HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-22 - Orange Coast Pilot• ORAICf CDAIT a ............... ._... .. , .. ,...,...... .. Ut!JZSC& 5 YOUR HIMITDWI DAllY PAPll , WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1\fttl ORANGE COUNT V. CALIFORNIA is CENT !-> • Molesting suspect described as 'loving person~ By DAVID KUTZMANN 01 .... 0811) l'llol "•" An Orangt' Cou11 ty Su~·reur Court Jury l"'t.lf\Sldt•n'<I tcxiuy th•· fate or a formt'r L1111g Be • .u h p olkt' orr1ct'r c hafKl'd Wi th molesting six young 81rls I.Jul who WU !> dt'Sl'rlbl•d by h1i. attorney as a "lovtnl(. car111g person ·• "What M1kt' Md)onc1ld Ill guilty of 1s ~mg a11 af ft.'('llonah'. loving human ~11\g who hugs SAT scores lower SACHAMENTO (AP) California high school seniors S<.'Ored slightly lowC'r this year on the Scholastic Apt1tudt• Test, tht· most important L'Ullc·gl· l'ntrancto examination. The state reportt•d Tut•sday tha t coll<'gt'-bound Cal1furn1a 12th grackrs scored 425 this year on the verbal part •>f the tesl, down from 426 last yc·ar That dropped th('m one potnt bt'low the national averagt' fur Vt'rb.il skills ln the malht•maucal Pc1rl or thJ;- test, the Cahforman.s scored -474 this year compared to 475 last year. But that was still St'VC'n points above• the national averagt• for mathemaucal skills The s tate De p artment o f Education, quoting figures from t h e C o I I e g e E n t r a n l' l' Examination Board 111 Nl'w York. srud nationwide scores rose this year for the fu-st Lim<' in 19 years The increases were two points in verbal skills and one point in math. Th e r e w ere 102 .26 1 Cahforrnans whu took the SAT. which is rt>qu1rc-d by most four· year collegc-s State school Superintendent Wilson Riles said he wa s disappointed but not surpnsed by the results, considering the school cutbacks because of mon<•y shortages "1 don't believe nor d o testing expc"rts -that the late.t results s1gn1 fy a maJOr !Wtbac·k for Californians." Riles said "ln fact, considering the seven· fiscal crunch facing Caltrornia schools 1n recent vcars, 1t 1s phenomenal that the. S('Ores havt• improved at all " Last yea r Cali forn1a SAT scores rOS<' in both verbal skills and math. for thE' S('('()nd llmt· in three yearll und k11111t'S and lt>ves pt'oµh:. ddernw altorrwy Gary Pohlson told JUrors Tue111Jay durrng dos111g !>tlit~menls 1n Supt•rior Court bt-fort> J udgt• Donald A M"C~rlln Tht· dt'11 ·111hmt dt•lllt•d ••II lht• w1trll'llll !>lu11d Munday thut lit• mJJt• ~xuul advom.t·::. towu1 cl tht· 1<11 l'i, wh11 rclllj,(1'<.I Ill ugc· f111n1 R to 1 'l iu11d. l'lu1111111!( Lhu t .i 111 yt'.Jr-old 1(1rl who ll•s 11f1cd U!(UlniH his 1 l11·11l "l11·tl c·11111pl1•t1•ly" and i.x1i.111lily t·><,·rh•d influt•n('t• ov«r MJllll' 11( t)ll' 11tlwn. Md)onald, 42, of Huntmglorl Beal·h. 1s l'harged with muluplt• l'ounts of c hild moleslall u n involving allegl'{I al·ts with six ne1ghhorhoud ~iris over an I t!·mm1th J.>l'rll)d begmntnl( 111 t'Urly H.18 l A 11d l'oh Ison su l:t)(t'!> lt·d t11 Jllllll'> Tut·sd..iy thul swn1· 11f 1tw g 1 1 I :. m a y h 1.1 v l ' l 1 ... d a h " u I MtD11nuld's 1:1ll1·gt·d a1·11v1111·' b~'i.'llUM• they Wl'lt' dll~I y Wllh hun 1'1 O!>l'l'Ul11r Carl Ar rnhru11 l , how1•v1·r , ar..:ut•d that Md.)(mald Ill l(Ullly ol ul lt•ast 15 uf Lhl· IH c oun~ lodgt-il .1Ka1r1sl h1111 t\rmbl'U!>I alll•gt..J th;Jt must or t h1· young1-ott•rll Wt·n• mol1:stcd t• a 1· h t 1 m ,. t h c y w t' n t t o Md)onald'!> Cui~ Cottagt• Lam· "l'1il 1alk1nf( uboul 11 v1•1 y s 1111pll· kind of l'unsplral'Y ," 111: D.il)' Piiot Pl\010 b)' l " Peyne A!-> the• surf provide~ dinner mu!--i<·. Lalou Turturini pour~ wine ut Kuthy Mcisaac.· a nd Duve Miller's tubl<' for two. SullllllCr ebbs, roinance flows By JODI CADENHEAD Of -O.Mr Ptaot ll.n What a httle romance won't do ror a romanct.' Dave Miller , 23, Costa Mesa was s tuck tn traffic on the Sant.a Ana frN>way last Jum.• wht·n he bt>gan daydreaming about dining on the bcat'h wllh his girlfriend Kath y Mcisaac. 19 Lagun<.1 Niguel Luc·k1l y P1cassu's in Laguna & .. :wh d1<ln"1 think that a pink-clothed tabll' for two in the• s.t11d with w1nl' and u dozen rt·d roses was sUl'h .in unusual request Miller told h11> 19 year old SWl-<.•thc•ort to dn•'i.'> up Tuesday night They w1•rt• gwng soml'plan· SfX'Clal The· pr<'·SChool teach t•r in a long blul'k s kirt and l,1('(' blou...._, nt•ver gu('SS('(] she'd l'nd up on tlw beach. surroundt.'<..I by mile.._ of sanci. th1· pc1und1n1< surf a nd a frw l'Unous •mlook1·rs "l JUSl wantr-d to ct'lebralt· thf' last day of summer and have> a nic-e dinner." said the Costa Mesa roof<'r Th<' sun set The couple c;mdt"'Cf shyly The waiter poured ano the r glass o f c habl1s and retumcod to tht· kitch en up th"' hill to !Wrve the salad. followed by sorbet. scampi and d c-art of c;wN't French pa.<;tn<'!> Th,. t<Jb for th1• fairy t..al(' t vl'ning camt' to $40 Mcisaac: eonf1dt'<.l that shl' was 1mpn•SS<od No mw had 1•vC'r su rpn~-d her likt· that. "Thill,., m} f11't time too," Miller assured her Tht• \·ouplt', whu nwt on c1 ski tnp last spring, admit thl'y usually do typic:al things llkt• go to movies "I l1kl• rlo1ng th1!> kmd of sturf." s.11d tht• u11c1basht•d romant1t· 'iUlt.or "You don 't S<.'i.' much of 1t ' homt-tu play µintmll 111 11 ~ume room In hl11 guragt· The prvi.t'<.'U lion a 11111 a lleg1•d that the dc•ft'ndant showed tht- 81 ri!> purnt>Kraph1t· slldt•ii 1n a 1111·kdc.xfrQn and would disrobe u1 front of thl'rn in his lx-druom or bathroom B u t P o h I s u n ,. 1 l t ' d t h 1· test1 mony o f a neighbor o f M l' D u n u 1 d ' s w h o t ,. s t 1 f ll' d Monday thul he ov1•rht·ard two of the girls say, ''Wt' got Und1· M1k1• good Uut If we're t•uutehl lying . Wl·'ll be In a l o t o f troublt-" Mt·Oonald waa kno wn to neighborhood c:h1ldren as "Uncle M1k1· .. Tht• ddense lawyer said the stalement 1nd1<:a ted that the youngsters lied on the wltneaa stand and were worried about being discovered Valley cuts • coll ee money· for seniors By P HIL SNEIDERMAN 01 lhe Delly Piiot 8t•ff The F ountain Val11·y City Council has voted Lo stop payin~ $21 5 ix·r month in "coffee and doughnut money" to the local sernor t'ltizens organ12.at1on as a first step to ward maktng the: program pay its way The council TuC'sday agret·d. however, to conunut> allowing the seniors to meet eal·h Wt.'<'k at the Fountain Valley R.ecreauon Center without paying rent The t'1ly also will s t ill pay for pubhcauon of a senior newsletter until a priv ate sponsor l'an be found A bout 80 senio r 1:11 1zc·ns atte nding the council meeting reacted angrily to the cutback. R osalie K ot·1 e la , a s poke s w om an (or the 500-member Fountain Valley Seniots orgarnz.allon . said most peighbori ng cities prov ide complete social centers and much more ext.eruive services for older residents "H o w can you In g oo d consc1en<'t' say you want LO take away our allowant·e o f $215 a month?" she asked "Look at all the serv1ces we provide to this community (such as visita to convalescent homes and he lping with meal delivery programs) Are you begrudgin~ us money so that w e can each have a cup of coffee and ont: doughnut'" T h e o lder r eside nts also protested that Fountain Valley o((icials have been promising to build a local senior c1t1zen center the pas t decade but have not fulfilled this vow "We're getting mighty fed up," resident Harry Quinlan told the counl'll "Most of the seniors in F'uuntciin Vallt'y have children and grandchildren who can vote. "If you don't let grandma out of the house twice a week (to attend a s eniors pro gram). tht·y're gomg to get mad. An9 when they get mad. they'U vote against you." Council members responded that the city has tentative plarts to convert the poli<:e station into~ senior cent.er a ft.er a new pol.J.Oe station 1s constructed. The elimination of the $215 monthly allocation was part of ,a three-year plan requested by the t'Ounc1l to make local recreauon programs self-suffietent because o f the city's continuing budget problems The council also approved fee m creases for youth groups using city play mg fields. Per player fees for youth flag football and bask etball programs, which were $1 0 last year, were doubled to $20 m July. But the counc il Tuesday trimmed this bac k to $1 5 in k('('ping with the aim to phase in the fee increases over three years Voting against the f~ 1 ncr eases for seniors and t .. you th groups were counc K membe rs James Neal and Barbara Brown Voting in favoc w ere Mayor Marvin Adler and councilme n Fred Voas and .8ef\ Nielsen •: After the meeting, Neal said opposed the removal of the $2 seniors allocation because "un we get a building for the aenio I do n 't think we should ta away any of the city advan they have now " .•. Nuclear freeze hacked By BOB BARKER of the D811y Pllol Sl•ft Proponc•nL'\ of Pr 11pos1llun I:! the nuckar CrN•zf' 1111 tiat1v1· 011 the Nov 2 h<tl lot, h.tvt• found a ~y mpath el1c: l 1 ~tt·ner 111 llu nt1ngton B<•ath C1tv Counctlw()m<.1n Ruth Finlt•\ Several speak er'> app1·:irc•d before tht· counc·il th1c; w1•1•k. u rging o ff1uals t11 1•ndor<>t tilt' ballot mt•asurc F inley :;aid she will personally rlraft a rt'"SOluuon lo t;ikr· hcfor!• colleagues Oct 4 "[concur that thcri··c; a n1"t'<i to address th<> prol1 {1•r.i t1011 or nuclear weapons." F1nll'y said Tuesday "It 1s a statement that pt'i1pl1 -INDEX--.. At Your Service Business Cavalcade Cla.s.s1 Ci ed Comics Crossword Death Nouce; Editorial En tertammen t Food Goren cm Bridge Art HOpJX' Ho roerope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds Public Notiee5 Sporu Dr Stelncrohn Stock MarketJJ Televi.alon Thea ten Weather World News A4 B4~5 A ll E3 -fi All AB C4 AIO B:i Ol-E2 All Al l Al I A ll B.'l 84 C4-5 Cl 3 All B~ Btt B.1 A 2 A3 -.hould n1.1k1'. µ.irt1t ulc1rh "' 111·11 others <1rC' makmg nons<·n..,11.d .;t.atc'mf'nL'> about what yoll d11 In l'asc• of a nudt'<lr war. as 1r tl11·r1·'<> anything you 1·ai1 do [t', go1w beyond anythlnlo( but Lota! dc.•strul'lmn " F'1nlt·v said sht.··~ not !>Un · a statt•m1·iH would do .1ny good but that 1t wouldn't du an v harm. 1·1lhf'r · ''I'm not arra1d to 't-Onrl up .ind ht· <·ounl<'<l." sh1• d1'(.·lan·d Jani· H1fer. IH a part llnll' rl'~ld<'llt of Huntin~ton Bt•/H h. was 0 111· of 1h110.,1• urginlo( thl' c·ounr1l tn em.foes.• the 1nit1al1v1· A meml:x•r of tht• l 'ahfnrn1ans for Rda tPral Nuck.-.r WC'apon!4 fo'rC'C'u>, she said It 1s important to win support of <'tt y niunnls in Oran~<· County bPeausc• the C'ounty 1s known trad1t1onally for 1L'> eonSt•rvatism Sh<' said t•ndorsenlt'nts frrim c·1t1C'S would 1nd1t·a tf' th1· nudc·ar frf>('U.' 1111llativ<' ha'> 1h1· supporl of both ronc;1'r v:1t1 v1•s and ltht•rals Tum P ontal', a r•·s1clf"'nt of Huntinf(t<m Haru<1ur. said thf' coun< ii s hould hav1• a spt•t 1.tl mtC'rl'SI "bt."'<"aUSC' th1• ix·opll· JI the Harbt)ur an• al point n·io" be<·au!W of the proximity e1f th1• Navy Weapons S1<1 t1on .it Sc·al &ac-h H1• 11aid there ar<' m d1C'at11u1s that nuclear weapons arl' stored at th<' station, making it a likely t.argt>t for attack A bwunessman. h<' µrl(i '<I t ht• counc·ll to make an act of political couragr and f'ndors<' the frN'W Proposition I 2. which ha11 no legal tt'eth. ur~<'s a bllatC'ral freeu-on the d<'v<>lopment and testing of nudear weapons by the Ruth Finl<'y , r mmcilwomun. says shf' will persona lly draft n n·solution supportinf( proponNll~ of n uud••nr f n·t·zt·. Un1t<'d S tatt•s and thC' !::>OVl<'I Unum It 1s dPS1gncd lo pressure the U.S . govemm<'nt to work more aggressively to f'nd dc•vC'lopme nt ol nuclear WC'apons for military purpost'S II 1t is adoplt-<l, 11 will r<'qu1re th<> governor lo send a letter to t h C' prt>sid e nL , sN'r<.'lary o f defense. secrc>tary of state and all members of Congress, calling for the freei.e. Shore~ n·nters, t•laiming they have e w1>0rt's last outpost of uffordnhility, nre protesting n <•w luxury re nts. Skip the luxury, save rents By STEVE MARBLE Of the O.ity l'ttol I I•" To the tenants who live there. the Shores 1s a slice o f m iddle-class America stuck 111 upper-cl11ss Newport Beach. Thl' a partm<.'nt complex 1s an o utpost of a ffordability in a land of wealth. tenants suggest Thl' 120-unit complex that overlooks old Corona del Mar and the lrafflc of Pacific Coast Highway 1s old . well-worn and slightly sc:ruffy around the edges. Tenants say it's a friendly place where residents don't quibble about dirty carpeting or the lack of dishwashers because the rent is reasonable. But all that's changing. The Shores is gomg "luxury" and the rent.a att going up So are the tenant.a' tempers "l don't want luxury, says tenant Chsrles Fredrick. an unemployed salesman who says he's having enough trouble finding a job withoul looking for a new apartment at the ume time. "Luxury Is just another way of aaying higher rent and I can't afford it." Tenants were advised by the building's new owners by letter $(!pt 15 that ren t.a would be hiked effective Oct. 16. A one-bedroom, the letter said, would go from $400 to ~50 a month and a two-bedroom would lncreue from $~ to $695. The new owners, the Goeden Co. of lr"vtn*, did not make themselves availabl• to comment Oil lhe rent Increase or other complaints from residents. The letter to tenants, thou1h. aald the company plaN to begin extenaive renovation of the property to "brtna It to • level comparable with the area." (See RENTS, Pa1e A!) ' ' ......... flJt, •••• At ....... .,..,, .,~ ---·----....-.--..-.............. ...,.. , ., ·'-' ....... ····-, .... .,,,. ·-··"--" .... -· --~~~~~~~~---;.:.;;.;;..;..;:..:;;:;.;:.;:=.;:..:;:.::.;;;.;.;;..;;;;..-.;;;;.;.--.. ..... -.;;-..:ii,.;:.:;:..:.;:.:.::::::::.::.:.::..:..:a::::::t;;:::::J~~~~ I f I: 1 • ar1nes m AP Ol1(>alcbe. A l'Ut\llni•nl or U S Manr1119 •ianed \o an lntt"rnatlonMI ac~k~eplnti h11 c:~ 111 8t'l1 ul par\ed today from Naplea, ly abo11rd th<.> hetiC'optt>r er Guam Aboard lhc asaault ship w,•11· 1,800-man 32nd US M1.1rlrll' phlbloua Unit. relnfom.'d by k», arlilll'ry, scu-land 1WUlult h lclc11, a 114uudrun or 22 ed1uni rnnl(l' air suppurl llcopters and a t:ombat suppurt ckup group, a Navy spokei;mun d. The unit is expe<•ted to arrive the Beirut 008.'it Saturday, the kesman said It 1s the same ll that helped oversee the ac:uataon or Palt.>Stlnc 'beratlon Organl?.at1on err1llas from Israeli-ringed i t Beirut Ln late August and month ln our prt.>v1ous embarkation to Lebanun. we were ordt'n-tl evaC'uatl· PLO u1111 :. <i nd .:.1 due • Ill 11blk·rvt-." mud unl' Mi.rlne ofr1C'tlr prio r tu the unlt 'a lam d.-1,,,.rtuf't< "At thl11 um~. Wt' ur.- •t 111 tu r•·n ·tvr u partll·ulur m1u1on We: h•ve m~rely b4lt-n Ol"fh•re-ti In " At•1111.h•s .ilw <.:uum . fo ur 6th Flct'l t'Sl'Ort !1h1 p11 dt•piarte:d Naples us pi.rt ur the tll.lk fOrt't' Ut'(.'Ompanyu1g the Mnrlt\t'!'I. The Unltt.'<J Swtl'!I, F1ancc und lualy dt'<:1dt.-tl to 1·eal't1Vute their pca<•t!ket•p1ng fore.·~ and send It back to Beirut after the massacre o f hund reds or Palestinian refugees by Chri11tian militiamen in Wt:St Beirut la.st week M eanwhile, the I sraeli govt·rnmenl battled for survivaJ today 1n a bitter Parliament debatl' over the camp massacres. Israel's defense rrurust.er said the army allowed Phalanglst m1hliamen inLCJ the camps but had not expected a ~laughter of CIVtltans. ' J\rlt'I S haro n to ld angry Beirut leait1luton1 that Phulunwl•lll wt,•re to cairry ou\ an vpcrnt1un, with llrnllt-d l!'.trut-11 IUJJpurt, aga1rut PLO gu1·111l1Wt ~llt'vt.-d hiding 1n thL• Sabru and Chatllla ~am.- Lu lw 1 lcudl·r Sh 11111111 Pt•res d1•11w111.frd lu know "who1w 11lupul 1d1•u'' 11 w1:111 tu all1>W <.:hr I 11tt1111 ~ u nm t• n 1 n to th t• t•11mp11, homt• tu prt'domanantly M 11 s I t• m P u I c u t 1 n I u n 11 n cJ Ld.>iU1c11t• rcfugt.'t'!'.t, 11nd l'Hlll-<l (111 tht• rc1tlgnul1on11 o r Prime Minuitt.·r Mcnat.·ht-m Attgln and Shu run Energy M1n1st'er Y1tzhuk &rmun wld reporters he quit his post and wuuld vote against the.· govc>rnnwnt today on a Labor Party rcsolutlon t.·ulltng tor an offlc1al probt-uf_ the killings The Re.'<.! Cross and Lebanese c1v1I defenSl· workers ra-overt.'Ci 15 more bodies from tht! cam~ this morning and tht: Red Cross said th1.s increased the L'Onf1rmed death toll to 220. ogs w1n • beach acc.ess y STEVE MITCHELL I lhe Oellr Piiot Stefl -Rest easy, Lag\.Jna Bt:ach No longer can you be accused or being studgil'r than Newport &•ach. Not a ftt"r tht• Laguna Bc•ach City Council vott'Ci ti) open the beache s t o d o g s an the wintertime Council Tuesde1y night, in a 3-2 Wte. said dog owners can walk 1b'elr p e t s on a Jcas h ·:{ti ytime they wanl betwl·cn ~pt 15 and Mav 30 • 1• • And dunng the summer, they ff" still take a beach stroll with :111 their J ugs before 8 a.m and aft.er 6 µ.m 'I ht• spill vote, with Mayor N!!ll Fitzpatrick and Councilman Dan Kenney opposed, came after a n hour-long hearing that lasted until 11.30 p.m. Cani n e suppur t c r s f a r o utnumbered foes as they n1<.m:hed in turn to the podium to make their pleas tn favor of less stringent hours for dog-walking. Even C o u n c ilman B o b Gentry's Old English sheep dog got an the act, running to the counC'il dais and si tung 1n the tnunctlman 's seat Garbed in s w am trunks and a pair o f ~Laff Stop passes general's ' 1. · One look was a ll Orange ~nty Supervisor Thomas F fi.il ey needed to convince htm that a male strip show 1n San~ ~ Heights may not be so bad au.er all. • • .After watc hing th e male dancers 'Monday night a t tht• 41Uf St.op. 2 122 S E Bnst.ol St . ~le y sai d today he might f~ns1der his uppos1t1on to tht' 11ht>w that was ordered stopped l~s t month by the county 9lanrung Comm1ss1on. 11 Club owner Michael Callie is appealing the county dec1s1on prohibiting the iict considered ','~ult en tertainment" Crom ciatinuing within 500 feet of a reside nce \I ! 1"1 don't think it's ad?Jlt entertainment under the county • review urdmanc..-e," said the white-haired s upervisor. whose di s trict mcludes the night.club Riley intends to ask l'Ounty counsel to take another look at the matter, afte r lear ning that county attorneys had not been 1:onsulted before the planning L"Ommiss1on decision was made. The re tared Marine Corps b r1gad1er general added that allr ged park i ng and n o ise pro ble m s at the comed y nightc lub <.'ould be a nother L'oncem Riley said today that he was mostly surpnsed by the audience reaction "I'm amazed that some of the well dressed women I saw a l the show were gettmg excited about au that Thal surpnsed me mort' than the show " sunglasses, the dog barked loudly into Gentry's microphone. " 'Thumpl·r' would like l<J s peak in favor of this issue," quipped Gary Burdick, a friend, w h o dC'l1ghted t he council audience and apparent l y surpriS<.'Cl Gentry by bringing the large dog into the counci l chambers. Among othe r speakers favorin~ opt•n hours in the w 1 n t 1.· r w a s P h i I M a y . a member of the ci t y's Pet Rcsponsib1hty Committee. ··1 was shocked to learn that bag, bad Newport Beach is more liberal than we are," May said. citmg that city's ordinance that &µows dogs on leash during the winter but prohibits them on the sand during the busy summer. "That's the way it used to be in Laguna Beach," he said. "The law is so restrictive now, you'd think we• lived in Huntington Beach" Opponents to dogs on the beach cited dog excreme nt as their ..Primary <.'oncern, along w1 th the fact that few dog owners keep the ir dogs leashed once they reach tht' beach . "The smell 1s terrible." said one woman. who wanted dogs banned permanently from the l'ity's beachl's Council agreed that enforcing the city's leash law. and getting dog owners to pick up aft.er their pets, is a problem But coun calwoman Sally Bellerue said the mort! stringent hours in effect have done little to solve those problems "We sull have 1rrespons1ble (dog) owners." she said The coum·1l maJOrily agreed to the new. liberal hours with the cond1t1on that the s1tuat1on be reviewed in a year ~\,. More fog forecast 'I '(:oa .~tal , • 1 Early mo<n•no •OQ cie••"'Q thla Emoon Wllh hlOh• ot 74 lo 1111 r eatly eYMlng bl.II c:outal IOQ eloplng lete lontol'tl end -ty . Thur..:tey Owwnlghl lows 5& to §2 Morning IOQ Clearlng to l\lgh l:1oud1 on Thur1dey ~lgha hufWey 73 10 83 .. ,Ellewhe•e, from P oint Conception 10 the Mexican borde r end out 60 mlle1 Ho<'I-• w.nda 10 to 20 knots Olfe< outer we1er1 with 3 to 5 1001 blned -. end _...., Wlndl Clec:r9Mlng Thu<ldey L4>'elly light Vl!llble Wlnda night end momWlg h o uri , b e coming weal t o thwea1 a 1o 1& ·~ IA tN e veni ng nourt looey and Thurllday SO\Jth-t awell OI I to 2 teet ancs t 10 3 tool Wind weYM OenM f<>Q let• nlQht Ill'<! morntno houri wlth moatly clellftng ,..., the ~st In Hie afternoon• Ca lifornia ThlCk fog end cloud"-• •long the co .. 1 with continued werm tempe<eturH 1houl<I domlnete Southern Celllornle · 1 wMlher picture Thurtcley. ec;c:Ofdlng to tne Natlon411 WMlh« ~. Loa AngMee hlgne ere 1«9CU1 11'1 th• mld·ll01 with 114-lo tOO-defr" reeding• In coettal valley•. lrom 73 to II:! In mountain arNS, 115 lo 90 In Ow&n1 V•lley In the 909 In nor1hern d-1• and l•om 118 IO 105 In lhe low d-1 Boele<a trom P0tnl Con~tlOn o 11\e Mexic.n l:>O<d., cen expect lghl varl1bl• wlnda dur1ng Ille lghl end m o1n1ng h oura Ing SOUlhWftle<ty 81 elghl to 111 knot• 1n lhe 1tternoon With • on•· to two.1001 1outhwe11 well A c old 11 on 1 sp1e1<1 hllnd9'1torma 1nd some heevy •In ectoae the Florida Penlntul• n Tue1day. wllh on11 tornado aporled. whll11 • high preuure ter kflllt cle•• 1111e1 eind coot emper11ure1 ov•H lhe cen1t1t art of thfl nation Or1endo. Fl• . 001 one Inch ot 111n In Ju•t one hour FO'I Myer•. la., got 1 3 1 lnchff ol rein In the K-hour P41flod ended 11 ' p.m OT A 1orn1cto ripped roof1 from ome home• ti Oldamar Fla tOt'e thing.., trom m0t4' then doien otfier1. c 1v1tng '" tllNlt.O $50,000 In dem1Q41 No ju<IM -• reported Showe •• and• lew -....,.dertlW>wef• eleo reacil\ed 'IP he Allenllc COHI to ,,... ... 1.,n .,~ Qoucta CoYefeCI IM ""' o4 IM 1. end ~· -• ec:euer.ci ' over parts 01 lne CJn10 Vnlley an...--------------------------t Greot Lake$ reo•on Over me Central states. c•ear sk ies and cool 1empe1a11ues P•8Y81i.d acrou me M1u1ts1pp1 Valley and mucn ol the Plains Midday 1empera1ur11S were only "' tile sos and low 60s from me mid end upper M1ssiSS1pp; Valley lhrough most ot the Great Lakes region Md Ohio \lelley Temperatures around 1ne nal'°" al 3 pm EDT •&fl98d from 50 degrees at Marquelle encl Houghton l ake Mich to tot at Phoe<>" ""' For Wednet d ay clouds and Snow(!] showers ware 1orec111 ecrou tile mld-Atlan11c t90t0n end N- E n g t and w ••h sc attered 111unOet110<mt throughOUt oentrel and 1ou1hern FlortO• Some cloudiness with only e le"' Showers wu loreca11 lor N- Meaico Arizon• Cot<lf&do and ------------------------1 !tOflh Oe1<01a T e ntpe ra lures Prule<IPl!JI Pl>oenlX Pittsburgh Ptlat>d Me Piiand. Or11 ProvldltnCe Seit Lake San Antonio San Otego San Fran ~alllfl 85 55 105 73 58 S:? 511 50 1• ~3 60 52 84 ~6 113 61 llO 63 117 58 89 53 ~ 45 65 52 113 36 98 87 119 44 7 t 6t 87 39 Santa Ana S1n1e Berber• Santa Cruz Sanla MOf'llC• S1ockton Thermal 86 511 79 53 117 54 n eo 87 52 103 65 Albany Albuque Anchoraoe ..,tl•nta All&ntc Cly Balllmo•e B1rm1nohm Boston Bulfalo Charlstn SC Chart1tn WV Ch8fltlfl NC Chlelg<> Clncinna11 Cleveland Columbus Oal F1 Wlh Oenv11r OM Moines OetrOll El Pu90 Fa111>11n"1 Flegttall HOf'IOlulu H0t1ston lndnapha Jecksn MS 0J11Ck snv11e Juneau Kans Cny LP Vegas Lillie Rock Loa Angeles LOUlt11111t! Memp/\lt Mtem1 Mllweuke. N-Odf!ftn' New YO<I Qt.la City Omaha 64 so ,. 55 ~7 •6 77 S6 64 56 67 67 73 56 80 52 ~ •II 76 70 57 53 67 81 61 4 I 65 51 59 51 62 47 1• 54 76 45 82 38 56 37 80 62 60 42 79 48 89 74 80 68 80 •I 12 59 83 n 56 311 6<1 40 93 6<1 69 47 79 62 B• 49 65 52 87 79 56 44 80 70 66 56 It •6 84 •O St LO\Jll SPol<ane Topel<& Tucson Tulsa Wa1h1no1n Wichita CAL.,Of!MIA Appte v 1111t1v Bake•sheld Barstow Big~., Btyllle C11111n1 Cut•e< C11v Eu•eka Fresno LM CeSler l ong Beech LOS Angfllotl Monte<ay Neecllel Newport Beach Oekl11n0 Onterio Palm Spring• Rive< aide Sacramento SellMa San Bernardino San Diego Sen Fr1nc11eo Sen JOM 94 89 98 78 102 75 116 511 118 9 I 90 115 77 103 74 Ill 116 100 113 114 es 88 80 80 1111 Yum• AClpulco BerbadOI Be•mude Bogota Curacao Freeport Ouadelafar a Oul<leloupe H1v11na Kingston 105 74 86 75 90 77 118 711 ea 48 90 85 90 75 92 88 90 75 91 75 90 79 90 73 111 ~ Mon1ego Bay Matall11n Me<1(la SO Ma11Co City 112 63 Monterrey n 12 93 55 93 73 90 73 91 81 82 64 86 75 75 72 NIH8U 33 Si n Juan P R ;: T eguclg1tp11 S• I rlnldft<I 54 Vtr1 Cruz 56 49 llO 8• 53 88 llO 57 55 87 56 so 49 55 83 58 57 COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS Veri•ble hlQh c;loud•. olherwlff moatty lllr e11oep1 tofne 1111 nlQhl end eerly mOtl'll~ IOw cloudlneH 0011111 ereu HIQh• 1n the COHiii ltlll r anQlng lrom low 701 near ,,,. beachea to IOw 901 Inland valley• <NernlQhl Iowa S~ 10 65 MO\Jnt111n r•aott highs tn the 701 end lom1 35 10 50 5.0 t.2 ~~s_u_Rf_. R_IP_D_RT_ :~~'°'If~:: ~ TMURIOAY Flrll '119'1 2 .36 e.m. 3 3 S4Hf 8"'1 "1 Me; 2 s 2 3 2 ' u 111e ch•noe • .... ... I 1 1 , . ... ... 2 2 2 3 ewe41 Flrll IOw 8:53 I m 2 1 Dir ~high 134pm 47 aw Sec:oncl low 11 3' p ,,, 1 3 ew Sun H ll IOCll y el 8 60 p m . -ti-Thutedtty tt 8 ·4 t 1 m Moon rl-IOdey et I I 46 • m • ""II 10·20 pm l _ .... .. -~ --• .... 4 • •I>, ..... Up, up and away Cathy Gil christ o f Laguna Beach, sh o wn swing ing in the sunset at Laguna's Ma in Beach ~ lends a tou ch of ac tion to wha t appear~ to be a n othe rwise d eserted playgro und. With the sun setting earlier each d ay, Cathy's summer rela xation will soo n be a m e m o r . Cable car era halted SAN FHANCI SCO (AP) - C 11 b l l' Co r N o 7 , t h e o ne Humphrc..·y Bogart rode In l he mov1t• "Durk PWi&age," end~ lta lw.t run lx•fon• a ch eering crowd tod11y us the c1ty'11 cr eaking, danging l<indmarks hal~ for a two-year renovation Al '4 :~5 am. d \y oHicWs and Vl·lcr•un calJle SJJlicen1 pressed the button :ihutllng the g)ant greased whl·cls 1n:.1de the Cable Car Barn Tht· final ride or the Powell Stret:t t.•ar was a boisterous early morning atfalr aC\.-ompamed by h o nking c:ars and trucks, whistling (ans and nostalgic gr1pmen and conductors who w:.anted to be there when the faml'<i t'al'S reat·hed "halfway ID thl· su.rs" one last time. Gnpman Joe Baptiste, a native San Franciscan who hopped on a c<tble t•ar when he was "just a ku.J." rang the bells for all they wcr1• w<irth when the Powell strc..'Ct car endro its run. "I'm glad this car was the last one," satd veteran conductor M ichael Joseph McClure, who was among 75 or so employees along for the ride. "When Bogart rode it in 'Dark Passage,' it was No. 507. Now it's just No. 7. He got off the <'ar and caJJed Lauren Bacall and told he r to meet h1m in Peru." The city marked the beginning or its $58.2 m1lhon overhaul of the ce ntury-old system with restiv1t1es that began early Tuesday . The cars were laden with hundreds of r ainbow -colored balloons, bunches of stre aming ribbons, Japanese lanterns and pots of fl owers ror a farewell party over Nob Hill ··w e rode one for the first time Monday mght, and all the people on board were singing. When the rul1· was ovC'r, we all applauded." Irvine teachers set to rnarch By GLENN SCOTT 01 tt.e Deny l"Mol lleff District will meet at 7:30 p.m 1:.sul'S such as salaries, class size .ind perhaps the trk kiest of the three: L e ngth of days 10 the cla..'!Sroom . Many of Irvine's teachE>rs are expected to tum out tonight for a marc h to Lakeside Midd le School, SI\(' Of a school board meeting. as a gesture of unity in their unreso lved t"Ontract disputes. The teachers will congregate according to their schools and make the march in uruta, each with a sign signifying their place of e mployment , said Dan Graham, president of the Irvine Teat•hers Association. Graham explained that the association, which is the teachers' bargaining unit, is concerned that teachers in grades four through sax spend 25 minutes more per day in classrooms tha n other teachers. The teachers plan to meet at Venado Middle S c h ool 1n Deerfield to walk about a mile LO the other campus. where trustt'E"S of the Irvine Unified School He said he expects as many as 400 teachers for the walk. The association has a membership of about 500. he added. He said his group wants the day s hortened to 275 minutes, similar to that for other teachers. T he association 1s locked 1n negotiations with the distnct on RENTS., TEMPERS RISING. • • From Page A 1 "The message 1s that 1f we can't afford luxury, we better move out," says Ann Resor, who has lived in her apartment four years and works part-time to supplement her re tirement. ''Not everybody in Newport Beach is wealthy an~ everythmg in town doesn't have to be luxury There should be a place for the middle-class." Ech e Hulette, a six-year Shores resident, agrees that the new owners have a nght to raise the rent but she feels a one-month notice 1s unfair "There's no way you can go out, find a new apartment and move in a month I'm not even sure I could fmd another apartment in Newport that I can afford .. Hulette says even 1f she could afford to stay. she wouldn't JUSt out of pnnciple. "I'm not c~ming a landlord should have any rompassion," ad'ds Fredrick , "but they should at least give us a fair chance." Tenants report rents trad1tfonally have been hiked annually, usually going up $25 to $50 a crack . They say It has been JUSt over a year since the last increase Audry Trotter, a 10-year Shores residen t who s hares her apartment with a sister to save expenses. suggests the new owners put in the improvements before raismR the rents "We don't t•ven know what they're going to do to make the place so luxurious. It might not even be worth the money " Tenants say they're*1nsure what to,do or if ll would help to mount a protest "I'm not sure thC're's much that can be done,'' says Frednck "But someumes these corporations don't know what they're getting into until they get a hold or a bunch of Amencans who are good and angry " CUI SINA-RT DLC PRO' SALE PRICED $189.99 PASTA ATTACHMENT FOR DLC MODIL5 '99 • 99 CRYSTAL TRIFLE BOWL ., 1.88 FOR ELEGANT ENT HT AINING 'Cer11Hcate Oller $pecl1I libel DLC 7PK Boie more than you expect In a hardware store CROWM EJ HARDWARE Weetclln Plaa. 1024 lrvtne Ave. ~90'1 8Mch S.2-1133 Wlcdl'fl e..e ThUra. THI I p,m, ' All 61or91 oc>en 7 Oayt Corona _. Mar Harbor v .. w Center 3107 E. Coeet Hwy. 1814 San Mlg~ Dr I 873·2900 NewJ)Oft h1c;h Wkdtys S.&:30 M44570 Wkdlyt Tiii 1 p.m . ' Anaheim Hiit• 5620 Senta Ana canyon Ad 111 lmJ*1-1 Hwy.) 991·5212 Mdayt Tiii 1 p.m. , ,, I I NATION Credit • Congress to end strike? cards L- WASllJNGTON A Ho~ t·ommlttee toduy a pt>e dlly approved legtsl11Uon ordering locomotive engfhL>ert to end a strike that oflic1a ls say Is costing the a lready-battered U S economy up to$ I blllit)n a day. Final conareeeJonaJ pueaac of the joint reeolullon, whJch was approved by a voice vote of the Sen.ate Tueeday nl&ht, waa planned later in the day, f o llo w e d by P r eald.:nt Reagan's signature. It then wo uld be come law immediately. NAC in financial crisis WAS HIN GTON -The Natio nal Assoc1at1on o f Counties is seeking help from banks to bail It out of a $2 million flnanc1aJ crisis caused by employees who went on a spending spree to lavishly decorate the group's ne w building, officials say. N AC. which r e prese nts mo r e than 2 ,100 of the co un t ry's county -level governme nts, has laid off one-fourth of its staff becau.ee of the emergency, asaociation officials said today. Reagan flays liberals WASHIN GTO N - President Reagan, claiming his administration h as brought the nation closer than it was in 1980 to having a prosperous economy, said the liberals are selling "snake oil" to voters in this election year. WORLD Speaking to a Re publican audience at a Washington hotel on Tuesday, Reagan said it was the high interest rates his administration inherited that wreaked havoc in the h ou sing and automo bi le industries. Princess laid to rest MONTE CARLO. Monaco -A week after her death, Princess G race has been laid to rest in a marble vault in Monaco's cathedral, beside an empty tomb reserved for her husband. Prince Rainier III. T he prince, their children Princess Caroline and Prince Albert, and a small number of Monaco officials and close friends took part in the priNate interment ceremony at 5 p.m. Tuesday, the Monaco press service reported today. More flood victims found SAN SALVADOR . El Salvador -Mo re corpses found i n ruin s o f a n eighborh ood burie d by mudslides pushed the flood and storm-related death toll to 565 in this n a tion . alreadv wracked from years of civil STATE war. As o f today, o fficia ls estimated damage at more than $1 00 million and said they feared devastation could help the leftist guerrillas' campaign of sabotage against the nation's economy. Medfly demise celebrated SAN FRAN C I SCO - Cali fornia o fficials claim they've won their $96 million, t w o -year war w i th th e Me diterranean fruit fly. hailing their success as a vic t o r y for scien ce and democracy. ln a champagne celebration Tuesday night at the project's L os Gatos h eadquarters. o ffici als lifted th e las t quarantine but vowed t o continue a vigilant search for rues throughout the state. The medfly, one of the most voracious farm pests, infests 2~6 varieties of fruits and vegetables, including 19 crops that Scribner said generate about $5.4 billion in the state. Agriculture is a $14 billion industry in California. USC nixes 'Review' buy LOS ANGELES The University o f Southern California has decided not to purchase the financially a1hng Saturday Review magazine, USC president James H . Zumberge said. on bus get OK H u punhandl~r approaches you some day soon and asks ff he can borrow your credit card for bus fare he may not be jokinJ<, It may jus t be that ht!'s traveling on ocro. Orange County Transit District directors have authorized the use of credit cards for the purchase of monthly bus passes, ticket books and parki n g permits star ting Sept. 27. Only MasterCard and Visa - the cards judged most popular among OCTD riders -will be lK'CCpted, however. Madeleine Bickert of OCTD said today the new payment method was approved in 'the hope that increased custome r conve nien ce w ould le ad to increased te le phone sales of passes, tickets and permits. The district also is hoping to reduce the number o f bad checks it re<.-eives by allowing credit card US(!, she said. None of the directors seemed to take account of the potential loss of another slice of Americans when they approved the action, however. Won't it sound just a little odd to hear "Buddy, can you spare a credit card?" on the strc'Cl corner. Marina High teen named top surfer Sixteen-year-old Gary Clisby is the overall champion of the 12th annual Huntington Beach Summer Surf Contest. Clisby. a junior at Marina High Sch ool. de feated nearly 250 surfers in the weekend event, including Pe ter Townen , his coach on the National Scholastic S urfing Association team. ' Clisby won the junior division and then defeated other diviaion ~hamplons In the "super heat" of :he tournament sponsored by the ·i t y'a community services lepartment. The winners: W•"'•" (enr •t•): 1 Janice Aragon. Hunllngton Beach, 2 Glori a Cu leon. Hunllngton Beech; 3. Karen SklnneJ, S.•I Beach. • Teny EMlun. Huntlng(on 8-:11; 5 Link Beum1n. Huntington Beech; 8. Laurie MacOonald. Huntington 8Mcill •ore ( 14 r•ere end betew): t. JHon Warren. Huntington Beach: 2. J11on Knudato n. Hun11ng1on Beech, 3. Mike Schlllmoetter. Huntington BHch, 4 Bob 8auelt, Hunllngton Beech; 6. Colin Galleghef, Huntlnglon &each. Bryan K-n. Huntington 8Mctl .Nftlef• (15-11): 1. Gary Cllaby. Hunllngton Beech; 2. Bry1n Pottger. WHtmlneter: 3. ScoH Farn.w«lh, Huntington BMch: 4. Ricn Bennen. Huntington Beech; 5 i..nce Varon, Hunllngton Beach , 8 Dave Settles, Huntington 8e11Ch Met\ (1 .. 24): I Bud llamu. Hunllng1on Beach. 2 OMn Quinn, Hun1lnQ1on Beach. 3. Ron OulQley. Huntlnqlon BHch: 4. Rich Andino. Huntington &eecn; Ben WeetbrOOk, Huntington BMctt; 8 Henry Noppenberger, Fountain Valley Plane stretched out Boeing's first 7 4 7 -300, an expanded version of the 7 4 7, is rolled out at the Everett, Wash., facility . The first f>lane will go to Swissair and fly between Europe and the United States. The new plane has an extended top dec k. Delay in cuts ~sked Coast programs affected by county action . ' ti;. . ·' . . .. , By STEVE TRIPOLI Oct. l, asked that many of the sharing funds from socl.,J otttie Deir Net a..n programs be funded at their programs for two years, Kremti;. A citizens advisory group is current level another year. said, and have reduced t~ seeking postponement of funding SPAC is asking just over $1.3 numbe r of program• beil}& cuts In a numbe r of county-million for the programs, as funded from a high of 99 to the backed social programs despite a opposed to the nearly $1:4 million current 48. policy whic h m andates received last year. The programs Despite SPAC's arsumenta. 'llt reductior\s on a phased basis. would receive a total of $911 ,000 least one superviaor is planning The proposed cut.a would affect if funded-at---ihe level mandated to ask-ihat the board's-po~ 48 programs, including at least 10 by the supervisors' policy. upheld when the board~ on the Orange Coast which SPAC C h airman James revenue sharing diatrlbutiCJn receive federal revenue-sharing Krembas said Tuesday his today. money through Orange County committee dee-ided to seek a Jan Goes, executive alllistant to superyil2r!J. --postpenement·oHhe-<:UU-beca Second 9iatri"C"t-8ttper¥Mt.r The supervisors adopted a ( l) in flat.ion and the overall Harriett Wieder, said Wieder '8Al policy in 1978 mandating that all economic picture have made lt ask the board to adhere to 1t& programs loee 25 percent of their dif(icult for programs to obtain policy becauae program offidala 1980-level funding annually. The any private funding; {2) there is kne w from the •tart that. policy was aimed at phasing out an increasing need for such revenue-sharing funds were not county funding of all programs programs in the county, and (3) meant to be a long-tenn llOW'Ce of over a four-year period. • the county already has phased funding. ' Supervisor s o rde r e d the out moat of the programs it Goss said supervisors wod\d phased cuta at that time because funded three years ago. still be willin8 to hear indJyjdulll they said revenue-sharing funds Thirty -eight of the 4 8 appeals for continued fun&ne, should be used only aa "teed programs on thia year's list are howe.ver. money" to launch programs. The entering the third year of the , Programs aerving the Oran8e proerams' continued survival funding cycle, which means they Coast that SPAC i• aeeldaa ahould depend on their ability to would go from half to 25 percent continued fundb\g at this ye.r'i attract private funding, the of their 1980 funding under the level Include the Women'• supervisors said at the time. supervisors' policy, Krembas Transitional Llvin& Center, &he But members of the Social said . Huntington Beach Seniorsf Programs Advisory Committee, a Allowing that kind of cut Outreach Program, Senior group wh ich monito rs the under c u rrent economic Citizens Cub of~ 8-ch. pro gram s , aay economic oonditiona "appeared to urto be Laguna Beac h Free Clinic, conditions warrant a change in signing the death warrant for a Huntington Beach Community that policy. lot of tha.e programs." Krembu Clinic, the Conunittee on Amauhl SPAC m embers, in their said. Agai n st Women-Rape Crista recommendations to supervisors Supervisors have proh ibited Netwo rk and the Legal Aid for the funding cycle that starts n e w applications for revenue Society of Orange County. Chuck E. Cheese trapped? -·1 • I ... • • EMERYVILLE (AP) -The The company con(inned that bump µ, the road" and said he price of stock In Pina Time third-quarter earnings would be would continue with plans to Theater Inc. has plunged in the about 17 cents, the same as last t u r n P i z z a TI me i n to~ a wake of reports that the food-year. ' • broad • based leis u r. e and-games resta urant chai n In effect. the drop means the conglomerate, not limited ).d expected a $1 million drop In company stock has lost about a restaurants." ' S quarterly earnings. third of its value in three days of The company leadership~ sai A dramatic drop ln value trading. , laborcoetawillbec::utinaneff Monday saw Pizza Time open at Company chairman No lan to bring expenses under control. $23.50 a share and cloee at •16.25 Bushnell, who owned 1.4 million The restaurants, which uae · after a drop Friday of $3.25. shares when he last reported his l'flOU.le named Chuck E. Ct\ee9e 1111 "I wish it were more often pois.5ible for us to do what is desirable," Zumberge said in a statement released by USC on Tue sday. "S o meti m es, however, marshaling the full resources of the university requir es more t ime a nd consideration that this rapidly d eveloping p ossibility allowed." Tuesday. the stock was off holdings, showed a paper loss of its rnucot, are aimed at famWeS Mutere (24-U): 1 C••I Heywerd.. another l 'h to 14 ~ on a volume more than $1 5 million. He with children and features ~f Huntington BMctl. 2 Peier Town.n. Fountain of 55l,OOO shares. described the price drop as "a and elec:tron.k: 1ames. Valley, 3 Gery Shagen, Huntington .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quake jolts Santa Barbara BHch, 4 Mike Mlnchfnton. Hu=ton Beach, s Ranc:ty Lewis, Huntington . e 0.... PlerM>n. Huntln<lton 9Mcill. SANTA BARBARA -No damage was reported during a small earthquake that sharply jolted Santa Barbara and was felt as far as 70 miles to the north, authorities say. The mid-morning quake on Tuesday measured 3.4 on the ltichter scale and was centered 18 miles southwest of Santa Barbara in the Santa Barbara Channel. said Pattie Sullivan, spokeswoman for' California Institute of T echno logy's seismology lab in Pasadena. The quake was felt as far away as San Luis Obiapo, 70 miles north of Santa Barbara. lenlere (H te 44): 1. Wayne Hunter, Hunllnglon Beach, 2. John Van 0.Nei.ti, Huntington BMch; 3. Chf11 C.ltel, Huntington BHch, 4 Sieve Herrington, Hu~ton 8each: 5. Phll G111on, Huntington ; 8. AuH Geok. Huntington 8eec:tl. Oteftd ......... (41 .... ....,): t . Judsor\ S1even1, Huntington a.en. 2 Chuck Linne, Hunlinglon Beech; 3 Pele Lippard, Fountain Vlliey; • 8111 Rainforth, Huntington BHch: 5. Bob Carl>Onell, Hunllngton Beaeh; 8. Rlcik Fuller. W•tmlneter, ..,,...Dell·~ ... _ .... ..,. We 1re Listening ••• ~-Foo.-, ll You OO...,._ ,.0... -by~ lO P"' Cllf -· I 0"' end "°"' cuov .,.,, ~ ~f!d S.utoey -S..ncley If You 00 no< =:,ri,., ~ J:, :: ... c: _.., What d<? you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. ' The same 24 -hour answering service may be used to record let· ter~ to lhe editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomo1 '· Hot.y Pvt11.1tlel ond Cht&f l•e<u!•ve Oflor., .kine Amari E ""''""' fd,IOI L Koy khult-a v.ce ,.,,,..,. ~ 0..tiCtOr ol AO-..... lllO Michoef P. ~ D.rectot ol Mori ellng 1C .. tv1o191 Thomae A. Murphlnt Edilor -.. MAIN OPPK:a m W"4 .._,It .. , .... ¥9M, CA. Mell..,_: 9'111 IM. C"'8 MeM, CA .... (.,.,,..... .... °' ..... c-~ ....... ~. ,.. -MtNt. lfklllt~IMt, .. ltwlel l'lllftlr w • ..ntw-....... _,, .. ,..,...... ......... 111Hl•t .,f'llk'*1 eh-•lfM-r. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES c,,,tif1~d G~molo11i1t, AGS YOUR JEWELRY W'h•I '• ii WOl'll. f Do you know how much your jewelry is worth? It la a 1ood Idea to keep current tabs on the 1value of what you own. An obviou reason Is that you need to keep an updated inventory for Insurance purpoees. But 1ta alao 8ood to have a falrly pr«:iae number ao that your estate's worth, and your personal worth, are more euily determined. The bea,t way to get an updated jewelry .appralaal ls to vial\ a locel jeweler who h8I been tn bualneaa for a long time, and who hu a good reput.atlon In the oommunity. He can tell you the current value. He can al8o give you 90tne idea u to prfoe trenc:lt 10 that you ca n understand which of your ~ulona are mol\ likely to appreciate In value in the coming ye.,.. He can advile yo-.a, too, on how to take care of your jewelry by cleanln1 It and by checktn1 mounttnp to be aure they are MCUtt. ( ,. Skllled Profeaalonal e • • e • er vice ~ .. For your valuable ~ry and watchee ta • Cloee to you as J.C. Humphries Jeweler• where our own craftsmen carefully do the work under peraon•I aupervtsion. V-Dlemond a Precloua Gem letting V'flne Jewetrr Cere a Repelr v-Ortglnel Jewelrr l>Mlgn ~ Cl'Mtlona V'flne W.tch Repelr V'Qem •ncl Jewelry Appr ...... MEMBER AME~N OIM &oCllTV 110t N£WPOll'T kVO., COIT.A aaA ltNCI , ... l1a Orange Co 11 DAIL V PILOT IWedneeday, September 22, 1982 \ ) F DA urges discontinu a nce of starch -blo cker pills 'I 1M DEAR PAT: I've bad t rouble finding " • atarc~·bloeker pills lately. A friend told me t•e 1overnment bad stopped tbelr sale. II tbl1 true? S.D., Hunlln1ton Beach 1 i • The Food and Drug Administration has 11 asked more than 100 manufacturers and i! • diatributon of starch blockers to diac.'Ontlnue marketing t h em u n til sclentlffc tenlng t1 confirms the safety and effectiveness of these • "'t weight management produc ts. The FDA action was prompted by users' complain\.& of 'N' nauaea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pains. · "" FDA has aaked starch-blocker manufacturers 111. for specific information about the exact chemical composition of these products. This -information has been refused. Nor does the I agency have any data supporting claims of l&fety or effectiveness In weight control or reduction. FDA also ls con ce rned about the consequences for tablet users who have health problems. For example, the failure of starch blockers to perform as expected could prove hazardous for d1abet1cs who rely on them to thelp keep down blood sugar levels. FDA warns that persons with diabetes should not depend on starch blockers in calculating their diets. Some manufacturers claim that starch blockers are a form of special dietary food. However, because the ir claimed effect is weight control or reduction by their action to Econom ic summit block, or 111u•rfo1t' with dlaestlon, tht•y cun bl• con•ldc.•rod to affl.'ct th~ body'• normal mNabollRm. Undl.'r tht' Pud rol l'ood, Drug tmd CORmetlc.· Act, o subst.anef' that 11 otft'rt'd for a nonfood purpo~c and that alters o funt·tlon of the btxiy la classified WI a drug, nHhor than u fuod. cvtm If It 1!1 dorivt--d from u vegetabh• product. Thl'rl'fort', starch blod <crs are C'Onsldarcd to I:>() "unupproved new d rugs." '. Eight health food produce rs and marketers have fik'<l ault in federal court In New York to prevent FDA from class1C-ying starch-blocker weight-control products as drugs. The companies are seekLng a declaratory Judgment to (.'Ompei the agency to classify the products as food supplements. Similar federal suits have been filed by health food manufactu rers and distributors in Chicago. FDA Intends to defe nd its J uly 1 decision to declare these produc\I u druga and urges consumers to stop taklng theee products until their safety and effectiveness can be substantiated. S t udent taxes explained DE AR PAT: I'd Uke to lutow if tber~ are a n y n e w rules affeccta1 federal tax deduction• for offlce·ln·tbe·bome expenses. Also, can you find out If 1tudent1 are exempt from Income taxes? M.K., Newport Beach Amendments to tax laws In 1981 do affect individuals who have more than one place of Treasury Secre tary Do nald T. Regan (center ) spe a ks wit h James Mills (le ft ), preside nt, and T.F. Bradsh aw, ch airman of th e Conference Board at th e Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York. BENSON & HEDGES ' BE~SON Ii HEDGES 1oo·s Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthot. Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigareue Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 6 mg "tar:' 0.6 mo n1co11111 ev. per c1g1r1t11, by FTC method. bUllOt'bll 'l'hl' lllW now UllUWH th'tJU<.'liOn:t for orfk ··In thl• home.• t'l<JX•IUl('M on " M-t'Ondary bu11lm: , Ul't.'Ordlnl( to tht> lnwrnul Rc.•vt•nul· Sc<rvlw A 11tud1·nt IN juicl likl• uny othc.•r taxpayc•r IRS nou•1 thut m<1t1l 11d1nlun1hlpt; urn c.•xempt Crom UJx, but n Htudc•nl ml.Ult report and pay rox on <>lhl'r 1n<.'Onw 1 tc't.'t'fVC'd , unless the tot.n l Income Iii below thl' filing r1•4ulrcmc.•nt amount. AUTOCAP aid · customer DEAR READERS. Amcricat1 Is uzu . Motors Inc. h as notlfit-d Its dealers that 1t endorses AUTOCAP (Automotive Consumer Action Program). an Informal third-party appeal program designed lo improve dealer- customer relations More than 300 Isuzu deale rs arc being urged to participate m AUTOCAP m conjunction with their local dealer assocaauon. AUTOCAP Is voluntarily sponsored by state or local fmnch1scd automobile dealers, and ts a registered service mark program of the NatJonal Automobile Dealers Association. If a new f.'ar or trl.tck customer cannot find satisfaction a t the dealer level, AUTOCAP can informaUy mediate the disagreement through a pan e l o f con sume r and de a l er representatives. The panel will review the case facts and rec..'Ommend a course of action. A fair solutio.s:i is achieved In virtually all VITAMINS RICH LIFE MEii OIE MEGA POTENCY VITAMINS AND AMINO ACID CHELATED MINERALS •TIME RELEASED 6 45 60 Tablets Reg. 10.95 • THOMPSON CHEWABLE !~~G~~ooC;A~!!eg. 7.45 4.45 RICH LIFE NATURAL HI-POTENCY ~~~~~sU~.~~0GtlESIUM 2 • 19 THOMPSON STRESS COMPLEX B-COMPLEX WITH 500 M.G. VITAMIN C SUPPLEMENT 4 95 60 Tabs Reg. 7.85 • RICH LIFE E 1000 D-ALPHA TOCOPHEROL 9 95 60 Caps Reg. 15.40 • RICH LIFE MEGA FORMULA !-~!!"!~~~515 3·.95 DR. DONSBACH 'S ALERT VITAMIN MINERAL SUPP. 4 50 60 Tabs Reg. 6.95 • Sp1oi1l 011111 W11k Mill Cr11k IERITll SHllPOO 11 "· ••• 1.39 COIDITIOIER 11 '1 .... BULK PRODUCTS IRllOU HONEY FLAVO~EO • Apple Cinnamon • Orange Almond .99 ~. CUM.'11, ul't'oruang l.o A U'l'O<.:AP Tht· I.oil In-<• AUTOCAP numbc•r for thla urt•u IN (800) 2112· I '182 TO~ take teen m embers DEAR PAT: Wiii you find out If tbere are •nf teen-age chapters of TOPS (Take Off Pound• Sen1lbly) In tbe lh1ntlngton Beach· Westminster -Fountain Valley a rea? My daughter bas gained a lot of wel1bt In the past )'ear and I tbJPk a Lell-ltelp croup ml&IU benefit he r. I don 't want to be~ome a "nagging mother " when It comes to Iler weight. N.L., Hunt1n1ton Beach Cornella Kenton, TOPS spokeswoman, said that although tht!re arc no teen chapters of TOPS, the Garden Grove group has many teen-age members and it's very acUve. Thia group meets Mondays at 7 p.m. at :!:xcelslor Elementary School, 10421 Woodbury Road, Garden Grove. There 1s a $5 charge per year for TOPS members and more information is available by phoning 537-4407. • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat· ~ Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • .l. getting the answers an aclIO you nee d to solve inequities i n n. government and business. M nil . , your quest.ions to Pat Horowitz, A t rour Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, ·soUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 LOWER LEVE L CAROUSEL MALL GROCERIES RICH LIFE HEii TEI APPLE CRISP, SWEET MINT, ORANGE CINNAMON, SCARLET DELIGHT _20 Tea Bags Reg. 1.99 CHICO-SAN RICE CllES • SAL TED • UNSAL TEO 4'h oz. Reg .. 95 DEAF SMITH PUtlUT BUTIER CREAMY OR CRUNCHY 18 oz. Reg. 2.99 HAIN SAFFLOWER OIL 32 Fl. oz. Reg. 3.45 KNUDSENS CARROT CHIPS SALTED-UNSALTED 4 oz. Reg. 1.85 HEAL TH VALLEY CIT FOOD • CHICKEN/TUNA • HARDY DINNER • LIVER and SAU CE 6.5 oz. Reg .. 50 KNUDSEN BUCI CHERRY CIDER 32 oz. Reg. 2.35 NA TURES BEST SPl&HETII WHOLE WHEAT 16 oz. package Reg. 1.05 DELI ALTA DENA COTillE CHEESE • LOW FAT • REGULAR 16 oz. ALTA DENA LOW FIT YOUIHURT 8 oz. Flavors or Plaln 1.29 .72 2.24 2.59 1.38 .36 1.75 .79 .95 .39 HEAL TH & BEAUTY DR. DONSBACH'S ALOE YEU &EL 32 Fl. oz. Reg. 6.45 NATURES GATE DEODORllT ROLL-ON HERBAL SCENT 2 Fl. oz. Reg. 2.16 OR. BRONNER$ PURE CASTILE SOAP PEPPERMINT 1G Fl. oz. Reg. 3.50 4.50 1.50 2.2& 1A1,.1 ,. .. lffllTM Tiit llTllll I, 1111 ·-- Or•no• CoHt DAIL y PILOT /W9dnted•)'. hptembef 22, 1882 ~· America 's woman astronaut training in Munich Sally "Ide, ..chtodult't\ lo b4-..w111• A111t•1 ku'a. (Int\ woman In 1pac noxt 1prillM, tuok llmt• oli Croll'\ tratlnlna lo do 11<>m<'thma down to rorth <h Ink beer at tho Oktobt•rh•1t Rade, W, JOkt'd with n •portun In Munil'h that the fesuvul bt~r drinking rnprftll•nll'd unothl'r flnll for ht'r as part ot tht• prt<purotlori fur truv(•linf( to space. She and fellow ruilronaut tramN• John FablllD came to Munich for a wt><.•k to train on the.• German SPAS-1 sa t ell1tli' ot the avlutlon firm Messerchmlll-Boclkow-Blohm. Tht• pair are slaw.J to go into space next April aboard thr space shuttle Challenger. David, who hvcs In u prott>ct1v11 plasuc bubble and has never been toUt'hed by anyone else's bare hand, turned 11 years old in Houston with hope of emerging from his sterile t'<X'OOn. He's the oldest known survivor of a rare, inherited disorder that left ham wtth no natural immunities to fight disease His parents and his 14 -year-old sister , Kathleen, held a party and Mass for the youngster's birthday. He wanted a computer game and "Star Trek" toys. He wasn't dlsappomted. Teddy Pendergrass, whose smgmg career was interrupted by injuries from an automobile accident, will be released from a Philadelphia hospital this week, his doctor says "He knows he can sing," said Dr. William Staas. He noted that the 32-ycar-old smger's legs . are paralyzed and he is rcgammg US<' of his arms. "I don't see his walking again," Staas. director of Magee Memorial Hospital. said. 11118 / flCIS It'• t1ol otlt•n th1H a Kt!nny Ro&l'rl Cun con stoP. n bw. that says "Konny Hogcl'li' She-Puck Bund' und ask for on aul.Ogruph. ''But ull l got wa11 thL· bu11 dtiv1.·r's slgn11turt> un the clwtlon," imid Iowa StutL• Patrol u·oopc.'r Bob Klnselb. Kinseth said he cloL•kcd thc full -length, custom dt"<.,'Orotcd bus al 7!'> mph on Interstate 80 near Cedar Rnplds und µulh-d It uv1.•r, hoping that the singing sta r was on boord. . About $9,000 In valuables were stolen In a burglary at the Minden , Nev., home: or entertainer Liberace, and thrt'e suspet'ls were being questioned in lhe case, officials say Douglas County s heriff's Sgt. Doug S&rulbers said items taken Crom the piamst's home in Zephyr Cove Included two video recorders. two stereo speakers, a silver bowl and some llquor. He said Liberace was not a t home at the ume. The three were arrested for "numerous thefts" in the Lakt• Tahoe area and were being held in South Luke Tahoe on $20.000 bail each. Undaunted by an a<."Cident last month during a •arch (or Nooh'• Ark, formtir Apollo ulronaul Jam 1 Irwin It rNurnlng to Turkuy to bealn a nf'W l<'Brt'h on Mount Amrut During hh1 Int trip to the 16 .946·foot mo1.mtaln, frwln fell lnt.o &1 c .. nyon, 11uffttrlna deep Coclul und head cuu, thre4! brok<·n tec:th and a 1pralncd nt'('k and bbck, u 1pok<'twomon f1>r Irw in'• Hlaih F'llght ~"oundullon aald. Irwin tu1y11 lt'a a ml11~ke to make the search on foot, and he shou l d huvc.• walled for l'l'rmlsslon from the Turkish gov('rnment to l'OVer the area by hc•lkoptur. Hiti attorney called her a liar and an unfit. mother. Her lawyer alleged he was drug dealer who had made hauls from Colombia. Divorce proceedings involving Pe ter Pulitzer, grandson or 1he famed newspaper publisher, and his wife, Roxanne, began In West Palm Beach, Fla .• ~ S.OU.• WAT• NUTIHG tATHIOOM nMOOllJHO ... I 1116)/ S."* Tome s1 .. 1a et Your Doot (Celt St0te NeOIMt VOUt Ar .. ) COST• MUA 641 -1289 1526 ,.. ... ,.., .... 4. MISsio.. VllJO 495-0401 21922 c. ... 1 ... C.,l1t1•1t• 1a... oi. .. l't-wy ••• ..,., l'\wy.) with Pullt.uer'• lliwyer, Wiiiiam SeoU, 11Y11 " _ truly .ad thlnl la atx>ut to happen . Tfwre 00 mad• a public r ~rd of the aordid upect.120 pt~pll·'11 Uv~ " The 02-yur-old Pulltier, a Palm ch ret dent aold to be a mllllonaJrc with lnie ln International hotcl1, 11 ~k1na th divorce pt cu1tody or the (.'0Uple'11 twin ~-year~old boya. M Pulitzer, 31, wanta lQ keep the children. but la c:ontesting thP divorce. ---P rlDCell Anne, Queen E tl11be&ll't ~u1h who la noted for angry exchan ges w it photograph-:rs, delivered a pointed vulaarlam two photographers who were following her u walked her dog, the Daily Mirror reported. "We were standing about 00 feet from h when she suddenly" blurted out the vulgar p said Mirror photographer Mlke Lloyd. The newspaper aaid Anne gave the same tw word advice to photographers last month whe they tailed her during a arouse shoot near Cori a.rt m the Scottish Highlanda. RESERVE NOW! PRICES EFHCTIVE THRU SEPT. 27th OPEN 1 DAYS 8 • 8 Plenty of FrH P•rtclng ALEXANDRA DE MARKOFF BEAUTY INVESTMENTS CLINIC AT I MAGNIN SOUTH COAST PLAZA • All Sal•• Final • Ouantltlea Llmlled • No Exchangea or Refunds SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE I' McGfew Otlll Pr111 'h" 79 99 40.00 , OHl• ... J Slt*lH11TOOlw/Fr11ecceu 6999 30.00 ... IW:O 4399 30.00 1/2 Off ll(Q. 59.99 40.00 ,..o All Mue• · Cefiwnk: GE Nlt•UtH•3987 ~(~9 1.00 Hooftr V9CUIHM:· ..... "::eee '150.=' BSA Modu .. 1 Yow Choice 2 i 99 12.00 1110 7 00 a Ototv 111:0 M9QUIM! Poly s..i.nt 19. OL 10 99 • ~~I Sho 8r19ht StlcA ~i'o99 1 Q.00 S.lect Bike Tl,.1 1.00 Henton DIOltal Beth Sc••• 97 99 60.00 "'0 , a-... •to Ulgune Bch. ~nae Frernet.2.59 1 .50 =vHVef 'oem A099 ;f~9 1.00 ~c!~YWeter Heeter 30 gal. !::98 '125. Chait Beech Umbrella ~~9 3.00 lijcMI SwtN Army Knife ~0 99 6.00 ~ Giiion ~.':i99 8.00 Legune e..ch Ch.in ~~99 7. 77 Orttlo Tometo a Veg. Dut t :~~9 3.00 Extenalon Pote 39" • 72" 7 911 3.00 Pool Chlorine Uq. 2 gal. ~~9 2.59 ,, OHL• ""t I SIM\leyTepe lf," a 16" t299 7.00 l °""'" t(l • OIMton Abrldet 15 "II· 7 911 1.00 t OH\Y "'tr Flr9t Alert Protection System •8!> 99 89.99 t OHLY ..,_ ... 0 2 OHlY -"fO 1?7C:: -AJl 11-"'ff_ McCulloch •140 Cheln Sew 18V.99~45-.-Gelatalo tee--C~em MectlW-359.aa:~ >h-O«*• CllOdlM(by~-~ See the complete list of items in tomorrow's G~e.S ~ {;ifne,.s Thursday, September 30, be one of 12 women to meet with Mary Ann Cappola. National Training Director for Alexandra de Markoff. in a two-hour seminar covenng all your skincare and makeup needs. The 60. 00 seminar fee includes personal instruction. an 85. OO·value Beauty Investments Portfolio with your personal skin analysis chart and personalized color swatches. Reservations are required. 2: 30 to 4: 30. Telephone 957-1511, extension 262. Cosmetics "PRINTS" CHARLES 0.-to-Door Bus SKrlct wftttt Pou l>ll -lftfl schollstic stllld11d _-:_111~ tht 4 R's flldint (rrilh phonics) rtritirt. lrlhmltic, r11d1Mss. A Private School of Distinction Founded In 1942 --- .. In -Fountain Valley 16835 Brookhurst (714) 962-3312 .. announces ADY DI Fl•t Art Pttttra Mir 1112 I j the first STARTS TODAY 203 TO 603 OFF FREE UDY DI POSTER with any frqm• purchC11e (Offer good thru Sept. 29. 1982) FllE ART PGITUS • FUllll Ill fllllT IYI., UllU IUOI 494-9424 Texas aides check for aliens, Beefed up patrol at an Onofre brings arre t increase Whlll' thl' flow of illl•gul ulwns cro,.lng Into Sun Du.•go hu11 ln,'t('ollt"d dromuucally In l'(>('Cnt Wt'Cka. a beElfed.up Border Putrol Is apparently keeping mony of them from making h as fur rut the Sun Onofre chloekpoint. A patrol spokesman suld TuC'sday 29 agent.II from Texas began working night 11hlfts at the bord r Sert· 10 and • ..u u rCtiUll., the patro appreht•nded 19,376 aliens from Sept. I to 19 -up from 14,854 for the period last year. Aj 11tunt Putrol Chief Uoh• Mu!K'gudl'll .uld the a&l'nla from Tcxos, "hnvt> l:>N•n 1.1 (t•l'Ul hl'lp." "Apprehcrunorui wert> JUmplns here (at the border)," Muacgadt"tl said. "Wl• hud to 11wy on wp or the situation, so we brought an the Texans." And, dcsplt1• lh~ lwuvll•I' flow of aliens, stotistic.'8 provided by the San Onofre.• <.·hrckpolnt show arrests und apprchcnslonS' nrl' virtually unchan~cJ. The local checkpoint rccordud 1,570 apprehensions this month, compared wl th 1,538 for the pl'rlod a ye r ago "Apparently we're being prNty cfCectlve at the bordt•r," tht.• patrol chief said. "We have not received a lot of dtlzen callJI from the• San Clemente area, which la an indication we're catching them in San Diego," he llllld. Sun Clemente is jusl north of the San Onofre st.aLion. "If we get leaky down here, we usually get a lot of calls and reports of illegal aliens from up north" Mu1c1edc1 Hid the patrol appruhended :Sl.61H Illegal al~ in Sun Diego in AugU1t, up from t6,716 In July. And. he• aayli, 1Ht month'• flgurc la significant, becau.e it shows arrl'll.8 afler the Aug. 5 l devaluation or thc pcto inc:reaaed 22 percent over the period a year ugo ....But the._ bordc ·pat.uu spokesman would not speculate on the relationship between Me>uco's economic woes and the increased arrest figures. Property owners to pay street tab? Costa Mesa City Council asks residents to share $2,500 expe nse . ByJOl)J CADENHEAD 0(111e DeitJ Hot Staff obligation to send notices sJn<.-e the pubhc hearing was continued from a June 7 meeting att.cnded by many angry homeowners. percent opposed the district, Hall said 84 percent of the property owners living on Palace were against the project. . Bruce Mattern, city public 'Services director. Pal.ace is 30 feet and Sterling is 23 feet '\\tide. Curtis Ellmore, 18 months, has all h e can handle to carry helium-filled balloon during Cliffhaven press conference h eld to protest proposed building plans by St . Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Forty-nine Costa Mesa prope rty owners living on Sterling Road will be asked to pay about $2,500 to upgrade the marred pavement after the Ci~y Council decided to turn the area Into an assessment district. Few residents turned up to protest the assessment, and those who spoke Monday night said the city failed to Inform them of the hearing. By law, the city had no Council members led by Vice mayor Donn Hall decided to delete Palace from the proposed assessment district altogether since residents living between 19th and 20th streets had already been assessed and the rest were strongly opposed to the district. Although a survey of residents on both roads found that 40 Longtime city "watchdog" Std Soffer contended that Palace and Sterling were streets, not alleys, making the city liable for their upkeep and upgrading. Gasoline tax funds can only be used to improve streets, which are defined by the California Department of Transportation Street and Highway Code as beinl( at least 40 feet wide, said Mattern said that to spend gas - tax money, the council woulo have to decide that it would be in the public's interest to pay for their upkeep. Although the original estimate for the improvements was $2,578 for an average 63-foot lot, Mattern said he didn't expect the figure to change much with the deletion of Palac.-e. St~r SERVICES m a;,.1a;,.;,.9 1~e S1a1uJ & A mLience in Your _)Jome :J~al you l'e'juire · METICULOUS Cl.EANING & MAINTENANCE BACHELOR-EYE SERVICES ERRAND SERVICES 1642-6149 I For Dine Out Advertising And Info Ca ll Brenda Caponera 642-4321 ext. 169 ATARI-GRAM CARTRIDGE BERZERK 24.95 MUSIC FOR MOPPETS HAS ARRIVED AT ALIER MUSIC STUDIO • Kinder Keyboard Classes avsllsble for older 86(1/nners. Call for a FREE music and piano read/neu te•t for your child 111-2121 • Annualized Rate *Annualized Yield 1811117 to 31 clcmp, Minimum Bala11ce $20,000. Act today on this high rate. account. Stop in at your nearest Allstate Savings office or call collect (213) 240-5913 and a member of our Bank-by-Mail Department will be happy to help you. This account is fully insured up to AllSlalB SBVIHOS $100,000 by the FSLIC. Allstate Savings & Loan, a member ol the Sears family. Over S3 billion in ISiets. C 1982 A1lttate Savings It Loan. •~daily CXlmpOWldin( and rein"'8trnent ol principal and interest at oriainal rate and tenn bra yw; Federal regulations require substantial inleltit penalty bearfy wtthdrawal. STARTS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd Wool blend jackets in assorted tw~. Completely lined. Sizes 5-13. Special Value $59.85. Our exclusive french canvas pants. Assorted fall colors. Sizes 3-13. Orig. $38. Now $26.85. ,. Button-down oxford shirts in assorted basic colors. Sizes 5-13. Orig. $29. Now $17.85. 100% wool shetland sweaters. Assorted fall colors. Sizes S,M,L. 0ri9. $26. Now $17 .85. Aaorted plaid skirts in wool blends 5/6-13/14. Orig. $45. Now $24.85. Special Values on items you need for Fall! \ • . Americans dream again Renewed urge seen in hou ing, car, , stocks By JOHN CUNNIFF A# lk*Mee AMfrtl NEW YORK Undcll•rrt.'<i by the peaslmi.am of many IO-(•allt.td experts, Amer1can11 are drl•amang agaJn. They are dreaming of &oaring atock•, of homes, of cars and boats, of at least a t'Ouplc of years ot single-digit Inflation and · maybe single-digit loan rates t.oo, and maybe even of $50,000 personal incomes. All this and more. as they say. When Amer icans dream they dream well, notwlthstandlng some vicious nightmares the past few years. The stock market is going to l,- 000 points on the Dow Jones industrial average? Who says so? Many big-name forecasters., Some say 1t m ight go much hif,her. 'You can buy stocks to double in value by 1986." says Arnold Bernhard. "l think there are few opportunities as an the stock market," he says. And with a .d e gr ee o f credibility. During t.he depths of the Great Depression of the llll AIAlYlll 19!i0s he founded Value Lino, the country's biggest stock advi10ry servfoe. Real cslt.lte agents will tell you ot the rt>ncwed inte rest In homea. Sure, the lookers t'Onsldcr lt great entertainment lO have an agent drive them around for an afternoon. But they're dream1ng. At least they're dreaming agaJn. They're getting some encouragement too. Jack Carlson, executive vice president of the National Association of Realtors, says the housing market -sales and construc tion -appears poised for a recovery. "This recovery from record low levels of activity is expected to be slow but of long duratwn." said Carlson. M oreover .. h e said. the inven tories-of homes on the market represent real bargains. Cars? .w e have as authority on New job the aubject th<' chalrmun of Gcmcrul Moton, ltoser Smith, who for\!1et•11 domestic 1and lmportf'd automobile ule1 approaching an annual rate of 14 million unit.a by lato 1083. Ot courac, with eulcs running at nn annual rutc of 1).8 mHllon units early In Sepfember, and with GM sale11 down the mott of the Blg Three domestic carmekertt-in the same i)erlod, you might t hink that forecast only a dream. Only a dream ? You need search your memory but a second or two to rCCDIJ that a few weeks ago only the president of the Um.ied States dared dream In sucH dimensions. A dream is an improvement. It ls up fro m despair. Why, people are even daring to dream of big boats again. At least you would judge that from the crowds attending a boat show ln Connecticut. True, boat shows attract dreamers, not necessaril>: buyers. But psychologists wUJ tell you that when it <.'Omes to spending big bucks the dream precedes the action. Nourishing the dreams, of course, is the decline in interest rates. Forget ..1~at they might turn around ana run the other way like a football player who's been hit on the head. As they say, ·•a window of opporturuty" has appeared. Herman Kahn's opt.1m1sm isn't a .window; It's a vast panoramic view of an economic land.9cape, one that most visionaries cannot see but which he assures us is out there waiting !or us. It is a land of zero inOation and decreased interest rates. of the disappearance of poverty in the United States, oC $50,000 incomes becoming commonplace. Of peace. Of economic, political and Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /WednMday, SeptemtHw 22, 1982............,_ Q. AND WHAT DO FINANCIAL STABILITY PHYSICAL FITNESS HAVE IN COMMON? & ORANGE CITY BANK! Al Orange Clly Bank we care about yau -not 1us1 your money Thal's why we're celebrating the opening ol our Newport Beach ofhce with prtzes that will help you stay 1n 11p lop physical cond111on -and look great.vhlle you're doing 11' · Come 1n today to any 01 our three offices and register 10 win I FIRST PRIZE Two membershlpe fot • yNr to The Sporting HouH In Newpof1 Beech I SECONlt PRIZE A $100 Gitt Certlflcete from Frontrunnera Drawings will be held OctOber 15. 12 00 noon. at 4525 MacArthur Blvd 1n Newport Beac h. and winners need not be present So 109 on 1n and sign up today' If you have an extra m1nu1e or two. we would be happy to discuss our "cus1om1zecf ' banking services and why we think we should be Ys>ur bank We care about more than your money · PLUS: Sun Vlaora, S~ Pockets and Wrlat Bands! QP8='f:M Something more tor your money Orenee Olflct ,/IO L,,..,, (• .1,Mn.1•1 A•f"'"" 0•J1"Jt' CA 9.'66q (714) 7713300 Huntington H1rbour Office lt"10l e.,...., Ct• "A....,>w Hu"'""llr• Bl1.i<•• <..A 'l.'b4'+ f71•> 840 1321 Newpc>ft Beech Office "''• M •CA•lhu• Bou t»•J•O Ne..,oo•l BeJ r CA 9<'°"° {7141662·2255 • . • ' • . ~ I Alice M. Rivlin will join Brookings Institute after ste pping down Dec. 31 as director of the Congressional Budget Office. Brookings is a public policy researc h organization in Washington, D.C. sociaJ boom. ~-r--~~~~~~~~~~~--=~-.J WORTH Of @@>rn @@@)o cabinetry ® September 18-26 is National Kitchen/Bath Week. And we're marking the occasion by participating in Wood· Mode's National Kitchen/Bath Week Contest! Come to our Open House at our showroom during this week-long event and enter the contest. You could win a certificate good for $1,000 worth or Wood-Mode cabinetry! Complete details and entry forms are available at the Open House. TWenty-five $ J. 000 certificates and twenty- flve $500 certificates will be awarded nationally. No pur- chase necessary. Limit one entry per family. This con- test is void.whtf'e prohibited or restricted by law. IEE-M/croware Demonatrat/on, Wood-Mode Fiim EXAMINE-Kitchen A Bath Dl1play1, New Products TALK-To De1/gner1, Remodeling Expert• COLLECT -Literature, Ide••· Advice r ALl.l AT NO OBLIGATION! ......... ·~ ~ .>' C,1uAr 'I rlr • ~ i---u o'""' .in ~-, "'\ ~-?) ,,.__....,, AJ , ~,--.......a..----~--i It's Wallpapers To Go Wall-to-W:Ill happy once you get your selection home. Sale. These are all first quality wallpapers just bring. it back within 30 days for a full from the world's leading designers. No refund or exchange. At 'Mlllpapers To Go. 1011-~;;,~s:=~~~n Wolk"aMU to go. ~~~~~~ =51010 displayandinstock. ~ • choose.TheVbll-to- ready to go. And if Vie make it easy tor you. Vbll Sale makes it you're not completely $Al.I ENDS OCTOBER 24 even easier to buy! A~m -16)4 · Ht Lincoln Ave. (At £uclld) 991-4870 ~Ion Perk -too South Baldwin /'we, (S.nca Anica Fuhlon l'rlrk Lo-rl~l-J.C. Penney end) ··~~6ll ~th Sc.J Arte.la (l blockuut C>I Lo. Cem.ot Cenwrl 9l~7681 ~~u (U~ l«wl-J.C. Pennn ..nit) %~l·~· -1 , • • c _,,_l ; •• i I I I , ... I I 1 • I I • I · ., :: THE t':\"IL'' c1act·N llG GEORGE by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) by 811 Keene • .. ' "Smell them, _P J. They hove a real good fla vor." "If you're looking for your car k1y1, you left t~m Int~ Cir." ~.\R,..\Dl'Kt: by Brad Anderson ''Steady, Marmaduke ... steadyl'' Jl'DGE PARKER NO CHAN6E. CHARLEY' LOOK. I DON'T WANT HOW'S THE eoss THE NEXT n-.REE ~YS TO GE-T YOU INVOLVED OOIN'. TONY7 AAE Cfl.ITICAL 1 IN THE &..J51NE55 officer 17 Centered in 18 Shore noise 19 Fune 20 Minus Abbr 21 C111no rurn1tu1e 2 *OfdS 23 Gad_pets 25 Hutens 26 Country rete 27 -Check 29 G·man or MOUllllf 32 Region 35 St11t>M 361nflllftndO 37 Hoar 38 Wont 3t Coo Ol'Otl •OlJtc uMI ,,Go,.., •2'*'tlt°'' 43 , "''" 8°'lflCI UCfnMI •S~ •6 Editor's word 48 Grading 52 RCMP show 2 words 56 Eur nation BUT THERE'S ~et.E• 5 7 Stage speech 58 Gutter site i;.f;.I~~~~~~ 59 Eddo 60 Conserves 61 Declare 62 Les Etats -~~~~~~€+:ii 63Curl 6• Studies 65 Receptions DOWN I Po~llOn 2 Bnel part lor a star 3 MexlGan pal 4 Florld s Stepped 6 Appearance, 7 Stike II HOj)ped·UP dt1nk 9 O.t b.cJI 10 Clay btlek 11 Sotor11y 2WOfdl ,,~ ....... t30t>WYeS 2t Sdlty 22 LONI g1rlh •2 Feast 24 Femmts 44 Niche 27 till 45 Stevedores 28 English com· •7 Sea flows p0ser •e Aaunder 30 Put out 49 Fool151'1 3 I FIVOfld on.a 50 Wltl'Wlleel 32 04ump 51 CIOddllh 33 Klf'CI Of bean 52 Upr t poat 34 Poktf·llCed 53 A ltlnd· 35 EntlCM!tnt by II ~ 31 W1tttWIY 54 31 Pttaont non 55 ·--------------~-------· ~-LM&.,_..•~ Hank Ketchum I ~ ir-- by Harold Le Ooux THE WORD'5 ()VT THAT LU~E 15 MAKIN<:J A DEAL WITH THE D A I IF IT'S TRUE YOUR F'ATHER'LL NEED PROTECTION • by Ferd & Tom Johnson YE:H-· DID I SPf:l-L ~VE:RYT~/NG l<;,HT? RRRIPPPll •• Tl'MBLE•EEDM WHA1'S"WPD~ L.IMPIC7 L.IZA~V'? -- GOROO r1-1Ai-J~~ h..~ T..U: eic.JPEll U.Ji;z, ,'-\f~. lJ._""lpE z f '(OIJ Ji;:fr QJOvo/ E;\/f;~­ T'"41t..J~ A60VT "'~ J..OVEL.-1 COVNT'f<N/ 9...1:1. YES, YOU CAN HAVE THE FIRST COURSE NOW t'l'~K ,. "l~KERBEt\ ~ fl(f. EW.l GAME HAS 8WJ ~ f~ ~'5 ! ~ IME.'i !Ml' lt-1 1'14E. N1Nr1t l~INC, ... i 11·~ Mor 1'i.IE. ~o C$1"E. ~1.0! r---"• OH, -rHA-r's NO,.-WHA-r YOU 1"HINK 1-r IS, MRS. t..OOMIS ... --------~------ -i by Charlee M Schulz RE QOEST PE~ISSIOH TO LEAVE TME COUNT~ MA'AM! Widely known for his enor~ c.ontnrotions to b:al ~ .... OH,BOY--- A SOUP COURSE by Ernie Bushm1lfer NO··· IT'S A SOAP· COURSE I "A~E~'I ~l(\M1'"'15 MAO ~t4CE. Ml~ ~~UfMfU IH'l'ME~~R! by Lynn Johnston l.UE.1RE aJTOFGf\S. Rea sone r Reasoner '01ost trusted' RADNOR, Pa. (AP) - N ew s m a n H arry R ea son er of th e CBS te levision progra m "60 Minutes" was rated the country's most-trusted network journalist in a s u rvey by TV G u id e magazine. David Brinkley of AB C a nd J o hn Chancellor of NBC were 'se co nd and third r espec ti vel y in t h e viewer survey, with 54 .percen t and 50 percent 1"confidence ratings." Of those s urveyed , 56 percent said they had a "gre a t d eal o f confidence" in Reasoner. Mike Wallace of CBS rece ive d 4 9 ; H ugh D o wns o f ABC, 4 6 p ercent; and Ba rba ra W a l te r s o f A BC. 38 percent. The results indicate ,viewers trust most th~ news people who ife o lder and have he ld more th a n one ne w s- --related job on more than one network, said J ames •Haughton, a TV Guide spokesman. Sessions slate d "C o nt ac t a nd Co nnection : Getting T h r o ugh P e r so n al Barriers," a three-session lecture series, will be presented by Coastline Community College on 1T u e s d a y n i g h t s . beginning Oct. 5, at the Mesa Ve rde Learning Center in Costa Mesa. Steven Farmer. the le c tur e r 1s a psyc hotherapist w1 th a private practice and Is director of Pacific Coast Consultants, a me ntal health consulting firm. For in formatio n , call 963-0811 . ext. 256. Patent talk set ''How to Patent Your Inve ntion," a five-week lecture ser ies. w ill be presen ted by Coastline Community College on Wednesday n igh ts . b eginning Oct. 6, at Pro m o nt o r y P o int Clubhouse in Newport Beach. Murs· O lav Hegna, lecture r , will d iscuss what a patent is, the p refiling proced u res, •time , costs, and money making. For information , call 963-0811 , ext. 256. A ccount .class set "Accounting for Non- Financial Ma n agers," works h o p , w ill be presented by Coastline Community College, Oct. 7 at the A1rpor ter In Hotel, Newport Beach. Lecturer Is Huntley O k holm , presiden t of 1 Okholm -Manage m e nt Co n sulta n t s in Huntington Beach . For in formation, ca ll 963-0811, ext. 256. !SAVI 400) GIGANTIC 100-PAGE PHOTO ALBUM AnH AD 899 WIUll HERSHEY'S 10-PACK , .. CMUAJIU ...... l'lllUNY TO SIM Oft lllTll YOUI C_, COii SOUNDS A LOUD IS DIClllL AlAIM ANYTIMI TMI SONIC llAM IS CIOSSID PllVIOUSlY 1299 SOLD ILSIWMlll fOI 29.tt 1.m 1 .. , TO 32. '' NOi 111(11100 At this low price your con buy more thon one! Check th big features! #8250. BmY CROCKER •OWNIE MIX SUPll 79c PllCE 15· l / 2 0 1 Whtie stodct lost limit 6 per custome r. MARUCHAN INSTANT WNCH SUPll 37c_ PllCI 2· I / 2 01 . While stock,i lo•t l1mi1 12 per <u•tomer UNDERWOOD SPREADS l•ox OF 2101 Goldtone design vinyl cover opeM to .SO glouy 'heels KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES SPICIAl13c N ICI Bo .. of 280 twrn·ply tissue s 1n decorator bo11;es Stock up' IUGGED LONG-HANDLED GARDEN TOOLS • IOUND POINT SMOYR • NOE • IOW IAI( • CULTIVATOI YOUR CHOICE f~~~~;,15 1119G. 3.090 • MOSNIY'S WITN ALMOMIS • lflS('S "'"UT . 'OUI 1un11 cu,s CMOICI Now'' the time to 'tock up on these treohl GORTON'S CLAMS mKID OI otOf PD SUPll PllCE POLAR SHRIMP COClllll Siii SUPll ,.ICI ::r:: 73c Hurry while stocks lost. limit 6 per customer. ~~:. 3 99 '6~%~~: •~~w~.·-odo-io"-• · 1NGLENOOK 'NAVALLE' CHININ IUNC OI FIENCH COLOMIAID REG. 4.49 2 99 YOUI CHOI(( JACQUES BONET -(OLD DUCK 01 CHAMPAGNE MISS BRECK SELSUN BLUE HAIRSPRAY SHAMPOO AU·DAY HOLD FOi DANDIUFF IEG. 1.94 llG. 4.33 12,?, 299 10UI (ltOKI Reg., Su~er, Unscented 9· 1(2 01. bonuu i:ie. Nor· or Su~r nscented. 9·01. rno , Ory or Oily formula. ........ u ... , ...... IMffl•T• MAGI ......... ••111tt ... ..• ,..., . .,......._ .......... .,..,, ................... All wrth tempered steel blodes. limit 6 per cv"omer. limrl 6 per <u•tomer. [HELEIAosl QUARTZ ANALOG WATCHES IMAGINE A QUALITY QUAITl WATCH IOI UNDll sco.001 TOl 'ODPICT TOPAT 99 YOUI -(ttOf(f COLGATE TllAMINICIN MYLANTA SHAVE CIEAM TAILns ANTACID INSTAJIT LATHll DICONGISTANT PUASAllT ·TASTING llG. 1.SS llG. J.29 llG. 2.49 791'. 189 , 199 Regular, Menthol, lime, Medicated, Apple . 11 ·0 1. Pock of 24 onol9e11c /on· tihl1to mlnlc toblets. Sove l PleosonMolting ond non· conatlpoting relltf, 12·0 1. ..-TAI• YAUIY QRAMllA •Hm ....., ... ,.....,. •DIL IM-C.. .. ,... .......... , ... _ .......... c...r = ..... . .......... _ .. ™·'·~-· .... ...... c..... BAYER ASPIRIN PAIN llUIYll SALi PllCI 179 EffectlYe onolgeaic. Bot• tie of 100 toblets. SaYe l --• ,.. ... ·-~ c..ai. .....""'_ ... Jovan MUSK OIL COLOGNE OR SPRAY MIST HG. 1.00 & I .SO IOTEX MAXI PADS llLTUSS PADS SALi PllCI ' 229·1 Maximum femln ne pro. t9Ctlon. lo11 of 30 poda. . ...................... • s ll 10 , Orang• 0011• DAILY PILOT/WednHdav, September H . 1882 ,New state tax break for IRA participa~ts I Whe n f e d e ral tax laws Undergo substantial changes there dften is a lag before state laws mt.ch up. • Typical w ali the change in the ples on Individual Retirement !f.CCOUnts (IRAs) which extended t!lligibility to most wage earners affective Jan. 1 of this year. By e stablishing an IRA account, an individual can deduct 4P to $2 ,000 in y ea rl y o,ontributions from gross incomP ~ported for fede ral income tax ($4,000 for a couple) and is not liable for fede ral tax on interest earned on the account until the money is withdrawn afte r age 59 ~. Not surprisingly, thousands ot wage earners jumpe d at this chance to gain a tax break while helping provide for re tirement. But the new rules applied oh.ly to fede ral taxes and, under state law. contributions to an IRA account would still have to be ..Yported as taxable income with tfle interest earned also subject to state tax. Fortunate ly, state le gislators recognized the inequity of this situation, e speci a lly s inc e participants in the r e tire ment plans cannot withdraw their c6ntributions or interest until they reach r e tirement ag e and therefore would be paying state tax on funds that could be frozen for years. • So the lawma ke rs passed a bill that brings state wx luw into conformity and wall p e rmit Californians to deduct their IRA contdbullons an9 d e lay •tu x payment on interest just as the federal Jaw permits. There is, however , a slight c atch . Since the co nfo rmity measure will cost the s ta te a n estimated $~ million in 1982-8:i, the Legislature agreed to a trad e- off that will reduce, by graded amounts, the allowable s tate income tax deduction for gasoline taxes. This will cost the ave rage taxpayer about $8 a year and add about $20 million to state revenue, to help offset the $50 million loss. In the long run m ost taxpaye rs will be ahead, though loss o( the gasoline tax deduc tio n will hit some hard er than othe rs. L e ss s ucce ssful w as an attempt to make state income wx returns conform with the federal forms. Anyone who has navigated the complexities of a federal tax form, only to be confronted by a state form requiring entire ly diffe rent calculations, mus t wonder why it is so difficult to bring them into some sort o f conformity. Apparendy it is, because an a tte mpt to d o so bogged do wn again this year. We can only h ope the new Legislature will give it anothe r try. The price we h ave to p ay for the· privilege o{ paying taxes is just getting too high. La'WnJaking on canJera Next month, the likelihood is strong that Huntington Beac h cable television patrons will be able to tune in Channel 12 on the first and third Mondays and view their City Council in action, Hve, from City Hall. Now this is not going to be entirely amateur night when the ~ach council hits the airways. dne of the seven lcx:al politicos is a pro, thus placing the other six at a miserable disadvantage. He is Councilman Jack Kelly. who used to star on the very popular "Maverick" televisio n ~ries of yesteryear. Councilman Kelly no d oubt drew conside rable amuseme nt from a 17-page memorandum that was issued by cable TV executive J~hn Bateman, instructing council members how they should look and act in front of the cameras. The instructions included: -Wife off a perspiring brow with your finger; it will make you ~oving art in The re's another cele bration coming up in Laguna Beach this wee kend when the Art Colony will live up to its nickname with a two-day "mov able art fe a st " staged on the grassy area of the city's Main Beach Park adjacent to Coast Highway. · "Art in Motion" is the result of six months o f pla nning by . . Alliance and it will be free to all comers. Two programs, running from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . both Saturday and Sunday will includ e presentations by mimes, Scottish dancers and pipers, a Bali dance troupe, fencing masters, gymnasts, look th~ughtful. -Powder your bald top so it won't gle am and reflec t in the lights. -False eyelashes should look real, and for goodness sake, don't wear vivid red lipstick . -Always remember you'll look 10 pounds heavie r on television. Suck in your cheeks. Apply some coloring. ' After all these handy hints and more, it must be suspected the Huntington Beach co unc il members may have forgotten why they are at the meeting in the first place. Acting may r e place legislating. It Is difficult to assess how high the quality will be on the Huntington Bea'Ch City Council Show, but we are certain it w on 't lack for length. Mos t of those council sessions dron e on until after midnight. Let's h ope everybody is wearing Jong.lasting makeup. • Laguna Caribbean dancer-s, s teel drum bands and a jazz ensemble. To sustain v iewers whose appetites are sparked by the sea a ir , there will be food booths manned b y arts c ommission volunteers and civic organizations. Visitors are encouraged to bring along beach chairs and stay L\11 day. Laguna's summer fes tival season has been over for a month, but the Art Colony enthusiasts can't resist one more cha nce to delight locals and out-of-towners with arts-related talents. Put Art- i n-Motion on th e w ee k e nd calendar. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· .O. Address The Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7141 6'2-432t. L.M. Boyd/ Perl ect match Do you think that a 37-year-old man can make an ideal marriage with ~ 18-year-old bride? None other than Afis1otle thoui}lt that was the perfect mat ahup in matrimony. Younger men, he believed, tended to father inferior children but not 10 younger wpmen. i When wu the 1Mt time you look~ up a word in a dictionary? Pollsten c:ontend two out of Clve grownupe In the United Stats have never opened such a book. . ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat No doubt you can guees that the old town once known aa "La Villa Real de la Santa re de San Franct.:o de A.ala" is now the city called Santa Fe. To the list of bl.atn» wtth intriguing n.amee, add that of \he cafe near the Virginia Tech campu1: "Daddy'• Money." The pickup you •t from • cup of coffee Is aald to lat iO minute1 before your body'• lnaulln overrldea the effect. ThMtot P. Het.y 'vbl•tll•• Ttt..ftet A. Mvrphln. f0t1or JoM Amert [ •~wl••• fdol(lf ..._.IC,....._ tO.t0t.al '• Cd<!or ThemetMceeftA ~"9fd•.-.. -, ... West Bank intentions feared; WASHINGTON -The story behind President Reagan's sudden firmness with Israel over the West Bank is told ln secret State Department d is patches. They ma ke clear what the president's advisers fear Israel might d o in thl' oc'Cupied territory unless deterred by the United States. One secret report seen by my associate Dale Van Atta puts it bluntly and ominously: "There is reason to fear that the l..sraeJi government might cap1taUu- o~de mons tra tions in the occupie d te rritor ies, or even provok e s uc h demonstrations, in order to expel large numbers of Arabs as •security risks.' (Israeli) defense officials admit such contingency plans exist." IT'S NO LAUGHING matter to k'CWM? an ally of willingness to st ag e a provocation, especially an . ally with as much domestic political clout as Israel has. So it is a measl,Jre of the concern that top U.S. officials have over Prime Minister Menachem Begin's actions and suspected intentions that they unan· imously urged the president to get tough with Israel. Ir Alexander Halg had still been secretary of state, the president rrught have held out, at least until after the November elections. Why would Israel want to expel "large numbers of Arabs" from the West Bank territory it captured in the 1967 war? Simply put, lhe retOUrccs -land and ·water -of the We st Ba nk cannot surrt many more than the 800.000 Jll:I 11111111 To achieve this goal, about an equal number of Ara bs w ould have to be kicked OUL To buttress their s uspicions of Israel's ultimate goal for the West Bank. Stat(.' Department and CIA experts point to a pattern of repression by Israeli miht.ary occupation fon.-es that has emergL'<.l over the past 15 years. Punishment for actual or alleged support of Palt-stmian terrorist groups has a lW'ays been draconian: Houses of relativl'S or sympathizers an• blown up. and 24-h our c urf('ws a rc· im posl·d . Collecuve punishment on c.>ntire villages 1s often exacted for the crimes of a few inhabitants. Harassmc.>nt of Arabs by armed gangs of Jewish religious zealots is routinely winked al by lhe oc.'Cupauon authorities. The St.ate Department used to S<.'nd its own observer into the West Bank to investigate allegations of repression. but it stopped the practice when conten u of the incriminating cables were leaked. embarrassing both the lsraeltS and th<' U.S. govl.'rnmcnl. which did nothing to I stop tht• 1nc1dcnts . Over the years. I have sent my own reportt-rs to the West Bank -Ron McRae an 1980. Pcwr Grant an 1981, and Van Atta just a few weeks ago. They talkc'<l to both lsraell and Arab sources, and their reports made clear the pattern of Israeli behavior. I t.alkt>d to .Begin about the West Bank when I was in Jerusalem recently, and this IS what he said: lsrael lS wilUng to grant "total a utonomy" to the West Bank Arubs, allowing them their own civil ad mmastrauon. BUT THE CATCH -and it's a bag one -as this: Israel would be the protector of the West Bank There would be no Arab army. onJy lsraeh troops. By their ow n civil admln1 strators, Begin presu mably meant the village leagut.os, the organizations of Arabs who are not inf lame d b y Palestinian nationalism and •re w1llmg to hve in an tsra~li prot~toritl~. Needll'SS-1.0sa)l, the. are regarded by fervent Pa lestinian nationalists as lsrach puppets. Then .• seems 1n<:reasing reason to believe that Begin and h1.1 top associates intend to keep the West Bank -or, as th y persist in calling it, Judea and Samaria. Whl'ther they do it by outright annt'xa tion or in the g uise of a protectora te, this 1s sure to keep the Palestinian issue boiling. T ha t's why President Reagan was persuaded to make his rhetorical preemptive strike against &gin's suspected antentJons. Story-tellers try conjugal patience No one ever said married life was easy and if anyone ever did say it and I missed it, they were wrong. Young people getting married list.en to the for- richer-for-poorer-in-11cknesa-and-in-1 health \alk, but not many of them under- stand the real pitf.U. ln sharing a whoJe life with IOl"neOne el.w. My wife and t have never divorced each other even once in more than 30 years of marriage, but the question usually comes up in our minds .everal times a week. And don't forget, we have a happy marriage. OVER THE WEEKEND I was thlnkin'-about one cause for divorce that wouldn t occur to a young couple just startlng married life. I think they ought to be warned about It in the wedding ceremony. If you're going to be married to IOmeOne {or a long t.lme, you have to be prepared to listen to \hem repeat the lame ato riea over and ove r again hundred• of times during your life. ou 1 expenence time a husband or a wife is in a conversation with a few people around, they'll find a way to be reminded of one of their Cavorite stories. Telling an old story is taking a calculated risk. tf there are eight people listening to you at the dinner table, for instance, and your wife and two other people at the table have heard it before, it's probably a wise idea not to tell the story again. If, on the other hand, your /~'j AllYllllH ~ husband or wife is the only one who has heard It., you sacrifice whatever respect ' you may Jose from your spouse and go ahead with it . The wedding ceremony ought to be rewritten to make certain both parues understand tha t they are not only "to love, honor and obey" but also "to listen. laugh and approve.'' It isn't easy to laugh at a •1~ou·ve heard 183 times before, but a wife or husband should put his or er mind to it a~ try. is oomes my t'i'Umt"now because we had some good friends at the house for dinner Inst w~kend. The su bject of apeeding ticke ts came up becau se someone at the table got one on tjte way to our house. 'I'll never forget a ticket 1 got years British TV not all class Contrary OpinJOll!J; -Americana pL a diatoned view of Brhlah television becau1e only the quality programs are praented here on public btoadcast1n1 channel•: the average run of Britiah commerclally- SpoNOred ahowa i. just u vu.liar and shallow aa the American counterparta (and more sc:xually explicit In the bargain). mllYll• -Nobody ~n be an lmperdal judge and jury in hla own cue, yet apedal- interett fl'OUP' peralat in acitat.lna for the freedom to "police" their own ranks without outakte aupervllion, u if thoy wel't' somehow lmmuM from the rult of ~lf-interest. -So·called "fonl1n...eld" to developtl'\I muntriet II • U'lllk' farce ln more ~ \han "°'• wt\h much of the aid drained off to 1Wtaln the status quo of the gov•mll'\I rect.mee. reth..-than h•lptna th• lmpov•rllhed population who Med lt moet. ' -Reading a new biography of Nelson Rockefeller only confirms my acute diatut.e for both his private personality and hiJ public machinations, which had only one goal: aelf-aggrandlzemenL -1 wouldn't. par any heed to Joyce Brothel"&' advice I she were the last peychologiat on earth. -A woman who really believes t.hat diamonds are a girl's best friend may confide ntly be expected to betray any friendship for the sake of diamonds. -Aa long 11 the pl e a s and admonitions of religious leaders have no perceptible eftect upon the military decialons in.de by he.di of state, it la hard to take aerlously the pious proclamation• of faith tha t lu ue ~gularly from these leaders. -ActJve strlvers for "happiness" too rarely h~ the wordt of Hawthorne, who advised that "Happiness la a butter(,, which, when pursued, Is 1lwaya ust beyond your grasp. but whk'h, I you will alt down qulet.Jy. may allaht upon vou." -"Force"'' and •·authority" are not synonym•, aa m0tt people think, but antonynw. ...,. more real authority. th~ 1 .. fotte ta needed: the l~ authority, the more force la req~ for obedlrnce, tynnta are reprftlive pniclleoly bfc:awie \My lack pnW.. authority. . ' ago," anolher good old friend said. "Dear:· his wife said, loolung at him with a pajned exvression. "you aren't gomg to tell that story again. are you?" There were eight people at dinner and three of them admitted they'd heard my friend. Bill, tell the story before. Several of the others who hadn't heard it or didn't remember hearing it before, urged him to continue with it. One of the three who had heard it several times before is always nice to everyone. He said, "Oh. that's a great story. Go ahead. Tell Brian what happened when the cop pulled you over when you were on your way to give a speech at the dinner for the police comm~oner." "It was way back when I was doing a radio show." BuJ began. Bill's wife dropped her eyes to her plate and toyed with a few pieces of lettuce. Ball i.s a great storyteller and he's had , so much practJce with this one that he , really tells it well. f "And so." he concluded, "this cop says I to me. 'Well, holy mackerel then, you better get over there in a hurry. Here. 1 give me your license and registration. This won't take a minute.'" EVERYONE LAUGHED, and when l the taught.er subslded l didn't want the conversation to die so I said, "That reminds me of the time 1 was driving through this little town in Georgia.·• "You told that story last time Bill told ! that stor y," the pe rson I've never divorced said . "I haven't told lt as often as you've , told the one about what happened in the I shooting gallery on board the shlp when your parents took you to Europe when I you wert: 17.'' I said. I '1'e11 us what happened on the ship, Marg.-." the friend who ls always nice to everyone said. 1 dmdl'd to clear aome of the diabelt I f1ff the table. If I rouldn't \c.'ll my a10r)' , about being arrested in the lltlle toWn ift Georgla, 1 wasn't golng to alt throuch 1 1ha1ablp110ry •&•In. l Another fall ario\Mr l'lih of ltr1MI n thrnt1 oi 1trlkH bJ '••e•ere, tranapc>rtation wOfMn and 'llblt"•-..--. 18JU&IW • I Or1nge Coa1t DAii. V PILOT /Wednuday, September 22, 1882 About to gO ape? What an . ' evolutionary idea For more than 1 ~tury, thousanc:t.. of lt.'amed anth.ropolOliata have d voted millions of man hout'8 ti> palnatalclngly dl11lng up, sorting, piecing together and carbon dating countless tiny ph."-'\.c'I of bone In Ol'der to prove concluaively that mankind deecended over the past few million years from an ape.like IJ1IC8tol'. And now half the country, ecoordang to the latest Gallup Poll, says that's a lot of bunk. THE WORK OF THESE dedicated eclenllsts has not been totally. in vain, however . A case in point la that Hatvard-educated gorilla, who has recently become an enthusiastic convert to the theory of evolution . "Quite frankly," said the fair-minded primate, thl.I lovely dream arew ever moro overwhelmlna." A 'hou1h\ful frown croueod the noble loreh ad of thu lvy Lt>aguo ln~llcx:tual. "What Upped the Air Ho,,' acalet tor m~." tle sold, "wu the recent dlaoovery of . 'Lucy: that 3-mllllon-year-old Auatraloplthecua THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER maldcm whose bone• were dua up In remote -Ethiopia. -....i._ __ -~-----------"Although she walked erect, thus 1ubjecUnj herwlt to lumbago, eciatica and lower backache, the photographs clearly showed ahe poaaeased the prominent eyebrow ridges and bold jaw of an ape. My auspicions were confirmed when the skull of a modern gorilla, less than one million years old, wu found nearby. "I had r ejected evolution because I was anthropologically prejudiced. I just could not bring myself to admit that f WU related In any way to the human race. "[ liked to think that the Good Lord had created us apes as a separate ond distinct species 7,632 years ago last July. But the evidence against "There was no escaping the grim truth: we apn are directly deecended from you m!n.'' POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT VOU ONLY. _ __.. LOVE ME KCAUSE vou•RE AFRAID NOT TO. What's o .hesity hi~ing? THE SECULAR SIMIANlST slghed. "I would have come to tha obvious concluaion long ago," he aaid, "bad I not been blinded by ugly lntolerance. After all, humans evidence a number of rudimentary simian traits. Many, for example, strive t4 maintain high-Ciber diets and some (rult and berry eaters even preach the gent.le virtues of nonviolence. my best friends are humans and at first I had hlg4 hopes that their species might evolve beyond mer,, brutedom and eventually take their place among ua higher orders. But after playing half a season aa middle linebacker for the Des Moines Cowhaw~ DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I was amazed wllen I met a cbildbood playmate I hadn't seen in years. Site's still slngle at 31. But, wbat I couldn't 1et over ls bow fat she bas become. We were botb cuHldered cate wben lo our pre-teens. Sbe and her parent• moved to another city. I've been married since tile age of %0 and have tlliree clliJldren. I keep wondering if it's true that some people let themselves get very fat and unattractive simply to put off male advances. I've beard there's a psychological explanation. Tut obesity may be used by some as a defense •1alnst sex. Sbe says sbe's bappy single, but I think s•e'• putting on an act. Her smile covers up a lot of fraatration. Would It belp lf someone could convince ber to lose welgbt? -MRS. F. DEAR MRS. F.: Unless we can actually look into the mind of another person, it's pure guesswork to discover the true motivation for their way of life. It's even possible that your friend is as happy as you are. Perhaps not. Nevertheless, your suggestion is a good one. Loss of weight and reclaiming attractiveness might change her way of life if she's unhappy. Many psychiatrists subscribe to the theory that obesity is used as a conscious or unconscious defense against becoming involved in sex. Yet, there• are many thousand of obese women who 1ind tbat I.his. oesn't interfeTe wifh their enjoyment of sex; neither does it interfere with good relationship with their husband. Whether your friend can be helped, Mrs. F., will depend upon what's really going on inside her head. A psychiatrist may be more helpful than a dietitian. FOR MRS. W.: You will understand why it's not unusual that withm one week , two of your children and yourself suffered accidental cuts in your home. Carelessness? Maybe, But. aometimes accidents aren't at all preventable. I think you will be interested in the following statistics by the National Safety Council: Home cuts and lacerations are the most frequent type of injury in home JOUI HfAlTH OR. PETER J . STEINCROHN accidents Fingers we re cut more frequently. followed by heads and legs. Two-fifths of the cuts were result of contact with kitchen knives, table knives and cans. However. one out of five victims were cut as the result of a fall. Children under 15 suHered most of the injuries. DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: Whenever tbe problem of alcobolism ii discussed people Invariably draw a mental picture of a male drunk. hn't U time for tbe news media (Including i11formatlon la your own column) to 1tre11 tbe increase of alcoltollam in womea? I aaffer tbla problem in my own family. -MR. G. DEAR MR. G .: I've talked about it a lot. Perhaps not oft.en enough. A hopeful sign is that the female alcohol problem is now reaching the attention of professional and lay workers in the field: legislators, social workers, physicians and others. The-word is being spread, more and more (in newspapers, magazines. books. and lectures) that the female drinker may be a problem drinker. One theory for the Increase is that as the husband moves forward in his career, the wife is left behind. She finds solace in alcohol. The lime for concealing a woman's drlnkJng problem Is over. More are coming out of the closet to find help. Whal have you done about your own fami1' problem, Mr. G.? Dr. Steincrohn welcomes questions from readers. He cannot answer all individually but will include those of general lntereat in his column. Send your questions ro him, m care of the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, ~ta Mesa, c.alil. 92626. "Not. of course, that there ls any danger of confusing the two species," said the keen student of cultural mores, "You will not.e that apes never take up two parking spaces with one automobile, bounce checks, or show up at 4:20 to fix the dishwasher they'd promised to come fix al 10. "Nor will you ever seen an orangutan sneeze on a crowded bus or catch a full-grown gorilla with 10 lt.ems In the express checkout line. And the very thought of even the lowliest chimpanzee being stupid enough to manufacture a hydrogen bomb is enough to boggle the mind." THE PROUD SCION OF penniless immigrants shook his head sadly. ''Mind you,'' he said, "some of QUllllll By PHIL INTERLANDI of Lagunaaeach .,..,.,,,...__....__..,._ "Gosh -just like an lnt.er«fice memo." these hopes were badly tarnished." • It was his two.year stint as anchorcreature few the evening news, however, that Jed to his present disillusionment. "After chronicling the major activities and accomplishmen ts o< the human ra~ for 30 minutes a day," he said, "I came to th~ conclusion that they had unquestionably reached an evolutionary dead end and were fated to go the waJ of the pterodactyl, the chicken-billed platypus, and the dodo bird. Yet, even so, my heart was still filled with hope." With hope for the human race? "No," said the farsighted philoaopher, "with hope that when they go, they won't take us with them." , '. llOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA -\ Scorpio ready for power plaY •• Thursday, September U ;· , .. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Go to source·. make appeals direct, to the point. Favorabl~ response Indicated if you take initiative and present case in original. dynamic, creative, persuasive manner. Leo, Aquarius natives figure prominently, Communication and travel are keynoted. •. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Check financial ' resources of those who would make major•: purchases or commit you to business investmenL· Strive for self-reliance. Depending on promises of others could trap you into. unsavory "uation. •. Watch Aries. · ·: Serve relatives food f Or thought GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Go slow, maintain" low profile, make inquiries. do more listening than•' asserting. Focus on legalities, red tape, possible partnership proposals, marital status. Leo aldt'. cause, helps you get to heart or matters. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Many people write and say, "I know you'll never print my letter.'' but you do. I hope it works for me. "My problem is of a strange nature. 1 have been seeing a married man for several years. I am married also. We really do love each other. but divorce is out for both him and me -so we have decided to settle for whatever we can get. I am eaten up by anger whenever I think of him making love to his wife. He has told me she is a good sex partner (not as good as me), but when she wants him she insists ow havtng him and there's nothing he can do about it. It drives me crazy when 1 am with tum and he tells me that he had sexual relations with her that ~MW UDIS very morning. I realize I shouldn't ask but I always do, and he tells me the truth. 1 make it a rule never to have sex with my husband on the day I know I will be meeting my lover. I think he owes it to me to save himself for me the way I save myself for him. Am I being unfair? Am I nutty? Am I too demanding? Please give your ftonest opinion. -A CRAZY LADY lN CHICAGO. DEAR CRAZY LADY: Yow aren't natty, bat yow are atapld (and maybe a bit masoebJIUc) .Jo ask a qaeatlon for wbJcb tbe answer drives you maboola. My advice la atay off tllat sabject or resign yoaraell to contl.Daed tortllre. f CANCER (June 21 .July 22): Follow through on first impressions. Obtain needed materla~ arrange work schedule, finish essential tasks. Kee , resolutions concerning dent.al wMk. nutritio health and impro9ed working conditions. Watch Aquarius. DEAR ANN LANDERS: This is my second marriage and I want it to work. My husband has two sisters in town. Neither one is very swift. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Uase of operationa .. Last week I knocked myself out cooking a expands -you'll have more room, potential "'" gourmet meal ror thne slobs. When the first couple great.er, member of opposite RX becomes valuable arrived, they said, "We hope you didn't fuss. We're ally. Focus also on change, travel, variety, ability tq not hungry. We just had a hotdog. That place down express self in creative. compelling manner. the road has the best in town." : · We waited 40 minutes for the second couple, VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Protect territorial L t· ~ ' GOREii 011 BRIDGE and I finally called them on the phone. They said rights. Emphasis on security, property. long-range they forgot and would be ri1ht Ofer. When they guidelines. Be aware of fine print, be specific, arrived ~hey said they had already eaten. My thorough and don't neglect machinery. Well-oiled ~ husband lB very fond of the9e kooks. What should I -eqwpmen\ could 11ave time. money, frustration and"----~ do? -OVERSTOCKED IN STOCKTON prevent failure. BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF East-West vulnerable. North deals. NORTH •A 9455 Q QIJOt• 0 94 •JS WEST EAST • KQJ + 10432 Q U Q 76 0 g1065 0 97% • KIOU • A976 SOUTH +97 Q Al(U O AQ.U •GO The bidding: N..tai Eut s .. &11 We.t P ... PaH I NT PaH 2. , ... 2 ~ , ... '~ , ... , ... , ... Opening lead: King of +. Since there 11 a little bit of larceny In all or UI, • well· conceived swindle It often more appeallnJ than a great •technical ubibillon. Our hero II\ toda7'1 hand lt India'• Mohan Arora. North·Sou&h reached a normal lour heart «>ntract after a Slayman sequence. Note that North was too strong lo bid two hearts. But if we were to change the are or spades into a low $pade. North would nol ha ve the values for a Sta yman response. He would slmfily have lo sign off In two hearts and risk losing a 4·4 spade lit. Against Arora's four heart contract. West led the king of spades. Declarer realized that, ii the dlamond finesae failed. he would probabl7 lose lour tricks-a 1pade, a diamond and two clubs. UoleH, thet la. the defenders could be persuaded that there w11 no future for them in the c.lub 1ult! To help ~reate that lmpret· slon, detlarer won the ace of apadea at t.rlck one and Im , mediately led a club lo hi1 queen and Weat'a king. A1 a result of this play. Weit. not unnaturally, placed declarer with the ace of cluba. Now ft looked •• If the onl1 hope ror dctfut1n1 the contract lay In collectlhg two diamond tricks. In addition, th0$e dia· mond tricks would have to be secured immediately. since one ol dummy's diAmonda would go away on declarer's "'presumed" ace or clubs. So West shifted to a dia· mond. lfowever. Co prevent . his partner from going wrong. he led the king of the suit. ·A grateful declarer grabbed the ace, drew trumps and claimed the retl except for the unavoidable spade loser and ,o made an unexpected overtrlck. We tip our hat• lo the declarer. but we'll watch our walleli when he's around. Kave y.u b .. a raefq lat.o d .. ble tro•ble7 Lat Cllarlu GerH llMlp ,.. llM , .. r •• , ,.,... .. u ...... .. DOUILE8 ler ,...au.1 aed for tall ... t. Fw a e.,,., late OOlllL£8 '-klet, MM 11.85 to '"Owe•O..W..," cart of UH Hw..,or, P.O. •• nt, Nenr9M, N.J. ., .................. , .... to Na•a,.,.rMellt. DEAR 0.: Invite tbem over to please yoar ltasband, bat not for meals. Cbeese ud cracken will do It. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have been readinR yOl.lr c:olumn since [was 11. lam~~ now and neea your help. My girlfriend and I have been roommates for eeven months. We rented a large apartment so we could have out--0f-town guesta. The problem ls her paren&a. They are retired and have nothing to do except come down and "help Joan." They've been here every month and stayed here from five days to two weeka. They camp out In the living room on the sleep sofa. (lier mother says the bed in the second bedroom is too high.) Thia means I cannot talk -privately on the phone or relax downstairs. I also can't have any vislton. I love thia apartment and don't want to move. I'm sure Joan doesn't realize I think her mother la a pain. -Shall 1 tell her how I feel? What about insisting that her parenta either U8e the other bedroom or atay in a motel? -CRAMPED IN THE DISTRlcr DEAR C.: Have a beart-t ... beart wldl Joaa a& ooce. Yow uve a rtlllt to btlht &Mt ber fll'etlll 11e tlte .,.1a1n be*oom, evea If It meu1 THEY IMly a lower be4. Y" 1llo•lld allo .. '" .. bow ortea aad bow loq uy petl 111MN 1lay -ben or yowrt. l'd aay oae •eeknd per ... aai t1·p1t1ty. -. "&NI.fl} l.n!!«lom'' ~"a dllllcu/C ckdtlon IOI' ~ attd cMl.r ,,.,..,,,.. AM Lal't<krs offrn down·U>-Hrth ~ in ,_ new book~t. "Hwh School S.11 and How t.o DNl Wllh It -A Gulde for THIV and Thftr Parenr&" 1'w NCh booklet. •nd 00 c.nc. plw • lon1. namHd, Nll-addnt..H cnwlope co Anit ~P.O •. .,_ 11.a. OJ~ DJ. ~IJ. ,,. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Define t.enns, takd I nothing for granted, stop trying to be everyplaot simultaneously. Individuals who want favon will• flatter you and acquiesce rather than clash with1 your Ideas. Short trip may be necessary if mission itt1 to be completed. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): This can be yourr power-play day. Lunar. numerical cycles point tQ achievement, profll, ability.. to .&et pece and crea14. policies. Money comes from surprise soun::e, familx.,. member makes peace and you'll beautify surroundings. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): WhaJ appears a setback wiU boomerang in your favor. Timlng, judgment are on taf'get -you'll be rid of superfluous material and problem which actuall1', ~long, to someone ebe. Take initiative, hlghligh~i confidence. make special appearances and wear--- bri1ht colors. •rn CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): What had beerf'1 a aource of fear, 11.lSpiclon will now become area o( 1tttnath. You're provided wllh confidential" data, you'll know what occurs behind tcenes and you'll take advant.aae or aura of glamour. Cancer native11 plays lijnificant role. ..f: AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You gt>t fln~t>" on put.e of public, you're able to 1U1ke chord o univenal theme. Lunar accent on frftnda. hopl'll, wilhe9 and profit from buaiMtlt ~terprtle A.ri4!9. ~. Ubra Mtiv• fJgure pniminently. PISCES (Feb. l 9·M1rch 20); lndlviduala In S*it.lon of 1uthocity tet'k your COW\llC!l. & dlrtoct, trank and ..,._, MW IOW'Ol' materlal. H&ahlicht independence. awatJvlty, wllllnsneae to expna fMltftp to mem~r of opposite 11H. Leo pla,ya b'ripoJUn\ role. Statue unveiled A mode l of the statue of three American soldiers by sculptor Frederick Hart, that will be part of the Vietnam veterans memorial in 1Washington, D.C., was unveile d this week. The statue depicts one black and two white infantrymen. 7, join scouts ·~ge limit lowered to form 'Tiger Cubs' .,. ·Boys liv ing in Costa Mesa and wport Beach will have a chance to me scouts on T hursday night at , elementary school near their h ome. t' Jim Reed. district executive for the rSoy Scouts of Ame rica , explained : ose age 7 through 15 are eligible. 'Thrs is the firs t year the Boy outs of Ame r ica h as accepted ear-olds, who will be part of a gram called 'Tiger Cubs.' Boys es 8 through 10 may join Cub uts and boys 11 through 15 may Boy Scouts," Reed said . epresenlatives from the Boy ts of America will be available a t p.m. at the following locations: ams Ele me nta r y. Ande r sen F.mentary, Bear Street Elementary. ifomia Elementary. College Park Elementary, KiUybrooke Elementary, Iteis er Ele m e nta r y . M a r i n e r s Ele mentary, Newpor t Elementary. Ne wpor t H e ights Eh~mcnt a ry. P a ula r in o Ele me nta r y, P omona Elementary and Wilsory Elementary. R e presentatives will also be available at Park Private, P rince of Peace, Christ Lutheran. St. John the -Baptisrand-St-:-Joachim's.. Boys who a ttend Harbor Day Elementary a nd Qu<'cn of Angels Catholic S chool meet a t Lincol n M iddle Sch ool. Sono ra boys at Paulann o, a nd Whittier Elementary boys at Wilson Elementar y, Eastbluff and Harbor View boys will meet later. "Flyers have been d istributed to boys in each of the e lementa r y schools. reminding boys and parenl8 of the meeting." Reed said "We ore expectmg a large turnout " For information call 546-4990. ideo-garne elbow treated ·NEW YORK (AP) -Doctors m a ~cago suburb who treated a ma n h recurring elbow pain caused by eo games say such cases may be ..-nm.on but not easily reci>gni7..ed by tors. 'Considering the popularity of nic games and those that use sticks (controls) for moving objects video screens, it is surprising that re cases have not been re ported ously," the doctors said. he comme nts were made in a r to the Journal of the American · Association by James Greene Ira Ashe r, both of St. James pital In Chicago Heights. Ill. They discussed t h e case o ( a 40-year-old man who complained of an ache In his elbow tha t w ould spread to his torearm and shoulder. T ests showed no abnormality. The patient was treated with drugs to combat inflammation. When the pain continued. the man was evaluated again , and doctors learned that each time the pain appeared he had spent one or two hours with his son playing electronic games, especially those with joysticks. When he s to pped play ing the games, the pain disappeared. It has not returned, the doctors reported. ltHI can't coolr 11 •t hotM for leN. Manage your money the si mple way. Select the checking service that provides the best possible combination of earnings, safety, and convenience for your particular situation. Combines the eamings you expect from a money fund, with the com•enience you seek in a checking account Your haJam:c over $2.000 earns high money-market intere!>t. 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I""" J U.tr 1nltt.t ••R Of '-\i.~t 10 ,hAlllltt .. tdh ·1 C'Jf1.d t.1• Si'Jt.t'Ut'ttl• """~"-t'"' untrn1 Aftnw•l •fl"'u'' )MW •""l"M'" tt1Mf'\IMt•tt ,,, fl"M\t.1r .. t 11M1utkff'"'•111 m•hum .. , ""'"" r .. , i1ltlh"''" 1h1, "" 1 ~ 1v.1t ••uttJ .. \llh•111•h '''"' .. '"~' ff\fv1rt .. 'IOtO> "''"",_'"" .. , .tYh'm.1lt\..tll\ •Juft\r, 14n:11 hftt ,,, ,1eJ11 ._., ,,~, ''"'""'"Ow ~\''\!"' """ 1u,1 \'~ut Great American Federal S,,VING~ ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION 2 dM!dom sening Orange County through 18 of&es ' I • . J J 1 r J t J ! i . I• Wl!ONE!8DAV, Sl!PT. 22, 1082 STOCKS 85 THI CUii AND THI caum TELEVISION 86 .. Can you picture A.lex Karras ss a maid? That' his TV job tonight. Page ·B6. an new .eligibility.: rules slow welfare shift? By STEVE TRIPOLI Gf ttie 0111tr ,.1101 ttatt Faced with mounting dcmunds ~raid, the Orange County Board Supervisors has lightened elfare ellg1bllily standards hile trying lo slow lhc shift of ft<Jeral and stale recipients lo ~..81 welfare rolls. The supervisors ordered 16 changes In e ligibility rules for the ebunty's general relief program ~esday along with a study of a ;:sacramento County program which. if duplicated here, would help county relief applicants get federal Social Security benefi ts instead No ifs, a nts or bugs Tht> changes came about after welfare offlclals told sup<>rvl!IOrJI that many former recipients of federal Supplemental Social Security income were coming to the county Cor help. Additionally, the impact of limits on the state's Aid for Depende nt Children Unemployed Parent Program is expect e d lo be fe lt locally starting Oct. 1. Supervisor s already have added $1.6 million lo this year's original $2.5 million general relief budget t o meet the anticipated demand. Among the el ig ibi l i t y about organic gardening at college s tanuun.h1 vok·l.I i ul•sdoy W('rl· r~Jes whkh: __ _ -Limit lhl• assets of appli can t s, other than automobiles and real estate, to $1,000. -Require the unemployed person judged the family's principal wage earner to participate In the county's mandatory work program, Change the dclanitwn of full-time e mployment to 100 hours of work per month: -Req_u ir e p t>rson s denied Supplement.al Security Im:ome to appeal thl' denial. Tht' Sac ram~nto Councty program, known as the weHarc client advocate program, provides two workers to screen county welfare applicants tor their eligibility for SSl. U the applicant is determined eligible, the advocate then assists that person in obtaining the fede ral benefits. In other action s Tuesday, supervisors: -Authorazed the sale of $26.l million worth of revenue bonds, to be used to provide 11 .5 percent GWC plotters prevail By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the Dally Piiot llaft Several months ago, the organic community garden at Golden West College in Huntington Beach appeared to be near its final harvest. For the past six years, the garden served as a lab for a class in growing vegetables and flowers without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. But this class turned up on the "hit list" of community college courses that would no longer receive state funding. It was deleted from Golden West's fa tr catalog. and persistent rumor had it that the garden would soon be paved over as a new parking lot. Though it apparently was unfounded, several student gardeners caught wind of the rumor and grew determined to save their soil. "You wouldn't believe-the power of tfle - grapevine,'' declared Fred Owens, Golden West's dean of science, health and physical education. "We received the 'hit list' one day, and three days later I had a delegauon of these people in my offke.'' OWens said he told the gardeners there were no plans to turn their plots into a parking lot, but no one was sure what would become or the garden. The soil enthusiasts kept the pressure on until the Golden West administration agreed to place the garden under the supe01ision oi the senior citizens advisory committee of the college's Community Services Office. Although no-cr edit classes in organic gardening will be offered this year, the grounds are now open to the public. For a $10 registration fee. a gardener receives a 10x20-foot plot for one semester, plus water and mulch. Some gardening tools are also available for community use. If interest grows, the college may offer instru c tional works h Q.p s .in or.ganic - gardening-an1aler date. The organic gardening philosophy will continue o n the gro unds . Florence Campbe ll , o ne of the peo ple who campaigned to save thl' garden, wouldn't have it any other way. ' "This is the old-fashioned way, the way they did it years and years before they had pesticldt$ and fertilizers," she explained. A widow who resides in Huntington Beach, Campbell spends her evenings at various dance classes. She began studying or,ganic gardening when the grounds opened six. years ago • .and she eventually became a lab assistant. S he still works her plot every day, and serves as an unofficiaJ supervisor of the community garden. Campbell has even transplanted severaJ trees from her shady backyard to the sunnier Golden West garden, where they have thrived. "You can raise enou~h to feed four people on a plot this size,' she claims. Though cheml~l f_erllllzer .is not used, campt>ell says gardeners can enrich the soil with horse manure.and mushroom compost. Campbell claims insect damage can be (See ORGANIC, Pa1e Bl) Seed pac ke t marks Josephene Kelly's crop a s he gardens with Florence Campbell and scarecrow guards plot. ( • Barnstorming requires extra MORE TEEVEE JEEBIES: OK, so let's say you don't buy all this hysteria about the television game craz.e and the notion that youths of the nation are going to pieces in front of the tube. Every generation has had some craze to deal with. True. the youth of othe r generations wasted the prime of their life on pinball machines or hanging around pool halls. They survived. So the kids will be OK now , even if t!1ey a~e pouring • . ~' quarters into vtdeo games in Balboa or in Fountain Tll •IPllll ~Valley, or t!'ey clutte~ up .__ ________ ...,..,......,._ the house with home video game cassettes. 'All of this seems fine if you can just play along ln front of the boob tube for a little bit of good. clean fun in blowing up a spaceship. BUT' CLE~RL Y, THERE is a new element that has come Into all the video games. It's something our society has grappled wlth in other areaa and failed to solve. It's called the Fear or Losing. 1 \. Or, put another way, It's the Must Win Syndrome. This affliction, whether you put it in the positive or the negaUv~. has made its creeping presence known all across video gameland. Now it's not enough that you just play tor fun. It'• the winning that counts. . II you're up io memorlzilll/. uy this Jiule flyer on your video So important Is lt to beat the spaceships, rockets, rayguns and monsters on the television games, that the youngsterR who now play with a grim determination to win may have to resort to extreme measures. They may actually have to start reading about the pastime. EVER ALERT TO ways of luring readers back on the pages, t0me newspapers have actually started running columns telling all the players how they can beat the video games. Your correspondent picked up on one of these essays ju!lt the other day. - mortgages to fir s t -tim e homebuyer"6-who-meet eertaln lm:ome guidelines. -Ordered the preparation of an agreement be twee n the county and Newport Beach which wlll allow the two t o d evelop a proposed aquatic center -for the use and training or persons interested in human- powered waler craft -the jOinlly owned North Star Beach in Upper Newport Harbpr -Approved issu,;nce of revenue bonds £or the $7.6 million Parklands apartments prOJl'<'t, a 120-unit, milU-famlly · development. an lrv4ne. ~ -Appro priate d $33~.ooo , t o ward constructio n of the Orangewood Home for Dependent C hildren, and approved an option agreement allowing Orangewood to leue the former Greeley School site ln Orange for construction of the • home. Approved the signi contracts with the county'• Sacramento a nd Washington·, D.C. lobbying firms to run through 1984 at a total cost of $520.000. Dlllr ............ ., a..""' ... :=· I .... ... -.. • concentration now . This tome was telling the readers how to whip a new home video cassette game called, "Barnstorming.• In this . game. the player· has the replica o( an old-fashioned airplane control stick in front of him, complete with buttons that allow the player to speed ur. the old flying. machine on the video screen. or to let the a rcraft just glide along. , AS IT FLICKERS a cross the screen, the old · barnstorming aircraft meets obstacles, like flying .. formations of geese and windmills and barns along the ground. The objecrof the game is to fly the plane to the end without hitting anything. There are four different programs, called Hedge Hopper, Crop Duster, Stunt .Pilot and Flying Ace . The article warns the reader that while games one through three-have fixed courses, Game Four, Flying Ace, has no pattern on when the obstacles will pop up in front of • your airplanes. FOR THE FIRST THREE gal1)es, then, you are given the pattern of the obstacles as they wlll appear. Thus' It • might be Barn, Barn, Windmill, Barn. Barn. So If you want • to be a winner, you must have the pattern of these video obstacles down pet. . So now. in addition to belna forced to read in order to become a video wlnner, another terrible chore faces the youth today. · It's called ~mortuna. • Orange Coa1t OAll.. V PILOT /Wtdn tday, StPltmt>tr a2. 199~ . k I r ady · · r fundrai er ... ~cket1 are-on 1ulci for lhl' Newport Mcaa S\•hoo l 1 Foundation 1crle11 th1&t h1·ailn1 Ocl. 10 at Nt-wport H&rbor High ~l. ,.,.he non -profit aroup of ~nta and bualneu leaders la trying lo ral1c funds tor the financially strapped Newport- Mesa Unified School Diatrict. L~dml.sslon to the five 3 p.m. ~nday con<:erts la $50 for the (~~lly . The performances include: The Irvine Symphony Orchestra, Oct. 10; UC Irvine Concert Choir, Nov. 7; Musique, Jan. 16; Irvine Conscravatory of Mclsic String Orchestra, March ~ and the Orange County Rhythm Machine, May 22. For ticket information call Newport Balboa Savings at 64~-6505. Register for electives Registration begins today for Extra Time Classes at ¥ariners are men tar y Schoo 1 . 2 I 0 0 !.f.Einers, Newport Beach. ·~asses offered from Oct. 4 to Dec. 10 include astronomy, math, typing, French, vocal music, PQ,\te_ry, photography, sewing. S8JUSh and calligraphy. -~ students in the Newport- .... Unified School District arc in\~t.ed to participate in the after school classes that range in price from $25 to $150. Call 642-2925 crc.;045-5558. !i'O: .•. Moran mark 60th wedding • anniversary Mr. and Mra. John Moran of COiia Mt'ID rnc.'<•ntly t'tllcbr1tt.ed their 60th wedding aannlvtiraary durln1 a reception attt.cnd(.'(f by 55 soc•ta at tha Cost.a Mc~ Church of Christ. The couple were married U• K1ngrl1hcr County, Oklahoma Ip 1922, before moving to Callfom1a in J9J7, where Moran was in the tire and hardware buslne.. Guests wcro grueted by their daughters Mary Moran o! QuUcene. Washington; Wanda Nesbit of San Gabriel; Lorraine Pauley ot Barstow and son Dan Moran of South Pasadena. Other guests Included seven grandchildre n and four great-greal grandchildren. Corn, squash , tomatoes, peppers a nd O riental eggplant await a cook . Martiniches f ete 50 years ORGANIC GARDENS WON'T BE PLOWED UNDER . • • Morl' than 100 friends and relat.lves g a t h e r e'd a t l h e H u n t i n g t o n Landmark clubhouse for the 50th From Page 81 prevented by keeping the plant and soil healthy and by growing certain SJ>L>eics that will divert insects from more vulnerable plants. S he also advocates "interplanting.'' or growing compatible varieties very close together. Among the varieties grown at the Golden West garden are muskmelon, cabbage, peas. cauliflower, eggplant, peppers, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, okra and com. Another avid gardener al Golden West 1s J osephene Kelly. who also serves on the t'Ollege's senior citizens advisory t'Ommaltcc. "l originally took the class because I wanted to have a winter garden," she explained. Community gardens, commonly used by apartment dwellers and others who have anadt'quutc or no ya4d s pace, are also operated at Saddleback College's Irvine campus and al UC Irvine. · wedding anniversary celebration o{ Ed and Do rothy Martinich of Hunungton Beach. · The buffet dinner and dancing Saturday were highlighted by congratulatory messages received from Prcslden l Ronald Reagan, Mayor Robert Mandie and Orange County Supervisor Harriett Wieder. "I come for the Midwes t , where everyone only had summer gardens. But wirucr gai;dens here are a delight because you don't have the insect problems and it's still warm enough to grow lots of things. There is a wailing last to secure a plot at Saddleback. Al UC Irvine, plots are available to the public:. "Last winter I grew lettuce and I didn't have to buy it at the store from Octobt'r through May." Florence Cumpbt-11 and Josephene Kelly , now are anxious to spread the word about the plot.s still available at the Golden West gurden. The Martiniches, natives of Monwna, were married Sept. 4, 1932 In Sacred Hea rl Church i n Los Angeles. "l still thmk n's the best kept secret in Orange County," Kelly says. Store offers all about Yves By VIDA DEAN o< tM 0.-, Not •tan Michele Friecllich admits she's been in love with Yves Saint Laurent for years. The native of Cannes, France has worn Saint Laurent's clothes for six or seven years. And now she has the exclusive right to seU the French designer's fashions in Orange County~ She and her husband, Michel, who will .act as her business administrator will open the Saint Laurent Rive Gauche Boutique Thursday in South Coast Plaza. "I still have the first YSL evening gown I bought:-¥51.. doths last. A skirt you bought last year will go well with this year's blouse," Michele said. "He (YSL) comes up with a surprise about every three years and we are fortunate to be beginning our business at one of these periods. "Velve t is very big m has fall '82 oollection, and of course, the tuxedo look -the Spencer jacket and the short cropped jacket, as well. "YSL clothes are for women of all ages with sizes ranging from 6 to 12 and the boutique will carry blouses, skirts, sportswear and evening clot.heL" An especially pretty dress Michele pointed out was a black velvet cocktail dress rufOed in satin at the cuCfs and lo the waist front. "It has to be seen on a person to produce the best effect. The rack does not show it oU.'' Michele said in her charming French accent. Big scarves are very good now, Michele said as we looked at a mannequin wearing one over the shoulder. Metallic threads were woven into the lishtw_dglu_wool wrap. _ YSL, who produced the first fashions with his own label in 1962, comes out with three collections a year -fall, cruise and spring. The Friedlichs will be in France twice a year to see two of the collections and will go to New York each year to '\(few the cruise fashions. Their next trip is set for Oct. 21. "We will try to have a variety o( fashions in the store and then we will have pictures for special orders," she said. -.· ,_· ,.. D.itr ..... Si.ff "'°"° ~ier Grumbach, Rive Gauche president for the United States, "We have the wide-shouldered look in jackets with the slim skirts and we also have the fitted natural shouldered jackets. "Skirts are a little shorter and I think we will begin to see minis. or maybe we should call them maxi-minis. The boutique, handsomely done in black. white and coral, is~located on the second level of the mall just off the Jewel Court. It is the third YSL boutique in California. vfsits Miche le and Michel Friedlich in boutique. I em •·"l-Without I cloubl the • 1111Cfti11c•nt of alt, m, lltp body, bfllllanll, ¥t1necl ill ed, orqe, 11ee11 and .. "'* are Ndeqdlt Ste me 11 Ailuific T rotlQb whete I am Oft ,. under the lllle "Blue Htdlt" tor orlly 19.,,. HUDACHE VICTIMS! WE ARE DOING A CLINICAL STUDY ON MIGRAINE HEADACHES. NHD VOLUNTHIS THE STUDY WILL CO MP OSE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TWO CURRENTLY USEQ MEDICATIONS IN· THE TREATMENT OF HEADACHES. CALL 714/642-1057 8-9 a.m. or 4-5 p.m. Aak for Marilyn '• · ..... j; • I EWPOAT CITY COUNCIL ti.Q'l~!!~~~ p 0 Bo• 812. Corona del Mef, CA §ou'l.rne.t Presents Winter Soups & Stews with Ann Df'f"yrr 8/anqurttr dr \ ru rn Croutr · a rormtn Frrnrh <trw to sall5fl thr ~ourmrt Yug011/a v1an , tu ff rd Prp~r Soup · a full m('a/ soup acrompamed hl food prCKrMOr fV(' frnncl brrad. Tuesday. eplem~r 28th 10::10 a.m. Fu: 120.00 TO ENROLL IN A CLASS Paynwflt mutt be MIM in 1dv1nc~ for the ruu 1mount. RdumJ. ranl'IQ! be pm1 but cluo credit will be O..ued Phone r•1erotlon1 ••II M erupted whh • r rrd1t urtl nu1ntwt (VISA/Watt...C.td/ Allllltic:an Esp•-) or }Oii rNY rtg1tttr 1n P"'.On 1t c-... ,,.,,.., •. ---. - ~ I "ot-1,1 ''""" DOWN ~t\VINGS I l ' 7 DAY5 Lift De1ioned to now greato1 811 Cl(CUlllllOO, the Ely1I• .. Encosod '" a 100''. cotton llCk. won extra ll'.lrgc 11iir1g th11 comforter 11 whlle goose down comtorter 11111 rete1n1 the 1nau11111ve qu11llllH and traci.t1ona1 et41gonce Scand1n Down' comtoitet11 are temov1 IOI ·sate Thru Sept. 30, 1982 5'11~ llJOte<l tn tlCKI\ on hiW'\l COIOIA DIL QI 27118 E. Cout H..y. 721-1372 WIVIA llACI 1980 8. OoMt Hwy. ft7-utl Now On Sale*. Rea. Price Salt Price Twin $200 $160. Full $230. $184. Queen $280. $224. Kina $340 $272 "t Ollf I or•I /)() W ,\ l-.•pt'111 " I .. .. ... ., I J • • Orang• Cou1 OAIL.Y PILOT/WednHdly, Sept muer ,2, 1882 A, YnretlMto Damsel in distress Elle n Green feigns terror as she is Hingested" by a jive-talking plant named Audrey. But no n eed to worry. This ha ppens eig ht times a week during the performance of the off-Broadway musical HLittle hop of Horrors" in New York. New Barryntore _a star at 7 By BOB THOMAS AHoc:l•IM ,, ... Wrll•r HOLLYWOOD -The inte rview s tarte d ~dly. The actress reswd ht•r head on the restaurant table and rdus<.'d to a nsw e r the re porter's questions. Did she tx.-hav(• that way because her name was Barrymore? No, she was simply acting like any disappomted 7-year-old . Her mother took the girl t o the la dies' room a nd r e t u rned with an explanation: "Drew didn't know w e were coming for an interview, and she was dtsappomted because· she had to miss her school's carnival. I've never seen her Like th is, she's a lways brigh t and outgoing. She was so good on the Joh nny Carson show that he invited her to come back any time. "Stage mothers are anathema to me, and r never want to be one of those who say, 'Now, sparkle!' But I also don't tolerate children who are fresh and d1srespe<:tful. Drew and I talked it out, and she'll be all right now." And she was. In an interview Drew Barrymore is just as bright and cheerful and unaffected as she was in "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial." Obviously the John Barrymore. She attended a cclebratton of his 100th birthday in New York and saw him on the screen ; she liked him with Garbo in "Grand Hotel" but "Dr. J ekyll and Mr. Hyde" scared her. Will there be an "E.T. II"? "Yes," Drew re plied . "And tha t's a ll I'm allowed to say." "' . Famed theater • • • r1s1ng again PASADENA (AP) Rt•1tu r1 tlon o f lh PB10dttrw Plttyhuu11t• h " bt•aiun with ht•lp from one 1peclol con 1trucllon workt'!r joc khumme 1 opcrittor Ruth Bur.zl of "Luusrh·ln" fame and numerou11 othl'r 111.t.1n1 who W<'rl' on hund to mark o nl'W era for tht• old ll(.'\lng tr1unlng &round RN ·o n 111trudlun bl'tprn Monday u n the tJli•ytar old lundmnrk th1•ut1 11', which ht>IJX'C.l louiwh 11uch st.ar11 AH Buzza, Cllm src•nl.8 Tyront• Powe r, 011 Young und numc.•rous othl'r actors. 'the rl'furbi11 hmt•nt, offklally rl'namlng the pluyhuu11c th•· S tull• Theater of California, wus mode posslblt• th1•oul(h o $1.:3 million grunt from th1• -federal E<'Onomlc Developme nt Administration. Buzzi a nd local offlclols wc>r t.' joined ot o gro undbre aking cl'remo n y b y act ors Da nu Andrews, Sht•lley Berma n , Ruta Lee, Fritz Feld, Mar juric Lord, Wl'rni:r Klempcrc r und Buddy Ebst>n. For Swphen Hothman. the theater's execulJVe dirl'Ctor. the sound of thl' hammers culminated 311.t years of wurk. "That wa rms the t.'OCkles of my heart," he S<ild . He pla ns to stage si x pluys in the 700-seat main tht:at.er m the fall of 1983 T he playhouse fe ll on hard tlmcs m the 1960s and was sold to the Bank of Ame rica for $325,000. The bank later sold 1t to a develope r who announC'ed plans to renovate the theate r a nd make It part of a shopping plaza. T he playhouse theatrical school once offer .. >d a C'Ollege degree It launched such stars as Power, Young, Lee J Cobb. Barbara Rush and Dustin Hoffman. Actor Bob Cummings, a reured graduate, said "This 1s the fi rst time I'vt• been here m 25 years, but [ am looking forward to returning often after the theater reopens." Former Pasade na Mayor Jo Het.·kman said, ''This 1s the day we have all dreamed of sin<..~ the Pasadena Board of City Directors voted In May H.175 to buy the playhouse." Re-establishment of a t.'Onservatory wilJ take two or thret' years, Rothman said, adding that he hopes at will bC' a graduate school g ranting a master's degre(.•. *BARGAIN MATINEES• Mond1y 1hru Sa1urday All Ptrlorm1nce1 belore 5:00 PM IEICtJI Sl*ltl fn .. gements 111C1 Ho11411yst ·~NOANOEll&D 11'1Cial" 1W1 ,,..1. .. .-............ . "THI INCU9UI" 1•1 ,,. .. ....,.. ...... ·~ ·-- credit goes to her mother, Hungarian-born actress~l•i=~====!!===~=~!!~~~;!!i Ildiko J aid. third wife of John Barrymore J"r:-Slie is separa ted from Barrymore. who leads a hermit-like life, and the relationship is a touch y matter. ,.,._ ,LOYD: THI WALL• 1•1 •OOLetaftMO ~HI.•--. ...... ,, .. How many times has Dre w seen "E.T."? "Five a nd a half times," she said, explaming:: 'The half time was when Mother and I went to a screening at MG M and we walked around until we found the theater . But the movie had i:a:ready started and we couldn't get in. Then mother took oct her shoe and pounded on the door until someone answered." Drew took her 25 classma tes to the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood for "E.T." and they had to s tand in hne, just like everyone else. "The biggest problem was Eugene," she commented. "He neve r stopped crying. I kept telling h im . 'It's just a movie, Eugene.' But he wouldn't s top. H e was more interested in having a ttssue than popcorn." Drew Barrymor e starte d in the fa m il y profession earLier than he r Illustrious forebears. At 11 months she appeared in a dog food commercial, at 21h she made he r first TV movie, later played William Hurt's d aughter in "Altered States.'' Steven S pie lberg interviewed her for "Poltergeist," but she didn't get the part. "I've got another movie for you ," the director said. That was "E.T." which you may have heard about. She enjoyed working with the homely but lovable creature in the title role Did she think of E.T . as som ething real or a piece o f m ovie mechanism? "Both," she replied. Dre w 1s aware o f her fa mil y herita ge. especially with her "Great Profile" grandfat her. Liz, Bur~on plan • reunion on stage NEW Y O RK (AP ) Richa rd Burto n \ NOW PLAYING MU 1.1•...-... ftO •011 "'... ~IUCll ,,._,,b ~..UC· •••• ., ,... .. , .... ~·· ~... . .. ·~ .. wt11•1nrr• • ... ,. c.--.. 'A .. Cllla .... lff•••• , ... U•UO• ·~•r•llACll -"'lU' wu r•,..n• ,, ... .-... ,, Jt ... ,.., cetTA•IA hoo-s... ... CM>• ...,, u• 11 .. , ...... __ ,.._ ~ t•tt>tt 0 •1Ul .... -lt•,,.. w-..-C..,,.-i• ,...,_I>' u • ~~·OU~ •>Hilt ........... ,6'<•.,••· .. , .............. ,, "IT'S A MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL" MISSIOtl llUO !c ..... c V-e.o lw' 8306990 OllAltCU ( ~11,,.,. ~l• ·~~) -AHAeed lllW,Ollf l lACll fO-.JfG """'-~ I c f''"" 6•• 0/60 WUTMllllllll I~ .... ~ C I W• I ~91 3q '~ CMAIMll P.1< ·~ 0.J· i•~ ••• 63• q}61 IHfA ff 5'lllllCIS !>RO la °" ...s. Do··~ o-~7 l 9JIO -OH.Mii ACCtPttO '°"' '"' l..O..OL.-e:tr111 LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll< IN LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH WAI • •N Jocully Al Doll A/no 211/6,..211 •tu...Ell LOVlllll" 1•1 u ........... ··KACM OML•"' 1•1 ......... •ocully 01 Co"cll•wooo 211/111·9610 "THI MIT LJTTI.ll "'1 WMOMMOUM .. Tllit" ---• ~MGtfl '""" Ill) --·- ••fltOAY THI 111411 ,...,., ...... I ... ------ PAClllC lH(AllllS OlllVl IM swu •Ens • v \teflt" ,_.•\ltd "'9• , ..... " HAlllOll I LVO OlllWf.IM • OUMGl OlltVl-111 e •• tO,,. U tto1•" • sw .. .-••U UM*' 1VW9't• a1 4••'1tt• SH"U·• ._ .. '""' Qp6U lfl MUI -.St••tl-, IMf'ORTAIH liOTICl' CHltORlll U"OlR 12 f RH' -... ·-... !In fri 100 • $41, .... ""' UO N '""fl - . •OU"•" tAa -t$ '°"" U'IN<r-• "° '" ~ 11A010 WIT'!""'""' -«I~ t l'OSltoo -Olll lOllll!al •·~Clllf-ll ~IJllOltlM- ANA.>4l•M ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN •tU~ll LOVllll" 1tt1 -"HACff OllllS-,.. '"'. -- I VI ,_.A 'ADl BUENA PARK ORIVf IN ••TMI IMCUllUI"" 1•1 " ... -ev .. INAll" 1•1 and Eliz.abeth Taylor w1U a ppear next spring in a '---------------------- production of Noel Coward's comed y ''Priva"te ~~~1111111111 Lives." IJ---+tire-New York Times said the two""""'""""..-tJntt't--:;;::---: portray a divorced couple who meet again when each is honeymooning with someone else. Burton and Miss T avlor. w ho were trice married to and divorced from each other, recently separated from their spouses, S usan Hunt and Sen . John W. Warner , R-Va. They have performed tn several film, but have not acted together on stage since 1966 in Burton's production of Christopher Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus" in England. Zev Bufma n , who 1s producing "Private Lives," will announce the production on Thursday in Los Angeles, the Times said. The revival will be performed in Washington, New York and Los Angeles, the newspaper said . Soul taking heat "-· on 'Casablanca' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -David Soul was almost smothered with crlUdsm and aarcasm. How dare he? How dare he what? Soul i1 playing the role of R ick tn the NBC 1erle1 "Casablanca," due in J anuary. Everybody know• that's Humphrey Bogart's role! .But Soul swears h e's not doing a remake of the movie. In fact, the aeries takea place before the movte, b~fore Ingrid Ber,man shows up. Her role won t be ln the show. but Sam wUJ still be Uckllna the Ivories at Rfck'• Cafe. Scatman Crothers plays Sam. '°"" Soul tar! "lt'a a UtUe ecary, the Idea of dolns 'CuabJ&nea'. • eddini. "One thins I do believe: Whoever did the role would have to face the aame crltldtm " it.iiitll"i \on 0,.90 ,,.,. Of IAOOltift~fU (to ) 962·2•11 ~•',!"'4t~' ''" Hl ·WAY 39 ORIVI IN ('tftf II \OU fff<l'I l l•d \O OI O\ll'GtA Gt on f 1 tt..a• 191·369l "tUMMlfl LOVl.111'' t•t ""'8C ,LOYD: Titl WALL" l"l --•t lACH OIRLI" I'll "XANADU" IN I _CJ_~...;.1_11_.IOU-.....-0..__ __ -+----•-•Nt_ll $0\l't.;:.O--"--- "flOCKY Ml" t•I -"'AtT TWSI AT lllDOl1lltOH1 HIOH" I'll t fllt .. to\,..;) A t-<4 •IH.A IA HABRA UlllYI IN ""lftt•~--.... ~.--. ........ 17MM2 - ilA '' • 1 ORANGE 00111( IH ... " . . WAl>Nfl> (11/IVI •N ·•'""9••·• ••• , ........ , ... ·ittettON" '"' -~11 Afl ltLANO" !NI c..,.,,_ "INDANOIMD INClll'' _._. .. "•UDI'. RUNNllll" 1111 -~ ...... ,,. NEW BUSINESSMEN Contact the DAILY PILOT for Information, regarding the county requirement• for using ·a Fictitious Bualn••• Name. 642·4321 EXT. 332 DAILY PILOT 8 Or1mg• Coa1t DAILY Ptl.OTIW.cineeday, Septtmber 22, 1081 • iJl11 CIUITY IUlllU ' 11Wh n • tu Put Theom, Whr~ to Parle Th m W' ll ~h lA•n1tty LMr\M In tht-80. anc.l 00." la lh t.oplt: Wntlam Walker or Rlchard1on·N•n ·Marlla ul · N .. wport Bl'Ul'h will dll't'UKN 111 && Phu'<•nlla l'l)1u11h1•r of <:ommt•fl'l' nwt'llnt( 'l'hun1dny. Hl,·hurdaon-Nagy Murtln Is an ard\ltrttural u11d pl40ning firm ' Tht• l'll'k c.lulu hmw n1anugt•nwnt operating wyltt•rn will soon bt• on Ahale\ Computt•r Sylih.'m'a ACS 8600 nll(_ororomµuu·r~ l>u.M.'C.I 0 11 ttw lntd 16-blt 8086 CPU. tH'l'Orc.ltng lo krm11 u ( a t:unlracl annoum'ed m lrvlrw Firs t known u ic P1t·k & As&Ol'l&teR, now othcially Pi<.'k Computl'r Wor·ks. lht· t'Ompany will soon be identifit.'<.I sm1pl:t u:; P ick Systems. · P ertee Computer Corpora tio n uf lrv1m· Is o!fcrang a pocket-sl:icc.l informat ional bruchun· enUtled "T he Small Business Owner's Gulde to Small Business Computers." For a copy of the 24-page booklet: Pt:rte<.· Computer Corporation, Mail Station 76 05, 17112 Armstrong Avt.•nu1•, lrvmt.• 92714, Cannell & Chaffin Commerc ial Inte riors' Newport Beach office. 2121 San Joaquin Hills Road, wtll be expanded in January, Added will Ix• 2.000 square fl't.•I for a total of 6.000 which will allow for u tvmputt•r fat•1llty. Nationa l Education Corpora tion, Newport Beach said the t-ompany's Steck· Vaughn publishing division received a recommC'ndation for adoption of its h eailh series by thl' Texas Statt• Textbook Committee. Jess Marlow, t·o arwhor at KNXT-TV in Los Angeles will be th<' keynote speaker at thl• Orange County/Internationa l Assot·1at1on uf Business Commu nicators Di s t r ic t 6 co n fer e n ce, "Communications on Parade," Oct. 2 1-23 at the Ditneyland Hotel m Anaheim. The Bric kyard Resta urant in Orange was deylared a historical landmar k in a ceremony held at the former brick foundry. · The gathering also marked the restaurant's fourth anniversary. . Co-owner Alan Trider and Roger Hobbs both natives of Orange wc.·rc honored for th(•ir "desire to preserve the brickyard tradition." · .. .. PCM, Inc., El Toro promoted Linda Westfa ll to d1ri>ctor of admm1strat1ve services. She ts also the Democratic candidate for the Cahforn1a Legislature. 70tn Assembly District. :· K a re n C o 111 e !' , f o r m e r 1 y w 1 t h A v co De'yelopment, and J an Mumy, formt>rly of Mission Vic,!<> Company. joined PCM as property managers. .. Newport Pharmaceuticals Jnterna tlonaJ, Inc. apri9unced that its post-effective amendment to the C9rOpany's registration statement extending the expiration date of Nl'wport's B War,ants from Aug. 3r. :lo March 31. 198J was declared effective. :·!_he coml?any also a dded a re dempti~q provision aUowmg the t'Ompany upon 30 days notace\, to redeem the warrants m whole or in part any time . I . '.Free Tax Seminar, I I Topic: ~arn how buying your office budding, may cost less chan renting. Conducted by : Fred R. Shapiro, parrner Kenne ch Leventh al & Co., C.P.A., incernacional public accouncin~ firm. Oate : September 29. 1982 Time: Comrnencal brcakfasc served ac 8 :00 am. Seminar from 8:30 am co 9: ~O am. Place: 2825 Temple Avenue (ac 28ch Sc.) Signal Hill R.S.V.P.: WILCH prior to l.'xpu·atlon of the warrants at n rt-dl•mption p1·1~·t• of 5 <'<'nts per shan' of the undcrlinc.'C.I stock. Mike McCartby Buick , Westminster, a nd R ealty World·Beacb1lde Realton, Huntington Beach, are co-sponsors of the first UCP golf tournamen t at Huntington SeacUff Country Club on Thursday. Proceeds will benef it United Cerebral Palsy of Orange County. Phlllp A. Stearns of Newport Beach, preside nt of the Newport Beach-based S tearns P roperties, Inc .. has been appointed LO the board of directors o( Capistrano National Bank. W. Simmons Mattress. Factory has named Thomas J . Fichera of Costa Mesa director of public relations . H e was employed in r estaurant management for 10 years. Barry P. O'Neil has been named manager of the Newpor t Beach office .of The Ba nk of California. A vire president, O'Neil wilJ continue as the manager for trUBt services. Gero Duerr of Costa Mesa has been named executive chef fol' Szabo Food Service at the Anaheim Convention Center . He wlU "direct f<>QQ., pre paration for functions at the 535,000-square foot cen ter which includes banquets, w eddings, and gourmet meals for groups ranging in size from 10 to 10,000. He was alfiliated w ith the Hilt.on Hawaiian Village Hotel in Honolulu as sous chef. Jim Welcb, one of the six rounders of Oclellc1, Inc., Anaheim, has been named vire president of electrical engineering. The company is a supplier of spaccbome digital tape recorders and spedalisls in electronic information processing. Another founder, Gordon Scbulz of Villa Park, has been named vice president of mechan ical engmeering. Argus Alarm ladlstries of Huntington Beach,--a- securi ty and communication p roduct sales and service organization , named Michael Smltb vice president. f>I •• L ~ • You;rofess1onal ~ • FIOflSt FlCRST 29 15 Red Hill Avenue A· 108 Costa Mesa· Stone Mill Business Park 641·0810 LAW O FFICES OF EDWARD P. LAUFER -EMPHASIS ON - • Pe-rsonal ln1ur~ • ~trd1cal MaJprac11re • Chaprcr II t'1lmgs • Ce-neral lJl(!lillon • A II Cl\•11 Wrongs 412 North Coa st Hwy. Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (714) 494-8591 'lbe Boanl of Diredors of ' is pl eased to announce that the bank's assets have increased more than fou r times, reaching over $21,000,000 in only 90 days of banking operations. We wish to thank th e 250 business and professi onal clients who have made this growth possible. For additional information regarding the bank and its publicly traded stoc k, please call Mrs. Kinsley at 800-472-8529. L\.. Ll/Jertg National~ One Pacifi c Plaza, 7777 Center Avenue • Huntinaton Buch, California 92647 (714) 895-2929 ,.fmib#r Fm C and Ftdmll R~v. Pocket computer Out Mesa fir:n1 unveil n w data entry device By JOEi,. C. DON OftMD..,"9tla.ft Cotlto Mf'11t·ba1Cld MSI Dutu Corp hu unvclkda pock(lt-1lu'<I data ontry (.'Omputcr that th~ (."Omptny txJ)f'Cta will 1urpu2111 It.I exluln& line of h11nd -hcld devices. 1'h1.1 new rom puwr, calll'd the• MSl/80, I• dt•tdJned primarily for b u11i n cu o n d comm ·rc i ol app l lcat lon a . Rt>Ull stort> operator1 uae such computers for keeping track of Inventory tht-y can be used by main tenance and service per sonnel ln lieu of logging repairs or ordering parts on paper forms, aooqrdlng to MSI pn.-sidcnt Donald F. BrOtinan. "It represen ts a slgnl!ican t improvement in price and performance over some of our exist ing products," he said, Tuesday, "lt is designed for our trad1tiona} customers lO USt' ror t he order-entry t y p e o f application as well as for sales and service people." The device resembles a pocket calculator, b u t contains a Cull alphanumeric programmable k< ybo1mJ al Wf'U u a bullt·ln acout t lc te l<'phun c t•oupler, I 6°rhor nct cr JJqul d t•ry1tnl display and memory cmpuclty of up to 32K bytct. ODta from prodUl.'l.11 muy olao bl' rolll"Cted via an optkul wimd \hllt n•ad1 Unlvertol Pr()c.luct Cutlt• bar codlng. Pm:t• for the MSl/8~ r1mges from $600 to $1 ,200 00:1<.'CJ on tht" addj llon of accessories and a pt•ci a l t y apflica t ions programmmg. MS al-.o µrovides 110ftwarl' for the umta, although B~nan noted users may develop their program ming for 1peci!lc needs and appllcation11. MSI Data Corp. has speclallwd In battery-powered, hand-held computers since the fir m started more than 15 years ago. Brosnan est1mnted that there arl' about 230,000 MSI units used m more than 30 countries. The company employs 600 in Costa Mesa with a n additional 300 held ~epresc nta t1vt"s. It reporte d revenues of $55 .3 million for fiscal 1982, which ended March 27. The new M 1/8 5 Avco earnings dip reported N e t ea r ni n g s for Avco Financ ia l Services, Inc. of Newpor t Beac h for the nine months ended August 31 were $58 million, off from the $61.8 million reported in 1981. The financial services gro up reported earnings of $11 .9 million for the nine months compared with $11.4 million in 1981. Last year's earnings includ ed $10.6 million in after-tax gains realized from purchasing long-term debt secur ities in a n tic ipat ion o f sinking fund requirements. Combined earnings from the company's two insurance groups -the Avco Financial insurance group and the Paul Revere Life Insurance Group -were $46.2 millio n for the nine months compared with S50.4 million For the three months ended Aug. 31, earnings were $22.225,· 000 down from S25,029,00Q a year ago. OVER THE c OUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND /aJ J 0 7161 J.~ 1JI 11 i. . .01.- I 1 l 4 s • I • ' 10 ti 17 u 14 IS 1• ti II .. 10 11 11 73 ,. 7) N•fTW' \<-PyroMQ S.lmNal T~o • L....,..T 01<•.nR AVIU "'1 A!oltwlloo c .wo CIWmu lnlMIU> ~n~ wt CMrlOI 9 ChmL .. Aa,roo 9 ~.~,rt Mwt\tn Con<PlA• YU8AA o-n.M \<I,,_ Ah•U• Wolf'OA Na,,.... W1i.tlr un Fo\IMO <.!Oulo• Sr»<<f'I Atn1r-e• W A.0 ChNt\<1 lnM<" PttJ•lm ~'mac Cmi>Y•d f~f,n..., PrlUC Vn•Eno l't,,lllG' A8"cP• EIThHI SIO!lr.O SI_.,., W\IChm W~rEt C-1 wt n Fh09r Got .... UPS La~t .'"t v:<•'Jl > 1', '' Up 1S O l '-.. UP JS 0 l'• '-Up UO ,.... l't Up 11 t ,... ... Up 111 ••• 1 Up ti• S • .. Up II • ~ '• Up 17 • t• • 1 Up 1• 7 ,.._ • .. Up 1• 1 10 • 1 .. VP IS I 17'-1'• Up t•S , • "• tJp "J 10 ,. 1•, Up lit J S '-Up "J .... S .. Up 1' 1 n•. ,~ uo ••' I• ' • 1 Up I) I l'• '-UP ll' l t '-Up U• 11. 1. VP IJ:t I I Up I) J ... .. VO UI 11 1'> Vo 118 DOWNS ~" 1• II , .. •> • • I) .. 1 • 1 , .... '" ) .. 1 • 1•· 1\. ,,, ..... •.. JO• 1~ ,., I I ... , ... , .. C"9 P<1 10 Oh )I l 1. 011 na > 0 11 ISi 1·. OU h ) Otl II I I.. Oft 10 • • Oft IOO Oii 100 I', Ott • 1 ~I• 011 t I .. Off •• JI• Otl t • • .. ., Oft •• '• Oft • ' •• 0 11 • J '-0 11 I I I Oft 1 1 t 011 I • ~ Oft 11 Oft 19 °'' • , Off •I Oft • J I .. 011 •> Oft • 1 HEW YORI( lolllPI Gr1" I .. I 1l 9 • S J N L fwy Fo t1 15 NL Nlwl..al OI On ... • C-U i.. 1t 11 St•11> M FO• Tl .. IOl-•no-EllUll .,, ••s ,,_ JI S.O NL JPGt1" 11nua ,.,,.., 100I Nl lnllq 17"1•10 .,.,., ,.,, NL ltlof>t. tupplled C"6ftcellor~ Fi ......... Pr09 J P lt>CO 1'1 ... Grwtf> soo S U C.-9 U 4' •• ,. ·-•u NL by I"• Nttlonal HIYIO t-S IOU Dy,_. l lO NL JMIUS tcM NL ln<om IU Ill GrWIJI 10'7 11 .. 8 C • 0 0 P A l l o < ' • HI~ IJ 01 IJ 61 Fn<ITa U 61 NL Jol\n H..-cO<I< Ta Fte t.U IOU HHll" .,,.. ... 1 1 I ' • N L •tlon .. S.Curlhtt NO.C u n IS JS ,,_, • ti NL ·-1J., 14 ff Mllo...I ., ti NL HI YIO 1S ti "11 Stoc• II Ot NL o........ Inc., ..-. TaaM II 11 ... ,. ln<om ,... NL Grwltl 10 21 II II Mui SN Jt OJ NL • lft(om • 17 • 11 Slt\Sc>I 10 ., NL lfM P<kft •lwllkft Cnl"" !011 NL f\lllWftlon USGvl .... )O NHUT •o. NL In .. \! tu'" Stnh '°"NL INM -UflllH CM rtFO 11 4 .. 1901 8 nd All 1311 1'.. TH E1 I to t •r Net Avie I SS NI. ~In 11 '1 ti .. Slt•llnv 1 II I IS (OWIO ,,.... -(ftp Otr u" NI. Olwo 'u 10., l(autmn .. NI. Nat Ind 1107 NL bl•• l • ,, 31 10.Jl Slr•t GI,, u ,. NL told ,,,.., .. wt Cu1 ... 1 U .'3 NL Orwtll ·1.n J., KtmPI" Fund\ N•I Sf<"'""" VOil• lS u .. 97 SunC.r1h •0•1 11 60 ••lwl -bauall~ c.-1 ~ '"'om • l /6 W I roll:om 114 tit B•I.., 10 I• 11 60 vo,419 tt 11 tJ •1 T n MOii U •• 16 .. (ll'llut lllvt Ylet Fund 10.12 11 U Net~ S 61 • 13 Gr-10 to 11 tl 8-J71 J SJ OIH'*' :M • NL TempletM G"""' cll••llltl T~y Gr-, .. .,.I Otlln • 01 • .. HI YIO • 1S '11 Orwlh 7 IO ••• llt1nbw J ~ NL G'-2A ., ,. ,. Sell ..,, HI Yid • <&J I.OJ Tak E• a Ot 1 rJ tmlFO 10 •I 11 Jt Prto • ll 6 IO Revere 160 NL I Grwtt. • U 1 " Alli• 14 4' NL ncom -•II 44 WIEQ 1 " ''IO Mun 8 11• '60 lncom • 17 • •S llot"h 10 ... 11 .. WO(ld 17 t1 , ... M.,.,,F 1)01 NL Opt.. 1 13 •s.< 44 Wall um NL ()pin 111112'1 Stoo •IO ••• S.lkOS.CUf ''"'CM> ,., 10,. AOY U SI NI. Tu MO 1D 40 ll JO Fo't.r 4 • S )J S<>mm 1117 It 41 T •• E• I IO I JO EQ\l•l • U NL Trn,,_w IOI NL 111v1.... IJ n NI. Colu Gel\ 11 SI Nl fnd Giii UI s u lee" "2S 12 JO TIA• s JI HJ Gr Wiii IJ., Nl "•• £: • '2 IO ... AICM•Y"io"""'11 .. ,. It Cc·.·.~ Aco'' ', n,, 11?? "°"o~' ""1-~L Tot Al 12" IJ,. F•lrtlO '" , .. lnco ICI ,. NL 1..0• F 11 W NL • ~· ~ ·~ '.. " bul 9"1 1.14 t 10 NEl..1 .. F-5.tPaUI lnww>I TwnC GI 10 lo> Hl 0._.y Comp lkl I.IS t U IMQtn 11 U NL l(ey•I-~u EovU IUI 21 J9 Captl 1011 11 CM Twn( S.I IS lt NL 9"' 10,41 Comp FO 9 01 t IS Mllfel I :M I .. Cu• Bl I• .S IS JO Orwtft 17 II It U Gr-l1 ,. 11 30 lwnC VI 4., • •1 H Yid 9,07 t • .S C°"'°"' 10 U NL Soe<I It... NL Cut 1M 7.M 1 tJ ln<om 10 It 11 0I S-1 1144 NL USAA Or-Alpfla ,. II 2S NL G-Ucut 0...1 franlllln 0-Cul 1(1 r U I U llet Eq 70.SS t1 Sot k ud<Wr Fundl G•wt" 10 9' NL A lllrtftT I 1.41 11.M F lC S N 0 AG£ J -d l 69 CuJ Kl 610 6 ra Ta•E• 6,10 6 49 COm $t 12.JI NL tr.co 10 11 NL Am•r•un Fund1 i.~ ... "'"' ... ONTC 131614 19 C111Sl •• ,.,.,, Neuw~l!ffm. O.w-1 o.u NL Sbll 11 00 NL EM<.P • 0 I.OS ""'°"' • u 1 °' Grwttt L4J '°' Cus SJ I l1 ' " E )( N A 0 y CepOI" 11 ,. NL Uni At<w • 01 Nl AMI/ti 121113.ll -ea •IJ 1• OpliOn sn '" C11tS4 S2l SH '•\.o .. , ... N L ln<orn IOIO NL Unll Mul ... HI. 9-11 .. 11."4 Con• '"" II !O 12 00 Utllt S 01 S 41 lnloml • 10 •.. Ouaro >O II NL nll Fd u V NL V'lllOCI '""°' Ff Ill• • >t ... Ceni191 G nu NL lnc:om •• , Q , .. ,, ',. 'So< lllMY J,. NL MM8 1 JI NL E«m , I I • ,,. G.-10 fl l1 • ~I "'411 ••I HI. US Gow • • I '2 JIUU 11.01 l1 0) Nl~I •JI NL 5-1 41.U Nl 8-S l7 S 60 l11<om • '2 t IS ,,, c... lJ ., 14 SI "-' 11• • )S l u lngton Grp P¥1n ll.'l NL Secutlly Fu..os 11'11<.lh 1J ll ,. ,. ICA I tJ t .7' 1-. c;,_ EQll!t 4 . S.l• Cp C.dr 1101 12 20 Sc""' !SO. NL 8-1.. Con Inc 100\ lO tt ~-' 111 , .. 0«111 lJ llU1• Taafr ... •1J <.lCOLO F D H•wlGt "'2 NL EQOllJ '°' ~·-lHOU .. w•;.•"'4 t" : ~ = ,, ~ 11.:J F~i."' • 14 'Q ~N~ \,. I .. " .. t =~1.:..';'< I~ ;t :t L~~. '~! r.:c= ::.:: n Amtr~ --'T'rl'rw I JI • '' tn¥Qwl .., .. 1t IS Gr i• H\. Hf. lnTt 10 •1 NL S.l•<ltcl ,,...,,.h !ml' 1#\Aovall Cap 8d • 11 •.15 0.111 t U 10 St PllOI f" t.. Rnll lS 40 NL N[ lnC'.I t U NI. AM Sii• I 11 NL k lLng uneweO ""''P 12.n ll.» Otr c... '11 NL GT PM; 17 •I NI,. Lind"' ,. II NL NOV4FO It., NL 5.pl "'' IS JO NL v-~v•ll HI Yid t 10 t I• D o o C • 8 j Get•"" I• 11 NI. Loomll SXAYLES NY VMll • Jl • '° S.ll9f'l\MI (.ri US G0to S 1' Nl Mun 8 ltO. 1•M U 11 NLDodC• S1 Gen e;i;,. lnw· C.""I llft NL NII-•11 NL N•PFO 1 t •.st VelUe IJrw J.O tt'O U 01 1 t . • • H L £11,,Tt It l l. 8 M .. I Om.Qoo •. ,. N\, CmSt• 111 ltOS e-119' NI. IO l4 11 " Dr••"" ,. ,. HI. Elm Ta '0) I , 1 0 N I. Of>e Wm 16 11 NL Gr-II •. 01 • 41 "-ult N\. M u NL On\'!vt Orp S&S ,, .. NL loro ·-11 o__. ... , Fd Ill<-11 ,. 12 01 ln<om • ,. NI,. fl /Alfl 10 ti 11.lJ A 8"d II.. NL S 6 S L Jt G AlllllO I tt I SJ Ol•KI l• •1 IS .. 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'J t t IS"-.,_ p A"'Ali' lJ17 It "" CMri wt 103.J 611+ • Yt ~ •-~ lllPowr J • I JU n 1o \II ~ • , ~ • " M<os SO 10 allt4 20•• • "° wenl< 10 ll 11 121> • h M ir wt J10 s Chert pl LU IJt I"·. Y> EoeaC -I ., lt'9. lo llPow Ill• 12 tllOO ll • MMM l JD 12 4171 ... ,"'.tin Poc>T•I IO t.J 10 12•. yb<on I 111 10 Cl 1•\•. ' AAJr pl 2" ,. ,.... . .... ClleM l 411 4 )142 Jt .... I"' Eilrlne .. IO ., """ II"°"' pl) II 11200 19'• ..... ""'"PL , ,. • .. 21~ • ..,, Portee .., 1 ~ ..... " Yb<" pl2 tO 11 JO .... Aa.k • ClleW 0p1L7S , SI • I E•~r· I JO • 21J u "' TW Ill Ml•oCP '° 20 !Olio. "' PorlGE I ,. ) llJ I)~ .... yn1 ... ' '20 1) 13'1 o ..... IYI •a ..!... i.~ I ~ ll\lo .. " Chete plS lS 11 •1<. Ely pl8 . • , 4Ha \lo 11 I'• I. t J Jtl Ml"'I" • .IO • llt? t S-.. •I~ PoG pl II.SO t.SIO fl , l<o •KO, 21 11 C ""°, I •• r--•-441• • ~ Chew pt) JJe m SJ~ v. Ev•nP UJ 11 1 .... , 'lo mp.,.. MP~C 3 IO S 404 ..... , • J PorG pl t .o 9 II • _ T-T _ A ~ = l·!J. ) ,..... ~ (llehff .tOb s ,. 10 •• \J E•tn pf I «> I .... IHCO JO sn ..... lot MoPSv I 11 , 171 .,... Po<G pl • 40 ••1 1th TOK n "" .. S14 301 ..... ABdltlt 1·.o 'a 1.J ::"' . C-nLJS It I 271n Eveft pl 2,10 4 111'1 lndJM 1117 It •1S'i0 J414 ' 1. MoPS pl) 44 1 11'!.-"'> PorG pl 4 J2 11 1t'•, "° TECO i • I IM 20'• Aal6til I ' -•11.. I cc·~~yy ~ 21·1•1 • 1.ss, ?SJ. -•• ·~ EoCelo uo I 117 t•YI lllOiM ~.. l100 tOSHt .... Mo~ prt.. JU "~· 1'4 P0111ch I .. 10 17• U\. .. RE I " 110 ,.., • ' Aa I'll ... t :'! • "" .,. , --EW<ltl 1..... IS IS'• lncllM,.. 12 llO 'II> MoPS Ill• U S ~ '-PolmEI I .. 1 .Ot ltlo lAW 1 tO t O.J S1'-n "' ·--t<ltl<o' .. CllHY pl2_.1e 411 Sl"' • " E .. on J • tlll ?ti•• \t lndiM pfJ IS t IS \', Mllel lllJ ltl> • Vo Pol El pl •.O< 1100 JO h AW pl •-«> 1 126 • • ~ JI 11 ~ f2Y1' 114 CllHY pl ltl SI"'• "'> -r<-r< -lndlM pl? U 3S ltllo ' II< Mol)ll •SJ 2S\. • "' Pr~mrl .42 IS Ill >•"' • ~ a< eo.1 / Jft 11 , i. ~ry .IO.it J.S !'-~ "" ClleSVe IOI I Sl 12 .... • ... FMC 1.60 I tll 31~• \1 lnclllll\pl)tl ... JH• \lo MobilH " l • Pretlrf 3012 t i 10\lo , •118rd 110 J19ult , 14, ~.,. 1.1S • '" JOln. .... CllftPn I n 11 ,,. ...... l<o F MC pf J 1S . JI Jtlla . I lndl(i<K l cw n 2S\., ModC4ll " 21J ....... Prmr• n),411 s "' )H. •ll•y ~ s • I ... 11 lt7 ··-, ~ CNW•I )4 UI 17\.i t YI Feb<vo ... 21 162 Ith t "" lndlPI.. 2,.0 lt7 24\/a' II'> Mol\tK I t0 '"' · · · · Prime( It 7~ >•"-+. elle• ~ I S 1~ •-~If: i: rn.l~ !k!,E ~~~: .. , 31 '~ ~t:· ~ ~:f.f' .n:! :~ 2m: t: ::::~~~n 14 '~ ~ l~ .... ! ~ =~~ '0 1~ U: ~~;~~~~:.~Wu~' .. ,~ !1~: .,....;... 144 .. 9 ,.;, \; AFIMNI .60 10 ..... .,.,.. • ·~ ClllPn .41194 45 11~. YI "•lrcllcl IO • 3'1 I..... .... lnoerR l .M s •93 J7l<o '"' Monrch .IO • JO 17 • '4 PrdRth .» 20 7S 11 ~ •• -.. ~:· Jib I~ ·~ I~~. ~. AGllQI 2.llO • 111 ., • .... CllkFllll .40 u IO ,.~ • ..,. 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"' •'nn',~.·.. 1 ~ • .~ 2,J':-:. • ••• MorNS JO 12 ,, 12V. \'t PSvEG , 56 • 1400 n ,,"" TaABc nl 44 • ,. -••• -~ '"".,. -&IV • ,. •• Fer I 2010 I• U lt ~ -~ -ft MorNor 1 U ~ lt11 ,._.. I'• PSEG pll 40 4 IO'o TuCm 1 10 t '"I> )Hr, '-SI.Fl• II '""' YI C•nG pl t.ll . aJ110 .,.... -FklUnl i eo • JO l>YI ~. 181111 l 441l IJ112 u7t ........ Moln>I• I .0 IS,.,. I}\ .. \;, PSEG 111•'11 uo JOI+ .. TeaEst 4.10 • 111 .. • .. AShip .1Do1 I Jt t\olo . ClnG pl 9.S2 . 12SSO .... •I\• FICIU I J f' tl JI\,, \r lt11Fla• I 04 14 .. J4VI ' I"'> Mll'wt 2 6< 1 tti Jltli' '9 PSEG pf1:11 it IS'•• T•El pt 2.411 1 19 .,.. • •t mSld 1-JO u .. , '6YI. ~ ClnMll n II "' "*. "' F~ I .. s 110 ulOVo. ll>'t lnlH-2111 ]IJ \) "'"""!'. so. • 11• ,,. • ... PSE~., I """ ..... TT• •• EGT pl 22.11,, • ·1•1 .. ,,, .... ',!. .,.,, • II 156 ,. .... "' Cllkrp 1.n s II ... ,.,h ~ fl A. .. I 1"3 1121~ •• , '1nn·,~~npl t ~ • .~ .!!! ~. Mnld... 40 • .,. • YI PSE 12 2S •10 "". IV. '( , • • S4r • I I 4l wS4"'>• '"" ClllSvc 1'0 It UJ2 4' • .. Fn$ I 4YI, \, tntM:.ll 1 to 1 1jj j];:, \.. :::~;:t 1 29 II ,:; ::~' ~ PSE p11'10 . 100 m. + ~ lealncl -10 ~ U\• • '9 ¥f fllf UJ 6 1Jl ~::I~ g:~j~ ~.10 •• ~ "';t~: ~ ~:~!~~ . .0 !: a"": ... tnlP-2 «) S 2110 O V. • II. M11rp() I t m 14"'>: H • ~ug ~.~ 1~ u~ : :._, t::::::• .O~ :: m~ ·~~~: :J~ TT pf 4 4 StV. •II<. qyln pl 1 . J J1~+ I FtAlln I I 10 ,. .. • "' lnlAKI M 1~. M11rry() I JO I 0 ltV• I "'> f>SEG pl7.t0 r20 SJ~ \. hHM>t 2.1. I •I ll:IOI• • '' n ... J.. . I >4\'t-.... Cli bi• ,60 I .. .0 s... . . Flf."'' IO 611 14"' • .. lnlTT '.. • .... 27''4 • ..... MulOm l.47t 19 """ PSEG pfU) t2SO 11 • --}!~ ~ :~ I~ ~t~ ~ ~~r. f!!:; ll ~.~. ~ g:c~f ll1i>' ~:I· 2r"', ~ ~'18CTllk 11 ~ ~ 20m" ~ :n~Plk ; 10~ ~"": ~ Myerlbl ·~IH-H«>_ I¥.+-" ~~k 12 t ~u !t:: ~ rewUlll J.04 tUOI JJ"'• '• -' •• ~ -C r 2 1 -11~ r •• '"' ., • ~ Intl ""• ~ )l 4S' 1-•·, w90 J-4 ti 2' Wet ,,. 1.4:1 1100 2l • "1 ltv"'' ••• ~ .... y FIClty 1 • • -• ~ " ·-• .... PliQe<CP 1.7• • Sl4 ,..,.., ••• Tull In S4 JI ...... Wei pl 1.ll • 1100 t i'> .... , ClvEI pf 7 40 dlSO l.J •I Fl!ll•I• 2.14 S 1'2t 19 + "'> lntHri 2.12 S 114 ,. "I°" NBI n U 111 H V.-.1"' PurllnF S U • 11 r .. tron 1.IO I tS1 24 , I Wo Jt1f I U ,, 1100 10\lo • \lo Cl•EI pf 7.M • 1790 SlV. • V. FtMi.t .l• 11 ~l l •t • "'> lnlt'p(e I.SO 1J II 14\oo It NCH n 12 SllO UV.• ~. Pvroll t I QI I IS " Tntr pl J QI 16 ft' 1, 1 ""' 1 .O 4 I J>'li + Ila Clevl* 60 I lo< I FN!los t l .'1 4 a6I J}';, • 4" IMllGo I .0 ' .. 11•loo • ... HCN8 • S 1!10 1'"-+ °"' Pyro 4 llO .... r .. 1r pl I 411 _ S JI , 1 0 .40 , w 2s.-. • "' ClorOll ,., t tt4J """ • YI r<Nsta 140 • Jt U •·• "' 11nnl!~ , .. • •• mJ1 11~ '• Y! >iCA 2 Cl • 1u1 UIN • '-' O.U•O 2 e t.12 40\•, .. Ti..o u "' I.JO IJ 109 :ltlO t \lo Cl .. ttP .. I lOt It • :.. FtlP• 177 l • t-r-• "' HL lnG ! Jlo.J II" ;. Que•SO .10 I lt4 ll"o •• flllC*I I JO U S9 _.,, "' 1.44 11 4l ~, v. c1 ... 1 pf I ti 111'1, "'> F.il't wt • >t f..J2, 1~ lnl"W pf 2 » tlOO lt4 • "'> HI.. T l.IO IO ... 41 ... • -QwMa tO t '2 I"'> lllm .. 1 1 12 12 10 41 , 1. I.Cl .. S40 St ... • 11'1 CoKllm u SS IA .... FllJnAI I JO • .. 11 "' i::r.~ B! t ~ . ~ ... =~:wllll r:s. m ~ ..... ~ °"'--:_~1•• u • \If n::",.!;; = ~ :: g~:. ~ M 1191 ~J 111~ ';.: ~~·~ I: J:J ~ ~il'I: ~ l'IY•Bk M S I02 .... ' "" 1-li:,n.JI z.00 11:.....J'~. N•kO t I 42 U •1 M\.. • 'A Riii~ 16 at 1611110\1 , "• lllflfly 10 I 7• IJ'• • i;'.; , ·~ -l'IWIK 1 10 4 ll M\'f • .. ·-· ) e 7 1' 21•· , •• w. ••1J 4 11 •· '"" I ~ • -,,., • ~ c-.c1 2.• 11 .,..1141tt . '"' ~· ~ •• -lJ"' ~ ~ -.. -IK•• ~ • -RCA 'I> 11 J111 n • ~ TICMo 110 • 1 1•"'t -, ~ .. .. ec-• , --· .. ·-··· ,~ 1 • ·-· ~ u ..... r --11 '' JO•-.. ::: I~ I~ :;:: : ~ 1.10 :: 101..; m:; I... ..:::r:. ~ i I!! t1YI. :: iPC':{r 'ii 1) ISi • ,"'. ~ ;;.~;-., u JI ,,.;: : ~ =~::: ,,,;. .~ ~~: ·~ Tldwtl '° s 421 ,... "' n . IJ JI -10111 . ~ ColoPal 1.20 11S11 llh :... Fi..1En S7 21 ... l~ • I"' 1,rv,..!cp ~ • ?! •1,':!.. • H•-IO ,. 10.. • ftCA"' , u .. JS•.. .... ~:=:n ' 16 ~ J'!:; I .... s JO l3 -II< ColoP ptJ_to . 1100 >J •• Flem I t 9 IO n ~ _, "' ~ ~ Nal(M I 6 :14 II\~ ~. RLC n .. I It t \• • .... TIMI PICA'° Wt 62' 1, I'"' ·~-l.Jt' ..... * ColfAl• n. '"IS"' •• F .. ,'J' ·.!1• ~1 22~ -J-J -HCnv54 .,,, llS 21"'>•1 RTE 40 I 2t , ... JlmeM 212 , .... ., .. , .... .--•-I.» S 74 23"'> • Ir, ColnF • t JI• 16"\., 'h • -,. ~' ' JWT I 44 4S SI II~• "" Ne IOI• 1 JO 1 Jl1 tJ\o • Y, RtltP\w 1t I UOS l•ln "" flmlln l 40 1 It .. 1, , h ""'4rl:f n .to t •S ll .... , Colf'en I.Cl M.M IS + .. r<leitl pf I •I. 711111"°' -Jm.\F 1 . .0 11 • 2lV> NOl•I P<l.1$ I It Ra...... . 411 ,.,_ TOdStwl 112 S 1)4 l4 , lo "-lk AO 12 :llt :IA-• II'> Collin, t.IO .. 111 tah hi Flltl$f' 1• IJ I~ u ... • ~ JRI-.Cl ' '12 1914 t Hall!clu I J2t S 21 UV. YI ll•rncx I.ID U S ""' t•llm S4 1 21 11.,.. • 11. Anhtlis 1•10 ta> Mii>, 111• COIGes u. s tlS JO_.., "" ~::-~f n IO~ ~ T • ll'I Jlh• p1 s 40 ,. 12 ""' • • N•tFO >It s It JI "' Ranco ... ' 5 u~ • .,. ToiEOI• 1 ll 1 1~ "~· Aftlatr :11113 144 UV., lie ColG' llfS.41 . 1 .., •. , • · \,; J emtw 12 U l)llo' 1• NalGYP 1.41 IS KM 22 .. • "'> R•y<m n .44 U 124 .,,.. .. Toi Ed p14,a 31 tt~> \. Ante n 56 4 24 I Ho ... CSO pf oU.U .. 1100 IOl t lln ~:::~V t: : i:; r.t : "" ~:f."t.11 'l:: ·• m ,:~ ,_ : !llHom · 41 2111 t \/e llleymll . '1 />.., YI Toi Ed pfl-• l ltlo. \o AntMy 4.... t 21 '"'° Combln I 10 t 17.U Jl!o , '" .... SU .SJ f1 IJt, I/a JerC pf t » 1100 ~ , "'' HMdCr• 4' t Ut t i/,• "" Aeymdl I S ... IH• • ' lOIEd pf2 71 11 H '• • AINKl'9 • l4 • lit 11\lo + \lo CmbEn l.M t 749 llWt •I FlwGen 19 IU 101/t' '1o JerC pl 111 , 11000.., I NMdl!.~ 40 lJ 1732 20• ... I"'° R•Y'llll\ 1.«I II Jt4t O vt I..., lonU 411 If II It 'I ~,,,. .,..·,,. IJ2 1111>. "' c-t ,. 10 2111 11-. ... FIOwr t .• II 21 ""' .... .Jer( pl • 1100 .. .,, • ~ NMI .. , D ' ,. • ... Re .. 81 '° 4 .,, 13 .... loolA04 -• IS 1n. ,.,,.PwpltU u ....... "ComMll ..... 11 .. "' ..... Fl~ IO l •lltolt• .. -JetC"' II r2011n •I HP"'' 1JO I ., ,. v. ROll•lpl7 1J ,, 11 Ttclltnll 160 1 ... ,. ..... YI ,.,,.,._pl4.lt s ""• "° ComOI• ISJOIJ llt>•2 FeoleC >JO 1 1 >411. l'I "' l HSeml lltl 1''"'' "° RllAef 101e I It I '• ToroCo ln I '•• 1 .. ........ . m i1 m ...... _ .... c ..... E J IO 1 lllS ,,... ..... r<ordM . ~ 21 • j;~rc 1: ~ 42• ~t . "" Nl5vln 1 ..... , .. ll v. lle<nEQ 144 .\ .. YI lot(O It 2 147> U'-. \. ArcllDii 141> 1 •1 ,. • " Cwl!. pl I 41 1 n 1. ' '9 For MK J.tO t tit .\. • ... JewlC pl 14 v:IO • I\.. HSI-'°/ I) I'>• "' Reomn .JO 29 13' lt YI • "" TOWie 44 I JO' ""' • .. Arla PS 2.S2 11071 U CwE pl I t0 ll IJI > 'I. FM!( pf I.ID 2 t i , I Jewl<• , llt 20 .... Htll5U lff 1•1•' .... AM<e I~ "• • "" T-1*.. ... S IS Arll• pt ,_,.. U 27YI + "' CwE Pl 1 l U l'I • ·~ FIDHt 1.:12 " 101., l t Jllfl..ln 1 11 UOt .._..,,. t =·.:~ n 1 l IS ,10~ l~~ ~ f!-. cllC' n • 1•1 1441 ,!~ •, ~ ToyAIJ ' 11 ttlS n •I"' !~':r:t'°: 11~ -;v.·1:;: ~:~=ii:: !:i:l rr1.:\. ~=1-:1~ = m~. t-: :i:::g 1402: = ~~ ... :1~! Net;;.""'-; 'm J1\t • ~ ;;:~,, , .. ;;;. t'; ~~::' '11'1"u'1',.?~J~ • s ••• Bank completes stock sale A !il<X'k sal<> for th nl•W Murlne1'2' Bonk Notional A$ll<ll:i41lion (m ortJaniwtlon) of San Clcm~nw was fully 8Ulw'r1l:x-tJ in 21 d6.YJi, r •porL'J Clil C·O:&lll 6umv rp, the bank holdlrif( t•ompany The hank 111 ~wultlng regulatory approval h t:Xpt.'<.'t. to open In Octobt-r rn th · Ptco PJaz.a at Calle de Industri~. J?/uo r ub idiary op en s Tht• Hcpublil· Supply C'o o( C;.iliforn11:1 , u subsidiary of Fluor C:urp , lrv1n1•, has opent--U o facility at Port Huf'nt•mt· 111 Vc•nturu County The site• will providt• improv~t ;,i<.'«'88 tu wurk ~l'I thtlt scrvi<·t· offsho1 t.• drilhng a nd production lll'llVllle!I UtiJjty rolls back l•ike SAN OlEGO (Af') -San Diego Gas & Elc>t:tr1c has announced a roUback in its estimate of a natural gas hike from a 30 per<_-cnt increase to just 7 percent Under the revised esumate, the typical res1dcntJal natural gas user would be paying $24.10 a month for 50 therms as opposed to the current $22.59. The utility serves portions or southern Orange County. Del Monte closing plant SACllAMENTO (AP) -The Del Monte Corp. wiU close its can plant here, putting about 55 Cull-time and 65 seasonal employees out of work. a company spokesman said Fluor subsidiary gets contract A subsidiary of the Fluor Corp, of Irvine 1s undertaking design and engineering of oil and gas production facilities for Petroleum Deve lopment Oman. ·• T he client is majority owned by the government of Oman but operated with the assistance of Royal Dutch Shell. Value of the contract was not disclosed. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORIC IAP·l •IH Tu .. price ""° NI <l\enOlt ol llw flfleen mo.1 ecu .. N•• Yori. !>lock E•<~ ,._._ lr•olnv ,..llonolly ti mo•• ,.,.n 51 1,311,/00 1.~.400 l,JSJ,400 1,194,IOO 1, 120,100 -.•oo no,100 tOl,SOO ~11.too ,.~.-167,SOO IM,000 •11,100 Ml,100 AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS DOW JONES AVERAGES · ..... HEWYOAKIAPI Fln•I Oow b/OM• ev~ ~~DC~~'· S.p 21 JO Ind or,;D ~,.09 tm'1 ~.1rJ. JO Trn l61.• ln 4S >ti 14 )II 1e • 11' • IS Ull IU S4 111 lo< IU GI llt,t1, I .. ·~ St• >SS SO llJ,. IU .. ltl .. , 1 12 IA<Ju• t,120,>0q Trio --~ _ • • f,261.llllt Ulil\ 1, l .. ,4()0 6S SI~ 11,•ll ,.Q WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK !AP) Seo 11 Htw ._. .,,-.. ,. Alri'I A '""j-,&. -)40 "'' W H I , ..... "- NEW YORK IAPI 5'op 11 Aovenud 0.Cllned IJnch•nQl!d Total It-' New hillfl' N•w ~ Today 191 ·~ '°' ,., ,. 1 G ... ...... ,.. ... .; .. ";l.; • ; Mk ·• 110. •• "' TI! •• ': . -:-:-::-:::---:---~--------# ~~. METALS : .• .. NEW YORK (AP) -Spot non,_,.,M ·, IMI .. Pl-l....Sey : .- Atltl•' .'2 • 4t7 I~. II\ CwE pl 2., • JO'• r<o11S4P .. I lt " • It JonL91'1 60 161 11• •• ,, N••P-. , .. s 106 l<'t. R•llCP .0 • " " •• \,. tw Cp '" •••t . " ArlnRt I I01 "' CwE pl 1..40 dtO •1 • I~ Fo•br ' I°' • ,.. :ll't ... JOit... ,, ,, 11 JS". "' N•vP pl I .O 1100 ,, RtPFnS 120 14 us .,~ TW... S4 ..... HEW YORK IAPI '"' lollOW1"9 llJI AMI-1S 10\lo •• Cwt: pf 1 t• 11JJO Slloo ~. " tMI: .0 10 12» II\ ... J "" s NOP pl I 14 000 vu•,. Y> Ae~Y 140 • • ,. ••• \. TW WI.A 4()0 ..... "" y C~ 1~· 12 oen11 I PQund, U $_ ' detllnoUont • AMICO 120 10 14111 IS.... ... C-.E.S 1a I ., 11 .... F~olrn ... JU .. ..:: "" oy 'II I 40._:~ J?'• ... NevP,,. I~ • i.v.. "' RHY 1110 IJ 2t 111. YI rw c pf 1 IO ,,... .... :::-:~:: .. i:;-...... °"1~.ts·~~. E~"""': Ann< pl J 10 I ,.... " C-.Wll J.30 .. IOll IOYt .... ,,.....,. 40 IO ltYI. "' KOi n IO SI .,. H••<ldS n " 7't . "' lllHY plAJ * Jll ,, ..... rwc pf I'° 11 ,,.,, Ille most --,,.. "'°'' IWlted on Arm• pl .:11 iJ20 J.S . .. . CoPtye •• u 600 ul21'1 . J F-. .0 II 20\lo ..... kl..M II 20 ll • ~. NEntE'I 3 1 JU ,. ... ; • AepS41 I• ltO ""' .... TWC pf ,_.. SI ,. percent ol Mnoe di Of ArmR. IO s 3D -· "" C-.pgr . /0 14"-. II. """'lilt I.JS . , ..... YI K mert ' .. tOIS n•,. •.. HJAtc nll• , II ,... • Rep8• 1 a s 111 J7 • ~ T••~m I.SO • ~ 20'•. .. ..... l~w ·-· Kt VOlvme ArMWln 1.1023 ,,. lnlo 'I. COml>X->IJ.. -113 ltYI. ..... • -G-4 -,. K•lttAI . .o It} 14 ... '• NYSEG, 20 • 1"' ""'. w Rep8• .,,,, " s >•1 •. IYI '''"'"' 2.16 It "'· •• No NClU•«I•• belOw S2 .,, lncludeCI. AroCp ,IO IQ s 11·,~-· .. (.ptnn '"I... ,_,.,. • '"" GAF 20 • S1tS .... • K•IAI pl •. ., l .. ~YS pl' 011s, I '2' 21•1 !'.:'. RM>Col .n , 1$1 U \/o lA Alty SJ l • " Aro.E . ".Ill ., -;,i; ConAor I I 12 JO"'• YI OAF pl I 20 ,. ll"'> • ,., KeltC• .o • 114 Ill•" ..., "•••• • ._ • ~ Rerto • u S-" 113t "'' Tre"s~o i.ao ) "' "'" '. Net l !)d pe1oen1age ch1 noe1 .,. t • Ar1ro .JOU 17 11 ... ; . Cone~ 2.20 I Z2 ll'"' ~ GATX J.40 1 •1 UIA+, V. lt•IC p1 1.Jl s l4V" v. Nwll•I n U 1l 26\<o ll•vert ll t fmtc pl 3_91 11 311,.., dllleten~ be'-11 IM PlftlOUI CIOtlng Arvin 1.n 11 ,. 14\1) .... ConnE n2.IO • JO ,,._. .... GAT pf ).50 .. I ll • , .... IC•lt<St • ltS "". ~-Newml I 21 ,,,. 44 ...... Revlon 1.M I 1063 ,...... ..,, lr•n>cn lnl ~ 4\.. It pric. •nd Tuesdey pr1C41. Av"o 40 ->S ... • V+ CnnHG t .20 • U 17~ \lo GCA IOI It J11 I .... • "' K•MMI .:Ill I 4' u16V1 ' It Ntwl pl 4 SO 11 131 R•vln pf J 20i. ' '-Tr MO. 100 i '• UPS 1011 t:.O .• .., 2t ..... Conr• .IOU 27 ,. ..... '4 GEICO .St I Sl4 ,.,. "" IC•neb lb s llS I ....... Hwj)M'll 16 • 56t S\ •• "" RUllMn ·'° I t5 ,. • ll r •• ......, I IO • • ti\. ....... c Pt ASl\IO p14.to 11 )<\It YI ConEd t I 61 t 1/03 JO • ~ Gek pf 14 20 SJ 1•1 ICCI PL 1" t 11J U \ "-NltMP I IO 4 S>t ')\'1 Rea.nrd 1,111 U It lit,.. '" Tre•I• ' I M 6 l/M 12 • \\ 1 G Holl.._., Lt~~.• , ';t, Up ',,I AIMO pt-l." )40 ll + \<t ConE Pl S. ' -• "' GEO 24 ISIJ t V. t 1: KC~I.. p11'33 J 11.I.!' Nit"""' > tO l110 24'~ '11 Reynln 2 IO t Jl ....... •I lrlCOft JJ1e .. ti • I.; J ~8 Incl 101, , 11~ UP ll.l AMOG )IO t44 l'V.•,.. ConfOs J IJ 1 114 • •I GFEQP . JS 4YI V. KCSoll • t 4IO ""''"' HIOMPI l'I> 170 11 • '-Reylnpt.LlS 7 IJ4~ro11 1 JrlCnpl JlJO S 20'• 1, JV-CCM'P 4._ • ,1 Up l?I AUD pl 4 IS . S31166 • 'It Conl' pf '-JO I M " GlE J '12 7 3301 J I ' In K•nGE J.11 • 3S9 It"• Hie'""" 4 10 tlSO JO + II> Aeyln pl4..IO IJ 41 • \lo TrlSoln I SO 4\.. 4 AmF I 1)1• ' I .. Up II 1 ··-IM 1 u II~ .... CMFr1 1.60 s s~ ......... GTE pl 1 .. 3D "'. It ICtnNb I -• • 2• • v. H I•"""' •.JS llSO W)S\ .. 1-. lley"'ll I IO 11 ... u·~ • '" Trt•lflll 40 SI 11 11\o. "" s MeM=rr .... .. ... Up II 0 AIC\IEJ 2 •• 11• I~+ .... CMNG •I. 1 '" JS.-.. "' G•IHau SJ s 1) ,.,.. ..... K•nPLI 40 1 JOI ,,~.. Hl:::.r s u •100 JI • II> ReyM 111• 10 1 .. • ''" lri•Pc 116 1 II • .. • Prwumocp ..,.. • • Up 11 0 AUMt"',.,. l IJt::I IS,.1' . • Pw J.44 • ~ II ~ G-11 ' n I) 24111 .,. ) • , .... ICOPl. 1111.n J """ ••• NI MPI '°, 60n 11001000 ~~ + .~ lld'l\lck I. 10 ., J1 ... Tro<o .. I 116 ' • • • I C•llht1Mft9 U'> I• I IJp IO I Atllllkll 240 7Sll1 O V.•11• nPwpl4i. zl40 1t (i940str SO I llO ltlit• "'l(t tYI" t ti ~ w HltQSf\ ' ,..~,. Rieo.IT l lO t I• lO"' ~ lrlnty 10 t Jtl 111< .. 1, I Crumfor .... ''-Up '°' AtlR< pt l S lOO • S Pw pt4.10 taJO ll' • '"' G•tS..c 1 lt S U 111>'1 • ~ Ke ty p1 I 40 I »1-t \.t ~f'O a l>t to IS ' ~, Rk>Grtn I .0 1 J21 41"'> • 1"-lTuc'"~E"9 I !2 1,s 2? Jul~·. '• 9 full'! I 40r>1 21 , ) Up II S Atlltc pf 2.IO • '°'~'.,... Pw pf• S2 1110 ...... Geerhl .•• JG Ulit YI IC...iar ,. 112 Ao IColl n J•. IO ~. v. RloG• pl .., '°' t>'li. '~ • ;p .. -~ 10 Fin<:Mtn.. ,, • , Ujl 10. All..C.. J .. 14\lo nPw pO.O L200 ...... "' Gelco 1.11 I "° ·~. v. K•llf pl I IO 10 II =•COR J I tn 11"'. .... Rlt•Aid .., 1J •••••• 1. rwlnOs I IO • s u .... ,, 11 ~" 7111 , IJp 10 l "'-' .J:J II m J1V.. .... 11Pw pO.n I.SO sJ•t. v. Gem<:t ,. IS JI ...... Keller JO • u 12• I . "' H~oAr I~ • )$; r. : Roo.ftw I 40 12 1S .... • TyCOI... /0 I 101 164.. .. u Al ..... In< ,.... •• Ujl 10 0 A411'e0t .so 14)111 ,..... II> Pw Pl7.7• . ·-S2"'> H Gemln J 40e JO ·~ IC••'-I so '20t7 11"" •... NO~ n J IO .,. SS : 11'1 === I : l ,tt ~t~. ~ ~~~~ '°,; .!~ ~~ .... 1J Puto11d . '"" , •• • •• Up 10 0 ~~ l ~ .">~ !;:z: tt "~ :, . .: {! 1!t: :: g~~I· = 14 :a: l! ...... Kt llwG co • IS4 IS-"t ... NMlin l •-" 1J"" Roell(;""' s IJI IS\. ' -u-u -:· f'-'t'f I I , ·~ .. " • .''~ ,vo .. Awry .'I> 10 2JS 291' ... ~ Pw prl.IS 9 t•YI • 1. GnB<-111 .• 4 19 It-¥•• '-::=I : I~ : 1~", l; ==~!:. n 1·= 1 : J!t ' ~ Roell Tl 'O< 1 tll t4"9 • "" UAL 2tlll0t 12 .. • "' I I .. X lo "' U p t t LNd 25-29 oen11 • poi;nd : Zinc •C>-42 cent• • PQl.lnd, d••--lld : .,. Tin se 3082 M•t•I• WMit oompooitll ~ . AklmllMllft 76-77 cenll I l)CXlnd, N Y :;,o,; Mercury $340.00 per ftttk :, •• "4lt11M1111 $340.00·$341 00 troy °"~' • N y • • .... .. . .... .. ' .···:· .. t ~------~~------~·· ... ..:: :· SILVER TUMdey Handy & Herman, U 740 Pet lroy ~ GOLD QUOTATIONS >.•.· <, . :: .. :-: :_. . ·= AKI• I u • •• 11"" nPw prt IO 10 Ill< "" GCG•ol""'··· "10 ,..117 4,!_. -KyUlll , JO 1 100 ........... KACoel .IO • 21 """ "" Rockwt 15610 17S ~. YI UGI J.O< s .. ...... •• Entou•~~ '.· .. • • ~ Up •• ~ Aydin. . " IS) ""' ·• .. nPw 11<2:n • U'llt .. -. ~ ~ ICerr(il ... • .. 12~ "' KPAPN 1.10 1 ,. .... ~. !lo. Rklnl llfUS .. • 11200 • I\. UMC .tO I Ill • " C.-Wo In< .. UP -., The .. _, ..... ~ a.1rnc.o :io97~t7 lfu+ '-n"t'Air·4l , ~ I::• it. ~~lr 1:!rn~~ m ::1: ::~J',:':& I •1~ ~:.:: V. HEur0121t t '6 1t\lo• V. ==~~ 2.IOI~ ~11~'•:1h ~:t~ltt 41• t u !~' i. :: ~~ I~~: ~ Up :: Se<ecltdWO<ldOOfOprlceefi;t.O•y . ~ •L I ti -• ,... ,,~ OL ':r -··~ ·~ GnFCIS J JO •• ,. ""'. ... !'loettUll.N 7 Jl.0 10'-. YI ,_Oii, Pl J ll » lllO' t "''" USl'G l to • "3 ,.,~. l'f 10 c· ,, ,._ Up , , -.rn ,,,,_, .... +~ 1 "'~•~GG-~n 4luv .. ~KtvsCn 2124' _Hinc1PS11010,1t 1111.-~•11o1111E11 ' It '""•'•V I,_ • 1~ .... ,.....,..., •'••'·•UP · London moinlng llxlngt-12850,up .. ,_ .at" 10 It"'>-.... nee 1.U .. llSO I .. . • GH~. '.IO I 1) 1..-. .... klmbGI •. I ~1 MVI . I "9SIPw t I• '7 .,. ~. "' Rolllns .. •.. ..., I>'" "' n Iv• .~.e • • .. ~. .. 21 GellyOll St\+ • 41; up L I ... "5 .. klU ••• 1 1111 JI +Ill'> 1(41 2 '° • 11• U•Ao. .... KnQlllA ,., I) •15 JI.. v. NSPw pl•°' •• ~·o \Ill • \I) RolmCll JI SJe l4lt "' UnlNV 4 ,. s so .O'-. '• n KA SW u.... • I VP • 1 -·· 91c1U pf 2.0l ' 2 t2 • """ ntlG11> J.60 s 4SI J2\I). "' &::HOii\ .JO llJl1ll~'i9 +1; IC-l.IO,. 10 11"'. II> NSPw pl1 M 1100 '°"" t I\.> Aonton IS , uu~c·.mp, ). ~ 1' _,!l IOS ~ .~ .~ u UMET ,, ~"" 1. Up • I l.ondoft enemoon 11).Jno '428 50, UP • =·~ 1.GI I ,, 4)\1'). .... Gp Pl , 11 11"1. v. Inst '° 12 l1Sl4 Kor-. » 14 102 II,._ .. NSPw pf I • llOO Sl"" + "' llOCll<' tO • ' • U l<o " lllfb ---•• -u WOOIWlll pl lO\oo ,.. VP • • S2 25 • a.•~E J: ~ ;;; ~"' • ·;4 ~,"'..,h J.1'2! =• : ~G--"\.11.:1,;; =,, ~ ~1 ~=';t 1 ~ U !: ;:"', ,"' H0tTI O 147 '" u~-~ R0ter ... u 10< 1;µ,.' l" 8~~ i2!! ·.,~ 1;.::' ..., u T•••• Corp ~:."; •• up .: • '•rl• ellernoon ll•lng $427 17. ott • .... "'9 • so lllO JS'h. . IT.. 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Alt " ~· "f!!!C~f"I IO A ti • Iii .;J + '-II J I *"~°" ~\4' I& !I•• t~ n&: It.,";~ 15r~tlll t .~ ti ,_. ', t:J 1 I 'J .:.l ~. ~ ;;tJJ1tit11 = ;1~!1~ 1, ': M ~.~ ' ~t w~t :::-;,~ I~-;, .. \ COLO COINS NEW YORK (AP) -Prk! .. Mondi'/ ol gold cot111. oomp•red with Frkl•V'• pm. Krvttertencl, 1 troy oz .. 1443.25. off $7 75. Mep .. t .. I, I ~O~ 01,. $448 25, Oii HOO Mel~ IO ,_, U llO'f or , 1521.00, ofl $9 2$ Avelrteft 100 ctewn, H O? ltOy 01., f.IU 00, Oii 17 25 Soule. DMk·P41t'.,. O·N•w ~·••Y 10• u ..,.,. t .. •ly n-on U """ Olr>tn••N no1td ••let ol d>lll<Jtnd• 61• ..,..., .. Oiallu•-1111 ll•MG Of\ IN lril qu•"•• •r or ,...,, t ftnyel <H•clo••hon Si*1tl O< ••I•• 011••01"'tel• 0t 111wnw111a MH • Of'SoQll !fQ.J) 111Qul .. tte IOClll1l..U 1n IM ! ..,.._,ng 1on1no1"' o AIM> ••Ill Ot t oltH D At111Ve• 1a1t llili• '1CK' 111v•d•nd c L1qu10-hn9 OmO•nO Ool.lt1.0 Ot peo(I 1n C><Ktdotljl 12 l'l\Ofltnl •·C>Klf•td Ot POid all"' tlOC1' 01~d Ot 111)111 uo 1-PAKI 111•1 yee• d•lllOOf\CI -1180 lltlfl•td 0t no ~lton ''"-" el lo•I d~ "'4Hlh1'19 lo·O...l .. td OI pAMI ll\lt ~·t •n .. ol(Cl.lml/leh•• IU\141 "'''" d•"'<ltnd• In '""'' n·Nww ··-•-Deel•rtd DI j)IHI WI C><O<e<llllO • 1' mon1ht pl\ll ttoclo d1v1dond l·P.-<! •n tlOC-on PtlCto•no 12 mo4>1i'la enme1eo <1111 ••lue on •• d1•1dtnd 0t t•·dltlflbulion O•lll • [> 01•ideoo11. « u t!Qhlt 'I E•·d•lll<!Ond •n<I .. ,.. '" 111M •·S-1n rut CICI Ca...a wd Wltetl d~lllbi.teo WI When IHll•d ..... w1111 ••rr•n•• •w·WUll0\11 .,.,,loll .. •Olj EA·O•tlflll\lllOfl PC ••toO l"41 Pf>U OI a llOdl •• I ""'"'~ ot ,,._"tN11e fft"l'longt ... "'90 II' dnt0•no ,,.. ,.,.,, 11·mon111 "'"""II' ...., • it• • / U8 Orang Coaet DAILY PILOT/WednHdlV, September 22, 1882 ;'Family Ties' OK; 'Maid' weaker 8y FRED flOTlll'~NBERCI I# hlevlatoft Wrlla1 NEW YORK l<'umllll•!i rt•naum TVRIVlll ~·rt•atlve Coddt'r, but wnight, a •·ril'li up{'ner and 11 made-for-TV movh' rei.ffirm thul thtt Nellfon•. ('t.,1.1vt•r11 und Andt•rsons lU't• no longt•r Lht• ult Amt>rlmn tulw fmnlllc·~. ltw Woll S trt'l•t Journul undt•r hi11 l>l·d anJ plasters William }'. 8uc:klt•y on h111 wuU. Thl' duughll'nl (Jutillrw Butt•mun and Tinu Yoth•·n) o lijt1<·t to tlw parcnti;' "powlnK" (khu1lng) in thtt livinlol t'oorn. Tht>y rf•j('l°t bean NproutB or anything ulivt> on tht•ir dlnnc•r plut~s. Tht-11t•rlt>!I "Jt"omlly Tlt>11" at 9.30 on NBC, Channel 4, cltcks mort! often ihan not. The film -''MuitJ in America" at 9 on CBS, Charin{'} i. II< too broad a fal'(.-e and never amusint¢ ,enough to connect for viewers. . The wrinkle in "Family Ttes" iii tha t the parents are hipper than their 'children. Elyse (Me redith Baxtt·r Birney) and Steven Keaton (Mich;wl Gross) are flower children from the '60s. They listen to Phil Ochs, enjoy backpacking, eat health food and wondel' why no body cures about issues anymore. Llbcrul-l00nscrvat1ve <.•onflicts are incvitabk here In tunight's ep iso<lt'. Alex is smitten by l• rich girl. He goes to her family's rcst rictlv1.• cou ntry club. de-spite his parenL<i' objections. Alex just wants to go to a party; "I don't want to chungt· thc world," he says. Their kids, two teen-agers and a 9 -year-old, are s tuck in a reverse generation gap. Alex, 17, (Michael J . Fox) carries a briefcase to school, h ides But Stcvct("strctche11 the sitcom believabiliLy quotient by going to the club to rej.rieve h is son. Later, he says the line bet ween protection a nd interference can be blurry, and "1 WEDNESDAY 8:0011 a a NEWS '1 Ct4ARUE'8 ANGELS fJ WILD. WILD WE8T QI M'A'S'H Hawkeye and Ho! Lips come under heavy 8111118'y fire In enemy territory. with Hawkeye recelvl"'ll • leg wound. (Part 2) .r> HAWAII RVE-0 Si) OVER EASY "Re-Entry" Guesa. Mau. reen Stepleton. (R) O C!) UNOER8TANOl'«l HUMAN BEHAVIOR "A.tiered Stales Of Con- sciousness" (J) C8SNEWS @) A8CNEW8Q a NBC NEWS ~)MOVIE * * * ·~ "Breeker Morant'' ( 1980) Edward Woodward. JKk T~mpaon Autlrllll- ana conscripted to llghl on England's aide tll Ille Boer War dec:ide to flghl !he Boer guerillas on lheir own terms.·PG' (H)NATIOHAl OEOORAPHIC SPECIAL •1Journey To The Outer Umll1" Ntrieteen city•bfed 1een-ager1 confronl some of nature's greatest Chal- ltlnges at Iha COiorado Outward Bound Scmoot. graduating only afler climbing !he forbidding 18,715-foof Santa RoH Peek In 1ne Peruvian Andes. 8:30 Q) DOOOEA OOOOUT EJl) DICK CAVETT •·•Tv Joumallsts" Guests Oavtd Brinkley, Ted KO()· pel, Harry R .. SOnef. Rob- 8r1 MacN .. I. (Part 31 (Al Ci) SEWING POWER (J)Q!NEWS @) BARNEY MILLEA Wheo his men go on atrlke, Barney tries to nm lhe pr&- c;tnct single-handedly whlll dealing wilh 1 man-hungry splnatar. (Part 21 8:40 {OJ THE ADVENTURE 0:45 ID DODGER PAE-Of.ME SHOW 7:00 tJ CBS HEWS D N8CNEW8 IJ HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 0 ABCNEWSQ fJ THESAIHT ID BASEBALL Los Angeles Oodgar-s a 1 San Diego Padres (It CB JOKER'S WILD EJl> Ci) BUSINESS REPORT (J) P.M. MAGAZINE A psychiatrist Interprets the mealllng or some com- mon nightmares; a twrne- made l•nk that Clln be rellled by !he nigl'll. ®) EHTEATAINMEHT TONIGHT Interviews with Mark Ham- 111. Billy Oee Wiiiiams (ti} RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover eJI lhe bases leedlrig 10 the 11182 World Serles (0) HAMMER HOUSE.OF HORROR "The Mark Of Satan" A young mortuary technician develops Ill unhealthy Interest rn Satanism. (%)MOVIE * • * ·~ "Soldier 01 Orange" (1979) Edward Fox, Susen Panhellgon. Six ctutmat" 11 a Outell unlvertlly go l~r aec>•- rate ••Y• When war brHkl out In Europe 'R' 7:30 fJ 2 ON THE TOWN F .. tured· the S S. Cellh· 111; • vlllt to Loa AllQ84ft "quick" merrl1g41 dlllrk:I, 1 l>ehlncMhe-acenes look al hOw a 2 On The Town 1tory ta put loOether. I a FAMll Y nuo 8A8UALL Keneas Clay Royall 11 Oall- __!!!!!• Angllt r Foul play.? Jack Klugman a s "Quincy" ferrets out ahe real reason for a young girl's death tonight at I 0 on NBC, Channel 4. 0 EYEONLA. Fearured· • profile ol Uber ace; • ltlop thll '1>41· olallzes tn erotic clotl\lno, a report on child actors CIJ (J) TIC TAC OOUOH fJil MACNEIL / L.atRER REPORT Cl) ARTUR RV81N8TEIN "Israel" Aublnalein Yltils • specl•I forest near Je• .. aalem, attend• 1 per. lormance at lhl Jllusalem Musk: CantM. and l•k•• I &our or the c;lty Wllh Mayor Teddy KOllec: ®> YOU ASKED FOR IT •Hl COHSUME.R REPORTS PRESENTS "The Feeling Ane Show" This edlllon locUMs on h .. llh·releted producis. lnclud•"g low-sodium foods and over-the--coun- tar appetite supp<essanrs 0 CR08SBAA 8:00 tJ (I) SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN 8ROTHEM I Premiere) Crane la 8frest • ed and )ltled for 1n111g11- 1ng rancM<s to raid • warehOuee where their grain Is bei"'ll held by lhe authorlllel G Qt REAL PEOPLE (Seuon Premiere) Highlights of Ille "Reel People" !rain trip from Lot Angeles to Chicago Include vltllll 10 the Alamo, the world's larges! country music club, and an Arizona town named Why. (Part 1) 0 @) TALE8 OF THE OOLOMONKEY (Premiere) A daredevil pilot In lhe South PacJflC ballles slnoster German spies Bild a Eur111ian prin- cess wtlh 1ne ~P of his one-eyed dog. his mechanl<: and e be1ulllul undercover spy G MOVIE • * • ·~ "Moulln Rouge" I 19521 Joae Ferrer, COiette Marchand. Amldsc the care life of Paris. renowned art· Isl Touloute-Lautrec llruggles with lhe diSH• ters and rejOlce• In the loves ol his life .r> MOVIE • *°" "Ouel Ill The Jun- gle" ( 1954) Oana Andrews. JeMne Crain An lneur. ~man lnvnttgallng the dealh of • diamond com· pany axecut~ llnda lhe man alive and lnvOIViK! 111 a swlndll. fE THEMOST ENDANOEAED SPECIES ... OEOAOIADAMSOH Jonn Houston narrll" • profile of George Adll'l'I• son, a men whO has ~t l"l!Ol1 ol hi• Ill• davoted to the cere and aurvlvel of Wiid gama In E111 Alrk:• (RJ (C)MOVIE • •·~ "American Gigolo" ( 1980) Richard Gere. Lau- ren Hulton A Beverly Hiiis OIQolO becomes fh8 p1lm1 suspect In 1 murder lnwr1- tlgallon. 'R' ('ft) COUNTRY MUSIC U.S.A. Roy Clerk hotll I IOUtlno country mualC letllval from hi• hom••-,, OI Ind• pendence. Kansu. thll -11ic.LuJlfl cllcil. kOllOl!)'· wellerll gruas u Me<le H•ggard. Charlie Rici!, Johnny Lee Ind lacy J Dallon CO) MOVIE * * * "loal Horlzoll" ( 1937) Ronald Colman. Jane Wy111. A kidnapped diplomat dltcovera the Himalayan kingdom of Sh11119r1-La. a placa of ele<n1t peace and lmm0t- 1alily. CIJ BIZAME "Fenlasy 11tand Catting" 9MOVIE • * * * "Gigi" ( 1958) Maurlc;e Chlvelier. l.ealle Caron A 1omb0y being groomed by her aunt and grandmother Mis out on her -n to calch • man 1:30 Cl) ELECTION '12 (S)MOVIE * * "HNr1beops" (1981j Andy l<eufman. Berlll· detle P1ter1. In a world of the near fulur1, two com· mercl•I robots el(p8(lence the vlclllltudes of first love. 'PG' t :OO tJ ('{) MOVIE "Mild In Amef'lce" (Prem- ier•) Suaen Clark. Alex Kuras. A promln1n1 lemele •ttorney, eccuted of sexual dlacrlmlnauon, 11 forced lo 8CC891 an unem• plO)'ed mele wtlo anSW«S her ed for 1 llve-ln maid. fD Cl081HG RANKS The effort• of Brltlah 1n1e111- gence to uncover a poeal- ble Soviet Infiltrator 1n lh81r mldsl ere fottowed In thlt thriller starring Jot• Ackland end Harry Andrewa. (R) @ MOVIE *'h "Enell .. s love" (1981) Brooke Shlelds. Merlin H-111 A 17-year-Old's obMUlve love 10< his 15· ye11-0ld girlfriend leads 10 parencal conflk:IS end treg. edy 'R' 9:30 G 8 FAMILY TIES (Premiere! A liberel couple era eppelled When their ton •~Pia a lllObbllh g1rr1 invitallon 10 1 d•na• at e rntrlctld counlry club a!) SOUTH IAONX: WORK IN PA00"°8 Eetl Caldwell t.0111 a look at the elfO<ta ot Soulh Bron• reald8tlta to retlore housing, build sale neigh· borhooda. bflng bullneu- " end jobs to the erea, and educate lhelr children. (Al (%)MOVIE * • .. "Ptay It As II Layt" C 1972) Tuud1y Weld. Anthony P1tkln1 A former ec1resa becom" dlalllu- •loned with marrl•ge. mothert.Ood and Ille 10:00., 8 QUtffCY Quincy 11tempt1 to prove lhtt Iha dNlh Of I young glrl WhO Wit lllllCked b'( h4lt ~uard doO 1111•• no1 en lacc;"fij~ HIWI di OYNMTY CHANNEL LISTINGS A ahocklng ••rlu ol event• th111ten1 lo detlrOy lhl C1rrtngtoll lemlly (Al 9 KN)(T (CBS! D KN8C INBCI • KTLA (Ind ) 8 KABC tABCI e 1CFM8 iCBSl fl KHJ·TV (Ind I e KCS'f (ABCI e KTTV (Ind.I •• KCOP·TV (Incl.) .a KCET IPBSl e ICOCE tP8Sl 0 On·T'll J l. TV 14 HBO C 1C1rwmu1 •JJ (WOAI NY I N y l1b tWTOS) !I I IESPN) r•> ($h0wllmel • Sc>olllont • (~bit News N•twork) e IOUTH llQOC WoMt IN '"°°Mii EMI CeJd..n"'°911 • look al Ille ellOfll of 80Ulh 8r011• rMlcltrltt to retl0f'8 l'IOutlllQ. build .... ne1g11. bothOOda. 1>r1no bu._. .. Ind jOOI to ltle ., .. , end ectucal1 fhllr "Cfllldfen. ~MOVll •••• ''Robin Md M•l-en" (tt7f) ... n Connery. ~ Heelburn An Cider trlppt'd ovt.>r ll tonight " T\\Mt ia aom" t•lt'!vcr wrHlng In "F amily 'l'i<·s." but 1mrnl' probh.•mlf comt• lo mind ulxlut u ~·1·it'll lllrt-MIOJ( u '60•· '8011 Umc wurp. Will the humor cmly up!K'ul to th~ flowt•r children and t1ctivh1t:oi of lh1.• '60'! Will the show h.• ublt' to progress from lta onl!'· joke theme? 8ulli11gum, ll HC"nd(l mun who ar\8W< nt un &dvcs'tlsom<•nt for u ltvn-ln ml\1d Tht' ~,i, t·e>ml'li opc•n bt>i:UU!JU the fflrnlly'111 m111d hi dcprt•KHCd Ht•r until.,. muy bf· ROmc uf ttw e;illit'tlt, ovN·dn1wn -rv· moment.Ii this y1·ar, und ttw •rv :woson d()(.'s11'l oftidully tx·uln until nc•xt Wt't•k Buffmgton totik t:Urt! of hi11 1.1CVon sistors unJ motht•r, but thlll drll"Sn't lmprt•1»1 Cotht•rlr1t' Abel, u \Jivorctod luwyt•r living with her two t'hlldrc•n , grundmmher, aunt und futhf'I . Abel i11 played by Sumin (;turk, Mrli. Karras tn real lift!. If not, no mutter how funny th<• mate rial, lt'11 bound t.o get tiring. 1'h« charat't~ra are gulng l.O huvl' to mal<t• 11ome conc.·01111ion~ rmtch •ome accommCJdationjAlfong the way. GrOiS brings u rela><cd naturalism to the father, but Baxtcr-Birnoy who played Nancy in "Family'' seems WO young-looking to be the motht·r of two teen-agers. * Becau1w of tlw rebuff, Cal fik•21 u f(lVC'rse discrimtnatton suit. Tlw judgt• gives him the job, making tor im unlikely fumily arran~Pmenl. "Maid In Amerka" starta out as an annoying film, but is saved from disaster by a warm, g e nuine performance by Alex Karras. The former football star and "Monday Night Foothnll" Annn1tntv•r plavs Cal "Maid in America," a tht•owback Lo the romuntic Cilms of the 19:l0s-'40s, raises valid points about liberal hypocrisy and job discrimination. But it's too silly to be given serious <·onsideration. •nd WINI Robin HOOO return• from ballla lo Sherwood Fore11 10 rec:lalm his beloved Miid Marian. who hae enrared e (!Onvenl and taken her VOWt 'PG' (0}MOVIE • • "Hell Night" ( 198 I) Linda 81a1r. Vincent Van Panen A• pert or their lnl- llellon. lrlternlly and · aororlty pledges 11>41nd a night In e spooky, suppos- edly abandoned manalon 'R' (S)MOVIE * * "Sarange Behavior" Strenge experlmen11 eon. dueled on children and • crazed murderer turn a qulel mldw"larn COiiege town ln10 a lranry. 'R' 9MOVIE * • • 'n "Allen" (1979) Tom Skerrltt, Ytphet Kol- to. The crew 01 a apacego- lng KflP carrier follow • myat.nous eignel to a eup. potedly dead planet and. alter ltndlng. dlteowr that the me1Mge WN a wern- ~ to 111y away. 'R' 10:ao m~ NJTWOM N1W8 CD NO AOOM "°" WASTE 11:00eea ooa a NEWS 8 SATURDAY NIGHT Hoel: Strolher Martin Guetts· TM Speciela 1J MAD~E'8 PLACE ID M'A'S'H Mall caM bring• • hint to Hen~ that. hi• WU. mey 1:18 atrayl,,g and upHttlng news to Father Mulcahy ., STREETS Of' 8AN FRANCISCO A comer -i>4IP8fl'l•n Hll out to fllld who robbed !\Im wtl«I hla Ille'• uvlngs are etolen. • IUllNU8 MJ'ORT ISD DOCTOR IN THE HOU8E Ouocen rfC81VN • ,..._ 011m from an American V~I (t1) NOT NECUSAAIL Y THE NEWS Comedy •ketches combine with CltUk: fjlm and -· footage on an oflbeaa, saUrl<: lelce-oll 11:18 (Z)CINEMASOOAE 11:30 9 ()) ARCHIE 8UHKER'8 PLACE A bu.tneum•n t.icN over Harry's ln1er .. 1 In the ~ and bec-Arehle's ..- P•r1net. (P~ 2)(R) G IB TONIGHT Hott: Johnny Ca,.on. G..-ta-Ric;h81'd BenJ•mln, the M•nl't•ll.,, Trana!«. G ilt ABCHEWS NIOHTUHE G YOU ASKED FOR IT FHtured. "France'• Wall 0.-V" and "The Pellurl ls A Mayor .. ID THEJ~OH8 Florance's baltllng p11en1a pay the Jel!erton 11ou ... hold 811 UM)lpected Yiall. tli) CAPTIONED Alie NEWS (H)MOVIE 11t * "The Pilot" (1980) Cliff Robertaon, Diena Baker. A pilot turnt lo drinking 10 escape the unhapplneat of hie mer- rlage and the lruatrellon of his c.r-'PG' (%)MOVIE * * "Looker" ( 198 I) Albert Finney, JlmH Coburn The myttwloua clealhs of • Mfl8I of beau- tlluf models lnvotved In • n-adver111lng projec1 are blamed on 1"8 ptutlc suroeon who operated on them. 'PG' 11:48 MOVIE * * '..\ "Llltle Oarllngs" (1980) Tatum O'NHI, Krl .. ly MCNk:hof At 1111m~r camp. two teen-age glrla compele lo -who will ~ the 11111 lo loH her Yirgllll· ty. 'R' 1 t:llO CC) MOVIE "Luncll Wagon" (1981) Diet. Ven Penen. Chuck McC~. A lunch wagon become• the center or the mob'a 11tent1on when the _,,.,, atumble upon a f)ftceleN diamond. 'R' 12:00 . INTl,.TAIHMINT TONIGHT lntervleWt with.Merit Httn· ~ B!7 DH Wllllame •9 LOVSIOAT TUBE TOPPERS KTLA (5) 7:30 ~ Angels Baseball. The Halos close out their cruciaJ home series with the Kansas City Royals. ABC (7) 8:00 -"T a les of the Gold Monkey.'' A new TV adventure movie set in the South Paci fic, starring Stephen Collins. KHJ (9) 8:00 -''Moulin Rouge." Jose Ferrer portrays the famous French artist Toulouse-Lautrec in this movie drama from 1952 which features the Oscar- winning song, "Where is Your Heart?" CBS (2) 9:00 -uMaid in America." Pro football player turned actor Alex Karras stars as a "maid" in this TV movie comedy with Susan Clark. ti) LOVE. AMIEJUCAN STYL.l "love And The Man Of Thi Ye1r" Monty mull leltn that .charity begins et home. "Love And The btre Job" Mernle jumps out of cakes lor • nighl· U~jOb. (O)MOVIE * • "Se• Througtt A Win- d-" ( 19721 JOhn Norman. Bare Symes A TV report- --4 -88119"menf 10 lhow- tne -wtth wtllctl pr\v.,. C)' c.,, VIOiated 1urn1 ln10 e Plflonal obseulon wllh YO)'elH'llm. 'A' 9MOVIE "Sir~ a.tlevlor" 12:08 8 CJ) MOVIE * * "Mr Bllllon" (1977) Terence Hill. Vllerll Pet· rlne. An lt•ll•n euto rnecllenle tnhefill • for. lune but rnuat _t,,., a _... ol Pttlloul llC.t- padM befOf• he cen COi- iect It. (R) 12:30 G Q! LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID lf'TTEllMAN GuesfS· Merv Grittln, PM Wee Herman. 8 COUPLE$ .., LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE , "love Alld The Itchy ~ "'dlllon" Lucy ancs Andr- meet ill • der"'-tologfaf's offtce "love And The Stutter" Howard saert• atullerlng ~ he'a ,,.., his bell friend's wife 1 :00 U MOVIE * 1ft * "Slella OellH" (1937) Berbare Stanwyck, JOhn 6olea. A women NC• rlfleea everything tor Ille love of her deughl«. • MOVIE * * * "The S•vege lnno-eentt" ( tH 1) Anthony Quinn. Yollo Tanl Gr.ec:ty white fllr llad«a disrupt the Ille of an Elklmo hunt· «. 1:108 MOVIE **~ "Trun.k To Celro" ( 1907) Audie Murphy, George S•ndef'a-A roellel faclory It the 1erge1 10< a secret 11G9"l -.lgned 10 destroy the atomic weap- ons being '"'Id t~. 9 NEWS ®MOVIE * •'A "Student Bodi"" ( 19811 Kristen Rlte1, Met1h•w Ooldaby. A helyY•brHlhlng ptychohC killer 11alk1 the lun-lovlng 1tudent1 ot a typieal Amer- ICen high IChOOI. 'R' 1:18 Cl)MOVIE • • *"' "Soldler Of Orange' ( 1979) EdwlfCI Fo•. SuNn Panllellgon Six ctanmetM 11 • Outoh untverllty go their MPI• rlll WI~ When-bl'Mkl out In El/lope. 'A' 1:20~MOVIE • e • "Su1>«11V" ( 1972) Aon O'NHI, Cerl L ... A Herlem drug pusher decldet to Invest ell of hit -~ In one fln•I. rnator dffl before 1a11r1ng from ll'le "bull111H.'' 'R' ..OVll! *** "Outland" (1981) Se•n Conn11y, P111r 80)1141. A apece m11thel ln'181tlg1t" 1 r .. h Of mys• terloua .,_11'1• wllhln 1 mlnlllQ colony on one of Juplttr't moon• 'A' 1:80 G QI NIC NIW8 OVIANIQKT (Q)MOVll • * "A.turn Of Tiie Ota· gon" (1972) Bruce LM, Chuc.I! Norrta. A m.Wll arta exper1 journeya from Hong Kong 10 Rome to hetp • fflend Who la In trou· bll wilh the mob 'A' 2:GO ID MOVIE *'A "MIMlon T 0 Moroc- co" (1959) Lex Berker. Fernando Rey. Fotlowif\g Ille murder of • man with votal lnformellon lboul the eaact 1oca11on or r1ci't Oii -Gepolll1....-AITl4Wlc:en oll- baron HI• ott on 1111 lnlen- slve seerch IOf the mlcto- fllm he felt behind. 0MOVll * * "MUHC,. At Centre! Hloh" ( 1918) Andfl/IW St .. vent, Robert Owradlne. A c;ruHdl ,., ,.1181)0• begins efler • lir8lllt ,.... W«ll too flt w•• pulled on the Quletar lludenll by e group of •l>Or1d 111011- ecl'IO(lt frlelldt, 'R' t:20 8 H!Wt 2:30Q!NEWS 2:400 HEWS (tf) MOVIE * ,.., "Endtesa L.ow" ( 1981 l Brooke Shlefda. Martin Hewttl A 17 -year-Old't obMHl'll love for hla 1S- year-Old glrttrlend leads 10 paren1a1 conllk:la and trag· edy 'R' 2;80 tJ MOVIE * * * ·~ "The Wrong Bo.x" (J9661 John Mills, Relph Rldllfdton SllC people 11141 tor a trusl fund lhel ahOUld rlghllUlly go 10 only one of them. 2;86 CC) MOVIE • * ~ "It Uvet A.gain" ( 1978) Fredet1C Forree1. l<alhleen Lloyd A number of ooupl" llnd their joy ove1 he\llng • b1by changed Into n11Ye· 1ha11wlng l«ror when lhe lnlena• -ge .. Clewed rnon11M1. 'R' 3:008 MOVIE * * * "My Foofllh HHfl" (19~0) Dana Andrewa, Susan Haywerd A preg- nant young woman finds herMll In despair Whan het soldier lowr la kllled Clur- l~ lhe wer. 3:10 (SJ MOVIE * • "Heer1beepl" ( 1981) Andy Keufmtn, Berna- dette Pet1t1 In • world 01 lhe near IUIUte, two com- merclal robot• ei1perllnGe the vtclslllfu~ of llret IOY•. 'PQ' 3:ao m MOVIE • • "Chlnchero" ( 1971) Dennis Hopper, Stella Gar- cia A movie ~-lllmlng an Amer;can W111ern In Ille mountains of Peru encounler • group of netl\les with Ideas of tl>elr own OMOVIE • • "8•111 .. tar Oa11etk:e, Conquest Of The Eerlh" ( 1980) Lorne GrMl18. Kent McCord The 01lactlce reaches Earth olOMI)' pur- aued by a Cylon 111ac1t force 1n11n1 on d"rroylng !he planet. 1:48 (1, MOVll * • 8 "Pfly fl Al II llyt" I 1972) Tuead•y Weld. Antl\Ony P1<kln1 A f0<mer 11Ctresa t>ecomee tllslllV• atoned with m1rrl1ge, motherhood and Hie. 4:30 CC) MOVIE • • • * "Ruhomcn" ( 19&0) Muhlto Kyo, Toal\110 MllUM. ThlOUOfl. Wlff or llathbl()lt._ .,. Prerniere due Danny Dt!Vito of the hit comedy "Taxi" -which switc hes from · ABC le NBC this seo on -announces another impending productipn. His wife, llhca, will give birth to their first child in Murch . elghth-ce11lury :lep•neH wOodcuttar recounts his veraton or 1 repe.murder to • 8uddhls1 pr1e11 and a aervanl CS) BIZARRE "Fantasy ISiand Casting" 4:40C11 l MOVIE * * "'r "The Looney, Loo- ney Looney Bugs Bunny Movte" C 198 t) Anlmeled Vooc:es by Mel Blanc, June Foray Thur•day~. Dnyl i111e Movie• 11:30 CC1 • • •1r "Adam's wom. 1n" (1972) '41eu Bridget, John Miiia. A wrongly 1mp1i1W1ned ••llor anernpts to win l\11 r8MeM by mar- ryjno 811 inlluenllal woman. 12:00 G ••'It "Pipe Dreama" ( 19701 Glad)'• Knlghl. Bar- ry Hankerson. A jllled women purauetJ IHI! w•y· ward husband ell lhe way lo the Aluk1n Plpetlne. rsi * * "The Blue Lagoon" (1980) BrOOke Sh1eld1, Chrtafopher Alklnt Two c111eway chil- dren grow to •dOlee<:ence on• remote. Soulh PllClfic llland end eapetlence the pangs of firal love. 'R' 9 • • 'A "The HIA.tllllng Of Julla" ( 1977) Mia Fll- 8:00 {S) • * "My Champion" row, Keir Oullea. Ah« ( 1981) Yoko Shlmad1. recovering from en emo- Chrla Mitchum. The true llonal crllllt, e woman pur- story Of a female Jap-chases • house that runnl"'ll champion ls tOld. appea,. to t>e haunled. 'A' 0 **•·~"Allen" ( 1979L 12:30 Q) • * "lt'a A Wonder1ul Tom Skerrlll. Yapl\et Kot· World" 11939) Cl.udetle to Th• crtrN ol a •PIGeO<>-COlbef-1, James Stewen. A log IO{•P carrlef follow a noted poet-helps a myatertOU$ aigllll to • aup. young p<ivate detecllve posedly deed planet Md. find• kllle< alter landing. dlacowr that 1:00 (Jj} •*'It "Tullpa" ( 19811 lhe 1M111ge was • warn-Gabe Keplan. Bernadette '"'II to stay away. 'A' Peters. When he falls In 5:30 C.Z:l * * "Blonde Venus" love. • auleldal man tries lo (1932) Marlene ~lrlcti, cencel the conlract he put Cary Grant When a wom-out on htmMff. an trt" to support herMll 1: 16 (l) * • •1r "Url>an Cow- and h« child while het boy"' ( 1980) John Travotta. hu1band Is Ill. her elforta Debra WinQer. A blue-(;ol. lead to an llllcll affair ler worker wno fancies ~:00 CC) • • "lei's Oo II hlmHlf • moci..to-dey -"981n~HW~tdney PQF-cowboy falls in rove with a Her. Bill Coaby A mllkman girt he "'"''in a populat and 1 rKtory worker country-Md-Wn bar 111\gtge In belling and h'fP· 'PG' oouam to raise funds for 1:30 (t) • • "Let's Oo II lhelr lodge 'PG' Aga.n" ( 1975) Sidney POl- 7:00 (Z) ••'II "Urben Cow-lier, 8111 Cosby. A milkmen boy" (1980) JOl'tn Travotte, Biid I fec1ory worker Debra Winger. A CIMKO!· .erlllag8 In belling end fWP- lar WOr11er wno renci. not,_,, to <eiM IUnd9 '°' himsell • modern-day their lodge 'PG' · cowbOy fells In love w1111 • 2:00 0 * * * * "Gigi" ( 1958) girt IJt meet• In 1 poQUlar ' Maurtce Cheveller, Lftlle COlfl"Y•ano--ttem bar. Cwoo. ,. tom~ l)elflg •po· orOO!tled tiv ,,.,. ..,. Ind 1:00 fC) * **'Ir "The Hanging grtNlmother MU our on Tree" ( 19591 Gery C0091<. her own 10 eelch a "'-n Marta Schell A doctor kflls 3:00 (HJ • • • "The Thlny.Nlne •man wlllle rescuing e glrl Steps" ( 1978) Rober1 Pow. and Is 1lmott lyncn.d by e en, Otvld Warner A man drunken mob becomes Ille quarry of IHI *** "FCibl Play" both lhe l>Oltce and a ( 1978) GOldie Hawn. Chevy secret group 01 fore;gn Chase A. llbrarte" 8flltets .gents operating In Eno· the aid or an inept po11c;e lanes Wl'8fl h8 11 fr.med for detective a lier she •stranger's mYrder. 'PG' l>ecomes lnvOlved Ill a 3:30 <%l • • "Blonde Venus" blzeHe series of murders ( 1932) Marlene Dletnch. and kldn~ng at1emp1a C.ry Gran! When a wom- ( Sl 0 **"Hanger 18" en tries 10 auPPOrt herMlf ( 1980) Oatren McGevln, end he< Child While lier ROblrt Veughn. AeMarch-husband Is m. '* afforta ers 11 • aec:rel government ... d 10 en llticlt ettlir instellatton 1nve111g11e the 4:00 G * •1r "Moonllre" ( 1970) cause of • aatelllle's aud· Richard Egan.. Sonny Lis. den destrucuon 'PO' lort A fOl'f'n8t Nazi IMng 1 ~:t() ID * * ·~ "Hetl Dove<s" luaurlout Hie in MIXICO 11 (1931) Clark Geb ... Wal-ralded by • band of beCI •-8"ry World War I hombres "dogflgllters" enc0unle< ct)•*• "JKk The Giant pet801l81 rivalry 1>81_.. KOiar • ( 19621 K.,wln b8Ules Maanews, Judi Mel'edlfh. (%) * * "I Could Never Altet reeculng the king'• Have Se• With Any Man deugnter from a huoe Who Has So little Regard mon11er. • young farm lad For My Husbe"d" ( 11173) la r-arded for his hero· Carmine Carldl. Andr-Ism Ouncan 5:00 (fV * * "The Kid From 10:00 C1J * • • ~ "The Crowded Nol.So-Big" ( 1978) Jen- S k y" ( 1960) Dena niter McAlllalM, Robert Andrews. Rhonda Flemlng VIMrO A 12-year-old git! A Navy jet manned by lndl· finds hertelf In Md out of vtdu111 with prestlng per-!rouble While runnlnO lhe tonal p1oblems unwfltlngly town ~ fall• into the path of all COJ •*'A "Bleck Beeuly" oncoming PHHnger (1971) Merk Les1et, Weller plane. Slelllk BBMCI on lh8 story (t) * • • •-. "Brlan·s by Anna Sewe4t A p<oud Song" ( 1971) James Cean, end ~Y beeulif\ll Biiiy Dee Williama Two horM ••P«lenclet many football pl1yer1 share 1 diverea OW'*$. rare friendship until cancllf (S) * • • "N<wth 8)' Claims one of them NOl'lh-t" ( 1959) C.ry * * "C.lleway Went Gr1n1. E"va Marie Selnt An Thataway" (1951) Howard ad\lertialng man's t~ 11 Keel. Fred M1cMurrey. Chlnged drHtlea/ly ..nen Wiien • former cowboy he It mfltelcen to< • CIA ldOl's film• become popu. ~t. lar on TV end the orlolnal D * * "Jack And The 11ar cart'I be loceted. two 8e1nstalll'' ( 1978) Anl"'-f• sharp oper11ora lry to get ed. An ad"9nturoua you119 en Impersonator to kees> boy cllmba 1 giant bean· lhl crue going ttelk to• meoic-a •lngdom 11:00 ()fl * • "Ctnnonbell Run" go\le(ned by • or-'Y. 11881) Burt Reynold•. Dom 1rr_•nnfcel 011n1, ·o· Deluise. varloue oddb•ll 8: 18 CZ> ••"°'"The Looney, cll•ractera com1>41t• In a looney, Looney 8ugs Bun. COHH<>-COHI •uto rece. ny Movie" (1N 1) A~mlt- 'PQ' ed V~ by Mel Blanc, (l)•••'t "Tt1e Mlll June F0<ay Hew m.1terlal Who Would 8• King" I• blended wjfh Old In tfllt ( 1975) SHn Conn1ry, compllallon 01 clullo F1lt1 Mleh ... C.IM. Bated on Freteng "Looney Tune," the aloty by R1.1cfy1td l(Jpt.. tn1urlng lug•. 01(1)' Ing TWO Brlllah eofdi.t• OucA. POl'ky Pig, YC>Nftllt• Ml OUI to clelm tl'la rleM* Stm. T-11• Pie llld otll· llld Po-ol • 1em<>I•. era from the 01noon leOt"d•rv litnocson'I ·po· ~-·a· by Armstrong & Batluk A min convtncee Gopher thet a ternale PMMnger I• from outtr 191¢8, 01Ptaln SlublnO It MdllCed by 1 IOf!Mt Qlrlf1*'«1, Ind I rnodt4 pr.,en<1a 10 be m1r- ri.<1 (A) G MOVll _________ _, __ '"".""'" __ --'\ * 11t * "Tile HOf.. 8~· dletl" ( 1989) JoM Weyflt, WINlll'l'I Hol<Mn. Tiit Union cevalty dllvet IOWflf<l 1.0lll• 111111 1mioe1 "'90tlll con• ttlcta .,.,wttn lht offlotr1 Oii iiie tubjtc1 Of-· • MOVll * • * "A Oamtlel In Olt- lr-" (11371 Freet Ael.ite, Joen ,ontllfte. A lfltlel'I Mff-,. tWooecl .,,. .,, Amtrlotn <l•nNr wflo btlitYel tile II • GflofVI Ofll -·· W!ON!SOAY, SEPT. 22, 1982 rli Dodsers lo 1 -but o did Atlanta and the edge i till three game . C2. Sconiers a big hit for the big club By CURT SEEDEN or .... .,.., ....... ..,, Darryl Sconiers has had a taate of big league bueball before, IO he was naturally disappointed when hia name was not on the 1982 Angela' roeter back in April. Sconiers, in fact, performed a pretty good disappearing act rather than report to the Angels' Triple A farm club In Spokane right away. But once he got some "pertlOnal things" ironed out, he joined the Indiana for the remainder of the aeason, hoping for the chance to join a pennant- contending big club. And with one swing Tuesday night, the 23-year-old former Orange Coast College star got his wi.sh -smashing a Dan Quilenberry ainker up the middle to score pinch-runner Gary Pettis i.n the bottom of the ninth Inning to give the .AnJrels a 2-1 victory over Kansas City at Anaheim Stadium. "It waa an lndeecrlbable feeling. T.he only thing on my mlnd wu getting a hit. I di~n'1 catt how I got It," Sconlera admltted after the game. A crowd of 62,416, already on Ila feet and clapping with anticipation, went to\ally bonkers as the Oeet-foot.ed PetUa ecampered acroea home plate to put the Angels two games ahead of the Royala in the American League West. "It was my first appearance of the night and I just wanted to make a big hit," Sconiers continued. "With the crowd up cheering, I didn't want to spoil it." • Hia dramatic bue hit did spoil a determined effort by the Royala, who ecratched for a run in the top of the eighth inning off Angel starter Ken Forsch to temporarily notch the score at 1-1. But with one awing, the Royala droJ)~ their sixth straight game, and to add insult to lnJury, lost Amertcen Leegue Weat "l talked to Resgl., flnit. He told me to took down becawe he (Qullcnberr)1 releases the-ball 1round hle knees. He aald the ball'• golns to be down," Sconten recounted. Angela ~als W L Pct. OB 86 65 .570 84 67 .556 2 GAM9a UllAIMNQ ~L8 (11) -HOMe (4)' s.p1 22. Ktn ... City, Oct 1. 2. 3, Te11M AWAY (7), Sec>t 23, 24, 2&, 26, Tea ... Sec>t 27, 21, 29. "I've aeen Qultenberry before but I had never faced him. I jwat did what eome of the vela were telling me," Sconiers added. Angel Manager Gene Mauch said he had made his mind up to uae Sconiers In a pinch-hitting role before the game had even started. KanM8Citv l<tn ... City (11) -(71 Sept 21, 28. 29. Aft9t141; Stc>I 30. Oct I, 2. 3. Oakland AWAY (4) Sept 22. A ....... Sept 24. 25. 21. Oaki.od the game with the American League leader m saves on the mound. Sconiers was the first to adnut that he hadn't burned the midnight oil learning how to get a hit off the Royals' relief speclallat. Instead, it took just a little bit of advice from a couple of veterans named Reggie Jackson and Rod Carew. ''I knew that If I had to hit for (Mick) Kelleher or (Rick) Adams and Quisenberry waa pitching, I w ould go with Sconiers," Mauch admitted. ''The only thing I can tell you Is that he was very comfortable in both of his at-bats in Toronto (la.st weekend) against Dale Murray." Meanwhile, ForBCh also looked comfortable in notching hls 13th victory against 10 defeats in what (See SCONIERS, Page CJ> Don 't get physical with this bicyclist By HOWARD L. HANDY O(tM Oelty Not llaff Phil Guarnaccia got into bicycle racing because he felt he needed a change of pace. That isn't such a startling statistic from the facl sheet concerning those involved in the U.S. National Crit.erium bicycle c hampionships in Costa Mesa near"Fstancia High Saturday and Sunday. Guamaccia isn't your average. run-of-the-mill rider or racer. Far from it. For one thing, he's 67 years old. yet he competes with riders almost half his age -and wins. His division is for riders 35-and-older . work and I've accumulated so much back time I can affor~ to take time off if I need to. It's like having a savings account. You put a little more in each time you deposit and you can afford to ... take some out." GuamacCla is a self-employed e lectrical con tractor by pro- fession, but says: "I'm on Social Security and I collec.t my checks and train all day." That's hardly the case. He is physical fitness devotee from the word go and his finn In Brea is testimony to his outlook on life, not only for himself but for his employees as well. · In 1952, Guarnaccia weighed 21~ pounds on a""5;1tfnme. hwas all muscle, however. and he was named Mr. California that year. "I stall have the contracting business because it is the only way I can affora to ride a bic~-.c ""'e-. ---111 I have Cour stationary inooor Brea's Phil Guarnaccia (seated) will compete in the National Criterium senior bicycle races Saturday in Costa Mesa. He's 67. It's a very big Week • ID He has bee n a competitive w e ight lifter and stresses physical perfection in his everyday life. "I work out 5 1h hours six days a week and I don't think I have missed five w orkouts in 54 years," he says. "I have a gym workout in the morning and ride in the afternoon. What time I have missed in workouts, I have made up with extra work. "When I feel good. I do extra bicycles for training and I have eight r oad bikes that run between $1,500 and $2,100 each. And I'm buying another one right now. I spend more on bicycles than I do on cars. And I ride farther (8,000 miles annually) than I drive. "M y tires cost more than automobile tir es (about $60 apiece) and I buy them by the box. A good tire. if you don't puncture 1t, should last about (8« DON'T, Page CZ) prep football OCC alums determine decision 25,000 expected for Edison-Banning; Marina, HB seek to stay unbeaten By JOHN SEV ANO 0( ... .,..., ""°' a..., Kansas City relief ace Dan Quisenberry was sitting at his cubicle, removing hia undershirt, whe n a reporte r t hrus t a microphone up to hia face. "TouJ{h loss, wasn't it?" he asked of the pitcher, who only momenta earlier had served up the winning single to Angel pinch-bitter Daryl Sconiers in the Royals' 2-1 defeat. "It was?" said Quisenberry with a 'deadpan look. "How can you tell?" "Well, by the way it ·happened?" answered th e reporter. "What do you mean, 'by the . way lt happened'?" Quilenberry snapped back. 1 "You know ," was th e reponer's reply. "No I don't," Quisenberry countered with a straight face. "There are a lot of ways you can loee a game. "Sometimes lt'a by throwing a palled ball; 10n>elimel it's with a wild pitch; 80metimes lt'a with a double: aometlme• it's a triple; 80f'Detimea it'a a fly bail: sometimes lt'a a ground ball: tometimes it'• by forfeit. "Tonight. lt just happened to be a slnele." By now, Quisenberry waa smiling. He couldn't contain himllelf any Jonaer. Although the sting of loalng another 1ame to the Angels waa painful, the rt,tlt-handed linkerbeller hadn't to.this teNe of humor. In a avange twilt of fate, both Quisenberry -and the batter who beat him (Sconlen) -eech attended Oranp Cout Collep, althouah not at the aarne Ume. Quisenberry wH a Pirate In 1972-73, while Sconiers made a 'shori one -year (1977) appearance. Qulaenberry saiCI he remembered mHtlna Sconien once. and had evetl watched him play at • member of lh• (SM ALUMS, Pa1• Cl) By ROGER CARLSON Of IM 0.., ..... ataitr They're talking in terms of 25,000 in anticipated attendance for Saturday night's prep football duel at Anaheim Stadium between Los Angeles City power Banning and Edi.Ion High of the Sunset League -and that's just part of what is one of the bigger weeks of the 1982 season. Unbeaten Marina and Foothill. ranked 2-3 i.n Orange County by the Daily Pilot, tangle on Friday at Orange Coast College; Huntington Beach and L os Amigos both go for their third straight victory when they meet Thuraday night. Here's a look at each of this week's games involving Daily Pilot teams ln Week No. 3, final tuneups for upcomlng league play for Sea View and South C.OOSt League teams: S.n•lnlt 1'.S. Etllt1on Banning "'Coach Chris Ferragamo aaya hi.a 1982 Pilots are potentially hi.a bett- ever team, and that's a mouthful considering a record which includes aix s traight Los Angeles city titles and a 61-5 rerord. The Pilot.a. average out at 6-3, 236 from tackle to tight end and feature an ace option quarterback in Ronnie Barber, for a tatters. Two of hia backs boast 4.6 speed out of the veer and if things aren't touah JOtl MOWOTNY INC LAWTON enough for F.cilson's offense, which has shown potential only in Its passing game, Banning's secondary is one of Ferragamo's brighter areas. This, however , is Banning's initial start (Los Angeles city schools are just beginning) while it's Edison's fourth same (Ectlaon began a week earlier with lta trip to Hawaii). Edison Coach Bill Workman aaya he has made more changes in his lineup ln attempt to right a ship that i.a moving too slow. A week ago he shifted middle linebacker Andy Sinclair to offenalve tackle, but even that additional help didn't do mueh for a struggling offen'le. F.cil.aon ia 2-1 after a s=-o setback to Vista, the first ahutout abeorbed by an Edi90n team in 83 games. J on Nowotny, who caught four passes against Vl.sta, could become even more involved in F.ciison's air attack. Foothill 1'S. Marina James Laird, who bolted for back-to- back touchdown runs of S4 and 26 yards against Fountain Valley a week ago, is the main cog In Foothill's running game, revolving around the trailing back. Foothill was 13-1 a year ago and the ClF Southern Conference kingpin, its only blem.Lah a 24-14 setback to Marina. Marina Coach Dave Thompson says the difference a year ago was that hia team's defente "didn't allow Foothill to punch, punch, punch, except for a couple of drives." Bill Marler will start for the Vikings after guiding Marina to a 30-0 triumpn at San Luis Obispo. Laird ran for 180 yards on 24 carries against Fountain Valley 24 yards less than Foothill's total offense. Hantln6t•n 1'8. Les Aml•os Each OWT\f a 10-point margin of vic- tory over Loe Alamltoe and each la 2-0. Huntington Beach Coach Greg Henry says the Oilers will be entering at full strength and that the key to containing Los Amigos la the ablllty to read lta keys against a lot of Cl'OISing action. With 10 returning starters, led by All-Garden Grove League running back Speedy Reeves and 6-2, 240-pound defensive tackle Cliff McNeil, Los Amigos may be Huntington Beach's stiffest test prior to Sunset League play. Loa Amigos features quarterback Andy Tarango and is the CIF Central Conference's No. I-rated team. Danny Thompson's statistics now re- flect a 4.5 average per carry and an- other junior. quarterback Eric Lawton, has completed 19 of 37 for 250 yards and no interceptions. Newport 1's. tt'estmlnster Newport Harbor Coach Mike Gid- dings says his SaUora are returning to the basics after stumbling for the aec- ond time. Bruce Goodfield will start at quar- terback with Mike Wells in the wings. while Bill Brown conU.nues at fullback after a brief fling at quarterback, Tim Hanson has emerged as West- minster's answer tc?· a 1>84'ing game af- ter competing 11 of 23 for 152 yards and a touchdown last week. Westminster leads in the series, 9-6. in a series which began in 1967. Ca1llstr••o Jlalle,· 1's. Cdlfl F.ach is stlU look.in& for Its flrat victory and Corona del Mar is BearChing for ita second touchdown in what has been a (See BIG, Pqe Ct) Malavasi says no scab team will represent Rams . ' By JOHN SEV ANO Of'eMO.., ......... .. In juat two brief mhiutes late Tueeday afternoon, Rama Coach Ray Malavaal summed up the team's •trike pot!U.On, somethlna other club offk:lala, and even the NFL Management Council llaelf, couldn't decide throughout the entire <t.y. ·- The quest.ion poeed to Malavul aa he left Rama Park Tue.lay wu two·fold: a) Would the club field a 'acab' team, compriled of playera who would crom the picket Une, free acente and rookie.? b) 0oet he feel °"1"e wtll be any NFL ~on Sunday? To both the Rama CC>Kh pve a llrm .. no ... "The players have taken their aide, and the owners have taken theirs. The only way the NFL sealOn will resume is If the two partlea come to an aareement," aald Malavui. So, there you have it. The atrlke is offlclally on. And, 11 of today, the following will occur: -No playttt (act.ive, Inactive, Injured reierve and phyalcally unabfe lo perfonn) will be paid atart.ing the third week of the seuon. -Play•n wtll not be allowed to practice or work out at club factll\ln, club equipment wHJ not be made available to the p&ayen and clubl won't arranae for outaide practice or work f1dlU.'-OI' p@rmil any club p@nOl\Ml '° participate in player workouts or practices. -Starling today, players will not receive medical treatme nt or rehabilitation at club facilities although the club will be responalble for the coet of treatment or rehabilitation fumi•hed at outside fadllUee. What all this bolla down to, la a complete lockout by the ownera in retallallon to thCl playeri' walkout. And. It'• a comple~ ahutdown, too. Not even t~ players who want to play -I.e. "8)\t end Mike Barber. guard BUI Bain, Olk.land JK.lnter Ray Guy, and others - ' wtll be allowed thro\Ach their re.pect.lve praic:tke ...... '"l'hll ii not a betO., where tomtbody wins and somebody loeea," explained Rama owner Georgia f'rontiere. ·"We want our players back here and we want to reach an agreement as soon· as poaaible." Unfortunately. Frontlerc couldn't shed any light aa to just when that aettlement IN)' come. "This It very difficult for mt," she said, "becauR we're the hi1heat paid ' tearn In the leagu . I don't think the owners wuwd ~tr give • perceniap. They don't want to Mve pannera. "I don't think any of the pi.~ ttal)y want to st.rtke. 1bme .players that l'w talked to cenalnly don't One of lhoM plaY*S la Buber, who ( ... MAI.AVA.II. Pip Cl• l Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOT /Wedneedey, e.,tember II, 19H SC-Oklahoma game live on Channel 1 I' toe•1 hit lltt1 Boaton over Brewer• JI• ftlet 11n1led ho.M Ol•H II Heft ... •wlth two o..iw in tN 10th lftnlnl. Uftlnl .. ton '° I 4·S victory over "lellwaukee ind anapplnf tht ar.wen' lllL·pme wlnnlns 1lrMk Cn American Lea1u1 baatball action Tue1day ... Thtt Brewert maintained a two-11m~ lead over llaltbnore ln the Eut Dlvlalon u Mit t 1A11 doubled and llnaltd dwina Detroit'• etaht-run • third lMln• to lHd the Ttprt to an 11 • l wln. Linet Pari'ilh led the American Leaauo record for home runs by 1 c atch er with h11 10th ... Tim Coaroy pitched a tlvo·hlti.r tor hlt tlrtt major lea1ue victory H Oakland downed Texas, 6 -1 F'rom AP dl1p1tcbea ·. . . WUll• Upsllaw homered NORMAN , Okla . -The ~ and doubled t.o drlve. ln..two unive rsities of Oklahoma and Mii runs and Gar*' lor1 knocked Southern California on Tuesday in two more with three hita to lead Toronto over awarded a $260,000 contract to an Min neaota, 6-1 ... Second baseman Wlllle Oklahoma City televlaion station to broadcut AudelP''• error allowed the wlnnina N n to their Saturday football game, 11ehool officiala acore, capptna a tour-run rally u Cleveland beat said. New York e:a ln the fint aame of a twi-nlght The game will be shown Uve in Loa Angeles doublehMder. The Yankee1 won the nightcap, on Channel 11 ( 11 :30 a.m.), an lndependent 6-2, aa O.ve Rlpettt flred a ai.x-hltter. station unaffiliated to any network. It ls the first kno wn break from the te levision contract set up by the National Collegiate Athletic Association, which was voided last week in a ruling by U.S. District JudRe Juan Burciaga. Each school will get ~alf the money . Oklahoma President J.R. Morris said. Oklahoma would profit by approximately $27,777 after sha ring its proceeds with other members of the Big Eight Conference, he saJd . "We are very pleased." he said. Quote of the day "I thought about him before the pme. 1 thought it would be nice to win for him. He was a nice man; a super-guy. It really wasn't 'one for the Gipper,' or anythinff like that. I just thought it would be nice.' -Bob F orsch, St. Louis pitcher. reflecting on former Cardinals' third baseman Ke• Boyer, who died recently of cancer. Braves fading in the West, lose 5.3 Danny Heep clubbed a two-run II double and Atlanta shortstop Rafael Ramirez committed a two-run error Tuesday night as Houston downed the fading Braves, 5-3 in National League baaebaU action. Atlanta has won only four of its Jut 11 outings. including five straight losses to the Astros . . . Pete Rose drove in two runs with a single and a sacrifice fly, and Gany Ma.._x singled home two more to cap a three-run fifth-inning rally, leading Philadelphia to a 5-2 victory over St. Louis behind Steve Carl&oa's 14-strikeout perfo~. Carlton is now 21-10 ... Gary Redus scored twke and drove in· a pair of runs and left-hander Bob Sblrley snapped a personal three-game losing s~k as Cincinnati edged San Francisco, 6-5 ... ·Jody Dav is bounced an RBI single with two out in the seventh inning and Fergaaoo Jeoklas, Wiiiie Hernandez and Bill Campbell combined on a six-hit shutout as the Chicago Cubs defeated ' Pittsburgh, 1-0 ... Cbri1 S,.eler homered to ignite Montreal's four-run thirO innlnC and Seett Sanderson pitched a six-hitter to help the Expos snap a five-game losing streak with a :>-1 win over the New York Mets in the second game of their doubleheader. Ron Garde•1.are hit his second major league homer. lea~ off the ·10th inning. to give the Mets a 2-1 win ln the opener. Woodhead leaves Texas for MV .. World r ecord holder Cyntllia • "Sippy" Woedllead has lefl the University of Texas swim program and returned to Mission Viejo. "I expected the program to be like an AAU program and It wasn't," she said. "l really want to concentrate for the next two years and I wasn't able to do that." . . . An all-star league of 1trlkin1 NFL players will debut Oct. 10 and 11 with games broadcast on a ne w television network and to 22 million cable-TV homes, the Turner BroadcasUn1 System announced . . . A special committee of six NBA owners voted unanimously to r.ecommend that the league attempt to oust DouJd T. Sterling aa owner of ti. league's San Diego franchille ... Recruiting violations by the Un iversity of Georgia in an effort to sign one high 1ehool football player haw landed the team on probation for a year and C09t the Bulldop three ICholarshlps next year. Tefevtslon, radio Following are the top •port.I eventa on TV tonight. Ratings are: V' V'"'"' excellent; V'""' V' worth watching; V' v fair; V' foraet It. II ~ , .... Clwmea u ...,.,...,.,...,.,...,., BA.SD.ALL: Iliodpft•t San nteao. Aaotlacen: VJJ;SCUiJy and Rom Porter. Jerry Reu. (17-10) takes the mound foe the Dodftrs tonlcht apiJwt San DlejlO'I Tun Loli.r (lf-lJ) In the concludlna ca~ of the aertea. The Dodgen remain three games in front of Atlanta as both t.euw lost Tuftday. ~ 7:30 p.m., Cluumel 5 v v v v BAltBALL: Kanau Ci.tY at l'UlilBJ.111,_ ___ 1 Aueueen: Bob Starr and Ron Fairly. Vida Blue (13-10) hopet to put a atop to the Anlel win streak as he takes the mound tonight apinat the Angela' Tommy John (12-12). Blue didn't do too well in hia I.Mt outing and a 9imllar performance tonl•ht could live the An8ela a .wftp of the three-game lft'iea for the AMerlcan League We9t lead. . RADIO Bueball -Kanau City at Angela, 7:30 p.m .. KMPC (710); Dodgers at San Diego, 7 p.m., KABC (790). Monte[ usco jams Dodgers SAN DIEGO (AP) -John Mo ntefusco, the San Diego Padres' struggling righthander, has a lot to be happy about. He's found a new pitch and received assurances he'll be back with the Padres in 1983. "I might have learned how to pltch tonight," said Montefuaco, 32, after scattering three hits over seven innings in a 3-0 victory over the Loa Angeles Dodgers Tuesday night. His new pitch, a fastball that rides in on righthanded hitters, ttterally sawed off the Dodger bats. : "He must have a woodbuming fireplace," said Dodger first baseman Steve Garvey after Montefu.co splintered nine Los #.ngeles bats in evening his tecord at 10-10. f, "I never Wied to come inside fore. It's really golng to help. hey're so worried about me ming inside that I've got the hole outside part of the plate to ork with." Padres.' M anaier Dick WU1.larn9 11.ked ta nmlta. "In leVerl lnn1nta he jammed e~t guys. He really ate 'em up," aid Williama. "They didn't know What wu going to happen ," said Montetu.co, who ended a four- game loaina strMk and notched his first vlct.ory since Aug . 4. Despite the lou, the Dodgen retained their thre&-game lead over seoond·place Atlanta. The Padn!I got only four hlb off Burt Hooton, Terry Forster and Sceve Howe. Two ol them came in the fifth 1nnlnc when San Dieao acorec:t twtce. Reliever Lula DeLeon wea~ 11Wo ~ t.hrab tn the final two 1nn1np to help Montefu.co end a second-hall skid. By makina 30 starta. he haa earned $100,000 in performance bonwea on top of h.ia $100,000 a )'Mr bue salary. Prior to the fame, Pad res' President Ba lard Smith informed Montefu9Co that he ~ould be invited back next eealOn. The Padres brok e open a scoreless pitching duel ln the fifth inning with a pair of runs off Hooton , 3-6. Joe Lefebvre drew a leadoff wal k and Broderick Perkins sinaJed him to third. Lefebvre came home on Luil Sa.laza.t's foroeout pounder and Tim Flannery followed with a sin8}e to put runnen on tint and third. MontefU9CO then laid down a perfect bunt aa Salazar broke for the plaw to make it 2-0. N•tlonal Le119ue W•t W(PoLGB Dodgen 85 66 .563 Braves 82 69 .543 3 ---·-DOOMM (11) -HOME (7): 9-t. 24, n . 29 SM FrenciKo; Sept. 27, H , Clndrwwitl, Sept. n , 30, AIW!ta. AWAY (4): s.t. 22. SM °'IQo, Oct. 1, 2, S, SM Frlndlco. A'tlANTA (t1) -HOME (lie~· 24, ff, 2t, SM OleQo. AWAY (II! S.. 22, HouMortr Sec>t. 27, 2t. 811n Franclto0; a.. 29. 30, .,........ Oct. '. 2, 3, Sen oe.oo. BIG WE K I N PREP From Page C1 fruatnt.1n1 st.art for both c.-lubl Dave Patterson, th Soa K l nw•' rlaht corncrbad&.. LI 1tW out wlth a dlalocated lho\.llder. aaya CdM Cotch Dick Morrta. Morrlt aay1 hlJI tearn'a offonalve probl m1 lie In batlc blocking and H for stopping Capiatrano Valley, it'll have to b«!&ln with trylna to rontaln quarterback Burt Call OOTBALL. · .. (all ··"'" •• 7:JO) ThwtedeW The llM La~ Martin Is Cororua'1 IOP ru1h r whh 180 yard.I on 43 carrlet, Call'• paulr\8 hu pUed up 287 yard.I and two touchdowns while completing 2~ of 42 aaalnat formidable oppc»ltlon In Foothill and Elperanza. Htn Buch 111. lot Amigos •I Qrdn Grove HB by 3 LOI Allot ..,. Miier Del •f !!A Bowl Lot AllOI by 2 St. Paul 1'8. •'auntaln t'alley The Barons of Fountain Valley, despite an 0-2 start. ao1.ame..hope. with the emergence...o!..aoph- omore tailback Dave Swigert, who rambled for 107 yards on 12 carries agalnat Foothill. ,,.., ~oothllt 111. Marina 11 OCC Even St Paul 111. Ftn. Valley at Cerrltot 8t. Paul by e Newport Harbor 11 W .. tmlnllef WMllYllOlltlf' CW 3 Oc:tan View 111. CyprH1 at WHtern Cypr ... by 7 CaPo Valley 111 CdM at Newport Capo v.i1ey by t 1 St. Paul, the defending CIF Big Five Conle- renoe champion, took it on the noee last week to Loyola, 28-3. Estancia II San Clemente San Clemente by 3 lrvtne at Tu1t1n frvlne by 3 Unlveralty 111 Ltguna Hlll1 at MV e..,.., Saddtaback II L• Habra Saddlebac:k by 7 EtllnOl'e at Laguna 8Nch Ei.lnofe by 3 "St. Paw doesn't stay blocked defensively," says Barons Coach Mike Milner. ''We're just looking for experience and trying to build a foundation for league." Orange 111. Woodbridge at lrvlne Woodbridge by 7 El Toro II Valencia El TOf'O by 7 Dana Hlll1 at San Marcot (80) San Matcot by 17 Los A ltos I'S. Ma t e r D e l Los Altos features 6-9 quarterback (that's right, 6-foot, 9-inches) Mike Smith, considered a major college prospect In basketball, volleyball and football. Smith is a 3.9 student and the school's ASB president, in addition to having a reputation for a very strong passing arm and an abvlously good vision of the field. letlltdey Banning 111 Edlton at Anaheim Stadium Banning by 9 Costa M ... 111. Los Alamltos 11 Weatern LOI AJ by 6 Carton at Mllllon Viejo Carson by 7 Oeean Jll e w l'B. Cypress · Mater Del's passing game has ~otten a shot in the arm with (1) Roger Reynoso s sharp relief duty and (2) the return of Tony Locy, who is back from a knee injury. Both are expected to play. John Calvagna is also back from a similar injury and is expected to see action at center. Ocean View enters at fullatrength following its 20-13 loss to La Quinta, and appears to have a bal- anced attack with Todd Parker, Dave Mount and quarterback Chad Pariseau. Parker and Mount have averaged 3.8 and 3.7 yards per running play, Pariseau's average gain per attempt is 5.4 yards. Cypress, also 1-1, features a Delaware winged-T offense. Estanela I'S. §an Cle m e nte Elsinore 11s. LalfUn• Beae• Elsinore's Ti11ter1 invade with 1981 Sunklst MVP Steve Lewis, a qulck tailback out of the I-formation. The Tigers are 2-0 after defeating Diamond Bar (31-14) and Twentynine P~ (13-6). Eatancla's Eagles have improved over their first start with ~ 14-0 wln over Laguna Hills, ac- cording to Coach Ed Blanton, but the F.qles have been hurt by the lam of guard Mark Jaoobeon, who is out for the year with a broken arm. San Clemente awaits with an Ark.a.nsM split six defeme, which held Corona del Mar ICOl'elem. Donald Rabb (5-10, 205) and quarterback Tim Dry round ~ut th~ Tigers' backfield. Laguna Beach enten at full strength, according to Coach Dennis Haryung, who got a double mea- sure of pleasure from last week's opening 16-0 victory over Savanna with the showing o his quart.erbacka, despite the lack of help tram tne re- ceivers. Cesta Met111 1'8 . Lff• Al••lt.s Phyak:ally, Costa Mesa la IOUnd, aooord1ng to Co-a>&ch Jim JU&ey. Mike Hover9on (jaw) and • Wally Gran& (d.lalocat.ed finger) apparently are OK after the 14-12 loll to San~ and the Muatanp have had 10 days to prepare. 'Los Alamit.oa la big- ser' and they .Ude a lot out of a 50 look," aaya Ha. gey. "They're huncry and physical." lr11lae at Trls tln Tuatin's ala la Irvine High Coach Terry Heni- gan'a chief concern as he sends h1a Vaqueros in (See PREP, Pace C4) DON'T GET PHYSICAL • • • From Page C1 3,000 jl.les. But l have never worn out a tire." lrt-his plant in ere. where he has a modem, up-to-date weight room, he encourages othen to participate. "I pay my employees to work out on company time,'' Gu arnaccia aays. "I also pay them $500 to quit smoking and then I have a $1,000 bonus for thoee who lower their heart beat by 20 percent and maintain it. They get $1 ,000 each year that they do this." Riding a bicycle is just part of his program. ''It's 50, maybe 60 percent of my program. Most cyclists aren't very complete athletically. When I was lifting 'weights only, 1 weigh~ 215 pounds but JlO~ I'm d;)VTI to a paltry 165-170 pound& and t\ave to turn on the after- burners in the last 200 meters of a race. "I 'm trying t o g e t m y endurance level up. I find that the older 1 get, the slower I become and I'm fighting Uke hell to keep up riaht now. "U the9e younger riders slow down, Ml pus them and I'll be there at the finish line. In any event, they'll know I've been in the race." G~ is so Confident of his physical stamina and ability that~ hes-offered-to-pay any national caliber rider of any age $5,000 if they can follow him lhrouah a complete workout. "I've had tbia offer for 10 yean and in 1hat t.µne. I've gone throuch 171 people. The average time they have lasted before collapsing is 20 minuU!S." Naturally, G uarnacxia st.arts with the gym WOl'kout and most cycle riders aren't equipped to stay with him in that field. They never get to the riding part of the workout. Be~ng a four-time d efending champion in the Costa Mesa race, does he feel the course is a true test for .this type of racing for a nalio!15 championship? "It's a tough course because of the layout,·• he says. "Most criterium courses are flat with four tight corners. This course has eight such comers and also a hill. It takes a combination of good physical fitness a nd maneuvering. "It's actually double the work of the average course because of the fact there is also a hill. This rnlght not be a factor on the first or second lap but alter about 8 or College football IATUllOAY'I U.I ... t Ulal'I St. at Cel S1eta FullttlOf'I Atv-81.11Ca1 San '°'9 St. If Oregon St 8o1M St. et Pac:tflc, n Nwedt-l• Vegae II Sen Oltgo St.. n °"9on et WMhlnQton T-EJ Puo •I HllW9ll, n Cal Pott Pomona •t UC Dlllllt, n • Cal 8t•tt Nor11widge •I 8•nl• Clari. n San ,rllfldaco &I. ti Whltllw ....... IOwe I t Nlloftl AW llor<ie ., avu ~ II Colotldo Hew Mulco 81. ti Cok>ttdo St ISortlllnd St. 11 ldtno. n Cal Poly (8LO) at ldel!O 81 , n NOttNrn Arilone It Montane ........ UCLA It MicHOln (a-Mi 2 et 10 Ull) USO Ill Cl!*-C~ 11 at 11 30 e m I Pitt .. ..,.. 8yrtClllM II Indiana. n Drlill• .. !owe ll Wlotllttl It. at ~ St Wllllhlngton St. I I Minn.at•. n Nor1Nm llllnolt 11 ~"" Purdu. .. No4"' Dama SlllnfOfd •t ONo It T Oltdo If WlleOlllln .,_.,,,.It al ... It YOllfllll-It. 11 Clncfrwld. n Ellltrn Mlcfllgln II Mllml, 0 MIMM It at 8ovt'*'1 llllnola l(eM It 114 W"""' ~ ..... v.,.,. It AleOIMI T~MAuOllrn LI w ... .,,, Cttolk\a ., ci.mson Wglnle ., °'*• Mlltltelppl St;-at Florldt K.,,.._ et Ktnt~y Ra .. usu." 0.lllhomll St. et LOUllYltle. n North Carollnt St. et Meryltncl o-gla Teet! at Mernphlt St. Mlc:hlgen St. 11 Mleml, Fie. Army 11 North Caroline T ..... Attlngton 11 NE Loultlanl, n OeorQI• at Soum Carotlna. n FlotlcJa St. et 8olMarn MtMIUlppl, n c.ntrll Aotldt et VMI Wiiiem & Mary II VlfOlnla Tech ~St. at W8kt For•t ....... MIMIMIPPI at ArtltnMI, n Lamar at Houtlon. n SW L~ at Nof1l'I Texu St. TCU II SMU, n MlelcMf 11 T-. n LOUltlana Tedi 11 Tu• .UM. n Saytor at T-Tedi. n MG"-81. • w ... Tuu St .• n .... ~uuat~St. MllM 11 eo.ton U • n Rtlode llland at lkOWl'I T-8 l It 8uellne14 Lafeyet .. at CokMnbla Co1ta'9 It COrMI ""-'°" 11 Dl6ewwt M....._...11Hwwird 0ar1moutt1 a1 Hoty er-eo.ton COllfa af Nevy LtfllQtl M P9rln AutOI" at T""'*' n ~ II W... Vlfoinl1 ~atY• .. "·~-...... CMf8 ... ...... I -. 9, it begin.I to wear you down. Our race is ov!r 16 laps~and this_ 16"-pl'Obably the most challenging race in my 30 years of cycling. I'm looking forwar to lt. "Thts is a working man's rourse. Y®'re always climbing a hW or tu.ming a comer. On most courses, you can reet a little before you ge& to I.be t.d part but not here. To do well, you not only have to have e>eperience but you have to be fit for it. "On some courses, you can be half fat but not on this one. You need everything to do well here. "1 really don 't care for the course and it ls very aernanding on me. When the pack is intact and there are 50 riders going into a tum where it will sensibly hold only 25, crashes and falls occur. It is really tough." Guarnaccia hast won four times in the five years he has raced in Costa Mesa. What happened the other time? "I had a flat tire,'' he says .• There are those in the field for Saturday's race who would just as soon see the Brea 67-year-old have anothe r flat tire. They certainly can't figure him to lose because of physiCal problems. JOHNSON • &SON presents ... CO,LLIGI .............. ... bra .. Cl OWf ,Penn State * USC OWf Olrlahome * N.tNDOme ... Punlue * UCLA l ~ f I .. • t .. MAJOR LHOU. ITANDtNOI American LMaue WHT .... DM~ ,.,... K111 .. a City ChlclQO S..llle Oekluld r ... , MlnnMOI• W I. hL Ga • 15 670 84 87 556 2 79 71 527 .... 72 78 480 13'• t3 ., 417 23 6() ti 397 2t 57 94 377 211 WEtnllN OIVlllOH MllwaukM to 111 596 81t11mor• 88 83 683 2 BotlOn 83 a8 550 1 0.ltcMI 75 74 603 14 Ntw Yo-1' 74 11 490 16 CleVllllllCJ 73 76 480 II T Otonlo 70 8 I 464 20 TUMdeJ"e lc:otM Aft14149 a. Ken&N Cny I CleYtlend 9-2. New YOtlt 11-t Qe41oil 11, Beltlmel<e I Boeton 4, MllwllUk .. 3 C 10 lnn"'QI) T0tonlo 6. Minn.Git I Oe.ktenel II. T .. es 1 S..nte5.C~4 TtcNy'eO-t KllllMS Ctly (,81ue 13-10) ti A"99fe fJOhn 12· 12~ n DeltOll ( Pe11y 15·81 al Balllmore CMcGregor 13· 121. n Clevelend (Su1ct1lle 1'3·6) al Ntw YOfk (Wtvet 0-11. n Ooaton (Denm•n 2·21 II Milwaukee (Celdwetl 16-11), n Toronto (Clancy 13. 14) •I M1nnuo11 (He-.• 9· 121. n Chlcego CDolson 11· 12) al Sulllt CSloeldetd 2· 11 n TeJ<as (Smnhton 2·31 a1 Oai<lancl ce.i.eo 0-11, n N•tlonel LNGW. ftlTEl'IN DIVl .. tON l>edt«• Allente Sen F1enc:11eo Sen Diego Houtlon Clnclnnell w l P'cl. 08 as 66 563 82 69 .5-43 3 79 71 527 5'A 76 75 S03 9 71 80 470 14 Sii 94 373 28'1 EAITEllN OIVlllON SI LOUIS Phlledelph•• Mon I reel Plntl>Ufgh Clltc.go ~'fork 87 64 576 112 aa s..1 4'"' 80 70 633 ..... 19 71 527 7'" a8 83 4SO It Sii 92 387 21'1 r.....-,·.ae- Sen Diego 3. ~ 0 ~York 2·1. Montreet 1·5 1 ISi glme 10 IMtngtl CNctgo I, Plllsbutgh 0 Clnclnnell II. S•n FtlllOSCO S Hout1on 5. Allenl• 3 Phlleclel9hl• 5. SI LOUIS 2 R J~ton c ..... o.c-L ynn Downing Re J.CkllOfl Grich Btylo< Beniquez Boone Fo41 Wllfc>no l(ellehtt Burteaon Sconteu Pettis Totets H...iet 1(1- ~ S111,,., .... F0tech WI" JOhn Zehn Renko Goltz Moreno C0tl>ell Tl1111t " "' '" .. 80 t 1 I 3 I 3 1 1 0 . 0 3 l'cL It 344 37 317 to 2M 82 293 1t 280 11 271 16 .211 12 251 21 268 6$ .2$3 61 249 111 207 170 1$6 166 000 272 lfl.A 2 45 3 17 3 32 3 32 T .... 11, o.telee t Ottro.1 108 20 I 000-11' 16 0 Belhmott 100 000 000-I t 2 W11COa. J.,.... (9) end Pttlllll Falley Ill. G. OelltS. 8oddle:lrtt C3~ Ffinn (31 SI•~ C41 end 0emPft'(, Reyf0tel Clll W-Wilcoa 12-1 L-G Devi•, 7-4 HR1-D11toll, Lemon ( 11). Per11111 (30). A-I0,&22 , .. , .... ...._ ...... . Clell991141 ti ... 004-t fl 1 ....., Yorll OOl IOI tOO I 14 I lltktt J 111..0 (II, Qtynn Cll 11!11 H~ 011td1y, R M•~ll. Qon•:::; 111f Wyn..,11 W J d, l•O L ft , 14 I Ofynn c:11 UA Y~~.1. 0 C II~ llCONOe ... Ylllll_l,......_t c .. ve1e .. e1 001 010 ooo • • • New YO<~ 000 120 031 I 10 0 lo•enHn Glynn Ill end N111.,od11r1 111(1111111 11111 Cerone W Plltfl•lll. 10" l lo<-. 10-1• A tt.)H ... ,,... .. , ... , f0tonlo 010 cn1 100 ... 0 ~ 000 000 100-1 ' 1 Stieb •nel I Mltllt\411, VIOie, 9«1tJ7l, ~111:.11,'&.~4 ~IOll:! :'.t ~~.,_,,.; Upellaw C 181 A-3.Ht ................. BOllon 000 IOI 000 t-• 1 0 Mltw•uk.. too 000 010 o-a • t lOHH. 8ur11m•I•• (ti' OIHr , •• tftc:I Allen_., M.alch, htr11te1 10), MoCIUlt ( 101 and Slmmont w CIHf. 14·1 l -Medic;h, 11·14 Hl'l -Mlllltl Ukle. MoHIOr Cll), A-11,1414 ,. .... l'!Meef• 1 111.. OOt 000 000 I 5 0 O"lenel 10. 010 OOa I II I Mougll, Mell.ck (4) end ~g. Contciy llnd K-ney W-Conf0y, 1·2 l -Hougl\. 16-lil Hll-0.lllM, G•oet 111 A-1 .ne .................... CllleeQO 020 002 000-4 ' 0 SMllte •oo 000 001-1 10 l Burne, Kern (2}. htOjat ( n HIC:k..,, (I) 8ftCI Fltk. F. Oennltl.,, Ol\ICll~ (II 1nd ltllen. W-Caudlll, 12·8 L-Hlckey, •·4 Hl'l- 8Hllle. 0 Hend.,tOfl 414). A-6, U7. , NATIONAL LIAOUI It .... I, D1•11r10 LOI ANO&~e IM IMHO arll.. •rll• Thomu 2b 4 0 0 0 WIQOIM of 4 0 0 0 Lendr-• c1 4 0 2 0 l'llcftiwds 11 4 0 0 0 Beller If 3 000 0*'Y1lft rf U O o Guerrero rl 4 0 1 0 T Kenndy c 3 O I O GtlWY lb 4000 L.i.tMe3b 2 I 10 c.y 3b 3 o 1 o P«kln9 tb a o 1 o BelenQerM 0000 SelautM 3201 M8191\e11 ptl I 0 0 0 Pltlmen M 0 0 0 0 RueMll .. 2 0 0 0 'lenntrf 2b 2 • 1 I Roenlck• rl 1 0 1 0 Monttf-J 2: 0 1 YMger c 2 0 I 0 Deleon p 0 0 0 Monelly ph 1 0 0 0 Scloac:le c 0 0 0 0 Hooton p 1 0 0 0 Orte pll 10 00 Fo<tt., p 0 0 0 0 8'0Cll ptl 1 0 0 0 S Howe, p. 0 0 0 0 TOlele 32 0 I 0 Tolelt H 3 4 3 leorellf ........ Loe AngelN 000 000 toO-O s.n 01eao ooo oao 1oa-3 E -YMQet DP -l.oe M9MM t , Sen OieOO I Loe -Loe ........... 0!'90 3 28 -~2 28 -....... (at~S -Monlef\dco SF -,,...,_,, 7 Ltt AneeM • M AD•IW HOOIOf"oCl,3·111 ~ i lt 2 I 0 "°"'., 2 1 1 0 1 1 Sttowe 100000 ._.,.... Montelutc0 (W, I0-10) 7 3 O O o 3 0.leon(S, 14) 2 3 0 O· 1 I WP -,.,,...,, T -2:03. A -20,214. ......... ,._, Al!Mta 001 001 100-3 II 1 Houslon 003 020 OOll-$ t , Cemp, Walll (6~ Moore (61 .,.., Slnetto, Owen (II. R<lhle. Kneppet (71 _._ Miiby W-Ruhle, 1·13 L-Cemp, 11.10 S-Kneppcw CI) A-16,37• ~l,~I ~ 001 130 000-9 " 0 St Louie 002 000 000-2 I 2 Certon end Vlfgll, "-· lMlfl C51. MUia 171 ulCI T-W-Cer"4111, 21·10. l -RHmuuen, 0· 1 HR-Plllledelphle, Sc:nmldl (34) A--31,942. MALA VASI SAYS NO • • • ALUMS. • • From Page C1 said Monday he would defy the union and play. B y Tuesday. Barber had aoftened some -not on his atand, but because his hands were tied. "Right now I'm in limbo." said Barber softly. "l really don•t want to say anything that might hurt my teammates. I'm very impressed by the players and how they're sticking together. There's no doubt we deserve much more (money). "On the way over here I heard on the radio some of what Jack Donlan (Executive Director or the NFL Management Council) said today and I wanted to suck my h ands through and choke him. "He said things like, 'They (meaning the players) know our phone number. If they want to call us .. .' .. When informed that Gene Upshaw of the Los Angeles Raiders and president of the players uruon haii essenually said the same thing. Barber added: "Then he ought to be choked. too.'' Barber agreed with Malavasi's amessment that no games would be played S unday. but quickly a(jded that if one was arranged. he'd be quick to participate. "If they (referring to management) allowed me to From Page C 1' work out and prepare then, yes, Pirates. and late last tea.on when 1 woul<l piay," he saJd. he was called up by the Allfe)a. That prospect, however, TueeclaynilJht,however,intbe doesn't seem likely. And, the middle of a heated pennant nee, Rams are not alone . The Ne w was their first lace-to-face York Giants, San Francisco 49ers confront.aUon u • pitcher and a and Denver Broncos are among hitter. more than two dozen NFL clubs "I knew he wae a low ball tnat a nnounced they were hitter. But I f~ rd IO with shutting their doont as of this m y strength against hit," morning. e x p 1 a l n e d t h e s l d e a r m sinkerballer. "If they're going to make a lot "With the count at 2-2. I more money." said Frontiere thought about th.rowing him a concerning the players· hope, knuckleball, but I didn't want to "then we (as owners) need to go 3~2. and I didn't want to load find a way to generate more h bases 'th (Rod) Carew revenue. either by raising ticket ~k .. wi OI\ prices or somethi~g. I think It So, Quisenberry decided to would be ~tter. 1f the playera..J· throw his specialty and &onien ea~ed ce~ things rat~r than promptly whacked it into cedte.r thin~ be gwen to the m. field, driving home p(nch-run!M!t As for the Ram players, ll'\ey Gary Pettis with the deddJq began informal workouts at run. Brookhurst Park in Anaheim Asked if he would have liked today. There was talk about a the pitch back. Qui1enberry six-team All-star schedule being responded with a quick, ••No." Conned, but the owners said they ''It's the pitch I throw and the would get a court injunction to one I live and die with," he said. stop such a venture. "I've certainly Jived well by it and, at times. I'm going to die by "lf they're under contract to it. the Rams," said FronUere, "then "Games like this certainly that's the only team they (the aren't helping our chances of players) are going to play for. regaining first place." aiid "If it were up to me l would Quisenberry, as KC now trail.I play Sunday and those that the Angels by two gunea ln the wanted to show up, fine.'' AL West. Newport, CdM win in volleyball Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar opened Sea View League women's volleyball play on a oolllaion course with convincing victories Tuesday night while Laguna Beach and San Clemente did likewise in South Coast League action. Newport downed F.stancia ln the Eagle gym, 3-1 with outside hitter Mandy Kenny an<I middle blocker Beth Price playing well. "They are the steadying influence on th is team and freshman Lara Asper is the best setter around," Coach Mike Neese says. . NEW MITU. .... ....... 1 .....,_ DOI 010 000 0 1 f 1 ,_ y~ 000 001 toO I I I 0 "-''Y"*I 111 i..anlon 111. I lmHll C IOI •111• C•fter, C>wn••r1 Ottuo Cll •'Id M°"" W Orot00 ~· 10 l I lmlltl, l•I l11'! Nff YOf~~ .. ~he fl) MC-• . .......... MOlllNtll 004 00 I 000 • • 0 ...., Ytril 000 000 010-1 I • l•nNnon 1114 ll1ck .. l!,i lw•"· f CMl'lfl• (711 l11tll Cll 111d •oclly w- llMt<Nll.L ~ ~-IJ l hlll, 10·7 HI'! u.nlr•-111 A ltll ,CllM 1,.....-..1 ""''°"""' 000 000 000 0 • 0 c-... 000 000 1011 I 3 0 fwnMll, lcUlry (7) llld --.. 0'11& 1•11 JeM.IM, W H41tnlll'del (ti, Cal'llObell Ill lllf J 01¥11 W Jenll1ne, ll•lt l 8cutry, '-I t -Cll'lij)lltll C11 A-Ul7 ...... ~. len l'rtllCl.CO 000 IOI 300 & 10 2 ClnCIMlll 300 012 00•-ll • 1 ,,...._,., H01181ld II~ Uvelle (1), Minion cri n ttentr. M•r 1e1. e s11i.1ey, H•Y" 111 111d Tre'llfto W-1 811111~. 7-12 l - l rell\l"t• 10·6 s HeyH Cll HR-Beft r1111C1tco. Olefll m1 •-•.m ....,....,. TWIDAY'IMeuLTI ''*!.!'~~) ,..., ..di.Ts0·;-- °""Y 0.. (Hllfll 1 00 4 00 3 20 No IJOl LIMll (Tonlttl 3.110 3 00 Ooint ,,_,_ (CtMCl8f'I 6 '° AllO re.ced Oolfl Klply, o.-1 Son, SIMI! ~~Ollldlll Im Bug9eO. 811 Belly, ,.,... 1•00 ..,. .......... ... tel .... , ..... , -""91 .... ....... ~Cl l ... t ll./lallnOI Cle! ,., ~ 1~1. t-i, , .. , t l , ,,.ti lueMint CU 1 1 flll ltlMI CMMrt (U I I. t-3 3 I . •t Jtifl ..,~cu1 1oe10t .. H01Meecu•1.1 • • 1·3, IMC.e Ven ,im.n IV I I Clflf MMI Oot'll l:'.t' 1~·.~0:k~· 1':r'r'a.'r~, c~ \~ ~Kr• CUii o.I kolt O.V.. IUll ....... 2 WCTCleetto .......... .-. ...... ..._. ........ WOllK 'W CP'Olllt\Cll ff! Jolln Autlln CV I ,), •t, 1-e, t(.,,," Cu11en C8ou111 Altlc•I Cl•f Tomn KO<:h j8•ei•ll. O 1. 1·1. Tom C>u"1t111on cu a I a. P1111 Delli IA ... ttillltl. 1·2, t-3. ~ Rem11w (Mex~ol def' .. IQI 16vllno IU SI •.. 1. )·I, 6-1, fddle fdwttc:ll CSOulll AlrlCll d.t JOH lull CltfO CA1gen11ne1 ..... 1.3, 11., Hiatt ..... WOfMft ..... ,.,llT.,•J ........ o.l.&11 (Ml cit! C-. 1-0, cit! f-, ~ def SMrmen, t-0. C..... (Ml WOii 6-i, .. I. 1-2. All>em (Ml won M . H , M h*-...,, ... 114.,,fietd (M) Clflf EMty.CW119l>ell, 7-t: NC Coot* CSfftltll)-CMI~. 1-3, o.i. M0tr...c>Mrln0tr. f.2, t.olllo·HQll...,. IMI won 1-l. 1.1, loe1 5-7, ueng ...... IHand Ml won 1-3, loet 6·7. IH ... ............ c; .......... cw .. ,......,•• .. ......-. n-n1 HllllOll (CMI .!"'1:9:....111 2-e. !Ott to ~. •.e. IOtt to 8'0'#fl, l •t , Tlldler (CMI toel M . o.e. $-1, Ounnen (CMt toll o-•. 4-1, 2-e 0.-.. .>Ohnet·HUO!* IC"' del Belllln·M41Cetl 1·2. del Muccll lo·M•rtlnH •·2 del Shlm•·HOle, l ·I. Slmmont·l•r~ CCMI WOii 1-2 'l-4, 1-2. 8enecllc:t-V..-oyec: ICM) won7.e.&-4.l-1 • GACTA 11·111*0 '61 50 MOO. •aca. a50 yttc:t• COllfeM CllOOll•I 4 60 3 20 2 to l ift Go W..I (Tonka) 4 20 3 IO ---~·· .... ~·.u.-· '""'"""''"" ... .-. . ..,., ...... Jf,.t f.c191r (Cll•'tU) 3.80 aoc. Coll9I dlil. ,.,...,,.... • 10-11. ,._., ... ,,j 1e:;u, 11-12. hi!., (V) loll 10 Smllh, 4·6. ~ SeleM, t ·3. dtl AesllvO, 1-1, Letet>vre (UI won l-4, 1-3, f..2, Segel (U) loll 3-e, won&-•. IOet t.e DoublH Aleo rllCed Ms Rodeo Drive, 9'"81 Te, Splcfd Mertlnl, Fl .. 1 '•nlHy, Ml• Mllzl ~ ~~~ ,,,,., .. 1, IJ8C .... Ott .... ,..,...,., •tt. 11-t. IS-? UCL.A -'· L.1111 8-lfl It., 1M, 1&-11, 1-18, ,.... # Btlthk•·Mlddleton (U) def LOlt•HOW•ll, &-•. dtf SllH·Slmmon•, •·2. loll t o TrujetlO-Klul>MI, 2·1, Corlmllll·Hol•IWCI (UI tott •·6. '"'· 2-e. 8rlflde.Lucu (UI Iott 4-e, won a-2. toet 3-1. T.-AACI. 400 ywo1 Mr Merry Clltoll CMllcllllll) 8 40 3.80 3 00 ..... ICMeOl Eeey s.nde (Cll•llell 4 20 2 80 Menty Mo1111 c UIC+.eyl • eo Sen C .. mente Clef WoffOlld119. 15·1, l&-2. IM. AllO llC«f Oii Megle Oii. M<:Kty ....... 8totdm00< Oucll, ~ Lark, John Mno. 8e!I Blelol\t l.,,_ illtCfl def Llfllne HNlt, 15-4, 15-7,IM LB Wtleon def M\lnllf10""' 6-:t.. 1$-3, ... 15, 15-'· 1$-11 Time. 1116 • lllACTA (6-21 p..a ltl 50 TIIOllOUQI W.08 Oero,ie HI M1t IHI IJfMftlty, 1 .. 5. 164,tt.4. NUATM AAca. I fvflOnos ~ 8oUll08f 1111ec111 1 e eo s '° 3 '° Htiwpelt Herber !lei .. Mele. 14· 11. 1M,1M,IM. IMM dllf Coete Mau, 15-fl, IJ.7, IW Joe MOnl.,.. (C~l 3 00 2 80 ~llelnlhefUI..,,. (Ealreelt) 3 90 w ................... p.i. 11-t. 1&-1. IS-12 Aleo rllCM Colelll Artllte<y, t Love Deni, Go Vertigo, Oed'• Meglc Hope, 0111 Clrounded FOUf'lt• veuey def LI .Jefdlft. 12· 16. 1 .. 13, 15-2, 1$-13 • TllM, 1'12 3/5. "'""AACI. 6 lullOnO• OH· True .\lfecllon ( Nogutz) 3 '° 3 60 3.00 Ott·PyrMlld Hlgll (H111een12 eo 3 oo 2 eo ny.n Fent..,. (Renllrez) 3 to DH-~1 l0t n..1 Time M3 215 tomt AACI. I fl>rlonQs E!rtf 1 Ouldl CSlblllel 3 ao 2 80 2 20 H-..ujM llotller (Menll 3 00 2 to Hot Trecllt (Sl*'C*I 3 00 Aleo '-*' 8-men. PeltlOI Jot, V ...... TVaedo, 0-Ktol Ttmt: MO 411 • UACTA C'-11 pe1c1 124 50 SCONIERS A BIG Hl-T FOR A:N-G"EL--S • • • 'rom Page C1 be adl'Dltled la an lnconaistent year on Nil pu-t. "Sverybody ebe hu bMn Ptchinc r...a pod excepe me," the riaht-hander aid. "I've bNn off n on. but I feel eo much better now. laclOMIJtency with my alidtt hu really been hurUftc ... "But l didn't want to give ln to tb1I plbe. I felt llke we Md the advantage beca\a we..,... pt.,... et home. n wu a real emoUoml wtn. 1'here'1 Jwt tomethJna about th1a time of t})e ....,... Umt l"Mlly getl )'O'l pumped up," P'onch added. Carew wlll •~ond that. The An1el flnt ~. who wu replaced by Ron Jmklon In the ltar1lna lineup Monday nJcht ao1n8t ltoyW' i.tti- hander Lerry Gur•, wasn't fooled one bit .by Kamu City starter Dennis Leonard 1'-lay nfsht. Carew finished the evenina 4-for-4 and rai8ed hiia betUng avenge to .317 in the proc19. His third hit.• fifth-uuuns sinlle, ~Bob Beone to 11w the Angela • 1-0 lead. And. Md Scon.iens made an out in the bott.om of the ninth, it waa Carew who would haw beerl De~ up. But Sconiere didn't give the wt.ftaa tbe. chuce. He whacked a Quilenberry 24 ~lieh ritiht• up the mtddJe. Pettit, running for .,..,, Orich wtM> had .m,Jed, WU alreedy uound third by the time ~.ala' cmwr-fielder Amos Otis hed re.ched th@ Sconiens became an instant hero, and in the pr'OCe9, era.cl 80me of the bed rnmwies ol the ... ~ ........... you'H mow It ........ D.n,Ptlot cletllflld M. "Y-.b, l waited a couple of weeks before I ..,.,.,._,..""'"" 1Q ~. but it had nothina to do with ~:·~explained. "l had a{~ penonal thlnt!J to work out. It waan't a disappointment being mnl tlown to Triple A ... but I guess I was ~~:·lone run off Fonteh came in the e~ wl*l John Wathan walked, moved to third · on 'amte Qu6rk'• alngle and acored when third • ~~':'°Clnces coUldn't lleld Wlme I The uted from a spectacular catch by mnter-fle Fred Lynn in the fourth inning ,,,r • bllll hit .,y Otis. Lynn and left-fielder Brtao Dbwnfn& <.'l'09ed paths as they smashed into the - fence, wtth Lynn comina up with the ball. * ~ ...,,,.. Sh0rt1toe> n.. Fetl rec:illYed .,, Injection lallowlnt ~ __.,.., 91'M and -noC In the llerllng llMUP TU9M41)', "The dOCtlfW ... 1111 ftOt 10 pleJ tOf1lgtlt becMIM I GOUid pull " (Mmetr1"cf ,....,.., -.. "9 out for 1"9 ....,,., .. Foll Mid pnor to ll.Mldey'• geme, """ ...... ~ tfle "" of IN ..-otl Ind ''"' PIMf'll "· Ire ti.tl• to_,..,..,... •tomorrow." ... The 1~ame Mrlea ~ 1'\11 ~ (1!JI», KTIA CMllMI 5) with T_,,., '9M (1M2) OOlncl ' ... .. »Qla--' .... ., ....... (13-10). Blot,. 12-12 ih111M ~ Ill AMfleltn 81....,., •• Witt! hie flret·lnnlng Oovtltl. lllM ... flee now lltt lltlfy In 32 ef 1111 put 3' g-.. KaneM l,;l!y9" ......,.,... tlN hit! 11•-oarM hlttlno etrMll 11\tpped Mondty nlOh1 In " -...· 3-.2 'ftelor; ... ~City catehel,..,. 0... -'* llrll ...,. ICtlon ..,_ Auo· I Tl.Mldey when he ~ lnjUred 0- ....... M (tie ftfttl .• 8"111tlng of UIChtrl. Ille Rovalt' .Nfl• ........ M '1olen ~ tiu 191 ., .._,lme llaallng rtc:Otd lot liMrtiri. 1'ft-. WflO played llret baM T~ night, rlnQ '"111 In the Mltftc.n L.elgl'9 In etolen .,.... INs -· F"turlng 5-Tlme National Champion Marty Hogen, Nwmber 1 1eeded Dave Peck and many other top \tourtnt racquetball professionals. "We made mistakes and thev have a very good team," Estancia Coach Joe Wolf aald. He pinpointed Kelly Horgan. a hitter, Janice Tomei, a 1etter, and Kathy Hall on the back row u the Eaglea' top playeh Tuesday night. i..guna Beach Coach BUJ Ashen wasn't plea.led with hit team'• performance althoush they had Utile trouble winning. ·1 FREE 36 MO. Oll 38,000 MILE WARRANTY "We made a lot of iniatakee tonight and have made them prior to league play." Aahen aaya. He pn1aed the play of outside hitter Paula Berney and middle blocker Anna Reigal. Corona del Mar Coach Harold Noriega wu happy with his team's performance In downing Univel'lity, 3-0. ''Thia league it f olng to be very tough this year," he aaya. "But think ll wm come down to Newport and ua for the championship." Senior outai~ hitter Pam Lawrt'nce and risht lide hitter Kara Mc:Guinnela alona with aophomc>N Brooke ff.arMcton played w~ll. 8e.n Clemint.e defeated Woodbridp ln thnie ..,_ wtlh Jmnifer Ada.ma havtnc • aood day • lltW aJona wtth Trecy Millen and twtn mtdcUe blotken Lori and U.. Luhnow. ' ., C'·I • Coaet DAILY PILOT/WednMday, 8~l•mb•r 22 , 1~82 Angel, Dodger. sehedale8 Ncm:::.-..,0':T .. 0 NO•~~.:~~:. •AU Angela on Radio Dodgera on Aedlo kMPC (710) KABC (710) R T Tr\MtM'1 Me. , ... Ann•I• on TV Channel a AL!XANI> u OA J ANO On 0~10011 II, 119' II 11 00 • 0 V P ET I T I 0 N TO • m Fll!llf AMU\ICAN TlfL. Dodner• on TV Channel 11 AOMINI TER ESTATE 1N8URANCf COMPANY • • CASE NUMBER A·l IHIO Callto/1111 COtpOflllOn iu Tru••M •D•notH TV 01m1 "'8~ TruelM !If lubtlllultd t-----------.-----""."""----r-------------------...-----------.------------r----::---""'.'""---..• To all h~ll'll, bt'nt•fk1atlee. Ttu•tff 01 0111 ~1111111 o..o of Monday Tue1day Wedn••Cf•y Thur•d•" Friday Saturday rredllOrl, cu ntlngl'n t T111t1 IH~Ulld b~ "HILIP M Sunday , credll.01'11, and pcnoN who HOAAN ind OONNA J HORAN t----------t----------+----------+-------..;...-+---------:23:-:"'"t----------"-4-t---------2-5~ may be othc·rwllt.' lnl.('r('lll-d llu1b1nd 1nd •lie, llld reco1 dld Sept. 22 " In th• will o,..11al11lt' of. Ju111 a. ieeo .. 111 .. 1111n1111 No " 4~1 In Book 1362& P-O-&S5 ol •Roy.tis .ti An1els. I .!O An11ls ill ll'ta~. 5 o~ An1th •I rem. ~ o~ Anath at Tem ~ o~ A I(' .. n d N u 14 l l'J . 11I11 u Offlelal RlcotO• OI Otll\gl COu/'lly •Dod1m di Padre•, 1 OL Giants at Dod&tfl, /'3~ c t I Dod l 20 known l&I Alt•)( Gutt' C1l1lo11111, and pu••u•lll 10 11111 •tcorcuo June t •••~ " An11ls .it lms. 3 35 Giants al Dod&trs. 1.05 71 Anctla at Royc1I), 5 35 RM5 al Dod1ers. 7 35 28 •An11ls al Royal), 5 35 Red.s at Dodurs, J 35 ~ " i•n s a 11'1, A Ct•Uuun h1.111 ~m flll<d C4tt1tn NOi~ o1 °''•"'' th41<111110tt 2 by. cn )'~t" G&\l'j In the ln•trum1111 No t2 11e.U9. of 30 Oct. 1 rum al Ansell, /:30 Ood1er1 at Giants. 7· 35 29 •Anttls al Royc1I), ~ :i~ Alla.ntc1 at Ood1ers. 7 35 Atla11tc1 at Oodurs. J 35 rem at Anc1ls, 1 Ood1ers at Grants. I ·OS Supcclor Co11rt of Oronal' Olfldfll ~d• oi Hid Counly. wm Coun ty r quo ll n a l h 11 t undlt 111\d pw111111110 11M<1 OMd of n.. G t • lx I t !d ftutl Mii tt pObllG auction IOf GUii. •AlnYllC' •II C'J • a ppo " e lawtul ~ ol IM U111ted S1111t ot 1111 peni011a l l'<'prdentatlvc to AmetlOa, a c:unllf'i Gh«.k p1yabll udmirll.8\t'r the c8Utl<' of the to Hid T1u1111 dr1w11 on 1 111t1 or 3 T eus at Anc•h. I •Dod1en at Grants .. l·OS de«'dt>nt n111on11 b11111, a 111r11 or t1der11 T h t It I l er.Oii ullloll, Ot • 11111 0t lld11al (' Pf' on r('q UC'll • uvlngt 1110 IO•n UIOC:lltlOn authority to admln111.t:r lh~ domiciled 1n '"" 11111, 11 1,,. m1111 e s l a t 1· u n d l' r l h l' 1n1r1nc:1 10 Fii•• Am111c111 T1t11 Independent Admlnl11trauon lntu•ence Colnpeny, ~·.a 11 114 of F..ta\£'9 Act /\ horina on Eul F11t11 s1r .. 1. 1n '"' c11v ot s 111111 High school football sch~dules l._ _ f!tl tion wlll be.-ht'ld on An•. c.i110t1111, tll 11111 rtgn1, 11111 '"" •nO 1n1..-111 c:onvayld to 111\0 "°"' Octo r 13, 1982 ut 9:30 am 11114 1>y 11 undl• Nkt OMO of Trull tn Dep1trlmenl J located a\ In Ill• prOf'•rly tllualld Ill H IO 700 Civic Center OMve Wl'lt, Counly 1nd S1111 d1tetlt>ed 11 IXHMNT "A" City of Santa Ana. PARCEL 1 IF YOU O BJECT W th~ Loi 34 of TrlCil No 10097. H SUNSET LEAGUE Edleon (2·1) 44 Pun111ou 13 10 El Oofldo 7 0 Viall 6 Sapl 25-B1111n1ng (Ana Sl•d l Ocl 7-Mattll' Oii ISA Bowtl Oct 15 Martn• (C«rllos) Oct 22-11 Hun11ng1on BeKll Ocl 211-ftll V9111y (ANI Sltld l Nov 6 al Wnlml11stet Nov 11-0ce111 V-(OCCl Fount1ln V•ll•r (().2) 14 Mall! 0.1 24 13 foo111111 26 Sepl .. 24-SI. Paul (Cerrnos) Oct 1-Servlle (C•rrltos) Ool 8-LB Poly (I I OCCI Oct. 15-al Huntington Beach Oct 21-Westmlnalll' (81 OCC) OG1 29 Edison (Ana Stael) Nov 5-0cNn View (•t HB) Nov 12 M•rl111 (C...rlto•l Huntington .. ach (2-0) 24 Coron• e1et Mat 7 10 LOI Alamlloe 0 SIPI 23-Loa Amigos (at GG) SIPI 30-Bolu Gr1nct1 OGI 8 at 81111 Clemente C>Gt 15-Founllln Valley OGI 22-EdllOn Oct 29-0ce•n VI-Nov 5-M11ln1 (al Wm) Nov 12 Wes1mln1ter M•rlna (2-0) 10 Newoort Harbor 30 Sen Luis Oblac>O s.c>1 24-footlllll (II OCC) OGI I-LI Oulnll (II Wml Oct 8-al Mlfflk1n Ocl 15-Edlton (II C«rllOI) Oct 22-0ceM View (II Wm) Oct 29-al Wes1mlntter Nov 5-Htn Beacll (II Wml NOY 12-Flll Velley (C«rltOS) oc .. n vi.w (1-1) 6 0 14 Etl•nct1 7 13 La Ou1n1a 20 Sept 24-Gypiete (Western) Ocl 1-Sun11y Hills (at HB) Oct 8 Western (at HBI Oct 15-11 Waa1m1n1111 Oc1 22 Merine (el m) C>Gt 211-•I Hunllngtoo Beach Nov 5 Fin V1lley (al HBI NOY 11-EO•son (al OCCl W1etmln1t., (1·1) 7 LI Q\1111la 11 P1C1lice s.c>t 24-Newpon H•rbOI Oc1 1-•I Compton Oct 8-LB Wilton Oct 1S-Ooean View OGI 21-Ftn Vall1y (111 OCC) Oct 29 Marin• Nov 6-EOIM>ll 0 14 NOY 12 -11 Hun11ng1on Beech DIATH NOTICES SEA VIEW LEAGUE Corona del Mar (().2) HunllnQlon e.ach 24 0 S111 C11m111i. 3 Sept 24 Capo Valle)! (at NH) Oc1 l-Et111'lcia (It Nfi) OGI 9-Saddll~k (SA Bowl) Oc1 15-Ei TO<O (II OCCJ Ocl 22-11 Irvine Oot 211-Co11a Mese 111 OCCI Nov 4 -Unlv1111ly (II NH) Nov 12 II Newpotl H••l>Ot Coeta Mau (().2) 12 Senti Ana 25 12 S11111ego 14 S•PI 2S-Los Alm1s (Western) Oc1 1 -Unlv111l1y (II Irvine) Oct 8-lrvln• (II NH) Ocl 15-Saddlel>eck (•t NHI Ocl 22-EI Toro (II MV) OGI 29-COM (II OCC) Nov 5 Npt H•rl>Ot (OCC} Nov 12 E•l•ncla (OCC) El Toto (1·1) 21 Cyprau O MINlon v1e10 Sept 24-et Vailnc;I• Sept 30-11 N-porl H111>01 Oct 7-Elllncl• (II MV) Ocl 16-CdM (It OCC) Oct 22-COtll Mese (II MVJ Ocl 28-Unlllll'IHy (II lrvl118) Nov 5-11 INln• 7 10 Nov. 12-Sadelleback (II MV) E1tanci. 11·1\ 7 ac..n Vllw Sept 24-at San Cllmant1 Oc1 1-CdM (II NHl Oc1 7-EI T«o (It MVI Oct 14-U111119(1lly (II NH) Ocl 22-11 Newport H11bor Oct 29-lrvlnl (II NH) 14 Nov 5 SldelllblCk (II NHl Nov 12-Cosl• Miu (II OCC) lrvlna (2-4) 14 L1gun• Hiiis 15 Woodl>rldge Sept 24-at Tu•lln Sepl 30-SCIOll>Ck (SA Bowl) Oct 8-cost1 Mesr(IM'ltt) OGI. 15-Newporl Htrbor Oct 22-Corona dlf Mar Oct 211-Ett•nct. (el NHl Nov 5-EI Toro Nov 12 Unlv11s11y Newport H•rbof (().2) 8 M111111 3 Cypteq Slot 24 -•1 WIStmtnSlll s.c>1 30-EI T0to Oct 6-Ullhlertily lfrv;ne) Oct 15 al lrvlM Oc1 22-E111ncl• 0 14 10 16 Oct 29-S•ddlel>acil ISA 8owtl Nov 5-eo.11 MIN (81 OCCl Nov 12-Coron1 Ciel Mat WINTER services wtll be held on ARTHUR B WI NTER Fnday. September 24. 1982 passed away on Septembe; al 2 OOPM al Pacific View 19, 1982 m Corona del Mar. Memonal Park. Pacific View Ca. Su rvived by tus toVUl,g Mortuary. Newport Bea<'h wife M arie W inter or Coro~a dirccLUtoNrsCE. FORD P"' D de! Mar. Ca. He was born m • • · Avalon, Pennsylvania. he R 0 N A L 0 D . IMldl•baok (2·0) 20 S•nl• Ana V•llly 20 Sant• Ana 14 8 Sepl 24 11 LI Hll>rl Sept. 30-trv1111 (SA Bowl) Oct 9-CdM (SA Bowl) Oct 115-Coll• MIU (al NH) Oct 22-Unt\lllllly (SA Bowtl Ocl 29-Npl Hllbot (SA Bowl) Nov 5-E111nc1a (II NH) Nov 12 El T0to (•I MV) Unlv•raltr (().2) 2 Woodl>rlOge 17 13 Tutlln 20 Sepl. 24 L1gun1 Hiiia (81 MV) Oct. 1 Coat• M1sa 1a1 lrvmel Oct. 8-Npt Harbor II lrvlnel Ocl 14-Elltncll (II NH Ocl 22-Slddllback (SA Bowl) Oc1 28-EI TO<O (at lrvln•l Nov 4 CCIM (II NHl Nov 12 -II IMne SOUTH COAST LEAGUE Capl1trano V11i.r (().2) 6 footlllM 7 EIPlflnu 14 29 Sepl 24 COM (II N1wpor1 Oct. 1-0ana Hllll Pct 8-Woodl>lldga Ocl 16 111 Mlqlon VltjO Ocl 23 Lagun• Hlllt (II MV) Ocl 29-ChlllO Nov 5 al Laguna BNcll Nov 12 Sen C1eme111e Dan• Hiiia (2-0) 6 Garden Grov1 27 6 Plus)( n 81111 24 11 Sin MllCOI (80) Ocl 1-at C1pl11r1110 Vallay Ocl 9-Leguna Beach 11 p.m l Ocl t&-Woodbrldg• ( t p.m.) Oct 22-11 San C11men•e Ocl 211-L•oun• HUit (II MVI Nov 5-at Monlclalr Nov 13-Mtttlon VlljO (I pm) L19una ~h ( 1-4) 16 S1v1nn1 Sept 24 Elllnor1 Oc1 1-Leguna Hiiia Oct 11-11 Dana Hiiis 11 pm) OG1 15-Boolta Oc1 21-11 Mltalon Vllto Oct 29 11 Sin Cl1man1e 0 Nov 5-C11>lt1tano Valley Nov 12-Woodbrldga Lagune Hiiia (().2) O lrvl111 0 E11.nc11 6-pt 24-Unlvertlly (II Mii) OGI 1 al Legun1 8"Gll Ocl 8-11 Mlulon VllJo Oc1 15-•I Se.n Cilmlllll 14 14 Oc1 23-Capo Vllley (II MV) OGI 29-01111 Hiiia (II MV) Nov 4 WoodbfldQI (•I lrlll111) Nov. I I-Diamond Bar (al MVl MIHlon VlaJo (2-4) 46 Tualln 10 Et Toro Sept 26-C11ao11 Oct 1-at Indio (8 pm l OGI 8-L•oun• Hiii• Oct. 1S-C9'>11tr1no Vellly Oct 21-Laguna BNc;h OGI 29-Woodbtldgl (lrvlnel Nov 5-S•n Clemlnll 6 0 Nov 13-11 01n1 HKla (1 pm.) a.n ci.mant• (2-4) 20 Magnoll• 3 C<Hoo• dll Mar 6 0 Sept 24-E•tancla S11>t 30-Woodbrkloe (lrvillal Oct II-Hu11linglon Seec;n C>Gl 1 f> Lagun1 HIHt OCt 22 Dane Hlllt OGI 29-LIQuni BllCih Nov 5-el MlUIOl'I vi.to Nov 12-11 C1pl111ar.p Valley Woodbr~ (M) 17 Un11111 Illy 2 14 lrvtnl 15 Sept 24 Of llngl (•• lrvlllll Slpl 30 S111 Clement• (lrvm11) Oct 8-11 C11>ltlr•no Vllley Oct t6-a1 Da111 Hiii• (1 p.m.I Oct. 22-11 Ontario OGI. 29-Mltllon Vl•Jo (lrvlne) Nov 4-L•guna Hlll1 (lrvl111) Nov 12-11 Laguna Beach OTHER I Maler o.i (2-4) 24 Fou111a1n V•llly 14 4 1 DOii P111blol 0 S.01 23-LOll Allot (SA Bowll Oct I-al Ct1tp4 Oct 7-EOlton (SA Bowl} Oct 15-11 Pius X Oct 23 SI P1ul (SA 8ow1) Oc1 29-11 BIShop Amil Nov 4-Sltrl (SA Bowl) Nov 1 1-SIM11 (SA Bowl) PREP FOOTBALL ROUNDUP. • • From Page C2 quest ot theU' third straight win. J o hnny Salinas, a 5-7, 145 -pounder, leads Irvine with an 8 .3 average o n 31 carries. while Tustin 's backs ar e more in th e 180-pound range. Tustin is 1-1 afte r stopping Uni- versity, 20-13. V nll'erslty I'S. Laguna If Ills Both are 0-2 and Universit y Coach Rick C urtis sa,ys h is ch ief concern l ies with t h e p assin g com bin ation of quarterback L ee P le m el an-d. receiver Todd W illiams. Laguna Hills has yet to score a point anct Its run n ing gam e netted a minus on e yard ag ain st E.$tanc1a. University fullback Gary lanum has ne tted 161 yards on 14 carries in t w o gam es for a w hop- pin g 11 .5 yards per carry. Oranlte t'S. ff'oodbrld1te Wiill running back J o hn Sch roeder lost for the season becau se of a broke n leg , the Woodbridge W arriors will be trying to ge t back on the w inning track ag ainst w inleM Orange. W oodbridge is 1-1 and will a p par ently be put· ti.n g its running game in the h ands of Rudy F i- g ue roa. Sean Sieler or Greg R u f fer will try to fill the big gap left by Schroeder at fullback. Orange offers a veer offense against the W ar- nors. Elsewher e in hig h school football: Saddleback vs. La Habra -Saddleback (2·0) will be trying to add to its 14-2 ad vantage in turn· over ratio against L a Habra (1·1). Canon VI. MIHIOD Viejo -T h e D1ablo~ of M ission V iejo are 2-0 and ranked No . 8 in Orange County, while th e Carson Colts, led by All-Los Angeles City r eceiv e r Al W ash ington (now the quarterback), o pen their season. El Toro v1. Valencia -Vale ncia is l ·l a fter tw o no n -le ague g a mes, but El T o ro Coach Bob J o hnson says his team's biggest p roblem lies in th e post-gam e blues a fter a 10-0 loss to rival El T oro. Dua Hllls-va-Saa-Marcos -San Marcos is 0-0-2 after a 2 1-21 tle with Ch u la Vista and 14-14 d eadlock w ith Fallbrook. Leading San M arcos is fullback Randy Davila (6·1. 195 sr.), w ho led the San Diego section in scoring as a junior. Ducks Unlimited dinner set Duc ks Unlimited, Ne w port Beach chapter , will stage its annual fund raising dinner at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa Thunday night w ith the public invited . Duck s U n lim i t ed Is a n Int e rna t io n al con.ser-Vation group for waterfowl manag e m e nt. It is a non -pro fit o rganizatio n founded in 1937 by a gro up o f f a r sighte d s p o r tsm e n a nd ot~er con ser vationis ts. It is d evoted to prese r ving w ater fowl b y cr eating a nd r estoring privat e breeding habitat in the North American Continent. A t Thursday night's a ffair, an a u c tio n and raffle will be h eld w ith prizes to include sh ot.guns, hunting trips. llmlted editions of wildlife prlnts by name artists plus many other prizes. T ick e ts may be obtained b y calling D ick Dickson at 548-8881 o r by purchasing them a t the door Thunday night. Ticke ts are $~0 each. Top polo teams co01pete FteTmout au ..... .. ._ I TATEMINT granting or the pelJliOll, you lhOWn on I map flCOldld In book should eith er appear al the 44 1, pegee 211 10 34, t>oth 1nc1u11ve hearina a nd s tate your ol Ml-11111eou1 Mapa, R1Gord• of ., Or111ge COi.iniy, atld 11 C!Ofrectld ob~ecllons or f ile written by 1h11 c111a1n c1r1111oe11 01 objecllons w ith the court Couacuon rlCOfdld 1n eoo.. 12946, before t he hearing. Your page 148-4 of Ofllclal R1eotds ol _,,__ ...,,. 1 111d OflnQI County appearance m11y .,., n pe~n E:ir~tlnQ 1111tet•or 111 oo1 on or by your attorney riglllt. m1111111 r!Qlllt. gu. natur" I F Y 0 U A R E A ou •'Ohl• 1nc1 0111« 11ydroc:1tt>on CREDlTOR or a contingent tu1>111nc1t by w11111ve• nama creditor or lhe da-eased. you k11own. 1og11111t won 111 gt0t,,.,.me1 stHm 111<1 ttNm power t>etow • musl rue your claim w1lh t he depth of soo '"' uno11 1111 r111 court or presen t it to lhe propeny dncrll>ld 1bo\11, wi111ou1 per1on 11 l r epresen ta ti ve '"' right to drill, m1111, owplOt• Of a ppoin ted b y t he cou r t opera!• tllrough or on tlle surtao• OI uppe1 500 fMI OI thl 1Ubtut111(;1 with in four months from the 01 said lend, et 11Mrvtldln th• Deed date or fi rs\ isauan re Of lrom Laural Pol111 Tow11 Homes. a letters as provided in section joint venturi, r1cord1d Mey 12, 700 of the Californla Probate 11180 tn Book 13604, pag• 66 of Code. T h e time for filing Olltc~~~~· dauns wilJ not expire pn.or Non-uc1u11v1 eppurte11•nt to rour months from the date 111~11 IOf ino•-. IO'"' use of th e heann~noticed above. and 1njoym1n1 111 ano 10 1111 "recr111lon1l common ., .... of tatd YOU MA E X A MINE Tract No 10097, u 111 lortll In Ille the tile ke pt by the court. lf O•cl11at1on ol Cov1n1nu. you are a person ll\terested Co11dt1lon1 and R1t1r1c11on1 for in the etil.ate, you may file a Laurel Polnl To•11 Homes. a plenned unll d1Y1topmenl recordlCI request w it h the court to in Book 13111,page t865ot0fflclal receive special notice of t he R1COrd1 filing o f lhe inventory o f T111 t1rae1 addrHt or otner esta t e assets a n d o r the common d1tlgna11011 of sa1C1 d property 11 purporllel to be 111 p et1\lo ns, accou nts an Aeoen Lane Costa Mesa Calllornla reporta det1Cribed in section 92627 · 1200.6 of the Californ ia S•kl Nie w111 t>I m•d• wr11><>u1 Probate Code. cov1nen1 0t w•11a111y, 111pr1st 0< 1mplil<I. u lo 11111. ~SIO<l 0< IOCUl'l'll>t~ to aauafy lhl unpaid b91enc:. d111 on Ille nol• Of notes MCllred by ""' DM<I OI Trust. 10 wtl; $14,261 74. plus Ille I011ow1ng esllm•l•d cotlt. 1ap1nt11 and 9dvanc.e •I lhl lime of Ille 1n1119! publicellon ot 11111 Nol-ol Sele S&.017 00 Pelllioner Denyse G a tej. wvla & wvla, Au orney1 for P etlt loa e r , 5%49 Lamp1oa Avenue, Gardea Grove, CalUorala 1%145 4198-8~ NOTICI TO "'°"-"TY OWNE"- -----------YOU AM 9" OlfAUU UNOEll A Publlsh~d Or•nll~ Coa.1 Ootly POol Mpl 22. 23, 211. 19112 PlB.IC NOTIC£ IC~1Tll flCTITIOUI 9UllMIS NAME ITATEMINT Tiii IOllowlng peraons 11e doing IMltlnell 11 SELECTIVE LISTS SERVICES, 22426 Allio P1rk 011ve. El Toro. CaJ1fornte 82630 Roblr1 E Nlllon, 18071 F11cn. IMnl, CaJll0<nie 92 7 14 H .. dl A NlllO<I, 1807 t F1tcll. Irvine. Celit0tllla 92714 N1ncy Oool1y, 180 7 1 Fllcll. lrvlnl, C.Ul0tnt• 92714 Thia bua'-11 coneluc:ted by 111 u11l11corporatld H•ocl•llon 01n1r tllan • 11911n.,-a111p Robltt E'.. Hiiton Tllll lllllmlnl WH filed wllh the CoUnly Oltk ol Ofenge County on S.Otemblt 13, 11182 f1M110 Pu1>1111110 011ng1 Coatt 011ty Pilot, Slot 22. 29, Oc1 6 13, 11182 4~2 PUBllC f«>TICf DllD °' Tl'UtT. DATED MAY 5, 1M. UNUH YOU TAKE ACTION TO "'oner Y<>Uft ""OH:flTY, IT MAY a E t OLD AT A PUaLIC t ALE . IF YOU NE ED AN ElCPLUATIOM Of THE NATUftE Of T .. PfllOCHOtNG AQAINIT YOU, YOU aHOULD CONTACT A LAWYEJl. Oatllel S.Otamt>e< 14 1982 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO • Calll0<llla corp . OM Ofmerod. A\111\of'il.llCI Of11<* '114 b tl l'ltlh StrMI. ~enla Ane, CA 92702 (114) 5S&-3211 Pu1>lltll1d 0 11no1 CoHt 01t1y Ptlol S.01. 22, 29. Oct 6, 1182 . 4195-82 IUl&JC MOTIC£ ... '*' EM:f'OW NO. a11110fll NOTICI TO CftEDITOftt Of llUU(~ (S.C.. 1101 .. 107 U.C.C.) No11c:1 11 h1111>y g iven 10 f'ICTITIOUt .U ... 11 ct1dltot1 ot tlle •ltllln neri't'..;;:l,;d--=~-t MAMIE 11'A,..N'f parllH 1n11 • l>ulk J.tJil'"ifi The lollowlng 1>11ton• .,, dOlf'!I 1n1ene1«1 lo t>I m.oe jjn" person91 t>u.,,_• " propany nerl4nlltt11 oeeoril>ld ROLLI NG FOLIAGE, 9862 Tiii 11eme and bulinel9 leld•ess Guintd• LIM, Anaheim. calilOfnla of 1111 lnlana.d lrlJ'•fl'Ot ete 92804 OU W, KIM: 2300 Ha•l>or Cn11yl A V111Gordon, 9662 Boull'iferd. CMti'MeM, CallfOfnla Gulnld1. A11 e1111m. C1lllornl• DOING BUSINESS AS HARBOR 112604 CENTER CLEANERS Oel>Ot•ll JNn HlllYilt. 2 Grell4 Thi narn1 end b\nineu 1dd11ss Court, Newport a..ch. Clllllornll of Ille Intended 1r11111.,-11 ll"t 926e3 HARBOR CENTER CLEANERS. hved here in Corona del LU NC E F 0 R D . l n Mar, Ca. for t h e pasl 17 celebration,, we remember yea.rs. attended Oregon State Ron as a fr~end. counselor. University and was with lhe teacher, loving father and Automo bile Club for 25 h usband He was born m Sl years. then the Departmen t L?u15 and moved '° Dalla.sin Newport Harbor, of Commerce from which he his early teen l,ears Ron Irvine, University a n d retired. He served m lhe serv~ I.fl the U . · Navy and Tuslm h igh schools a re Coast Guard in World War then est a bl 1 sh e.d h 1 s JI He was also an avid residence m California. Ron t he s ates for th e Sou th gardener and loved lO travel graduated from California Coas t w a t e r po 1 o and play cards Graveside Univen1ty Long Beach and tour n ame n l , which -;:::;:;;:=:::::=;;::::;:::::;:;:;;~1 received his Ph. D. from lhe beg 1 n s T h ursday, Hills and Riverside Poly . afternoon . wilh t h ose Also e n tered from the survivors clashing at the Daily Pilot a r ea a r e respective sites. L agun a Beach , Irvin e. Friday's championsh ip U n iver sity, E dison . semifinals a.re at 10 and Estan c ia. Cost a M esa. 11 a .m ., follow ed by the Fountai n Valley a nd title g ame a t 3 p .m . Tiii lollowtng pereona Ari Going ~ .. IMAGE ELECTRONICS. 10081 TMl>lrl A~. Suite 201, foun111n v~. Calff0tlll• e21oa Oon11• Jorelell LI YIClo., 1S14 Oove r Ortv1, N••POrt B11c11, Callforn11 1126e0 Alb• Nvv11 Wec1111. 2 Gr111 a C1llfornla co1po11uon, 9473 Coull, NIWQ<H1 a.eel!. C•tlf0<nla Foo1hUI 8oul•v11d, Cuc1mo11g•. 12M3 Celllonlle 91 730 This bualnlta I• ~uc:lld tly a Thal tll• prop11ty pernn1n1 Olf*M p.,-1nenhlp ,_110 la ~Ibid ~, gen«ll U . Ch«yl A V•n GO<Clon Mllltll lt, 111ppffff, tn«CllllldfH Tiii• tl•l-1 •U lilllel wllll 11\1 equlpm1n1. furnllure. removeble County Clerk ol Orange County on 1r1d1 llaturH, 1qulpme111. 1t1d1 Seplamt>e< 17, 1182 nam1. goodwlll. IMMtlOld 1n1-1 Neptune ocie ty United Stales International c u lmi n atin g with a CREMATION eull•AL A1 SEA Uruversily. San Diego in the champion on Satu rday at Foun tain Valley. FMtT ROUNO itAlfllMGI Amon g the individ ual ThundaJ •646-7431• field o f L eadership and Ne wport Harbor . H uman Behavior. H e was Our literature tells the very aclive In the stude n t S e e d e d i n th e S•"'ndo u ts expected to be At ... •port H1tbof: Niwpon ... Harbor VI Mlllioll Vlljo, 3. Los competing is Corona d e l Altoe ... Milllk.n. 3·60. ~tide Mar's David lmbemino, Poly "'' Santi B.,b111, 4 40. a first t eam All-C IF ~11.~g~ e11c11 va S e nu complere story o f our. body al CSULB and in civic tournament are Newport society affairs ll\ the crnes of Long Har bor, Corona del Mar , , .... ~r-,, .. _.C:: k• Beach. Santa Ana, and Footh ill a n d T u stin, ~~~=====~~ Irvme. Dr Lunceford taught respec tive I y, w h i I<' selection as a junior . At lntM Hleft: CC>tone del M•r Cor on a de l Mar a nd .,. Loe Al•mltos. 3. v11111111 "" Cr--.t1 V""1y. 3 SO, Villi Patk T ust i n a re r ecent v1. O•n• Hiit•. 4.40. 1rv1n1 "" IALTI I YGH O ... SMITH & TUTHILL WfSTCLIFF <;HArU 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 64!'\-9371 "HC I HOTHHS SMITHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St Hun11nQton Buach 536-6539 PACIHC YllW MIMOllAL r Al I( C.meterv Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1hc View Or•ve Newp0r1 Beach 644·2700 McC0."4fal MOITUAllH 1.aouna Beach 49-4-9415 L1<1una Hills 768-0933 San Juan C.p1strano 495-1776 HAal<MI LAW ..... MT. OUYI ~ortuatY • C.eme1erv Cremetory 1625 Gisler Avo Costa Mesa S40-55S4 CSULB 1 4 yeara a n d other s in the 32-team founded the People's ~c setup include d efending m Sant.a Ana and the Irvine C I F c h ampion Lon " Counseling Center. H e S 0 tournament .wi~ers. F':~::.!:,>1Y H'911: Untvenlty T hursdays fu'St r o und .,,., LaklWOOd, 3: Sunny Hin. v1. winners w 11J m eet F riday• EdfM)ll. 3 60, Foo111111 w Estancie. 4•40, OO•nty vt.. 001 Pu1blo1. served on numerous boards B each Walson . unny in the field of mental health and th e helping professions. and mot1l recently served as pretiident of the California Stale Marriage. Family Ch ild Auoclatlon. He has made many con tribut1ons m the fields of e d ucation. human relations, psychology, sociology. geriatrics. death an d dying. W e celebrate t h ose t h i n gs t h at R o n Lunceford has given lo us and rejoice in how he has touched our Uves and helped us to grow. May his spirit of stre ngth and action c:ontlnue with u s In o ur journey. Ronald ia s urvived by hi• wife J udy. 1c>ns Ronald and Pt>ter, daughters Linda 1md Chr ll\y, a u n t E ula Mae Davia, of St. Louis. Mlaoutt. uncle C a rl L u n cef o rd , Lakewood, Ca. and many, many fri~.1 too n}UnC"°'4 to name. Scrvlceif will be h e ld o n W e dn u d ay, Septe mbt't 22, 1982 a t 2:00PM at Unlverwlty UnJt.ed Me thod ist C hurch . 18422 Culver Dr .. lrvlM. Huskies No. I; Pitt drops 530. Al Tvatlft: Tut1ln VI. Co••• M111, 8; £1 OOr1do vt El Toro, 3:50, Long 811cll Wllaon v1. Fount1l11 Vell11o" 4:40; Indio vs. F rom AP dl1patcbes CrlWIOfd. 5·30 The W ashington H uskies h e ld on to first place ,~., in T he A&<lcxla~ Press coUeae foot ball poll, whil _ T~~wir!-.. the unbeaten P itt Panthers d ropped yet another p1ey at a. f1111rectey'1 4 40 end 5:30 n otch but both a ppeared to be m o re concerned wlnnl!I f''Y I I 3 50 Frlday'a I , wWllra I 3 Ind 3.60 pll'f II 15.20 w ith Saturday's oppon e n ts t h a n Tuesdays a.twdeJ rani..1 .. -Oon101et1on• bagln el 8 • m .• ....... _. N 3 nked Cll~lp llf'lllf\nll• •I 10 Ind W ash ington faces Orego n whll~ <>. ra 11 a.m : Third prec• •• 2 pm .. Pittsbu.rg}l visits unbeaten Illlnols. the 19t h rated c 1111np1on•hlp •t 3 p .m . .A (~ll'lp ~Idell II NewpOft -am. ...,borl- BRISTOL FOOT CLINIC Podiatry Clinic FOOT SUAOEAY • ,OOT ORTHOPEDICS M11tott JecobHfi, D.l'.M. Ftllow .\f11,.1tt•n I.Alli'@." fll f11t>1 Ot1i..'P'°'l"1 (h)>kl111AI• i\tnflrlUll Bnard 11( t'1•1t 01hhi7....t1!\ M•ml,,.r Artill'm' 1> .\mbvl•l•irr ~not "'vrt1•" In p,.nt,,. for u•l'r :l!'t "' • ~F..,. ________ ..., ____ _ ill WAl ... 11 \\1th nl'w lt'rhntt!Uf'• ev11lsl1lr. now manv foot prnHnn1 ran IM' rorrt'tltd ti\ our orfirf', with hllll' lou from vour nor111al 8rllYllll'lo. . ,,,,,.,.,,; ,,..,, .,...,,,.,..... • C«nl llltd ........ ......... CALL TOOA Y I« your lnltMI l'M• COIMUI. TA TIO# • l~J'IOll "'1H AD U PlllES 11 2012 fl<IW.O IQ -pol-ti John Glib.,! L1ock, 1514 Oovt r Orlv1. N1wporl B11cll, Callt«nla 112eeo Tlllt 1>u1ln111 Is coneluclld l>Y llutl>l nd Ind w.le Oon111 J Lll\llOk Thia tllllmlf'll -lllld w1111 lhe County Clerk ol Of1not County on Sept""'* 21, 1982 Ftm-12 Pul>lltllld Or•ngl CoHI Dally Polol, S.01. 22, 29, Oct .. 13, 1982 4187-12 NlllC NOTICE fttn40 111d lmprov1m11111, l11v1ntory ol Publl11110 Ottnge Coast 01lly m1rcll1ndl11 and 1nv1n1orv of Piiot. S.01 22. 29, Oct 15, 13, 1962 1upplle1 111d 11 looa11d •I 2300 41155-82 H11bor Boul1v11d, Coll• MIH, -----------Celllomll. PUBllC NOTIC( Thet H id bulk lr1n1f1r 11 -----------lntllld9d to bl conwmmtted 11 1111 JlCTITIOUt .,..... olflOI or._...... n.. ~ltloft. NA• t TATE•N'f 3920 Wilahirl BIYd • Los AllglleS. Thi tOllowlllQ PlftoN are dol119 Calllornla 10010, 011 or •lier butilllN .. October •• 1182 CASSEY ENTERPRISE. 170ll2 Lui dlll tor nNno clal"'9 In thia Lynn SlrHI. Apl A. Hunll11glon 11c:row la Oc1 7. 1H 2 Beach. c.ttlOflll• 92149 So lar u 11 11nown 10 •llO Dlvld Robin Cna«e. 1135 W onl""*' T~ Mid lntlndld P'IC11TIOU9..,..... 210111. Tonll'IGI. Cal1f0<nl• 90502 T11111f1 ro1 uHd 1111 tollowln9 MAMI I TA,....,., Cutt A11n11y, 17092 Lynn 1ddltlon1I bueln1H 11am11 Ind Tiii IOllowlng pertona 111 doing Str111, Apt A, H1111ll119ton a..Gh, addrHM• w11111n th• 111r" y11ra l>Ull,_ N ' CellfOfnl• 12641 IUI peat. none. SUNSHINE FOOO COMPANY, Thl1 bullnu1 la conduc:t.O by • Dlted. Slpl1mt>e< 15, 19'2 11"13 u A th Bl o I I e-a1par1111rlhlp HarbO<ClnllrC'-""5 • ... i c ' ur v • 111 ni. Otvld Rol>lfl Cuaor1 By· J•mel H Yu11, C•fll0<n•1 Tnr1 ••••-• w11 n11c1 wt111 1111 Prllkllnt Rick Yung· Tll Chin. No. 10 COi.in~ Cletlo. ol Or•"9• Covntv on tnll!ldld Transllr" Tllund11 Run. No 16F, lrYl111, "~temblf 20, 1982 Publllllld Or•ng• Coatt OiJtv CelllOtnl• .._ ' Allc9 ClllllCll. No 10 TflUndlw F11ntt Pilot. Septem'* 2'2. 11112 Aull No 16" IMlll Clllfornll Publitllld 011ng1 Co111 01lly 41H-&2 'N•n Chan Cha11g1. No 10 P1i01. SIP• 22· n . 0ci e. ~3211~~ PUBLIC NOTIC£ t.1111.ndl.t llwl.. Ho 16f~ l!vl11t.._1 ___________ -t~--............ ...,. .................. ~-~---llil' cau10tn1e l'talC NOTICE JlCTmOUI __, ... ,, Thll 1>111111111 II co11ductld by•------------MA* STA~ llld•lllduall FICTITlOUl llUalN911 Tll• lollowl119 Pl"On 11 do111g RICk Y11ng·Tll Ct1111 NAMl ITATl•N'f 1>11.W-11 Tllll 1111aman1 wat lllld wUll tllt Tll• following p1raon " dol11g S O U T H L A G U N A Co1111~ C"'1I of Ofll\QI County OI\ bu--. 11. CHIROPRACTIC CENTER. 311543 Slplamblt 20. 1982 THE GREEN INOOORS, 1001 Sout ll Co111 Hl,llwly, Soutll '1tnl0 W. SllV9nt Avenue, No. 425. 81111a uou111. Callloml• 2&71 Pul>ll•htd Or1ng1 Coatl O•lly Alll. C.llfoml• 12707 Tlmotlly H. Handlln DC. 31691 Piiot, 5aclt 22. t9. Oct 8, 13, 1082 Fr1nc:l1 Hunlll OgHYll. t001 W. WHdWood. South Legun1, Ce~lornll 4213-82 Sl•~•n• A111nu1, No. 426, S1111a 921577 -----------An•, CalllO<llfl 92707 Tiii• IMltll'IMa It Gonduoled bJ an PUBt.IC MOTIC£ Thi• bUtllllM 11 conducl.O l>y 111 lncllvtd\191. -----------~ llldivldull Tllllollly ti Hendlln OC ITATl •NT cw A8ANOONflKlf1' fr1ncl1 Ogilvll Tlllt 111'-ll -Ried wllll 1111 °" ua Of' Tlllt 1111-1 w11 tiled w1111 1111 County ewtt of Orange County on 'ICTITIOUI .u ...... NA• ovnly Cllrll or Otange Co\1111)' on Septlll'llMW 20, 11112 Tiit IOllOwlng p111on llU llgllll 17, 1982 '11TF77 ·~ 1111 111t ol 1111 t11:111iou. ,,... Publll"-d Ot1n9t Co1a1 Ot lly blllllnl6•"""' Publl•hlCI Or111g1 co .. t Oally Piiot. a..,t u . n . 0c1 a, 13, 1~ SOUTH COAST ARMY·NAVY Piiot. Slc>t 22. ff. OCt &. 13. lM~ .•~ SURPLUS SM.ES, 24114 N1wPOn 4207·82 Blvd • Coll• Mete. CA 12&27 TIM ,ICllllO\le 8utlne.. Nat11• PtalC NOTICE ret•rt•d lo •bOYI ..... llltd In ·---PIC-nnout---..,...----..,.-,--rte~-~ .. Ora11ge County on Novtm ... 14· MAMI ITATIMINT Tht 1011-1119 ,..,'°" 11 Clolnn 1t79, Tiii lollowft'IQ l*tOl'lt lft dOl"O b\dlMM M: .. ~ .. ., MICtlAIL Jl!ROMI! SHIRMAN. bualMH 11: "lfltlONAI. CHOICE J:AMIL" 1'50 ,..,k N•wpott, NO•POfl THE NETWORK. H O s. PLANNING MIOICAL OAOuP: ~· ~wH oonct11e.i bV 8•vtront, lalboe IM11d, o.ltloml• 4UI l arr111ce Perllwn , Irvine, Mell* 12ea ~ m14 an Ind Mlehetl J ....,_ Atdl ll & AllOOll lll, 1110.. • , w. '*4erlcll, M.D .• 11602 TrMI etatamant,... llled """the C1lltorn1e corpo1111oni..~O ~-!Nine IML. Ttalln. Calltamla tt•o Cowlty C.. ot 0.-. Coufley on :=:''· 8411boe r.land, ...,,°',,.. Tiiie ._,,_ II ~ by All tapi.mber 14. 1Ma n. bUlonaM .. ..._ OOllduelad inclMduet ,_ ,._.,, '· W. DIMlrWl .. L~ 0 .. ...... by.~··~ Tiiie ........ - -""" ... Cl ll0"8S ea&.•OADWAT MOeTV~T 110 Brotdway CostaMna 642·9 150 • D•llY Ptlot e cl•stlfleds e wortcfor • you.CIU 642·5'71 -~ = ,..., 0.... Of. Aldlll & ANOCI. Inc Couf1ey Qartt ot ~ e.., on Se Habls 2111 louth 8rtltol -= • ~ °' AIOtll, ........ "· '*· - ff*d -'"vi .. ....,, ..:.:-=c:~~= t '"""' P11Dff•'*I OfM .. COM~= F.A""nol ..._ AM • m-7111 ,_ _ " n. "· o.,.e. 1111 '16'-llttlff orent• 00111 oeo~ ...._ .._. n. tt, oet 1, 11, ·--~---~~•••••~••••••••••••••••~-·~ . --~ ,~.~u~~·~1,~ ~ .1 - Ot1ng• Coali DAILY PILOT/Wedneld1y, 8epl•mbef i2, 1982 ('3 . -. MUC llOflC( g1c NOTICC MUC NOllCC Ml.IC NOTICC Ml.IC NOJICl rtalC NOTICl IC .. 1"1'1 'Y~~"itiMA.tUllDUA ~ .... ,. NOTIH Of ttweTJl'a IALI -C..,·•ttl HOflCI CW•TMMT11'1 HU ....cMllTANf NOtlCI HOflCIOfl... Ullit ............ ._ .. ~I NofoCl ...... IHl'llAU ._ .. tltUI.. ..1'1Cl .. 10Ul .. l 'tlALI LTHitL !!!-~ ..... AN tr YOUfll "fl(),.fflllV II I'* OfMALNIONlth -LI y TUIAOnoet "°"°'°'' UNNROllO°''""" , ........ ,... Tl .... ,"""'""'.... -.. ro ClOIUAf BfCAIJH 1ou AT NIVAYI ~· tO '1 TY "'°'9•rt, • T ..._tANT NOTte• fJIANs.COAtf HllVIC" IMC MOTICI THE YOUNQ AtlOCIAfH Ill Alff H tllHO IP4 'fOVll PA~M 'lft .... M11 • " I ' • ~ Al ,. "'9LtC TO fO "°""" o-*• •• OUIY faP90lllled fn.ra1 .. 11noe1 u.. YOU A ... IN OlfAUl T UNOI" A 4'1!y eopojl!lllO Tlutl• llnd4w Int 11 MAY er IOLO WlftiQUf "'"y lfl Ille"''*'°' Col.lf1 Of tile., .... AL • , , '0 u ... I 0 ,. .. YOU AM ... ~·uu.,..,... A lullowlno dMCrll>eO d..O ol llu•• Dl(.D Of' '"""· DATID MoUICH IOll<>Wina dncllc..cl dt9d ol ITU.I COUAT .acr10H al\CI y°" n11y lie# Of Oel!IOI~. IOf IM Cownly of" .. ~no.. °' fMI MATUM 'fOU 'AULT~" D. ID 0, T u. T DAT ID tw1u. HU. Al 'Vil.I(; AUCTION ''...r ""· UNLHI YOU TAKI Will &Pt.~ 4T PUaLIC AUCflOH tbl legal rlQhl 10 111100 W'QUI IC~ Ill ~ °' tMil NOOllMtO ,..,. .. I DllD OP Ulf •• , .... ,TIMHR I . '"'· UNllH lO 1H HIOHUT ltDOlA roA AgTION TO .... OTICT YOU• TO THE 1-llOMUT l lDOlA ro111 Ill good •••o011.g I>)' , .. yin.J 111 of Ill t11• MeUer ol lht lltale ti ,,_ YOU eMOULa COWTACT tl,H ... §1tlt. U•lll YOU TAICI AC TO .-OTIOT ICAIH l~yallle 11 time <>I Hit In HIOllll•TY. IT MAY IC IOU> At A CASH (peylbl9 II lllM of Nie .,_ yollr P1tl du1 ll•Y'"'"'" pl11a l'LOlll NCI I 'I NllllTHY, U..,.. YcMI fAal I lO ..oflOf YOU• P•OPIUY, IT MAY 81 ~ewllil lflOl\tY Of IM Uolled lt•l .. I "'86.tC HU ." YOU •to AN lewtvl money Of the lMlttcl Itel•) permit ltd 1;01tt 1110 ••Ptll•U DeoMNd .. ,.. °' l11Utfl1'8 84.La YOU• ,. ll 'f, If M&'Y Bl IOLD AT A f'UelK: ea&.1, • YOU all rig/II. tule W iflltHMI G<WI~ IX'1.ANATIOH Ofl THI NAlUf'I •II rtoht, lltl• •nd lnle r .. 1 within ll•rtt "'°""" lrom me dett Notice .. lleflby OI""' '"'' lhe , ....... ~ .... •T A 8M.I.. 'ICM.I ••o AN 10\NtATIOH °' ntm ~o ana llOW ,..., by II undtH Mid °' THI ,.OCHOINO AOAtNIT conwyed 10 WICI now lltld by II ''*'not~ of dtllklll """ rt<;O<O.O undlnlQned WIN 1111111 Prlv111 Mia, NOTICI ta HIRllY G.l\tl!N, tl11t NllD Mii ftOie INI Tiii MATURI 0' THI ,.OCllOINO OH O 01 111.1tl 111 1111 p1opt11y YOU, YOU lffOUU> COHTACT A under Mid Deed of TNtl 111 lhe llllt 1mou11t 11 I 1 H!I •O n of 10 1111 ntoll•ll 1nd 1>1tl DlfCl•r on WedMtdey, OototMir "· 1 .. 2, UfUtlll 0, net NOCHDINO 40AIHIT YOU YOU IHOULD 1*eln11ter d..Crtl>H LAWYP. prOj)etty hereinafter deteltbed l-lt-12. 111\d wlll lnc1t1M uni~~ 111,leot to conlllm1t1on o r ... .; ... 00 o'ctoc' • m of Mid city, In ••AtNtT ., • .,. 'IOU IMOULD CONTACT A lAWYH. TAU& I oi. fl~ANK c ROY Ct On Oc.tol>•r •• 11112, •• tO 00 fllUSf Ol'I· JACK MOl'IOAN I090IH\I beC.OmlHUfl9"1 You m•r .,._IOr Coun, on oo .n-. Ille Om I~ room ... Ni01 IOt ~tlnQ CONTACT A LAWYIR. NOllC[ ti H AllY OIVIN Md PATRICIA L AOYCF nuband •m , DUCl<flYI A CONVIYANCE 8l~:=~f~m~N l'IOll!IHO llOI 119,,. 10 P•Y the ltflllle u11Pl'CI My Of Oetober tHt •• Ille offtct Of T11,., .......... within Ille ott~ ol NOTICI 1• ..... .., OIVIN Thal ""°" lllcl by YlllUI 01 ""' and wll• 0 0 M p AN y. a c •It ' 0 r n.. porllon ot )'0UI •"ounl .ven MtAD. OIV NI, 61& lo. fllowlr RIAL llT4TI llCUAITlll Tllal l.llldlr Md., W111t ol tlle f)fcwtaiOnl 01 tllll c.r11tn OHO Of B£NEFl01Afll'I' AL\.8T AT!! co11.101•1lon! .. duly •QPOlnl•d PUW88I, NILIOA PE"U8SI, lllOVgf\IUllP•y.-H wHO•m•ll<led. at.1 Suite 1900. LOI Angel ... OA 11"\llCI , IOCllld 11 2020 NOl'111 P<O\llllON Of llltl Wttin OMd Of Trutl d1led leplembtr U . 1912. S AV I N 0 8 A N D L 0 A N T1ut1ee unaer 1nd p11rlu1111 10 JERRY BEARY. PAMeLA IERAY. bUt )'Ov hl\.111 pty m11rnoun1 at1teo IOllH, County of LOI AngllH, ·~y. Sult• 20e,.1n Ille Cltv"' ,.,ult cllled a.,ttl\'lt. 21, 1111, end recorded Ill tlll olllcf Pl"" ~880Cl ... TIOH. II C•l1l ornl1 OMdol Tit.ill dated MlrC:ll 11, IHI flltcO•ded MtfCh •• IHI •• •bOY• a11i. of OaNlornla. e1t the rl0f11, 11111 lantl Ma. County 01 Otange, 81111 •nd 1.C:Ofdt4 If\ Ille oltlee ot~ Record« of the County ol Oflll\OI. iCOfl>04'111on recordlld Aprtl 2. 1081. H 11111 No In"'· No i300 In llOQll 1~972• Alt., 1111" m011m1lrCl•TI11111 dllf Ind tnter111 of INlld dec:Hlllld 11 Ille of C1tlforn11 . ACAL fS TA lE AMorffl' Of ti. Cou111y of Ottn 81111 ol Cllllornle, 011 October 1. Aecoidtd OC:tol>llr 20. 1070 u 2314, in book 14006, p1g• 810, 01 PIQI 14711 of OlllClll Recoid• In 01 rtcoro111on or 11111 ooc;um1n1 time of dMlll and Ill""' right,'"" ll!CURl'Tll8 8EllVIOI! •• C1Ulor11la Stat• Of o~ Oii Oc1. 2, I 1. IHI In Volume 14247, P-oe 13113. lllllr No 40767 In bOOk 133110, OlllGlll Record• In Ill• ofllc• ol 11\0 111• OlllC• 01 111• RICOldll 01 (which dtllt OI •lti.Ordllltlll appeMI anc1tnt-1111a1 the .. , ... ot Mid corpor•Uon, 11 duly eppolnted In Volume tod, page •H, of 01 Olllclat Aecord1, Htouted by l>tgt 131 I of Olflclll Aeco1<1t 111 II•• Coullly Recorder ot 01•noe County. Or~• Couoly, H id died 01 tru•t hereon). u111ot11111 oOll{l•llOrl bittno 0101111d 1111 1oq11l,.d bV TN1t• llflder end'p11nuan1 to the Olflcfal A1cord1, HecullO br Jimmie N. Wll1on. •n unm1rr1ed oll•c• ol 1111 Rtc:order ol 0111111• 81111 or C1lltorn11. h1c111ed by ""~~2 '1; ~~!:f'~. 611118, u to1ecl0Md 11p0n ~rm1tt "101l0•' opefltlon ol llW or OllltfwlM Olli« poftf of HI• oonlerrtd In 11111 George P lrootl.1. en 1111mu1llO men 11 Tru1lor, to I UNKIST Oo11n1Y ... Id deed oltrutt clnc:1l0t• MARY I! RUSSELL, I m11rltd Pfll map 1-ded In book , 2111, period, you ll•ve ooly llWI 1@1111~1'11 ''*" 0t 1n addition 10 11111 of Nici oertllln dttd of Truet 'exeo11ted l>y n1an at Truttor. to IUNKllT at R v 1 CE C OMPANY . a the follOWlr\O PfQPerlY wom11n 11 n., 1011 •nd npirrat1 1 to ttop ""' tort<.•o•u•• "Y o ~. 11 Ille lime Of Mell!, ifl KITTY KAY BLACK, an 1111rnarrled 81! AV IC I 0 0 MP ANY . I COfl)Oflllon.111 Trllllff, end 8 TAT£ PAACtl I FM 1lmple title lo proptrlV WILL 8HL Al PUBLIC Pigu I II 2 I lnC1lt.1•tve o Ille entire 1mou11t demanut b)' Incl 111 lie .in reel Oed A I 11 1980 I COf~llon U TNll ... end STATI! 8 AV I N u S AN 0 L 0 AN ~ondo1111nlurn Unll No 2t>2, lfhe AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER Mlec.lllllltOUI Mapi. In Ille oil~ yow creditor ...ue:o 1n1 1t1e~OU11lyot'6r~ :=''i:of0ff='A«:ord1'; SAVtNQS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION, 1 Cellfornl1 "Unll"l.ln 1ll1 Cllyot Newpor1 fORCAS~l(plylbltlllltneOl"le ol Ille County Recorder OI Mkl To t1ndoul thtemovntyoumull St••• OI C•lllornl•. parllcularly H id County, II P•g• 10119, A8SOCIATION, • C1llfornl• CO<PQtatlon, .. Benellcl•'Y. BelCll. County OI Or1111g1. Stal• ol Ill ltwlul money OI '"• Unllld ~~ARE IN 06FAULT UNIXfll ~·v. or lo •tr•no• IOf peymenl ·~ ~bed 11 IOllowa. 10-wt1 ~def'• ln1lrumtn1 No. 491191 by C10tpot1t1on, M ..,,.llC!lary, And pur111ent lo tlwi req\Hltl ot ~111torn11. 11 t llow11 upon Ill• 8111"1111 1111 l1on1 oultldt ttllrancl A OEIO OF TAUST OATIO ttop 1ne loreclo•ure or II vour Lot 23 In BIOCll Two 01 ··sectlorl , .. ~ ol • brt8Cl'I or deftult In And pytlUMll lo t!M NQUell ol Ill• owner •nd holder of Ill• 1Conclomlnh1m Pt•n (tnllll•d 01 1111 Con11ntnt•I Hom• Loi n 2,1,,,1 UNt"•& YOU TAKI p1opet1y 11 In lortc:loture lor 1ny n..o, Bllbol lllend" .. lhOwn on 1 p•yMtnt or p•rlorm1nc1 of 1h1 1111 own., tnd holder ot 111• prom111ory nol• 1ecurtd by 111• "Condominium Pltn ror 1.ot t or bulldlng •• O• 901.1th Euc;llO . ACTION TO PAOTl!CT YOUR 011111 r111on, c;on11c;1 Plec:tnU• t.4t0tec0reled111 Book 8. page 31 of obligation• HC11red 1n1r•by. promluory not• MC:urtd by Ill• DMcl ol Tr11a1 •bove ralerred lo: 1Tru1 No 10681' I Cownty or A111~rn. Ce11torn11, ell rtont. tflle PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT lakea Homeown111 Anoc••llOll. M~laneou1 M1p1. Record• of ln<:l\ld"'cl 11111 breech or cl•ftult, OMd of Tru11 ~ ''*'Id lo, And by fluon or 1111 OefMlll In ~ren~•· 81111 of C1Urorn11 (Th• 111\d ,,,,., .. , conveyed to and now A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NE(.D Mttll PrQC)tfty Man~• Agent. OfMOe COUl'lly, C1t1lornl•. mOI• NolM cA wNcl'I wet recorotcl J-Md by r...on of '"' Otfeuh In 1111 p1ym1n1 or H id proml .. oty "Plln '),recorded On July 12, 1979, h4lld by II under Nici°"° of fruit AN EXPLANATION OF THE :1128$ l .. A1mbl11. Sull• lfO COMmonly known ... ""Ruby 17. '*· .. l'ecolde<'• tntttument '"' p1ymt11t .. ••Id proMl•aory nolt and lhl bfl•Oll Of \tit •• Oocurn1111 No 16010. lfl bOOI< In Ill• p1operly 11tu1ttd In Hid NATURE OF THE PAOCEEOINO MIU IOn Viejo. C1lllorn11 92891 Ave., 8eloo. lllend, C4 92M2 NO. 82·2083119, WILL SELL AT note ind !tit t1r u c 11 OI '"• condition• In H id Dtt<I or Ttutl 132211, P•Q .. 18 111ro11gll 11 &. County Ind Sl•I• Otectlbtd.. AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD (7HI &43·2tll. Property wtll be IOld "u ..... p u. LI c Au c T I 0 N T 0 THE condition• In .. Id Offcl Of Tru•• pr°'11ded, • Nol toe or Off.Ult tllcl lnciuSlvl of Offlci.J Flocordl of ttld Loi 119 trac;t <1356. In lhe Clly ot CO..TACT A LAWYEA II you n•vt env qu11t1on1 you flfml ol H ie 01111 In 11wlllt HIGHEll BIDDER FOA CASH, provldecl, • Noclcl Of Otftllll and Election 10 Sett Unde< 0..0 01T111t1 Oraoge Counl\l llllllCh Plan per11ln1 Co111 M111, County ol Orange. 634 Pierpont Drlv•, Co111 lllOuld con11c1 • llwy11 or tll• money or th• United SlllH Ol'I ttl'#M money of 1111 united S111 ... a.c1l0fl to Ill~ o.M of Truat 111vl11g bHn duly recorded •• to th•I property oeecr11>eO In Trtc:t Sllll ol C1lllornl1, at per m1p M • t • • C A t 2 t 2 e gov.,nrnenlel egenc:y whlCh m•r confirmation 01 u11. or p111 OMh or a C!Mfllef'• check drewn on a navlng betn duly r1co1d1CI H !>fO\llded lor by In Mid Aecooder't No. t0587. rtc0tded In book •49. 1tc:orded In Bo<* tea, pegee 34, 35 "(It 1 etrMI eddl .. or common ~ 1n-e0 your toen •nd t1111nu evldtnced by nol• llM• or netlonel benk, 1 11 ... 0t provided for by t1w In Hid Offlc:. on JutWI 14, 1ee2. In 800lt P41QM 5 eno 6 Mltc*t1neout M•P•. •nd ~II ol M!At .. lllWIOl.lt Mapa, In dnlQn•llOn of properly 11 '"°"""' Aem•mber. YOU MAY LOSE. MOUred by MOft~ Of TNll Ottc1 '9derel cndtl union, or 1 1tate or ~der't Ofl'ce on June 22. 1182. lnel No 112·200721. In the olltoe ol lhe couruy tecorder 11\8 ollu ol Ille County Recorder of 1~ no -renly II oJlllll 1110111 LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOV 00 NOT on Ill• properly 10 •Old Ttn ....... Mvtnoe end lolln 1MOCl1llon In Bootl INST. No 12·212541. SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY .• of Mid ooun1r Mid County com.,..,_ .. Ot c;orrec1ntM) .. The TAKE PAOMPT ACTION PlfCenl ol 1mou11t b id 10 be domldledlnfhl111111,lll1>41y1blell SUNKISTSERVICECOMPANY.e oorporallon, u Ille preunl PARC! 2 An undivided Tiit etreet lddrH1 1nd Olller wtrrlnty 11 9lven 11 to Ille NOTICE II HEREBY GIVEN Intl dfPC*led w1111 bid. 1t11 time or ..... 1111 ngn1, tltle and oorporellon, •• Ill• prtunt 111thorlud end ectlng Trull•• .00233 IMlfC4111I ln1eo•r 111 and101ne iocommon 0111gn1uon, II •ny, of the °°"''*'"'"' or corrtclnlll Of Pllfllllnl lo Ar11ctt •V. eec1oon I of &Ide°' oil•• 10 be In wnllng Ind "'*"' held by II, 11 TrullM, In eutllorlud end eollng-Tru11 .. under Mid OMd ol Tr1111. 1l0telald, Common Are11 as s11o wn e nd retl properly detcrit>ed above II 1111 1 bo .,,, •d d r • 1 • T 111 th• Oec:luetlon1 or Coven•n••. watt be received 11 th• 1lor111ld 111" '"I prOi?ll'Y 11111••• In aald undlt ulCt Deed Of lruat, lforeMld, on Wednellday, Oetol>er e. 1982, •I defined on the Plen purported to be 315" Kerry L'11t. behtfldary under Mid OMd 01 Condtllon1 end Ru1nct1on1. office 11 any lime 1f11r tlle llral Co•nty ind s 1111, described •• on W~ Oct. IS, IH2, •• lllt tht "°"' or 10:00 o'c:loGll a.m. of EXCEPf THEREFROM tH 011, Co1ta Meea. C•lllornl• 921126 Truet, by reuon or 1 t>r•ICl'I or exec111ed on Aprll 23. 19111 and publlcetlon !Mreol and befort det• lollowt: hOUf of 10'00 o'Cioclt A.M. of Nici .. IO d•r 11 lllt Horth lronl 111trance g a 1, m 1 n tr t It • n d o 111 • r Tiit undertlgned T1 uatee deflUll In the obtlgellone MCUred record•d Apr II 29. 198 1 u of.... ; Lot 17 of Trtct No. 9107, In the clly ti llw Notttl front ttllrar'°' lO 10 Ille Orange CO<lnty CouflllOuse, hy(!rl>CllrbOnl, belOw •depth ol 500 dtaol11m1 any H1blllly 101 eoy lllwttby, llertlofor• uecuted Ind Oocum1n1 No. 350• In Book Dated 11111 13111 dey of Sept .. City ol lrvlne. County of Or•noe. Ille Ofenot COUtlly Court"OllM. 700 700 CMc; Center Oflvt W"1, In tht IHI, w11hou1 th• right ol t 111lece 1nc:orr1c:1nes1 ol 111• ltrNl IOdrees detlvered 1o tl)e undeflloned • t4037, PIGM 17111·1788, 1nctu11vt , 1982. Stilt of C1lllornle, 11 1110wn on a CMc: Cenltl O.i... W .. t In Ille City City o r S1n1• Anl, County Of enlry, as t6MNtd In ln11r11men11 ol encl oth• common deelgoellOn, lf written OedlrlllOll ol DefllUll end In tlWI OfflCt of the Ot1nge County c . Eugene Glven1, mtip r-Cled tn Book 388, PagM of S111t• Ana, Oounly of Orenoe. Or111ge. S111e ol C11tfornla, WILL record. any. thOwn ller•ln. Demand tor 8•1•, ind *''"'" Recorder, Orange County, Executor ot tllt Wiii 15, 18 end' 11 of Ml1c1111neou1 Sl•I• ol C11troml1, WILL &ELL. SELL. pur111ant 10 Ille power 0111111 PARCEL 3: Arr uclualve right Seid ll\le wlll be made, bul nottc. of breach •nd ol election Celllornle , • breach of Ill• ol aeld OeQeden1 M991, In tllt ollloe of Ille Countv punuent to tll• power of Hie c:onle<red In said Deed 01Tr11al8nd. end eesemeot 10 use the Balcony wllhoul coven1n1 or warranty, 10 C:IM.IM the und1telgntd 1o Mii o ti Ilg 111 on o I Pay men 1 ol aAMD a QIVIN8 "-dlf or .. io County. conferred In Nici Deed of T11111 and, wtlhoul coven1nt or warranty Area destgneted 0 ·252, on 1he Plan ex11reas or implied, reg11dlng lllle, Hid properly to Hllely H id ......,,,.,, .. hH o<:curred. Not~ 111 a. Ftoww It., SUit• 1900 EXCEPTI NG THEREFROM Ill oil, without oov•n•nl fir w1rr1nly regarding 11111, pou1ulon 01 es being 1ppur1en1n1 lo Illa Unll po1ae11lon. or encumbrance•. lo obllg1llon1, 1nd tllatHlllf the ol Mid bt'llildl end fitm w11 med for l• AngetM, CA •11 g • 1 , m In• re I a • n d o I II tr regardl!lg tlll•. po11e11lon or encumt>t1ncee, 11publlc1uc11on. to PARCEL 4: An exclus•v• rlQlll pay Ill• remaining prlnclp11 111m ol undersigned cauMd Mid noltoe or re oord on J uly 19. 1982, U (I~).._.,_ l'lydtocerbon aubtlencet, 1og1111« enwml>tlllUI, 11 putMic llOOllon, lo the highest oosh bidder, In lowtul and 11semon1 10 u5e the parkfng lhO note(ll eecured by said Deed ol breec;h and ol elecllon 10 b• Document No 82·248966 1n 1111 Published Orange Coal! Dally with Ille right 10 explpre for end the lllghMI c:Mll bidder, In l•wful mon•t ol the Unlled Sl•IH of spaces dtSlgnated on Ille Plan 11 T1u11. wllh lnterHI thereon, H recorded M•~ 26 11162 •• ln11r. ortlclal Recotd• ol Orenge Counl7i Piiot. Sept 22. 23. 29. 19112 Hlrac1 aamt, below• depth ol 500 money or Ille Unll•d 811111 ol Amer c:1, 111 11111 c:11111n rtal Plllltlno Spac;e No PS·81 provided In nld nott(a), advanoes, l'lb. ~-17969 ol Oll~lal Records In No peymonl of peal 'due arnoun a •166·92 '"' from the ...,,_ ol said lend, Amarlc1, •II 11111 cerllln rt•I properly situlled In lhe Counly ol vOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER I\ 11 any, under th• terms ol Mid Deed the olllee ol lhe Recordlf or Orenge 1111 occurred T herelor•. Ill• ------------wttl\oulllltrlghlofturt-enlry.u propertyal1111tedlntlleCountyol Orenga, S1111 ol Caltlornl1, DEED OF TR UST DATEO ol Trull, lees . charges and County. P1ec1nt11 l1kee Homeown11a P\llLIC NOTICE ~In o.od of reoord. Orenge, Sllll of C1lllornl1, delctlbtd es 101io~· OCTOBER 11, 1979 UNLESS YOU eapenset ot 11\1 TrullM and ol the S•ld Sile wlff be mede, but A•toel1llon does hereby tlec:I to 'ICTmOUe BU .... H NAM! ITATIMENT The following peraona ere doing ~ .. : NEWPORT PETROLEUM FUND 112•1, LTD., 161 FUhlOn line, Sutte 112, Tuttln, CA 92680 PAT H. COCHRAN, 161 FMhlOn Lant, Suite 112, Tu11in, CA 92880. COCHRAN Oil COMPANY, INC., • Cllilornll c;orporlllorl. 161 Faetllon ~. Suite I t2, Tu1hn. CA 92MO. Thie business Is c:onduc111d by • Arnlted pll'tn«stllp Cochren 011 Compeny P•I H. Coc:llr•n. Pr ... Thie llllement WU filed wllll tlll County Clerk of Orange Counl\I on S19tember I, 1982 ,~ JACKaotc. ICIOC>eJt a SUCICUMO AH_,e .. uw .... 1414 W ... Fervo INdf. -""'"°" c.nw Dr. • Newport ~II. C4 .-0 P11bll1lled Orenge Coul Dally Piiot. Seot. 8. 15. 22. 29. t982 3947-82 !'ta.IC NOTICE FtCTmoua eua...aa NAME aTATIMEHT Tiie lollo*lng person 11 doing b<Jtiness ... PROFESSIONAL PARK·2, 881 Oovlf Drive. No 15, Newport BllCll, CA 92663 R.J. SMITH, 881 Dover Drive. No 15, NewPOft Beec:ll. CA 92663 Thia business 11 conduc;ltO by llmltecl per1n«Shil> R J Smith Tne ttrHI addrtH or ollltr ""9crltltcl U follOwl: PARCEL 1 An uodlvldad 1151h TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR trulll crea1ed by Hid Deed of wllnoul cove111nl 01 w1rr1nly, Hll or cauH 10 be sold, Ille common dHlgnetlon ol the real PARCEL I: lnltfMI In Ind lo lot 1 OI TrM:I No PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A Trllll Hpreu or Implied, reg11dlng title lollowlno delc;rlbed rnJ ptoperty to property lleNlnlbove deecir1bed 11 Ari undMcled t15tn lnler11t In It t•ll. In lhe Clly ol Coste Mesa. PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN Tiie 10111 amount ol Ille 11np11d possetslOn. or enc;umbr1ncee, to .. 111ly rhe obtloltlOl'I Pllfpol'1ed lo be 5 Emperor, lrVlne, Ind lo LOI 1 of Trec:t No 111••. In County or O renge. Slete ol EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE blllnce of Ille obllglhOll aec;ured Pl)' Ille remaining prlnc:lj)al 111m LOI 129 of TrlCt 911111, .. Pet Celltofnll the Clly ol Ccm• ~. County of Calllornll. tS per map recorded In OF TH~ PROCEEDING AGAINST oy the propeny 10 be sold and ol llle note MW<ed by Mid deed map recorded In Book •• t. PIQM Tiie 11 ndlrt lgned titre bV Otenge, State ol Callfornll. &1 per Book 479, Peoos It end 17. In the YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A r1uon1ble e 111mat1d cost a , of Trusl, with lnler .. t &I tr> NICI 39 10 46, lnc:J\nlve, ot M1SC*l1neous dlec1tlm1 111 ll1blllly ror 1ny mep recorded In 1ocM1 •79, Peg11 olllce ol Ill• County Recorder or LAWYER eJ1P41n111 el\d advanQOS ••the time note prOVlded, ldvancM. ti eny, MIPt. In ""' Offtoe ol the Or~ lnootree1-In Mid"'"' addr ... Ill and 17, In Ille olllce of Ill• ..id Counly 101 Sc;llotz Plue. Newpo11 ol 1111 ln111a1 publication ol Ille unde< the ••rm of uld OMd Of County Recorder or other common deelgnallon. County Aecotdef Of Mid County. Excepting tllerelrom Unlll t Beach. C&lllornl1 Nollet ot Slit 11 SH.1160011 Tf\111, '-· dlerges Ind ••pen... Thi rec;ord ""'eel owners of Ille Slid ..i. wtll be made wlllloul Excepting tlletelrom Unit• I through S u tllo•n upon Ill• "Ill 1 llrMI llCldren or c;ommou The beneficiary unoer Mid Oe8d ol Ille Trvllee Ind of Ille lru111 ptoperly more commonly ~nown Al w•rnnty. e xpren or Implied. through 5 11 1nown upon 111• Condom1n1urn Plan rec;orded In dea1gn1t1on 11 shown above. 110 or Trull lleralolore exeeuted and etullld by said 0..0 or Trull 3 HI M1111 Drive P lacen111 regerdln9 ttue. ponea,lon, or .Condominium Pl1n rec:ordtd In Book I.oil, 11 Page 663. Olllcial warranty 11 g iven 11 to Its dellv1reo 10 1he underllgned • Said 1111 wlll be held on Cll4lom1a, 111 Tony M MOOll and encumbrenc ... 10 111i1fy the Boot1 14081, ., Page 653, Offlclll Recoro1 of MIO COUnly complet111ess or correc:tnenl · wrmen OeclerlllOn or O.l•ull and Wednesday, Seolembel 29, 11182, Bok D Moon. prlnclpel bllanc:e of the Note Of ~dt Of Nici County. PARCEL 2. Unll 5 &I atlOwn upon Tiit benelid1ry undtw eald OMd Otm1nd tor Sale and a wrlllen at 2 00 Pm II 11141 Chepmen STATE OF CALIFORNIA) otllw obtlgatlon eecured by u ld PARCEL 2: the Condominium Plln rtferred 10 of Truat, by reason or 1 bfeacll or Notlc:e ol o.t1ull ind Elec.IOll 10 Avenue entrance 10 1111 Civic )H Deed of l'ruet, wllll 1nt1tosl and Unit • u el'lown upon 1111 In P1rc:11 I above end more oereuh 1n Ille obllglllOnt MCUfed Self The Uflderllloned ceuMd Hid Center Build ing , 300 E111 COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 otlllf 111m1 u provided therein; Condominium Pl111 reltned lo In c:ommonly known es n82·E Pll(;lllC thereoy. here1olore 1aeculed and Nolle:• ot O.laull and Elecllon lo Cllapmen A...._, Orenge CA By 011n1 S1a1ar plus 1dv1nc.e, 11 1ny, under 1ne Pt1ctl 1 lbove llflcl more c:ommontv Avenue. Costa MeSI. CA dtllvored 10 the unde111gned • Sell 10 be rtc0tded In tlle county Al Ille time ot '"' lnt111t On 8 · 19·82, before me tn1 lennt 1""9of 111\d lnlerNI Oii tucll known 11 2111·0 llleclflc Ave., ti there It no street 1dd1e11. written Oeclarlllon or 0.111111 and where the rNI property 11 IOClted Pllbltullon ol thl• notice, the total unaerelgned. 1 Notary Put>lte on and edvancet, an<1 plu.1 f-. c:tuwgee Colt• Mela. CA. dl1ect1on1 m1y b• obtelned by Demand for Sale, end written llOlloe 011e Augull i6. 1982 emount ol th• un1>411d balanu of for seld Stele. peoeonally appeared encl .. pen_ of 11141 Truetee lrld of If '""• 11 no 1lrMI 1ddr111, written 1equn1 lo Stele Sevlngt QI l>fuc:h 1.nd or eleehon 10 cause Buckeye Rec:onveyeoce the obllQ•llon on MCurlld by tl'le Diena Sle1er known to me ro be the lruell etealed by Mid Deed of direction•"''( be obt•lned by Ind Loin Auoclatlon, 222 North El the undersigned 10 1111 u ld eo •bove dttlGrlbod dMd ol 1ru1t 41RMll\ager.ofthec:orpor•t1on11191 Trut,. Ttte tolel amount of nld written reque1 to SI•'• SIYlllOI Oorldo Streel, Slocklon, CA 95202; property to 11t1sly ,.,cl obtlga11on1 Al Said Trustee and Nllrnlled ooett, ••Pll'I.... Hec11ted the within 1nst1umen1. obllO•tlon, Including rHaonebly •nd loen AMoc:Mllon, 222 NOt1tl IJ A 11 en t Ion: lo• n S •r"v.i. e and 11111ealle1 the under signed 434 S Euc:lld, and lldvencee .. l«,2118, 19. k"°""' to me lo b8 Ille po.son Wl\o utlmll•d feu, c llargee and OorldOSlreet, 81odllon, CA ff202; Oeo111men1, no1111er then October c:1used said nol~ or breech and 01 An111a1rn, C1lllorn11 92802 Tn1 opening bid may bl lllllOllled tlll wllh1n lnstrumenl on QP«1M of the Truttee. et the ume A 11 en Ito n : Lo• n S • r v Io• 6, 1962 lor lhe purpose ol paying elec;llon 10 be recorded M•V 14, Tel (7 t•l 991·7032 obtained by ca!Ung thll day before btll•lf ol Ille corporation therein of lnllllll publlellk>n of t"'-Nollc:e. i. ~"*''• not_i.ter 111111\ October obllglllonl aeeured by 11ld Deed of 1982 . ., 1nt1r. No. 82· 168t3t . ol By OebblO eon the Nie. (7t•I 937--096e. naned 1nd acknowledged 10 me f.48 Of4 1111 12, 19112 lor tile purpOM lJf ~ Trutt. ---tntd i)fflclal Records. PubllshecLOcange_ COUI _Dajly Date; August 31. 11182 11111 well corpor1Uon exec:uted Ille o9111d: sec,1em1>er 20. 1982 obllgallonl MCur«I by uld Deed ol Tiie 10111 amo11n1 ol the unpaid Se1d aale will be made. but P1101, Sep• 16, 22, 29, 1982 ~ ~.::•OCIATla w1111tn lnllrumont pur111•nl .lo 1u REAL ESTATE Trust. b•l•nce ol 11111 obllg1llon It $127.· without cov1n1nt 01 warranty. <1076-8' 8 ., T.D. IEAViCE COMPANY, 08r·OIU,':!1~1a resolullon 01111 Board SECURITIES SERVICE. Tiit 10191 tmOWll of Ille unpeld 932 71 and lhll esUmellld '"'°"'' OI exptHS or ftnptled, regarding tlllil. • ... v• u Trutl•. belanCe Of INI ollllQ9tlon le $127.· co11s, upen1es ind •dvances poneSlloll. or enc11mbr1nce•. to !'ta.IC NOTICE =• llllcMtltloft. Alet. WITNESS my hand and olllc:I .. a Cellfornl• corporation, 933.09. 1n1 ..... 1 t13,20t.ee, end tilt which wlll be lncutred by tlll d111 ot PIY the remaining prlndp•I Slim or OM Ct ... lllYd. WMI a.cty. NII By. D.J. Morger. Hllmeled erno11nt Of CIOlll, Hit ls $1,069.711. the note(sl MOU•ed b)' Slod Deed ol MJ,EflltO" COURT Of' 0r-,·•c:.A tall l 1nd1 l Soc:co0 ltt PYealdenl ll\l*I-end ~ ~ wlll Dated Seo11ml>er IS, 1982 Trull, with inl•etl u In Hid note CALWOftNIA --.-Pubtlantd Orang• Co111 0111)' (SEALI b4t lncumMI by ltll c!Mt of Nit II SUNKIST ltttvtCE COW4NY, provided. ldv1nces. 11 1ny und•r Coutfl'I Of' OftANGa (1~~ange COiet Dlllty PllOt, Sept I, 8 15 22 1982 2020 North Bro1dw1y, $t,oet 78. • CetpOtltltft Ille leorm of .111<1 Deed ol l rull, 700 Ctvtc C9"11f Of. WMt 3886-112 Suite 208 Oeled: SliplemlMr 2S, 1912 O.wld C~. Aul. V. PNe. ,_ c:hal9" end °'*1H1 ol tlll ""'-Anoe. CA W702 PtlOI. Sept. 8, 15, 22, 11182 Sant• Al\I CA 92706 SUN(l9f IEAVICl m N. II Oetede 8L Trutl" and of 1111 trulla crHtecl I>)' MA-AM Of': 392""82 Tel: (714) 953-6810 COMPANY, ...... ._.CA 111'112 Ntd OMd of Trutt P1Ulloner: MICHAIL DIAN •-'C _,,y.-: rtllllC N0TIC£ P111>t11lled Otenge CoHI Dilly • corporMIOn (*) ..._1Ht · Satd 1111 v.111 l>t hlld on INIAMOM>. l"\IUU "" n.oi: W<OM45 """·Sept 22, 29, OC11 II, t982 8y. Ollvld ~. tNltM Wednesday Oc;1ob11 8 1982 1t R11p111dent: ttOBIN ALICE ------------1 "-Ne. O:IO-t01M20 "158-112 Atetltent Viet PreliOtnl Publltn•d Oreng• COHI Diiiy 2-<>0 p.m II lhe Clllj)fl'lefl Avenue • "AD, 0. D •II• "0 81 N A. MOnc. ""TMJaTl:E'S •A.LE 222 Nortttll Oortdo81..., Pllol, Sept IS 22. 21, tH2 en111nce 10 1111 CIVIC Center M'fl.lfTY. NOTICE OF DEATH OF UND«lt D«IO Of' TINIT Slodlton, Celltomla '5202 ~ BullOlng, 300 E111 Cll1 pm1n ~· <•AMLY LAW) MARIANNE V. BURNS ~ANT NOTICE TO Ml.IC NOTICE Thie atlte"*'I w11 lllecl with the YOU AM .. Mf~T ~A CounlV Clerk of Orange Countv on a..D a. T1'U8T DATU .MY 22. September 13, 1982 '90. ~YOU ~AICI ACTION F1t'7M TO ""°TlCT YOUR f'flOf'llRTY, Published Orange CoHt 01lly IT llAY • 80U) AT A PU9UC PilOt, Sept 15, 22. 29. Oc:r 6. 1962 a AL 1 . If y OU N l ED AN Te1: t20t> ...._111e "'--· 1n 111e C11y.,. °'llnOI ON aacOMD AND OF PETITION TO "°""" owNEA Trua... Nit.IC NOTICE -• Al the llrne of Ill• 1n11111 .._ND€DKTITION ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. YOUAMIHMfAULTUNOUA Publl•lled Or•noe COHI 01117 public:allOn Of 11111 notl<ll. Ille lot•I CnE NO. D-20 rr a 0 ll I D 0, T "u • T D A TI 0 --------1-----OF THI ...OCHOING. AGAIN.tT ~ ~-82 1........,.TIOM CW Tita NATUM Nil.JC NO tCC.__,_ YOU, 'IOU aHOUl.O CONTACT A --------~---~-LA..,.._ FtCTmOUa ..,..... NOTICI Of' ntUaTO•a 8ALE NAME aTATE....,-T.8 • ..._ ,_ The following peraon 11 d oing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 11111 ~as: Oii Wednttday, OC11ot>er 13, 19112, J 0 H N W 1 l l I A M S A N 0 el 9:00 o'dOc:lc Lm. of llld dey, In ASSOCIATES. 504 N Newport 1111 room ... aaidtl for QOnducttno Blvd., Sult• 205, Newport Be1cll, Tf\IMM'1 Salee. within Ille olfloN of CA 92MS. AEAL ES TATE SECURITIES JOHN HENRY WILLIAMS, JR., SERVICE, loc:eltJd et 2020 North 5011 Begonia Avenue, Coron• dtl BroodWey, Suite 209, In the City of Mer, CA 92826 Sent• An1, County of Orenge. State Thia~ ......... conducted by.,.. ol C1lllornl1, REAL EST ATE llldlvldull. SECURITIES SERVICE. 1 C&llfomte John H w 1111em1. Jr corporation, •• duly 1ppolnt1d Tflll llllerntnt W&I filed Wltn Ille TNltM under Ind purtUlnl 10 Ille County Citr11 of Or•noe County on l>OW9f or 111• c:onf•rr•d In 11111 September 3. 19112 certain Deed 01 Truet execuled by ft-LOUIS W SMART Ind NORMA S. Publlelled Or1ng1 COHI Dally SMAAT, llutband Ind wife u Joint ~. Sept 6, IS, 22. 29, 19112 Terw111. rtc0teled Augu111 2&. 1980. 3945-U In Book 13718 o1 Offidel "'-de of NSUC NOTIC£ ACTmOUllUllMEaa ..... ..,.Tl'MPf'T TM lollOwtng ~ et1 dolnO ~as: DOLPHIN SOUNDS. 3U Vlciotle S1r .. 1. Colle Metl, CA 92821. LAWRENCE P SAVA.OE. 3M VIGtCIM St, Coate Miia. CA 921127. MICHAEL RO.Q.ERS, 39t VIC'ICll'l8 St , Colla Mela, CA 92t27. Tilll buelnell .. conducted by • "'""al panneretllp. Ltwrence P. Slvege Thie lllltmenl WU ftlod with Ille CouMy Clerk of Orenge County on ~ber 3. 1982. ,,... Pubt11htd Orenoe Coen Deny Pltot, Sept. 8. 15. 22. 29, 1982 3tO+l2 l'tltllC flJTIC£ L.IOAL MOnC& ......... '°"-'""' ..... u.1ID acHOCX. DllTNCT ..................... NOTICE IS HE"lBY GIVEH 11141 tilt Board of Eduoellon of ttlt NtwtOtt·M .. • Unified scnoot Ol•t;tc1 or Orange County •Ill ,...... Malec! blda up to 11:00 AM on ... 7111 dey of OCltober, IH2. et the office of Mid School Ot1tr1e1. 10C.ceC1 11 1857 Ploc«ltl• Street. Cotti M.... Callloml1, •I wlllcfl tlmt H id bid• wltl be publlclf oC**' and ,.., for: IMITAUCTION.AL COtoWUTEM Al tlldl -•o bl In accordenoe Wlttl Condltlone. 1n11rvc110M, end ~ wNcfl -"°"'on Ille In ,,_. otrtGe ol 111• P11rc11111ne OlrCIOf or H IO $clloot Olttrlct, 1117 "-tl• ltr•. Cotti ....... ClllOrnll t2t27 N8 Bidder :i; withdrew~ lld ~ c::: ... onr;":.' ope!°= tlltr'lof. Ttit Soerd of Edl.lcllllon of 1111 =Ort·MaH Unlllld 9onool t '~ Ille rlQht lo rejlC1 Inf Of .. 8lctt end no{ fl«..... f ...,. ~Ille iow.1 lld. an4 to ....... Inf ~Y or lrNOu!M'Y Ill Inf lld*9f¥td NIW 'O"T ·M l lA UWllO SCHOOL Dl9T~ Of Oren1• Cour11~. c.lllllWflle oorotny Harvey f111ner, H id County, II P•e• 156 t . fllec:order'• '"""'"*'' No. 31882. by r..-i Of a brMCh or deflllllt In peyme nt or perlormenee of Ill• o bll91llon1 1tcured tlllfeby . lnclllOlf\9 1na1 brHk Of dtlaul1. Notice of wlltcll wu recorded Mercn 17, tH2. H Aecorder'1 ln1trumen1 No. t2.ot30t5, WILL SELL AT PU&IC AUCTIOH TO THE HIGHEST BIDOER FOR C4SH. i.wt\11 monty Of 1111 United S11111. or • CMfll«'• check drtwn on • et11• or nlllonlll blnll. • ttat• or ...,., ctedl1 union. or • ltat• or _,_ .. wNIOI end toen &llOClatlOn dOfNdl9d In 11111 IUlte, all PllV&ble II Ille llrM of eale, 1111 tlgl'll, tllll Incl ~held by II, M Tl'llll ... In ttlal rMI property •1tu11t In Hid County 1nd Stele, d11etlt>ep 11 fOllowl: Lot 23 111 btock I 3 of llret acldMlefl to Newpol'1 Helghll, Ill ttMI City ,_ N9wPOr1 9Netl, County ot 0r.,._1 lta1e o1 California. M Ptl "'•,.....,In~"· page 94 ol Mlecett1nu111 Mec>t. In the olflc:.e 01 '"' County Recorder ol HI~ CN!ty. Tiit 1tr1et 1ddreu or 0•1111 eot'I~ dHlfD111on Of tM re• ff~ llet elNlboW Oeecrlbed II ~ 10 ~ ac>o4 c1111 onw, ~ leldl, c.MOfflle. Th• 11nftfll9ntd lltr•bV ClllClllm• 111 ll•blllly for •ni ....... ~In M6CI ..,. tddt• or _., °"""'°" dtllgn9'ion. ... ......... " "'°" wlll'IOul w1,,1nty, Hprut o r lmplltd, , .. .,ding till•. POUtHlon. 01 1no11m1trencu . to Htltly 1ne p(lnclpm balllnc. QI the Hot• 01 otlllf oMa•tlon 1ecured by Mid 0..0 of f"rv11. wllll lntere1t and otlllf tlUfM 11 provided tller .. n; IM'lt ldvllllOM, II any. under Ille *"" "*-' Ind Inter• on tuCfl ........ _, pllle lwl, cMr99I ... tll'**9 o4 tt11 TNNI and Off lie "'*' CINllMtd w Mid Deed al Trvet. T'll• IOfal •mount 01 Hid obnpcton. ln<:ludlno l'IHonabty HH,..at•CI feet. oh•rou end ...,...._ ot Ille Trullfft, at IN •-of lnltl•I publtoetlon or 11111 ,.... .. w .a1t.oo. o.-a..iternber 17, 1N2 MAL HTATI , ftCUfllrTIU SERVICt, •T~ ~OJ. M0t09r, ... ~. (llM.. 2020 NorUt lro1dw1y, ..... hntt Ane, CA t~7ot lei. J~"'~:w-10 .._....... tWIMW ..... ,,.. ............. .,. OrlflOe c... O.,Hot,lept 22, "· ott .. ,.. PilOt, Sept. 22. n , act. e. 1"2 ~ ....... emount ol Ille unpaid balanc:. of Ille NOTICEl 'ICMI 11 ... Mef'I lllld. A-114H5 lllllHMBltt 21, 1N1. UNLE•• ----------"-.'eo..ao=-=· ..... •TA~ Oblig111on HCllrld by lh• lbOvt The CCMlft mlt)' dectde .... t'" To all hell'S, beneficiaries, YOU TAKE ACTION TO "'°TICT ltllJC IQJIC( The loflowlnO Plraonl .,. ~ oucr1b1d dHd o r trua1 •0 d wlttMMlt ,_ betftt Nlord.,.... c r editors and con\mge nt you• 111•01111111TY. IT MAY al ___ , ~ u es11rn11ed co111. 1xpen1H. 111d ,.., ~ wlttllft ao deye. tteed c redi'tors o f M ariann<' v SOU> AT A "'8UC aA.U. IF YOU NOTICll Of' 11NSTll'I ao\L.E DESERT ENTERPRISES, 111551 ldvancet 11 17 ... 541 27 Ille~ below. THE T .&. -. ~ e.acflmon1, Santa Ana, CA t2705. l o deteomln• 1h• opening bid. "you wWI to ..... IN ldvtc. of Burns aJ)d persons who may =~~=~· .. =::DINO T 0 SERVICE COMPANY .. duly WILLIAM E OSTERMILLER. you m•y c:lll (71<11937--0966 •n attorney In llllt '"'""· fCMI bt'·otherw1se inter ested m AOAINaT YOU YOU SHOULD 1ppoln1ed Tru1t11 under lllt JR., Trull• of Ille OSTERMILLER O•I• Seplember 7, 19112 t'*"4 do 80 pt'_,el~ eo ""lJCMI' the will and/or est.nte: CONTACT A LAWvlEA. 1o110...,;ng delc:rlbed dMd ol lrvll INTER VIVOS TRUST dlled April Trent-Coast ServleeS. Inc reaponee Of ptetdlftg, If eny, Mey h ..__ f led Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION 27, 1979, 633 Lido Park Wey, .. nod TrultM, ""'ftltd on llme. A petition as ..... .,,n I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR Newport Beech. CA 92&63 By· T 0 SerVICe Company, Av I. 0 I u. I• d II. • Id 0 by Donald A Bum.s in the Thal under end l>y wtue 01 ,,... CASH (payeble 11 tlrnt ol .. 11 In JOHN W. HENGESH, Trua1.. egent demande.to. fl trlb11n1I p11td• Superior Court of O rant pr°""'°"' 01 ll\et oer1lln Deed 01 t.wtvl rno-y of the United St•tMI of tn• HENGESH INTER VIVOS Sh M (DePl•HOI ,..,. ...._ ~---..•-Co . h h Trull dlled September 21. 1981, ell right, utte and..,..,.., c:on~ TRUST. citied Augu11 t . 1982. iron Mcldlf GOnlfl -_. -• unty requesting l a\ e •nd rlCOfded In 11141 oll•c:• ot 1"9 to and now l'ltN by 11 under Uld 11561 BMt:llmonl. S1n11 Ari•. CA l atn«. AUi. Sec:felery -CIW Ud. ~tn1 app oinled as personal Rtcoroer 01 lhll County 01 Orang• oeed ot Tr111t In tht prop1t1y 92705 , one Clly Blvd . w .. 1. :.: ....... LM le In .,. representative to administer Stale ot Celilorme. on Oc:1 2. l98flll' llarelnlrtet o.c:nl>eO: Tiiie bullnell 11 c:onduoted by• Oranoe, c1111 9211611 •1 U•l•d d•H• 1ot101t., et tbe estate of M a ria nne V . In Volume 142'2· P•ge "63• of TRUSTOR: llAMES J. DURANJ, generel p1Mnerlhtp. 111.it 835-82118 cOMeto de "" '::71do en .... B u r n s ( u n d ,. r t h e co111c,111 BR•c,,ordsd. 'sxe1 cuteBd lbl Y led men John w. H•n"ltll, p 11 h d 0 c 1 O•ll lier.. 111 n an y vii ur n. en llf\ITllrf • ub s e reno• 011 Y ••unte, d•b•t • ll•c•rfo Independent Admm1strat1on 11u1b1nd and w111 as Tru&tor. lo BENEFICIARY. MARVIN GORE TrullN Pilot, Sepl 15, ~2. 29, 1982 1ntmtdl1.....,..., di NII -•. S CE CO p y •nd IRIS M. GORE, llll•b•nd Ind ,,.. 407•-82 .. ,. • ., ...... -..Clan .•• ""' of Estates Act). The p<'titlon SUNKIST ERVI M AN .• wile, u joint t1n1nt1, 11 lo 1n JAC«aOM, KIDOIR' IUCICLMlfO •lt•lfl .. pueck "' , .. lalred• 1 is se\ for h earing In Dept corpgrlloon, 11 Truitee. and STATE und~ 80% lnterMt and ETTA Alt.,,..,._, Lew a C C . SA VI N G S A N D l 0 A H GORE. 1 widow .. \o en undlvld.cl ..._ Wt4 w• ,.,... --.. "8.IC NOTlCE • .....,.. No. at 700 1v1c enter ASSOCIATION • ca111ornl1 20% lnt••t. • NtwPtlft Center°'· P•'111T1oon•T,HE11•R•ES111"eOdNOE• ~NeT111~~ Drive. West, in the C ity of cori><><lllOn, u een.11e11ry, Recorded Oc1obor 20. t98t 11 ~...._CA -• u 111 l II IO• CO U" t 0' Santa Ana. Caltforn1a on And pur111en1 01 111e owneo end I d 0 C c~ -nino your marriaQt vou l•fl "-"--6 9 2 9 30 lloldtr or the promissory nolt Instr No 2Mt7, In boOfl 1<1282, Publ •II• reno• o"t Dally COUNTY°' 09'AMM to Ille 1 reeponM within 30 ci-vs ol V<.:wuo::r , I 8 al : am MCU•ed by'"' OMd 01 Trust abO..e page 1381 Of Offtdal Atcorc19 In Ille Piiot. Sept. 8. 15, 22. 29. 1982 CAM NO. A·tM141 '"' d•I• 11111 tllll 1ummon• 15 IF YOU OBJECT lO the ttftlf'fed 10. offle• or Ille R.c:orcier of Ora.nge 3946-82 ~TO aHOW CAUU lltWd on Y'O'I· your ci.feull "'«Y be grant.in& of \he pell lion, you And by rMIOn or 1111 oetaun In Coun~dMd::"JOottf\19ta..crtbel __ .,. Mftnl'r POtl CHANM a...,... ~_!!fed Md 111e, ..... 0011rt1 l~nctenl ter a should eithe r appear at the Ill• payment of said promissory lllel.,.......,..,,pr '"~""'~ lnt"-Mll ofl"-Aoolc:atJonolr•vvmenl con .... non,... ""or · d no111ndlll•b1eac;hot1n1 LOI 18, ltocll . Sec:tton 3. 'S:,,, • ~ "*' lor CflllnOe olller ordlrt oonc«nlnO dMllon Of h e~rang a n s t ate your c:Ofldltlons ll'I said Deed 01 Trust 881boe Ill.end, u per map r-Cled '1CTITIOUa au-•• ~-on 1 properly, 1pou11I 111pport. clllld objeetlons or flle written prO'Adtd 1 Hotlcill of O.laull and ~:."1~· :.•~I~: MAm aT4Tl-.rf WHEREAS. Ill• 1ppllc;ellon ot cu•lody, child support, 111orney objections with the court Eltoctlon io Sell Under OMd of TNll Aec:order Of Mid County. Tiie IOllowlng perton• are OOlnO Leon Burton Monltpett for Clt\8ftQ9 1-· cos ... Ind suc:ll other,..., u before the hearing Yo u r 111vrng been duly recorded " YOU ARE IN DEfAUlT UNDER A tlualtWIM 11 SCA PTS of name llu bMf'I duly llled with 1111 rMy be grenled by the court TM be person provided tor by law 1n U ld DEED 0 F T flt UST 0 A T E D 107tE~IC L ~O~ERT~ ~· detlt of tll11 Court. end 11 eppeer1no g11n1st1men1 of wag ... lilting of appearance may m Aecotdt< a Offlc:e on June 22 1982 SEPTEM8EA 23, IHI UNLESS CA 9282~lwer -· 1 ' lroM H id 1ppllcellon 11111 H id money or pr099rfy, or otlWlt COUf1 or by your attorney In 8ooti In., No 112·212S42, YOU T.IU<E ACTION TO P.-OTECT EWF TELEVISION INC 1 appllc&nt dUlru to have IU1llo<lred proeMdlogt may 1190 IF Y 0 U A R E A SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY • ROPE .. TY IT ••11.y BE • · •""'lclnt's n1me ell•..,,_, 10 Ille "11111 CREDITOR or a conungt'n t corporellon. •• lht present YOVR P " . ... C1llfornl1 corporation, 1079 .....,. -... ~ Oiied August 3, t082 --''to {th d----' autllortz•O and 1c;11ng Trustee · SOLO AT A PU8UC IA.LIE. IF YOU WMIWlld L•ne. Cotti Mell. CA propoHd n ame ot lll'ln Merl LM A. BHncll, Cltnl ._-.~ .r 0 e "-~~·you 111\der Mid Dead ol Trull, aforeMICI ~~~~:: ~P~~"'~c~oT~~ 92&27 EWF T~llOn tnc:. . Av~~-TttEAEFORE. II •• IWlt•b'f CMftott• ..... .,. Deputy m ust file your cla1m with the on Wednesday Oc;1 t3 19112 •t AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD Er1a w FrllW•ld. PrN. ordenld tMI tit ptrtonl lnlerMled Publllhld Orang• Cont Diiiy court or presen\ It lo the '"' hour of 10 Oo o"c;lOc:k AM : ol CONtACT A LAWYIA Thia""'"""' .... filed with the In Ill• 11td m11t1r of change ol PilOI, Seo• 1• 6• 15· 22· 19~~9-82 personal r e presf'n tallv(' Mid d~~1 111e ~" l''C1' on11enc. 221 1nd 221._. Onyx, Belbo1 COunty Clttk or Orenot County on n1m1 •PP•at belor• '"• •bov•· 8~poln led b y the{r couhr t ~~';.Ac;~., O:.: w:~'.':',~ llland, Cllif«nla e:zta Septtmt>er 3 19112 ,,_.. enllUed Cour1. In Dept 3 thereof, !'ta.IC NOTICE wtthin four months om t e "'(If 1 llrttl ...,_or oommon Pubtlehtd' Orenga CHI Dilly IOcll!ICt 11 700 CMCI Ce!'ller Drive, d · f f" l • { City ol S1n11 An•. County of dHlgn1t1on 11 1nown above, no p1101, Sept 11, 1s. 22. 29, 1982 Sent• An• on tl'le 11111 dey or ~to-FK;TITIOUI aua1N1Eaa ate o irs issuance 0 Otenge, Siii• or c1111ornli, WILL w•rr•nly ta ghlen .. 10 lta 3949-112 btr. 1982. II '"'hour ol 10.30 NAMI ITATIEVINT letters 8S provided in Sccllon SELL. pur:W•nl 10 lhe power ol Jlle c;ornpltt-. or~•-)." o'clock 1.m. llltn Ind tllar• to .now The following pereon1 ere ootng 700 of the Probate Code of conferred In H id Oetd ol Truat and The ~lldary Under teld OMd c•u ... II en~ they 11111•. why \he blltlr!tll 11 Calif I Th • { without cove nant 01 warr•llly T ot br h !'ta.IC NOTICE appllc:etlon for c111ng• of n1me M 1 c H AE l s HEAM AN orn. a . e lime o r rtgtrdlng 11111. po11e111on or :~.::·"'~:."::'iott~ :,,: ........ 00. -··-·· lhould not be grenled ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED. filing chum.~ wlll not t•xplre tne11mbrenctt, ., public: eucllon. to tlMrlby, MrllOfor• ··~tel end .. ;.:..:.:. ITAw:::.:. IT IS FURT)iEA OROEREO 11\et. 6100 w. Coaat H!Qllw•y. Newpo(I prior to four months (tom •111 111911e11 CNll biddel, In 11wluf detlvered to Ill• 11ncl•r•itfltcl • Tiie fol~ng ...;:-;;. doing coP7 or tlll• «dtr bt pullll•lllldLOln Btecll. CA 92863 the date of the hN1r1ng mA on•y1 of tll11e 1u11n1 1•ed s, 1111• 0f1 -.._,~.·ion Of .._.__ .... ...... Ille ORANGE COAST DAILY Pl T. M ' c HAE l s HEA M AN noti--' above mer ca. • • Ctr e1n , •• ........... ..,... - ' ....,_ .,.,, tlu"'-9 11: 1 ~ 01 gt11trll publttltlon, E T IRPR SES NC c "-""" ' • property lllueted In Ille County ol ~°'11118:':f :!r~~= THE NAT6URE LIFCE COM~ANY, e>Mted and putlhfled 1n Ille city ol c~rpora:lon.' ~IOO 'w ·~:an~ YfOOUkMAbY EhXAMlNfEt Oren91, Stet• of C•lllor1111 Lila. llJldtIJIJlntd to ell u ld ~:~:'~e~;H• 011• 991• Co111 M•H. County oJ Orenoa. Highway Newpon e11c11 CA tl'l1! e ept y t e court. delGrtl>eO 11 lollowl PfOOttlY to MflllY Mid ~lont1 Jolin e l!.dward•. 394B Ogle onoe • wMll loo tour <•I~ 92683 • ' you are irnerestcd an the PARCEL t An undMd•d 115111 ind llltr1ther tll• under"tn•o S1r111 Co111 "••• C1111orn11 wttk• Pf1or to the d•t• e\>0'.19 Ml Thlt butlne.ss Is cond\IC1ed by • esta~ 1 o u m8y flle a rt-quest ln1er .. 11n end lo Loi 1 ol Tract No led Mid .. lcl of bt ti ~ of . ... • IOt ""11(\g of Mid llPClllCa11on I • 111"8, In Ille City of Cost• Mua. cau MC 92621 OATEO:-Auciust 211, 1982 c:orpor• IOl'I M ich•~• Sherm in with t e court to receive c ounty o r Oflng•. s u11 of el.Clloft 10 .. ftCOrd•d M•1 a. Jon Wllllem Pierce '21181 FRANK OOMENICHINI Enlerf)flMI Inc $ p e c I a I n 0 l ice 0 f the C.lllomle, .. I* m•P rteoreled In ::io::..,~ '2·15712 of =:~;~2~~' G1rd1n Grove. Ju<IClt ot 1111 'Mtc11M1 SM<m•n. Pr" Inventory of ~l\llh.• •ss<'ls 8ooll <179, PBOM 16 •nd 17, in '"" S•IO u11 wlll -· mtd•, t1111 Tllta butiMM ii conducted by • &w*IOt Coun Tiii• •t•temenl wat hied '"''" 1111 and o f th• petitions lK'COUnL' olllct of Ille Counly Recorder 01 """'" •0 ••00•• •• """'" -• ...,_..., =-="',:; ~,.... """'• "* .. "'""" •-•• °" and "'Po"• d•"~•b•d In ~.~,•, UM "'......,. tll~ °' ~ltd. r:diftt llllt, JoM E Edwerd• ~ ..,, t1?W &IC>lernber 1•· 19112 FttnSt Sec l r o n l 2 0 0 o f t h ~ lllt Condominium Pten re#en.r:: pc)llM&IOn, or lftCll ~. 10 Tllll alelement -•hied with the (7M)..,.... Atty .lefft., M. ..._.,. California Probate Codl' In Perc11 t ebove •nd mot• ft:' ,:0'':,t=~"=' ~ = ~ Clerk3ot ~82111199 Collniy on P11bll1lled Or noe CoHI 01lly 1111 N.wpor1 Center Or, W l 111 am 8 CI cc b cornmonly ""°"'" u 219'-A Pac1lle Trutt. wlltl 111\t....C .. In Mid l'IOll .._teml>er 1 • •• p·-1 Piiot, _ .... t5. u . 29. 1982 .., ... no A • La . OD Cl • A...nvt. Coate ... _. CA .., .. ..., ....... If nOlf , .. ,... 1955·81 ....,_. .... II CA a. liOnte)' a W1 e , l)' 11 1n1rt I• no ttrHI j1dd1ttt,. ft'0·-· -·•l'IOM, My. 11 P11bll1llld Oreng• Co111 O•lly Publlthtd Orange Coa•t O•lly 81v4., Weu lltv Baell of direction• mey b• obt11n1c1 by ~·=.::::: .=.: ~~~ Piiot, Sept 15, 22, 29, Oc:l •• 1982 P11Qt ~· IS 22 29 Oc"t 6 19112 America Tower, Oraa1e. Wfltltn r~\lttl to Sttl• Savi~ TNit. and et 1'11 1rue1e c:reotec1 by "°39•92 Nil.IC NOTICl . ' ..011.112 Califon.la HMI g:~t~~:.~~~~';'o2 Mid Deed Off Trutt hid .... wlll bl ·-ic ....,.nrr ,,,.....__ •• -··-11 Publ11hC'd Or•n!c-Cout At ten 11 on Lo 1 n s • r v 1 c • held Otl Wed.-dlf, October 13, l"UIM. nunw. ,..,..,.,..,.. --• Nil.IC NOTIC£ n...11 PI t Sc t 1 16 22 · "-' 1tl2 •I 2 00 pm , M Ille CflllC>fl'lln NA• 8TATDllNT U9 Y I 0 • P · • • • Deparlmertl, nol Ill• lllan ..,..,Qber A*!Ut llllflllCe 10 the CMc Center MTITIOUI BUalNllH Tiie IOllOWlnO PlftOnl .,. dolllQ l'ICTITIOUI BU..... 1982 12. 1962, lvf 1111 PllfPoM ot peylng lkllldlnO, tool Cfl..,man Avtnut, NAMI ITATHIQIT butlnttl.. NAM!l STATIMIHT 40112-82 oTbllga1lonl WC\lred by .. Id OMd ot In file City Of Ortin0t. Oelltoml• TM loKOwtng Pttton• .,. d~llQ l•I CAMIAIOOt f'UNOINO, lb) The IOllOWlng PlflOlll •rt OOlng Mt.IC NOTICl 'r~ lolel amount of '"' '''"'lid Al I ... 1•--01 lllt 11'1111•1 bullnela ••. il"AMIAIDOE MOflllGAOE, (C) bullo••.. -.... publication ot"i1111 nottoe. 1111 IOttl (a I SU AF O LA S. SI.IR F 10AMDRIDGE LENOINO, ~9"3 e. H & " OAS , 1126 Ntw11001, belance °' tllle obllo•llon I• •m' . imount olllle u""'4t M11nCe of \lw PRODUCTS, (b) LIGHTNING BOLT Pullmen Stretl. 8111141 An•, Stnt• Ant C1llt0tnlt 1210.-'1CTITIOUI MlllNIH m 80, tmwtlel •11.11411.ff, •nd t,_ obllgallon ~ by llle tlbOY• SAILBOAR03, 1610 l. 8orchard, C1111ornll 9270$ Htl•I Kllen. 2881 B11r l trMt. "AMI ITATWMIH1' .. tlm•t•d •mount o l cottt deactll>ed .... of truet lfld 111111 A111, C1111orn11 9210& C1mbrldg1 Clf)ll•I Oroup. • No 20I. COtll MeH. C•lllo1n1• Tiit followlng peraon It doing ~encl tdlltnOtt wntcn .,.. Htlmlled co.ta, ••P9nNI, and lwfolu, Inc., lntorJ)O(ettd In C1lllornt1 co1poret1on, 200 I eat:>O bllllnMI u; lllt IMU!l'ed 1W tM d•te o1 nle It ~II '20t,4IO.OI C•lllMlll, 1110 E Borcllttd, 81nt1 ,.ullmen StrHI, lhnte An•. H•n•·Dlalrlcll Sp1tr, 620 $ PERSONAL DlVlLOPMI NT lt.-,t1; To dttetmlnt IN Of>tnlng bid , Ana, Ctltlorn11 92705 C•H!Otnla 9210& Hllmon San .. Anl C1lllor111t SEMINARS, 2220 IHt Fruit It, W.Tt0'~•1•11,,,'\tbll 23. IH2 you mty Ull (T14J 937.otlt •Tiiie butln ... le conducttd by • Tiil• blltlfltll It conduc:led IJ'Y • 9210• ' · llllt• toe, 81111• AM. DA 9270t. T ttVICf O.t•: a.ltf'llW 1. tMI e«porttlon COll)Of•tlOfl. Thia bllalfltlt It conduelld by 1 ~AAY AL~ YOUNG, \OOI C Ill' AN Y • T O .... C~ S~IOltt. Inc. C.lllOt"'Oe Caoile! Group O-•I part,,..nlp Oro"-L•nt, ,.....,.,.,, BlfCll, CA I *""110n Mid Trwttt MllY !Hen Mazzeo 81.....,, L fdW.,dt He4o1 l(t11n t2MO. If~ Cllavllt, M Marco ... 8-ttary ~ttvl Vlof ~I Henl D &piU '--fry A Youno Allltttnl VlC9 Prtelftnt ~ a...t.,'y TI!ll lllltmenl Wll llled v.tlll Ille T"41 1111.,,..,,I w• ~ wllfl Int TIUI t111tlfl'llrlt WU l~h the fMe 11'19!1'1tnl WM flltcl wtlll 1"9 m H«1ll (I Oor.,00 St,_ ~ ,..~ -n.-,.. _ _..,on .-.--.... .. ~ ,.. ...... _ ,.. ......... °" ......... of ""-on c-cy Clertl ., ~ CO.W"" ...-10n. CA Maot °"9 Q1r-....... -_,.,.. ....,_..,,... -• ~ .. ., .,._.. ... ,,.._,... --"• OOllnell ....,_,. y:;..,... ..... ,,.. ~ 1M1 (IOI)...._ 11 ti Or~..... it, "8t M, ttll ._..,.. U, 1.,...... ,_ ,_....,. TnmlM (71'} * ,,..,. .~ ,,.,.. ... ,_ - ,ublletltd ,.,,.. COMt oaur Put>lltneo Oreno• Cotti D111r Publl•ll•d Orange Coa11 Delly ,u1>t1tNd orano• co11t O••IY l"\ltlll•ll•O Orena• CoHI 01117 Jt11bh•ll•d Oreno• 00111 O•llr PllcX ..,., II n . It 1Ma ~ .... 1&. 22 2t, Oc:t •• lffl ""'°' &opt ti. 22. H Oet •• 1172 pjgt hell Ii " n . Oet • 1N2 "'°'·..,. •. 16, 22, "· ttl2 Pttot. h9f u . 29 °'' 8 tM2 ' • ' ' 4{)1M2 4ou.&2 40M-12 ' ' ' 40,..12 • ~ 4 "; .- .... •I • I L . . MONEY MARKET RATES ON: .. Individual OR Co1Dntercial Accounts Check Today's Hig·h Rate ·~ ,, 1, • \ ~·· . ,. "' , .~'fl\~ ~ •. f • ~'lo · "' I • '• '• , ~ ) I '1 . ~;_,J \···~ '· :; ~· ' • .~ ~. ~ i ').-: ., ' ('. ; 7:'4"' '·I. h .. , ;· ,,:,"~,~,\· '.·fff~· B~st ·checking AccOunt We've Ever Offered! . . " Our new Interest Checking account keeps your llloney working for you 24 hours a day-365 days a year. Ear~ high interest on arty - balance above $2,000 and 51/4 °/o interest on the balance belolV $2,000, FREE of all serv~ce charges unless .your balance falls below $500. *Interest Checking rates will fluctuate with market conditions. Call our office for current rates. Your balance over $2,000 is· not a savings account or deposit and is not insured by the FSLIC. It is secured by notes or obligations of the U.S. government or government agencies. For individuals, deposits under $2,000 earn 5 1/<t o/o interest and are insured by the FSLIC. Commercial deposits under $2,000 earn no interest. f1i[JC ----··---··· 'NEWPORT .BALBf)A Savings · Westcliff Plaza, 17th and Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach• 714 /645-6505 Corona del Mar, 3021 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar• 714 /675-8060 . Open: Monday-Thursday 9 a .m . to 5 p.m . friday 9 a .m . to 6'p.in. .. Saturday 9 a .m . to 1 ·p.m . - .. . I ;· ......& ~ --..._ - -----.... ..._ -· -.. ... --. ------· .._........ r I • \ • I ' ' .. .. . I D1HyPllat W!ONESOAV,SEPTEMB A 22, 1982 MEAD ON WINE 04 SLIM GOURMET 09 SUPERMARKET 011 This trio of temptations, Crom the top, includes lmpo iblc Pecan Pie, Impossible Seafood Pie and Impossible Chicken Tamale Pie. On-the-Go Granola adds whoJesomeness to quick bread a nd cookies. .. I Poach a pear or pair them with pork. Recipe on Pase DB. -' lmp.ossible Pies • • • . lmp_ossibly simple • ·-·-i- Impossibly delici~us! Beat -Pour Bake. As impossible as 1t sounds that's the easy wa y t o make the pie sensation that'i. swept the nauon. It's known as the Lmposs1blc Pie because 1t doc..-s the impossible by making 1lS own crust. In the m1d -1960s, a recipe for Impossible Coconut Pie b<>gan • ma king the rounds of potlul-k suppers and family gct-togcthcrs. P assed a long bl word o f mouth and through ncwspupcr recipe exchange:., this tasty custard -like pie becaml' vl'ry popular. Not only did it taste delicious, it was easy to prepare. Just plal1C all ingred ients' an a blender; blend; pour, bake. What could be easier? The ideo caught on and soon the Lmposs1bl c Pw was adapted as a dcllc:1ous qu1t·hc-like main dish p1l·; the Impossible Bacon Pie. Today tht•re arc many recipes for Impossib l e Pies ... everyt hing from first course through dessert Here a re some traditional favorites as well as exciting new versions to try. IMPOSSIBLE PECAN PIE l ' i .c:ups l'hopped pc.-cans 1• cup packed brown sugar ~cup milk ~ cup IJght or dark corn syrup 11i l'UP baking mix i,. cup margarinl' or butter. softened 4 eggs l 1h teaspoons vamUa Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease pie plate. 9 x l 1A inches. Sprinkle pecans in plate Beat remaining ingredie nts unt il smooth. 15 seconds 1n blender on high or 1 minute with hand beater. Pour into plate Bake unul knife inserted m center l'Omes out dean. 50 to 55 minutes. Cool 5 minult'S IMPOSSIBLE SEAFOOD PIE l package (6 ounces) frozen crabmeat or shrimp• thawed and drained 1 cup s hredded process sharp Amcncan chc'('St> (about 4 ounces) 1 package (3 ounc.-cs) cream cheese. cut into about 14 -inch cubes 11. cup sl1cc..>Ci grc.-cn onions l Jar (2 ounces) chopped pimiento, drained, 1f desirt-d 2 cups milk l cup baking mix 4 eggs ¥. teaspoon salt Dash of nutmeg Heat oven to 400 d egrees. Grease pie plate. 10 x l 1n inches. Mix crabmeat. cheeses. onions and pimiento an plate. Beat remaining ingredief)ts until smooth, 15 seconds in blender on high or l minute with hand beater. Pour anto plate Bake until knife ms<'rted an cent.er comes out clean. 35 to 40 minutes. COol 5 mrnutcs tl to 8 servings. • l can (6 ounces) c-rabmeat. drained and cartilage removed, or 1 can (4 'h ounces) shrimp. well rinsed and drained. can be s ubstitute d for the frozen crabmeat or shrimp. lmpo sibly easy! Simply beat, pour and bake for a deliciously quick pie that makes its own c rust. IM POSSI BL E CH I C KEN TAMALE PIE l 1h cu p s cut-up t·ooked chicken 1 ·cup frozen corn, thawed and. drained 1 envelope ( 111. ounces) ta<.'O seasoning mix 1 can (4 ounces) chopped green chilies, drained 1 cup shredded Cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese (about 4 ounces) 111. cups milk ~ cup baking mix 3 eggs " H eat oven to 400 degr ees. Grease pie plate. 10 x l 'h inches. Mix chicken, com and seasoning mix: spread in plate. Sprinkle with chilies and cheese Beat remaining ingredients until smooth, 15 seconds an blender on high or 1 rriinute w\Jh hand beater. Pour into plate. Bake until knife inserted an center comes out clean, 25 to 30 minutes. Cool 5 minutes. 6 to 8 servings. IMPOSSIHLt: BRUN<.:H PIE 1 package (10 ounces) frozen chopped broet.'Oli or spinach or I pac kage (8 ounces) frozen asparagus s pears. cooked and drained . 1 cup dairy sour cream l cup creamed cottage cheese 'h cup baking mix ~ cup margarine or butter. melted 2 eggs l tomato, peeled and thinly sliced ~ cup grated Parmesan cheese H eat oven to 350 degrees. Grease pie plate. 9 x l 114 inches. Spread broccoli in plate. Beat sour cream, cot tage cheese. baking mix, margarine and eggs until smooth. 15 SECOnds in blender on high or 1 minute with hand beater. Pour into plate. Arrange tomato slices on top. S prinkle with Parmesan cheeif. Bake until knife inserted tn center comes out clean, about. 30 minutes. Cool 5 minutes. 6 to:>I servings / IMPOSSIBLE COCONUT PIE 2 cups milk I cup flaked or shredd~d C'OCOnUt ~ cup sugar 1h cup baking mix 114 cup margarine or butter 4 eggs 11"2 teaspoon vanilla Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease pie plate 9 x 111. or 10 .x l 1, / mches. Place all ingredients an blender container. Cover and blend on high speed 15 ~nds. Pour into pla te. Bake until knife inserted in cent.er comes out clean. 50 to 55 minutes. • IMPOsSIBLE BACON-PIE 12 slices bacon, crisply fried and crumbled I cup s hredde d natural Swiss cheese (about 4 ounces) l/:i cup chopped onion 2 cups milk 1 cup baking mix 4 eggs 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 '1 teaspoon pepper Heat oven to 400 degrees. Grease pae plate. 10 x 1 'h inches. SprlnkJe bacon, cheese and onion m plate. Beat remaining ingredienta until smooth, 15 seconds i~ blender on high or 1 minute with hand beater. Pour in to plau;. Bake until knife inserted in center comes out clean, 35 to 4(J minutes. Cool 5 minutes. • Garnish with tomato slices and bacon strips if desired. 6 servings. Note: If using pie plate, 9 x 1 W inches, decrease milk to 1th cupa. baking mix to ~ cup and eggs \0 3. On-the-Go Granola snacks energize students Have you caught your shol18t0p reaching lnto the cookie jar after 1Chool for a quick anack? Sweet, 1tore-bought snacks between meals don't have to go hand-in-hand with today'• on- the-go lifestyles. Snack.a can go a long way in 1upplyin1 th e protein , vita.mini and minerals nece911U')' for healthy, active living. The trick i1 kn owi ng what ln&J'edienta Co into snacks, eo you can be aure your family ii eating h,althy foods that are pleuinl to their appetites. S\art with On-the-Oo Granola. a wholesome combination of touted oeta. bran, wheat pnn, nuts or eeeda and brown sugar. Rich ln protein, fiber, lron, B- v lta min 1 and energy, lt'a diat.lncUve ln it.a frulty taat.e. Try On-the-Go Granola .. a delldoua cereeJ: OC' the bue to momt StnN9el Brelld, a perfect quick rnombil rnMl or a llW'pl't.e luncbbox .... t. Tuty Berry Bart and TrtancJee and Pe.nut Butterieil will be a hit with after school little leaguers. Because you can 't always control your youngsten' snacks, don't short-change them al home. Put snacks In the cookie jar that you know will provide valuable nutrients and high energy without sacrificing good taste. You'll never 1trike out with these goodies. ON-THE-GO GRANOLA 3 cups old-fashioned oata 1 cup golden brown sugar, packed 'h cup toasted wheat ge nn 'h cup unproceued bran th cup c h opped nuts or sunflower aeeda (optional) ~ cup mashed banana or 6 tablespoons (half a 6 ounce can) frozen app)e or pineapple juice concentrate W cup vegetable oil 1 ~ teaspoons dnnamon l cup dark leedleu ral1lns (OJ>Uonal) Llahtly mix all ln1redl~nt1 except rat.Ina In bowl. Sprud out on large baking sheet to ~-Inch thlckne11, dividtna , J I mixture between two pans if necessary. Bak In a 325 degree F. oven, stirring every 10 minutes for 30 minutes or until chunks begin to get crispy. They wUJ crisp more while cooling. Stir in raisins. Cool Store in airtight container in refrigerator. PEANUT BU'M'ERIES ~ cup butt.er or maragrine 'h cup chunky peanut butter 'h c up light brown sugar, packed \ 1 egg 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup On-the-Go Granola Cream butter, peanut butter, sugar and egg until smooth. c.oinbine flour and baklna IOda. Gradually blend flour mJxture lnto c'reamed mixture until 1mooth. Mlx in granola. Chill dough. Shape douah lnto l· ~-inch balls. Place on Uchtly 1reated baking sheet. Flattton crlu-cro. style with fork dipped 1n flour Bake In 375 - deiree oven for 9 to 11 minutes, or until, lightly golden. Makes 1 dozen. BERRY BARS 'h cup butter or margarine th cup light brown sugar. packed 1 1.4 cups flour V. teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon bakinJ soda 1 cup On-the-Go Granola Berry or Apricot Filling Cream butt.er with sugar until smooth. Mix In Oour, salt, baking soda and granola. i Set aside 1 th cup1 crumb mixture for topping. Pren remaining crumb ml>cture Into bottom of greased 9-lnch aquare pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 to 16 mlnutea or until solden brown. Remove from oven and 1preed tllllJll evenly over crust. Top with re.aerved crumb mhcturt. prnaina lightly. Bake an additional 20 to 26 minutes or until aoldn bro"#n While warm, cu\ Into ban or vtanc• Berry Fllllq In a saucepan, combine 2 cups frozen loosepack raspberries, 1 tablespoon sugar and 2 teupoons cornstarch until well mixl!d. Bring .to a boil and boil 1 minute or until mixture is thickened and clear. Cool. Makes about l cup. A1rlcot FllllDg Combine 1 cup chopped dried apr icots,'~ cup water, 1 tablespoon sugar. l tablespoon fresh lemon juice and ~ teaspoon freshly gratl!d lemon rind In a saucepan. Bring to a boil and simmer:; or 6 minutes or until aprlcoll are tender and mixture'is still moist. Makee about l cup. · Makes about 18 bars or trian1les. STRBUSEL BREAD ~ cup but\Atr or margarine IA cup Haht brown 1u1ar, packed 2eap 1 1.ee1poon vanilla • 2 CUpl Oour 2 teruptKJN ~nc pow*r I 1.ee1poon c:tnnaJSM>n ,. 'A teaspoon aaJ t • 1 cup chopped pitted prunes 1 cup milk 1 cup On-the-Go Granola Strew.el Toppi,ng ' Cream butter and sugar unGl smooth. Beat ln egs and vanillll until light and smooth. Combine flour, baking powdd/ cinnamon, salt and prunes. Mlx into ere~ mixture alternately , with milk. Mix ln granola. , Tum batter lnto p'eUed ~ !loured 8 IA >< 4th x 3-lnch ...._ loaf pan.. Sprinkle with StriuRl topping. - Bake at 326 degrees for 1 i 20 minutes or until a pl l.,_,rt.ed In cenier comes out Cool 10 mlnute1 In pan, thcid Invert from pan and cool on r~ ... Strea11IT.,,... Mix l tabl94poon melted bu with 4 tablespoon• 1u1ar teupoon cinnamon, ~ nutme1 and 2 tabl•poonl Makes 1 loef. •u \.Gina • mew ,.,.._ ~ 350 de1rtt1 for I hour mlnutet. or until a pkk In C'lmt.ef' come1 out dry. ' . DI Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Wtdnttday, September H , 1982 • • C11esl: 'FrShirt BY MAIL When you buy five Crest (8.2 oz. or 6.4 oz.) or $1.99 when you buy two Crest (8.2 oz. or 6.4 oz.). ·1ney'vc seen the Cn."St C.aviry fighting Team on Saturday morning TV. Now your children can join the Crest Team with this high quaUry T-Shirt from Crest! T-Shirt available in youth -.,~ M, L) and adult (S, M, I., XL) sizes. Look for ddldJs and requJttd ccrtifi. cate at partidpldna stores. Oft'tt c:xp,cs """"" ·tr•llll--11••·"-~ .. --........... ...... •c __ I __ ,....,__,,...., •••• ,..,,....,..,.....,.,_ i/'7~ ... -~.-""' ..... ----c llt7 "'",._ ' -'- November 8, 1982. UmJt: four T-Shirts per name or addr~. If ccrt1ficatcs are unavaJlable, write to: Crest T-Shln Offer, P.O. Box 432, O ncinnatJ, Ohio 45299. Certificate re- quests MUil be postnw'ked by October 8, 1982. Please allow four weeks for ccrtiftcate ddivcry. Take this reminder with you. Obtain r equired certificate for FREE Cre8t T-Shirtl from Special Display Look for it at participating stores. ---------------ORDER FORM The Annual Cbriatmu p..ndant Authorized by the Hummel FamUy Pka"C' rntrr my orck'r lor 1tw 191'1:1 • Annual C'hrhtmH l~ndan1 I h<>"" I f:!1 I ---------------;-i With 1hhl coupon .... L • ..._ 1 .... __ ... _,,_ '--•L. Kids f ' YYRll U ID C:OUJ)Ufl. IM' -lUI\! lomt'Y Cllfl l'f\IOY e•2t 1~· dinner 01 Sunday brvl1'h al The Big Vdow I _--g ~ House b a~ loc le 'FOf wery pmo11 (1 kid with h In your 1)1111',1 ~pays our regular price ol I 11 eac =~:~~::~:;::~ I i t I full-paying guest) 3.'.':'.:z ~r~= 1 I I TheBlg'\WlowHouse • =..""""':rt"',.,.. In eo.. "-.. 30tO tw.. llW. at ~to Big Yellow 111o.r...~ .. 9IOOliMll1M. ~ "'CnYllo. .. 11105 E. ..... St. u •.i;~;;;;_-_ ••••• ~, ...... •rr """ Familles love The Big Yellow House, where kid. tell they get all they can eat of our famous fried ~u what: chicken and a dellclous second entree. plus "'1'e11 pick soup, salad, vegetables. mashed potatoes up the tab . and gravy. and cornbread with hon~tter. for the heartiest eatei and ~ pay for the Utrle And now ~u can love it even more, •• one. By the way. even the kids who have 'cause for every person in ~ur party .N:: to pay eat for less than adults. So bring who pays our regular price (all that the little darlings to 1ne Big Yello.v dinner fo~ly $6.50!), one kid eats House, \A/here we consider them priceless. .. absolutely free! If ~·ve got an extra now through October 31! The Big Yellow House IA Costa Mesa at 3010 Harbor Blvd. In Gatden Grove at 9100 Trask Ave. I Reservations accepted. (714 ) 549·0310 Reservations accepted. (714) 891·2809 . In Cerritos at 11105 E. 183rd St. In Mission Viejo at 28381 Marguerite Pkwy. Reservations accepted. (213) 924-8120 Reservations accepted. (714) 495.3340 Banquet facilities available. A nnouncing the 1982Annual Christmas Pendant rnclO'W'd my rrmlllann' a' rou....... N.tmr -pt'ndan~~~'!.iirarh 8 J\ddn'M ---------- Authorized by the Hummel Family I Sh1pplf'll• llnndlln.I(• fl I 7~ P'" pcondJnl A ,,.....,.,. milkl' • hn k"' nw-...W"t' IWdrt Pit~ 10""' ~ Cola.enon Sodny 0 '4A. .. Tt NC Allll Q \'I"' Card Nt- Slj!nalurT Cll\'------ -----Zip MallTu The New En«)and CoUecton Society 237 Saw Miii Raacl. P.O. Box 414 Wt"SI Ha~n.CT06516 ., fllf'1n n'~i~add"l.50pnprnc»nt fOf .. et~ .... lD Ar<u .. ullou•lll2M __ ..,ll""J; f20) -------------- -------------- On Any Variety Stokely'•• Frozen International Comblmatlon Vegetablea . ..., .-.. ............. .., ... ..._ ........... ..._. . ~ ...... -..-............ (.-.. ... , ... ...., ~ .... v,,. ........ "' .. ,. ...................... .. ................. ----.... """9t ........... . ...,.__ ............ ~ . ...,, .... .., ........ ,, .... ...._ ........ ~ ................ ...-. ... ..-..... ..., ...... ....,~ ... ,......._._... .... ....._ .... --.... '-' ... ,,. _, ..... ,11.- ITOll[ eou•ON 520 00 l.O'tl.6 3 •• • I I , I I I I I I I I •The Star light Angel" Created lnDoniucene f>ll ~ Ua> • BARTOff SILVERSMITHS ' • C.Cb :UKL _....,.... __ •....,.,pendant le ball· mu'llltd ................ • "TM ~Amie·· .. repnldueld Ill oa-:ene-· rtclt bknd otpure told. a!Mr, copper and brOllae. • A eu1ctJy limited cdlUoa ...uable Ill orUfnal INUe price onlyuntJICbria-. OecembuZ. Ul82. • 0nJy 819~-llft pac~-IDCludiDC llllllehin& tt>ld-pUUci chain.. • • ~ abl~t forCbrt~ddJ¥eryoo aU ordlert recefft'd OJ ~lllba 2.4. Ull2. Th" mothC'r. and ~ ~r. or 1~ wortd-~nowncd antst. Bfna llumln({. hu auLtfOnud t~ Nc'W ~nd Colltttors S«IC'I)' 10 ofkr l~ annual Chrtatmu Pndant I09P1mj by 1ht-•r1 o(Bc-ru Humrnfl In anudueh~ltmllcdedltJon. ThlU'llqut.,tC' p"ldanl I~ rt'Prod~ In btaullful o.,.,._. ~IWbrVMOfAmC"rl<'a'&mostpl"C'&lllUOUsandoldntSll~ mllh•-Rttd •Barton end att tnto lln l'~nt 2'4Kt. 8okl C'ltttroplatl'd r,_ • "ThC' SUI r1 l.l(h I N\llC'I .. ts t n!!pt mt by Ol'IC' o( 8"1 • Hu mmt'l's Nrlv orlitlnal works of an. now In 1hC' HumlTIC'I F':imlh• J'.tThhn II wlll l)f'('offi<' 11 ll'f'USUIT'd family hC'lrloom. :ind 11 unique" .ind rhulshC'd itlfl for C'hr1stmas. 1962. J'. N"rllhrntC' of ll'RISlrutlon IMUC'd by Ille" New F.ni,tland C'ol11'1'1ors Sorlr1y wtll a<'rompanv C'aC'h pt"ndani. Save20C0n New Pillsb,ury ADReadv Pie Crusts . • Fresh. refrigerated dough already rOlled out Just unfold and bake for a pie c;.rust , as:as ;' made! ~SlYE~ s SAVE· •1100 .. .in change .a.CMANGE o\J~ o" ~ -· I I I I I I , Oreng• Co••t DAILY PILOT/Wedn•ld•Y· 8epteznbei: 22. 1982 . . ---------------- 53100 102077 1-------.--------1 I I I I I I I I I I I NOW,w.EIGHTWATCHERS; PUTS FRIED CHICKEN I ONA DIET. I CRISPY, JUICY AN D TENDER. IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO FRY. --~---11\f .... ,.... ... _.. .............. n... ~....... ...._ ...... _..._. .. !!"-loo!!! i.-~ ..... "'""""'"'--~ ..... ..,.,_.,,, .. ,... NAME~~~~~~ ...... ~~~~~~~~ ADORUS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I MAIL-IN CERTIFICATE PURINA' HI-PRO DOG MEAL $2.00 REFUND "'"'~n Enc101od ploaae find tho words 52 OOOFF from the front ot a 1poc1a11y marked !>O• 1>ao ol Purina• Ho·Pro OOQ Meal Miii the worda S2 00 OFF 1nd thla cerUllcate to Purina Hl·Pro. U 00 Refund • P.O Boa 14285 • Bellevllle, llllnola 82224 Name Addreu Coty State Store whllre product 1>1.1rchased I "'°°9~~10..nc1un.otioto. .,,.,, Otk.t• QUOOOtW1 .nv:,A.i .ctAPO•'"°' vn.o...,n. • .-.-,,,ct· n.1.a , .. ,..e10t'••H<•.o L,,,..•on. SM••tt• .. f.00i"6 fh•c;•1Mt(•ielftl.ttla<<~tY~~f~•f'\f 00<4ttC.--tttOf"4J+.J11.f,._,.~,,,,,n, .. ,ar,o~._ • ..,..., Oonot~..-9WOI --"''°' .. '''"'-.. _68 ................ "'ll HUAAYI OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER 31, 1912 --------------- 44000 b02357 ---------------15¢ SAVE 15¢ ON NEW WEIGHT WATCHERS. 15¢ 15¢ SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN. l9'tSE'C OOllih TRY IT. YOU'LL DIET. W.1r.t11 W•1thn• "th< '"~'""'J rr..d'"'"r\ ,, IM-111hr w .. ctwn lnr<rnaca.,•I. Inc ' W.11(h1 WMclw" lnrtm•••on•I. Inc 198l ·Savel2C on oscn MAna•aotopa IPt?OO l.35 ],~ 7 -------------- A meaty good taste worth trying. Lean 'n Tasty real meat breakfast strips are delidously hardwood smoked, and they're 50% leaner than average bacon. So every bite gives you rnore of the meaty good taste you love for breakfast. Available in beef or regular. A coupon worth~ Orange 00111 DAILY PILOT /WednHdly, 8•ptember 22, 1082 . umor has it A-B brewery buying winery y JERRY D. Ml:£AD A 1yndlcated olumnla\ who•c work ppears In the flnanclul •iH of many dall y ew1pape r 11 hu K ugge 1 ted th a t nheuser -Buisch i11 egotlat1ng thl• urc t}aee of Geyser eak Winery. If IO, it's a case of the ery big buying the big. -B ls No. 1 in beer; !)'&er Heak is. No. 6 in ne, thanks mostly to Summit brand. !The rumor makes tnse. My sources had Id me that A·B was opping. and Stroh. the brewer who bought pt S c hlitz (fo rme r ~er of Geyser Peak), ;d publicly announced interest In getting out t.he wine business. A-B is looking for a ery because its new e in a keg program • setting the world on fir_e . A -8 supposedly figures that a w el l kn wn brand of wine in th eame kegs would better. h e k e g program lves selling wine in lus beer kegs to urants and taverns, while it has been before on a limited , no one has ever oaa!M!~ on this part of busin~. It may be dea that's ripe for itation. nited Vintne rs. a on of Heublein Inc, is being purchased .J. Reynolds. is also marketing a wine m ST RY REPEATS LF -Just before after Prohibition. h of California's e was shipped in via tanker cars and to various regional lers around the n. Brands had less ing, because each n had its own. ere is now talk of ping wine in bulk again, to be placed gs near the locale of 'bution. The idea. of se, being to save endous amounts of y on freight. Those less steel kegs are heavy. ere is already an riment under way ne of the wineries g wine in cans. The is being shipped in bul to a soft drink firm ·ch is n o t o nl y Ing the wine but 'buling it. e of the problems ated b y bulk ents in the old days quality, the wine g subjected to ly varying tempera- s in shipping and nsis tent st or age con itions on arrival. oday 's modern ref igeration s ho uld eli 'nate many of those pro lems, but one still has to wonder if a given br d of wine might not suf r for consistency. Wi it taste the same in N w York as i n Cal fornia? Only time wi tell. MPUTER WINE - I'm not into computers, so 'm n o t s ure I rstand all this. but I should infonn all who spend their s time in front of a n and a keyboard wine has g o n e uter. ough one of those ices that provide rial by subscript.ion, can now receive a pn -out of a newsletter cal ed The Fearless Tas r . Writing from the he of wine country. au or Bob Cramer pro ides wine tips and reci , too. e service comes ugh 1omethlng NEWSNET. For information write NEWSNET. 94 5 erford Rd., Bryn Ma , PA 19010. ~TERN JUDGING -;,\11 of the nation's wil eries are n ot In Ca~fornla, even If 1t so etlmea seems that w y . Perhaps ngly, some 40 of ea have bonded es, and most of t hit n u m be r h a v e ae ou1 commercial ve ures. ~Ue the major wine ju ng1 of California ha IOf'\I received media a!n tion. and the N w•t has recently a•• ed more •notoriety fOf'ata ~ of wines tri m "Wa1hlngton , ONp\ -Idaho. little ll ~from the wiMI of New Eqwnd. at lf'ut In ll\l' Wt-Klt>rn hulC ut tht' Unltl'd Swtt·li T tw Soclt.•t y of Wlnll fl;du c ut ora.. nn 01gunl%u ll on o f proft.••ttlonul wlnt.• 111Jitruc:tors, 111 uttt.•mplmg to rem1--dv thut siluutlon. At thf.' ((roup's sixth a nnua l convention, judge$ cvulualcd a lnrgt: numb er u f N ew England's best wanes. Wh i l e n one a r e nationally distributed al this tim e, a n yone planning a trip to the Kegged win e id ea who • t1m ha 111't•o muy find tlw liKt of muk1nai vt•ry 11pt·l·lu l wtt\l\N'ti u voluaule tool wlnt·• In Ct1llfornh1 for In 64..'t'king out wlnt.oit and mor'· th n 11 d(l(·adc• He• wlnl'rit•:i or lht• rl'gion w I\ • p (.I r t 0 ( t h c llADDN 1111 Then· 18 no t•hurgt• for w In c ma k In H t<'tln'\ at lht• list. Simply sf.'nd u Robert Mondovi in the lnvolvt'd with Au1tln long. selt·uddre111ed, late '60a and curly '70a, Hilla (llill!l Brot1. Cofft't.' t1l1uupt1d t•nvt-lopt• to. and th c n u ~ca m e Cornily) in the w ln<'ry New Englund Rl'aults, winemaker at C hutcuu known as Grglch llills. 132 S haker Rd . # 14 , Montclcna, crcutinl( lhul N o thing mu t.·h has East Lo ngmt.•ndow, MA '7a Chardo nnay that chong(•d, Grglch Iii t1llll 01028. won the fumou,. Spurrier winning u.wa1'dK und NEW RELEASE tasting in Paris. &'COlades under h1J own Ml kc Grg1ch ha_s_b_cf.'_n __ N_o_w __ G,__r~g~it_·_h_l_s_....;la_~_·_I __ com e? Grglch Jlllh 19110 ''Napa." Chardonnay (ti 7) Anoth<'r lovely Chordon11uy, and since it hllll just been relc•ascd , C'Xpt'Ct It to win 11.8 share of medals In next year's round of tastings I don't llkt.• the price mut.•h , but lh n n elLhcr do l hk.t· uw pr1t.'<.'I of 1ht• hl'lt Fr1·rwh Whitt.• Burgundy AM um • u( C ul1lornl11'1 bPll Churd11nnoy1, r IU ppOIK' It Ii. worthy u f a top pru:c• (irgl<:h ulwu y• manaf(t'K l o bularH·1· blgnc11s with styll' und l'lcganl•t: I lh1 u1w of ook 1s alway11 jud1ctou11. !fort.• is a wlnt.• that 1rnrs C HARDO NNAY 1n capital letti.'r's, but will nULoYl!rpowe:.r or cloy_ 11 .. is at o n cu u w1nt> to accompany food yc•t ata nd uut at win «' Juc.Jg1ng1 Thut h1 a n.r·' rnmblnouon MAJOR ZIN JlJOOING County fain urt" not tht.• only •pon!I01'11 of major win<• ~·omp tlllon e St•veral wllw wrltcn orgunlze maJor compct1 lio n s, Craig G o ldwyn 's "Am e ri c an W i ne CtunµNlllon" and Robert &lzf.'r's annual judging . of a major varie tal fo the L .A. Times being t>xamplcs. PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 DAYS 8 AM THURS., SEPT 13 THRU WED , SE Pl ?Q l ~82 PAIADINA =~:iu llYO MAUBU :!~:C COASl -y llLVl•LAKI ~:OAll tlYO v~o • c-...... ao ~"' • ., .. ,.,c .. , SIRLOIN TIP ROAST o \ 0 • ( ......,,,. .. &.-t• lo••~" •o ... ,.o ( .. • SIRLOIN TIP STEAK u \CJ A (ho-c., SHI to.,"-O (.,.t BONELESS SWISS STEAK U ~ 0 A (~.._. lo"4'tut &. .. • CUBE STEAKS tt 2.39 .• 2.49 .• I .79 11 2.49 BONELESS RUMP ROAST- USDA ROUND BHF I 79 CHOICE LB. e ta 01 S•••td DEL MONTE TOMATOES .63 .69 NIWPO•T BIACH 1 1 • 1.r.... AYI FOUNTAIN v ALLIY =~llO AVI LA ltUINft ~1HHAOINOA LA HABRA !:!.~~UllYO . eLDTYME'\TALUES \.------... ROUND STEAK BONE-IN BEEF LIMIT 2 .57... USU • Cho-<•_.,., It 1.89 ~··.ohd •6'1\0 ........ LEAN STEW BEEF HILLSHIRE FARMS SAUSAGE lt.-v ) 01 I'""'• ) o• u .33 PORKSAUSAGE ROUS ZIPPE BURRITOS .. If' .,,, .. , 001 .. 2.39 •ve1.' ',,.-.. , , ~• \ ~ o-Pot1 ., CANADIAN BACON PORK SAUSAGE Co' fO'"•O G•o""" w,th lt·b• 11 1.29 .... ,h,,,,, .. Q., "'' FRESH FRYER BREAST PORK SAUSAGE & BISCUITS '°' ""'~""'l~ ... d PORK LOIN CHOPS ll 2.89 ITAtl"A'N SAUSAGE FISHERMAN'S BAY ---..,...---THRASHER SHARk ... 8 -0Z. BUFFET Meth"''' 4.C)f)i• Oot"".-ol ~o'e>W" f klfd #lf\otcuw• BAKERY WAGON COOKIES 10 Or lOvtO S<111dcJ-r t TORTILLA STRIPS 1.09 .79 oet 1 MONTE M1xeo FRu1Ts • 72 KNOTT'S '9 ~~ISIRVIS -:I ~::;*~R~ I • 3 9 LIMIT 6 too• DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER )4 0 1 SPIC & SPAN CLEANER 1101 Mr C .. 0" HOUSEHOLD CLEANER :: Y\ ~, 6-PAK , i-'.~:(rr-ENCUSH 01! ~ ·).) SOURDOUGH I 2 .69 f .. 2.09 l• 1 .59 I• 1.89 l l 2.29 3 .75 2.79 2 .03 Fte1h BROCCOLI US No l RUlllT ltOT A TOii ••• LB • I 9 tB .29 1 .• CARNATION SHRIMP CRISPS , • 3.19 .. 2.79 .. e,. I ... f 7 I SLICED PA5TRAMI ( .bM! PROVJMI VEAL CUTLErS f •1HJl•'I "PROVIMI GROUND .VEAL --SLICID 11 4.99 1& 2.89 PROYIMI VIAL .~~~~~;~~INITZEl 5 99 • PARMAGIANA • SCAllOPtNI L8. • 37 0 1 $o0lo•tf HOLLYWOOD Oil 17 01 1~0" (Often. &vttt<Mil\ HOLLYWOOD DRESSINGS APPLE PIE MORION SALT 2.09 1.09 2.19 I 76-0Z Pl A IN OR IODIZED .29 _!')...\. ~, .r ,, ,. ... ~ ;t')()CS f.if t'tf £ f1~£m-~:::•:no~ 1.49 ' FR1sH No~;;.;~-- , J w .tt-r .. t._~ • 0 -<•,. 4v1.,..o•o< OVENMITT .ff SPONCfMOPl!Eflll 1.69 "o .,. 1 O c• • ·0\1 FllYE DISH ClOTHS I . I 9 ROllER MOP S.H o. ""'·• ~ "'"' .n .. !t 0...-«>t. • SPONCE MOP S.•9 ROllER MOP REFlll FLOU• SACK DISH TOWIL .99 .. ,c; ... AJINOMOTO 2 .59 2 ••• 1.39 SOFT 'Oiu'N'K 1.89 PKG .49 PLAlll LABIL VODKA OR Giii ""' •• & .. • .... )\ ' "'~ SEASONED SEAWEED \Ill.. • •• • • • 11\t BREAD MEAL •t ' t "'' RED BEANS 1.25 .49 17SI>"" 17SI,.• PLAIN LABEL PLAIN LABEL .es BOURBON 8.99 BRANDY . 8.99 ---CONVl .... TfllOllNf ... 1--------, __.J,---""lll!! ____ DIUCATUAN TlllATI-------.. 10 I 13 '~' Aoor1ed Voroe1,., 8 or Chu\e Spread HUGHES t= ____ ~;; AMIRICAN llNGLll ARMOUR . CLASSIC DINNERS 1.89 .88 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 1701 ko ....... od .. EGGO WAFFLES 17 ) 01 4f),.... IO\c.\b•n~ .as 1.09 .,., ""'·•Int GREEN GIANT LASAGNA • f)frt• '" ,tf .. "' .,~, .... ""~' REAL JUICE BARS PIPPIRIDGI FA•M TU•llOV ........ .. • COOll•OOK VOLUMI N0.7 ,. 10 .. ,_,.,....,... •o-W•-ti>t 1.19 1.39 WEIGHT WATCHERS SLICES 1.•• 1.09 HUGHES MUENSTER CHEESE • ' •• , 'hb.o•, ,, .. , ~~..i 1 ..... ~ ... - CI NNAMON ROllS WILSON VAltl!TY PACI( .... 99 •er llut\ I~•~ lobe• SLICID COOKID HAM . LOWI• YOU• IOIAL FOOD •ILLI We •ct .. t c•111Mt1• t.e111 ALL ether 111 .. ea •••rll•t•t ..... •"'9•• .... , ............. --. ...... , .................... ..-.. c.-... •. ' c ... ,. ........... , .......... h .... .., "'-....................... ~..... ... .... ., .... , .. , .. .., .... j • l't•• ........ ...-a , ................................... t ,..., ..... -l't•• .... ect.,.._ • o.i. 1..:1.-i 1·~~ _ ............ ··-·· .. i i 00 ., 1o ............ '-' ' s. .... ,,,. ..... ·-· ................. . .!! ... ! .. ·~ .. !1-t, I-• pt~ '94 llr It• t llttv. ti H..,., ... •t•tl .. , I, ........ ,...,.,.....,.,"-' .i.tll tt"'• 1 H - .. rtet ,,_, .._..I~ ~ f t4 ~ , ....... , • fhM" •• ..,!I h,_\t•t.. .. •"'I.,._ of .__,.we .. ,.,t ........ I •-IMetce&de...,••"'"'••••!.4o4 t ,,,.,•<•,.loto•h""lt',.'"•A-hf•·_... 10 ~ ...... '"'' >j """ .... ~· , .. , T1111tU•....,..•-"c••••www•1 aCC9na II \ I • ' ( • ' I t ' t I '. \I I I Low calorie dishe are • 1n Wh<'n 1nu.t ul WI 1hl11k about prapMrtn1& a msln dllh for D ml"al , WC! uaually think morn aboul how good a 11..-clpe UANlt•• and leu about th• fiber and calork c..'Onttml Now you can havt> dellc1ou11, high-fiber main dl11hes. Menu suggealiona tor . Incorporating the1t~ recipes Into a calorie- controlled, high-fiber diet are a1ao Included. Stuffed Green Peppers hold a garden- frea h combination ot zucchini, onlon11 and tomatoes, combined with rice, chicken and wheal bran cereal. Served with a spicy tomato sauce, thiB recipe needs only a bread to complete the meal. A 11 1· a a y w u y t o 1nclud1· oddlUonal flbc>r tn your diet, u w"U u hi.vu • <:runchy eo1tln& un t•hlcken, 1• to roll t•hlcken pioca In wheat bran fhlkt'I cerul ind bakt'. Th~ 1ubtle flavor oC pormesan cheetet la a ntce addition to the bran co ating on Bran Parmesan Chicken. STUFFED GREEN PEPPERS ~ cup uncooked rice 1 eon (l4V. or--16 M .) whole peeled tomatoes, drained, reserving liquid 6 medium-size green peppers 2 cups cubed, cooked chicken 1A cup chopped onion 1 c U p dH> ., Jh' d , unpart't1 tut"l'hlnl 2 tabl 1poon1 anls>pt.td (u'fh pal'llll~Y 1,~ tl'a.poon mil 'A tc&aMpon drh • ..-1 lt.·o ( l>t'f'illnO !..\ tcaapoon p4'pper ~ cup lmm oore I 1. ~k rice 1Ke9rdlng to pnckaae dlructlon11, using reserved tomato liquid In place of water. Set aside any remaining reserved tomato Uquld. Set a,11lde cooked ri"9 .. 2 . Cut off tops of peppeu and r emove seeds. Cook, uncovered, In botllng water for 3 mlnute11. Drain and set aside. 3. Chop tomatoes. C:m11hh1t• with u ·111u111h1g lniirl'dl(lnt• Sllr In cooked rice Add l t'Up r serv«I tomato liquid, 1llrrlng iit•ntl y to cmrnblnl' (l111• wutt'r It not t'nough rt•1c>rvcd t.omato liquid ) 4. Spoon Imo pepp<>rs. Plac.-e In shallow baking dlah. Add watcr Ju•l t.O cover buttom of dish. Cover. ~. Bakt• at 350 degret.>S for 30 minutes. Serve with Tornuto Sauro. Ylcld;.-6 »ervlngs Per serving: 195 calories, 7.4 grams dietary fiber TOMATO SAUCE 1 can (8 oz.) tomato 1auce 2 tablespoons chopped onion 1 garlic clove, chopped ~ teaspoon dried leaf oregano 1 tablespoon snipped fresh parsley In small saucepan, combine all ingredients except parsley. Simmer, uncovered , for 15 minutes. Stir in parsley. Serve wann. Yield: 6 servings. 2 tablespoons each. Per serving : 20 calo ries, 0 .5 grams dietary fiber. BRAN PARMESAN CHICK EN 1 'h cups bran flakes cereal 1 egg 1/. cup milk Stuffed Green Peppers with Tomato Sauce 1;. cup all-purpose flour AUTUMN SALE-A-BRAT ION BONUS OFFER Send us an empty pack of any cigarette brand along with your name, address and phone number and we'll send you a coupon good for $1 .00 off on a carton of one of the brands shown above. Mail to: BONUS COUPON OFFER. P.O. Box 2890, Hillside, NJ 07205 Offer good until Dec. 31 . 1982 VOid where prohtbtted by law. ta>ced or otherwise restncted By accepll~ thts otter, you certify you are 21 years of age or older Only one coupon per household Please allow S to 6 weeks for ma1hng Form may not be mechamcarty duplieated Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined Th1t Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Kent-Box 12 mg "tar.' 1 0 mg nicotine. Kings 13 mg 'tar," 1 0 mg nicotine, lOO's Reg 14 mg "tar.'' 1 2 mg nicotine. lOO's Men 15 mg "tar." 1 2 mg nicotine. True·Kmgs Reg & Men 4 mg "tar," 0 4 mg nicotine. lCXJ's Reg 7 mg. "tar." 0 6 mg n1cot1ne. l(X)'s Men 8 mg "tar." 0 6 mg nicotine. Ultra One 1 mg "tar," 0 2 ~g. ~1cotine. Newport-Box 16 mg. "tar," 1 2 m "'.~011~~· Kings 17 mg "tar." 1 3 mg nicotine. 100's 20 m~ tar, 1 6 mg nieotme ... Ne~port Lights-Box 8 ~ tar, o. 7 m9 nicotine. Kings 8 mg "tar," O 8 mg nicotine. Kent Ill-Kings 2 mg tar. 0 3 mg nicotine, 100 s 4 mg 'tar. 0 5 mg nicotine. Golden lights-Kings Reg & lOO's Men 7 mg. "tar." 0 7 mg nicotine. lOO's Reg 8 mg "tar " 0 8 mg nicotine, Kings Men 8 mg "tar " O 7 mg nicotine. Triumph-Kings Reg 3 mg ''tar,'' O 4 mg nicotine. Kings Men 2 mg "tar " O 3 mg nicotine '1oo·s Reg & Men. 4 mg "tar," 0 5 mg nicotine, Old Gold Stra1ghts·K1ngs 26 mg "tar." l B mg nicotine. Old Gold ~1ter,s-K1ngs 17 mg "tar." l 3 m,g n1co11ne. lOO's 20 mq "ta!." 1 5 mg nicotine. Old Gold Lights-Kmgs 10 mg tar. 0 9 mg nicotine, Max 120 s·Aeg & Men 19 mg tar,' l 6 mg nicotine 'iroJ per cigarette. FTC Report Dec 1981 Newport Ughts·lOO's Men 9 mg "tar," 08 mg nicotine. Max Slim Lights 1oo·s 12 mg "tar," 1 O mg nicotine 'iroJ per cigarette by FTC method , ,(JOI ,."° .. , • '!>11 SAVE •1.00 ON A CARTON ANY TYPE, ANY BRAND LISTED. CHECK ONE KENT 0 O~ TRUE 0 NEWPORT 0 ~ KENT Ill 0 o GOLDEN O LIGHTS 0 C: TRIUMPH 0 ~ OLD GOLD 0 MAX 0 •1.00 CODE013 . STORE COUPON sea. CHECK '4769 •1. ~-------~----~---------~---~-------~ ,. fiber 11 w1upoon awh Duh pt~ppt<r 1'\ tl' •pnorl airound llt16't! 3 tabll'tlpoon-» 81 Ull.J purmt:auin dwt•iw 4 l'hkk<•n plt•c1•1, washed nnd pullc..J ury 1 lul.'1,•s po o n mnrgorln<• or buttc•r, melt~'Cl Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Wednetday, September 22, 1982 HO 11 EST, MOST PRaESSIYE EXERCISE Cl USES NOW OPEN! 1. CruMh Cl'rt'ld to measure % c up In shallow dh1h , beat egg and milk slightly Add flour, 1181t, pepper, sage 1i1nd choo~ stirring until smooth. WE NEED BODIES/ I f f -------------~--------------------------------~ 2. Dip chickt•n plt.>ces In egg mixture . Cool with cereal. Place in single layer, skin side up, in greased or foll-lined shallow baking pan. Drizzle with margarine. TWO WEEK UO.OOVALUC O•O a eL 1'• r1011111 '· .. 3. Bake al 350 degrees about 45 minutes or until tender. Do not cover pan or turn chicken while baking. PASS~ 01.( (. 111• 51 .. c ...... .. I .,,. "· Wl GOt Ut UllC ~ ! Yield: 4 servings Per serving : 320 calories, 2 .5 grams dietary fiber. l--------------~~~~:~~~~-~~~~1982-----------~~ Get up to 50 In cash rebates by mall from Mattel when you buy Pampers and any of the 16 Mattel toys listed below. Just uve the •mount of Teddy 8e8' point.a listed below next to the Item(•) you buy. It's your choice! You can gel up to S46-t>v saving the number of Teddy Bear points listed in the smgle rebale section Or, you can get up to $50 by doubling the amount of Pampers Teddy Bear points Jusl print your name and address m lhe space provided and carefully read the instructions below! HERE'S HOW TO GET UP TO $25... D tJ TO DOUBLE YOUR REBATE ... 1 Buv anv 01 me Man-1 ~ lostlld on h Chari below '"" .... -o~ casn ,99.11., ,_ill.., obtain a special certificate from your 2 Sa·• me nHCl9d .mount o1 Teddy e ... ptool·ol ""'"11ase potnts oblAlnlld ttom local store's display and DOUBLE the tne toe> ol Pmmpe<s ur1on1 !On I~ -~heat• -you wt• hnd lllfl requt•lld amount of Teddy Bear points you en- •moun' ol T.OOy Bea• potntl you ""° IOI •WI loy IO g9I Voll' ,.,.. I 3 S.v• 1ne oetlld c-sn r9Q1s1eo ,_111 '°' 1,.. Maue1 1oy Save tne Manet proot· close. If your sto1e cannot provide the ol·putt!\1'4! SHI It no prool ol l>\>ICl>IM seal IS av .. lablm sr;• tlle UVM display certificate Which enables yOU tO cooe numbet trom 11'1• Mlll•I loy PIC~afjla (Slmj!I• UVM COCI• number double your SaVtnQS Send your name R9999 P9999 llp9) ti no UVM COO. let'<! pacqgl'IOp ' • ~""' f01)fffll vou• namm ano aoa•ns'" 1ne SP1Ce p<ovt0ec1 on trie ce1~11ce1e address. and zip code to: !> Ma·• 11>s G.,l•t<ate 1ne oetec:t casn •9Q15fet rec811)1fsl. the p<ool-ot·pu•cna~ PAMPERS/MATTEL sea 1Mo111e1 UVM cooe numoe< 11 no prootol t>Utcl\a.H SHI os av•llabte) and DOUBLE CERTIFICATE REQUEST 8Pll'QPO•t• amouni ol Teddy BH• prool ol•pu!C:ll&W pokits from Pampe<a UllOlll IO PAMPERS/MATTEL REBATE OFFER P.O. BOX NB882 P.O. BOX PM378 EL PASO, TX 799n EL PASO, TEXAS 7998e PLEASE NOTE THESE ADDITIONAL TEAMS: 1 °'''' gooo Of'lly "' '"" us A ' tl!e tttec"«l .-1.ttcate ~ "°' oo ~ •fllf0Cluell4 .,,., muot ....,_.,.,°"',_ 1 VOUtorr.,1.g1>llNy-OO••lf!l!'tdO'lnlMr-• Ot1e<!IOOfl~Ot'n °"'l)U$11S 1tu10o.c.mo..31 r992 1,,,.puttNMSmuolbl,,,_ ,,..._.,,.....,....,~ 11182...,~li 11197 ~ ,.,.._._8I09-.boelr\oetv 6 o..-.,-,,.,,,,,.,,.,_,,.0<0<91""t1oon 7 OIW..,.,_.~ ------------------------------------------I have enclosed Pampers Teddy Bear llllGLI DCMU llUAll llllAn potntS my prool·Ol·purchase and cash register lll!Gll ,AMP'llll DOIJIU l'Nl'lllS 1eoe1pt from lhe Mattel Toy(1) for the OffU SOOD Oii Tll(Sl TOYS lllllATt l'OlllTI MIATt l'IMl!ll rebate orctod on trns cert1flca1e Please send my •GUIAl'r'-11 • u 12• H rebate to --WTU • DllMIOll • l'll"fMI ,. II •• • -..... c...., "'""' IN ,. ,. u llOQl •. -.m POllY" ,. II •• • llAll.lllMMll'TllM ,. II •• • NAME __ ........ ~· .... '-' ...... ...,, I ll u ,. t• Wll((lS' ~ J M II ... • ==;•r·•m·ra~-, .. •• lll u ADDRESS TUff ITUfF: :::;..~ ,. II •• • r • ' r """ ~ w, .,,~, 6" 1 cr.c-•• r"d ,.,,. ,:t IOfo'tu ~ , .. II ,. JI SU •UY"'f~ 1n .. tM lt su·•ur· ,...._. ... II ,. u TUff ITUff' Dril '°" If llit1< 1• II ,. H CITY -""*8 llMI IOJ 'O llOCU • ,. II •• • ~ 5r?r:J11orC..::..1 ,. 12 ,. 14 W1I(( • Tiiie "" ,.. 1n .. , .. lt STATE ZIP CODE---TOTM AREA CODE --TELEPHONE ·auas BUN"v...., .. cner-• [ --... In< t971 '"" 'l' '4,.. 't de t'ff"y ~rl"'t .. 4)1' 1 ~ 1 "COUNT WITH COl.O!\S • Flt"* S.yt Zoo~ S.Yt -~ Saya ... Sari '•''J ,, . ,• . , I 'I 'I ) .... 01 Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/WednHdly, September 22, 1982 The ultimate snack: Homemade'Party Rye Among lhl· ru1.tt•111 118UC't'J)llll lieut OWi' low Turn OUl llnlu u 11.Chtly t'ov1•r, l<'l rllll' Ill ti llo111emod4• Porly growing foocJ groups 111 ht•ol until llttUidw arc.• floured board, kol'Ud Wurm plUl'l', hl'l' frutn tupermtu kl•UI toduy lart' vt•ry wurm ( 120 cfogrt.'t'tt until Rt1'0olh and c•I Uc, clruh, until doublt•d in Rye iK lowe r in tnacks. Lu11t yt•1.1r 1·1111h 1'' to 130 dt•jlfN'li 1'' ), 8 -JO mlnuH•ll Shupo bulk, &Ahout l hour W1lh fol and suaar roglstcrs rung up ovt•r 111x Maraarlnl' dOt.'H nol nt'<'<i dough into u bull; t'OVt•r, u r u tu r h I 11 d c ni u kt' ., b 1111 on do 11 u rs r or tu mcll Gradually odd tu lt•l rt'til 20 mlnul•'lf. dlugonul ~lu11h1'!i tu crcutc thon mo t tma <•k crackers, pretwls und dry lngr1•dicnl8 Mix an Pund\ douHh down o diomond pull<'rn un food . It' u fine ot~r tidbits. cuuwuy M.'<-d . Turn out onto lightly e1u·h Jouf. Combine egg That Ctgurl' cJocs nut B<'at 2 mlhutes ut fll)urcd board; dlvldl' In whllt' and cold wuter: uccompunime nt Inc.• l u de bl' v <' r 11 g t.1 s ml1tHum Spt.'{>d uf clectrk hulf. Roll each hulf mlo u brush each loaf. Sprlnkl"' for cheetJe, m eal, consumed with sn11l·ks. mixer, scraping bowl 14 x 6-inch r ct·tanglt.>; with sesame seed. &kc d h Nulrilionlsts point out occasional ly. Stir In .shupc into 14-inch long at 375 degrees F . for egg an ot er thal-many of thc.-sc f~ enough oddilional ilaw loaves (!lutes). Plat''-' on :10-:i5 minutes, or until nutrie nt rich are high In calories and to make a soft dough. greased baking Shl-els done. Cool on wire racks. loods. low in nutrien ts which 1 ________ __;. _ __;.;__ ____ .;.._ ______________ ;:=..::::_:_==:==:.~:.::..=::..:.=:::=============~:::::::....:. ___ _.:...:=:=:_------ undoubtedly contribult> to aaining weight If there arc habitual snackers m the family, ll might be some consolation to know that what and how muth a person ea ts as mort.• important than whether it's consumed an 1hn.•t• meals a day So it's a good 1dt;'a to provide foods that are good sources of protein, vitamins and minl'ra ls f o r snackers . Th e accompanying recipe for Homemade Party Rye bread offers a host of epicurean possibiJitics. It's lower in fat and sugar than most snacks and it makes a delicious accompaniment for cheese, meal, eggs, fresh vegetables and other nutrient rich foods. This is a firm textured bread. aromatic with caraway seeds. And when made at home it costs about half what you pay for bread at th e supermarket. ~king bread involves a time factor for some cools. But experienced br d bakers point out th even though the timtt span from start to finish consumes almost two hours, bread dough does i.ts own thing. ll requires very littl e attention from the cook on ce it's mixed and kneaded. HOM E MADE PARTY RYE Makes 2 round loaves 3 114 to 3.Y4 ('Ups unsifted white flour 2 cups uns1ft<.'d rye.· flour 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons salt 2 packages act1vl' dry yeast I V. cups wal<'r 1h cup rrulk 2 tablespo o n s margarine l tabl espoon caraway seed 1 egg white 1 tablespoon cold water l tablespoon sc.-same seed In a lar ge bowl, thoroughly mix I cup white flour, rye flour, s ugar . sa lt , and undissolved ac tive dry yeast. Combine water. milk and margarine 1n a _Cooking class set Fassero's lnternal1onal Cookware, 2919 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. has sch eduled a class on Tasty Food from Szechwan on Friday at 7 p.m . Cost IS $35. A class on 30-manutc Gourmet Menus will be conducted Thursday. Sept. 30 at 7 p.m. Cost 1s $20. Call 673-2343 for reservations on either or both classes. The 17th Culinary Art Sho w sponsored annually by Orange Empire Chef's Association will be held i n Anaheim at Disneyland Hotel, Grand Ballroom Monday. Competition will be in three gr o ups . profeasionol, apprentice and student. Public viewing from 4 to 7:30 p.m. will be followed by din n er at 8 under supervision of executive chef James Boring. Pretentation of trophies and awards will be made at the dinner. Ticke ts are $20 per person, w hich Includes the show. d inne r, tax, g ratuity and parking. Viewing only tickets are also available for $6, which lncludes parking. Displays and h ors d 'oeuvre for the r ubUc will be par t o the even ing. Terry Coates, vice president of Orange Empire chaptA!r, 11 food chairma n. Ticket• are available by ca1llng 586-9589, 772-3728. 554-5101 or 750-14 10. SAVE .10 LB. BLADE CUT 79 S'"!ol!SK ROAS!. Our lowest meat prices of the year!* "Wholesale meal pnces are down' And Lucky 1mmed1alely passes the savings on to you Many items are now al our lowest prices o f the year• Come 1n and lake advantage of our new lower prices throughout the meatcase. And there are NO LIMITS• At Lucky. we're constantly striving to give you everyday lower pnces on lop quality meat So when wholesale pnces go down - we 1mmed1ately pass the savings on to you That's Basic Value from Lucky The Discount Supermarket. FRESH FISH ITEMS ~~T OF DOVER SOLE " 2 .59 ~1~TTERFISH RUETS •• 1 .49 f~!;,SH IOAHO TROUT •• 1 . 98 CANNED & PACKAGED r ~~~;ostOOl Bo• 1°9 PILLSBURY 89 FLOUR 5 .~. C ANNED & PAC KAGED DAIRY & FROZEN HOMOGENIZED 191 MILK UCIV ltt GM Btl rMEDIUM 59 ~~DEAA !~~~ LARGE ENO 1 sg RIB STEAK . . . HOLE BEEF BRISKET SIRLOIN TIP STEAi< l(Wllll(tl\ ~O•fflCUJIO BEEF BACK RIBS uon. .. OlrlO\ffO LEAN GROUND BEEF OC.\NOtf•CUOU ••f .. 1.29 .. 1.97 ••• 79 .. 1.39 HOUSEHOLD & PET !GLAD SANDWICH BA~~ • ., •• 79 r ~;~e-ClEANER "°' •• 1 .26 !LYSOL BOWL CLEANE~oun .79 r~~~~SSUE ,.,.,, .. , 1 .09 r ~~.~'S LIOUID.~2~2 .42 A~,~.1~,! CAT CHOW 1101 .,, .79 DELICATESSEN ITEMS !~~.~~~!,~GREEN B~~~; _39 Ie!~.~~~~ .. ~g~N ••01C&11 .47 r~~TE.~E.AS uow~ .43 !~If._~~ ICE TEA MIX,01 ,...1.85 ~~FAT MILK GAi •n 1 .86 r~~~~EE SAUSAC~,01 .. , 1.99 r~~ce JUICE UOJ<•~ 1 .69 !KRAFT CARA~S "°''"' 1.09 !~~ .. ~AMEN~~°'"'' .25 r~~~£~~ERS ''°' '°' .89 r~~~~~ET JUICES,°' u .• 1 .09 I~~WBERRY JAM!IOl ... 1.79 I~-~~ BARS ff• IO\ 1.39 !~~~~~~~Suouo~ .65 IQ f HERSHEY'S FROST IN' 'eJ =~.., .. :'c:.utoe 1 Ag """"''"".... .. •••oic.. • I @l~!!T~~ .~~" '°' 2.45 f~_!TIES. C~R~~••oreoa 1.59 · f ~,~~~~~~HE~~'°' eo• .95 r~~,Rl<AV LITE SPREee tiN 1.29 ~DY LEE FRANKS ••01 ... 1 .39 l~,!!f~.~~RGARINE . 1101 ClN .69 ·I~~pv LEE BEEF SA~~~' 1 .79 ~!~WAFRES ><w~.99-I!~~MISS PUOOl~101 ..-.99 r~u~~IN PIE .. 01 111• 2 .45 r~;~~~~r.ER BOL~~A 1 .59 r~~~.~,!ISH ALLETS,.01 to• '3 .69 !SARA LEE POUND .c~~;.1.65 rsoUZAS LINGUICA I,,. 1.29 r~~·~ BOX PIZZA •101 eo• 1 .67 r~~lo~tSTER MEAT;" .37 r ~~~1BURY STEAK ~l1N~~~ • 79 !.~~~~~~T OF TURKE~ 1 ~-. 1.29 SAVE .20 LB. FRESH 99 . ~~J!~D BEEE. ~not ncffO ~far TOP SIRLOIN 249 STEAK J,:!~JTEAt< .. 2 .49 ~~!~ICH TURKEY HA~ 1 . 5 9 FRESH SLICED BEEF LIVER •• .69 ~!~.~~~~~.~E,.. " 2.19 DELI CATESSEN ITEMS r OUBUOUE HA~ PA~~~! 1. 99 GENERIC ITEMS APPLE 149 r!2!~E ~ 01 >¥ F~tf<fO or Unhlff<fO CENERIC SPAGHETTI 'IOl .. t .89 SPACHETTISAUCE "°' ~.1.07 ""'~ .... ··at~ HOT COCOA MIX ,, .. eo.1 .19 , ...... GENERIC CANDY "Cl .. , 1 .09 '\oa•ifTlf\ GENERIC BEER "°'"''' 2.69 '~ ••.::. PAPER TOWELS tt\• OC..• .57 U '<fH SALTINE CRACKERS ••DI .O• .55 IOI IO• .29 GENERIC POT PIES •-01•,_ r ... •r" o-'Vh'f• LIQUOR & WINE !~~~~pAY WI~~~ ... 2.69 !~~!~ N-~~~lE ~~~'~' 2. 99 r~~~~OSSI WINE1~,.,., 3 _29 r~;MUGO.ER,,,, •• ,,, 10.99 RIB EYE 296 STEAK BRAUNSCHWEICER '~'-U UO"lUOJICllO~f \Al Jt' ,, .99 JIMMY DEAN SAUSACE 88-,_..-·ou ... \AU\AQ •"'''" _ 1 -•101 •'-,.. tJGJ '1CILl • LIQUOR & WINE BAKERY ITEMS pe HARVEST DAY 85 i Pv!~~ROL~~ ~o • r COUNTRY ROAo-t9 !,~~~ ,. 01 l~I • I !RAISIN 89 ~.~~'~ 16 oz l~· • r OLYMPIC MEAL 79 !~;~~ 1• Olloat e s.now1<n or 11oono Top HARVEST DAY 49 DELUXE BREAD • V¥1fllfl 1• Ol loaf e QUALITY PRODUCE GOLDEN BANANAS 11.oe llHCIV to fat BARTLETT PEARS Ullfoml'I ~llf\t us Ho ll¥9C FRESH CAB BA CE FRESH SPINACH Ttnatr Critp I u23 ... 12 . fk •• 29, !!~~~ ....... 95 f~~~T O~~ TORT~_! .69 The Discount Supermarket. -.. -- Or1nge Co11t DAILY PILOT/Wednnday, September 22, 1982 D? I ...-----------.1Sweet beginnings brighten mornings A ho~ey of a savings. I \~l\IUtM llu \ 111.t~• t, 11h' I ,.,, .... u .... +l luo ··••111111 • ,, ,,,,. w. ' l'h,.,,,. t i ,.1 •••. , 2 ~ * UMll"i\ IHI \to\M :;) \I'"' I tfl>t ilt "'""'° 8 .~:ti:~ 1 1 11 ~·~· .... :·: .. :::; V ti l\OUI I llool• ...... ,,, •. ' th '•M•I M.u 1 I \\4 • I •I 11 t, '""" •I ,·..,u 1 •·1... 11"' k.'" I Ill" I lf)l.f......,.. 141 t\l fl "'-• t.I' I( I ,, ''' t l•lltr•tf'-•' I ... ,,. ' , , .. I ,1 * ·•• °' t H ,., ~ t't •tt 1"1\ •'It II JltU IHUl,~tM>H 11111" ... ,, ... ,., I I ·lo , I t~ tOoll l'I• I I .., • • ...... , ... 11 ... 1 I I Iii I I• .. '" ... "• '!• It• t'I •I .,.., ... " ....... IU•' 1 .. • .. .. ~ ........ Trv I 11•111·11 1!11k1·1/ I li/111 / 1mlc1l1:111:.; M '"'"'"· ) 1•11 '// /c•1•1· 111 Rl\t M'tlH . ,,., ... \ 111•,lill! •A\• "' ... I l't. ' .... .,. .. , ··~ I .. ' ...... '"'I.\ \tU'-lt A ..... \\ ...... toh' • ,,., . .... .. We do ca1enng • We slup COA\I 10 coast l 'SA + Alask:i & Hawau • Gift cen1fica1es avacl•ble Sp1t·y t·ln11111uun und ltWt•t•\ UJ)pll• fllllOfl <'omb1m• with fn·•h Yl'<llil bn·ud und mu~<· m l'1111111m1111 Sw1rh1 und Appll• B1•11r <.:luw11 111'<• tasty t'l\OUl(h lO pNk up ~v~n th~ durkt>s t of mornUlgli Ttwill' fluvodul roll!$ ail' 1•m1y tu pn•purt• u~ln~ Vl'rlill ll It' fr'OZf'll bn•ud dough. und a r e more economical than serving alrcady·prepured sweet rolla. Bukl• thL• sweet rolls uhl•ud of lime and re- hNll fur st.-rvlng. Send your family ore with a s mile serve them warm Cinnamon Swirls and Apple Bear Claws. CINNAMON SWIRLS l (one pound) loaf frozen bread dough 'h cup sugar 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon i tablespoons butter, melted Let frozen dough thaw to r oom temperature about 2·4 hours, o r overnight in refrigerator. Cut dough into 10 equal pieces. Roll each piece into 10 to 12·inch rope. On lightly greased cookie sheet, hold one end of rope on sheet and wind rope around , tucking free end under roll to form swirl. Leave approximate ly 2·2 1h inchc.-s between rolls for ru1ing. Brush each swirl with melte d butte r . Mix cinnamon and sugar together and sprinkle, generously over swirls. Bake in 350 degrees preheated oven 15·18 minutes. until browned. After baking swirl can be glazed with a mixture of 1 cup powdered sugar .. _____________________________ .ej m 1 x e d w i t h 2 -3 , IVOR·Y LIQUID DI~~ DETERGENT 48 oz !273 32 02 r1ss 22 oz r129 BOLD3 LAUNDRY DETERGENT r7~9 r3s9 49 oz r213 Ollt .... l(f PrOtftliOn l'Ofl(y gu.lrlnt~ flltW llflCll\ 10 be ttlKtlYI' ~•Y s.i>1l'ITll>lf 11 tl'lfu 1~1v ~ttmOtr 1t 1911 • The Discount Supermarket. - tablespoons water. APPLE BEAR CLAWS 1 (One pound) loaf frozen bread dough 1. ca n apple pie filting 2 tablespoons butter, melted 2 ·3 tablespoons sugar Let frozen loaf thaw to room temperature or in refrigerator overnight. On lightly floured board roll thawed dough out to 12 inch square. Cut into nine 4 -anch squa res. Finely chop up apple filling. Place 1 to 2 tablespoons apple tilling in ce nt e r ·of dough cars•bikes• •skateboards• trucks.baby carriages •tea carts•trikes rol lerskates • walkers•toys •wagons•••• sc ooters•hot rocts•coupes* trallers•hard tops•convert· 'ibles•motor homes* lawn 1T1owers*limos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's*• .. •typingtables wheelbarrows• rec reat Iona I vehicles*golf carts* model tralns•btkes •pianos•cars refrigerators *skates•••••• tf lt'soot wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Pilot classlfled ad. can 642·5678 and a friendly •d· vlserwlll hetpyou turn your wheels lrito cash. 1quart.'. Jl'old ont• 11d1• ovc r wnu•r, (old oppc.-11.A.• aid<' ov1•r <'<•ntl'r untl M'lll tJl'fllly P I '" t' 11 11 11 " h t I y gr1•111wd l'<KJkll• 11h<1ct 1Wam fildt• down l3ru11h with bullt•r and i.prlnkll' with sugur Mukt• '1 ~UIJI ulong loLd1•d sldt> to within 1/l lnl'h of oppoHitl' sid('. Ll'l r11sc..• until d11uhh'fl In Hin• (:iO mlnuws w l hour). &kl• In prchcat<.-d 375 dcgrces oven 12· UI mlnutc11. If you prcfcr your cinnamon swirls buked into a loaf, here's a rcc1ptt for a y"ast breao that combines lhl' flavon; of honey and oats with a crunchy, pccan·studded cinnamon filling. This sweet bread can be topped with a thin glaze and served at tea time or after school while the S«'Ond loaf 1s saved for breakfast. CINNAMON SWIRL LOAVES Dough: 2 pkg. active dry yeast 1h cup warm water (110° lo 115° F.) 1h cup vegetable shortening ~cup honey 1 tablespoon salt 2 cups milk, scalded 5 ~ to 6 cups all- purpose flour . 2 cups oats (quick or old fashioned, unc.'OOked) Filling: 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar ~ c up chopped pecans 'lz cup all·p'4J'poSe flour 2 table s poon s cinnamon 1h cup butler or margarine. melted For dough: Dissolve yeast in warm water. In large bowl. combine shortening, honey and salt. Pour scalded milk over shortening mixture. Cool to lukewarm. Stir m 1 cup flour . Add dissolved yeast and oats. Stir in enough remaining · flour lo make a soft dough. Turn out onto slightly floured surface: knead about 10 minutes or until smooth and satiny . Shape dough into ball: place in large greased bowl, turning on ce to coat surface of dough. Cover; let rise in warm place about 1 hour or until d ouble In size. Cinnamon Swirl Loaves Punch dough down; div1de in half. Roll each half to form a 14x7-ioch rectangle. For filling: Grease two 8x4·inch loaf pahs . Combine sugar . nut~. flour and cinnamon. Add butter ; mix until crumbly. Sprinkle each rectangle with half of filling. Starting with short side. roll up. Place in prepared pans. Cover; let rise about 45 minutes or until nearly '5ave when you buy hannu · one any size lq,J I, .J double an size. Heat oven to 375 degrees F. Bake 40 to 50 minutes, shielding with foil. 1f necessary. Remove from pans, l'Ool. Drizzle with thin confec tioners sugar glaze, if desired. Makes two 8x4·inch loaves. • .. . ~ , I ·. .. . .. · .. i .. ·'· i •i J •' ,J ,, '-. ..,_, n -~ )' ! • l"l J 1.:i Ii r. ~ 11 11 I\ '" :; ~A £1 I •t•CT l..:i . ) 1J J 11 1•~ hn.-,, .' to: q n • l:i ,•ii'! "t d"'I . ., ft J•. IT •' J•tiq )th 1c13 .. ,.., ua I 1.1 1rlw (J • 'Jt>'b l1w I VO ',, . ., inti l 1b r.i'•. I.HJ r. lotc! DI Orangt Oo11t DAIL. Y PIL.OT /Wedne1d1y, 8tpttmbtr H , 18H Partn By ('lLY BROWNSTONt: A11oolalM ,, ... hod ldllOf Wht-n 11um11u-1 11l11lt-11 1nlll MUIUll\11, lllllllV 1~111ki. Wt'kouw new 11'1:lp1·H 1111· rouat p<>rk. A ll'('l'llt wuv Wt' prt•1x1r.-<l tht• p111 k in flavor: pork and pears rol\K WITll PEAftS • ll'U•po1111 M• It 2 l ,. u .. II ll II I\ s l 'Ol lllilUI d1 h cup Ol'Ul\~l' jUll'I' '• t•up h•mo11 JUH.'t' 11 1111untl ) ftrm·rlJtt• fli111 lt•11 pt•1m1 u -.h1•t•t ol hl'l4VY lull Jlliwt• .f"" k , without u rm•k , In 1lw 111111 H1•111·r vt• 1 l'UJI or lht• lllUI llllllh•, flllll I I t'lllUlllllt•I llVI I II 111 k ii II d It• I 1' I ii 11 d mstl111o( 111•v1·rnl llllH'"· Im HIJoUl ••II liulll lun" 10 :.!'• h11u1e. t1b11lll •l:"l IJ1111llll•ll j)CI J;IOlll\d t'or u gr .. ut ma ri nu 11 n M 1 l lw t 111 t• ui I :.! iubll·-.1"""" sulud l 1\ II wmu 11 "'°''l'f)IUI 11111 l06JMh1•r 1rnlt un1I t'llrn-.tun.·h, "rn<luolly .,,,. 1n orungl' julct• und l(•mon juic.•u, kt.'l'plnl{ 11mooth Cook 11v1·1· modt•rut(• lwut, 11t1rr111~ 1·11nM1trntly. until 1'11·111 u n cl t h h· k " n t• d 11 m1nult• or 110 orr lwul, i;t1r in oil, g urllc und ort·guno Mt1kl"i I ('Up mannnck•. l>l'll'-' lu1I 11111 ly t 111-..t· t o pu1 k 'Ill 11111111111dt• tllll'l'UUlld !< Oll'lll hlll frnl d111•s 1111l 1 ovt•t It Hrn1-.1 I ll ,1 p I l' h t • 0 l I' d a2:> dt·w ·1·1· 11vN1, uMng u hulh l111 sl1·r to busll' uflt.'11 , Ulllil ll n\l'lll 1 lwrmonwtt•1 1 t·11~·h1·:0 170 dq~rt·I':., llll'I lll.IY lakt• WI ~hot tly bcl1111• µork u. t PUtly, port'. hulv1• uml 1·urt• IK 'lll H, f)lllll' ll'M.'l'Vt'ti 11111 rl1111cl1· 11v1.•r tht.•m H1•111t1Vt• 1x1rk r1 l)lll pun UllcJ h•t ll'lil S1)1'1'0U foll l>.wk Ul(illllSt sll 1•w oi 1)1m ; llt'f'lllli<tl' JH'Url\ 111 fltlll, t•uv1ty :mfo uµ &k1• 111 lht· :JU1 d1•"rt•l1 UVl'll until hot obou 1 15 ullnull'IL St•rvt• µork with Jll'llrt' Mukl'!i 4 'ttpt4!mlJt•r combinution, murinutt•d pork roost und fr · h Bartlett halve ease summer into full with a fine fluir . r oos t in~ wu excelltml. Then, wlw11 1h1· roast t'ame out o! tht• uvt•n for a proper rest of about 15 minutes before curving. we added fresh Barllc ll pear halvei;, plus soml' more marinade Bartletts are hack Fresh Bartlett pears. harves ted in bustling orchards from Southern to Northern California, are in markets now Although the entire crop is down from last year, fresh ample supplies wiU ~e available into November for use in your favorite salads. cookies. frappes or shakes or to be poached. baked or grilled. Whether you' r e a calorie counter, a healthy eater, a gounnel cook or a person who simply enjoys delicious food, don't forget the fresh Bartlett pears this sea.son. BARTLETT BREAKFAST CAKE Streusel Topping 3 Bartlett pears 2 cups baking mix 1A cup sugar 1 egg, beaten 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted 2 tablespoons milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1h teaspoo n grated lemon peel Prepare Streusel Topping and set aside. Pare and core pears. Finely chop one pear td measure ~ cup. Cut remaining pears in half- inch slices to measure 2 cups. Combine baking mix. sugar, egg. butter, milk, vanilla, lemon peel and the chopped pear Beat well \.1 minute. Turn into a greased 9-inch round layer cake pan and spread level. Arrange sliced pears over top in a spiral. Sprinkle with Streusel Topping. Bake in 400 degree oven 25 to 30 minutes until cake tests done. Serve warm. Makes 1 (9-inch) cake. Streusel Topping: Combine 'h cup baking mix. 1/t cup brown sugar (packed). 'h teaspoon cin nam on and 114 teaspoon nutmeg. Cut in 1 112 tabl'espoons-sofl butter or margarine to make a crumbly mixture. PEAR POPPY SEED SALAD BOWL 'h cup salad oil 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar 'h teaspoon salt 1/1 teaspoon pepper 112 teaspoon poppy seeds 112 teaspoon celery salt 1 orange 2 fresh Bartlett pears 3 cups torn butter lettuce 4 cups torn iceberg lettuce 1 cup c hopped parsley For dressing, combine oil, vin egar, sugar and seasonings in jar. Grate rind from orange and add to dressing. Cover jar and shake to blend. Pare orange and slice fruit. Halve and core pears, cut crosswise into crescents. Cover. with dressing until ready to toss salad. Combine lettuces, the parsley and orange in salad bowl. Pour pear-dressing combination over and toss well Makes 6 serving,. HONEY POACHED PEARS ~ cup orange juice 1h cup honey 2 tablespoons lemon juice Duh salt 4 fresh Bartlett pears Sour c ream o r yosurt H eat o range juice, honey. lemon juice and salt &ogether. Pare, halve and c:ore ~an; cut into eiahths. Add pear allcea and 1lmmer gently 10 minutes. ju1t until tender. BM1e frequently durtna ~· Cool ln syrup. S•rve topped with a Uttle llOUr cream or yoaurt. Makea <I 1ervinp. .. :.! l' l ti v t•" g 111· l 11·' ltll lll't'iJ :i tt•usp t>Ul\i> cJ1 ll•J orl'~ono ~I -pound bont•lt•1111 pork lo in roust. rollt•d and tied 4 med ium labout Linc thl' wt tom and stdt•s uf a 13 by !I by 2-inch roruitin_g pan with t•rymgs with mt•a t ll•rt ovCJ £01 blind w 1chci--------------- SAVE wnl IMITH'I LIW PRICEI A•DlllllLICllPl•I . , r------------·~-----------~ -------------1·-----------:i Golden Anniversary .~··~··.~··~. .~··~· ~··~. I ::s-.:.=.~1;'1J.:r...n'.i;1i2 I I ~~-=-:-1.1 :II':-.~ -:-::.-::.:=:-:.'"'.= I I =--="=""-~--::.-. ·=e a .:~=:.::--..=:;" .... fga:r=-~ ....... I I ~' I i&J::"t.1 ,... ... -....1:!!!'·. I :, ...... ~ ...... · ......... ~.-::..... I -~ .... -~ ... -... :.;;r..;..·-· ., ... • • I ... • .. .r..c.."::t I .::..::-~ ... -..;~ ..... ....,....__.I IMITl'I IDlllLI CDIPD•I! ............. ~~·.· ............. I I . . I HI • '• • .-,.~ I ,.,.._.., .. ~· .. ::=:.,..,. ........... I~ VALID Hl'T111111111121.2t,1n2 I 1tiVALID11n11111H111 u -tt. '"' 11 1 ti VALID 1uT1111111111u-tt.1t12' .II Lti VALID HPT1•u u-n. 111t I ~-----·------~------------~------------___________ _. ~-----------:i~------------.r------------· r-----------~ l~··~l·~l·~I I :::-..:.:=.-r:~.s:==~•= =a 11 11 ~-· . I 11 ~~-~-=~~::a I 11 ::::z-:=-::::aF.J.r~~.;."E I I :::~ ...... :=· ....... ~ ---I ::.· -· '--~:...~.r::~ I --..... -, ............ £ ..... ~ .......... . ........ ._ ••• ~" ..... ..._. ,... .__,6-, I I ,... i , I ..... ... .. .. ~......... 1 ·---·~-~-· ····-·· ........ . I ........... ·~·... ..__.......... . .. . . ...... ...... =:· . .-.......... I . ..,.... .... ~.. ·-·. _.._. I • VALID llll'TIMH" 2J.H, 1tl2 I •• VALID .... ;; ...... JJ-lt, 1ff2 ... • • • VALID .. ,.,;~; ... 2J-2t, 1tl2 I I~ VALID· .. "';~; ... U-lt, 1"2 ! ------------~-------------------------~------------1/tltlC•• .,~•cnv• 'fHUlt80A Y. ••n••••1t ·~ f'HltU w•oN••DAY, ••11tn111••1t ... LIMIT ltlOHf'• ••••1tv•o. lftHON• •t~ ·~7·~-· '°" #U1t••f' •• ,,.,, .• &.OCAf'IO# GROUND BEEF FRESH• 3-LI. PKO. 0" MORE ,.r CO#ntn O«Hr• #Oruc•u _,.. HILLSHIRE FARM SMOKED IAUIAOE •POLSK A KIELIAb za! 1'! TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS UIDA CHOICI •HF 98~. PORK SPARERIBS COlitUIU I T'U.& \OfN TURKEY DRUMSTICKS M1An CANADIAN COD COCKTAIL SHRIMP u 111 ,. 49c .. 211 .. 3'' FRYER LEGS CMtCIU_Jt, WMOla UOI PACIFIC RED SNA~PER , ..... JiU.ITI FRESH GROUND CHUCK ..... BOTTOM ROUND STEAKS ...69' ... 1" u111 219 --IONlLHt·~ COOalO AtfO •CIL.lO uto• CNOtcl ••• ,. f&MOIMLIO ... STEWING BEEF LONDON BROIL CUBE STEAKS IONELEH CUBES USDA CHOICE ll!EF •THICK CUT ROUND USDA CHOICE IEEF •BONELlll 1'! 2'! HONEYDEWS WHOLE MELON ·'-... I /. »' ' ,' ~,~ -I / PRETZELS ,,.,,.A ... 111 -.OZ. IOI "OLD GOLD• 12·0Z. tAO 3•• RED DELICIOUS WASH. ITATI! AP,LH 29~. ALMONDS M/OIOIAlfT u.oa ~· RUSSET POTATOES RED RADISHES ASSORTED CACTUS "' .. IOICll M CCMIUITIO POT 1" 3:•1 4i11 2" SWEET CARROTS TINDI .. , TOPI O" 19~. COKE, TAB, SPRITE 12-oz. CAN DYNAMO l-.-en..,IOICU ... 0,. CRACKIRJACK8 CUPARAMEN CAKE MIXES •ETTY C"OCKI" • "EOULA" LAYE" DOWIY FAllllC IGFTEIEI 3., ... 01, • •n.. RAISINS ARTICHOKl~~ART8 °t'A_,._. ... Ml .IAI "' .. , GREEN ONIONS f AMt l UMCMll CHINESE EVERGREENS r t ·tfltCM ta'I fl'Of ONIONS ai1 131 10• 4:•1 4" ¢V!LLOW,IWHT,Ml·~1 CITRUS PUNCH GORTON'I CLAMS VIENNA SAUIAOE l.JOl \'LMll CAOI DELTA BATH TISSUI GLAD WRAP 100 'OOT •ONUI •HO ,OOT "OLL 3100 BALBOA BLVD. AT 311t ST.• NRWPORT BIACH HARBOR BLVD. AT BAKIR •COSTA Ml!8A , OP1N 7 A.M, TO ...-n r PORK ROASTS Jl .. LOIN ~ND "II END 1'! BARTLETT EARS IWllT, JUICY Ill~ CANTALOUPE IWllT. "'" 29~. VARIETY PACK ' '''*TO • •ox 0, 11 eAGI 1'' j 'I , - Quiz rates caloric virtue to fare-thee-well By BARBARA GIBBONS T h e routl to l'Alu1 tl ' virtue 11 puv(.J with good lnle nuona, but m ust 11hould -bt· d1etcr11 lu11t• tht-lr fooling from llllll' to llme. How do you fore w h e n you u r ay in to te mpta t ion? Chuosin u the lesser of two calo rk· evils can cul your losses or, a t th(! very least, m in imi ze the weight gain. While many waistline watchers can d te chapter and verse on the caloric counts o f "virtuo us" foods. they're totally unversed an the caloric costs o f "fatten in g " foods. . Some fattening foods are more fatlenmg than o thers. How do you rare? T a ke this quiz. Wh ich would you choose: 1. For Thanksgiving di nn e r d essert . a . p ump k in pie or b mincemeat pie? 2 . To s p r C'ad on a bagel: a. sweet butter b. crea m cheese? 3. At the movies: a . Peter Paul's Almond Cluster b. Almond Joy? 4. Al the steakhouse: a. pr i m e ri b b . fil <'t mignon? 5. To top your baked potato: a. sour cream and b acon bi t s b . chive butter? 6 . At the Italian r estaurant, spagh etti with: a red clam sauce b. w hjte clam sauce? 7. For an after-school san dwich : a . cream c h eese a n d jell y b . peanut butter and jeUy? 8 . Wit h m ilk : a . Mallomar b. Oreo cookie? 9 . To t op yo u r strawberry shortcake: a. Cool Whip b. pressurized whipped cream topping? 10. F°"'-. a bedti me s nack : a. 1oasted corn muff i n b . blu eberry muffin? 11. As a spr ead.;.. a . butt e r b . o r a ng e marmalade? 12. A t the fair: a . "buttere d " po pcorn b . caramel corn? 13. On the Four th of July: a. orange sher bet b. lime ice? 14. Scra mbled eggs with: a . bacon b. brown- a nd-serve sausage? 15. At brunch: a . a screwdriver b. Bloody Mary? 16. At McDonald's: a. Big M a c b . Quar ter Pounder? 17. On rye bread: a . pastrami b. salami? 18. On your hog dog: a. sauerkraut b. relish? 19 . For a heat-and- serve lunch : a. ravioli with meat b. ravioli with cheese? 20 . With your roast beef: a . f ren cb f r ied potatoes b. french fried onion rings? 21. From the ice cream ma n : a . choco la t e p opsicle b. ice c rea m sandwich? 22. To mix with vodka: a. tonic w ater b. bitter lemon? 23. To n ibble with drin k s: a. pretzels b . potato chips? 24. At the Me x ican restauran t : a . chill con came b. chili with beans? 25. From a can : a . c hicke n noodle soup b . cream of ch icken soup? 26. In a hero sandwich: a . diced m ozzar e lla c h eese b . di ce d provolone? 27. From the frozen food case: a . cauliflower i n c h eese sauce b . cauliflower in butter sauce? 28. On the way home : a . c h ocol ate cover e d r aisins b . c hocol ate covered peanuts? 29. On your b irthday: a. chocola te cak e with white icin g b. yellow cak e with chocolate icing? 30. From the pastr y cart: a. chocolate oclair b. lemon meringue pie? ANSWERS : Although various products may vary in calorie&, the counts that follow were taken from : Unit e d States Depa rtme nt or a.. ,,,...,,, .. ,,,,,,. every W.dtHMlay in tb1 tlllrrur A6'rkullu1t• llu11Jhook• 456, H, fl I, "Calorh und C:url.M1h ytlrtllt•11," Kruu-., "\.'ood Vulul~ or PorttonM l'u mrn o nly UH•tl ,'' J't•nnlnt1ton tmd Chufl•h 1 A w " ti " ,. ., r pumpkin pie Is 24 1 <:ulorll'll, mmct•mt•at 320. 2. Butll'r IB 102 l'Uione11 per tablcgpoon, <:rcurn Cht•t•sc.• 52 :J. Almond Clush•ri; art• 145 calories per ounc:<', Almond J oys 132. 4. P r ime r ib is 1.6 Hl calories pc·r pound, fill't nll~l\(111 1 ... 4:1 6 Ont• t11blc-t14xm nf al II u I l ' rt• u Ill (I n d II t•rumblt•d hull Hiiu uf btwm1 totuh1 •I I <'lllont•11, while t:hlw liul\t•r I 111<1 fl A hult cui; of 1 t•d dom !UlUl'\' Ill 102 ('lllot Mi, whltt.' is 114. 7 Two lt1bll011poo111; t•1wh of tor1•un1 d'4't'M' a nd Jt•lly totlll 202 t•u lul'll'll, whllt• thl' cqulvnlcnt a m o u n t!I o f p t• o n u I bu llcr and jell y lotul WO. 6. Ont• Mnllomor Is tiO calorws. ont• Ort'o as 50 LI Om• Iii hlt·11poo11 o( <.:ool Whip h• 16 rulorit'!t, 1tw pr1~"1urln-cl whlppt'tl 111'11111 IN hull th11t Ut fl I 0 A touwtt•d t·orn muffin 111 12U t•nlom'I, u bludx•rry muffm h1 112. I I Ji u I t t' r I 11 I 0 2 t•ulorlt·M pt•r tabk•11poon , orange• murnlul11de Is ~I . 12 . "B u ttt•rt·d" p o p l' u r n ( u s u 11 I I y pn•p;H t•d with oil und ~a It) is 41 l'alorlea per l'Up, caramel t'Orn Is 134. 13. One-t'laH eu p ot orange s hl'fbet Is 130 \\C\\ c u I o r I c• 11 • t h t• " u m l' amount of llm1• ll't' 124 14 H1u·on Ill :t ,11111 1•11 lu1 It'll J)l'f JlllU 11J , h I Cl W II U II ti ll l' r V I' liSIUHOfJt• I ,7U:t 15 Wh1lt• lht• 11ru11141· jukt• In 1tw M:rowdrlvn 111 11 7 l'Uloric ·11 µt•r 1:uµ, the tomuto jult't.• In tht• BIQOdy Mury 111 46. Hi A Bl~ Mot• ls MI c uJoric s, u Qu11r t (.•r Puundul' 418 17. P 1u t r1.1ml 111 40 calories n slloo, salami 45. lH . Sauerkruut 1s 42 l·uloi h' ~wr t·up, n:h h :t!$8 ltl ll11v1oh wuh 11w11t I• 20U l'lllOral'I p('r l'Ut, With dWt'M' iJ5 2 0 f' r c• n d1 I r 11· d J> o \ 11 t o e it u r t.• I , :t •1 :t " u I o r I l• tf pc• r po u n d , fr<•nt•h frlt-<I onion rings UllO ~ I . A c h u cu l u 1 ,. popsll'lt• 1s 1011 c·alorlt•s, a n ll'l' l'rt.ium 11undwlch 20ll. 22. ~·ur S I X OUOl'l'S, tonll' wutt·r ltt fill 1·uluriL>s, btttl•r ll.•mon 86 ia f'rt•1w1" "' •. 111 n1l11r&1"'1 pt·t oUflll'. fH>U1t11 ch1p14 1111 24 Chill t·o11 lurnt• "1 510 caloru11 rwr c·up, <.hall wtth lx·um 3Ji :t5 C'hil·k1•11 11uocllc· wuµ he 130 t·ulw lc'll I>''" l'U p. C'rl•a 111 of dl 1<:kN1 llOUp HM. 21i. Muzu.irl'llu chet·~l' •~ HO culurh·. ,,.., 11um·1., provolunl• I 00. '1.7 Cuuli flowl•r an l' h (' l ' S l' S U U l' I' I lo ti fl t•alorl('!r for NIC'h tour uuncl•:., 111 bullt•r lk!Ul'I' It IMN :.!ll l'huc.olu1c• l·ovt n..-J 1 u1i.1t1J1 urt• I W c:ulorn"f ora. ount·<, tho«olu I<• <.ovc•n·d fll'•1"Ub1 1!'111 :lll A l111u. 1 lht• t<u11w 11nl' blH ,. of t•hoL·o lull.• l'akt• Wtlh whtlt• 11.•tng llt 'J'la rnl11ru•s, y 1·ll11w rnku wllh c.·h 11rnlu1t• le'1111< tN (l'Ul'h Nian· 1111\' lilXll'(•llth of lhc· l'Ukl.'). :rn On<' d rnt·o lut t•t·lulr Ii. 230 l'ulor1c.•s, I\ 00<'-<'lghth lilt<.•(• nr k·mon nwrtngut• pie 268 --• Personal Care Values•-- Farmer John Muted ~~ 1.69 "..wifed navon .35 AHorted va11e1t•• Soup Bas. .27 Pork Chops Ralphs Yogurt t o• TopRamen ,,,, nir ··~\I U!l!JA lnJPf'<'led GQld11n Plemaum l<H!I ~2.49 VIia Pakl Chlll•·J Q~: 1.59 !>all "ll•tr1at1v• :'.k~ 2.59 Cube Steaks 0range Juice No Salt Ratptu $w11el 01 Hot 1.99 l'arme1 John L1verwurnor .59 lnolts As~11C'ol Sunwt ~11y '" • 1.17 Italian Sausage ""' Braunschweiger • "I: Boysenberry Syrup\0,~ lb ·hub rrffh Shcttd .79 llo1n,.n1t6SllC'~rt:>0<1 • 169 Oceon Spray Jui "Dunk 1.65 Beef Liver ....,, American Cheese ~-~ • Cran/Grape Id 1 In l ll Be~rsre~81VieCit 1.79 O.·ean sr1ay 1.47 ~I Bakery Values Grapefruit Juice 4~ ... lb l>U -Fisherman's Cove Values-Rolph\ Pla1n lfambu10•1 01 .49 Noh1 ~ .89 Hot Dog Buns pk" Premium Saltines oJ I '14Ph WhOl" Q I Holl 1.79 nt~ I k I Silver Salmon ""' nanr5110r0ams p~.~ 1.49 N'lllb• Wh~ Trtllll ~o 11 t I~~ 1.49 lb Triscuit Wafers r1eth Catohno Swordfish Steaks "»' 5.99 llotph• .99 ~•lUl'l ~'\#OJ 1~1 01 J r1 111 n .. 1 1.55 Crumb Donuts pkg Peanut Butter II I SOlad $1~• rlA ... Cooked Shrimp fAI 3.99 llalptlr .99 ,1 t" A 1 .55 lb Honey Bran Donut~~ Spaghetti ol)()1 I k I fWIWUP Values ~ ........ 1.69 T Life Cereal lO l --.98 Frozen Food Values I • Corned Beef Hash 1)01 un 11'J1~111o kr1>y l1n1ol.'I .73 M Jtll h 1tt .39 Chllt Wfth Beans Green Beans ll) 1 Instant Lunch • o: l , .67 1>110 I k\I <;Ol'l 0111 ld•l 1.19 lln111111 ·nl" lyln \l(IJ 1.59 ,.._ .73 Golden Crinkles Uol Spaghetti Sauce "" Bleach 7•11 J>kll "" f'll hW•J"hll'IQ ll'1Ulll 1.63 Sunlight I; 01 Appetite Shoppe Values-Liquor Values ltl McCQdotn N"w Yo"ifi l(;<"JI * • 1 69 An 1'1'><>1 Yt>ttkn Muenster Cheese 1;i' • Crown Russe 1~111 6 '99 bll • Hf)lldov ,r ... · IOI IJ..,, 1':1111 Sliced Lox* ~ ~~ 6. 99 Coors Beer Prices effective Sept. 23 thru Sept. 29, 1982 • 'Avell•blt et Relph• Ap~lltt t.nop~ Only Copyll9fl1 tN1 by ll•lpl>• OIOC~•y Co111p1tny All R1gt11i. R~••••H Wt •t •t,.t 111• •lf!ll to limll t< ••l•H ul .. lo c--•cttl dttltll OI ""'94t Hlelt •0 •1111• .... 1. lop ............ ~' ll•lpt· .. p•lr• l>f '"" •••• j)•l<)I to .,. ...... ,. •••• ·~lllt<ltOfl t •Clu•l•t ol •d•,lll•td OI plll"'OtlO"•' ... ~ .. A0 .. •11"41 lltl•" ·~ tllll •II ••• ttl• •• .,.. ,,. ... O• low ... 111•11 \llH" ,.,,,., ,.,...., .... ,.•<I•••"'"",. ......... , •1Wy11<11"fWl•"11 •l>O'l IOul COlll!Mtlll~ t••l lfltt ... "' Qf> .... ,p .. IC'.,... .1 ..... 11-ou1., .... 1 MIQI Aim Toothpaste Hau C ,1ni Nice & Easy Enhci~c~ 1(01•11 Maxi Pads ',',.: 1.59 ,1 3.59 ·l.~ 1.29 A2.39 Produce Values 0.,1 .. r1 .. h .79 Steak Mushrooms 11• h 11r r r Cmrots .15 r1 .. lo-.. r Green Band Cel ery .35 .. f! t ... 1.29 Raisins I II t • t f.. h I .49 Green Beans ,. I R·u ssef'Pot<xtoes I• .29 I Mtlt .,,,, Brown Onion s 1•· .17 11.-i.h r. trt• Sweet Corn 1 • .15 • 11'1 ST .. COIH IEA 2Mt mil. ~T NW •t W , lllfflllfOll •CM == rmo II[ VMDCIA. lMUM HllS 1204 ... lullll ... , ' .. ••. Ql II. LOMA, ..... -IM2 ..... llllTIN8TOll IUCH QUO .... AT WAUllT, W 172'1 Utll ST., TUSTll .. UU I WMI. FCUfTAlt VMUY 15471 s. llOOllUST, mtmem snm tam: 1-10 w,. t.t si.., rt .II t• h ' I l II! Oranr Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Wedneedly, 1:ptember H. 1112 ore! Tban your J c worth with SAFEWAY ' Yev .. t I Ca.ti~ ~ht nety II.,.., .__..i ... d~ ..... ... e"4 lteM• ......... "' ..., ..... PRODUCE Fresh Carrots ~ Crunchy Celery Gre110:11t1 Crisp Cucumbers B s Add Zest ean prouts ro Salads PRODUCE Green Cabbage ~ Pinto Beans Foro:ean Asian Pears = Salad Dressing ~=~ H EAL TH & BEAUTY • WI ACCIPT 1111 .... , ... , .•.• I e lt'"9 • few cent• en411 flll .,..,, certlflc•t• ... e!WI .,.., ... teli• "-• •"&:W: 9' tMt w..ti1 Cath !WI St-let•· LOOK WHA I 2 c BUYS THIS WIEK! GROCERY 2~39' •sunny Delight =~ 64-oz.ggc Bottle Bundi 59' ~Kraft BBQ Sauce ~ggc Each 19c ~olly Madison Zingers~,; •1 1• lb. 39c ~ry Roasted Peanuts ~am13:2 '1'5 Spa 3:: ... •121 C.n UMlt 2. ~ 0... u.Nt ... I I.It GROCERY lb. 15c Town HollN •Beans:~:= 1~·39c lb. 25c -TownltluM Corncv:;.=: ieci;,oz· 39c lb. gsc •coffee Tone~= 1&-oz. •15• Jat IS.OZ. S149 Bottle ~Wesson Vegetable Oil :;:,•21• ~. r.-'"'-,J J 1 t ... 1~2-0-i-•• , . . lb. • MEAT Rib Roast s.w::.,~~ a.ei lb '2" Rib Eye Steak =-='X Beef Cube Steak Salewily oua111y Slfew:VW Ouilhly '189 Fresh Beef Brisket Sold "°" lb. In The Big . MEAT Fresh Pork Steak Bladt Shouldtt lb '1" Skinfess Franks =M,~: Hb $139 Plcg. Sli~ed Bologna lcolctl euy Hb.S15t Pkg. . Little Juan Burritos s-oz.39c Plcg. B A KERY GROCERY LIQUOR •111-.c...e...,.,,L._......_ . .., ................. ___ , EJIClll' Cltlllfta ...... Paul Masson Wlnea...-a411 •ato.•*'-•DIMI .. ~ ~.:..~.; '9" ~~~.·.~.~~,.~ •7•• LOOK FOR THE cgmJ}' [filJt1J:m1J STARTER COUPON IN YOUR MAIL THIS WEEK ••• I f , I J .. 1 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Wedne1d1y. Sept1mb1r 22. 1982 DI I Comptroll~r' s angers officials 81 MarU. Sloane When public offtclala charae their dally and weekend n w1papt<n to the government, who owna the coupon1 In thoee n•wapapera? "They belon~ to the governme nt, ' 1ay1 J oseph R. Cafuto, the comptroller o Suftoll\ County, N.Y. (~pulatlon l.3 million). Caputo is convinced that the cou pons can be uaed to h elp a lot of needy residents of his county -more than 46,000 of whom are currently receiving public assistance. The sto~ of "Caputo's Coupons' began last J u 1-Y w h e n th e comptroller questioned the propriety of county officials' charging their weekend newspapers to the county. The angry officials responded that the articles they clipped out of the papers provided them with • valuable information and became a part of their official files. Caputo discussed the matter with his wife, Claire, who pointed out that the newspapers also contained a lot of valuable coupons. That gave him an idea, but first he had to do some research . Over a period of four weeks he carefully cut all the coupons out of the food section and the Sunday color inserts. They totaled almost $20 worth of coupons a week. "Could these coupons be used to buy 'real' food?" Caputo asked himself. There was only one way to (ind out. , He stuffed his coupons into hi s pocket and joined his wife on her weekly trip to the supermarket. "I saved 1 $5.87.'' he reports, "and that convinced me." On Aug._ 2£aputo &en i a letter to a ll county officials telling them that they would be reimbursed for their newspapers only if they brought the food sections and color coupon inserts to his office. To put it mildly, the county officials wer e startled. Some of them thought that Caputo was ,asking them to clip the coupons. Legislator Donald Algrove called th e comptroller's letter "the height of ridiculousness." Brian Sheehan. spokesman for the Washington-based National Association of Counties, said the whole business was "utter nonsense" and that he had never htt#ird of any county becoming involved in coupon clipping. Why did J oe Caputo risk the wrath of his fellow county offic.ials? He calculates that the county is paying $15,000 a year to keep 150 comm i ssioners. department heads and directors supplied with newspapers. But the pape r s themselves contain about $150.000 worth of coupons. Caputo's idea is to use public -assislance recipients to do the clipping and sorting of the coupona, since they have an obligation to perform some kind of public service. Caputo envisions including several dollars' worth of 1 coupons w ith each public-a8sistance check 1 that the county malls I I out. -Tile react.io.o Crom the county Department of Social Services was positive. "It will be very helpful," said Jerome Linder , a special assistant to the commissioner. When the atory of Caputo and his coupona made local headlines, the reaction from county r esid ents waa aho poaltlve. "Your Idea about clipplnc coupons la marveloua," wrote ope taxpayer, who lnduded • handful of coupona ln her envelope. Caputo aen aes the ·\l'emendoua potential of h1a idea. 8ecawle he la a determined man, there'• • aood ch ance h e can make it work. • If you feel t hat Caputo'• prosram could help the needy In your city: town or county, why not c.11p out thl1 article and eend lt to one of your local offlclala. Of••• e110 1ne •1Qu41.0 reflllld Moro information can bo obtained from~ Jot cph Caputo, Compll'Oller, Ji. Lee Ounnlaon 8ulldin1. Vett-rana Memorial Hlahway, Haupp•uio, N.Y. 11788. rlQulrtCI rehind formt el II\• tupwlNlltctl, "' llt•ltlaplrt Ind ll'lllQUMlM, end wtMlfl lrldlng .. 1111 hl1nd1 Oltert m1y not 1>1 IVllltbl• In Ill ., ... of •II• coun1ry AllOw 10 WMll• to •IOtlYI MC.II ttlunCI llPlllllllT lllPPll HHdw1y htll•I• Or 1111<1 tnt l•nCI 1ne rll{lltlet 111>41 w1111 th• IDfm 1111d hire 1\111 ltonl J)ltltM l•Oft\ p!i(e of Alff 8h111t Crttm '"'i.d 11-upwle ~-•'I' CllQlvlM Of Wiii• Int UrllftfNI Produc;I (;O<ll f(llnl IN liloof ~f PU<U11M Mllla--f'"!ll!I CLIP 'N' FILE REFUNDS Healtb Product• (Fiie 11-A) Clll> out lhl• lltt end keep II with tlmller Cllll•Oll 001.1pon1 - bo•r•o• rtfund 011111 with ~\ltfege coupan1, lor exemple. Siert cotltetlnQ tilt ~ prooft of pvrcll•M Whitt loolllng for Ille Tiit followlncl r.ivnd oH•o lft wor111 110 50 'tl\IM oHtt• oon·1 rtqUltt t refund fOfM. OI., OOWN, Tiit JI WIWamt Co Inc . Po. Boa N8·4 ti, £1 PHO, Juu 7ffJ7 ~ve e t I relund Send lh• Unlverul Producl Code t)fmbol lrom 1111 bottom of one 1 28· °' 3·ounce PICklge ol Deep Down •nd Ill• regtller 1.,,. wtlh Ille prlele clrcttd. Explr .. Dec. 3t, 1"3. OlfllTOL Acllve end Euy P111ern Oller, P.O. 80• 583, YQIJllO Amerio., Ml11n. 553118 Receive •. lrH McCall'• p111ern Send lhl U111Wtll PrOdUCl Codi PKk~ l!ltplrH Dec 3 t, 1913 tymbol frOM IM bOllOll'I Of 4(). or ANACIN CAll'IULH 1 1 C~ tOO·llbltl Of"llOI tnd llO witt IOf Oller Receive If coupon 101 potllO• •na hlfldllno Spectty AnM:ln Anllgello C111>1liltl Send whlCll ol thtM Plllttnl you w11n1 Ille reciultld tefund IOfm and thl (A) ehor11 tnd ioP. (81 knit dr.... 1n11r1 outer e111on from 1ny or (DI drtta and jackll ElcplrH An•cln AntlQUIC Ct p1ulu Merch 3 t. 1883 l!apl111 Pie 3f, 1H2 ThHt oflert require refund HIAOWA\I 8uptr l1vlno1 form1i ~•Ive a t t coupo11 QOOCI 11 Ille ALLl"llT Refund R.celv• a ttort you Utt 011 lhl lorm, a 11 llO-c:ent relund end 12 In coupon• couPOn for Vick• Heldw1r Ind I for Alltffff, 8lnere11, Otld.CORT. bonu1 c:erd 111•1 could bt wortn Cruu end DettnH Send 1ne 11.000 Send lhl 1eq1.11fed rtfund requlttd refund form and 1n1 form end OM luff fronl _,.. rrom Unlve,.111 Product Code tymllOI -3&--o,. 41-.eeptule Hetdwey lrom 1n1 beck of one AlletHI CapaulH or 40· or SO·l•blll ZO 111>1e1 Huelwl~ hblett numb« on 11141 l•pe ~Plf .. Dec l!aplr .. Dec "' 1112 31 11112 ,._Lft 11 Aetund Oll11 hnd INOWI" .... AVI" "-fund Olltt. lht llQUlttCI tefUlld IOfm end fM P 0 . Box eell, M191f Pia~, Minn "Pnlllipt" ntmt "'' lrom Ille lront 653"8 Rtctl.,. • refund Of up 10 llbel or one 12· or H ounce 48 cttllt hnO 1111 wo.d• ·1riow" PnlNlpe MUii of Megnetle, Regultr 81111111" lrom 1111 lron1 ol 0111 or Mini fllvOfld r•P'fn 0.0 31, ShOwlt Sn•v• ptclo.11(19 end lhe 1HZ tegltl" 11119 with Ille !)flee Cff'ci.CI H••'• • relund form lo Wflll for • Eaplt .. O.C 31, 1H2 Aubbermeld Shell Liner 12 ThH• oflert 1equlr• 1elund RelunCI, 1147 Akron Ro1d, lorm1 Wooaler, Ohio 441191. Tiii• ollet •AH, 1'1b4trge Inc Receive D ••plrH Nov. 30, 1812. I 1 refund Send th• required Thi lollowlng refund ofler1 ,,. relund form found on Babe worth Ill t4. Th111 olltrt don't Deodorent and • reg111er tnp• require relund formt tflowlng lhl prlu Expire• Jin 31, ..... 1 t COUPOn Oller. p 0 Boll tH3. P M-148, El PMO, T•xh' 7etee OILLtTTI DAll"t 11 fllefond Receive a 11 coupon lor Ritt ground fresh dally lrOM lwO Oa•l'I' IOUt Olt'lll or IOUt Otlty IWO PICllt llld lllt regla"let tape wltll 11141 pt!« c.1tcleCI Cal)ll .. Mtttn 't 1H3 0000 NIWI HAL'·ll'"ICI flelund Send lht ftQlllttd rtfut1d lorm, Ille p100f·Of·IMlf'h .. • .. _. from lhl 111'" Of 11~ 0000 Newt pl(kll(je •rnJ '"' regltler Ulpe Wllll 1ne ptlce c1tcled Hll• oll•r '' llmlttd 10 1 mutmum or 12 tuor1 Eaplrlt Dec 31, 1982 LAVORll A411und Oller ~"' 1 50·cen1 refund end 1 50•cent coupon 101 Levotlt Send Ill• requlttd tel und form end lht ·convenlel'l1 Ple111c: BollMI" 1•1>411 tram lilt lrOf1U>f 24-•0UOGI ~YOtlf bplr• Mercn 1 18"'4 •.• 29 at all lrvlne ranch farm era markets ... P•IMlf ktter no salt. .. no sugar .. ., n'o preaervatlvesl ,_, hnl ... 1.59 straw'oenies ft •ny • ., lfM • 1t#1al1 ... M 'I I •h••• .. ..._ ft • fresh 1flv1r •l•en lean I Mli•J L ef not to exceed 30% • ..... •I fat content ........ 19 llMtn lnll perfect for the bar·b-quel whole or half "' .. 4.91 ........ 79 •. 2.98 1 Yl to 2 lb. average alze .. 2.91 ~ "' . . fresh •l•en tt•k ,.., rNlf .,\. ' . ........ 29 . •• 2.79 eye of reun4 r111t .......... 1uper · 00 multl · vffl•lll•llnl ......... • 30 tab llH · 00 tab size ....... 4.70 1.95 ....... 12.91 26.19 .. ,..111y ,_~";'•;;;·~!;~._;a: .... ~~-~.,_.E_....~~dl .. 1.49 1:SS topaz natural wlW hllef rtch'1 all whtt• tlrklf Wlllt . .. s.,, am ore IPfneoh tortelllnl 7 oz. box "I-2.'9 norganlc natural pl1111ppl1 Julee 32 oz. ....... , 1.09 wt •Ill bl tampllng norgenle julc.t In our newpon bHc:ll t l0f9 on lrldey • MOlembet 24, lrorn 10-00 a.m to 3'00 p.lil. •lop In and Mmpla tlleM ell nelural Mete. vie de f ranee •l••IMI orol111nt1 box of 2 "I-US .95 lfllt1 Ml• 41 W.111 1.S llter t"'' poputercttenln blanc win• I• now offered In the latge, 1,5 liter tlze. th• ,bigger size meant Q1'9eter eavlnga for you I .... 9.00 6.99 • Or1ng1 Co111 DAILY PILOT /WtdnNdly, 8eptember H . 18H ngli h muff in · ar t nd r trap for a avory mu broom brun h • mix 1 A 11upply of 11;116'li11h m u ( ' I n " I II I h t• !f 111iwrul11r Ill rn'l•1t•r I• t• munt•y 1n lht• i.ugur wt. You t•un blmk w1 IM'lng ublt• lo prt'JJ<lr\' u ¥1 I d c v II ,. I l ' l y I) ' econom1l·ul t•nlrt•t•i. AlmOSL Ill thl' l'lll'k o( a !ler n11r~ m t•a lli t·un bt• de by topping English ~u f ( i n 11 w i l h c mb l n a t1 o n s of aUvely small portions o( res Coods which, 1n pte-inflat1on days, wen .. s trv ed in l arger quantities us ranl'y sidt• d hes. In this easy-to-make hbt brunch suggestion, ~glish muffLnS are the a ghtly crunchy tender t ap f o r s li ced mushrooms in a savory ~x of cheesy c hicke n bdolh. Se l ect f irm ~hrooms w11h no signs qt decay (which harbors ptomaines and toxins). ;As they 1.irt• h ighly pdrous, It's best to clean mushrooms with a damp clpth. If they must b{• Wllshed, do it q uick ly and dry thoroughly just Wore slicing parallel to ttie ste m s a nd , f o r ed>nomy's ~k(•, use the stems as well as the caps. !fo keep mush rooms from tu r n ing dark 1n color. s prinkle w ith lemo n ju ke o r white wine and do not cook 1n an aluminum pan . MUSHROOM MUFFINS Co lors add to appeal By EARL ARONSON ,..,,..., .. .turn Som e vege tables change colors in l'OOking because of their chemical compounds, or pigments. The ch a nges in t he pigments during l'OOking are responsible for the ultimate colors. Dr. Dymplc Cooksey o f t h e Ag r H·ullura l Exten sion Service a t Texas A&M University explains that vegetable pigme nts h ave three classes -chlorophy lls. ca r o t e n oids a nd £l avono1d9. Levels of acid it y or alkalinity m cooking water determine whe the r the cooke d vegetable color will be . appealing or not. Chlorophyll, the green pigm e nt 1n g r ee n vegetables, produces a drab ol ive colo r in vege tables cooke d in slightly acid wa ter. The specialist says keeping the fresh green color m these vegetables is proba bly the greatest problem in cookin~. T o combat the drab color , boil vegetables uncovered for the first t hree m inutes T his permits volatile organic acids in vegetables to escape, r educin g the cooking water's acidity. 'Cook sey advises ag ainst adding bak ing soda, an a lkali, to green vegetables to keep them fr es h g r een . Tha l d est roys v itam in C (ascorbic acid) and some B vitamins. and affects tex tures and flavor. V e g eta b les w i th oonsiderable caroteno1d ~ent -yellows and otanges -are less of a problem because the pigme nts won't dissolve In water. The pigments don't change much in acid or alkali and you can cook such vege ta b~es with a cover throughout. Flavonoid pigments atc tuall y conta in two groups of compounds, the r esearc h e r sa ys: Anthocyanin giving the "red'' to beets, cherries, berries. plums and red cabbag e, and anthoxanthin in white potatoe s , on i ons , ctauliflowe r . turnips, liUsify and parsnips. Some times, colorless a,nlhox.anthln ls masked by other plant pigments. If red cabbage is cooked in tap water , It may turn blue or bluish- 1reen if the water Is itkallne. To off.et, add acidic juice 1uc h as lemon, to the water or cook by a waterless .net.hod. Some cookb.Jok.a ~ cookina reo e.bbap with an apple tor an .cid eource. (11lx 1«1rvtnic•> 11 p ll t , t otu t ud nn<l 1wrvlng, hlr nct 1n 1tw I t•up <.'hic.'kN1 broth bullt•rt'<.I du•1•M• un11I 11wllt't.l. Do '·• t•up dull IWUl'(' I hunJ bmlt·d l'KK. 11111 11v1•u:ook 11 ll'.MJX>on 1h 111u·t1 It• y, t>U fH' I k u u 11 d St•rvt• on 11 tow;tt'(f ond '·• t I' II " p Cl u II pll111t•11lo hlllll'H'll 1'!nJihNh muH1n powdt•nttl g1t1..i1•r Cook lht• broth, rh1 1t h11 lvt•H, ~0 1111Nltl'tl w11 h i l(H•c n o ni o n •. w11 u<'t'. 1wlt, glnMt'I' und ptir!ih•y 1111d h111u boah'tl thinly Mlil'\'d onlom. ovN low ht•ot :\ t'KK 1cl11·1·11 11pr1nkhttl wuh 3 wblt·:s1x1u11:; but11•1 m1nutt•i; Mt•ll lht• hult\'r pu pr lk11 ur dt•t•urut<'i.l or rnt1rM111 1111• or m11ri(11r1rlt' 111 11 11u11 with bits of µ1mwn to l •,, po u n d ., ~lurnlnuin 11klllt•l, ~ult' Tousl ..Lind butter I.ht· 111us hroonu, s l1 cod t he mus h roo m s 5 fl•mu1111 ng 0 Eng l11:1 h paralll'I to 11tcnlli mlnuws Mix m llw hut muffin hulvt·s to 1>t•rvt• uri ~ t•u p g r utc d 11UU<.'<';cookovl'1 low ht•ut 1he i;1d t• w i t h jam or Parmesan l'hl't.'St' 2 mlnult•s, st1rnnl{ on<..'t' murmaladt.• At·i:ompany u English muHim., or t wit•t• J ust lwfort• with lomutu jukt· ~~~---"'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tt·m1•ting brunch "'"gf(t-tion8 indml~ Heed mutthrooms in o savory mix o( c·hc-t'sy chicken hroth erved in a slightly crunchy English mutfin. VONS SPECIAL COUPONS . IS THE BIG DIPFERENCE I 1 ')16 tRaSSET . !POTATOES WE'LL D008U 1'llZ Dll'l'DDICI! -·~-O.. ..... l'Ooe"91CS9 To «>n•.nc«' you cl VOfll (Otl\l'llltlnMI 10 low lood Pf'C", we IC fMlllng \hi\ olffl W you Utl find low« OWf.i! lood pricea lllit .. eel< •I 1rrr Olllt< 1uperma1Mt. V0111 wlll P9)I ~ double IM dltl~ret'IC• Ju\t t11QP &I VQn1 6uy one MCh ol Z!! dillef<H1t Ind dltl>nel food 11\'mt wonh t2() ex MOie COMl>6t«' prlcn oo lhe """" food item• <II ....,. ·Ollw< '"""'~ • N lhN !CUI IS IOW>t< bnng yo<M lemiled ' • Von• rect'tl)t ....cl !ht' Oll>ef ..... ~ • lood P'"'" 10 "°"' .net w. P9)' doul* .,,. drlft'rltn<e V0111 low food p<>en )'Oll c.n ~-... :;::::;~:..~':.1.::---::,..~~..,.. .98 PROD<JCE ...... ,:rr~ Roma ne ttuce .. • 29 ~~~Ap~ •• 49 qrp: ....... ,,.,,, Salad omatou ... 39 S~(~~~~ lta n ne Plums 1e a33 &"'"'~~ i.,H IQ nana uash .. 10 r~Pt;;eapp1es u .• 25 6 ...... I Hang ng Pothos (,< 2 99 FROZEN FOODS ..t!Y "'" '~lttJ\Uf.•it' :sum Price Vegdablu !!""Nft..' , "'""' '''C\l ....,, T um~era ~1,~~.r:.,, ... ,.,j"'J; "'" Ohl Boy Garllc Bread N"~lJ:Crunch Bar ~n.T.iora • 77 .69 .99 .69 .99 .99 VONS BAKERY ~~it Filled Danish Rob 149 LIQUOR ~"lllllUl\•M!:noe .. re: ""'t bite lane B nc 399 l ·~t 1t('t 1'QH I °' 't1" W V\.N l Bacardi Rum l l 99 ,.j IU llO'lf.\ mackn t. Chablis J 49 c~MLch~Stii' "•"W'. J99 1/~JTC!lllul"l•l llO""'°°' Kamchatka Vodka 7 99 " '"lif; lt""LI Earty mes Bourbon 1199 ,. "" ''"'" , .. ~ It•(, HammsBeer l • ]79 DELICATESSEN ............... ( ... , .. .l~t~'oC~ Vons Longhorn cheooar • •~l ~f'l."l t I Uwry .!_KO hells '.l"' -"""""'' '.!""'"-\ tsaU Park Beer Fninka •t ul l'l\C 41'4 H.A~ :twits fl\ls• Puddln91 ~~V.rle;y~ .. ~N "'' •1CUOS'\ .,.<. 1 .. Jones 8ked t.Mrwunit ~ f~~ Slk:ed Sallme 2 29 . .69 }69 .98 )99 .98 ]98 DAIRY PRODUCl S GROCERIES _li:t!J"'fl' f (4'"'\ \.:ampbe.ll's Pone & Bunt ~r" " ._. •I Pl\ ~''-iUit'tD 'l'~' Fruit.stand Fruit Drinks ' "'' "''' ~\l '\..'-ll'el Long Oraln Klee "'" ('l~l/ "'1', t ..... " \L, Wheaties Cereal • \ ' '4ft0 "'-""""~ L""' Trail Mix Bars Vuban around Coffee .37 .89 )12 }23 ]68 ]19 2 69 409 319 248 1911:\~t;W:iitJl•Iil t] "t"' LI 149 Oolden lnbow Trout ~l!''!?"" t\fOt~ .. "'... 289 wnote DUngenes1 <:l'ID l• 'lrf-~' :,.-~ True Coa Flllet.a LI 269 •• 299 H EAL TH & BEAUTY Ee9'T~t1:~"· " " .89 ~~~~f~'0 .43 ~~· ) 69 Li,1'\:"'°" .95 ~u ~~~Onedc .89 ~:C:1;1A.by01 2 77 ·"~~~•°"""'~"' .... ' .59 ~~~~llSC~~garine .93 ~fu~l,l~.Tr.::i ] 57 l~~~1; .89 ~~.Juice 299 ~~~~ 688 J98 C Oll0-2 PACllOR9\IOC. T -I PACK llEOUl.M PlllCf 2 1 g MEATS f1\81.l• ..... llCfT Boneless Famlly Steaks l8 2 29 ~t fCf"G_8((r ff""tl•(U1 uck Steaks ,. ] 37 ..... t ......... 8 Bondess huck Routs l8 ]89 ~...roollCU C '(" C uck Ood out. lft )98 ~~ ~tewing Beef ld ) 98 t~f "rtrl llt_ll r&;f7(XUDD\,At Uuln around •• ) 89 . ~~-..a .. \O"'i'\..,~·L((ffOUlf r..-t~fUCIT"'(r '"~"' (()lf'W\ Oft,C"'CO TOAPf'f~ T~t~tt "''' c...-llr """"'" ttt'f"ln' ~~·or r~ ,~~" -n W1!tt """MICK ,_ tumUCOfCH ,_,. "''fli fM..4tte, ,.,.._ ,.._ lllUL "''" 'W.D ,_ rrtt~t~~.,r~r~lJICI\.,_ 89 Best l)'er C le en u1 • l!lt'\>fl 'lf .,,,..,..~I ~IL• IA<~• rout~ } 19 Whole Frying Chicken legs n ~..oif"~~~ <dnu e Llvv .... }98 rfc' , •'-" -'l<.iit..l.A• ()9 ot Roll Sausage .... 199 •MH ~,. M':.'P'i: Smo ey Bacon I.I ]89 10-i"'fltt-P'\C:rfj ~""' ~""° W.~ Swift Bed nks I.A ]39 "'ICtll Ul't!CTM THCllta. ™"<I '«0 . lfl"TCMVI 2) l O l!l'T!M£1t 2• I Ml ~ l 12 I JI l~l 'Oii LCXA~ ~ lf<>ttl! MNtt'IT YOU. r.QT ALL ITfltle MO~ .. T"'9 AD UftCTM ATVOf'IS, t 500W, PICO lll\ID., t ,71 W 9()TH ST lOS Al'l()fl(.I FllltSl'IO IVfO W WCIAS. SAlU lf'l lttTAfl QCJMTIT'lfS °"'-Y ~T Sf<>tlU ~" f """ TO 11 ""l DAft A WEEK. CARESS BAR SOAP BATH SIZE 4 1~L (INCLUOES 7 Of'FI .52 HUWT1MQTOM MACH Ital..., ..... .,, .... CoeTA•aA FRESH START LAUNDRY DETERGENT ?O-Ol (INCLLJOE.S 7,0FPI 6.72 , ••. ""' ..,... .... ar-.. ·"· . , . . • # DOVE OISHWASHINO DETEROEMT 32-0Z 1.59 LUXUQUIO OISHWASHINO OETERQEMT 22-0Z 1.14 ltVM Cnl lefflRll M. IRw. ........... SPfCEIS~ND CURRY POWDER 2 IO.OZ 1.69 BRA CHS ASSORTED PEGBOARD CANDIES ~L .89 POUlfTMe VM.UY ~M10 ... 1T.-.. ~l&L· ... , ... Pwtrwr .... , ' • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/WtdnHdly, September 22, 1982 ----~Fragrant flavors mingle in dessert Wurm, l'oiy 1•vl'11int(H t)y the· fin• l'llll tor 1 lu1 hOnll' l>ak~l "cxidtll'll'> or u frugrunt, goldl•n dl'liit'l'l. Crupt! and l'PUI' C:rh1p, urtfullv Nl'ON01wu with 11pk>i'K, lie jUKl 11ud1 u dt·~·rl. F.xudlng wurm\h and hoHpitutfly w1 th t•vt~ry moNWI, this simple yet dck'<'tubll' cru;p, cun be quickly uncJ uu111lly nSSt!mbl~J. Extend an impromptu invitation to close friends and serve "them Grape and Pear Crisp. The flavors will warm their hearts and swee t en memories of your times together. Al'l'Ompany this desscrt with big mugs of steaming coffee -or cold milk for ·the children -and lots of friendly conversation. Plan on serving Grape and Pear Crisp when hosting planrung sessions for a fund-raising ba:zaar or a school meeting. Your committee co- workers will like the warm hospitality, ~nd the food preparation will take little of your all- too-pn.'Cious time. GllAP~ ANO PEAR CRISP I 11' 1· u J>" r l' d u r gr1•l•n Kl'Upt•11, llN•dt.td If m 't'l.'8lllll' y I ,. ti n ( 2 ti o 7. • ) au rt lc• ll pcu r K II c;.•(•11, drnhwd )''lour 114 1.cu"1>uon ulmond t•xtrut'l 14 cu p bull" r o t' margathw, 1<.>fh•nc'Cl •;, te~poon 1eround dnnumon '14 to 1h h11111poon gt ound ru.amcg '14 lt>Mpoon lilalt Y!i cup packed brown 11uaur . cup flour, 11utcar. 1p"1tit 11'1 l' u p f I n r I y und 11ult; cut 1n butltl chopf)C'd wttlnui... until crumbly. Stir fh Tau Logeth(lr "rt•pt•8, nuts; 1pr1nklt! over frutt. pt•ar1, 2 tabh.'tipoorui (lour &kt> ul :l7!) degree. ~ und ulmono extruct: turn mlnutet or unUJ topPll)t In to greosed 8 -inch Is go ld en . Ma ke.AJ biking dlsh. Combin~ 1h servings. Grapes and p ears add their sparklipg fla.-ors to crisp y dessert artf µlly seasoned with cinnamon and nutmeg. Grapes fit well into all occasions calling for simple elegance, yet ease of preparation. From breakfast to snack time to the most elaborate buffet dinner, grapes shine classically. Be they for attractive edible garnishes, salads or sophisticated main dishes, grapes spark foods with lively, out-of- the-ordinary flavor. . .. . i Local. county. stale. national and international events come to your doorstep D ·1 p·1 ' in the bright. light and lively II J I DI Grand Prize One of America's Favorite Homes! or $150,000 cash 2 Second Prizes One of America's Favorite Cars! 1983 Chevrolet Celebrity or $12 ,500 cash 3 Third Prizes One of America's Favorite Vacations ! Trip for Two to Hawaii or $5,000 cash 1000 Fourth. Prizes One of America's Favorite Cookware Sets! 8 piece set/ Approximate Retail Value $65.00 NAMBRJCA'S FAVORITES" SWEEPSTAKES OFFICIAL RULES 1. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. 2. You m11y entet Ille sweepstakes by complflling the coupon&/entry forms 1>etow and redeeming lhe coupon9 ...ch your purchese(a) For eech comoteled and redeemed coupon, you have qne o lflctal tweepsleket .entry Ahematr.ie entry la ava1leble l>y compleeing IWffl*llket torrns av .. labte at Plrtlcll*· tngjoc:ationLoLbv~...yot.Jl OAINI ac!tlresa anchlp code e~ with lt>e words "Amence'a Fa-ilea' on 1 3\'J" • 5\'J ~ d p~ Melt the completed~ forms or the 3y,· x 5YJ pieced P8Pff 10 'Americas F1von1es-Sw~es. PO Box 700. 8'nghlm40n. Ntw Votk 13904 Thel8 can l>e only one sweeptNllcet entry per er>\181Qpe and NOii envelope mute l>e mded aepetllely Ent8f as often as you wttl't l>ul lt>ere can l>t only one wlnntng entry per lamtlv Odds ol wwllling ""'' l>t delermOn«I by the number of encnes rec:elved The random drlWtng for el pnzes ""'' l>t "'8ld and !ht wWlner9 wll be announced on or 11>ou1 Mlreh 18. 1983 Pri.zM wtl l>e -arded on or llboul Apnl 18, t983 · Al prizes W11 l>e IWlrOed TM ollet IS Of*' to el r..,_. of lie Utllted St- l'NZE SntUCTURE Glwld ltrla: "One of Amenca's F1110111e HorNs-The houM ol your dlOlce up 10 • relelf value of S 150,000 or $150,000 In cash If the winner elects IQ take the '-· Proct .. & Gamble W11 pay 11 construcllon oo.ts uP to s 150,000. The WIM8f m11y select Sile IOcation, •chiled. hOuM ~. contl8d0t mnd maleriels M laxes. '*'""'· ~. '"'" mnd registrl1IOl'IS •e the sole rMPO"Sll>ollty Of the Wltvl8t Two Second Prlzee: "One of Amencaa F•-••• ean.-A 1983 Chewoeet CeleOr~y 4-ooor Seoan or $12,500 tn CUil The Cir induclea dt-1 eng+ne, 8lf oonootlonong. rear Window delawe<. power 000< IOclcs. custom 2·tone ~nt, 111n)ll roof, euslom cloCt1 MBlt 45145. AM/FM s1ereo w11n casnlte player. power seats, cr111se conlrol. puncture tealant llres. pow« windows. and wi re wheel covers wllh lock1- des1tn1tion Is included Approximate retail value la $12.500 Al taxes. tttle. license and reg<st18!lon f-and dealer pre() are the ~ rtlSpOnSll>lltty of the wlnntB '"''" Tillrd Pftntl: ·0ne of Amenca'a Favonte llaca· Ilona. A trio l0t two to MIUt, Hawalt Of $5.000 In cash The tnp i8 for 1 d-VS and 6 noghl$, deluae aocorrvnocM- tton• AJ i.xes. gralUICteS, meals end mt-41"'90US upenses ••the IOle rftC>onSibtltty ol Ille win,,.,. ApprOXtm•• ra1 .. 1 value Ill $5.000 1,000 Fourth Prize•: "°'1e ol Amenca's Fav0<1ta Coolcware s.ca -Ec:llo Country Garden Sllvers!OIW Cooltwwa. II piece set Appro~•mate felail Yllue al $65 00 No suO&t~Ullon lor pnze l)tnnltted • Tocal Number ol Pnzes· 1.006 Tocal Value of Pnzet. $250,000 S. Wnners wtl t>e aeteded .., a random drawing ltOm among 11 ancnes unoer the IUQ8fY!llon of CUrt•n Mar· keting, Inc , en 1n<1ep1ndent judging org1n11111on ""'-dacilionl are final on II matters relahng to this oft• 4. Coupon encnes r--..ed alt• March 11 . 1983 Wt4t noc be ant er Id In Iha drt1'#1!111 Al mail .. n antnas must be pocc'~ed l>y Mardi l. 1ge:) end recelv9d by Mareh 11. 1983 We 111'8 not retpOneibla for los1. lete or m<Sd•adld coupon or mlil·•n entnes 5. No mutolaled, lllegll>le Ot me<:hanteely reproduced · entnea 0t I ICllmoles will l>e honored I. Employ-ot Procter & Gamble Company and tll8ir 111n111es. 1lft111es. subsdtnM, ldv•tlllnQ ~ Ind of CAAtin Maltleting. Inc end an... l11tni'1n 11(8 ll!Cludld from parllc;!pltlon in this oft8f Vold wne- rescrlcted or lued bi law All federal, 111te and local regulation• apply For 1 ll•C ol maior prize wlnnet1, send 1 111mped Mlf·lddrelHd envelope IO ·Amenca I F1vonte1· Sweepstakes Winners Lisi. Clo CurtJn Mal1<ehng, Inc , 554 Filth Avenue. New Vor1I New York I 003e . Coupo11 is S"'eepstakes ~n~ry. -Tll-e--.no-vse you 1·edee - The greater your ch~nces of gl -.: . :···: .-· - : . . . . . ·, .. •. •I : ... .--: ;· -. -. . ~::::: .·. -;;-:.: . . . -; :· :.·· ... ~:-·· ·:~:·.· ,. .. ·:·: ·:·· :·. . ... :.:.. :· ·:· .. · ....... ..... :::1 .. · ·!~: ·:·:· " j ' I •:• Orang• Ooaat DAIL y PILOT /Woctn•adl\y, Sept mbor 22. 1982 When the game plan Calls for a party Whe thflr tht• 11:1w1 winl or lOM!I~ thu party 1nu11t go on! So If you'rt• the hu.t or hOlftt*8, you ;n nt>txl 8Cllnl' wanning r\y foodll to chi'(lr thi; ~tors or console the loeet'a. Y-our best game plan slat).8 with Pocket Taros us\Qg wheat bran cereal. Preparation won't go into overtime with these e &..)l y -but -s p ec I a I saitdwlc hes that each t'Or\tarn about two grams of dietary fiber from the Seafood catching consumers ~HE. AallOC&etecl ,_ Writ.,. WASHINGTON . The typical American ate 13 pounds of seafood last ye~r. including 6.5 ou~Ces of sardines, eight ounces of canned salmon and.3.1 pounds of tuna. ijut Diane Boratyn of the' National Marine Fisheries Service says it wrufi't enough. J3!>rat:xn is directi~ ·'Catch Ame rica,· a cot11bined government and: industry effort to _,promote the marketing / 1'nd cons umption of seafood. L · a s t y e a r , h e r campaign to increase consumer awareness of fish and shellfish saw a 3.2 ounce growth in average consumption. after a slight decline in each of th e three previous years. For 1982, Boratyn has built h er campaign around Americ an s' growing health coll$Ciousness. With the thellle "Seafood USA - A Better Choice," the campaign is emphasizing the nutritional value of seafood and its supply of protein with little fat. Seafood comes under the Commerce Depart- ment's National Oceanic a nd Atmospheric Ad- ministration, which supervises her agency. And the Catch America program seeks to forge government a nd industry cooperation similar to w hat the Agriculture Department has done for more than a century. "W e plan to help retailers reach a large and growing market of h ea l th co ns cio u s Ameri ca ns and demonstrate the benefits of nu tritious and balanced diets built around seafood ," she said. The program, targeted in more than 20 cities, combines advertising and other media promotions to attract con s umer attention to seafood while enco uraging ret.aUers to improve their seafood stocks and dispJ.ays. While all the results are· not in, Boratyn said retailers reported sales incr~ases of 12 percent d~ and immediately foll!Jwing the campaign in t:beir cities. 'nte program received $ 9 4-0 , 0 0 0 fro m the fe.4"eral Fis heries De?elopment Program. $546,000 from industry. abti<.at $1 million from othesr business and st.ate support. Tche fisheries service e J ~l m a t e s t h a t t h e seafood industry could adcf 50,000 jobs and $8 bWfon to $10 billion to the)J.S. economy. Although less seafood is <:onsumed in inland reg-inns, Boratyn said moeern methods of transport refrigeration shqwd make it possible for' fresh fllfh and sheitfish to be available in ·all parts of the country. More than 60 percent of U .S . seaf oo d con!lumptlon occurs in restaurants, Boratyn said, noting that many p eople apparently believe restaurants can obtain fresher and better aeafood than individuals. Alao. she said, many people are not confident of their ability to aelect and prepare 1eafooda. So con,fumer pamphleta and flytra are an integral part of her campaign. 1bere are more than 50(f edible apedet of flah, Boratyn said. l'tmml. Ju111 1•ook uµ lhti llJ>WY ground bt•t.•f filling 111 udvanC<'. 1'hl'n IN J(llt011t.-1 muku Uwlr ow11 T1wu~: wurrrwd pockc•l un•ud w ith u menl tilling 1.md to pped wl th l'h eesc, ch opped t o m ulo und le UUt.'C. On the 1idcllnci1, yuu will definitely wunt u s na1:k likt• Supt•rbur!l mudt• with hron flukt•ll l' tH' l• 1.11 w i t h 1• u I w I 11 Ii T h t• 11 t• l' u r t' l h 1• "munc:hll'11" 11utrlt111u:d y with llll h181'1'(tlt•llt lt'Olll of pc1.111ul hutlt•1\ hmwy. orungP juke und th<• n•n•al. POCKET TACOS 1 lb. gr-ou11d lx:d l mt• d I u m -all :it• onmn, 11lkcd 1 t'UP wheat bran l't'l\'111 I IC'WIJ)UUll Kllh \. lt•ll!lJKlOCl IX'JJJK'I 2 14'08 (Hl111\ll 1'111I1 pllWtfl•r t-~ wa~poo11 111wt101t 1111nc.'l.•tl ~urlk I t'Un ( 1 U ounn') tomato pu11t.t.• I can (14 II', oum·1•11) whole pecki.i tonw\JJc.:;, undralm .. od 6 pocket breads, t·ut Into hulvt'li und wurnwd 1i l'U p H h r N t dt•d Hhurp d1l'ddor d11•t'l!l• v, ''UP Orlt'ly tur11 lt•llUl'I' h l' u p (' h u p pl' d frt.•sh tomut<J''li 'l'tu..•o !IUUt•t • In 1111'1(1• frypan, t•ook f(roumJ bt.•1•f 1111d onion u111U browm•d. :;tlrrl116' fn•qucn tly . D1·1.11n off l'Xl'CHN drlpplll~M. Add 1'ttrt•11I, MUil, pc•pr)l•r, c·h111 powd1•r, gorllt', tomato f)Uflh• 1111d lom1ll0l'll Stir tu t:ombl n\., ('Ulllllfj tomutoc•11 Into ptt'l't'K with 11poon ('cwpr• uud <.0ook over l 11 w ht• 11 t u bu u l I 5 1olnutt'!l. OpNl f>Ot.'k1•1J.1 In bread halv"'*'· 1''111 with moat mlxturc. Garnl11h with t'hl'etie , lc·ttut'C and to mu to1·M Sc•rve with ll.l<'O IUUl'l•, If dc'tllrt-d. Yit'ld: ti Ult'OS SUPERBARS •t1, t•up pcunui butter 1A l'UJ> horu.•y \i'1 cup c hop1H•d J>t:unut& 1A cup orungo ju1t't• 4 cups bnin c:<irt•ul with rnlslnt1 lo m<'<llum-slie mlxlne bowl, stir togc:ther pt•anut buttt.>r, hon('y und ~ c·up ot the poanutt. Add oranl(e juice and ettrtal, mixing until well ~·ornbint'<l Pr,·88 firml)' Into 8 x 8 >< 2·lnch pan. Sprlnkl~ remaining peanut.B OVl.'I' top, prnasing In llahtly. Covl·r t ig htly and re trlgt>r{•t<' 8 houra or overnight. Cut lnw bani. Yield: 24 bars, l x 2 incht'll it .9t's ©uk uUeat <()hat uUade CUs <Jamousl 9 '9t's ©uk vlileat ffiat J.ilade CUs <Jamousl -- Stater Bros. starts the fall season ,__,___Ith top quality and low prices! S1a1er Bros. ,ltdaes Arcurar)' al Ille Chedsrand .. . ,. , ... ptk•"""" •"'" -· ........ kb I"' ,,,.,. • .:: )04ilf '"dr ~, .. ..,,,. ..... \ ... )W ~ l~ .. "' •di':" • .'!%.,..,.~ ·-· .... i-..:- ,_ES mmm 1 f'll.l un • -• .. ... 2• 27 28 29 MEAT OR BEEF WIENERS :~~r ARMOUR TURKEYS 80NHCSS LllCH ~>TATER &AOS MEATS J~~~•E11E5 -"' 2~ 24 SM 25 ICU lOiN T·Bone Steak ADVERTISED ITEM GUARANTEE LB. Hlf lOtN Top Sirloin Steak ARMOUR BACON ~tzl LB $1.48 l8 $1.69 UC" $1.79 •2.47 •2.47 CHICllCN OF THE HA IN Oil Oii WATER CHUllK LIGHT TUNA GAINES BEEF/LIVER/BACON • LI L& / Reil Delicious Apples •t-.Uu••I f"'41 •IQ.fot •O \. .... ,OJI .. ,""'* ., .... ,-.,u•o t0¥4"C"'-'·~ OIA~IH1~ "'"'°'U•o.flll\ LIMIT 41 .. PACU P&a CUHON&a WHILlt 9\JPPLIU LAST I2•0Z CANS IU:r lOtH I EE' lAllGl·fHO acer 111• Porter-Rib Spencer house Steak Steak s£f7 •I.89 •2.96 LI l l L8. '---------" •• HOMEITYU llEGULAll, MEAT 011 MUSHROOM .RAGU SPAGHETTI SAUCE Ot(flMCAH IU.UfY Spaghetti LAURA SCUDOIJI IMOOTH Oii NUTTY PEANUT BUTIER ........ tc;iOClfR V1rletyP1kChlps 1><>1'1.37 ~' nlm'/ <.]1irNoer: u.ow TmJ , .... WID.£ LllST£1 :;..1!0 LIGHT .. $1.59 • )Ol(O(> $2.99 COORS BEER .... .,.--------------TAB, SPRITE OR - Cheese • Coca-ColacEXclU04No 1No•o1 wTER •I.39 Food t~ I '°' 1.13 MouNTA•N Dew. PEPS• LIGHT oR REGUl.AR oR DIET • ..... ·-·~····.._..,..... Pepsl-Colal ~12-0ZC ... NS I.99 Gravy Train w . 1ou •4.44 REOUl.AR. OAIP. ELECTRIC PERK • Yuban.Collee)W . 1Le •2.69 =h ::~ .. • '"". ··" INSTANT COFFEE • Maxwell House-1C}OZ •4.I9 STATER BROS PINK OR LEMON • Dish Liquid.... 32-02 99~ HERSHEYS SEMl·SWEET OR MINI • Chocolate Chlps ~z •I.69 llllll(t'AllC¥--!I C-U••llower UJ !00 l lWtll-N 0n1 .. ..-u•M>•l'lll-14•J..,. Potatoes VERY FULL. EASY CARE SILVER QUEEN ~!=n , ... ~3.99 Mr. Bubble• 98c Liquid -'"°' . Blu·Boy ·! 75c Bowl Cleaner '°' ...... ..,.. , FllSIUES Blf FET , • ~t · s C0uh vUeat tThot vUade CUs 9-o mous! Kleenex 01ET RITE oR I Tluues·f:.~:!:1.07 R.C. Cola ''*· -souDrlRT. R•EopuLAeR oPR 04peEl r I Dos .. 34 e112-0zc ... Ns •I.69 Foocl !*'..·t~.,.. ! '"'' Reeses Pieces I 1&-0z •2.I9 Toddler Diapers :~ER Extra Absorbent Daytime ;.~:: Daytime Diapers-:~~"' overnight Diapers :~~UI ! 40CT S5.28 4'CT $5.15 90CT '5.15 4'C' S5.58 ,,,,.'I-JI ·~ ~.-'4.21 ....... , ... . ..... •11.11 ......... 11 .. .... u ·~ ..... '1• ~ _______ -~-·-~-"''-"-_,.,__._~..-:...~~~-----...;..-...., ______ i..oia....,_...., .... .._...._..., .... ._ ______ ,..._.malfl&JaE.'!.i_ .. Orange Co11t OAILV PILOT /Wedru•tddy, Soplomb t i'11 1082 1·::1 .• I P\alC NOTtef NlllC NOTICC PICTlllOUI .U•"'8H NOTt to: cw n ATH o, ,. .... 1YAT111111e1 M A I\ T ti A A l. I N R t11e ' no ,_ on• .,. u1 '"" MC.'rAftLAND AND or w.i•r::l-&rta llUW IHOfll 14'1 P T f TI 0 N T 0 A ll . 111111e11111 Way. c oe11 M111 M l N I ii T £ R It TA T E 1111uon1e t>Ht CABE NUMBER: A-11Hll 111~0~~1~,!:~~~~~r=:r. Th all h IN, ~1wfl<1an . ''46 ' MUC NOTICC PI0'1Tt0UI __, ... .. 9'MllllfAll .... f Tl>e lull"*"'t ~.ollt 118 tloltlt DV*'-'• P • IOMAI MfO IC A ~ IHOUll Atll 1110 l k•ttll Ou1i. H. Otl!llQe Cllllfornta 11M7 llUte V11<1 tom 0700 llfe>oli-G1y. HunltllJllOf\ IHtll ClllfOll!it tt640 PICTITIOUI IUllMlll MAMI lfATIMOIT n .. li>u "'"'II ,..IYI•• .,. 110011 tNtlna.• •• A(;fti)N CON!Sll~ TtN<l l(AM 4:10 "'°'"*' It NIWllol)tl ...... CA 12Ml ANfttONY (,j AUAl'INAN, OU Pro ptK.I II Newpc.rt 811-.n. CA 112&113 c t t' d I t 0 r (I • c 0 n t I I\ II e I\ t C110i A t ·~ 19342 Betliel crt-<llWrt and (:rllOna who CHc.lo ~1un11no1on 164M;n Ca1uorn11 • 2648 may bto uthurw CK' lnlA•rwtt'd tn•• 11ut1oeu 11 c:anctu1.ttd 11y a11 Joaepll Ygl .. IH 1$13:1 8111 Qar<*i Orov1. Cllllfoml• 0204J Thi• blltlnff• 11 conduc; tld by 1 Qto<Hlll IHlllMflh!P PAt8Gll 1.A POR I 11 LO· AOAfllNAN 420 Prcupett 6 1 N..,pl)ft Oea'h CA 02110l Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place lfl tht' will or r•tt.111• of· tndMduat Manha Allt•f\t• Md•'urland, Aobett w hylOt JOMPll Yglet11t T1111 1Ju11t1 .. 1 11 condu"•d by l•111t11mll 1111l Wlltt • a lto kno wn Ill Marthll A C1ro1 A Tlytor M y I d I k Ttua tlllttfT\lnt w11 hll(J w1111 Illa c ar 1.1n • a 110 nown H Cv1o1nty Cll•k or o,111g1 County on Tlllt allllltMl\I WU flied w11n 11\e CO\lllty Claf11, of 011no• c0\l(l1y on s.c>ttm'* I, IOU Anmu"y C AQllPlnan Ill•• 1t1t11t•.,1t w11• 11'90 wtt11 tl\1 ..:Ollnty Claf~ Of 011ngt County on Sap11mb11 i , tH2 CLASSIFIED INDEX ~~.!!!~!, .......... . Hu111 ,., 1.1, Ho11111 ,,, s.1, H,,,,,, ,,, 1.1, · "':' •••••••••• ee • e •••• e... • •••••• e ••••••••••••• e •• e e e •• e e e e e e •••• e. e. I e I Allcnt' M cf't.1rl11nd, M 11rtha SM1h•mb•r 1:1. tH2 A. Wllllam11, Allent• WHlh.uTlll P1tm1 lltteu1 Publltllad Oreng1 COHI Oally Piiot. Sept 8, 16, 22, 211. 1081 31133·112 ,1 ...... Q,.,,.1 IOOZ C11t1t1I IOOZ 011111•/ IHI ...................... .•...............•.... ................... ··~' and M artha W llliuma IJubll•h•d 011no• CoHt Dally A ~LI l ion hilJj ax~:n moo Pilot. Sept 111, 22. 211. Oc:I e. 1~112 4067·82 b y: rockt•r Notional Bank 1-----------PUBLIC NOTICE Publt•h•d Or•nu• COHI O•lly Piiot, S1pt II, 16, U , 20. 198~ 3005·82 P~llC NOrtCE Tt l'lxt Yt11r U, Call lnllTtH llRll IWIHI by Nancy A. Kt'aLlna. Truat Pt*.IC NOTICE Offh:er In the Supt•r iur rtCTITtOUI •UllHIH Court o f Oranat• C::uuoty NMKITATIMaNT reque1Jlin11 that C roclu.'r Th• 1011ow1ng·p1r1on 11 doing National Bank be oppolnt4..'d bu11l':~~·)(AS, 1733 ~1111111on as Pf'nlONll representative to s11111. coall Mn•. C1111orn1a administer the est.Ate or Lhc 92627 d«'edent. B 11 Iv J • 1 n Sm 11 h . 3 18 The pe LI t1 on rt'QUE.'8ts Co11nldo SllMI, Newport S..Ch. lh h Clllll>fnl1 11263 I au oru y to administer t e Thi• bllaine11 11 conduct.a t>y 11t1 e s L a L e u n d c r t h e tndMd1111 Independent AdmllustratJon Betty Jean Smith of Estates Act A hearing on T1111 11111men1 w11 hied w1111 the the pelltJon will be held on County Ctet~ of 011nge County on October 13, 1982 at 9:30 a.m . Septembet 1' 11182 ,,...,.. In Department 3 located at Publlth1d 011ng• Co111 01t1y . 700 Civic Center Drive Wett, Ptlot. Sept 8, is. 22. 29. 111112 City of Santa Ana 3915-112 IF YOU OBJECT Lo the Pla.IC f«>TICE granting of the PfUllon, you ,ICTITIOUI IUSINHS should e1Lher appear a t the NAME STATIMINT hearing Bl)d s\atc your The tollowlng person la doing objections or f ife written b1111neH as. bj h h , COAST AUTO ALARM & 0 ecllons W it ·' e court STEREO. 711W 1TlhSl1Ml,COll• before the hearing. Your M1n. CA 92626 appearance mDY De in person MICHAEL ROBERT RASEY, 12 orb~ your attorney. Latitude Coull, Newport Beach. CA CR(EDITOY RO U A R E A 92~1~ t>ualneu •• con<lucle<I by an or a contingent 1'1dlviduat creditor or the d eceased, you Mike R1aey must file your claim with the Thi• 11111men1 wes llle<I with the court or prcsf.'nt it to the County Clerk of 011nge County on S1p1em1>e1 3, 11182 per sonal r e presentative F1 .... 7 appointed by the court Publlah1d 011nge Coast 0111~ within four m onths from Lhe Piiot, Sep1. 6, 15, 22, 211. 1982 date o f first issuan ce of 3904·82 PICTITIOUI IUllNI It NAMI ITATIMINT r h• I01low1ng ptrM>lll 111 dOlllg b\11lnHI It PRIVATE PRACTICE ANO CONTRACTUAL ROLATIONS. 311<> S. Hlghl1nd, Pt1c;1n111. C1lllorn11 112670 So. C1lllom11 P11v11t Precllc• Specl1I ln11ru1 Group, 350 9 Hlghl1nd, Pl1c1nlfa, Celllornlt 92670 Thlt buatn ... II conducted by 1111 unlncorporetad 111oc1111on Oth11 lh1n a ptfll*thlp Alllen• P1111 Tlllt Slllamtnl Wit hle<I Wllh lhl County Cllrll ot Oranoa C011nly on S1pternber 20, 11182 Fttmt Published Orangt Co1t1 01lly P1101. Sept 22. 211 Oc:t 6. 13. 1982 4149-112 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTtnoUt IUllNHI NAMf ITATIMfNT Tiii fotlowlng pereon1 111 dOing buSlness 11. SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS. 1760 E Oeera, S1n11 An1, Cellforn11 112705 P11er O Finch, 2016 01en1 l1n1, Newport Beoch. C1111om11 92660 Arthur R Heath, 31321 Via P1111 , San Juan Cap1111ano. California 112675 Tiiie bullnesa 11 conducted by 1 genetaJ Plrlnetlhlp. P1111 0 . Finell This 11a1ament was llled with Ille County Clerk of Orange County on '9CTITIOUS •UllNlll 642·5678 NAMI ITATIMINT MOUSES JOI SALE Tha IOllOWll\Q P411aon1 attt OOllig O••olt1t bu11n1sa 11 """'''" hi•"" HILLYER'S, 2 Orel1I Court. K•lhA•l'•"1••••· N1wpo11 Boech. C•lllomla 92063 ~:."'~!~ ~~•h D•l>Oo•h Jean Hllly11, :> Orelef ,.,.,.111 ... Court N1wpo11 B"'h C1lllom11 ,, ... ""'"' 11'663 ~~:.. "•ll•r Albl Nuv11 W•lllrt, 2 Gtll81 Hvnhf\flloft tlu1h Court Newport Beech Callforoll I'.;~::. 1 ... , h 112683 1 ......... '"''' Thia bul•net• IS c;onduc:ted by a ~~:': ~:!;::' general p111n .. t111p "''"""" 11 .. ,11 0.borlll J 11111y.. ~.,,._ ... Th11 1l•l1menl w1a filed with lht .... '••• c ""''" ""'' Coun1y Clerk of O••noe COllnty on ~:::·..::,•. September 17. 11182 ,-" 1 ... 1 ••• F1t773t ~•'41'11••••• Publllhed Orange COHt Diiiy "'""''-111'""''•1• PllOI SIPI 22. 29. Oc:I G. 13. 19112 RUL £STATE 4205 82 A<r••I• 10< 'UI• ~rt,.....M\fflr.t\41" PUBLIC NOTICE flCTITIOUI IUllNHJ NAMa lfATEMENT Thi following i>e<eons ere dotng bue•nea• u EAGLE PARTNERS l TO • 3 Upp., Newport Plazo Ortve, NIWpotl Beech, CA 92660 J A CK J JAKOSKY, 7 l!'i Petolltl , Corona dal Mor, CA 92625. A NICHOLAS JAVARAS. 200 Tamil v1111, No 190, Corle M1da11. CA 94925 This bu9lnes1 11 conducted by a llmlled p11tne11hlp Jack Jakosky This •l•lement wae filed wUh Illa County Clerk or 011nga County on September 3. 1982 F1Ma39 :::::!!~· '1::;" 'tt \ <•mrt•f)~(.f)pl\ ~ =:.~:~'~:T!" ,...,.,,n l l\th '•'" ~hi1lW \40\l•d lntomr PrflPll'rlt lnrh,,ltt•I ~rn'"'' '> t .. .1hfvit~I .. Mubtlf' tl"\9 lrtt t't~' MtNntn l#\•rt M•"°"' '., .,,, t ',. ''''N :: of ~4Zt~f.,"~m lhrw·Moa . arm\ c.ro\ .. 1111 .... , .... , ........... ,\ .. .. ~ .. 1 ,. -"'•'• \4 •"'"'(I RENTALS '"""'"' •vrnhh~d t~-""'l ri,vtflinhC'd letters as provided in set·tion Ml.IC NOTICE 700 of the California P robate-----=--------C~e. T~e time for flhng Fl~l~~:.~~=~• AU91J91 II. 19112 F1Mt1• Publl1hed Or1nge Co111 Dally PubllShld Orenga Co111 Diiiy P110t, Sept II. 15. 22. 29, 19112 ltww•t'\lrnwl'ril l*Oftdom1n11itm\ t wfn f ondQmuuwm•' "' To•nh4M\.H ~ "'" To._ nl'KN••• l nl Ourpln f'1t f'"urn tJuplhn l Af Apu •vr1t A~1h l "f_,,,.. P1101, Sept II. 15, 22, 29. 19112 3951·82 31111-112 Ml.IC *>TICE clrums w1U not expire prior Th• IOllowing 1>«aon• ere d04ng to four months from the date buameas u o( lhe heanng nottccd above. HARRISON PARTNERS. LTD . YOU MA y E X AMINE 3 Upper Ntwpor1 Plaza D11ve. FICTTTIOUt IMlllH«H lh (iJ k b h Nawpot'l Blach. Cll1fornta lt<lbOll NAllfi STATEMENT e e ept Y l e court If JICk J J1ka.1<y. 715 Patot11e. The tottowlno pereons e11 dotng you are a person tnterested Coron1 dli Mer. Ca11torn11 92625 buSlness 11. in lhe estate. you may rile a A Ntc:hOllt J1va1u. 200 Tamai Al TERNATIVE OIMENSIONS, request with Lhe rourt to V1111 No 1110. Corte Medt11. 211261 M11guw111 Park-y Mtsalon · I · h Calllornia 94925 Viel<>. CA 112692. receive specta nouce of t e Thia l>Ullneas .. CC>OOuc;l.0 by a GLENN RICHARD POWERS, PUBLIC NOTICE FICTrTIOUS •USIHEH NAlllf ITATEMf NT Thi following person 11 oolng blls•neu •• NEAT THINGS 714 E BaJboe Bl•d , Blll>OI. C11tlom1a 92661 _.. P1111c11 Kay Smith, 343 Via Liao Soud, Newpor I Beach C1lllorn1a 112"3 4ph ."'""'' "' MOOir11' Rfii)M • .._, .. , tf hf•f"t• '411.Crh t.liN"I ""°""' ~tnMC't Jl•nUh \•<"••ion R•M•I• keM•h ,.~., ... c.,., .. , fut t(f"ft't OffKr M•M1I """'""'""\ .......... lf'ldw,01•t tc .. ftt4t "''~.,. Kc-"4•h"-eMfll M1v M•f'hh BUSINESS, INVEST MENT, FINANCE l"11' 111111 11111 rn•• 11111 tlllO 1: 1111< llMI 1044 I-•• llU 100 ...... ·~" .. ,. ''""' 11* .... 11111 Ill.Cl ... " IJ"1 ,. .~ .. JIU! I IOUAL HOUStNO OPPOlrlUlnTY ht.ll11i11r '1 l1tlt11 Chum on a huge lot ecrou lht etrttf from Newport Beech. Room IOJ hor ••• b•lll nd cu1tom ranch home Good lln1nclng Owt1er anx1ou1. You wlll lovn 1n1a ontt 1299,000 All reel Hlllt 1d11ert1Md ..----------. In thl1 ntwtpeptr It -1ubJ1c1 lo the Federal F•lr Houalng Act of 19et whtch makH It Illegal to advertlH "any preftr.,l· ldo ea ty ce, llmllellon or dltcrlml• nation baHd on race, 6 7 ~ 7 JOO color. rtllglon, ••• or -----------" net1on11 origin, or any iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil tntanllon to mek• eny 1uch preference, llmlte• 11on or dltcrlmlnatlon " rnE\ " . ' r!?.I . '• :: 11v1a·s11a1s ~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Eilcepllon111 v11ue In this z;w lovtly l our bedroom ::l HRORS1 Advertl-home· Attractive ~~! sers should check nelghborllood well • ·-ec:ree'1ed from stteel ac· ~ their ads dally and 11v11y. Upper bay view. ~:! report errors Im-Motivated seller. Price medlately. The reduced $40,000 Now 11ori DAILY PILOT as-5209•600· ~ sumes llablllty for 'iiiii:':3:1·:l:a:ooiiiii: 1-the f irst Incorrect Ii el Insertion only. le .. -2700 ... Ft. =: lffloa • 1200 S.· Ft.' = g,.,,, 1,, I.ti h let 1!01120. .,.u ••••••• ••••••••••••••• IJI0,000 :roo ~!.~'.!!!~!!. ...... .... * :: '-•1t•I 1001 llEU YHIE 4.t:3iO •••••••••••••••••••••• On the golf course !~ IEDUCEI Custom 1>eau11f11f 3 Bdrm ""' home, many. many e11· :~ SH0,000 1ru s218.soo w11h 10% ·~ Dramatic Harbor View down owner wlll c:arry at !: Home., 4 Bdrm 2'11> bath. 12'1oY. Interest hlgllly upg11ded two RtJ Mo01r4111 Rltr. filing of Lhe inventory of llm11ed p11tn11<sh1p 14891 Ad1m1. Mldw1y City, CA estate assets and o f t h e Jeck J J1koaky "-92655 Thi• bllslneu IS CondUCled by an lnd1vrdu•I iW••nM• t~pcw1• lit.A'6 81,;.wnin.t. 'tll •rtt..O "V>le llory homel E1tcellent 1 141.7129 1uumabl• nnancrno and , 1 teller wllf carry! CaN now I petitions. accounts and Thia 11111men1 WIS lllld wHh Ille THOMAS JAMES BETHMANN. P11ric11 Kay Sm1111 :~::::::: ~~~·~' = lot cletellll 8411.7 t71 EXCHANGES reports described an section County Clerk of Orange County on 33036 Oolphln Court. San Juan Sepllmber 3, 11182 Capistrano. CA 92675 This tllfemenl was Ille<! wtlh the County Clerk of Or1nge County on Septamb11 3. 1982 MOf\off) 10 l4&>an )(0 THE :REAL ESTATERS 1200.5 of the California F111U5 Thlt business is c;onducted by a Probate Code. Publl1h1d 011ng1 Coast Dally gtntfll p111nerahlp F1...,. MIOll"I•) "•At...0• ~ MAtt1•t•• Th, ~ ANNOUNCEMENTS, • ~RSONALS & LOST & FOUND Petitioner: Crocker National Bank by Nancy A . Keating. Trust Officer Louise M . DuVall , Attorney for Petitioner, 100 Easl Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300, Long Beacb, CA 9080% Publlahed Orangt CoHI Delly Piiot, Sept. 22, 23. 29. 111112 1199-82 PtalC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllHEIS NAMf ITATWMfNT Tne lo4tow1ng Ptf '°"' are dom9 buSlnest .. KIO LOVE UNLIMITED. 16111 0 IOwe Slleet. Coate MeN Cal1fornle 92626 Piiot. Sept II. 15, 22. 29. 1982 Glenn R Powera 395J·82 This llllamll\I WH llled with lhl ---Dt-.,-L-IC_NO_T_l-CE ___ . County Clerk of Or1ng1 County on ~uv September 3, 111112. --=-------------F1 ..... 1 Published 0 11nge Co111 Daily Piiot. Stpl 8. 15, 22, 29, 1982 3903·82 PUBLIC NOJICE FICMIOUJI aUllNEJll Publf1hed Oren~e CoHt Delly NAME ITATEMEHT II flCTITIOUS •UllNE81 The following person Is doing Pilot. Sept II, 15• 2 '29• 19 2 NAME ITATEMEHT bu11neaa 11 3950•112 Tho lollow1ng peraons are d04ng CANYON MATERIALS. 21662 bUSlllell 81 Hiiaria Circle. Huntington Beech. MLIC NOTICE C O M P R E H E N S I V E CA 92646 ------------COUNSELING SERVICES. 2301 WESLEY SUSUINU UYEKAWA. F~I.::e'°~-.;~~:::s Zenllll Avenue, S11t11a Ana Heights. 21662 Hll1r11 Crrcte. Huntington Tiie following per•on ta doino C1lllornt• 112707 Belcll, CA 92646 buSineSS.. Thomas 0 P1rnn, 2301 Zlnflh T11111>1.111nesa is conductld by en (A) ELUSIVE CONCEPTS !Bl Avanue, San II Ana Hetgllts. lnd1vldull CO N C E p T S I N M U S I C • C C I Cll1fomt1 112707 Wet Uy•ewe CONCEPTS IN THEATER (0) Thll bullneu 1• conducteo by an This ,,,,....,.,., WIS hied With thl c 0 N c E p l s I N p u B '1. I c lndMdulll A~nnnw~' l.•r 1•oo1 1..ftat Nt.c1t r' """'' ~.,.. .... Prt-.on1h • !.u.1oJ C'lwi..• Th•ft• SERVICES "-o~t" l>tlPC'\Of .. EMP'l.OYMENT & 'REPARATION ~hotlt• ... lUWhOA Joo~•'""'' llfolp Yl•M..i M 6 I MERCHANDISE County Citric of Orange County on REI.A TIONS (El CONCEPTS IN ThOmes 0 Perrin Augual 30. 19112 GRAPHICS (Fl CONCEPTS IN This 1t11emen1 was filed With the •..-t- F1MQO MANAGEMENT 3303 Hart>or Blvd County Clerk of Or1nge County Ol'I ::~ .llM#n•I• Put>flshed Or1ng1 Coesl Dallv Sulll K·7, Cotll MeN CA 92628 August 30. 11182 c ..... ,., • l"l"'P"•"' P1lo1 Sept I. 6 15 22. 198;872~2 HOWARD KEITH MORGAN Pubhlhld Orange Coe:t1= t:.:,~ ------------· 38 I Thetford Wey Cost• MISI CA Piiot. Sept 8 15. 22 29. 11182 ~:.--.: ... ' .... Dlm•ic NOTICE 112521 <: ... , .... 1• LOOK For our new ragutar weekly ftatur• BOAT SHOW- CASE ..._. Every Seturdey In lht oa1z Puo1 c1111111ec1a ~ BRANO NEW "HHrl of 11 Orange County" Town-1 he>n* • l11xury 3 bdrm ,. home• baautllutly de· ..,,. algned, qu1llly bullt ·and ••> t1n1nc1ng now that you -f11ll won't ~ff•vtl Cell :;:: now Brandywyne Pro· = pertlel II, 53 t-H70 l!M) : •llYJltlT * Precious gem stones lot 111de Will t11de p1ec:1ous gem stones 101 Real ' E1tete. Wiii consider 1ny1hlng ol 1eason1ble value. For Example: Autos. Yec:h1s. Paintings, RV'1, 01 equity 1n going businesses. pp 631-6186 WANTED ... llYFllOllT OR OCElllFROIT FAST ESCROW • Cash plus lh<>pplng center to I Ired• In Orange Co · Agent. 644-9513 ----Well Flnt I••• Gu1rded gate communi· ty Ne., Soulh Co111 Plaza 1 bdrm. 1 bl Condo. 179,999 For APPi 173.4424 ill hHf11 hll&flll LIDO ISLE MOIH . ':- Pr1t11t· l ,1d11 Nnrcl huyhom !\ hdrm. S 1 > hot~ Lgt• L It, 'J. lw111 •llJ* $1.~00,111111 ' ll.cmwclc<l J W..uu. :l l>olh + hir6'• Jt'l rrl) bc•a111 t-t·~llrl~H. Cur llllilll'd. fkltlON $420,tlOO PElllSUU HOMES Pnu• w,,., B..ly buy l101tt Slip.. for 2 boo~ remoch•lc'tf 3 bcJr m, 3 wth $1.'J.OO,UO(I ~,,, Oc'Can & ,11·11y v 11•w11 M:.u1nt• rou1n, 4 hdrm."3 bath, :1100 ""I rt $I ,:1115,000 °'-'t.'a11fron1 LllDI ISLE HYFROIT Lu)(wn Vll•W frum h hdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark f m dt•n Ao.it 1thp Now $1.000,000 : • • HYSIDE PUCE Sf>l'lWt·ul:u 1Myr1 uni dplx 2 br. 2 ba i..p. 2 ltt. , 2 ha dn 2 boot ~pal'l"> Rt'<.IU(.•t-d $1 ,500,0<Mk FllRHMKS RllCH Nt•w •I h1 11• h;1, l'U!llmn l<'tt•rwh Nun1\.•ndY E<itntr· I :.! pnm•· atw lulhup $1 2~0.01111 IYILOll . Ft't' s1mph• tott.;11(l' u11 4u1t•t Ol·i.4:unso St. (10 F'luts) $145,000. CORONADO Cl YS Coronado Island cUlil. buyfront Jot 85' 1:>oa\' dock. Plans <1vu1l. Now $370.000 w /Lerms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR .. ' 341 Buy,,d,.. 011v<.' NB 61S 6161 . *IHITllf Pllll * * 1 %FllHCIH ... * when you take over e•lsllng 1st Tru11 Oeeo on this eb1olutely beau-I llful PLAN 4 Tlllt former model leetur" 3 Br 2'' Ba & otensiva upg1e- d1ng Only S 139,60011 759-1501 or 752-7373 .....-.: Walker & Lee lllHOED SJ00,000 11 Wond11tul potenllel for family compound. or perhaps redevelopmenc Fabulous Balboa lsl1ndl bayl1on1 loc:a11or), with private pier and docklno t1c:lltllea Two clanlc. "tsllnd" llomes con- structed on ad)o1nl'1g Iola Thie property re· p1asen11 a remerkeble opportunity for the t1mlly saektng b1ylron1 sur· 1oundlng1 01 tor the bu1lderllnves1or seeking en out1tandlng wai11· front building ane Priced 11 $2,000 000 Cell Don MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY MANSION . -· ... Superb const111cllon • e1tQu1s11e decorating · 8000 sq/It. 2 acres spec1acular 111ew1 Sechf• • ded Lemon Heights • North Tustin Hills ere~ surrounded by othet g1ea1 estates $2.150.000 .. Rick Ahl1r1tt1 . Realtor /Developer 731-4444 731·51 1~ ... NOME 1271,000 VIEW FREE E11rthtones thruout 4 b1 2', ba lamtty rm, dining rm 2.378 sq 11 View ~i. Pav111on, night lights &. Cataline IU-•110 '4 t ... J I ' I TAYLOR CO. H.t >\, T1 K' , • •4•· O.Tllomu tt 759·9100 ~=::iiii:::~1 tor dtlllfs i YEH llYSlllH GEORGE ELKINS CO 759-9100 l<llhlten Moray. 2036 Gal••y Orlv1, N-port Beach. Cehfomll 92660 Anne McC1stand. 16'9 0 Iowa S111e1. Cotti MeSt C1lito1n1a 92626 """" This business•• condvclld by an 39S4·82 - FICTITIO\IS llUSIHEH •ndrvidull PUBlJC NOTICE ~ ,,..,., = IUT ILIP :': tnl llll Y 1 ·I 2 bdrm, 2•.., ba, den •••••••••• Condo 2 car garage. Collage near t>eacll, country kllchan. wood T111s 1>us1ness is conduGlld by a gn-•I partn11<11\1p K1111leen Morey Tnis statement was filed with the CO\lnty Clefl< ol Orange County on September 20 t982 Fltna Publlsh1d 01ang1 Co111 Delly Piiot, Sept 22, 29, Oct 6. 13. 1982 1211·82 Ml.IC NOTICE NAME ITATtMEHT How.,d Morg111 i.."'""' bu~h~o:!!'wtno P•rson 1a doing .~~~~'c:,~n~, ';:,!~~·g;~~~ F~!'~o~:.=:~:s S~:T::::: .... , ... MOKIE'S FLOWERS, 1330 S.E on August 17 111112 The fOllOWlr>g pereons are domg ,..,.,., t•'4••-•h B ri 11 o I, No 3 9 . San la An a . ,. F11M07 buSlness as Utho ""''' ''""' C1hlorn1a 112707 ' Published Orange Coes1 Delly OBEROORFERS BAKERY· ~· Mark Owens, 1330 SE B11stOI. P1lo1, Sept 15, 22, 29 Oct 6, 1982 DELI, 514 W Balboa Bl•d . Balboa. ~';:: ~~~=7!'. San11 Ane. C111rorn1a 92707 4073·82 C111torn11 ...,.,.,.c;_, Thie business la condu<:lld by 1n J1cob Thomas Oberdorler. tit R .. , •• ,.,,. 11•• indlv1du11 Pt*.IC NOTICE 322'• lllS Corona del Mar, To r.., .... H, ........ . Mark s Owens 1 TTTl California 92625 BOATS & MARIN[ ThlS alal1menl wu filed with the F C OUI •UllNfll Denise Y Turg1een. 322"> irlS. County Clerk of Orange County on The :~=l~gT~~~~~~ doing Co1on1 def Mar, Cahforn1a 92625 (QtllPMENJ S1p1em1>er 21. 19112 bu8'MN u : Trt11 bu11ness 1s conduc;ted by a G~-·• Wfl 311 BAI.BOA COi/ES. 3 = bdrm • 2 beth. REDU· _, CEO TO '499,5001 = "'' llmlml :: HALTH/IWIH :: *na-1111* =1~=iiiil latl lttlfe tfflH laundry hook-ups Welk to POOi Sauna. Conv lo· cauon S 119,000 IU-442' SALE/LEASE OPTION EASTBLUFF TERINA CON DO. 3Br. 2'~Ba. dsllwsnr. f1ptc. dbl oven, comm pool 833-9167 oya . 759·1818 eves. Owne1/Ag1 3"1. Open Hse Sat/Sun 2·S. .EW,..T O.ir-floors 3 Bd1ms. useo 1:• • brtck flref)llCe Piiio Fr-lnstently nomel Beaull· nanc1ng $310.000 lea· fully upg11ded & deco· sehold rated apac:1ous 2 Br & den, 3 B1 W1Jk to beach U,._,l f)Uf. tif)~f. & 1ecre1t1on l1c1ltt1es Realtors. 675-6000 Priced 101 1mmed11te ~~~~~~~~~ sale Seller will help h· - nance Full price $239, 000. 751-3191 c:. ',{t ! (' l•liH l1J•d JOOf., ••.......•.•.•.•••••.. CHARMING REMOO 3 Br+lolt T1ade/lse opt for duplex or unll 673·8S8S .. FICTITIOUI IU81NESS F111t53 SKOV CUISINE. 2008 lvyhlll general partnetShlp t!!~ :::7:.. :;,~-.:;; NAME STATEMENT Published Or1ng1 Coast Dally line Orange Cillfomle 92667 J Tllomas Ot>erdorle• I&•••,. •. ., The following person ,, doing Piiot. Sept 22. 29, Oc:t 6. t3, 11182 Blrlh• S •Gorton 20011 TvytiliT' ~11111-.111ement was flied w11n the =~ :;,':' 0•11•r Wented, In plea., New· ~J: port Harbor/Coste Mtaa "''"' art•. All Inquiries confl-::l denllel Mall repllH to -Ad No. 1020, Dally Pilot, ::1 PO B oie 1560, Co1t1 ... Mau. CA 02827 -t-' I 'H( )j.>f I~ t ll ', iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil_ ______ •• , ... buSlness as 4189·82 l.iine. Oran ..... , C1lltorn11 92687 County Clerk or Orange County on lkr•u .,.,,.. Doth ACME SWAGING & CABLE Ml.IC NOTICE Thia buslnes1 la conducted by 1n ,117232 &.H!Oeuc• 1------------.-Seotelnbe• 13. 11182 j ""'•" .,,,...., • "'' PRODUCTS, 1773 Wh111111 Av• indlvidu11. PubllShed Orange Coll! Dail• THNSrtJRTATION Costa Mesa. CA 92627 FICTITIOUI ..... ,...,1s B1rthe S Gorton p s ..,, Oc: ' WILLIAM H NIELSEN 2878 __ .... Thia llllamll\t WIS filed wtth the llOI. ept IS 22 2" 1 6· 1982 "'"'•" Club Mau Place Cotta Mesa CA Tiie ~0~1~!AP'!::~. doing County Clet'k of 0t1noa CO\lnly on 4037•82 t;r.;·c~~ """' 92&21 "'"nes• u Septamt>er 3. 111e2 MLIC NOTICE ==·!k..,.., .. Thia bu~ness 1s conducted by an CAI THE ERIC RANDALL CO . DONALD IEGUTTI -lem• '-1• ~.,.. Individual 8 I TR ENO ADVERT t SING Attomef FICTITIOUS 8USINE8S T••11•« T,..n Wllh1m H NielHn , 'SSOCIATES. 968 Jumpero Dflvl. 1300 0... ltreet, NAME STATEMENT !:.:;,'•;:,~~~"~•"• T1>11 1111emen1 was hied with the :;0911 Mesa CA 92626 lkltl• 200 The 1011ow1ng P«M>nS are doong •uTOM08ll[ COllnty Clerk of Orenoe County on RA NOA LL E FRANZ 9611 Nawpon 9Hc:ll, Cllllornla t2MO t:>u&1neu as 11 Septembe< l3 l982 Jun1pero Drive Coste Mita CA Tit: (714) 175-0M1 PROFESSIONAL PARK· I 881 F117325 2626 ' F111131 Oovlf DfMI No 15 N-porl Ble<:h Publlshed Orange Deily Piiot Randlff E. Fram Published 011ng1 Coast Diiiy CA 112663 Sept 15. 22. 29. Oct 6 1982 Thts Slllemtnl WIS hied Wllh the PilOI. Sep! 8, 16, 22, 29, 19112 HUBERT J Mill.ER. 881 Oo•er 4060-82 'ounly Clerk ol Orenge CO\lnty on 3052·82 Of.-e No 15 N-pon BHGh CA ---Dl-... -IC .... NO ___ TICE____ uguat 30, 11182 PUBLIC NOTICE 92663 ~""'-F11M4t EDWARD F MILLER 881 NOTICE Of Af'PUCATION FOfl Publl&llad 011nge Coest Dally FJCTrrlOUt IUllNEIS Do•a• 011¥1 No 1 S Newport CHANGE IN OWNl"SHIP OF 1101 Sept I. 8. 15. 22. 1982 NAME ITATEMl:NT Beech CA 92663 ALCOHOllC HVE"AGE LICENSE 3873-82 Tiie following person ,, doing Thia buS1n1ss 1• conducteo by a t-~ 1------------butlneu as g-.1 pertnersll1p PHAM THl·PllTS 11 1pply1ng 10 PtJBllC NOTICE HAAB 0 R LIOU OR. I 112 7 Edward F Millet lhl Dep111m1n1 of Alcollollc t---F-IC_T_IT_l_O_U_S_l_U_SIH-..,-8-S--Hatl>O< Bllrd . Untl B. Coste Men. Thia 1111ement wa1 Iliad With Ille eeviuio• Control tor "42" on Sela "' CA 92627 COllnty Cler~ or Orange County on S..r &Wlne(P11bllcPr1mlMtllo•1 NAME ITATIMENT HOANG NGOC OANG. t0111 September l3 1982 aicohollc b1vt1ages 11 111021 The following person 15 doing MissiOn Dflve. No 0. Coe11 Mesa, lx.te•neu H c Bu1h11d S1111t. Fountain Vell1y. KITE ENTERPRISES, 132 62nd A 92626 C1111orn11 92708 This t>usrness Is conducted by '" Publllhtd 011ng1 CoHt Delly Street. Newport Beech, Callfoml• lndMdu11. F1117241 Publlshao 011nge Coast Dally Pilot Sept IS, 22, 29. Oct 6. 1982 • 4070-82 112663 Pilot, September 22• 11182 Terry J Kienzle. 432 62nd Hoang Ngoc: Dino PUBllC NOTICE 1201-82 Street, Newport Beac:ll, Celflomla Thia st11eman1 WIS lllld with the 1 ------------112663 County Clefk of 011nge County on --~Flcl".:~rm=~o-u_s_e_u_s_t_Hfi_e_a __ fltlll.IC NOTICE Th11 bUelnat II coMucled by en Augurl 111· 11182 NAMI STATIMINT I di ,.. 1 P1tsm The tollowlng person 11 doing FICTITIOUI 8UllHfSI n v"'1111 Publllhld Orang• Collt 011.1.r. bullneu .. NAllfi ITATIM@HT Jerry J l(lenzle Piiot. Sept 1. II, 1~. 22, 1982 ., RAINBOW 801, 1252 Wllaon. Th• following pa11on 11 doing Thia ttllemint was filed wt1h Ille 311811·112 Coat• Meta. Celllornle 92626 bualneU aa County Cler~ or Orange County on ------------Brat Wayne Alleen, 1252 Wiison. A.C.E RECOVERY SERVICE. Seotimt>er 13· 1982 P117'231 Pt*.IC NOTICE Cos•• Mffl, Celtlornl1 112626 1800 fowl Street, Ho B, Coate Pubhthld Orenia CoHt Ollll Thie bu&irnlll It Conducted by an M-. Celltornl102626 .,_ Oc NOTICI OP ~tcATION lnd1111dual Mlcl\111 Aoblll Mln11ch1'1 PllOI . ...,..t 16• 22· 9• I 6• 1911 T 0 I I l l A l C 0 H 0 l I C Brit W A.il1en 1000 low• Slrffl, No B, Cotti 101&-.112 91VlflAGll Thi• lllltment WU hied With the t.498. Calll0tnl1 112626 ...... IC NOTICE ......_ County Clerk of Orange County on Thia l>ullntU IS c:onducted by 11t1 •----~-"""--------To Whom It Mey Concern • Stp1..,1>e1 20. 19112 lndMdual. ,ICTITIOUS IUllNl'.H RUTH p SHEA la epplylng to lhl P1t71'71 MICllMI A Mlnercl'lln NAllfi ITATEllfiNT Oepertmenl ol AlcollOllo Bevlfega Publl1hed 011nge CoHt Diiiy Tlils alllemenl wu hle<I wllh the Tiit tollowlng pereon IS doing Control tor "42 On Sele 8-& Pilot Sec>I 22. 211. Oc:1 8, 13, 1982 County Clark of Orange County on butlMU 11 Win• tPubllc ,,.m1111I to 1111 4133--62 Sept 3. 1982 SPITZE ENGINEERING. 1660 1lcollofic bevtreoa• II 424 17111 f111117 81bcock Streat. Coat• Mau. St reat. Huntington Baich P11bll1h1d Or1ng1 Co111 Delly Celllornla 112627 C.lllornie. l>ltol. Sept II, 15 22, 29, 1982 Mtc:llMI Ed\lt.,d Plllllll. 1$412 Publtah1d 011ng1 CoHt Delly 3901·82 NHca. WHtm1n1t1•. ca1itornl1 PllOI, September 22 IH2 -----------112ea3 ~ 190-02 PtJBl.JC *>TICE Tllll bullneM 11 conduc:tld by an lltCTmOUI IMllMH NAMI •TATIMINT The following pereon 11 doing blll"-••. (A) AC LAW OFFICES. (Bl ATTORNEYS ON CALI., 1202 N 8r0Cldwey, Santi A~. CA 92701. lndMdull MlchHI E PllSltz Thlt 1111-1 w .. filed With the County Cltrk ol Oreng• County on Septembet 13, 19112 ,, . .,,. Publl•h•d Or•no• COHt Oally Piiot Secit 15. 22. 29. Oct. 6, 111112 4017-62 Ml.IC f«>TIC[ flCTITIOUe IU ...... NAMI ITATl .. NT Tilt lollowlng p111on It doing butlntN •• P'OBllC *>TICE PIC TTTIOUI •USIHIH NAME ITATE ... NT Thi IOl~lng petaona 111 OOlng bu11ne11" lO M El.l ·RAYA a AS SOCIA TH. 2960 Airway Av1 0.6. Coat• Mu•. C1morn11 112626 Ruben Jol\n LOmtll, 15114 S E. Sllyllne, 6an11 An1, C•hlo1n111 A•IPh Anthony R•r•. 22632 81cedon, Ml .. ton Viejo. C1111orn11 1128111 t....,.r•I AatHj.,...• ~ ••uu • Mrcrc-•CMlf9 \<rflrl,, '•• ~~ M.~r Mnd~ t•lwit' Ur1\t\ ,,\Ill .... \ ..... """'., "'••·11tc 4wlv. • •"trrt AUTOS. IMrtJRHO t;flWul •u.t.ltu""°w ,..,, A•\1" tl••I•) _. ... w \.•IH• nu-1..i1 o .. h .. n y.,, .... ..... UQM.; J .. .,..,., k*~n f\tll f'h.4ftrt\,"I• LemWClllN ~1Utl• .... hf"ll.'i h.,-n, .. u .111111 l>lwl ft1M•t" Pf.wJ.-."4 t>vh11'• H.4"th,Ylt M.'10• "O)t• R(r\,., ~~ ,,.,...._,~ ,.,"". '''""''"' \«II"•····· \aho 11~··· ...,.,..., .. Alli\ Ql~S. NEW AUTOS, USlD ...... ~·••1111~ l•fft••• C'lw\"""1 \.-1'••···' -~~· ~(#(IMfttJit,l \..Of\'11• ....._ .. , ~i:.r lfltUilllftt•t Lt MOia .... .,,._, ,.,,,,_,,, ~·~:t.~. t'11H.U ~':::::''" ftui;~i1t1fh1hf ht• •ft•, ........ flt! tlX ..... ... ttlC .... tilt "" - l~~~~~i LIOllllTIOI $25,000 dwn. auume tow tnteretl loan•. Sharp 3 Bdrm home $240.000. Frttd Tenore. 631· 1266, 631·2711, Agt COLDWeu BANl(C!RO IUYIEW 1411,000 Specious 4 BR executl\18 home on pool sized tot on quiet cul-d•sec S• "'' MOfe ltmlllte ere getting curtly tor Y~' family in ::i tht catn$)fng "bug" ,!l'I• g11erd glled comm Aa· Ne )'eat If you h•ve t ca • pOOls, 1pa & tennis ::; ptt 1he1'a no1 gttllng Flexible financing .,.h uted, Hit fl now with a 131-1100 = Cl.ulflled Ad. I~~~~~~~~~ Rf SIOfNflAl RfAf FSTAT£ SfR\llCES PllllSIU 70' llYFROllT Probate sale o f $1,400,000 cash. Minimum overbid $70,500. Court date 1017/82. 5 Bdrm home. separate lot. beach, dock for 70' boat. Marcia Bents. 644-9060 IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 BAL II. CHARMER -Reduced! CIMn I out9 I Md. oon..,. with petlo, Meme I ,.,....ftt. You oen tlvo 11 11 Of ~ buHd ""'· P11n1 for Cope Cod .,. lnoluded ., ..... prtoo .!!_ ~000. Dttn bf IOI Topq Ind aalt ~. M ICHA EL SACKS , 253 Prlf\Ctton Otlvt, Colle Mt11, CA 92626. T'fllt butlnete It condllett<I by 1n lndlll\dUtl. UNLIMITIO I Nl!RGY, 0 Ollldlle Drive, lrvlne, CA 92714 KlNNITH M . ZIEGl.l!R, 40 01kd1te Drive, lrvlne, CA 112714 Thll 1>1.11tnet1 11 con<lucted or en lndMdull. Ron11ld w11111m Aud, 13 Elde1~. Irvin•. Colltornla 112714 I•--------• Thi• l>u11neu 11 condll<Jttd by 1 ..... Tllln MlctlMI &IC!le fhn 111t-1 wee fifed With the County Clerk of Orange County on A"9'18127, 1962 ,,....,. Pullt11hed 011no• cou t O•lly "'6ol, Sept, I, I , t5, 22, 1982 3tt0-t2 FOf Cl1uUled Ad ACTION Celli ~·= M2.al71 Kenneth f!rl Zitoler Thia elettrntnl wH flied wttll tht County Cltfk ol OtanQe County on 88'lltnlbtr 2, 1H2 f111171 P11bll1heO 011nga Co111 0111)' JllllOt, Sept, I , 111, 22, H , 1MI 3t4t-H oentr•I pertntt1hl~ knockt Oft91\ ..,.,, yov flll• •• ~~.!!!!'...~, ~.•,v•,,, ... w1tn ,.. u.. '"ult.getting Oatly ... _ -..., .. Piiot CIH•lfl•d Ad• to County Clefk or Of•noa Coun1y on , .. oh the Of•noe eo.1 s:~::::· ~:::o• Co•:,'.= bm•~~ O<ta-5171 Piiot 8..,t 16 22. 20 Ocl 0 lllU 4064·12 \.\ArlRIHO~l ttOMI '°' l\t IU \I 11111"' •• 'ft ...... ._ .... . , ........... .,. .. 131-1400 .IU 'I•,_, .. ..__, ..... " 173-llOO WILi TO IUCI Only S 160,000 tor this 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home w / sundec:k & frplc Assume 9 25% loan and owner will carry 2nd T 0 Won't 1es11 Call now 631·7370 ,,.; ... 1. 1001 · ·····················-PHllHLA POllT TIUDI T 10~ \L Rb\LTY Gorgeous Cape Code Custom One of the fl· nest new llomes elld lo· cations on the Point Steps to Beach and Bey, Ocean View Quiet 1esl· den11a1 11ee Eaceffe"' financing $530 000 •• Open House Set and Sun 1 ·5 1531 EHt ocean B lvd Bufld.,/Agani:; 673· 1169 67S-4666 Went Ad Http? 6-42-5676 SELL Idle lltm1 with • · Dally Pilot Cluallied Aft"" • .. ,. STAR GA'ZEK"~ ~·:· t----.....,..---llo 1 HI ~ Kiit ""----.---.... ~ ~:.!:"~ ~~· ::: ~ ~ t ,.,,.., ~".,..,. 10 ... '"'"'•"o' •f'Orl • vet\ • 'f'"'lt• """''""J t ,...~•·• ·~1-1 I''',,... ~ ··~ • • ffl(j11 , , ......... ,, ~' .. "" , ........ u ••"'-• .. ,..,...., .. ... ....... ... .... t•flfft •"-...... • .... ' " ., ........ .. , .... ..... ,.. ., ....... .. " ... "' ..._ .•.. .. oo ,. ... _.., tl9\,1 .. , .. ,., ''("'""" .. ., .. Jr;j U•I . ,". ,, ......... 1' '~ .. , .. ... ... y ,. '" •\41 • ., .. ..._4 . ,,.,,... .. ' ... ..... •·o" .. _ "'-o• ,,. ..... ~--·~ .•. ... ... .. \ .... r ... , ....... ,, ... ... .... II,, .. " ....... ,. ' .... ., ....... h'·~· 4'41'• Mt •• ,, ...... ..... ... ,., .. ..... .,_. .. ,. . . ...... llfh ..... ., .. , ... ,.. .. ... .... ~· .. -. \J .. ,., ( .,, .S.w:toJ '::~::,~· s© ~'1 ~-a £trs · -----.. , ....... (\.Af • '°'-lA" ------ 0 :: '~ .. b~·'!.~::t t: IOlt 'O ••-•• .. t • ..... I MYOAlS I' I' I ,, t LI u t HI I r-....--.--11 '1: ~ K H A R . wom1" 10 to11n1•10r E"'t'" I ,<! I I I r """ I lllllQhl my kid 11\t ••lu•• •••• · · · · of IM CIOlll! Ill 00 .. 111 ... ., 1 , ,._ rl--E-E_L_N_E_V_--.1 10 . ' ha,-,lr-"Tlljr-r-1,-,1-Tl-1 ° c .......... th• , • .,, .. O••fl•f; .. ...... .__ ... _ ... __..__ .. .-. ,... ~;.:~l.;. ·:: -:.:1 ::J· ' j "I t·:. -the com Ordnge Coo t Market Place ~~~!!!.~~~l~I~ ...... ~~~!!!.~~.~'.' ....... ~{j~'!;l./i'.'!11 ..... ~~~!!!l~~ .... ,.._ ....... .fl!,!~!!~ .. !• .. ~!!!.V~H.a.{•.~!4 .. ~:i.~~·· J4 ~'!ff~!!.~!l!.'!~IA"~:r.~:;:." U1/111I '" ""'-• ltl llu Iii lnlH IH• • -.. ., l1w..ut ..... ,16 -'14f 1!111• #tM Dlf W•1a111111 -'llf •••••••••••••••••••••• l1wM1I "''A J71f I······················ .......... 1 ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• .. • ·····••••••••••••••••' tu,.,, llOI ····••i .11':' •••• r ••. J'~T.r ................... r •••••••••••••• r... ...,,.,. 11 .. 11 •••• .-.-............... C Iii 1. .. ._.. ''" tfftt PlllOE •••••••••••••••••••••• &e.uuful nome for q1utll 3 g:. 2'°' ;;oJ•mlly rm, MOMI! l'OA ArNt &.u11 2 bdrm, ll9W Prol Nicely turn mini 1 DR.I •~!~ •.. f!~ ••••.. 1:..~ •11tl111 .. Home~Oueel't Income llllllW lied 1 1 11 Oii Imo 2587 " Bdtme ta.to hOmt deed Linen•. dl•hea MC bldg clOH to bch 13951 t 8 ,.,,. Jl41 owe 111 ·Flt• Term• llEDUOED 24 x 84 with 1·x2a· •n v1n:-'m<;~:o~~~ Eio.n S4Mt91 ~!:: ;~':T' /.~~d w'.i:. Kins, bed "1rept1ce 1490 1f4·557-0212 c mo r t 111 Apt ..................... . ~ Acacte CdM nr boll on Ihle Ideal llllftll)' home cloHd area, llghl lnte-975 1~ 2 Br 1 Ba 1575/mo 0•· me 645•2000 Agllfll no 0v•'r~r.;,.·n''dc01oru1Lrddf.Urmn• -llHT TUM m~:':;'p.1,~b'"!~v SC:., 31!;'~~d~•~=1~'"1'.0"'0Ylll! .,potleN Vacao1 Ouplea 4 bd pl DONU8 tlore lalend kitchen --tege, fenced yard 813 I .... • 1 ' " • Hug. 5brl3be+3btl3bl AOO~"':nd 111 1tale 11, L110• lam 1m, 2 BA. 2 Ou1111ndlng I a den, 2 w 111111 8'8-7546. " __ Wa k 10 beaclll 11115 Fuffl re111111 by W..-Of or •~I 1825 Wetet Pflfd 2 kid• 4401< own/bkt 845·7048 mlly room ~ Nicety BA &40-51137 Ba. tundec17~,.t1or 1 1 01 2 841-41:155 IJI,.,..,, ,.,,. JZll 825-740& monlh AGt 876·8t70 ..!!!:._!lrnt 842·!003 o~ rrplc, dlthWHher, '44·1211 ~'ilCtL (}AIL[ Y &. ASSU(IATES 10% IOWI Deluxe duple11 • 1erm• to flt your budget Own all or pan. Darrell ownl agl AEIMAX 759-1221 OLD Clll 1221,000 So of Hwy, 3 Bdr remo- del. 011 A·2 IOI Hurry. Delle Fleck, 63 1· 12811, 1g1 c •• ,. .... 1014 ..•...•••..........••• OILY l"X. HWI SBA. 2'hbl. 1908 all. $189,500 Assume In, OWC balance. Prine only 544 -8390 & 838-9851 SUPEll OPPOITUllTY $2100 MOYES YOU II Builder lies cap1111 gain problems, wlll lease wl1h option lo purchlM within 15 mon1ll1 11 TODAY'S PRICE N-2 or 3 Br. 3 B• Condo-ale 1lt lu• amenities Great locellon nexl door 10 111 snap- ping, tlle1t111 & 1r1n- (lpoii11lon 714-63 t-5055 or 642-2000 ~: HUI ltll 4 Bdrm 2ba e11ecu1lve lloeme In lovely Meae Verde Oule1 cul-d•l8t: 12°1'• financing 1va11 Ler· ge assumsble loan. $179,900 Cell 979.5370 _ \' { >I l / 111~ ~II 1 ... Pl 7 1 r 1 person• ""' mo " I --r. •• -..-.-• , ••••••••••••• , o 1 ' a o • 5 4 II • 2 O O O r11..., ·~ n ur1 • Ll111 lh Newport Duch IOr yr LOia M iiiet, IOI SmeJI I Br houM. lrplc CALL NOW lbr w/bCh C .. , •• /111•1 2 br, 2 bl, lrplc, 1876 mo NEW BRELD APfS Agent, no lee ock S 1911, I tll.000 2 bdtm 1 be In 931· 1288 S3215 ullla lnctct.o pallo Uilet1I••" J41 ~early 81ep1 lo beech I 8ac:h & ' Odrrn wllott Ou•el 1 Ddrm •P•. 11111 p<J. prlv111 comm. Very 0 -1-2 0 .. 75t.7'718. coiy kllch l Vd u:i5 •••••••••••••••••••••• twpo1t Pier. 2009 From $38& F1plc, rec clean Mu'1... e<eanronl r. 1 ul OC Orll\J\<altM Con .. ft 1450 Court -'Y· 111.1111 & aeo room, ,.001, jacuu l, 081 4 bike from beecn 8711·2742 011110•. PlllQ, no P•••· 30R. 2~BA. nHr new, ·RENTAL 760·3314 ,.,,.. ..... N I (213)9f2 2095/ .. •400/mo 207 Ch•c;eoo fnarudH utll• until June lncd yd. tr .... 2t68 Ml· OC·RENTALS ~1~'•'•~11• ~ronl~~'. o:~t;O • ~93''~~~~\~0 ~~ g•;:, 1·118&-41154 BY OWNER . Irvine Thll $825 & 15715/mo. n4HSI 1800 840·5010 1·5br'tl200tol:IOOO 553 1141 845-4411 2 ambd1m~ll1hack.7 Orovea, belulllul 2Br, 8411-2510. 2 8" 1 Bl d"PleK put 760·3314 open 7·d•Y• T E b I 2Ba. dbl oar g111gt "' "'1i ' • EXEC R6TREAT In New· 13915 • 18R, 1ett1g, no lkt tom pier, OH & W1r 480 000 111 000 down Fully turn wlr'lltr rental, p1110, new P• nl, S6415 Newport Shore• 3 Br 2'"' porl D<:I\. 1 8, ~thou· pet•. 2 edull• prel 73 l·C turn 1400 mo. 538·7838 832~0199 ' cllermlnQ 2 BR 1 61 11\0, 833-8182 'Ba. 2 blockt lo beech, S I W 11111 873 ~'701 IOWFlllT ~~!~~~~·n:i ~~~~~·.~~ HlllLY I .. IHI i~~~rhool & tennl• ~y m ~ue '1'2 ~0:'a :p:'. "IOOD CIOM 1 1 0 be.;h, 2 Bdrm, ~!l.~~~.~!!t ... !.~!f 'f523 CAM'111SDl·fllVIHE , Now moblle/modular ce-1176-11142 Obi belh, large kitchen, • . 848·4287 $490 mo C1p11. drp1. 1 Br I Bl B .. utlful di! con-oe. lrplc. on pvt all the kid• are OK See EASTBLUFF bee home At111rl•fltl 11tlll•H LIFE" pool, gar N o p ell :'~:~~:·P~•ns':2~~u~t!: I.I ,,. • IHI bell LHHland l!IOO mo BtllH Uil1t•l•iH lhl• et BEST 539-8190 3 br 2 bl den. lormel •'•-••••••••••••••••·~· 842-4470 831 _5199 •• 1.~'!~•••••'-••••••••• 11'1\% Int $85.000 •••••••••••••••••••••• COii dining, 2 trple g11d1n lal#I Iii••' ,1H --------499-38111. ,,.,,,, JllJ "" p I 110. I I 2 6 0 m 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• YU .. .ftOUNO fUNl ..... •111•4r , .. , ... , •• , ... I,,,,. ,,,, IMEIAll UY •••••••••••••••••••••• llW T UU l.tOO 642-0360, 1157·4828 WINTER II mo 3B1. 2B1. ,Soclel Ac1lvllle1 LO• btch wlfplC. Piiio & ••• -.,.!••••••••••••••• AWARD WINNER Newpor1, on Blulf, 2 br. 2 llElfAll CloH to beach Full 4 LIDO BAYFRONT new 4 lully turn. 3td 1118 Item D 1 rec Io r •Free ~~ .. rp1orP1l_!!.005.,,N_o2.'?81t1 NO FEEi Apl, & Condo Ocean 111_, 3 bdrm. 4 ba. lrplc, 1100 aq 11 rma Mull -lodey & Br.5 B1129501mo So Bev $11 00 mo Sundsy ... ·-~ ... .... ren1et1 VlfllAentell be, kll wl~~v~1e~ea. Upgrad81 $44,000 By Ye1rly-Weekly-Wtn1er, 2, rent 11 875·1030 Brunch•BB0'1• 1175-4912 Broker fem. rm, 1..:::'"oa':d-.:..-pa-owner. 931.1111 3,4 Bdrma 111·11H 831-31171, 875-2880 •·/"··· Pertlee•Plue 1526 Very Nlca 2 br, 2 ..,... -· JAOOll llULn --b1 b11e. frp1. t>Nm c;e1. 110.1orm1ldln rm, lgellv lflti lr~t!r IJIO . OEST ()pen 1 dlys coal H:~Xi1rB~.°::i~iy~:-lfll•••ll 310 mTf• ling, bulll·lne, gar, lndry rm Oulel cul-de-11c. ••••••••• •• ••••••• PllOP Bring Ille kids. 5 rm1, 2 Lease 1 1 t60 &44-6977 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ill E C Ill EAT I 0 N : lee, no pet1 540-83311 $812,000 By owner Older Ouplell nHr 45th •1. IAl.AIEIEIT · bath, 11111 ~areg_e. Flel Small 1 Br c11pet1, dr•· T 8 n n 11 • Fr e 1 873·4411 NB.3br,2b1.upef1l11 S5 00 ntBESTBlull13br,2'nb1,f1m pe1,retr1ge,11ove L 2 br. 1'A be down111lra 111 Ill• r • ••251mo 87 ·SO"• n1or1s (pro & pro Will tell as 11 for S700, • " ~9-6190co.i. rm, greenbell, pool. -"° thop)•2 Health HAMDOIED ooo 11400 mo. Ao• 644-0t34 Winier R111111 3 Br 1v. Cluba•S1un1• or wltl bulld to tull lar""·r ll""&t/Yltw I + I 1t 1121 Cullom ocesn view lor S875,000&up.(pl•n•I -• Mulll-lemlly tlluetlon. H11borVl-Home,2Br, .f)• 1 c ar garage. Hydromasaago• home. 2 Br. spa, so. La-& approvals oblllned) 3Br wltamtly 1m, flrepl•· Pet 11 OK,1001 Must rent den, 2 Bl $1100/mo. $7001mo Slept lo bev, 2 Swlmml~•Goll gune locetlon, 11ep1 to A r m 1 t a 0 e A e 1 1 1 Cff. txcellen1 vi.wt. IP•· 840-11 H19 or 831-3985 blk1 to betch 301 Ed· Otlvlng H8llQ8 beach SU!lll 11 tor S275, 714·544·2484. Y H curlly, comm pool, ioonl BEST 539·6190 gewater (Coronsdo atl 81 AU TI f U-t. 000 Darrell. •OI Re/Mo tannl• $2800. Cott. Huge belCll·Close 4 br, 3 Beytronl). Roblneon A P ARTM E NTS: 759-1221 Ovplex on Ille 1811d 301h Ot14t/la"'rt1t BHtl• Ill l~~.dopctx, .. bll.•-ln•. $900, vr Reallor 548-5847 SI n g I ea ' 1 8 2 II. NB. Newly remodeled A II f '' f f ..., e.droom1•Furnl1lled OOEllFllOIT In tnd out. 3 br , 2 be. va · urn or un urn, lflli 3Z40 (213)378-<4509/3911-8088 Oceenlronl & clOH 10. & Unlurnlahed•No 2 ranta1tlc location WI •••••••••••••••••••••• Small 1 • 2 B .. p t •• d I 0 New moblle/moduler ce-upstairs. br., 1 ba views, 2 Bdrm. aecurllV CC-RENTALS Harbor Ridge lease 4 Br 3 '" r. "'P"· e a• ... o e 1 pen dar cottage, lrplc, on pvt downatelrs. Min. 10% bldg, pool. $995. l ·l5b1'1 S200 lo S2000 Be, beeut. decor, 3800 fl, S350-S750 Yrly & wlnltt delly g to 8. b c II Le a at I and down OWC balance II 0 M I 750 3314 7 """'' lennla 0u1 d gale 875·5102 0 L • SllOO/mo 11 'i't"lo 1n1. 13.9% for 5 yrs. Great for Hfl •ti•/ It.fl. · open -deya i 250o1mo. Bob;, Dovie Yearly. '" blk to l:>Ch 119 1 laWOO $8~.000. 499-38t8 summer rentals. $735, RETIREMENT Apt: 2Br. Sharp 2 BR condo, 1 •ly, Koop. Agl. RE/MAX br. o•r lndry. patio. no lar4tl 000. Armitage Realty. clean & quiet locellon. ell bllna. pool, S550 mo. 759-1221 pall fully equlp"d, 111, ...... .. w1,11• lll•HI I OSI 714-544-2411... 14001mo Call 540-115&, Hk for 1111. $825 873-9327 .......... hMlll/le. •• •••••••'••••••••••• W1ttrfrt1t lt•tl Dave HARBOR VIEW HOMES · ---------•P"""'• VILLE DE CERISE 0.'1•1•fl{ •· IH 111·1.tOO HOMES FOR RENT 3Br. 281, din rm, lg kll, llYFllllT 880 Irvine BEAUTIFUL lla II ,fl -II J 3 &. 4 Bdrm. s 725 10 big yd, $950 mo Agl I bdrm, prlv11e parking (at 16th) OLD WORLD •••••••••••••••••••••• la/Na 111••' 3ZH S800 Fenced vards & 551-e 130 end besch. Ulll Peld (714 ) 645·1104 2 t>d, 2 be 1ownllouM. E· t ide, 4 y1 old , yd $!100/mo 998· 7300 d1y1. Hk for Dick, 640-2428 Eves, wknde 1Br. UPtllfrt, 110 Piii, 111111 Oct 1. S370 mo 352 Vlctorll 845-8161 1Near Harbor Shop·g, roo· I my, clean 2 BA 1 Be, beem1 . no pe1a I $410 -$420. TSL Co 842-1803. 842-1276 2 Br 2 ba duplex, pvt yard. $850/mo 646-1759 GA ADEN AETREA T 2 Br 1'1• Bl Condo, overloo- 1 king pool. tpl & tunning brook. •In t cond No peta. $550/mo 8•8-7452 or 841-21180 TOWNHOMES --· -• 1111aa •••••••••••••••••••••• geregea. Kida & pets llUT YllW $550 Mo 752·9511 lew,.rt .... Ill/le. Bw How11d Mark Co ... _.. -4 Br 3 Ba. Oen. Din Rm. 1700 6 S 'lrom 1159_000 I Cult 3 Bdrm 2 bllll wllll g11. No pela. $1100/mo welcome. 545·2000 C1lllln1 & mll. Hunting· Wlnterl yrly, spec 3 br. 2 1 th t. Decorlted 1peclou1 1 br, PARK NEWPORT APARTMENT S COUNTRY CLUB UVINO IN NEWPORT BEACH A 10111 environment apartment communlly on lhe Uppet Bay. Private clublloute and 11e11th •P•. 8 1ennl1 courll. 7 POOi•. C:IOH lo bullnesa. elrporl, Fatlllon lalend. Con11en1en1 1hops on 111e Unlurnltlled b1Che- 1ora. I & 2 bdrm I Pll end 1own11ou1M11 $1540 . $1009 Se11eral bacllelors and 1 Bdrm unite lellure fine d11lgner lurnllure and ecceaaor•ee Move In 10- day or r"8rY• tor sum- mer month• Smar!ly furnlthed models open dlllly On JsmbOree Rd 11 San Joaquin Hiii• Rd 144-1100 495-3244 760•93551 g11aoe apartment • ju1t 2 2 7 Co r 1 I Agenl.,.no fee Ion nigh! Ill ... New, de-be Slep1 from beech. (Dover at 16th) 1 ba. CONDO Sec bldg. low doors No. ol high-213/395-3511. Nr BCH eharp 2br 2b• w/ luxe 2 br, 2 ba, aec:ur Ocean & bey YI-from {714 ) 642-5113 AC, bit-In appl. w/d out· lln .. rt "'~' JOll way $250,000. Jim vu •• _ .... __ gar, patio, bll·lns $420 gale, brick lrplc, yard aundeck Mull Mel $650 let, carpn, patio, no pell, AYI Sopl 15/0ct I , yrly ••••'••••••••••••••••• lars _,_ cc RENTALS 7503314 No pet1. ldetl for llO· w i nter. S950 y1ly. nr SC Plue $700 mo I 11ep1frbeach2BR2 Be, l1•h1"1• 3101 · · neymoone11 $850. See 675-5204 · -556-2394 -& wknd1 S750 mo Cell for appl WANTED 3 Bc1 USTSIH •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 br, 2 be, newtv painted/ 111 !hon call •B103 I•• Clt•l•I• 3111 675..-0124 •sit '°' K11t "' rm hOme end 2 near On tlle l>elCh. 2 Br 1u11 cleen. fenced yard. pets SUNSET BLUFFS, cor· Winier Renter •••••••••••••• •••• •••• Spac1ou1 1 Br Garden IAYFllOIT tr new 2 Bdrm unl11 $195, condo, ocean Yu, aecurl· ok Nr. Magnotta a. Gar-nef 01 VlciOf'le &. E P•· 2 bdrm. 1 ba. duplt11 2Br, t'"-B•. blk to bch, Apl POOi & rec All ulll .,., Block to beach. 2Br. OCEA.F"o.T 000 Ask tor Rick Rick· ty $750/mo. 600 E field $700/mo lnct. oar· clllc Ave .. Colla Meaa Garaoe 'i't blk to ec.en view 225 Le Pelome paid No pell bright & ary $700 mo ltd OcHnl1on1 1197-8382, dener 983-579& 642-81108 , 944•8722. or Bey No pets S575. $525 mo 637-7916 el Puene Me.. yrly 968-8263 FAST ESCROW • Cash lll.ltA 838·3094 551-6822 7 1 4 • 8 7 5 • 4 1 4 2 , A,,rt•fltl 19511 Maple Ave Apl 5 Beaclllronl winier rental plua stlOpplng <*'lter to 2 Bdrm, dining room & 'Jus1 rlghll Nloely done 2 2l3-793-0035 Oct-Mey 2914 Ocean-trede In Orange Co. country kitchen. plus 2 C1•l1l1111 lf.at63111 br near tlle beacll. Al· McLAIN condo, Big C•· 2 Dllenl1•H lmmedl11e occupancy. Agent. 644-9513 Bdrm aper1men1 CloH •• r.;.••••••••••••••••• rlgllt for lemlly Only nyon, 2 BR 2'A be. Im-bd, I ba, pool, atepa 10 •••••••••••••••••••••• Mes11 Verde apecious 2 lronl 2 Br or 3 Br Newly House 101 rent In Capl· S400 net mecullle child OK no b • y . b c h . & I err 'I t.J#I /ill•' 31H Br 2 Ba •Pl. g•r•o•. remodeled. can be fur-Lrn::~~~·· S2119.500 streno PlllH<les, 3 Br. 2 lll·llto pell. 1 1'100 mo Call S5751mo WINTER LEA· •••••••••••••••••••••• lrplc, bit-Ina, no pell msl\ed 714/544-0614 AISOLITE STUL Gorgeous 3 Br home w/ pvt yrd, putting green end many oxlres Try 10-;. dwn For de1at1s call Petrick Te nor e . lllHl Pflll••u Bl. Clllldrtn & pet Ok. BEST COii Open 7 d ys Gerry o r Ch r I I II' SE 6 7 5. I 117 1 ev II' 2 $~5~r~:.•rm;1tN'::/:r!~: $575/mo 546-8009 S..chlront winter rental -S 8 II 15 I m 0 · M I t 'I 8 873-7781; 760· 1397 676-2091 2131395•3511. $325 Bech av all now OC1·Mly 4409 Seasho- Neat new dupteic-3 Bdrm 4 9 3 • 0 2 0 2 . J •• n a .. + PHL c ' I .. "1. $535 2 B d I re 2 Br $700/mo. 3 Sr 2 b11h etch. Welk 10 681-4188 Flat s550. Kid• • ""'''· II TIE WATER llfl• f ,.., ., • ' upe• IYllll .. .--•••••••••••••••••••••• la/#1 Nov 111 333 E 2111 $800 Ullls paid Can be P(Al'• \1P.,~[,T'Atll4''. llvttlOE FllCES UU H ,IOO MWI I 760-8702 ~~~~.ac.:~~1~:1:•· Cllt•• '''#ft 3111 BEST cosl 539-6190. Balboa Cov" executive Oceen view, bHutltully l••ialll• 3UI c M 1 n q 7 a 13 o I ur n i a 111 d •• TIE "'IT •••••••••••••••••••••• Chooae lhla bl 5 rm home, 2 & den or 3 furn lownhouse. lrplc. •••••••••••••••••••••· 1646-6589. 64!1·8103 7141!144-0614 2200 aq 11, 3 bd, 2 be, 2 homel Pool, loot \•le lpr bdrm All opening 10 pool & patio. 1895/mo. 2 bdrm. 2 be newer dphc. ' Two lllnole units or aJngle car 0,,, 2 1tory, crn of kids Flel $450 BEST guden, pello overloo-673-0898 yrty Mature non-amkra Sllarp 2 BR 1 A ba, pllio, LOVELY 2BR. 2BA. family home • YIJ'Ullle Bayslc1e and Heliotrope, . . !(Ing weler, 2 lrplc'I , gH Bach Apl So ol Hwy No no Pell. S750 X 3 'I :4:.~g~o Piii $476. ''\ blk 10 t>eh, wld. gar tor changing lamlly 11-S 1000 8 7 3 ·111123 or 539-6190 coat. fl~~•nt, ape. •tG. elC. llllCll $385/mo 515 'A 2131799-4195, .2.51-Jl792-No pe11 Yrly $700/mo + 3 specious bdrma. 2Be, wllrplc & lo 2 car oerage Full price S 11 1,900 Ow- ner desperate must sell ASAP. Pleue c ell bkr 631-45117 or 831-2246 JUST 2 Ml TO THE AIRPORT Ugh! end airy 2 Bdrm townhOme with den, 2'A Ba. Newport Glen $120, 000 644-7020 LIHI IUL HTATI I lestyle. S339,000. Bill 760-8503 Move In nowt Cute 2 br nr Maybe urnlslled, •tip tor Begonia In beck Reft. or (71 4) 673-3986 Lrge 2Br 11,., be, dlth· utll 67S.t706, Gold beach, 1111 bullt-ln boat 1v1ll•ble Only 0 we ah a 11 Welk lo beech Yrly Clean 1•2 IJOO All new 4Br, 3Ba. lrp!J:, apple•. titted 81 $HO. $1995/mo 751-278 7 97 ·9536, 2131355-1597 Large 3 BA 2 Ba trplc, 55251~~ gO~~:~.~Y 2 br, 1 ba. 5650 No pets • • lndry rm, garage urflt, Kida flnel Thia unit won't d•vs. 988-6103 eve• Ct1ll #fl• 311 baloonv, garage, refrlge 19114 Anaheim Apt D 645-1819 CIOll 10 ell s 1150 mo. IHI BEST 539·8190 cost "·'· ,,.,.rt, .,... ...................... No pets. Yeerly S800. 545-3229 • ---------L.. 7 5 9 • 95 7 0 or CASA DE OllO 700-1713, 563-1716. --------I L19hl manegernenl duties LEASE OPTION lhll 3 973•45115 !~!.! ........... !~~~ Liii lllf ALL UTILITIES PAID c., .. , ,,, • ., 31ZZ L~~ ~~nl.~tB: ~ '::C5 ::, r:~Ar::::.,/~~ Bdrm llOme NEWPORT C..I• #tu 3U4 LUSESll 4 BR 3 Ba & den. S 1400 •••••••••••••••• ••••• • d 645-9395 Sm I b •a c II mote I OILY SIOOO DDWI PETE BARRETI ... REALTY 1ddre11 Asking S UIS. •••••••••••••••••••••• mo 222 Via Palermo, Compere before you So, ol Hwy delu11e 4 Br 3 ep llYI 645-04-40 OOO or BUY NOW s2o.:1~~~~~~~~~ SUCH A DEAL 3rm w/etl 3 Bdrm detached homee 575-71118 renl Cuatom dHlgn Ba. 2 frplcs. • car ger Flreplece, pool, dish· --------- 000 dwn Call RAE L -f • .._ utu-pd cozy kltCh '325 In exce4len1 erN Aveli. 2 Bt 2b1 lu•ury condo Nr features Pool bbq St450/mo Dltfell, own/ washer, Plft peuo l( Lg \lertallles Jr 1 Br ..c:urlty RODGERS 631_ 1266 .~::-! .. !!!t!!!f.r.':'!'! CC-RENTALS 750·33 t4 ~.!!.,'mm • d~~!.: bHch. All •menltlH cov"rd oerage, Mmoun'. 1191 AEJMAX 759-1221 Garden 2 Br on Elllde condo. lu11ury 1men111es 6-Ple11 In Bluffs, NB BU oetTA llll •"""' mo on 1 ~ __.... Moat beaullful complex ded with plulll landsca· Welk to Bell 2 bdrm. 1 S5eO 557-2841 S685 493--0379 owners unit 11 111,. 1ge. .._.,,_1 Ir .... Five other1 to choote $745/mo Harry Patel ping No pet1 bl, lrpc, bal 0ute1 En(; OHM OCEANFRONT 3 Br 2 Bl 9 ..... ISi .... 55K Submit -·-from We're Ille ones to 2 1 3 I 2 18.e400 0 r 1 Br Furn $515 sn5 87" D589 I •7• .., Oeeorllor perlect, •P•· can '°'teases g11 ....., 2 bd t b d ge unH spectacular terms 720-18•8 ~I 213187().3008 365 W Wiiton 1142-1971 0 ET 2 ... 2 1 •• rm, 1· '"rm, ocesn view Walking FIKet upper 3Br, l'·b• Agenl dolJI 2 bdrm, 2tnbe. ,_ [gut...~Aft UI .., be. rplc. IO ,.,e11 Verdt Acro11 d & on R2 101 Vecenl SIP 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Cape Cod Pool. jec. r.. ~i 'n'uu ridge h.,.rt ...... h.,.rt Ylllac• Alts ol hwy, tono 1erm. $750 from schl Fenced yd, 1 N1:.;0f,.:'.~Pf'~eu-s 105,000 Century 21 11 Apt, duplexes for Hll. c1eellon aree, pvt patio, Reallg 3 bdrm, 2'A ba, prtvele BMutllul lendacaped Jr. mo 979-t340 cer gar Pool S625 rsnll Unfurnished Gold co811 Aeallors lllFFI l&lllll p o s itive cuh. c ell balCony.wlMcellar&lge ~gar Ctosetobeech 1 bdrm wHh patio Gu 631-0303, 631-5550 SIOOO/mo 673-4483 548-1168 You own Ille lend 2,000,_S_h_ewn_._54_9_-_111_5_9 ___ g1r1ge Oecor11or well SSl -3000 645·9095 end weler ptld le1ge OHllA 111 m 1 BR, new paint, cpll, --------- 1 sq II, 3Br, fem rm. 2,.., paper, dreperlea end tt19 "•rrHn """'·'"I"'" recreation 1m Includes S 3 drepet, d /w, no pell 2 bdrm. 1 be, $575 yearly "'" LllTll BY OWNER FINANCED, Be. wkle GrMf\bell. ne1r UCHAllE I more S 1050/mo Cell 3 Bdrm 2'A Ba. comm gamet. 'P• end pool ti· harp bdrm apt. wltll $400/mo 2265 Miner St Steps to beach 1116 W S5,000 buys It 111Coste 1 111 5411-2239 10;30 10 630 IEITW p ool , 2 ca r garsge. bl• Tennl• courll, vol-beam cetllngs. fireplace, Belbol Men 4 BR 2 ea, 13% & pool Far below market S50.000 equity In Hunt·~ pm 2 10 4 bdrrna. ata.r11ng et $900/mo Fred Tenore, 1 ell bit-Ins, encioted ga-1151·2175 213-865-2542 $137,000 Cell Friend & $245,000 Will leue op-lngton Herbour condo I $800 to 113115 831·1286 or 831-2711 eyblll court. li e/pool rage. cerpeta end dra· ag1. Don Platt, 642-9797 lion Bkr 644-0134 for Costt Mell area Check 11 out 2br wllg AG1. Cell pa. Quick occupancy. 111. 211. 1111. Sleps lrom Beech 2 1~~~~~~~~~1 units. Can add cull. gsr, pello, lg yd $450 lll·OOJI l7 I 41 67)-4400 Newly decor Gu pd, bdrm, 2 ba. r1repl1ce I EmlTlllEH llEllCEI 714/845-9554 OC-RENTALS 750-3314 Ne!,~~:.'~~~·,~-~~· ... ,,,,, 3111 121)1 UWUI :~'.~:',;.~.~~;·.to~~~-:u~4J02 2 111 St .ELI.IT S 100 000 4-PLEX 9.6 times oroea. I Nice 3 BR 2 Ba. den, M... 4 BR 3ba, no pela. LH •••••••••••••••••••••• , CM. Salea price 1195. • det Mer, grdnr. no pell SHOO/mo. Agl Carlene Super 1 Br t Ba VIiia, HARBOR 2 Br . en clad P•llo. llll YlllE Bullder'a lou. MUST 900 (4) 2 bdrms unltt. $850. Sierra Mgmt Co. 1175-1771 counyerd, very prlv11e. up1talr1 Avell 10-1 IOWFHIT Beeulllully remodeled 5 SELL Buy 11111 BRANO Agl, 548·1188 1141·1324 No pell $460 /mo. 1495/mo 329 Unlverllty BOrm plua 11uoe femlly NEW 4 Bdrm 3000 1.f . See View 3 Br. 2'n Be 873·3313 Or See Msneoer "S" 3 t>d1, 2 be gar great loc Winter room. featuring Fr1nc11 meslerploce for only 2 Covington 4 plexes. tide Cell on 1hl• 2br wllo den, t1m11v rm, ocean 5411-0&45 eves doors end window•. all $349,000 In Newport by side. So. Cat Plaza. 011. blllera kltch $490 c 11 y 11g111 1 y I e w B11tl11t•• Bachelor, greet loc Beach CALL TODAY. Greet price, greet term• CC-RENTALS 750-3314 $1550/mo. 545-8686 Juti 3141 A Dl\l,hlllof 2 Br. Mus del Mar, yearly. ~=~y kll~~~~~·.:;~·~~~~ A A E R 0 0 GERS Bk1. 97~ LANDLORDS/REALTORS •523£'AM Studlo-Nwpl Hgll. •••••••••••••••••••••• llJrbor ln\\''llnt'nl L'o parking apace S4001mo T1l ., .. 142·1IOI end back wllll e11ten1tve 1131-1266 f.«• Ill a.Ji JZ10 FH1 ''" 1enan1 pro11I-"'5J>lt~ $400 mo No peta EITATI LMH 754 .0see EAST &LUFF • Specious use ol brick Quality "*" •••• •••••••••••••••••• derl Cell a.at Really Tu" 18 r 0 ck • • e c. 2 &42-7404 Beautiful park·llke eut· C.tl #-.. JIZI Trailer tor re11t I Br $225 IBt, pool, quiet, pleasant coratlng thruout. TERRI-If IWlll 539-8194 mHlora, den. 2.~ ba. 1oundlng1 Terraced •••••••••••••••••••••• plua u.1111. S150 MC d419 eree. no pet• 5555 mo FIC FINANCING AVAi· t 'A lots In Huntington CC-RENTALS S l 350, Rite 1144•9080, Beecft houM, 1 Of' 2 Bdr, 2 pool Sunken get bbq, No cll11dren or dogs 133 1144-4767 LABLE. Aaklng S239. Beach CA on 21,t bel· 1173-a589 81, 2 car 011 S700/mo. 1parkllno toun111na. ...aa ... •au E 181h St Space 42. ---------000 For 1111 appt lo-· ween Pacific Coast Hwy 1·5br'• $200 10 12000 Fred Tenore, 831·12e8 Specloue rooms Sepe-~ ~~ C.M. blwn Newpor1 Blvd 1 Bdrm OH & w11er p<J .call 540-1151 B:~~~J~ ::= • n d w 1 1 nut 750.3314 open 7-days 3 bd Avelleble Now. Gar· Of' 1131-2711 Ag1 ra1e dining arM Walk-In APAIT•ITS & Superior Stove, relrlj No pets ~HERITAGE REALTORS -..... ""''" . lf•t• 1040 .•...............•..•• H Tll llll .... ,., ...... ,. 2 story, 2 bdrm I'~ ba beech-Condo co-op Pool. 11un1 , wei ght room. tub parking -Ocean end Ple1 View ~lated 11 1180,000. Slll5, 000 under muktl All oasll or new lln. Great cpp'y for aomeone who c en eel last. Agent 531-8 100 Ask for Jim • :Algllelmer -·. OLllE TO IOW No money down, no quelllylno own your lfome on our unique ~•red 1ppreclet1on II· nenclng. We have 5 tiomH In Hunt. S.1ch • 38R 2'Abl, 1800 10 2100 a.q II. P1yment1 from $1200 10 SlllOO mo Cell Georo• Brook•. Mon lhru Fri, 71'/89 1-555e with lncted view In 71 4·960-2411 a Ir. 2 ... denet. No Piii $930/mo WHtCllll 3 Bdr, S1250 clOMll. home 1111• kit· Be1u1lfully l1nd1c1ped Compt redec 2 bl, 2 bl, $410/mo VIII 1016. prntlglous gel• guarded .. • n.... Frptc, range, yard, girt· 831·1615; 493-7766 Cllffheven 3 Br, 1875 H Chen & cablMll. Welk to garden apts POOi & Spa. lrplc. gar . dlap . OW Agl 548-1168 com um n S 4 6 5 M ,.1ut•.d , -.trl, C>ono pets Private 3 Br Cam"""'-townhou· Frederick. eg1 831· 128e Huntington Cetller Pwitloslclecks No 1>911. $525 875-0073 WESTCLIFF 2 bd, 2 be. J rt Z~OI ~-.,. 1 Bdrm-furn, S515 Bldlelor 1410 $4 t5 1 ""' 842-7745 •••• !!! ..........•. ~.. only '~11 ':J ~~~ Ti: ;:Jo5~'a-:;~1 10115. llYflMT YUILY No pet1 Utlllllea tree! 1 Bdrm 14es:$470 0..1 11iat UM ,:f,·.= ..,50 No Pets IEWPOIT Kone, HI Tim• Shere 499•11117 Quiet secluded 5 Br LA OlJINTA HERMOSA 2250 Vanguard •••••••••••••••••••••• --------- Condos IOf' uMI. I Br & 2 DEERFIELD Lovely 2 bd. 811ec home Spectecular Hi211 Pllkllde Ln, 1 blk 540·9628 or 842-4905 1 Br garege, nut ocean, 6'1 Clf•t•t~ 311f $111,000 Br Call for det1ll1 t BR TRAILER Private, 2'i't ba. 1ownhon1e. $725. view. lrptc. applnca, git-W ol Beech. 3 bfk1 S very clean $390/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• GORGEOUS 3 Br COT· 540-«114 yard, no pell Utllt paid 552-0431 att 5pm dener $220 0/mo ol Edinger 1147-544t. l..lllge 2 Bt, 2 BllhaS565 213/402-21157 See et I Br, pvt dectl, old worid TAGE ASSUME S120. $400/mo + H CUr'ty Superdeel3br2baW/a/ 575-71173. ,,.., .. Ifft• J1fl 631~or~~906 !48e2 Cordoba Dr Apt ~·~~-~~c::= 000 tll SUBMIT YOUR PALI IPlllllS 499-1817 o'l.•· patio, lg yd $625 BLUF'FS·Dlx 3Br 3Be lg ••'••••••••••••••••••• $495 Con1ac1 Mgr el apt ~1i~N Ro~EL~~~~i'ts ~uysto~ wb~I~ ~om:~; E~s;!• ~~ ~:. ~r~ -RENTALS 750-3314 den, l orm11 din ;m. L~~~~ •• •t~~'::; !~.H.~~'. 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba1111 $1125 2d:~.2S:4•S. ~:~~9f: c 332Enclno Ln 631-1266 1 ••le. e11ch1nge or lfede. $3715/mo 1gt, 875-1642 W•H• lf•t• 3141 l l500 mo. 844·t905 $130 wtt 4911-3015 15t E 2111 548-2408 730-7165. No dog1. 1 Br lrpk;, ltoYe, refrlge. Located near pr•tlgloua ••'••••••••••••••••••• BEACHFRONT 3Bdrm ecroaa from ocean. Canyon Country Club 3 Br, 2'A 81, frp!o, 2 car ~:~. ~e:: C:,A~: $845, New cpl a, ne.; !.'.'!r.!!.!!!!! .• !~!' Sf'~~· 12.:re~ ~·.!~2:. •111/11t1• 1400/mo 661-119::. erea In Palm Springe. 3, gar. nr So. Cout Pleze, 180 d f h · paint. avelleble now. Can EANFRONT DIK 2_.. Br Laundry lac pool lfff• 3141 A I ·-'·"'~ 400 square leel of luxury comm. pool & spa. S775. eg. Yu 0 arbor. be furnl111ed Jotln Agt B k h · 5411 9559 12 7PM · •••••••••••••••••••••• "''•••ti •rm--living with 3 bedroom• 980-321111 aurf. mtna, 3bt, 3ba,... 1131·2242 · ' · el: wee o r monl • • Oelu11e pOOlaJde 11tr1 l11ge ., D•l1t1 ,,,, llLMl ISWI and 3'1t betha. Pool end 12 Br. 1 Ba. Oen. vard. curlly, aauns, 1p1. 3•7873 BAY TIMBERS 2br, 2 bl, bUns, dtwllr, •••••••••••••••••••••• DESPER IT(lf J •cu i z I 2563 Elden. SS25/mo $1800/mo. 4911-7009. MOVE IN NOWI Lerge lu-Winier renlel• Spaclout 1 Br. frplc, pool 1'h mllu beach. No pell. SUWlll " • $475,000-lurnlahed; 111 83 t-3871 875-2880 EMERA LO BAY. 3 br, 2 ltUry condo. sees. 2BR. n()'flf tlll)lebl• Cell & more. 646-9883 SSOO/mo. 536-83e2 YILUIE 10,.-. DOWN/OFFER TO of $426.000 11 t5V.. ' ba. 1800 aq, It. lrpl. bride Extra• 937•2e88 •vet. "1ltll HM.n S560/mo. 2 Br 1''\ Be. WMIUH NEED FAST ESCROW! C1ll weekdsya only· Executive Blull ~ondo. patio. with spa. $1600. 3 Br 2ba, S 1000 2818 TOWtlhoute, balcony, In· "Naw 1&2 bdrm. lu11ury BY OWNER (714)540·!1331 Stoker Like new. Builder• MO· 2131876-2255. Carob lmmed occup. ,.., lllllllMIT dry rm, car port. 111 bit· Spec 1 & 2 br, lovely 1p111n t4 plaroa. 1 8d1m 5 bdrm, 3 bltll Vlclorlen. cooperation. d e I CI t y II 0 h ta Ind 8 4 0 • 9 0 1 9 , EI 1 I n e 171-t 111 Int Avail Sept. pines & ttrHmt, HC from $540, 2 bdrm from s I e p I I 0 s 0 B. 'I. I I •• , t Ocean View s 1200 per 3Br. 2'hBI. 2 Cir o•reoe 831-()838 s 60 o••ea. entry by phone, $815, TownhOUN from Subtlenllel prlee reduc-H NI I mo w /opnr, lncd vd, ocn Beeulll11ll Btchelor Con· T L Mgmt 642·1 3 lge rec arH Incl. gym. S885 + poola, tennla, 110 875-0652 lxth••f ZIOO 842-3893 view Avetl lmmed. S950 do, pool, 1pa, weight '325. ullllllel Ind. Sm 1 pool & •P• 84M591 w1terl1ll1. pondal GH n •••••••••'••••••••••••I mo 497-1051 ... U. llY" room, underground bd 1862 Newpor1 Blvd, llTATI LIYIH for cooking & heating llTATI Hiii Trade free-deer 38'. 281 Clean 2 Br 1 be. end ger, ., __ .1.., Ot RllTAI.. prkng $575 ptua electrtc CM 831·7392 paid From Sen Otego Baell Bay., .. 3 Br 2'h home. Anaheim . com-yard, no pelt, SSOO mo. ".,... tt Artl Charming w1terl1on1 Ev• I " W II n d a O.aulllul park·llke eur-1 Frwy drive North on Ba 2500 IQ ri security p 1 1111 re 1 r 0 urbl1h • 1Rame 548·11680 2 bdrm, 2 ba, fenced h<>fM. 4'A BR, 4,,. belh, 2131433·5108, Mon-Fri Nr l81h/Pomon1, 1 Br 1 rounding• Terraced BHch to McFadden to gate. private community enen1 ytt for •• EASTSIOE ysrd, large covered pa. den plul hObby room Lg 11-&PM 7141538-7701 Bs. down1t1lr1. O/W, pool Sunken gH bbq, s e 1 w I n d v I I I 10 • 1395.000 5% Down Wiii LA. 011noe. s Diego, 2 Br 1 Be, 1 car gar, toe tlo Quiet St. WHher. kitchen w/Hllng area, OCEANFRONT llr,... mo-carpotl, w11et pd, 1 chlld sparkling 1oun111n1. 17 1411193•5198 con1lder lr•d•• etc c~ulal ., .... $80,000 yard. seso 873-018e dryer. AYell Oct 1 '850 wet bar, 2 p1llo1, lop dem 3 Br 2 Be NO pet• OK, no pets $450 Agt., S~ac·:· '°:;' ~pd~-i. ..... Atmitage Reeliy <141 968•28 4 5 or 2 B IB di 1 Mo e7S·90e0 aecurltyeytteMTennla Avell now10June14. no lee 545--2000 '11•r m•w 1~',•1 ·r..,..1 :.-.;'I •-.4-11•.5••2••• 38!>-551 I '· •• yet • rp C, s II h 2 bd JI STUNNING I 1 B n no ere• .... n GIO-••••••••••••••••••••• 1~., .. 1 10441 __ _.:..:.:.'":.::'"=--::.::'":"'":_ __ /;-:::;::-:=-;::=-;:::;::::-;;-;-bonu• room. 152simo. me M , rme.1 be ave able Living, dining 1900 873.e&40 •roe r. 181a.~Ukekllchen& NB pvthome,kl1ctl P'IV. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1· 2 I"" ITrtde my ttee/clffr RE No P••• 831•3871 or frpc seao mo & matter autte BR ell w7 Garden Apl, pool & ~ ~• t w lk t H t non-·---ker $295 llYlll, 1121 ._ •'• ftr• Ottt4t prope<ty tor late mdl mlr 87 •. 2 • .,. 25 ... E' .. -. 7ll0·147e waler 11i.-. 13200/mo Slept IO Mnd, 28r, patio. ,,... 7t0 w 1e1h St ca ... ne 1 1 0 1111 • .,,_ • .Adorable 11811., :,:'.1n on Newport Bey With aJlp home 9611-2&45 .,. """ ""' ..,..., M 1 "4 Lou M., 10 n , winier HOO mo. 3312 lnglon Center SSO. lttl or 1131 " 7215 Total ·-rl"' ... 95 000 3 B h 18 1__........ SC Clllrmlno 2 br, 2 bl S .... 200 S.alhore or 173-4243 • 2Br. 1Be Neer So. C 2 Brm untum. S576 SOO & up wllh kllcllen, lovely nelghbOrtiocxll E11--u ., ... · ' ou w ,.~.. · 1.Aguna b9ach hOUM on .,.. .. -• · Plue. SA Lu•ury Con· 2 Bdrm Townnou•• weekly OGeenlront Mo- cellenl nnenclng e111111• Cell AM Mrs Gori . l••llll Plaza 11ea 1750/mo lgelOtlncanyon lblk to OCEANFRONT3BA28a do, w/pool. S550. No unfurn.,&e50. ttl 815-8740 ble. Many amenlllee In-7 14·e3 1·2 411 2 . or •••••••••••••••••••••• Linda Harl 831· 1218, _,.ach 11 w .. t SI 1875. lge unit, epect ecular petl 833-tt74 No pete lJlllit ... It .. ! ctuc1~llfrul11r .. 1 Call 714·323-7517 egl (2t3) .. 70 ·35t1 or ocean view Walhlnf .... OUINTAHEAMOSA 70 --------IBlllH fu•JliH u 2 BR. 1 BA old houM ...,.. 9711-. C. •••• ••••• •••••••••. ••• llW ••--(213)37 4.5g2:i dl111nce to 11\opptng ~· d. ,.,., ·rg"° tl211 Patl<ald9 Ln. 1blk I I lf f ti 101 t.DH _.. N~l'I lineet r•t•11-peta, c ... I """·A" lltll • w of 8Mch 3 blk s \ f >I/, I ti/:' II 1 \ •, I ' '• f ·~ t By Owner, well located 0ranoetr" condo, 1 Br a '°" Pr ... nlly rented IOf ln\/981ment purpoaee or 11r111 tor lmmedl•I• occup1nGy. ,riced at eic1ulll mkMH1 purcha• .. pric. ot sauoo Ow· lier wfll help finance. 11$~ 75 ... 1071 Kt- 19\. .~ ••••• !!.~••••••••••• ............. t3 er North end, oeH n renu Furnl•ll•d 4 15 Hamilton. 1 5 6 ol l!dl11Q4W .. :e41.S:41 CYPRESS COVE, new 1fll•lall 1111 O.Cor110t perftot, epa-vi-. 4114·15841 1ft I I S1100/mo. 113·4483 '41.0713 •Br. •81. beeutllul Y141W •••••••••••••••••••••• cloua 28dtm, 2\otbe, wtmde 494"684 1. ,,. J. '"' ---------• Ul•U WAU home Llatld S.&50 000 Ocelnl1ont hOuM, Winier Pool l•c recra111on ••• .'!.r:::f ............ WINTER RENTAL 2 & 3 8rB•fld2new Co~ 2 8t 2, Lro 1 • .. an 1-h""•ae By owner ,3119 000 • rent•I. Furn Lo-2 br, 1 • • 2 Br t Ba cottage, Clltl MecAr'llur VIII ... • ll'""'h. Bdrma, Newport Penln• •· c ar gerege w apl a .... ~.i"ga"r .... r ""'i 8715-9702 dYt. 494:.0022 b•.s:tlo, W/O, ~· 500 :ri:• ~~:::0~'°:."J =~;J:.!. r:=·,8~~~ Walk 1 10 •hOJI~ ... 1s. •ul• Play• ....... ,.,.. r~~·!1.:0:id.~:~nr 1100.,,··u;.~ NH; ~~"~· evHBob W e1nfronl S·&Olle welTpeper,dr..,.,-teeafld Wiii 111'•18 18 75 111 & 1400 MC. Adult• e73·1900 wal erflil•. S785. Hrb1. from S475 Chll· ,., J•n ;r 997~9:~·.... ·'Ill mort . I 1160/mo. UUll• 4g4•0154 On bua NNJ pref. Heidi 1179·23to VH rly •Br. furn w1enclld ff2·1309. dren OK. 140.t807 "'•-' .,.,,,..., _... • "" paid Clll &4f..223t ' ' 5 ..... new: 3 Bdrm, 1V.be, gareoe, no pe11. HOO Oualll" 2 b d m 2 b "~'''••• 111 •• -.-...-;................ from 10;30 to l :iO pm. E11ec farn1tv llom., 11ep1 ,. 175..eeol •TAIT • / ' • 'i •••• •••••••••••••••• LIDO ISLE . 3 bdrm. fem 10 Vlclorle 9ch. OrM\atlc cul·d•·••o. llld• ok. . r.1a1c1e M251mo 2 er upt1alfe, no peta. 1787 2 llr'/poot, Stoa iota• mo rm, 4 ea. 11100 mo ~ '#1111• water, ooett et Hl51mo 1at/le•t 1300 l1t1*"'/flewl '"' 11. Townllou••· all van "'ran 1525 CeH for pymt plua 1uocl1t1on 3 bdrm. 2 b e condo view• 3 8r, 31•. den, d•P· Avall IOf1 H•ldl Out111nd lng 2 and 3 bultt•lna. lndry rm, cer• 11pt e4a.et24• MO· IG.47 duff. ('73/mol Ctoatng OClANfrRONT 2 bdrm 1,.,,. )lard 2 ctt oar. fl· 9ouNM1 kit 1 15&0 mo. t 1t-2390 Odrm, t tie, ldry, rrpc, port,_yard/l)tlcOny, arnlll bdrm, 1 bl, encl oerave. ~:ft~ ~:~a·1 1A7.,. 1 Be 1700 mo. 11111 r.piece, poof, Jae 1700. t 7S.9702 dye. 414-00.22 SILL Idle llama wllh a ~1 2 git MOO/mo. II. 1>81 OK. '31111\0 (lieeoh 91 end ""' OtVl'ldy, Aftr. 81M1t 1 t31~3 or t31·7t05 9¥91 lob o.ity Piiot Clelllfled Ad. uov win,_ ~1... TIL Mgmt Ml·1~ ...._I M 14ttl UHll .... Wkly 1ant1la SH up Color TV, ft•• COllH . nealed pool a atec>• 10 ocean. l(ttoh'1 avllt 98& N. Coett HWy, Leguna Beech 494·5"4 llngle room fo1 m•tuf-8 lemtle Npt Hta, 1200. Cllll &44·3411 Pvt furn room/Cle111 Young man, ttudent or day amplyd CIH I\ wl fefe t IHllllO l.etUr'• ~4tf.M37 ew ' - Orongo Coatl DAILY PILOTJWednesd•Y· -"----------·---= U~,'.4A!1v~P!1 ~!!!!!tr! •.•..•.•.•... ~I!!. l!!!!r. ..•..... f!~'!!t!. !!'~~~!~. ,,.'!.' ... {~ ••••.••.•••. ~~!!'~.c .............. ~~!~~{'!!!t •.•....••• !!!~1!~1. ••••••••••••• 1 r!~~~!~~!~! .....•• h~~! ............... AUTO ACCIO.NT? No 81Mm1No Shampoo 1<11 remod, ceremlo tll•, Land•c1p1ng Malntenan· CLl!AN·UPI, QAAAQU, f'em ao4ldemk:, 35, Met!• Fllf P&lmH ••IAVANT'•** MOBIL[ 8riRl/ICI Nor~· Nol• Stain &peclalltt Fetl cablMlt C1H now, lrM c., Lawn • alld-" care. ANVTHINQI CALI. hOUHllttl&J or rent>I blo Rleherd l lnor Lie: Wal~111ng ~cto11I Retc.11~a/New K reen• f()f . AU'y Kotlrut 1•1·•315 dry FrM ... 139. 1692 .. , a..2.0111 clean "/ en Jon11, AANOV ... :l-1e.t1 room, r•I• 6·3633 2 6•• 13 vr• ol h•PPY All ly1>411 a.,. 13•3 ~CM only 6"2·95~' ~~~!'!!!I •.•..•...•. 5~·t6t , ..... -- :IO dar.. ad l!.XC~L CARPET CAA! .. ,,,,, Heullng & yd cl .. n·up Merri.cl couple, ptlOt ••· IOCI) eultOM•r• ,,, c.,, ,.,,, In I lnltnl 10 3 yrt, my C.M Jeck Buffington ••••.•..•...•....••..• Ulllllll WAITll Tt" lrlmmln\'J.•':J!• P4lf' >Uni ref• HouN ex Thank you, 831·44 tO .......••.......•.••.. s;,;;;co;,·~itt~~;;;i;;.; lllU home. I hr d•~· I.lo. OwMtlOPlfllOf •KATRINA'S, lll/l!•IN Mowl~, ~1::, rlklng, ct•an·up Bot> 9 • ~· Oc l-Apr (5 tll Cu1tom work, Int & •xi. Cenllllcl HOUH lltltfa M.tt eec 19053, 75•.e 38 Carpel, uphol, arH rug h•krc"· dally meld *"· IWH~ n1· , ••llma· ••••HIH•l•f. 2088 llc'CI 20 yre In eru , r•I• Boneltel ', I/day (every trouble 1hoot1ng, poole, IUYlll c ... nlng WOfll ~\.lat. off ct cl••nlnVt orpl '"· ... 5. 737. Herb 1121•8012 all 6·30 3rd wll lrMI 631· 1234 hot wlr. epace hHtlng W'l lllfllmM Free Eat. MS· t 7t ci..nlng 136-2 I --..................... .,,.,,.,"' --Na1111t1 g11. ci.t~ul1tloll ltlltTHJ F'INESTl<INO ROBIN'& CLEANING •• ••• •• •••• •. •••• •. • •• 8111'• PelnUng, lnllt1c1 ~!!!!!!.!!!!'!!~ •••••• 11 her• O~tlmlia your C.M.arH . MS.57511 f~.'!!!!r ••..•.•.•..... !'!!!!~t. !!.'!!!! ••••••• OARDl!lNING Ctean-upe, Service · 1 thorOIJQhly Complete t•nltexlal Hrvl• RHld/comml. 6 )'rt lllP tytttme ti lcteoc:y Alto 00 ITNOWI 81b~a1111ng In my llorne, 1m l1nd1e1plr19, monthly cl••n flOl.IN 5•0.085'7 c••. 1raln•d 11111. bon· S. Cet 1rea. High (lual & Con1u 11111on & H1nd new ln1tallatlon1. Lie nr IOtorla, C.M. CHAMPENOISE AT JHa IHYIOI melnt. Nell 11•2·0195 Jo1n'1 Cleaning 81rvlee dtd l ln1 Unlclean me1tr1111 lo prlc;e. Free Midi FramH 40 year1 4056 ... 631·200 ..... , .. ,. Fine Cel91'1ng In ,,,. old Per1on11, qu11tlled drl· 81:11m1 Of Npl 8Ch Cxiarienca 546·6141 1 9"2·6"62 'ttOJ!dJtldlllon-OJ5·98511 MAINT. & DESIGN HouN1·APt .. R.,,t1I• 6 ·•200 HI Aal1. •9&-5717 -------ft!!~~!1!! •••••••••..• v ONl o.lly P.llol L.olll~homt, ~ 3 & "ft· vtta IOf your day to day ()fflca9; 640-1287 !!~!!!~!~!~ ....... Service blft1etory 1rrand1 Shopping. dr Obtrlln l1nd1CIPI SIN. QUAl.ITY WORK -nHI, Aec>fMtnlatM '1T 40/wk, 1>91,/a t. f!!'!!~!I.~!!!!!!! ••••• •PPll. church, etc. All Wrlll-" agreement on TIRED OF HASSLES? ~,_~~~!I •.•••••••• reH , honeet Re11. Lie ED'S PLASTERING SERVICE & REPAIR llCt\I, CM 558-3822 Ctmenl·MHonry·Block nttdt met By hour or mo. malnl. 644·1248 Qualll~ clHnln~ help 11 Yard Malnt & Cleanup. 257107 Dave 96"· 1045 N111 P••c:ll••· lnllt•I Van Oppe111 s.tvlet Co 141·1111. Ht. HI dly 494·51151. herel Ifs. HO· 452 1138·48M Matur• llc~Hd bebyall· w11•cu11. wexk l k: ~ ... '!~I!'!~~ •••••••••••• Sod, 1prlnkltt1, roto. l ow••• retetf Prompt, R11tucco1 845·112511 tar for day working mo-t #381067 Rob 8"7·2883 !'.11!!!!! •••••••••••••• OIAL·A·MAIO Quellty & trM rmvl. drainage, hlll· nHI proltHIOn•I• t 5 PLASTER PATCHING "'' ~~'!!!!.~!!'!A! ... IMrl only. Mon·frl. In· Ctlptf\try • MUONy Sttv Nr A1 Your Ph~. 1lde weeding Brl1n yra exp. 848·11811.il ...••............••... lant1 10 3 yra. 155 wkly. DflVfl.PlllOl ·WIHlt ORVWAll/ACOUSTIC Aoonng . Ptumbllff 1351145 839-08110 5811·2253 RHIUCCOI lnl/ut 30 TILE INSTALLED NO JOB TOO SMALL CUSTOM PAINTINO y11 Nell P1u1 545-2977 All Kinde QuarantMd Applied, ,.applied, t"·· 8"2-07211 Free est. 538-2807 Aepalrt. em~I> epec. t t Drfw•ll ·Stucco • le Cullom home dtanl~ l !!~!!~!l ...........••. Int/ext Reaid/comm -Rall John &40·9217 lntured, llc'd . 41 891 Yfl exp B 552·9682 Rtmodtl J.B. 848-9990 !!~!!~!~!. ............ 730-1900 lrM aallmataa ........ "'"' DHperatel Pallo work complete meld Hrv ce Free "'· lie 644·•798 Kitch belht entrlel .•.................... Free detljn. Lo prices Wefl texlur ... Acouttlc Carpentry • Cabinet• Prof • bonded 6 In• BRICKWORK Small joba 15 y11 exp NB/CdM ATLAS PLUMBING & CUiiom & c;omm ~!!!I.~~ .... -.auu. Hang· Tape.SIMI 1tud1 Plumb • Dfaln Cleaning Unldean Sy1tem1 of Npt N-port. Co1ta M ... , I'm Xlnt reft. g1.7354 1malf, my price• ere HHllng, IP!ICl•llzlng In free Ml 840·2092 OP Bullnetll "Doctor" l ie 389944 1·532·5549 Eltelrlclll • Tiie Sch. 850-1200 lrvlne A•I• 876-3115 reptJr1 846-1888 50% OfF FIRST MONTH tmllfl Ron 1173·6471 Bookll Data/Word ClJll C.n Rel• Don 988-0 ,.g v lrltk·llfft·ltMt Cuetom Cer•mlc Tiie o.p.nd•~. •"ordablt, Proc.ulng .•..•.•..••........... llHttlt•l . I Quality HOUMCleanioO fNT/EXT PAINTING II ELL 141-1121 wexk. tree fft 875·5100 euentlal . An1werlni Clllldcar1 wkdyt, cred. •••••••••••••••••••••• Gen. contract g. m•lnt, wta pereon•I 1oucn CM, Al l TYPES MASONRY ••rvlce. 11cre1arlat 90 Min on•llle vtllt IMCMr. Organized Ktl· ELECTRICIAN-Priced plumb. reptlr, p1lnl'g, Irv, NB. Belh 850..0933 Lie 3"114 79 838-3812 & WALLPAPERING W•ter H111ter SPIKl•ll or 548· 7253 Glen or bullne11 1ervlc••· mall $50 extra 111'M S25hr, vltle1. C.M. 845·4867 right. frff Hllmtle on mobli. home e«vlee. Cuetom work. Fraa est 24 hr plumb« etc Chucit (714) MS.5979 lal'ge 0t tm•ll Jo1>1. Jim 5311·99571638-3884 HOUSECLEAN ER Cu1tom Brlck ·Slone Reu Steve 547-4281 boll '-"Ill, word procet· 2 dedicated pre-1choo1 Good ret1. NB & lrvlne 81oCk·Concra1.-.stucco PLUMBING REPAIRS ''" '-"''' 1lng. Telex·Facelmlle, ~ .. !~ ............ Lie 398821. 873.0359 JACK OF ALL TR.ADES Pf•f. Gladys 541-0702 Ref1. fraa 111. 54g.9492 Swanaon & Son P•lntlng Raplp•· Aep1ace·dreln1 ...........•.......... exdef entry, peger .. lffee leacher1 w/llc day care, u c·o ELECT~ICIAN Cell Jack any11me, Complete ext I 11ory Free nt Raae. reUeble S LOW RATl:.8 $ buy, desk IPIOI ltntel. Atmod & •ddltlont. free ·~ & full di)'. 8"6-2209 Oual work·Reu.. rain day or night 875-301" B&M HOUNCIUnlng !!!'!!f .•••••••••••••• horM from $395. lndlvl· 845·2111 t Cotta Mete TrM lrlm/remov, c:laan dNlgn & HI Qulll & low Reaeonable. Call Bente dual room• lrom $45 + upa, mowing 554· 7017 ANSWER NETWORK Chlld care In college perll Free ell. Tom 1131·6072 ~!!!~!!~!~I. •.....•••. 780-7320 (alk lex AV.) ra1 ... Steve. 752-9558 arH 2 yr1 & up 11 hr. .,,, ... """ Balb<>a 1111nd 875·3610 ••-1 .. v111• ma1er1•la. Refe, Ina. '!.-.~ .. ,!~~ ............. CUSTOM wood patio co-Full or pt time. Carolyn ELECTRICIAN •.••.••••..••..•...... Bachfllor'1 H1ec1tanlng Top quality Special cere lie 205341. 631·4870 J O Horn Refinishing ~~'!!!!! ••••••.•.••. 845-7281 Sml jobt/R~lrl. l ie HARDWOOD FLOORS In handllng. 25 yrs e11p Moll aubrscl•. K· 14 VWS, dlCkl & lence9 by 233108~C· 10. 548·5203 Beaulllully cleaned & L1undry Serv. Keren. f~~t}~~ ••••••••••••• Anllqu11, kit cablnet1, REAL !STATE AANOV 841-0622 c •• ,,.,,,,, ... ,,1 and waxed 1132-41181 5•0·281811160-0892 Competlllvl RtlH llne p1ln1lng 646·068• Dey/eve 5 & S 10/hr. Realdent1111comm'I Experienced Carpenter ···········'·········· LIC'O ELECTRICIAN No ovtrllme. 730·1353 Farthln8 Interior Design ~!!.'!~I. .............. Mr. Morgan 645-5176 1173-19t9 ................ NEEDS WORl<I ~~~!'~"·············· HOUSECLEANING -ABC MOVING· HANG NG/STRIPPING ~!~!~!.~!~~'!"····· Remod.-add'n·p1llo1 Honest & Oependtble Arl-Antlquaa.Jewetry 760·2685 548-8654 ltc_ 306888. Remodel. lie. 4111988 8"2-8023 DUMP JOBS Brenda 9112·21190 Quick, Ca11lu1 Service. VIH·MC Scott &45·9325 Huber Roollng·all ty~e• Appral11 & Llqulda11 Add'n1. C1bln111. ,,.t!.'. .. !-.t •••••••••••• & Smell Moving Jobe Low 11111. 552-0410 ASR PAPERHANGING New·recover·dec 1 "Let the Sun1hlne In" MlehMI Hein 953·0717 Flnllh & rough carpentry, 646·115881646-46•4 Cell MIKE MS.1391 Quellfled h1kpr1, From STAAi/iNG COLLEGE 7 yre local axp. Guar. lie. H 11802 548·9734 Call Sunshine Window cablnetl, rm 1ddlllon1. $80 per Wk. Alto C~tl, work. Prices alert et c11anl~, lid 548-8853 ~e.'1.t .............. 6411-7228 ADO' NS/REMODELING TllEEI HAULING·GAAOING drap11 , blln t . STUDENTS MOVING SB/roll. Alec 751· 7027 ROOF REPAIR 20"1• onthly OllCOUnl · Plana. Llc'd, o.orra Topped/removed. Cl.an demolltlon, clean.up. 657·6tg5, CO. lie. T 124-.il36 SPECIALIST 125·1185 Driveways. Parking Lot f !!1!.'. /!!!J!! •••••..• 1 Pllmer & Soni 8"6· 81" up, lawn renov. 761·3478 Concrete & traa removal. lnaured. 84 t-11427 EJtplrl wallco verlng Free 1111m111 770·2725 1n11u1 R111d tcomm'I Aepalra, SHk:oetlng. Quick Nrv. ElotN'I HouNCfeanlng WATCH US GROWi 1 ln11ellatlon. Reae. ptloes. Free 11t 20% monthly SIU1rnpoo & llHm clean. Masonry, Cllpenlry, con· 842·7638 llltf PHILEMT S&S A1phlt 831·419tlllc Simmon• Gardening • Quality work, r11pon•I· !8.'!l~i.~~!~~ ..... Con1ullan1 Assignment dltce>unl 6'14·4798 Color brighteners, whl crete, ackfna. 1nt11x1 re-Cln·up1, lawn care, full PROF. SERVICE bit, good ref1. Call 5111·8590 Oonl reroof. repair II CRAld CLEANING CO Dan Hallb«g Ortdlng crpt1 • 10 min. bleach. mod_ llc'd. 046-0761 comm & r11ld malnl Heull": • yrd clean up 8"5-383115411.,.839 Nur111 All't lor home Paperhanging. stripping, traction ol the coel Cell RHld/tomm'I 1n111111 & Paving Co. R11/coml. Hall, llv/dln. 1m1S15: avg STANBUR INDUSTRIES 84&-6884 Quick clean. FrM "1 Cleaning: no Job loo big Lee 857·2890 Screen1, mirrors ladder lie 397804 8"2-t720 room $7.50; couch $t0; Gen'I conlr. Prop. Im· 873.0548 or small. Exp, rellable, care avell. lmmed., fully palntlng xlnl work. 1g or chr 15. Ouar, allm. pet GARDENING SERVICE 1n1. 5311·51183 Vickie. emtll jobs, reasonable ROOFING REPAIRS wor k Owner o p er Mexe farnllltt are getting prov. 997· 11111 (8-5) Clean-up1. ltff Mtv. & HAUUNG • lludent 1185 rtfl. 16/hr 957-3341 1·921·1080 1 rates • Rel• Free est. Small fobs o k free ell•· 846-30119 -odor Crpl repel< 15 yrt the camping ''bug" Ihle exp. Do work my1111. Muling 8" 1· 1096 Pete lge truck. lowt1t ra11. Llc'd nuree d11lr11 pvt Brendan 968-7427 mat11 Cell Tom & Chuck year. tt you ha¥9 e cam-Rel• 531-0101 He¥9 tomelhl::fi you want Prompt. Calf 759-1978. Peoc>!t who need people duty. lull or pl tlme 14 542-8392 You don't need a gun to "drew IHI" wnen you per that'• not getting 10 NII? Cla881 led td• do Thank you, John. uMd, Mii 11 now with a Have IOmlthlng 10 NII? It well I Call NOW, K&O Landscape Mllnt snould atw•ys check the yr• expr 831·9282 or Raad lhfl classified aos lex Make yuur thopplng ... place an lld In the Delly Retld/COMm. Clean-up Service Directory In the Call An1wer ad 723 IM ~· deals ln apan. lier by utlng lhl Dally P1lol Went Adsl Cell now Clauilled Ad Clauilled ads do II well 642·58711. Lill hauling 648-2489 Ctaallfled AOI 642·5878 DAILY PILOT a.2-4300 24 hrs ment rentals. 642-5678 Piiot Classllied Ad• I / 842·5678 1 for your out99rown bike DOLLAR ~M DAY DOUGH SAVERS • ~ -for Merchandlae under •1,000. ~OLLARS -... -DAYS I ... Sell your no-longer needed Items fo r c a sh . If It doesn't ~ ~ .. .:-...... LINES 3 3 ~ r-. ni) sell, w e'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item • per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate o r c ommercial ads. Call today for full details. (~ hir• lifMI 11.00) CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 '!!!!~~-~!!!~! .... !~!! ... ~~'!!!!!1! .. !!.ffi~!'.~.'!!!!.'! .. !l.o.f f!!!~~J.{• ........ 1.~'f !'11..'!.~'!. .... ll.'! ~-11:!1!'-!~ .... !.'.~ ~'11..'l~'!!:; .. ~ Neer O.C Alrpon. 804 per Oancer1 tor Bachelor/ Babylllter wno tov11 ohlf· Day Bartender Wanted It plue. Privet• ent11nce. flN•LLY-1y11L•BLfl, B1chelor1tt1 Partl•• d11n, 18 mos girt. my Corona del Mar. Ample ~king. Includes n -n n I\ 738-85311 ex 5511-8538 home, fle11 hrt. 731·7651 573·8287. Alk lex Kathy utllltlea. Mike Crow. Agl. a.5-3178, 8"2·1"23 ~OBER PLUS Auatrallan lady, fair, 48j Baby1ltter/Housekeep1r DECK HANDS yn, Int mullc:. numanlty tor my CdM home & 3 Full time, top pay, MV•· last 1lftl It .. Setttlng company 01 Int·' ~lldr".1. 14. 12 & 20 mo ral poslt1on1 open Xlnt Kit p1vo, Christian Hom:. Rrnmat• wanted, M/F, to Dana Pt gat1lgl, front drl· Office 10 ahore PrHll· helps sober you up and prevent Wrllt 01lty Piiot, PO Boll 671sJ901 epen tb • ca onn 1-8620 lllTllS/llllT lor the Towere R11tau· rant In the Surf and Sand Hotel. Hi 55 So Cout Hwy, La9un1 Beech 4 days/wk, 9 am • 3 pm Exper Pref Apply In pereon to LOUIN Beloit. ~ ........•.. !!!fl ~.".~'.1!.!!J~!!!.!.~!f ~!l!.'.J.-f.~~!!~!_ s1oo S4S.75e5 100% Nat ral Dietary Supplement that erHllng mature m•l•.1 llR.301·S.30o. Owndtran1•P op1po1 Jrtunl163y Fex lee Info M itrelQht. Nr Bch. UIQ ltlr beaut 3 BA hml In v-•>'· close to beach glous Newport tocatlonl hangover. l Package of 9 tablets, $3.95 + 1680. Coll• M•H. Ca ---------1 DELIVERY Parson, over Bch. 1325. 499-2286 trvlne. PV1 ba, poot, Jee, S70. 873-3313. lmmed occupancy 1275 $l handling and J>OS'"'"e. Wholesale & 92828, Claulfltd Ad Bookk 18 tor L A Times. c M ... SUPl·LIYl~I --------' tplc & much more If lnl •""·2 -•787 eeper h omes 3 AM ·8 AM LM,.. beM.ltl1ul room with · • Slngte car garaQll In Coelf ._.,. distributor inquiries invited. Nutritan E Fvll cnarge tor NB wa· .,... ereeted pl11ee call, MlrM completely encl6-Whi te malt 28 11eka Mull be capable o l con car req No cotlec· lerlrt hm & Fem. must :'~!: batllll h~~lrent nMf 714·752·7933 (hm). Md $651mo. 751·528e 2:t':.-8 .. 01~ ~~re...!' Co. P.O. Box 768!>. Npt Bch. Ca 92660, friend 2t·35. 0u1cn handflng Government t1on1 $400·1450 mo 1ptc Eng .. own car, ref · g v. rm. .. 540-2538 (ofc) Leo ...,.. , ....... • 7141760-8486 540. t482 quarterly returns and plus bonuMs 646-0837 642·5001 kllc;hen pr lvll•g•• ---------< Ol/Ja lnt.J ff S 1 5 O O I mo Tom . llilillliliiillilllililiill' --------------------S300/mo. Call 968-2951. F to lhr 2 t>r. 1·~ 1>11 apl. •••••••••••••••••••••• 851·89211 ,.__,._• FMfe:i .... , computerized payroll. hit .. luht/lrtlle llSIUICE 2().27 nommkr. Walk to 1617 w-01111. NB 258 ---------IMM!l, ..,, •• --6 •••• •-·t a. •-·I •JIO _..., Musi be experienced E f RO• 2 ...... , COM B~"cu1 c ••• I .1 I I l ~~• "'' ,.. ---• ,..,_ ., eon~sa11-th "'•·bl Pl•••• calf tor appl xper, Pf• "' c 1 11 Furn"'"or unlum.~lvnba. OC 1237.50 + dep lo 4000 aq h '" floor U1•HI •• ' ..,..,., _ ••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• c·r .. IS-A 2 ...... •9" 1~•5 8·5 d-'ty 979· 1'00 ommerc • p1r1onaf W/t.l.phon •. Fu .... 11 kltch OCt 1 845-4892 Agent 5'1·5032 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1100,000 Needed lex 1 yr. Found: Black cat on Via .., • .. .. .r ~ .. pereon needed. Expe· -=---------! Retail etore at 2850 Avon. High return, good ~edit. 8311-070 I Dental-chairtlde, PIT AM, r I an c • n a c e 111 r y Pflv. Garage apece. 1250 PllllllTMJ ~ *IELm lfflllS* 1685 1q. It. plue 8 cer Secured by 1it TO on l ido. UdS:~8:;85 I II ClSlllEll tKP ROA, 4 dys pr wt! 840·8084 Mo. 720·1'175 EV Lux. 2 br, 2 b&, frplc, all From 1 room to 3 rooms gerage. 8"1·817'7. reel Plate. PP. 642-9723 111•• Fashion tal1nd 111811 110-Busy pleasant ott!Oe, Npl --------- amenlll11. $342 + •,i, From $1. 1e 1 ,. h No 11-...., ... _1.1 $3•,ooo _ __,...., f~ 3 .,,.. Found: LhQI APIO Mai.. i.mn1 SJIG re Position available lor Ctr 640-0300 LIU IFflOlll MIF w/kllchen prlv, 1220 6 'h utll. No drlnllera. utll1. Non-1moker ....... -r"""ulr...., di Air --••••., " ,_._. ~ •·-grey. wht Sen Juan •••••••••••••••••••••• an executive ca1hler. Aggre1tlve Newport 875-95341 -_.., ""· . • lt•llll ff7J Loan NCUl'9d by 2nd TO Cepl1. Heel collar lT JHI lllYIOI Expr as bank teller or DENTAL ASSISTANT for Beach firm seeke moll· ~';;~nn~l~~2~pont. •••••••••••••••••••••• on prime lrvlne property. 714/523-4627 Personal. quelllied com· heed cash ier E O.E Onho olc. chtlreldl. Ill· valed lndlvlduela Terri· B•ttll #•l•h fllO Nice rup working fem · • 3200 fl lnduttrlal apace 18% Int. 720-1697 or panlon dtlvere IOf your 6«·5070 per pref, ROA or ellglble tortes open Mu1t have ••••••'••••••••••••••• needs .. me to 1hr 2Br, Airport area -Exec Sul·I wtcomm'I lrontage. 771-2997 Found: Loving tlrlped II· day to dey err1nd1. _9_7_9_-_14_00______ A E Lie Horbor·Paciflc llMJll•Tll tB1onPenln.S300mo. 111.From225-4501q.h. Randolph St. CM ger kitten. Wht pawi, Shopping, doc1or•1CHILOCARE OENTALOFFICEMNGR 955-0073 CM. &45-5048 Wkly re 1 1 11 Incl all utll. 873·9129 s1 per sq. h. Many xtrP. 546·1653 A1k for Gor· #'iJ::/,"' ft•ll chelt. Bol•• Well· appti, church, etc. All Reliable, mature woman Elliclent. Enthutlasllc & $105 & nu~~ ~~~or·~· .... : Karen Cell 557·7010 don ()I' Roger. • SIJS minster Mell .,... need• met By hour or 10 Childcare In my home. orgenli.ed;, w/bkkpng Ult w1m1 Phon11 In room. 2274 R .. p lem 10 shr :2Br, 2Ba, .il00·900 PLUS 1400 sq. fl. Comm'I beach locallon. •••••1.1•umii ..... _5_9_3_·_5_409_. _____ -1 _d_1...;y_4_9_4_·5_8_5_7_. ---·• ~~~~ 1~,1~ y~ ~~r .M~~ aKper 4 dy wk 546·30001 DON QUIXOTE MOTEL Newport Blvd. CM. CdM. 1325 mo.+~ ulll. Penthoute Bayfront Sul· apx 500 1.I · 1500/mo ~· 0t I Found young wht llltlen, "9 I area. (7141 875·9494, DENTAL ASSISTANT 2tOO NewPort ervd, 848-7«5 _1_eo-__ 311_1_s ______ 1 te, perking, pet101. total 648-88.il4 Ill • It. red collar. 1 blue ev-. ' •• !f.~!~!.......... Eves Xlnt opportunity for ex-___ c_o_s_TA_M_E_S_A __ lfall, l•llHlafth 673-1003 1150 eq It. Euy Acceu. S~o·~'!fr! ~·~4~ 2nd green. 559-593.il ldMlt I ---------parlenced ROA Buey, F l ~~llNTENA~C~ Bf AC H AR£ A Want M/F 10111, wt35 yr Mii IPIOE M See dally. 8·5. 1100/mo Robt Settler NH/CM Found male kitten 4 mo. l•tllltll•• 100S OlllOIUTHI pleasenl Laguna Betch u m1, m n mum 1 4 Bd 3 B .... 173 t Superior, C.M. R.E.Brok-Bd"-··t~s old. 111or1 heir, Tiger. •••. torvoterreglslretlonelrl-otflct Full or pert lime 112 26 per nr lClnt op· $84/wk em. ba. a1 ..... 1t1 Anracllwi rvs11c ups1a111 6 4 2 • 24 3 4 . d 1 Y8 • 8"2_2171 -~ 1 PCH. N.B. irH. 9.15. ~PLE.AvE°cH'RisTtAN ve Pays 150-$100 dally. "9"'971111 po11un11y For fee Into !:'.':94~S.1:~e9~ letting. ~PfY dellt, 99"-7294 ev.I 96&·~ SCHOOL IN C.M R•· Paid twice weellly. -.... --... --•• -.-,-,-Rm---1 Oalf John 63 1-6620 ~~-~~~~ Roommtte needed So. :.~. & S9:;,r-:; l•l•tttill ~~~~:~ f: f~~~: Found Kitten. 3 wtll Old, r:~~~~~ :i;=..go::~ c::~:~:on, 0 ::: 5 : Senior Security Guard ~":~i~~AP~~~tl~~A~~ Cotta M... 5411·9755 Cst Plaza arn. 1235 & ~ pr detk. Celt 644-721 1 lt•l•I fSH Credit CMdt. No Penel-~!!!!, =~ :!~·~h::.: enrollment chlld cer1 hakp'g, for 1 women. wanlld for Condom!· tlon Mostly ntghl worl< ulfla CerPort 549-8289 2000 sq II w/500 1q It •••••••••••••••••••••• ty Oennl1on & Auoc. 968-8868 avail 848-4334 PIT Mutt drive, non-nlum Relerancaa and 8"1·1079 eve storage. 0 .C. Airport NB 3975 Birch 1000 tq 873·7311 k e EKperlenct Requl,.d ----------I r e a s 2 o o o t m 0 ~~1.M5013A2 zo ne AgentR -.-E-.-loa-n- 1 - 1 -v-..... -11-.... --1-1-t-1-• Found Hu1ky 1yp1 dog J•h WHIM 101S •m r. Npt c h area C.11 67S-8t01. Mon·Ftl. Man1g1men1 t r ainee. Pine Knot Motel on Coast Hwy. NB Step1 to ocean. Wkly rat•• Femat. to 1t1ar1 wt .. me 1151·8928 -~---------• 2nd T.O ,8 .. Up to 90% w/lg laoe. wtit w/gray l •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~3 6 PM c a ' 1 8 am · 4 pm complete training pro·.·. 1225 mo. $40 dapo1lt ----------1$750 up 2180 fl lndu· l .T V. Talloted to ft1 your wtlt muk. vlo San Juan 8:.'°4:~;"ba'*'J...:~ ----------l-Fun--1on--mod--ll-p-art--tlme _ _. yram. S300 wk Mr Salt . moves you Into fum. 2 br SO. LAGUNA 3 Arch Bey atrial . Office. 111101 ~ Midi Al, 984-7875 & MI/. &el..0707 -~"·..,.... t NII COSMETOLOGY SIO/hour Call 557·2438 81·2406 -;,; IEEI l PLlCEl apt. Mull bl retp0n1I· ~;:"ty. !~;'!23~· Hwyl dondo Clrcle •M & T ---------•Found Pet Bird, Coit• ;;Q:-e'l'2.e~9": m: A•thttlcJane, tJq)ef'. r.. WMltdays 9 to 3 llallt•rht , Aeaaonabl• ratff. Kit· t>te, quiet & non-9"10klf. Huntington. Beacn Wiii purcnue Mortgegn M II I If quired. Skin care & I•----~------1 H B. 99"·1248 mornings 842·283.il or 2nd or 3rd TD'• tH, ca to oant Y Iii I Ir. lfl 1111 del• Nall Ted\_ l 'Eltrel FH.tli1 YalltJ Newporter Inn 840-4740." ==:-i ~.,m: fem to tl'lare N.8 Condo. "'° IAllUll ----------• ___ 11_,_ • ..;..)_9_7&-0&« _____ • -5-4_5-0_7_g_a ______ , .!.l •• ~ •••••••...•• Beauty Center, •I Lido ••rtaas• .... ,.., MASEUSSES • G.ood . vie•. SANDPIPER MO· lufly h/rnl1hed, non· Exec. SUit• inci. recept., ... ,.rt·llffert Found: J1ck1t w/Ht of AMII, a..ht. Marini VIiiage. NB Looking lor 4·6 Hper. working conda. Oooct• 845-0«0 TEL. 1967 Newport Blvd, amkr. $250 + I I utll. tec'y 11rv1, cont. rm.. 0ItIce 11 n du• t 'I a f M••••CM••lf/ keys, Roye I Palm & Part.... 673-4652 prolHslonals We ape· pay 8AM·12 noon. 2112 CM «MS-9137. Avall . lmmed. Don kit . mill handlg. R•· 4 .000·1".000 1q It. All 1.,.,..a11 1 Adami. CM. Call to Fut. eccuret• 1ip111 MUR•I clallz1 In new pr~rem1, H•rbor. Cotta Mesa •"1-0815 1pon1lve to your bu•I AIC HllY Pwr •nd L"'h1· I '/ Identify. 545-0798 (tB••, r'--tr-.1-7 ). Or· I.a O"'Pt •R••. G M. 111 <7141845-3433 Vac•tlH l••l•li flSI -""---· -----• · lr19. Xlnt fOf A&O anci'row i..t 1"M .., "\~' """" People n"ded to train "" ,.. "' •••••••••••••••••••••• Fem 10 lhr 3Br epl, C.M. neu ne1d1. Adj. 405 11 , 7 2 0 0 8 2 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Wt44111 ... 4 ganlzthvnal ability Pho-•• Co11naelor1 10 aid & 2nd TO'• Mechanlcel/1f1ctrlcal Like Tahoe on water w/ w/aame. 1200 mo.+ •hr Fwy In F.V. lndlv. olca. ;,3.;27_.404 • • AaltftaN•Nlt II# Lost 9/18 Corona d•I na tkllla. Bookkeaplng othtte In dl1t11ss or with Call JoM CuMCll help Sml company boat dock. 48r 3bl exec utlf. Av all Oct. 1 Mo/mo. from 132 5 .................. Mar e.ac11. REWAROI exper. dHlrable Top problem1. This new 9&4-11090 need• peraon Ao servl<ll "m . c 0 m p I fur n . 631·8032 983·8«5. ,,,,,,, 4510 ........... ,. 955-1365 benellll. $ 1200/mo. llChnlqu• re1ull1 In • AESfOENTIAl tml efectrlc VlhtCI ... 5 5 2 . 2 11 5 or 1 v 11 1----------1 NEWPORT EXEC SUITES ••••• •••••••••••••••• 19()..0&o.il 714·635-8448 -11 and happy perton. MORTGAGE SERVICE 5411·2384 975-0311 Fem. Roomat• 24-30 lhr Full llf'Vlce reuoneble Storage Gerage for Rent Found: Bluepotnt Slameal Ana. Serv Pl1n1 ofc N.B Alt , welcome tb apply. fllllT 1111 OLlll ---------2Br dpl11. E. Side C.M. ratat Xlnt iOc 762•11408 In Colla Mesa. 186 mo. OICI Blue Eyee, Where Are neutered mat.. Contact: Olanetlos Cent• MEDICAL FIT Front otflee PILll lllllT ... 1225 "' .. ~ utll. 831·2895 . . 338 E 20th. 1131·0921 Vou? Love Alway•. en. e..2-0100 Exr,r; Pref but will treln. •r 7H·0121 b•twean EKpetlenc•d prolerred, position. Minion ...... ,q. gMomer-Count"' Cfub) F-. to ... r 111.1·• condo. coei. M ... , or? room "ff l . Wright. 3. t pm lhllt 831·5640 9·."" •M and 10·.3·0 P"' FI T, Ftulbl• houtt. •95·1080. . _, ., _.. ... •• 1u1t11. From 175/mo. 2 encl<>Md gerllQM. $40 ___ _..;; _____ Found. Wht male Cock•· .,., " "" contect Mergle Suri end br 2 ~ lum w/frplc Norumkr pr1. 1250. ~ utll Utll• lncld. 779 W. ISth .. ,,., month. Wll I f•ul IJIO poo. vie Newport & Apertmtnl M1n1ger Mon thru Fri, Set 9:30 • Men'• Prlv111 Clvb need• Golf: ttnn • & ~mmlng: 848-5549. St. 851-8928 764-051111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Broadwey. Quallllld Couple to ma-AM •:SO PM Sand Hotel. 49'7-4.il77 loeker room attendent Id Delly, wkly & montnly 8"2"411111 nage 13 unit epl bldq. In Full ind PI T Boerdlng operate 1hoe thine ma- r a tt 1 . C 111 M • r k . Fem to lhr w/M/F, 1up1r Newport l:Jltc 1Ull• 2 min l••falt WHIH 4M Coet1 Meta lllrtlng Nov. MITll Pllltl Kennel Work, In Leg NI· china NHI, ablllly t~ 558-8001 wkdyt. cl•an. well 1oe NIW9Qrt from Airport h•• lndlv •••••••••••••••••••••• fNIMI\ •OS Found Blecll lab Puppy, 8 A1l'1 780-1418 evH/ For dry clHnlng plant. guel Mull be over 111. dHI w t people. non.' l(ona, HI. Condo fex renl 1 8C705~~.'?, $ 3 0 0 mo . ofllc .. In a luxurlou1 2!i;~ ~~!l,~ltta•WoOfnekblnglt UU'1U n mo1. Vic. t8th/81nla wtcndl Full 8 pt/time. Wlfl t11ln. Nell, & de ~deb la smkr, rtlleble Mon·Frf ......,, entlque filled bu•ln••• ...., ARE An•. 114 2 ·06'76 or 30110 CoHt Hwy, S ... ,,. •• ,, 7 9 •M 11 30 2p•• Br . .._,."· Avall 10.15 on• bdrm •Pl Non· fRE£ 648-3702. Appllcat1on1 now being • -·na. 499-1985 ..., -vvvu • ... • . • ""• to 10·29. 1250/week. Fem 30 11\r lg• lavlth environment equipped drinker & non·•moker. 1ektn lor !vii tlrM olflee _,,_ ll•lll. lfflOl 5-7PM 752·7903 Asll for' 640-<t..,. twnhN w/retf>. working wllh Tlll. W.P .• en• e«v.. Have ,.1.,enc•• Miiie ,...,,.,, I'll pertonnll, typing. 10 key Counttt per eon • Ory _A_r _______ __, i.m. unbtli.vabll roon\t, lrg conferenoa rm, Iota ot 979•28911. Cal,• •••••••••••••••••••••• & tome 110111 t>ookkff· Ct.e"4!f1. Fun time. Ex· Sherp peraon for lront ,_,.,, ,. AMI 4111 ovwtookfng t>roott & W8· perklno. mo/mo or ..... ---------1 ping reciulred Paid me-p • r or w 111 1 r a I n office Typing, fllln~ MllLI •••••••••••••••••••••• ttf'fall. Poot. J1c. lake. trom 1375, dtlk 1pace l•illlni '"'"'' / 141·1111 Lm& I Yllll'I dlcel pltn. vecetlOf\ pey. 642-546e heevy PhOn• 815-9 etc NB/CM .,.., 1275. 1250. Move '" allowence f.'1--/' I PHOTO MODELS AOl)ly kl perton only. no C_ou_n_tll'--....,..-on-.-m-.-t-u-r•-.' GROOMER WANTED for 1-.ITE '790·8045 833-9978 .._..,. ESCOATS/OANCEAS phone callt. "l(l rk ,......_ Fri ' Sat (l)OM{hlv Sn) ·----------· -----------1 ............ ... . . ...•. OUTCALL 2• HRS .,.......,.. 2300 Harbor Fltlmt no •KPef neceu • ~1 u Fl.IE.I Found YoUng temelt gfty 1 308 Oid Newport Blvd, tot NB pet 11104> Mint b9 Ananclll raaponllblt F• IUITIFa •••I•"' Sl'IHpdog mix, Oto 111-tlt1 Blvd Cotta M.... NB. Contact OonnL HP« & rellable Non· Oldeet & largeat agency. male 25.39 i;•re to .. ,.., tllTll 0..-rtu/t. IM Pkwy 8 •OS Fwy, M.V. ~~~~~~~~Apt Meneott. Hendyman --------1 amkt 840-0091 All ctt.nle ICreened with ~artkll1Uty2 rm.Fun With u" ol rec91)tlon, ••• -Ar." ••••• ;c •••••••• Clelm et O.C. Anlmal *** & wlle for Cotta MtN lllMT llll•llSla pflOl01 l r.,.111CM. romontory Pt. Townflo. oonf. room. kltch, phone, Aut aurant • MeJor l!lhlltll' compl•~. over •o. IPI .... lllATHI Newporler Inn Salon. Cttdltt: Coemopollten ~· ::=~if:o'in!~:: MCreterta1 & w0rd pro· Orang• Coun1y.111gh Loei· Chow reddl•h In lffllffl Parltr lncld 1175.0447 Pub111111ng ttrm nr JW Panlal foltowlng prel'd. Good Morning AIMr1ce. Ref'I, ~-ound .-'Cl. 09Mkl0. Miii' ~ volume-all or pert. Mr. 8. ootOr So Lagune .,.. Open 24 hrl a dey AIA·OAOEA ENTRV Alrpor1 aHkl 1 bright e40.~740 The TOf!IOfrOOlf Show. Cell Antw;~ Ad i"74i. Mf't. avlll. ~aralely 11 Wtbbtt (11•)15•-0598 ""-;617: ..._.,d, • 1 oe.yt a wMt( Mfg need pet1on wlln 1ne1tv to aU11t Credit Mgr ----------' ........ M1· 18" io-9"2-•300 24 tn. «.writ• daalrtd. c.11: udy, South Counfy Arcade , oet L.,. ,..,.. ..,. ...... wtll Jecunt, Seune. LOCl lt good t)'Plno and 10 key wtcollteflol\I ' gen 'olc ....,. .. • P.O. box 35-8, Belbol 714neo.otoo locetlon l m•chlnee or " ..,. .... , .. ,"""" •• well u 'Tour lt11. 1111111 to mall• trentltlon dullH Thi• candidate and yardwork tor lndu• Melt 35-4& "" 5br. 2.ba ltlend. CL t2N2. Small offlce, Nwpl Bch, locallon only. 586·2895 pert l ab, M . Blu/ grn 8enkAmer1c1rd. Amert-to com~tex Xlnt bin.. ehould have a Plta .. nt tlfl•I rent111 Neer 18th llN nr l!l.C.Plua/Frwy. •~--------• 15x12 (IM aq ft), good Sim~ or Tom ,y-. 631-~a c.tn l!xl)r9U, Olnera. All flll, OC Airport trH PhOnt voice. ecourate end Superior Aw New· Spa. •225+.hate u1111. Want Working. mature roe .. frM Ptkg. &ultable ~ound Brighi blue back "tcom• 7141845·3'33 Send rttum1 wllh pay typing & • wllllngntll to l>Ol'1 Beech, Call tlelw.en 841-"913. women, non·tmoller to IOt re11'9d bualnMtmtn, l•nl,.181 Ptcll. containing 1>e1ch 2, 12 Harbor 11. CM exp. to 360 l .. r Ave, CM ttatn, E•P4"' pref but wHI, 9 and 4. Scanty Panty now hlnng' tor lathlon lhOw• EJtp'd. preferred 648·8444,' CM ·' Needed X·Ray Tedi encl back on~ ...iaiant ror. · Orthopedic Office wltll llmlted llcen11, PIT 831·2200 PUTMI Eve• and/Of ~end1: RMf)Onllblt tdutt•. O'oler" 21, With out1t1ndtng, •I" tractive i>eflOl'l•lltln IQ. work with youth 1•11••!• 10·14). Call 2·SPM :. 842-4321, Elt 349 EO~' there home. $300 mo. lnvtttora, bldre, Furn. or .._,,_•Ill 1111 towtlt & IAVle In lront of .. _.. ... ... • • H&ae lreln. Contect 011n11 9"5-3940 Roommate wanttd M/ Utll lnctudtd. 5"a.-..3 rv 0 A Capt II I ••• -Jrt;::tt" .......... l!lmltll'• Matkll 811kel 'j Xn•O rn~uaoeL .. y ,en Hunt 549"463• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil :':f."t...."o:J!e80 • .! &Ingle men w/yr Old'°" ~~11 ' 1 'nc. Wanted: 50% Pl rtnt rt on 32nd S t N 8 ~;o~ rom 1junll lllYllTTI• CRT Oita Entry People. ......._I ... ....._ PUT Tm .. -.. .... -z~-•n to"" noue. In CM. S2001 .... ------,---lnv11tot for preHnlly 875-8378, • ' ·• • •yna °' ,...,. PerVlllM Of II.Ill/time In Muil ttpt 80 WPM. ,,.. .... , -••1 •••n.•a , ----· _., mo l llhr utll. 148-I041 ExtcutM IUll11, full ..,. rente d well 1oc1t1CI I :J11 :t,f 1' 1 0 ·9 P M ct1tnt1' homll. Aequlr.. JC Ible tlllfl•. Spanlah Art ftl I ltW ...,, Entc>y working with kldl(• 2 BR 2 e. ~ apt wt Ylct, gr .. tly rtd'uctd. no Or~,.. condo "•k• Whel a Wond«ful WOfld • mente minimum aoe '° ~•king a +. ,..... call II you are r11 tMCh you Work IYMngt. We tretn. view, 1.,,, 211•86 yre. Elderly gentleman .-. ,_ ..... __ ._7_5_4--0_2_74___ 111 •a• I depr1c11t1on of Shopping. right 11· FREE HVPNOSIS CLAIS ynre: a Y"" c011194t or lll·tm uai fOt a.v In hOlllr you can make a min. you 10 btootM • vout11 ApprOlt Nfa 9"2-4300 Kt~ refined fem. com· beMflte fOf monthly ,,... your ft"'"'11,,. ~ayt ll'Yl9fO~ your Mlf llMcM child care e11perlence Pertonnel. (Xlnt pey), 1119llme Income of sa.ooo oounMlor. Cell 2·1PM.· 24 rwt. Ho. 6;1, • p1n1on,1~'• !~~r. Are you planning a mov.? 0111~ & tml equity down Delly Piiot Olaullled Tute, Sept. 21. 7PM. ,.~ 111110 driver'• llcenH ____ ,;._.....;.._..;;..;_~, mo within ta mo. M •~· ... 2·'4311. lU41 ~ ...,......, C141M11leel tdl wm point b • • • d on • c I u a II Adi To ptec. Y04K Id, r• 1•rv aII0 n , p 11 • ProfMtlonll l!lttttno Ser-Thlnlcln; of • new home citing opp'y Call tor • \OOl'lll'lll t• wenttd, \WI Amer.,,,.., Min. yOultllherlghldlr1e1tlon mld·IH1JMCllaMptlot cell M2·M11 end ... a 964·1179 vlot AoencY. aseee Via lexaorlnQ?S..tMmtnv ~· Mak1°your lllOPtMno .... 2110/mo. Colta ....... ~ .ilt4-.il113 an lo find Ille home you p e Id . t 119 •2 0 3 3 , Cltellntct Ad·Vlt« Nip Vl•"lo, MIH lon l/lt lO Mttlnot In toclay'1 cl...._ I~~ ""~·m!!!~:t,~~~5~12~~ l ier t>y 111lno 1h1 bell~• Cell 0tor09 M l.aa1. llpm nate1.. M2·5&71 '7&9·1071. K.,., I you. ~et1t Ade Call "'24111 tl1·MM tied ~Oll.lmn ..... 2·5'71 1; Piiot c1u111tec1 AOt _ .. ( ~~ 0 u .,., range C o al DAILr PILOT/W.On11d1v. S•plt mber Qa, 111111 , .. !I. ·''~~ •... !J.!f P ON fflltOAY lor 1m ottlu on Newvo11 H11 Dor, 11 boo11ile1pln9, Kliechtllng & tOll\I ... t-.q Iii I)' t tl<ll"" Xlllt for •011re111ve hero worke< 040 17H , /ti•• ltr1l11• 8upplement your lncOtne t>y doing 1n1eie111ng te lepl'lone H IH worli On behalf 01 netlonel con,. penle1 14 hr guer ptue lueretlve bonul 1ne.nt1~ programs Setu HPr prev. but wlll train the right P•1t0n For Inter· view c ell Ml Kruk el 646-6175 llllL llTlR SALIS Ntecl 2 ••P'' people 1n comm1rol•I end lndu· atrlll r1al estate for IUC· cu•lut tnd growing llrm. Best working c:ondlllon1 In Newport Beech 7141646-5051 Rec:epllonl1t. light typing, good telephone manner for pleaa1nt Irvine olltce Starting 1800/mo bpe. rltnc:ed, lull benellts 557-«1755 RESERVATIONIST nH- dad. wlll cell from Our Newport Beach of1toe, no eitper nee. Wiii train Hr• 3 ·9PM 841-0119. 2-4PM. IHT&IUIT Now accepting eppllc•· tlon1 tor day 8US PER· SON. p/tlme CASHIER & day BAR peraon Apply In pereon btwn 3-5pm. 333 Bayside Or. N8 SALES ADVENTURE ''!1..,11.'!l. .... 1J.ff rm.tt.rrr ...... Mtf M'r.!~ ... ll!ff ""~'r wi ~~,, H,, ~.!t11!.l!!m .. ,!.ff ~ ... '!!1."11!!!!1. ...... ~.-.~1.·.!~r.!!!~ ....... ~1.'!!1.':f1!!!!! ....... n....-01111,,a "l•nll" 1111• M H•* , .. too, comp1t11 •• m . ., .. !!m .•• r.-.-;i ••••• •••••••••••••••• ltH Chev 11a,., lno lllW 1111 "" ••• '1'f .,.,,,.llMM 1111 ~ dog, 14Mwt Wfll, ''"'· :::'e:f'l'~t· trer lot Tl H•A Hom. ~ttlf ()ocli ~ evallalill up WfOC>mMW f11r Vfh'9tele •••••••••••••••••••••• O•••••••••••••tt1tol 1~.-. .......... 1 .. .. WDfti. ventno• 111 ,..111• AMO 11l·Ult loflwft• end 1,,,1,.,, •• H ' •. 1n to/ti Ard.,I 1111 I' IH· '9tt, e1a.-..._ MITY'I to ILC l1b111• w101a~ 1111 .... .. po11 11eo11 \.••• wMll &fN.'1r.. SCRAM LETS oon• 1130 6't·»r4 .,.t-., t U•·2'21, e¥et IUllT tl0\.11 '"'r 13 000 0111 ... mllll ' '"' I ... I" • , --T. ... I ml Of'A OWMf lH 600 °"' ..,. l)ef'90ll Pll .. .. • •• •••••••••• •• • tty •eMOt• 20I" • -v MAfllCUI C::HANNrL tllo. ,.,., & IOt q~ ....... 761·11100 A• ll•W Caul "-Oltte· hoo1• •net bfC)llQht "°""' * *' BUY** ·~s tytlem• !Of fwfQPe oni.; ll• to lill It, I llO, alt o •••••••••••••••••••• ·~:1.0971 , • d • 1 • 0 0 '3H c a11n3.3)40allet ftn'1n~n Newtno 113-3112 ., •Id• up to 11 11 1100 Toyo11 ·11 AMtrM ,,., at .,... 7t4·613·oet2 \PM Good vMO '1o11nlll.lft & OIM'lla" • ,klllh 873 11'6 reo ouutte Smell _, 'l• 2100 -----...... II OR I 11 ...... • oemp•r ""II 12 111 lllH'~L 11n I -"' &ll VOIUWIOtO TOPLEIS MOOELI ....,~:~· y wt -c,,p·~~ ci.v.nl! ... ,. I .,,,., Pr Ivel• Delbo• 40' sllp, 173.90 ,. JO(. CARVE.. Rg Derk grn htr• CIHll. Good cond . 2nd OWi* $75 CAY • PAID OAILY Of L Ot Oii IU'OI< to M I. I coiner IOI. wlr • •l•c good IMCl'I lt$00 1700 Ctff Nt·M7' no HP neQ • 12f.2H3 UITIU &111111 Women 10 COUllH IOr ~·!f!••t I .. 5 0 p w r I a • I I ·eo Toyo•• 4114, mull Mii, 873 8170 - rYP1&TtREC&PTION1sr 141·1111 IH·HH ~~"f,19'1::~ !r:~·d~ ;;:;,;,,·········-;;i; ~-:1404 !!!'~94°;i:9494•1 '24• ~--2~.~.~,!:·1~!.\\ Complete Me<'"91 ""' Yf!'!t •••••••••••. 1!.!~ Mlg neec11 lllllted '*'°" I •-flll-1 ttr, he doe1n'I SPEAK 10 r.•••••••••••••••0 ••• WANTED 11tp tor 40' -,.,,... "'' .. • _. lnter1ot, 08·72 l •d•n 111 Ytht heltl to entwer pi\OMt, llend· _, .. _ M&." KAYAK Teel LHer gl•H trawler. 14'"' bHm, '76 OMC Cttw Ctb. all, 1111 2 6 3 4 1 b I w n ., ... .a.t le oorrei, type ve!loue LU 951·8133 _ _ rowing dory 1800 uwpt 042 "370 ..,, c:rulH , ntw tlrH duel '79 320!, red, mini cond noon·8pn1 II lllt ••1• •,, ,.. II e 2 ' 4 5 I 0 I I I 0. ·~ .., tenkt . •1111 C~d .31195 04K ml A/C, emlfm tie< rtl)Orlt. llllng. end nOf• flllllllf•llW iltl iHH.. 002·e772 hOme • •-·t , . .........,, I H 3·4058 o a I I e I I e $ 9 0 0 0 '72 2008! 4 6 Nds TLC 1AL1• IUYlll mal lrnt d"k dutlet 0C PRICES START AT· W .. IH 1111 -'1 ,.,,.,,... 141·2088 Mu1t H ll 149501000. ., Airport Area. Good b.. Mtltr"' a ,ound. Ml •••••••••••••••••••••• '71 8111111'1 I Hgull Out• D IOIO '72 Ford A•nchero w/ 076-0715 .IC23, 491'·8222 Ill LIAllll nellu_ Apply AUTO· New feolOf)I etaled WAltll board Motor Sliver •••••••••••••••••••••• 1hall. Mutt Hll $1200 '79 8MW 5281, 4 epd, llhr, OVER$!AI Dl!.UllERY PHOTO CO., 350 l.ltr Twtn 177.tuU lllJ OLD c6STUMI!. JEW!L·I cfntury 4'1'HP, Xlnt 11' AllenOlf w/l>ftnd new Mark U3·314t 081 wl'ltt . Ilk• MW, $12, [)(PERTS Ave. CM Ouffn l141·Klng 1187 RY. C>on't throw II twty cond. recently luntd. Johnson 116 09, 4 hre. •7a Scout ., X 2 Rune 900 or u1ume IM (7141 Wilt9fl/W&"91fll Sofa 8~• lf97 I'll buy It. /51·811715 1360 831•0814 All 1qulp, 141500/0lr " • 844-8325, 55g,9442 uau Ill "'' ••• Sole & love ... t 1197 rJ I •-·t #. U, 859·8349 good, need• minor work. :!\h111~e;hi:,:i::-::3~:~ DISCOUNT FURNITURE iullt• -I, I llH•ll IHll lltl• I Hff ~::. ~~~ 8~~··· ea· '~l1~~1~~'5~'~1~:~nt 1H8 ~~~ BIVCS. 30 P 1 959 H1rbor Blvd. l••l,••••I• MJ IUYl11 HZI •••··'····•!,(••••••••• ... 5-4533 c:o.M1.,1111J>alnt • btJk", "''"'T• M.,., .. ~160 1:4s1~g~:~ ~~r.~ COSTA MESA 031-8809 •••••••••••••••••••••• o~~··O;bin":~;~·c; DRY STOR·GE ··9 Chevy PU. Good body. j2&;L;J,311 .. ~r mo & .. :u. .... 1..0.iu1 be nHI, per1oneble, Solld wood dining table YAMAHA Bau Amp llr lor trip• A·1 rel't . " runs, need• eng work.----·-----1nerget1c, 1179-0747 et 52 In. Clew end bell pe-H .. d with a double 16" 842·3047 or 848-4840. Monthly bo•I •torage, $450 54~·9579 ell &PM 1110 llW 2002 10 AM 101 Appl. deltal. Walnut end Hh PV ~kl' C41blnet All Marine Eiectrlc:len any tlH. 24 hr MCuihy. $2200 080 648-0358 Weltre•-& Wel1er1 over octegonel 1250. In e11cellent condition Oellgn/ln1tell/Repelr tree leunchlng 1111 TtJttl Plrtf l8yrwtthEJtper.Appty1n 844-2770 11.000 011y work.5411·2620Ev llWNITHlll with c 1mper shell C1'1.tl 111J lti~M~'* llt·llll, 1·1HI 11•1 leeL l•J Ir. $1800 Firm 873-41818 •• ••••••••••••••••••• pe11on. 1781! Newport 8eAUTIFUL WICKER ell· • •--• l • • '73 Mete: Capri ve Sunr1, Blvd C M nlng table, glHI top, 4 _,,, U •• II. Alltf WHIH llH $ 1 O O O o, b • 1 of r WAREHOUSE c aptain• chelrt $295. SU.phone. Yamane Alto. L•l-fal H30 '"·0110 •••••••••••••••••••••• 831-11058 pm, &«· 1327 557-3119 new Pd $860, ••crlllce •• ~.;;oi;o.•••••••••••• 1---------Full time. H verel POii· 1450. 831•0318 evening• 3 bllrner gimbaled stove WE PAY D1t11• 1111 Ilona open Xlnt OPP<>"' Moving· enllque1, chin• with 0\111'1. Neef new. LI· f1u1•d1ll•• TOP DOLLAR •••• •• ••• • • •• • •• • • •••• l unltr. For lee Into call c ab .. furn .• din 1e1, DRUMS 4 pc;. ell hardwr quilled net11tel gu -n · •••••'-••••••••••••••• John 831-e820 dlShel, etc:. llea-21M5 Greet IOf beginner $200 fer then bl.ltene. Compt. #llttqflll/ FOi 1111 Ollll $250 00 Weekly P•Y· ., ·-t I en-.. 1175-5407 w/2 gH bOtllff' (loeelly 11H11n 1110 "-k• (I 11 t---') ' -r• -s .. ~. '"'"'h OOI t velle bte ) Orig colt •••••••••••••••••••••• ALAI llAlltl c,,_ u Y gueran '""' Crusl'led velvet. H nd, =~.;'i'" sc~ •lu· $1075. now 1440. ph '70 SUZUKI 250 RM. Very NITIAO/llUll :~~~~:a~:.kt~tt ~1:;. like new, $175 645·7711 •Ive our:t~;Y n:~· 831-3280 uk f!'r Jeff clean & ve ry '"' 2480 Harbor Blvd Checka malled directly to DINING room table & 8 1163-2187 Jon.. S450tOBO. 848-1185 COSTA MESA you from Home Office c ttatrt. llke n1w cond. Recording Fathometer. O Otn. 141 QOO every Wednesday. Sten custom pedd~. $1200. Olllt~ ht•llllf I 10 9110 II. Gemtronlcs '711 YAMAHA ENOUAO 1 .... •1411 Mlf• 11·~~ l•l1k 1110 lmmedlllely. No ekR•· 673-2512. L1/ .. t•I IOIS Mdl 1088. Nr new. Coat 2500T, xlnt cond. -,,.._ "" •••••••••••••••••••••• rlence n~a .. ry. Netlo-8 1 1 •• ~.;;oi;"•••••••••••• $ 8 7 5 • e 11 s 4 o o S800/obo 845·8001 a;...;.;.;.....;;...iiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;.;;r''l~;;•MOB.Mici;;t"·c~~·v~ SEE US nel company. Do your 1· me$ro~0n ·~ •· ...... c. Ptioto copier E11 cond. 931·32SO uk for Jell WE llY Red 12800/obo. lor the ler,,_t end .._.t k I .. 11 1 .. _ 1 1 cond. 1., ... 52-u8u7 Pleln paper Seorlllce '75 IUweakt 400oc, grHt Cl ·--....... wor rg .. n '"'com or M on. day & eve. or $1000 Cell D42.31~. Jone•. running cond. $460. OLEAI Ill evea cell 073·8352 uiectlon of new end TRAVEL and security ol your own 50 ., 720 0 ° "" Eetate Sele d a t k 1 o home Oetelle end eppll· 759• 7•' •4 79· 1 IHll llflfl I040 873·08H •11"' All TlllCll 1980 Oat1un 200SX. 11lnt 79 Ltd Edll. MG8. to ml, UH u c 1 n renge Cati .'led S d L d r' d d •I• IOl1 •••••'•••••••••••••••• . d 0 1 Kint cond .. new brk1 & County todayt 11 a OVll on m . en your g. ,. .... g . con .•••••••••••••••••••••• Cleulc 18' Lapatrake 80 Kewuekl 1000, 7000 oon . r 0 owner. •c-11H•• 18.000 O BO ~ Leading Publlcellon Firm name and •ddreu to: $50. 552-8867 ....... & •II Puppy, Germen Sii•· Century bey bOel, 4 cyt, ml, Vetter l~lrlng. + + +. ceptlng bids. Wkdeyi 720-0758 American Fidelity Com· d • y M on . or pherd Free 10 good Gr-53500 815 ... 181 $2700. Can 1 ride. mu1t plHH cell, 769·4229 ---------i 1 now h11 lmme.d ope· pany, Hiring Dept. 77. 759-507111720-4079 '-ome v,. • Y sell. Merk 073·3149 A / 11·~1 k nlngs ror Guys & Dolls 1040 L St 0 N " 011111n B210, '711. 33K ml. vN ., wno would Ilk• to travel one •r r.. ew Smell dresser. gel. cond. 73 1·8130 W&ITU . Gleemlng new Honda 13000 Incl. 1 yr MfVICI • ,..~ ••••••••• ••••• ••••• whll1 they work In US Breunlels, TX. 78130 $30. 552-8867 evu/ F . Sh h d 1 13 fl Boeton Wheler In CB750F 111per aport. blk. conlreot. 553-8000 'llS OPEL AS IS. Rebuilt major Cltlasl Oenuer, Wt•I p1--1••1 M on . e 11 d 1". or rei. •P er m x , good condition. Sec •1000 ••2 ""55 eng. new llru $350, •I"' 0r_,. C..ty • " _., -759 50791720 4079 young male. Greet w/ 213-44 1-5385 · · • '.,.. ...,. -======;...;;.'---1'80 Oetaun 310 OX 5 1pd 759·9541 ev/wlmd• 2926 Hllbaf Blvd. Houston, New York, etc. IBM 1yetem 01430 or • -· kid• 548-4152 I '711 Yamaha 125 Enduro. ltll llYll Mint cond. 30,000 ml. 1---------1 COSTA MESA on • random Itinerary. 81450 operator needed Sml. desk, good cond. 28' twn dsl. Sklp)ec:k. Piiot 1176 ml. GrHt cond Top dollars for Sporll $5300. 8ruce 548-8343 l•11~A1 11SO You musl be neat. alngle w/knowtedge ot file llP-$20. 552-6667 1., .. 1111 PARROT houH, radar, auto pllot, M u• 1 • • • I 7 2 5 Cari, Bug1. Cempera. •••••••••••••••••••••• 111-2101 & be able to leave Im-pllcetlon 10 u rve a1 d • Y M on . or Umbrell• Coetclloo Loren VHF. depth eoun-559-8349 914'1, Audi'• Datsun 610 wgn. 11178, MEISTER --------- med All 1Kpense1 pd 2 merkettng sec'y tor pr• 759--507111720-4079 Young, $549. 882-7637 det. lrlr, betllr than new. ASI< tor U/C MGR iilnt cond .. owner golno CulUll HIS wk on the job 1ralnlng lldent ol real estate firm Antlq·~ ...... dlnlnn Ml, 2 Budgie Parakeets w/2 557-4768 aft 8PM. '73 Honda XL250, good .Ill MAllll overeees. Bargain POllSClll /llll •••••••••••••••••••••• pr0gram All tr1n1p fur-In ~port Beech. Con· -..,.,, ..• $ 1---------1 c:ond. Runs great. $460. " $1475. 675-1841 eX1 6. T·llE I ••IEST ntlhed High earnings & nle or Sandy 975-0403 mint cond. 1800. New cagei. 20. Pr UY llUT 845-0177 -wtlllWAIU ell. 5 pm. 13631 Harbor 81vd. """' cuuel working cond Whirlpool relrtg $400 882-749 1 18 II Johnson 110 $1500 18711 8each 81vd • Garden Grove SELECTill makes ll'llS •n 11lnl oppty I eu., .. llln 673-5107 COCKATOO with cage 873-2190 y=~~a~~R 1::00 mini HUNT~~G2T·02000N 8eACH f!:J!!!::.:-.:d~ lel1t·ltnlH ol le1e model,'°"" mllee· tor •career-oriented In· ;;,•• ••;·~···••••• Formic• Dining Table. $900 or make olr. ~hat 645-0490 -_.. .._..,, • LeH191 oe Cldlllac:a In Soutlletn dlvldual Previous jobs .. '!fr.!............... 421152 ... wllh ( 11 24 .. leal, 862-124• lllY -ml l l • 1•1 2••J I Celllornlal See ua today! deallng with people IUCh Everything from Antiques ~o d c 0 n d S 3 5 I 20· elec ffiekl. lmmec '7' Yemehe 360 din bike WAITED' t &.,._ ,. • • •~ •••EIS u Fest Food & Waltrn· to Hobby Materials 9AM .,..4 · • ll••H Orf••• llH cond, Ilk• new. 548-8858 on 3 rell trlr Good cood • FEii• ••1 .,75 ., 5 p T .... sing helpful, bl.It not nee. to 6PM. 418 Senta Ana • .,_ s;,;,;;·~:oi;~·;,;ic".i •mt s 6 o o . 1115 . 2 2 13. Lite model Toyotu, -•• ::,-n I 1Ch •1~ or~~ erg:· DUILUD For personal Interview Ave. NB. 14.2'-2211 IT!lll lllOI 1 1 1 1 545"'4161 VolVot, Pickup• a Vans. ~alP oc rwn. an con • 2600 8 Cont.ct ••s. 8erbere p ano. ndl rel n lh ng To ""ime --t~ In c·•t ... •ocs•v• Inside & <>111 Runs Pet· Harbor IVd. Tue -Fri ";'oAM-5PM $50. 760-0920 S500 548-6623 thl• .... notebi;lr~ree #llll Bt•ll, 111;{ -• • -~ I ~ feel Ask $13.000 can COSTA MESA 750-8955. #11ti1ali11 King atre ~tyr"I llo-t• lfft&ltt PleH, 27' Beyllner. Sllp lnc:lu-lt•l•l l .... tlfl JH ~ Mr Hemmer. 11Aon·Fr1. 8 140 1110 ~~~~~~~~~IA;•:••••••••••••fHS talion mattress. COmple-dad al Ma1ln• on Lake ••••• :r.·.!':' •• ••••••••• S em-e pm (714) 642·9470 • Sales Eat, cheat. gel rlcl'I ... 'lJ.-.'!.............. te ut, like new. 1 yr. sa75 648•7272 Meed, 30 minutes from For ea.le: '78 Undy mot()( TOYOfA.YOlYO . '80 SC Coupe, only 1900 '78 Ced Seville 101 Nie. 1 & sllm. Earn $3000/mo sooo. (7141964-0238 'r.."'•r. IHI• ,,,. LH Vegas elrlp. Sleep• home, slPI 6, rear beth, I'".......... • • r -• • ~ I ml •nrl, C4'ulse, AC. P7'•· owner. Xlnt c:ond. $8500. Supv. po1lllon1 •v•ll. *IOITllLY* Chllda/Teen Teak 8ed Sp~di~g c~~;~;;·;;(,~; ~iu~~g ~c:~~e ~~= ~~~:~:t:~1-:..·~~ cont c.......... 3100 W"I Cout HW)'. lt7h0r7, S8257V,llOO.PP(702)1_4_"-_34_55 _____ _ Dick Hardy 831·2601. llTlftlE Fllll wlll'I mattress. $160. skll1 w/Selomon 727'•· -r. $24,500. P1eeff cell ,.. U•·UOl er '40.,0 7 N~4~h 8 -1 egea . 'll 11 .. 1 lllffltl 850-9236 ~ 760-0920 u 1 • d 1 1 e • 1 0 n Owner. 1702) 293_7381. Rent· 28' motor home, 7& 911SC. whlte/blll, lull Eiiec:ullve cer. Lola of ntes It's Exciting We need 11les people Open territories your own hours. Eern 81G prollte Sall to ea11- blished buyet• 11111 PLll ll0-1411 Sales/Job placement r• crullers needed tor Heed Hunllng Agency Exper or non-Hper JuSI be rnollveled & Ilk• SS Cell today tor Dan Frank (714) 558·1172 S•le1/Mktng Earn up lo $1500 per mo. Pan time Must t>e metur•. 559-9043 LHve M•saae SALES PIT, eiiclutlve ,.. welry boutique D•YI &. night• Call lor appl Ciro Jewelry. 549-1542 W.HPHlll Hallmark Giit and Party Sl'IOp. Mull be experien- ced and with a desire 10 treln lor manager posi- tion. FULL TIME. Tues thru Set. Huntington Beach ArH 982-8910 llORn&RY FULL-TIME. need expet person w/full sec:reterlat s kills, Incl computer knowledge, !Of HfOllP•· ce dl1t, by ejrpon K R Anderson Co .. Inc Cell Paule (714) 549-1343 SECRETARY-General qlc. lend development. fwy phones & typing, SH or equiv req Mature. non- tmkr Send retume & salary r1q. to PO 80• 7006, N.8. Ce 92680 11oanuY 1.1. • · Secretarlet position In active Newport Center RHltor'1 olllce Front office po11tlon requlrH good telepl'lone voice. typlng, S.H. & appearan- ce Reel estate HP•· rlence helpful but not e11en11e1. Prefer tocet realdent. For Interview t call Mrs. Duhl ..... , •. ,.,.., o.. Realtor• 644-4910 .... ...., ... , .. Nloe lrvlne Arff $4 per !'lour. Cell evening• 1·288--6152 Several poe111on1 open Full or P-Tlme Verlou1 Shiite M inimu m 112 60/llr. For Fee lnlo. c:aH John 831-8820 STOCK CLERK Fu41 ti~. wlll train. top Pfl'I• xlnt opportunity For lee Inf o ce ll Jol'ln • 831-ee20 lwthltMer .. htr, Patt time. S-11 PM and 11-1 AM. Weelcendt 842-3013 T tllpllone SelH a Ille ~ work. Cuti p11d ' cselly. Apply 779 W. 19th. 8 te H, Coet1 Meee 1 If It's got wheels you'll move It t•1terln• D•llY Piiot I c11sslfled ad.Call '42·5'711nd •friendly ad·vttorwlll hetpyouturn yourw11Ml1 lntoca stt. Antlquet & ~lectlbl•• 5' c~c:' :~ :·1~"6d•. $ 1 1 0 I b •• 1 0 I f e r tips 8, fully loaded. WI •• , '11 IOllTll leather sport ...... 7 & 8 extrH. new llrM. $5995 flEA MARKE Ln . ...90_2·0993 IHI• "1l . · 846-8818 (Paull USED C~RS & TRUCKS Sllver.-:tan leatl'ler, em/ 80S whl•. 3.0.000 ml, Cell ....it-d•ytJHJb'. New-used Merchandise 760-0611 OllAllE COUITY ~e~·H!.;h.·c:,-;;;-:i ~.~Pe• L-:1~:.r":~,~~ COME-FlllNI ?~:.~L.-fO ~%.~·-i:~~~o mr. ~0~~~~9~,e: otatrtb -&92-5566 •-ht • I • 8' Coucl'I, pale yellow, teq. 1unrl1e sat11. Like ..,. .. __ ..., '711 CdV d'elegance Ouk -•· • •• ·•1,• green & orange pleld I•• I O.lltefer't new. $2500. 875-8161. ~/:::.~:~7:~:~5cont. Cormlef-0.Llllo Fi•t 11ZS 11/11 l•r.e• 11S grten paint & velour . ~~.~ ~~,;~4~~-//i: x Int con d . S 2 o o IHW 10• T Cat wltrlr. trade for OllVRtLn •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••• Sharp Never damaged. 760-0611 ltft, 21 A Htlt dory or wlndsurler. Rllll•I 18211 8eACH 8LVO. '75 FIAT SPIDER red, w/ "l DEALER IN lJ.S.A $5700, 760-8160 wkdyS. S 8• F (213"'-"'" 2730 Aon 21 It. Good condl11on HUNTINGTON 8EACH wire wheals. excel cond, 1ta. 1 .... 1880 Engll•h sideboard. ola. · llOfal ptrn. Prov rt• t It I ,.,.,,.. 5 .... n481 141 .... ll 141 •••1 teavtng slate. $1000 be· .,.,,.,..,,, -""" 1 xi 1 style Ilk• nu $225 h It" T -.a IUT llU ...,..., ' ·••• ~CARVER •••••••••••••••••••••• rote ma .. -.. .. erge, n • • · 1 • " • r-• I o w boo k , $ 2 9 O O. l'L) I· eacr 1750 046-3001 675-6593 all 5PM • .11 • r 11'10 760 1....,. 10l5. fOlCE SEE IS FlllSTI Featurl""' _ ........... ol ell 1980 MacGregor 25 1ru1fn '""' T Doll -...... A .,, ........,. fi :f. op ar .. We hev1 a ~ood Mlec· AHJlu~n IOIO r1 Deco bedroom. bed. ~-~_!~or. d.,,•·,eo1n1q.-!· ~--~ !7ra11er.OOO •. ~!~·3v25 F Xlnt. 22~;,j; ;;aii;~·,;;;·;a~ 'lt Flat lr•H ·• -"' ' ..... "' ·~·• tlon of NE & USED ·''••••••••••••••••••• dresser. mirror Pd --·..-"•• "'99 .,"' • 01\.Jv-v $ p d *'-~ -.,.. •'""..,JI...., HARBOR AREA $2500, lleel 11 $750 thOUMnds ol c:oltec11ble fully loaded. 3500 or a1' 2 door Ndan, lttlf'eo end CNN -n lt . .S Chev'l'olelll APPLIANCE SERVICE 675-9998 lteml Orange Co Fair· 28' Alberg Cuflll' Sellboel CI O I• II b I d C a II sunroof 32.000 ml we sell recond . guar. ---------grounds. Coit• Meu . with sllp In Senta 8erbe· 644-8793 •It 8PM For Your Cerl $4200 644-7~ •,-L ltH Th<>muvilla BMMt fOf~l re. Priced fOf quick Hie. Mllll I ltl •· -•ppltl!MeS. 549--3077 din. rm. lge chine. table enter gate 3A 011 Arting· $1900. 8051966-1801. A•lt i.rrin, lufl B••'• 1111 • • • •••• •••••••• • ••• •• • & 6 c II• Ir•. S 1 5 o o ton St I A6enudlt Hll u ... la·lltrt•'J • • ••••••••••••••••• • • • LUii l 1111 1&11 I'" lPPWIOll 556-6033 I ' , ,.,~. "'' •••••••••.•••.•••.•••• 2828 H.,bor 8tvd. -'''"""' ... Tllll ..... Les 957-8133 ,.,., Hllrul• I •••••••••••••••••••••• PAINT & Ille bOdy W0111. Coll• M... 5'0-5630 We cen help! Before you C~HElL CHEVROLET 1\.._,. •t.trt•ir h ' "'! \ ... f ' \ 54~ 1200 WHhef Dryer Re~ lg 4 large dinette or game ,,, ms N-Magnum 370 wind· up to 50% of1 your body Premium prtc.s buy, cheek our unt>eal• $ 345 42 OiM!w~-Fr~er table Cheirs. 81eck Nall· •••••••••••••••••••••• surfe<, relnbOw 1811 eo.t 11\op est. 8111 964-0332 ble selectton. saving• • 1N2 _....., XI d 646-gmyde with wllnul trim. L~ 1101• lurnlture for S t 168. Mull Mii $850. paid tor any uMd cer end aetvlCe todayt ••--nt con • EJlcellentcond.SSOeec:h ••le Pl•••• c e ll 873-3600 4 White B•I • mags. (l0<elgnordomettlo) --·- Gibson Side by side ralrlg or t>est offer. 750-0121 14•6", 8 tug. Like n-In good condition. UllYEllSITY P9t month piua to 4 csoor. loaded. t>eaulllul 1275 Whlrtpoot washer 642-5749 e~ernoons ea •-~J ,..,,, 1111' $80/bst olr 5511-8349 S.. Us Flratl IA&.U I lllYIOI 48 month cloHd end e 11 e c u t 1 v e c e r $125 Frigidaire washer • "'-~ •, D«h H10 2860 Bl leese on approved er• (529217223) 575. New Mayteg Port•· Maple dresser & mirror, 11.IFi l lflH IHI •••••••••••••••••••••• A•IH Ill "1• Marbof vd d ft. Co II·$ 15.3 7 5. 12121 ble d lshwthr s 200 $150. Mullyn, 7-4pm ••••••:..••••••••••••••• SLIPS even. Huntington •••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA $852 15 cash required. 548•8872 . wtldys, 752-4500 X4201. BeAUTIFUL 26" RCA Co-Ha r b our Be y . IMPORTANT NOTICE 140•1140 Come In and esk for de-Below WlndOw Sllellert ---------12 pc china cabinet s160 lor TV 2 yr wrnty. $148. 7 1 4 -8 4 0 -5 5 4 5 , TO ReADERS ANO 11111! (18924). lfWUI 0Mtrtltf 20 cu It Frlgldalr1. re· Merilyn. 7_4pm ~kdys: Free dellv~ Open Sun 846-7766 AOVERllSERS '78 Honda Civic Sedan. IUCll llPOllTS Dove/Qualls.-. cond $200. 552-88117 752_4500 X4201. TV Jol'ln • 848-1788 The price of Items •d· must Mii. '70 VW Bus. ...8 Do-Street NEWPORT 8eACH Mon. ell day & eves. or ---------Beeut Megnevo• Console Sllpe evell CdM eree, ver11Md bV vehlcle dee-clean. Mu11 Mii Both 1 NEWPORT 8eAC 111-1111 759-5079/720-4079. Queen sire rtotetlon bed. Slereo AM/FM 8 Irk & S 9 / ~t .5 ~ • j~ C • r r I• 1ef9 In the veNc:le clue4-'11118 11.u l•H llh cl owner. $ 2 5 0 0 • • H 1----· ----- -F-rt-gl_d_e_lr-e-. -c-le-.-n-. -w-h-lt-e-.1 s3oo. Marllyn, 7-4pm trn tbi. top co~d. $90. 714• 5 • 4 ' Wkdy• fled advwtlslng COiumn• 1· .... 1.1 \1,•,;1 ~11111.Ul 548-9852 7~2-0100 Cll'Ntll H3J work• great 195, wkdya, 752-4500 X4201 641-4308 8-5 does not Include any u,,...__, ~-·" lm-..,.lately '75 Honda CVCC. AM/FM I L. 1•1• •••••••••••••••••••••• Cell 845-9970 Camel colored veiuel 80AT SLIPS AVAILABLE: appllceble tu ... ltc.l'IM, n..., ..... .._, """' Cees Ne el •• bra · •-n •· • '8\ Vet. loaded, yellow. • JSL Car Stereo AM/FM ... ~ .. "-·~h: 25', 2•·, 1 f 11 for your vel'llcle. Oo· w " " • -•••••••••••••••••••••• 1>9aulllul c:ond. $18,000 couch &. matcl'llng love-· ,..,._..,....,.,.._ " trans •r •••. nence mastic or f oreig n . lies . $21 50/080 . Salee-Servlce-LHtlng • .,...517,, Upflght lreeiet. 20 ou It. seal Btu/gry plald 10,,._ can . IHI forwtrd re-30'. 35', 40'. & 45'. c111 charges. tees for lllr po1. 831 8075 pm ••-• •••o .... .,.. " Perl cond. $100 sett. Walnul & cone wind. APS. auto reverM. 942.4944 lrom 9.5, lullon control device 551·1285 • -~ 1-,,-,-n------IH--O 494-54111 rocker Walnut table. S 130. 842·4784 Mon· Fri. cenlflcellont or dH ter • . ,_ ..... ~ J1.u• 113Z SIUll •••••••••••••••••••••• documentery prepere· •I'--•--•••••••••••••••••••••• 1•1 2••• ••• •t4t · FORD G Refrigerator. Frigidaire. Matching Kenmore 1 11 1 ••• -::r ••• .,-.-.-.; ••••••••• ·70 Jenien 31 000 ml • • ._ -~ 71 Mevwtek. oOd XI nt con d . S 300. washer & dryer Ph Leelle I Ofl o erg•• un eu ,.,, I 1•1• l . · i.i«: M k · cond 3 new llr• econ 55 1·8190 •ft 4, 979--1532 Boat picture ads provide olltllrwlH lpKlfl•d by ~! •• ~ ........ '~.! otuung...... • • ,, .. ,, 1111 $150. 494-3211 • . the~-74 Alf• Romeo 4 d 4 cyt ott.r. 6'2-u310..,. •• , ................... . li~lfl UZI Oe$1c. swivel & Interview 5 epd ver" • cle~n 30 •-----11a.11• It•• '77 Celie.. 5 spd CO<.lpe, '74 L TO Wagon. 79.000 •••'•••••••••••••••••• chrs. Oark veneer. Gd ~ Allllpn/ m P g ·. ' S 3 8 7 5 ~.-:'! •••••••• ".·. atnt cond .• many itr11. ml, acme bOdy damage MEN'S 5SPEED shape Set $11 5 o0·, CfMtlll IJ1f 114_9e0_1208 ''70Convertlble,xlntcond, $3800 831 -5874 , Runsoreet.$350/bHt 8eACH CRUISER $125 9e0-37'5 ·~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Ulllng $5200 6<'5-11442 offer 540-4083 , Doug 640-5ioo x 19 Celll King wtrbd, new ~ -L "l "ll A8'/ . 1111 Pete (303~·2900 '80 Cellca GT. 5 spd. 20. '72 TOflnO. Mii e11cellent. PEUGEOT, 10-speed mattren, llner. h tr, $ 9 Sheyr9PllCU.plcllupea •••••••••••••••••••••• OOOml.•lntcond.$4950 MustM11$8000BO . blk 21 Inch tr ~~ coupu. 4 to CllOOH .. w .... '"" ""'' 1111 Fl II 842·3290 dys 845-4533 :!::":int c~. $170 0t!~ hdbrd. 1150· &4l·3285 . lromt (0087Hl (Stk. 28,000 mites. IUl!y lo.deCS •••••••••••••••••••••• 13\~;•,7 -'1--------- 494-4747 Lag 8cl'I ....... "IHI• IHS ss~a-AlOllGI Prto. •let11ng ., tunroof, Od cond l ike '83 Ford Felcon 4 dr. Run• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •Y tt,ttll n1w S 13 400 O BO ftlknl••a 1111 excellent. $325 Of best Scl'lwlnn Vertlty 10 apd. Dlnetle Mt/4 chelr1. e11c. e 4 5 -8 2 t 1 Eve 1 . •••••••••••••••••••••• ofter. 751-eoeg $100, SR 10 •pd $35. c9nd. $150 552-8887 157-9684 d•ya 'l1 •1111111 SHOO • n- 538-0325 Mon. all d1y/evH or R bit t ~ -•-ITll • eng. au o, new ··•··•••-"•••••••••••••• Ralelgh 10 spd. 25 .. fr• 759-50791720--4079 fJ ' ~!"!••••••••••••••••• bfekN. am/Im. runs -Int, '05 Comet 289 "4 on the me. 21·· Wilt•. alloy frame Jnnlrr IOTO 32 mpg. 541-0n7 floor" I 1200 obo. & whit, tip shifters. gr .. t •••••• -, ••• • •• ••••••• •• 642·9196 bike 101 big men. Almott Oorgaou• 1.4c1 m111qulM • 6 7 V W. run a gr e •I , If itt••• H•I new $159 840-5545 C\11 RU8Y, $1900. tU us r-1 needs paint, all orig, •••••••"••••••••••••'!'• Schwinn BMch Cruiser 640'8681 '53 Sludebak• Champk>n ~o• YOUI • prelty clean $950. ·oo Mustang, Bou 302, $50 21 Inch 14K rope chain 5 peH oeie. Nice car. ,..Xh 1AUA. 640·5160 ru11• good. need• llttt• 644-8829 evenings with v. ounce nugget. $3'160. 213/692•17112 body wk. 12000 obo 1•11.~1• $150. PP. 831·11278 IALll·lllY101 Stlf IT & V1/hw•1•• 1111 "4·7800, uk fOf W()Oljy •• I '" ....... '"''.. LUllll ..., -.. ... • •••••••••••••••••••• '80 Ohl• t .. pd I •1111111 IOll !!•.~•J/~~.'!.~,-. .. 1.~! 1948 1Ford Woody W•· 831·2040 495.4949 fACIUTYI 07w7 hvwlt• w81ug1 caf.nc".!rtTlble0f.· P•· Pb.' J:k. ~Ile ~n~: •••••••••••••••••••••• -·-~ -gon, 13.000. llh " • S • I 14K I "ow •10/n. e to 20· . "~It. llltt.IUOI In IOHM&rn.ca11wuumlJ4 Cleen. sasoo. g99.74 4 up r c Hn. m . • .._ ...... .. .... F T p or 848·8021 Mutt ... ,o 411>prec. PIP. Redwood 2x0 daclllng. n5·1491 1nytlme. , l-.. ord Model A own 28402 Merguetlte kwy H200 842·•770 TuH· 4-20' tong; also redWood Sedan, 110,000 MINlon ~o '73 Maid•. good cond. •to YW ••• snoo Frt fencing. Cell Jim O< Ken SURPLUS JEEPS. C•rl· (Avery El!ll 0 l-51 05.000 ml. prl* to .... 840 s-leo 1---------•nytlme, 776-1491.tck. Boett. Many Seit for Un• 1963 Studebaker Avenll, Open Sund•y• 11200. 546-1707 • '97 Mustang GT Com""' comput-,.,..1-. def $50.00 FOf Info can 15500. lf7M181. '1• ....... hi• Very clean.. .... -,. _.. ~ ~ '79 RX7. •Int cones. auto. • ••-. 87&-5917 new. In bo_ .... TRS oo. (312)1131-1981 flit 2239 ·oo MUSTANG CONV ~---" air, moonr1, loml, $8700 N-eng, brakM, palnt.1--------- 181(, ••tended bu1c J1Wf Mobl .. PhOne, direct dllll, 28' Ericson Fully tqUlppecl cr11111. "Ground Up Restore• 497-3930 top end tide winCSowa '79 Mustang Ghia, pwr. coml>'lter. disc drive w/ m • m 0 r y . I 2 8 5 o . e aane. UHF. compeu. covet• tlon" Selet-StMot-LeUing 840-4410 auto, etr, AM/FM cue, controllef, Hne prlntet, all 997-4251, 833-8201 PtffllCI c~dlllon 1 10•500 e cyl. Champagne lntr. 'ti 12tl't &rt ltr•l 11lt U l snr I. to ml. $4100 c1bln & IOftware lnclu-123•4591 Ember g Io e •tr . Nice Selec1IOlll I Sunroof. 5 •Pffd, bra. 'll •-• ___ ......... 867-7NO, 835-0808 ded $1800 ..-. $1,000. 3 Po HI Amertcen Tou-714/8416-2.215 full sl'IHPI Sliver 17 -• _... ... ._ 831·-4721: 846-1030 rl•t« tuggage. Incl lg one • ·7e 2002• • epcl .• antrl · ' hller than new Sl.400 Red 14 Mwtv "·PIS. ~ r: •~J w 1whee1 t . 1 1 2 5 . '411 Wiiiyt Jeei>•tet, xlnt (911PVB) 000· 457•9491 In 11orage end musl be 4 lf>d. $12!0 ftnn. dH ,. •• ..., 931.1993 ~ f c:ond Mull Miii * '19 320!. 4 epd .. loe--1974 Mazda Wegon A• seen . a pp t on t y . PP. 83 t-1MI •••••••••••••••••••••• r•t your couree or fast aales ff0...075 dedl 111exDH1 dlo. ,,..,.,,auto trena 95s.2100 L .. w ~ 1gee Mu•t•no Auto 2111 Abandoned kitten• nMd Magic llland Gold llfeftl-wlttl a Dally Piiot boat picture l•4.:,.~0J5)261: 811to . snl rl pv1 pany. 966-2572. end w111 retllfn cau PIS, Good oond. 12150. hOMM More Info. me memberehlp. 1750 1958 8entt•y SI, •Int .., .. c e11 541-1305 end current duet 1200. ad . Each Saturd ay, the Dally mten. cond M•llY new * '80 3204: e •l>d .. toe· ,,.,,_,. In• '141 . 841.7782 80£ e2e 875-1589 Piiot w lll o ffer you I d sp ace pene. Need• paint a 1n1r. cledl (231ZVRl ...................... 7t 8uo c:onve<t . blk·wnt. Oltl.....,J Hll 2 tf.~h~~~eo~•~:'~ trlHtll he ttl•t n ot only describes your wottc. 17500' 013-4113• * ·io 933•cl: to•d•d ............... ~~~ O'~ m~~ ii 1 ~·r· .......... ! .......... . 075-4488 '70 Torina Conwrtlble. (6&55348) We'n ehow YOll OVet 100 131 7603 • • '11 Old• Om•J•· like --------• T•br1;1 :x31~. f~r~•a' b oat, but pictu res It•• well. Rblt. OoOd oond. 12300, 111-1111 ~~ 'cUN<11n~~-· ov. ..... ASA .MOVlng Free male Slbetten Hueky, c 0 n • -• The p rice II nuerantM d to O•ll M.,ol• R . Dy• aoe w 1tl, Sent• Ao• ...... z ome con • 'IO Sc:lrooc:o, 1u10. 1 OW• CM ol state 54$-3712 2 yre, tovH chlldren. &42..e335 • ..... toeo:...,.. U &-1731 CIOMd s11nd•Y d•r our !MM errtno•· ner, •ully •qutp 'd, Air ,72 Toronecto New tlr'll Evea 548·38"2 Soltr PeMI•. ell control· buoy y our 1plrlt1 -$45 If we m1nt1 or long term ri-oond eterwo e..1 otter nd HOo • ... take the P'""tU"'e, and only $"0 55 Hudton/NHll Metro• CHOICE INVENTORY nenc1ng. 844•1311 a$t-oo3~ · ex co ObO. LO lovable female, Fr. led eq..,p lor hot tub or "" •· .. polllen, r•r•. rablt ~. VOLUI Al..ES HouM of 1~11. inc. ' 720•1101 Brlerd to hom• wlfncd • J> • • I 1 2 O o · If you provid e th e pict ure for a t150. "3·61212 DIAL 213 or 114 'II 1111 111 INllN IHI yd. 4116-2586 •" 4PM. 213·280•2230 2 column 3" a d . N7·12333 Very c i..n. wttlt• m1ny ••••••••••••••••• .. ••• Wedding DrtlN 9·10, lonQ 1.!!tr.!.!'!!~ •• 1.~!f ••lrH . IHI r••• offr ·ea CONVERT S300 Lovabl• Bleok Lab Puppy, white. Orig. l11e. now LARGEST JHP O&Al.IR 11 I It L l 1111 ·74 UO M..,-cedH e.tt• ov1r u .ooo. 552·1755 GOOd oond. Aunt well. 6 mo1. 842·0878 or t 1 2 e. \.I k • n • w . For further detall1 a b C>.,S't h ow 11'1 the w .. 1 llW c111n, 1 own•r. Good after 4 Must Mii. ....._7to2 &4W702. 75M451 ev/Wltnd• d"l*•lllY nM<I• meohenlcel. f7,000. Prlv , 1 800 OaJly Piiot boat pic ture ad s Jl!P S•IM·hfYW.LHllllO PtY 5-'t-4190 51' vw Pen11 Ven. new 18 TAA.NS AM, 4 • 2 14 mot. old KllllH. 000 RUN . 10 "Clllln can work for you and tO H~r~.,ekl ISON 9Mcll llvd 1800 molOt, new synoro 403ou In , A /T. P f brotllert, FrM to gOOd llnk t•nc t . S380. ....Cello • ._ l.e Hel)re More fatntll .. ere getting lr.nt, new bnl•. new 12 wlnelowe. AM/FM C&H llOme. Cheryl 1A2~ea1 842..-..oa e..2.8o2t schedule your Id, call Ill llll tl'le c•"'91-"bug" thl• vol\ '""'"'· 1>ooy v~ R 11 n • tr•• t a ob or M0·222t. • ··2 ••7• d a&. ' s lty I -• ywr. ".....:;•11 • .,.. earn-llrelght, call •ft 5, 12. &51·tt?O F:r1~~ ~~2~ ~ -·-v t n a.,.. Or a ..._. ../ .. /lllMLf OS*' lufld•Y per thit':"t no\ getting 000 114·"4·31T2 l·,-74-0-,t-l'-d-Pr-l•-S-J-. -~-ry H•v. tof'Mlhlng 10 M417 M 0 n • 11 Cl • y 0 , 2524 Herbot lltwd • CM H•~ tomet~ 10 Mil? UMCI, ... II now wltll • Have to!MllllnQ to Hit? lo•Oed 1 1000/bMt of. Cl....itlecl lid• dO"... 7H-50Tt. 720...-07t. 6't-I023 1.45-1770 CIMelfleel -· Oo" ..... Claaln.d AO -CleMln.d •d• do It... ,., 131-M7t ' •I -.. ---,,---.-__ - A . guide· to disc·ou_nt shopping along the Orange Ooa·st. . Wednesaay, September 22, 1982 _ AN ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE DAILY PILOT . ,. .. · , M"'" « "'w''"" v, •IV""-'"' !'lfl<J-'f >lrl'IC h1ng \IOUI • l•llh1n9 r!olld" (.)....-, tlw •IV"' .,,.,1 "'""' cump.1men1 v• "" "PPI?"' ,,,..,.,,, l~p dd~r """"' <uhdu~d p.>n''"" and ___ ._, .. r" ~"> 14111 ht-Ip \,UU lf.nk 14lk>f .. ncJ ~bmfll"' b the bninq i..'W'f' I.I'' 1""•1\ ' IJnlfl!JS ~)Ukl tw f.,1 "nd neat """"' ru!fl."1 Save money on "In~· sock.\ and under\.wM-10 buy bener quality ~Ult6. shtrtl. andnrs c---Dno1'1 sclmp on shins and lllt.1 they're oluin what pe<Jplc nooc<! hnl --froui;er t.Ums should hong ilfa.gl\I, not~ Discount stores help men . find quality bargain clothes ~range County's Ma For Plaid! I • ) Brand Name Men's Button Do'Wn Plli4 Sllirts 100W'Cotton & 65/35 Blend -s.aatl4btal S42." ...... .. $1995 Yw Chlict of 16 Faw.us New c. c.tinrtiom MG TED FROM ENGi.Aii> Fii.LY FAStlONED UlllSWNL , ... a.re-I • c:...f • ~ ....... "· llue•Dli.e.-• ......... . .., .................. '-. '3250 '2895 '-kufauu.....,. en .. eur tlfte 11t1ctl9n -Cal Te4eyt C:::1 (714) 641-4801 ~ 17M1 Ay P.tt a.., SulM I »pert ......... c:.n ........ Heun1,......,. ~ 10 -.. 6,. .. Bargain Hunters/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, September 22, 1982 -3 BUY DIRECT AND SAYE! If you are in the market for carpet we strongly urge you to visit BALBOA CARPET MILLS Orange County Plant - You'll be surprised at the large selection and low prices - closeouts, mill trials and slightly irregulars are priced below mill cost -if you AEALL Y want to save money come to where the carpet values speak for themselves. ONE.OF A KIND ROLLS GROUPED TOGETHER ao.-.tta. perfecta a 1rr...., •. Ful roll a part rolls In a wide v.nety of -=~r.:-:tt cab'a a tex1Ures. ONE·OF·A~IND ROLLS FROM VALUES TO $30.00 SQ. YO. .. Balboa Carpet Mills manufactures a wide range of quality carpets. tn addition to our standard numbers we speclattze in cus&om cars)ets Md cotora. ri lOGAH 1.!JC91UAGEwAv · (encl of CoMege) l ~ l I II I ! I ; • I I ~ I r ----4 -Bargain Hunters/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, September 22. 1982 When it comes to choosing shoes, your feet know best When you shop for shoes, s tyle usually plays a prominent part in your selection. Style is certainly an impo rtant require m e nt but quality materials, construcuon and good fit should also play a large part in your final selection. What makes a good shoe? Here are some general quality indicators to look for whe n -sh o pping for a new pair of shoes: -Leather that tS soft, pliable, finn, even and grained. Also, leather in various parts or the shoe should be matched. ' -Look for fabrics that are firm, ye t pliable. -Edges should be e venly trimmed and well-finished. -Check that linings arc smooth and soft. -Make sure the re are no tracks, rough places or heavy or open se~ on tn<' inside of the shoe. -Sutchang s hould be fine and regular -Perforation. 1f a ny, should be regular and clea r cut. ,~, Materials Leatber. Leather shoes arc the best choice if you want a pair of sh°"' that will last a long ume•·and retain their shape . Leathe r ha s natural pores that en.able moisture and heat to escape and atr to enter. Leather also conro~ to the shape of the foot, and shoes with leather so les are h ighly r esi s tan t t o punctures. Syntbetlc s . De pe nding upo n construction and materials, synthetic shoes may be so flimsy that they g ive o u t In a s hort lime, or so durable that aoles outlast the uppers. Vinyl shoes hold up well in heat and moisture. P olyurethane may give a shoe "breathability," but unless the salesperson recognizes the difference between it and regular vinyl, you are not likely to know what you are getting. Fabrics. ~hoes with uppers made of gabardine. canvas, mesh, satin, crepe or brocade in wool, linen, cotto n , n y lon o r ra y on a r e approprait.e for certain occasions but may not hold up very well if worn e ve ryday. E las ticized fabrics can provide extra c.-omfort and help keep the shape of the shoe. Keep in mind that lined fabrics are more resistant to stretching than unhned. When 1t comes to construc tion s hoes tod ay are eith e r se wn. ceme nted or molded together. Good or poor qualities may be found in any type of construction, depending o n th e mat e ria l s u sed a nd workmanship. In sewn s hoes the sole s are stitched to the uppers. This can be done using several methods, buJ ,the most common lB the Goodyear welt. T he w e lt as a l<ind of led ge. usually of leather, around th~ front part of the upper at the sole line, and is most commonly used in making men's shoes. Stitches through the side of the upper anchor the welt to the insole. See Sllopplng page t I Shopping for furniture should # be a very personal experience To most p e ople, fu r niture Me d i um and dark colors and represents a major expenditure that patterns show lea dirt. Man-made ls expected to payoff for many years. fibers with a high nylon or olefin U you want your furniture to "pay conte nt genrally mean gre ate r off" by lasting. then quality and durability since they are sturdy, easy dura bility are two of the m ost to clean a nd r e sis t moths and import.ant things to look for. To mildew. assist you in choosing wisely, here If you expect your new furniture are a few guidelines: will take a lot of abuse, get a fabric -Shop around. First decide what that is treated to resist soils and your furniture needs are. Muat your spills. furniture be extremely durable? For rooms used only occasionally. How big should it be? How much you may choose delicate fabrics such will your budget allow you to spend? as silk and damask . But keep in Everyone has different furniture mind that their long surface threads pref ere nces. If you are not sure tend to snag under frequent use. which style is for you, then spend -Quality. The first thing you some tiJne strolling through several should do when you see a sofa or furniture departments to find out chair y0u like is to sit down in it. which s ty leo ap~ to you most. If it is not comfortable, then pass it When you go shopping. make sure up. No matt.er how nice it looks! ii you ta k e your r oom , windo w you don't enjoy sitting in it, it ls o p e n i n g s a n d d o o r w a y usele.. measurements so you can tell if the Alt.er you have found something furniture you select will fit your that feels good, make sure_it is of space requirements. good quality. See that the fabric is You may also want to take along matched all over and that prints are samples of wallpaper, carpet or palnt. . centered on each cushion. chips to check colors and patterns for -Care. Before you buy, read all compatibility. label a on the fabri c for -Durability. The durability of recommended care instructions . ., ---; ..... itu1 e wiH-de~nd-u.,po ... nn---i'~w'l .... ee•kty-vacu urning or brashi ng how you use it and how it is made. helps prevent the imbedding of soil Ac tive children , pets , casual and grtme between fibers which can loungings. snacking and entertaining increase abrasion and wear. all suggest the need for hardy. Reverae looee cushions weekly to practic al fabrics and sturdy allow even distribution of wear over construction. a longer period of time. ' • f Sears Quantities and assortments are limited, so hurry in! We .. first qmlity and discolidautd merchaadile from Sean Retaif md CataJ01 DlstributJon. "W•" prices quoted ue tbe repbr prk• ~t wldch the Hems were formerly" oftere4 lty Catalo& or In many Sean Retail steres aro11nd the co11nt17 . . .._ ________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Boys' NFL SWEATERS Msorted Sizes & Teams Were Sl2.99 Now Men's Long Sleeve KNIT SHIRTS Were S.14.99 &o 117.99 No'!.$699 WHAT IS A SURPLUS STORE? _Many people have ...!h_e feelin,& ~hat it is an assortment o~ odds-n -ends, one of a kind items and customer returns. While this is true, it amounts to a very small portion of the merchandise available to you. our customers. Most of the goods are brand new, first quality merchandise in which we'have bought more than we can sell during the life of our general catalog or similar sale catalogs. We must kiquidate it as surplus -and this we do at reduced selling prices through our Surplus Stores. Our loss is your gain - Make shopping a habit at Sears Surplus Stores and save on clothing, household items and appliances for you and your family. Women's Designer Inspired Save 21% Heavy Duty LAUNDRY DETERGENT • Wilson TENNIS BALLS • 3 Balls Per Can • Optique Yellow , __ ~~9i Now $ } 49 ~~~s. Now $ J 499 118.99 SWEATERS s~tJo Now $}299 Assorted Colors & Sizes Colormate TOWELS Slightly Irregular WERE NOW , Super $12.99 Bath 7.99 tland 4.99 wash Cloth 2.49 Assorted · PAINT Exterior & Interior ·was 111.49 Jo 118.49 Now $J99. CaU llOW for 1nfonu1ion, Sony, but we ca11'1 ~phone orckf't (Limit 2 Cana Per Customer) SUP-ft-RINGER Ill FLUORESCENT LIGHT 8" Diameter -22 watt ••124.99 $} 299 Now 12" Diameter -32 watt '*'• IM-99 $ } 699 Now I I l I I l1 l I ~ I I I I 1. I 6 Bargain Hunters/ An Advertising Supptement to the DAILY PILOT /Wedneeday, September 22, 1982 • Where the bargains are! 1. Crown Jewela 7172 Edinger Avenue (near Golden West}, Huntington Beach 7. Robert•'• Dlacountlque 25351 Alicoa Parkway, Laguna Hiiis 2. Seara Surplua 9045 Adams Avenue (near Magnolia), Huntington Beach 8. Robert•'• Dlacountlque 31931 Camino Capistrano, San Juan 3. Orange Co.at COiiege 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa I. Robert•'• Dlacountlque · 357 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beac 4. DecoretlYe Febrlca Hou• 18085 Euclid Street (near 405 north), Fountain Valley 10. ·Outlet Eight 4850 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange 5. It'• Fentaatlc 369 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa 11. Two 0.1• Bcautlque 1988 Tustin Avenue, Or~e . I. BalbcNI c_,.te . 1425 VIiiage Way, Costa Mesa 12. D11l1n Corner 3110 E~ Chapman Avenue, Or~ aplstrano ·---- Bargain Hunters/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, September 22 , ·1982 -7 10 \ANTIAGO D AM . AllSO BEACH CO. ,MK .s,, SOUTH LAGUNA ~~ THREE AROt BAY " " ltf SllVEIADO 1UCl.f 11 ~,,_~ p1tio s,.1111< ru•e• O'NEILL PARK "· -SANJUAN CAPISTRANO ISTRANO BEACH . ,, ', I ' ) • ·- . . - - 8 -Bargain Hunters/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, September 22, 1982 Coupons get savings .rolllng at quite ·a cllp ~ ou can actually save more money with coupons than the cost of the newspaper or magazine that you've clipped them from. If you don't mind the work, you can bite almost $50 a week from your supermarket bill. Here are a few tips to help you get started: -Don't skip over products that you rarely buy. You may be able to trade that coupon with a friend or start a coupon -swapping club in your neighborhood. . -Supermarkets use :.coupons to attract customers into their stores, but you should a1ao keep an eye out for m a nufacturer's cents-off coupons. You can find them on Forest fires destroy many homes. wrappers, boxes and mailed flyers. When the coupon is actually in the product box. the offer is usually printed on the label. -You should be a little more flexible about the brands you use. Many prod\lcia differ only in name, and you mieht even find that a new product ·i• better than your old standard. -Only redeem the coupons for the products you intend to use. While they can be money savers, coupons shouldn't be used ~t for their own sake. Unwanted products are no bargain. -Don't limit yourself to using onJ su~iillarket 'Ilf ns. If ou oo care y, you t g stores and other places offer savings. too. As a matter of information, since 1976 the numbe r of cents·off coupons distributed in the United States baa doubled, but fewer than five pen:ent of thoee in cin:ulation have been ttdeemed. In 1976, for bwtance. more than 46 billion of the coupons were printed and only 2.5 bil.liQn of them were used. The savings value of the coupons was more than $6 billion . Last year more than 90 billion coupons with a face value of about $17 billion were issued, but only four billion were redeemed. -Keep your coupons separated by a grouping you will easily remember. When you're looking for one on a specific product, you may even w ant to have the stack in alphabetical order. T he little time you spend setting up the system will pay off when you 're searching the supermarket. -Always ch eck where the coupon_Js accepted and how long it can be saved. There are some coupons, most often thoee that run with store ads, that can only be redeemed at a siJJC)e store. Coupons clipped born national rnacazines °' thoee received in the mail, on the other hand, can uaually be CMhed in at any supermarket. -Be on the loo k ou t for manufacturer's rebates, too. In some cases, a box top or side panel can be sent-to the dealer for cash or extra coupons. -If you find that many of )'.Our coupons, are past their date of use before you can get around to taking advantage of them, try planning the week's meals after checkihg over your coupon void dates. MEN ... fn»m pace I Finally, put the garment on and stand before the three-way mirror. Check your appearance carefully. If the garment doesn't look good on you, don't buy it no matter what the price. Avoid suits that require major alterations. Bu x baum says that when patronizing ou\let stores, you should know your product beforehand. If· necessary. comparison sh op in conventionaJ stores. Examine the articles carefully. If they are not w hat you want or need, it is not a bargain, whatever the savings. 10 % DISCOUNT * COUPON * YB8, AN ADDITIONAL t 0 9' D.18COUNT OPP TH• LOW•ST PRIC•S IN TOWN POR ••• TV'S, MICROWAVES, TOOLS, WATCHES, STEREOS, ETC. •ANUPACTUll•Ra Diii.CT t 880 N•WPORT •LVD;. C08TA •••A eat-•444 ~ NEXT TO. MESA. THEA TAE' ) I Bargain Hunters/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Wednesday. September 22. 1982 _ g Shopping guide to finding the right pair of shoes From page 9 DIAMONDS 40% to 50% off Separate st1tch1.•s downward through the welt hold the sole an place. B eca use of the addi tional thickness. the welt allows more protective layering between the outer and inner soles, providing better insulation against heat, cold and rough walking surfaces. There are other types of welts, but the Goodyear welt lS generally accepted as a sign of sturdiness. When a shoe is cemented together without the need for stitching, welt or tacking, the rt'SUlt is a lighter, trimmer shoe. This method is usually used in making women's shoes. Cemented shoes wall hold up fine, depending upon the quality of construction and the materials. ln m.iection molding, sole and heel units of synthetic materia ls are samult.aneously molded a nd attached to a preassembled upper. This process is used in many casual, sports and children's shoes. as well as in some men's dress styles. Whatever the quahty of materials and workmanship. you can 't appreciate them 1f your shoes do not fit. Shoes are made in a vast variety of lasts, or shapes. and some may be far more suit.able for your feet than others. This is why shoes of the same sue m different styles may not be equally comfortable. Switching to a larger or smaller size won't help much if the bask shape ot the shoe 1s wrong tor your Coot. To assure yourself a proper ht, follow these taps: -Shop for shoes late in the day after you've been on your feet for a while. This way your feet w 1U have had time to spread, and an accurate measurement can be taken. -Don't rus h w hen trying on shoes. Take your time and make sure you have a proper fit. -Don't automatically suck with your previous s ize . Have the salesman measure both the length and width of your feet and the distance from the heel to ball (the wide, fleshy part of the foot near the toes). -Try both shoes on and walk around in them for a while to see if they're really comfort.able. Your toes should have enough room to move freely, and your heel should fit snugly and not slip up an d down w hen the foot 1s bent. Co me in an<l di cuss diamonds with us and meet with our jewelr y designers. What yo u envision, we can create. All work done on premises. SKI sJ i;s sport haus TENNIS WINDSl!HFIN6 GllAND OPENING SKI SALE THURS. -FBI. -SAT. SKI BOOTS CABER lD reg. $215 Now 169 NORDICAS .................... 30% to 50% OFF DY~AFIT .................................... 60% OFF HANSON ................................... 80% OFF LANG ........................................ 40% OFF SKIS DYNAMIC VR 17 HEXCEL 532-HS HDS-11 SPALDING souaDIA COISI SPALDING 315 SPAU>ING 365 ,._. 295 NOW '195 ,... 260 NOW'l 59" ,._. 325 NOW '17500 .... 21s NOW '169" ,... 1to NOW •1 05" ,... 1eo NOW '95" SAILBOARDS Curt'-Howk On Soi.,., 56 99 Complete 10-9 SKI PANTS ••a. $160 NOW '65 SKI PARKA Rev. St4o NOW '49 SKI SUITS 191. s 110 NOW •59 SKI PACKAGE Spaldin9 315 Tytolia 1600 w /broke r91. 275. NOW '149 .. sJ a;s · sparthaus J0-9 ITALIAN TENNIS WEAR SHORTS reg. $40 NOW •12.00 SHIR TS reg. $40 NOW 112.00 DRESSES reg. $55 NOW 112.93 WARM-UPS reg. $100 NOW '24.95 GET READY TO SKI WJNT.11Utl-¥0UI tQUIPMINT lneludet: • Sharpen Your Ski Ed&es • Flat File Bottoms • Realease Check 81ndinas • Aot Wal • Tune Tl9$ and Tails a '25 value ONl Y 'l.H 1779 Newport llvd • Co1ta Mesa 645-4310 (aorON from Gren1 Boyt) -- I t 10 -Bargain Hunters/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, September 22, 1982 TWO GALS HI-FASHION BOUTIQUE . 1-N. Tuatln Ave. ' Orange, CA. (714) 137-7580 ' ... Old-Fashioned, Family-Style SWAP MEET EVERY SUNDAY · 85% Non-Comffttrci11l ColleclibltS & G11rt1gt ·Salt Items ORANG•COAST~Gm •UDITOlllUll PARKl•G LO'T Fairview & Arlington, Costa Meea C.lff 0,,rt ,_ 81t)lt'ts -B •·"'· • J 1.-. Stff" HoMrs -7 •·•· • 4 p.m. ~ • FOOO • PRODUCE • • FltESH FISH •BREAD & 19AS1~ • ANTIQUES • dlA'T 11a., • TEXA.f..SJlt'iE MQ AMI Mt.tit. MrifA ~w! FREE PARKING ~ADMISSION TO BUYERS! SWAP MEET INFO SPACE RESERVATIONS e 558•5880 $10.00 Sellers may purchase spact at the Swap Meet Galt from 7 a.m. -8 a.m. • Bargain Hunters/An Advertl~ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. September 22, 1982 -11 Tips on how to curb compulsive shopping Do you have to buy something every Lime you go into a store? Are your closets and drawers stuffed with clothes you didn't really need or want when you bought them? U 80, you may be a compulsive s hopper -someone who can't control the urge•to spend. If so you need help -you need some cont.rt>!. Compu)aive shopping has little to do with a love of shopping. Bouts of unrestrained buying have mol"e to do with feeling bad about yourself than with the attraction of new clothes. Instead of filling up the emptiness in her or his life, the compubive shopper fills up the cloaet instead. Of course, the only real cure for this expensive problem is to make the changes that are ne<:essary for you to begin feeling better about yourself. In the meantime, however. here are some tips to help you resist thoee buying urges: -Before you go shopping. make a list of the things you need. U you stick to it, you'll be less inclined to on impulse. -Decide in advance how much money you want to spend. This wiU help prevent you going out with the intention o( buying a $5 scarf and coming t\ome with a $70 d~. '--Carry only a limited amount of cash. Leave checkbook and credit cards at home. -Learn to hunt for bargains. Don't buy the first thing you see - do IOl'Oe cornpari9on shopping first. -Take a fnend shopping -with you. The second opinion can put the brakes on your lm~ to buy. Of coune there s nothing wrong with being nice to yourself when you're down in the dumps - sometimes lt helps to buy an oocaaional blouse or a new pair of shoes. Buying only becomes a proWem when you find yourself spending 'lnOl'e than you can afford, or more• than you really want. Take control of yourself and your pocket book -become a bargain bunt.er. ut bargaining power to work at swap meets· and flea markets Discount stores, by doing away with mood lighting and fancy advertising, can present the same fashions offered at big department stores at great savings. But like their different, "no frills" appearance. di9count stores have a language all their own. One tl:wt It la wiae to know before venturing into bargan hunting. Here are a few helpful definitions to get you on the road to bargains: -Jobber. A person who buys goods in quantity fr o m manufacturers or importers and eells them to dealers. -Liquidated stock. Companies who are exreriencing financial problems ael the stock it bu on hand to merchandisers at prices much lower than retail simply becaUBe they need the caab.. -Job lot. Varying ,oods brought toeether fOf' sale as one quantity. -Open stock. Merchandiae .aid in sets. the pieces of which are kept on hand only as r eplacement merchandiae. -Odd lots. A small quantity of unao1d items that remains after an order has been filled. -Overcuts. over-orders, overruns and overstocks. Garments manufatured in excess of what a company bu orders to sell. It ii offered to dlscoun t era and frequently sold through factory • outlets. -Past-seuon. Anything that wu manufactured for a previoul 9eMOI\. -Retail. Sold dlrectly to the tonaumer, generally twice the wholesale prioe. -Returns. Orders that are refuaed by retall atoree becauae they don't arrive Ml time and are returned to the manuta:tmer. -Seconch. Merchandl• that contains more than jUat minoc flawa tha~ affect its appeilM"anCe. Knowing th• right term • can help the bargain hunter find great dHl8 When 8hoppina at a flea matbt.. ~ ttore or 'thrift abo.P. j>rice is oheri ~ble. Vendors exJ*t a little haatllaa and neaottathll to Uib ptace:-IO OOn't be afraid to make a~-offer on items you're interested th. Price haa1inl is expect.eel, but in your quest for a bargain, don't 10 overboard by. mak.ln1 ·a rtdlculoua offer that will only antagonize and inllult the teller. For l.t\atanoe, if the asking price of a basket you want ls $10, don't offer $2 for it. Make a reuonable offer (about 10 percent off) that will show that you appreciate the value of the ltem and the teller'• integrity. Here are IOIDe more neaotlatina US-for potential bariain hunters: -Don't eettJe on the given price. It doemi't hurt to uk. ·~ fif'tl\f"l ~ beat you can do?" YoU mJcbt be IW'pri9ed. -U you're buying from an lll'tist or collector, a compliment " ROt out of line and mlcht help the Mle, but ~ tbe merchandille in the hoPe of aettinl a lower price will not. -You can someUmet aet a dbcount by buying ~ th.n one item or by payina with cmh. -On IOmethJ.na expenlive, IUCh as a gold necklace or piece of artwork, alway1 1et a written gu.aranwe that the itml la what the teller cl.alma lt ls. -Go to flee rnarketll early in the momlna. if you want to anap up choice item• before they're acne, or late 1n the day to take advantqe of lower price_s ~U~ ,,.._._. don't Wint \a t!ai+; 'Nitll."" ;-i'i"f.'"-l: .. • DIRECT FROM EAST COAST Buy Direct CHOOSE FROM THOUSANDS OF MANUFACTURER~ FABRICS * In-House Designer * Showroom Faciftties We Carry: *Lace* Loose Weaves* Velvets * Eyelets * Polished Cottons * Satins * Loads of Designer F abrlcs * Cotton Duck * Decorator Pillows * Polyfill * Pillow Inserts J * More * and Morel SELECTED DESIGNER PRINTS COMFORTERS&: BEOSPRCAD·r--------- DECORATIVE FABRIC HOUSE M·F 10-6:30 WED. 10-7 SAT. 10·5 11015 EUCUD @ 405 FWY. FOUNTAIN VAUIY 963*5659 DESIGNER CORNER THE NAME OF THE STORE SAYS IT ALL Designer Comer Is special In that It has the brgest selection of designer clothes that we hove found In a smon specialty shop ooywhere to date. They carry a wide variety of designers. some from Parts and Italy. ~ a nice· selection of everything from pants to blouses, and blazers. to dayttme and dressy dresses. Al of thete orttctes are sold at a aavtngs of from 20-50%. Free wardrobe co-ordinating acMce ls ovalloble upon request lnaJdlng accessories. ~ E. Chapnarl Ave .. OJange CA (7M) m-2'84 • Mon-Sat lQ00.600 Coled Sunday. \1SA MASTERCHARGE , I I ' L ..., L ·. -·--·--'.2S!!&21 12 -Bargain Hunters/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, September 22, 1982 . ' * Saint Tropez West * Nipon * Condor * Diane von Furstenberg .* Calvin Klein * Roberta * Claiborne ·* Saint Romei * Kardessa and others -~ Costa Mesa 369 E. 17th Street (W~stport Squar~J (714) 642-9380 Seal Beach 1037 Padfk Coast Hwy. (~xt to Skaggs) (213) 594-0946 El Toro 24320 Swartz Dr. lnext to Aaron lros.J (714) 951-9312 - - 111111 ClllT WEDN!SOAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1882 Valley council shelves vote on roof qrdinance·: Fount.a.in Valley Chy Council has declined to vote on a propoaed fire-retardant roof ordinance, aaying membera need more Information on roofing optJons and want an alternate meuure to allow homeowners to make their choice or roofing matertalsi The roof law was backed by Fire Chief Richard Jor~ensen, Horses' cente r planned By ROBERT BARKER OftM Delly Piiot a1eff A 25-acre equestrian cente1 will be ready to lodge horses ir Huntington Beach's Central Parl4 by January, according to tht center's designer and president. The facility is e xpected tc accommodate about 150 hors~ with an eventual capacity for 400. Eddie Milligan, who says he was a jockey in the 1940s under contract with entertainers Harry James and Betty Grable, asserts that his goal will be compatibility with surroundings. "The horse hasn't been a good neighbor in many cases because of the lack of education of its owner," he said Tuesday. "Problems can start when people buy a horse for their 12 or 14-year-old daughter. They bring in 10 tons of hay and haul out five pounds of manure. "The areas can look dirty and messy and have flies and the cities can have problems~· Milligan says the facility will be developed "in a country club atmosphere" of Central Park at Taylor Avenue and Goldenwest Street and will have hookups to other trails. He promises that stalls will be cleaned twice a day, manure will be speedily removed and there will be a strict control of rues. Milli~~· 51, president of Beuer · t Enterprises Inc. in San Dimas, says he expects the bulk of his business will be provided by townhouse and condominium owners "who have always wanted to own a horse but never had the opponunity." H e says he h as d esigne d equestrian facilities in the City of Industry and South Pasadena. who said Tuesday night h e wanted to prevent the type of fire that destroyed 600 dwelling u.n.lt.s in Anaheim last April. The rapid spread of that fire waa blamed In part on the type of wood shingle roofs used in most Fountain Valley homes. Valley aa well aa local roof replacement project.I to employ fire-retardant roortng materlala. homoowru-r. Fire Chief Jorgenaen said a flame-r ealatant flbergla111 1ubetltute ,roof would coet only about •100 more than a wood shingle roof . H e conceded, however, that a wood shingle roof specially treated to res.lat fire could coet a homeowner aa much as $2,000 more. The proposed law would require new homes ln Fountain Dan Hoppy, speaking . on behalf of the Huntington Beach- F o u n ta In Valley Board of Realtors, aaJd the board opposes thla ordlnance because It would Increase housing costs. Hoppy said he also oppoeed the measure personally as a Fountain Valley Councilman Ben Nielsen noted As the surf provid es d inner music, Lalou Tart a r ini pours wine a t Kathy Mcisaac and Dave Miller's table for two. . . Su011ner ebbs, roinance flolVs By JODI CADENHEAD Of h 0..., ,... • ...,. What a little romance won't do for a romance. Dave MllJer, 23, Costa Mesa was stuck In traffic on the Santa Ana freeway last June when he began daydreaming about dining on the beach with his girlfriend Kathy Mcisaac, 19, Laguna Niguel. Luckily Picasso's in Laguna Beach didn't th1nl< that a pink-clothed table-for twom \~sand with wine and a dozen red roses was such an unusual request. Miller told his 19-year-old sweetheart to dress up Tuesday night. They were going someplace special. The pre-school teacher in a long black skirt and lace blouse never guessed she'd end up on the beach, surrounded by miles of sand, the pounding surf and a few curious onlookers. "l just-wanted to c:elebrate the last day of summer and have a nice dinner," said the Colt.a Mesa roofer. The sun set. The couple milled ahyly. The waiter poured ahother glass of c:hablis and returned to the kitchen up the hill to serve the salad, followed by sorbet, scampi and a CJlrt of sweet French pastries .. The tab for the f~UYening_came_to ~O. confided that she was impressed. No one had ever surprised her like that. "This is my first time too," Miller aaured her . The couple, who met on a ski trip last spring, admit they usually do typical things like go to movies. "I like doing this kind of stuff," .said the unabashed romantic suitor. "You don't see much of it." the city ha.a traditionally lnal.tted that builders UJe wood shingle. In Fountain Valley becauae of their appearance and uld most homeowners purchased this type of roofing in good faith. Regarding the flre-rer.ardant roof law, Nielsen said, "I question whether this ls the retponaibillty of government to make these decl1lon1 for people. I think we 're overreactlna to • J altuatJon." He propoeed that the city staff lnatead prepare a proaram to notify homeownera of rootln1 options and potential fire hazarda. Mayor Marvin Adler alao asked the city staff to return with aamplea of the rooftn1 materials under dt.cuaa1on. Valley cuts coif ee money for seniors r. .. By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of ttle OeMyNotalaft The Fountain Valley City Council has voted to stop paying $215 per month in "coffee and doughnut money" to the local senior citizens organization as a first step toward making the program pay its way. The council Tuesday agreed, however, to continue allowing the seniors to meet each week at the Fountain Valley Recreation Center without paying rent. The city also will still pay for publication of a senior newsletter until a private sponsor can be found. About SO senior citizens attending the council meeting reacted 8l'\8!:!!Y tg 1he cut.back. Rosalie Kociefa, a spokeswoman for the 500-member Fountain Valley Seniors organization, said most nelghbo,ring cities provide complete IOCial centers and much more extensive services for older residents. "How can you in good coll9dence say you want to take away our allowance of $215 a month?" ahe uked. "Look at all the 11ervices we provide to thia commwl..lly (a.ich ,..aa vifita to oonvale9Cent homes and helping with ~delivery programs). Are you begrudalna us money 90 that we can each have a cup of coffee and one dOl.lghnUt'P- The older residents also protested that Fountain Valley officials have been promising to build a local senior citizen center the past decade but have not ful/illed this VOW. "We're_getting mighty fed up," resident Harry Quinlan told the council. "Most of the tenlora ln Fountain Valley have children and grandchildren who can vote. "If you don't Jet grandma out of the house twice a week (to attend a aeniora program), they're going to get mad. ~ when they get mad, they'll vote against.you." Council members respondeCi that the city has tentative plads to convert the police station lnto It senior center after a new pol.id! station is constructed. ; ' The elimination of the $216 monthly allocation was part of' three-year plan req\,leated by~ council to make local recreation programs aelf-auffiden becawie of the c1ty's continuing budget problems. The council al8o approved fee lncreases for youth groups usinl city playin1 fields. Per player fees for youth f1ag footbell and basketball prqirama, which .we.re SlO l.ut year, were doubled to •20 in Jucy. But the council Tuesday trimmed this back to US in keepi.na with the aim to pbMe In the fee lncrea~• over three years. Vot1n1 a1alntt the fe increases for aenlon and u~. youth group• were council members Jamee Neal and Barbara Brown. Voting in f.avar were Mayor Marvin Adler and councilmen Fred Va. and Ben Nielsen. After the meeting, Neel-~: oppoeed the removal of the $2 seniors allocation becau.e "un we get a building for the 8eJ\I I don'fihlnk we 1hould ta away any of the dty acivan . they have now." ~ GOP 43rd congressional candidate polis hes image on live show aimed at voters. Johnnie Crean By JEFF ADLER Oft"-0..., .......... SAN DIEGO -Republican congressional candidate J ohnnie R. Crean and his campaign consultant Allan Hoffenblum aeemed pleased after their unprecedented live half-hour television show aimed at voters In the 43rd CongressionaJ District went off the air. The Tuesday night s how, which featured Crean answering questions te le phoned in by viewers, was designed to ~unter what Crean and image-maker Hoffenblum believe is Crean's -INDEX - At Your Servp Business Cavalcade _ Cl.aaai f i~ Comics Crossword Death Notices F.d.i tortaJ . Entertainment Food Goren on Bridge Art Hoppe Ho1o.:ope Ann Landen Movtea Mutual Funda Public Notices Sport1 Dr.St.elncrohn Stock Markets Television 'lbeaten Weather World Newa A4 84-5 All E3-6 AS AS C4 AlO B3 Dl-E2 All All All All B3 B4 C4-6 Cl-3 All B& Be 83 A2 A3 negative image among voters. "From what I saw of It, it appears we accomplished our objective -to show another aJde of Johnnle Crean up close and live," Hoffenblwn said. Smiling, Crean also waa jubilant in the studios just after the show. "I think it went gJ'eat," Crean said. "It was a lot of fun." Crean appeared calm aa he artic ulately answered 13 questions, 11 of which were phoned in by viewers, during the· carefully orchestrated broadcast. Questions ranaed from the conduct of Crean'a primary campaign to the anti-handgun initiative, Proposition 15, to abortion. About 30 questions, which were screened by Hoffenblum behind the scenes, did not make their way to the candidate. Tho.e inclu ded legalization of marijuana and gay right.I. Hoffenblum explained. prior to air time that questions would be selected based on what he perceived to be viewer interett. "The more provocative, the beuer," he aald. The half-hour show, which pre-empted Tic Tac Dou1h on San Dtea<>'• KFMB-TV, Channel 8, wu seen between 7:30 and 8 p.m . In San Dteao County and porUona of south Oranae County lel"Ved by cable t.eleviak>n. h wu hosted by fonner "Today" show anchorman Frank Blair. The 1prawltn1 '13rd ConJrlllonal Dl1trlct Includes porUonl 0( '°'-Ith 0...,... County on TV and much of north San Diego County. Hoffenblum said cost of the production, including promoting the show throughout the district. was •00,000. On the other hUld, Crean's write-in opponent ln the general election, Ron Packard, canceled his scheduled campaign appearances Tuesday night and paid $03 for a room in which to hold a news conferenoe shortly after the. broadcast concluded. "I wasn't sure whether I was seeing 'To Tell The Truth,' 'The Price Ia Right,' or the 'Johnny Cash T.V Special'," Packard said. The man who lost the Republican primary to Crean by 92 votes called the production a "blatant attempt by Johnnie Crean to try and buy credibility . with money.'' He added that the coat of the 1how, amountJng to what he Mid a congreaional capdidate earns In one yea r , was "almost lmmoral." Crean told reporters he waa not 1urprlaed by the queationt because -has h~ard them au during hla campaigning. "It'• my job to know what people'• illuet are," he comnented. AddttJonally, Hoffenblum said Crean had reheaned the •how, lncludlna poaslble questlon1, three Umea prior to airtime. What the public HW WH Crean repeatina the themea he has 1treaeed llnce the pttmary, that he la a "no-nonaen1e R•publlcan bu11lneuman" commJtted to redudnJC th• alze of (lee CREAN, Pqe Al) Shores renten, claiming they ha ve Newport's last outpo t of affordabilit y, are protesting new luxury rents. .. Skip the luxury, save rents By STEVE MARBLE o<-.0..., .......... To the tenants who live there, the Shores la a slice of middle-class America atuck ln upper--clMI Newport Beach. The apartment complex la an outpost of affordability in • land of wealth, tenanta •uaest. The l20-unlt complex that overlooks old Corona del Mar and the traffic of Pacific Cout Hlchway II old, well-wom and 1U1ht1y scruffy around &he edne. Tenant• aay It'• a frlendly place where residenta don'\ quibble about dirty carpet.inc or the lack' of dl1hwHher1 becauae the rent la reuonable. But all that'• chanalnl· The Shor9 ls aotna "lux~" and the renta a... ao&na up. SO a... IN t.enana.' t.empen. "t don't want 1'1XW")'," •YI tenant Charlee ·-· \ Fredrick, an unemployed aaleeman who •YI he'• havlna enou1h trouble flndina • job wltho\lt looklnc for a new apartment at the .me Ume. "Luxw-y la jult another way of aaylna hlcher rent and I can't afford lt.'' Tenants were advtaed by the buUdtnt• Mw, ownera by letter Sept. 15 that renta would M hlked effective Oct. U,. A one.bedroom, the leu.r said, would a<> from $400 to t&&O a mon\h and a two-bedroam would men.. from t&00 to MM. The new oWMt'I, the Goeden Co. of lrvtM, did not make thenwelvee available IO COIN'Mftt c-. th• rtnt lncreaae, or other eomplalni. fl'Oftl JWidenta. The letter to tenants, thou1h, uld the oompeny planl to belln eX1111Ww,...,.... Of the Jll'.Ol*'lY '° "brina It to • llwl ~ wtth theana." ( ... RENTS, Pap Al) Hll' Orange Oout DAIL. Y PILOT /WednMday, 8->tember U, 1812 -• Marines due ID Beirut .rr~om AP ot1pa1c1att 'A a>ntil'\lf!nt of U,8. Marine. i111ned to an International ceke.pln1 force In B lrut arted today from Napl 1, y aboard the helicopter er Quam. ob.<-rv.,," llll1d on Marine officer prior to the unit '1 l a .m . dciparture. "At thll lime, we are ttlll to rHelve a particular ml11lon We have merely bHn ordered In." l•at1la\On1 ,,,.., Phalangtata Wtnt to carry out an operation, with Umlted laraoll 1upport, a11aln1t PLO auerrlll beUeved hldlna In the &bra and ChtUU• campe. Labor leader Shimon Perea , demand~d to know "who1e atupld ldt>a" It WH to allow Chrlulan aiunmen Into th~ campe, homt-to predominantly Mo1l em Pale1tlnlan 11nd Lebane9e refusees. and called for the realgnatlone of .Prim• Minister Menachem Betiln and Sharon. Aboard the ... uh ahlp . were 1,800-man 32nd U.S. Marino phlb1oua Untt, relnfol'Ced by kl, art11l ry, tea·land aaault hlclea, a 1quadron of 22 dlum-ranae air eupport K~copten and a combat eupport tMckup group, a Navy 1pokeeman ~Id. ""l'he unit la ex~ to arrive off the Beil'u t cout Saturday, the idokeaman aaid. It la the aame i'lrllt that helped oversee the evacuation of Pales tine L"beratlon Organlutlon • gtierrlllas from laraell-ringed west Beirut in late August and month. 'In our previous embarkation Lebanon, we were oii:iered •wacuate PLO units and &1ldc1 the Quam, tour Glh Fleet eacort 1htp1 departed Naples u part of the taak force a«0mpanylng the Marine.. The Un1ied Statet, Franc. and haJy decided to ttact.lvate their pea"-ekeeplng force and eend It back to Beirut after the m.uMtCre of hundred• of Paleatlnlan refugees by Chrlatlan militiamen in West Beirut last week. M eanw hile, the uraeJl government battled for eurvival today In a bitter Parliament debate over the camp rnuMCret. Iarael's defense minleter said the army al lowed Phalanal•t militiamen into the campe but had not expected a slaughter of civilians. Ariel Sharon told angDy Encrsy Minister Yltzhak Berman told reporten h4t quit hl.e poet and would voie agahut the government today on a Labor Party resolution oalllng for an official probe of the killings. The Red Cross and Lebanese civil defente workers recovered 15 more bodies from the camps this morning and the Red Cross said thls increued the confirmed death \011 to 220. beach • win access STEVE MITCHELL °""',... ..... t easy, Laguna Beach. o longer can you be accused being stodgier than Newport h. ot after the Laguna Beach y Council voted to open the •ch es to d o gs _In th e iertime. ~..., ... ""· T\.jesday night, in a 3-2 , said dog owners can walk Ir pets -on a leash - time they want between Sept. 15 and May 30. And during the ~r. they 6'i\ still take a beach stroll with t>¥1r dogs before 8 a.m. and after 6 p.m. The split vote, with Mayor Neil Fitzpatrick and C.Ouncilman Dan Kenney oppoeed, came after an hour-long hearing that lasted mruJ 11:30 p.m. Viejo shop stroyed blaze • Mlaslon Viejo furniture shop gutted by a fire that took 53 ty firemen more than 30 utes to extinguish today. emen said the industrial et -California Specialty - ~ in flamH a~ 6: 17 a.m. desll'oyed.' j p, which specialized in klng cabinets, la located at 41 Obrero Dr. ln an industrial plex off Alicia Parkway. · estimated damage at ,000 and said the cause of the fite ia under Investigation. Canine su pporters far outnumbered foes as they marched in turn to the podium to make their pleas in favor of lea stringent hours for dog-walkina. Eve n Co u n c i 1 ma n Bob Gentry's Old English sheep dog got in the act, running to the council dais and sitting in the councilman 's seat. Garbed In sw im trunks and a pair of sunglasses, the dog barked loudly into Gentry's microphone. " 'Thumper' would like to speak in favor of this issue," quipped Gary Burdick, a friend, who delighted the council audience and apparently surprised Gentry by bringi.ng the large dog into the council chambers. Amo ng other 1peaker1 favoring open hours in the winter was Phil May , a m e mber of the clty'a Pet Responsibility Committee. "I was shocked to learn that big, bad Newport Beach is more liberal than we are.'' May said, citing that city's ordinanoe.. J.b.at allows dogs on leash during the winter but prohibits them on the sand during the busy summer. ''That's the way it wed to be In Laguna Beach.'' he aaid. ''The law ls so restrictive now, you'd think we lived In Huntington Beach." Opponents to dogs on the beach cited dog excrement u their primary concern, alon• with the facl that few do1 owners keep their dop leMbea once they reach the beech. "The smell Is terrible," aald one woman, who wanted d08Jt banned permanently from the city's beaches. C.Ouncil agreed that enforcing the city's ~ash law, and gettina dog ownen to pick up after their pets, ia. a problem. But councilwoman Sally BeUerue said the more stringent hours in effect have done little lO 80lve those probleme. "We still have lrreal>Oruible (dog) owners," she said. The council majority agreed to the new, liberal houn with the condition that the situation be reviewed in a year. CREAN e • e From Page A 1 government and continuing the policies of the Reagan adminiatration. As he has eince the primary election, Crean again apologized for the tenor of hle primary campaign saying he regrets the tactk:a be employed. Kidnapping a 'm yst t;r y' The whereabouts of an 11 -year-old Vietnamese girl, kidnapped Tuesday as she was walking lO achoo), and the reason for her abduction remained a mystery today, according to police in San .. Ana. ~ Anhdao ThJ Nguy8'\. a sixth grade student and a retuaee from her native country, reportedly was pulled Into a light-colored van by two men and whisked away. Police said the incident happened lea than a block from her Santa Ana home. More fog forecast -I • • --' lllgll wind•. rHulllng In 1ome ____________________ _. "'POrt• of tornado dM18Qe. The Nation al Waatll•r Service report•d • tornado 1wooped down on a subdlvlalon near Old1mer and danced trom rooftop lo rool10!). c:.tu91ng $50,- 000 In detneQe Hlgll Wlndl CUI tllrougll Ille ~ end lc>te on roohopa end lhlnglel. but no on• w11 Injured, Iha w••lller Mfvk:e uld. Temp•r11urn before dawn today ranged from 32 In S1ull Sia. M1tla, Mich , to 9 I In Pho«llll, Mi. Temperatures .Nt>eny Albuqua Amerlllo Altievtle Altanl• Atlante Cty Austin a.tu more ::,~ Blamerdt 8olM 8oatOfl &ownlllle BultelO Bunlnglon CN99' Cllarlsln SC Cllarlttn WV Cll#ltle NC gz- Clnc*lnall Clevaiend Clmble SC Columbus O .. ·FI Wth Dayton Oenver 0.. Moines Datrol1 Oululll El PNO Fargo Flegll•ll GrMt Falla Hartto<d Helena ono4ulU Jori ... Lo .. e4 53 .12 19 5e 71 47 72 47 .04 71 47 64 57 .25 S3 58 67 se 1.01 82 54 73 43 73 45 74 " 1.3e t2 55 .12 90 70 23 64 52 .45 70 54 so 62 78 70 . 10 SI 4f .58 67 54 70 ... 81 "3 16 49 59 40 75 59 .25 82 42 74 50 69 47 02 78 49 82 41 l5e 43 82 92 so 81 01 et 4$ 79 44 77 46 83 54 13 71 47 89 73 IO ~ 80 ... 72 43 83 Cl6 10 84 42 10 50 . " 93 .. ..... .. 441 74 52 .... 17 75 M 45 .. 42 .. 45 IO 59 M 56 10 .. 12 41 ,.. .. .. 45 M 70 U 4 15 S1 2t 106 81 .. 49 H 52 74 52 eo se .. 80 n ae .. 59 13 se " se 74 41 84 •7 .. 44 ., 73136 ···HRf RIPIRT ,.r::;c,. ......... ~on lluff• 1-2 fl ':9 ":' Hlltltlnglon Pl« 1-3 fl. ,.. M 84int• ~na Al..., Jeuy 1.2 fl poor ee 40th 81. N9wpOrt 1-2" poor .. 22no 8t. N9wPOn 1-2 ti. poor ee l.itloe Wectoe M fl. poor .. ....,., Ho4low 1·2 "· poor . 13 T......,oou 1.2 " pa. a ..,. ~.. ... 1-3 "· ,.., .. Tttlalgaf fT..at,_) 14 ti. fair .. Cotton'• l>OIM t-3 fl "°' .. Trw11ae 14 ft poor .. 18'1 Ollo"-t•3 n. PO« • Tomonow• HfOll Tide; \.t'34 c1.111 • Low Tide: l :N am.• ,.,.. DlrtctlOft• loultl/eoutfl..... • • Tides TOOAY .. .. 102 68 62 ea 59 t1 55 85 87 ae 11 103 11 ~ N S5 84 815 '° IO 79 83 11 se 103 •• " 83 78 \03 16 40 75 58 IO to " 55 71 t1 14 80 95 65 100 87 " && .. 57 .. 61 17 64 n at 8acJonct lllOfl 12..4 7 p "' 1.0 8acJonct tow l :OI p m, U TMU"9DA.~ ,.,.. lllgfl 1:31 • II\, 3 3 Flrat io. I.II a I'll I . 7 lecond lligll 1 ;J4 p "'· 4.1 lteOftO tow • n p.m. 'u l11n Nie IOde~ at l ;IO p.m., , .... T~Ml'41t.m. MoDll ,,.. ... It , 1.41 Uft.. ... .. tO;IOpm Diahet i cs topic of health class A 10-hour couree for diabetics and their famlly mmibers wUJ be featured In the "Focue on Community Health" October proaram s_ponaored by Pacifica Community Hoaplta l In Huntington Beach. The 11e11Jons will be held In •Huntlng\On Beach poUoo and the Neighborhood Watch Organization will conduct a burglary prevention program at 7:30 p.m. Thunday at Mesa View School, 17601 AvllJa Lane, Huntington Beach. The meeting, whlch la open to the public, la prlmarlly for resldenta of the area bounded by Talbert Avenue. Bolea •An American Red Crou blood drive will be conducted from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday at Fountain Valley C.Ommunity Hospital, 17100 Euclid St. The blood drive is primarily the hOl"ltal'a Carmen Yuppo Conferenco Center at 18819 Oela\l(are St., on Wednetldays from '7 to 9:30 p m. •tarting Oct. 6. There 11 no charge. For reglatratlon call Pacifica Community Hoepl tal , 842-0611, exten.slon 226. Chica and Goldenweat streets and Warner Avenue. Police say 24 residential burglaries have occurred In thia area during the past two montha. Guell epeaker will be police detective Rlcllard Ho ope r . Free crime prevention literature and Nelghborhood Watch window stickena will be available. for he»pital employees, but it also la open to the public. Reservation.e lO donate blood may be made by calllng the hospital at 979-1211, ext. 8091. -------- •The 50-mlle run by Lloyd Long of Fountain ValJey through the streets of Irvine Aug. 16 did more than mark the runner's 50th birthday, It turns out. Long's daughter, Deoloe, recently handed a check for $167.50 to the lcoal American Heart Association office on behal( of her father. The donations represented pledges from :JO people who were surreptitiously recruited by her prior lO her dad's run. She said she didn't want to tell her father about the pledges-per-mile until after he had oompleted his personal challenge. Thick I og dela.ys fligb ts_a t airport .. Fog caused delays of about 30 mir.utes in the takeoffs of five airliners from John Wayne Airport today, accordjng lO an ajrport official. No other problems were traced to the morning fog lhrouahout the Orange Coast. Flight 1ehedu1es were reported normal at Le» Angeles International and Ontario International airports. The fog and low clouds are expected again tonight and Thursday mornlng but should clear Thursday afternoon, .. accordlng to the National Weather Service. Temperatures i£ coas~ areas are expected to reach 76 Thursday, with lows of about 62. Inland temperatures are predicted to climb to 85. Lows of 60 are forecast. The weather epokeswoman said surf of 5 lO 8 feet la expected Thursday and Friday because of hurricane Olivia, off the coast of Mexico. RENTS, T EMPER S RISING. e From Page A 1 s cores lower SACRAMENTO (AP) - California high echool aenlort lk:ored slJghtJy lower thl.e year on the Schol#*Uc Apt.ii.Ude Test, lhe mOit Important oolJoge entrance examination. The atate reported Tuesday that college-bound California 12th graders IOOred 4~~ thlt year on the verbal part of th~ tett, down from 426 Jut year. That dropped them one JfOinl below the national average tor verbal skiUs. ln the mathematical part of the t~t. the Californians aoored 474 this year compared to 47~ lut year. But that was stiU seven poln\S above the national average for mathematical skills. The state Department of Education, quoting figures from the College Entrance Examination Board in New York, said nationwide !ICOres rose this year for the first time in 19 years. The increases were two polnta In verbal skiJls and one point in math. There were 102,261 Californians who took the SAT, .which is required by moat four- ycar colleges. State school Superintendent Wilson Riles said he was disappointed but not surpriaed by the results, considering the school cutbacks because of money shortages. "I don't believe -nor do testing experts -that the latest results signify a majo. setback for Californians," Riles said. "In fact, considering the severe fiscal crunch facing California schools In recent years, It is phenomenal that the scores have improved at all." Last year California SAT scores rose in both verbal skills and math, for the second lime in three years. and exceeded the national average by two points in verbal skills and nine points in math. Riles said at the time that the scores were a sign that a ..;l..::.o~n"i----t ctei;iTrr~ l n fi I g S Cl\ 0 0 performance had ended. He also cited the flrat across-the-board improvement in more than a decade on the standardized tests. Hts November election opponent, Bill Honig, called the improvement minimal compared to the years of decline. Besides the SAT decline, Californians' average llCOf'eS al.so dropped Cractionally this year on the College Board's teat of Standard Written English, but remained sJightly above the national average. e "The message is that if we can't afford luxury. we better move out," aays Ann Resor, who hu lived ln. her apartment four years and wor~ part-time to aupplement her retirement. Tenants report renta tradltionally have been hiked annualJy, usually going up $25 to $50 a crack. They say it has been just over a year since the last increase. "Not everybody in Newport Beach ia wealthy an<! everything ln \Own doesn't have lO be luxury. There ehou1d be a place for the middle-class." Edie Hulette, a six-year Shores resident, agrees that the new owners have a right lO raile the rent but she feels a one-month notice la unfair. "There's no way you can go out, Cind a new apartment and move in a month. I'm not even sure I could find another apartment in Newport that I can afford." Hulette says even if ahe could afford to stay, she wouldn't just out of principle. "I'm not claiming a landlord should have any compassion," adds Fredrick, "but they should at leut «Jve us a fair chance." ----- CRYSTAL TRIFLE IOWL Audry Trotter, a 10-year Shores resident who aharea her apartment with a sister to save expenses, suggests the new owners put In the improvemeni. before raising the rents. "We don't even know what they're going to do lO make the place so luxurious. It might not even be worth the money." Tenanta say they're unsure what to do or if it would help to mount a protest. ''I'm not sure there's much that can be done," eays Fredrick. "But sometirnet these corporations don't know what they're getting into until they get a hold of a bunch of Americans who are good and angry..:::_ ., 1.88 FREE• sao VALUE CdSIWT STAii.OS ~ . ..::;;.....;==--""" STm ru arnu , ~ ..... c:c=-.. ,. . ~ ~ FOi lllOANT INTB TAINING tit -,.., .._ ,,a ·c:.t11t1ca1• Otter SP9Cl•I Lebel DLC 7PK 8o• more than you expect In a hardware store CROWM ~.El HARDWARE VISA' ' I NATION Congress to e nd s trike ? WASttlNG1'0N A Houtt· commlthtt' today apcedily approved teat•l.-llon ordering lcx'Omolive enaln ,.. to end • llrlke that official• aay ia coating the already·battered U.S. economy up to $1 billion a day. Final oon1~1onal pauaaa of tho joint rMOlutlon, which wu approved by a voice vote of th Senate Tuelday ntaht, was planned lat.er In th • ct.y, fo llowed b y Pruldent Rt"a1an'1 1lgnature. It then would b ecome l aw lmmedl.ately. NAC in finan cial crisis WASHINGTON -The ~ataonal Associallon of Counties is seeking help from banks to bail it out of a $2 million financial crlsw caused by employees who went on a spending spree to lavishly decorate the group's new building, offlclall say. NAC, which represen ts mo r e than 2.100 of the c ountry's county-l evel governments, has laid off one·Courth of lta staff because of the emergency, association officials said today. R e a g an flays libe rals WA SHI N GTON - President Reagan, claiming his administration has brought the nation closer than it was in 1980 to having a prosperous economy, said the liberals are selling "snake oil" to voters m this election year. WORLD Speaking to a Re publican audience at a Washington hotel on Tuesday. Reagan said it was the high interest rates his administration inherited that wreaked havoc In the hou1lng and automobile industries. Princess laid to rest MONTE CARLO, Monaco -A week after her death, Princess Grac.-e has been laid to rest in a marble vault in Monaco's cathedral, beside an empty tomb reserved for her husband, Prince Rainier m. The prince, their children Princess Caroline and Prince Albert, and a small number of Monaco officials and close friends took part in the private interment ceremony at 5 p.m. T u esday, the Monaco press service reported today. More flood victims found SAN SALVADOR , E l Salvador -More corpses f ound in ruins of a n eighborhood buried by mudslides pushed the flood and storm-related death toll to 565 in thiJ> nation, a lread v wracked from years of civil STATE war. A s of t oday . offi cials estimated damage at more than $100 million and said they feared devastation could help the leftist guerrillas' campai~ of sabotage against the nauon s economy. ~--- M e qfly d e mise celebrate d SAN FRANCISCO - Califoul.ia ofCicials claim. they've won their $96 million. two-yea r war with the Mediterranean fruit fly . h ailing their su ccess as a vict ory f o r science and democracy. In a champagne celebration Tuesday night at the project's Los Gatos headquarters, o fficials 11 fle d the las t quarantine but vowed to continue a vigilant search for rues throughout the state. The medOy, one of the most voracious farm pest.a, infests 256 varieties of fruits and vegetables, including 19 crops that Scribner said generate about $5.4 billion In the state. Agriculture is a $14 billion industry in California. USC nixes 'R evie w' buy LOS ANGELES -The University of Southern California has decided not to purchase the financially ailing Saturday Review magazine, USC preside nt James H . Zumberge said. "I wish it were more often possible for us to do what is desirable," Zumberge said in a statement released by USC on Tuesday . "Som etimes, however, marshaling the full resources of the university requires mo r e time an~ consideration that this rapidty deve lopi ng p ossibility allowed.". Quake j olts Santa Barbara SANT A BARBARA -No damage was reported during a small earthquake that sharf)ly jolted Santa Barbara and was felt as far as 70 miJes to the north, authorities say. The mid·moming quake on Tuesday measured 3.4 on the Richter scale and was centered 18 miles southwest of Santa Barbara in the Santa Barbara Channel, said Pattie Sullivan, spokeswoman for California Institute of T echnology's seismology lab in Pasadena. The quake was felt as far away u San Luis Obispo, 70 miles north of Santa Barbara. Orange Cou1 DAILY PILOT /Wednetd1y, Septemt>.r 22, 1982 Molest suspect 'caring perso~' l BY DAVID KtJT2MANN Of"IM o.ltf "9t ..... An Oran1e County SuJM'rlor Court jury <.'Ol'Ulldcrt..-d today tht' h1te ot " former Lons Beach police officer charged wllh moll'ltlng 1lx young alrlt but who w aa dHcrlbed by hl• tttorn v H • "lovtn1. caring pel"IOn.'' • "What M l k e McDonald 11 aull\y of ll being an aU..'C:t.lonaw. fovlna human 6eln1 who hugs and klases and loves people," deCenae attorney Gary Pohlson told Jurora Tuesday during closing atatemenll In Superfor Court before Judie Donald A. McCart.ln. McDonald, 42, of Huntington Beach. ls charged with multiple counts of c hild molestation Involving alleged act.II wlth six nelaihborhood alrt1 ov"r an 18·mon1b period bt:ailnolnai 1n rly 1981. Tht' d"hmdant d nit'd on the wltneu it.and Monday that he made aexual advan<.'Clt toward the llrl.a. who ranaed In aa from 8 to 12. And Puhllon 1u11eatcd to jurora Tueaday that aome of the ftlrll may have lied about McDonald's alle1ed actlvltlea because they were angry with hlm. "l 'm talking about a very 1lmple kJnd of conaplracy," he aa.ld, claiming that a 10.year -oJd alrl who teatlfled against his client "lied comple tely" and possibly exerted influence over aome of the othera. ~ Prosecutor Carl Armbrust , however, argued that McDonald i. aullty of at I ut 16 or th 18 count.I lodaed apl.nat blln. Annbruat allesed that rno1t of the youn11tera were molcated eac h tlm u tht?y w e nt to McDoMld'1 ~pt! Cott.age Lnne horn to play plnbaJJ In a aame room In hb garage. The prC>lleeutlon alao allesed that the defendant 1howe!d the gtrl1 pornoaraphlc 1lldea in a nickelodeon and would dlarobe In front ot th em In hi• bedroom or bathroom. But Pohlson cited the teatlmony of a nelahbor o f M cDonald's who t eatifled Monday that he overheard two of the girls say, "We got Uncl«' Mike good. But If we're caught l yi ng, we 'll be In a lot o f trouble." McDon a ld was known to Nuclear freeze gains hacker By 1$08 BARKER Of"I~ Delly ..itot lteft Proponents of Proposition. 12. the nuclear freeze initiative on the Nov. 2 tiallot, have found a sympat h etic listener in Huntington Beac h Caty Councilwoman Ruth Finley. Several speakers appeared before the council this week. urging officials to endorse the ballot measure. Finley said she will personally draft a resolution to take before colleagues Oct. 4. "l concur that there's a need to address the p roliferation of nuclear weapons," Finley said Tuesday. "lt is a statement that people should make, particularly when others are making nonse nsical statements about what you do in case of a nuclear war, as if there's anything you can do. It's gone beyond any thing but total destruction." Finley said s he's not sure a statement would do any good but that it wouldn't do any harm, either. "l'm not afraid to stand up and be counted," she declared. J ane Rifer, 18 a part-tame resident of Huntington Beach, was one of those urging the council to e ndorse the initiative. A member of the C8.llfomians for Bilateral Nuclear Weapons Freei.e, she said it i.s important to wln s upport of city councils in Orange County because the county ls known traditlona11y for its conserv.atism. She said endorsements from cities would indicate the nuclear freeze Initiative has the support o f both conservatives and liberals. Tom Pontac, a resident of Huntlhgton Harbour, said the council should have a special interest "because the people at the Harbour are at point zero" because of the proximity of the Navy Weapons Stauon at Seal Beach . He said there are indications that nuclear weapons are stored at the station, making at a likely target for attack. A businessman, he urged the council to make an act of political courage and endorse the freeze. Proposition 12, which has no legal teeth. urges a bilateral freeze on the development and testing of nuclear weapons by the United States and the Soviet Union. lt Is designed to pressure the U .S. government to work more aggressively to end development of nuclear weapons for military purposes. H 1t Is adopted, it will require the governor to send a letter to the president, secr etary of defense, se'!retary of state and all rndlbera of Congreaa, calling for th• freeze. • n lghborhood chJldnm u "Uncle Mlkt>." • Th deft>nte lawyer Nld lb• atotC?mt>nt Indicated ihat l~ younpter• II~ on ihe wltnlff at.and and w.,re worrlf'd abqJJl be-Ina dltcovered. amalJ and aot wa out of / "lt'1 aomethlng thai 11.arted~ Pohh1on Nld, ciafmtna that girls plotted agalnat McDo~ poaatbly becawie he had curtai their use of hi.I plnbell machi,,_ Pohlson alao denied that h~ client let the younpwra tee h1I nickelodeon, which had x-ratied slides. • "No man of good charact~t could do what Mike McDonald,'4 accused of doing," he Nld. , , The Jury began lt.1 de· liberations in the cue Tu~i afternoon. '/ Ruth Finley, counc ilwoman, sa ys s~e will persona lly draft a ·· r esolution supporting ' proponents of a nuclear freeze. '· ' Clang of cable car bells silenced SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Cable Car No. 7, the on R'umphrey BOgart rode in the movie "Dark Passage," ended its last run before a cheering crowd today as the city's creaking, clanging landmarks halted for a tw~year renovation. At 4:55 a.m ., city officials and veteran cable splicers preseed the button shutting the giant greaaed wheels inside the Cable Car Barn. . The final ride of the Powell • Street car was a boilt.erous early morning atfair accompanied by honking cars and trucks, whistling fans and nostalgic gripmen and conductors who wanted to be there when the famed cars reached "halfway to the stars" one last time. Gripman Joe Baptiste,--a -netive San Franciscan who hopped on a cable car when he was "just a kid," rang the bells for alf they were worth when the P owell street car ended it.a run. "I'm glad this car was the last one," said veteran conductor Michael Joseph McClure, who was among 75 or so employees a1ong for the ride. "When Bogart h d rode It in 'Dark Passage.' it was T he creaks and clangs of San Francisco's cable cars ave cease I No. S07. Now it'• just No. 7. He for two years 88 th e system is set to undergo a reno va tion. Crowds got off the car and called Lauren N b Hill T sd ' Bacall and told her to meet him gathe re d at Powell and Califo rnia streets on o · ue ay to 1 . in i~~·1'~Y marked the beginning cele bra te the last d ay o f service for awhile. T he fina l run was m a de . of It.a $58.2 million overhaul of at 4:55 a.m . tod ay. I t h e century·old system w·ith .--------• fl f es ti vi ti es that began earl Y -------------~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•••iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii!l 1 Tuesday. [ The cars were laden with ; hundreds of r ainbow ·co1ored Skllled Professional : balloons, bunches of streaming • • • • : ribbons. Japanese lanterns and Gem : pot.a of flowers for a farewell : party over Nob Hill. T lk "We rode one for the first time ft Monday night, and all the people on board were singing. When the ride was over. we all applauded.'' By J.C. HUMPHRIES Crrtified G~moloRlll. AGS , • We're List.ning ••• e -rvice YOUR JEWELRY 'What '8 it 1.-orth t -..,.f.,doy II \'O'I dO 'IOI ---C>y~)()pm (.4011 -•/ O"' _..,.,.,.eovt'Wtff~Oftl•-.0 =rt •"': ~~·~, 11 r,u ,.,"°:: bttOrt 1&<:' m Ind ycx;, COOV •II be ••-eel What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the--ttumber-~low--and your rnt!IHfC! wm-~recordecf, --t-t--t transcribed and dellve"red to the appropriate editor . The same 24·hour answering service may be us ed to record let· ters to the editor on any toPlc. Mallbo11 contributor~ must Include their name and telephone number for verUJrati6n. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind 642•6086 ORANGE COA!T Daily Pilat Thomo1 '· Hot.y r11t11o.~ .. Olld ci. .. r h4Kvt"'• Otf<., Jon• Amari h Kv"•• fd11or L Koy Sthuln v'"' l't••'°"" Clfld 0..9C10f ol Act-9'11111•11 Thomot A. Mutp~ln• fdilOf Mkhoel '· Horv•y Onc!Of of Motk .. ong K•nneth N. 01clclarcl Jf. ICll'clliOhOnl Otr.ctor of ()pero110111 .. - MAIN OfflCE mWHtlerM .Cost•-... CA Mell ....... ; ... , •• , .... -...c.. ... ,.,., ..... ""0r-. , ............ c..._ ... _....,..., '"""' ................ -.... ...,. .. M.._.. ... ~ ll'eY M ·~-...,...,. -••• ..,.minion ti <9"•11M _,., Do~ jewelry is worth? It Is a good idea to keep current tabs on the ~va lue of what you own. An obviou'I reason ls that you need to keep an updated inventory for insurance purpoees. But its abo good to have a fairly precise number ao that your e1tate's worth, and your penonal worth, ire more easily determined. The beat. way to aet an updated jewelry appralaal 11 to visit a local jeweler who has been In bu1lneu for a Jong time. and who has a good reputaUon In the community. He can tell you the current value. He can also give you tome Idea u to price trend• 10 that you can understand which of your poueulon• are molt Hke ly to apprecla\c ln value In the comina yun. He ·can advile you. too, on how to take care of your jewelry by cleantn1 It and by checkln1 mounUnp '° be Nnt t.hoy aro MC\.IN. For your valuable jewefry-and--watche&-ts-as-clfotl~to---:9tr­ you as J.C. Humphries Jewelers where our own craftsmen carefully do the work under person•I supervision. V'Dlemond & Preclou1 Gem Setting v Fine Jewelry Cere & Repair v Orlglnel Jewelry De1lgn end Creation• vflne Watch Repair v Gem and Jewelry ApprelHI• J. C.Jlump~l'it16 }.w./.rJ MEMBER AMERICAN GEM 8()Cl(TY @ 1809 NEWPORT BLVD •• COSTA MOA ~ SINCE 1948 81t1kAmtt1eard-Matttr Cn1rge Pt10Nl~1 . , \elfl Ntt Wit\ Ntl , ... , Ntl .. It\ Net 'WI•\ Nol .. I ,, .. Clo.. c,,. 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ONnF" ·" 10 1J ~ "" I"'''" . S2-s 1 Uh. "' LIL plf J JI . . 10 ,,._. l"ICOl J .• ..,. '"'. " .. " ' ' JOl JOh Y•EP,,., IS 1100 •• • .12 I IOI , ......... Offn 1111•'1• 21'41+ \II IN-t I 141 »-.. . L~Or UMIJ D u."9Y,t YI ,.ec&.'11 Ut 7 2JOt 1''-+ l\ trPM U• t lff it~ "-Yel'!J.'l·~ .. 2. 11"' I l»U >'u»\\+ YI g::;:,"~JJ;: !:~: ~ w::n ·40 ?~1l:rul~• ~ t~ ~Ii~~· PICLum .~IJ ~· :=+·v: mP:.. -::,: m :;t• l: ~~'°J ·. °W Ith+"' .1.;; ,,: ,!:: ~ ~,,_ ... ,, 11'1 ·-Gr•~" 1.IO • •IS ISV., • l.•t.anO 'IO 10 l70 "'" :ac!'wp ... hs • ':' 2'\'11-.... mpl"I .• , 14 '!: Iv ••.... "·"cl~ .CIM t 11•~. 1. ... • .. G,.ywt SS .. ,. UIPIC -405 ... 20V. M ,.. 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U~l , • ~ """. ,.. ,,, J.)$ I) • <WttUtf IJ:J t Id ~. . . MU• .. to SJlt •"'-loll tllttf .. et •YI. .... ''" '., • It , • .._ . • war~ "'° 1 4H ult ... 1 • 17 Jll 1"9+ .. t.tll! t~Ji tU • .... "'OlfU II 119 • IJ-"t• I'll M Lit .Mt ~ 11t.. aylN ... IO S. ltl't• \.t ··I 12 ).I • i. W~n(PI Ito . 211tfl4•J • .,, t at! 14_. .... ~ I.It ,..., .,._ Goll-... •l ts "'-· , ~r 111il11 I tt .... • \11 ~ .20 It ... "*'"•I.. 1811 I I • Ul 11'• ~ Wr°"rn . I ... 111 n"'• UG • M ... "' Oi.ct M 12 hit wi...-; ---M<mlfi I I JO Jf t• '8 = • '-I'S Jll I Jt IJ we""I. 1 40 11 '"° a .. • . , " ..... o..-tHJ» 11-..-" HMW ,. ' , .... "' M«r tit .,..-..:1"' ... " J ... , Id , N "'°' bllo "' WtVIGt '·s • ,. """• .... • S ,.._ "• • Olllftlll 11111 I ... It"+ \t Mal ~ lt fl : .. • ... lloWtP., I U. • 1"-' ... • S H--W . fl(o 1 1' 1 J1'j t•~ • I>\ W'1\f'lll J< 10 10 It .. ~ J • 64\'t + '-Olllefl 1°Ja 9 •1 2 '-~-~1'1'.lV. *4 I"· • • ~-(;( #'' t JI"'• \'II ;i HI • I• 6' • .•. l~I t• 1 J' 12l•t :: WHfj ~ J • +J t' l"'I' "!!~'.:: s:-'( l·D''''SI 1· \Ii ":::.... :: .. ·ii.: n~~ f-M" ... 'l A'\ r IH,.. ·*':JC ll:: t: :..:;·!! J uf 1t•"' W•llWI '1u .t~ ~: 'II mo.. ~ ' '=! . . H•-P , .... ult!. I'll • • • , • --• ... ~ Oltf .. 1. "~·'"' yr/# iO~ ~ I'll :::: .... At• .. ''"'" "5 1.-.+ 't .M 11 111 ••• f' HtllJS 1,47• , '9 It <t °"' -11111 A l 1.i l.Oo • \'I t t El1. ~ It• 't Q l·s I 1 t \'l WIY~ .all t !J ~ ,. ft't•"' .t0. •• '"'"~1u .... u1 .,..~u.n e u • .... •:ti'!• .11 111 1 .. tl!dl • •\.>+t!w.~0.1 .. a.,.,. ~ • t , ... "• • · .M t t I + YI Hllellnv> I I t.t I• • t ~re .M U " tt........ Pa .. .. + '1¥ • ''•~ .,. w. . 111 ..... 1. •::; ..... 2011 Sit u"' w. H~ • .o tJ ;J 1.--tt ~.,..., 2.tl • i )!ht t. ,,, 1 +t-'11 J IA ..... w. , ,. ,, • )\ ' 'I •••• '*""' 1.4' ti .. ..,..._ ... !!~1 •.• t2 .!! ........... MfrH _,,,,... J! ..... 1"11"1. •n• .. ........ "',~ ,, 't' .... IA. IA We ttl" ,·., J -11 t . "'i4 ow., ~ • "" .,.,_ 1 1 ;r 11'-• t. Mlf'M.. , ~i • '-=.n:~, '!ft t! ... .. • t1 fl"'i w.1h.-JM 10 • M"' t L• '° ' • ill:• = ::::::::. ;ti-'~ •r.. i::: ~ r ', » >o\:' lo f§t I .. '~ii iJ1. ,' -._ ~ '·, t ! '!-... =~n-: :: 1ll~ ~: ' ··~·· ... ,, .. ,'jl l • r=.+11( •• -"""•... '"i ttl4t .. • ....... -........... dOO)I • It 19 W.rrl.t MI atJ .. t I,.. '! 17 ~ J"-.. a ..M t '-t. I t'-+ ... Wtl ... ~ 1a r " 11'> + !!~.: tnnu.:: ~ ~ J~t .. "' "~Ii 1 ~:·-.. •,J, 11 '~. ~ "'",·Clj ,!1_,m: ... "' :'t(~'l.,°I'; ~, m •• Irr~.,~ :t::::,a!'~' ll.,.:: ~ lf4 ... T::: ~...,. ,!• =:!"" , "R tit=: t w•,•"'"'"" ,1•i1 ., ,._ H•~ .... t fi-.+ lit __. t II t1fl4At• t"' ~ t • 1 # • w 'ro/ 11 .. " r ··~tM l't ~l ,. 1•1 ti •.. """'°' . • .-. , , MMW n. II t• ., .. _ ,,...,_ • ,.. .. r '--. • II ' HO • beco1nes bank SAN DlEOO (AP) -Ft-der"I approval of Poinl Loma Savlns• and Loan'• conversion Into a 1.'0m11l<ln:lul bunk signala the way other lnatltullon.s may 11eek more power In the chanlJlnfi flnanc:lul market. "Thia i1 the first time a sav1ng11 and loan hu converted to a bank In the last 15 ycan," Point Loma'• president Tom Stickel iJUld Tuesday aftur th· U.S Comptroller of the Currency announced approval of the Bank of Southern California. ... ··~ 2 steel mill to close • J BETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP) -Bethlehem Steel Corp. says it plans lo dlspoee of its two steel planta on the West Coast in am effort to concentrate on modernizing Its Easwrn su..acl mills. Company Chairman Donald H. Traulleln said Tuesday that various options are being considered lo dispose of the Los Angeles and Seattle plants, lndudtng sale of the mills. Trautlein said the nation's second-largest stttlmaker will close Its Los Angeles plant. which is running at a loss, by the end of this year IC It's not sold It employs 1,100, 400 of whom are on furlough. Oil, gas d eal made . , I ' SANT A BARBARA -An effort to capture natural gas and oil seeping from the ocean floor has been launched -or rather, sunk -by ARCO Oil and Gas Co. 'I The project involves lowering two. huge steel pyramids on a 220-foot-deep site about a mile and a half off the coast where golfball-sii.e gas and oil bubbles emerge from geological faults on the bottom of the Santa Barbara Channel. Oil rompany officials said the structures, which together will cover almost half an acre of ocean floor, will collect about 500,000 cubic feet of natural gas and small amounts of oil that escape from the seeps daily. The project began Tuesday. .,. .. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES :_ .. l<EW YORK IAP•Se1u . Tuu price anO ""' < ...... of I,_. flt!NI\ ,,,_, a<llw ,.,,. Yor.. SID<k Ea<l\ano• ''-'· traeltf\9 n•''-"Y •• mo•t t,,.n '1 1,111,/0U t,1'1,.00 1,7U . .OO 1,1t4,IOO I, 114, 1()0 ,,.,'100 '120,100 tol,IOO tl1,to0 19S,to0 1'1.lOO 116,000 Ut,JOO ...,,100 AMERICAN LEADERS !<EW YORK (AP·S•••• Tu .. o•r Prl~• anct net <'** Of Ille l•n mo\ ecu .. Al'l'Mrl<Ml il0<I< E .Cl'lefl99 I•-•· tredl~nat"""'llY •• mort ,,..., SI = 811 J,l:l.1:o :O°" ·.~1:: R•ncMrOll 246,tOO J"-•· ClrcfeK 1t0,j00 t•~• ~ YermntAm I U,100 ""' Pe1t0Uw t4,too 10•. '" GullC.n o 11,too IJ'ft • '-Amctelll IO.eOO 11'" • I Alc11TnllC¥ ot t1,JOO I '• PolM> E •en •1 JOO I J"' • .. UPS AHO DOWNS ~ YORK ~APlr -Tiie IOI00-1"9 II~ l/lc)W\ !he -YO<'~ SIO<k Eac .... llOOl -w•rtenl.> INI ..... ~ ._, IM molt encl -UM! mo\! 11&'90 on I: rcenl ol <""'9 •-rctl eu ol "°"'",. °'No T=~lel below 12 .,. lnoluOflO. Nfl and paro•n11g• chtng .. ar• Ille dlll919"C9 Mt-llMI pr•vlOUI cloelng prtce end TUH<lay prlcf He ... I PSEG 1 Oll>f 2 ,,,.,...,,, l W•IUlm f)I ; ~,·,':,.. • Bene.tTr 1 LIL C.O otE t MoPS J "pr •Yara> 10 1u1nc 1 *4 11 I. TY(f) AA U Groll« n U Dual.I 2 JODI I.I U11P•rt1 Min IS Oii Eel MOpl ,. 8enclb 11 UtePL ,_,,. II G._, UP~ Le~\ .•. ''i'. UpPcliH 10'1 • ,,.,. Up 1J S .... '• Up 11 I I)" • t>o U1> II I 1"'9 1\\ Uf) 110 ot01. • 4 Uf) 110 U •1 11, Up 10 I .. .. • '"' Up IOS JI 1 VI> 10) 2H• 1 Uf) 10 • 111• • 7 UP 10.J 2"-• t, Up 100 1 .. • •• Up 100 11"' • 11 • UP 9 t t r 0 H ' f I x '•.. v f) ' • 2'• " •• Up tS l &o .. UP •.• '"' " Up l.t IOIJ> t lo UP II '" • \'t Up t I k \• • •1"'t UP 1.1 t)Y, 1 Up U J I .. • \, Up I I lll'' ' ,-. U1> I' tH. • "• UO I 4 DOWNS '°' L•~,, ''!t, 0 1f't111 t J\1 '• Off IJS 1•, ~ 011 t • l "• , ... 0t1 •o ll.. , ... Ott I I )01. I.. Oii 1. ,..... 1•. OH , 0 11~1 II• 011 t I ,.. " 011 • ' 21'-I~ Ott SI IS'• '• Oii SS 11, 1-t Off s J ';.. ~ g:: N JO llJ Off u w~. '" 0t1 •.• ''·· :: g:: a ., .,., ou •s s" 1. 011 • • tt Sllell•G Jr>f JG,K_.Cp ~ f.:~~"s 1tlll ll'• 111 Oii •> I\,, .. Oii 4 J II \> OH 4l JJ WllAl1 Jpf 2• -•i<'OFct JS loclllteo ,.. '• Off 4' J\, 1 ()If • I COLD COINS NIW YORI( (AP] -PflCN •11 Tuetdty of g01C1 COllll COf!ll)llacl wllll Monett•'• Otte. Ku19e1re1111, l•Or Ol • 104 ()0, up t 11U •• ,.. ...... troy OJ. t461 n . UP .,, 60 ....~ 00 ""°' I 2 troy 01 , ·~· 60, MC> 113 50 AA 100 u--.. N02 lroy OI . I~ 21. uCI t10 u louloe o.tk·P-• WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORI( IAPI ~ JI TOO.y 1111 -:MO ltH W to I h \• '-New IOWI W•<tl> 4Mt ' "'J> .. Ev.. VOA.( IAPI S.p 21 Toelep "' "s JOt 19S 1t a .·. G METALS ~~ ,I ~ HEW YORK (API -Spot nonlartouf:• met .. ll'tCM IOdly-f! .. ~,°,lft::,.,10...,.12 c.nu • po11nd U 51: L.9ed 25-21 OWlll • pouflCI Zlfte 40-e2 _,, •• pound, cMll¥9'~ Tiii S6 2~ M9tale WOlll Cornc>otlt• lb Akornlll-78-71 '*lie I POUllCI, N V ~_, 1340 00 '* natl! "•llnurn l:l40 00 13• 1.00 NY SILVER NEW YORK (/\Pl Handy ' a.I•!!< $9 I 40 1111 SO •OO GOLD QUOTATIONS ., ,,.. A•-ttt.cf .. , ... SelttGttcl WOtkl gOld ll'-. tOOty Lo11don morning 11.ino I~• I 50, up ltSOO London 1llt•11oon lla1110 IU3 75, 110 $17 25 !".,la •llHnoon I001t19 $438 76, up Sii 59 frllllklwt """'9 '4.o ea up I 15 O• L#tcJt lllt• •llernooo llxlng $445 SO up s 18 so 11te1, t.«8 so ...,., H•ndr I """''" (only 0111y Q1101e1 1443 75. up s 17 25 E,,...._11 (only dllfly quot•I 1443 75. up $17 u l,...tllard (only ctaoly QUOl•I labttcaltcl S46S !M. up 118 11 SYMBOLS a '"e"' yt<t•ly tow " Ne• v••"'Y "OQ" U ''""' Ol"9rw1w Nlltd ••t•I ot OtvKMnct• e• e '"'"'~' Cl1Jt>ut_,,ll baMCI on 11'41 IHI qua rl•d) or "1m1 •n,,uel d•ctar•hon SPIC••' °' ••II• d•••Otonot Of P•1"*''' not 1M.,9n•t4IO •• tf9Ulat a<t tOenM..O "" 11,.. ... 1 JOllllltlJOO..IOOlllOW --tlN----"- 1 A'-0 tlllll 01 e•Hn b Ann•ttll ••It Olwt •tlK' Cl1•tda11C1 C ltQu•GlhflO 01¥tde"O De<•ttf!O Of Pltd If\ Pl9Ctcl"'9 " rnontll• I 0.0,tetf'CI OI paoCI Ill .. ltooi dt••ClenO OI IOltl llP I PttO '"'' ~I' 0""4tn<I om•lll'CI otffltttcl 01 no atltOll U1U1ll •1 1611 d- fflffltl\Q • o.c111tc1 0< ~·o '"'' .,.w ..,. -c~umullh•• •t•ut '"''" d1•oci.no1"' .,,_, n,Nt w •Hiit •·0.C:l••eG or o••d in r>t9Cecl•"9 12 montllt plu1 •IOCk 01'llOe!IO 1-Pt•d tn ~ atOCK '" preced•"9 I 2 mon1h1. t•l•m•lt<.I cun •••11• on t1•·0•••~ °' ••·dltll•t><••tOfl Cl~• 1 • t•-<1t111<1tn<1• °' ••·•tO"" ,.c ... e1o .. o~ , ano •ai.1 "' lull 1 Salff '" Ml c.tO C•~ WCl·W,,.., d1\lt1t>ultc wt W- '"u•d ww,W11n wlHtnU •• Wt1hou1 ... 1rre111• a0t1·l• Clttl11bult0t'I It ( rlltO JM pt.Ca OI a "°'~ " e ''""''pie OI pet ·tllalt "'""'O•·o.t....O by do-..•d"'O ,,,. lat••• l'·ft\Of\111 ..,111no1 l'(lllf• 1t110 ""' .... once . ·- "8JC PC>llCC MUC NO f ICC • ..,,,. \'OU AM* O&PAUl.T '*D!~ 0:0..l~ °' ... ~. \11°&.'m~~':.~ ~:.o; AT MV::f:1.1 TO flttOYIOf Y~ "'ONllY, Ne. P .. 11... If MAY M 80'-D AT A flutM..tc If\ 11141 l!lf*IOt Coun ot 1~•1111 I AL I , IP V OU Ml I 0 AN °' Clll1orn11 h>I the Couflly ot lOI llfl\.ANA'rlON Oft '"' MATUM An{llllM O• fHI "'OCllOWO All.AIMIT In thl M1t1•1 ul Iha ...... 01 YO!'JOU IHOUlO CONTACT A 'l.ORfNC 0 HNe ATHY, LAWftll. 0.0....0 NC>TtCI DI TWUe'T'll'I IAU Notlee 11 neraDy gtven lhel the T.e ..... laM \M\Oer'tlQMO wtlt Mii 11 Privet• 9111, NOTIC!: II HEAHY GIV!N. 111111 10 1n1 litgtlHI 1no blll blOdlf, on WttClllMd•y Octoo.r 13, tH2. 9Ubject to confltm111on ol H ICI 11 I 00 o'ctooll • m or •lid day, Ill luc*lor Court, on or 111« the lltn the room 111 HI~ '°' conduetlno day ol Oc101>er 11112 11 the olllel OI T1uttM'• &•let. within the oft\Oll ol MIAO & GIVl'NS, 81& 80 Flo-REAL !!STATE 8£CURITll8 I t ' Sult• tl>OO, LOI Angele•. CA HRVICt!, IOCllld .. 0'020 Norlll J 90017, County o r LOI AngelH, 8rOldw•y. 8ull• 2Qt, In 1111 City Of 81818 Of C•lll0tnl1, •II '"' rlghl. tlllt lltlll Alla, County Of Or•nge.\.Sl•I• llndlnl-I Of tltOlltcMMCUlll'lt o t c 111101nl•. RE"A L IS1 AT1: time of dMlll anCI 111 thl right. thll SCCURlllES SERVICE .• CellfOtnl• •l'ICI ln1trMt 1n•• tn• 11111• of Mid corpore\1011, 11 C111ly 1ppohH•d daoeutd h•• 1 oqulrad by, Trutt" unQ_er Ind pur111111110 tM op«lllOf\ of l•w or otherwlM other power 01 Hie conterr•d In thll lhell Of In aOdlllOn to thlt of tald terllln d-Of Tr111I executed l>Y dt9MMO, 11 the time of dffth, In KITTY KAY 8LACK. 1n unm1trled and to Ill th• C4lf11Jn rHI property women. 1ec0tClld Augu11 6. 1080. In tllutttd tn the County of Orenge. 8ooll 13HO or Olllclel AecOfdt ot State or C1llforn11, parllc111u1v ulo County, et P•O• 10&9, ci.cnbed 11 IOllowa. 10-wll Recorel«'• lnt11ument No 41188, by Loi 23 In Bloc:k Two of .ts.c11on rHaon of 1 brHch or default In Two, Balboa l.t•nd" N Shown on • p1ymant or perform1nca ol the Map recorded In Book e, page 3 t of o bllg111ona n o ured thereby, Ml-llanao111 M1pa, R.coro1 ol Including lh•I br .. ch or def111h, Otano• County, Calllornl•, more NollOll of whlclh w .. 1ac:0tOld J\llll commonly known H 11 4 Ruby t7, 1982, 11 "-Oet'a lnttnimtl'lt A-. Bllboll 1.t•nd, CA 92t82 No 82·2083811, WILL SELL AT Property wlll be IOld "It la " PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Termt o f 111e caan In 11wful HIGHEST BIDDER FOl'I CASH. money 01 tna United StllH on 1ewtu1 money ot the Unlled S11111. confim'Utuon 01 Ille. or part CUii or 1 caehlet'a cn.c• dt•wn Oii t and b1l1nce avlOanc.O Dy note 1111• or national banll, a 11111 or MCUr.cl by Mortgaoe or Tnitt Deed 1.0.11 Cfedlt union. or • fl•t• Or on the property •o 1010 Tan lederlll ae111ngt llnd toan 111ocla11on percent ol 1mounl blCI to b• domltiled1nthlaa1111.allpayat>telt ~led With bid the time ot Mii. •II right. tltte Ind 8lda 0< ofter• to be In wrlllng and lnt1111t natd by It. at Tru1tae. In wttl be recelveo •I 1ne aforeHld th•I re.I property •ltu•I• In H id olflc:e 11 any lime altar the llrat County ano Slit•. dHcrll>•d It publle•tlon her.of •nO before d•I• IOllowt of..... lot 17 ol Tract No 9107, In the 011eo lhla 13th day ol Sep1 , City or 1rv1no, County of 0t1noe. 11182. S'lll• or C1111ornla, u llhOWn on • C E~ene Glv1n1, mep recorded In BOOll 3ee, PllQM E.ucu1or 01 tna Wiii 15, 1e •nd 17 or Ml1aa111naou1 or a11ld Decedent M1pa, In tlie ottlce ot lhl County aAllllD a OIVl'Nt Recorder ot slid County. Ill I. ,lowet 81., lutle 1100 EXCEPTING THEREFROM ell oil, l• Allgele .. CA 90017 g •a , m In• t • It I n d o t her (211) 4'$-1100 llyd1oc4rbon aubtlenoes. logethet Publlahed Orange Cout Dally with the right to explore for 1nd Pllol. Sept 22. ~3. 29, 1982 extre.ct Hme, below a OeptlJ of 500 • t!56-82 INI from the aurface ol 1110 lend, Pta.IC NOTICE "4:Tmou1 •UllHIEH NAME ITAnMfNT Tile lollowlng perlOfls ere oolng buetneN" NEWPORT PETROLEUM FUND 82·1, l TO .. 16 I F1shlon lena, Suitt t 12, Tus11n. CA 12eao PAT H COCHRAN, 1e1 Fuhton i.-. Suite 1 12, Tustin, CA 112&80. COCHRAN Oil COMPANY, INC .. a Cehlornta corporation, ttl I FUhlon Lane. Suite 112, Tuatin, CA 92t80. Tilll buaineu IS oon<luct.o l)y • limited partnera1>1p Cochren 011 Company Inc. Pat H Cochren. Pt• Thlt etllement WIS lllecl With the County Clerlt ot Orange County on Septemt>« I, 11182 ,, ... 1 .IACIC90N, KIOOIPI a IUCIUJNO Attomer• •I Law Ste. 1414 Wafle FWfO lktg. llO Newport Cenlfi Dr. ....,,_. 9uc:ll, CA taao Published Oreno• Co111 Delly Piiot, Sept. 8. 15, 22, 211. 1982 3947.92 MLIC NOTICE wlthOUI the right ot 1urf1Ce 111try. as r•Mtved In o~ ol recoro. The slr•el 10dr•n or other common dHlgn•llon or th• tHI pr<>l>9f'ly hereln1bow deKflbed It purpor1ed to be. 5 Emperor, Irvine, California The undersigned nereby d l1c111m1 all llablllty for any lncorrectneea In said ttrttt address or othet common designation. S•IO sale will be m•d• without w1rr•nly, 111pran or 1mplled. 11g1rotng 11111. poe11111on. or encumbr1nc1a. lo s1t11fy the prlnctp1t b•lanc• ot the Note or other obllg1Uon aecureo by Hid Dffd of frual. with Interest and other sums H provld10 therein: pl11t· 1dvancH, 11 1nv. under the terms ther.of eno interHI on IUCh 1d..,.nc.1, •nd plus Itta, ch8'QIS end exponlft of the Trust" end e>I the '"'"' cre11ed l>y aald Deed ot Trull. Thi 10111 amount of uld obllg1t1on. lncluOlng reason1bly e1tlm1ted lees. ch1rges ind Hpet'IH or the Trustee. at lhe hme 01 lnltlal pul>llcltlon ol tnta Notice. ta $48.064,88 . D1ted· September 20. 1982 REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, 11 Trustee. • Calllorn11 corpor1tlon. . Ot1nge Coatt DAILY PILOT/Wecl~e~day, Septamb~ 22, 1982 •. tfB ('I !· --I -~~---·~ -.=-...... --.. -~-~_-__ • _ _..~.~----- l'\alC "°"" MUC NOllC£ MUC NOTICt • ..,,. lllOTtCI °'~TH...... c,. .• ,,.--NOTte:I cw TIIUaTff'I ..... IMll'CMTAMT ..one• Mlft--~I ..O'fiCltwTf'U9TH114ll ......... ltttllllt NOTICIMT"U11Ull~ LeM .. ~ I ~ 'l'OllPI '"O"lAIY II IM NOnca ol' 1WUH.. Ml.I UNOll OllD CW TWUlt f,I .... mrt·I T I , .... , •ltll/ftueM41 T,I. .... ...... fOf'ICLOlllPlf •fCAUH '1'01) UNDlll lillD tw eT ...ottTAMT NOTICI TPIA COA•t HA\/!C I 1"'\.i NoTICI THI YOVHO MISOCIAIU •• All ltktNO 111 <tOUR fl4yM[Nft, .,.,NIT, TO tO"'°""T\'OWMll ·~11W011tledf1Utl"1Mldltlll• YOUAM .. Hf'AULTUNDl"A OUly appointed frUll" llllOet .... IT MAY IL 80LCI w1rnour At4'f "°""TY~ YOU Aftl .. DlhUU UMPtlll A CIMCtlt>ed 11..cl of 11u11 0110 M TltUtT, DATU MAlllCH IOllowlnQ cMlc:t1~ 04Nld of trutl COIJ"I ACTION at\Cl ~au mat~ YOU AMMDIPA TUltlllftA 0110 0, "''"' OATID rf Ill all AT PUBLIC AUCUON ,,, ttlt . UNLlll YOU TAICI Will ll!Ll AT PU LIC AUCTION lhei.ge11o0ht10l>flngy0Ut~t DllD 0, T"Ut OATIO HPJlllllll .. U. •"'' UNl,.IH Ht !Ill HIOtilll llOOfR "0PI ACTION TO ,ftOflCf \IOUllJ TO THl HIOHt81 •100tfll '°" )11 900<t tlenlJ~tt l>y Jl9)'tll9 ell of .. ,., ...... 'm' •••. VlfLIH YOU T~I AOno,t TO NIOTICf OAIH jpa,at>I• •I llm• ol .. i. In "°""''t If ... ~ M IOl.O AT A llA'" fPIVID19 ., flMlt" CM ... 1'I your PHI dUI P•rm•nlt pl111 YOU TAlll AC fO ....OllOt YOU" PllOPl•TY. IT MAY II •wfUI money OI ""Unit~ •••••• , "*JC Mi..I . lfl •ou ... 0 ... tarwi\11 money of the Uniled ...... , par"'lll•O COOtlt •Ml •• ,,.,, ••• \'OUft PftOtllttT , IT MAY II SOLD AT A PUeUO 1.U.I. lfl fOU alt f10llt, 1ltll INI lnlatMI 'onve)'tld HftLANA~ Of' , ... NATU"I I ll tlghl, lltla and lllltratl 1111tllln tnr• rnontttt lrOM the o.tt ICM.OAT A"*'° •AU " \IOU ••o AN Hl'l.ANATIOM °' TMI 10 llW1 now ,...., oy II und., Hld tw , ... NOCllOINO AOAtNIT oonveytCI to lllld now '*cl by II thll notic;e ol llllMI ...... tec;c)fded NllO ... IXllAMATION °' THI NAlUllJI 0, lHI '"OCllOINO I011d or T111•I HI tn• l)IOl)•rly YOU \'OU IHOULO CONTACT A un6lt Mid OMd OI Trul l Ill ,,.. Tiii• •mount It 'I'" 0 .. of NATUllll OP '"' PllOCHOINO AOAINtf \IOU YOU IHOUl..J> .. .inert., OteellbeO LAWVlf'. PfOl*iY ~,,., OMCtlbtd :O::J Mid ..... V\C;llW lllllH )Ollf AOAllHT YOU.,:.OfJ IHOULO CONTACT A LAWYH. TRUtTOR fRANK C ROYCI On Otlobtr 0 tOU 11 10 00 T"UITOfl JACIC MOROAN, 1*.CllNN '"'11nt You !NI'/ CONTACT A LA "-NOTICC II HIRtUY GIVEN aM1 AATRICIA I. llOYCE. huband am, IUCl<tY& RtCONVIYANCf H~ll:~YF~~~~N AOICAT O Ml hive 10 pay the .0111a unPlld NOTICE IS HUIE.IV OIV[N The! Ul\dllf encl b\I Yiflue of "'" llftCI wi,. 0 0 M p AN y . • c. I 11 0' I\ I. portion of your IC.Count ev•n TIWll under II/Id l>y \tlrtue of the prOWllOnl of that w11111 OMd or l lNU'IOIAllJV All OlATt corpor•llon. 11 Cluly IJ)Oolnlfd ftlAUSSI, Nr;ltOA ftl"Ulll, i'*'Ohfu"p1y11letl1 ... 11C1•mlllded ptOYlllOn• of 1n11 oan11n °"" ot ''"" Ottd 8•Ptt!ltblf 22. 1912, ll Av I N G • A N 0 I 0 AN fru1IH unoe r ano pµr•u•nt 10 JERRY 8ERA'!'1 PAM!LA ll'RRY b\11 yOV Mutt P•Y 111<1..-nount tlll~ T111et d•ttd 8•ptamur 21, 1HI, enu r.COrCltO In the Olli~ ol lhl it.180CIA TIOfll •• ClliltHnl• OHd ofTru•t dlled Mlttll 11. 1081 Recorded M•rch •• 1111 ... IOOVt Incl recorded In the OlllGI ot th• fltCOHltl Of th• Couniy of Orlll\Of, C:Ofl)Oll tlOll rKOfO•O APlll :I, IHI, .. lnll No ln•lr No 9300 In 8ooll t3llT2, All•• th•M fl\Vftlhl from lhe O•t• Ateordtr at lhe Coun•v 01 Ot"lllOf, s1111 or ca11fo11111. on Oetobtf 1, Aec:ordtCI 0t101>11 :ie. 1110 •• 2314 In t>ook t4oot PllO• t 10 of page 1A7e 01 Ottk:lat "-cla 111 01 r1coro111on al 1n11 doc:umirm &1e1t or Celllornla, on OCI. 2, 11111, 1011 1n vo111m• 14247, P•g• 1~13. natr. No 40767 111 buok 133811. 0111c1°11 Record• 1n t~ ollk:e ol 01119 1111 ofllc• 01 th• 1'1410ordai 01 1w11ic1111111 01 1ecord111on llPf)Mft 111 Volume 1424a. P•O• 489, ol ot 0111c111 n1cor11e. •-teultCI by "•~• 1311 ol omc111 lte<:uro11n the County R41C!otdar ot Or•no• County Ori no• Coi.only: Mid oeed 01 trutl Jtt110n1, uni..1 tlie obllf.111on l>elf1Q Off I R d I d b I d ,,. f A 1 0 .. .. d ' ~•lbe• the tollowlno 1 1c:11 eoor •· txecu • y Jln1m1t N Wll1on. In unn1111 • 01 <1• of 1111 eco•dt• o r111ga .,111e ol C11ifornl1 deout• DY Loi 112 01 TrlCI No 60118 ... 101telOttCI upon perm 11 • onOtf Georg• P. BtOOkl, I I\ unm111ltd m•n .. Tru11or. IO IUNKIST County, 1110 u• Ollnill Oncrlt/411 MAllY £ AU88ELL •• murlad m•P recorded In 8ool\ ~18, P<lolOd, you 11 ..... only th• legal 1111111 m•n .. T1uttor. to 8UNK18T Sl!AVICft CO M PA N Y ,. thafollowlngpt()pell'I wom1n .. hit IOI• and MP8'•1• lr:;g .. f8-2t lnclutlv• of 10 ••OC> lhl l0t8'IOtUfll by P•l'l"no 8 ER v I c. c 0 M p AN y •• COll>O'-'lon ... Trutt ... 1nd ITATf PAAC!l ••. Fee timpi. 11111 to ptOP41'1Y. WILL Hl.l Al PUGLIC M' ' M ~ t Ille '"' '""'' 1111eut11 01011U1d4'd ""' CQfl)OflllOlt, u TruttM. tnd STAT[ 9 AV IN Q S AN 0 l 0 AN COndomln1um Unit Ho 26~. (The AUCTION TO HIGHEST OIOOEA ,Itel lrleOUt llPI, n he o 1 ytNr creditor SAVIN Q 8 AN 0 I. 0 AN A8GOCIA t ION. 1 CalllOrl'!le "Unit"), In Iha Clly ol N•wPOtl FOR CASH (p1y1blt at time of Ille ~·:: County Reoorder Of HICI To find OUI thl 1mount you m111t ASSOCIATION •• Ce11fo1nl• C10tpor1llon, .. 0-llclary, 0.1411. Counry Of Or1no-. St•I• of In 11wt111 money of th• UnltaO v03' ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER f)ey, °' 10 ll••flOI !or payment lo CO<POflllon. u hoellela('J, And PllflllMlnl 10 Int tlQVMI or C1lltorn1a, .. •hown upon tl't• ISt•lM) •""-ffonl OIJtMcs.entrl004t A DEED OF TAUS T DAT l!P •IOP tht IOrtCIOtu•• 01 11 your And put1U41111 to Ille rt<NMI OI I hi owner end hOldtt ol 1111 Cot\dOmlnlum Pl•n l•ntltll<l OI th• Conlln•nllt Home Loin 2/1111 I UNLl!88 YOU TAKI l)topittty .. In IO<llCIOt<i•I tor •ny th• own•r 1no hotdlr ol Ille prOml .. Ory note NCu••d by lh9 "Ct)(ldOmlnlum Plan tor Lot 1 of bulldlng at 434 8outll Euctlo • ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR otht• re .. on. cont•c1 P11can1l1 p rom111ory not• t Kured by "'' o..d of T1u1t ebovt r1t111td to Trect NO, 10887"), County of A~m. Cllll0tnl1, Ill right, 1111• PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT LakH tlom.own••• A1soc111t1on, ~ ot Trust lllOYe ral.,red to, And Dy r.uon Of the C19f11,1I\ In Orin~. 81111 OI C1llfotnl1 (The atld lnltrMI con~ to •nd now A PU8t..IC SALE. IF YOU NE!O M¥11 Pr094tt1y Men~I Agellt, And by fMIOll or the Clalault In 1111 p1ym•nl ol Hid 11roml11ory "Pltn .,. rac:ordtd on July 12, 197CI, held l)y It~ -0..0 of Trutl AN EXPLANATION OF THE 2728~ Lii 1'11mblat Suite lfO. Ille paym•nl of H id proml11ory riote and Iha breaoh ol the u l)ocun19nt NO 15910, In l>Ook II\ the prOl)ltly tllu1ted In H id NATUl'E OF THE PROCEEDING Minion Viejo. C•llforn11 1128'1 not• end th• Dru oh of th• condtllon• In H ICI °"° ol Trutl 13228. OIO.•• 78 lhlOUQh I t6, COvnty 11\d Sl•ll ~lbed.. AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD (714) G<t3 2211 cono1uon1 In Hid 0..0 ol Tru•t provided, • Nolle• of Default and lncluatva of Offlclal RK<>tdl of Hid 1,41 60 Tr.ct 4350, In the City Of CONTACT A LAWYEl'I. II YOIJ h•v• any QUHllOnt Y°" ptOll!dld, • Notice of Oefeull •nd Elloctlon to Soll UndM OMO ol Trual Orll'lg• County whleh Plan w 111nt Cotti MaH. County OI Orange, 534 Pl•rpont Drive, Cott• 1hould contaot 1 11wyar 01 th• EMctlOn to a.II Under Deed ol Trull hiving 1>11n duly racoroao H 10 that property dNCribed In Tr1c1 81111 of C1lltornla. 11 p11 mep M • 1 1 , c A e 2 e 2 e g0vernmen111 IG•rn;y wntcn m•Y having been duty r•corded H provtded lot by In uld Recotd9r'• ~0687, 19c:Ofdtd In boo" 4411, rlCOroecl tn 8oOk 184, peget 34. 3S "(If,"'"' addr-or common nave ln..,ed your IOan ptOvld•CI tor by l•w In ••Id 011-on June t4, 11182, In 8ooll 611\dl Ml~•tl4IOU•Map1, Ind 38 ol Mlec.Hlneout M"apt. In oe1lgn1tlon ol P•OP-'tY I• Shown R1m1mb•t YOU MAY LOSE RIOOfaet'a Otfloe on June 22, t082, lnll. No 82·mU t, ht OlllCla of the county record• the olllCe of the County f\eco(Oet of .C.-no warranty la Q1119flM to Its LEOAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT In Gooll INST. No 112-n2541 SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY,. of Mid county. Hid County com~-or CONKIMM) .. Thi TAKE PROMPT ACTION SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY, I corporetlOI'!, 11 the preatnl PARCEL 2 An undlvlOld The ltrHI 1dCl•HI end Other werranty II given •t tO lhl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that corporet lon, •• the preunt 1uthor1i1d •nd 1ctlng TruetH .00233 PflfC*ll lntetHI In and to lhl ~mon Cl•llOfl•lton. II any. ot lhe complet-or eorraetnMt 01 pu1au1nt to Anlclt IV, ~ec:llon I ol 111thorlzed end 1ctlng TruatH unoer Hid Deed of Trut1, •loretlkl, Common AtaH 11 th own end ttll property doacrlo.d 1bove 11 f lie • b ove a dd ,81 • The Iha Oac1111tlon• of Covenant•. undlf Mid 0..0 of Trull, elor...id, on Wednetd1y, OCtobet e. 1ff2. 11 defiMd on the Plan pu<po<led to be 3t64 Kwry L-. betlelldery und« Mid o..ct 01 Cond1t1ona end R .. 1,,c11ona, on Wednttdl)t Oct 13, 1082 ... the 11'\1 nour or 10:00 o'cloel! • I'll, or EXCEPT THEREFROM •II Oii. C::0.11 M .... C111fotnle 82828 Trutt b ,_, of • ~MCh Of ·~•cut•O on Apnl 23. toe t and flout of 10 00 o'clock AM of Mid 1110 d1y 1ttht North fronl 1111rance Cl••. m In • r 1 I a • n d o t II• r The under11gne d T ru II•• del~lt 1~ the obllgetlOnt MCUred ra corCled -'Prll 29, 198 t •• ~ al the NOc11t 1ton1 entrance to to lhl Or1nge County CoutlllOuM. hydrOUrbOnl, below• Oepth ol 500 dl1cl1lm1 1ny llaDIUty tor 1ny thereby nerelofor• execul~ and Document No. 3548• In Book lhe Orat1941 County CourthOUM, 700 700 Civic Center OtW. w .. 1. In lht ffft. w11no111 th• rlgnt ol aurfao• lncorrec1nas1 ol the'''"' llddrH• cMll11eted 10 11141 undettlgMd 1 lol037. pegea 1718-1788, 1ncluti,,., Ctvtc: c.n1., Dtlva WMI In th• Clly Olly of Se nta An•. Co11nly ot enlty. •• r~ In ln11rurMnll ot and other common d911gnatl0n, II written DIClatatlOn of Default and In the Office OI th• Orange County or '\•nl• Anl , County of Orenge, Orange, St•I• or C1lllornl1. WILL rlCOrd any,1nownneolln. oemend ror 9111, ino wrllten Reoordar . 011nge County. Stat• of C1lllorn11. Wilt. .SELL, SEt..l,pureu1nttothePoWOroft1le PARCEL 3 An exc1ualv1 right Seid ute wltl bl m1da, bul notice of t>reech •nd ot election C allfornl•. a b1e1cn o t th• purauant lo th• pow•r of HI• conferred In slid ONd 01Tru1llnd. and .. IMHTl9tlt 10 uM the Balcony without covan1n1 or w1rranty, to cauM the underitgned lo Miii o t> I lg at Ion of p I y men I of GOnletred In Mid DMd of Trust ind, wllho111 covon1nt or w1rr1n1y Aree dellgn•ted B·262, on tna Plan exprot1 or trnpfled, reg1tdlng tltte, Hid property to ullity Hid a1HN11'1111ll hu OGcurred NotlOe wllhout oovenanl or w1rr1nty rtgltdlng 1111•1 pouutlon or 11t being appurtenant to the Unit poaM11lon, Of encumbr1nce1, to obllg1llon1, end therHller Ill• or said breach end lion w11 llled for reg11dlng 1111•, pou1ulon or encumbrances, at publlo 1uctlon, to PARCEL 4: An uoluelve rfQht p11y the remaining prlnclpar sum of undettlgned c1ulad Mid notice or record on July 111. 1082. •• encumbttnoM, II public 1ucllon, to the hlghHt cHh bidder, In lawful and 11sem1nt lo use the parkfng the note(•I MCured by Hid Deed of Dreaoh end of election to be Oocumon1 No 82-248986 In lh• the hlghell CMh bidder, In l1wful money ol the United States of 1p1ces det1gn1ted on Iha P11n ea Truet, wllh lnterHt thereon. u rlCOtded Mey 25 t9112 u lnalr Olllclal Rec0<d1 or Orange County money 91 the United SlltH ol Amarlce, all that certain reel Parking Spece No. PS·8 I. provided In Hid note(1). 1ovancea. No. 82-1711892 ot Official Aecord11n Ho p1yrnen1 ol p111 due amounts America, 111 thll carllln 1111 properly 1iluated In tne Co.inly of YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A 11 eny, under the terms ol u ld Deed theoll1c;e ot the Recorder or Or1nge hH occurreo Therefore, the ptopet1y altulltd In tne County Of Orange, Stale of California, DEED OF TRUST DATED of Trull, teu, ch11g11 1no County Pl1c1nt11 Lakes Homeownat1 Orenga. Slate ot C•tllornl1, dMCtl~ "lollowt: OCTOBER ti, 1978 UNLESS YOU e•penMt ol the Trustee and ol the Slld Sale wrn be made. out A11ocllt1on does hereby a1ec:t 10 Oetertbed U fOllowl PARCEL 1 An undMOeCI t15th TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR trulla CtHled by 1110 Deed ol without covan1n1 or warranty, sell or c1uae to be sold, th• PARCEL 1 tnlarest In ond to LOI I ol Tract No PROPERTY, tT MAY BE SOLO AT A Trull expr"' or Implied, reg11dlng title IOllowing CleSCrlt>ed ...t property to An undMded 115th lnletMt In t 1148, In the City of Coell MIN. PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN The 10111 amount ot Illa unpaid poaM .. lon, or encumbt1nctt, to ut11ly the obliQltton and to Loi I of Tract No 11148, In County ol Orenga. State ot EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE balance ol the ol>Ugelton secured pay the remaining prlnelpel 111m lot I~ of Tr.ct 0961, asp., lhl Clty ol Coate MeN, County of Cllllornla, IS Pflf m1p recOfo.d In OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST by the properly lo be sold 1nO of Ille note MCUred by Mid d~ miip racoro.d In Book U I. Pages Orange. Siiia Of Calttornlt, H per Book 479, PIQ .. t6 and 17. In the YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A ra11on1ble ntlmUaO cost a, ol Tnill, ...tth lnletMt u In Mk1 39 to 48 tnek.lalYa. ol Mrscettaneoua map recorded In Book 4711, P•oe• ornce 01 the County Racoroar or LAwYER Hpen-and .ov1110H 11 the ume note proviOed. .oveneu, 11 .ny, M•PI In the Otttc• 01 tlla Orenoe te and 17, In the olflce of the aa1d County. 101 Scholz Pl1u. He ... pon ot th• ln1tl•I publlcetlon of lh• under the tetma ol UICI Deed of County Recordtlf County f\eco(dlt ot Mid County. Excepting therefrom Unite I e.acti. Cllllfomll Notlell of Siie 11 1 14.880.08. Tr\ISI, ~. ct\lfges and expen-The 1ecord vaisteo o..,net• of Ult Excepting therefrom Unlle I tnrough 5 u shown upon the "(II a 11tNI llddr.,. °' common The l>eMflclllY under MIO Deed of tna Trut1M an0 of the tru111 l>toper1Y more commonly known aa through 5 11 ehown upon the Condominium Pl1n recorded In d11lgn111on la shown 1bova. no ot Trust heretofore ex.cuted end crHted by Mid Deed of Trull 3 16 Mau l 011ve Plac1nt11 , Condominium Plan recorded in Book 14081, II P~ 853, Olllcill w1H1nty la given •• to 111 dlllvared 10 the unCl.,algMd 1 Seid HI• will De hatd on Cahl0tn11. are Tony M Moon ind Book 14081. II Peoe 853, Olfjc;al Recoros 01 aeto County complet-or correctnaaal" written o.c111111on ol O.f11111t Ind Wec1netc:11y. S.ptambet 211. 1982 Bott D Moon Records ol MIO County. PARCEL 2 Unit 5 U Shown upon The t>enetlclary 11nder Hid Deed Oam1nd lor S1t1, end 1 ..,,utan It -,;oo p.m et lhe Chapman STATE OF CALIFORNIA! PARCEL 2: lhe CondOll'llnlurn Plll'I re1.,,.o lo of Trutl. by tMIOI\ ot 1 breeoeh 0< Notice ol Oel•ult end Elec.ton to Av1nua e n111nce to th• Civic )N UnH 4 •• lhown upon tne In P1rce1 I a bove end more delaull 1n the ol>llgallons MC11red Seit Tiie underelgned caused 111d Ce nter Build Ing. 300 Ent COUNTY OF ORANGE I Condominium Plan rel•Hld lo In commonly known •• 2182·E Pectllc theteby. heretofore ••Kutld 1no Notice of Delault enCI Election to Chapman Avenue, Orange CA By Otlnl Slater P11cel t abOYtt Ind more commonly Avenue, Cott• MMI. CA. oallvarad to.th• undersigned • s.tl to be recorOed In lh4I county At the time ot the ln1t1at On 8-19-82. b1fora me u1e knnwn 11 2182·0 P1clllc Ave , II there la no alr••I 1ddr111. wrttlen o.ctw1tlon ot Defeull llld wh«I the real property la loc•teo. pul>llc1t1on Of lhlt notice, 1ne totll undertlgneo, a Notary Public 1n end Coat• M .... CA. dlracllona may b• obt1inad by Demand for Sale. Ind written notice O•te A119111t 2e. t982 amount of the unp11d bal1nce ot lot Hid Stele. person111y appeered If th•r• la no lltHt 1dd1Ha, ... 1111an request lo Stet• S1vlnga of t>raac.h and ol etec:Uon to caUM Bui;ll•Y• Raconvey1nce 11141 obllglllon on MCUrad by lhe 011n1 Slater, known to me to be d irections m1y b• obtarneo by and Loan Ataocllllon, 222 North El t h• underilgned to ull ulO Co. •bo .... described d~ of trull AIR Man1ger ot the c;orporallOn th•I written requeat to Siii• S1vlng1 Dor.Co Str•t, Stockton, CA 95202; ptoc>ertY to 11!111Y said obt1gat1ons, As Seid TNllN and Hllmlted coal•. ea.pen-. executed th• within tn•11um1nt. Ind Loen Atl0Ci1tlon, 222 North ~I At t • n t Ion· lo• n S I r YI 01 and thareelter th• unda•tlgnad 434 s . Euclld, and ldvanoaa ts SA4,2t8 10 known to me 10 t>e the person WhO Do<1do StrNI, Stockton, CA 115202, Dep111men1, not Iller then Oc101>er c•used Mid notice ot t>reectl ano ot An1heim, C11tfornl1112802 The opening b id m1y be e1<ecuted lhl within rn,1r11ment on Allentlon: Loin Servlct !>, 1082 for the pufPOM of P•ylng elactlon 10 b• r.corOed Mey 14, T.i (714)9Cl1·7032 obtllned by ulllng th• d•y before b•h•ll ol the corpo1et101I the1eln Department, not latet tnan Octobet obllgatlont NC\lled by Mid OMd of 1042, u ln•1r. No 82· 16813? , 01 B)I Oebblt eon the sale. (? t4) 837~. nened, ind acknowleOged to m• 12, 1082 lor the purpoM or paying Trutl ~i aeld Ofllc:l•I F\41corda. Publl1neo Orange Coast Delly Dale: August 31, 11182. that tuch corporation n.cuted the obltgellont MCU..0 by aald Deed ol The tot•I amount ol the unpe S aid u te wlll be made. but Pliol, Sept 15, 22. 29, 1982 THE YOUNG AllOCtAna within 1n11rumen1 purauent to Ila Trust. b•l•nv. or thll obllQ•llon I• S12 without cdv1111n1 or w1rr1nty, 407&-82 A• N6d Trva.... . •• 07-L•~ or• 1eao1ullon or 111 Bo•r" The 10111 et11ount of IM unpaid 932 71 and the Htlm1ted amount or ••PIHt or lmplled, regarding title. Ir f .D. tl"VICE CO .. PANY, 0 DltectOll b1lenee of thl• obllg1tlon I• $127,· coats. upanau •nd 1dvanoH po,..atlon, or encumDt1ncea, to 1111-IC NOTICE 'Vf:I WITNESS my nand ano ofllclel 933.09. lnterHt St3.209 ee. and the wtllCh wlll be lncurt~ by the d•t• of pey the remlln'"9 ptlnclp11 1um or rvtlK. lflde McMIMClll. AHt. hcity. 1ea1 ullmated 1mount of co111, 11le It lt,069.78 the nota(t) MCVted by HIO 0..0 of llUHflltOlll CC>Uf'T Of" OM City llvd. w .. t • Lind• L Soccto 1 FICTITIOUS IUllHlll expenaes and ldvll'IOM wNcll 1111111 Ost9d, Sac>teml>er 15, 1982 Truet, with lnterHI u In Mid note . OAUf~A w.,..~ '2111 Put>hthed Orange Coast Dally NAME ITATl'MeNT (SEAL) be Incurred l)y the d•t• qi ...... IUNICllT ... Vte:I COWAM\I, provided, ·~•ncM, II 1ny. unoer COUNTY Of' OtlANOa ~blllt* Or Coall Delly Piiot. Sept 1, 11, 15, 22. 1982 By; D.J. Motger, II• PrMldent TIMI lollowlng person 11 doing 2020 North Broedw1y. St,089.78. • ctOfpetatlefl the term• ol H id OMd or Trutt, 700 CMc: Con• Df W..1 •noe $888 82 butlneas u Sult• 206 Dated· September 23, 1ae2 David CM'tlef, AMI. v. ,._ '-· c:Mro-and axpenMt off,.. ....._AM. CA ti:l'1m Pltot, Sept. 8. 15, 22, 11182 PROFESSIONAL PARK·2. 88 t Sant• Ana CA C12708 SUNKIST SERVICE 222 N. II DwMo tt. Trwt• and of the tni•t1 c;r .. ted l)y MAMU.Qa Of": 31124-82 Dove r Ot1v11 No t5 Newport Tel. (714) 953-M10 COMPANY, llocllton. CA M20:I Mid Deed of Tni11 ftetltle11et1 MICHAIL OIAN P\llt.IC "°TIC[ PUllllC "°TIC[ BMc:tl, CA 92663 Publlth•d Or1nge Coest Delly • ~•clon (tot)1 .... 1nt • S a id ••I• wlll b• neto on lflAMON>. W.oM45 R..J. SMIT!-!, 881 Dove<°''"" No Pitot, Sept 22. 29, Oct 6, 1982 By. OIVld hevltf, ttu•.. WednHday, October 6. 1982.. lll••P•lld•lll! 11oarN ALICE ... O»o101M20 15, Nawpor1 Bee.ch. CA 02663 4 t5M2 Aallltent Vice Pr..id9nt Plll>ll1hed Or•nge CoHt Delly 2.00 pm. II the Cheprnan A,,_ I 111A0 f' 0 Ill 0 •II• R 0 II N A. I.-• . Thia businen 1s con due tao 222 Not1n El Dotado SttMI Ptlot. Sept 15. 22. 2t. 1Clt2 entrenee to lh• C1v1c Center ~. NOTICE OF D EATH OF NOTICE°' ntuanra ;ALE byllrnttedpar1nerstup 1111-IC NOTICE Stodlton,Calllornla9S202 4080-82 Qlltldlng. 300 hat Ch1pm1n IUWOtfl(,~Y'LAW} MARIANNE V. B URNS UNDllllOHDOFTltU T RJ Smtih l""UllK. Tel:(208)948-tt1tl A-·.ln theCllyofOtange. OllalCOM> ANO OF PETITION TO ~ANTNOTICElO Thll statement was hlecl With the \IOU AM., De'AUl.T UNCEJI A Truet.. rta.JC NOTICE At th• llm~ or tne l n1t1al AllllJIDID NllllOM ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. YOU~~~ A County Clerk of Or11nge County on DelO Of' TitUIT OA no JUL y 22, Published 011nga Co .. t Deity put>lic:lllon of llVt not-. the tote! CAN NO. 04I %7 a 0 I E 0 0, T Ill U a T 0 A TI 0 Septemt>ef 13. 1982 , ... UHUH YOU TAKI ACTION Pitol, Sept 22. 29, Oct •• 1182 ftCTmOUI .,..... amount of the~ l>alanc. Of the NOTICll Yw ........... wed. A·l l4H5 llPTEMHfl It, '"'· UNLH• FllntO TO PROTECT YC>Ufl PtlOftEllJTY, 4180-80 NA• ITATIMEn obllg1t1on MCut•O by tne •Dove TM_,'"" ............ ,.., To all heuw. benel1etanes, YOU TAKI ACTION TO P9'0TECT P11bllaheO Orange CoHt Delly 11' MAY n SOU> Al A PUaLIC ...-IC NOTICE The totlowlng pertOna .,.. OOlng dHCtlD•d O••d of trust and wttMovt ,_ .....,. llMrd ..,... r d 't r d co l ngent T IT M•Y ar Pilot, Sept l!i. 22. 29. Oct e 1982 ~---bUe*,_ u Htlm1tld coats. e1penH1. ano ~ wttNft ao..,.. RMct c e 1 0 5 an n 1 \IOUl'I PlllOPlfl Y. ,. .. 4068-82 IAL E . " y 0 u NEED AN NOTICE Of" TINtTH'S IALI DESERT ENTE~PRISES, 186$1 Id,,,_" $74,64127 r:' ~...... creditors o f Marianne v IOU> AT A PUelJC IAU. F YOU ------------~A~~1%1J.': A':;"AW.~ T.t. No. a201..J 9Mc;hmont. Swlt• Ana. CA 112705 To determine 111e opening bid, N ,_ wllfl to Nell tfi. l9d¥toe ef Burns and persons who may MUD AM IXPL.ANATIOM OF THE T 0 SERVICE COMPANY .. Ouly WILLIAM E. OSTERMILLER, -· m•y call (714) 931.c9el •II ., •• , •• , Ill tllt• '"'''•'· r•u L-oth~rwtse tnteresled in NATUlllE 0, THI' PllJOCHOINO PUBUC NOTICE FICTITIOUt IWllNEU NAME ITAnMIENT The followln9 person 11 doing butlnnt ••. JOHN WILLIAMS ANO ASSO~ TES. 504 N. Newport Blvd., Suite 205. Newport Beech, CA 02683 JOHN HENRY WILLIAMS. JR . 508 Begorile Avenue. Coron• del Mer. CA 92825 thll bulineas la conducted by en lndl\Olduel. John H. Wiiiiama, Jr This atlle(Tletll was liled with lhe County Cle<k ot Oran99 C011nty on S..,temt>et 3. t982. '1Ml50 Published Orange Cour Delly PilOt. Sept 8 15, 22. 29 1982 39•5·112 PtJBl.IC NOTICE FICT1T10UI IUllNIH NAME ST A TEMENT The tollowtng persona .,. OOlng OUllMN as DOLPHIN SOUNDS 398 Vlc:torle SttMI Coate M .. 1. CA 92927. LAWRENCE P SAVAGE. 3118 Vlcltoril St.1 Cotta M .... CA 92927 MICHAEL ROGERS. 398 Vlctortl St .. Cotti MIN. CA 02927 Thia bulllnest II condUC1ed by 1 general p1r1narshlp LIWtlnC4I p Sevage Thlt statement ..... llltd 111111h lhe County Cletk of Orenge County on Sep\embet 3. 1982. ( f't-..0 Publlahad Orange Cout Delly Piiot. Sept 8, 15, 22, 29, 1982 3904-82 PtJBl.IC NOTICE 1.IOAL NOTICE Me'WPORT ..... U UNtf'lt!D SCHOOL OttTIHCT Notice lnwltlno 9'" NOTICE 1?HEREBY GIVEN the! UteJJoaro or Educ1t1on or 111.1. Newporl·MeH Unified School Dt11ttc1 ot 011ng1 Co11nty wlll ,........ -led blda 119 to 11.00 AM on the 7th 01y of October. 1982. et the ollk• of ..._ lkhool Olatrtet. ioCAl9d 11 1851 P'-1111 Str"'· C011a Me11. C111fornl•. at whlcll tltnl u fd bldl will be p11bltc:ly Q9ll'8d Md reed for. INSTRUCTIONAL COMPUT£RS All bid• ere 10 i. In eoaordence with Condition•. lnttructlon1, and Specifications wtilcll .,. now on r11t tn tti. office ol th• Purch11lng DlrKIO# ot H id School DttltlCll, t167 Placenlil StrMt, Coate Mna, ClllfOmla 92t27 No 8idoer may wlthdUIW hit Bid lor 1 pet"loO 01 lorty·M (46) dl)'I ,ner the clltt "' IOt lflt ~ I.hereof. Thi 9o1ro 01 EMl•lon OI the ~~rl •Man U11llled ICllOOI ,_..,,.. thf r\gftl ~ ~ M'I °' ell llldt and nol '*'9Nflly llOCllPI Ille 1-1 91d, and IO WllYe any fnlormlllt)I or trr90ullrf~ In ll'IY 8ld ,_i.,,ec1, lolEWPOAT ·M E8A IJWIED SCHOOL Dl&lRICT 01 Or 1n1u Oounty, c:.lfOtlll• 0 01ot11r H1r11ay "'"". • YOU, YOU IHOULD CONTACT A JR T--' t 1 ..... oeTER••tLLER ,~ " """ ~ AOAINIT YOU. \IOU IHOULO LAW'nlt. appolnteO Ttuatae unOer Iha • ,_, .. O ,,. <> ,.. O•t• Sec>teml>er 7. 1982 ahOWd di M proMptty M ..... ,_ the wiU and/or estate. CONTACT A LAWYEll. NOTICI Of" TflUST£I'& SALE IOllOWlng described Cl~ ol trust INTER VIVOS TRUST dated Aptll Tre111-Cout s.rviA.. Inc ,_,-et plMdlllf. H MJ, mey A peUltOn h"'e L--n Ct led NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION 27, 1079, 833 l.ldo Park Way, as Mid Trutt", N Med Ofl tlMe ""' """" T.I ..... ,.. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR Ne...por1 8Mdt, CA 112883. 8y. T 0 Serv!Ge Company. Av I. 0 I u e I• d II • •• d 0 by Donald A. BuJ"l\S tn th(' Tttll undet •n<I by vlr1UI of the onN~~~.~.E~~i,!'~~~·1~~;'. CASH (p1y1l>le It time ol tale In JOHN w. HENGESH, Truttff agent d•"'•11d1do. II trlbUftal pued• Superior Courl of Orange f,~~":~~f ~::.,:'2 ~8f. 11 9.00 o'Cloek Lm. of Mkl day, In ~~~n~::' .':!,'::~~= ~~~h:T.H~~,~~S~u~~!~~. V~~~2~ Sharon M · ID•Plelro) = ;"r,.."'-~•== County requesting that he be end record.a tn tha olllce of the tna room Mt at"'-'°' conducting 10 anO now held l>Y 11 undef Hid 1155t BMcnmont, Santi Ana. CA lern ... Aut. s.ctlllt"I • ao ... _ ._ i. tnfoofmeclerr .-a ppol n t ed as p e r s on a I Rec010et ot ttoe County or Orange. Trull"'' Saiot. within the ottloff 01 Deed ol Trull In the property 112705. one City 8h1d . w .. 1. ...,... • represen tative to ad.minister St•t• ot Cllllornl•. on Oct 2, l98l. SREERAvL1CEE.S1TocAaTteEd s.,Ec20U2RotNTolErtsh heretn1fter Otle11be0. Thia bu•I-la conduc:1ed by • Orange, C.111. 9286e Tt'ual•d Cl•••• eollcltar el t h e estate o( M anunn<' V 01n VolumR• 14242. P•O• •8d3, ol Tn STOR J•MES J DURANT ""'natll par1naflfllp •• •• lllcl•I 1corda. e1<acu11 by Bro.dway. Suite 206, In the Clly of ,.u : " · • ..-· (7H ) ... s..92.... _..,. de "" •botllldo et\ Mt• B u r n s ( u n d e r l h e Ch1tlea Burlln and Syrvl1 Burlin, S•nt1Ana.CountyofOt1nge.St111 anBu;:ee;;~~~MARVIN GORE Trull" John w Hengeen. Published Oren~ Coatt Diii~ a1u11I•, deberr. ll•cerlo Independe n l Administration hu•b•nd 1no wile u Trustor. to of Celllornl•. REAL E"STATE ,,_ f'llot, Sept. 15· 22• • 1982 INiulfll..__ .... " .. -.. of Esta·-Act) The pelJtion SUHKIST SERVICE COMPANY •• SECURITIES SERVICE. II c.lilotni1 end IRIS M GORE. hu1b1nd anCI ._.._.. -4074-82 Ml , .... _.. e -..c;1on, ti ...,. """ llon T I I 0 STATE corpor•tlon, H duly appolnteO wtle, IS )Olnl ten1n11, •• to •n JM:t(toM, 1(..,.,... • IUCICUNG ......... ~ Hf r•••••r•d• • Is &el for h earing tn Dept. srvT N G ': n:..· .ro n l 0 A N Trutt" under Ind purauent to the 111\dMded 80% lnterMt and ETTA ••-~'!~w •,t:cL.w-Ml.JC MnTlC[ ......... No. 3 It 700 Civic Ct'nler ASSOCIAT ION, 1 C1ttlorn1a GORE, a wtoow at lo an unOlvldec:I --..4 ... ..._. "" 1 TO THE RESPONDENT Thi C ( power or H I• conferrao In 1n11 • ....,,... c" Dr. ... • Drive, West, In lhe 1ty o cotPOt•llon, u Benallciar;, OW!lln Deed ot Tru1t executed by 20:ec~:c;:' OGtot>« 20. 198t ae ~.....,CA-au p'" 1 o fl co u" T o f ~~;:: ~~C:.O: =~·~ Sant a Ana , Caltfornta on And pur1111n1 or the OWMt Ind LOUIS w. SMART ano NORMA S Instr No 25887, In book 14292. Pul>ll•h•d Oren~• Co111 Dally C~A to ....... •,_,,..,..._..., .. ,_ ..... ,._ of October 6, 1982 at 9:30 am no1oa1 of tna prom111or~ not• SMART, hust>and Ind wlla H Joint Pllo oo-8 1~ 2 -19112 ----·-·-·-...--'"'"'""" -1• ~·r ...... by, ...... "'---" ol Ttutt abOYe Tenante, rKOrdod Augu.st 26. 11180, ~ t36t 01 OltlelaJ Record• In tl'le 1 ...,..t · "• • ..... " ......... ' • _.. -lh• dat• that tnte 1ummon1 11 IF YOU OBJF.CT to tht• ;=:,;; 10, ... ..,.,... ofllce ot th• RacorO.. of Orange 31148-112 CAM MO. A.ttoa _...., on ,_, ........ deleult may be f lh .,_ tn Book 137 te of Offidel Records ot Cou~. Hid..._...... of 111111 detctlbft ~ TO IMOW c,..,_ ,~. ·~ grant.mg o e pt'tJllon. you Ano by rMIOrl ol tne oelault lrl •• Id Co nly at Pllo. 15• 1 -.,..... --ctt··--........ entered Ind the court ... -enter • h Id j•L h th 1 1 0 0 1sao .. u • v , the' ...,.. propwty '""" ._ _. -lud..._,,t ~-··-1-1n"i:':nc't1-or s OU e i.uer app1>ar Ill l l' e p1ymen o HI pr m ,, Recorder'• Instrument No 31882. ..., 2, r\a!C "°TIC( lnthe Matt•ollhe~IOllOC .... ~ .. ....,. • ._ ... ., ,... •• h 1 d not• end tna 1>111cn of tne by rouon Of• breach°' oefeult In 81 Lo',~~8• Btock o. Sec~n~ __ IU_P L.eon 8uf1on Mont"*1 tor Ohenot oth« Otcl«a conoatnlng CIMelon OC ear ng an sta\e your cond1t1on1 In MIO Deed or Trutt peymerit or parlorm1nc1 of the lbol ·as per m•P r rNAMaHA~ of~ property. 1pouHI tupport. ttllld objections or file Wrttlrn provldod. • Notice of Oeleult and obllg111ona ucured thereby ii' Boole 7• P t5 of Mtacetlaneouc 1 WHEREAS th• •PPll1<et1on or cuatody. child aupporl, at10tnty objections w i th lhe courl Eleclton to Sell uoo.. o..o 01 TNSI lncoluCllng lhll DrHk or oet1u1t. MIP$. 111 tne othca 01 the ounty The IOltowtno pertona -dOlno ' · '-· costa.. and lllCfl other rehf .. before the hearing Y o u1 hiving bHn duly recorded ., Nolle• ot wnlch wllS recorOed Recot:der 01 MIO COll<l!y Dull,_. N ~ Bur1n:'=t~,..=~ may be gtanted by the court The .__ ·' jlfOYldad for 1>y ••w tn 111d Merch 17. 1982. H RKorder·s YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A ERIC l ROBERTS SCRIPTS, n.,.,. ., gernl1hm1111 ol wagH. liking of appearance may ..,._.. tn JJ('rson RloCof.S.'s Ottlce on June 22. IN2, 1na1t11ment No 82-093015. Will OE ED OF TR u ST 0 ATC D 1070 wee1w.,o lane. Coat• M-. clttlt of this Cout1. and 11 ~ "l9tl9J or Pfoc>ertY. or-other court or by your a\torney 1n Book tnlt No 82·212542, SELl AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE SEPTEMBER 23. 1981 UNLESS CA 112927 from H id lppllcatlon 11111 H I auth0t11~ procffdlngl m•y 9lao I F y 0 U A R ~ A S".,KIST SERVICr CO.,P•NY. I YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT EWF TELEVISION INC 1 •PPllC•nl de1lrea 10 h1va _,i vn "' ,.. " HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE Calllornl• corporellon. 10'10 •PPllcanl'a n-cnangecl 10 the r .I A 3 1982 CREDrroR or a contingent corpor111on, ., th• pruent lawful money or the Unit~ Slates. SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU WHIWlld Lan•. Coal• M•H. CA ~rO"POHO nem• ol Linn t.ll'' • ..'!8!.S.. . .::r .... "c...:...... c~tor of thl' dect>ased you authOtlHd and 1ctlng Trust•• or I cuhler • check Orawn on • 0 OF T E ,. 11 .... ---· t. h under Nici C>..a of Trutt. •loreuid state or national bank .•••••• ot NEED AN E.XPLANATI N H t2tl27 ':ow. THEREf'ORE. II ii ~ c:Mnot1• ...... .,. Deputr must flle your claim w1tn t e on W~naed•y Oct 13 19112 .. fadet"lll Credit union. Ot • 1t1te or NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING EWF Televl91on Inc. In ed Publlaned 011ng• Co111 O•llY court or present it t o lhe '"' nour ol 10 Oo o·ctoci. AM : Of ==~~-:!.:~,~=:'°:: ~g~~~~f Av~'!m~~u SHOULD Thlt .... :~ .... ~4f'i:~~~9:he rn'°;-'heed•~~=t ,:.'::':;'en!~;:' ot Piiot. s.pt I, 8. t5, 22, t11~942 perso,nal drebpreshental1ve ~!'&'.:,: ~~,~=~= thl time of Nie. '" ""hi. tl11t and 22 t end 22 H'I Onyx, B1lbo• County Cle<k Of Orange County on name appe., ufore lh• ebov•· NtllC NOTICE a P. p o n lt> y t c couhrt 700 ck~ "--ter Ori-w-1. In,....:. ''V •lland c.i1torn1a 12ee2 September 3, t1182. ,.,..., enmltd coun, In Depl. 3 ttlet.ot. thl fou mo lhs from t c ...... ..,.., •• ..... . .. lnt.,Mt neto Dy rt, It TruatM , In .. 111 ' 1 1 ldd .,1 or common PuDllehed Or•ng• C1tt D•lly tocat~ al 700 CIYIC Cerrter Ortve. · WI n r n City o t S1n11 Ana, County 01 that rHI property tltu•t• In Hid t • 111 '"1 •h' bo • no Pilot.~, 8• 15, "". ""', 1982 Senti Ana on Ille tlth day o1 Oct. o-'1CTIT10Ut au .... lt date of fir st issuance of 011nge. St•t• 01 C1lilornl'I, WILL County 1no Stele, 011crlbed 11 °11 on• on 1 own 1 v ' ....,, ~ n r 10 30 J4t•Ars as provided a'n "'--tmn SELL, "'"""''•nt to the....,_ ol 9119 w1rr1nty la given 11 to ltt 31149-112 tier. 1982. It th• hour o · MAMI t TATIMINT "'""' o:x." ... -~ ..... --lollowt: com1>1e1enes• or correctneH)" o'cloc;:k 1.m. thin Ind there to lhow TM fottOWlnQ pereona are dotng 700 ol the Probate CodC' of contened In uld Deed ot Trust •nd. Loi 23 In Dlock 13 ot first The beneficiary unaet Nld OHO cau ... 11 any they h1ve, whv th• llullnH.a •• C !if , Th 1 , f without coven•nl or wurenty llddttlOn to ~t Heigh11. In UM 1 b Pta.IC NOTICE 1ppllcetlon lor chino• of n1m• M 1 c HAE t.. s HER MAN a ornaa . e t rnl! o r ragud1ng 1111• poun11on or City of Newport 8each, County OI ~.:~~~""by'.;.ea:~io~u!. ':,: ehould not be granted. ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED. fi~ng claims will not expirl' ancuml>rll'ICM, .i pultl!C auction, to Ol'lllQ91 tll•t• or Catll0<ni1, 11 f: thereby, heratoror• exKuted •nd "CTITIOUt IUtlMltl IT IS FURTHER ORDERED thel 1 etoo w Cout Highway, Newport prior to fou r monthll from the highest cash bidder, In l1wflJI ~~~~. ~~.1n4i~Tn!. of oe11ver10 to th• undartlgn•d • NAMI t TATIWNT l)Ol(1'f ol 1111• order be pubfltNd In hteh CA 112963 the date of the.-h~arlng money of th• United SlllH or ... ,_,__ --Wfltten o.cter•llon ot Oafault and Th• fOllowlng petlOl\I .,. doing Ille OAANOE COAST DAILY PILOT, M't c HAE I. 8 HER MAN oticed bove Am U ICI, •II lh•I cettaln real th• Counl'I Reoord•r of H id nd , __ 1>u1lneu 11· a,._,._ of=-· ............ ,,~ • 11 a n.o....,"' 111u11--' In the County ,., ,. __ ,,, Oetnand~te.a w11tt111no1-E FECO ·~__....... .,.,_..,.... """ ENTt!RPRISIEl,,.~C1lllornl1 YOU MAY EXAMINE o"".,a,....ng~•. S11""1a or c1111orn11"' 'Th'•"•ttHI •ddtHS or oth•t of DrMCll Ind Of election to~.. THE NATUR u MPANY, !)tinted and pu iltlld In IM cl~ Of oorpor11lon. e 100 w. Cou1 th fll k b h tr bed • cQmmon dnlgnatlon 01 th• rH Iha undtt1lgn1d to ult 11ld ~:~,':,,.~:':2:i;H•. Coate MH•, Co•t• MHa, County o~~"J·· Hlgh ... ay Newport BHch CA e e epl y l e court. deacri H IOllowt =m herelnlllovl dMC1lbed ,. p.openy 10 aaustv Aid obllQlltlont, J h E t!d d 3941L""''"' ~•weak tor tour (4) ve J12W • • xou are intert'stcd In the PARCEL 1. An undivided 11111n Pf~id lo-....... • ....,., ""It ...:.;,omlt"1n•rttfttt ltt. underetgnld On WU I, --Wftkf"pt!Ot-10 lhe dlte l bow Mt lhll butlneta It conducted by a estate you may file a rl'qU(>St lntWllt In lf'IO to tot l~ T~ ... .....,.. "'" .,.... • ...................... 01 brllCh and of Street, Coll• Mo11, C1lltornl1 for """""' ot Hid appMcatlon ......,111on • t 1148, 1n the Ctty ol Cotte M..._ e.ecll c.llfornlL cau .... _ • ..,...... 112827 OATE~'VAUQUtt 211.IN2 c;or'""" Mlcheer snerm•n with the court to receive county 0 1 Oreng1, Stell 01 Tll• und•;••oned hereb, ••ecuon to b• recorded M•l t , Jon Wiiiiam Pierce, 12861 FAANK()()MEJijlCHIN! Enl•ptlMI lnC specie! n o t ice of lhe C1Mrornl•, M per map tlCOfdad In Cll1c111ma all lleblllly lot an, =2~~~:. 82•15712 01 Bleckthorn SltMI, G1rden Grove. JudOe of !he 'MICllMI SNrrnen Pres ln vrntory of «!!!late aHt'lS Booll 41'11. Pegea 18 •n<I 11, In 1ne lnOOrror ~~ ~~'-Satd HI• wilt be med•, bul C•:!?:~.-~= It conducted ..... • .... ~ ... ~ ........ tn11 el•t_,I wu flied with the and of lhe petitions, Q('('OUnt.s ollkl• ol the County A.coroer ot ..,,.., """'"'~' ,,,_,,.~. lthout covtnlt\I or warrent ·-..,..., WT ..... ,,..,..., A......_... ---Coun ... Cterll ot o.-County on d d lb d I Mid County hid .... wt11 be nu1c1e withOllt w ... !M9119d ,_di"" 11119 generll pertnetthlp ~ •.....,. Sept~ 14 tNi .. .,... a n reports eacr n PARCl;L 2· unu 1 .. .nown upat1 w1rranty ... preu or tmpllad, e~.,! Or .~~enc .. 10 John E EdWeroa ... ~ ..,,.. · ,,w.e Sect Ion l 2 0 0 o ( t ht• the Condominium PIM reterteel 10 regerdlng 1111•. pouea1ron, or po the,~ Pf~ eu.ft of Tl* tl1tatM111 wu filed w41.h the (114)-.... At .. ......., llll. ..._ant C.li(omia Probllte Code In Per ca t t 11>ov1 eno more encumbrancH, to Htlef)' tll• r,: nola(•) MQlr9d l)y eald Deed ol C«lnty Clerll or Orange Cpun\y Of\_ Pwl>ll•htd Orange co_., Dally ,..,.....,... C•* Dr WI I I I a Ill S C 1 e c II commonly -nown •• 2182·A Pacllie :~:::'':'bl:.'i~:9 .:u~': ':\e .. fJ Tru11. wtth Inter"' • In Mid llOtt Septemb« 13' 1982' ,,m:l7 Piiot. Sepe 1· 16• 22• 29• 1~SM2 MM • . AU•ney at La•; 0.t Clly A~er~!' n~;!":. addreu DMd 01 f1u11. wllh lnt.,Ht enCI =v=--:'!:. .. ~ii ~~: Publl•h•O Orang• Cout 01lly ,!;~r.'J =~•ca0-::00111~ Bh• .• Weal l tt 8 1111l of directions m1y b• obt1tn10 l>Y ' 0411et 1um• u provided therein: f-. dlMOll end .pet\ ... Of th9 Piiot 1ep1 t&. 2.2. 2CI, Oc1.~: Piiot. hi>• 15, ~'·~.Oct a. 1ae2 America Tower, Oranae. ~~t·L~~~.!101orts1:2••2 NS1ortv1hng1 =.-:i:~ ~r!~t":',:: True ... anc1 o1 the ttvtt• c:r•1ec1 l)y rtaec NOTtef: 4011.a2 ea1uorn11 ttHI .... o;M-;;-5,;:s;"oca,~ cA 9120~ ICMlnctea, and ptue 1-. ellargea eald Deed Of Trust Slid Ille wtM IM '1CTmOUI ~II .Published Orange Coiat At tent ton' lo 1 n 'a 1 r v I e• llftCI ••l*IMI ot thl TNlt .. and of ':f2 :'2w;;s;~-:.·1~'8:::m'! NtllC NOTIC£ MAMI ITATWMINT fWUC fl)TlC( Dally Pilot, Sept 1~. 18,~2. 0eptinmen1, n0t 111er than Octot>et .,•tv•'t""'.!•Ctettott.d•I 11>Ym~nt C>Md01 ,-~d Avenue witrenca io 1he CMG c.titer '1CTIT10Ua ._,..... the loflotMnl>.pe<aont .,, doing ncl1T10UI IUSMll 1982 12. 1182, lot the l>UfllOM of~~ rn ~ ., 811ildtng, 300 E tnapman Avenue, MAm tTATDllNT itlullMtt Al. NA• llATlftlbtr 4082·82 OOllOlllOnt MCI/fed l)y UIO ocl ti Obll0111on. Including rH.aon1bly "' tht Clay of Or~ C1111orn11 Thi foltowtng "''°"' .,. dOlfl9 l•I CAMBRIOOI FUNDING, !bl Tile fOllO'fMO waone .,. OOlng T111tt ..tfr'lllttCI 1111. ctiergH •nd At th• lltn• 0 1' the lnltta l bvtlntee 11 CAM8RIOOE MOl'ITGAO!, tel llut!MN., PtaJC NOTICE Thi tot .. ""°""'' 01 '"' ullOllCI lllPtf' ... 01 tht TtlitlMI, at \he i.... of hi •~ ... _ I I I J;.Jo S U R F 0 l A 8 , S U R F CA .. IAIO"t LINOING, 2C143 9 H a H O •a, '""ti ........ O"•• l>a~ of thlt ;m111on It S 127 • 'I-.... tnll'•t "'•l>llcatton ol thlt publ ..... tiOll 1 • not...,,, t ... 0 • ,.. '" • "" v• " "'' " "7~ .....-... • e ••"""' d .:... ..... ,.. r ,... amount0tthtunpt1<tb1l1notolthe PA TS:(blLIQHTNIMOIOl.'T Pullmen 8ttt•t, 8 1n1a An1, &1nt1An1.Celll0t111a02704 '1CTITIOU89U-ll .,.,...,,,111 ..... 1.1 .vr ""·"' ,,,. Nolla. la 122,6111 03. obllgttlon MCurtd by lht ebovi SAILIOAAOS, 1810 E BOtC:htrd, CttlfOtllle 92705 Halal Khan, 2111 1Mt Str"I, .,._ ITAftMIMT ••llmlteCI amount of COii!.: Oiied 8ep1arnt>et 17, 1882 ducrltl•cl Clt•d o f 1rut1 011d G1nl1 Ana. CeMl0tnl11270$ O•mbrldOt Cepltll Group, e NO ao1, Coaia M11a, Cellfor111e Thi tollowlng p1t1on It Clolng •~!*\Ml tnO ldvenc. WhlCll - AEAL ESTATE. 1tUm11tCI tO•ll ••PlnH• tnd 11irr111 ... Inc. lnwtp()fllK In C1lllornl• COtpOtltlOll, 1943 • ,,.,. b\111""9.. IM lncurreo by 11'19 d•I• OI Nit le IECURITllES SERVICE, ldvenc:et It $201,4llO 01 ' C.ilfotnll , 1810 E Borchard. S1nt1 Pull min ttrtlt, hf111 At\I, Hin1-D1e1r1cn Splt1, HO &. PERSONA\, DIVEl.OPM.~T lt.1..oet t7; at Tf\111... To determine 'th• 'opening t>ld. An1, Callfornl1 92106 C.ilfOfnll t2708 Mermon. S1nta Anl, C1lllornla 81MINAR8, 2110 la•t Ftult ll , uATtO. Seotemt>w 13. 1112 ly: O.J. Morg9f, OU may olll (714) 93?.oHe Thlt l>uttnen I• OOl'!dlleted by • TNa ~ I• conovce.d by • 02104 SUit• 109. Senll """ CA la?OI IUNkt8"T Slf'MCI ltl Prwlcl«lt y Date• 8-Pl~bet 1. 1912 . corport llQn corporation .,.. Dllaln.t ti coneluCtlO t>y a l.Al'll'IY Al.LAH YOVNO. loot c 0 M p A N y . tafAl) """O ... 0 •1 .. '"'roed~". TD k\llOe C°"'8191!Y lurl91H, tno Cemtlfldol C111>llet Oroup gtnetll pflftnet'thlCI Qrove I.en.. f1nt>Ott loecll. CA :._~at .. ~_,._ cv.. " ' " a -•• It Mid TNel• Mtr;~llttl MIU90 Stewell L~ !dwlltdl .... al l(llM t'lttO 9 T ....,..., ...,...,_, Mt IOt Gy Marco ar.n.. s.Gtttlly E•ac:utlwl Vice Prelldent Hatll 0 lptll . Lany A. Young .... ,Wit Vloe ,,,......, tantl Ana. CA 112708 ~llle18'1t ._,.,.,y Tllll tlll_,,.,.I wtl lll«i wltll the Tiiie tt.......,,I W11 llllld wtlh the Thll et1ttfllelll ,,,, .. 1t11c1 Wltll tht Thll atetement -fllad wllll lhe HI Hor'tfl II~ ltr ... Tel ~·:~:~to 0... ~ ..... w... ~ CWk of 0r""8 OOvnl'f Oii ~ C:.-fl Orltlfl ~ Oii ~ C11rtt .. er._ Councr Ol'I ONltr Clettl °'~.,._Count¥ t11 c''-:':. ~. ~---~"'Ot~ C>nwtR:~tHll ,_...31, Illa. M, "8t ..,._._,,,!Ml ... lattMt I. I ._ .,.,_ ........ ..,.. _ _,,., """ _.,,.. (1't~)'tit-UM ,,_,. P9'9 ,,.,.. P"'9M ""•-~ ~ Ptlol. ~ u . "·()ct PuDllthld Or•na• Co11t Dtllt P11bll•Md Orenga CoHl 011ly ftvbll .... d Ot•nt• COHI Diiiy Pwbll•ll.0 Or•nt• Co11t 01t1r PuDlla119d Ot•ll09 Coat\ O•llt P11bll•h9d °',;"~,c:·:~r•1ll I , IM2 ,.1 •••• 2 PllOt &eot II 22 " tM2 Pll01 iec>'. 15, 22, 29. Oct I , IM2 PllOI, S.. IJ. tt. tt. OCt I . ,.12 Hot iec>' t& U . "·Oct I, tM2 Pitol. 8.oe &. 1&, G , tt, !N2 Piiot, lept 22 • .,, ..... ,.,. • ,,, ' ' ' ' 401842 408M2 40M-tt ' ' 4039 .. 2 , HOt-t2 ,_, \ lo( ,,, I Ill ·1 l<! '' -;c,---1 • v. fl Co r:; I .... .. ' " MUC NOTICI Ml.IC NOTICC •1cmnou1 IUllNIH NOfl<'K o ... OgATtl ur ,.A .. llATIMINT MA.,.~ T It A At. 1 IC N w~~:_~~t~lliO 111111un1 ••• 111:111\il Mc .. "RLANO .\ND OP •~YLO 1 tAtM •HOii 10 P I! T IT 1 0 N T 0 A 0 • n dw .. 1111 WO t Otll MtH M I N I T ft IT A T g •"'°'"'' tH:H <'~81!! NtJMHER: A·l IUU c;u1.~u~~~t~gt~~Ylf.1~!~~1~:~~~ To all hulna, lit'1wfki1Arle11, ~lld PlqJmOUI IUe*lll NAm ITATW•Nf file IOllil'tlllfl l)eltont lft 004nt bU•IM!M.. • IOMAI MIOI CAI. tNOUllfll I 1HO I KeteM1 11111• H Oiange Cefttom11 tJte1 l111111 11.tre lom. 1101 1rllo11 .. y. tt11n11no1on leach, CtUrornit ,,. ... • • 0 "*IC ftlflCl r lOTIYIOUI IU .... H ..... STATIMINT the #QllOwff111 ~ ..... , .. 0011111 tllltllleU U ACTl()N CON UL TIN I AM <1f0 Pt I 11 ~Oft 'I CAHtt Orange Co11l OAILV PILOT/Wttdnetdoy, Bepl mt> r 22, 19192 HS l•:!t S::t c:redl1o r1, r un1lnK«!nL C11QI A l~Ot. Ul.1'2 O.tt..i c:rrdiwra. and prrao1ui who ~~":. HunllllQton leach. ca111oi111t m11y ~ olherwhic• lnk•rt.•lt-d 11111twe1111 .. 11 conouc1e0 oy en In the will or u1lak uf 1nC1M<hi.1 Joeea>h Vgtffl11 161:it 8att. Q11dtn GfOVtt, Calll0111I• t2643 lhll butll·-It CClnllvettd by 1 g4111411111 p1rll*"•hl1> ANTHONY C AOAPINAN. 420 P101pect II. Newpott 81ldl. CA H8t3 ,.JHICILl.A PORTILLO• AOAPINAN 00 P101ptct It Newpott 8HC.h, CA t2fl63 Rial Estat...-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place Morthu All\!Ol' Ml'l•'1ulanJ, l\ubeft w 1tvto1 Jot19n vgi.e111 fhl• ou110111 11 conducted by llu1band 111d Wife .. •lao k11own •• Murtha A C•rOI A t1ylOI M F 1 d I k ""' 1111-1 w11 ttMl<I with ttM r ar »n , • IO nowr1 •• wn1y Clelk ot Ota~• County on Alltmo McFarllmd, M111 th1t S110te111b111 13 1082 A. Wiiiiama. Allum· WllllurlUI l'tt113' and Martlut WllUan\!11. Pwull•htCI Orangt Co111 Otlly A ~Utlon hu bt>en Mlod Pt101 Sept 15 22. 29 Oct 8. 1082 Tlllt et11em.nt wit flied With the County Cllfk or Ot•f\Qe County on SIQttmlMW 1, tH2 r1*17 Publl1htel Or•"j' Cont O•lly PllOI, Still e. 16, 2 • 29, l~~) .. 2 Anthotty C AgtlQlnall Thi• lllltn14Hll WM 11..0 wllh I~ County Cltfll or Otange C~111y on hpt.mii.. 3. WU ,, ..... Pullll•lltCI Or111g11 Cont Dilly PMot, 8e1>1 e. 16. 22. 28. 111112 3905 112 CLASSIFIED INDEX ~ . .'.!!!!.('.'. !.'.~·....... ~'.!!!!.~'.'. !.'.'!....... ~'.!!!!.~ .. ~!I.'.' ... ·.:ri ,, ~.'~~~~~ .•....... .'.~~~ ~!.".!~~'. •.•....•. !.~~I ¥!!.!~~~ .. ·-..... fu"'ff. ,.. ~.'!.'.!!!~!! ....••.•••. --------1---------------· •II lnuTIH LIDO tlLE llOIEI I ,., I , 4087·82 by: roc:k~r National Bunk -----------by Nancy A Keating, Tru*l Ml.IC NOTICE Oltlcer in lhl' Supt·rlor l'ICTITIOUS llUllNIH Court O( Orangl• County NAMI STATIMINT reque11ing thal Crockt'i The to1tow1ng p11aon I• dotng National Bank be appomtt.'d bu~~·XAS 1133 ru11111on as pensonal represenlAllve to St•HI. Coat• 'M11e, Ctlllornl• administer the est.ate of the 92fl27 decedent. Betty J1an Smllh. 3 HI The pe ti l 1 on req Ut'li 18 C0<1nt00 StrMI, Newport 8Mc;h, h caurotnle 92$31 authority to administer t. e Thi• b\l•I,_. 11 conaucteel by an e a l a I e u n d e r l h e 1nd1v1e1u11 Independent Admmistratlon B111y JMn Sn1tth o{ Estates Act. A hcarmg on lhl• 1111-1 wN Wed wllh th• lhe cthion wtU 1Je held on Coun1y Cl1tk ol 01ange co • .n1y on Septtmb« I, 1982 Octo r 13, 1982 al 9:30 a.m . ,, ..... ln Department 3 located at Pubt11ned Orange CoHt Delly 700 Civic Center Drive West. Piiot. S•pt 8. 16. 22, 29, 1982 City of Santa Ana 3015·112 lF YOU OBJ F.cT to the PUBllC NOTICE granting of the petition, you ,ICTITIOUS •UtlNIH should either 11ppear at the NAME 8TATIMINT h earing and sta te your The following person le dolllg ObjeCllOns or flle written busl~Ae:T AUTO ALARM ' objections with .the court STEREO, 1 11 w. 17th SlrMI, c0111 before the hearing. Your Mesa, CA 92fl2fl appearance may be in person MICHAEL ROBERT RASEY. 12 or by your atwmey. ~;~de Court, NewPorl Beech. CA 1 F Y 0 U A R E A Thi• bullnM.I 11 conducted by en CREDITOR or a conungent Individual credit.or of the dl'<'t'ased, you Mike Raa.y must file your claim with the Thie a111emen1 wu meo wtth the cour t or present it lo the County Clerk or Orenge County on September 3, 19fl2 personal reprt>sentat1ve f1MM7 appointed by the court Pub111n1d Qreng1 Co111 Diil) within four months from the Piiot, Sep1 II. 15, 22. 29, 1982 flUBllC NOTIC£ f'ICTITIOUI •UatNIH NAMI ITATIM&NT The 1oitowl119 perton1 .,, dOlno bur.lnM• a• PRIVATE PRACTICE AtlO CONTRA'CTUAL RE!LATIONS, ~50 8 Hlghl1nd. Pl•cen111, C•lllornl1 ll2fl70 So Celllotnlt Prlv111 Ptecuce Sp1c:111 lnt1r111 Orowp, )50 S Highl•nd. Pl1c1n111, C1tllornl1 g2670 Thia bulln111 11 conducttd Oy an unlllCorpo1111d 111ocl1tlon other lhtn 1 Plfln¥alllp Athena P11a1 This 1tattment wN IUld ._.Ith lhe County Clerk of Orange County on Sepltmbtr 20, 1082. "'"" Publlahed Or1ng1 CoHI Delly Piiot. Sept 22, 20, Oct fl. 13, 1082 4149--112 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI •UllNIH NAMa ITATIMINT Thi lottowlng peraon1 Ire doing bus"-9 •• SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS. 1750 E Oeer1, S1n1e Ant, C11t101nf1 92705 Ptter 0 Finch, 2015 Diane Lane, Newport Beech, C1Ulornt1 ll2fl&O Arlhur R Hee1h, 31321 Via Perra, Sen Juan C1ple1rano. C11ll0<n1e 92675 Thia t>uSJness 11 conducted by 11 O-al p111ner1lltp. Plltr D Finch TnlS 11e11men1 wN filed with thl County Clerk of Or1llg1 County on f'UBUC NOTICE It Ptlct Ylllf Af, CIR •II IWIHI Primt-Lido Nord bl.y fmnt 5 bdrm, 5 ~ bethm11 "CTITIOUI •UllNIH 642·5678 NAllll t.TATIMINT HOUS£S fOR $Al( Thi IOllOWI~ pereon• ... dOlf19 11 ..... 1 bullne .. It 11.ol .. ,. Mud Hll.L YER S. 2 Gitttl Cou11 "-''-l'•"'"'"'• NWPOfl Ouch, Celttorn11 921163 t::",.r:'/ ~~"' Otbor•h J111n Hlllytr. 2 OrtlOI r ... -:11 ... Cour1, Ntwpo11 B11~h. Calllo1nl1 t7;~';"'"' 112~ ~ .... v.11., Albe Nuvll W1t11n 2 Ortltl •-1"""" "'" ~ Courl. Ntwpoll B11ch C1111orr11• l':i:. llu<h t2~ ""'"""Hiii• Thi• bu11n111 II COlldUCltO by ........ N11w•I 01n11a1 pertnerthlp :;~•,:,\;::~h Deborah J Htlly•r '"" fi.mtnt• Thll llll111\411ll WIS flleel With th• ... ,, , ••• I ...... , •••• Coun1y Clerk or Or1ng• County on ;:::.;_:::. $41p11mbe1 17, 1g112 1-• • ••••• F'8nH ""•••m••"" Publl1h•d Orange CoHt Oatly "''*'·1' 11""'"' ••1• Piiot. Slll>t 22, 29, Oct II. t3. 1982 UAL CSTATE 4206-f2 Affltu • ,., ~•I• A,..ttf'tcftoh fot '•I• Ml.IC NOTICE . 'ICTtTIOUS austNHS NAM« ITATHIENT The lollowlng pereona 111 dOlng bulineM U EAGLE PAIHNERS, L TO • 3 Upper Newpon Ptua Drlva, N1wpo11 Be1ch, CA 92660 JACK J JAKOSKY, 715 PtlOllla. Cofone di! Mii, CA 92625 A. NICHO~S JAVARAS. 200 T1m11 vu11. No 190, Cone Mldera, CA 94g25 Thi• bu1lne.s I• conduotlCI by a l1mlltd pertn•rship Jeelt Jtkotlly ThtS llettmenl WN fltld w11h lhl Coun1y Cleik or Orange County on Septem1>11 3. 1982. ,, .... t:~:.~:~"> > r,.,..,,,, ,:::r,-~,>~" r=:~~~:~~,~~;'> but>W•n l ath ,..1. ...... , ... ~I;""' l1Votn.fit••""'th '"'""V•tlt'tupfrh t.Mh hw ~•l• 'ttObtlt Hft1• frh t1fh MWNI\ J.#\'1ft Hf'\Of't :::~~ ~··r~,,.. Oul Cil Ma.t• i,¥t' R.n«fllo t"tr'"• <.ro"n fl•el t_.l.tf r "'h•rt.I• Knl bl•lf \ft eni..O RENTALS ll~~ f 1i1rN11h.-d tkN•n l nfurnt\J\t"d lf.wl M f\,rn VI l nt fondo"'if\htf7"· ... ,"" ('~ .... ,,,."''"' To-ntw.Nw-• f 1i1rn Tov. ""°"'" t nf l.NpC•o' li'\u n Cllerm on • h"O• lo1 Lgc L.H .. z boat 1111• Sl,:S00,000 l ·: t, •1 aoron the 1treet from IOUAL HOVllHO O,l"OIUUHIT'I' Newport BHCh "oom VC•l•<' fOf hor11a bthlnd ltl•m(ldt•lt'<i :s hdrm. 2 W1h I lmaW rt't. "7\Ctl• ::: lllfl IOI• 11>11 .. ~ ltla ltlll IU. .... , .... cunom rench nome lx•um N•1linf(A, h.1rn11hc'(]. f)JltOlt $4:10,000 111 )<1 Good fln1llc;1ng Owntr 1n11lou1 Vou will love 1hfa onel s2go,ooo "* ,..,. IOU '°'' llllOI llrlt 1011 I .... I ... llllll! llbll 1100 P1•ll•hr'1 l1tlH1 All 1MI Hiiie ael.,.r11Md 1.----------. In Ihle ri•w•P•Ptr I• -aubJtcl to lht Ftdt11I Fair Houalng Act ol 1968 whlc;h makH II Illegal to advertlM "eny prtltrtn• Lido ealty ce, llmllellon or Oltcrlml· neuon ba11d on rice. 673-7300 color, rttlglon. 1111 or --------~ .,atlOllll orlglll, or lily ~~~~~~~~~ii lntelltton to make 1n~ i tucll preltrtnce, llmlla· 11on OI' dlscrlmlna11on " IM lltv ~. '.' mo Thi• newepaper will not ::! knowingly accept •ny i i.,i edverllsfng for rHI ttll· l'IOO tt which 11 In v1ot1t1on ot :~ the 11w ... H IHIH PHIMSUU NOIEI Pnic· W1'lll Rvy b.1yfro111 SllJ.* for 2 bu.il.ll n ·modt:ll-<l 3 bJnn. :i wth $1,-WO,OOO ~ ,r ... Oci:an & jl·u y v1t•w i.. Murint• room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 "'4 Ct $1.:JH!>,000 Ol't·imfront. R •) LllDA l'LE IAYFRDIT Lot{Utm v1t·w fr11m 6 bdrm. ~bath, plsyr~.) durk rm, dC'n Bot11 'lhp Now S l ,000.000 llYSIDE PUCE Sp<'<'Lll('Ulur bayfru111 dplx 2 b1 . 2 ba 1.op.«! Mf ,l~ 2 b11 dn. 2 boat SJ>lll'l'~. H<.'C.lu<•t'C.l $1 ,!>00,0011.'I ~ ,J.,.. •• ,. FAIRHNIS RANOH '" r-/l•W 4 lir. 4 I bJ. ~·u:itom f'n:·och No rm..u:apy I r fo:Stnt<.· I i prrnw :tl'l l' hilltop $1 ,2:)0,000 • J I r AYALOll :;a: liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil EJ1cept1on11 value In lhll nw lovely lour bodroom :: Ellllllla Advert!-home Altr1ct1ve ~ sers should check neighborhood well h I d d II d IC•eened lrom stree1 ac· Fa• stmple ro11agc• on quiet De!.canso St. (it\' "' ::: t er a S a Y an tlvlty Upper oay view Flats) $l4:S,OOO ,.. 1ur, ;: report errors Im-Mo tivated 1111er Price • Jll'• med I ate I y. The reduced S40.ooo. Now CORONADO CAYS ,. , JIOO DAIL y PILOT as-s209•5'U1 noo C.Oronado [Bland <.'Ultl bayfront 101 115' boat '~ :Z sumes llablllty for "iiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiii. dock. Plans avall Now $370,000 w /temlll. • ~(4 : the first Incorrect i ,.,, BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )'. date of first issuance of __________ 3_11<>_4_._112 letters as provided m section PtJBllC NOTICE 700 of the California Probate -------------- ·~'''"''"' AllU t'llrn Aph\ "'""' Augull II, 1082 ftMe74 Publieh1C1 Orenge Coast Delly p I h 0 Pllol, Sept 8. 15. 22, 211 1982 ~1 Insertion only. I••• -2100 14. Ft. = ltftot -1200 14. Ft. 5 •••• ,, ,., Ill• •• let 1201120. )41 Boy\odf' OrovP N 8 blS blbl Code. T~e time for fll1~g "~Z'.W~:A~=:• uOI I ICI renge Coaal Dilly 395t·82 P~ol. s.p1 8, 15, 22, 211, 1982 APb fUrft Of I Al !loom• .. ••••••••••••••········ llH,000 claims wtU not expire prior Th• following pereona .,, doing to four months from the date busJn11s H : 3914-fl2 o{ the hearing n oticed above. HARRISON PARTNERS, LTD . YOU MAY EXAMINE 3 Upper Nawport Pt1u 01lv1, f'ICmlOUl9UIMH MllC NOTICE h fl k Newpotl 0..Ch. CIJll01nia 1noou N.u. ITATl•NT t e 1 e ept by the court U J1ek J Jlko.ity 715 Petollt• Thi lollowt.ng Plf900• ire dOlng you are a person interested C0<on1 del Mii. ca11iorn11 92825 ' Dullness u : in the estate, you may file a A Nlci\otu Jevatll, 200 Tamai ALTER NATIVE DIMENSIONS. request with the court to V1s1e No 190. Corte M1d111. 2112e1 M11g..-lle P11kw1y. Minion · I { h CaMfornle 94925 Viejo, CA f2fl92. ~tve specta nouce 0 t e Thia b\dtnen ti conducted by a GLENN RICHARD POWERS, flhng of the inventory o f 1tm111e1 plrtnwshtp. • 14891 Ad1m1, Midway Clly, CA estate assets and of the Jack J Jekoeky 112655. p etitions, accounts and Thls llfllment wu l1led with 1he THOMAS JAMES BETHMANN, reports desertbed in secuon County Cle<k or 01ange County on 33036 Oolpnln Courl. Sen Juen . Sep1embef 3, 1982 Ceplatrano, CA 92676 1200 5 of the Cal1lorn1a f1Ma5 This b\lllneu 11 conducted by, Probate Code. Published Oreng1 Co111 Dilly general pll1ne<lhtp. Piiot, Sepl fl. 15. 22. 29. 1982 Glenn R Powtrt Peti tioner: Crocker National Bank by Nancy A. Keating, Trust Officer Loui se M . DuVall , Attorney for Petitioner, 100 Eaat Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300, Long Bea cb, CA 9080% Publlahed Orang• Coaal Oally Pilot. Sept 22. 23, 211, 1982 41911-82 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS auarNE88 NAME STATl!Ml!NT Tne tottowtng persons are doing buslne" as KIO LOVE UNLIMITED, 1649 D Iowa Sl•"I. Coste M111 Cellf0<n1a 92628 Kathleen Morey. 2036 Galaxy Drive. Newport B11ch. C•lllornta 92660 Anne McCas11nd. 1649 0 Iowa Strait. Costa Men Cahlorn1a 92626 This buatnas is conClucle<I by • O'lter•I parlnersnlp, Kllhleen Morey Thta statement w11 1118<1 with the County Clerk of Or1nge Coun1y on Septembe1 20. 1982 Fttnu Publl1h1d Orenge Coest Delly Pllol, S19I 22. 29. Oct 6. 13. 1982 4211·82 MLIC NOTICE 395a·82 This atllement wu tll.O with lhe ----D<-.,1-1-C-NO-T-IC_E ___ . Counly Clerk of Or•nge County on rUUL Seplember 3. 111112 ------------f1 ... 1 F1cm1ous au11HEas Pubt11h1d Or1n~1 Co111 Dilly The ~~1~!1~:•:.~:':n~s.. doJng P11o1. Sepl 8. 15, 2 • 20, 1~~~-112 business es 1 CANYON MATERIALS. 21882 ------------Hllena C11cle, Hunt1ng1on B11ch, Nil.IC NOTICE CA 9264fl ------------WESLEY SUSUINU UYEKAWA, FICTITIOUS •USINHS NAME ITATIMENT 21662 HOerle Clrct1. Hunllnglon Thi followlng PlllOll 11 Clolng Beech, CA 9264fl business •• This l>uSJnws 11 c:onduc11d by 111 IAI ELUSIVE CONCEPTS tBI 1n<11vtdual C O N C E P T S I N M U S I C . ( C) Thia allt~l~a't:O wllh lhl CONCEPTS IN THEATER, tDl -•~• C 0 N C E P T S I N P U B L I C Counly Clerk of OrenQt County on RELATIONS (E) CONCEPTS IN August 30. 1982 GRAPHICS, (Fl CONCEPTS IN f1IM20 MANAGEMEHt , 3303 H111>of BIVd PubllSl'ltCI Orang1 Coast DlllV Suite K·7. Colll Mne. CA 92626 P110t Sept 1 fl, 15. 22 1982 HOWARD KEITH MORGAN, __________ 3_81_2_._112_ 381 Tllell0<d Wey. Costa Mese. CA 92827 This t>ustness ;. conduc:led by 1n f'ICTITIOUI •UllNEll 1n<11111duet PUBllC NOTICE NA• ITATl!•NT Howard M0tgan The rottowlng p1r1on 11 doing Tn11 alllement w11 tiled wlll'I bu11Jn1u 11 I 'he Couniy Clerk or Orange County MOKIE'S FLOWERS. 1330 SE on Auguat 17, 1982 Br161ol . No 39. Senta Aiu. f11M07 C.W0tnl• 92707 Publithld Orang• Cont Oally Mlrk Owens 1330 SE. Brlllol. P110t, Sept 15, 22, 29 Oct 6. 1011~ Sania An1, Cahl0<1l11 112707 4073-82 Th11 business ts conducteel by anj Dlm•IC NOTICE Individual r.-. Merk S. OWens This 1111emen1 WIS hi.cl Wtlh thl flCTITIOUI .., .... s. N._STATIJANT County Clerk of OflnQI County on The tollowlllg p111on 11 e101ng Septembef 21. 1982 bull1-ae FICTITIOUS IU81NESS f1'7tA SKOV CUISINE, 2008 tvyhllt NAME STATEMENT Published Orange CoHt Di ii)' Lene Ofeoge Clllfornfl 92667 The following per ton 1$ doing Pliol. Sept 22. 29, Oct fl. l3, 19fl2 Blr1hl s.' GOf!On. 200fl lyYhlll buSlneas as 4 !89-82 L-. Ort~. Cellloml• 92667 ACME SWA GING & CABL~t----D<-.,-1 ,C-NO_T_l_C-·E___ This buti.,..• ii conducted by an PRODUCTS. 1773 Whllt1er Avl ruuu tnd1vldull Cost• Mesa. CA 92627 "'CTrYfOUS IUS N·•· Blnhl s. G0r1on WILLI AM H NIELSEN. 2678 ... " I .. T "' NAME ITATIEMIENT his lllllmlflt was llleCI With the Club Miu Piece. Costa Mesa CA The lollowtng peraon ts doing CounlV Clenl of Otenge County on 92fl27 >usmese u Sepltmti. 3, 19112 This 1>us1ness 1s conducted by an (A) THE ERIC RANDALL CO , C>Ot«ALO MORETTI 1ndrviduat B I T R E N 0 A O V E R T I S I N G AHomer Wllll1m H Ntelsen 'ISSOCIATES 968 Junlpero Drive 1* Ooott Street, lhts siatement was filed w1111 lhe ::osta MHI. CA 92626. ' Suite 200 County Clerk ol Orange County on RANDALL E FRANZ. 968 .......... lleeetl, Cellfomlll l2MO Seplembe< l3 l982 Jun1pero Ortve Coste Mesa. CA Tll: (714) t1!1-0M1 F11132S 12626 ,,_. Published Orange Dally Pilot Randall E Frenz Publlahed Or1ng1 Co111 Delly Sept 15 22. 29. Ocl 6. 1982 This stetement was filed wtlh tne Pilot. Sept 8, 15. 22. 29, 1982 4060·82 ::oun1y Clefk of Orange County on 3952-82 ---POOL--IC_NO_T-IC_E___ ugust 30. 11182 ,1....,.1 Nil.IC NOTIC£ NOTICE Of' APPLICATION FOR Publl1n1d Or1ng1 Co111 011ty FICTITIOUS 9UllNISS CHANGE IN OWHl!R8HIP Of ilot, Sept I. 8. 15. 22 19112 NA• STATlMIENT ALCOHOLIC 91!Vl!l'IAOE UCENIE 3873-82 The following peraon le doing t-2042 bulilllll H PHAM THI-PITTS I• 9')pfylng 10 Nil.IC NOTICE HARBOA LIQUOR, 11127 ll'le Deparlmenl of Atcoholtc l---f-IC_T_IT_l_OU_l_•_U_l_l_NE_l_I __ , Herbor BlvCI., Un<I B, Cotl1 MISI 8eYt111i11 Conlrot 10< "42" On Siie CA 92627 8-& Wlne(Pubflc Prtml-llo Mtl NAME STATEMENT HOANG NGOC DANG. 10111 •lcohollc bevereges al 18021 The following perion 1' doing Milllon Drive. No. 0, Coll• M .... bu11neu 11 CA 92fl2fl Buahard StrHt, Founteln V1ll•y. KITE ENTERPRISES. 432 62n<t CllllOtllla 92708 Thll bull,_. Is conducted by en Publlehtel 011ng1 Coul Dell" SJreel N-porl Beech, Calllornte lndMClull , 92663 Piiot. Sep11m1>er 22 11182 Terrr J K11nzle. 432 fl2nd Hoeng Ngoc Deng 4201·82 Thi• 1t1temen1 w•• llleCI With the S1ree1 Newport B11ch. Calllorn11 County Clerk of Or•nge Counly on 92~1~ butl~ conducled b .. •n Auguat 19. 19112 , f1tlm lndlvldull Publlthed Orlllge COHI D1Jty Nil.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS llUSMH NAME STATl!Ml!NT The lollowlng ptrton la doing This 51'!f~1K=~led with lhl P110I. $e91 1, I, 16. 22. 1882 County Clerk ol Orang• County on 311811·82 Sept1mbef 13. 11182 bUllneN as· A C E RECOVERY SERVICE. F117231 1fl00 Iowa SlrHt No B, Colle Publ11hed Or1ng1 CoHI DlllJ M-. C.llf0tnta 92826 Mlch11I Robtrl Mtn1rchan. Ptlot S419I 15. 22 20. Ocl 8. 198 1eoo tow• SlrHI, No B. Coate __________ 4_0_1fl._112 Miii. C111tornla ll2fl2fl PtJBllC NOTICE Thie bualnea• 11 conducled by an l------------ tndlvldull FlCTITIOUS •UllNHI Mlohlll R Mln1tch1n NAME STATUMNT Thi. 1111emen1 w11 ltled wtlh thl The following p111on 11 doing Counl~ Clert< of Ortnge County on t>ustneu N Sep1 . 1982 F1*'7 SPITZE ENGINEERING, 1fl61> Babcock Slrtll, Co•ll M111. Publl•h•d 011ng1 COHI Dilly Calllomll 112627 Pilot, 5-1)1 II. 15 22. 29, 1912 Midlllf Edw11d Plllltz. 15442 3901·82 Neec•. w111mtn111r, C1llforllll ----------~ 92683 POOL.IC NOTICE Thi• bu11,,. .. 11 conduc!ICI tty Bil "CTlTK>US 9UllNIH N._ •TATIMIHT Tne lollowtng oereon I• dolno ~ .. (A) AC I.AW OFFICES, IBI ATTORNEYS ON CALL. 1202 N BrOllOVl1y, Stntl Anl. CA 92701 MICHAEL SACKS , 253 Prt~on Oii-... Coit• Mffe CA lndivlduet Mich ... E PllllU Tllll 1111-1 WU flied with IM County Cletk of Ot1nge Count)' on Seplembel 13. 1982 '1tnat Publl1h1d 011llgt Co11t 0111~ Pilot. $4191 ,5, 22. 29. Oct 6. 11182 4017-12 ll2t28 -----------Thi• bustn.t II cond<ICi.d by.,. lndlvlOwll. MlchMI SICkl ~ Thie etll-t wu flltd wtth tilt COunty Cler1! Of Ot•"Ot Cqunly on ~27.fN2 1'1tu11 Publlehed 01t1111g1 Co111 Dall)' Piiot, &.p1. I, I, 15, 22. 1012 3800-t2 FOf Clattlfi.cl ACI ACTION Call a Delly Pilot A0-Vl80A 642·M78 ti NIUC NOTIC£ NOTICI OF ~ATION TO SILL ALCOHOLIC RVUIAOH .. ..., To Whom It Mty ConCINI· RUT.H P SHEA le 1PP1Y1no to lhl Oec>llftmenl of AlcollollC &ever Ill' Control for "42" On 811e 0.... & Wint tPubllc P1•ml111l to 1111 1tc;ohollc bever1oe1 at 424 171h Streit, Hunllnot on 811ch. ClllfO<nla Publl•hed Or•ng• Coe11 Detty Pll01. SIQttmti. 22. t9112 4180-82 P\RIC NOTIC£ l'1CTTT10U9 9'191Mll NAMmlTATl•NT Tht following peraon It dotng butlneee 81. UNLI MITED ENfRQY, 49 Olkd ... Ct' ..... IN!nt, C4 92714 KENNITH M. ZIEQLUI, 4t Ollld ... Otiw, !MM, CA 92714 Thi• bl.lllMM le COlld\ICttcl by an lndflltdu.,, t<en"9tll M Ziegllf Thie '1et«Ntll WU flltd WOii lht County CWk of Ottnee County oo hptember 2, 1H2 ,,..,,. Publlthtd Ortng1 CoHI Oell)' Pltot, &.f>t I , 16. H , 2t, 1 .. t M4t-.12 MLIC NOTICE Rou.m & k"d UOl•I• ~utth 'Gvt'tr.I Unnw • --~==~---------~mnwr fbt\l•I• FICTITIOUS IUSINl!tl v.,.,_ ll•11t•h NAME ITATEMINT :.:~~: .. 'f:'.:;:: The follo,.lng perton 11 doing 1~r'" 11 ..... 1 bu8'nett 11 11, .. ,,,~ .. ll••t•I NEAT THINGS, 714 E Balboa lnd1Atrttl M..,hl Blvd .. B1lboa, Catll0<1ll1 112661 ~!'!.·.,: "••tod Patrlcl1 Key Smith. 343 Via 1o4,., M••ttl• LiClo Soud. Newport Beach IUSlNCSS, IMYCST· Cel1f0tnte 112663 Thia 1>ue1ness 11 c:onduCllCI by an MENT, RHANC[ lndlvldu1t =:::;::~ ~:.:'.:; Patrtc1e Kay Smtih 1 ..... .,..1 n. • ..,,. This stetemenl w11 tiled wnh lhe '""''""'"' ;;~ ... ,/ County Clefk ol Orange County on ~=~ ?:!:::. Seplember 3 1982 111onr•••• Tri. Publtthld Orange Co1:,1: ANNOUMC(M(NTS, Piiot. Sept II, 15, 22. 29, 1982 PUSOMAlS & 3903•112 LOST & FOUND Nil.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •USINIH NAMI IT4TlMENT The lollowlpg pe111on1 ere dotng l>usintsa u COMPREHENSIVE COUNSELING SERVICES. 2301 Ztnllh Avenue. Sellll Ana Helghta, C1llf0<nl1 92707 The>mu O Plf'rln. 2301 Zenith Avenue. S•nll An1 Hllght1. C111fornl• 112707 Tn11 b\18'neat ii concNclld tty en lndMCluel Thomu 0 . Peirln This •l•lemtnl WIS flied with '~ Counly Cieri! of Ori~ County on AUQUll 30, 1982 • ,,, ... 1 Publllhld Orange COHI Daily Piiot, S1p1 8. 15. 22. 211. 11182 3954-112 SEIVICES Sf.r, ~~ ~rt<'teo CMrtOYMEMT & mrHATIOM !fit'hooh tfbt.n.e"t"Oft J .. v.i.,.. ... ,, .. ........... ~ ..... AMMI• .. MEICHAN~ISE AQJMl•Mfl'\ ..... ._ ::u..': M•l•h•h r ..... ,... •• l.qwpiirwrtt ~· Doc• ""lo You "''""'"'"' c.,., .. ~,. -,,,, ,,,,,, * ile c:;;;;r········i·;;; llEIA YElllE ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• On 1ht golf course ~ REllCEI Cuatom 1>e1ulltul 3 Bdrm oao homo, many. mally ex· :: HI0,000 lrH $278,500 With 10'1. •\lll Dramatic Harbor View down owner wlll oarry at ::': Hom.a, 4 Bdrm 2'~ bllll, 12~% lntarHI htghty upgreded two lltr lo0ar4lt1 Riff. story homet E11cet1ent I Ma.7'721 auumable fln1nctng and i•·~~~~~~~~~~I »» Miter will carry! Cati now t :.OIO 'Ir 1111•1 648-7 '71 EXCHANGES =: Precious gem 1tolles for 5 ! !?!!)'"!.:' ~!~ :t~'n'~~o~g;~:~. [:-~~s'E! E1tat1 Wiii con1tdor LOOK For our new regular weekly ltature IOIT SHOW- CASE -Every Se1urd1y In lht Dally Piiot Ctaa11tte<11 = BRANO NEW "Hearl of llllt Oreng1 County" Town-1 llOmts • L.u11ury 3 bdrm ._ t1om11 beautltutly d•· l!Oto ' signed, quallt~ bl.tlll • e/\d Milt ftnenctng now 11111 you -juat won't beJlt••I Cell : now Brendywyne Pro· = pertlea 11. 531·8970 .. , : *IAYFlllT* anything of reasonable value For E .. tmpla· Auto•. Yachts. P1tn11ng1. RV's, or equity In going bullneues pp 63 1-6166 WANTED ... IAYFROIT DR OCUIFROH I FAST ESCROW • CHh ptu1 ehopplng center to I tr1de In Orange Co. Agent 844-85_13 __ _ ..... ""' .... Guarded gate communl· ty. Ntlr South Coast Plue I t>drm, I ba Condo $79,9911 For appl la lwatr'• hll1•1 * llHITAH PAlll * * 1%FIHJIOlll ... * whell you take over exlsllng Ill TruSI Deed on th11 eb1olutely beau· ttlut PLAN 4. Thia former mooet features 3 Br. 2•,-, B1 & extenalve upora- dlng. Only S 139,80011 7511·1501 or 752·7373 ~ Walker 6 Lee GEORGE ELKINS CO 759-9100 YEllY UYllOllEI I '"t:ft Nil.IC NOTICE Hontt ~1_,a, '"flf) : MAT II.JP 2 bdrm. 21'1 bl. den ••••••••• Condo. 2 car garag1. College n11r beech:•,,, couniry kitchen. WC>O~,C.. lloors. 3 Bdrm1. ua,a.d.:~ ~ b1 tcll llreplece. patio. l'f. • · nanclng $310,000 re1L:i .r FICTrTIOUI BUllNHI NAME ITATl!Ml!NT The lottowtng PtflOllt are doing bu1tne1S IS 01SEROORFERS BAKERY. DELI 514 W Balbol BlvCI Batbol C.Ulorn1a Jecob Thomas Oberdorf11. 322'}, lrtt. Corona del Mar C1llfornie 9:.>625 Denise Y Turgreen. 322''> Ins Corona del Mer. Cellf0tnta 92625 t..•ntoo MM'INWf) Mtw.O•"""°"'• M•,,.•tllfM'Otl) • ant.-d Mvt1raJ l'"\nmwn•• Of rttt F'utft & l.q"• p ""' c=~~::.:.~ '_"P'lf111\I f.1oodt ~« .. Mr11itawuru "•' ~: ·.r.dtO ....... 'M•t~ IOATS & MAllN£ EQUlrMCMT Tn1s t>uatness IS conducted by a C.-•1 : IPR UIU 1-1 Wit 38 BALBOA coves. 3 ::': bdrm • 2 b1th. REOU· llOll CEO TO $499,5001 ~ llT :: llULTll/l .. ll :: ••n-1111* =1~~~1 Itel ltt.te ltfl•• taulldry llook·UPS Walk to Pool. Sauna. Conv to- cetlon. $ t 10,000 ~,. SALEJLEASE OPTION EASTBLUF~ TERINA CONDO. 3Br, 2 ·~Ba, d1hw1hr, frplc. dbl oven, comm pool 1133·9167 dyl. 759. t311 ...... Owner/Agt. 3% Open HM Slt/Sull 2·5. lfWPlllT OIEIT tnatantly homet Beault· fully upgraded & daco· l ale.cLSPAClou• 2 Br A. Clen. 3 Ba Walk 10 be1cn & recrealloll facllities Prlceo for Immediate sate Seller wm help 11- nence Full price S239, 000. 751·31111 C:::. ' ,f I I ( 1 sellold • -----11 UNIVUI: t1V~I: "' Realtors. 675-6000< • •• la/JI.a /d,., IHI' 1 ......................... ,, ... , CHARMING REMOO 3 1 Br+loll Tr1dellse opt tor Cluple11 or unit 673-8585 "-i g1r1era1 partnership ""•" M.,"4 ""'",. J Thomas Ot>erdorter =~: ~~7 tq,,ip This 1111ement waa hied with 1he &.u R .. • ( .. , • ., County Clt<k of Of1nge County on :::.: ::::::. U.Ch September 13 19112 I ""•"...,..." 1111 Ftt7m -. Stortt• W1nltd, Ill place. N-· = port HarbOflCoala M"8 -erea All lnqulrlte conll· = dtnllel Mall r•pllee 10 -Ad. No 1020. ()ajly Piiot, =1 PO 8011 1680. Cos11 -Mesa, CA 92627 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~~~~~!!!!~~~l ••lh• , '.' w11.1 " 1uc1 ,,.,.,.,, 1 oot. · , ~ pql lPl ~~l 1t '-, Published Orange Cou1 0111y THMSflOITATION Piiot Sep1 IS, 22, 29. Ocl 6, 1982 A1m•ll ----------40_3_1_-8_2 ~(~~~ "'"' ==-~· ........... Ml.JC NOTICE ftCTITIOUS •USINHS NAME ST A Tl!MENT The lotlowtng persona are dotng t>uslneu" PROFESSION.AL PARK· I, flfl I Dover Ortve. No 15 Nftpo<I Beech. CA 92663 HUBERT J MILLER, 1181 Dover Ortve. No 15, Newport Beach. CA 92663 EDWARD F MILLER 88 1 Dover Drive, No 15 N1wpor1 8e1ch. CA 92683 T ht• bualne•• IS ~onduclled by ti genwal parlnerShlp. EdwerCI F MHler Th1S 1111...,,.nt WIS foleCI wlll'I 1119 County Cle<ll of 011~ Counly on Septembef 13. 19112 F117241 Publlehed Orenge Co'1!_ 01111v P1tn1. Sepl 15. 22. ~9. Oct r'l9112 4070-82 Pl.a.IC NOTICE FICTmous IUllNIH NAm ITATl•'fT The following peraon 11 doing bullnett .. RAINBOW eos. 1252 W1t10n, Cotta Meu. Calllornte 02626 Br•I W1yn1 Alken, 1252 Wei.on. Coste Meta. Calll0<nill 9262fl Tn11 but1n1u 11 conciucteel by an indJV1dull Brei W Alken This 1tatemen1 w111 tiled w11n lh• County Cl1tll 01 Orange Couniy on S«>tember 20, 1982 f1fTT71 Publlthld Ortllgt Co111 Delly P110t. Sep1 22, 29, Oct fl, t3. 111112 4133·82 Nil.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •USINlH N4MI ITATIMINT Th• IOflowlng P41rton• 11e dOfng t>uelne" •• LOMELl ·--AYA & ASSOCIATES. 2'60 Alrwe, Ave ' 0-fl. CGl41 M .... Caliloffllt t2112t Ru~ JOl\ri Lomelt, 1594 S.E 8111\lflne, San11 An1, C1t1101nl1 Relf)h Anthony R•ya, 22632 S~on. Mllllon Vlej() CalllOl'nll 821181 Ronatel Wiiiiam Attd, 13 EldtrWOOd, lr\llnt, C1lll01nl4 92714 Mot« Hnh Mtr lltt'M Tr•ilith 1,.~,1 !::~ .. ~!.~~''&.,,, """"'•' A~TOMOllLE AftltqM• \"leuu • Mf'tt f'•hOft \ ""•t Ir• ~~. ~,~:: .. ~·-i· ft111 h \ .... o\W..&..ti•un• ~"'-w .,. .... AUlOS. IMl'ORTCO ........ , .. AU,,filvnwo \W(h ~•U• u,. .. 1.,, Kif !I. I'"" f':r" U1t.wn .... ,,.,. Yl•l U~t .. , ... .,, .. ,.....,. ~•IM.tftfti4.1A1" ~ ...... ilhld• "'''""""'~"' 1111 MOit Upol r ........ ,.... ..... ~-·~~ . ..., ..... fWll_. fil@;u~ fil•~•r = ....... , .. r., .... "'""'~ \9'h••-·· \'oho COLDWeu BANl(eRO ::~ LIQlllATIOI ;:: $25,000 dw/\, a11umt ::: low tntlftlt toent ShaTP IUYlfW S4Hr000 fill 3 Bdrm home. $240,000. S I 4 SR I Fred Tenore, 831·1286, pacous tictcutve :: 631·2711, Agt. home on pool sized tot •1 ----------• on quiet cul-d••ac Se-curlly for your l1mlly In gutrd gettd comm As· soc pools, IP• & tenllll Flexlble financing. H1·7100 Rf$lOEHTtAI AUi f$TAI[ SERVICES n111111u lO' UYFlllllT Probate sale of· $1.400.000 cash. Minimum overbid $70.~00. Court date 1017/82 5 Bdnn home, separate lot, beach, dock for 70' boat. Marda &nts, 644-9060. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 •AL ... CHARMIR -Reduced! Ce.. I etlte I Md. oottate wl"' petlo. beem• a ,....-,. You oan ti.. .. II 0t ftent\eelr Miid new. ,_. ._, Cape Cod .. lnlklllld ., ..... ..,. ..... '°°°. DfM t.J tm T.,_. ""41 ... f7MIOO, ltll• b111lneM it COlldWOltd by I .,...,.. JI D9tl«tl oer1n«1'1fp knock• ot1en when ~ Relph A Rly1 Uff '"""~llf"IO Dally WA HRf RO'\T HOMf ~. "' 111 \I 11111 .. Thia 1t11ern.n1 w11 ltleel w•lh Ille Piiot Claailll9d il'da 10 County Clift. OI Otanoe County on ... Or ,.~ s.,iwnbet 3. 1912 r4NOPI 1... anoa ........ ~l'lfo •• ·-· .... '" ""'-, .. ,,...... marll9t , ... ,..,. -• -. ...... 1 .... ~ '-h "·•••h ~,,, \t • ._,,..., ...•••••..•.......•.•. Only $160,000 tor this 3 PElllllU HI-. 1' BClrm 2 81 home w/ •• 1ulldeck & lrptc A~sume Gorgeous C1pa Codit • 9 25% loan enCI owner Custom On1 of the 11.,:,, wtu carry 2n0 T o won't nest new homes eno ,10-, lull Celt now. 631·7370 caltons on Ille Pomt ' Steps 10 Beach end Bl)' • ' , TR,\01 T10\Al. RF.ALTY Ocean VI-Oui.t rellf1 : ,, denllat trH. E•ctllWJI , •1 llnanclllg $530.009 ' Open House Sa1 tnd<6im• ' • 1-5 1531 EISI 0~'"1t 1 BlvCI Builder I Ag~n11 673•11611, 875-46&6 II '•li. W8ii!Ad Help? SELL ldt• items wltll ~, _, 1 842·567..11 Delly Pllol Clastllled 1..tS: ;:::;:::~;::;r::::;::::::::::::=~::::::::::::::;::::;:::;;;::;::~=;;:~~.n1 STAR GA'ZEK11 ' ·~ ----.----Bo U 'I ~ !'OIL \I' f Jo. ... ~ ~ :~.~~'. ~:' :-..': t-.-: J:). U" U -. f' t T ck\•fl'kir -.~ •£>11 l'hw.,,,do,. ocr " 1.odWfllf.(Ol ~""GtJ ~ ••• , ~ ~" l rd.o: t nt+ •.go• F.7:::1 ~:-W ~ • w • • -· ''··~· ~ ., .,, ... 1 .. ,, • ..,. b u."' u a.... .. t"'•''"'• .. r. ,o.,. ... . '. .. .. . ..... ...... ...... ... .... ,, ........ ., .... .... :::~ . .. , ... , ., ..... ··-.... • .. .. -..... . . .. .. ~ .. •It •••t ., ' •10• 1\11 •t•·• .,..........,..., ..... .. , .. ... , .... .... ., ... .. ..._ ,• ·~ "' . .,. .. ,,,_ ,,,,,,,,. ''"•• .. •w .. -·~ .... ,,, --· ... ' .._ ,..._ "' .. ·-,, ... ". . ... Ut·tt ut..,..,,., o.,._~ '" .... ., ...... ,.,, .. ••#Ii ... ..... """" . .... .... ' ,. '. ' '"'" .. "_.. ... .. ". ~··· ··-•.. ... W•··• .... ., .... ,. .. ... ... ,., .. .. ... •I>' .. ., ....... _ •n ,,,,, .. ( Nn ti•I ';:~~· S©~o't1l-A-~£trs· ------14, .. 4 ~, C\AW I POUAN ----- o:;:,'':~b~•'!O'~t :: ..... .. ,.,...._ ....... le ..,' HY DAIS r I' I SLUPH I ............... , ..--, ..,--t ..--11 I ,_,_t .... K_N .... A_R._I j I I I I' . 1 PubllthtO Orang• Coa•t D1ily Pl'IOM M2•&UI 111·HOI 11,-tlOO P1101. st01 10, 22. lit. oc1 e. 1Dt2 t~~~~~~~~~L T 4064·'2 ~------------~ ~ .......................... '.!; ~~~-----...... -~--~-~-------~----'~ ~~,.!~D~J tor • )0 Clly ad Ill Iha .... , """ .... ....,.., DO IT NOWI AllterlaMra Y 04ltr Diiiy Piiot . 8wva 1lirtlC10lY ~latlYI Mlelllt at. IH ~'/ffl.~'!f! ••• e simial Sm-vir:e Dinr:I ~!l!!!tr. .•••••...•... fe1!!.l!mr. •.•••.•. AUTO ACCIOINT? No StNm/No Shampoo NO recovery • No ,.. 1 • ., A.II'" l(oltruth 141-4378 lalft ,.pec:tlllli t .-HI , dry Fr.. ... 831· 1812 ~'!'''··········· Infant to 3 yr•, my C M hom1. I hr day. Lie. etCt908lJ 76442$8 f'l.•Jtl!.!fd~~.,f. fld.¥.~~•••••••••••• ~~!!~-..C •••••••••••••• ~!.~~{IJ!~I .•••••.••• t~J~!/~I •••••••.••••.• j rf~~~!~~!~! ....... ft!ft~~ ••••...•.•••••• Kii remod, C*l l'!llO Ill •l'ICllC•Plng M1tn11n1n-OLIAN·UI'&. GA.RA.OU. ,.,.,,, acaoamic. 35, IMlle ... ,.,IYUll * •llRYANT'H·• MOBILI 8fRVICE ceblMta Call l'IOW, rr ca, I.awn 1 gltCMn c111, ANYlHtNOI CA.LL hou11al1t1ng 01 rtnbl br flllchard llnor Lie WallCOYeflng Removal Aaitcf~a/Nw tcreene .. , ... 2.otlt CIH n u: Kan Jon••· MNOY 142°7147 room.,.,, 1-48·3&33 280'44 13 )'fl ol hlPPY AH IYPtt 842·1343 ~M only M2·9&62 ... Hiii IJt-llt ,.,., Haullng & yd c111n°up Mltfled couple, Pf!Of u · local cuetol'Mt'I 1ll Cltl I.Ju ...................... UIMW WAIYll Tr•• 1rtmm1no •• oa11g1 par Xlnt rete HOYM or Th1111k you, 13t·4410 .......................................... .. •l<A.TAINA.'&. LIVE·IN Mowing, edQlnQ, raklnO, clean-up Boblll0·"44 apt, Ocll·APr (11 18) Cuttom work Int & 1111 Cer11tledHOUH 81ttett S011rConeulllng,eyetetn1 h•kPr•, dell} meld tatv, •we~rn\ 'r" Hllm•· ••·-'.,.l•f. Ul·20H He'd 20 uri In ., ... rate' Bonded s 11/Clay (1v11y trouble lhoollng, poo11, ., ofllc• CIH nlng, orpt IM •. 7,.7 ....,,, .... ,b 1.,•1•801., 111 • 30 3rd wtc lrM) ~1·1234 hot wtr, 1paoe hHtlno oleanlng. 136-21 fl " .. ••••••••••••• •••••••• Ju/Ntl•I """' • • u Ntturat gu. d11egu1atlon UP'I IUYllYMI E.XCllL CA.APl!T CAR& JICk lul1lnglon Owner/operator Carpet, uphOI, ., .. rug Cllanlng. Work QUat Fr• (II 845· f77 1 "N!STI<INO A081N'9 CLEANING ••••••••••••••••••• ••• BW'JI PalnUf\O, 1n111111 1111111 11 .. I•• la her• OPlltrllU ~our C.tfllll• lh/rla• l«M OAAOENINO Ci..tl-u"•· e~. a ttlotouOtllY Compietl lanltOl'lat MM-Rttld/Comml I"" 111p •••••••••••••';';f•••••• •Yttetnl efficiency Aleo ..... ~,,~ In mu ho-· •••••••• .,.............. ....................... ·--... CllMn houH. °'40-b8&7 cee train ..... •••ff ........ I Coneulletlon ' Hand I I II I .. .. • ,,_ C'"'•••p• ... oi•• at -1 111-em ••ndec:apln1,, monlhl" • ""' • .......... 9 C11 arH H"'h "'UI a new n1 1 11 ont lie C M.-Me-1718 ' C M .,,...., ,.,.. "'" ,_ ,_ ' J • c•· I •--·f CllCI I Int Unlole1n · I · "' " Mede FrtrnN 40 y111• 4o•a.•4 .... 1 " 30 nr orl4i -1:.1i Fl~_pa111tng In 1111 old P1r1on11. qualllleCI drl· melnt. Niil l 4 ·•791 o~nl ... anngA;'voe 8y1tam1 ol Npt Bch mtterel•. Lo prtc•. F !•Plrlence.141·Gl41 '"''" v .. "' 4 WOii~ tradition 145..$858 ~rt tor your Clay to day MAINT. & OUIQN ou-·APlt-latl 160 1200 . NI. Rell. 499-5717 l•t/•j/111 L.o~N>me. ~3 I~· C....tl tfel•flf _ errand•. Shopping._ dr. Obltlln Landtcape Serv. Olllcll 640-lH7 ~.,_ OUAlllY WORK • n111~ t1!L,•1~/t •" ................... . FTT O/wk, blf,/a • ·······'·············· •PPll. c:huroh, •lo. All ~m.,,11n1•. ~~1l>n2d TIR£D OF HASSL6S'r ·······~'·········· r .... honelt Alf• Uc: -·ED'S ·;.u.s·T·ERINO··· v~. ~'k, _IChl __ ._c_M_. --~-~----~ Cemenl-MNonty·Bloetl n••d• mat, By hour or .. .., ....,. .. v 0111111l ctMnln~ help le Verd Malnt a Cleanup. 281107 D1Y9 9&4·1045 N .. , petc:he•. lntleid •n C>en• Mature lic:.nMd b•bV-11· Walla·Cwt. work, Lio. Clay 494·6857. •• I ,. '*•' •fl, IHI(). 452 Sod. 1prlnkler1, roto, LowHI ra1HI Prompt, RealUGCOI 645-9258 939 • 4196 ter for day WOfkl~ mo· #381057 Rob 547-2183 n.-.11 •• .'!.1?'! •••••••••••••• OIAL·A·MAID. Ouallly ' lrff rmvt. dfllnaot. hlll· n .. I protenlon•I•. 16 PLASTER PATCHING '"' tti.r1 only. Mon-Fri. In· DrlVN·P•lloe-Walk• ':':1.•···••••••••••••••• Carpentry· Meaonry s.r11. Nr A• Your Phone aid• weeding. 8rl1n yr• exp. 848·&684 RHluc:coi lnll••• 30 ••••Ttl.°eiNSTALLEO•••• t111tt to 3 yre, 155 wkly. NO J08 TOO SMALL DRVWAL.LIA.OOUSTIC Rooflng • Plumblng 135/145. 839.0880 588-2253 CUSTOM PAINTING Yfl NNI Paul 545.2977 All Klnoe GuatltllMd 142.0728 Fr" •I. 536-2801 A~lra, 1111~b apec. 1 t Drywall • Stuoc:o • Tiie • 1...., i.l'Ylnt OHPlrllel Pillo work. Y"· lltp. 8 1152·95'2 R41model J.B. 141-9990 c::::"'f.ie~::'ai~ie:zi;pc::. •• ~~!!f•••••••••••••• F1;~•~1 ~:"'~~~8 11••61•1. Refs John 840·9217 ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• F Wiii texlurM·AC:ou•llc: Carpentry. Cablnete Pro ., bonded & Int. BRICKWORK: Small jobt. ' u:;.•L• .. •s• p••u•::B•1••G••4••• Kllcti bllhl entries ,,,,_d lnft, -.aUU. rM dHlf n. Lo prlcft Hano· Tape-SIMI elude Plumb . Drain Cleaning Unlcllan 8)'tt1m1 of Np1 Newpon, Cotta M.... 15 yfl •llP. NB/CdM I'm H~etf~n l .';111~1 I c:u11om & comm. ••••••••!f •••••• !!.... OP BualnMI "Doctor" Xlnt relt. 97.7354 Lio. 389944 1·532·5549 Elec:trlc:al . Tiii Bch. 850-1200 lrvlrie. Ret1. 875-3175 amall, my price• ere •• •P ng n FrM "' 840·2082 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Booktl Data/WOfd Ct/JI C.11 II Relt. Oon He-0149 11111111 Ron 873·8477 repalre 145-1688 Custom Ceramic: Tiie AOPlled. ~.QI* .• tnaured, llc:'d . 414891. 130-1900 Ir" 11t1ma111. °"*"'•bit. attordabll, Proc:.Mlng •••••••••••••••••••••• Hltl1al O\Jallly Houtec:i.antng vlrfel ...... -1 ... t INT/EXT PAINTING II ELL IU·llH work. rree "' 875-5100 •Hlntlal. A.n1w1rlng 90 Min oo·alte vtalt Chlldc:are wkdyl c:rad •••••••••••••••••••••• Gen. c:ontract'g, malnl, w/I pareonal touch. CM, ALL TYPES MASONRY & WALLPAPERING Weter Heater $~11111 or 548· 7283 Gl1n or eervlc:e, H C:tetulal & l50 extra time 125ttr, leac:Mr Organlz9d ac:u: ELECTRICIAN-Prlc:eCI plumb. repair, palnt'g, Irv, NB. Beth 880.ot33 lie 349479 838-3e12 Cintom worll. Fr" HI 24 hr plumber 110 Chucil. bulln"' MrvlcM, malt (7t•) ••" "'979 villas. C.M. 846-4857 right, frff H tlmate on moblla home ter'llca. HOUSECLEANER S "'-S .. "'""'" larna or amell /oba Jim 538·991171538-3834 CullOf'!l Brick· tone nwH. teve 547·4281 box rental. lllOfd Pf'OCM• ---------1 ·-. Good rell. NB ' lrvlne Block-Conc:r•l•Stuoc:o ---------1 PLUMBING REPAIRS frH·l1nln t ing. Tel111·Fac1lmlla. c., ... ,,. 2 dedlc111d pre·IChool Lio. 396621. 173-0359 JACK OF All TRADES pref. Gladyt 541.0702 Rell. FrM nt. 541Ml492 Swinson 4 Son Painting Aeplp1·Aeplac1-drtln1 •••••••••••••••••••••• { order entry, pager .. IHN •••'•-•••'••••••••••••• IHC:hert w/llc day care, L.IC'O ELECTRICIAN Call Jack anytime, Complete ul 1 11ory FrH NI Reu. relleble I LOW FIATl:S $ ' buy, dMk apece rental. Remod & l ddltl<Xlt. lrM 'Ai & lull day. 846-2209 Qual . ..or'k·Real. retQ dey or night 171-3014 B&M HouMCl .. nlng #frillf home from 1395. tndM· 645-2811 Coate M... TrH trlml remov. c:lean ANSWER NETWORK design & .. 1. Oual & low Child car. In college park FrM H I, Tom 931.5072 Reuonat>ll. CaH 8ente •••••• ••••••••••••••• dual rooms trorn $45 + upa, mowing 554-7017 780-7320 (Uk f()f A.V. rat .. Sieve. 752·9551 ern 2 yre & up $1 llr. ELECTRICt•N ••14flM 11Hn Balboa !al.and 875-3810 *•· ,........ mat1rla11 Rell, Ina ... •ll•l•tl•• ~~!, ........... . REAL ESTA.TE Ratldenllal/Comm'I 873-1919 Art·Anllq-Jhlelry AppralN & Llquldllt Mlc:hMI Hain 953.0717 . F "" •••••••••••••••••••••• UC. 20534' 1 631·'4170 ••• ••••••'•••• ••••••• CUSTOM. wood patio c:o-uH or Pl time. C11101yn Sml Jobe/Repelre. lie:, HARDWOOD FLOORS Bachelor'• HMCIM'llno Top qu1t11y. Spec:lat c:ar• J.O. Horn R•llnllhlng vera, dec:ka & llOOM by 448-7281 233108.c.to. 548•5203 BMulllully c:lMned & Laundry $91'\1. Karen, In handling. 211 Yf• exp, ,, .. ,,.. Anllqu111, kit, c:1blne11, RANDY 141-0822 C••lrllNtl ••1t•I e.nd waxed. 132·4141 840.2816/850-0892 No ~,r.',,!!:~ve ~~353 ••'••••,.••••••••••••• fine pe.lnllng. 845-0814 Exparlenc:9d Carpenter •••••••••••'•••••••••• LIC'O ELECTRICIAN HOUSECLEANING Farthing lnt9flor OeliQn J l': Remod Id · I .I ....... I 1M NEEDS WORKI ' •1tJJ.• ABC MOVING HANGING/STRIPPING H ••1. ·• d n-pa11oa • • ••••••"'•••••••••••••• Honett & Dependable • • vi ... Mc Scott 145-9325 •••••• ••••••••• • ••••• 780-2885 548-8854 lie. 308888. Remodel, lie:. •18988 842·80?3 OUMP JOBS Brenda 982·2e90 OUlcil. Careful Serv1c:9. ,Hubef Rooltng·ell types Flnleh & rough carpentry, Add'ne, Cabinets. & Small Moving Jobi Low rttn. 552.0410 ASA PAPERHANGING New·recover·deck1 cablnell. rm 1ddllloo1. __ 64_8-_85_8_8_1_44_5_·...:~~14_4_ f!d.'.~A............ Call MIKE 841-1391 O~ll~~ ~k~r:o ~::.r:. STARVING COLLEGE 7 yre local ••P· Guar. Lie. •411802. 5•8·9734 841-7228 A.DO'NSI AEMODEUNG fllEfl l--H-A-U-ll_N_G_-O_RA_D_IN-G--I d r 1 p a a , b 11 n d, STUDENTS MOVING work. Prlc:H 11111 111 ROOF REPAIR r.-.t•!!~~ ............ . Motl tubJecte, K· 14 Day/ave $5 & $ 10/hr Mr Morgan 845-517& !!~!~.~{~~'~'··· .. "Let the Sunshine In" . '·' Call Sunlhlne Window • Cl11nlng. Lid. 548·8853 20'Y· Monthly Olecount ~~ •............. Dr'lwwe)'t, Parking Lot ~I •• -I Pl111a.. llc:'d Georo-Toppad/remolled. Clean d•mollllon, olHn-up. 857-8195. co. Lie:. T124-431 18''011 Alec 751•1021 SPECIALIST $25-$185 -nr•ff Pllrner & Son• 849-7814 P 1 7"1 347• Concrete a trM remoY•I. ----------1 tneored. 841-8427 E11p1rt wallcovarlng Free e111ma1e 770·2725 lntleitt R111ld/c:omm't ••• ••••••••••••••••••! u • IW1I renov. " • v Quick MIV. 142•7638 ElolN'I HOU91Cleanlng WATCH US GROWi 1 tnstallellon. A .... prleea Frff ell 20% monthly Shampoo & llMm clean. Maeonry, carpentry, c:on-Simmon• Gardening • Quallty work, raepon•I· •-Conaullenl A11lgnmen1 RMf PlllLEM' diecount 644-47.18 Al9afrS, SNlcoatlng. 868 Aaphll 1131-411H1Uc Oen Hal11>etg Grldll'IQ & Paving Co. RM/coml Color brlgtitan1re, whl crate. ldd'ne, Int/ext r• Cln·upa, lawn c:are, full PROF. SERVICE bt., good rel1. Cell !".~·J~J..~!"J!!!...... 581·8590 Oon1 reroot, repair 111 c:rpts • 10 min. bleach. mod. Llc:'d. 641-076t comm & rHld malnl. Heullng . yrd c:i.an up 145·38311541-4839 NurHI Au't for home ---------rractlon ol the coat Cell CRAIG CLEANING CO Hall.1111/dln. rml $15; 111g STANBUR INDUSTRIES 841-6684 Qulc:k &7c:laan. FrM "' Cl••nlnn·. no job loo ....,. c:at• avall lmmed., lul"' P1perh1nglng, stripping, Lee 857·2890 Reald/c:omm'I. lnl/1111 UC 397804 142· 1720 room SJ.50; couch 110; G 6 3--0548 -"·• v'V •1 painting x1n1 work, lg Of ---''-'--------1 Ser-'•· mirror•-laddef • c;tu 16. Guer. allm. pet en'I contr. Prop. Im· GARDENING SERVICE or 1m111. Exp. rellable. ln1. 638-5813 Vickie, •m•ll jobi, reuonel>I• ROOflNG REPAJRS work Owner oper - Mor. lamlllM ere Q9tllng odor. Crpl repair. 15 yre prO\I, 997·18t 1 (11-5) C1Mn·up1, trM .-v. & HAULING • lludent hu reta. $8/hr. 9S7-3341 1·921·10&0 relH • Rafe. Frei HI Smell jobs o k Ir .. Htl· 641-3089 • the eamplng "l>Ug" this up. Do work myHll. haullng. 841·1098 Pett lg• truc:k. Lowell rate. llc'd nurse dHlrH pvt Brenden 981·7427 matH Call Tom & Chuek )'Mr, It re have a c:em· R t 531 "101 HeY9 eomelhl~ you Wini Prompt C•'I 7a9 197'" p 5•2·"392 You don't need a nun 10 • e •. -v to NII" c1 .... ,_ ... ad• do , k.. " • v. eopl• who need people duly, lull or p/llm•. 14 ~ v • per Iha '• not gaiting ' ....., K&D Landec:ape Melnt. Than you, John. lhould alwav• check 1he yre 111pr. 831·9212 or 1----------I "drew IHI" when you " UMd, Mii It now with a Have something to NII? II well I Cell NOW, RMld/Comm. Clean-up. serw:. Dlrectf6 In 1111 Cell •newer ad 723. Real d ~~ cld~fled •d• I eke yvur 1hopplng ea· pl11c:e an •d In the Delly :. Clullfled Ad. Cluslfled ada do It well. 142·5178 Claultled ,..... ... " he ,,,_, e .. a In apart· tier by using the Dally Pilot Want Ada! Call now · Liie haullng. 549-2489 u• -2·5878 DAIL V PIL T 642-4300 24 hra menl renllll. 842-5878 Piiot Clualfled Adi. I 842·5878. for your out-grown bike DOLLAR DA y DOUGH SAVERS ,?a -for Merchendlae under 11,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doe;n't eell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be prloed. Sorry, no real estate or commerclal ads. Call today for full details. 3 OLLA RS 3 1NES DAYS ~ CLASSIFIEDs6 42-56 7 S ~ • (Noft.,.._d1lrl1 btn IM9 '1M) ,1 •• f,.,~ ,~,·~1 .,,,_ ~·. ··.~~ E1~e -'!!!!~.~!~!~! ...• !J.!¥ ~~!~~'! .. !~~11!~!'!!'!~~.1.~!f 1""" ' 9'm ,IUI Near O.C Airport lsoc per 11 plua.. Prlvat .. ntr111Ce FINALLY AVAlABl.E! f!~!al! ........ 1.~!f !'11 .. '9!'.'!. .... l.{'!! lf!l1..'!~.".t ..... !.{~ Oanc:ara for Bachelor/ B1b)'tl1111 who lov .. c:M· Oay Battend9' wanted Btc:h elorelle Par Ilea. dran, 18 mo1. girt. mv CO<ooa def Ma.r 738-8538 or 553-8531 home. flex hra 731·7651 873-12e7. Ask fOf Kllhy .1 .... ~,l"lte ~ C4lM' M8ftlet Pllloe I ~1=.~1!~r~ 2;> "~ !..i...:.;,,.. ' ..,.;c.!, ,.A , 145-3178, 842·1423 SOBER PLUS Aullrallan U dy fair 48! B1by1ltter/Hou11k••P•r yr•. Int mullc:, humanity. !Of my CdM home & 3 I Cu lw .. "" fast nttt II .. SMl<lng company of Int· c:hlldren. 14, 12 ' 20 mo. DECK HANDS Full time. lop pay, HVe- ral poaltlone open Xlnt opporlunlly FOf fee Into call JOhn 631-6620 ~ ........... !!!! ~~~'!!.!!.~~!!.!.~~ ... ~ ........ !..... 1100. &45-7585 h100%1 Natubral Dietary Suppdlernent that ere1tlng mature male. ~:3~·5:3g. Own d r•;rP· Kit pl\lo, Chrtatlan Home, Rmmat• w1111ee1, M/F, to Dana P1 garege. front drl-Otflc:• 10 ehora. Pr••ll· e ps so e r you up a n prevent Write Dally Piiot, PO Box 1 •· epen a •· M atraighl, Nr Bc:h, Lag anr beao1 3 BR tirne In ..,...y. close to bMch g'°"• Newpo(1 loc:attonl hangover. 1 Package of 9 tablets. $3.95 + 1580, Coat• M•H. Ce. _9_7_5-3_90_1 ______ , DELIVERY Person. over !•!1..'f!!~'! .... !}.f! llSTlll/1111 IOI 1he TOW9'a RMleU•. rant In lhl Surf and Sand Hotel. 1555 So Cout, Hwy, Legune Baac:h 4 days/wk, 9 am • 3 pm. Eitper Pref. Apply In pef90ll 10 LoulN Belol1 IMIEIPl-IJYE·ll lk:tl. '325. 499-2288 Irvine. Pvt be, poo1, Jee:, $70. 873-3313. lmmed. occupancy. 1275 $l handling and post..ae. Wholesale & 92626, CIHtllled Ad Bookk 11 tor LA Times, c M. lplc & much more, It Int· $1nn&a I Co mo 833 25&8 di b -•717. eeper homes 3 AM·I AM, ~ bMutltut room wf1h ere•t•d pl•••• call, "'V_ c:ar garaoe n 111 · • · stri utor inquiries invited. Nutritan E N _,._ • MIN c:ompla1ely enc:lo-White male 28 •••k• Mull b• c:1pabl• of con car req. o c.,. ....... ate bath IOf rent Mii 714· 752· 7933 (hml. Nd Ms/mo. 751 -5288 2500 alt bulc olc w/ Co. P .O. Box 7685, Npt Bch. Ca 92660, tri.nd 2 1·35, bulc:h. htncfllng Government tlone $400-1450 mo beach. L~ht 1111. rm. 4 54()..f53e (ofc:) Leo llorege. By 0 C Alrpot1 714/760 8486 "•"1••2 quarterl" r11urn1 and plus bon\JM9. 1411-0e37 Full charge IOI NB WI· I lerlrt. hm. & Fam must •pie Eng . own car, ref. 642·5001. llltc:h1n prlvlllgH. OIJJn ... laJ 44,, S 150 0 I m O , Tom . • . .._.. -' l300lmo. Call 988-2951. F 1o lhr 2 br. 1'Ai bl 991, •••••••••••••••••••••• 851-8928 ...... , ..... , "9et computerized p1yroll hllbl lulst/lrtt.t llllUICE 2 blk C ...... B"" .. CH 20-27 nonamkr, Walk 10 1817 W•tcllll, N.B. 258 I ,_ I ,_, ... a,. ........ "' "",,.,,' ,... "" ConlllrNllOn wfth Barbi ~lull b• ulpferl1nc:ad. uper, pref RDA • ....... '""". I OCC. S237.50 + dap. to 4000 eq. 11. 111, noor .,,.,,. ••I~ .... ,,., •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• M C 1 v 1 8 .. 2 4 •u• cat or •PPI. 979.1400 Commarc:lallpereonal Furn or unturn, Pflv be, Oct. 1. 145-4892 Agent 641•5032 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1100,000 Needed tor 1 yr. Found: Black c.t on Via .. 493·t648 8·5 dally pereon needed. E11p•· wltelephone. Full kllch Retell •tor• at 2850 A11on, High return, 0000 credit. Lido Lido Ille 838.0701 Oenlal-<:haJrslde. PIT AM, rlenc • nec:eeaery. prill. Garage~-S250 Pll•ITllT NllT •Ill.ID lfflln* 1865 aq. fl plua 8 c:ar Secured by tat TO on · Me.2085 -,--al------1 OASllEll e11p. RDA, 4 dys Pl' wtl 840-8084 Mo. 720-1775 EV Luit. 2 bt, 2 be. trplc:, all From 1room 10 3 rooms garege. 841·1777. rNI •late. PP. 842-9723 ~ • ._... '11!~ .,,1 .., Fulllon Island r1tall 110-Busy pi.iaant offfee, Npl --L-.. -.-.,-,------1---M/F-w k:tt ~ll••· -$342--+-~ F~n ~a r===-r..• owvt 'baM AO*O --. --69nJln ~ ,_ re Position avalta~ 04' C_tr ~-0300 ~~ _-.. __ 1 ct•• prtv, $220 ullll Non-smoker. · · · _nT.., $35,000riiidiiftor 3 yrs. grey. whl. San Juen ....... ,,,. ...... ~ .... ..-.~an e11acut1ve c:a1hler Aggreealve Newport & •,<, ulll. No drinkers, 975.9534, le ... required. Adj. A.Ir· •1atw 441J loen NWred by 2nd TD Ca pl a. Had colter . It flll lllYIOE E11pr, H b~nk teller or DENTAL ASSISTANT fOf BHc;h firm Nelle moll· CM. 846-5048 pot19' Inn. 2172 Dupont. •••••••••••••••••••••• oo Pf'lme Irvine Pf099rtY 7141523-4127 Per11<>naJ, quallfled com-head c1shler E O.E Ortho 010• c:halrslde. •11• vatad lndlvldu11ta. Terri· a...U ••h llll Nice rHp working lam Call AM. 633·3223 3200 11 lndu1lrlat apace 18% Int. 720-1507 o; panlon drl\ltlf't for your e.«-5070 per pre1, ROA or ellglblt. torlta open. Mutt have ••••••'••••••••••••••• oeed1 N .ml to lhr 28r, Airport .,. ... Exec:. Sul· w /c:omm't lrontag•. 771·2997 Found: Loving llr\ped II-day 10 day 1rr1nd1. ----------1 979-l400 R.E Uc:. Herbof-.Pac:lllc: pNAM ..-nl 1Ba on Penln $300 mo. tes. From 225.,.50aq tt. 1 Randolph St, C M . gar kitten. Wht paws, Shopping. doct or's CHILDCARE _D_EN_T_A_l_O_F_F-IC_E_M_N_G_A-1 g5s-oo73 Wk"' t 11 all tncl all ulll 973-9129 $1 per aq.11 Many xtru. 549-t653 Aak tor GOf· #HIJa,H1 ft•ll ch11t 9olu Wut· apple, church, etc:. All Reliable, melura woman Elllc:'ent. Enthut1utlc & ---------- ., ran • now av · Karen Celt 557·7010 don or Roger. l>IHI flfJI m tniter Mall ere•. need• met. Bv hour or to c:lllldc:are In my llOme, IAll WUTll 1 105 & up. Color TV. • ••••••••"••••••••r.... 893-MOe. d 4 ... 5857 T·Th fOf 1 .,,. Old Mu11 organized., w/bkkpng Phone• In room. 2274 Rap fern to ahr 2Br. 2Ba, 400.900 PLUS 1400.,.. 11 Comm I beech loc:allon, U ••m.u ey. '"' · ,. ' uper 4 dy wk. 546-30001 OON QUIXOTE MOTEL Cd ....,. · 500 f *500/ • -F d wttt 1111 have Rate 6 Car· NB 2100 Newpot1 Bllld, Newport Bllld. CM, M. 1325 mo.+~ ulll. PenlhouN Beytrool Sul-•P11 1·" • mo 111..a-0.. fM oun youn~ . ten, .. !t! I 1r11. (714) 675·9494, DENTAL ASSISTANT COSTA MESA 141-7445 760-3873 le. parkll'lg, patios lollll. 646-88« ......... • red collar. blue eye, 1 ..... e~ Xlnl op"""'unlly tor .w. ---------- • .. .........,, 1173-t003 1150 sq It. Euy A.cc.as. Specl~ 1•t 6 2nd QrMll 559-5934 ·~~·;············ ·-parlen:.d' ROA Buey, MAINTENANCE BE AC H ARE I ' I, 'Ftolhrwi3~ -•••--S.. dally 1-5 S700/mo TO a 1949 Found mete klt1en 4 mo_ ,__ ~1 .,_. OllllUTNI plauanl Laguna Beac:h Full time. minimum ft Want M/F to thr w/3 yr --..,._ 1731 S~perior CM Robt. Sattler NH/CM old. ehort hair, Tiger, ,.."915'un 1-~ for voter r-111rallon drl· office. Full or p1'1 lime. S12 28 per hr. Xlnt C>P· $84/wk fem. 4 Bd 3t>a. Balbol Isl Atlrtlci!Ve rustic: upataJra · · · R.E. Broker Bd Aaa11or1 •••••••••••••••••••••• -.. 1 F hou ... l-400. lat/IU1. ~ W 8 4 2 • 2 4 3 4 , day a . 842•2171 546-0811 PCH, N.B. area. 9· 15, MAPL.E AVE CHRISTIAN lie. Pays $50-S100 deity. 494-9788 portul'l ly. or lea Into Mtllng. • eupply desk, 9&4-7294 ....... 988-8888 SCHOOL IN C.M. R•· Paid lwfoe WM!tly, ----------l call John 131-6820 Refrlger1tor·Mlld-Poo4 Nwpt Bllld & Wiison utll. 494·4775, 873-0897 ·~ copier You aup-WIOOW HAS US t T 750•t828 750·5S84 .... Ul·llOllITT --------ply s>hone. 6 S95 Pf mo l•l11trJ1J RE L~·"I, tOK Uorp, DNo'I Found Kitten. 3 wke old. ~!,!1•1ndrln1~ c:IK.·2-nd O~ S S MAINTENANCE PERSON Roommate needed So rw "'-L ,..,, ·~·1211 I I l'M ~· 11111 n••d• mother & .... • ..,......, Companion, c:ook, Ille •nlor ac1.1rlly Guard • lull or Plr1·11me po91. Cat Plaza.,. ... 1235 & 'Ai ... .,_ "'"' .,...... • Mii Credit Check, No Penal· = .. __ . k enrollment c:hlld c:are w1ntad tor Condoml· '""''-c:an 1 eep h1kp'g. lor 1 women. 1 R f lion Mostly night WOt1ic ·----------I utlls. Cllr'por1. 5411-8289 2000 sq II w/500 eq II •••••••••••••••••••••• ly. O.nnl1on & A.Hoc:. -8888 · avail. 141--4334 PI T. Muit drlv1, non· n um. e erenc:11 and 84t·1079 Coate Meaa 543-9755 Pine Knot M01el 00 Coast eve. itora9e, O.C. Airport NB 3975 Blrc:ti 1000 aq. 173·7311 k N B Eitperlence R1qu1red. Hwv, NB. Slepa 10 area . $2000/m o It. MIA zone. A.ge nt Found Hueky type dog J•h W••IN 1111 ~~ ~·M _P~ Pt" ~r:~i Cell 87S-8101, Mon·Frl, Management trelnH . ' Female to share w/aame. 851·8928 54t-5032. R.E. loene •~labll 1il & wllg fece, wtlt w/gray & •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 em · 4 pm. complete training pro· ~: .. •!.n.-,.. W kly rat••· 1225 mo. 140 depoell S750 up 21•0 II lndu 2L.nTdVT.T~:~!: Up to 90% Wiit muk. vie S111 Juan Sarloue young lady deel· _84_0_·50_7_3 _____ -F---.. -1on---'-_.-.. -~-... -,I-~ gram, l300 wt\, Mr. Salt ~, ......,...,._ moYM you Into tutn. 2 t>r SO. LAGUNA 3 Arch Bay. . v • • • .,..,.ed lo flt your & M V. 181.0701 r• room J bl Nwpl In COSMETOLOOY ..,, "'"" ..-' me. 181-2408 I t M .. _ 2 Sult• r1all. Gd. Hwy llrlal • Olllca. 18101 ,_. need•. A.I, 914.7975 •c:MnQe IOI hou.-i-$10/hour. Call 557·2438 ---------.!. Ill A Pl.ACE! •P · uat ""' respon•I· dondo Clrc:le •M & T Found Pet Bird, Co111 ......,, •~2-6149 IYI ,_,, Allihltldane, lltPlf. ,.. weelcdt)'t t to 3. L.1·l1M~ -R.-Honable rat••· Kit· b4e, quiet & non-tmokar. Vlllbfflty 497.2351 Huntington, Beac:h. WIN ~ Mortgagee .,...'V • .,.. .. _,.. qull'ed. Skin c:ara & 11· ---"'"------~ -••• .. , H.B. 984-1248 momlngL 942.2834. or 2nd or 3rd TO'• Mell, call 10 Identity. B I Ir. I# 1111 c:tet1. Nell Tec:h. L'Ealrel rnltala YilltJ tffwporter Inn. 840-4740 =:!~i~=elm,:. Fem101hareN.B.Condo. llPll lllUlll (7 14)1175-094.e 645-0798 •• '.If. •• ~!•••••••••••• BHuty Center, at Lido ltrftMt 0..,a•J MASEUSSES . Good vlH. SANDPIPER MO· lullv lurnl1hed, non-Exec. SY11 .. 1nc:1. l"ICIPt.. ln,.rt•AlrJtrt Found: Jackel w/HI ot MM. lasltf, Marina VIiiage, NB. looking Tor 4-6 uper. worklnt c:ond1. Good . TEL.. 1987 Newpo(1 Btlld, tmkr. $250 +If ulll. sec'y aer111, c:onl. rm .. Offlc:e/l nduatrla l ,._.,,...,,,,/ k1y1, Royal P1tm & Pert tltlt 873--4552. prot111lon11a_ We •P• .,.y 8A ·12 noon 2112 CM 846-9137. Avail. lmmed. Don kit.. mall h1ndlg. R•· 4.000-14.ooo •q II. All 1.-·'•r/ Adame, CM. Cell 1° Fall, accurate 1ypl11 OM-'"NI c:lall~• In new pr~rame, Harbor, Coata M11a ... 1 "•1• epo I 10 b I A.IC Hvy Pwr and l.lgttt· .,, Identify. 545-0198 _.. (7t4) 145-3433 ........ ,.i. '"' .... 'VU " n1 VI your UI . Ing. Xlnl for R&O and IOW '-' ' '""' (IBM. Etec:trOnlc: 7S) Or· People needed lo train l.t . OMP/A.RM. G M. 111 1:0•••••••••••••••••••• Fern to lhr 3Br apt, C.M. n111 need I . Adj. 405 r • t •'. 7 2 0 -0 8 2 1. •••••••n••••••••••••• Wt4411ii ... , gen1%etlonal ablllty. Pno-•• Coun11lor1 to aid & 2nd TO'• L.._ Tllhoe on w1ter w/ ,,.,,..,.,,., 1200 mo.+ lhr Fwy In F V, lndlv, ofce. 213·927.,.404 Aa..,..,,..,, 1111 Lott 9118 ~orona d•I n• •kllla. Bookkeeping other• In dlstr ... or with Call John Cu11ek IMlet dodl. 4Br 3b• exec u 111 . Av a 11 o c: 1. 1, Mo/mo. tr om •325 · •••••••••••••••••••••• Mii Beac:h. AEWAROI a11par. Cleelrable. Top problem•. Thia new 964-9090 "m , Comp I f urn 1131-8032 ~5. llnlfl lfJO 1111 • 7 1 ............ 955-1385 benelllt. $1200/mo. 1echnlqu1 r11ull1 In , RESIDENTIAL. M ech1n lc:at /elect r lc:11 help. Sml company · oeedl peraon 10 eervtoe • tml •l•ctrlc: 11eh1c:lat _54_e._238 __ 4 _____ J 582·2115 or 1 va1 NEWPOR'TEXECSUITES ••••• •••••••••••••••• ~ Found:l!MuepolntSllmlM 714-835..a«I well endhappypet90ll. MORTG.A.GESERVICE 97~11 Fem. Roomate 24-30 ,,,, Full ~ reuonabll Storage Getage tor Rant ""'"' 81 E W _., _ _..mete Ana. Serv. Pltnt ore: N.8. A.II wetc:ome to epply. • ..... 1111 IN -1 2Br dphc. E. Sidi C.M, ,., .. >Ont t0c 752-&408 In Costa Mel&. $85 mo. ""' ,,. yea, hare Ate ·-·--. Ex p I win lral Contac:l. Ol.,,_.lc:a Cent• _, •-" MEDICAL FIT Front office ... 11t11f -1225 .. 'h u1M. 831·2895 · · 331 E 20th. 831•0921 You? LOYe AJW1ye. ai. 842.0100 per ,.. but n. er. 774.0121 betwiin E11r.r1enc:9d preferred, position. Ml11lon Viejo : 8Mom-Country Club) Coat• M ... 1 Of 2 roorn ryt L. Wright. F-·n'", Wht ma ... c......... 3·11 pm ahlf1. 631·5'40 t ·.30 .... and 10.·30 PM Fl ' Flulbl• 11our1. 495·10&0: ·~ __ , Fem. to lhr trl-1111 c:ondo. eullH. From 175/mo. 2 encloMd garagee, MO "" v ... ""'" """ 1 1 M le Surt d • br, 2 b•, fUl'n,, w/lrplc:. Nonemkr Alf, 1250 . .,., u111 Utile lnc:ld 779 w. 191h 1a per month. &..1 I 1•••' I• poo vie Nawpor 1 a Apartment Menag« Mon lhru Fri, Sat 11:30 con ac: erg • •n Men'• Private Club rllldl .. Golf. tennte & twirnmlng 848-5549. SI. 851·8928 76+0588 •••••••••••••••••••••• 8roadwey Oualllled Couple to ma-AM 4:30 PM Send Hotel, 497-4477 . locicllr' room attendant to'• Dally, wkly & monthly ,... 44'2-48tl I naoe 13 unit apt bldg In -11--l .. tD _.._ Full el'ld P/T_ Boarding operate lhoe al\lne m.- r • 1. I . c •I I M. r k . Fem lo "" w/MIF, .,.,... Newpo(1 Exec IUll• 2 min •••lal• ···"' 1.... ~ Colt• Mele •lar11ng Noll. rut-K~nel WM. In Leg NI· c:hlne NHI, ability 10 . 568-8001 wkdya. clean. wall loc Newport 1 0 All t h 1 di •••••..L._. •• _.........._ f()tll) ADS Found 8lactt Lab Pupc>y, Ael'a. 180-H 1t 1v11/ For dry ct .. nlVll plant. guel. Must be 01111 18, deal wtp1opla. non· ••• c: on do I 3 o o m 0 . r m POf •• n v 28 yr old 1lngt. wOfklng mo1. Vic. 18tht Silnt wknd1. Full & pt111~. Ill train. K-· '"'I Condo tor 1 t ofllc:u In • lu11urlou1 .. _ Neel, & dependable. amkr. relleble. Mon-Fri .• . ....... n . ren 875·914S m111 nHd• re11on1ble Ans. 842·0118 o 30848 Coul Hwy, S. Br. "-P• 4, Avall 10.18 antique tllled bualn•H one bdrm apt, Non· IDE fRE£ 148-3702. A.ppllcatlone now being , .,,una. 499-1985 131-0880 7.9 AM , 11:30·2PM . • to 10·29. t250/wHk. F•m 30 ehr IQ• levllh 1nvlronm1n1 equipped drinker & non-emoker M taken tor "'" time onlce -v lllllAl .. -5·7PM. 752·7903 A.tit tor ~~ S4().44M hmhM w/r91e9. wortclng with The, WP • ana MN.. Hav• rtlerenoH. Mike l1t#IMll llU pettOnnel, typing. 10 key Counter panon • Dry r-Al ' tern. unbellell1ble roome, lrg c:ont.renoe ""· Iota ot 979.2899 Cal•, •••••••••• •••••••••••• I tome l~ht bookk... Claanare Full time Ex· Sti•rp pereon tor front -• ' .. J?!!. N ..... fl# 0¥arloolllng broOll a wa-patk~ mo/mo or ..... • Ping required. Paid me-p er or w 111 t r 1 In . olllce Typlno. llllnloct --- ••• ••••••0 ••••••••• terfaH. Poot. l•c:. leke. ~:~. M~ 1~9!riow':::: llll•n•/l.,nt/ Ml·Nll um& I Yllll'I dlc:ll plan, vacation pay. ~2-5488 Mtvy ptiona, 875·9 ;>;a;!'lti~~~ t,:~1 · -I.In ;'~!ICM erea. $275. 833-9978 ll•Qff E:~J>:~~~~~S Apply In pereon onl~ no Counter pereon mature GROOMER WANTED tor preferred. 548-1444, ,. ----------1 ----------1 ••••• •••• • ••••• ••••••• OUTCALL 24 HRS Phone c e II a .. Irk Fltlme. no .~ necaM: Fri & Sal. (poulbly Sun) CM • Fii.Eii Found young female Ql'IY J_....,a," 2300 HarbOf' 308 Old Newport Blvd, IOI NB pet lhop Must be F1ntN:lal reepontlble F• IUl11flL l•lhlnt ShHpdog ml•. Oto MMltl Btvd. Colt• M... 1 NB Contect Donna 111per. & rallebll Non· OIOlat & ~ aoencY· = 25.39 i;ar• to .... , lllTll tt._.tu/t. "" Pkwy & 408 Fwy, M.V. ~~~~~~~~Apt MIJ\IQ«, HandYman tmkr 840-0091 Al ctlant• ~ wtt11 Prom!:~~. ;::n~ With uH of reception •••• ~I"•••••••'•••••••• Ctalm •1 o.c. A.ntrn11 *** t wife tor Co1t1 M1H alllt IAlllllllll ptlOtOa&ret.l•ioee. -• cont.room.klteh.ptlona, Aartaurant • M1/o' Sheltlf col'!lpl11C..r~"!~r 40. apt ... llUYlll =~':.. =:· =-=~i::o'in~~:: wre1ar111 i word pro-Orange County·h ~ l-0-,-1,-. _C_h_o_w-.-,-.-d-Cl-lt-h-ln-1 ltl11tl1 Parlor tncld. l 71MJ447. Publlthlng firm nr JW ~:~~0,~r:W/~ ::,!~n, TN FW'a, backgtound req'd. OIMlng. Malt & ~ volume-all or pan. Mr. c:olor So L.aguna .,.. 0'*1 24 In I day A/~·~OEA ENTRY Airport lffkl a brl~I 140-47-40 TomcwrowaMw. Call An1wer Ad '741, MfV. l\latl. ~atlltly II W•bbef'(714)754.08H 4tt.;817.Aewatd. • 1dl)'I•._ Mtg n"d p1reon wllh lndflltollltlatCl'acllt 1----------l e.,.t .. ,.,... '42·"300 24 IYI. or wr11• ~;4';"47..;.:"Y,·. South Count)' A.read•· LOii I -c-"' ........... , Jacuut. ltun• Loc:al• OOod ttplng and 10 key w/eolllc:ttone ' oen ...,,... jiiliL. • P.O. t>o11 38-.8, 8altlOI ....-.)t00 loc•110(1 & macl'ilnn or · L"i> ·~.4' 'a"""'"' H w11t a• To11rlet1. MIMI• to male• 1ranaltlon dut111 Thi• candidate 111d yardWOftc tor tndu· M* aMa atw 5bf, 2t>a lttend, C•. t2ee2. Smell office, Nwpt Bell. tooatlon Ofll)' 588-2895 ~ 8;1.:ee:ia lu/ grn l•nkA.mertcard, A.merl· to computOf. Xlnt !>en.-•houtd h9Y9 • PlffHnt atflal ren11t1. Neal 111h ,. .. "' e.C.l'lua/Frwy. 1---------1 15it12 (184 IQ It), 0000 Simon• or Tom . -·-· can ••1><911. OllW9. AM mt. oc A.trpor1 ar••· phone vote•. ecou11t1 and Superior ,...,. Mew· Soa .• 22&+al'lere ut111. Want Working, mature toe .. "" prtcg. Sl.ilfabll Found &right blut blCll W91come 7141145-349' Slnd r11ume wlll'i p1y typing J I wfltlf\Oneet to porl hac:h Call batwten .. ,~t13. woman, non-M1otcer to tor ...itred bu.,._,.,, I•"'"""' pack conta.lnlnQ b••ch 1112 l1tft>« 11 CM ••p. to S50 lier Ave. CM IMrn !llper P<•f but wtll 9 end 4 Needed. X·RIY Tech and - beck Ol11ce auts1111t tor Orthop1dlc Otllca with ..., llmlted llcenu, PI T 831-2200 Plltllm Ev" end/or .....,_end• •I Reeponelble ldults, av. · 2 ,, with out•tlnelinO, II• ll trec11v1 per1ona111 ... to WOik With youth <•OH t 10· 14) Call 2·61'M, 142-4321. ht. )41 lot .-oomm•t• wanted Ml ........ f'IOo4fMI, $250 + ... udl. Owe '42-64Ae • .,. ~'~: 11~~0:.':'t in-ton. bldft Futn. O< !fr..nul!f. 1111 ~~, I L.4Mr In "1°"' of "9lulng "'eMeOt by ten-_tHH _______ ~ 1~~'!~1!.!_~~M~~~~~~~ta~c-1 _o_•_•_n_•jli iiiiiiiii ... i 5-3iii94iii0iiiiiiii 11nfUm. O.A. Caott•. Inc vt d .. ao~ ..•.•••. um th'• Markel Mkt1 "'' pro• from L.a1un1 ... --NIT ,.. ,, ~t :n..w.zrc:.9-=: .,,.840-ll ___ 1_1 -----l~:~:t~r 10;" :,:~~~~r: :;6.:s~:. cl It• H. I . :"°"· WfltM g' tr ~W1(tllM •;•,:i.i;:lme In C~~..c~.;:. a::r~::.p.::: ...., I • ....., ....... ~- mo & ltlr utH. 14e-1041 bec;utlYe eult", run Mr· r•nted well lo9111•d · I 518 ;/,f' · 1 • M c1i.nte· "°"* fll<lul,. xtbte et\lltl. Spanleh An JH I leN ..,, Entoy worlelng -'111 kid• .. 1 t 8" a .. HWpt 9'>f, w/ ~ \lloe, Qr .. tlr reduced, no Oreno-tree condO. Te61e Vlhal 1 WondWtUI WOfld __ • ______ _, IMnta: minl!Nm 19t 20 lpetktno + PIHat oe1f Jt you ara I'• teecl'i you Worll .......... W. IYaln ;.. "''-· fem, 28.35 yn. ~·,. Olfltleman ..-.1_1_ .. _•_•._7_6441_;.;...7•___ all tax & deprfffatlon ot lhopptng, right at • l'fltR HYPNOSIS CLAS8 Y'M't: a )'Ml'I ~ or 181 • .iol 1..a IO< e.v In no.~ C*' l'nlll• • rn+n. you to t>ecomt a rOUtft ~ N76 '42""4300 act1w refined ftm. ~ benefit• fOf rnontl'ily ,,.. your ftnotn{pt ~I ~ your Mlf tmaaa c hlld cert ""'llnce Pattonnal (>Cini pay~ lhttme lncolM ot N .000 counMIOf Cell 2-lPM, .-MMf~M20 24 tn. No. llll ' panlon 10 plu1, to aht Ate you planning I l'TIO\lt? g1tlve & ""4 ~y doWn Dally JJllot CtaH llltd Tu... llpl. 21, 7PM ,M Valid d rlver'1 llcenM. _.;...;.;......;.....;.__.....;o;...__I ITIO wlltlln 12 mo. An••· M2-'Sll, ~ .,. ----------OIM6Mt Laguna condo. ~Mllfled ad• Wiii point b • • • d on • c: t 1.1 a II A.de. To Plaot 'f04ll ed. r • 1 •r11att0 n 1 p h Pro-..one1 MtnQ llf· Thlntll"G of 1 new tiome Citing OPP'1· Cell for • Aoommat• wapt•d. lk1119h/A.1Mt. pr.,, Min. you In 1111 rigl'it direction mld·1H1 purdl ... price cell ... 2·5171 and I« • .... -1179 · vt09 ~. 2Mle vi. lor IPflng? S.. thl m~ WI Mak• your ltlOPll&nl ... :" hw~~~~ b~™~1u~ tottndththom•y~ patd . t8s -ao33 , ~~11ed~~~~~~~~~~~Llv~,~~~·~~o~,~~M:":~:n~v~~=~:·Ll~~1~1*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~M~4~·•~a~~~-~w~a~~·~~~-~u~~~~~~t~~~:~:· Cel o.or.. Mt·Gl1. 1p1n need .... 2.5178 ra.-1011 Katen I ~ ;.,. Ma o.. ~Te .,,....,. !led col\lmna. "42-5471 Piiot ~Me ., .. l . •. llllllm/lmlMI WEDNESDAY. SEPlEMBcH n 19tl;/ Laguna opens beaches tO dogs in wintertime By STEVE MITCHELL or .... ~,....,..., Rest eaay, Laguna Beach. No longer can you be accused of being stodgier than Newport Beach. Not after the Laguna Beach City Council voted to open the beaches to dogs in th e win tert.lme. Council Tuesday night, In a 3-2 vote, saJd dog owners can walk SAT scores lower SACRAMENTO (AP) - California high school seniors scored slightly lower this year on the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the most important college entrance examination. The state reported Tuesday that college-bound California 12th graders scored 425 this year on the verbal part of the test, down from 426 last year. That dropped them one point below the national average for verbal skills. In the mathematical part of the test, the Californians scored 474 this year compared to 475 last year. But that was still seven points above the national average for mathematical skills. The state Department of Education, quoting figures from the College Entrance Examination Board in New York, said nationwide scores rose this year for the first time in 19 years. The increases were two points in verbal skills and one point in math. There were 102 ,2 61 Californians who took the SAT, which is required by most four- year colleges. State school Superintendent Wilson Riles said he was disappointed but not surprised by the results, considering the school cutbacks because of money shortages. "I don't believe -nor do testing experts -that the latest results signify a major setback for Californians," Riles said. ___ '_,'In fact, considering the severe fiscal crunch facing California schools in recent years. it is phenomenal that the scores have improved at all." Last year California SAT scores rose in both verbal skills and math, for the second time in three yearst and exceeded the national average by two points in verbal skills their pets -on a leash - anytime they want between Sept. 16 and May 30. And during the summer, they can sUU take a beach stroU wlth their dogs before 8 a.m. and after 6 p.m. Canine aupportera far outnumbered toea aa they marched In tum to the podium to make their pleu (n favor of 1eu atrlngent houra for dog-walking. Even Councilman Bob Oentry'a Old F.ngllah sheep dog got In the act, running to the council dais and sitting in the councilman's seat. Garbed in swim trunka and a pair of sunglasses, the dog barked loudly lntO Oentry'a microphone. '' 'Thumswr' would llkl' to speak In rovor of thla l1Sue,'' quipped Oary-i3urd£ck, a friend, who delighte d the co uncil audlencl' ahd apparently surprised Gentry by bringing the large d og Into the council chambers. The tplit vote, with Mayor Nell Fitzpatrick and Councilman Dan Kenney opposed, came after an hour-long hearing that lasted until 11:30 p.m. Among other s peake rs favorinR open hours in the winter was Phil M ay, a As the surf provides dinner music, Lalou Tartarini pours wine a t K~thy Mcisaac and Dave Miller's table for two. Surn01er ebbs, romance flows By JODI CADENHEAD o<tj.D...,Not8Ulf What a little romance won't do for a romance. Dave Miller. 23, Costa Mesa was stuck in traffic on the Santa Ana freeway last June when he began daydreaming about dining on the beach with his girlfriend Kathy Mcisaac, 19, Laguna Niguel. _Luckil Picasso's in ~una Beach didn' think that a pink-clothed table for two ii') the sand with wine and a dozen red roses was such an unusual request. Miller told his 19·year-old sweetheart to dress up Tuesday night. They were going someplace special. The pre-school teacher in a long black skirt and lace blouse never guessed she'd end up on the beach, surrounded by miles of sand. the pounding surf and a few curious onlookers. "I just wanted to celebrate the last day of summer and have a nice dlnrler,'' said the Costa Mesa roofer. The sun set. The couple smUed shyly. The waiter poured another glass of chablis and returned to the kitchen up the hill to serve the salad. followed by sorbet, scampi and a cart of sweet French pastries. The tab for the fairy tale evening came to $40. Mcisaac confided that she was lmpressed. No one had ever surprised her like that. "This is my first time too,'' Miller assured her. The couple, who met on a ski trip last spring, admit they usually do typical things like go to movies. ''I like doing this kind of stuH/' .said the unabashed romantic suitor. "You don t see much of it." member of the city'• Pet Rnponalblllty Committee. "I was shocked to team that big, bad Newport Beach CS more liberal than we are," May said, ciUng that city's ordinance that allows dogs on leash during the winter but prohibits them on the sand during the busy summer. "That's the way It used to be in Laguna Beach," he said. "The law is so restrictive now, you'd think we lived In Huntington &•ach.'' Opponent• to dog1 on the beach cited dog excrement aa their primary concern, along with the fac t that few do1 owners keep their dop leuhed once they reach the beach. "Th~ smell la terrible,'' aakt one woman, who wanted dop (See DOGS, Page AZ) Crean polishes his •. image • 1n own TV show By J EFF ADLER 0(1t1e Deity Piiot Steff SAN DIEGO -Republican congressional candidate Johnnie R. Crean and his campaign consultant Allan Hoffenblum seemed pleased after their unprecedented live half -hour television show aimed at voters in the 43rd Congressional District went off the air. The Tuesday night s how, which featured Crean answering questions tele phone d in by viewers, was designed to counter what Crean and Image-maker Hoffenblum believe is Crean's negative image among voters. "From what I saw of it, it appears we acco.rnpllshed our objective -to show another side of Johnnie Crean up c ose and live," Hoffenblum said. Smiling, Crean also was jubilant in the studios just after the show. "I think lt went great," Crean said. "It was a lot of fun." Crean appeared calm as he a r tlcuhs;ely answered 13 questions, 11 of which were phoned ln by viewen, during the carefully orchestrated broadcast. Questions ranged from the conduct of Crean'• primary campaign to the anti-handgun Initiative, Proposition 15, to abortion. About 30 questions, which were screened by Hoffenblum behind the scenes, did not make their way to the candidate. Those -4 ncluded legalization of marijuana and gay rights. HoUenblum explained, prior to air time that questions would be selected based on what he perceived to be viewer interest. ''The more provocative, the better,'' he said. The half·hour show, which pre-empted Tic Tac Dough on San Diego's K.FMB-TV, Channel 8, was seen between 7:30 and 8 p.m. in San Diego County and portions of south Orange County served by cable televiaion. It wu hosted by former ''Today" show anchorman Frank Biair. Th e sp rawling 43rd Congrssional District lnclud~ portions of south Orange County and much of north San Diegf? County. Hoffenblum said coet of the product.Ion, includl.ng promo~ the show throughout the diatrlct, was $50,000. On the other hand, Crean'• write-in opponent ln the general election , Ron Packard, canceled hi s scheduled cam paign appearances Tuesday night and paid $53 foe a room ln which to hold a newa conference thor1ly after the.broadcast concluded. "I wasn't sure w hether I -Au seeing 'To Tell The Truth,' 'The Price ls Right,' or the 'Johnny Cash TV Special','' Packard said. Tbe man w /;a o loat the Republican primary to Crean by 92 votes ca.1Jed the production a "blatant attempt by Johnnie Crean to try and buy credibility with money ... He added that the cost of the show, amounUng to what be aid a congresmonal candJdate -.ma in o ne year, waa "almo•~ i.nunoral. ,, .,,. Crean told report.en he wae • not surprtad by the questions because he bu heard them all dw:ine hit cam~t'• rnx. job to know what people's muea are," he comnented. -· · Additionally, Hoffenblum Crean had rehearsed the including possible .q uestion three times prior to airtime. What t he public saw w Crean repeating the themes has stressed slnce the p (See CREAN, Pqe Al) Laguna awaits new buses Laguna Beach will take delivery of three new propane- powered buses with air brakes soon, despite earlier insistence by city officials that no such combination bus exists. And the shiny blue and white vehicles will come complete with air conditioning, after council members agreed a cool bus driver is much nicer than a hot one. The council voted Tuesday night to accept the bid of Creative Transportation Systems, Inc .. of Irvine, low er of two companies vying for the city contract. The buses \Oill coet a total of ~5,437, with delivery expected within four to five months to replace three aging propane -INDEX - At Your Service Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Croesword Death Notices F.dltortal Enter\alnment Food Goren on Bridge Art Hoppe Horoecope Ann Landers Mov1eti A4 84-5 All E3-6 A8 A8 C4 AlO B3 Dl-E2 All All All All vehicles purchased by the city more than a decade ago. The purchase was long in coming, with the delay blamed in part on a city survey that showed no bus manufacturer builds propane buses with air brakes. A council meeting held earlier this year prompted a number of citiz.elllt-to protest a proposal that w o uld see the r elatively pollution-free propane buses replaced by diesel buses with air brakes. City Manager K e n Frank admitted Tuesday night that a further investigation into propane buses -ordered at the council's fus1slence -resulted in the staff finding· two firms who could build buses to the city's specifications. In approving the contract.. Tuesday. council members also voted to provide air conditioning on the buses. That motion was approved, even though it raised the cost $8,841. Councilman Bob Gentry argued against air conditioning, saying "This is Laguna Beach. It's not that warm here," adding the additional $8.800 could better be spent elsewhere. But Mayor Neil Fitzpatrick disagreed, saying. "It's easy for me to sit in an air-conditioned (See 3 NEW, Pa1e A%) Irvine's teachers ' "' to march in • unity By GLENN SCOTI' OflM~N.elWf Many of Irvine's teachen are expected to tum out tonight for a march to Lakeside Middle School, 1ite of a achoo) board meeUng, as a geeture of unity ln their unresolved contract dt.putea. of employment, said Dan Graham, president of the Irvine Teachers AaoclaUon. He said he expects as many as 400 teachers for the walk. The a.odatlon has a membership of about 600, he added. Dllllf ............ Shores renters, claiming they have Newport's last outpost of affordability, are protesting new luxury rent . Skip the luxury, save rents BY STEVE MARBLE o<tti.0.-,,... ..... To the tenants who live there, the Shores la a llice of mlddle-clua America 1tuck ln upper-class Newport Beach. The apartment complex 11 an outpoat of affordability In a land of waalth, tenanta •UCP9t. The 120-unlt complex that overlook• old Corona del Mar and the traffic of Pacific Coaat Htshway la old, well-wom and slightly ecn.affy arounrl the ed11e11. Tenants say h'• a friendly place where . Fredrick , an unemployed ulaman who 18)'1 he'• . having enough trouble flndJnc a job without looking for a new apartmmt at the same ume. "Luxury Aa just another way of ayinl hiahe- rent and I can't afford lt.11 • Tenan\a were adviaed by the bWlctinl'• new awnen by letter Sept. l& that renta would be hiked effective Oct. 16. Acne.bedroom. the Jener said, would ao f rom .. 00 to tuO a month end a two-bedroom would lncre-tram teoo to M90.,. • The new ownen, the ~ Co. of trvtn.,·, 1 Mutual Funds Public Notices Sports Dr.St.etncrohn Stock Marketa Telev1.lion 'Ibeaten Weather B3 B4 04-5 Cl-3 All The teachera plan to meet at Venado Middle School in Deerfield to walk about a mUe to the other cam~ wbera trutie. of the Irvine Unltled School Dlatrict will meet at 7:30 p.m. • The a11oclatlon 11 locked In negotiations with the district on luuee 1uch as aalarles, clau slt.e and perhaps the trickiest of the three: Length of days In the cluaroom. rffidenta don't quibble about dirty ~tlna or the lack of dl1hwaahera becau1e tlie rent le reuonable. did not make them.lwe ·~ to ClCllnlmftt °" th• r•nt. lncr..,• or other aomplain\I &o•---··~- Wol'ld Newt ~ B6 B3 A2 .u The tffehers will concrepte according to their tchoola and make the march in unJi., eacb with a"'° llpltytnc their place Graham explained that the a.odaUon, which la the tetichen' buvlnb'-unit, ta concerned that t.Hcner1 ln al'9dea four throu1h llx 9pend 2! minui.. men per day In ctwroomt. But all that'• chancfnc. The Shene la aotna "luxury'' and tM ~" ant aotng up. So are &M tenanta' tem.,.ra. "I don't want luxury," 1aya tenant Charlel ... ret.ldenta. i The letter to tenanta, tbou1ta, Mid tbe compAny p1w to ~ eJRtnltw a •ell'6an ol the property to "brinf lt to a Jeftl • r ••'* with the..-." (he RBNft. P ... Al) L Coat• DAIL y PILOT /WtdnMd• I ..,....,. 22, 1882 Marines due in· Beirtit From AP Dt1,.1d1n ... A oonUna n\ of U.S. Marin. aHt1nod to •n lntern1Uon1l ~acekeeplng force tn Botrut d4parted today from Naplt1, lt1ly aboard th• hellcopter tam r Ouam. Aboard the UNult 1hJp were the l,800·man 32nd U.S . Marine i\inphi~oua Unit. relnfon.-ed by tllbb, artillery, aea-land ... ult ~•hlclea , a 1quadron of 22 medlum-ranae air 1upport helicopten and a combat 1upporl b«kup group, a Navy spokesman aald. '·•The unit la ex~ted to arrive off ~Beirut coast-Saturday, the 1,w>kesman aald. It 11 the aame unit that helped oversee the evacuation o f Pale1tlne Ldberatlon Organization g~errillaa from Israeli-ringed west Beirut in late Au~t and .this month. "In our pr.vtoua ~ Into Lebanon, we w.,.. ~ to •V•cuattt PLO unh1 and o~ ... ald one Maline otf&cw prior to the unlt'• l a .m . dJparture. "At thll llme, we ant atUI \o receive I parUcular ml•lon. We have merely been ord red In." Pe1td 1 the Guam, tour 8th Fleet escort 1hlp1 ~arted Naplett u part of the force accompanylna the Marlnel. The United Statea. France and Italy decided to reactivate their peacekeeptna force and Mnd tt back to Beirut after the rna.aCN of hum:lreda of PalHtintan refugees by Chrittlan mllitianwn in West Beirut la.at week. M e anwhile, the hraelt government battled (or IW'Vival today In a bitter Parliament debate over the camp muaacres. Israel's defense mlniater said the army allowed Ph1lan1l1t mllldam•n ln\O th campe but had not cucpected a 1lauaihter of ttv-mana. Arlti l Sharon \o ld •nary lt8'Jlltoni that Phalanaitt.1 were to carry out an operation, with limited lm aull auppurt, agalnat PLO aucrrlllll.i bellevf'd hldlna In the Sabro and Chatillo camf,)11. • Labor leader Shimon Pert!I • demanded to know "whoae 1tupld Idea" 11 wu to allow Christian' g u nmen lnto the camps, home to predominantly Mosl e m PaleUlnlan and Lebaneee refugee9, and ~lied for the rutgnntona ot Prim~ Minister Menachem Begin and Sharon. Energy Minister Yllzhak Bennan told reporter1 he quit. hll post and would vote against the government today on a Labor Party resolution Valley ends coffee fund for seniors Birth readiness classes planlled By PHIL SNEJDERMAN or-. De11W "°' '""' The Fountain Valle y City Council has voted to stop paying $216 per month in "coffee ancl doughnut money" to the local senior citizens organization as a first step toward making the program pay Its way. A series of free public lectures o n preparing for childbirth are being offered Sept. 27 aJ)d Oct. 15 in Laguna Beach. Lamaze m e thod o f 11 prepared natural childbirth will be discussed be 'nning at • 7 p .m. in Turner ~ll at the •Free senior citizen flu• clinics will be held in October at S o uth Coast Medical Center for those 55 years and older . C lini cs will be con- ducted Oct. 19 , from 8 to The Laguna Folkdancers will offer workshops on 1 Arm.enian dancing Oct. 2 in the Laguna Beach High School girls' gymnasium. The classes. taught by Tom Boiiglao, will include a morning workshop and an afternoon session. Cost is $2 for the morning •Bob Porter, dlrec\or of . , the Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Beach. has been appointed chairman of the exec utive board of the Em e ritus In stitute of Saddleback College. Community Presbyterian Church. 415 Forest Ave. on Sept. 27. A ~nd lecture will be held at 7:30 p.m. at Laguna Fed eral Savings and Loan, 260 Ocean Ave. F o r information, call 494-5548. 11 a .m.; Oct. 20, from 3 to 6 p.m .; Oct. 26. from 8 to 11 a.m . and Oct. 27 Crom 3 to 6 p.m . The va~ine will be eiv•n i n t h e S'o u t h L a g u n a hospital's board room. session, and $4 for the afternoon instruction. A party with dancing and folklore will be held at 7:30 that night at a cost al $3 for participants. For more information about Laguna Folkdancers, call 494-7930. The Emeritus Institute arranges academic and .odal activities for older adults. Porter also teaches English and history courses at the Mission Viejo campus. The &uncil Tuesday agreed, however, to continue allowina the aeniors to meet each week at the Fountain Yalley Recreation Center without paying rent. The city also will still pay for publication of a senior newsletter until a private sponsor can be found. About 80 senior citizens attending the council meeting reacted angrily to the cutback. Ro salie K ocie la, a 1pokeswoman for the 500-member Fountain Valley Senion ~rganizatlon, said most neighboring cities provide complete social centen and much more extensive services for older •residen~ "How can you in good corucience say you want to take away our allowance of $215 a month?" ahe asked. "Look at all the services we provide to this community (such as visits to convalescent homes and helping with. meal delivery programs). Are you begn,adging us money ao that we can each have a cup of coffee and one doughnut?' The older residents also protested that Fountain Valley officials have been promising to build a local senior citlum center the past decade but have not fulfilled this vow. More fog forecast high wind•. reeulllng In eom• ---------------------1 ttipOf1S ol lomedo demtl09. The Ne\lon•I Weeth•• Service reported • tornedo ewooped down on • eubdlvlelon ne•r Oldamer end d•nced from rooftop lo rooftop, c:eutlng $50,- 000 In damege. High winds cut 11woug11 the eub<SM8ton mnd lore ott rooft~ mn0 INnglee. but no one wee lnlured. lh• -•1her MfvlCe Mid. T•mperetur•• before d•wn 1od•Y ••noed from 32 In Sault Ste . Mule. Mich., to t1 In f>tlolnbl, Ariz. Temperature& .. L.9 ~ ~-w-s.-:. eo &4 53 • 12 NOAA US Otol Of C-.u ~ ~ Fronts:C<Md .. W111m Y'9 Occluded..,.. Statl0n8ry•• 72 47 .04---1ndneplle----~---to--4l---St_S_1e-M~erle·---5~5~l3~ ...... 71 47 Jedttn MS 72 d Spoil-65 48 &4 57 .25 JedtlfTYlle 13 M IO SyrecuM 88 48 13 58 Kint Oty M 42 . -Topeka 83 ll5 87 H 1 01 tCt1C1111f11e 70 10 .14 Tueeon te 78 92 54 LM v..a-a et rue.. et ..e 73 43 Little Aodl • 48 WMhlflOtn 10 eo .83 73 45 louleYllle M • 48 Wlchtte 87 42 74 49 1..341 lVb«>odl 74 12 CAU'ONllA 92 66 • 12 MelftpNe • .. .. _..__.._... to 70 ..22 Mi.ml 11 7f at ,._.,...,_, ... 92 .4' ............ .. • • lllythe 70 lM ........_. P .... 42 Eurek• 80 52 ~~ M 45 FrMnO 71 70 . 10 New OfieeN 10 58 t:°:'n:.. ~ : .55 New Yorit M 55 . 1t Meryavfile 70 41 Norfolk 70 II .30 Monterey No. Piette 72 41 NeedlM 91 43 Olde Ctty 11 4t Oeltlend = : OmlM M 4' PMO Aotllee 75 69 25 OrWIOo M 7o 1.54 Red 8Mf 82 42 P?llledPl!ill 16 57 .2t Redwood City 74 ~ Phoenix__ 108 11 Sect-lo 59 4 7 .o2 PltttpurGll. N 49 . 75 Selin•• 79 49 P11mncl. Me M 52 .04 Sen Diego 92 4 1 P11end. Of• 7 4 52 San FrtncllM)() 51 43 PrCNldenee IO M .15 Senl• Sarber• 92 92 ~ II IO .51 Senle Merla 80 61 .01 lell Llllce ~ : Stocki~ 88 45 San Antonio IS M ~ rn9 :45 a..111e • .. 9erl1ow Slwewport 74 49 .... ..., as 54 .13 Sioux '* 14 47 ......, 76 47 Bhlhop et 73 St Louie 14 44 Celallna 60 sa 81 P·TM!pe ta 13 1.36 Long BMch MonrOYI• Ml. Wlteon IURf RIPllT ~BMCl'I Onlerto Pllm Sprlnot San Bemardlno Sen JON Santi Ana lant1 Cfuz " ee 102 68 52 .. 59 111 55 as 87 a6 77 103 9 1 93 ae 65 .... 65 90 90 79 13 ~ 51 57 H 52--51 II 63 51 97 68 103 91 " 13 78 33 H 40' 75 68 to eo " 55 79 91 1• eo ts 55 100 67 I , .... -~ ....... ...,... ~ , .... ~on 8luflt 1·1 ft. -:: T llhoe Vfll#rJ te 55 .. 57 16 511 17 54 71 11 ~"" 14ft. .. ..,,.. Me ..... ~ 1•1 It. ,..,. • 40tt\ ... ......., 1·2 It, poer .. UM It, N9wpor'1 1·2 It, poer M llelbclt Wedge 1·1 It. ,,_, • 11-Pw HOiiow 1·-2 f\' ...., II ~... 1.Jft. ,..,_ •• a.n '*"'** ,_ 14 ... Tr......, .r.~v..t) tol fl. .. • Cotton'• 1ol ... ,.. .. T,_.. Mil. ,_, • ... ~ 14fl. ,.. • TomOfrow· Hltf'i TIM: ~.34 .... m.: I.Ow Tide! f ;lt a."'.; .... , D!NottOn: loutt!/lcM.,..... -----------~ --·------~- Tides TODAY leoond hlgfl 11:47 p.m. 6.0 leoond IOw l :OI p.m, U lMUMOAY '11'4 Noll 2:38 I m I.I 'It'll IOw 113 • m 1.7 ltconcl l'flgh I 34 p m 4 1 etcond IOw • ia p m " lvn Mii t0d1y at t :IO p .m • HIM~ et t ·41 a.m. Moon r1 ... tOday at 11.41 a "'" "'' .. 1o·aop.m Laguna Beach councilman Robert Gentry (right ) wa surprised Tuesday when friend Gary Burdick brought the councilman's Old English sheepdog HThumper" to the council meeting to support expanded hours for canines on the beach. Music man Pete King dies in NB DOGS ALLOWED .. From Page A 1 / banned permanently from the ·hours in effect have done little to solve those problems. city's beaches. Pete King, a music arranger. composer and conductor who orchestrated such movies as "South Paciflc" and "Camelot, .. died Tuesday at his Newport Beach home. He was 68. Council agreed that enforcing the city's leash law, and getting dog owners to pick up after their "We sllll have irresponsible (dog) owners," she sa.id. The council majority agreed to the new, liberal hours with the condition that the situation be reviewed in a y~ pets, is a problem. But counc ilwoman Sally Bellerue said the more stringent Services for King will be held Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the Church of the Hills at Forest Lawn in Hollywood Hills. CREAN POLISHES IMAGE .. From Page A1 that h e ls a "n o-n onsense campaign saying he regrets the R e publican busin essma n " tactics he employed. King was the co ductor- arranger for Fred Astaire, Pat Boone, Bing Crosby, Vic Damone. Doris Day, Dean Martin. Frank Sinatra and Lawrence Welk. roromltted to reducing t~of. --- government and continuing the While the broadcas t was p o li cies of th e Re agan airin g. Crean's Democratic administration. opponent Roy ''Pat'' Archer He recorded more than 25. record albums with the Pete King Chorale and the Pete King Orchestra and had a lengthy list of movie credits including "Dr. Doolittle," "Flower Drum Song," "Sta\e Fair" and "Be lls are Ringing." As he has sinCt' the primary election, Crean again apologized for the tenor of his primary opened his h eadquarters to anyone in the district who wanted to watch and later hear his response. 3 NEW BUSES DUE . • • A native of Greenfield, Ohio. From Page A 1 King beian his music career as an arranger on the Fred Allen Show in New York City. offie<> all day and say bus drivers don't need it." a small price to pay for the driver's comfort and the riders' safety. He saJd the additional cost was RENTS, TEMPERS RISING. • • From Page A1 ·~1'he message is that if we can 't afford luxury, we better move ou"" says Ann Reser. who has lived in her apartment four years and works part-time to supplement her retirement. "Not everybody in Newport Beach is wealthy and everything in town doesn't have to be luxury. There should be a place for the middle-class." F.die Hule tte, a six-year Stlores resident, agrees that the new owners have a right to raise the rent but she feels a one-month notice is unfair. ''There's no way you can go out, find a new apartment and move in a month. I'm not even sure I could find another apartment In Newport that I can afford." Hulette says even if she could afford to stay, she wouldn't just out of principle. "I'm not claiming a landlord should have any compassion," adds Fredrick, "but they should at least give us a fair chance." Tenants report rents traditionally have been hiked annually. usua lly going up $25 to $50 a crack. They say 1l has been just over a year since the last increase. Audry Trotter. a 10-year Shores resident who shares her apartment with a sister to save expenses, suggests the new owners put in the improvements before raising the rents. "We don't even know what they're going to do to make the place so luxurious. It might not even be worth the anoney." Tenants say they're unsure what to do or il it would help to mount a protest. "I'm not sure there's much that can be done," says Fredrick. "But sometimes these corporations don't know what they're getting into unUJ they get a hol~ of a bunch of Americans who are good and angry." CUISINART DLC PRO SALE PRICED $189.99 PASTA ATTACHMENT FOR DLC MODILS '99 • 99 CRYSTAl TRIFLE IOWL '11.88 FOi ll.IGANT ENTERTAINING •Ceftttie.te Ortw Special Label DLC 7PK Box more than you expect In a hardware store CROWM EJ HARDWARE VISA" WHtollft Pleu 1024 Ir.Me Ave Newport hech M2·11$3 Wlldeya ..... Thurs, Tiii I p.m. l • IUlllC• WEDN ESD A Y SEPH: Mut fl n. l'llt.l Irvine teachers pla-n march in pay dis~ute By GLENN SCOTT Of .... 0.-, ..... •tett Many of I.rvtne'a teachers are expected to turn out tonight for a marc h to Lakeside Middle School, site of a school board meeting, as a gesture of unity in their unreaolved contract disputes. The teachers plan to meet at Venado Middle School in Deerfield to walk about a mile to Irvine lawsuit wedge? The Irvine City Council's lawsuit filed this week to block development of the proposed Bee Canyon landfill doesn't have to reach a court hearing to satisfy city officials. Mayor Larry Agran said today they would be satisfied if the lawsuit spurs the Orange County Board of Supervisors to authorize what he termed m o re meaningful discussions about options for the dump site in the foothills east of Irvine. • Said Agran: "More than anything else, we're hoping to 'direct the county's attention to the need to explore the new technology. which they've been so reluctant to do." the other campus. where truatees of the Irvine Unified School District will meet at 7:30 p.m, The teachen-will congregate according to their 1ehool1 and make the march In units. each with a aign signlfyin.g their place of employment, aald Dan Graham, president of the Irvine Teachers Aaaociation. He said he expects as many as 400 teachers for the walk. The aaaoclaUon has a memberahlp of about MO. he added. The association la locked In negohaUons with the diitrict on issues such aa aa.lartea, class size an.d perhaps the trickiest of the three: Length of days In the classroom. Graham explained that the aaaoclaUon, which la the teachers' bargaining unit, ls concerned that teachers In grades four through six spt"nd 2~ mlnult'I more per day In tlaserooma. than other teachers. He sald hls group wanta the day shortened to 270 minutes, aimllar to that for other teachers. A compromise worked out last year allowing th06e teachers to take one day out of the classroom -but not off work -for each 11 days wasn't satisfactory, he said. The trustees' position this y~ar has been to have the fourth through aix,t.h-grad<' Leachers spend th~ extra lime in the classrooms, wltt) some t•xtru program funds available for additional pay. sa id Delaine R i c h·ard s. a ss i s tant superintendent. In addiuon to support for the teachers' five -memb e r negotiating team, the march is meant to call auenUon to the low priority granted education in funding 1>y the nallrteglala-rure, Graham said. The community. he added, needs to be made more aware of the problems teachers face. "We're not a militant group, eo to speak, but we do feel 1t warranta more than just wrttinc a letter or me just talking to the board," he said. Crean polishes his • image • in own TV show By JEFF ADLER 8. was seen between 7:30 and 8 Of the Oelty Pilot ttalt I S Di Co t and SAN DIEGO -Republican p.m. n an ego unty portions of 90uth Orange County congressional candidate Johnnie served by cable television. It wu R. C rean and h is campa ign h ed b f "Toda " sh consultant Allan Hoffenblum ost Y onner Y ow anchorman Frank Biair. seemed pleased after their Th e s pr aw 1 in g 4 3rd unpreced ented live half-ho ur Congrssional District lnclud~ television show aimed at voters portions of south Orlange County in the 43rd Congressiona.1 District and much of north San Diegt> went off the air. County. The Tuesday night s how, Hoffenblum said cost of th~ which fealured Crean answering production. including promotina ques\ions telephoned in by the show throughout the district viewers, was designed to counter was $50,000. wnat Crean and image-maker On the other h and, Crean"a Hoffenblum believe is Crean's write-in opponent in the gene~ negative image among voters. election, Ron Packard, canceled The lawsuit was filed Monday in Orange County Superior Court. The 10-page petition asl<s that county officials prepare a supplementary environmental impact report based on increased residential development. in the Northwood area since the original document was completed in 1979. "From what I sa~ of it, it his sc heduled campaign appe~rs we accomplis hed ~ur appearances Tuesday night and objeCtlVe :--to show another SJde paid $53 for a room in which to of Johnnie Crean up close. and_ hcrtd a -news-confe-.. ...... .-..1m..~.--~--:1 uve.~Tfenblum said. after the.broadcast concluded. It also seeks assurances that county officials comply with their general plan and the state's laws on canceling agricultural preserves. The suit contends that the 725 acres are part of an agricultural preserve that can't by law be immediately disrupted. The County Counsel's office can respond in writing to the suit's contentions. and then a hearing will be aet to schedule legal proceedings. said Irvine City Attorney Roger Grable. Meanwhile, Agran noted, officials from both sides may try to negotiate an out-of-court settlement. "If the filing of the suit can mo v e us to a r easonabl e settlement, I think we would be happy," said Agran. As the surf provides dinner music, Lalou Tartarini pours wine at Kathy Mclsa.ac and pave .Miller's table for two. Su1nrner ebbs, romance flows By JODI CADENHEAD of'tMO.-, .......... What a little romance won't do for a romance. Dave· Mlller, 23, Costa Mesa was stuck in traffic on the Santa Ana freeway last June when he began daydreaming about dining on the beach with his girlfriend Kathy Mcisaac, 19, Laguna Niguet. Luckily Picasso's in Laguna Beach didn't think that a pink-clothed table for two in the sand with wine and a dozen red roses was such an unusual request. Miller told his 19-year-old sweetheart to dress up Tuesday night. They were going !Omeplace special. The pre-11Chool teacher in a long black skirt and lace blouse never guessed she'd end up on the beach, surrounded by miles of sand, the pounding surf and a few curious onlookers. "I just wanted to celebrate the last day of summer and have a nice dinner," said the Costa Mesa roofer. The sun set. The couple smiled shyly. The waiter poured another glass of chablls and returned to the kitchen up the hill to serve the salad, followed by sorbet. ecamp1 and a cart of sweet French pastries. The tab for the fairy tale evening came to $40. Mcisaac confided that she was impressed. No one had ever surprised her like that. "'T'his is my first time too," Miller assured her. The couple, who met on a ski trip last spring. admit they usually do typical things like ·go to movies. "I like doing this kind of stuff," said the unabashed romantic suitor. "You don't See much of it." Smihng. Crean also was •·1 wasn't sure whether I was jUbUant in the studios just after seeing 'To Tell The Truth,' 'The the show. Price ls Right,' or the 'Johnny "I think it went great," Crean Cash TV Special'" Packard said. said. "It was a lot of fun." The man w'ho lost th~ Crean appeared calm as he Republican primary to Crean by a r ti c ~ 1 a t e 1 y a n s w e r e d 1 3 92 votes called the production a questions, 11 of which. were "blatant attempt by Johnnie phoned In by viewers. dunng the Creln to try and buy credibility carefully orchestrated broadcast. with money." Queations ranged from the conduct of Crean'a primary campaign to the anti-handgun Initiative, Proposition l:S , to abortion. About 30 questions, which were screened by Hoffenblum behind the scenes. did not make their way to the candidate. Those included l e galization of marijuana and gay rights. Hoffenblum explained, prior to air tJme that questions would be selected based on what h e perceived to be viewer interest. "The more provocative, the better," he said. The half-hour show, which pre·empted Tic Tac Dough on San Diego's KFMB-TV. Channel He added that the cost of the show, amounting to what he aid a congressional candJdate earns in o ne year, was "almoat immoral." Crean told reporters he wu not surprised by the questions because he bas heard them all during his campaigning. "lt'a my job to know what people's iaauea are," he eomnented. Additionally. Hoffenblum said Crean had rehearsed the show, including possible question three times prior to airtime. What the public saw w Crean repeating the themes tei- has stressed since the primarJ~ (See CREAN, Page A!) •• Residents planning rally Community activists in Irvine, discovering that their key municipal concerns are coming from without rather th.an within, are hoping to rally local residents at a community meeting next Wednesday. The idea behind the meetin.g. explained City Councilwoman Barbara Wiener at a recent press briefing, is to e xplain how reaide nts can take part in regional planning iMues that she said threaten Irvine . It ls also designed \0 build a communications network so dti%ena can respond quickly and with effective force to lobby for ~local Interests. she said_._ -lllDEX- At Your Service Business Cavalcade Clusified Comics Crossword Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Food Goren on Bridge Art Hoppe Horoecope AJ\n Landers Movies Murual Funda Public Notlces SportB Dr. Steincrohn Stock Markets TelevWon n.ten Weether World New• ' \ -- A4 84-5 All E3-6 A8 A8 C4 AlO B3 Dl-E2 All All All All BS B4 ,C4-5 Cl-3 All 85 86 83 A2 A3 The meetin.g will begin at 7:30 p.m . Wednesday, Sept. 29 at Irvine High School's 300-seat theater. It is sponsored by the Irvine Civic League, the Northwood Village Association and the dty government. At issue during the meeting will be four propouls that share similarities; they each involve Irvine as a possible site for what are generally conaidered to be unpopular public facilities. Thoee facilities are: -The Bee Canyon Landfill. -A freeway along the Foothill Transportation Corridor. -A new Orange County·jail. -El Toro Air Station converted for conunercial use. City staff membe r~re scheduled to present 15-minute status reports on each subject. I Those reports should note where each subject stands In the political process, Wiener said. For example, dty official• say they are confident that El Toro couldn't be turned into a regional airport because of the massive legal implications. Yet the City's ability to stop the county government from turning Bee Canyon Into its next landflll is less certain, although the city filed a lawsuit this week seeking to block development. Most of the subjects carry special concern for residents of Northwood. in the northeastern section of the city, hence the Se~ RALLY. Page AZ) Scottish pair due at Harvest Fest A couple from Irvine, Scotland, are scheduled to viait their namesake city here to participate ln the local Harvest Festival and taste the Southern California Lilestyle. Scota Tom and Irene Stokes wlll be the guest of the local Irvine Ja~ Chapter, which Jaat year decreed It.elf u an offldal st.ter chapter with one in the Scotland dty. The couple will arrive Sept. 27. join In the featlval'a 5;30 p.m. rlbbon..cuttina Fri~. Oct. 1 at Herita1e Park, be touted at a farewell banquet Oct. 8 and then leave for home the follo~ day, aid Pat .DeC.arlo, the c hapte r's international developme nt chairma n and coordinator for the visit. The Stoke1e1 will stay at the homes of Irvine Jaycees, 1pendlng two or three days at each, DeCarlo added. Their visit comes slightly more than a year after J 7 people from bere journeyed to Scotland to be guesta at the 600-year-old MaJ"YIT* FeaUval, delCJ'ibed by DeCarlo •• the annual celebration of a vlalt to tht community by Mary. Queen pf Scota. "We just h.ct the lime of our Uvea over there," mUled DeCarlo, (See SCOTS, Pap Al) Shores renters, claiming they have Newport's last outpo i of affordability, are protesting ne w luxury rent . Skip the luxury,, save rents BY STEVE MARBLE OftMDettr .......... To the tenanta who Jive there. lhe Shores Is a all~ of middle.class America stuck ln upper..clua Newport ~ach. Tho apartment complex Is an outpost of . affordability In a land of wealth, tenanta suagest. The 120-unlt complex that overlook• old Corona del Mar and the traffic of Pacific Coast Highway la old, well-worn and alightly scruffy a.round the edps. Tenant• ••Y lt'a a friendly place where resldenll don't quibble about dirty carpeting or the lack of dlshwaahera because the rent Is reasonable. But •JJ. that'• chanelnc· The Shoret ta pn1 ''luxW')'" and the renta .,.. tolnc up. So are ~ tmandl' '-mpen. ''l don't want lwcw')'," .. YI tenant Charl• Fredrick, an unemployed aalesman who .. ya he't having enough trouble finding a job without looking for a new apartment at the tame time. "Luxury la juat another way of aaylnc hllher rent and J can't at.ford lt." Tenanta were advlaed by the bulldlnl'• new owners by letter Sept. 15 that rentt would be hiked effective Oct. 16. A one-bedroom, the let• aaid, would go from $-400 to »~ a month and a two-bedroom would Inert.. from $&00 to '89&· The new ownen, the Goeden Co. of lrvtm. did not make thernlelves available to OOIDIDlftl oo th• rent lncreaae or other complalnh fro• reaidentt. The letter to tenanta, thou1h, Mid the company plans to btcln ex1enllve rmo¥atian of • the property to "brtnl It to a Inti ......,.W. with &he ........ (8" llENTS, Pap Al) ' l. . .,..... .. I p Or111gt Oo.•t DAILY PILOT/Wt(fneeday. •••ember ta, 18H Marines dtie in ·Beirut From AP Dl1patC'ht1 A ronUna nt of U S. Marhl a11l1nod to •n lnt•rn•llonal J> I.COO pJna tcuce In B ll'Ul ij p1rttd-tod1y trom Naplu1, 'ftaly 1board the helicopter ~erOuam '1 Aboard th~ uaoult 1hlp were the 1,800-man 32nd U.S. Marine 11\mphlbtoua Unit, reinforced by ~ks. artillery, .ea-land U81ull Vehlclea, a aquadron of 22 ldiedlum-raanae air 1upport "heUcopten and a combat aupport ~kup group. a r.{avy apokesman Mid. · · ·The unit la ex~ted to arrive 'off the Beirut coast Saturday, the 1pokeaman • d. u 11 tne llilll\lt unit that hel.,.d ovenet the e vac uation of Paltatlne 1..t bera tlon Oraanlu \Ion auerrl1lu from ltratll·rlnaed we.t Belrut tn late Aucuat and thll month. "ln our prevloua embarkation lnto Lobanon, we were ordered to Pv1H·uate PLO unit• and ob!M'rve," aald one Martne officer prior to the unit'• 1 a .m . departure. "At thl.a time, we 1n1 atfll to receive a parUcular mlaslon. We have merely bffn ordered In." Besides the Quam, four 8th1 • Fleet ucort •hi~ dcpar1ed ~\ ' -\\_t Continued stories ALLY PLANNED. • • aUon's sponsorship. lener, the City Council's p9inted liai s on with wood, said she persuaded two civic groups to meet ther when she learned that wu planning a meeting on regional Issues. he parties view the united Una as a step in organizing y pressure to flgh t the ~poeals. . ::~d Rollene Decker, president ·=--• • of the Qvic League: "Sometimn I think becauae we are a city of villages, we forget we belong io the whole thing." Hal Maloney, president of the Northwood Aaaociation, Mid the opportunity to create a roalition with city staff members and the community la· encouraging. He noted that the meeting may help dispel the "environmen t ot frustration" that Northwood residents feel because of the propoeala. COTS TO VI SIT. • • who was among the Jaycees and lfl.~ir families who joined an the AUi(. 15-22 celebration. The two organizations forged their relationship after a local member , Pat Mullaney , "discovered" the Scottish city during a visit there two years qo, DeCarlo said. Development Corp .. a group assigned the task of redeveloping it as one of the country's "new towns," said DeCarlo. "In Scottish terms, they're a fast-growing city," he explained. "In our terms. they're a medium-growth city." Naples u5i of th \.Uk force aocornpan th• Marlnw, Th• Un Statn, France and Italy decided to •\Jvate thetr peticokNplna force and mend It blck to Beirut afwr th rnuucre of hundred• of Paleatlnlan refua by Chrlnlan militia.men In Wnt Belrut lut w k Mtanwhlle, th" ac>v<.•mm«>nt of lJraeU Ptimo Mlnla~r M\'nachem &gin, 1tuna by the N'tlgnatlon ot a rnlnlat.or, narrowly defeated a parliamentary motion today for an Inquiry Into the retfugee M""8CN!. In a bitter debate In the Iaraell Parliament, Defen1e Mtnlater Arl"l Sharon aald the braell army a11owed Phalanglat mflltlamen Into the Beirut refugee oamp1 but had not expected a slaughter of clvillaru. He aaJd the Phalangiall were to carry out an operation, with limited Israeli 1upport, a1ainat PLO guerrillu believed hie11nB In the Sabra and Chatilla camps. Shimon Perea, leader of the oppoahlon Labor Party, demanded to know "whoae stupid Idea" ft wa1 to allow Chr l1Uan 1unmen Into the campa, home to predominantly Mo1lem Pale•tlnlan and Lebanete refugees, and called for the reaignatlon1 of Prime Minlller Begin and Sharon. A motion calllnt for a formal Inquiry Into Israeli conduct during the Beirut killings waa defeated by 48 votee to 42. The "no" votes came from Begin'• rullng coalition, and the "yea" votes largely from Laborit.et and minor-party legialatora. The Red Croes and Lebanete civil deferue workers recovered 15 more bodJea from the campa this morning and the Red Cr-o. aaJd th.la lncreued the conflnned death toll to 220. FAtlmatea of the dead range from 300 by the U.S. government to 1,400 by the Palestine Liberation Organlz.ation. rt ~works.hop series scheduled One-day drawin1, palnttna and card-weaving worluhopa att offered by Irvine rl'lident Pat Osborn, a profe11lonal educator experlenct'd In arta and craft.a. The flnt-claaa, an Oct. 2 drawing work1hop, 11 dealsne"d to help partlci~nta discover hidden talent11. "Gulde youraelf Into a new realm of aeel~ and recording what you tee,' O.bom aa.ld of the class which requires no •The 50-mile run by Lloyd Lona of Fountain Valley through the streets or Irvine Aug. 16 did more than mark the runner's 50th birthday, It turns out. Long's daughter, Denlne, recently handed a check for $167.50 to the lcoal American Heart Association office on •Local amateur radio operators are being 1<>ught ln Irvine to participate In an earthquake drill befdnnlng at 7 a.m. Friday, Oct. 1. The drill la a teat of the d ty'• recently-formed Irvine Di1a1ter Emeraenc)'. •The Irvine Educational Foundation la embarklng on ill 1eeond direct-mall tund- ra.I.sing drive to raise money for the local 1ehool dlttrict. Letters are acheduled to be mailed to every household In the district aolldting funda to help cover Instructional programs that otherwise are short of money. aald • provioua ttxperatnce. Other workahop11 Include watercolor palntlna Oct. 16 and Nov. 6, out.door drawing und painting Nov. 20 and card-weaving Dec. 11. Detail• on the cla11es, moetly to l)e held In O.bom'• home workahop, are available by calllna 55~-8531 . The outdoor painting clan Includes an excursion. Fee for each workshop ls $20. behalf of her Cather. The donationa represented pledges from 30 people who were surreptitiously recruited by her prior to her dad's run. She said she didn't want to tell her father about the pledgea-per-mlle until after he had completed hl.s personal challenge. Communlcatlona group and will be in reaponae to • hypothetical eart hquake meaaurlng a "aever;e" 8.3 on the Richter Scale. Volunteers should contact Walt R u dqal1l, president, at 995-1228. 1poke1woman Mary Ellea Hadley • New in the n'lailera la an oppottunity to designate up to 80 percent of each donation io 1peciflc schoola . The remaining 20 percent would go to dl.strlctwide programa, she said. The foundation ,...ed $18,500 last achoo! year. · SAT s cores lower S ACRAMENTO (AP) California hl&h tc:hool 1enlor1 9'.'0r\.-d •llahtly lowtr ttu. year on the Schowtlc AptJtudt-Tett, the m()jlt important college entranct exammatlon. The it.ate reported Tuesday that college-bound California 12th araders eoored 425 thll year on tho verbal part of the test, down from 426 lut year. That dropped them one point below the notional average for ~rbaJ skills I In the mathemaUcaJ'part of the test, the Callfornla.na ecored 474 this year compared to 475 last year. But that wa1 1till seven polnta above the national average for mathematical 1killa. The state Department of Education, quoting figures from the College Entrance ExamlnaUon Board ln New York, said naUonwlde aoorea roee this year for the fl.rat lime ln 19 years. The lncreaaea were two point.a in verbal akU11 and one point in math. Th e re were 102 .261 Californians who took the SAT, which is required by most four- year colleges. State school Superintendent Wilson Riles said he was disappointed but not surprised by the results, con1ldering the achoo! cutbaclu because of money shortages. "I don't believe -nor do testing experta -that the latest result.a signify a major setback for Califomlana," Riles said. "ln fact, conaidering the severe fiscal crunch facing California schools in recent years, it la phenomenal that the scores have improved at all." The city is about 40 miles south of Glasgow and its metropolitan fopulation Is similar to this rvlne's, he added . And -... 11 .... n ties don't stop there. Ult as the Irvine Company is key land developer her-~. ~d's version has the lrvme The Jaycees are hopeing to erect a booth at the Harvest Festival to feature the cultural exchange between sister c hapters. Officials on both continents are working on a proposal for a representative from British Caledonian Airlines dreued-nl"rradITIOna Scott!ih g~b to staff the booth. Viejo shop de~troyed in blaze Thick fog delays ----.-ights-at airporl A MlJaion Viejo furniture 1hop wu gutted by a fire tb.at took 53 county firemen more than 30 minutes to extingul.sh today. Lall year California SAT aoores roee In both verbal akills and math, for the teCOnd time in three year1. and exceeded the national average by two points in verbal akilb and nine points in math. Riles said at the time that the scores were a sign that a long de c line In high school perfonnance had ended. He ~o--­ cited the first across-the-board improvement in more than a decade on the atandardiz.ed tests. i EAN POLISHES IMAGE .. Firemen said the industrial outlet -California Specialty - erupted in flames at 6:17 a.m. Thlcll too and cloudlneee etong coeat with continued warm peraturN ll'lould dominate tllern Oallfornla'1 wHther ture Thurlday. according to NatioMI WMther 8eMoe. • Loe Angelee hlghl .,. '°'-' th• mld·IOa with 114· to .. rNdlng1 In COHtal • from 73 to 83 In mountlln , • I& to to In °'""' ..-..,;-the 90e In nof1hem ~·Ind 118 to to& In the low "-1 8oet.,.. lrom Point Concec>tlon the MnJc:an bolder can ••peel ht verlabi. wlnda during the ght and mornlne houra, 9te<DINllG 10uthwwt9(1)' et eight 18 llnot. In the ahetnoon Wllh one-to two-loot IO\llh-t • NOf1hwMt wind• In outer tera d r1nge from 10 to 20 ot• wllll tllr••· to five-loot • campaign saying he repll the tactics he employed. While the broadcaat waa airing, Crean'• Democratic opponent Roy "Pat" Archer opened his headquartera to anybne tn the diatrlct who wanted to watch and later hM.t his response. and wu destroyed. The shop, whJch apeclallzed in making cabinets. is located at 25741 Obrero Or. In an lndu.trtal complex off Alida Parkway. Firemen estimated damage at $100,000 and aald the cause of the fire la under investigation. More fog forecast high wind•. rHulllng In aom•---------------------4 ~ of tornado d1mage. Ttie N1tton11 Wellher Service reported • torn1do awooped down on a tubdlvlalon near Oldamar and danced from roohop to rooftop, c.uatng S50.· 000 In d1m1g• High Wind• CUI through the MibdMllon Ind tore off roof1oe>t 111<1 ahlnglM. but no one wH lnlured, th• weeth•r ~Mid. Temper11urH before d1wn tod1y ranged from 32 In Sault Ste Marl•, Mich .. to 111 In Phoenlll, Ariz Teniperatu~es ......... • Albeny S4 53 .12 AlbuQue 611 se Ametlllo 71 47 • Fronts: Cdd.. W11m .,... Occluded w.-Statiooary •• AtheYlh 72 47 .IM 41 Atlanta 11 47 43 AUantc Cty S4 57 25 .. 10 Auatln 83 56 42 Baltimo<e 67 56 t.0 1 so. . 14 Bllllnga 82 54 .. Blrrnlngtlm 73 43 48 Bltmafdl 73 45 ... 8olM 74 411 1.38 52 8oe1on 62 55 • t2 48 St Ste Mane spo1e- Syr-=uM TQPelle Tuc;eon TulN w111qtn Wlclllta 55 33 15 41 .. ... es as " 78 811 ... 70 80 .13 t7 42 Browntlllle 90 70 .23 78 Butfllo S4 52 .45 45 C~OflNIA Ba11 ..... 11e1c1 .311 Blythe . .. 102 58 52 .. 5t t1 55 85 87 86 Eurelcl Frnno L.e~•* Burllnglon 70 54 42 Caaper 80 52 45 Cllartatn SC 78 70 . to at Lot Angeln . Ill MllYtvillt ·'° Monterey 77 cnari.tn wv se 41 .85 as Ct\at'flta NC 87 84 ee ~ 70... ., ~...._... at 43 48 Cincinnati 85 411 45 C1tvel1nd St 40 70 1 &4 Clmb11 SC 75 St .25 57 .H ~llue-62-42~--..,,_.;... ., ~ Olllland Puo Aoblet Red Bluff 103 81 113 ae 85 Oel·FI Wll• 74 50 49 Or(1on 511 47 .02 82 Redwood City Seuameillo .76 Sallnu .04 Sen Diego ~ 85 ao 80 79 13 Denver 78 411 52 8111 FrenGlec:o · 15 Santa Barbal• .111 8111ta Mtwll 0.. Mol"" 82 4 t 58 Oeirolt se 43 ao ~~ 5252 ~ El Puo • 80 81 .01 6t Fergo 88 45 58 Aaoeun 79 44 ae Gr .. t Falls 11 45 48 Het11ord 83 54 . 13 47 ~a nu 44 ~ 811 73 13 135 ·~~ ...... ~~u ...... R_f R_IP_IR~T .. ~ ...... ... ~ ..wtllliia. .... ,..... T...._M Huntington 811111• t•2 ft. - HuntlnQton Pier 14 ft. fair f4 Santi An• River Jetty 1•2 ft. poor M 40t11 a1. ~ 1.2 ft. poor ae 22nd 81. Newpott 1•2 ft. poor .. Ubo• wec1oe 1.2 ft. poor ae l4"oY HOiiow 1-2 ft. Poot ta ~•0011• • t-2 ft. poor ea Sen Cle!Mnte ,._ 14 ft. ''* M Tra1111oer CT-lir•o t.a ft. ''* ee Oolton'I fto+M 14 ft. poor M T'9111ea t-3 ft. poor M ""' ~ 14 fl. poor .. Tomorrow HIOh TIO.: '4''1'4 pm : Low Tide, 1.13 • m.: '"" Dlf'ec1ton loutllllOutttwelt • I Stodcton Thermal Ulllen hrttow Big a..r BlahOP Cetlllne L°"O 8Mcll MonroY11 Mt Wlleon Newp()ft 8eacfl OnterlO Palm IPflnge Sen llefnardlne Sen JoM Sellt1 .Me Banta Ona ' T e11oe Valley Tides TODAY 17 M 103 .. " 13 78 S3 aa 40 711 M to to " &a 78 81 74 80 t$ 65 100 87 " aa .. 117 .. 6t 87 84 11· 31 s.GotlCI l'llQll t2~47 p.m. s.o a.conct low 8:ot p.m. 1.1 THUMOAV '1flt l'llgll U6 a rn. U ,.,.., 1ow a 63 a.m 1.1 ~ fllttl 1:34 P.m. 4.7 6-14' loll f,H p.m. U l11n .... 1ocl11 11 l ;IO p,m • rlMIT~Ml41 a.m. MOOfl '*' IOdeo;' .. t t:4t a "' • _.,at tOto pm • Fog cawed delays of about 30 minutea ln the takeoffs of five airliners from John Wayne Airport today. according to an airport official. No other problems were traced to the morning fog throughout the Orange Coast . Flight .chedules were reported normal at Le. Angeles International and Ontario International airport.a. clear Thursday afternoon, according to t he National Weather Service. Temperatures In coaatal areas are expected to reach 76 Thursday, with lows of about 62. Inland temperature• are predicted to climb to 85. Lowa of 60 are forecut. His November election opponent, Bill Honig, called the improvement minimal compared to the years of decline. The fog and low clouds are expected again tonight and Thursday morning but 1hould The weather 1pokeswoman said surf of 5 to 8 feet is expected Thursday and Friday because of hurricane Olivia, off the coast of Mexico. Besides the SAT decline, Califomla.na' average scores also dropped fractionally this year on the College Board's test of Standard Written English, but remained 1llghtly above the national average. RENT S; TEMPE RS RISIN.G. • • From Page A1 "The message la that if we can't afford luxury, we better move out," aays Ann Reser, who has lived In her apartment four years and works pa.rt-lime to supplement her retirement. "Not everybody ln Newport Beach is wealthy and everything in town doesn't have to be luxury. There should be a place for the mJddle-clasa." Edie Hulette, a six-year Shores resident, agrees that the new owners have a right to raille the rent but 1he feela a one-month notice is unfair. "There's no way you can go out, find a new apartment and move ln a month. I'm not even sure I could find another apartment in Newport that I can afford." Hulette aays even if she could afford to stay, ahe wouldn't just out of principle. "fm not clatming a landlord should have any compesaion," adda Fredrick, "but they ~d at least give us• fair chance." .... Tenants report rents traditionally have been hiked annually, usually going up $25 to $50 a crack. They say it has been juat over a year since the laat increase. Audry Trotter, a 10-year Shores resident who shares her apartment wtth a sister to save expenaes, auggests the new owners put in the improvements before raiain~ the rents. "We don't even know what they're going to do to make the place so luxurious. It might not even be worth the money.'' Tenants aay tt>ey're W\IUtt what to do or if it would help to mount a protest. "I'm not sure there's much that can be done," aaya Fredrick. "But sometimes theee corporations don't know what they're gt:tting into until they get a hold of a bunch of Americans who are good and angry." C/UISINART ~ DLC P~RO SALE PRICED $189.99 . PASTA ATTACHMENT POR DLC MODI LS '99 • 99 CRYSTA'l- TRIFLE IOWL ., 1.88 FOi BIGANT INTHTAINING FREE• '80 VALl£ " CtUMl SfMl.ESS i -SlUl TEA KElllE ,. ~ ..... ~.. . .. .. ~ CKC NO -~ .. -,... lew ........ • Cenlflc9t• °"* S~ Lat* OlC 7PK Boa more than you expect In a hardware store CROW• Ei HARDWARE MS4. All ...... °'*' 1 .,.,. • Corona....... ....... !'!!..~~·- 3107 I. CoeM Hwy. 1114 ':,,~Dr 11WIOO -=:ro M~NciO ._.Tll7p.m ' llAICECUIT Call llU 1111111~ WE: ON L: SDA 'Y . St PI L MtH 11 lJ 1'111,' Newport mayor to vote on St. Andrew's • issue Despite calla that she abstain from voting on ex~lon plans for St. Andrew's resbyterlan Church, Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heat.her-says she has no thought of doing that. Heather, a membe r of the church, says she haa been given legal advice that clears the way for her to vote on whether the church should be allowed to Horse center planned By ROBERT BARKER °'the Delly ..... ltllft A 25-acre equestrian cente1 will be ready to lodge hol'SE!S ir H>mtington Beach's Central Park b)' J anuary, according to thE center's designer and president. The facility is expected tc accommodate about 150 horset with an eventual capacity for 400. Eddie Milligan, who says he was a jockey in the 1940s under contract with entertainers Harry James and Betty Grable, asserts that his goal will be compatibility with surroundings. "The horse hasn't been a good neighbor in many cases because of the lack of education of its owner," he said Tuesday. "Problems can start when people buy a horse for their 12 or 14-year-old daughter. They bring in 10 tons of hay and haul out five pounds of manure. "The areas can look dirty and messy and have flies and the cities can have problems." Milligan says the facility will be developed "in a country club atmosphere" of Central Park at Taylor Avenue and Goldenwest Street and will have hookups to other trails. He promises that .stalls will be cleaned twice a day, manure will be speedily removed and there will be a strict control of flies. Milligan, 51, president of Beu.er Built Enterprises Inc. in San Dimas, says he expects the bulk of his business will be provided by townhouse and condominium owners "who have always wanted to own a horse but never had the opportunity." He says he has designed equestrian facilities in the City of Industry and South Pasadena. build an 85-foot aanctu.ary. conaldered by the City Council on wh n HHther wu on the dth'• Monday night. plannin~ commlulon, a e Heat.he r says she has been Residents of the nel~hborhood abstalne from voting on a careful not to pledge money to matter Involving the church. the church's build!~ fund and aurroundin~ the churc contend the mayor as an ethical, if not a has "divorced" hetBe f from St. Gendron sa\i thla seta a Andrew's $10 mllllon building le~al, duty to atep down and recedent that eather should plan. re rain from voting. ollow. The expansion project, a hotly Pete Gendron, president of the But Heather , w h 0 contested issue in the city's Cllffhaven homeowner acknowledges she did 1teh down CUffhaven community, ill to be asaociation, claims that In 1974, in 1974, aays the con llct of I As t he surf provides dinner music, Lalou Tartarini pours wine at Kathy Mcisaac and Dave Miller's table for two. Summer ebbs, romance floWs • By JODI CADENHEAD of'theDelr .......... What a little romance won't do for a romance. Dave Miller, 23, Costa Mesa wu stuck in traffic on the Santa Ana freeway last June when he began daydreaming about dining on the beach with his girlfriend Kathy Mclsaac, 19. Laguna Niguel. • Luckily Picasso's in Laguna Beach didn't think that a pink-clothed table for two In the sand with wine and a dozen red roses was such an unusual request. Miller told his 19-year-old sweetheart to dress up Tuesday night. They were going someplace special. The pre-school teacher in a long black skirt and lace blouse never guesaed she'd end up on the beach, surrounded by miles of sand, the pounding surf and a few curious onlookers. ''I just wanted to celebrate the last day of summer and have a nke dinner,'' said the Costa Mesa roofer. The sun set. The couple smiled shyly. The waiter poured another glass of chablis and returned to the kitchen up the hill to serve the salad, followed by sorbet, scampi and a cart of sweet French pastries. The tab for the fairy tale,. evening came to $40. Mclaaac confided that ahe was impressed. No one had ever surprised her like that. "This is my first time too," Miller assured her. The couple, who met on a ski trip la.st spring, admit they usually do typical things like go to movies. "I like doing this kind of stuff," said the unabashed romantic suitor. ''You don't 5ee much of It." lnt.erett law1 have changed since Heather aay1 ahe'• hokltnc out that date. hope that the two aldel -.church City Attorney Mike MIUer aays l ea ders and net1hborln1 r c:_s ldenu.....:-c.&J\ aolv• th• eevttal rettnt cues have altered lingering dispute them11elve1. the Law and that, In his mind, Heather haa the right to vote. "I'm not ready to give up on "It's a difficult decision , the negotiations.'' she aa/:.. 11It'1 certainly, but I don't see any important that both al ea talk legal conflict of interests. If she and attem pt to reach a want.a to step down aa an ethical comcf.romlse. [f both sidee etay matter, that's her decision " rigi , then there'• no hope." Crean polishes his • image • In own TV show By JEFF ADLER Of the Delfr Not Staff SAN DIEGO -Republican congressional candidate Johnnie R. Crean and his campaign consultant Allan Hoffenblum seemed pleased after their unprecedented live half-hour television show aimed at voters in the 43rd C.Ongresslonal District went off the air. The Tuesday night show, which featured Crean answering questions telephoned in b y viewers, was designed to counter what Crean and image-maker Hoffenblum believe is Crean's negative Image among voters. "From what I saw of It, it a ppears we accomplished our objective -to show another side of Johnnie Crean up close and live," Hoffenblum said. Smiling, Crean also was jubilant in the studios just after the show. "I think It went great:• Crean aald. "It was a lot of fun." Crean appeared calm as he articulately ,nswered 13 queations, 11 of which we re phoned in by viewers, during the carefully orchestrated broadcast. Questions ranged from the conduct of Crean'• primary campaigp to the anti-handgun Initiative, Proposition 15, to abortion. About 30 questiona, which were screened by Hoffe nblum behind the scenes, did not make their way to the candidate. Those included legalization o f marijuana and gay rights. Hoffenblum explained, prior to air time that questions would be selected based on what he perceived to be viewer interest. "The more provocative, the better," he said. The half-hour show, which pre~empted Tic Tac Dough on San Diego's KFMB-TV, Channel 8, was seen between 7:30 and S p.m. in San Diego County and portions of south Orange County served by cable televiaion: It waa hosted by fonner ''Today" ahow anchonran Frank Blair. The s prawling 43rd Congrssional District includea portions of south Orange Count:t and much of north San Diego C.Ounty. Hoffenblum said cost of the production, including promotJnc the show throughout the diatrict, was $50,000. ' On the other hand, Crean'IJ write-in opponent in the geM!.ral election, Ron Packard, canceled his sc heduled campaign appearances Tuesday night and paid $53 for a room in whJ.ch to hold a news conference shortly after the.broadcut concluded. "I wasn't sure whether I waa seeing 'To Tell The Tl"uth.' 'The Price la Right.' or the 'Johnny Cash TV Special'," Packard 18.id. The man who loet the Republican primary 10 Crean b)' 92 votes cal1ed the production a "blatant attempt by Johnnie Crean to try and buy credJbllity with money." He added that the ooet of the show, amounting to what he laid a congressional candidate eerm in one year, waa "almoat immoral." Crean told report.era he wu not aurpr~ by the q ueetiona because he bas heard them aD during hi.a campa.lgnlng. "It'• my job to know what people'• isJel are," he comnented. Additionally, Hoffenblurn said Crean had reheaned the lhow. Including poaaible question three times prior to airtime. What the public saw wa Crean repeating the theroet has stressed since the p~ (See CREAN, Pa1e Ai) • Teachers set unity march By GLENN SCOTT Of !tie D.., 'llot lt.n Many of Irvine's teachers are expecied to turn out tonight for a marc h to Lakeside M iddle School, site of a school board meeting, as a gesture of unity in their unresolved contract disputes. The teachers plan to meet at Venado Middle School In Deerfield to walk about a mile to the other campus, where trustees of the Irvine Unified School District will meet at 7:30 p.m. The teachers will congregate according to their schooh and make the march In units, each with a sign signifying their place of employment, said Dan Graham, president of the Irvine Teachers Association. -lllDEX - At Your Service Business Cavalcade Clasaifled C.Omk:s Crossword Death Notices F.dltorial Entertainment Food Goren on Bridge Art Hoppe Horoecope Ann Landers Movte9 Mutual F\J.nda Public Notica Sporte Dr. Stelncrohn Stock Marketa Televtaion ~ten Weather ' Wark! News A4 B4-5 All F.3-6 AS AS Ct AlO B3 Dl-E2 All All All All B3 B4 04-6 Cl-3 All ~ B6 B3 A2 .\3 He said he expects as many as 400 teachers for the walk. The association has a membership of about 500, he added. The association is locked in negotiations with the district on issues such as salaries, class size and perhaps the trickiest of the three: Length of days in the classroom. Graham explained that the association, which Is the teachers' bargaining unit, Is concerned that teachers in grades four through six spend 25 minutes more per day In classrooms than othe r teachers. · He aald hi.a group wants the day shortened to 275 minutes, aimllar to that for other teachers. A co,npromise worked out laat year allowing those teachers to take one day out of the clas.voom -but not off work -for each 11 days wasn't satisfactory, he said. The trustees' position this year has been to have the fourth through sixth-grade teachers spend the extra time in the cla"ssrooms, with some extra program funds availabl e for additional pay, said De laine Ri chards, assistant superintendent. In addition to support for the teachers' fi ve-m e mber negotiating team, the march ls meant to call attention to the low priority granted education in funding-by the atate legialature, Graham said. Conductor-arranger Pete King dies Pete King. a music arranger, compoaer and conductor who orchestrated auch movies aa "South Padllc'' and "Camelot," died Tuesday at his Newport Bead\ home. He wu 68. Servtcea for Kina will be held Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the Church of the Hllls at Foreet Lawri in Hollywood Hilla. Kina waa the conductor- arranaer for Fred Aetalre, Pat Boone, SU.. en.by, Vic Damone, Dorie Day, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Lawrence Welk. Ha recorded more than i~ record album1 with the Pete Kine Chorale and the Pete K1rur Orchestra and had a lengthy U.t of mov.ie credit& including "Dr. Doolittle," "Flower Drum Song," "State Fair" and "Bella are Ringing." · A native of Greenfield, Ohio, KJna began his musk career u an arranger on the Fred Allen Show in New York City. He was the mua!cal dl~tor for Paramount Plciure., workinc on "The Godfather" and "Day of tiw Locuat." K1J\I le 1urviwd by hle w1h, MarylJa; daumht.er, Loulte Ki.,.; eon. Charm Dudley Kina. and a ~·· .. hw. Shores renters, claiming they have Newport's la I outpo t of a ffordability, are protesting new luxury rents. Skip the luxury, save rents BY STEVE MARBLE Ol'tMO.-,llhtlteft To the tenants who live there, the Shores la a 1Uce of mlddle-clau America atuck in upper-cla. Newport 'Beach. The apartment complex Is an outpost of affordablllty in a land of wealth, tenants auggHt. The 120-unlt complu that overlook• old Corona del Mar and the traffic of Pacific Cout Hlahway la old, well-worn and aUghtly ecruffy around the edpJ. Tenant• 1ay ll'1 a friendly place where raidenta don't quJbbla about dirty carpetlnc or the lack of di1hwa1hen becauH the rent l• reaeonable. • But all t~'• cha"llna. The Shores ta aotna "luxury'' and the ~ta are Pl'\I up. So are the teinan11' 1mnptl"I. ••[ don't want lwcut)r," •yt tenant Charles Fredrick, an unemployed salesman who aaya he'• having enough trouble flndln1 a job without looking for a new apartment at \he ume time. "Luxury I.a juet another way of aa)'in8 hJaher rent and I can't afford it." , Tenant.a were advieed by the bullcilnl'• "'"( owners b)" letter Sept. 1& that renta would be hiked effective Oct. 16. A one-bedroom, the lettiar aaid, would ao from MOO to~• wnonth and a iwo-biedroom would lnc:re•• tram t500 to "90 .. • The new owners, the Goeden Co. ol tmn.! did n0t make themlelvtt available U> camment an the rent lncreaee or other compJalnU froai ,...actenta ........ The 1etter to tenanu, thou1h, uid the compeny plan. to bteln elAllnllw NMYatlon of the property to "brine tt to a llwJ ~ with the.,.. ... (S.. RENTI, Pqe Al) I - .J i i • • r ' O/N Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOT/Wtdn••d•Y· September H. 1812 RUD& Beach councilman Robert Gentry (right) was surprised esday whe n friend Gary Burdick brought the un~ilman's O ld English sheepdog ;\Thumper" to th council 'eeting to support expanded hours for canines on the beach. • w1n b each access STEVE MITCHELL tM Deity ...... "•" Rest easy, Laguna Beach. No longer can you be accused . being stodgier than Newport ach. I Not after the Laguna Beach City Council voted to open the b.eac~es to dogs in the \Vin tert.une. tCouncil Tuesday night. ma 3-2 vote, said dog owners can walk lh eir pets -on a leash - anytime lhey want between Sept. 15 and May 30. And during the summer, they can still take a beach stroll with lheir dogs before 8 a.m. and after o p.m. 'I'he split vote, with Mayor Neil Fitzpatrick and Cound1man Dan Kenney opposed, came after an hour-long hearing that lasted until 11:30 p.m. Canine supporters far outnumbered foes as they marched In turn to the podium to make their pleas in favor of less stringent hours for dog-walking. ~aff Stop passes general's review Even Councilman Bob Gentry's Old English sheep dog got in the act, running to the council dais and sitting in the, councilman's seat. Garbed in swim trunks and a pair of sunglasses. the dog barked loudly into ~ntry's microphone. " 'Thumper' would like to speak In favor of this issue," quipped Gary Burdick, a friend, who delighted the council audience and apparently One look was all Orange unty Supervisor Thomas F. ey needed to convince him t a male strip show in Santa Heights may not be so bad tall. ffter watc hing the male era Monday nighl at the Stop. 2122 S.E. Bristol St .. ey said loday he might •xmsi·, der his opposition to the w that was ordered stopped t month by the county · g Commission. ub dWner Michael Callie Is pealing the county decision ldbiting the act considered Olt entertainment" from uing within 500 feet of a 'dence. ordinance," said the white-haired surpri&ed Gentry by bringing the s upe r visor , whose diatrlct large dog Into the council includes the nightclub. chambers. Riley intends to ask county _..\. counsel to take another look at Among othe r spea k ers the matter, after leantlns that favoring open hours In the county attorneys had not been winter was Phil May, a consulted -before the plannfnc-member of the c It y 's Pet commission decision waa made. Responalbility Committee. The retired Marine Corps "l was shocked to learn that brigadier general added that big, bad Newport Beach is more alleged parking and noise liberal than we are," May said, problems at the comedy citing that city's ordinance that nightclub could be another allows dogs on leash during the concern. . winter but prohibits t}lem on the Riley said today that he wu sand during the busy summer. mostly surprised by the audience... reaction. "rm amat.ed that l!Of'l'te~ ''That's the way it used to be ln of the well dressed women I saw Luuna Beach.'' he said. "The at the show were getting excited law is so restrictive now, you'd Greenpeace sets lOK walkathon A lOK walkulhon t o benefit Groenpeacc wlll b<.• hold at 8 a.m. Saturduy ul Coronu del Mur 1-llJ(h &·hool In Newport Beach. Participants, asked lo pledge at least $5, will walk the Upper Newport .Bay und vie for prizes. Walker packets can be picked up at nll • The Junior Ebell Club or Newport Beach has scheduled an evenmg of dancing aboard the 115-foot Catalina Holiday to benefit Fairview State Hospital, the Orange County Rescue Mission and th e • Rick Cohen of Van Nuys has been nttmed program director for all parent-child club programs at· the Orange Coast YMCA in Newport Beach. .Cohen will head up such •Kathy Pendley, a new s tudent at Cal State Long Beach, has been awarded the first Newport Beach city &eholanihip, an annual award set up to assist children of city employees. Pendley, who worked full- time while atten<Jmg Golden Wh('rchousc lte<,-ordUnd Tuix· stores or by ca ll i ng Greenpeace at 991-72trn. Pf'rsons who wish to sponsor u walker can do 110 by culling the same number Gree np eace• 111 an env ironme nt a l grou,1.1 committed to i;aving marine mammals. Harbor Area Adult Day Care Center. The cruise boat will leave the .Balboa Pavilion at 9 p.m on Oct. 2. Tickets are $12.50 a person. For information. call 675-7184 or 640-4397. activities as Y-lndian Guides, M a.iden s, Princess, Tra1lblaurs and all summer camp programs. The Orange C<>ast YMCA serves Newport. Costa Mesa and lrvine West College in Hunlington Beach, is the daughter of Dixie Pendley. who works with the city's purchasing department. The $1.500-scholarship is provtded by Councilman Don Strauss. a vice-presidenl at Beckman Instrttments. Thick fog delays flights at airport Fog caused delays of about 30 minutes In the takeoffs of five airliners from John Way ne Airport today. according to an airport official No other problems were traced to the morning fog throughout the Orange Coast. Flight achedules were reported normal at Los Angeles lnternaUonal and Ontario International airports. The fog and low clouds are expected again lon1ght und Thursday morning but should cl ear Thursday afternoon, according to the Nallonal Weather Service. Temperatures in coast'al areas are ex pLc ted to reac h 76 Thursday, with lows of about 62. I n I a n d t em per a tu r~ s a re predicted to climb to 85. Lows of 60 are forecast. The weather spokeswoman said surf of 5 to 8 feet is expected Thursday and Friday because or hurricane Olivia. off the coast of Mexko. Irvine I aw suit-=--------: wedge? The Irvine Clty Cou nctl'• lowault filed thla Wl'(•k t.o block <kvclopmcnt of the.> propolled Bee Canyon laQdfllJ doesn't have to rt!uch a c:ourt hearing lo salh1fy city offlciaJa. M4)yor Larry Agran said today th1:y wul.lld be .aalisfled i1 the lawsuit spurs the Orange County &ard or Supervisors to aulhoriu what h e termed more meaningful discussions about options for the dump site 111 the foothills east of Irvine . St11d Agran: "More than anylhing else, we're hoping to · d1rec:t the l'OUnty's oltention to the need to explore the new ll'(;hnology, which they've been so reluctanl to do " The lawsuit was £1led Monday 1n Orange County Superior Court. The 10-page petition asks thal counly officials prepare a s1,1pplemcnlary environmental impact 1'eport based on increased residential development in the Northwood area since the original document was completed tn 1979. It also seeks assurances that county officials comply with lheir general pl.an and the state's laws on canceling agricultural preserves. The suit contends that the 725 acres are part of an agricultural preserve that can't by law be immediately disrupted. The Counly Counsel's office can respond in writing to the sull's contentions, and then a hearing wiU be set to schedule legal proceedings, said Irvine City Attorney Roger Grable. M eanwhile, Agran noted , officials from both sides may try to negotiate an out-of-court settlement. "If the filJng of the suit can move us to a reasonable settlement, I think we would be happy," said Agran. CREAN • • From Page A1 that he is a "no-nonsen se R ep ublican bus inessman" committed to reducin~ the size of government. As he has since the primary election, Crean again apologiz.ed for the tenor of his primary campajgn saying he regrelS the tacllcs he employed. Whale the broadcast was airing, Crean's Democratic opponent Roy "Pat" Archer opened his headquarters t o anyone in the d1slrict who wanted to watch 'I don't think it's adult rtainment under the county about all that. That surpn.ed me think we lived in Huntington more than the show." Bench " • RENTS, TEMPERS RISING. • • More fog forecast. high wtnd1. •Huiting In aome r8j)Of18 of tOf'nldO demeg9. n,. N•llonel weether 8ervtce reported • tornedo awooped down on • 1ubcllvl1lon neer 'toa14 la I Oldamer end denced lrom fOOltop to roof109, CIU9'1>g $50,· 000 In demage High winds cut Eeny '"°'nl~ ciearlng 1hi1 lhrough lh• aubdlvltlon and tor• ettemoon with 1 of 74 lO N oH roonopa end ltllf'Olell, bUI no Flllr Nrly .-Ing llul COMlel log on• wH lnlured. lhe weelh•• ~ng .... lonfgtlt Ind ~ ~lee .. Id Thuf~. Overnight Iowa 5e 10 Tempereturea b..tore dewn 62. Morning log c:tMrtng to ltlgfl tod1y renged from 32 In Seull cloud• on Tllurtd•Y High• Ste Merte, Mich . to 91 In ThUfedey 73 lo 83. PhOenta , Arlt El1ewhere. from P oint Conception 10 the MHlc•n T eniperatures border end out 60 mlte1 ~ wtndl 10 10 20 knota I outer wetent wtttl 3 10 5 fool "' Lo ~ iu-w·-~• eo I blfled -lltld .... Wlnde Albeny 8A S3 .12 NOAA US O.Ot 01 ~t• I ~ Thur9dey ~ Alb\IQlll 69 56 fronts: Cold ~ W•m .., Occl\Jded ..-StabOnar}'•• • night Ind Ametlllo 71 •7 oure, becoming well 10 AlheYll!• 72 ,, ~ lndneplle 80 " SI Ste Merle 55 33 1 t"-1 I to 16 knot• In lhe Allenll 77 •7 venlno houri todey end Allantc Cty 6' 57 .25 Jec«1t1 MS 72 '3 Spoll!IM 65 " • Sout.,_I ~of t 10 Au1lln 83 58 JecUn"418 13 ee 10 SyrecuM 68 " lwl end 1 lo 3 loot wind w...-811111m«• 67 56 1.01 Kena City ... 42 Topel(• 63 35 too 18=1 end fnomlng 8111ing.I 62 54 Kno~ 70 60 H Tue.on " 7S 1. .. veoee 93 .. Tu Ill • 60 " with CIMrlng nett 81rmlnghm 73 '3 llltle Roe* ee ,, Weehlngtn 70 80 .13 COM1 In the afternoon• Biemer ell 73 •s loula'lllle 14 " Wtclllle 67 •2 BolM 74 49 1.36 BOiton 62 55 .12 lubbodt 7' &2 CAIJ'OIMA Brown1v11e 90 70 .23 Mempt\18 15 " Bek8f'llleld 89 69 Bulleto 6' 52 .•5 Miami 87 75 39 Blythe 102 ' MltwllUkM 56 45 Tllldl fog end Cloudlneu along Burlington 70 54 Eurek• 68 52 Ca aper 80 52 Mpi..8t.P ":: 42 FrHnO 88 59 _, wflh continued werm NMhvllle 45 mperalure1 ahould domlf'l•l• Ch•rltln SC 78 70 .10 New Ot'teane 90 59 l.enclltlf 81 55 outhern Cellfornl•'• wHlher Cllerl1ln WV 58 " .55 LOI "l:" 85 67 lclure Thur•day. eccordlng to Cherllle NC 67 5' New vonc ee 65 ,, Mery9V le 88 Nat.lone! w .. 111er ~ • Cheyenne 70 .. , NOff olk 70 ee .30 Monltrey 77 No. Ple11e fa 41 Loe AngelM htghe llfe forecNI Chlclgo 81 43 Oki• City 71 46 Needlee 103 the mld-801 wllh 94· 10 Clnclnnetl 65 •9 Oeklend 81 56 -ct.gree fHdlngt In COHl•I c .. vetand 59 40 Omen• ... 45 Peto AoblH 93 51 Clmbl• SC 75 59 25 Oflendo H 10 154 Red BluH 88 57 • from 73 lo 83 In mounteln PhHedpllle 85 57 29 eu. 85 to 90 In Owens Vell4"(. Columbul 82 •2 PhOenl• 105 81 Redwood Clly 85 56 Ille 909 In n0<1hern dM«lt end Oel·Fl W\11 74 50 Pilllbuf~h 58 49 74 Secr1men10 8A 52 om 96 10 105 In lhe low d-1 Oeyton 59 47 02 SellnH 85 se Boel«e from Po+nl Conception OenWf 78 49• Ptlend. e 119 52 04 Sen Diego 80 641 Ptlend. Ore 74 52 Ille Mextc.n bordtr c.n IKP«l OH MOlnes 62 41 Prcwfd-IO 56 15 San Frencleco 80 53 Oelroll se 43 Sent• 811fbere 78 58 hi verlebl• wind• during lhe Outulh 82 62 Releigh 18 80 51 Sent• Mllfl• 83 lght end morning hou11, El PHO 80 81 01 A4lno 77 31 Stockton 87 56 IOU1r-terty •t eight Fergo N •s Sell lelce 84 51 Thermel t03 18 1Cnot1 In Ille •fltrnoon with Sen Antonio 13 H one-to tWO•IOOI IOulhWHI Flegtleff 79 " Seeltle .. M Ulllell II& I Nortllwflt wind• -n OUl8f GrHI F•"• 77 •5 Bllflt°"" " 83 ere wtl1 renge !tom 10 10 20 Her110f'd 63 5' t3 ::,8:1.: 74 ... Big Beer 78 83 Helene 76 47 84 47 8111\op 85 40 ote wllh lhr••· lo llve·foot Sil-84 44 ~~ " 73 Cetehnl 75 58 80 58 St P·TMIPI ., 73 1.35 long hecl'I 80 80 ~ MonrOVle " H MIW!leon 78 .. SUlf llPIRT H9wPOll ._,.. 74 80 The ... tetn helf ol the n•llon OntllflO 15 55 H 1.••gued by rein. log end Pe!m 81)flnge 100 17 Sen Bemerdll'IO 88 65 IOU • tod•y Whitt cl••r lklff • * lenJ-88 57 °"" moe1 of the rMI ot iii;; • l111t1 An• 18 51 country. 1111111 Cruz 87 54 Scattered lhundtf'llonnt brok• AT::::.. .... ·-· Tllhoe Velley 77 31 I from the towet Qr111 Lak .. to Ltctltteft ':-T-.. ew Enotanct Heevy Hunltnolon 81ulf• 1•t" .. ~nder1torm ectlvlly •l•o Huntl:'ilon Pier 1·1 "· ,.., 84 Tides llnued tn Ftotlde. llrttchlng ltnt• n• AIWf Jetty 1·2 "· poor .. !M AIWl11c CO..t. 401h at. Nwpofl 1-2 fl poor .. TOOAY '°' Niiied ovtr t rMI from 22nd 81. Newport Mft, poor .. ltcond lllgll 12:0 p.m. ao pper Ohio Valley 10 t h• 8elbol WtdOt 1•2 "· ,_ .. ..... --fog In per1• a: Hollow 1•2 ft. ,_ u ltcond IOw ..,,. t"'· 1,2 _.. .. "°""~ Th •·BrOOlll 1-2 ft poor 83 l'NUMOA A-~ lnUlllh 8lf'I Ci.tnlnlt Pier 1·3" ,. .. Finl hlgll 2 38 •. "' u ~ TrllfllOer ~T-11*') t-3 "· '* .. l"lr11 IOw 8.53 e,m, u '°""' ,....... ..,. breclng Cotton'• Olnt 1·3" ""' .. lteoncl hifll U 4 pm 4.1 lecond IOW t H p I'll U or another 1>11oh ol Tr .. , ... ,.., ft. ""' .. lun M1t lod1r I I I eO p,m., ttOtlN todey alr'llller lo ,.,. Orlotr• 14 fl ""' .. OMI tflet llllMllNO lht 111te Tomorrow. H'91) Tide. 'it·34 p.m.: I.ow Tide· t :N a'" Swell ...... ~ .. t 4 ttll\. Moon,.._~ It tNe am, ueedey wt111 M•¥Y rein• and Olfectlon. Soulfl/IOulhWeet .• ....111oaopm ,..--. From Page A1 "The message Is that if we can't afford luxury, we better move out," says Ann Resor, who has lived in her apartment four years and works part-time to supplement her retirement. "Not everybody In Newport Beach is wealthy and everything In town doesn't have to be luxury. Th~re ahould be a place for the middJe-dass." Edie Hulette, a six-year Shores resident. agrees that the new owners have a right to raise the rent but she feels a one-month notice is unfajr. "There's no way you can go out, find a new apartment and move in a month. I'm not even sure I could find another apartment ln Newport that I can afford." Hulette says even if she could afford to stay. she wouldn't just out of principle. "rm not claiming a landlord should have any compassion," adds Fredrick. "but they should at least l(ive us a fair chance." Tenants report rents traditionally have been hiked annually, usually going up-$25 to $50 a crack. They say it has been just over a year since the last increase. Audry Trotter, a 10-year Shores resident who shares her apartment with a sister to save expenses, suggests the new owners put in the improvements before raislnR the rents. "We don't even know what they're going to do to make the place so luxurious. It might not even be worth the money." Tenants say they're unsure what to do or if it would help to mount a protesl. "I'm not sure there's much that can be d~ne," says Fredrick. "But sometimes these corporations don't know what they're gelling mto until they get a hold of a bunch of Americans who a.re good and angry." CUI SI.NARY DLC PR O SALE PRICED $189.99 PASTA ATTACHMENT FOR DLC MODELS •99 • 99 • CRYSTAL TRIFLE BOWL •11.88 IOI ELEGANT lNTERT AINING FREE• 18~ VALUE f~L CllSllMTSTAIUSS .. ~ STttl. TD llmt£ , ~ ~ w1th ._..._ ef ~ • • Ole"'° -.. -,... 1ew ,.1te ·cert11tcate Ofter Special L•bel OLC 7PK Box more than you expect In s hardware store CROW• EJ HARDWARE VlM' All ltONe ooen 1 a.,. CoroM del Mer HMttor vtew Cent• 3,07 &. Coe1t Hwy. ,.,4 Ian Mkwel Dr. t7S-2IOO ~ .-..Cl\ Wll~ .... 1444570 Wll_,. Tiii 1 p.m • AneMlmHHle 5820 Santa Ana Cenyon M (It lmP«tai Hwr.) ...... u McNWe T• 1 p.fft. • 111111 £1111 JllPlll llAa I fllll lllCU WlDNl:SOAV S l:f'lt Miii IC !I 1'111/ • Newport mayor to vote I on St. Andrew's • issue Despl\e calla that she abstain from votln1 on ex~nsion plans for St. Andrew's resbyterlan Church, Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heet.her says lfhe has no thought of doing that. Heather, a me mber of the church, says she has been given legal advice that clears the way for her to vote on whether the church should be allowed to Horse · center planned By ROBERT BARKER Of IM D•tr Piiot atllff A 25-acre equestrian cente1 will be ready to lodge horses ir Huntington Beach's Central Par~ by January, according to th< center's designer and president. The facility is expected tc accommodate about 150 hors~ with an eventual capacity for 400. . Eddie Milligan, who says he was a jockey in the 1940s under contract with entertainers Harry James and Betty Grable, asserts that his goal will be compatibility with surroundings. "The horse hasn't been a good neighbor in many cases because of the lack of education of its owner," he said Tuesday. "Proble:ns can start when people buy a horse for their 12 or 14-year-old daughter. They bring in 10 tons of hay and haul out five pounds of manure. "Th e areas can look dirty artd messy and have Clies and the cities can have problems." Milligan says the facility will be developed "in a country club atmosphere" of Central Park at Taylor Avenue and Goldenwest Street and will have hookups to other trails. He promises that _stalls will be cleaned twice a day, manure will be speedily removed and there will be a strict control of flies. Milligan, 51, president of Better Built Enterprises Inc. in San Dimas, says he expects the bulk of his business will be provided by townhouse and condominium owners "who have always wanted to own a horse but never had the opportunity." H e says h e has designed equestrian facilities in the City of Industry and South Pasadena. build an 85-foot aanctuary. c.'Onsldered by the City Council on when Heather wu on the cit~'• Monday nigh\. plannln~ commiulon, a o Heather says 11he hH been Retildenta of the nel~hborhood abatalne from voting on a careful not to pledge money to matt.er lnvplvtng the church. · the chun:h-. building fund and aurroundin~ lhe churo cont.end has "divorced" heraelf from St. the mayor as an ethical, If not a Gendron aa}; this seu a Andrew 's $10 million building legal, duty to step down and rcrecedent that eather ahould plan. refrain from voting. ollow The expansion project, a hotly Pete Gendron, ~resident of the But Heather , who contested issue In the city's Cliffhaven omeowner acknowledges ahe did step down CliCfhaven community, la to be association, claims that In 1974, in 1974, aaya the conf~t of I As the surf p rovides din ner m usic, Lalo u Tartarini pours wine at Kathy Mcisaac and Dave ~iller's table for two. Summer ebbs, roDlance flows By JODI CADENHEAD Of IM 01111; Net a'8ff What a little romance won't do foe.a romance. Dave Miller, 23, Costa Mesa was stuck in traffic on the Santa Ana freeway last June when he began daydreaming about dining on the beach with his girlfriend Kathy Mcisaac, 19. Laguna Niguel. Luckily_Pjgsso's in l..aguna-Beaeh djdn' think tnat a pink-clothed table for two in the sand with wine-andJa dozen red roses was such an unusual request. Miller told his 19-year-old sweetheart to dress up Tuesday night. They were going someplace special. The pre-school teacher in a long black skirt and lace blouse never guessed she'd end up on the beach, surrounded by miles of sand, the pounding surf and a few curious onlookers. "I just wanted to celebrate the last day of summer and have a nice dinner," said the Costa Mesa roofer. The sun set. The couple smiled shyly. The waiter poured another glass of chablis and returned to the kitL'hen up the hill to serve the salad, followed by sorbet, ecampi and a cart of sweet French pastries. The tab--rorclle !airy tale evening came"ta $40. Mcisaac confided that she was impressed. No . one had ever surprised her like that. "This is my first time too," Miller assured her. The couple, who met on a ski trip last spring, admit they usually do typical things like go to movies. "I like doing this kind of stuff," said the unabashed romantic suitor. "You don't See much of it." Interest law1 have changed since Heather aaya she'a hbldtn1 out that date. hope that the two aides -church City Attorney Mike Miller suys l e ad e r• and neighboring realdenta -ca n 1olve the aeveral recent a.ea ha\te altered lingering dlepute thenuelves. the law and that, In his mind, Heather has the right to vole. "I'm not ready to give up on "It'• a diffic ult d ecision. the neaotlationa," she aa1c•· "It's certainly, but I don't see any important that both al es talk legal conflict of lnterests. If she and attempt to reach a wanta to atep down as an ethical coml.romhe. If both aides 1tay matter, that's her decision." rigi , then there's no hope." Crean polishes image in·· bis own TV show By JEFF ADLER Of ett. D.., Not ateft SAN DIEGO -Re publican congreulonal candidate Johnnie R. Crean and his campaign consultant Allan Hoffenblum seemed please d after their unprecedented live half-hour television show aimed at voters In the 43rd Congressional District went off the air. The 'l'uesday n ight show, which featured Crean answering questions telephone d in by viewers, was designed to counter what Crean and image-maker Hoffenblum believe is Crean's negative image among voters. "From what I saw of it, it appears we accomplished our objective -to show another side of Johnnie Crean up close and live," Hoffenblum said. Smiling, Crean also was jubilant in the studios just after the show. "I thlnk it went great," Crean said. "It was a lot of fun.'' Crean appeared calm as he articulately answered 13 questlona, 11 of which were phoned in by viewers, during the carefully orchestrated broadcast. Questions ranged from the conduct of Crean 's prima r y campaign to the anti-handgun Initiative, Proposition 15, to abortton. About 30 questions, which were screened by HoHenblum behind the acenes, did not make their way to the candidate. Those included legalization of maiijUina iruf gay r1ghts. Hoffenblum explained, prior to air time that questions would be selected based on what h e perceived to be viewer interest. '''Fhe more pravocative, the better," he said. The half-hour show, which pre-empted Tic Tac Dough on San Diego's KFMB-TV, Channel 8, was seen between 7:30 and 8 p.m. in San Diego County and portions of south Orange County served by cable television. It was hosted by former. "Today" show anchonran Frank Biair. The s prawl ing 43rd Congrssional District includes portions of south Orange County and much of north San Diego County. Hoffe nblum sai<f cost of the production, inc1udlng promoting the show throughout the district, was $50,000. On the other hand, Crean's write-in opponenl in the general election. Ron Packard, canceled his sch eduled campaign appearances Tuesday night and paid $53 for a room in which to hold a news conference shortly after· the. broadcast concluded. "I wasn't sure whether I was seeing 'To Tell The Truth,' 'The Price Is Right,' or the 'Johnny Cash TV Special'," Packard said. The man who lost the Republican primary to Crean by 92 votes called the production a "blatant attempt by Johnnie Crean to try and buy credibility with money." He added that the cost of the show, amounting to what he said a congressional candidate earns in one year, was "almost immoral." Crean told reporters he was not surprised by the questions because he bas heard them all dunng his campaigning. "It's my · b. to know what people!s-188ltJeS1---~ are,'' he comnented. - Additionally, Hoffenblum said Crt!an had rehearsed the show. including possible questions , three times prior to airtime. Wha t the public saw was' Crean repeating the. themes he has stressed since the primary. .<See CREAN, Page At) Teachers set unity march By GLENN SCOT'f Of IM Dlllly ~ ateff Many of Irvine's teachers are expected to turn out tonight for a march t o Lakeside Middle School, site of a school board meeting, as a gesture of unity in their unresol ved c on trac t disputes. The teachers plan to meet at Venado M iddle Schoo l in Deerfield to walk about a mile to the other campus, where trustees of the Irvine Unified S chool District will meet at 7:30 p.m. The teachers will congregate according to their schools and make the march in units, each with a sign signifying their place of employment, said Dan Graham, president of the Irvine Teachers Association. -lllDEX- At Your Service Business Cavalcade Classified Comica Crol8word Death Notices Editorial En\ertalnment Food Goren on Bridge Art Hoppe Horoecope Ann Landen MoVies Mutual Funds Publlc Notices Sporta Dr. Stelnc:rohn Stock Marketa Television Thea ten Weather World Newa A4 B4-5 All E3-6 A8 A8 C4 AlO B3 Dl-.E2 All All All All B3 B4 C4-0 Cl-3 All B5 B6 83 A2 .\3 He said he expects as many as 400 teachers for the walk. The association has a membership of about 500, he added. The association is locked in negotiations with the district on issues such as salaries, class size and perhaps the trickiest of the three: Length of days in the classroom. G raham explained that the association, which is the teachers' bargaining unit, is concerned that teachers in grades four through six spend 25 mlnutes more per day in classrooms than other ieachers. He said his group wants the day ahort.ened to 275 minutes, similar to that for other teachers. A compromise worked out last year allowing those teachers to take one day out of the classroom -but not off work -for each 11 days wasn't satisfactory, he said. The trustees' position this year has bee n to have the fourth through sixth-grade teachers spend the extra time in the classrooms, with some extra program funds available for additional pay, said Delaine Richards , assistan t superintendent. In addition to support for the teachers ' five -member negotiating team, the march ls meant to call attention to the low priOf'ity-granted education in funding by the state legislature, Graham said. Conductor-arranger Pete King dies Pete King, a muak arranger, composer and conductor who orchestrated such m ovies as "South Pacific'' and "Camelot," died Tuesday at his Newport Beach home. He waa 68. Services for Kini wlll be held Saturday at 1:30 p.m . at the Church of the HiJJs at Foreat Lawn In Hollywood Hilla. Kin g waa the conductor- arranger tor Fred Aatalre, Pat Boone, Bina Croeby, Vk: Damone, Dorla Day, Dean Martin, .Frank Sinatra and Lawrence Welk. He recorded more than i~ record albuma with the Pete Kin, Chorale and the hie Klnc Orchestra and had a lengthy list of movie credlta including ''Dr. Doolittle," "Flower Drum Sona," "State Fair~· and "Bells are Ringing." . A native of Greenfield, Ohio, King began his musk: career u an arranaer on the Fred Allen Show In New York City. He was the mualcal director for Paramount PlctW"et, working on "The Godfather" and ''Day of the Locult." Kina la survived by h1a wlfe, MaryU.; c1auaht.er, i.oui. Kina: aon , Charla Dudley Kine. and • srandda"'lh*· • Sh ores ren ters, claim ing th ey h ave Newport' la t outpost of a ffordability, are protesting new luxury rents. Skip the luxury, save rents By STEVE MAR9LE °' .................. To lhe tenantll who llve there, the Shores la a alke of mkklle-dul America atuck ln upper-clua Newport "Beach. The apartment complex 11 an outpo1t of afford.bWt;y ln a land of wHlth, t.enanta auUftt. The 120-unlt complex that overlook• old Corona del Mar and the traff IC of Pacific Cout Hl1hway la old, well-worn and alll)'ltly acruffy around the ec:tc-. Tenant• N y lt'a a friend ly place where reslden\I don't quibble about dirty carpetil\8 or the lack of dlshwaahera because the rent ls reuonable. But all that'• chanllna. The Shores I.a fOlna "luxury" and ttw renta are 8041'\C up. So are the tenante' tempera. "l don't want luxut)'," Mya tenant Charl• Fredrick, an unemployed salesman who saya he's hiving enough trouble finding a job wlthoui lookina for a new apartment at the aame Ume. "Luxury la juat another way of aaytng hlaher rent and I can't affotd it." Tenanta were advtaed by the buildlna's new ownera by letter Sept. 15 that renta would be hiked effective Oct. 16. A one-bedroom, the Jetter aald, would ao from MOO to ~30 • month and a two-bedroom would lncreMe from $&00 to ~85. The new owners, the Goeden OD. ot Irvine, did not make lhtfftllelvet available to comment on the rent tncreaae or other complalnu from resldentll. Th• leuer to tenanu, thou1h. Mid th• company plana to beatn uteMlw renovadan of the property to "brina It to a level comparable with the ~a." (Sff RENTS, P11e Al) • 4 ¥0 N (~OMPO I TE 1,RA IUOUttOl"' INC"IO& fOOUOlll tMI illw ~OH llliOWl\f, 'ACIPIC1f'IW IHIOOW1 I •tMUiHt A"O .. M>IUO ., t.,_1 lfAtO AlllD illUINI t 0 0 4 u \ ~,.. 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': :!! •-;o .:~: 1o1o ~ 1• T .. o~a . ~ 1111'•~1 ' ""'",. i¥ 1' 1 • "» v1:t t " riJ :l: "' -... ,_ •. 1.10, ,•.. .. ,~ .• i3 m:· l__.,,. ... -~· ,, ::t .... ~ ,:;: ~! ~ ' ... 111.: : "' ,.. ,-.·,-~ ...... -l.M . ilU '" let'.. ~· •tt~JI~ '.,_,...,,.unt••ll> •tu , .II•, Veit,. •t••n\.: i; f u •••• 0 0 0 0 u Dow Jones Final Savings and loan becomes hank SAN DIEGO (AP) -Federal approval ol Point Loma Savings a nd Loan's conversion into a commercial bank signals the way other inlUtutions may seek more power in the changing financial market. "Thil iB the first time a savings and loan haa converted to a bank In the last 15 years," Point Lorna's president Tom Stickel said Tuesday after the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency announced approval of the &nk of Squthcrn California. 2 steel mills to close BETHLEHEM. Pa. (AP) -Bethleh em Steel Corp. says it plans to dispose of its two steel plants on the West Const in an e ffort to concentra te on modernizing its F.ast.em steel mills. Company Chairman Donald H. TrauUein said Tuesday that various options are being considered to dispose of the Los Ange les and Seattle plants, including sale or the mills. Trautlein said the nation's second-largest steelmaker will close its Los Angeles plant, which Is running at a loss, by the end of this year if it's not aold . It employs 1,100. 400 of whom are on furlough. Oil seepa'ge halt so11ght SANTA BARBARA (AP)-An e ffort to capture natural gas and oil seeping from the ocean floor has been launched -or rather, sunk -by ARCO Oil and Gas Co. The project In volves lowering two huge steel pyramids on a 220-foot-deep site about a mile and a half off the coast where golfball-aize gas and oil bubbles emerge from geological faults on the bottom of the Santa &rbara Channel. Oil company officials said the structures, which together will cover almost half an acre of ocean floor, will collect about 500,000 cubic feet of natural gas and small amounts of oil that escape from the seeps dally. The project began Tuesday. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YOAK IAPl· S. .. >. 3 p m price -twl t lW>Qt ol IN ltlleen ~I llC11w New "°'" SloO E•nhe~ tu.-., V:'~':\ r;::r"• ·:.:,,:o.,..",:~. . ,, AYCO Corp 1 • .0. • .00 21... • 'llt 19M 1,202,tOO 1~ Gelly()tl 1,W,IOO SS!t ._ .. ,._., TI. T • t,-,100 ii lo. llffOt Cp 9)),000 11'-, llt SttrsA-.. S,000 2' , '-> Clll<OtO '21,100 fl , ~. e "''°" .... .oo ,. •• T .nd-. 11l,600 lO\• • • 1 OreurtnO '2•,000 141. ._ Genin" t U,700 JI I ~mer"-'• 160,JOO JS , I Wool-fl lat,200 Jl~ , 11.t Sld()llOfl ~ • .oo J)\o •• , UPS AND DOWNS Ull'S 4 .. 0 OOW,.S NEW YORK CAP) Tho lottowu .. 11.i •llow> llw -VOf~ SloO Eni..not \loch MIO w•ttMlh 11\el lle•t tlO'W' ..., ,,.. ..-1 -Clowft lhe mo.I tie....a on i::c~ .''*""' •-OOO•Oltt\ 01 •OI...,. NO M<urll~ lredlr19 llelOw U ••• lnd-uci.o ,..., -IMt<•nC-tllenll*' ••e ire Olller.nce llet-tile P• .. tOU• <~ prlee .,., tooey·, iism ptto Nemo IA>I C~ P(I ' ; =:~;:r ~ .. ' ~,: Up ,. I J 81\uyFSL s•. -~: :{: 4 Ootllll• S'' "° Up 11 • S G•l•>IHou 111-o , ._ Up 10 • • WOOIWTll p1 :ll 1'• Vp '\ I FeclStgnl \ II\• , 11> Up 9 0 I OttEd JtO!>I JI t 1', UP tt 9 ,.,,,_, pf JI J UP t • 10 WalillH•I pf • J Up Lt II Gerl llelre< ,.,_ • lo VP t 0 11 Wy .. L-·~ • t Up 1 0 IJ Ct-to ,..,_ ,,, UP I,!> 14 FMllOGISlr U.._ • 1-.. UP 1.S U E1Cello lS!t 1 '-Up 1 J :' =,r., ~t : ·~ ~: a :: ~'t:.~vSO!>I •i.. 11• UP 11 20 OrfYf~ 11~ , 11, 8: : ~ AMERICAN LEADERS METALS NEW VORK (AP) -Spol IMlll pric. !Odey Coppet 70"'·72 cen11 • POuno, u S cietlln•t- ......, 25-29 <*'Ill e pounO DtO 40-42 _,,, • pound, Clell¥er9d Ttn U 293-4 M9111t Week ~·· 11> ~ 76-n 1*111 I pound, N 'f MttCIH'J $340 00 per fltelc N ~lelln11lft S3•0 00•$34 I 00 troy °"""· SILVER NEW YORK (API -Hendy & Herman Sll\/ef $9 140. up S0 400 GOLD QUOTATIONS 8f The AeeedetM "'- Selecltd -gold pnola !Odey S 1~00don mor"lng ll•ltlg SH 1 50 London ellernoon flatng ••43 75. up If .... 11 Atnftl>ft>( 171 • 14. Up 4 t 22 8-' • SClpl l7 • 1 Up •.I J! ~:'l1rw •r• • ~: 8P t I '17 25 ••• P.m tllarnoon ll•lnO $436 78. UC1 Sii 51 ·" '; Fratlllflln 11•1"9 1444.N . UC1 $1504 • Zwictl lilt ellemoon llxlnQ M•S &O. uci" ,. U Conl'O\ pf A '11 t Sl1 u: t! 2t ,.k-ln\I ll 10... • .. VP t 4 t? w.olworth ooJ:~s + I \t Up 6 ~ -' 119 tno 1 UnltOrll n ::~rM :r~~ .. 1 Am Mo10t• I 01 .. n '"" + Trl~nltl 10 L'tVCp M 11 OlflroHlll 11 EmpOE lllC. II 0111\G Inc U Ut1Per-• Min U 0.t•Term 16 AmAlt1n WI 1 tNn..C.O 11 YM' Sltol.r •• 0..rlllnO 111 GrlhAl'f ti I!;,. Plwlrtn t1 M'!"nLE l.A1~" ''1. oo""' u S'-1·, Oii t' ' " Oii 11 .... "' Oii l.l II h Oii 1 • ..... '• Ott , , J.. 1. Oii • j 2 lo Ott s. ' ... Ott St 141. '• Oii s. l•\11 ~. Oii s I ... .. Off ,.. 2~+ It 041 ,. J J4 ~ Oii u I .. Oii ) I ... 1, ()IJ s 0 12 "OHU ,..,.. ,,, Off so 12"· ... Oii ••• ~It 041 4 I ,..., .. Ott •• I \') .. Oil •• GOLD COINS Nl!W Y~K (AP) -p,_. lele f\IMClly OI gold COIM. ~ed wllll Moncl..,'t 11<ic. Kr111et1e1tll, ltOY 01 S•St 50, up 1112$ M•11•• Leet, 1ror 01 , 10? 1&. 11p $1160 llleJ1een 50 Peto. I 1 troy 01 , 15.)4 50, llP $1) &O All6. 100 ~•own, "°' l•OY 01 , '4» 25, 110 l!O 75 SOllrc:t DMll•Per.,. a ta 50 bid, '446 50 _.., • HeftdJ • Her••" (only deity QWOl•I II • J' . s.43 75. up • ,, 25. • , £......,., 1°"'1 d-"Y ~I S03 75, up ~ : ,,, 26 ... E~ (only a.ii~ QuOlt) l•b<"91ed : I '46S9',uci S1a 11 1 SYMBOLS 0 New yHrl'f IOw II•""' )'W'l}I "<Oil Vn•t ottten,.,. noted. r&lft OI O•Vldttleh e•• ennuel O••IMJr_.,, bntCI on ,,.. i..11 q11e•lt•ly Ot ••"''·•nnuel d1clerel1on Spooc.1at °'"'"•~or,,..,.....,, .. "°' dt"9n••eo es r~ •• "'->lttted "' '"" IOll0"""9 IOOlnot• e AltO ••Ire Of ••l•IS t>-Annuel rele plu) Slot• 01v1deno c·l•Q111d•11ng 01111oeno DK•t•eo °' pet<! 111 1><-0tnQ 12 mon1n• t·Oecl40rrt(I 0t pe<0 Iller SIOCll dlVIOIN! Ot &p111 110 I Pa.cl '"'' per, dtvldend Otl\llled CUl141'••d or no ec:tion l•hn 11 latl dMOtnO ~·.ng ~·0.Clllted ... Ptld 11111 pet .,. ~··· ..... ·-Wiii\ dt~t 111 et••et• n New ,._ •·Oecl.,ed 0t peld., P<ettdttlO '' montll1 Pfllt s1oc;i. ~ l·fletd "' SIOC' Ill Pf-•"9 12 ,,.,., ..... ••l ..... led cnn "1ll\le on H 0-.0 Cit u~toon <Miit • h 01~1 or U"'Oflls J·Ea-cllvtdencl •nd ..... In ""' ,.s .... ff\ 11111 C:ld•C1Ued wd·Wllen Ottlrtb\lled wt·Wllctn tUulO ww•Wtlll "'"'"" •w•WtlllOul wertan11 •d•t E~·Olfilt1l>ult0n PE ••llO ,,.. 0<"'9 ot • 11oct. u • ml.Ill~ ol ptMifUIH .. ,nwtQ•-o.nwtd by a1•t<1•"9 1,,. 1e1"1 12 "'°"'" ..,mno• llQ\He '"'o .. ,, Mlt pro I ;; I •I ~ ' t