnersh•P and I )r drtll for same u rl'servOCl 1n the torminato lheor r11fa11on1 H partne1s PUBLIC NOTICE Oeea l•om Ma• C Hoeptne1 and therllfn Lida S Hoep1ner Hu1bend and Said business 1n lhe fulure will be FICTITIOUS BUSIHEIS Wiie reco1ded May 25. 11172 on conducted by Diann E Mllelle. Bot NAME STATEMENT Boo!\ 10141 Pege 273 or Of11c1al 124 H1,m1tno1on Be8ch. Ca 9264S. TIMI rouowrno persons are Cloong Records FICTITIOUS 8US!f4E8S Pull ll'ltd Orange Cooll Daily NAME STATEMENT P1101 S.01 21, 28 Oct 5 12 19S2 who w rit pay ind d•1charge all l>u-H lhe 11reet adC1res1 andtor olhf'f llebtl111es and deb11 ol llHI l11m and FLOURESCENT CHEMISTRIES :ommon designation ti any •i receive •II montet payebte lo the Ill, 744 W~an Bay Costa Mesa purported 10 Ile 10591 Tou1a1ne The 1a11ow1no persons 0111 <lo•ng 1 __________ •_1_1_3_.s_2 bus•i;:~~~E PERFECT FRAMING, , ____ PUB ___ L_IC_NO_Tl_C_E __ _ 2 0 0 9 2 C 8 P 8 CO II I g • l n FICTITIOUS IUllNESS Hunlinoton Beach. CA 112646 NAME STATEMENT Carote Halende1, 20092 Cape Ttle rollowtng petaons ere dOlno Collage Ln Hun11ng1on Beech CA t>ullneh H 92646 ENERGY PRODUCTS DIRECT Waller He111nae1 20092 Cape 1670 Santi Ana Avenue. Suire E. Collage ln Hun11no1on Bf'ach. C" Collf Meu Caltf0<11la 92627 92646 Pac1hc Solar, 1670 Santa Ane Th16 busmen IS conduct4!'d Dy A venue Su110 E Coat• Mesa l'tusband & wile lca1tl0<n1t 92627 Caror. Hetande• fh•I business IS cond...c1e<1 by 11n Thtl s101emenl was filed with rne •ndivldllal County Clerk ot Orongu County on Chery• l Altuander Sept 10 19S2 Thia statement was foleel wllh the F197171 county Clerk of 01ange County on PuDltshed Orange Coul Oa11y September 17, 1982 P1tot Sept 14 21 26 Oct 5 1982 F117"5 . 398!>·S2 Puolished Orenoe Conl Oa1~ PUBLIC NOTICE PtlOI Sept 21. 28. Oct 5 1: 171~-~? FICTITIOUS aUSINE88 NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doong bUlll'tOSI 4' 0 DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTS. S8 Fair Or Costa Meaa Ce 92626 Robert J Conwey II 17172 Mlrlna VI-Pl , H11n1tnglon Beech, Ce 92S..9 M ichael Joh11 6392 S11verwooa Or Hun11no1on ~Kh Ca 92647 Thlt OUS•nHS IS Con<IUCIOd by an unincorporated usoc:1t11on other than 11 partnership Robert J Conw11y II Tl'tlt ••••emont WH fifed Wllh .... County Clerk of Orange Coun1y ~n AUQUll 27 1982 F1M292 P11bt11hed orano• co .. 1 Dally Pilot Aug 31 Sec>t 7, 14, 21. 1982 38611-S2 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS llUSINEH NAMI aTATUKNT T11e 1onow1ng pertons are doing b\i'11n11sa as J A SPER STREET ASSOCIATES • 1. 14081 Yorba SI 227 Tuslln C" 92680 Craio Boa1dman 393 Sunr1se Circle Cotta Mesa CA 92627 C111v1n Onolo.1 1$951 P11gr1m C1rc:to Hun11ng1on ee.,c:l't CA 92647 Paul Scrtmlll 3492 B11v1te Or Hunllnglon Beacn CA 92649 I his bua•nass is conducled by o onneral psrtne11h1p C W Boerdmnn This atelemt<nl w11• loleO wllh the County Clerk ol Orange County on Ses>t 10 1982 hrm C11il0tn1a 92626 Wey l1v1ne Ca11f0tnra 92714 OAT E O A T C o s I a Mes• r<1nodon Lou. 21666 MIChtQ•n Sa•d Sale will De mede wllhOYI C1Hlorn1a this 17th day 01 Lane. Et Toro. Cellfomra 92630 warranty iu 10 !Ille POSsess.on °' September 19112 C1p11111 D1agnos11cs. Inc • • encumbrances ro1 the purpose or Diann E Milette Cal 11 o r n • • co r Poro 11 on. 7 -4 pay1no thl' 0Dl1ga11ons secured by Thom•• Kampl & Anoe .. Allye. Wes1ay11n Bay, Costa M e11, u1d Deed of T1u51 1nc•ud1ng lhe loo Published Orange Coul Dally Calllorni11 02826 and o~pen•e or the Trustee and 01 P1101 S111>1 2 t 19112 Thll bustneas ts conOucle<I Dy • rne 1ru5ls c1e81e<I oy sAld Deed 01 4132·82 hmllo<I pe11netlhlp Tru$1 advencu the•eunCler .,.,," -------------Kingdon Lou nterest as p1ov•dll0 •~em ena Ill( PUBLIC NOTICE CAP1llll 0taonos11cs inc µnp.,a punopa1 and 1nttrrt!$I 01 t~ RIChlrd A Gipe N01t!(SI secured by se1d 04!'ed 01 ,.cmtou• aUllNHI NAME ITATEMEHT 1 he 1011ow1ng pet60ns are doono 1>us1nen as I) A-INSURANCE SERVICES OF CALIF 21 SH"W CLAIMS SERVICE, 31 01,.MO NO •D" APPR,.tSAL SERVICF 1407 E COiions Ave Orenge, CA 92687 Aoatey Ins Service 01 Calif Inc • Coltf0tn11 cc><por•toon 1407 E Collin~ Ave Oranoe CA 92667 This lluSlnHs II conducted by 8 cor por llllO!l "Osley In• So1v1Cle of Calif Inc Cnarl•s F Donnell Sec1e1ary Trt•s statement wet riled wllh ll'te County Cieri. of Orange Counrv on Sept 10. t982 Pres;dent !Trust IO·wtl $75 9S5 I 1 Tn1s 11a1tmen1 was filed wtth Iha Dated Auoust 2c, t9S2 County Cle<k ol Oranoo County on western Mutual Sep111mber 17, 19S2 Corpo•atton DURYEA CURTIS & VACCARO 700 So Tustin Stroet A Pert~tllfp lnc:l11dlng Orange C" 92667 ProfHelonaf CorpO#ellona Tel (7141171·• 100 At10fM11 at L•w As such Trustee '30• Mec:Atlllur Soul11.,.rd By Vlrgtt'lf8 Keys P.O .... I020 Trustee S•les Ofl1cer Hlwpott .. ec:h, CA t2MO . Pu!:lhshed O••nge l..oa•1 Oa11~ f117912 Pilot Sept 7 14. 21 1912 Published Orenge Cou1 Dally 3805-82 P1k>1 Sept 21, 2S. Oct 5, 12. 1912 4172·112 PUBLIC NOTICE FICnTIOUI eus'"H• HAM[ STAT£Ml!NT Tne following PtlflOlll aro <10tng butlOGU H PUBLIC NOTICE flCTITIOUa eualNHS NAMI STA TEMINT The 1o11ow1ng persona 1111 doing l>uSlnoss as F1f71U Rf!Al ESTATE INSPECTION t. DOC SAVAGE'S HOME STYLE BAR·B-0. 479 E 17\tl Str•I. Cosla Meu Caltfom11 92627 Pullllshed 0111nge Coor Delly MAINTENANCE SERVICE 24 17 P110I Sept ,. 21 211 Oct 5 11182 S•r1tog1 Way. Cos1a Mesa CA 3962-82 02626 PUBLIC NOTICE Virginie M M eyer, 2 4 17 Saratoo• Way. Coste MeH CA 112624 FICTITIOUI 8UllN£a8 Edward SonU1g, 2417 S11e1oge NAME ITATEMENT Way. Costa Mesa. c.-112628 Tl>O 1011ow1no PClflOna 1110 dotng Thi• butlneu IS conoucteO by 1 t>u11n11$S as g-•I par1"8(tlllp M K ARMS INC 9112 Hytje Vlfgtnta M Mtyet Puk Orive Hun11ng1on lhtch. Tl'tfl 11a1-1 •U filed wllh tho C•lllorn1a 92648 Counly er.tit OI Orange County on Rick R Savage, 1691 MHI Otlve. Santa Ane, Calllorn111 92707 Robert K Btu•. tO I Oahlf1. Corona del Mar, Caltl0tnl0 02625 Thill l>uslnti8S I• Conducted by • gonerel pertntr1hlp Robert K Blue Th11 atetemlrll waa hied wltn the County C•erll ot Orengo Councy on Soe>tamoet 17. t9S2 Thia Sitt-I WU filed wllh Ille County Cleft. or Orange County on • Sept 10. 1982 • Plml.IC NOTICE 'ICTmOUa IUalNl!H NAME aTATEMfNT ,,,,7171 P11nliahed Orenge Coetl Oa11y P1101 Sop1 14, 21 21. Oct 5 1962 3982·62 MLIC NOTICE PHOENIX FtREAAMS INC . I Sept 17 1982 Altb•lll• COfP0<811on 0112 Hyde f11n03 Parle Ortv• Hun11ng1on BHcl't. PuDhsht d Orenge Coast Oeily C11tlornit 92646 Pilot Sept 21. 2S. Oct S 12, 19S2 ,1tnoo Publlthed Orange CoHt O•lly Pttol Sept 21, 2S Oct 5 12, 1982 4118·S2 Ml.IC NOTICE ,1111151 Publl•ll•d Otano• COUI O•lly Piiot, Sept 14, 21. '8, Ool 5, 1062 3965·S2 I PUBLIC NC>TICC T ne ro11ow1ng Ptreon 1a doing l>v"neu es NEW PO IH B USI NE SS INTEAIOAS Ont Nowpo11 Place Sutle 400 Ntwpoll Buch CA 02800 "CTl"TIOU• euatNIH NAMI HATl!MtNT Hytj• Park OrlY• Huntington Beech, PUBLIC NOTICC "CTmoua eu alHIH Califo1n11 92640 NAM« aTATlllllllNT Michael K Ruphng•• 1111 2 1 4120·82 r<ennllh O Oomlntek. flouttt I, The fOllowtno P4l'll0!11 !Mt d0tng fhe rotlowtng PClfton• •.r• doing P 0 Boa 125 F.rullhurtt. Al•t>1t•na. flCTITIOUa euaMal bu•lness ••· butlneu u 38262 NAMI: aTAn•NT VENTURE PUBLICATIONS, ,teTmOYa MJalNlaa Jem.a rrencl• Hoo•nwt110 111 NAMI aTATllftNT 31& Oahka Place Corona dtl Mer BUNNY HOLLOW CREATIONS. R Ned Walkllf Roule 1 p 0 The followll\9 oereont are LTD., 2001 E.8ll Flr11 Strwt, &1111• 3381 I Cane de Bonanza San Juan Bo 12s r thutll Alat>ome 3'262 <l°"'O lhillflUI •• 204 Santi Ana, Cel!fonta 92705 Captslrano, CA 92871 ;II bU~~ .. II 'conducted by • CU"IN .up THI!· TOWN. 2438 0 & A F111•nclaJ a.r-. tno. CA The 1011ow1no oe1ton 11 <101ng ~A 0242S blslllMIN H . This blsatneu 1a C:OllOU(lt<l by .,, 0 A A P HI C M A A K E T I N G lnd1~id\UIJ PRODUCTS. 3890 ! Eeol• Or • Jemet F Ht0enw•IC1 Ill Anallefm Ca Thi• 118tltn41nl WH IOed 'lwllh I~ Ktn'nettl R Smith. 5431 CO..nly CW.th or Or&nge County on C•l•wl>t L.n., 11'1111141, Ca 02:'1& StPI 3. 1982 '1Me» Thia butll\ffl It conducted by tn Publl•ll•O Or11ni• COHI O•ll~ 11\0lvlO\ltl l(tnnelh A &mitll Pilot. 8-pt 14. 21 S Ocl & 1N 1hll ttattmtnt wtt filed •1lh Ille 4()~g.11' County C .. 11 c>I 0r-. Covnty on ~U9"•• ''· 1012 'ttalt1 P11bll1lla<I Orange Cout 011ll lttlOI AllO 3 I, a.pt 7, U , 21i tot 31138 H Tlltnkl~ or • "" home IOI 1prmg1 '" 1111 many ua11ng1 In to<11y'1 cl1tfli lltO column• e4:!·5t78 LOI• JIM Crltp aaes 1 Calle Cle •• Coul Hlway, Coron• Clef Mar CA C•htornlill Corporation). 2001 Eul :r.:;11 San Juen Cap.111M10 CA c0tporet'rnoeni• F1ttarms, lnG H825 Fire! 8tr•t, Suite 204, Santa Ana, • Otl>or•n Kew Oevtnporl , 5 Ml<hNI IC Ruf)llnger. Eater Goache', 2 Cold1t111m, C1llf0<nla 92705 ClnUl•r Irvine CA'U?l"4 Prw«ltnt Irvine, CA 92714 Tlllt bullnat it conauctOd by 1 Je~int c '"oemeoo, 1666 Miii Tl\JI 11111ement wu r11t0 with the Lo1r11111 Ptnn1no10 11, 1S&S llmltt<I oarlntttlllp Verde Oi t 3A. COiii MHI CA Count? Cieri! of Or•not CO\lnly on c!s:2~r-Vl'dl E., Clltll M ... , Inc 0 & R F'l1itncl1t Stf\,l<H. 91628. Allgu•• 27• 111112 ,,..,,. 1111• butlnnt ,. COllClllCIOd by • ROflflld J Ht!f .. I Th•~,~=-.,:~ ConClllCled bt • Published Ortno• COH1 0 •111 oonetel PatlfltttNp ~· 04lflOI Dll>Ofah Koy DaYenporl '"°'· Auo 3 I a.pi 7• 14• 21·~ Tl\il 11~:~~:..a 'l!Wltll the c!~~·t~t~ ~·:: Tn1t lttl-111 wta filed llOlth the 3a 1 nlJ' Clef1t of Orange County on Alig ao. 1N2 County Clef1t C)I Orenot County Of't 8eol 17 1912 ,,..... ~I 10 1912 '1t'nll PublttheCI Orange Coast Oall'; 1'1t11IO T"9 fU1MI drew 11'1 In. l'ubllllled O••no• Coatl Oaff~ PtlOt. 8tP1 21, ti, Oct ' 12. teat P11blltl11U Orange Co11t O•lly W .. t I OlllY PllOI Pllo• 8ec>I 1' H. Oct 11, 12, IHt 41 .... 1 Piiot, Sept 14, 21, 29. Ott &. IH2 CtatlMn.<I Ad. td·IUI 4111·1:1 3H6•82 . Indianapolis ~dds culture Romanian violinist • wins event lNOIANAPOLlS (AP) - For Mlhaela Marlin, the debut of the International Violin Competition of lndlana.polis meant a gold medal. cash and a 09ncert at Carnegie Hall. To civic leaders, it added a feature to the city's face -culture. "lt was as if Indianapolis had turned from the lndtanapolis 500 to the 1,000 fiddlers.'' said Josef Gingold. an Indiana University music professor who presided over the 11-member jury for the event . "If this isn't an international competition, 1 don't know what is." "It's going to be one of the most important competitions in the world," said Martin, a 23 -year-old native of Buctiarest, Romania who was awarded the competition's top prize. The top prize carries with 1l a $10,000 award, a medal and a series of concert bookings in North America and Europe, including Carnegie Hall in New York City and a tour with the BBC Symphony Orchestra of London. She also will make a violin recording for Vox Cum Laude records. A,. wtr9'1f!oto Mihaela Martin, 23, of Ro m ania, took to p h o n o r s a t th e Int ern a ti o n a l Vio l i n Compe tition of India na po lis. 14-day event. Martin also captu r ed awards for her performance of the Paganini Caprice No. 11 and for her performance of an original work composed for the competition by Joonas Kokkoken of Finland. · "Of all the competitions I have judged. about 10 I think, I do not recall an overall standard as high as this one," Gingold said. noting the top six finishers were from six countries-and the ori~inal field consisted of 45 v1ohnists from 19 countries. Gingold said the contest was designed to rival the other two major international violin competitions, the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow and the Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition in Brussels. After Sunday's awards ceremony. Clark said he was satisfied with public response in a city geared more to amateur athlet1<.'S and motor sports than mu s i ca l competition. "l got comments, I got le tters. I got flowers from people I didn't know," Clark said of the first edition of the contest, to be held every four years. The next Is in 1986. S he was·one of six finalists who performed to packed houses over the week end. Second prize went to Ida Kavafian, 29. o( New York City; third prize to Yuval Yaron, 29, o( Israel. lt was the idea of CurttS V. Clark, an Indianapolis dentist who served as gene ra I chairman. Assembling a panel of judges brought to the city violinists, music critics, composers and other musicians. including compose·r Michael Colgrass. violinist Miriam Fried and Raymond Gallois Montbrun, director of the National Conservatory of Music in Paris. Gingold applauded the level of performance in the DEATH NOTICES Crime • • victims Marketing RUTTE R IRMA R . RUTTER . passed away on Sept.ember 17, 1982. Widow of I.he late Albertus J . Rutt.er. Beloved aunt of Barbara Finch and Jeanne Baehr, great-aunt of Marylin Cirello. Mrs. Rutter was a resident of Leisure World, SeaJ Beach, Ca. for 15 years., and a resident of Balboa Island, Ca. for 40 years. She alee was the former choir director of Christ Church by the Sea. Balboa . Ca . Private interment. Dilday-Mottells Mortu ary handling arrangements . (213) 436-9024 WATSON RALPH W. WATSON, Passed away on September 18, 1982 at Hoag Menotoria.J Hospital. after a lingering illness. He was a resident of Newport Beach, Ca. for 35 years. He is survived by his wife Lucy of Newport Beach, Ca .. and son Wayne of Pheonix. Aruona. Services will be private. In lieu of flowers I.he donations may be made to the John Birch Society or Revelation Ministries, sent to home address. IALTI. HllGHO .. SMfTI4 & TUTHILL WISTCLlff CHA,ll 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 "HClllOTI4HS SMITMS' MOITUAIY 627 Matn S1 Hunt1noton Bt.ach 536-6539 PAClftC YllW MIMO•IAL,All Cemetery Mortuary Chapel-Crem1torv ~ Pac1f1c View Drive Newp0r1 Beach 644·2700 .-cou.c:IC MOHUA•llS LaQuna Beach 494·9415 L&Quna Hills 768 0933 San Juan t':p1strano •95-1776 HdlOa LA WK-MT. OLIYI Mortuary • Cemetery Crenwtorv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_Cl •OTHllS l&L..O•DW•Y MOnUAlT 110 Brolldway Costa Mesa 642-9150 training slated Training for the Victim/Witness Assistance Program which aids victims of cnme In the county will start next month. Training begins the first week in October with "Crime Victims -Trauma lntervenuon.'' and will be held in these courts: -West Court. Westminster, Oct. 5 at 1:30 p.m.; -Juvenile Court, Orange, Oct. 6 at 1:30 p.m.: -Harbor Court. Newport Beach, Oct. 7 at 10 a.m.; -North Court, Fullerton, Oct. 7 at 1:30 p.m .; -South Court. Laguna Niguel, Oct. 8 at 10 a.m .. -Superior Court, Santa Ana. Oct. 8 at 1:30 p.m This will be followed by "The Cnrrunal Justice System and the Victim" and "The Police and the Victim" during the secpnd and third weeks in October. For information. call 957-2737. Workshop offered A workshop that offers tips for reducing energy bills will be presented at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. . Tilled "CUtting Utility and Gasoline Costs in the 1980s," the session is scheduled Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m . in OCC's Science Hall. DEATHS .ELSEWHERE WASHINGTON (AP) - Jolan Alexander Pope, 76, director emeritus of the Freer Gallery of Art, died Saturday. TUCSON. Arl:t. (AP) - Ted De Gratia, 73, a prolific artist known for his doll-like portrayals of Indian children, died Friday. NEW YORK (AP) -Vera Ar&arovna Stravinsky, 93, actttu, paint.er and widow of compoeer Igor Stravinsky, died Friday. NAMPI., Idaho (AP) - Ted Trueb loo d , 6f). *rt outdoors wrt ter. died Sunday. Trueblood wrote for such nati o nal publlcatlona as "Fl1h and Game:• ROCHESTER. Minn. (AP) The workshop is co- sponsored by the Atlanti c Richfield Company. Metropolitan Wate r District of Southern California. Southern California Gas Company, Southern Ca 1 i f o r n i a Ed i s o n Company and OCC's com munity servi ce office. Smokers' • se ssions slated A three -part workshop designed to help participants stop smoking wlU be offered at Orange Coast College ln Costa Mesa. Sessions are scheduled Sept. 27. 28 and 30 Crom 6:30 to 9 p.m. in OCC's Faculty House. Series fee is $12, and individuals may register in OCC's Community Service Office. Workshop director Is David D . Edman, a hypnotheraplst who works In the fields of behavior modification and dlrectlon suggestion. For Information. phone 5~-6880. • seminars scheduled Four export marketing seminars sponsored by the U S . Department of Commrrce will be held in Orange County. The seminars will be co-sponsor e d by thr World Trade Center Association o f Orange Count y, International ' Marketing Association of Orange County. Orange County Chamber of Commerce. U.S . Small Business Admmistration, Cal State Fullerton, Orange Coast College and Union Bank. The seminars will be held at the Union Bank, 500 South Main St .. Orange, on Friday, Oct. 29. Nov. 17 and Dec. 17. For information. call 836-2332. Writing course at ewe "Introduction to Short Story Writing," will be offered at Golden West College sn Huntington Beach on Sept. 25. Author and screenwriter Richard Perkins will outline the process o f sto ry technique as well as provide details on potential markets available to the novice writer The workshop will be conducted tn College Center 209 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Registration fee is $30 in the com munit y services ofCice. Student cited Sandra Gehrt of Huntington Beach has been named to the dean'• honor U.\ at the UCLA School of Engineering and Applied Science. -Dr. Jotepll H. Berkloo, 83, a blo1taU1tlclan and mathemaua.n At the Mavo Clinic In Rochester. died Sunday. Lobbyist fined $6,000 STOCKHOLM Sweden '"~~;:;;;:;;;:;;~~~ (AP) -Marca• Walleaber1. 82, Sweden'• leadlna lndual.rlalJat and hMd of a $29 btlllon mul\lnatlonal bu11neu empire that lnchadH 8Hb motol"I and j!J9CtroluJC appllanc:a. died SACRAMENTO (AP) -A lobbyist haa been fined $6.000 for falling to roporl that he was paid for worklns on a bill to benefit a firm that makes telephone equipment for the deaf. M~y. The st.ate! Fatr Polltlcal Practice Commiaion aald Jobbyl1t Cl•yton Jack1on.. admitted three violatfona. and paid a fino of $2~000" each. 1\ wu the largetat fine over paid by a lobbyt,t for vlolal&on of the PoU\Jcal Reform Act. 6 / 4 -2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A .s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Oraoo• CoHt OAILY PILOT/TuHdly, 81p11mbet 21, 1982 1ClASSlf 110 am mm l4t'fU-lf' ftt \ltt• A.,.itnwno IUt ~•I• =:::!~:~rtrn, \4fl'\ielfJ) .,1: t ,,.,., ~·=::.~!~·"~,~~1!'' l~Olhn l '"" ,..,,,. HW1iof'\ to bt M1.1-..•d :=.~ri1,~n,. IJ".o lot ~.,,. ~ .. .t,.l• Um4r Trlr f'rln MW~" 0.-w.rt •h•ort Of•:t• ftt p,ott l:., :,:-;::i~r.:i...., "•""'l\in f WM' (HA\11\ lt.&J l.a.t.t• t H ft••C• MtAI t.At.t• -•M.M RENTALS t~tvrf'ofilri How-"" \..'ntwrn••"~ ttol.i..n ,""' tA l "' t._.,.HIWvm\ •·"'" C'onlSOnttMUftl• t ftl Tt>'*Mou.n t' ... rn fo-Mow~.n t nf f1'iP•to.t t\irf\ ~~:·~:nlnf Al>U l ftl"'ft "'"' t'\,rn Qt t nf lluom• ROOM 6 Bo.,d Hotf"h MDOh GYC"-tHomo \.irilmmrr RtM•h~ \ K•tKM'I Rt'ht•l• kf'M.J• tu ~att• tiM•Ch fur Mtm 011.r-• Rtntal Kti8•"""U lttfU•l l~r...J~M•l it:.~:~.,_._, MIV R•M•I• BUSINESS, INVEST· RtG1 E1tat1 the Com~te Orange Coelt M8tMt ,... ..... ·-llN' lfl• , .. •• .,,, ,,,,,, •••••.••.•........•.•. IOUAL lt(>USINO OPPOAl UH'ITV • 11114 IUI" llW IWI llMll 11144 ..... lt;VI 11.N ::: P•~llllltr'I •tt1011 ,.,,, All ,,.1 Ntete eovertlMd 1'"• In tfila 11ewspap•r 11 ::: aubJ•ct to the F•de,.1 ""' fair Houalrig Act or tGGe :'i: which m•k•• II Illegal to •dWftlM "a11y prehtrltll· 1...., ce. llmltelloo or dllCflml· 1MJ 11et1011 bH•d 011 rec•. :~ color, rellglo11, HK or 1w1 natlonal ortgl11. or any :~ Intention to make any "'" auch preference. llmlta· ~ lion or dlscrlml11at1011 " 1100 ,,.,, 1#11 uw ll«I l )>U JWl -2llAI - JIOC »lAI ~ Thia newi.paper will not k11owl11gly accept eny advertising tor real Hit· t• whli;h 11 In v1otat1on ol theould check their ads dally and report error• lmmecllately The DAIL y PILOT 8HUm91 llat>llll)' tor the first Incorrect In· aertloo ooly )Ml --------· ~ BH1t1 /11 Silt )~ ..••..•••••........•.• = •• ,, ,,,,,, ~· .••....•••••••......•. -•• ,,,, 1002 fAX) •••••••••••••••••••••• 4(U) t(tA tlW llJO •~v WO ..... Ull> '"'"' UJO 10 IDllEY DOWI, VA H I • J #H iii 111 l•l• ..... '' ~·, .•.•..••......•..•... , ·····•·•···········••· c .. ,,.1 100 G1•1t•I IOH ···•·••············•·• ··•·············•····· LllO ISLE 111111 Prlmt· Lido Nord bayfront. 5 )!<}rm. 5 1.1\ biath LgcJ .. R .. 2 boat aHp!' $1,500,000. ~mod1·l1'CI 3 bdrm, 2 bath f large t<'C ""' bCo.m ('(•thng•. lurniahed, palloa. $420.000. , PElllllU llOIEI Pr1.1A.• W<')l &y bayfront Slips ror 2 boa'- rcmodelt.<l 3 bdrm, 3 balh $1 ,200,000 Ocean & Jl'llY views. Manne room. 4 bdnn. :\ bath. J700 sq.fl. $1,385,000. Oceanfront LllDA ISLE IAYFllOl1 Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dork nn, den. Boat slip. Now $1.000.000. 1 llYSIDE PUCE Spretocul.ar bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn 2 boat spaces. Reduced-$1 ,500.0f?O. FllllUllS WIOll New 4 br. 41h ba, custom FrelVh Normandy Eauite I 2 pnme acre hdltop $1.250,000. AYILOI Fee simple t.'Oltage on quiet Descanso St. (In Flats), $145,000. 00110100 CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayCront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 wlterms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J.: 1 Boy~·d" D•·• .. •• B b7S bib I llOO ~· l6IJil - 3 Bdrm condominium with huge patio area. A1tachod 2 car garage, near South Coast Plaza Own., wlll carry 2nd =========~:-:::::::::-~::_~3~3$96,900. ca11 11 lw1tr's hHcM MENT, FINANCE :::::;: ~:~ :;~ ::::::::: ~~ ~ = THE REAL ESTATERS leat Estate lffloe 2 bdrm, 2·~ ba, d•n Wa111.o. In place. N--C11.ndo 2 c., g.,age, l>Of1 Harbor/Costa Mesa iailndry hoolc-upa. Walk area All Inquiries confl to Pool Sauna. Coov lo- dentlal Mall replles to catloll s 119,000. Ad No. 1020, Dally Piiot, 11 •• 442 .. \it.ant) U.t Lo1n )(0 PO Box 1560, Costo1 ____ • __ .. _~-M,_y-.onttd• ._ MortaeanTn' ~ LQQK Me.a, CA 92627 SALE/LEASE OPTION ANNOUNCEMENTS: P£1SONALS & LOST & FOUND A~tnwnu ~•I Ped vOll'caJ<fl i-1• ,.,... ... l'ff\Otl41h· w. .. nwta• ,., ...... SERVICES ~"~u llt•tflOf') EMPl.OYM!NT & PREPARATION ~fWx>b tn~tr~uon JobW•nlf'd• ll<lp ... ~ • .., " • ~ MEICHANOISE AMtqW\ ·~h·"'"' ft'llf. lt~--~':; '9 .... , ••• " (_ anwn" 6 t..~VtPrtwtftf c ... Cloe> t'te. ta ...... t"\iln11ttC111n c...-...... 'el~ -.....,.MW Good• Jt-•tff) Li•ntMll. MllllU8"f'}' M\Jittll•N'Ollit• lll'-'t•ll•~· "•"''~ Mw\H'el le"lhfl'W"h Offj('~ '"'". t..~111p ..... ~-= ~~':f~,:.~ Sportinc 1.-.. ~or .. kt11l•wr•~• tt•r ~·.rfld;Q U1t 1 \4Uf"O IDATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT w-.. ....._, lhtN "i.H" •'• ~ ... ,,,.... __ ,,, ~ .... ~, Boat\ RM tt.•rt•r llo.u.S.ol IN!> g,,,. Do<-•• .,.. " s.t'f'd ..... 8itMU Ciitor1tt TIANSPORTATION 4ncraft t•tf'l'\PH" .,,., .. """ I fl«(nr Cot> =~.:.·~~~5-'ooc•n• Mauw Um• Sa.tr M•"' . Tn·~ 'fr••el I Troolttt l ""'' AA.Ito Striwt<'t' P .,,.. AUJOMDllLE c.;..-...,,., . AMJiqW\ l"l.tU.tf' ""' ,...,.,.. .. •h;( lfl ~' • ., ...... 1. t"9'~;t.hu~ ,NC',, v-A\illaL#ttlftC 4\itli!t W~&ltd AUTOS, IMPOITED ltt'MU I Alf• Koawo """' Av-,ltf'I H••t•1 HMW C•Pft g:r,- O•hW' t nt•'• tl•t t&uftd .. ,., ..... , J-, ........ ,.u .. 1 .. i.....w .... . ... ,.,4 ltfhc·t~ ... .,, Jill; """ ...... t'•8h'I• 1 .......... Por•4"hf" Af'f'•wU Jtojb Kv~n "O'\.•r S.•b ~ ~haru fO.JOt• ti~u"'J>f\ \~~~···-· \oho AUTOS, NEW t ......... AUlOS,US£D For our new regular l~~~~~=iiiiii~ EAST BLUFF TERINA -kly feature Ii CONDO, 3Br, 2'11Ba. 0 l T SH 0 W le•a • 2100 S.· Ft. dltlwltlr. trplc, dbl oven. \II" a • lfflH • 1200 ... ft. comm pool 833-9167 t~ CASE h Let 12H120. ~~.~1~9g-t183~--;::n ~ Ev•ry Saturday In the S2IO,OOO HM Sat/Sun 2-5 • ~ Datz Piiot c1ass111e<11 * IWI ... YI ltLLS MES& YHIE SUPER On th• gol~ couru COIDO SILE f Custom t>eautllul 3 Bdrm .... 1111 Ylll . aut.t. park ·Ilk• Mlll"i). Rm for paddi. tennis and paol. GrNt tor orchard. Cul d• uc at. 3 bdrm' lam. rm. $379,500. home, many, many ex-Condominiums. tow11· traa. $278,500 with 1~/o houses, all slzea. Ono. down owner wtll carry at two and three Bdrm t2'1t% 1111erest. ynlts. priced from S70. ll•J MtCartlle, Rffr. 000 to s 115,000 Excol-4110 ..... !lllU OllO "'.Qll ~ l•nt locations Oltfarent ~~~141~~·~l~l2~1~~~ financing Groat oppor-i: 1u111ty for tlrat bom• or lnvestme11t Call 5-46-2313 IA I I ~ l_~~~t~R _c:?· ---IOU --...... .... -THE REAL ESTATERS ..,,, BRANO NEW "Heart ol :.,: Orange County" Town· '°"' h°"'" • Luxury 3 bdrm :;: homos beaullfully do- t001 algn9d, quality built -and :=; fln1ncl11g now that you a. just won't bellevel Call :::! now Brandywyne Pro- ,.. pertles II, 531-9670 LIQlllATIOI • ., 125,000 dwn. auum• low lnt•ul toena. Sharp 3 Bdrm hO!M $.240,000 Fred T•l\Ore, 631· 1288, 831-2711 , A.g1 EXCHANGES Precious Q9m atonM for i~~~~~~~~ trad• Wilt trade preolout i g•m atones tor Reel Estate Wiii conald•r anything ol reasonable value For Ex1mp1e· Auto•. Yechta, Paintings. RV'a, or 11qulty In going bu1tne1H1. pp 831-6186 .,., ....... 11M-X.f._ f4Hl flnt le•e Guerdoct gate commu11t- t y. Near South Coast Plaza 1 bdrm. 1 ba Co11do $79,999. For Avallabl•ll Fabulou1 TURTLEROCK VISTA TOWNHOME. Fealurl~ 3 br'1, frpk:. gourm.t df. 11lng anO private cour- tyard. Only 1280,000. 759-1501 or 752-7373. ~ Walker 6 Lee appt lll-4'2' NEW CAPE COD EXTRA SPECIAL A brand new two-atory home. Drive bJ S14 Marlaold ••. Juet ehort bloclca to Cotone cf.I MM bNc:~ All quallty In thl• I tt.drm, femlly room end fotmel dining room. LARGE VIEW 8UNDECK. C all fOf ttnanclng detet11 ...... ooo. \.\A Tl RI RO'\ 1 HOMl "i. N Ill \I l1tll"" ""•k· u ... ,1t1 ,., .... ,,, \1 ...... , ........ 2l.lh . f ..... u~n , .. ~,..~· Ar.th &31-1400 U $ "hruw ~·• .......... l<tl • .-4 97Mto0 S T~R G A ZEK•-. t-""""-~.....---&. 1 l •Y l l'Oll •N ~ !~.!r.~ ~=;:: Jyt lo -'OP..__ "" w-.ooy --t-~IO'V'"btn .i_..zad __ ,., '<• .,, ... ••t. .... •• "~ ,, ........... .. .... .. , .... >JI ..... .,,...,., •l •-.. ,_ .. , ... ,.--.,,, .. .. ... ... ........... ..... ' ...... .. ·-.. ''"·~ ,, . .., ..... »6•··· .... ,_..., ,. .. ..... u" .. .. .. ..... ........... , ,. ..... , ..... ol-. ''""'. ""' 0 11 1iu. ... •' ....... ..~.a , ..... ' ... "' . ,..,. .... " ..... ....... -..... .. , . N.•·"'6 ... ., .... •1• ' .... ''U.• •• o-.... .. ._. ..._ •t ()' ...... w ... , ... , ... ... ·-, ..... .... I I'• t ~'-·-" .. ... ., ..... , , .. •" ~·"'·· c:-:.;:: ,. . " ...... ··-,..., ... ..... .... '" .... ., .. _ ,. .. ...... . ...... ,.. ... ............ . • -.... .. ... \~A~h•,.., •n l.~=i~ • , ... , .. 1 For Ad Action Cal a Daly Plot AD-VISOR 642-5671 UUl&tttl,111 For 111 lnwetor • bMcl'I home or ye1r 1rounel COll1tge. YtN m111t ... thll lm!Tlaculete 2 IA, IUtnt~ hOt'M Owner A,. you piennino • move? wtll eatry flnanotnG ...tth CIMtln.d edt wMI point low Clown. ,._ fo tM you tn t,,. riQtll dlf9Ctl0n OQMn. • ,.~;;;r.1t11'' IN r r r r r r 1 --~~'OV'M!f.' "0"' I I I I I I I to find th• home you ~~~ .. ~·!!!·~~·~~!!! need t41-&e11 : w-&.m ...................... .. ' ' Ho111ra l11t \ ,/ . . . . . . ~.'.'!r' '' •Ht~lt I I' 't111f It 11110(1 Sllf t l' If• l \1 tt 't I 'I oou Riclt Al , • f1t•.111 II 731 4·114 k'H r· E."~ 11 h01ltf•d i " I rlno ~ l ~ ~ , an 0Wflt11 \' ~ lermsl 1""0 1 900 751 ""I OWNER Wll l er Lovtil\ 1 11,1 Wlfltl\\' 1 IJ1 ~lltl1t>ll JI I I•• ktm1 ~ l•l'l:i.11 U fl t' r ~ ' I !>4S l8Jf, STEAL A r.01'11£ In trv1 1•_, ~ ~ arn.l rt11 •· 10 ,, l lNU.C r'4c· 11• , B1Jbo1 P1nin1ul1 P£fll!ISUl r Gorq• Cuo;tC\111 nes1 n y COlll.HI Steµ' I Oceon 1111 denhu 1, fU,nnt I tU Opc-1114 u I I S ! t I EH• I t 6iJ 1 Corona de/ If• ........... Submit Yt1 1 HOnH ~ owe. 1 SO'l A• • Spu11f , ....... '*'". t. 4401< 10% 00 t tereo 01' 1· rll<~ tn G Wit, t•••'</, p t1 Ir• t 644 70? LINGO AfA1 ' Co1ta Miu Beau••• hon1P 1 enclt•,•!'t oft II Com~lil·• , llHOUQh 11 \ VPQ«tdt'' ! mll'"'"'ll s 1'15 00 po1ntm•• • 1 5~o 11s 1 ONLY s~ .. r (j 5BR ? t.' $189«1' owe 1 ,,, On I y ' I 838 QfiS I SUP CH OPPORTU ll• $2500 ,.,,II YOU IH Builder hr.~ problem~ ..,.. t 11• , option to pu<t.• 15 month5 ,11 1 PRICE Np., 2 I Be Condo Ii .. amenmeo; ('r .. I I nexl dom ' ping , lh<.'o•I eporlollon 714•6J1 Cl)" 642 :?IJ!l) 4 8drOI 2b" • • I I ; hoeme In lovnry Verdt Qutet c.11! • 12~• llnanclnQ •v14 g e 111umn1>1tt 1 1711,000 Call 07 ~ • 11 MOUi lemllk>• the camping hug 11 12 ~r II yov 1141.. • Y11tt• per thet's 1101 ""'"""J uMd, tell II lktw wtlh o CIUllfi.d Ad ----- I 11 II \ I II ll I/ I 11t1 eal Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place "''· :' .. '! ....•. ·I~~~~!! .~0.1 •• ~·..'!....... 9!~!!. ~~~~ !.1•1!.'!.. •• • ~~~!!~. ¥~!'!!!'.'!~.~t. !'.~~!!!.¥~!!'!!.'!~. • . . ~~~!!!.¥!'.':~~{·.~~ .• ~e.~'~!~.'!.f ~!!I.•~'!. A,,,,.,.,, ~,,.,. IOZ• Nt111aurt B11t• 1069 lnc11111 ~to•11tr ZOOO Co10111 ,,/ M11 3ZIZ Hutlo1tH ll1wN1t IHtA 311 l1IH1 ••• ~~[~!~!!~.'!. ...... . .................. ~ •... •••••••• ...... ••••••• • • • • ..-••• ••• • • • ••• •••••••••• •• ........ I ·A 3140 ····~• •••••••••• ....... 11 I I 1101 111vunr.1 ONLY 1 1 ;, .. "' 1111111 N 11 1111 1 '"'''Y J 111 / "" """'* .•.. ~~!....... ll1Hb<>r 111<1oe t11.tH 4 r 3 ••••• '!.'!!~.~•••••••••• l1IHI Ce1t1 #111 JIZ4 c!lllf U I ( $6000 11w111•1n 111111 I~ •1111 11111 tr u ~"""". llllt" , , tllt•ll I '0 11 1 u •. Ufl8UI d.COf, 3000 II, Wlnt•r/yrly •P•<. 3 IJr 2 ,,.,.,,,, JIO i'r~;~;;,;;;;· ~~·<.·U·;;~~~: I HU UOWlt ti ,•, ·-1 St1'.'1K 11tht1tll ''"""' 111111 htl~~ IJllllO 'l u1111pt .. 111 llHllll poof, 1ennl1, ou••d gllll bo 8t•t• I um b••oh ...................... MHti VerO• ll>f(:iOI .. ' DOWN 111111111 1111 111~u llw11111/ 'lollUO/mu ··~"' 1o1111.1 lrntha au.urtot l <ltl00/11\0 Uob fJt Oovi. Oce n b r le 1 llrg• 3 BR l 011 ltplc, at ,,, n TIU SAHU ~ ' ''II""' 11. 1 <I $ & "J ') Kcrn1o1 Agt Ill/MAX • •v v w rum balcony, g1rag11 relr1ge Or 'l B• •Pl oar•o• 1>1 111111 Coit• /11111 3ZZ4 'IJ\I fl HIO 1,;0:.l tbli 1:1;.>1 iun<lecll Mutt'"' $11&0 No p111 V.trly HOO t1p1c;, bll '"'· 110 1.1e11 Al'I 1f•1plol'<11~ 1111 ~1110 •, • ..... , • •, .. • ••• •,, • WI n I a r Ill 110 V r I y 700· 1113 5!13 1710 1575/rno !>40 00011 IP• b 11I111 ., ... " I .. ti •,u1,11 A fll /\I '"" W"'" $<100 1 Ur N1111 1J111th. N r w p 0 n T c R f s ' 1116 &204 •,1, '"'" •,411 lll!>ll 11111 ptJ LOI\/ kltLh \};t!I 1.,,,11V will r1uicJy Now CONDO 0Hut, :J01 New C1t••• ''' M1t 31ZZ $325 B1c:h avail nuw t)t' It( NI Al"\ 1'10 H 14 !01)1 & p.tt111 S 1000 mo C111•I ''' 1111 J11Z •, •••• ••••• ... ••. ••••• U 3fl 2 Br duple• avail llLUFfS IARGll" 11111 't>OU I ftll I REDUCED $100,000 I ••• , • ti • MU•1J EXCHANGE ••• u.uoo 1111uit~ 111 1111111 111111t.111 111111111111 r1111d11 1111 I 11~!<1 Mn•d IUllll Ulllla 1;1111 1Hflf 1,111•h / 141h•4'.t •11r•14 ~ f 'll.l! "I lli!J.11~ ij!U I M ~.11lnft prl< II ~ 10~ 'lllll t 11 ' ltttr111~ 111111 9 Aul I ·I/I I If !I £011 101 s111 zzool .•.......•.••......... IY OWMIR (,,h 111 l-lunl11111to11 t-ltt111. It l A 1111 ? ht hel wo•1•11 t 'w.1111. t.:1111\1 ltwy 111 l.1 W ,1I11 u I 114 11111 ,., 11 •,. 1111t It·•• 111111N1> Mount•in, D1111t, ·' w 1 ti·•••• wuo ··' Re101t 2400 ft~'"'" 1••, a tnr •H•l'i •••• •••• •••••••••••••• H ' •Cl " u .... 11011 ,~ "' ,, 11 T 1rn11 S11111e I • • t t.. 't l I OU/\ Y l u11l.1111 1111 ,,,Ito I Br & 'l I•,, t t c I) 1, r n s 111 1,,,., tc.i1 1.1e1a11~ I 11 I.I 11 '141) 44fi4 I I PALM SPRINGS 1£LIEY£ IT OR MOT ... f1 Y 0 W N L II N ew L 11~1••111 1w111 homo tor s.ilu 11H fl,mge ur lllldf! LOC,lletl no11r P•l'~lig1ous t 111y u11 Country Cklb 111 11 1rr P11tn1 Springs 3 400 ~'I""<" 1001 ot tu•ury hvmg wllh J hedrooms .ind l hnrh~ Pool .ind J tt c; U l l I $4/!> llltll turn111h11d tsr Tr! ul S•t;.>5 000 at 15'1o <.;,111 wtHtkdlly~ only I 171-.1•,40 6J31 Broker klUI Mr• •llrtghl C•ll Agl 04& 029!1 •••••••••••••••••••••• So OI H ... y dotu~• 4 Or 3 Nov 111 333 [ 2111 OOSTA MISA UL :il '):ffJ 6 tOO CO&l oc .. ll Yltw, btllullh.tlly Oa. 2 lrpltl. 4 C•r o•r c M In q 1 8 I 3 0 •••• 1 Drt1m Mtfhl lluQll 'l Ar nH 2 01 HMIOOA Vt[W llOMflj furn townhOUH, hplc;, $1~&0/mo Oarr11t. own/ 84s-651111 84'·t 103 family rm. dining ,,,, C.all :!Or 2B.> din rm, lg kll. puul & l.l•llu 18115/"'0 101 RE/MAX 7511 1221 U£ 5 r !J:lO 11 190 COST big Vd, SHO mo Agl 873·011118 Shatp 2 BA 1'\ t>a pe110, l>Ut <II lllCH IJlllllOI I •ll1l ri11u• 1 IHtrm 7' •1111. fll'W L:11ptt Cud l•o•il, 1111,, 111 1.11',1llu11 1111111 t.>~t PllllO, tw.lc..uuy, wuut i.W1411 £ ~ \jlll 11\)9 !>111 111111111 Wlllf 1rn111•1 dr AIJUI tn~ J •Hf "'""' $ IO'iO mu (. 1111 •<Ill :>:.'J!J 10 30 10 !i JO 111n (,I"" i.. II oul )ht w 'II.I 11111 pl\110 111 ycJ S•';O II( ill NT Al S 7~() J314 NII.II J on ::> Bu, 11011. MlllR d•tl Mar. grtJrH 110 PlllS Sll!>O S14Ut11 M11mt C.o (,41 1124 C1tll un lhll 4'hr w/lg g.ir tiokurs ktlctr $490 Ot. RFNTALS 750-33 14 11\NUl OAOSIREAL TORS ~ ll'I lrtlO 1e11an1 prOYI l.11•1 h c1111 llo&I Aeotty 539 6194 Ot. O(NlALS I '.ibr • $200 to $2000 7~0 :IJ 14 Open 7-duys t11 0RINCi lll( KtDS• a Or 'J 011 ouows pat1 t-11()1 Hon l 111 11111 S5'>0/mo Avllil 101 tho 11111 or Ocl El[$ I t;OS T 539 6 lllO ovr ri 4 nooM HOUSE S.lOO 111111' 1 + smell ~tllhJ n111y11u IJet m•ybe 11!\ gur u lent.eel yerd, 1111 1r1 opptns GUA ~1ANTHO SERVICE HEST 539-6190 COST Nr BCli 1111111p 2br 2ba w/ gar patio. bll·lns 1420 O<.. RENTALS 750-3314 lrvi111 3244 LEASES!! :J Bdrm dolached homes 1n oxctillont area Av111t111· 111 0 trnme el l ately $800/mu on I year le11so F 1ve ol tiers 10 cnooso rrorn Wo ro the ones to i;otl lor !oases 3 Ir. 2 11. [UIJW ·'I I I t 1plc. r.ingo yaro. gare-i \\\\u Ir C CJl' ye 110 poll Pr1va1e Hl'..l lltj $800/mo 1st plus Sl'C • only 648 w t8tn St .~1 :llHIO 499 \617 t"t.!,.H..u1 .. tu_. l'~h\11u 1 on TnAILEA P11vo1e. RENTALS yord no pet& U111s rieln 2 to 4 -t>drms. starting at $400/mo • secu111v 5800 to $1395 651 8130 Welk ro Bc.h 2 bdrm. 1 & gar, no p111 S475 B1c;h Apt So of Hwy No ba lrpc bal Qulot Enc 548·91150 kBllch $385/mo !> 16 '"1 08; S7i5 675-8689 Lrge 2Br 1 •~ be, dllh· 11oon10 IQ 1>11ck fl•I• --•• Oelfilin• & mtt, Hunting 070-11538, 213/355 1&117 OUIE1 2 Br 2b•. lrplc;. to wut11rr. QlH. Piiio llllAT VIEW Ion 1110111 Ulet New, do • 01 hwy, long term s7so $525/mo Optn oa11v tu1<e ? tir, ' bl, H cur D1•1 1•1•t 31Z6 mo 979· 13.CO 111114 Anallolm Apt O. g111e, b tlck lrPIC. yard •••••••• ••••• • •••••• •• 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii----1 545·3229 No pell ldH I tot ho Super 1 Br I Be VIII• ii noymoonera $850 See c:our1v1rJ. v•rv pr111att ODllOIA IEL MAR l ge clean I BR •Pt. S375 111 then cell •Bt03 N o p ets S~50/mo Sharp 3 bdrm 1p1 wtth mo llt.t1tt&S200HC SUNSET BLUFFS, cor-873-33 13 beam c;olllngl. llroplace. dep IM5-93115 eve nor of Vtclorta & E Pa· H J 111 blH111. encloeeo ga. Fireptaco. poot. dllh· c.1llc Ave • Coate M111 ••I •itoa rane, carpet• end Cir•· 1 x l 6 •2-BB0 8, 644-8722. Ill*' 31~0 • washer. p vt pat o g .. • ,. pes. Quick occupency Gardon 2 Br on El t1da. 651·6822 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1714) 673·4400 $560 557-2841 481 3B•. 2 a1v. e11c1< oay.J ESTATE LIYIH urn u1.m1 din im. tndry rm, lrptc, Beaulllut perk·llke 1ur· roundtng1 t erraced HARBOR rm for boet or RV. grdnr, pool Sunken 1181 bbq. $925 mo 894-3 1111 J 1piukflng ro u ntalnt °" THE wane I Sp1c1ou1 room• S•P•· Balboa Coves o.ecuuvo r1110 dining erea Walk-In home 2 & don o r 3 cto1o&l•1 home Ilk• kit· \ 11111,1111101 bdrm All o pening 10 chQn c11btne1a Wstk ro gar den. patio ov1trlOO· Hunllng1on Cenler. 11.irlim Im 1••1 ftlPlll l 11 2 • 1 Bdrm-turn. $515 king water, trplc s. 0119 No pets Ulllltlos lreel fire ring spn, etc, olc; LA QUINT A HERMOSA Codi /11111 31Z4 Maybe furnished. stlp for 1621 1 Parkside Ln, 1 blk • • • •• ••• • ••• •• •••• •••• boat available Only W 01 Beach. 3 bike S St995/mo 7fll 2787 days. 968-6103 eves of Edinger 847-544 1 J.D. Pro,erty ll&•t. f!l.~'!!.~.'.'.t.~ •• }.~~! Versatlles 2 Br 2 Ba Luxury studio. lree HBO, Condo S700/mo phone maod serv. spa. 8roker759·0120 S130 wk 499-3015 UDO ISLE AL MOST OCEAN FRONT 4 BR 3 B1 & den. S 1400 2br 1' •bB !louse. $775 IUeSliB"U APAllTMHTI Boeultlully landlCllP•d garden apls F'ool & Spa Pattos/declls No pets 8Achelor $4 1 O-S4 1 S 1 Bdrm $465-$470 2250 Vanguard 540·9626 or 642·4905 COHO 2 bdrm, 1 be. din rm. Me&a Verde Acron from 1ellt Fen* yd 1 car gar Pool $525 631°0303 63 1-~550 I BR. now petnt. cp11 drapee, d/w, no pels $400/mo 2265 Miner St· 851-2175 llll. Hit 3111. Newly decor Gas pd encl ger dwsnr pool bb Q Adulls no pets 642·5073 2 B r enclsd patio ups1e1r 1 Avail 10 · 1 $495/mo 329 Un1v1rs11y Or Se" Manager "S" 548"&648 aves ' t I co 11°trntinn ,11 I ;. '~ ... II l ~· " 1Rt1/ £11111 499 1617 •SHO USTSIDE• rno 222 Via Palermo mo 2br 1 1>11 ouptax. 675-7168 S725 8oth lurn. prkng, pa1tos view Winter only 64' 1849/497 ·5125 Large 2 Br 2 BalnsS565 398 w Wilson Du• loiat 3126 ........•............. 1 Br gerego near ocean very cloen S3901mo 2 131402·26!17 Seo at 24682 Cordoba Or Apt A • 101.. su.1211 ••• ~x.~~~!'1.~ ••••• ~~q~ , : ............ ! ~l lr1tl• lff•11·cl!la1 3Br 2Ba I r•t•"1" Annhe1m c..om· .s Br Clean & Quiet car pt!I' llrapo~ laundry hu o lo. up v a 1d g.iroue Waler paid Nu Pill, 2 Br 2oe luaury condo Nr beac.n All amen111es Most be11u11lul complex $745/mo Harry Pllet 213127 6 -64 00 or 631 5583 or 642 4905 ~'.'!r.!!.~!~f~ ... f.~~? 3 Bdrm 2 Bath~ S625 lf\\111[, S12 7,500 ~ pt1111· 11•furo1sh same '"" '"' 1· "' t . , I tnrtdlll 10 yrs lor Res 181 $1111111 Isabel 960 3989 213/670·3008 .-----=--- Mtw,ort M1l1hts THE 15 t E 21st 548-2408 Hulia1to• l11ti 3140 •I • LA 01ange S Diego I NEWPORT LO.i Shll ilfl.l'I S80.000 We!it:F1eld ..................... . · Deluxe poolSldo Ktr8 teroe ' 1• ·~HllOUS "" l' HOME 1 rc!OCK GLEN 1 Foreu S.lt 1048 ............. rnat o RAY ' CllO HF.O 1; t~I q{)ll ::>6 4 5 or $169,000 Jt;v,•11 h r< ,r=r 11 A t. II Tr.id,. rny t ~ tll"" RE 1, ·l •\ ~s M£ ! 1 •o p11Jr, ry I 1n1u mdl mu 0 151 fiUf•M•T VO•Jt r1omP %1! 26•5 OU ,, ti I; LEAS[ OP I I '''" HAE fHJL>C.£:1"\S Rtnl'11 VJ 1 1 l66 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BALBOA ISLAND DESPERATE!! Hou111 Furni1btd ..•...........•••••.•• B1Jboi P111i11111/1 3101 40• • a.. Jsnw•h• w D •O.i y r >me from Sept· J11rro r.rJ II:' 14 or 12131 ;,>44 "'' 12 'o u:Jr<1r t hr.H,.,f* WU'•ter ,.,r.f.11 fuut LQl' l br. 1 r f1 I 1t o, IV 0 lrpt, 500 W C•C• an'ro1 1 61"' S086 .1 N ;wto ~t.'!t~! ! . ~!!f ~ ... 1.1• ~! 1 • l f J b<1rrt> lam "" 1 h1' \ 1 "iJ() fh I Ol'fMHAONT ;> bdrm 1 fj,, ~700 ino Biii I (01unllv Rltr ti/5 616 I 'f!,..,ut1tul '"""" 101 quail 1 1 ''""~011\ grai:1ws II •trtll ~L'>00 1mo l\e F,;r; IC,30 UEWPIJl"1 I GAES f CON Of> !!"a"' 301 «ew ~ l?(JO 1110 Agt G4'. -0L95 Ocea1 frunr 2 &r 1 Ba Q•••llll'!, t.onllo no P•!t• lr\c1 1()1"" ultlS IJfllll Junfl 56?5 ' S575 1mo 6~6-:1510 r), .. <H fro;,111 a11r11t l•VP Ea~IS•de c M 1 & 2 bd hous•n r ocl yrds from $375/mo aot 675· 1642 "S73 C•MPUSY\.•lnul.,E 3.bdrm, 2''r ba pr1va1a " " ""' """ Oblo gar Close to beach ''GOOD 645-9095 lurrlerock e•ec 2 1 ----3 Br 2 ~ B.:1 trplc ::> car QOI "' So Cont Ptaze tOtT11n pool 1' spo S77S 980 3296 m.islors <Jen 2'• ba 3 Bdrm 2 1 Ba comm LIFE'' $1350 A11a 64<1-9060 pool 2 c ar garage 673 8589 $900/mo Fred Tenore, 2 Br I B a Oe11 yard 2563 Elden $5:>5/mo 831 3671. 675-2860 ----.. 631-1266 or 63 t-271t 3 Od Av11l11ble Now Gar· I Agl denor No Pels $930/mo --8J t 1615, 493-7766 Ne wpo1t Cresl EJ1.ec ---condo Eh1gan• & c.lean 3 B• Cambridge towrmou-4 BR 3ba. no pet' l'e '" pool Ava11 .. 0115 $1100/mo Agt Carlene SBSO 548-6196 675· 1771 E•ecutive Blult Condo lo~!' new 8u1ldN s Mo· dAI C1 1y lognt~ a nd Oc.e1on View S 1200 ptor mo OEC:OFtElO Lovely 2 Od St>O View 3 Br 2 1 Be 2' • be tov.nnome $725 I den. tam11y rm, oceen F,42 389) !>52 043 I all 5pm t I t y I I g h. I 5 v I e w 3 br '/ l>J lrf)lt Quiet toe wooaoridgr> 1 yr new I SIS501mo 545-6685 MM.'.1 VArdf' Xtnl cond hon1111 J Bdr 2 Ba. ger· SludtO·Nwpt Hgrs. S8!:>0 me 675·'1400 I d"""' one no p e ts S400 !1>0 No pels C:IPBll 2 Bo 1 b.i end g&• $8751mo t yr Cell Agl I 642 7404 yard no 1101~ S500 mo Larty "57 8400 -_ Beocn h0u$;"'"i'Or2 Bdr 2 '411 c.r.90 Suf.la1 11ea1 3b• 21>" w 'a rc Ba 2 car gar s1001mo EASTSIOE SP8 PAllO lg ycJ $625 Frod Tenore. 631-126& 2 0, 1 Aa 1 coir gar lge CC-RENTALS 750-3314 or 631 2711 Agt Y""' S6'.>0 813 016~ lf!/.~'!!.~.'.'.t.t •. !J.~! Westchll 3 Bdr $1250 2 Br t Be yo1d lrplc HARBOR OCEAN FRONT Chltheven 3 Br $875 H IJCJPu5 room $525/mo Nu 3200 tux hm on bluff Fredo11ck. agt 631· 1266 Nri per~ 8'\ I 367 1 or! 180 deg 11u of h11rbor tin 2800 2563 EldPn 1 sud mtn•. 3br, 3ba se· J tit ? r 011 tem;fy rm I cur 11 y sauna. spa dblo QtH $900'mo 2567 I $1800 mo <196·7009 Eldt1r1 642·2191 EMERALD BAY 3 br 2 3 Br 11ou"' wlpoor SC De 1600 IQ It lrpl brtc:I< Ploz.i 111e1 S750 'mo pelto with spe $1600 L •nd.1 ti 1 r I 63 t 1266 2 13, 876 22S5 lgt IJBr 2 1811 2 C_a_r _g_e-ra_g_o 3 ' '1 $625 N•ce decor w1opnr lncd yd ocn w1tlt µtu,h c<HPlllS mo v1eN Avail tmmed S950 Clwr1 ~t1ch1111 yard, tlal mu 497 1051 ___ _ th•ldo l'" .,,,.l(.OmP' Pooi 1 Wet IA I OOH lria 100 M.rny 1en1ats at BEST 5J9·6190 c.o$t 2 bdrm. 2 ba fenced lMI t·trP 3 Br $490 per t10 Quiet SI Washer IAYFROltT LUSE 5 bedrm. 3 '~ bath w/ 1em l1c me1n bay view Spacious tem1ly home wt doc:k $4,000/M O M 1 rlha Mec nab ..... '°° I .. BLUFFS-Dix 38r. 3B1. lg d en format d in r m S tSOO mo 644-1905 I y••d terge co11eroo P•· mo Aoom lo• RV per•· dryer Ave11 Ocr 1 $850 8EACHFRONT 3Bdrm "9 trplt & a c.het~ kit-Mo 675 ll060 I $84 5 New cp1s new p1>h gro111 Hurry• BEST Small hse. 2 bdrms 1 ba be furnished John Agl YEAR·ROUNO FUN: Social Act1v1t101 Orro c t o r •Free S unday B1uncll•B80's• Perlles•Plus much more G REAT RE C REATION : Te nn1 s •F re e Lenons (pro & pro l hOP)•2 Heulth Clubs•Saunu• HydromassBge• Sw1mm1ni:1•Golt Droving Ronge BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT S · Si ngl es 1 & 2 Boorooms•Fu1n1ShoO & Unlurn1snod•No Pets•Modets Open d1111y 9 to 6 Oakwood .. , ... A,arf•Htl lew,er1 hHltllt. 880 Irvine (at 16th) (714) 645-1104 le.,ert haclt/Se. 1700 16th St (Dover at 16th) (714) 642-5 11:3 Winter rontels now avarl11ble C•ll .IACOIS llUL" PllOP MAIAH•HT lll-1113 FAMILY APTS 2br. 2 be. bltns. e1sw11r. Beauutul gerdon apts I''> miles beach No pots Pe11os1e1ecks No pets 2 $500/mo 536·8362 ~h~~~:' ~~1~~i:. 5540 TOWHOllE RHUU 2 Bdrm 2 Baths SS6S 2 br. 1',.0e $550 398 w Wilson 3 br 1 "t be. S575 63 1-5583 or 642-4905 Oppty lor opl to buy 545-3367, 957-1413 WOOILllE S5501mo 2 8r 1•,. Ba Townhouse. balcony, In· dry rm. car port an bit· Spac 1 & 2 br. to11ety pines & stream•. aec 842-1603 gates. entry by phone. ins Avail Sept TSL Mgmt 1325 u11t11tes incl Sm I bd 1662 Newporl Bt11d. CM 63 1-7392 Nr l81h/Pomon11. 1 Brl Ba. downs1111rs. O/W, c;arport, waler pd. 1 chlld OK no pets $450 Agr . no lee 545-2000 STUNNING largo I Br Garden Apt, pool & roe area 710 W 18th SI Ill 28r tBa Neer So C P1ez11. S A LuAury Con- do w/pool $550 No pels 833-8974 2 BR 1 8A. old hOuse. no pets. chtld OK All utll pd 415 Ham1l1on, $535 6<1 1-0763 8rand now Condo 2 Br 2 Be 2 car ga•aoe wt opener wood burning lrplc. voew of s11111m & w a terfalls $78 5 662· 1309 lge rec area incl gym. pool & spe 846-6591 HTAn LIYIH Beau11tut park-ltke sur· round1nos Terreced pool Sunken get bbQ. sparklrng lount11ns Spacious rooms Sepa- rare rooms Sop1r11e d1· nino eroa Wlllk-1n CIO· sots. home-hke k11chen & cab1nou Walk to Hunt- ington CentOI 2 Brm unlurn $575 2 8drm Townhouse unlurn , S650 No pols Ultllllos lroel LA QUINTA HERMOSA 16211 Parktllde Ln. 1blk w ot Beach 3 btks s of Edinger 847-54" 1 IWlllHS WlLI' Lrg 1 & 2 BR townhouse apts. encl gar lfplc hook -up s Neiu Hunt Hrbr from $475 Ch•I· dron OK 840·6807 $395/mo 1 Br 1 B e Apl ---------Carport. tndry rm Sub· 2 Br 1 Ba. garage. 2nd ttr, mil on pol balcony Celt balcony. stove, O/W, for appt $550. S300 soc Clop Call TSL Mgmt 642-1603 897"5686 111 5 Quellfy 2 bdrm 2 bl, llSTHT Ill upst111rs. no pell 1767 1 Eastslde $625/mo 2 Br Van Buren $525 Call for I' 1 Ba Townhouse, ell apt a.8-5924 960-134 7 built-Ins. lnOry rm. car· Udlll 3BR <>Ila S12001mo !I M<)~ ''l' Sull 675 9118 che11 rmghten 11 up. kids I pa1n1 ava1t11ble now C11n ~Jll 6190 COSI lrpe $660 mo 631·22~2 -760·1476 -OCEANFRONT 11~ Bdrm port. yard/balcony. 1mell 2 bdrm, 1 ba. encl geraoo pet OK. $375 mo (8eech Bt and Lido Realty 673-7300 <.:LOSE TO NEWPORT ---SIDll Alll 3210 1 811 $650/mo winter rt>ncod 5 room home Chllrmino 2 br, 2 bll s ...................... Bachelor. Stops 10 TSL Mgmt 642-1603 St11ter}. 841-3152 Fully lurn ,... 11lor 1entel char111na '2 BR I Ba c;o•1ag1 ? hou,I', to cozr hplc. c11n1ng rm lull L8gune bOICh nouae on MacArlllur Villega 1 8 r txtac:h $500/mo winter 911ra91l1 Kids P81i are Igo to11n canyon 1 btk to Condo Walk to lhOP· PROPERTY HOUSE NEW BREED APTS 3 Bdrm 3 Ba Apts Avell Bech & 1 Bdrm wlloll 1mmodt1lely 1600 & j...._....;;;...;,...;;._.;,...;;...;._;;;_.~ t·---------·' bl>l•(h end porch. 1101 f 111 e s 5 o o BE s T beach •• Wost St S875 p1no U 75 1s1 & 1400 642-31150 642· IO 10 539·6190 COST l 2 13I6 7 0 · 3 5 1 1 Or sec Adults pref Heidi From S365 Frplc rec S625 Water pe1d 2 kids room. poof, 1ecuu l. gu Ok Frplc dishwasher ns 1642 ---(213)374 5922 979·2390 Z ldrm Furn Condo . -S545 3 Br Mom s bath for ------,,. ,.,.wr '"Al'~ w•th '"P Hou111 Ua/1111111b1tl p11v11cy & b&lh for kids 3 Br North end oceen Co•do•i•i11•1 ·I t ' u"IY !c1"S l\rl< I, ... ••••j •• ••••••••3•2•0•2• too' Hu' , Y' BEST ::;ds 4:11~55~~ 't all 6 6 Fat•id1d 3400 ' 111 llM Mrs 110 1 fnfrl •539 6190• COST ----..................... . 7 I, ti 3 I . ~ i1' " ••••••ii(iiiii:s""'., House I-gorAge priced 81 2 Br 1 Ba COllBge Cllll •tWflOrf ltaOh • 1 ~ 7'>•1 I $450 Lnrga 5 room\, \ect1911. gos renge. gar· Lu~ 2 bdrm. new Prof \,.,.,,y.weektv W111tt1r 2 amptl' room 1or every-<11!11& relrlg Avail 1 18 doc d l inens, dishes 1 " fMrms oody In 8 very gOO<l 10• W 1 t I Io• s e $ 8 7 5 King bod Ftroptece JACOBS REAL TY ca11011 t<ods pets 11re no 494 b154 On Dus tone VIEW soc guard Un· PROP pMt>I~ GUARANTEED E•ec limity hc>me steps derground gar Ldry rm SERVICE to victorni Bch Oremattc watl< 10 beach' S995 MANAGEMENT BEST COST 5.s9-6190 white water coastal _5_2_5_-7_4_0_5 ___ _ 675-6173 MEW CAPE COD views 3 Br. 3B•. den Coad••iai••• gourmet kll S 1550 mo • Winter Rentals Model Drt111t Homo 615.9102 dys. •94-0022 U•l111a1d1d 342S Winter Rr11lah• evellable Oecor/llor perfect 5Pll ~!!_Bob O;;~g0~i;~'(~;~d~.0S4S01 tiov~ ?Bdrm 2'•hft I now I 11c11~ 1011qe llClm I Pool llC 1 ocroation Lll,HI Hilll 32SO I 8r & toll. tennis. pool, $GOO lo $111()0 Call tor I • • .. • •••• •••••• •••••• •I re I m N 0 p e I I rt10IA1to; Qr,1111nlronts arf'n PVI patio, belconv HOME FOR RE.NT 5~·1 141 "'" l11tr•e & ige g111go OflCoratOf " 8drms exec home ----------wat1p1per dropouos and SllOO Fenced yard & g•· 12 od 2 ' ba 2 car gar. •••f1•rt/f1bul11H Yu more S 11501mo u1111 rage Kids & pots welco-lots111ot1ge Nr Harbor :> h ri • r-o A 11 r 11 t I M5 Pllld Cell 548·2239 me 5,5•2000 Agent no HI Sch end Oakwood S700rro lrom 1030to530pm roe . Apll 5•5·367<t de. Condo I brtront EASTS I DE 640·51_5_6._•_ve_s __ _ $111 C/1m1nt1 1076 ~;,~~~~:.~1111oi;,,~~,~~;'h 3 '><Jrm. 2 ba condo ~!.'!r.!!.!!~!!.}J.~! ...................... <1t-w ;> BR clean & LAtgo yard 2 car gar. 11· CALL NOW 1br wl bch A•1tt•1a/1 Fa1al1•1' I 1PAE!"J"> t..OVE, r•"W I roptac.e. POOi. )BC $700 p11t10 ...................... . 8eeu11lutt Bechetor Con· do, pool, 1p11. welgnt room. undergr ound prkng S575 plu• e1oc1rlc Ev es & Wk n ds 213/433-5106, Mon Fri 11·6PM 7141538·7701 & weter paid No pots ger age 5 45-2000 393 Hamilton. c M Agent, no r .. 645-4-<t 11 ____ 1Qu1e1 1 80rm apl. ulll pd $395 • !BR. retr1g. no 4 bills lrom beach. pets. 2 11dults pref 731-C $400/mo. 207 Chic.too w 1e1h 673-7787 _•·_9_es_._4_95_4 ____ _ Steps to sand, 2Br, petoo. Clos.o 1o beech, 2 Bdrm, 2 sm bdrm beech sheck. 7 winter $600 mo 3312 $<t90 mo Crpts drps blks from pier. gas & w11 Soe&hore Or 673-4243 pool g er N o pets turn l400mo 536·7838 OCEANFRONT 3 BR 2 ea 1-6_42_._4_..,_0 ______ .Hutia1I•• lge unit spec:teculer Lish, thdJ l1111Atcafll B11Haz 3142 ocean view Walking ...... 11 1 & •••••••••••••••••••••• dlStance to shopping & Loe 1>e .... w Pc. patio 48 """' spa cerporl UOO No poll " """" • Newport s ttnost res111u· Mesa Pines 549•2u 7 $1500 mo ' I n t s Fu r n I . h 0 d • 492-4353 S 1100/mo. 673-4483 $525 Beeulllul 1 br loll & den. 1'1t ba. pello, lrpt. f~l.~'!~.!'.J!!!. •• }.~!9 WINTER RENTAL 2 & 3 Bdrms, Newport Ponln· suia Pteya Real Ealelo 873-1900 bOlm cotllng, bullt-tna. 1 er 1 Be 8e•ulllul oar tnOry let. no poll streams. 1ennl1 cc-urts 5•0-6338 poot. spa $500/mo ---------$525 Very NICO 2 br, 2 831-5199 Yearly 1 Br furn w/enclsd ba bale. lrpt, t>eam C91· ----------06•7~•j6061· no P•I• 1500 11ng. bullt-tns. gar tndry !'.'!r.!!.!1!!! .• !.~!? ,,_,, tac. no pell 540·""38 ..., NO FEEi Apt & Condo Oe1aafre11t/Yltwl 2 bd, 2 ba townhouse. E· ren1a1s. VIiia R9ntels Oulltandlng 2 and 3 a ide. 4 yr old, yd 675-4912 8rokor bdrm. 2 be, ldry. lrpc. $600/mo 1198-7300 deys. bal, 2 gar. $800/mo 1 1. ask tor 0 1Ck, 640·2426 ~ll •B·' bttau11l11• v1aw ~~:J ~l'CUrily h dg pool 631 0303 Or 631-7905 cozy kllch lg yd $•25 ~!!~!!..'!!~!'.~ .. }.~ff 000 winter 840-4784 Eves, wkndl PARK NEWPORT APARTMEN TS • • ... • •••••• 0, o ....,,.,, JJR!I 000 2 Bdrm toll in e~c..i1rm1 '"II• fenced yerd 81J QC-RENTALS fully lurn 3rd hse lrom Nicety turn . mini 1 BR, 18r, upstelra. no ptta, CO"NTRY CLUB LIVING ' A'11,ntl 1os21 •••)'11t' ll<;H•d $450 000 ••rfro11t/Unfur11. 2 Br I ea $575/mo Ge· -OC RENTALS 750-3314 WINTER II mo 3Br 2Ba. i: DE C!RISE U0 1107 lfvY <tCM 9on iocAtu 11 ,.,,, Edgew!ller W f 9th 6•6-7545, 1·5bf's 1200 lo~ So Oily $80-0 m-o uc bldg. cloaa .to bCb.. evell-Ocl 1 .$3l0mo 35Z tN"NEWPOAT8"EACR'" "~-q ~" St200 mo 646-8255 750-3314 01*' 7·d•y• 1_6_7_5_-1_0_3_o____ S•llO 714·557--0282 VICtorta 645-8181 A tole! environment J 1rrf Bt1ch 1069 .............•.. WANTED ... '-AYrRONT or 1 l?F,ANFRONT ' I 'l•l"I J r111u '~,,,.,., tn 1 r) r 111 u ,.,~ r r1 •• ' • 1 ' II '.,, e 'It 1 1111 r II I• aon ~ n•lrn1 fry I Qf •fill/Ill~ I !Ill 1 r I • f fl II 0 r 9 ~ Otbtr Re.I Ellltl Waterfront Hom11 Small 1 Br houM lrptc 1 Nawpor1 Shoru 3 Br 2', li/)ei 2 Br 2 8• lrplc S6751mo Neer Herbor Shop·g. roo-apartmenl community°" •• ............. ....... 131-1400 $325 ullls 1nctdod Ba 2 btooks to beech. 1,./.,all 3101 r:~w:~~~· p'fe~.·~c~0~ my, clean 2 BR 1 Ba. lhe Upper Bey. Prlvele MobJ/1 Ho11111 Bilbo• Ii/ind 320~ 75 1· 7716 c101e to 1ct1001 & 1ennl1 •••• ••••••••• •••. •• ••• b • • m • . n o P • t 1 clubhouse •"d heel th Fot $1/e 1100 ..................... ! l B R. 2'•8A. neer new. 962·6683 Smalt 1 Br urpe11, dr•· ~:u2 ~v~ o1•1PI!~'.~ ::2~~~;.26~·2.~~7~ Co epa, 8 tennla cour11, 7 ................ E·a·o·M•••• 4 er 3 Ba Oen o 1n Rm rncd yd. tree• 2168 Mt· "•ST8LUFF .. x~ home Ps!2'•'1mroe16r71g_•5·oa'8'ove 21311112-2095 i----------1 poote. c10F••t 101 bu11nesa. 11 .. wra•T . • s s•oo 8 o ~" o ""' "-~ .. "' 5 ----------2 Br 2 b• duplex, Piil yard e1rpor1. • on iateno 8 tt 1n gar No pets S 1100/mo nor I 0 4 • .,., I 3 br 2 be don formal INlllT TERM s650/mo Convenlen shop• on 111 Aire I omo, 11on1 Int 2 2 7 c 0 r a 1 dining 2 lrpl• gerden Wtn11r Ren1a1 3 Br. 1 '· 645_ 17511 slle unrurnteMd becho- enora 2 bdtm I beth ;i 13 3115 3S 11 H I p 11 1 0 S 1 2 S 0 m 0 Ba 1 c ar oar a o • Furn renteta by week or r----------I lort. 1 & 2 bdrm apla ind tronr kllchnn. ••pandeO -. 11 1 11t n1.toa J 6-42•0350, 857•4828 $700/mo Stepe to bay. 2 month. Agt 875-8170 OAAOEN RETREAT 2 er townhou ... flV, dining (Ire Young ,,, •• , Ht Z40 ---------bike 10 bOICh 301 Ed· ,,. Cl••••I• 3111 1'· ea Condo. ovttrlOO• $540 . $1000 11dut1~ ~ pets .,..elcorne Pinilllllll 3201 •••••••••••••••••••••• EHlblull 3Br. 2be Avail geweter 1Coron1do et •••••••••••••••••••••• ktng pool. •P• & running Sev•r.tl becheliorlet $24,500 'i40 5937 ...................... OC·RENTALS now S IO O 0 I mo Baylront) Aobl nton 28r 1''t8e. blk to bch, brook. alnt cond No Move In lodly or rtaerve liv4flnNl!wportBl'&Ch lClr On IM b811Ch, 'Br lu• l·Sbr'1$2001o S2000 840-11019 Arn i e or AHllOr548·5647 111ew 225 La Pelome. pell $550/mo 848-7452 tor tummer mol)lh• Sfg,OOO 2 b''rrti 1 hn In condo. ocH n vu, soc:url· 750-331~ open 7·dt1v1 831·0838 Hk ier Elaln• 0 & S525 mo. 637·7918 or 841·2880 Smerllw luinlahed -0• u ty S750tmo 600 E -ctenlronl cloee to. , .. , Pr lvllll <,omm Vety Oteanlront 997 8382, Shnrp 2 BR condb, 1...,.. LIDO BAYl"AONT new 4 Small 1 & 2 Br Apia. EASTSIOE Oeta open Oelly , cl•nn Must IOU 838 3094 1111 btlns. pool. 1550 mo 8r 5 8• 121150/mo 1350·$750 Yrly & w1n1t11 A,,rl•••ll e 1c11e1 or 1 Ba, w I On Jam ... -· .. "'d at 67!1-2742 --Cell 5 40· 1158. Uk for 831-387 I 875-2860 675·5102 n I I a.H "O .. I""' d 127 .. l mo ""' ,., ,. I 1.3 o v• •1• •• '" w ••• wv Y ' " , San Joaquin Hille Rd 8V OWNE'A • lrvlne 1h• ':f/l!!!~'!! ••• ~~~'! •• ~{! ave ----_ Harbor View Hornet. Car-Yearly,,., blk 10 bch lrg 1 •••••••••••••••••••.,• 1173~188 Gro11H. bH ullful ?Ar HOuH for rent In Clpl· 3 bd. 2 be hOIJM with lnc;d mt! Mdl 3 Br, !amity rm br ger lndry, patio. no ~fJ~.'!!!~!. ••• !.~~·-o.c-or_•_teO_•_p_ac_l_ou_e_1 _br_.-i ___ 1_4_4_·_1_l_O_O __ 2Be. dbl co~ar age weno Palltlldtl. 3 9, 2 yd, nr patkd03 Bf, 2 Ba LUM $1150 644-81177 ptll luMy tqutp'O, 111, 2 Br •Pl gareoe No pet• 1 bl, CONOO S.c bldg, 2 Br 2 a. trOftl $52& No $69,000 SI 1. <Jown 91 Chlldrln g pet Ok n•wly Ptlnlld/ Clt1111. Blulla 3 br, 2,i t>I, fem laat. 1825 873·11327 17&0/mo 227'~ Corel AO, bU•ln 1ppt, wld out· pet• Acron lrom Npl 832-9 1911 I 8 g 5 / m o M 1 r y renc:t<l y11rd, Pfl OK Nr rm. grunbtll pool FURN DUPLEX· 3 Br 2 21313115-3511 I.ti, cerpr1, Piiio. no pell. Bc:n Golf CourM Olfloe 4 O 3 o 2 0 2 J • • n M~nolle & Oarflold. S14'00 mo Agt e44~13T 81. 1117 E 8eltme Wint· nr S.C Ple.ze $700 mo hrs 11-4. &45-4155 • or c 10111llod /\cJ ACTION Call 11 0 lly P1tot AD·VISOA 642 5878 &el-4188 17 Imo tricle gardener ---er 0 r yr 1" .. ,.... _556·23114 eve• & wknd1 •111 ser,t 1 .. 1001 I, vrlw --963·57116. 'Harbor Vl•w Hom•, 2 Br, / -" " , , c01,.1 '•I llllt 3ZZZ -d•n, 2 9 1 I' lOOlmo S 7 0 0 • S 7 6 0 I m o l,.llHll 3101 8p1clou1 I Br O.trdtn atepi r t>Mch 2 BA :z Ba, •••••• ••••••••••••• ••• HOMES FOR RENT 840-t 189 01 83 '·31185 873-5745 O< 3411·4524 ••••••••••• ••••••••••• A.Pl Pool a reG. All ul ll 1790 mo Call tor tPPI. 2:>00 aq 11, 3 bd, 2 ba, 2 3 & 4 Bdrm. 1726 10 2 bdrm. 2 be Mwet dplx r>.tld No Ptl• 875--0,24 .-IOt Ket• car gar, 2 tt01y, em of 1800 Fenced yard• & H119• b411Ch-CIOM 4 br, 3 IHJllllT yrty Mature non·amkra, el Puefl• M... 1--------- B•yelOe &n<I HttlOtrope 9er1ge1 l<lde & p11e j be dph1, t>11-1n1, 1900. Y' 1 bdrm. pttvele r1rkl119 no Pill 1790 X :t 111$11 MIPI• "" Apt 8 Mike your ehopc>lng 11· 11000 873·8823 or welc:om• 545·2000 j '" Oct 1 1 •nd bHch. Ull Palo 2131799-4195, 257·117112 tier by utlng th• t>elty 780 8603 Agent. no ... . (213)376-450ll/308-80H . ~50 Mo 762·95_1 _1 -===J..;Ot;.;.;.17;.1;.4.;.I •;.;7.;3..;-3;.;ll.;,86;.,,,,~-J.====·=l=IO="="etn=·==84=:Z::;:·5=8=7=8·1=P=llo=l=C:::w:la•IHl-lleel-.. A.;.0•~-- ~.'!!!~tr. •..•••....... f!!l!!.l!!r!~ .•...... Dlvolc.811ppo11 Ct\ange 111111npoo a ••Mm GIMll ¥!!r~1.I!!!.'~ ...... . AT YHI llHIOl ,~!!.'.a.~·--············ ~~~!!!!~~~!~r ........ t ~,_~~~~!'!t ......... . All , amity Mlll•rt ColOI b1lg11t•n•1•. Whl Atl'y 1<0111oth 1141·4318 c1pl• 10 rntn. blHch W ti alt 11111c11n 1mt S 15. •VO Ptraon11, quelllled drl vera for your dt y to clay 1111ncl1 Shopping. dr •PP••· Church. tlC All net<ll mt1 By hour or city 494 6857 K&O Lanclacooe Me.Int AHhJ/Comm Clttll up Lite heullng 848 24811 TIRED 0 , UASSlf9? 1'h1d Mllnl a Cl .. nup Quality clt•ntng nerp 11 Ood, 1p1lnhle11. 1010. hOtel ne11 oe<l·"'1452 trH rmvl, cltalnege, hill· DIAL A MAIO Qu1flly' :~~·22&;adlng Orlin 00 IT NOWI a.lt.r S..4ra Your Delly PllOI S.rvlc• Directory R~tetlvt ••• ~'!!'I ...... ••••• 1oom $1 50, C01.1ch S 10. lnf111t to 3 yra. my c M ohr $5 G1111 ellm P•t home a hr cit y. Lie odOt Crpl 1epal1 111 yra 88C tll0&3 154·1231 t1tf. Oo work myatlt At • 531·010 I ¥fr.!~!!.••••••••••••• UP'I lllHlntH No StHm/NO Sh1mpoo ORYWALL/ACOUSTIC C M ,,.. 848-5769 S111n $pecllll11 F111 Atc>e1r1, tll'lJ jOb apec 11 Beb~Htng In my home. dry Fr" HI 139· 16112 y~ tKP Bud 552-9582 nr loife. c M -eiCcL CARPET CARE Wall ltillut••·~GOUITu: ____ 84_2_·_8412 Jack Buffington Hing Tepe.SIMI lludl Loving home. ege1 3 6 up. Owner/oP4tf•tor Lie 3119944 1·632·6549 FIT 140/wk, + bet /aft. Cerott, UPhOI, 8'H rug ..... ,,,,,.,, ICht, CM 556-3822 cleaning Work guar .,_. .. 1u.1111, .... u2 F, .. Ell 645• 177 1 Ei.ici-iitci;,;.;.:.:p;,~·:d ~~~~~~~~~I ... II, ll•l•l•H•tt/ C1t1tl•1, right, lrte H llmete on -1f1Ylt1 •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • taiga "' emou job• ~8:'.'k!l.f!!~.f!. .. ~~·c;bj,;;~j.";;;;·c~: Ftnec~~~fn~N~i~~. otd Lie 39&e2 • 873.0359 Applle<I, re-appllecl. guer.. tar 101 trips A· I ref'1 world tradition 645·9858 LIC'O ELECTRICIAN lnturtd, llc'd 414891 842-3047 or 646·4640 Quel worlc·RHI rates 730-1900 Ir .. "tlmetn ••••I latlfll F e11 T • ., 1 5072 ---------·· •• ,,.,,, ltmtll • • ••••• •• •• •••••••• •• ,.. om ..... • A.1nmr. ""''' ••• ••••••• ••••• •• ••••• Cement-Maaonry-Btoclc ELECTRICIAN • •••••••• • •••• • • • • ••• MOISEOALL Walls-Cu11 work. lie Sml Job1/Rep1lr1 Lie. MAINT & DCSION Obe11tn Lendtctpe 81r11 Written agrMment 011 mo m11n1 844 1246 !'.'.~~T.'!~!' ••••••••.•.• Carpentry • M110nry Rooting Plumbing Drywall • Stucco file R9model J.9 146•9990 Cerpentry • C1btnet1 Ptumb • Drain Cleentng Electrlc11 • Tiit Rela Don 988-0149 Oen contr•cl'g. m1tnt, plumb. repair. pelnl'g, mob111 home Hrvlce Jim 538-995 71536·3864 811,,,HI F/Hll ........••........•... HARDWOOD FLOORS Beauttfully cleened I nd WIJCed 832·4881 50% OFF FIRST MONTH GP Bualneu "~tor" 11381057 Rob 547-2883 233108·C·10 6.e8-5203 Deptndel ble, 11ttordable, 8odct/ Dall/Word 0<11199-Patlos·Welkl LIC'O ELECTRICIAN ¥J.!!~·"··•••••••••••• tutnl el. Answering P1oce11lng NO JOB 'TOO SMALL NEEDS WOAKI OUM.P JOBS ter111 Ice, ••er1etarl1t 90 Min on-11te vltlt Free est 538·2607 Lie 418988 842•8023 & Small Moving Job• bua ne11 H rv ces, mell $50 extra lime S25hr Cell MIKE 646· 1391 b01t renllJ, word proces-(714)-645-5979 Ouperetel Piiio work C. I, l t ing. Tetex-Faealmlle. Free design lo prices .•• !.! .... "A............ HAULING-GRADING order entry, peger1-1eese C1Ai•ll lldia• Xlnt refs. 497·7354 TREES demolition, olean·up buy d•lc ~ rental •••••• •••• •• •• ..... • • • • Concrete & tree removal ANSWER NETWORK KITCHEN FACELIFT Cl/II C111 Topped/removed Clean Oulek HfV, 142.7838 780-7320 (esk for A.V.) Restyling exletlng kit· •••••••••••••••••••••• up, lawn reno11 751-3478 Str11 Nr Al Your PhOIMt 136/$46 830-0880 Cuttom nonw t;lffnl119 & comrlele rnllcl HrlllGt Pro • bonded & Int Unlc:lean Sy11tm1 ot Npl Och 850· I 200 QuelUy Xoul!:IC.ltlJllng w/e µof'°nat touen CM. Irv, NB Betn 950.0933 HOUSECLEANER Good ret1 NB A Irvine pref Glady• S41·0702 ------B&M HOUMICIHnlno Re11on1bte Call Bente Belbo1 laland 675·3610 Bachelo1'1 Hsecleen1ng & laundry Ser11 Karen. 540·28 I 81850-0692 HOUSECLEANING Honest & Dependable Brenda 962·2690 Qualltlea h11Cpr11, From $80 per wk Also crpt11, drapes , blinds 867-6195 Eloisa's Housecteantng Ouallty work, re1pon1I· ble, good 1els Cell 6'45·38311548-4839 ~,~~! ........... . REAL ESTATE Resldentle.l/Comm't 873-1919 chen cab. w/real woOd Childcare wkdya. cred PROF. SERVICE S•ve $$$now• 642.0881 reacher Organized 11et1-,Slmmons Gardening • Hauling . yrcl clean up Ho•lfl/111•• 111ues C M 645·4857 Cln-ups. lawn cart, lull Qutc:k & clean Free 811 •••••••••••r•••••••••• C.r••lrr comm & resld malnt 673•0548 Fem academic, 35. Melcs •••"•-•••"••••••••••••• .!P.'!!.'!!f!, .. !~!!!!.. 6.e6-6684 ----------i hou11es1111ng o r renbl AemOd & eclclltlons, tree ---------HAULING • atudent 1111 room, refa. 646-3533 design & est. OuaJ & tow fl,J, Ntff•H I IH GARDENING SERVICE lge 1ruclc Lowest raie Ar1·Anllques-Jewelry retes. Steve. 752·0556 lie 306888. Remodel, Clean·up1, lree Hrv & Prompt Call 759. 1976 Married couple. prlOr ex· .,.4pprelM & Liquidate Add'ns. Cabinets hauling. 64 1· 1096 Pete Th 11 J h •-Xtnt refs. Houae or M~Ml Hein 963·0717 CUSTOM wood patio CO· 648·8566/645-4S.C4 In you, p n. 8 P•. 0 c I· AP r ( 5'161 11trs, decks & feoces by --~------Landscaping Malntenan-CLEAN·UPS. GARAGES. 668-2088 A1.J.1JI RANDY 641-0622 AOO'NS/REMODELING c:e. Lawn & garden care, ANVTHINGI CALL ---------.. r:-.................. Plans. Uc'd George K RANDY 642-7647 JHll11i1/ Oflveways. Perking Lot E•perlencecl qarpenter Pllmer & Sona 848·7814 clean up. en Jone1, •••••••••••••••••••••• Repairs, Sealcoaung. Remod -acid n·patlos 536-18 10 rel'• Biaittlll I Complete f1n1tor1a1 aervt· S&S Asphlt 631·4199Lle 760·2885 548-8654 Masonry. carpentry. con· -U-1-1-1-1-11-1-.-,-11-1-1-••••••••••'!.'!I........ ce1. trained steff. bon-FI ~h & Crete. edd'ns. Int/ext re-ROBIN'S CLEANING ded & Ins Unlclean Oen Hellberg Griding & Paving Co. Re1/coml n... rough carpenlry, mod. Llc'd 646-0761 Mowing. edging, reklng. Service . a thoroughly Sy11em1 of Npl Bell. cabine11. room 8clcl1llon· sweeping Free esttma-clean house 540.0657 850· 1200 Lie 397804 842· 17 • e..6-7228 0.•11tit 1es 645-5737 ---------r ---------• •• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • •••• • Joan·a Cleaning Service Thinking of a new nom People who need people lor aprlng7 See the many! lhould etways check the llstlngs 1n today's ctess Servlee 01rec1ory In the fled columns. 642-5678 DAIL y PILOT •KATRINA'S LIVE·IN FINESTKINO Houses-Apll·Rentals Have something you went hskpra. daily meid Hrll, GARDENING Cle•n·UPI. Oftlces 540· 1287 to sell? Ctassllled Bdl do ortlce cte antng. crpl em tandsceping, monthly It well I Call NOW . cleaning. 835·2116 matnt Nell 642-6795 Wan1 Ads Call 842-5678 642·5678 !!°~!!,!l ••••••••.•••.• 9RICKWOAK 9m•ll IOO• N-port , Cotll M .. 1. lr11lr'9 Rel• 8'6·3 I 78 ...... ,, ••• 11 ....... .. ALL TYPES MASONRY t.tcr . .,4t479 8:)8-3812 Cuttom 81krlc·Stone Bloch-Concr•••·Sluooo Aela Fr" HI !149-9492 !!!!''··············· *A·1 IOVlll* Top qu1llty Speclal c1r1 In hlndllng 25 yre exp Competitive Ra•n No ovettlme 730· 1353 ·ABC MOVING· Oulclc, Cartlul Stflllce Low ralH 552·04 10 STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Lie. T 124-436 ln11J1ed. 841-8427 WATCH US GROWi ~~~~'~" .~!~!!~~~ ..... Nurses Ass't lor home care avail lmmed • fully Ins 538-5863 VlclOe , 1·921·1080 r!!~!!~1. ............ . FllE PAllTIH by Rlcherd Sinor Lie 280644 13 yrs US!OrTI w<;>rk. Int & 8llt, llc'd 2C yrs In area. r1l s Heit 521·8012 all 5 30 Biii's Painting. lntlext Restdtcomml 6 y11 exp S Cat a1ea. High queJ & mater1els. Lo price FrM est Refs. 496-6717 QUALITY WORK • nett reas . honnt Reis. Lie 267 107. Dave 96~· 1045 Have something 10 sell7 ClasStlled ads ao rt well for your cemera DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1,000. ~~/~!!~I. ............ . Low .. t ralOI Prompt 11 .. t oro1111lon111 H yre exp. 141·5884 CUiTOM PAi"NTINO Int/ext Ae•l<l/comm Fr .. eet llo. 544.,4109 16 yra exp N8/CclM I'm 1m111. my prtce1 11e 1m1111 Ron 87'3-6471 INT /EXT PAINTINO ' WALLPAPERING Cu11om worl\, Er" H t. Rte• 81•11• 647·428i Swant0n & Son Painting Complete ut 1 atory home from 13g6. lndM· dull room• from $45 + m1ter1111 Aef1. ln1 Lie. 205341 631·4870 r!~~,,~ ............ . Flr1hlng lntlrlor DHIQn HANGING/STRIPPING VIH ·MC Scou S.C6·9325 ASA PAPERHANGING 7 Yll IOCll exp. Guar. work Prloe1 etart et $8/roll Alec 751·7027 Expert wellcoverlng lnst1ll1tlon Aeaa prtces Consu1tan1 A11lgnmen1 581·8590 P1perh1ng1ng, stripping. painting xlnt work, lg or small fobs. re11on11>1e 'ratta • Re11. Fret eat Brenden 968· 7 427 r!~!!!!l.~.tl.'!!~ •. . •. . . !'!!! ...••...•••....... 1:0'1 PLASTeRING C11a1om c., Im" I Ila N"I petchee. lrlllt•t work ''"••I 87~·!1 100 Aeetuceoe 848 82&8 0, !1411 7?63 Otwn fJ' P1.A8TC!R PAlCMINO Cllutk Aettuccoe tntleAt 30 ''" llt~ltt y11 Neal Paul 6•5·2977 ••••••• •• •••••• ••• •••• 11 .. ~. -I ~ow AATCS I ••••••••'-•••••••••••• TtM trlf'l\/rtmov Cit'" ATLAS PLUMBING & up•. mowtng 854-7017 HH11ng. 1p•e1111111ng In llPl •io• replllra 845·1488 " " II Ill Hl-1121 Wtltf Htlltr Efp.cfall 24 hr plumber etc ~!!!~!!t!~I ....•...••• J 0 Horn Re11n1en1ng AnttquH, kit cabin•••. fine p1lnllng 845-0884 Tiil IHVIOI "Tree WOrk wuh a Con ae1ence·-~rtmmtn; • ltrT\01111 l>y HOWMd Doi toll P 0 Rox 34. COtlO Mau. Ce 11211:17, Pn 842-1932 f.-.~'.'!~I. ...•......... MOit 1ubJect1 K· 14 •Hli•• Oey1eve is & 1101111 • • ••••'••••••••••••••• M M 64S 5176 Hub4tr Rool1ng-1ll types --'~n _._ New-recover·de<:k1 Exper Tutor, moat aub· Lie 1411802 548-9734 1ac:ta K-6111 grede SS hr ROOF REPAIR I I e x 1 b I e II r • l I 1 8 SPECIALIST $25-S t85 ~8036 _ Free e1tlmate 770-2725 Reading 1u1or $10 00 hr IMF PHIUlt Oont r1root. 11palr at lrecllon ot Ille co1t Cell Lee 1157·2890 Katherine A mbe r 714-662·2,3 78 Sl fllB Anl !!~~!~.~!~~~!~I ..... "Let the Sun1h.ne In ROOFING REPAIRS Call Sunsn1ne W1ndo111 Small job1 o k free esll· Cteanlng, l td 548·8853 mates Call Tom & Chuck 20% Montnly Discount -6-4-2--6-3-92------1 lntlut Res1a1eomm·1 lttH•• Free est 20% monthly ---------·••••••••••••••••••••••• diaeount 644-4798 ,, .. , •••• ,,, MOBILE SERVICE ----•• ,-.-..... •••••• ••••••• Raacr .. ns/New 1ereena CRAIG CLEANING co ••BRYANT'S•* NB/CM only 642-9552 Resid/comm'f" tntlut W11tco11ertng Removal Scieens mirrors Ladder All Typea 642·1343 ft!!,~}!!! ............ wo 1k O w ner o p e r *•BRYANT'S** SERVICE & REPAIR 646•3089 Wellcoverlng Removal Van Oppens Service Co All types 642· 1343 838-4666 111 C111 ....•••••....•..•..•.. Cerlltled House Siiier• Bonded 1 1 I/day (every 3rd wk free). 631-1234 ---------·· '"' .......••.......•..... TILE INSTALLED All Kinds Guaranteed Rais. John 840-9217 1' t F. bl Kitch baths entries .!!.!!~ .. !~!! .. f...... custom & comm. To place your message before the reading public phone Daily Plloi Class1t1ed 642-5678 Consultation & Hend Free est. 640·2062 Make yvur shopping ea· Macie Frame1 40 years 1----------1 sler by using the Dally Experience 846-5141 Clessmed Ads 642·5678 PllOI Ctasst11ed Ads OLLA RS Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item 3 3DAYS LINES ... • per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-19fu~. E1tra llMt S1.00) CLASSIFIED~642-5678 ~!!.~.r. .... ~~••••!.~t!' !!!!!~.'l!••••••••!.~!~ I ~!.'l.!t~!'.t.'!, •• ,,!.l,tJ!ilJ!.'l..f!!~.'!.~ • •• .!.~ ~~ Found YOU"" female grey l•--------•IAUPAIR live at lhe beach. Counter person • Ory "• UllA I YIOll'I alt schl & some wkncl C1eane1s Full t1mb E(· Sneepdog mix so IY.,..,1111100 01 12 V' Old per o r w i ll t ra•n Pkwy & 405 Fwy M V PHOTO MODELS .. ¥. 642 5455 11111 Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place Ctarm 11 0 C Anlmel ESCOATSIOANCERS girt tor prof woman Lt --·--------Sllelte1 OUTCALL 24 HRS h1el<eeptng. cooking. Counter person mature. 111-0201 rm/board & sm aalary Fttime. no uper necess . I Lost cnow. reddllll In ~~~~~~~~~~l-.:'.6:7:;:5-~2=1~2=9=ev~es===---1 306 Old Newport Blvd. A'!,tf~~!'L-.1 .!!!!! •••........ !f>J!9 Y.•.t.'.1!!~.!!~!~!~!J.!~ ~!.a.W!.!!J~!!!.!.~f! 9f!!t.~.~!~!~!.. .. !.~f! ~!!!~I! .......... !.~!~ ~;~ie ~~. ~:~~~ area. Retaxlng mas11ge by t•n· UIYSlnEll NB Contact Donna ., ........ _ N B ..... ..,...._ kllCh prl L T I . St0t1ge Garage tor Rent ·----------nl1 pros I 0 l Pert/time I II/ti I CRT Data Enl p I •••••••••••••••••••••• • ,... .......... II, &)Ce ahoe on water w A H I 41 t ._ Cosla Mna 1 °' 2 room In Coste Meaa $85 mo lost· Dog. fem Oolcl red r m eguna I or u me n ry aop e, ,.,,..,1 ~· 3111 non-smOk« $295 boat dock 4Br 3be 11tec H • ... It., aultea From $75/mo 336 E 20tn 631-0921 cir, med sz. No tega Beacn Wayne°' Steve Clients' nomes Requrrt· Must type 60 WPM lte-····•~••••••••••••••••• 850-1991 or631-7215 hm Compl t urn . Wan1M/Fto1hr w/35yr Utllatncta 779 w 19th "Che ll .. M V d by •PPI 10 ·9P M ments mrn1mumege20 a1ole sn1111 Spen11n 5 s 2 2 1 1 5 0 r • 11 e 5 tern 4 Bd 3be Balboa Isl s 85 8 I t I W. _., ~~-r e esa ., 1 5•8·2817 yeers· 2 yeers college or speaking 11 + P1eu. call ":..~oclc&l~.!••,c7h00• 2Br. N~R BEA,CH trbg masJer 97s.-<)311 hOuse 1400. '11111111 '"' 1 1• 926 .!!..'.! ••. ~~.'~ •• '!.".'!'! are• 549•2031 •·A-T_T_R---1-----chllcl.care experience 851·9303 ask tor Be111n """'"'t _, mo. uvurm. w prvt Ith. use ulll 494-4775 873-0897 Newpofl E.Jtec 1Y1te 2 min 28 yr old t ingle working lllAOELn yng •dy 9111 at· Valid dr111er's llcense P8fsonnet 1X1n1 payl yrty ee&-8283 of kll, Po()I. lem1le pret. l<ona, HI. Condo tor rent 1 Roommete n~eded So trom Airport llH lndlv m11e needs reasoneble Blue and whltt 11one ~~en~ 40:~~' ~~~.L~~tna Proleulonel Sitting Ser· Day B1r1ender Wanted NEWPORT SHORES Ou· 988-5082. Br steeps 4. A11at1 10·15 C11 Pta.u tree $235 & ,.., olflcu In • lu1eur1ou1 one bdrm apt Non· loat vie Calvery Cnapel 92670 vice Agency. 25666 VII Corona ae1 Mar plex. 2 bcl. 2 bl, d~re. 90 & up wltn kitchen. t o 10·29 S250twetk uttls Carport. 549•8289 1nllque fitted l>ustnus drinker & non-smoker or Spires at Herbor Bl ---------Vltnto, Mission Vle10 673 8267 A k 1 K trpl, clw, 2 car ger, pallo, -kly. OCeanlront Mo-540-4484 1118 environment equipped Have relerences Mike REWARD 546•7206• Dancers tor Bacnetor 951·5664 • 1 or •Illy S 8 o o mo . age nt lei. 875·8740 with flit. W.P . ins serv . 979·2899 646 2196 Bechelore11e Parties. •·B-1-b-~-,11-e-r.-m-a_t_u-re-&-res_p_ DECK HANDS 675-1642. IHl1/1 to $i11• 4300 Female to there w/aame lrg conference rm, lots of ----------•---·-------738 8538 or 556 8538 ,_ Fun lime. top pay, se11e· Wiil IUCI • •••••••••••• • •••• • ••• $225 mo $40 deposit partctng mo/mo or lease I I /l 11 FOUND • Golden Aetrl•· • . • person n6eded 10 baby· ral positions open Xlnt NEWPORT Penln1ul1 1 nTtll Ill Discriminating & linenoeJ. mo119s you Into !urn 2 br from $375, de1h spece •• •Ill •rllt1 ver Mix. •bout 12" hlgn. CREW IEEDED 111 My home, wkdys epp0r1un1ty For fee info bd, 1 ba, $435 mo utlls Wkly rent els s95 up ly responsible Female apt Mull be reeponsl-$250. Move In allowance fl•••tl vie. Victoria & Pl1Ge11ll• 646·5507 111 3PM call Jonn 631-6620 Pd-egent 675-1642 Color TV. tree cottee. 25·39 years to Share lu· ble. quiet & non-amoker 833-9976 •••••••••••••••••••••• 645.9990 Experienced M/F, non-xury 2 Bdrm Promonto-... B 964 248 I 1---------.-1l•dHU ---------smoker. healthy. tor Babysitter/Housekeeper IECOIUTl•I sa'LES LOVEL v 2BR. 2BA heeled pool & steps to ry Pl Townhome. over· n . . • 1 morn ngs aumFll 0 i SOOS I WIEll I M s for my CdM nome a 3 • ~ bllc to bch. w/d, g11. ocean. Kltctl's avell looks pool Send reau· Fem 10 ahare NB Condo, ••• !.fr.!!!~.!l'........ ~ru 11 to exlco/ outh Cllrldren. 14, 12 & 20 mo PI T FI T •Int comm No pell. Yrly $700/mo + 965 N Coast Hwy. me. current pholo, per. fully furnished. non-IEWPOltT OEITEI Re11auran1 • Major ;~s~wseur~ ~~ ~~~~s~~t~ r!~~e'r~· .. :~:: ... s=~~ 8:30·5·30 Own trtnap work in OC Must heve utll 875-l706 Laguna BeaGh 494-5294 sonal b&CklJIOuncl to amkr $250 + II utll ~~~ r':~~~i::i~·~·~~: Orange Counly·h lgh Reward 673-6760. 6787. Ligune Niguel. Ce. ;1~;9o?ependeble ~:~.~~~gc:oior will lllln Wellctobeach.Yrly Clean Slngte room for mature P.O. Box 35·B. Balboa Avell t mmea. Don secieterlal & word PIO· votume-allor par1 Mr B 673-5169 92677 2 br. 1bl ,1650. No pets. female Npt Hts $200 Island. Calif 92662. 631·0815. Webber (714) 754-0596 ---------Bookkeeper lor Chllclren1 Oenlal-chairsldt . PIT AM S.C" 1819 c •• 3 ---------oesslng Mall & message Lost Lag Cyn. yr old wht FREE HYPNOSIS CLASS store Retell Sales E.llp ellp ROA, 4 dys pr wk __ .,.. ___ . ______ 1 __ a11_-_5-_4_6_7 ____ 1Roommate wanted M / Fem to lhr 3Br".,pt. CM M<V 111e11. sep11ately II South Coun1y Arcade· part lab. M Btu/ grn Improve your self Image. Aeq PIT PETITE MAR· Busy pleasant oltice. Npt Light manegemenl duties Beach Condo room Im· stretgnt. no-smlc, $250 + w/11me $200 mo + shr desired Call: Judy, location & mecntnes or eyes 63l-8632 Tuea. Sept 21. 7PM f!or CHE. C.M 642 _.714 Cir 640-0300 forrecluced rentlorreti-mec1 $195/mo 22419th 'A ut1I Oysll42-5446,alt utll A11a11 Ocl. 1 7141760·0100 locallon only 586·2695 reser11attons ph red cpl. 2BR apt, uttl Pd St HB. 960·8639 tv@s 6PM 642·5620 _6_3_1_·8_0_3_2 _____ Ottlcet Storel Bualnen Simone or Tom Wllitt Oechtitl 964-8879 Bookk DENTAL ASSISTANT for Sml beach moltl. Ft'nanclally responsible Fem Roomale 24·30 shr spaces tor lea•• 680 & ' Ill t Loll 9 /l9 Vic Meaa l·,----_,------eeper OrthO ofc. chalrslde, ex· 645-o.«o Pvt furn room/bath ~ ••r ••• Verde oiange cheeks llll•u per prel, ROA or l!ltglble __________ 1 Voung man. student or Female 25-39 to share & 28r dplx. E. Side C M 1250 sq ft Top toe . O•Hrl••itr SOJS very 1·8 me "Piccolo" lfrritfl SJIO M ust be capebte of 979.1400 Bay1ront 1 Br apt. all ulMs dey emplyd Clean w/ ocessional Hoste11. 45' $225 "''"' ulll 631-2895 1 Herbor Blvd. lust No ... A"•••••••~•••••••• REWARD 546-4808 •••••••••••••••••••••• handling Governmenl peld. $450/mo yHrly refs S195/mo Leguna Motor·Sallor docked In Fem 10 shr trl-M condo Balcer St . CM nq mgr Wan1ecl. 5ov. pertner/ AT YHI IEIYICE quarterly returns and IEITAL ASl fSTAIT 673·8222. Niguel 495-9637 ev Newporl, nas centre! etr. Nonsmkr prl s250 ,.., ulll _64_5_·_8_100 _______ 1 Investor for presently SCRAM-LETS P«sonel. quahflecl com-compute1tzed peyroll wanted super assistant VersallleeJr 1 Br MCurlty Kit pt110, Christian Home ~~1ac:tiie2n .b•~r,s .• ~."cot~elcr .• 848-5549 Small office. Nwpt Ben. Orented well loc ated pan1on clrl11er1 for your ~l~~'s:ec:l~P:~:•~cp•p~ cando ell 25hrs awee., condo. luxury ltTlenllles M st11tgnt. Nr Bch, L•g F 15xl2 (184 sq It), good rangetrH condo Take ANSWERS day to day errands. 493-1546 8·5 dally $200 837-7 112 $565. 493-0379 Bch. $325 499·2286 Pteue send resume. e:" 10 shrll~/M/~. super loc , lree prkg Sullable all Ila & cleprectetlon Snopplng, doclor 'a •----------DENTAL OFFICE MNGR current Photo. peraonel c ean. we oc ewpor1 tor retired buslnessmefl «>eneflls for montnty n.. Fnt1I • Nulty • app19 ch h t All Ctbl!\91 Meker Trainee Etfic1ent Entnus•utrc & OCEANFRONT 3 Br 2 Be Lerge buutllul room with background to P.O. Box c 0 n d 0 I 3 0 O m 0 · Investors. bldrs Furn ,,; gba9t1v1e 9 &asm0lnequ91tcytcluowna 1 BoweW~L·NMUedT tey need•' me~rcBy ~0~1 or Min 1 yr exp organized , wl bkk'3'008n tge unit, 1pec:tacular private balh tor 1ent Mar 35-8, Balboa latand. Cl· 675·9643 unlurn GR Capital Inc ,.. di 4"4 11.557 656-2262 ex---• d" wk 5•6-1 W lie' ltl 92662 • mld-1981 purchase pr•-• Y " _., .. ~ " , " ocean v ew. I ng beach Light 1111 rm & Fem 30 ahr lg• la vi sh 640-6811 Pa 1 cl 9 5 ". 2 0 3 ... 3 . The new ltfegu1rcl Is not •-----------~-------- dlalance lo shopping & le II c h en p rl 11Ilege1. 2 BR 2 8 N 1 'I tw .. 5e / p kl <J 100 amen vest-day on • I CAFmlUA WHIEI OENT AL ASSISTANT Newport'1 finest restau-$300/mo Cati 968·2951 8 wp •P•. w n.. w res wor no E•ecutlve suites full 11r-759·1071. l<eren ~ •l!f l(!l•I rtnll Unfurnfahtcl •----------• view. fem. 25-35 yra fem unbellevebte rooms. vice greetty reduced no the t>each he neld a shell :,:L ··, ··; .... s.••••••• 3 h 0 u~a~1:'!:~ mum . XP~t OPOO~t~n~l 'oBr ex· SlOOO/mo. 873-«83. 2 btk• COM BEACH• ApproK S375 642·4300. overlOOlctng l>rootc & we-lease 754-0274 • ll•••r. Wi•tH S030 to 1111 ear only 10 llna out -•N 1 • rtence uay. Furn or unlurn, prlv be. 24 hra. No. 516. I terl•ll Poot. jec, lake, ••••• •••••••••••••••• 11 was a WALNUT shell l•ltr•tlil• TOO S4 74/hr App't:Newporl p1e111n1 Laguna Beech 2s~~'!"t~ g:~1~r,:r~. ;/:v~'o~~; S:.~~ ~~~ IEIPOllllLE llAU ;~_:o'!~0.4 area. S275 N~a~1i?.'cP~~~~'•n~:,,:r s~~,;~u~:.-:~o~.~· Found Brighi blue beck MAPu''AvE'c°HRisr1°AN ~~ .. u~~': se~c~: ~~~i1:~11 or pen ume Bllboa. Mo 720.,.175 EV Professional In mid thlr· Ample parking Includes Secured by 1st TO on ~c:;!i,c:t~~~l~~lr~~C:. SCHOOL INC M Rt· 1857 Ptectntle. Coste ----R-IWl--.-l-E_C_l_ll_ITT __ 213-885·2542 ties ... ks upgrede year-jG.tll•fl /11 lt•l 43SO utllltles Mike Crow. Agt real Htate PP 642·9723 Smltn'a M et Beiket gllltrlng 1<-2nd grede, _M_ ... __ 7_80_·3_2_7_3___ • ----------•Btllll #1t1/1 4100 ly Newport lodglng On ••••'••••••••••••••••• 645·3176, 642-1423 sm lnd1v cleaaes. Open Senior Security Guard Slepa f1om Beech. 2 ••••••'••••••••••••••• 0, near the water with Deni Pt garage, tront drl· lll!lflffl, f rail on 3 2 n St . N B enrollment chlld care CASHIER wanted for Conoomt· bdrm. 2 bl, tlreplece. BE Ac H ARE A compattble roomrnlt~I) 11twey, cloae 10 bHGh Elst nttt St OM ~. S03Si--8_75_·_8_3_7_&-+------evall S.CEl-4334 Fashion lell nd r•tlll SIO-nlum References end 1830 . 20 2 2111 St. MIF Garage 1 mutt. To s7o. 673-3313· $100 645·7565 •••••••••••••••••••••• Found 81 le cet Ol'I Vie re Position av1Ueble for Experience Requtrecl 675·5484 S600 Incl utll. Phone Slnglecarnar.,,..lnCoste ---------• 1.11. llnUll Lido. Lido 111e. Jttl WHIH 1015 an executive c11hler. Call 675·6IOI Mon·Frt, $84/ k " -..-Ottlce to short Praall· ••••••••••• • • 8 am 4 pm Bachelor apt, quiet encl W • n I w • r I cl • 5 1 9 • M .... completely enc:IO· gtous N-port locatlont M1rt111• Ct. l1t. 646-2085 Set'lou1 you~ i.d; • d;;.: Ex pr. H bank teller or ---·------- private. no pell RtfrlgeratOl·Mald·Pool 642"4300 24 hn Md SIS/mo. 751·5288 tmmed occup1ncy $275 Spectallrtng In lat & 2nd Found Lnue Apao Mate, rea room & ba Nwpt In ~:.~~~•hler E.O E EICIOW IFFIO,ll S400 631·2299 Nwpt Blvd & Wiison AVAIL ll•EllATILY 01/ltl liatil 44go 1_m_o_8_3_3_·2_5_6_8 ____ 1 TO'a since 194g grey. whl Sen Juen exchenge for houMllM·i--------PHCEllll. tllllfltll Cost• MIN 541·9755 To ahr w/prol meturt •••••••••••••••••••••• I . • I ~~so Robt Salller NH/CM Ce p l a Hea colter ping 8•2·6149 Ive mag. CHILDCARE Founteln Valley m0t1ga. 3 .... r •. 2 bi. gai great Yearty on 1 .. _ beech. hotel mate tJCec who trevela 1617 Wtatctttl. NB 256 .~.'!!'.'.'.!!!~!~ .• '!."'... RE Broker Bd Reeltors 714/523-4627 B ·' .., .~ 11_ Retlable, mature women ge company seeking uu '"' 1 to 4000 *"' tt 111 tloor R 642·2171 54"·0• 11 Ii• ,..,.,.. -to ..... ildcare In my .. ---. 1oc Winier room. lcltchenetti a aho-eiuene 1111y. bea11t new ...,. · · · etell store at 2850 Avon. " " Found· LOlllng atilped II· •••"•••••••••••••••••• T·T"'h' tor 1 yr old '""Mu,,..st NC1ow otttcer to procesa Wlf. $280/mo plu• MC c:onclo In NB Harbor Agent 541"5032 1665 aq. It. plua 8 car WIDOW HAS$$$ for TO's ger lctllen Whl pew1, M•l1, lsslst, heve Rell & Car. NB loan H crowa Selary & Bichttor, greet loc clepotlt. 2306 w OClean· Ridge.,.._ Pret 2 ftntn-rport 1111 • Exec Sul· geregt 841-8777. RE Lo1n1, IOK Up No cht91 Bol11 Weet-Pitt tftlt ., .. 17141 675_9494• commlu1on Rewarding yeerty. front. Newport Beech. clatty resp MI F. Pool, '" From 225--450 aq ft. 1--1-0-0-,-,-,-10-1-1-1--1 Ctedll Check. No Penll· minster Mell area f'Ht. eccurttt zplat Evea car-opportunity fll .... f42· 1IOI 873-4154 lennl1 crta, epe, 3Be. S 1 per sq, ft. Meny ictras • ty Oennl1on & Anoe 893·8409. (IBM, Electronlc 1 j. Or·•--,--,--,----• RESIDENTIAL .,..._ .....-~ CCl!"Pl•t~lurn. utll tnct Cell 557-70 10 wur••E 673-7311 1----------1 •• IU •• MORTGAGE SERVICE ~ ... • e .. ..,,..,.. -~ne"l(not Motil on coa11 1500 mo 553~ Al ln-Sl~lll Beevtltvl ---------Found young Whl kitten, genl1111<>n11 1bMl1y. Pho-· John Cuaack 1Br, pool, quiet, pleHetlt Hwy. NB St •P• 1 o Gallagher or 1eo.1645 00·900 PLUS 1400 1q ft reception lrtt, oftlcH, M11ney-t!r town-tor rest TI1CH:ott1r blue eye. 1 n.e 1.klllJ ao~t.•Pl!l.Q tor vop ter ~~retl<>n clrl-~909.0 arM. no pet1 1555 mo. oceen . Wkly 11te1 PtnthouH Beyfront Sul· estate Truat Deed 1oen1. gretn. 559-6934 uper. a11tr1blt. Top W ~ ...., .. '100 Vally 1--::=----:-~-.,,,....,..---6«-4787 145-0440 Rmmte lo ahr Irvine hou-It, ptrklng, patloa warehouM . C.M. l178eq 71 4/545 4930 bener1t1 $1200/mo Paid twice -kty. • fHlflll Vlllt, ---------• M Most amenities evell 873·1003 ~t.4•_91573!.c 875-3182, -Found mete kitten 4 mo 114.135..a«a 750-1828 750.5594 l•rfl'fc• Ot••••J 1 Bdrm: Gae & water Pd. llEI a PUCEI 0, nHrby. l280+ulll l::;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~"~'":.::.~~·~-----1 A E loan• 11111i.t11e 1st & old, shorl heir, Tiger. Stove, relrlg. No p1t1. " 857•1888 ,. 2nd T.D.'1. Up 10 90•4 PCH. Ne. aru 9·15. Ana Strv. Pl1n1 ofc N.8. Compenlon, cook, 111• Loo111ng or 4-8 exper $410/mo . .twell 10/8. Reasonebl• r11e1 Kit· ---------*Am llA&.I* C•••fltlll L.T v Tallored to 111 your g69.8688 Exper Pref but wtll tralt1. hakp'g, 101 a women, profe111on111 We •Pl· AQt. 548-1188 =~:--z =-:.,m~~ \~~~~0•t~0:;:"J!,~: ~~r~. :r,-_!.:_o.!:, •••l•ll 4411 rlffcl• Al, 9S.C·7175 i-F-ou-ncl--K-1-11-.,,-.-3-wlc-1-0l-cl-• .,...3._1_11_p_m_lh_111_63_1·_684 __ o ~~t ~~~t d~~11:·,7::~ ~~·'~':,.'~1=/G°l:";!i ... Clfflnlf 3111 11111, SANOPIPER MO· Cell George 842·6381 _y,,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• Wiii pu1ch1H Mortgages atilt ntede mOlht r & Aperlment Meneger 1 O A M . 8 p M a a I I & 2nd T0'1 •••••••••••••••••••••• TEL. 1H7 Newpo<t Blvd, ~----'-----or no frllla lncllvtdual ot• 3200 II lnduatrll l apace or 2nd or 3rd TD'• good home, c1n't keep Quelttlecl Coupte to me· 840-5073 Call Jot1n Cuaaclt 1 er. pvt dee!!. old WOf1d CM 84$-8137. Rmm•t• went.a. M/F, to flCM or cl.-apace. 150 w/comm 'I frontage. (714) 975..()844 g88·8888 nege 13 unit apt. bldg. In , _ ___,__________ 96,.9090 charm, 1pecttc ut1r ahr beaut 3 BA hma In ~ft · 3500 IQ ft I MO A In a o l ph SI . CM Cott• MHI ltlll'tlng NOii. COSMETOLOOY RESIDENTIAL oceen vu, walk to beech f111flt• 11•11/14J$0 lrvlnt. PV1 ba. pool, l•c. ~F~E~E~-~7~5~9·~8~9~78~~~ 548· 1853 Alie for Gor· .. _•••••t•l•ll/ Found Husky type dog Ref'a 780· 14 l8 t VH/ , A .. lhtllcl1n1, exper. r• MORTGAGE SERVICE $495. Contac1MQI11 apt •••··"~••••••••••••••• lpte & much more 11 Int·... don or Roger. ,.. • w/lg ltct, wht w/gr1y & wl!ncle quired. Skin cert & ta· C. 332 ~ Ln. PILI llllRT ... er11ted plHu cell, 1111 ••a-... 1----""----1 1111,.111/ wht muk, Ille San Jue.n C1111 Nell 'Teoh. L'Eatrel flllll llS• OUH 714-752·7933 (hm), ..,._ omm'I bHCh loc1t1on, I.NI. ft••I 1 & MV 6eH)707 Appllcallont now being 8e1uty Ct nttr. ti Lido 1.~'io"r.·,:!°mve·0':~~~ &M:.11:':!. 9:':.~r!,~~.~~ 1_s_4_0_-2_,53,._,.6 ... <_01_c_J_L_eo_.__ ~:~~~~u:~~J:~~~ ~ti:,. 5~4~.:~44 asooi mo "A;~;~-;;;;;;;;;·1. .. iii Pound Pet Bird. co1t• =:n',:,,'~~:~ 1gt~ ~7~:!~:2.v111 ag •. NB ~~r,ri~r;:fb1!"~~r~~: $400/mo. ee 1-1192. Golt, tennlt & twlrnm1ng F to lhr 2 bt. ,.,. bl ept, ~. eop141r You IUP. 1150 aq 11 Ealy A,.,._. •••••••••••• ••••• •••• Me11, clll to ldtntlly. a eome llghl bookie••·•----..,....-----contact Margie, Surt and ....... __ t.nld-' Otlly, wkl! ' monthly 20·27 nonemlcr W1.lk to ply phone, & SH 9' mo S.. deity, 8·5. 17~ Itel II l111kitlt1 545-0798 ping requlfed Paid m+-llllllL•I Send Hotel, 497·407' ..,...,_,, G~1~~~1M1rk , OCC. 1237 60 + aep. prdMll.Cal1844·7211. 1731 8uptr101. C.M. 780·0Ao4 t-F-o_u_nd--J-ac_lc_•_t_w_/_1_1_t _o~1·t dlctlplll'\,YtcetlOnP1Y· .People f'IMcltd 10 lrtln ,. .... •• !!.~ ..... !.~ 1----------1 Oct I 845·4192 0 V.GUNA 3 Atch Bly 8 4 2 • 2 4 3 4 , cl e ya lcey1, Aoyel Pllm f. Appl)' In perlOn Only, no 11 Ooun1tlo11 to aid Art you ed11entu101il. W... Prof JHlfton 10 1111 Parll 2 Sult• avtll Gd. Hwy M4-7294...,.. i.11 I,,.., 1111 Ad1m1, CM. Cell to Phone cell1 2300 H1rbor 0111tr1 In dletl'tN 0' with n..o money, ' 1011• 1o 111111 •-Newport 1wnh1t. 2 br. Vlelblllf)'. '417,2361 t----------•••••••••••••••••••••• Identify 545-0798 Blvd Coete Mela. ~robl1m1 Thi• new trellel? Calllornll merlct- Y......_ I T 2'~ bt. 1p1, tennla, menyt---..... ---... ---... --.--l•'••lrl1J , 1.,,..,11 IJH Apt Men.,, Henclymen t CMIQue rteulta In • ting company ho 10 N .. 1H bdrm. luxurl' urn your atnenltlel 720-1'4t •••Ill 4llO fNl&ll\ •os ······················ " Wiit fO! Cotti Mt11 well end h•PPY per1on. opening•'"' •harp, mo-aptt tn l 4 ,.....,. 1 8d UftUHbleS Exec 811" .. Ind r~t., •••••••••••••••••••••• uunu ft • co I 40 I All welcome 10 apply t1111tecl hiOll·tc:hOOI gr•• ll'Om t540.'2b'drm fi'cC:; P•t•llTllY NllT 11c:'y Hrve, cont rm .. N.8. 3875 Birch. 1000 tq *** in:,P :;&.:.v:; · •P ContKt Oltneticl c.n1. du11u to trnel 7 .. ,,, TownflOuM ffOf'll • Into Lu•. 2 br. 2 bt, frplo. ell kit .. rn•ll h1ndlg. RI· II. MIA IOnt Ag1nt IDE FREE ltl111ti• •• ,.., AIR·OROER .. N"'"Y tr. 714·0121 btlwHn WHttrn 8111 .. a d•· HH + poolt, ltnnli, UUbf8 t mt nltlte, 1342 + 'A tponatve to your bull· 84 1·5032 M "' r n 0:30 AM tllcl 10•30 PM monatrttt t n txo111ng w11ertell1, pondtl OH I cash. can utll1. Non·•moktr ntll nttdt Adj 405 •• .,.,. •• .__ OS*l 24 hB. day Mtg nHd ptraon with Mon thru ,rl, l at 9·30 new product Tttlnlng lor coolcln" I htatln" 875-8&34 Fwy In ,,v. fndlv. ofce. 0 f' I c •It n ... d u..,. • t " r 1a 1 Cal.· 7 d1yt • WMlt ;ooCI 1)1>1ng end 10 key AM 4:30 ,M proort m e>tld Above • • Dall" Pilot Mo/mo rrom t 3U Jtcuul, 8t11n• Locate 1111111 to moe 1rtl'ltlllon i---------1 paid ''om 8 en Diego ' Nice retp worlllng ltm ff3.eu$ 4,000·14,000 eQ ft. All ......... ••welt 11 Tou11a11 10 COf'l'IP\llOt Xlllt belle-Vov don't need a 0\11110 everage Hrnnge. trene 'rwy drive North on Clalllflfd netell Mmt to tM 28t, """"'----=-~~..,...,.----14/C Hvy Pwr llnd Light - ' 9ankAmttlct1d, Amerl• 1111, OC A..,,ort artt "draw IHI" when wou l\lrn. ttlllf1I G\ltrlntMCI hedl to McFtclden to '42•5671. 11a on Ptnlll t300 mo. NEWPOAT l!XEC SUITES Ing. >Cini lor MO encl low ~~~~~~~~~ c:an sw ....... Dfn«e. AH l•ncl r•eumt wltll Pl" ' For 1 n I e' v I ew c t II •• I w Ind v II I. 0. Incl Ill utll 873·9 1H Full MfVIC4a. tlltonlbl• , • t.. 120. 0 8 2 1 • ... ....... • ......... .~ ~"' Ill\ Id In 1ht Otlly 848-333,' 11 4 PM lhru lf~7~1~~,..,..~~6~1~M~, ===J!~~~~~~~~ Keren ,., .. Xlnt loo. 782·-..0I 21'•"27_....... H.111 aomtthlng to Miil wtlCOfM r 141845--... NP to 350 l.., Ave. C"" 1101 Went Adat Can now ,,I, or 8'48-4187. Pt1tnt1 = ~==============:.t::============-====:.t::==~=·==~-='""'"========::.l-Ci~ ... ==tn.o~~td~·~d~o~~~---~~~2=1=12==H=•'=bor===~==C=M==:::il:::::8H==2=•=============.l:::'=M==2=·&e==?=l===---===::l-.,,,,..eom·~'"ttt'lllellr • ' ' , .• P!Jl..,M~ •••• f.J.ff !tJl..,H.f!l. •••• !lff '9'.1/.,,11.'!!. •.•• !lff !P!~.'!P.~ •••••••• l!H ft!l .•••••.•••... ~f ~.'!,.fi!'.. ..... ~f ••: J:::IH, l"'H~~.'.'1!..'fM~'!. ... !!.!f .... lfhll 11 -lwftt..._4 her. **I BUY** 'AAAOr •T llLL ••• ., ..... tffl.!!...... ,1em1um p1 lllt1l1 p.rtOfl IOf tronl P T •-fllll1 time t ·11 PM Incl Uml>fetta Coeflietoo 1110 Mac0r•ao1 11 PAINT & 10• l•udV wo1 paid fOf anv l.IMCI CM 0111~ 'Typing. 1111n11 6 llllllL.. u 1 AM We.ti~• Oooo 11Md f'urnlll'I• a Y111Jnt H4t M2•1tl1 Tr9*. l'l\Olor. VJ11 Jllot up to~ ott ~OIH tiud~ (lot~t OI dOIMt1k:I l*WV pflOMt t16·NOO rnto~ w«lifne w1111 lllO• 10· 013 Artpu~ .. o" 1 wtll NII ., •• .,I...,.,.,"" 11.000 136·03'8 "'°P 11t 1111 H4 oiu "'~ conclltlOo Q"OOMI" WANTPO tor WOill ~· W• ll&lt\ T'i'ifiii'Ont l•lu I Illa Of IUl lot VOii ur:-•••••• r.J ••••••••• II' Alti.fO Cullt1 llllbOtl • Whi tt 1111 m&Ot Ut ~It Fri & lat, (pc>Mlt>IY lun) you 10 t>ec:ome • youth lltll\191') *<M'" CH tl pala ll&ITlll &1"111 lonmer con~. vertical wttll t11p tn lanl• l•b• IOI '. I lug llll• n- lor NI !Ml lt\op Muel bt counMlor Call f ·lllM, "dally Appty nt W llllll, t•l·ltlt Hl·ffH piano. nda rellnl1hl11g ,. Prlt«J lot qvicll UNI UOtbtt oh HU U •til ex1)41t & lllltble Non 142·4':2 I, X34I S1• H, COtlt Mata ..!_600 &•l·ot13 18$00 f0&/908· IN I am111 ~oot1 I HY fll•mal , .. ••••ltt PIMt -A1111 /11 l•I• PERSON FRIDAY. IOf em llUMll \.H 1157 1133 Sl76 ... 148 1J12 ,,,,...,,,, Hlf1•••••••••••••••••••••• ~· olf~ on NewPofl ~.,. *"""'' ...................... IMl'ORTANT NOTICl and yardwOfk lot tndu· 1>01 , It bookkttplng, Wotll Eveolngt In N-PllllTlll·HW I tll fH't flH N•w Maonvm 370 l!lllnd· TO R!AOl!R8 ANO t1rlel r9tllllt Nfff 18th ac:hedullno 6 eomt ..... B l PRtC S STA.Al AT , .r.f ••• I.............. aurllf', rllnt>ow "" Co.I AOllUHISIRS and SuperlOr Av• N...,. 1.ci Htty + b0nu1. Xlnt pou Heh au wHlr. Metlte .. a f'ouMd .. , Spldlng C1r111a 170cm 111ee Mu•t Hll 18&0 rne p11c• or 11ame •O· ~.~~~~ !!!r.! !!~ ....... ~!'!!1. !'!!':!'.''!. ••.••• ltl.!!! •••••••••• 1.~~ ,,~~ .•.•.• ,~~' IO DlllM.ln 010 0)( .. pd 'lt 411 U111 tt• Mtnl cond J0.000 rnl "•bll eno auto new HlOO lflKt 841 814' bit"9•. emlfm, tun.t "'"'· 32 mpg MI 0111 "11 VW. IUf\I Otlll , 11 .. d• paint, 111 orig, pttUy clean tt60 &40·0150 r:' e..ch Cllll btlWMn tor aggrt1alvt hetd· ~,':'!rfcrb-:::~,t ~~~! N-tactr.Y. Heltd 1ktl1 wll!l•lomon 727'•· 873·3600 vt1t1Md by YelllClt d ... and ·6•&-3940 WOl'k., 8.48-77&6 ~:~ Cell 833·3'140 allet ou!.W,:n, ~~~:~,':,:~187 ~ ~ ,• Odl b ~. ~. 0'1 ~:, n IH,!!~!"'' I010 ~ l~~r:1~rn:1~0~:~~ _H_lg_n ........ ,-c:e-.-,,-,-mm.o--1.-1 .. -y' ........ 11111~11111 P /tl•t ltr1lq1 Sola Otdt $ ft7 H2·Cl993 ,,..., dou no1 1nol110• eoy lor your v•hlCI• Do· 1 ut s It t T.t~oo• Sal.. Sota 6 tove Mii S197 -•••••••••••••••••••••• appflc•ble tHtt Hcentt ~·1 •812180a 0 < toraign ,~11 ,.0 u1 ~ 77 VW Dug Convwllblt. Wlllll wltfi Blecli Top, Clffn, 19500. 9U 7414 or 148-8021 ......... , .. , U .000 mt, excellent c;ond 18500 M4·249' ....... , ....... , Art,.. ....... ,,, b~p:o1~·~~1~:~11~~~: Earn Big Money by the DISCOUNT flJRNITURC lt111, l11t•a1Hl1 SLIPS avail Hunllngton lllJ11ltt IHI, 0 lln1oce "" " __ MllT1>4AlOA .. 1aphooe Hitt work on bHch, 1300· 110001 19511 Herbor Blvd 111 IHI ~ • ~ be u 0 5 : 'l · ch11go1, '"' lot elr pol behalf ol n1Uon•I com-weetc. Call 638-7511. COSTA MESA 831·88011 •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 ~ 7768 4 · " · lullon control Clevie• A1l11 l•r..1t" st• IY & '10 YW la1, I 1100 It YoU a11 I'll IHCh you how you cen mtkt • min llfltl.,.lneomt of '6,000 mo within 12 mo. An ••· ctung opp'y. Cell tor app1. panl•• I• ht guar plUI Liquor ••or• lurnlturt IOr .. • --C:•ttlllctllont or dealer ·····"··· •••••••••••• , .... -.. lucrattve bonua lncenttw TOPLESS MODl!.L8 Sofld wood dining 11bft. 11 I a P 1 tat• ca I I <40' Sllp tor pwr 0, 1111 w/ documentary pr•pera· All• I•••• 1108 ""' """ progremt Selea upr. -i7S-~• PMOOAILV 52 In. crew end ball pe. 780-0f21 llt·down m"1 91lbo• non Cllarg•• unrut ................... u.,.,u... lACILlffl 8•0-5"880 '80 Sc:Jrocpo. autD B•I Offtl 844-1318, 851·6833 no HP nee • 828-2583 deatal. Walnut and 11h c Av u F 1 th 1 Ill 74 All• Aomeo. •<Ir. <4 eyl, Ull U&ltll mu MllHlllllA pr•v. but will train the TYPIST/RECEPTIONIST ocltgon•I $260. ff, ''"' OVH. a now ltx • o arw" ipec ed t>y 5 •Pd, very clean 30 right p111on. For lnltr· ·~ 2770 t.1., lt'llH IHI bit, 045·8100 _th• ldvtrlltlf m pg . I 3 • 7 5 I II •• I( k Mfg neect1 aktned na11on v ... 4-•1 • •· v :---73 .--;--d v tw ca ... a. ru at .--· ••••••:/••••••••••••••• Slip• avail CCSM are•, A•l1,•ll/ 71•·960· 1208 mil a, good cond 545.5770 to en1we1 phone•. htnd· BEAUTIFUL WICKER di· 9EAUTIFUL 25" RCA Co-1911 I c 11 c I 65.000 m1, prlc6d 10 NII 084·2992, 983-5592 '11 Ul11 Ot1t N-eog. b!lkH. paint, IOP and tide window• 6•0·4410 Ho1tt1t/Hoat nttdtd. It COHH, IYP• VltlOUI nlng llblt, gl•H top, • • • ,, • c ,,,,,, llZO '74 Spyder. Kini cono $1200 548·1707 llll llT&TI 1&1.EI reports, llllng, and nor· captaln1 chalre 1295 1°' Tl/. 2 yr wrnty $l'4ll. 714•955•2•73 Wkdyt •••••••••••••••••••••• n9W lo1/palnt/top & 11111 Apply '"" 5 PM Th• Nttd 2 tlCpet. peoplt In mel lrnt dtsk dulltt. oc 557-3t19 Flff dellV•fY· or:; Sun 9.5 MHIL ua"1l 16100/olr 846·9353 '79 RX7. !lint cond. euto. CorMt'tloot Cale, 3ooo commtrcltl and lndu· Aitfiotl ArH. Good be· TV Jolln 1 6<4 1788 BOAT SLIPS AVAIL.ABLE Shey 1'911011. plckupa & t v ea I w II n d I or alt, mooml, lo mt, $8700 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :!t':~1i\~~~·: MtH, 1111•1 IHI Ut•I• lat tuO· ne ltl Apply AUTO· ~~v~ng, •~llqude~, Chin,• PACIFIC MICROWAVE Newport Beach 25', 28', coup ... 4 to OhOOU 5411-1115 dya ~o __ -'11 ... °"'"""' ---------I c"'lul and growing firm. PHOTO CO . 350 Lear · u n • n " • ANTENNA HIM & eervl· 30', 40'. & 45' Ctll froml (0067811) (Stk A '' 1101 1111 •x 1 Beller than new 18,400 HOSTeSS FIT d1y1 Bt· Bell working condlllona Ave.CM dllhet,etc 988-2845 ct Ce11Clancy831.0908 842·4844 from 9 ·&, A3093) PrlCHattrllngll ••~••••••••••••••••••• " In ttorage and mutt be _.. • r •• F Sunroof. 5 apffd. btt, t~vu r: ~i::':;,;•~.~~ In Ntwpott e .. cn W&IRl/W&ITIEll l' llH I ITillWI Beeut Magnavox Contole ... on· rl. tlLY H,Hll IO h41 IOOO T1rh fuU shteP• Silver $7, ::3~2~00't."J.,!. ~~- 552.3270 101 Interview 1141848•5051 with cat 101 wlcktt bH· Ctulhtd velvtl, Hnd, Steteo, AM/FM, 8 lfk & Dock 1pece avallablt up 28,000 mu ... fully IOtdtd 000 857-9491 ge tnd wlM return call VlllllQt Pantry Rest 5301 Rec11pt1onl11, hr• 11·5 ket lunch MfVlct. 9.3010 like new.. 1175 845-7711 trn tbl, top cond $90. 10 36' St I 50111 Ardott. aunroot, gd cond Like _ •'-•~·•ty r... 1 Typing for compultr 1.30 PM, Mon-Fri. Etrn 8 11 maroon iota eve 5<48·•308 842·5735 new $ 13 400 OBO #11t"ll IHI 114 ="'="~=.,=="'=·=N=·==:I company.550-2252 S150 to S170wkly Mutt cond $160 552·86~07 JSL Cer Stereo, AM/FM MARCUSCHANNELtldt g5~~6a'42d~y! Eves , ·coi;ARi:ME.ROii.Ei• 7199~1~r:1~r~~-;n~· lllTISl/llST llOErfll•llT b• nttl, pertonablt, M on day & ave or cu1, IH1 lorwerd re· 11• to 28 It; SISO. alto We'll snow you over 100 $81100 1s1.Q1 1 1. tor tilt T~• Rtlllu· Temporary aulgnmtnt ~~·~t·~~ :;:.·0147 at 759-50791720·4079 wind A.PS, auto rtvttae. aide up 10 18 II 1100 lllW 111Z N-& UHCI MarcedH 731•7503 rant In the Surl and Send av all. lmmedlalely Jhru Lg. drtutt, gd cond S 130· 842•4784 673-81'45 ••••••• •••• • •••••••••• Benz Come In & consl· Holef. 1555 So Cout end ol Yett Ptuah Nevw· Weltresees & Wallett ove< 150 552·6687 tvH & 111 Tl 994A Hom• CompuJe< Ptlv•I• Balboa 40' 1llp, ·53 Studebaktr Champion der our letH "11flil•· V•lr• 111Z Hwy, Laguna Beech 4 port Center olflct For 18 yr with Exper. Apply In day M on or Soltwere and lnatruc· corner lot, Wit & alee 5 PIH cpe Nice car mtnts or long 1erm 11• ·····1······,··· .. ····,••••• dav./wtl, 9 am • 3 pm. appt. 8.44-2507 person. 1768 Newport 759-5078/720-4079 Ilona. S230. 848-2374 S 4 So p w 1 1 s 11 11 nenclng It 1 " •tr E~'p-er Ptel Appl I Blvd CM 873 2484 s3750 2131592" 1792 HOl.lse ol Imports Inc 11 lraa11 Ot1-.I . y n RESERVATIONIST n••· . . meJI drtsaer, gd cond • DIAL 213 or 714 •• , petton to Loulae Btloll ded, wllf call from our • WAREHOUSE $30 652·8867 evea/ IHI• I #'11•1 1Hti1 I.....,.,., I ltd lltMH ltt4t4 637-2333 SALES, IEIYIOE &II LWlll OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS N-port Betch offlC41, no Full time. several posl· Mon a 11 day 0 r r.8J .. 1•I ,.,.,,.. 1948 Ford Woody W•· Hot Rooftft wented. Call ellpet nee. Wiii train. H111. lions open, Xlnt oppcr· J59·5079/720-40711. •••~·""'"•••••••• • ••• lk IOIO gon. S 13,000 B o b or N e v I I It • t ...e · 9 P M 8 <4 I · O 1 1 9 . tunlty For fee Info call IH l IOI •••••••• • • •• •• ••• •• • • • 8.42-7222 2·4PM . John 631-6820 ml. duk. good cond •• !'.'.'.'.••••••••••••••• 18' Avenger wlbttnd n-1929 Ford Model A Town •lllPll·LIYE·ll i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.i $20. 552-6887 av .. / all WANTED • Johnaon 115 OB. <4 hra Sedan, s 10.000 2 50.00 Weekly P•Y· d a y M 0 n . 0 , • ALUMINUM CANOE All equip. $4500/ott. SALES ADVENTURE checks (fully gueranteed) 759-50791720!4079. 875-9797 5511·8349 1983 Studebaker Aventl, Full chero• for NB wt· tlf'lr1. hm. & Fem. must •Pk Eng .. own c11, ref 842·5001. llllRAICE Commtrclal/pttsonal P•r•on needed. Expe· rlenct nec111ary Ar1 & Acctuory dHlgn con· aultanta PT Ot l=T. Wiii train. 499-148 t TRAVEL 11 I OYEll Leading Publlcttlon Firm now has lmmed ope- nings for Ouy1 & Dolls who wOIJld like to lravel whlle they work In US major Cltle1I Denvtt, Houston, New York, etc. --L-l&l--IF-F-IOE--.-1--1 on • random lllnttary. n You mull be neal, •Ingle AggrtHlva Newport & be eble to ltavt Im· &e.ch fltm ... k• moll· med. All expen-pd. 2 vattd lndtvtdutlt. Ttrrl· wk on the job lrtlnlng IOrfH open MUSI have program All trtnsp. NI· R.E. Lie Htrbor·Ptclllc nlshed Htgh earnings & 1155.0073 cuual worktng cond makes thla an xtnt 01>9ty Lose weight & m•k• mer tor a ctt-·orltf'lted ln-ney, tor compfltt de11111 1 :.°'~~~:'~:!:~' ~1~~ nlfque Mah. dining 111.1, 15 fl llbetglau rowing IHl1 llllfAI IOIO s55oo. 675•6161 checks malled directly 10 mint cond 1800 New dory. $500. 982·4458 •••••1••••• ••••••••• '88 MUSTANG CONV you from Home Olllce ~~~,~~g~1 relrlg S400 ofllce. 982-8772 home DRY STORAGE "Ground 11~~· RtS1or1· 1 1 very dwl ednesdey. S1tl11----------'78 Btllfah Seagull Out-Monthly boat 11011~1. 6 cyl Champagne 1n11 mme ately. No expe· ormlce Dining Teble, board Motor Sliver rlel\Ce neoes1try. NtllO· 42x52",wltn(H24"11al, century •~H P , Xlnt any llzt, 24 hr aecurty, Embtrg lo exlr nal comp111y. Do your good con d S 3 5 cond, recently tuned free teunchlflil 7141886-2215 watk right In tht coml0t1 960-5844 $350 831-0814 IEWPtlT HIES '49 Wlllys Jeeps1er, xlnt ~~~~~~1:'.~c;'~,::~1---l-Tt_l_E_l_N_IO_M __ IHtl, #•l•t••Htl 1U1 l1t• llJ Ir. cond M~~:;~5 cation malled. Send your SSO 780-0920 S.nlff IO II. name end 1ddreas to: •••••••••••••••••••••• '"·0110 1958 Btnllty St, 11lnt Ameriean Fidelity Com· Ing 1111 Beau1yttsl llo-M111lnt Eltcirlclan mech cond Many new pany, Hiring Dept. 77, talion mtllrHI Comple-Oeslgnlln11tll/Rtj)81r fr•u•lf•tl•• pa111 NMCla pelnt & lntr 10•0 Looe Siar Of .. N-le 111, Ilk• new 1 yr. Olly work. S.9-2520 Ev •••••,..••••••••••••••• work $7500 873·4813 Bteunfels. TX 78130 1800 (714) 984.0238 1Ht1 #•ti•• #1l•1qtl11/ 4 WiHI Drln1 ISSO phlldt/Tetn Tttk Btd ~~1 ~1111 IJSO •••••••••••••••••••••• #trtll••'i•• with ~u, .... I \50 _._,., HJ •••••••••••••••••••••• LARGEST JEEP DEALER •• •• •• •••• • • •• • • •• • •• • 760-0920 • • • .~-. ••••• • •••• •• *76 SUZUKI 250 AM Very In 1he We11 bll•an 1005 Mm Ht lea Plltt o '" n & very I t1 t dHper1toty netda ••••"•••••••••••••••••5· Couch, blk naugahyde, by Sharp.LTD.Like,_, 1450/080. 8 48·1185 youtJEEP JI In I c 0 n d I 1 0 0 sac $1300. PIP Oen. H~llell Dollar PeJd W.H·IHVIOI LUllll 831-2040 495-4949 WILIUOl IMW 28402 Marguerite Pkwy Mission Viejo (Avery Exit ott 1·5) Open Sunday• S1le..Servtce-Leea1ng 'H UOl's &11 Merel NICI Sotecllonl * '76 2002. 4 epd . en/r1 (917PV8) * '79 320t. 4 apd . lot· dedl (8 18XOH) * '80 5281, auto .. '"''' (48620J) * '80 320!, 5 lpd , IOI• dedl (2312VR) '* '80 833ac1, loaded (5555348) IH-1111 208 W 111, San11 Ana Closed Sunday cell Bt1nnan Miiiigan. d vloual P11vlou1 Jobs 645-1856 detling witn people auch u Ft1I Food & Wtltlff· IM9 W&ITll a#lo hetplul. but not nee. DON QUIXOTE MOTEL For peraonal lnltrvlew *10.Tll'* -7_60_-0_61_1____ 557 9509 -11 G G • ·75 KewHkf 400Cc, great ., ary tty AITIOIE FAIR 8' Couch. pale Y•llow. AVON Red Siert dinghy ruMlng cond 1450 HUIE U&IT CHOICE INVENTORY Anllque• & Collectibles ~11•:~ : 0°~~n.gt1 ~l~I~ with m1r mounta and 873-6874 tvu &111/ .. IEP/IEUILT VOLUI ALES *FLEA MARK -1_eo_.oe_1_1_____ 6!~~.~~ shape 1295. •75 Hond• 380 8 •Pd 2524 Harbor Blvd .. CM _________ , MU91 MU Lo mite•. 549-8023 8<45-7770 2100 N-pon Blvd, contact Ma. Barbtta COSTA MESA Tue-Fri 10AM·5PM. 750-8955. Sola, 8', flottl ptrn Prov. N -'""' •~ MAINTENANCE ET* atyle. tlke nu 1225 -· navar u ....... ext11 IO .,.75/0BO 1982 Chev Bhutr Sho- Full time, minimum SALES ASSISTANT • 875-6593 ell 5PM Matlin gaff with· detach. 648-8382 wroom new lor whlesale I 0 I I 0 LARE I •1228 h XJ hook & llne $95 . PP ·~• 1885 d • · per r. nt OP· STOCK, pleasan1 perso-New & Used Merchendl Art ,., __ 0 b d b d 1149.4005 Hvaky 360, dtSefl equip· · "'" • • ay llW portunlly. For lee Info nall1y, good appear for ae ...,_ 8 room. 8 · ---------1 ptd, big ttnk Run1 831·232!, tvea Seles-Servlce-Leesln:f call John 831-8820 Mallh-. Women's Ap-I tot • I a dreutr' mirror Pd ,.,,, ,.,,., H4 ~ood .... SO/o tter ' • L ISIO 850 N ... ___ .. Blv I t F••"I 1., ,. ••• • •1 •It• $2500, ataal It $750 •••••'•••••••••••••••• 2_,.i95. 1lalal ...,....,, MAINTENANCE PERSON pert a -·on .. and." LOS Afamlto• Rac;e 'ftecl 675-9998 Cteutc 18' LtpS1ralte ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• La Hebra • lull Ot part·lfm• poal· Day wk. No nlghlt. )(lot Info 995-12341995-7799 ---------C-tut bay boat, 4 """· '80 Kawasekt 1000, 7000 Toyoll '76. AM/FM Ste· 122·1111 !Ion. Moatly night work. working conds Perm. .... VT• reo c111e11e Smell '41·1079 refs. Call Miss Patricia B111d11' GH41 IHS Gray 3500 675·8161 ml, Vetter fairing,+++ camptt ah ell $2 I 75 Open Sunday 759•1201 Antique solid Mah. drH •••••••••••••••••••••• 12700. Can't tide. mutt 673•6618 ______ .....:., __ M•n•o•m1n1 1111nt•. ---------ser with mirror Relln Dlottlt ael/4 cheltt, exc W&ITll aell. Mark 673-3149 IWll Ollm'I complete training pro-Sales Eat, chett, get rieh $295 OBO 64a-..005 cond S 150. 552-8867 13 fl Botton Wheler In GIHmlng ntw Honda '80 Tcyolt 4x4, mull Mil, ll.IUT gram, $30() wk. Mr. Slit & tllm. Earn S3000tmo. A /iUtll IOIO Mon all day/eve1 or gOOd 2co13ndJ~lon1 53.,. 'CB750F aupet apon, blk 18800 Daya <494-8124, & 781·2406 Supv. po1l1lons avall .!//................... 759·507111720~079 ..... • "" Sac SIOOO 842.a955 tvM 494-7969 Dick Hardy 631-2601, 850·11236 •PHPA.Llf!BNOCREASREEARVICE Jlftlrw 1011 28 lwn dtl Sklpjack P1101 '79 Yamthl 125 EndutO '75 GMC Crew Cab, 11r, Management ,. ,. ••••• -:'··••••••••••••• llouM. tldtr, auto p1101, 1175 ml Gr tat cond' crulae, new llrts. dual ltett• llRlh S•l•t/Job pl1Gement re-Wt sell tlCOl\d., guat G0tgeou1 1 •ct merqu•M Loran VHF, depth soun· M u • 1 • 1 1 S 7 2 5 11nk1, xlnl cond $3995 Setes-Servic.Lt114ng cruller• needed lor Head 1ppuancea 54Q..3077 wt RUBY. $11~00 der, lflr. better 1han new 559•83411 963-4058 [)(""1'/ CARVER lc•f• Tralllll Hunting Agency. Exper I llT &ttUAIOll 8"0·8888 557·4758 tit 6PM .72 Ford Rancntro w / l"'-./I lecla fHr Oarttr or non-Hper Juat be Les 957-8133 21 Inch 141< rope chain UY NAT ·73 Honda XL250. i,.ood •hell Mutt sell $1200 R"J~f(ll<.'F·llM\\' Sttfl your MW career on ;1;,°~Z;'~r' ~~~ ~~;:: Wasti«-n..-,.Re111g. :lt50h v.p'po'!~'1~112n7u8gget 1611 Johnt0n llO S1500 ~'.'o,~n~ett so . Merk 873·3149 ·t .. :"' :. , ··~·~ ~ our 3rd ahll1, Mrnlng '4 (71<4) 558· 1172 ""7" .., "" 673 2190 7"' S 2 X 2 R Up 10 $4.50 u you be-----'-------Dlahwasl!et-Frteler • Yamaha '81 SR 185, mini ~ coul uns 1'79 3201. red, mtnl cond come mort HP'd You Salta-Men & Wom.n XJnt COl\d. 8A6-58"a #lltlll••Hll lllO l~hat cond 95 MPG seoo gOOd, neeOs mloor worll 641< ml AIC. am/Im sttf wllf be p1omo1ed to ••trW •••••-s iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~··•••••••••••••••••••• . 645-0490 New 111na, bttkta. ••· c1ss1t1e S9000 -•nr -"'' .... bl ... 20 elec ffield, lmmec haul S 1800 OBO 646-2088 rngmt. & IUperviSOty ... Direct 1alet tlCP requl-w·nEI!! cond trkt new 548--6658 ••5 533 vela. Call 71,..537-"840 red Mu•t be a stono re-• 8 to 20· tong. 3&c Pt< 11 • -~ ·• ,_G ___ Co ____ _ Interview• held t vtty cnil1tr & eble to travel WASHER & OAS DRYER 775-1491 tnytlme IHtl l•ll IMO #1tt1 •••11, S.11/ '48 Chevy PU Good body, • 8 ~·~~1. 2~~a~1~:~n1 Wed 7-8 pm II 111 Del Call 10AM·1PM only. Mr GOOd cond. Reu ptlce SURPLUS JEEPS Cer1 . ··~··'•••••••••••••••• l1•11ltt1•fl 1110 runt, n1td1 eng work cond . nu paint & brakes. Mer, Coale Mttl and "-Naro 99• ""'*5 964--0332 B t •• n "'-'I t U • 18 Hobie Cal, yellOw w/ •••••"•'•~••• ••••••••• $450 545-9579 eh 5PM T O S3 ..,.. '""""" oa • '"'' Y ....,, or n 11q sunrise 11lls Ukt Rent. 26 motor home, L 15 pr mo & md ~11~:.~·~~~.:~ i-S-A_L_E_S_P_/_T_, -,-x-cl-utl_v_e_J•-' Gibson Sidi! I> aide reftlg der $50 00 For Into Call new $2500. 675-6181. sips 8. tully loaded VHI IS10 1200 760-1~8 Bch. E. 0 . E. -lry boutique Deya & $275. Whltl~I wuher (312)931-1981 EJct 2239 845-8616 (Paull •••••••••••••••••••••• C••ri 11/S nlgnta. Call for 1pp1. Cito $125. Ftlgldalt1 washer SURPLUS JEEPS Cart· 18' T Cat wflrlr, trade for llNI..... Yll Otlf lit Ot•• .••'••••••••••••••••••• Marketing Management Jewelry, 549·1542 $75. New Maytag Por1t· Boata Many Sell lor Uo· d2ory or ~lndsurfer Sota bed, 2 hi back 73 Mtfc Capri V6 Sunrt, ... 11..,1 •• 1 ble dlahwshr $200 der 150.00 For Info Call ( 13)63•·2 30 Ron 21 II. G5~ c8on<lltlon aet11, w1tb11, Icebox S 1000 or bst o l t . -"" -546-8672 (312)931-1961 Ext 22311 .......,4 1 C toaet Cupboetd w / 631·8058 pm, 6-44-1327 CAREER Hallmark Giii and Perty --------~ TABRIZ PERSIAN RUG Mate families ~.r• g.~lllng ,,,;11r1. ,,,HI· 1110 llghlt 2 tables $900 Shop, Must be Hpe<len· 20 cu. II. Frigidaire, rt· I the cemplng bug this •••••••_,•••••••••••••• OBO D•t••• 11ZO ced and with• desire 10 cond S200. 552-8687 Best otter takH Ill ytar 11 Y~ have• cam· 22' Aljo Traner, alpa 8-8, 642·2201 •••••••••••••••••••• •• 31 Opening• train lor manager posl· Mon. all dey & -or 640-8888 per that • not ge111no fully lo1dtd 13500 or $15 400 llon FULL TIME Tutt 759-50791720-4079. Mobllt Phone, dlrtc1 dltl, used. sell It now wtlh • o Io at a 1 t) 1 d . c 111 Allll W••IN ISIO thru Set. Huntington • 2 8 5 o Classllled Ad. .. .. _87"'3 at1 8PM •••••••••••••••••••••• F1lgldelrt. clean, white, m • m O 'Y • _.. • W£ PAY ) Beech ArH 962-8910 works great 195, 997-"251, 836-1207 u .s . Tep OI . M!'kl'g Firm 11oan&11Y Cao 645-9970 3 Pc ae1 American Tou-TOP DOLUR optnl 2 branch offlcea FULL· TIME. need aJCpef Uprignt frener, 20 cu "· rlater luggage. Incl lg one Boat picture ads provide Full benefit• lor bright, peraon wllull aecrt111lal Pert cond. s 100 w I w h ••I•. I 1 2 5 FOR llEI CARS llard WO<ker1 al\lllt, Incl computer 494-5419 831·1993 h AUi IUllH Re~· es No Ex~ ~~.~y :i::o:t.~· litttlll '°'° M8QIC Island Gold 111•111· o0'\' NITIA0/111&11 "'nd C 1 ,.._,1 •••••••••••••••••••••• me memt>trshlp $750 ~' 2•80 Har"~ Blvd Cell un, Mon, Tu I · " "'°" 0 • nc ..,., MEN'S 5 SPEED •lid CUtr9'11 di.lei $200 s~~ ·~~G COSTA MESA Wtd (714) 984·5354 ,_P_eu_la_(7_1_4_) 5_•_9-_1_3_43__ BEACH CRUISER $125 875·8589 ~\' • .,, '41·.SOO MASEUSSES • Good SECRETARY-General otc. Doug S40-5100 X19 I trltlfaf la& working conda. Good lend dev11opm1n1. hvy PEUGEOT. 10-apeed Tabtfu 9x12 perfect $9~8-141-1411 pay. 8AM-12 noon 2112 ~~ 1~~;. s. ~:. men's bike, 21 Inch Ira· con d . 6 3 1 '. 7 718. ~ WE IUY Httbot, Coate Mtu ...., ...., me Xlnt cond.1170 obo 842-6335 OLEAll CARS (714) 845-3-433 amkr. Send , .. ume & 494-4747 L8Q Bell salary req. 10. PO Bo11 -----~----1"'-'tr Pe--'s -•1 cont o1 Mtchanlc1l/1lec111c11 006 """ ,.., ' .. ' • All TRICIS 7 , N.B, Ca. 92660 ScnWlnn Vtt6i1y 10 apd led -ulp for hot 1ub or http . Sml company 1100: SR 10 apd S35 1 p e s 1 2 o o ~· .......... ,.,., .. , .... ....,..., ........ ,....... Estate Saft 1980 Ot11Un 200SX, xlnt cond Orig owntt. IC· cepllng bids. Wk~•Y• pl"se call, 759-4229 Dataun B210, '79. 33K ml. $3600 lnct 1 yr ~ contrtci 553-8060 Must Mii, 78 450 SEL, lo ml, aunrl, all KlrH 111 122.500 ttkea Cell 714·540-" 752 to aet '74 230 Mercedes utrt clten, 1 owntt Good mechen1ca1 S7 ,000 Prtv ply 548·4690 '80 SLC S/blue w/gray velour lntr 13,000 o~ ml, 011g owne1 $29,5 for quick sele 759-1800 01 642-6971 MIZ 'lC HOC Dark grn EKttt clean, gOO<I mech $8500 67:'3-6870 Complete Mtfoedea e.ni 1n11rior. 68· 72 Stdtn 992-53 47 b I w n noon·8pm '72 280SE 4 5 Nds TLC Must aell 14950/0BO 675-0715 •23. 497 ·6222 #0 1144 ..••.••...•........... 78 MOB M1dgt1 Conv Red S28001ot>O eves cell 673-6352 79 Lid Edit. MGB lo ml, xlnt cono new t>rks & xl!OS $6 000 OBO 720-0758 UIU llE YILYI 1968 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 141-HH 140·1411 ••ltk 1110 ..................•••• SEE IS lor th• fer~t and best uiecuon 01 new and ustd Bulcka In Orange Coun1y todayl ~ •llllOr-.c--. 2925 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 919-2500 C•'illu 1115 ....••••...••......... TllE UlllEST SELECTIOI ot Ille model, IOw mllet· r, Cadllt.cs In Soutl!etn alilornlat See us todtyl lllEllS CUI LUC 2800 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA &40-1110 78 Cad SeVllfl •or aale 1 owner Xlnt c;on<l $6500 499-3455 Cll•n•l•t HZO 1111~•• 11SO ••••••••• •· •••• •• • •• • • • •••• • • •• • • • • • • • •• • • • • · SEE US FIRST! MEISTER W• n•v• • oood selec· !Ion ol NEW & USED PORSCHE/AUDI Chevrotetal 1363 I Herbor Blvd G11den Grove 11111-ltrYlot le11l•1 114 131-2333 COHMElL CHEVIOLET .:x;,.11.rr •. r fl, I ""-1\\0 ..... \ S46· I ZOO Porsche '77 9 t 1S ope, --------- S·R 11r cond )(Int paint & 1112 amlln Int $12,500 tor qurck UPllO( sale 842 -6971 759. 1600 <I door, io.ded. beautiful tatcuttv• oar 1975 91 IS PorlChe T11ga (5292172231 Choe Brwn, Kint cond, $2121 lnSl<le & out Runs pet· Itel Ask S 13,000 Call Below Wlodow Stlekerl Mr Hammer. Mon-Fri. 8 MWUI Olltfftltt tm· 6 pm (714) 8"2·9470 DoYe/Q\leil SIS ·eo SC Coupe, only 1$00 NEWPORT BEACH m1 snrt, crulSt. AC, P7'a, ___ l_l_l_ .. l_l_l_I __ _ 'llht, $27,1100 (7021 c.,...,,., 1111 870· 7 UIS Vegas pp •••••••••••••••••••••• lilll llttl ITSI '81 Vat. loaded. y•llow. ••••••••'•-·••••••••••• beeuUtul cond s1e.ooo 496-5175 needt peraon IO Mnllce ••oa 536--0325 2 13·286-2230 •ml tlecltlc vehlCIH . -nur I.E. 544-2384 Stctt1ttlel position In Raleigh tO apd, 25" Ira-j 1981 Sett• 10" tMS!el ttw COHMElL CHEVIOUT t1n•n ITU "l DEALER IN U.S.A T•r' IHI MECHANIC, ••pet In lo-active Newpor1 Ctl"lttr me, 28" wl'lls. allOy frame, & 10" table HW, 1200 reign cart. full llmt, Rttltor'1 olllce. Front & whit. tip shlllera. greet I •• Otorgt, 831-54 79 ofllct po1i11on require• bike lor big men. Atmos1 tvt c o n I • c I V • • • good ttltphone voice. new. S 159. 640·5545 1-..,., --------1 7 14-492-93 I 1 San Cit-lyplng, SH. & appeet1n-Four 18 It>. bowling btlll, menlt ar.. c•. Attl Hiatt .. P•· '•"'"'' 18-10 55~8687 IYH & Medical lttnecrlpllonlst rlence helpful bu1 not #•l1li•l1 IOJ!S M o n · • I d a Y . O r Mrlt at home. Curr1t1i ••••nllal Pt•fer local •••• •••••••••••••••"• 759-5079, 720·4079. exper. requlrtd In Medi· retldtn1 For lnt•rvl•w IOW llO/FT. #llHllHHll cal Record• Dept. Mull call Mtt. Duhl Rtd~ood. 2x8 decking, WHIN IOll be proficient In all ptl•· WtsltJ I. Tnltr Ot. •·20 long; alto redwood •••••••••••••••••••••• -or mee11ea1 dtc:tatlon. Retllor. W -.f9l0 twncln:g. Call Jim or K.,, liiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiimiiiimiiii ~~~SP~~ o o M . F tl\ytlme, 775-1491 WAITED!! MEDICAL FIT Front office Nlot~'!"Ar~~~ pet f!f'!t!'.1!!! ••••••• !~~f ~::C,H~~. ~.~:r"i:.~ potltfon Minion Viejo hour Call evening a. Rtdio Shtcll. compt com-ff' . .()332 49$·1080. 1·288-8152 pulet 1ya11m, new, lnl~~~~~~~~~ -• boxes. TRS 80, 161<. ••· # 1 I --SERVICE SALES -Xln1 1ended betlc pwr oom• 8l1tl Scanty Pen~ hiring 9r0W1h oP9ty w/em mlgr, puttt, dlac dtlvt w/ l•1t1••l•ll 1111 for ttlhlon . Exp' cf. mtch IKPtt, Spanish controller', ffne prlnttr, all •••••••••••••••••••••• pr1l•tr•d 548-6444, helpful, valid Calif Dtl· ctbltl & aottw111• lnclu• CM. ver'I lie, good driving ded. 11600 MW, $1,000 YAMAHA 81H Amp. record. 842·2258 131_.721; &.48-I030 HMd with a double 15" PAIT 'fml PV 11)41&ket c.tblM1 AM Ewe and/or wMtl9tldl S.-al poal1tona ~ a-1 IHI In •11ce111nt condition Aeeponel~ lldUlla, O'V« Full or p. Time. Vttlovll ':':A•••••••••••••••••• 11,000 2t, wtttt outatltldlng, ti· Sh I I I• M I nt mum Puppy, German Sh•• 111 ... ll 1..,. trteitw peraonalll'" to 1 12 80/ht FOf Ftt Into, ph•rd FrH 10 good 1 1c 1111 1 .. ( call John 131-&820 f'lomt wor w you " •g•• 1---------731•8130 Sutphone, Vamtna Aflo. 10·141. Call 2-IPM, SHIPPING new. Pd 1850, MCrtnce 842""321, E.111. :Me. EOE DEPARTMENT Ft .. : Shtphetd mfll, $450. 831-0318 ~1111• Sllerp d•Ptndabte l)ef· young malt. OrHl w/ For Ad Action Cal a Daly Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 aon to bO• 6 t111p car• kid• 548·4152 klou• HIOh IChoOI ttu· tone ot l)fatM. 30-40 ht• dent dealr• .,, tnexpen· wk. 8tert se.oo Call Int If ''~ IHI •Iv• QUALITY c•llo. wkdya Mon·Frl &41·&139 A~~·;;.;; kl~i;~;·~;;d 1_118_3_·_2_11_1 _____ _ SNACK BAA hornM. Mor• Info. Ollln ,.,.,,.,. ' C1thter/Food Pt1p. Celt 548·1305 Lil-••I • Ml Opanlno and cloalng 2 yr old cl)jtetnvt 111 haired ••~•<l'li«•••••••••••• thlt1t, Malurt . 8eecllfl OtC:hthu'ld raofiltred SAVIN COPIER 220 Country ,Otub. 638·8868 e76-44&8 • • Qood •=O ord•r STOCK CLE.AK ''"mall Slbtlrltn Hulky, 499· 1328 b1w°n t ·Opm. FUii 1~. wt11 lrlln, ICIP 2 yre, lov .. children WlidY pey, idfll opportunity. FOt ~ 941-3942 I•• tnro catt John ---------1 8'1.et20 Make }'OUf af\O':t:'\ M • Sell Idle 11amt 642-MH =I~~~. ally 'U'lno and 11t11no al • rl1tonat1.. c>rlC•·th•t'• Wllll altHllted It all •bou1 842·5t11 28' Ericson Fully equlppt.d crulH, 8 1tll1, UHF. c;omp&H, covert Perlect condition SHl.500 123·4567 Set your course for rest sales with a Dally Piiot boat picture ad. Each Saturday, the Deify Piiot will otter you ad apace that not only deacrlbes your boat, but pictures It at well. The price la guaranteed to buoy your aplrlta -$.45 If we take the picture, and only $40 If you provide the picture tor 1 2 column 3" ad. For further detallt about how Dally Piiot boat picture 1d1 ~n work tor you and to tchedule yOUt ad, call 842-5e78 end •tic for Sally L ... .~llArt •• r fl .. : ''"'~"'~·'' S46-I .. iliili.iiim~·· IUf. CARVER 111T AITHllZll JOl.5-~ ................•..... '71 FORD ~tVlf'lck. Good cond 3 new 1itH, econ. S850. 494·3211 FEllURI ..• -...... ,,.. ·~·· T 1111 llYllS IULlllllPI ~ ~v~ ~1;-' ·~I. ~w~·d:!·= op dollet• tor portt Runs grtat. t350/b111 ~::~~k~~~,;::;R"'· I NMEWPORJ'~ ~tiiiiT1ti2"£~f .;2";~,~n:·::: •xcelfetll "91 IWllM -. ~J{!~ HO TIHI 4 IHI Muat 11111 saoo OBO. VILISWAlll -845-4533 HJ~~!~~~h :t:cH 31~=~~wy $345 42 !!!!i'1•••••••••"-!? 142·2000 642-9405 1 't8 Mua11ng, Boa1 302. '11 ........ IMf month plu1 tax runi good, need• 11111• WA. D! -,_. body wk 12000 obo TE Sllvtt, tan IHther. am/ 48 month cloaed end 984•7880, aui tor WOOdy tm catHtlt . 4,000 ml. lelM on approved er•·•----------:. Lale model Toyo1u, s•o.ooo. 925_8000 dll Coet·S 15 .3 76; '80 Ghia. tape.• ap0, ate. VoM>t. Pldtus>'I & Van•· 1---------$852 15 cuh required. p•. pb, bl.ell, wtiltt Int Celt u1 todeyl fl•I 11ZS Come In and atfC IOt ci. Super clHn 141( ml •••••••••••••••••••••• 1ell1I (16924) Mull ... to •ppr.c PIP '75 AAT SPIDER red. w/ •E·OM llPO•ts 18200 "42·•710 Tu••· wit• Wl'IMla. excel cond, • n F 1 leaving at•te, 11000 be--8411 Oovt StrM1 i--'--------1 ow boo IC , $ 2 t O O NEWPORT BEACH '711 Muttano Ohta, pwr, ltUH..t.11•& 780-1998 t1•-otoo IU10. alt. A.M/FM cau. c.......... & 1nrf, lo m l . a4l00. "'•••·t>Ohd•O.tor 'll Flat ...... ld•1• ,,,, M7·7NO. 935-0808 WI "' 2 ooor Mdan. tltt~ end ··s·.·.::~:::~: .. ::,• .. ••:,•••• At~.--u•-llll tUlltOOf 32,000 ml ...., • .,....,,.....~ .. "I VI_,. USED CAR"' a TRUCKS $4200 &0·7384 ea-..-•-•••••••••••••••••••••• "' --'11 Old• Omega. lake COME IN OR CALL FOR ••• l1IT MUii over IMM ASAP. Movlnt ••• , ....aaaaa. •••••••••••••••••••••• 111·2040 411-4141 °"'of •t•t• 545-3712 Cooni.t..O.Llllo _ lllTill, 1!-16 "" OIMlln we can 11e1p1 9tfo.-e )'OU r ... ,, 1111 .:1:::e ••••••••••••••• '8211 lll!ACH ILVD l>ily, Oh.ck our unbM1t• •• , ••••••••••••••••••• 't 7 Valiant 2 dt, 8 cyl, l'IUNflNOTON BEACH bl• Hleotlon, Hvlng1 n Cettca. a IC>d COUIM. auto, aoeid wort< cet Ml •-1, •H·ll"t and MfVIOe todeyl iclnl oond., many xtrat. 139& e;t&-7571 .._ -• 13000. 831 ·6874 . --·------ Top Dolar •• ,!!'1u111sm"'1 9411.11••2 ... ,,.. "" -· ·eo ce1··-OT • -.. -:::; •••••••••••••••••• ,,_ • " ..,.,., .,., '08 CONvt,_T $300 Paid 2110 Hatbof 8MI. 000 ml, x1111 oonct ... 9110 OOod ~ Aune we1. C08TA MHA "n 111911 142.Uto ~ Mutt-· ..... noa ... H ... , 8'1·1717 e'¥'M FOf Your Oerl , .... . u. ..... ,.., 2121 HartlOt llvci Cotta MeM MO-tt30 • • '11 TRANS AM, 14t00. Have you read teida~·· 4039u In. A.IT. P l tffw In town'? CIUl•tiacl Cl11tllled Adt? II not, ..tnd6wa. AM1'M ceaa. CM llelp )'OU meet m.ny )'OU're mtaaiflO the .. "u n • 11 r • • t 8 o .. Of your neada. "~ betf81nt In 1C)'fWll 611·•170 • L t UI:. ... oA" '>l p TI MUI ,. 1 1 1-.u:.i CHANGE COUN f Y . CALIFOJINIA 25 CE:.NTS Fan penalizes football strikers $200 million By DAVID KUTZMANN °'"'-Deir Not ..... _A_NewporL Beach_ resident frustrate d by the impasse between NFL players and owners sought to penalize the league by $200 million Monday when he filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of 1 million season ticket-holders nationwide. The legal action was filed in Orange County Superior Court just before the strike by members of the NFL Players show players and owners that Association against the National fans are tired of being ignorNI. .Footba.U League.. began-MO!ldq.-'..'..We~wante<Lthe players ~ night. (Related stories Paae Cl.) owners to know that. the fans are The two sides have been not going to take this lying down. unable to agree on a new player as they usually do," attorney contract. George Rltsema of Newport Suing the league and the Beach said. players association wur Newport The suit, in effect, seeks $200 businessman Wayne Biessman, a refunds for each of the estimated Rams season ticket-holder whose 1 million fans nationwide who attorney said earlier Monday hold season tickets for NFL home that the lawsuit was meant to games. Just like days of yore When the Pilgrim, a replica of the ship made famous by Richard Henry Dana, sailed into Newport Harbor there was a welcoming parade of wooden boats; see Page Bl. The brigantine had gon e to Wilmington ~or repairs and was going back to its permanent berth at Dana Point. Safety packets readied By STEVE. MITCHELL ol'the 0.-, .......... More than 33,000 residences and businesses In four south Orange County Communities Will receive handbooks and multi- colored evacuation maps this w eek, courtesy of Souther n California Edison Co. The infonnational documents, mandated by federal regulation, are to provide residents in San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Capisvano Beach and Dana Point with procedures to be taken in the event of a serious incident at the San Onofre Nucl ear Generating Station, located three miles eouth of San Clemente. Residents in those areas are considered to be within the Smilin g evacuees pictured in Southern California Edison Co. handboolidon t- appear too alarmed about nuclear accident report. emer gency planning zon e established by the Nuclear Regula tory Commission and other agencies. The large 22 by 17 -inch map included in the packet outlines primary evacuation rou tes and (See SAFETY, P..age Al) Ritaema aald the 1-wauh raises the l11ue of whether season tlek.OlJ1oldeu ue-t.hh:d party beneficiaries of employee con\ract1 between playef'I and owners. In particular. the legal action alleges that Blessman, a general manager of Southern California Pneumatics in Santa Fe Springs, had his schedule of business e ntert'ainment for clients "dlarupted and impaired" by the breakdown In negotiations between players and owners. The-.ul t.-e-laim&-t-h&t he-2-6- N FL teams and players UIOClation "breached their duty" to seNOn ticket-holders by not conducting "good faith negotiations" to arrive at a new contract. Blessman says in hl.s lawsuit that he was promised "an entire and continuous football season of 16 garnes on consecutive w~~ends, followed by playoffa ~ Newpbrt--restdertt aatd--he-- holds four season tickets valued at $585. · H e said he a rra nged hla business entertainment achedule according to the schedule of games. With the annou ncement of a ph~yer strike, the suit said, he could no longer plan his aocial schedule "and thus not receive the benefil of his season tic~ets." Crean to use TV call-in tonight to boost image By JEFF ADLER ol'the Dellr "°' llaff Republican congressional candidate Johnnie R. Crean will take to television tonight in an apparently unprecedented half- hour call-In show designed to bolster his unfavorable public image. The prime-time television show, which will .pre-em pt the regularly scheduleH game show, Tic Tcic Dough, will cost the Crean campaign ~about $50,000, said Allan Hoffenblurn, Crean's campaign consultant. The purchase of such a block of television time and the "live'.' format are firsts for an Orange County congressional candidate, local political observers agreed. H osted by former "Today" show anchorman Frank Blair, the broadcast ls designed to show the "real" Johnnie Crean, a man far different from the one the news media portrayed during the primary campaign, Crean ex~lained. ' 'The show is intended to ~ow people that I don't resemble my image at all, to show that the image created was incorrect," Crean said. Between 7:30 and 8 p .m ., viewers will be able to phone in questions to Crean on San Diego's K.FMB-TV, Channel 8. Orange County residents who subscribe to t h e south county cable system that offers KFMB to viewers also will be able to watch. The 43rd Congressional ELECTIONB2 District includes portions of south Orange County and much of north San Diego County. Crean's Democratic opponent in the race, Roy "Pat" Archer, has announced he wilJ open his San Marcos campaign headquarters to anyone wlshmg to watch the broadcast . Afterwards, ~her said he will be glad to answer questions posed by the public. Crean said he is "exhilarated" by the prospect of speaRing directly to 43rd district voters. He added that the r ace is unique because it pits him against his own image. "We found out early on that when I meet people personally it changes the image," Crean said, in exp1"3ining why the live television format had been selected. If the broadcast is a success, Crean said, it could signal an election day victory. Hoffenblum said he recommended the unusual step of buying the half-hour show because "the problems with the candidate were unprecepented." He said that that the $50,000 cost for the production was split evenly between production costs and promotion. Asked whether Archer could (See CREAN, Page AZ ) Funds cut delay urged By STEVE TRIPOLI or1No..t,Hot•'-" A citizens advisory group is seeking postponement of funding cuts in a number of county- backed social programs despite a policy which manda tes reductions on a phased basis. The proposed cuts would affect 48 programs, includ!ng at least 10 on the Orange Coast which receive federal revenue·sharing money through Orange County superviaon. The t\.apervisors adopted a policy in 1978 mandating that all programs loee 25 percent of their 1980-level funding annually. The policy wJ aimed at phasing out county funding of all programs over a four-year period. Supervisor s ordered the phaled cuts at that time because they said revenue-sharing funds should be used only as "seed money" to launch programs. The programs' continued survival should depend on their a~ility to attract privat e funding, the . supervisors said at the time. But members of the Social Programs Advisory Committee, a group which monitors the programs . say economic conditions warrant a change in that policy. SPAC m embers, in their recommendations to supervisors !or the funding cycle that starts Oct. 1. asked that many of the programs be funded at their current level another year. SPAC is asking just over $1.3 million for the programs, as opposed to the nearly $1.6 million received last year. The programs would receive a total of $911 ,000 if funded at the level mandated by the supervisors' policy. SPAC Chairman James Krembas said today his committee decided to seek a postponement of the cuts because ( 1) inflation and the overall economic picture have made it d ifficult for programs to obtain any private funding; (2) there ls 1 an increasing need for such programs in the county, and (3) the county already has phased out most of the programs it funded three years ago. ~ Thirty-eight of the 48 programs on this year's list are entering the third year of the funding cycle, which m~ans they would go from half to 25 percent of their 1980 funding under the supervisors' policy, Krembas said. Allowing that kind of cut under current economic conditions "appeared to us to be signing the death warrant for a lot of those programs." Krembas said. Supervisors have prohibited new applications for revenue s haring funds from social programs for two years, K.rembas said, and have reduced the number of programs being funded from a high of 99 to the current 48. Despite SPAC's arguments, a\ (See FUNDS, Page Al) Ex-policeman denies molesting 6 Huntington girls lllDEX 'I At Your Scjrvice A4 ' Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Bob Greene Goren on Bridge Horoecope Ann Landers Movies 'Mutual Funds Public NoUoes Sporta Stock Marbta Television Theat.en Weather World News - .. • ' - A7 84-5 A7 C5-8 B6 B6 C5 A6 B7 A7 ~ DAVID KOTZMANN .... ..., ......... A fonner Long Beach police officer known to neighborhood children in Huntington Beach as "Uncle Mike" has denied on the witness at.and that he molested six young girls a t his Cape Cotta1e Lane home. A7 A7 A7 B7 B4 C3-4 Cl-3 B6 B8 87 A2 A3 During hll two hours of teaUmon~, Monday, defendant Mic hae Bruce McDonald admitted to jurors In Superior Court Judp Donald M<:Cartln's cou rt that h it home waa a popular place for children. Thia wu bec:au.e he Nd two pinball machtn. in •. pme room in hil aaraae. he Mid. But McDonald lnaltt.ed that he never made aexual advance• toward the' children or showed --them \he "triple X-ratA'!d" alidea he had on the nic k elodeon becaUM they 'were angry with to being cha~d wlth child McDonald has a 1.f'en-age son machine in his garage. him . molestation, M nald aaid. "at and dau'4hter who live with his Six n e ighborhood girls He said he had quarreled with first I was hurt very deep1J're to first wi e. An Infant daughter t est.lfied last wee~ tha\ teVeral stria just daya before his think that l could get chU n died in 1966. McDonald at variou times arrest becaUle they had ridden that angry at rne." exposed himself and fondled McDonald, who spent 18 fceMS Before McDonald tesJ.ified them when they visited hi1 Neighborhood Monday, a nei~bor said on the residence to play fr1nball. The on the Long Beach police orcc, girls ranged In age rom 8 to 12. said he later became "angry and witness stand a\ he overheard children called depressed" as a result of the char· two youn~ who testified ges aplnat him. if,ainat M d aay, "We ~ The 42-tear-old defendant, him 'Uncle Mike' ncle Mike aood· But if we re suaJ:nded rom the Lona Beach "How do you tcel n ow?" cau~t lrlna. we'll be In a lot ot J: force following hit arrett Pohl.eon aaked. t.rou le.• st May, is charr,ed w ith 17 their bicycles ovM h t1 lawn . ''Scared." said McDonald. felony coun\9 lnvo v~ alle,ed · Neighbor Phillip Burik, who act.a with the 1ix air 1 over • McDonald aakt he mo had been T h • d e f en d.a n t • a i d two-year period be~nntn\.ll' curtaUJni;_M of hla plnball livet1 next to McDonald, Mid h• 1980. He it free on $1 ,000 , rmchlnet uae am chlldren nelahborho'bd c hHd ren heard tho alrls talklf\8 •• he had become rowdy and alto freque:!T called him "Uncle stood ln hl.t ..... llllt month. Questioned by defen u bcaUle he WU l'eCOYeril\I ftarn Mike" Uked to apend time at TM ~were •'9QCUC front attorned Gary Pohlaon, knte IW'PfY. hia home. He said he clldn't mind of a next door. k said McDonal 1u11el\ed that the thla beeaUM "1 enjoyed bein1 he heard one of the stria oall children may have teatlfled Alked by PohllOI\ hla ~don around children." McDonald "a creep." ail strike leaves train depots ~bandoned Tbt' AHOCtl& d PreH ht! 3 dl)'•Old n tlonwlde rood 1·n11lnt'<'l'li 11trlkl• ha11 lc•fl llfO('nla pali8Cllil'r lroln d«ipotl:I rtually abtmdont.-d ond railroad ~rvb1ors a1ruggllnt1 10 dC"llvt•r oil 11nd prudUt't'. Cul1fornla memb('rl of t.hl• roth1•rhood of Locomotive Jo:ns1net.>rs seemt>d unaffected by word or Presidt•nt" Rc.•agan's call for t.'Ongrcss1onaJ lntC'rvcnt1on lo "t~ th l• slrlkt• by the 26,000 m mb r union Bu\ rallrotd offld la wolcomcid the nflWR "Ra.llrocui 1trlkt'I dun'\ uauaUy lust vury lonat." uld Lou Sd1 u y lt•r. l'lrnl rm an or the union's Northc•rn California dlvh1lon "Conan· Iona! oc:t11.1n1 allow nl'gotlationa to t'On\lnue, and we can work und r the old contract -which la1 betwr than the t'Ontruct management want.a us to work under." LOii Anac.>lt-1' mU111lv(• Union dOM.-d Amtrak 1tallOM In ot r Suitlon normally rllll>d with M P'&rl.• ot th •tall' many 11-c ~.000 pMllt'ng1•n1 11 day Allhout(h tralrn w1•rc• not w"" "mrty Monduy t•><l~'\>t rur trun poruna pc..'Oplc.-, tht-y wt<r 110mo peop t• J)Ulllflrli thruu.c 1. niovlnu 11t I •rut 11ornl• Cr1•lght. AnHrok h llll t•lo1wd down ll11 Hnllrood 111XJkc•1111w11 iwld prlcirlty C'n\ln• 111wr11tion, wllh tlw lmct w1111 bt•lng glvt•n lo moil und untkl•''•ted arrival d1.1r111u tht• p<•rl!thubh'li 11uch rui proclut<t' from aitrlkf' pulllna in from Chkago thl• atott''ll •6'rkuhur~I et-nlc•ni. Monday, ula Edward Morris, Urow •t'I "doa 't 1N•m too ((l'nt•ral supednll•ndl•nt for t'Cmt•t•rnlod yt•l bl-cuui.t• by fur lht.· Amtruk an Los Angt"ll'ti.· NotiL."C~.l 1urg1:11t purl of thl' i.hlpml•nt.s of of th1• s trike were pm11t•d ut rre11h fruit nnd v1·~l·Ulbll>s 011: by . uu~k ." 11ld Don Lockhart ol Ca IHornlo '• M1rk t Htwe S()rvlct• In Sacram nto Ht• tlmatt'd that 86 to 90 pero nt of th~ 1taw'1 prodU<'O ill 1hJppc..>d by truck, and "mort1 truc:ka Mt· uvol lablt• now becou1c tht> volumll la •.lowing on aomc thlng1 llk1· frul\ nd melons." Union Pacific apokc.fNln John P'orb«s uld whllt' Its 170 {•ngln<"Crs Wt!re on strike, 76 to 80 supcrvlaors had taken ovt'r about half lh 20 tralru1 thl' railroad normally runs bl'tWl'tn Loa Anaiclt'I llncJ Lu V'!tJPI "W1•'r not kiddlna oureelva that. wo'r 100 perct-nt. cffocllve, b«auae w<>'rc not," Forbc-w Mild. "But we u r l.' m n k I n g IH· n d w Q y l n dl.'llvcrlna tht• lo11d1 that were l<'ft by tn<' union locomotive t>ngln(l('ra." He 11ld h would probably tak<' the r'l'flt of the wt>ek to complew load dellveri<.'I In their poaesalon. All • 1s not a 'haven' S t. Andre w's plan draws neighbors' ire By STEVE MARBLE Orth• 01111 Pllol lt1ff Stew a rt H 1cks has been attending St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church for n ine years. He was married there. He even lives in a house owned by the church. But Hicks claims the Newport Beach church has gone too far now, breaking the very rules it is supposed to stand for. He suggests St. Andrew's has gone out of its way to alienate his friends and neighbors 1n the Cllffhavcn community with a multi-million dollar expansion plan. . Hick.a says St. Andrew's has led a virtual "blitzkrieg" through the quiet, residential neighborhood near Newport Harbor High School. Sig ns go up The church and many of its neighbors for months have been locked in a heated battle over plans to construct an 85-foot sanct.uarv on the church grounds. t o u n d e r s c o r e t. h e i r . The church says its current disenchantment with church sanctuary as too smaU and that leaders and their buildlng plans. worshippers.. oh .en are turned B-a r-b 8 r-a-W hit ford, a away. spokesperson for the residents, Negotiations between the two accused the church of being less, sides reportedly have broken off than sincere in trying to resolve with both sid es blaming the the bitter dispute. -....-........ .... .._.._d ic~ other. That spat is scheduled to Sh said Cliffhaven ..-1·dent.s Deltr .--__ ...__ ~, ._.._ -_come. b~'~re the Cay CQun._c""'il,___,,, e ...... ~ ~ V1! beerrttrre-atened wi-th ~ewport Beach resident bro ught a carnival a tmosphe re to a press next week . . . "political clout" by church ~~nf e re n ee where they underscored concern with expa nsion plans Monday evening. Clirthaven leaders. She said church leaders • · . . , . Ch residents s taged a press have held out false hope that on e of the ir neighbo rs -t. Andrew Presbyterian urch. conference-turned-protest r ally there was room for negotiations b'! on the expansion, when -she !laid -there really wasn't. R obert Curtis. a church member and chairman or St. Andrew's building committee, retorted that the resident.a' claims are just so much nonaense. Curtis sald the church nas gone out of it.a way t.o acoommodate residents and, at one point, agreed to acale down the planned sanctuary from 105 to 85 feet.. ''We've had no choke but to listen," he said. "They've been so loud we couldn't help but listen. We have been and we remain sensitive to their demands." • But., said Curtis, the residents have gone overboar<t "in their demands and have put together a "slick campaign" to discredit the church. · "What they (the residents) really want," he said,."is for St. An drew's to move out of the neighborhood." Peter Gendron, president of the Cliffhaven homeowner group. said St. Andrew's has long been a good neighbor. He said resJdents are not opposed to th~ church's expanding, so long as it's done within reason. He said the church should stick with the city's 35-foot height limit or find a new sit.tnwhere there ls.JT'IOIJUOOrT).-.r-J Genct'Nm s'ai~ that if the ouncil ;rpproves-the butldtng- plan for the church, residents would have no choice but to file a lawsuit against the city and St. Andrew's. 8' ~x-Huntington ~\ . '(Dan due .. ,\.~ Onof:r.e reactor operating arraignme nt ih f rand cas e ~'A man who allegedly t benled $129.000 from three 1 urance companies while c rating a brokerage busines.s in ntington Beach was scheduled f r arr aignment in Central ange County Mumetpal Court t ay on three felony grand theft rges. Dennis Jan Klou, 42. turned h If an Monday to police in 0 ange who had obtained a rrant for his arrest after a I -month investigation. Orange police detective Randy tv Mahon said Klotz has been II 'ng near Toledo. Ohio, since c:I .sing his Huntington Beach b s iness, DJK Ins urance B kers, in March 1981. \\.~ Continued stories FUNDS CUT DELAY • • • least one supervisor is planning to ask that the board's policy be upheld when the board considers revenue sharing distribution Wednesday. Jan Goss. executive assistant to Second District Supervisor Harriett Wieder, said Wieder will ask the board to adhere to its policy because program officials knew from the start that revenue·sharing funds were not meant to be a long·tenn source of funding. Goss said supervisors would still be willing to hear individual appc•ab Cor conunucd funding. howcvl'r Programs serving the Orange Coast that SPAC 1s seek ing continued funding at th1s year's level in clude the Women 's Transitional Living Cent.er, the Huntington Beach Seniors' Outreach Program. Senior Citizens Club of Laguna .Beac:h. Laguna Beac h Free Clinic, Huntington Beach Community · Clinic. the Committee on Assaults Against Women·Rape Crisis Network and the Legal Aid Society of Orange County CREAN ON TV. • • raise $50,000 for the whole c ampaig n . H o!Cenb lum commented. "If he doesn't.spend more than $50,000 he won't be putting on much of a campaign." Crean's unage problems began during the primary when he roundly · was accused by GOP op p onents of employing underhanded campaign tactics. Thal image problem was comp ounded when F<"deral Election Commission reports revealed Crean spent an excess of $800,000. the most in the country, In wanning his primary bid. The acrimonious tenor of the primary race convinced the second-place GOP finisher . former Carlsbad Mayor Ron Packard. to mount a write-an bid for the general election. Showere, H11ind•••IOfmt and dt'lale dMllMlf*! the ""'* ONo AIYef velley lod'Y end 11retCMc1 llong Ille Qutt CoMI lll1d Ovet Ille A"enllc ~t 1111" • The upper Mk!Wat Ind Pllln1 -IM Otl!OI .. , MlllMIOll, j)Mtl of Nebr .. 111. lowe end Wleconeln --• under lht .. I ol frtNe warning• ~ot• d•wn toc:tey. Rocky Mountllll ~· todey Felr 1111 .. were upeo ttd etMwflefe, tllOtf!I IOf .om. clOUCI cover from the Gulf eo.1 10 lht Great Lall•. Temperatures NATION • CloudY ...... ~ed ov. IM upper Qrut Lak.. 1110 w!Oely llClltt4Hd "-9 touclled j)Mtl Of New MHICO •11d Arl10111 Wltftt ltmWllUrH Ill Ille 10. 8lld IOe Pfelllil.ct In IM 9Uf\ Bell ThunderllOfmt wttt tKpec1ed to corttl11ue In Ille AtlenllC rtQIOn end OYef the t0uthern i.tt of!he The chllly .._. ol 1111 NOl'th All1ntlc turned troptcet etorm Debby Into • poorly ctellned """''* lyefMI, the NltlOf'ttl Hllfrlc:tftt Ctftter 111111. Oeblly IOet huttlCtne ti.,._. hfld•y nftht, 1110 Monday ttlt 110"" wu l'nOWlf IOWWd tfle lntltfl '-II 46 mph TempertturH before d1•11 rlnltld from H at H~, MIM., tot:l 111~ •. "' I.I ,.., eo 411 .oa ff H 28 11 at ff 6t 11 at .. " ,, ... 13 ST ts 41 71 H u~ San Onofre Nu c lear Generating Station's Unit 2 reactor began pumping out the Juice Monday for the first time since the $1 7 billion rcac:tor showed up on blueprints 13 years ago Ofr1 l·1al s at Southern Cal1forn1a Edison Co .. major owner of the nuclear plant south of San Clemente. said today the reactor began energi z ing California homes and businesses at about 20 percent capacity shortly after noon on Monday. By the end of the day, Unit 2 was shut down for routine malntt!nance. but an Edison of11cial said he expects the 1,100 megawatt unit will be back on line "in a day or two." The dome-shaped reactor has been operating intermitte ntly since February when its uraruum fuel was loaded and low-power testing began. When the reactor goes back on line. probably later this week. power will be increased to 50 percent capacity, then to 80 percent before reaching full t'apacity by the first of the year. an Edison spokesman satd. Unit 2 i.s one of three nuclear reactors at San Onofre. Unit 3, its l.100 megawatt twin. is expected to go on line in about a year. Unit I, constructed in 1968. has been shut down since February while workmen make the reactor more earthquake resistant. When all three reactors are worlong at c.apac1ty, the nuclear station is expected to produce enough electricity for 1.2 million cust o m e r s in centra l and southern California. William R . Gould, board chairman and chief executive officer of the utility, srud Urut 2's initial production "signals the *** beginnio1 o! a new era of decreasln~ dependenc:e on oil and other fossil fuels presently needed to generate most of the electricity being used." The coastal com miss ion delayed d ecision s on th e development of the Bolsa Ch1ca in April and July. *** SAFETY PACKETS • • • From Page A 1 traffic control points within the emergency planning zone should evacuation become necessary. On the back of the map is a list of "dos" and "don'ta" that residents are asked to note in the event of an emergency al the nearby nuclear power station. "Dos" range from "remain calm," to "provide a three-day supply of food and water Cor pets." In the "don'ts" column, the utility suggests evacuees "leave firearms. drugs or alcohol" at home. h also Sl.lggests residents leave !uniture and valuables behind. saying security wilJ be provided to evacuation areas. Throughout the brochures are illustrations of smiling evacuees -meeting at a reception and care center, driving to their designated evacuation center, and watching their home television for information "after an emergency ha s been MOllfO'fle Mofll•bello Monterey Mt Wiiton Ne«f ... Ne'fWPOtl a.acn Oftterlo Palm Sprlngt Puedene P110 Roblta RMrtkle Aed lluft AedwoOcl City Reno Sact-10 declared." The 16-page "Emergency lnfonnation Handbook," Includes sections describing the diffe rent kinds of radlation; how to shield yourself against radiation: and the differences between an "unusual event, an alert. a site emergen cy and a general emergency." Also Included in the package are return forms for residents who are hard of hearing, visually impaired or in n eed of transportation should an evacuauon be necessary. In addition to the information packet, the Orange Coast South telephone directory will include a summary of the emergency plan and a map of the planning zope. In a letter to recipients, the c hairman of the board of Southern California Edison Co. suggests the map and brc'Chure be "kept in a handy place." Just in case. 83 S<t Sllmu 113 87 58 Sen e.m"oino 112 72 152 San Gebr ... ea 76 52 8111 '*"° 77 118 70 Stn Frlr'Cleeo 78 75 et Slf1 JoM ao 88 155 891111 Alie 82 118 M S1n11 8Mt>er1 60 87 157 8111t• Cnu 82 as <t8 Senta Merle 97 811 53 S1nt1 Moolc:I 15 81 6" Stockton 82 80 63 T llhoe Vllley 88 70 33 "*""' " 78 62 Tom1nci. .!2 IURf RIPllT A~ 1-3 ,, Hft t-2 II t·I It t·I It 0·1" 0.1 " (). t " 14" ... 63 55 65 se 50 58 as 52 48 511 81 29 71 57 1 ~ I ·' I • - STATE Building climber fails By Tiie A11~laled Pre11 S AN FRANCISCO A tuxedo·dad 1tunt man trymg to s<•alc the H~3 -f oo t Transamerica Pyramid surrendered to police about halfway up the lln~ular San Francisco landmark, and was quickly arrested afte r 14 hours of climbing. ''There's no logical explanation" for th!' 14-hour climb, Ron Broyles said before his ar rest Monday night on th Jbth floor. "Cllmblna a bulldlnii to ml' la ju1t likc1 a pill' ot dirty lnundry. You reullie sooner or lawr lt hu to be done." The ~9 -year -old Lea Angeles man who described hlma«'l f as an "urban mountaineer" was held In lieu of $3,000 ball after being booked for investigation of felony malicious mischief, misdemeanor trespassing and resisting or delaying arrest.. Prince Philip visits LA LOS ANGELES -Prince Philip of England wants to convince aHluent consumers they can do without luxury goods made from the carcasses o( endangered animals. and the wealthy are paying to help ham spread the word. Queen Elizabeth ll 's husband, president of the World Wildlife Fund, passed the first evening of his six-dav Southern California Vi.Sil at a $5,000-a-person beneCit for the Swiss-based animal protection group. Former Secretary of State Alexander Haig Jr. and actor Jimmy Stewart were among the 50 guests invited to the J. Paul Getty Museum in Malibu Monday night by Gordon Getty, son of the oil magnate. Shark attacks biologist GARBERVILLE -A state at least 12 feet long, attacked marine biologist, attacked and Michael Herder on Sunday mauled by a g reat whi te while he and two other men shark, needed 100 stitches to were diving i n the Bear close gaping wounds caused by the creaturt's sla~ing teeth, ... H~rbor area of the Synkone officials said today. · Wilderness Area about 250 The shark. estimated to be miles north of San Francisco. WORLD Israel supports troop return By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 1'ht' l1raell govl!rnmt'nt, fawlng u storm of crhlcl1m over the Beirut refugee camp massacres. today approved the return of lJ .S., French and ltallan troope to the Lebanc..'llC cuplti.il but rt>jecU..>d proposals for an official inquiry Into the 11layinga. Cablnc..\ Secr etary Dan Merldor unnounc..'Cd the decf!Uons In a statement read to reporters In Jerusalem after a ~ 111-hour Cabinet meeting. The statement said Prime Minister Menachem Begin's government "approves the proposal of the president ot the United States, Mr Ronald Reagan , t o re-estdblish a multinational foroe." It said Israel suggests a coordinating commit~ of Israel, Lebanon, the United States, France and Italy "to ensure that in the n ew circumstances the bloody terror will n Q.l be renewed." Israel blames the m3$S4cre on Lebanese Christian militiamen and denies Israel had any responsibility, d irect or indirect, for the slayings of at least 160 residents of two mostly Moslem refugee camps. When asked iL Israel wilJ accede to the U.S. and Lebanese demands to pull its troops out or Beirut, Meridor replied, "We intend to take our forces out of Beirut." But h e would not elaborate. The decision paves the way for tht• rnturn or thu U S Murlnc'fi ond French und ltetllcm troops who left th<· Lc•bant'ae cupl\ul after ovl'rst Ing the wathdruwul of the Palcstlnt• Llb<•ratlon Orguniiutlon ljlUt>rrllluK und Syrian troops ta.st month. Prcsldc..nt Reugan announced Monday In Woshlngtun that U.S. Mttrlnes would rcturQ to Beirut w1th Iirrae l's trpprov-nl, n nd Fran<.'C and Italy also said they would send troops back to the Lebanese capital. The threl! countries' Con'CS supervlsc..>d the evacuation of Palestine Liberation Organization guerrillas·and Syrian troops from Beirut last month under a U.S.-sponsored plan Several lawmakers arc criticizing Reagan's decision to send U .S . troops back into Lebanon. with one Democratic senator saying 1l wtll be a "miracle" if none o f the Americans are killed. Other members of Congress, however, expressed reluctant support for Reagan's move, although few gave it their enthusiastic backing. Reagan announced Monday that he is ordering the Marines back to Lebanon to "help bring that nightmare to an end..:' • ,. Sen'. H enry J ackson: Cf-Wash .. said the decision to send troops is "not wise'and I think it can lead to further trouble." Jackson said the Marines would be targets of snipers who can "operate with impunity." Ride for Shawn Three-ye@r-old Shawl) Ken yon , }"hp suffers from a brain tumor, is given a pony ride at a block party to raise funds for his funeral. With Shawn are his pa re nts, Mark and Gail .Kenyon of Milwaukee. The event raised $2,800. Gemayel elected in Lebanon BEIRUT, Lebanon -In a rare display of Moslem and Christian cooperation, Amin Gemayel was elected president today to replace his younger brother whose assassination a week ago unleashed an Israeli drive into west Beirut and the slaughter of hundreds of Moslem refugees. President ~ias Sarkis next Thursday. Eighty of the 29 s urvivi ng membe r s of Parliament showed up for the election at the army's military academy in suburban Fayyadieh, three miles east of Beirut. Irvine ·firm official 'guilty' Par! iamen t e lected the 39-year-old lawyer by a 77-0 vote. with three blank ballots, to succeed incumbent Guards ringed the academy and posted sharpshootel'5 on rooftops to protec t the lawmakers. A black-draped portrait of the sla in Bashir Gemayel was hung inside the building. Controls relaxed in Mexico TIJUANA, Mexico - Mexico is r e laxing some controls on exchanging currency so that American shoppers and foreign-owned assembly plants will continue to bring dollars south of the border. Gov. Roberto de la Madrid or Baja CaJ1fom1a announced the adjustments to reporters Monday after talks between NATION U.S . and Mexican governors whose border stat.es are most affected by Mexico's worst financial crisis in half a century. The six Mexican and four U.S. governors agreed to set up a bi-national commission to study the impact of currency restrictions. which still apply to Mexicans and are hurt.mg U.S . border merchants who rely on their business. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Federal prosecutors say millions of dollars in bribe money to Mexican oil company officials was Included in contracts for equipment fro m Am erican manufacturers In the late 1970s. Just ice Department papers detailing the accusations came to light Monday when the president of C.E. Miller Corp. of Irvine. Charles E. Miller, pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting bribery. He e ntered another guilty plea on behalf of his company, which also was charged. Mill er faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison 2 stranded on island found safe By The Associated Press Congress mulls rail strike Two persons stranded ashore overnight on San Clemente Island when their boat went adrift were found safe, according to the Navy. They were among four occupants of the Regalis. a 45-foot yacht that illegally tied up Sunday on the deserted island which the Navy uses for naval artillery practice. WASHINGTON - Transporla ti on Secretary Drew Lewis is aski n g Congress to approve quickly legislation ordering an end to the crippling strike against the nation's freight railroads. Rep. John D . Dingell , D-M1ch., called Lewis and other witnesses before his House Energy and Commerce Committee today to testify on President Reagan's request for congressional action. Efforts to end the 3-day-old strike by locomotive engineers moved to Capitol Hill when talks between union and management negotiators broke off a.fter a three-hour session Monday. A Navy spokesman said the two were in good condition and released. Treasury hill yields down The other two members of the party were found by Navy personnel Sunday night as they walked toward the naval station to report their boat had gone adrift. The stranded pair had become separated from the other two, the spokesman said. WASHINGTON -Yields on short-term Treasury securities have fallen shghUy, hitting their lowest level in about a month. officials said. About $5.6 billion m new three-month bills were auctioned Monday at an average discount rate of 7.849 percent, down from the 8.161 percent of last Monday. The government also sold about $5.6 billion in six-month bills al an average rate of 9.443 percent, down from 9.704 percent. After a reprimand from Navy officials, the four returned to the boat's homeport in Newport Beach. The Coast Guard said the boat was operated by Thomas Trojnar of Fullerton. The island is located 65 miles northwest of San Diego. 0....,,....0 ... _, hG-wle ... We're Listening ••• I Monday-J' '"'I '; II vov do "°' r,.-ve ""'" -,,. ~ 30 p"' ce11 Delo-• 1 om Ind"°"'' coo., W'lll o. Oehvtiteo S.""'ey • ..., Su""•• II Y°" CID no4 =~ ,r;';,, c::J .:!, ~o:V '"..u': ,,..._.., What do you li ke llbout the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on a ny topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind. 642•6086 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomot r. Haley 'ubl•thet Oftd Chit'! E •e<vh•e Olloter Jan• Amari t.ecu1rve fd••Ot L Kay Schulta V.ce ,,.,Iden! ond OoctOt ol AdYeth•'"9 Mkhfft r. Harwy Oi<ectot ol Mork .. 11'19 ICwclliotioftl Thomas A. Murphln• Ed•IOt loyrMnd MoclNn Cont1Qd.- Kenneth N. o..Mwcl Jr. 0..telOr cl Os.otlOl!t CIHtltled •dvertl1lng "14"42·5171 All other d9pertmen11 '42-4321 MAIN OfftCI! JM WHI lty St , Cella ""'w, CA ~11 t..,,..H IO• IMO, CMI• ""'WI, CA - C•••i.M "" o....,. c ... , ..... 11.,,.,.. '-' Ho""' 1twle1, 11111\lr••I..,,, •C1lt0tlal matter or .. vtrUMl'MOll\ ,,., •• " l'l\ty ... re~o.ki<H wt"-i' tP«l•t .. rmlHIOf> of <ottY•...,I owner VOL71,NO.ae and a $10,000 fme, and his firm could be fined a maximum of $1 million, William Pendergast of the Justice Department in Washington, D.C .. said. He is free.> on a $5,000 personal recognizance bond and fs scheduled to be sentenced Oct. 25 by U.S. Distract Court Jydge David W. WlUiams. The case is the first in which an individual has l:><x>n chargc'CI under the Foreign Corrupt Practices act, but several companies have faced such charges in the past. C .E . Miller, which now operates under a different name, was described as a farm that engineers and makes turbine invesogatfon 111to allegations ~\ compression systems for use in several American petroleu'M the petroleum industry. equipment companies made 1aJll The government charged that payoffs to Pemex officials ~ payments of 5 percent of each known by the code name "fo~ turbine system sale price were to -to obtain or keep contrat¥i go to Groupo Industrial Delta with Pemex. S .A ., which was to pass the . money to two officials o.f .,. Penderga,til. who came· to Loil Petroleos Mexicanos, Pemex, ttfo • Angeles for l'Vmler's arraignment. national oil company of Mexi._,'O. said the government charge'«$ The government said that l that Miller helped Crawford Miller and his company assisted Enterprises, Inc .. of Houston, in.• in the payments through the use hriberv scheme in January. 1978. of commercial aircraft travel ... betwe en Los Angeles and In the late 1970s, Miller's finlo Houston. was a subcontractor of Crawforcl The Justice Department Enterprises, which sold turbine documents were filed in an compression systems to P~. . , I Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Tuetday, Stptembel 21, 18'2 They re m embere d Ma rine staU no ncommissio ned o fficer from El T o ro a nd T ustin staged their third annual "'We Remembe r" event as they hosted some 200 disabled vetera ns fro m Long Beach Veter a ns Ho pita l. Above, Archie Moore, for mer world boxing ch a m pion, confers with Brig. Gen . Richard M. Cooke, CO, MCA , El Toro, a nd actor Buddy E bsen from Newpo rt Beach . At r ight, Moore welcom es Joey Amieva, resident of the vets hospita l, to the gala dinner -show. Good general managers key to helter productivity •ff halneH Analy111 of market conditions. The lack of II been offering audiences various By JOHN CUNNIFF capacity cannot take advantage 118 ANl[YSIS To illustrate his point, he has NEW YORK -All through research l eaves products fl assertions that he has come to the 1970s the statistics showed, uncompetitive. The company's believe m strongly. but it wasn't until the decline an old-fash ion ed plant cannot impressed. As others have, you may U.S. productivity began eating produce efficiently. "It seems to me we are m conclude that the assertions are awayatprof1tsthatshort-sighted The story is familiar. Its danger again or getting caught not altoge ther new, and that management finally realized 1t consequence too: a spate of up in th e trapping s of some should be obvious to any had lo do some thing. theories and practices. some fads, management fads as an easy way intelligen t executive. But you You can squeeze year-to-year and every so often a miracle out," he says. "And there is no might also observe that perhaps profits out of a company by solution proposed by an author or easy way" they've been forgotten. and that selling off assets, by buying consultant. Ma nage m ent by Observing many companies while s impl y s ta ted. they oth ers. c utting research and objectives, theory Z. quality and many m1;1nagers over the penetrate deeply. ignoring long-term investments. c ircles, strategic pl anning. years, Fackler"has arrived at one Greatly abbreviated, but in his Some managers found you can worker participatio n , better momentous conclusion: "For the own words, they are: get away with it for sever al communications, hypnotism. individual compa ny the key to -Good m anageme nt 1s years. • ·Walter Fackler, professor of improved product ivity is the largely personnel administration But then it catches up with business econorvics a t th e development of good general -and I don't mean by personnel Y __ o_u_. _T_h_e_c_o_m.....;p_a_n.....;y_'_s_s_h_r_u_n_k_e_n __ U_n_iv_e_rs_it.=..y_o_f_C_h_ic_a-=g'--o-, _is_n_'t_ve_r....::y_~m;:;,.a;:;,.nc.;.a~e'--rs..;..._ .. _________ _.;_departmen ts. You ge t resu Its The most beautiful Christmas store in all the world is opening soon in Newport Beach Come late September. we'll open 1n Fashion Island. ~rt Beach. Plan now to come see our "rairylanlf' ... a fantasy of magical animated scenes. scores of decorated Christmas trees. and a non-panel collection of over 100.000 holiday ornaments from 60 countries of the world. m4r®rtgtnnl 0!4ri.atmn.a ~Dr,t Opening late S eptember Fashion Island -N ewport Beach 14th Anniversary SALE • raHDUWING 'l LA·Z·IOT llCUNA·IOCDI' 0.-lnf Wille t+.ld Oct. 17 Yo.. M.-.1 Not le,,._, To WM "Ben with nnh Ta do11ar ' left• ~~nrr 1Jr~14~ · Huntington Savings knows how to treat a neighbor. No matter how little you have in your checking account on any given day, your money will still earn 5 1/•% interest. only through people. Personnel problems are too important to tx• left to personnel departme nts. A good general manager 1s also thl• chief personnel officer. -Management b y fea r is self-limiting. A good manager ts a leader, a pusher and a teacher The leader gives an organization a sense of dire<:t1on a nd purpose w ith which all employees at all levels can identify -Keep lean -not emaciated and not fat. -If you don't have a union and you get one, you deserve it and you deserve what you get. Unions, by their nature, restrict flexibility, innovation, and t hangc. If you are doing things right, unions are not as likely to attat·k Good financial l'Ontrols are necessa ry 1n a w e ll -r u.n org<mtzauon, but they are !)O sub~t 1tut cs fo r e ff ecti xe management Unfortunately, \Oo many general managers tend.'~ manage numbers rather than pc.-oplc· General managers will 1\0t fulfill their fuU potential u~ they have operating experience in various functional areas of the business. Don't promote that al'<.'OUntant before giving him· a good dunking in manufacturing, or m operations, or marketing, Not only that, but your account is serviced absolutely free. You ca n write as many checks as you like and never pay a service charge. We call it No-Strings Checking, because there's no minimum balance required. No service charge. And still you get 51/4% intere t compounded daily on every dollar. Isn't that the kind of checking account yo u want, too? rn HUNTINGTON ~NDl.~N SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 6%7 W.1rnl!r AwnUl', Coml•r o ( Cold en West in Hunttn~ton BN' h .... () .. .. 'f~ (:()MPO 'ITE TR 011o•a t101t• ll•H1JCI ' •••• \Olf '"' HIW •O•• Mll>Wl "·'"""'If , •• I OUOlf f U MA•QI\ AND •l ,..l•HG ., 110 HA\11 ANCI IN\fllljf f Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Tuelday, 8eptemb•r 21. 1G82 C'J'ION IHU Olt a .. 11 (INCINNAfl H OC'• Bank completes stock sale A 1t0<:k iu1l1• fur lhl' nl'W Murlnn 'b Bank NuUoruil Ab.'l<X'littion (In OrJ<timzullon) of S:.i n Cll·menlc w.u fully aub.'i<·n lx·d in 21 <foyN. n ·porl.lf CM.I Cuwn &nl'Orp, thl' bank hulc hn~ COffiP.<JllY The bunk is a w altlnR n•gulutory approval. h cxpecl.8 to open in October In the Pk-u Pluz.a at Calle de Industries Fluor ub idiary opetJ T ht• lkp,ublic S u pply Cu of Caltforn to , a subs1d11u y uf 1' luo1 Corp., l rvtnt'. h1.1. ... opened a f;m lity ot P';'~l llue1wrnt• in Ventura County I hl· i.1k will provide lmprnwd al·cess 10 work bouts th;ll :>l'rvwt• offshur•· drill ing and produl·tion ot·tlv1t1c•i. Utility rolls back hike SAN DIEGO <AP> San Diego Gas & Electric has annount•ed a rollback m 1t.s t'Stimate of a rw tural gas hike from a 30 percent Increase to just 7 percent. .., Under th<• revtsed estimate, the typical residential natural gas user would be paying $24.10 a month for 50 therms ab opposed to the current $22.59. Thl· ut1hty said It was rolling back its increase. because its wholesale supplie r, Southern Califorma Gas Co .. slashc-d 1ts price from $733 million to $402 million as of Oct. I. T he utility f*!rves portions of southern Orange County. Fluor subsidiary gets contract A .su bsidiary of the Fluor Corp, of Irvine is undertaking design and cngtnl>ering or oil and gas production facilities for Petroleum Development Oman. The d1ent 1s maJOrity owned by the government of Oman but operated with the assistance. of Royal Out.ch ~hell. Value of the contract was not disclosed. 1i~. .1 1Jel Monte closing plant ••• t SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Del Monte Corp. w ill close its can plant here, putting about 55 full-ume and 65 seasonal employe<.>s out of work. a company spokesman said. Harvester loss grows CHICAGO (AP) -International Harvester Co .. engaged in a struggle to avoid banlu'uptcy. reports its net loss this year probably will be more than a half- billion dollars greater than previously estimated. The company estimatoed,Jts net loss for the fiscal year ending Oct. 31 would be"h!twcen $1.5 billion and $1.6 bilhon. In July, It placed its loss for 1982 al between $900 million and $1 billion, said Bill Colwe ll, a company spokesman. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK (AP) -Sales, Monday Pflce and net change of tho fifteen moat acll~e New York Stock Exchange ,._,, t<.Olno natlonally •t more ttian 1 1 ~OON•I MIQ t8M Burr~ P•r~re>r-111 N•t-~rlinM • Am.-l6 l Cllttorp So"Y Corp E H OI' ... ... ... .. • lft '" . \ .. . '· ~. DOW JONES AVERAGES JO '"" JO Trn U Utl U Slk lnclM\ ,,." UC Ill •S SI• WHAT STOCKS DID Nl:W v61u : IAPI 5ep to l •ncl\' if<•r,.rCom OelttAirl s Pul>S•C Col H•••ounn TOO.y '°" tOO Pnrv, a:J, I ' AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (API -Seles Mondey priee end net charw;ae of lhe ten most acllve American Stock Exchange ,._, trading netlonalty at more lhen $1 OomePlrl ,,,.mp Ho W•no bl> ::~·4~~. Arncl.oN P•llC°'p GullCM\ <I Ev•n.S.At ' R •"9efOl I JIO,JOO 14,100 11,lOO M.~ M,400 ••.loOll 0000 .... 'ICJO •HOO JI t00 UPS ANO DOWNS • ) 16 ) . JI .. l'- JS•· l•"' ~. I) •••• s .. , .. I. . '• . .. .... '· .. NEW YOAIC. IAPI TIW IOllowlllQ 1111 \/low• ow N<lw Yor~ St11<k E•<~ '10<h Mid w•rtM'U '"°' n. .. 110N up trw "'°'' encl -n '"" .._, 1>11-on ro,rcen~~"<I'! r~•O•~• 01 •o4umt ao • .,...., 0.-<hl'W'CI Ur><Mnge<I Tot.i ,._, H#"' n•Qh\ "4~-.·~ .,. ltll u • NEW vOllK IAPI ~I> 'Ill AOY•n<t.-0 O.r••AoG Un<Mr>Q<.., T 01 •' ''""'' NPV!f h10f'I' Nf¥rt '°""' METALS Too .. 1)) )4t 110 ,,, 1) • IOIJ • -1'10 ,. ,, NEW YORK (API -SPol nonlerroua. metal pr!Qes 1odey Copper 70'>-72 oontt e pounc:I. U &-' desunetlona. L•lld 25·29 cents • poonc:I Z'tnc 40-42 cents a poull<I. 0.UV9fed Ttn 16 3082 Metala WM!! compoalte ~ . Aluminum 76-77 centa • pOund, H V. ,, ,, ., I •J ' j NO MCUrllHIS tr.Oong belOw $2 ere 111eluded. Nel and percent11g9 Ch9/IOft are the d1lforonce bo1-the prtlVIOUs closing price and Mon<ley'• price ...,c"" 1340 oo '*' nat1c ; ~ , .. tin"'" 1340 00-$341 00 trOy C)Uld ... UPS l .. HI (l\Q ~I 3' 6 VP "• IH _, ''• Up 11 7 71 • \, VP 11 I ... .. Up 10.9 It'• , I • UO 10 4 I '-Up 10.J 11• • ... Up 101 11'; • 11• Up '' S ... • r UP t S 1cµ, '• UP It I .. Up I S l4 ·~Up I• 4 1• • '-Up I J 11 • l•t Up 11 SI ' • .. Up 1,l 71, • ', Up 7.1 II ... • I .. Up ._, J'• ,·· ~= u It'-' I Up 6 • u i.. '• VP '-' 7\o • ~ Up U JI" • '. Up • , •k• .. Up 6J tiµ. .. UP • l OOWffS lHI • ... ,. , u 1 "' .. JI• "' ; .. l ••• .... n 11 Sit ~~. ,, . , ... •i " t \t ti•• , ... t zv~. .. ,. ,,,, "' '• Oii 11 t I'• Ofl "' .. Oft IU , .. Ofl 10. ~ Ofl '·' ·~· Oii •• \~ Oii .. , \, Oii •• , 1. 0 11 • , 1, Off ,, .. Oii 1.J t•. Oii ••• .. Oii •• 1, Oii •S \io Ofl •• ... Oii •• ,, Oii • J '• Oii ., f" Ott • I \11 Ott 6 I .~ 81; :~ t ... ()II to ... 011 ... ti• 00 SI '• Oii SI GOLD COINS HEW V~K (Al'I -PrlCft Monday ot OOICf COtllt , comp••td With Frldey'• • ptjOt • Kr119erfaftd, t ttoy 0.1 .. &u3 21. ott 171& -._.. '"'· t tror or • auo u. 011 1100 ..... ._.. .. ,.... 1tlroyoz .. 152100. °" .. 25 ""'""' , .. erew11, 81102 troy ot 14JJ IO. , on tHt IO\lt'ce Deelc• Per•• NY SILVER " Handy & Harman. 18 140 per trri;•• ounc. GOLD QUOTATIONS •r Tiie AHOClal9d ,,_ .. Selected world goio "'''" today; London morning fllclng 14:28 50, up 1225 l~ afternoon nx1ng IA:!f 50, up S2 2$ '•rle alternoon th Jng $421 t7, off $059 ""'""hHt fixing $42$ 94, on St ot ZIH'tefl lal• afletnoon l!Jllng $41l1 00, up $4 60 bid. 14:28.00 •tllecl Handr a "•'"'•" only d•lfr quo te S42t~up 1:2.2& I only dilly ovote $428 60, yp 12.2 . lf199111Md only dally quote labrioated 1447 83, UC> S2 37 SYMBOLS II N~w y .. rly !Ow 11 ....,_ yf!AllV 11¢ V \ltH Olhel*•ff l\Ole<I ra1" ot Ot~a ••• •nnu•I 11••bu•Mfl'ltlltt l>AM-0 Oii lhe IHI qu~• trlit 01 H m1 •nnvet 011~••1•t10ll SN'(•~I nr .. ,,. d .. l(ljlfiaa Of C>•Yll~ts not .,. .. o•••IN It •eov••· ••• IOe<lhllfd If\ t ... 101•0•""9 t0<>1no1t• • Af,,1 h llll O< ••llU O Allnval ••It pl\,lt \toe• <1..,dtn1' ~·l•qu•d•lin9 Clovu>eno b<>ct .. -0 O< PlllO lfl PIK.OonQ 12 "'Oftl ... I l)e(. .. <lllJ 0# !>'"0 •1181 tlQt• cj,Yl09nd Of pt.t yp I '914 tl'I•• ,._, 01..otM Ol'l'ttte<I o.i .. 1.0 01 no 8(1!00 t.i.an 111 i.tt Cl~ "'"""9 ~ 0.ClartO Ot paid IM l'M', fl' <1ecumu1111 .. 1uve •"'" O•~• •n .,,_, n ,....,. •nve r O.tartO Ot 01111 111 fll8C'""°11 I) tnOfltllt lllv\ UO(lo. dtYtcMflel I• ...... WI ttOO 1n ()f.Ce0•"9 It "'4)flll1• Hllllla\M ""' vlll.,. Oii •~ 0.11.otM 0t u 01 .. 111>U1IOll 0•:• t• &vi04MIO• °' •• .11911ta ., l• ,,,,....._. -..... "' , ... r-S.• '" !\ill Cid C..-.0 WO WM<\ dt\t•IOio'" Wl·W- !U llt O .,,. Wot" •a,,•nle •• Wlt .. 0111 •11181\tt '°''"'•·OotlttOlll- p f 1a1io l ne P<<• ot • ''°°' • • n>\Jll•P'" ol ~ -· •. 111'"'9• .,, ... 9' ll1v10lfl0 IM ial•I 11'mottll\ _..,. .... 11\tO l&tl t.ito pr!$• TUE80AV, SEPT. 21. 1"82 H/F CllSSlfllD cs Homer eases the pain· for Foli By CURT SEEDEN Of'llM Dellr ~lot ltan ' AnlJel M1magl!r Gene Mauch came to the ball park Mo nday ahcrnoon thinking there was "no chance" Ttm Fol& would be in his starting lineup. .American League Weat bc.-cn llllylng, it's got to kcl beLU.•r real Ctust," Jo'uli »aad after th(• f(1.&m4I, rt-ferrmg- tu hljj i~rtl'<.I oilm<>nUI. "T11ml..(ht, I just felt llkt.• I could go out thNt' :md ril'l<i ground balls." Luis Sanchez t.o earn his 17th vacwry 1.1g10Mt "Caght defeots. W L Pct. GB The little shortstop, aching all over the place with a pinched nerve in his nt.>ek and muscle spasms In his leg, originaUy was to be replaced by you ng Ricky Adams in the starting lineup. Angela 85 65 .567 Royals 84 64 .560 1 OAMH f'IMAINtNO ANOll.I (12) -HOME (5) S•PI n 22. l(antu Clly, Oct I, 2, 3, T•»• AWAY (7) Sept 23, 24, 211, 28, hau, Seot 27, 28, 29. ksn1at City. KANSAS CITY ( n1 HOME (71 Sept 27. 28, 29, ANOIU; Sept 30, Oct t. 2. 3 OeklDncl AWAY (5) S~t 21, 22. A~le; Sept 24, 2$, 2G Oakland · Foh didn't say if ht! fl.It lakt.• hl• l'OUl<l go out and htt home ruriK. And, hai; fifth-inning shot JUSt did cludl' Royab' left fielder Willie Wilson's IC!apang effort ln the corner. "Tonight was a very important gamc for me," admattoo Zahn. "h 's th • first tlml' since 1 came into the American League that I've been ~ involvL-d m a pennant race. It's important to know th1u tonight, I'm sitting here right now and W<•'rc stall in il. I thank the Lord for beani.i ~1ven a l'hance to be with a wanning dub hkl• this." But within an hour before the Angels' important opener of a three-game series with the Kansas City Royals, Foli's name had been penciled into the lineup, then crossed of(, and finally squeezed back in the No. 9 slot. Mauch may have been a bit indecisive before the game, but as it turned out, the final decision was the right one. the Angels went on to score a 3-i v1Nory over the Royals bl-fore 42,322 fans at Anaheim Stadium and a Southern California television audience. Whale Wilson angrily compluinecl that the ball had bounced oH has glove-not a fan as the umpires ruled -Foh draggt.-<l himself around the base paths with has third homer of the season. And Foli still had enough strength to field those ground balls, which is a must when teammate Geoff Zahn is on the mound. He can also thank guys like Foli and (1rst baseman Hon Jackson, who was inserted in the lineup t.o provide some strength from the nght-hand side of the batter's box ugaanst left-hander Larry Gura. rr · Foll's two-out homer an the bottom of 1...' m Fol i the r 1flh innin• snapped a 1. I tie, and The victory, the Angels' third s traight, moved them one gome ahead o r thl' Royals in Lhe American League Wesl. "With all the prayers my wife has The veteran left-hander scattered eight Kans.ls City hits Monday naghl, but needed ninLh·inning relief help Crom Jad<son's RBI double in the &cventh &1')1\ing turned out to be the winning hit as the Royals managed to scraJ(;h for one (See ANGELS, Page C2) ~eason-long -walk?. rwo Rams sa y they won 't s trike f rom AP dispatches Friday and asked for 50 pert>ent ; Striking players a nd team ~, lkP at a dfanee or the c lubs' $2 .1 bi llion ~wnt•rs both say they are willing .., r 8 te levision con tract, p l u s a o 10&' the rest of the National ON ITRlkE: The uoo memben 01 tl'I• NFL minimum-wage scale based on b 11 L . f . Players AMOCletloo ega1n11 lhe 28 tHms. 1 h ( · Th ..,...,.A 001 a eague season 1 1 l lffECTIVI! DAJE: 11 t>eglna toelay T11e 11,.1 engt o service. ~ pro~ means winning al the bargaining oam• lo b• •lf•cted wlll be Thuradey'1 contract would run for four t:>bl A11911ta·Kenau City g-\n Ken1at City posed lO th (' r-c UHCTID DUAATION: It could iu1 one years. as op e ave-year • Fans, dismayed by the first _.411ld ()(~out the entire Meson. pact offered by the owners. j-egula r -season strike 1n the NFl.PA DEMANDS: A 101a1 packaoe of 11.6 tport's hislory, are about to be bolllon ov•r lour yeera with 11 06 ot that coming from 50 oucent or th• club's arraged with Canadia;n and network·t•le11111on peckage. ptu1''"119itnc:y l·ollege football. a I on~ with "'':.~~~EY~~r.:.r,• MR": A total packeo• movacs. as television networks of SI 6 bffUon over lh1• yea". from whatev., l:rramble to fill the air ume. souru th• clubs ChOoM. r-Gene Upshaw, president of the EFFECTS OH TV COY~f'AOI: CBS plans to conunue cov.rage of tM Muon, NBC wtll .500-member NFL Players t.iev!M Ce~ten ~0011>.u Lugue9amn ane1 iation, announced the strike ABC wm r-1 to pr1me.ume programming o n day a fter th c union• s Turner Broae1eas11119 ol Atlanta l'lat •o0ne<1 • contract for • terles ol gem•• ~t-all· >< ecu t i ve comm 1 ttee vol ed siar teams made uo ol strikers n a nimously 1n favor o f a alkout. The strike began about ight hours later. after the Green y Packers beat the New York iants 27·19 to complete the ason 's second week • "At the conclusion of tonight's f m<'. thl' league will be strul'k," pshaw, a Los Angeles Raiders uard , said Monday. "No racticcs. no workouts. no games 111 be played until management t n g a g l' s.. 1 n g o o d -r a 1 t h pargamang : He later added the players were ready lo hold out "one f ay longer than management." movie. "The Cheap Detective" starring Peter Falk. It's the second time m just over a year that a s trike has interrupted Ameri ca n professional s ports. Baseball players struck last summer for 50 days 1n a dispute over free agency. NFL players staged two training-camp strikes, an 1970 and.1974. The football stnke centers on money and how the NFL's billion-dollar inrome should be distributed. Players, who originally sought 55 percent of the gross revenues of the NFL's 28 teams - estimated at $3.6 billion over five years -changed thetr stand last Donlan says owners are "un alterably opposed" to guaranteed percen tages and wage scales for the players. They hav e o ff e red a pa c kag e containing $10,000-a -year bonuses for veterans, plus base salary hikes. Both sides have reached basic agfeement on how much a new contract sh ould cost -$1.6 billion The length of the contract, where the money comes from and how it will be divided are the sticking points. Ed Garvey, executive director of the NFLPA. said he hoped the strike "wiU force the owners to start bargaining in good faith." Mark Murphy, a member of the union's executave rommittee and a Washington Redskin s defensive back, said at was "vital" for NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle to step into th~ talks. Rozelle so far has not participated in the bargaining, and Donlan said Monday night that Lhe commissioner should remain on the sidelines. • Detty f't4ot fttlolo bf C._,... St.,,. Don Baylor score ahead of thro w to Kansa~ Cit y' J ohn "'a t ha n . , But Jack Donlan, l•xecutave ~irector of the NFL Managt•ment t ounl·il . l'Ountered that team owners were prepared lo "go as long as necessary. including the •ntire season. to prove their e>oant .. i. He made his remarks after a lVIOnday night meeting of the 9wners' executive committee, tield in New York. Big plays go • ID favor of th~ Angels ~Al least two members of the ms. tight end Mike Barber and fens1ve guard Bill Bain, said ey would not strike We have the moment um, th ey were playing tight -Ron Jackson By CR AIG RUSSELL Ss-ctel lo the DellJ l'tlot worthy of dissection. Consider the following: ~ ''l'm against what they (the fayers) are going for," Barber id. "I think it's been handled rong. I'm not leaving unless (here 1s a lockout." ! The first game to be aff~ted ~y the strike will be Thursday f ght, when the Atlanta Falcons ere scheduled to play an Kansas 1ty against the Chiefs. ABC, hlch was to televise the game, tnnounced it will instead show a With the pennant race an the American League W est coming right down to the wire. it's only natural every play made during the pivotal three-game series between the front-runnang Angels and Royals wall be magn1f1ed 1,000 t1mes. -Larr y Gura. normally a control pitcher, has a patch get away and hits Bobby Grich square in the back with two outs. That sends Don Baylor to serond and he scores on an RBI single by catcher Bob Boone. to make a shoestnng l'at.ch . His try fails. the ball geis by ham, and Grich scores easily from se<.'Ond base. IC Martin makes the cat.ch . the Royals arc out of the tnning. If he JUSt takes the saft> route and plays 1t on a hop. Grich might not have scored from sl'cond and Kansns Caty still might have saved a run In the first game Mo nday rught a t Anaheim Stadium there were a number of situations -W1th the Angels leading 2-1. Ron Jackson hits a blooper down the right field line. J erry Martin races to the line and tries -ln the n inth inning with l4 look at the i ssues that led to s trike i J>la yers want p er centage of TV re venue, owner s say not a chance ' ' ~y The Associated P ress 1 Details of the National Football League tontract dispute may be confusing. with j.alk about percentage of gross and salary ales and career adjUstment pay. But now hat players have decided to strike. here in uestion-and-ans'wer form is a look at the ues that led the players and owners to heir break in talks and the decision by layers to walk out. Q: What led to the strike? A: The players association originally anted 55 percenl of gross revenues. The wners said no. The players then emanded 50 percent of television enues, but the owners quickly said no to hat, too. Negotiations broke off last Friday nd the association announced Monday that h ere would be a strike. s tarting mmediately following Monday night's ame between the New York Giants and e Green Bay Packers Q: How long could a strike last? A: That 1s impe>sSible to determine at this lnt. It could be over before the next heduled game on Thursday night; tt could l the season. Q: What ls the main issue? A: The tssue is no lonser the amoun t of '"'I to be d1stributed -the two tides ve aeneraUy agr«'Cl that the amount will $1.6 bill.Jon -but on wiler'e th• money lll come from. Plavere want 50 percent of TV revenues. Owners say they will not give up control of income. Q: What about insurance? A: UnJlke baseball club owners, who had strike insurance when players struck last year, football owners have none. However, they have a $50 million loan guarantee from Crocker National Bank in Califomla, which they may draw from to pay bills. The players have no formal strike insurance or a strike fund. The players, however, have already played one-eighth of their echeduled gpmefl and been pald one-eighth of their annual salaries. Q: How solid Is the union'• support? A: Most players a ppear to su pport the walkout. Only a few playeni -two from the Rams. for example -say they will not stril<e. Many other players, even some who say they will aU'lke. have been ctilical of the union and lta demand&. Ownen have aald they may carry on the .euon. Players aay they will play at leaat aix gamee made up oC strikina playen beginnlna In three weeb. The union'• requ eat for a fixed percenta1• oC revenue goes beck to the 1960s, when the NFL wu compcUq with the American Football Le.,ue for piayerJ. T he n. according to th' players fla urea. two·thlrdt of the 1~·· ~enues w•nt into player salariee. Since the two le.aues mer«ed ln 1970, tM unJon M)'9, that ti,ure has dropped to 30 percent. The owners say that current payrolls constitute 44 p<.'~nl of their revenues. Q: How do NFL saJaries compare with other major sports? A: According lo the management council's figures, the average salary in the NFL in 1981 was $90,102. The average Nallonal Basketball Association player earned $185,000 and the average major leag\1e baseball player $143.000. Top players are also paid less Walter Payton, th e NFL's highest paid player, makes about $800,000 a_y_ear -a lot o{ money. but much less t.fian the million a year paid baskctbell's MO&('S Malone and baseball players Dave Winfll.'ld and George Foster. Q: Who would benefit most under the union'• propoeal? A! Linemen. kickers and defensive backs. The glamour ployers like quarterbacks. running bacl\8, r('C('lvers would gain the leut. The playera have proposed a fixt'd acale of minim um salaries based on seniority rcgardlesa of poeltlon. Thu.. all rlnt·yf'U players would ae1 at least •75,000. all a e ven th-year pl ay~rs $1 H.000, all 12th-year players $400,000. Play rs would be free to neaoUate for addltlontl money. But tccordlng to tht union'• fisures. a 10th-year qu.rterback would get only five (See STRIKE , P11e Cl) runners a t first and third with one out and down by two run:.. K ansas City Managu Dick Howser elects not to go to the bench but instead a ll ows righthand-hittmg John Wathan a n d Jerry M arlin to (ace righthander Luis Sanchez The Royals get a run on a ground out but fall a buck shorL -But the most rontrovers1al play of the night came earlier in the game in the fifth inning. Tim Foh, hilting with two outs, hit a long fly to left which Willie Walson leaped for. along with 10 or 20 rans. to try and make the catch The ball bounded back onto the playing h eld but was ruled a home run. "l thought I knocked the bal' back into the ballpark," said a dejected Wilson. "He (third base umpire) said he saw a fan hit the ball "But the fan hit my glove, not the ball. I would've caught 1t af he hadn't hit my glove. That's when [ really got upset wtwn he said I didn't touch the ball. "But they (t he umpires) didn't lose the game for us," continued Wilson ''We lost at They (the Angels) got two o ther runs." "The umpires said the ball was above his (Wilson's) glove," said H o wser. "tr that's what happened then they mode the right call. I couldn't tell and George (8rctl) couldn't tell." 1n any evt.•nt, the hornerun wa Foll's 1hird of the season and first in Anaheim Stadium. It was his fourth game-winning hit of the year. "l thouaht the bnll w~ gone," aaJd ft'loJI. "l reeJJy didn't think he was going to go all tht> w~y over there to get lt." The ball hit just 10 feet lnslde the foul pol<'. So, In th first aamc-Al lt>A.,t, all th bia pt.3• IW't'mt'<i to go in the A n1ela favor. And that alway• seem• to b~ the way thlna• 10 when you'rt playing wcU. "There was no doubt an my mtnd that we were gomg to win tonight." said Jackson, who had three of the Angels' six hits on the night "W e have the momentum. They (Kansas City) were p1aying tight. especially af t er losing a se ries t o Minnesota." For the Royals. it's been a frustrating last few days. "It's always frustrating when you' re losing," said Bre tt. "Espedally when you lose four or five in a row this late in the season." The Royals have now Jost their last five stralf!ht to drop out or first place for the fU"St lime since Aug. 26. "This was a tough loss because we're one game down now," said Wilson. "But we have to forget about this game and worry about the next two." Brett echoed his teammate's thoughts .. "This was a very important game until (we take the field) tomorrow." said Brett. So now the attention ls turned to tonight's game and the Wednesday. And then to the thn·e games in Kansas City September 27 -29. It is these five games that wlll probably decide the pl'nnant. And during these five games, any error. plckotr, missed cutoff mon, homerun. str ikeout. diving cau:h, or game-winning hit 'could be the difference between Hnt and se<.'Ond place. "You have to play everything as a big play, big out. big IJ&me - that's what 1 wu taught.' Is how• Foll put it. On Monday ruaht. the A~el.8 made the bli plays. Tonlaht s a nc>w ballgame. And, accordlna to WIJ90n, the Royals have three choiCH. "We're 101n1 to elth~r leave h '"" OtW up. one down . or &.h.tee beck. It'• up \0 wa." And that pnony w~U aum.t It up. • I I l. ' La 011nge OOHt DAILY PILOT/TuHdly, September 21, 1982 ail strike leaves train depots abandoned Tho Auoclated Pre11 'l'hl" :i-day·old nationwide lrood t•naclm~·n1 •lnkl• ho• tun llfom a ~"i~•· ttaln d putt rtualcy abcmdonl'd and rtilroQd pervl1cmi 1lruggllng to deliver uil und produl'l' CuliCornlu rnl•nibt•r11 of the Brolhl•rhood ot L ocomotive Ensan1.'t•rs seemed unaffected by word of Prt.'Sldl'nt Reagan's call (or c.'Ongrl'S.'>1unul lnltlrvcntton to en d the stcl k e by th e 26,000·mombcr union. But railroad officlall well'omed th n Wll "!Wllroad 1trik don't U1ually laet v~ry long," 1ald Lou S c huyler, c hulrmun of the union'• Northern Cullfornh1 dlvltdon. "Consreoa1lonal ac\lona allow nt>go\latlon1 to <.'Ontlnuc, and we can work under tho old <.'Ontrnct whlc;h IM bl1th.'r thon thu <.'Ontracl managemt:'nl wurll.'l us l~ work under." Lo Anat•l.-111 mu 11lvt• Unlu11 Sunlu11 nornwlly mtt .. 1 wllh Ill! muny u• ~.000 pnMlk.·ngt·ri; u duy WW& t•rnfHY Monduy t'Xt'l'l'l for a.onw pc'Op ,. l)IUISlng throu"h Amtrak hu1t ,.Jo. C'd down 1t.-. 1•nt1n· OJWrullon, with llw lol'>I u1Hll'lput1•d arrival durlnAi Lh t• 11lrlkl1 pulling In from Chlcogo Mone.ht)', 11uld Edward Morrli;, t( ·nt·1·ul 11upcl'intcndl·nL for Amtrak In LOlil Angt•lc11. Notll.'\•S o f Lht• strike wert> J)O!!tt>d uL rli Deir' Not ....... by llltotlllfcl l(oeftlef Newport Beach residents brought a carnival atmosphere to a press ~nference where they underscor e d concern with expansion plans . "y one of their ·neighbors -St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. ~'1 ~x -Huntington j 4\ "1an due ~ ~~ ·qrraignment \..._ Continued stories ih fraud case ..._ ____ ---:-, -------- iA. man who a llegedly t•flbezzled $129,000 from three ~uran ce companies white o rating a brokerage business in ntington Beach was scheduled for arraignment in Cen tral Ql-ange County Municipal Court t~ay on three Cetony grand the ft c·~arges. ~ lr>ennis Jan Klotz, 42, turned ht'nself in Monday to police in orange who had obtained a ..J..errant for his arrest after a l month invesligat.ion. ran'ge police de~live Randy Mahon said Klotz has been Ii ing near Toledo, Ohio, smce clbsing his Huntington Beach b lr s iness. DJK Insurance B~okers. in March 1981. , -cMahon said Klotz primarily s d workers' compensat1'on p lic1es to convalescent homes a d allegedly withheld $129,000 r e than he was enlilled to k p as his-comrmsston. . lMore than $100,000 of this a egedly should have been paid t Mission Insurance Group, which has a dislricl orr1ce in ange a nd contacted police in at city. FUNDS CUT DELAY • • • least one supervisor is planning to ask that the board's policy be upheld when the board considers revenue sharing distribution Wednesday. Jan Goss. executive assistant to S e cond Districl Supervisor Harriett Wieder, said Wieder will ask the board to adhere to lls policy because program officials knew from the start that revenue-sharing funds were not meant to be a long-tenn source of funding. Goss said supervisors would still be willing to hear individual appeals for conlmued fundmg. ho wever. Programs scrvmg the Orange Coast that SPAC is seeking continued funding at this year's level inc lude the Women's Transitional Living Center, the Huntington Beach Seniors' Outreach Program, Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Beach. Laguna Beach Free Clinic, Hunungton Beach Community Clinic, the Committee on Assaults Again s t Women-Rape Crisis Network and the Legal Aid Society of Orange County CREAN ON TV. • • raise $50,000 for the whole c ampaign. Hoffenblum commented, "If he doesn'l spend more than $50,000 he won't be putting on much of a campaign." Crean's image problems began during the primary when he roundly was accused by GOP opponenls of employing underhanded campajgn tactics. Thal image proble m was compounded when 1''ed e ral Election Commission reporls revealed Crean spent in excess o{ $800.000, the most in the country. In winning his pnmary bid. The acrimonious tenor l>f the primary race convinced the second-place GOP finisher. former Carlsbad Mayor Ron Packard. lo mount a write-in bid for the genc.-ral election. l'IOllt-tl Amu Ak llUatloru In otJ\i'r 1wrlll of ttw atalt• Although lrulr11t w1•1 c• nul trunaportml( pt.'()J)lt•, lh<~Y wt_•rtJ mov1n11 ut lt•UNl 11onw fr~ighL Hui Ir uiul hpuk<'Hffit•n 1111111 pr 1111 lty wus lwlng g1vl'll lo 1nu1I und peri1h11blt1111ud1 u" produt•t• Crom Lht• 11"',1u1'11 fiiril'ulturul l'tmh'n1. Orowc•ra "don't 1Hic•m loo c.'Om·wnl·d ye·\ httt•au~· by for the.· larfll'lll part of lht• llhlpml'Ot.b of fresh fruit und.vcgl·t.ubh'll ur1• by lruck," aald Don 1..oc:kh11rt of Cnllfornta't Markot N.-we Suvic In Sa.aum<'nto. H t- ~limiatcd thiat 8~ lO 90 pen.-ent of lhe lt.ak''I sroduc.oe la 1hlp~ by truc:k , on "mon· trud~• urc uvollabh• now buc11uu· lhc• volume la slowing on 11<1m things llkc fruit und melona." Union Puclfk spokesman John ForbC'R uld while Its 170 cnglncera were on strike, 7~ lo 80 11upurvlsors had tajten over about ' h111f tht• 20 trulnw lhl• ro1lro11d normally run• bl'lWN·n Lo• A~g(•k'11 and l..u Vl•gu_. "Wt"u• nol klcJdlna ourwlve. ltwl we're 100 pt>rct-nt effective, bec'eull• w<•'rt! not," Jo'orb<-1 aald ''But we urt• mak l n~ h t>n dway an dcllvt•rln& ltw loacJ11 thul were.• l(•tl by the.> unlon locomot1vl· «ngan('(!ra." Ht• KUid h would probably t.akc: the rl'8l of thr Wt..ot•k lo l'Omplete loud dellvf>riea In their ~ion. All • 1s not a 'haven' St. Andrew's plan draws neighbors' ire By STEVE MARBLE Of the Dell~ Piiot ltett Stewart Hll·ki. hus been •ttending Sl. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church for nine years. He was married there. He even lives In a house owned by the chur<.'h. But Hicks claims the Newport Beach church has gone t.oo far now, breaking the very rules it is supposed to stand for. He suggests St. Andrew's haa gone out or it.sway lo alienate his friends and neighbors in the Cliffhaven community with a multi-million dollar expansion plan. Rieks says St. Andrew's has led a virtual "blitzkrieg" through th e q u i ~t , r e s i d e n t i a I neighborhood nl'ar Newport Harbor Hi~h School. The church and many of its neighbors for months have been locked in a healed battle over plans lo conslruct an 85-fool sanctuary on the church grounds. The church says its currenl sanctuary is t.oo smaU and that worshippers often are turne.d away. Negotiations between the two sides reportedly have broken oU wilh both sides blaming the other. Thal spat is scheduled to come before the City Council nexl week. Monday evening, Cliffhaven reside nts staged a press conference·lurncd-protest rally Signs go up to underscore their disenchantment with church leaders and their building plans. Barbara Wh itfo.rd. a spokesperson for the residents, accused the church of being less than sincere in trying to resolve the bitter dispute. She said Clifihaven residents have been threatened with "political clout" by church leaders. She said church leaders hove held out false hope that. there was room for negotiations on the expansion, when -she said there really .wasn't. Robe r'\ C urtis, a church member and chairman of St. Andrew's building committee. reti>rted that the resldenlS' claims are just eo much nonsense. Curtis said the church nas gone out of its way to accommodate residents and, at one point, agreed to scale down the planned aanctuary from 105 to 85 feet. "We've had no choice but to listen.'' he said. "They've been so loud we couldn't help but listen. We have been and we remain sensitive to their demands." But, said CurUs, the residents haye gone overboard in their demands and have put together a "slick campaign" to discredil the church. "What they (the residents) really want," he said, "is for St. Andrew's to move out of the neighborhood." Peter Gendron, president of the Cl1ffhaven homeowner group. said St. Andrew's has long been a good neighbor. He said residen ts are not opposed to lhe church's expanding, so long as il's done within reason. He said the church should stick wilh the city's 35-foot height limit or find a new site where there is more room. Gendron said that if th e council approves the building plan for the church, residents would have no choice but to file a lawsuit against •the city and St. Andrew's. On of re reactor operating San Onofre Nu c l ear Gcneraling Stalion's Unit 2 reactor began pumping out the juice Monday for the first lime since the $ l 7 brl Iron reactor showed up on blUl'prrnlS 13 years ago. ' orr1c1als a t Sou th e rn California Edison Co. major owner of lh<' nudl•ar planl south of San Clem<'nle, said loday the rcaclor began energizing California homes and businesses at about 20 percenl capacity shorlly afler noon on Monday. By the end of the day, Unil 2 was s hul do wn fo r rou tine ·maintt:nance, but an Edison ofhc1al said he expects the 1.100 megawatt unit will be back on line "in a day or two." The dome-shaped reactor has been operating intermittently since February when its uranium fuel was loaded and tow-power testing began. When the reactor goes back on line. probably later this week. power will be increased lo 50 pe rcent capacity, then lo 80 percent before reach ing full capacity by the first pf the year, an Edison spokesman said. Unit 2 is one of three nuclear reactors al San Onofre. Unlt 3, its 1.100 megawatt twin. is expected to go on line m about a year. Unit 1, conslrucled in 1968. has been shut down since February while workm~n make the rcac:tor more earthquake resistant. When all three reaclors are working al capacity, the nuclear station Is expected to produce enough electricity for 1.2 million customers in central and soulhcm CaJifomia. William R . Gould , board chairman and chief executive officer of the utilily, srud Urul 2's initial production "signals the *** beginning of a new era of decreasin~ dependence on oil and other fossil fuels prese ntly needed to generate most of the electricily being used" The coa»l al c omm1ss1o n delayed decisions o n the development of the .Bolsa Chica 1n April and July. *** SAFETY PACKETS • • • From Page A1 traffic control points within the emergency1planning wne should evacuation become necessary. On the back of the map is a list of "dos" and "don'ts" that residents are asked to note in the event of an emergency at the nearby nuclear power station. "Dos" range from "remain calm," to "provide a thr«>·day supply of food and waler for pets." In the "don'ts'' column, the utilily s uggcsLS eva<.'Ut'\:l> "leave firearms, drugs or alcohol" al home. It also suggests residents leave funiture and valuables behind, saying security will be provided lO evacuation areas. Throughout the brochures are illustrations of smiling evacuees -meeting at a reception and care cent-er, driving to their designated evacualion center, and watchin'g their home lelevislon for information "after an emergency has been dcdared." The 16-page "Emergency Information Handbook," includes S<.'<.'t1ons describing the diffe renl kinds of radiation; how to shield yourself against radiation; and the d1 ff erences befwee n an "unusual event, an alert, a site e m e rgency and a g e neral emergeocy." Also included m the package are return forms for residents who are hard of heanng. visually 1mpa1re d or 1n need or lransportalion s hould an evacuation be necessary. In addition to the infonnalton packet. the Orange Coast South telephone dtreclory will include a summary of the emergency plan and a map or the planning rone . In a le tter to recipients, the chairman o f lhe board of Southern California •Edison Co. su£§,eslS the map and br('Chure be ' kepl in a handy place." Just in case. Late night fog due along Orange Coast Constnl ~1 SunnT end werm 1odey with ight o 75 10 85 Clear tonlOlll acepr 10< •chance of eotelel fog IOw cloud• -v lete tonight .. r1y Wednetd•y Overnight 67 ro 62 E•rly clHrlng on ed.-cley t>ecOmln9 lllMY and m Hlglla Wedneadey 74 10 14 emperelur• In Ille Huntington arM range lrom I low of to • high ol 7d Ellewllare. from Point oncepllon 10 the Me•lce n order end out &o mitt• Nortllwett wlnde of 10 to 20 knoll 3 to 5 fool ooml>lotd -end (1Vfl( ouler w1t4n. locally vetllble wlncl• tC>lllotlt end nHdly mornl"O· Well to '-ti wind• 10 10 ,. knot• 1 to 3 loot wind WIMM ln tflt 1ternoon1 end evening• todey Wedlllldey Soutri-t ewell 10 2 IHI looal log late tOfllelll Nfty Wednetd1y. Muell of 8CM1lllern catllomle wlll • lreeted 10 warmer mper1ture1 Wtd'1Hd•Y and tambef elr tllll llH ~ "the ..... "••t . -. In llle-Jaal ,,., .. yttre." ec<:ordlng to -111er and air QUetity ottic;lele. Jim 8lrello1. di1trlet manager 10< t'l'9 Air Ouellty M•lllQtlMlll Oletrle1. Hyl 11111 lrom Jan t until Suno.y, the Sou111 Coaet Aw IHI" tied o"IY 57 lirtt·lla'C: wnog lller11, compared '*'1111 IHI Ille NIM period lut yell' and 75 In 19t0. "Arid II IOOlll lllle t\ wlll etey tllet wey," lie Mid TM Netlonll' W•tller ~. meanwhile, predicted Ill• conllnuetlorl ol .unny elclee llld J;.•tellel 01 low clouds ll'IOltly In eofitll1rn co e1tal eree1 Wednetdey Shower•, lllundlf'llOt'ml 1nd drlnie dllT\PIMd 1111 UPP9f OlllO Rlwr ¥:1 tocley 11'1<1 elrtlCl\ed tlono Ille ulf Collt and over the Atlantlo cout •ltta The upf)tl'. Mielllleel etld PlllM -Ille Olkotll, Mlnl1Mote. Ptttl of ~brake, IOWt *'Cl Wltconlln -welt U'1dtr 11\fHI Of lrttU wttnll\gt befort dlwn todty ~--~O-tlle 111>91 rail lakM tnd widely tcelltfecl ~ louehad 1)111• ol Haw Mutco 1nd Arl1ona. Wtrm tempertturH '" tile 70• and IOe prevllled In the hi hit. Tllundefltorme ,_. apecled to continue In tM Altent~ 'c1l: Ind -Ille eoutlltm llllf Ille r . """· . *'-ml R~ ~ounleln region• todey F , •kl•• Wirt tltptCltd Temperatures el-'*t, H~t lor 101M Cloud -Iron\ Ille Outf Cotet to Int °'"' Ullltt NATION TM cllllly o#eltfl Of Ille No,111 HI Le ., At11nt1c 1urntd troplCill etorm Alba"y 80 49 5 Debby '"to • poor1 dellned Al= 69 " ,., •Hiiier ~tll\, th N•t1ona1 Amar ee 111 Hufllclne ter Mid. 0.bby loet AeMlll ... 6g 51 hurricane etltu• 9und1v nlQllt, Atlllnle 78 59 '"d Mond1y the 1torm WH Atlll'ltoCty 6CI 5e 24 ~ IOWIWd the amlel't "'" II Aue tin 83 64 a 811tlmor• 83 57 12 Temper11turt1 belora dtwn ~Ml 711 .... r~ lrOl'l'I lta tf HlbOlng, Minn., 71 59 to ln Ptloanl11. ··~k 63 30 > BoiM ea 48 12 Boston 62 51 48 8rown111tie 93 75 ee 8utt110 70 48 20 &rllnglon 69 47 C1epe< 70 39 Cfl91let'1 SC ea 73 11 Cl\l!IStl' W\I 71 54 .01 Ollartll• NC 78 61 07 Clley9t\M 65 "2 C1t1Cego 55 .. , Clnclnn•ll 7 t 5 1 Clevtitfld es 5 1 Clml>le SC 13 ea COlumbu• 70 47 18 0.1-FIWlll 8t Sf Deyton 69 4 1 34 Oenwr ee •1 O..Mom• eo 38 DeltOil 88 37 02 Oulutll 51 30 El Puo 89 65 201 F•roo llO 38 Fllgll•ll 78 48 OtHI F'•H• 73 49 HllrllOld l\8 Ill 48 Hlltn• 711 <14 l'fOnOIUlu H 75 H001ton 84 ea tndnepll1 n .. , Jtckln MS 8~ 18 Jkkanvlle 92 72 l<tn1 City 68 .0 l<noxvllle ~55 l11Veg11 90 ... lillle Aoclc 71 41 l.OUllYtlle 10 <19 lubb«k 73 se 11Hmp1111 77 12 . MlllTll " 80 MtlWIUkM 68 ... Ms>'•..S• p .. 39 ~ 77 54 33 New OrleeM 85 7 .60 Monrovt1 D3 54 S11lnt• 83 48"' New YOik &4 S6 .:M MontebellO 87 58 San BemtrdtnO 92 53 Norlolll 78 84 Ml MonttfeY 72 52 S1" Oebr ... ea 55 No Platte 87 32 MIWll~ 78 52 Sen Diego 77 65 Ollie City 73 47 Ntl9dles 98 70 ~ Fr81>dtcio 76 56 Om•ll• 56 40 Newpc>ft Belch 75 et Sin Joe. 80 50 Oflando 91 71 1. 1 I Ontetlo 88 55 Sent• Ane 82 58 Ph.,::r.'a 63 55 .05 Ptlm $pflng1 N 89 Sente 8erOlr• IO SS p JI t02 77 PIMdlnl 87 57 s.n11 Cr\ll 82 52 P1111burf:: ~ 52 18 Puo Roblee es <19 Slnte Mlltll 87 48 Ptlend, e 50 S5 Rt-tide 8t 63 Santi Monlol 75 59 PllMld, Of• Sil 541 .5t Aed ·" 81 64 Slodlton 82 61 ProllldtnU 65 52 .27 ~city IO 63 T lhoe Yelttr/ 68 29 =::tc.1y n 63 01 Reno 70 33 Tllermll 99 71 86 34 Slcfemenlo 78 52 Tornnc;e 82 57 Reno 70 39 Sitt l1"9 81 68 San Antonio 8 t 12 ot Selllle 83 55 .oe Sllr:1:t 82 58 SURf RIPIRT ~ Slou~ 1111 58 3"' St Louie 65 45 St P·Tlmpe 89 75 01 St Ste Merle 47 40 SpohM 73 53 t4 Syr•Cll.IM 69 48 Tope1t1 111 34 ~ f~ .... . "' ... Tuet0n 91 ea L~ ,, . ~ ,....,. Tiii .. 73 .. Huntlntton lhlltt .. 4 11 ee Wltfllngtn H 6t .OS Hunt~onPI« t4" •• es Wlctlitl 70 M 8111'111 ~;:, JtUy 1.a" OOod 95 CALWOMIA 40tll SI 1·2" OOod IS 81ktrlllald ea 81 22nd It. NfwPOr1 1·2 " OOOd 95 B•OIOW H 61 111bo1 Weclgt 1-a n OOod 95 ltlUmonl 92 ... ~-llfUM 0-1 " poot 18 llOe.tf IO ft ~= 0-t" poor .. llytl\e .. 10 0-t" "°°' .. ,~. 10 .. tan CllfMl!tt "" t4fl fljr .. l''-'O a .. ""r=., 1.enOeettr II IO 14" '* .. i.one~ .. .. ~~ ii a TOltMWrOW Hr TIW It II °""°"°" ......... lflNll IUCI I HUI lflCU T Ul SUA Y S I PI l Mtll h .l I l'Hll ORANGE COUNTY C Al I FOR NIA 25 CENTS I Fan penalizes f oothall strikers $200 milli.on By DAVID KlJTZMANN OfttleO..,,...IWI A Newport Beach resident frus trated bL the fmpasse b e tw een NF players and owners sought to penallte the league by $200 million Monday when he filed a class at tlo n lawsuit on behalf of 1 million season ticket-holders nationwide. The legal action was filed in Orange County Superior Court jus t b efor e the strike b y members of the Nfi"L Players Aslloclatlon against the National football Le_ruiue began Monday night. (Related atoriea Page Cl.) The two sides have been unable to agree on a new player contract. Suing the league and the players association was Newport businessman Wayne Bieaman, a Rams season ticket-holder whose attorney said earlier Monday that the lawsuit waa meant to show players and owners that fans are tired of being lgnort'<i. "We wanted the players and owners to know that th~ fana a not going to take this l~ng down, as they usually do,• attorney George Rttaema of Newport Beach said. The suH, In effect, seeks $200 refunds for each of the estimated 1 million fans nationwide who hold season tickets for NFL home games. Just like days of yore When the Pilgrim, a replica of the ship made famous by Richard Henry Dana, sailed into Newport Harbor there was a welcoming parade of wooden boats; see Page BI. The brigantine had gone to Wilmington for repairs and was going bac k to its permanent berth at D(na Point. Safety packets readied By STEVE MITCHELL O(U-. DeltJ Not si.-. More than 33,000 residences and businesses in four south Orange County communities will receive handbooks and multi- colored evacu ation maps this week. courtesy of S outhe rn California Edison Co. The informational documents, mandated by federal regulation, are to provide residents in San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano. Capistrano Beach and Dana Point with procedures to be taken in the event of a serious incident at • the San Ono fr e Nu c l e ar Generating Station, located three miles south of San Clemente. Residents in those areas are considered to be within the Smiling evacuees pictured in Southe rn California Edison Co. handbook don't appear too alarmed about nuclear accident report. eme rgenc y p l anning zone established by the Nuclear Re gulatory Commlaaion a nd other agencies. The large 22 by 17 -inch map included in the packet outlines primary evacuation routes and (See SAFETY, Page A%) Ritacma said the lawsuit rolik't the l88ue of whethe r season ·ticket-holders ore third party bene1ichrriea ot e-myll>y4!e contracta between players .and owners. . In particular, the legal action alleges that BJessman, a general manager of Southern CaUfornla Pneumatics in Santa Fe Sprlng11. had his schedule of business entertai nme nt for clie nts "dlarupted and Impaired" by the breakdown In n e got let lon11 between players and ownun1. The suit claims that the 26 NFt'" uams an-a pla y ers aaaoclation "breached their duty" to season ticket-holdcra by not conducti ng "go od fa i th negotiations" to arrive at a new t'Ontract. Bleaman says In his lawsuit that he was promised "an entire and continuous football season of 16 games on consecuti ve weekend.a, followed by playoffs " .Tilt! Newport resident said be holds four season tickets vaJued at $585. H e said he arranged his business ent.ertalnment achedule according to the schedule of games. With the annourx.-ement of a player strike, the suit said, he could no longer plan hls aoctal schedule "and thus not receive the benefit of his season tickets." Crean to use TV call-in tonight to boOst image BY JEFF ADLER Oflhe De1tJ ..... Staff Republican congressio nal candidate Johnnie R. Crean will take to television tonight in an apparently unprecedented haJf. hour call-in show designed to bolster his unfavorable public image. The prime-time televisio n show, which will pre-empt the regularly scheduled game. show, Tic Tac Dough. will cost the Crean campaign about $50,000. said Allan Hoffenblum, Crean's campaign consultant. The purchase of such a block of television time and the "live" format are firsts for an Orange County congressional candidate, local political observers agreed. Hosted by forme r "Today" show anchorman Frank Blair. the broadcast is designed to show the "real" Johnnie Crean, a man far different from the one the news media portrayed during the primary campaign . C re an explained. "The show is intended to show people that I don't resemble my image at all, to show that the image created was incorrect,'' Crean said. Between 7:30 and-8 p.m ., viewers will be .able to phone in questions to Crean on San Diego's KFMB-TV, Channel 8. Orange County residents who s ubscribe to the south county cable system that offers KFMB to viewers also will be able to watch. The 43rd Congressio nal ELECTIONB2 District includes portions of south Orange County and much of north San Diego County. Crean's Democratic opponent in the race, Roy "Pat" Archer, has announced he will open his S an Marcos c amp a ign headquarters to anyone wLShang t o watc h th e broad c ast. Afterwards, Archer said he will be glad to answer questions posed by the public. Crean said he is "exhilarated" by the prospect of speak ing directly to 43rd district voters. He adde d tha t the race is unique because it pits him agai~t his own image. "We found out early on that when I meet people personally it changes the image," Crean said. 1n e xplaining why the lav e te levisio n format had b een selected. If the broadcast is a succea. Crean said, it could signal an election day victory. H o rrenblum s a i d be recommended the unusuaJ step of buying the half-hour show because "the problems with t~ candidate were unprecepented." He said that that the $50.000 cost lor the production was spUt evenly between production costs and promotion. Asked whether Archer couid (See CREAN, Pa1e AZ) Funds cut delay urged By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the 0.., "°' ltllfl A citizens advisory group is seeking postponement of funding cuts in a number of county- backed social programs despite a poli c y whi c h mandat es reductions on a phased basis. The proposed cull would affect 48 programs, including at least 10 on the Orange Coast which receive federal revenue-sharing money through Orange County supervisors. The supervisors adopte d a policy in 1978 mandating that all programs lose 25 percent of their 1980-level funding annually. The poUcy was aimed at phasing out county funding of all programs over a four-year period. Superv isors orde red the phased cuts at that time because they said revenue-sharing funds should be used only ~ "seed money" to launch programs. The programs' continued survival should depend on their ability to attract _private funding, the supervisors said at the time. But membe rs of the Social Programs Advisory Committee, a group which mon it or s the programs , say eco n o m ic conditions warrant a change in that policy. SPAC membe r s , i n their recommendations to supervisors for the funding cycle that starts Oct. 1. asked that many of the programs be funded at their current level another year. SPAC is asking just over $1.3 million for the programs, as opposed to the nearly $1.6 million received last year. Thie programs would receive a total of $911 ,000 if funded at the level mandated by the supervisors' policy. SPAC Chairman James Krembas s aid t o day hi s committee decided lo seek a postponement of the cuts because ( 1) inflation and the overall economic picture have made It difficult for programs to obtain any private funding; (2) there is an increaslng_need for $Uch programs an lhe county, and (3) the county already has phased o ut most o f the progra ms it funded three years ago. Thirty -e ight of the 48 programs on this y~ar·s list are entering the th ird year of the. funding cycle, which means the°1,:., would go from half to 25 percen•· of their 1980 funding under ~·· supervisors' policy . Krembas said. Allowing tha t kind of cut und e r c urre nt e co n o m ic conditions "appeared to us to be signing the death warrant for a lot of those programs," Kre~bas said. Supervisors have prohibited new applications for revenue s h a r ing funds from s ocial programs for two years, Krembas said. and have reduced the number of programs be ing funded from a high of 99 to the current 48. Despite SPAC's arguments, ai (Sff FUNDS, Pa1e A-Z) -lllDEX- At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade Classified A4 A7 84-5 A7 Ex-policeman denies molesting 6 Huntington girls Comics · Croaword Death Not.lees Editorial Entertainment Bob Greene Goren on Bridge Horoecope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds Public NoUces Sport.a Stock Marketa Televilion 11\eaten Weather World News C5-8 B6 B6 C5 A6 87 A7 A7 A7 A7 87 84 C3-4 Cl-a B5 88 87 A2 A3 A former Long Beach police officer known to neighborhood children ln Huntington Beach aa ''Uncle Mike" has denied on the witness stand that he molested six young girls at his Cape Cottage Lane hqme. . DJrlng his two hours o f testimony. Monday, defendant Michael Bruce McDonald admitted to jurors In Superior Court Judp Donald M~n·s court. thai hi• h o me was a popular place for children . Thia was becau. he had two pinball machinM In a 1ame room In hil ,....,., he Mid. But McDonald lnaiat.ed that h never made sexual advancea toward \.he children or ahowed them the "triple X·rated" .Udee he had on the n ickelodeon becau1e they were angry with machine In his garage. him. Six r\elghborhood girls He said he had quarreled wi\.h testified last week that several girls just d&ya before his Mc Donald at various times arrest becAWM! they had ridden exposed himselr and fondled them when th.ey visited his Neighborhood residence to play gtnball. The girls ranged In age rom 8 to 12. children called The 42-year-old defendant, him 'Uncle Mike' 1usJ:1,ed from th Long Beat'h ~ ce force following hla anwt It May, la charrd with 17 felony counte tnvo vlng allesed their bicycles ovtr hl1 lawn, acts with the 1lx girl• over a McDonald Aid he alto had ~ two-year period be~nnlni_ln curtalllni.,:e of hla pinball 1980. He la free on $1 .000 11. machlnes Utt ~ children had become rowdy and al10 Queati04'ed by defenae becaUle he WU remwrilll( from auorne/ Gary Pohhon, kMe 1urpry. McDonal 1u11eated that the chtldren mav have testified Alked by Pobilon hla ruic:tJon l to being char~d with child McDonald has a tren-ar.c soil molestation, Mc hald aa.ld, "at and da~hter who live w th ht!I first I was hurt very deep~ to Cirst wi e. An Infant daughter think that I could get chil ren died in 1966. that angry at me." McDonald, who spent 18 l ears Before McDonald tu\ifl~ on the Long Beach police Ol"'e, Monday. a nel~r saJd on the aaid he later became "angry and witness stand t he overhearit depreteed" aa a result of the char-two vounj( ilrls who testified ges eaalnat him. ~ainat McDonald say. ''We ~t ncle Mike good. But lt we re "How do you tcc l n ow ?" caught •rtna· we'll ~ ln a lot of. Pohlaon asked. trouble.· "Scared," aald McDonald. · Nelghbor Phillip Burtk, who The defendant aald II~ next to McDonald, eald ht nei1hborhood c h ildren heoard the 11rl1 talklna •• he frequt:!l called him ''Uncle 1t0od an hAI ..,..._ lut month • Mike" liked to apend ume I t The ~rll Mre atandl'JuJn '"°"' hla home. He Mid he didn't mJnd of a ouae next door. rik AMI thla becauM "I enjoyed belnc he heard one of th~ 1lrl1 call around chiJdren." McDonald "• creep." \ • ' Dow Jones Final UP 18 .. 49 CLOSING 934.78 Bank completes · stock sale A s1.tx·k 84llC' ror the-new Marmen. Bank Nat1on<il Assoct:mon (in organ1rot1on) uf San Ch•mt•nu.· was full y subscribc'Cl In it dayi.. rt·ports Cal Coast &ncorp. the bank holding comp:my. The bank is awaiting regulatory approval It expects to opt:n In Oct-0ber in the Pico Plaza at Calle de lndustrie$. Fluor ub~ idiary open The H1·1>ubltl· Supply C11 of Culdu1111a a :-.ubs1d1ary of f'luc>r Corµ . Irvin<!, has opcm'<l a foc:1l01ty .. H Port Hu<0nl•m1· in Vt•ntuni County The Silt· will pmvu.lt• 1fllpr11vl'Cl ac'(•c-s..-; ti> work boati. that Sl·rv1<.·t• uflshon• d1·11lmg ;:ind produt·tion act1v1t1e:-. Utility rolls back hike SAN DIEGO (AP) San Diego Gas & Elt.'C.'trtc has announ<.•t>d a rollbat:k m its estimate of a natural gas hike from a 30 pcrl'(mt increase to JUSt 7 percent. Under the revised l'Sllmate, the typical rcstd<.'ntJal natural gas user would be paying $24 10 a month for 50 tht:rms as opposed tu the C'urrent $22.59. The ut1ltty servt>s portions of southt>rn Orange County. Uel Monte closing plant . SAC~AMENTO (AP) -The Del Monte Corp. will close its can plant here, putting about 55 full -time and 65 seasonal cmployN>S out of work. a t.'Ompany spokesman said Fluor subsidiary gets contract A subs1d1ary of the Fluor Corp. of Irvme is undertaking design and C'ngmeering of oil and gas production facilities for Petroleum Development Oman. . ~ The client 1s maJOrity owned by the government of Oman but operated with the assistance of Royal Dutch ~hell Value of the contral·t was not disclosed. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS ,.EW vo~o; tAJ'I ',.,. IO!IOWl"lj '"' "'°W' ltw N_. Yo<• !>IOO ~·<­\tO(ll\ 4'nO w.trr•;\h trt.1 h••f" QOM u.p '""' '"°'I _,., dow.n tht. mo~1 cw~ "" l:,'<";~';""9" r~rclln• OI VOlUITMI NO WC:\fO•tt lr6dinQ C>rlOw \1 •t" IMf t.H1itd N•t MWJ pittrte1u~~ t n•nQI"\ •"t tn. d•tt'r~ntf' bPtwttn thtt prt111ou\ <lf>\•f\oY pnc• ",_, roo.-,v' i~s"' prtc• L ••I I RB Incl 7 unoon t0<0 1c.-.. ... • ''""'f"' $ h 1tn I '°°4 • A•l.-n Inc 1 ~~ ... I Ctlll'NMQ t Ev..,. 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Off • > 011 11 Oii 1 • Ofl $I Oii , , Off ) • Off ) 1 Cit• , a 011 •• 011 •• 0 11 • ) 00 •• 011 • J Off • ~ Ofl • , 00 ., 011 40 OU • 0 Of( • 0 GOLD COINS NEW YORK CAP) -Pf~ Mond1y 01 gold C01nt, Competed wllh Frld1y • PflOe 1Cr1191,,1nct. 1 lroy oi • IU3 25. oll $115 Meple IHf, t troy or , 1448.26. of! 11.00 Mllllo# 90 PffO, I 2 lfOY 01 .152 I 00. on st 2$. Allllfleft 100 1town, 0802 lfoy 01 . $422 !IC, oll 17 26. &ourc:e OHk•Ptrefl METALS ... -.... . .. ., :l . , ,, NEW YORK (AP) me1e1 prlCeS tO<ley SPOI nonlerrou• ., Copper 70't-72 cents • pOUnO oesuneuon1 LMd 25-29 c.t\11 e PoUr>d Zinc •e>-<t2 cenl• • pound del•.,.,ed Tin S6 3082 Mel•I• WMll compoe1i..,.' ~ • I Alumlnum 76 77 C4nll o pOUnd. N v• ' Mercur, S3•0 00 per lluk Plellnum $340 00·13• 1 00 troy ounce. I N v ·, ' .11 '" ., nl -Sl-LV-ER-----.:/~'J Hendy & H8'men $8 740 pet ouncie lrOI' \ I ~· !I ~~~~~~~-L-~~~ GOLD QUOT A TIONS 8J The AHOCl1led ~rffe Seleeted w0<1d gold prlcls tO<ley London m0<n1ng ll•lng $426 50, up S2.25 ~ London 1l1ernoon ll•tf\g $426 60, uf> $2 25 •• f\. Perl• a1t1rnoon 1 ... no $427 17, otl T so 59 Frenllfurt lu11ng $425 94. ott S 1.CMI Zurlc" 111e 1llt<noon li•lnQ $.427 o¢ up ~ SO bod, $428 00 Hlrecl H•ndr a Herm1n onty delly quot~ S•26 50. up S2 25 £ne-lherd only deity QUOll S•28 50. UC! $2 25 £ft04llherd only deity quo,. fetwiui.41 S4•7 83. llP S2 3t SYMBOLS U Nr .... ,ft1trly tuw u N .. w y.-a1ly h!Qh lJnlC>U Oth ......... ll()l\'(J ·••H ol d•••OMd •tfll Ann~;.U d._tKH-4'tnftt\tti ~ttJ...,0 Qn lhf t~-tt q.,•••f'lly O• '""'' onnvt l OeCl•••l•Oll Soec141 Ck~ .. ,,. <1111•d~n<h <H l"'V~•' ~ \lft\1()i\'1NI .u 1 C'Qull• 1"' 10.,.,hlllO tn IM '"''' "'""II '°"'"°"'' ~ Al•O ...... °' ''"~' II Annv11 •••• oi..a 4\0C• O•.,d•nct ' I •Qu•ct•hng C11v1<1end Otc111NJ o• Dl•O .,., P•tc.vo 119 17 mon111s t ()foc1,r~ 01 11<'"1 "''"' \ln(k <l•voOenel O< \t•11t uc> J P••O th,_. .,. .. , Ot~ orn.t1ed <!"'"''""" '" no 1<11on I •~en 11 te\I <l•v--6 ,.,...,,,"O -·0.Clll•fld 01 P•od 1~,. ~.., .,., kCumul&hv~ ill~ W·ln d·..,·~• •n •ttHt-., ,,.,. ... ''"""" , Of<ll•l'Cl Uf S>e>d ... lltfC..Oot\Q 12 ""'"I"' plv' llti'~ Uov~ I P•1d 111 •IO<.k on Pl•U<lll\O 12 tnU,.ll'o> t •l•Molllecl 'ti'" ...... 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