HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-24 - Orange Coast PilotORANGI COAST YOUR HDllTDWN UllY PAPll FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. C ALIFORNIA 25 C~NTS \lmul u tlu1.••11 ... u,.fe·1· ... 11e·1U" llu111i111i(lo11 Be·11d1 p ie•r loo"-11th 11 11111,.:.e· of 1 lw ;) lo 7 -fool ... urf "ltippe·cl up Ii) tn1pic·11I .. 101·111 <Hi\ill off B aja c:alifurnia l'Olt"'l. Olivia to get physical with Coas t; rain due llu1 lll'.1111 Oltv1.1, ~ h11 It ll.1 .. e•ciuse•d h q.;(h WJVI'' J lld Ill'\\ flooding thr1•.tL., lo thl· Sui huh· Colon y. also 1s bringing a ti() pt·rn•1H d rnnn• of ra111 w111gltt and Satur<foy, <l('l'ord1ng to llw Nauonal Wc·atht•r S1.-rv1l·1· Thi• storm . n ·portt'f.l d1s.-.q.1.11111g off thl• e·oast o f Baj<J Cahf11n11,1. J b11 h ,., l"'t tl'd It> 1 t·du1, t 111 oru:.laught of ~1111 1g 111 p.JrL-. of th1 l'UUntv With IL., uiol brt't'71'' .111d mot~·turl'. -.;iy Air Qu.111\\ Munug1•n11 •11 t D1~tr'll'I off ll 1,.Js H 1~h 1t·1111wratun· J lo11~ 1h1· Pupil's 99th lauded By PHIL SNEIDERMAl'i 01 IM Oelly Piiot 81ett l t w as o n1' o f tho~<' r.i rl' oci::as1ons wh<'n a colltc•ge teacher conspired to mak(• sur<> on<' of h1•r students m1s.~'<I l'las.s Tc·achc•r M.irgarC'l Hu.:kf•\ .rnd some fnt·nds of s tudt>nl Lun•lla Taft kC'pt h<'r from attC'ndmg her Coasthn1c· College· arts and crarts class Thursd ay :-.ftc·rnoon so that Lun•llu wouldn't st•P tlw surpriSt• b i r t h d a y pa r l y t h (' y w C' r c• pn•panni.! Wh1•n Lun•lla f111Jlh .-11 11vt~I sh1• w a.., gn'(•tC'd by a ch.orus o f 32 you n~st<·ro; from Anna·-. 0d)' School 1n Co..,t <o Mc,.,a The chlldrt•n laun1 h <'<1 mto song~ lik1· "LN Ml· C.ill You S wc'(•thei.lrt." "Whl·n I'm fi-4 ." "You Light Up M v L1fp" ,ind "Tomorrow " :. How swc·l't 1t 1s 1· Lun·ll.i t• x c· I ;11 nw d a s s h C' ., a n g a n d c I a pp c• rl .; I n n g w 1 t h t h 1• you ngM<"r-. It was ii p;1rt1< ularlv swt•l't ocTas1on h1·c·:iu ... r Co.;..,tt1n<· Collq~1· ... 1ud1·nt Lun·lla T.ift wa.., cclc•br<1ttng h1·r ~~th b1rthdc1v Shi· I' 1·nrolh-<I 1n thl· ;1rL" ,111cl craft c11u rc;c1 and an "Exploring Mus11" t I.is.-. Both .in· taught .cl th1· H.1\ \'11 \\ l\1.11u 11 11 t111 1111·111 honw 1n Cn..,t.i M1·sa "'h1·n · Lurt·llri liv1•.., "I t'llJttV lift• a nd I 1•nJ11)' pt'11plt .ind I l1·.;r11 ~11rn1 t h1ng t·verv d.1v" 'ht· .,;iv<. ") 111 11111 t1w1 old f111 th.at ' J,nk ('h,1pp1·ll. a spokc·...,11.in for Codstlin1• s;11<l Lun·lb Taft 1~ on l' 11 f t h 1• o I d l'., t s l u d 1· 11 ts currl'nth· c•nroll1-<l m thr n1llt•g1· But 111 notl'd th.11 1·ld1•1h studc•n\<., an· n ot " novc·ltv al Coastline·. ,, Fountain V;illr·v baS<-<:I t'11llc•gr · thJt o ffc·r<. ('),,.,,..,; . ., at mcir1· th.in 100 c omrnun1tv lcx·at1nm. 10.a.,1 S.atu1d.1\ "1·\pn t1·d '"I" .1111u11d ,., l\tt·.a11 whtll' tilt ,1111111 p11-.1•d I\ I' W \\ II I I J 1' ._ l II I t ' '.J d I' 11 l ~ O ( Surb1d1· ( 'o tlrn1y 111 S1.,d l~-.wl1 H1·-.1d1·nt 1\l <.:11lg.11 I 11•p.,1 H·d totla:v th.it .. 1ght lo Ill l•••I \\.a\'1·-. .11 I..' 1>1 t".1k111g 111 ... 1ght tt! tit• t'\)1<'11-.iVt' li<lllll'°' 1'11111g-.. .11111 I l1H•k ~··••I 11 tlu-. k1 •t "' lip h 1· ..... 1d t:olg,11t ~':'>' th.1t ,1hn11t) 1 (1.,•t ot -...111d -.till st·p.11 .111 tl11 ot 1'.111 f1 11111 th1· h11nH·-.. hut 111' ''""' ft11 th1·1 1·111-..11111 Delly Piiot photo by Gery AmD<OM "Wt' h ,1rl ;i studt•nt who W•l'i 10:1," Chapp1•1l rt>t·;ilb "And wt· <· v r n h a d a w 11 rn ;r n 1 n Ii .-1 mid HO-, who ('nrollc-d 111 om · 111 our l:lp d;uw1n~ das.<;t•s Shi' told u s s he• us.'<i lo rlant'f' \\1th H11hv Kc'(·h·r Co;1..il1n1· t l,...,o;ps g1 .. 111·d par11l ul:ulv to thnS(· !'i!'i .ind old1•1 ISee 99Tll, Page A21 l.urt'lla Tafl had a happ~ '>9th hirllHla ~ a t lwr Coastlint• Coll t·~t· da ...... "he·n nur.,t·r~ .,c·hool )OUn~~;tc•r., .,urpri.,c·d h <•r with n "''rc•nacle· al a ( :0 .. 111 '\lc·"a 11ur ... ing h o m e·. ----INDEX---- Two earthquakes felt in central California area MAMMOTH LAKE (AP) Two earthqua kes. a strong one m the Mammoth Lakes region and a milder separate tre m or 150 miles to the west. JOited a broad art'a of ~'t'ntral California t<xfav Tht•r c w e re n o 1mmt•d1at<' n·porL~ ol d<1rnag1· or tnjUrt!'S The University o f Cal1forn1a ~1smograph station m Berkeley rcpo rt c·d the• quake n (•a r M ammoth Lake struck al 12.41 am and registered a magnitude· o f 5 4 on the Richter scall• A q u a k e o f that magn11udl• 1s capabl<' of considerable damag<· Th<' temblor was fe lt m at lc·ast five Cah forma counties a nd parts nf wt-stern N<'vada House:. and tr<'C'S s h ook ans1d<• YosemttP National Park. acc'Ordmg to park dtspatchc•r K ar<'n Ball Rrs1d<'nL'i 1 n d o Zt·ns o f t o wns 1 n In yo, M a<l<' ra. Tuol u mnc• M ~1 ri p(>'-1• a nd Mo nn C'ount1es rc•portt•d feel ing th e s h ock , s h eriff's depuues said Berkeley sei.smolog tsl Norman Abrahamson first re po rte on e quake at 4 5, but revised h is r <'p o r t a ft er s t u d yi ng se1smograph1c data He said hts measurements w ere thrown off by another quake wh1C'h had an. e p icenter near Hollis te r in the west The Hollister q uake. 100 mtles south of San Prancisc.'O, struck al 1.06 a .m a nd m easure d 3 8. Abrahamson satd D1spatch<>r Jim S tl·phc·ns of the Hollister poh<'l' said a larms m the station were triggered b y the quake but he had no reports of damaRe Several local residents < .tlll-<l thl' station 10 report thc·1r hou~1·s h.id shokPn HIC'k Sc·holl. deputy sheriff 1n Mammoth Lake. said hl' felt the (See EARTHQllAKE S, Page A2) Three teens seized Ill school bomb try • I lu1111ngt1111 8.'.ll'h poli1·1· hav1• arrC'stc-d thrl't' ll'l'n-agt'rs who allC'gcdl y trit'd t o plant a pow<'rful pip<' bomb nn d ~tudl'nl t·afl'tf'rta window 11-dgt• at F,d1son High S<:hool "If the drv1c'f.' had detonatl-<l, 1t would havc.• k11lC'd anything and l' v t.• r y th 1 n g w 1th 1 n a 3 0 0 to 400 foot radius:· said Huntington B<•ach pohn• L t Bruct' Young PlacC'd in Huntington &•al·h C it y Jatl o n s u s µ1 non o f possessing a dt•s trul't1v1' dt•v1c!' with tn\(•nt to m1un· wen• Jamr-s M athC'w Lugo. Aa ron Pa ul V aught and Mark Do uglas P o r tnoy. all 18 yl'ar o ld Huntington &•a<:h n-s1clenLo; Young s:ud poll ct> wrrC' a lt•rtt'<l h v a campus S<'l'Unty off1t'N who s p o I t <' d t h f' t h r (' l' a 1· t 1 n g susp1nously in thl' main quad an·a at F.d1son ill about !) ,1 m Thur.;dav ll r sa id th1· thrl'f' w r•rf' <:arrymg a 12-m eh long by 2·mch m diameter pipe bomb allegedly flllC'd with C'xplos1ve powder and i:;hrapn<'l Young said lh<' device has bC'en d1sarm<'d b y police bomb expertS Hon Kuno. dean of s upervision at Edison, said the thre<> ltt>n- agers were not C'urrently enrolled at tht• high school a nd had no leg111mate business on campus. HP said .ill thrc•<• hod ..iraduated frnrn Echson las t ve'ar Kuno pra1~rd ·vt•lC'ran Edison "4'<'untv off1c1:r Jn1• Waluhk for h<'lp1rig to avf'rt a po te ntial tra~edv "H P did a fantas tic JOb for us," Kuno said "[( 1l hadn't been for him. I don't know what would have happened " Police and school o ff1 c1als said n o motive for thl' a lleged b o mbing altt•mpt h as been dc·termmC'd ""Art-. in Mol ion" e laru·in~. mu .. ic· a nd <Wrohic·<0 S unda) a t Main Pn~t· A I . <'Hn ht• ~•·t·n Saturda ) ancl Bf•a d1 Park in l.a~tanu . Radioactive water leak shuts reactor At Yo ur S1•1vw1· /\·I ( :ardt·111ng Erma Aomtw~·k A7 I lnros..·opr Bndgr IM f1 In l< •rn11s..,1011 Cavak<tdP A? Ann L.incfrrs Cla11S1 f1<'<1 DI 8 M utual f"und' Comics R:l Puhltl' Nnltl'f'' CrO!'l..<1word B:l Sport'! Dr-ath No t1Cf-s D2 S totk Mark1•1 .. S t.an Delaplanr A? Weatht·r F.d1tonal All World Nt•ws ,-J' H:.! I\ 7 W1•1·k1•11d1·1 I\ 7 84 lt!,IU'2 Cl 7 A~> A2 A3 By STF.VE MITC llELL Oftl>e Dell'( Piiot 8tett Th 1· 11 n ;qp11 n , o ff ;q~ a 1 n 01>4•rat1m1 of th!' $1 7 rrnllton Unit 2 rl'a1·(or al San Onnfrl' Nudear c.;1•1wrating Suit111n 1s off agam this t1 m1• elm• IC> ll'aka~t· o f rad1oaet1v1• wntt•r Workl'rs al tht· powrr station d11le'ovrrrd lhf' l<'ak Wl'dnc-sday. 1'<1Jd David Rurron . n spokC'Sman for Snuthrrn l'llllfo rnrn Ecl1son C'o . ma.1111 owm•r of the• complex t h r C'" m ii 1•., sou t h n f Sa n Clrmc•ntt· ")t'., .1 prnhlc·m that frt'tlUC'ntly c;in happ<'n al a plant," Barron s;i1d, adding. "W r l'Xpt><·t this lo ht· 0<.1·.~rnng during the· startup phas<' Ediso n nf f1 c1a ls h1'g11 n gr nPT'fll111g l'll'<'tn c:1ty for the first 11mc• in 1ht• umt Monday Tht• r<"aclor was shut down lalc>r that day for routine mamte nanc<' and r<•paini. nncl <1tnrtC'd up again on TuC'sdny , Less ttian a day la~r. Echson l'mploye<>s d1scovcr1'Ci a leakage o f ra<llfH1c 11 vP watrr into a colic-cling tank from valv1><; ttt thl' 1,100-megawatt reaC'to r The.' latC'st shutdown rnuld kl't!p thC' reactor out of nc·tton for as long as two WE't'ks. the F,d1son spokesman said. He said the malfunC'llo n mt>ans the reaC'to r water wa s n o t c1n ·ulat1ng under t he prop er prN1s ure o f 220 pounds pe r !lqUarP inch Whe n operating properly, the water valves help maintain th<' proper balan<'l' of water and gas tn th<' pressurize r . The prf'ssunzer. m turn. keeps the reactor water from bolling as I\ circula tes at h igh tc.'mperatures. The water, heated by enriched uranium dio xide fuel, m oves through a heat exchanger whe~ a separate supply o f water ia heated to produce steam. Thal steam, m turn, powers a gene rato r . whic h turn• th• turbine. producing electricity. , B e f o re Wednesda y'J s hutdo wn. the r eactor waa producing at about 20 percen~ capacitv -·-------- ,,. .. "\"::-·-----~-·--·-... ' I ---, 'T~---- Or Ull\Jct l 11ut1t ( lAll Y I'll O l /f 1 rtJoy S uµturnlJur J 4 108~ Arrow 1n tht• sk y Thii-. u1rn~ual c·loud forma l ion -rt'M'mhling u ~ia 1H a1·110~ poi111i11~ llw wa)' lionu· lo t•ommutt·r~ -wa~ ~n u p1H·cl on \\'anu·r Avc·ntu· rwar Bt•at·h Boult·v<lnl in llunli 11~lo11 Bc•ac·h Tl111r~cla) a t'lc·1·11001L • Interest declared excess1ve ,., ewport -ba ·ed l c ndin ~ firn1 to a ppeal jud~c."'\; ruling ~I SAl'HAMENTO (Al'J A vw 1 11 ' l ,1 11 111 t · n t , 1 , n 1 1 ,,. 1 ... T t 11 \\ 111 lu '1'\'l'I ,el llllllllh ... hl'fltl I ' p1.wllt't• " kno w n ;is "I ltpp111g .1n\ 11111111' ..., 11tur111 d 1· ... 11111.111· ... 't'mJnc·1 • .t Sl·n 1u·s of S11u1lw111 ('all forni.1 must rc·p.1v 1·>.1 t·i. ... 'i11tt·rt>sl (•hargl·d lo an l'!-.l1m,1l<-tl <2!5,000 lUSlomt•n., !WVS lht• <,\,1lt• l ll1•pc1rl1111·n1 of (;on ... u1111•1 ~Ha11 ... •• Th(' d '' !Jd I 11111• n 1 's It' IHll l l'hurscJ;1\ .... 11d th1· Ol't"1s1011 w :1s ft:111d1•d 'ttuwn bv I .os AnR<·lt·-. 1 ·.,un1y Sup1·r1w l'rnir1 .Judg" I 'hn:-11;111 M.11 k1 ·v :\\'t ll ,1b11 llldUt t •d \',...,qu1 I lo buy L1'1-<l11 proix·r ty 111~t11.1111 t bv 1t•ll111g l1t·r thl 1n,l11 Jt111 \.\11uld 111\'t·r th1·r1 . \\ h1·11 JI d11I 11111 lh1· d1•pJ1 tm1·11l ..... ul L.1t1·1 h1•1 honw wa~ bur gt.11111·d .111d 'ht· \\ .1~ 1nfu1111\'J 'hi· \,\ "~ not l ll\/t•f 1·d th.JI O\/l'I l'.,!;>,000 A\tll lU ... llJllll'I'> ;i11• 11w lu1h ·d 111 thl· n ·o,t11u111111 onlt•1 Tlw 1ou r t ,,1 ... 11 nrd1·1t·d Avi-n 111 :.l o p tn1µ0..,111g 1•>-.1·1·,.., I 111 .1111 1 l h<irgt•s on not.111 111s1.ill111t·11 1 nmt l'Jl'I.:-II 11·f111;1111 ·1·'· 1;ik111g .r Sl'l.'UrJI V 11\l!'rl'!>\ Oil nlh1·1 ll1111g:- OWnt·d·ll\' lht· 1·u~l11m1·1 lo '>•'t·u11· th1· b.;l:111t·1· du1· 1111 " l't•l,111 1·011tr.ll't. .1nd t-r1 ·a1111g 1lw f,,J.,,. llllpl 1· ... :-11111 th.ii l t 1·d11 11' 11p1·r\\ Hbllt.olll •· n1v1·r ... tht·fl ,; Th<' dt'<.'ISl(/11 1111po:-1•:-pt n.1lth '' f.,,, a bus11H•ss p,lltl•1· 1h.•t M arkt•y had rnl1·d ll!Pg;.il ,., AVl'll spok1·s111a11 Dwk l.1·:1hv iii N1·wp111 t fil-al'h .,;11d, 'W t• d1>n't agrt·t• with th1• d1'l·1s11111 .111d m 1h1s tmll' 11 ,.., Jn\111p.1tt'<I \\ 1 10111 appt•a l .. 1" ThP dt•µartnwnl intt·rvl·rwd JI\ llil· <,Ul l by i\111l·l1,1 \',...,llUl'/ uf t .us Ang1·ll·~. who 111 I !17:.! bou~ht II· ll'h•v1s1on S('I .inJ '>l<'ll'V rru111 &d:-'i. IX·p:1rt11wnt S u 11 t· The· lhun· sold hl•t r!'l..111 inst;1l11111•11l Jl>11tr.1l l It• A \'ll1 Th• JUtlg1• 111 d1•11·d Avt 11 111 gl\ 1· \' a:-qut·/ " l ut,d 111 ~l..! ti81 :J:! An attn1nt•\ 1111 lh• dt·p.1 rtnil·11t. L<1ur;1 K ;1pk111 .... ,.,.i this l>rokL' down 111 $:i,ll011 111 p l1111t1 v t• d an1.1g 1·'· $!1 :1!1 111 gt•n1·ral da111ag1• .... $1tH IO 1111 \'t111.11111n tJf tht· Ur11 uh A1 t 1111 n ·t.111 tr;irll'. $tJ?:i Y:.! r11r \ 1111.1111111 111 tht· tru th 111 lt·nd1ng l.1w .. ind $h 000 1n µrL··Judgnwnt 11111·11 · ... 1 The· Judgt• also 11rd1•rt•<I A\1·11111 (1J,1k1 f'('S\l\Ulltlll 111 \h1 l'X\ I S' fenJmt· th<irgt·" plu-. 7 1~ l\•'1'1 1 nit rt•st to a II A \'to 1 u ... 1111111·r ' v ..... qt11·1 · .111111111·\· 1•.111111.1 '1'1·11 111.,11 Slut d1•va111 o f t ti .. W1· ... tt·111 < '1·1111·1 1111 L,1\.\ .1111~ 1'11v1:1 l:"-, -.,11d lh1 dt'l'ISlllll ''"II°' "a11 1w.1d111u-. p1.11 t1n ·~mltn• •11 111 th1 l'1111~u1111·r f111.111t1· 111du ... 11' 1111 th•· l.l'l .Ill \ t·;ir,, .. '"h11-.t· tnntr.u L-. \A.t•n 'fl1pp1•d Thi· d<•tts1nn -.,11d 1h.11 J\\10 ~1 ·n got V.1-.q111 / 111 11111111\\ ~11111·1, ,i nd 1oml11n1 lh1 111.111 .ind ,~ t l •• I I ( (I 11 I I ii t l ' II t (I , , 11 I ' ••• 11 .... 11111111 .11 •• 1.1t1 t11gh1' th.111 /1-llo\\1•d b\ I.I\\ f•H 111.1,J ,, .irtl'r ()( t IH 147:"1 'I h1 jlldg1 told 1h1· firm l<• p1 t p.1n· ,, pl.011 .11111 l111wt;1hlt· fur 111;1k1ng th1 1 .. ~11111111111 1nducling us111g 1 .1d11 • o111<1 l• h•\''""'" .111n11unt 1 1111 ·111 ... .111d p11-.t!·r ... 1n Av111 •11 1111 .., 111 t 1nd 1·1Jg1l1l1 ( USllllJll'I' Ttw d1 ·p.1rtm1·nt \.\ 1111 ti ..,.,.d rt Thi· JUdg1· l11·ld •• JUI\ 1,..__, II IJI 111 the· 1 .1:-1• 111 llllill and 1 ui. .. 1 1h,11 V t'ol l I h.1 t I h ·· pr.11 11< 1· of ; fllpp1n~" w.1-. 1ll1•g;il 111 th1•11 )wid 111H1lht•f \I f,ol ltJ dt't ltft• tht p1•11.dt \ Thi· d1·p,1rtn11•nl .1111111pll·d 111 .111f\11t1n1 • tlw 1!t-c1.11111 111 Juh With •• Ill W'> 111n(1 It'll(• liul lh1· JUd141 .11 th.ii lJllH ""'" lh1· a11nou111·t 1111•n1 \"' ,,.., pt 1·111.1tu1" l..JUSIOPtdt'.>ll• h1t;h r lniuJ+'1f"\ ~1f1av w ith Yt:HMhlt> ctoud-s l1m1qnt ;'1(J S aturf1J'( ti Y"' lr•n..t ., ,ang1ng hon~ Ult-utJt-Pr 10' Jt lhf• 'ti.eache5 lo m·d to up,H•t RO<. nland H•OhS Sa1.u1ua.,. /~ II 8:. ~ ows ron•Ohl '" thP 60\ POINT C.ONCEPllON TO 11-1£ ,MEXICAN BORDE fi AN() our b\) lLES Q.-,.-,, •• , ' • .1.t alers. bPlw~t~,, Pu1nt ( r·ncr-tct1r1,. Cl Sao N•c;ola5 1s1~ne1 not1h ... r~1 -on<ls 8 to IS knots w11n 4 IO fi Juot sea<t '' ,, ·•V" 1.1('1;\.,. Elsewhere "O"' YJtLttlh" w 1n11 trttougf\ '"'' mn,fl1f1Q h<"'(nn,,,,,~ southw~st 8 to 11 •'"'' ,,.,, fternoun ilnl1 ..-. ...... ,.,"~ II;\~ utr 1 thwest sweus. J tu c, 1Pe1 w'"' c. to 7 root h1f)i\kfi'1~ nn \t>uttl f..tc ''''I beaches lh1 nu11ri IOlldy Var;an1e cl<>ud•,..e•~ lhrou9h 1on1Qhl ..,,11 e shght ctlctf'tP o f t1qf'1t c,nuw er Ca Ii for11 iu Trvµ1t ll ~l111m C1hv1A \Wtrl1n1,1 fuW)USly ral hutf1r f'MP ~U<''*'f1C. Cf lltJ 10 \40 m(rrl 'fhH rHHlhw11H1 tnf nu9h thP P,\( rfl( 0ce8r1 !-if1"'w•nu 1.j1fi "'' "J~,s r~hfnrt'•tl ,,._ far nc111t1 H-. 'l•H 1.:.m.--r1tr u1d SAnta Hr1'td ft.A Ntt11c101H Wrarh••r SPrv1c P ~aid Oliv1A th~ 1'·1'1 ""''"' In UP n amed lh1$ f\t\tl\(ln Ht rnt-l •t<(,lf\rn Pac1hc wns r1C"wf1QratJ•liJ tC' l 1rop1c11I ~torm Ttlur1'(1ay morning lht' '"'' <1.1y ul 1,111 ! ht' ~to•m 600 m•IPS ~outhw,.,, n l '1nr1 01PQO wa' swmginq u nn H( ''om thf" nortnwe~t rtnd stnrtH•Q tf1 hntf\ ,., '' headf'<I no•th .. a•ll Th p \In' ,,... '1 •H'' p f' d lj r> 1 n 4 tO <11 an 1111 I of u1m 1n 'tnmP a , 13 a s w t ti t • ,. .., P t "' • •• ' 1 prKt0•18hOf'\ nvPt U1P C..11~11t C ru1 M 0\1'110tOS (Jnd lhP "'""PJ' olf n11nc1 SIOCktOO L~a<J fo1Pf '"''"'' Nr .. ,,h llnffmj1n ol the Eas1~rn ''" 1t1t t-iutt•ttlnt- Forer:8sl Ct'n1"' t a1d Ot1v1a bofn hve day~ .100 '" the Pac111~ oll Panama h85 <.alm11<1 It> s~ds OI 6~ mph w1tn sl1Qhtly '"Ohf'f gust~ Mor~ lhan " 00 11'0 """"~' Sf0 fM$ dPY(llOP ,.acr1 '(ft3t '" lflf' es~te 1n PAc1l1f In July en11 .Augusl th" 'lorrns h1•11d w1n1 Hotlman,.. H ICI In S••pll'mllllr nno OctobtH th&y 111nct lo t w1ng northward Sw~Jla we•• expe<:ll'Kl lo ~"' g11 oll tM SO.ilhorn Call!orn1a tOUI fhoa morning FOQ and low clOU<ll w1tte lo•ecMt ove1 (ureka w1tn A :10 P••cen1 chance of ~hower~ lf ··'· .~ lllll llUI r y A tlOWly movlrlQ 1100111 'Y~l•tn brOUghl cloud•. OCCHIOnAJ •••n •n<l coot tamper1ture1 10 much ol Penn1ytv1nl• New Yori< ann N.,.. England • Aa111 ""' 01111no t~ •"~noon • Rain r r 01 .. 0 ••• Ill 11ot1n Cf'n1rf.tt 1.1p nf"IS'(t,,,,n• l J'lO w~S' CPntr()l NPw Yor~ and llghlPr rd•n antl \Omf' too u vPred t.l w ide tPg•o'' tl(IPnO OQ ''0r1r-Pa51Yu)r(1 1ntr1 M ,1t1Hl ·'"" \OulhPastern L andda $ ( ;l t I P ' t" 0 ~ h 0 lti P ' \ 1 H 11 U1u,,oe1\I .rm'l Sf.Jre.ul '' m q a hcHHl lrCHI 1th YtPSlerr [,,p~t L .llo ... ':! ~Ill ~th ·"' t \flllth ..... ~, thr vQf I 11 1 s ,f 1n,,,.(1 tthr· , e; .... ,,~°''' rT •• nc,a'" dfH' Nf1l1f,JS ... A C1r,ucJS trill a tp""" ~nowerc; .ilso • n~erP 1 , vtH fne f lo.-1da iit+n•n"vlA -HHJ lnw c.1ouds anJ toq f·llPJ ~\I ~Y 1ruJ 1 dSCa "Pf frf')tl\ t fh~ PI ,f,( ~ tlh""'P~t 1Ptr-1C•f•1,1tvt1-•\ d'C•uno lt•f.* n(Jtnn lhutSd••J lll~,,. ,.,,, 'dnget.J ,,,,,,. !>O ,.., Pt u~L..,rQ .jn.J Ou 9..-"s Pd 10 104 :lt R1vt-1 S•O.,. Cal t a possibility r or I t.-.y tt" wf;r• wPrt-1 f{\fflt l'SI H, \ lhp fi;tt N esl • •<;flpt •rr S ,tt-f'H (a I rn•a ...,,,., <rul.,,...t'rS. lflf1 1hu,•JPrshowPf" trom ll•P '°"'" M~S")•\!t•DP' ValtP• .ntn thf'I nwttiP,,1 Ohio VallP., and G ' P '"' t t .t ~ e ~ c; c a 1 I "', e d lhur ,,.~,\t\C\NfJfS wpre lo rt-ca.,.1 Fronts. C<*1 .,. Warm .-Occluded ~ Star>onary •• ._,., .. ,,. ...,,, ,,np, .... IWO lhirtl5 ot r 1cJt1do 7·,,,,, 1u1 ra t 11 re . ., AlhAnf AlhvQuf Amar1llt1 A~h;.-.y1lh1 Atla"''' A1la111r l.ry Au,111"\ B11l1tmn•I' B1ll•"ll' 8trm1nqt1n 01~marri. BO•\P Bo\t<m Brnwr1,.,th Bullaln Bu,llnQlr••t c:.~''"' Ch~''"" St rh:u l"" W V (.hiUlll•• tll l '"'Y~''"" l hu 1QO l,tt1( tnrt,U• C IP•~•~no COmt>ta S< Columl>u\ Oa1 r1 w111 Oav1<1n °"'"•fl• l>tt111 Mrnt1A\ DelrO.I Oululh E• Puo Falfban~5 Fsroo HJ Lo Pep 66 52 7• 89 58 119 SS i,q 17 ·1 4!,, 66 S6 BS SS 6'l 47 lr, 4q lb ·~ 74 ·~ 86 48 69 ..,. 87 61 61 S2 IJ b• SS 'l7 n •5 ;5 60 66 •;> •I 46 ·o 44 i;r. 40 o~ ti •7 1.s 4q 74 ·~ fi6 48 0 1 86 55 69 47 76 '.>3 ,,, '14 69 S} OJ b'• 48 I 04 96 61 48 25 68 •!I ~ 1a9s1a11 Gre.a1 r dll~ Httr1h)r1) ;•\•JHJlulo Hih•$111I' !n'1napl1s, JdClr5t' M!:t lar.._,,,._.u,.. l<<l<H \.tly J\n(r•w'tllP I~· V1'9it~ Lllll~ rlu• ~ t OUISVillt> Lubl>ol\ I\ Mf'mpr11•., Mwm• M1Jwau .. er Mpls SIP N~sttv1llP Nt•W OtlPan~ Ne¥11i YnrJi. No•tn•> No Pl"tt" O> IA t.•tv OmAh1t O tl.}n•I· Ph1l.J1Jt-1t11ot PnQt'"'' P1tt,hu•u"' Pll~HO t..Af' Ptlallll Ort> P1nv•c1e111 •· RalP1yh R&IMI I 1ly Reno Sen ''''" S ari Anton•o Sea Ill" Sh1Pv~porl Sioux r,.11, St LOUIS SI P lamp~ St St,. Mn11r Spok11ne Syrecu&P 1n 48 ·~ 10 /I S4 IS •• 38 A~ IS 01 11n 60 M 11 !Ill 41 Ii' '1h ; ' '>7 T, H 1 r1 t 1 ~, II\ ~0 T() 4/ ii1t S8 " 48 II~ 71 hi 44 Of\ ,, ~4 II t\4' ;7 ()() t1A t10 'I ~A AO ~4 8.' .,,, If. '.I 6 • F.B h4 11 \ h.'lA "'i S •' 0 I C, ~ I l I li4 !,., 7 t .,, .• ... 7 I 4tl Iii 11 ft' ··~ ISAJ '•1 10 '•'• /0 ... , h 41.. T' ... ,n ru, 111 68 h'1 '\ If> SO ~1 ~1 ~ .......... .._.su_Rf _RIP_DR_T Burl lurf 9 .. ch Zum" Sanla Mon1u N.,..port Beach !;an Otego Counry Oullool< for Salura11y Avg MH 4 6 4 6 5 7 • 6 Lill,. Ch8'108 lurl Prd 10 10 10 10 ... ,, Avg 3 l • 3 I well Mea • • ~ ..... 11 Olr SSW )SW SSW sw IOIJ<''1 1uc~o,, luls.1 ;4 ~J 03 QQ 10 8b ~7 Wrl\h1ntJf11 "",, ~,.. W •tf\tl , lh C ALIFORNIA ALJt_1t11 V.illt11 [tahf\f<\ttPlt1 Barstnw Btlaum11111 R•ti !:lnt1r r "'"'P 81yll\~ l flllllll"I Lutvtlr t il"y r ,,, .~k11 rr0c;nn l +11\1 1t<1•'' lflMQ f\•• II h l• ·· AflO• h M1t''I"'"'''" M,,n, vi 1 M 1nh•li•·•h M '"''''''' Ml VI I '" "•·••1Jlt"•• N••w•• ti t11 I t c l11t )r t P1tn1 •I ''' J ''·•'uh r 1 r .• ~1 tf •. ul••· ft1\'f"1f '\Utt' ~ nP1I IH11ft • f "' t""""' 11( J ~ t ' ' " ~ ~'' ;n1r•f lo ', .. , .. c..."' u~'"·"'''"' C\.1n C1.lfH11'f ~.,, f)1f•Qf1 C\ UI f t,t!ll 11.111 <tan Ju11• Sa"'~ An11 San111 ll~• IJ·I• 1 5an1ft C •ul ~11ntn Mm1a <;ant" Mon•< A Tidt·s TODAY ori GO 90 68 103 71 96 63 81 42 9 1 44 101 n eo 62 'lJ 62 60 50 86 59 Qfl, '>3 4fo 64 "11 ·o B• ~l 107 'i9 ~q ftO RI, ll'IR 'ft •O l(H 101 66 ft(\ "'0 104 63 88 SS fiCl S6 so ~s 67 55 108 6J 101 61 8• 68 Ii.. ..~ '11 ST c;1; fiO !IR •,4 ti• ~· 7Q ~!> 74 6~ c;.,,01111 "'II" ~ 48 "m f:Cl<Ona IClw It 07 pm 8AfVRDAY r11 •1 11111h r. !I/ 11 m '"" •ow 10 'll " m St•,onCI IHgh • IQ r• m Sun eeta el IS • 1 p m IOdlly 11.es 81 6 43 11 m Salu1<1ay Moon 111e1 today al I 36 pm 91• 91 11 <I• p.m . . . . .. " Israel probes massacre 11111 /l(•g iu , .. t~J'use . ., ''' t>rd, .. r f<1r111;1/ i11q11i1·y .n 1(1 ~,\l.r'.M (A l'I 11111111' 1\11 111,11 I M1·11.11 111·111 B1 •,:1 11 ', l!lt\ I I lllllt Ill I 1d111~• .I \,\ 1111 I\\ lllOI 111 llllhl·lll "''' 1 ....... 1 ... '""Ill 1111 Ht" It I , ............ I,. "''' '"'" 1••1.•\ 111 ·'i'I'""'' S1q111 1111· ( 'rn111 1•1 1·-.1d1·11I \'111t..1k K .il1.1 n l11 ll\\'t''''t.::11t• 1111' hl1111dl1.11h H11l 1t ~lupptd '>li11 1l •If ·'l'l'""1t111g .. l 11n11.tl JUd111.d 1111p111 v. w h11 ti 11111111"d1a11·l v pn1v11k1·t l l1t•'>h pn1lt''h 1'1·.11 •· N11\,\ J..,. .... 1.., 1 • .,,i1111g .11111 w;11 11 11.v1·1111 •11l , "'"d 11 uq~t·d K,1h.111 111 11•1 ll'lt "" g111u111b 111 w111lld 11111 h.1v1· I h1 · p11w1·1 111 -.11llpo1·11.1 w1t 111·0,..,t·~ .11111 q111·..,t1 1111 I I It'll I 1111111 ·1 11:11 Ii ( ',1hll11'l lllllll'llt'I '> l'llH·f g111g 111>111 lh1· 111 ll'f llll'•'llllg did 11111 ..,,,\ \,\h.1t t"'"""''" 'lw p.1111 l w11uld Ill' g1vt·11 N 111 w.,,, ll k11111A11 wlwl h•·• l lw lllVl''>l1g.1lt11 '> would l'),,11111111' lhl' l'IHHl llt I Ill 1)11 g11\'1•1111111 nt ,1:-wt·ll ''" 1h1• ltrrny d111111g th•· .,1uughti·1 111 \,\ , . ..,, Be 11 ur'-. 1 .. 111g1·t· 1.1111p., nn \A.'1·d111• .... l ,1v. ll1·g111 · ... r o.d1l1•111 1111 n1·d h.11 k .111 o ppo:-111 .. 11 d 1•111.011d 111 l'.1rl1a1111·111 ftll ,Ill IJidt•jM •lldt•lll 111\'l''>tlgall!lll ,111.t Ith n ·I u~.d 111 .qJpl 11V1 · 1t11 1111 1u11 v p111v11kt·d 1tw :-l11111g1·.,1 a1111 gov1•11111w1ll p1·1111 ·:-l "111u· lw ''"'k 11fl11·1· f1v1· Vh•r~ .1g11 l' 11111111u1111 .1111•1..., M 1111 ~t•·1 1\1111 rl1·l ha1 Z1 Pl'"' I ,,11.t h1· lwlwvt·d tl11 ' l'•11 111111:-..,11111 l11•;1dt•d Trio held kidnap, extortion • Ill 1"1111 ( ( 01t'>t.t l\}1•,,1 llH'll Wl 'I I ' ·•• 1 •· ... 11·d l11d "' .. r11·1 .1111·gt·dly IJ11ld111g ,, llu111111g11111 Bc·.wh 111.111 1.q1ll\'I' v.11111· 11 v 111g to n1ll1•tl :!-:111011 1111 ti1 ... 11 ·lt·.1'l" pol1t·1· .... 11d ( )1.111g1· pol11 I' !>.lld I ht• l·p1sod1· \\ 1111 Ii ... 1.11 II d Th LI ,..,,J.1 \' I I\ ( >1.111gt· .i11d 1·11d1·d al a <..:11.,t.1 1\11·"·' .1p.orl1111 ·11l was 1111• n •MJll 111 d i11111glt•d 111:11 IJUotnJ 1ft.;il ,\r1t•,t1d Oii SU'-!Jlt'lt11l 1tf 1''"'111111 .11111 r..t .... · 1111µ1 Jsonnwnt w1·t 1· ('ht'' l\1urd11ck :W. l'l1:1rlt•" Sn111h . .!O .111cl L.1\\'1"1 ·111·1· Trt•nl, 211 Oll1lt''" -..11d th 1• 11u1d1•n1 b1•g.111 \,\ 111 11 .1 p.m of 21 Yl'ttr 11ld II u n 1 1111.~ 1•111 H ,. ,q h ml' 11 11 p111 ll'dl\ ag11'1·d to '>t·lt .1 qu;111lll\ 111 m.111Ju.111.1 tr• tlw 11111 r r 11 111 l' II ' t , 1 I\ J t ., ,1 ,1 I) d 1tndl·/\11lJ"·d 111 t )1 .1ngi• 111 m.1k1 1111' t1.011-..1cl11111 • Tl11 ll11n1111g11111 B1 .it h I"'" p11ll<• '·'' t11uk 11\11 1)1 \ ,,., P·•' 1111 111 1111 1111 di ug:-1>111 did lll•t d1 II\ I I th1 Ill.ii IJU.111.1 H1·a lr1111g lh1•' hJd h1~·11 "t'l up pe1l11 t · .... 1111 1111• 1111'11 11 11111 l'o.,t.1 l\)1 S.I lf,1l'kl•<f dO\\ll 11111 O( lbt I l11111111glo11 Bt•.11 h 11·,1dt·n~ l!'•uk h11n h11-.1J~< .11ld d1·mandrd $:1,IH)ll for hi!> -..tfl· ll'LUI n Tht· 1 (fnsum dl'ln<1111I , p11lit·1· ~1111 ",,,, 111;ul1· to tlw 111oth1•r o( 1h1· ollit 1 ll u11t11q,p11n Bc•al h """' P 11l11·1· W•lllld n11t rPl1·;ro;1· tllf'll 11.11111 ''> 01f111·1 0, 1,, 11.1 L 1 n~ .1 \1•l1 ph11111 1·.tll , 101·.il(·d th1 · h11,t,1it1 ,JI .111 .1p.11 tllll'lll ,ti l!lli l\l.1pl1· St 111 ( ·,.,1,, 1\11•0,,1 bv K.el1.111 would h.1v 1· 1h11·1· 11111ilH't'> A11d lhpUl\ 1'1 11111 M II' I ... I 1 I I >.1 \' '" I.. \ ... ... ... ti K .. ti .. 11'>-· ... 1.o111-., 11tl1 i.:• II\' .11111 11 l1j1t l1\ •.~ \ ... t1111 tld di-.1wl .di "''"'"' 11111 J-.r.wl l<.1d11 11 •1.11•1l1•tl lie.II tl11 • 1111l1111rv d1wl o f ..,t.tll, I.I C:1·11 ICq1le:ll'I fo:y 1a11 . .1g1 1·1·d 111 1lw 111v1·~11ga111111, say111g "llu• ;11 111 v le .t '> ll 11 l Ii I 11 g I 11 h Id I·,' oil Id l>l'fc·11~1· M1n1:-l1·1 Ar 11'1 Sh.i11111 .tlso agn•1•d lo llit p1 ollt' 111'1':111~1· ll W•Hlltl "d1..,111•I th1· 111·' <111d ,1 .. 11d1·1-." l11 ·1ng h11rl1·d at ls1,11·I A '>t·111 111 .11111v offh1•1 Ii.is '>llli1111llt•d hl'> ll;'>lgll.il11111 .111d lle1111 .... 111d-. 111 11lllr~1g1·d ptoll·slt·t.., h.1v1· d1·111;111d1·d n ·s1g11Jt1•111-. 1111111 l~·g111 and Sh.11 11n 111 tlw lur \ 1•111p1111g 11\'1·1 tl1t· H1·11111 1.1111" 11 i.tl h '1'111· .h•1 us.1h-111 l'o~t 1-..pm l1·d l11d.1y 1h;it lsr;wl's s1·11111r 1111111;11 " , 1111ir11.111d kn1·w th.11 Mo.,, 1111 11vel1.111s Wl'fl' lw111g killt·d 1h1· d.1\. 1 h1 · ~l;1ugh l1 ·1 lx.•g.m, .md 1111t ,, 1hov l.111·1 a s Sharon di.Jllllt'tl M1·a11wh1h., a v;_,ngu~ird of :1~111 l'1••11t h ll'llOf.11.'I '> Jf'1 l\'1·d Ill 1~·11 UI t11do1\ .... , ..... , l11 ·,1d111g 1t11· 11· 1·1111\ .,r 1\llll'l ll'Jll, t-'1 l'lll'h a11d l1:.J1;111 1w.111 ·k1 •1 pt I s Ill o,h11·ld Wl'al \' I I'.., I ti I II l ~ I I II Ill f ll I I It I ' I l1itH II f ... twd H1·l 11·I w11rk1·r~ ll'p11rtl'tl d1:-1.·11v1·nng Iii l~1d11 ·.., tod,1v 111 ,, 111.1ss g1 av1• 11i-.1<l1· .1 'P••f'l.., i.t~1t11u111 111·111 Iii• l 'l1Jllllu 11·1111<1·1· 1.1111p 111 lll j(lllj( lh1· 1111111111·1 111 li11d 11·' 11·111v1·11•d lo i I I ' '!'hi' p1 e I"'' l oll rr 11 111 lht• 111+1'>S<1ttt• 111.iv 11• v1•1 IM• k11uw11 S1111w d1µlu111uu. .111J 1m·ml.it.·1 i. of l)11• l'l'l'W'> l h :it I Olld ltt•tt'lf I Ill' hl'.1t d1 for l11Mfll'~ liavt.' 1'1'1t1 rn.Jlt•d 1lw 111tl w11" lw ·tw 1·1·11 :iw1 and 1, ()()() "T l11·v ( l111d H•s) hav1• b1•t•n 1 l1111w11 i11to h•1lt•!> .111u bulld11n·d ov1·1 by lh1· kill<·n ... o it 's 1111p11-.s1hl1· 111 hav t· a 11umlJ1•1 ," I 111" 111.11 1111 i;el H t•d C r•1si. "J>11k1·s111Jt1 .h·un .hil'4ut•s K urz '>.llCI ThurM.l;.iv "'l'hl·n· will rwvN 1,.." I 1gu11· c'>111· ha~ to gut·'-'" 1.1 b.1111·"· .,1,,11 ,111d pnv.1ll· 1 ,, ti "' •.t J 11 1111 ' s a 1 J n l' w I y 1 11 .., t .i I I " d P 1 t' l> 1 d l· n l A m 1 n li1•111.1v t·I luuk IJl'""'"'''I t'harg1· u f t tw pt"~•u·k1·1·1"ng rorn·s T lw 1.1d1t " '-•Id (;t·111.1yt•l 'iUtnnltlOl'd lltt· us r 'r1-11d1 <ind lt.til<ll'I .1111h.1s~.1d11t '> .111d tht·ir md11arv ;11dt·-. .111d 11.Cor 11\l'd 1h1·1n · Mt ,111whil1 I ,1·h.n wst· Pr 111w 1\11111 ~1 1·1 S lt.il1k W az1a11, ;i M 11., I 1· 111 'u 11 rn 1 1 t t· d 1 ht· n ·..,1g11.1111111s 11f 111~ :~:1-month 11ld g11vl·r111111•111 l11 C :o·tnay1·I Tht• s 1:1t1· r.icl111 -..11d c:1·inavl'I a"ki·d W a1.1A111 lo rt•111:1111 1ir111t'a C;.1111111"1 ,., r11rn11·d 99th BIRTHJ)A Y • • • From Page A 1 .111 11111•11•d th111ugh 1111 · n>llt•gt·"' E11w11lus ln-.trlult• Al'l'Ct1th11g l•• ('ha pp1·l I. aliou t 7 .IHlll ..,t·n 11 •I.., ,tlll'IHI 1h1 •s 1· C1JJ'tl1n1 · 111u1 .... .., 1·.1d1 )1'<11 Jt hi<:<.tl11111~ :-.uth cl.'> th1· OASIS l'l'nll'r 1n N1·wport B1•,1t·h , lhl' L1•1s ufl• W orld l'lubhousl' 1n Se<tl Bt·<.1<:h and 11t h 1·1 drt'o Sl'rHOr t·t·n lt·ri. Marg<1rc:t H 1t·kcy. who wadw:- llw .11 h .111d 1'1';1ll!> t·11ur"''j 1l B;i\ \ 1• " l\l.11l11r. s;11d Lu11·IJ.1 l';d l '' ,, g••11I -.1ud t·n1 "Shi· t·1111ws ev1•ry wr·t·k, s h1 · 1•11111pl1·t• :-. hC'r project <1nd -.lw 1·11111;.-:-11," tlw insltudor S<•Y" "Shl'0S a btt or a JX'rfL'l'tt0n1s t ~h·· puts a littk· ext ra loUt'h 1111 1•\'NYI hing sl)<' ma kt~" Lun·lla s a ys th(• l'lao;s l~ u11 1·nJt1V;1blP d 1vc·rswn "M v mother was an arl1s t.'' s h1· ..,.,.,.., "I h,1\'t· " huh· 1111 ul 11 111 ml' hut I d1111' 1 1 ·>.1 d ._._.., ... ht· J 111 ' Tiil' (·hll!111•11 's t h11ru<; at he T IJ111hdJ\ p .11 1:--1t111k ht·r biilk t11 th1· d.1v-. '-' hl'll ~lw :..mg \\'hill· a .. 1u1h·11t .Jl Nu1 th Dt·nVt·t ll1gh St hcMll 111 Col11radu She· abo wa!> o11·11 v1· tn l hurt h 1 hrnrs "Wlwn I h1"rr mus11 , I t.111'1 k1·1·p my lug 111uuth :.hut," -,ht' ........... '111·r hu:-liand WU!> <i f o ur th l t1Us111 t o Prt•s1<i1·nl W1lil.1111 l11Jw,11d Taft Sht has two sons M .1rv 1n . an at·t·11unt 11nt wh11 11·"1d1·s in L <.1guna Bt·a <:h . a n d J114· w h o lrav1·l1-d from M iami lu all1•nd thl· 9!Jth birthday J.><11'1:> "Wht·n I l'llll~ldt·r rnv Vt•ars. I l1gun · I 'm s truggling° al11ng pn•lly good ." Lurt·lla say.. I g1v1· th<mks 1·\'l·rv rla~ .. EARTHQUAKES. • • From Page A 1 -.tr11t1gl'f' quake· about r1v1· "t" 1111d... bu l r e n ·1vl'd n ·p1Jrh lrom ulht•r s ht•nrr orr 1c·1ab In nt'i1rl1\ 1 uuntrcs that thl' tcmblot \\ ,..., ft.It ftJr up lo 12 SC'\'onds Sch111l s:ud ht· alsu fC'("('lVlod a 1 .di lrnm a fnt·nd m T1mopah 1•\ s.iy111g hP felt thl· quakt t tu rt• Abrahamson s aid th« 1w11 tf u <i kt•:. w c r c> · ·s t• pa r a t 1• on·urrl'nt.:cs" but both w 1•n · probably part o r the· samC' sysle'm 1ha t pro d u <:ed a se r1 C's of t1·mhl11rs sc'veral w('(•ks ago Thc> U S . Geological Surv1·y Na11011;.il Earthqua kt• Cc•ntt·r in (;11ld1·n , Colo .. m easurt,d tht· •1u.ok< in thC' Mammoth Lak«s 11 ·g10 11 .11 5 I magnitud e' on lht• H it h11·1 "'.ol1· :J nd said rl \,\.is follow1-ti I.iv d ~·nc--. o f at lt•asl ~1x .1rt1•r-.h11\ k:-r l'g1slC'nng :ill o r '>mJll<·r Ill magnitucl<-During tht' Jrtt·r-.hock St'rtt-:.. the C't'nlt·r S<11d. tht• o;c•tond <·ar t h4uakc-nt·ar I lollrsl<'r strul'k Th c· t t· n t "r 1 n U 11 I d l' n nwasun-<I th1· I lo lilsl1.•1 4uak1· J l :1 !J mag1111ud1• H 1 u 1 1· I' 1 1 ... g r .1 \ • .1 Kl'liphys11·1s t ill tlw t't·nt<•r . ~ud notll'<'S uf earth4uakl' ;i nd vokantl' haz.;.1rrls arc· in c-frK·t fur tht· Mammo t h L ;ikt'S arC'a Thi· c•arth4uak<' n11t1l't' was 1:-~ut•d ~1rtt·r 4u~1kc· <•t'tlvlly l.x•gan in lht• :.n•<t tn M av l!H!O With a St.'l'lt'S o r tn•mors 1n 1h1• ti 0 magn1tudP fd ll~(· l ~-.. 4!1ri.Jl·~~lMi/':~Q.r: . J\r.JO..~ .. ~.Jl~~LV\ .. ,.·~Q/:'\&.n· . . , <:~~.~~1Y,):'1,A_:):.:,h~'t>'~~~·~)i.:.\.,:..J.Vt~~·r.:Q_; . . ' ... · . . I . , ~ A M L I N G ' s I -.~ ~ N N dG d C :j ~ ~. ewport ursery an ar en enter r:: ... .,, ~ ~ ~ EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: REGULAR PRICES REDUCED STOREWIDE PRICE ROLL-BACK ON NURSERY STOCKI PRICE CODE WHITE Jun1µf'". llyb1\111\. la\minp Pit YELLOW Rn11~:·•" 11 1~.1' ( 11•1•111n~ I 11 v ...... 1•11 BLUE I ~r 11 ( ~m~lh,\\ 1•11 SIZE 1 GALLON 5 GALLON • 1 GALLON 5 GALLON 5 GALLON OLD PRICE 3.95 13.95 4.50 15.95 16.95 -REDUCED EVEN MORE - ALL 5 GAL'..ON CITRUS ........................................ were 18.95 ALL 5 GALLON FERNS ......................................... were 16.95 NEW PRICE 3.50 12.95 3.95 14.95 15.95 NOW 14.95 NOW 14.95 NOW 14.95 ALL 5 GALLON EUGENIAS ................................... were 16.95 ALL 5 GALLON TREE ROSES ............................. were 24.95 NOW 14.95 ALL 5 GALLON ROSES ............................................... NOW 6.49 50°/o OFF FREE DELIVERY • PERSONAL CHARGES . : . ),.. .Q, i 1500 east coast hwy • nawport beach ~ .' ~,C.Mff~ ~ ~ 644-9510 a ~ l PAc1 F/<: co-'S'T" H l ~ OPEN. MON-SAT 8:30-5.30; SUN 9·5 30 J W y • . ~~Qro».~~~~G'i~·· . •, 1 NATION Cuomo tops Koch N~W YOHK (AP) Nl•W York C11 y Muyor Edwiard Koch gut u stunning answi'1 to h111 t1·udt•m1.rk qul•H llu1\, "How'm I doing?" a:; votl·rb deult him hts bil!U(l'lll poht1nll loas. nominating Lt Go v M a r)'P C u o m o us t h t' Democrallt' ca n didate for governor. ln November, Cuomo will face m1lllonaire busincssmun Lewis Lehrman, who won an easy victory Thursday ovl•r former US Attorney Paul l'urrun 111 tht• Ht·publll'll ll prinuiry Lt•hrn11111 :ipt•nl $7 n111lwn 011 ht1> t·arnp~n 111ort• thun holf o>f 1t his uw11 l'Ompu1 cd with C'11rrun'11 $350,000 Dcmut.Tallt' votcr11 also ~ave U .S S t·n. Oa1111·l Putrit-k Moyn1hun u hul!Ct' pnmury v I(.' l u ,. y () v l' f p 0 11 t I l' IJ I unknown Melv111 KlC'nctsky Thl' Ii bt-ral im:umben l w1 11 face a cons~rvullve ;inti a bort1on t·and1da ll' 1 n t ht• general elc:'\:t1on School prayer bid dead WAS HI NGTON (AP) The New R1 ght's sol·1al agenda 1s dead tor 1982. but Sen. Jesse Helms says he will be ba rk again n ext year trying to enal·t ant1-abort1on , school prayer and ant1 -bus1ng legislation The Senau· kllh.•d Hl•lms' school prayer mt•asurt' Thursday. thus ending tht· SO('lal ISSUt•s <le b;i t<· for till' 97th Congres.'\ Senators vvtL•d 79-lti to strip the prayt·r amendmL•nt from leg1sla 110 n 111<.'l'Pa:.rng the federal drbt l'e1ling Th<' dt•bt bill was tht•n approvt·d 50-41 . g1vmg the gov1•rnmc•nt authority Ill borrow t•nuugh money tu pay 1 u,; bd I~ Take over pact reached NEW YORK (AP> A pendmg peact• agr(•cmcnt in a bitter corporalt' takeovt>r war could save> Martm Maril'lla Corp. from being swallow1. .. d by Bendix Corp. and also put Bendix under thc control of giant Allwd Corp .. 1t was reported today Executives of the three companies. their investment bankers and lawyers workt>d into t he night Thursday to c l ose the deal . whic h STATE apparently W•Juld s wap Marietta-ownl·d &nd1x stoc.'k to All1L•d 1n rt·lurn for BL•ndix's MarH•tt<i s lul·k , ac·cord1ng tu un1d1•11t1f11•d sour('('s quoted today by tht• New York T1ml's and th<· Washington Post Bendix st<1rtt•d the fight last month whl'n 1t launl'hl'd a SI 5 b1ll1on t.akc.'Owr bid for Manc·tta, which n ·tal1<itl·d with its own $1.5 b1ll111n offl·r for Bendix Corona facing life HAYWARD (AP) Juan Corona. found guilty for the second lime 1n nine years of murdering 25 migrant farm wo rkers. again fan•s the prospect of a lifM1me behind bars. He'll be sentcnC'ed Oct. 21. Corona's lawyer. Ten~nce Hallman , said outs1dt• the courtroom Thursday he was critical of th<-' 1ury and would ask for a third trial Judge Richard Patton said he· w1Juld consider the new trial n:qut·~t a t the lime of St-ntl·rwing In t heir 10th day o f deliberations. at thC' windup of a $5 million trial lh<1 t started Feb. 22. the Jury of seven men and five women unanimously det•1ded that Corona 1n 1971 hacked , stabbed and shot his victims and buned them m shallow graves along th(' Feathc>r River Driving bills signed SACRAMENTO (AP ) - Spurred by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. Gov Edmund Brown Jr has signed five more bills "to dose the loopholes and set the record straight on drunk drivers - we don't want them " Brown announc.•ed the WORLD s ignings Thursday. the• day a fter MADD honorc·d him and the• s tate legisl<1tors who last year. in the words of MADD founder Candv Lightner, "put some of the toughest drunk-driver laws 1n the nation into action " Sarah Churchill dies LONDON (AP) Sarah Churc·hsll, thC' flamboyant actress daughter o f Sir Wins to n Churchill who described herself as the "lamb who strayed from the fold." died today after a long 1llnt'SS. h<.'r familv said She was Iii Her brother-111 -law Lord Soames said shl' died 1n her sleep during the early hours at her Londo n h ome ll r declined to SpE.'{·1fy th<' natun• of her Illness. Bomb suspect s urrenders MANILA. Ph1lippint>s (AP) -A third man being hunted in connecuon with a minor incendiary bomb explosion at the Manda Hilton Hotel last w eek has surrt'ndcre d to authorities. police said. Howcv<.'r . they refu!'cd l<i disclose furtht'r details o f their inv<>Sug:Hlon Earlier. oolit'f• f ilcd l'harl.!l'S of illegal possession of 1ncend1ary devll'l'S agains t former U.S Army Technu:al Sgt. Elvin L aur-t•I and h1i. F 1 11 p 1 n o u n c· I e· . S a n t o !'.> Ab<.'llanosa . both of whom were arrl'stt>d after the Sept. 19 lnc1cien t oil g s, CBS OK TV pact l'11111111u11kulltH\s ~lunt CBS lnt anti 1tw ( 'ou~t Cornmn1111ty ('ollt·.i•• 1>1 :itr11·1 hOVI! 1'1gnl'd u $'.l -I 11llll111n ugret•ml'lll to µ r .. d u c l' o 11 d m a r k l' t f 1 v l' tt•h•v1s1un t'cJurscs targeted fol' l' 0 11 t• g l's u II c.t u n Iv l' r 8 i l l l' II nl1l11rnw1d1• us wt•ll as (•able tc-lev1s1on companies and v1deotapt• distnblllors. Hepresentutives from th<.• local l·ull('ge d1str1ct and CBS hatlt>d the contract Wl'dnesday as a landmark agreement linkl'd to thl• rev o luti on 1n video tt'chnology and the gro wing market for adult e<.lucauon The pac·t c·omes at a Limt· when Coast d1s1nct aun11111strators arc cmbro1lcd in a dispute with :.ornl! faculty m(•mbers over the quality of tt'lcv1s1on courses Thl' district includes Orange Coast Colll•ge 1n Costa Mesa. Golden West College in Huntlhgton Bcal'h and Coastline College, which offers classes at numerous locations The district alsu owns KOCF. C hannel 50, lm:att-d 011 the Golden Wt•s t campus. The t.listnct is described as the nation's leading producl•r of te lev1s1on courses. Thest• havl' been used by m or(' than 900 mll<'ges and univcrs1t1es Undl•r the agreement, CBS 1s 1nvest1ng $2.4 million to covl·r the costs of produdng the five tC'lc·courses The district will prov1d(• personnel to design, produl'l' (at KOCE) and h e lp market t ht• l'ourses Thl· l·vurses to be produced und1.:r the CBS agrc·ement are anthro pology. photography, cook,ing, microcomputers and marketing. Ac't'ompanymg texts and study gu1dC's w1ll .Jx? printed by CBS Educ·at1onal and Professional Publishing The t·ourses are to be c· tJ m p I c t e d a.n d r e a d y f o r markNmg by September 198-1. a<'cordmg to CBS and the district. Coast a nd CBS will shar e t'qually in revenues derived from markl•tmg the courses to colleges and universities. CBS will derive a hight·r percentage from sales 1nvolv1n g cable l'Ompanies, sC'condar y school placement, v1dro cassettes and video discs "We'll both make money." Coast district Chancellor Norman Wat.son said He t'Ontended that the district has never lost money on an y tcle<.'OUl"SC' produced Ray Ashton, vice pres ident and cd1tor-m -ch1ef of CBS' College Publishing d1v1s1on . said populauon s tud1l'S 1nd1t·att• the trad1t1onal mllege agl' group. 18 to 25, will decrC'ast• by 15 JX•m.>nt by 1990. while the number of adults ovrr 35 will int-rt•ase by 40 percent during the period He s~ud this older <igc group 1s demonstrutmg a strong <ippctite for continuing C'ducauon "Peopk• art• getting mut h mnre serious about spc·nding soml' of their lt-1surt· tlml' 111 IN11 n1ng." he said Ashton said fal'ulty oh~'(·tions to tt>lt·v1s1on l'll Ur~l·~ have 1x.'l·urrt'fl l'l!'.>l'wherc• 1n tlw United St.ates and said he 1s not worried about review-; of Coast telt•v1s1on rourS4.:s "I happ<·n to think thl· Coast d1strll'I IS Olll' of the best Ill tht• coun tr y Cr u m dt's1gn t o markt•ting of tl'lt•cnurM'"" ht• said Phillis &.~lit'. 1.m•s1dt·11t of the AmC'rn:an F<•dt•rallon of Tl'achers chaptt•r rl'prt·sc•nting full-lime C0<1st district mstrUl'tors. said thl' group has no SfX't'lf1<· obJC'<'llons to thC> CBS l'Ontract Rlll :-;h(· said some Coast u•:.cht•n; rc•mam l'Onl·crnl·d about tht• d1str1rl's d1vcrs 1on of atte•ntwn tu natumw1dl· television <·our'\<' produttwn while cutbacks l'Ontinuf' in dassroom 1nstru<·t1on. We're Listening ••• Monor; r ' •Oo " vov f1o t\04 "•"'• Yo\11 oapittr n., ~ )() o"' c.;u (;flfv'" I 0 m •nd ~' CUC1't ...,u b~ <t•hVfl"fed 5-vt"d•• ano ';unaa1 tf pOu ,..,-,. :-;-,er:'~ c:,e,~ "~'~' ~"~.,~-"r:.; def•vet.O What du .\OU llkt• ahout th<' Daily Pilot '' What don t you llke" Call lht• numbt•r bC'IOIA und your mess:ig(' 14 111 be r<'corded, lr <in~cnb<:'d and dc•ll\'Nt'd lo lhC' appropnatt> l'd1tor Th<· samP 24 hour :ins1Aenng SC'rVIC't' may he UM.•d tu rt'rurd let ter.; to th<-' C'd1tor on any top1r Mailbox contributor!> must in clude' their n:lmt> and telephone numbt>r rnr vcrif1 C'&t1on :'Ito r tr<'ulat1on r;ills. plt•ase TPll U!> what ., on your m1nc1 642·6086 ORANGE COAST Cl•nlfled edvertl1lng 7141142·5'71 All other dep111ment1142-4321 Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Po(~•'"'~' •lnd (h,,.t £.1ec"''"f' Oi•1uH Jane Amari [ ••Cuh•e Edrle>< l. Kay Schultz Vice Pre1oden1 nnd Dote<•Ot of 1'd•ethl1n11 Mkho.t '· Harvey Ow 9CfOt ol Mor• el"'Q !Cwtlliofiont Thoma1 A. Murphlne £c11rcu Raymond Maclean (' O<lt•nlifll Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. 0-.ec•,,. ol Oi>e<otl(ltlt MAIN OFFICE JJ0 WUI II• SI (°'I• AM .. CA M•tl •O<t••U Bo• 1'60. (°'I• M• .. (A .. ,.,. COPy•IOl'tl "'' o....,.. CO..e P11bll•hl"11 C:-ny No n•w' ''0''-'' lllu,tr•UOtu •dltotl•l matt•r ot •f · n rlh•mffll\ ,,.,.,,. m•y .,. ••P•0411(f'O wit...,... l1M<l•I PflMl .. lon ol <OOY•IOlll ow .... l "° 0•-Co•l\I D•llY Piiot, wllll wllltll I\ c- lllMd ""' -'""'"'· ,, Publltf!M by.,.°'-Cont PUllll•hl"ll c--· S.Hr•t• -·-••• P<Jbll'"" Mencl•• tllrovt111 f'•lday tor C•I• ~w. H••POfl JtKll,!1UllOlltllln hacll, '-ttill Yelley, , ....... I.~ •HCll, ""'"'Cool A .. .,...,........ •11111e11 h -1-'"'",..•n •I'll ~ f'lw prl"'IP<ll pUbCl•lllftt Pl•nl It el J)O WHt l•y St..i, '0 ... IMO. c .... ~ ... Celllort1I• .,.,. VOL. 75, NO. 217 Orange Co11t DAIL V PILOT /Ftlday, 8•ptember 24, 1112 course S urfer mane uvers a ro und m e ta l structure about I 00 yards oft II untington Beach shore line. Di ver s a re using the structure a s a platform as they attempt to re pa ir a leaking water line leading lo plutform Emmy, an offshore drilling rig owned by Aminoil USA. '2nd Newport Center' Critics assail Banning Ranch proposal By STEVE MARBLE 01 Ille D•llr Piiot al•" Cntll-s or the Banning Rant'h development in Newport Beach have chargc.-d that the project is only a first step toward building another Newport Cent.er. Mike Johnson. a west Newport resident a nd foe of the Banning plan that com(>S 1:>4..•forc city voters Nov 2. said this fact and o thers havl.' been dt•liberatcly hidden from local residents. He l·harg<-'d voters hav1.• not been informed o f w h a t the Banning d<.'velopment will bring to the west s1d l• of NC>wport Beach. Th<' development would cover a 75-at'rt' wedgt· of thl' 500-acre Banning Ranch The· rt•maining -12 5 al're!> arc adJ<JCl'nt to but outs1dl' city hm1ts and presently. dottl'd with oi l wdls Nt·wport Cenler 1s the.· largest shopping and professi o nal complex 111 Newport Beach. Ham'Ol·k Banning. ownt'r of the 0<.'t'anvww ranch. rci.ponded that dt•vdopment of lhC' remaining 425 acre!'.> is 20 Yl'i:lrS off Ht' said 1t would be "proposwrous" for him lo begin planning that land at 1h1s point "If that's what thl'y'd Ilk<' me to do," Banning said t;f his cnuc.-s. "I think it's a pretty damned 11 n·~pc:ms1bl(' thing to ask " Hft would be foolish to pend half a million do llars developing a plan for that land . . " Banning denied that he is planning a second Newport Center and said it wiU be years be f o r e his firm can even de termine how the re maining 425 acres should be used. "It would be foolish to spend half a million do!Jars developing a plan for tha t land when you'd have to redo the entire thing in 20 years," Banning said. Richard Nichols, an opponent of the Banning project, suggested that the remaining ranch land should be annexed by Ne wport at'ld tha t residents should be shown a master plan for the ·entire spread. The acr eage stretches from the San ta Ana River to a p oint near H oag Memor1a1 H06pital. Nichols charged that Banning 1s taking a "piecemeal" approach to developing his land. "That's certainly not t rue," retorted Banning. whose family has owned the property three generations and once used it for ra1Sing sheep. "This is the singl e m ost comprehensive plan ever put together for we5t Newport. It lS not piecemeal -not by a long stretch," Banning said of his 75-acre project. He charged that critlcs have tried to mislead voters by raisins issues he claims are "straw men." Banning said he ca n "only laugh" at the suggestion that developers in Newport Beach get favorable treatment from the City Council. "If anything." he said, "it ia just the other way around." J e an W att, ano th e r o f Banning's opponents, said a majority of the council liv~ by a "double standard" which favon deve lopers and ignores traffic and other impacts developments will have on residenta. Watt said council memben "sh ove the real a nd fu<ure impacts (of a dc:velopment) under the rug." Newport Mayo r Jackie Heath e r , a s upporter of Banning) project, ~d lhe ha heard "this double atandard talk before" and takes exception to it. "There is no double atandard,'' she responded. "F.ach project thaJ comes before us is judged equally a nd is judged on its· merits. Period." The fate of Banning'• 75-acre project, approved by the council last spring, will be decided by cit y voters. • 1n crash lawsuit Bar to pay A former Orangl' Coast College !>IUdPnt from Costu Mesa - ~l'rtou<>l y lnJUrC'd in a traff1l' ac'('ldl'nt 1n 1978 has won a $I 88 millum JUdgml•nt again!>t cin Am1h1'1m bar wh1<·h sc•rvt•d dnnks tu th<-' dnvt'r of the n 1r whwh strul'k her hll'Vlk Thl• verdll·t ·1n favor o f 27 \'l'Clr-uld M1l·hc·lll• Dally wa.' n·a~·hl.'d WcdnC'sday in Orangt• County SupN1or Court JudgC' Lc·onard Goldslein·:. <.ourtroom a ftc>r a day of dehbc:rut1ons Though it was substantially l<'SS than the $3.5 million which Dalley sought . her attorney said the award was a "reasonable amount." Th<.' jury. a fter hearing five weeks of testimony, detennined that Kano's Res taurant a nd L o unge 1n Anaheim was negligent for serving drinks to Richard Morris. the driver of the vehicle which struck Daily's bicycle from behind Sept. 15, 1978. The accident occurred at about 2 a .m . as Dail y was ridinJ home from her job at the South Coast Plaza Hotel. She suffered seriou s leg injuries which her attorney, Charles O'Reilly, said would still require costly medical treatment in coming yean. O'Reilly also said that his client's prospect s of findina employment w e r e damaged because the leg injuries, thouati treated through corrective surgery. led to curvature.,_,.,"'-'~'---J.: spine . DON'T MISS THE SALE EVENT OF THE SEASON ALDEN'S ANNUAL STOREWIDE FALL SALEHI OCTOBER 1-24 During our Annual Fall Sale Event many o f the nation's leading carpet manufacturers will be offering special sale prices. Quality mills such as Lee's, Bigelow, Evans-Black, M asla nd , Gullstan , Alexander-Smith, and many others will be featured . ALSO FEATURED WILL BE: * Special savings on selected vinyl floors by Arm strong, Congoleum. Mannington. and Tarkett. * Discounts on selected hardwood floors by Bruce, Sykes and Anderson * Savings on cera mic tile by DEL PISO LEVELOR RIVIERA BLINDS 40°/o OFFll 1 (2-3 week delivery) ALL FABRICS 20% OFFll CALL 648-4838 Today and we will premeasure your rooms and wtndowa In advance of the sale. When you come In we will be able to give you the ex.c:t -... price. You are under no obligation; there Is no charge for this servtce. . DEN'S ~;·rp;·t i · : iiiSiillitiaii: ·custom dr1p1ri11 i I. I 1663 PLACENTIA AVE. • COSTA IEA. CA 92627 • PHONE ua.•- 646-4131-MI- ·I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Pride~. 8 ptember 2'4, 1aaa What landlor d must do when h e sells the prope rty DEAR PAT: What It tbe procedure a ludlord 1hould follow wbeo be decldea lo sell property occupied by tenaott? How much notice It required, and bow mucb time 1bould tbe tenant bave to vacate after tbe propert y la sold? Inform him t•r twr 11( h1ic 111u•11l to t.4'11 Noth.'l• tu muvt• tah1•1 tlw 11<1lt• ul!tO ahould bt• wrltt1•n with tlw mov1.-out duw nott•d. A11u1n, lhl· movt•·uut not1et• a.hould wincldl• wnh tlw l11111• b(.'tW('Cn rl•nt puymcnui Jn a lt:uitt• rt•nt.ul urrnngt•mt•nt. lhl' tt•nunl probubly will 11ot Kow tu v111:~l(• thl· prcmuic11 until tlw term of his or h1•r INt!K• lm.11 cxpirt-d. A wrlllt!n mtent-lo•soll notlcf' should bt> provldt.-d to the wnant und the saml' 24·hour notll't' tx•fort• shc>wlng th<' propt.•rty uppllc11. f'or mot'<' 11pt'Ciflc tnformutwn. t•onwct the Orangf' County fo'ail' Housing Cour\cU at 835·0160. P.H., Huotlngton Beach The answers t.o your questions dC'p<'nd on the type of renuil agrt-crnent the landlord has with the tenant. lf an oral rental ugr~ment was made, the landlord must tell the tenant of hi.s plans to sell and ask C.'oopcrulion when the property is being shown to prospective buyers. At least 24 hours nollct' should be given to the tenant before the properly 1s shown no matter what type of rent.al arran.itcmcnt 1s in l'fft.'(.'l If the properly is eold. the tenants should be given notice to move that coincides with the number o! days between rent payments - usually 30 days. YWCA girls seek p roject 1f a written rental agreement is in effect, the landlord should wr11.t' to the lt'nant and DEAR PAT: I'm wrlt101 OD bebalf of tbe Girl Y TraJlblaiera, a motber/dau1bter, Y· sponsored pro(!'._am for fourtb, flftb and tlxtb grade girls. i;;very year we schedule a community service event. We've gone to convalescent bOmes to entertain tbe residents for tbe past four years, but we also would like to give tbe girls an opportunity for other service projec ts and let the community know Laguna fes tival planned A festival of "Arts m Motion" will b e staged at Main Beach Park in Laguna Beach on Saturday and ~unday. featuring more than a dozen dance, mime, exercise and ancient ceremonies. The free dance series is presented by the city's Art Comm1 ss1on and the Arts Comm1ss10n Alliance and runs from 10 a.m to 3 p.m both days "on the green" a t the seaside park. Spectators an• invited to participate in several scheduled events, with demonstrations and teaching offered to the novice. The schedule Saturday is: 10 a m -Yoga. oemon11ret1on eno teaching 10:40 a m -lnnarconnacllon dance. Oemonllrahon and teaching 11:05 a m -The Wino Dancere - Footbag ano Frisbee 11:25 a m. -Slrethleven Sc:ot11sh Dancers. demonatratlon ano teaching 12.15 p,m Ooroon Grey·1 Pipe Sano and Highland Dancera. 12 40 pm -The Siient Trea1ment -11 mime spectal with Caorlce Rothe I p m -Alrlcen Haitian Ensemble RowlanO Harvey TrlnldaO Steel Orum Sano perlo,,nanc:e and teach•ng 2:30 p.m -The Fasllval ol N•llont - Bellet PllClftc 3 pm -Tel Chi Ch'uan, ShaoUn Temple Medltallon a•arclH•. oemonstratlon ano IMCNng. Sunday's events include 10 a m -Fun Thongs to Do For Your 8o<ly w•t11 Zaheva. perlonnanc:ea ano raacnmo 11 45 a m -The Wino Dencera Noon -Sanera Saoaya ( .. Love 01 Iha Ar1t") Balinese Dancers. musleel ptoc:euk>n and perlo<mance Balinese dancers wi ll be among the performers at the two-day "Arts in Motion;, scheduled at Main Beach Park. 12 45 p m -The Alg-8-and Ooo 8- Cathy Rigby Gymnuuea Ac:.darny t 30 p m -Jazz Oeneers, Inc 2 pm -The Silent Treatman1 -mome spectal ? 30 p m -Tile G1mbdu Oance Suite. Los Angates Choreogra~slDanctl<'s 3 pm -Cenbbean Ca•ntval. with Iha R Wenda L-• Dance Co . P&t1o<mance an<I llmbO teaching Doug Rowe. director of the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, will be the program announcer. Health food booths will be provided. Specators were asked to bring beach chairs and light clothing if they mt.end to participate in some of the teaching events. Religious groWth declines Fails to keep pace with population for firs t time NEW YORK (AP) The growth in religion affiltauon m the past 10 years lagged behind growth in population for the first time on record. according to statistics. The data also mdicatt'S that religious bodies are becoming sp r ead m o r t' thinly geographically. with greater religious varat'ly in most art'as and few er of them with predominant dt'nomina tiona l sway. The findings are part of a Dnce-a-d.ecade look at religion m America s ponsor ed by a n ecumenical coaltuon and based on data supplied by 111 Chnst1an and Jewish groups, providing county-by-county figures. Called "Churches and Church Membership 1n the United States, 1980, .. the 321 -pagl' study offers comparisons with similar broad studies made previously in 1952 and 197 l. For the first time since such data was collected. religious growth failed in th<' last decade to keep pace with thl' population, which grew 4.6 percent, while religious a!filiations grew only 4.1 percent. Previously, religious aHihatlon grew at a "much faster rate than th e population ... Pete r Halvo r son , a University of Connecticut geographer, told a news conference Thursday. "Both territorially a nd in membership. a large number of ma1nl1ne de nom1nat1ons had decreases," he said. Sociologist William Newman. also of the University of Connecticut, said that viewing religion in terms of a commodity. "the present generation 1n general uses the product less." Ln terms of culture and values. he added. the natio n •·1s less enamored of relig10n ·· In the two prior decades, before the 1971-81 p<'nod. the data "Shows religio n grew 42 percent. outst ripping the population growth of 35 percent. Sponsors of the study were the National Council of Churches; the Lutheran Council in the USA; the Glenmary Research Center. a R oman Cath o l ic agency; the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church; and the Sunday School Board or the Southern Baptist Convention. Newman and Halvorson, who analyzed the data, said that while religi-0us groups are los in~ Eagle scout Ra e ll Barlow, 14, r~<'~ived Eagle scout award duri n g ce r e moni es a t Church of J esu Christ of Lauer-day a ints in Huntington Beach . He is fre hman at Edison High c hool. adherents, they .. have moved into more counties than before," thus being spread more thinly. But Baptists still predominate in 1,164 t'Ountics, while Catholics do so in 963 counties, Methodists m 374 counUes, Lutherans in 227 and Mormons in 74. J onestown victim's kin s u es U.S. LOS ANGELES (AP)-The mother o! a woman who died four years ago during the mass suicide at the People's Temple enclave in Jonestown, Guyana, has hied a $100,000 wrongful death claim aginst the federal f{OVcrnment, her attorney said. The U.S. District Court suit, filed by Mable Grunnet of Claremont on behalf of her daughter, Patricia Orunnet, contends federal authorities had ample warning of the danger faced by 911 follo wers of the Rev. Jim Jones who died in the Nov. 18, 1978, massacre, Claremont attorney Stephen Odgers Jr. said Thursday. "They failed to warn the relatives about it-the danger to life that existed there," even though the State Departme nt had arfldavlts from several sources -including from former members of the San Francisco- based People's Temple -about the dangers at Jonestown , Odgers aald. "Several affldavl\a had been given to the U.S. govemment In the eight o r nine month• preceding the death that lrcuy accurately descri b~ th~ •dtuatJon," Odger1 said. The attorney noted that Rep. Leo Ryan, 0 -C.llf., who him.telf was stain u Jonestown just before the INll 1ulclde. at.a had arranaect meetJnp with the State Of>partment and a former Ptoplt>'1 Temple mem•. about u1 H well. We've alrudy madt plant1 to 1lvt our Halloween cllndy to Falrvlew tatt llo1pltal'1 adoptive 1randpart1Dt1' profram and we've mad• a quilt for oot o tbr e blldrcn '• 1belten. or m«Nitruol tampons lo 1t\L:IUd(' ln(m rnullon on toxk shock •yndromc (TS$) tn the• lul.,.:hn.i of th1· d1·v1n· for pm.•kll6'l'jj Initially lntrcxh.1ctid or 1nltwlly dt•hvnt-d for mtrodurtwn Into t1un11rn•rt·1• on 01 afwr Dc'f: :w. 1982 We would appreciate any lde111 your read e r s have for a day proj•c t during January In wblcb all of our club1 could participate. FDA la rl'<1ulrmj( that u1mpon J)li(•kugt'll l'Ontain a brwt 11\.uh•ruNll ol(•rtln1:i t'illl!iUmt.•1'11 to thl' d11r11(1'N> of TSS and advising lhNt1 w r1·:1d and 1'UW mfo1 mu lion ubc1ut TSS 1ndudt'd In a package mi.crt. I( ttw •rs~ lnformulion itself jg plun"J on the• 1nu .. k:18•'. 1w ul1•rt 11tatt•mt•nt I!! rt•qu1r~d. The longuogc• of tl'w alert l'U t(•mcnt 111 llpl>clficd, but nwnufacturcrw moy develop lht· inf()rmtillfJn about TSS within guidellm•i. !IJ~'<.'1f1l'<i In the· (anal rule O.S., Co1ta Meas 'l'hunks for thinking of A VS to help sprc-ad ttw word obout thl· Tnulblawl'll. Lt•t us know whut kind of u rm1pon1<' you g(•t. ltl•udcn; cun write to: Rainbow Tl•rritory Girl Y 'rrailbluzcrs, Orangl' Coll!lt YMCA. 2300 University Drive, Newport &oc·h 9261i0. Tampon lab el r ule et • "Got a problem" Them write to Par· Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • 1 gettmg the s.nswf!rs and action you DEAR PAT: I recall reading tbat special labeling wH being proposed to warn tampon users of the dangers of toxic 1bock syndrome. Has anvtbln& been done about this? n eed to solvf! inequJties In ,... • government and business. M11il I ! your questions IO Pat Horowitz, At t'our Service, Orange Coast Dally PJ/ot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. As many letters u L.P ., Newporl Beach The Food and Drug Administration 1s issuing a fmal rule to requite manufacturers possible will be answered. 1. Memorial scholarship born Ron ald Lu nceford fund to aid minority stude nt A memorial scholarship fund has been established in the name of Dr. Ro nald Lunceford, a 10-year Irvine resident who d ied this week after a boat with cancer. The scholars hip fund for minority college students is administert.>d by the University United Methodist Church, 18422 Culver Drive, Irvine, 92715. Dr. Luntoeford. 49. who died, was the founder two years ago of the Irvine Counseling Center and also startt-d the People's Clim« in Santa Ana. BcforE' that, he taught for 14 years at Cal St.att' Long Beach An expert himselC o n counseling for terminally-ill patients. Dr. Lunl-eford played a role in helping to develop the Hospice program, which ass1sL'> patients and their families in acc·epting the process of dying Ult1mately, that understanding was brought to bear m his own c.:asc•. "Ill' helped us probably more than we helped him," said a colleague. St'rvices were held Wednesday at the church Ht.• 1s survived in Irvine by his w 1Cc, Judy, sons Ronald and Peter and daughters Linda and Christy Nixon cites threats to NATO WASHINGTON <AP)- Accusing West German Icade.rs of viewing the crackdown m Poland as only a "regrettable inconvenience.'' fonner President Richard Nixon says the NA TO al liance 1s threatened by shameful di su nit y and neutralism. "I n r eac hing East. t he Europeans are in danger of breaking their lifeline to the West," Nixon wrote in a new book called ''Leaders." 1 t is critic a I also of for mer President Carter and urg~ a pohcy of "hard-headed detente' toward the Soviet Union. Nixon reminisces m his book about world leaders. He contrasts current West German politicians with the late Konrad Adenauer, the chant'ellor who helped bring his nation into the North Atlantil' Treaty Organization and forge the country's post World War II economic recovery. Nixon said t hat if Adenauer "could hear th e talk of neutralism. so reminiscent of the Europe of the 1930s. he would han~ his head m shame." While Adenauer "would have viewed the Pohsh crackdown as an act of mternauonal criminality and responded accordingly," today's West German leaders act as if 1t "may go away 1f they look long enough i n another direction,'' Nixon wrote. Nixon described Soviet leaders as "hard, cold, tough realisl.S who understand the arithmetic of international power." In this vein. he was critical of Carter, s aying he was "dangerously naive" in trying to apply the Golden Rule to the Kremlin. Som1thin1 llew in llewport ••• REVOLVING SKI RAMP OPENING SEPT. 27th! Here anyone can safely learn to ski or improve their present technique through specialized instruction on our endless revolving ski ramp. Classes are taught by highly qualified certified instructors. • Introductory offer through October 20% off • Regular hourly rates lncludlng equipment and lnstructlon-$25.00. Package price 4 lessons for $80.00. • Kids Ages 9-12 $15.00 hourly Including equipment and Instruction. Package price 4 lessons for $50.00. For class reservations call 714-631-3144'. Ski School new at our Little Store. ~tl1ll llOflf Newport Ski Comp•ny ... Llttl• Stoi. • 2500 W. Ca.et HwJ. Newport .. Kh, C•llfornl• 714/131-3217 s.,.. 71 4/131 -3144 R•nt•ls. Sl<I School I Orano• Coul DAIL y PILOT /Frldav. September 24, 1912 Rock s tar Rick James ill, cancels conce rt tour Rock 1i.r Rlck Jamet hu canceltd the r malnln11 20 dale1 on hl1 conccrt tout boc1u1c of r curring abdominal poln1 that fort.'f.'d him to cancel 1evl'ral datt'I last month, a apokeaman 1Uid ln Loe Angclea. James, selC-styled king of "p1,1nk funk" beat known for hia bouncy hil "Superfreak," called it quits Tuesday night after a concert at Dt>nver's McNichoh Are na. 11aid publicist Ramon Hervey. Hervey said J ames, whOS(• lat.est LP "Throwin' Down" has been certified gold for sales of half a million and whose previous "Strcc>l Songs" album went doubll• platinum for sa l<·s of 2 million, had flown bac.·k lO his home in Buffalo, N Y . for medical attention and further tests. Political prankste r Dic k Tuc k , famou s f o r hi s campaign tricks on Richard Nixon, wiU lend h1s talents to a QemocrAtic candidate for Congress. The candidate. forme r Santa Barbara County supervisor .. ·r a nk Jo'ros l, is running against Rep. Robert Lagomarsino, R-Ven tura. to represe n t the distric t in which Pretldena R u aan i. rt~llt<'red. 'Dick w l 11 look ot our ('ampal11n. will look Ill tht• oppoaltlon, and t ufUCt•11t w h t t' v u r h to t h I n k 1 upproprlak In thc way of apedul evenUI," Frott auld Asked If apeciel ovent11 meant prunk11, Frost said , "That's w.hut tht' oppusllion cal111 them." Actor Bur t Re ynolds ha11 registered as a patient at thl• Mayo Cll nic, but • . , , AEYNOl.DI the reason for hi s visit has not been d1sdosed A clink spokesman confirmed that Rey- nolds, 46, was a patient, but refused lo divulge any o th e r anformauon, in keeping with the policy o r the prestigious medical center in Rochester, Minn. Reynolds has been quite vis ible, even signing autographs in the lobby o( the hotel where he is staying, 11111 / llCll ac·cordlna£ to thl• Hocht' H•r Poat Bullc•lin A luw11 ult tiled agulnwt Ford Motor Co. by a man who t•hargt'll tho automaker al>undonPd him lo Slbl•rlun prison camps for 36 years was rl'insu1tt-d for u second time this Wl•t•k by the Mlchlgun Court of Appeals In Lansing. /\ thrt:e-judgl' appeals panel rejected a loWt!r l'<>Urt ruling that. too mut:h time had l•lapsc'd between tht• alleged hurm s uUert1d by Vic tor Herman and the filing of the suit Herman's !Jfe slOry was tht> sub.)t'<:t of the television movie "Coming In Out Of The lee." broadcast last spring Author Wiiiia m Saroyan's beal·h h ouse, described recently as "a local eyesore," has been sold for $300,000, acl'Ording to lawyers for his estate in Malibu. San Francisco attorney Robert Selraklan refUSE.'<i to identify the buyer and said th• ul la 1ubjN't to approvul In probate rourt Jn rn•tmo Sulc of the• Puht1A:r P1 lit· wlnnlnl( wnlur'1 ho Ull' huti n•('t•ntly ht•t•n J'uhlh:ll.t'd In Dully Vulil'ly a Ii S tu l t• Sup r <' m <> Court Justlc.'t! Jo'ruk Newman, who ha» tulk ·d of n·tltlnj(. hu11 bl·l·n teaching without pay ul tht• UnlVl'r11lty of Cullfornlu law school since Aug. a I, u school officinl rcpQrl!4. Newnum, wHo Willi dcun-of the law sc hool ut UC Berkeley's Soult t-l ull from 1961 to 1966. was a professor there sp~cla lizing In lnV?rnat1onal low when Gov. E dmund Brown Jr. appoinl.l-d him to the court 1 n 1977. Associate Dean Thomas Jorde said that Newman started teaching classes in international luw and international human rights. each for two hours a week An internal au d1l c.-ommlttee at Rusco lndustrit'S Inc., in Los Angeles has recommended that its former chief executive be required to pay back $2.7 million los t through a series of insider moves, the company says. j Nursing mothers-advised against smoking BOSTON (AP) -Women who nurse their babies sho uldn't smoke marijuana because their bl't?ast milk contains high levels of 'the dru~·s active ingredient, a study suggests. The research tound that tetrahydrocannibanol -THC - the c h emica l that gives marijuana its "high," made its way into the bod y of a ba by whose mother smoked pot daily. ,,Because the effects on the infant of chronic exposure to THC and its metabolites are unknown, nursing mothers should abstain from the use of m a rijuana." t he researchers • Polillcel ~ wrote. The study in Thursday's lSSUe of the New England J ournal of Mechcinc was conducted by Ors. Ma rio Perez-Reyes of the Un1vers1ty of North Carolina School of Medicine and Monroe E. Wall of the Research Triangle Institute in Research Triangle Park, N.C. The doctors e xamined t wo mothers who nursed their babu .. -s. One woman smoked one pipe of marijuana a day. and her milk did not contain THC. However, the other mother used several pipes daily. and tests showed that the chemical was concentraled an N!Yl1 ,@9!u!1L Fall Show of Fashion And Music Exciting showing at li,untington Center of t~e new look tor Fall Fri. 7:30 & Sat 1 and 3 p.m Presented by fashion consultants Wanda & R1ck1. Song. dance & music revue Sat. 2 p.m. and Fri. 1 p .m. Hosted by Ricki Howell NOVEMBER 2 Pd. For By Friend• Of 8111 AO" P.O. Boll 612, Corona del Mar, CA 1Siar SERVICE S main/ai,,ing ,~,. StaluJ & ...Ambi•nu in Y ou,. _)Jom• :lka/ 'JOU l'•fUil'll METICULOUS CLEANING & MAINTE.NANCE BACHELOR-Elf SERVICES ERRAND SERVICES I 642-6149 I SL IP COUERS A heu.• look eve ry season the "Nantucket Way''. Floor sample and wide selec tion of fabrics available . • Co\ln~ LKe lnterlors Afflue nt r eaders a long the Orange Coast are making their r eservations now to view coming in the Daily Pilot and Mirrors Oct. 13 • EVENINCS -an adventure in tasteful reading. DON'T Ml IT! ' I I t\Cl 19" ••"""' C0\.01 -r4 l\.100 WHIRLPOOL COMPACTOR I I • Compact1 a week1 wOfth I of trash I • Touch Toe I Drawer Opener MGA/Mn ...... ID" ... ,.... PlllJEOTIOI TY • Super 8tlght Picture • Cable Ready • Two 10 Watt lampt SAVI '600 GENIRAl ElECtR•C BUILT IN o•SHWASHER • l nertV Sa1ttr • Tuff Tub Inter'- • H\gh Glot• 9'ock 000' ... y•2.99'1 Tht• mmn11\tv<· l'Oru·ludt.>d- thut tht· l'Xl'<'uliv<', J ack M . t'acaln Jr., "ht.1.:1 v1ol11k-d h ll lc•go 1 ol;ll"11 t1 on11 to Ru11t•11 lntlu1urlt•11 Inc , o n tJ 1tic ah tehuldt',.. t-1 • hua m 11UK'<l company fundt-1 utld Ulill'll 11111 lll'tlons constltutt• wl!Hul b re tH' h c• H o I h Is duty,' ' oc.'<..'Ordlng to u report relca!M'tl lhlll wt.-ek by Ru~:o. Ca ta l n ' ultorncy , l~awren ce Brown, said hi11 cli<>nt disputell ''Pnch ond P11ny" allega-t1on in th<· report. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the Rorttlln Catholic nun who H 'UIOi chlld11.>n Crom war- tor n rc.>a1 o f Bc•irut und taking them to ah<•llttr hllm ~ Stoppln" ln Siio P11ulo, ttr1u1l lor thn•t• hu uu to chans<' plbnt'll c·n mutt> from ArgcnJlna to Salvodor In north<'uatern Brull, Muthc-r Tt•fl•lll ea1d, "Ll•btrnon 11 HOmcth1ng t.t>rrlbf~., J m going to N!tum 100n." Thre('·month-old P rloce William, !lel'Ond in line to the Britl11h throne, hus re.:c1vc:d h is first inoculation again.it whoo ping cq ugh amid Britain's worst epidemic in ~5 years, Buckingham Palace said. . • • t I I I • l w on th e 1979 N1 bel Peat'<' Pr 1 z e , said this week that s h e will r e turn lo L ebanon becau se Pran('(> Wilham 111 with his vacationing par~nt:., Prince Charles and Prlnce11 Dlana, at Ba l m o ral Cast l e in &-otland. He received his first s h o t Tues day and wtll unde rgo the full course of three Inoculations. J • l t he si t · MOTHER THERESA u at 1on thel"e "1s something terrible." 'fhc H.calth Depart.me.nt said ttw whooping cough e pidemic was the result of a scare among parents m the mid-1970s that whooping cough vaccine rn1gh\ cause brain damage. The 72-year-old mothe r superior of the Missionaries o f Charity o rder was in L e b<tno n a m o nlh ago, • • Illar1 Juana her milk. THC levels in her milk were eight times higher than in her blood. by the nursing baby," they wrote The doctors said the woman ' with THC an he r milk refused ·• their advice to give up marijuana J while she nursed The infants' ' pcd1atr1 c ian s sai d both youngs ters w ere deve lopin~ normally Analysis of the baby's feces re vealed that the child had absorbed THC into its body. "Th<.>SC findings indicate that THC is concentrated and secreted m human milk and is absorbed .J l WHIRLPOOL WASHER & DRYER 1 '· I l \ I ~± LA 5800 Wa1her 1· I ~ • Larger Capacity I ' _,;.>--' • 5 Cycles I I -:--:S-• 2 Speed1 SA YI I -i I ": LE 5800 Dryer ,70 on. the : : / • 4 Temps Parr I •'l J. • 3 Cycles I .~ • P ... m Preu I I . ···············--··········-----~· GE or WHIRLPOOL CUSTOM I ; ICE DISPENSER SIDE x SIDE'S I YOUR CHOICE SAVE •100°0 .. > ~'11E I , ·, .._ I . ... I ~ . I ~"""" I ':?'!'T"' I --=-~• I I ' I l DCtvls08ro"'• TlUVISION e APftLIANCU • VIDIO 411 E. 17th St., Costa Meta 646-1684 Dally 9 to 9, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 12-4 ---.·~~_.:_~~·~------~~--~-:---~----"-"=r--r~~----<·~ Orange CoHt OAILV Pll Of l frld1y, 8epl•mber 2 .. , IOH - -State must address high tech deficiencies Cullfn1 n1,1 1ndu:.l1 tt·~ alunl' will IWl.'U l:l,000 llt'W ('Oll1µull'r and l'il'l•troni<.•i:. t•nguw1.·rs thrnu~h I 985, but l'Xf>N't w gt•t only :u>oO. That was th1.• l><ul rwws g1v<.•n to Cah forntn St.111· Un1v1.·1·s1 l v trustees ias t w t•1•k by Wlll1ari1 M cCucn. repn•st•nting l ht• Amenc<m Ek't:lrun1t·s Assut·wt1un McCut>n a nd J uhn T u rnwy. director of l'Orporatl' tet:hnology policy for Rockwell lntt•rnatwnc:1l. warned the trust1.•t•s that thl' state university systC'rn ~i'as "ominous gaps and craeks" rn 1 t s high technology training program and expressed doubt that the· system 1.• an keep pa c: e w i t h n t' w technology demands. Debate about CSU's ability to train the next gen era lion. o l engineers dominawd the m et•ting. Trus t ees responded to th 1.· co n ce rn s of 1ndustrv r e prc.>i.entat ives by nottng tha·t their budget proposal, w hic:h scc•ks an additional $16.2 million from th e Legislature to upgrade instructional tec:h no logy. t·ould add 260 n ew tec.1c:hing pus 1t1ons throughout the system in 19t1:3-84 . I f app r ove d by •th e Legislature, thf money would ix• used to buy computer ~u1pment. rund teacher training-programs and encourage m lnonty studt·nts Try laughing. A UC Sa nt a Harbara sociologist has come up with the n ews that both laughing and crying (but not at the same time) can h elp us e ndure.• a d1ff1cull situation . At two separate m eetings m W ashington, D .C Professor Thomas Scheff presented papers on studtcs he had conducted with UCSB students. T o t he In ternational Conferencl' on H umor. Prof. Sch eff describe d resean·h on a n ger which s howed that an outburs t of laughter will almost instantl y dispe l anger a nd eliminate feelings of resentment. But if subjects e n gaged in a n angry exchange fail to end up • to c:un n·ntrate on matht•mat1cs, M'ICJH 'l' und engtnC'CJ'lng. 1'ht• p1•npnsul ul1:10 asks tht• L('gisluturl' to c ontinue Gov . Brow n 't1 "tnvt•stm,•nt in ~oplc" progron1 through which CSU has obtainPd $2 2!'> million this yrnr tu Improve 1 ts f'ngi nt•c.·nng a nd c·om pu tl·r sc.·iem·(• coursl'S A suggestion that engm et.•ru1g fm:ulty members be paid highC'r sul<trit:.>s to offset the lure of better wages off e rc.·d by private industry was supportc.•d by the corporull' representatives. But it 1s o pposed by the CSU Academic Senate which ma 1 n ta ins a I 1 Ca c u 1 t y salaries should be established by mllcctive bargaining. In light of the fact that both Japan and the.' Soviet Union a rc turning out hig h t~·h expe r ts at up t o seven times the ratl• achievc•d ht•rc. there 1s little doubt that the rapid mar<:h o f high technology caught our educational systems unprepared. If thl' state is to maintain and improve its ability tu l'ompcte in the new world of adva n ced t<.'<.·hnology. funds must be found to train n ew engincers a nd to pl·r s uadc th ose a lread y o n university faculties to <:ontinuc waching. Wc cannot afford to lag behind now. • .. or crying laugh1~g. re'scntment will remain even after the argume nt is over , the professor concluded. Ta<'kling the topic, "Sadness, C r ying a nd the R esolutio n o f Grief." for the bertmt o f the Ame r ican Psy c h o l ogica l Association 's annual con vention , Prof. Scheff gave almost as h igh marks to crying. A "'good cry" hc explained . fulf11ls a <:atharlic function, making unhappiness more bc.>arablc and leading to reduction of tension and a sense of well- being. In short , if grinning d oesn't help you bear it. try crying. Either way, you m ay e nd up feeling heller. Opinions expressed 1n the space abOvt> are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex pressed on this page are those of lhe1r ctuthors cmd artists. Reader comment Is inv1t ~d. Address The Dally Pilot, P 0 . Bo.x 1S60, Costa MeSd, CA 92626. Phone <7141 ~42·4321 Joint custody hill risky An edJLonal from th<' Sacramf'nW ~ AB 2202, Assemblvman Charles l mbrecht's bill d1n•t·t1ng Judges m d1vorc(' proceedings to give fi rst rons1dl•rat1 o n to <irrangl'ments \\thereby parents share tustody of :mnor children. h~ bel•n cons1derdbly amended an 1ts passagl· through the Legislature The bill. a:. onc> k·g1slat1Vl· fltaff m ember put 1t. now requires ~udges only to give .)Otnt custody "due consideration" as thl' finn or what are presumably equally acl'eptable alternatlv('s but nt•atcs no "}('gal presumption" favo ring it over the award of sole custody to one pc1r£•n1 or the other Yet it's sttll a bad bill To th£· exwnt that it forces unwilling, uncooperative or hostile parenLs lo shan· custody. physical or legal. it's ltkc>ly lo make children thl· "ptngpcmg balls" that the bill's critics have warnc.-d about from the beginning. To the euent that 1t simply provides an opportunity for cooperative parents lo do so, it accomplis hes nothing that isn't al r eady perm1lled -indeed encouraged as on(· of two equal alternatives -in exis ting law Proponents of the Imbrecht bill point out that despite the law, Judges rarely award joml custody -that in I over 90 perc.'E'nl of thP cases. mother ' st.ill get sole custody and that often fathers who may in every respect be the "mnoct>nt" party in th<' d ivorce -are denied virtually all al'<.'~ to their ch ildren · AB 2202, however, 1s not hkely to rt.'prescnt a nN improvement. While it mav, as Its c:ritics con cede, be a "d(•viee for breaking the monopoly of mothers 1n th(' d1vor<'l! court," 1t will OTHER VIEWS -to the! l'Xll'nl 1t suc.'C'eeds an that obj('('t1 ve gcn('rate new, untried and. in man y cases, extremely d1 Ukult situations for children whose welfare must be the first cont·ern of the law. It would. to quote the t•r1t1cs dgam, "forcibly spht the children of contested divorce into two homes, probably leaving nenher father nor mother with means or authority to t-stablish A peaceful, stable home ... " There 1s unquestionably room for reform m the way child custody is handled by the courts parttcularly with rcspcct to the definition and <:nforcemc•nt of visitation r igh ts for the non-<·us todial parent and. more generally, w1 th respect to judicial attitudes about the relative fitness or fathers and mothers as parents. But this bill 1s not It. Where parents agre<>, joint custody 1s easy to achieve under existing Jaw. Where they do not, ('OUrt·based attempted to impose it on the unw1lltng arc almost c~rta1 nly going to create a post-matrimonial battleground as detrimentol to c·h1 ldre n as anythi ng under the pr<'Sent law L.M. Boyd/ Drinking trap The pylorus is that valve between the stomach and the small Intestine. In an especially tense person. 1t can clamp shut, and ~tay shu\ for quite some lime, until that person finally relaxes a bit. This comes up because :\ client asks t1 some people really can drink numerous martinis without 1eeming drunk in the least. only to ORANGE COA ST Daily Pilot ~J "uDll\~..O .,,.,,<Mr 01 ,,.. rP•• •l JIO W•~• II•• 11 \I (e•I• ....... AOll•_,\ •0-1•\IMl.,0.t• .. In l\-0• 11 ·~~ ( .. I.-·· (.A •7•1t Call flat without warning. Ye • It happe ns. When the pyloric valve opens up, flooding alcohol into the bloodstream. whoosh! G oodnight, Sweet Prince Or Prl n cess . Whichever The No. l te levision 1 how in Romania 1s "Dall~." Thomot P. Hoi.y P11t>I 1h"' Thomot A. Murphlne fd' • Jon• Amon f •t< I•• fd•IOf larbare Kr•lltkh ld ,.,...,. 'oee fd•IOf Thernn Mteeftn ~"'II ld .... ...... ~--- How Soviets steal secrets WASHINGTON The Kl•agan admm1strauon 1s trying to cut off the Clow of tN·hnological secrets to the Soviet Union. Over the last decade, U.S. officials have watched in frustration as the Kremlin buys, borrows or steals billions of dolfars' worth of American technical know-how. When p1Jt to military use. this te<·hnology often gives the SovtclS an edge that c'OS~ the United States b1lhons to oven•oml' IN A SECRET Vl•rs1on of Defonse St'<:·retary Caspar Wc1nberger's annual rt'porl to Congress, the Pentagon hsts 19 explici t ways the Russians acqu1rt> U.S. milttary and industrial secrets, both legally and illegally. My assoC'iate Dale Van Atta obta1ncd a copy of thl' reporL Ht•re arc the legal ways the Soviets pack our brains: -"Complete (turnkey) plant sales." The Russians buy one entire factory. lock, stock and assembly line, set it up in the Soviet Union and copy it piece by piece -"Dirl•C t investment in Eastern Europe ." The R ussians siph o n off Western technology acquired by their European satellites "Pate nts and l tcenS('S with extensive teaching effect " Sometimes a seemingly harmless patent application c'Ontains a wealth of t<.'ChnicaJ det.a1l the Russians can put to military use -"Joint ventures and JOi nt production development" with Wl>ste m firms. -"Tc'Chntcal data and e ngineering documents." ··Proposals. prt•·sale negot1atiuns and sales prl'scntat1ons " By !>olt<.·1ting bids fr om Western c:ompantt•s, the Rusi.ians can leC:1rn a lo t without <:ver buying anything -·•Comm<'rcial v1s1L<;" "Govl•rnmental and industrial (>qu1pment sak-s" G. -JA-Cl_A_ND-IR-SO-N -~ -"Sak>S of products " ''Scienllftl'. te<.·~1 and stucfont 1.'x<.·hanges." -"Open It teratun• I for exam pit•, JOUrnals, magazmes. wchntcal papers)." -"Science and technology <.'Onferenl'es. trade shows and exh1b1ts." To unde rstand how important this information is, 11 must be remembered tha 1 th e Sovi e t Un i on 1s s t ill technologtcally backward in almost every area but military equipment. Thmgs that Americans t.ake for granted -like a scrv1 ceablt• pen<·tl with an eraser -arc techntc:al marvels to the Russ1a ni.. As for th(• illegal ways the Kremlin ac.·quires Wes t e rn tec hno logy, Weinberger's report ~ts the followmg: -"Hostile intclltgence service acqu1s1uons" In simpler English. this means theft by KGB age nts. -"Recruited agents and industrial espionage." In the past decade. there have been almost a dozen s1gn1f1c.·ant IOSS<'S or technology through American traitors, who are usually motivated by greed. not ideology. "Illegal arms tradt.'." it's a rarl' arms merchant who worries about embargoes, legal niceties or th~ ideology of h is custom('rs. as long as their checks don't boUnt'e. "lll l•gal tr a de in otht-r commochttes" -"THIRD COUNTRY d1vers1ons." These mvolvt• the acqu tstllon of secrets from Amt:rtcan allies or neutral countries that either don't know or don't care that U S. equipment is actually destined for the SovtN Umon instead of domestic users. -"Captured in war." The Vietnam de bacle left a wealth of U.S. weapons in Communis t hands. -"End-user diversions." This means the appli..:auon of legally purch ased American technology to military uses in violation of the purchase agreement. For example. the United S tates sold the Russians ball-bearing grinders capable of producing pinhead -size bearings accurate to one 25-nulhonth of an mch. The Soviets used them to produce ball bear ings for the guidanl'C systems of their SS-18 missiles, whose resulting accuracy was the principal reason for c'Onsideration of the muhibillion-doUar MX missile system. In another case 1 disclosed earlier. the Russians used an American -built truck factory at Kama River for m1lttary vehicles that carried Red Army troops into Afghanista n. The factory is also bemg used to ma ke parts for the new T -80 tank . Campaigning today an athletic feat Whatever one may think of politicians, their physical stamina must be admired. Today's professional athletes would wither under the gruelling campaign sch<'dule or candidates for public office. especially those running statewide. Although they are patd hundreds of thousands. even millions. of dolJars the athletes work only part of the year, and only a few hours each w ork day Even then many fmd the gomg too rough and have to rest on the bench every so often. AND WIN OR LOSE the athlete gets patd. But the politician must wm to receive any reward a nd the rewards don't begin to match those paid the athletes. Besides. only a handful o f the politicians who start in the hustings win. All but two 1n each race are eliminated in the primary elections, and only half of those will w in in the final November general ele<:tton. Yet long before the prunary el~uons, sometimes a year or more before then. the candidates s tart building their campaigns. This requires morning. noon a nd night meetings with poten t ial supporters. some being o pe n group meetings and others closed door huddles with those they hope will finance the campaigns. From then on the candidates are kept on a schedule more <.l1zzvin2 than a merry-go-round . As the campaign goes on the tempo increases until, in the fmal weeks before the general election. It reaches a mank11lmg p.'lce which seems mcredtble. Six or seven mN.>tmgs m one day 1s cons1dC'red aver age. 1 t wou Id be bad enou gh 1 f th e meetings wer1.· all m onc pla('(', or one '· ~.; fARl WATIRS t·1ty, or at least an one geographical ar,.a. But campaign managers have to be the most insens1ttvc, inconsiderate people on earth. For they bhthely schedule events Crom one end of the state to the other, day after day, with no regard for the physical well-being or safety of their cand1dates For example. in whal ts cons1dl'N:'d a light week o f ac t1v1ty, Republican candidate for governor George Deukmejian started out after Labor Day in Long Beach at 9.30 am At noon he was m Oakland and m Sacramento at 2:30 p.m. From thert' he was hustled back to S"ah J~ for two met'tmgs and t h e n to Los Angel!'s for two morf' mcettngs the following day. By Friday he was in Fresno, hopping over to Paso Robles and then back to ~ Angeles. Thal same week Pete Wilson . the • Repubbcan candidate for U.S . Senator, started out tn San Otego on Sunday. On Monday he was in Sacramento at 9 a.m., whisked t o Oakland for an 11 :30 meeting. a nd back to Los Angeles fo r a 3: 15 appearaoc'e. TIME AND SPACE are meaningless to the ma nagers. To them the important thing is to accept every invitation to speak and invent soml' during the lulls. Often the managers have no idea of the geographical problems Their policy is ''leave no stone unturned." So by auto, by commercial plane, by chartered plane, they hustle their candidates off to meet with what sometimes turns out to be only a handful of voters. Punch drunk from this feverish travel the candidates nevertheless must be con s tantl y on t heir guard in th.-tr utterances. not only with the press but with everyone else, to avoid the fatal slip of the lip which can spell disaster. This requires constant sutdying of the issues to be prepared and knowledgeable when questions are hurled at them. H ow can they do i t ? The only cxplanant1on 1s that like actors, who thrive on applause, the politician loves the fancied adulation of the crowds Science can distance physician and patient I do not wish to denigrate or dispraise thl' t ('chnlcal m arvels o f modern ml'dicinc, which no doubt have saved llv<'s and shortened terms of illness. Both d iagnosis and therapy can use all the help they can get, by whatever means available. Yet 1 cannot help wond<'r how much or this new equipment 111 a suppl~ment to IYlllY 111111 "Do not rely upon the X -ray machine. the clectrocordiogruph or the laboratory to tell you what your hands and eyes a nd ears can find out. lest your sen ses atrophy from disuse. The machJne does not exISt that can t.3ke the place of the d ivining physician . The physical examination affords the opportunity to touch the poticnt . ln this exchangl'. mcssagc.'fl are sent uut from one to the otht•r thnl, 1f your examlnntion 1s performed with ·hon<'lty and humility. will cause the divining powcra of tht• Augurs to tx.-pt• ~ cm to you . . " nPR Poctfetil m; thi11 may sound, I bc.'llt•vc it to ~ the truth Communication I~ th<' mo:st Important element between pallf'nt nd the doctor'• craft, and how much Is doctor, and this commumcation must be becoming almply a aubttlture tor tt. for I more than verbal -It must lnV(}lvt all do not \hlnk there can ever b~ an the &C?NCS. brought to COO('('tl pitch by adequai. aublUtute for the heaHna UL Int naive mcd1cet tralnlna that n o In th11 J am not meroly expre.linc an machln ry ~n provide. uninformed l•ymt1n'1 opinion. In hla latt'st book. "LNt r1 t o fl Youns THERE IS A doubl<' danger Involved St1rgeon." Dr. Richard &lier (•uthor of here: not merely that the physician will th• highly acclaimed ''Mortal Leuona") ~~me too reliant upon the inatrument Ae1ln1 by caullonlng the medic al and thr laboratory, but also that this from thc pauent as a person. This is no nostalgic call for a return to the h o rse-and-buggy days, when a do<:tor's little black bag c:ontained little that could harm you, and just as little that could he lp . t I., however, a reminder that though we can now place n heart in n human being. we will never be able to Inst.all a hC'nrt in a hunk of steel. · lllllY• No matter how you look at It th re would have been no Palestinian massacre had Israel st,ayed home. NEVADA NELL OIMilltrO.__.._._._ .. ~ ... ---••-*.t.:.::.*' , ... ,_."' .. llew I If ... ._._ .. ........ ,.., .... ,PIMe -l atudtnt: lncreaslna df'pt•ndf'~ may dl•tancc him ~~~ ~~~~--~--~~-----~~~.,,~--~~..._,= r. Or1nge Ooa1l OAILV PILOT /Friday. Sept mber 24, 1982 1 Little money trickles down • • Ill Atlantic City ATLANTIC C ITY 1'h1• u·u1•:d rnomtmt l lll,iw u1 used for 110nwthlng \•l!w. here happent>d in tht: H I Ho Palu<.'t• Thcalt.?r of lht: Claridge Hotl•l nnd (.;rujmo, in the wanmg hours of a Tuesday aCtt•rnoon. The H1-llo Palace Theater ~ the showroom o C the C I a r i d g e: 1 t is w h e rt' t he bi g · name entertainment acts appear at njght, to perform for gamblers w kmg an hour or so away from tht> gaming tables But in the afternoon, the showroom So tt wall that a mru1tt>I' of t• •1<.!moulc::i ntmwd Bob LQudon, clud in formal clo\hina. stood on the stage and announ''l'd to u room (ull of peooh•, "Ladic11 and Gentlemen , tlw Cluridgc Jlowl and ~lnu l• happy to welcome you W th{' $10,000 Whirlwind of Mon •y," NEXT 'l'O LONDON on thC' stage WWI a large glass booth It looked llke an enlurgt'<.I version o( o GOREN ON BRIDGE • BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Neither vu lnerable. Jo;asl dea ls. NORTH • AQ87 ~ AS2 0 Vold +AK10765 WEST EAST + K 62 + 1095 <:i>QI073 c:;>Void 0 75 O AKJI0983 +J 982 +Q43 SOUTH • J43 <:i>KJ9864 0 Q 6.H +Vold The bidding: Ea1t South 3 0 3 c:;> Pan 6 c:;> Pees Pass West North PaH S NT Obie Pass Opening lead: Seven of o. No one was really happy to see Trump Coup jommy make his reappearanc:e at the bridge c:lub. All of them had lost c:onsiderable sums as his partner whfn he indulged in his idiosynl!rac:ies. And their winnings when Tom my was al his best -on those occa sions when trumps broke badly were small consola tion. Tommy had hardly sat down al tht-table when this hand was dealt. No one keeps Tommy out or tht-bidding 1l is almost a waste· of time l)rt>Pmpting against him. W11 don't blame North for get ling excited about hi'i hand. He was considerably d1sap pointed to learn that his part ner had only one of the three top trump honors. West's double was flirting with death. Wes t led a diamond and Tomm)' _ruffed in dummy. lie rurfed a club in hand and. had there been no double, he quite likely would have con· tinued with a trump to the ace. But now he led the jack of hearts, covered by the queen and &.aken by the ace as East let go a diamond - Lo Tommy's delight! Another club ruff provided the entry for a diamond ruff, and on the ace king of clubs, Tommy discarded his re maining diamonds. Thia was the position: • AQ87 / <:i>- 0 - + 107 WEST EAST •K62 +1095 c::i 1073 <:;> - O -O AK J . -. - SOUTH •J43 <:i> K 98 0 -. ,; ·-Tommy led a club from the table and ruffed with the eight. West w1111 helpless. ll he overruffed. he would have Lo provide Tommy with an entry to his hand in either spades or trumps, and declarer would make the rest with a spade flnt>sse. So East pitched a spade. But Tommy countered by laking the spade finesse. cashing the ace and then leading a club, on which he sluffcd his last spade. West was forced to rurr and lead a trump into declarer's tcnnce. Making six·odd! Rubbe r bridge clubs throughout the country use the four-deal brld1e formal. Do t hey know tomelhi1'1 you doa't! Charlu Gore•'• "Foar·Deal Bridge" will teach you the 1trateaie1 and t.actic:e of thl1 fut.paced ac· tioo game tbl provtdee the cure for u_aelldiq rubbere. For a copy ud a 1eorepad, 1elld SJ.75 to "Corea-Four Deal." . c are of t b le new1paper, P.O. Box 259, NorwMd, N.J . 07648. Make d1eek1 payable to Newe· paperbook1. s tunJnrd t1•lt·phu111• booth But thl're wa11 D dlff<'f'(•n«t>. Thl• floor or lhl' booth WU!j not oolld; lL was m1..'l!h, a ru.J tht•rl' WW!i money &:filt~r<'<i cwt>r h . Ten thuusond dolluN in mom•y, to bt> c.>xact; money in $10, $:W, $~0 und $100 bills. A uniformed accurlty fCUurd n.aml'<.I Dennui Bnna rd Ktoud Kentry Tht• people in the audwm:t• iit'<'mcd to know whnt to e:x~t 'fhl'y held numbered coupons they had rccc1vlod down In ttw t·~1sino, thl'y c;hecked their coupons us Sob Londorl :ipun o bl~ drum, reached m\.o thl• drum, und pulled a p1e<:e oC paper from it. "I bchew in ESP," he said. "I know that the number I have h<'fC will match the number on one of your t'Oupons." HE R EAD OFF the number. There was shout from the audience. And a woman named Mary Gabel. 67, a resident of Atlantic City, came rushing toward the stage She had the t'Orr<.>et number. She was wearing clothing appropriate £or a woman of her age. but as soon as she made at to the stage she was es<,'Orted into the wings to put on the $10.000 Whirlwind of Money's official uniform. When s h e cam e out, sh e looked slightly embarrassed. S he had been dressed in what appeared to be a silk clown's outfit. Its t'Olors were purple and yellow; 1t had an enlargL'<.I L'Ollar. S he also was wearing a pair of clear plastic goggll?s. "I believe you know the rules, Mary," Bob London announced mto his microphone. ''ONCE WE PUT you into the booth and turn on the fan, you have 60 se<.'Onds to grab as much money as you can. As soon as you grab the money. stuff it through the slot, You get to kt'<'p all the money you can grab in one mjnute." Mrs. Gabel ste pped into the booth A taped version of the "James Bond Theme" began playing on the showroom's loudspeakers. And, on a signal from .Bob London, a high-powered fan was turned on beneath the booth's mesh floor. The effect was to blow the $10,000 up around Mrs. Gabel, like so many snowflakes. The forced air blew her hair and made the money rJoat and twist in perverse patwrns· s he grabbed desperately at the money, trying to sn~h a blU he re , a bill th1.•rc. THE AUDIENCE cheered her on And Bob London yelled at her, too; he tried to be heard over the James Bond music. "Kick the money, Mary!" he shouted. "Please! Klck the money! Mary! K ick the money!" When she kicked it, more of it flew up around her race. The J ames Bond music played, and Bob London yelled, and Mary Gabel grabbed, and the scene was a precise parable for what Atlantic City has become in the age of the casinos. Mrs. Gabel was not a high roller. and neither are most of the people who come here. 808 GllfNf This \11 not Las Ve:gasr m Laa Vcgaa, th~ majoraty of the gamblers 11pt>nd al least several nights in a fancy hote l room, a nd havt" the means t.u do so ATLANTIC CITY, bt.>cause of ats looat1on on the Eastern Seaboard, attracts a d ifferent crowd. All day, every day, buses from New Yor\< at.ate and New J ersey and Connectlcµt and places as tar away as West Virginia pull up' to the casinos. Somellml>S the passengers have ridden for six hours. Drc:.sed in slacks and T -shirts. they go into the casinos and spend their money. Many times all the money is gone by the tim<' they are ready to go home. · But ll d~n't matter, the bus trips have been paid for in advan('\.'. and there will be no hotel bill to pay, and when the day is over they ride the bus back home They have had their time in the world of big-timl' American casinos. Wandering among them, you wonder how many can r£'a lly afford to be here. IF YOU HAVE NEVER been to Atlantic City. you might envision an elegant world of tuxedos and evening gowns, and ch~mpagne dinners in expensive dining rooms overlooking the oet?an . That is available, of t'Oursc, but that is not what makes Atlantic City work. What ~ making 1\ a success 1s that at provides casinos for working-class gamblers -the same people who might buy a lottery ticket during their lunch break at work. Only now. with the casinos, the ante has been upped; instead of spending 50 cents on a lottery ticket, they c·an spend every dolJar in their poc·ket a t the green -felt gaming tables. "Mary!" Bob London· yelled "Mary! Please! Kick the money!" In her silk down suit and plastic goggles she ·did 1t, and the ones who had not been lucky enough to play cheered her on As suddenly as 1t had started. the James Bond music stopped The high-powered ran was shut o!C. The money-'floal.(.'(f lazily ba'·k to the floor. Dennis Bernard o}:>Cncd the door t.o the glass booth and led Mary Gabel out. She had managed to grab $290. Bob London presented 1t to h e r. The rest o f the $10,000 remained in the booth. And slowly. steadily, the people in, the H1 -Ho Palace Theater filed out. on their way back to the casino, on their way back to the buses Second sister's hopes for marriage hindered by tradition DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a career woman who haa been going with a w onderful man for three years. We are both in our late 20s. We want to be married but my parents, who were born in another country. have told me I cannot marry until my older sister does. They feel it would ruin her chances if her younger sister married first. ''Joan" is 32 years old and hasn't gone with a '"?8(1 in at least seven years. I am well aware that she is a lesbian (several of my friends know this. tqo) but, of course, I cannot tell my parents. Please tell me how to deal with this delicate problem. -DrLEMMA IN SAVANNAH DEAR DIL: Go ahead with your plans for marriage. TeJI your parents tbls 11 a different culture and a ~lfferent age and leave your sister oat of It. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Once you said you could deal with any subject. It was just a matter of finding the proper words. I hope you can find the words for this one because a lot of young people need the information. It is NOT true that preknancy cannot occur g _.Aflll_1J_•_D1_1S_ u.nless the maJe ejaculates inside the female. Many people who rely on the withdrawal method find themselves in trouble because they are not aware that the male can lose some of his most potent sperm before he ejaculates. I was a nursing student and not aware of this. Please, Ann, warn others. They will Listen to you. -FOREVER GUILTY IN ROSEVILLE, CALIF. DEAR ROSIE: I am sure your letter will prevent some uwanted pregnancies and abortions. You've performe d a valuable service today. Thanks for spelling It out. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have a beautiful (tn every way) daughter who is 14. When she was 12 she put on 20 pounds. Last year, she added another 20. At 5 feet, 5 lnches she weighs a whopping 140. If you put a bag over her head you would say her body is that of a middle-aged woman. I have begged her to diet and tried to bribe her with new clothes. I know she resents it when I talk to her about her weight, -but l am t.ernbly dtSturbed by what she is doing to herself. This is a Catch-22: Should I let her continue to gain 20 pounds every year and hope she gets sick of herself and goes on a diet? Or should I keep trying to talk sense LO her? It is heartbreaking to see such a lovely girl throw away her looks. I am also sure she is unhappy with herself. -MEL VILLE. L.I DEAR MEL: You must be a new reader, or your paper Isn't printing the entire column. ID the la1t year I ran two letters about fat teen-age dauitbters wbo are motber-deaf. I'll repeat the advice: The girl sbould be seen by a doctor and nale out a medical problem. Tbe doctor s boald give Iler a diet and Insist that she check back wltb bim. You, motber, sbould vow never to utter another word about her weight -not even to complime nt her If she loses. No mother ever nagged an ounce off a daughter. If tbe glr.I Is hostile, your plea that sbe eat more sen1lbly may cause ber to do the opposite, (P.S. According to the weight charts, 140 Is not outrageously obese.) POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT WHICH CAME FIRST : TME GOOD TIM ES OR THE BAD T IMES? 1 His understanding of • economics is borderline SAN FRANCISCO -What did the gre at Knute Rockne say? ''When m doubt, punt!" I was going down to Tijuana a few weeks ago. but a friend in San Diego wrote me : "Don't do it. The traffic is jammed up going and coming. It takes a couple of hours each way to cross the border." The peso had been "floating." (It's an international banking term for money they're not sure whether they want or not.) The Mexican government was i.ssuinR" votes of confidence. "The peso is rock solid." At this point the rock sank. As any schoolboy who's skipped rocks c.an te ll you, they skip acr~ STAN DElAPl.ANE AROUND THE WORLD the water -·up, zip, zip. A pretty sight. Then they sink. Everybody in San Diego rushed over to Tijuana and began changing dollars for pesos at 100 to one. Hurried out and bought everything in sight at prices that had been set at 25 to one. The San Diego man wrote: "Six or us went to dinner at the be$t restaurant ln T11uana The bill was $42." I didn't have to go to the border A few years ago I got on the Mexican hayride. Bought pesos - we got 12.50 pesos for the dollar. A Me x ican bank invested it for you. ·1 he vigorish they paid, you can 't believe. There was. some talk around the acatter that I w as b«'Ommg a sly financier . Fattening off the poor (We're politically aware at the breakfast table.) I said: ''Listen, a lma mater , I am Into Capricorn. at right place at cruc.ial moment S.tarday, Septe,mber Z5 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Take iniUatwe in deallng with governmental agencies, persons in po&lt.lon.s of authority. Refuse to be Intimidated by bureaucrats. red tape, pompous people, officious declarations or little people who wish they were llOmelhiOB else. TAURUS (April 20-May 20); Communication wfth family member improves. Sincere d.lacuss!on unnvela travel plan, future creative projl'ct. and need for highe r educational upirations. Follow lhrouih on first lmpl'C88ions. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Hold off. on tlnanc:l•l commltmentS; ,omeone who promises money doesn't have any to provid • Pro~t. your own lnt.ereai.. diversify, make lnqulr1et and be cm 1nt.llilft\t skeptic. CANCER (June ~I -July 22): Avoid flamboyant IC'doN. TIM moderate couree. Be •ware ol If-pl lmplbt.tone, obllaatioN, rtchi. and pmnlallont. You11 be llMd io review, reviet and rebuild on a more awtabi. buo. HOI05COPE BY SIDNEY OMARA LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Analyt(' current sltuauon -dlecern motives, strive for story behind story. Accent on employment, basic l11ues, nutritional needt and general health. "' VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Highlight dlplomaicy. ~Allie you can wfn major pointa. Be ready for quick changes, partlclpatlon in 1~ulaUvc venture and stimulation of creative capabilities. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): lnfonnatlon becomes avallabJe regardlng security, h~. real et~t.e and po-.lblUty of obcafu.lna additional property. ~fine lenm. .ieer c...,. of wilhful thtnkJ"I. " IOORPIO (Ott. 23-Nov 21): Make ~wrie.. dltpt.y vwtutJlity, ttalitit chat one ln po.IUm of authority can become an a ll y. You'll have more responsibility and chance to Increase Income. Retauonship grow1 stronger, commitment is made and you'll accept exciting challenge. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Financial drain is plugged; what had been a roadblock Clan ndw become stopping atone to progress. Aries, L<-o. Llbra natives play significant roles. CAPRICORN (DK. 21.Jon. 19). Emphasis on new 1tarts, lnltlaUve. originality, char'L1'ma, abUhy to be at right place at crucial moment. Judgment and tntultlon .,.. on target -you'll gel to heart of matteni, AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Ft?b. 18): Look behind lt'Cn8 for a~. Loyal frtmd or family member Jenda benl'fh of experience. St> on watch for hidden ct.UMt, llDall print uw:t ludicrous dem•nd. PISCEI (F'eb. 19-March 20). Secrt>t all)' helps ~ Oblta-lea. enable1 you to fuJfiJJ upir•Uons. fflchlichl wnetiUty, expansion, •ddltJona) ~ad.mt material, corporations owned by widows and orphans." I pointed out that I. myself, am an orphan. "I'm entitled." I s~ud. "Hold up the home decorating. We may have to hold a garage sale." At the Wash Sq. I said: "I have every confidence in the future." But my heart wasn't in it. E.F. Hutton quit listening to me. I renlly wasn't disturbed-U 1 can't see money, I don't think it exists. I hadn't seen this money for a couple of years. I got out my Mexico envelope. When I come back from Mexico I stuff it with any pesos left over. Figured to use them next time. The envelope held 200 pesos. They were worth t $16 when I tucked them away. Nuw they were· worlh $2. I said: "That does it. Ruined at the height of my career." Always was a wonder to me how Mexico did it. In that wonderful Wonderland, a chain hotel didn't want lo take their company crt.'dit card. It's a blg international chain. Headquarters in the U.S. '• When I offered the card foe my bill, the cashjer !jo81d: "Don't you have American EXpress?" I 8'1id: ''Why not your own card? Then you don't have to pay Big Mama a commi.ulon," He said: "I don't think the comp•ny la reliable." t thought It was one o( thasir strange thlnas that happen in Mexico. MAybc hCI had advance lnfonnatJon. We go lo Mexico next week. That'• what r:>U\ me on tfils. I got out my passport. I JOt put ~ Mexican pesos Jeft over trom a couple ol ycan a . I've had more pure pleasure ther th•n I cou ti repay. , Anyway, it's llOrnethlng to talk about. l 11ld to tht' chl1dff'n: "You c•n aay your fat.hct wu ptrt of tht-Clnancial disaster ot 1982 " r don't think lt'a a diaaster really .. 1 Mid: "I( your mo~y·a only worth a tt-nth .; much, look how Utt.le wt!'ve loat '' l f.>l out th• gui~r and aavt-th ma cp.orws of "I Can t Give You Anythln l)ut Lov , &by." Orang• Oout DAIL y PILOT lffrlday, September 24. 1882 Business looks to • SI gles populace 5 8 . 7 1nillion A111erica11 a'du/18 unmarrie d ; varied lite tyle studied N t.o;W YottK (Al') Aml·rltun "llintill'li" Ul'I' fot1I b1•t•nml11g ll loqjt• t•rowd A t' (' o r d 1 n " t o l' t· n & u 11 flgurc1, ttw numbt-r of 11lngll• pt,'Uplt• over ltl In thlll t.'OUn\ry th<' dlvon't'(i, ~·purowd, wldowt'<i or nc.>vC'r nu.irril'(J gn•w from 40.1 mtlllon In 1970 to ~8.7 million a dccudc latl'r They m ke up alrnOK\ 40 pt!rt.-cnt of the odult popult1tlon. Such a cls!ar-cul trend has not been lost o n people In the marketing businesa, whose job it Is to figure out who the customers arc. whot they are likely to buy, and how to reach them Young & Rubicam, the New York-based advertising agency, has turned out a 98-page. study of American singles and their attitudes and preferences. I S1n11I~ pt-oplc. "' you mlaht t•><1Jt~·t, tc.>nd to 1pend more of their •330 billion annual lnromc oh 1kl bootM, atcr~ and lmporK-d wutcr than marrl d l o lka. Convt•r1t•ly, tht.•y buy 1~11 life ln1urunl>t' and wutch relatively fewer hours of prlme·ttme te?IC?vi.aion Whun the sub~t Is auch a big gruup o f people, o f course, generalizations have to be taken u just that. Singles are In fact a very diverse group, Young & Rublcam's report Is quick to acknowledge. The general numbers themselves dispel 10me common myths. The standard Image of singles haa them concentrated, a la many a television seHes, with in walking distance of a beach. Actually, Young & Rubicam Mtld, they aro dl•lrlbuk-d evenly acroH thu country 111lhough tht>y lit't>m n aturally drawn to urban arc.>aa rather than 1IN·py 11uburbl or email towns. Though they c'Ome In all ages, more than halt the •Ingle population is under 3~. Th11 stem.a, the advertising flnn says, from 11everal fa ct on -the maturing of the post-World War II baby boom , plus u trend toward later marriages and an lncreued divorc..'Cd rate. The advent of the POSSLQ • people of the opposite sex sharing living quarters . playa a part In all this. The total ls three times the amount a decade earlier. But that total still is dwarfed by the number or single-person households, which grew from 10.8 million In 1970 to 17.2 mllllon In 1Ll80 M<'dlun ~'Omt'll of 11lnl(I !t ore lower than thou of murrled poople How ·vur, Young & Rublcam'• 11tudy ~y11 thut l.t no re1uon to down plll y th~lr eronomlc Importance. "Sui.ce many amgll'I are young, they haven 't reached peak earning potential," the firm uld. And anyway. aa a group, they have a strong propc.!nslty to spend rather than save. The spending Is particularly noticeable, the firm aaid, In ''self-gratifying products and services such aa trave l , recreaUon, leisure. entertainment and cosmetics." "The singles phenomenon is not a passing phase." Young & Rubicam concluded. "By 1990. one half of all households will be 'non-traditional.' Utility asks rat,e hike request C'!mment . . . Southe rn California Gas sets Oc tobe r public he arings in Los Angeles What a wheelie Nola n He flin uses the front wheel of his bicycle to aid in ba la ncing in a diffe re nt a pproach to ped aling a two wheeler . He formed the on e-wheel stunt a t recent high school f <'.o tba ll gam e in Akron , Ohio. Customers of the Southern California Gas Company will have an opportunity to testify on the utility's requt'St to raise rates $734 million a year at a meeting of the California Public Utilities Commission in Los Angeles on Oct. 4. SoCal seeks the increase to ofrset what it says is the higher cost of gas it purchases Crom out-of-state pipeline companies. The utility says its higher costs a re t h e result of the federal government's continuing , phased-in deregulation of natural gas prices at the wellhead. New increases to SoCal Gas will occur Oct. l. Kennedy drive flayed Carter, Jordan r ekindle Democrats' feud By WALTER R . MEARS A~ 9peclel Corr-.pondenl NIWB ANAlYBIS Under the rates proposed by the company. bills !or a typical residential usage or 100 thenl\S of gas in the wlnter would go up $15.14 to $55.68. ·Bills for a typical summer usage of 50 therms would go up $7.33 to $31.73. Proceedings will begin at 10 a.m. in Room 383 or the County Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple Street. Technical public hearings will be held Oct. 5· 7. in the PUC's Los Angeles Courtroom. State Office Building, 107 South Broadway. Other technical hearings were held in the PUC's San FTanci.aco headquar ters Sept. 20-21 and others are scheduled Oct. 12·15 and 18-21. Primary issues at the hearings will be: -How the Increase should be spread among SoCal's various classes o( customers. -Potential loss of sales to industrial customers who may switch to other fue ls and the resulting impact on SoCal's other customers. -The r e asonable n ess of SoCal's gas purchases between October. 1981 and June. Consolidated for public h earing with the SoCal Gas matter will be the application of San Diego Gas & t;lectnc for authority to Increase rat.es $57.5 million a year . SDG&E purchases its gas for resale to•' customers from SoCal, and ,the • increase requested represent*' SDG&E's s hare of S0Cal'1 increase. ln addition to the cost-of-gas increase, SoCal is seeking a $414 million increase in its general ~. rat.es beginning in 1983.1 Forty- three days of public h earing were held on that request this year, and a decision is expected late in 1982. If granted, that increase could add another $4 a month to typical residential btlla the coming winter. WAS HINGTON -Professor Jimmy Carter a ttributes his curre nt station in no small measure to the 1980 nomination challenge of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. Two years later, he's strn getting even. he promptly demanded that Kennedy answer "the very serious charges that his staff blackmail ed a sitting president of the United States in a attempt to pay of( the senator's campaign debt." HILGREN SQUARE That goes double for Hamilton Jordan. Lecturing at Atlanta's Emory University, the former president took a s harp cut into Kennedy's 1984 presidential ambitions. He said K e nnedy might be a formidab1e candidate for the Democratic nomination. but, ''I doubt very seriously if the American p&jrre wall give him.a majority'vote." Carter is not exactly a disinterested observer: he's already endorsed his vice president, Walter Mondale, for the 1984 nomination. At Emory, the former president cited Kennedy's refusal to drop out of the 1980 campaign before the Democratic National Con .' vention as a major factor in has November elec- t 1 on defeat by President Reagan. Jordan says the same thing, but KENNEDY tougher. His book "Crisis," on the final year of Carter's one-term presidency, accuses the Massachusetts senator of blackmailing the president for campaign fund- raising support as the price of act.Ive ba<:kin~ in the race against Reagan. Kennedy's spokesman denies it. That lingering Democratic feud has tumed up in the Massachusetts senate campaign. with K e nnedy's Republican opponent -ever on the lookout for a catchy issue - demanding a public accounting of the fund-raising episode. "Considering that this is a charge leveled by a Conner president's chief of staff, and apparently supported by President Carter , it would seem necessary for the senator to personally answer it," said Ray Shamie, who is pouring more than $700,000 of hrs money into a longshot campaign against Kennedy. Kennedy won his last Senate race with 69 percent of the vote. But Shamie insists that Kennedy's not invincible and claims that polls will show him gaining ground. He hammers at the Kennedy record and punctuates his campaign with gimmicks, chief among them an offer of a $10,000 reward to anyone who can get Kennedy to debate him. So when Jordan's book came out.' RUFFELL'S urHOLSTHY I ;' P !cc .-s.- 1'11 HAJtOa ILVD. COSTA MISA -141·1116- • According to Jordan, Carter came away from a post-convention talk with Kennedy convinced that the senator was eeger to help in the Call campaign. Jordan, th!:]\.the campaign manager. was to handle arrangements with Stephen Smith , Kennedy's brother-in-law and campaign chief. Jordan said the Carter organization would be looking for help in major states, with the em ph asis o n reclaiming support from Democrats who had backed Kennedy in the presidential orimaries. "That's r·easonable,'' he quotes Smith as replying. "Let me tell you how you can help us. We're eager to campaign extensively on behalf of the ticket, but we have a sizable debt from the primaries ... For the senator to give you the time you need from him to campaign, we're going to need some help getting rid of this debt, because if we have to raise it ourselves, it won't leave us any time to help the ticket." "You bastard, I thought. returning his grin." Jordan writes. "You're blackmaiJmg us. You'll campaign for us if we help you eliminate your campajgn debt." Jordan said the K ennedy camp wanted a written agreement on a joint fund-raising effort. Carter's response, according to Jordan : "He's blackmailing us." Ben de Leon due honors Ben de Leon. the first Mexican-American to head Orange County's veterans Service omce. will be honored as Man of the Year by the Time and Time Again foundation at its annual banquet Oct. 10. · De Leon. who retired this year, joined the Veterans Service OCfice as a page-interpreter in 1946 and rose through the ranks to manage the agency in 1971. The banquet and awards ceremony will take pl.ace at the 'S'addleback lnn, Sant.a Ana, at 7 p.m. If vou don't smoke. I can otler important sav1ncs on eut• insurance. Claim yovr ,....,d from: RaTTll&UU .. 10NNe..-.11M. .... ,.....-.ee. 111·77• CH..._. .• • ... ""'-.. •VD L.0-.Z a?O ,.,..,. •~ c .... •c-..4 ..... .._.a "Alt••tions" For men & women Have you lost weight? We w l l? r efit your war,drot>e to perfection. 3 pc. Suits reduced to '999' HIGH CNAA STYLES FOA THE WHOlE FAMILY ad1da9..,; Duu/46'~ 270 East 17th St./Costa Mesa 548-3323 Something Special fe"'l111M fashions HO L 17th St. Co•.,.... '41-5711 All Sale .Merchandise Below Cost (SELECTED MERCHANDISE) we Spec1a1tze 1n f'astuon For Tne M1uy Figure !Size • thru 18) • SA!.l DOCS MOl .. "'1.¥ fOS"lC"ll 0'00(1151 •1.,.ST. COITA_. ITOllCMlY Wet Seal Con101id1tion Sale Merchandise Consolidation from all stores ' • PRICES SLASHED up to 1&% on Tops, Shorts, Slacks, Shirts, Bathing Suits, Dresses, Playsults, Jumpsuits, Sleepwear & Lingerie . THI c• 111 THI counv F~IDAV, SEPT. 24, 1982 GARDEN COMICS STOCKS . 82 93 84 Now i t he ti1ne 'to plant berried hrulJ ... Page B2 0 0 Bullet train called answer to airp_ort :nrob1em By STEVE TRIPOLI OflM Dellr Not ..... Can a high-speed train solve Orange Co unty 's air transportation problems? Orange County Supervisor Bruce Nestande thinks so. but the "special report" on the issue released by hu office Wednesday has drawn mixed reviews. Nestande's report concludes that there is no acceptable site ln Orange County for a new commercial airport and that John Wayne Airport, because of its siie and location, must remain a severely constrained, limited use airport." The proposed $2 billion "bullet train" linking San Diego and Loi Angeles can solve the <.'Ountl'11 airport needs, Nestande aaya, I It ls linked to an airport capabl~ of handling traffic from thlJ county. The train's proposed llnk with Los Angeles International Airport is not the answer because that airport already ia over- burdened. said Nestande. The answer lies to the south, in San Diego County, where Nestande says there is a need to replace Lindbergh Field with an expaf'!ded air facility. If San Diego County officials would expand their new airport to also meet Orange County's needs, both counties would Back to the drawin g hoards benefit bccuu111.• Orange Counllans would 1pcnd mllllons of dollal"ll ill thtl San Diego Area while using the ulrpOrt, Ne-st.andt• said. There are people Involved with the issue who dispute almost every one of Neswnde's conclusions, huwcver. One or has major premises that San Dit<go County needs a new airport 7 was questioned by one San Diego County official. Jack Koerper, senior regional planner for th<' San Diego Association of Governments, said SANDAG believes Lindbergh Field can serve San Oiego As the second week of school comes to an end, these students at .Cox Elementary School in Fountain Valley have steadied their penmanship for the long year ahead. . I Disabled, families aided Four lectures that offer coping skills for disabled adults and their families wiU be presented at O~ange Coast College next month. 'J'itled "Getting into the Mlinstr~am ," the series is designed primarily for those who have recently become disabled through accident or disease. It will assist in dealing with everyday1 problems at school, work and at home. The sessions are slated for su~ive Saturdays, Oct. 2-23, from 9-10:30 a.m. In Room lOlA of OCC's Business Education Building. Series fee is $8. Tickets are on sale in the OCC Ticket Office, located in the college's Administration Building. The office is open weekdays from 8 a.m . to 6 p.m .. and Saturdays Crom 8 a.m. to noon. Tickets may be purchased by phone, u sing Visa or Mastercard, by calling 556-5527. Tickets will also be avail able at the door. Series lecturer is Barbara A. Bartel, a former public school teacher and child welfare social worker. She has worked extensively with young adults and c hildren who are handicapped or in Coster homes. Topjcs wiU include: "I Thmk 1 Can, But I'm ACraid lo Try," "Moving On." "Self Worth v&. a Pity Party.'' "Everything is Possible ," "L imiti ng Limitations," and "Let's Talk." For information about the series, phone 556-5880. County's nl•cds for t)w nl'xl 20 yeurl4. An uuJc to San Di<'go Moyor Pell' Wilson ogrecd KoeqX'r Stlid h~· knows o( no other movl•mtrnl In San Diego County to build an airport. At least two Orange County supervisors Ralph Clark and Roger Stanton are known to disagree with Ncstande's conte ntion that there is no acceptable site for a commercial airport in Orange County. Bo th agree with a report recently issut'Ci by the Southern California Association o f Governments which pinpointed the El Toro Marine Corps Air Mesa cop's sex b i a s • • • s uit r1s1ng A four-year-old $3 million sexual dascriminatton suit filed against the city of C.OSta Mesa by a fired policewoman has reached federal court in Los Angeles. · The suit by Ann Fallon, 28, now with the Los Angeles Police Department. seeks $1 million in general damages and $2 million in punitive damages. Fallon claims that pollce supervisors conspired to keep her from becoming a permanent officer after she was dismissed July 8, 1978, just 23 days before her one-year probation period was to end. A clerk for federal Judge Robert J. Kellerher said today that former and current Costa Mesa ofCacers have testified both for and against Fallon. The triaJ is ln its third day. Fallon cl aims she was the target of locker room jokes and was treated differently from male colleagues. according to court testimony. "She was dismissed o n probation because she didn't meet department standards." said Capt. Robert Moody. Personnel records show that Fallon joined the department as a cadet in 1976 and was hired fuUtlme an July, 1977. Schafer's election fund tops in Mesa With $5.034 m the coffers. Costa Mesa Mayor Arlene Schafer leads five other council candidates in ca mpaign contributions, according to financial disclosure statements filed wath the city clerk. Those contributing $100 to Schafer's campaign are· the Segerstroms, Ron Von Hemert. Paul Brecht, J. Ray Const.ruction. Pacific Federal Savings & Loan Assoc1at1on. G . Wayne Miller of G & W Towing. Bristol Park Medical Group and Fred Ellis. A $500 contribution came from Hutchinson's Body Work. Attorney Dave Wheeler said he raised $765. including a $465 contribution from himself. City Clerk Eileen Phinney said Wednesday the other council candidates were not required to list their contributions because they were less than $500. Those wath less than $500 are Councilwoman Norma Hertzog, Claudia Kelly Weyer. Lynn Van Aken and Christopher Steel. By law campaign contribution statements must be filed again Oct. 21 and Jan. 31 for the Nov. 2 election. Station as a possible airport sate. Even Supervisor Thoma. Rlley, who like Neatandc believes there Is no feasible aite for another airport In the county, said he feels the answer to that problem lies to the nbrth , In Increased use of Ontario Alrport. And Riley, who said he flnds Nestande'a plan "innovative," said he feels there wlll be a mountain of legal challenges to const'rucllon of the bullet train that may stall It.a completion well beyond projections of 1990. A Nestonde aide said that Nestande had been told as late as three months ago that San Diego County otfi_cials wer.e looking at the po111lblllty of replacing Lindbergh Field. He expressed aurprh& when informed of Koerper'• statement and said he still be11evea thert' wiU be movement toward• new airport in San Diego County. The aide added that Nestande would continue to push the three-point solution to local airport needs outlined In his repon. It calls for suppon of the development of the bullet train, political and possible Cinanclal backing for a major new airport in San Diego County and the .continued limited use of John Wayn~ Airport. WORLD'S LONGEST HUMA.N CHAIN SANTA ·ANA RIVER BIKE TRAIL SEPTEMBER 25TH! 0 UnltadW.y STREET ACCESS POINTS TO BIKE TRAIL PARKING 1. Pacific Coast Highway 2. VlciOria Street Overpass 3. Adams Street Overpass 4. Gatfield Street Overpus s. MacMhur Street Overpass 6. Wal"Mr Street Overpass 7. Edinger Street Overpass 8.McFlddenStreetOvetpass 9. 51h Street Overpass 10. 17th Street Overpass 11 . Memory lane Overpass 12. Chapman Street Overpass 13. Orangewood Street Overpass 14. Taf1 Str'Mt Overpass 15. Uncoln Street Overpass 16. GlaSSell Sir.et 0vef'P&U 17. Tustin Street Overpass 18. Tustin Street Overpass 19. Lakeview Avenue Overpass 20. Imperial Highway Overpass 21 . La Palma Avenue • • 22. La Palma Avenue State Beach and reSfdentaal (limited) Shopping Center and resldenllal Residential Residential Residential and 1ndustnal Residential and industnal c.m.nnMM paf1( and residential Residential Spurgeon Jr. High Scnool Alona pane and residential Shopping Center 'Jheatre Anaheim Stadium Industrial Residential Residential AesldentiaJ Residential Residential Shopping Center (limcted) Yorba Regional Pane ,Yorba Regional Pane Volunteers can go to nearest river overpass lo join hands with record-setters. Hams to verify hu1nan chain link How do you get 33,000 people, stretched over a 22-mile span of river bed, to all link hands at the same time? That was just one of the questions officials of the United Way of Orange County faced m their pursuit of the Guinness record for the world's longest human chain set for Saturday al 9:30 a.m. "Communications was a major problem," said United Way s pokesperson Dennis Joh11 Gase hen. "We knew that we could get the people out to the Santa Ana River bike trail, but we had no Idea on how to coordinate the actual link-up. That was until we contacted the West Coast Amateur Radio Club." The c lub is designed to promote the use of amateur, or 'ham';-radlos. "But we do a lot more than that," said Dave Mofford, director of community services for the club. "Helping the United Way was a natural for us." The community is mvlted to come out to the Santa Ana River Bike Trail, anywh ere Crom Yorba Linda to Huntingto n Seach. and 'lend a hand'! Fears mount on closure of mobile home parks By ROBERT BARKER Of'tN .,.., Not ..... Shock waves have rippled through HuntinglOn Beact-'s 19 mObile home parks since owners of an oceanfront park announced nearly 18 months ago that they w~ cloee the park and use the la.Ad for 10methln" elae. -'bout r>,000 mobile home retldenu throughout the city fe,red that the closure would establlah a trend and force them out with no place to go. Pres1ure la building among ~bile home park owners for ~111d. proflta, particularly at ~ aJOr'I the cout, aocording "?t8!1 Simmons, an Uliltant city pJanner. • .,,. cw&d lMd to • pcmible --o( Dm'ka.'' he Mid. ~nd Simmon• adds that t there's no room available throughout parks in Orange County for older coaches. The predicament ia not lost on Millie Hayes, a resident of Huntington Shores, the facility earmarked for closure. "We can't find any place to move," lhe told the Huntington Beach City Councll this week. "We're fighting for our home1. Don't let them take them away Crom us." Co~ma 6y Hayes and others have prompted officlal1 to consider action they believe would make lt more dJfflcult to convert parka to other u.e. And It the parl<J cloae, the city la ltUdytq an ordinance which would 1pell out financial ~ to displ.ec....cl raldenta. DeUberat1on• are acheduled Monday. Provisions In the !roposed ordinance endorse by the planning commission call for relocation coats to be paid to coach owners for costs for movitlg to another mobile home park within 100 mHes of the city. If the tenant c.an't find a place to move, a proposal ralla for the park owner to buy the c.'OOch at the price the tenant paid for It. One condition approved al the last minute by the planning commiuion stipulates that tho park owner wouldn't pay full costa if they amount to more than one-third of the appraised value of the mobile home park land. 1f coata exceed that fiture, peymenu to the dlaplaced ownera would t. rtduted on • pro-rat.a blllt. Council le expected to return to the separate matter ot mobllt! park zoning on four coastal parks -Pacific Tnller Park, CabriUo Trailer Park, Huntington Shores and Driftwood Mobile Home Park -after completing action on mobile home park convendon. All four pnrks are zoned for other uses. It la the belief of supporters lhat permanent mobile home toning would provide greatt-r protection to tenanta HuntJngtOn Mobile Eatat.ot Mnd Rancho del Roy, two parks not In the coast.al area; were rezoned to perman•nt mobile home park zonlna thta week. Huntinaton Shores, the park that touched oft the apeculalion about cloeu"'8 nearly 18 months aao. UI aittina on valuable cout property alona Pacific Coaat Highway be Lween Lake and Huntington streets. Brian Lane, president of the Huntington Seacliff Corp. which manages th e park for the Huntington Beach Co .. aald the company "la glad to assist in rel<X'atlon." Sut he said he preft'rred that ~location costs ·be made on a one-to-one basis with coach owners 0 beQu.e ol dlff e~ In • sU'UC\Urea and ~ta.'' The area that the 6.2-acre park alts on la zoned for heavy dena!ty residential uae and 11 In the to· call~ villtora' 1ervtna ..-ea In the city'• COMt.al plan. "A mobile home park la not the bolt~ of the land," Lakt .. kl "Thett att ~tter UMt for \ht dty, th(' people and the OW!Mtl'I." he declared. ... Ellen Trent Is a resident of Huntington-By-The-Sea Mobile Village and is a representative on the Huntington Beach Mobile Homeowners Council that acts on behalf of 15 parka. Trent said a coech that may have cost'about *8,000 to $10,000 20 years ago would coat about $40,000 to repla<'e today bec:a~ • of lnflaUon. "There's got to be fair ~penaatJon," ahe •td. "People should not end up loeing money. "lt they are golf\I to ~ fcn-ed from their homes. \hey ahould a\ least have somtthlna to work with." The council wlU hold a study aeHlon on the mobile home ordinance Monday at 7:30 J>.m. at CMc Center, 20000 Main S t. No fonn1l action w t xpect«I. ., I r ' HI Orang• Coatt DAILY PILOT/Friday, September 24, 1012 NlllC NOHCC MLIC HC>TICC ~'ICI cw 19'Y1T11't tA'-1 MN "IOI ,..._. PICTmoue .,... .. L4IM ... "'llllU·f NOTICE 0 O&ATll 0 NOTICI °' TIWITfft t.A&.S ~ ITATl-.T T I N9. O..._ J ('"'K 0 AND f .I ,... I 111 lottnoino "'"" •• ct01ng OAUOO KARL J. • "' A A YOO A ... • r AUl f UNOC" A bl,..f'IMI ea 11 c RM c: 1 , •NAN c;. 1 AL I' ~ T I TI o N TO o o or tHusr 0A1 o 1 111 eo CAL1,0AN1A COAIT l'OOl COflPOflAllON .. d11ly 9')polflleCI APMINISTt:t\ l':STATtr. NO. UNI. 41 YOU fAJ<I ACTION TO lrAVIC ' 17&llt ..... Cl,CI•, Organic farming pushed I 1ut1n und.tr lhe lollow1nf A llJtfU PAOUCf V0Uf1 PMOl'l!fHY. It Hvrtllnglon s .. ch. CA 9't4t -~'!":.'ubtdDLdeedlC ·uo'c'T'u1~Nw1,~ol lll!J-l! Tu ull hl"illl bt•nt•fklurri .. M/!.V Ol IOLO AT A PUI LIC t ALf ••c•Pl'l•n Carl Moore, ,,..,., .. -. ,. " "' ...., • • If YOU NL 0 AN l!XPlANATION &.t.. ltcle Hullt"'OIOtl heel\ CA 1110HUT l lOOlfl fOR CAiii l'rt•tJlllJn uncJ l:U1tl1nai~nt 01. THI NAT URE 0' THf .... WASHINGTON (AP) Six House Agrll'ulturt> C.:ommittee metnbers. cnlu;ul or what they c a 11 e d t h t• A g r 1 t' u I l u r e Depanmenl 's "neanderthal mindscl" toward organ ic farming, said they will propose legislation m andating greater s upport ror the no-ch emicals methods. "P eople sense that this (organic rarmang) is the thing to do," said Rep. James Weaver, D-Qre. "Again the peopk• are so far ahead or these hacks and blockheads. And when I say blockhead ... I'm not taHung about the Congress." Weaver and h is collcages r eiteratC'd their objections to Agric ulture Secreta ry John Block's dec1s1on last month to dismiss the one Agric ulture Department orficial designated to w ork o n o r ga nic farming techniques, which c•enter on the elimination of artificial chemical inputs in farming. Organic farming supporte rs say incr eased use o f those techniques would greatly reduce the loss of America's natural resources through erosion. Holly shrubs can he planted raow . They decorate holiday table and provide color in the fall gHrd e n. Block has said the elimination of that job was part of an overall reduction an force at USDA and was in no way related to the organic farming issue. He also said th a t o rganic f a rming activities will continue to be handled by three other depa- tmental employet.>s Fall • IS best time to plant berries Weaver calle d the move a "bureaucratic sop" and claimed the Agru:ulture Department "is the captive o f the ch emical industry" Garden club slates show • Ill lrvin-e The Irvine Garden Club will be holding its flower mystery and magic show Saturday from n oo n lo 4 p .m . a t th e University Community Park Building. One Beech Tree Lane. As Christmas nears many seek the traditional things that are symbolic of the season -berried wreaths on the door, "boughs of holly" on the fireplace mante l. .. candle renterpie<.-es with a ring of branc hes from berried shrubs and more. . Though California as known for its maid temperatures in this part of the state, people ran enjoy the berried shrubs jn the garden and their cut brancn es in homes. There are two specific reasons why it's a good tame to select and plant these berried shrubs in the fall. First, fall is the best planting season because the winter rains wiU follow and plants will have a chance to establish root systems prior to· their burst of growth next spring. -Secondly, the shrubs can be chosen while "in berry" to insure gelling the color wanted. Surprisingly there are many to choose from s u ch as hollies, barberries, pyracantha or toyon. For vivid color, pyracanthas are hard to beat. There are varieties which var y in berry color from orange-red to deep red, with the latter especially appreciated during the Christmas season. They are all colorful from early fall until after New Years a nd a r c often available as espaliers or as small trees. Just be sure to ask your local member of the California Assodalion of Nurserymen as to which varieties grow best in ybur area of the state Artistic designs fea turing flower arrangements will depict levita ti o n , illus ion and legerdemain, ac.'COrding to a club member Earthworms viewed Guests are welcome and t here as n o c h arge. For further infonnat1on, call Gail Homolka at 833-9215. • 1n waste disposal Gardener's check list By tbe Associated Press A team of sc1enusts looking for safe biological wa s t e management systems is using ear thworms, long dug from the 1. Pla nt winter blooming garden by fishennen. annuals now. Try violas. pansies, The researchers from Cornell calendulas. Iceland poppy and University want to find w ays to snapdragons dispose of municipal sewage 2. Fall 1s planting time in sludge and to Judge the impact of California. You can plant just man's acuv1ties on the soil. Their about a n y thing -annuals, aim is to dispose of the mounting perennials. trees, shrubs, bulbs or q u a n t i t i e s o ( s I u d g e s a new lawn. economically whale protec ting 3. When your perennials the e n v iro nme nt, a major become overcrowded s uch as challenge. Shasta da1s1es, they have (ewer Earthwonns, they say. have an and fewer flowers each year. Lift abiUty to turn sludges and other and divide them now. organic waste into an odor-frcc 4. The earlier you plant spring product with properties similar to perennials. the better established potting soil -"a substance thal they'll be next s pring T ry can be used to enrfcn sons in primroses. violets and pheox for home gardens and croplands." a start. T h e y a 1 s o a r e u s i n g 5. What would s pring be earthwo.,:ns as a bio logical without the bright flowers you monitoring-tool to determine the can get from bulbs. Your nursery effects of toxic Industrial wastes has a vast array to choose from. on life in soil. And m another ~~~~~~--'~~~~~~~~~~~ s tudy, earthworms a re being used to evaluate the impact of industrial waste when applJed to the soil. Raymond C. Loehr. leader of the Corne ll team, says the approach is environmentally sound and requires s maller investments of capital. energy and equipment. Earthworms used to process sludges also have the potential of being harvested as high-protein supplement for farm animals. The researchers say the wonns are rich in protein, with an amino acid makeup as good as or superior to conventional high- protein feed ingredients such as fresh flsh meal or soybean meal. F.arthwonns reportedly thrive an e Slucfge. ltle solid matenal removed from wastewater by sewage treat.ment plants, using the material as food. In the pr ol·css, th-e s ludge i s transformed into fine particles In the form of "worm manure." Nur-.Pr\' .'ipP< ial ~~~ ....... ~~~~~~~~~--~~--~- ( Select from • lero• verlety of Hollencf'a fin Ht. ALSO ... We hne meny more spring bulbs to plent now. I'""'' .\pt·c wl TWO GRACEFUL INDOOR FERNS "Fluffy Ruffle" FERN Compact with lacy IHVH. "Whitman'' FERN FHth•r·llke. llght grH 1lry lenH. Since 1946 Hal lisles Nuraery • Florl•t 2140 Harttor ll•CI., Costa Mtao M.... H .t ...... L.M.BOYD '"'°"·· '" .... ) DAILY PILOT ... LL Ol' D • s !Ii••'••···· ~······ VINCA 4" Potted size. Bright Summer Color •••• 11.09 ..... , ...... Cl· tyjtf~!: I •I c..,.., FNst Ou11t1 1.19 pt, 1el (5 14> II,) "'(JI< .. fl.) 26'=~-- ...,. ·-.. ._ °" o... ..... .,....._.. ..... ~ LLovo.s·Nui5H1 •MD 1 LAHDSCAPI CO., IMC. "" ................... ,c .......... c,. f7t4t 64 .. 7441 J M ....... Miii! T• 9-Oii -•·t 4·11 • CP•vllt.le II 11"1• Of .. ,. In l•wM l'fl'lh tun uf K1i1r I J J ,,.OCUOINO AOAINtl YOV. YOU '"'' 1>111•-.. ~*' l>'t "' MQn•~ Of lh• United 8111H I all (.'eokiuhi llnd rwr•on• who t ltOULO CONTACT A 1-AWY(A R ltl(ll111duel r""'I, llllt •ltd H'llet .. I COllvt'feCI 10 _,, T I NO 12'4M lh-'*' C..I MOO<t .»O now n.ao t>y 1111noet H id o.ed rnuy bt• otht•rwuw• tntA•rt'lllv On ocaoo•1 ~ 1to wt 11 00 true .17.'-11 wH f11tc1 wtlh the 01 Ttvtt in tilt pr~ly lltrelnelltt In Utt• will .. nd/or t'11ol.Ull.•: o cloctc • m •• Ill• front ufll'• Coon1r Cle•t. 01 0•••1oe CO\Hlty on dftctlbeO A JX'tlllurl hilH llt.'tlll fllt.J antr an" In 111e rne111 IOUby of A"O 10, 188:1 fAU8TOA MOtlAMMIO 8 by Kerl J zue<·u In thu fllltco TUI• lo11111rice Company ,, .... OA8U110NOf, ~IClllll'!'~yrltd .'!'!'!.cu .. Y 8 urw•n or Court of Orenaf• 8'& N 8roe0w•y 111 lht Chy ol Pi.1bll•h•O Orang• CoHI Delly .. ,. ., ,.. •., " , .,. . ., Sanae Ane. Covnay ot O.enoe. St11a P1101 S.Ot 10, 11. 2•. Oct t, IN2 8A V I N 08 AN D LOA N C:ounlyrt<qUC'1hnatlh1&lK.1,1rl OI C1111orn11 SMt CO llllE 3tMl2 ASSOCIATION .• COfpolltion J Zu1:c• bi: 1,1ppolnt1.•d ... INSUOANCC CO MPANY 1 1------------ NOAeGor, .... ded1n .. ~rc1h31132•01.0P'2,•"3~..''0'1 pt•ri.onol r<.fp1 l' l'lllllllVl' w eota:>Ot•llOn. u 'lvslM 1111e1er0 tlMt MM.IC NOTICE '"' """"' -.. v" .t I h I• ( v ~ J ONd OI lrvsl t•kulld by WEN ONlclel Re<;ord• 1n lh• olftu Ol lh• a .. m n~8l('r l "{'ltll ~ 0 nA&r HAWlLY '"" SHERRY HAWLEY. "CTITIOU8 IM.I ..... RCICOldtr ol Orang• County, H id J. J, Ct:k11d;.. 1'11.ilblnd and Wiit IKUrdod 9 6 80 ~AMI 8TATl.•NT dud of ari.1•1 dnorlb11J aha 'l'hr pctlliun 11 1wt fo r .. docvmenl no CIC139. 1n boot. lhe "'"'' ol the buJllnHt lollowlng PIOpetly hcnrln~ 1.n Dup~-Nu. 3 »l 700 13731. Pt0• 73G ot Official RaGOfdt ClUB oc MECC4.. LTD .• 243-42 lot 63. or Trll018491,1n 111oe City C ivic C•mt<>r OrlVl• W esl 1n lhe olllc• of ah• R•cordar or TooonH Cour1. Laoun• NiQuel, CA or Irvine. County of Otange, Stat• of • • 1 Oreng• County, c1111orn11 Dy 976~7 C1moml1, at per map rac0tded an S1nt11 Anu, CA 112702 o n reallOll 01dalautt 1n 111e payment or 11 htr•by r•g1111t10 11v 1111 Book 411, PlgH 40 lllfouo11 43 Oi:wt:M!r 6, Hl82 ul 9·30 A .M l*IO,mllll(;e of obllg111011• IMICur.O I011ot¥Jng 1nclut1v• ol mi.ct11a.neou1 mepe HI IF YOU OBJa'T to lht• 11'1.,eby 1ncl1.1d1ng th• b•HCh or Cl1.1b O• M•cc•. Inc , • lh• Ollie• Of Ille County ~d•• or j f h I I Oalaufl, nOllG• Of wtllCh Wll CalllOfllll corporation u ld Orano• County gront ng .0 t <' pc•I ton, you 111Co1ded 2·23·8 • 11 docum•n• no 011110 Ducna1 rne, 24342 YOU AFfE IN DEPAUll UNDER A 11ho uld c 1th1•r llJlJl<'Dr at \ht• 2~34 1n book 13956, pege St t ol l opon1.t Court, legun• Niguel, CA DEED OF TRU ST DATED h earing and 8l&ll' your Hid Olllc111 Records, wlll Hll 11 92877 FEBRUARY 21, 1980 UNlESS YOU ObJeCtiuns or {tic wrllle n PubllC •UC11on to lhe l'llghett btdde< Thi• butlnMI It c:ondvcl.O l>'t . lp~KOEPEARCTT~O. INT !~~Re<?TSEOClTDv~lu~ ob,ccllo ns with lhe euurt for c .. h in lewlul money ot the Llrnoed Partn«allU> " • ..... , ,. " .. United S111es. without eny covenant Ge<aJO Ou<:herrne PUBLIC SALE IF VOU NEED AN b e Ore the hearing Y our OI w1rran1y eapreH 0t 1mplll0. at 0-al Ptrtnet EX PLANA llON OF THE NATURE appearun<:e may bt.· in J>Cl"!IOll I 0 I 111.. p 0 ••••• ' 0 n ' 0 r llllt .... _, wea llllO Wllh lell OF THE PROCEEDING AGAt...ST or by your attorney encumbrancea. tor "" pi.1rpoee of A &tench, County Cler~ of Orlf\04! YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A I ~· y 0 u A .R E A P•Y•no Obllg1t1on1 secur.O by H id County on Sec>I 7, 18Cl2 LAWYER 111• •c:tdrau of th• OMd of lrual. the lnteroat conveyed HermMfl, C•rpentet 6 Wllll."'-d .. lgnlled prope11y 11 511 C11ver. C REDITOR or a contingent 1o .. 10 Trustee by 1110 Deed of A "reftt•loftal Corpot•lton lrvtne, Cllllf0tnle cft!dltor Of the dl!(-t>a.sed. you Trvst In property llluated In lhe Allorney• II Lew ''(It • •lrMI ac:tc:traH Of commoo must ftle your claim wath lhe County of Or ano• St ate o f 1t00 c .. ttorni. Flrel '"'" INde o .. 1gn111on Is shown ebov•. no 1 h C1111orn11 and c:toK1lbod 11 530 • llrMI • w1rren1y 11 g ive n ee 10 111 court or presenl l to l e lot 23, ol Tract No 9363, Ctty of len D19tto, CA HIOt ... 7• eompleteneu Of c;orractneHI " pl'rsona l re prt•sen ta ttvt' Irvine, 11 Pt• map recordecl In book F1 .... The benelk:llry unoer Hid ONO a ppointed bv the court 395, Pago 35 to 311 lnclullv• of Publlth•d 011ng• CoHI D•llY of Trutt, by r•MQn or • br•ICh or-within four months from the Ml1e .. l1neou1 Maps, In the OlflCe or Piiot. Sept 17. 2-4, Oct 1, 8, 1982 delavll In the ob1igtllona MCUred d { f , I f th• county Record•r of uld 4 t27·82 tll•rtby, her•tolore eHcut•d a nd a le O ars~ n u a nce O County d•llv•r•d to the vnc:terslgned • le ll.et'S as provtded tn Section Eac•pt •n undlvld•d one·hlll l'tllJC NOTICE wrlllet\ Oec:latetion ot Otleult and 700 or the Probate Code ot tnf .. ffl ol •II Oil, gH. mlnetalt '"" 1------------ o.mand for-Sele. 1nd wrl1teo nollC4t California . The t ime Cor other hydroc:erbOnsubllat>Ce•l'fl"O NOT~:~IALE Of btMCh and ol 4llecllon lo ceu.M fl' I llJ · 1n end 1.1noe< sel(J l•nc:t u lully Ml the und•ralgntd to ••II Uld I ang c auns w no t expire lorth in the deed• rec0telecl In bool! OF MAL ""~flTY property 10 .. tl•f'f H id obllQehone, prio r to Cour months fr.om 9!> 6 P 608 0 611 Olflclel AT """'ATI! IALE 1nc:t therealt•r the undersigned the date o{ the h earing 4 ' 9095 0" ' No. ~-11•2' Record• tn the S1.11)1(10f Court ol the Stew cavted Hid no11et qt breach •nd of nouced above. The unpaid balance end .. umate 01 Cetllorot1. 10, ll1• County of •l•cllon to b• r•corded Jun• 3, YOU MA y EXAMINE ol cotll. expenses and edvance. 11 Or~ In the Matt .. 01 ,.,. Ea1ai. = :.·~~~ ~8:;11941111 In the file kept by the court. If or S11>tembel 3• 19112 "191.968 GI. ol DAVID H SCHWARTZMAN 8 1ld ute will .b• med•. but you are interested in the "1" •mount wtn tncrHM vnlll dete ~MCI ' or Hie Notl<;t Is hereby glven 1h•I lhe without coven•n• or w1rren1y. estate, you may Cile a request ltte 11reet ac:tc:trua or olher vndertllgntd wlll Mii 81 Pnvete MM. HPf-°' lmptltd, regatdlng 11111· with the court to receive c;ommmon c:teslgn11ion. II any, or to th• hlghHI 1nc:t bHI bldd.,, po1teulon, Of •ncumb'8nce1. to . . t . the HI "'0....,t"' c:tesc<ll>td above 11 pay the remllnlng ptlnclpll aum or special not.ice of me filing oC r ,.. ,.... ' subl•C1 to conflrm111on ol H id the not• aec1.1red bw .. 10 Oee<I of the In ventory of the estate purpoiaec:t 10 be: 15 Chrltlamon Si.1perl01 Court on or •llw the '4lh , Wast. Irvine. Calllornle d•Y ot October' 19112 at the office of Tr1.111, wllh lnt.,11 11 In uld note assclS and o f the petit ions, The unde11lgned T11.11tee J1.1Hen 8 Ftnllen., Ptol•Hlonll r~:v:::i~,·~~·::~~"~i ~~~::.account~ and r<>porls dlscl11ms 1ny ll•blllly for 1ny Corpotetlon, 700 South Flow.,, ,_ ch.-gn end ••Pfn'" 01 the escribed an S«u on 1200.5 tncorrecaneu of the llrMt •ddiHS 1w1n1y-Second Floor County or Trvs0tM __ .. ol the tru•ll e1eeted by C the California Probate 0' other common CIHlgnauon, 11 lot AngelM Stat• of Caltf<><nla, al • .., 111~. Shown ...., .. n he lgh i and In f ulcl ulO Deed ot Trutt SalO '4le will be e. 0.1.0. Septembe< 3, 1982 ~~ ~:~he time •:,-::..~h end held on Tueeoay, Oc1ot>et 12. 198:1 Alan Gol~1 E'a. 1880 B•nellcla1y· Etn•I P1rthe, 12 111 the r"'hl title end lnleteet Ultt el :1·00 p .m , •t 1111 Ch1pmen 1 p .. ' l 1• 800 Chr111amon Eatl, lrvln•, CA 92714; lht esta"'te 0' 1 said o~AaHd hes Avenue enttanca. to the Civic: ea ury ara •• • e. • 714) 544 5265 ~ Cenltr Building. 300 Eut Chapm111 Los Ao~eles, CA. 90087 1 IAFECO TITl.I! INIURANCE 1cqulred by oper•llon ot law or I th ell I 0 p bl h·-' Or Coas otheNllM Olhet than or In eddltion Avenu•. n e y o r•no1. u o:u ange t COWANY, 1 Corpotetloft, Tn11IM to tl\al of ulO c:tec....O. It lht lime ~'a°'~~·. lime o r the 111 11111 Dally Pilot, Sept 17, 18, 24. 1700 W!Wllr• etvd. No.101 of 0-th. In Ind to all the oet1elfl publocetlon ot lhlt nottce. tht lot., 1982 Loe ~=s.~10 rHI property sltu•l•d In City of amounl ol the vnpeld balence ol llMt 4122-82 '-autt FOl9doellr• Olftcef L1gune Hiiis. Covnly ol Orenge. obllglllon ucurtCI by lht ebov• P -bllthad Orange Cotti Dally S111e o r C•lllornla. p1111cul11ly I d n1m1 •c ..,..TICE 1.1 dncr1t>ec:t u I0110wt. 10 wit dHc:rlbtd de•d O HUii 1n rUO>U nu 1'1101, Sept 10. 17. 27. 1982 PARCEL l. Dwelling Unll I009 In Hllm1teCI c:o111, oxpensea, end YOU ARI IN O«l'AULT UHOElll A 3967-82 Towe< No 1 •• Ni<I unit 11 thown adv•nCH It 5131•292 58· To DIE D OF TlllU IT DATED on lhll ~"Condominium Plan determine llMt opening bid, you mey Hf'THHEfl 11. tNO. UNLl!ll PUBLIC NOTICE ellached lo and ITledl • Plf1 of 11\al , .. I <714~7-0966 9 982 YOU TUE ACTION TO ""oner FICTITIOU8 SUllNl!ll c;en11n Oec:lar111on of Coven1n1s, Datt twnbW ' 1 YOUlll f'flO,ElllTY, If MAY eE NAME ITATE-.NT Condltlont• and Ruarlcllons HEMIEe RNANCIAL CC>f'P. 904.0 AT A l'U9LIC SAU!. IF YOU reco1ded June 13. 1973 1n book "a.id Trwttt. •ED AN ~TION Of THE lne IOltow1no peraorll .,. doong 27 I 011 I •t f .D. IUVICE COMPANY, NATUlllE OF THI f'lllOCHDINO butl~t:~VIEW INSTRUMENTS. ~~o~~ •• ~~:e .. a!..~ded ~:·:n rc!i ar-• Aaal a.c, ' AOAINIT YOU, YOU I HOUlD 2&23 w Pacific Coaat Hwy, lnelrument recorded Novtml>er 11, One City etfd' Wffi CONTACT A LAWYlilll. N ... port 8eacn. CA 92863 t974 In bOOk 11284, pege 1829 of OrMtf, CA.-NOTICE OF TitUtn.•a 8ALE Wllll•m l . H•llOt:llJ, 21661 Ofltcl•I RecOfds. In lhe office of lhe 1714) us.all T.8 . No. l30ll BtOOl<hutsl. H1.1nttnglon Seach. CA County RecOfdet of Orange County. Pvbllshed Or1n1J• Coaat Dally NOTICE IS HERE&Y GIVEN, lhll 0~8 API 153 CelffOfnla end • tl3tllh undMded Pilot Sec>t 17• 24• Oca 1, lllC12 O!' Friday, Oclot>et t5, 1982.119:00 Jutte M H1rlono. 21611 1 Interest In and to LOI I ot T1KI No. '4121-82 o cloCk 1 m of U ICI day, In the r~ Broollhurtl, Huntington BMctt, CA 8098. N Pfl' mep recofded In tloolt ------------Ml utdl IOf condliCllng TrUS1ae • 926-46 Apa 153 3 I Cl . peg e s 3 3 • n d 3 4 of "8.JC NOTICE ,-ICTITIOUt .,..._ .. NAiii tTAtt•NT Th• followlng P•tton is doing bllllneM M. J L H. DIGITAL~ 10549 Angel A,,.,_, Fountain Vlllty, CA 92708 JAMES LEROY HEil. 10549 Angel Av-. Fountlln ll1lley, CA 92108, Thia t>uslnns la conducted by an lndlvldual J-L Hell Thi$ Stal-I WU Iii.cl With the County Ctenc of Otenge County on S•les. within the olllcet ol REAl I hit buJll-'11 condVC1ed by an M'-lleneout Mepe, In the offto9 of ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. lndMdu•I. (husband end wife) Mid County Aeoorw. "1own and located 11 2020 North Broectway. Wllllem L Hartong CS.ll"ed 11 "Common ,.,.. .. on the Suil• 2oe. in the Clly or S1n1• Ane. Tiii• atetamenl wu ttltd with the ebove-ret•rrad to Condo"llnu"I County o t Ora no•. Slit• o r County Clerk ot Orange County on Plan C 11 II or n I a . R E A L E S T AT E Aug 18 IN2 Excepllng lheteffom eny portion SECURITIES SEAVICE. t Celltoml1 ' . "1"'52 of Lois A. 8 and C of Mid Tr.ct No co1por1llon. H d1.1ly 1ppolnled PubllthtCI Orange Coaal Delly 8096 edjOinlng Mid lot. Tr111tM under Ind pvrauant to th• PllOI Sepl 1o, 17, 24, Oct 1, 1982. Aleo ••°"1tlno from Mid lot 1 .. powtt ol Hie conl•rr•d In thal 3997-32 gH, Oii. llydrocttbona, mln•11l1 cert•ln Deed of Trust executed by end olhlf .ubstenGM IY1nQ bt6ow 1 JOHN l . EDWARDS and DOLORES nt .,, C NOTICE oepth 01 500 00 IHI t>ut wlttlout the M EDWARDS. l'lu1band Ind wife. ruu.J ~ht to _,., upon Ille~ or ,_ded Octot>et 3. 11180. In Book tut>Mlrface of the prooeny above• 13773 ot Olflcial ReGOrdl ot teld YOU AM IN D«FAUL T UNOClll A dep th of 500 00 l•tl tor eny R • D£E> OF TIWIT DATU> AUGUST County, II gage 12•. ecordtr s 14 1111 UNLEll YOU TAKE l>UfPOM Wflllsoeve< .. (~In Instrument t<o 4609, l>'t reason ot • • · c:tetc:t• of recotc ,.._. br•Kh or del111il In pavment or ACTION TO l'flOTECT YOUlll PARCEL 2 Non·eaCluslve PubhtheCI Or1n~e co .. 1 Dallw P•rlormanca of the Obllgallons f'tt<>HJtTV, IT MAY M aot.D AT A .. _,,IS for iogr"' encl egreet September 7, 1982 ' d b I I di h f'Ua.IC IAll. IF YOU NEED AN · PllOI. Sept g, 111, 2 , 30, 1992 HC11r• tnere y, nc I.I ng I II EXnANATION 0, THE NATUllll publlc ulllllles. sewere end for 111 3978-32 bleach or c:tel1ult. NOiiet ol wtitch pvrl)OHI 111c1c:ten111 thereto. ------------1wu recorded OctobW 18, IHI. In OF THI! PlllOCIEDINQ AQAINIT 111cl1.1dlng. t>ut 'not ll"lll•d to, tht PUBUC NOTICE 800li 14259 of Olfjj;jfl Record• of ~~::u IHOULD CONTACT A conslrucllcns. 1n11 111111on. ------------•••Id Counly, ti page t 1811. NOTICE Of' TflUlnE'I •ALE reptec1ment. rep111, malflltn.U, C"' a7t2 Recor0tr'1 lntlrumenl No 22230. OJ*llion end use of Ill ,_ery YOU~ .. DEFAULT UNDElll A Will SEll Al PUBLIC AUCTION T.a. No. IM'7 Of' o.tlrlll>le roech••Y• llOtwlMI• D I t D 0, f "u. T DATED TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that and conduit• over 1h~ follow•no IEf'TEMelfl 10, 1110. UNLESa CASH. lawful money ol Ille Untted on Thurtc:tiy. Stc>len'lbet 30· 1982, oesc:rlt>ed land YOU TAKI ACTlOH TO PlllOnCT Stain. Of. eullHlf'• check dtewn II 900 o'clock a.m or .. io d•y, In PARCEL A All ol ,,.,. lend YOVlll f'flOl'llllTY, IT MAY 81 on 1 ttale 01 nellon11 l>•nk, a at11e the room Mt uld41 101 conc:tucttng oaterlbed 1n Percet No 2 ol that IOLD AT A l'U9UC I ALI . IF YOU or 1.o .. a1 er.Oii union. 01 • tlllt 01 Truttae's Sales. within the ofltces 01 certain Oeec:t r•corded Juna 27 NEID AN Ul'LANATION Of THI led .. elMvlngslndloan1uocllllon REAL ESTATE S EC URIT IES 1974 1n b001o. 11181 PIQI 1270 oi NATUlllE OF THI l'lllOCEEDINO domle"41d In thlt lllle, Ill p1y1ble II SERVICE, locet•d 11 2020 Nortll Offielll Rtcotds In ll'tt olllc:e ol the AGAINST YOU, YOU I HOULD lhe lllM ol sale. Ill rtghl lllle end 8roedwey Suite 206, in the Coly ct County Rec:otc:te< CONTACT A LAWYllll. lnltrlll held by 11, It TruttM, In Slllte Ane. County ot O<ange. Stilt PARCEl B loll A B end C ot d of C1lllornta, REAL ESTATE ,. NOTICE OF TillU8nE'I SALE lh•I rHI property 111111te In SI• SECURITIES SERVICE 1 Cillor11te T11c1 No 809" u per m1p UNOE" MED Of' TIIUST Co'unty 1nd Slit•, detcrlbed H • '1 recor-Cle<l In bo01t 316. ptget 33 and TC No. eoo. follows, corpo•etton, •• duly •PPO ntec:t 34 or M11cet1en101.11 Mep• in the Lo.i No. 43317' A te•senold in1trHI In Ind 10. Trust" 1.1nde< and p1.1rs1.1ant 10 the ollice of the County Record•r ol NOTICE 11 htrebv given 111e1 Lot 1 cl Tract M2S. N shown on• power 01 set• conferred 1" lhll u10 County more com"lonly SEFIRANO RECONllEYANCE M•P r~Ofded In Book 236. Paget certain Deed cl lrvst exec1.1ted by knc>WI' 11 1009 Te>w«t I. LIOUNt c D M p AN y . I ca 11 '0 r" I. 43 10 48 ot M1scelleneou• Mepe. In Shrega Broae15on .• •Ingle man, HUit CA 92653 Corp oration •• trust••· or thtoffictot the County Recor'det of recorOecl S11>teml>et 23· 11181· tn Terma ot u •• eHh 1n lawtul aucceuor tru ..... or IUbSlltlllad Mid County Book 14229 ot Of1tciel Record• ol money ol lhe Ut>lled SlllM on .... lrullH pur1111n1 10 lhe Dffd ol The st•e•I 1c:tOr•u or oth•r 1atO Counly · 11 pi gt 1 o 3 0 or p1r1 catll and l>lilnCt ~IOICI Tr1.11f euc:ut•d by WILLIAM fl co"lmon 0111gn11lon ol th• rHI Rtcord41r't lntlrurntnl No 2892•· by note aecurad by Morlgege Of WHITE 11nd JACQUELINE J . WHITE. Pfoperfy herelnabovt Oaerlbed II by rtHOfl ol e bruch Of default In Trvat Oted on the proC>«Jy to told. and WllllAM J WHITE •nd purported 10 be' 978 Sendoeslle payment or performance 01 lh• Ten per cent of amount bid to be ttcorded Sept•mb•r !Cl. 1980 1n Drive. COion• def Mer. Cellfornle obligations sec1.1r1d thertby, depollted with bid 8ook 13748, Page 150. 1n11rumen1 The u n d• ralg n•d her• by lncl1.1ding lhal breach or defeult, Bid• or offerato be In wtlt.lng ana No 24415 ol Otliciel Records In Ille dltcl•lm• a ll llablllly for eny NOllCe 01 which wu r~rced May wlll tHt r-lvec:t 11 the alorese10 oll1c• of the CounlJ Recorder ol lnCO<rectness In ulel slrMI addreM 27 l982 15 RecotW 1 Instrument office 11 eny time 1fler the first -. .,... _......_ .tit_o_ ~2..JCI~~ W1LL S£U. At ............ ..._._ ~· Or1n9• vounly. Camorn a. anct Of"OflltfCOl'lll"l'I"' •--..·--.. PU8llC AUCTIO N TO THE publlCattOn ,_....... "'° .....,......._..._ pursuant to the Notice ol Ott1utl S11CS eal• wm bt m1de Wllhoul of Ill• eno Eltcllon 10 Sell lhereund•r warrenty. upr111 or lmpll•d. HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. Dated tlllt 11111 day of Septemt>tr. record•d May 24, 1982 In Book 1eg11dlng lllle. potHtalon, or lawfl.ll money of the Untied St•tes. 1982 NIA, Peoe N/A or lnt1rumen1 No •nc:umb1•nc••· to lattsly the or • ceal'ller·s cheek d11w11 on • """"'a. ,..,,tan, Attr. It y., 82178232 uld Olflcl1I Record•. wJN prlnclpal taalence of th• Note or •1•1• or nettonel benk, 9 atale °" Jvlllft a. ,_aten, 1 SELL on Octot>et 8. 1982 •I 9~ t& other obtlg•llon aecvred by n ld llde<at credit union, °' • "11• Of ..,.....,.,..,., COtfi'O'llloft • m 11 The front entrence to tht DNd ol Tr1.1st wllll lnt.,HI and ledetll llYingt end io.n Htodellorl 700 a ~ 22ftd 'L Old Orange Covnty Courthouse. oth•r tu ms •• provided therein, c:tomlCll«I 111 Ihle •l•lt •II peyable •I lee A~ CA 90011 located Ofl Senta Ana 80\lltYllfd, plut 1dv1nces. If any, under the lht lkne of sale. ell rlglll. tltlt Ind Alt,• lot IHc\dor tltt•••n SyCl"IOr• Sir••• •nO t .. m. lhefec>I and inl .. 911 on tueh Inter ... lltld by II. .. TrlHllM. In Arnold fll. 0- BroedWll'f. 511111 Ana, Cllllornta. 11 advenc ... ind plut !Ms. cnerges 111et IH I property •llv•t• 1" H id l•ecvtor of t!M l•tet• PubllC •uc:tlon, to the highest l>ldw and ••I*'-of the TruttM Md ol County and Slela, deacilb•d " of eald ~t. lor cash pl)'able 11 the llrne ol aalt lht trutl• cr111ec:t by .. Id Oaed of lotlowa Publlth•d Orange CoHl 01lly tn awflll money of tlMt Unlled Sl•I .. , Trust The 10111 emounl o l Hid Loi 1 01 Tr.at No. 98Cl6 u per Piiot. Sept 17. 111. 24, 1982 bll Ii t 1 di • onebl m•p recorelecl ln boott '418, paoes 41~82 111 right. lllle , a nd lnler••I. O O• on. nc u ng ,. • Y 47 lhrovgh so lncluslva ol P\8.IC NOTICC onv•yed 10 and now lleld by II tttun•l•d lau. char~•• end rnitceltentOUI mep•, tecc><O• ol lhe und•t H id deed In the proper1y ·~Of tht TNSIM, • the time Orang• County Aec:o•d•• of u ld !'!~·~~.~n1~ •• eoun,~ end Sl•I• ~lnl~ ~bltcatton 01 lhl1 Notice, I• counry ~ "2-nco .. 'Tt~ ~c.A!'.A .. ~ .,.., _, .-.. r--• • . Tht llreet eddr•ts or Oltl•r .,.. ",. ,. •a.,.. .-n .. ,.......,. Loi 8 cir Tract No 10513, as Oiied Septen'lbW 21 1982 common dHlgnillon ot the rHI The Irvine Ranch W•I .. Oittrtct on a Map racordtd In Boot< REAl ESTATE ~ .. I d N ll O , Peges 46, 46 a nd '47 ol SECURITIES SERVICE, property hetelnebOve d•tcriuwv s t1e1 pr•pare • •~I v• l.~etleneoue ~· •· tecordt 01 • eeruor-nla COIPotlllon, p1.1rl>Ofled to be. 1101 Otb<e Drlv•. Declar 1t1on for I t11 lo I owing ~ T Cott•.....,_, C•lllorn•• pro1ec11 Tiie "Dr•ll" NtglllY• ange County, 0tnl1 PrOC>ef!Y 11 ruttM T "• u n d •,. r g n • o h,, e by oec .. ratlOn It on file et '"' OlstflCt ddllH la p11ro0tteclly ltnoWrl H By: DJ Morger, dllClatme all llablllty for eny Office, 18102 Be1dffn A'lef'ue, 30l5 Klonditle A\ltt\Ue, eo.1a M... 111 Pfesklent lnCOrreclnwa In Mid tlret1 eddreM lrvln•. CA. and It evallebfe for 1f0fnl• 926211 ISEAll or-otlMtt common dellgn•lion public 1111p•ctton A Ntoellv• The 101.i •mount of lhe unpaid 2020 North Bro•c:twa y. StlO Nit wlll be "llde without Oecler•llon wlH be «intldtred fOf •ltnct of llMt obltg•tlOn aecured Svlle ~ant• Ane. CA 112706 warr1nty, upru1 or Implied. approval or dt11pprov11 by 111• Y lht properly to be 1010 and Tel· 17141963•6810 r•garo1no 1111• po11e111on or Boerd of OlraclOf'I of Ille 011trlc1 at euonebta tlllm•t•d coaaa. P"btlsh•d Or1ngt CoHl Dell"' •no1.1mbr1nc ai to ullaly .th• II• mettlno lo be held •I tne Oielrlct ~n ... •nd advancee " the ttm1 ¥ ' r1 1 1 b 11noe of th• Nott or Ottlet on Oclobe< 8, 1982 •I 8:00 , tnt lnlllll p11bllC1llOll Of the Pllol, Stell 24, Oct '· •• I&. 1982 p nc Pl ~· d b Id AM ot._ of•··· 11 .. 177,41., 85 , 4233 .... othtr obi 11ton MGure '1 H S ,.,. ...,.. • • ..... o..a of rutl, •Ith lnlerNt and Meter Repair hop I Only 011rrentty deteo C11,.1tr'1 ----.,.-_-ar_..n_nr_r ___ Olll•r •u"la H provld" ther•ln. Wa11hou1t F•clllllH. locettd llKlll Or Certified C~k· are r~ "'"IV'. plu1 ed111nct1. 11 •ny, 11ndef the 1pp10111m1ttly 2000 II IOUlll ot teble to the TNalM J)(Olltded PlCTITIOU9 eu .... U tttmt thereof end 1111er .. 1 on Md! 9ryan A....,.,119 end HOO" _.Of CIP9f' ldtnllTlc•tlon It 1valleble NAiil ITAT'l•Nf advenc:u, 1110 f'IU• i-. charge• Culwr Drive. flte PfOJK1 GONtll" °' &•Id HI• Wiii b• "ltd•, bl.II Ind HPtn-Of tM TrutlM end Of • &O )( 211 II prel•brlcetlid ..... llhout oovenent or w1rr1nty, flla follo111ing Ptrton 11 doing 1111 mi•ll orHled l>'t Nld,DMO of building ln<l •aaoc .. ted ali. ~. llp!'ffl or lmplltd rtglfdlng tltlt, l)\j~ .. 0 p ~ R K t N 0 l () T T'Ull Th• IOttl •"IOI.Int 01 .. Id In aon111ncllon With Ille .nop end 01H1fllon or encumbranc11, to MAINTtNANOE, 111 SOU1h tudld obllO•llon, 1ncl11dlno rHaonably w•rahouM lec;llll-. ~ lilly the lntlebtedneu *"'"by A'Wtl\llt No :>A Sent• An• CA fltl"lll•d , .... ol\argH e nd 500 It ol 1•111 PVC~ ... .,. lid o..cs. lftcllldlng lht '" Ind 11704 • • • tllj)tMtt of the TN• .... •I "" time conatl'UC190 be~ ..,. flcllft't • •~M Of lht 1t11tf• end ot 11\f JO•I L HlllNAl '1 I louth Of llllhll pybllcltton of Ihle Nottct, II Iha OrWlf9 County Rood ~ 1t1.1111 cre1t•d by .. Id Clttd .. • S"'t 9c2 89 CtlMMI ~ , .. ~. With lnttr•l !.udld "'...._ .• No 14. 8-nlt An•. ·~a'fct. lepl.,nber 7, tl8a Phlll I ol Peret•• Ill ' IV pr()'ltMd lhtrtln' •nd the""""' OA 92104 "'""ESTATE No1thwood 8•-' Main, loc•ect lnetpll OI lllenottMWfK by...., ..,J.~"-1' conducted Dy Ill\ HCVl\ITIE8 81flVICI!, ... ~ Of Cu•••, Drive encl Hd wllll rntarut th11aon 11 J-l lemlll 1 Ctlltoml• COfp«allOn, ~ by Tr•INCO M' .-....., ~ :~~· ... 1"'-~ Tiiie atatamlfll -Ned With I~ II TM.... Rel Ind Iha $ellta ~M ~. --.._,...,._ .. .... • ......-. ""' ,. __ I (.IALI Tiit Pfotec' eonM'8 ... COfllll t lllUtAMO RICOMVIYANCI eovnt, ...._.. °' ..,..,. .....,..., , Of! 1y OJ ~. °' .,.,Ollll'l'tM9'11.oeo If. 01 t COllPAln leptwll .. r. l"2 118 f'r...otl\I ......, l'llllfl .......... ,_., 2010 NOtlll lrOldwly, ~ lep*""'l4, 1111 •......._CA_,. ...C.. .._, Aftr, -lllltt 2°'I ... ty J ._.. (111) -..., -...... Of, W.. -e.nt1 AMI, CA t2J'OI ._..."Y ..... ,...... "'"'::::::"'•CA fll. ~41 MMI10 trWie,..... Wlltr D11et111 ~11~!,'.!!1 J oHt Dell)' ftublllfled Orlntl* Coe•t Dall, l'wllll•Mcl •nee C,!,!el Dally ~·~_.~;r CO... D11tY •. .,. """'" ,_., lept t , ti. n. IO, 1Na ,._.., l9P' 10. t1, 14. 1 .... _ ... ..--. • .._. • 4,1..__ ""°' 19P'. IJ' J4, OCt I, t._ ........... ,,..,._ -'11&-12 ~-. THt: t '.\'llL'' C'IR('l 'S t1 , _ r l " ------ by Virgil Partch.(VIP) 4t__ -~~....,_=--... ;;:::.:::;::= -------_,..._ -- -=-~ -. -:. =-~ ------=-:s.- 11 DEAR SNOOf\ I HAVE LOST M~ HOME .. CAN VOU HELP ME ? AM ARRl\11~6 SOON ..• YOVR 8ROlHER. 'MAlt8LES' 11 Tl'MBLE•EEDN Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, Stpltmber 24, 1082 llJ 11MAR8LES ' 15 COMIN6 MERE? HOW CAN I FIND HIM A MOME? ,..-,------~-----~ by Charles M. Schulz RELATIVES ME LIKl MAIL- ORPE~ CATAt.065 THEV COME OOT OF NOWH~-· t• ~ -'6 ) f f by Tom K. Ryan -"'fp SHOL' ,.~,, Jtl ... by Jett MacNelly "Mommy, turn on the burglar alarm and see if I con fool it." ,_ \R~:\Dl"K•~ • ,11 fl-' • ~ by Brad Anderson f':Z-+ ~ lllV V"'"°'u"'tSt•">O•<:.,. '"< "Do you realize this takes us back to Chapter One?" CHARLEY MY FATHER'S [)()WN r-:..-1'\01 THE HALL, F16HTIN(, FOR HIS LIFE I I 'M NOT LEAVlN& HERE I "What 1 1tory thl1 1lnpy old rfvtr could tell If It could only talk." . Hank Ketchum )1 ~~=:T,==:;:::;:~~\..-------~~~--. s 111 )Tiil? ACROSS 59 Parent THOASDA rs 1 Honor 60 Street sign PUZZLE SOL YEO cards 62 Put away 5 Game 1>11ds 65 Srandard 10 Snoory OM 67 Doer or 14 Beer makings 69 Peru lnd1,1n 15 Mtdwes1 c11y 70 Single 16 Presen1 7 1 Stow Music 17 l(ey 72 Emend 18 E•rernal 73 Jog 19 ProleGltOfl 74 Ancnlor 20 Armor piece 75 Famed toch 22 Courage 24 Applesauce• DOWN 25 1n1ends I Pans p111s 27 Cau~ 2 legal rendet 29 Squandered 3 Geo~trtC 32 Be sorry figure 33 Fuss 4 Hardens 34 T url 5 Glod 26 Photos 46 Shreds 36 S111cn ltd1ngs 28 Vasi areas 48 Notte• 40 M11111l(' clock 'l worda 29 Gendet S 1 Joust 42 JAV!'ltn 6 lar~ blrd Abt>r 53 CIOSed 44 Sul)port 7 Onawa 30 Unused 54 Mature 4~ Wood 8 Crop 3 I Wiii~ on 55 Large home 4 7 Al'Sf'fYllll 9 BreAdwlnnf'r 35 Sco1t11h king 56 1<111<1 or acid 4!l 8f>vl'lllQI' 10 Pronoun Of yor«> 57 Muahroom f.O Pll!t 01 Nlfl1 11 Alric11n 37 In"" counhftt 61 Hang fl? Wrm'l)"" n Tll!I Hunl~ 3t Natr11IM1 83 Artt" lllltw !14 Ml'frury llllOy 13 ~Nts 39 Pot1110 Ms 64 Specks M Apllr0d1tr ~ 21 Enfolds 4 I Coffill 66 Astin lete IMlhf'f '3 Smear 43 TV l)Afl 61 ErOded 1 2 3 .. 14 L (CJIEEdta)j )UIUl&J DRABBl.E ''DE" /f, A PREF!>< MEAAJllV0, TO Pl)T D()WAh 70 {.)l.JCXJ OR Ret/ERe>E, Lll<E, P~FOIC.M, DfiCE, WHYOID YOU NAME HIM ''DUNNO''? FOa 8ETTEaoa Fea WOa8t: .-----------------.. ffit=. 'PJ OK'? t-W Fm.Jr '{C;J Q ePGK~~. '/ES, Fl~E.. E.Jl.60- 0EL16HT WOV/..DI* TOCA57' GrLDO.M, ro DARKE:A/ ••• I · 1 I 11-L by Ernie Bushmlller by Kevin Fagan • by George Lemont by Lynn Johnston l'M \-\A'JI~ IITTE.NSE. fRINS EVER.V 3 MIN\J\ES. •,HI Orange CoHt DAILY Pll.OT/Frlde~. September 2•, 1Dl2 • i 11111111 £1111Y • I David 8 . Mlller of 'fualln ho. bt't'" nt1mlod o S)'DIH proteulonul nwrllrlll 'rt'prt' NHlltlw for Ori.mat' and Son Olt•ao ~:ounUt'I lfo wu an IM."-'tlunl t'>h-c.'ullvc wllh Tt!lt.'phonc ButinWll Sy1tema. Mark L . Kittle hu be1•n promoted lo dt.'vt.•lopmenwl manager of \he fullc:rlon-Thrih offke of Avcu Financial Services. He hat tx-cn 11n assistant munuger an the: Sun~ Ana office. Gloria Zlgoer & A11oclate1, Inc., of Nowpon Beach has been selected by Turnbull Lutjean1 Ko· 1an Gallery as public relations counsel. Opening Tut>sday a l 6 11 Anton Blvd. on lhe ground level of t'he Amt'rican C.ily Bank Towur in tho Noguch i Sculpture Plaia In Costa Meaa, TLK Gallery is owned and operated by Betty Turnbull, Pblllla Lutjeaos and Victoria Kogan. Dudley C. Gray has been appointed vice presid ent of Carpenter, Simonsen & Rex, Joe., Newport Beach-based executive soarch firm concentrating on financial institutions. He has been • with First Interstate Bank of California in Los Angeles. Maryrose Tomeoni o f La Habra has been named by Valencia Bank as customer service representative in the Newport Beach office. Roberl E. Walker has been named executive vice president of the 1,200 physician-member Orange County Foundation for Medical Care, a non-profit corporation. He was president of BEST Employee Benefit Administrators. Inc., a subsidiary of BEST Plan Companies, Inc. William R. Franks, has joined Valencia Bank as assistant vice president, commercial loans, in the Irvine office. He was vice president. comme rcial loans with the Bank of Newport. The Interna uonal Peripheral F.quipment and Software Exposition will be held Sept. 29, 30, and Oct. 1, at the Anaheim Convention Center. The forum is tailored to the need s of the compute r peripheral field. The keynote address will be by S. Henry Sacks, publisher of Mini-Mk ro Systems magazine. Spacelink Ltd. of Newport Beach named Gary Peacock of Long Beach vice president of finance and chief executive officer. Patrick L. Lombardi, former vice president of fina nce, continues as treasurer and as a director; he also is vice president of finance for Jones International in Denver. Peacock has held similar positions with other publicly owned companies in Southern California. including S m ith International, Santa Anita Consolidated and Maxon Industries Inc. Ultrasystems Inc. of Irvine says San Diego Gas & Electric Co. has awarded the company a $743,000 contract for engineering design, procurement and projecl and construction management services for Author. lht" Mof't'no natural aui. t't>mpr~ Ion plunt udd1U1m In Rlvt'nidc County Enalnl~rln.i. dt>e1lgn. procur.:mcnl a nd projt-cl and romuructlon m11nagl'mt1nt at•rvlca·• will bt.t handlt'<I by the t•nl•rgy 1yatema d1vtw1on (forml'rly Shah· Vteru & Anodutca) of Ultruy1tem1 En1lncen 6 Con1tructors Inc. locat<•d at tht> c.x>mpuny'11 lrvlne h<•ad4UArtt·ra. Rieb Reilly hua julnt·d Cocbraoe Cbue, L1vln11ton & Co., lac. of lrvlne u " c:opywrlwr for tht• busincn-lo·bu•ineu dlvlslon. ffl' wa.• with Bernard Shank Advcrllaing. W. Rlcbard Ulmer hu1t been appointed 11enlor vlc;c> pret'lident, United S tates operations, ·for AJlu1aa Pbarmaceutlcal1, .ln~.,-lrvin~. Hf was vice president ot sales and marke ting. Allergan is a manufacturer of eye care products and is a division o f SmlthKllne Beckma n Corporat.1on. Corcoran Manufacturing ~o., manufacturers Airport adding workers ONTARIO (AP) The boom in air Creight operation s at Ontario Inte rnational Airport has added 75 to 100 jobs, accordng t o airpo rt oCCicials. Air cargo arriving and leaving the airport jumped from 5.4 million pounds in the first eight months of 1981 to 64.5 million pounds, more than a tenfold increase, for the period this year. Tw o factor s contributed to the rapid growth of air ca rgo business, said assistant airport manager Michael Di Girolamo. "Firs t . the s m a11 package people are finding out the re's a profit l o be mad e s hipping by air and guaranteeing overnight delivery," Di Girolamo said. "Second, these shippers -UPS (United Parcel Service) is a good example -have found Ontario Airport to be a much more convenient place to start service than at some of the more c r owde d airports i n Southern California." get tips Topic: Learn how buying your office building, may cosc less chan renting. Conducted by : ur tlw "M,•n y'' lint· ol Hpt'(•iully PJ'"' 1111pllmtor1, hu b<' ·n purchui.N by OUvtr Gardner. 'I'h namt> of the firm. Jucutc'CJ 111 174'~ H llu."ilt•r St. Araulwlm, n·m1.1ln11 tht• aanw. ltt•p Jerry M. Pauenoo, 0 -<.iurd•·n <ln•vl., has unnoum.·l-d thut tht• Dt·1N1rtnwnl or tlo~lll" and Urlw 11 Ot•vl•lopmc111 uwordt'<i ti $:t.2 m11lion grant U> t'On.111ruc1 fl~ aenlor housmK unlta In Our<fon Grove Thl' proposal for Jordon Munor wu'I wubmltt.t-d ut u JUinl effort by tht• (:urd1•n Grovc• C.ommunlty Adult Dr1y CAT1· Ct•ntt•1 unu rhl' Rl'tirl'mt'nt H.ou&tng Found.otl,on Marty Stelo has bi'c n n[lmed dlrc.•c tor of markt-ting for lh~ ii)'Slto0 \.'1 d1Y1tdon of 'California Computer Proctuc&1, lac., Anaheim. Betty Perisen, who has bc.-cn employed by a locol bank as execuUve secretary/administrative assistant. has opened a M!<.'rl'tarial service at 2960 Harbor Slvd., Suite D. Costa Mesa. She formerly Opt'rott.-d u i.c.-cretarrnl l(•rv c under lhe na~ oC Hdau'• Sttretaruil Servrt'e, which wus housed In the a:tinl· building at 583 W l~th St. . Sh<' cuntlnuclf to work for the Coitta Mesa Chamber of Commerc,•e H1•r o((foe number is 7M-6:i68. Gregory E. Pre11on of Diamond Bar has been nomed vtt·e president. corporate finance, of N<'wport Beach-based Capital Data Baak, lne. He was diret:tor oC t'Orporale flnan(.-e with Montano Securities, Inc. In Los Angeles. Whtie a straight line may be the most direct route from one point to another. it's also the least revealing rest of the car that takes you there A more revealing test was sug· gested by the editors of Motor Trend. who 1n the process suggested a car equal to it. The BMW 528e "can hum oown the interstate unobtrusively, then cut off on a mountain road and shce through curves with eager finesse " The reason? Simply that the 528e has been engineered to be at its best where others are at their most d1sappo1nting Its suspension is a refinement of a design so advanced it's been awarded an 1nternat1onal patent- and offers a degree of responsive- ness that's mtldly aston1shtng by the standards of conventional luxury cars • Even taking the 528e through the gears offers sensory pleasures. thanks to a 5 ·speed transmission that "rewards you with a crisp almost delicate feel as you move from gear to gear'" {Road & Trac k) The result is a dnv1ng expert· ence that Car and Driver termed "vintage BMW-which is another way of saying 1t gets you involved " To experience a car that in· spires the kind of involvement that orher cars render 1mpos51ble con· tdct your local BMW dealer And test drtve the 528e A publishing senunar, presented by a successful editor and designed for prospecuve authors, will be ofCered at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa on Oct. 9. Fred R. Shapiro, partner Kenneth Leventhal & Co .• C. P.A., internationa l public accounting firm. l l 1 VOIJR L()(,.At B~W~$ ARRAI l(.l A I HOH<JtJC ,11 I l I 11hlvl Title d "Getting Published," the session will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p .m . in roo m 112 o f OCC's Counseling a nd Admissions Building . Registration is $35. Seminar leader is R obert M . H owla nd, senior acquisitions editor for a national publishing company. Call 642-5678. Put a few word• lo work for ou. MUTUAL FUND Date: September 29, 1982 Time: Concanenral breakfast servt'd at 8:00 am. Seminar from 8:30 am co 9 :30 am. Place: 2825 Temple Avenue (at 28th Sc.) Signal Hill R.S.V.P.: Al tWA(i!{A ClllTllT llOY9I WIS ~..I~ w.-'\t t.\' 'lt JI H 571J M·~d·1 f./ A ---·--/'II [,, .1 Atr '"" H Kt""" ti'I l1 %7 '.d31 Utl/l l'<LY Hill.., ==r l)?l w. r •p 11 vrJ • I ~1 l j 3'~80 I A'.~AR llO Ul ... __ ol l I (h 1 °'"''' RO~l 4R2 ~]ti llJ) H~9 :.> H2 • SO H L Inv MU t «J 10 1' M od AM..,..,,.,, Pni SIP 10 S1 11 S. 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''' l AN<..A':> Ill< --4 '):?01 !\f')lfl "i.errdH W'"'''' (80'J) <148 I (1<1·~ l ()N4., Bf Al H UlellUCJl-3&70Chtrr~ A" (21])'121$·1 •·l ( 714) hJb '.J7 LOSAt~l l( ') ""NII llOTOIS l-14.1 .... '<1 jl' .! '··''Sil' .' , ,., • I ,,_...,. VM.Ll'f .-.n.a /8402 M,,.._ ,. • " P,y1o;,..3f 171·1> 8 31 ?O·lO N[VIPORT B£ AU I llO'f<MVD, .. , ">4<' JCYl•tlOI•··· ko l-l••40h444 'J'JR I H f+ II lfW JI.JO ...., ...... .. d270 L.-, ... , I H.)11< •• 11rj }Pl '1 I til l NOl<WAl K JUM0- 10840 I ""~IOlll! l~JU• .... i.J ~)j 8•~ J:>J! ".J tJ11 ..,, ':> f~[I./ IH1r.1,~ ttA'r ·109'> [c1.,t P.i r1 r: ~ iy<.n Drow 'JJ) 3?8 h'J:'~ ~IVE H...,lf>l CMINl&llMW -~i;o k ..i 1· 1 A .. 114) '8~ .1444 'il\l\/TA ANA CllVllll Ml'Clll. .. J08 ~I r1,l SI ('14)83'1 ~Jll OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS 1ANTA MOOICA OCIAll~ 1820 Sdnt.t M<•111...i ~ •• '\l ... d (.'11)82Q 1~3~ I Save money and shopping time. _ Read the ' I/AN f\«;Y' _ _..cuna 'Jl I() Vtfl fli tV' Bo ,,..,,1111 (l l 31 781'< I 7'Jl "'' 11 .. 11,4 '" ,., 10 14.J 't' I J ll.) ll.O IJ. IU 12.l ttt 12 ' IJO llS 11 I II I II I II I Orang• Coaat DAIL y PILOT /Frld1y, Septembet 24. U382 NYSE O MPO I TE T~ANS ACTI ON o,1'0Ut1oeii•1111c-.110• .. A.11011 ttilB ••• •O••· ...... u . ftt\(1,1( .... IOUC>tl ••••Ott .... ClflfClllMAfl ,,,., .. •C .. Allea•Alll l l ... ltlOl 'fttflllAHAlllOlflfUINlf ~ _.. Ml"' IHI kin lttl I' .. If\ H•t .. i.. Hat \lllM Nfl p I lld\ (IOM Cllt "I lld, ci. .. (flt ". '''" , .... '"' "I ..... Claw t h@ p I llctt (IOM cne I: l!r ti .~ !ltt"' "' ~i·~: ·u :111~; r,... ~ ~~r.· 1,a ·1 JtM "H\,;.. ~ fllilu. » 1tMO •1 • "' l"M:Y .ao » JI ,~ \4 .r .I .. 9') , ., ~ , )4 ..... wi , ~ 1 "' • ~ •"II ~, '° ,,,o ''" l't • .,.. •» t 100 , ~ ·-1 LI • »I .... . .. ~ u k ,.. MC pl'... 0 •,•r-,~ m" I oi 1, ~ '"° ff'' t 1~ enw~ 16 10 ,,,. I '· .. .. " "'•' 114 • '''' t• ' "' I ' lo '' fi!.! .. Mc t 3 ,,. "' ,; ''°' ' v, , ••M'-' ~ lo \, p .. 11«1• Clow (II@ or ,,,I ·m ,,~-! !.of\ I 0 ~· TO .. Mc 1'"" 1m m: ..... = 110 • n ' v .. "' 1.ulCll f " f •u ,.... •• f ...... J IO t t ~1~· .... ,,, , , ,, ~ .~" IJ r to ~ M< •· . • Eo\,;. 14 NI''"' '·~ :i ·m ;i::. ~ ·:m, ·~:: 't' J", "" ~ 14 165 4 ... .... ~ l.t0'• 111~·"" ~;raav,;1 1 I H::· =MC '·" ! ~ .... hll110f I J 'i"' ~. lrtl(p ". 4 ·~~ 5 p1 ~10 1 ~ .. O'•t:; y~m .f:,t U 1;, ~ 011: ~,·~, 10.1 ~v. = 1.l 1J "' ~ ,,....,,..,, t\ot "l•rlU010111tw '' •1 bell , tl m. !"" ' ' l1 I Mfl!ll, f t,; I VH • t0 t ' t•l'o ~ ffVl\,I 1,10 4 \I tav1 "' :0-" ~ 1;1 U"' ~ IQO • ~ I 1 lJ14 lO _,t:="~ .. U •~1 JI~ t 'ii< M<Hel "' : u Ht, " : A"1 . ·• • Utt *""' lwwr • t,., 14 f l 2411. \I• , .. ,., .. ..., 1 4M ! v. e '••' 'o tt " • ~ • " ..... • :it" Me.,. ~ '* ••~ , ..., P HG • • 1 •10 """ \Ol!llC , .. , •n u11o I' t 110\ CIO.. •lllln Ur~ I .,. ... ll•t l•P ... IOJ 'lllt HOftol I '9 I ~I ., .. '"' MeHn )I • "" ""' ., I t t '"' IMVC Ill t 1100 d" ~ •M•nt fO •• t'" ••• 1•Ko '·" 1 _,. J HMvV I. 4 11 II " 4\ Meft•" u 111 ~"'· .. l'i61>ty J<ll; ll!JI ..... ·-w 16111 , t I;, A-A -ALk. 40 ,., lt l't HrAlr "' \.. '-~, ... I I I ., 16 . . IMliell l' • ' , ... .QVoo \. ,...._, t • ~ 16\t. ) M IQ IOJ Ill. Vt A.1U• ... '1 'Cl I •m~ > tO I tiO 31'111 • "' A~ wt<> IC tll'• t .... 14;~111111 .UI It) II ·~ • \<. MtllvH14t t:04 ti U. ,t • " =~"a:.I s ti• 16 •I lh• t '-' t • • t'1 ·~I<. " ~Cf 21• > S. U~ t ,_ •mil t 1; ~7 wt , .. ll!•A r plUt t u .. , v. H~ ... ltl ~HS ,"!°!,!. .,. 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It ITW l.OI 9 n3 J2V<t \Ii =:::~ 1: ~ l~"": ~ :11~ = u::. :~~ m:: l11, \<.~'!..., .12 ISS :4,?.. ~:!.' :,,..• J10 1npll.lt · ti """ envlll '• tO'I 13V. ~ EqmkplHI t 1•4"°' lmplCp 2S7 9Vo-i.. MollRub .40 > lOJ ~t ._ P$vNH 1.11 • l2S 1•1>.+ V. Telea"-IO~ '~i'''. .. p IC11.U . IO'I '°'"' ~ INCO 20 iM ... Vo ... h -I ; p ........ , 7S -HV '" ••• AtroPw 2 .., 6 Ull 11... ,,.,..., • .. 13111 EqlG•S t.SO ' 7 2H•. llWllM p11'1t . tt10 u ..... 1~ ..... nr< ·-4 .. """ ... """... . . r ....... 19 • \.< Tennco 2 60 6 llO \ .,. Allet1G . t t7 IS lflli ·•HAlr . .cl tO "2 11 "' EqlLI IOJ S. to U~r 1 \'t lndlM pfi U · U IS..... MO._ ,f'> I :M )f\fl • ~ P$NH pll.11 tO It .. + ~ Ten< pr · 11 US 11,' Alldd ,10j . 37 • • nmr•n .40 37 If.() 11\1>. Esmark I.ti • 111 ""'. v. I"" M ptt'u J •• :.: . ~ Mon..,, 4 • 9t9 II _, P$N~ plf,U 11 21 ... "' Tenc pr I «) l 51': ~. All0$1r 1.jl) e 771 2~ llm pl 1.20 . u 171'. i,.; ESQuJr 1 ... 1 S "°" t \'t IWllM oO 6J 673 Uh MlllDU 2,24 6 S8 21 • • PSN 1 l)fl.IS . . 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"· PSEG pit... . . 110 )/ .,.. TUllll>t 1 11 llOS ttv •• "' AmAfr . 1101 IS .. • v. ChNV I 2 a • 103 a.... ' ' lnllll'ft 2 •Sttl 31 ,... • .,. " P·~kk ~ • ,... T .. lnl OS le llSt 10\.o ,,. A.Air wt 432 4~.' '· CllNY plt.'7 ' 11~> .. FMC pl 2.~ t't S'J7 J'lt.~ '"' itcp"-1.tn• '. 67 17'" lrCI .SO. • 3t U~ ~ v-•• -• ' .. T • A ' ,. Clln pl2 ,. Fabr~ -, -\r1 .... -.. ICI pl .., " l 'A .... Pueblo .12 6 62 6'1'> .... •NMa J ,. • II "'"' "• • A , pl 2.11 33 """ .... c y • I ~ • ... F•ll•t:t 32 II • 'J4.. v. lnter'o 2.• I 11 ... \r.. un~ • ··~ t .. PA c.m . ' ,.,. r.oo... .21 II 1211 21 ... "" ... B1kr U II l'INY pl 1S4I H \• • V• ' Inlet r 7 7S 3 100 t • ' • • •• P IP I -TaP~ JO 10 8 10' A8r•ncl 3.SO I '41 ....... Cl'le>Pn t n 10 Sl9 JIV. ~. F11ee1 II 20 •'-..... 1n·-· ··-'7' -· 21~. ·... , 1.21 •• !01 II -"' .. t. 6 • ·-Uft.... 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RCA pl J.50 . 1210 3t t I Tllrllty IO I 101 134, AGnCp 2.10 0 216 41\lt• "' c;11ry~ pl ,.., 9h ,, FTJu0111 a~ IO tt m·-t"' ITT plK ' " 4311.-.... NVF "' ,. 1~ ~ RCA pl 4 12 SS • IY> TICero 120 6 " 17 AGIBd 2.1. .. , ...... "" CllurCll I ' Ill lt ... ft Fide t , •• 2 ·~ • ITT pl() s.. It ........... N•l>SC8 ios 'i U51 ,, ... 14 RCA pl 2.17 . '°' 21\~-~ Tlclwtt 90 s )116 19... '• AGn<;v 1.lll<o . 3 l 'V. • y, ClnBell 2.n 1> .. 11•" \.. Fl f. J ~ ~ ~ ...... · ~ tntT'I' pl 4.SO . 2 'SV.-.._ N•l•A 1 1·12 15 14s 21«, ,. RCA pl J.U . st 7S~ t \,i Titer In 111 /~. lo AH•"' ... 9 3 ''"" v. ClnGE 2." I tit 1111'> 1111 . I -lnlNrth 2 12 • -,....,_ "" -.. ,... RLc;" .. • IS ·~ \ Tim•• I I 111 ~HHoisl :,Stl .3 11 12"1 ft ClnG pl ' <170 30 ·, j,; FFnnCSIP~.· ... 1 ~73 2!,".'. "' lntrpce t'.!O" .. IS\\. ,,. N•pco' .14 1J u 11'4-"" E . • • • • I JI ~ ~ ome .. 10 1 171S .,.. "• ClnG pl • ,. ·~ 67•1. F ~::. • ·-:-.. . lntr;~ I .0 9 .. -~ .... N•plFO .IOI> n 130 JIV.. '"' CT "" .«> ' '° 7"1-.... ~lml pt Bl SI 0 Sl"-1 AHoSP' .IM 11 2122 av.-~. ClnMli .n 10 lit 2' >.; Fl",.'~1-n .... tl .. s. 1,s1t' • ~ Int , . •s I• io··· "• Nerco ... " II ,. .. • %1 •ll ' .11 I 141 ..... \, lml plC. !O II •11. AMI S7 I ( • ou ,, , w • • • NH IMM IO 112 ·~ _ "' Rl mMI . . 409 S -°'" TlmeM 1 12 Hit 49' , .\'.. A S · 'J.:l9t 7'1/>t v. <;ltkrp 12 S wl31• 26"> • v. l"tAlln s I s '1 1/\'11 lnblPw 1. .. • SS UY.+ v.· N•ICan · l · ~ 2 II •_ .... Rempe t.ID tJ ID t9'1o .. Tlma.n 1 . .0 I 791 .. 9\,. ~1 A mMot l s 71• l\lt, . ClllSV< t . .O tt ~ '6 • . FtCt\rt : IO US 1, ... '~ lnPw pf 2 2t tJOO' , .... • 14 NCftvSI ,1 13 It! 2tV. 1-o R•nco .t4 t ~ 13 • '' TodSlll> t, 11 s '" JJ4, .. A~~~~ n 19"4 m. .. CljlSvc WO 1902 "'\" .... FslClll< 1'20 21' ""', "' •-•El 1.n • 54 UI'>+ Vi N•tDlst 2:,o l .. , U -,.. Reycmn .'41J H2 Sl»o• \lo TOkllm U 7 O t2"' '·• Sh • 96 tOV. • "" C lylnv t.10 o 1616 111'> \'o F8Tu 1 '20 S.t :IOI•, "° 1-llG 2.3t • 9' u21\'e • l\ NAIEOu 1 321 ~ '1 1211,, V Reymll , 31 I " TolEdh 2 l6 • ti• 19,, A Ip .2ao..~ 131 12 9 . ;.: Ctyln pl 2 . 4 l2'-I FtClt• • , • •L 1-111 p12.11 . tSOO 1•v. + \lo .. IFG 1· • , • Aaymdl I s " tth v. Tot Ed .. , -9 u-, , AmStd ~ 24.l 26~, .. Cl•blr .60 200 TO • Finl.it 2 1' S 2lh • ;;; APS 2.41 I '4 2lh . "• 1• S SI l"1 R 1111 "" ,. ,,., • ~s·;~" 4111 t91 "t• "' Cl•rkE 2.20 .. 1J 21 Y> •• FtMlu ·2"0 U: 1,.. v. toweRs 1. .. 1 32 ?•V1 ~ =::~:'. 1:: •i ~~ ~.,..· ·~ R::,e, 1 :: '! 't~ Ht : ':Z ~:!.~:pf,,~,, 1~ :;,,, • ~ m r 1 I 219 55 • ClvCll t.IO 10 lJt 711' .. v F NBos st ·92 , tK Uh, "-lpcoCp .20 12 tot lbJ NMOEn ·.., ll ltOI 21)~ ' ~ AOB•I pl2. ll H, ll"" • 11, Tool Rot .-I 9 171,, vo ASTtr pl S.SI . I .,,,. '"-ClevEI 2." 6 1230 II • •• F NSt8 2.., ' 32 ltlS"-"' lrvoBk J.» ' 190 Jt~ 'Iii NMl .. s ·:12 • 22 14. "~ Rh Rat I.Ole • 2 ·~. Ito Tr<hmk 1.60 I 196 2'4-o "' A T s . .o I •l01 s.~ ~ c;1vEI pl 1 • .0 tlOOO 54 F IP . " H ..... ltekCc> lOb 1•1 ~ "' NP . --RunEQ 12 '" T°'oCo .. 7~ 1. ATT pf ' 1' .OV1 V. ClvEI pt 1.5' . 1.00 S3 '' Fs pa ' . -J-.J -. • rte 1 t.20 I Slt 2111~ Yr Aeamn 1010 76 ttV., v~ Toico I• 54• 1s11. 1,, ATT pf, l.M IS :MV. ....... p•vplt .60 , S8 '"-. ~ F~~~a"" 10 .~~ ~· .. ~ JWT '·" 's ,., " -~ =ft::~ 1 •• i "76 JI;; . ~ Reece tt 4\'w, T-•· ... ISi "" "• ATT pf l .1'. )IS JS\.<,, ... IOfOll .92 '1Jt9 17\<. FllFlnG • 2 ) '3 2r-' .,.. JmesF 1,60 t2 ., ,, -NSt-io1 ~! t \11! "" A-O-Olft • tll '" TovAU. 21 llSI 33 • "' ~==·~ \:~ ~ 1~ :~~ 11• ll:::r; ·'1 .~ ·~~ m: ._ Fl•IEn .Sl 21 511 U \.'t + .... JRI_.. .00 t 411 tf"1• ii'> l'i•llSll i '. tas · ISblt 7 RefcllC <II 11 II tll'I Ito Trac:or • :JO IS •SJ w,, .. Ameren t 60 • IJ »~ r Coa<hm JJ 30 13.,. ~ Flemno t.1, 9 S. J3 ......... JA\lr pf S.40 .. tO 61~ • ft •NetUI n 2 I tt ti _ "-AepAlr J'IS S.-. ,.._ Tr•ne I l6 1 10. 2•~ + ,, AmesD . .., to '6S 21 • " Coa•t..4 .., 30 4}2 20~ "' Flt a IV ,IC) 16 "' 22'A-.... J•m•• .12 •• ,. U-"'. .... Ntlom t 00 s ,,... 11 ... t "' RepCp .60 • l ti~ v. TW Cp UIJ ti•. 1. Amell t.'io 13 101 JO~ ~ Csll pl t:t9 I 2H. "' F1 .. 1 j)I U I .. " 11h.... JaQflF 1.l5e . 103 •• ,.,_ \It Nllm pl ' 10 l2h • .,,, AepF"nS t.20" S71 "'--... TW wt '"° ..... ' Ami..: '·" 17 312 2J • ! .... Cstl pl t.13 . • ''"" ,,. FliolSI .... 17 '" 10 .... "' J•llPtlt IM • 2 11W . . . NevPw ,, ... 6 tJJ l.l:ISV.. ~ AffiNY 1.40 6 ., 301,, • .,. TW"""" IU ... ... APlft '·'°IS 109 s.i,. .... Coc•CI 1.<181t4Q30 ,3 lo fFlloeEtCPn 2t m ,. ........... 1:lp1pf ~~··=!~~ ·'·-..... !'.!"ti .. J ..... ~ =N~~~·.!t. 1!..?22;:-~ I" TTWwc'~ ,.! ..! m . "' Ampeo .60 11 J t2"9 ColeN s 6' 16 l9 .n~ 'lo • 10 IS 21 17-"-· • ---.• , N•v-~" . 9! 17V>-'Iii "' ..,. ..,, , -• "' ,.. -•• 12\> ;_ Amrp 19 16 7,,. ColKo 11 '7S tl'h ._ Fl~PL J.» • ICIM )l\\t-'-JerC pl I • • 100 u51 + .,.. HEflOEI J 1 141 JO + ~ AepSll 1• . 1 IJ 1)~ \<. TWC pt 2... , tlS .,S.-. n AmSlh 1.60 s 13 ·~ ..... Colemn 1.2010 ., 24.... ~. Fl•P•t l,IO • "' 17~+ .... 1•rrec !! ta.~ l!! .. ,, ,· . NJAk "'·" • tO .... _ 14 Reph··-s 117 ,, .... t Tr.,.,,., t,SO • l<lll ~ ... AmstM 1.90 s JI nv, • .,. ColoP•I 1 20 I 7S2.s ''"" •• FF•,· ... ~!... .SJ 19' ?!! ','~-.,,, J:rc::: , It .. ' -s lflli -!!yYSS~ >''1'°s US! u1•"-, • "" ... , ... pl1,12 •• • 1•~ ... 'A Ttlnln< 2.16 7S 17... ~-Amsl pl .. 13 s• CotlAlt. .n t m l6h • ~. """" ._ ' • -Jewerc ,· ... ·,· •• ....,_ .. ·;~ " ,.. . .. "-Y> .••. Rshc;o4 .12 s ., 12~• v. TAR1t1 SJ 20 71<o Amsted 1:60 t I 71 11'.o. '" ColnF' ' ?S• ...... "' F•-·' SI to 29 ,. -.... ~1c pl --.,.,... -NYS P!Ol,JS . • ,,.,,. + .... Revco .• IS S5S lt"-Tr•nKo I ID s 139 2"• ~. Ancmp n 12 Jt IS6 '°"" Col PM t fO ,30 144·· '. Fluor ,IO • 202• 18"" + "" ~-• • " ,..,._ 'I> Newell t , 121 t7Yo. "' Revere 2 ""' ,,. Trftl( pl 1.17 , ~ ''" Antoo • · 30 tJO 201 "' Colt In, I ID ts• 21 , , , Fool•C 1.20 1 it :U"-..... Jewt<r tOt 11 4~ v. Nwl\et .n ti s ,. v. Revlon t.t4 1 s11 2.,... V> Tr•""" .cn1 2t n. ,,.. An<Nr 1.3' t S7 .. • CotG.S 2.a. s 11• 20 • '. ForOM . 121S ,. -~ JoflnJn 1 ti t<ISI """ ... Newmt I 20 Ul ,1 -14• RONm .60 I SJ u-. .... TrO pl t0.J2 ISO 11 AnCl•Y 1 32 S 12 23•1 "" C50 pl olS 2S tlOO utCM • 1 FOt'MK 2.fll t 31'9 ll...,_ \lo J•EF 20 1' U -"' Nw-tr. , 16 4 607 Sv• Rtaftrd 1,0l 2t IO It~.• \lo Trenwy I.ID • 21 21"' + '' AnclrG n .:io t JS IJ ' C50 pl n!S,2S , t.000 103-1<. •..., FMK Pl IAO t 61\0 • \0 JollnCn 1.40 I M 21Yo • l'w Nl•MP 1.ID • 705 Uh ';4 Aun pl 2:36 . I 12 IV. Tr•vlr, 1 .... • UtO 22 • .,.. Aft09lk 60 1t IOI 2' Combln I IO 6 481. 7Ho ~, Ftl>eat t.:12 • ISt 1Qt9-"-JOllnC pl 2 " 4 :U... • '-NleMclf ~60 . tlOO u.... II) Rey11lft 2.IO • Jm SO~, TrlGon U la . 1<18 :It • h !~ ':::~ 'ffl m: t:: ~Z'!9,n ,•·-;, '•01361/tri.:. ~ ~~.~ '·~ ·~ ~ ~; -~ ~:;r ·~ • 1::"~ • ~ =1::= '::lL ~ ~-. .. :.: ::~:~r"'!:~: '°,u•~1.: ',,, ~~:~1:'2·'°, .. 'u ~.::: :;; Ant• n ,:S. 4 11 1' \lo ComMlt ,'4 • 60 17 FoaSIP ... I IOS Ul'r • .... JMl"I .'2 12 ,~! U'I> • t\ NIMl!f 10.60 . 11120 M~• t ~ A•YMt t.IO 11 tll 2l . Trl•ino . .cl n U 10~. i,. Antllny .440 • s •• , •• ""' Comal. " ICM J1V• ••• Foat>r. I°' • 1'3 J I'-. \<I JoYMIQ 1.40 5 .... ~ , -"l•Mpl 1.n . 1100 53 1~ R<llV<-I .. 10 ~ ,.~ ,,. T•l•P>c t 16 .. II • "'• Apeche 2• 9 llS 1~ '-rmwF 2,1() I tff.4 lJ\• FrptMc 60 10 6IO 164--Vt -It-« -H IGSll J.1Jo .. U ""'· \>lo Ri.otll 1,IO I 11 ~ •t. Trl<nlr ,J6e I 6 • Apcl'IP un'2* 11 21-., CwE p1 2 6 "~ Frlotrn "' t 115 16..,-"' KOt" 10 IOJ 4'-.... Nl<ott n .7'100 t3' 10 -1-o RIOOr91 l,60 I "".,...,,.., '" Trlco 16 I w •~ iii ApPw 14 II 2 "'"' v. CwE pf I .•. 161 Sl~t-\> Fruellf .cl ltt ""° • Vo KLM It SI J2\<o-II) NICOR 3 I tS.S :itV.-°'" Ak>Gr pl .IC> ltS utt"' .S~ Trlnty .SO 6 67 lt\oo, .... APOIMo '931 i1 ttt ,.,, CwE pl 1.l7 tS utl\ot + Fuqu. 60 .. 20 20w-"' tC•lsCa ,60 • ff tl'I') • V. NICO r 1.90 t 2t RlleAICI .ID 1' Mt 3"t t '• TrltEnt • to i. 21 "V., v. ArcllDn ·,.., I 12tO IS~ :Z CwE pl 2.17 10 11"-. ... ,_ G-4 -K•IC pl 1.37 . II t• . NOlllA .12 S 1133 10.. "° ltOCISl!w IA) 12 !16 20\I• °'" T11esEP t.'2 6 ttt 71•r Ariz PS ·2 SJ 1 IS«! n>... "' Com ES 1 a I ;., ti 10 GAF 20 • lO' 10 Yo K•lsl'St ' _. Jt.,. •I'• NorSo n 2.IO • ttl 5'11.-~ RollCsn t.60 S 1 .. 11''• • v. T,wiftO. 1 t0 6 10 IS"-\. ArlP pl 1'st 73 21 • ,,. Comwt 2.0 16 '30 ., .. _,.,. GAF pl 1.20 " n~-.... K•ntMI .21 , IS '"' + .... Notlln l -..... ... Ao«>IM .5' • 1 .. tS " TyeoL •. 10 • 201 16\>t ... Art81I 4.si . 71 I CoPlyc •. 36 2J JSl n ... GATX J . .O I 13 2.S • • • K•MC> 111 li l69 ""' "' Nontr II 2.10 • " ~. .... RocllG 1.760 , 135 .... Tyler .0 • " .. ~ \, ,.,, .... ·,., .... , IS'll.t .... ComPQ< It .. ~ ... GCA .101 u II• ·-l KCl\IPL2 .... 49S 2S%1 ..... ~ ... 3 41 ....... ROCllTI 2,CM I"' 23~•-"" lym-nm 20 .... ~-ArlnRt t tll 1,..12 •1•32 CompSc IJ 4tO 1Sh • v. GEICO M 1 t33 ttV. • "-KCflL pt7 ll t 17\o,. N .. c;oe1 IO e 1' 21V.-t Rock WI I.Sf 10 612 3'\•-'• _ u -u _ Armco 1 20 9 1n1 CllS~ .... Cptvsn II tll1 23',o .•. GEO .u 3 221 ·~-KCCSou .• ' , ... ~. ... NOA""' 1.70 I II""' ..... ROflmH 2.IO • no 62V. "" UAL 11 "" 20~. •• Arm< pl 1'10 17 2''" ConAor t 9 -21Y>. "' GF Eqp . ., 4\'t-\lo K So pl I •40 • . .... HEUIO 2.29t • 27 ""--.... ROhrlft ) ,20 u~ "-UGI t.CM s • .. ..... •1. ArmrpfilS aoo )I C-MI 2.20 I 1t ~ .. "'GTE 2,f'> 71603 31"-• V. Kel'IGE .12 • m 1'~-~ l>MestUlt.Jll 17171 tOh• .... ROflrpf J.ll IS "~ .. UMC .O 1 U l h lo ArmR s 'ao . s 2t -... COME n:J,I() 6 ' n~ •4 GTE pl 2,SO . s U -\lo ~enHll 1Atb I I , ...... \I: NtnoPS t,$0 10 2JtO !2.,_-w Rolln£11 . li,. I"-+ "' UMET Ate 10 tt7 3"" + v. ArmWtn i.1022 lSI 11v. ~ CMNG 2.20 6 It 17'1!1 .,, GTE pl 2.41 .. 1J , ....... ~·nPu 2,fll I 1n ""'• v. H•$'""" 2.7' 7 6211 ~ 14 ltolllM , ... tt.S 1µ.-... UNC"" .. '\,;. AroCp IO to 11 " Conr• ,., ,, " 1• ... .,., G•IHou n • tit tMro + "" •IY'" • " ,,,,_ v. ... ~ plJ.60 •• l2IO 30 . .. • AOIMCp 20 07 341. I USFG J.60 t 7l7 llv.". i-, ArowE '.t6 51 131 1l ConECI SI ... S 1130 tt\io t .... G•nntll 1 n IJ 917 fA + ~ Kl llf, I.•.. 12 1S -.,. Noeill t 146 22t •n,. "-flOflton 2t 2 Unllw t.32• • l '1 ~> Ar1re .20 M tS ti•• ConE pl '·6S . 110 31 ,.., GepSt• .SO I S9' 21 •..• ic:•rl ' .U · ,? 112!!:_ ,.:, Ntl>cNI t . . 10 ' • "'° II-• ·'° ·; li 1l • UftlNV ._, .. S 2.0 41i.. ~. Arvin 112 13 ts u ConE pl s 2 60 v. GuSv< 1.lti s ,. 11....... • e< .30 ' ... -.• Non.,. 1.IO 4'S ..,_ .._ ROfH ·" 13 432 2J t \'o VC•mp ' ' ,., 5''1> ~. Asarco . .cl 275 2SV. ,,_ COflFdl 2 12 m a \lo .. Oearll! .36 I ta 121'1 + v. Kl(•11'-1 t.liO t ~ 17 ..... •·.. NwslAlr ,IO .. 1171 JI\'\ .. ltow•n .OI J 711 ·~~ . . . UnCMb J.40 t 1211 <18 -1.1.. AilllOll 2,.0 • 119 1'I ConF j)I 4.SO J '° -1Y1 Oelco 1.12 I ,.. " -.... • '"'°' 40 • "' " • Vo NBcp pl . ~ SH1-.... 11-111 pl1.'4 . • ,, 11'/. • .\. UftComr .20" t ... ,. 411110 p13 9' 10 1S .... CnsFl"I I.CO tt •7~, V. GemC.. 7S t2 ullYI + .... ~::::. , IO J .:; S "" NWllEn t.40 4 1'9 1'\0 .,. l'C COi 1,0. t o tt~1 UnlonC .191 102 , ... ~ Vt AtdDG 2 tO lJ9 '° 1 \II ConsPw 2.'4 6 JIM 11\lo+ w GAlnv ,,2'e to 11-., ... K U ... !O U -tr-N•En p12.ll . 1S tl\lt v. RoylD 1.f» • t2Clt JJI->. . UnElec 1 ... • 6' 12'•'" .... ASdD pl •.7S •2 ... ,., • '"' CnPw Pl4.tt . zt20 2114-... GABmOll 60C> " 100 -.... I(:,,~. 2.: ! ·~ :;~. t. Nwttnd •.40 2 ... »Vo. "" Aubml I tA .. t-S .. ~. .... Un El p(M ' 2.S 211 •• \lo Allll-1.60 • ll "'-v. CnPw pl4 so t120 30 _, .... Gft Ull .• • • Ith-"' I( ~ ,·IO • ... . .. , NwtPpl 2.liO .. 1 "-Vo RutToo I ~ JlO u~ ..... "' UnEI pl 2.tl , IS -~, AtCyEI 1.2* • "• ........ CnPw p17:n . L.0 SI.... t GClnm .. 10 .. , -2.-. .,,_' . -2Wo + ~ NwMLI 1,20 11SJ2 u12v ... ·~ AyWIH" I S44 "' ,, .... ~ UnEt ... 7.'4 . 112 SJ • .,. AltMlro .OW 3 111 IS·" CnPw p17... . 100 SI~ GnD•I• &SIO"--i,\ ~·="f:i 1 .. j) It~ 12,~-~ NWSIW .IO . 21 ti~-\/o Ry-S t.Olb 10 244 -• \'o UE/ 111"4 I 110 SS AUAk ll 7.00 I "" ...... ~' CnPw pl 4 . w """ GftOY" n 11 IDI 33 -.,, . • ... -.,. Norton 2 ' s1• JO -v. -5--S -uo l(al I 6 tlll 11~ ;.,;, AltRc I ).1S rlSO 33 11, CnPw plJ.91 . S1 2I ' GtnEt l .O 10 JOOI 11 -14 K s t.IO ' SOO It v. NorSlm t.Ol 10 Slt 2J • SCA .2!0 tO 1'4 12 • "" UnPec 1IO10 t52 "\oft ~. AU•.cc> 2 '9 IS\I• • 11> CnPw ptJ.IS 101•v.:. .... GnFOs 7 10 t '* ~ II) ~l:J:'i,.1 .: • ~ ~ ; Novo .2 .. 11 Mt '3'1<1-y,; SCM 2 I Ill '""' Unlro-yl 6 Sit 7~ Auo-t .:12 •• 21 21v... ,,, Cn""" prJ,SO 2 17"'. '" GGlll ·'°' l2 4 """. \lo iumocl . 4 · 1 ,., •2'1o -... NllCor .SJ 12 22• ...... SFN 11• • 3111 u~. Unryl pl • H IO 41 . ... AvfoDI 50" 1230 J4 .... Cn""" pr2.D • IS•> GHo" s liO 7 142 ,..... . . . . . .......... ., 11 -· 3114-NufrS n .2A 11 1<21f 21ft 2"' SPSTec .n s ,. '~ .... UftllO" l ll s.... .... AV<oCP t.20 I seo n "" C..Pw P<' 01 2 ell""· "° GnHous 20 1 i.1 10-.,,, ., • ...,... · ..., · · · · o-o -Sabine .40 211 m 1' "' unerno .20 1•1 2' ,.,.. .,.. AvMI 1 11 11'6 O.\oo i;. CnPw pf?.'3 U 16"1-°"' Gnlllil .SO 11 3117 »-..... ._ ~:, t.~ n tt ::~ • ~ O•k lnd .24 I ttS U'lli.. lifOOlh S ,12 16. lll It . UBrd pl t.20 t lh + .... Avon 2 • 1m 24... .... ConlAir 42 4V• v. GnMlll~ I ... 11 ... O"-..... t<ooen 1'40 1l J01 11 ..... ~ O••••P 1 .S7 • ) ""' • SCOcrS< • . ,, "•. Vo UCllTV n ·" 16 "° 12'111-~. 411• I.IS 9 JI 11• Cont(Op 119 '"'''Ill GNlot 2.«ltSO-O V> 'Iii 1(-pl •4 tlO JOV,•t Ck<l,...2.SO Slt20 tt•t. ~ 54.0Swt • 20 "-•1·1• UftEftt'Q1.J2 3106' U V.• \lo AyOlft' 1t UJ 2'1h ~ C1111Cp 2 60 • no u•... .... GMOI pl l IS I :131'1-... K-... 10 l 7S\?. ' O<clP pf2... s ,.,.,.. 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U~••Bll t.24 s IJO 1S .... 881ou1 pl 2.06 2 94 • 1 CID•I s .SS 1 20t7 JO i.-t GftSlont 1.60 9 3J7 ~th LFE s .. 1:v.-' 11, ()Qden t.ID S J61 t l\'t ~ SO!aVl t.1 ' 793 16'-• Vo UIOMM . 120 6 v. • tC:O 2 ... I .. '3 • ,,. Con-1.., , ,7 )1 ~· GT Fr pl 1,30 1100 IOV.-'Iii t.L<;Cp I 1 -·~ OOOn Pf t.'7 J 4/11> ~ SJu•nB .... 11 OS • • .. UPtr.Mn Sl " ,,,. .... 8•11yMI .20 I 1221 2S C-Un 07r 7' )\'II GT Ire I SOI> I 2.SO U,_ .... LTV !O ; Ut ,.,,_ 14 OliioE:d t.7' 6 1199 13\tt •. SJu.nR 1'.4'< tt 3 .... USFOS S.07• . S7 JO Y> S.ltGE 2 .... ' ... ,.... c-1S7' llS to~ ..... Oenl<O tll ,.,. ..... LTVpll 2 t OllEOpl4.40 tlOO )lil'>ttV. S.-s .ntl 665 SI USAlr ,, 611U ,.,, ... 8•t1t:,B ": tJOO u37 + ·~· C-1 pl 2 '° . m JO.\• GnAacl 10 tSI 117 uv.---LQ\llnl' 21 32 ":::= ~ Olllltelpl 7.» .. lliOO SI SAnltAI .... 10 s IS ..... \. USGvPS ,,.., u ... Jt\. , ... , r11T I 20 tl 4l 10'. h C-1.b .IO 12 125 )9\o 111 Otnil t .60 . I t 11'4 .. Le<O.S 2 ..O S 5 ,.,,._ "' OllECI pl 1.10 t.!09 SS°'" ~ !!.~';: t.201 11 3'tJI 2011,... .. \It VSusroin lS.16 ~ti 19714 81n • n , 6 1•9 6... C-f M S ti 22 \, GenuPI t 30 13 W • • V. L.emSft . " JV. .... OllECI pl t,ID 11 13''> -'Iii ...,, ..,. nd • .. ~ncsaop ·'°ID 11-72 J,1~ '''" GOPWO .. 16 • S7 ••+. ..... GeP..: 1.20 11<183 '"' Lenlef, 3' ii 107 10V. • "' OllEtl pl t.12. 1110 .,~ ....... ~llEAIEP .,20e .. 20 62"' t .... US$l.NR s ·"° 12 t" ,. I• -no• . ~ t " Cordu<'• 60 10 ... .,... G•P< pl 2 1• . . l ,..... .... L-llnt . n " 2:2 OY, \<I OllP pf a.CM . tAO SS -.... -v .• s 1Sl t .. .... u ly J. IOt 2 I tOl!o .... 8kNV J 20 ... , .,~ • ...., Core In 4' • 339 10\'t Y. Ga Pc pl82.14 . "' t~. ~ u rPt '12 lS I 3 .. -14 OllP p(C 1 . .0 . 11900 S3 -"' S.vE A t.M • . t 12'11. . ussi-I.» • S'6 ,,... '"" llkof'Y• 1.12 I J.f 11"1 • •1• CornG 2.22 14131S ~ .. • "' G-•Pw pll.16 . SI 2•'1> • "" •rSa 1 •50 '6 !Of ;. -O!IP lilfG?.71 t ""-SAVE pf 1.2' . 2 9.\of + v. USSteel 2 21 tlO ti!/• V. 811kAm l.S1 • 1n2 ti.... Vt Corlllk t IO 11 3' 171'. ..... G.tlPw pl2.M I ti\;,. v. ffRlih :40 ' JS .... .. ()ftp PIA 14 .. It.cl too~• .. S.vlft " ...... USSll pl .. ti •I .~ 8kAAIY 2 . .0 11 24'1 271'. • \to c-1.. t 2• • .o v. GePw pf1.SJ . ~ S 11 + "" wyTr t.50 II S4 ~ .... -~ OllP plF u .. rtt!O 100 ... Sevin pl I.SO . SS II • V. USTClk UO 10 Ill }l\o .. a.8 nTHr 2.0S • t161 1' .,. Co•Cm .21 ti l'IS 3e ..... GPW pt7.7S . • 20,.. LeeEnl t "10 J 21~ O.laGE t.7• I ff IH" .... ScllrPlo .... tt ... Uh-.. Ut!Tec:.11 2AO ' "' 49 -'pf 1.50 II ~ • "-Cr•lt IS 12 6\'. .... G•Pw pl7 IO tl601 SS + V. LeoPIM ... 1 J tMll Ol.ci 1i1f .10 , llOO u 71'>+ y, Scllln'll> ·" I 1111 J6'-"' UTch lilf l.17 U 61'11. i,.; 8klr Pl ,,n 1 J.111. er-•AO.a 1 100 20 1 G•Pw pfl,n .. 1110 ssv.-11;. Lefl'Y•• · n 1J.1.._1 ii oun 1.20 1 111 ,.,,._ v. ~~", ... 12 n,, llO" !!!!_+ "'i .. uut,,1c.Tll•pt 21 .• s1s6 11.!? 1,,'~ •• '" Ban-.11'4 18 I CrayAs ti ten ,..... ~ GerbP<BI »' 2.S4 ,. .... _ ~ I.ell""' 1 71e l04 UYo ''-Omerk I t 2 1611... ...,_ n ••-I '"' ' ,.. 8erCICA .St,. 9CIJ .., .. Cro<kN 1.., • 167 2''·>-,,, Ge•bS< 12 20 20I '"'' v. L ... _. . 10 is IS " .... ~ v. Omn<r n .ao 17 • »"-~ Scotl..ICI " " ' -v. Uftltrele .ts" " l3\lt \; S.rnGp . .0 JO " '" Cr<kN pfJ..11 .. 21~ .. "' Gttty 2.60 • 1411 '3 I I'--t ID • 203 ~ ·~ o .. lde .n • 13 " t .... SC°'" .. 1 IO • ·~ )O __ ,.., ,,,,,., .. • 41 tS\1 .,,, B•rne1 t... 9 122 1• • '-CrmpKn 1.04 1 46 l)v, .. Gt.tntP 21 ,..._ "' L111t<:O ' 4 n lfi;. • ONEOK 2 • ..0 1 151 7•V. "' ScottP 1 • 6oS6 11'9 • -., U11lvFO I.CM I I ~ V. 8ernt pl 2.ll 16 JO , CrwftCk 1 m 25~. , GlllrFn U 4 -.~ ~-O pit &S IO 1-i,,. Qlleilu . . tO • t °"' Sc°'~ I ''° U U 10._, lt U11~ 1 M 1 1)1 21"" -8¥YW• . .cl 11 127 II'". .. CrwZel t ni tO .,. ••v. ~ GlllHlll ,., J6 '5 Ult. • ~ ~ISt 1 u ii 171 1.... .... Oi' ... lt_ I ., 1 11 t7 scovlll t.S1 tt Ht tlh. .... Up 2.ll I r•s 44 • \ .. 8.SAfl .2'1 9 u s CrZI pf'·"' tt 3Sli> v. Glltetl• 2.30 to .., .Oto-11111 . -T. .051 .. t92 6Y> ..... SHCt pf... . • 10..... . us IFE .. s SIS ,,~,. \. 8ttuscll 1.S6 2S Jt3 l6'"' "1 CrZel ptBJ OS 131 ~ • ._ Gle~W ID 11 fl IOI!.., 14 L•VtUF 1 2I 7 1 .,,_ Y> Of• .46 11 IS IA .... • v. Se.Cl pl t. IO 41 14-\li ., USLF ptt,U . 122 21\/o \Ii 8 .. Trs "" 11 711> 43-'" crumF 1.1t1o .,,. <II _ ~ GtOlllM 1' 2 141• 7._ • v. LO UO " n 14~ .. • .. or on .. lt7 ''-+ ..,, Se.Cant .42 4 '" U• ...; Usltel'O t,o.ie U ti<. .... 8 a yFlft I .. , .. '~ ... Cubto t ' '3 ,. ... " GICINug • ,,, le~ \f) t~!·7S . 1J 'Slit-"" Oti "'pl . JI u 7\' .. "' ,..... t "» llS ts~-Vo Ul•PL 1.ll • S12 JOloi .... 8••SG 2.32 • 13 21 ..... (:ulllftn 33 :zn Jt~ ll<o 5!!_0W1'F 021 9t ·-V. Lli~ ·~~ ~ ~~ ... h (>litbM .«! 7 3S1 U~ ... Seao<m t.to I 2*1 St -11t UIPl.l)f llO J 12'-, . &Nrlnt 1 10 lO u .. , CumEn 2 6 31 ...... ~ "~ uvr ~II I S4 • ... U "' LI I • · -Outlet .60 13 '6 :M .... S.acM 11 t'3 • UtPL Pl l «I 41 "'°' V. BNIFd t.SO • tO'IO 211 <:ualnc 1 tO . • ..... ;z Gdr~ll l)f ti 1100 ,.,.._ VJ Ll::itCI ~--: i: 1: r,:-l;: Ovrh~ I ,. .. '"'. Vt ... rAlr ,60 13 u ,. ..... h UtPL pt 2.Jt . 4tt 11\, ..... Bfft pf 3.. 32 "° '" Cunw I • tS ""' .. Gd•~ll 1)13.12 • IOI u-.. ~ l..l11<NI . 3 7 ., ,. • • Ovrfrn .IO 10 )11 ,. .... 14 S.•I""" I." • St 3'llt-"' UIPL pl 2.CM . 20 tJ\\ 8KtftD , 10 It no "'~. lo Cy<IOP\ 1 IOA 1S 7S 11\lt-.... ~~ 1 . .0 '22t0 U V. "" Lln<PI I,. 17 ,,~ -~ OvSlllo .50 s "' tl~-.. $H tMIG .S2" .,. ll -"' -v-v -Belter 15' '"' _ o-o """'~ S6 1 lt It.... I • 'J .,. t Owelle 1.20'6 t60 21 ... v. ~s 1.16 ti 3951 t.Jlto <' VF CO 2.40 t ltl uMl/o, ·'-lltlcoPI 10 5 •• ~ g:o 50-2\lt Gould t.12 It }.It ,. • ·;,.. L ttofl l.60b • '°" 4S"+ .... Owefttll 1 ... 6 m U\li-"' Pee 2.AO s U3 "'" " 'Yv• ... ,.!;'O •. :12 s SU ti""' ~l 8elelmi .>t t 13 )~ v, mon 20 .a 7~ lo. Gr•co tAO f 900 a.v. "-LltlOll lllf 2 • 1 U\11, Otllttlln I 7 N • t~ I o . .W I tSM ui;.. yl., .30J J '1 4* "" B•IH-... • IJ 2h· I t!RIY s. it ., I OIAtPt MO ...... L«•,1111 .. t23l •7 • "" -"~ -s. ~· .60 12 10 ' \\ V•rco It l ... j\o hlllncl .2• 10 ll5 "~· "' o.~ 1 '.o tO 20'll 2!11o '"' GIL-In ID • II ~ v. Loci"' ,,.. u 23 ,. . . . PHH .74 II 172 u -1 Svc ,,. tJ '" Jl\<o "-v..... .Sl JI JOO --h B•ICCI 0 .... . S7 ui,. "' Danie• . i .. 7 71 I, ... "-GNlrn 'S2• s • ,, .... :::=,~" '17:. ~o ~· "'"":~ .... .,. PNBMt 1.2" • 501 ""'" •• Sllelt .. j • ., 21-.. 'Iii V•ro 00 " ... II<. ..... Ben\h 1.60 9 Sl l? '4 O.r1Kr 1,60 10 GO St l/o GtNoN~ 1 I 22 :a.I'\ 14 · ' "" · · PPG 1.» 9 * 41 'Ill 5'11110 l,IO 1 tt7t ~ .. V..Co )Q JO I06 tn.. • 1~1 tll<llCp , CM 21 i;. "' De!AIGfl • .,, .... OIWFI" ·'°JI 16.l 1'\lt . "' LornMt t.... • 1$ UV.. "" .6111 2 120 JtV.. ~ MlellT 1.• •• ' Uw. "" 'Y-,, 5'> .... B-1 pf ,,JD 11 30 • 111 D•tT•r IH t~ GWHICI n 1J J l\Oo-14 LnSler '·'° U .. U'4. • V. l'e<AS I.AIOI . J ! 14' .... IGlo .5!) t IU 11.,__ Yo VtttSt t tt. '1 !0 , . llenefpl S.SO ao 92•11 •> O•lpnl ii,aas to~+::; GMPn U 6 ' 6 IJ\'t LILC:O 2.02 '1'52 1>1-11 ..... PecOE J •1ui 21-.·;·\.o WIGOfl.l\ ... 2111) \') 'YIOKOM ,., .. '4) 7s ..... .. = t) S()t) 6 Oayco .•• ,. .... l't Gr•yll IJO • .., U \li-.... tlt"E~-ff · ~ lOW.t lit Pec:Ltt t.7' I"' 11~. \lo SllelG pll,40 •• s tt .... Vlcmpft.10 .• 31 ...... .. I }.it ' + \Iii O.yHo 11.1 1' Jl52-., .. + .,.. GGfirey~ .. T ·~ ... ,1~. "16 U L ~_.J "' .. _., ~~-;:: : PPKI.""' .IO II Jt tt\11-1-. 511rwlft \ i 6Q t9"-_., 'Y•EPw I SO 1 tt'2 ti~-l't nu,.. 11 • ~ OaytPL '·"' • S3ulll'>t"" ~ .__ ~ · LIL SJt -11 n 1.1 ec:Pw 2.1' i llt rt v. Sllrw-pf •.40,, 110 .,_,~ v..pp1 s no llh ..... ... IP wl ' JO'I>-1111 OPL r 1.37 . HOO Jiit. + 11o 8rMit; _, t 1~ ~~ • "" LIL lllfS t:.0 • IJO ulll/; ·; ii; PecP Pl US.. 12 '614-"' ~ ''t • 1$0 11 ....... H V•EP flf1./L 1400 Sl._ • 'Ill ·.~iTllSO n1 !tol 11 -°"' ..... !" " 1' IO .e ~ 1~• 8'Utnm 1 40 24 Jll ""' • ~ LIL pfP UJ . • tlV.-14 Ppectfp IPI 4J7,· :Ill UI I/)• \It SlmPl"t ':t i 'l:! m: ~ ~.•IEEPtz:1',~ 1=2 ?'~: !--, ... "' . • J10 lt.\oo. v. .....,.,. 2 It 1405 ttlo'r-V1 r·-.... ·... sJ -·-., ltl.. ...... 2 4,. I ,..... \It ec ·-u 3~ .... SI --I "' ., ~,... • Consumer cos t ratio declines 8)' The Auoclated Pre111 ~ Cuni1umer prlcc11 in the. Los Aneetc~ Or:&nS(C County M't•u edgt>d down In August, roolt-d prlmatUy by dN:llnln~ mortgage, food and uppurt1I t'08tll, the U.S. Lut,<>r Department tinr\CJUJ\l't.'Ci, . The unnual lnflutlon rut.t• d1ppcd to ~.2 ~re~nt - its lowest ll·vel in ninf• y{'.;lr", suld Jim. Wurth, a rl'llcarcher tor the Labor Depurlmt•nt'ti Bur~au of Lubor St.nnd&rdw In Los Angelea. Pric:c'8 W<'re down by 0.1 percent for the.> mtmth und 0.3 J)ert"l'nt for two months, ht> a;ajd, S tock spli t approved Ttw bourd of dirccto~ of Naugles Inc of FuUerton has approvf'd a 4-for-3 split of the• company's t'Ommon stock. The distribution 111 payable Oct. 29 to shareholden1 of re<.'Ord Oct. 4. For the year ended June 30, net loc'Ome was $2.- 375,000, equal lO 85 cents per share, vs. $930,000, or 37 ct•nts per share. in fiscal 1981. N·augles Inc. operates a chain of 122 drive· through restaurants in California, Nevada, Utah Missouri, :Uinois and Kansas. · ' Glenda le cuts loa11 rate Glendale . Federal has announced a drop 1n Its mortgage lending rate to 1 3 ~ percen t on single-family home loans. . This mov~ reflects the overall trend of declining interest rates nationally. Fluor sales decrease Short interest sales of Fluor Corp. of Irvine stock decreased between Aug. 13 and Sept. 15, the New York Stock Exchange reports. A. short position is taken when an investor expects the prtce of the st.ock to drop. Fluor stock has increased from about 12 to about 19 the past 45 days. There were 187,855 short interest shares Aug. 13; on Sept 15 the total wa<i 106,905. Nissan increases p ri ces CARSON (AP) -Nissah US A Inc., has announced a 2.6 percent price increase on three of it.s 1983 models. Prices on the Nissan Sentra and Stanza cars and the Datsun Maxima have been incr eased by an average of about $205 per car, the compan y said Wednesday, with the increases reflectine uo2raded equipment available on each model. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGH T WHAT STOCKS DID NEW '\'ORK CAPI ~ )J AMERICAN LEADERS w"• ~..,, ( OtlJ NEW YORK CAP> Sep 11 p,.,, UPS AND DOWNS AClv•nc.a De<ll.-Un<ll..,..., Tot•I ,.,_, New"'''" Ntw lows METALS Today no llot 11S ,., 17 • ~' 217 21S m fl J NEW 'l'OAK (API Spot nonferrous melel Ol'l<lft Trturtdey Copp•• 701t-72 cenls pound, US 00111n•1tons ~ 2S.29 C'MIS a pound ZlM 40-42 oenta a pound, dellvered Tin Ml.2668 Mellis WMI\ ~Ollte lb Al<1mlftum 76-77 <l*!ls • s-Hl(I, H y Mercury $340 00 a.. 11•9'1 Pllltlni;m $.340-$341.00 t•oV OUnG4> N " SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS •r Ille AeooclaNcl ~rne Soi9cled worl4 90kl priOd u .. ,,..,.y; LOftdoll mo<tling hkH\O $4)7 2S, Oii $8.$0. Loeoo" •ll•rnoon fixing 1435.16, oll $7.llO l'wlt &llemootl lixlllg "30.M . Oii $7 12 Frenlltul'I llalflO s.4lla 02 oll 52 96 llltlell 111e 11111rnoon """9 S436 oo. 011 S9 50 bid, $437 oo .. kac! Hendr a ""'"'" only <l••ly ctuo_t• __ _ Sl3$ as. oH s1.eo Eft9-'11Md (only oalty quote! $A3S 85 on $190 Eno•lll•rd 1001y d••IY quot•l l1brlc11eo $4S7.M . oH 18 30 SYMBOLS 81,...t 1.2012 119 35 '"" lmP t SI I 1a lfllo .• , -·· ,,,.,_ · <¥~+ •• t ':1.!" 1•CM i; J) ~..., -... Pk " AO J1 ) 12 \.4t mpr. ·-f lt7 71.:t.... 'YIE fl(1.'IO .I '°~•• 'til Bl•F$ ·~ 17 S'h .... Otlt.tA. t w,,., teY. t 'l. GGll~·' • lliOS s I !~.,._ "" :'ft".. .• 16 '"° ;1~!, .. P•l...W .so 11 }.IS ,.., ....... SI, ......... ·~ 12 )la Uw \'t 'Y•E .. pl7.4,S dOOO n~. '"' llllKltD .I• IJ tSt 14... v. It-. 400 I~-"' ·~ r. .. ~·,. \4 ~ ;., • )? "" PelmBc 1.20 • ,.. 10 • \Ii SI~ ... ---.• • "". "' VorllM . . 114 ,... ,,. BlkHPw2.fll s so 21i,.. v. aCN< 1.12 12 423 29 ... ~ 8~:~~ 2.to 6~ ~~· l;: L•'--1..,10 411 u .. +·-.. f'MIABk .S4 II 1 1.-~ t:'1tZ'X 1~tt 1'1 !tile "1. Vltl<!:n IOtl ,i •Ot• ,_. o New v~o•lylow u·~w .. •llyr.ol'I =~~..:~ t,ri :: 1t! ;:,,, , ::: ~.,J',':: t~ ~ J;¥;• 1t: GllStUt l,'6 U427 m .. -v. L•Pe< ,IOU tS 1111 1"• .. ~=C uo ·4 m J~ t ~ ~~"''" -.;i 't 1: 11!: t .. 'Yul~ 2:!.4w'-w -'44" "' ,~ ~·~~~:·~~;;~.,:~~' ~~::.,o~·~:-:~~~ Blue8 1.ao ' w 77"• !llOfy .a tJ SJ 24y. OllSU lll•AO dO :Ulit 1t. t=~~ f·I 1 1:~ U~" '" P•ft s AS 10 41 1• • v. s;;;;;• 111 If "2 l>'ll• "" WICOA 2.t, 1 t1 llh • \/o au1ulo11ly O• HM• 111nu11 d•Cl••-11011 BoelllO 1.4 7 11S1 U Solo t.11 t7 • ti +' U GOu111$1UUtdP'41-!!! ·, ... • ~t•'· + ~ , _, ·41 it -~i' • .. ~_,d\'ft t i 11)1 w,1.-t ,._.~ l.<i0 .. 191 JOM SSYi-t W1<i.ov I t..f e tSl u~ , t Sl>OC••' 0, e~t•I <l•••d4!rnlt Ot oey-IJ noi 8el..C '·'° 10 "" i..-. IECI ..... tl» ,,.,.. ·-u ...... L~·1 1'oa 1os.,. .......... 1.1• 6 102 ,.._ "" --· ,, .. • WAClllll ... " JS """ VI ~cltn 1.n , m -E 111 uo . 1 tj~ ,;..; o uu p1 J 11 .. """ , v. 1,.';;,1 M ,. :.J ~\o..... "•••tM 16 ) 1141 ,.__ ~ l::::t I.ill> • m 2*"-"" W•lnoc •111 . !OJ s•.. . . oniQnAl9<1 •"eouta• 111toa...l•lif<l 111 ,...., .......... ..,I 21S ,.~ .... E pl t.32 .. 1210 60~1;) Gullon 600 21 tO"'• .... Lvcfl;l t.16' .. 14 .,..,. :·· ...... I., 19"" ..... Sool~t"~11 u~ l:~: ~ =~M~"·. ~t' ..... , 1M1f'.• ~ IOl.~.n~;r:;,1;c:;,"~ • .,,, Q•At'nu••········ 8ormt1t to 10) •"-,,. IE ~ ,_ .. , tS20 '°"'-'"" HMW -~.-...o-Liii!-:n • tt 10'4-"" ·-"" ,$ " ,., ,,,,, ... Sowr. c '2!. " U'lll ,. ~ y ..... motfll 2.IO I IJ2 14V. t Yo IE Pl 7,.U •. tltOO lOft t li,\ HAT ... , tt c 7\0 ".. -M-M _ plf'lfl a 1 ·' 150 ti , , t· SCrE · ! • 114 II~ -.... Wll il!aol,a), • ttt IJvt \., 0 ttOC~ 01v10end c•l 1Qu1C1•t1nQ 01v10•nO IMllE"' ea 1400 M'I> v. IE pl 7.N . 14900 n -2 H.a< W •lM 9 , t h V. ~COM 1' 10 IOM 17 • 1 ''"'" u ltO 6111 \11 SCrE llf 2 2 It -W•I~ ... '2 ,!: ~~. · GOLD C INS 0.Clftttd Or PA14:1 "' P19'tcM9 11 monlllt .... E pr 1,17 )7 •11•, , . ~ Pf~ US , • Ith ..... H•ll~B 1•70 tO 1J: ;! .... ! ~ j,1,jci Ii ftt )t ... ~··~ :: :~ m ui::: •I effrn 2:10 't tt !!~ '.." ~ :::~r:. l ~10 tlO ,\ .. ; t: 1-0.Cla!ff Or p81d All .. llOC' 01v.o.llO OI tr.V'1~i0:, ~·, 'Vj E~K 4.t~" ~ m~: ~ ~1lll4J1p l 60 Hiit ,. ...... ._/lit ·::t m ':*'::.~'. ~ _j~S! tOS tV.';° ~ llllt ·"f ~.~ ;1•• ::'. We lU ptUO .. k 4 . N EW YOllK (llP) -Prlc;u lele •O~l Vil i-••ul 11111 >'9•1 O•~•OtnO omul.O BrlslM '·'°ta 1191 ·~· "" E f)fJ u,... t llrl -~ H•~:r '"'" • .a 2l'4 ... , pt 64 .... U! 7tu ,... ·-' ;u 2 ~ "' I Jtl • 'm tt ... WerNC t,20 1 ~ ,l+ Wtcntitd•y Of gokl COltll, COl!IP••to Witt\ deftHOO O• ftO Kl•nl' l•kfll ., IHI d1vtdHIO =~r.=~ 2. : 'i ..... ' ~tl..'t.'O .. I~ ff~·~ a!;:t,1.~:. 11 l·~.! ~ M LI :~.h ~ t~. ~ ·~,,,~ 2u :J~··y; all!G ~f ~WJ ~t: .. : .. =~~t~1iun:; :::.. Tvetd•f•Pl!Ce =:~~ .. t~;.C:~~~ .• ~·a~:,~~·.,,~::..:; lfeC'" ~ !7 '2 1,.,_ Ill ~= 1.f! 'f U •~ .... , H-H 60 tJ 110 1%• • l,: -.cmitifa II m 1 .......... 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Ule IWK• =·~.n '1:'m ft~!t r 1.411 1U •1~h =lmft ,n 'io 'ij1 f ~t " l:,.«i.11~ II , ..... ii. 'i' 11 t7 t4 ··~ !I'll .SI t If !--.... ~JU• .t4 .4 !"' ~. • 1----------------------------- ewn., -t:..c ~ ...... .. . '.Jh ,:: ~\ft .. r . ::::: :. n: • .., ~\Ii . t~ = 1 ' 1~· ·~· lit ~ ~ ... · '1 ~-~12r.· . .. ··: ~ u~ ::~ .. ~ :u:t:n 1.! J m! ui.:. tt --:~ t !: ft • ~ wa''"~v:' , ':J • 1d J;; ;~:~ •01. J t:: • 11'"'1°.:' s~ u ~ r~lt'!t! :-_,: =1~ 1.aa ~· l~ ~ =~: 1 J:~·= ";. 1 "'·'ii; ,.tt'l1l: .... ::=M~ .i , ;Jt .. ~ ~""l: as'• "'w: i'°t'';t 12 :,1. ~~ ·; ~ m~ • 'ET 4 tit '"'• ~ '.I• ... d tt\'t ........ 11'1,. .» J it\.9-.. .__ ' -°"' . " +1111 ,Jt 7 ,. ... _ t wun 11 ~ i r !·. ii'',~, 1~·· ~ wwl;o I,~ .: J1',1~ ~. 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'"'' :: ' lie~! ~ ~ a• !1"' ~~ • "' .....!.., , "' ~~. ~: Oii a• It ~ '"' w.1w,. >. • t u~. \<t • 'I 1 ,. " .. Iii , ' ,.., u~ -..,. .• ,.. -.. , liAI ,..., ..... • • .. ~ "' w ,,_ • il ,,; •,,. "' ;:::: t "" ' 'H ~~ • "' i.. ' • ,. ,,._ ( .. 01 nna• CUHI DAILY PILOT /Frld1y, 8opt fllb t 24, IOltil ~---~~ NlllC NOOCL MllC NOllCl __ N_O_T_IC_l_l....;.NVIT'"O lllOI -• ..0-, .. -Ml-~-,,.-L-CoUttf ,~~.,._Jlil-....- 11\e CWf!ly la1111111uo l>t11t1tl1 vi IUTI Of' OALlll'O Ot11111 Lc.11.1111) t.111h1o 1111 Wiii lount OflANOI CQUMf\' 1111•1•• u1l11I 111111 u1111I I ••H JOOtCIAL DllTIUCT C>clOIMw • 18'2 •I 'I 00 A ... UIUI 100 Cl ... c ..--1 .. Orlt• •••• lll\lel 111 let. .. ~ 11 lfl<t Dlt11k.l1 lent• ANi Ctlff .. 11la Qftl liClmllllelllll'rl OlllWll lly Ill• \Ill• ....... m t; Roalftf CHlllJY, 411\d •M 1111141 lletflf\t.DOYt HI l\ltth. ti OIAHI l. CHIALIY Which 11m1 llley wlll 111 1•ubll(.ly O~t1 DAVID KAYIAMI, and oPlfWld 1111J 1um1111<1 11 II•• <1llW 0... t tl\~tl IO, •of IM Dtllflelt, IOO•• rm. Aw111ut, IMIUllH tOUftll lfl v .1i.y, CjlllfC)flllll. for tilt IUMMONI .. IOwlno C1M No. 2tUO LIQUID OFI SPE<.:IAL l MUl lilON NOflCll You II••• bllfl 1111d. ~1.YelfCll'IOLYIE (;HlMICAl TM c.vtt m•r decide ... 11111 ,!Mt H OCCUL(Nf SPEClf'ICAllON NO wltlloul ,_ a..1111 ll•erd Ul\11 .. fl..()60 you t11po11d wltlllll 10 d•t•· Ried OICI• rnuat OI 1ubrnllt.U on th• tlle lnlonn1llon "low. lotm 1uppll.O by 1ne 0111111.11 111 11 yw wltl• to IMll 1ne llO•~• ul ec;c;ord1nc. with 111 p11>via10111 01 an et1u1n1y 111 11111 melter you lhl 1P41Clllca1ton• 1111w10 <10 to p•ornptl)' to lh•t you1 Spfflflc1t1on1 bid bl1nk1 ••Hl wrlllen rHponte. II eny, m•y l>• lurth« lnl()(mellon may bl ob11tnod 1118<1 on time 11 the ebo~e 111011.. !llllPIHHoe A Y I • 0 I U I t e d II e I Id o 640 21110 or llCl2·24 ll demendado. II tribune! pued1 /1/J W•V"" Syl• .. altrr, decildlr contre Ud. tin 1udlencle • '90'1tary meno• qu. Ud. t11pond1 dentro 8oerclt 01 lllr•t t ur a, de 30 dlH. LH le lnformKloll qoe ~nty elgue. San1tetl011 ~"~'·Nut I, SI Vll•d doll• 1olttt1•1 ., 2, 3. 5, 6. 1 Incl 11 OI 1.0nH 10 de uf\ 1111011.ao en .. ,. OrMQ• County, CllllfOtnt• •• u" I 0. ". b.' I . II. I.. I I 0 1 ublt•hed Orange CoHt Diiiy 111m11<11,.11rnen11 dn Hll m1011A F41Qi, Sept 24 1982 •u lllSQUMll 111.1111, •• hay a~un1 ' 4 16'1·82 puecle Mr teglatradl I ttwml)O 1 1 TO THE OErFNOANT A CIVIi 1 PUBLIC NOTICE 1.omp101nt 11111 been liloo by 111• _____ C_P_P_a-2-1-1-----11to1n11rl t1gelna1 you It you wt~h to No. E 02t1 Oelen<l thts 111w11u11 you rnutl within IMPORTANT NOTICE 30 Oeya 11111 thll &urnn10111 la IF YOUR PROPERT Y IS IN ~e·•ed on you 1111With11111 COUii D ,ORl!CLOIURE aECAUSE YOU written response tu the c;ompl111111 A R I! • I! H I N D I N y 0 u R Unless you do IO. your dolault Wiii PAYMINTt, IT lilAY aE IOLO bo ento•e<J on 1pplicotton at the WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION, plalntlll, I nd lhll c;ourt may entet .i 9nc1 rou mer lln• tti. legal rlilht 1udomen1 aoalnst yo.. 101 the 1e11e1 t ft domaoded In the tomplioom, wmcn I~ bring your •ccount n good coul<J 1esult 1n 11111111s11111e111 ol Ing by paying •II ot your pa•t wages, taklno ol money 01 property P•1m1nt• plue permitted or other r11llat requosle<l on lhe •114 1xpen1H wllllln tllr .. II• lrom 111• dale 1111• notice complaint feull WH recorded. Dated July 13 1982 This amount It $411 457 ;)7 u ol James B Harns Cterk July 27. t 982. ano will 1ncrnse unul By Debbie c.;1 o.>W your ac:count t>ecom11 cutrent You De m1y not h••• to P•Y the enttro puty unpalll porllon ol yout account, Pntllpeon a Hehn ew•n tnouon lull p11vrnon1 was Ill WHI Sent• An• Bl•d ~anded, but you must pov 11111 • 200 amount ttlled ebove Sonia Ana, CA 9:170 t Alter three months from 11111 det11 (7 14) 913·9251 ol recordetlon of his document Attorney Bai "58019 (,.tllcll dlle ol reco•datlon ap~•a Publtsned Oranoe Coast Daily -.eon), unless the obt1ga11on being Pilot Sept 10 17 24 Oct 1 1982 ~ecloaed upon pe1mlts e tongur 3996-82 IHJ<lod, you have ooly the legol 119111 to ttop th• IC)(eclosu•e by paying P\EUC NOTICE th• en11re emount demanded by 1-------------~ credilOt FICTITIOUI 8USIHESS To find out the amounl you mull NAME STATEMENT pey, or lo errange lor payment lo The h>llowong pe<sona are d0tng 1top the lo111closure. 01 II your business 1s· property Is In foreclosure lor nny MAATEK, 15123 S. B1ookhurst. other 1e111on, contact. No 204, Westm1ns1et. CA 92683. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL Cralo Scolt Shermen, 15123 S BANK. SPECIAL ASSETS DEPT ti B1ookhurst, No 204, Wutmlnster 13·5, 333 S Hope Street Los CA 92683 Anoe11s. Ca11 rorn111 9007 1 Sunn Rochette Snerman Telephone Area code (213) 15123 S Brookhu•ll. No 204 1113-115117 Westmlnstet, CA 112683 II you heve any questtons you This bu9'n1st II condUC1ecl by an should conlact a 111wyer 01 1ne 1ndlv1du11t goved1ment egency which may nave Cra19 Sherman lnaured yoor loen This statement was lllO<I wtth the Remember, YOU MAY LOSE County Ctetl< ot Or&nge County on LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT Sapl 7, 1982 TAKE PROMPT ACTION F1MllM Published 01enoe Co111 Dally P1tot Sept 10, 17, 24, Oct 1, 1982 3986-8? NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Tnat EQUITABLE DEED COMPANY. a COrpOttllon, IS duty appointed l'rustee under a deed or trusl doted i-----Dl-.,-l-IC_Mt\_T-IC_E ___ _ M1y 1. 1981. made by 1-te<men M ~uu nv ~ u Trust()(. to 5K\.lre Cllflltn S U p E A I O A C 0 UR T 0 F obllgat1on1 tn favor ol S1cu111w CALIFORNIA Pacific; Natrona! Bank, 11 N1111onal COUNTY OF OAANGE Banklno Anoc1at1on as Benellc1•1¥ 700 Civic Cen1er Drive WHt recorlled May 5, 1981 as instrument Poet otnce eox w no. 5086 In Book 14045. Pll<Je 1522 I Sent• An•, CA 12702 of Olllcl•I Aedocrd Ill the Olflce OI 1M1tter ol the IM Recorder ol Orange County and Adoption Petition of: 11 ln11rumen1 f\O 81·447 196 ol JESSE W. SPRAY, Los Ange111 County, C111tornt11 Pellllonlf ~rlt>lng prope•H'" lhete•n CITATION (Pf'OBATE) Thll IM t>enet.cial interest un<Jet CeM No. AD 21916 luch dee<J ol l•usl and the THE PEOPLE OF THE obllOlllons securell thert-by STATE OF CALIFORNIA, lncludlnO I note lor the sum 01 To GLEN HAROLD CAFIDEN $750,00000. ere presently held by You are nereby cited and ltlf under"Oned; that 1 breach or, roq1,1tred to appear at a hHrlno 1n 4ifld defeun to, the obllgat1001 for tnis'court on 12-3·82 111 11 46 am tn 'fWlllcll tucn deecl ol tru1t Is a.curlly 0ep1 No 6 toceled et 700 West ltlit OCCuffed In that payment hn Civic Center Drive Senti Ana not been mede of Calilotnra 92709, and 10 01ve any Tne entire p11nc1p11 balance ieoat reason wtty eceordtng 10 the ptue accrueCI lntetest whocn sum verrloe<S petotron hie<! wnn lhlS court r1pres1n11 lhe oblrga110,.s ol why thlS adoption pettllon 1hould Hermen M Coope1 under that not btl gianted c e r111n General Continuing Doled Sept e 1982 Gu111nty dlled July 31, 1~79 By Lee A Staner. flta.IC NOTICf P\EllC NOTlCE FICTITIOUI 8USINESS NAMI! 8TATEM€NT The lollowlng person 11 dotno business as BORN 8EAllTIFUL. 28 Beecon Bay. Newport Beach, C1llfo1n11 928&0 Jean AOf\IS Beek, 28 Beecon Bey, Newport Beach C1tilornl1 92660 Thi• buslntts 11 conoucted by •n tndlvldu1I Jeen Aones Beek Thia 1111ameo1 was filed wltn tne County Clerk of Orange County on Sept 2. 1982 Fltent Publtlheo Orange CoHI Delly Ptlot, Sept 10 17 24, Ocl I 11182 3998·82 PU8llC NOTICE the t0<m1 ol Ille General Continuing Clerk Gu111n1y, Heiman M Coopet By Joyce A Nonavec FICTITIOUS BUllNESS ouarenteed any and all obltgallon5 Deputy NAME STATEMEN~ of Tran1power Tool Company Publlshed Orange Coast o1111y The lollowtng l)ersons ere dOlng That by reason or suctt breach the Pilot, Sept 10 17 2• Oct 1 1982 buSlm'" at unC11r11oneC1. present banollc1ary 3995-82 (A) COS OF CALIFORNIA: 18) 11nd1r tlld deed of trust, ha1 -------------1 C A S E S E A V I C E l'llllCUled end delivered to said duty P\ELIC NOTICE A E P R E S E N TA T IV ES ( C I appolnled Trustee e wlltten EAGLEWINO ADJUSTING Oec1111Uon of Default and 08mand NOTICE OF TAUST££'S SALE C 0 M P A N Y 1 2 2 3 6 Be I c h lo• ula, aod has deposited with T .S. No. 500'44I eou1..-1rd. Stanton, CA 90680 N ld duly appointed Trustee aucn NOTICE CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION deed o1 ltust and all documentt YOU AAE IN DEFAULT UNOER A SYSTEMS, INC , a C11il orn11 evidencing oblloa11ons secureCI o EE D o' TA u s T . DATED corporatloo, 12235 B1ach Btvd , thereby, and has declared &nd dOe11 SEPTEMBER 17, 1110. VNLE98 Stanton, CA 90680 heteby decla1e all sums secured YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Clelms Admlntatrallon the<eby Immediately due an<J Ms YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY 81 Syttams Inc elected end does hereby elect to SOlD AT A PUllUC SALE. IF YOU Hit Lurie, Eltec: V Ptp CIUH the property deactlbeCI 1n NEED AN EllP\.A.NATION OF THE ThlS llatement w11s hied w1lh the Mid 1ecorlled deed ol lrull to be NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINO Coun1y Clerk of Oranoe County on t old In eccorllance w rth the AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD September 7 19112 prov111ons thereol lo setosly the CONTACT A LAWYER. F111H31 obligallons secu1eo thereby On TU81Jdey. October 19. 1982, 11 Publtthe<l Or1noe Coast Delly Oetecl July 29. 1962 10 00 1 m . TRANSAMERICA TITLE Pilot Sepl 9. 16, 23. 30. 111112 SECURITY PACIFIC INSURANCE COMP.t.NY, as duly 3916·82 NATIONAL BANK. appo1n1eo Trustee under end By W A Munster Jr . pursuant lo Dead of TruSI recorded PU8llC NOTICE Asst Vice President September 22, 1980 H Instr No FICTITIOUI aUllNESS RECORDED AUGUST 2.t 1982 29198. In bOOlo. 13752. page 1.&88, AS INSTRUMENT NO 82-648• 13 or Oflltlat Aecorlls If\ the OlllU ol NAME STATEMl!NT Published Orenga Coast Dally the Couoty Recorder or Oranoe Tiii following persons ere d~ng Piiot Sept 3. 10. 17. 2•. 1982 Count y Stele Of Caltl ornta buSlo;:~ ·~NTERNATIONAL 937 38117 82 EJ11Cuted bJ JAMES F FAHEY and -------------LINDA FAHEY WILL SELL AT Acapulco St Leguna Beech CA P\JBllC NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST 92651 NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE (CANDIOATOS PARA OFICIO PUBLICO) BIDDER FOR CASH (payable 11 Demir Jot lp Pevec 937 ume of 111e 1n l•w1ut moniy or tne Acapulco SI • L1gun1 Beacn CA United Statetl 11 the Chapman 921151 Avenue entrance to the Civic Canter Jim Chelton, 937 Acapulco St., NOTICE IS HEAEBV GIVEN the! the lollowtng persons h11ve been 11 om1nated l or the o lf1ces &ere•n11ter mentioned 10 be lilted 111 fie 0-at Munictpat E~t1on to be Butl01ng 300 E Chapmtn Ave , Laguna Beech CA 92651 Or11ng•. Celllomle a11 riont. title and This business 11 conducted by • tnllreat conveyed 10 anCI now held g-rilf p1rtnerlh1p by ti under said De.a ot Trust In the Oem11 JOSJp P....c p1operty sttuelecl 10 1110 County This 1111ement wes htld wrtn ttle and Stile described as County Cler-or Ot•ng• County on ~d In tr.e Crty ol Coate Met11 on ue9dly. the 2nd <Jay of November. 1182 Lot 45 or Trec:15005. ••mown on Seot 15 1982 Flt74. '(NOTICtA SE DA POR ESlE ii4 EDIO que los s1gu1entes 91n<Jl<J1to1 han sodo nomlnadoa ~ara lot ollclo& aqu1 denlro ~ionallo• que seren ocupedo1 ~I• General Eleccron Mun1c1p1I tendra lug11 en la Clulled de 111 Mua mattu •' dlA 2 de Yiembfe de 1982) Of Mtmbef of the City Council (f'1t• Socio de II Junta Munlerpat) I i llote lor two 1vo1a por dOtl Cllrleloe>l'ter M19H l tHI Arlene Sclleler Dan Wheeler "'""Van Alien Ci..dle Kelly-W1er ~m• W.rt109 lhen P. l'tllnney tttr C"'"11 of ttM City ol e: ...... CallfOffll• et.no Muntcl de ta WM • C"t• :: ... Calll0fnl1) Dated' Auguat 12. 1982 a M•p •e«>tded In booll 1113, Pages 15 end 16 of M11<i8111neout Map•. In the oftiGe of th• County AKO<det of said County The st1eet addreu and other oommon de1lon11lon, ol the reel propet1y d11crlb1d above Is purported 10 31211 Boston Wey. CO.II Mn•. C1Hl0tnla The unlleraton•d Trustee d1sc;l1lm1 any lleblllty lor any lncorrect"*SS of IM llrMt eddres.• 1od otl\el common de1lgo111on. 11 1oy, 11\oWn he<l4n Seid 111e wlll be made, but without covenant or wltrlnty. e><Prl!ll or tmplted, 1eg11rdlno 11118, po111uloo. or encumbranoe1, to pay 11'18 1emalnlng ptlnclpal sum ol the note 1ecu1ecl by M id Deed ot Trull with 1nt11e1t thereon, 11 provided In NIO note. edvences. If any, unde< IM ttrmt ol N ld Deed ol Ttutl. ••••· chero•• en<J UPI" ... ol '"' Trua1M ano ol tM ltutll created by H id Deed of T1ust The tolel amount ol lhe unpAl<J (Faci1a: Agueto 12. 11182) Publl1h'9d Otano• Coast t llot, Sept 18. 24, 1982 4137-82 O•llY b•llnc• of lh• obligation HCurod by tho property 10 lie sold and rea1on1ble 1111lm11td coata, Upel'IMI Ind ldvet\C .. Al the tlma of the lnltlat publlC111ton ol 1118 Not~ol Sitt It $'7,3~1 Ge MllC NOTICE F'ICnnous IUSNlll The blMllClll')' ul\Otr .. io 0..0 NAMI ITATIMEHT of T1u1t llfftOfOf8 a11tcuted I nd TIHI following pereon I• dotno d•ll•eraCI 10 the unda111on1d 1 ' aa. Wflltert Oeolefllion of Octleult and C IF IC M IC R 0 W A I/ E 01m1nd tor 8 111. end 1 wrl11•n HAS, 1101 Pomon•. C0.1a No11oe or Octlaull 1nd Eleotlon 10 ~· c.lifOfnta 112827 Sell. ffl• undtll'elgne<I cauff<I .. id AolMf1 $1urgta, 1324 S-r"l Notice of Oeleull 1nd l!lec11on to b.~6. Coton• del Mar, C1llf0fnla Sell to be racOfded In the cou111v t2!2 Whaf• the r .. 1 PfOC>efly 1• iocatl4o , Thie ~ ie conducted by en 011e. Septtmbtr' I , tN:> ~. Tra11Hlfterl11 Tiii• l11111ranc1 """" 0 11\Hgtre c-.-r "'* ""'-' ... flied "4111 , .. -ll ........ Qertt of ~ Couftty Ofl ..... AN. CA ea701 '°· 1N 2 (114) M1-tfft P1ttolt1 ...,._. C ....... Awt. ... .,. '11bll•l'lld Ore11oe COHt Otlty Publlallad Ot1na.• CoHt Dally !IOI. 8-' 2, t . 1t. 23, tN2 Piiot, $ep1 1,, t Dot I, 1N2 H 4 1·H 4120·82 Publlsned Orano• Cont Delly Polot, Sept 17, 24 Ocl 1 e. 1982 4113·82 P\ELIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllHEll NAME tTA TEMfNT The lollowtnQ pe<tOnS ere dolrlg bullllMI u A) JJM ENTERPRISES Bl JJM CO M PANY , C) JJ M & ASSOCIATES. D) JOHN MICHAELS co .. 3857 Birch SlfHI, Newport BellCh, CA 921180 Matk NHI CorpOrl!IOn I Celllornl• corpo1111on. 3857 Birch SllMI NfltWPOrt Beach, CA 021180 Thi• bu11nen Is conductfd l)y • COrPOtatron Metk Neel CC)(por•llOn Jerri Hllighl Secte19'yfTl8H Thi• Sltltmen1 WU flied Wllh 11\e Covnl)' Cllflt of Orenge County on S41l)t I. 1082 Flt70tt Publl1h1d Orang• Co111 Dally Piiot. Sapt 10, f7, 24, Oct I, 11112 31180 82 PUBllC NOTICE FlC:ftTIOVI IUl .... 11 NMMIT'Att•NT The IOllOwll\o penona ate dOlrtO bUtlneNU M OOAE Cl.£CT"ICAL CONTRACTING. 2781 Saturn Slloet, 8rH , C.t. 112021, ROSCOE H MOORE. JR , 1830 Roenolle, Plac.nt11, CA 92Cl70 ROOOCR LYNN MOORt, 5723 F'tcUll)', 1.-"ewood• CA 90712 Tlllt blltlllttl le OOllOUCllO II)' I a-ti Ptrlnttthip "'°8ooe H MOo<1, Jr lhla 1tal8'Tlenl WU llltcl Wllh the County Clerk of 0('1f1Qe Coun1y Ol'I 8-PIMIMr 7, 11112 ,..,... Put>ll•h•d orangt Co111 0•11~ PHO\, Sept t, 11, 23, 30, 1912 U7M2 ...... ~ .......... im ~----~----------------------------------------~ --,.-o-:!~. :~~... •--,-,,-~-"!~. '!~~ ... HAMI llAtaMIHl' MAM. ITAl M&:NJ MllC NO UCC MllC HOtlct PUBllC NCJllCC I U M M A " V 0 , A 0 0 IH I 0 C,ft J1HY OftOINANCI NO.,ICa (W TRUlfll'I tALI l,)fltllNloN<.I 17 1' II tc.111.Jullel T I . Ne. lt-ltM ... ti• ltt 11111 11fac.1 10 1l~y• IU•llt vou AAI IN OlrAUl T ~01" A l 111t11mt111 :.10, 111112 1nu wH DllO D' TAUi f OATID •doµteO l1y lhl lolluw1011 tt>lt ~•II DICIMllll H , 110t UNLlll 1rote Cu11t1cll M11nll•1t AVC 6 YOU 'TAJCI ACflON TO HIOTICf 'J~llelet 11•11 lllfltCIQ ll'lf!l\Qf' YOUR ,RO,lft'tY, 1T' MAY II NO( 8 t4ort• A05[N f McJ ••l1M1tJ SOLO AT A ,ueuc IALI I, YOU lh• ,,,, .. ,.., .. ,11 P•••Oll It d l)lltl "'' I "'••no ,,., 011 .. dc.111111 l.u•t.-u t>v"•-•• , Ir l 0 c; fl AN c • COU~llfi'I' r1tAMI RT 1)'11 A~QCIAl(tl ·~ CemP.1• 8u•ll M.,Wfr Ro8CI (J t«o Ca..lhfnoe 30 "" .. ""'' f1118f'I• CA 111060 tJ13Q Cltt1i10pt• r Ahhlfl e;.,.. ')OU Ali.trtl llorcl W111ftll:"'t~•4 " 'I M•1t1 010 D11nt1 Ane CA 9:1101. Wo<i\ltllOrO A"enue Artellatm 1 hi• lJv1111 ... I• ~toroOutltMl I>\' I Ct1lol•><r ... 112111.11 1)11111111111 1:0 14 ~llarlg .. tit• NllD AN ll.Pl.ANATION 011' , ... 1uum11 ul P!l>t•1ttlY l<H lllUIJ II l 160 NATURI 0, THI ,ROCllDIMO £111.iut l!ito"1tt rrurn <.. l W f'OO AOAINIT YOU!. YOU IHOULD g11111t<ll p1111111•11tp Tllo• Lu••• ·•" (.()tlOuCllCI toy an cn,,1topner A C..rartl 11tel1vtdu1tl llttt 11111 111,I •JI lllU OIOJIUHU CONTAC f A 1..AWYl!R . 1111• •ICJlll•nenl WPI l1lllCJ •11111 It.II Alle•d l W1ll1111 1111t111a111 • .... , l•ll 11111d In lh• C..lty 011 NOY•mbet 5, 1881, ., II 15 ( l••li • Oth~t• 111 f I I'"" Drnrw A M ~edetel N1t1011a1 MLltlQ•O• (.;ount~ GleJk c1f OramJ• County Oil '"" t1111•"'41nt wh 111.u with me Auo 11 Hill:> Lf'Nt1ty u.,~ til 01•1~ (;oun1, c.n (;11•1111 Me.. AUOOlj1110f\ e• Ouly •t>r>Otnte<J ""* ~""'"'••IAf 14 101!!1 fll rrN I' l'lllNNCY l rut1111 undllt and pu11u1111 to Publt•hlltl (h•Hy• COUI 0 11ty 'lt7an Ptlul '•"''' '14 <X.t t 8 I!> tfll7 l•ublr•hlll Oru1g" Cu111 D•tlf (,oty CMl!k 0..0 Of Trutl ••tcuted by Atlldlll C•ty ul Cu11111 MeH (.) ~. • .. nut• n1111 •U<'Ordld 424 t•U 1•,1u1 :..r-1 111 23 30 Oc;1 7 1'11~ l'uonanell Or1not1 Cu11t U•1ly Janua1y 4, 1912, aa 1n111umet11 no PIWI Sepl 2A ta42 t'i-<>000?14. ol OffKlal Aecofdt '" ---PUBl--1-C-NO-TIC_E ___ -- -40~0 "' 42J4 82 th• 0 11"41 ot 111e County Recorder ot ----PUB-l-IC_IMl\_T-IC_E ___ Orano• (..uunly, Ca11101n11 WILL l1V SCLl Al PUOLIC AU(; llON I 0 lllQlt[S T 6100ER f OR CASH OR CHf'Ct< AS 0'8Cflt6FO 8PLOW tpa.,eblo •I time ol Hie 111 IAlwlul mOntlY of IM United SlllH) II Iron! 1n11anc;e to the old Orange County Co..rthOUW, 1oe1ltd ort 81nte Alllf Blvo between Sycamo11 SI & Broadw1y Santa An1, Calt1orn11 all rlOhl, 11111 111d 1nter .. t COMl)'td 10 and now lllld bV 11 under 111d 0..0 or Trutt In the p1ope11y 11tua1td 10 ••Id County 11od Stwt• dvKrll)llO a\ FtMtll Publlahed 011noa CoHI Dnlly PtlOI, Sept II. ICI 23. 30. 111112 3937 8::> LOI 72 of T111c1 Nn 17 ''·Ill tn• Ctty Of Cn•t• Meo. U PW• n11p 1ecor<11d 111 llOQk 50. P8QH :n tu 36 1nclu11ve, Ml1<1,1Jll4lneou1 M1p1 In the olhce of "'" County Aecotel., ot NIO County E~cepl •11 t•ude oil. pel10la1.1m 001 b•••· ••ptt11turn and 111 IOndred aubatnnce• tnd other ____ P_IJB_U_C_NO_T_IC_E ____ ,m1n11r1l1 Urtdar enll in Hid land ---------,.,.,.,..,..,,.--1•i.cept tne tight to ulMl any pornon FICTITIOUS llU81NEIS of the aurlliCa ol the ltnd 101 drllllng NAMI aTATEMENT opo1at1on, mtn1no 01 qu1rry1no ol ajl The 1ottow1no pe1S9n It 001110 lo.Inds Including but not uxclu11ve of 11u111111u es 011 well llrllllno, 011 d11111opmen1, OVA CONSTRUCT tON 14 n11n1ng oper1t1on1, 1oget11e1 wttll tne A1gen1 Cir tr111n1 CA 92714 u•e ol Hid sur11c1 101 ou welll, O•lltaa v R1Ch1td10rt 11 A1g11n1 1enk1 tunnets m1111no e•caw1t1ons Ctt 11v1ne CA 92714 or shills, provl<Je<I, however, the lhlt bu111ness" cooducted l>y 1111 11me lhtll not be con"tt•uld to md1v1dual prohibit 11ant dnlUng or such Olhet Oallu v A1cn1•dl0fl ope<euons Which In no wey use or •n flCTITIOUI 8UllNlll NAMI ITATeMlNT I lift loll11wt1111 p111on It cJOlllO bUllllU._ Ill L tJ flAlllA l'l VMOING. 1030 W M111.A1 Olur tllvd . ';11111 Ahe CA 11'101 lnlUyftlle Gt<1tOG B•ICID II 1030 W Mtr ArU>ur Blvd S1n11 All• CA !17707 11111 bua•nen 11 conoucteo by •n 1nd•••lluel L G B11d1 II Tttlt 111t1f\1'11t w•• 11111<1 with "'" County Clo1k or Or1110" covo1y on S•PI lb 111111 Ftt74M Publ .. t111d O ranott Coast Dally Pilot S1111t t 7 24 Oct l 8, 1118:.> 4 110·82 PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 8UltNEH NAMI! STATEMEH~ The following por1on I& doing l>UalrteH II SU MM CArlElO ENTEAPntSES, 16931 Aoote Circle, Huntington B111c.h CA 921549 Wllll•m Ftantlt Summerlleld 16931 Agate C1rc11, ttun11og1on ~ach CA 11211411 Thia bu11nes1 1s conouctllCJ by an 1nd1v1Clut l w1111arn f Summerfield l'UBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUllNIH NAMI ITATIMIMl Tit• 1011ow1og l)eraon 11 doing bl'ell ...... THr CIJNCLIH I AC TORY 11I4 P11c1nto1 <..0111 M••• C•llt0<1111 112021 Jo11ph Jon•then Vuk•'" tUOJ~ C M11t1n1on Whrtllll Ca1t1111 nt1 llOGO.t fht• bUllhOH •• c;ondu<..llKI Oy ... ondtv•dual Joseph J Yukech Th11 1t1te1oem wU llled wolh 11\e County Cle•k or 01•11ge County on Septembe1 1 1982 • ,. .... Put>h•ht<l 0 11ng1 Co11t Dally Prlot Sept 9 Hi 23 30. 1082 31118-82 PU8llC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8UllNEll NAME STATl!MENT f ho 1011ow1ng perso., 11 do1no bv11n111 H REGAL ENGINEERING, 186P (jobco~k Stroll Cost• Mn• C11tlornu1 92627 Frlrtk A Lubre&ky 900 Dugwooo Street Coll• Mesa C11lol0tnoi1 112627 Thll buSoness •S C<>ndtJCllO by en tndtwodu81 I' 111nk A Lub•esky Th11 11111urnont was 11180 wtlh th11 1ny way altec:t 1he 1u111~ right• of County Clatk of Orange County on IBld teno. Bild which do nol enter Sopt 22, 198!1 ~id t1nd at ' point 1111 lhan 500 F19t017 loet to Hid surlace, H retef\led In Published Ot•nge Cont 011tly lht 0..0 ltom Edn111 Atce t;epron, Piiot, Sept 2•. Oct I 8 t5, 1982 recorlled February 3, 1953, In book 4 1U·82 2446 page 82, OHIClll FllGO<ds Th11 statement was rited with the County Cl.,k ot Orange County on Thot etetement was 11180 wtlh lh• County Clerk or Orange Coun1y oo F111S245 September 14, 1982 Aug 11, 1982 Publlshed 011ngo COHI Diiiy F117371 Piiot Sep1 10 11 24 Oct 1, 1982 Pub1t1hed 01anoe Coest 081ly -------------The street add•HS ol the 1eal 3991·82 P1tol. Sept 16, 23 30 Oct 1 1982 40311·82 PUBLIC NOTICE YOU ARE IN Dl!,AULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUIT OATl!O SEPTEMBER II, 1M1. UNLEll YOU TAKE A C TION TO PAOTECT YOUA PAOPEAT Y, IT MAY Bl! SOLD AT A PU8LIC 8ALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION 0' THE NATURE OF THE PAOCEl!DINO AOAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD C'ON'FM:T A LAWYl!A. NOTICE OF TRUSTEl!'S SALE T.S. No. M10I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on F11oay October 6 10112. at 9 00 o'crock am ol satd C11y. ,n the room set "tde tor conducting Trustee's SalH. Within tho oltlc:•a of REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, toclle<I at 2020 North Brolldwl)'. Sutle 206. In tno City ot Senti An•. County 0 1 Oranoe. Sllte o f C11il o1n111 , REAL EST A TE SECURITIES SEAi/iCE, 11 C1lllorn11 corporRt1on es duly appointed Trustte under o,.d pur1u1n1 to Ille power of set• conletred In lhll canain Deed or T1u1t 1u1c:uted l>Y JOAl'INE B WILSON an unmlrtled women. recorded Oc101>e1 2, 1981. "'Boot< 14242 ot Ot1te1&l ~ds ol tetd County. et page 780. Aecordet'1 instrument No 266CI, by re11on 01 • bteecr. or oer1u1t In peymen1 or pertorm1nce o l 1111 obt1ga11ons secured tnereby. 1nc;ludlng that breach 01 default. Notice of whiCh waa recotded June 2, 1982. as Recorder'• Instrument No 82· 1881118 Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST UtOOER FOR CASH, llwfUI money of the United SlltH. or • cash••• ' c"ec:k drewn on I state °' na1ton11 bank, • 111te Ot llldetal cre<J1t unton. or • 1111• ()( le<ler at uvtnge 1nd lo•n ats0c:t1t1on domlclled tn this stlle, 111 payable at the ume of sale. 111 1lgnc, 11111 11nd intetesl held by It H Trustee. In thll lell property s1tu111 In Hid County and Stall ducr1b1d H IOltows LOI 58 ot Traci No 5018 •• pet mep recotded In Book 184, Pages 26 to 30 lnctuaiwe ol Miscellaneous t.111ps. 1n the olllce ol 11'18 CQunty Reoroer ol said county PUBLIC NOTICE p1openy desc11bed 1bove rs ---Ft_C_T_n_l_O_U_8_8_U_S_IH_E_S_S ___ Putl)Ofted to be 2083 Siii"' Ave Costa Meta, Cthl()(Na 92827 NAME STATEMENT Tne unoersognod dl1cl11m1 any The followtng per5on •• llo1ng ll&blllty IOt t ny incotrec:tness ot 1ne bullnGH IS lbO•e st1eet ldd•lll INTERNATIONAL TRADE ANO The sale will be made, but without CHARTERING, 3 Ceuorglon, lrvino. covent1nt or wotrenty, exprest or Cehlo111l11 92714 implied 1egero1ng 111le. poSIHtlon AICherd Pelmet, 3 Ceda1glen, 01 encumbtances, to ~•r IM 10111 trvtne. Calllornlo 112714 amount ol the unparo balance 01 1"8 Rtc;hatd PaJmer obhgation secured by tne property T n1.1 11etemenl wes hleO with tne 10 oe solo cona•tllng ot pr1nc1pel County Cterll 01 Otano• Cwn11 on and l'lteresl of $105 176, 94 ptus September 7 19112 ft · cotll 1Jtpense1. 1d•1ncea. and F tl'5a t1uste1 tees esllm•tttd to be $1,· Put>lttl1ed Orange Cout Oatly 554 74 at lhe time ot 1n111a1 PolOt, Sept 9 16, 23 30 1982 publlCOl•on ol this No11ce ot Sale, __________ 3_9_3_6_·8_2 wh1cri two aums total $107.•31118 PUOLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY Gtl/EN tna1 • pubhc h8111ng will btl ttetd by tna City Coun"I ol 1111 City of Costa Mesa on Octobe< 4, t982. 111 tne Council Cn1mbe1s 01 Crty Hell. 17 Felr Drive, CoSle Mes<r at II 30 p m , or as 1oon theraalter a• prac1tc11ble. on lhe lotlowong Items PROPOSED ORDINANCE amendlno IM City's 11000 plain use end development regul1t1ons to 1ncorpor11e construction s11ndatdt IC)( mob1i. ttornes 1od mobile nome pert.a end 1Ube1•"'S1ons Currently dated bank tHhler's cttetka certrlled by • bank, or c;e1n1er:1 check' or reouleted len<lil11 dOSGrlbed 1n Soc 2112•h ol IM C1Uf()(nt1 CIVIi Codi , PIYlble to lh• 1ru11eo or 1ne bidder ere accep t able with proper t0en1111ea11on The benellClary Un<llt N ici Deed of 1ru11 ptevloualy executed end dellvered to the und11s1on•d a wt1uen Oec:laratlon or Oeloutt and D1m1nd 101 Sale, 1nd a wtltten Notice of Oelault end Election 10 Sett Tl'le sai<J Notice or Oelaun anCI Electron to Seit w8'a racorlled tn the counly wt>ere the reel P<098f1Y 11 tocaled Thia document II exectlteO by F•d•1al N1t1on11 Morto1ge A11oc1111on. (Woodg1eeo Service P\ELIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAM£ 8TAT[MENT The lollow1ng person• '' dotng buStnlSl IS A UTOMAT ED ENCAG Y SYSTEMS, 15977 Mt Jnckson Fountain Velloy, CA 02708 FAtDEAICt( BLAU JA 15917 Mt Jackion Fountain valley CA 927011 This bustne•~ ,. conducted by an 1nd1.1dual F 11!d1111Ct< Btau Jr This statement wu llleo wtln tne County Cletl< ot Oranoa County on September 21 1982 F1117MI Published Orange Coast Dally PtlOI. Sap! 24, Oct l 8, 15, 1982 4176-82 P\ELIC NOTICE FICTITOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The 1011ow100 p111son •s ooon~ t>osineas as VI GARO, 21062 Brook hurst Street, Sutlf!l 103 Hunllnglo• Beach, CA 92646 EDWARD L MURPHY 22061 Roc:l<port lane Huntington Beach CA 926•6 This busmen IS conoucte<I by an tn<IMduat Edwatd l Mutphy Th•• st11emcn1 .,.., fJed with ""' CO\lnty Clerk of Orange County oro Sept~ba< 2 I 1982 FOA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC PROPERTIES COAPOAA TtON, authoroz.ed ageot lor Montgomery Wetd Devttopment Corpor111on One Montgomery Plan. 23·S, Cnlcaoo. llllnols. lor property loclled 11 3088 Brostol Stteet, 1n a C2 zone Envlroomen11I Impact Report Specific Plen SP-12·01A to amend the bulkllng height, aetback and lloot 1111 1atr0 provosrons end to allow an e•ceplfon 10 tha maxi mum lloor Itel r atio ot Spec1llC Plan SP-82..01 and Re.tone P1t1t1on R-82-10. IOt permission to 112one properly ''°"' C 1 to POC Co. 0111111on) Sulle 1600. t0820 F111n47 NOTICE tS F'URTHER Gii/EN 1het at sal<J llme ano ptac;e, all lnlereslod 1)8(ton1 m•y •PP4Jllr an<J be ho11r<1 by the City Council on t he elorementloned mottera EILEEN P PHINNEY City Clertt Published 011noe Co11t 0111y PtlOt Sept 24 1982 4235·82 Ml.IC NOTICE Wllthlre Bou11v11d, LOI Angeles, Publlsh1C1 01angeo Cont Oatly C1lllorn1a 9002• (213) 824-2223 Pilot. Sept 24 Oct 1 8 t5, 1982 Me111ng addteas 11 P 0 . Box 761156, 4 163·82 LOI Ang1t". Ca11101nla 90076 1--------------D•I• September 14, 1982 h11 oocument 1s executed by Snell• Brown Publ1s.,od Orenge Co111 0811y Ptlol Sept 24, Oct I 8 11182 4162·82 l'UBllC NOTICE P\ELIC NOTICE FICTlflOUS llU81~SS NA .. E STATEMENT Thi! tollow1no Pl•SOO IS OO•nQ bus1nfls as f'LASH CO 899 West 16th SI Newport B1ech. CA 92663 STUART KARL. 699 W 16th FICTmoua IUSINl!SS SI ' ,,,_poll Beaon, CA 926Cl3 NAME STA TI!MENT This bullnllSt 11 condu"ed by 1n The 1011ow1ng Ptlflons ero doing 1nd1v1du1I busrneH as Stu811 t<a11 GRAPHICS ONE (STORE •521. This statement was hied with tne 151169 Goth11d S t , Hunt1no100 County Cletk or Ot•nge County on Beach, CA 92647 September 21 1982 Phtltrp Lee Whl81el 24106 F117Ml Clar1no1on Or Laguna Hiiia CA Pubtoshed Ortnge Coast p111y 112653. Prtot. Sept 24. Oc1 I 8 IS, 1982 Ann M•ro• w ne1111 247011 4164-82 PU8l1C NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSINl!IS NAME 8TATEMENT Tne 1011ow1ng persona 11e do.ng busmen H THE ELECTRICAL CHARGE 3718 S Ttmber Street Senta Ana Ca•.1orn1a 91207 Rick Zap11a, 37 18 S Timber Street. Santa An• Calltotn11112707 Mtguel Cnavez 3718 S T1mblf SH4Hlt. San11 Ana C1111orn11 92707 Thrs business Is condUC111CJ oy a gene,.t p111nershop Moouel Chavez Thll litatement was 111eo wllh the County Clerk of 011no1 Counry on Augutl 30 1982 ,1"401 Published 01ange Coast Delly P1101 Sept 2 9, 16. 23 11182 3839-82 P\ELIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINE88 NAME STATEMENT The 1011ow1ng person 15 do1no busmess as M OS PRODUCTS. 442 Et Modena Newport Beacei CA 92663 MICHAEL DAVID SHERWOOD 442 El Modfl'la Newpott Beacn Clo 926C.3 '"'' busmeS$ •S conducteo by en nCl•••Ouat Michael 0 ShefWO<IO l 111s st•lemenl wu hied wtlh tne County Cletk of 011noe Cou11ty on Sep111mber 14. 1982 F187402 Put1t1shed Orano1 Cout Dilly P1to1 Sept 16 23 30 Oct 7, 1982 4069·82 l'UBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINHI NAME STATEMENT l ne fottowtng pet.ant are dOo"O bus•neas •• FRAGMENTS, 20 3 E Collt Hwy Co1ona del Mar. CA 112826 Joyce Dee Aieh.,ds, 8411 An1t1 l 11gun1 Beactt. CA 926S 1 Peul Jof\n Ric:ttard1. 11411 Anne L.egun& Beac;"· CA 921151 f 1111 t>oSlnes5 ts conducted ay • o-•' pll'tne<1nlp Joyce 0 FliCflltdl Thtt statemenl WIS htld wtlh ,,,. County Clerk ol Or•noe Covnty on Sept 15 1982 Tne streal adllre•• or other common dea1gn1t1on 01 the reel p1operty ne•etnabo.,. d .. crobed le purpo rted to bt 21101 C1111p1 Street Newpott Boach, Ca!llC)(nl• FICTITIOVI llYSINEH NAME ITATI:MENT Cl1r1ngton Or Laoun• H1ll1. CA 92653 -------------F'1t7411 Tho undert1gned hereby dl1c111ms 111 lteblllty lor any 1nc0trec;1n1n on Slid "'"' edd1ess ()( other common detlgnetton Said sale ... 111 be med• wotnou1 warranty e•prou or 1mplt1d reg1101no tllle poueuron. 01 eocumbrances to satrsly tne p11nclp11 balance or 1h1 Note or other obllg111on 111cu1ed by said Deed ol Trust. with tnlerest and olher sums 11 p1ovldld 1nereln, plus advtncea II 1ny under the term• 1nereol eno lnterHt on such 1dv1nces and ptu1 IH• cn1191s The lollowlno pe)'&on 11 do1n11 l>OSlnHS IS' E J LOHNES & COMPANY, 3990 Weste11y PllCI, Suite 100, N-po•I a..cn. C1t1lorn1a 926CIO Edwero Jey Lohnes 2614 w Columbine •A Senta An1t C.toloin111 9270• Th•• ou11nen 11 c;on<lucted by an ondMduat Edw.,o Jay Lonn•• Tn11 1tal11n1ent wu 1118<1 wttn the Cou"IY Cl81k or Orange County on Sept I, 11182 F1 ..... Publltned Oranoe Co111 0111y P110I Sept 17. 24. Oct 1. 8, 11182 4116·82 and expenses or 1"8 Truttee end ol 1-------------- the trusts creeled by Mid Deed ol Pt.a.IC NOTICE Trust The total amount or sard ·-------------ob1tget1on. 1nclud1no re11onably OAANGE COUNTY SU,ERIOA estimated lee1, cneroes and COUtlT expensas or the Truttee, el the time P.O. Boll '3t of tn111al publ1c11t1on ol lhll NotiCI , tS l enla Ane, Callfornl1 12102 $67,372 83 700 c1·v10 C1nt1r Orlve Wffl, l)ateo Seplembe• 14, 11182 l1nt1 An•. C1lllornl1 12101 REAL ESTATE SECURITIES PLAINTIFF CFIOWN COAK & SERVICE, SEAL COMPANY. INC 1 C1tllorril1 corporetlon DEFENDANT FRANK ANDREW T"ls buslnua Is conducted l>y 1nd1Yldue1s (Hu1b1nd & Wile) Ann Merli Wneeter Thia stetement w•s 1111<1 with IM County Ctetk ot 0180ge County on S8'>t n 1992 F1te014 Pubh•hed 011nge Coasl Deity P•lot Sept 24 Oct I 8 15. 11182 4215-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT lha 1011ow1ng person 11 do•ng bUSlness as CORO NA DEL MAR CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 23•5 Etst Pec1flc; Co11t H1gnw1y Sutle D Corona dt'l Me<. CA 112625 GAAY PAUL BAFIANOSKI, O C 1601 H•••n Place. Newport Beien. CA 92663 Tnl1 bu11non IS conducted by 1n lnOtvldual G•ry Paul B11ano1kl, DC ThlS 1111-1 WH fril<I Wllh Iha County Clefk ol Orang• Coonty on Sel>tember 7 19112 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollowtng person 11 001ng business 11 BONOAVI ASSOClliTES 18430 Brooi.hurlt Sttoet Fount11n Valley CA 92708 DAVID A PETERS 18430 B1ookhur1t Street, Fountatro 111111y, CA 92708 This bulllnen 15 conducted by • llmned pnnne1sl11p Dnvtd A Peters This statement wat loted wotn tfle County Clerk ol Orange County on Sep1emba1 1 19112 F1teM1 Pubtotr.ed Or11nge Coast Delly Potot SeoL 9 16 23 30 1982 3979.92 PU8LIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINISSS NAME STATEMENT The lollowlng person '' do.no t>us•n•ts ., SPA M EC.HANIC 2 4 50 Ne .. port Blvo Costa Mes • Cahlomll 926,S H Truetee CULLUM Ind DOES I lht0U9h )()( O,J, Morger, II• ftreeldenl 1nGluS0"8 2020 N •rOld••r No. 208 IUMMONS F1tell31 TnomH Andy Richey 1527 Publtshed Orange Cont Delly Nflwpo1 t 81vO Costa Me•• ..nla Ane, CA 1270I CASE NUlilll!R 3"t5S (714) 153 ... tO NOTICEI You hew• been 1uld, Prtot Sept II. 16 23 30. 1982 ~al1lorn11 112627 Publl1hod Or•no• Cout Oally The court mer decide 191lnat 1ou 3914 82 Tn1s busonoss '' conducted by 11n Pll01. Sopt. t7, 24, Oot t, 1g92 wllltoul your being lleerd 11nlet1 PUBLIC NOTICE 4124·82 you r••l'Of'd 1111lllll11 JO day., Ried!------------ -------------the lnform1llon below. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS PU8llC NOTICE A y I. 0 I u. t. d " •• I d 0 NAME STA'TEMINT -------------~1m111d1do. II Trlb11n1I puede Tne 1011ow100 person 11 C1a1no FICTITIOUS BUSINESS deoldlr cov1ra Ud. 1111 MldtenGi. I Dvatn .. a 11 NAM& •TATIMENT lfteftOI .,_ Ud. reepoftda ~o SASINI, 2g31 J Orate Lene. The lollowlnO D•tton ,. 1101ng de 10 dlu. LN la lftf«mec:loll 41118 Costa M1u CA 9262& ondrwoduftl Thomas A Alcney Tt1t1 stetement w11s llled wtlh lh• Coonty Cieri\ ot 011nga County on September 15 1982 ,.,97417 Publlahed Drano• Co111 Oa.lly Piiot Sept ICI 23 30 Oct 7 1982 40118 St bu11ne .. u 11tue. RICHAAO L JACKSON JA CRYSTAL CLEAR POOL 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A clYtl INC a Ca1tlornl1 corporatton P\JBllC NOTICE SERVICE. 2024 CMt1nu1 Avenue, ~omplelnt 1111 beef\ liled by lhl 2113 l·J Grice Line Co•t• M111 COlll Mase Calllorn1a 921126 plelnllll 1911n11 you CA 92626 FICTITIOUS 8UllNEll Published Orange Coeat Otlly Piiot, Sept 11, 24, Oct 1, 8, 19112 4114·112 PUBLIC NOTICE Fl<:Tmoua IUI ..... NAME STATUIENT Th• lollow1no pe<1on 1s doing t>o .. noss IS SPEEDIAL COMPANY. 421 l/tlla Truc'1a. NewPO<t Beacn, CA 112660 Fred Capron Coe, 421 VIII• T1uch1, Newport Beech. CA 112660 This buainesa ts con<lucted by 1n tndrwldual Frec:I Cepron Coe This Slltement WU lotld Wll" IM County Cll<k of Or•nge County on Sept 22. 1982 F1•11 Pubt1sned Orang1 CoHI Dally Ptlot, Sept 24. Oct 1. S, 15. 111112 '186-112 PU8l1C NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUllNHI NAME tTATIMaNT Tne lollow1ng pe<1on 11 do1no botllllllS •• FOX & ASSOCIATES 25112 Newport Blvd , Colle M111, CA 92627 Barba•• J. Fox, 1221 W COllt Hwy • 321, Newport Beach, CA 9?663 Tn11 bu11nen Is conducted by 1n unlncorportted ... oc11t1on otner thnn 1 pertnerthlp 8erb11a J Pox Thtt llatement was I~ wfth Ille County Clefk ol Ofange Cov<1ty on Sept ?2 1982 ,...., Publl1hed Orano• Co11t Otlly Ptlot, $41pt 2<1 Oct. 1, 8, 16, 1982 4203~82 Gofdon' All&n MllihOuH 2924 1 ti you with to defetf\d thl• Tnts bu11n111 11 c;onduc;tod by 11 NAME ITATl!MEMl Chettnut Avenue, COetll Mela, tawsuot, you must, wltnl11 30 c:IA)'tl c;o1Poret1on Thi lollow1no Piison It do1no Ml.IC NOTICE Cellf()(nlll 112626 11111 11111 eummona 11 tet•ftd 011 A1ch1rd L J1ck10f\ Jt bu••n•as •• 1----------~~--Thll business II c;onductttd by an ~Ou. Ill• wlln 1n11 COUtl • W•l11Afl Inc N A T I 0 N A l L I M I T E. D ,t<:mlOUI •UIMll lndlVl<Ju•I pla&d•no Ill r11ponse 10 '"' R1cha10 L J1ck1on f'ARlNERSHIP 130 I Dowe. No NAMI ITATIMINT o A MlllhOvse complttlnl ~II • Juatice Cowl Yoll Prn 280 Newport &each CA 92660 The lolto-Ml'IQ peraons are dotftQ Tntt .,.,_, WIS ltled 'Wlll'I 1118 muat Ille .. 11n th• COUtl • Wtlllln Th11 at•lenlefll wU f~eo wtlll ,,,. RANDloLL EUGENE TRIBOLET bu .. -••• COunly Cieri! ol Ofang• Coulll)' Oii pleading Of G'aUM ... oral pleading County Cle<k of Oreno• County Ol'I 171 H .. tlege, l•Yrlll. CA 11271• PACIFIC COAST POTTERY, Sept 7 11182 to be enlerld In thl CIOCk91) UnltH S•OIMll>at 14, tte:> Tn•• l>u .. ,,... " CO<ldve1ed by • 2111"1 Cecllr SI ' N-l>Or1 8eaeh. r1-.. you do ao , your delaull wlll be '1tntt ~lmtlttd PttlnlrlhlP CA 112803 Published orang1 CoHI Otlly an1111d upon 1ppllca11on o r 111• Pu11111nto O•anoe Cotti 0111y Ranoon t T11bOlttt D•n• Smith Oen1111y. 2 11'\ Pilot, Sept 9 16, 23, 30, tt82 plllnllll, and lhll court may 11111111' I PtlOI, Sec>t 16, 23. 30. 0C1 7, 108' thte flltemenl WIS llled wllh Illa Ctdl t It , Nawpott 8HCll, CA 3012"82 fUdoment aglln1t you for the rellef ~048-82 County Clerk or Orange Coonly °" 02083 --------------dMtanded In 1na oomplaJnl, which -------------Seplaml>lr 14, 11182. ~1hur Wiii, Glbrellor. I.• Coate. PUBLIC NOTICE could rHull 111 g11nlallmenl of flt&JC NOTICE Ftl717t Ct ll10rnl1 92e&3 i'W~ t•ktno of money Of property Publl•hed 011n11• Co111 OlllV Tiii• ~-It condUCI"° by • FICTtTIOUI •u•••• Ot Other t•fl•I requ11ted In th• .... --Palol Sec>t tO, 23 30. ()(.1 7. 11112 Otftelll pertner•Ncl NAME aTATl.MtHT ic:On'tc>i.lnt 'ICfn'IOUI IU..,_H <1047;U Oan• Oenttlly The 10110 .. tf\Q Ptr•on " <101no b ",._.•Ill\ t• ..... ""... NAMI ITATIMINT ----------· Thi• 11118'Ml'll -lrled willl IM l>llltnet• u IOI ait et*-' 111 ltll• IMtttt rou The IOlloo#lllg penons .,., dOlnQ PU8UC NOltCE Co\lntr CleB o1 Ofange County on E P I PROP fl Tt S L lD 4100 lflOlild de MI"~ IO ttwit' ,_ lhla!rntA as ---...... ---"'!--~.....,-I Sec>t U 1912 llrch 8 1 Newpotl o .. cll, CA wtfttlfl '""" .. ' If 11\y, MeJ tM PK DEVELOPMENT 44 PtUI 'ICT'lTIOUI IUl ... I ' , ... ,, 92HO Sull 100 ,.... en ltml 8qulf8, Or•noe. Ctllfornl• "°" NAMI ITATamMT P\lbll1h•d OtlllCI• Coa•t Oally E p I Q c N c A "" DAT•O! JMlllff '· ttn Tom J. Kernb•, II, .. ,..... the IOlloW1f19 PlflOOI .,. <JolrtO ft•IOI. $11)1 2•. Oct 1, I, 11, , ... PAATNEASHIP. '100 Btrc.h 81~1. Ul A 81~ . .t.NCM , 8qu1t•, Ot~, CeltfOtnll t2fft bualnua u 4211-12 Ne'i'/l)Orl Ooach. CA 021160, S!Jll• Cieri\ ' Luton f Porntror:. Ill. 44 OAI. co IMPORTS, 311, I,,_ ___________ ___ 100 8y Jennr v Mor11tto, Pl11t •~11a11. Or1noe. ca111or1111 IMaeh Roll<!, Cap11111no BHcll, OA thlt bullntoH II Ct>lldU(,IAd l)y • ~ly Ulet 926'"4 114'fl81•1 pelrtnotah<p TAUIMAM llMt'IOM. • Tf\11 buttnaaa tt cond"'ted t>y 1 CAI.LINAN FAMILY TAU8T, E P I O • n ••a I YOUffO a MINTO.-~II pat1ntnlll1> S$1I1 lt•oll Aot<I C1p1t1rano PIMIM'111111> t1•.............. Tom .l 1(8l'flbe 11 -..Cll, CA llQ4 Jatnfle r., Loo•n 01 "'-,..,...... • 09Mf1tl ~ ca.,., ClllWllill Th• ........ , ........ ~~ ... ~ --· -""'·-... -.... '"' ""'·~-· -........ '"' Co\lnly Cl«k ol Oranoa County on ttlfMf ten,....... eountr CWtt ot Ot9ft01 Count)' on CouttfY Cllfll Of Ottcltt COulllf Oft &epteml>er 14 1982 CfelMt c.ta l .... ee., IM. Sept U 1H2 ~I.,+! J1, 11U , . .,. ....., ,.,..,. ,,...,. Pvl!llthtd Orange Co11t D,1111 Publl•ll•d Orange 00111 D•llf ,ulltllllld Otano• Cout D•ll'f ~Ullll•ll•d OrtrlO• Co•••'0 .. 1y P11o1, lepl 10, :ll. 'JO. Del 1 11181 Piiot $ipt 3, 10. 1'7, t4, !N2 Pilot lec>t 1"4, Oct I t. 1S, 1"2: Piiot, lecn. 24. Oct 1 I tll, .... •10~·l:I !lfOl.-12 4f4t·N tltJ.tt1 • D•llY Piiot i =".:-S you.can Mt-1611 tor.-ldt ec•lltulel. VORBA Lt"IOA PL AC{ NTIA ANA .. EIM OAROEN GROllE Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Friday, September 24, 1982 . ~~~E~:·~· SElTING A WORLD'S RECORD IS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME · ;?i~Ef" EVENT ... SOME ATHLETES TRAIN FOR YEARS WITHOUT • -.c .......... ~ ... o..f···· . ., . :!~~~~If~:.. GElTING CLOSE. BUT YOU CAN REACH THAT GOAL ON . '1 Ot.,...... ··--· 09'9• .... 1;~§~§J.~:. SEPTEMBER 25, 1982 WHEN ORANGE COUNTY GOES . rr~1:F=-FOR THE GUINNESS 'LONGEST HUMAf\J CHAIN' RECORD ::. ~-BE PART OF HISTORY! SHOW UP AND LEND A HAND! SANTA ANA RIVER BIKE TRAIL 2 ' . SEPTEMBER 25, 19_,2 .. .. .. · .... ... ,,,. ........ . . . WESTMINSTER f 9:30 A.·M. (FINAL LINK-UP 11:00 A.M.) ,_ . S.n Olego F't••Wfl' , _ -·· .: Sponsored by the United Way r .. !, __________ _ "' DlllJPHat PAIOAV, SEPT 24, 1'192 FOR THE RECORD C7 l s ther a hole in Bannjng's armor? Edison hope o. C3. Taking a step backward The Angels' magic number: . ' Angels' lead 21h after 5-4-loss to Texas -ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) The A n gela sailed Into Arlington Stadium Thursday night after a v1t.al three-game sweep over Kansas City and promptly lost to a team 26 games behind them The 5-4 loss to the Texas Rangers on catcher Bob Boone's ninth-inning throwing error cut the Angels' lead over the 1dlc Royals to two and one-half games in the American League West. "I don't think we had a letdown after the Kansas City series," said Angel Manager Gene Mauch. "We were pretty geared up. We had really played well in winning 10 of 14, so you're going lo have a bad night every now and then." - The Angels have nine games remaqllng, six of them against the Rangers and three with the Royals. "I've seen some crazy things happen ... we've got to get it going again," said Mauch. The Rangers knocked out Angel starter St.eve Renko with a fou r-run outburst in the firs t inning highlighted by Jam Sundberg's two-run triple. "After the first Inning. we had lO kick ourselves to get going," said Angel:-.' designated hiller Don Baylor. I don't think we lind a letdown aft er the Kansas City series. -Angel Merutger Gene Mauch The Angels kicked into high gear with a two-run third inning which included Joe Ferguson's third homer of the year. They lied 1t In the seventh on a walk, a single, Reggie J ackson's run-scoring double and Tim Foli's perfect delayed squeeze bunt. Then came the fatal ninth for reliever Make Witt, 8-6. Dave Hostetler singled and Nick Capra was sent In to run for him. Mike Richardt singled Capra to third. With pinch-hiller Pete O'Brien standlns at the plate, Boon<.' made a snap throw to th1rd th.at Doug DeC1nces couldn't dig oul of the dirt and Capra scored. "l thought the throw was right on but Doug had LrOuble with the runner sliding into him," said Boone. Capra said, "I tried to get up and run and DeCinces held me. 1 believe the umpire would have given me hotnc plate but l made it anyway." It was only Texas' 4th victory in the last 12 games. Danny Darwin. 10-6, pickl>d up the victory in relied. Mauch didn't s tart Fred Lynn, Rod Car ew or Jackson b eca u se of minor ailments but used them au as pinch-htt\crs late in the cont.est. "You hate to lose a game like this because Kansas City has lost momentum, but we've still got a good lead," said Baylor. In the second game of the four-game series tonight, Bruce Kison (9-5) meets the Rangers' Rick Honeycutt (5-16). Angela Royals Amerlcen Leegue Wnt W L 87 66 84 68 Pct. 08 .569 .533 2112 .· Thuradey'1 1core1 Texas 5, Angell 4 Kansas City did not play Tonight'• gem•• Angels (Kison 9-5) at Texas (Honeycutt 5-16) Kansas City (Gura 17-11) al Oakland (Codiroli 0-0) Qame1 remaining ANGELS (9) -HOME (3): Oct. 1, ~. 3, Texas. AWAY (6): Sept. 24, 25, 26, Texas; Sept. 27, 28, 29, Kansas City. KANSAS CITY (10) -HOME (7): Sept. 27, 28, 29, Angels; Sept. 30, Oct. l, 2, 3, Oakland. A WAY (3): Sept. 24, 25. 26. Oak.land. Can Giants duplicate the past? By The A11oclated Pre11 LOS ANGELES -In 1951, the New York Glanta trailed the Natio nal Leagu e -le ading Brooklyn Dodgers by 13\11 games in mid-August . . . and won the pennant with a magnificent stretch drive capped by Bobby Thomson's three-run homer in the ninth inning of the deciding playoff game. · In 1962, after the Giants had been moved to San Francisco and the Dodgers to Los Angeles, the Giants trailed by four games with seven to play ... and tied for first place on the final day of the regular seuon. Then they won the pennant by acorlng four ninth-inning runs to win the third and deciding playoff pme. NOW, IT MAY be • trifle late for it to happen again, but . . . Fra nk Robinson 's Giants bombed the Cincinnati Reds 11-7 Thursday, to creep to within four games of the firs~place Dodgers in the National League Wes\. The Giants now meet their old rivals in a three-game series at Dodger Stadium st.art.ing tonight. 0.., NM ...... 11Jr C!wtee lt.wr Huntington Beach's Danny Thompson finds hole and scores in Oilers' 55-14 win. See C4. "We have n o f ear of the Dodgers whatsoever," Giant catcher Bob Brenly said. "We have beat.en them in their park. We h ave beaten Fernando Vale nzue la (the Dodge n ! Saturday starter). W e're confident in our ability to go il9 there and play good baaeball." • Rams' official strike vote was 40-5 A few missed paychecks and the players should come back in droves NOTES IN A COOKIE JAR: •The official count, as far as the Rams' strike vote, was 40-5 in favor of the players union. The names of the five players who opposed the wa lkout were not given. -Question: How many football teams will use the strike as an excuse for their 1982 season? Answer: Every team that doesn't make the playoffs. •Coaches. too, will use the strike in order to save their jobs. You can almost hear the quotes now: "We were reaUy jelling when the strike hit us " "y./£' haven't been the same club since the walkout." "We're stm trying to get the players back into shape." Yecch! •Best estimates have the strike lasting no more than two weeks. The Football Players Association has never been noted as a strong union, and that's what the owners are counting on. All it should take Is a missed uaycheck or two and the players should start coming back in droves. SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO •Add Rams strike vote: Actually, the original vote was more like 30 yes, 10 I don't knows and 5 nos. The ballot counters, however, ~rouped the "I don't knows" in with the 'yes" voters .. •The Rams, who worked out three days this week, will work out the same numbe r next week , too. practicing Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at Brookhurst Park in Anaheim starting at 9 a.m. •As hard as this may be to believe, Dodger first baseman Steve Garvey, if he decides to go the free-agent route, will most likely be classified as a Type B free agent. Why? Because Garvey isn't among the top three at his position, On the insid..._ __ ___ according to the formula devised to determine such things. •Add Garvey: Those currently ahead of Garvey are Philadelphia's Pete Rose. S t. L o uis' K eith Hernandez. a nd Atla nta's Chris Chambliss. Also up there is Pittsburgh's Jason Thompson. •Final add Garvey: If the Dodgers don"t re-!lgn thelr right-handed srugger. the teams that figure to be the most active in acquiring Garvey are San Diego, the Chicago Cubs and the New York Mets. Of those threQ. the early nod wou1d have to go to the Mets. •Absolutely last add Garvey: The Angels are reportedly interested, too, but Garvey has said he would like to stay in the National League so he could pursue his consecutive games record. •Even without Garvey's signing, the Dodgers st.and to lose a lot of money this winter as Pedro Guerrero and Fernando Valenzuela are both expected to go to arbitration -and win their cases against the club. •Add Guerrero a nd Valenzuela: ' Guerrero is making about $330,000 this season , while Fernando's salary Is roughly $450,000. Both figure to be somewhere between $800,000-1.000,000 in 1983. •The Angels are reportedly going to make a concerted effort to acquire reUef ace Ron Davts trom Mtnne90ta dutt:ng the off-season. Davis, who has been unhappy with the Twins sin ce his arrival to the Twin cities is currently ranked fifth in the AL with 21 saves. By comparison, the entire Angels' staff has 24. •Incidentally. every writer In the mldwest and e ast is pulling for a Freeway World Series. If the Angela and Dodgers do come up winners, the event might be better named the Poolside Seri ea. •Has anybody else noticed that the Giants have crept to within 4 \11 games of the Dodgers and the two teams still have (See VOTE, Paie Cl) "We've got to go in there thinking sweep," Robinson said. "U we only get two out of three, we'll have to be satisfied. "I feel like we're on the way up this time." THE GIANTS handed the Reds their 96th loa of the year as Bill Laskey, Reggie Smith and Brenly drove in two runs apiece. Atlee H a mmaker . 11 -8 , re lieved Laskey In the fourth and hurled two innings of rellir for the victory. Frank Pastort, 8-12, took the loss. The Giants also moved to within a game of second-pla<» Atlanta, as both the Dodgers and Braves were Idle Thursday. In addition to the series this weekend in Los Angeles, the Giants will end their aeaaon with three games at home against the Dodgers. "You never have a 'laugher,'" said Brenly. "But it's good to win a game going into a big aeries, so everyone has the taste of victory in their mouths going into that first game." • Bud Tucker reports on the plight of the gamblers without NFL football, C2. It's No. 2 (Marina) vs. No. 3 (Foothill) By ROGER CARLSON Oftbe Dllltr ... lot ltaff an orrensiv~ line led by 6-5 \11, 230-pound Bill Macias. edge and is paced by 225-pound fullback ... linebacker Tal Tamamuui. . • Banning-Edison should be quite a -show, C-3. • Huntington Beach romps, but Mater Del beaten In area prep football, C-4. • Daryl Sconiers and Dan Quisenberry are not the only ex-Orange Coast players In pro ball. C-5. • 80 of America's premiere blcycllsts compete In Costa Mesa Saturday and Sunday. C-6, This weekend's National Football League .chedule may have been wiped out by the current labor dispute, but Friday nlghta in the fall remain unchanged IL's high 11Chool (ootball in every direction, as evidenced by 13 non-league games tonight involving teams from the Sunset, Sea View •nd South Coast leagues. F.ach is ll't to begin at 7:30. Herc's a brief rundown: Foothill l'N. M•rln• Marina put• lia No. 2 ranktn1 In the Daily Pilot 1 Orange County Top fO on th line "•R.alnst th~ No. 3-ratcd Knll(ht.e ot Foothill in lhe ni1ht'1 P~f're pme It Oranae Coeat Colleae James Latrd luda Foothill'• punl1hin1 1round cam , Bill Marl~r la at quarterbeck for Marina behind St. P•ul I'S. FoanU.I• t'•lley It's game No. 3 in Fountain VaUey'a killer Rehedule with St. Paul'• readln1 Okie defen1e and strong kicking game expected to ~t the Barons (0-2). St. Paul la cornina off a 2a .. 3 lea to top-rated Loyola. Fountain Valley's ortenae appcan to be on a mott aolld rooting with the emergence of sophomore Dave Swt,ert. h 'e at Cerritoe Collel'e. Newipert .... Jlt'e•ml••ter Bruce Ooodfleld ge ta th• atart u quarterback for Newport Harbor .. the Sallora try to break out of a two-same -,ylnleu aftuaUon In what ll billed as a "physical macchup" on Jhe Wtttmlnater campus. Weatminater hold• I 8-8 aeries • C•fHI J'alley l's. CtlM FAch ia consicftted • tit.le con\coder, ancl Heh 11 trying to snap into tho winninR column after two lcmes. CaflO'I h~ look It led by quarterbec.k Burt Call while Corona del Mar'• offenae ia built around the runnJnc or Lance Martin. The 1ame ia at Newport Harbor. . •' •' &tlt•efa .... Saa Cle•e•te 1 ..,_ncla (l·l) takes l\I tum ln trytna to 1e>lw San Clemente'• (2-0) aplJt 1hc deferm, whJch baa proved ~h .,ainat the run. Matt Spit• la IDaianc:ta '• lead Ina ruahel", while San Clemente'• wishbone runntnt 1am• offers a very balanced look. San Chm•nte h11 neued 48 y1rd1 on 3 completion• throuab CS.. PREP, Pap C•> T ht-~h icken San Diego Chic k en m ay b e in hot . wate r From AP dispatches SAN DIEGO · A minor league baseball pitcher conte nds he was II injured when the San Diego Chicken tackled him in a mock frenzy during a game, and he's filed a $2 m1llaon suit against the bird that claims the fowl's anti<.'S fouled up his career. Don Schulze hied the damage swt earlier this week in Davenport. I owa, against Ted Giannoulas of San Diego, better known as the Chicken. The lawsuit claims that Schulze suffered a shoulder separation when he was knocked down by a flying tackle during a June 21, 1981 exhibition game between the Quad City Club and a team of Old Timers. • His a ttorney, Allen E. Levine. said tha t Schulze was sidelined for about a month and that the injury diminished his professional career by reducing h is earning ability. GiannouJas, who dons his feathe red c.'OStume and entertains crowds at sports events with his exaggerated antics, usually directs his fake fury a t athletes, umpires and sometimes spectat.o\"s. The rough and tumble displays usually wind up with the "victim" tummg the·tables on the Chicken in mock retaliation. Schulze, of Roselle. ru .. was signed by the Chicago Cubs farm system foUowing his h1gh school graduation, a Quad City Club spokesman said. Durm_g the 1981 season with that team, he had an 8-5 record with a 2.31 earned run average. Neither Schulze. who is .. now in the instructio n a l league in Mesa, Ariz .• or G1annoulas. who was out of San Diego on business. could be reached for comment. The s uit is the first to be filed against G1annoulas for an on-the-field incident. But he was involved in a two-year-legal battle with his former employer, radio station KGB of San Diego, over his right to perform iudependently. Giannoulas ei.rentually won h is performing independence after protracted legal proceedings. Quote of the day "I hate to be mercenary, but the only reason I got into this (managing) was for the money. I had a daughter going to college. and we had to eat. l would rather have scouted, or something. When you're a manager, sooner or later you get run out of town." -Earl Weaver, manager of tht! Baltimore Orioles. Easter's hit decisive for Pittsburgh Mike l!:ulcr 11lnglc•d honw Raf HI II Belliard with on • out in the I I th Inning iind Willie Staricell fullowt·d with a ba.M!ti·lood('(J fllit·rltln1 rty lo give PitlSbuq~h u 5 :J dc•t•lsion uwr St. LoulN Thur~da,y night Tht• ddl•at, thc• Cardinals i;econd in 11 gamC's, rt•dut•t•d St Luuus' h:uu in tht· Nationa l East to 4 11'J gumc·s Ed Lynt'h checkro Ch1l'ago on scvl'n hits lx•fo1 t-gNtlng reUeC help from J es e Oro"co..I. as New York nipped the Cubs, 5.4 . lia ry Matthews drlllt•d a run-scodng duubll' that snapped a S(.'Oreless tie and Bo Dlai addt>d a sa<.·rif1C(• fly 1n the l Hh inning to provide Philadelphia with a 2-0 win In Montreal Bill Laskey, Reggie Smltb and Bob Brenly drove• m two runs apie<.'<-' as San 1''rant'lst'O, l l -7. movro lo WI thin four i ames of the Cu-st-place Dodgers in the Wl'St. .. lrt the American Leagu<.', Larry Herndon d rove.· in four runs with two hom<.'rs, and h(' also St.•ored the go-a head run on a throwing error by shortstop Cal \llpken Jr. in tht· seventh inning to lead Detroit to a 10·5 victory over Baltimore. only the seventh lo:>.'> Ill 3'1 games fur the Orioles . . . Tom Paciorek, Harold Baines and Vance Law had thre<.' RBI rach to pc.>Wl'f' Chicago to u 12-4 victory ov(•r SC'attll' VHt•ran left-hander Jerry Koosman won hi~ ninth game 1n 10 lifetimt• dl'l·1s1ons a~ainst tht• Mann<.>rs. Negotiators take first steps to meeting The chit.'f n egotiators for tht• [i] striking Nallonal Football League 4., players and the club owners took the first steps to get back to the bargai· ning table Thursday after the league officially called off the l2 games scheduled for Sunday. Ed Garvey, executive director of the NFLPA. sent·a message to J ack Donlan, h ead of the NFL Management Council -the league's bargaii'Ung ann -stating that the union is prepared to enter round- the-clock negotiations. No negotiations have been· held since last Friday when the union amended its controver· sial wage scale demand,. as- king that 50 percent of the league's $2.l billion television package be allocated to the wage and benefit fund. Man- GARVEY agement negotiators rejected the altered demand. The expected announcement calling off Sunday's ~amcs came at mid-af- ternoon wnh Mo ndays Clevela nd-Cincinnati game still on. but in jeopardy ... The NCAA and three televisJon networks appear to be near an agreement lo telecast live college football games on Sunday as long as the NFL players' strike continues. the Daily Oklahoman reported today. The games wouJd be shown alternately by CBS and ABC and couJd start Oct. 3, a<.'COrding to Tom Hansen, assistant executive director of the NCAA and director of it.s college football television programming. Clampett making bid for first victory Bobby Clampett, who has come !I close on half a dozen oceasions but has yet lo win, fired a h vc-under-par 65 Thursday to s hare the ll'ad with Lance Ten Broeck after the first round of the Southern Open Golf Tournament in Columbus, Ga. Clampett, only 22 and in h is second year on the pro tour, finished third this year in the U.S. Open and led the British Open for two rounds before faltering . . . Rookie Cindy Lincoln and Donna White fired five-under-par 67s to share the first-round lead in an LPGA tournament in Kent, ~ash. White, playing late in the day. let the lead slip away when she missed a short par putt on the 15th hole ... Howle Johnson shot a three-under-par 69 to claim a one-stroke lead over Jack Fleck after the opening round of the World Seniors Invitational in Charlotte, N.C . . . Bernard Gallagher and Gordon Brand of Scotland and Argentine Vincente F e rnandez shared the lead with 65s after the fi rst round of the Bob Hope Classic in Rickmanswort England. 81GGEST LITTLE CHILI COOK-OFF IN THE WORLD Admission $3 SPONSORED BY HUNTINGTON BEACH ELKS AID STRAUI DISTlllUTllG Open To The Public For tlaeir Major Claarities -Raa•icap,.. Clail•re• * * * PLUS • * • THE BEST CHILI COOKERS IN THE WORLD -·---------- SEPT. 25, 26 , 1982 at 10480 TALBERT AVE. • FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA CORNER OF TALBERT & WARD ---------------------~ • Ctatl••••• lattrtai••••• • C.."1 I•••• ·• Daaclat • laf011 I Pd111 • 1tM , ... I Drlu • Ilea Narktt • •111 Cklll Ptfttr ceatt1t • .,. Woa••rl•I Ctat11t • Daak Taak ActlYltl11 • lttr Drlakl•t Ctatttt I '* ltty ,,,., '"'' WM•J •••••• c ...... Mot ter of Ceremonl••t Saturday and Sunday - Gen• Price of ladlo KLAC Peor more Information, Collt (714) 964-1665 N m th chorgod with drunk driving TAMAHA(', ti'l11 ~uurtt rl k [I] turill'cl 111111r Jo(• Nomuth w111 ell• "'1t'fllt>tl t 111 ly Thurll(fo)' m1 cl1 u11kl'I\ c:,ln v1 nu l'11u1 Ill'• ul lt•• If [Hlhl't•mun •µc•ttl't.I ht• t'Dr "'W<'ovtnH nil CJvt•r tht> roodway " Nomuth hc-t·um boh1wr1>w; und n·fU.1<.-d lo l'CX>pt•rutt• uftt•t pollH• 111Ummonl·d u blood ukohol u ... uu~ lMn, nllknurm·d Ill" "fi11trnoh1h•," K11ld Lt. $.till Jl16tt.•ph · "tit· rduM'<l ull h •lilli whl·n WI! took him ovn to 1lw Bi1tm11b1ll• lh1· brl'ulhulyn•r, 1tw urirw te~t. c•verythmg," Jc)S(•ph ll{mt Ill' Kllld Nom11th ulllO rcfUl(•d w 11ign h111 ftngC'rprinl ~urd aftl•r lw wu11 flngt•rprintt'tl. Numoth, :JS, was ctuirl(c.'<i with driving under tlw lnflu<'l)Ct' und driving without Li hl·t•rnw l'olit•c 11t11d whilt· thut 111 tlw vun, hl8 Ul't101ll{ W('I'(• v1d('()t:1pc'<I tor potC'nllul <.-ourtroom cv1den<.'t'. -JO!'H"'ph said Nttmnth, who hall llvod pQrt~ tlml' in Broward County for 11t•vt•rtil yt•;_u~. was stoppt'tl uboul I :eio t• m. by S14t. ·John Purdy In thlK l'Ommu11ity outsit..lt• fo'ort Lauderdale. "Ht• wus Wl'avmg all over tht• roudwuy,", JOS<'ph !>aid ' Namath, whosl' µlayl>oy ways as star quarlcrbut·k for tlw Nl•w York Jcl.11 carnt>d him the nl<.'knamc• "Broadway J oe," was released oftc·r paying $150 bond If conv1ctc-d undt'r 1''lorida's new drunk<•n driving law, Namath <."tluld fal't.' a $250 fine, 50 hours of t'Ommumty :;erv1c't· and and suspension of driving privilegt>s for as long as a year. Baseball today On this date m baseball in 1969: Behind two homf! runs by Donn Clendl•non and one by Ed Chark'tl, the New York M<.'l'I dmt·ht-d tht• fi rst champ1onsh1p of thc.• National Ll•agul"S Eastern D1v1s'ion, us Gary Gentry shut out the St. Louis Cardinals, 6-0. On this datt' in 1957: ln tht' final baSt'ball same ever played at Brooklyn's historic EbbC'lS Field, th e Dodgers' Danny Mt•Dt•vill shut out the Pittsburgh Pirall>s, 3-0. Today's birthday: New York Mets third baseman Hubie Brooks 1s 26. Angels announce playoff ticket plans The Angels. currently leading the II American League West, announced Thursday they will begin selling tickets to possible AL playoff games at Anaheim Stadium. 1f the Angels win the West DivisJon, the first and sel'ond gam es of t he league championship series will be at Anaheim Stadium on Oct. 5 and Oct. 6 The Tuesday game would be played at 5:25 p m. and the Wednesday game a t either 12:15 p.m. or 5:15 p.m. Tickets will go on sale Sunday at 8 a .m. at gate 13 of Anaheim Stadium and 10 a.m . at Ticketron outlets, an Angels spokesman said. Fans will be allowed to purch ase a maximum of four tickets for each of the first t.wo games. Box seats will be $17 each per game and reserved seats $12 each. Arnoux grabs pole at Caesars Palace • Rene Arnoux of France wheeled Ill a turbo-charged Renault to a near· record quaJifying speed Thursday for the provisional pofe pQSition for the C.aesars Palace Grand Prix In Las Vegas. Ar- noux's top lap of one minute, 17 ,860 seconds was just .039 seconds slower than the pole position time of l: 17 .868 set least year in the inaugural Caesars Palace race by now-retired Carlos Reu· temann Well.rested Merger, making up for earlier disappointments this season, sped ~ an easy victory in the raceoff in 1:56 3/5 to wm the Little Brown Jug. the middle leg of the Triple Crown for 3-year-old pacers at Dela~are, Ohio. .The Cincinnati Reds Thursday signed interim manager Russ Nixon to manajle the club thr:ougn the 1983 season . . . Kings' center Marcel Dionne scored two goals to pace Los Angeles to a 5-3 exhibnion victory over C.algary. the first win of the preseason for the Kings. now 1-3 -1 . . The University of Southern Mississippi reportedly has received a report from the NCAA's Committee on Infrac- tions concerning the school's athletic recruiting. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Baseball -Angels al Texas, 5 p.m., KMPC (710); San Francisco at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). , # l'OATI CQUJMHCIT BUD TUCKER \ The dilemma . of. the gambler I & tht'rl' u mun with llOUI liO deud, who nc•vl'r to htlll!'ll'lf hu'w 11uid t love a tt.'am thut l.M>at.s the spread. When th<> National f!'ootball L41aguu pluyCJ:.S took thdr h1storn.· stroll V'il' otht·r duy, tht• lnflucnc'• was far n·•.ll'hing. It touch1.od u grt'ut many liV{.'8 whose plods to dl'Stlny will be grc:atly aCkcted .. indl>t.'<l damagt.'<i . The thing 1s, wagering on proft.>ss1onal football has ba'Omt' nlort• than a war or lafo • .md a trad1t1on 1n thl'Sc United States Considering the point spreads and getting Cl bob down on your favur1t.e Sunday afternoon and Monday night champions ha:. lx.'t'Ome an ins utuuon. In t'Omparison, horse racing has become quite small potatoes m the matter of currency chang1_ng hands on the ouu.•omc of ront<.>sts. ,The handle m professional football wagering, m fact. is estimated to exn.oed that of all forms of horse racing by something lake.• a hundred million dollars a wet.•k. NEITHER WILL the horses replace or substitute for: pro football. The participants - horses cannot be• trusted. Neither will college football fill the void. College football players are less trustworthy than horses. Wagering on football, you st-c, embraces more walks of life than the sale of walking shoes. L ittle children and old ladies b<.'l football cards and the action spreads up through the offic-c pools to the spec:ulawrs who enter into pro football transactions by telephone or in person at the facilities in various cities in Nevada and the State of New Jersey. Authorities say they are rather pleased that the NFL strike w)ll cause a decline in action with the il legal bookmakers but the same public officials should concern themselves more with the implications of the strike . l mean. when there is no pro foot.ball on which to wager, there will be a significant increase in such things as divorce, alcoholism. wife beating and suicide. Other forms of addiction refer to withdrawal as "cold turkey." The few unfortunates who have attempted to remove themselves from the pro football wagering arena recognize the term as "frigid fowl." WHAT FACES THE country at the moment is a nationwide frigid fowl movement which couJd have far reachi ng complications. Worse, men- tioned earlier, the re is no substltuteivailable which will remove or ease the suffering. IC horses and coUege football will not get the job done, it is a mortal cinch Canadian Football, baseball and basketball will be equally ineffective. A bookmaking person once explained the popularity of pro football as a wagering vehicle. He pointed out that the game is made to order for the pastime of betting because of its very nature. Pro football lends itself perfectly to the aspect of the point spread as well as t.o various forms of exotic wagering. The parlay, which is picking two games wherein both must win, ls quite appropriate on a Sunday when there is a full schedule of games. The teaser. where the bettor moves the line six points either way m two games. IS also work.able and the over-and-under feature is extremely comfort.able with professional football. In this method of playing. one selects whether the total score will be over or under a glven number. AT ANY RATE. if there is no professional football for any great length of lime. there will be great suffering and agony created across a grieving and deprived nauon. After all, even the education of National Football League coaches was comple te. All 28 head coaches and their staffs understood and subscribed to the following byword: It is not enough to win You must also beat the spread. SC-Okla h om a to h e te levised Saturday's college football game between USC and Oklahoma will be televised lave in the South- ern California area beginning at 11 :30 a.m. PST KA.BC, Channel 7, will teleV1sc the game from Norman, Okla. College football IATUROAY'I OAMl:I WHt Ulall St at Cit St1t1 Fullerton Arllona St II C•I San JOM St 11 Ofegon St 8olN Sl at Pec;tllc:. n Navada·lat VfOH al Sen OiaOO SI , n Ot90on 11 tNalhlngton Teltlll•El Pato II HIWIH, n Cel Poly Pomon1 11 UC Olv11, n Cat s 1111 Nonh,ldo• al Santi Clare, n Sen Franclec:o St II Whlltltf Roclilff low1 II Arlion1 Air Fo<c:. 11 evu Wy0<ntng 91 COIOfedo New Mtlllc:O St et ColOfldO St POftllnd SI II ldlho, n Cal Poly (SlO) II Idaho SI., n Northern Ari.tone 11 Monlen• Mid-I UCLA 11 Mtclllgtf\ ICllanntl 2 II 10 I m l USC 11 Ol.lthgm1 (Cn1nM1 1 11 I 1 30 Im I Pill 11 llllnolt SyrewM al lndllna. n Ora-a 11 low1 SI Wlc:hlll St 11 KanMI Sl WUlllngton SI II Mlnnetota. n Northern Jlllnoll It Norl"-tlfn Purd~ 11 Notre 0- Stenl«d 11 ~ St TOiedo 11 Wllcontln lfldlanl St II Ball 81 Yoonottown I t 11 Clndnn111, n Ellllf"fl Mlelllgen 11 Miami, 0 ArlilnMI St II SoutlMlm llllnola l<tnt St II WMltfft MlclllOl ft ....... V1nd9'blll ltA~btfl'll Tenn ..... ti AUbutft West.,n Cerollna at Ci....ton v1rg1n1a 81 Ouk• M1n1sslppi SI at Flotlda Kantu et Kentuc:lty Rk:e at lSU, n Oklahoma St. 11 Lovltvllle. n North Clrollne St. It Maryllnd Georgl• T9Ch •I Memp/111 St. Mlchlg1n St 11 Miami, Fla Army 11 North C1tollna Taa ... Art1no1on 11 NE L011t.i1n1, n Georgl• 11 Sooth Cerolina, n FIOflda St. II S0ulh9rn Mlulstlppl, n 08'\tral FIOflda •I VMI Wlllllm .. Mwy at Vlrglnl• Tech App11Kt1lan St 11 Wlllt FOfMI ...,..._, Mlulttlpj)I I I ArkenlU, n Lamar 11 Hoo1ton. n SW lool91an• II Mort"\ Tallll St TCU 11 SMU. n MlMOUf'l 11 TIXM, n looltl•na Tech It Tt XU A&M. n 81ylof 11 hut T ~. n Mc;N .... SI 11 WMI Tix .. SI .. n ' ... , N10<1tlll al Peon St IChtnnel 2 11 12 45 pm ) Milne II Bolton u .. n Rhc>cM ltland II Broo.m T oweon St. al lkldcntll L1t1ye11a al CoMnblt COIQll• •• COtntll Prine.ion 11 Otiftrar• M~etlH.,...ard Oer1mouth at Holy CrOtl 8oalon College al NI...,. ~··Penn Rutgeft •I Temple," RiQN'nond •• w ... \llrOlftla Conntctlevt at Yllt a.ittd Off• ll!AP.l LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Horater ltv~., Cotto M .. • 14N6IO ~, ...... ......... ... ........... JOHNSON & SON presents ... COLLI GI , .......... ... Nebraska over Penn State * USC over Oklahoma * Notr• Dame over Purdue * UCL A OVef Michigan * •11hom Young Ovet , Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, September 24, 1982 Banning vs. Edison: -It should he quite a show W.:ll, It took a wbll@ btitort• It Wl\M flpally llnt..•d up. t;ut aftor tour yeara ul talk, Banl'Un& Hlsh School'• Pllotl finally wander into Oranae County Saturday l')liht to dlaplay their warca And, it lea.it Crom &nnlng'a point oC vlt>w, It ouaht to be quite a •how Cor the anticipated 2~.000 at A.nahelm Stadium. PREiP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON ~ Chris Ferragamo and four of his 1tthlct~1 ahowed up at Anahelm Stadium Monday for a bit of tlndlng our players and it's dlHlcult without gnnw a press conference and just one look at quarterback e><perlenct.>." Ronnie Barber gives you the Immediate lmpret>Slon Says Workman: "lt would bt• un udvuntug · If he could take the field and do o job without we had a pat hand. But we're still making u lot uf shoulder pads. cleats or a helmet. l'hanges and everyone Is wull'hlng us. The~ know u I mean, Banning Is obviously something special. whole lot bcuer the things we• c:an und can t do then From tackle to tight end they average 6-31h, we know ubout Banning. We play lht'm almost 236 pounds and Ferragamo Lists the oUcnaive.llne as blind." · one o( his concerns. "They're still making It'safactFcrragamohasscen&tisonugaanstEI mistakes," says Ferragamo. Dorado and Vista, and he didn't see u lot in terms of BANNING'S SEASON hasn't started and he's offense with 58 rushes averaging 1 9 yurds and 27 pass attempts producing 114 yards in sphttmg with worried because his offensive line is still making El Dorado (10-7) and Vista (0-6). mistakes. "Ronnie has an arm and runs the team well," "MY EVALUATION is that Edison has had too says Ferra,amo. "He's poised and is one of the best many offensive mistakes and penalties. And, l think passers we ve ever had." the officials gave them the business (at Vista)," says Banning's roster lists Barber at 6-0, 170 pounds, Ferragamo. which may have been his statistical measurements a &Uson is an obvious underdog In this one, but II nothlnti 1•!1111, It 11hould bl• ~Ulll• u 11huw In ll11 UIN of 11tylt• ''111\ll lllUI. • • • IN PREVIOUS MEETINGS, Ft"rrugumu 111 unl· up 1111 Work11urn Wlwn Wurkman wa11 u junior I UlllllllM lu.11:k rur Bt•ll lllf{h (lonai. lung go), ,..t•1 rngamo (11 ~mor) und his 8.Jtlntug waml'JUltl'I mldt'tl 1111 t-~nt(h'll 111 tht•ar h11l of Vll'llms . . -. WILL THERE EVER bl• u colll1Clor1 bt•tW<'l'n Loli Angcll's Cily und tht• 81g Five:• Conr1•r'1•nct• tllllst from llw Southl·rn 'S"'l'Ctlon al m•ason'!i l 1nd? · Pn.'t><•ntly the Southern St.'<.'tion t.•nds its season · ll W<'elr before lhl' cily. thus a 8(.'hl'dutrng <.'OnTifct, · and l''t.•rrogamo (obviously uverrutlng the media's s trt•ngth) soys, "lf the media placed enough pre~un• tu make them (ClF and Caty oCCicials) have the M.'USOns t•oincide, the game (Southern CQJifornia champ10n},h1p) would be a reality within a year." Thl•re would also be about 50,000 showing up to St.'l' 11 at $5 a <.·rack, but what's a quarter of a m1llic.m dollars? The CrF and city obviously don't need 1t, or they would have fixed things a long time ago, rtght'? • • • couple of years ago. there is also a hole in the Banning armor - Ferragamo and &lison Coach Bill Workman assuming veer-option o ffenses are capable of EDISON'S LOSS to Vista took a lot of luster off were intent on figuring out a way in which they producing turnovers. the game m terms of on-paper matchup:. but a were at 8 disadvantage. "Don't expect the world from us," says sizeable l'rowd still figures. "We draw large . Ferragamo. "We'll make mistakes. We have an crowds," 1lays Fcrragamo. Edison winning or losing S.(\'S FERRAGAMO: "Edison has three games exceptionally quick team with two 4.6 tailbacks, but makL>s no difference People ar~ gomg to c.'Ome and in alredq,y. We'd have our tirrung down and our whether they can hang on to the ball, I don't see this gaml' . . it's the rtght night." rosters se by then. We're still in the process of know." The Angels. Trojans and Brums arc on the rout.I. th• J)t)(fgcniSlay in thl' afternoon, pro foot.bllJJ 111 h1bPrnntlng an virtually the rHl of lhe prtp football world wlll havu playt.'d on .Friday nlaht • • • HERE'S ANOTH£R ONE difficult to ~Ueve, but true Esumc:ia High'• Enc Kramer, who 10.t h!a job fter M'Ven yean tx-cause of <.'Utbecu, found a new job at Perria High. but ls atlll coachlng the FAilee' crosa c.'Ountry t.eam. His daily routine is from home to Perria, 10 Cotta Mesa. back tO home in Laguna Nlguel, a total of 132 miles. "l reallu.>d it waa a dead end after aubblng 1-t year.'' JlllY5 K.raaler..."But l didti't want to abandon the kids at the fast minute." In addltton to his teaching duties at Perrta, Kramer wilJ al.lo be an assistant basketball ooech under former Los Alamitos Coach Craig Conrad. FV Pony League signups set The Fountain Valley Pony League will hold registration for the 1983 season th!a Saturday arid also Saturday, Oct. 9 at the fountain Valley Rec- reation Cen ter from noon to 4 p.m. Those lnterested in playing are req1.ae9t.ed to contact their prospective divisions: Muatal(a (9 -10-year-olds), 839-8010 (Mr. Wiae); Bronc;<> (11 -12), 775-4259 (Mr. Holley); Pony (13-14), 839-9947 (Mrs. Luckham); and Colt (15-16), 839-1518 (Mr. Rumney). The league is also looking for ~era and coaches. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arna tear ... surfers compete The fifth annual Saddleback Surfing Championships will be held Saturday and Sunday at Salt Creek Beach in Laguna Niguel. The event will feature some of the top amateur surfers in California, including current U.S . junior champion Chris Forhoff of Hermosa Beac .. h, defending men's champion Ted Robinson of Manhattan Beach and U.S. women's champion Alisa Schwarzstein of Laguna Beach. Also competing will be San Clemente's Jimmy Hogan, Brian McNulty of Capistrano Beach, the Smith twins, Jolene and Jorja of San Clemente, and Jeff Booth and Mike Parsons of Laguna Beach. The competition will be conducted in seven divisions -open men's, juniors. boys, women. kneeriders, masters and seniors. Prizes and awards will be presented in all divi sio n with the competition beginning each day at 6:30 a.m. Speedway • action resumes There'll be more than speedway racing at the Orang e County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa tonight. Promoter Harry Oxley has scheduled live band music by the Tracers beginning at 7 o'clock. and going until the first heat race gets away from the starting gate al 8. One of the brightest young s tars of 1982 speedway action, Rick Miller, will be trying to beat veterans Alan Christian. Mike Bast, Dubb Ferrell. Gene Woods and all the others. · Miller qualified fourth for the U.S . nationals (Oct. 9 al Costa Mesa) and recently won the East Coast Open title in New York. When he returned to California, Miller won the Ventura track championship and last Friday night won the handicap main at Costa M es-a . · Admission 1s $5 and gates open at 6:30. Volleyball tryouts set Tryouts for junior h igh and high school volleyball players seeking spots on the Orange County Volleyball Club (girls) and the Balboa Bay Club (boys) are Sunday. UCLA Coach Charlie Brande, a former coach at Newport Harbor High and the University of HawalL. says the girls' tryouta will be at 4 p.m. for junior high and 6:30 for high a:hool atudenta at Corona del Mar High. The boys' tryouts will be at the Balboa Bay Club 1ym at 8 a .m . (Junk>r hlah) and 10 a.m. <hlah tchool). • -NDARD 5 oArsu~Ar~usrLER DATSUN' EVEN ON pRICED · a· LQVIEIT JUl~v!!e!~~ified TRUCJ,: f~:r,ci~G~~~:d~ of ~o~~Z, ~~en the That's ri9~\ ~~n save Y~~ng bed, 01:~~j~ed truck buyers· T a t(in9 cab, tsun's 1owes ~~:nS:r~~~1 Hustler, i YOUR FOANIA OFFER E •Manufacturer's suggesttd retail price. Excluding taxes. tJtle, license and destination charqe I ('.j Orange CoHt DAil Y PILOT I rlday, S•ptembet a .. , 1982 r Oilers hit gu~her! ~~~ Huntington B e a ch ronJ.p , 55-1 4 By ED ZINTEL 8tl'Kl.i to IM DllllJ l'llot The HunllnRton Heach lhgh football progrum h11s bc1:omt• known, In u dubious munnL•r, for I ts rf'COrd i>ellang. The Oi1cr11, for exumpk'. haVl' loat 33 strulghl Sum1l'l Le11guc games over the last six v1 .. urs. And its bet•n l :i yt·nrs slnC't' !Tuntingto n Bcu<.'h hus had u winning season But now, thrN' gaml'S Into tht• 1982 season, the Oilers. under second-year t'OOch Greg Henry. are turning things around 1n a big way. And, aCtt•r Thursday night's 55-1 4 win OVl'r Los Atnigos, Huntington Bca<.'h tied 3J'10ther record -only this 1s Onl' it can brag about. THE 55 POINTS was the most the Oilers have scored in a gamt' since the 1926 Oran~c Leagut• cham~ or coach Cap Sheue beat Brea, 55-0. Thus, a 56-year-old record was matched and Henry couldn't have been more plcQS(-d. One long-time Can ran over to Henry after the game to tell him that it was tht• best game he ever saw Huntington Bcat·h play. Who could have argued? The Oilers. who had won four games in four years prior to 1982, took advantage of four Los Amigos fum bles in the first half and turned them all into touchdowns At half. Huntington &•ach hl'ld a commanding 42-7 lead. "You know in the past, some people didn 't ev<'n have to prepare to play llunt1ngton Beach, but I think now. they'll have to take not1<.-e," said Henry. uvt•r hu; lwud lh• wus hnully 11blt• to rt•lrit•vt.• 1h1• hall but wmc hll 1mrrwdlt1H•ly hy o gonf( of llunw1"'tun Beach dt•f<'ndcr11. 'fh1• 01k•rs' Bob lh•hhn~ pk kt-d up the• bull un u 1.·rinvt.•n1t·nt bounce und n11•c•d :i:\ yurt.I"' fur thf! S(.'Ore. Thut mad!' it 2 1 ·0 and lhl• Oilcl'll werc...cr.uising. L os Am1goi; finally put H together and mart:lll'd 66 y8r<lll In six play$ for u to uc:hdown,l cap~ by a 46-yard pass Crom Tarango to Kelley Brandon. But then, just as the Lobos seemed to have rt>t.-c1ved a spark of new hrc, the Oilers put on a good scoring drwe of their own, going 64 yards, finished by a one-yard toss from Eric: Lawton to Billy Ray. That drive was keyed by two Lawton pas5(.>S of 13 and 27 yards to Jeff Lopez and Zoran Katz, respectively. Tht•n the roof really Cell in on Los Amigos. Cerda rl'\:overed his St>eond fumble. this one on the Lobos' seven-yard line Ray g<1thcrcd in a nother TD pass from Lawton on the next play THREE PLAYS into the next series, the Oilers' Brent Washa pounn~d on a loose ball at the Lobos' 38-yard line. It took lhe OilC'rs seven plays to sc.:orc with tailback Danny Thom~n taking 1t in Crom the two.yard linl' just before the half ended. Thompson was the leading rusher in the game with 114 yards m 21 carries. Lawton was consistent, hilling 7 of 10 passes for 85 yards. "I ('lln t• Uli t(t•tun.i 8lronger t(lHlW by gum(• now."' 11111<.l lle nry. "Thl11 wumt· c·ould hnVf• bc•t·n f'IOS(• W" '1lcJ11'l n·ull y 11lop thwn lhl' first t'C1Uplt• uf ll11'1l.'ti tht•y hn<l tlw bull But thl' U(•ft•n8l' went uflt•r tht·m " Tht•n, Ht•nry 11w1tl'hNI tu u 8Ubjt'<·t thut h011 nut bec•n In the 11 u n ti n~ton Bcac h !tin 'J1- t•onv<.'rsal1on for a long. long time tht• CU' pluyofCs "Yl•s, that's our ~oul. a playoff spot," he• said. "We rt· guing for the lop thrt'(l in league " * Hunt. a .. ch 55, Loe Amlgoe 11 kM• by Q..-rl•r• HuntinglOO 8HCh 21 2 I 7 6-55 l ot Amigo• 0 7 O 14-14 HB SaletfMtld 27 tun (Ktl.1 klCll) HB C«d• 66 run wUh fumble (Kitz klCk) HB Rehling 3S tun wllh fumbled punl (Kall kid\) LA Btandon 46 put ltom Tarango (Ac•v.do luck) HB Ray I PHI from LIW1on (Kall klek) HB Ray 7 PH• horn LIWlon (KIU klCk) HB Thompton 2 run (Kill klcit) HB Thomp10n 3 tun (Kill klcill l .A Rte••• 5 tun (Ac.vedo klCll) H8 Huong I ·tun lklCk llll•dl A11endanc1 1 400 1es11ma1ed) HB Fusi Downs 20 nuanes-y1rds 53·268 P1111no yards 98 Pesses 8· 13-0 Pun It O·O Fumblll•IOll 1..0 Peneltlt11•yords 4.45 lndlvldu1I Au1hlng LA HI 37.175 86 5-14· I 2·42 5.4 6-48 HS Lawtoro. 3· 18 Thompson. 21· I 14. Solerfletd. 9·67. Noblo, 1·4, Huang, 8·34. Tomaslck. 6·20. Costa. 2·6; Grace. 1·5 LA Tetango. 7·33. Reeves. 14·89: &own, 12·70. Webbet. 3·13. Muresh. l-lor·mlnu130. Individual Pa11lne HS Lawlon. 7. 10·0. 85. Noble. 1 ·3-0, 11 LA TMango. 5 14· I. 88 Individual Receiving HS B Ray,2-8,M Ray 1·11.Noble.1·10. Lopez, 2·29, Kou. 1·27. Huang. 1· I T LA-Knapp, 1· I~ Brandon. 2·54. Reevn. 1..a, Ha1ch. 1 ·9 Di lly l'tlot l'hoto b1 ChlNtee Sw r Oiler Da nny Tho mp on a pplies pressure to Lo Amigoi, q ua rte rback Andy Tarango. Indee<t; th e Lobos seemed unprepared for JUS t about ever y thing. And everyth ing seemed to go wrong for the Lobos. Los Amigos (2-1). saw the ball bounce away and into the hands of the Oilers twice for easy touchdowns in the first quarter. Slow start costly to Monarchs, 21-10 TRAILING 7-0. a pitchout from quarterback Andy Tarango to Speedy Reevcs found nothing but grass before 11 bounred up into the hands of the Oilers' defensive back Louie Cerda who rambled 65 y ards for tile touchdown. On the next series, Los Amigos punter Neil Marash watched the snap from center sail five yards By RANDY TlFT SPKlal to lhe o.111 Piiot Mater Dei High football coach Wayne Cochrun predicted befo.re Thursday nignt's game agai{'lst Sierra League power Los Altos that his Monarchs would be In ror trouble if they didn't come ready to play in the first quarter. "This is a very important game for us," Cochrun said before kickoff at the Santa Ana Bowl. "If we don't take it to them right away. we run the risk or being embarrassed tonight." Well, the Monarc.•hs were not embarrassed in their 21 -10 loss to the Conqu erors. Frustration better described the expression on Cochrun's face after he had watched his Monarchs literally throw the game away on two crucial Clrst-haH interceptions. Los Altos converted each mto easy t o u c hd ow n romps contributing to a 21-3 halftime lead it never relinquished. For the Monarc h s, whose record slipped to 2-1, it was the PREP FOOTBALL . • • Kialoa le ads St. Francis From Page C1 the air It's at San Cleml•nte O JI ,.s. Cypress Quarterback Darrin Ruble and a strong secondary a re the major hurdles for Ocean View with both squads sporting 1-1 records. Ocean View's attack is led by quarterback Chad Pariseau and tailback Todd Parker. The game is at Western High. Elsinore t "S. La1tuna Sunkist League MVP S teve Lewis (6-1, 175) and fullback Donald Rabb (5-10, 205) pace Elsinore (2-0) while Laguna Beach (l -0) strikes with 145-pound Bede Arabe in what 1s expected to be a defensive duel. Lewis carried the ball 29 tnnes last week. The game is at Laguna Beach. Irvine ,.s. T u stin Irvine's Vaqueros are going for a school record third straight victory behind the running or Johnny Salinas. who has rushed for 253 yards on 31 carries Tustin is 1-1 It's the first-ever meeting between the schools and w1U be at Tustin High. V nl 1·.s. l~aguna Hiiis A winner will be 1-2 after three non -lea gue sta r ts. University fullback Gary Ianuzzj sports an 11 .5 yards per carry average. Laguna Hills. under new roach Ed Adams. has yet to score. It's at M1ss1on VieJO. Oranlte ''s. Woodbridge Woodbridge waU be trying to find replacements for fullback- strong safety John Schroeder. who is out for the season with a broken leg. Orange ent.ers with a likewise 1-1 record and operates out of a veer offense. The game's at Irvine High. Saddle bae" I'S. L HHS SaddJeback's Roadrunners are unbeaten and ranked No. 9 in Orange County. thanks to excellent backfield speed and a turnover ratio of 14-2 (nine interceptio ns). La Habra (1 -1) features halfback Steve Kle in. The game is at La Habra. El Toro vs. J'ale n e la Junior quarterback Ron Krieger leads a junior-dommated Valencia squad against E1 Toro, still smarting from its 10-0 loss to rival Mission Viejo. Each 1s 1,1 and the game is at Valencia High DH t 'S. San .tlarco!ii Dana Hills (0-2) has 11.S hands Cull with the Knights, who have tied twice. in two st.arts. Randy Davila (6-1 . 195) is the San Marcos fulll~ack and was the 1981 scoring leade r in the San Diego Section. It's al San Marcos. SAN FRANCISCO -Jim Kilroy's KiaJoa. an 80-foot sloop Crom California Yacht Club. is leading Condor of Bermuda in what has turned out t o be a two-boat match race for the St. Francis Perpetual in SJ. Francis Yacht Club's Big Boat Series. Kialoa won both races held so far on Sunday a nd Monday. Leading in the City of San Franc isco Trophy seri es is Bullfrog, s kippered by Dave Fenix, St. Francis Yacht Club, .he boat that also won the recent Long Beach Yacht Club Big Boat Regatta. Southern California skippers are dominating the Atlantic Trophy series after two races. First is Bravura, skippered by ll'vlng Loube, San Diego YC: second ls Secret Love. Bra d Herman. Del Rey Yacht Club, and third is Pendragon, .John MacLauren. California Yacht Club. In the Kede-KJ!born Trophy series the leader 1s Clockwork , Otterson and Pingree, San F'randsco YC. The Richard Rheem Trophy is bemg contested by Apogee, Milt Vogel and Roy Cundiff, Long Beach Yacht Club; Shenandoah, Bill Palmer Jr .. Newport Harbor YC. and Damn Near , Bert Damnler, San Francisco Yacht Club. LIDO MARINA IN-THE-WATER Me• & Wit• THAM "9 Sept. 25 & 26 Sat. & Sun. USE D BOAT SHOW S.pt. 22-26 BUY -SELL -TRADE 250 TRADE TABLES Fe1tur1ng Guns -AnltQue & Modern Ammo -War Rthce & Surptue tndlan Artifacts -Rug1 & Jewelry-Coln• Admlaalon $3.50 Children Under 14 11.so· , .......... llMIHll HOUH: SAT .. WM., t .. I CMl..,..I COUNTY PAii MOUteS MIW PIODUCTS PAVILION. ILM. 10 POWER AND SAILBOAT SHOW S.pt. 29-0c1. J ' fHlurln-thl' ltrt1t1t wlKtlon uf utfd bo•lt e\ltr l\ttmhlf'd on thl' Weti c.out. 011rr JS of thl' southland'• top Y•c:ht broh"I" firms will bt-on hand lo cfhicuH your buyln11 or wtlln• Mff•· Ll4o Merln• VIII•••· Newport ... ch A(MMK)l'w A4vll•M 11,(ll!N"'" .,_IUI '41 ~fol"'' lt()Uti WHWo• 11. ""HI 711 M ~ 6 \\it> 10' "'· tn 111"' , .... IN(, ............. ...,.. "-c ..... ..... •"4 "'"""" 11•4 ...... lr.f ......... lot •<14 ltltflll third loss in two years to their old nemesis . Last year , Los Altos (3-0) beat them 28-14 in the regular season nnd 30-0 in the first round of the Big F ive Conference playoffs. This time, it was n ot so easy f or Coach Dwayne DeSpam's Conquerors. "We got lucky tonight," DeSpain admitted, "Two big breaks (the interceptions) got us rolling early and we did a good . job on them defonsively the rl'Sl of the way" After its unimpressive first half. Mater Dei finally did get 1t going in the remaining two quarters. The Monarchs forced Los Altos to punt on its first possession and then, like a team suddenly hungry. stam~ed 80 yards on 12 plays capped by fullback Al Pola's one-yard burst over tackle into the end zone. On their next possession la te m the third quarter, the Monarchs drove to midfield and elected to punt on fourth and one . The strategy worked. and they got the ball back four plays later, but the Conqu e ror defen se toughened up to extinguish a fired-up Monarch a ttack . "You've got to take it to 'em. and we only d id it for 24 minutes,"· said Cochrun , lame9ting his team's hrst-halC collapse. ''We thought we had them In the second halC and then lhey sucked it up and took at back to us. I'll say this, lhcy'rt> very tough and very physical." Mater Dei's las t hopes were e r ased in the fourth quarter w hen the Monarchs failed t o capitalize on a blocked punt by J ohn Gutsmiedl that they recovered at the 22-yard line. Throughout the game, the Monarchs largest obstacle was Los Altos' 6-9 quarterback, Mike Smith . The smooth senior, who also excels at basketball, passed for a modest 117 yards . H is primary target, 6-4 wide receiver Matt Stark. con tinually grasped on to his t eammate's lofted aenals for a total of 86 yards on 10 rccept1oll.9. "Our game plan was to work short ~ on Matt's side of the field,' DeSpain said. "They put a real good rush on Smith, but he was able find Matt open most o r the mght." The Monarchs pass rush was often very effective, but tht• Los Altos receivers were able to get open and hook up with Smith's passes for important sh ort- Rustlers extend • w1n Golden West continued its winning ways with a 13-9 deci- sion over the UCLA junior var- sity and there were few surprises at the South Coast Tournament in Thursday's areit water polo activity. The Rustle rs. who boast a 31 -game winning streak and have been beaten only once m their last 101 games, arc hopmiz to uphold the tradition this year The Bruin JVs provided a nice test for Golden West's opener Thursday. "I was very pleased. It was a good test for us ." said Rustler Coach Tom Herms tad. "They brou ht a very fine squad." Carl Salyer poured m fi ve goals to pace a balanced Golden West attack, while Art Stephen- son added thre~. In goal. Jim Ross stopped 11 shots. Golden West now opens play this w eekend in the Cuesta Tournament, meeting Modesto and Fullerton today. On the high school level. at- tention was focused on the ope- ning day of the South Coast Tournament with 32 teams ~!syin~ at four di.fferent sites. At University, the Trojans had little trouble disposi n g o r Moore League r epresentative I yardage gam!> Coc hrun had a si mple explanation for that "He's so tall. he t·an see us swn ch our t'OVl·ragc s and ma k e an adJustmc•nt. Our blitz did not bothN them o n those s hor t paSM·S" * lo• Alto• 21, M•l•t Del 10 8c0fe by Ouar1ere los Altos 14 7 o o 21 Mater De• 0 3 7 0 10 LA Proclor 45 rtlurn with 1n1en;eptoon tGua1d1 k!Ck) LA 08Vll 3 p8$$ from Slnolh (0U8fd1 klcit) LA Scutto I run (Ouard1 kick I MO Ooan 44 F G MO Pola I run 10oan k•Ck) Oam• 8l•ll•llc1 LA ForSI downs 8 Rusn.s-yards IS-11 PMS1no yards 1 17 P•stes 16-26-0 Punts 5-40 Fumbles loll 0..0 PeNlhet·yllldS 7·85 lndlvldu.I Auetllng MO 12 43·136 55 5-8·2 5-23 5-l 5-42 LA Scur10 8·27, ~trade 8· 11, Sm11h l·IOt minus s Ayala 1.c0t.mlnu1 22 MO Jones 11 54 Pola 9.34 AQuorre 8·8 Pu•dy S·23. Reynoso 2· I Locy 9· 16, Ooan 1.1 lndhlldu11 PaH lng LA Sm11h 1$-75-0, 117 llAD Locy. 2·4· I 30. Reynoso. J-4-1, 25 Jone1 0· 1-0. O Individual AecaMng LA Slark. 10·88, Davis. 2· I 1. Scurlo 3· 17. Esltada. 1.3 M D Purdy, 1.18. Oe l• Cruz 1·7 Mllchell. 1· 12. HOOP« 1· 13. Flall. 1·5 streak Lakewood , 10-1 Scott Wash- bourne scored four times in the first half before the reserves took over The Trojans were due to face Sunny Hills an today's ac- tion The' Lancers topped Edison. 16-6. while Foothill trimmed Es- tancia. 5-3 But Edison and Es- tancia managed to stay alive in the consolation bracket with vic- tories In other action, Newport Har- b or outscored Mission V iejo 13-4. as senior Grant Stanley poured m five goals and Dave O'Donnell and Colin Thom~n added two apiece. .... , List of ex-Dues • Ill Or ng'' Coldt Colh•.it• ba t•ball coa<:h Maki! Mayne paid a vistt to An hl"lm Stadium Wt'dnt'lday ruaht, whk·h ui rt•ally too bud Oh, tht•ru'a nothlna wronf with thr Plrat~ t'Ofl<!h taklnfl In un lmporwnt bul illmtt Ukct lh ON' between the AnaclR nd KMn~H City Royata. h 'a juat that h probably would havo enjoyed Tuetday nlaihl'11 iUm~ IO much beucr. You lie(', a couph· of OCC alum.a, namely Dan Quisenberry and Da ryl Sconlcr11, went ht>ad-to· head In the bottom of tho nlnth lnnlna that night. It was a case of the rookie bcatin1 the veteran as Sconicrs laet.'<i an RBI single ort the submarine reUet specialist to give the Angels the Important victory. Sconiers only spent Ont' year at OCC, and tt was Mayne's first. QuiS('nberry. meanwhile, toUed during the 1972 and '73 seasons, compiling ~ mediocre 15-15 ret.'Ord but a more 11ignlflc.ant 1.80" earned run average. Sconiers isn't among the all-time leadert at Orange Coast in many categories, mainly becfuse hf' played just on e season there. Still, he's No. :Jon the OCC aU-ume triple list with seven. CURT SEEDEN aiU now amona tho pro rankA S mith, who waa an All-Pac 10 plllyt>r Inst season at Arliona Staw, 1dgn<.'<i with the Dodgt•rs und p layt.'<i at Lodi thl1' "ummcr. Hoga_n, another All·P~c JO and All-American sulectlc.m , Wf1:1 dn.ift.t.'<i by the .Houston Aatroit. Emptlna. wt\o played for two eieat1ons with Oklahoma. signed with San Fruncl11<.'U und caught for Idaho F'alls In the Pion~r League'. Day, who continued hls colJcgiate playing days at the Univ~rslty of 'ft'xaa, sign ed with the Philadelphia Phillies wid played In Bend, Ore., in the Northwest League. And Glick, who after spending two seasons at UC Irvine, signed with Oakland and played for Medford in the Northweu League. J ohns ton (ex-Arizona State) signed with Toronto. whlh.· Dbwaon la aalao 'm th O•klund ay1t<-m 11111, M ync.> 1ay1, hut tht• 1ult·nt to tw ttw a tarunai 1hort11top for Ouklond lt1 11163. 11<."• c·urn·ntly pluylnl( for tho A'• Wl·llt llav<>n, Conn. f urm clulJ, Vand(•rburg tolled In tht• AoPMlucl;lhm L<>oJlut• with thu &IL!mor1..• Orlol1.'ll' Blut•lh•ld, N.Y .. tcum and Romine Wtlll algnl'd by Boston und pluyt'<I in the f'lorldu St.uk• ~·RgU(l, It IH upparf'nt that thl' &'Onll•111-Qut.s.!n~·rr·y c:ontronuition was just the !4lllrt or thin~. • • • THERE'S A GOOD BATTLE going vn ut Colden Wt>st College tor t h<> 11turtlnl{ punt£-l' position. Coach Ray Shackl1•ford 111 sllll keeping a close wat.ch on Troy Richardi.on (l'X Edison) and Mike Pcnrlmun ( •x-Founlaan Valley). That alone spi~ the competition. Richardson punted enc. timt•s for 257 yards and a 42.8 average, while Pcarlnwn hud four punts for 176 yards and a 44-yard avcragt• 1n the Rustlers' game against Saddlcback. But the real quesuon her(• 1s: How long wiU the Ru5tlcrs have to kt'i?p punting 10 umes in a game? The major league duo 1s just the beginning of a large c rop o { OCC alums currently making professional baseball a major league career. For instance, there are 10 players from the Pirates' 1980 squad who have signed contracts and are playing pro ball these days. "Th at's an amazing statistic," notes Mayne. Deer hunting sea~on begins "I'm almost <."ertain that there hasn't been another community college team in hislOry that has had that many players sign professional contracts." OCC's 1980 club, lO refresh your memor y, went 33-7 and captured the state championship. Pitchers Don S mith and M ike H ogan , catcher Mi k e Empting, first baseman Ra ndy Day, second baseman Dave Glick, third b aseman Chris Joh nslOn, shortstop Don Hill and outfielders Gary Dawson, Mike Vanderburg and Kevin Romine are The atrenuon or many Southlapd outdoorsmen . will be directed toward deer hunting this week as the general season opens for the remainder of CaJifomia, except for our southern counties and special trophy areas. The outlook is for fair hunting with many of the bucks being forkies or small thrt.'t.'S. There will be a lot of hunting pressure in the more accessible areas open to public hunting and the harvest should be below last year's take. Sports on TV, radio this weekend Saturda>' TELE VISION 10 a.m . (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL UCLA at Michigan . 11:30 a.m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - USC at Oklahoma. 12:45 p.m. (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - Ne braska at Penn State. 1:15 p.m . (4) -BASEBALL -Kansas City at Oakland. 4 p.m. (4) -AUTO RACING -The Caesars Palace Grand Prix. the final race on the 1982 Grand Prix circuit, taped at Las Vegas. RADIO Baseball -San Francisco at Dodgers, 1:15 p.m., KABC (790); Angels at Texas, 5 p.m .. KMPC (710). Football -UCLA at Michjgan, 10 a.m .. KMPC (710); USC at Oklahoma, 11:30 a.m .. K.NX (1070); Nebraska at Penn State, 12:45 p.m .. KIEV (870); Utah State a t Cal S tate Fullerto n, 12:40 p.m., KWVE (108 FM); 4 p.m . delay, KWRM (1370); UC Davis at Cal Poly Pomona, 7 p.m., K WRM (1370); Edison at Bannjng, 7:15 p.m .. KWVE (108 FM); Orange Coast at Saddleback, 9 p.m. delay, KSBR (88.5 FM). ~ ..... ---T" -~._ __ •nowledaeable, friendly parts people Sunday TELEVISION 9:30 a .m. (2) -NFL TODAY -A one-hour edition with Brent Musburger, Phyllis Grorge. lrv Cross serving as hOtits. Also on the show will be Pat Summerall. John Madden , Hank Stram and Roger Staubach with interviews of players, coaches and others in connection with the NFL strike. (4) - NFL '8% -Len Berman and crew bring an update on the NFL strike situation. 10:30 a.m. (2) -FOOTBALL -An edited edition of Super Bowl XVI followed by a conclusion of NFL Today. (4) -CANADIAN FOOTBALL - British Columbia at Toronto. _ 11 a.m. (7) -BASEBALL -Baltimore at Milwaukee. 1 p .m. (4) -CANADIAN FOOTBALL - Calgary at Edmonton (joined in progress). 1:30 p.m . (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - USC at Oklahoma. Tape delay, played Saturday. 3:30 p.m. (5) -BASEBALL -Angels a t Tex.as. RADIO Baseball -San Francisco at Dodgers, 1 p.m .. K.ABC (790); Angels at Texas, 3:30 p.m., KMPC (710). OUTDOORS JIM NIEMIEC The bucks that ·are harvested should be in excellent condition and prime for eating with the abundance of feed and the fact t hat acorns are dropping a lready. The Departmeot of Fish and Game has done a tremendous job all over the state in rebuilding the deer population through effective game managemtmt a nd the cutting up of California in w ne h unts. There are probably as many deer in the wilds today as there ever has been. Look for the deer to be at mid-elevations this season as they begin to move out of the high country where feed and water conditions a re less favorable. For those who are hunting the warmer ·elevations look for the bigger bucks to be in the deep canyons or in high sage. With lhe rut a few weeks away the ('hance of finding a couple o{ bucks running lOgether is sull poss1bl('. although come OclOber the bucks will become loners. Many hunters have given up on deer hunting in California during the past few years due to the pressure found in the field. The Tejon Ranch is a hunting area that has some openings for deer hunters tttls season and 11 is only a two-hour drive from Orange County. The Tejon Ranch has 300,000 acres and is open to una ttached hunters for both buck and doc hunts by special permits only. A telephone call to game manager John O rtega at (805) 327-8481 might be the answer for those who arc Interested in bagging a deer this season. The outlook for the remainder of Southern California wnes is fair to good thls year with a good carryover from last year. • • • • • • • Fram • • • • • • • • • • S..lt•llln• • • • • • • • • • • • • to Increased Sales Is Finding the Right Buyer. Cafl the • Orange Coast Dally Piiot today. 642-5678 Oil Filter :WllllK for man~ imported cars #PH 7. 8 A, %8SO • • • • • • • • WIDE ANOLa llMW • 1soc eyes fronl rear v1s10n • 01stort10ntG1are frre • (lim1na1ec; bhrd spots s s i •. ~\. !~!!;_ '--<;.-.-.. -........ -,... .... -""-~-:14 ... #lSIS S Panel z q5 : ••• ,, ••••••••••••••••• • ~· ~· ·•· ~·~a. : @].[2] liil #PH u •. ius. 214qA , 18S6 . #PH 1 .. SA , 1870A , JSJI ......• • • • • • TRiili. Plastle Drain Container : Lifter : Electrie Fuel Pump ~ . Free • #SP·U . s· 95 • • Flu rnod 12 Volt ear• z • Stop• llftcr • •n4 Hlht true••· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ••· • nob•. • P.5. Whit. 31ou'r• •t It, r•pl41e• ~our fu•I fllt•r, too! • Pourltlnto • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12 4'· eapadt~. pour •PO.,t, fllcal for recap· tMrf nt-A TP and anti· • frcnc, hca11~ dut~ • • your ear'• cran• cue. •i.ell pla•tlc, 48 • c•r~ handle. 7.-,v • ••· • Uos ....... . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~Hose Clamps ~fuP b»Ol·3M2' ............. 44~ .. u1e1 u••• for th•N •round houu fl e.r" • • • • • • Auto Thermostat A: 41998 •• #3J006,JJOOl,JJ009,,Jl39 ~... • 3 4• .,,.,,, ,,..,., ,,., •• JJla9 . • . . . . . • •• • • Goad-.toe.~._,.,. ___ °"_ --o.-.~r-•a--....,.,,.. ............ -..... '°' SillfOJllWC. _., ...... ___ .... __ .. _.,, _..,.., ..... Oolllll,_I._, .._Ol .... 00 io .... .,_ ...... .,.,,, ...... --- ...... . , ... ........... l!WJ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Import U U.S. Auto Parts Specialist• COSTA MESA • South Coast Auto Supply NEWPORT BEACH • Untted Alito Parts 688 W. BaUI' At Bristol • 2002 W. Coast Hipway • 5S.2500 ' 646-9363 'l'ftlCH Al" I UOOHTID l'ftlCH AND llAY YA"Y AT 'A"TICl,ATINQ "ITAILl"I , t oi,1 A Mt • .,A .•. Harbor &uL vatd of Can h .. rt<t 1•n1ly announred that It will <.'0·1po1'9C>t th 10112 US NutlONI Cr1trr1urn C"h1tmplor\lhJp, w I.It, Mid In lh• Cll)' ot Coit• MHa 0 11 Sllturday. 8t•ptl'rntx•r 2llth and Sunday. S<·pwmlx.or :ttlth Thi• nillltm11 l b1t·yrl1· radna champlon1hlp, 1pon1<>rl•d by ~I T11co/Sprlte, will brlna national au~nllon upon tlw Southlund Th~ winner of \ho Stnlor Mun'• dlvnllon will quithry tor tho 1984 Olympic trial.I Rac.'t't itrl' 1M:h1-dull-d for WomC'ti, Jumort (•i U -17) tmd V1>wr11u (11.ieK 3!1 I > Suturday mommg, alons with !IK 1md IOK Ou1tantoe Huna. ll11rb<>r Boulevard of Cal'9 will 11ptmsor oil thn'<' men'• rlK't.11, along with 1upplylna niinl trucks ~ hti uuliU'd during au of I.he r41Cft. 1n addition Lo the National CharnsiloNhlp 15Jc.'YC1e r- run.'11, ow program for the two~day event wllJ feature a uniqut.' auto display 11nd parade, trade ahow exhlbiu, a sporta pt!ntathlon, a pre-1ehool big wheel race and Iott or llve band mu111c! M1 11 Coat• Mesa. Ram1r Cheerle11dera, r11d10 pc·rsonabtte. and city orflclall will al!fU bt-in » l t.c nda N.'C. According to the Chamr1on11hip Committee'• Coonhnalor, Jim Harper, •· encourage the local community to participate In thl• tree-tO·the-publlc '· exciting evt.-nt We are pullln& on a two-day • extravaganza that promises to be a lot of tun for everyone, and Harbor Boul evard o f Ca rt' co-spomorship has helped us tremendously." "When we heard that C.O.t.11 Mesa, our home tawn, • had been 1elec-ted to hoet tJua prestigious event, we wanted to become heavily involved,"'1tated Gary Gray, President of the Harbor Boulevard or Can Association. "We have always lrit>d to work closely with lhl' C'OmmUnity, and whl'n Wt' heard that tht' p~-'Cds arc going to local Costa Mesa t·harll1es, that clfnched 1t for us," he t:onunut.'d. ' ' The !:.!-year-old Orunge County based group of eleven Costa Mesa c.11r dealerships is one of the city's leading industr1e11. Spanning approximately 4 miles along Harbor Boulevard in Costa Meaa, the group forms one of the largest automobile shopping cenwrs ln the Southland. The group is comprised of; Atlas Chrysler-Plymouth, Bauer Mot.ors CBu1ck-lsuzu-Brltish Cars). Connell Chevrolet. Costa Mesa Datsun. Earle Ike lmports (Toyota -Volv o). J oh n son & Son Lincoln-Mercury. Nab<ors Cadillac, Inc.\, Orange Coast AMC/Jeep/Renault. South Coast Dodge. Inc., Theodore Robins Ford and Un1vers1ty Sales & Service <OldsmobUe-Honda·GMC Trucks). The u.s Criwnum Champ1onsh1p IS one or three Nauonal Champ1onsh1p events conducted each year by the U.S. Cyclmg Federation Other cat.cgones of racing are Road Champ1onsh1J>6, where cyclists rid( an open course from one point to another, and Track Champ1onsh1ps. which are held on a Velodome track The City of Cost.a Mc'Sa has been selc~t.cd to host the '82 "Cntenum" Championship "closed course" bicycle racing, or "cloi;ied" to othC'r vehicle traffic Placentia Avenue is the Sile, and the twp mile criter1um course runs between Wilson & Adams in Costa Mesa St.ar cyclisb such as Thurlow Rogers, Mark 'Whitehead, Roy Kruckman. Jim Montgomery. Connie Paraskevln. and Pam Deem w1U be among the many m hot pursuit of the prei.ug1ous US. Champ1onsh1p titles! The Del Taco-Sprite U.S National Criterium Championship will also have racing for runners who want to sprint around the c:ourse on their own two wheels! Del Tat'O 5K and lOK Distance Runs are slated for Sunday. The 5K is.a flat, 3.1 mile path thrqugh Fairview State Hospital grounds and around the Public Golf Course. The IOK will take runners downhill for the first mile; up a 6-degrt.>e grade for the sa.'Ond mile; through Fairview State H011pital and around the golf rourse for e 6.2-mile stretch. Over 1100 runners are expected lo JOlll the Fun Runs! Everyone 15 mv1ll'<i to participate, and entry forms are available al parl1cipat1ng Del Taco Restaurants, Harbor Boulevard of Cars dealers, and the Lei.sure Services Dept., City of Costa Mesa. For a $7.00 entry fee, runners will receive a palr of running shorts and a cha.nee to wm prizes at the 5K-10K Raffle. Pnz.es include 10-speed bicycles. dinners for two at major rest.auranta, and pleasure b1cychng equipment! Admission IS FREE; so head over to Placentia Ave nNr Estancu High School m Costa Mesa for lots of , ' exciting racing action! For further information, call 7141754-5300. * * • RI VER IOE ... The 1982 Budwe1serl7-Eleven Can-Am series. currently embroiled in a five-race maralhon in just 36 days, 1s heading for what may wen be the deciding race of the yu.r when the exouc sport$ racing cars make their annual visit to Riverside lnternalional Raceway October 1-3 for I.he Meguiar's Grand Prue. The Riverside event is the 8th race on the season's 9-race !iChedule, and 1f the point.s batt.le for the roveted Can-Am championship rontinues as ll has from the ' outset, one of three contending drivers rould wrap up the title with a victory at the Raceway's 2.5-mile road (."OUrse • Track action for the Megular's Grand Prix weekend, which also Includes races for the Robert Boech Super Vee and Rabbit Bilst.em Cup 1eries u weU as California Sports Car Club regional races. gets under way Friday, October I with practice and qualifying. f\nal races. including the Meguiar's Grand Prix, are set for Sunday, October 3, beginning &t 11 a.m. It's bee'n awhile -mne years to be exact -since an Amencan race dnver dominated North Amenca's premier road racing senes Bui all that is about to ' change as the 1982 Budw~r/7-Eleven Can-Am series heads toward Its next-to-last stop or the season. the Meguiar's Grand Prix at Riverside International : Raceway October 1·3 · With jwt three races remaining. Including the Megu1ar'1 GP. not one but three Americans have established themselves as helrs apparent to the coveted Can-Am championship. a tJtle worn almost exclusively ,, by foreign competitors since the rich aeries was 1' established by the Spona Car Club of America (SCCA) in 1966 ~ The 1982 battle has boiled down to current polnta leader Al Unser Jr .. of Albuquerque, N.M .. Al Holbert of Warrington, Pa .. and Danny SulUvan of Louisville. ' : Ky. Not a single European competitor ts within sight of the utle. end that's something that hasn't happened In Can-Am competition since 1973, when the late Mark Donohue became the last of only thl'f'e Americans (George Follmer In 197 1 and the late Peter RellllOn ln 1972) to wear the crown. So wtth the championship definitely In American hands again. It be<."Omet onJy a question of who among the three contendera, and where among the three remaining races Riverside Rat:'eway, of coune, 1s a likely site for the "where." since it wu here that the C&n·Am's roota were formed. back In 19118, when Chuck Daigh outdueled Dan Gurney and Billy Krause to win what was then knoWTJ as the Loe Angeles 1'llnet Grand Prix. The fall Grand Prix weekend has been a tradition at Riverside ever since, paving the way for the formation of th e Can -Am (or igina lly called Canadian-American Challenae Cup) terles. 10Me eight years la tel' • During that eight-year period, th Grand Prix wu dominated by Americans, lncludlni Kra~. Phil Hill, Roger Penske, Devc McDonald. PameUI Jones and Hap Sharp. Only on<.'e. In 1981. when Australian Jatk Brabham won. wu th~ American monopoly broken . t-ven though most ot Europt''• top drtvera were amOl\i the annual rompetltol'I $~ 1966, When the Can-Am IC'rlM WU Cormed, European driver• were the domtnattna force at Rlvenlde, wllh only Follmer a1td Donohue ln 1972 and 1973 trorina Arnet1can vlcW'tt'I before Holbert ca.tr\(' on to win in 1980·81. * * * SEE WHAT YOUR LOCAL AUTO DEALERS HAVE TO OE.FER YOU IN TODAY'S PAPER. r Orange Coaat OAll.Y PJLOl /Frid y. September 24, 18e2 . Robinwoo d All-ta rs honore d l\1c•mlw r:-. o f 1 lw Hohinwoo<l Sen io r Minos· All-slurs ( I :l -yt-ar -olds) who wt•re l1011or N I h ) lhc--llunl in~lon Beac·h Ci1 y Council rect•n1ly fo r qua lifying for lhe '''or-Id Sc·rit'~ i1u·l11cl(•: Fro n l row, lef1 10 rig ht, To<ld Evc rsgerd, Bria n Bosse. Janws Bm·c·lw:-.i. K t·ilh M<Hlock , Jt·ff Durli ng, Bria n Rochow a nd ma nager Hit·h lllmt'r. St•t•crnd r ow: Ma rk J t•nkin!-, T odd Sanders, Ma u W azcwski, M ic·kc')' II ill'ht·cn·k a nd Hit·k \' andt•rrie t. Back row: Ga r y Rochow. John Hartu~i t·k. ~t·oll lla q wr, J aso n Connor. Chri~ lllnw r a nd Ma ll lla1ta ba ug h. !Class field for South Coast Classic An chtc f1l•ld 1s sc:ht'Cluk'Ci to <.1ppcar Saturday in thl• fourth annual South Coast Classu: !Ok Run at Mason Park an Irvine. runners have already signed up to participate. with another 1.000 expected to sign up the day of the race. Chc.'Ck·m tame wall be from 6.30 to 7 a.m. the day of the race with the 5k run doe. to begin at 8 and the lOk a t 8:30 Among tht• world dass runnt·rs accepting mv11.auons 10 <'Ompeu.-include UC Irvine's StC'VC' Scott, Tom Wysocki and Stan Mavis (all past wmncrs) and such challengl'rs as R1t·k Musgrove and George Mason. DENNIS BROSTERHOUS bicycles and o thc.'r pnzc·s to be given away after tht.· race The Mason Park course is a relatively flat route with a moderate grade at the one-mile point. There will be a grass start and finish with a special asphalt start and finish for those entered in the Handicapped Division. RUNNING SCHEOULE Saturday CHOC·KFWB Sovth CoH t Claaalc -5k t>eg1n1 al 8 a m • 10k al 8 30 Spe<;lal handicapped d1vls1on 1n IOk FM 11 S8 tor entry and t>ag, $4 en1ry only and SS late reglltrauon (no bag) Course is rta1 and last, located el Muon Perk 1n Irvine Contacl Kathy at Ct-i0CtSS8·2884 As in past years. Ch1ldrcns Hospital of Orange County will tx• the tx•ncficiary. Jn 1981. ovN $13.000 was raised for CHOC through thl' South Coast Classic, Awards and tro phiC'S will bt.• made to winners m the Handicapped Division as well as medals to team winners and to those winning the male a nd rcmalc d1v1sion in the 5k "Fun Run'' also held that day. Aid stations, bathrooms, spht limes and no-clog finish arc all features of the race. Sunday Coata M .. a Grand Prh1 &a and 10ll Run• -Begins 8 am Course la llilly a11d at1recuve and grass end gravel l8'181n Fee II $8 With T·Slllrt Contact Rip Ribble, Clly ol Colla Mesa Leisure Services Dept /754-5300 The donation for those washing to register Saturday will be $5. It. John'• Hotpltal and Marina dal Ray Fourth Anmnual 10ll Run -BeQlns 8 a m et the corner ol Admlrally Way and Fiii in Merlna del Rey Fees SB Wllh T- Slllrt and $3 without. Tropllie• aw8Tded for first. second and thlr<I places Live music, entertalnmanl and retreahmanl• Contacl SI John's l'iosp11alf(213: 829-8426 . also sponsored by radio station KFWB. MILE SQUARE PARK m Fountain Valley will be the site of the Good Sport Fun 5k and lOk Run on Oct. 2. Awards will indud<• trophlC's, medals and merchand1S<• prizC'S to be preSl•nted immediately following tabulation of results. Spcdal drawings will be held for all official runnt•rs with a tnp for two to Hawa11. two m opeds, two JO -speed Check-m 1s Sl'hl•duled for 6:30 to 7 a.m. Saturday. The 5k Fun Run will start at 8 the !Ok Handicapped Division at 8:25 and the !Ok Classic Run at 8:30. At'<'Ordang to a race spokesman, 1,500 The race. in conJunct1on with the Daily Pilot, wall benefit the Fountain Valley H igh Scool Athletic.· Department Annual Polnl Fatmln 10ll -Course flal along ocean t>lulfa naer San Pedro Fee 11 SB W•th T-shirt and S5 without Add SI 1a1e reglalretlon Conl•ct Or Et11nga0(213l 325--0700 Premiere riders race 80 bicyclists compete in Costa Mesa Over 80 o f A m e ri ca's p remi e r e lhicydisl will compele in Costa Mesa this weeken d. By HOWARD L. HANDY Of the Dell)' f'llot lteff America's premiere riders will converge o n Costa Mesa this weekend for the running of the U .S. Nationa l C r iterium Championship bicycle races on Placentia Avenue over a two- milc street t'Ourse. The event begins Saturday with finals in the Wome n 's, veteran and junior competition. The premiere senior Men's event takes place Sunday at 10:40 to co n c l ude the tw o-day competition. At least 80 riders are expected for each of the three men's d1v1sions and 50 to 60 for the women's race. The juniors could attract 100. The event is the Sprite-Del Taco U .S . National Criterium Championship, co- sponsored by the Harbor Boulevard of Cars in Cost.a Mesa. The smallest field of the four races will probably be in the women's senior com petition at 9 o'clock Saturday. This is a 13-lap (26 miles) rat'e over the two-mile course that has eight turns and a six percent grade at one point. One of the top t'Ontenders for the women's title will be Rebecca Twi,g, 19. of Seattle . At this year s world championships in Goodwood, England, Twigg won a gold medal In the 3,000-me~r pursuit and finished sixth in the road race. CdM, E s tancia, Newport, Laguna win I Corona dl•I Mai. E..-;wm·1a and In oth er Sea View League Senior middle blocker Katrina I Newport Harbor high ~chools action. Estancia swept past El Peterson recorded 13 kills and 10 ,posted Sea Vie w L«-aguc Toro, 15-8, 15·1, 15-9. Setter block• and teammate Denise 1victones. w h ill' Laguna Beach Gina Garrett. h itter Amy Braunllch, an outside hitter, had 1recorded a win an South Coast l 0 kills and seven blocks in •League play during women's l fOLLEYB' "LL Fountain Valley's 15-9, 14-16, !volleyball action Thursday night. ,.. • .n 15· 7, 15·4 verdict over L a Meanwhile, Marina toppled Quiot.a. Bolsa Grande, Fountain Valley The Barons l11>oroved their got past La Quint.a, Westminster Ha thcock and middle blocker rN:ord to 3-0 In non·league defeated St. Joseph's and on the Jane Fe rda led the way for the oc-tlon. college level, UC Irvine lost a Eagles. who are top seeded for Westminster second-seeded In pair. of match es in th e BYU the Orange County Tournament this weekend's' tourney, got past •Preview Tournament in Utah. this w~kend. St. Joseph'•, 15-7, 15·8, 15-17, I Corona dcl Mar recovered Ne wport Harbor moved Its 15-5 as Stacy Schlange had 13 :from a loss in the first game to record to 2·0 In league and 4-0 kllls and Connie Wataon had 10. 1beat Irvine. 5· l 5, 15 -4, 16· 14. overall wtth an easy 15-4, 15-9, Seiter F.ma Tama.rna.sui also did f 15-13 to up the Sea Kings' league 15· 1 decision over Saddlcback. well for the Llona. t.mark to 2 -0 . Top playe r s ln South Coatt League play, Muina evened ltl mark at 2-2 !Included hitter-blocker Pam Laguna Beach needed four sets beh l.nd t h e play of midd le !Lawrence oC CdM and Irvine'• to take care of Dana HUis, 15-6, blookt'r Alene Andtraen and Elaina Oden and Sutic Flynn. 15-6, 6-15, 15-7. The Artlst1 a.re captain Shelly T h rall as the I Irvine fell to 1·1 In league ond now 2-0. while the Dolphins fell Vlklng1 topped BolP Orande, both teams are now 2·2 overall. to l·l In lea,ueo. l~-7. f&·7, 13·1~. 15-0. Saturday's schedule 8 45 • m -pr•race ce<emonlas 9 a m -Sprite U S Woman'• N111on11 Crlterlum Cllamplonlhlp (13 lepa. •1 km . 28 miles) Harbor Blvd ot Cari eu1omot>lla H · lliblt; South Coast Klw1n11 Club aporll pen. tllhlon 10 a m -Wiid 0111 11aga enl8'talnment 10 15 a m -Women'• Award• praM11ll· 11on H•rbor 8h1d ol Cara U S Vater1n'1 Crlletlum ChamplonahlP ( 18 lapt, 51 km, 32 miles) 1 t 30 am -H11t>or 81\ld ol Cara parede, with Et1ano1a Htgh School m•rchlng band Ind Was1ernatt• 11 40 • m -l/ater111'1 awards present•· lion Hart>or Blvd or Cera U S Junior Nallonal Crllar1um Cnamplonth•P C 16 laps, 51 km, 32 miles) 1 pm -Sporll panlllhlon 1werd1 pra- _,lalton I 10 pm -Junior awetda p1esente1ton 1 15 pm -Program concluded Competition in Costa Mesa will be a points race rather than an endurance or spnnt affair Points are awarded to the first four riders across the fimsh line on Bell laps. designated before the race. and the winner is the one with the most points al race's conclusion. At 10: 15 on Saturday, t h e Veteran's Crlterium wiU be run over 16 laps (32 miles) for all riders 35-and-over. One of the sentime n ta l , If not actual favorites will be 67-year-old Phil Guamaccia of Brea. Guamat'Cia is familiar with the Costa Mesa track having won four races here in previous years. A physical conditioning expert, he has a complete gym in his PG Industrial Electric plant In Brea where he' works out 5YJ hours daily. Saturday's competition will conc lude with the Junior's Cri~riwn at 11 :40. also over 16 laps. This one C9U1d draw the large1t fie ld of the two-day event. Recently m Manhattan Beach, a similar race drew a field of 142 riders. The Senior Men's compelluon will get under way at 10:40 on Sunday following a 5K and lOK foot race at 8 o'clock and a big wheel race f o r pre-1ch oo) youngstcra. Among the favorites is 0.vis PhlnnC!y of Boulder, Colo .. 23. He ls in the midst of hi best-ever season and it an outs ta nding criterium rider. He hu won more th an a doze n l n dlvtd u al critertum1 IO far thl1 year. A1lo ln the f leld wlll bt> Tom Schul r of DUnoft. At 25, Schuler ls an •aretllve crltertum rtd r who holds the national title and Sunday'!ii schedule . ._, 7 e.m -PoSI reg1stre11on for Del Taco runs 7 45 am -Def Taco runs P••rece cere· monies 8 am -Del Taco SK dl11ence lun run t>eglnt (3. t miles, SK) 4·05 am. -Dot Teco 10K distance run run t>eglns (6 2 miles. 10K). 9 • 12 30 -Touveue stage ent111t1lnment Hart>or Blvd ol Ceta automobile ••lllbll 9 30 a m Runner• awards and raltle 9 35 a m -Cenlury 2 t Gotd Siar Raallors i>r•tcl'IOol "Big Wheel" r•CO begin 9 45 • m -Pr•race c:eremonlel. te11ur1ng drum encl bugle COf Pll Harbor Blvd ot Cera parade tO 40 • m -Harbor Blvd ot Cars U S Sent0t Men'• National Crltarlum Cl'lempion· 11'11p (25 '-!>•. 80 km, 50 miles) 1 15 pm -Senior Men a awards prffOn· tlltOn 1 30 pm -Program concluded placed second in 1981 at the Nevada City CJassic. He wall be defending his national criterium title in Costa Mesa. Like Phinney. Schuler is a member of the 7-Eleven/Eastside Wheel men team along with Jeff Bradley and Greg Demgen. Bradley is conside r ed by national coaching clire<:tor Eddie Borysewicz a s one of the top three road riders in America. He was the 1979 jun ior national champion and bronze medalist at th e 1978 and 1979 worl d championships. This is the first time ln the eight-year history of the Costa Mesa crit.eriwn that it has carried national st.ature. In points racing, sprinters go against endurance riders in a battle o f wits. A s uccessful sprinter combines speed with quack ecceleration and aggressive riding to produce a winning formula. The strategy is to work u little as possible in the race except on sprint laps. The endurance rider as out to burn-off the sprinters by k~ping a fast pace throuahout the race. The competJtion ls held under the a uthority of the United St.a~s Cycling Federation and is staged by the Costa Mesa Lelsu~ Services department. In addition to the b cycle and foot races, a sports pentathlon. stage entertainmen t, marching bandl, a drum and buslt corps and an automobile exhibit wlll all<> be 1tagtd, The event la free to the publlc wllh P laccnUa Av nue blocked off from automobile t raUic between Wilton and Adams durlna the runnlna of the evcnll on Saturday and Sunday • arr1or , Newport, JIB win T ht> Woodbrtdg<• H igh cross country team has on" claim to Came ofter 1wceplng pwst Laguna 8 c1u:h , l ~·~O. Thur1day aftflrnoon: the Wurrlor runners became the f1rat team to win a South Coast Leagut' event for Woodbridge. Th«-Warrlor11 turned the trick by taking t.he top llCVen plaa!s In .... thl' dual meet, Including two that ~Upsed the 17 -minute mark. Junior Brian WtlJon won the ra<.-e in a tJme of 16:39, beating te ammate Jay Midd leton , a sophomore, who came in at 16:51. Another sopho m o re , Eric CROSS COUNTRY Schermerhorn, placed third at 17:15 ... Meanwhile, Newport Harbor .won a tight tri-m eet from Fount.ain Valley and "Fai)erania . The Sailors had 36 points to Fou ntain Valley's 4 3 and Esperanza's 44. Senior Ed Gould fro m Fount.am Valley won the ra<.--e in 15:57, but Ne wport Harbor runners placed third, four th and fi fth to capture the meet. Even without Gus Quinonez. who tS sidelined for at least three more weeks with a sore knee, Huntington Beach was still able to easily defeat Long Beach J ordan. 17 -45. Senior Greg Baugh, who has been running for the Oiler varsity the las t three years, turned an a personal best on the Central Park <.'Ourse with a 15:58 ume Senior Martin Cueva was a close second at 16:01 , with John Edwards ( 16:43) placing third. ll was the Oilers' firs t dual meet after posting a third-place f1n1sh in the Las Vegas lnv1tational last w~k. Marjorie S nyder a nd Lysanne Lippe finished one-two to pa<.-e the Laguna Beach women to a 15-48 triumph over Woodbridge. Newport Harbo r's w ome n captured a tr i -meet from Esperama and Fountain VaJJey, 29-36-84 VOTE. • • From Page C1 six gamc•s r<.·m.11nmg against each other •Reggie Jackson may have gone hitless m the Angels' recent thre<>-game set with the Royals, but he sull collected a nifty check m excess of $73.000 because of the attendance cla use in his contract. I •Linebacker Carl Ekern. the Ram$' player representative, has been acting as unolficial coach during the team's workouts . Ekern declined, however, to name his No. 1 quarterback. •Virtually unnoticed through all the strike commotion was t.he contention by Rams Coach Ray Malavasi that Bert Jones was still the team 's No. 1 q uarterback. "After reviewing the films," he said, "I can't see where he did anything wrong." GWC racquetball tourney slated The eighth annual state out· door racquetbaJJ doubles cham· p1onsh1ps will be held at Golden West College, Oct. 8-10. The three-way tournament is expected to draw national and st.ate outdoor title holders inclu- ding Brian Hawkes, Paul Olson, Dan Southern and many others. Division include men's A. 8, and C, women's A, B, and C: and mixed A. B. and C. Entry fee is $25 per team and all participants will receive a complimentary T· shirt. In addition. trophies will be awarded to first, second, third and consolation winners. Entry deadline is Oct. 1. For entry forms or further informa· lion. phone tournament director Ra ul Duarte at Golden West, 892· 7711 (ext. 529) or Carol Herd at 893-5821 . Marine r s play Los Alamito ne xt The Huntington Va lley Mariners' semi-pro football tH.rn puts its first place st.anding on the llne Sunday when It plaY1 the Loa Alamltoa Vikings at 1 p .m . at L os Alamlto1 High School. The M ariners h ave a 2-0 ~rd tn the Coastal Divlslon ot the Ht-Desert t..e.gue whlle Loe Alamitos ta 2·1. T he 1t.and ln"': .... ~ . . . " MAJO" t.IAQUI ITANOINOI Amertcen L .. aue WHTl"N OIYllfON W L !'cl. G8 u ee 618 A ...... Keneae City ChlCagO S..tlle Oaklen<I Texu Minnetola u ea 653 2"' eo 12 528 8\li 73 79 480 13'~ 64 ea 421 22v. 61 92 399 26 s1 es 376 n • .. IAITE~ OIYlllOH MllwlWllM 111 8 1 Sllll B&lllmOtt 81 64 579 3 Bo.Ion 13 611 641 I OeltOll 11 74 507 " c~ 74 11 4113 111 New York 74 71 417 17 T0<onlo 71 81 487 20 TiwfNMY'• kof.- T exa1 S. Aftftlt 4 0.11001 10,IB.,llmOI• 5 CllleagO 12. SNllle 4 Only gamea llCheclul«I ' T..tay't Gl•tt A ...... (Klton 11-5) •I Texu (HOO>eyj,ull S·ICI). n T0tonlo (Eleh0<n 0-2) al SeallMI (Nunez 1·1), n Kan1u Clly tGure 17· 11) el o a1o.1and (CodlrOll O·Ol. n MlnnHola (Wllllama 9·7) at Chicago (Lamp 10·7), n Balllm0ta (Flanagan 15·10) el MllweukM tSullon 2· I), n Cleveland (And8f'IOn 3-lj al OetrOll (Ujdur 11-81, n New York (Howell 1· 1) .. Bo-ton (TUdOf 12.101. n Natlonal LHGIM wt:ITIRN OIYlllOH l)odeet9 Allanla San Francisco San 01900 Houston Cinc1nn111 W L P'ct. Ga 85 87 .559 82 70 539 3 81 71 533 4 77 75 507 8 72 80 474 13 S6 116 368 29 EASTERN OIYlllOH St Loul1 Phlleo.iph1a MonltMl P111St>vrgh ChoCagO N-YOI~ 88 65 83 69 81 11 90 72 68 as 60 92 S7S S48 S33 S26 444 395 4· .. 8'" 7"• 20 27'' Thu...S.r'• ac°'" N-York 5. Ch~O 4 Sen Frenc®o 11, Concinnah 4 Pn11ecM11p111e 2. Mon1ree1 0 ( 11 1nnt119s1 Pttlsl>Urgh s. SI LOUIS 3 p I 1nn1t19S) Only games schecluled Todey'a GemH San Francoteo (Gale 6 141 •I Dodi•,. (Wtleh IS-10). n P11111>Vrgh tRobtnton IS 10) 11 Monlreal (Lerc;h 1-0). n Houston tJ Noellro IS·IO) al C1nc1nn111 (Bereny1 8-181 n San Diego tOravecky 5·31 al Atlenla (Mahlet 9-10). n Pholadelph11 tKrukow 12 Ill 11 New Yook (Terrell O· I), n Chicago (Ripley 5·1) al SI Louis tS1uper 9 8·8). n AFEAICAN LEAOUE Rang•r• 5, Ano•I• 4 CALIFOANl.A TEXAS abrlllll Ml tlllll Downing " 3 0 0 0 Wr~hl cl 3 I I 0 RoJacl<aon 11> 3 O I O Sample If 4 I 2 0 Scon...-S ph 1 0 0 0 Grul>I> dh 4 I I I Boonec OOOOPame,,rl 4010 OeC-31> 3 0 0 0 Sundt>e<g c 4 I I 2 e.y1or dh 4 o 1 o Stein 31> 4 o o o Grier> 21> 3 I 0 0 Hoeleller 11> 4 0 1 0 Beniquez rl 2 O O O Cepre pr 0 100 lynn cl 2 I 1 0 Aocllatdl 21> 4 0 I 0 Ferguson c 2 I I 1 Dent .. 3 0 2 0 ReJllClcton rt 2 0 I I TOllnort H 0 0 0 0 R CWk cf 2 I 100 8r>en pn 0 0 0 0 ear-lb 1010 FOlt M 3 0 1 I Totals 31 4 8 3 Tolllt lc:Of e bf lnftlftee 34 s 10 3 Caht0t"'8 002 000 200 4 TtlllS 400 000 001 5 One OUI wnen "''nntng run acored E -O.C-OP -Clltlornia 1 Teus 3 LOB Cel1l0<n1a 5. lens 5 2B R Cieri<. l A Patrisll Deni Sample Al.Jedi· son 3B Sun<ll>erg HR F8f'gul0tl (31 S -FOii Cellfomle Renko C0tbe11 WotliL.11·6) IP H RfRU ID ' 3 4 4 1 I 1'• 1 0 0 0 4 6'> 6 I 1 0 3 Te ... Mason Henke Darw•n(W. 10-6) 8' • S 3 3 2 I • ., 2 1 1 2 0 2•, 1 0 0 0 , BK Corbtlll 2 2 1 A 7,138 Ano•• H•r9099 BATTING AB R H HR RBI P'ct. Ro Jackson 135 16 46 2 19 341 C••-4111 83 157 2 38 320 DeConc;es 543 88 163 28 t4 300 Lynn 446 85 131 18 8' 294 Oownong 590 103 186 28 81 281 Re JtcklOn 501 87 138 35 112 275 eaylOf 476 611 124 1e 83 261 Grodi 579 11 l!'>O 22 es 259 BenlQuez 187 23 48 2 21 257 Boone 446 41 113 1 55 253 FOi• 453 43 113 3 52 249 Fe<guson 81 10 19 3 8 235 Clark 82 11 18 2 S 220 W1Uong 179 24 37 I 115 207 K~ 47 9 8 0 I 170 Burleson 45 4 7 O 2 156 Adams 10 1 o o 100 Sconoe<s 10 0 0 I 100 Pllht 0 2 0 0 0 000 Tolets 5 222 764 I 427 111 7 11 273 PITCHING H.- K1eon SancMl Sle<•e< AIM Wiii Forach Zlhn John Gottz Renko Me><eno Cot-bell Tlant Cur11s Totals IP H H IO·W-L P A 69'-> 5'I 3t 38 2· 1 2 45 121•, 106 4 1 74 9.5 317 .,.... .. 33 54 7.3 3 29 21·~ 19 10 13 1·0 3 32 S2 45 23 40 3.3 3 46 171'• 170 411 82 11.e 3 57 223''> 217 57 73 13· 10 3 $2 214'1 213 63 7S 17·8 3 76 212·~ 221 31 83 13. 12 3 n 75•, 7S 28 40 8-4 4 42 152'> 182 60 78 11-8 4 65 49' I SS 23 22 3 7 4 74 1e 11 35 54 1.9 5 08 29h 39 8 30 2·2 8 78 71» 9 3 8 0· I 8 87 1,386 1,381 484 817 87-86 3 83 • Tio.n 10, Ol1olee 5 OelrOll 002 102 320-10 15 0 Balllmo<e 005 000 000-6 11 $ P .. ry. Ructoer (3) and Pawell, McOreoo<. 0.vta (5). Siewert (81. T Mer1111t2 (7). Fllnn t91 and NOien DempHy (5) W Avcker, 3-6 L-6tewen, 9-1 HRl-Oetrou . ....-n- OOn 2 (23). lvte ( 13). Jonnson 14) B.it1m0<e. Murray ('29) A 8,&33 WhlM So• 12. MertMn 4 CM:ego 311 103 102 12 II 0 Seema g10 010 110-4 13 :l Koo1man E1carrega (I) end Holl, Ml Moore, Ander_., (31. Gleaton (81 Md Eaalan. Merc ado w -Koo1m1n 11·8 L-MI Moore. 7 13 HRe ~ ,._ ... (10), H11 (3J. v ~ t5) S.e1tle J Cruz (7), ..._ 111 A-9,,.._, NatlOMI L•eoue ....... 2,lqieaO Ph~edelpllle 000 000 000 02-2 8 0 Mont1Ht 000 000 000 00 0 4 I Chrtatenaon. R AH<I jl). Farm•r ( 11), Mcl0r1w ( 11), Allemlfeno 111 and 8 Olu , Eo9er• Ind c.r18f W-A "-Cl. 5·8 L-RoOWS. 17·8 8 -Anllnff'eno(2) A 14,782 Gieftt• 11, Rede 1 Sen Frll\Cltc0 100 320 600 I 1 14 I ~all 000 30 I 003-7 12 I l.Mlc~, Hlll'll,,...er (41, 9.,, It). Y"911t (7) end 91enly, P .. 101a, Priee 141, H•rrle 14). Ullt>t ll'lcll t1), l.Wley ( 7). Ht)'M fl) 8nd V M Ooto.r. O'llerry, W -HtrM>41k.,, l l·e L -,aatOre, 1-12 HAI SM Ftll\CllCO, A. Smith ( 18)e Clnctnna11, Ho111•hold11 1e1, Ot'-<I Ii' I A-Utt ""•-1.C ...... J PttltbufOll 100 ooo 110 o'-• • o SI Loult 000 101 010 00 I 11 0 Canoe1a11a. kurry (7), Tlkulv• (I), t "°'"° ··~ HlemllM '11: _, NICotle, Ontl, T, Pella, FOfKI!, MH (I~ lulllt (t). J Martin '10). '*I 11) an(I 'renec;.a, .,_ W-1 ""°"'°• ... 2 L-J Manil!, 4-t t - HlemW ·:~""'"""llfl~ J ....,_ C'l; ... ~ tll) A-Ir.- ., ...... c ..... 012 OIO 100 6 IO 0 NATIONAL LU.OU« ,.., 33& $21 320 ''° 318 )I~ ltl I 307 307 :ioe 0 Ae RH ~t. Oii-. Mii Madlodl, Pgh Lo Sntllh. SIL Ourtlll'I\, Chi Buc.knw. C/ll 0--0.LA Hernandez, Sii ...,.,,LA Caner, Mu Kntghl, Hin 150 519 85 193 333 149 580 92 180 321 146 587 1111 171 310 141 613 76 159 310 152 8111 88 1111 309 144 552 85 1119 .309 152 554 11 1e1 301 137 529 75 ISll 301 I« 520 17 158 300 152 587 89 116 300 ._. .. _ Klnjlman, Ne"" Yotk, 37, Murj)lly, Allanle, U , Schmid!, Phlladelphla. 34. Ho1n11. Atlanl1. 32. a-r-, Dodaen, JI, 11-.. ttecfin Oll~er, MonHMI, 108, Mu1phy. Atlenla. 1oe. Hend11Ck, SI Loult. 102. Clatk, San Francitco. 101; Bucllnet, Chicago. 99 Ptlcfl!ng (1t o.oteloM) P.Ni.kro, Allanta, 18-4; RoCJilrt. MontrHI, 17-8; Carllon. PMadelphla, 2'·10: fleuN, Oodtera, 11·10; Fortch, SI. LPUll. 15·9, J .Nlakro. Houaton, 18· 10; Yelenauela, Ooclgete 1~ 12. Wat9f polo COMMUNITV CC>U.£01 OCltden w .. 1 13, UCLA JY t UCLA 2 2 2 2 II GOlclet1 Wesl 3 5 2 3-13 GOiden West sc;otlng Oetvlllcl I. Salyer 5 W-"-I, Lund I. Grett I, StephenlOI' 3 Neely 1 HIGH SCHOOL Soult\ C·-t T--• Un ..... alty 10, LMewood I Lakewood 0 0 0 1 I Unlv8f's0y 3 2 3 2-10 University scot1ng S Wunbourne 4 Scn1ac1er 1. McC011oug11 1. Scnebel 1. COi· wlcl< 1. Pronoergasi I. Douglas 1 • Su11ny HNI• 11, fdleon I Edison 3 0 0 3 6 Sunny Hiiis 2 4 5 s-18 Edlton SCOfltlQ Fludd 4. P~P81' 1. Wadley Footlllll S, f 11-je J Estancia O 1 I 1 3 Foolhll~ I 0 3 1-6 e.1enc;1e seo11ng Fenley 2 WICkt 1 lnlM 10, F ...Wool! I F.,ll>rOOll 0 2 3 I-I lnnne 1 3 3 3-10 Irvona ICO<lng Kollo,..kl 4, C0<la11 :l Temps 1, Mlt'edOh 1, Abt""" 2 Newport....,_ 1J, ......... v-.. 4 MISS'°" Vteto 0 1 2 1-4 ~Harbor 4 4 3 2-13 MIMtOI\ Vll,o llCOnng Hourigan, Ryen, Hulctungs, Raymon! ~ Harbor 1COM11 Jeppe, Stanley S 0 Donnell 2, T~ ~. Tonglflt L...-. Buchanen °'·'*le.-Downey 10, Dos Pueblol 1 Edlton 13. Laawoocl 2 Eatanoe 15, Dos Puebtot 10 lot Altos 8, M1lhkan S Rr-..Oe POiy 8, Santa Barbare 2 San11 Clara 14 Laguna 8Mcf\ 1 MIS8'0ft VlejO 8 Mlllikan 4 San•• 8ar1>ate 10, Laguna a.ec:ll I Tushn 11. Cos11 Mesa 5 El Tooo 8, E• OO<aao 2 LB Wiiton 8, Fountlln Vt.Illy 8 lndto 9, Crawt0<d 7 Coste Mel& 8. El Ooreao 1 Crawte><d 14, Founlatn Valley 8 Corona aet Mar 12. Lot Alam11os • Velhelle 10. Crescenta Valley 8 VIII• Park 15, Dena Hilla 3 Creseenta Yalltr; 8. Loe Alam1101 ~ Oana Hiila 5, Felll>rOOk 4 o..p .. a ftehlno Afl'MI LANOINO (.....,_, 9"cll) -31 ano*• 111 !>Ma. 311 rn«ll.lt'el, 1113 rock 11911 3 eeulpln DAvtrs LOCKER (Newpot1 9Mcll) - 34 anglers 3 bonllo. 2 ca11eo t>aM I h.iit>ut 95 maclclt'et g rock 1191>. 1 land l>tM Thl9 wwll'a trout plant• LOa ANOILE8 -Cu111c Legoon C.tlf'C la• I NI NflMAROIHO -Santa Ana R1-. Santio Ana Rlll9< (South F'ork) Sl1¥1t'wOOCI Lake IUVfRllO£ -Fulmor Lalla. Heme1 like KERN -Kern RlY8f tDemc>cra1 Dam to KR I Po-rhouff. Borell PowerhouH lo Oemoc:r•I Dam. KFl3 Powamoute 10 Lek• tu bet••> TULAM Ketn Ri-(Fllf-0.m lo KA3 Powerhouse. JOhntondel• Bridge 10 Fairview Dam). Peppermint C1eek, Tule Al-(North and South For1<1 ol Mein FotlCI IN\'O -Saker CrNk, Big Pine CrNk, Blahop Cr .. k (Middle. Soulh Forkl Ind 1n101 II), Olez Like, Goodale CtHk, l~e Cr-, Leite S&brlflll, lone Pine Cr-. Ne><lh l atte. o ... Cr .... (North rork), South Lek•. Ttbl>O•• Ciao .. Tlnemlhe Creek, Tulllcl Cr• MONO Convlcl l ake. Ellery Lal<• 0-ge Laite, G .... CfWI<. Gt1111 Ullte. Gui l atte. Hlllon CrMlc, Jurte Laka, L .. lllnlflg CrMk. Mery Lah . Roblnaon C•MI<. l\ocli Creek. tPeradlee Ca mp to Tom'• Plao;e. Tom'• PleQe upstr....i to~ Cl .... L.allt, AOCll< Cr• Lake to Iha end OI Iha road). AOCll Cr"" ....... Sl!Yef Lalla, TWfll Lato• 8rldgepor1 (~Md L-). Twwt Ullt• (Mammo!h), WaHI., AN« (Cl\fla Flat Campground to 1own Of W•IU r) wom.n·• ••rt*! COi.LiM 9YUl'rewlewT__. Mont,n• dal. UC It¥ Int. 11. 1a. I • 1', 15-10 Brlgllem Young def UC 11v1ne , 16•1, 1&-1# H10H acNOoL Mttlna def BotH Grano. 16·1, 16•7, 1).15, 16-0 ,.011n1a1n Vettay d•I 1.-• 011lnl1. 1'•t , 14-11, 15-7, 15-4 W•lllllnlt« 4t1 81 Joeepl\'a, 10-7, 15-1, 15-17, t&-& Lac1UM llNCll 4t1 011141 ...... 1M. 15-1, .. 1 •• 1& 1 lttll!Cla de! t'l lOtO, IM 11-1, IM. l'f9wpot1 H•bot Oef I~. 11-4, IM,il-1 Corona def M11 o.f Irvine, 1.11, I~ 1 .. 14, 16-1) ,..,.....,. THUftlOAY'B MIUi.TI (lllfl .. ,..., .... ...-lfttl U.ALbOIAB "'"' "J.CI 4' • 1V•lorlg1 A 0.,1. HOIM (A.it.di 10 to I 20 'W flllt Comm1ta10n tltalHnQt) t 10 4 40 KOia t WllltollCI t[lllll<l•I • 10 Alftl 11tt0 A1arn111 • 0111 ReO, D•a•m WOtld NO '· Double OKI& Olympoc• lit uro Time I!! .. U ACTA 13 II !>Aid I 133 00 OUARTC"tt<>l'lll llCOHO "ACI . •OO VAIOt Ntv .. 8hOf1 (CIMOttl 1 20 3 80 3 20 FOOlt ~· (Ham 3 80 2 80 A•tnal'I Jon CO•rcl) :i GO At10 II Cad My Spicy M•n f , ..... 11. Smooth 11o~kci1. H111n Mongo. Sooner Kll11rlved Tln\I to IS Tlt!RO RACI, ~00 y1110• IClllQ lNIO (MllCMll) 10 eo 8 '° :l 20 llor•M Oon~tern IB11dl 11 40 7 80 Sotna Ktilda VOllflOI t'•u11n11 5 GO Alto tac;CKI Jel Aallfoael. M ..... WonslOw. T~ M4I Nol, flllrntnt Cal Mlghly IC..,. fie• King ,_ 2022 II IXACTA (9 II paiCI 1181100 T"°"OUOH9MDI FOUllTH "ACI . II N<lonQI O•k ... 'e PtomlM (Ellladll 12 00 II 00 2 80 II s trte 8..-ry a (C~•I 7 00 2 80 PrOud Cl\OICI tSlblllll 2 20 Aleo IKICI Royally Fllll. No Diploma. Cleta I LUCI!, looking Or end Time I 11 316 'l'TH tllACI. 8 t1111Qog1 SwNI T Uni ($11>1llel 6 40 Cernl • Turn (Mana) up11111119 (Smtih) Aleo racaa. IC•M>uCk, De11gh1eo WMCI. BukklMn. Kant Mlt1 3 40 3 20 4 •o 4 oo 680 Floe I lime 1 13 l/S SIXTH RACt . 1 1/ Ill <YUiii Mr Far Dul (Rem1r11) 48 20 12 40 4 40 Runnion (Ellradel 3 80 2 60 Rallied (Orteo•I 3 00 AllO rated· Mr Hiii, P11na1ca Prince, No Oeclston, M8kll Spaee, Orlle't Jel lime 150 116 t.s IXACfA (2·7) paid S386 SO HYfN'TH RACf . 8 lurlong• Second Na11ve (Aamu11tn)6 80 4 00 3 00 Olymple King !Betancourt! 6.00 3 20 Retlllke tH•nMn) 2 80 AllO rai;aa Surfer Boy. Or1>11's Theme. A-~ Cow, TlmUtln. A.elleaS 0.18 flme 1 12 216 llOHTH llACl. • _...,., S..IOllnl tStbllle) 5 80 3 40 2 80 War HOUM (Rood) 5 40 3 4-0. Lolly Lovet (Mane) 3 60 Al6o •eoecl Slaanle GMI, Pr.nee Roi> LM. R1.ing ECl\o, MNI• friend, Bt119alclto Ttm• I 10 .. /5 '9 IXACTA • • -, .... NINTH RACI. 6 lurlOflOI GrMnbe<g (Fernano.z) e 00 4.60 4 20 C11y Cour1 tMenaJ 6.80 6 00 Whop It (Burns) 6 80 Alto tl!Cld Ftflh Man Zordan. Ramble on Joni\, Mioutulo. Cerot's Chow Hound Ttme I 11 3/5 TENTH RACE. • • -· tV Chief Cele1>ra1oon tM•n•J 6 60 4 60 3 60 Fleet BIO (Spenccwl 8 00 5 00 Olypjad HO•I (M•• line•) s 20 Alao raced Spee1ac:ular S..u Ben Dov#, Bagley. T ec:h Ruler Time 1 •7 '16 S5 fXACTA (5·4) petd $96.$0 ILIYINTH RACE. 1 1118 m1IM. AgUlll tBltck) 7 40 3 80 3 20 S111llng Sliva (Menlj 3 60 3.20 Power Commtnder (EatrllClel 7.20 Alto raced Bold HOl'lron1. P1rale Man. eo.1on Megle, Pet Me, Summa•. Plentetton Jubllae l ime 147 Holfrwood Pant ntuftlbAY'I MIUL Tl '"'"of ~1 ""--lfts) FlflllT RACI. One mile PllQI El Torenlo (0.11\8) 32 40 14 40 l 1 20 Anavs Scamper 10t_.,1 e 90 4 20 Whltky Jim (F~IOn) 11 80 Alao raeecs Bully F0t You Sl\eltlt' Pl.Inter RllQUe Lady Ouelene Tim• M rs M, Outeken Dale Wawua Time 2 01 115 &J l'llACTA tll·SI Plld '308 40 N COND RACE. One mile trol Green God<llN tHOI.,_) 3 00 2 60 2.60 SkllOOI (Wine Ill 1 20 4 40 Torrid S..U CPeragW..I e 60 Alto reeeO Cuba 0.-, Smtla IC P., SI Anne, Pompano Jo hn, Atnga11 Star Alanllda Time 203 315 THlllD AACE. One moe pace Skipper Shannon (Todd) 22 80 12 00 5 40 Halcyon Hyeeonlh (Pteree) 16 40 8 20 Peiet 0 G (Balllargeon1 3 80 Alto rec.a Sp0r11119 Son. Okapi Lencer. Rall Chall. Lady Goml>lar RedHlgn ......... Help Us, Pape Jerry • Time 203 2/6 SJ H ACTA 19·71 paid $304 20 'ouRnc RACf . One milt pece ()()le O Oner (Perry) S8 40 20 40 10 40 H R Foa !Blackmen) 6 60 5 40 Megna Caira (Snerren1 S 20 Alto rl!Cld Andyl Fr8"'M Mr Hot Stull. \HlfOlgetal>le Slit Andyt Win~lon MAtktl King. Argo Slat C~ AM Twne 2 02 315 """ RACl. One mtle P9QI Pe"4119 IPeteglnll 3 40 3 00 2.eo Windy Range N IGregotyl 5 00 3 00 Time Tracer (Ledley) S 20 Alto raced Henry'• Oraem N, Oeyllghl Eill)I-. Glamour L9Q•, El c:ao.ito A, LIUtd Lipe, Aornan Chapel, Riclty o.<~ N Time 2 00 II~ SJ HACTJ. (7·S) paid $30.30 81XTH RACI . One mile pace Keedoa1 (Kuebler) 5 80 4 00 3 60 Red Berry N (Hym1n1 5 60 5 20 Colteeju (Lunalordl 14.80 Alao raced· Marn Boy, You CnaM, Uve Wirt N. El Rty Rico. Jon Buller N, 111111 Gene N, Bili)' OonCHr Time 1511315 II lllACTA (6-5) peld '92 50 llYINll4 RACI , Ooa milt pee. Saini Anclraw (And<lrllon) 12 80 1 20 5 60 Rlchburn (loddl 3 00 3 20 Alnltlll (Kuebler) 7 00 Alto rec.a Ct~ay Oarll And 0...1y N, 8rllllanl 0 She•. Ounloe Sier. Atmb10 8'1<1 N, F-Kntght, Rigid Yank .. Timi 158 4/S 11 IXACTA (4· 1) paicl SI IS $0 llOMlH RACE. I'• mllcl trot PtiCle of Cltlllle (Anelrltl) 3 80 2 'O Her°"ly (Handerton) 3 00 Jtnal Chambley) no 2 80 3 40 Alto 1aced Omark, NOOle T••-Foxy Markenfay Tllna 2 13 1/& NINTH tllACI. One m1 .. P9QI Chn\pOn Pf'""9 (Htp1) U 00 ,4 ?O 14.80 Chereot! H~ (A111>.nl 7 IO ti to T-11 Lad 11<umaw) • eo AllO •Kid True lttCI• c °""' SI~. lkolllah Rllnbow. Celm "ovraa4f, Ta..,hl l ~. Tytlll, Sanga fllOiy lime. 1.U 311. 91 IUCTA (3 101 paid •787 70 a ...CK lllC (7•71 •·8-31paid13,14UO wllft IMofll wllllllr!O ,~.,. (lrve llot-) ·~ Plcil lfx GOMOtalloll paid 138 80 wltn 215 wlnj\f"l! llck_.1 (lour hOl-1 TPITM "ACI. Ona mile pace Ht-. (MW~hand) 10 I 00 34 40 12 to Mount Lobelll Uh-m•n) ,, '° 6 to Froe1y lltlPcler COtuncly) 2 80 AltO reC•d· Oternour 8oy N, Orlbbln Wallalll lu1111m1. Mo11 Happy Poplat, 8•mlnol1 Cllltl, Ke)'tlOlll ''011 N, 8C*U lf(ltl TlfM l M tit • IUCTA (t_.) ll8ld l 1,04t 70 ""*""'-1,01a .. 80.AIMI• P111. lheltrn"'111 Wttl• Jl.,.OIMol, f'h4 oan .... eon. U.1111<1 Wll1te, Dalla• lllel>let N•• Ol lcltllt Ole.by, Ot-1 8ay IWJ>Utoll. 0\111 o.e..11. °'"* Ano.r eon. Cine Motlltne San Fran T od<I. NV Jilt tom••· SI Lwl• Plunkell, A11oer• WOC>Olty, Mlllrill Mrl-ci, GNltle 'ou••· 8an Diego Ktllllel.Mlnn WlllUlr'l'lt. 1'•MPI 81~ Nlt4Mn. Hou1lon lrunner NY Ql•nt1 PaQel, Bell Sipe, 0""9••rn.t BatlkCIWMI A1lan1a KCIMtr;. K"1NI Coty MOllOll, Dellv" Jonel. ,..,,,, HI~. OelfOll Cev1111eugt1. New £1191 • 10 •• 644 • H 40 414 4 78 62 708 • ,. If• ,., I .. 4, 1 13 • 44 30 JOI 2 47 30 4ll 4 11 43 •M 6 38 '2 t21 " 71 01 117 2 71 47 68(1 A 07 3& 398 .. 68 32 31) 2 411 M 380 3 41 30 ,,. I 80 37, 3&9 I 81 4() 4$1 I 74 30 309 3 et 3& ••• 2 &4 28 250 ' 74 40 ()()I 2 31 1& Ill~ I 114 31 377 2 83 48 15e2 0 80 311 :1$2 0 24 18 It.) 0 41 2$ 301 I 34 13 202 I ~ 13 101 2 LIAOINO RUIHl.RI TC Yde. A•e TD Campbe41, Hou111on 50 224 ' 6 I MGN1U, NY Jele 32 222 11 9 I 1-y. Gt-1 Bey 4!I 203 4 S 3 ~I. W..,,inglon 64 202 3 7 I C0.1n1, -England 34 178 5 :l O W~ton New Otloeo• 40 173 4 3 o Allen, Raider I 36 I 72 4 9 2 Pr\1111, Cleveland 4 1 168 4 1 2 Sima, Oelroot 38 152 4 0 1 Btown. Mtnne1<>11 24 149 6 2 o Frenklln M1am1 43 1'9 3 5 2 Ll ADINO RIECIE.IVIRI I P'C Ydt Av9. TD Cl•rk, Sen Franc;•KO 15 233 18 S 2 T.HIM, Dt.llu 14 231 18 5 I H1trl1, P11t11>Vrgh 14 117 8 4 0 Cotlln1 .. or1n, C11K. t3 239 18 4 O Bulle•. eu11a10 13 •62 12 6 3 Green, SI LOUii 12 1711 IA 9 0 Monk. Wtahlngton 12 17S 14 8 I Mullady, NY Giant• 12 139 11 6 0 ROtt. Ctnclnn&ll 12 120 10 0 I Slallw0<lh, Plll1t19h 11 191 17 4 3 S While, Mlnfl&IOll 11 177 16 1 I Upchurc~. O<tnvtr 11 174 16 8 I CarmlCnaet. Phil 11 172 16 8 I \.EADINO l'UNT ftlTURNfRI No. Yda Avg. Upchurch. Demer 3 94 3 I -3 V1gor110, M1arn1 5 104 X> 8 trY1tl. Rams s 93 1e 6 W1llhlte. Oen-2 34 17 0 BrOOlla. San Diego J 40 13 3 Jol\ns, Seatllt 3 39 13 0 Hencoct... Kanus Clly 3 33 11 0 Menon. Oel•Otl 9 95 10 6 M11chllll St LOUlt 7 73 10 4 Fel!Owt, OtltN 4 4 I 10 3 Ll.ADING ICICKO" AETURNEAI No.Yeh. Aw9. Smllh, Ntw Engl•nd 4 158 39 S Prvon. R...,..s s 159 31 8 Bollannon. P1111bgf\ 1 IN 21 3 Mtletietl, SI LOUIS 2 55 27 S Ring. San Fr 1nC1tCO 2 54 27 0 Fellows, Dell11 5 132 2& 4 Fetr ... St LOUls 3 76 25 3 Hllllln, M..,,,. 2 49 24 5 Manning. Denver 3 73 24 3 Anderton, Bill 7 168 24 0 Ll.ADINO P'UHTERI Prestridge, Denver Jtn""'l!S, NY Gtanla BlrdlOllQ. St LOUii SttcllowlCZ. Green Bay Camatillo, 1'1-England Elxleo.o. New Orleans Miller, San Frenctsco G-t. ICan .. s Clly Bulord. San Otego Mc;lnally, C1nc1nnet1 No. Ydt. Av9. 9 H 5 49 4 12 581 4611 14 851 46 6 9 416 48 ~ 16 721 4S I 14 632 45 ' 14 698 42 7 1 291 42 4 1 296 42 3 4 1117 41 8 Team 8t•tl•tlca NATIONAL COM'IM.NCI <>f'nNlf .,.,. RINfl ,_ ~ 849 19' 865 815 2:l. 517 Gr-Bey Wahington San Fr-'KO AlfMll 738 347 391 73S 291 444 865 1$0 SIS 8S7 111 471 .._. 848 211 430 New Yorti G<anle Tampa Bay 64S 152 4113 633 UMI 497 -~ M-1• 807 2811 318 587 ?14 373 OellOl1 517 215 352 St Lou!t ClllCago 481 158 303 337 Ill 239 -~· Tempe Bey CNceoo OetrOl1 Green Bey San Frll\CllCO New y O<k Olanlt SI Louis Oatlq Waahlngton .._ Allan la Mlnneao1a Phlledelphla DIER.Nlil 333 484 S29 529 538 538 633 869 81111 704 732 742 aoe 853 144 279 , .. 191 181 281 318 240 209 202 297 1111 199 253 Commun•t~Mg9 ,_) IATU..OAY Otange Coasi el SaddlclblCk GOICl«I West al Stnll An• Fullerton 11 C111ua C«rlloe •1 Long Baacn CC Pelorner •t RlO HonclO. 8 p m Rr-licle cc •• EHi Loe Angetet 1811 188 290 3& 3S7 277 317 429 490 $02 43S 1568 801 llOO LA Sou111-1 at San &e<naro1no Variey LA Harl>Or Al Groetmonl Phoeno1. •t Sanla Monte• CC Edwerd1 AF8 II Puedena CC El ~ al VtnllltA Sanle Barbera CC 11 Loe Angela CC w .. 1 Lot Angeles at Moorpa1k LA Pterce 11 LA Valley Hancock al Mw.CO.la 2 30 pm San Otego Mftl Al San Ol9Qo CC 130 pm GlencSale Al Ml San Anlont0 I 30 P m SIC:r-10 CC 11 Compton. I 30 pm WW1 H1lll 11 Anletope VeRiay lmpenal Vllllly al Glanclele. Atll Ml San Jtclllto II Sou1"-11<n (Al 118"* et 7 30 p m unleM Ol....,.,.•se noted) Htah acttoot THUflllOAY'I RHUUI 1--...w1 Hunltngton 8each 55, Loa Amigos 1• Le» Allot 71, Malet Del 10 80laa Grande 21, Savanna 10 Aanc:no Alemllot 12. Wettern II Fullerton 20. Kannady 19 B'*19 Pe"' 14, MagnOlla 1 Vitia Patk 13,LB WiTton 0 IATUN>AY'B OA•I O.nntno v1. lllltol\ Al .Anal\M ltedklm <t p '&i.11 Mitt 9' t.Ot AIMlllOI II W•t"" CWIOll at MlatHlft Vtajo , pm1 111111- ,.tlnllld,. Prep e t Ceplt trano Vall•Y C11n.11an. p 111 Nawi>Ol'I Chrltlltn al PU IMIMe 'oly I 11111 Nolt Al Otl"" beOofl al 7 .30 " "' ~ DI'*'"""~ Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT1r,td1y. Sept m~r 24, 1982 IMtMm °"" ( .. C....._,Oe ) 8ot.lly Clet1111a11 34 31 8& ll"'-9 ,.., .. _... )4 31-.. WI#'/ Atmtlli.ng U 3) 68 ltm trmoeon » n .. wc.oor llll('k1A<111 3A .J:t ea JOl\I• c~ n-:u M GtOIQe Duma 36 32 17 HehJ Irwin 34 3> 11 Aod Cuti 32 3!1 87 Mike MC(;ull111.1gl1 3t>·32 87 LAI 1y R111hr 34.33 81 John 1 ovqh1 n 30 17 rom Jen1&111a 3~ .33 8~ I ~toy Milla• 3., 36 G. Joe ll\1nan 35-3) 68 MICha@I Ora1mw11 33 36 GI Aw Nuc;kuJI• 3:1·:10 ot FOfr .. I F111IM 32 38 18 Hu'*I 01 .. 11 3'·311 Of Hob•rl Otffl\ .._ 32 38 68 11111 C•llM 3!> 34 Of Gaty lfallb•tg 3&·34. 89 c11111 S.Ck 3!1-34 811 Andy 8Mll 33-311 611 lkoll Hoc;h <li·39 811 Toni Jon4ta 34,35 80 JJm Uooro• 3A·35 811 ferrv AJ\1011 35-33 69 Qr1tt Moody 34·35 811 Hal Sulton 33·36 811 v~ .... ,,,., 3S·34 ae llrn ThO<pe 37·3l 70 Mike BOOker 35-35 70 Je<ry H..,d 33-37 70 Cherin Kren~et 34·38 10 Frank ~ner 35-35 70 Lon N18ta81\ 35-35 -70 Jlm Bart>at 34·38 70 Dan Po/II 38-34-70 l>l\ll Hencoc-32·38 70 LOU Grallllrn 38·34 70 Tommy Afton 36-34 70 laflY Mitt 38-34 70 Jim SlmOnt 34·36 10 1 lffl NOffll 3s.35• 70 Brue:• Oougln• 3fi-34 70 J C Sneeo 'B·lr> 71 Jonn Me11att"y 36·35 71 Mark Pl111l 35-36 71 0.0109 Archer 36-35 71 Mlk• Gove 35·36 71 Roben Thomp1<>n 37·34 71 Bill Brillon 36-35 71 Mark MeNully 37.34 71 Tommy Armour 3S·36-71 Tim Brauch 35-38-71 Ronnie BlaGk 35-36-71, RICllD<O Miii 35·311-7 I K•nny Kno~ 38-35 -11 MICk Solo 3 7 ·34 7 I Doug T-~I 37.34 71 Mike N1c;o1e11e 3 7 ·34 11 Jonn Ad1m1 36·35 71 Re• Celdwell 33-38 71 Charles Coody 36-3S 7 1 M111< O Meara 35-36 11 Sammy Rachell 34.37 71 Marl. Lye 36-35-71 R09M CatYln 36-38-72 Barney Tl\ornpaon 36-36-72 Pat Lindsey 3&-36 -72 AnlonlO C..da 38--34 7'l Brien Cherter 37.35 12 Ke11n Fergus 36-36 72 Bobl>V Mllc;helt 37 ·35 12 Buddy G1rdllef 38-34 72 Gt0tge Cadle 36-36 72 Clyde Rego 38·34-72 JICll Newton 36-36-72 Payne Siewert 38·34 -72 Allen Mtllef 3S·37 72 Jim Oent 37.35 72 Don Reese 36-38-72 S1..,e M~nyk 3&-38-72 EO Sel-35·37-72 Howard Twi11y 35-'37 -72 Gary Koch 35.37 -72 Sk1P o.inawey 35-37-72 La11y Nelton 37·35-72 Gavin Levenson 38-36 '7'2 Ed Ftorl 36·36 72 Joe Hage1 35-37-72 Wofld Senior• lnvltellon•I (el Chetlotle, N.C.J Howie JOhnton 33·36-611 JKk Fleetc 33-37-70 Garont1 O.Ck1nton 35·36-71 G-L11tle• 33-33-71 Ari Well 34·37 -71 Guy Wol11enhOlme 37-35-72 EO Tutw118f 3&-36-72 Bo1> Toskl 37-3S-72 Peul H11ney 36-36 72 Bol> Goetl>y 36-38-72 Arnold Patmet 34-38-72 J•m Fe<ree 34·38 72 S.M eou1ns 35-37 -n Pellt' Thom_, 37-35-72 a.ny c.sc-37-36 73 Freel Hewl!tns 36-37 73 K .. Nagle J&...37-73 Charita StHO<d 3 7 -36-73 Gay Br-34-39-73 Tom N;eporte 35-38--73 AoOeno De VK*1%o 34-311-73 Jerrr 8•rt>at 37-37-74 Miller 8a11* 37-37 -7• 0ow F1nsl-elcl 30-36-74 a-oe ea.,., 36-34-74 Al Menge<t 38-37-75 8'11 Jol\nston 37-38-75 Siiiy Muwelt 3&-37-75 MIU FelchlCk 3&-39-75 LPOA tournament Cindy llnOOln Donna Whlll Barbare Barrow JoAnne Carnt1 Sally Lltlle (el ... ttle) Nancy Lopez Pally Sheehan Sendt• Sp.mer. Hollis Stacy Stephanie FarW1g J-Lock Kathy Whltw0<th Sharon Berrell Mary Dwyer sanore Heyn11 Myra Van~ Berbara Mo•-Bec:ky Pearton VIY1van Brown ... Connie Chllleml J-1 Coles Dela E~1119 Marvt-iatemen S"8tly Hemlon Ee-Hanel 8onn11L-s-~"'"., Cett>y MorM Penny P\.c1 Jan Stephen'°" l ynn Sfl'tH'lllV Ro1><n Walton J~AM WWIAm 33-34-67 31-36-87 34·34-68 34-34-ea 36·32 88 32·38-68 36·32-86 33-35-88 34·34-68 34·35-69 37-32-69 32·37-89 3"4·36 -70 34,.36 10 34-3a-70 36-3-4-70 3S.35-70 37-33-70 34·37-71 33·38-71 35-311 71 35-.36-71 38·33 71 3&-35 71 40-31-71 37-34-71 3&-33-71 34-37 71 34·37-71 35-38-71 ..3$-.34.. 7l 34-37 71 38-33-71 C....1 Grand Pri• ( .. w.v .... 1 The prov111on•1 Oneup for Sa1urday·a CHHfl Paid G1and Prl~. with drlYltr'I ttorn• counlry, type ol ce• end qu~111y1119 tpeecl In mph 1 Rene A•nou•. France Raneun RE!IOB IOA IS3 2 Michele All>O<elo, lltly, lyr••ll 011, 103 871 3 Eddie Cl--, UnOed S1111et T albol- LIO• JS 18 103 558 4 Ata•n Pr0t1. "'•'-· Renault AEJOB 103 453 5 Ke•• Ro•b••g. Finland. Wllllema FW-OI 103 140 e N I ~ .. AuStrlA. Mclaren MP 48 103 121 7 Netaon Piquel 8ru~ 8rabllam 8 T SO 103077 I JH n·P•ul Jar11e1, F1a11ce 01ell1 "A·1C, 103 C>el t MartO Anc.trelll l.Mlted Stal• F .. ra11 12~2. 103 030 10 John wa11on, 11e1a11d , McLaren MP-48, 102 934 11 (110 de AnOell1, llAIV LOlua I 1, 102 Ill 1' JllCquet ~1n11• Fr~ TlltbOl·LIO.., .IS Ill. 102121 ' I) Andtff O• CalMlrlt, llAly Afll "- 182, 102 40I 14 Marc $111 ... , $"'111 .. lanG, Arr0..1 AS, 102381 10 0..el< 0.ly. l•etllnd, W1ll1Mna rw.oe 101304 11 Bruno Q1ec;ome1~. U•l'f, A"• Aomto ,., 101 t71 ' 11 O.r•k Wa1,.,1c11, t!lr>gte11d. Tol1m1n 113, 101 ue 18. Meuro Blld1. Italy. Arrow• All. 101114 111 AICIOardo Pall•H .... ,,. B••bhtm tMO. 101 fft 20 Aobefto Ouer,.,o Co4omb,., l1*gn Niil. 101 406 ,1 ~aul IOHal. 811111. MatCll UI 101091 '' N1oe• Mllltllt lngl•M. ~Otu• 91 100 ,,, 2i 811an Heflton. EllQIMd Twri•M 011 1007H J4 fla1r1ek l ambl y, '••nt• ,.,,.,, IHC;t 100111 WCT ct .. 110 I (al ~lewoocl) lloaM "941ncl 11111 ... lv•lt 1.11101 (C1acit1ottov1klal <let ~ranclM;O Oon11111 (Pu1t10 ~1co1. 1·&, I ), IJuJCh Wallt tU I I dtl l'Cll' tljltlQUltl ($wao.rt), 0 2 II 4, Van WlnlllkY tU 8 ) Clet Matli 01Lk1011 (US) 3 0 1·t>. 0 •.Ur-Manaon IU 111 dtl Edd•t [Clwa101 (SOVlll AlllUI II 4 8 3 Tr-loM O,.., (el Ian ''-'-l.. s.cOlld "~ llfl9 Jimmy Connora (U 8 I d•I VlnGe van Ptllan tU s ). II 3. e I JoM MCEtvot IU s ) 1111 R4',,lltd ~~·· ([nglend). 6 I, I I, Johan K11a~ 1sou111 A1r1u1 dat '"" Bu•Mlno IWetl Cle<many) 5.7 7·8. 6·1 Mar11nl OIMH1 (11 Oenev .. 8wllllflan4) 8-wl .._., llnt ... M111 WHanoer C8111ede11) del Joeklm Nye11o;1,,. (Sweden) 3-8 6-0 e-1, Ja1to VtlUGO tC01om1>11) del Pav•I 810111 1C1ecl'lOllOOIAkl•I 6-1 7.9 TomH Sm•ct tCH GhOt lov1h1e1 dll Roland St .. dler (8WlllllllllOI 8-3 8-2 ClaudlO Panell• tllalyl 011 lven OuPaiQu•., 1Swlll8tland). 11· 3 8 0 '(11u C.arul••~• tu S 1 d•I Jim Brown (U S1. ll·J 6·3 Orand Prix tournam•nt (al 9ord .. u1, Frence) lee-Round llnele• LOI<. CourtHu (France) oet Chrillophe Roger Va11ailn (France1. 7 5, 6·2, Pablo Alr1ye (Peru) del Cerio& Calltll•n (Argan1ma), 4-8, 8-0 8 4, Hans S1mon1ton (Swodan) del Ma110 Marllnez (BOIMal, 7-6, $-4. c 11n1 1.ew11 !Ne"" Zealond) del Andera J1trryd tSwedlll), 6·2, 6· 1 Nallonel 35 GrHI Court• lei Newport, A,t.) l 1mlll'1111I llnelea Colon 01bloy tU S ) dal John Hughes (US I 6 2 6 0 Pal Crtmer (US I Oel BulGll Seewi>gltl tU S I 6·:1. 7 ·6 High echool 'wom9n U$Ul\8 .. ec:ll 11, Yellna Hlllt 0 ........ Godlrty llBI del Ramsay 6·0 oat Pra.c:oll 6·0 <Ill Kaull. 8-0, Conkey (LBJ won 6 0 6 I, 8-0· Brown tLB) won 6-3, won by 10<1611 6 0 Doubi.e Pat k ·Sug• tLBJ del Gotoecke•· Ooeoecker 6-0 del Foaor-Shalh<ib 6-2 del Allen Papya 6·0 JenOe·N•ylor tLEJ won 6-090 6-1 Wl"tce-Trev.s ILB) won II I 6-0 6 I Co<one del Mer 12. lnr1ne I lln9 ... Algur (CdM) O•I Aeynoldl, 6·3. def Manley 6-2. Lowes 6-0. Rosen (CdMI IOsl, 1-8. !'>·7 won 8·2, Tyler (CdM)IOSI 2·8, 1·6, 3-6 Double• Kau mtn·Enalgn ICdMI 0111 Ootyl•· MIChalte, ..... def Roc;ky-Arden. 11-0. def Fong-Curia. 6· 1. Good1>ody·Bu1ge (CdM) won 6·2 6· 1 8·2 D1Mar1-Malloa (CdM) io.1 4•fl, W()fl 6-2, 6•2 Marina 1', Mlulon Ylato 2 ........ OeLHI (Ml d411 S1ewot1 6-3, del Bums. 6·0 aet foudy, 8.0. Cleus (M) won, S-2. 8-2, 8·0 All>clrll tM) 1011. 2·6 8·1, won 6-0 Doublee Lol1lo·Ngh1em (Ml dtl Keny-Knuoaen. 11·2. del F'oeter·F'oller. 8·2 def Bouch· Jenaen. 8-0. S11nlleld·H•mt (M) won 6-0. 8-0, 6-3 l••nQ·H•llebtlnd IMI won. 7-S 6-1 6-1 faterw:le 11, f l Toro 0 ........ En .. ,. lEI Oii C-6· I Cltll $,..,mM a-1 def Carlaon 6·2 0 llo'-e tEf won. 7.5 8-0 6-0 Barberll\O (El won 6-0 6-2. 6·2 ~ Cunntngl\am-UlnCallet !El Cl<ll O..tnger· Morrll, 6-0 del Coopet&1Nlh·C1mpbllt. 6-1 def r.,.,,... Earttr;. 6-3. 0t111<..C..-1111 tEI won 6-2 6-0 fi. I F8fde·WadlWOf'lh tEJ -6-3 6-0. 7-6 f.dMOll 1•, T w tlft 2 1"'818• Smllh tEI del Tilu1mono 6 · I dal Hoaluna 6 I <>al M..,._ltK>ter by l0tfell, Se"'I tEI won. 8-2 6-0 l1'f oelllllt Rett,.o tEI loll 3 6 won 8-t. 6-0 OoubMe Loll-Howett IE) dell Young· Parke, 6-0. def Sm1th-S1111 6-4 det We1l·Jona1. 11·0. ShH·Stmmon IEI won, 7·5. 8-0 8·0. Tru11No-Ktu1>n1k (E) won, 7·S, 6-0 lost, S-7 Ctou covnlry HIGH &CttOOt. Weodbfldee 15, Laellft• llNcll 80 I Wilaon IW). 16 39 2 Mlddle1on IWI 1e 51 3 Schermerhorn tWI 17 IS, 4, Golden (W). 17 24 S Ougard CWI 17 33 6 Ma.uano (W) 11 44 7 Oevanm tW) 17 50 8 l~s (LB). 18 05 9 Outgley tL8l 19 04I 10 Coehr-tL81 II 23 Newpot1 Herbor .. '1t1. VelleJ@. fepeflMIH 41 I Gould (FV) 15 57 2 Le .. renc;e (E). 16 00 3 K"* tNH! 16 08 4 Evant (NH). 16 41, 5 Sm•th tNH). 18 47 & H\lQtM (El 16 » 7 .Kamcte<ll (E). 17 02 8 Wetter• INH) 17 °"· a MlQ~orll\I tFV). 17 04 10 M•nn tFV) 11 O!I HllllllfttlOtl .. K ii 17, L.8 Jordall 45 1 eaugh (HBJ IS 58 2 Cueva tH8), 16 0 I, 3 Edwerda (HB) 18 43, 4 RefTIMY IJ), 18 54 S Barlyn tHB). 18 55 8 WaythOmM (HBI 16 58 7 Callla (HB). 16 56, II LoredO tH8 l 17 08 II YtlH (J) 11 32 10 Lee IJ), 18 11 WOMEN U$u11e leach 1S, Woodbfldee 41 I Snyder (L8) 20 SI. 2 Lippa (LUI 21 •2. 3 8oolh (LB), 21 48, 4 Heneen (LOI. 22 30. 6. Lyont CLB). 22 38. 8 CerCI (LB), 22 43, 1 Colllt (W). 23 41. 8 Sar (W). 23 4 7; 9 Nelton (LB) 24 20 10 Hlgg& (L8), 24 21 Newporl Harbor 2t, bper..,a:e JI, An. Yalley ... I V•ldl% tl!I 19 38, 2 MvrrCM (NH). 20 02, 3 Golbetl (l'Vl. 20 18. 4 Young (E). 20 33. S Seocle<g (NH), 20 SO, 8 RebbUI (NH), 20 SS, 1 Lauo (NH), 21 oo. I Cot,.._ !El. 21.07. • Van Stekla (NH) ~1 II 10 Brown tNHI 2122 Thund•Y'• trenuctlona 'AHMLL .......... L....-CINCINNA T1 RIOS S.gnecl R\IQ Nl•on. r11a11ager 10. 111t 1NJ -t<ltl BAllllTMU. MIMMI ........ ......_._ KANSAS CITY KINGS lloned Ed ~ly f0twa1d Mel flw.r, IW!gl. 0\1811:1 ,OOT8ALL 11MMa1 .... ,...._.L ...... WASHINGTON FEOEAAL8 Slon•d Tommy M .. V.10, ., .... ~. Jtfl Poaletl and Don Murp11y, de len11va oac.b, Piil! Oubolt,t>!:llll •~d. end Mervin 011v1r, ruMlnQ HOCICIY NatltNI Heolltt LMfllA NEW YOlllK AANOEAS C•ll"<lllCI lht c~tl'Kt of H«1> B1ooll1. Heed Coed! "rn•ulllOH P'f.NOUINt -""' a-11 WOii Gaty Alttllng •eoo 8if!\pt0n Ntctl "'l(CI, .11m H1m111on. 11fl111 llllll>eft. Clr1!9 011tel Gaiy Conn IYM KrOOll, l'lod Bu11u1 Ne111111 lu11011 O•n tv••••'•r MUCll LAl!IOllllU• floo O•nn••. Mlc:llel MOtllMll• ~ Oll>O """ f~Clfl. OorO ~lllOf'I lOf'ly t"tllflll and lob 0.... IO f fll Of Iha AftMf"tn WCKll.Y l.-OW • , .. ('I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Prld1y, September 24, 1982 ' . . IF YOU DON'T BUY YOUR CAR OR TRUCK TODAY FROM EARLE IKE TOYOTA, YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE MONEY TO BURNI ALL OF OUR CARS & TRUCKS ARE CLEARLY MARKED WITH DISCOUNT PRICES FROM THE FACTORY WINDOW PRICE e e e NO INFLATED PRICES I . . SEE THE 'Us HERE NOW & lR US-TAKE-YOUR ''DISEOUNI ORDER.'' .. FREE CREDIT CHECK JUST COME INlll BRAND NEW 1982 .TOYOTA .TiRCIL 2 Door Sedan, 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (474743). Front wheel drive for you mountain drivers. Economy, reliability & quality -you get it all ~NO at super savings! s OUR LOWEST PRICED NEW CARI BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (~9565). All the performance, economy & reliability Toyota Is famous tori Don't miss this one! s WORLD'S BEST SELLING SIRllS! BRAND NEW 1982 CELICA SUPRA BLACK PACKAGE Automatic transmission, AM/FM cassette w/graphlc equalizer, BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP "' Standard bed in ton model with a 4 speed transmission and front disc brjtkes. You'll J-U-M-P for Joy at this fantastic buying opportunity! Fully factory equipped & ready to roll! (055811). s BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 4x4 PICKUP 4 speed transmission with multlpte:ir radio. This truck has a window package and Is fully factory equipped. (051040). s7. IMPORT CAR OF THI YIAR! ONE TOUGH TRUCK! A TOUGH TRUCK READY FOR THI DIRT! Thinking of selling your car? If ao, please conSider our TRIEX system. ,We will sell your car as you would but con9'der our plussesl We will advertise, qual- ify all prospects, take trade-Ins. have available financing & do all paper world When your car Is sokt all you do Is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TAIEX representative to Hst your car today! 7 14-646--9303 714-5-40-9467 BEST USED CAR BilYS IN ORANGE COUNTY I 11 1111 llTSR 1210•MH Aulomlllc tr81l9"11Miof'I, new paint, radio, heater and an exceptional tranepo<tallon earl ( 189PSV), 1171 TIYITI _ 0•11LU 21M1 Economical 4 1peed with atereo c .... tte, eicterlof trim pactcage & morel Very clean & completely Of1glnall (750XHY). s3799 1171 UTSll 1210 4 door, auto transmlsalon, radio & heater. low mltel. Exceptional car In & out. (189PSU) 1171 PL Ylllm OUllP UTUllOI Custom. du.I 1tlc* shift. air cond .• 11ereo ca11et1e. exterior decor. 1171 TIYITI llPIU "ll•HF" The ultimate Toyota with full power, alr cond., atereo, crulae control. Wt wheel. alloy wheal• & morel (964XMN). Don't min thla one at only s5999 1111 TIYITI OlllLU WllH Po pular 5 apeed trans., air conditioning and AM/FM 1tereo lape. (245WAN). Room for the whole !amity at the low price of just pkg .• low mllea & morel (774YPV). _ 2 ~Jn Jlr."ITT rn Clean & full "'" HAWAH ... $3 799 . .?!!.~~~AJ!!l~~lf1E~- ~----------4 ,.,. ~""G s .. 01.,...~ to QU ... ty tor Ot••-ne by tf\d 1114 TIYITI OlllLU SNIT OllPI .... lf'MO foJ 2 ffW( '°"'"° ffip tOM to HAWAI N Amef<•" .,,,..._. t.iklat ~ ••hiO ,,.-~"""""' ~ ..,. __ .,. ,,.,.. "'•"'-No"""o"-" ,_.,.,..,.,,°" O' .,,..,~ ........ ~ Of ..... h .. ~'t QWleit..,.. Of'ttir ••O-M ~ 1130181 Economleal 4 epMd tran1mllllon. • -~-• ------ air conditioning & AM/FM tape. --------Mu1t ... to appreclatel (121KXZ). ""°""-------o....,..,._,,.. ____ _ ------------------------• TOYOTA . · 1966 Hat'bor BIVd. costaMeSa (714)646-9300 . e;;;i;C=---17141 540-946 7 Opin·wteways 8:00 a.m.·9:00 p.m., S.turdays 8:00 a.m.·S:OO p.m .• Sunday 10:00 1.m.·7:00 p.m., Strv_lc• and Pim 7:30 1.~:00 p.m. Mondly·frtdlJ, Saturdly 1:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m •• lody SttOP Weekdays 18:00 ·1.m.·~:OO p.m. CIH 631-4432 -· ~ I ' \ and JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE OUR 15th . ANNIVERSARY You're Invited to join us In a double celebration. The 1983 Cad illacs have arrived and feature new levels of performance and styling refinements. Of special Interest Is a state of -the art BOSE/DELCO sound system custom designed for each cars interior and offering startlngly lifelike reproduction. Additionally, we at Nabers Cadillac are celebratng our 15th year ot" service. Stop by tonight and help us celebrate . ' • • 2600 Harbor Blvd ., , Costa· Mesa (714) 54°'\,9100. (213) 587-8266 r J fll THI RRllll Birth WHUMMIOtCAL CINTll' Mr '"o M11 ~cto111 Moecot . lrvlne. glrl Mr 1) Or llld Mre lrvce C•· Irvine, glrl .My 11 Mr '"d Mrt 01"nl1 Minni. F ount1ln V llley, boy I JulJ 17 JoM S1lerno 1no l1url1 flylor, Co111 M .... boy, .My,. Mr 1no Mre. Tom C1nnon, Hununo1on llelc:h, boy Mr Ind Mre. Miik Hilndtk!klOO, Coet1 Men, =-20 Mr. llld Mt1 John Ro11k, Cotti Mel&, boy Mr. 1110 Mrt Thom .. Stl"lll, ColllMMA,~ Mt 1nO Mr;-~.~ Bu111tmor1, Newport BMch, boy Richard P1c111rd 1no L1ut1n MOTtOI CW "*"6 •AW HUNTIMCITO.. OllfT9'M. 'AM INYU•o•un•tAL IM,AOT MflOWT cala It .. ) NOTICI II t41Al1Y OIVlN 111111 j)llbtlO lwltlna •10 bl llllld ti)' lhl Ctty ~·of lhl Co~ Of liw!Unal0t IMUI, ~IM COt#MI Cflem~ lhl Ctvlo C1nltt, HunllnglCWI ~. Cll1lotnl1, 11 lhl 110Ut ol 7,30 p m Of .. -thlf••ft.11 .. PoMlbll °" Mond1y lhl 4tn clly Of OclOblt, 1112, fQ( lhl P\lll>OM ol ~dlllf\O envlron"*'111 IMPIOt AtPorl Ho I t ·6 IM!Jeh ........ tf\l lftt,,.aa of !hi OfOPOMCI Mllllf 1t1111 of LW\d v .. for Huntington Clntrll lterk AN ln111t1ttd /'''one '" Invited to 111enc1 HI 11 .. 11no and -.pr111 llltlf 01>ln1on1 1egero1ng th• fnvt1onm1n111 lmp1cit R1po1t NOll·O , ru<1her lnform1tlon may b1 Obtalnld from the Ollloe ol lhl City Cllt~. ~ M1ln 81rMI, Huntington lh1ch . 01111ornl1 9)848 • 1714)538·5227 Caplet of 'ttR NO, 9 I ·6 llt IYllllbll fOt flVllw 1( lhl City Cl1tk'1 o ffice 1nd the Huntington Clntr11 Llbflry, DATED Ihle 24th d1y of 8tptemblt. 11182 City of Hun11noton Dllk.tt By Alk!ll M W..-.tworth Cltv Cllflc Pub!IC Ot111g1 Cout Diiiy PllOI St0t 24. 11182 423S.S2 MllC HOTICE '1CTITIOU• IM.l ... H NAMlf ITATl•NT • GooOmen. Legun1 8-Kh. boy. Thi following P«tont 11e C10lng bullnlSI H . Precarious job Construction worker is supported by crane's cable while guiding a steel beam into place during construction of a retaining wall for a Portland, Maine, fishing pier. The pier is a mul,imillion-dollar project. Reye's syndrome link eyed Warning labels sought for us e on aspirin bottle WASH LNG TON (AP) -The Reagan administration, concerned about the suspected link between aspirin and Reye's syndrome, wants to put warning labels about the c hildhood disease on aspirin bottles. In the meantime, ~ealth and Human Services Secretary Richard S . Schweiker proJX*d that the government use public service announcements to issue an 0Cfic1al warning until labels are ready. Label changes "take time and we must address products already in retail stores and homes," Schweiker said. "We have to alert parents as quickly as possible." Available data indicates the risks are greatest for youngsters under 16 who have chicken pox, flu or other viral infections, Schweiker told the H ouse Energy and Commerce oversight s ubco mmittee, whic h 1s examining the LSSue. Reye's syndrome is characterized by vomiting and lethargy which may progress to delirium and coma in youngsters recovering Crom viral infections. Betwe~n 600 and 1,200 cases oc.."Cur in the United States each year. Between 20 percent and 30 percent of these cases end in death; many o thers result ln permanent brain damage. Schweiker's proposal drew- immediate criticism from some quarters, although it appeared to be well r eceived by th e subconuruttee. Rep. James H . Scheuer , D-N.Y ., said the announcement" "may be based on a flawed study and is clearly premature given the conflicting opi nions from scientific and medical experts." DT. Joseph M. White, president of the industry's Aspi r in Foundation of America, criticized the data used in developing the proposal as "poorly developed" and "badly flawed.'' "There's nothing that would prevent the government from changing its collective mind if the industry were to come up with new data now." said spokesman Bill Griggs of the Food and Drug Administration. Griggs told the committee the procedure for lmplementing the warning-labe l program - publishing the proposal in the Federal Register. allowing for public comment, printing of the Cinal rules and providing ti.me for the industry to change Its labels -probably meant that it would not go into e ffect until next spring or summer. In addition to aspirln itself, many prescription and over-t.he- counter drugs -including some popular cough and cold remedies -contain salicylates, or aspirin, and would be subject to the proposed label changes. .to'or over-tne-counter drugs, the proposed label would read: "Warning: T h is product contains a salicylate. Do not use in persons under 16 years of age with flu or chicken pox unless directed by your doctor. Th~ use of salicylates to treat thtAie conditions has been connecteo with a rare but serious childhood disease called Reye's syndrome.'' A slightly shorter version would be used for pre9Crlptlon drugs. Mr• Mr end Mre Tim 8unaold, lr\11111, boy ,,.,., 21 Mr Ind Mrt M~hMI MIChlllll, lrvtnl. gltl • ·•uev•t' Mr. 1110 Mre Allin lJnoer. lrlllne. boy • AUfltlt I Melanle Holt, INltll, boy. ......... Mt. and Mt1. Robin ThOmPIOO, Founttln Vtlley, boy. ....... ,. Mr , 1nd Mr1. Mlch11I Cepin, Hunllrioton Bllch, boy. Business • seminars scheduled The S mall Business Administration will present three aeminan in October for s mall- business entrepreneurs, owners and managers. They are designed to provide information on personne l , financing. marketing, r ecord keeping, legal aspecta, insurance and aite location. The programs will be held on Tuesdays, Oct. 12, 19, and 26, from 7 to 9:30 p .m ., at Golden W est Co ll e g e, Administration room 209, Huntington Beach. For information call 836-2709 or 891-3991. Co-sponsors a re the Service C.Orps of Retired Executives (SCORE), Active Corps of Executives (ACE), the Small Busin ess Administration and Golden West C.Ollege. DIATH NDTICIS Foreclosure property • seID1nar set McELVAIN DAN M. McELVAlN. resident of La Pine, Oregon. formerly of Costa Mesa, Ce He was born in Fort Scott, Kansas on August 31, 1894 He passed away on Sept.ember 23, 1982 at Bend, Oregon. No services arc sc heduled . Pri vate entombm en t at the Mountain View Cemetery/ Mausoleum in Piedmont, Ca. He wa s a Shipping Supervisor for Bancroft Whitne y Publ1s h1ng Company m San Franc~'O. Ca. for 30 years before retiring 1n 1962. He was preceded 1n death by his wife Genevieve in 1980 and a son Donald also died 1n 1980. He IS survived by hts daughter Veronica Real of Costa Mesa, Ca. 4 grandchildren and 6 great- g ran dc h ti d re n Tabors Desen Hills Mortuary. Bend. Oregon direct.ors UL T2 IHGHOH SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCLIFf CHA,U 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa f\46·~371 "HCE UOTHHS SMITHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main SI Hunhnoton ~ach 536·6539 ,AC8'te YllW M&eO•IAL , ... Cerretery Mor1uarv Chapel·Crematorv J500 Pac1f1c View 011ve Newpart Beach ~·2700 McCO.Mtal MOaTUAlllS Laouna Beach 494·9415 Laouna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Cap1str11no 495 1776 HA&IOI L.AWK-MT. OLIVI Mortuarv • Cemeterv Crerre IOI'\' 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa S.W-5554 ,_CIMOTHHS l&L MOAD"' AT MOITUAH t108tO~WIY CotlaMHI 642'9150 ' The advantages of buying property in foreclosure will be discussed during a seminar at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. a Foreclosure Sale," the session is scheduled Oct. 2 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m . In OCC's Sc1euce Lecture Hall 2. Admission lS $10. by Alan Zall, an independent real estate broker and college instrucU>r. Titled "Purchasing Property al The seminar will be conducted For i nformatio n . phon e 556-5880. Singles invited An expe r imental workshop for singles designed to help them re-direct their lives will be offered at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa on Oct. 2. T1 tied "Designing Your Own Life -As a Single Adult," the workshop will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in OCC's Faculty House . ~gistration is $10. Workshop director 1s Alyn Bartick, an OCC human sexuality instructor and a therapist in private practice in Newport Beach. Class meets The South Gate High School class of 1942 will hold Its 40th reunlon on Oct. 9 at the H yatt Ana.helm, Ana.helm. Further information may be had by calling evenings at 827-1193. DEATHS ELSEWHERE SANT A MONICA (AP) -Pblllp Ober• 80, a stage and screen performer who switched from acting to diplomatic service. d ied Sept. 13. Ober appeared In more lhnn 30 fllms and television shows and BathrooHJ list warns tipplers LOS ANGELES (AP) -Taverns a nd restaurants in the San Fernando Valley are supplementing their bathroom decor with a new pitch against drunk driving: a 13-by-20 waU chart that informs you when you·ve had enough. Across the top. the black-and-white graph lists weight in blocks from 100 to 250 pounds. Down the side are 10 blocks representing one to 10 drinks. Match your weight to your consumption. ll the corresponding block is red, you're probably over the .10 blood-alcohol level thS\t signifies a drunken driver to California authorities. Motorcycle patrolmen have begun distributing the charts to bars on their beats. said Deputy Los Angeles Police Chief Dan Sullivan. "It's an educational program." he said, "and I expect you'd refuse to post it only if you're in the business of selling drinks to drunks." The United Restaurant and Lounge Association, which represents about 50 Valley taverns and restaurants that sell spirits, paid $400 for 1.000 charts, association co-chairman Jerr y LaROC'CO said. LaRocco, who owns the ~ine 'n' Easy bar on Sepulveda Boulevard, said the association adapted the chart from one used by the California Highway Patrol. Innkeepers who serve an obviously intoxicated guest can be cited by police and fined as much as $1,000 by the state's Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. Yoga class scheduled "T ota l Y oga Experience" Is the t[tle of a workshop being offered at Orange Coast College In Co.ta Mesa. The workshop la slated for Saturdaya, Oct. 2 and 9, lrom 9 a.m . to noon ln OCC'a Student Center. Workshop fee ts $8. Workshop ln.atructor ts Judy Olson, a certified teacher of both Slddha Yo1ia and .Hatha Yoga. S he teaches at several Southern California colleges. dozens of stage plays. Attorney Hunt named to unit SANTA MONICA (AP) -Rolfe Sedao, 86, a c haracter actor who portrayed waiters, desk c I «! r k 1 n n .d tr a I n conductor s during a '30-yFar career, died ~pt. 16. Attorney Vernon W . Swt · Cour\ Reform. Hunt Jr. of Sant.a Ana, vlct praaldent of the The b lu e -rtbbon C&Jtfornla Trial 1..awyC!rt t"Oalltion wu cst.abllsh«t Aseoclatlon, hu been to 1 tu d 'I co u r t arpolnted to the conge.tton, coat a nd 3 -m e mber Senate delay tn getting clvlJ Advisory Coalition on CUC?S to trial I OCC offers talks on • maturing A lecture series that explores the trials and triumphs of life's middle years will be offered at Orange Coast C.Ollege m Costa Mesa. Titled "The Middle Years." the series meets on Friday evenings, Oct. 1 and 8, from 7 to 10 p.m. in OCC's Science Lecture Hall 1. Series fee is $8 for single admission and $12 for couples. Series lecturer is Dr. Donald L. Donohugh, a physician and author of the book, "The Middle Years." For I n formation . phone 556-5880. Lectures slated Coastline Community College will present a lecture series entitled "Affirmations: Putting Your Personal Power to Work" in four sessions meeting Monday rughta, beginning Oct. 4, al the Unitarian Universallst Church In Costa Mesa. Or. Sioux Harlan, a therapist and career life planner. will be the speaker. For Information. call 963-0811. Reunion set T he 1..01 Angelea Rooeevclt Hiah School claD of t 963 11 plannlnc 1 20-year rtunlon. For Information, call Allee •t 861 ·7806 or DH• at 864-7489 COURTESY CLEANERS, 182 E11t Y()(bl Lindi Blvd , Pltcenlll, Clllfotnl1 Sung Oh Cllol, 2700 WyCllltlhlm Pl1c1, Fullerton, C1llforQla 112833 Bok Soon CllOI~ 2700 Wycket1h1m Pl1ce. Fu111r1on. Ctllf0tnl1 92633 Tiii• bullnftl II conOucted by • lndlvldulll (Hu11>&ne1 & Wile). Sung 011 CllOI Thl1 ltalemenl wu fllld with lh• County Clltk of O••rio• County on Sept. 22, 11182 \ 1ett1 ltcrow fnterprf .... Inc. I08 N. Tuttln Ave., Suite ,180 1a11t1 An•. c .i11. 121os F1MOOI Publllhld Orange COHI Oally Piiot, Sept 24, Oct 1, 8, Hi, 1982 4243·82 MLIC NOTJCE FICTITIOUS IUllNESS NAME STATUHNT Tlll lollow1rio peraon1 are do.rio bull-It • CREATIVE GARDENING ANO TREE TRIMMING 332 V1c1orla •0204. Cosle MISI. CA 112627 H1dl J1veo1. 332 v1c:1or1a •0204. Cosll Meu. CA 92627 Lori Jev1d1. 332 VIC:IOt18 •0204. Colt1 Meu. CA 2627 Thia buSloeSI •s conOucled by an lncltVIOual HIMS• Java<:to T~ llet6mlnl WU lllecl With tl>e County Clerk Of Ot1nge County on Sept n . 11182 "*" PubllaheO Orange Coasl Dilly Piiot. S4ipt 24. Ocl I. S, 15, 1982 4184-82 PlB.IC HOTICE flCmlOUI 8Ul*«H ...-1TATHllENT Th• following peraon 11 doing t>u1lt11t1u: 80NNIFIEO TRUCKING. 13111 l<noll, W"1mln111<. CA 92683. B1y1n Bonn, 13111 Knoll. W1ttmln111t, CA 92683. Thil bulln11s IS conductld by an lndMdull Bryan Bonn Thia llltement WU llled with the County Clll'k of Orange County on Slc>t 21. 1982. ,,.,.. Publl1h10 Orange COHI Dilly Pilot. Slc>t. 24, Oct 1. S. 15, 11182 424'0-U rta.IC HOTICE FICTfTIOUl.UU.11 NAMI ITAT!MmfT Th• lollowlng peraon Is doing bullntl8 .. WESTPOINTE PROPERTIES. 866 Bake< S1 .• Suite 405H. Coste Miii. CA92826 Otnl•I J Cooney. 2330 W111mW111er A"" . Coa11 M .... CA 112427 Th1t bull,_ Is conducllO by 111 lndlvldUll Olnlll J Coonly Tl'lil 1111emenl -filed with the County Clent of Otll'Qt County on $41pt 22. 11182. ,_12 Publl1h10 Or1no• Co111 0111)' Piiot, s.p1. 24, Oct. 1. s. 1s. 1992 4183--82 Mltc H0'1CE ACTITIOU• ..,..._ .. ...-aTATUmNT Tti. followl"g P•••on I• doing t>ualnlu •• COAST CARRIAGE. 34275 Cimino Capistrano. C1po 8e1en: CA 112824 Jeclc Hu11>ert1. 481 Ross St. Cotti Mesa, CA 92827 Thia butineet II c~ld by 1n 1nd1v10u11 JICll Hult>lr\S T~ llatemenl Wit filed Wllh tlll County Cllrto of Ortnge County on Slc>I 22. t982 F1•11 Put>ll1h1d Orang• Co11t Deily PllOt. $epl 24 Oct I 8. 15. 1982 41aa.82 NlllC NOTICE FICTITIOUl IUSMll NA• STA,._NT Thi 1011ow1ng peraon 11 doing bullneetn A.AA DRIVE THRU PHOTO. 717 W tlllll SI . Cotti M .... Cahf()(nll 92827 Bl<nerO Paul R1ne1u, 3117 S Schug St • 011ng1. C1lllornle 112669 Thi• bu1lnea1 11 conouctld by 1n lndlvldull Blrn1rd P Ren-.u Thts 11a111men1 was lillO w1lh the County Cllrk of Ot1nge County on St0t 22. t1182 ,,..,. PubllllllO Or1ng1 COHt 01lly PllOt Slpt 24. Oct. 1. S. 15, 1982 4204-82 MllC NOTICE FICTIT10U8 IUtlNUI NAMll aTATIMINT Thi fOllowlnQ pereona are doltlil l>ullneNat NEWPORT CIRCLE INTERNATIONAL, 711 l lOo Perk Or •A. Newport 811Ct1, CA 112683 L11111 Jin Loll1nd, 711 llOo Pirie Or •A HIWl>Ofl 811Ch. CA 112"3 Jeri 1r1n1 Loll1nd, 711 llOo Plfk Or •A. Hewporl 811Ch, CA 92M3 Titll bu1Mnlle 18 eondUClld by I Qlnllll Plfltlll-"IP. Liiiie J Lofland Thia 1111_,I w&a !tied with lhl County Cllfk of Or11191 COUnty on Slc>t 22, t982 ,,.10 Publl1h•d 011n9e Cont Delly Pltot. SIQt 24, Oct I, I , I~. 1N 2 4202·S2 Nil.IC HOTIC( MOTICI Of' A""-ICATIOH '°" CMAMM • OWNIRIHI' W ALCOHOUC •VIRAOI t.ICINll ..... To W1101t! H M.., Conoern. Mll.l.IR. Myton " IPPlvll\O tO lht ~"*'' Of AIOoflc* '""* ConttOI IClf "40" Ofl .... 9-to Mfl llc0fl0119 ~.-et HM wwi. AY9 • '°""'lift Vfl/Mr/. c~ t27ot ftut>ll1hecl Orang1 co11t Oallr "'°'· hot 24, 1"2 4263..tl • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T l c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 1 8 ClAlllFllD CLASSIFIED INDEX Tt Pllct Y•r A4, C1M . 642·5678 MMES fOI SAL( 0-tal ............... ~ ............... ..i. ,. ......... o __ ..... ., c ....... ... o.a. ..... .. fl..!,.~v.11<t rf:....i!lll ... lloHft touw ............... , ~= ~:::., . ............ ,.. ::!:'..!'.::' »Iii Jtif41'f•I"•"• .. s..t. ..... . s ........ . _,, ..... .... V...atft•Mttf ..... M.«HniJ••··· REAL mm ... . .. ""' '°" llD :: , .. 1• .... , ... , .. -,., ,., ·-IA --·-'"" ·-11• '"' ,,,,,, ..•..•.........••••.•• IOUAL HOullHO O ~~OATUHITY hMl11Mr'1 ...... , Acr .. u l•MI• •• ~ ... Ill> I•""'' IJllli All ,.., e11ate ldvet11Md In thl1 new1p1per II tublKt 10 the F•d•r•I Fair Housing Act of 1"8 wnlctl makM It Iii.a.I 10 ld.,.,11 .. "any preferen- ce, Umll1uon or dlaetlml· n1llon b1ted on r1~. color, retlglon, Hll or n1llon11 origin, or any Intention to mike 1ny auch pr1l11ence, limit•· llon or di11Cflmw1atlon." t,,!!''r.~n) :: (M"Wt•'t' LIA• (;f)IPU ·~ This ~pepei wlH not knowlngly accept any advertising tor reel ••- Ille which 15 in viOlatlon of the tew {Of)1trwrc-1•I f'tu~t\) J* ( t"'WtOftUiltUf"1\ '• flOQ ~lt1e.lii.1h It' l !llO ~to bit Mu"•d tiOO IMotrW t'ruptrtJ ~ tnd~rt•I t'rui-th llW IAl• IDt l>olr 2M ::;.•:=.~.·~.~;;,• : HUH: Advertl- ~:t~~./'pt;"" := sers should check z::~·~~~~%...... = their ads dally and =:~ :::~::: ~~~~:;•· :: report errors lm- REICTALS m e d I a t e I y . T h e 11 ...... , • ..,,.,.h..s 1100 DAILY PILOT as-;::: ~=~~':t~~ :: sumes liability for f:::::::::::::~:::: r~;· = the first Incorrect ~::=:::t~:· ~ Insertion only. !Jupl.... ....... ~ ·--------OupW•f'.l Lftl - Alll> ""'"' J1QD "-'-''-•'"'" .. Allt• ...... ""' - . ..... ,,, ,,,, koonn .OC. ..................•... kOOM&tk•rd tGl'JI ,,,, £11111 Hiot.lt Mot~• 000 .•.•.......••..•.•..•. G"""' Hoft'wit tllil C.H11J lllZ ~"1fJW'f Rt'M•I• not \ MMIOf'I M•nl•I• UiO ....•............••••• ...... '°~'·· UlO llllY DIPLU c:;.,. ..... '°' llh·nt ~ Ofhc•• M•n&•I t400 S-.."'"'" "«-M.•I tUQ htlltu•tr ... Mf'M•I UW ~.::-.~ ~ '"'"' := Imagine hvlng In one le>< .,.,,. """•'• -comfort and rent the IUSlllESS, lllYEST olher for profn lllV9SIO<S d1aam. This aret 11 ;ro-IUllT, FlllAllCE ned for more unl18 and :::::::: ~· : hH greal po11lbllilles. :~:::::::: ~· =: car1 fc>< details, 546-2313 NOMt'\0 Wt " )GIZS MOf'lif")'V.aMM• MM THE REAL ESTATE:RS .. ._.1NNO'U..cE~CMTS, - PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND SEIYICES *"tvi.« U\tH1 Of) EMPLOYMENT & ,RE,AHTION 5r"°9M fA\ltw.t'Ollft , ........ , .. ..._ ........ w4r IUICHAMll$£ AUTOS. MEW )100 LOOK mo Fo1 our new regular ~ weekly feature ~ BOAT SHOW- M# Every s~!!~ In the Daiz Pilot Classifleda = BRAND NEW "Hiatt of 11• 01ange ~nty" Town- hOl'l'lM -luxury 3 bdrm -homes b1aulltully de-"°" Signed, quality bllil1 -and .,., lln11t1clng now that you -= just won·1 behevel C•ll now erendywyne Pro· = pen-II, S31-9670 •llYFUIT* llATSUP WH l&ILI 1·1 38 BALBOA coves. 3 bdrm -2 bath REDU· CED TO ~99.5001 &IT ltmlETl1 -IULTll/ .... = ••11·1117• ::1~~~~~~~ ue11u11• $15,000 clwn, IHUq'le 11100 low lnteres1 lotns. Sharp - 3 Bdrm home. $240.000 = Fred Ten«•. 631·1286. -631-2711, Agt.. = iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii -••••• 270G 141. Ft. tftltt • 12" S.. Ft. ::: .. Let 12tl1f0. ;:: t2M,GIO ::: * ::: IHA YEAH tM On the golf cou1•e Custom be1ullful 3 Bdrm 111.. home. m1nr. m1ny Ill· ~ tr•• $278,500 With 10% -. down owner will carry •t = 12'1% Jnte<MI •Ill •• , •·Oar~ ... lffr. ::: 141.7721 :i:'.: EXCt4ANGES := Precious gtm stones le>< •TU tradl Will trade precious •m gem 81ones for Reale.-:m 111e. wm consider any· 11"' thing of reason1vte va-~~ lue For Example. Autos. vm Yechta. P1lntl~. RV's. ~:; or equity In going buSl- t1» nlSMS. pp 63 1-6186 ,,. ~! 14t1I Flnt I••• 'tlu Ou1rd1d glle comrou· ~!: nlty N .. 1 South Coast trn Plan 1 bdrm. 1 ba :: Condo $79,1199 . For .,,. tppl. 91Jll .,)1 ••• 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;:;:;;. 11'1:\P" l1Q .,..., ,,_, """' tlft -· ..... .... "'" --..., -llDI m> .... -"'"' ...., "" -.., -., --. -"11 'If••• ... rt• ........... , Fot et.inH Ml> ACTION • Call A OAllLf NOT AD-NOi ..... ,.. ' Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOl /Frlday, September 24. ~82 03 I I 0 -th Complete OranJe Coa t rket "' • .'.!•.•.• •. t.'.'··'·'·'·'······· t{~!!!' .• '.'·'··"·'·1·'······· !~!!!!~~~'.!-!'! ••••••• • •• ~!!'.!.{'.'.!.'.'.' ....... '9'.!!!!.{•1.!.•.!. •.•••• l!.'.!!!!.~'.'.l'.'.' ..••••. 1~'.!!!!.~'.'.!.'.'.'. •.••.• I!'.!!!!.{'.'.!.'.'! .••• ~ •• Olt1i ,,,, ,.,,,, i°'•" ,,,, ,,,,,, ;or. 001 ,,, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o..,,,, 1001 '-•111/ 1001 C.attd 1001 0.1•,,J 1001 '!!.'.~~~{. ........ ! .... llHll11tH ... 1i.1tH ~I!~!!.~!~ ••• ! .... ll1tll1111•11 IHtt111 111•1, ...................• ,~ .!!.!.!!:·······•u•····· ...................... ····•···•••·!~... llith11 IHI .,,.,,, I-I 11111/1 1100 011~11 1100 u11 11L1 110~1 -· ~ •1111,'1'11•"000••••• ...................... ······················ .,,.uu 11LL •••••••••••••••••••••• ·····;iii1·;u•····· u l 1.. ·• ~ ~ 1 Olll•L GAY New H111ng under mkt IOUIFHIT • .-rme luoNurdbayfronl nn.~'" billh Spae1ou1 a Or 3 Bl " •, lrede.;.,lndt Tiki N-mobllelmooul•rce O p1u1,ecr1t Mu1n111 Lge LR .~ buill 11lpi1 $1 .~00.000 w·TER-FORMAL. LAROE l'IOtnl, IHIUI .. IMl•ulllul ........ 1-1 0111r 1226.1120 loan• 11 dlt co11aoe lrpl,, on pvt :ncld• 2.000 Mi II larm ~ lamlly 1oom w/cu11om 11,12 ••rlH laJ s208 Pl Oodl•y• 01 bcl'I Leuel•nd 1600 mo llOuM. lero• bl•!'· 01' Remod IC!d 3 bc,t 2 h LM ... I ot IM unite In pr"tlt&o. Udo 01b:n111y & l111pl•ce, UPO•IO..tl49SOOO Agl 11 ,,% 101 SH OOO St6000down Stu48per beam C:ihn"", fu~bh1..!". tp.t;""1~i4~2'0".ooo~. rm '• n In 1 u I a o on do o om pf•• • formal dlnlng rm, 3 co• Gu111 dt'ti 6'Ult• t.'Ommunlly m lluntington 057•8&o7 90,.9101 •OO 3816 mo Tote: pr1c1 S 176 o--• Appro.lmat•lr 2.IOO •Cl· ft. wllh •• ,.. o•reoe Mutl ... lo b4t· Harbour water \lll'W from pructlcally 000 102 •!12 8777 II I __ ... din•-............... , two ..._...room ti eve 11 11'111 pr I Cl , N1wpor1. Oil 6tull. 2 br. 2 I IE ,:,~";;.~ .. (;'.;Nb; src1 ~) 751.3101 cv,•ry rwm. ~uch for buck yard. 36' HWPHT llTI b•. trplc;, 1100 1q 11 fl 1t111 PElllllU llOIES Pru.e We11l Bay bayrront. Slips for 2 boats temodell'<i 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1.200,000. Ocean & jetty v1ew11. Mnrlne room , 4 bdrm, 3 bulh, 3700 sq rt $1 ,:$85,000, Oceanfront LlllA ISLE IAYFllllT Lagoon view from 6 bdm1, 5 buth, playrwni. dark rm. d<.>n Boat shp. Nuw $1,000,000 IAYStDE PUCE Spect.acular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boot spaces. Redut'ed-$1 ,500,000. FAllllAllS RAIOH New 4 br, 4 '11 ba, custom French Normandy Est.alt! 1.2 prime acre )lilllop $1.250.000 AVALOI Fee simple colt.age on quiet Descanso St. (m Flats) $145.000 COROIAIO CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayf rOr\t lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w lWnN. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\•dt'Dr•ve NB 67) 6161 l• h•er's l•llcltt 2 bdrm, 2''> ba, den Condo 2 car garage. laundry hook-ups Walk lo Poo: Sauna Con11 locallon S 119,000 113-442' SAU/LUSE IPTtH EASTBLUFF TERINA CONDO, 3Br. 2"'1Ba, dshwsl'lr, lrplc. dbl oven. comm pool 833-9167 dys, 759-1318 evea Owner/Agt 3% Open Hse Sat/Sun 2-5 ~ • r Brand new home/lnl'lms. ~~.:: ','. No money dwn Of lo dwn, Agt. 636·7742, 2oi hrs IESl YOH Ill CllYll Highly mollvaled lour LOW PllOE bedroom home Roof. Dover inside Big Canyon. kltehen appliances, and Priced to sell. llghl and carpeting · all new within airy atmosphere, 2 11'1e last two years Owner Bdrms & 2 bell'IS w1tl'I will l'letp finance $1;)4, den. greal pat1ol Only 900 ~ $350.000. 131-llOO MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY MANSION Ul'llll()lJI: ti()MI: Aealiors. 675-6000 IWIHTI ClllT PWA Superb constructton uqulslle decorating 8000 sq/11, 2 acres. Spec1ecular vlewl Sec:lu· ded Lemon Helgl'llt • Norll'I Tuslln Hiiis. area surrounded by other Neat condo In adult community. Lush 11nd· seeping; all amenities One bedroom, one bath unit Great for couple. or single "first home.·· Or use as rentll locome property. Price ol $71, 000 la hard 10 bell. ll'ld seller will ISSlll Wtll'I fl· nanclng. Cail Sharon Collins. gree1 .. 1a1 .. $2, 150,000 Rick ll4trtttt GEORGE ELKINS c ot Reallor/Oeveloper 759 9100 731........ 731-5115 ·-------· lllll llU PllFECTIH POil HOME N-on market· 4 br. 3'~ ba. single slory home on huge 101 Has dock for lour 40 fl boats Back yerd with lawn & lush landacaplng Just remo- deled by A.S 1.0 deco- r• I Or $9115.000 with $175.000 down This lrg 3 Bdrm 2 Ba l'loma has been remode-led and Includes a lrg Mstr Bdrm. den •nd gl· gan1ic pool Auume $177,000 In loans A•· k ing $235.000 631-7370, 540-0312 TRADITIO\,\L RL\LT' 1'4-ct10 ~ ---,, 1TAYLOH CO I ---·~) RfSIOCNTIAl RUI fSIAI£ SERVICES CHOI& Ill llR llll,000 I magine i f you will a large completely remodeled Cape Cod that overlooks Little Corona Beach. Recognize if you dare that this is today's best value in CDM location. Quality tenT\S. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 STAR GA'ZEK"~ ~-=-~:....---81C:.LAY1l POLLANr----r----1 ~ :::'.,°;!~ ~:·::: ~ 1¥1 f,,. dro>•' op ,.....\W9f' ,,.,, !.atu1do" rfod-~c""'~·"'O'"",,.,,,...itw'' • ~ lodoc. bortt\o •·r ~ ..... , ... 1•·~ '1~ fU.'• n v., ........ , .. , \()a.;..... ~ .......... . ., ... I • ,,.._.,. '°"' •r....i .,..,.. ,.,. .... tOOow '°'"'"'' ,,, .. ~ .,,,..,.,,, p.:~U.1...-l :;~· !j~ ... "°"""' .... ''°' •th•• 1.,..,. .. , .. "-··· .,()t ,.,...,.... ....... , ... ~ •• , • ....,_,. ....... ! .. 1:..<..:;:.:~..j ,. ... , we._...-. ,,~ t•O.. n......_... U1~-. 1'"'4•... ,,, .... Jt ft t-fM•-..."" ,,......... .. ....... f"lo':!.!,.!!!aj._j ~~ :~ It,. tit ... ,.,...... •c..-....... ., ... ¥; (ioo.j .g, \J ..... ''"" ·-•l--. u'f:..-., .... ··-... . .......... .. ,.., ... .. ....... ... _ t• ., • ., • ., .. 11Wo ,, '*' ,...., .. t>u .. 1'~h• ,, ,, ...... ...... ... .,, .......... •• l ... .... ., __ ...... o; .... .,...,_ .,_ . .... ·-.. .,...... -( s, .. ,.,. Vll W trom OCMn and ber •• mountetne. bo<ll cloc:k Lgc• nt-ui· rww homl' over 3200 FllH Upgr1\lH so.ooo Dy •• !!.~~~~/.~ ..... !~!~ lloet11lpavelleble.Deootl•whlt•cerpel liq.ft. RNI tilt• roor 4 an (ind hugl· Try120Kdn·$1400/mo. ownM.831•1111 Tradelree·Clear30r.281 Wllh form•I ••II coverln91. IH0,000. mustrr bdrm i ultd, 3 Ba. family rm, 3Br 2ba. huge lot BY OWNER. lrvlne .. The home. Anaheim . oom· Larp boat ellp •V•lleble. f I Owner/Agl Prlnc:pole 0 r o 11•1 · b • • u 2 p1e11 rtlurbleh HM• 11--1._,--1-1-,--1~00f~1 formul d ining rm w/wetbar, 2 P l''s, spo only 1182·8891 t>drm/2b1, dbl• ger UP· tenant 1o yre tor At• \\ ·\ 11 HI HI)' I 110'1t..., 1't, •••••••• !,~~•••••••••• ++. Luxury living ut lt.s besl. $775.000. greded 169,000 On LA. Orange. s Diego. 111 \I 11111.. CHARMING AEMOO 3 &>lier motivated. Suggest $200K down. OAIH lffHI Greenbelt 111.000 dn c:oa:a111 11eu, seo.000 • ·•· "' ""' 1· ... ,., ,. ,, ,,, .•• ,,. ,,, Br+lolt Trade/IN opt lor •rwEL 832·111t9 \ 7 1 4 I U 8 . 2 8 46 or dup1111 or unll 1113.15115 IUL llTATI IY LIOll • 311s.5511 JIU~ 'a I ••••I It•\ ,, . .,.. ....... , .. 831-1400 ti 1 \teHIH' \u· H.o ... t•&.....t *DOYER SHORES* This custom Ivan Wells designed home was built with executive entertaining in mind. Quality throughout from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany paneled fmly rm. Some of the nume r o u s f eat ures are : Sensational view of Fashion Island & ocean. black bottom pool & spa w/outs1de bar. 3 car garage. complete security system and of course fonnal dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence, call for private showing. $1,500,000 FEE. IEWPHT IUCI OFFICE 2110 la• 111111 lrlwe (l14) llt·1I01 (114) ll2·llll RfSIOfNllAI Rf Al rSIA1r SERVIC[S PllllHU 10' IHFlllT Probate sale of $1.400.000 cash. Minimum overbid $70.500. Court date 1017/82. 5 Bdrm home. separate lot. beach, dock for 70' boot Marda Bents, 644-9060. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 .'/"-· ----11,. 1•1 tt,.,. Complete oce1n view l l&IUlll -•• • • -lrom thll Immaculate 3 Tr1d1 my lree/clel• Fl ( 1fll111l1 1001 ,. .. IOI ... '-I l1tu.J1 bdrm, 3 ball'I home wilh Oout>l8 wldl 2 bdrm property for Ille mdl mu •••••••••••••••••••••• "•Ill ,..,, .. UY If -• 1uper 111g1 terrace for Cameron In one of ll'le home 968·2045 PE•l•t•LJ POllT ••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••• ••••••••••••••• tnlertalnlng, lounging or few 5 llar Pll•kl In our Tracie 4 1o1a. 2 Iola Ml .. Oorgeou1 Cape Code &IHI. Yl I'-Lill labfrt1t Wtt41trl'at boll watc;hlng Sheltered area A11acl'led aun rm elon Lakea c c . Palm Cullom Ooe ol the II· 4 br. 2 bt on quiet cul· 5 br, 3 ba, POOi, l•c pool with large deck and carport. Beautflul Spring• area plua mem- nut new l'lomea and de-uc nr So. Co111 Owner/agt 551-8829 apace for aunnlng. FEE condlllon. Priced al full bttal'llp, 2 1011 Crettllne loc:11lon1 on the Point. Plaza OWC 12% 2od TO LANO. Owner linaoclng. $34,SOO by •muous OW· a1ea overlooking Lake Sl1p1 to Beach and Bay. w/20'1• dn. $13oi,OOO. By OWIER IOTIVlTHl $800,000. ne1r71 ... , 1.73 ....... 00 Gregory for dwn pay· Ocean View Quiet res· owner 642-2178 Fantastic t>uy in lovely • v •• men: oo l'loute, Newport, ldentlal area. Excellent neighborhood E>1cellent Hf! 12131 Ul·HH CM area 835·5011 flnanclog $530.000 •Mesa Verde 3 br, pool, llnancing Only $127,500 H .aR BOA Open Houte Sat aod Sun spa. Buut home Al· Call nolY 979-5370 ~ I I 1·5. 1531 Eiat Ocean sum 139K 545-9904 .!!!~a.! ••••••••..••••• Blvd Builder/Agen t .IHT LllTH Lid O ty HHfff f•t1id.J 673· t 1611, 676-oi666 Fixer upper. 3Br, I' •ba 0 e •••••••• ••••••••• • ••• • le,,,., '•I #II JOZZ on A2 101 Vacant SIPI 673-7300 11/H• S ,Os 000 C. I 21 A r>:\ •~:on or •••••••••••••••••••••• • n ury i~~ri~~!i~~~1:::::::::: rt1ill•ll 3/01 l•'•lt Ytllf Offtr Gold Co111 Ae11to11 II Jroor I nvc.,lmcnt Co •••••••• •••••••••• •••• Home+Ou11t+1ncome 548· I 168 #12 WE Pl•H Oceanfront l'louso, Winter owe 111 . Ae11 Terms BY OWNER FINANCED, Assume financing. 1mall UYSIORH Atlfl'J.f ,., ,,,, IZOO renl81 Furn Lg& 2 bf. 1 5011 Acacia CdM nr bCl'I $5.000 buys 11 in Costa down. and move right lnl IELllllTI ••••• •••••••••••••••• ba. patio, W/O, lrpk:, 500 Spotlffl Vacant Duplex Mesa 4 BR 2 Ba, 13% & Spacious 1 Bdrm condo Spectacular 360 degree W Oceanltont 635-5066 Huge 5br/3ba+3br/3ba 1 137.ooo. Call Friend & wllh open beamed eel-Now llSllng. Gate guar-view. 20 acres horse or 997.3970 440K own/bkr 645·7048 agt. Don Plall, 6 .. 2•9797 lings. large kitchen. di· ded community Spa. ranch s Barbara Co. # I i 3169 TRADE .... your boflng Income pro- ~rty or outgrown reSI· dertce will'I large equity for this neat rustic: and roomy 4 bdrm 3' • balh home wlll'I 180 deg ocean v:ew In walk to beach Corona del Mar loc•llon REDUCED TO $475.000 wlll'I 11 75'1. Int. H4-l211 MESA IEL MAR Unbellevable terms! OWC Isl Remod 3 br. 2 t>a. tam rm. Owner needs a deal 720-1101 HH•E LOW 1•n1EST Lii Owner will help finance super 4 Bdrm, excellent areat Only S 132.SOO Cail now 979-5370 . \ t : ,IL I 1l I~' II Hl Al '' 4 1~./l --.f"I Pl4T'l Cnl0nngd•. re8an, dflrnalpctaec;edse, ca~•. clous lmly home on q~lat 1 o % l n 18,.11 t own 8,, • !."!r.!! •• !~! ........ . ~ street. Your decora Ing 997.4434 LIDO ISLE . 3 bdrm, :am Enjoy all ll'le amenllle1 1oucb wlll add much 1---------1 "'The Lakes" hasto olfer. charm to ll'lls lovely 3 I i r ••• t 1350 rm.• Ba. SHOO mo Close 10 Nori hwood BR, 3 BA convertrble .!!.t. ••• !.'l.!!I ••••••• 11lopp1ng $99,000 den home. $449,SOO incl Older OupleK near 4511'1 st. ••2·1200 l•nd Dick Halderman NB 3 br, 2 t>a upstairs. • 84•·11200. 2 br, 1 '·\ b'a downstairs Wiii sell as IS for $700. 000 or will build 10 au11 for 1875,000 & up. (plans & approv11s ob111ned) A rmll1ge Realty ~ PETE j BARRETI ... REALTY 11: Macnab -Irv me I 714-S44-2o484 I~~~~~~~~~ By Owner Immaculate 4 Duplex on the sand. 30th Ll•HI lf1tt 1041 Br, 2'"' Ba The Bluff st NB Newly remodeled ••'••••••••••••••••••• Condo. Kini schools. In ind out. 3 br .. 2 ba. OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm 1 Ba S700 mo BIH Grundy. Rllr 675-6161 Beau11tul home for quail· fled Pll£..SOns gracious ii· 111ng S'!500/mo l se 675·1530 Oulstending I & den. 2 Ba, sundeck, for 1 or 2 persons. $750/mo lse I yr Lois M iller, ag1 631 ·1266 AIAIDOllED $175,000 Make oller upstairs. 2 t>r . I be S • • ---------Custom ocean view 21 31541 •3792 downstairs Min 10% l;C LAUREL PT TOWNHOU· home. 2 Br. spa, So LB· down OWC balance at Oceanlron1 2 Br 1 Ba garage, patio, no pel1 Includes utlls unlll June $625 & $575 /mo 646-2510 -SE guna tocallon. steps to COllT••CTORS Ill 13.9'1. for S yrs Great for Assume $82.500 12% 30 t>each Steal 11 tor $275, "" summer rentals $735, 10% IOWI Deluxe duplell • terms to 111 your budget Own· au or part 01rreu own/agt RE/MAX 7511-1221 yr Isl $30,000 12% 2nd. 000 Darrell. agl Re/Me11 000 Arm111ge Really 3 Br 2'> Ba . many up· 759· 1221 s 179•900 _1_1_4_-s_4_4·2484 Fully furn winter rental ~d~n~n~g~31~!32• OCWFllOIT for expansion Loca1eo c,.,,,11 Ltll charming 2 BR 1 Ba in N-port Helgl'lls area C r•ll 1500 co1 1age 2 houses 10 CAMEO SHORES. by OW· IHA VHIE ner. ooe1n view, 4 BR. S Lovely 4 BA pool home ba, den, pool, Jae., 2 wetbtra New roof. car- •SU 000 4111/Patl PrlCe goes up 1n 2 wk• 3 Br, 1l.ba. clean, w11 wheo fitted w/reallor. 4 $124K, now S 114K Ketty BR 3 BA w/ ocean/bay Own /Ag! 63 t ·6040 view. Great 1erm1. C•lllii64ii1·i883ii3iiiiiiiiiiiil 759-1010 Opeo Sun 1·5 011t1 Sat 1-1 313 Heliotrope Beaull· lul, sp1clo,i1 home plus Income unll W1i1< 10 beach Bkr 846-0295 E1111e Sele C•pe Cod dream cottage, 2br, 2ba 548-3112, 6734725 I l .. HlllLEI TllPlU IElll IEW DeluAe owners unit has 3 Bdrms, 2 baths, fire- place. end e11cloaad yard Two 2 Bdrm unlit complete complex Lii your tenants help make paymenll Call todly HI-OHi Two assumable loans •••• 7~ •.. •••••••••••• beach encl porch agt For more Information calf 2 cemetery lots, Pac1f1c 675-1642 Dorothy. Own/Agl. View, $1200 01 beSI of· Beauhlully & completely 114/IH-1000 fer. 6-«-7605 furn secluded 2Br. 2'•Ba Co•lll1ttill Coodo. pool, teonls, spa ---------•ncl Oceao vi-. $1200 1toNtlr 1600 mo yrly Agt Aak for •••••""0•"'•••••••••••• Coonie 6o46 -8723 . COMM'L C-2 613.1300 WHTCLIFF Prime C M toe: 4000 sq STEPS TO BEACH 3 Br & 11 bldg, 15,000 sq II prop single 213/285-3507 1200,000 S IOOO/mo Inc Sale/Rent 360·5466 617-3585 960-1596 720-0662 . By owner, choice quiet tocauon 3 bdrm, 2 ba Pool home, 2 sap. fenced y11d1 Reduced $20K, priced for quick sate Asking $240,000 llexlble Call 645-7S34 NIOE llHIOTlll D I / h•tt £1•H1 Jllf IPEI Ill 1-~ ---------.,, IXfl ········""············ UI Wi14lstr VERSAILLES U1it1 lot 1111 1100 2 bd walk to beach • • • ••• • • • • •• ••• ••• •• • • $650/mo Oct-June 83 Ovlslltndlng while waler PENTHOUSE 1 bOr s•PIR TU SllLTEI lociudes Ul•i s 12131 views can be your• to $ 000 999 2953 enjoy from this large I•· prime loc 15· dn FH llYHTHlll ---·-------Owner Wknds 1·5 PM C mlly home In a prime 631•506•. Mon -Fri San lemente pride or Nor11'1 End IOClllOI\ 4 lo ownership, modern Spa-ll bdrms, 1>111iard/11mlly _7_1_4_·9_8_3_·2_5_2_9____ nl11'1 style 4 unit apt. room. view deck Wlll'I spa IEWPORT .IElllTS house wlll'I ocean/l'lltla & & owner assisted linen-443 Fullerton Ave golf course view Close BH1n U1/.,•ldH .•...•............•..• G.111•/ 3ZOZ ...................... IHTALS clng. Call for more •m•· s 3 3 5 , 0 0 0 . w 1 1 1 lo every1h1ng, only 3 nltlea SS99.000 ••cl'lange·submll. 4er. years old & shows like Vearly·Weekiy·Wlnter 2. NEW! N-owner could 3,oi Bdrms '*"0......,_ ~-0-• ~B:~ ~e~1~11~n·gS ~~s oc:c.upy 3 Bdrm .. 2 bath JACOIS llULn 64 2· S 140 anytime or City ' ooean view •Pl II PalP 846-5754 btwn 12 & 4 applicable & ren1 1l'le oll'ler 3 apertments for MllllEIEIT Income Setter wilt help finance & SAVE buyer 171·1113 thou11nd1 of dollars• ---------LEASE/OPTION ------------------blockl trom Big Corona. I A cozy 2 Br cottage 21 Only $169.000 COLD Well BANl(eRO f114J 494-1177 and lock In • 30 year II· xed 11 '-''h loant Cati lor de1a1ls. Versailles Pe11- t l'l o use, lovely view. security gale. pool, gym • asking S 129,000. Owner motivated. Make oNer • Agl Rod. REDUCED selfing price l1Jfrt1t/hr1. of $2115.000 00 la way Onve by 1611 B1ystde BELOW current repla0$-Or Lge dock, 3Br. lam ment costtl' Prlnclpals rm Outstanding loc ONL Ytll Call owner at A11a11 now $3000/mo ·~=":':':-~. :- ..... to '-" ·-""""° -· I ROTEH Y I I I' I I I I FREAT I I' I I I ~ I MEDE" IJ~ 14 II I I . Old women :oo111no 1n10 111• _ . • . mlrrot '"fl I wH 1•190 10 11eve wiln-lea. why eoulCln't 1,,., all I L 0 F U J y I h•,,. bHn on --? .. .....,,-..,,,.....,,-T"l .....,1....-4 0 c_.... "'• .~ ... •1• _ ... .. _..._ .... _..._ .... _......__. ...... !!:1!,1,:..::.-;:, .::! • '91NI NUMIUIO UllftS IN H<I Sf SQ\IAIU ... UNloCIAMIH l(l'llS 10 I V yfl AN$WU r r r r 1· r 1 1 •1111 IOUll-UTi btwtn I• llielfflt1Ht1 Int . Find Whit you want l11 Shop at home. WI 1uy Deity PHot CIMlll!ldt. with clllllfled 8-42-5971 B. EllertHO • BrOkef' 1714! Ctdt/l1Jfre1t 842 0138 Avail turn o r unfu rn. I 675-2373 or 720-07•0 ~L--.TOM 7'c,~.;;;,.:--=,,ii,~.~.--=~1inoii.z~!!~~~~~~ f~I!.'!~ .~!1.-.!L. !.~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••Ii I i V. II 1034 llLY 1,-. IOWI .~;"!!.~!! •• ~ •• V....... VILLE DE CERISE SBA, 2'1tb•. 1906 sll. IWTIC BEAUTIFUL lll-4000 -len1ast1c locallon w/ $189.500. Aasume In. llHICTltl l TOOLWONWHOO~'LEOS OWC b1iance Prine .., 0 I 5 4 4 6 3 9 o & 4 Bdrms. 3 btll'ls. touge By Howard Merli co 53°9.~951 • lam rm w/lrplc, formal lrom $159,000 ----------1 dining rm. 9')&rkllng pool 495-32•4 760-9355 !!f~!!. !!!r.!!l.!'!!! 6-PleJC In l:liulfs. N B Bii owners un11 II 111ra lge 9.,...% 1at S85SK. Submit terms 720-1858 Owner/ PH4trtsl St. & spa A real buy In a ~;;;;;;~;; 3 bdrm, 2 ba Sep din great neighborl'looCI l/ntMtt •aci /Off rm Covered patio HUARYt Bkr 848-4557 ••1•·1••"18••·••l•1•1••E••1••1•.;;~·· HARBOR RIDGE r-4--P-L_E_X_9_6_t-1m-es--gross __ , Adams and Harbor, nea B••li•s,.· gu. DISTINCTION CM Sales price $195 Agent eve<ythlng. $135,000 Gorgeous 3 Br home w/ Elegant llvlng w/5700 1100 (4) 2 bdrma units 963..0383 J.11 /HO pvt yrd, putting gre1n 1.I , la111Sh use ol marble. Agt 548-1168 ----------1 •••••••••••••••••••••• end many e•lr1s Try 4 Bdrm suites wine IUPEI H TIIE WI '°"• dwn For details call • 2 Covington 4 plexes, side • L F I room. llreplaoes. & ele· by aid«! So Cat Plue OPPORTllln Ha trto H•rt P 1 tr1 c k T • n ° r 8 • v at or· $ 1·89 s.ooo Great price graal t8fms 2 story, 2 bdrm 1111 be 760·8702 64•·1020 • 12100 MOVES beach-Condo co-op Ll .. t HAL EST&TE Bkr 97H 313 YOI II Pool. uun1. weight ---------Sharp 5 unlll E-llde C M vtews, 2 Br en sec bldg w/pool $995 Iii.ea Ceus / .... ,.. Brand new home 2Br den view snp tor lg bo•I Ave 1l n o w $2500/mo W1t1rfrt1t lt•H H1·1COO •• , ... '""' 3206 ........•.........•..• 4 Br 3 B1 Den, Din Am. gar No pe1S SI tOO/mo 227 Coral 2131395·3511 room, lub perking 11• C/t•HI• 101f 0 W C Makes sense al Builder has capital gain Ocean end Pier View •••••••••••••••••••••• 15% dn Bkr 979-4383 C••ilttllO h1ti3Zll protJtemt. will lease with Uated at $1110,000, S65, CYPRESS COVE. new ---------1 ••'••••••••••••••••••• oe>lion lo pvrCl'llM within 000 under market All liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil •Br, 4Ba, be•utlful view L•ll 1'1 l•lt 1100 House for renl In C•Pi· 15 months It TODAY'S c;ael'I or new lln Ore•I home LISie<! $450,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• slrano P•llsades. 3 Br 2 PRICE N-2 or 3 Br. 3 oop'y for someone who ILIFFS UIUll By o wner $389,000 1Y IWIH Ba Children & pel Ok Ba Condo-1/c • lu• can •ct fast Agent You own the land. 2,000 675-9702 oys. 494·0022 1'"' lots :n Huntington S II 9 5 / mo M • r Y 1menittff Grett location 531-8100 Ask for Jim SQ 11· 3Br. lam rm. 2'~ ev .. Bob Beach CA oo 21st bel-4 9 3 • 0 2 0 2 J •an next door to 111 11\op Righelme< Bl. wide Gre«1belt, near weeo Pac:lllc Coas1 Hwy 661-4188 ping, the11er1 & Iran•·•--'--------pool Far tMtlow m1r11e1 ENGLISH a n d w • t n u t "•1111 ''' .. ,r 3••z Por1•1ion CLtlE" MEAi s245.000. Wiii ..... op-71 •·96().2•11 ~~ •••••••••• '!'~ ••••• ~~-714 63 1 5055 N lion. Bkr. 6-i~-O 134 • • or o money dow n. no Tll'\l\D ESTATE OOSTl MESA Ali new ~Br. 3Bt. lrpic, 6-42-2000 qualllying own your IWVR lndry rm, garage unit, home on our unrque llHIClll Marlner'a Pl. d•a•tlc ,.. PIHi l1111rewe4 close 10 all $1150 mo COLLEGE PARI shared •ppreclallon fl· SEA VIEW • elegant & ductlon to ftr 24 Ctdts La e . 7 5 9 • ll S 7 O or By owner St 10,000 In ~~~~!n1~ :U~t h:::ch~ cl'lermlng Hampton 1121,000 Permit• can be Issued In _6_7_3_-4_S_6_5__, ___ _ UM.tmable :oena. Spec· 3BR 2"'1bl. 1600 to 2100 ~:~:1;, l~~u~~ufa r r~e~se Over 5000 a.I. ol e•qul-45 deya Some IUbordl· 2 Br 2 Ba Condo, 2 car t1culer new aparkllng 1q ft . Pewmenta from sit• luxury, panoramic nation 111elleble $675, g er age, 2 block 1 I o pool & 1p1 make this 3 ' comm w/pool tennla ~an . ..._.. S'"'fer tinan-000 Own/Agt Western oce•n . w/d , ref11ge .... 2 ... , .. _~ 1 ltrrlllc S 1200 lo S 1600 mo. C•ll t·~1111•-a ••95 000 Onen .,...... ...... "' A E F "' .,. 'IV''"" Q -"' · -' · ,..-·· clng av•ll•ble Phone lnaoclal 933-7890 $695/mo Soi0-5324 bargem. Fll\IUtlc flnan-eorge Brooks Mon House Sat/Sun 12-5 Lingo 49•-4950. Atk IOf (wiH co-opetlle) clng Will not last long 11 lhru Fri, 714/9111-5558 19 O 3 V • c l'l t Co 11n1 'all " QUIET toc1t1on 2 Br 2 $139,500 Open house E1tolltfye TrHtftrrt4 644·1017 Wat or Joy lftHl'11, IJ.11rt, car gar 1 bloci.. 10 Sat/Sun 1·5 070-7205. New 11111no 137.500 to MYll SlltlH I.a J111 l111rl 1400 "b each. S 1000/mo llYtlCE assume 1132,600 loll\t. Cullom 3 Bdrm wlllf· C.~111•• 1011 •••P•A••L•M•••1·,··11•1•1••1•S•••• 876-05•0 , .. 01• •HE Gorgeou1 trl-le11el. 4Br, frOl\I llOn'le w/pter & sllp •••• •••••••••••••••• Nice 2Br 1'> bl In opts -Ag t 9 5 7 . 8 5 o 7 0 r FEE ljnpialae<I St 125 2 Br/pool, $1108 total mo By o w NE A N 1 w Living rm w/lrptc 1un-•11•AA llft 963-11101 ,.. • • • pymt plu• aaaoc:ellon c 10 .. llt .. 10 deck. ger. 10 o l hwy • .vv 000 Sacrifice et on1y d ($731 ) Closing us m uu uome r 3 1paclou1 bdrm•. 2B•. l'-3•I 1~... $899,000 Assumable 11t c:ts.,P roxm;1700• As· 11.le, ei<chenge or trade. $850/mo. 323'o'\ Lark· w/lrplc & lg 2 car glf•.ll•· .~';~ ••••••••••••••• ~'!' 11\d 2nd Opell hOUH kl s1f.1100 •93-2117 Loclled .near preatlQlous •put. 638-145-3 wkdys Full pr!u 1111.llOO. Ow· Sun 1-s. 1038 Po11rl1, f\O • · ~•nyon Country Cl\Jb c.,,, #tll 3114 ner duperate mutt Mii PRIVATE 64&-0523 Ot"tt IHI •·tilt ., .. In Palm Sprlng1, 3. •••••••••••••••••••••• ASAP PIHH call bkr • -400 IQU.,. fMI ol luxury SUCH A DE.AL 3rm w/tll 631-4517 or 831-22•8 SPA BEST DEAL IN HARBOR ••••••••••••••••• .. ••• Jiving 111111'1 3 bedroom• utlH>d c:o~ kllctl $325 RIDGEi Beaut. 3 Br home #ttJ/t ••• ,, 1od ~'.Ai b1tl'l1. POOi end OC-Rt!NT ALS 7~·33 t• a bdrm•. 2 ba. Plan 3 In Wlll'I lnc<ld view In I>'• ,,, .. ,. II# J • c u I l I Orenge Trt• Ptllo 1t1glou1 gale guarded •••••••••••••••••••••• S47S,OOO•lurnlal'lec:t, ISi OISTA •SA Homea. ProleHlonalll c 0 mu l'l'I II I• 8 5 M ..... , IUOI TD ot 1425.000 II 1$~ ..... ··-.... decOl'elld Plulh c!'P!.· 842·174& Qet A ire Home, l:ll'lt Cell weekd1y1 only "---orator ,,_,,_, , ..... cuatom 1nutter1 "11c.,. 1 • 5 •o •331 e " .,.._ .. -.... ..-11111 &l'Ml\lti.t 1134,.600 llTlTI .... lntertor1 2 bdrm. t I) th, ( 1 .. ) .. ... ro .. 1r c1ou1 2 b<Srl'I\, 2.,.0&, new 3 a 2, front llllchan. 8lCPlnded COOPlf•llon Cepe Cod Pool. l •c, Beck Bay llH. r " llv, dining arH Y.ou11g ,._1 I ,. '1 recre&llon eree, P\11 Pl· Ba. 2500 aq 11 Secutlty 1.dulta l pell w.icom4 .,. • "''' 1 b le ·"'"' 11 '·"'-, ........ L ... . No other newspaper brings you rl')Ore of your city council, planning commission, school and college districts and county 111 OT of 180,000 fully H1um1bl• Own•r wlll carry 2nd TO •Ito 3 Bdrrn f&m11y hOme GOOd location OWNER AN· XIOUS Alklnq S124,llOO. Call 5'40· 1151 ~HERITAGE g11e. privet• oommvnlty S2 500 ~o 5937 hf ,. llSO to, • ony, ... ne °' ., 1305.000 5% Down. Wiii 4• • ••••• ~!;r............ & t g&1eoe, o.eor11or c:onsldw tred11, •tc Live In ~t Belch for S•n Lui• Obltpo County wm•0,1P8S*. s 1odsro8r:oi..Ca•~ ArmllllOI R .. lty 119,000. 2 bdrm 1 b• lo 714•54•·241• privet• comm. Vaty A Very Unique Cu11om 548·2239 10.30 to 5.30 t •... ,. ,,,. ·--· cl .. n MUii ... View H0tn• In the City ot ·p~m------· • _.. 875-27~ San Lula Obllf>O 4 bell, • on ~wport Baywltl'l lllP 3 bt, 1221.000 wl tl'I To pl~ menaoe "..... d.'ttl' .. ..-..L . ....:... Total MCUrlty ••H.000 Only 2·llY In Pall'!\ XLNT nnanc:ino Call Jim the MUAVlAOl!l'IOme•Br. -...ru~MC"'•~. Call AM Mrt Gori Springe 3 ldrm 2 8a Oelkln, 1g1 (1051 ~ reedlngput>llc, tlo bnln llQ $132 000 Buying end lllllng at • 714-32a.7517 II'• • dolll'loun Quiet t>roc:hure to PO 8011 ~Pilot ' ' reaaonable PflC•thlt'• -1)1111. Clut>flOUM. llltted 8 ,.....,~ CtlallflM, ... t -H11 · government than the llily Pilaf . .. NI Al JOAS 2b& ~ wt-.. btr, pe• ~7 u . e 3 1 • 2 • • Q • o' w/glHHd·ln addition IU ·H II or write lor ~ LIW... 'llltl•t cluellllO 11 all SELL Idle lt•fll• wn11 • pool, 110 SU UO ~~'!-...oT u. .... _ ._.IL....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.L;;;;:::::;:;....7_1•_1~754-"_:l4tl-:::::--:-::..:J·•·-·-b0u~t-.64~2-·541...;._9~~~ ~l'llotaa.m.ct Ad ~1~!2~8~·~:"'4::~~==::::~n:d~l ~C===-:::==========i!~~~~~~!!!!!!!! .. .. :·:·: -----,-...------- Orange OoHl OAILV Pll.OTIFt day, S.plember 24, 1082 t ~!.!m.!r!,.we.':4 .. ~!.!!!!.f~.,,,,Je.~ .. ~m.PP!e~ .. ~~nt.Vl'!N!{IAft .. ~r..~1!!1~!!.~1.-.ie.~ 7:;::::1,., '"ct';••;1• , A7.r7.A" ~!'11.!f.P.1!1.t'jf C11t1 #n1 Jll4 •Htl•flM "-1•1 ll••1l "" r.111/1 JIM ...... , "''' 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• ~.P!~.~.! ......•.. •···•················· ...... ~ ............. ••••••••-····•·····•··········• ... ·I JU ::7 ••••••• ,........... ••••••••••••••••••-;.':? ••••""•••••••••••••·• C,,1 Iii 1114 C I Iii Jll4 #i I ..,,,A 1MI IHllllR Ch.ell 11 °"' llt>i wl lQ ...... ! •.............• Ad11ll community, 2 Br 2 NRew 2 B1 Oondo.,neu wi .. r•ft Rt .. T"'L ., ....... ~ ••• !!~ ............ !.'.~ ... !!~ ........... •••1111111 • .'.'!r.f~ ......... :r.,~. gar patio lg yd 1•60 sne10 2 BR COndO ' llY Ba. den, dlnlllO rm, a 111Ch Market ' rf'WYS, .. " " " ' • .... Tflllef IOI ,.,,, ' IJr 1226 ,,,,i 11•• I Bdtm a .. ' Wlltt pO FlllEll OC·R[NTAllJ 750.3314 •ll bltne, l)OOI, 1'6<> mo' ptlloa. pool, lee, club· o •I ht d rt I Ct 11111 II I ' 80rn11, Newport Ptnln sraclout 2, 81 I 01 1426 plus Ullil 1100 MO dtP ••••••••• •••• • •••••••• Slove, ref rig No pelt Call 640-ttH Hk tor "°"" 1700 Pitier long WHhtr/dryer. pool, IUI• Pl•Y• RMI I!••••• Dr , • e. ••1t1 NOCllllllrenordOQ• 133 YOU IEIERVE ITI '''Ol mo Aull 10/8. 0144oet&latO-t9geMY •Ir •la ....... ' ,.,,,, IM. M1·3830 clbllH. •g•· QlttO I C· 973-lllOO L1und1y lee . 0001 .. 10111 8 , 8 e • ., • 1 ... 8 11... All cllenla KtMtlolC:t tWilh • ' " ' ..,... & .. IS OHt 12 ?PM "' P ce '"' • Offullf\11 & plfk like tWllll ng ""' .,.. a f FrplC renQt ylfd Ill CHI. 18 0/mo ltUt V .. rly 1 8r lurn wl encll<l . • CM btwn Newpotl 61Vd PhOlot • rt IHtnGM llge.' no peii p,1~elt 0111 3 f!A, a Be. FP Wiik IJl.{•!!1~ •• ~{l}! •.•• 1.1_!! pttlt11ed 8.U· 178' d, QltlClt no pell HOO SfU;;;;.O 1., • 1 l!tr & Su~llof '!'~=t.':::101 o::• ,!w~.Mt~'!!!' C1tc1J11 CotmOC>Olltln 1eoo1n10 111 plu• ·~ ~~ri~l:~•·1:h~::~ 3 BR 2 ba, 0 .. 111. lg• 832'313 .. n, 1115.11&00. 011den A 1, p~I & 1ec Me .. veid• ., ar 1 U• •Covered Parking OA'f.'i3e1""" ...... 0::SrO::~A5,::a· only. 848 W t81h St 644:1004 • condo, 111 emenl•IH Cul••l•I••• · I f t/YI I ., •• 110~ lllh 81 ~ •Spacloti• Apll I rt 1.o11 1111 499·1611 --Chlldren & pell OK Hll rtl IW ---gatagt, llkt new COnd •OI I •ro• -u•fRNf .. ,. ,. • HOMES FOR RENl 28&•2 Ouadlene 1778 ft,./dttl 1400 Outlllndtng 2 1110 3 * 281 tea Nell So 0 fdlltmo 7141862·2390 n ng"' -;~'.' bak:~ :i~~h~& 3 & 4 8drm. 1725 10 066;11432 •••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm, 2 ba, ldry, frpc, Plaa, 8.A Luxury Con 81uirp a Br houae. trove, :~:~017,k<;~~!~oni ~~arz/~·1.~~e I J60 Male 35-.t& thr 5bf, 2ba OC·RENTALS 760·3314 1800. Fenoed yard• & h•••rt IHtll. 1181· 2 oer 1800/mo II. clo. wlpool H&O No gttege. No 1>411 1600 1 blk 10 Hvn11no1or1 -,,..------hH nr 8C.Pl1u/F1wy ge11gea Kid• & g•t• #IWNtl lf"i 3111 Lu• 2 bd1m. 119W. Prol. 000 winter 840-.. 784. pets. 933.9974 648·1377 Contor, tranoportatlon & 2Br Iba. Frplc, 111p1 to Spe S:l25+ther• utile. 1 BR TR •tLER " I ' I "'4" 2 00 ....................... dtc'd. Linen• di•"•• oc I 18"'"1mo Rel• r-" rt"' e. we come, " .,. ·CAI.'-NOW 1br w/l>Cll ~tn bed. fll~epleoe SHIT TIRM UR. 1 DA, OICI llov". 00 Large 2 Sr new p11n1 , frwyi 042.1007. 1437-9274__, a..1'4913 ·i~g07:;.ge~ ~~':u~~,1~ AQtnl, no •u. patio v1eS.,, He gutrd Un· Furn. 1ent•I• by week or pet•. Chlld OK All ulllfd 0111pt1 1525tmo Stu Roommelt wanted Ml '99·1617 Nr 8CH lhttp 2br 2b1 w/ COlY kllcn lg yd 1•211 dergr<Xlnd gar. Ldry rm month. A9t 875-8170 •18 Memllton. S5 8 497-2338 01 540·3886 UTILITIU flH CLOSE TO BCH 2 br. 2 etralght, no·•mk.1250-t g11,p1llo.bll·ln1 M20 00.AENTALS 760-3314 Walk to bHChf IOU. 6 .. 1.0783 -----1er 142&/mo ba , 011 , 111 . lsat. 'h utll Oy16'2·5'48,etl OC·RENTALS CC-RENTALS 750-331.. OC-Rl;NlALS 62&·7 .. 0tl lt11t1a~l1 lt1t1fs Wll llW DllH t Bdrm From f515 S526mo de)'9 631-3473, 8PM 8.42·6820 7~~:;·~,s~~ •:-::::, 3 br. 2 b•, n-ly painted/ 1·5br's 1200 to $2000 Ct1,•l•I••• ~~-119 39ih, 3 bdrmJ 2 Br. 2 Ba 2 c:ar o•r•oe ::8~~~ !,3:i~':12~:•u 2L!°b~INlA HERMrs~s ~=~:~:~A;P~~~ Reap pe<eon to shr oon clean. lenoecl yard, pe11. 750.33" °'*' 7-deys U•l•t•l••H 3415 Apt· 1806 w . B•lboe, 2 wloP1ne1, wood burning Nr S C Pltu. 110 l D1 16211 Parkll<lo l11. I blk view hM, N.B. 13116 w/ Eu19id• C M t & 2 bd ok Nr. Magnolia & Oar EASTBLUFF exec home •••••••••••••••••••••• b d 1 m 16 5 0 . 0 0 11 Y frplc, view ol 1lrHm & 1 W 01 Beoc:n. 3 l>ll<• S X1ro latge t Br llfP• to ulll Non·1mkr 875-8092 houMS Encl Yfdl, from field S7001mo Incl.~-3 br 2 ba den. lormal 3 B1 Condo neer So C 875-4630 wt1erl1ll1 From $785 ~;·.~ o:. ~·~~am'":~i' ~Edinger. 8~441 ~:n ;./t_·t,_;'':'· rec rm F 10 sllr 2 br, 1'h be apt. l375tmo ao•. 675-16 dener. 963·5798. dining. 2 lrpls garden Plaza. crptng & bll·lne. 662• 1309 770-8055 20·27 nonll'l'lkr. Walk to Cle•n 2 Br 1 be, encl Ir, Jull right! Nicety done 2 pet 1 o . S 125 0 mo overlook• QrHnbelt. 2 br. 2 be, lrplc. 1875 mo 1395/mo t er 1 Be Apl Older 2 Br,'"' ""biiitO"" und, occ 1237 50 + dep yero. no pell. 1$00 mo br nHr the bHch Al· 6.-2-0350, 857..t828 poola, apu & clubhouM yearly. Stepa to be6Ch00&9 C8tpott, lndry rm Sub-3 br. ,,_. be. dble ga1, WALK TO BEACH Bi. S550tmo yrly Ulll Incl Ocl 1 6.-5-4892 548·6680 I hi I I II 0 I eveil Securlly g•te Newport Pi er 2 II I b ·~ C II lrplc, polio, $59 5, w/11011e $375/mo 875-5710 ell 5 S~ lla~r em y n y ' II I~ IA $650. Cell 070·823f.... Court Av. 1st, IHI & MC ~:; r ' 8"'ony a 5'4·5939 6 .. 6·5976 536-7979 Park Newport, 3 br twnh· 2 Br ,E:~~T~~~g11, lge Hl·l1to Fam rm. s 1250 111 & wknd• ~5~1';01213)912•2005' TSL ~gml 642-1803 Spectoul 2B1 $435. 811 bl· WALK lO BEACH 2 Br c~:u:~.,r=e,c:n.~g:o:kb~ ... ~'t nv~ b:pc= bJe:- s 0 S.-4·8053 EXEC RETR"'·T I "'-~ II p . I ~tove. relrlgA Sm•ll ..... , bCh Reap CPI• Yrly poo . en •• n yard, $6 673·0166 BE T coll pen 7 days . """ n ,...,... lllTllT Ill na. u pe1 or ower • o " ,,.. 759.00 8 ---------t LIDO 8AYFR0Nl new , port Bch 1 Br penll\OU· Junior I Br. Ver1D1llea, on 1962 Meyer Pl 642·3912 ok M501mo 536-7979 1650 642•3912 ---'------ 2 Br, 1 Be. yard. lrplc. 3 11 + Nil Or 5 B• 12960/mo se Security pool ape co u r I S 5 4 5 /mo Eesrslde $600/mo 2 Br -;£:-1-.1-1-1-;;11:-1-t-;,--3:;;1;;-4;:1:1E...:•:.:S.::T:....:B:.:.LU:.:F.:F:.::TW_N_H_SE-.I PllMllf .. J Ntlf bonus room $525/mo Flat $550 Kida & pels. S3l-367l 1175-118Go ~'Im , 8 4°2 . s 8 8 8 : 2131667-3292 day1, 1'n Ba Townhouse, all llWPOIT ,, " l 2 ... 2 be 1 le ell No Pels 831 ·367 1 or · '"•2"'7 2131387·5900 bulll·'ft•· lndrv rm, car· APARTllEITI •• ••••••••••••••••••• 3Br 2111Ba 2 car g•,.,..., ua "'· • rp • BEST cost 539-8190. .,. v "' , Sludlo, l"1 block 10 beach, · · ...,.. amen111ea, 13-12 + •11 675·2860 2563 Elden Harbor View Homes, Car--H•Htl pan. yard/balcony, 1mall 1 Br. 1270/mo plus ullla unlurn 1375. 111 mo no Pe ts S 7 6 mo u 1111 Non. em Ok er Choose Ihle big 5 rM mel Mdl 3 ar. f1.mlty rm. ... • J 1..-~ --llT pe1 OK & de I N only + $500 deposit ·-~-4._1_0_10 _____ ,,___I 675-0534 3 Br hOuae w/pool, SC home! Pool, tool Sale for Leese $1150. 844-8977 nutf•l•ll 111• ••-4Br winier renlal, $900 TSL Mgmt' 6 .. 2-1603 poa 1 0 vacancy In , Pleze erea $750/mo kid Fial S450 BEST .,-.-••••••••••••••••••• 6 0 ___ ;..... _____ chlldrena secllon No Leese 494 ·5419 or $11 Cl1•11l1 3111 _R_o_o_m_m_a_te_n_e_e_d_e_d_S_o_ Linde Harl 831· t 266, 530~6 190 cost lovely 4 Br. 2 Be, crpl. I/a 111 ... 1111•' 310f mo Agt. 31"6 18 NEW BREED APTS peta. no waler beds 2450 493-7137 •••••••••••••••••••••• agl. ----------1 hlg. 2 car ga.r. numW0\19 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ider 1 Br, in blk to sand. Bach. & I Bdrm wlloh NJWPOrl Blvd Cos le -----....... , •• nus HE Cit Pluaerea. $235 & ·~ Move In nowl Cutt 2 br m lrull trees. 1 blk from 2 unit•. 3 Br 2 Ba One on S .. 30/mo yrly. 675·5710 From $385 Frplc, rfl! Mesa t.1.••• Billi 3150 In San Clemenltl Neer ullls. Cerporl. 549-8289 IEW WE 011 beech, haa bullt-ln Cliff Or. Gardener No waler. ltOOO/mo & alt5, room. pool. jacuzzi. gaa l B 11 1 2 B 2 B i•B•;··1··a;··9~·;~j1j~j NEW 2 Bdrm. apt whh ev Mllltl lrta• lt•t 1 •pplc1, llsred al 1 .. 70. pels. $1000/mo. Avell. 1900/mo. Avell now & wa1e1 paid No pals ,e•u~ u 1 1' 1 8 sireams, iennis courll. bullt·lns. cerpetlng. F ale 10 llh•r• wl teme. Decorator perfect. spa. Kld1 llnel This unll won't Oct 111. Collect eve• al· 760·1077 THE 393 Hamlll~n , C.M 1~~~Yo~~: ~~~·/~01~· pool, spa $5 25/mo. drapes, laundry 1aclllly, I 25 mo 140 depo11t clous 2Bdrm, 2 ,~be . lest. BEST 539·6190 coal ter SPM, 805-928-2918. Iii... 645·4411 1560/mo. TSL Mgmt. 831·5l99 under roof carpons for 2 moves you Into furn. 2 br Pool, Jae, recreation Meredith Gardens E111c Bluffs 3 br. 2•_. be. tam li•l•lll• 3101 $395 • 1 BR, rel rig, 110 642·6221 642· 1603 ---------care, publlc tennis courts apt Mull be reaponsl- area, pvt pallo, balcony Home 4 Br plus bonus. rm. greenbelt. pool •••••••••••••••••••••• ••&ODD ..... 11. 2 adults pref 73 1.c ------Ntrt1Htl B11d 3111 & goll courae right be· ble, quiet & non-1m0ker. & tge ga11oe Decorator cul de aac. tennis, near S1400mo Agt64,...0134. Small 1 Br . oarpets, w 1s111 673-7787 C11t111111 31Z4 NO·~~ei.A.j,•t•&'c·;~d~ hind property, walking H.B.96'11'1248mornlngs. wallpaper, draperies end be a c ll . S 6 5 O Imo . drepea. refrlge. sto11e ----•••••••••••••••••••••• VI I R 1 dlatance lo Stele Park & Fem to share N.B. Condo, more. $1 t50/mo Ulill· 8 4 8 . 8 o 2 2 days , Harbor View Home, 2 Br. $425/mo. 876-5088 LIFE'' Close to beach. 2 Bdrm. USTSllE rentals. 18 enra 5· beach .. close 10 every· fully furnished. non· ties paid. Call 548·2239 066·97 .. 7 eves. den, 2 Ba S1100/mo. $490 mo Crp11, drps, 2 Br t Ba pool side ap1, __ 6_7_5·_4_9_1_2_B_r_o_ke_r __ 1 lhlngl $475/month from 10:30 10 5.30 pm 640·8169 or 831·3985 Wlntor Ren1e1 3 Br. H•'. pool. gar No peu lndry rm, bll·lns No Available October 15 & ~~~~I $~!':n!d11 ~~~ ----------13 Br 2 Be condo, dbl gar. H beach 1 4 b 3 Be . 1 car garage . VIA,...ftOUND FUN: 6'2·'470 pell Call tor •PPI. no pets Call owner el 631-0815 2 Br I Be. $575/mo. Ge-S795 16871 Canyon Ln uge -eose r, 1700/mo. Sttpl IO bey. 2 ,Social Aetlvlt lea $43$ $450 (714) 642.0138 rage. fenced yard 813 848-1158, 679-5991 be dplx. bll-lns. $900. yr bike lo beech 301 Ed· Director• Free L11ll1 tll14J lal41t1•t 1---------1Fem Aoomele 24-30 Shi W 19lh 646·7545 lae. Ocl. t. geweltr (Coronado et Sunde y Lge bech w/lplc patio & I Bi. pvt deck. Old wortd 2Bi dplx E Side C.M 6.C6-6255 • 3Br. 2Ba, 2 sty, lrplc. (213)378-4509/396-3088 B 1 t) Robinson B BBO' 1 $'100 N charm. apectacular 1226 ... ·~ utll 631•2895 screened patio. dshwsn1. .,~!, ro~~8 .,.,~7 runcn• s• cMarpor,, 5 -..2° pe7 15 ocean vu. walk to beach Small I Br house. lrplc $325 ulils lnelded. 751-7716 auto Sprinklers. l.wn Harbor Ridge leaM 4 Br 3 ._tOf .,... • .,,_ Per11es•Plus esa .-Ines, ••· " d 3000 f " $495 Conlact Mgr e1 apl Fem to shr w/M/F. super serv 944 t Portsmou1h Be. beaut eeor. 1· OcHnlront & cloH to. muc more S525 Very Nk:e 2 br. 2 c. 332 Encino Ln cleen. well roe N-port $950 mo 539.3319 pool, tennis, guard gate Small 1 & 2 Br. Apll Q" 1"c',.11 1T ... T 1 0 N •· &>a. bale, lrpl. beam eel· co d o S 3 O O $2500/mo. Bob or Dovie 13504750 Yrty & wlnttt .. ling. builHns. ge1. lndry IH•I 4HO 875-n9643 m 0 3BR, 2'11 BA, near now, B••li•fll• Koop. Agl. RE I MAX 675-5102. Tenn I 1 •Free lac. no pets 540•6338 •••••••••••••••••••••• lncd yd. trees 2168 BllHlt 3Zl2 759-1221 1 lessons (pro & pro 90 & up with kitchen. Fem 30 ihr lge 18111511 M I n e r S t S 6 0 0 •••••• ••••••••• ••••••• HARBOR VIEW HOMES • Winier Renie •hop)• 2 Hee 11 h t Br. upstairs. no pell. weekly. Oceanfront Mo-t1Wnh1e wtreso working 640·5010 2 bdrm Broadmoor Con· 2 bdrm, 1 ba, duplex Clube•Sauna• ev•ll Oct 1 $370 mo 352 I lei 675-8740 tem. unbelievable rooms. _2_B_R __ l _B_a_d_u_p_l_ex-.-p-vl dos Security gate. 3?'· 2dB•s:~~ rm, lgAkll. Garage ,_. blk lo Ocean Hydromusag.. Victona. 645-8181 UllU 1001 overlooking brook & pauo. new paint. 1545 Ae1oss from blue P11eillc ~5~~13o mo gr or Bey. No pell 1575. Sw1mmlna•Goll 2 Br 2 be duplex, pvt y8'd w•lorlell Pool. Jae. laJle. mo 833·8 162 From $900. Peclllc Moon 7 1 4 • 6 7 5 • 4 I 4 2 · OrMng Riinge S650/mo MITll IH etc. NB/CM area. $275 Realty, 846-2850 llUT YIEW 213·793-0038 :::,.uTT~:~ia : 645•1759 Wkly rental• sos up 780-8045 FUILY 3 II $121 Obi bslh. large kitchen. all 1ne kids are OK See thl.J--al BEST 539·6190 4&1 lffl.1 3244 Cataline & mts. Hunhng-2 bd. 1 be. pool, atepa lo Slngles. I & 2 GARDEN RETREAT 2 Br. I Coto~ TV. :r:e coffee. Employed F. to ahare lo- •••••• • •• ••• • ••••••••• ton night lites N-. d•-b • y' b ch ' & I et r y . Beclrooma•FurnlShed 1'1• Ba Condo, overloo-hell poo 118'>1 lo vet; furn H.B. home w/ LEASElll lu .. 2 br, 2 be. secur 1575/mo WINTER LEA· & Unl11rnlshed•No king pool, spa & running I ocean. Klteh's avail Hme. Non-smoker &. 3 Bdrm deteched homes ~~teP•~~'.c~d!r:i'~o!'~~~ :1Ei~ ~. 18 7 ' evea. ::~·o~~do~'• Open ~o,so. kss' so•',nmt oco8,n8d·7•N502 • ·~La:u8;. ~~':'~~ .. ~294 S4u,:.'J~~ ~rn·1~/15i In excellent area. Avalla· neymoone11. S850. see 1----------1 ""' d J IEWPOIT &RU S•OO ble tmmedlately . 151 then call . ..,B103 2 br +gar 1 blk from Dlkweod or841·2680 1u~~,k~r.Bpr!~ea~.~~~; 8YS anet. Close to beech Full 4 $600/mo on 1 year lease. SUNSET BLUFFS, cor· beach. Winier renl•I. ..... Decor•led spacious 1 br, I fem. 1350 Incl, utll Flnanclally rHponalble rms. Mual see today & Five others to choose ner of VlclOfla a E. Pa· S600/mo. 313 E. Bay Av 1 ba CONDO Sec bldg I 548•7652 Femele 25-39 years lo rent at lrom. We're the ones 10 cillc Ave .. Coate Meaa 873·2502. 875-8120 ........... AC, bit-In appl. w/d oul: . share luxury 2 Bdrm. Fun Hl-11to Clll for leases. 642-8806, 8'4-8722. C•tfH Iii #•t 31Zl le.,.,t ..... /le, let, carprt, pallo, no pets, Kil plvo. Christian Home. Promontory Pt. Town· BEST Open 7 days cost [g)UI--~b Id 551-6822. •••••••••••••••••••••• 880 lrvlne nr s.c. Plaza. $700 mo M straight, Nr Bch. Lag house, overlooks pool ~i "''~"' r gc Bach Apl. So of Hwy. No ( 6 h) 556-2394 eves & wknda Bch. S325. 499·2286 Travel opportunltes In· Bring the kids. 5 rma. 2 Really McLAIN cond~. Big Ca· kltch. 1385/mo 515 ,..., at 1 t 0 Ler"" beauliful room wllh cld Ref'a, background bath, hes garage Flat nyon, 2 BR 2 ~ ba. Im· Begonia In beck Rell. (714) 645-1 104 Spacious 1 Br Garclen •-req'd. Cell An1we1 Ad S 5 0 0 re n I BEST 551·3000 maculete. child OK. no 970•9536 2131355-1597 ~ ..... /le, Apt. POOi & rec. All ulll tee private bath lor rent near ..,741• ~2.,.300 24 hrs. 539-6190 coal tt:?ethrranra Pk,."lnlnr peta. 11100 mo. Call • l700 l6lh St paid. No pela beech ll9nt 1111 rm. & or write . P.O. box 35-B. Gerry or C" r 1s11 . Cnll #111 3124 ) el Puerta Mesa kitchen privileges 8alboa Island. Ca a + 3 at 1121 IEITW 673-7761; 760-1397 •••••••••••••••••••••• (Dover at 16th 1959 Maple Ave. Apl 5 1300/mo Call 068-2951 92662 Mulli-famlly situation 2 to 4 bdrms. sterling al H 1_ wa-• CW IE 110 (714) 642-5113 2 blks COM BEACHI F Pel Is OK. tool Must rent S800 lo S1395. •~ '~" All UTILITIES PAID Immediate occupancy. Furn Of unlurn. prfv ba, emele 21-30 1here my soon I BEST 539-6190 Balboa Coves execullve Mesa Verde apaclous 2 epl. Non-amok• Costa ~I home. 2 & den or 3 -Br 2 Ba apt. ge1age. w/lelephone Full lcllch Mese l\pl, hft pool etc. bdrm. All opening 10 Compere before you II• Cl1•••I• 3111 frplc. blt-tns, no pets prlv.Garageepace 1250 S282 50 751-6134, 4 Bd 1¥•b•, single lam dwelling quiet netghbor· hood close 10 schl1/ shops $875 /mo 213/947-3437 Ees1slde 2 bd. t b8 houae, garage. lncc:I yard, laun- dry hookup S500 mo Gas pd Agt. 876-1642 renl. Cu1tom d••lgn •••••••••••••••••••••• 1575/mo 546·6009 Mo 720-1'775 EV 54s-2s91 garden. pltlo overfOO· IHturH Pool. bbq. 2Br. 1'..~B•. blk 10 bch,1 _________ _ klno water, 2 frplc'a, 1111 • d view 225 Le Paloma S325 Been evtll now ·Maia Verde, complete, Re•n quiet melt for lg fire ring. apa. etc. ere. cov r getege. wrr<Xln· · beau! muter suite & Irv .... M--furnished. slip IOf dtd Wllh plush lendtca· S525 mo 637-71118 $535 2 Br + utlls 333 E rm, luU beth, In-I-qtrs. Penn. Pl apt. 675-0328 .,..... ping. No pell 21st. CM lnq 7Bt30 alt 6 wkdey ell day boat avalleble Only 1 Br. Furn 1515 A,.tl•••ll 645·6589, 6'5·8l03 pvl enl . pref prof or '"9ktndl 11995/mo 751·2767 • retired qulel peraon tW/ · days, 968-6103 -· 365 W Wiison 6'2·t971 U1/1t1l1•H Sharp 2 BR I'.+ be. patio. refs $450 Incl utlls Senior citizen 111111hes •'-'• Pr•••rfJ llJ.t. 11.,1rt Yillac• Alts "j,J;;;.j,j-;.-;···3;;f :,t~~o pe11 1475 556-6033 :-:;e.~os!: ·~:PS::~e tt523CAM"'5"-·I-Newoorl Crest Exec. Beeutllul land.c.p.d Jr •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------·'M /F w/lcltchen prl11. $220 1250/mo 548--6843 2 BR w/w carpets. drps. W: ""'-condo Elegent & clean I bdrm with pello. Gu 2 Br apl garage No pets Lrge 2Br 1 '.+ be. dish· & ,_. ulfl No drlnkera. relrlg. 1ange. patio, wash 3 --.. -.. -.-v-8-118-.. -,e-N_ow ___ G_ar-.1 4 BR 3b•, no pela. L.se. end waler paid Large S750tmo 227'_. Co1sl washer. gar, patio CM. 645-50•8 Single man w/yr old aon rm Clotelobus&ahops. ""'" "" s11001mo. Agt. Carlene recrullon rm Includes 213/395-3511 $525/mo Open Daily 1-----------1 toShrhouMlnCM 1200 water & gardener paid donor No Pets.$930/mo 67s-1771 gemea. epa end pool II/&....-1984 Anaheim Apr o. hw,.rt ltHll mo & ahr ulll 646-1041 $475 plus 1111 plus 831·1615; 493-7786 lable Tennis cou111. vol· -545-3229 Mele/Female 3 bdrm apt securi l y . No pets _S_u_per_d_e-1-,-3-b-r -2-be_W_l_aJ_c_1Sea View 3 Br. 2'h Be. leybelt court, tac/pool. l1•l•11l1 3101 -F-lr_e_p_l_a_c_e_p_o_o_l_d_l_s_h· cloee to beecn Yee11y E::r~! ,~fi':,:, =~ 645-3583 or 648-5282 den larnlly rm ocean Call ••••••••••• •••• • •••••• • • tease. S237 60 per mo spa P•llo lg yd $625 ' 11 h · Ill OOll 2 bdrm. 2 be,_., dpl•. waaher, pvt pallo. X lg SlOO Oep. Avail Oct l . penlon 70 plus. to shr E/slde 3br 2'hbe ram rm. _oc __ ·R_·E_NT_A_L_· s __ 1so_-33 __ 1• ~!Jlo1mJ' ~t_s6~s~ w . • yT1y. Mature non-smk11. Garden 2 Br on E/elde. 631·2270 Steve pteasant Laguna condo. rrplc. yd. enclsd 2 car Turtlerock condo 2 BR & D•tl l•i•I 3111 no peta. $700 X 3 S560 557-2641. Brltlth/Amer. prel. Min gar., amenities Incl lee, d 2 b 2 Ip Studlo-Nwpl Hgts, •••••••••••••••••••••• 2131799-.. 195. 257·9792 CHH holce locellon, pool. expen .... '49 ...... 163 •It en, •· car gar. · 1400 mo No pets beautiful Betha. Fem. 5pm tennls.pool.Avall10-15 esaoc pool S825. 64 10 Super 1 Br. I Ba. VIiia, or(714)873·3966 2 bdrm, 1 ba, clln rm. $700/mo. 1st, lul & dep, 955·3166 2· ' ' cou11yard. ":'] private. lBr yrty wtgarege Men Verde. Across ~;~~1!'~. P~~~l~:~t~: M/F to shr hM et beh. 9 848-6691 or 6'5·3026 Condo New 3Br. appll&n· Beacll houae. 1or2Bdr.2 ~7~·g3e1~' S 50/mo. • M95 mo. from !IChl. Fencec:I yd, I 546-2733 mo. lse oompletely furn. l•f 2 lt4r• C.141 ce hookup Pvt patio Ba, 2 e&1 oar. s7ootmo. 645-5662 car gar Pool SS25 S ago red cpl. 2BR apt. ulil pd. 1250 mo. 873-7857 N Sc "I I s· "•50 Dec I ..... , . Fred Tenore, 631·1268 II I 631-0303 63~5550 1·985-4954 lel room, Bey SI. C.M s c E .. r rue n .... ,... oreev ... croweve, or63l·2711.Agl 1•l•fl•• 2Br.ooeenlrontyrly.Nd • ----------1 Sml beach motel EMpt.peraon.Sl50mo AN L .... bch hse. mo. No pets. 545.1947 e/c, $825, 760-8400. "''' 3140 r•ll•ble quiet business 1 BR. new paint. cpll. 2 sm bdrm beach Shack. 7 0..~440 Incl utll• 54~663 deck, frple. Child? 1270 657-9.t .. 7 WestGlilf 3 Bdr, 11250. •••••••••••••••••••••• couple. 673-6880 01 drapes. d/w, no pela btlls ''om pier. g11 & wtr ---------t----------1 Judl ~92-7343. &41 ·3385 Redec 3 BR 1'i't ba. l(le encl yard. range & relrio. children & pets OK S700 878 -TOWNE. 548-1295 3 Bclrm 2be. E'&lde condo Oulel. x -loc . c lean $740 /m o Nanc y .. 97·2149 WHY PAY 2 bdrm. 21-; beth. perk ~:== !;~'ar,~~·~ ESTATl UYlll 673-3971 S400/mo. 2265 Miner St. furn MOO mo 536·7838 ~~~~~n~~~!c~~c~~:; ';:1~e1~~~~'~!. ,::i~ Fem. 10 •hr t>eaul. ' br front condo 'h miles to • • Beautiful perk·llk• sur· C.t1•I Ji / #1t 312Z 851·2175 2 bdrm. 1 be, minutes ocean vlew Welklng dis· hOUtekMPtng & eh .. PM home, frple, petlo. Beck UCI No pets. $900 mo IAJFRllT YEAILY ro11ndlnge Terraced •••••••;;••••••••••••• 111 211 31R from beacn Close 10 lance to shopping & chlld·car• Musi have Bay, 1250 546-6155 846-2650 Bkr Oulet secluded 5 Br pool. Sunken gas bbq. So of Hwy dtlu•a ' Br 3 Newly decor' 081• pd. rransp and shops $465 Newpo11's finest 1es1au· car Avail now 857•4993 M/F 10 Share lum .. 2 br 2 £ •-a.. 3z·.61 exec home. Spectacular sparkling lount•ln1 Ba. 2 lrplcs. 4 car gar 720·0844. 720-4691 rents. Unfurnished 1----------••1•1 -•t• " view. lrpfc. •-'ft-. gar-Spaclou• room• Sepe-$1450/mo Darrell, own/ encl gar. dwahr, poor. 110001 673...t483 ~ I I ... 1111 .6J1f be ept. pool l•c $375 ••'••••••••••••••••••• den er . $ rnoi m 0 re le dining .,... W•lk-ln DOI RE/MAX 759-122 I bbq no pell 642-5073 1 bdrm 3 blocks from mo. ..' • .'.!,.~!•••••••'!•••• lncld utlts. Me--0929 HARBOR OCEAN FRONT closets home like kllch Beach. no pols $325 tsl 2 bdrm, 1 be, $575 year~ u11.a1 .. Tlrt IF 3 b 2 Nu 3200' lux hm on bluff 675-7673. • • 2 Br Iba south of h-.. 2 B1 enclsd p1110. UPI· and last, 5100 ...,.. Avail SI t ....... _h 1116 .., __ --''"' M lo shr r, 'h be 80 d 1 h b 1-------------1 en & cabinets Walk to • • .,,.. t e Ir a. A 11e11 1 (). 1 "'"' 8PS 0 ,,,...... · · Wkly rental• now avail ~I Hgts f\M, $210 mo 1 1 eg vu 0 3b 8~ 0<. BLUFFS-Dix 38'. 3Ba. lg Huntington Center. way. Pvt entrerice. petlo. 1495/mo 329 Unlve1Sl"' I0/1 896_,, .. .,2 Balboa. I 106 6 up Color TV + utlts 548-0010 =~~~r~;~~·aun~· .• ~:· den, formal d in rm 1 Bdrm-furn. 1515 iarege. Single Reis req. Or. See Men•ger "S;.' """ 213-665-2542 Pl\one1 In room 2274 --------- $1800/mo 496-7009 ll500 mo. 644•1905 No pels Utllltles frMI 650• 875-3'46 548-0648 _. 2 BR & den, 2 b•. lplc, Steps lroM Beach. 2 Newport Blvd CM F/M to shr 2 br apt, C M · •rY•t IOLn 110 3B 2Be --ft .......... 1u LA OUINTA HERMOSA STIPS Tl ICW lndry hltup, 1ennts & spa bdrm, 2 b•. llreplace 6•6-7445 81ut'ns1men17 .... '7"!.5~ .. 1290 + ·~ '"" · .... Oles charmer. vi-. 3br. r, • .,.._., ......... • t8211 Park~ Ln. 1 blk COURT·Lg tBr. IBe. encl ~ _... h___. II I..._ d k N 1ury duplex. 1 house lo W. of n--•h, 3 blks S. Lerge 2 br. 2 ba. trplc. er· WeslSlde No ""'IS Nr b .. c:h 2202 Hess Cr 1630 202 21st St .EST "w.n I'. ''"" rs. r,,_, ec • r. .._.. /dbl n•• 1 ~ & .,.... 1 1 ...-714 960-37•5 675 54.0 • £ A C H A R [ I Shr 2br/2'M>a condo CM ...... bllach/ town I 1150. ..,... .. ':n75 -~!~ r9 9 ol Edi,.,._ IM7-5«1 many emen lies, v aw. 50 mo. 8304694 • • -n ' ' 9 frplc.... mo . .,,..,. 1 . ..,~. · 1825/mo. Call Anthony 2 Br 1 b•. mi 10 bell . ___ OC_W __ n_llT___ WI O. oar. FP 1295 + -REITALS llO • 4-e930. ...,.. 641·6666 ext 2222 W•ltl lf1tA 1141 daya 842-5757, eves & 2 B1 Mesa def Mer. pa1· newly painted l400lmo $84/ k ullla Joan 646-9926 _.. . ....... EMERALD BAY. 3 br, 2 day ••'••••••••••••••••••• wkn01 631-6630. king IP•ce 1400/mo 536-1368 alt 8 pm ~ ~: 2 ba. g91 gretl W Melt UCI grad student be 1600 sq. It. lrpt, brick MOVE IN NOWI Large lu-Luxury lludlo, ftee HBO. 754-0588 oc inlet Rtlrlgtrttor·Meld·Pool need a 2 fem rmmu lllTlLS-R-11 .... $10 patio. with spa $1600. xury condo. 1695. 2BR. phone, m•ld serv. 1pa. COZY 1 Br. houM, lrpfc, Com • • Sparkllng 2Br Iba Nwpt Blvd & Wiiton 20-27 to allr i.aut. 3 Br 2131876-2255. "'-ru. 837·---·6 ev~ 1130 wk 499·3015 pool, .. neel. empld, non pl redec 2 br. 2 be. upper. encl gar. no pols, Bachelor. great toe Co11a Mesa 548-9755 townhouse In Univ. Prk . TITlL .............. UOI In Tiii AU FOR llLY $40 We have llatlng• from sll the services for one low prtcel Dally updatn. ..,., ,.,., -amok• Fem. No pal or lrplc, oar .• dlsp • OW d/w, b1lcony $515/mo I yearly WH4t Oet1 lrta 3 Br 2ba, 11000. 2818 Victoria Beach •pt, 1 br, chlld. 1525 tease. 111. 1525 675.0073 642•2897 TSL •i•t l'2· ll01 Pine t<nol Molal on Coasl Irv. $275/mo. ea. Daye 2 bd1m, 2 ba, fenced Carob. lmmtd. occup. 1 500/mo. Incl. utile IUI. MC. 640-4999. Ql•Rllll ---------: _________ Hwy. NB . Steps lo 759-2676,evet552·6310 d 1 ed (805)250·1251 • Lg 2Br lrl-pl ... garage, EAST BLUFF • Spacious ocean . Wkly ra1u 2 F 1 needed yar • arge co,,., Pl· 6 .. 0 • 9 0 19. EI a In e Welk to bch. 2 Br 1 Ba, 2 bdrm. t be, llreplace patio. 1500 mo. 1209 1Br, pool, quiet, pleasant 645-04 .. o em. roomm' · ho Quiet St. Wuher, 631-0836 Sm lludlo, II cook, view. frplc, balcony. new car· gar. Fenced pallo. Op11. Flo11d1. (2131493-1655 area. no pets. 1555 mo.1----------1 1 hovae from bell, on ~~67~-v~t 1 $860 Harbor View Homes. Por· Quiet empl non amk/ pell, drapes. eddlllonal 1595/mo. lse, back• up w•LK TO BEACH· B•· _6_4_,_ ... _7_6_7 _____ 1 IHI A PUCEI r.!~'~·1:.~~'!o'."o. 111 & toflno, .. Br. 3 Ba gar· drink. $2 .. 5 . l •gun• gar avail. Quiet. S650. to golf course. Open " Kl Small hM. 2 bdtMI, 1 ti• dener lncld. S 1200/mo. '9 .. •2921 1175·8589 house Sat Sept 25. 10 chelor, 11011• & iefrige. B1•ti•,I•• ~:.8,:;':,?1~~.~· m•I~ OCEAN SIDE of Balboa frpc. 1680 mo • Call ell 6PM 760-9589 •1~tl •·111.. 3111 Lovely 2 Br 2 Be. ne8' AM • 2 PM. 710 Joann . g •' & ware r l9• i d "'f' 1141 eervlo•. Z channel mo· Blvd 2nd ltOfy house 780-1•7• "1 .,. • $300/mo 536•79 •••••••••••••••••••••• $23£ mo plu• 114 u111 v UDO ISLE: .. Br 3 Be & •••• ••••••••••••••••• beecll. furn. or unlurn. E/Sldt duple.IC. 2 br. 1 ba. vlee SANDPIPER MO· "' • Churning 2 br. 2 be S. den. $1 .. 00. 222 VI• p8• °if~:::~N:r°'~~·~1B;: S700, 6'4·1081 •o• pvl yard 1111/palio & TIEL. 1967 Newpon BIVd. !fd~~J.5·l l06 12 lo Laguna beech l\OUM on letmo. 816-7168. 673·7873 Qui•\ 3Br. bonua rm cs 8BQ, gar. 1550/mo. Kennebunkport? CM 6'5·0137 tllY AT = 1~1~':rst~ ~\~ HARBOR VIEW HOMES Wlntw rent•ll ~~!~'=.t'i:: ~t~f:3 ··-8 -· 8 -.. - 9 - 5 -----UllU tun R~~-~~u~~i~r~o2 :::. I ... "IUO&TI •• I (213)870-3511 or 3 Bdrm. eJCptnde<t C•r· ......... u&tl ........ "-U E'tlde 1 Br lb•. pool, Wasn't he the Ambassador from MTN Ill Promontory Pt. N.B. ~ mdl View New Cpl .,.,.. • .. , ""' ...., 1 I> f ·• le 2 bl.. f I I u n d r Y N o P t II 1213)37~922 1800 .,,·. 11200' Imo.,._,, .... aULn r 0' .. ng ... rom $385/MO 833-7890 Ot Auttraha under Teddy Roosevelt? Wkly rent••• sos up. 1400 + ~ UUlt. Lve mag ..,.. bHch. Frplc, wet bar Y Color TV. Ire• coffee. Ali.on 17M204. 3 81 No11h end, ocean Agt. Gene HIM &.-2·8079 ,.., IUIAllllllT Utile pd 1575/mo. °'*' _8_4_a-_19_A_7_____ heated pool a eteps to :~,"[g'4.55~~\.•" 8 & .. bd, 2in be."'-· com· 11M1ll Sat. 673·1153 3 BR. 1'~ be, 1 .. 75 mo .:,,.. fD ~~ ocean !<Itch's aveH munlly poor. tennl•. '* Con Cnti #n1 3114 Patio. garage. No ~" t85 N Coast Hwy. DI•• '•i•I JZM 2 Br I 81 cottage. Clift guerded gate. garO-, 8Mutllull B~ 1 0:,., hi •••••••••u ....... •••••• lat a taat 6'2·8361 " fOtl,, 11111 \~•• .. llO 10, <lrllllt lltMtllUn•wl •U Laguna 8Hch 494·5294 ... ~;;;:.·iiii:;.·1•••• =r;.~.':=·18fe: ll$00/mo 8A4-2l .. 5 ~:o:~0~n/ergrou11nd doll t tttt ti.tel rovr1 nut tioflt llt~MPort" V1tillN lt1lil1flS WI-TH FIRE"L !'9ce 2 wt 11 I •••• I. 7 6 OoHn lllew :l81. 3Be ""· prkng. 1618 plUt Metric Wt!8tiBAll M'eatfln" Ol!f ol 14 il11Mcli.tly d••tmnl INtllllfRI llolif ~ftS L·a·k·.··r·:~··on···.·.·t::·;,; .. " ' •94.()t~• On..__, ..... • S1650 mo E 11 •a & W lend I • --=-a al S.u u"d ¥oll"'t 1ft llvor-1011 Buth Sf'1••fl4 .,....,. .... bdrm. 2 be 1700 per mo .. . .... ...... ..... 659-e&53. 640·5100 2131433·5106, Mon·Frl APllml'TI , .. , am ~··~Et n ........ i~• tut.itt Ot~\Ofl~tled p1olt \$1011-' boll dOClk. 481 3be exec 537-8970 MIF roommate went.a 10 ener• 3 bdrm. 2 b8 dplx. In CdM .. b*s lo be9eh 1268, ~ Ulll 78CMl938 Rmmett Wtd. MIF. to ehf bltul 3 bd townhm In N B. on 11\e bey. 1>111/bch $330/mo. 675-2529 Avell now Cell Peggy Exec family home. step• I 1·6PM 11 .. /538-7701. Beeutltvlly 11.nd1e1ptd e .. 11111u1 gerotn e1>11 p11nrllljl lht •Mid of .111.nhon )Ou deStr.t A 11trlf<I II m · Com PI I urn 406·5MO lo Victoria Sch. CWatNllc "" J11a o•rden epte Pool & Spa. Pellot/dtclkt No pele 2 bltnd ol nllY•f ;lld hV1ft4 llt\llt4 '" i tomt will\ 5 !5 2 • 2 1 1 $ or t v •a F lhr 2bf/2ba WOOdbrld· Ch .. ~m1ng 2 b er ta • white weter. coaet•I "••-'lltll• 1111 0CEANFRONT IDfgemo-PatlOt/decka NOPtt•· clllldr..,wt!COl'M. "'bOI .......... ~.0 .,1 .................... R11.,r... 075-0311 gecondo,chlldolc • .$325 ~-blH~ v:ulled vie we. 38r. 38•, dall •••• ~·~·•••••••••••••• dern 3 Br. 2 Be. No Ptt•· 1 Btchelor $410441& 2 Bdrm 111, B•lh• $5 .. 0 ;nn 1':;,;;;"M:,"'10 •;hit j~;~, ~Ou~-;..:.~ I • 4Jll 840-6800. 562-3375 celllnga, dbl• gar .. fen· gourmet kll. tt560 mo. bee. hln~ ~. 1~ .. Alfelf. ~~~Jun• 1.. 1 Bdrm. '465-S..70 2 Bdrm 2 Blitha 15115 l'OUI< 1 ~P~ ~!\\!, co11r•mtnl IQ.Allon""' \llopp;llC .!!~'!!./!.~~!.'! .•••.• Shr l>M4lt tum. a br, 2'Ai ced yard, H 50tmo on 1175-9702 dy9, 494.0022 br , 2 'A ba. 3 tr plea. 1900. 8 2 Bdrm. •sto 398 W Wiiton Al I J "' •• 1111••f1 w•-t b 2 t II I VI .... ..... ~97·"•11 ...,.. BOb. t>eeut l4IC fo yard.11550 St-• to ....... ,"~. p1tlo. 22&0 Vtnou•rd ••1.5«•• ~ ........ 005 ''"' t'llO.nym,nt •~ '°" •• '"' ',...il<t •ntont wov.,.www -••• I , a Y °""· r ..... .. "" &el 11t7 .... -"0 ..... 540 06211 )r 842-<490S ..., .,_'" v.... 01ou~l1 11ln h"m' tl •tn ~t<111111>1Jn~Po1111 Prof .. llonet mei. 25~35. iec. gar 73t..a830 Ii Ill r, II 1U4 No1th L•guna • Wiier-• . winter HO mo. 3312 • -~-ITr t Ba 3 y1ar1 old. °"' ~114 h•o btd100111 onf •nd two b.1111 non.amoker to atlert Prof. fl to llhf tll'l\I>'"'° 2 .~!! .• !. •• ~ •• ~...... Iron\ 3 Or 001110•. 2~ ,,,,,, Aa1 1111 Seuhor• Of. 1113_..2 .. 3 3 Bdrm 2 Bllhl S82$ blt·lna. 01y1 95)'.21168. tlO.tflfl\tlll\ hMI S~40.00 "llk .. new" 2 Bdrm .• 2 br. a be cotttge, CdM. Nlot 3 br, 2 be, corner lbt, Ba. lrple. eund9Cka. II•• •h••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFRO"'T 3 BR 2 8•. 181 £. 2 111. 5.ta-2408 95&·211411. s d bet II Stn Juan Capl• ... 2& + .,.. utlla Stor.ae Blt·lna. crp11._drap11. reoe, olt etreet parklno. MacArthur vmeoe Bach lo• unit epectecular ---------Vi~Wln 11r1no condo. l'lf~aoe. avtll 120-0H4 AV911. Oct. 1 . ..,15 Ow· I 2 2 o o I mo . Walk to snoppff!O, 1•7&, ocean..,..,,,, Wellll11G di•· 1550/mo. 2 Br. 1'A Be. lmf'l'ltd oocuptf!CY 2 Qr. 2 paol, l4ICUUI a only ml· '""· 6'2·&808 71'4140-4-&9 .. 6 Owner. 111 & 1 .. 00 NC. Adulte tlllOI to •hopping .. Town11ou ... bal<:ony, '"" Ba. 157S/mo Olllldi•n I oln •geunt1n 10!\ Vtll~Qe llUIH 10 lht b .. 011 .. ._MMe ,_ ... , ''" •in 1• Pttf. Heidi 079·2300 Newpor1'• l!Mtt rMfll.f· dry rm. oar Poft, au bit· w*°"te, no ~te Ntw Dan• Point Harbor r.:'~••.:r. ••••••••••• t....1•1 """ •· Int I Fu' n I 1 II• d Ina Av-'I hpt c111pet1 & drapee. dllh• 1290/monlh ptu• 'A of Dint Pt oeraee, front dr ... -.~,,.. ::7 ••••••••••••••••••• & yrt new: 3 ldrm, 1v.1>a. •' 113 413 . TS~ M t '8A2 180I) we•h•r 110119 I pity· ..... o.m d -•Y1 010 .. lo .,.1(11 •1 • .. HOM! FOR RENT cul-de-aec. kid• Ok 110$/mo. ·• gm • grounai. pl•rin9a ec11v1. Bf II C4 lhtl 11tllll1M. ,.._ ., 170 8134'13 114 .. 8drm1 Ute. llomt. H85/mo. tetllalt f300 C•dlllec• to Go-C.,,. Nt 1lthl POMona. 1 8t I tlM. wtlll to ehos>PI~ & l~~~!I Hunt•r&tl)ll V•"'•' l•tw Hun1111tlo11 K 11 (1 H) 831·2040 or ft-'> 0••1u ..._.. ••••• •••••••••••••••• lllOO l'tneed yard & ge• d•t· Avell t0/1. Htldl Wllel9¥« ~ l'ed 8a, down111lrt, DIW, ....,h,....&, c~..-ol &••. 11tl11919?61 •• (7t .. l 4 ... t1M. ...,. .,.. "-• OC.R~NTAL8 Kid & -....,.. ....... -,,~,., ll•t s l)fto ,,., ... ,di ... """~ 011 .,.f(lt lo tot WHITI -... ....... l•ebt'• S200 to ,2000 '-0-· • ,._t• nl· t7 2390 Roll ·.m oft tM "*"'.. CUPoft, _...,pd, t ehllCI view & Adema. Open Iii 1 Jtl•~ flltll ,...,1 011 f~ to Stl••rtd V•HH* _.._,,. COrtW 545-2000 A09J1t, With • c .. ttlfrecl Ad OK, no Pt1• MSG ~01.. Mon·Bet w 9111'1 11·5 ~.!.. ~~·~d.AO -=''°"'==3:=3='=·=09el==' :7-d:::::ayt:L::"° ,_ Wen1 Adi Clll M2·M7t Cell Howl 6'2·M71 no lw '46-2000 617 .... 788 ..--- '' '!~~4A!e!ou~~J ror • 30 day •d lntM tllLY PILIT llHIOI ltHOT .. Y DO IT NOWI 1111 ftr IH4ra Your Deity Piiot Serv1ce Ofr.ctory Aepfet4N'llltlve U2·11ll, tit. 122 ~!!!.~'!!!!. f !!!!•.f! ••• Applled. re-applied. guar • ln1ured, llc'd 41489 I 730-1900 tree .. umates. ~~'!!!!'!r.l!m!~ .... 50'1. OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable, aflordable, easentlal Answeri ng service, eecreterlal & business services. mall box rental, word proces- sing. Telex-Facslmlle, order entry. pagers-lease buy. desk apace rental. ANSWER NETWORK 760-7320 (ask for A.V.) ~,~~~~'!!! ........... . REAL ESTATE Resldentltl/Comm'I 673-1919 Ar1·AntlQUIS·J&-lry Appralao & LIQuldlte Michael Hain 953·0717 ~!r..~!~ ............. . Driveways. P81klng Lot Repairs. Sealcoatlng. S&S Asphll 631·4199Llc Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co. Reslcoml. Ofang1 Coa11 DAILY PILOT/Frida~. 8ep11mb1r 24, 1982 DI ice Di ~,Z!!1~1 ••.•••••••• ~er.!.I!.'!!~ .......• 91!'!!!.'mc.!!f!!~ •• ~"A •••••••••••• !'.~41!!~ •••......•.• 1n11111 to 3 yra, my CM 8hamPoO & atMm clean Muonry, catpantry, con· &lmmont Otrdanklg UCI lludant, flooring, home I hr d1y. Lio Color brlghlanera. whl orate, Mld'na. lntfpt r• c1n.1.1pa, lawn 0818, lull wndw/teraan, carpentry, B&Ctec>M '164·8231 c1p1t • 10 min. bleach. mod. UO'd 8411-<1'111 comm 1 '"ICI milnl. e1eo CllP Rob 873·2211 ••••t •••y•-11 Hall, lllt/dln .'me 1111: 111~ 8TANIUR INDUSTRIES fr" ffl. l48"-ee84 M•ti'~-" •JHll s.Ar _ .... , room t 'I &O, couch StO; 0 •1 p 1 -'' CM ar.. 84 ... 67118 ohr Ill. Outr allm pat an con tr h. roper Y OARDENINO SERVICE •••••••••••••••••• •••• ~~!!!!!~'!!r •••••••• !~r .•............. llachalor'e HiMKlalnlng ITAAVINO COLLEO! I L.al.lndry S«v K.lrlf\, ITUOCNTS MOVINO &40·28181100-09112 CO Lie f 124-4311 lntured. 6A 1·842'1' WATCH US GROWi 8abytlltlng In my home, 1u Victoria, C M. 842-8482 Odor. Crl)t rapelr. l6 yre lmprov. 997·ll11 (8·01 Clean·upe, trM aerv. I HARDWOOD FLOORS up Do work myttll C••I• WH4Wttl~ hlUltng 841-tOH Patt and8:'::"" ~881 Exp.-llM HouMl<aaCl!ng Aat1. 631.0101 ••••••••••••••••••• • LandKaplng Main ten an· wa lurnllh vlCUUm & HOUSfCL!ANING HOMll I o.patldal>la 8r9'1dt H2·28ec> !~~·1~.c.~m':~~ ..... U c'd n11r1a dttlrH pvt duty. lull or plume 14 yr• a.cpr 131 ·9212 or C•ll Anawer ad 723 842-4300 24 hr• No Stttm/NO 8hMIPo0 l<JI. remod. c:aramle Illa, Gt Lawn I o-tdan cat• ... 11.. •Ut>PI... Kitty 1141·4970 St.in Spaai.llet. Fut ::r,~~;J~' now. 1'" c1~1n up ~·n Jon .. : •••···~;;,;·jo8s ...... ~ no lob 100 big dry. FrM ffl ll:tt-15112 031·Hl10 rat I l Small Mo11lng Jobi or 1m1ll. E•P. ralllbla. we baby ell lull or pt rt· EXCEL CARPET CARE !'!!!!!}!~ ••• •••••••••• UIHI• WUTll Cell MIKI! 94e;.1391 rel• SI/hr. 1157 ·3341 f.•l•tl•f. time, M on--FrT. lunches J4<:1< Buttlngton •KATRINA'S: LIVl!·IN Mowing, adelnQ. rlklng, HAULINO-GfVIDINO II you want your houta •••••• 0 •••••••••••• Lov1no. home. tOM 3 & up, FIT 140/wk, + bal./all. achl. CM. 566-3822 Catlng Mother wlll btby· provided 2 yrs a up Cell Owner/operator htkpn, dally maid Mt'Y, ewaaplng FrH 1111· demolltlon. clHn•up REALLY CLEAN, Call flft Plfflltll Char 84 l~ toe c_,pat, uphol, ""rug oltloe claanln,. crl)I matee 84&-5737. Concrall 6 ttM ratTIOYtl Linda. 8e9·0311. Good blo:lch1rd Sinor I.le Mllure llcanaed btb)'9lt· ~1~1.~:.~1.11-: ctNnlng. 8311·21 8 FINESTKINO Qulc:tl MtV. 842·7831 Ret1. ~al ~~.1~1 of happy ter lor day WO(klng mo----------1or1r1 •• luft11 GARDENING Cleall.upe. PROF. SERVICE .... nlttl•t. Thank you, 631·44 10 lhtrt only Mon·Fd In· C•l•tl•t, • •••••'••••••••••••••• Mt\ landtc.aplng, monthly Hauling • yrd clean up ••••••••••• •••••••••• tanl• to 3 yrs. $55 wkly. ••••••• •••••••••••••• IT YM lllYIOI mafnt. Nall 842·8795 Quick & clean. Fr" ast Mtrrled couple, prior 811· Cullom work, lnl & e•t. 842·0721 Fl CCHAMPI E.NOISE Paraonal. Quallllad drl· "•o Land~·-Malnt. 873.0548 per. Xlnt reta. Houaa or llc'd 20 vra In arH, rete. ne tlatnglnthaold ... .......... IPI. Oct-Apr (518) H~b"218012tl1"30 world tradition. 645-9158 118tl tor yovr dey to dey Reaid/Comm Clean.up. HAULING • 1tud1nt hu 861-2088 -" • " · all. In he< home. Under 2 C >JC. ...;y:...r_a_C_. M_._8_3_1_-6_7_86 __ -I • !!'!!~!,. • • !!!!!! • • • •• ladHll hmHI Coment·Muonrv·Block errand•. Shopping, dr Lite hauling 645.24811 lg• truck. Lowast ,.,. 1----------QUALITY WORK • nHI, apple, church, ate. All CLEANUP·HAULINO Prompt c111 7511-11178 Fem 24 In axcntnge ror r•a•, honest Raia LIC. naeda mat. By hour or Thank you. John rm & botrd wtll houM•lt 217107. Dave 98-4· 1045 •• • •• • • •••••• ••••••••• Walls-C·ust. work. LIQ. #381057 Rob 547·2683 !'!/.'!~!! ............ .. d•Y· 4114·6857. LANDSCAPINO or do hOUHCleanlng Don 4119·3408 CLEAN·UPS;GARAOES, 675--3298 Lowell r11eat Prompt, ANVTHINOI CALL nHt proteaalontla 15 11Hll0ll1 GP Bualnesa "Doctor" Bookal Data/Word Proc:esalng 90 Min on-lite vlllt $50 extra tlrM l25hr (7141645-5iH9 ''"''" .•.•.•.••••..•........ Orlve&·Plllot·Wtlka OAYWALL'fACOUSTIC NO JOB TOO SMALL Reptlrl. ttnl job spec. 11 Free nt 636-2807 yra. exp. Bud 552•9582 MAINT. & DESIGN Oberlln Landtcapa Serv. Written agreement on mo. malnt 844-1248 Desperate! Patio work GARDEN YJOAl.D Free design. Lo pr1<:e1. Wiii textur ... Acouatlc Full Service Gardening Xlnt reta •97.7354 L~~?8J:f:->S1t~:.'5£:e lac Bernal '4•2922 Ctl1' C•tt ,_.,,,, i.1~1111 ••••• • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • •• llHt1le•I • • ••• • • •• • • • •• •• • • • • • • RANDY 642·7847 J,.,,.,,,, vra ••P· 848·5664 ---------..................... . Hauling & yd olHn·UP Complete t1n1torl1I Hr· CUSTOM PAINTING TrH trimming, gartge vices. trained atafl. Int/ext Reaid/Gomm ctaan·up. Bob 860·9844 bonded & Ina Unlctean Fr" est. Uc 844-4798 B l al S~tema or Npt Bch 15 yra exp. NBICdM I'm .• ~'!!!!.~~ •• '!f •••••••• 1_8_·_1_200_______ 1m111. my price• are ROBIN'S CLEANING #, 1m111t Ron 673-6477 Sanlk:e •• thoroughly •• ~!~'!!l .•.•.•.....•.• --,N-T_/_E_X_T_P_A-IN_T_IN_Cl_ r!r..r.'11. •.••••••.•••. 1 I!!!!~.' •••••.•..••.•.• Paperh1no1ng, tltlpplng, MOOILC SlAVICl p11nun9 xlnt work, IO or RaKraentJNtw IC/Milt 1mall Jobi, raHon1bl• N8/CM only 642·96" rll•t • Relt ,ree eat •-• Brendan 981·7'27 -sit I I I s~;,·e:;;~ii°~~;;::.::i: .!/!.'. •• !~~!~•••••••• trout>le lhOQllng. poota, * •8AYANT'1• * hol wtr epac. htaUng W1ltco11a<lng Removal Neturtl gu, dategulatlOn All type1 842· 1343 11 here Opllmltt your 1y1lem1 elficlaMY AllO Ill C•11 'now 1nat1llatlona. Lie ·c:~1f1;;;.·~;;97,1;;;· 4056-4•. 831·2430 8ondad Sl I/city (av.ry lf!ldJttl 3rd \\'k lrM) 83 t .. 1234 • •••••••••••••••••••• ----SERVICE 6 REPAIR !!~!!!V.~!e.!'.. •••••• Vin 0ptt'~4=1c• Co ED'S PLASTERINO Neat PatCIWI, Int/ext Aatllu~coa &45·8258 PLASTER PATCHING Reatucco• lnll8Jt 30 ..,,_ Natt Ptul 545·2977 r!~!'!~~1. ••....•..... ATLAS PLUMBING & '"' ...............•...... TILE INSTALLED All Kinds Gua11ntaed Rel1 John 840·9217 Kitch b1th1 tnlllel w1tom & comm Free est. 640·2062 Heating. apoclallzlng In Cualom Ceramic Tiie repalrt 645-1688 wortt. lree eat 875·5100 HEU Ul·llH g~i!:8·7283 Glen o r Weter Heater Spectall 24 hr plumber etc. ftH $11.;11 I•••••••••••••••••••••• _P_L_U_M_B-IN_G_R_E_P_A-IA-S--" $LOW RATES,$ Replpe·Aeplece-dreln• Tree trlm/remov. clean Free eat. Reas, fellable up1, mowing. 554·7017 645·281 I Colla Meta REMODEUREPAIA F1nlah work & door han- ging No job too big or small Mike 631-&37 l Chlldcare wkdy•. cred. E.L.EC •• T.Rici:N·•:::P•r•l•c•a•d• Need work done? Cell teachar Organa.d actl-" vttlea c M 846-4657 right, free ullmate on Joel Ptlnl. yd cln·up. clean houae. 540..()857 BRICKWORK: Small tot>• & WALLPAPERING J~'• ci.an1ng Senllca Newport. Coit• Mesi. Cu atom work Free est ~!J!,!!~!~I. ••••. ••• .. ~Apta·Rentlla lrvtne. Rel• 875•3175 Aeu. Steve 547-4281 J.D Horn Refinishing T!~'.1l~1. •••••••••••.• Moat subject•. K· 14 Day/eve $5 & StOlhr Mr Morgan 6'C5·5 t 76 ff!~".!~ •••••••••••• Remod & addlllons, lree de1lgn & est. Qull & low ra111 Steve. 752·955lS CUSTOM wood patio co- ve<s. de<:ks & lencat by RANDY 641--0622 Finish & rough c:arpet1try. c;ablnels. rm additions. 646-7228 lerga or 1m1ll joba. hauling, dellv Reis De- 2 dedicated pre-1chool Uc. 3118e21. 873.03511 pandabla. 548.0338 teacflerl w/llC day c:are. ELECTRICIAN ••• ,.._ .. ,,., & lull dey. &4S.2209 Sml tobal Aepalra. Lie. •••••'"•••••••••••••• Chlld cere In college park 23310&.C· 10. 548-5203 Carpenlry • Mt10nry area 2 yrs & up $1 hr. ----------1 Roollng • Plumbtng Full or pt time. Catotyn LIC'D ELECTRICIAN Drywall -Stucco • Tiie 6'C6-7281 NEEDS WORKI Remodel J.B. 646-9990 Lie 418988 642·80231---------Ctaltltttn Gtat1'l Catpantry • Cabinets •••••••••••'•••••••••• S.1'••1•• Ptumb • Oratn Cleaning ll.L lllftllu I S.a •• • • • • • • .. •• • ••• • • • • • • Electrlcel • Tiie Lio. 308818. Remodel, TllES Reis. Don 986.0149 Add'nt. Ctblnete. To~/removad. Cletn Gen, contr1ct'g. malnt, Olfic.t. 540·1287 v lrl••·lltt•·lttH Swtnaon & Son Painting AnllQuff, kit cebineta. TIRED OF HASSLES? ALL TYPES MASONRY Complele eJCI. 1 ttory tine palnung 6'C5-0664 Quality claanlng help la Lie. 349479 838·3612 horM from $395. lndlvl· IHlii'I. heral Ref1. 960-7452 dutl roome from 145 + ••• ••• ••••••••••••• • • Custom Brick.Stone malerlals Reis Ins Huber Aoollng-111 types Cu1tom home Cleaning & Block·Concret•Stucco Lie 2053'..1 '631 •870 N~-recover··decks comf.lale maid eer111ct. Refs. Fr .. eet. 549.9492 I · l '" · ... Lie ;-;11802 '"8 97"• Pro .. bonded ·& Int ---------• IMt •• .. .,... · .,.. Unlc:taan Systema of Npt #fri ••'••••A••••••••••••• ROOF REPAIR BGh 850-1200 •••••'!f. •••••••••• • ••• Farthing Interior Design SPECIALIST 125--S 185 •l-1 .. YIH• HANGING/STRIPPING Free estimate 770·2725 Quallty HoutecJaanlng Top QU&llty. Spacl1l c:are Vlaa·MC Scott 645-9325 t---------t wla paraontl touch. CM, In handllng. 25 yrs exp. ASA PAPERHANGING llOF PlllLIM1 Irv. NB. Beth as<>-0933 Competlllve Rates 7 vra local exp Guar Oont reroot. repair at !!'!~~~.~!~~!!!I .•... "Let the Sunshine In" Cell Sunshine Window Cleanlng. Lid. 548·8853 20% Monthly 0.Kount lnllext. Reaid/comm'! Free est. 20•1. monthly dlacount. 644-4798 _L_lc_3_9_7_80_4 __ 8_4_2_._11_20_1 More tamlllea are getting the camping "bug" 1n11 year. II you have a cam- per that'• not getting used, 1811 It t\OW with a Clualtlad Ad. 646·8588/6-4s-4844 up, lawn ranov. 751 -34711 plumb. rep1lr, palnl'g, Tll ••-mobile home MfVICa. ADD'NS/REMODELING -"• 11111 Jim 538-99571536-3884 HOUSECLEANER No OYeftlme. 730·1353 work. Prices altrl at fraction ol the coal Call Good ref1. NB & Irvine SI/roll Alec 751-7027 Lee 857·2890 CRAIG CLEANING CO At1ld/comm'I lnt/t•I Screens. mirrors. Ladder w ork Owner ope r 848-3089 ~!!!!!!T.' ••••••••••••• AUTO ACCIDENT? No recovery • No fee. Att'y Kotfrulh 848-4375 Plana. Llc'd. George Lawn-11 ... ahrub Install Pllmer & Son• 846-7814 TrM tflm/ramovaf JACK OF ALL TRADES pref. Gladys 54 l.0702 au:.~~::~~I~ • E11pert wallcoverlng In· ROOFING REPAIRS Keep en eye on prleat the Hly way-be a regul11 c la1allled reeder. 842·5878 B&M Houteeltlanlng Low rates. 552.0410 1t1ll1t1on Reu. prl ces Small 1obs o.k lree estl· Reuonable. Call Bente Consultenl Assignment males Cell Tom & Chuck Balboa ISiand 875-3810 Classlllad Ada 842·5878 581·8590 542·8392. Have 1omethlng to aetl? Lawn Malnt/Rototllllng Call Jlclc tnytlme. Classified ada don well. FrM 11t1m111 548·8065 day or nigh! 675-3014 for rour cemere - •.. r· . . • . I \,~ DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandlae under •1,000. Sell your no.longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real eslate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. ( ................. btra .... 11.IO) 3 3DAYS Ll~ES CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 mt.~.r.~ .... !'!f rt~~! •.•••••• !~t , .. 11..!•.-.!'!. .••• !.{!f !~'1..'!~!~'!. •••• !!.!f !•!1..'!!!~'!. .•.• !.{~ 11 .. 11..'!!!~'!. ..•. !.{~ !•!1 •• '!~!'~ .... 1.1.~ IHIUll PLU IUYllTTll Counter pareon • Orv •Fl•"llC ltat Wtrtltrt Hot Rooter• warlted. Call PASTE UP Must b8 gOOd 845--3848 3 yr old gin and 6 mo old Cleaner• FuR time. Exp· The best lob otter In the Bob or Nev 111 e 1 1 with details. FIT Temp FNIU\ ADS lister naect rallabla 1>8'· ., M will train. 642·5468 Pl...., Call lght 8 1 6'C2·7222 tnru Jan. Wiii trtln Non· uunu l11Hul ....... r w Y smkr apply 10.2 '°" to car• for them In Counter paraon rMIUte n2-11I1 llllllPI LIYE II 540 0668 3303 H b . ID~ FREE ltmtn S311 their lrvlne home on Fltlma no axi>9r neoeu' NMd approx 200 people. • • • ar or MI. •••••••••••••••••••••• Wad. Sal 135. Call Dab-308 oid Newport Blvd Herdworkers can earn Fu 11 ch a r g e tor N 8 Blvd, Ste E5-E6. Com· I 4SJI IT Jiii lllYJOl 1>11. 752-8123 NB. Contact Donna. ' $500 WEEK TO START weterfrt hm. & Fam marca Park, CM. ¥!!!1!.~f!!.~~".!!.~f. !'/!!~.~!!! ...• !. ...• f!!!f!............... Cal·, Persontl. Qualltlad com· Ba1>)'9ltter who love• chll· •lllT No allper. Wiii train Jobs muet spk Eng . own car. PRINTING·DG 175 opera· 2 enck>Md garages S40 IJHllfht W... Storage Garage tor Rent panlon drl11era lor your d an 18 mos girl my Right Away 1717 E Lin· rel. 642·5001 tor, min 1 yr expar S6 50 ea per month For IHH, 3 adtacenl ~~~~-:;1~1mo. 142·1111 day to Oey errands. ~ nax hra 731.7651 OMlllUTllS coin. Anaheim Fee Interior gardener. PIT hr TPS. Inc 2230 So 7!>4.0588 executive suite•. Top Shopping, doctor'• ' Publlthlng firm nr JW F Yal must hive exp worlllng Dupont Dr., An1helm floor or prffllglous td· ltat.Jt Wutff fM~~~~~~~~~I •PPll. church, etc. All ~··· Airport Hek• a bright ••lttai• ltJ w/lnterlor plantacep.. 937.0S31 E.O.E SINGLE GARAGE. Central dress Beeutllul view •••••••••••••••••••••• need• me1. By hour or The bast place 10 wort<. lndtv 10 Ullst Credit Mgr llerta111 0..pHJ 549-1442 Laguna, near Ma i n Highly upgraded. Racep--21 yr OIO single working Loat: Chow, raddlah In day. 4194-5857. Call right -•Y wlootlecilons & gen ofc Lookl~ for 4·6 exper 1---------1 P/ti•t le11i1rs ~9~.~4~ $ 6 5 / m 0 tlonlU Service prOYkled. male nHdt reasonable ::';8 ~: ~~~: atea. •-&..-/I • 111·1111 dullt1. Thia candidate proles onala. We 1pec· Lill IFFICEllS Supplemenl your Income Sultf'a available lndlvl· one bdrm apt. Non· ..,.... tK•.... • '60-SlOO per shift. Pick ehould have e pleasant 1811H II John C1.1sack Aggreulve Ne.wporl by doing lnterottl ng Olfitl ll•t•I 4400 dutlly or es a group drinker & non-1moker. w-..1.at~ ., __ .. la1t1wtl•• 1HS your hour•. Wiii treln phone voice, 1ccurate 96-4~9090 Beach firm ... ks moll-te!epl!One salet work on •••••••••••••••••••••• Ideal for Branch office or Have references Mike - -•••••••••••••••••••••• typing & 8 willlngnen 1o RESIDENTIAL valed lndlvoduals Terri· behtll of ntllonal com-1617 Westclltf, N.B. 256 peraona In the Financial 979·2699. Loll 9/18 Orona ClelPAE ·SCHOOL/O.-,Y Meny openings Jobs i.tm.bparpraf butwiM MORTGAGE SERVICE torlas open. Must hl\19 panles S4 hr guar plus to 4000 sq. It. 191. noor Field. Pleaae call (714) 1......, .. L TENANTS. Mar Beach. REWARD! CARE ~t~T~ E. I.In· train Contacl Oe1n1 AMT RE Lie Htrbor·Pacific luetatlve bonu1 lncent1ve Agent 541·5032 760·1118 NEWPORT ~ 955-1345 Maple Ave Christian In • • ee. Hunt 549.4934 Fl••• 11$1 DLlll 955-0073 programs. StlH upr CENTER. Prof Cpl1 eeek1 good, Found: Bluepoint Sltmasa C.M. Regl1terlng 2-PreK. Baaury Selon hu opening Experienced prelerreCI. MAINTENANCE prev, but will train the *HLIU tFFIOIS* i----------1 low coat rental In NB/ neutarecl male. Sm lndlv clHH• open tor hair ityllal Renttf CRT 0811 Entry People. FIT. Flexible hourt, con· right person. For Inter· From 1 room to 3 rooms. WESTCLlfF I I Irv/ CM/ So SA area. 1 Oct 4th. 8411-433• 640-8023 Must type 60 WPM. ft• tact Margie. Suri and Full time. m in i mum view call Ma Kruk a1 From 11.16 a sq. It. No ~!~.!.. • • or 2 bd. Wiii help main-842·0100 xlble shifts Spanish Sand Hotel, 497.4477 $12.26 per hr. Xlnt OP· 545·5776 lease required. Adj. Air· OllTWmlll teln prop. David or Kelila Lott M /Shep lab mix, t.•J-..i•I tlllT UPTlll• 11)88klng 8 +.Please call portunlty For '" Info -------- porter Inn 2172 Dupont Wflll SPIOI Kent 548-5038 bltek hu dbl~ claws ••• a.•""••••••••••••• Ctn you •tart to work II 151·9303 Ult lor Bev In Full end PI T BoardlnP. c:all John 631·8620 Plrc•1siq/l9Jtr Call AM 833·3223 REWARD 897-3898 JtM w .. tH 111S the best In C1lll rloht Peraonnal (Xlnt pay). ::.~elM'::'s<tbelno~ :t MANAGEMENT TAAi· Sr MAO bu)'er with ex· Alrpon area • Exec. Sui· From 200 s/f to 1400 l/t. ll'i•n•/hlntl/ La.1 while female cat .,,1 y~~~0·,;.~;;,;,·~;~·:.riii away? Htnte4lal/S.t1ritrt Neat, & dependable NEE, M/F, $276 wk while per in ei~;onlf ;:::;_ tes. From 225-450 sq ft = :,C:~.avs All • ..'J.-.~!!.••••••••••• Y9flOW eyet, 8roolihura1 do general handy work. 111·'111 Thi bell Job Ilk• 11. (;a11 831-0660 ~t81~~~.N8~~1~1; Work ~~~ ~ Fun 11 per sq It M1ny xtras l•n•l•••I & Spelnacker aree. H.B. Call ev11 & wkend1, Malit 14'0 tt llOO rlghl 1w1y. 04!r>ual.'Ottlce, typing. procurement cycle duties Cati 557·7010 For Information call ::d '! ~iv'~·p~.!:ua~~ 972·9525. II 1 H11fff .a.lft 112-1111 llghl bkkg, Mature. Opp· MulHrlst and responslbllltles. SI· 400·900 PLUS 1400 sq. tt Stu or Rosa ••• '!fr.!!~~J!f ... !!!! 964--4&84. 1serlou• young lady de· Yes, It's true. Jobs Right 121,ool Jiii tt start ty lor a•panded position. N-porter Inn 6'C0-4740 ltry commen1ure1e wl Penthouse Baytront Sul· 142·H14 Liquor Store. Balbo1 •-----------' Sires room & be Nwpt In Awty 1717 E. Llncoln, Take charge people Submit resume to· 10l I MASEUSSES • Goo d expr. E•cel benefits pkg te. parki ng. patios 1----------1 Island. S22,000 month SCRIU LETS e•changa for hOuMkea-Anaheim. Fee needed 10 answer thl• Brloao Drive Ste 111. working conda. Good 1nClud1ng health & dental 673-1003 WIST911Sm grosa $110,000 plus In-""'• ping. 842-6149 ~ msg. ad. a.n.t111 Galor•I Jobs C.M. 92827 pay. 8AM·12 noon. 2112 lnauranc:e, tu111on ratm· .Isl S,lcl Cl. DaluJCt office or store ventory. Owner wtlf ce1ry NS Uve In hakkpr111da. Full Bookkee~er Right Awty 1717 E. Lin· IEll.,.' tfFIOE Herbor, Cost• Mesa bursemen1 program. space 14280/900 IQ It part. 675· 1407 alt 5:30. I WERS coin, Anaheim Fee -(714) 645-3433 . p11d vacation & holiday•. Anractlve rustic upstalra 1•30•11200 ft .. ___ ,_ ft time. Depend .. herdw· Pirt time Re taurtnt, Shttp parson ror front s.no resume to: " .. sq. • ....,_,, #t If.• 1-J ••-T .. ~ •tt kl L f 875 "-tv>h CUSTOMER SER CE & 1ettlng. We supply desk, Blvd. Btwn 2 lrwyt. Cllllc ••• !!T •••• ~.~ ••• !'l.~ •'9V'Y ·" er ng. oc re· """""' houra, wegea nagotlable. VI olllce Typing, llllng & MEDICAL FIT Front otfiee L1akmann Elec H O· space. copier. You sup-Center VIiiage ShOpplng SlOO,OOO Needed for~. Emend · Joyful Sel opn Ctll k>r appt MAC Genetti Clerical job hatvy phonff 675·9800 position. Ml11lon Viejo Optics ptyphone,&$95prmo CI I 1 ti MVFEEf F SUPERIOR 875--25&8 open, with hospl tal 495-1080 33051CalleAVttdor pr desk. Call 644·7211. en or. pr me OCI on. High return. gOOd c It. OIO woman loolllng Into 0 r m. r •Quip. mlr Mull have ~General Office San Juan Capist11no, 979·8819 or 680--0144 Secured by I st TO on the mirror. "If twee fated COURT Clafk Metia PIT BOOKKEEPER/Part time. good phone paraonallly. ~ Men's Private Club ,,.01 Ca.Iii 92875 2000 SQ It w /500 SQ It lllWPllT real estate. PP. 642-9723 to h•11• wrlnklH, why amploy. Tues thru Thura. eecy, w/vouchat Hper experience tn flllng & Newport Beech CPA firm locller room attendant to ATTN: M Frlllk1 storage, 0 C Airport .. f. couldn't they all have Pl'• 1 1 n Lag 8 ch N • w port bu II de r consldertbla typing. Ca.II hh Immediate opening opar1te thoa shine ma· Ctll 493·6624 are a. S 2 0 0 0 I mo IAY YllW "'•:::J."' nit been on MY FEET?" 497-4718 831-84166 979-n65, Aak tor Ala lor permanent lull/time chine Neat. ablUty to E.O.E/M·F·H 851-8928 Ofllce aulte on Newport r $0,S .. Fou=nd:.:..:::.:Tort~_..:.._.:.=::.1 .. .:..:.._.1-k-lt-.r..,=,-:1r,;-;.,::1:-•-l-::-ff-;---;7;-:l;:;OI;::;: ---------1---------• MCra1ary to work u 89• deal w /people. non· Har ... -.... Aptvox. 1000 an •••••••••••••••••••••• "'.-u •n:n "'4 Bookk "'-OI •••tit 1 t t I f amkr rellable ••on Fri IUL llTITt •u11 SO LAGUNA 3 Arch Bay ""' ,.. ..., tan. M..a Woods. C.M. ••• ••••••• ••••• •••• •• eeper 8'9'5 -I I an o secretary o ' ,.. • -2 Suites avall. Gd. Hwy It. 714-645-7100 U. UmQ 979•9879 lerfMt llltf .... fl Don't believe this td partners as wall use· 7.9 AM. 11•30·2PM. Need 2 exper people In \llSlblllty 497·2351 Exec tulle w/AC. 500 1q lhrtullt 0., let. Exparlancad only need M ull l>e c1pable of Don't call right -•Y cretary to Accounting 5-7PM 752·7903 Ask lor commercial and tndu· It. w/btth & gar. $400 spacilalliJng In 111 & 2nd Found: Kinan. tiger atrl· lpC)ly. '1'14-8'1'6-1955 handllng Government 112-e111 SarvlcH Department Al 1trl1J real es11te lor sue· SIPEll lllW•I mo 675-3600 TO'a line:. 1949 ped, 4 wht pew a, blk 1-;..;..;._______ quarterly return• and to He If 11'1 tor real Outlet wlb inctud• typing, •---... --EL-S___ cesstul and growing fifm Exec Suites Incl. recepl. 1----------i Robt Saltier NH/CM c:ollat. Vic:. Bay St batwn ll.a&. MSftllL computerized payroll Company naecta approx fthng, xeroxing, errand• S.t wort<lng condition• sec·y serva. cont rm .. lali•lfl lt•l.J 44SI RE.Brolcer Bd Realtors 13th & 14th, N.B . In C.M. need• fl.Ill tlrM Mu1t ba experienced 200paoplatotra1n.Ba1 & other general otllce Scanty Ptnty now hiring In Newpor1 Buch kit .. mill handlg. AH· •••••••••••••••••••••• 842·2171 54s.--0611 873-7565. · kennel peraon. Mon thru Pl•••• call for •PPI · deck hand on a com· E11cellent 1tlary com· lor ltshion snows. Exp'd. 714/646-5051 ponslve to your buslnese Retall store •I 2650 Avon. Fri. Call btwn 9am-6pm. 493·1548 8·5 dally merclal fishing boat. Y .. menaurate with axpe· preferred 548·6444, -R-e-st .... a_u..,ra'"'n ... t ____ _ needs Adi 405 Fwy In 1685 IQ. It. plu1 8 car IDOW HAS $$$ tor TD'• Found young German 548-3794 CHILDC•RE It's true, eern btwn rlenoe & tblllty. P1etunt ,_c_M_. _______ _ F.V. lndlv oles Mo/mo garage 641-37n RE Loans. 10K Up. No Shephard In Hunt. Bch.1----------Rella~ mttu,. woman 1200·$500 per shift worklno atmoaphare Needed. X·Aay Tech end IHS MF lrom $325 963.6445. 1·c,..;.,-.-• ..;._,,-,-1,-1-----1 Credit Ch:-Ck, :o~· IMM--4053. ~~' ~~ 10 chllOcare In my home, Jobi Right Awty 1717 E ~ 752·6818 bat 9 & blclc ottlea aulalent tor Sauce Ellpert• • mu1t • I ~~rs llty 08M aon · · lfrNIMll S1H ,..... 10 m&· T Th f 1 old M 1 Lincoln AnlMlm Fee 11 Orthopedic Olllce with Position on bt1utllul NEWPORT EXEC SUITES ,.,,, ...... 873-7311 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 13 unit apt bldg. In • Ot Yf • UI • . ----------1 llmltld llcense, PI T Monterey PaninlUla Be-Full service. re~able •••••••••••••••••••••• lwJ;,;-::::::::;:-=:...:~;:::::::;;-ltiiliiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiii14 Colla Mata 1tartlng Nov h111e Rats & Car NB DECK HANDS GRAPHICS ASST. Datt.II nelll1 include haelth and rates Xlnt toe 752-6-408 Comm'I b88Ch iocatlon. Ill purchaM Mortoeges ~I Yllll'I Raf'a. 780· 1418 evui ltH. ('114) 875·9494, Full time, top pay. aev· ot producllon & eome 1_63_1·_2_200_______ dental Costa Mesa 1 or 2 room ~:~.5:..~ S500/mo or 2~~) ;r:~.. PHOTO MODELS wllnda. Evee artl positions open. Xlnt typing. FIT Temp. thru •llHY PHSH sultH. From $75/mo ESCORTS/DANCERS 1-p_p_ll_ca_t_lo_n_a_n_o_w _be_l_n_g·l ---.......... "".'Ol"'.".""."U-:-~Tl~=.1--: ~~~1lti1~~~ee lnlo ~~~2. N5°4~~0~~~. 'f:fri5 Full/time. Experienced. Cell Mlchella Sumvan Utlls lncld. 779 W. 19th 1150 IQ ft Easy Aocau. OUTCALL 24 HRS tlkan fOr tun time ottlca for voler raglatratlon Harbor Blvd. Sta E5·E6, Ikeda NUJMfY, C.M Cell T H E M A R S H A L L St. 851-8028 Sae dtlly, 8-5. $700/mo MMHT perlOl\nal, typing, 10 key drive. Peya 150·1100 DELIVERY Parson. over Com P 11 CM IOr appt, 645·5782 GROUP 1731 Superior. C M & tome light bookkM• deify Paid twic. lilfMlcly 11 tor LA. Times, c M m8fce " • · , __ .;..:..._;______ Personnel s.rvic.. Inc Newport EJ&ec tulle 2 min II 4 2 • 2 • 3 4 . d a Ya. ping raQUlrad. Paid ma-700.1928 750.5544 homaa. 3 AM·8 ~AM Grooming IWSll ll4tt P 0 A·l , Ocean 6 Lin· lrom Airport hH lndtv "4-729-4 -· •••••••••••••••••••••• * * * dlcal plan, vec.tlon pay. Econ cat raq No oollec-~ peraon to help w/ Expar'd only tor Con· coin offlcu In 1 luxurious 183 w 8 s c .... ,,.,.,, 1111 lff ..&: p rl Apclly In pereon only. no Comp~nlon, cook. Ille Ilona. S400·1450 mo ctre grooming l love ol 11ala1Clant Hospltll. New· Cermet, CA 93921 antlQu• filled buelneH MHI 1,~4'~ sq k 18:!2 •• .. •• .. ······,···~··::::.:·· ..... I or phone calla. "K.lrk hlkp g, for I woman. plu1 bonuaaa. 846--0637 my long haired Cll poll Beach Good WOt· (401) 625·5700 environment •Q lpped office. balance •hop H n r.,... Open 24 llra 1 dey ,,.._..,., .. 2300 Harbor PIT. Mu~ l!rlve. non· Den Some knowledge & exp-king conditions Excel· "l'ree to .-,ppllcan1s .. with Tl11, W.P .• an~..,..,., "" $410/mo 111 &. 780.0 4 7 de'ya •week Blvd. Colt• Mata. amkr, Np! Bch area. ••Ptalff~A.•l~dd:!/Tpr ~· tr w/anlm111 helpful. len1 bantllta. Come end -R-.. -,-,-ur_t_n_t __;;..:.. __ _ I f lot t Cal 6 II Jacutzl, Sauna. Loc8'1l----------I t 0 AM . v p M ca 11 ' ,. . lnfor (714) ~9-7281 tit be I part of our tHm. SOT PEPPERONI'$ ~~~=m:,mci, ..:.:. ltlt I 48-358 d Blue Eyea, Where Are at wall at Tourl111, ,pt ,!tfana tgaf'tor c' oHalndta r.n,an,t 840-&0'1'3 Busy PIMMllt ottio., Npt 3PM 842·8044 PIZZA STORE from S375. deli! apKa l•lalltl•I You? Love Always, Cha-BankAmarlc81d, Amer· a .., "" COSMETOLOGY Cir. 940.0300 • Now hiring tor patMlme S250. Move In allowtncl ltat•J U•i--.;.ryt_L._W_r...;lg;...h_t ----1 lean Expr .... Olnett ~H complH, o11er •O, apl AaathaUcltnt, ax~. r .. DENTAL ASSISTANT lot lllalllSIH tfFIGI ll&IAlll openlngsat location naar 833-9978 •••••••••••••••••••••• NILIO 1-ml ~ 714/845·3433 . .._1ncld __ ._e_7_&.o4 __ 4_1____ Quired. Skin car• 6 11• °"'llO ore. Cflalraldt. ell· Nawporter Inn Salon If VOU are • "take char· 0 c Al• M 1 & -E-.ecu--UY_e_IUl_t .. -. -fu-11-..,-. N,B. 3975 Birch 1000 IQ. '"" ... 11 2112 titrbOt 81. CM Alf\.ORD£R ENTRY clala. Ntll Tacll. L'Eatral ~.,~ pt:ool, ROA or allglble. Ptr1111 'g!~~r•f'd ~:~~::'::~.;~f o~: Alllrno~hou~.n ::Peal ...._ ,,. ...... --.. ti. MIA zone Agent RaluJnn ma•..,,.. by Ian· Mfg natd par1on with BHuty Canter, at Lido " rl 11 ..... rt"glng trom •te-aupplamantll lncOtne fOf v...,.., great., r...,.,._., no 5"4t·5032. FAMILY FITNESS .... ---· gOOd ''"'"'" ...... 10 k-M I VIII NB T ... " d leala. 754-0274 1----------1 CENTER nit pro• trotn Lagun• ,,..... ..... ., ., nt •g•. . DENTAL ASSISTANT HEAL H c Lu B IN. nogrtph)' to t•I• end hOmt·m•kara an llU· ---------17150 up. 2160 11. lndu· 1800 Adema, Cotti Beedl. Wtyna or SI ..... lkllll 10 make trlnlltlon 873·"552. Xlnt opc>Ortunlty tor ax• STRUCTOR M V WO· racp dutlat. tpply In wrl· danta. Our prograatlva ~~CP=ene:= •dt0r~0•0~Clrcia18111~1 ."-t M .... (nellt topoat ot· Ua.:/,f'· 10·9PM :r..~~':rrp~~:=: P ~~~~·· partanctd RDA Buty, ~.'~9~bh~~~M, Ungto·Preeklant,Grut ~n::=''1~-= Ample l>tfklng. Includes • f~) Sand raaume with P•Y aop .. ,_,... to 1ra1n ptauant l.agune Baeah 1----------1 Amarlc•n Medi• tnc. cement based on your utHltlat. Mike Crow. Agt. Huntington, Beach Ill .4UUu 3MS38 or 11584!38 exp. to 350 l-Ava. CM H Counaalora to tld :!!~1!~" or pert tlmti •httltttttt• N12B25"2E.: .. Bl •Ibo• Blvd, )Ob partorm1nca. Plea· ....... 78 •"2 1 23 842•2834· ·~ Au1tr.i11n Lad". talr. 48 ,....... otharl In dlat or wllh ~ .. 00 -"'-· " vv ~"I •~· .,...,..,.1 •.,.. • 4 1---------1 811/Sun 9AM to OPM, rrt Int mualc '11uman1tv 1-"---'"------r-•Wain<n/WlltrtH• aa-nt WOfklng ""'"' 1.,,.,. last n .. St.. ...,.,..an,.n ,Free fltn ... Titting and 8atklno OOM"lny oi ····111L111.. problem•. Thia new ....... 11 ... m You can balleva It or,JlOI , .. , TIMI Mull ba ll and over. o t t 1 ca/ Ind u •tr 111 our ,. ... laOl'lnlQua raautti In 1 Senior 8ecurl\y Guard out ull tint ldaal tor person wllh ·Apply In P8'ton 2·$'J"'· 1100 f.45-7~ ·· lnlar•tlima1ura male T ........... , .... blnt-,Call ........ , ... d hlPP~ -aon d 1 c d 1 l N .... ..,..g • ....... , • 4,000· 14,000 eq tt. All ,.,, .,..., "' ,,.... _,All :8•100m• 0 ....... ,~1... want• or on om • lll·l111 aonool cn ldran o tllpt ,.,.,., · ...... .. 0111Ga to ihore Praitl· A/C H"" Pwr Ind 1 "'h• I I 1•••1 '"' Wfl,.1! Otlc Piiot, PO Boe • rlOl'll ••ti· ,.~t-ICt ,...~.__ 't· nlum. AelarancH •nd 91,,1 11 •50 •••• ehllt nae Appro• t 1am-3pm Senti A.ne ~ta I X.I, t A"O..,,d •••••••••••••••••••••• '"""· ost1 Mata, I l 1·1111 """' .,..,....... E I R I d • • .,., "' I A bbl I (Nelli to Mc~) Obit Newport location! Ing. nt or • an Found young tamale gray 92821, Cl&Hlflad Ad ar. '17 4·0121 balwaan J1par enca equ '8 average.Severalpereona DHk n• 0 n• ca -·"" ........... unity(,--'. fmmad. ocoupancy. 1275 low r1111. 720·0821, 8hHPdog ml•. 010 ,1..,, t•·H an nout EliP•· II:~ AM Ind l0:30 PM C.il 6'1&.8101, Mon·Frl, n .. d•d 10 11.,1 right Crtem ltott NB -...-_.,...., .. ..,. mo.133-2M8. 213-927~ Pkwy l 405 Fwy, M.v. •---------1 rlencad and 1ralne11 Mon thru Fri, Sat 1130 I 11'11 . 'pm ewty •t f\ICHI Orang•11i8iii7&.iiiii9iii19iii1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 21500 elf blllC otc w l .. I $ ca IPic. Claim at 0 C Animal White male 28 Htkl nt1ded. )Obi Right AM •• 30 PM .. lflll• County LOul>Qt Job111 nutomot va r SM!tar ' · Irland 21..SS, butctl. Awe)'. 1717 E. Lincoln, RIQfll A• 17'7 E Lin ..... -:f:f0 ,~00~ ~"~: = [-;':,,: ~l;iiiii~====~-1 5'40-1482 Anallalm. F.. -.nta NllH Can you •ta" rhe bHt coln. An~m. f'.ee • !lnotll• 011.:,•:~ vou 161·8121 tery ~. Equlpl*'I' •••IMh ..... , ... 111 ..... UIYllTTD For d'Y clffnlnQ Plant lob• tn O.C? Call rtghl uaa ratult ... ttlng Detty • flll wttn .w oompr8110f, uti.. knocka °"'" .,_, 'f04I CofwetMtlOn with 8arbl 1 Y 8 1 r 0 1 d n 8 e d 1 'ull & pt/time Wilt tr.in IWl.Y lll-t 111 --,or-Clalal--flad--Ad--1 Pilot C1111l1 ec1 Ad• to 1 • lltlat Hid 1775/rno c M. u .. '~~ PellY M c I v I. A 2. "Grtndm•" in my hOrn8 ~0149 Cout Hwy. 8 AC'TION teach 1ha Orenot Cotlt Ally's, CPA'I & Prof. 846-63'14 PllOt Cl n.cs di lo ~701 while Mommle workl Laguna ""·lMS bper & tralnaH wet• mtf11et Newport Canter fbec •---------•---------·• come. All •Mt• IYlll. C.it • Ptlone "':t·&e71 8ult ... fully llllfad, People wtlo nMd peep.. raecfl Nor.,. co.. cotoe . Would IOY• 10 ::g:::,J5 hre pal .. TI'llnlllng Of I new l)Ome •1-•1• hr Job• Righi Oelly '11ol heftdla all ywr ~ """*' ~ ctl8Cll IM mark... S*1Y w/'f04I. Cell l\ie or tor ..,nno? s.. tM menv Away 1111 I Lincoln.. AO.VllOA n.dl, lndMduell oftloaa, larvlot Olrectcwy In Iha ~ '4:l·M1I IC1thy enytlma (213) ILL tdla Ila"'' wltll • 111tm,a In lodtl(a cte.i•1_A_nlNlm ___ FM,._..,...,.,...,..._ f.4t·M7I MWMo 144-71• DAILY PtLOT tOW233 Otlty Piiot CIWlfled M . fl9d OOIUmnt.1424611 CiMiiriiiid Adi 6'i2:Ji11 ULU/I••• ...... Unique l1dy'1 alothlng ator• .,.... enaroetle la· di .. with llalr for fa· alllona 1nd modeling axpr helpful Appl~ In r.r•on Alai1l1 Ntturll ll'llOnl 280 •th 81 ~leactl \ DI Oramu• Oo at DAIL. v PILOT /Prldly, OepttmHr 2-i, 18Ba t lo.'1. .,, ... ~ •••• l.~ ..i.. 00 A LITTUI ~ .... .,°"" OWNHOMI !'.~•.1.'.1Jf~.~~ ..• ~ !'!!!.'!~.'!!.'. ... ~f "'~'~,~:~~.,, ~ ... ~.,,,.~~ .•.. ~~ ..• .'!1.~t ...... ~ lr.!1 •• !~~'Af •.. ll!f •••• t.K •••.••••.•••.• 16 I iat11no l/Ull ' 111r, a All•Q ~ .... 11.110011 DRY srnn•GE We !~J ~~~~t'!'lptl Open 1111110110 your own 11011re r arn 110 prallla Sell tu HI• N-t:' .. .,. J • ',1a;., I t:-' 'II ESTATE Sil[ SEPT 27{28/29 or 'ilC 1111,. tt11td "'"'1111 • u 1.r1 • l • c:. • 11 •, •tll• ''J: '" l•n•• 81,. """ n -lo1m1ta top, l-40/l llQO/b1I olr 113 Of<tY C11ra r1C1d lor 411ltll Monllllt t.Oll l lO•aqe (At Ptr Oe1rt lr4tr 1'0•41 14 t CtwlK••ll 21 ::.;~IHI• 1 ' 0 0 .,.., •·•• ~4 hr -.civru) P111t11 IH7 Huuth U11in6{1•, Snnta Amt P~r~1~ ~~~:;. ~~,~~r:. Alt eP!!6:i.OOAa nina•r 1 <oWl40' ~··· ,, .. .lw';;i/ ... , ~bvJ•" lllHPLtl ll0-1411 FLEA MARKET 1 '~ l • I . r. l ' ;,; 1'1m1• li<UI AM h> :t PM 11000 0111 11•1 3106 pt;1l rnootl"" 11111 1.,m• 11•1 I /\ f '-I HY ID&T ... • ... l1r Ir. JTllfl\W unnturr, ' mnmrllf t 'onn 't-c •IHI M<.r•lilry dHk. re 11 Joh11.u11110 S1500 ~;~:1\.1117~:' &fa~l~J;; II . New UNO Mefi.h•11'.11N Or~1ir1. ('hll'kerlnl( '• (i1111111' P1111111° •1111 con<j S t 36 8732100 ev• 144 .. 111 1•1 •• / •• t l.I I( 'h111u. dollli, 1''1g II d1x•k' w1111 , 111t·ndtu '. 67fl &otO wkdy1 111 6 s .... •••·a,, .• ,. l.Oll Alamllos flace frac:lr. Iulo 0115 123,.1996·7799 OAIAOI ULI ADI HOW 1 ~ t, \ CLAlllPllO IT CITYI HlllLOW I I I ..!O l1r IHI ISabol w111c1ng t•tt•• (ern up to $ lfJUU ~411 ................... pr 11\ll Vl'll, lllt'r\b uncl lo"" fll(lfl' l(OOdtt~ DCoK8 rOR SAU: 20 ele<: OullHllO. lfllttlM: very OOOd c;ond 1300 frl•IMlllllt• mo Part 11111• Mutt 1>al•-------•• Ml' ur Vltt.ll OK. Deike •n<I m•tc:hlng 1;or1d likt new 6•11 81169 W/dolty 175 3070 •••••~••••••••••••••• ma1u1e !l!'>O 004J le11ve M £ R R Y G Q l1lt11 IHl•11l1 C11t1 "'" HLH IOWI c.hnlrt al t11t11llce ptl(;t • #1t11l1H llb1 1140 M•HitQll • • ••• •••• ••••• •••• ••••• • • • • •••••••• • •••• • •••• • •• 1560 nop1ac1man1 ll•ITtl lil/H.r'• 10f5 •••••••• •••••••• •••••• Oln rm HI, 2 br Hll, MOVINO 8 Alt. IOlt 01 _ c:o1t $2300 CALL DAWN I •••••••••••••••••••••• Hoodn (, T 00 I, llli1 11- SALCS PIT, e•clutlvu I• ROUND hid•·• b•d. Chilltl, l ab 0000101, r rt18a1 9 ti 784 f•r•lt•tl I011:0 T•t•ll•tl 1010 11-&prn M-f 833 llGOO To Pllmo ll)(l<I IJhtng 1 " New Meooum 370 wind 88 1326 ·11 S•&O welry boutique 011y& & 101, lampt. kit ltem1, tgo v1c101111 Coll• Me•• ••••••••••••••••••••'!'. ••••••••••• •••••••••• 'R 0 • , ~h7I~ 9no11ably l~ouble·lrM sutler, 1alnbow sail Coal 761·<11411 I hi Call I • I Cl ml11011 8111 9 • Sun 0 N.., IHI u rleQlllll 1;1111 " •Y lnur "'""' ln<.lud s 1166 Mutl Hll 1850 n 0 • 01 PP ru HORSES O·noon i on f Sulbou Sot 8 5 01111 blka, 2 10 Antique Mah dining 111, M VINO liv 111 luin ·IO• be utecl 11 a c11h re ad 111 Mar11111 on Lakt e73 3000 '82 Puc:h Mo.Ped 100 Jewelry, 549-1542 lllvd wtr19 mech .. C.IOllJO, mint c;ond 1800 New 8rll1Que l11med mltrOr gltler plul can be ullllLl<I MHd. 30 mlnulll from • mil I 1480. . SALHPIHDI D111tttl1, Oer•tls, kid• vooi.1. h1hld 1101. WhlllPOOI r11i1g $400 Mutt Hll. t 63 Odwy, for n11.1111uer111n1 r1po11 Liii Vegaa 1111p S111ep1 l11t1, IJl11 5411-06620 HallmPrk 0111 end flltrly M/S ..... .,.. c., ... ,,, ""' 1oy1.11om11. All prlCIU 10 673·&101 C.M 648·6063 print OUll SllOb 6. eve1y tine IHIUIO In DHk 1010 Shop Mull bo uperlf!il Exhlblllon Centar 00"lh ··a·......... ........ 1011 111111 911m111 r ()I I o,1ml~~ Olnlng Toolo, Ho111Ao1' OtHI 1019 Sh11rp FA• sr.501 Copy eluding M11cru11111 Po ••••••• ! .............. #ot11e1tl11/ cad. and wllh 11 desire 10 0 " M VINO SAi C Slit 91a5, H1vbor oll linker ' I 42x62 , with ( 1) 24" IHI, •••••••••••••••••••••• rnethlne $60!'> wer $24.500 Pl118ee coll $lip• evall. CdM ore11 . ltHlltl II SO 11a1n 101 man1ge1 poal ti~N.:•on Street Pl\fA ~~~ •• s~:ML.os~ .. !~~,,~ 2 111n111y Snit. llMllQu g ~ 0 cl ~o I) d $ 3 5 Olntll• Hl/4 Chair•. ••c 648·74" 1 Ownar (702) 293·138 I St fl I ca II c." 18 ··;:·;················ tlon FULL llME TuH SATURDAV o & h 9&o 5844 . cond I 125 U,·811117 9• 1 0 7 '4·966·2"73 Wkdys " AMAHA ENJ)UF\0 S I· JO cord, Nev•jo 1110, Mlle. r&11. •ow mac • aprl Mon 111 da~tevu 0 , 1111 1011 1 u 011 on Wh&l8r. 8•5 250DT. ~1111 cond thru el Hunt111ft1un SUNDAY 1·6 -oqutp c10111u 6 misc Ki"" 11.~ 9 .. 8 1 eai II •••••••••••••••••••••• 13·~· 40 HP , w1tr11 . 1•001obo 6•5 soot B h • 96" 8" 0 ---~~~~~~ 1.AAGE ESTATE SALE 187 t OtClt•td, Santa ''• •v " u Y' o ft.II 6079172 40711 p G " " • eac ... rea L · " r S tatlon m1tllreH Com-uppd &1men Sha· $6400 000 845·5916 OOAT SLIPS AVAILABLC -- S•le11 Old btaas NCR CUil Re II & Sun I 1 ·4 No Ann llQll Sol 9 4 (011 1>l11lt HI. like new 1 Vt J1rt1/1w 1010 pho1 r1ee to gd homo l•lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim_ii_ii_ii"ililmii Nowport Betch 25'. 28'. Oetul1ful 75 Honda, 108· 01110 ,, complole. $&00 o.arl1u 2305 Pac:111c SA & Orl&IOI) 1600 17141 964•0'36 ••••••"••••••••••••••• 731·8130 30'. 35° 4o', 4 45, Call dad •lmoal new cond llETIRED1 6 68 11 Drive. 81 ACftClll --2 1 Inch. l•K rope Chlln OHRIS ORAFT 22' 842 464" tr om 9 .5 S995obo 631.0523 Looking lor e•t1a tn· 44• 2 evenings Colll ltlll 2011 ORAMCE, 011 2 ma1chl11g chairs, hand with ~. ounce nugget Fr0••"f,Sh•1Ph•01d m i1t1. Winter •peclal L•P· Mon·Ftl '80 Kewesa~OOO. 7000 come? l Pa 1 Tl s IS 3 made lrame. down ptl· $860 Prl p1w 631·92tll Y u me 1 rot w sttllke h n II 1 Salee at 1~e PE~NVS~8 ··--------• •••••••••••••••••••••• -at un lamll\•• tows 1011er1 Need rec· ' -kid• 48·4 l 52 tull can:ee • ,,rC:~f: ~~~ Dock apace evallable up mt. Veller fairing,++• VER. 1660 Pl1cen11 8 AllHIOU HTIOH SWAP IEET GARAGE SALE SAT overt no $35 eac h ll1d;.,,1. 1011 2 Budgt. ParukHll w/'l brd He1cu1es engine to 36' $1150/ft Ardell !!r~11~•~i~~1~9mut1 Ave.Costa Meta Asklor HCTltl EverySunday,8am-3pm ~~vo~'B!!~7.~~c~~~· 548.0027eves ··5~:oel.r.Ajo1N"reR:·· coo•• s20 p, compl gone ov11 F1.111 842·5736 74 v 360 Mia White Sat Serit 21, IPM 01ange Coasl College flower In Cotta Mase 4 Pennaylvenla House PLANER. w/11and. 862·7491 opuon pkg $3800 w/ MARCUS CHANNEL 11oe 3•ma,ha G dirt bllle F.I le • A II I Ch od d SI"' 963 1381 dock Mull Hll ASAP 1111 10 28 ''· •1•", also on '" lllr ood cond Ova1 JOO terns 1nclud1no rv w .. ' ng on Tandem bike, 1IC!lm ca· euy ••Pt ucuon ta • '" · CO<..KATOO with cuge 67"3.8 I • "" S 8 o o 9 7 5 Cost. Mes• Adm SI on d• back t I A h ..,.. .. Side up 10 18 II s 100 • 2 2 7 3 . Regine Music Machine. M 1 1 bJnel. exe1c1set 1 c 111 ra us 8" CRAFTSMAN $900 01 make olr 673•814, 645-4151 SECRETARY R.E. Secre101lal pos111011 In active Newpoll Center Realtor's olltco Front olllce position requ11es good 1e1ephone voice. typing. SH. & appe111an ce. Aeal estate e~pe rlence helplul but not essenuel Prefer local resident Fo1 1n1e1111ew I call M11 Duhl w uilltzer 1o 15 Juke Box, lree lo buyers Seller seots Aeg p11ce 1900. TABLE SAW w/lland 682· 1244 " 2 s Roll lop desk a, legal Rllsetvauons/ Into Old W1ck11 lbl, high chi, vii $450, 559· 1162 1125 963•1381 18' boa I with lrtller. ball Sid• T le Pier. Balboa 250 Endu10 Hodaka. xlnl SIH Ille cabinets toncy 556-5880 boal, Skll & mlec 39 __ __ OOOHR PUPS tank $600 Also 77 85 ISiand. 20•22• 1811 prel'd cond . very 111ong $350 hall 1881 wl round mirror ~nla llllbel CM FOLEY SAW AKC MI F, 6 wk1 red/ Marc: eng $1400 Greg, Nr oceen $175 per mo OBO 646-1532 O Calmode salmon pleld & carved hons Hoosier PVT PTV 6,000 sq II GARAGE SALE . PIPnl Sharpener.iellllSllOO bull S1 50·S225 ~153 Rel11eq'd 673·2631 '73 v~-m-a_h_a_J: ___ n_d_u_r_o Cabin I h l"'hb Colle 110 1 u & Sell 1225 963·1381 662-1446 ev e s . v oys, c n o 111que baekels. ceramics. do __ ___ I01t1, Sill fOfO p,;;;j8 Balbo.a '7c)7" •llP I 175cc, o mlteao• 1 French host chair. Rao s. S 1000. sell for $350. II 559· 1182 dressers, sets of chrs •Antique lurn & decor• hSe, tools & Iota of misc lli.ei/Jllllfll IOI~ llE8 PERSIAI CAT ••••• •••••••••••••••• co e 101 1 & 1 • $300 831~489 Plus many other Items tor Items see to believe 165 Cecil. C M Sal/Sun •••••••••••••••••• •••• S ' 16' Hobie Cai yellow wl rn ' • w r e ec not !Isled Ron Dick. 843 W 151'1 --. llEIWOOO 2d DEClllMI holl. $75 546·9965 toq sunrise 'sells Like S 4 5 0 P w r I S• I I Yamaha Mulm 550. 1981, ---7' Beige corduroy couch. American Wholesalers St. CM 548·0135 (9·6 H•oll•ftOll l11d Himalayan mixed kittens. new $2500 675·6161. ~484 ___ Sl800 obo Call & 6 A 6 ucllon Company Sal 's only) siir"g:5 ••;;.;,~,~~·~&e•h ~71~. r~~ :o;~yt~!! per II 8wk1, 1 blk Fem, 2 sllp 16 1 Cat wllrlr, trade fOr WANTED altp 101 40' 963 • 9 5 7 l eves Ilk• new $300. 545-7438 . SlllLE IED M&TIRESS Wesley I. Tarler 01. Aeal101s 644-4910 2 So Magnolia ~IAMT SALE c lothes. mi sc 8.,., ---male. $20 538·0133 d d 1 11aw1er, u •;,· beam, 17a •Oii& •10 Monro11111 • Fl""m&n Or HB. Wes<tLo SURPLUS JEEPS Ce11· , ---ory or win sur er Nwpt 642-0370 ov11 " • (213) 359-6608 Fri 7am·6. Sat 1·4 Lots N .. eftw I an cl 1N 0 r 1 h 0 Boats Many Sell for Un· 1111111 I Ort••• IOfO 12 !3)634-2730 Aon Auna g1ea1, mu11 aell 5 ml East of P1118dena ol antiques Oval mlrtor Adams de1 $50 00 For Into Call •••••••••••• ••••••••• 69 Columble 26' Mltll SUPS AVAIL Huntington 147siobo. 646·8382 1 $45. 549·9147 I Thomasvllle Basset ro1mat Sto11rity 8111rll oll 210 Fw . $12. sel 4 chta $15, 1018 __ (312)931·1961 Exl 2239 Coriwav Uprlghl Plano Loaded 1n good condi· H 8 r b 0 u' Ba Y • '69 Suzuki 250Cc Savage Nice lrvlno Area $4 per ol old dishes, etc Garage Sale • Sa -EKol cond s_.95 ti s12 ~oo Al SP 7 14 ·840 • 5 5 • 5 · E d d LOVE .&LLOO.s 847-7017 63on1·0948"' . t M 848-7766,.840·4097, Sn1 9ur5o . nee • ca1b I dl11 rm, lge china. table & 6 ch el1 e. S 1500 I 556-6033 hour. Call evenings Antique barbers chair 25~·$5. linens & taco. 8AM· 1PM H1hold !lem 1·286-6152 I circa 1930, $550 50¢ 10 SS. more misc 19862 Ca1manle Ln H B Send someone you love -0 1. U fi ht P-1 213-43l·a16 4 , 6·9 PM 640·5·3261645·0136 a beaulllul bouquet of 30 aa I' I 81111 WANT ACTION? Stnlot Station 661·9421 1624 Monrovia, CM September 2!lth, Pet1e1s helium balloons Perfect ~7~-__ 548..:..7272 Classlfed Ada 6•2·5878 Classified Ad• 642·5678 1979 OS425 Suzuki, looks &tttlllllt IPtlvate Party hH 0.1< SAT ISUN.::S·..41 9.73 Con. ~ oll ·~/Eltla. Bab tor all occasions Great MOVING MUST SAC 5 8 & runa like new Lo ml • ---4 1a1ge dinette or game table chal1s Bleck NIU• . ~yde wllh walnul 111m ellenl cond $50 each Coione del Mer Part Double s1ne1 Hoosier. gress. CM, nr Vlc:lorre & tems. misc. 842·11383 decor et 1n0 1dea1 Baldwin Grand Piano, 1 S 1000 6•2· 1921 lime eves 3 PM 10 9 PM I Small iron wood s1ove. Placentia Furn. hse· l · - -673·019 yr old 875-9510 Mika Boat picture ads provide Musi have previous ex· Possumbolly Bin Table. wares, dothlng, misc .~~'!!.•••••••••••••• #1111 Ht•ll1 S1J1/ y or best offer --642-5749 altemoons P er Start lmmedlatelw Poi celarn Top Kitchen T1ash & Treasures. Tole S11le: 3671 Bates. Culver 80 Tiie Spa, heatetl blower, S .. rti•• Coo41 1094 l1•tl lllllfl flf0 , I Cabtnel Ba h hi 0 I( d I I F S xllraa $500 673-0647, •'"•••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••~•'••••• ••••••••• 675-2276 · ' eig a things to paint, Christ· ae !Vine ii & at 9 t 675-0680 Custom M cCoy Suri· ~ For sale '76 Lindy motor Ice Box Sal 10 AM. mas items Misc •76 E 5 E'• Nonh on Wes oO ---• Single matt/box aprgs X· . long Good cond $30 0 759-1363 eve SERVICE PERSON 3184-K Airway Avenue. 18th St CM Fri, Sat Vele loop . WOOdhollow DOG RUN -: 10 ,, Chain! boa1d 6 It single lln, gd home. sip• 6. rear balh Mature person wllh gen· C M Adjacent McCor· Sun 10·? • Oekdale 5 Elmwood link Ienc o . $350 cond $165, 557-0810 s.-.t\_I lub slereo, self cont erel knowledge ol elec· micks L11ndtnO Prk'g 101 ---- -642 4402 642 8029 Ollll8E COUNTY 1\ ~ • • ~g '12 · 500 857 • 5 " 35 I Maple dresse1 & m111or. $150 Marilyn, 7.<1pm tricily 10 perform outside ----FANTASTIC IN DO 0 R We're moving · averylhing • ' . ~ Rent 26 mo101 home Mrviee in the pool & spa AM OAK Ch1n1 Cebmet PLANT SALEI 470 E goes Childs c101hes Full Sue Moise dlvtrs 8111 I Celleoter'a 58~8.-sips 8, 1uny loaded Industry We offer the Tr1ple bow gla5S, lion's 161h SI C M Sat/Sun w I ck e' • an 11 Q u • s helmet on stand $350 SNOW -6<15-8618 (Paul) wkdys, 752~500 X420 I -2 pc china cab1ne1, $150 Marilyn. 7 · 4pm wkdy$. opportunttylogrowwllh paw s legs $1500 only gemes-1011 9·2•&25 6 843 W 15th, CM Sat's •last growing company 840·5443 3197 Colle e A CM _Alm1ock 548-0135 S1,t. 2t I 21th ROll•llffl In an e>1c11tng lnduS11y A/JlilllCll 1010 Sat·Sun 3.4 C~othes £• 'S. II Wedding 01ess. 9.10.1ong Fro• I fl Ii 21 h Good condition Should be responsible . (••••••••••••••••••• galoie women sz 10 4 •• 'I.~'! ••••• '.'......... white. Orig $175 now lllJ . Sell . Tr••• 556-0481 752·4500 X<1201 Oueen size 1101a11on bed. $300 M111lyn. 7-4pm with a good sense ol HARBOR AREA • ESTATE SALE S 1 2 5 L k F ,t'J' humour 7 1416"6·9664 APPLIANCE SERVICE 12 Men s sz 34 pantS . I • n • w eaturtng weapons of all We sell recond gue suits sz 42 also BBQ, Furn, tools, Items lrom 759·045 t evlwknds etas Swords, coins. we1 . wkdys, 752-4500 X4201 Camel coloted velvet f11il111 f11r1l "10 ••••••• :f •••••••••••••• ·Service Stalion Allendant, PIT Apply Mobil S1a11on. 17th & Tusttn, c M appllances 549.~77 sttop vacuum. misc: hsh· Iha <IO's/50's Eta 370 PINBALL MACHINE excel souvenirs, antiques and Id nems. Flora, In alley, Fri, Sat cond $2251? lhouaands of collecttble 9·5 540•4614 Items Oranqe Co F111· couch & matching love- seet Blul gry plaid love· seal Walnut & cane I IUY APPLIAIOES Several positions open. Les 957-8133 Full or P-Time Vatlous washe1-01yer-Ael1lg. Sh 11 ts . M I n Im um Olshwasher·Fteezer $12.601h1 Fo1 Fee lnlo. Xlnt cond 646-5848 call John 63 1 ·6620 STOCK CLERK G E. REFRIGERATOR FREEZER $75 Full lime. will train. top 642-2546 pay, ~Int oppo1lunlty Fo1 -----1 e e 1 n I o ca 11 J oh n Westinghouse Washer & ClllT SllEl Sal/Sun 9·5 3225 Da· kota M111ored tub onc101u11, Naugahyde charr & 01· toman, Lawn mowe1s, + other special Misc 2 ta· m1lles moving. 3126 Cork Lane (no/Baker. Wsll Feirv1ew1 Sat-Sun. 9.5 oroundf.,-Co11a M esa. 8111tral ltt1aa Four 16 lb. bowling balls. enter gate 3A oll Arllng· Clothlno lurn Many S8·10 552·6667 eves & ton St misc ltoms 288 Chiquita M o n . a I I d a y o rl---------St Laguna Baach Sat 759·5079 720·4079. Bitnd new Pool Table Sun 9.4 • Xlnl. Best offer STEEL WOH IHCM 760-1977 $50 5<19·9147 --SURFBOARD ESTATE/ Sal/Sun w ood wo1ktng Robert AuguSI 6' 10" machines. tools. lumber. round pin. good cond. ~'.'!~!!.~!~!~ ••.•.••• rocker Walnut labte Matching Kenmore washet & drye1. Ph Lesne all 4, 979-1532 I 4 posler King water bed, new bledde1 and liner. Value $800. $250 obo, 842·7266 Colonial 01osser. Mirror. Chest. N•te Stand & Bod Frame, $850, obo 16 Fl Tr1vel Troller Xlnt c:ond I 1200. ShOwn Sat & Sun 9.5 644·11526 A•ll S.nit1, '"'' I Alt11111in HOO PAiNT. & ·,it;. b~·y· -.;;,,·k~ up 10 50% ott yout body ahop est Bill 96•·0032 631-8620 Dryer se1 S 125 642·2546 • Switch It oar• o,.,. King-size mattress, 4 yel· low sw111et cha1rs. Toro pwr mower. trimmer/ weeoer. swag lamp. tab- le lamp. elec heater misc goodies 4 70 E 16th St Sal/Sun 9.4 SIDEWLK SALE hardwa1e building mate· S 150/obo 545-6558 I SUN 9126 only 9AM 11a1s 6•2·9271 1835 Full lenglh wet 1utt Wo-•••- Ant1que1. Estate tu1n "C3" Whlt11e1 Ave C M man's custom Hood, 842-7266 -Real Cadillac wire whls. 1111 all yeara. lubes, 1ock1, eve1ything 1eq N-$260 ea. $125 eat Obo ~6742aves Part jlme 3. 11 PM and u,rl cht Frtlltr 11-7 AM Weekends S50 6•2·2546 __ 642-3013 Uprighl 21 ell quick lree- Telephone Sates & Ille ze freezer, comm I qua- dellvery work Cash paid Illy S200 Wkndst eves acceas, toots, linens. bric New 011 log. complete gtoves. t>oolres Etc I 11 brae:. Evety1hlng must sand, cryatals, tiay. log S 150 662·2747 all 6 30 go Gannery VIiiage 4 10 $50 556-6033 pm Wkdy& end wknds all 10 426 31st St .. NB day -Osler animal Cllpper, PfO· ------ Evety1hlng l1om Antlquet tesstonal model. xlnt Complete weight set w1lh Desk. swivel & 1n1111v1ew ch rs Dark ve11ee1 Gd shape s el $ 1 1 5 960-3745 Call! Ktng wtrbd . new mat11ess. llner. htr, Reing. color tv. c:lothes. 10 Hobby Mater1a11 9AM cond $99 675-779<1 t>ench press Ltss than 1 Elec cook top, oven, books. etc Sal 237 10 6P~ 418 Santa An• yr old $250 894·8947 Telephone S0Uc11or hood Thermador gd Cosla Mesa 646-0697 Ave. NB. 642·2281 American Poottabll & ec· -- dally Apply 779 W 191h, 831· 1_2_4_1 _____ _ Ste H, Costa Mesa hdbrd. s 150 8• •·3285 LUX klng·sz welerbed. II • Sii only • 10 make new cond S 100 673-4466 Sat only. b•ke.-b-". wet oesso•tes coin opp $650 Stolf1 Rt1t1•11al1 ,,,. 1 L d ""' Due 10 death in lamlly OBO c u 631 3••,. It I I appls .... 1-0383 ' o suits etc 2094 Manon a • """ • er '1 Of5 W C I M ga1age sale. pool table. 2 oo •• ••••• •••••••• ••••••• TELEP" •• E Washtrl Oryer combo. ay os a ese turn. clothes. much misc IL 1 t 1 I BELT VIBRATOR 1quor a ore urn1111re or SOLICITO"s Lady Kenmore. good y••g SAU Come & see 208 G1an1 11 I e PI ease cat I cond S 100 673-4466 "" SI NB 646-7816 like new $75 I 750 o 2 Work Evenings in New· Udo Beds. couch dressers 962-1256 • 1 1 _ port Beech Last week 111, ret11g etc Other misc $11111tl l11ell -ff •14• our top peison put rn 24 Gibson Side by aide ret1ig 11ems 229 San la Isabel. ••• •••• • •••• ••••• ••••• 011 painting by Marta la1· / " ''' hours and brought home $275 Whrtlpool washer Sal 8 111 4 SAT tOAM 10 3 166112 oe $50 Hif1'/.· Sllllf IOfl •395 Call 833·3740 aller S 125 Frigidaire washer Bay V1-Anlique bed 962· 1256 •••••• ••••••••••••••• 1 PM $75 New Maytag Porta· want Adi Call 6-42-5e78 dresse1. hutch. MilC BEAUTIFUL 25 RCA · ble dtshwSIH s2 oo i:TO HOW Colo1 TV 2 yr w1nty The Pennysave1 19 eccop· 546-6672 l•illi•I F•rllillltl IOSO M ersh1p, UM of •II $ 148 Froe delivery Ung applicallons lor lull ftllllilll IO"S •••••••••••••••••••••• I lies $600/Frrm Open Sun I llme Reeder Ad sales Frigidaire washer. clean, 11 I IMY FURllTURE 75 3696 _ TV John's 646-1786 Apply PENNVSAVER. wh11e, work1 great $95 •••••••••••·~••••••••• ., -1660 'Placentla Ave Call 645·9970 PANELING •1,"x4'x8' unit Les • 957·8133 Beautiful heavy glass eol· Sola & Hoover Vacuum In Tl 99•A Home Compu1er C t . nlshecl ash s12 50 ea __ tee table & 2 end tables. g 0 0 d c 0 n d 111 0 n Software and 1ns1ruc· os a Mes.a. Relr1gerato1. F11g1dalre 89 l·737S. Oak dining room table & 6 S 180 644-1033 s 1001Cash. 966-9061 ttons 1230 646·2374 c1:s~1~~~~~~~v ~~1':~1~ooncl $300 PANELING 4'x8' Dark ~~~~~·~:~ ;::.';~6:1nt o1n1ng Room Table wl6 Accept1ngbldsonboa11& Sony remote 2oiii3 way stain birch. $ 10 ea _ chairs. painted while, m i sc. lie ms Cos at systems tor Europe only lnlervlewlng re1111ble Freeze7°:11ke new. Cheat 691 .7376 Ceoar & F•RllTIRE-IEW yellow trim S150 Comm. Collage OISI N-$750 673·3682 people for background. lype $250. Redwd evall. PRICES START AT S4 S..7482 556-5754 BiWTv, e1ec1-;Tc ~ non.speaking parts. tor 549·11147 ••attre•• & Found 191 R d o k b -., commercials such as --C I 1031 ... -oun a game I• le. Sur1bo11rd 5'9 McCoy 111 o P •. w I d u a I I 2 I 9 potato chlps, dHlgnei S11Bra Elect dryer Top of 1!'1' Ill N-factory sealed w /4 comll ch1a Xlnt fin. good cond changer Sep compatl· blua velvet , matching night stand. $400 Jill 851·0994 6' 1·5036 --8 Couch chr & cottoo lable. $65 tor all 642·5636 --Chesl o f drawers wt bookahell Melching desk $40 wm sell sep 5•0·4032 -9 Sofa, gooo cond $75 Twin atzed Bed 125 675·4759 28 Ericson Fully equipped cruise 6 sells, UHF, compau. cover• Perfeci condition $16.500 123-4567 Set your course for fast sales with a Daily Pilot boat picture ad. Each Saturday, the Dally Pilot will offer you ad space that not only describes your boat, but pictures It as well. The price Is guaranteed to buoy your spirits -$45 if we take the picture. and only $40 If you provide the picture tor e 2 column 3" ad. For further details about how Dally Piiot boat picture ads can work for you and to schedule your ad. call 642-5678 and ask for Sally Lee. Four Porsche chrome r1m1 4 ·~x Hi. $225. 661·9•21 PORSCHE 914 ENGINE 30.000 miles. $395. 640. 53261645--0136 '~'-~'!.!!!.~! ....... . IMPORT ANT NOTICE TO READERS ANO ADVERTISERS The p11ce ot item• ad· vert1ted by Vlhtcle dea· lers tn the vtlhlc:le clUSJ· fled •clvertlslng c:otumns does nol Include any applic:eble laxes. llc:enM, transfer le11. lln•nce charges. ,_ for a1r pol· tutron control device cert1llc:e11on11 or dealer docurnen1a1y prepare· lion charges unless olhe1wtse specified by the aclveruser Hav1 tomethlng you wenl to sell? Claulflld ada do It well I Call NOW 642-56711 . pants. swlmware (good line Avocado '81 $350 R~d7o Sh;;;:~;;r;;t;~~·. Twin 177·1ull S97 cond $250. 840-0776 $180 846-8738 men1s tor records amp, tan) etc. No eKperlence 494-1912 Eves put er system, new. In 0u8'n S t47·Klng S 187 4'X4' "" Oak c:ollee table. tuner. & cass deck $250 1 d B b TAS so 6 Sofa Beds S 197 "" Weight loss llpe c.asselle 840·0776 requ 111 y appt only REFRIGERATOR oxes. • 1 K, II•· Sola & love seat $197 w/m11tch end table Cal· b sou d .4 Ill Nnt 1100 A•lll /11rt 1100 A•tOI 111• flOO 2131846-8083 Like new. trost·lree tended basic: cOlor com-Mode, like new $<100 $~5 n waves 773·1814 Colo1 TV. 25' console •• ~ •• :t.••••••••••••••• •••••:/•••••••••••••••• ••••• :/ •••••••••••••••• TYPISTIRECEPllONIST $165 8939060 puter, disk drive w l DISCOUNTFUANITURE 6'10·0176 xlnt cond $14 5 • conlroUer. hne printer. all l959 HaibOr Blvd Hanging Lamp. yellow/ 548·2429 all llAM Mlg needs skllled person WHIRLPOOL WASHER cableS & softwate lnclu COSTA MESA 631 ·6809 GOURMET SEAVER for wnt like new 145. to 11n11wer phones. hand· & GAS OA"EA ded $1800 S 000 ---outdoor en111rtalnlng I a ft • le c:otres lype various $200 SET ' new. t. Moving antiques chin• $400 7 511· 1206 evl 540-4032 Hll • ltlllt report•. l;hng, and nor-642·98 l8 831""721 6-45• t03o alb · furn · din set di.. wkndS 1 pr avocado green anti· L•i••111t mal lmt desk duties OC n.., 1040 hes. ate ll68·26•5 que sa11n drape1 w l ••• ~.~··•••••••••••• Airport Area Good be· Ael11g. Sea1s. almond I ~:A•••••••••••••••••• wai.ibed king 12 com· Solid oak Cockttll Teble valance wall 10 wall $50 "•1111 fOlO nellls Apply AUTO· s1da·by·slda. 20 cu 11 Shih Tzu OR Lhaso Apso. plele wiheater 's 150 1111 Provlncl el S 150, 540-4032 • •••KAYAK•T;.;;l;;;;••• PHOlO co . 3o;o Leer s 18!> 494-1095 AKC. Bred with love wkndslevH 83 I· 1241 759· !206 evHl wkndB Used $30010BO Ave CM -Frigldilfe • Fr0tl tree re· shots 539-0925 Btaas Cube w1I"" d,__. Orange & yellow drapu 1 1 N ar~• pllfow ch1i1 black. Custom mede 1125. tor sttdlng glHS door 673-4622. 87~67 Waltr8"e5 & Walters over r O ewe1 model lg• I ab r I c • so 11 S 3 5 G o o d c o n d S 1 0 U r•1 p••R•EES 759· 1206 evlwknds 15 It llbarglHI rowing 18 y1 wflh E•PM Apply in Ca Pac II Y S 2 5 IWl ~ Wknds/ev• 831· 1241 540·<1032 dory $500 962·4458 g•••oc. 1768 Newport 650·9960 PIPS Boy's ••I bulche7biOC°k Custom wall mounted Rowing Exercl Hr and 01t1ce 962·6772 hOme lvd M Relrlg,SearsColdspot,15 2mos old $300 Orene1' dllk bkcsa wal nut 11111ned TV t •lanlboard $15both WAREHOUSE cu II F/F, auto iee, $200 CALL 4081226-8156 low dtawe< SIOO wkndi SI ore o cab S 3 2 5, 540•4032 10'>' Savylor Inflatable, Full time. seveial post-661·9421 Sen Jose, CA ev 831•1241 · 759-1206tvlwknds xlntcond.$125 11 XI ---Ki ng u avocado bed 840-5326/645--0138 ona open nt oppor-GE Microwave Oven like OHTOM MADE Kng St solid Oak Canopy 9p1e11d Velvel type $10 -1 ,,;-1 --tunlty. For lee Info call new $125 ' FrH ti 1011 104S Bed wlmi11011. curtains Call 540-•032 Hll, ,., lltlllHtf John 831·6620 644•41555 •••••••••••••••••••••• 48 In round lebte • 6 s 0 __ lfrrlH HZO $250 00 W k-1---Abandoned kittens need malc!'lng round ben· 759•P12•0e6adl k di <IO METAL HALIDE •••••••••••••••••••••• • 88 Y pey-lie t/11 1020 homes. More 1nro ches Picnic, dlnello or • ev w n s ORO-LITE s100. Boat Cabins cleaned checks (fully gua11nteedt ••• 1~••••••••••••••••• Call 548·1305 card• Beau11tully a1alned Full slu BRASS BED 891·7376 or 831·4688 Cater tor trips A·t 1efs working pe11 01 lull time PEUGEOT. 10-speed In brown Mah. wllh PO-(heed & foot) $450, 6•2·3047 or 646·4640 at home Weekly P•Y· men'• bike. 21 Inch 2 14 mos old KllllBI. 1yu1ethane finish $135 759·1206 evlwtmd• ELECTRIC checila malled dl1eclly to ham• Xlnt concl. $170 brothera. Free to good 540•1735 Marine Electrlclan you from Home Office obo 494•4747 Lag Bch home. Cheryl 842·388 t A very nice Olrls metching SIGNS Deslgn/ln11at1/Repelr every Wednesday Start · or 960-2226. • OllTOM IAIE double dreaaer. hulch. Olly work 549-2520 Ev lmmtdlalely No upe· NEW bllte P•rl• lot 20'" W F T 8 ,1 .. _d 1 bl 6 1 hi clnk. and lamp 111bl11. lrom $69 up lo 50% oll r I• n c e n e c ea 1 a r y unlae.t. Powetllte forks. Ire 011 etrltr 4 yr• .,. a 0• ma c ng S 150 takes an 540·2998 Wiii btlng sample• IHll1 ll1ti•I N ti I D Toughneck T rne old, papers, good wl benches, beatltllully fl. ----------' & 90 8 on• compeny 0 k · u Y cn1ld1en 714·857·80&0 nlshed wllh potyurelhane Small chest of c11awer1. 714-6 l-5l ti•J•allll I030 your work right In lhe cran •·many more lnlo · finish 1110 5•0·1735 5 ., ••~•""'•••••••••••••• comfort and MCUrlry of & p1lcu 559-03115 Free klllena, 6 weeks, epprox. 22x l6x30. S25 3x Orlenlal "ui wllh 3 bur,,., gimbaled 11ova your own home Oe1a1ts Ralelgh 10 •Pd 25 .. adorable. Living 1oom 111 (8pc). •114·7617 hand Cul detl'°6 150, with oven. NHt new u. and opplleallon malled rrame. 28" whls: alloy 842-7225 E•rlhlOMS 1350/b•I 011 All wood parsons table, 759•1 qulli.d natural gH • sa• Send your name and lreme & wl\ls, Up shifters, Oarllng "BenjFiika M Call 845-3013 48Jt24x30, Ille llnl&h. S50 lrvlne Ae<:quel Club slngle f8f lhan butane Compl ack11 ... to. American A· gieel bike for blo men d Bea 1 hi F S 11 404·76t7 mbr1hlp S•SO 1ncl1 w/2 ~H bo\11111 (locally dellty Company. Hlrln11 Almoll new s u 9 A~ 67~62~9 P 1· WerehouH s11e Furnl· Fuji:,~ spring & 1ransler la• 551·3437 avel able) 0110 co111 Dept 77, 1040 Lone SIN 6"0.ss4,s · · lure & acceuorl••· mattrtsa. good clean Barbera $ t078. now $440 Ph Of .. N-Breunlel•. TX F1N Killen• 18102 Skypuk Cir Ste cond S90 4,,4•7817 631·3280 Hk tor Jell 78 t30 Schwinn Beach CrulMlf 111 •hOI fiee K • 1 , v ( n 1 M 1 1 n / " Aeg'd Eno Bone chin•. lull Jonft WHI NIOISSOll 644_682~50eveninot 645...e807 Mec:A11hur) S.1 11·25 MOVING · E1tly A,,,.flcen :ro;, 1~4~S:rvlng pc• Recording Fethometer 0 IBM oy1tem 81430 or Cul• llulty klllens, 8 w111. IO"' 844·28811 Stylt solld maple dllk, 10 9110 II Gemlron1c1 61450 09«etor nMded GIRLS bllte, llghl walQhl, 11fect1ona1e M ca11• 6 Lyre type l•O•· Perr #•llt1l Mdl 1066 Nr new Coat wl knowledge ot Ille ap-wllh hand brllkH $540 mos; yg F dog, Au11 Top of llne qiMn ti StOly concl S l50 8•0·2881, JnlH•l•ll 1113 I 8 7 5 . ••I I I• 0 0 plication to Hrve •• 662·2123 ShaplOobe. 1ov1a chit· mall & box 1prg. llkt 960·ll48A •••••••••••••••••••••• 831·3210 Hk lor Jell mat11.,ino MC')' tor pr• GIRLS CRUISER dren 548...e202 new, 1200 873·4468 MOVINO • King 12 m•I· VAMMiA e ... Amp _J_on_•_•_, ____ _ HONDA. HUNTING? Before you buy, llclent of real Mllte firm lipe blkt. 140 Lido lr1n, •Pring•. freme, H .. d with a double 15" ~rcury •Omdl •hi>. .clnl ~ Newor ,port_ 8!8d'7" A•Coo3n. 662-2123 !H!'l!N! •••••••• !~!! DINING room llbl• ' 6 =~~~S8~n. '11i<f.i~8F· PV 1peektt ceblnal All cond $365 compare our sav1·n·s, select"'ns & serv1'ce. ,. Sane., " .....,,., l•l1'I• BHUI. ornetely cer\led chtlr•. Ilk• new cond In e11c1111nt condition 548-2429 • "' • ~'!'.~~!"!!!.......... #111:1,11 1115 2tieo~~1os~'J::.a~~:••. ~~;~~~1f.8ddld. 11200 lllOLllH OUIR 11,000 ,.,,, '"'" ltHO l1P-..-n-._~,_r-.. ,......--.,.-._ ... .....,._.,_.,..-~,,_._,.. :atlnn IOl5 ....... ,................... 8 It. m1roon 1011, IXC ::,'::!~.' 1~3~b~:~~~·7~~11 Ht·Ollt, l-tPI ci:;;~~·;9~·L.·.·p;:;;;; ....... ~............... J o/n. * *' BUY** d I 00 C1n111ry Dey bOOI, 4 Cyl. Redwood 2x8 decking, con 1 • 5H·H6'1 Sol• 8' floral ptm Prov BUNDY Flutt wllh mu•lc O '3&00 875 8151 WESTMINSTC!R +20' '*•Ito redwood Good u..O Furnltu11 a M on. d~J l 01. or t1y'11 'llltt nu iu.s' •tend. l1881makfl oner. _.!!!_ __ ._..:__. ABBEY lanol~all Jim or Ken APl>lllncet·OR I wlll Mii 769-807111 20·4079 678-6Al3 111 &p,;, 'I 8'0·!284 W&ITll 111t:'J:~~~~i.\v. •nvtlrne. 775-14191 or SEl..L tor Vcw lg dtllHt. Od c:ond New m1ttreu .... lull ORUMS 4 pc. •" h•tclwr 13 " ao11on Wlllltr In GARDEN QAOVI! FROSTED BATHROOM llUtlQ ltofllll 535 852•8187 avH. & ell H6 queen S 105 king Gr .. t fOf ~Inner 1200 good condition 654-e 103 WINDOW (8LIOINO). 141·1111 111·1111 ~&~-~79J:2g.~071 o r I 12& Andy 750.5e32 875-$487 --213 441·5385 , .. o !nglllh •ldll>Oltd. ,.,.. matloo ·• large, lllnt, llOr.f7IO 146-3()()1 , .> 3•4'. 125 842-M 18 GIDaon. Fender. Oulld, •t• "O pl• 1 mo-?j .. t.ovely mahog P•dHlal •m•ll dretMr, Id COl'ld Th• ta1t11t draw tn th• ROiand, lDenu. Pta~. "c1aMlufled ~~.:i1 .,, ~L!DING GLASS teble W/1 drtwer. ldttlat 120 652·8' f •YHI We•I I Oallr Piiot Vam1lla, Soni, Shure. rou In t~ r"'"'t d~IOn 6 Jl8 PATIO OOORS tOJ) wllntay bofd•r 1100 Mon. a 11 de y or Cluallled Ad Call Todav AKO Elltet ,..,.,, Mutt lo find the..,.Pl'omt you M&. M2·1HS18 MM748 76l·I07tl720 .. 01t a.12·&61' ' NII 8411--3804"-nMC1 842·H1t ' ' Or1ng1 CoHt DAILY PILOT/Friday, September a•, 1082 07 .. ~=-,L .... Tlr.!P. •••••••••• llM ~l.'!'!..'f~'!l. •.. l!!f ~~.~ ...... t'!tt •••••.•••••••• 1!.ff ~.'.'!.~ /!!rf!!~ ......•• !~1.~'1/.. ..... ~.'.~~· .. '!r.!!~ ..... ,. ~ ... ~'.! •• ~~!! ........... f!tr.t.P!fl. ••...•• u , ......... "';11 ••••••• r.•n '7t ,01d lhnc;11ero w/ wt t•Y ... 1.11' llllL HA"•I '"'"· Mu11 11111 t llOO useo CARI a rnuc1<1 mn •••••••••••• •••• *FANTASTIC* 1111y 19911ca1, plckupe • Mlfk en :ti•• COMI tN OR CAll.. 11011 Ha. -.n'I * FIATS * ooupu • 10 OhOOH n I OOUI I >C II Run• • u Wl&aUl ... -- h oml (0011HI {1111 good, neeo1 mlnOf 'MOrll oun•r·O.llllo --•• llJ(j( SllfCllON A:t0i3) Pric.t lllfllnQ ., ~.w 111n1 brthH, •11· llnllln Nf·OME> ., ''·"'' 1\1\11 11806 oao 18211 UFAClt Bl.VO ~~~63:t HUNTINOTOH 9!AOli 1111 T•r•t• "•• Hl·IOll, Ml·IH1 S11et-8tr¥1C• 1. .. 11no w II h o 1 mp tr I h •II fY"'t.I CARVER 11800. f'l.1m 813·1)418 A•IH l•Nll" l"-11 •••••"···r.••••••••••• I\ lJ~ It l'i<. l' •IVl.1\ '71 Chev v. ton PU New All• l••H 1101 --.• , ~ ..,,.,.. . ,,., , thta. 4WD PS Pit •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ •• . "'""' ~ THfODORI ROBINS FORD JOl'>Cl 11/tR IOR ft IV U C O\IA Ml \A 1'14 J OOH) Gooo bu". mull u11 LWI l 1111 •n &tudebel!• c11emp1on 11300 e.!t 11:t ae2a Wl ••• ·-· 1110 llW 1001 8 PHI cpe. Nice cer •• 73 f'Ofd pw.1-0ump 350 OllYllTikf 12200 080 l40-035e ")'60 213/5112·l792 1T. 1tlk• bid, 4 ~· rbll ·eo 3201 &·•Pd, blk1t1n, ht4 .... ,1tfft4 ~~~Mae ve s 300 . $297 79 ~;:.'".':!r':,9:.':a•·:/: 1948SFor~Woody W•· --·-· ------• "'"'monlhp~a to 111,9001080 Perl gon, l3, · 'II ll&DA 11100 48 ;;;Onth open tnd 1.... conCI a .. 10 apprflOl111. t929 Ford Model A Town Mull Mil H 7•35e. on approved credit. C1p1_47_3_·2_a_46 ____ _ Sedan, 110,000 • 'II YIY. IH l4IOO coat· S 1 3 . 1 6 0 : '75 S30I, Ilk• new, tnrt, 4 Mull Nit et7 3504 RM!dual .. 4300 & Cllh ll)led, tl.f. S6700 trlde tee3 S'tudebeker AvanU. • raqulrad· U3 1 U . 548·2837 1s500. e1s-e1a1 A11,, w .. 1" ISIO t1s52a1 -. - '6& MUST ANO CONV "Ground Up RHIOra· tlon" 8 cyl. Champagne lnlr. Emberglo extr •• ••••••••••. •••• ••• •• IUCH llPOllTS 78 BMW 320t, mint cond WE Ply SIB, 1noy1. nu pnt 848 Dov• s11,.1 18900 obo 873-5742 To. DOLUR NEWPORT BEACH 780..0178 112-0100 '71 BMW 2002 Fiii 1111 OARS A•'i . 1101 Mlnt·loadld-mu11 sell 1959 T·BIAO, 1 owner. Al.Al lllllll ••••••••••••••••••••••1-•8_2_60_· ___ 8_4_1_·0_3_48_1 PIS, P/8, orig. palnl. PllTIU/lllAll• ID Adi IOOO T1r•• '78 3201, air. am/Im cess, 71'/866-2215. Drives like a drum & 2480 Harbor Blvd. 26.000 mllM, fully loeded euto, alloy whla, 55K ml. really looks sharp PI P COSTA MESA 1unroof, gd cond like 18500. 831-3568 17141552-0101. Ml-4100 new 113.•oo oBo. CHli 111S 55 Hudson/Nash Metro· Ml-1411 6 4 5 • 6 2 1 1 E v • s • ••'••••••••••••••••••• polilan, rl(I , rebll ang, 1---~-----1 657·9684 days. '73 Capri. enrt, AC, AM/ 1750. 963-5272 WE llY A•iti• B••lt• 110I FM, r11d1, Xlnl cond, BO CLW ft••s ............ ~........ over $1760 6•2·7605 '64 CORVAIR 4 di AT, ..... •• l ti • I •ooo R&H r11dl11la $850. Ev•· Ill I II tJ • DlllH 1120 nlnga 714-536·77'!1 • All TllUCIS . Pr.of restored, gorgeou1. •••••••••••••••••••••• '69 Coupe OeVllle Con· vert, ctaasic, orig ownr, I 1800. 642-6495. COMMRL CHEVROLET ' ·Garaged In NB $9500. , 64-4-0310 • ~-' FIAT SPIOS & FIAT X l/9's '77 FIAT Xl9's 4 1p. 1tereo. magi, Only 67 K t~VSMR) '78 FIAT 1·19 4 tp, fac tory a/c, atereo, tape, rack, alloy• 43 K -A Real Beauty (1BUC707) '79 FIAT X-19 5 1p, Factory e /c, Stereo C11a, Rack, Magi , ( 13090) s5295 '75 FIAT 124 SPIDER 4 tnHI DriHI ISSO ....•••............... 11182 Chev Blazer Sho· '.'\JtH ~t:t•1r t1 .. : ' ' II'-I \ \I ~ " \ su.120 wroom new for wnlesale. •-""--------1 5 sp, Stereo. Maga, Air, Very Shtrp, 61 K lllw""" ...... w ........ I (122NJN) P.P. 644-1865. day. 1111 llHR 631-2321, e~s. Top dollars for Sports Cars, Bugs, Campers, 914'8, Audi's s3995 ~!!.fff'!. .. 1.~ff '!Jlr.~m.~ ..... 1.~ff Yl!~!!.~~~ ...... l.~!f fllr!.1!f. ........ l!lf ·11 IO IL 1000 ml w11e II I OCAlE• IN U.S.• aa vw euo 1 11100 o1 11 V•I ro1d1d yellow. whHI• t:ia.0001000 " "' b•t olr Call art lpm l>laullM cuna m.i.t ot a13132·1t79 ~~ R 6&2-3111 _;~,•to 6m IHO '10 81.C 8/blut w/gray . 11 8UPf.A l!EtTl.I ·"·•••••••••••••••••• velour lntr "·000 Offg NJiw Plllnl-atnJ lnl &. 11 FOflQJ.ltv t!C&. 0000 mt OfiO awnet I H 600 ....., ,... ...-. <'ti• r '"'' d 3 1 101' Quk:ll 1111 769.iooo ....... ~ ........ ,,, ..., eno. amlfm, llOftd a ~r•. eon ,_ 1 rH econ Of 042·e911 or. MINIAn l'H U~HlobO 476 07118 IUO 494 3~ t 1 loo IJf' R c OUD J'flrt 1111 '14 L 10 Wagon, 79,000 Ill '14 t .. v l 1 •• ••••• •••••••••••• ••• ""· tom• OOdl dtm•o• 01111 urn C.xlfl Olttn, 1951, fell htnO drive, In I/ 1 VtlH ltaltr Auna great 360/b .. I OOOd mtGh $3600 •Int running ord.,, need• 011.,. 5A0-.-083 873-4870 co1m1flc:e 114.500 It lr111e 0.11t,I • -(213)110-4908 '72 Torino nin1 ••c 111r11 '73 MtrctOH 300 8El IALEI, ....... Mull Mii seoo 000 4 I lunroot, 1 ownr ltNll 1111 &II L•••tH a.5~533 M lnl c:ond 84K m• •••••••••••••••••••••• ... 65 l •t726 tfl 3 81 ... ·Setvlc•leUlng OVERSEAS Ol!LIVEAV '03 Fores F'aleon 4 dr Rune UllUl&OI EXPEAT8 ... Actlltnt 1326 Ot b .. I ·72 M•* .. 280SE 4 5, ...... otter 751·90e9 air, auto, AM/FM, Im· --EllU Ill -------mac, tl200. 840..7884 H 1·1040 411·4141 · 'll Ptr4 lr1•l41 =7i 280SE, brn, A/C, 111• ·•~II 111g VILVI New 11111, orekH, bei· '' 196& H11b0r Blvd 1ery, no den11. $2,2&0 tlO, 1floy1 114,600 P.P •• ••••••••••••••••••• COSTA ME8A $-lll--6002 1to-111~ '7'T C111ea, II '90 coupe, --------• 111n1 conct . m1ny .xtraa 141-tHI 140-Htl £/•t•I• IHS c11111c 1910 M11rc1de1 13 4 o o a 3 t & a 1 • .88 wtilla •·dt 4 cyr ar1e1i :-··········••••••••••• 2sose conver'llbll Stick, 845-9442 • shift 125•000 mt i t•OO 77 Cont Mrk v ldd, ahrp, t ic. 111reo. 128.800. ---cln nu M1ctielln1 714/848..0291 '75 Celle•. auto. AM/FM 552-0579 IHSolOBO 831· 1428 . 0111. vtry good cones. ---·75 2400. Nu rblt tng.. S2500/0BO. 873·8734 All•• U1H #frt•t• llSO 1tereo, etc. Beau. ca11 evH/Wknd1. •••••"•••••••••••••••• ••••••~•••••••••••••• mtln t 'd Price neg., C.•tlll IHI '85 Comtt 269 "4 011 the 759.9553 76 Corolla 1te. wgn, auto, • •• • •••• ••••••• •••• ••• floor". $1200 obO •71 260 1 1 lg d 1 71K ml, run• xlnt, uklng Come In & aee Newport 6•2·9 l94 .11n or ·con • 11800 963-1795 BMch'a linear Mlecllon ----1 ownr, record• S5400 of prev1ou1ty ownad 'll C1Jrl 11111 759-0650 ~.!~~. Ai3:~6~ ;"1i I Porach1'1. Audi' a end 12,995 Or best ofter Xln1 79·1528 Volk1w1 •· cond 646-5991 or -645-02t6eves !•!~!!!!I!~ ...... !.~?¥ 445 E. coe:.'!!'f !!~!!!~I ......... !!~~ 1tl0 VIUSWAIH ~, '67 Mustang GT ICIRICCO NtwPotl Be•ch Very clean Thi• one I• extra 1harp1 673"0900 675·5917 __ (1AIE982). A#C ' llOS ·79 Mustang Ghia. pwr, O.Ly •• I.I .•••• •••••• ••••••••• •• • auto. air. AM/FM cas1, 77 Cherokee Chief, 1 yr an f 10 mi S• 700 "91 IAllll warranty. AM/FM E• 66; i880 835 0808 cond. $5400 551-3043 • • -YllllWAIH '65 Mull hardtop 289 3 18711 Beach Bhld l•ltk 1110 lpd manual $1600, Huntington Beech • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • Call 833· t 66 1 141.2000 SEE UI •---------• for rne lergest ano best 1968 Mustang Au10 289 '11 411 111&1 11408 aelectlon ol new and PIS. Good cond. $2150. Reblt eng. auto, new ueed Bulcks In Orange 847·7762 SOE 926 '70 Toyoll Land Crulaar. with Chevy 283 Eng Tru· Treks. Sit top, Many Extras, Needs work. $2250 ObO. 545-6296 Ask tor U/C MGA ......... Vll.llWAIH 18711 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH SAUl·lllVICI brakea, am/Im, runs xlnl. County today! '11 MHtll& FHt~IOll W ••• Eltal• Sale '77 flAJ 124 32 mpg, 541-0777 ~ New engine, trans, ra· '79 CJ5 w/low mites. xlnf cond. new fires $5500 1151-6480. 1979 CJ 5, Lo Ml, XLNT cond. new Urea. Stereo Cass., $5500. 951-6480 fr•tk1 ISIO ••.•.........•.•..•••• Toyota '76. AM/FM SI•· reo cassette Small camper shell $2 t 75 673-6618 831-2040-;95~949 ~~: D~~n =~~: ~~~ SPIDER 1110 llLllWAIH k.., diaior $2. lOO 546·6602 UllUUCI llW ceptlng bids Wkdaya 5 sp, Ok Green, Mint VWUI '66 Hardtop w/rbll eng 26<402 Merguerlte Pkwy 1~P'-•_ ... _c_e1_1._7_5_9~_22_9 __ 1 Condtllon, Stereo 4 •1>91<1 trans & sunroof St200/0BO MINlon Viejo '78 DATSUN 280Z Can ( IACP577) I (N·508). "I ~or-. C-'V 544-054 t (Avery Exit off 1·5) 46K ml, xtras, $6500. .. ..... iiiilliii.iiiiiillirAiil OILY 11411 2925 Harbor Blvd '74 Mustang, xfiil~ Open Sundays 5•8·1447 s4995 #Q 1142 .UI llARlll COSTA MESA em/fm stereo cesa late model Toyoles. •~-------1--------• •••••••••••••••••••••• "ILllWAlll 979_2500 Daughter's cer. $2600 VOlvoa. Pickups & Vans. 1 ~ ~~ '80 Oelsun 310 OX 5 spd 1111 II IT • firm 536-1678. 960·5088 Call us today! I ~1'~ 30,000 ml. Mull see. 18711 Beach Blvd $5150 Bruce 548-8343 Al VtNdti Guaumttd 1Thl~_'!.'!81 (hlaEsBaH09su~r)oof & Huntington Beach Sevllle Dsl 79, JClnt cond Oll••••il• JISS Seles·Se<v1Ge-leul11Q i-,--------1 I c...... .. . 142·2000 Spec filters I ownr •••••••••••••••••••••• 'H HOl's lrt ltrtl 78 B2102 dr Opd,A/C. oaNIGICOUMTY'S OILY 12111 $9,000/ofr. 775-7141. '72 Toronado New fires. Nice Setectlont 35mpg New llrt11. Clean. W>UT fACTORY M •••....., '76 RABBIT 737· 1679 ex cond S500 obo * '76 2002, 4 spd , snlrl. s2950. 963-9355 MITHOR1ZID -lootis & Runs Great! , , 720-t tO 1 __ 142·2000 WAITED! Earle Ike TOYOfA.YOlYO 81.~HS < ~,\I >I l #114 \( : ~CLEARANCE SALE! 1911 IUICK IUCTIA H DAN (1BZC767) '9895 1979 CADILLAC I LDOIADO COUPI (634042) sio,995 1980 FOID GRANADA SI DAN (18PU160) $5895 1912 "'?A DILL AC CIMAllON SIDAN "AUTOMATIC llANS. AND SUNaOOf" (1CRZ458) S}0,995 1910 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (917ZEM) $13,995 1912 POID MODIL A llPLICA "UH THAN 100 OatGINAL MILIS" (1ACL989J s9495 1912 CADILLAC FLHTWOOD llOUGHAM (1EAL545) $}5,995 Otte< Good Thru Monday. 9·27·62 NABl~RS { :A:t>l l .. l .,1\(: SPECIAL PlllCHASE New '82 Jeep CJ's. 16 to choose from. Includes winch jamboree package and much more. ttU...._ II•• (917PVB) r111.,; 1123 flAT·lAllCIA VILllW&IH s 2 2 o o / 0 b 0 M 1k 1 79 RI\ IERA lmmaculalel '1••• Ii JlfO c .... .,..,. * ·79 3201; 4 spd., IOI· •••••••••••••••••••••• ll(AlD 18711 Beach Blvd. 631•4515 Ootd/len lealhe<. perfect ••'•••!'••••••••••••••• 2600 HARBOA BlVO. "'-u .. n o>ed40-U O dedl (8 t6XDH) IUlll OO•m'I Huntington Beach cond Bought another '63 va11en1, rebll 6 cyl, 5 COSTA MESA * '80 5281; 11u10 , sn/rl OILY AITllllZH 142·2000 'la Ta.111 Ot1Y car. $7950. 631·5300 new tires. xlnt body, 540-1860 T Doll (486ZOJ) New ang, brakes, paint, Guy $575. 548-4109 I op ar • '80 3201; 5 spd • IOI· FEllllAlll #Cl 1144 top and •Ide window•. "' ~·11 1•1s 1 ·------SAVE THOUSANDS tulllE OUST lllO/ollfP/lllllLT 2524 Harbor Blvd .. CM dedl (231ZVR) •••••••••••••••••••••• 640,.4410 " ••• •t J '73 Satelile. llUIO, ps. Pal'd * .80 633901, loaded HALlllllPI '79 Conven. only 2 yeare •••••••••••••••••••••• small V8. 11/c, tooks & --------(55553461 1--------olt lol. 16K miles, all TllE WIEST runs like new. 21 mpg, ...;1Hriu1 . IH·l1l1 I~ xtru. liken-$5000 :!.~.,~ c:·~.~: SELECTill $975/obo 55"·8062 For Ad Action 549-8023 6-45-7770 '75 OMC Crew Cab. air. crulae, new fires, duel 1enk1, •Int cond. S3995 963-4058 U I • 208 W 1st. S11n111 Ana ,. ~ 11Z1 61~ 15611 In etbrage end muat b4t of Ille model. low mllea-1Hti•t IHS C ICt I • trCll'J Clo•..,. Sundll" ••••I '6 5 Red M G B w I rt r. Cad Ill•-In Sou1"'-rn ,• ••••• • • ••• •••••••• •• • an a .,..., 1 ••0 .................. ........... I 1 ct' ••en • IP Pt on I Y ,.v. '"' 73 G a Am h ml b I 2626 HerbOf Btv _C_H_O_IC_E_l_N_VE_N_T....;O....;R_V_. _ -~ •IA ••nH• .. ,._.,, x n con .. (llW 1153-2100 leave mes-allfornlal See us todayl r n • ' , u Costa Mesa 540,.5630 ' 111reo $1995 53&·3006 runs greet Body. paint & D ~ P'lol Premium prtoes VOlU&LES 3l~=rteoe:'~~wy. :i· ca::.c~pl Befor~yf" dlyS847 -5e66. Pvt' • and will return call IAIEIS uphol. xlnt. Bucket rats, a y I paid tor any used car 642-9405 bl:· 1°.1ectl~~ ~~vi~:; Party. '79 Bug convert .. blk·whl, CAllLUC =~~-~~~ull pwr 995 AD-VISOR Renchero '73. new paint. (foreign or domestic) f." I llZS and service todtyl 'Jr..I 1141 19K ml mint orig PP 2~~arbor Blvd •78 TRANS AM. $4800 ~°c!C:i~1gn'!~9~1~~?i in~conctmon IOI loLAllEI .!!................... lllVEllSln '680Pel."".As"is·~~1i 18900 751 •0111 • TA MESA •03cu •n . A t T . P 1 642-5678 ug,.9334 eves -Us Flrsll llW '72 Flat Spyder N-llr11, IAUI I IHVICI en,. new tlru $350. 731·7503 140-1810 windows, AM/FM cess --------• 1!!11!11 •• lllll!lllll~I Seles~leaSlng =.,u~~~·~ ~S~ 2850 Hatbor Blvd. 75 ·9541 111/wtu>dl '80 Vanagon Weslph11!1 •80 Cpe de VIie tuume Aun s g r e •I Bo b ~~~~~~~~ .. 8 COSTA MESA • ,,.~, Camper, 4 1pd atlcll. I II •~ · thtu ..... 551-G970 For Cluallled Ao 50 NL• BeacH11bhr181vd 'll Flat Ir-• I O rt••HI ,. llovt, relrlg, pop-top. 111 • no ..,.. mon •1 ... •-. --------More r~tles ara genlng ACTION .. •• 140• 14 •••~••••••••••••••••• elr AM/FM tape 59850 ae or for sale V gOOCI 74 Grand Prix SJ. fully the camping "bug" this Call 1 122·111J 2 door llden, etereo end '81 505 TurbO Dies Lo ml. pp' 17141 586-9492 · cond., 10 ml, IO•decl w/ loeJed. $1000/besl of· year. If you have 1 cam· Dally PUol Open Sunday sunroof. 32,000 ml. '76 Honda Civic Sedan, Pric.d 10 Mil. · ex1r111. 559..0 9 fer. 631 -8678 per that's not getting AO.VISOR $4200. 644·7364 mull Mii '70 VW Bus. a.o-9738 '80 S<:lrocco, auto, t ow· ---used, sell II now with 11 642-5678 ·79 B .. W 5281 • • ..,. Ith clean. Mu1t Mii. Both 1 ner, tufty equlp'd Air ·77 Cadlllac L mo, color Have •?"'•thing to .. 111 Cl11$Sll._,. Ad "' • .. ,....., r, ·79 3201, red, mini cond. 0 w n • r s 2 5 o o ea 1fntif 11SO cond alerto Best 011., TV. bar. rear front & rea.r Classified eds do II well ""' BBS wtlls. like new. $12. 64K ml A/C, am/Im acer ~8•9852 •••••••••••••••••••••• · · AC, gOOCI oond. $7,000 ::Mll8 1 t.irhrn tlhc1 900 or assume IM (7141 c 11saet11 S 9 o o O. 1111 NISOIE 844-1318• 851-6833 Call LeRoy wkdys only I A•tll llt11 1100 A•t•• II•• 1100 Vou don't need a gun lo , ., ...... '""·' ~w 0 UI &«·8325. 559-6-442 9'6-2081 '75 Hond• cvcc AM/FM 114 OllPl 't2 .......... , 8 A M -6 p M ( 7 t .. ) ·····"··········· •••••••••• :1 •••••••••••••••• "d t t" h H"'Mlt cash lmmedl t'""' 7 53 d I Caee New 111fve1. .,. 5'19-0321 raw es w an you .., • ~1 • 6 Qt, xlnl con , • r. The la•t••I dr•w In Iha brake• 12150/0BO. This one 1\11 an AM/FM VlfY CIMn, white, many pl-an ad In the Dally for your vehlcle. Do· am/Im casset11, avl'lroot. • & 1 a ••tr a cf ea n 1111r11 Best reu olfr --------PllOI Want Adel cart now mes t 1 c or 1or111 g n Musi setll s10001oeo W11t. .. 1 Delly Piiot 631-8075 pm · s· 00 5 '11 1149 llerrltr I 642-5678. 551-8285 770-0546. Clu.llled AO. 842·5878 .• 61 ACCOAD leK ml. Mint (307 0M.EFL)f. Sllll ~~= 4 2•0 . 5 2•7755 Executive car Loll of · -cones. etl ~pm 552-0581, exirea, n-tires, S5996. A•I•• llnr II A•lll llnr 1100 A1t•1 /1111 1100 A•t., /lt 11 1100 ollloe 673· 1771. "91 IAlllt '80 vw Rabbit dsl. amtlm Call week-days only ••••·"•••••••••••••••• ·····"··•••••••••••••• •••••"'•••••••••••••••• •••··"•••••••••••••••• YILllWAlll caa1. anrf, AC, aux tank, 892-5568 · '78 Station Wgn, 3&K ml. 2 dr. $~95. OBO Musi •78 CdV d' ....., 0 I'll J 11 l) ',It ·n l<>ll'°' In San Juan Capistrano "£8£ MOY4 CIVtc 1100 HATCHIACK ACCORDS• PRELUDES• CIVICS TIADl_..S WAllUI From s79~p Wllh cr.cllt OK, Jlltt 11486.0& eMll Of ~our 11ao.1n aquWllltnl dtllWtl. (Thi• lllC!tuCIM your Ill monthl pey!'Nftt, CAO redllcilllfl '"4 ltcenM.) T1*I oniy 41 remelftlllt Pl'fl!*ll• ol m 111111 ._ '* IMftlll. °"91"'111 ..i111 IN2. .. '* ,....,., m12..» "-""""" """' ..011.&a ~ I02IOMI NEWIEIT MOST MODERN HONDA DEALER IN THE WEST TRADE A FEW EXTRA MILES FOR A LOT OF EXTRA DOLLA"I ; Jim .. emon• a1 v .. ,. of ou.llty Ind s.tll flCilon .,, OrMGt County nu Mich llrea. good 18711 Beach Blvd. Mii. 554-7795 e....,anoe II cond $2495/0BO. Huntington Beach green paint & velour 67s-3070 142-2MO 57 VW Panel Van, new Sharp. Never dam~ 1600 motor, MW ayl'IQO $5700, 760-8160 wtidye ./!~.~~ .......... !!.?~ MEISTER ~:siy'::m~k~d~.!~ '75 Sed Deville, sho· 1114 .111111 PIRSOllE /Alll elralghl. e.11 alt 5, $2, wroom cond, leather, • Ital'"' a•a•---000 ., 1-4-1164-3972 options. Sacr s 11195. ~• -•''"" 13831 Harbor Blvd. · 642·0955 This one It 11 hard to !Ind Garden Grove 1112 VII.IS IH 1-------- convertlble. (1129NAI). • S1lts•ltnltt 1111 YHllH . [v3e11~~lv i 0~~ ~~~h<!: OILY 11111 ltlliq As MW. CL Registered 11 n 1 , S 2 4 9 5 I o b o • .llM MllllH 114 I· 31 1_s1_500 ___ 11_•-_5_53_-os_s2_1_6_•..,.5·_9•_4_2 ___ _ YllllWAlll ·a2 T AROA metallic pew. '59 Volkswagen '65 Cpe de Ville, compte111 18711 Beach Blvd. 1.,, tan lntr, polllhed •I· 0000 cones., 2nd owner o v • r h • u I . S 7 O 0 Huntington Beach loyl, BOii atereo. all $750. Can 631-6678 _63_1_-86_7o ____ _ 142-2000 options. alarm, 3500 ml, '57 Poptop Camper, .xtn1 Ci•rnltl 1120 • 111um• leaae plua cond N-redials & eng, •••••••••••••••••••••• 76 JenHn, 38,000 ml, $1000. &41·8a20 $2500 960·6829 IEE IS FIRST! Lotus eng., 111 tlec. Make , ___ . ______ , oftar. 642-0370 eva 1976 911S Porsetie Targa, '71 Sqrbk, 4-sp, We have e good eetec-Choc Brwn. xlnt cond, nu paint $2000. llon of NEW & USED • .,., .. Ctl• 1134 inlld• & out. Runs per-645-1875 CheYToletsl •••••••••••••••••••••• feet Aek 1 13 000 Call 1---------1 1111 VIUIW&IH M'/? SC Coupe, 'onty 1900 '7• Super Beetle. 4 tpd, u1m1 Ull ml. anrf. etulM. AC. P7'•. rbll, look• llke ne"' This one IS 1 baby blUe lthr, 127,900. (702) $26115 . 494·0 135 or dlamonOI (15727) 870·71115 Veges PP. 497·23ta COMMRL CHEVROLET ')\.~I! I r. lj 1 '"-I\ \'f ' I 54~ t 20 0 I OILY 14411 '76 Porecllt 912E. wht. 1 '71 Super Bug, •Int cond. •ti •a••H blk Int, perfect cond. low m11 .. g1. Must 1 .. 1 1 • _. 41~,960. 840-·045 , 12495. 545-0022. '44 C08VAfR -4 dr AT, I VILllWUEI 78 91 l SC whltt/blk IUll '75 Convertlble red w/ R&H redlala 1875. Eve- 18711 Beactt Btvd. , .. ,her •Pon -ts 7 & 8 btack top, 40,oOo mlles. nlngs (714) 536-778 I Hun1t~2 on20008eecf\ BOS whle, 30,000 ml, Parltct cond. $5800. '73 Nova CUSIOM SS. 89K ,. • S18,500 K & E Dlstrlbu-752-0243 or 838-8986. ml, xlnt eng Asking ·10 Convertible. •Int cond, tore, a.2.e1111 '72 Super Beetle. $1895 11800 240-8075 asking $5200 •75 911S. etk on BUI, with Good cond 9812 Silver C.,, I 1111 Pete (303)443·2900 Sun Al, A/C, Wh11l1. Strand Dr. Hunt. a..ch ••••!••••••••••••••••• #llll 1131 tnO More. $14,700 ,. SOUAREBACK $650 '71 Comet 6 cyl, t i c. •••••••••••••••••••••• 6-45--8272 NMd• work. Aunt gooes, 1 good cond .. $850. 11£ 1errwxt '80 1 911 s 1 cM. L 1 ow 1 mt. Adll ~529?1;~;4 6 . All 5 : 1 ,. 1 Call5'40l •73621fJf •• r11 n con . "'•l••••I• 125,0001080. 657~40• •••••••••••••••••••••• or831·3839 Ron. RMdtheclutltltOldefOf '74 Mtrk IV. Full pwr, the bell o..ia In apart· leether reg gas.. lmmac ·77 Porlehe 91 lS T11g1. mant rentals. &42-5478 cond g75.g974 11lnt cond, lotded, AC,•-;:=======±==::::=;===:;- Mn111A10A. """. PW. cover/bra. wife'•' cer. Make re11 offer. a.5-1776 '71 Porachl 914 1.1. new clutch. Run1 great. A1k S48()0. 5-49·5132 ,.~•:,"c:u1 ~ ,,:,"{" "' --,.-l -N-llU--E-1 M2t -rt CISU llJA kS W. IUlllUT 1tlt u l 811nroot, 5 •l>Md. bre, full lh••P•· Stiver. S7. 000. a57·9491 1974 MnOa Wagon. Radio, hea,ter, auto tr1n1 ... pvt party . "8-2572. Min Cond, Brlgllt Recs wllh 8 111 top l Int. A "MUST SEE TO APPAE. CIATE" ~ (1 :l$I 4 M() '11 RX7 QS AM/Im caae. with equallur A/C, eunrf,= 17M mt, 5 Y' werr. . 1·t7042t7 --...,, llft• .. :-m'ln; ••••••••• ::.u .,,,.., .. , ••'ff n .. llUll. YI ••••••••••••••••••••• t hooee' --··•111111 A• to°w 0 11 140:: (•tr We'll lflO'# y0u CW9f 100 13t0) New I UMd ~ Tiie 111 n.w '8' All~ leN C0me In & cot*• 11 l\tfel Fli900t, IMfMo def out IMff a.1t•no• dla,. cl9llwfY menta 0.1 long term fl· llam llllT "=:: ot Import•, Inc •1..,1-.y DIAi.. l13 Of 11• H24 HetbOt 11¥d., CM. 137·23S3 5-4t·I023 141-7710 J '79 FAIRMONT 4 DI. «•• ••• o .... ti '77GIANADA 6<•112'316') '78 MONTE CARLO f •II (ru1\f Ul100l '10 FAIRMONT 4 DR. l~• moln t 1/)1'/ '71 FOID STAKI HD 1111 Ou•• iiu 111 '71 COLONY 'ARK WAGON l-SIJ<l1 '77 DATSUN 2101 1 \00 •• ,. ...... '79 TUNS·AM T too to-""M1tif1 '1JU0t '10 CHIV. 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September 24, 1082 $21/2 MILLION I NVENTORY .CLOSE 0 El . . . . . . . . -.. _,... ' ~/ ---. - factory rebates --on Selected MOdels-- .. California's largest Volkswagen dealer closes out all remaining 1982 Isuzus and Volkswagens. prastic discounts on every model. ~Pick Ups · if' Diesels ~ Sci.J:.occos 1'TOTHI1'TG HELD BACK! ~Convertibles if Quantums ~Jettas ·~All Isuzu Cars & Trucks -. ~~pers ~Rabbits ifvanagons Over 40 Executive Demonstrators On Sale At Liquidation ~ices · ... COME Il\T OB. CAI,L TODAY . __ VOLKSWAGIJR ISUZU 18'111 B•&OJI BOULllVJ'•», BUllYl•G~OS B•AOB M8-8000 j I '\ I ··' • • ...... ---------·-..-- •Sept. 24, 1982• Sinatra By GLENN SCOTI' Of die Dally Pilet Staff Maybe the tvrf never seemed his. Orange County, ofter all, is the home of Mickey Mouse, boysenberry preserves and Angels. Frank Sinatra means New York and growing up tough and not wincing at things lob.led adult. So perhaps it isn't so amazing' that in more than 40 years of performing, Sinatra never managed once to ploy in this county, his promoteri soy. Never, that is, until Saturday when 'OI Blue Eyes appears at the Irvine Meadows amphitheater in loguna Hills in a concert to benefit the new South Coast Foundation for the 0.-..lopmentally Disabled. When he shows, it will fittingly be after a 1 ().day engagement at Carnegie Holl in New Yortt. Then on Sept. 30 he begins a week at Caesar's Potoce in Los Vegos. There will only be one night in Irvine, but that opporently odds to the glitter. The monogement at tt-. amphitheater hos polm.d to the Sinatra show as the jew9I of Its first full season. Foundation executives, who brought Sinatra here ~onks to a series of <>pPOrfune 9"nts, ore See Sinatra, Page 3 '· 1 . New art gallery ... Pg. 8 ; 1 -~-------------~(h~At~~o~w )t====~~=~======== N CD O> ~Inchon. • • 1 Even with top-notched stars a. : it's only a PFC war sto~y cu ~ ·.: u... ..: Cl) ~ c: By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the Dally PUot Sl•ff Cl) ~ If they gave an Aeademy Award ~ for explosions, "Inchon" would be a ~ shoo-in winner. On the elus side, "Inchon" features some spectacular battle footage, including the blowing up of a masslve bridge crowded with South Koreans f1eeing from the Communist invaders. .2 · Unfortunately, there are also some 0:: people cluttering up the landscape in "Inchon," and the interaction among them generally adds up to a giant fizz.le. "Inchon" is a big budget pic- ture covering the early days of the Korean War in 1950. With the expected star-studded cast and thousands of Korean extras, it re-creates the invafion of South Korea and the key battle at Inchon. The film haa attracted attention because it was bankrolled by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon , head of the "Moonies" religious group. (He is credited as "special advisor" on "Inchon.") The film )las also undergone extensive editing since basic photography was completed in 1979, and acenes featuring actor David Ja.n&9ell, who died after the filming-. were removed. Credit should go to veteran action director Terence Young and ace cinematographer Bruce SW'1.eee, who has photographed many of Clint F.astwood's films. But every war picture has to give us a few people to root for, and in thia case the characters have rolled right off lhe Hollywood asaembly line. Ben Gauara plays an American military officer selected by MacArthur to capture a lighthouse that is crucial to the inva1lon of Inchon harbor. Jacqueline Bi.saet plays his estranged wife, who is buying antiques near lhe 38th Parallel when lhe war breaks ouL • What has finally reached the nation'• movie screens is not the blatant. propaganda tract 80llle might have feand. True, the North Korean invaders are portrayed aa wliversally evil, but many American films about World War II have caat German and Japanese soldiers in precisely the same light. Their performances are conaiatently torpedoed by weakly written romantic dialogue and aome hacksaw editing. One moment Gazzara Is heading north to look·for his wife, in the next he'a beside MacArthur at a staff meeting, and in the next he's participating -in a jun&le ambush. He al90 Beemrto be promoted from major to colone! during the film without explanation. Jacqueline Bisset of 'Inchon' (Yes, the bride-to-be does tear up her wedding dreu to bandage the •wounded soldiers.) "Inchon" contains no overt religjous preaching, though its hero, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, tenda to make regular references to having "God on our side." Bisset, who remains one of the screen'• most.beautiful and intelligent actresea, is aaddled with five cute Korean orphAnl. And if that cllche isn't to your liking, how about the young Korean couple eeparat.ed by the war on the eve of tMir wedding? RJclwd Roundtree is Gazzara'• all- purpose aide, who also turn• up conveniently to help Bi.aet get her station wacon started while she and the orphans are trying to e.cape the advancing Communist hordes. Finally, there'• the distiniutahed British actor Laurence Olivier, who hams It up outrageously as MacArthur. Olivier employs a strange accent that aounds neither English nor American, but it hardly matten. Be's a lot of fun to watch. Still, Olivier's performance and a few flaahy battle .cenes aren't enough to lift "Inchon " above the rank of third-rate war movie. Baxter's -St. • .._... .. Delly ..... As lhe young, clean-cut performers 811\g and dance their way across the small stage at Baxter's Street in Newport Beach they could well be ~oofing themselves right out of Orange County and onto Broadway. Or Hollywood. Or even Burbank. That's because Baxter's Street, a restaurant/ cabaret located at 4647 MacArthur Boulevard ln Newport Beach, offers more than food. It offers talent. Talent ls what many patrons come to see. They are not disappointed. Neither are the agents, directors. ~roduoers or talent scouts who abo drop by Baxter s Street periodically. Baxter's Street could be considered the Orange County connection to the entertainment wprld, says Dan Troxell. director of the restaurant's show and mentor to the 12 you.na students who form the Baxtec's Street Sm,en. "ThiJI ia a great 1howcue for talent," aaya Troxell, who a1lo plays a mean piano b9ck-up for the ni&htly performances. ''Thtte are people who drop ln just to review our performers. 8even1 ol our you.na people have left to perlonn at the M'* C.enw or have aorwe on ~ ahowa wit.b Robert Goulet or Mitzi Gaynoc. You might even.see some of then in Pepm convnerdala." Such opportunld# ,... U\af yOUl\I people. who~ Troxell deteribee a1 mu1lc ancf theat« . 1tudtg !W "~ 972 Siate to USC Jg £1!,IJ!'t • Orange Co_unzy' .o_asis far en~~ainment Fullet10n." are beating dow11 the door for a chance to perform at Baxter's Street: Despite the many hopefuls, Troxell says that truly giCted singers are rar-e. ''They are very hard to find," he says ... There are many good performers, but only a few are excellent. I chooee maybe one out of 30 who apply and I chooee the very best onee." Students who are hired at Baxter's Street still continue to study mu.tic, dancing and theater in school. "We encourage them to continue their tcaining and we work wl\h them OD dancin8 ana choreography," says Troxell, explainlng that each linger undergoes an intensive three-week trainin& tetiton to learn routtne1, and thefl reheanes on Sunday afternoons thereafter. When students arrive at Bexter'a Street, they are ''1reen" pertormert: But when they leave, usually after a two-year stint. t.bey are polished lingers accuatomed to the ri1ora of perfonnln1 twice nJabtly, 1even da}'9 a week. So W!uentM.I la the Baxter's Street training and ~t a former student stands out on any -... .,.. ~ __ ... ~ .. 1"11ley an IO much more ~ • he explainl. •1 JO to thowl I Can pick out tlJne •• ~ • .how at S.xter•a Street la a revue of poputat Broedway tunes ....._ by three men arid .,cpn .•. ~-*'>'In ttyle, but~ .. blends well with t.he others because each fs uniquely talented. By the ti.me the show is over, the audience is singing and clapping along spontaneously. The young performers' excitement is lnfect.lous. They smile so much. one might susped they are pushing toothpaste. But their enjoyment is very real. Even TroxeU's piano keeps the audience rocking out to a rip roaring version of Grieg's Piano Concerto No. 1. • The pa\J'Otll of Baxter's Street are comprised of a croea sectlon of Oranae County restaurant goers - tho very young, the oJCJ, young couples and families. "Our show ls wholesome and we attract all audiences," -.ys Troxell. "I think the county needs entertainment like thia. A few yea.rs 880• Orange County was a desert for such entertainment. But Baxter's Street ls a place to bring your out-of-town relatives, your 00., or your new preacher." And the restaurant'• decor and food is pleaalna to vtaiton of all 8"'11· Baxter's Street aervee tuty entree9 and hon d'oeuYnll which t.nclude potato ak1na, fried iuccblnJ, prjme n'b. ateaks, fiah and shrimp. lncluded 1n the price of a dinner 18 aalad or aoup, an entree and deuert, aa well •• the 45-mlnute show. In all, a very affordable ni&ht. .. ._t the bCaat advaniaae COl1'* when you ... &he talented people on ai.te.'' point.a out Trox.lJ Thitr laleru1 he lnalau. b.u \urned Oran,e Cdtaity'• ~t cte.n lnto an OMia . tr --- Sinatra. • • Per/ or ms in Orange County for first time From Page 1 marketing the show with the star theme. Expensive invitations for the outdoor concert were decorated with designs of a star-bright sky_ A $250 per person ticket is deemed the Star of Hercules, a $100 ticket earns a Star of Centaurus and the $50 tickets buy a Star of Aquarius. Rece ntly, $25 tickets have 'gone on sale at Ticketron, star of mass sales. This will not be just Sinatra, but a Sinatra benefit, hence the expensive (an'tl tax deductible) ticket prices. The foundation also offered ticket packages to corporations for as much as $5,000. The "patrons," or those who purchased these packages, will enjoy the special privilege of a buffet-dinner with Sinatra after the concert. One locally-owned bank bought four of the $5,000 ticket packages. years, said In a recent telephone interview their repertoire is "immenae" but he expects the crowd wtll hear several favorites. He predicted such tunes as "The Lady is a Tramp," "My Kind of Town," "When Your Lover is Gone" and. of course, "New York, New York." Cottier, who also directs his own big band, didn't miss the irony that Sinatra, who has never performed ln Orange County, would deliver as his probable finale a tribuw to New York. Southern California's cosmopolitan kiaaing cousin. Cottier lives in Encino. Muaed the drummer: "It'• unfortunate, but LA doesn't really have a tune." Foundation officials, however, expect to be singing a happy song by the time the benefit is over. They hope to earn as much aa $250,000 from the event. said deBooln. Pamela Rudin to CrineUa. Hackle r aske,d if he could diagnose what caused her difficulties in "finding herself," said Crinella. Aft.er a battery -0f tests, a diagnosis was made and a rehabUitative program designed. It has worked, he said. Meanwhile, her father, lawyer·Milton Rudlll, wu 10 appreciative for finally receiving a complete explanation about her behavior that he offered to help. Crinella said he asked Rudin for legal uailtance ln creating the foundation and "he did that and more." Milton Rudin, it turned out, is Sinatra's lawyer . First he arranged for a $100,000 grant from the Del Webb Foundation for "seed money" for the organization. Then he lined up the benefit concert. Said Crinella; "I've been at this profession for 20 years and it's always been one government grant to the next ... Having this kind of help ls something that onlr happens to a few people. We're very appred.attve.' Because of this cor porate high-c~ appeal, concert organiz.ers are making plans for a slightly different clientele than attend mosJ of the amphitheater concerts. For example. there should be more limousines than ticket scalpers. Although most concert-goers are soon resigned to the _, 10-rninute walk from the parking lot to their seats, many on this occasion )'ill be allowed closer access by car. And for a charitable organization that opened lts doors for the first time on Jan. 11, lt represents an incredible plum. Conceived by Dr. Francis Crinella, director at Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa, the foundation ta intended to offer diagnostic and rehabilitative services and fund research to h e lp young peo ple born with neurological deficiencies. All too familiar with the usual fund-raising efforts to finance clinical reeearch, Crinella said this scenario is the kind his colleagues only dream about. The benefit proceeds will e nable the foundation to hire Hackler as clinical director, the second full-time position on the staff. Crinella said she will be responsible for 9Cl"eening prospective clients and scheduling appointments with local clinicians, who will volunteer a certain number of hours toward the program each month. -L It just isn't proper to make that promenade in high heels and a long dresa. Exactly what songs Sinatra will choose or the length of his show isn't known. Les Brown and his Band of Renown are scheduled to warm up the audience. Then comedian Charlie Callas is expected to be onstage for about 20 minutes. "I've had the car washes, the bake sales and we've put on plays in old barns to rai9e money," he said, "but I like to say this is the first time I've ever had a Sinatra concert." Another twist of good fortune was th.at the amphithe.ater was opened last year. Without it. the benefit would have lost some of its glamour. And it might have lost Sinatra, who recently completed an engagement to mark the reopening of the Universal Amphitheater, which began with a benefit for another caUle. Sinatra will take over without an intemis&on. said Barbara deBoom. the foundation's executive director. The events that led to the concert -and In many ways the formation of the foundation-are, in fact, close to fantasy. It began when a nurse named Emily Hackle r . who s pecializes in rehabilitation, introduced a young woman named Noted Cottier, the drummer: "I'm anxious to see that new amphitheater in Irvine. I hear it's beautiful." Irv Cottier. Sinatra's drumm.er for the past 26 MOVIE RATINGS FOR MRBfTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE MST~D ~·1----- ,,_ __ __ ®HO ONI UMOlll 17 IOMTTIO !Afe_ ... ,_, ... --...... Au. a ID .-, • ,.. .. 111cam ,,. .... "''"' lllOTIOlf ICTWll .CODI "' •v ~"°"" "It •• • ••••• .. nereus, •n••1tlt98Hn••••• · •n•1r ...... _. •t to •nyen••" 04.<UIUS CHA"ruM. L.A. TIMU ............ ~ ........ .. w~ '9Wanh. .. P'onyth't llCNnfdtt .,.. .. lclent In hit .aMllty to auce •-dlac ,...,,,. take off '!' ,.,...., fo;n." 1111111 N~IYC:UTT. l A DAllT NIW$ A Al fQltS'l'TH~· ..... CCINlON ~INClAA· OU....., •0.-~ -.. OU..-lfWN()..iC\14~·-WO..... .. IU~tH &cluoe ~NOW SHOWING-· IJA CINlllA· COITA mA • '114/l•Mlt ..................... .,... ................ .. ----------- University of California Irvine __ _ Orange County's biggest Music Festivalllt SundaJ, September 28: 2 p.m. t~~ 11 p.m • Crawford Hall: VIiiage Theatre Concert Hall Art Gallery The Lumbermlll Heritage Room University Club Mesa Commons Rock Concert, 9 bands Special Bands, 4 bands 1 Classic/Jazz (7 ensembles) 8 classical groups 9 Country Western bands 8 8 g Bands & Dancing 9 Dixieland Bands 6 Jazz groups. 3 Bands and Jam Session $6. at the door, or $5 presale gets you Into alltl Shuttle buses to take you from place to place. ASUCI Box Office (714) 833-5549 weekdays between 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Parking In tot #4. All food services open. Beer and wine available. FREE . FREE ... SAMPLER ON THE SHOWMOBILE In CAMPUS PARK. . 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Pop, Big Band, Jazz, Latin, & Obdelandl Brtng a blanket, a chair. and Join In the fun I FREE piano/organ music In Gat~ay, The Backtot, and Salvador' a Dell ••... 3 ~ 0 -~ I 7C' ~ Q. ~ "" ...... Ci ~ "' .g -~ 3 i ~ I\) .. .... <O Q) I\) .. -j, · I I I I t t r • 4 ----------~------t( Tobie to Tobi• N ~ Pleasan·t Peasant N • • Feasting fit for a king • Z PLEASANT PEASANT, 4251 Martingale E Way, Newport ]Jeach. 955-2755. Lunch served from ~ 11 :30 a.m. to 2 p.m . Monday through Friday. Dinner i served from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Monday through "' Thursday, 5:30 to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. >. Closed Sunday. Lunch from $4.95 to $9. Dinner ~ from $7.25 to $13.25. Reservations recommended. ~ ~ It has all the charm of a country bistro, with :D fresh-cut flowers, pepper grinders on each table ~ and colorful wallpaper decorated with kitchen ~ utensils and other folksy bric-a -brac. The menu is a g tantalizing cavalcade of entrees weU founded in ~ homestyle French cookery. _ Yet the Pleasant Peasant manages to offer a !2. tempting bill of fare without charging diners a 0: princely sum expected at other restaurants of its class and caliber. At the top of the price list is veal saut.eed in a light brandy and cream sauce with sliced mushrooms at $13.25. And all ent.rees come with soup and salad and potatoes and a medley of fresh vegetables. Such a feast wouJd make any average pauper feel like a king. The menu is rather eclectic;: w ith beef. chicke n, turkey, lamb, pork and veal selections. Check the chalkboard list for the evening offering of fresh fis h , whic h on our night included whitefish, seabass, red snapper and artichoke hearts stuffed with crab. The Pleasant Peasant concept grew out of one ambitious man's dream to break away from the restaurant chain monotony. Bert Blender, head of the Grinder Corp., decided some years ago to strive for aomething different. His efforts resulted in Newport's Peasant (opened in 1978), a sister restaurant in Downey and exquisite nouvelle cuisine of Lido Marina Village's Chez Lautrec. Blender grew up in the restaurant trade, having been raiaed in a tiny German inn. His upbringing lends a quality of aervice th.at makes guests feel like they're dining out with family. Your waitress ls more a cousin than a servant. My guest yearned for an e9C8.l'gota appeti%er, 90 we decided on a standard offering of the chewy mollusks drenched in J{arlic butter and seated in mushroom caps (~.25). The mushrooms as well as the escargots were on the small side and we unhappily had to extend the ord~r with our basket of French rolls. But the meal turned on an upswing with the arrival of cream of carrot soup, a delightfully sweet and smooth house specialty. A chilled fork was the prelude lO our salads, fresh butter lettuce with a house vinegar and oil -Paddy West,Boys choir set for OCC concerts Oranae Coast C.01.lqe will praent two •parate muaical prosram1 on Saturday, Oct. 2 featuring the 36 voicee of the All-American Boys Chorus ana the aor1g1 and bal.lada of Ireland perfonned by the folk duo, Paddy West. • The internationally known All-American Boys Chorus, under the d1rection of the Rev. IUcha.rd Coughlin. will perform at 8 p.m. in the oollese'• Robert N. Moore Theater. Paddy-Weet wW be featured in Fine Ant Hall 119 at 8 p.m. Founded and d1rect.ed by ~ a CatboUc priest, the choir conllsta ot memben from aae 9 to 14 years. The p-oup hill perfonned ~t the UnJted St.atee and l'A.arope and filmed a teleWdoo cammerdal for an airline with the .aopn .. You're Ga.n4r to Like Ua." The chorus wW perform musical rendltionl from Broadway~ tbowa aucb u ''Oliver," "The Music Man," "The Sound of Mwdc," "Mame," ''Man of La Mancha" and will ..-at two apeda1 medleys includfna John Philip ~ merdMI and well-known .a&1 of clMllc Americana. . Mtllfdane. Patrick Kennedy and Ken Shaw are Paddy ~nt. The pair hllw .... tend • doaen bwtnlmentl. Thm ~ lndudm .... and balladt that tell of Ireland'• JoltC ~ for fJeedoal .. well • l'OUllnc ~ '°""' dwie ... .-.. .a.JM•~•~w~~~·· ··• • .. By JOEL C. DON Of tile DaUy PUot Statr dressing spiced with Dijon mustard and tarragof\. and crowned with chopped egg. My guest opted for the veal with creamy brandy sauce, though he was a bit concerned that the liquor might overwhelm the thin slices of meat. We both agreed, however, the veal waa quite capable of making its own culinary statement. My breast of chicken poached in a light cream sauce with mushrooms waa not a dieter's delight ... but nevenheless pronounced the hit of the evening. The fowl waa te'l'lder and moist and at a most appreciative price of $8.85. Kevin Rawlings, who studied under master chef Guy Gengre, not only managed the entrees but is responsible for the colorful and tempting pastry cart creations. We sampled the fresh strawberry and peach tarta, baked in the most ~ of pastry cruata. For peasants, we certainly felt aa if our palates had been treated like royalty. This wonderful littJe dining spot will n o d oubt deserve repeat performances for some titne to come. -THE KIND OF LOVE STORY FOR WHICH TIE PUBUC'8 BEEN THIRSTING. A IKIU.RJU.Y CRAFTED ROMANTIC OM.MA wmt tmHLY CHARGED PEAFONUNCES• -0.-INltt. 100llr IHOW -&oy, cld I twve e good tlmel A ~nuta,~ love story. Rlctwd 0... .. powerful, Debre Winger la axe 1 lent end Lou Ge 111tt la lncredlble.• --..--.eooo-Mm!ICA •W,.TIUCll Gl1 W Edwllds Newport Cinema Cinedamt M4.07&0 134·2553 Wll'-•TD Edwards Cinema West 891 ·3935 -.-~--.. ---·-"' Save money and shopp~ng time Read the ....... .._. ... ___ _ ~------~-----------------------tC _____ ,,,_. __ c_,._._._," _____ ),__------------~--~----------~ 5 Pacific Symphony l -,:-.. • Violinist opens season • • World-renowned Romanian violini5t Silvia Marcovici opens the Orange County Pacific Symphony 1982/83 season in a gala performance of Tchaikovsk y's Violin Concerto. This opening concert of the six-event Classic Series, to be held Sunday evenings in Santa Ana High School Auditorium, will include Dvorak's Carnival Overture and Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5. The Nov. 14, program features the world premiere of "Albion Moonlight" written by Keith Clark, music director and conductor of the Pacific Symphony . Mozart's Symphony No. 41, the "Jupiter," and Holst's "The Planets'' are also scheduled for this program. "Symphony on Parade" will follow on Dec. 5, with symphony principals performing Bach's Concerto for Two Violins, Erb's Trombone Concerto and Schumann's Concert Piece for Four Homs. Debussy's popular symphonic sketch, La Mer, will conclude the program. "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!" -WltW l'IC'W v.casAIOOonCI WAX 111 / I AWESOME,TOTALLY AWESOME! AUNVHSM~ Leonard Rose, the distinguished American cellist, will make his only Southland appearance on Jan. 9 playing Saint-Saem' Cello Concerto No. 1. Included on this program are rare perfonna.na!S of Stravinsky's King of the Stars and the Southern California premiere of George Crumb's Star Child; a work for men's and children's choirs, aoprano and expanded orchestra. The superb American soprano, Arleen Auger, joins the Pacific Symphony on March 13 for Strauss' Four Last Songs and Mahler's Fourth Symphony. Schubert's Rosamunde Overture will open the concert. John Browning will play Prokofiev's Third Piano Concerto on April 17 . This concert will include the Namemfeier Overture and Seventh Symphony of BeethoveO\ On Oct. 2, the Pacific Symphony goes Hollywood in the first of ita three Pops concerts held in Knott'• Berry Farm Theatre, Buena Park. The two-time Academy Award winning film GALLAGH~R A MERI CA 'S HOTTES1 COMIC! ONE ..alfT OIL V SA7. OCT.9 OllAmECIAIT COLLEIE AlllT•tUM .% ~910 ••IWltl, uu 014) ........ (V1MIMMWcwcS e~:OO-w-n ALSO AVAllA8LE AT TICKETRON ANO THE O.C.C. BOX OFflCE ••AllGAIM llATIMm * Jlt-.,ttnlahlN8J All ...,..,.... ........... 5:00 , .. "*" .................... .....,.. ........... LA MIRADA ~•l• IN :> 0. composer, Michel Legrand, will guest conduct this ~ salute to favorite Hollywood movie scores. Continuing the Pope series on Feb. 11 is the ~ great jazz singer, Mel Tonne, in a program of old 0: favorites, jazz and easy-listening. ~ Chet Atkins, Nashville's legendary guitarist, ~ will pedorm on April 9. This final Pops series ~ concert will include Grofe's Grand Canyon Suite Ci and Copeland's Rodeo. ~ The Pacific Symphony will make its Los -. Angeles Music Center debut on Feb. 27. The ~ symphony will be join-:d by Roger Wagner's Los Angeles Master Chorale in this concert of Ralph Vaughan Williams' Sea Symphony and Samuel Barber's Prayers of Kierkegaard. Season tickets are still available for the Classic and Pops series. Single tickets are on sale. Group, student and senior citizen ticket discounts are available. For tickets and information call (714) 680-3444. ~lflC fllUfllU DlllVf·lll I_, •lfll llVl(•-HUl -11 .. etOl ... U llMIOll l lVO OlllVf· .. I OMMl OIUVf.ffl ... ,., .... ,_,,_ ... __ , .. _ . ._ .. ...... ANAHEIM (Jl11V( IN ._ .. .,_. 119-MIO _ .. _ ___________ ..,.... _______ ""' ......... BUE NA PARI( 1» " . ., ~----llMOJO ---........ LINCOLN u111vf ,,.. -· ... FOUNTAIN VALLEY 0111Vf I ~ .... .. . HI WAY 3q .~ .. ,., '-nem c:Me• ca..c:noe. l.NTI O* ~1111 I. T'tll D i •IATOll 1111 CMtfl- ...T~ntmDTM ~" .... ..,,. C*'A ll1• pa.. ~ "T'tll .-T unu 9'F•11JA-:,.•TDM" 11t '~ .. CINR- ........ S.• "'-"-"-191-369J • ..... P\.OYD: TMS WAU." 111t "MCC\'r .. -.. MT,_AT•l•Dwr ...,. .. t1lll ,._ " . ~ .. LA HABRA ,,~,.1 " -·-·--·--171-1161 -·XMA1Mr-c..11- ~MlllTYft.La .. T'tll l'C'em-.. -~ne .... r1111 _,._ --~--.. OPANGE I LI,, N y., ,\ I.' 0-.j I l.c' ' • • I N .......... ,..., ••-c ..... ~"' ""LOe ...... 00l7?'•• .. .. ~ertmT \ 6 C\I Cl) O> ~~~~~--~----------------~C _____ ._,. __ o_o_,_"_•_• ____ )~--------------------------------- Irvine will be rocking Sunday. For that matter, M • fi ( • / ( ~ It will be bopping, grooving and swinging as well, USl C es lVa s e N because UC Irvine will be hosting the 12th annual .8 ~,:ge <Aunty Musicians' Festival from 2 till 11 Sunday at UC Irvine ~ From Top 40 acts to classical, from rock an~ Q. country and western to jazz and dixieland the Swingphonic Youth Orchestra; 7 p.m .• Dixie Jazz a> campus will be alive with all kinds o{ musical Bravos. UJ sounds throughout the day. -Free Entertainment at Gateway <Ammons: ~ Tickets are $6 at the door and $5 in advance at 2 p.m ., The Showcase Singers; 3 p.m .• Judy :g and are availa ble at the ASUCI box office Carmichael sings ragtime; 4 p.m ., Blossom u.. weekdays between 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Newberry; 5 p.m., Tom Priest; 6 p.m ., Georgia ..: Proceeds of the festival, co-sponsored by the Tavlor: 7 o.m .. Jean Garland; 8 o.m .. Keith Horton; ~ city of Irvine and the Orange <Aunty Musicians 9 p.m-. Ferdie Furtado; 10 p.m_, Joyce <Aok. ~ Trust Fund, will go for emergency relief funds, -Big Bands and Dancing in the Univqsity ~ schola;.ihip Cunds and for future UC Irvine and city Center Heritage_ Room: 2 p.m ., Bernie Farr; "3:10 i of Irvine sponsored events. p.m., Norm Ma,JOrs; 4:20 p.m ., Tracy Wells; 5:30 ~ Besides all the music, all campus food services p.m., Ralph Blaze; 6:40 p.m., F,(f Leach; 7:50 p.m., .§ will be open and beer and wine will be served. The Big Band <Ammotion ; 9 p.m., Keith Williams. a: day's fare includes: -Free Entertainmen t at the University -Featured Acts in UCl's Campus Park: at 2 Center Back.lot: 2 p.m., Gene Vinson ; 3 p.m., Dan p.m., Four-Hand Band; 3 p.m., Big Band Bones; 4 Bellomy; 4 p.m., Marge Distefano; 5 p.m ., Carolyn p.m., Questet Jazz Ensemble; 6 p.m .. Orange <Aunty <Anners Kudel: 6 p.m., Diel< Dunn: 7 p.m .. Janet ' --------~----------------------------------, OUR FIRST OLD FISHIOIED ~- 10 c SALE Prices C••1taraMe Te fte De1tr1ssi11 ef Yean Ac•! OualitJ cem19araM1 te ttte fi•ett! Doors ,,.. at I •·•· le Siles te ..... ,.. We di .. 't o••• ••n te ••k• •••If, WI Cllftl to •ake friea•. A DIME NEVER WENT FURTHER/ Keep an eye on local govern_ment ..., ..., in th e ~ S 1 I t Henderson Leon; 8 p.m., Charlotte Brooks; 9 p.m., Isabelle Vickers; 10 p.m., Gene Robert.son. -Special Bands In the Fine Arts Village UCI Village Theatre: 2 p.m .. Bill Baker 10; 3:05 p.m., Bim Barn: 4: 10 p .m .. Stan Freeze and the Disneyland Band; 5: 15 p.m., Ann Patterson's Maiden Voyage. -Cl.asaical and Jazz Bands in the Fine Arts Village UCI <Ancert Hall: 2 p.m., Irvine Symphony Orchestra; 3: 10 p.m.. Back Bay Blues Band; 4:20 p.m., Shelley Moore and Trio; 5:~0 p.m., Bones West; 6:40 p.m., Ronn1e Brown Quintet; 7:50 p.m .. Mark Davidson Trio; 9 p .m ., Orange County Rhythm Machine; 10 p .m ., Henry Brandon Orchestra.~ -Classical Music i.n the Fine Arts Village UCI Art Gallery: 2 p.m., <Aup de Brass; 3 p.m., Fred Gillette and the Sunset Strings; 4 p.m., Ferdie Furtado; 5 p.m., Silverwood: 6 p .m., Pacific Duo; 7 p.m .. Marilyn Mayland and the International Strings; 8 p.m., Fries/Glenn Duo. -Dance Bands In the Mesa <Aurt Unoleum See Big Doings, Page 11 (9Nmm ..... l"llllMl•I& ------~- --------------------------------------~ CurrentlyScreenlng~~----------------------------------7 ~ 0 A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S SEX COMEDY: Rated PG. stars Woody Allen, Mary St.eenburgen, Tony Roberts, Mia Farrow, Jose Ferrer and Julie Hagerty. Not many laughs or new ideas in this tale of changing romances at the turn of the century. AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated R, stars Richard Gere, David Keith, Debra Winger and Louis Gossett Jr. There are very few surprises but some beautifully drawn perfonnances in this tale of boot camp and romance. It's rated R because of langua.ge, sex and adult situations. ANNIE: Rated PG, stars Albert Finney, Carol Burnett and Aileen Quinn. The film is baaed on the popular musical. BAMBI: Rated G, is the Walt Di.aney animated classic that first hit the big screen in 1942. This sentimental tale of a baby deer should be a treat for • I ENTEA THE YOU MN/_ A NEW ROLLS ROYCE , , PLUS $100000 IN CASH OA ONE Of · .~ · THE THOOSANO$ Of OTHER PRIZES. 4..: ~ .... ,,,___ , • MrLUON OOlLAA ... • l-:::: ,." ·:;.-::..: ~-~ ~ •. -·~ SWEEPSTAKES • --.•~··-· ___ ,._ IMA ""~ tt0"'2t CMTl•U Hw.a"-tof T- IJI 3501 CMTl•U Efw.-SWiii Colla ,..,, & .. 2111 llf-E .... ~ 5tl 5tN NOW .PLAYING ·-·-••IUCll -=:.""""""" ~ t:r,,:"""' ... ..., ... ..- ffwllft ...... ca.-. 5'IO l l ..... Orw. .. SSI OIS5 523 MU u..alUCll ~18 ~s...c..i ~a.-w .. ••• uu "' Jt» = •Pnttenled in .. lX ........ ...,,...,,..._,,,,,...... ..... , t3•2HJ (llO _____ I MovieS now showing along Orange Coast youngsters of today, just as it was years ago. E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, stars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert MacNaughton and Drew Barrymore. This highly acclaimed science-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien from outer space. This family film has been touted as one of the best in years. FORCED VENGEANCE: Rated R. stars Chuck Nonia, David Opatm.hu, and Mary Louise Weller. . This film ahows promise being filmed in photogenic Hong Kong but ends in a tcreen of blood aa Noni.a once again uaes martial arts to clean house. It's rated R for violence and is unsuitable for children. FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH: Rated - R, stars Sean Penn, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Judge Reinhold, and Richard Romanus. Thia film deals "Tl with teen-agers pursuing drugs and sex and more ~ sex. It origlhally was rated X but was edited down ~ to. an R rating. Several impressive newcomers in this tale of the carnal side of high school. It's rated g> R because of ita emphasis on sex and some nude ~ scenes. ~ FRIDAY THE 13TH -PART 3: Rated R. Gory in 3-D with a bit of sex thrown in, this film is bad. It's so terrible, the first two Friday the 13th See Currently Screening, Page 12 i ... "A CL()O(W()RI( ORANGE"" Swnng MllColrn McDowell ~ ...... ~Carll Ind.....,,.,_... letl•...., by__, IWOrOI 11-sonh ncN9f by~8uro-Procluced end~ by~~ (-~-L -.... ·~ AMMllAM•---··--..--·---·-- ST"RTS TODAY ,. 8 N ClO ----------------------------------...... -1~'-----"-n __ c_o_n_v_o_• ______ ~L~~~~--~~ .......... ~~~~~~~--~--- .~Modern art ••• J New gallery schedules op ening -Q. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ By JODI CADENHEAD Ot the Dally Pilot Staff "O ~~---..,,..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "t: ~ What happens when three of ~ Orange County's leading art ladies "O leave the Newport Harbor Art i Museum? i The answer is the Turnbull, > Lutjeans, Kogan Gallery (TLK for > short) opening Tuesday at the :'§ American City Bank 'Tower, 611 0:: Antod Blvd., in Costa Mesa's South. Coast Plaza Town Center. Betty Turnbull was curator of exhibitions, Phyllis Lutjeans was curator of education and Victoria Kogan was acting curator at the Newport Beach Museum before they decided to strike out on their own last year. Actually the idea of a gallery selling modern art had been "skittering round in our minds" for some time, said Lutjeans. all that difficult, even in the current recession, said Lutjeans. The three women managed to find 11 other people willing to back them· and were able to sell $60,000 worth of art, literally out of a suitcase, since the gallery doors won't open officially until Tuesday. "People are buying art," said Lutjeans. "l think people need art. It's a matter of priorities." Art that is modern. Art that is aUordable. Art that is accessible, is what the TLK gallery owners a re striving for. "We want to bring people in," said Lutjeans. "We want art to be a part of everybody's life. Kogan convinced Turnbull to help her start the gallery when Turnbull left the ·muaeum last year. Excited by the idea of the new venture, Lutjeans said she decided to join her friends. "People don't-realize what it's like to live with art. It's not something. that's intimidating," aaid Lutjeana, noting that the gallery plans to offer payment plans. T h e abstract paintings and geometric aculpturea will start at about $450. John Paul Jones' wood eeulptw-e is part or his 1982 table series. Lutjeans said there are no hard feelings or competition between museum officials and owners of the gallery. "What works good for the gallery is good for the muaeum," said Lutjeana. "If we can get people interes1ed in modem art then the museum and the gallery can be a part of this whole thing together." Convincing people that art is a worthwhile investment has not been Relying on a stable of about 15 young artists, the gallery plans to . focus ita attention on California residen ts. Some works will come from artists in New York, Chicago and Europe. "One of our purpoees for launching TLK is to introduce the best of the unknown artists in our region. aa well as represent more matwe artiala who time and time again find new frontiers within their own art,•• said 'l\ambull. . Linear wood and metal aculptures by internationally recognized artist John Paul Jones and abstract acrylic paintints by Ling Chung will~ on display at the gallery until Oct. 23. Jones. who recently turned from paintings to aculpture, creatAs Rieces that U11e J.i8ht and shadow. ChWlg, whoee wock ia being shown publicly f~ the fint titne, designs abstrad acrylic pieces that are 10 feet high and ~ feet long. ln an eUort to bring the gallery to the community, TLK plans to offer art claa9es. · "If you have art in your life you realize the beauty in a blade of grass or a sunaet even more," said Lutjeans. "You notice th.inga." TLK gallery will be open Tueeday through Saturday from 11 a.m . to 5:30 p.m . For more information call 545-2787. HOTIEST, MOST PROGRESSIVE . E'RCISE CLASSES NOW OPEN! - CllU ..... Na "'""''•l•Y • CLAU tCtHfULll. USE Pass· 631-3623 •U·< I. 111• It., Ctue •••• WI tot tll H llCI ---'-~--"'-----~ - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'~-~~'-n_t_•_,_,,,_l_••_l_o_n~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-9 3! o. T he Gondoliers. • • A show with both oars in the water i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ By TOM TITUS a. Ot the Dally Pilot Staff ~ There are easier -and ultimately more satisfying -projects in musical theater than Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, but if a producing group ls up to the challenge, these stylistic relics can be rendered highly enjoyable. "The Gondoliers," one of the lesser-known G&S offerings. receives grand scale treatment at the Newport Harbor Ac tors Theater with a .. .,,. GONDOL9 ........ A mu~I comedy by Giibert end Sulllvan. directed by N.ncy EbMn, muelcel dlrec:10I' Anthony Pa.qua. prOduced by Linde Derby. 11909 maneg« Robb Feney, Mt deeign by Vlc10l'le Bryen, llQnllng by J9'fTy E. Young, pre-.ted Frldaye end Seturcl9)'9 et 8 p.m., Sundeya et 2:30 through Oct. 10 et lh• Newport Herl>OI' Acton T'-ter, 390 Mor>te VIiie SI . Coste M .... ~!lone $31·5110. Titm CAST Merco Plllmlerl ............................. Merk Burrougf\9 GluMppe PMnlert ................ .. . ..... Crelg C.mley Gi.n.lt• ......................... v.,_ Neleot\ T-...................................... Pet Allen c.itde .. .............................. . ... Lind• ()t)lemen Luit ...... .. .. ........................ .. ... Oe1lld er.,,.., Oulc• of Plaza-Toro ............... . ..... Keith O. P91.,. ~of Plu•Toro ................ Amber MoOlnley Don Alellaml><• del Bolero .......... Cl•yt0t1 Rob«ta Awnette .... ... ............... .. ............ Ceryn Mor• Vlttorie . . . .. . ..... -·.. .. . ... .. .. . Lou.nn Chen!IMe Antonio .. ~ ......... ·--·-·· .............. John Mello Frenoeeco ............... -···-· .. ..... Ron Alc:tl#ds ~ .::: ... ::·:::::::::::::::::::::~·:: .... :· ,...~~ :.:: 27-member cast backed by an eight- piece orchestra. It's an evening of ·song and satire set in 1825 Venice. Despite its rather recital-like presentation, the show plays very well. · Di.rector Nancy Ebeen and muaical director Anthony Pasqua, in their second Gilbert and Sullivan project (they teamed for "HMS Pinafore" in 1979), have mounted "Gondoliers" Tri•••• with meticulous attention to detail. Moreover, their cut exhibits remarkable affinity for the often- trick:y G&S lyrical demands. Most lmpresaive in this regard la Craig Cantley, playing one of two Venetian oarsmen who may have royal blood. Cantley and Mark Burroughs are the leading lights in t.hia comic opera with Cantley the nominal straight man and Burroughs the clown, though only by a few degrees. Both are effective, with Cantley'a tongue-tripping vocalizing splendidly rendered. Their loving brides -chosen at random from among the assembled maidens, thus surprising in their fidelity -are well played by Pat Allen and Vanessa Nelson. Linda Obleman lends uncommon dimension to the role of the heroine, ostensibly wed at birth to one of the newly married gondoliers, while David Cramer la a bit weak as her servant and suitor. The scenery-chewin g roles are handled with restrained gusto by Keit.h D. Peters as Obleman's narcissistic father and Clayton Roberts as the atone-faced grand inquiaitor. Amber McGtnley has 10me good momenta as Peters' aharp- tongued wife. Primarily, "The Gondoliers" auoceeds most as an ememble show, its well-trained choral voices resounding in their impact. Victoria Bryan's richly antiqued backdro1>9 enhance the sense of time and place. while a large gondola which "floats" in from offstage adda to the effect, as "A ••¥le •I s.arl•• fllea.•res tlt•t Y•• ••,,e wlH •e¥er e•d. T• lie see• •••'• ••fl •6•1• . • . ••fl trea.•red." Geae Aallt. N.C.TJ: TH..J' Aew A snWN SPtDaaG Pll.M E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL A STtVtN SPllUHG ALM ET ntE EX'flA:ruusnw. Sllverfem ... Included in the cast of 'The Gondoliers' are (from left ) Carie Jancik, Peter E. Stone, Darlene Fuentes, (front row ) Craig Cantley, Claudia Westermann and Diana Raye Grogg. do the multi-credited cmtwnes. "The Gondoliers" will be cruiaing the canals of the Newport Harbor Acton Theater, 390 Monte Via1a St., c.o.ta Mesa, for three more weekenda. * BACKSTAGE -The Laguna Moulton Playhouse is starting a new lleries of acting clasees this fall, two for adults, two for YOW\I people and one for senior citizens ... also included are COW"lle9 in makeup for stage and camera and mUlical theater techniques . . . call the playhouse at 494..()743 for details ... CALLBOARD -The Harlequin Dinner Playhouse will hold non- F.quity auditions for its Christmas musical "Meet Me in St. Louis" on Sat., Oct. 2, at 10 a.m. at the theater, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., juat north of c.o.ta Mesa . . . the show will open Nov. 17 and further information is available at 979-5511 ... 0££ •AU.ACE l'nl'R COYO'n! HENRY TltOMAS AS EUJOTT MUSK: IV JOHN WIW.UU ~IV Ml!US&\ NATIOSON NOOUCW I Y ST'EVVI SPIWIOG a ICAntLIVI UNN10Y DtllCTl!D IV S'n\l!N 5'WJIOG A llNMllS.U PtC'1\lU •. ......., ........................ ,,.., :-.:n~~~·!· A short and pant lt!l.!!! ... _ • .:1 m .. ::iit VoU'll find Voll can't live without ... use it to ploy hard or just to lounge. A\/Oiloble In 14 COior's. from Ne¥/ Zeaklnd ~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NE'M>ORT BEACH · (714) 644 -7030 .... co CD N '. ' :I N CD O> ..... Road art • • • Laguna museum exhibits 82 posters "California : Art on the Road," on exhibition of 82 posters representing the state's visual and performing arts institutes, runs through Nov. 11 at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art. The exhibition is sponsored by Philip Morris, Inc., together with three of its companies, Mission Viejo Co., Miller Brewing Co., and Ventura Coastal Corp., in cooperation with the California Arts Council. The posters in the exhibition were selected from among more than 300 entries depicting exhibitions and performances originated by the state's cultural institutions. The posters record o wide variety of visual and performing arts events created in California over the post six years. • ~ The institutions represented on poster range from the Independent Composers Association to the Los Angeles Philharmonic. The exhibition includes paintings, sculpture, prints and lithographs, photography, folk art, crafts, opera, jazz, symphonic music, chamber music, children's theater, clossicol theater, experimental theater, ballet, modem dance and film. · In conjunction with the exhibition, on evening lecture series on the history of poster art will be offered by art historian and lecturer Ronald Steen. The l_oguno Beach Museum of Art, at 307 Cliff Orive, is open daily except Monday from 11 :30 o.m. to 4':30 p.m. Admission is by donation.' ( LUllURY THEATRES ' ~ 111 '-llti.ta..iep•YS2.111Wtss0tlltrwisttll4fll ~ s 111atet44•Xutl616J~25sJt ~~y J s * FOR FOOi EXC:rTEmEnTI V1s1tOur ... ARCADE of GAMES• :· .• ~ :: 1111( q,,-;;f{lr~ m U1H a 1>0 4 130 a 1JO l :JO & t01>0 70Mlio1 U 1IO Z:104:t0 l :tO l :YWOtlO AMI ILLE 0: THE PQ8)6fi510N • U:~jf ~ tcl~l:OO Alf OP'nCl:R ~--(-~~•-l_g_D_o_l_n_g_•~--)=== From Page 6 ... UC Irvine to hos t ann ual mus ic f es tival Room: 8 p.m., Ann Patterson's Maiden Voyage; 9 p.m., Jerry Platfoot: The Big Band Experience; 10 p.m., Ra.many Big Band. -Open Jam Session in the Mesa Court Gold Room: 8 p.m., Arnie Rios-Les Czimber; 9 p.m., Broadway Plus with Jan Knowlton and Charles Vick; 10 p.m .• Jazz Jam session. . ·-~k Concert in UCI Crawford Hall: 2 p.m .. Pmk Mink; 3 p.m., 4H; 4 p.m., Ripp Tides; 5 p.m., Surf Raiders; 6 p.m., The Censors; 7 p.m., August Redmoon; 8 p.m., The Snowmen. -Top 40 (Lounge Acts) in the UCI Science Lecture Hal.I: 2 p.m .• Rio: 3:10 p.m., Touch of Class; 4:20 p.m., Ric Stabile Trio; 5:30 p.m .• Jason; 6:40 ~m.~ Warren Brothers .• 7:50 p.m., Main Street agic; 9 p.m ., Voyager; 10 p.m .• Target. -Country Music in the Lumbennill: 2 p.m., Rockslyde; 3: 10 p.m ., Suzanne Niles and Southern Nights; 4:30 p.m., Sidewinder ; 5:30 p .m ., Randy C~ristian Band; 6:40 p.m., Brad Hartwyk and the Wild Horse Band; 7:50 p.m., Western Union; 9 p.m., Jerry Swaggerty; 10 p.m., Mickey Rooney Jr . . . -Uuoeland ln the University Qub: 2 p.m., D1x.1e Rhythm Ramblers; 3 p.m .• Dixieland Delinquents; 4 p.m., Mississippi Mudders with Frank Amoss; 5 p.m .. the Orange Pealers Jazz Band: 6 p.m., The Jazz Generation: 7 p.m., The Lemon Street Stompers: 8 p.m., The Dixieland Jazz Bravos: 9 p.m ., The Little Big Band; 10 p.m ., The Rhythmairs. Additional infonnation concerning the festival may be obtained by calling the ASUCI box office at 833-5549. "'THR INCUMll,.(11) .......... ... ,_,,,., __ _ fArr ,,,,,,., ., __ , ---... ,,... ......... AMl'IYVILLE 0: THE~ION• .......... "911 ... , .... fUOGEMONT HIGH" 1111 ,,., ..... .. aAT/.._ ...... ... ,.r,'1-.:'ii:'w . •11;(1111 111 ___ lr-.1t.....-.Ml._._ .. ___ -+-IAT/IUll. 1-. ....... POLTERGEIST.!! 'Alf OF»ICZR .... .. MT/.._ ..... ~ T~Ot~-· ....... -IAT,..lltl, 1111. - .:... f--0 ~~-IP·---· .... Ml.MT/.._ ... .. "':::...-...... . ,. ... .. IATllUll.1 .. AMIJYVIWO: THE ~. _ ................ .... AM11Wllll 0: THE~N• ........ n..-..•- REAL VALUES ,.m,,.. IATllUN.Mt 4:11. f:U, -(N) on items from applesauce to zippers lilly-.., ~ are advertised every day in the ~ . 1~ -------------------t( Currently Screenln• )J.;----------------- c:o ~ From Page 7 . ST AR WA.RS: Rated PG, st.an Ham.on Foni. ..f films don't seem so bad. More mass murders at Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinnem, Mark Hamill and ~ Crystal Lake. It's rated R for gore, nudity and sex. Peter Cwshlnl· Thia c1uGc George Luc.. ~ _8 fantasy film has been re-releMed u the evil Empire E ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PG, S1an Henry threatens the lifestyles of a cut of futuria1ic good ! Fonda and Katharine Hepburn as an aging couple guys. Great special effecta. Q. returning to live on Golden Pood. He's filled with ~ anxieties about death; she's interminably cheerf":1· >. They bicker politely until the arriv~ of th.e1.r m daughter (Jane Fonda), her latest boyfriend, Billl' :g (played brilliantly by Dabney Coleman) and hu u.. 13-year-old boy. The PG rating is for~· ... Cl) 'O c Cl) .:tit. ~ !: POLTERGEIST: Rated PG, stars Jobeth Williams and Beatrice Straight in a tale of the supernatural. The story is by Steven Spielberg; the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating is for suspense. ROCKY UI: Rated PG, stars Sylvester Stallone as the gutay Rocky, who battles to defend his crown. The PG rating is for violence. TONIGHT ME TRO~GOLOWYN-MAYER PRESENTS A SPECIAL PREVIEW Of A BRAND NEW COMEDY IN AOVAN(l Of ITS lff NING NEXT FRIDAY STAR TREK II: Rated PG, atara William Sbatner and Leonard Nimoy in the continuing quest to .eek out and explore strange new worlds. The PG rating la for llction. Dlrected by Nicholas Meyer . THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS: Rated R , star s Dolly Parton, Burt Reynolds, Dom DeLui.le. There's not much aexy or lively action in this film , which inflates the characters portrayed by Parton and Reynolds to larger-than-life images. It doesn't hold th~ audience's attention. It's rated R for language, sex and bawdy situations. at 8:00 I THE SECRET POLICEMAN'S OTHER BALL: Rated R, stars Pete Townshend, Eric Clapton and others. A series of short pieces highlighting some of Monty Python's achticks, interspersed with musical moments. . THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP: Rated ·R, stars Robin Williama, Mary Beth Hurt, Glenn Cloee and John Lithgow. This film geta to the heart of author John lrvirig'a sprawling novel It ia deep, meaningful and speak.a directly to what really matters to ua, in films and in life. It's rated R TRON: Rated PG, Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner, David Warner, Cindy Morgan and Barnard Hughes. Follow the Daily Pilat The story of aweekerid after a night at the opera. WCIANO PAVAR.01Il _.,. A Glorious Uproarious Love Story. t.f TRO .roJ>WYN.MAY£R PflSOOS A BlmSfllMS Nf> MIOWl ~ Pfmtl~ ~ llR 0 100..l • ISSICA tWffR • mffi fn~ N() INTlmtlf(; MARK llPtHJAKER MY FA~IT{ Y£AR. saurruv BY rm.w. ST£1ttl~ Nf) OOHS ~I.Ml) ST~ BY !It~IS ™lMlJ PfmllO BY MIWll ~F .ro-·--•J OlllCT£08Y RICHAm!INJAMIN ... -..... - - -1•-·-c. ~ , STARTS TODAY AT THESE SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATllES COITA•U Oll- Edwafds TOWfl Center (714) 751·~114 City C.-(714) 634·9282 .. lc,..llCOPMNii= 7 I il> 1._,,AJ '(tMltll Wfll'l .n1 - ---------le Mead on Win• )i-----------------15 L.A. • winners . I will not even attempt to list the 69 gold medalists at this year's Los Angeles County Fair, much less the 114 silver, 117 bronze and numerous honorable mentions. I will attempt to highlight some of the most important medalists. When evaluating the Los Angeles event, with its nearly 1,600 entries in 170 separate categories, a few things should be kept in mind. Many of those categories are of little interest to anyone except the winery entering the wine. I can't imagine many people holcl.inR their breath awaitino the results of best "salad wine vinegar," "tokay:" or "white port." I won't be devoting any space to such classes. If you are interested I'll tell you how to write for the complete awards list later in the column. Also, keep in mind that many ~ries do not enter the competition, so what you're dealing with is a "best of show" oompetition rather than a "best of California" judging. If your personal favorite is not among the winners it does not necessarily mean it did not meet the judges' approval, it may simply mean that the producing winery did not elect to enter. Only the Orange County judging h as a mandatory entry policy, which i.s why that event has nearly as ma n y total entries with anly 17 varieties judged as oompared to LA'a 170 clasles. ll the wineries do not choose to en ter at Orange County, the wines are purchased at retail and entered anyway. Montevina added to its string of golds with 1979 Amador Cabernet Sauvignon, and other golds or Cabernet went to R&J C.ook 1979. Lou.is Martini "Special Selection" 1976, and Geyaer Peak 1978, among others. Buena Vista picked up its second gold for 1981 Gama.y Beaujolais, having won the same honor at Orange County. Fenestra also earned a second gold for 1979 "Shell Creek" Petite Sirah, another previous Orange County winner. Other Petite Sirah golds went to Trentadue 1978 "Sonoma.'' and Woodbury 1980 "Reserve." All three Pinot Noir golds have received high praise so I can personally offer an enthusiastic recommendation for Domaine Laurier 1979 "Sonoma," Smith-Madrone 1980 "Napa" and ZD 1979 "California." ·Two personal favorites won gold in the Rose class, Lawrence 1981 Gewuntraminer ftoee. and Angelo Papagni Madera Raee 1980. In the Zinfandel claaa. golda to Round Hill 1979, a great value wine, Joseph Phelps 1978 "Alexander Valley," and to Brenner Cell.an 1980, a personal favorite that bu amazed me by not winning a medal aooner. In the "Late Harvest Sweet Zlnfandel" c.lua, a gold to Woodbury 1980 "Reserve.'' the wine's aecond honor this year. having wan a double-aold medal at the San Frana.co Fair and expolition. Chardonnay golds went to &ge Creek 1981 (a brand new label), Hutch 1981 "Mendocino," Pendleton 1981 "Monterey," and Simi 1980 ''Mendocino.'' Rielll.lng fans will want to try gold medaliata fl"Qlll Fetzer, 1981 "Mendocino," and Ven\ana 1981 "Monterey." 1'he Ventana alao won a gold at Orange County. rve always aaid the wines io really look for are Entertainer Romano sets OCC performance Popular entertainer Tonr.: Romano will f rm Oct. 1 at Coet.a Mesa • Oranae Cout in the Robert 8. Moore 'nMMlter. 8 p.m. ahow will Include llelec:1iom penned by OM Pcinet-, Johnny Mercer, ffotO c..nmchae1 and ~ anll a.rt. Tickets are on ..ie at the coUllle ddret oltlce for $4 and $6 at the door. For inlonnaUon call "8-572&. Romano bepn h1a car.... • a ,...WU-on Al P.rw'• "Happy Go Ludl;y" ndio pl'OlnlD and II .,_!mown IOi ha. .......... wtda 8ob Hape IDd tbt !few Toamay 0orMy Q 11 1• a,; ~ 0 -• • • 69 take home gold from county fair ~ I By JERRY D. MEAD Spec:lal to tile Dally Pilot those that win medals at more than one competition, and that doesn't mean they all have to be gol.d. It's the consistency that counts. As an example, Kenwood 1981 Sauvignon Blanc earned a gold at Los Angeles, a double-gold at San Franciaco, and a bronze at Orange County. Other golds for Sauvignon Blanc went to Glen Ellen 1981 "Sonoma" and Los Vineros 1980 "Santa Maria Valley." In the sparkling wine class, a gold medal to Weibel Blanc de Blancs. and golda also to sweeU?r sparkling wines such as Crystal Valley Spumante and Stony Ridge Malvasia Bianca Champagne. . <?bvio':181y, I've only touched on the many wuuu.ng wines, so I enco~e you to write for the compl~te results via the fair's official awards booklet. Send $2 to: Wine Dept., P .O. Box 2250, Pomona, CA 91766. And don't just look at the gold medal winners. I always make this point about a competition. but I can't emphasize it too often. Thole silver and bronze medallsts are often~ good as the solda. Frequently, •the vote of a single JUdge makes the diUerence, and your palate may actually prefer the wine with the lesser medal. TELL THE WORLD -Everyone should have ~ an "I Love Wine" bumper sticker. The "Love" is -~ symbolized by a heart shaped bunch of grapes, and ~ really wish I'd have thought this one up. It's a reat ~ idea. 'to order, send $1 for each sticker to: I Love C: Wine, P.O. Box 7244, San Francjaoo, CA 94120. ~ f TAHOE DETAILS -Seventy wineries from i California, Washington and Oregon will be present 3 and pouring at the first annual Caesar's Tahoe Wine u Extravaganza, tomorrow. There'll be bread and ~ cheese and other good things to taste, a souvenir I\) wine glass. and many winemakers present to • discuss their personal prides. For full details write ~ or call: Caesar's Wine ExtravaganZfi Box 5800 a> Stateline, NV 89449. ' ' I\) ~ ~ GUIDE -Just released by Wine Ins titute 1s the all-n ew, updated version of "California's Wine Wonderland," the dandy litUe 3~-page . bookl~t th!lt lists virtually every bonded wm~ ~ Califorrua, This latest edition provides tounng information to 401 wineries, which means over 40 new ones since the last edition. In the event you 've _writte n for a copy recently, let me e mphasize that this is a newer edition n ot previ~y offered through ~his columr ' ~.JOINING a ENTERTAINMENT Gu1»E~!J " ' SCl'Oi'PI• OF VEAL MAISALI DIXIELAND JAZZ ·FRIDAYS 5:30 to 8 P.M. FUftll!lll lt -~ IQT..-S ., .-cH 111-2414 ~ WCH eorwotVOft ~ ••t h.re or toe home S TA.G CHINESE CASIO 111 Jht'-9.. ..._,.,. IHdt 011Wt J.thO· ' ·-• ..._ ............. hlr-W.uku• Ulotl 1;00 •.a · . ........... _ ........... ~ ... -----:_._...,....~, .~ ........ ~.· .. ·-· :--:-;.. .. ~.--~ ~=====================================j(_---~~0_1v_._,_-_i_o_n_•~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ao l I I : -PLAYS------- N ._ INDIAN GALLERY, featuring baskets crafted ~ during late 19th and early 20th centuries, reopens i Saturday at Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., -Santa Ana. Hours 10 a .m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday £ and noon-5 p.m. Sunday. Admission by donation. ~ "ORANGE COUNTY QUILTS: A DECADE 't> OF TRANSITION 1972-1982" opens Oct.• 2 at ;£ Museum of North Orange County. 301 N. Pomona .: Ave .. Fullerton. Hou rs 10 a.m .-3 p.m. Tuesday· t> Friday, 10 a .m .-5 p.m . Saturday, noon-5 p.m. -g Sunday. Admission by donation. GI ! "EIKOH HOSOE : PHOTOGRAPH S 1960-1980" opens Saturday at Susan Spiritus Gallery, 522 Old Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. ~ H 0 ours 1 a.m.-5 p.m. ~ GREEK FOOD, MUSIC, DANCING featured • 11 a.m.·10 p.m . Oct. 16-f7 at Grecian Festival sponsored by St. Paul's Greek Orthodox Church of South Orange County. Admission is free to event at Irvine Town Center. 4201 Campus Drive, Irvine. -ETC.------ SNOOPY ON ICE skating show is at Knott's Berry Farm Good Time Theater twice daily Friday, Saturday and Sunday. NUMISMATIC AND PH I LATEL I C EXHIBITION is Sept. 30-0ct. 3 at Convention Center, 300 E. Ocean Blvd .. Long Beach. Includes gold and silver coins valued at $35 million and rare jewelry and stamps valued at $5 milHon. Hours 10 a .m.·8 p.m. Admission $1.50. SCCYITISH FLING is Oct. 2·3 at Marineland, 6610 Palos Ver des Drive South. Rancho Palos Verdes. Festival of Japan is Oct. 16-17. Greek Odyssey is Oct. 23-24. INTERNATIONAL C HILI SOCIETY 16th annual world championship cookoff is Oct. 24 at Universal Studios, Ho llywood Freeway at Lankershim, Universal City. "SHAHARAZAD." story of poor woodcutter who happens on a robber's cave, IS performed at 1 and 3 pm Oct. 2-3 at University Theater, Cal State Long Beach. Tickets information (213) 498-5526. Adnuss1on General Admission $4.50. CALICO GHOST TOWN celebrates lOlst birthday with Calico Days Oct. 9-10. Calico is off I-15. 10 miles north of Barstow. Camping available. Information (714) 254-2122. LOVE AND MONEY SEMINAR at 9 a.m. Saturday forcuses on exploration of attitudes and beliefs about money using guided imagery. journalizing. visualization and group sharing. Information on seminar. to be he ld in Laguna Beach, 644-4999. LIFELIKE WAX CELEBRITY FIGURES featured at Movieland. 771 1 Beach Blvd .. Buena Park. Hours 10 a.m.-8 p.m. daily and until 10 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. THE FANTASTICKS perform at 8 p .m . Friday-Saturday and 7:30 p.m. Sunday in Gem The ater , 128 52 M a in St., Garden Grove . Information 638-6747. -MUSIC------ SPARKS, a Loe Angel~bued band, performs at 9 p.m. Oct. l at Crawford Hall, UC Irvine. Admission $9 in advance or $10 at t he door. Information (213) 934-9522. BOB CROSBY AND THE BOBCATS Pttfonn at 8 p.m. Saturday ln La Mirada Civic 'theater, 14900 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada. Ticketa (714) 994-6310. . RENAISSANCE melodies will be performed with lute, ·nwldola. rec:orden and viola by London Early MUllc Group at 8 p.m. Oct. 28 ln UnVS«nlty Theater,_Cal State Lone Beach. Ticket lnfonnation' (213) 498-N26. SOPRANO LllO.NA l\OBDTS '~'et!I p.m. ~ In Untwntty MU* Olnw liBtil . . What's happening along Orange Coast Hall, Cal State Long Beach. General admission $2. Information (213) 498-4280. · FREE JAZZ OONCERT is 2 p.m .-9:30 p.m. Oct. 3 in Eastbluff Park, Newport Beach. Featured are Al Maitland a nd Queate t, Frank Amoss and Mississippi Mudders, Karisma and Luls Peralta, Marshall Otwell Quartet, Sajr and Stephanie Ates. Information 640-2271. SWEET ADELINES Hannony Chapter open house for prospective members is 7:30 p.m. Tue9day MELTtWS Wednesday. Oc1obet 6111 I JERRY REED Sunday, Oc101>er 1711'1 MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL PARTIES Ca..Q AfTIIACTIOI# For Dine Out Advertising And Information Call Brenda Caponera 642-4321 ~xt. 269. for YQJi! , Cl...,fled lldven111no la your beat cho6ol for help In ..,.,. the Item• ~ no .longer need. lt'a quick and .,,......., in St. Paul's Lutheran Church meeting hall, 13082 Bowen, Garden Grove. Information 842-0337. MUSIC FESTIVAL of Orange County Musicians Union is at UC Irvine Sunday. Includes Irvine Symphony Orchestra perfonnance plus_ big bands, rock bands , Rams Band, chamber music groups and solos by union members. -SINGLES----- O RANGE COUNTY SINGLES, formerly Center Club Singles, discusaes risk-tak.lrfg 5-7 p.m. Saturday in Newport Center Public Library community room, 856 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Admission $3. Information 551-1232. Program Oct. 2 ls on shared housing, Oct. 9 is on hypnosis, Oct. 16 is on dealing with anger See Diversions, Page 15 -CALABASH LANDING 179 E. 17th St. Costa '.\tesa In Vona Shopp•nc Center 842-9855 Fri & Sat. 24th & 25th Sun, ""'· Thin 26th, 27th, 30th Tues. & Wtd. 21th & M TIE HUT LIST lllELES TIE RENITERS llPPY 11111 ~rt. ~ 4-7 =:r! MONDAY NIGHT STRIKE? LARGE SCREEN SONY -FOLLOWED BY LOST ANGELES & DANCING Brr 14Ti8 411 YtUIS! Thal'• rightf n.o.. .texy, W1lonaba., Oftd pt~ocati~ "*' are o" cwalloble fot yOtJ nowt And to cele· brale, nofhln9 lea tt-t a party wtlt do. lt'a Oft autogi°"' pafty Oftd yo.Ire IM!ted. So come Oft down and toln the fun, '""' the modefa and get yovr aa'-dor outogropMd wfth o kiu. It all ...,_ ,_... at L Dlllto1t leolcseller I" s.vth Coallt Pm• ... 1a1un1ey, •• ,......,. 25. If you can't molte It you COft order 0 aaleNlar for younelf, 0 Mend, M 01 o Clwlltmoa Gfft tool Seftd chedt M lftOMY ordet fot $6.95 + 50c pottage to "THE MEN Of UCLA, ,,0 . tox 24190, Wfl'Jllwood, CA 90024 ..., .... 1 I I I I __________________________________ ....... -__ .;;;;..;; ___ ...;;.,;---;;;;__...;;;;...------;.;...;._-----------...,c .... __ ... _-__ J_· ____ f======-:.============================= •5 _ Olv•r•lon• · - ~ ~ From Page 14 toward loved ones a nd Oct. 23 is on creative unconscious. MINIATURES ARTIST Robert Olszewski demonstrates at Grafton Street, South Coast Plaza. Costa Mesa. Oct. 2 and 3. "ABSURD PERSON S ING ULAR," a modem com ed y. is being presented by Showcase Productions in tlle Westminster Auditorium, 7571 Westminster Ave. (894-6786). Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8!30 and Sundays at 2:30 through Oct. 3. "ALL IN FAVOUR SAID NO!," the American premiere of a new Irish comedy, is on stage at South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Coeta Mesa (957-4033). Curtain times are Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 p .m., Sundays at 7:30 and weekend afternoons at 2:30 through Oct. 17. "ARSENIC AND OLD LACE," the classic American comedy, opens this weekend at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhous~ on the Orange County Fairgrounds (754-5159). Performances will be given Thursdays through Saturdays al 8:30 until Oct. 16. "BULLSHOT CRUMMOND," a satire on old British detective movies, is being staged at the Newport Theater Arts Center: 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach (675-3143). Curtain is 8 .p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through Oct. 9 with a matinee Sunday at 4 p.m. "THE GONOOLIERS," an operetta by Gilbert and Sullivan, is playing at the Newport Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Monte Vista St., Costa Mesa (631-5110). Performan<ies are given Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sunda~ at 2:30, through Oct. 10. "CHEATERS," a m odern comedy about straying spouses, is on stage at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950). Curtain times vary nightly except Mondays through Oct. 3. "DEATHTRAP," a mystery with a touch of comedy, is the fare at the Ha rlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd .• just north or Costa Mesa (979-5511). Performances are given Tuesdays through Sundays at varying times until Nov. 14. ~ "EL GRANDE DE COCA COLA," a Latin-3 flavored musical revue, is being presented at the ~ Huntington Beach Playhouse. Main Street at ~ Yorktown Avenue in the Seacliff Village shopping ~ center (847-4465). Curtain is 8:30 Fridays and ;, Saturdays through Oct. 16. ::l. Q. II> ''LOVERS AND OTHER STRANGERS," a~ quart.et of romantic comedies, is being offered at the en San Cle mente Communit y Theater, 202 Ave . .g· Cabrillo, San Clemente (492-0465). Curtain time is 8 ; p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2:30 Sundays 3 through Oct. 9. i ~ "RAIN," a vintage drama, is on stage at the ~ Westminster Community Theater, 7272 Maple St., _ Westminster (995-411 3). Performances are given <0 Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through Oct. 9. ~ . l "ROOM SERVICE," an old-time zany comedy, opens tonight at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Can yon R oad, Laguna Beach (494-0743). Performances will be given Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. until Oct. 16. v . . i=-DINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE TAB --HUNTER Starring In "Here Lies Jeremy Troy" A Hilarious Come<Sy Written By Jack Sharkey Now playi11 thru Oct. .17 \IRCHcllOUSE Dining and Cocktalla qnn · :-Dining For Romantics .. t/ic .'L11111lf.\ tllltf Sl.l}fib L~/ lflL' sitrf 011 tlit• bt•adi at Lu.t11111a -· ft•11/111'111.11. Ir rcsh ~ Yt•;,, 'E11qla11d Lob st a a11d. ot~IC'f' fn·sll '~i:;ll ... Camf/diqlit bfrmlt·d 1l'itli tlu· >J'ra~· t~/ tlu· • PafiHc ( kt•a11 . Breakfast luncheon Olnntr Oft tk IUff at 619 Sleepy Hollow lane loguno Beocn Airporter Inn Hotel (faptaln6 -r@ble Open 24 Hours Breakfast/LunctVDinne·r . t}Jeditetrllneari CJloom Superb Continental Cuis1~ To Suit Your Every Need 10 to 600 Entertainment Nightly Happy Hour Mon .. Fri. SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH in the Mediterr-anean Room 10 - 2 -• ' .:. 16 l N CIO O> r- w • N ... G> .0 E G> Q. G> en >.. al "O ~ LL ..: ., "O c G> :JI! ! ~ • -..Q a: .. .. l. Four of the nation's ·most popular country and western performers - Joe Cannon, Mel Tillis, Tom T . Hall and Jerry Reed -have been signed for October engagements at the Crazy Horse Saloon Theater. Santa Ana. Cannon, who comes equipped with a guitar, a harmonica, a 1,000-song repertoire and an endless string of jokes, is to appear at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Oct. 3. Tillis, who was Entertainer of the Year in 1976 and continues to record hit after hit, is to perform at 6 and 10 p.m. Oct. 6. Hall, who composed and recorded such songs as "Sneaky Snake," "I Like Beer" and "Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon Wine," has been signed for 7 and 10 p.m. appearances Oct. 12. Reed, who perhaps is best known to all audiences as Burt Reynolds' sidekick in "Smokey and the Bandit," and his performance of "East Bound and Down" (the movie's theme 10ng), has been set for 6 and 9 :30 p.m. performances Oct. 17 . A native o f Pawtucket. R .I., Cannon started out as a singing cowboy in 15 episodes of the old "Virginian" television series and went on to perform with several bands and record such titles as "If You Could Read My Mind," "Nighttime Woman" and "Goin ' Nowhere Hillybilly Band." Tillis, who's recorded such C&W winners as "Coca Cola Cowboy," also is a prolific songwriter, 80 prolific and successful he's been inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame. Among the hits he's penned are "Burning Memories" which was popularized by Comln•· Attroctlon• Richard Buffum, columnist for the Los Angeles Times, will be -0ne of the· featured magicians during an evening of Victorian magic at UCI. UC/ schedules big magic show for Friends of the Library and Greg, card magician Barry Price, Jean Tandow.aki on piano and songstress Sue Ficker. Ray Price, "Cherokee Maiden," Reed, who began hlll career as a and "Detroit City." premiere Nashville eeesion guitarist, Amazing feats of prestidigitation, mind reading and music will be the highlights of an evening of Victorian magic at UC Irvine at 8 p .m . Saturday I Oct. 2. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library, the event features the magic · of newspaper columnist Richard Buffum as Profeaor Buffum. Robert Lachmann, newspaper photographer, will provide a nostalgic gllms-e of the Victorian Age through pictorial flashbacks. Hall, also a member of the then switched geara to become a Songwriters Hall of Fame, has auocesaful IOf\BWrlter, recording artist written and recorded such tunes aa and actor, al9o baa a strilll of hitl "Country Is," "The Year Clayton Including "When You're Hot You're Delaney Died" and "'the Ballad of Hot," "Lord Mr. Ford" and "Alabama Forty Dollan." . . · Wild Man.': Alao on the program are Marjorie the Medium and her full-1.laht .ance, Dr. Robert Ragat.z and llOn&, Geoff Tickets for the event, to be held in the Fine Arts Theater, are $12.50 aeneraI admission and $6 for aludenta. For more information, call 833-5300. Film series due at UC Irvine Orange Coast film devotees searching for offerings outald'e the commercial cinematic O'\ainltream will have a chance this fall to view a aeries of hJahly·regarded surreall8tic ptoductkma at UC Irvine. ' The UCI Film Society na. ueembled ~ rarely .. hown aUfteal and aueemalural movies by aucb well-known forel1n director. N Werner Herzog, Lula Bunuel, Jean-Luc Godard, Jean Cocteau and Federico Fellini. The films, with Engllah subtitles, will .be pretented at 8 p.m. Saturdays from Oct. 2 throuah Dec. 4 in the unlveralty'1 Social Sciences Hall. Admlslon la $2 general and $1 for UCI students. The tchedule Includes: Oct. I -"Juliet of the Sptrtta" by Federic:o Fellini {Italy 1965). Oet. t -"The Testament of ~hews'' by Jeen Cocteeu, his lMt = 19~). and "n\e Cabinet of Dr. Caliprt" by Weiner (Germany 1919). Oct. 11 -.. Kwaida.n" by Muaki Kobayashi (Jaaan 1965). Ocl. ZS -"Alpha ville," by Jean-Luc: Godard (France 1965). Oct. St -"Nosferatu" by F .W. Mumau, the original vampire movie (Germany 1922). Nov. t -"Heart of Glall" by Werner Herzog (Germany 1976). Nev. U -"L'Ace D'Or" ,and "UnChlen Andalou" by Lull Bunuel (rr... ING). .. Tom Selleck 1tan as Mac Trave~ in 'The Shado,.; Riden• Emmy Awards . . . Ben Johnson • • • .. ..._.._~----~··v..tri.side T•.JC.11it .•• Pi._~~~~; • •. . . -..... ·-· ~~~Uilll'iw:Al~.:r.'6ilQll~~lil.i.W.:-........ -.:.1 • Sept. 24 -Sept. 20 • Cowboy • • • Tom Selleck, Sam Elliott co-star in n~w TV western Televsion star Tom Selleck is convinced the American cowboy was a real hero. "When I was a kid, I was a member of the first television generation, and my heroes we r e Hopa}ong Cassidy and The Lone Ranger," says Sellec.k. "Then old movies found their way to the big box in our living room and a whole slew of new heroes joined the group :__ John Wayne, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, Buck Jones, Hoot Gibson. Cowboys were the equal of at least Superman or Flash Gordon, and I fantasi:zed about becoming one." The passage of the years hasn't dulled Selleck's fantasy, one he gets to relive on "The Shadow Riders," a new western adventure to be broadcast on "The .cBS. Tuesday ~~g~t_ Movies," Tuesday (9:00-11:00 p.m.) on CBS (KNXT, Ch .. 2). •See related.story page 16• Staning with Selleck in this television movie are Sam Elliott, Ben Johnson and Katharine Roa. · Included in the cast are Geoffrey Lewis, Jeffery Osterhage, Gene Ev8:'JB! _R: G. Armstrong, Jane Greer and Harry Carey Jr. · Selleck, whoee title role performance Jn the network's aerlea, "Magnum, P.I." has catapulted him to international stardom and earned him an Emmy Award nomination as outstanding lead actor in a drama series for this aeaaon, is aeen as Mac Traven, a captain in the Union Army, whose brother Dal, portrayed by Elliott, hu served with the Confederacy. · With the war over, the brothers ,reUflite on their way to the family homestead in Texas. When they arrive, their distraught parents tell them that their listers and younger brother, Jesee, along with Dal'a fiancee, Kate, have been abducied by a marauding band of Rebel guerrillas who refuae to accept the defeat of the Confederacy. "In my neighborhood," rerninilces Selleck, "the older kids got to be the good guys, the cowboys; the youncer kida wound up playing the Indiana or, occaaionally, the cowboy!gone-bad who sported a black hat i.nstelld of a white one." Prior to starting his current role Selleck did a little J'81e8r'Ch; • .. I came acrma 10me lnteres1ing data about the Texas cowboy,'' he explains. ''The cowboys who drove the herds OVf!r the Chisholm Trail from Texas to Abilene, K.amu, were a apedal breed, acquiring a my.tique that haa rema.l.ned steadfut over the put hundred yeva." ' Accordina to Joeeph Melody, the man who e.tabliahed a market for cattle in Abilene, aome cowboys were "Jest plain, everyday, bow-leiaied humana!' Says Selleck, "He wu entitled t.o-.U. opinion." "For the mo.t part, the cowboy became a folk hero, imbued with almost superhuman attributes," Selleck concludes. 'Maude ... ?' .TY,..Teasers, .P.age ·2,.7. .. ·. · ... ·. • ' '• • ..,. ••· ' • . •' •,._. 1 '" .. • •• .. C\I ao O> ..... ~ C\I .8 E GI a. GI Cf) ~ ~--.... ----~ ·.::: u. CD 0 ...J AUTHORIZED BALEB/BERVICE/BATIBFACTIDN > I-AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP~ULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 I SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CAR.VER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road _ Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 ... CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-12do CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mes·a 642-00 I 0 --4140-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOM UNCOLM-MERCURY - 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTAANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street __ .,,_ Newport Beach -712-0900 ' - PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE-¥0NTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westm inster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. · Newport Beach -6 73-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove-636-2333 SAAB IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOT~·. 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9383 :-.. MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach N7-855E· JIM MARINO VOLIS 18711 Beach Blvd., :g:,011 Beach VCLVv • . • f ' - -I Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, Ca. , Mall address: Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca., 92626 Telephone: 6.42-4321 c ___ ,_nd_._" ___ ) TV Antenna ........................................................ Page 3 IJaytirne Schedule ............................................. Page 4 Sports Highlights ............................................... Page 6 Evening Schedule .............................................. Page 7 TV Puzzle .......................................................... Page 25 Return with us t.o ............................................ Page 25 Daytime Drama ................................................ Page 26 ~~:~~ ................................................................................................................ ~== ~~ W ord Game ....................................................... Page 27 Inside TV ........................................................... Page 28 ( Channels ) 8 KNXT CCBS> 6121 W Sunset Blvd . Los An2eles, Ca 0KNBC 1NBC> 3000 W AJameda Ave . Burbank. Ca Cit KTLA <lnd.1 5800 W. Sunset Blvd . Los Angeles. Ca. fl KABC <ABC) 4151 Prospect Ave . Los Angeles, Ca 181 KFMB CCBSI • 7677 Engineer Rd., San Diego. Ca 0 KHJ-TV Clnd.> . 5515 Melrose Ave . Los.Angeles, Ca I lOJ KCST <ABCJ 8330 Engineer Rd . San Du~go. Ca • KTI'V <Ind.> 5746 W Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles. Ca aJ KCOP·TV Clnd.1 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Arigeles. Ca 1241 CBS Cable @KCET <PBSl 4401 Sunset Blvd .. Los An2eles. Ca . 9 KOCE <PBSJ 15744 Golden West St . lluntington Beuch COJ On-TV 1139 Grand Central Ave . Glendale. Ca CZJ Z·TV ~39 Nebraska Ave . Santa Mon1~a. Ca Oil HBO . T1me·W e bldg., Rockefeller Center .NY .NY <Cl Cinemax Time-Life Bldg • Rockefelle r Center. N. Y . N Y t)I WOR> NY . N.Y. (17 l(Wf~· Atlanta. Ga. <E l ESPN < L> ·select <SI Showt1me IS) Spot.light t.C 1 1 Cable News Network 1 TV Antenna Emmy Awards show pleasant event By PHll. SNEIDERMAN Of'IM DllMr ,._. lwt Televised award s hows -the Oscars, the Tonys, the Grammys, etc. -always seem to promise more than th ey deliver. Starstruck viewers generally aee a (ew glittery production numbers, a Jot of boring acceptance· speeches and plenty of corny quips uttered by presenters who must squint to read the cue cards. The trouble is, outside of their television. movie or s ta ge roles, many actors just aren't all that interesting. When the typical ~hours-plus telecast is over. you mevitably aak younelf why you even bothered to tune in. ThU11, it was something of a surprise to find Sunday's telecast of the 34th Annual Emmy Awards to be a pleasant break from the norm. True, 1t was still too long (three hours and eight minutes) and often confusing (separate acting. writing and Carol Kane wins Emmy for directing awards were given for dramas, comedies and limited series/specials). her role in 'Taxi'. But the tedious segments were offset by a surplus of particularly poignant and nostalgic Little seemed astonished. ''Are you saying I'm moments. Abo, the inane small talk by presenters insincere?'' she asked . was kept to a minimum, and some refreshing Thankfully. the quality picked up with the irreverence was injected into the proceedings. opening of the actual Emmy show, produced by the You would only have expected the worst after award-winning team of Dwight Hemion and Gary watching KABC Channel 7'a pre.awards show. Smith. Reporters Harold Greene and Tawny Little raised Los Ange les Dodge r s Manager Tommy the live celebrity ambush interview to new heights Lasorda led his players in a hilarfous off·key of incompetence. singing tribute to television, with pitching star Greene cornered &bert1Guillaume , best actor Fernando Valenzuela swinging his hands like a nominee for "Benson ." smiling maestro. 'TU be a little bit biased and say I hope you'll The program then switched to scenes of stars win," Greene gushed. "But I hope you don't mind if from popular series also singing about television I say that to everybody." • Many actors couldn't sing much better than the FashJon conscious newswoman Tawny Little Dodgers, so they hammed it up amusingly. made equally astute comments. Continuing in the irreverent vein, the Emmy "You look beautiful!" she said to Michele rules we re recited by a Camp Pendleton drill Lee. sergeant.. "Oh. you look so beautiful!" she said to Ann From there things settled lnto the traditional Jillian. awards· presentation fonnat, with John Forsythe "You both look very, very attractive tonight," and M arlo Thomas d o ing capabl e . b ut she said to Veronica Hamel and her escort. undistinguished w ork as hosts. "This i.s the most handsome couple I've seen Some of the show's magic li'oments came from come through he.re!" she said to John Davidson and nostalgic clips culled from,.televislon's relative ly his comparuon. brie( history. Children's shows were fondly When Davidson shrugged off the compliment. See Emmy, Page 28 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE CAT PIOPLI UNDER THE RAINBOW .... 3 3! 0 - N co O> ..-Daytime \I< >IC\ I ~< ; 4:55 CH) MOVIE (MON) 5:ooe RAT PAtROl (WED. THU) 8 CONTEMPORARY HEAL TH ISSUES (MON. WED) I ~ONAL FINANCE (TUE. THU) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (FRI) MOVIE (THU) MOVIE (WED) MOVIE (MON, WED) COMMUNITY PROGRAMMING (TUE) 5:058 RAT PATROL (FRI) @ MY THREE SONS 5: 15 CH) COUNTRY MUSIC U.S.A. (WED) (S)MARK TWAIN THEATRE: THI: PIRATES (FRI) CS) MARVIN HAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYING M't SONG (THU) 5:30 8 JlJNTOS JIMMY SWAGGART (MON· THU) DAYBREAK L.A. LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON. TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK ANO REALITY (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) CONTEMPORARY HEAL TH ISSUES (MON WED. FRI) I MA TH FOR MODERN LIVING (TUE. THU) GOOD DAY L.A. (WED) NEWS (THU) MOVIE ~MON) MOVIE FRI) 5:35@THA GIRL 5:45S) 8!) A.M. WEATHER 00 RACE FOR THE PENNANT (THU) HOLLYWOOD (MON) LAFF·A· THON (TUE ) 5:50 0) NEWS 5:55(8) VIDEO JUKEBOX (FRI) 6:00 II L.A. MORNING HEAL TH FIELD CARRASCOLENOASS ®) ABC NEWS THIS MORNING MORNING NEWS COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (FRI) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (MON) • MEET THE MAYOR (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) IT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGHT TALK GO NEWS REBOP (MON) INANITY FACfORY (TUE) VILLE ALLEGRE (WED) SONRISAS (THU) MUSEUM (FRI) rrs EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS (MON. WED) AMERICAN STORY (TUE. THU) • INTRODUCING BIOLOGY (MON. WED, FRI) • AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (TUE. THU) CZ) MOVIE (TUE, WED) FROM THE 55-YARD LINE (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (MON, THU) INSIDE BASEBALL (R) (TUE) TENNIS (WED) I MOVll: (TUE) 6:06 MOVIE 6: 15 MOVIE (THU, FRI) 6:20 STRAW9ERRY ICE (MON) 6:30 CAPTAIN KANGAROO EARLYTOOAY 80'S WOMAN (FRI) GALLERY (MON-THU) IT CAN BE OONE (FRI) COMMUNITY FEEOBACK (MON) YOUTH AND THE ISSUES (TUE) OFF HANO (WED) FRANKLY Ft:MALE (THU) CARTOONS MIGHTY MOUSE CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (TUE-FRI) PRESENTE (MON) FREEHAND SKETCHING (FRI) OF EARTH ANO MAN (MC~ WRITING FOR A REASON Uf. THU) OF EARTH ANO MAN (W ) THE NFL STORY! LINE BY LINE (FRI) RACQUETBALL (MON) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (TUE) • b~ ri::.,:~~~ ...... ~ ~ Aramis Estevez and J .D. Roth study infant care on 'Oh, Boy! Babies!' i A BETTER PLACE (THU) MOVIE (THU) MOVIE (MON) 7:001 MORNING NEWS TOOAY 700CLUB 9 GOOD MORNING AMERICA • THE FROOZLES ROMPER ROOM THE FLINTSTONES WOODY WOODPECKER BUSINESS REPORT • FREEHAND SKETCHING (FRI) • DESIGNING HOME INTERIORS (MON. WED) • AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY (TUE. THU) MISTER GIMME (THU. FRI) THE HAPPY PRINCE (MON) SPORTSCENTEA MOVIE (TUE-FRI) MOVIE (MON, WED) 7:308 THEAE IS A WAY BATTLE OF THE PLANETS YCX1A FOR HEAL TH • • MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING PETER AND THE WOLF (FRI) M0\1E ~ON. THU) MOVIE MON, TUE) RACE F THE PENNANT (WED) WACKY WORLD OF JoNATHAN WINTERS (MON) . 0 MOVIE (FRI) 7:35 CZ) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ... (TU~ 7:46 MOVIE (FRI) 8:00 SUNUP SAN DIEGO JIM BAKKER TIC TAC DOUGH SPIDEA·MAN FRED FLINTSTONE AND FRIENDS MISTER ROGERS (R) BODY BUDDIES MOVIE (TUE. weo. FRI) MOVIWWEO) MOVIE MON) MOVIE E) . MOVIE TUE· THU) 8:0601.)N 8:30• &.EAVE ITTO B~VER IN SEARCH OF... .. THEMUPPETS POPEYE VILLA ALEGRE (A~Q MISTEA ROOEAa A) INSIOE THE NFL (FRf) VIDEO JUl<E80X (THU) CANCER CONFAONTA"l'ION (WED, FRI) STRAWBEAAY ICE (THU) SPOTLIGHT PREVIEW (MON) MOVIE THU) MOVIE MON JACK LALANNE NEWS . THE ROCKFORD FILES SOAP WORLD ROMPER ROOM SESAME STREET (R) Q DONAHUE VILLA ALEGRE (R) Q TOP RANK BOXING (FRI) COLLEGE FOOTBALL (MON. TUE) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (WED) WCTTENN~(THU) • TEDDY PEN~RASS IN CONCERT (MON) HEPBURN ANO TRACY (THU) SPOTLIGHT PREVIEW (ml) MOVIE (MON) TRILOGY: TH~EE CLASSIC TALES (WED) 9:05@ PEOPLE NOW 9:30 8 Cl) CHILD'S PLAY WHEEL OF FORTUNE THE RIFLEMAN MIO MORNING L.A. MOVIE VICTORY AT SEA • ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) WCT TENNIS (WED) TALKING SEX. .. WlfH YOUR KIDS (FRI) CONSUMER REPORTS PRESENTS (TUE) AEROBICISE (MON. WED, FRI) HOLLYWOOD (THU) MOVIE (FRI) 9:45 i MOVIE (FRI) 10:00 (J) THE PRICE IS RIGHT TEXAS EMERGENCY (II LOVE BOAT (R) ., (C) (I) MOVIE VE.GET ABLE SOUP (R) O (FRI) EDUCA 'rlONAL PROGRAMMING (MON-THU) • EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING {TUE·FRI) • EDUCATIONAL PROOAMMING (MON) MOY1E (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) · CAMELOT (WED) • CROSSBAR (TUE) MOVIE {THU) MOVIE (TUE·THU) 10:0S@MOVIE 1~16(%) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ... (MON) • 10:30 e TUNED IN (FRI) 0 MOVIE (TUE) CZ) MOVIE (MON) 11:00 II Cl) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS THE DOCTORS BONANZA ®) FAMILY FEUD BULLSEYE JFRI) THE SAINT UON-WED) NOWHERE 0 TURN (THU) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) NEWS MOVIE (MON. WED) 11:308 CD Sl:ARCH F~ TOMORROW RYAN'S HOPE MATCH GAME (FRI) .NEWS MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT (%) MOVIE (THU) THE NFL Sl'ORY: LINE BY LINE (FRI) SQUASH (WED) MOVIE (FAI) · 11:46(%) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ... (TUE. FRI) AFTERNOON 12:00,TATTLETALES OA VS OF OUR LIVES lWtLIGHT ZONE ((I ALL MY CHILDREN NEWS MOVIE BONANZA LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE DICK CAVETT EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (TUE-FRI) B>UCA TIONAL PAOOAMMING (MON) CJ) MOVIE (TUE.~ AA SHOWCASE ~ :~ ~~TBALL (MON) IN8IOE BASEBALL (A) (TUE) =·v:,u> WHO ARE THE OE80l. TS ANO WHERE OtO GET 18 1<106? (MON) I COUNTRY MU8tC U.S.A. (TUE) TALKING SEX. .. WfTH YOUR KIDS (THU) ~~A~':huE> · 12: u~, 12:30 (I) AS THE WORl.0 TURNS I ~IQffiuMJ JC'll'U 1,1u 1v..1 .. v .,"i ll) ~~MAJAMC>aA3q• ... ' . \I·· l'l Jl '\< H >'\ l ~~O~~MON. WED) WATERSKllNG (FRI) RACQUETBALL (TUE) HORSESHOW JUMPING (WED) WHO ARE THE OEBOL ts AND WHERE DID THEY GET 19 KIDS? (WED) (8) (S) MOVIE (THU) 0 MOVIE (TUE. WED) 12:350!) THE f=LINTSTONES 1 :00 II GD ANOTHER WORLD I ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS l1J) ONE LIFE TO LIVE SOAP WORLD I MARCUS WELBY. M.D. 1982 ORUM CORPS INTERNATIONAL CHAM· PIONSHIP HIGHLIGHTS (FRI) ~EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON· THU) COLLEGE FOOTBALL (TUE) MOVIE (MON, TUE) 0 MOVIE (MON) 1:05@THE MUNSTERS 1:30 8 Cl) CAPITOL I ~~ED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS MOVIE SIGNATURE MOVIE (THU) I AUTO RACING (FRI) CFL FOOTBALL (MON) MOVIE (WED) MOVIE (THU, FRI) 1:35@LEAVE IT TO BEAVER 1:.S(%) MOVIE (FRli 2:00 I Cl) GUIDING LIGHT II FANTASY l ~~='~PITAL IRONSIDE SUPERMAN BOTANIC MAN (FRI) A TRIBUTE TO COUNT BASIE (MON) @ ~IXED BAG (TUE) (3 C)UIZ KIDS (WED) I COt..LLLLECTINO (THU) MOVIE (TUE) T ALKINO SEX. .. WITH YOUR KIDS (FRI) AEROBICISE (MON, WED, FRI) MOVIE (MON. TUE. THU) 2:05 i THE BRADY BUNCH 2:130 =Ell(:I) GERTRUDE StEIN. GERTRUDE STEIN, GER- TRUDE STEIN (TUE) (3 KENNEDY'S CHILDREN (WED) I RESURRECTION Of LADY LESTER (THU) MAGIC Of Oil PAINTING HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN'S MAGIC ADVENT:UAE (WED, FRI) I SKINNY AND FATTY (MON) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (WEO) SOUASH (THU) WACt<:'( WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS f Jov1E (MON, WED) TWO DANGEROUS LADIES (TUE) MOVIE (MON-WED) (%)MOVIE (WED) 2:35@ BEVERLY HILLBILLIES 3:00 8 THE ROCKFORD FILES (FRI) 9 BARNABY JONES (MON. WED, THU) BARNEY MILLER (TUE) DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS EOOE OF NIGHT MERV GRIFFIN BEST Of GROUCHO (FRI) KOJAK (MON-THU) BUCK ROGERS LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY THE WAL TONS CARTOONS FREEHAND SKETCHING (FRI) GROWING YEARS (MON, WED) VOYAGE (TUE. THU) SOAP WC>ftt.D VILLA ALEGRE (R) O / AVON WOMEN'S MARATHON (R) (WED) MOVIE (MON-THU) MOVIE ' · STRAWBERRY ICE (FR!) STONED (THU) 3:061 CAROL BUANETT AND FRtENDe 3:30 CHILDREN'S MYSTERY THEATRE (TUE) I . OM come: UP CL08E PEOPLE'S COURT WHATS HAPPENINGll (FRI) CHIPS PATROl '""----~.,..,. w)~.,·.-,t . PfMONAl. FINANCE CT'UE. THU) ·3°1VOM -]J'('T~ ~>;Ot~'!(A~ .JVOj Jane Elliot and Adam Rich in 'The Zertoigo Diamond Caper.' HOUR MAGAZINE ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) MISTER GIMME (MON) Cl) MOVIE (TUE) PETER AND TH~ WOLF (THU) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERt£S (WED) FROM THE 55-YARO LINE (THU) MOVIE ~FR1) MOVIE MON. TUE) 3:35@ 808 EWHART 3:'5 CE RACQUETBALL (WED) (%)MOVIE (THU, FRO 4:001 =EV MILLER (MON, WEO-ffil) COUPLES M•A•s•H MOVIE (FRI) WHArs HAPPENINOll (MON-THU) SOAP THE FLINTSTONES (FRI) FLIPPER (MON-THU) BUGS BUNNY NEW STORYTELLERS (MON. THU) CABARET (WED) MISTER ROGERS (R) SESAME STREET (R) Q MOVIE (MON, WED. FRI) MISTER GIMME (THU) COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (FRI) INSIDE BASEBALL (MON) SPORTSFORUM (TUE, THU) COUNTAY MUSIC U.S.A. (~I) STONED (FAS) TRILOGY (THU) SPOTLIGHT ~EW (M(I) Cinderell-;'is alive 0 MOVIE (WED, THU) 4:06 al) WINNERS (FRI) @GOMER PYLE (MON-THU) 4:15(!) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (WED) (%) CHARlES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH... (WED) 4:308.NEWS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H WHArs HAPPENINGll (MON-THU) BENNY HILL PEOPLE'S COURT GAOOVIE GOOLIES FRED FLINTSTONE ANO FRIENDS SIGNATURE SESAME STREET (R) Q MOVIE (THU) SPORTSCENTER NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL (WED) MARK TWAIN THEATRE: THE PIRATES ~~VIE (MON, TUE) a') MOVIE (WED) 4w35@ BASEBALL (FRI) @AMERICAN PROFESSIONALS (MON) @ANDY GRIFFTTH (TUE· THU) 5:008 D 8 Cl)@) Cl) NEWS 8 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE (MON, THU. FRI) I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN (TUE, WED) WHITE SHADOW (MON· THU) BASEBALL (FRI) THE PERSUADERS (MON) MOVIE (TUE· THU) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER scooevooo MIXED BAG (MON. THU. FRI) QUIZ KIDS (TUE) COt..LLUECTING (WED) FAST FORWARD GOLF (FRI) COLLEGE FOOTBALL (MON, TUE) AUTO RACING (WED) THE NFL STORY: LIN£ BY LINE (THU) MOVIE (MON, THU, FRI) CONSUMER REPORTS l>RESENTS (TUE) MOVIE MOVIE (MON-WED, FRI) THE Oll)EN DAYS COAT (THU) MOVIE (MON, FRI) HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR (FRI) MOVIE (TUE) 5:05 ~MOVIE (MON-THU) 5:15 MOVIE (FRI) 5:30 BASEBAU (TUE. WED) I ABC NEWS 9 (MON) WELCOME BACK, KOTTER ' PINK PANTHER QI STRAVINSKY (FRI) QI GERTRUDE S'rEIN, GERTRUDE STEIN, GER· TRUDE STEIN (MON) I KENNEDY'S CHILDREN (TUE) RESURRECTION Of LADY LESTER (WED) EARLY DA VS (THU) . MATINEE AT THE BIJOU (FRI) 13-2·1 CONTACT (R) O FOCUS ON SOOETY (MON. WED) OCEANUS: MARINE ENVIRONMENT (TUE. THU) PETER AND THE WOLF (TUE) CO) MOVIE (THU) TOP RANK bOXING (THU) MOVIE (TUE) HBO MAGAllNE (WED) MOVIE (TUE. THU) MOVIE (WED) MOVIE (MON, THU) - on Saturday night -·--n r 5 :r= =-1 I I ·'' I l I I I l I 6 ~ Sports Highlights O'> -SEPTEMBER 2-4, 1982 EVENING . '\ 7:00 CB) INSIDE THE NFL Cohos ts Len Dawson and Nick Buoniconh present highlights of the previous week's pro football ac11on and interviews with play· ers and coaches. ( 1 hr ) 7:30 ~ KINER'S KORNER 8:00 SPORTSCENTER 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING Coverage of 1he Lenny Valdz (Ca) I Martin Hernandez (Tx) 10-round featherweight bout (R) (2 hrs. 30 mm ) 11:05l!1) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs ) 11:3000 SPORTSCENTEA 12:30 COLLEGE FOOTBALL PR~IEW (R) 1:00 HOASESHOW JUMPING Coverage of lhe lnternallonal Jumping Derby trom Newport, R I (R) (2 hrs) 3:00([) WATERSKllNG Coverage ot the Tournament 01 Champions lrom Shreveport. La (R) ( 1 hr) -4:00 CE) SPORTSCENTER SATURDAY'S SPORTS SEPTEMBER 25, 1982 MORNING 5:00([) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Hawthorn vs Richmond (R) ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 6:30 CE) 20 DA VS Of LEE TREVINO (R) 7:00 ([) SPORTSCENTER 8:00 (!) WRESTLING ([)COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (A) 8:30(£) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Football Linebacker Ptay I Defensive Line Techniques" (R) 9:00 8 ®l NCAA FOOTBALL CE) SPORTSCENTER PLUS 9:30 ([)NFL GAME OF THE WEEK 9:35@ THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 10:00 II NCAA FOOTBALL UCLA at Michigan (2 hrs .. 45 min) _,.. (!) BASEBALL Ph1tadelph1a Phillies al New York Mets (3 hrs) CE) RACQUETBALL "Women's International Cham- p1onsh1p Sem1hnals" Suzie Dugan vs. Shannon Wright (R) CID INSIDE THE NFL COhosts Len Dawson and Nick Buoniconti present htghhghls ol the prevlOUs week's pro football ac11on and 1n1erv1ews with players and coaches ( 1 hr ) 10:05@0N-DECK CIRCLE 10:2011l) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs ) 10:30tl) JOHN ROBINSON ([) HORSESHOW JUMPING Coverage ot the Amer· 1can Gold Cup from Ph1ladelph1a. Pa. (2 hrs . 30 min.) 11:30G GRANO PRIX OF ALL-STARS High school athletes and top celebrities compete for fabulous prizes al the Grand Prue All-Siar Sports Center in CahlCHnia AFTERNOON 12:308 RAIDERS PLAYBOOK '82 (I) NCAA TODAY 12:458 (I) NCAA FOOTBALL 8 AMATEUR BOXING "U.S A Vs. Sooth Ameri· ca" from Colorado Springs. Colo. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) OJ NFL IN REVIEW ' 1:008 BASEBALL Kansas C11y Royals at Oakland A's (3 hrs.) UCLA quarterback Tom Ramsey leads Bruins against Michigan •:65@ REDMAN FOOTBALL REPORT 5:05@ NCAA FOOTBALL Indiana HOOSter vs Syracuse Orangemen (3 hrs ) 5:30 8 NFL WEEK IN REVIEW (II WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled: Cover· age of the Southern 500 Stock Car Race (from Darlington. S C ) , coverage of the lnternatlonal Gymnastics Champ1onsh1ps (from Rome. Italy). ( 1 hr., 30mm.) (!) BOXING Live coverage of the Bobby Czyz I Chris Linson 10-round middleweight boUI from the Amencana Hotel in Great Gorge. N J (2 hts .. 30 mm) EVENING 8:00~ SPORTSCENTER 8:30 RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 9:00 WRESTLING (l) CFL FOOTBALL Montreal Concordes at Winni- peg Blue Bombers (2 hrs .. 30 min ) 10:'451 SATURDAY SPORTS PAG~ 11:00 NCAA FOOTBALL Michigan vs UCLA (2 hrs. 30 min.) 11:30iSPOATSCENTER 12:30 SPORTSFORUM (R) 1:00 BOXING Coverage ol the Bobby Czyz I Chris Linson 10·round middleweight boUt from the Ameri- cana Hotel in Great Gorge. N.J. (A) (2 hrs . 30 mm-1_ 3:30 (()AUTO RACING Coverage of the NHRA North Star Nationals from Brainerd. Minn. (A) ( 1 hr • 30 min.) SUNDAY'S SPORTS 8£PTEMBER 28, 1982 Cl) KINER'S KORNER e BASEBALL Regional coverage of San Diego s·oo (I)~ Padt'es at Atlanta Braves. Philadelphia Philllet a1 aOO(I) eou.£GE FOOTBALL Purdue Boiletmake<a New YCHk Mets (3 hrs) at Notre Dame AgtiUOg ltlsh (3 hrs.) (!)SQUASH Coverage of the Oesenex Classic from 9:00i!POA'T8C£NT9'PlU8 Rochestet, N. Y. (A) ( t hr.) 9:30 (I) NFL TODAY 2:00 e WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled: Cov· I '82 erage of the Southern 500 Stock Car Race (from 30 DAYS OF LEE TAEVtNO Darlington, S.C.); coverage of the International 10: • Nfl. FOOT8ALI. Loe Angeles Rams a1 Phita· Gymnastics Championships (from Rome, Italy). ( 1 ~18 Eaglet (3 hrs.) hr .. 30 min.) e NA. FOOT8AlL Miami Dolphins at GrHf"I Bay Cl) TENNIS "The Forum Classic" Live coverer of Packet• (3 hfa.) the semifinal rounds from Los AngeleS. Call . (2 Cl) NFL FOOT8AU. Los Angetea Rama at Phil8del· hral ~ Eagles (3 hra., 30 min.) 2:36 MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED W GREATEST 8PORT8 LEOEND8 "Jim Taylor" 3:00 RACING FROM BB.MONT Hoet· Paul Homung, 3:06 WAE8TUNG Cl) AUTO RACINQ Live ccw.rtge of IM Detroit ~:00 e AUTO RACtNG Coverage of the 'Qtesar's Ntwt Grand Prue 160 (2 hrt.J · Palace Grand Prix, from Las Vegas. Nev. (2 hrs) 1b:30(!) BASE'IALL Phlladelphla Phillies at~ York • NFL SVMRJNNY A hUmOrout look et pro fool· Mets 12 hta., •O min.) ~IU-14'~~~~1 \·~on:0e>9\~Ll•'"91t•'44••~ time~·· 11 :05 ~ BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs .. 15 mui.) AFTERNOON 12:008 BASEBALL (Note: Starting lime for ABC's baseball coverage Is sub1ect to change.) (2 hrs .. 30 min) (l) PKA FULL-CONTACT KARATE cm SUPERBOWL Of BASKETBALL The winners of last month's two games don the uniform of an alien sport and meet on the basketball court in a tourna- ment played to benefit the U.S. Olympic Training Center. { 1 hr . 30 min ) 12:301 Nf:L '82 1:00 COLLEGE FOOTBALL Oklahoma at USC (2 hrs .. ~min.) D fJD NFL FOOTBALL Los Angeles Raiders at San D1e;Chargers (3 hrs.) 1:10 KINER'S KORNER 1:30 SPORtSBEAT 2:00 WCT TENNIS "The Forum Classic" Live cov· erage of the final round from Los Angeles. Cahl (Note· This event will not be seen w11h1n a 35-mile radius of the Los Angeles area.) (3 hrs.) •:05 i WRESTLING -4:30 SPORTSBEA T 5:00 GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Jim Tay· lor" Host Paul HCHnung (l) SPORTSCENTER cm OPENING DAV MADNESS A review of the bizarre and s1gmtican1 happenings of the NFL 's past 40 ~ning days 1s presented .. ( 1 hr I 5:30 CEJ COLLEGE FOOTBALL UCLA Bruins al M1ch- 1gan Wolverines (3 hrs) EVENING 8:30 (l) SPORTSCENTER 9:30(1) COLLEGE FOOTBALL Nebraska Comhusk· ers at Penn State N11tany~ L•ons (2 hrs . 30 min ) 10:30 I WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP 10:"5 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:00 COLLEGE FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS "Nebraska vs_ Penn State" 11:309 SPORTS ANAL (I) WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP.UP •TV QUARTERBACKS "Nebraska Cornhuskers" 12:00(() SPORTSCENTER 1:00(1) COLLEGE FOOTBALL Purdue Boilermakers at Notre Dame Fighting. 1 l1rlsh (R) (3 hrs ) -4:00{[) SPORTSCENTER MONDA Y'S SPORTS SEPTEMBER 27. 1982 8:00 8 «I NFL FOOTBALL C1nc1nna11 Bengals at Cleveland Browns G (3 hrs ) 8:00 CE SPOATSCENTER 9:000 DON CORYELL {[) BOXING Coverage of the Bobby Czyz I Chris Linson tO-round middleweight t>put from the Amer•· ~~~Hotel in Great Gorge. N J (R) (2 hrs., 30 11:30 SPORTSCENTEA 12:30 INSIDE BASEBALL (R) 1:00 COLLEGE FOOTBALL UCLA BrUtnS at Mich- igan Wotvertnes (R) (3 hrs.) 4:00Cl)SPORTSCENTER • TUESDAY'S SPORTS SEPTEMBER 28, 1982 r --------------------------~---------~--...... --~~::--------------7 l ~~O~~WEST Friday .\I< >IC\ I :\< ~ \ I< >\ I l.S 5:309 "Zoot Suit'' ( 1981. Drama) Daniel Valdez. Edward James Olmos ( 1 hr . 43 min.) 6:05@ "Change Of Habit;• ( 1969. Drama) Elvis Presley. Mary Tyler Moore (2 hrs) 6:15(%) "Death Game" ( 1977. Suspense) Sondra Locke Seymour Cassel ( 1 hr . 28 min.) 6:30CID. "Callie Annie And Lltlle Britches" (1981. '({~stern) Burt Lancaster, John Savage. ( 1 hr .. 35 m1nJ_ 7:00(.S) "Brian's Song" ( 1971, Drama) James Caan. Billy Dee W1lltams ( 1 hr . t 5 min ) 7:300 "Jack And The Beanstalk" ( 1976, Fantasy) Animated ( t hr . 32 min.) 7:.t5(%) "The Scarlel Empress" ( 1934. Drama) Mar· lene Dietrich, Sam Jaffe ( 1 hr . 50 min ) 6:00CC) "The Last Giraffe" ( 1979. Drama) Sus~ AnsE_ach. Simon Ward ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) 9:30W "The Hucksters" (1947. Drama) Clark Gable. Deborah Kerr (2 hrs.) 0 "Heartland" (1981, Drama) Rip Torn. Concha- ta Ferrell ( 1 hr • 35 min ) • 9:4'5 (%)"The Contorm1s1" ( t971, Drama) Jean-Lou· is Trint1gnan1, Dominique Sanda. Dtrected by, Ber- nardo Bertolucc1 ( 1 hr • 55 min.) 0:00(!) ''I'll Take Sweden" ( 1965. Come'dy) Bob Hope. Tuesday Weld (2 hrs ) e "Branded" ( t95 t. Western) Alan Ladd .. Mona Freeman (2 hrs ) . Ct) "Rockshow" ( 1980. Musical) Paul McCartney and Wings ( 1 hr . 45 min ) CID "Greased Lightning" ( 1977. BioQraphy) Rich· ard Pryor. Beau Bridges ( 1 hr . 36 min.) CS) "Action Of The Tiger" (1957. Adventure) Van Johnson. Martine Carol ( t hr .. 35 min) 10:05@ "Rampage" (1963. Adventure) Robert Mitchum. Elsa Mart1nellt (2 hrs.) 11:30 D "9 To 5" ( 1980. Comedy) Jane Fonda, Dol- ly Parton. ( 1 hr .. 50 min. l .\I 11 .IC\< >< l'\ \I<>\ 11 ."' 12:008 ''The Devil's Disciple" ( 1959._Comedy) Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) . Ct) "Death In Venice" ( 1971. Ora.ma) Dtrk BQgarde. Silvana Mangano (2 hrs .. 10 min.) CID "Rollercoaster" (1977. Suspense) George S~al. Timothy Bottoms. ( 1 hr .. 59 min.) CS) "The Hunter" ( t97S. Drama) Steve McOueen. Eh Wallach ( 1 hr . 38 min.) (%) "Melvin And Howard" ( 1980, Comedy) Paul LeMat. Jason Robards ( 1 hr. 35 min.) 12:30• "Flight Command" ( 194 t. Adventure) Rob· ert Taylor. Auth Hussey. (2 hrs) 1:30(!) "Green Ftre" ( 1955. Adventure) Stewart Granger. Grace Kelly ( 1 hr . 30 min) .. ct "l he Other Side Of The Mountain ·-Part II ( 1978, Drama) Marilyn Hassett. Timothy Bottoms. (2 hrs ) 1:"6(%) "All The Marbles" (·1981, Comedy) Peter Falk, Burt Young ( 1 hr . 55 min ) Louis Gosse tt Jr. plays dual role in 'The Powers of Matthew Star' I' ' 2:30 aJ "Dodes'Ka-Den" ( 1970, Drama) Yoshitaka Zush1, Kiyoko Tange (2 hrs.) CHl "Looker" ( 1961. Science-Fiction) Albert Fin- ney. James Coburn. ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 3:00([) "All My Sons" (1948. Drama) Edward 0 Robinson. Burl Lancaster. (2 hrs.) 3:3011t "Br1an'sSong" (1971, Drama) James Caan, Billy Dee Williams. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 3:"6(%) "Death Valley" ( 1982. Mystery) Paul LeMat, Peter Billingsley. ( t tk , 25 min.) .t:OOD "Time Limit" ( t957, Drama) Rictrard Wid- mark. Richard Basehart. (2 hrs.) CC) "The Glass Bottom Boat" ( 1966. Comedy) Doris Day. Rod Taylor. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 6:00® "Black Beauty" ( 1971. Drama) Mark Les- ter Walter Slezak. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) cI) "History 01 The World ·-Parl I" ( 1981. Come- ~ Mel Brooks, Madeline l<ahn. ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) caJ "Ask Any Girl" ( 1959, Comedy) Shirley Mac- La1ne. David Niven ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) Cl) "Harry's War" (1 981 , Comedy) Edward Herrmann, Geraldine Page. (1 hr .. •O min.) 6:16 (%) "Melvin And Howard" (1980. Comedy) Paul LeMal, Jason Robards. (1 hr, 35 min.) l .\l ".l".<. Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving All F a iths'' ABCNEWS Q S.W.A.T. HAWAII FIVE--0 OVER EASY Guests: 1azz musicians Marion and Jimmy McParlland (R) Q eNBCNEWS CC) MOVIE "Rockshow" ( 1980, Musical) Paul McCartney and Wings This record of the band's u S tour includes performances of "Jet." "Band On The Run." "Silly Love Songs" and some old Beatie ballads 'G' ( 1 hr . 45 min.) Cl MOVIE "Heartland" (1981, Drama) Rip Torn, Conchata Ferrell A rancher and his housekeeper face !ha ngors of lfontier Ille 1n 1910 Wyoming. 'PG· (1hr .. 35 m1n) --- 6:30 Cl) GD NEWS 0 BARNEY MILLER @ THE BLACK KNIGHT While vacationing in France. a young Enghshwoman meets a "~lack Knight" at a carnival and returns home wondering if she will ever see him again. ( 1 hr.) • DICK CAVETT Guest: 8111 Moyers. (R) 6:50 ©)GRANDMOTHER'S BEDTIME STORY 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN A~.N~~'XzlNE A tour of the . Bureau of Engraving and Printtng. where money is made; a lloolE~~~c;~;;;;::: for men M•A•s •H JOKER'S WILD • BUSINESS REPORT WEEKEND MAGAZINE INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick Buonicont1 present highlights of the previous week's pro football action and interviews with players and coaches. ( 1 hr ) ([) MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981, Adven- ture) Roger Moore. Topol Ja~ Bond tracks a criminal who purloined a top secret British defense devtee. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 5 min.) CD) HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR CS) CANCER CONFRONTATION Daniel Travanti hosts a docume~ary special which f()(:uses on some of the controversies surrounding cancer. including interviews with involved Congressmen . cancer research offic1als. doctors and cancer vic- tims .. ( 1 hr.) (%)MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" ( 1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett. An alcoholte former baseball player and a kooky street entertain- er become partners in a scheme to make money by returning a lost suites~. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 7:30 e 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a visit to some Hollywood parties that resemble movie productions: coverage or the World Championship of Beach Vol- i ball, hOw some Southland cities got their names. • FAMILY FELIO LAVERNE & SHIRl.EY & COMPANY EYE ON L A. Featured: behind the scenes of "The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas": a report on parasa11ing Cl) e TIC TAC DOUGH Cl) KINER'S KOANEA Harbor Lawn· Mount Oliw Men1orial Park,· Mortuary· Mausoleums .. . . . :g 0 - Burial, In Any <:emetery -Shipment -·Cremation. Plans Available ' . . ,• ,. ... . ) r I I ' ' 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N Friday (continued) Q) er> .... ®) YOU ASKED FOR IT Q) M•A•s •H @SIGNATURE Guest. Barbara Cartland. fl) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT ~ WALL STREET WEEK "Not A Pull Piece!" Guest· Diana Temple. vice president. Salomon Brothers. Inc 7:35@NEWS 7:40 0 SPOTLIGHT PREVIEW Host Robert Osborne looks at the mo111es and specials coming up on Spotlight (3 hrs . 22 min) 8:001) (I) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD (Season Premiere) The Duke cousins, Coy and Vance. surprise Boss Hogg when Jhey return 10 Hazzard alter an absence or six years. ( 1 hr.) 0 W THE POWERS OF MA TIHEW STAR Matthew tries to clear his guardian Walt, who has been arrested for a crime committed by his double ( 1 hr) 9 MOVIE "Race With The Dewl" {l975. Suspense) Peter Fonda. Warren Oates When a vacationing . foursome 1nadverlenlly witnesses a humari sacrifice by Saran worshippers. they llee 1n terror (2 hrs ) fJ @) MOVIE "Gotdlinger" ( 1964, Adventure) Sean Connery. Honor Blackman Secret agent James Bond discovers a weat1hy man's plan to rob lhe gold reserves of Fort Knox (A) (Parenlal dis· cre11on is advised) (2 hrs ) 0 EMMETT KELL Y'S Cl~CUS VEGAS Anthony Newley and Loretta Sw1t are joined by circus acts The Flying Carols. The Drogettes. and I arry Dean and his tigers ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (!)MADAME'S PLACE - Bruce Boxleitner and Kai Wulff mix it up on •Bring 'Em Back Alive.' Q) P.M. MAGAZINE A tour of the Bureau ot Engraving and Printing, where money 1s made: a took at cosmetic surgery available tor men Q) MOVIE "Flying Tigers" ( 1942, Adven•ure) John Cl) TOP RANK BOXING Coverage of the Lenny Wayne. Paul Kelty. An American fher w1lh a bad Valdz (Ca.) I Martin Hernandez (Tx.) lO·round performance record tries to redeem himself with one featherweight bout. (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) final herOlc act (2 hrs.) CO) MOVIE "Looker' ( 1981, Science-Fiction) @ MIXED BAG "Culture At 40 Below" The culture Albert Finney, James Coburn. The mysterious explosion 1n Alaska as a result of pipeline and wind· deaths of a series of beautiful models involved 1n a fall profits is examined new advertising p<OJect are blamed on the plastic fl) '9 WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW surgeon who operated on them. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 34 ~MOVIE "The Split" (1968, Orama) Jim Brown, min.) Diahann Carroll. Alter pulling off a big robbery, a Cl) MOVIE "All The Marbles" ( 1981. Comedy) gang has lrouble d1v1ding the money (2 hrs-.. 10 Peter Falk. Burt Young. A hustling. w1~racklng min ) manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the CE) SPORTSCENTER top 'A' ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) CID MOVIE "Agency" (1981. Suspense) Robert 9:05@ MOVIE "TheFullerBrushMan" (1948,Com· Mitchum. Lee Ma1ors The new head of a major edy) Red Skelton. Janet Blair. A door·to-door American ad11er11Stng firm uses a children's break-salesman gets involved in a wild chase after stum· fast drink campaign 10 transmit sublfminal political blina_upon a murder. (2 hrs.) messages. 'A' (l hr . 35 min.) 9:30U ERICSEVAR8D'8 CHRONICLE ©)THE MAKING Of STAR WARS This documenta-(!)YOU ASKED FOR IT ry takes a behind-the-scenes look at the producllon 13 THE BLACK KNIGHT While vacationing In and special effects of the box-office record·bteak-France, a young Englishwoman meets a "Black 1~ movie. ( 1 hr ) Knight" a1 a carnival and returns home .wondering 1f lS) MOVIE "The Elephant Man" ( 1980, Orama) she wilt ever see him again. ( 1 hr.) John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins. A dedicated physician CO EUROPEAN JOURNAL takes under his wing a horribly deformed man ~MOVIE "Death In Venice" ( 1971, Orama) Dirk whose hie unttl then had been spent In cheap freak Bogarde, Silvana Mangano. Otir~ ,his stay at a exh1b11tons 'PG' (2 hrs .. 3 min.) plush Venel!an hotel. an aging composer 0 MOVIE "Thief" ( 1981. Orama) James Caan. encounters a young Adonis who becomes his Ideal Tuesday Weld. A professional crook gives up his of matchless beauty. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) independence tor a big score that he hopes will CID MOVIE "Harry's War" ( 1981, Comedy) Edward secure his fam1l)''s future. 'A' (2 hrs.) Herrmann. Geraldine Page. A smalt•1own postman 8:30(f) HAWAII FIVE.() comes to the aid of his aum, who owes the IRS back aJ ODO COUPLE taxes. 'PG' (I hr ... 40 min.) 9 STRAVINSKY Th is program combines interviews ([)MOVIE "Richard's Things·· ( 1981, Orama) Liv and performance lor a look at this composer's Ullman. Amanda Redman.A happily married house· career 1n America ( 1 hr ) wile loses her husband in an automobile accident. 8) WALL STREET W£EK "Not A Puff Piece!" 'R' 1_1 hr .. 45 min.) Guest· Diana Temple. vice president. Salomon 10:008 Cl) DALLAS Sue Ellen accepts J.R.'s mar· Brothers. Inc. riage proP<>Sal1 Lucy agrees to take a pregnancy 8!) VOTER'S PIPELINE The recent increase in anti-test., end Miss Ellle vows to remove J.R. from Ewing semitic activities is examinedi>y Jim Cooper and his Oil.i > (l hr,) .. guest. Rabb• Abraham Cooper. I ••NEWS 8:35@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 8'T'Ai<E fOACE t.ieutenant Gunzer·a honey· 8:45 (%) CHARLES CHAMPLIN T AU<S WITH... moon turns Into a nlghtraare when his bride is crltl· "MC!!}' Steenburgen" cally wounded during an assassination attempt. (R) 9:008 (I) BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE Wild-animal ihr.) hunter Frank Buck 1s p<essed Into service to find an PSYCHIC PH£NOMENOH Amencan agent whose plane crashed 1n the Malay· LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW an jungle and recover the vital documents in his CAtSIS' TO CRISIS WITH BARBARA JORDAN possession (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) "The Outskirts Of Hope" Fiim portraits of families II CID MOVIE "The Martian Chronicles: The Mar· and individuals illustrate the economic hard times in tians" (Part 3) ( 1980, Science-Fiction) Rock Hud· America today. ( t hr.) son. Gayle Hunnicutt. In the year 2006. Colonel e MOVIE "Death Valley" ( 1982, MySl8fy) Paul John Wilder returns to Ear1h following a major war, LeMat, Peter Billingsley. A New York youngster Is but soon realizes that he should make a permanent sent to Arizona to visit his mothef and 3tumbleS hie for himself and his family on Mars. (R) (2 hrs.) across a serie5 of grisly murdert. 'R' ( t hr .. 25 min,) at MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Carol Channing, Ctleech 10:06(1) MOVIE ''Brian's Song" ( t971, Drama> and Chong. demonologlsts Ed and Lorraine Warren, James Caan. Billy Dee Williama. Two loo1ball play.. Judith Glatzel, Richard Walley. ( 1 hr.) ers share a rare friendship until cancer claims one of e CRISIS TO CRISIS WITH BARBARA ~OAN them. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) . "The Outskirts Of Hope" Fiim portraits of families 10:30. INOEPENOENl' NETWOAI< NEWS and Individuals illustrate the economic herd times in SJONATUAE Gueat: Barbara Cartland America tod!I~· (~hr.) &Y.S.CHROllllQ.E.::HlQb.SehQQJ'~ JiawJlll8/ledu· •••• _ .1 · ·----------·-..·~-·-·~.._·-~··· Oil9·~•"• ~~·-· ,.._ -~--....-t.."7-e•amlned. I JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO MIXED BAG "Culture At 40 Below" The culture explosion In Alaska as a reGult of pipeline and wind· fall profits is examined. IB~REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "Papillon" ( 1973, Adventure) Steve McOueen. Dustin Hoffman. A pair of Oe111l's Island convicts spend their lime planning their escape. (2 hrs. 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "Death Game" ( 1977. Suspense) Son- dra Locke. Seymour Cassel. Whtie his wife is away. a man invites two attract111e teen-age girls into his house for the night, later discovering that the young beauties are homicidal man10cs 'A' ( 1 hr .. 28 mm ... 1 1'1:05'@ BASEBALL San Diego Pacfres at Atlanta Braves {~ hrs ) 11:30 tJ Cl) MOVIE "The World ts Full 0 1 Married Men" ( 1980. Orama) Anthony Franciosa, Carroll Baker. An advert1s1ng executive's extramarital af1airs ul11mately lead to the break·up of his mar· riage and the loss of hfs self-esteem. (2 hrs..) D GD TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson Guests Robert Blake. singing dogs. ( 1 hr.) I (11 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE YOU ASKED FOR IT THEJEFfERSONS STRAVINSKY This program combines interviews and performance for a look at this composer's careerln America. ( 1 hr.) ~CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Which Way Is Up?" (1977. Comedy) Richard Pryor. Lanette McKee A sex-starved fruit picker is caught in a comic crossfire between his union and the Mob. and a hypocrl11cal preacher finds heaven In a ladles· choir. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 34 min) (jJ MOVIE "Going Places" ( 1974. Orama) Gerard Depardieu. Jeanne Moreau. A woman who has just been released after ten years iii prison slows down a pair of wandenng young hoOdlums. 'R' ( 1 hr . 55 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Mommie Dearest" ( 1981, Orama) Faye Dunaway. Olana Scarwid. Forties film star Joan Crawford raises her two adopted children 1n a d0mestic .atmosphere that varies from luxurious comfort to sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9 min,) lit MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981, Comedy) Peter Falk. Burt Young. A hustling. wisecracking manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward lhe top. 'A' (I hr , 55 min.) 11:50 ~ MOVIE "The Happy Hooker Goes Holly· wood" ( 1978. Comedy) Marline Beswicke. Adam West. The queen of the call girls goes to the film capital to make a movie based on her autobiogra· phy 'A' ( 1 hr .. 25 .min.) 12:00• ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 O FRIDAYS Guest host Susan Sarandon. Guests: The Four Tops. (R) (1hr .. 30 min.) G MOVIE "ITme trmif' ( 195T. Drama) Richard Widmark, Richard Baseharl. An officer faces poss1· ble court-martial because of evidence that he revealed 1nforma11on to. the enemy while in a POW camp. (2 hrs.) Cf) MOVIE "Deep Red" ( 1975. Orama) David Hemmlngs. Daria Nicolodi. A writer tries to solve the murder of a noted psychic who de1ected a murder in her audience. ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) • MovtE "The tnnocents" ( 1962, Mystery) Deborah Kerr, Michael Redgrave. A governess believes she 1s being haun1ed by 1he ghosts of a e!._evlous governess and valet. (2 hrs.) • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 12:30 8 • SCTV NETWORK Guests: Daryl Hall and John oa1es. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) I COUPt.ES LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE THE BLACK KNIGHT Whlle vacati"oning 1n Franc:•. a young Englishwoman meets a "Black Knight" at a carnival and returns home wondering If she will ever see him again. ( 1 hr.) Cl) COU.EGE FOOT8ALL PREVIEW (R) ~MOVIE "Lion Of The Desert" (1981, Drama) AothOny Quinn. Oliver Reed. A hard-riding Bedouin leader resists Italy's attempts to occupy Libya for 20 idars. 'PG' (2 hrs., 45 min.) 1:00 AMERICA'S TOP TEN e vtE "Submarine Command" ( 1951, Orama) WIUiam Holden. Nancy Olson. A Navy sub com· mander IS plagued with self·doubt concerning a past accident which cost some men their lives. ( t hr .. 30min.) (I) HOR8E8HOW JUMPING Coverage of the Inter· netionel Jumping Oetby from Newport, A.I. (R) (2 hrs.L 1:10(8) MOVIE "Mammie Dearest" (1981, Orama) Feye Dunaway. Diena scarwid. Forties fllm ster Joan Crawford raises her two adapted chlldren In a domestic atmosphere that· varies from luxurious OOMfon to sadlsllc dl&clpllne. 'PG' (2 =-to.) 1!· l;~ "R~ket!O'tV" (\~. . I) f'9Cll Wl'ld W'i6'::-""'~ tiftd'• u.s tour lnch.Jdtt pertorma-neet of ''Jet," "Bind -------=---~---------'!~~~~~:i----~--::-:~:-::-:-::::::-------9 • CAPTIONED ABC NEWS Friday (continued) On The Run," "Silly Love Songs" and some old Bearfe ballads. 'G' ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 1:308NEWS g MOVIE "The Bishop's Wile" ( 1948, Fantasy) Cary Grant. Loretta Young. Obsessed by his dream of erecting a cathedral. a bishop endangers his mar- riage until he is aided by a friendly spirit. (2 hrs.) fJ CIRCLE 7 CONCERTS "Alice Cooper" ( 1 hr.) ([) AN EVENING WITH RAV CHARLES Ray Charles performs many of his greatest hits --including "Georgia" and "Hit The Road, Jack" -in lhis con- cert taped rn Edmonton, Canada cm MOVIE "Sex World" ( 1978) "X' ( 1 hr., 30 min) 0 MOVIE "9 To 5" (1980. Comedy) Jane Fonda. Dolly Parron Three working women rebEH against their sub1ugat1on by a male chauVlrnst boss. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 50 mrn) 1:-40 (8) MOVIE "Ttle Hunter" ( 1979; Drama) Sieve McOueen. Ell Wallach. Ralph "Papa · Thorson leads a dangerous hie as a modern-day bounty hunter 'PG' (1 hr .. 38 mtn.) 2:00 & MOVIE "The Count 01 Monte Cri~to" ( 1934. Adventure) Robert Donar. Elissa Landi Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas An Innocent man un1uslly imprisoned for 20 years makes a da_nng escape to wreak revenge on the men responStble. i hrs . 20 min) fl) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT MOVIE "Horror House" ( 1970, Horror) Frankie Avalon. Jill Haworth A group of restless young peo- ple with time on their hands decide to conduct a seance al a haunted house ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 2:05(!) NEWS lil) RAT PATROL 2:30 fJ PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND ([) MOVIE "Morgan!" ( 1966. Comedy) Vanes~ Redgrave, David warner A sch1zophreni~ can t accept the fact that his ex-wife is remarrying and atrends her wedding dressed as a gorilla ( 1 hr . 30 mrnl_ 2:35 (!) MOVIE "Conquest Of Space" ( 1955, Set· ence-Fict1on) Walter Brooke, E11c Flemrng. Army volunteers embark on a spectacular 1ourney around Earth 1n a manmade satellite ( 1 hr . 25 mrn ) (Ill WORLD AT LARGE 3:00 fJ (fl) GD NEWS Cl) WATERSKllNG Coverage ol the Tournament 01 Champions from Shreveport. La. (R) ( 1 hr.) cm MOVIE "Ultra Flesh" ( 1979) Seka, Jamie Gillis. A space queen rescues Earth from a unique dilem· ma ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (%)MOVIE "The Conlorm1s1" ( 1971. Drama) Jean- louis Tr1n11gnant, Dominique Sanda Drrected by Bernardo Bertolucc1 A philosophy professor strug· gles to ma1nta1n some semblance of normalcy amid rhe terrors of Fascist Italy rn 1937 'R' ( 1 hr. 55 m1n1 3:05(.C) MOVIE "The Last G11alle" ( 1979, Drama) Susan Anspach. Simon Ward The true story ol Bet· ry and Jock Lesrie-Metville. who tried to save a herd ol giralles. ( 1 hr .. 45 min) 3:20(1) MOVIE "The Elephant Man" ( 1980, Dra.~a) John Hurt. Anthony Hopkins. A dedicated phys1c1an takes under his wrng a horribly deformed man whose Ille unttl then had been spent rn cheap freak exh1b1t1ons 'PG' (2 hrs • 3 mrn ) 3:25(8) MOVIE "The Nesting" ( 1980. Horror) Glo11a Grahame John Carradine A novelist rents a seclud- ed V1ctor1an manslOO where she begins ttavmg stra~. erotic dreams 'A' ( 1 hr . 45 min.) 3·309 MOVIE "The Devil To Pay" ( 1930, Comedy) ·Ronald Cotman. Loretta Young A rakish young lib- ertine tastes the last. tree hie of a bachelor as long as he can before setting down roots ( 1 hr.. 3 min) e MOVIE "Night 0 1 The Witches" (1971, Horror) Keith Erik Burt, Randy Stalford A cove~ of witches interested in securing new property Inveigles an out· going eccentric into aiding their plot ( 1 hr., 30 mrn) ct MOVIE "Thiel" ( 1981. Drama) James Caan, Tuesday Weld A professional crool< gives up his independence for a btg score that he hopeS will secure his lam1ty's future. 'A' (2 hrs.) Singer Rita Coolidge is featured guest on 'The ·Glen Campbell Music Show' Saturday \I< >IC\ l:\C ~ 4:65(C) MOVIE "The Splll" ( 1968, Drama) Jim Brown. Diahann Carroll. (2 hrs .. 10 mrn.) 5:009 MOVIE "Splendor" (1935, Orama) M111am Hopkins. Joel McCrea ( 1 hr .. 30 mm) I CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP MISSK>N: IMPOSSIBLE AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Hawthorn vs. Richmond (R) ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (%) MOVIE "Death Valley" ( 1982, Mystery) Paul LeMat. Peter Bilhngsley. ( 1 hr . 25 min ) 5:05 (fl) ROMPER ROOM 5:10(11) COUNTRY MUSIC U.S.A. Roy Clark hosts a rousing country music festival from his hometown ol Independence. Kansas. that includes such country- western greats as Merle Haggard. Charlte Rteh, Johnny Lee and Lacy J. Dalton ( 1 hr ) 6:30 (!) APPLE POLISHERS CS) STONED Scott Balo stars as an Introverted teen- '!9_er who resorts to drugs to make friends. U MOVIE "Torch Song" ( 1953, Drama) Joan Crawford. Michael Wiiding ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 5:35 (fl) THAT GIRL 8:100 ~E~~ KANGAROO HEALTHBEAT TEEN TALK "Teen Talk On LeaV1ng Home" NINE ON NEW JERSEY GOOD OAY L.A. SATURDAY MORNING GRAPEVINE 8:051 CMLISATION 8:20 N~ 8:130 PA6~~~T THE GROWING YEARS VOICE OF AGRICULTURE VOYAGE DAVEY ANO GOLIATH IT'S YOUR BUSINESS ELEMENT ARY NEWS ~ =E "The F1l1h Musketeer" ( 1979. Adven- ture) Beau Bridges. Ursula Andress. ( 1 hr., 43 min) Cl) 20 DAYS OF LEE TREVINO (R) (II) ~OVIE "The Looney. Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" ( 1981. Comedy) Animated. Voices ~Mel Blanc June Foray. ( 1 hr., 20 min.) W MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" (1981. Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnell. ( 1 hr .• 40 7:00n. SYLVESTER & TWEETY I DAFFY & SPEEDY • THE FUNTSTONE FUNNIES BIG BLUE MARBLE 0 SUPERFRIENOS INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY ANO GOLIA TH DOCTOR WHO LATIN TEMPO ARSTPERSON YOOA FOR HEAL TH SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Young And Free" ( 1979. Adventure) Erik Larsen. Keith Larsen ( 1 hr .. 30 min) g TRILOOY: THREE CLASSIC T ~LES The ~glc of claymat1on bnongs three children s stones to lrfe - • "Rip Van Winkle." "The L11tle Prince" and "Martin The Cobbler." (1 hr. 30 min.) 7·05 (fl) MOVIE "The Great Impostor'. ( 1961. Biogra- .phy) Tony Cums. Edmond O'Brien (2 hrs .• 30 mtn.j 7:30 8. THE SHIRT TAL6S I OR. SNUGGLES 0 PAC-MAN I LITTLE RASCALS I RICHIE RtCH I INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY ANO GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO TWICE A WOMAN BIG BLUE MARBLE 8:00 I BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER I SMURFS MOVIE "Home In wyom1n' .. ( 1942. Western) Gene Aurry. Smiley Burnerre. ( 1 hr ) SPEED BUGGY HOTFUOOE WRESTLING HOOAN'S HEROES SATURDAY MORNING GRAPEVINE AMERICAN SHORT STORY COLLEGE FOOTBAU PREVIEW (R) MOVIE "Circle 01 Two" ( 1980, Romance) Rictt· ard Burton, Tatum O'Neal ( 1 hr . 40 min) 8:30• Ill PAC-MAN I BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER WIL1>. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS WELCOME BACK. KOTTER MOVIE "Tribute" ( 1980. Orama) Jack Lem- mon. Robby Benson. (2 hrs ) Cl) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "FootbaU:- L1nebacker Plal( /Defensive Line Techniques" (A) CS) MOVIE "Callaway went Thataway" (1951, Comedy) Howard Keel. Fred MacMurray. ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) g MOVIE "Starcrash" ( 1979, Science-Fiction) Marjoe Gortner. Christopher Plummer. ( 1 hr. 32 mrn) . (%) MOVIE "Wanted. Babysitter" (1976) Maria Schneider. Sydne Rome. ( 1 hr . 51 min.) 9:00 8 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE I LEAVE IT TO BEAVER t1J NCAA FOOTBALL WILD WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES I MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ERNEST ANGLEY FOCUS ON SOCIETY 8PORTSCENTER PLUS 9:301 KID6WORlO I THE GARY COLEMAN SHOW OZZJE ANO HARAtET GILLIGAN'S PLANET WILD WILD WORLDOf ANIMALS MusEuM The Walters Art Gallery In Beftlmore. NATIONALLY KNOWN AWARD WINNIMG JEWELRY DESIGNER ~di:~l'Mn ~Jr~ Creative Jewelers, Inc. -~~£~~/~ . .. WILL CREATE A DESIGN THAT REFLECTS YOUR TASTE ANO LIFESTYLE! (714) 760-6766 .. Acroee trom Sn.man Founoenon Gardens 2'ii • Origins/ DttslgnlntJ • Custom Remounting • Reaty//ng ~ • Dflslgner Colt.ctlOl'I of Gold •fld P19tlnum Jewelry ~ • DIAMONDS • PEARLS • FINE COLORED GEMSTONES CIFIC COAST HJGHW A DEL MAA CA. J! 0 - r f l ~Saturday (continued) Cl) a> ... Q) .0 E Q) Ci. Q) (f) Maryland 1s tea1ured 1n a look al lhe daily ac11v1t1es of an arl museum ~ FOCUS ON SOCIETY (£)NFL GAME OF THE WEEK 9:35@ THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 10:00 I) NCAA FOOTBALL UCLA a1 Mteh1gan (2 hrs. 45 mtn) 0 fl:) INCREDIBLE HULK I AMAZING SPIDER- MAN I SHANA NA PANDAMONIUM MOVIE Codl11la Vs Megalon .. ( 1976. Science· F1ct1on1 Katsuh1ko Sasaki Mofl M1k1ta (I hr . 30 min) Cf) BASEBALL Ph1tadelph1a Phillies at New York Mets (3 hrs) I SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN BOB JONES THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vita installs the new kitchen apµhances and Norm Abram builds a new rear patio (A) O '1i) ELECTION '82 CE) RACQUETBALL ''Women·s 1n1erna11onal Cham· p1onsh1p Sem1l1nalc;" Suzie Dugan vs Shannon Wrtghl (A) CtD INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick 8uon1con11 present h1ghhgh1s or the previous week's pro tootball action and 1nterv1ews with players and coaches ( I hr ) (S) MOVIE ··Looker"· (1981. Sc1ence-F1c11on) Albert Ftnney. James Cotwrn ( 1 hr . 34 min) O MOVIE "Three Warriors .. ( t977. Drama) Randy Quaid. Charles White Eagle •( I hr • 49 min ) 10:05@ ON-DECK CIRCLE 10:20@ BASEBALL San Otego Padres al Atlanta Braves (3 hrs ) 10:30 U SHA NA NA I MEATBALLS & SPAGHETTI JOHN ROBINSON SQUARE FOOT GARDENING MOVIE "How I Won The War'· ( 1968. Comedy) Michael Crawford. John Lennon ( 1 hr . 5 t min.) (f) HOASESHOW JUMPING Coverage of the Amer· 1can Gold Cup from Philadelphia. Pa (2 hrs . 30 mrn) CZ) MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981, Comedy) Peter Falk. Burl Young ( t hr . 55 mm ) 11:000 Im THE JETSONS I AMERICA'S TOP TEN POPEYE & OLIVE INCREDIBLE HULK MOVIE "Tomorrow Is Forever" ( t946. Drama) Claudelle Colberl, Orson Welles (2 hrs) I MICROWAVE COOKERY GROWING YEARS MOVIE ··Lion Of The Desert" (198 t, Orama) AnthonL Quinn. Oliver Reed. (2 hrs . 45 min.) 11:308 QI FLASH GORDON 8 GRANO PRIX Of ALL-STARS High school ath· letes and top celeb111tes compete for fabulous prizes at lhe Grand Prix All·Slar Sports Center In Cahfor· ma I STAR TREK WILD. WILD WEST MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING GROWING YEARS . 12:008 FREE-4-ALL I THREE STOOGES MOVIE "The Ta1too Connection" ( t979. Adventure) Jim Kelly. Chen Sing (2 hrs ) I RICK'S ANIMALS TO BE ANNOUNCED Of EARTH AND MAN ROCK ON TV MOVIE "Heartbeeps" ( t981, Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadelte Peters. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 0 MOVIE "Gigi" ( t958. Muslcal) Maurice Cheval· let. Leslie Caron. ( t hr .. 55 min.) 12:308 RAIDERS PLAYBOOK '82 ([)NCAA TODAY 8 MOVIE "The Truth" ( 1958. Western) Clayton IM~~=J.:. hr . 30 min.) Of EARTH ANO MAN MOVIE "The Fifth Musketeer" ( 1979. Adven- ture) Beau Bridges, uraole Andress. ( 1 hr • 43 ~bONTV (%)MOVIE "Lion Of The Oesett" (1981, Drama) Anty0uinn. Oliver Reed. (2 hfs .• 45 min.) 12:46 • ( NCM FOOTBALL • AM TEUR BOXING "U.S.A. Vs. South Atnerl· ca" frorn Colorado Spflnga, Colo. ( 1 hr .• 15 min.) 9 NFl IH REVIEW 1:00 e BASE8All Kansas City Royals at O&tlla~d A't {3tn.) ... ·~~ . • MCN9 t'J1-(it11M..,,T .(!1f7'»,I.. •tl _.__ ---------- Robert Redford. Mia Fatrow. (3 hrs.) e MOVIE "Cash McCall" ( 1959. Orama) James Garner. Natalie Wood (2 hrs ) I MONEYMAKERS BASEBALL Regional coverage ol San Otego Padres at Atlanta Braves; Philadelphia Phillies at New York Mets (3 hrs ) ~OCEANUS: MARINE ENVIRONMENT ([)SQUASH Coverage or the Desenex ClaSSIC lrom Rochester. N Y (R) ( t hr ) (0) MOVIE .. Bringtng Up Baby" ( 1938, Comedy) Katharine Hepborn. Cary Grant (2 hrs) 1:20@NEWS 1:308 F-TROOP i BULLSEYE RAT PATROL NOVA "The Science Of Murder" Scientists. law enforcement protess1onals. doctors and convicted murderers discuss the reali1tes of murder. (R) O ~OCEANUS: MARINE ENVIRONMENT CS) LAFF-A-THON A comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one another are featured tn this uncensored comedy game show 2:00 8 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 8 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled: Cover- age of the Southern 500 Stock Car Race (from Dar1tng1on. S C ) • coverage of the lnternatiOf"lal Gymnastics Championships (from Rome. Italy). ( t hr . 30 min) U MOVIE ··The Unforgiven" ( t960, Western) Audrey_ Hepburn. Burt Lancaster (2 hrs ) (!) OUTER LIMrTS • MOVIE "The Tin Star" ( 1957, Western) Henry Fonda. An1hony Perkins. (2 hrs ) I SIGNATURE Guest Barbara Cartland IRELAND: A TELEVISION HISTORY AMEACA: THE SECOND CENTURY TENNIS "The Forum Classte" Live cove<age of the semhnal rounds from Los Angeles. Calif. (2 hrs.) CB> HEPBURN AND TRACY A poignant look IS tak· en at the on· and off.screen romance between ~ncer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn. ( 1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "Tnbote To A Bad Man" ( 1956. West- ern) James Cagney. Irene Papas. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) D MOVIE "NobOdy's Perfekt" (1981. Comedy) Gabe Kaplan, Alex Karras. (1 hr .. 36 min.) 2:05 (Ill LAST Of THE WILD 2:30. GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 9 MIXED BAG "Culture At 40 Below" The culture explosion In Alaska as a result of pipeline and wlnct- fall profits Is examined. • AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY ~ MOVIE ''Alrplanel" (1980, Comedy) ~Obert Hays. Julie ~~!'f'. ( t hr .. 30 min.) 2:36 (Ill MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED 3:00• MOVIE "Mon118Yr Beaucalre" (1946. Come- 1) Bob Hope. Joan Caulfield. (2 hrs.) RACING FROM BELMONT MOVIE "Pony Express" ( 1953. Western) Charl- ton Heston. Rhonda Fleming. (2 hrs.) 9 8TRAVIH8KY This program oombiflel lnt8Mews end perlorrmince tor a look at this composer's career In Amer~ hf.) l~·The Piiot" (1980. Ofama) Clitt Robett- son. Olene Baker. ( 1 hr., 34 min.) CD MOVIE "0.18Xy Of Tenor" (1981. Horror) EdWard Albert. &In Moran. ( 1 hf .. 20 min.) fiMOVIE "9 To/>" l 1980, Comedy) Jane f:onda. P9'1on. i(_ hf , 50 min.) 3: WMS NI 3: CHAAL.E8 QtAMPUH TAUCS WITIL "Ma S17f"~ 3:~ ~<="'~ . . . -.. 1~.W•11il r1;) (VWrn~ 1-.m11· Tim Conway ( le(t ) and Don Knotts catch it from Richard X. Slattery in "The Apple Dumpling Gang' I ANASA BRIGGS: ON THE CULTURAL SIDE SEWING POWER MOVIE "Death Valley" ( 1982. Mystery) Paul LeMat. Peter Bilhngsley ( 1 hr • 25 min ) 3:40 0 SPOTLIGHT PREVIEW Host Robert Osborne looks at lhe movies and specials coming up on Spothght (3 hrs. 22 mtn ) 4:008 MOVIE "Yesterday's Child" ( 1977. Drama) Shir~ Jones.-Ctaude Aktns ( 1 hr , 30 mm ) 8 fll AUTO RACING Coveritge of the caesar's Palace Grand Pox. lrom Las Vegas. Nev (2 hrs ) 8 NFL SYMFUNNY A humorous look at pro foot· ball is set 10 classical music I STAB TREK CJ) THE SAINT THE ROCKFORD FILES MOVIE "CrU1se Into Terror" ( 1978. Horror) Ray Milland, Hugh O'Boan (2 hrs) @ THE BLACK KNIGHT While vacatronrng in France, a young Englishwoman meets a "Black Kntght" at a carnival and returns home wondering 1f she will ever see him again ( 1 hr ) I OUE PASA, U:S.A.? WRITING FOR A REASON MOVIE "Tribute" ( t980, Orama) Jack Lem· mon. Robby Benson (2 hrs ) ([) Nfl GAME OF THE WEEK CS) MOVIE "Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears" ( t980. Comedy) Vera Alentova. Alexei Batalov (2 hrs . 25 min) O MOVIE "Torch Soog" ( 1953. Drama) Joan Crawford. Michael W1ld1ng. ( t hr • 30 mm ) 4:30• NR. MAGAZINE • MORE THAN A CONCERT Davtd Frost narrates a docUmentary profile of the Netherlands Wind Ensemble. ~ WRrT1NG FOR A REASON SPORTSC6NTER MOVIE "$1ar Trek -The Motion Picture" ( 1979. Science-F'tetion) Wilham Shatner. Leonard Nifi~s •• t2 min.) 4:55 AN FOOTBALL REPOA'T 5:00 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN • MOVIE "The Anderson Tapes" (1971, S~se) Sean Connery. Dyan Cannon ( 1 hr., 30 min) I M•A•s•H MADAME'S PLACE MOVIE "Ten Thousand Bedrooms" (,1957, Comedy) Dean Martin. Anna Maria Alberghetti. (2 hrs.) l ~OOl.D MOVIE "Hamlet" Ian McKellen, John Woodvlne ~ hr1 .. 30 min.) • DIALOGUE: JONAS SALK I YEHUOt MENUHIN Or. Jonas Salk and vloHmst Yehudi Menuhin discuss the relationship between science and the arts. nutr1· tron end health, Ee.stem cotture. and their genetic and sociel hef1tages. ( t hr.) ' WOOOWRIOHrS SHOP "A Dovetail By Hand" ~CONSUMER REPOffT8 PAESENTS "The Feel- ing Fine Show" This edition focuses oo health-relat· ed ptodUCts, Including IOw•todium foods and over· the-Count8' appetite supp<easents CD) MOVIE ''The Great Muppet Caper" (1981, Comedy) Charies Grodin. Diana Rigg. (1 hr .. 40 min) (%)MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Phllly Flath'' (1981, Comedy) Altn Arftln. Carol Bumett. ( 1 hr., 40 mlnl_ l:OI UJ NOAA FOOT8AU. lndlanll Hooslet va. ..!r:'::.°'.:z':"~ ~~., .......... ) ----------------------------------~--------------~-------------------------u Saturday (continued) (J) HEALTHBEAT @) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled: Cover· age ot the Southern 500 Stock Car Race (from Darlington, S.C). coverage of rhe International Gymnastics Championships (from Rome, Italy) ( 1 hr , 30 min) Ii) SQUARE FOOT GARDENING ([) BOXING live coverage of the Bobby Czyz I Chris Linson 10·round m1ddlewe1ght bOut from the Americana Hotel m Great Gorge. N.J. (2 hrs .• 30 mm) CID MOVIE "The Thirty-Nine Steps" ( 1978, Suspense) Robert Powell. David Warner. ( I hr , 42 min) g MOVIE "Mommie Dearest" (1981, Drama) Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarw1d (2 hrs . 9 min ) 6:0011 (J) CBS NEWS I NEWS MOVIE "Here Come The Tigers" ( 1978. Come- dy) Richard Lincoln, Samantha Grey A police rook· 1e assumes the respons1b1hty of coaching a team of Lr1tle League m1sh1s and ge111ng them into shape tor a ma1or championship game (2 hrs ) I BEST OF MIDNIGHT SPECIAL S.W.A.T. 'i) MOVIE "The Sea Chase" ( 1955. Adventure) John Wayne, Lana Turner Based on the novel by Andrew Geer A German captain commandeers a ship ot tug1t1ves during World War II (2 hrs) fi) RICK'S ANIMALS I NBCNEWS EUROPEAN JOURNAL MOVIE "How I Won The War" ( 1968, Comedy) Michael Crawford, John Lennon Ou11ng World War II, a group of bungling 8ri1tsh soldiers are assigned to build a'n athletic fteld behind enemy hnes in North· ern Africa so 1ha1 the advancing British forces will have a E!_ace 12._Play cricket ( 1 hr , 51 mm.) 6:30 8 U (J) 01 NEWS I NBC NEWS PAVAROTTI AT JUILLIARD Luciano Pavaro111 works with Tonio d1 Paolo, Rornt Kalisky and Roseann Del George, who perform selections by Donizet11, Mozan and Bell1n1 (R) Ii) SNEAK PREVIEWS Neal Gabler and Jeffrey _ Lyons look at Paul Mazursky's "Tempest" and "Tex " (R) CS) MOVIE: "Heartbeeps" ( 1981. Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters tn a world of the near future. two commercial robots experience the vic1s· s1tudes of first love 'PG' ( 1 hr , 45 min ) 6:.S Cl) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ... ··M~ Steenburgen" 7:00 9 IN SEARCH OF ... I FIGHTBACK 7 ON LOCATION Featured: a report on StJzanne Sommers, a look at popular male stars of daytime soap operas. a profile of the legendary George Burns; one ot the world's yoongest waterskilers. Cl) JACK ANDERSON CONAOENTIAL G THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES I NEW YORK REPORT SO YOU THINK YOU GOT TROUBLES MEMORIES WITH LAWRENCE WELK CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT THEMUPPETS U.S. CHRONICLE "High Schoof' How well edu- cated today·s high schOol graduates really are is examined ([) MOVIE "Star Wars" ( 1977. Fantasy) Mark Hamill. Hamson Ford. A motley coltection of rebels and robots band together to attack the huge space fort of an oppressive gatacllc empire. 'PG' (2 hrs.) cm ANAL CONFIRMATION TEST CZ) MOVIE "All The Marbles" (198t. Comedy) Peter Falk, Burt Young. A hustling. w1secraclung manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the lop 'A' ( 1 hr., 55 min.) 7:30 8 DANCE FEVER I ~N ~~~f;..~tjred. e cheeneadh.g cam~ look 111 the women of skid row; the latest hair fash- ions. I AGHTBACK NINE ON NEW JERSEY EYE ON SAN DtEGO PRESENT£ THEMUPPET8 MOTOAWEEK MOVIE "The Looney. Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" ( 1981, Comedy) Animated. Voices by Met Blanc, June Foray. New materlal Is blended with old In this compOatlon of claaalc Fritz Freleng "Looney Tunes" featuring Bugs. Daffy Duck, POrky Pig, Vosemlte Sam, Tweetle Pie and others from t~ cartoon serleS. ·o· ( 1 hr., 20 min,) &:008 (I) WALT De$N~ (~~fJl~ .. ·l~ Apple ~~~~I" ~i'fl'· 'The Facts of Life' ca&t learns facts about Paris. ern outlaws trying 10 walk rhe strait and narrow are mistaken tor bank robbers. Tim Conway and Don Knotts star (Part 1) ( 1 hr ) D Q) DIFF'RENT STROKES Arnold discovers lhat some girls w111 ignore him because ot his short stat· ure. (A) I LAUGH TRAX ®' T.J. HOOKER (Season Premiere) T J Hook- er becomes involved with an unsolved case he cov· ered as a detective eight years earlier ( 1 hr.) D MOVIE "The Raven" ( 1963, Houor) Vincent Price. Peter Loire In a 15th-<:enlury English castle. three magicians compete for power over each other using a beaulitul woman as their ploy. (2 hrs.) (!) PAUL HOGAN • MERV qRIFAN Guests: Bruce Penhall. Melissa Giibert, Greg Bonham. Frank Welke<, Jim Stahl, Howie Mandell, Lucy Webb. Gait Mathews. ( 1 hr ) m MOVIE "Maneater" ( 1973, Adventure} Ben Gazzara. Sheree North Two couples shartng a mpror home get stuck near a wtfd animal compound where two hungry tigers set upon them. ( 1 hr. 30 min,) S PAPER CHASE "A Malter Qt Anger" A black . student with o misconceived notion of her worth almost ruins her law career. ( 1 hr ) Ii) PILGRAMAGE TO MECCA ~MOVIE "Return Of A Man Called Horse" ( 1976. Adventure) Richard Hams. Gale Sondergaard An English Lord returns to America where he teams that the SIOUx Indians who Initiated him Into their t11be have lost their modest preserve to trappers. (2 hrs.) (I) SPORTSCENTER cm MOVIE "Star Wars" (1977. Fantasy) Mark Hamill. Hamson Ford. A motley collectlon ol rebels and robots band together 10 attack the hu~ space fort ot an oppresstVe gelactic emp\!e 'PG' (2 hrs.) Cl) MARVIN HAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG Liza 'M1nnelh. Johnny Mathis, Gladys Knight and Carty Simon sing some of today's greatest hits including; "The Way We Were," ''What I Did For Love" and "Nobody Does II Better." II MOVIE "Star Trek -The Morion Picture" ( 1979. Sc1enc&-Flcllon) Wilham Shatner, Leonard N1moy. The rormer commander of the U.S.S Entfffprlse reassembles his old crew and &ets off on a mission to find the mysterioos vessel responsible tor the destruction ot numerous Fedefatton star- shl~. 'G' (2 hrs . 12 min.) _ S:i)&~ ---a;ooa e SILVER SPOONS (Premiere) A 12-year- old genius comes to live with his wealthy, Immature father. CJ) RACtNG FROM R006EVEl T QI MOVJE "Hamlet" Ian McKeHen, John WoodVtne ~ hrs •• 30 min.) • MOVIE "They Made Me A Crtminal" ( 1939, Ora· ma) John Garlfltd, Ann Sheridan. A fighter runs away after being made 10 believe that he committed murder while inebriated. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) a:oo• Cl) MOVIE "Revenge Of The Pink Panttw" · ( 1978. Comedy) Peter seltera, Dyan Cannon. The bumbling Inspector Jacques Cloule9u dons • varie- ty of dlsQulses In his attemptt to · smasti an underworld dr"Q peddling r1ng (R) (2 hrs) 8 e MOVIE "l he F~Qt~~ ... l~i.~'. (Premiere. ComtOy) C~tte .. ,.,__,..,.. Mrs. Garrett and the g111~ fJotn Eastland get more than they bargained for when they spend their sum- mer vacatton 1n Pans. (2 hrs.) I ENTERT Al NM ENT THIS WEEK l1J) LOVE BOAT A millionaire _gathers alt his rela- tives on board to announce his "'w wlll. and Cap- tain Stubing meets the daughter of a woman he f e loved (R) Q (2 hrs.) WRESTLING GARY OWENS' ALL-NONSENSE NETWORK NEWS ID ODYSSEY "Key To The Land Ot Silence" The mysterious hieroglyphs on the Egyptian monuments provide the key to understanding tile 1n ancient ~ypt. (R) 0 (1 hr.) · CL) CFL FOOTBALL Montreal Concordes at Wmnt- P~a!Ye Bombers (2 hrs •• 30 min ) ON LOCATION "Rich l11tfe" The master of mim- icry gives his 1mpreSSS1ons of Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. among others ( t hr ) Cl) MOVIE "Looker" (1981 , Sc1ence-Fic11on) Albert Finney. James Coburn The mysterious deaths of a se11es of beau11lul models involved in a new advertising protect are blamed on the plas11e surgeon who operated on them 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34 min) Cl) MOVIE "Lion Ot The Desert" (1981, Drama ) Anthony Quinn. 01tver Reed A hard-riding Bedouin leader resists Italy's attempts to occupy Libya tor 20 ~ars 'PG' (2 hrs . 45 mm.) 9:0511.ZJ MOVIE "The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre" ( 1948. Drama) Humphrey Bogart, Waller Huston A 1110 of greedy men attempt 10 ou1w11 each other in their quest for gold (2 hrs .• 15 min) 9:308) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE ([) MOVIE "Oulland" (1981. Science-Fiction) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle A space marshal inves· ugates a rash ot mys1e11ous deaths within a mining colony on one ot Jupiter's moons 'R' ( 1 hr 49 mml 10:008 m NEWS G MOVIE "The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre" ( 1948. Drama) Humphrey Bogart. Walter Huston A trto ot greedy men atrempt 10 001w11 e;,ch other 1n their quest tor gold (2 hrs ) Cf) MOVIE "E.xorc1sm At M1dn1ght'' ( 1975) Richard Coleman (2 hrs) I SOLIOGOLO JAZZ:. LIVE AT MONTREUX MATINEE AT THE BIJOU Featured "The Coora geous Dr. Ch11s1tan" ( 1940) starring Jean Hersholl ; a 1936 cartoon. a 1945 short starnng Frank Sinatra: and Chapter 5 of "l ost City Of The Jungle" U946) (R) ( 1 hr . 30 min) CC) MOVIE "A11ptane1" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert Hays. Juhe Hagerty After an airliner's crew falls to food poisoning. a nervoos former war pltot rs pressed into service and must contend with on· board hysteria. a secretive control tower and ctiche- lltted memories. 'PG' (1 hr .. 30 min.) cm MOVIE "Outland" (1981, Science-Fiction) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle A space marshal inves- tigates a rash of mystenous deaths within a mif'\1ng colony on one ot Jupiter's moons 'R' ( 1 hr . 49 m1n,i 10:16(8) MOVIE .. Lion Ot The Desert" (1981, Orama) Anthony Quinn, Oliver Reed A hard-nd1ng Bedouin leader resists Italy's attempts to occupy Libya for 20 years 'PG' (2 hrs . 45 min l 10:30. JACK ANDERSON: CONFIDENTIAL D MOVIE "Outland" . ( 198 t. Sclence--Flotion) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle A space marshal inves- 11gates a r86h of mysterious deaths within a mining colony on one of" Jupiter's moons 'R' ( 1 hr . 49 mini 10:'6 SATURDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:00 aewaeNews e NCAA FOOTBALL Michigan vs UCLA (2 hrs .. 30 min,) • THE STEVE MILLER BAND The popul~ rock b8fld performs In concert from the Pine Knob Amphitheatre 1n Detroit, Michigan, along w1th. the Canadian group Apfll Wine. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "Ay1~,Tigers" ( 1942, Adventure) John Wayne. Paul 'ketty~ An American flier with a bad performance record tries to redeem himself with one final herole act. (2 hrs.) --~ .. 1M11.11ZJ"'•w.AR£..:-"Strll>-0-Gfam" • 11:2001) MOVIE "0ark Joorney" (1937, Drama) Vivien Leigh, Conrad Veidt. War-torn Stockholm 1$ the scene of a love efloir between a French spy and a Gestapo agent ( 1 hr,, -'5 min ) 11:30,THE ROCKFORD ALES · 8 SAT\JAOAY NtGHT LIVE (Season Premiere) ;5~~hase. Guests: Queen ( 1 hr., 30 min ) Cl) MOVIE "They Might Be Giants" ( 1971. Advert· ture) George C. Scott. Joanne W~dward. A pres- ent-day Holmes-and-Walson team track• down 1n extort!OO nng (2 hrs.) I KGB ROCKS 10 MAINTENANCE SHOP BLUES MOVIE "Tribute" ( 1980, Orama) Jttek Lem· mon. Robby BtntOl'I An In~ Bu:wdwa .,,... .... , -..i11110 ........ ~ .., .... :!! 0 - ,... 8 N ... • .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,..-'"===:::-=:=""~~--~~~--=-~~~---=-..-,..~__,~~~~~--~~.--.~~---------=--·-·~-;;h:] --~-...~~~~~~~·- ·~ ~ Saturday (continued) S~day O> 8' ..J > t- lenuous rela11onsh1p with his grown son 'PG' (2 hrs.) ([) SPORTSCENTER ([)MOVIE "The Teasers" ( 1977. Comedy) Gloria Guida. Allee Ames High school lovers play a series of prac11calpkes on 1he11 elders 'R' ( 1 hr , 25 min) CS) MOVIE "Strange Behavior" (Suspense) Strange experiments conduc1ed on children and a crazed murderer turn a qui~t m1dwes1ern college town into a frenzy 'R' ( 1 hr . 40 min ) CZ) MOVIE "Wanted Babysitter" ( 1976) Maria Schneider. Sydne Rome ( 1 hr , 51 min ) 11 :•5D MOVIE "The Boston Strangler" (1968. Ora- ma) Tony Curtis. Henry Fonda A schizophrenic plumber 1s responsible ror strangling several Boston women. but goes undetected until he is arrested ror breaking and entering. (2 hrs ) 12:00 (1) MOVIE "Malaya" ( 1950. Adventure) Spen- cer Tracy. John Hod1ak A daring newspaper report- er backed by the U S government plans to smuggle raw rubber out or Japanese-held Malaya (2 hrs ) 9 MOVIE "Hamiel" Ian McKellen. John Woodv1ne l3 hrs. 30 min) ©) PlA YBOY ON THE AIR 12:30 8 MOVIE "One·Eyed Jacks" ( 1961 Western) Marlon Brando. Karl Malden An ex-con reigns l11endshlp with his betrayer so thal he can custom design his revenge (2 hrs) @) MOVIE "The N1gh1 Stalker" ( 1971, Mystery) Darren McGavm. Carol L ynley A repor1er inves11- gate!. a series of murders comm111ed by a man whom he believes 10 be a vamp11e ( 1 hr . 30 mm ) CE) SPORTSFORUM (R) 0 MOVIE "Starcrash" ( 1979. Sc1ence-F1ction) Maqoe Gonner. Ch11stopher Plummer To protect the kingdom o l the rmperor. space he1oine Stella Star and ace navigator Ak ron comb the galaxy 1n search or evil Count Zarth Arn's hidden la11 'PG' ( 1 hr . 32 min) 1:00 D EVENING AT THE IMPROV '8 MOVIE "Conquered City" ( 1965. Orama) David Niven. Marlin Balsam After the defeat of Nazr Ger· many, Amencan and British forces a11emp1 to guard a supply of arms hidden 1n a hotel from Greek reb- els (<'hrs ) m MOVIE 'Death Smiles On A Murderer" ( 1973. Horror) Ewi3 Auhn Klaus K1nsk1 A young man 1amµers w11h the superna1ural and a1temp1s lo restore hie 10 the dead (2 hrs. 30 mm) W MOVIE "Empire Of The Ants" f 1977. Sc1ence- F1c11on) Joan Collins Robert Lansing Based on a story by H G Wells V1c11ms ol a Florida real-estate swindler are lured In a remote island where they are a11acked by y1ant hunqry ants ( 1 hr ) E) BOXING Covemgc of the Bobby Czyz 1 Chrrs Linson 10 round rn1ddlewe1ghl boul from the Amen cana Ho1e1 in Gre<1t Gorge. N J (R) (2 hrs , 30 min) (_!,.)MOVIE "The Teasers Go To Paris· ( 1978. Com· edy) Jeanne Car1er Vrck1 Teller Members of a Cali· forn1r1 high school volleyball team find numerous roman11c. adventures rn lhe French capital 'R' ( 1 hr 20mm I (Q) MOVIE 'Talk Dirty To Me" ( 1980. Drama) ·x· ( 1 hr . 15 min ) 1·os@ MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ( Robert Guillaume, star o( 'Benson,' will spend 'An Evening a t the lmprov' ©) MOVIE "Panorama Blue" ( 1980. Adventure) John Holmes. Renee Bond A se11es of erotrc epi- sodes probe the outer fringes ot selluat actrvrly I 1 hr , 28 min) 2:35 MOVIE "Circle Or Two" ( 1980, Romance) Richard Burton. Tatum O'Neal Despite strong parental oppositron. a poignant romance develops between a 60-year-otd ar11st and a precocious teen- age schoolgirl 'PG' ( 1 hr 40 mrn ) 3:00 IJ MOVIE "Twelve Crowded Hours" ( 1939, Drama) Richard Dill. Lucille Ball A grrl's reporter- bayfriend clears her bro1her's name ( 1 hr . 20 • mrn) (!) STRAIGHT TALK 0) MOVIE "The Informer" ( 1935. Orama) Vrctor Mclaglen. Heather Angel A rrallor rn the lrrsh Rebellion 1s overcome by tits ol conscience he doesn"t understand ( 1 hr , 50 min ) @ NEWS 3:10 MARVIN HAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG Liza M1rinell1. Johnny Mathis. Gladys Knrght and Carly Simon srng some of today·s great· est hits rncludtng; "The Way We Were." "Whal I Ord For Love" and "Nobody Does II Better .. MOVIE "Student Bodies" ( 1981 Comedy) 3:25 (C) MOVIE "II Lives Agarn" ( 1978. Horror) K11s1en Riter Matthew Goldsby A heavy-brea1hrng Frede11c Foripst. Kathleen Lloyd A number of cou- psychollc killer stalks the fun·lovmg students of a pies frnd their 1oy over having a baby changed rnto typical American high school "R' ( 1 hr . 25 min ) nerve-shattenng terror when the infants emerge as 1:15CS) MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981, Comedy) clawed monsters. 'A' (1 hr .• 3 1 min.) Peter Falk. Burt Young A hustling, w1secrack1ng 3:30CI) AUTO RACING Coverage ot lhe NHRA North manager pushes his rwo female wrestlers toward the Star Nattonals from Brainerd. Minn (A) ( 1 hr • 30 lop 'R' ( 1 hr . 55 mrn ) mrn ) 1:30 8 MOVIE "Guys And Dolls" ( 1955. Musical) (%)MOVIE ··chu Chu And The Philly Flash'" (1981 . Frank Sinatra. Jean Simmons A missionary grrl falls Comedy) Alan Arkrn, Carol Burnett An alcohollC rn love w11h a Broadway gambler (3 hrs ) former baseball player and a kooky street enter1aln- CZ) MOVIE "The Scarlet Empress" ( 1934. Orama) er become partners in a scheme to make mone~ by Marlene Dietrich, Sam Jaffe A Russian Grand Duke returning a lost suitcase 'PG' ( 1 hr , 40 min.) has a stormy relatronshrp with h1? wrfe, who goes on •:OO Cf) OR PAUL YONGGI CHO to become known as Catherine rhe Great ( 1 hr .. 50 (iD MOVIE "Ou11and" ( 1981. Science·F'1Ct1on) mm J_ Sean Connery. Peter Boyle A space marshal lnves· 1:35CCJ MOVIE "In Praise Of Older Women" ( 1978, trgates a rash of mysterious deaths within a mining Drama) Tom Berenger. Karen Black A Huogarian colony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 49 lothano reminisces on hrs past romantic conquesrs, min$ from hrs tirsr at the age of 12 to his seduc tion of a 4:05 JAMES ROBISON housewife at 30 'R' ( 1 hr . 48 min ) 4:t5 MOVIE "The Thirty·Nlne Steps" ( 1978. 2:00 D GD NEWS Suspense) R'obert Powell, David Warner A man 111 ABC NEWS becomes the quarry ot bOth the poltCe and a $eCret D MOVIE "Mommre Dearest'' ( 1981. Orama) group ol foreign agents operating 1n England when Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarwld. Fortres trim Star he is tramed tor a stranger's murder 'PG' ( 1 hr .. •2 Joan Crawford ra~s her two adopted children in a min ) domestic atmooptie~ that. varies from luxurious (I) 81.ZARAE "Strlp-O·Gram" comtort to sadistic dise1phne. 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 min.) •:201 LAST OF THE WILD. 2:05 CI> NEWS . 4:30 I SPY · · (11.) WORLD AT LARGE (!) OAOW1NO VEAAS 2:30 8NEWS g MOVIE "Outland" (1981, Science-Action) ~ THE NEW AGE . Sean Connery, Peter Boyle. A space marshal lnves· -.\I< >H '\ I :\< ; 5:00(1) NEWARK AND REALITY CC) MOVIE "Return Of A Man Called Horse" ( 1976. Adventure) Richard Hams, Gale Sondergaard (2 hrs I (E) SPORTSCENTER (.I) MOVIE ··Moscow Doesn't Behave In Tears" ( 1980. Comedy) Vera Alenrova. Alexer Batalov (2 hrs .. 25 min.) 5:05 (tl) CARTOONS . 5: 15 Cl) MOVIE .. All The Marbles" ( 198 1, Comedy) Pe1er Falk. Burr Young ( 1 hr • SS mrn ) 5;308 FOR OUR TIMES "Relrgion In Nigeria· Tradl· 11ona1 Worship" Rehgrous leaders and educators ot one or N1ge11a's erhnrc groups. the Yorubas, discuss 1he11 belrefs and practices (Part 3) (!) DAY OF DISCOVERY 5:451 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6:00 CAPTAIN KANGAROO I MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WORD CAMPUS PROFILE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTRI· TION (I) SUNDAY MORNING f> YOUTH AND THE ISSUES "Survival As A ORAL ROBERTS I tron·· DIRECTIONS (Season Premiere) "Equal Rrghls For Women What Now?" Marilyn Berger hosls an exam1na1ron of why the ERA died and where the women's movement rs headed ROMPER ROOM I NEWS . ETERNAL LIGHT "Or Abraham Joshua Heschel Rev1s1red'" In celebrat10n of Yorn K1ppur. Carl Stern's 1973 1nterv1ew with the late Jewish lheolog1- an is presented (I) COLLEGE FOOTBALL Purdue Boilermakers at Notre Dame F1ght1ng lrrsh (3 hrs.) MOVIE "Head1n' For Broadway" ( 1980. Mus•· cal) Rex Smrlh, V1v1an Reed ( 1 hr . 29 min) 6:05@ LOST IN SPACE 6:30 D SERENDIPITY 8 ROBERT SCHULLER G GROWING YEARS Q VOYAGE (!) POINT OF VIEW @) PUBLIC PULSE • I SPEAK OUT AGRICULTURE U.S.A. MOVIE "Rock 'N' Roll Hrgh School" ( 1979. Comedy) P J Soles. Vincent Van Pallan (I l)r • 31 rt'un) 7:001J ABRAHAM RA TINER THArSCAT LITTLE RASCALS IT IS WRITIEN KENNETH COPELAND fJD SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM DAY OF DISCOVERY WOOOY WOODPECKER AND FRIENDS YOGA FOR HEAL TH AFI SHOWCASE 7:05@ LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:15(%) MOVIE "Lion Of The Desert" ( 1981. Orama) Anthony Quinn. Ohver Reed. (2 hrs • 45 min ) 7:30 D WHITNEY AND THE ROBOT DAYBREAK L.A. TV-6 LOOKS AT LEARNING THArS THE SPIRIT FACING LIFE WITH CHESTER HOLTON JIMMY SWAGGART MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WORLD TOMORROW MOVIE 'TU Cry Tomoriow" ( 1955, Biography) Susan Hayward. Richard Conte. (2 hrs ) (ff) MOVIE "Harry's War" ( 1981, Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Oeraldlne Page ( 1 hr . 40 min.) (I) HOLL VWOOO HolfywOOd repor1er Biii Hams presents up-<:lose rep()rts on the people ond events which are making news tn the production and d'am- Of ~181 of the movie industry 7:35 Ql) MOVIE "King Rat" ( 1965. Adventure} Geo19e Segal, John Mins. (3 hrs.) 8:00 •SUNDAY MORNING 8 ETERNAL LIGHT "Dr. Abraham Joshua Heschel Revisited" In celebration or Yom K1ppur, Carl Stern·s 1973 inrerviow with tht late Jew1$h the<>logi-. an Is presenttd POPEYE ANO FRtEN06 PER90HAL oeMeN8ION8 LET' THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OGl. VIE MAKE PEACE WITH NATURE .,. • ~ ~~~~ o!';:·t~d Of The Street'' ( 198 t, ~~~ ~~8~0~j~~: :: ~~~1( 1 1 ~i~I~ B!~?.~~~~~~00 ... tft~;t~~ ·---~-~--· ~· • • .. ., ~•J ~~ii o..1o1MJl o1. ,, ii~ 111 ·~.,..] • AAf (HJ · • . . . (H) I • ~~~~~~~~.,--~~-------=======~=""--::=__,.""'::-:,..-~~~~~~-=----------..---.~~~_,..~~~---~--,,_,,,...,....,,,__-==i.,..... ~-------· ---__ _...__ --..::-1 Sunday (continued) ti) REX HUMBARD CS) A BETTER PLACE A young girj learns lhal her ~duallon from college marks her nel(I slep in hie U CROSSBAR 8:300 ODYSSEY Guesl Rev Charles E Miller. C M .. reclor of St John's Seminary, Camarillo PEOPLE 7 THELAHAYES • MEETING TIME AT CAL VARY REX HUMBARD FREDERICK K. PRICE · ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) KNOW YOUR BIBLE STONED Scott Baio s1ars as an 1n1rover1ed teen- '!9.er who resorts to drugs 10 make friends ~ MOVIE "Ba1tles1ar Galac11ca Conquesl 01 The Eanh' ( 1980. Science F1c11on) Lorne Greene. Kenl McCord (2 hrs) 9:00 0 MEET THE PRESS U BEST OF A.M. LOS ANGELES Cl) 0 ORAL ROBERTS I ROBERT SCHULLER IT IS WRITTEN SESAME STREET (R) Q SPOATSCENTEA PLUS 9:306 (I) NFL TODAY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW NEWSCENTER WEEKLY I ~~\·~~ DISCOVERY MOVIE "Lei's Do II Agam" ( 1975. Comedy) Sidney Po111er. 8111 Cosby ( 1 hr , 52 min ) ([) 20 DAYS OF LEE TREVINO CH) MOVIE "Foul Play" (1978, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase ( I hr . 55 min ) CS) MORNING'S AT SEVEN Maureen O'Sulhvan stars 1n Paul Osborn's sentimental comedy about the hopes, dreams and 1ealous1es of tour elderly sis· 1ers 1n a small Midwestern town 1n 1922 (2 hrs .. 10 m1nl 9:45 (%)MOVIE "Death Valley" t 1982, Mystery) Paul LeMal. Peter B1lhngsley ( 1 hr . 25 min ) 10:001J NFL FOOTBALL Los Angeles Rams al Phila- delphia Eagles (3 hrs ) • 1J NFL FOOTBALL M1am1 Dolphins a1 Green Bay Packers (3 hrs.) 8 MOVIE "Monsieur Beaucaire" ( 1946. Comedy) Bob Hope. Joan Caulfield (2 hrs ) U BEST OF KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests Cathy Lee Crosby. Ben Vereen. Irene Cara, 1un1or table tennis champions Sean O'Neill and Scott But· ler (R) ( l-hr.) (I) NFL FOOTBALL Los Angeles Rams at Philadel· ph1a Eagles (3 hrs . 30 min.) 0 HERALD OF TRUTH Cf) GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Jim Taylor" Host Paul Hornung I REX HUMBARD CARTOONS THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer· theimer and Cok1e Roberts join Paul Duke for an up- to-1he-m1nute summary ot Congressional ac11v1t1es ~MEET THE PRESS CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW AUTO RACING Live coverage of the Detroit News Grand Prue 150 (2 hrs ) 10:300 ROBERT SCHULLER ACUPUNCTURE Cltlf.IWI UH, C.I. AUTHOR OF "ACUPUNCT\N a •c•NCI" Former ChatrmWI, Mmlnar of Chinese Acupuncutra Foundation PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE, GRADUATE: CHINA MEDICAL COllEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA, 13th Edhlon 545-2438 Mon.·wed "'"· .,..... ....... c..... ,,. .......... ........... 8ANTAANA 532-5040' l"'*-·Ttu ...... ....... o.-. c..... '-L..,..._A.., ..... , OMW FACE-LIFTS • Franklin Cover models his new outfit on 'The Jeffers1>ns' Cf) BASEBALL Philadelphia Phillies at New York Meis (2 hrs • 40 min ) JERRY FALWELL ~ OPEN MIND I PERSPECTIVE MOVIE "A Night Al The Opera" ( 1935. Corne- i l Marx Brolhers, Allan Jones. (2 hrs ) THE LAWMAKERS MOVIE "Star Trek .. The Motion Picture" ( 1979, Sc1ence-F1c11on) William Shatner. Leonard N1mi (2 hrs .. 12 min) 10:35 RAT PATROL 11:00 THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BRINKLEY 0 BASEBALL (Note St~rt1ng time for ABC's baseball coverage is subiect to change.) (2 hrs .. 30 mm) •MOVIE "Pony Express" ( 1953, Western) Chari· ton Heston. Rhonda Fleming. (2 hrs.) 9 MASTERPIECE THEA mE "Testament Of Youth" Devasta1ed by Roland's dealh, Vera devotes alt her energies to nursing. she relurns to England determined to marry her brolher's friend Victor (Pan 3) (R) Q ( t hr ) £!) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS 11:05(11) BASEBALL San Diego Padres al Atlanta Braves (3 hrs .. 15 min) 11:15(.'Z) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WrTH ... "Mar SteenburQen" 11:30 d TERRY COLE-WHITT AKER I CHURCH IN THE HOME HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS NEW JAPANESE RESTAURAN TRY OUR DAILY SPECIAL Enjoy Teriyaki • Tempura Shuthi bu prepared by our lamout Japaneee Chef • Beer • Wine • Saki ® JAPANESE ~giSo.. RESTAUllANT NOW OPEN FOB LUNCH Mon. ttwu Prt. 11:30 to 1:to Dinner from 1 p.m. aun. from 4 p.-. CloMdW......._, lll-1111 3l40 E. COAST HWY. CORONA on MM I IS ~MOVIE "Robin And Marian" (1976, Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. ( 1 hr . 45 min.) J! (8) YESTERYEAR ... 1969 This retrospective of 1he 0 peflod ot anti-war protests. the advancement of CIVIi - r1ghts. the b1r1h ot "Doonesbury" and "Sesame ~ Street," Richard Nixon and Woodstock includes an 1nterv1ew with astronaut Buu Aldrin. ( 1 hr.). o' (%) MOVIE "The Bed Sitting Room" ( 1969, Come· IC> dy) Ana Tushingham. Sir Ralph Richardson. ( 1 hr .. 30 min) AFTERNOON 12:00 8 THBEE_STOOOES G BASEBALL (No1e· Starting time tor ABC's baseball coverage is subject to change ) (2 hrs .. 30 min) • 8 SEARCH • MOVIE "Rto Aita" ( 1942, Corned>) AbbOll and Costello. Kathryn Grayson (2 hrs ) fD PAPER CHASE "A Matter Of Anger" A black student w1lh a misconceived notion of her worth almost ruins her law career ( 1 hr ) ~UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR PKA FULL-CONTACT KARATE SUPERBOWL OF BASKETBALL The w1nne~s of las1 monlh's two games don the uniform of an ahen sport and meet on the basketball court In a tourna- ment played to benefit the U.S. Olympic Tra1n1ng Center ( 1 hr . 30 min ) CS) MOVIE "Heartland" (1981. Orama) Rip Torn, Conchata Ferrell ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 12:30 G WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS I NFL '82 UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVIE "Tulips" ( 1981 . Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Bernadelle Peters ( 1 hr . 32 min.) 1:009 COLLEGE FOOTBALL Oklahoma at USC (2 hrs . 30 min) D fl) NFL FOOTBALL Los Angeles Raiders at San Diego Chargers (3 hrs ) It THE MUNSTERS HEEHAW ADAM-12 BALTIMORE SYMPHONY AND LEON FLEISH- ER IN CONCERT Tony Randall hosts a Spec181 on the opening of the new Joseph Meyerhoff Sympho· ny Hall in Baltimore. featurtng the Baltimore Sym· phony Orchestra conducted by Serg1u Com1ss1ona and highlights of pianist Leon Fleisher's return to the concert stage (2 hrs.) 8i) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 0 MOV1E "A Separate Peace" (1972, Orama) Parker Stevenson. John Heyl ( 1 hr , 45 min ) (%) MOV1E "The Scarlet Empress" ( 1934, Drama) Marlene Dietrich, Sam Jafle ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) 1:10(1) KINER'S KORNER 1:308 F-mOOP I SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON BULLSEYE SPORTSBEAT ADAM-12 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOV1E ''I'll Cry Tomorrow" ( 1955. Blt>graphy) Susan Hayward. Richard Conte. (2 hrs ) (a> CHARLIE DANIELS BAND "The Saratoga Con· cert" The Charhe Daniels Band performs some ot their hlls tn the concert taped at the Saratoga Per· forming Ans Center in Saratoga Springs, N. Y ( 1 hr .. 30 min) NEWPORT DA .TSU# l 14 N Sunday (continued) co O> ... 8' ...J > t--.2 0: 2:00 D GILLIGAN'S ISLAND (I) WONDER WOMAN • O MOVIE "Ten L11tle Indians" ( 1975, Mystery) Oliver Reed. Elke Sommer (2 hrs ) i THOSE AMAZING ANIMALS THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BRINKLEY MOVIE "The Underground Man" ( 1974, Adven- ture) Peter Graves. Jack Klugmar1 (2 hrs ) g) MOVIE "The Story 01 Will Rogers" ( 1952. 81og- ~hy) Jane Wyman. Will Rogers Jr (2 hrs.) ~MOVIE "Hamlet" Ian McKellen. John Woodvine ~hrs . 30 min ) INTRODUCING BIOLOGY WCT TENNIS "The Forum Classic" Live cover- age of the lmal round from Los Angeles. Calif (Nole This event will not be seen within a 35-mile radius ot the Los Anyeies area I (3 hrs ) CH) VIDEO JUKEBOX CS) MOVIE "The Badlanaers" ( 1958. Western) Alan Ladd. Ernest Borgnone ( 1 hr . 50 min ) 2:20-@NEWS 2:30 D GILLIGAN'S ISLAND I DIRECTIONS INTRODUCING BIOLOGY MOVIE "Contrac1 On Cherry S1ree1" C 1977 Orama) Frank Sinatra. Verna Bloom (2 hrs. 30 m1nl_ 2:35 (1Z) UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUS- TEAU 3:000 MOVIE "Now And Forever" ( 1934. Drama) Shirley Tempie. Gary Cooper (2 hrs ) fJ THE YOUNGEST VICTIM (I) ST AR TREK I BATTLEST AR GALACTICA ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT INTRODUCING BIOLOGY MOVIE "All The Marbles" ( 1981. Comedy) Peter Falk. Burt Young ( 1 hr . SS min ) CD) MOVIE "Lost Horizon" ( 1937. Fantasy) Ronald Colman. Jane Wyall (2 hrs ) 0 MOVIE "Rock 'N' ROii High School" ( 1979. Comedy) P.J SoleS. Vincent Van Patten ( l hr • 31 mm) CZ) MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" (1981. Comedy) Alan Arkin, Carol Burnell ( 1 hr., 40 mm) 3:30 8 LAST OF THE WILD I CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW DESIGNING HOME INTERIORS AA SHOWCASE 3:35@ NICE PEOPLE 4:00 8 INTERFACE D SUNDAY Localion Gladslone's Restaurant. Malibu (2 hrs ) I AT THE MOVIES ERIC SEVAAEID'S CHRONICLES MOVIE "The Raven" ( 1963. Horror) Vincent Puce. Peter Lorre (2 hr!> ) Cf) MADAME'S PLACE Sally Struthers as a veterinarian's assistant in ~Gloria' Independence. Kansas. that 1nc1uoes such counrry- western grea1s as Merle Hagg.ard, Charlie Rich, Johnny Lee and Lacy J. Dallon ( 1 hr ) (IJ THE MARVELOUS LAND OF OZ Some very familiar inhabitants of the land of Oz help a young boy and his wooden lnend in lh1s filmed stage pro- duction by the Children's Theatre Company and School ( 1 hr . 45 mm ) CD) OPENING DAY MADNESS A review of the bizarre and significant happenings or the NFL's past 40 opening days is presented. ( 1 hr j CZ) MOVIE "Melvin And Howard" ( 1980, Comedy) Paul LeMat. Jason Robards. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 6:06@ NASHVILLE ALl\IEI 5:308CBSNEWS I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY ttlABC NEWS WELCOME BACK. KOTTER SIGNATURE Guest. Richard Hams. MOTORW£EK COLLEGE FOOTBALL UCLA Bruins at Mich1· gan WOiverines (3 hrs) 9) THArS INCREDIBLEI (Season Premiere) Fea- tured. a .man ou1races a horse, a woman survives being buried 1n an avalanche, a maintenance man becomes a millionaire live limes over, the results of 6:008D8NEWS lhe scholarship con1es1 ( t hr) 8 MOVIE "Aunt Mary" ( 1980, Drama) Jean GI MOVIE "Cruise ln10 Terror" ( 1978. Horror) Ray Stapleton. Martin Balsam. The 1rue story of a crlp· Milland. Hugh O'Brian (2 hrs ) pied Balflmore woman,who orgaf'!•z,ed and coached ti) MOVIE "Cash McCall" ( 1959. CXama) James an 1nner-c1ty L11lle League ream is depicted (2 Garner. Natalie Wood (2 hrs) hrs) fl) WALL STREET WEEK "Not A Pull Piece1" (()CBS NEWS Guest Dana Temple. vice president, Salomon D AROUNO THE WORLD IN '82 Glen Campbell Brothers. Inc (R) hosts a musical tour of the t<nox1t1lle World's Fair G:» MOVIE "Walking Tall. Part 2" ( 1975. Ofama) with ~uelS sts_ ~_ry Lee Lewis and Mel Carter. (2 hrs ) Bo Svenson. Noah Beery (2 hrs.) i rT WRrTTEN Ii> DESIGNING HOME INTERIORS THE ROCKFORD ALES ct) MOVIE "Let's Do 11 Again" ( 197S, Comedy) MOVIE "Courage Of Lassie" ( 194E>. Adventure) Sidney P0tt1er. 8111 Cosby. (I hr , S2 min ) Elizabeth Taylor. Frank Morgan. A girl's pet collie, CS) MOVIE "Sphinx" ( 198 t. Adventure) Frank Lan-trained to 1(111 In the Army. must be converted back gclla, Lesley-Anne Down ( 1 hr., 59 min ) 10 the affectionate pup she had known and loved 4:06@WRESTLING t2 hrs) 4:308 NEWSMAKERS • MOVIE "Mozambique" (1965. Drama) Steve I SPORT88EAT Cochran.' Hiidegarde Knell A woman bl&ckmalls a FACE THE NA TlON pilOI in order to obtain the contents ot a bnefcase WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) i_? hrs.) SfGNING WITH aNDY t8 A TRIBUTE TO COUNT BASIE A profile of MOVIE "Looker" ( 198 t, Sctenc&-Fiction) Coun1 Basie's career with a IOok al his concert held Albert Fi~. James Cobufn ( 1 hr . 34 min ) al Carnegie Hall (2 hrs.) 5:008 FACE THE NATION I WHERE THE RIVER ENTERS THE SEA . I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN N8C NEWS _ GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Jim TaylOf" NOVA "The Sclenoe Of Murder" Sclef'ltlsts, law Host: Paul Hornung. enforcement professlonals. doctors and convicted I M• A •s•H murderers discuss the realities of murder (R) Q ( 1 STRAIGHT TALK hr.) NEWS (CJ MOVIE "The Glass Bottom Bott" ( 1966, Come- ARING"LINE "The Problem. A Statesman Writ· dy) Dor s Day, Rod Taylor. A phyt1clst becomes I~ History" Guest Dr Henry K1sstnger ( 1 hr ) 1n11ol11ed with a girl who poset os o mermaid part· ti1D THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vila and Norm Abram ttme ( 1 ht .. 50 min.) tear down the panelling In the basement rec room: ®MOVIE "Harry's War" ( 1981, Comedy) EdWard upstairs, the new kitchen counter lops are installed. Htrrmenn. Geraldiflt Page A amall-town postman IPOR'T'8CENTt:R 1ues. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 40 min) - 0 . . . .. . comes 10 the aid of his aunt, who owes the IRS t>ack Muste u# N''}(. tl~J.:;8..·. ~·.i...··~· • .cm.YOYE..i..~;· •• lJ#J •.• ~ .. , Robert ,.,,.,,..,,lffrt: ~~ ~ 1~l>W'n 01 • lliiCliMn,"[ee· Ma)Oit. rt'lt ntW *d of a majo<. American adver11s1ng firm uses a children's break· fast d11nk campaign 10 transm11 subliminal political messages 'R' ( 1 hr . 35 min ) · Cl) FAERIE TALE THEATRE "The Tal~OI Tl'le Frog Prince" Robin W1lhams stars 1n a fanasucal tale of a prince who's turned into a frog by a w11ch's spell. 8:05@ WEEK IN REVIEW 8:30 8 NEWS CONFERENCE Guest Governor Jerry Brown, Democratic cand1da1e for U S. Senate I PEOPLE'S COURT fmNEWS THE WORLD TOMORROW MT. ST. HELENS: WHY THEY DIED The poli- cies.· procedures and Judgements of scientists and governmen1 olfic1a1s concerning the eruption of Mt. SI Helens in May of 1980 where 60 people died are ~es11oned g MQVIS "Agency" ( 1981 Suspense) Roberl Mitchum. Lee Ma1ors The new head ol a maior American advertising firm uses a children's break- fast drink .campaign to transm11 subliminal political messages. 'R' ( 1 hr . 35 mm ) 6:35 CZ) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ... 7:00 ()) 60 MINUTES "Mai Sleenburgen'' D CHIPS Fo}lowmg a 1raff1c acc1den1. Jon mis- takes a deal man for a drunk dr111er and arrests him IB) 1ihr1 .... ... .. . .. D (!§) RIPLEY'S BELIEVE rT OR NOTI (Season Premiere) Stroboscopic photography. dealh ntes and ri1uals. weird arch11ec1ure, Denmark's "bog people" and the wonders of music are explored. Jack Palance hosts ( 1 hr ) , Cf) JIMMY SWAGGART 9 ARTUR RUBINSTEIN. "Israel" Rubinstein v1s1ts a special forest near Jeru~lem. altends a perform· ance at the Jerusalem Music Center, and takes a lour ol 1he c11y with Mayor Teddy Kollec ( 1 hr ) '11) VICTORY GARDEN Bob Thomson begins to har- vest his warm weather ctt>ps. CJ) STRAWBERRY ICE Olympic medahsts Toller Cranston and Peggy Fleming star 1n this dazzling. fantasy-filled 1Ce show ( 1 hr ) CZ) MOVIE "The Gumball Rally" ( t976. Comedy) Michael Sarrazin. Tim Mcintire A gumball machine· 1s the grand prize 1n a New Y0<1(-to-Los Angeles car race which bnngs all sorts of zany characters onto the nation's highways and back roads 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 47 min) 7:06@ NEWS 7:;J()fll!) PORTRAITS IN PASTELS (0 MOVIE "My Bloody ValenMe" ( 1981. Suspense) Paul Kelman. Lon Heller A small town becomes a scene of terror dunng their annual Valen· tine's O~ dance 'R' ( 1 hr .. 3 t min.) • 8:00 8 Cl) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE (Season Premiere) Mr Van Ranseleer convinces Archie to 10tn the boys for a night on 1he town at a Singles club D G) KNIGHT RIDER An eccentric. dying m1h~ a1re changes an undercover cop's 1dent1ty and bequeaths him a futut1sl1c car 10 aid htm 1n his quest for 1us1ice (2 hrs ) I ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK (II MATT HOUSTON (Premiere) A congrom- erate head and part-lime detecllve Is hired by a young woman to clear her of charges lhat she mur- dered her blackmailing, billionaire father (2 hrs.) I rT IS WRITTEN BARRY FARBER MOVIE "Cruise Into Terror" ( 1978. Horror) Ray Miiiand. Hugh O'Bnan. The discovery of an ancient sarcophagus turns a Caribbean pleaSUfe cruise into a nightmare. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Wiid Pratrle" ( 1975. Adventure) Larry Jones (2 hrs) I StGNA nJAe Guest: A.chard Hams. NOVA "L1v1ng Machines'' The work and remark· able discoveries of a new gerieration of biologists called natural engineers promise benefi1s and apph- ca11ons yet to be explored. (R) O ( 1 hr.) e MASTERPIECE THEAfRE "Testament Of Youth" Vera is plunged Into the hell ol a front-line hospltal and asStgned 10 nurse wounded Germans ~art 4) (R) Q ( 1 tu ) (CJ Cl) MOVIE "Llltle Darlings" ( 1980. Comedy) Tatum O'Neat. Kristy McNtehol At summer camp. two teen-age g111s compete lo see whO wlll be the hrst 10 rose her vlrg1n1ty 'R' ( 1 hr . 32 min.) Cll) CAMELOT Richard Harris. Meg Bussert end Richard Muenz star In Lerner and Loewe's classic 8roadway musi<lal taped al the Winter Garden The· atre in New York. (2 hrs .. 30 min.} (.D) MOVIE "Heartland" (1981, Otama) Rip Torn, Conchata Ferrell. A rencher and hi& housekeeper face the rigors of flontler life in 1910 Wyoming. 'PG' !hr., 35mln) MOVIE "Heartbeeps'' (1981. Co~y) Andy ufman. Bernadette Pelers. In o world of the near lulure. two commercial robols experience the vlcis-11!is of flfSI love 'PG' ( 1 hr •• 45 min.) 8:06 J£Rll(( FALWELL 8:$0 (I) GLOAIA (Premiere) Gloria starts a new hft Of herself at\d he< ton Joey when the takes • ~ WOfkl"Q ~ ~ smelHOWr\ ~IJflnar"° . . aTME--..o~ '\ · ·.•. · •p.\~.• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 ~ (continued) ta A TRIBUTE TO COUNT BASIE A profile of Count Basie's career with a look at his concert held at Carnegie Hall. (2 hrs ) (!) SPORTSCENTER • 9:008 Cl) THE JEFFERSONS (Season Premiere) George's toughest compe111or starts a price war that could force Jellerson Cleaners out of business. WILD KINGDOM OR. CHO i art 1) MOVIE "A Walk In The Sun" ( 1946. Orama) Dana Andrews. Richard Conte American infantry- men ilijtioned 1n Italy du11ng WO<ld War U move steadily toward their ob1ech11e. (2 hrs ) • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Testament Of Youth" Vera is plunged into the hell of a front-line hospital and assigned to nurse wounded Germans. (part 4) (R) Q (1 hr.) E) MYSTERY "Sergeant Cribb Horizontal Witness" An underworld hoodlum is found unconscious and badly beaten after telling Scotland Yard he wit· nessed the murder of his gangster boss (R) Q ( 1 hr) MOVIE "Looker" (198 1. Sc1ence-F1ct10n) Albert Finney. James Coburn The mysterious deatllS of a series of beaulllul models involved 1n a new ad11er11s1ng pro,ect are blamed on the plastic surgeon who operated on them 'PG' ( 1 hr . 34 min) CZ) MOVIE "Death Valley" ( 1982. Mystery) Paul LeMat. Peter Billingsley_ A New York youngster is sent to Arizona to visit his mother and stumbles across a series ol grisly murders 'A-' ( 1 hr , 25 min ) 9:05 (fl) OPEN UP 9:308 (I) ONE DAY AT A TIME (Season Premiere} Barbara gets a little nervous on the eve of her and Mark's wedding. (Part 1) I WORLD OF SURVIVAL ~ACK VAN IMPE COLLEGE FOOTBALL Nebraska Cornhusker!: at Penn State N1ttany Lions (2 hrs • 30 min ) g MOVIE "Strange Behavior'' ·R' (2 hrs ) 10:00 8 (I) TRAPPER JOHN. M.D. (Season Prem- iere) Trapper's ex-motheHn-law. behev1ng he IS still , .fnamed to he! ,.daughter. brings a puzzling medical case to him. and Gonzo Poses as a nurse for a week. ( 1 hr.) D. TV'S CENSORED BLOOPERS Tony Randall and Lynn Redgrave 1oin Dick Clark lor a look at more lunny flubs. goofs and break-ups never Intend· ed for pubhc viewing. (R) ( 1 hr ) 11 =EVER BECAME OF ... Gavin Macleod and Morgan Fairchlld take a revealing took at what has become of some of our favorite stars ( 1 hr ) I WORD FOR TODAY NEWS IN REVIEW KENNEDY CENTER TONIGHT "A Salute To Duke" Sarah Vaughan. Joe Williams and other 1azz greats pay a special tribute to the late orchestra leader and composer. Duke Ellington (R) ( 1 hr.) tD SOUNOST AGE The Blasters are 101ned by Wilhe Dixon and Carl Perkins in a fast-paced concert ( 1 hr ) CJ:) MOVIE "American Gigolo" ( 1980. Orama) Richard Gere. Lauren Hutton A Beverly Hills gigolo becomes the pnme suspect 1n a murder 1nvestiga- 11on 'R' ( 1 hr . 57 m111) • cm (I) MOVIE "Death Valley" ( 1982. Mystery) Paul LeMat. Peter Billingsley A New York youngster is sent to Arizona to v1s11 his mother and stumbles across e series ol grisly murders 'R' ( 1 hr . 25 min ) 10:06 t1Z) MOVIE "The Amazing CX. Chtterhouse" ( 1938. Comedy) Edward G. Robinson, Humphrey Bogart A psych1at11st takes control of a gang ol robbers 1n order 10 study the criminal mind ( 1 hr • 55 min ) 10:308 LONE RANGER I WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP·UP JIMMY SWAGGART NEW STORYTELLERS "Jackie Torrence" This • storyteller gives a preview of one ot her ghost sto- ries. "Two White Horses." CB) NOT NECESSARILY THE NEWS Comedy sJ<etches combine with classic film and news foot· ~ 1n an offbeat. satiric take-oft CZ) MOVIE "The Bed S1tt1ng Room" ( 1969. Come- dy) Rita Tushingham, Sir Ralph Richardson. Strenge effects plague the 20 survivors of history's shortest war. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) . 10:46, SONDAV SPORTS PAGE 11:00 8 8 ())III tm NEWS !WILD t(M)OOM AFRtCA'S WEEPING... BUT WHO'S LISTEN- ? Hosts. Carol Lawrence. Stan Mooneyham. Guests· Eltem Z1mbaJis1 Jr • Dean Jones. Wllllem Shatner. (1 hr.) · I PSYCHIC PHENOMENA JERAY FALWELL S.ONATUAE Guest, Richard Harris SNEAK PREVIEWS Neal Gabler and Jeffrey L~~ lqok a\ Paul Ma.iµrsky'a :·rempest" and l/~t· (fl'.. •J "' l• • ., • Richard Harris as King Arthur in HBO's 'Camelot' Ci) COLLEGE FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS "Nebraska vs Penn State" CH) MOVIE "Foul Play" ( 1978. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase A librarian enlists the aid ol an inept police detective after she becomes involved in a b1Zarre series of murders and k1dnappng attempts. ( 1 hr • 5S min.) CO MOVIE "Tanya's Island" ( 1980, Drama) D.O Winters. Richard Sargent. Alter a beauhlul model is dumped by her foolish boyfriend, she lantaS1zes about Ille on a tropical Island ·R' (I hr . 33 min.) 11:151 CBS NEWS 11:30 SPORTS FINAL I PACESETIERS ABC NEWS WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP·UP MOVIE "They Came To Rob Las Vegas" ( 1969. Orama) Gary Lockwood. Elke Somme< While attempling to h11ack $10,000,000 from an armored car. members of a gang hghl among themselves (2 hrs . 30 min ) • THE ROOKIES ta A TRIBUTE TO COUNT BASIE A profile of Count Basie's career with a look at his concert held at Carnegie Hall. (2 hrs.) I TV QUARTERBACKS "Nebraska Cornhuskers" MOVIE "Flash Gordon: The Greatest Adventure Of All" ( 1982. Adventure) Animated. Flash Gordon must convince the warring factions of Mongo to work together to overthrow Ming the Merciless and stop his conquest of Earth. (R) (2 hrs.) cm MOVIE "Sex Through A W1nd0w" ( 1972, Ora· ma) John Norman, Bara Bymes A TV reportef's assignment to show the ease with which prrvacy can violated turns into a personal Ob5e$$10n w11h voyeu· rism 'R' ( t hr . 20 min ) (I) MOVIE "Heartland" (1981, Drama) Rip Torn. Conchata Ferrell A rancher and his housekeeper face the rigors of frontier hie In 1910 Wyoming. 'PG' U hr • 35 min.) . D MOVIE "Death Valley" ( 1982, Mystery) Paul LeMat, Peter Blihngsley. A New York youngster rs sent to Arrzona to visit his mother and stumbles across a series of grisly murders. 'A' ( 1 hr • 25 min.) 11:468 THE ROCKFORD ALES D MOVIE "Rash Gordon: The Greatest Adventure 0 1 All" ( t982. Adventure) Animaled Flash Gordon musl convince the warring factions of Mongo to work rogether to overthrow Ming the Mercile5S end stoo his conquest ol earth (R) (2 hrs ) --~IVOACE MEDIATION-- ANON-COMBATIVE PROCEU COUNSELOR·ATTORNEY TEAii REA80NA8LI COST FOR FURTHIR INFO CALL 752-1084 Robert Ql1111r. An.Mr .....,_ O'rrrrr,lll'C)C D MOVIE "The Games" ( 1970, Orama) Ryan O'Neal. Chartcc; Aznavour Four marathon runners travel to Rome to compete 1n the t960 Olympics (2 hrs) 12:009 700 CLUB ()) 784 DAVS THAT CHANGED AMERICA Nancy Dickerson narrates this documentary which traces the Watergt11e Scandal from the break-in on June 17, 1972. 10 President Nixon's resignation two years later and includes interviews with Gerald Ford. John Sirica. John Ehrhchman and Elliot Richardson (2 hrs.) (!) MOVIE "Otley" ( 1969, Comedy) Tom Cour- tenay. Romy Schneider An easygoing loafer's con- tented existence is shattered when he witnesses a rriurder (2 hrs l e OUTER LIMITS fll) MOVIE "V1rg1rna City" ( 1940. Western) Errol Flynn. Miriam Hopkins Spies from lhe North and the Soulh a11empt to outw11 each other and obtain a quantity of gold being held 1n Virginia City. (2 hrs. 30 min ) • ~ MOVIE "I et 's Do It Again" ( 1975. Comedy) Sidney Po111er. Bill Cosby. A milkman and a factory worker engage in belling and hypnotism to raise funds for their lodge. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 52 min.) (E) SPORTSCENTER CZ) MOVIE "The Gumball Rally" ( 1976, Comedy) Michael Sarraz1n. Tim Mcintire A gumball machine is the grand prize in a New York-to-Los Angeles car race which brings all sons of zany characters onto the na11on·s highways and back roads 'PG' ( 1 ht . 47 min) 12:~ 8 NAME OF THE GAME 12:55(8) MOVIE "Looking For Mr Goodbar" ( 1977, Ofama) Diane Keaton. Tuesday Weld. A socially rep1essed schoolteacher seeks excitement by Ire· quenting singles bars and luring va11ous men into one-night stands 'A' (2 hrs. 20 min.) 1:00(£) COLLEGE FOOTBALL Purdue Boilermakers at Noire Dame Fighting Irish (R~ (3 hrs ) g MOVIE "Batllestar Galactica· Conquest 0 1 The Earth" ( 1980, Science-Fiction) Lorne Greene. Kent McCord The Galactica reaches Earth closely pur- sued by a Cylon a11ack force intent on destroying the Q!_anet ( 1 hr . 30 m10.) 1: 10 CJ) THE THIRD NEW YORK BIG LAFF OFF Rob·' ert Klein hosts a comedy showdown featuring five ol New York's best stand-up comics. taped live at the Copacabana ( 1 hr.) 1:30@ NEW STORYTELLERS "Jackie Torrence" This storyteller gives a preview of one ol her ghost stories. "Two White Horses .. IDNEWS 1:45D AT ONE Guest Blase Bonpane. ex·Maryknoll priest ( 1 hr ) 2:00 0 ABC NEWS ~MOVIE "Robin And Marian" ( 1976. Romanoe) Sean Conne1y. Audrey Hepbutn An older and wiser Robin Hood returns from batlle to Sherwood Forest • to re<:taun his beloved Maid Marian. who has entered a convent and taken her vows 'PG' ( 1 hr • 45m1n) (%)MOVIE "lfelVln And Howard" ( 1980, Comedy) Paul LeMat. Jason Robards. An otherwise unknown gas station attendant claims to be the rightful heir 10 Howard Hughes' billion dollar estate 'A' ( I hr • 35 2:05 NEWS min~ · 2: 10 MOVIE "Sphinx" ( 1981. Adventure) F1ank Langella, Lesley-Anne Down. A ruthless black mar ket antiquities ring a11empts to stop an Egyp1olog1st fr om d1SCover1ng tbe whereabouts of a priceless ~~~-ue she was permitted lo view 'PG' ( 1 hr • 59 2:15 NEWS ~30 TOOAY'S RELIGION i MORNtNO STRETCH IT'S YOUR BUSINESS MOVIE ''The Tin Drum" ( 1979, Orama) Oa111d Bennett. Angela Winkler A small boy with • ~ .... .,,.., pQwers or perception rejects politics, humar panlonshlp and even adulthood and wanders &IJ\.. hts country during the tumultuous years ol the Nazi regime. restlessly banging a toy drum 'R' ( 1 hr , 56 2:46 NEWS mini 3:00 NEWSMAKERS James L. Zimmerman Certified Publlc Accountant Full range of.persona112ed professlOMI services for small bu~nesses & lndlvlduals 645-1940 ~ 0 - I I 1 I I Kathryn Grayson makes appearance in ABC's 'What Ever Became of ... ?' (!)JOE FRANKLIN @ NEWS \ 3:1500 MOVIE "Harry's War" (1981. Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Geraldine Page A small-town posrman comes to the aid of his aunt. who owes the IRS back taxes 'PG' ( 1 hr . 40 mm ) 3:30 8 INTERFACE 3:35 CZ) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ... "M~ Steenburgen" 3:50(.C) MOVIE "Little Darlings" ( 1980. Comedy) Tatum O'Neal. Knsty McN1chol Al summer camp. two teen-age girls compete to see who will be the first to rose her virginity 'R' ( 1 hr • 32 mm ) 4:00 (!) JIMMY SWAGGART SPORTSCENTER CZ) MOVIE "L100 01 The Desert" ( t98 1. Drama) Anthony Quinn, Ohver Reed A hard-ndmg Bedouin leader res1sls llaly's attempts to occupy Libya for 20 years 'PG' (2 hrs . 45 min ) 4:05@ FUNTIME • .t: tO(S) MOVIE "Little Darlings" ( 1980, Comedy) Tatum O'Neal. Kosty McN1chol At summer camp. two teen-age girls compete to see who will be the first lo lose her wg1n1ty 'R' ( 1 hr . 32 min ) 4:30 (!) JIM BAKKER 4:35@ I DREAM OF JEANNIE Indiana Jones won't be forgotten yet By FRED ROTHENBERG APT.....,.._W,.., • NEW YORK -"Raiders of the Lost Ark" haa come to television in the form of two network series. It's fine Ch.at TV executives go to the movies. Maybe next time they won't be out buying popcorn during the best parts. ABC's "Tales of the Gold M<>nk~" began Wednesday. CBS' nBring 'F.m Back Alive" starts Friday. Neither will make us forget Indiana Jones and his death-defying escapades, although the CBS copy comes cJoeer in style and disposition. Both imitations take place in exotic climes before World War II. CBS found a piece of Hollywood that looks like Malaya, whlle ABC turned Universal Studios into some isles in the South Pacific. Both borrow bnvtly from Humphrey Bogart films for characters and ambiance, and from the old amais for cloee calla and distressed damlela. "Bring 'Em Back Alive" mlmlcl .Peter Lorre and Sklnev Greenstreet ("Cuablanca") whlle "Gold Monkey'' awipes Walter Brennan'• old rummy from "To .. -r: . I l ·~·,...,. ---·~1_n_•_ld_•~'-v~~__,) Ben Johnson is lovable rogue By JERRY BUCK AIT......._.,..., • LOS ANGELES -He's a tall, big-boned man, whoee eyes aquint a bit, and who has that rollina gait caueed by high-heeled boots and too much time on horaeback- Ben Johnson was born to wear a Stetaon. And when he says hello, he says, "Howdy, podnah." Probably no living actor today is more closely identified with west.em movies than Johnson, who has appeared in such films as "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon," "Wagonmaster," "Rio Grande," "Shane," "One-Eyed Jacks" and "Will Penny." Johnson's latest western is a television movie for CBS (KNXT, Ch. 2) written by Louis L'Amour. It a1sQ stars Tom Selleck, Sam Elliott. Katharine Ros.9, Geoffrey Lewis, Jeffrey Osterhage and Gene Evans. "The Shadow Riders," which will be shown Tuesday at 8 p.m .. is a welcome sight for eyes strained by too many car chases and flying bullets colliding with unwilling bodies. It's a beaut', podnah! Selleck and Elliott star as two brothers returning from the Civil War only to find that their sisters and brother have been kidnapped by a band of renegades and taken to Mexico. The 64-year-old Johnson plays their uncle, Black Jack Traven, a lovable rogue they bust out of jail to guide them into Mexico. "The Shadow Riders" is, in a way, a continuation of "The Sacketts," a miniseries that ran on NBC several years ago. In "The Sacketta," Johnson played Cap Roundtree. "Cap was a little more sympathetic than Black Jack." Johnson said. "Black Jack's kind of an old son-of-a-gun. He'd get drunk and do things the community didn't approve of." Even before he became an actor, Johnson was a wrangler and did stunt riding for John Wayne Gary Cooper: James Cagney, James Stewart and many other celluloid cowpokes. Johnson was a cowboy on a ranch in his n:ative Oklahoma when the late billionaire industrialist Howard Hughes hired him to bring some horses to California for the (Um, "The Outlaw." Johnson was suddenly making more money than he'd ever seen and he stayed. But he took off some time in the 1950s to go on the rodeo circuit and was named World Champion Team Roper. "I did everything when I got to Hollywood," he says. "I shoveled horse manure, drove trucks, worked as a wrangler. I got kidded a Jot because even after I started getting starring roles rd still go back and shovel manure or drive a lnlck. I never cared about being a movie star. I wanted to stay There's a greater sense of fun about "Bring 'Em Back Alive." Bruce Boxleitner, a Roberl Redford look-alike, is the swashbuckling animal hunter Frank Buck. Playing the role with his tongue playfully inside his cheek, Buck Is a jet- setter in the prop age, capturing animals for the world's zoos and female hearts for his own scrapbook. 'nle makers got the feel of "Raiders" down fairly well in the first epi8ode, with an authentic· looking tiger chaae, diabolical Nazis, celling Cans, sweltering heat, teeming streets, and._ wicker, wicker everywhere. , Every'"'!~ minutes, just in time for a commercial, our hero gets to solve a perilous predicament. One time, the American vi<.'e consul drives her car into the swamp. followed by aome alimy crocodiles. Alt.er a word from our apoNOr Buck rescues thl11 brHthleaa, blond beauty by grapevine -to the accompaniment of music n!9embling the "Supenna.n" \heme. Ben Johnson is the last of the great American cowboys two, three runp down so I could always work. "I was fortunate that I always had something else to do." he says. "I had my ranch and cattle. 1 was always able to stay Ben Johnson and make a living at it." Johnson won an Academy Award as best supporting actor for a non-western, "The Last Picture Show." To Johnson, the Louis L'Amour shows "are the best in town. and if we continue on with them, you're going to get more reality and more entertainment than with anything around. "You can take your family to something like this," he said. "I'm not a fan of pictures with all those four-letter words. SofJle of us have to stay real or we'll lose this business. "All of our great western movi:emakers are gone," he said. "I gues,, I'm one of the few still around. I remember the last thing John Ford (the late ~r) said to me: 'Ben, don't ever forget to stay~·-" adventurer Jake Cutter and his feisty one-eyed dog, Jack, plunge into danger on a fiery volcanic island where ferocious man-sized monkeys guard a coveted giant golden idol when a sabotaged seaplane and a captivating American woman agent draw Jake into a death-defying race with a murderous German 11py and a cunning South Seas princess ... " Whew. Only the ahow ls more full of wlnd. When a series relies on thrills and spills rather than characters and plot, U better deliver aome chills. The actors hive been covered in sweat for pseudo-realism. but ''Gold Monkey" confuses persplration for mt'flY and exdtement. The first show was an endless eeries of fights and fUght.a. The Germans IOUnd like Arte Johrwon from "Lal.l,lh·ln," and there 1a a dumb running gag about Jake losing Jack's eye In a poker game because Jake didn't understand whet.tier one Datk WU yes or no. Thankfully, the mutt Wean a J)ltch. Patriotimn a,n4.the blond (Gloria Marlowe) att alwaya interferiJll with Buck's lifestyle. "Politics The snake scene In "Raiden .. haa been Isn't my game.'' he •YI· But he eventually accepts re-created, but the budget allowed for only ont his calling: "We've got a Job to do for Uncle Sam.'' autUtt, and tt looked more like a hie worm. Thia won't keep you on the edce of your 1eat.a, The •t.ronatst redeem1na featun!ll of ''Ta>e. o( but 1.~ m.i8ht keep ~ ln ~· , the Gold Monk~y" a.re the blalina. lwir~ credl~ Gold Monk.y w..in t bemao luck . It domn t ~ by•a rouetna k'OC'e from MSb PQ1t ("Hill I pt":!!.~!'* aatlre or ~~~·~ Stnet Bluee"( and Peter Carpen.~ arw~11\JI~ . ·'~ J The next 6P mlnuta ciflltlffl~.!;·a " J r •:5500 "Headin' For Broadway" ( 1980 Musical) Rex Smith. V1v1an Reed. ( 1 hr .. 29 min ) · 5:00~ "Altered States" ( 1980, Sc1ence-F1c11on) Wilham Hurt. Blair Brown. ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) 5:30 ~ "Rashomon" ( 1950. Drama) Mach1to Kyo, Tosh1ro M1fune ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 6:05@ "Gidget" ( 1959. Comedy) Sandra Dee. Cliff Robertson. (2 hrs.) 6:30(%) "All The Marbles" ( 1981, Comedy) Peter Falk, Burt Young ( 1 hr . 55 min ) 7:00 U "Captain Scarlell And The Mysterons From Mars" (1981, Fantasy) Puppets. ( 1 hr .. 35 min) 7:30(C) "Death In Venice" ( 1971. Drama) Dirk Bogarde. Silvana Mangano (2 hrs .. 10 min.) ® "The Looney. Looney. Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" ( 1981. Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel Blanc. June Foray ( t hr., 20 min ) 8:00(5) "P1nchclilf Grand Pm\'' ( 1980. Adventure) Animated ( 1 hr . 30 min) 8:30(1) "Chu Chu And Th e Philly ,Flash" ( 1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett ( 1 hr . 40 m1n.J_ 9:001§1 "Rob111 And Marian" ( 1976, Romance) Sean Connery. Audrey Hepburn ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 9:30CD "Out 01 The Past" ( 1947. Drama) Kirk Dou_..9.!as. Jane Greer (2 hrs) 10:00(!) "It's Always Fair Weather" ( 1955. Musical) Gene Kelly. Dan Dailey (2 hrs.) m "Possessed" ( 1947. Drama) Joan Crawford, Van Heflin (2 hrs ) ~ "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980, Drama) John Travol- ta. Debra Winger (2 hrs . 12 min ) CID "The Pilot" ( 1980. Drama) Cliff Robertson. Diane Baker I 1 hr . 34 min ) (S) "The Outrage" ( 1964, Drama) Paul Newman. Laurence Harvey ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 10:05@ "An American Dream" ( 1966, Drama) Stu- art Whitman. Janet Leigh (2 hrs ) 10:30Cll ''The Scarlet Empress" ( 1934. Drama) Mar- lene D1e1r1ch Sam Jaffe ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 11:001§1 "G1g1" ( t958. Musical) Maurice Chevalier. Leslie Caron ( 1 hr . 55 min ) . \F. l lJ{ :\< >< >:\ \I< )\ · 11-~s 12:00 8 "Powder River" ( 1953. Western) Rory Cal· houn. Connne Ca1ve1 ( l hr 30 min ) (~ "Harry's War" ( 1981. Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Geraldine Page ( 1 hr . 40 min ) 12:30CD "The Brothers Rico'' ( 1957, Drama) Rich· ard Conte, Dianne Foster (2 hrs ) CC) "The Hanging Tree" ( 1959. Western) Gary Cooper. Maria Schell ( 1 hr . 46 min ) (l) "Allegro Non Troppo" ( 1976. F<intasy) Animal· ed ( 1 hr . 25 min ) 1:00® "Greased Lightning" ( 1977. Biography) Richard Pryor. Beau Bridges ( l hr . 36 min ) g "All N1ghl Long" (1981. Comedy) Gene Hack- man. Barbra Streisand ( 1 hr 28 min ) 1:30(!) "The Relative Solution" (1971 , Mystery) Burt Reynords. Richard Anderson ( 1 hr. 30 min.) 2:00 CZ) "Death Valley" ( 1982. Mystery) Paul LeMal. Peler B1lhngsley ( t hr . 25 min) 2:30(5) "Momm1e Dearest" ( 1981. Drama) Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarwid (2 hrs .. 9 min) U "The HaZtQg" ( 1977,•Drama) Jeff East. Brad Davis. ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 3:00® "Aollercoasier" ( 1977. Suspense) George S~al, Timothy Bolloms ( 1 hr .. 59 min ) CO "Bus11n· Loose" ( 1981 , Comedy) Richard Pryor. Cicely Tyson ( 1 hr . 34 min) 3:30CZ) "All The Marbles" ( 1981, Comedy) Peter Falk, Burt Young ( 1 hr . 55 min ) •:OO~ "How I Won The War" (1968, Comedy) M1ehael Crawford, John Lennon. ( 1 hr .. 51 min.) . •:30 U "Heart beeps" ( 198 t, Comedy) Andy Kaul· man. Bernadette Peters ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 6:00® "The Looney. Looney. Loo,,ey Bugs Bunf)y Movie" ( 1981, Comedy) Animated. Voices by Met Blanc. June Foray ( 1 hr . 20 min.) ([) "The Hand" { 1981, Horror) Michael Caln~ Andrea Marcov1cc1 ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) ~ "The Incredible Voyage· Of Stingray" ( 1965. Science-Fiction) Puppets. ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) (I) "Pinchchlf Grar:id Prix" ( 1980. Adventur') mated. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 5:05 al> "Georgy Girl" ( 1966. Comedy) RedJl!.ave. Alan Bates. (2 hrs.) 6:30(1) ."Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" (1981. Comedy) Alan Arkin, Carol Burnett. ( t hr . 40 min.) I .\ I "'"'. ; -------~ ~ -=~=o-=--· ~ ------· Melissa Gilbert is sad about saying goodbye to Michael Landon on ~L'ittle House' D ®l NFL FOOTBALL Cinc1nna11 Bengals al Cleveland Browns Q (3 hrs) I CBS NEWS EIGHT IS ENOUGH MOVIE "Bus Stop" ( 1956, Comedyr Manry~ Monroe.' Arthur O'Connell The hves or several tra- velers aie changed when they are stranded at a snowbound bus stop. (2 hrs ) I S.WAT. HAWAII FIVE-0 OVER EASY Guest Jane Fonda (R) Q NBC NEWS 6!) UNOEAST ANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (C) MOVIE "Breaker Morant" ( 1980. Orama) Edward Woodward. Jack Thompson Australians .conscripted 10 fight on England's side In the Boer War' decide to fight the Boer guerillas on their own term~ 'PG" ( 1 hr • 46 min ) U MOVIE "Gigi" (1958. Musical) Maurice Cheval- ier. Leslie Caron. A tomboy being groomed by her aunt and grandmother sets out on her own 10 catch a man.11 hr .. 5.5 min) 6:30 Cl) W NEWS fD DICK CAVETT Guest actress Mona Wash· bourne. (R) '1\) SEWING POWER CID PARDON ME FOR LIVING Margaret Hamilton stars in !he story of two 1 t·year-olds who learn the true meaning of friendship. CS) MOVIE "Brian's Song" (1971. Drama) James Caan, Billy Dee Williams Two football players share a rare friendship until cancer claims one of them ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) • 7:00 U CBS NEWS . I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN P.M. MAGAZINE How clothes reveal an ind1v1du al's personality. the finals of a poker championship Ion Lf ~~S ~LO 19 BUSINESS REPORT TEDOY PENDERGRASS IN CONCERT Video- taped at London's Odeon Hall. lhis performance by one of soul's biggest superstat& foatures many qj his hits. ( 1 hr. CD MOVIE "The Formula" ( 1980, Orama) Marlon fl Brando. George C. Scott WAiie investigating the _'lJ murder of a colleague. a veteran cop uncovers a conspiracy involving the suppression of a synthellc ~ fuel I or mu la by an 011 cartel. 'R' ( 1 hr • 5 7 min.) -t ©) HUGHIE Jason Robards and Jack Dodson star < in Eugene O'Ne1ll's one·act play about two men • from opposite worlds who share the loneliness of ~ the big city. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 7:05(IDNEWS ~ 7:15(%) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH... 0: "M~ Steenburgen" ~ 7:308 2·0 N THE TOWN Featured: an interview with CJ> Bob. Newhart: a look al television's "babysitters" of CD the 50s. a v1s1t lo an exercise studio for ot-erwe1ght '2. women. CD _ _.m f.m.FAMIL Y...FEUO 3 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY g- • TIC TAC DOUGH ., .. MADAME'S PLACE ~ M•A•S•H ..... SIGNATURE Guest John Osborne. co MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT ~ • GREAT PERFORMANCES "Staying On" Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard star as an aging Eng- lish army couple who elect to remain 1n India alter its independence. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • (%)MOVIE "Allegro Non Troppo" ( 1976. Fantasy) Animated Life in the machine age 1s sa11nzed 'PG' l 1 hr , 25 min ) · • 8:008 SQUARE PEGS (Premiere) Two fnends ven- ture into their first day as high school freshmen determined to beeome popular on campus D G) LITTLE HOUSE: A NEW BEGINNING (Sea- son Premiere) Charles sells his farm to a young cou- ple, and Laura makes room 1n her home for Alman- zo's brother and niece. (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) U MOVIE "Lovers And Other Strangers" ( 1970 Comedy)• Gig Young. Anne Jackson. A moder~ young couple's courtship and wedding are interre- lated with the lives of their families and friends (2 hrs) Cl) PUBLIC AFFAIRS G MOVIE "Casablanca" ( 1943. Drama) lngfld Bergman. Humphrey Bogart. A gambling casino owner holds the key lo the escape of a French Resistance leader and his wile, who are fleeing from the Nazis. (2 hrs ) Cf) MADAME'S PLACE 8) P.M. MAGAZINE How clothes reveal an 1nd1v1du al's personal11y, !he finals of a poker champ1onsh1p in Lake Tahoe m MOVIE "Zandy's Bride" ( t974. Romance) Gene Hackman. Liv Ullmann A warrn understand 1ng develops between a crude pioneer rancher and his new mail-order bride desp11e the harsh 1rea1men1 he gives her (2 hrs) t3 MIXED BAG "Momarr· Mothers ot filmmakers are seen in many different hghts fl) GREAT PERFORMANCES "Staying On" Cella Johnson and Trevor Howard star as an aging Eng- lish army couple who elect to remain in India afler 11s independence. (R) ( 1 hr. 30 min) ~MOVIE "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980. Orama) John Travol1a. Debra Winger A blue-collar worker who lanc1es hirnself a modern-day cowboy tails tn love with a girl he meets 1n a popular country-nnd·wes1- ern bar 'PG' (2 hrs .. 12 min ) (E) SPORTSCENTER CID MOVIE "The Nesttng" ( t980. Horror) Gloria Grahame. John Carradine. A novehsl rents a seclud- ed Vlctonan mansion where she begins having strange. ero11c dreams 'R' ( t hr .. 45 min) Cl) MOVIE "Momm1e Dearest" (1981, Drama) Faye Dunaway. Otana Scarwld. Forties film star Joan Crawford raises her two adopted ch11dten In a domesftc atmosphere that varies from luxurious comfort to sadistic d1sciphne. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) II MOVIE "Aobtn And Marian" ( 1976. Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. An older and wiser Robin Hood returns from battle to Sh01wood Fores! to reclaim his beloved Maid Marian, who has entered a convent and taken her vows. 'PG' ( t hr 45mln " 8:05@ l CONVERSATION WITH JACQUES COUS- TEAU Jacques Cousteau and R.E. "Ted" Turner discuss the Cousteau Society's work along d the l , I l .. , I t8 ~Monday (rontinued) OI> ... .., N Amazon River. lhe problems of nuclear war ano rne world ~u1a11on explosion . 8:3011 Cl) PRIVATE BENJAMIN (Season Premiere) Judy concoct£ a plan to have one of the lirst U S astronaurs vlSlt Fort Bradley to get some ellposure for Colonel Fielding i HAWAII FIVE-0 ODD COUPLE GERTRUDE STEIN, GERTRUDE STEIN, GER- TRUDE STEIN Pat Carroll stars in this one-woman Oil-Broadway show about Gerlrude Stein's years 1n Parts lrom 1903 10 1935 (2 hrs) CO) MOVIE "Fists 01 Fury" ( 1973, Adventure) Bruce Lee. Maria Y1 A marital arrs expert ltnds unexpected danger when he goes 10 work in a Ban_g!<ok ice factory 'R' ( 1 hr , 43 min.) 8:35 (!Z) MOVIE "Jolson Sings Again" ( 1950. Biogra- phy) Larry Parks. Barbara Hale This sequel to "The Jolson Srory" dep1c1s Jolson's comeback. his remarriage. and his lrips v1s111ng overseas lroops durt~ World War II (2 hrs.) 9:00 6 (I) MOVIE "Drop-Qui Father" (Premiere. Comedy) Dick Van Dyke, Mariette Hartley. A suc- cessful adver11s1ng man drops our of the business world's rat race and leaves his home and family for a lolli!Parlmenl 1n New York City (2 hrs ) D W MOVIE "On The Road Again" ( 1980. Romance) W1ll1e Nelson. Dyan Cannon While on tour. a country-wesrern singer becomes 1n11olved with the young daughter of his longtime road corn· panion even though he sull loves his stay-at-home wile (2 hrs) Q THAT'S INCREDIBLEI (Season Premtere) Fea· tured a man outraces a horse. a woman survives being buried 1n an avalanche. a ma1nrenance man becomes a m1ll1onaue live rimes over. rhe results ol the scholarship conrest ( t hr J ~ DON CORYELL 8) MERV GRIFFIN ··salute To 'Too Close For Com- fort' •· Guesrs Ted Knight. Nancy Dussault. Audrey Meadows. Jm J Bullock. Lydia Cornell. Det>Orah Van Valkenburgh ( 1 hr ) '1!) THE TAJ MAHAL Indian actor SaeecJ Jaffrey relates the moving love story and the cultural h1story which inspired lhe cons1ruc11on ot lhe Tai Mahal 1n India CE) BOXING Coverage of lhe Bobby Czyz I Chris Linson 10-round m1ddlewe1gh1 boul from the Amert· cana Horel 1n Grear Gorge. N J (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min) (]J MOVIE "Agency" ~ 198 1. Suspense) Robert Mitchum. Lee Ma1ors The new head of a major American advertising ltrm uses a children's break- fasr drink campaign to 1ransm11 subltminal polttlcal messages 'A' ( 1 hr . 35 min ) (%) MOVIE "The Scarlet Empress" { 1934. Drama) Marlene D1e1r1ch. Sam Jaffe A Russian Grand Duke has a stormy rela11onsh1p with his wife. who goes on lo become known as Catherine 1he Great ( 1 h~ • 45 m1n1 9:30(!) YOU ASKED FOR IT OJ MOVIE "Shamus" ( 1973, Mystery) Burt Rey- nolds. Dyan Cannon While hunting down srolen dia- monds. a de1ec11ve-becomes involved with beautiful women and Sinister men (2 hrs ) fl) THE TAJ MAHAL Indian actor Saeed Jaffrey relates the moving love story and lhe cultural htslory which inspired the construction of the Ta1 Mahal 1n India '1l) PHILIP GUSTON: A LIFE LIVED A profile of patnler Ph11tp Gusron includes an 1n1erv1ew with the arttst and a look at his last retrospective at the Sen Francisco Museum of Modern Art ( 1 hr ) 10:ooeaee NEWS G MOVIE "Hustling" ( 1975. Drama) Lee Remick. Monte Markham. A woman reporler takes a firsr- hand look al lhe big-money world of prostltutiof'I ( 1 hi. JO min) (!) PSYCHIC PHENOMENA • PHILIP GUSTON: A LIFE LIV~ A profile ol painter Phihp Guston includes an Interview with the arllst and a look ar his last retrospective at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Ar1 . ( 1 hr.) CID MOVIE "The Pilot'' ( 1980, Drama) Clltt Robert-son. Diane Baker. A p11o1 turns to drinking lo escape the unhappiness of his mamage and the lrusrratiof'I of his career ·po· ( 1 hr. 34 min.) 9 MOVIE "Kntghlrlders" (1981, Adventure) Ed Harris. Gary Lahti A group of bikeri ride with a rraveftng renaissance fair and discove< thal the ldealtSllC srruggle againsr evil eiusls In modern times also 'R' (2 hrs, 25 min.) 10:30. INOEPENOENT NETWORK NEWS I S-IONATURE Guest· Joe Theisman U.S. CHRONICLE "High School" How well edu- cated loday's htgh school graduates reaJly are Is examned CC> MOVIE "Mad Max" ( 1980. Drama) Mel GlbsOn, Joanne. Samuel. In an Australia of Iha not-loo-dla- tant fu1u1e, the friends and famlly of a top highway putSUlt polk:em•n become the targets of sadist\C ; ;·~~~tr.(~w9~~'1~~ Mitchum, Lizabeth Scott. A racketeer is double- crossed by his own men whan he has a political ·--...~·'."'C="""" _ _,.~~~~~-~°"'-==-= candidate "Sloolpig99.tCkilled. (2 hrs.) =...,,,.........,.....,~ ---... (fl MOVIE "'Strange Homecoming'' ( 1974, Mys- Dyan Cannon is wife of country music star in 'On the Road Again' performs his biggest Ms in a concert hve from the Holtday Star Theatre tn Merr11111111e. lndtana ( 1 hr ) MOVIE "Texas Lightning" (1981, Drama) Channing M1lchell. Maureen McCormick A boy's weekend hunting trtp w1lh his lather turns into an 1ni11a1ton 1n10 manhood 'R' ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 10:35@ MOVIE "The Brotherhood" ( 1968. D<ama) Kirk Douglas, Alex Cord. When rwo brothers become enemies because of Maha conflicts. one flees 10 Sicl!Y.1_2 hrs.) t 1:00 fJ D CIJ m NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT .. IN SEARCH OF ... JOE FRANKLIN M"A"S"H STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO MIXED BAG "Momart" Mothers of filmmakers are seen in many different ltghts ~ B~NESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "The Garden Of Venus" ( 1980. West- ern) Michael Conrad. Chuck Connors. Members of a Mormon family become the targets of their greedy neighbors when they move to an Ar12ona ranch thal happens 10 be sltttng on top of a huge copper deposit ( 1 hr .. 25 min ) (%j MOVIE "The Cooform1sr· (1971, Orama) Jean- louis fonttgnant, Dominique Sanda Directed by Bernardo Bertolucc1 A philosophy professor slrug· gles 10 ma1n1a1n some semblance of normalcy amid the rerrors or Fascist Italy tn 1937 'A' ( 1 hr . 55 minj_ 11:30 fJ ()) TRAPPER JOHN, M.O. Gonzo 11sks his 1ob when he feels morally compelled to tell the press about unsafe conditions at a nuclear plant. (R) { 1 hr. 10 min.) D e TONIGHT Guest host· Joan Rivers. Guests: IDeb:~len. Lily Tomlin. ( 1 hr.) YOU ASKED FOR IT ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE THE JEFFERSONS GERTRUDE STEIN, GERTRUDE STEJN, GER- TRUDE STEIN Pat Catroll stars In this one-woman Oft-Broadway show about Gertrude Stein's years tn Patis from 1903 16 1935. (2 hrs.) I FOCUS ON SOCIETY CAPTIONED ABC Newr ... SPORTSCENTEA MOVIE "Looker" ( 198 •. Science-Fiction) Albert Finney. James Coburn. The myster1ous deaths of a sefles of beautiful models Involved In • new a<MlftlSlng project 11e blamed on the plastic su1geon who operated on them. 'PG' ( 1 ht .• 34 mlnl_ 11:40 CB) TEOOV PENOERGRA88 IN CONCERT Videotaped at London's Odeon HaM, this perform- ance by one of IOUl'S biggest &Yperstara features man~o 1'11$hlts. (1 hr.) 12:00 ENTERTAINMENTTOMGHT I NEW& NIQHTUNE MOVtE "Tht Ou1tt Amtrie1n" (1958, Oram11) Audie Murphy, MICl'la~I Redgrave. A young Ameri- can 1s dttt1mlnod 10 end the wat In Southt .. l Asia using_ l}lt _~wn means (2 hrfs. t, , , i' .. ·!.\'!'.;..\~k..tllli.. Cl) ~ "The Rlckt t" Ml~"""~Jl"~t -tery) Roberl Culp, Glen Campbell. Alter being imprisoned for 18 years on charges of robbery and murder. a man returns home to his loving relatives. (2 hr&.) • MOVIE "Once More. With Feeling'" (1960. Comedy) Yul Brynnet. Kay Kendall. Aller losing his 1a1en1 and his wife, an orchestra conductor tries to '.!1la1n both (2 hrs ) • LOVE, AMERICAN ST)'L~ 12:05 ~ MOVIE "The Hanging Tree" ( 1959, Wes I· ern) Gary Cooper, Maria Schell •A doctor kills a man while rescuing a girl and is almost lynched by a drunken mob ( t hr . 46 min ) CS) MOVIE "Brian's Song" ( 1971. Drama) James Caan. Billy Dee W1lltams Two football players share a rare fr1endsh1p un111 cancer claims one of lhem. ( 1 hr. 15 min) 12:308 fZ LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guesrs· W1llial'(l F Buckley. Warren Zevon ( 1 hr.) I COUPLES MOVIE "Summerrree" (1971, Drama) Michael Douglas. Jack Warden. Aller dropping our of col- lege and losing faith 1n his girllriend, a young guitar player is drafted 10 serve In Vietnam ( 1 hr . 30 min) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE INSIDE BASEBALL (A) MOVIE "A Sale Place" ( 1971. Drama) Tuesday Weld. Orson Welles A rroubled young woman is unable to d11ferent1ate betwee!ahty and fantasy 'PG' ( t hr . 34 min ) 0 MOVIE "Thiel" ( 1981, Dra a) James Caan. Tuesday Weld A professional crook gtVes up his independence for a btg score that he hopes wtll secure his family's future 'A' (2 hrs ) 12:35@ MOVIE "Who Killed Teddy Bear?" ( 1966. Drama) Jultet Prowse. Sat Mineo. A nightclub host- ess befriends a bust>Oy who turns out to be a psy· chot1c telephone prankster (2 hrs) 12:40 fJ Cl) COLUMBO A 1elev1s1on actor uses a story lrom one ol his own scnpls to kill his producer and former lover ( 1 hr . 35 min.) CID MOVIE "Aollercoasrer" ( 1977. Suspense) George Segal. T1mo1hy Bottoms A safety Inspector desperately anempts to find the extor1ton1s1 who 1s planting homemade explosives in America's leading amusement parks 'PG' ( 1 hr . 59 min.) 1:009 GENE AUTRY m MOVIE "Three Violent People" ( 1956. West· ern) Charlton Heston. Anne Baxter. Two men and a woman become Involved In a triangle while fighting an unlair provisional government. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (!) COLLEGE FOOTBALL UCLA Bruins al M1ch1· Q!_n Wolverines (R) (3 hrs.) (Z) MOVIE "Death Game" ( 1977. Suspense) Son· dra Locke, Seymour Cassel While his wife ls away. a man inV11es two attractive teen-age girls into his house for the night, later discove<ing thal the young beauries are hom1ctdal maniacs. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 28 min.) 1: 16(0) MOVIE "Altered Slates" ( 1980, Science-F"te· t1on) Wilham Hurt. Blair Brown A Harvard scten· list's genetic structure is allered when he conducts mind -expanding experiments w11h tSOlaltoo tanks and_£<>Werful hallucinogens 'R' ( 1 hr .. :43 mtn ) 1:20(1) MOVIE "Sex Ray" (Comedy) A futurishc man creates a ray gun w11h the power to make any woman fall hopelessly In love { 1 hr . 9 min ) 1:30D• NBC NEWS O~NIGHT eGENEAUTRY 2:00.NEWS •CC) MOVIE "The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood" ( 1978, Comedy) Martine Beswicke. Adam West. The queen of the call girts goes to the him capital 10 make a movie based on her autobiography. 'R' ( 1 hr •. 25mln) CD MOVIE "Busttn' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Rich· ard Pryor. Cicely Tyson. A bumbling burglar, a con- cerned schoolteacher and eighl childten make a frlQhlentng cross-country trip in a broken-down school bus. 'R' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) 2:051iNEWS 2:1& NEWS 2:30 MOANING STRETCH I MOVIE "Harry's War" ( 1~81 . Comedy) Edward Herrmann, Geraldine Page. A small-town postman comes to the aid of his aunt, who owes the IRS back tax". 'PG' ( t ht .... o min.) e MOVIE "Massacre At Central High" ( t976. Dr•· ma) Andrew Stevens, Robert Carradine. A crusade fOf revenge begins after a prank that went too far was pulled on the quieter studenls by a group of bo<ed hlah·school frtendS. 'R' ( 1 hr., 27 min.) CZ) M091E "All The Marbles" (1981, Comedy) Peter Falk. Burt Young A hustling, wiSeeracklng manager pushes 1'118 two female wrestlers toward the top. 'R' ( 1 hr •• 55 min ) • 2:36 Ql) WORLD AT LAAGE 2:40(8) MOVIE ''Whch Way II Up?" (1977. ~ dy) Richard PtyOf, Lonetle McK ... A MJl•S1arved In.iii Pie~~~ c•~~tJn •.~le crQlllflca ~twe:en hll uniotl ~~~I :, • •11r >\ ,;• •1·· 1l) ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 Ti da 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT Ues Y SIGNATURE Guest: Colleen Dewhurst. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT IM•A"S*H . MONEYMAKERS l • ~ RACE FOR TAE PENNANT Barry Tom pk Ins and r \I< >l C\ I \:( ; \ I< >\. I ES 6:00(t) "Tribute" ( 1980. Drama) Jack Lemmon. Robby Benson. (2 hrs.) CID "The Kid From Not-So-Big" ( 1978. Comedy) Jennifer McAllister, Robert Viharo. ( 1 hr . 30 min) 0 "Starcrash" ( 1979. Sc1ence-F1ct1on) Maqoe Gortner. Christopher Plummer ( 1 hr. 32 min) CZ) "Malvin And Howard" ( 1980, Comedy) Paul LeMat. Jason Robards ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 6:05@ "Dear Ruth" ( 1947, Comedy) Joan Caul~ field. Wilham Holden (2 hrs ) 7:00(1) "Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears" ( 1980. Comedy) Vera Atentova. Alexei Batalov (2 hrs , 25 m1nl_ 7:30 CID "Cattle Annie And Little Britches" (1981, Western) Burt Lancaster . John Savage ( 1 hr .. 35 m1nJ_ 8:00(.C) "S1nbad And The Eye Of The Tiger" ( 1977. Adventure) Patrick Wayne, Jane Seymour ( 1 hr 53m1n) 0 ''Legend Of The Wild" ( 1980) 'PG' (2 hrs) cz:> "The Contorm1st" ( 1971, Drama) Jean-Louis Tnnt1gnant. Dominique Sanda Directed by Bernar- do Bertolucc1. ( 1 hr . 55 min ) 9:30 Q) "The Eflect 01 Gamma Rays On Man-tn- The-Moon Mangotds" ( 1973. Drama) Joanne Woodward, Nell Polls. (2 hrs ) 10:00(!) "The Black Shield Of Falworth" ( 1954, Adventure) Tony Curlis, Janel Leigh (2 hrs.) G) "I'm All Right, Jack" ( 1960, Comedy) Ian Car· m1chael. Peter Sellers (2 hrs ) CC) "Return 01 A Man Called Horse" ( 1976, Adven- ture) Richard Harns. Gale Sondergaard. (2 hrs.) CID "Circle Of Two" ( 1980. Romance) Richard Bur- ton, Tatum O'Neat ( 1 hr . 40 min) (1) "Key To The City" ( 1950. Comedy) Clark Gable. Loretta Young. ( 1 hr . 40 rmn ) CZ) "Chu Chu Ano The Philly Flash" ( 1981. Come- dy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett. ( l hr .. 40 min) 10:05@ "ti's A Great Feeling" (1949. Comedy) Doris Day, Jack Carson (2 hrs.) 10:300 "Nobody's Perfekt" ( 1981, Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Alex Karras. ( 1 hr . 36 min.) . \ l· .. 1 lJC\< >< >:\ \I< )\,I l ·~S 12:008 "Swamp Water" (1941. Mystery) Dana Andrews. Walter Brennan. Directed by Jean Renoir. (1 hr . 30 min ) ct) "The Glass Bottom Boat" ( 1966, Comedy) Dons Day, Rod Taylor. ( 1 hr . 50 min.) CZ> "Wanted. Babysitter" ( 1976. Drama) Marta Schneider, Sydne Rome. ( 1 hr .. SO min.) 12:30m "The Man From The Diners' Club" ( 1963. Comedy) Danny Kaye, Cara Williams. (2 hrs) 0 "Zoot Suit" (1981. Drama) Daniel Valdez. Edward James Olmos ( 1 hr. 43 min.) 1:00® "The Irishman" ( 1978. Drama) A proud Irishman refuses to yield 10 progress when his busi- ness as a teamster is threatened by motorized tran~ortat1on. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 1:30(f) "Castle Keep" (1969, Drama) Burt Lancas· ter. Peter Falk. (1 hr., 30 min.) 2:00(C)"Bnan'sSong" (1971. Drama) JamesCaan. Billy Dee Williams ( 1 hr .. 15 min,) CZ) "Death Valley" ( 1982. Mystery) Paul LeMat. Peter Billingsley. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 2:3011 "Starcrash" ( 1979, Science-Flctt0n) MarjOe Gertner. Christopher Plummer ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 3:00(B) "Cattle Annie And Little Britches" (198 1, Western) Burt Lancaster. John Savage. ( 1 hr .. 35 min) CD "lnsfde Moves" ( 1980. Orama) John Savage, OaVld Morse ( 1 hr , 53 min ) 3:30(C) "Slnbad And The Eye Of The Ti!Jef" ( 1977, Adventure) Patrick Wayne, Jane Seymour. ( 1 hr .. 53min.) - (I) "My Champion" ( 1981, Drama) Yoko Shima- da, Chris Mitchum. ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) CZ) "The Bed Sitting Room" ( 1969, Comedy) Rita Tushi~ham. Sir Ralph Richardson. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 4:300 "Jack And The Beanstalk" (1976, Fantasy) Animated. ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 5:00(1) "The War Lover" ( 1962, Drama) Steve McOueen. Robert Wagner. (2 hrs.) CD "MOdern Romance" (1981, Comedy) Albert Brooks, Kathryn Harrold. ( 1 hr., 33 min.) cm "Free Splrll" ( 1978. Drama) Eric Porter. Rachel Robefts. ( 1 hr .. 30 min,) CI> ·•Att The Marbles" (1981, Comedy) Peter Falk. Burt Young. (1 hr., 55 min.) . 6:06al> "Fathom" ( 1967. Adventure) Tony Francio- sa. Raquel Welch. (2 hrs.) 6:30(8) "The Kid From Not-So-Big" (1978, Come- dy) Jennifer McAllister, Robert Vlharo. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (I) "Nonh By NOflhwest" ( 19691 S~M), Cary Grant Ev• Matlt S1int. (2 ht~IHll\l'JO 1'1r.tn11 li'1 Chez Liste r joins Merlin Olsen on 'Father Murphy' 6:008118NEWS ())CBS NEWS S.W.A.T. , I EIGHT IS ENOUGH ABCNEWSQ HAWAII FIVE-0 OVER EASY Guests: husband-and-wife acting team Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy (R) Q fDNBCNEWS CO HUMANmES THROUGH THE ARTS CC) MOVIE "Tribute" ( 1980. Drama) Jack Lem· mon. Robby Benson. An irresponsible Broadway press agent begins to regret his wasted hie and his tenuous relationship with his grown son. 'PG' (2 hrs.) 0 MOVIE "Legend Of The Wild" ( t980) 'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 6:30 Cl) Im NEWS ®)BARNEY MILLER e DICK CAVETT Guest: magician Tony Stydlnl ~)GROWING YEARS 6:40 cm CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS ABCNEWSO P.M. MAGAZINE A visit.to the menagerie of Illu- sionists .Siegfr1ed and Roy; in-home fishing tackle lsal~~~~MlHT M•A"'s•H • JOKER'S WILD CABARET "Eileen Farrell: The Diva Sings Pop" This opera star performs Amertcan popula1 classics. including a Gershwin medley. • G BUSINESS REPORT (8) TALKING SEX ... WTTH YOUR KIDS A panel of experts a"swer questions concerning talking with chHdren about sensitive sexual topics. ([) MOVIE "The Jazz Singer" ( 1980, MuSlcal) Nell Diamond, Laurence Olivier. A New Y0<k cantor breaks with family tradition and sets out to firld suc- cess as a poe music star. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 55 mln.) cm MOVIE 'Runaway Island" (Adventure) Miies Buchanan, Simone Buchanan. In 1830& Australia. two youngsters escape the clutches of a c0trupt ~ernOf'. ( t hr .. 35 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" (1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett. An .atcOhollc formel' baseball player and a kOOl<y street entertain- er beeome partners In a scheme to make money by returning a lost sultcaee. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 mfn.) 7:06al)NEW8 7:30. 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a vlSlt With Ste- ven ~pietbe<g's mother, Le41h Adler; an lnsomnlac's • tour ot Los Angeles: a visit to the Clty of lnduStry to see Whet happens when $0m9, tennla greats turn ~• f0< a champlOt'ls;;~j'"•ment. ,lll:i£ ... ,~ \ I Tim McCarver cover all the bases leading to the '8 1982 World Series. 7:35@ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at San Francisco ~ Giants (3 hrs., 15 min.) 7:4011 SPOTLIGHT PREVIEW Host Robert Osborne ~ looks at the movies and specials coming up on ':< Spot11ghl. (3 hrs .. 22 min.) (I) 8:008 (I) BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE (Premiere) .g Frank Buck tries to rescue his friend. the Sultan of ; Johore. who has been kidnapped because his 3 abductors think he possesses crucial Japanese m1h· g faryinformatiOn. (Part 2) ( 1 hr ) ~ ~d ~:eA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~ t~~e~;~r~~ i~~=r~ ~ 1upted when they become involved with a street· a; wise orphan ( 1 hr.) _ m U @) HAPPY DAYS (Season Premiere) Fonzie N falls for a sophisticated accountant with a 6-year- old daughter. Q iJ MOVIE "Legend Of The Lost" ( 1957, Adven· lure) John Wayne. Sophia Loren .. Two men and a woman search the Sahara for a lost city conrain1ny a large treasure. (2 hrs.) (!) MADAME'S PLACE • P.M. MAGAZINE A 111s1t to the menagerie of tllu· slonisls S1egl11ed and Roy; a self-sufficient. model community 1n Northern Cahlorn1a called Oz. m> MOVIE "The McConnell Story" ( 1955. Adven- ture) Alan Ladd, June Allyson. A lamed test pilot 1s determined to break 1n the Sabrejet F-86 (2 hrs ) @QUIZ KIDS fD NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "Egypt: Quest For Eternity" The works of Ramses II are fea- tured 1n a look at some ma1or archaeological prot- ects which are uncovering and preserving the legacy ot the Egyptian pharaohs. (R) o (1 hr.) CO MYSTERY "Or Jekyll And Mr. Hyde" Dr. Jekyll's bold experiments to isolate the good from the evil within a single personality succeed beyond his wildest expec tations (Parl 1) (R) Q ( 1 hr) CC) MOVIE "Superfly" (1972, Drama) Ron O'Neal. Carl Lee A Harlem drug pusher decides to invest alt of his energy 1n one final. ma1or deal before retmng from the "business." 'R' ( 1 hr . 36 min.) (() SPORTSCENTER (ID MOVIE "Student Bodies" (1981. Comedy) Kristen Riter, Matthew Goldsby. A heavy-breathing psychotic killer stalks the fun-loving students ol a !}pica I American high school. 'A' ( 1 hr . 25 min.) {SJ MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979. Drama) Steve McOueen. Eh Wallach. Ralph "Papa" Thorson leads a dangerous fife as a modern-day bounty hunter 'PG' ( 1 hr •. 38 min.) &J MOVIE "Hangar 18" ( 1980, Science-Fiction) Darren McGav1n. Robert Vaughn. Researchers at a secret government 1nstalla1ion investigate the cause of a satellite's sudden destruction. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 m1n.1 8:308 MOVIE "100 Rifles" ( 1969. Western) Jtm Brown. Raquel Welch. An outlaw Indian, a black lawman and a female revolutionary help the Mexi- can Indians depose a cruel governor. (2 hrs.) 8 9 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY (Season Premiere) Sh1rley's dream of marriage finally comes true In an offbeat wedding ceremony. Q i RACING FROM ROOSEVELT OOOCOUPLE . KENNEDY'S CHILDREN Five characters recall the decade of the 1960's in America and the effect it had on their fives. ( 1 hf., 30 min.) 8:36 cm CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE 8:46 (%) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ... "M~ Steenburgen" 9:00• Cl) MOV1E "The Shadow Aiders" (Pramiefe, Western) Tom Selleck, Sam Elliott. Two brothers return home after the Civll War to find that their sisters and your'lgef bfottle< have been abducted by Rebel guerlllas who refuse to acoept the defeat of the Confederacy. (2 hrs.) 8 • MOVIE "Seems Like Old Times" ( 1980. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase. A soft-~art­ ed lawyer Is tOf'n between.her hopeless ex·hlisband· 11.ifned·bank robber and lief uptight present hus· band who Is running for CaUfornia attorney general. ~hrs.) • O THREE'S COMPANY (season Premiere) Jack wakes up In bed beside Janet and panics when he can't remember the events ot the powlOus =~L i MERV OAIFFtN Guests: Dale Gooyea, Ot. Joyce Brothers, Erin Gray. $1J2anne Ou Pass, Sktney Shel• don. ( 1 hr.) • • MYSTERY "Or. Jet<yll And Mr. Hyde'' Or. Jtkyl'• bold eicperlments to Isolate the good fl'om ttMI evil within • aiflQle per$0Nlt1y IUCCMd beyond his wtldelt txpectat!Ons. (Par1 1) (A) Q ( 1 hr.) • HtNA "LJvtng Ma<ltlinel" The wort< end renwk· ~~":~.a~ -~ to -N Tuesday (continued) ! cations yet to be explored. (A) Q ( 1 hr.) CE) COLLEGE FOOTBALL UCLA Bruins at Michl· Q!n Wolverines (R) (2 hrs .• 30 min.) :ii; C1J MOVIE .. Lies My Father Told Me" ( 1975. Ora· Zi ma) Jeffrey Lynas. Yoss1 Yadm A young Jewish E boy grows up listening to magical tales told to him i> by the grandfather whom he 1dohzes. 'PG' ( 1 hr • 40 ~ min) ci) ©) MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980. Romance) >.. Br~e Shields. Christopher Atkins. Two castaway • children grow to adolescence on a remote, South :g Pacific island and experience the pangs of first love' u. ·R' ( 1 hr., 4S min.) • (%)MOVIE "Melvin And Howard" ( 1980. Comedy) ..Jga Paul LeMat Jason Robards. An otherwise unknown gas s1ai1on ~ttendant claims to be the rightful heir to i'.: Howard Hughes' b11l1on dOllar estate. 'R' ( 1 hr • 35 _ mmJ_ !l 9:30 D ®l 9 TO 5 (Season Premiere) Violet. Judy 0:: and Doralee throw a rolhck1ng lingerie party for the secretaries 1n the oll1ce. Cf) YOU ASKED FOA IT CC) t_.OVIE "Return Of A Man Called Horse" ( 1976, Adventure) Richard Harris. Gate Sondergaard. An Enghsh Lord returns to America where he learns that the Sioux Indians who 1n1t1ated him into their tribe have lost their modest preserve to trappers. (2 hrs l CH) MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981. Comedy) Peter Falk. Burt Young A hustling. w1secrack1ng manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the top 'A' j 1 hr .. SS min ) 10:008 0 HART TO HART (Season Premiere) The purchase of their honeymoon bed 1nnooentty entan- gles Jonathan and Jennifer 1n an international an smu,m)I~ scheme. Q ( 1 hr ) CIWtlJNEWS Cf) SAU Y STRUTHERS' WORLD OF LOVE Sally Struthers hosts this tund·ra1s1ng program for the Christian Children's Fund ( 1 hr l 9 CABARET .. Eileen Farrell The Diva Sings Pop" _This opera star perfo1ms American popular classics. 1rlttuding a Gershwin medley fD SANDHILLS ALBUM The sandh1lls region ol the Great Plains and its people 1s seen through the eyes of pioneer photographer Solomon Butcher. Depres- sion photagrapher Arthur Rothstein and lour young contemporary photographers ( I hr ) Ul) HARD CHOICES .. Behavior Control" An exam1· nation of the various types of mind control features a11emp1s 10 d1s1tngu1sh between benign and harmful forms (A) ( 1 hr J CS) ROMANCE: STOLEN LOVE (Part 3) It MOVIE "Sorcere1" ( 1977. Suspense) Roy Scheider. B1uno Cremer Four desperate men rrsk their lives while hauling exptos1ve nitroglycerine th1ough South Amencan 1ungles to battle an oil-well lire 'PG' (2 hrs. 2 min ) 10:30GNEWS I INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS SIGNA T\JRE Guest: Colleen Dewhurst. MOANING'$ AT SEVEN Maureen O'Sullivan stars 1n Paul Osborn's sentimental comedy about the hopes. dreams and iea1ous1es of lour elderly sis- ters in a small ~western town in 1922 (2 hrs .. 10 m1nj_ 10:5001) MOVIE "A Talent For Loving" ( 1969. Come- dy) Richard Widmark. Cesar Romero A profession- al gambler is tricked 1n10 marrying a girl from a Mex· ican ranchero family cursed with overactive libidos (2 hrs . IS min) 11:0011D8 Cl> 0 GD NEWS SATUROA Y NIGHT IN SEARCH OF ... JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO QUIZ KIDS BUSINESS REPORT OOCTOAINTHEHOUSE FEMALE MUOWRESTLING ·'World Lightweight Champ1onsh1p" ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (Q) MOVIE "The Money" ( 1975. Orama A small- time con artisl cooks up a kidnapping scheme to ·~rove his finances ( 1 hr . 30 min.) CZ) MOVIE "All The Marbles" ( 1981. Comedy) Peter Falk. Burt Young A hustling, wisecracking manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the top 'A' J_l hr • 55 mm ) 11:308 (I) QUINCY Quincy dlscove1s that a friend who supposedly died in an airplane crash was acru- ~ ~soned ( 1 hr . 10 min.) U ID TONIGHT Guest host: Joan Rivers. Guests· Erma Bombecl(; Lana Turner. Sarah Purcell. (1 hr) YOU ASK£0 FOA rT • THE JE~ONS-19 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE KENNEDV'S CHILDREN Five characters recall the deeade of the 1960'• In Amerlea and the effect 11 had on l~r lives. ( 1 hr .. 30.mln.) I ART OF BEING HUMAN CAPTIONED ABC NEWS ~NlER1 ".'I, ",t Vu 'l• ~,,.~ 'i ·I• I ·' .,,, .~II I .,..,~,~· '(• '• . ,, I •'='•'I-•,1.• rl! r r;~.1,.., Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott co-star in 'The Shadow Ride rs' (II) RACE FOA THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim McCarver cover all the ba~s leading to the 1982 World Series 11:35(C) MOVIE "Aashomon" ( 1950. Drama) Machi· to Kyo. Toshiro M1lune Thftlugh a series of flash· backs. an eighth-century Japanese woodcutter recounts his version of a rape-murder to a Buddh1s1 priest and a servant. ( 1 hr • 30 min ) 12:00 8 E.NTERT AINME.NT TONIGHT D ®) FANTASY ISLAND Mr Roarke's god· daughter struggles to free herself from her whimsical gift of sorcery. and two scientists search for the missing hnk (A) (1 hr . 10 mm) 0 MOVIE "Not As A Stranger.. ( 19SS. Orama) Robert Mitchum. Frank Sinatra. Doctors' hves and careers are seen through the eyes of a young man with medical aspirations. (2 hrs ) (!) MOVIE "The Spider And The Fly" ( 19S2, Mys· tery) Eric Portman. Nadia Grey Ourtng World War I. the French use a British safecracker to steal import· ant documents from the Germans (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Ou1ck Gun" ( 1964. Western) Audie Murphy. Merry Anders. A cowpoke ls forgiven by the townspeople for his past misdeeds when he battles a gang of notorious outlaws who tiave been tormenting the town. (2 hrs ) 41) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE CID MOVIE "Cattle Annte And Llllle Britches" ( 1981, Western) Burt Lancastet. John Savage. Two tough outlaws pick up a pair of teen-age glrls and take them along on their adventures. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 3S min) fl MOVIE "Mandingo" ( 1977. Orama) James Mason. Susan George A West African of the Man- dingo tribe is brought to a slave-breeding plantation 1n Louisiana before the start of the Civil War 'R' (2 hrs . 7 mm) 12:308 cm LATE NIGliT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Gl~:Jtliewis ( 1 hr ) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE RACQUETBALL "Women's International Cham- ~tonships" (A) ([)MOVIE "On Any Sunday" (1971) Documenta· ry Steve McOUeen. Merl Lawwill. The world of motorcycle racing is seen from varying points of view ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) CO) MOVIE "Mommle Dearest" ( 1981. Orama) Faye Dunaway. Diana ScarWld. Forties film star Joan Crawford ralSes her two adopted chlldren In a domestic atmosphC11e that varle& from lu•utious comfort to sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hrs.. 9 min ) 12:408 (I) MCMILLAN & WIFE An attempt Is made on the life of a mvSlclan who dedicated one of his comQ<>Sltlons to Sally ( 1 hr .. 35 min ) 12':•5(1) MOVIE "Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears" ( 1980. Comedy) Vera Alentova. Ale•el Batalov. Three country glr1s with ditterent goats and vatues move to the b g city to pvrsue their ambltlOnt. (2 , hrs 25 min) 1:ooiiii MOVIE "Hans Christian Andersen" ( 1952. MuSicat) Danny Kaye, Jeanmalre. A teller of fairy tales dreams of ballets af1er faning In love wi1h a t>eautilul ballerina. (2 ,.,rs.) e MOVIE •·w ar Aod Peace" ( 1956. Orama) Audrey Hepburn, Henry Fonda. Based on the novtl by Leo To1$toy The lives or three far\14lint111,..'fll• fi' trYJ ·~ 1 • ;tt' .' ~·~ l ty affected by the Na~eonic wars. (3 hrs • 30 min.) ta CABARET "Eileen Farrell: The Otva Sings Pop" This opera star performs American popular classics. Including a Gershwin medley. CE) CFl FOOTBALL Montreal Concordes at W1nnt· ~ Blue Bombers (FH (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "The Bed Sitting Room" ( 1969. Com&- dy) Aita Tushingham. Sir Ralph Richardson. Strange effects plague the 20 survlvors of history's shortest war. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 1:05!1l) MOVIE "Sabaka" ( 19SS. Advenlure) Boris Karloff, Victor Jory A rellglous cult of fire w0<shippers in India is disbanded by a man aided by an elephant and a tiger ( 1 hr . 30 .min.) 1:108 MOVIE "Psych-Out" (1968. Drama) Susan Strasberg. Dean Stockwell A trio of hippies protect a deaf teen-ager wbo has Jun away-10 Halght·.Ash· bury In search of her brother ( 1 hr . 30 min.) ONEWS CC) MOVIE "Brian's Song" ( 1971. Orama) James Caan. Billy Dee W1fhams. Two fool ball players share. a rare friendship until cancer claims one of them ( 1 ht . 15 min) 1:3011 G) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 1:40(8) MOVIE "Circle Of Two" ( 1980. Romance) Richard Burton, Tatum O'Neal. Despite strong parental oppos11ton. a poignant romance develops between a 60-year-old artist and a precoclOVS teen· age schoolgirl 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 40 mm.) 2:00.NEWS CD MOVIE .. Lies My Father Told Me" ( 197S. Ora· ma) Jeffrey Lynas. Yossl Yadin A young Jewish boy grows up listening to magical tales told to him ~nit.he grandfather whom he idolizes. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 2:05 NEWS 2:16 NEWS 2:26 MOVIE "Superfly" ( 1972. Drama) Ron O'Neal. Carl Lee A Harlem drug pvsher decides to invest all of his energy 1n one final. rytajor deal before retir1~ from the .. buS1ness ... 'A' ( 1 hr . 36 min ) 2:30 (!) MOANING STRETCH I HAWl<INS NEWS (%) MOVIE "Death Valley" ( 1982. Mystery) Paul LeMat. Peter B1thngS1ey. A New York youngster is sent to Amona to v1S11 his mother and stumbles across a series of grisly murders. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 2S min.) 2:351 WOALO AT LARGE 2:40 NEWS • 2:"5 MOVIE "The Norhss Tapes" ( t973. Mys· 1ery) Roy Th1nnes. Angie Dickinson. A psychic investigator probes the "death" ol a sculptOf whose vC>tCe sounds very much alive. ( 1 hr .• 30 min ) 3:00e MOVIE "The Dark Angel" (1935. Orama) Fredric March. Merle Oberon. When two love rivals march off to war. one of them is blinded and given i for dead. (2 hrs.) JOE FRANKLIN NEWS 3:10 (1) MOVIE "The Hunter" (1979. Orama) Steve McOueen, Eh Wallach. Ralph "Papa" Thorson leads a dangerous life as a modern-day bounty huntef 'PG' (1 hr . 38 min.) 3:20(H) MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981 . Comedy) Peter Falk. Burt Young. A hustling. wisecracking manager pvshes his two female wrestlers toward the top. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 55 min ) 3:30 CE) SPORTSFOAUM (R) 4:00 (!)JIMMY SWAGGAA'r mHAWKINS ~MOVIE "The Glass Bottom Boaf' ( 1966. Come- dy) Doris Day. Rod Taylor A physicist becomes involved wllh a girt whO poses as a mefma1d parl· time. ( 1 hr. 50 min.) ~ SPOATSCENTEA HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR MOVIE "Wanted· Babysltter" ( 1976. Orama) Maria Schneider. Sydne Rome. For revenge. a wom- an concocts an elaborate plan to kidnap her former lover's son. ( 1 hr . SO min.) 4:061 FUNT1ME 4:30 JIM BAKKER 4:35 I DREAM OF JEANNIE Wednesday 5:00()) "My Champion" (1961. Orama) Voke.Sht- mada. Chris Mitchum ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 0 "Sorcerer" (1977. Suspense) Roy Scheider. Bruno Cremer (? hrs . 2 min ) 6:00 (C) "Rockshow" ( 1980. Musical) Paul McCan- ney and Wings ( 1 hr . 45 m1n ) CZ) "The Scdrlet Empress" ( 1934 Drama) Marlene 01etr1Ch. Sam Jaffe ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 6:05@ "Desert Fury" ( 1947. Drama) Burt Lancas- ter Lizabeth Sco11 (2 hrs ) 7:00(S) "Young And Free" ( 1979 Adventure) Erik Larsen, Ke11h Larsen ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 0 "Hangar 18" ( 1980. Sc1ence·F1ct1on) Darren McGav1n Robert Vaughn ( t hr , 30 min ) 8:00(.CJ "The Fifth Musketeer" ( 1979, Adventure) Beau Bridges. Ursula Andress. ( 1 hr . 43 min ) ® "Harry's War" ( 1981. Comedy) Edward Herrmann Geraldine Page ( l hr . 40 min) (Z) "Marat I Sade" ( t967. Orama) Patrick Magee. Glenda Jackson ( t hr . 55 min ) 9:30G» "Big C11y" ( 1948. Drama) Margaret O'Brien. Danny Thomas (2 hrs ) 10:00(!) 'A Connec11cut Yankee In King Arthur's Court" ( 1949. Comedy) Bing Crosby, Rhonda Fleming (2 hrs) . 'I) "Tea For Two" ( 1950. Musical) Doris Day. Gordon MacRae (2 hrs ) (C) ''I'll Cry Tomorrow" ( 1955, Biography) Susan Hayward. Richard Conte (2 hrs.) (!) "lnbute To A Bad Man" ( 1956. Western) James Cagney. Irene Papas ( 1 hr . 35 min ) CZl "Lion Of The Desert" ( 1981. Orama) Anthony Quinn. Ohver Reed (2 hrs .• 45 min ) 10:05@ "Lafayelle Escadrille" ( 1958. Adventure) Tab Hunter. Etch1ka Choureau (2 hrs) 11:000 "Heartbeeps" (1981. Comedy) Andy Kauf- man. Bemadelle PetefS~ ( 1 hr . 45 min ) \I·· 1 lJ{'\< >< >'\ \I<>\. I LS 12:008 "The Oregon Trail" ( t959. Western) Fred MacMurray. Gloria Talbot. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (!) "Looker" ( 1981. Science-Fiction) Albert Fin-- ney. James Coburn ( 1 hr , 34 min ) 12:30• "The Mountain Road" (1960. Orama) James Stewart, Glenn Corbell (2 hrs.) (C) "Adam·s Woman" ( 1972. Drama) Beau Bridg- es. John Mills ( t hr . 55 min ) Cl "Heartland" (1981. Orama) Rip Torn. Concha- ta Ferrell ( 1 hr . 35 min ) CZl "The Ollence" ( 1973. Orama) Sean Connery. Trevor Howard~ t hr. 50 min) ~30(!) "The Secret War Of Harry Fogg" ( 1969. Comedy) Paul Newman. Sylva Kosc1na. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CH> "Tuhps" ( 1981. Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Berna- dette Peters. ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 2:30(1) "Sphinx" (1981, Adventure) Frank Langel· la, Lesley-Anne Down ( 1 hr .. 59 min.) 0 "Torch Song" ( 1953. Orama) Joan Crawford. Michael Wilding. ( 1 hr., 30 min) (%)"Chu Ch~.And The Philly Flash" (1981. Come- dy) Alan Arkin, Carol Burnett ( 1 hr • 40 min ) 3:00 CID "Looker" ( 198 1. Science-Fiction) Alberl Finney. James Coburn ( 1 hr. 34 min) CD "The Final Confhct" ( 198 1. Orama) Sam Ne1U. Rossano Brazzi ( 1 hr . 49 mrn ) 4:00(t) "Rockshow" ( 1980. Musical) Paul McCart· ney and Wings. ( 1 hr .. 45 mrn ) g "Battlestar Galactica. Conquest Of The Earth" ( 1980. Science-Fiction) Lorne Greene. Kenl McCord ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 4:30(1) "Lion Of The Desert" ( 1981, Drama) Amho- ny Quinn. Oliver Reed. (2 hrs., 45 min.) 5:00(!) "Gold" (1974, Adven1ure) Roger Moore, Susannah York. (2 hrs • 30 min ) ([) "Choices" (Orama) Paul Carofates. Victor French ( 1 hr . 30 mrn ) Ca> "Never Never Land" ( 1981. Orama) Petula Clark. Cathleen Nesbitt ( 1 hr • 25 min ) 5:05@ "The Geisha Boy" (1958. Comedy) Jerry Lewis. Suzanne Plesl'lette (2 hrs.) 5:300 "Star Trek --The Motion Pteture" ( 1979, Sc1ence-F1ct1on) Wllllam Shatner. Leonard Nlmoy. (2 hrs .. 12 min.) l \ l '\I '\< ~ S:OOMAsNEWS l ~*~H HAWAII flVE-0-0VER EASY "Parems And Children" Guest· JOet Grey (R) O Meredith Baxter Birney and Brooke Anderson not good sports in 'Family Ties' UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR I NBCNEWS MOVIE ''I'll Cry TomOfrow" ( 1955, Bt0graphy) Susan Hayward. Richard Conte Actress L1lltan Roth struggles with alcohohsm and a lading c11reer 12 hrs L 6:30 Cl) e NEWS I BARNEY MtLLER M•A•s•H DICK CAVETT Guest philosopher Paul Wels.s i art 1) (R) SEWWGPOWER RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim McCarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 WOfld Serres. (!) MARVIN HAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYING MY $-ONG LI.ta Mlnnetli, Johnny Mathis. Gladys Knight and Carty Simon sing some or today's greatest hits 1nclud1ng. "The Way We Were.'' "What I Old For Love" and "Nobody OoeS It Better." 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS ASCNEWS P.M. MAG~NE Miracle allergy test: 1he thera- ENTERT AJNMENT TONIGHT DODGER DUGOUT • JOKER'S WILD ltic use of past-lite regression SOAP NEW STORYTELLERS "Jackie Torrence" This storyteller g.ves a preview ol one ol her ghost sto- ries. "Two While Horses " •ID BUSINESS REPORT (()TENNIS Highlights of the Sweden vs USA Davis Cup Ouartertinals (R) ( 1 hr.) CH> YESTERYEAR. .. 1969 This retrospective of the perk>d of anti-war protest&. the advancement of cMI rights. the birth of ·•Oooneabury" and "Sesame Street." Richard Nixon and WOodstock Includes an interview with astronaut Buzz Aldrl9. ( 1 hr.) ([) MOVIE "Red. White And Busted'' ( 1972. Ora· ma) 0al'fell Larson, Heather Menzies. The American nightmare of Vietnam Is explored in this story of three friends whose lives are torn apart by the war 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min ) (a> MOVIE "The Othe1 Side Ot The Mountain •• Pan II" ( 1978. Or~J Marilyn Hassett, Timothy Bot· toms. Former dnamplon s6der Jill Kinmont. rendered a quadriplegic by a tragic accident. wrestlM with setf-dOUbt when a new love enters her hit (2 hrs.) (%) MOVIE "The Offence" (1973. Drama) Sean Connery, Trevor Howard. While tracking down a child molester. a London detective slowly edges toward a nervous breakdown 'A' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 7: 15 PM-OAME 7:061NEW8 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featllred: an Interview with Sally Stn.rthera; a cha1 with a psychOlogist who bolreves w0tklng wllh"computera can lead to prOb lema jn one's ptlvate life; Steve Edwards partici· ~tes In the Roede<>. I. FAMJt.. V FEVO U.;i~·· I ,• II i MEET THE MAYORS YOU ASKED FQA rT BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles 3! Dodgers (3 hrs) · 2 9 SIGNATURE Guest Or Jonathan Miller (Parl -4 ~ MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT ~ I) CAROL AND JIMMY Four of America's finest $ fOU. mUiiclan5 -Caiol Sloane. Jimmy Rowles. Keeter Betts and Bobbl£ Durham •• team up for an ~ evening ol JSU. ( 1 hr ) 0: (!) TALK BACK TO SHOWTIME: YOUR PICK FOR ~ TOMORROWS PRIME TIME 7:35@ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles ~ Oodi rs (3 hrs • 15 min ) 'O 8:00 Cl) SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS ~ 0 REAL PEOPLEM°'e highlights of th& "Real a-- People" train trip from Los Angeles to Chicago ~ include segments on a St Louis brewery's lamed ,_, ClydeSdate horses. Abe Lincoln look·al1kes. and a _,,. popula1 senior citizen's srng1ng group (Part 2) ( 1 ..... ~) ~ 11 OJ) TALES OF THE GOLD MONKEY Jake and ~ Sarah undertake a dangerous rescue m1ss1on when Gorky is shanghaied as part ol a plot to enslave an innocent tnbe of mud people ( 1 hr ) O MOVIE "Red River" ( 1948. Western) John Wayne, Montgomery Chit A young man and hrs stepfather q1Jarrel over the r001e ol thetr callle drive i hrs) MADAME'S PLACE MOVIE "John Paul Jones" ( 1959. Biography) Robert Staci-. Macdonald Carey John Paul Jones played a ma1or pan 1n Amer1ca·s fight for independ- ence (2 hrs) @COLLLLLECTING Featured new designs rn chil- dren's zoos. Paloma Picasso de519ns 1ewelry as wearable sculpture: leather 1s hot fl) CHALLENGE '82: CANDIDATES FOR GOVER· NOR ~ MOVIE "In Praise QI Older Women" ( 1978. Orama) Tom Be1enger. Karen Black A HungartaA lothario reminisces on his past romantic conquests. from his l11st at the age of 12 to his seduction ol a housew1le at 30 'R' ( 1 ht . .48 min ) (E) SPORTSCENTER CID CAMELOT Richard Haws. Meg Bussert and Rtehard Mucnz star rn Lerner and Loewe's classic Broadway musical taped at the Wrnter Garden The- atre in New York (2 hrs .. 30 min ) Cl) MOVIE "9 To 5" ( 1980. Comedy) Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton. Three working women rebel against their sub1ugation by a male chauv1n1st boss. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 50 min.) II MOVIE "Melvin And Howard" ( 1980. Comedy) Paul LeMat. Jason RobardS. An otherwise unknown gas station attendant claims to be the rightlul helr 10 Howard Hughes' bllhon dollar estat& 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 mrn.1 8:308 MOVIE "Cool Hand Luke" (1967. Orama) Paul Newman. George Kennedy A young man on a chain gang with an unquenchable tturst tor lteedom defies all authority. gaining the admirauon of his fel- low convicts. (2 hrs ) (f) HAWAII AVE-0 9 RESUARECTION OF LADY LESTER A special based on the last minutes in the life of Lester Young. (1hr.30mln) Ci) ELECTION '82 e:ooe Cl) MOVIE ·lite Of The Party· The Story Of Beatnce" (Premiere, Drama) Carol Burnett. Lloyd Budges A hard-drinking Texan turns her hie around and begins a campaign to establish the first recov- ~ house tor other female alcoholrcs (2 hrs ) U. THE FACTS OF LIFE (Season Premiere) Jo loses her scholarship to Eastland due to budget cuts that aflec1 the school's studeOt aid. 8 (11 MOVIE "Money On The Stde" (Premiere. Orama) Karen Valenllne, Jamie Lee Curtis. Three suburban housewives risk everything they hold dear when they turn to ptOSliluhon In a desperate a11empt 10 support their famines. (Parental dlscr~ tron is advised) (2 hrs.) , • WA.A REQUIEM Benjamin Britten's eloquent plea for peace Is perlormed by over 300 musicians and singers at the Oresdner Holk1rche to com· memorate 1he late ol Dresden and Coventry. both destroy~ 1n WotU:S Wat11 (1hr .• 30 min) Cl) WCT TENNIS "The Forum Classic" Coverage of • the ltnals from Los Angeles. Caltf. (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) • (I) MOVIE "King Of The Mountain" ( 198 t. Adven· 1ure) Harry Hamlin. Joseph Bottoms. Three young L.A bachelOf'S devote !heir energies to the sport ol drag racing •po· {1 hr .• SO min.) (DJ MOVIE "Bringing Up Baby'' ( 1938, Comedy) Katharrne Hepburn. Cary Grant. An archaeologist sets out to raise a mlltloo dollars fOt his muwum. but end9 up lnvotved with a pretty soclaltte. (2 hrs.) CZ) MOVIE ''The Bed Sitting Room" (1969. Come- dy) Rita Tushlngl'lam, Sit Ralph Riehardson Strange effects plague the 20 SUMvOtS of history's shO<tett wat ( 1 ht., 30 min.) 9:308 •. FAMk.Y T1ES Al6••tt 'lttt In' oh~ ot thtnge ~ Elyse and Stevon go •w•v fO( th• Wffice(ld, ,i I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I . I ! I · I ft N Wrlnesday (continued) CIO °' (!) YOU ASKED FOR rT .,.. '9 CHALLENGE 82: CAMPAIGN FOR GOVERNOR ~ 10:00 D cm QUINCY '(Season Premiere) A psychla-~ trist persuades Quincy to help her prove that a 14· ! year-old boy was lramed for the murder of a little ~ 1··~Ek; i PSYCHIC PHENOMENA y, NEW STORYTELLERS "Jackie Torrence" This > .... -.2 0: storyteller gives a pre111ew of one of her ghost sto· 11es. "Two White Horses" (t) MOVIE "The Filth Musketeer'' ( 1979. Adven· ture) Beau Bridges, Ursula Andress D' Artagnan and the Three Musketeers become Involved In another plan to block the evil intentions of the StntS· 1er Gard1nal Richelieu against the French aristocra· ~ 'PG'.' 1 hr . 43 min ) ~ MOVIE "Carty On Emmanuelle" (Comedy) The beautiful wife of a government representative turns 1he world of foreign diplomacy upside down with her sexual adventures 'A' ( 1 hr . 30 mrn ) 0 MOVIE "Heartbeeps" ( t981, Comedy) Andy Kaufman, Bernadette Peters In a world of the near future. two commercial robols experience the v1c1s s1tudes of first love 'PG' ( t hr , 45 mm) 10:308 m NEWS e INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS @SIGNATURE Guest Dr Jonathan Miller (Part • THE CRISCO KIO A 10-year·old's courageous struggle with a skin disease that has crippled him from birth is documented (R) CH) HBO MAGAZINE CZ> MOVIE "Mar al I Sade" ( 1967. Drama) Patrick Magee. Glenda Jacl<son Under the direchon of the Marquis oe Sade. 1nQ1ates at a French mental mst1· 1ut1on put on a chilling "performance" of the bath- tub assassination of revolutionary leader Jean Marat ( 1 hr . 55 min ) 10:50@ MOVIE "A Song To Remember" ( 1945. Musical) Paul Muni, Corne! Wilde. Chopin's heart breaks over his love for George Sand. the beautilul novehst (2 hrs . 30 min ) 11:008 D 8 (I) 0 ID NEWS I SA TUROAY NIGHT IN SEARCH OF ... JOE FRANKLIN STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO COLLLLLECTING Featured new designs 1n ch1l- dren' s zoos: PalOma Picasso designs jewelry as wearable sculpture: leather Is hot • BUSINESS REPORT CI.) MOVIE "Laura" ( 1980, Orama) Dawn Dunlop, Maud Adams A woman tries to prevent a relation· ship between a sculptor with whom she had had an affair and her teen-age ballerina daughter. 'A' ( 1 hr . 25 mm) CO) MOVIE "King Kong" ( 1933. Adventure) Fay Wray. Robert Armstrong A monstrous ape battles an army while trying to retain possession of a wom- an ~t1ve. (2 hrs ) 11 :309 (I) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE Archie puts his foot down when Edith announces that she'd like to~· a 1ob. (R) I• TONIGHT Guest host· Roy Clark ( 1 hr ) <fl ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE YOU ASKED FOR IT THE JEFFERS0NS RESURRECTION Of LADY LESTER A special based on the last minutes In the hie of Lester Young lhr , 30m1n) FOCUS ON Socu:TY CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORT SC ENTER MOVIE "Greased Lightning" ( 1977. Biography) Richard Pryor. Beau Bridges. Alter World War II. a taxi driver becomes the first btaci< champion In the history of the race-car circuit 'PG' (1 hr .. 36 min.) g ~VIE "Massacre At Central High" ( 1976, Ora· ma) Andrew Stevens, Robert Carradine. A crusade for revenge begins after a prank thal went too lar was pulled on the quieter students by a group ot bored h1gh·school lnends. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 11:40(1) MOVIE "Looker" (1981. Science-t':ictlon) Albert Finney. James Coburn. The mysterious deaths of a series of beautiful model& involved 1n a new advertising project are blamed on the plasuc s~rgeon who operated on the,!1'· 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34 mtnl_ 11:50(.C) MOVIE "Med Max" ( t980, Orama) Mel Gib· son. Joanne Samuel In an Australia of the not-too· distant future, the friends end family of a top high- way pursuit policeman become the l&rQeta of udi• lie motorcycle gang 'A' (I hr .. 29 min.) 12:001 ENTERTAINMENT TONtGHT 8 LOVE BOAT A swinging bachelor concoct• a phony st<><y to avoid getting married, Gopher tries to keep an unmarried girl from staying with her boy· frieod, and Caplaltl $tubing falls In love. (R) ( 1 hr .. 10mif'I ) . e MOVIE "Alexancler~he QI~ Rictlar~B~rfdtl,;1~' I 111 tO:lM M~~ ~*1@ 0111Jltirn1 ;)!em fl ltoi n>1m1a bn ail r. Anita Gillette and Jack Klugman join forces in 'Quincy.' world. (2 hrs ) (!) MOVIE "Joan 0 1 Pans" ( t942, Suspense) Michele Morgan. "Paul Henretd During World War II, a devoted French girl puts her hie on the bne so that British pilots may escape from the gnp of the Gesta- po (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Cinderella Liberty" ( 1973, Comedy) James Gaan, Marsha Mason A sailor falls In love with a Seattle pros11tu1e he won tor a night In a pool ~me. (2 hrs.) • LOVE. AMERtCAN STYLE 12:058 CJ) MCVIE "Blume In Love" ( t973, Come- dy) George Segal. Kris Krtstoflerson. A drvorced man tries 10 win his ex-wife back from her current boyfriend (R) (2 hrs .. 15 min.) 12:308. LATE NtGHT WrTH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests· boxing promoter Don King and heavyweight J champlOn Larry Holmes: comedian Geo<ge Miller: ••· author Dan Greenburg. ( 1 hr.) • I COUPLES • LOVE. AMERtCAN STYLE AUTO RACING Coverage of the CART Detroit News Grand Pnx 150 (R) (2 hrs.) . CI.) MOVIE "The Final Conflict" ( 1981, Orama) Sam Nedi. Rossano Brazzi. In the third part of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien, the embodiment of the Antichrrst. rs now an adult and a trusted advisor 10 the president of the U.S. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) (l) MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" (1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin, Carol Buniett. An alcoholic former baseball player and a kooky street entertain- er become partners in a scheme to make money by returning a lost suitcase. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 1:00• MOVIE "The Princess And The Pirate" ( 1945, Comedy) Bob Hope, Virginia Mayo Buc- caneers capture an entertainer and a princess and hold them hostage on the Spanish Main (2 hrs ) • MOVIE "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" ( 1962, Western) James Stewert John Wayne. A man rises to glory when he wrongly accepts the credit for gunning down a notOflous outlaw. ( 1 hr • 30min.) QI NEW STORVTELL£R8 "Jackie Torrence" This storyteller gives a p.eview of one of her ghost sto- ries, "Two While Horse5." cm Pl.A VBOY ON THE AIA e MOVIE "High Risk" (1981, Adventure) James Brolln, Cle1won L1tlle. A trio of greedy friends plot the robbery of a million dolters from a South Am8ffl can drug dealer. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 mm.) 1: 10 8 MOVIE ''Hell Aal<:ters" ( 1965, Orama) John Agar, Richard Webb. During World War II, a demotl· tlOn team is assigned to blow up American head- quarters to l)fevent enemy access to the valuable documents stored there. ( t hr., 30 mtn.) O NEWS 1: 16 (8) ON LOCATION "Rich little" lmpress1of'\lst Rich little satirizes Ronald Rffgan, Richard Nixon and perf°'"'9 matttlal from his comedy album ''The Flrst Family." ( 1 hr.) • ()) MOVIE "Death Valley" ( 1983. Mystery) Paul LeMat. Peter '81111ngstey. A. ~ York youngster It sent to Arlione to v1t11t his mothef and stumbles ............. M ·A· 1•tv .. 2s-1 ,~. 1.1.u,· 1:30 AJ (C) oc • 1 ~ Paul McC::artney and Wings. This record of the band's U.S. tour Includes performances of "Jet," "Band On The Run." "Silly Love Songs" and some old Beatie ballads. 'G' ( 1 hr., 45 min ) 2:00.NEWS cm MOVIE "The Secret Of Seagull Island" (1981. Suepense) Jeremy Brill, Nicky Henson A young AmeriC8n gift tries to free her blind 5'Ster from her island captlvlty. ( 1 hr . 45 min.) 2:05 (!) NEWS 2:15(%) MOVIE "The Scarlet Empress" ( 1934. Dra- ma) Marlene Dietrich. Sam Jaffe A Russian Grand Duke has a stormy re1a11onsh1p with his wife. who goes on to become known as Catherine the Great ( t hr .. 45 mm.) 2:208 NEWS @ RAT PATROL 2:30 (!) MORNING STRETCH 8J MOVIE "Demetrius And The Gladiators" ( 1954. Orama) Victor Mature, Susan Hayward In b1bhcal times. a Christian slave defies the word of God only to reafhrm his faith (2 hrs ) fDNEWS (I) SQUASH Coverage ot the Desenex Classic from Rochester.NV (R) ( 1 hr.) CB) MOVIE "Looker" (1981, Sc1ence-F1ctt0n) Albert Finney. James Coburn The mystenous deaths of a series of beautiful models involved in a new advertising proiect are blamed on the plasttc surgeon who operated on them 'PG' ( 1 hr , 34 mm) CD MOVIE "Heartbeeps" ( 1981. Comedy) Andy Kaufman, Bernadette Peters In a world ol the near future, two commercial robots experience the vicis- situdes of first love 'PG' (1 hr . 45 min) llt MOVIE "Star Trek -The Motion Picture" ( 1979, Scte~F1ctt0n) Wiiham Shatner. Leonard N1moy. The former commander of the U.S.S. Enterprise reassembles his old crew and sets off on a m1ss1on to find the mysterious vessel responsible for the deStruct1on of numerous Federation star· ships. 'G' (2 hrs .. 12 min) 2:408 NEWS 2:'6()) MOVIE "Sweet Sugar" (Drama) A young woman Is forced to work on a plantation. deep 1n the .!!:!..note 'R' ( 1 hr • 25 min ) 2!50 • MOVIE "Second Chorus" ( t 940. Musical) Fred Astaire. Paulette Goddard. Two trumpet play- ers compete for a girl and a Job with the Artie Shaw Orchestra ( 1 hr .. 50 min ) «!)WORLD AT LARGE 3:009 MOVIE "They Got Ma Covered" ( 1943, Comedy) Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour. A Washing- ton sabotage ring is accidentally invaded by a lool- 1sh newspaperman (2 hrs ) (!) JOE FRANKLIN GIINEWS - 3:20(.C) MOVIE "Little Darlings" (1980, Comedy) Tatum O'Neat. Kristy McNIChot. At summer camp, two teen·age girls compete to see who will be the f1rst to lose her WQlmty. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 32 mm.) 3:30(1) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Football· Pun1ing And Kicking" I "The Quarterback" (R) •:OO (f) JtMMY SWAGGART (I) SPORTSCENTER CH> MOVIE "Harry's War" ( 198 t, Comedy) Edward Herrmann, Geraldine Page. A smell-town postman comes to the aid of his aunt. who owes the IRS back taxes. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min ) •:06 «Zl FVNTIME ~10(1) CANCER CONFRONTATION Daniel Travantl hosls a documentary speclal which focuses on some of the controversies surrounding cancer. 1nclud1ng 1nt&Mews with lnvo!Ved Congressmen, cancer research otflcials. doetors and cancer vic- tims. (1 hr) ~ 15(%) MOVIE "Maret I Sade" ( 1967, Orama) PatriCk Magee, Glenda Jackson. Under the direction of the Marquis de Sade, inmates at a French mental lns11tut1on put on a ch1lhng "per1ormance" of the bathtub assassination of revolutionary leader Jean Marat. ( 1 hr., 55 mln ) •:30 (!) JIM BAKKER I Ml88tON: IMPOSSIBLE 4: «!)I OAEAM Of JEANNIE •:'6e MOVIE "Best Friends" (1975, Suspense) Richard Hatch, Doug Chapin. During a trip to Cali· lornla, an emotionally distressed young man tries to destroy his beSt friend's rela1tonship with his girl· friend. 'R' ( 1 hr., 25 min.) , --. Thursday \I< >IC\ I:\(; \I< >\'I LS SEPTEMBER 30. 1982 6:00CC) "Adam's Woman" ( 1972. Orama) Beau BridJl8S. John Mills ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 8:05(1!) "ThaEgg And I" (1947. CQm&dy) Claudette Colbert. Fred MacMurray (2 hrs I 8: 15(%) "The Gumball Rally" (1976, Comedy) Michael Sarrazin. Tim Mcintire ( 1 hr . 47 min) 6:30® "Black Beauty" (1971, Orama) Mark Les- ter. Walter Slezak ( 1 hr . 45 min ) D "Three Warriors" ( 1977. Orama) Randy Quaid, Charles White Eagle 11 hr , 49 min.) • 7:00 "Pinchchff Grand Pm'" ( 1980. AdVentore) Arnmated ( 1 hr 30 min ) 7:30(C) "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980. Drama) John Tra· votta. Debra Winger (2 hrs . 12 min ) 8:00(%) "All The Marbles" (1981. Comedy) Pe1er Falk, Burt Young ( 1 hr . 55 min ) 8:30 D "Ba1tlestar Galac11ca Conquest Ot The Earth" ( 1980. Sc1ence-F1ct1on) Lorne Greene, Kent McCord (I hr . 30 mm) 9:30&» "Gaslight" ( 1944. Suspense) Charles Boyer. Jng11d Bergman (2 hrs ) 10:00(!) "I'm All Right, Jack" ( 1960. Comedy) Ian Carmichael. Peter Sellers (2 hrs) at "Win, Place. Or Steal" ( 1975, Mys1ery) McLean Stevenson. Alex Karras (2 hrs ) CC) "Airplane!" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert Hays. Julie Hagerly. ( 1 hr . 30 min) CID "The Thirty-Nine Steps" ( 1978. Suspense) Roberl Powell. Oa111d Warner ( 1 hr., 42 min.) CS) "North By Northwest" ( 1959. Suspense) Cary Grant. Eva Marte Saint. (2 hrs . 15 min) g "Looker" (1981, Sc1ence--F1ction) Albert Fin- ~· James Coburn ( 1hr.34 min.) (ZJ "Death Valley·· ( 1982. Mystery) Paul LeMat. Peter Billingsley ( 1 hr . 25 min ) ' 10:05@ "The Ambassador's Daughler" ( 1956. Com- edyLOh111a de Hav1lland. Myrna Loy (2 hrs ) 11:30(.C) "Breaker Morant" •( 1980, Drama) Edward Woodward. Jack Thompson ( t hr . 46 mm ) (%)"Lion Of The Desert" (1981, Orama) Anlhony Quinn, Oliver Reed (2 hrs .. 45 min) .\I· 'llJC\< >< >'\ \I< >\.1 LS 12:008 "Jitterbugs" (1943, Comedy) Laurel and Hardy. Vivian Blaine ( 1 hr . 30 mtn) g "High Risk" ( 1981. Adventure) James Brol1n. Cleavon L11tle ( 1 hr., 35 min) 12:30 at "Kiss The Girls And Make Them Ote" ( 1967. Adventure) Michael Connors, Dorothy Pro- vine (2 hrs ) CB) "Contract On Cherry Street" ( 1977. Orama) Frank Sinatra. Verna Btoom. (2 hrs .. 30 min ) CS) "Momm1e Dearest" ( 1981. Drama) Faye Duna- way. Diana Scarw1d (2 hrs . 9 min ) 1;30(!) "Coogan·s Bluff" (1968., Drama) Clint East· wood. Lee J Cobb. ( l hr . 30 min.) CC) "Robin And Manan" ( 1976. Romance) Sean Connery. Audrey Hepburn ( l hr .. 45 min.) g "Momm1e Dearest" ( t981. Orama) Faye Dune· way. Diana Scarw1d (2 hrs .. 9 min ) 2:00(%) "The Gumbatl Rally" ( 1976, Comedy) Michael Sarrazin. Tim Mctnttre ( 1 hr .. 47 min) 3:0000 "The 111shman" ( 1978, Orama) A proud Irishman refuses to yield to progress when his busl· ness as a teamster 1s threatened by motorized 1ranspotta1ton. ( 1 t<r., 45 min) (lJ "Fade To Black" ( 1980, Suspense) Dennis Chnstopher, Linda Ker ridge. ( I hr • 4 1 min ) 3:45(%) "Chu Chu And the Phtlly Flash" ( 1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin, Carol Burnett. ( t ht., 40 m1nl. 4:00• "Three Warriors" ( 1977, Ocama) Randy Quaid, Charles White Eagle. ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) 4:30(C) "Land Of The Free" ( 1970. Orama) Robert Cul~ Burgess Meredith. 5:00(!) "Assault On Precinct 13" ( 1976. Ocama) Austin Stot<er, Darwin Joston. (2 hrs) CB) "Black Beauty" ( 1971, Orama) Mark lester, Watter.afezak. (1 hr .. 45 min) ClJ "Death Race 2000" ( 1975. Scienc&-Actlon) David Carradine, Simone Griffith ( 1 hr . 19 min.) 5:06Q) "The AmbuShers" (1967. Comedy) Dean Martin, Senta Berger. (2 hrs.) 5:30(C) "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980, Orama) John Tra· volta, Debra Winger. (2 hrs., 12 min.) cm "Thunderbirds To The Rescue" (1981. Orama) Puppets. (1 hf .. 35 min.) (I) "Heartbeept" (1981, Comedy) Andy ~Iman. Btr04\.de~htrw~r .. 45 min.) ~ (%) "OM1h Valley'~1982. Mystery) LeMat. Peter 8111""".ley ( 1 hr • 25 min ) C:::::XS:EP U 0 § Shelley Long is consoled by bartender Nicholas Colasanto in 'Cheers.' .. 8:009D8NEWS EIGHT IS ENOUGH • ABCNEWSQ M•A•S"H I CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS HAWAII AVE--0 OVER EASY "Widows And W1dOW1!rs" Guesl Harriet Nelson. (R) Q HUMANmES THROUGH THE ARTS I NBCNEWS MOVIE "Looker" ( 1981. Science:F1ct1on) Albert Finney. James Coburn The mysteoous deaths ol a se11es ol beautiful mOdels involved tn a new advertising project are blamed on the plastic surgeon who operated on them 'PG' ( 1 tir . 34 m1n-l 6:30(1) llD NEWS I BARNEY MILLER M•A•s•H DtCK CAVETT Guest philosopher Paul Weiss ~art 2) (R) GROWING YEARS MOVIE "The lrrshman" ( 1978. Orama) Michael Craig. Robin Nevin A proud lrtshm\tn retuses to yield to progress when his business as a teamster Is rhreatened by motonzed transportation (I hr .. 45 m1nj 7:00 9 CBS NEWS HAPPV DAYS AGAIN ABCNEWSQ I NBC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A visit with dog trainer Barbara Woodhouse: a QUICk m1crosurgleal technique fOf THE PERSUADERS l airing slipped discs. SOAP ENT£RT AINMENT TONIGHT OOOOEA DUGOUT •JOKER'S WILD liNGIN' Kar81'1 Morrow and Nancy Dussault &Ing lhitsr"'~~e~amos1ca1s. VIDEO JUKEBOX OPENtNB OA Y MADNESS A review of the bizarre and slgnlfleant happenings of the NFL's past 40 opeflinQ days is presented. ( 1 nr) (I) FAERIE TALE THEATRE '"fhe Tale Of The Frog Prince" Robin Wllllams atars In a lanaatlcal tale of a ~nc. who's lurned Into• frog by• witcti'1 apett W MOVIE "Lion Of The Desert" (1981, Orama) Antnony Quinn. Oliver Reed. A harckldlng Bedouin leader resists ltaty'a attempt• 10 occopy Libya fof 20 i ers. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 45 min.) 7:06 NEWS • 7: 16 OODOEA PAE-GAME 7:30 2 OH THE TOWN F .. turtd: a behlncl--the- ICenes look at La Ca~ Aux Follet; • vlS1t 10 8owMf Bout!g'F'A I !<>Ott II ~~:~I\ Ulo.I oc:r tu•q I 'wu • (:I) a a : I . TIC TAC DOUGH MADAME'S PLACE YOU ASKEO FOR rT ~ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles ~ Oodg~rs (3 hrs.) I SIGNATURE Guest. Or. Jonathan Miller (Part 2) :(! ID MACNElL I LEHRER REPORT INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick 8 Buonicon11 present highhghls ol the previous week's pro lootball action and mtervlews with players and "Tl coach~ ( 1 hr ) 5: 7:35® BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles -<.CD Ood_aers (3 hrs .. 15 min.) 8:00• Cl) MAGNUM. P.I. (Season Premiere) Mag-~ num and TC try to prolect er Navy bUddy who 'S believes that the rhree ot them <t.'e marked tor death ~ ~an old war enemy (2 hrs ) 3 u ID FAME (Season Premiere) Bruno 1s given i total conrrol of his own musical, and Dons talls 1n ~ love w11h him ( 1 hr.) N a MOVIE "RoJhng Thunder" ( 1978. Drama) W1I-• nam Devane. Tommy Lee Jones Alter returning .... home trom nerve-shattering cap1tv11y 1n a Viet· ~ namese POW camp. a military olltcer l1nds lhal con-N d1t1ons on the home lront are equally d1squ1et1ng (2 hrs) G (ID) JOANIE LOVES CHACHI (Season Prem- iere) Fonzie visits Chicago unexpectedly 1usl as Joanie and Chach1 are about 10 aud111on lor a TV show. · 1J MOVIE "The Magnihcent Seven" ( 1960, West· em) Yul Brynner. Eh Wallach A band of gunfighters 1s hired to protec t a Mexican town from outlaws (2 hrs) (1) MADAME'S PLACE ., MOVIE "The Bad Seed" ( 1956, Orama) Nancy Kelty. Patty McCormack A senes of 1nc1dents forces a mother to realize that her 6·year-old daugh- ter Is a cold-blooded murderess (2 hrs ) @MIXED BAG "Eye To Eye" Photographers Rob- ert Frank and William Eggleston discuss af\d dem- onstrate their pro1ect. the medium. as an art fOlm • U.S. CHRONICLE "Junior High School" Trad1· tional educa11onal values are measured against the reality ol middle-class. suburban junior highs QI) SNEAK PREVIEWS Neal Gabler and Jellrey Lyons host an 1nforma11ve look at what's new at the movies CC) MOVIE "Breaker Morant" ( 1980. Orama) Edward Woodward, Jack Thompson. Australians conscripled to tight on England's SJde 1n the Boer War decide 10 light the Boer guenllas on lhetr own (E)~~e~r:: min.) cm MOVIE "Heartland" (1981. Orama) Rip Torn. Conchata Ferrell. A rancher and his housekeeper lace the ngors ol fronher hie tn 1910 Wyoming 'PG' i hr . 35 min) VIEWER'S CHOICE ., MOVIE "Circle 01 Two" ( 1980, Romance) Rich- ard Burton. Tatum O'Neal. Despite strong parental opposition. a poignant romance develops between a 60-year-old atliSJ and ~~ schoolQ!!.1 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 40 min) 8:30 8 (!JI STAR OF THE FAMILY (Premiere) A fire company captain finds his organized hie thrown Into chaos when the singing talents of his reen-age daughter catapult her to a career In show business (1) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT @ EARLY DAYS Sir Ralph Richardson stars in I his play about a cantarucerous chap whO finds pleasure m annoying his relatives and neighbors. ( 1 hr .. 30 min) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Neal Gabler and Jeffrey Lyons host an informative look al what's n~w at the movies G THE CRISCO KIO A 10-year•Okfs courageous struggle with a skin disease that has c11ppled him lrom birth Is documented. (R) CB) MOVIE "Rollercoaster" ( 1977. Suspense) Ge0rge Segal, Timothy Bottoms. A safety inspector deSperatety altempts to find the e11t0ftl0f1ist whO is planting homemade expioslves In A~rtca's leadtng amo$ement parks. 'PG ( 1 hr. 59 min.) CC MOVIE "Rt~" (1981) Anne Twomey. Jane Congdon. Two couple meets on a deaefted Island oft the coast of Maine. where they lnte<mlngle and passions atart to ratse. ( t hr. 30 min.) e:ooe e CHEERS (Premiere) A sheltered bride- to-be Is abandoned by hef flance In a Boston bar with a eolorlul group of customers end its ha~ ~optlelOC'. • 9 TOO CL08E FOR COMFOAT (S.eson Premlefe) Y{htfl Muriel's baby ftnelly deeides to enttlf the world. Monroe'a moiorcyclt 11 the only w•r.;rJ.i_'* 10 the hOSpilll ( t hr) Ai IAELANO: A TELEVISION HISTORY WA8TEAPtECE THEATRE "Testament Of Youth" Vera la plunged Into the hell of • front·line hOtPltal and 1181gned to nune ~ G«mans. Paff.4 (A ( t hr ) ,...,, Ne t 1 l'J· p .~ ~.~f t~e"ltfr~ WI 11' ~(~ ~U:.:>iA ~coon- LIZ bt\I tty ttadlt!Of\. L.ltka n ~~ --~----~ 1 I I• I 14----------------------------~----------------~--------------------------- N Thursday (continued) GO CJ) ... party lor the dnve1s al the Sunshine Cab Company (I) YOU ASKED FOR IT D MOVIE "Mommie Dearest" (1981, Drama) Faye Dunaway. Otana Scarw1d. Forties film star Joan Crawford raises her two adopted children 1n a domestic atmosphere that varies from luxurious comfort lo sad1s11c d1sc1phne 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 min.) CZ> MOVIE "Wanted BabyStller" ( 1976, Orama) Maria Schneider, Sydne Rome. For revenge. a wom- an concocts an elabOrate plan lo kidnap her former lover's son ( 1 hr . 50 min ) 9:35 ©)CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE 10:008 Cl) KNOTS LANDING 'Season. Pcem1ere) Val gathers the courage lo make Gary pay lor his allair with Abby. and Karen tries to reopen the 1nve~a11on into Sid's death ( 1 hr.) 0 tlD HILL STREET BLUES (Season Premiere) Fur11to 1nves11gales a brutal attack on a nun, and Hill and Renk o encounter an adulterous lover trapped I bathroom plumbing ( 1 hr) IJtl)NEWS (11)20120 PSYCHIC PHENOMENA SINGIN' Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault sing hits lrom some ol Broadway's musicals. '1!> ODYSSEY "The Sakudde1" The lndoneStan gov- ernment's ellorls lo develop programs tor educa· lion. medical care and housing lor the Sakudde1s are examined (R) o ( 1 hr ) CC> MOVIE "Airplane'" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert Hays, Juhe Hagerty Atter an airliner's crew falls 10 IOOd po1sorllng. a nervous f0fme1 war pilot is pressed into service and must contend with on- board hys1e11a. a secrellve control ~ower and chche- lilled memories 'PG' ( 1 hr , 30 min) Tony Banta meets match in Ann De Salvo on 'Taxi.' BOBBY VINTON Bobby Vinion per1orms some ol his biggest hits. 1nclud1ng "Blue On Blue" and across a series ol g11sly murders. 'R' ( 1 hr , 25 min ) "Red Roses FOf A Blue Lady." from the Sands 12:00.9 ENTERTAINMENT TONIOHT Hotel in Las Vegas ( 1 hr ) 8 9 VEGA$ B1nzer's former partners 111 cnme CO) MOVIE "Hell Night" ( 1981. Horror) Linda Blair. finally catch up with him and demand the 1001 they Vincent Van Patten As part of lhetr inl11at1on, Irater· think he still has (R) ( 1 hr., 10 min.) nity and sorority pledges spend a night 1n a spooky, U MOVIE "Where Love Has Gone" ( 1964, Ora· supposedly abandoned mansion. 'A' ( 1 hr , 40 ma) Susan Hayward, Bette Davis. After a teen-ager min) kills her mother's lover. her divorced parents bitterly CS) ROMANCE: STOLEN LOVE (Part 4) reunite (2 hrs) 10:30• NEWS (I) MOVIE "Lucky Luciano" ( 1974, Orama) Gian- 1 INOEPENOENT NETWORK NEWS Maria Volonte. Rod Steiger. A lop crime figure laces SIGNATURE Guest· Dr. Jonathan Miller (Part 2) deportation alter commissioning a series or notori- 1 REMEMBER HARLEM "Toward A New Day· ous crimes (2 hrs.) 1965· 1960" Harlem's decline. rebirth and develop· ID MOVIE "Christmas Eve" ( 1947. Orama) ment are traced and several ol its prominent citizens George Raft, Ann Harding. On Christmas Eve, the offer predictions'°' the future. (R) ( 1 hr.) three adopted sons of a wealthy spinster learn that CID NOT NECESSARILY THE NEWS Comedy her real nephew is developing a sinister plot against sketches combine with classic him and news toot-her (2 hrs.) ~ 1n an ollbeal. satiric take-of!. I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE lSJ VIEWER'S CHOICE ART Of BEING HUMAN 10:50@ MOVIE "Delta County, U S.A " (1977, Ora-MOVIE "Outland" (1981, Scienoe-Fict1on) ma) Joanna Mites, Peter Donat An old Southern Sean Connery. Peter Boyle A space marshal mves- lam1ly allempts 10 save local trad111ons from being trgates a rash of mysterious deaths w1th1n a mtnlng destroyed ~ a land developer (2 hrs ) COiony on one ol Jupiter's moons. 'R' ( 1 hr • 49 11:00118•Cl)dlJ ID NEWS mm) I SATURDAY NIGHT 0 MOVIE "Alien" ( 1979. HorrOf) Tom Skemll, IN SEARCH OF... Yaphel Kon o The crew ol a spaceg01ng scrap car· JOE FRANKLIN ner follow a mystenous signal to a supposedly dead STREETS Of SAN FRANCISCO planet and, alter landing, discover that the message MIXED BAG "Eye To Eye" Photographers Rob· was a warning lo stay away. 'R' '(2 hrs., 4 min ) erl Frank and Wilham Eggleston discuss and dem-12:16(1) MOVIE "Mommie Dearest" ( 1981. Orama) ons1ra1e the11 prOJect. the medium, as an art form Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarwid. Forties him star «!>DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Joan CrawfOfd raises her two adopted children in a ([) THE NFL STORY: LINE BY LINE A preview ot domestic atmosphere that vanes from luxurloos this week's match-ups. (R) comfort to sadistic discipline 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 min.) CH) MOVIE "Outland" ( 1981, Science-F1ct1on) 12:300 18 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN · Seon Connery. Pe1er Boyle A space marshal in11es-Guests: TV writers Tom Patchett and Jay Terses, ligates a ra sh of myslenous deaths within a mining author Fran Lebowitz. ( 1 hr.) colony on one of Jupiter's moons 'R' ( 1 hr., 49 I COUPLES min ) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE CD MOVIE "Emmanuelle fl· The Joys Of A Woman" PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE (R) ( 1975. Drama) Sylvia Kristel. Umberto Orsini ·x· 12:408 Cl) MCCLOUD Marshal McCloud comes to ( 1 hr , 32 mm.) New York to study big city police operations and 11:3011 Cl) QUINCY Quincy traces three cases ol finds himself Involved in two cases. ( 1 hr., 40 min) bOlulism po.soning to a stadium where a ma1or 12:45([) MOVIE "Aockshow" (1980, Musical) Poul soccer champronsh1p IS to be played. ( l hr., 10 McCartney and Wings. This record of the band's min 1 U S tour Includes performances of "Jet." "Band 8 ID TONIGHT Guest host George Carlin. Guest On The Run." "Siiiy Love Songs" and some old Bob Hope ( 1 hr.) Beatie ballads. 'G' ( 1hr .. 45 mln) I 0 ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE 12:50® MOVIE "Five Miles To Midnight" (19e3, YOU ASKED FOR IT Suspense) Sophia Loren, Anthony Perkins. After THE JEFFERSONS surviving a pta~ crash, a man goes Into hiding and EARLY DAYS S11 Ralph RichardSon stars In this conv1nces his wile to make a claim for the lnsuiance play aboot a cantankerous chap who finds pleasure m~ on his life. (2 hrs., 10 min.) in annoying his relatives and neighbors. ( 1 hr , 30 12:56(.11.) MOVIE "Agency" (1981. Suspense) Robert min ) Mitchum. lee M•jors The nttw heed of a ma}Of I BUSINESS REPORT · Amerl<:4n advertising lwm UMS a chlldren's bfeak· CAPTIONED ABC NEWs last drink campaign to transmit sobllminal political MOVIE "American GlgOIO" (1980, Drama) messaget. 'R' I 1 hr., 3~ min.) Richard Gere. Lauren Hull~. A Bev~ly Hiiis gigolo 1:ooe MOVE ••Safty O'Aoutke" ( UM6. Drama) becomes the Pf\me suspeetrln a murder lnvestlga· Alln Ladd. GllM Aullell A con ertlst trlet to use a past accident which cost some men1tlerr hves ( 1 hr., 30min.) 9 SINGIN' Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault sing hits from some ol Broadway's musicals (%) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH... "Mary Sleenborgen" 1: 108 MOVIE "The Oesperados" ( 1969. Western) Vince Edwards. Jack Palance When a young man qu11s his father's outlaw gang to live a respectable hie. he lends himself 1n a bloody confrontation with lhe ~ng years later ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1: 15CZJ MOVIE "lion Of The Desert" ( 1981, Drama) Anthony OU1nn, Oliver Reed A tiard·nding Bedouin leader resists llaly's attempts tc}..occupy Libya tor 20 years 'PG' (2 hrs., 45 min.) 1:30 8. NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 1:35(C) MOVIE "It Lives Again" ( 1978. Horror) Frederic Forrest. Kathleen Lloyd. A number of cou- ples find their 1oy over having a baby changed 1n10 nerve-shattering terror when the infants emerge as clawed monsters 'R' ( 1 hr , 31 min.) 2:00G)NEWS (() TENNIS "Da111s Cup" Live coverage of the Aus- • tralia 11s. USA singles semifinal matches from Perth. Australis. (3 hrs.) D MOVIE "The Tin Drum" ( 1979. Drama) David Bennett. Angela Winkler A small bOy with unusual powers of perceptron re1ec1s politics. human com· panionsh1p and even adulthood and wanders about his country during the tumultuous years of the Nazi 2:~i1me~=ssly banging a toy drum 'R' ( 1 hr , 56 2:20 NEWS 2::30 MORNING STRETCH e MOVIE "Daddy Long Legs" ( 1955. Musical) Fred Astaire, leshe Caron When a wealthy playboy dec1deS to send a French orphan girl to college. he doesn't anticipate that a thing like love might interfere (2 hrs . 30 men ) .NEWS CID INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick Buoniconll present h1ghhghls of the previous week's pro football action and interviews w11h players and coaches. ( 1 hr.) CO MOVIE "Death Race 2000" ( 1975. Science-Fie· hon) David Carradine, Simone Griffith. In the year 2000 A D , hrt-and-run driving is a nallonal sport in which female victims are worth 10 points. 'R' ( 1 hr , 19 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Te,J(as lightning" (1981, Drama) Channing Mllchell. Maureen McCormick. A boy's weekend hunting trip with his father turns into an Initiation into manhOOd. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min ) 2:401NEWS 2:60 MOV1E "Daring Game" ( 1968. Orama) Lloyd Bridges, Nico Mfnardos. A man searches a Latin American island '°' the huSband and daughter of a fOfmer girlfriend (2 hrs.) 3:008 MOVIE "A Race For Liie" ( 1955, Adven- ture) Richard Conte, Mary Alden. Race car d11vers are 1nvOlved in adventure, romance and exerting drama. ( 1 hr , 30 min ) (I) JOE FRANKLIN @NEWS 3:10(C) MOVIE "Lunch Wagon" (1981, Comedy) Orck Van Patten. Chuck Mccann A lunch wagon becomes the center ol the mob's attention when the owners stumble upon a prlCefess diamond 'A' ( 1 hr., 30 min) 3:30® MOVIE "The Nesting" ( 1980, Horror) Glona Grahame, John Carradine. A novelist rents a seclud· ed Victorian manSlon where she begins having stra~. erotic dleams. 'R' ( 1 hr , 45 min.) 3:45(Z) MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981, Comedy) Peter Falk. Burt Young. A hustling. wisecracking manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the top. 'R' ( 1 hr., 55 min.) 4:00i I JIMMY SWAGGART 4:06 FUNTIME 4: 16 MOVIE "Harry's War" ( 1981, Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Ger&ldlne Page A small-town postman comes 10 the aid of his aunt, who owes the IRS back taxes. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 4:30 • MOVIE "H1,acked" ( 1950) Jim Davis ( 1 hr) (!l JIM 8M<KER e MOV1E "Clrcle Of Two" ( 1980, Romance) Rich· ard Burton, T1tum O'Neal. Despite strong parental oppos4110fl, a poignant romance deVetops between a 60-year-old artist and a precocious teen-age sohoolQrrt. 'PG' ( t hr., 40 min.) 4:35 Gl) f DREAM OF JEANNIE 4i40£C) MOVIE "Robin And Marian" ( 1976, Romance) Sean Connet)'. Audrey Hepburn An Old-er and wlMf Robin Hood return$ from battle to Sherwood Foftsl to reclaim his beloved Maid Mari- an, who has tf"llered a 1:onvent Ind taken hef vows 'PG' l 1 hi .. 45 min.) . lion. ~min.) lamed jockey u ~ ticktt to• finlnc:ill windf.. (2 ~~ "Oeat~Veti.y':· (J982. My&tefY) Pauf __ -~ .. -~J.i&•• 1.5 Shown, plays Jeff on Dynasty 10 Played Abner Kravitz 12 ,.Lady - 13 Mr. Alpert's inslgne 14 Explosive 15 Thing, In law 18 RorNn Nine 17 MlssBalln 19 Tommy on Eight Is Enough 21 Personality 22 Imogene's co-star 23 Euble's forte 24 Heflin or Johnson 25 -of Night 28 Miss Van Ark 30 Clock numerals 1 Chach love ACROSS 31 -the Avenue 32 -Gordon 34 Miss carter 37 Chico and the - 38 Bobby E.wtng's wife 41 Have a bite 43 Played Ed Norton « Role for J Im Nabors 46 A Boy Named - 47 Prefix with couth 48 Aiiee's boss 49 Mr. Buttons 51 MASH role 52 Played Johnny Venture on Rhoda 54 Blulsfl.purple 58 Author Jong 57 Jones or Martin DOWN 2 Mr. Bean's sign-off 3 Long-running ahow 4 Sha-- 5 Speno and Altaao 8 Commercials 7 Oo,re, - 8 S..120own 9 Regular on The Bold Ones 10 -OtdHouse 11 Top banana 12, 8 D Plays BJ 18 Total 20 Lucllle to Lucie 21 ZsaZsa'aalater 28 Playa Buck Rogera 27 Played Mias Brooks 28 Ponch'a pel 29 -Day at a Time 32 Playa Brett Maverick 33 Picnic drop.In 35 WKRP0newam1n 36 Julleon l ove'Boat 37 Role for Bea Arthur 38 Marco- 39 Not prime time 40 Mr. Griffin 42 MASH "bulldlng" « MIH Rowlands 45 Plays Venus on WKRP 48 Rock Hudson rote 50 Bambi's ma 53 51, In old Rome 55 -Wanda Page SOLUTION EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient altem•tlve to ho•plt•I emergency rooms for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS AND CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COM PENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 405 FWY 385 DAYS A YEAR O.C. 8A.M.·11 P.M. Airport (714) 752"8300 . ~ •M•RG•NCY DOCTORS OF,.CE 4030 Birch St., Suite 107 Newport Beach 'ISoFF i your first visit = -wlththle~ - See what we have to oHer • ( __ T_V_O_&_A ___ ) 'All My Children' anniversary ~ . ~ done up in .style by prod~cer ~ By LYNDA HIRSCH Q: I waa lDtriped by tbe Idea of &be tan-of-tlle-ceah11·1 pany on "AJI My Cllllclrea." Wl9ose idea was It and bow macb effort did U take? -R.S., BllffaJo, N.Y. A Any idea on a soap is really a group p roject, since it must go through many hands, bu t Jackie Babbin, that show's new producer, certainly was instru mental in t hat location shoot to celebrate Cliff and Nina's second anniversary. It was a lot of effort and time, from costuming and getting the cast and crew up to New Canaan, Conn., w here it was film ed, to the intercutting and integrating of a variety of storylines. Incidentally, since Babbin has taken over on "All My Children," the show's pace has quickened to the tune of adding at least six new pages of dialogue per episode. Q: I noticed on tbe crecllt1 for "Al ttae World Taras" tbe ctaarac&er of Cralg 11 played by Scott Bryce. Is be u y relatloa to tile actor Ed Bryce, wllo played BUI on "Tbe Galdla1 Llpt~" -W .N., Beaver Falls, Pa. A: Yes. Scott is the son of Ed Bryce. F.<J, who played Bill Bauer on '"the GuJding Light" for over five years, now handles his own PR agency but Wherever }'l)tf busy itinerary takes you ... !Of business i. pleasu1 e. befOfe you go -plarl a stop to Pat Ma'le(s. for lJ yus now -Pat Marley, hmselt. n assooate.s contwiue to present men's la9lioos that mile 111 dress Of casual! Now we ye extet*d to laches' tratltns! We always have a hideaway sale up5tatrs in th!! attic 10001. Plus all arOtlld the store you'll fnd tn~ted collectibles llld gift 1tsns for 111 special gift! took a recent plunge back Into acting at the 45th anniversary party of "Guiding Light " (45 years of combined radio and television), when ~ he and Charita Bauer recreated an episode from the firs-t tel~vised episode of "The Guiding Light." Since Bill and Bert were not ~ instrumental on that show, Charita ~ played Cathy and F.cJ played Cathy's co father. ~ Q: We bear tbat Doug Sbeebao is leavlDc "Geaeral Bospl&al.'' We llke tbe cbaracter of Joe very macb ud wonder if it will be recaat or not. - R.K., Akron, Oblo. A: Doug Sheehan is supposedly set to do a pilot for prime time. If the pilot sells, then Doug will probably be going. We understand that unlike the past, Gloria Monty , the s how's producer, is wiUjng In this case to recast the role. Aside from the role of Rick Webber, origina lly played by Michael Gregory and now by Chris Robinson, Monty has never recast a role -for example, there were no replacements for Jeff Webber, Laura Baldwin. and Scotty Baldwin when Kin Shriner left for a short time. However, when it was realized Kin was available, Gloria gi:abbed the chance to get him back a nd the character Scotty returned to Port Charles. n l . N CID CJ) ,.... G i Dayti1ne ~ i l Evans goes into ~ shock and dies 'O . -.:: u.. • By LYNDA HIRSCH 8' ALL MY CHILDREN: Spotting Jenny in ...J Kirby's, Liza manages to make sure Greg does not ~ see her. When L.iz.a lets the business appointment Jenny was supposed to meet at Kirby's believe .2 Jenny wasn't interested, Jenny considers a return ~ to Pine Valley. Greg displeased when Liza misses the train back to Pine Valley and they must spend night at a hot.el, but are in separate beds. Ke~t pleased with Silver's pretty new look but Erica is jealous. Daisy guesses that St.eve is the man t.h~t Nina kissed. When Palmer plans to have St.eve JOm Nina on LA busin~ trip, Daisy tries to stop the plan but fails. On his honeymoon with Carrie, Chuck broods about hiding the truth that he is the father of Donna's child. Carrie tells Chuck she. is jealous of his ex-wwes, Tara and Donna. Benny, about to be released from hospital, is unhappy because Estelle is going to move in with Martin. ANOTHER WORLD: Cowboy, one of Ilsa's workers, tells Sandy that Ilsa plans to make Bay City a real sin city. Jason is in on the deal with Ilsa but they plan to make it look as though Ilsa has gone s traight and is merely working at the Connection. Locking Blaine in the barn closet, Alma begins to terrorize her. Jamie refuses to go to Los Angeles with Chris. Cecille s hattered by news that Elena is her mother. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Betsy tells Kim that she plans to share an apartment with Bilan. Betsy then admits to Kim that she had the argument with Nick before his fatal heart attack. Kim asks St.eve to manage the Bistro but he declines, saying he must be successful on his own. Maggie is able to get Steve trl.acking job with WhiL Ariel continues to have contact w ith James against her mother and John's wishes. John confronts Ariel when he discovers her new prescription for birth control pills. With Margo preparing to go to New York, she and Tom continue to discuss wedding pl.ans. Ellen is unable to accept Ben's marriage proposal. James convinces Barbara to sign herself into hospital for psychiatric care. Cynthia plans to quit her job as the hospital pharmacist. CAPITOL: Furious because she learns ttrar Myrna and Trey were only pretending to go along with her engagement to Tyle r, Julie takes off in the Clegg boat. Trey jumps aboard. The boat, neglected by Jordy, who is s~posed to maintain it, catches on {ire and exJ>lodes. Tyler and Wally rescue Julie and Trey. Trey ~uffers a skull fracture and back injuries a nd Julie· lies in a coma. Sam has her secretly transfe rred out of the hospital. Rog decides to come on to Brenda in order to gam access to th~ Clegg mansion and Myrna's jewels. Mark talks his reclusive wife Paula into seeing a new psychologist. Touched by Jordy's feeling of responsibility for the accid ent, Lizbeth embraces him JUSt as Thomas comes in. DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Maggie horrified that Evan 1s Sara's father through the surrogate program. When Maggie gives him back engagement ring he gave to Sandy, Evan tries to talk Maggie Ma rie Ch eatham a nd Lisa Peluso of 'Search for Tomorrow.' into taking Sara and running away with him. As they are driving. the car brakes fail; Maggi~ is uninjured but Evan is critical. At the hospital, Sandy is forced to operate on Evan. and Stephano and Alex make certain that Evan will not survive; Evan's medical record is switched. Unbeknow nst to Sandy. he is allergic to penicillin. which she orders for him. Evan goes into shock and dies. Mitxi tells Julie she still mt.ends to get Doug. Abe confronts Nikki with knowledge she lied about her past on job application. Tony stops Liz from going to London, but she makes certain they no longer share the sa~ bed. Doug and Julie realize the club is on top of valuable mineral deposits. DOCTORS: Paul promises to help Natalie with her drug problem. Jean Marc assures Adrienne she cannot have any long-term romance with Jeff. Steve off the critical list thanks to Maggie's serum. Mona may be dead, but she has left the legacy of her illegitimate son to create havoc. EDGE OF NIGHT: Chad admits to Jodie she is not the martyr of Eden and decides to return to Eden to help fight the wron'gs his father is reponsible Tor. At tne ceremony, Jodie gives an impassioned s peech for the people of Eden. Suddenly an archer's arrow hits her, but she is saved by the bodice on the dress Chad gave her. Troy gives himself up alt.er taking Skipper hostage. Foley prepares to put Raven in a permanent aleep. Sky tells Jim if he wants the theater he must stop seeing Val. an order Jim refUleS. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Luke and Holly manage to escape the amusement park. Ramsey continues on Luke's trail but has no luck. Joe decides to check on •tory about "death of Holly's father" -the story she gave as to how she got the dump site property. Luke and Holly go to Van Gelder's home and they are told th.at Van Gelder died mysteriously. Seeing a picture of Van Gelder, Luke realizes he wu not the Van Gelder who surveyed the dump property. Basil's lat.est atlempl to kill Dan Ls foiled. With ~out of town, Scott decides to step up Susan's case so that Lee will be u nprepared. Unhappy at the Webbers', Blackie considers a return to the streets. GUIDING LIG HT: Samantha and Alan Michael celebrate their first birthdays. Hope fearful Alan is returning to his success-at-any-price personality. Justin realizes that he and Philip are strangers. When Kelly spots Josh and Morgan at Wired for Sound, he becomes wild and a fight ensues. Floyd and Lesley Ann celebrate their engagement. Nola releued from hospital. Mark on his way to Madrid in order to be with Amanda. Jennifer discover s Mark 's picture in secret -compartmen of locket. QulntTs plans tO tell Nola or his past thwarted when he must go to Canada to I.D. Loomis' body . ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Ed jumps out of way just before fork lift plows into him. In the excitement the taped voice of the killer is lost. Manx> solves the Hatchfield case: Hatchfield did not die in the plane crash; he returned home to !ind his wife and chauCfeur together. He killed them, making it look like a murder/suicide, and disappeared. Although the movie set has been c105ed down, Marco decides to film in secret and has Gary, Mimi, John and Kyle on the set. As the movie winds down, a shadowy figure with a gun points it at Marco. J{at allows Jenny to see Mary. but balks when a confused Mary continues to call Jenny "Mommy." Judge refuses to give Clint and Vicki permission to wed in jail. When the judge makes a distasteful crack about Vicki, Clint punches him out and is sent to jail. Meanwhile, a higher court has overturned Vicki's imprisonment and she is set free. Tony to be an investigative reporter. RYAN'S HOP E: Kirk decides Kim needs love and sets out to find her and give her all the things he feels she needs. Rae warns Kirk it will only mean heartbreak. When E.J . tells Ox she needs time before moving in with him. he says It's now or never, so E.J . decides to move to Los Angeles. Ox and Roger commiserate over drinks and Ox decides to become a spokesman for one of Kirk's companies. Roger tells Rae to fight Seneca's custody suit for Arley. Maeve and Dave wait for the judge to determine the winners of the dance cont.est. When China wants to meet with Joo, he refuses, but agrees to let Dom go to the underworld meeting. Dom tells Siobhan of Joe's refusal to attend the meeting. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Rusty, Travis' "father," shows up at the charity ball and gives a large donation. Later, Warren and Ringo Iea:n Rusty is their connection, Raphael. Travis tells Ltza he doesn't feel much closeness towards his Cather. Rusty infonns Aja he thinks Liza is spoiled and high-st.rung when Liza says she wants Travis out of the Operation Sunburst project. Sunnr and Dane patch things up at the party. At Kristen s insistence. because she wants Brian out of town for a while, Warren offers Brian a job. and an inebriated Brian punches him out. At party, Ringo spots Jenny as someone who knows his shady put. and decides that she must die. TEXAS: Re na begins to wond~r what connection T.J. has to Gregory. Vicki unhappy when Hunt leaves on emergency uip without any explanation. Rena and Grant share goodbye kiJs which a horrified Judith sees and misinterprets. Sneaking into Grant's, George steals a gun. Justin's disappearance alanns Rena. YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Cindy refuses t.O tell Lenny who the other man ln her life is. He starts to get rough with her. Andy manages to break It up, but Lenny decides Andy must be the new man. 675-1 0 I 0 IL WEJ18··def.1 mar (, ______ ,_._,_,_._,_. ________ ) Mitchell was uncle in 'Wonderful Life' SAY UNCLE -A frie nd of mine insists that in the original movie "It's a Wonderful Life," starring James Stewart. that the man who played the part of the uncle (who lost all the money) is Gene Lockhart. I cannot recall the name of the actor, but l know it was not Gene Lockhart. Thomas Mitchell played the uncle in Frank Capra's classic, and personal favorite, film. . MURPHY'S OUTLAW? -In the movie ''The Outlaw," with Jane Russell, who played the male lead and what year was the film made? I say Audie Murphy and 1952. Am I correct? Sorry, wrong on both counts. Jack Buetel played Billy the Kid ~ Howard Hughes famous sex-western, made in 1943. Buetel got nearly as much publicity in his film debut as did Russell's bustline, but ended up in a series of Grade D westerns. DINNER ON ALICE -Can you tell me if Cheryl Ladd (fonnerly of "Charlie's Angela") and Diane Ladd (formerly of "Alice") are related. Also, how long has "Alice" been on the air? I have a dinner riding on this. The name may be the same, but the family ties are not. Diane Ladd's real name i.s Ladnier and Cheryl acquired hers through marriage to Alan Ladd's son David. "Alice" premiered on August 31, 1976. DAWSON FEUD -I know Richard Dawson was on .. Hogan's Heroes," but my friends disagree. Pl aae help . Before going on to make Ms living kissing al contestants on "Family Feud," Dawson r11e·W«.rrK''Oll "Hogan's Heroes" from 1965-71. ALL THE "RAGE" -I know Jaclyn Smith has had a baby, but has she retired from acting? Jaclyn has found room for both her baby and work. She's in New York filming the CBS movie version of Sidney Sheldon's bestseller, "R,iage of Angels" for airing later this season. MORE MOORE -ls there another James Bond film being made? U so, is Roger Moore still 007? Moore and producer Cubby Broccoli worked out their annual contract dispute, and he'll return as 007 in "Octopussy," now before the cameras ln England, Germany and India. Co-starring are Louis Jourdan and Maud Adams, the first actress to appear in two Bond films. YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD CALL 645-5300 For Complimentary Con1ultatlon WISTCLIFf CHUIOPIACTIC OfflCI Dr.leMttA.~ ~ w .. tdtff Dr .. -.... tOI • N~I ..... <-c ..... -17"' -4 ........ , (_~_·_.v_o_r_d~G_a_m~•~~-) FILL t...i 'fl.IE MISSING LEifa?S HJ IH£ '1 IV WORDS" BELOW. IPIEITI I J I ITI IAIUISlst IEIRINI I I I IO[RI I IJOIHNI I ISi 11 INJ lSWJ tr1 ~~-~rµ_ ~ R€A~ANGE THE (t l.E1Y~S You Fill.ED ltJ $' 8' ,..-0 S\'et.l l'HE #JAME~ A ..,; .. DANail./~TCR: H . I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'Today' show trades Wallace for Palmer NEW YORK (AP) -"Today," the long- running NBC morning televiaion program, will have one new face and one milling face as it jockeys for position with .ABCs top-rated "Good.Morning America." NBC News hM announced that John Palmer, the network'• White Houae correspondent. will become soJe anchor for the news segments on "Today," repladng Chri8 Wallace, effectiYe SepL 27. tlJ (, ____ r_v __ i_._a __ •• __ r• ____ __.) Who was 'Maude' in CBS sitcom? By W. W~ON C~EY CopMyNew•~ ' ~' ~ 0 - ,, ... Ci Dl ~. <.n CD 1. Who sta rred in the l1tle role of CBS' '2. "Maude." CD 2. Name the series in which 607 Maple Street 6- was--che home address rn Springfielaof the~ Anderson family."' N 3. Who was Alice's boyfriend on "The Brady -~ Bunch?" ~ 4. F.dward Everett Horton portrayed Roaring .OI Chicken, the Hekawi Indian, on what comedy N series? 5. What was the name of Flip's invisjble dog on ''The Flip Wilaon Show?" 6. Who was the mother of Jethro on "The Beverly Hillbillies?' ANSWERS: 1. Beatrice Arthur 2. "Father Knows Best" 3. Sam the butcher (Alan Melvin) 4. "F Troop" 5. Ralph 6. Pearl Bodine (Bea Benaderet) TV Teuers are available in the book, "TV Trivia Quiz," which Includes more than 300 questions ~ ~)' be ordered for $3, plus $2 for postage and handllrag, from CMe Cc., 101 Lafayette St., Spartanburg, SC 29303. Satisfaction gua ran teed. ...... ~ ...... ::i:.~EJC,j~~ -CO_M_M_U_N_IC_A_T_I_O_N_s_ I ~11'9'~ ELECTRONICS I u ~ "'t" Another reason ;vhy, I · in the Air National Guard, 1 SWEET SHOP the sky isn't the limit. I -~ We're looking for people who want to I ..... specialize in communrcations electronic or I SCOOP who have previous military experience in this rapidly expanding field. I I As an Air Guard telecommunications I operations sp~ciali &t, communications systems control or maintenance specialist. wide band comr:nuni ca tions equipment specialist; yo u'll learn to install, repair and maintain wide b and communicat ions systems; telecommunications equipmenl or to monitor and analyze telecommunications systems. You'll receive good pay, excellent training. a retirement plan, low-cost life insurance and much more. All 1hi1 for your part-lime work in the Air Guard. We Guard America's Skies I I I I I 20% 'DISCOUlt 01: Al Sundaes Banana Spits Al Ice Cream Cones Al Pints & Quarts • I I I I I I I I .. 1 ' --r: ----....... -------·---------~---~~ • t8 N co O> .... <o:t N ... ! E Q) -ii Q) ~ Cf) >. ca ~ 1: u.. CJ) 0 ...J > I- §' ~ Lor~tta Swit and Alan Alda share victories by winning Emmy Awar~ (or their roles in 'M*A*S*H'. Michael Learned and Daniel J. Travanti win awards for roles in 'Nurse' and 'Hill Street Blues.' I ~ I I I I ... E~myAwards pleasant surprise From Page 3 remembered in scenes from "Howdy Doody," "Mister Wizard," "Soupy Sales" and the inevitable "Mickey Mouse Club." A later retrospective featured the late Dave Garroway, the television pioneer who was the first host of the "Today" show. On stage, ~rbara Walters warmly recalled how Garroway gave her an early break by hiring her as a "Today" writer in 1961. Another segment highlighted Bob Hope's countless television appearances. When the star himself appeared on stage, he received the expected standing ovation. Some of Hope's one-liners were a bit lame, but you couldn't help but believe him Sports Highlights From Page 6 WEONESDA Y'S SPORTS SEPTEMBER 29, 1982 EVENING 6:3000 RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 World Series. 7:00 m DODGER DUGOUT (I) TtNNIS Highlights of the Sweden vs. USA Davis Cup Quarterfinals (R) ( 1 hr.) 7: 151 PAE-GAME 7:30 BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles Dodps (3 hrs.) 7:3611.Z) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles DQ.dfErs (3 hrs .• 15 min.) 8:00 SPORT8CENTER 9:00 wc;r TENNIS "The Forum Classic" Cover- age of the finals from Los Angeles. Callf. (R) (2 ' hrs. 30 min.) 11:30 (r) SPOATSCENTER 12:30(1) AUTO RAC.NG Coverage of the CART l Detroit News Grand Prix 150 (A) (2 hrs.) 2:30(1) SQUASH Coverage of the Oesinex Classic 1 • f1 • • .. • Jro1t1 Rochester. N.Y. (A) (1.hr.) _s..,.. I ' ' A Kl ,, I " bet:f(" ~ ....... ,. ........ ·&.Saa NCAA INSTIWCTIOHAL acr11EI "Footbell:· -.:~ • ..-. .. -. .... w ...... ,,.,,, ... , ... ~~-tlflfIOSS.~---.. ~S>, •• when he said, "I've got news for you -I've been ln television for 44 years, and I want to go around again." Actor Roy Scheider did a fine. job of reviewing the contributions of celebrated newsman Edward R. Murrow, including Murrow's challenge to Sen. Joseph McCarthy. Anyone with an affection for television nostalgia couldn't hel}> but be touched by the reunion of aome "Lassie" cast qiembers. Even the re-teaming of Andy Griffith, Don Knotts and Ron Howard from "The Andy Griffith Show" triggered a smile. There were plenty of other special momenta, both amusing and thoughtful. Alan Alda aooepted his umpteenth Emmy with a speech recited at hyper-speed .. Direct.or Marvin Chomsky noted that all three of his Emmya have been for dramas hued on events that should never have happened. (His awards were for "Attica," "Holocaust" and "lnaide the Third Reich.") Loretta Swit leaned over to pet "Lassie" before launching into her acceptance ~ T..,URSDAYS SPORTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1982 AFTERNOON 12:00(1) BOXING Coverage ol the Bobby Czyz I Chris Linson 10-round middleweight boUt from the Ameri- cana Hotel in Great GOfge. N.J. (R) (2 hrs., 30 minJ_ 2:30 Cl) SQUASH Coverage of the Oesenex Classic from Rochester. N.V. (A) (1 hr.) 3:30(1) FROM THE 56-YARO LINE Action highlights from the Canadian Football League. 4':00 ~ 8PORT8FORUM 4':30 8POAT8CENTER 5:00 THE NR. STORY: LINE BY LINE A preview of this week's match-ups. 5:30 Cl) TOP RANK BOXING Live coverage of the Robin Blake (Tx.) I Cartos Santana (S.C.) 10- roond juniof welterwelgtlt boUt from the USS York• town, Charleston, S.C. (2 hra., 30 min.) EVENING speech. Michael Learned was surpised at winning a best act.reg award for "Nune." "I'm 90 stunned I swallowed my chewing gum," she said. Certainly an emotional peak was reached when Ingrid Bergman was named best actress for "A Woman Called Golda." (The voting took place b efore her death.) Bergman's daughter Pia Lindatrom accepted the honor with a moving speech about how the renowned actn!IS stn.agled bravely against illnela during the filming. Later, the film's producer Harve Bennett annoWM:.'ed that subeequent showings would carry the dedication: "To Ingrid, whoee courage matched Golda's." · 1;:he Enuny broadcut concluded with cli~ of robust, colorful singer Kate Smith. 'Iben, Bob Hope rolled the ailing singer on stage in a wheelchair as the audience roee. to join in a ~ rendition of her signature 90ng, ''God Blel8 Amenca." It was a moist..eyed aentimental moment to be sure, but a perfect endiJ'li for an awards show that certainly aet a new high standard for this sort of profp'am. 7:35(1) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles Dodlrs (3 hrs .. 15 min.) 8:00 SPOmSCENTER 8:30 RACING FROM ROOSEVEl. T ! 9:00 AUTO RACtNG CoveraQe of the·°"Oetroit News Grand Prix 150 (R) (2 hrs.) 11:00(1) THE NFL STORY: LINE BY LINE A preview of this week's match-ups. (R) 11:30 ~ SPORTSCENTER 012!30 Pf<A FULL CONTACT KARATE (R) 2!00 TENNIS "Davis Cup" Live coverage of the Australia vs. USA singles semifinal matches from Perth, Australia. (3 hrs.) 2:30® INSIDE ~E NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick Buonlcon11 present highlights of the previous weel<'s pro football action and Interviews with play- ers and coaches. ( 1 hr.) ' I 111111 l:UIT 1111111111 H1111111111 nun f RIOAV S lPILMUHi 1-1 lllllJ onANGLCOUNTV CAl.IJOHNIA 2 ~C ENl S We tsuited surfer lc avett u roo ter-tail of spray as he cranks off the bottom of a well-shaped, glossy wove north of the Huntington Beach 1)ier thi mornirlg. Olivia to get physical with .Coast; rain due Hurricane Olivia, which has caused high waves and n ew flooding threats to the S urfside Colony, also is bringing a 60 percent chance of rain tonight and Saturday, according to the National Weather Service. The storm, reported dissipating off the coast of Baja California, a lso is expeetcd to reduce the onslaught of smog in parts of the county with its cool breezes and m oisture. say Air Quality Management District officials. High temperature along t h e Pupil's 99th lauded By PHIL SNEIDERMAN ()(" .... 0.-, l'tlot Stllff It was o ne o f those rare occasJons when a college teacher conspired to make sure one of her students missed class. Teacher Margaret Hickey and some friends of student Lurella Taft kept her from attending her Coastline College arts and crafts class Thursday afternoon so that Lurella wouldn't see the surprise birthday pa rty they w e r e preparinJ{. When Lurella finally arrived. she was greeted by a chorus of 32 youngsters from Anna's Day School in Costa Mesa. The children launched into ~ngs like "Let Me Call You Sweetheart," "When I'm 64," ''You Light Up My Life" and "Tomorrow." "How sweet it is!'' Lurella exclaimed as she sang and c lappe d along with th e youngsters. It was a particularly sweet occasion because Coastline College student Lurella Taft was celebrating her 99th birthday She is enrolled in the arts and craft course and an "Exploring Music" class. Both are taught at the Bay View Manor retirement home in Costa Mesa, where Lurella Jives. "I enJOY life and I enJOY people, and I learn something every day," she says. "I'm not too old for that." Jack Chappell, a spokesman for Coastline. said Lurella Taft is on e o f the oldest studen ts currently enrolled in the college. But h e noted that e lderly students are not a novelty at Coastline, a Fountain Valley- based college that offers classes at more than 100 community locations. "We had a student who was 103," Chappell re<:alls. "And we even had a woman in h e r m1d-80s who enrolled in one of our tap dancing classes. She told us she used to dance with Ruby Keeler." CO'astline classes geared particularly to those 55 and older (Sff 99TH, Page A% I coast Saturday 1s expected to be around 75. Meanwhile. the storm posed new worries to residents of Surfside Colony in Seal Beach. Resident AJ Go_!gart reported today that eight to JO-foot waves are breaking in sight of the ex~nsive homes. 'Things don't look good 1f this kN•ps up," hl• said Golgart says that about 15 feet of sand still separate the <X.'Can from the homes but he fears further erosion. ,, , I Lure Ila Taft had a happy 99th birthday a t her Coastline College class when nursery school youngsters surprised her with a serena de a t a Costa Mesa nursing home. ----INDEX---- Two earthquakeJ ' l felt i·n central California area MAMMOTH LAKE (AP) - Two earthquakes. a strons one in the Mammoth Lakes region and a milde r separate tremor 150 miles to the west. jolted a broad area of central California today. There were no immediate reports ot damage or injuries. The University of CalifornJa Seismograph station in Berkeley reported the quak e near Mammoth Lake struck at 12:41 a.m. and registered a magnitude of 5.4 on the Richter scale. A quake or that magnitude Is capable of considerable damage. The temblor was felt in at least five California counties and parts of west.em Nevada. Houses and trees sh ook insid e Yosemite National Park, according to park dispatcher Karen Ball. Residents in dozens of towns in Inyo, Madera, TuoJumne, Mariposa and Mono i n t1es re ported feeling the shock , sheriff's, deputies said. , Berkeley seismologist Norman! Abrahamson first reporte one~ quake at 4.5, but revised his report after stu dying ael.smofl'raphic data. He said hia; measurements were thrown off! by another quake which had an: epicenter near Hollister in the> west. • The Hollister quake, 100 miles; south or San Francisco, struck at: 1:06 a .m . a)ld m easured 3.8,: Abrahamson said. : Dispatcher Jim S te phens or: the Hollister police said alanns in: the station were triggered by the! quake but he had no reports of dama,Re. Several local residents: called the station to report their houses had shaken. Rkk Scholl. deputy sheriff m Mammoth Lake, said he felt the (Sff EARTHQUAKES, Page A%) . ' Three teens seized in school bomb try Huntington Beach police have arrested three teen-agers who allegedly tried to plant a powerful pipe bomb on a student c~fet.eria window ledge at F.c:Jison High School. "If the device had detonated, it would have killed anything and ever y thing within a 300 to 400-foot radius," said Huntington Beach police Lt. Bruce Young. Placed in Huntington Beach City Ja il on s u s p icion o f possessing a destructive device with intent to injure were James Math ew Lugo, Aaron Paul Vaught and Mark Douglas Portnoy, a)) 18-year -old Huntington Beach residents. Young said police were alerted by a campus secu.·ity offlcer who spo tted the three acting suspiciously in the main quad area at F.c:Jlson at about 9 a.m. Thursday. H e s a id the three w e r e \ carrying a 12-inch-long by 2-inch in diameter pipe bomb allegedly fllled with explosive powder and shrapnel. Young said the device has been disarmed by poHce bomb experts. Ron Kuno, dean of supervision at F.c:Jison. said the three tee"- agers were not currently enrolled at the high school and had no legitimate business on campus. He said all three had graduated' from F.c:Jlson last year. ' Kuno praised veteran Edison security officer Joe Walulik for he lping to avert a po tential tragedy. •. "He did a fantastic job for us,~' Kuno said. "li it hadn't been fol" hlm, I don't know what would have happened." Police and school offidals sa.id no motive for the alleged bombing attempt h as bee tt determined. .. HArts in Motion" -dancing, music and aerobics - can b e seen Saturday and Sunday a t Main Beach Park in Lagunn. Page A4. Radioactive water le~k shuts reactor At Your Service A4 Gardening F.rma Bombeck A7 Horoscope Brid~e B4-0 Intermission Cav cade A7 Ann Landers Claaalfied 01-8 M~tual Funds C.omia 83 Public Nolices Croesword B3 Sports Death Notices 02 Stock Marketa Stan Delaplane A7 Weather Editorial A6 World News 82 A7 Weekender A7 B4 8 2.6;02 C l -7 85 A2 A3 By STEVE MITCHELL OftM Dally"°' lteft The on -again , off-again operation of the $1.7 mJlllon Unit 2 reactor at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station la off again -this time due to leakage of radloactlve water. Workers at the power s tation discovered the teak Wednetday, aaid David Barron. a spokesman for Southern California F.c:Jlaon Co .• major owner of the complex three milu south of San Clemente. "It's a problem that frequently can happen at a plant," Barron said, adding, "We expect thia to be occurring during the atar\up phase." Edi son o fficials began generating electricity for the first time In the unit Monday. The reactor was shut down later that day for rouUne maintenance and repairs. and started up agaln on Tuetday. Leu than a day later, &tlson employees discovered a leakage of radioactive-wuer Into a collectin1 tank from valves at the 1.100-megawatt reactor. The latest shutdown could keep the reactor out of action for as long as two weeks, the F.c:Ji90n spokesman said. He aald the malfunction rneana the reactor water waa not clrculatln1 under the proper pre11uro of 220 pounds per aquare inch. ..l When operatii,1 proberly, \he water valves help mafnualn the proper balance of water and ,OI In &h e pre11urr1er •. Th• pressurizer, in tum. k~pe the reactor water from boilin« u ~ clrculatee a\ hi1h temperatures. '. The water, heeted by enriche4 uranium dioxide fuel, move, through a ·heat exchanaer wheJlt a separate supply of water ff heeted to ptOduce .-m. That •*"'• tn ~ .p0\lten • a~neratol", whlc """'"'((th t\&tbine. pdllctna ~tty. • 1"B e f one' W • •·• nl1' Y 'f· s hutdown, the reaotor wa ~ ... 9t llboat '20 ~ cePICitv. • ... .. I fl H/F Orang• Coaat DAILV PILOT/Friday, September 24, tD82 -Hu~tingt D i·rm to market Chinese engines &v.121,F:.!1.T ::R.~i'(R .. I 11\1 th 'It~ ' I ,, 1\wo r•pru1t•ntallvu11 of the• ~Mn~H 11uvernm"nt urt.1 l n Muntln,\on Beach to rt-fine det.alla o an exclualvc agn't•nwnt lor the export of dleeel cmgml'tl w 1.a loc..'81 company. ' The R epub li c Eng~ne ~rporatlon of Hunttnaton Beach ""' 1.1lr<'oc.iy haa 176 t'Oilne1 In Ill waruhou111 that Wl'rl'I manufftt'tUrl'<I by tht• Communl1t nu lion. Company Prl•1lder\l Stt•Vl'll Armonlno 11ald tho company la e1tobllshing u ey1t1.•m of dlatrlbutorahlps for th<' 111.1lu of the engines throughout lht• nation and Is plunnlng lO entn the overseas murkN. Armun1no itoll1 lh•puhlll- ''XJ>t'<.'t• to 1t1u t 111•lllnl( tht• t'ttUIJlllll'lll hy Nov I Zhung Yin, o M>nlui 1•11.ci11 •r for thl· (it•m•rnl Burc•nu 1( Ailrh:ulturul Mut•him·ry, ond ChC'nfJ 1'ultw, ,vh•e munUlll'r of lhl• <:hmn NMlunul Agrlcuhurol Machinery Import and Export Corp , ~rrlYl'<I Monduy to t'XJ>llnd loseup view o f eng ine tag shows specifics in both English and inese. The engines a re expecte d to go on sale in Novembe r. 9TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED . • • . • offered through the coUege's clubhouse in Seal Beach and other area senior centers. Margaret Hickey, who teaches the arts and crafts course at Bay View Manor, said Larella Taft is a good student. "She's a bit of a perfectionist - she puts a little extra touch on everything she makes." Lurella says the class is an enjoyable diversion. · -· - "My mother was an artist," she says. "I have a little bit of it in me but I don't excel as she did." on tht• uair<'i.'mt•nt n•1whc-d c rll 1 thl )'l'UI Thi• <.:h11wi.t• 11•pn·•w11tul1vt•11 urc l'Xplorl11N with cumpuny ortklol1 ltrn • re> •xportlna" of 11n14111t'H f111m llu11lln~ton H.•uc.:h una Lo fll 111 prlt'lng UMrC.: mwnt.# through L08:i, m.'C.'QrdlnU to hx·ul rl'Prl'IK'nW\lvl'!I Arnumlnu s1ud Thunduy ht• cxpc..-ct11 dl.•mand to be· high tor the :! to 75·horH1•pow1•r dlt'11rl englnl'tl. ''My main c.'Oncern 1s wtwtlwr we wlll have enough 1•nglnc11 and parts avai lable lo met•l tht• demand," he said during a tour of the factory ut 1660 I Burk<' Lane. A company official said the engines, to be ancmblcd ond marketed at the Huntington Beach site, will be HOid at prices 20 to 30 percent less than lhl• compelit1on bc<•ause of cheaper labor and government aubsldat'J. The Chin ese dl•lt•goles, spealdng through a translator, s a i d t h e e n g 1 n c 11 w t• r l' manufactured 111 focturtl'IS throughout thr nation. Tht•y soul Southeast Asia notions hove• lx't•n a big market for lht• produt·lll. Armanino said the· l'•>mpuny envisions thr1x• mUJlll' UKl'H for the· engines as powc·r gc•nl.•rulor11, as water pumps m ugrkulturul areas and as cnglrw11 for motor boats. Vil.'c presidl'nt L>onuld I lilnwr said the cumJJOllY rc•1H·ht•d agreem<ml with th1• Ch1tWHt' after acquirin1o1 the CMC company in San Murc:os wh1t•h previously had bctl'n dc•allnf< 111 the engmes. The acqu1s1uon was madl' "al the suggestion" of tht' Ch1n<.'8C, said Hilmer. Oellr Piiot ltett Pt\oloe Look ing over e ngine from China ar(· (fro m left) Chine e o fficia ls Cheng Taihe. Zhang Yin a nd Republic Eng ine Co r p. prt!sident St<'ven G. Arma nini. Carla S tuckle p e titions for bankruptcy ritus Institute. According lo happell, about 7 ,000 seniors tend these Coastline courses ch year at locations such as the ASIS Center in N ewpor t ach, the L eisure World "She comes every week, she completes her project and sh e enjoys it," the instructor says. ARTHQUAKES. • • that produced a series of temblors several weeks ago. The children's chorus at her birthday party took her back lo ../ the days when she sang while a student ot North Denver ffigh School in Colorado. She also was active in church choirs. Carla Stuc·kle, who is the mother of two children fathered by state Sen. John G. Schmitz of Newport Beach. has filed for pNsonal bankruptcy. claiming she o wl.>s 24 crtoditors more than $62.000. The bankruptcy petition was filed earher this week in federal rourt m Santa Ana tronger quake about five econds. but received reports rom other sheriff officials an arby counties that the temblor was telt for up to 12 seconds. Scholl said he also received a call from a friend in Tonopah, ~v .. saying he felt the quake ~ere. Abrahamson said the two quakes were "se parate f.ccurrences" but both were ~obably part of the same system The U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Center an Golden, Colo., measured the quake in the Mammoth Lakes region at 5.1 magnitude on the Richter scale and said it was followed by a series of at least six aftershocks registering 3.0 or smaller in magnitude. During the aftershock series. the center said, the second earthquake near Hollister strtick. "When l hear music, I can't keep my big mouth shut," she says. H er husband was a fourth cousin to President Wilham Howard Taft. She has two sons: MArvin, an accountant who resides in Laguna Beach. and Joe. who traveled from Miami to attend the 99th birthday party. "When I consider my years. I figure I'm struggling along pretty good," Lure Ila says. "l give thanks every day." ~\' -~~n Me-lne.•-ndunM-~-~=in=· =a==p=~=S=Si=h=i}=i=ty= t.: cold -•lhet hil the SoulhaNI. Co ast a l J lncreHlng c loudlneH 1o<1ey th 30 1*09'11 ct!~ of lighl '1'ein at ti~ Not u warm with h• renglng from upper 70. II eeches 10 mid to upper 80• >nlend. Cloudy and becoming bulte humid 6eturdev with Hohl rein et llmH Lowa H to 75 Highs 75 10 85 Chance of (lleeaurable rein eo percent ~ltJhl and Saturday • Light verleble wind• ••cept ocel norlhwHt wind• ahould blM with -5 to 8 f .. t In out«_,.,. otl Point ~tlon with wlnda decreealng thl• -..tternoon Wind• wlll become Th11nderatorm1 were forecast over the FlorlOa Penlnaula, end showers end a few thunderahowera were upecled from the Greil LakH 1n10 the mld-MIUIN!ppl Valley Cloud• were predicted in the upper Mlsslaslppl Valley end much of ICM!Mt end Idaho Sunny skies were forecast e laewhere Temperllures around Iha nation 1>el0<1 dawn ranged from 40 In Mlnol, N 0 , lo 89 In Ptloeni•. Ariz Tenipe ratures HI L PcL Albany 66 48 67 A!bvque 89 57 Am9tlll0 89 ~ A.,,..,.,.. 69 40 elly IOUl'--1 8 10 15 knoll hi, lnc¥eulng 10 12 to 20 knot• Saturdr(. South«IV ...,...., lt!Ould ti. 3 10 5 feet whh e 10 8·fOOI breelt«• on eoulh·fecing beael'leS Atlanta 73 52 Jedlan MS Alllfl'lc Cty 68 52 Jedu1n\llle AutUn 85 59 K-Clly e.ttlmor• 69 46 Kno•¥111e ao •e 81 81 72 6t 72 411 57 •9 .70 74 53 .03 99 70 BlllinO• 75 49 Lu Vegu Blrmlnghm 78 48 U tfle Rock ----------Blamerdl 74 39 Ulul•llllle 101 75 78 60 70 65 89 82 77 80 oe CALWORNIA 004_-&ekettli.td 00 lalifornia BolM 88 81 Lubbock . 8lylhe 107 Boston 119 55 Memphl• • Browntvlle 87 112 Miami Troplcal llO<'m OIMa, awlrllng Buffalo 62 52 .04 Mltweuk .. furtovtly el hurricane te>Md• of up Burlfngtn 94 53 28 Mp1 ... s1P 10 140 mph, apun northward Cuc>er 73 51 Nuhvllle through the Pecllic Ocean, CherlllnSC 78 113 New Orleen• epewtng rein ecrON C9llf0<nle 11 Ch9tllln WV 86 "3 New YO<k far norlh u S1crem1n10 end C11er111e NC 71 47 NOf'folk Senl• ROM, the Nellonal Weeth41f Cheyenne '""t 70 42 No. Plalle Service Mid. Chicago 68 52 02 Ot<lt ctty 011¥1•. tne ISlh atorm 10 be Cincinnati 71 54l .01 Omehe named thla _, In lhe Eaatern Cleveland 85 53 14 Orlando Ptclflc, wH downgraded 10 • Clmble SC 74 44 Phltedphla 1rop4c:al atorm Thurldey morning Cotumbut 86 50 Phoenix -lhe nnt dey off .. The alonn. Del-Fl Wlh 811 111 Plttlburgn eoo m1 ... eouin-1 of Sen oi.go, Dayton 119 52 14 Piiand. Me -ewfnVir'O rn en ere IYom the o.n--711 49 O 1 Piiand. Ore nor111w9el end ttertlng to lime u 0.. Mo!ne9 87~ 5522 01 PrO\lfdence II hMded northwwd O.trolt • ReleiOh The 11orm dumped up to Oululh 115 51 t.08 Reno 4110 of en lnc:h of rein In eome El Puo 96 62 Salt I.ell• ere••. wll h 1 he heev l••I Feroo 68 41 San Antonio prec1p1te11on -the Senta Cruz Flepslllt 83 45 See111e MounlllnS and lhe valley wound GrHt Fell• 75 45 Shreveport Stodllon. Henlord 71 49 t5 Sloua Fella Leed Forecul« Norm Hoffmen Helene 75 38 St Loul• of the Ent«n Peclflc Hurricane Honolulu 88 78 SI P·Tempe For«MI Cent« Miki Olwle. born Hoo1ton eo 113 St Sle Merle \, 85 711 .83 87 52 ot 75 57 73 51 77 112 69 54 1.22 71 50 ao 50 87 69 711 51 83 71 119 50 108 81 58 411 03 57 47 03 84 94 71 50 72 45 82 53 33 83 51 84 se 711 511 79 411 711 50 73 80 09 111 71 115 "' 01 711 63 fi¥e deye 990 In the Peclllc off lndn.tpllt 89 55 spo1c-=~W.~ ~~t:'. ~ ..... .------------------..... ---~ More then a doren trop1cel atormt dev9fop eecll )'88' In Iha ' • SURf REPORT Eutern Pacific. In July and · ~~·:.:.t:s:;:~~ , .. October, they lend to ewlng ?zrR nortllwlf d. £urekl 80 Freeno ae L.encUI« 911 Lot Angeles g9 MerysvRle 84 Monterey 80 NMdlee 108 OMiand 117 Puo Rob... 80 Red Bluff 88 Redwood City 89 Sacramento 80 SellnH 117 Sen Oleo<> 84 Sen Francisco 65 Senta Berber• 88 Senle Merle 79 s 1oc111on 81 Thermal 103 Ukiah 88 81t1fow 103 BIO BNr 83 Blllhot> gl c.1111111 eo Long 8eectl 96 Monrovia 107 Ml WlllOl'I M Newpon a.ecti 78 Ontllt'IO 103 Palm Sprlnos 103 Paaedetl1 101 Rlvetalde 104 Sen Bernerdlno 108 Sen Gebtiel 10 I Sen JOH 70 Sent• Ane 96 S1nfe Crur 84 T1h0e Vllley 79 SW911t -e ...,.cted to 1111rge on the SOutMm Calffomle coul lhlt rn«nlnO· '°" end low cloud• -e foreoel1 OYer Eufell•. wllh • 20 percem chlnOe Of tlhowerl. TMer't W"8 A"' ... lecettol\ ,.,,.... ....,. ,_,. T d Huntington Pier ·5 lelr..good 115 j es Senta Ana River Jelly 11·8 good 1111 71 55 ee 15 89 74 111 117 .10 55 63 38 94 24 60 es 73 57 .37 6g 66 71 42 44 82 94 59 118 112 94 74 66 63 63 111 57 80 54 .09 33 40th 81 Newpotl e-e good 1111 TOOA y 221\d s1. Newpotl 1·2 POOf ee hcM<I hlgn ~ 2 <18 p.m. Belboe Wedge 10-12 good 1111 hcond low t 1:07 p m Aoc*J)lle, Legune 4.5 ltlr'O()Od 08 H 'NttOAY SleeoY HOiiow 4·11 good 08 Flrtt high fl 87 1 m Thell.:.&ookt 4.5 f81r 118 Flfll low 10 22 • I'll San C1emoen1e Pier 3-5 lw..good ee llecond ll~h 4 1t p rn Treflllget (T-81J~ .. , ,.~ N 811n ••• II II 47 pm IOd•y, Tre1U11 1 &-Iv Oddd 87 , .... •• 8 3 • m 8•Md8Y. lomorrOW' Hlgfl T'"· 1·61 1.111., Low ''"· 10.22 •"': l"l'tll Moon ,,... todty 11 1341 pm. • 8ou1tl ..... , 11.4-4 '"' -,. -y ( • "Memories of a Lifetime" is the title of a series of sax work.shops for senior c1t1wns beginning Tuesday at Golden West College in Hunungton Beach. The free work.shops. open only to seniors. are made pc>SS1ble through a gift from Anunoil USA. which operates oil fields an Huntingto n Beach. • A ssemblyman Nolaa Frlnelte, R -Huntington Beach, will be guest speaker Tuesday at the general membership luncheon of the Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce. The meeting begins at noon in the The workshops will be held from l t o 3 p .m . In the college's Community Center. S creenwriter and novelist Jane Pendergbast·O'Rellly wtll teach a method of writing lifetime experiences as a memoir to pass on to future generations. Registration will take place at the door. More information ts available by calling 891-3991. Fountain Valley Community Center, 10200 Slater Ave. The meeting is open lo the public. Cost of the luncheon is $6 with a reservation. $6.50 without. Reservations can be made by calling the chambc-r office, 962-4441. The Chapter 1:3 peuuon does not 1denllfy the creditors, but st.ates that Stuckle, of Tustin, has $48,909 in secured debts and another $1 3,159 m unsecured debts Stuckle. who works as a clerk at the Manne.· Corps Atr St.allon at El Toro. dtd not hst her assets Tht' R C>publ1t·an party volunt<.'Cr w orker was thrust in the m<.'dia spotlight earher in the summer when 1t was revealed shl' earned on a ntnt'·year love a ffa ir w ith Sl·hm1tz She temporarily lost custody of her 14 -monlh·old son because of tnJUftt'S he suffered. but had fe lo n y c:htld n<'gkc t charges dismasscd and won bat k custody of the boy ?J·~~~~·~a:;>.~ayn I AMLING'S . ~ • Newport Nursery and Garden Center ~ EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: REGULAR PRICES REDUCED STOREWIDE PRICE ROLL-BACK ON NURSERY STOCKI PRICE CODE SIZE OLD PRICE NEW PRICE WHITE 1 GALLON 3.95 3.50 Jumpers, Hyb1scus. 5 GALLON 13.95 12.95 Jasmine. etc .. YELLOW 1 GALLON 4.50 3.95 Bou'ga1nv1lleas. Creepm& 5 GALLON 15.95 14.95 Fig. Vines. etc BLUE 5 GALLON 16.95 15.95 Fems. Camellias, etc -REDUCED EVEN MORE - ALL 5 QAL~ON CITRUS .............. -;::-::;;;-.. ;;;; ............ were 11.ts NOW 14.95 NOW 14.95 ALL 5 GALLON FERNS ......................................... were 11.15 ALL 5 GALLON EUGENIA& ................................... were 11.15 NOW 14.95 ALL 5 GALLON TREE ROSES ............................. were 24.15 NOW 14.95 ALL 5 GALLON ROSES ............................................... NOW 8.49 50°/o OFF FREE DELIVERY • PERSONAL CHARGES 1500 east coast hwy • newport beach 644-9510 {--:-J OPEN: MON·SAT 8:30-5:30: SUN 8·5:30 ~~:t";'\"i~'.(.'Y'ilf~·· --~l'Dlilrl".:nt-.i~ ~-~~~~\.:r\7,"7JJP\r! *"\.:.11.f~ _....,"~--• • Orang CoHt DAILY PILOT /F,lday, September 2•. 1982 H/F Al NATION Loan firm to appeal ruling Cuomo tops Koch NEW YOHK <AP) Nt•w York City Mayor Edward Koch KOl la stunning answl'r to h is tradt:mark questio n , ''How'm I dolni ?" as voters dealt hJm his biggest political loss, nominating Lt. Gov. M arl o Cuomo as th e Democratic candidate for governor. ln November, Cuomo will face mHl1onalre bus1m.-ssman Lewis Lehrman, who won a n easy vktory Thursday over forme r U.S . Attorney Paul (;urrnn It\ tht.• Ht•publtl'IHI prlmury Ll'l\rmnn apt•nt $7 million on hli. n 1mpalgn morf• thun half of it his own -compun•d with Currun's $350,000. .Dcmocrollll vott.'11i alM> illVt.' U.S $('n Daniel Patrick Moynih an a huge primary v ictory over pol1t1c:u l unknown Melvin KJent>tsky. The liberal incuan bent will face a conservative anti- abortion can ch dntc• 1n tht.• general c•IC<'Uon, School prayer bid d ead WASHI NGTON (AP) -- T h e Ne w Right 's socia l agenda 1s dead for 1982, but Sen. J esse Helms sayi. he wiU be back again n exJ year trying to enact anti-abortion, school prayer and anti-busing legislation · Tfle Senate k1lled Helms' sch ool pra yer mc•asure Thursday, thus ending tht• so<:ial issut•s de ba le for thl• 97th Congrc~. Senators voted 79-16 to strip thl' prayer amcndr'nen~ from legis lation 1ncrc.asang the federal debt e<.'1ling. The debt ball was thl•n approved 50-4 l. g1vmg the govcrnmt.•nt . authority to borrow l'flough money to pay its balls. Takeo ver p act r each e d NEW YORK (AP ) -A pending peace agrt'<'ment m a bitter corporate takc.>0ver war could save Martin Marietta Corp. from being swa llowed by Bendix Corp. and also put Bendix under the control of giant Allied Corp .. it was reported today. Executives of the three com panies, their investment bankers and lawyers worked into the n ight Thursday to close the deal . whi c h STATE a ppare n tl y w o uld :s w a p Marietta-owned &ndix stock to Allied in rl'lurn for Bendi x's Ma rietta s t ock . according to un1dl'nt1f1cd sources quoted today by the.• New York Timt•s and th<' Washmgton Post. Bendix startl'd the fight last month when 11 launched a $1.5 billion t.akrovcr bid for Marie tta, which retaliated with its own $ l.5 b1lhon offer for Bendix. Corona facing life HAYWARD (AP) -Jua n Corona, found guilty for the second tame in nme years of murdering 25 migrant farm wor kers, again fa<:es the prospect of a life time behind bars. He'll be sentenced Oct 21. Corona's lawyer, Terence Hallinan, said outside the cour troom Thursday he was critical of the jury a nd would ask for a third trial Judg<-' Richard Patton said he would consider the new trial request at the tame of sentcncmg. In their 10th day o f deliberations, at the windup of a $5 m illion trial tha t started Feb. 22. the jury of seven men and five women unanimously decide d that Corona 1n 197 1 h ack ed, stabbed and shot his victims and buried them m shallow graves along the Feather Raver Driving bills signe d SAC RAMENTO (AP) - Spurred by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, Gov &imund Brown J r . has signed five more balls "to close the loopholes and set the record straight on drunk drivers - we don 't want them.'' Brown announced t he WORLD s ignings Thursday. the day afte r MADD h onored him and the state legislators who last year. in the words of MADD founder Ca nd y Lightner. "put some of the toughest drunk-driver laws in the nation into action." Sarah Churc hill dies LONDON (AP) Sarah Ch urch ill. the flamboyant ac t r ess daughter o f Sir Wins t on Churchill who described herself as the "lamb who strayed from the fold." died today after a long illness, her family said She was 67. Her brother-in-law Lord Soames said she died in her sleep during the early hours at h e r L ondon home. He declined t.o specify the nature of her illness. Bomb s uspec t s urrender s MANILA, P h ilippines <AP> -A third man being hunted in connection with a minor incendtary bomb explosion at the Manila H ilton Hotel last week has surrend e red to authorities. police said. However. they refused to disclose further details of their investigation Earlier, oolace filed chan H'S of illega l possession o ( incendiary d ev1<·es against former U.S . Army Technical Sgt. Elvin Laure l and h1s F i lipino unc l e. Santos Abellanosa. both o f who m were arrested after the Sept. 19 incident. SACRAMJo~N'l'O (AJ>) Avt'fJ Jo'1nnnr111I Sl•rv1ct•!i ot ~outtwnt Coll fm ruu mui.l rl•puy 4'Kt't111s intt•n·i.t d111r~l'll lo un t•'illr11alt·tl 1 iei.ooo l'Wtun1l·ni. i.uyi; ttw 11wu· D1•p11rtmc>nt u l C..\11n11urnc•r Affou'N Tht• Ul'PUI tmc.>nt'!i r't'JH>rl Thur11uay iq1ld the dt-c111lon ww1 hund\'d down hy Loi; Angt·lcs County Supcr1ur Cou1 t Judgl' Chrhlllun Murk(.•y Th1.· d(.'('1s1un imposc11 p<>nult11•K l or u buslncss pa1.·tlce thot Mutkt•y had ruk'<i Illegal Av<.'O spok1.>sman Dick Lt•uhy in Newport Bl'ach said, "Wt• don't agree with the dec1s1on and at this time 1t is anticipatt•d we will appeal." The department int.erv(•ned in the sull by Amelia Vasquez of Los Angeles, whom 1972 bought ' a tulev1sion set al'\d ste rt'O from Zody's Department Store. The Trio h e ld • 1n coast • extortion Three Cost.a Mt'sa men were arrested today afte r allegedly holding a Huntington Bea<:h man t•apt1ve while trymg to collect $3.000 for his release, pol1C'e said. Orange pollct' said the episode, whtl·h started Thursday in Oranfo(e and ended at a Costa Mesa apartm<•nt, was the n>sult of a bungled marijuana deal. A rrestcd on s usp icion of extortion and false imprisonment were Chris Murdock. 29; Charles S mith, 20. and Lawrence Trent. 28. Orf1cN s s aid the incident began when a pair of.21 -year -old Huntingto n B e a c h m e n r e port ed ly agreed to sell a quantity of marijuana to the trio from Costa M esa a nd rendezvoused in Orangl' to make the u·an.saction. The Hunungton Beach pair, po It cc say, t ook m o ney as payment for th<-' drugs but dad not deliver the mar1Juana. Realizing they had been set up, police said the men lrom Costa Mesa tracked down one of the Huntington Beach residents. took him hostage and demanded $3,000 for his safe return. Disn eyland murder trial jurors soug ht Jury selection has begun in the murder trial of a man accused of the on l y s laying 1n th e 26-year-history of Disneyland However, a bailiff for Superior Court Judge Kenneth Lac· said selection of the panel was not completed Thursday and will be continued Monday Accused in the case 1s James O'Driscoll, 29, arrested Match 7, I 981. in connection with the stabbing death o ( 18-yl•ar-old Mel C Yorba dunng a party at the park spon sored by Rohf Industries Inc., an ,aerospace contractor. The killing attracted attention because it was the first an the history of the amusement park and Yorba's fa mily filed a $60 million suit against Disneyland for allegedly failing to provide him with adequate medical care. Yorba was taken in a van with a registered nurse in attendance to Palm Harbor GC'neral Hospital. where emergency-room personnel were unable to revive him. O'Driscoll's trial is expected to last thrL'C weeks. At his arraignment. ·o'Driscoll pleaded innocent. H e was arrested about an hour after the stabbing based on information supplied by witnesses. We1re Listening ••• Mono~-rnoev 11 yOtj 00 no4 ~ 'fOUf -· 0'1 ~ 30 O m call O.IOO• I 0 m end your UtOY -.u 0. def•vetflt'I s.tun1ay ano Su"CJ•• tt ,.,.. 0o ""' :-.re;., c=: ~' :o:v"' ... C:. __ .., Wha l do you hk<• about the Daily Pilot" What don't you like" Call lh<• number below and your message will be recorded. transcrabt!d und delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let ters to lht> editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for \'erification. No circulation calls. pl<'aSC' Tell u~ whal'~ on }Our mind 642•6086 ORANGE COAST Cleulfled edvertl1lng 7141842·5171 All other department• 842-4321 Daily Pilat Thomas P. Holey Pwi>l1Jh•r and Cn .. t E>ecut .. e ()it"•' Jone Amorl E •KUlt•• EdtlOt • L Kay Schultt V1<e ,,~ and Ovec10t ol Adve<l••"'9 MkhHI P. Horvey DweclOt ol Mcw\ett!IQ GrCIAariOlll Thoma• A. Murphlne Ed110< Raymond Mod.eon Connot.r Kenneth N. Goddard .If. Dott<IOt ol 0,,.0ll0'4 , MAIN OFFICE no Wet! ... $1 C•I• MeH, CA Mell •OGreu llo• U60, COii• M•H C• ~.,. ' COjlyrf9hl I_, 0. ... Coe\! ""lltlll•I"' C-y Ho,..., •tor~• lllvll••ll°"'· tdltorlet m.tter 0< _. verllMm.ntl ,,.,.,,, mey lie rtll'odllOll wlt'- -lel .-rml\Mofl 01 tOO.rlOflt OWNf VOL. 71, NO. 317 • I HhH i• -.i:11d l'\tir H•UUI i111Jlullm1•11t C'Ot1l1 ud lu Avn1 Ttll· d1·t•111l1111 Huhl thut Avt•u th1•11 t(vl VuN11u1•t 111 borrow 11111m•y 1md t'l1111b1m• thl• loon und 1 1• I u '1 I t on t 1 11c1 1 n to o n t• trunmat·t111n 01 a ruu• h1"h1·r thun ullow1•ct hy luw fo 1 r1·1u ll I n 11 l u II nw 11 t t' on l r I.IC' t 11. T tw p1 ,11.·t1t•1• lb known UN "flippinJ( " AVl'U uli.o 1nduc1•d Vaa;qu1•z to buy t•ri>dlt property insurunl't' by lc lllng hl•r the 1n11ur1.rncl' would t'OVt'I' tlwft, when It dad m>t, lhe dc.•parlmtmt i.u1d. Latt•r h1•r homt.• wns burglarawd and stw wus informed sht• was not l'<lVC'rC'd. The judi;tl' ordered Avco to give Va)J,qucz a total o f $1l, 681 J2. An a ttorney for the department, Lnuru Kaplan, said this brokl' down to $5,000 in pun1tiv1· darnagl's, $9JY 1n general damages, $tHL40 for Arrow in the sk y v!owuun ul the Unruh A(.·t on 1t•t11ll lrmlt•, $07J ui '°' vlolallon of tht• t1·u1h l11 lt•111Un6' low, und $6.000 In prt··Jud(Cm<•nl lnWrt'tll 1'h1.· JUdgl' ulhO ordered Avc:o to muk1• n·•tituuon of tht· l'X<.'<'ll finon<:t' (·huru1•11 plu11 7 pcryenl IMt•rc11t lo oil Avco cu11tomc•ra whtll't.' l'c.mtrm.·tti wt-re "flipped" uCler CA:t rn. Hl75 The judge tuld tht• farm to prepare a plan ur\d hmt•tuble for making tht> rc11tttutlon, lncl~dmg ualng radio and television unnount·emcnts and poat<'rs in Avc<J oCflces lo find elig1blc customers. The departme nt, which said ll will be several months before uny money is returned, esllrnates thllt over 125,000 Avco customets are included 1n the restitution order The court a lso ordort'd A V<.'O to s top imposing e xcess fin ance charges on retail installment lVntri.c:i. It ref1na1K•, \aklnt a 11t'f•urlty hat.•rt,.t on other thlflll ownt'<i by the cwiwmer to teCUre the.> balance due on a retalJ l'Onlract, and creaUna the fallle lmpn Ion that credit propeny 1nsuranc.-c 11ovcra theft. Vasquez' a ttorney P a tricia Tenoso S tu rdeva nt of the Westt>r n Center on Law and Poverty, said the decision 1tops ''an insidious practice common In the consumer fin ance lnduttr)' tor the last 30 years." The judge held a juryl81 trial m the case ln 1980 and ruled tha1 r.ear tha t t h e p ractice o f 'flipping" was lllegal. He then held another trial to decide the penalty. The department attempted ~ an nounce the decl1lon tn Julf with a news conference, but the jud ge at tha t time aald the annou~ment wu premature. T h is un usua l cloud forma tio n -re e m bling a gia nt a rrow pointing th e way home to commuters -was sna p ped o n Wa rner Avenue near Reach Boule va rd in Huntingto n Bea ch Thursd ay af te r noon . Israel probes massacre JERUSALEM (AP) PrimC' Minister Mcnachem Begi n 'i. government, riding a whirlwind of criticism over Israel's role in the Beirut massacr(.•, decided today to appoint Supreme Court president Y1tzhak Kahan to investigate the bloodbath. But it s t o ppe d s hort o f a ppointing a formal judi<:1a l inquiry. wht(•h 1mmed1ately provoked fresh protests Peace Now. lsral'l's leading anti-war movement, said it urged Kahan to refuse on grounds ht' would not have the power to subpoena witnesses and question them under oath. Cabinet ministers eme rging from the brief meeting did not say what powers the panel would be given. No r was it known whether the investigators would ex.amine the conduct of the government as well as the army during the slaughte r in west Beirut's re fugee camps. On W e dnesda y, Begin's coalition turn e d bac k an opposition demand in Parliament f6r an independent investigation and his re fusal to approve the inquiry provoked the strongest anti-government protest since he took office five years ago. Communications Minis ter Mordech ai Zi ppo r1 said he believed the commission headed by Kahan w ould have three members. And De puty Prime Minist e r David L evy said Kahan's "status, integrity and objectivity s hould disp e l all suspicion." Israel Radio reported that the military chief of staff. Lt. Gen Raphael Eytan. agreed to the investigation, saying "the army has nothing to hide," a nd Defense Minister Ariel Sharon al.so agreed to the probe becaUM it wou ld "dispel the lies and slanders" being hurled at 'Israel. A senior a r my o fficer ha• submitted his resignation and thousands of outraged protesters have d emanded resignations from Begin and Sharon in the fury er uptin g over the Beiru) bloodbath. The Jerusalem Post reported today that Israel's senior military command kn ew that Mo1elm civilians were being killed the day the slaugh ter began, and no( a day late r as S haron claimed. Meanwhile, a vanguard of 350 French troopers arrived in Beirut today, spearheading the re-entry of American, French and I~ peacekeepers. , DON'T MISS THE SALE EVENT OF THE SEASON ALDEN'S ANNUAL STOREWIDE FALL SALElll OCTOBER 1-24 During our Annual Fall Sale Event many of the nation's leadlng carpet manufacturers will be offering special sale prices. Quality mills such as Lee's, Blgelow, Evans-Black, M a sland , Gu lls t a n·. Alexan der-Sm ith , and many others will be featured. ALSO FEATURED WILL BE: * Special savings on selected vinyl floors by Armstrong. Congoleum, Mannington. and Tarkett. * Discounts on selected hardwood floors by Bruce, Sykes and Anderson * Savings on ceram1r tilP bv DEL PISO LEVELOR RIVIERA BLINDS 40o/o OFFll (2-3 week delivery) ALL FABRICS 20% OFFll CALL 848-4138 Today and we will premeasure your rooms and windows In advance of the sale. When you come In we wlll be able to give you th• exact price. You are under no obligation; there Is no charge for this service. . DEN'S ~;·,:;;·ti" :imiillition :·custom dr1p1ri11 uo.•-i . • 1 1663 PLACENTIA AVE. • COSTA r«SA. CA 92627 • PHONE 646-4838 -146-2355 NYSE COMPO ITE TRAN ACTI Q\I., ..... ••n"H ........ , ..................... u . ,.Cl .. C, ,.., ~•fOlf •u•o1• llNO CllllCINlfllfl nou laC••NeH a•• llfl'OllHtl IY tMI ••t• lllliO INHllfU, .. u-t UI" ... , t.1.. W.o1 wi.. H•I kin(._. !':.! ,, f : c-C.:, ,... Mil Clev Cllt IO I Ml C11w Clll "I Nh Ctew (flt Pr hlft """' ...... ~;: .. ,,~ lf ·?! U'-: ~ Hf, 1;! t 'z; tt~. : ~ '" t ~ff ij~ ~ r H :14 .. ,·;s; lt J~ ',1!'m ~~. 1 1"l'° 111 t ~ m:' '" :;;.. ti 11 ' " \loo M;JI t • t~ I \-. lit ~ lr; '" "' !:;.II ~ m ll:' '-.. '='<•• t' §:~·~ • tr'. ~ ::t~" I'.: ,n ;·:· : Ii 1 ',,, 1o~ :: r" :· "'•I"' ·~·_,.,, I :i..1 ~ I"'•' ~ 4 i! 1:: ~ ~ ... .. :: II .::: . .. .,, • i ~. " I !!.! "'. Yt ,. 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JO ·· 1~ •1 -1 (;el M It • lot. ...... 1. s ff ~ • t i I• 14 ff\'t-• '-... ,. » s Sll'r Olill•ll' ,. ,_ JI -"" I...., .•• I~ ••• Mehl!NeJ14 I! I IS:" --. ,, . t\ot-... -· 2:!:: m : ~ =·t" ~ ... ·r. g~: ~ m=· uu , .,. .. ~ ~:. '~ J' --·~~·Ill ~. t> g~-~ .QIO • n -Yt °'* ,_,. .. "dJOOlillYr+.. ~-.:::: •• ""'• 14 Bf It "'~==· .. g ~ 1.-. • ..., Stale sales slump • J 'Ito .• Ou11 U•tl 16 ... \II+"" =11 ·;'1.; ~lot. M I, JI ~ ... , .,. .;10 6; ,._._Iii -c-< -1>\141Lt ..... ''° 14\lt "' e '" M • .... • -II s CRAM~ , ... n) ...... bl-1, ... , ..... 1 72 U \'t+ ... OllCl .. AtlO •• ,. -·"' 14YA l .. " + iF.t.1 .. ~"' E ,:.1 • .:J ti:-~.... A -'4V n.r -, ••• lV s , .. • w •~-11t 1>114tff • ,,. 1•~· w ••IVS • '° 41"41... • ~· 141 , .. 1 111 ....... ln CallfomJa alum-"' In the Cl... •ltlO ,,...,.°"""tu ..•• 21• •• n=t'· .. , n • 'I .. ... .... J';t ! e LI••• ~ ff;r"J'ft .' ·~ I!~~= ::1S :t 11~-;:: ;: ~ ~ • :. , a ~ .. -n i1 '.::: April-June quaru-r, tum!na In their ~;r ·~ ·: .: ....... 00 • ·~~-"~· ... E t.~" 11f: r !.J_ ... _. • nt. ~ :;1 .~ .. "'. ·:· wont perfonnance 1n .1mo1, 12 years. " ~ · l ~..... , .. , ·10" • • "' 1 ·t..t ,., •• 1:-.rtt! I If t,.._ ~ ~.. • 1,.·· .. ,,. t.M •Mite Board of EqualluUon. A ... ';i: ·; ~. am: = . " ,:n ' ~ j"'-~ ~ '! ... , I tl,ji ~ :..,, ,; -~ . ·:. " ... ~ The report Thunday Mid ... Cot I .• J t ti""+ "' .. Alf ':f '°· · · · I i *f: \Ii+ 1 t t "'-• V. J W l: the t.h~month period totaled J38~ s -t; t ·~I",; .. ·~ :l\, ._ J ,• 1 ... ~ 1 ,;J ti ::: ·~ f, .t.. .( t flat .~ 1 ;:· w billJon, down t.9 1>4trttnl from the " J :l 11 .. -~ \ : n Iii; .~ e1~~atl :: '1!::: I a •• .., '1~!. u .w:t :· • ., .!"~ quaner IM\ yeer. .. I ' ~ ...... .. ... iii ... u ,, "' fl. I " ~ \It .. • -... ~·" . ,. ,., . HB BG It~ iJ. .,t Satellite TV 't 111trl'•• • system OK'd WASHINGTON (AP) nc-.p1t1• ronren)ll abou~ the nn11ndal risk involved, th FederaJ Communicat.lona Comm! ion has authorized a Corneal aub1ldlary to begin building the nation's firat aawllhe·to·honw TV system. ''Thi• lll a very. very cloee call, alrnost tOO clotc for me to call," Comml!\sloner Henry Rivera uld Thursday. rcforrlnlJ t.o the need for the comm.isaJon t.o ensure the sah:lh\c·to-home v~nture would not JeOpardlw the he Ith of the parent compnny. The CONtrucllon permit authonzed 'l"hurtday was grunted to the Satellite Tc-levlsion Corp., a wholly owned Comsa.t Kubt'iidiary. Telefile incurs loss Telefile Computer C<>rp of Irvine reporu:d unaudited, consolidated revenues were $1 ,807,807 for the quarter ended June 30. The revenue figure was depressed from the $2.267,785 reported in the quarter last year. The company had a loss from continuing operations of $289,349 compared t.o a profit of $67,971 for the period last year. The loss represented 13 cent.a per share In the current quart.er against a net profit of 1 cent per share in the year-earlier quarter. Nuclear Medical tells loss Nuclear Medical Systems lnc. of Newport Beach reported a net loss of f~.957, or 2 cents per share, on revenues of $4,069,5~7 for the fiscal year ended May Jl. This compares to net income of $97,452, or 2 cents, on revenues of $1,884,329 for fiscal 1981. Nuclear Medical Systems develops and manufactures immunodiagnostic test kits and operates a clinical laboratory. Golden West posts loss Golden We.t Homes of Sant.a Ana reports a net loss of $502,000, or 15 cents a share, for the quarter ended Aug. 28. A year ago. the company posted a net in.come of $294,000, or 9 cents a share. Sales in the quarter totaled $9.299,000, down Crom $19,622,000 a year ago. Golden West is a producer of Cactory-built, multi-section homes in the West. Two cut mortgage rates Homer'edera1 Savings & Loan Association of San Diego has dropped its residential Joan rate to 14.25 percent adjustable mortgages. Customers with established relations with Home Federal are eligible for rates as low as 13.75 percent. Home Federal's last drop, to 15.25 percent. was announced Aug. 19. Crocker Bank lowered its home mortgage rate to 15 percent !rom 16 percent. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORI( (API S-. • P "' I !Mod.., '::~11~1~:'~rm:::,:-~::1:: MllOnalll' al l"O'• I'-I I IBM I IH,200 ,..., ... x. ... c. teo.JOO )l•. . ' HL T Cotp 131,IOO U V. . "" """'••MIO 7J6.JOO " 'i,; Cltlccwp 14',tOO , ... . Wool wort II ,,.,400 1J • "" CO.II Motorl "'''°° 47 \.J "' hll4n 611.000 11'i> • \'t Am« T'T .S0.400 !: ... Cr11mRtt W ,tOO "' L«klWed UJ,SOO .1 .... Olr~i.r s.11,100 .... ,..,E11Pneu S0..000 41\'J J\? &Motoroi. .. 7.200 ,, "" AlcallAlum .... 400 11-.. I AMERICAN LEADERS HEW YOAll (AP! -S-, 4 p "' T--,. ,,,_ -1191 ~ ol .... ,.,, ~ 9CClw .-,.,.,,c.,, Stock E•Ch•,,o• luu•t 1rae1111g nellOneily al IY>O<e !hen I I I~ :. ; 0 \ 8 J ' ... • "" A....,_ IJl,000 ti'-YI f 11t1o1Mu n ,OllO 1 :.., Dfl•l«t CCI U .OllO '"' • .1;, EYIMAr l .,,JOD 11\lt • '-P,.nl Han .i .100 :It'-l'o Ol91Con lllC SJ,000 ·~ • " ClrCl•K j1,IOO 1>'io ~ QvllCMI 11 4'. 100 l)V. 111 Teaw8ft • 43.100 ll\41 \It UPS ANO DOWNS DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK I AP) flnel Oow"-l •"9S for ~Y. ~ 2l noc:.s JO Ind IS Ull ~~L.-C-~ Ji SO tli.• tu... I 1 us" I~ 11111 ll"-00 117 43 • 0.14 lllOll• a. 10 »1., ~• 110,M. o• ,, ... Ullll 4S Slk WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOAIC IAPI 5-p n lodey AOV8"t4'CI '31 ~11...0 •1 UM,.._ JI> Tt4.il-. 1'911 ..... "'" l<S ..... _.. 4 NEW YORK IAPJ S.p 2l METALS TOO.~ JM 21S 1111 n ' I 111.000 ,,,.,_ 1,Q.17.JOO •,AJ,IOO ....... oaJ. m >n ltjl JIO • ,.,.., o;r, ., JIS m • 1 HEW YORK (AP) fMlllPt~ Spot nonl•ttoua Coppet 70~·72 t •n ta • po1111d. US detOf'lellOns Leed 25-29 cen1a •pound DM .a-t2 centa a PGllflCI. oeir...o n.. 16 2su M.tu w• COtlll>Otfte lb ~ 76-77 Wiii e llOUf'IO. N Y MwCllrJ S3S2 00 I* "-. llt'letl1111m S32 I OO·UH 00 t•oy ounu NY SILVER COLO QUOTATIONS ey TM..._...._,._ SMt1eCI wOtlcl OOld ottcee toci.y ~ mom.no IWllQ $43160, .._ S2 15 t.eftden alter,.oon fl.t119 tot $0. 11p $215 "wt• •rtemoon llxll\Q 14".4•. 111> u eo f're111itlln l!.il"Q $4)1 00. off SO 02 brtcll lete tlllfllOOf'I llalftO SOI 00 llf'ICNncled tlld, '437 00 Ulo..O M111tlr a ".,"'•" on•r dally Q110 1t IA31 00. oft '4 U 1~ on1y 01111y QUO!• 1431 oo, on .... r 1,...1111rd 0111~ aeny ClllOI• l•DrlUIK IA5' H . oll S& Of , l t 'I Hit' Or1nge Coll' DAil Y PU OT /F rlday, September 244, 1882 ... I ! Robinwood All-stars honored Mt•mlwr~ of lht• llobinwood St--nior Minor All-stars (I :~-year-olds) who wen• honort-d b y tht• lluntin~lon Bt-a d1 Cily Council r ecentl y for qunlif ying for the ~·orld Serit•!'! indudtc": Front row, lt•ft lo ri~hl , Todd Eversgerd , Hrian Bosst', Jamt•!oi But·c·ht•si. Kt-ilh Mmk)(•k. Jd'f Darling, Brian Ro<-huw and -manager Rit•h lllnwr. St•c·mul row: Mark j (•nkins, Todd Sanders, Mall Wazt-wski, Mickt·y Hi1du·cwk and llick \'undt•rrie t. Hu('k row: Gnry Roc·how, John f Barlusid~. Sc·oll llaqle r, J ason <:orrnor, <:hri~ l'tnwr ancl Mull llullabaugh. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I . tlass field for South Coast Classic runne rs have already signed up lo partJC1pate, with another 1,000 expected to sign up the day of the race. ChC'Ck-in time will be from 6:30 to 7 a-m. the day of the race with the 5k run due to begin at 8 and the IOk at 8:30. An e lite field 1s scheduled w appear Saturday in the fourth annual South Coast Classic l Ok Run at Mason Park m Irvine. Among the w orld -class runners accepting invitations to compete include . UC Irvine's Steve Scott, Tom Wysocki and Stan Mavis (all past winners) and ~such challengers as Ru:k Musgrove and DENNIS BROSTERHOUS The Mason Park course is a relauvely flat route with a moderate g rade at the one-mile point. There wiU be a grass !ttart and finish with a ~pecial asphalt start and finish for those entered an the AUNNINO SCHEDULE 81turd1y CH0<:4'FW8 ~'" Cont-Clnelc -5k begins DI 8 • m . IOI< 11 8 30 S~•I hlndicapped d•Vt51on In IOk FM 11 S8 lot entty and l>ag $4 entry only and S5 late reg1S1tat1on fno l>ag) Coutse '' nat and test loc:ated at Meson Par~ in Irvine Con11e1 Kathy at CHOC/558-2884 bicycles and otner priws to be given away after the race. Handicapped Division. - George Mason As in past years, Childrens Hospital of Orange County will be the ben"eficiary. In 1981 . over $13,000 was raised for CHOC through the South Coast Classic, also sponsored by radio station KFWB. Awards will include trophies. medals and merchandise prizes to be presented immed iate ly following tabulation of results. Special drawings will be held for all official runners w ith a trip for two to Hawaii, two mopeds, two 10-specd Awards and trophies will be made to winners in the Handicapped Division as well as medals to team winners and t.o those winning the ma le a nd fe male division 1h the 5k "Fun Run" also held that day. Aid stations, bathrooms. split times and no-clog finish are all features of the rat'C. The donation for those w ish ing to register Saturday will be $5. MILE SQUARE PARK in Fountain Valley will be the sate of the Good Sport Fun 5k and !Ok Run on Oct. 2. 811nd1y Coeta Mff1 Orand Prla 5lt and 1ott Aun1 -Beg1n1 8 a m Cout11 Ii hilly end ellre<:Uve and grass and gtevel te,,eln FM Is S8 with T·lhlr1 Contact Alp All>l>ll, City ol Cotta llAesa leisure Servrc:.s Dept 1754.5300 It. John'• Ho1plt1I and M•rlne d•I A•J Fourlh Anmnuet 1CMI Run -Begins 8 a m II lhl cotn~ ot Admlfelly Wey Ind F111 In llA•tlnl del Rey Fen $8 Wtlh T- 1Nr1 and S3 without Ttopnres awarded lc>t '"" secono •nd third place• Live music, en1enaonmen1 ind teltHhmenu Con11c1 St John's Ho1p11all(213: 829-8426 I • Check -an 1s scheduled for 6:30 to 7 a.m. Saturday. The 5k Fun Run will start at 8 the lOk Handicapped Division at 8:25 and the lOk Classic Run at 8:30 According to a race spokesman. 1.500 ThC' race, in conjunction with the Daily Pilot. wall benefit the Fountain Valley High Scoot AthlC'tic Department. Annu•I Point F•rmln 1ott -Ca.., .. llat llong ocean l>lull• nftlf Sen Pedto FM IS $8 Wtlh T ·lhlfl end $5 without Add SI l•te reg111 ra1 ion Contact Dr Et11noer1f2131 326-0700 Premier riders race 80 bicyclists-compete in Costa Mesa By HOWARD L. HANDY 01 the D•llY Piiot Slaff America's premier riders will converge on Costa Mesa this weekend for the running of the U .S . Natio nal Cr1ter1u m Championship bicycle races on Placentia Avenue over a two- mile street course. The event begins Saturday with finals in the Women's, veteran and junior competition. The premiere senior Men's event takes place Sunday at 10:40 to conc lud e the tw o-da y competition. At least 80 riders are expected for each of t he three men's divisions and 50 to 60 for the women's race. The juniors could attract 100. The event is the Sprite-Del Taco U.S. National Criterium Championship, co- s ponsored by the H arbor Boulevard of Cars in Costa Mesa. The smallest field of the four races will probably be In the women's senior competition at 9 . o'clock Saturday. This is a 13-lap (26 miles) race over the two-mile course that has eight turns and a six percent grade at one point. S aturday's schedule 8 45 1 m -pre-rec• c.remonkla 9 a m -Sprne u S Women·• National Cfner1um c11emp1<>n1Nr (13 1apa, 41 11m • 2e mi'"l H•tbor 81Vd o C1r1 eutomol>ill ex- t111>11, South Cout Krwa.nll Club 11)«11 pen. llthlon 10 a m -Wiid 0111 stage en11nalnmen1 10 15 1 m. -Wome11°1 Award• presen11- 1ton H1r1>or Blvd of Cati US Veter1n'1 Ctlleflum CMrrlpiOnthlp t 18 laps, 51 lcm, 32 m•lell 11 30 em -Harbor 81\od of Cars p1tede. wllh Ellene!• High School matching ~ Ind WMllrMllll 11 40 a m -Ve1er1n·1 awards preMnta-lion. Harbor Blvd of Cera U S. JunlOI N11ton11 Cr11er1um Champlonarup (16 11p1: 51 km, 32 mHH) 1 p m -Sporll penl•thlOn 1werd1 pte- Mnl•llon = 1 10 pm -Junior 1w ds presen111ion 1 15 pm -Program Competition In Costa Mesa will be a points race rather than an endurance or sprint affair. Points are awarded to the first four riders across the fm1sh lme on Bell laps, designated before the race, and the winner is the one with the most points at race's conclusion. Sunda.•·'s scht-dule 7 am PoSI reg111r111on for Oel Taco runs 7 45 1 m Del Taco runs pte-recft oere-mon111 8 I m -Del Taco 5K dl1lln<:e fun run begins (3 1 mllet , SKI 8:05 1 m -Del Taco 10K dlstence fun run begins (6 2· mites. 10K) 9 -12 30 -Touvelle 111ge 9nllr111nment Herl>Of> BM! of C1r1 1utomoblle ••hlbll &·30 • m -Runners 1werd1 Ind taffle 9 35 1 m -CentUf)I 21 GOid Siar ANllOfl pre-ldlool '"Big Wheel'" r-begln 9.•5 • m -Pre.,ece ceremonies. 1111urlng drum end l>ugte cotpl Herl>Or 81vd of C1t1 P&tlde 10 40 1 m -Hltt>or Blvd of C1t1 U S Seni0< Men'• N1tlonat Crileroum Ct11mp1on. shop (25 lepa, 80 km, 50 moles) 1 15 pm S9nl0f 11Aen"1 ew1td1 P<Men· lltlOfl 1 30 pm Program concluded placed se<:ond in 1981 at the Nevada City Classic. He will be defending h1S national criteriurn title m Costa Mesa. Like Phinney, Schuler is a member of the 7-Eleven/Eastside Wheel men team along with J eff Bradley and Greg Demgen. Ove r 80 of A m e ri ca's pre mi ere ·bicyclists will compe te i'1 Co ta Mesa :this weeke nd. One of the top contenders for the women's title will be Rebecca Twigg, 19, of Seattle. At thls year 's world championships in Goodwood. England, Twigg won a gold medal in the 3,000-mcter pursuit and finished sixth in the road race. At 10: 15 on Saturday. the Veteran's Cr iterium will be run over 16 laps (32 miles) for all riders 35-and-over. One of the sentim e ntal, if n ot ac tua l favorites will be 67-year-old Phil Guamaccia of Brea. Guamaccia is famlliar w(th the Costa Mesa track having won four races here in previous years. Bradley 1s considered by national roaching director Eddie Borysewicz as one of the top three road riders in America. He was the 1979 junior national champion and bronze medalist at th e 1978 and 1979 wo rld championships . This 1s the first time in the eight-year history of the Costa Mesa crlterium that it has carried national stature. (;dM, Estancia, Newport, Laguna win Corona dcl Mar, &tanda and 1 ewport Har bor high schoots. o s te d Sea Vi e w League lctories, while Laguna Beach ecorded a wan in South Coast eague play during women's olleyball action Thursday night. l Meanwhile, Marina toppled :Balsa Grande, Fountain Valley ~1 ot past La Quinta, Westminster efeated St. Joee h's and on the liege level, UC Irvine lost a air of matches in the avu revt-.,W Tournament in Utah. Corona del Mar recovere d rom • lou in the · first game to at JrY1 ne, 5-15. 15-4, 16-14, 6-lj LO LIP the Sea Klnp' l~uc: ar~.J.o 2 -0 Top player1 ncl O~d hlttf'r "bloc k e r Pam wrenee of CdM and Irvfne'• Ina Oden and Suzie Flynn. Irvine fell to 1 ·I in leagu~ and l>oth ~aml are now 2·2 overall. Jn ot~er Sea View League action. Es tancia swept past El T oro, 15-8, 15-1. 15-9. Setter Gina Garrell, hitter Am v VOLLEYBALL Hathcock a nd m iddle blocker Jane Ferda led the way for the F.agles, who are top seeded for the Orange County Tournament this weekend. Newport Harbor m oved iu record to 2·0 in league and 4-0 overall wtth an easy 15-4, 15-9, 15· 1 d~iaion over Saddleback. Jn South Cout League phay, Laguna Beach needed four M'll to wke care of Dana Hills, 15-6, 15·6, 6-15 .. 15-7. The Arti8lS arc now 2-0. while the Dolphin!! foll to l·l In I ague. ( Senior middle blocker Katrina Peterson recorded 13 kills and 10 blocks and teammate Denise Braunlich, an outside hitter, had 10 kills and seven blocks in Fountain Valley's 15-9, 14-lft, 15 -7, 15-4 verdic t over La Quinta The Barons improved their record ta) 3-0 in n on lc•a gut• nct1on. Westminster, second-seeded In this weekend's tourney, got pa.<it S t. J oseph's, 15-7, 15·8, 15-17, 15.5 a& Stacy Schlangc had 13 kllls and Connie Wataon had 10. Setter Ema Tamamaaul a lso did well tor the Lions. Marina evened ha mark at 2-2 be hind the play o f middle bloc ktr Alene AndC'rsen and captoln Shelly Thrall ns the Vlklnl(~ tOpJ>«!d &Isa Grande, ·~·7, 1 ~·7. 13-1~. 1~-0 A physical conditioning expert, he has a complete gym ln his PG lnduslrial Electric plant in Brea where he works out 5 ~ hours daily. Saturday's competition will conclud e with the Junior's Criterlum at l l :40. also over 16 laps. This one could draw the largest fie ld o f the two-day event. Recently in Manhattan Beach, a similar rat-e drew a field ot 142 riders. The Senior Men's compNIUon will get under way at 10:40 on Sunday following a 5K and 10K foot race Qt 8 o'clock and a big wheel race for pre-schuol youngsters. Among' the favorites ls Davis Phinney of Boulder, Colo., 23. He Is in the midat of his best-evt'r season and 11 an outstanding crlterlum r\dt'r. Hf' has won more th•n a do&t'n Individual crlterlums 90 far this year. Also in tht' flc.>ld will be Tom Sc:hulc.>r of llUnol11. At 25. Schul<·r I.a an aggrt'Mlvc crlterlum rldt-r who holds the national title and ln points racing. sprinters go against e ndurance ride rs in a battle o r wits. A s uccessful sprinter combines speed wlth quick acceleration and aggreSiive riding to p r oduce a winning formula . The strategy is to work as little as possible In the race except on sprint laps. The endurance r ider ts out to bum -off the sprinters by keeping a fast pace throughout the race. The competition -ts hl'ld undt'r th<' authori t y of the Un ited States Cycltng Federation and is staged by the Costa Mesa Leiswre Services department. ln addition to the bicycle and foot races, a aports pentathlon , sta~e entertainme nt, march ing bands, a drum and bugle rorps and an automobile exhibit will alto t>. ai.ged. The event 't. free to tht' pubhc with Placcnha Avt'nu t block~d o ff from au to m obll\\ t rtAfflc b<-tWCC'n Wllaon and Adam11 during th(' ru nnl n11 o f thl' events o n Saturday and Sunday • arr1or ., Newport, HB win 1'h<• Woudbr·ldf(t> Hli;<h l'rtllll!i country warn hnA on<> claim tu foml' ufler swt-4?pmg past LaguntJ B l' o <: h . J 5 -5 0 , T h u r 1 d a y oftl•rnoon. the Warrior runner1 becamt> th<• first tcan\ w win a South Coast League event for Woodbridg(' Tlw Warriors turned tht· trick by tak~ng the top seven plat-es In th<.' dual meet, including two that t:'Cllpsed the 17-minute mark. Junior BriuJ' Wilson won the race in a timl• or 16:39, beating teamma te J ay Middle t on , a sophomore. who came in at 16:51. Anoth e r sophomore, Eri c CROSS COUNTRY Schermerhorn. placed third a t 17:15. Meanwhile, Newport Harbor won a t1gh t tri-meet from Fountain Va lley and Esperanza. The Sailors had 36 points to F o untai n Valley's 4 3 and Esperanza's 44 Senior Ed Gou l d fr om Fountain Valley won the race m 15:57, but N ew p ort H arbor runners placed third. fourth and fif-th to capture the meet. Even without Gus Quinonez, who 1s sidelined for at least three more weeks with a sore knee, Huntington Beach was still able to easily de feat L on g Beach Jordan. 17-45. Senior Greg Baugh, who has been runn ing for the Oiler varsity the last three years, turned in a personal best on the Central Park course with a 15:58 timl'. Senior Martin Cueva was a close second at 16:01 , with J ohn Edwards ( 16:43) placing third. It was the Oilers' firs t dual meet after posting a third-place f1n1sh i n the Las V e gas lnv1tat1onal last week. Marjorie S nyder and L ysanne Lippe finished one-two tQ pace thl' Laguna Beach women to a 15-48 triumph over Woodbridge. New p ort Harbor 's women t•apture d a tri -meet from Esperam,a and Fountain Valley. 29-36-84. VOTE • • • From Page C1 s1" gamt-s 1t maaning <1gaani.t l'.il·h othe r •Regg ie Jackson may have gone hitless in the Angels' recent three-game set with the Royals, but he still collected a nif ty check in excess of $73,000 because of the attendance clause in h is contract •Line backer Carl Ek~rn. the Rams' player represen tative, has been acting as unofficial coach during the team's workouts. Eke rn d(!chn ed, however, t o name his No. 1 quarterback. •Virtually unnoticed through all the strike commotion was the contention by Rams Coach Ray Malavasi that Bert Jones was still the team's No 1 quarterback. "After reviewing the films," he said. "I can't see wherc he did irnything wrong." GWC racquetball tourney slated The elghth annual state out- door racquetball doubles cham- pionships will be held at Golde n West College, Oct.. 8-10. The three-way tournament lS expected to draw national and state outdoor tJtle holders Inclu- ding Brian Hawkes, P aul Olson, Dan Southern and many others. Division include men's A. B, and C; women's A, B, and C. and mixed A. B. and C. Entry fee IS $25 per team and all particfpants will receive a complimentary T- sh1rt. ln addition, trophies will be awarded to £1rsl, second, third and consolet1on winners. Entry deadline is Oct. 1. For entry forms or further informa- tion, phone tournament director Raul Duarte at Golden West, 892-7711 (ext. 529) or Carol Herd at 893-5821. Mariner play Los Alamitos next The Huntingto n Valley Mariners' semi-pro football team puts its first place standing on the line Sunday when it plays the Los Alamitos Vikings a t 1 p .m . at Los Alamitos High School. Th" Marine r s have a 2 -0 rct.'Ord in the Coast.al Divtaion or the Hl-Dcserl Le~gue whJle Los Alaml\Oll Is 2-1. The standlna. · .. .,.- .111111 CUIT i. lllDI m 1•nmn I lllOA Y St I' I I MBI ll .'I l'HI.' OH ANGE COUNTY C AI IF OHNIA 2~ CENl S Wetsuited surf er leaves a roo ter-tail of spray as he cranks off the bt>ttom of n well-shaped~ glassy wn\'e north of tht- Huntington Beach pier this morning. Olivia to get physical with CQast; rain due Hurricane Olivia. which has caused high waves and new flooding threats to the S urfside Colony. also ls bringing a 60 percent chance of rain tonight and S•turday, according to the NatlOnal Weather Service. The storm, reported di~ipaling off the coast of Baja California. also is expected to reduce th(• onslaught of smog in parts of the county with its cool breezes and moisture, say Air Quality Management District officials. High tempera ture alon~ the Pupil's 99th lauded By PHIL SNEIDERMAN of'tM Delly Not IUlff It was one of those rare occasions when a college teacher conspired to make sure one of her students missed class. Teacher Margaret Hickey and some friends of student Lurella Taft kept her from attending her Coastline College arts and crafts class Thursday afternoon so that Lurella wouldn't see the surprise birthday party th ey w e r e preparin~. When Lurella finally arrived. she was greeted by a chorus of 32 youngste rs from Anna's Day S chool in Costa Mesa. The children launched into songs like "Let Me Call You Sweetheart." "When I'm 64," "You Light Up My Life" and "Tomorrow." "How sweet it is!" Lure lla exclaimed as she sang a nd c l ap p e d along w i th th e youngsters. It was a particularly sweet occasion because Coastline College student Lurella Taft was celebrating her 99th birthday She is enrolled in the arts and craft course and an "Exploring Music" class. Both are taught at the Bay View Manor retirement home in Costa Mesa, where Lurella lives. "l enjoy life and I enjoy people, and l learn some thing every day," she says. "I'm not too old for that." Jack Chappell. a spokesman for Coastline, said Lurella Taft as one o f the oldest students currentlv enrolled in the college. But h e noted t h a t e lderly students are not a novelty at Coastline. a Fountain Valley- based college that offers classes at more than 100 community locations. "We had a student who was 103." Chappell recalls. "And we even had a w om an in h e r mid-80s who enrolled in one of our tap dancing classes. She told us she used to dance with Ruby Keeler.·• Coastline classes geared particularly to those 55 and older (See HTH, Page A2) coast Saturday is expected to be around 75. Meanwhile, the storm posed ne w worries to resid ents of Surfside Colony in Seal Beach. -Residen Al-Golgart reported today that eight to 10-foot waves a re breaking in sight of the expensive homes. "Things don't look good af this keeps up," he said. Golgart says that about 15 feet of sand st.all separate the oc-can from the homes but he fears further erosion. .. ' I Lurella Taft had a happy 99th birthday at her Coastline College cla s when nursery school youngsters surprised her with a serenade at a Costa Mesa nursing home. ----INDEX---- Two earthquake felt in central I ~ ~ . California area MAMMOTH LAKE (AP) - Two earthquakes, a strong one in the Mammoth Lakes region and a milder separate tremor 150 miles to the west, jolted a broad area of central California t(>day. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The University of California Seismograph station in Berkeley r e po rted the quake near Mammoth Lake struck at 12:41 a.m. and registered a magnitude of 5.4 on the Richte r scale. A quake of that magnitude is capable of considerable damage . The temblor was felt in at least five California counties and parts of western Nevada. Houses and trees shook inside Yosemite National Park, according to park dispatcher Karen Ball. Residents in do zens of towns in Inyo, Made ra, Tuolumne. Mariposa and M ono counties reportea I feeling the shock, sheriff'si deputies said. : Berkeley seismologist No~ Abrahamson first reporte one, quake at 4.5. but revised hla, report after studying; seismographic data. He said hia~ measurements were thrown off: by another quake which had an~ epicenter near Hollister in the• west. : The Hollister quake, 100 mUea. south of San Franclaco, struck at: 1:06 a .m . and measured 3.8 .~ Abrahamson said. ! Dispatcher Jim Stephens of~ the Hollister police said alarms in« the station were triggered by the: quake but he had no reports of~ damal{e. Several local residents! called the station to report their; houses had shaken. • Rick Scholl. deputy sheriff in: Mammoth Lake, said he felt the: (See EARTHQUAKES, Page A!) l I Sam 's brother due in Albuquerque t t I ' ' -•' David Willett was pumping his 10-s peed bicycle over the Continental Divide today, en route to the nation's capital to make hi s p i t c h f or a Congressional bill that would permit his Liberian.born brother to stay in the United States. The 20-year-old San Juan . Capistrano cyclist stopped off in Flagstaff. Ariz., earlier this week on his marathon crusade. and was interviewe d b y local te levision a nd n e wspaper reporters. He's carrying a message to Washington and seeking support for his 26-year-old brother, Samuel, who was adopted by David's parents more than a decade ago while they were serving In the Peace Corps In Liberia. S~muel has been ordered to leave the country by Jan. 15 .. because of the government's contention that he was too old to be considered legally adopted and brought to the United Staie.. The Willetts claimed that at the time they adopted Samuel he was about 16, adding there wu no birth certificate to prove the boy's age. Immigration officials aaici Samuel was 13 months too old ce be considered legally adopted. Rep. Robert Badham, R; Newport Beach, had introduced ~ private bill to allow Samuel ~ remain In the United States, ht.ti the bill is bottled up ift 'a subcommittee chaired by Rep1 Romano Mau.oil. D-Ky. '. I David'• goal ls to reach Washington, D .C . befor Congress recesses Oct. 8 to makl.; his plea to subcommittett memben and, perhaps, Preslden& RffRan. ..- (See BIKE TREK, Pase A!) (t ... HArts in Motion" -dancing, music and aerobic -can be seen Saturday and Sunday at Main Beach Park in Laguna. Page A4. \ Radioactive wate r leak shuts reactor At Your Service A4 Gardening Erma Bambeck A7 Horoscope Brid.,e B4·5 Intermission Cav cade A7 Ann Landers Claaalfled Dl-8 Mutual ~nd.s Comka 83 Publk' Not ces Crouword B3 Sports Death Notlooa 02 Stock Markets S\an Delaplane A7 Weather Editorial A6 World News I B2 A7 Weekender ,, A7 B4 B2,6;D2 Cl-7 B~ A2 A3 B)' STEVE MITCHELL °' the 01111, "'°' ..... The on-aga in , o fC -agal n operation of the tl.7 million Unit 2 reactor at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Is of( again -this time due to leakage of radioactive water. Workers at the power station dl!ICOvered the leak Wednctday, said David Barron, a spokesman for Southern California EdiM>n Co., major owner or the complex three mile• sou th of San Clemente. "lt's a problem that frequently can happen at a plant," Barron aald, adding. "We e><pect tbis to be occurring during the startup phalie.'' Edison officials began generating electricity for the tirst time In the unit Monday. The re.ctor was shut down later that day for routine maintenance and repairs, and started up again on Tuesday. Less than a day later, EdUlon employee. dlacovettd a leakage of radioactive water Into a ~· collectina tank from valves at the l.lOO·meaawatt reactor. The latea\ shutdown could keep the reactor out o{ action for as long aa two weeks, the Edl90n spokesman aald. He said the malfunction means the reactor water wa1 not circulating under th~ proper pressure of 220 pounds per square Inch. When ~f!erating properly, the water valves help maintain \he proper bala~ of water and au In the preuurl1er The pressurizer, In tum, keeps tht reactor water from boillna • JJ; circulates at hl1h temperatw-a. ~ The water,,heeted by ~ uranium dioxide fuel, mov through a ~t exchanetr w a separate 1upply of water ~ hMt.ed to produce ""1'n. That •teen\ ln tum, powen generator, whic h turn• th turblne, productnc electridty. Beforo W•dneaday• ehutdown, th• reactor w produdn1 at abiout 20 pe~ cap.-itv .. I !I I' II ~ { "' L 01'11ng Coaat DAILY PILOT /Friday, 81pt1mbtlr a•. 1982 Huntington . firm to market Chinese engines Bv ROUERT DARKER Vttte Delly Hol '''" ·: > Two 1t>pr1•awnu1llv1•11 ul th(• tthlnut.• government a.r<l In flituntlnf ton Beac h to r l'rlOl' 'Oetalb o an exl'lu1Uve ugn-t•mt•n1 for the expc.>rt of dit'St'I ~nalnt'i to ulrN1dy hua 17:) C.'nilnt-• In It• w a r 11 h o u c l h a \ w 11 r munuC1.wtur.,'<t by lht• Communl•I nation. Arm1rnlno 111ld Hepub lir XS> ''" to ttun •c•lllna thr l'<tulpnwnt by Nov 1 •u local company 't T h e R e p u b I I 1.• 1£ n g I n e l:orporalion of liuntlnglon Beach Comf.any Pre1ldcnt Su:v,·n Arman no 1u1ld tho company h1 l•ltubll•hlna a sy1tt•m o f t.lh1trlbu1orthlp for the iMtl o ( the engine• throuf(hout tlw nation und la ptannlns to enter the ovcneu market. Zl11m.: Y In. a ~nlor l'n1ilnt.'<'r tor th{• Gt•ru·ru l Bun·ou of Aarit•ullurol Mudi1n1•ry, und C.'ht•ng Tulht'. vi<·<· munogor of tlw Chlnu Nulional Agrkultural Muchhwry lmporl uncl Export Corp .. arrlwd MomJHy to 1•xplind 111 " *'-ll L BENERATOR SET . T WEIGHT 420~ RIAL NOJ3'2l[6 r DATE r~r z ' bJ > loseup view of e ngine tag shows specifics in1 bot~ Engli h and inese. The eng ine a re expected to go o n sale m November. aguna treasurer iling, quits post Laguna Beach City Treasurer ranees Engelhardt ha s bmitted her resignation to the ity Council, citing continued llness since she underwent urgery last spring. The 15-year Lagunan said she ill s tep down Oct. 30, and ppointed Susan A. Morse as eputy city treasurer in the nterirn. • In a letter to the t.'Ouncrl a nd city officials. Enge lhardt said, "Words are hardly adequate for me to express my apprec1al1on .,r the caring and support you ~ve shown during my illness." "Since I do not see. rn the foreseeable pracucal future, the eossib1lily or returning lo my ~ties as city treasurer, l tender my resigna tion e ffective as of Oct. 30." In addition , the civic activist r esi gned as Laguna 's representative to the Orange County Vector Control District. Engelhardt has served on more than a dozen Local and county agencies over th e years , including the Orange County Fair Housing Council, Orange County Housing Coalition and the county's Senior Citizens' Council. In Laguna . she wa s coordinator of the successful anu-h1gh rise initiative, past president of Village Laguna, a director of Laguna Greenbelt. Inc .. and a member of several council committees. France Engelhardt Rain a possibility Coas tal I. Increasing cloudlnesa loday with 30 P9fC41nl Chi ne• of llg/11 "In al limes Nol •• warm wllh 'tilglts ranging from upper 701 al b11ch11 10 mid 10 upper 80• 111111nd Clouoy 1no becoming oulle humid Saturdtv with Hohl rain 11 llmes Lowa 88 lo 75 northern Maine. and unseasonably cotd weether hl1 the Sou111e1s1 Thunder11orms were forecast ovet 1he Florida Penlnaula, and sho wer s and 1 lew lhundersrtowers were e1tpec1ed lrom lhe Greal Likes into lhe mtd-Mias<ulppi Veney Ck>uda were predicled In the upper MlstiSatpp< Valley end much of Kenaes and Idaho Sonny skies w1r1 l orec1a1 elsewhere Temperatures tround Ille nation before dawn ranged from '0 in Minot N O . 10 89 In PhOenlJI, Ara. }iigha H to 85 C hance of ----------m 111urabl• rain 80 percenl tonight end Saturday Light 11er1able w1nd1 uc:epl tocel norlhwe11 w1nd1 1hould combine wtth IN.I 5 to 8 feet on outtlf' water• ott Point Concet>hon .)lltilh wlnd1 decr1e11"g lhll allernoo" Winds will become ally aoutlleut 8 10 15 knoll onlghl. lncruelng 10 12 10 20 not1 Saturday Southerly 1we111 outd be 3 10 5 feet ... 111 8 to 001 b<Nker1 on toulh·feclng T e nipe ratures HI l. Pct. Albany 66 '8 67 Albuque 89 57 Amtrillo 89 5' Mh811tlle 89 40 Alltnll 73 52 JICktn MS A1tantc Cty 66 52 Jecktnllllt Au111n 85 59 Kena City B1Utmore 69 46 Knoxville SyracuM 57 Tope111 7, Tuceon lt9 beaclle• B1lllng1 75 49 lls Vegu Blrmlngnm 76 '8 llllle Rock •----------811merck 7' 39 Loul1v111e 80 81 72 72 101 78 70 ag 77 85 67 75 73 77 69 71 80 87 76 83 69 108 58 57 8' 71 72 112 83 ac 78 79 18 73 81 85 1e c8 81 59 ca 75 59 08 55 0' 82 CALIFOftNIA Ca lifornia BoiM 88 II 1 LubbOOk Boslon 89 55 Memphll 8rown11111e 87 62 Ml1ml Troptcet i1orm Ottv1a swlrflng Bo1t110 62 52 .04 Milw1ukee lurloully II hurrlc1ne ll>ffdl of up Burlingln 8.4 53 .28 Mplt -SIP 10 140 mph, 1pun norlhwart.1 C119« 73 51 N11hvllle through the Pacific Ocean. CherlllnSC 76 63 N-Ortea"' 1pewlng ral'l acroaa Cattlornle as Cherl1tn WV 66 43 N-York fer 11orlh 11 S1crarnen10 end Chtrllla NC 71 '7 Norlotll S1111ta Rosa. Ille Nallonal Weather Cheyenne 70 '2 No. Pt1tt1 s.Nk:I M id Cnk:eoo 66 52 02 Old• Clly 0111111, lht 151h atorm lo be Clnclnn1U 71 56 ,01 Omah1 named thla "''°" 1n Ille Eulern C...-eitnd 65 53 • t4 Orlando P1cllic, w11 downgr1d1d lo e Clmb11 SC 7C 4' Pnflldphla 1rop1CaJ alorm Thurlday morning Columbus 9e SO Photnl1' -lhe llrll day of fell The llOfm Ott-ft Wth 88 81 Pllltburg/1 mllel aouthw .. t of San l>Mlgo, Ot ylon 611 52 · 1' Piiand, Me ,. 1wlnglng 1n en ere ff om the Dlnver 78 49 .01 Piiand, Of• ,,_, Ind 11artl11g to Rull 11 Dee M0tn11 75 52 Providence t heeded nor1hw1rd Oelrolt 89 52 .01 Fltle!Qh Thi 11 orm dumped up t o Duluth 85 51 1.08 ~ 110 of en Inch of rlfn In som. El Puo M 62 Salt l ike r •••, wll h 1 hi ht 1 vle11 Fargo 88 41 Sen .Antonio ec;ipllltlon over Ille Senta Cruz Ft1<11t1tt 83 '' SNttle taln1 end Ille val141y around Great Falls 75 45 Slv8"ePOfl todlton H1t1ford 7 1 49 15 Slou• re1111 LMd forecaster Norm Hollmen Hlfena 75 38 St Louts 1 1111 Eutern Ptclflc Humc1n1 Honolulu 88 76 St P·Ttmpe orecut Ctnltr Mid 0\11111. born Houlton 80 83 St Sit Marie 80 78 .83 s2 .08 57 5t 82 SC t 22 50 50 59 5 t 71 50 81 ,15 03 C7 03 6' 50 ,5 53 33 51 5e 5e ~ti 50 89 09 71 48 01 53 1111 d1y1 ego In lhe Pacific off lndnec>ll• 89 55 Sc>ok- Ptname. hu cal!Md to~· ot ~-.-------------------5 mph Wllh ~Uy hlg~usll More th111 1 dozen trop1c11 tormt devetop NCh year in Ille 1111rn P1ctllc In July end u u11, th• atorma head w111, mann 111d. In September end clober, lh1y lend to awing SURf REPORT hwlrd 8'"411 wtrl IJCP41Clld to ¥D9 81111f1fllld Blylhe Eu rill• l"f-'O L1ncaa1er Lo• A'l:"' M1rys Mon1erey NMdlel Olkll"d Ptao Roblel A.cs Blutt Redwood Clly Sacremento Sellnu Sen Diego Sen Francisco Santi Bir btr 1 S1n11 Maria Stoc:t11on Thermtl Uk Ith B1111ow Sig 8Hr Bl111<>9 c11111n1 long Bffch MonrOllla Mt Wilson N-pon Bffch Onltrk> Ptlm SprlnQA P111den1 River et di Sen 811rn1ro1no Sen G1brlll Sen Jote Senti A111 S1nt1 Cruz Tehoe v111ey rt thl Southern Clflfomt1 lf>all morning. Fog Ind low clouds 1 forlCIUI ov. Eureka, wllh 1 0 petcent Chlnc41 Of ltlowera TMet'• Wftt Afft ... Loc1tlon Awot•• •11.,. Temp T d Hunt111glon Pier 3.5 lillr-good H j eS Senti Ane River Jelly' e.a good 88 90 107 80 88 98 98 8' 60 108 87 80 158 69 80 87 .,. 65 88 19 81 103 88 103 83 9t 80 96 107 86 78 103 103 101 l<M 108 101 70 98 84 79 ,9 70 53 .03 70 71 55 fl6 69 7, 81 87 10 55 83 .36 6-4 24 60 65 73 57 37 69 66 71 '2 " 62 8.4 59 68 82 8'I 74 66 83 63 81 57 80 54 09 33 '0th SI. NIWl>Ol'I 11·8 good 88 TODAY 22nd St, Ntwp01I 1·2 1>00t 88 S11eond high 2 '8 pm Biibo• Wedge 10.12 gooo 88 8tciono row 11 01 p m Aockplle, Legune 4·5 ttfr-ooc>d 88 IATlMDAY SIMC>Y Holtow 4-t llOOd ea Fht high u 1 a m Thalla·Bt00k1 4.5 ,.., 88 Fifi! IOW 10 22 • m 8111 Cltnl«111 Plef 3.5 fllr·good M Second high C 19 p m Trat1tg1r (T·Slr"'I 3·5 lllr1jood 08 Sun 1111 11 O 47 pm. today. TrHllll 6'1 OOod 07 , .... 11 8 43 1 m S.1'1rd1y TomOfrOW· High Tlci.. 8 57 1.m . ~ow TIM. 10.U Lm., Swell Moon ''"' tOCll)' ,, 1 ,. pm .. Olrecuon, 8outh Mt• 11 11 '4 p.m ' . ' on tt1t.• ogrt't.'mt•nt rt.'Dl'hl'd f'Mrll<'r thl yt-ur Thl' Chitwt1l' rt•r111.•twnt1111v''" , ur• N.plo1 l"ll with ''ump1111y uftl<'h•ltt tht• "r<'·•><portlng" ot C'llt(trw11 Crom lluntl11i(ton Ht•a1.•h und to Clrm pr11.:h16£ U6'fltt•nwnw throu14h IUlia. t1t1•ordlng to hx·al f(•vr~1wntutlVl~ Armunino ruud Thun1duy ht• c><J,>«'C:Lll dcmund to l>c· high for th<> :J tu 75·hur11t.•f>OW<'r dh•Hc•I <•nginci. . ./.•My main l'Ont'('rn 1s whc•lher we will l)nve enough t<nglnt'l!I and pa rts available lo meC'l the demand," he slut.I during a tour of the factory ut 16661 Burk(• Lane. A company official said the e nglnea. to be oasembled and marketed a t the Huntington Beach site, will be sold at prices 20 to 30 pt>rcenl less thun the competition because of cheaper labor and government subsidies. The Chin ese delegates. speaking through a translator, s aid th e e ng ines wer e manufactured rn factories throughout the nation. They saJd Sou\haast. Asia nations have ~n a big market for the products. Armanino said the company envisions three major uses for the engines -as power generators, as wale~ pumps in agricultural areas and as engines for motor boats. Vice president Donald Hilmer said the compa n y r each ed agreement with the Chinese a fter a c quiring th e C M C company in San Man·os which previously had been dealing in the engines The acqu1s1uon was made "at the suggestion" or the Chinese. said Hilmer. Carla Stuckle petitio~ for bankruptcy Carla Stuckle, who is the mother of two children fathered by state Sen. John G . Schmitz or Newport Beach , has filed for personal bankruptcy. claiming she owes 24 creditors more than $62,000. The bankruptcy petition was Clled earlier this week in federal court in Santa Ana. The Chapte r 13 pelltton does not identi!_y the creditors. but states that StuckJe, of Tusun. has $48,909 in secured d ebts a nd ano ther $ l 3, 159 in unsecured debts. StuckJe. who works as a clerk at the Manne Corps Air Station at El Toro, did not IJst her assets. The R epublican party volunteer wor~e; was thrust rn the media spotlight earlier in the summer when it was revealed she carried on a nine-year love affair wirh Schmitz. She temporarily lost custody of her 14-month ·old son because of injuries he suffered, but had felony child negleo.t c harges dismissed and won back custody of the boy. Dally Pilot Sutt Photos Looking over engine from China arc (from left ) Chinese officials Che ng Taihe, Zhang Yin and Republic Engine Corp. prt•!"ident S tevt'n G. Armanini. EARTHQUAKES. • • From Page·A 1 S Le 0 0"8 e r 4U-ak.e-a b.o.u t (I Ve seconds, but received re ports from other sheriff officials in nearby counties that the temblor was Celt for up to 12 seconds. .. Scholl said he also received a call from a friend in Tonopah, 99TH • • • From Page A 1 are offered lhrough the college's Emeritus Institute. According to Chappe ll, about 7,000 seniors attend these Coastline courses each year at locations such as the OASIS Center jn Newport Be a c h . the L e is ure W o rld clubhouse in Seal Beach an9 other area senior centers. Margaret Hickey, who teaches the arts and cra fts coarse al Bay View Manor, said .Lurella Tart •~ a good student. "She comes every week. shl' completes her project and she enjoys it," the instructor says "She's a bit of a perfectionist - she puts a littl~ extra touch on everything she makes." Lurella says the class is an enjoyable diversion. "Mv mother was an artist," she says. "I have a little bit of it In me but I don't e xcel as she did." Nc·v . s<iying he Cc•lt the quake thc·n· Abraha m son said he twO- qua k l'S were "separa te OC't urn•nc:es" b ut both were probaply part of the same system that produl·ed a series of tl•mblors several weeks ago. The• U S Geological Survey National Earthquake Center in Golclen. Colo . meas ure d the quake m the• Mammoth Lakes region al 5.1 magnitude on the Richter sc-.ilc• and surd 1t was followed by a series of a t least six a ftNshocks registering 3.0 or smaller in magnitude. During the a ftershock series. the c.-enter said, the second earthquake near Hollister struck. BIKE TREK ... The t·ychst 1s s taying with r clat1 ves of members of his family 's churc-h , and was expt.'Ctt.>d to reach Albuquerque. NM., tonight "They'r(' going to have a big S<'ndorr for him therc." said Dave Willett, the boy's father Supporter s h ave set up interviews on two New Mexico television stations later tonight. ""' and then he'll be o ff agai n . bound for AmariUo. Texas. "T h e su pport has bee n fantastic." his father said. Newport Nursery and Garden Center EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: REGULAR PRICES REDUCED . STOREWIDE PRICE ROLL-BACK ON NURSERY STOCKI PRICE CODE SIZE OLD PRICE WHITE 1 GALLON 3.95 Junipers, Hyb1scus. 5 GALLON 13.95 Jasmine, etc YELLOW 1 GALLON 4.50 Bouga1nvtlleas, Creeping 5 GALLON 15.95 F 1g. Vines. elc BLUE 5 GALLON 16.95 Ferns Camellias. etc -REDUCED EVEN MORE - ALL 5 GALLON CITRUS ........................................ were 11.95 ALL 5 GALLON FERNS ......................................... were 11.95 NEW PRICE 3.50 12.95 3.95 14.95 15.95 NOW 14.95 NOW 14.95 ALL 5 GALLON EUGENIAS ................................... were 18.95 NOW 14.95 ALL 5 GALLON TREE ROSES ............................. were 2•.95 NOW 14.95 ALL 5 GALLON ROSES ............................................... NOW 8.49 50°/o OFF . " • • • ('8 lB Or•no• Oe>Ht DAILY PILOT/frlday. Stpltmb•r 24, 1982 ~Robin wood All-tar honore d I ~lt·mlwr.., of llw Hohita\\oml St•niot Minor i\11-·turi--( t :l-yt'ur-oldb) who wc·n· h onon·d h~ tht· ll untin~lou Ht•ad1 1:&1y Comu·il rect•ntly for quulifying for lht• W'orlcl Sc•rit•!-. i nduclt•: Front ro", lt•fl to right, Tod<l En~rsgt•r<l, Uri a n Bo st•, .l a nw!'i Hm·c·ht•s i, Kc·ilh l\latlot·k, .l<·ff Darling, Brian Hot"how a nd m a nagt•r Ric h l lln wr. St•c·ond row: Mark J f'nkins, lodd Sunders, Mall ~1azewsk i , !\1 ic k t•y II itdwot·k <rncl Rit'k \' a n.dc•rriet. 8 aC'k row: Gary ltoC'how, John Barlusic·k. Sn>tt llaqwr. Ja~on Connor , Chri~ Ulmer and Matt llatlabaugh. Class field for South Coast Classic RUNNING Check-m time will be from 6:30 to 7 a.m . the day of the race wnh tht' 5k run due to begin at 8 and the lOk a t 8:30 An ehte field 1s schc.>duled to appear Saturday in the fourth annual South Coast Classic lOk Hun at Mason Park in Irvine. Amo ng the world-class runners accepting invitations to compete indudc UC Irvine's Steve Scott. Tom Wysocki and Stan Mav1s (all past winners) and such challengers as Rick Musgrove and George Mason. DENNIS BROSTERHOUS runners have already s igned up to partu:1pate, with another 1,000 expected to sign up the day of the race. The Mason Park course is a relatively flat route with a moderate grade at the one -mile point. There will be a grass start and finish with a special asphalt start and finish for those entered in the Handicapped DlVISton RUNNING SCKEOULE Saturday CHOC·KfWI South Con t CJ.ualc -Sk oeg1ns 61 8 • m . 10k II 8 30 Special n1nateapped dMSIOn In 10k Fee 1s S8 f()( 9fllry and bag ~ enlty only ane $5 late reg1~tra11on (no b•gl Course os fill and fut loc11ec1 al M•son Parl< on Irvine Contact Kathy at CHOC/558-2884 As in past years. Chaldrens Hosp1t.al of Orange County will be the beneficiary. In 1981 , over $13,000 wa~ raised for C HOC through the South Coast Classic, also sponsored by radio st.ation KFWB bicycles and other prizes to be given away after the race. Awards and trophies wall be made to winners in the Handicappt_>d Division as well as medals to team winners and to those winning the iua le and female division in the 5k "Fun Run" a lso held that day Aid stations. bathrooms, split times and no-clog finish are all /eatures of the race Sunday Coeta Mau Qrend Prta 511 end 10ll flun1 -Begins 8 • m Course II l\lllY and 1ttract1va and gr111 and gravel terrain. Fae 11 $8 wllh T ·Shirl Contact Rip Ribble, City ol Costa Maaa Laisure Sar11ICH Dept 1754-5300 Awards wiU include trophies, medals and merchandise prizes to be presented immediately following tabulation of results. Special drawings w1U be held for all official runners with a trap for two to 1 Hawa11, two mopeds, two 10-spced The donation for those wishing to register Saturday will be $5. 81. John'• Ho1pllal and Muina dal Ra1 FoMrtl) Anmnual 10ll flyn -BeQ1ns 8 a m at the cornet 01 Admiralty Way ana F1111n Marina dDI Rey F-se with T • lhlrt and S3 wllhout Trophies a-..ardecl lot lirat sec:ono and tlllrd places L•ve music entertainment 1no ralraanman11 Contact St John• Ho1p1ta111213 829-8<126. MILE SQUARE PARK in Fount.am Valley will be the site of the Good Sport Fun 5k and lOk Run on Oct. 2. Check-m 1s scheduled for 6:30 to 7 a.m. Saturday The 5k Fun Run will start a t 8, the !Ok Handicapped Division at 8:25 and the lOk Classic Run at 8:30. According to a race spokesman, 1,500 The race. in con junction with the Daily Pilot, w1U btnefit the Founuun Valley High Scool Athletic Department. AnnMel Point "•rmln 10ll -Course Hat •long ooe1n bluffs ne1• San Padro Fae 1s $8 with T-shirt and S5 wltl\out Add $ 1 late rag1ttrat1on Con II ct Or Etllnger/12131325·0700. Premier riders race 300 bicyclists By HOWARD L. HANDY Of Ille Oall1 "'°' Staft America's prerruer riders will converge on Costa Mesa this weekend for the running of the U .S . N ational Cr1te r1um Championship bicycle races o n Placentia Avenue over a two- mHe street course. The event begins Saturday with finals in the Women's, veteran and jumor competition. The premiere senior Men's event takes place Sunday at 10:40 to conclude the two -day compcution. At least 80 riders are expected for each of the three men's divisions and 50 to 60 for the women's race. The JUniors could attract 100. The even t 1s the Sprite-Del Taco U S National Criterium Champ1onsh1p. co- sponsor ed by t h e Harbor .Boulevard of Cars in Cost.a Mesa. The smallest field of the four races will probably be in the women's senior compcllUon at 9 o'clock Saturday. This 1s a 13-lap (26 miles) race over the two-mile course that has eight turns and a six percent grade at one point. compete in Costa Mesa Saturday's sch edule e 45 1 m -pre-face ceramon,.. 9 a m -Sprite US Women's Natt0nat Cfll«lllm Champlonlh•P ( 13 tapa, 4 t km • 26 mo .. 1 Hatbor 81'1<1 of Cara automobile ea- hlbit, South CoaSI Krwan.s Club sports pen· tatnlOn 10 a m -Wild Oats stage ant1<1a1nmant 10 15 am -Women'• Aw1td1 pr"4tnt1- t1on Harbor Blvd of c.,a US. va1er1n's Crltartum Cham1>4on11h1p (le lap1, 51 km, 32 mllell • t 1 30 am -Harbor Blvd ol C111a parade wnh &tanca. High Scnool m111Ch\ng band ane WaalarneH• 11 <10 am -Vet9fan'1 1-..ards P<-11· oon Harbor Blvd of C11t1 US Jun10< Nallonal Cr1t1N1um Champ1on1hlp ( 16 lap1, 5 t km, 32 m1ta1) I p m -Sporta pentathlon award• pre- santellon 1 10 p m -Junior award• praMntallon I t 5 p m -Progrem concludecl Competition in Costa Mesa will be a points race rather than an endurance or sprint affair. Points are awarded to the first four riders across the finish hne on/ Bell laps, designated before the race, and the w inner is the one with the most points at race's conclusion. SundaJ·'.s sch edule 7 a m -Post reg1str1t1on I()( Del Taco run a 7 45 a m -Del Teco runs pre-race c..e- montet 8 a m Del Taco ~K dlllanca fun run 1>41Qlnl (3 t m11as. 5K) 4.05 a m -0.1 Taco 10K distance tun run t>eglns (6 2 miles. IOKI 0 · 12 30 -Touvell• stage an1ertalnnien1 Harbor Blvd of Cars automobOe exhibit II 30 am -Runrws a....,da and ralfle 9 35 a m C9ntury 2 t Gold Star Re1U0<1 i>r•KhOOI Big Wheel r-1>eg1n 9 45 1 m -Pr•race Clf"ernon .... fnlu<lnQ drum Ind bugle CO<PI Harbor Blvd of Cars par1de tO •o a m -Hart>or Blvd ol Cari U.S San•()( Men'• Na11on11 Cr11ar1um Champlon- ahlp (25 tapa, 80 km, SO miles) 1 15 pm -Senior Man'1 1ward1 preson· tatlOn t 30 pm -Program eonck.tdad placed econd m 1981 at the Nevada Caty Classic. He will be defending his national criterlum ll tle an Cost.a Mesa Like Phinney, Schuler is a member of the i-Eleven/Eastside Wheel men team along with Jeff Bradley and Greg Demgen. Over 80 of America's premiere bicyclists w ill compete in Co ta Mesa thi weekend. One of the top contenders for the women's title will be Rebecca Twl~g, 19, of Seattle. At this year s world championships in Goodwood. England. Twigg won a gold medal in the 3,000-meter pursuit and finished sixth in the road race. _ At 10:15 on Saturday. the Veteran's Cnterium will be run over 16 laps (32 miles) for all riders 35-and-over. One of the sentimental, If n ot actual favorites will be 67-year-old PhU Guarnaccia of Brea. Guamaccia is familiar with the Cost.a Mesa track having won four races here in previous years. B radley is con sider e d by national coaching director F.dd1e Borysewicz as one of the top three road riders in America. He was the 1979 junior nationa l champion and bronze medalist at the 1978 and 1979 world champ1onsh1ps. This is the first time in the eight-year history of tht' Costa Mesa cnterium that 1t has carried national stature. . ~dM, Estancia, Newport, Laguna • Wln A physical cond1t1oning expert. he has a complete gym in his PG Industrial Electric plant in Brea where he works out 5th hours daily. Saturday's competition will conclude w ith the Junior 's Criterium at 11:40. also over 16 laps. This one could draw the largest field of the two-day event. Recently in Manhattan Beach, a simil ar race.dN'w a field of 142 riders. In points racing. sprinters go against endurance riders in a battle o f wits. A s uccessful sprinter combines s peed with quick acceleration and aggressive riding to produce a winning formula The strategy IS to work as little a~ possible in the race except on sprint laps. r Corona del Mar, Estancia and ~ewport Harbor high schools osted Sea View League ictories. while Laguna Beach ecorded a win in South Coast f-'eague play during women's rolleyball action Thursday night. ~Meanwhile, Marina toppled Isa Grande, Fountain Valley t past La Quinta, Westminster feated St. Joseph's and on the p>llege• level. UC Irvine lost a fair o f matches In the BYU ~view Tournament In Utah. ~€orona del lv1.ar recovered om a loss in the first game to at Irvine, 5· 15, 15-4, 16-14, i5-13 to up the Sea Kings' league ~ark to 2 -0 . Top players eluded hi~ter-blocker Pam wrence of CdM and Irvine's aina Oden and Suzie Flynn. Irvine fell to l ·I In league and th teams are now 2-2 overaU. In other Sea Vi-ew L eague action. Estancia swept past El Toro, 15-8. 15-1. 15-9. Setter Gina Garrett, hitter Amy VOLLEYBALL H athcock and middle blocker Jane Ferda led the way for the Eagles, who are top seeded for the Orange County Tournament this weekend. Newport Harbor moved its record t.o 2-0 In league and 4-0 overall with an easy 15-4, 15-9. 15·1 decision over Saddleback. Jn South Coast Ueague pl,ay, Laguna Beach ne«ted four sets to take care of Dana Hills, 15-6. 15-6, 6-15, 15·7. The Artists are now 2·0, while tho Dolphins Ml t.o 1· l ln league. ,.. Senior middle blocker Katcina Peterson recorded 13 kills and 10 block s and t eammate Denise Braunlich, an out.side hitter , had 10 kills and seven blocks in Fountain Valley's 15·9. 14-16, 15-7, 15-4 verdict over L a Qulnta. The Barona improved the ir record to 3·0 an non -leagul' U<'llOn Westrmnster, second·seeded in this weekend's tourney, got pa.cit St. Joseph's, 15·7, 15-8, 15-17, 15·5 as Stacy Schlange had 13 kills and Connie Watton had 10. Setter Ema Tamamuul allo did wC?U for the Lions. Marina evened ha mark at 2·2 b~hlnd the play oC mlddJe blocker Alene Andt-r11on and captain She-lly Thrall as the Viking• topped Solie Crondc, 1~-7. 10-7, lJ-11}, 1 ~·0. The Senior Men's competition will get under way al 10:40 on Sunday following a OK and lOK foot race at 8 o'clock and a big wheel race for pre -school youngaters. ' Among the favorites Is Davia Phinney of Boulder, Colo .. 23. He la In the midst of his best-ever season and is an outstanding oriterfum rider. Ke hu won more thin a doten Individual criterluma 10 far thls yur. Alto m the field will oo Tom Schufor of Illinois At 20, Schuler Is an aggressive cri~rlum rider who holds the natluNI till and The endurance rider 1s out. to bum·ofC the sprinters by keeping a Cast pare throughout the race. The competition 1s held under the authority of t he United States Cycling Federation and is staged by the Costa Mt'Sa Leisure Services deparUn<'nt. In addition to the bicycle and foot races, a· sports pentathlon, stage entertainment. marching bands, a drwn und bugle corps and on automobile exhibit will also bf> staaed. The ev•nt iJ free to the public with Plact-nti" Avcnut bl-ocktd olf rrom automobilt' traftlc between Wilson and Adams during th<' rul\ning of the cvt•nt~ on Saturday and Sunduy • • arr1or • Will Thl• Wood brldgt.· lligh uon C.'Ountry t.t"om. ha11 um.• claJm to fornt· aftt•r •W•'<'Plrla past Lttsunu B<•::ich, 1 5 00, Thu r1d1.1 y afternoon. the~ Warrior runners becam th<' fu"lit k·am to win a South CoaBl League CVl1nt ror Woodbridge. Th<' Warriors turned the trick • by Wking tht• top i('ven platu In tht• duul meet, including twu that (l('lipscd the 17-minutc mark Junior Brian Wilson won the ral't! In o timt' of 16:39, beating teammate J ay Middle to n , a sophomore, who came in at 16:51. Ano the r so phomor e. E r se CROSS COUNTRY S<'hermerhorn. placed third at 17: 15 Meanwhile. Newport Harbor ~on a tight tri-m ee t from Fountain Valley and Fllpel"anza. The Sailors had 36 points to Fountain V alley's 4 3 and Espt."ranza's 44. Sen sor Ed Gould from Fountain Valley won the race in 15:57. but Newport Harbor runners placed third, fourth and fi lth to capture the meet. Even without Gus Quinonez. who is sidelined for at least three more weeks with a sore knee, Huntington Beach was still able to easily defeat Long Beach Jordan. 17-4 5. Senior Greg Baugh, who has been running for the Oiler varsity the last three years. turned in a personal best on the Centra l Park course with a 15:58 time. Senior Martin Cueva was a close second at 16:01, with John F.dwards ( 16:43) placing third. It was the Oilers' first dual meet aft.er posting a third-place f i nis h i n th e La s V e gas Invitational last week. Marjorie Snyder and Lysanne Lippe fmished one-two to pare the Laguna Beach women to a 15-48 triumph over Woodbridge. Newport Harbor's w omen captur e d a tr1 -meet fr om Esperanza and Fountain Valley, 29-36-84. VOTE • • • From Page C1 sax gamt·~ rt·ma1nang againsl t·ach other. •Reggae Jackson may have gone hitless in the Angels' recent three-game set with the Royals. but he sull collected a nifty check m excess of $73.000 because or t he attendance clause In his contract. •Linebacker Carl Ekern. the Rams' player representative, has been acting as unofficial coach during the team's workouts. Ekern declined, however. to name h is No. 1 quarterback. •Virtually l;lll1lOticed through all the stnke commotion was the contention by Rams Coach Ray Malavasi that Bert Jones was still the team's No. 1 quarterback. ''After reviewing the films," he said, "I can't see where he did anything wrong." GWC racquetball tourney slated ' The eighth annual st.a te out- door racquetball doubles cham· p1onships w1U be held at Golden West College. Oct. 8-10. The three-way tournament is expected to draw national and state outdoor tHle holder,. inclu- ding Brian Hawkes, Paul Olson. Dan Southern and many others. Div1s1on include men's A, B. and C: women's A. 8, and C. and rruxed A. B, and C. Entry fee is $25 per team and all participants will receive a complimentary T - shirt. In addition. trophies will be awarded to first. second. thifd and consolation winners. Entry deadline is Oct 1. For entry forms or further mfonna- ll on. phone tournament director Raul Duarte at Golden West. 892-7711 (ext. 529) or Carol Herd at 893-5821 . Marine r s play Lo Alamito n ext The Huntington Valley Mariners' semi-pro football team putS Its firs t place standing on the line Sunday whe n it plays the Los Alamitos Vikings at l p.m at L os Alamitos High School The Marine rs have a 2 -0 record In the CoastAJ Olvi.slon of the Ht-Desert League while Los Alamitos is 2-1. The standings: c -1a1 DMa6oll Hunllnoion v1119y Met!Mt• a.o LOI AlamltOI V1ltlft0• 2•1 Onte<lo Crvtll I 1 ~utlry ltQlll I• 1 Alhemt>.• OuNa t ·2 ~~ Vin Nvy1 ,, ... ,~, •.O w1111 van.y C11.pr111 t 2 lvrblnll 81ndll• 14 8an '9fnendo IMM:klhlrl1 W • 111111 ClllT f RIOAV SE .. H MUI H ... 1 l 'HI / Wetsuited surfer leuve a roo ter -tail of spray as he cranks off the bottom of o well-shaped, glassy wave north of the Huntington Beuch pier thi morning. Olivia to get physical with Coast; rain due Hurricane Olivia, which has caused high waves and ne w flooding threats to the Surfside Colon y, also is bringing a 60 percent chance of rain tonight and Saturday. according to the National Weather Service. The storm, reported dissipating off the coast of Baja California, a lso is expected to reduce the onslaught of smog in parts of the county with its cool breezes and moisture, say A ir Quality Management District officials. H igh temperature alon~ the Pupil's 99th l~uded By PHIL SNEIDERMAN of'tM D.., "°4 Steff It was o n e o f those rare occasions when a college teacher conspired to make sure one of her students missed class. Teacher Margaret Hickey and some friends of student Lurella Taft kept her from attending her Coastline College arts and crafts class Thursday afternoon so that Lurella wouldn't see the surprise birthday party they were preparin~. When Lurella finally arrived, she was greeted by a chorus of 32 youngsters from Anna's Day School in Costa M esa. The children launched into songs like "Let Me Call You Sweetheart," "When I'm 64," "You Light Up My Life" and "Tomorrow." "How sweet it is!" Lurella exclaimed as s h e san g a nd c l appe d along with th e youngsters. It was a particularly sweet occasion because Coastlin e College student Lurella Taft was celebrating her 99th birthday She is enrolled in the arts and craft course and an "Exploring M usic" class. Both are taught at the Bay View Manor retirement home in Costa Mesa. where Lurella lives. "l e njoy life and I e njoy people. and I learn something every day." she says. "I'm not too old for that " Jack Chappell, a spokesman for Coastline, said Lurella Taft is one o f the oldes t s tudents currently enrolled in the college. But he n oted that e lderly students are not a novelty at Coastline. a Fountain Valley- based college that offers classes at more than 100 community locations. coast Saturday 1s expected to be around 75. Meanwhile, the storm posed new worries to resid ents of Surfside Colony in Seal Beach. Resident Al Golgart reported today that eight to 10-!oot waves are break i ng in sight of the expensive homes. "Things don't look goOd 1f lhlS keeps up," he said Golgart says that about 15 feet of sand still separate the ocean from the homes but he fears further erosion. • 111111 fllllll OHANl.[COlJNIY LALlfOHNIA '1~ CENTS Two earthquakes -r elt in central California area MAMMOTH LAKE (AP) - Two earthquakes, a strong one m the Mammoth Lakes region and a milder separate tre mor 150 miles to the west, jolted a broad area of central Cali fornia today. The re wer e n o immediate reports ot damage or injuries. The University of California Seismograph station in Berkeley r e p o r ted the qu ake n ear Mammoth Lake struck at 12:41 a.m . and registered a magnitude of 5.4 on the Richter scale. A quake of that magnitude is capable of considerable damage. The temblor was felt in at least five California counties and parts of western Nevada. Houses and trees shook inside Yosemite National Park, according to park dispatcher Karen Ball. Residents in dozens of towns in Inyo, Madt'ra, Tuolumne , Mariposa and Mon o counties reported feeling the shock , s heriff's deputies said. Berkeley seismologist Norman Abrahamson first reporte one quake at 4.5, but r evised his report af t e r s tud yi n g seismographic data. He said his measurements were thrown off by another quake which had an epicenter near Hollister m the west. The Hollister quake. 100 miles south of San Francisco, struck at 1 :06 a .m. and measur ed 3.8. Abrahamson said. Dispatt·ht•r Jim Stl.'phcns of the Hollister police said alanns in the station were triggered by the q~ke but he had no reports of damage. Several local residents c:alll-d lht> station to report their hou~ had shaken. R1c·k Scholl. deputy s heriff an Mammoth Lake, said he felt the (See QUAKES, Page A2) Irvine p dnel plea: Sa ve f arll1 hall1let By GLENN SCOTT 0( .... Deity Not 81.n Irvine, a national symbol of progress and planning. should modify its course for once to 'make room for its only historical neighborhood, a city advisory committee has recommended. T he East Irvine Blue Ribbon Commjttee, an 11-member group appointed by the City Council. s aid th e old -£a s hi o n ed agricultural hamlet on Sand Canyon Avenue s h o uld be preserved intact. To do so would mean throwing out proposals to widen Sand Canyon to six lanes and build an overpass to s pan the nearby raUroad. the east might be a better solution. The pr ese r vatio ni st recommendations contrast with a pro posal from t he Irvine Company, for which during its ranch era the neighborhood with its general store and hotel was the . primary link with the outside Company officials are pushing a plan to shift a blacksmith's shop to the north side of Sand Canyon, joining the general store and hotel in a two-acre setting to be maintained by a non-profit historical group. "We had a student who was 103," Chappell recalls. "And we even h ad a woman i n h e r mid-80s who enrolled m one of our tap dancing classes. She told us she used to dance with Ruby K~ler." Coastline c lasses geared particularly to those 55 and older (See HTH, Page AZ ) Lurella Taft had a happy 99th birthday at her Coastline College class when nursery school youngsters surprised her wi th a serenade a t a Co ta Mesa nur ing home. CommHtee m e mbers are suggesting that the road should not be more tha n four la nes through the neighborhood -or that a route bypassing lhe area to That way. the hamlet would no longer be divided by the six lane road that company experts project wlU be needed to carry incr easing volumes of traffic from tht> nearby Santa Ana Freeway to the coast. (See EAST, Page A2) ----lllDEX---- "Arts in Motion" -dancing, music and aerobics -can be een Saturday a.nd Sunday at Main Bea ch Pork in Laguna. Page A4. At Your Service A4 Gardening 8 2 F.rma Bambeck A7 Horoecope A7 Brid~ 84-S Intermission W~kender Cav de A7 ' Ann Landers A7 Cluallied 01-8 Mutual Funch B4 Comics 83 Public Notices 82,6;02 C~ord B3 Sporu Cl-7 Death NoUcet D2 Stock Markets 85 Stan Delaplane A7 Weather A2 Editorial A6 World News I A3 t l Radioactive water leak shuts reactor By STEVE MITCHELL 0(1he 0.., "°'It.ff The on-again, o ff -agai n operation of the $1.7 million Unit 2 reactor at San O nofre Nuclear Generating StatlQn is off again -this time due to leakage of radl<MM:Uve water. Workers at the power station d lecovered the leak Wednetday, aaid David Barron, a 1poketman for Southern California F.dlaon Co., major owner of the complex 'hrec m il es south o f Sen Clemente. "h 's a problem that frequently can happen at a plant," Barron Mid, addlna, "We expect thls to be occuning during the atartup phue." Edlao n o fCic:lals t>eaan ,enerallna elcctrtdtl for the flnt time In the unit Mondey. The ~ was ahut down later that day for rouune maintenance and repean. and 1tar1ed up aaatn on Tuftday. l.A!ll than a day later, Edilon employeeis dl1COvmtd a t.akap ot ndloacllve water Into a collecting tank from valves at the 1,100-megawatt react.or. Th e latest shutdown could keep the reactor out of action for as Iona u two weeks, the F.dl10n spokesman aald. · He aald the malfunction means the reactor water waa :not circulating under the proper pressure of 220 pounda per equal't' Inch. Wh•n opera tint properly. the water valws help maintain the proper balant"e of wa~r ••nd In the 0 presaurlter. " ==------------------~-~~~----~----------~ , • <' pressuritcr, in turn, keeps the reactor water from boillna as i\ circulates at high temperulun.>a. The water, heated by enriched uranium dioxide (uel, moves through a heat exchanaer where a separate supply of water 11 heated to produce steam. That steam, In turn, powers t gt-nerntor. which turns the turbine, produdns el~tridty. B e for e W ed n ~aday·~ shutdown, the r eactor waa producing at about :lO percent capaeltv. , ' ·- •• China engines find HB marke_t d visor y panel wants rvine Country Sto re, with ben ch from ·nrly train s ta tion , pre erved . AST IRVINE. om Page A 1 Sand Canyon 1s planned to tend through Bommer Canyon a future freeway along the Joaquin Hills transportation :onidor, and then over the hills the ocean. But the blue ribbon pane l ants to keep the S<'Lling much e same as it has looked most of is century. Its con clusion llows the advice of consultant 'a l Thomas. presi de nt of lcritage Orange County Inc., v ho told the group: "The aramoun t iss ue of any lternat1ve is the mafntcnam.'t' of he physical a nd econ omic 1istoric integrity largely as it has xisted in the last 60 years." Committee members plan to QUAKES. • • from Page A1 ~.,.ronger quake a bout five 'lf'C'Onds, but received reports I rom other sheriff officials in ~arby counties that the temblor '%5 felt for up to 12 IK'COnds. • • make their presentation Tuesday to the City Council at its meeting starting at 6:30 p.m. at Irvine City Hall, Jamboree Road and McGaw Avenue. · And to gj'ie...ttlidents a glimpse of their concerns, members are conducting tou rs of the neighborhood Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. They said they will tie blue ribbons around historic pepper trees a t the site to mark the tour's beginning. The hamlet includes six types of s tructures: the general store. hotel on the west side of the road and the blac ksmit h shop, automotive garage. warehouses and bungalows on the east. One of the warehouses, ,bullt in 1895. is considered the oldest intact structure standing in the dty, according to the committee. In their written report. members also no ted that two o ther important fac11itie3 in the neighborhood, a schoolhouse built in 1899 and a train station constructed in 1907. have since been tom down. 8)' ROBERT BARKER Of t~ Dellr ,, .. , l11n Two rl'prf'lll't\lu\1Vl'h of tht• Chlnusc.• guv,•r11cnt•nt un· In Hunti ngton Bc•oc:h w rt•tlm• del811a u( on t•X<.'luslvt• UJlll'i'mt•nl tor the.-<'><port of dit'S<'I f'Ojltnt'li tu u locol t'Ompuny T h t• R c:i p u b I I c 1-; n lo( I n l' Corporation of liuntJngton Bcuch alrt!ady has l 75 en~lnc11 In 1 tti war e h ou1e that wt•rt! munufacturt'<I by the Communist nation. Company Pn·•lde11 t Steven Armanino said lhe compan y is es tablis hing a system o f dlstrlbutorships for the sale of the e ngines thro ughout the nation and is planning to enter the overseas market. Armanlno said Re public expects to start selling the equipment by Nov. 1. Zhang Yin, a senior engineer for the General Bureau of Agricultural Machiner y. and Cheng Taihe, vice manager of the China National Agricultural Machinery Import and Export Corp., arrived Monday to expand on the agreement reached earlier this year. The Chinese repi:esentatives are e xploring with company officials the "re-exporting" of engines from Huntington Beach and to firm pricing agreements through 1983, according to local representatives. -Armanino said Thursd ay he expects demand to be high for the 3 to 75-horsepower diesel e ngines. ''My main concern is whether 99TH. • • From Page A1 are offered through the college's Emeritus Institute. Margaret H(ckey, who teaches the arts a nd cta(ts course at Bay View Manor, said Lurella Taft is a good student. "She eomes every week, she completes h er project and she enjoys it," the instructor says. ''She's a bJt of a perfectionist - she puts a little extra touch on everything she makes." Lur·eqa says the class ill an enjoyable diversion. "My mother was an artist," she says. ''I have a little bit of it in me but I don't excel as she did." The children 's chorus at her blrthday•party took her back to the days when she sang while a student at North Denve r High School in Colorado. She also was active in church choirs . Her husband was a fourth cousin to President William Howard Taft. She has two sons: Ma rvin, an accountant who resides in Laguna Beach. and Joe. who traveled Crom Miami to attend the 99th birthday party. ~\" Rain a possibility northetn M11ne. and un-IOnably -----------------------t 1l~on."'" I ' lnc:reasohg c:1oud1n111 today '<.1th 30 percent chance of hght IJ'aln al limes Not as warm with ,Wgns ranging lrom upper 701 at .b"eacnes to mid to upper 80s trn1ano. Cloudy and becoming oulte humid Saturd1v with llaht rain II tlm11 Lows 68 to 75 igns 75 to 85 Cn1nce or measurable rain 60 perc:ent tonight and Saturday v Light ¥arl1ble winds 1•cep1 ,tocal northweSt winds anould 1~1><n1 With aeas 5 to 8 IMC 1n outer waler• oH P0<nl ConcepliOr'I Ith w1nd1 decreallng thl• afternoon Winds will bec:ome Illy aouthHSI 8 to IS knoll 6nlghl. 1nct1ulng to 12 to 20 not1 Saturdey SouCl\etly t¥telts Id bl 3 to 5 feet Wllh 6 to foot bteakM1 on .outh·fac1ng IClltll c:Ok! wHthllf hit the SoucheaSt Thunder1torms were torecaat over the Florida Peninsula, sho w ers end I ew tnunder1howers w •Peclld lrom thl Great Like• into lhl mtd -M1Ul1S1Ppi Valliey Cloud• wefl predicted In the upper M1n1ss1pp1 V1llly end much ol K1naas and ldahO Sunny Skllt were lorec:aal e111w her1 Temperetures 11ound thl nation before dawn ranged lrom 40 in Monot N D . to 89 1n Phoenix. Artz T e 11iperatures Ht l Pct. Alb1ny 6e 48 67 Albuque 89 5 7 Amarillo 89 54 AlhCIYllll 69 40 Allen.. 73 52 Jldlsn MS 80 48 Atlentc Cty ae 52 Jldtan.tll 81 81 Austin 85 59 Kan• City 72 59 811tlmor1 69 46 Knoav11te 72 48 Bllltngl 75 49 Lu Vegu 101 75 Birmlnghm 76 48 Ll111e Rock 78 58 .08 ------------Blamarcle 74 39 Loul1v111e 70 SS 04 Boise 88 81 Lubbock 89 82 Boaton 89 55 Memp/lil 77 80 B<ownav1,. 87 62 Miami 85 71 83 Tropical 1torm OllVll. •Wlrllng ButfllO 82 52 04 Mltwaullll 67 52 ,08 urtousty et hurr1CAne IPlld• of up Burl•ngtn 64 53 28 Mpl•StP 75 57 to 140 mph. apun northward Cuper 73 Sl M1""Yitll 73 51 l)rough th• PaGlllc Ocean. ChertttnSC 78 63 Mew Orlun• 77 82 Ing rlln ac;ross Calllorn11 IS Chlrlatn WV &e 43 Mew Yori< 69 54 1 22 far north u Sacramento end Cherlt11 NC 7t 47 Morlolll 71 50 ti Rola, lhe NIUonat WM1her Cl\eyennl 70 42 No Plllll 80 50 ervlQe Mid ChlCIQO Ml 52 02 ()Ii .. Qty 17 59 Olivt1. the 15th storm to be Clncinn111 7t 58 .Ot °"""" 76 51 llmed Ihle -aon In thl E.81lern CllYlltllld 85 53 .14 Otianclo 13 71 1clfic. w11 downgraded to a Clmbl1 SC 74 44 Phlllldphll 89 50 roplc1l storm Thurtday morning Cotumbua 68 SO Pttoenlx 108 81 -thl tlr1t dly of 1111 Thi atorm. 011-FI Wth 18 61 P11t1burgh 58 48 03 mllel aoutnw.t ol Sen Diego, Dayton 811 52 14 P111nd, M1 57 47 03 11 twinging II\ en arc lrom the Dlnvet 71 49 01 Pllllld 0r1 84 84 triw.t end 111r1tng 10 ftz:zie 11 Dea Moines 75 52 Prov1denol 71 50 1 heldld nort~d. O.troll 811 52 .Ol Raleigh 72 45 Thi ato rm dumped up to Duluth 85 5l 1 OI Reno 12 53 33 /10 of 1n Inell of rein In aome El PHO 08 82 8111 Like 83 5 t 11111. wllh the h11v11st Fergo 88 41 S1n Anton10 84 58 1Cipit1Uon over thl S1nt1 Cruz Fl1<11tall 13 45 S..tlle 78 58 tllnl Incl thl VllW( around Gflll F1Ut 75 45 $hr.-...port 79 4• todltOll Hlftlord 7 t 49 15 Stou• Fiiia 71 50 Lead Forec:atter MOrm Hollmen Heten• 75 31 1t..Loul1 73 89 09 f 1111 e .. t1rn Pecllic Hurrlcene Honolulu 81 76 Si"'Temc>I 81 71 F~•t Center Hid OIM1, bof:n Houlton 80 83 St Ste Merl• 85 48 o t Ive dlya ego In th• P1clflc oll lndn1plt1 69 55 Spok-71 63 Pen1m1. hll cetrned to tP"d• ot '!"'!'-.-------------------5 mpfl wfth lllghlly higher 0U9tl I Mori 1h1n 1 do11n 1roplc11 t orm1 deYliOP eec:h yell In lhe I 1stern P1clllc: In July end ugull, Che 11orm1 1111d w111, Hoffmenn 111d. In Septtml>et end ctotler. they 11nd lo 1wlng hwerd SUR f REPORT Syrec:ute 57 Topet11 74 Tuc:aon " CAUFOANIA B1ker1flll<i 90 Blythe 107 Eurek.I 80 F:~ ae l.lncatlll" " Los!'r " M1,Y.Vi 19 84 Monterey 80 Nlldlel 108 Oeklln<I 17 PuoRoblM 80 Rid Blull ae Red'#OOd City 89 Secremento 80 S111n11 87 San Diego 14 Sen Frenclsco 85 S1nt1 Btrbert 18 S1nt1 Merle 70 Stockton 11 Thermll 103 Ukll h 18 Barato¥t 103 Big Blar 113 BllhoP 91 Clt1lin1 80 Long BllCll H Monrovt1 t07 Mt Wilton Ill Newport Beach 711 Onterlo 103 Palm Springe 103 PU1<1en1 10t Rlvefllde t04 Sin Ber"nerdlllO t08 San G1btlll t01 Sen Joee 70 S1nt1 An• H Senti Cru1 14 T~VllW( 79 Swtib -e 1Xi>ee1ed to -o-lhl Southern Cellfornll eodl tll 1 motnlng Fog Incl IOw clOUda 1 torecul OV« Eurekl, with 1 20 perOllll Chi~ Of tnowerl Lec1tlon Huntington Pier Senta Ana Alver Jelly 40th 81 Newport T= ·---... •1 .5 fr.=, T~ Tides 8-8 Qood M 49 70 53 03 70 71 55 88 .15 " 74 81 11 10 55 83 .36 84 .24 80 65 73 57 37 811 66 71 42 44 92 84 69 118 82 84 74 ae 63 83 111 &7 80 54 09 " 8·8 OOOd II TODAY 1-2 poor ae ~ Noh 2 41 P.m 10.12 OOocl 1111 ~tow 11otp111 22nd St N-porl 811bol Wedge U. . s u1111nary 8how1re llld 1111,1nd1,.torm1 P<Hd °""the Mlciw.tt todey. Rlln IPfMd ~ n\\ICl1 Of the "" pan of the CIOlltltry llletn Ito ... l'fPO«td In Florid• Sllow1r1 contln11td 1crou Rockl>lle. ~ Slll9Y Hollow Thalll·Br00111 Sen ClerMflll Pier Tr,111911 (T ·Slrttl) Trtttlel Tomorrow Hlgll Tide, I 57 • m °''""°"· So.itll •·S fllt"fOOd IATURDAY 4·t 11,a,J.d ea F1r11 lllQh e 51 1 m 4.5 -ea F1r11 IOw 10 2a • m 3.5 fllr"'OOOd ae S.Cond l!lol1 , • 1t p m 3-5 fllr"900d 81 Sun 11fa 11 9·47 p m IOdly, M fOOd 11 ''"' at I 43 a m $1tutd•y. LOW Tide, 10 u • m., ...... Moon , .... !Odey II ' 3t pm • Mt•1111upm Wt! will h•w l•nouaih c•nalnt'I and partw ,.vullnble to mt-ti\ th t> dcmontJ," lw 111.1ld c.Ju1111u u tour of \h<' f nctory IH l 661) 1 Bur kt\ ~1n.• A <'ompo11v orr1, 1ul 1t£1td th<> t•nalnl'li, to lw 11111o•rnhlc•d and rnurkl'tl•d ut thf• H u n tington B<:och sill'. will Ix• aold at pricl'li 20 to ao percent led thun ttw l'Omp<'litlOn b('(.'llUst' Of cheaper labor and gowrl\ment subs1d1t.'1i Th"' Chlnesl' dclegatl•s , spcaklhg througti a translator, sol d th e e ng ines wl'r<• manuCac turcd In fal·torit•s throughout the nation. Th<'y said Southeast ABla nations have OO<m a big murkci tor the products. Armanino said the c.:ompany envisions three major uses for the ena1J1es -as power generators, as water pumps In agricultural areas and as e{lgines for motor boats. Vice president Donald Hilmer said the compa n y reach e d agreement with the Chinese after acquiring th e CMC compa ny In San Marcos. l:hinese official Che ng Taihi a nd Zha ng Yin and Republic Eng ine Corp. preside nt Steven G. Arma nini (from left ) look over e ngine. Oallr Piiot St1H Photo Aldrich's pay hiked to $76,000 Jazz guitarist teaching at UCI UC Irvine-Chancellor-Daniel Aldm·h Jr. has bc.-cn awarded a 2. 7 p<:rcent salary increase. making his annual pay $76,000 a year Tht• increase passed retcntly by tht• UC Board of Regents equals t hat f or UC Davis Chant'<.•llor James Meyer and UC San Diego's R1Chard Atkinson, who both also earn the same $76.000. Internationally-known jazz guitarist Kenny Burre ll will teach a course al UC Irvine this fall on the life and works of comJ>06er Duke E llington. The co urse. titled "Ellingtorua," will be offered both to full-time UCI s tudents and also to members of the community through the school's extension program. The class will meet from 7 to 1 0 pm . Tuesdays •The Irvine Art Center's fall programs began Sept. 27 with a wide range of classes, workshops and gallery activities. Informatio n About the offerings is available from the center by call.mg 552-1078 or stopping by the facility at Heritage Park. It is op en Mondays and Fridays from 9 a.m . to 6 p.m : Tuesdays. beginning Sept. 28 m the UCI Humanities Hall. The fee for community members to enroll m the 10-week course is $125 and enrollment information is available by calling 833-:>4 14. Burrell, who has played with such jazz mas te rs as Diuy Glllesple , Osca r Pete r so n and B e nn y \,oodman, is also known as a student of jazz history. He has lectured across the U.S. Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 9 pm .. a nd Saturdays from 9 a .m to 3 pm. Independent lab time a lso is available to people with studio knowledge who may pay a minimal cost to work in jewelry, ceramics, drawing and painting. sculpture and photography. organizers say. Tht' h1ghl'st -pa1d of the chancellors, according to UC system s tat1st1t:s, is UC San Francis<:o's Julius Krevans. who will earn $117.500 this year Berkeley's I ra M1t·hae l Heyman and UCLA's Charles Young were each granted 2.6 percent raisPs this year giving them $80,000 salaries I n' Orange Coun t y, by comparison. the c:hancellor of the• three-campus Coast Commuruty College Dtstrict, Norman Watson. earns $72,500 and the presidents of the three colleges each make $60,500. A t Ca I S t .1 1 t· F u I I<' r l u n , Pn">tdt•nt Jl•wt•I Pl\lmn1l'r Cobb makt .... $70.260 .1 )PJr ~ .. ~~~~~~·~~.fV'::\-16,\~ ~/'~~~~~~~~)~.~) I AM LING'S Newport Nursery and Garden Center EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: REGULAR PRICES REDUCED STOREWIDE PRICE ROLL-BACK ON NURSERY STOCKI PRICE CODE SIZE OLD PRICE WHITE 1 GALLON 3.95 Junipm, Hybtscus, Jasmine. etc. 5 GALLON 13.95 YELLOW 1 GALLON 4.50 Bouea1nv1lleas. Creeping 5 GALLON 15.95 ftg. Vines. etc BLUE 5 GALLON 16.95 Ferns Camellias. etc -REDUCED EVEN MORE - ALL 5 GALLON CITRUS ........................................ were 18.95 ALL 5 GALLON FERNS ......................................... were 11.95 NEW PRICE 3.50 12.95 3.95 14.95 15.95 NOW 14.95 NOW 14.95 NOW 14.95 ALL 5 GALLON EUOENIAS ................................... were \1.95 ALL 5 GALLON TREE ROSES ............................. were 24.95 NOW 14.95 ALL 5 QALLON ROIES ............ , .................................. NOW 8.49 50°/o OFF ' .. . CllTI MIU lllTIDI I llllll\ Y 'lt I' I I MIH It .'I 1'114.' OH ANG l COUN I Y CAL If OH NIA 25 CENTS Wetsuited urf cr leaves a rooster-toil of spray as he cranks off the bottom of u well-shaped, glas y wave north of the Huntington Beach 1>ier this morning. Olivia to .get physical with Coast; ·rain due Hurricane Olivia. which has caused high waves and ne w flooding threats to the Surfside Colony, also is bringing a 60 percent ch(lnce of rain tonight -and-Saturday, accordrng to the National Weather Service. The storm, reported dissipating off the coast of Baja California, a lso is cxpec:ted to rt.'dun• tht· onslaught of smog in parts of the county with its cool breezes and moisture. say Air Qua lity Management District officials. High temperature alonR the Pupil's 99th lauded By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(tfte Dlllly Pltot 818" It was o ne o f those r are occasions when a college teacher conspired to make sure one of her students missed class. Teacher Margaret Hickey a nd some friends of student LureUa Taft kept her from attending her Coastline College arts and crafts class Thursday afternoon so that Lurella wouldn't see the surprise birthday p a rty they w e r e preparinR. Whe n Lurella finally arrived. s he was greeted by a chorus of 32 youngsters from Anna's D ay S ch ool in Cost a M esa . The children launched into songs like "Let Me Call You Sweetheart," "When I'm 64," "You Light Up My Life" and "Tomorrow.'' "How sw eet it 1s!" Lurella e xclaimed as s h e sang and c I a pp e d a 1 o n g ,w ith th e youngsten . It was a pa rticularly sweet occa sion because Coastline College s tudent Lurella Taft was celebrating her 99th birthday She is enrolled in the arts and craft course and an "Exploring Music" class. Both are taURht at the Bay View Manor retirement home in Cos ta Mesa. whe re Lurella lives. "I e njoy life a nd I e njoy peo ple. and I learn something every day," she says. "I'm not too old for that." Jack Chappell, a spokesman for Coastline, said Lurella Taft 1s one o f th e o ldest stude nts currently enrolled in the college. But h e not ed tha t e lde r ly students are no t a nove lty at Coastline, a Fountain Valley- based college that offers classes at more tha n 100 community locations. "We had a student who was 103," Chappell recalls. "And we even h ad a w o man in her mid-80s who enrolled in one of our tap dancing claslw.s. She told us she used to dance with Ruby Keeler." Coas tline c lasses g ear e d particularly to those 55 and older (See 99TH, Page A2) coast Saturday is expected to be around 75. Meanwhile. the storm posed new w orries t o r esidents o r Surfside Colony in Seal Beach. Resident A:J Golgart reported today that eight to 10-foot waves are breaking in sight or the expensive homes. "Things don't look good tf this keeps up," he said. Golgart says that about 15 feel or sand sttll separate the ocean fro m the homes but he fears further erosion . Lurella T aft had a happy 99th birthday at h er Coastline College clas when nursery school youngsters surprised her with a sere nade at a Costa Mesa nursing home. ----INDEX---- Two earthquakes felt in central California area MAMMOTH LAKE (AP) - Two earthquakes, a strong one in the Mammoth Lakes region and a milder se parate trem or 150 miles to the west, jolted a broad area of central California today. The re w ere no immed iate reports or damag<.· ur tnJuncs. The University of California Seismograph station tn Berkeley r e p'?rled th e qua k e n e a r Mammoth Lake struck at 12:4 I a .m. and registered a magnitude of 5.4 on the Richte r scale. A quake o f tha t m a gnitude is capable of considerable damage The temblor was felt in a t least five California counties and parts of western Nevada. Houses and trees shook ins ide Yosem ite National Park, according to park dispatcher Kare n Ball. Residents in doze n s of towns in Inyo, Ma dera, T uolumnt'. Mar iposa and Mo no counties re ported feeling t he s h ock , s h e riff's de puties said. Berkeley seismologist Norman Abrahamson first reported one quake at 4.5. but revised his rep o rt a ft e r s tud yi n g seismographic data He said hts measurements we re thrown of£ by another quake which had an epicenter near Hollister in the west. The Hollister quake, 100 miles south of San Francisco, struck a t I :06 a m. a n d measur ed 3.8, Abrahamson said DisputC'ht•r Jim Stl'phens of the Hollister police said alarms tn the station were triggered by the quake but he had no reports of dama~e. SeveraJ local residents callt•d th1• station to report their houSt•s had shak<.•n . Rick Scholl. dPputy shPnff m Mammoth Lake, saJd he felt the str o n ger q u ake a bout five secon ds, but received r eports from o ther sheriff officia ls in nearby counties that the temblor was felt for up to 12 seconds. Abraha m son said the two qu a k es we r e ·•se p ara t e occurren ces .. but both w ere probably part or the same system tha t p r od u ced a ser1('S o f tem blors several weeks ago The U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Cente r tn Go lde n , Colo . mea s ured the quake tn the Ma mmoth Lakes region at 5.1 maRflllude on the Richter srale • Woinan held NB 1n over bribe attempt A 60-year-old woman has been arrested In Newport Beach for allegedly trying to "buy off" a witness scheduled to testify m court against her son, police sa1d. Juanita Wanda Holt of Apple Valley was arrested by police o utsid e a N e wpo rt B each restaurant where she assertedly arranged to give the unnamed witness $9,000 in cash not lo testify. Police said Holt's 26-year-old s on. David C hesn eau. is 1n Orange County jail a waiting trial on rape and burglary charges. Chesn eau was a rr ested In August followmg a n:porlcu rape in Corona del Mar. P ol ice said Ho lt 1n1t1a1ly contacted the female witness and h a nde d over $1,500 wi th promises of another $9,000 LO come. The witness, police said. then con tacted authorities and later arra nged to meet Holl.a t a location w he rt> pol ice could watch. Holt was arrested T uesday on suspicion or trying to dtssuade a witness. a felony charge. Police said she is free on $15,000 ball Chesneau Is scheduled to go to trial la ter this year. "Ar.ts in Motion" -dancing, music and aerobic -can be seen Saturday and Sunday at Main Beach Park in Laguna. Page A4. Radioactive water leak shuts reactor. At Your Servi~ A4 Gardening Erma Bombeck A7 Horoscope Brld~ 84-5 Intermission Cav e A7 Ann Landers Claaaified Dl-8 Mlttual Funds Comics B3 Public Notices Croeaword B3 Sporta Death Notices D2 Stock Markets Stan Delaplane A7 Weather Editorial A6 World News .. B2 A7 Weekender A7 B4 B2,6:D2 C1 ·7 .85 A2 A3 By STEVE MITCHELL OftM D.., Not lleff The on -again, off-again operation of the $1.7 billion Unit 2 reactor at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station is off again -t his time due to leakage of radioactive water. Workers at the power atation dllcovered the leak WednC9day. said David BarTon, a apokeaman for Southern C.llfornia Ediaon Co .. major owner or the complex three mile• aouth ot San Clemente . "It's a problem that frequently can happen al a plant," Barron aald, lldding. "We expect this tO be occurring during the startup phase." Edison officlah began generating electricity for the first time in the unh Monday. The reactor wu ahut down later that day for routine maintenance and repairs, and ii.art.eel up again on Tum.y. Le. than a d1y later. Ediaon employffl dla:overed a leakqt> of radioactive water Into a rollectins tank from valves at the 1.100-mcgawatt reactor. The latest shutdown could keep the reactor out of action for aa long as two w~ks. the Edlaon spokesman said. He said the malCunctlon means the reacto r water was not circulating under the proper pr~ssure of 220 pounds p er 1quate inch. When operating propt'rly, the water valve& help maintain the proper balance of water and au In t h • preaaurlier. The ' pressurizer. In turn, keeps the reactor water from bolling as I\ circulotcs at high tcmpcrutures. The water. heated by entiched uranium dioxide fuel, moves through a heal exchanger where a separa te supply of water Is heated to produre steam T hat steam, In t1.1rn, powers a gent-rat o r , whlc:h turn& tho turbine, producl,ng cle<:ttktty Befo re Wf'dne1day'1 shutdown, th reactor wa• producing at about 20 ~l"t'Cnt capacllv ----------------------...... ----.. .· Al OIN Orange Co tt DAILY PllOl'IFrld1y, September 2•. 1H2 China engines ' find HB market \ 99Tl·I . From Pag A 1 • • un• ut h·rt·d thrnuuh tlw l'olh•.ct•'1.1 ~mt•111u11 ln11u1utt• Awonhnu 10 WlllP(>tlll, aboul 7,0tlO IU'fliUrl ettNld lht•1c Coa11tht1L' t·111n1w11 bwh yt'ftr nt l<x:atltU\JI 11uch a11 ttw QASlS C nlt.0r in Nc.1 wport t\t'lH' h , t ht• Lt• l11u rt• Wor Id dubhouiit' In St"ul Bt•ud1 und !Other orcu 11(•111ur t"t•ntm'li. • Marl(urt•t Hkkl'V. who wach<.>s lthL' urllj 1111d t•r,1 ft, t mu M.' al &y .Yicw M:mu1 , said I .url'll,1 Tuft ii. • good studt•nt ,• "Sht• t•onws every Wt~k. she completes ht-r projc.>cl and s he" bnjoys it." the instru<.'lor says 1\She's a bat of a perf(."(•llorust - lhe puts u little extra touch on everything she makf's." .., Lurella says the l'lass as an enjoyable diversion. ... "My mothl'r was an artist," she seys. "I have a little bn or 11 in me but I don't exrel as she did." 'J The children's chorus at her birthday• party took her back to the days when she sang while a udenl at North Denver High hool in Colorado. She also was tive in church choirs. "When I hear music, I t•an't p my big mouth shut." she ys. Her hus band' was a fourth ousin to President Wilham oward Taft. Sht> has two sons: arvin, an accountant who sides in Laguna Beach, and oe, who traveled from Miami to tend the 99th birthday party ~·when-I <.'C>flStt:ler my yean. l- lg u re I'm s truggling along retty good," Lure lla says. "I ·ve thanks every day." Lurella Taft a ppla uds sl crdcms a l>arTJlda y sere nade T hursday in Costa Mesa. By ROBERT BARKER Ofll!e O•ff• Piiot lt9'f Two rl'J>l'1•11t•11 tu ti V<'ll of t hl• Chlnt•n• flOVt•rnmf•nt urt• In lluntlnHton BN1t•h to rc-flnt• d lhll-1 of nn l'Xdwdv1• ugn'<'mt.•nl for thl• c•xpurt of dl('M•I t•nglnt'tl to '1 loco! t't.lmpany T h e R t• p u b I I c E n g I 11 t• C-Orporutlon or tlunlington &ach already hntt 175 l'nginl!li in ·1u warchouac that wer e manufacturt'CJ by thl• Communist n8tlon. Company P,·es1dcnl Stt•vt•n Armanino said the company Is establishing a. system of dlstributorshlps for the sale or the e ngines throughout the nation and ls planning to enter the overseas market. Armanlno said Republic expects to s tart selling the equipment by Nov. 1. Zhang Yin, a senior englne<>r for the Gene ral Bureau or Agricultural Machinery, and Cheng Taihe, vice manager or the China National Agricultural Machinery Import and Export Corp .. arrived Monday to expand on the agreement reached earlier this year. The Chinese representatives are exploring with company officials the "re-exporting" of engines from Huntington Beach and to firm pricing agreements through 1983, according to local representatives. Armartino safd Thursday he expects demand to be high tor the 3 to 75 -horsepower diesel engim.'S "My main concern is whether Irvine save its old tow-n? GLENN SCOTT Hie D•ff• Piiot Staff Irvine, a national symbol of ogress and planning, should Canyon to sax lanes and build an overpass to span the nearby railroad. the primary link with the outside. odify its course for once to ke room for its only historical eighborhood, a city advisory rnmittee has recommended. The East Irvine Blue Rtbbon mmallee, an 11 -member group Committee members are suggesting that the road should not be mor~ than four lanes through the neighborhood -or that a route bypassing-the area to the east might be a better solution. Company officials are pushing a plan to shift a blacksmith's shop to the north side of Sand Canyon, joining the general store and hotel in a two-acre setting to be -maintained by a non-profit historical group. pointed by the City Council, id th e old -fa s hion e d ricultural hamlet on Sand n yon Avenue shoulii be reserved intact. To do so would mean throwing ut proposals to wide n Sand The preservat1onisl recommendations contrast with a proposal fro m the I rvine Company. for which during tl.'! ranch era the neighborhood with 1ts general store and hotel was That way, the hamlet would no longer be divided by the six- lane road that company experts project will be needed to carry increasing volumes of traffic from the nearby Santa Ana Freeway to the coast. tackle bankrupt? Committee mf'mbers plan to make their presentation Tuesday to the City Council at it.s meeting starting at 6:30 p.m. at Irvine City Hall. Jamboree Road and McGaw Avenue. Carla Stuckle, who as the mother of two l'hildren fathered by state Sen. John G . Schmatz of ~ewport Beach. has fi_led for Jersonal bankruptcy, claiming she owes 24 creditors more than c:ourt an Santa Ana. The Chapter 13 petition does not identify the creditors, but Mates that Stuckle. of Tustin. has $48,909 in secured debts and another $13, 159 in uns~red debts Stuckle, who works as a dcrk al the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro, did not list her assets c.. And to give residents a glimpse of their concerns. members are conducting tours of the neighborhood Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. 62,000 1' The bankruptcy petition was filed earlier this week an federal They said they will tie blue ribbons around historic pepper trees at the site to mark the tour's beginning. Rain a possibility no.-tllern Maine. and unseasonebty -----------------------1 Coa.,.tal tncreesing cloudiness today -with 30 percent chance ol light 'caln el limes Nol as warm wlth lght ranging lrom upper 70s at eec:hea to mid to upper 801 1,,1end Cloudy ano oecoming oulle humid Saturdev with haht rain et limes Lowa 68 10 75 lght 7S 10 85 Chance ol ee1urabl11 r11n 60 percent Jonlght and Salurday Light or1able winds e•cepl locel northwetl wind• should blne w11h seas 5 to 8 feel in oute< waters off Point Conception w ith wind s decreeStng this •flernoon WtnOS Wtll become Illy southeast 8 10 1 s knots cold weather hit the Sou11>eest. Thunoerslorms were lorec111 over the Flor•d• Peninsula. and sho we rs and • te w thundershowers were ••peeled ffom the Greet Lakes into the m1d·MISSoSS<PC>I llelley Clouds war• predicted 1n the uppe< M1ss1nlpp• Valley end much of Kansas and Idaho Sunny lkles were forecast e lsewher e Tempareturet around lhe nation belore dawn ranged from 40 In Mrnol N O to 89 In Phoenl• Ariz Teniperalures HI L Pel AIDany 6& 48 87 Albuaue 89 S7 Amarillo 89 ~ AShev1lle 69 40 Ne_W...,..$eMte NOAA u S o.p1 ol eoi-..c:e Atlenla 73 52 J.ckan MS 80 48 Atlante Cty 68 52 JICktnYlla 61 81 Auslln 85 59 K•n• City 72 59 Bafumore 69 48 t<noKvllle 72 48 SyrllCUM 57 Topatie 74 Tuc:eon 911 nlgnt, 1ncree11ng 10 12 10 10 knots S•turdey Southerly swetla lhOUl<I 1>e 3 to s leet ""'h 6 10 8-lool breaker• on south·l.c1ng l>eaehes. 81lllng1 75 49 LH \legal 101 75 8irmlnghm 76 48 Little Rock 78 59 .oe CAU'O..NIA ------------Bismarck 74 39 Lou1svtlla 70 55 .04 Botae 86 81 Lubbock 89 82 Ca lifornia Botton 69 SS Memphi1 77 60 8rownsvtte 87 62 Miami 8S 78 .83 TroplUI storm Ohvle swirling l!luffllO 82 52 04 Mlfweukee 87 52 ,oe tunoully at hurricane IP"9d• ol up Burllngtn 6' S3 28 MOl•StP 75 57 to 140 mph, spun northw11d CHP« 73 SI Nestlvllle 73 5t through th• Pacific Ocean, ChetltlnSC 76 63 N-Ofle•M 71 82 spewing rain ecrosa Caltlornle es Chttlttn Wll 66 43 ~ York 69 54 1 22 l•r north H S1craman10 end Chatttt• NC 7t '1 Noffotk 71 50 S9nta Rose, the Natlonel Weatbat Cheyenne 70 42 No. Plene 80 50 $entice .. Id Chl<:to<> 66 52 02 Oki• Cny 87 59 Ollvle. the 15th storm to be Clnclnneu 1 t 58 0 1 Omen. 78 51 ,,91N1<1 thl• -son In the EHlern CleYelen<l 65 S3 t4 Orlando 83 7 t Peclllc. wu downgreded lo a Ctmb•• SC 7' 44 Phll11dpti11 69 60 1r09lc9I atorm Thur9dey morning Columbus 68 50 Phoenta 108 1 1 -the first dty of tell The storm. O.t-Ft Wth 88 81 Pntat>urgh 58 48 03 800 mllel IOVlll-t of San Diego. Oeyton 69 52 14 Plleno. Me 57 '7 03 wu ew!nglng ln en arc from the Denver 78 49 01 Ptlend. Ore 84 84 norlh-t end atertlng to llule H Oft Moln11 75 52 Providence 71 50 11 hMded northwvd O.trott Ill 52 0 I Raleigh 72 45 Tiie atorm oumped up to Dvluth 8S 51 t 08 Reno 82 63 33 4110 ot en lncn of ••In in tom• El PHo tl8 82 Sell Lake 83 5 t a r • 1 1 • w tt h f h • h • • v 1 •at F ergo 88 4 1 Sen Ant onto 84 58 pr11eipll1t1on ov., the S9ntl Cruz Fl101tall 83 45 SMllle 78 58 Mounlllin• end 11141 vettay •round Greet Fans 75 45 Shrr.aport 79 411 Slocilton Hertford 71 49 15 Sioux F1ll1 78 60 LHd Forecut., Norm Hollmen Helena 75 38 SI Louis 73 69 .09 of the Eut.,n Peclllc Hurrleene Honolulu 88 76 SIP-Tampa 81 71 Forecast Cent .. Mid OllVI•. born Houeton 80 63 St St• M11'9 85 48 0 l llY9 d•'I'• ago in lh• P.c;lllc oll lndneplla 69 55 Spokene 78 53 P•n•ma, llu c•lmld to IC>ffd• ol ---------------------65 moh wi111 Slightly higher gue11 More then • doHn troplcal atormt O.Vetop each yeer In Iha Eut•rn Peclllc In July end August. the 1torm1 hHd w•tl, Hoffmet1n Mid In s.c>tamt>er II/Id October. they tend lo 1wln9 nor1hwerd SURf RIPORT su ... 11t1ct Blythe Eur.ice FrMllO LMCUler Loe Angale9 M•l)'lvlllcl Mont«ey NMdl9' Oekl9"d Puo RoblH Red 81utt RedWOOd City Sec:remanto SellnH Sen Diego San Frenciaco Senti Berb••• Sant• Meri• Stocilton Therm•I Ukleh Bartlow BIQ Bear 81.thop Cetetine Long 8Hch Monrovia Ml Wilson Newport BalMlll Onterto Palm Sprlf1il4t P ... dene Rlverlldt' S•n Barnerdlno San G1b1!94 SM" JOM S.nte Ant S.nll Crui Tahoe 1111 .. y Swells -• altpected to au1ge oft lh4I SOulhefn c.lifornl• coast thle morning FoO end low cloud• ...,. 1orecu1 OY9r Eureka. with • 20 P9f'*'' etl9nC:a ol .,,_, TCMl9f'• W•" ""'• LOCtltton "".t••• • ...,. T-.. T d Huntington Pi« 3-5 leli'..good &5 j es Sant• Ana River .Hatty 8-8 good 88 to 107 80 88 98 98 84 eo 1oe 87 80 ea 89 80 87 8' 85 H 79 11 103 .. 103 13 91 80 98 107 ae 71 103 103 101 104 108 101 70 " 84 79 49 .70 $3 03 70 71 55 ee 15 ee 74 81 87 .10 65 63 .:le 64 24 eo .85 73 57 37 89 68 71 42 44 62 84 59 68 82 84 74 Ml 83 83 81 57 80 54 09 3~ •0th SI ~t f..8 good 88 TOOAY ~~":c!tw~t 1J:~.. P,~ ~ Second high 2 48 pm .-< vvv "" s.cono low 1 t•07 pm Rocllpila, Laguna 4.5 It •·oo<>d 88 IAT\MOAY U. . sununary Show•rt ano 111undert101ma •MO -Iha MktwMt t009'( ,,_, eprMCI ov« rnucn o1 19't C*ltr• PM1 ol the country ~ ... .,.. ~.., Flondl 8howtr• contlnu•d •cron Si.epy Hollow 4~ 900d 88 ,.,.t high e 07 1 m Thatlll·Broolcl 4•5 llllr M First IOw 10 22 1 m S.n ci-i1e Pi« 3.5 ltlr..good 88 S4lconO high •' 19 'm Trel•lget (T·Str"I) 3.5 lelr-oo<>d M Sun .. ,. •• e 47 p m io:a r, .. ,... M OOod er ,, ... et t ·43 • m S•1111oey. y. Tomouow Hleh Tici., 8 57 Im .. I.Ow Tide, 10 ;>2 • m. Swtlll Moon r .... IOO•y 11 1.3e pm °"tellon, 8outh ' Nit •I 11:'4 pm ' • I Wt• wJIJ hllVf.! t.!UOUijh Cl~H und part• uvollnhl1• to nwl'l th<' d manci," h<• r.nld durin& o toui of th<' fu~·tory ot 186~ I Burke Lunt•. A 1·1H11puny offh.lal uld tht• t•nglnt•H, 10 \,.. OliH<•mblt>d und mnrk1•t1•d 11l the llunllnRton &•uch silt•. will be,• 11<1ld al prkt~ 20 to :w rx•r('f'nl l<.•lltc thun tht• compt•tltlon bt.'Caust.0 of ch1:upt-r labor and governml'nl subsldtt-s. T h' t• C h I n l' 1 e d e I e g u t <' i. , spcak inl( through a tramilator, 110.&d the engines WCrl' manuftlc tured i n fa1.•tories throughout the nation. They sal<.l Southeaat Asia natioru1 have tx.>cn a big market for the products. Armanino said the company envisions three major uses for the engines -as power generators, as water pumps In agricultural are.as and as engines for motor boats. Vice president Donald Hilmer said the com pany reached agreement with the Chinese after a c quiring the C M C company in San Marcos. t:hinese officials Che ng Taihi and Zhang Yin and Re public Engine Corp. president teven G. Armanin i (from left ) look over e ngine. Aldrich's pay hiked to $76,000 Gray will heail NB Rotarians UC Irvine Chanct:.>llor Daniel Aldrich Jr. ha!. been awarded a 2. 7 p er<·cnt salar y an crea:.e. ma king his annual pay $76.000 a year. The increase passed re<:cmtly by the UC Board of Regents e qu a ls thal for UC Davis Chancellor Jame:. Meyer and UC San Diego's Richard Atkinson, who both aJso earn the same $76.000 Harold Gray, partner o f the accounting firm Lillie & Gray. has been elected president of the Newport- Balboa Rotary Club. Gray. a .resident of Irvine. has been a member of the • A used boat show. featuring 130 seaworth y crafts, concludes Sunday at Lado Marana in Newport Beach. •Newport Beach resident Marian Perrin, director of purchasing for the Coast Community College District, has retired after 30 years of service. A retirement party was club since 1973 and as a former president of the club's Los Angeles chapter. The Newport-Balboa club is the larges t service organization in Newport Beach. The boat sale follows on the heels of the Woode n Boat Show, a first-of-its-kind in California that was he ld this month in Newport. held for her Sept. 16 with the theme "One of a Kind." She sta rted with the district as an aide to the assistant superintendent and was asked to s tart the purchasing program in 1964. The h1gh est -pa1d of the chancellors. a(•cording to UC system s tatistics, 1s UC San Fran<'isco's Julius Krcvans, who will earn $117,500 this year B erk eley's Ira Mic hael Heyman and UCLA's Charles Young were each granted 2.6 pen·cnt raises this yt•ar giving them $80.000 salaries ~~~~~~~~ In Orange County. b y comparts0n, the chancellor of the three-campus Coast Communjty College Distrtct, Nonnan Watson, earns $72.500 and the presidents of the three colleges each make $60.500. •A music and movement class for children 3 through 6 is being offered through the City of Newport Beach. Landis, will include singing, rhythmic and melodic training and folk dance. For further information, call 640-2271. At C~1l StJte Fullc·rtu n . The class. taught by l>iana Pr<'S1<.lcnt Jc•w('( Plumnwr Cobb mak<'S $70.260 ..i yl'ar Newport Nursery and Garden Center EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: REGULAR PRICES REDUCED STOREWIDE PRICE ROLL-BACK ON NURSERY STOCKI PRICE CODE SIZE OLD PRICE WHITE 1 GALLON L 3.95 Junipers. Hybcscus. 5 GALLON 13.95 Jasmine. etc. YELLOW 1 GALLON 4.50 Bouga1nv1l~p1ng 5 GALLON 15.95 Fig. Vines. etc BLUE 5 GALLON 16.95 r erns. Camelhas. etc -REDUCED EVEN MORE - AU. 5 GALLON CITRUS ........................................ were 18.95 ALL 5 GALLON FERNS ......................................... were 18.95 NEW PRICE 3.50 12.95 3.95 14.95 15.95 NOW 14.95 NOW -14.95 NOW 14.95 ALL 5 GALLON EUGENIAS ................................... were 18.15 ALL 5-GALLON TREE ROSES ............................. were 24.15 NOW 14.95 ALL 5 GALLON R08E8 .................................... ~ .......... NOW 8.49 50°/o OFF • • 111111 ClllT JIWPlll HH / n111 mcu I fllO A 'I S l I' I I Miii II .•.1 1'111/ OH ANC.l COUNTY CAL IF OHNIA 25 CENTS Wetsuited surf er leav{•i, u rooster~1ai l of s1•ray a s he cranks off tht' bottoDl of u w~ll-sha ped~ g lassy wuve north of th Huntington Beach pier this morning. Olivi~ t~ get p~sical with Coast; rain due Hurricane Olivia, which has caused high waves and new flooding threats to the Surfside Colony, also Is bringing a 60 percent chance of rain tonight and Saturday, according lo the National Weathe r Servit-e. The storm, reported dissipating off the coast o{ Baja California. also is e xpected to reduce tht• onslaught of smog in parts of the county with its cool breezes and moisture. s a y Air Qua lity Manageme nt Dis trict orflciqls. High temperature along the Pupil's· 99th lauded By P HIL SNEIDERMAN Ofttte Delly Pffol St.ff It was one o f those rare occasions when a college teacher conspired to make sure one of her students missed class. Teacher Margaret Hackey a nd some friends of student Lurella Taft kept her from attending her Coastline College arts and crafts class Thursday afternoon so that Lurella wouldn't see the surprise birthda y party they were preparin~. When Lure lla finally arrived, she was greeted by a chorus of 32 youngst ers from Anna's Day Schoo l in Cos ta M esa . The children launched into songs like "Let Me Call You Sweetheart," "When I'm 64," "You Light Up My Life" and "Tomorrow." "How sweet 1t is!" Lure lla exclaimed as s h e sang and clapped a long with th e youngsters. It was a particularly sw eet occasion bec ause Coas t line College student Lurella Taft was celebrating her 99th birthday She is enrolled in the arts and craft t.-ourse and an "Exploring Music" class. Both are taught at the Bay View Manor retirement hom e in Cos ta M esa . whe re Lurella lives. "l e njoy li fe and I enJOY people, and I learn something every day," she says. "I'm not too old for tha t." Jac k Chappell. a spokesman for Coastline. said Lurella Taft IS one o f the o ld e st s tude nts currentlv e nrolled in the college. But h t' no t ed t h at c·lderly students a re not a novelty a t Coastline. a Fo un tain Valley- based college that offers classes at more than 100 community locations. "We had a student who was 103." Chappell recalls. "And we even h ad a wo man in h e r mid-80s who enrolled in one of our tap dancing classes. She t.old us she used t.o dance with Ruby P K eeler." Coas tline c lasses g e are d particularly to those 55 and olde r (See 99TH, Page A2) t'OaSt Salurday 1s expt"<·ted t.o be around 75. Meanwhile, the storm posed ne w w o rries to residents of Surfside Colony in Seal Beach . Resident Al Golgart reported today that eight to 10-foot waves are breaking in sight of the expensive homes. "Things don't look good 1( this kl'l'ps up," he S<11t.I. Golgarl says that about 15 feet of sand still separate the ocean from th<' home's but he {cars further erosion . Lure lla Taft had a ha p py 99th birthday a t he r Coastline College class whe n nur ery school yo ungsters surprised he r with a serenade ot a Co ta Mesa nursing home. ----INDEX---- Two earthquakes felt in centr31 California area MAMMOTH LAKE (AP) - Two earthquakes, a strong one in the Mammoth Lakes region and a milder separate tre mor 150 miles t.o the west. jolted a broad area of central Cahforrua today. There w e r e no immedia t e reporL'> ot dumage ur injuries. The University ol California Seismograph station in Berkeley reporte d th e quake n e ar Mammoth Lake struck at 12:41 a.m. and registered a magnitude of 5.4 on the Richter scale. A quake o f that magnitude is capable of considerable damage. The temblor was felt in at least five CaJifomaa counties and parts of w estern Nevada. Houses and trees s hoo k ins ide Yosemite National Park, ae<.'Ording t.o park dispatcher Karen Ball. Residents in dozens o f to wns an Inyo, MadC'ra. Tuolumne. Mariposa and Mono counties reporte d feeling the s hock. s he ri ff's deputies said. Berkeley seismologist Norman Abrahamson first reported one quake at 4.5. but revised his rep o rt aft e r s tudying seismographic data He said his measurements were thrown off by another quake which had an e picenter near Hollister m th~ west. The Hollister quake, 100 miles south of San Fra ncisco, struck at 1:06 a .m a n d meas ured 3 8, Abrahamson said D1spat<:hN J im Swphl•ns o f the Hollister police said a larms tn the station were triggered by the quake but he had no reports of damage. Several local residents callro th<' station to report tht•tr houses h<id !>hakt•n . H1<.'k Scholl, d<•puty shf'rtrf tn Mammoth Lake. said he felt th<' stro nge r qua ke abo ut fi ve seconds, but received reports from other sheriff o fficials in nearby counties that the temblor was felt for up to 12 seconds. A b ra h a mson said the two qu a ke s w ert' "sepa r a t e occurren ces" but both w ere' probably part o f the same system that pro duced a series o f temblors sc·veral wt.-eks ago. The U S Geological Survey National Earthquake Center m Go lde n . Colo .. me as ured the quake in the Ma mmoth Lakes region at 5.1 ma~mtude on the Richter srnlc W 0111an held NB • in over bribe attempt A 60-year-old woman has been arrHted in Newport Beach for allegedly trying t.o "buy off" a witness scheduled to testify tn court against her son, police said. Juanita Wanda Holt of Apple Valley was arrested by pohce o ut s ide a N e w po rt Be a c h restaurant w here she assertedly arranged to give the unnamed witness $9,000 m cas h not to testify. Police said Holt's 26-year-old son. Dav id C hcsneau , i s in Orange County jail awaiting Lrial on rape and burglary charges. Chesn eau was arrested in Augusl following a r~ponw rape in Corona del Mar. • Police' said H olt 1n1t i ally contacted the female witness and hande d over $1 ,5 0 0 with promises of ano ther $9.000 to come The witness. police said. then contacted authorities and later arranged to mee t Ho ll at a location w.Jle r e police could watch. Holt was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of trying to dissuade a witness, a felony charge. P ohce said she is fr~ on $1 5,000 bail Chcsncau is scheduled to go to trial later this year HA rts in Motion" -d ancing, music a nd aero b ics -can be seen Saturday and Sunday a t Main Beach Park in Laguna. Page A4. Radioactive water leak shuts reactor At Your Servk-e A4 Gardening F.rma Bombeck A7 Horoscope· Brid~e 84-5 Intermission Cav cade A7 Ann Landers Classified Dl-8 Mutual Funds Comics B3 Public Notiet'S Cruaword B3 Sports Death NoUces D2 Stock Market.a Stan Delaplane A7 Weather F.dltorial A6 World News B2 A7 Weekender A7 84 B2.6;D2 Cl-7 85 A2 A3 By STEVE MITCHELL Ofltle D~ fltlet ll•ff The o n -again , off-again operation of \he $1.7 billion Unit 2 reactor at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Is off again -this lime due to leakage of radioactlv«:.._ water. Workers at the power station discovered the leak Wednl'lday, aald David Barron. a spokesman for Southcm California Edlton Co .. major owner ot the complex three miln aouth o f San Clemente. l . "It's a problem that frequently can happen at a plant," Barron said, adding, "We expect this to be occurring during the startup pha11e." Edison officials be1an generating electricity for the fin1t time In the unit Monday. Th~ reactor was shut down later that day for rouUne maintenance and repairs, and started up again on Tuesday. lA.'18 than a day later. Edi.on employeet dilcovered a leakage of radioactive water Into a collecting tank from valves at the pressurizer, in turn. keeps the l, 100-megawatl reactor. reactor water from boiling as it The latest shutdown could circulates at high tempcrutures. keep the reactor out of aclion for The water. heated by enriched aa long as two weeks, the Edison uranium dioxide fuel, moves spokesman said. through a hrat cxchang r where He aald the malfunction means a separate supply of water Is the r eactor water was n o t heated lo produce steatn. clrculatlni under the proper Thal steam. In turn, powers a pre11ure o f 220 pounds per generator, which turn• \he square Inch. turbine. producing cl<'Ctrlclty. When operating properly, the 8 (' f 0 r e W C d n C I d a Y ' • water valves help matnlaln lhe 7 a hutdown, the reactor wu rro~r balance of waler and gaa producing at about 20 pcrttnt n th e preuurl1er. Tht capadtv. , Orange Oout OAILV PILOT /Fttday, Septamb« 24, 1912 NB •• \alft .... ~· .... ..." lt•I \.llft .... \alft .... .. I ~ C:llW "" ,. • ,.. c:-'"' It • -( .. w f;lll ... -f;.... Clll p r Mt ,.... Cllf l=BJI i·i' .. ~u;J mr/~rtJ ·~1~"· ... Sf:U':L .~£ Lj n~ ~ 1~11 111l'ln u~ !; .~~!; 1~1t~ ,{~··"-•• t.~ I • \it rtl/W • IO I it 1 ::1::v '"' 1 l'I a g • tk ~-\lo w"::11 , 1'·?f 1: t lt .. ' ~ 1.<11n Ht• LI J ''-V. •IMft 101 "' ..vtu t IO 1 u1oo + "' 111 f .J loo + "' ~c ; 1 ~ U•• '" J:•t-~c~,: C"9 =• ~ ::--;•t ·~'I ,.,. ~ ::i•" '1'!1P!·,.~ .. • = "', "'7 ,::, l't w.·~.: ~ t1w.. v. t .. .... I "' 11' I IJ\11. tit • l4 1 ~\II \II Mc "' r1· J if~~ "' ~ • I... \II toil t Ollo .. \II I •I '° t ,.. Pf I i '1 O •• ' ·~ .~ 0 ,_' " M< " .. < .. ij 0 • U K .. W K O ..... 1 to • u-... .... 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I I ... 1 21' lD't + V. 50 M t GA 11u y, • loo T"rllly .IO I .. tlh, V. Alar • 11 ClllMlw • 9 .. "l'W11F . S t\IJ'• '" lnlAFn J.'5111 S 16111 ... =.!"" .»a t 72 l>\O ... · c11 .60 t ,. IY>• °"' TICaro 1.10 • s 11 ~'a'rd~ ,'.·'°,. 1 Jwo2 ,~~ ~ cc111..,wPnr ..... :.... 1,! ",,~.· v. ~~ 1~ !"'. ~ 11u1s. t, 10. .. .. 11t. • "' A 20 .-. v. '"°' lO , ,. "' Tklwtf to • .,., 11"' 1v. ,. "' , ·---• •• '°' r~• -., ~ lllUt<O 1.• 1 110 -· V. ~ .. 3 12"-..... -A-A -T19trln . W lh Aini pl 2,., ' 44'4 .... CllkFvU 40 U • '"" ... FtOIGo '44 I •1 n ... lnl•fSt I.JO I 2tt """'" Murlll'C •• " 114 ,~ .... Altnd l•JO '° t"' "' Tlm111 115 7.0 -"' Aidt.a 1 60 t ,.,. • • \o 0v1.o 1 s1111 11 Al~· v. ,dEap t2 lffl •7 '"' 1n1r11. u o ' 1 2114.... MvrpO ' s '" ,,..._. " •cA .to 11 m 1211> " Timi pfCA.10 . 11 u~. AlldM 1 ' 4.1..?IY·. ~ Clltlsln JI 12 SY> ... FdMoo 1.n ' .., Jl\c) ... ln1Alv .... 40 12\lli \'I Murry() 1.10 I .. 16 ... RCA pf 2,lt . 102 21\1.-.. 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AHome 1.10 u 1075 •1". . ClnMI .n 10 SJ 24 .. . Flret1n .a .. m tt\o v. 1ntHrt11 2.12 s Jn u-"' N•I<:•• 1.12 u lll2 Jl't, .. •nA .. 1.ote t u ... , 11t Towl• pf _44 .. "' u~ + v. AHoWI ' ... 17 , ... 1714 •• Clllcrp t.n s 2 ... ,._,,_ ... FIAlln' I s 10 ""'. "' llllt)IU I'° IS 2• •• • .,.. Hapco. 14 u s '"" llec.nEq 91 .\I) ... T AU. n Jiil l:J AMI ' .Sl" "" ""'. "" CIUS"' I..," 2170 Oh ... F1C"'1 .IO . 74 1•"-" lnlPc pf . 5 . ' u + 5 ,..plFd -n .. ""' ... :: AHmn 30 30 ,., 1'1'>. Iii T~~. ,' .io u JlO U V. "' ""'"""" 1• Jl<o .... CllSll(;..., .. IOAI 4.1 "' '"Clllc I 20 J 1024 ""'. Vo I~ IAO • '° • -.. ftarco ..... IOI 14..... RHC9 1 41. ,,_ I -1 10 14V. ... AHtlA n J 5 173 31~ ~ CllylnY I 10 6 U. llh + .. Fl•hx 1.10 5 ltl :10Yt l"tllalr U It IOlf.-V. NH.... .Ill • 1' f"" ... · A-In 1.0 l\lt • ~ TW Cp tnt tlh 4' ASLFI• 401 11 .. "' Cty111 pf J , llba. .. FICllY • l1 ~ ~ 1nmPw .... • 1e 14V..... N•ICM 1 • • ,,_ Vo ••l<llC .. " 107 l)h . . . lW W1 • •V. ... ASlilf. .me 7 • t . 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IJ:aMM •• I " " -""' Non• .OI ) 11 t\lo. ... ........ .. • ,. 1Jl't. "' USFG uo • 101 ..... \It Ar<lll>n .14b 1 US 1HH •EPf 7.11 110 .. Y> Frvelll .40 .. llD JO~•ll'> It ..... ID 5 1JO 1~+ ... NACoel MI 1) ~ \'I Ae!MQI JO '1 M -II. Nu •i , •• ~~ .._ Arl1PS 2.SJ I 11:21 Z1lllo. . omE.S 1 • • t1 '•"--_,. F-t0 U ~+ V. CCtyPl. t. .. • m U...• V. ........... 1.10 1 Ut 4~ V. ll-41 l~+ \~ Uni • -.. ' '" ~· "" ArlP,,, >.• Sol ,...,_ "' J JO ,. •1 ..... w. -~ -ltCPL pn_JO • s " . . . NE...0,.. • .. 1'1'>. \'I ·-· to • w 1J ;,_ u~ , • 140 Sol y, Af'lllll .4.11 . 14 I ~Y<.' .>ii• m UV.+'"-GA, .JO • 211 10 .... CClell .... 11• >1'-• 1 .._WI •.• 7 11W IOt'e,. • ·-.• IJ Jn tl--~111..C ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~~·"I~ ft •, ~ 1' .. ~. ~. ,..,. .~ '1? ... ' .. "" .. GAF,,, 21·.! ·1· •• ? ,'!-.... ~ llCS.r 1 .. •100 Ml• "' NIMPS '·'° IOa.M dv..... A-an .OI J m 1-.. 14 VnElec 1.M • tot 12 .,.. .... "' ,.. ... ~ 11 ·~ • GATJI --• -l(•ftG 2.12 •Ml '""-v. Ho$tPw2.1' 1 SH ~· v. •-anpttM . '° ""' .... I Atmeda .. • t'9.. • plvsn t• •1t U~-4 §1" .101 IS 1Cl 1~-'Ill ltanNb 1..-e n ,_.-.,. ~ "5Pw llfUO . YlO , -1 •C Goe 1.0C t W 11 1' Un 1"' '-'°" dO JI~ ... Arrnc.o I.JO t ~ IS -... .. 1 • Jn n • l'I G ICO ~ 1 U2..,., • II'> Cef\P\.I 2 • .0 1 • nv..... !:!~~. . ' ..._ ... lleylO 2..,,. • ,.. J2\lo .. \,In I pl ...., no 4)\0 •• \It A""' Pl J.10 . • 21-"' CoME nUD • l 22-. V. G 0 .JA 1 ut I I«-.. ll:aPL "1-J2 105 11\lo. . j;;.i,t IM .. 111 '111>+ l'I """'" I JA IA t .. l'I ~;f~M : 1~ rs _1 "* Afmll • IO s n lOtli• ~ NG 120 • • , •• "' GF EQP t 4\'I . CPL pft.tJ ..... ~ 11~. NWl , IO ' .. Jiiii-llo AlllTot 1 5 n , .. , UnErp; 2.IJ t u ... "' ArmWln 1.10 22 ,.., 11 -.... Conra< IO 14 41 ,..,.. .. GTE t.'2 I, .. JIU.-.... Calyln ._, M• II. NwUkp 1.M • 13 11'6+ ... •vanw '544 l06 ""' u El ... 2 n l -~ AroCp t 10 .. 1)-V. Ed11AI .. ,.., 10 • V. GTE lll 2.90 1 2' .. l(et'l'pf 1 .... •I ts , 1' Nlkppll.llt •• JO SI -"-Aytlef'Sl.Oll>IO 1• a v. .. \.i. n '" · ' ........ , ArowE . "51 70 13\<o. \lo E" • 1 "'" • • GTE Pl 1.•.. • ...... "' CIMll... .t4 .. 21 '" .• Nlkp pf .. 200 u.u .... ~ -1-1 -Un El pf 7.M . t200 Sl 1 Artre .20 M J ll'h C-E pf S . 14 «IV.• V. GAIHov S2 • 14' 11""-1 it.lier .JO t 1S UY>• It! NwllEn If, • 117 14"°.. ... ~ JD it m It~ V. UEI ~ e rlOO Sl"° lllo Ar¥1n 1.11 u ,, IS . ConF• 2 12 1 as. .... • ... G•Melt 1.n 1l t90 11441'1. \II Ct l'"8 1.JO 10 Ill 211'> .... Hwl!n "" J . . ,. 11-. . . 1 I ·~ ,.... • ... !-12'~-' .! 10' :Jt ~~ ~ A.W rc,o 40 1't U CanFpt 4JO 2 90 . GapStr .JO t 921121"'• " Itel...-.40 I tuv1"'-+ "'Nwtlnd 4A 2Dm Jle\li+l'-' FN 114 t 21 U-.• .. vn -.., -AWOO j.40 • •ll t CMFrt IAO 5 31 41"-' '-Ga.5"< I.. 5 J2 I l\lt V. lttMI . tO l IOt SV... . • H•IP flll 2.Jt · · • Mn 111'1 . · · 5PSTk .n l U I~ ~ UV~~~ 1 . ~ _!!! ..!~ .. Asf\IO 1114 JO 1 >e "' CniHG llM 1 11' ~..... GearM » I V 4 12._ • .. !(...,,,. ... t 2• U'°>-1~ NwML! I» e 1>e v12h • .. $MW,. ,40 20 41 Mt\ ••,.. •• ,. -,.: ·:::~1·i10 .;~ ~ ~~~:!:: ~ttr:7 ."' g:~ "'1 1~ I~: ...... ~~~. 2:: ! ~ :;"'::::: = .,.j J :~::.: ~·,:::: i: '''""";,; ~~~~ .201!o ~ ~· ~ =~~.!h ri ~h •. ~ ~~':.1.: fl l~'-· ... &-..'l"~":_:: S: U~'. ~ ~=~~,r,:::· .. "t =~'" =i;.:·:.~ ~ n;::1~ ~ ,:: ; ~ ~;·~ ~~;1e'n1:~i1 ,,: ii""." AICyEI l.2I I u1 It"> \lo nPw pr> ti I 2' ~ GAmOll A01114 1lll Miit + "' KepCll 4 IJ~ ...... .JW It 210 .. • \.o $Paul 110 S1 IJ~ • • Un ENI 2.31 l 1167 UV.• '- AllMlnt ·-l tit IS. . "~ ~ ~ :2 i;t:;-.. ~~ -: ,: ,~ !U:· ~ lt•rtfll .... iJ ,,. 11h . . . :::m ~ :: m ~~. ~ ........ 1: 12 • IOI ~_: " ~:::~ ~::.),Jg m: ..... AtlAKll 2 .• 40 110l1 "'-' '°' n • ..... · ' ltldd9• 1.10 41041 It.-.+ \Ii r · 0-0 ~ 5ai.m .40 S 12' I V. VlllVlll 4 .. 2 27y,. v. AllAPI J.75 . 1100 nv. • .,.. 11Pwpt4,02 1'1111\lt• '-OnDAl• • 1t1101'>•11o KlmllCt • 1MO"-"'O.•IMIM 11151-1...._"' so~ 1.c • »1 ltllt• "VfllllM lblJ .,. SJ...,,"' AUA< Jlf JM . s 1osv.-1o11o """" f1ft 41 · 2 1t\lo 111 GnOrn n 21 "' » · · · · · C""'IA .ti " s 1714 •.• "'~ltP 1 a. 1 1 1 __ ·~ I.Juana .... u a1'2 t • v. Uni••-.-t • 22~, ~ All9Al J2 11 1ot J7 ~ on1c.. 20 4"' OnFClll 1.10 t m -1tor,,_ :iz 1• tl ,._ " Ckcl"'9t i.JO s ,,. •~· l'I uan .. •ni, Jl f.: • "* u, ... ., t 1A s " is Dow Jones Final OFF 8;25 CLOSING 111.57 Satellite TV syste1n ·OK'd WASHINGTON (AP) -Detilplte concerns about t.he Cl n anclal rlsk involved, the Federal Co}TUllunicauons Commission has authorized a Comsat subsidia r y (o begin building the n ation'• first aat.ellite-to--home TV system. ''This is a very, very cl06C call, almost lOO cloee for me to call," Commisslone{' Henry R ivera said T hursday, referring to the need for the comrni.88lon to ensure the satellite-to-home venture would not jeoparchze the health of the parent company. The construction permit authoriz.ed Thursday was granted to the Satellite Television Corp .. a wholly owned Comsat subsidiary. Telelile incurs loss Telefile Computer Corp. of Irvine reported unaudited. consolidated revenues were $1,807,807 for the quarter ended June 30. The revenue figure w as depressed from the $2,267,785 reported in the quarter last year. The compan y had a loss from continuing operations of $289,349 compared to a profit of $67 ,971 for the period last year. The loss represented 13 cen t.a per s hare in the current quarter against a net profit of 1 cent per share in the year-earlier quarter. Nuclear Medical tells loss Nuclear Medical Systems Inc. of Newport Beach reported a net loss of $64,957, or 2 cents per share, on revenues of $4,069,557 for the fiscal year e nded May 31. This compares to net income of $97,452, or 2 cents, on revenues of $1,884,329 for fiscal 1981. Nuclear M ~dical Sys tems develops and manufactures invnunodiagnostlc test kits and operates a clinical laboratory. Fluor unit gets pact The power division of Fluor Engineers Inc., a Fluor Corp. subsidiary, will convert the Albany, N.Y .• st.earn station -of Niagara Mohawk Power C.Orp. to add coal-firing capability. The $200 million conversion project includes syste ms for fuel gas cleanup, coal handling, ash handling and wastewater treatment, and a combined- unit.a chimney. }et America in black Jet America Airlines Inc. of Long Beach reported earnings of $408,975, or 27 cents per COrnmQ.n share . for August. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS METALS NEW YORK (API -Spot no111erro111 n\elalptteet All•tCp 2 • UI<..... onlAlr '1 .... V. GenEI J.Al IO UOI l~lloo 1(-1 lOM 11 tJ Iii ...._ ,.. •~ .. =I ~ 22 "~ "' .. .. AllfoDI "'°UUll 14 . mlC:. uo ,, ... u..·. v. GGtl\ -JI Ill ,.-._:·.,. c_.. 1.40 12 m 12-O<dPpf?to . 12 111'>• \II "'""I ... to 1S s Iii VVIP~ •• ,.•1 ·2·-" All(;oCp 1.111 I 4.12 11•,... Vo n11GrP 1.tO 4 111 JI -It. GHolt l .IO 1 .., .. "' c.-pl 4 • .r.JO JO -\') 0<~1Pi'1'"° . J IS-\'o Felnd • I • ISS ~14 ...... ... -..:. Aw.o pf l.JD . • o v.-v. ntG9 pl 1 2 1'\lt• 11o GnHOul .10 1 IO IOft• 14 c-pf 10 , 1 ISY>... 0<,1 14.62 .. • ""•-lll 'Wei 1 JO • 1 US,oS S.01• •U -· .. UPS AND DOWNS v,,~Y .90, ,10, 1~ ~~·-~ ~...!_G,·P11Pl'·'°1 "s -~ lll7-+ ~ ~~~11'11,·!J1101 "11tOle ~~ \1114 ~rrr=r 1.n ·,· •• ? J.~ ... · =.. IMI •• 11~ !!.~ ,_ ~ !!".,•llEAUll!P ,•. ' ..,tt ~+ ~ tl~~~ i:ll 1t'~ a~-I~ "' Ceppar 70'1'.·12 cent• • pound, US dellll\Atlon&. A~ 2 1 .;; iA\;-~ "';;,~~ 1.5' 1 ·;,; " • "'. G',M. J . .;; .. m• ~ .. KvMm .-. • ii ;: • C>MoEe1 1.7' • s60 ~. ~ Cvt: p1 1:. ' .. 1~.: :: usv;.-,_. J -->14 ..:::' ~..,AN\Jr~.;; 1 £:.c':~':..': Axle t IS t 1' 11Y>, '-C10al \ » 11114 -... Iii GMol "l 75 IS 33\lt Cy.WC .21r l2 4 at.+ 14 OllEd pt 4..44 . dDO JOYJ-~ le•ln g •"' + '°" V$Mom 2:s. 443 17 -U -_,_, ._ l\Aw ....... Av.tin' " ., 1">-"' c-1.40 • JI JO .. G-Ill J 2:J 2-.. ltr-.44 " u •v. . OllECI pf. ID . &:200 51 • I'" S.Vln Pl ·-IJ It'·. .. VSlftd .1t .J SJ , .. _ ~ , ... molt ... --, ... ,,,_. bat'9d ... --· -oot!Un 01• . l&S l ... GNC .Ol 11 )0 11\lo y, -L.-L -OllE;CI pf lM .. 10 ,. • \') Pio -. . ,. -USL-AO IT 4' a v.. II. r:,rctfll °' c ..... , •• .,Clln• °' .......... 8•1rnco '°. IO ,,,,._ +. c-152 4 ... 2•.._ .... GPU ti m Stit.-~ LN HO l\l.169 1 1 1'¥o 14 OllEd pft.12 . i:JOO UV.-... t~Ppf~-~ 111~ >Slit-.. v1 AtyJ.10t 2 u 1~. "' , ,, ..... ::~=· .~1~ s:~ ~ '" ~=tr 2·:i1u~~·.1v. 9!'R'!:,ll.Olll '!; ~~· ~ tr&.i .s ~ t~·; \,. 8::1~10.'1:'"1:.:1'1.i\.; t~~ :~~,.~ ~ ~ ~!5 ii·!::~~~ ..::.':"='.!,'.;.9:'~"f..:~:~~ t.~·i.: ~"~ !:::=.~ =.I,,t ! }; 3v.: ~ ~~t~ '1~·:,, '.: t~wu ·'°1' 1r, 1~·"° S::~~r,::··~r~:: ~ ·· .. :! 21" -"" tl~~~:r"'~. ~ ~'~ :~"::.!:~,,~.:-rc".1ovs c1"1<1o Ball wl 2 11-"" C0telut• .., 10 132 12 -~ GTlt1t 1.JOD I in Uh ..• i.-o-J.40 5 " 2114-.... OllP plA " .. &IJO 100"> •.... = .... ' -I 12 -· • ·:; un1T •.1• I •17 ,... •• .,.P$ BatltMI .20 1 JUI ,._ " COteln .44 I • 10 -... e . . . 41'. \It L.am5ft 10 2.. OllP plF 14 dO 100 -·--• ~ -.._ ...... Cl!CI ""L IAllGE 2.'4 ... , 291At-\I. CotnG J.JlU "° 52\'o-'-Rad IOUS 'tO tJll>+"' Lenl<lr .s.·;,,... ~·\,; Of1Ppf01.76 ::,tol00'4~.·i4 ~P, ..11,• -~ "~"" uv~··,,,. ·~1~ •10 r.::: ~ ••CC•OlrP 14 • >"-vi"i..t BM1Ca1 t.10 IJ 2t 2011>• "' COt81k 1M II 1t u22~• \'I I~ AO 2t Ill'>• \Co llll .n IA n 10\ll ..... 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