HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-25 - Orange Coast PilotLOCAL FOOTBALL SCORES Foothlll 13 Marina 11 St. Paul 13 Fountain Valley 12 Newport Harbor 10 Westminster 3 ORANGE COAST SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 1982 Cypreaa 24 University 24 Woodbridge 23 Ocean View 12 Laguna Hiiis 20 Orange 3 Estancia 30 Laguna Beach 7 Capo Valley 27 San Clemente 15 Elslnore 6 Corona del Mar 7 lrvlne 14 Detalla of games • Tustin 7 In Sports section ,.> .. .... . YOUR HOMETOWN UllY PAPIR ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Amputee first to complete Catalina • sw1m By PllJL SNEIDEHMA1' Of the Oellr Piiot 8teN Afll·r Sf>4 ·ndtng n1wt· th.111 l•l huur!> 1n th1· <X't'an to bt.--t'Omt· thl' first amput1·1· 111 'w1111 lhl' 22 mll1• t·hanrwl from Catalina Island to San l't'<lro. T11m l'lardv h;1d •inly c111t• word t,1 describe the way he· felt · "Sorl'" Clardy. d :n ye ;1r-old Fullerton n ·::.1dl·nt who works 1n Hunti ngton Bt'iH h !>aid thl· warm Wi.tl<!r tempn<iture (68 dt•grc·t'S) and strong 11wnn11ng t·urTl'll~ lwlj.)(-<l hrm t'Omplete thC' swim Friday dflt•rn11on at C;1bnllo &•al'h Mon· than '10 f11l'mh and rdallvc ... w1•n• on th1· beach U> gret>l Cl:Jrdy with t·ht'1•r.. and a w1·kom1ng bannN His off 1c1al llmt• wa.' 14 hour .... 'l rn1null•!> and 14 st't'<lrrds S<in l'r·dru n ·nirds md1c~1 tl·<l Clardy wa~ only lht• 43rd pt.>rson 1See AMPUTEt.. Paie A21 Tom (:lard~·, f'l o..,•·l y wu1c·ht·1I hy c·rew tn boat. rwa r.., end of ehann•·I ~wim . Lebanon official says massacre death toll 597 R e lief workers uncover n ew m ass grave of 19 bodies; V.N. demands probe wnrkl'" urh'11\ l'rf·d ,, no·v. 111.1..._.., gr .J\'• ot I!:! lmd1.-s F'11da'V . <ind Lebanon's <'hlC'f pr1~-t·ut1•1 rerx;rtt'<i a dl'ath tull •1f .1t least 59i I rom th1· rc•fugl·C· 'amµ mas sal'rt•s dou bl•· t ht· nu m IH·r tunfirnwd h'V thl' H1-d CrtlSS The nt•w ·l.A:banp~· prl's1dc•nt, Arn111 (.;prnaV l'I , ordt•r1•d th1· m1l1t,1r v JHll'>t'1,-llt11r gt·n1·r .d to l t1nduc t .1i1 uq~1·nt 111v1·st1g;i11 .. 11 of th1· r1·fui.:1·1 · t·arnp slaughtt·r th1· ('hr 1..,uan · Vtm·1· cJf Lebanon" racJ10 rq:xirwd Frid<iy The killings hav•· twen blamt•d on thf' m1ltw1 of tiern,1..,Pl'o; own ( 'hnstlan Phalang< P:.rty · Al Unitt'<l Natum-. h<'c1dquarlt'rs 111 New Y11rk. th•· l!l7 ndttun Cit•neral Assrmhl '; v 111 .. d u\1·1 wh1·lm1nglv Friday 111ght to umd1·mn thP m.1~<vu n·~. .rnd d1·m.tnd ;,i U N 111\·1 --;t1~,1t111n llurri(·ant• brin~.., hi ~ \.\a\'('~. clf•a rinJ.! fon''"' .. ' h ~ toui~ht Thl' mili tary pr.1~1·1·u1or ~t·n1•1,il . /\ .. 'i..'-id C1•rrn.1n<r.., h .. d ..... 1d Tht1M,1Y lw wa~ tnVl'Stlgaung th<' killings Earltt•r Friday. an aclv11nc1· unit of :~~fl Frl'n('h par.1tr1•111H·r.., and 1nf.1ntrvnH•n L"am" ,..,hur<· hl'fl V,ingu.1rrl 11f a US F rrnch l1.i1ltan forcl· diaq.(t•cl with t1 y1ng lo .,lop B1•1rut's blooc:bhed US Marin•·' w1·rP t11 folio\\ th1-. Wt•t•kt•nd br,n·l1 tr1111p" 111n11nu('d to • 0 1111• undl·1 -.p111.1d 11 !>ll•J>•·r fin·,,, 1ht•y ~radually w1thdr1•v. f111m h 11-.ttl1· Mosl<'m w1·!>.t [~·1rut OnC' lsr.wl1 uff11 t•I w ..... killi'<I a11d thrl'P ot~a·r l!>r.i1·l1 .. 11ld11 r., \'l'l t' wound1•d ~·ridav wht•n 11n1<knt1ftt·d gunmt•n ~hnt <•t '1ht·n1 011 busv Hamra Strt·Pt ,,.., th1•v dra11k 1·11flt•t• .1t a <;Hlt•walk 1·af1', I .1·li.1fll''ot' ... 1.1t1· lt •lt•Vl!>ICHI 1 q1or lt'tl Rain expected to dampen coast 8} JOEL no~ Ot the Delly Pilot Stan l1<11, muggy wc·.1th1•r ..i gift 11( I lurrw.in•· Ol1v1a. wa!i 1·Xpf't:t1•d 10 1.11111 rnu•· t1 • p1<4gu<· Oranj.t(' Co u n I .. l 11 .is ta I 1 1• s 1d<'11 I' thr uu ~h11ut tht wl'ek 1•nd d t' < 11 1 d 1 n g to t It•· N ..i ti on ,1 I Wc· .. th1·r S1·rv1t'(' Thl· s torm. wh1C'h hl'ralcfrd sornt> of th•• ~·ascm's ht'SI "urf and RELATED P llOTOS A2 F o n·c·a s tc•r.., prt•d1t IPd .1 <tll pt'rl.'l'n l ch an('<' 11( shower.; IJ'icfa y with t'<ms1d('rahlt• doudines.., but slightly ('ooler IC'nlf)(.'ratures T h 1• o v r r l' as t s k 1 cs a rt• 1·xpc~ u'<i to clt•,1r lat<' lon1E(hl or Sunda v. a w1-.11 hrr for('c:aster ..aid In Israel Pnmf' Mmiste>r M f>nachem l\(·grn's guvc•mrnl•nt aaked the Israeli l'h1 cf 1us trce to lead an Inquiry into Israeli conduct during las t w eek's massacre of c1v1hans at two Palestm lan rf'fug('(" l'Jmps here. fkgrn's polrt.rtal opponents reJC<.•ted th 1· pro posed 1nves t1ga t i o n as 1nsuff1(•11•nt. ince Kahan would not hav1• suhpc>t'n<1 power or the power to }111 pt"r Juror;, as rn a normal 1ud1c1al 111qu1ry ls1 <1l·l1 rww..,paix·rs questioned anew 1h1· nff1C'lal Israeli VC'rs1o n of the rduge1.· l·amp slaughter. whic h has hP1·n blamt'CI on Lc·banese C hristian in1ht1anwn T hr papt•f1i said lsraeh commanders "' &:1rut knf'w l>y 11 pm. Thursday. S1·pt 16. ttw first day of the masacre. thrrt c:wllans wc•re being killed Lsraeh DefenM' Mrn1st.er Ariel S haron ha~ said the Israelis did not know thl' killing-. were goiJli on until the next day. a fter w hich the Israelis intervened The Jerusa~ Post re ported that th<' Israeli commander in Beirut rece1vC'd a message from a C hris t ian Phalange leader in one of the camps. Chat11la. that said, "Until now 300 c1v1l1ans tind terronsts have been killed .. Sharon has ac knowlt•d g l'<1 that Israeli fol"'('(_'S helped plan la::.t wc'<•k 's Phalang1st assist on thl• eamps and provided some support, b ut h~ says they never exp<>cted a slaughtt•r uf c1v1hans The mass grave u rwarthc·d rnd<iy was d1scovert-d near th1• Chattlla l·amp J ean-J acques Kurz. an I nt<'rndtton31 Red Cros s spokesman . said tht· J!.I v1ct1 ms were all m embc-rs of thl· AAnlt' famrlv A rC"lattve said the bod.res had bt·L•n dumpt•d by a b u lld<j>Zer Into a crater left by an Israeli bomb. the n covered over This brought to 3 I 7 the total number of bodies reported found by &>cf c~ U;>ams searching piles of rubble at the Sabra and Ch atilla camps But Lebanese prOSt'<.'Ut.or -G en e ral Camille Gcagt>a. who rs he adtng an inv<"it1gat1on of the killings. said 597 hod1e~ h ad lx•('n discovered thus far , and more 1h;111 2,000 people were s ull m1ss111g llC' said his f1gur('S w ere l'Ornp1 k'C! rrom all r(•ltc-f agC"nc1t>s involved 111 the rt'<'OVl'ry opt•rat1on K urz. has said SOml' refugc•C's n ·movl'd rL·lat1 ves' bodies' bdorr RC'd Crns.-. W(lrkt•rs arr1vC"d at thl' l'amps. and c1v1l ckfc·nSt' wurkl·rs had dug up otlwr l.>1x.l1t" Woman gets 4 months in extortion case A Palm Springs woman who unt'<' hvl'd wrth furniture tycoon Leon Lt.·vttz of NC'wporl Beach was SC'ntrnt't'd to four months in Orange· County Jail on Friday for attl•mpt111g tu extort $50.000 from the co foundc>r nf Levitz F'urni- lun· Deft'ndan t W .inda Si:;1vey. whom Levitz described as a "woman who had 1l·e 1n he r vC'ins." was giv<'n unul Oct 18 to report to jail authorities. Orange County Superior Court Judge L<'onard Mc Brid e a lso placed Spivey o n three-year probation brought to nat1v(' Mid western<' rs now l1v1ng along the Orang<' Coast mem11ries o f strcky W<'t weath<-r they thought tht>y had le ft behind. wa.r, reported 10.'lmg its fury o ff thr cnast of BaJa California 0 l' t' a n c· o n 1 I 1 t 1 n ri s w e r r l'XJX'<'t('d to 1.·or1t1nu1• to <1tlrnt t board riders dnd bo<lysurfors, wrth ..,outhf'rlv .. w1•1ls of 4 to ti f t-<•t and fl. to· ii-foot brC'akC'rs on south f.1n ng bPad11''i. Bu l t hl' c;u rf wa., pred1ttt'll 111 <lecTease on Sunday with s w<•lls of I to :J f('(.•t and :\ to .\-foot hrrakC'rs "'~o The defendant plC'adC'd guilty last month to a charge of at- tempted extortion and no contest to a charg<' o f grand theft -INDEX-- Clas. ... 1 fw<l Cnmtl·-. Comtrn·rrt ('oa-.tal t1·m1.wraturf'S todn y wt•rc • fort'CA"t to hr 75 to H!'I S unda y was •'XJ>f'l'tt'd l <1 be• c~1olt'r with tcmJ)('raturN l)f 7'1. to HO Ov<·rn1i;iht lows of fi'.\ to 70 W('rf' f Orl'('3St D n Fr 1 day . l ht' m" rt u r y clrmbNi to a:\ m Newj.)()rt &·aC'h and 9:1 rn Sa nta Ana PAim Springs reported a high of 103 5 hurt a plane c rashes Fiv<· pNlple w~re hurt whe n a twin-engine plane crashe d Friday into a n a partme-nt building in Midland~ Texas, cartwheeled into th•• parking lo t and exploded. The parkin g lo t fire s pread to tht• Rpnrtmt•nt building8 where 12 units burned . Six cars a nd a pickup truck exploded. 11'e plane wa8 transporting two prison rr~ lo Louisiana la te Prieen; It a was alleged that S pivey, w ho mc l Leviti. in Ani,ona rn 1981. took a bneka."<' con taining $3.000 and bustn<'SS docume n ts from his home a y<'ar ago. She lat.er told Leviu , 67, that she would return the briekase if he dt'pos1led $50.000 in a joint hank at'<.'Ount they had skared. (See PALM, Page At) Crc 1s.o.;w1111 I l)t•;.it h N11llt'I'' F:ntc·rt.ttnnwnt H or<)S('Op<' M ovtf's BY -I'/. 88 At1 Bil B!l AIO 11 A!<J A 10. 11 B4. H AB R 1-fi B7 AIO 11 A'/. I\ 7 Revised UC spending bill $4.6 billioo Puhl1t· N11tw1·' Rt'li~1on Sport-; T <>lt•vi..t< 1n Th(•a lt•r-s Wealht•r Youth BF.RKELEY, Calif (AP) -Hopin~ to m11tc h 1nflatlo n , Uni vC'rsity o f California rege n tl! reviewed a draft 1983-84 budge t F'rtday that w o u ld boost spending to $4 6 billlon. up $290 millio n fro m the l'Urrent yea r 's spending plan The draft doC'Ument. which rndudc-s no prov1s1on fnr faC'ully pay rar!WS, 1s basC'd on a 7 percent Increase in state funding -an $80 5 million incrPA!K' ovt•r lh<' currl•nt $1 2 billion. Thi• remamdPr of the funding com<'fi rrom ~tud C'nt foes. pr ivate' sourcPs, <Jf>1•ra t1on of teaching hospitals a.nd the fedc-ral g o vernment . Including $1.:l hlll11ln rn fedt>ral funding from the Dt•partmrnl of Energy to operate four ( nuclear laborator ies. The regents will vow on the budget In October w hen they will also consider such critical questions as whether to lnercase student fees that already hav1• climbed 55 percen t rn lhl' past two ye an. Salary raises will be propos«I lntl'I In the year. meaning thP d rah b11tlgrt wlll be revl!I('() upward "A I 0 per<'t-nt raise in sala r y lninslntt"S into a 7 or 8 percent incre~ 111 the t.ol81 budget," satd UC Presldenl David Saxon, whose salary Jus t went up 3 pcf'('('nl. to $94.265 "The quality of thP facul4t-• tht> s ingle most impor tant factor In tht' qullhty uf the un1vers1ty." aa1d Saxon. ~~---~----~~--~------------................................................... ~ ........................................ .. Bid da y a t the Wedge Two surfers e njoy a rare day a t the Wedge a t the e nd of Balboa P e ninsula whf're the waves reach ed 10 feet Friday. T h(• action dre w a large crowd of onlookers. More high waves are expected toduy tho ugh a fe w feet be low the 10 footers. Despite the number of surfe rs. lif t"g ua rds re porte d no injuries or accidents . . Palm S prings woman jail e d in extortion From Page A 1 Discount store closing; budget debt record By The Associated Press The F .W W oolworth Co annuun n·d Fr1d<iy 1t 1s dosing its :Uti Wooln, cJ1-.<·ount sh>rt.•s .1t'fuss thl· nat11111 . whil1: ,inuther mor1t·y-los1·r . lht• fl'dl'ral government. n ·l·ordt•d 1t:. f1r:.t $100 b1llwn-plus 1..ll·f1t 1l for <• smgle yl·ar Fcwt'r than :.!'1,UOU of Woolworth's 140, 000 employtTS would be a fft><:ted by thP s tun· do:.mgs, thl' l'Omµany said (The d osing will afft.«:t a Wooll'o store 111 Fountain Vall1.•y, Cahf ) Woolworth e<.1rnPct $82 m1l11on o n sales of $7 2 billion in fiscal year 1981, whi<.·h en d ed Jan . 31. W oo l co t'Onlributed sales of $2 I billion. ln th e first six m onths o f its curre nt fiscal year, Woolworth lost $25 million o n sales o f $3 3 billion. ext'C'SS o f the re<.'Ord full-ye<.1r dt·f1t·1t o f $66.4 billion piled u p in 1976 The total national debt. indudmg the 1982 s hortfa ll, now stands a t $1 11 trillion . A lso. the Federal Reserve Board said the most closely followed measure of the natio n 's money supply fell $1 3 b1l11o n in the week ending &pt. 15 tu a seasonally adjusted $460.6 billion. The decline followed increases in e ach o f the previous seven weeks, but the money supply was still growing faster than the Federal R eserve would ltke A s a result, f inancial markets are t'Oncerned that the . central bank will p revent inte r est rates from declining any further until money-supply growth slows Ttw N t-wpurt bus1 nc•s:.man :.ubsequently l'Ontal·tt•d poliu-. who had him t.iix· a tl'll'phom · t:onversatwn with Spivey wh1t·h lt..>d to her arrest in CA·tol.it:r, 1~1l1. Defense attorney Rona ld Kre- bar said his c llC'nt had atwmptt'd to extort tht' m o ney a ftl'r :.ht• found a list o f women's naml•::. l.'Ompik'<l by Levitz Thl' wunwn wer e ratl'd by theu-phys1('al ap· pearances. Krebt.·r said. In thl' (Jn uf the• d1squ1l'l1ng m :ws about W uoko and the fl'd1.•ral dt•ftl'll, s tm·k pric t•s dt·l·l1 n ed fo 1 ~1 third 1.·uns1.•l'Ul1vl' dd V Tht· Dow Joni:'~ mdu:.trtal .JVl·ra~£t· lost ti 25 points to do.'*' at 919 52 111 modl·rdtl' tr<idtng The W ooko unit had an operaung luss uf $19 million las t Yl'ar and lost $2 1 m1U10n in the hrst six months of fiscal year 1982 The disc.'Ount ch ain, started in the 1960s, is concentrated 1n the Southeastern and South-Centr a l United States. In Was h1ng'lon , the Tre asur y Department reported tha t the budge t def1c1 t ros1: to a record $109 billion through the end of August, with o ne month st1ll to go m fiscal year 1982. The red mk swelled by $14.5 b illion during August alone. According to court reeords. Spivey said Levitz. had o ffered her gifts in return for living with h im. traveling with h im. l'ar111g for h im and no t returning to h<·r husband. from w ho m sh<· had been separalt:d W oolwo rth, the n.itiun's fourth l<1rg1.·st rl'la ilt•r, dl·l'1d1•d lo l'lust• its Wou il'o o pt>r:.i twn::. in t•arly 1911:! lo 1.•liminate IOSS<·s and "to com·1·ntratt• on 1t::. mort• profitable bus1nt·sst·s." C hairma n Edwdrd F' G1bbuns said The m ovt: will leave the· 103-year -old retail l'um pa n y with about I .300 genl•ral nwrt•h<ind1sc W ool worth st.or t'S; Kinney S h oes. the nation's largest s hot•ston· t·hain, Foot L<X'kl·r. which sells athll't1t· s h<>t:s, and J Brannan. a g t•nN<1I mNl.·hand1si.• l'ha1n Through the first 11 months o f the fiscal year, thf' deficit 1s nearly double the $57 9 billio n r e d -ink figure reC'ordf'li for all of 1981 and far 1n Banning opponents campaign cash detailed Tort la w, • insurance class topics A lectun.· scrn-s !hat offt·r-. Liii uverview of tort law and <:asuallv insurance c:la1m handling will tx· prC'sented a t O rang P l'oi.t:.t College in Ch..t.a M l'sa Titled "Law Yo u Can USt• in Business anci at Home.·· thf· series is slat<'Cl for Saturdays. Ou '/. and 9. from 9 a m to I p rn m OCC's F'int· Arts Hall l lfj S1·r11~ fee IS $8 F o r 1nf11rm,1t1on ph11111· 556-5880 Whitt· 1.-r1t11., 11( tht• 8 ;.inning H.inl'h dc·vt·lopnwnl 111 N1•wµorl f31•al'h l'l<11m (1 pronl·n ts h ;.iv1.· mon • to s pt•nd on lht· No\' 2 1·lf·c·t1on. t·amp.11gn d1:.t l<>suri•s -.ho\\ th.ti the• opp!>'>lll' h trut· Tlw Wl'St Nc•wport LA:g1:,l.1llvt· All1am·c. tht· group w tm·h It'd tlw !.1gn,tlure drive· th<ll land1.-d tht· dl·V\·lupment on tht• ballot. has am:ts.<;(_'CJ ;.i war <'hl-st of $ti,797 The• all1a11n" though. fa1INI to show h ow 1t got its mo ney and will be asked l•> dl·la1l all conlri hut1ons and lo:.ins. s~11d C11 v Clt·rk Wa nd<t AndL•rst·n - (.'1 u w ns for Li f~·ttt·r N1·wporl. tlw group supporting thl' d1·vPI 11pn11·nt. has rd1:.<-d $5 .H!Jl w1lh tht. l.1rg1-st nintrihutwn $500 I rom d 1·v1·l11pl·r 11 .tnnll·k Banning I I I C;1nipa1g11 sl;it1·1111·1H:. she>w thl' C1t1zt"ns gro up spent $3.568 o n lt·gal f•·t·s m a n c•fforl ttJ d1•ll'tl' portion .. of .1 b,tllot .ir gum1·11t c;ubm1tt1·d h\ upJKm1·11t.., 111 tht· Cit\ l\1unnl 1m1· whu h has provt·n · lc·s~ f1t•ry th.in th<· d evclo pmt'nt fi ght, lnl'urnbf.'nl Donald Strauss 1•m1•rgt•d as tilt• leudt•r in t•olll"<.'ling t·1intnbut1on:. with $9.'.i?O S trauss' opµOlll'nt Nl·wporl M l.'sa U n1f11·d Sdtru>I D1stnt·t A ss1st<.1nt Supt•rintl'nct.·nt N or m<in Loat:. .i1·u •pl1•d !ti.4:!4 1n tontnbut 11111~ lnl'umlllnl E\'1·lvn II.lit .ind 1 h~tllf·ngc·r-. J\ll<.111 &·1·k ,t11U Ed ward W ulft• trail in tht• monev dt•piHlllWnt ll<trl 111llMl1·d $i . Rain likely (.'oa:ti /al Chance ot mea~uiaole 1e1n •O percent Coastal r11gh 75 inlano 85 Coastal tow 63 inland 70 Waler 65 Elsewhere hghl veneooe wonO~ this morning t>ecom•no south 10 southeast 12 to 20 knols thtS allernoon and evenrng Soulh.,rly swells 4 10 5 1ee1 wolh 6 to 9 1001 ote a>.er s on 'outt• fa cing beaches Cons1derao1e clouo1ness wolh a few showers and ch an ce o l 1so•a1eo lhundershowers Parlly cloudy trt•s at1ernoon ' Aeon trom "'1)akentng Tropical • la1orm 011v111 olf 11\e coast of Ba1a ; ~•llforno& spu111d 8 111r9e areo of .,,owers 1n10 the wMtllfn 1h1rd of 4fle nallon Frod8y :• However relnl1ll &mounts lrom "1e storm eboul 500 moles oll lhe • COHI -e l&lriy llghl generally o ~•r1et-1nch or less The 1 101m moving )'!Or1hwMlward Al &Ooul 16 mph •lilcl<ecl up hlQh aurt Thursday al •.-ome sou lhern Cal1lorn1a ·t acries wtlh OCGes•onal 10-fool eek.,.-s at San Pedro Bui the 1'•ve action ... , e•pecle<l to Olmrnoah over lhe weei.end Showers 11110 enendeo lrom 'tte Great Lekes 111rough lhe Ohio ~alley and soulhweslwaro into rkanus, southern Oklahoma d nortt\ern T 1101 "•Heav i e r St orm s a nd undarSlorms dampened lhe oulhern pArl of 1ne Flor•de lnt1Ul8 • Sunny 1k1et covered most 01 England tnd the northern fd·Allentlc 1111es T8mpe1elures around 1he 11on al Frldey 1l1ernoon tanged om •4 dag•HI at Houghton leh . 10 103 al Palm Springs For loday, thOwM• end 1 few C' under1hower1 ••re lorecesl ~worn IOlJthe<n CaHlorn1a acrou 1~ Great Buln Into lhe P11et1lc ;.<>rth-1 lhunde1showers were ecul ovM Florida w11n widely ,tc•lt.,ed lhunderttorms ovtir ltli! let! of the S<Nlheest :wt•a tht•r ;. SOUTHERN CALIFO RNIA ,:oASTAl ANO MOU NIA IN REAS -Soma log end •ow d• malnly t oulti coal! n.n.tM lalf A ffllla cooler With In the COMl.i M•U tanging ill'om MW TO al ll'te bMOMe lo 1rlld eot 11\lllnd 11reu 0-nlght loww 53 to 83 Mountain rH or1 hight motlly In I ... 10. end IOwl 3!f 10 50. 1 ne A11 Oualoly Management D•~H•tt pred•Cts varying au quality 1ooay 1n Ille South Coa$1 A•t BM1n Unhealthful au ror senst11ve people is Preo1c1eo 111 the San Gaboet ano Pomona valley Wllh a Pollu1an1 Stanoaro lroOe• 01 175. the AoversoOe San Bf'rnard1no area w1111 a PSI or 138 GOOd a" os p1ed1c1ed for Ille l· .. •mel E1s111ore area Banning ano lhe 1ow desen ell ""'" PSt 67 the nogh desen end 1nlano Oronoe County wllh PSI 83 ano ine coastal area and tile Bog Bear Lalo.e region bOlh ""''"PSI 42 AOMO rallngs are as IOllows Gooo O 100 unheallhlul for sen.,11ve people 10 1 200 u nn ealt hlul ror everyone. -------------------------t 201 300 and 1t1t1aroous 30 I S00 T ,,,,, 1>era t 11 res NATION Albuque Am1u1uo ASl>ttVlllf! Allan1a Allan1c Cly Austin Ball1mor1> B1111nos Borm1ng~m B1smerc~ Borse Boston B1ownsvllt' 8ulla10 Burltngton C11spti1 Cherlsln SC Chorl&ln WV Charltle NC C,,.yenne Chteago C1nc1nna11 Cleveland Clmb1a SC Columbus Oal fl Wlh Cayton Oen vet 091 Mrnnes OfllrOtl Oululh El Paso Falrt>Anks Fer go n 11gs11111 79 57 17 54 69 40 75 52 67 52 89 59 69 46 78 48 74 47 65 39 68 60 76 55 88 62 52 52 71 53 13 4 I 79 63 ;o 43 14 ., 68 41 64 52 59 SS 65 53 76 44 62 50 76 61 '>7 52 10 48 62 53 60 5• 52 ., 97 61 51 31 61 40 82 43 <..real Falls HarUoro Helena Honolulu Houston lndnapl1s JeG~tn MS Jac>.snvlle Kans City Knoxvme LH Veg1u Liiiie Rock Loulsv1lle lut>b<>ck Memonis Ml9ml Mllw•ukee Mpls-S1 P Nntwtlle New Orleans New York Norlolll No PIAlle Olo.la C11y Omane Orlando Pnt1110pl'r8 Ph04lnf1 P1ll1burgn P11and Me PllOnd Ore Providence R11le1gh Rapid C11y Reno Rochmond Sall la~e S&n Antonoo Sea111ti snr11veport Soov• Falls St Louis 10 u 72 49 79 38 88 75 88 63 60 55 79 45 82 61 68 51 68 48 99 74 73 59 70 55 82 62 80 60 85 78 6-t 52 59 55 72 51 79 82 74 54 74 50 73 38 84 59 67 so 85 71 73 50 107 60 67 46 73 47 72 52 71 50 16 45 68 49 61 52 11 46 84 55 81~ 85 80 8 65 50 76 59 ~ ...... ; ........... ~u----_ R_f R_IP_DR_T Surf 9\lrf lurf IW911 lwelt l well hech Awg Mu l'rd C Awg hech Aw9 Mew l'rd A•t MH Otr Zuma Ii 8 10 4 S SSW Sen11 Monica 6 8 10 4 5 SSW N..-1)()11 1 10 10 4 S SSW S•n ~o C<Nniy 8 9 10 3 4 SW Ou11oolt 101 Aund•y Suri d.aee1tno 10 3 10 4 feet •nd 1well1 I 103 '"' ' SIP Tempe SI Ste Manti Spalo.ane Sy•a~use Topeka Tuc.90n lulu Wuh1ngln WICMa CAt.IFORNIA Apple \/alley B•k•rslteld B11191ow Be11umon1 Big Be11r 81thop Blythe C•t11tn1 Eureka Fre•no Long Seacfl lo' Angeles Monl.,rey Needles NewPo•I Beach Oa•1and Onlaroo Palm Springs Pasadena PASO Robles Red Blulf Redwood Coty Sacramflnlo San Be.na1d1no San Oabtlfll S11n Ooego San F11nc1aco San Jolt! Santa Ana Santa Barbarn S11n1a Ma1111 Sloclo.lon Taha. Valley l~mal Tides TODAY F11111ow Second high SUNDAY rtrtl IOw r1r11 111g11 Second low Sl)Cond high 85 71 55 49 62 52 70 49 73 51 101 68 84 62 74 51 79 52 94 70 77 70 92 79 93 63 83 53 65 59 105 76 81 70 71 55 73 66 95 71 qo ,. 7 I 62 106 78 83 68 75 61 93 66 103 59 90 10 11 84 75 63 76 63 79 82 95 66 93 69 89 73 74 58 80 81 93 10 88 68 87 57 81 65 69 50 108 71 10 22 am • 18 pm noon s 37 pm Sun st lt 8 46 pm r1ee1 Sunday 6 44 • m Moon '"'' I -, Pm . ••I• Sunday 12 .Jr, a rr 4 15 and lX'<'k $1.220 W olf ha!> rnllt '<'ll'd lt•ss than $500 In Corona dt'I Mar, Lm·umbc·nt Pa ul llummf·l roun ded up $5,025 1n t~m tr1but1uns while his t'ht.11 Canyon crash 1n Laguna injures trio T hrl't' p<'Opfl• wl·n· injun·tl 111 J thn·<>·car colltswn o n Laguna C.myon Road in L agun a &·at:h Fn<foy night. poht'<' said t\ Jt hough pohl·1· ::.a 1d no une wa::. sl'riuus ly inJUn'<l, two r1f tht' v1t·t1ms wer e> takC'n to arl'a ho~p1tals ldent1t1t•s w1•rt nut ava1lablt' late Fnday The· at't.'1dent 0<.'CurrC'd m the 2700 bloc k of the road. po ltcr re· ported. - lt·11gt·r. 8111 Agt.•C', collected $6, 2 15 In th(' no r th NC'wport Beac h raC't'. M ayor Jacku.' Heather has a W,Jr t•h t•st o r $3.010 Allornl'y David G rant, h er oppone nt, rt1. · e1ved $8,640 m rontribuucms All candidates in Newport are e lected at large but serve spec1f1t· geograph it· dis tricts AMPUTEE FIRST • • • Fr om Page A1 to successfu lly swam the Catalina Channel Stnl.'£' 1926, and the fsrsl amputee to do so We re there an y moments during the swim when he was ready lo ~1ve up? "Th ere were more than o ne," Clardy said. "But I had committed myself to making the crossing a nd l d idn 't w a nt to ba'·k out. M y faith in God puUcd me through." Clardy is a fo rmer Navy frogman and former pohce officer whOS<' nght lc•g was amputated at the knee after a 1974 traffic <Jl'('ldtmt I le s~ud a primary ITason for his Catala na swim was to serve as an 1nspirat1on to o ther d isabled people . &>fore returning home to rest fro m his sw1m , Clardy stopped at the Sport Chalet in Huntington Beac h , where h e sells d1Vlng and s k11 ng equipment. He received add1t1onal cheers from h1S co-workers Clardy said his n ex t g oal is l o get 1n s hape for a n internation a l handicappe-d skiing competitio n t._ be held m Switzerla nd next spring. i ~\ FULL SELECTION OF PREMIUM BULBS I -, - 2 ~ ~ Iii Er tc =r~ Tulips ·:: Daffodils -.·: Iris * Ranunculus Hyaci nths * NarcisstJs ·:: Crocus Freesias ·:: Anemones and many more! BUY NOW FOR BEST SELECTION -.·:ALSO 1: come in this weekend for free seminars on "FALL BULBS" SATURDAY. SEPT. 25th & SUNDAY, SEPT. 26th. 2:00 P.M. 64().5800 AMERICA'S MOST DEAUTIFL'l (;ARDl·;N CENTER ,t; ~ 098n o 10 & dolly• Son Joooul" 14111• ~o 01 MocA1111,,. tl\ld • Acrou ,,.,.., 'o•n•OI\ 11101'101 '" N8Wl)Otl hoc" NURSERY • INDOOR PlANTS • FLORIST • LANDSCAPING • PAllO FURNllURE • ANTIQUES ) .I \ NATION Reagan vows social fight WASH I N l i TON (AP) J're11ldtmt Rt>ug1m, d~larlng "thl• l'ounlry ta hunfry for a splrllulll rovlvul.' vowed I' riday he will continue to right for anll-abortlon a nd r hool prayer legislatJon kJlled In lhe 97th Congreaw. Asserting he has not turned tlis back on the New Right's agenda of aocial iasues, Reagan said he would u se th e presidency as a pulpit to push the issues. ''We're not gomg to give up on those social issues that have lO du with thl' murulll of thl• country und the• great !'l1rndard11 lhut made thla t'OUntry great," ttcugan told i gro up of m&gatlnt· cdltora. ''We'U l>t• workmg for them, lOO .. Reagan's dcdurutlon carne on the heel of Senate• re~'<.'Uon Thursday of a measure t o uUow prayer m pubhl' schools. O nly a wee k earlier , the Senate Sl·t uside a watercd- down anu-abortion package urged by Sen. J esse Helms, R-N.C. Fired employees due back wages DURHAM, NC. (AP) - Liggett & Myers Inc. must pay • 10 years of back wages to 112 e mployees, som e of them High -paid ex~utives, because the tobacco company violated . age discrimination laws when it fired the m, a federaJ judge says. U.S. District J udge Robert Merhige Jr. ordered t he company LO begin determining the am1>unts the form er employees are owed If the rulmg is upheld, it l'OUld t'OSt Liggett and Myers millions of dollars, act·ord1ng to the Grec•ru;boro Daily News. Attorney Hugh Campbell of Charl·ottc said Liggett & Myers will app<>al the ruling. Bess Truman released from hospital KANSAS CITY. Mo. (AP) -Fo rmer first lady Bess Truman was released Friday a ftern oon Crom Research Medical Cen ter. where she had been hospitalized for 22 days with an intestinal ulcer. The widow of President WORLD Harry S. Truman was rushed to the hospital Sept. 2 with a bleeding uker in her small intestine. She had been listed in serious l·ondition until Thursday, when her c:ondition was upgraded to fair. Honduras siege believed n ear end SA N PEDRO SULA. H o n duras (AP) Government off icials on Fr iday predict ed the week· long leftist siege o f the C hamber of Com merce building is near a n end, but would not discuss details of n egotiatio n s with th e guerrillas. who still hold 37 hostages. The guerrillas, claiming to be members of the Cinchonero Popular Lib e ration Movem('n t , released two brothers late in the afternoon. The rebels' lat.est good-will gesture fell far short of lhe 21 hostages Creed Wednesday and the 20 Jet go Thursday, which cul the number of business leaders and others believed held to fewer than half of the estimated 100 hostag<>S taken a week ago Police break up Iranian pilgrims RIYADH. Saudi Arabia (AP) -Secu rity forces dispersed a group of Iranian pilgrims an the holy city of Mecca o n F riday. seizing por traits o f A yato lla h Ruh ollah Khomeini a n d revolutionary le1iflets, the Interior Minis try said. Iran's s tate -r un Tehr an radio called 1t a "savage raid " STATE Iranian news repocla aald the Saudi police tear-gassed and clubbed the pilg rims, wound ing 30 and arresting more than 100, including a personal aide to Khomeini, a Parliament deputy and a member of Iran's Council of Guardians. The officials were later released but the others were detamed, [ran said. Corona due parole h earing HAYWARD (AP) -Juan Corona. convicted a second time for the mass murder of 25 farm workers, already has served enough ume to qualify for a parole h earing. but officials said Friday it 1s unltkely he will be freed an ytime soon. Corona. 48, was convicted agam Thursday on 25 counts or (irsl degree murder for hacking to death the workers and burying their bocfjes in a peach orchard He already has spent l l years behmd bars for the murders. Joan Cavanagh. c h ief counsel for the State Board of Prison T erms, said Friday a parole hearing probably would be scheduled after Corona is sentenced on Oct. 21 Gun initiative cash $3.2 million S AC RAMENTO (AP) - Opponents of Proposition 15, lhe handgun control initiative on the Nov. 2 ballot, have raised more than $3.2 million. th r ee ti mes as m uch as supporters of the measure. campaign reports said Friday. campaign reports said Friday. Contributions to the No-on-15 campaign include nearly $1.6 million from the National Rifle Association and $63 9.000 f r om gun manufacture rs. Molest • case Jury recesses A jury deciding the Cale of a former polit'e offkvr oc:cUK'<i of mole11tlng six younf girls in Huntington .Beach w 11 re•uml' consideration of the caae Monday after failing to reach u verdict Friday on the fourth tluy of de· lioorations. Orans_e County Superior Court Judge Vo'\ald A. McCartin sent the s~ver)-man , fiv e-woman panel home for the weekend at about 3:30 p.m. Friday. The jury was given the case Tuesduy. ll Is trying to determine IC ex- Long Beach police officer Mi· chael Br uce McDonald, 42, is guilty of multiple counts or child molestation involving a lleged acts with neighborhood children in 1981. The children range in age Crom 8 to 12. McDonald, fired from the po· lice force following his arrest last May, has denied that he molested any of the childre n. The prosecution, however, has alleged that the defendan t lured the girls to his Cape Cottage Lane home by setting up a play- room with pinball machines in his garage a nd showing them X-rated slides on a nickelodeon. Allied's buy of Bendix $1. 9 billion NEW YORK (AP) -Allied Co rp . settled the tangled takeover fight between Martin Marietta Corp. and Bendix Corp. late Friday with an agreement to buy Sendix for about $1.9 biUion and gain a significant stake in Marietta as w ell. The companies said Allied wou ld buy the Bendix shares recently purchased by Marietta, and afterward would acquire the rest of Bendix's stoc k in a me rger. according to a JOi n t statement. Allied had jumped into the fight on Wedn esday with an agreement to merge with Bendix and swallow Marietta, too. But shortly afte rward Marietta bought 44 percent of Bendix's stock, forcing Allied to reconsider its ambitious, $2.3 billion plan. By swallowing Bendix, AlUed would grow in size b y about two-thirds and would be equal ln annual revenue to Chrysler Corp. as the na tion 's 26th-la rgest industrial concern. Maraetta would buy back 19.1 million of the approximately 25.5 million Marietta shares that Bendix had purchased under its con tested takeover offer . Marietta would pay the same price that Bendix paid, $48 a share. or about $915 million. As a result, Allied would still hold the 6.4 million Marietta shares currently held by Bendix and not subject to the buy-back agreement, the companies said. Allied said its Marietta holding would represent about 39 percent of the curre ntly ou tstanding Manetta shares. The statement, released by Allied from its Morristown N.J ., headquarters, made no mention of the price Alhed would pay Marietta for its Bendix shares. But Marietta said separately from its Bet h e s da , M d ., headquarters that Allied would pay the same price that Marietta paid, $75 a share, or a total of about $825 million. The top executives of each of the three companies said they were p leased with the agreement. United Technologies. which had also been in the fray, said it would not commen t on whether it would drop its bid for Be ndix until it studied the agreemenL We're Listening ••• Morid•Y i ttd•y tf ~ dO '"°' ~ "°""' OIC)ie' by ~ 30 0 "°' Ca ll ()elot• 1 C>"' at'l1d 'iOu" COO\' '#'10 Do@ Ofl'lt.,.,-ed What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like" Ca II the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and deli vered to the appropriate editor. The same 24 hour answering service may be used to record let ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation ralls. please Tell us what's on your mind 642•6088 ORANGE COAST CIHa"'9d ~sing 714"42·517' All otMf depertmenta M2-4J21 Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Pvbl•~ ond Ch111I (•Ku.,.• Qll'(M JarM AmGJI f•<Kll'••• fdncw L koy Schult1 v !Ce ,, "'6e!lt ond O..ectcw ol ,l,d•.,"•"'9 Mk.hoel '· Heney Oitec•Of ol Mor~ .. lllO ICirc"°'IQfll ThemCH A. Murphlne Ed~<>< laymond Mad.eon C Otllr °"9< Kenneth N. Goddord Jf. OttKIOf of Oiw0ti0ttl MAIN OfftCE Sii W"e ... \I , C8'1a Nitta. CA Mell-... eoa IMO, Cotta ~w. CA .,.,. ,..,,,._,. "'7 Or ..... Coett '°'*''"'"" '-,.._,_.., 1Uvtlra11 .. ,, Hlletlel-., .. ... , .... ,,,_,, "9••111 may lie ,..,._ .. wit'-" ~I.ti pittrNHIOfl of C-rlf"I _, . . VOL.71,NO.• ,Orange Cout IWL.Y PILOT Ila~, 8ep••t1ber 28, 1182 • Model de1>icts how completed Orangewood Home will look. A hacienda style exterior is planned to give the complex the look o r a residential development rather than an institutional appearance~ according to Bob Lozano, projecl architecl . Groundbreaking for the first five coltages is scheduled early next year. Shelter contributions mount . ~ 5.4 million in donations could sp eed construction Contributions and pledges to O range w ood , the proposed emergency she ll.er for Orange County children. a re roming in faster than expected. As a result, construction of the faciHty may s tart ahead of sch e dule, Ora ng e w ood d irectors announced. Mo re than $5.4 million has been donated toward the 154-bed shelter, which is projected to cost $7.5 million to comple te . The shelter will replace lhe aging and overcrowded Albe rt Sitton Home, which holds 128 children. The directors said they have more than $1 million in cash. enough to match a $I million c h a l le n ge grant fr o m O ra n gewood board di rector Willia m L yon , ch airman of Newport Beach-based Air<:al. The money on hand will alJow cons truction at the seven -acre Orange site to begin in January, with completion projected for December 1984 -more than a year ahead of schedule. Initial construction is expected t o i n c lude five residential cottages. a dining hall and a gymnasium. When completed, the campus will include a mulli- pu r pose b uilding, o n e other residential cottage, a school for grades Kindergarten -12 and playing fields. The facility 1s designed for youths from five days through 18. yea r s of a g e who must be removed from their homes as a r esult of a buse, n e gl ect, a bandonment or 4nexpected parent.al loss. The county and a number of Orange County citl~. responding· to a call for donations amounting to 20 percent of the need from the public sector have pledged nearl y $1.4 m illion ~ The aonatfons-include $500,000 from t he county, $56,000 from Cost.a Mesa, $14,000 from Fountain Valley. $56,000 from Huntington Beach. $42,000 from Newport Beach . $26,700 from Irvine. Biologist battles great white . ) Shark's attack brief., wound requires 100 s titches SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Marine biologist Michael Herder thought he was tangled in kelp when he felt a tug on hiJI arm while diving for abalone in th'i? murky waters off the coast of Northern California. The next thing he knew. he w as fending off a huge great white s hark. The brief battle with the notorious under sea killer made famous in lhe movie "Jaws" left him with w ounds that required more th a n 100 stitches to repair. "l didn't have a whole lot of time to think," said Herder, 28, in a telephone interview on Friday from his home in McKinl~yville, about 250 miles north or San Fra ncisco ''About the time I realized an y real fright, the shark had let me go." Herder, who works on seal and .ea lion management for the state Department of Fish and Game, said h e and two companions, Scott S te rner and Leo Millan. w ere d iving about 200 yard s from shore in 15 feet of water on Sunday. Visibility in the ch illy waters of Bear Harbor was Jess than 2 feet. "I was looking for abalone whe n I was at tacked from behind," Herde r recalled. "I assumed l was tangled in kelp until I looked a r ound a n d realized 1 was being attacked." T he shark seized Herder under his le(t armpit. but did not take a full bite. Herder said there were no marks on him £rom the fim a ttack , although his rubber• wetsuit was punctured. Herder manafed to-reach hi5 arm around and push at the shark's head , forcing it down. The great white, which he estimated at 12 to 14 feet lona and more than 800 pounda. thee bit a second time, slashing into • his buttocks and upper thigh with rar.or-sharp teeth. "It looks lake I was real lucky,'' he added. "There are no ne.rves severed, a nd no pe rmane n t · muscle damaj{e. I should teRain full use of all my append118t!9. (I. he had bitten as hard on my upper body, I would have been in serious trouble." Ex-Mesa cop gets Inistrial A mistrial has been declared in U.S . District Court after jurors d isagr eed on w h e ther sex discrimination was the cause of the 1978 firing of a Costa Mesa policewoman. F e deral Ju dge Rob e rt K eller h e r immediately rescheduled a new hearing for Ann Fallon, 28. for Feb. 15 in h is Los Angeles court.room. Fallon sued the City of Costa Mesa for $3 million, claiming her supervisors had conspired to keep her off the city's permanent payroll before her probationary term ended. Although the vote of the six jurors wasn't announced Friday, Michael Murtaugh, la w yer for Costa Mesa. said it appeared to be a 3-3 split. In federal court civil proceedings. a unanimous vote is requif'!!d for a verdict. F allon now works with the ' Los Ang~les Police Department. Costa Mdsa currently has four : 'female officers on its staff. • FREI GALLON ·oF PAINT .. WITH PURCHASE OF EVERY TWO GALLONS lnolud11 All Pltta•ursh P1i1ts .1 R11 St1i11 In S.11011 OFFER GOOD THAU SEPT. 30, 1982 more than you expect In a hardware store ••••• EJ . HARDWARE V1S4· M 8toNI GP9" 1 ~ . Corone del Mer Hltrbor View Centw 3 1071 Coeet Hwy. 1814 ... Mtauel °'· 813-2800 Ntwpof1 IMct\ Wttdeyt .. HO M4·f&70 . Wltdeyt .. 7 ' J I Orange Coaat DAIL v PILOT/Saturday, September 2&, 1982 Judge r e jects residency flap ·Law uit over s tat e Sen a te candidate's l egal honie o verturned An Orang{• County Superior Court jud(IC' hu• c.lf1Jml•ll'd o taw1wt uaklng lhat Republlcun 1taw &•nutc candldut<' Ed.ward Royet''I namt' bl' removed from tho November bollot bc<·uust' Roy~ did not live In the district Iona enou.ih to qualify tor otrlce. Cltlna the atatt> U>ns\ltutlon, Presiding Judgo R obert E . Rickles ruled Thuniday that the court lacked Jurlsdlc.:lion In the matter because only t h e Legislature Is empowered to make determinations concerning ll candidate'• qualifications for legislative offices. Three residents of central Orange County's 32nd Senate Dl~trlct claimed •Royce should be dliquallfled bccal\se he had not Jived In the district at least a year prior to the elecuon. Whtie• ttw rullna appeorc-d lO hovt-t>ndPd anr_ official ch11l10ng1 to Royce 1 c•ndldacy, I\ Called to put an end to thc.i qll(.'ltlon of Roy~-c·• nitldency or thut or his Democratic oppon •nt Frank Bt1rbaro. • The two traded c harges conccrnrng resldt'ncles during and after ihl' taping of a deba~ Thursday afternoon to be televised Oct. 6 and 9 on KOCE- TV. Channel 60. Royce said he waa confident all along that the lawsuit would be thrown out. He characterized the legal challenge as a "nuisance" concocted by Barbaro'& campaign that only "wasted people's time and taxpayers' dollars.'' Royce said he believes he "l"Onclusivdy" has shown he 1s. a l'Cllldtmt of the dlatrlct and on1y Ult>t o Lo11 AngeJe1 apartment when he ii working late and la not able to make It back to hl1 Am1h<>im home. "It'• a shame Frank Barbaro brought it up in the flnt place because now he has to answer about his own residency," RQy nld. He charged that Barbaro not only does no safiafy residen<'Y requirements for this election . but, also did not qualify for an office he sought In 1974. Barbaro, on the othe r hand, said he remains convinced Royce ls not an Orange County resident. "He's asking us to believe he ls 30 years old, unmarried , with two jpbs in LA and an apartment and he drives 40 miles every night to be with his mother,'' Barbaro said'. ' The Democrat aold ht-believe. Royct wu .. ved only by a "leaal technicality." >.. for hla r8ldc.>ncy, Barbaro eald he hu checked the law and found he moved back Into the dlltrlct "well In time" to quall!y tor office. .. Barl>aro allo denied that he or hll campaign had anything to do w Ith the lawsuit tiled by Dem~ratlc activiJlt -and former Orange County Democratic C ha i rman William Thom, Republican Dewey Wiles, who Iott to Royce In the primary, and Alice Grant, a friend of Thom's and registered as an lndes)endent voter. The 32nd Senate District covers Westmins ter, Garde n Grove, Stanton and Orange plus parts of Fullerton. Anaheim and Santa Ana. ~Ruined crop Two arrested in · _Viet It .. l d John Kimu ra surveys a field of rotting tomatoes neor Woodland. Unseasonably early rains in Northern California have led to the c·ondit ion known as "black rot," r u ining muny tomatoes. Westminster pohce, claiming a breakthrough in ferreting out violent crime in the Vietnamese community, have arrested a man a nd. a woman on suspicion of extortion. Officers said they arrested Tinh Thi Duong, 41 , and Maurice Hui-Bon-Hoa, 38, late Thursday on s us p1c 1on of e xto rting a "substantial" amount of cas h from an unnamed Vietnamese man. The Huntington Beach woman and the man, an Immigrant from France, are being held in lieu of $250,000 bail. Poli~ wo~ld offer few details of the alleged extortion except to say the investigation began six weeks ago when officers started l ook ing i nto gambling In Westmin s te r 's Vietnamese community.. The investigation, officers said, is continuing with more arrests likely. Police said they believe an increased number of Vietnamese business people are turning to authorities for h e lp when con!ronted with violence or extortion. Oh • . ' I {:on cert tickets await school winning food charity drive ·~ By GLENN SCOTT °''"-Oe11r P11o1 s1an It could be rrom the plot of one of those summer fantasy !alms about high school antics: A local radio station promises tickets to a rock concert to the student body of the school that collects the most canned food for a local charity. Look out and loc·k the cup- boards. mom and dad. this is no storyline. Anaheim-based KEZY is organizing the food drive. The tons of food will go toward the county's Albert Sitton Home for neglected and abused children And lO the school that rounds up the most cans of tuna, Vegie- All and chicken noodle soup goes up to 2,500 tickets to an Irvine Meadows concert Oct. 7 featuring R.E.O. Speedwagon and Survi- vor. The can round-up began Fri- day and extends for one long, hungry week to next Friday. when the school with the most pounds of food is announced. Only canned food will be ac- cepted, explained the station's vice president and program di- rector, Dave Forman. because of the need to ensure the goods haven't been tampered with. "It's kind of like one big trick-or-treat," noted Forman, who has arranged for an empty trailer, digital acales and several "big brawny guys" to handle the food once it's delivered to the station's parking lot at 1190 E. Ball Road. Disc jockeys, meanwhUe, will keep the drama suspenseful through the week by announcing daily standings in the food drive, he said. They are suggesti"8 that each school shooting for the tickets should establish a reposi- tory on campus. Not every school has been smitten by the competitive spirit, however. At Irvine's University High School, only a loud drum beat away fom the amphitheater, student ofiicers have declined to participate. With homecoming activities two weeks away, and the contest rules arriving just Thursday, of- ficers decided to forego the food fest. To Fonnan, though, the con- test should be profitable for those who relish such fun. Irvine Meadows gains publicity by agreeing to donate up to 2.500 lawn seats, the station gets a successful promotion, the two bands get all sorts of exposure and the Sitton Home gets fed. It's a flier 's market as airlines renew age-old fare wars NEW YORK (AP) The na-kings, they're absoJutely awful." tion•s airlines have succumbed James Ashlock of Eastern A1r- aga,irl to the temptation of fare Imes said: "We're in the slump wars, this time offering coast-to-period. We're just trying to keep coast travel for $119 as they head people flying.'' into autumn with a sky full of S ummer traffic did not meet empty seats. expectations. but the airlines had David Venz, a spokc..>sman for hoped to avoid a fare war this Trans World Airlines. said the fa ll. They are well into their disc;ounts should comC' as no sur-third depressed year, having lost prise. between them $1 billon in the 12 ~·-~'--~·n~g.._a_t_t_h_e_a_d_v_a_n_ce~boo~-·~m..;.;..;;.o~n~ths..;.;;_e~n~d-ed_inJune.Thev lost $500 million in calendar year 1981 and $220 million in 1980. Much of the los was attributed to fare wars in 1981 and last winter. The latest round of transconu- nental cuts began Aug. 31 wth Weste rn Airlines dropping the coast-to-roe.st round-trip fare to $298 from $498 for mid-week 'fli hts. That's what the Community Services programs at Orange Coast College, Golden West College and Coastline Community College are all about. " Hundreds of selections in the areas of performing arts, r. ~ .s I f film. courses and workshops. lectures. seminars and _____ :§ continuing education so that you can improve yourself. l I eajoy yourself -by yourself or with family and friends. i ! There are nominal charges for our community services ] ~ activities in the areas of Recreation, Avocation and "~\' · J j Self-Improvement -but when you hear what we offer, ' 8 ~ f I when we offer them and how frequently, you'll see,that ,: 3 our en-rich·ing (adj) programs at OCC. GWC and ~ I j Coastline are the best deals around. You'll wish there i were eight days a week, 25 hours a day. J I o (\ ~ ~ oo . J 'P ! I ' I I i We are excited about Communlty Services at the Coast ~ ~ Community Colleges. For your free calendar of actMtle~. t · please call OCC, 556~5880: GWC, 892-7711 or Coastline, B I . J 96~~: !~nlldent that you'll be excited 100. And · I J en·rtched (v). · · 1 o..._. C.... CoDefa •Golden Wac c.oo.,. • CoMt11M ~ CoGlfl • 0......,. C.... C.-. •a......._ C:O.,. •Ca 1811 , On Sept. 2, American, Eastern, TWA and United Airlines matched that fare. Then on ~pt. 9, Capitol Air, which sprang up after airline routes and fares were deregula- ted In 1978, dropped its trans- continental fare to $244. That was matched by the big airlines, some with varying conditions, including advance purchase and limiting the offer to typically 50 seats per flight. The current restricted round- trip fare of $238 was launched by Continental Airlines this week and was matched by the others. The airlines say they cannot stay out of fare wars if they want to remain competitive, even if it means losing revenue. The alter- native is to lose even more reve- nue as passengers flock to low- fare lines. Elegan t Ii ving refl ects the afflu ent lifes tyles along th~ Oran ge Coast . • Don't miss a di stinctive showcase for beaut iful homes, coming Oct. 14 in . the Daily Pilot and Mirrors. There's no pla ce like an Orange Coas t home. Orange Ooa11 OAJLY PILOT/Saturday, September 2S. 1982 ,W Crean s heds '.n e w image' at TV taping Nimoy , Search Leonard Nimoy By JEF•~ ADLER OfllM DellJ "°' 119" rt thNe i11 lndt•l!d • "nl'w" Johnnit• I\ Creon , u both tht• Republk11n nomlnt...-in tht> 43rd Congn•ll•ionul District und hi• lmage-mak<·r AUitn llotrenblum would ltke vott'l''11 tu believe, it was thl• "old" Johnni Crean who rcup~ared for the t.aplng of » 1.t'levWed debate In contrast to the t•mHrolled. restrained Crean who c.:ulmly answered question11 lt'lephom·d l n by viewc.•rs o n his well· orchestrnted nve telt!vbdcm show Tuesday night. it wl)B Crean who helped spark a rollicking free· for-all both during and after the t.apmg 1n Huntington Beach of KOCE-TV's "Voter's P1pehne" show. "LN'11 gN thl11 t·umpulwn down to wh~rP It t.wlonai•." CH•u n told r ·J,X1rtt•r11, a he• rt'p<.'al<'<I MJllll' lobt•l11 he• hu,, for uµponc.mlll uftc•r the tapanu mrwtudt'<~ 1'hurHtlu y. Ht• said h1i. wr1tc•-1n opponent Ron Pockurd, who lost the• GOP P.rimnry to Crean by Y2 vot<.>N, Is u 'Dt'mocrallc TroJan hor c," bee uae Pac.:kard's l'tandldot•y might rt'SUI\ in thl' ll)C('llOrl oC ll Democ.:r1.1t in the· hl'avd y Republican dl•trtcl And In response to Dcmocm\ Uoy "l'Dt" Archer's comml.'nl that ht• has had trouble raising money because so man y supporters &rl' unemployed. Crean said, "I did all I t'Ould to employ your supporters in the primary with aU I spent " J>urinH t ht• pr1n111ry, l 'rc•un rt•pt1rtt•d •ix•nJlnH $tJ;t6.l44, itw mu"t or uny t•1111Kr,•1111c1111d t•ond1duh• 1r1 thc• nutrnn, to ttw Ii l\ll' more• th1111 $2,000 Archut »J•ld tw 1t1>tm l In f11tt'l. t'n·1.1n '1e hul r ·hour tcll·Vli.lon Hhow 'l'u1.•t1day th111 t·c.mt 1.unccrnc.•u ul.wut th1.• tuturc..• of fl'l-t' 1•ntc•rpr1M' " Puring the• clt"butc•, Crc•an rl'1x•1111.-d thnt ht• '' running Cur offtl'<• lx'<'UU!lt' tw would like.• to '''lire aom1.•duy to a "vibrant t•upitoll1t 1tott·. rath<>r than a dt'l·llnln.c ll(){'lblt!fl dcmocruc.·y ul...a'w gt•l t h is cump uign clown to whcr~ ii bt·lonf.(,,,', <:r«•u n sa id ui, lw repealed some nome hf' hu1oi for 0 1>po1wnls. $50,000 1~ equal tu ttw $50,000 lo $60,000 Archer said hL· h<JJ>C8 Lo raise for his untir<.• gl•nt:rul t-k<Ction L'ampalgn "The monl'Y tS an 1nd1t·ation ti( my support," Crean $aid. "And my support 1s from Americans "I'm on o LTusiJll(•,'' ~ltd Creon. w h o I a b e !is h I m s «• I ( a !> a coni11.1 rva ll V<', no · nons 1•n1H! Revublican buslnl~man Yt'l 1l was the "rww" Crean whu repcatt-dly intcrruptc::d his opponent with the t•omment .. l'vP chnngNI," wh('n .Pee t~uL-.llonl'd hi• ql.Mlllflaft.lona offo.l· t&.11 well a1 Crean'• con uf hl11 p11rnary cu.rnpatan. And It wu Crt:an who Mid •~•uc of off-1hor• oil 4r111 • long CL1hfomla'1 ooa1l "i• rc•nlly un ilisul', It'• • K-.n rc·ally." Whc•n oppont'otA tald that ni.tion shou Cd contln devt•lopmenl o ( alternat energy sourt.'t.'lf, Crean Nil "they go into bw:dness with Moonbeam . and get rich." callc·d their comment.I ''to 1rrl'.spuns1ble." The dt>bate, the 1eco involving all three candida since the pr1m.ary, ii 1ehedul u1r at 8:30 p.m . Oct. 6 and a at I 0 a m Oct. 9 on channel will p lay Or .. · po<'k in a fi lm , Hin ~eurch of Spoc k," according to H ta r T r t-k" crea tor Gene Rodden bt•r r y. Gay sex, other problems plague Laguna Woman dies . in c ar c rash Task force eyed to prob e growing vexatio ns a nd find r e m e d ies A Santa Ana wom!ln w k1llN.I and a Westminster wo t:ritically injured Thursda <'Vt.>nmg when the car they w r1dang m was struck by a vehl that reportedly ran a red ligh Wt"'Stmmster polke said. No rth Laguna Community Association. arn-sts havt• been made by poltce due to the 1ll1c1t s<'x al'l!> committed in thl• tlarkem·cJ bu1dmgs. be rl'V ll'Wt·d by th l' n<•w c•ommittc•(•, Continued problem s of vandalism, homosexual acts in the restrooms a nd the proliferation of smoky barbecues m Heisler Park have prompted the Laguna Beach City Council lo appoint a task force to attempt to remedy the situallon. Councilman Robert Gentry received backing from fellow co uncil members in h is suggestion that a nine-member c·1tizen panel be appointed to ex plore means of sol ving problems brought to the city's attention this summer by the And while some s teps hav<' been taken to alleviate problems an the blufflop park, Gentry said a panel should be formed to recommend rurther action. Since the association 's complaints were heard, the police department ha.s_increased patrols of the park and installed iron gates on restrooms. locking the concrete buildings at night. The restrooms are a popular spot for homosexuals, and many The aSS<X·aation's tpmpl<tint of smoke from thl' park 's nine barbc.'Cues, plus imported t'OOking stoves brought m by pi<mic.'kers, prompted the c.·ounc1I last month lo order removal of city palS Jan 1. That promptt>d an out.cr y from Lagunans who cn.)Oy barbecuing at the grassy park. and Gentry suggested that the counL·1I actton M1·rnbers of the panel wall <.' o m <• f r o m u v a r 1 e l y o f organizations, inC'luding the homeowner group, the lawn buwl1ng club. and th e b('autaf1l·ation coum·1l of the Chamlx.or of Commer<.-e The roundl ordered tht> tai.k force to return Nov 22 with a rl.'port on its recommendations which will be cons1derro by the munc1 I Dec. 7. Deana Barngrover, 21, wa pronount-ed d~ at th~ scene the 8:55 p.m mishap at th intersection of Golden W Strc>et and Trask Avenue. Pam Cox. 19 , waJ> taken to tl F ountain Valley Communi Hospital trauma center wh s h e was listed in cri tical L'<mdi11nn 5 Perf orrners in FDR tribute Myrna Loy, who was described as Franklin D. Roosevelt's "favorite actress," will be on hand next month to take part in "A Celebration of FDR and the Arts on Broadway." The event, commemorating Roosevelt's support for the arts, is part of the centennial celebration of his birth, said Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., the historian of the New Deal and t•hairman of the FDR centennial commission Schlesinger said in New York that Miss Loy, 77, would participate 1n the Oct. 4 tribute at the Broadway Theater . along with Lauren Bacal1, Robert Merrill, Arlene Francis, former New York Gov. W. Avere ll Harr iman and Geraldine Fitzgerald. *** Burt Reynolds has filed a fJ00,000 countersuit in Los Angeles against a free-lance photographer who alleges the actor punched him and threw his· camera during a scuffle outside Reynolds' home. The suit. hied Sept. 13 in Superior Court, claims trespassing and invasion of property, intentional infliction of erpotional distress and abuse of process against photographer Russell C. Turiak, Reynolds spokesman David Gershenson said. The ('Omplamt JS m response to a $1 m1U1on suit Turiak filed after the April 26 incident. Tunak, 37. told police the actor had punched ham in the mouth and thrown his camera over a rence as Reynolds. 46, and actress Looi Anderson, 36. entered the driveway in Reynolds' Rolls-Royce. *** A 20-room Victorian mansion in Maine. up for grabs in an essay contest has been awarded to a woman who needs a place to house 14 relatives from El Salvador. Doris Woodward 1mm1grated from Central America in 1965 and has since been bringing members of her family to this country. said James Austin, the lawyer representing the owner of the house. Jane Pierabool. Mrs. Woodward and members of her family went to the house thas week after she was selected from more than 800 people who wrote essays. F.ach paid $50 to write on "Why I want to own a big. old house in Maine " *** Un iversity of California regents have formed a committ.H to seek a successor to retiring President David Saxon, and announced that Saxon's salary has been ra1sed to $94,625. Seven reg~ts, h eaded by Dean Watkins of Palo Alto. were named to the comm1 t tee to search for a new president. Saxon. 62. president of the nine-campus university since 1975. announced his resignation IAllOM Sept. 7. effective next July 1. He said he wants to return to part-time physics teaching at UCLA. Edward Carter, also on the search committee, said last week that the regents would probably consider chancellors of individual UC campuses before looking to other schools. *** Judy Woodruff, a sax-year veteran of the White House beat for NBC Ne ws, will become the "Today" show's Washmgton-based reporter and Interviewer. NBC News has announced. The Washington opening came up when Cbrl1 Wallace left the morning news and information show to head up the network's W_hite House coverage. a move that angered Woodruff. Jobn Palmer, who shared the White Hou!t' assignment with Woodruff and' Andrea Mltcbell, starts Monday working as the sole newacaster on~ "Today." Palmer will work out of New York. *** ·•Urban mountaineer" Ron Broyle. has promised Transamerica officials he won't attempt anottier climb to their 48-•tory pyramid office bulldin& in San Franclaco and the company said It won't presa criminal charges againat hJm. · "We have an agreement with Mr. Broyles In which he has made certain commltmen\.I to u1, lncludln_g a promise not to climb the building again," C.adace Ke11ler, T•ansamC?rlca'a d lrl'C'tor of rorp()rate communlcaUon, saJd. Plummer·s introduces warehouse prices on contem rarv . design! · .. . " .. , , . .. ••• •Jl Just one thing beats the beauty of superbly crafted furniture ... the beauty of your savings through Ptummer's warehouse program! 1 $2,19W51ue r Beauttf\lllV deslOned ana made Of $ lq fine, wann teak-It extends from _ 35Y>" x 53" to 35y,·· x 92··. Even more contemporary White Wall unit rmp0rtant. It sens attn~ rncredlbly tow prtcet iiE$149 · Tea Side a.a1r $ 75 Teak Ann°'* $ 89 5109 value 5135 value . The matchlno chairs are uptlOlstered. seat & t:>ack. In vanous colors and otrer vou tne same beaUtV. Perfect for students. It features a bullr·m bookcase and tnree drawers. the top one with a lock rne sleek clean lines flt any decor bedroom stuciv or den 47'·• X 21 'I. X 27'1, H Ad~ wood back various colors S79 val S 59 ~ llpnoistered seat & back S?g ... -various colors S9S val Teak SldebOan:I & Hutch This wall unit covered m tough easv ro·clean white laminate flnasn as as durable as •tis econom1ca1 It nas four shelves and is 31 · K 12 x 75 high A S98 value each BUY ONE FOR ............. $ 59 BUY TWO FOR .......... ~109 Breuer style chairs from Italy These Quallrv chairs are carefully handcrafted an walnut or narural wOOd finish with genwne heavv·durv cane backs & seats on sturdy chrome frames arstoot Arm Chair 24 or 30· H S79 val S89 val SSS val., $29 $39$49 Exclusive at Plummer·s • SOfa and loveseat Here s a fine Plummer s e•C1us111t" Thrs t>e.iiut1f\Jllv s1mp1e son ano 1oveseat come with cusriv comfOrt:aDle toose p111ows .iino s1oe bolsters eotri pieces are covereo with easv to c•ean ouriOte Sldet>oard design features 4 large center drawers with two-sliding door compartments for large items on either side Hutch features glass sllde~ for beaurv and dust-free storage Sideboard 74· lo~g S 27 5 Hut en 74" long $195 $389 value $279 value .. .. . . faDnc 1n a natural 1>e19e that comp1emen~ .iinv decor An<J tne tow Plummer s price Wiii olllSO complement vour Ducioet• 55 Loveseat ' l I S399value s2ss 78 Sofa SS09va1ue s359 Sofa bed oueen $ 479 S67Sva1ue BB'S INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE WIST LOS ANCILIS • 8833 National Blvd • 12131 837 0138 1atrwe<en \/flf'l1'"' & Wf\n1no1 on1 SANTA ANA• 1540 E wamer • 17141 SS? 0611 reerw~ er"'° a Ntwoott Fwy £••ton owr •o 1 s' VALLIY • 12240 snerman wav No HOllVWOOd • 12131 765 0401 •lftwt'f'n HOllVWOO<I Fwy & i,,urr• c.iinvon• ~AIAOINA 180 s Lake Avenue • 12131 449·6741 •fWO OIOCU soum Of COIOt.IOOI SOU'nl IAY. 23855 Hawtnom e Blvd Torrance . 12131 378·9473 •One OIOC-nonl'I Of Co.Ht H\4'VI MISSION VllJO • Maroueritt Plua • 1?141 4~·3252 •lttwffnCrownv1llt'v• & 1overv P-wv• sc; YALLIY • 15711 E va11ev Blvd Cltv of 1noustrv • 12131961·9809 ii Of«-s em 01Mac1eno111vo 1 ONN 10 to.I -SUNDAY NOON to S Alt f\Jrn1turl' cr.tttr<l af mt fine\! Vf'nffrs l'l'IM'Y 1tet'l'ls 1~ vNU~Olf'O rn unon\ tor t .t\v 01ck uo Pttt'f'• ~ m\lrCNMCmt' \UO!f(l lO uoc• on NM • • Chair 1not sh0wn1 S27Svalue •195 ' • 1 Foreign holdings in _,U.S. hidden 0, THOMAS D. ELIAS /\ brier and passir\I{ wavl' of t:on~-ern l"WfUlted from news lour Y'?al's ago that fotelgners -European11, Japanese and Arabs -were buying up sl;wbk• chunks of California farmland Then Kuwait piqu ed some worry vthen it took over Alhambra's Sant.ta f''c Dlllf DRNIA f OCUS l"tem ational Corp. for $2.5 billion last y'ear, forci n g t he U.S. Defense Deparurient to erec:t a "shield" lx>tween Santa Fe and one of its subsidiari('S, a nuclear engineering firm. 1 ll<>S<!nthal now frei..-. about "lnndcquatt• dutu l'OUl'Ctmn" by th<: Treru1ury. Rt• said somt· forl'ign governments havl• prcssurt•d Treusury offidohs to t.'Ontinue SCCl'(!CY. thretltl•n1ng to durtip tlitir hug(• stock h oldings suddenly. knocking thl' boUom out of the stcx·k market. i( fo rc1.:d to d isd ost.· the investments. They've 1tlso thrcutt•rwd to retaliate against any new disclosurf' ruk.os by cutting oil produt.·tion. But those threats may be t>mpty, for the OPEC nauoni. would lose more than anyone in either a stoc.:k market crash or an oil production shutoff. What's clear is tl)at Americans need lo know Car more than they now do about ownt'rship of both land and stock. Thomas Elias 1s a frc'<.•-lllntYY columnist based m Santa Monwn. .. \ I And there was a brief outcry when .a Saudi Arabian bough1 a large in terest in the Covin a -based Whittaker Corp., which soon began lobbying hard for the sale of AW ACS radar planes to Saudi Arabia. But t here still has been no major listing of a ll fj)l'eign holdings either in American farmland or industry. Growing old today has many pluses JN FACT, a 1974 decision by former T reasury Secretary WilJiam S imon - now a consultant to several major foreign investors -allows three Midd le Eastern governmen ts to h ide their investments in U.S. companies, so long as Pach doesn't buy up 5 percent of any one eompany. Those governments are the three richest members of OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries -Kuwait, Saudi Arabia a nd •· · t'h~lrutcd Arab Emirates. Simon's purpose was to encourage investment of petrodollar's in America, something the wealthy OPEC nations would not do if they were subject to the disclosure regulations that apply to most investmen ts by foreign governm ents. The result is that the th ree rountries together can con trol as much as 14 .7 percent of t he stock in any American company wi thout a n yone bu t the Treasury knowing about it. And no outsider can be certain how much the Treasury itself knows. NOW COMES A report that sndkatcs just h ow high those governmen ts' investments have bc.'Come. Kuwait alone, says the study made for Democratic U.S. Rep. Benjamin Rosenthal of New York, has invested more than $50 billion in U.S . companies, including ownersh ip of 4.9 percent of virtually all the top 20 ban ks in the nation. Among them. the three governments own more than $120 billion worth of stock in U.S. rompanies. And that's not counting t he holdings of their private citizens, which add up to at least as much. f\ large share of their investment - and the cont rol it may give them over corporate decisions -is in California. BOth Kuwait a nd Saudi Arabia, for exifnple, own major blocs of stock in the Sa)i Francisco-based Bank of America a ~ L os Angeles' Security-Pacific Ncdlonal Bank, the state's largest banks. . SESIDES BANKS, the for eign gow:rnments' investments in California cef4er in chemical, food. health service, co~uter and metal industries. But few def»ls of their holdings are available. As Cal(fomi.a's Democratic U.S. Sen. Alan Cranston did d uring the flurry of worry over foreign buyouts of small farmers, By DR. JAMES E . BIRREN JJ.r . Birre n, a psy ch olog ist, was chlillTn8.n of the Rese8.l"C'h Committee for the White House Ccnlerence on Aging. His remarks are reprinted from the Town Hall Reporter. Th ere a r e two s i des t o th e phenomenon of aging -an "upper" side (those who are aging and at the same time enjoying life) and a "downer" side (the 15 percent of the aging over 65 at the pove rty level, plus a group of perhaps l~ percent who are in the marginal range). Hence about 25 percent of those over 65 years of age Uve at some kind of marginal existence. One major change taking place today is the aging of our society. The change is so significant that we pms t examine it.in major segments. It js so great that it is almost like a biological mutation in man. For example: -The change in life expectancy from Roman times to 1900 was much less than the increase in life expectancy in the last 80 years. -More older people find themselves in more congen ial life circumstances than in any other time in their lives. - THE OLDER ELEMENT of our population is not a single homogeneou5 group because life has operated on and affected each of the m in diverse ways. Ther e is sig n ificant d iffe r e nce between those whose life quality is high and those whose quality of life is low. For the most part, it is not bad to grow old in America where old :lge has a good present and a promising future. While no one w a nts to be lone ly, poor , a nd unhealthy -common a djectives describing older people -and while the probability of these conditions increases somewhat w ith age, that is not the situation with the great majority of America 's senior citizens. Economically senior citize ns are a healthy, vital segment of our economy. The over-55 age gro up represents 20 percent of the population, but accounts for 25 pe rce nt o f a ll cons umer expenditures.. J\bout 80 percent of all deposits in savings and loan associations belong to this group as does about 28 percent of all discre tionary income. Compa r e th is with th e 25-year-old-and-under group, the focal point of so much of our marketing influence. T his sec:ond group controls barely 1 percent of discretionary income! The over-55 group, while accounting for 20 percent of the U.S. population, receives 30 per cent of the nation's income and constitutes CW percent of all the country's individual stockholdera. Other economic strengths include 25 percent of. car ownersh ip, 30 percent higher vacation expenditures than any other age group, and 25 percent of the expenditures for cosmetics and bath products. And, it is the segment that is experiencing the fastest growth rate! THUS WHILE THE 55-and-over age group is reasonably well-off, it is a n increasingly demanding group. Because, as a group, it has a · higher education level than past generations, it has an inc?reaaing awareness of its environment. T he segment forms ;m increasingly knowledgeable group of C'Onsumers as well as producers. A subsegment, the 75-and-older popula tion, has the highest rate of population growth of the entire U.S. population. Since the U.S. population considers itaelf a young group, there· are gaps in the products and services t hat a re desired by the over-55 group. BECAUSE OUR self-im_age has not been oriented, until recently, to the older g r o ups, in ter es ting bus iness oppor tunities exis t. By tapping the over-5:> market, improvements can be made in the American living standard - not jUst the senior citizen's standard, but for all groups of people, regardle. of age. As this over-55 market achieves more attention it will be necessary to redirect marketing efforts. Whereas the young elements in our society seek activities for the sake of doing, the older sector is more concerned with the meaning of wha t they are doing. Up to n o w advertising has ignored the older market for fear that all other pote ntial a nd current cuslOmers would be alienated. Other changes taking place include the changing structur;e of the labor force. There are fewer entry-level (18-21 year olds) individuals. The change is also felt in the educational system. As a result inStitutions of higher learning will have t o alter the n ature o f educationa l activities. The present system does not provide s ufC icent e ducationa l opportunities to the older segments. Older pe0ple will demand education if the y consider it necessar y for their well-beili\g. Another ele m e nt of educatio n, whether it is provided by industry or the educational system, is one of retraining. A t the curre nt rate o f technic al advancement. it will be necessary to retrain individual members of the labor .force about every 10 years or three times during a worker's working life. THE MATTE R OF AGE discrimination in emplo}'ment will have t o be de alt with. P articipa tion i n professional programs where training resources are scarce and mus t b e a llocate d amo ng age groups is an example of the issues yet to be resolved. In summary, the older person is taking an increasingly important role in our society and we need to CO!lSider them an important resoWU!, not as dependents- Consider aging from the inside out. Research shows that there is only a slight difference between the quality of life betw een the 50-year-old and the 70-year-old. Over all 85 percent of th06e 50 or older, when q uestioned, indicated that the quality of life was rated "good" or higher. T he good lift• for older people is he r.-today and wi ll continue. It would seem that the negative s te r e oty pes o f the o lder pe r son originated in the concepts of the young. T he research findings in the United States are corroborated in Europe. In Europe~ too, there is an element at the bottom living w ith the "cascading negatives" (poor health. poor housing, a nd low income), but that situation, while publicized, is hardly typical of the older person. What a bo ut the f uture? Medical advances are making it possible for the older person to stay healthier longer. While the abeolute life span seems to remain at ju.at over 100 years, infirmities are appearing lat.er in life. Many individuals live without any majot infirmities until their tenninaJ illness. Major in.finnities now appear to be compressed into a period just before death. The good life for older people is here today and wW continue to be here tomorrow. Flat tax could change rules on homeowner deductions ' BY RICHARD R. MUTH .Dr. M uth is a professor of economics at Sf.anford University and an authority on tbe housing industry. ---- In recent weeks there has been cons iderable d i scussion about s u bstitu ting a flat-rate tax for our R - Nevermore ... ' . Nevermore ... L_Neverm ' -·~~ a.---:1 t ' .. current personal income tax, and several bills which would do so have been introduced into the Congress. The flat-rate tax, under most proposals, would retain or even increase the personal exemption in the curren t federal income tax. It would abolish most or all deductions. however. The current system of taxing additional inrome at ever-increasing rates would be replaced by a constant rate of tax throughout the income range. THOUGH NEW to many, the flat.rate tax is reaJJy a rather old idea. Nobel P r ize-winning econ om ist Milton Friedml n sugge~ted it in his book "Capitalism and Freedom" 20 years ago. Moreover, un til i n flation lifted Americans into progressively higher tax brackets in the '70s, the federal inrome tax was in effect a flat-r a te tax 1 throug hout all but the very highest income levels. This was because as the taxpayer's before-tax income rose so did his total deductions. offsetting the higher tax rate applicable to his additional income. Amon g th e most important of these ded4ction s a re those for mortgage ln\Crest and property taxes. Not only do these reduc.'(' the degree of progression In the personal irtcome tax. bu\ they reduce substantially th e cost of living in an owned home. Under the personal income tax in this country, the taxpayer need not report the imputt>d rent.al value of his honw 3lj Income. He can , h owever , deduc t mortgage interest and property taxes paid from his taxable Income. Together, intorc:.'5t. and property t.axe. umount to about thrtt~quorwrs of th~ <X*t of living In an Qwncd home. Thus, 1' a taxpayer pays 20 cents additionl)l tax for each additional dollar of l'nc.'Ome, h<> pays only 85 cen ts per ct.,IJAr of hla houidng costs ahc r tax. Since-the level of u..xe. ls fixed uJllmat<'ly by the level of government ex p e nditures, l o w er taxes fo r h omeowners mean higher ta xt't for renters. THE PERSONAL tax \.reatment of lnc:omt from owncr-oet'upt«i hownng iJ of~n justified by th 80Clal bene fits of homeownership. The tax advantage. however, is a very inefficient way oC inducing more households to become homeowners. Most studies suggest that the sizable tax advantages of owning one's home have led only about 4 percent of the nation's households to become homeowners, incre1sing the extent of homeownership frol'n 62 to the current 66 percent. Data conta ined i n a r ecen t Congressional Budget Of fice stud y indicate that roughly $50 billion of tax revenue is lost currently because of the way income from owner housing is taxed. The tax subsidy is thus about $15,000 per year for each additional h o u seh o ld i n d u ced to b ecome homeowners. Most of the subsidy - :)bou t $1.000 per year per homeowner - goes to those who would have qeen homeowners without the tax subsidy. S urely more cost eCfective ways could bf> found to stimulate homeownership. ANOTHER EFFECT of the income u.x trea~ent of homrownl'l'Ship is that it draws capital away from t he indusiriol sector of the economy. Somc whtH surprising to many l!I that about h31f our country's Cbted caritel stock l!I In the form of residentia real est.ate. I have • estlmute d t hat, because of the t ax advanU)ge, the coplt.al invest d in th<' typical owner-<x-cupicd house ls almost I 8 per cent g r eater than it would otherwise be. O ur non-rt.1sidl'ntlgl capital stO<'k is about 5 p ercent smalle r . The t ax tldvantage for owner housing thus runs counter to the curnmt odminlstralion'!i concern for 1nC'r oslng lnv('lltmf'nt in the industrlal ISC<:t.or of the economy. It a po ll w ere taken, the vut majority of economli.t!I would almollt certainly support eliminating the current tax treetmcnt of lncom<! from owner· oceupied hous ing To at~mpt to do ao. how~vt>r, would c ncount~r atron a opposition If the t.'\X advantage were removed, the pr i<.'CS of houses would fall, in effect imposing a t.;1x on the wealth of existing homeowners. Clearly. there JS little likelihood or adopting a flat-rate tax system which is detrimental to the interests of t wo-thirds of the electora te . Nor would there be any economic advantage to changing the tax rules for existing housing. For there is no way in w hic h t he extra resources invested in existing houses could be recovered and put to other uses. Changing the rules l'Ould, however, reduce the amount of future iovest.ment in owner houses and increase the amount of new investment in the rest of thl' economy. To do so. however, would still be difficult in tht> absence of a radical revision of the personal inrome tax. T h e flat-rate tax o ffers such a n o pportunity. Moreover, it could provide the subtantial advantages of simplicity for the taxpayer. equity among tax p ayers a n d e fficien cy for t he economy as a whole. Broadening the tax base to include the imputed rental value ol owner tl ouslng b u il t af ter its enactment would be an import.ant step toward securin g th.e pot ent ia l adv&nwges the fhn·rat.e tax scheme has to offer th is coun ty. OAANGI! COASt l1ilyPilat Thi• <'O!Tim{!nt p11~!.'ofthe Dalh Pilot St'Ckll Lo inform. 11nd 11tlmul111t• rt•11ch•r:1 b~ pre~tnt IOI{ LI \ t1r1t'I) o( t'QmmentMr\ un toµlcs nr lntt'roat and 11ll(ntr1u1M.' from mformed oh llt>n l'l'll 11nd11pc>kt•!im('n Thomos P lloley. P11bllsli.•r Salanlay, Sept. U, •'n • YOUTH His teacher • lS a computer When Unde Le n ask (>d his friends to druw a p1ctur<> of tht•1 r favor ite tt>ache r last week, he didn't know Marc Minear would "plug" into a real wmner. Tht> 13-year-old Hunting ton Be a ch s tude nt drew <1 (m e picture of a compute r which does, mdec:.'CI, teach R t>a l o rig i n a l , M a r <.·. Congratula tions. Our second plact' winn~r th is w ee k w as a littl e m o r e conve nti o na l , s ubmitting a drawing of Mr. Aguirre, one of Alfredo Euumio's teachers ar Washington Eleml'ntary S<:hool in Santa Ana. Kudos to you, too. Alfredo. Honorary mentions this week go to Perla Serrano. Juan G arcia and the other kids in Ms. Vicki Machado's bi li ngua l class in Santa Ana. Now. s inct• tht• subje<.·t of sC'hool is still fresh m a ll our, minds, let's look at the apple for a moment. 5,oq2 + ~en-=? My Fa\tOrite Teacher You know. the s hiny red fruit you put on your teache r's desk? Now, some might th ink that taking the teache r an apple 1s just a sly way of winning favor -and, perhaps bett.t•r gradl'S m school. First: Marc Minear, Huntington Beach Take a tip from Uncle LC'n. It won't work But apples are a great su b,e<:t for your artis tic ta le nts next week. Now. Uncle Len doesn't want to just draw a picture of a plain, old apple. No, siree. He wants you to be original. like this week's w inner. Think of all the things you can draw that incorporate the a pple. Re m e mbe r the le g e n d of J ohnnie Appleseed ? His real name was John Chapman. and h e wa s a n Am e r ica n frontiersman w ho planted apple trees throughout the Midwest in the early 1800s. Then there was the "golden apple," for the most beautiful woman in the world, which was awarded by Paris to Aphrod1t<' in Greek mythology. ln return. she h e lped kidnap the beautiful Helen of Troy. That apple started a war. econd: Alfredo E utimio, Santa Ana You migh t call that a "bad apple." Any way. put your thinking caps on and romc up with a good "apple t1z1ng" entry for n ext w eek. No niore • concrete 1n S AN DIEGO (A P ) -Baby orangutans will be rolling down grassy hillsides and climbing trees this weekend instead of toddling around in a concrete pit as the San Diego Zoo opens its new rain forest e xhibit -a prototype of 2 lst century zoos. Dog of the wee k The $3 million reproduction of a Southeast Asian jungle is th<' first ma jor renovation at the world famous zoo in IO years. But it's more than a facelift. zoo spokesman Jeff J ouett said . It's a new concept in displaying a nimals -in their natural Meet "Heidi" 11 year-old Great Dane and golden retriever mix who tost a back leg in a car accident. he still run and jumps and is h ousebroke n with a great . di position. You can pick her up at the county humane society, 21632 N wland Drive, Huntington Beach. Send your entries to Uncle Len at the Daily Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. 'jungle' e n vi r o nm e nt , and b y geographical area, rather than.by types. "Over there. we have gorillas. next to chimps, and orangutans. They're all a pes." said Jouett, describing the old system oC grouping animals. "W e w a nt people to b e immersed m the landscaping and the exhibits,'' said David Rice, who designed the new exhibit. ''Zoo visitors will experience a bit o f r a in forest . The y will reme mber what part of the world an orangutan lives in and know by association what other mammals, birds and plants might be e ncounter ed in the same region." The first inhabitants of the new rain fdrest exhibit will be a co uple o f re d -haired fe male orangutans from Borneo arrd their young. ln a few months, Sumatran oran~tans will move in next door. "You'll be looking up at them in the trees, rather than down at them in a pit," said J ouett. Instead or walls and iron bars to keep them in, the orangutans will be surrounded by phony rocks cheaper than the real thing and a moat with three feet oC running water in It. ''Orangutans like to stay clear of water ," said Joueu. "If the little ones get on a roll there's a curb at the bottom of the hill to keep them from rolling off the edge and drowning." A 24-hour guard will also be posted for the·flrst few days. But the exhibit area was pre· tested fqr escape avenues ond a safety by C.J .. an 11-year-old orangutan actor who starred ln "Tanan the Apeman," with Bo Derek and In "Any Which Way You Can." with Clint Eastwood. Just like on the Hollywood Wolk of Famo, C.J. left a foot and handprlnt In some w t t cement, which will Conn a mold lor a bronze pl4que at the entrance to the new rain forest. The zoo plans to spend another 10 years adding• South American and an African rain forest. • It's unbearable Grizzly bear at the Lo Angdes Zoo engage in some ba re-fanged tussling while in their pool. While it looks like a real battle, zookeepers say the fuzzy pair are just having fun. And the pool is a good way to keep cool as summer drags into fall. 'Missing link' discover'ed? · ATLANTA (AP) -A leading nnthropologtst says fosslt found in east Africa durj ng the last decade are the closest thing to the missing Link -a creature• that was Mrt ap('. part human. The term "miMmg hnk" might make most scientists cringe, but Donald J ohanson said it aptly describes the creaturt''s role in evolution. Johanson is the discoverer of "Lucy," the partial sk<'leton of a 3 1/i-foot -tall creature that has a head similar to a ch impanzee's and a body similar to u human's It has been or great interest to scientists for what 1t reveals of "the m ysterio u s a nd murkx beginnings" of the human race, Johanson said in a recent lecture be f o r e the Intern a tional Primatological Soc1l'ty. Since the discovery of Lucy and th e re ma 1 n s o f o the r creatures who hved a t about the same time -between 3 million and 4 million ye a rs ago scientists have argued bitte rly over whether these animals wc•rt• more Uke human beings or more like apes. Adopting the title of a recent magazine article about the controversy. Johans on, the fo unde r a nd director of the institute for the Study of Human Origins in Berke ley, called it the "battle of the bones." world scope A bit of anger erupted after Joh a n son's lecture when h l' briefl y described his examination of a recently d1st·over ed skull that he said had bl•t•n beall'n and cut "It looks like 1t was scalped," J o hanson said, n eglecting t o m e nti o n that o th e r s h a d previously examined the sku ll. "How ... d are he say tha t nobody's examined that specimen Jo hanson ... called it 'the battle of the bones' before" one scientist said angrily to his friends. J ohanson la te r said hl' had simply forgotten to mention the other work. But the ep1sodt-was typical of the emotions provoked by talk of human ancestors. The hght over Lucy began in the 1970s, as soon as the bones w ere found. The remain s of other large and small creatures Wl're found by J o hanson 1n Ethiopia and by Mary Lea key m Tanzania. Mrs. L eakey concluded the fossils belonged to the genus homo, the catego ry of animals which includes human beings - homo sapiens Johanson decided they were fr o m th e g e nu s Australophithecus, a nd that the l(lrgt-.bane£_ were from males Qflc{..: the smaller on«.~ from ft.males. H e n amed th e c r eature: A us tralopithecus afarcnsis. lie thinks 1t was an anccswr of both · human lx·mgs and other typc."S ot ~ Australopithecu!>. • • "What we: have is a creature that from the neck up looks Vf.!ry prim tt1ve but from the nccl< down 1s very different from an ~ ape," Johanson said. . · Mrs Leakey. as J oha nso;1 d escri bed it. be lieves man d evelo ped sepa ra tely fro f')' Aus tra lopithe<:us. J oh a n son has adama n tly • m ai ntained L ucy walked·, upright, but that c:onlt·nuon hai. been challengt.'Cl in a new study- by Rand all Susman and J ack Stern of the State University oI New York a t Stony Brook. ,· They have studied the limb - bones of the fossil creatures and , concluded that the anima ls dui , not wa lk upright, and that they ;. m ay h ave s pent some lime climbing trees. ''It has begun to walk on two legs, but it's a novice," Susman said in an interview . ,,. Joha nson, an e xpe rt on thf '• study of leeth. has concluded ; that the a ni mals a te fruit. S us man said . a nd tha t a lso sugg<'sts to Susma n t h at the y spent part of their time in tn.."'CS, • gatherm~ that fruit. Answers appear (upside down) beneath quiz (10 polnl• tor .. ch queellon •newt~ correctly) 1 President Reagan presented Congress with a package of legislation designed to fight crime. In It he called for major limits on the use of the .. l .. plea, which led to the acquittal of his assailant John Hinckley. · 2 Citizens of .. l .. have an average per capita Income of Slll 6l, the highest In the nation, according to the Commerce Department. a-California b-Texas c-Alaska J Inflation at the wholesale level went up at an annual rate of 7.5% last month. TRUE OR FALSE: It was the first time in 1982 chat the rate fell below the 10% mark. 4 Conestoga I beame the first successful rocket to be launched into space by a private business. Space Services, Inc. hopes to use satellites 10 (CHOOSE ONE: search for oil, carry panels that will reflect solar energy back to Earth). S Israel sharply criticized a scheduled meeting between Pope John Paul II and PLO chief .. l .. newsname (10 Polnlw II rou c.n ldenllfr thl• perton In IM new•) As President of the Phlllppines, I recently made a stile visit to the U.S. to discuss trade bsues and the future of American military bases In my country. My ad· ministration has been criticized for human rl1hts vlolatlons. Who am 11 ' matchwords 2'-shuttle lt-wnnu. 1hrlnk S-thudder c~tremble, shl./er 4-thrlvel 6-1r1vel b.c::k ind fotth khun • news picture 110 point• II rou •n•w•r Ihle qu••llon corrtclly) Si!nators Mark Hatfield, left, and Wllli;im Proxmire celebrated ~ after they led a successful fight to override President Re;igan's veto of a S14.2-blllion supplemental funding bill. The House h;id already voted to override the veto. The (CHOOSE ONE: Democratic, Republian) Party holds a majority of se;its 1n the Senate, while the other party controls the House. peoplewatch/sportlight (2 pok\I• lor Heh quHllon ana-red correc:llrl 1 Princess Grace of Monaco die d recently from injuries suHered in an automobile accid ent. The Princess was the former American actress ... 2 Cartoonist Garry Trudeau announced that he will give up his Pulitzer Prlze-winnlnw comic strip .. l .. for a year 10 reappraise his characters and alve hlm$ell "a much needed breather." •-"Peanuts" b·"Garfield" c-"Doonesbury•· l Debra Sue Maffett, Miss Calif0tnl1, beame the 56th Miss America to be crowned at the Atlantic City competition. This year, Miss America's wng WIS sun1 by host .. l .. a-Bert Parks b-Gary Colllns c-Ron Ely 4 Chris Evert Lloyd defeated Czech ltar (CHOOSE ONE: Hana Mandllkova, Martina Navratilova) In the finals to win her sixth U.S. Open slnsles title. S In the men's division of the U.S. Open, jimmy Connors beat Ivan lend I for his fourth sln1les title. TitUE OR FALSE: Connors 1lso won the men's title at Wimbledon this year. roundtable '•ml4r dtecue•lcHI (no ~) A recent •urvey by the Found1tlon on Violence tn America found thlt "" of Americans think dru1s are 1 major cause of crime. Oo you 11reef What are other p<Milble causes of crime? YOUf! ICOf!I: It to tOO jMlntt -TO~ ICOltll 11 to to polnlt -l.c•ll•nl 11 to IO potnlt -Ooocs. 11 to 10 poln" -''" • •VIC. tno .. 120·12 ,, ·-~ !q-· !>& ~P·t :.l-t :sollOMHJJ.VW tcnJ•W puw1PJa.i lUaP!NJd :swYNSM:ilN 'lWJIJV Jatn}.-~ !tJO JOJ t.p..llt~-t :as'TVd·t :.,.t 'AlfUftUJ·t ::ad<X>SO'l\IOM I 1 I I Orenge Coa1e DAIL V PILOT l 81turd1y, September 25, 1082 jAuthor to speak at service Dr. Bobbe Sommer, author o} The nl'w m.ml" cntltll'<l "HIB i "Never A t k .~ Cactua for • 1111~1101 NIJll Stubborn Love," 'uddre~s th~ S H elplna Hand. and Rev. Chuck I g p r o b h •m11 ~·om m o n to mun y j .. mmer will bl" partlcapatlng In women who art• trylni w bitlunc:<• t the aecond R rvlce of the SOutb rMrrl ae. career. chlldl'\'n, work. f Coan Cbarcb to be held at South R e g 16 tr 8 r a n n 0 u n c e 8 the nd ore quietly suC!erln&. from Coast Plaza Hote l, 666 Anton, follow ing Evening Education the conflicting demands on their Costa Mesa at 10:10 a.m. Sunday. Ume und their ldcntltil'K. f Re.v. Euaie Nylande r wJ ll ;o~~:~~~. ~:begin this On Oc.·t 16, Crom 11 a .m. to noon l offlciateatt~eservice,a~datihe Christ College Community IH t h e Ca p is t rano B a p tlil ,:f'a~;o~:ung,whlchwillbegin Ch ora le Mus 235, 1 cr<'dlt . Cburcb, 32032 Del Obispo, San I · · · M o ndays 7 p.m .. F ee $1 0 . J~an Cap1Strano ... Emllte Barn!• 1 Jobn Crutchfield, singer, song· Dir ector: B . Wayn e Bllb ee , will present her .~~fore Hours in • • s p .. Autry, 2 Others due honors 1 A ward dinn r set Nov. 4 G 1•nl• Autry , ltt·v. Msgr Ju hn Sammon und Mni. Sophie Gt ndcl of fo'oll~rton wlll l>t· honored Nov. Al ut t,ht• sixth ounuol humanlturum owurd* dinn1:r of the Orana 1 County chupttor o f tht.• Nutlo nol Confert:n n ut Chrisllllllll und Jt•w11 The dinner will bt.• held at thl' Anaheim Marriott Howl beginning at 6:30. Dandng will follow the program o\ whk h the Rev. Charles Cassaiw, 1:hnnct>llor or Loyolu Univaniity. Los Ang<ik'S, w ill be the speakt>r Each year, the <..'onferenet.> honors reprt.>sentaUvea of Protest.ant. Catholic and Jewish faiths. thrl'<' ml4Jor futth!ll for thNr l•HCJrl.• on bt•h111f of broth(•rhood The honon't'lil will bl· S urry Ju.y A bcuhum i o f Founuun Vull•·y. Cynthia NoRura oC Jo'ounuun Valley and Alk10 Ollcgul'ro of Son to Ann The lht N ' l'ach will m .>t•lv"' $300 11tholanahlp chl'('k.11 . ,1 ~ l'or 1n ormnuon. <.·all 7~1 ·2 173 Autry 1~ own<.·r of the Cahform<• Angt'IJ1 and a b1·omku ting l'><t'<'utJve. Gl·nd l•I lll'r vcs on the board of dirc'Ct4.1rs of St. Jose_ph Hospital. end Town and Gown of Chapm;an College l writer, and vocal instructor -Room: Founders Hall 200. My ~ay -: Part I -seminar. t will bring a musical celebration Martin Luther: Man and His T h is w ill be a three·h.o u r G l w ith s ong a nd guitar to the Wo r k , Re l 373, 2 cred its. se m inar b ase d o n Bibl1cal e n e A utry ln addition , the chapter wall honor three young people representing the J ohn S ammon 1s Episcopal vicar for pastoral l'Ommun1ty affairs of the Catholic Dux.-ese of Or:.ingc at M<1ry Wood Center, Orange. fLa1una B e a c h U nl&arlan-Mondays. 7-9.p.m ., F ee: $60 pMncip~s ap~ied In a pr~t~I ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Unlveri allst scrvit-e Sunday a t credit; $40 audit. Instructor: Dr. manner. At11U•1ed w1111 01~1n1 Science ! 10:30 a.m. The church ls at 429 Carl Berner Sr., Founders Hall llARVE T CllU .ADE IN IRVINt.: •Cypress Drive. 204. The L og os , sen ior h i gh L 'b U C COMMUNITY CHURCH : ~hr1Stian Witness. Rel 222. 2 scho.olers of the Community 1 er ty uptist h u rc h ! The R ev. Marga r e t An edits, Wednesdays, 6-9:30 p.m.. Pre1byte rlan Churcb, Laguna 5108 Bonita Canyon Rd .. lrvinr :Reynolds w ill preach on "Is e : $60 credit: $40 a ud it. Beach, will attend a fall retreat vre~ent1 a BY THE BAY . where an a1mosphere of love 1oy and lreedom prevails. 1n which each person can feel sate 10 be himself and develop his owri d1v1ne potential II you are seek1no a church family like this welGome home• :Chris tian Educat ion Moral Ins truc t or : Da le H a_r tma on , to be held on Catalina Island, Educatio n?" Sunday. At . the Founders Hall 103. Friday through Sunday. Th ey 1 ~ Nel&bborhood Congregational To ~nro~I . please .. register at . will be acrompanied by the Rev. Cbrcb in Laguna Beach. to d ass lime m the asstgned room. Cral1 Wiiliams, assistant pastor Prt view of Dr. Jerry Folwell'• 1982 Super Confu ence. Plan IC• atll'nd lht' Jlar vebl Cnaade al L1beriv Bap1is1 Churrh 111 Irvine, tt.pte.mLt'r 30.0 ciobtr () al 7 p.ni. ni~h1h . Ur. John R~lmg~. lt'aturtJ speaker al F alwrll's Supt'r Confnr nr r "'111 lw lht kt'\ nolt tptak,.r al ihe Cru .. aJe. Sprc11I Cru~11dt' mu 1c will adJ lo the warm. friend!~ atmosphere. mark Chris t ia n Educa tio n Fo r mo re in formatio n , c a ll of the church,and willbejoining :Sunday . T he Ch a n cel C hoir registrar Sh i rley Hess at other similar groups. u nder the d ir ection of J ohn 752.6222. Sunday Celebration ol Liit I Speaktri Worklflops I Clauu I llook Sh°" Youth Gn>up I Nurury Cart Holistic Health Center Sundays at 10 : ftompson will sing: "He S hall :c ome Down L ik e Rain " b y ; McCormick. Soloist for the day .w ill be Judy Arme r of Dan a : Point. A new film series featuring be s t -se l li n g a uthor J oyce Landor( w ill be presented by Capistrano Baptist Church on Sunday Ocl. 10, and foUowing 5 weeks al 5:00 p.m. Larry Allmon, general director of Gospel Recordings. Pasadena, wiU keynote lhe annual missions conference _al lhe ' E vangelical F r ee Church of Huntington Beach Sunday at 8 and 11 a.m . and 6 p.m. services. WBER'IV BllPTIBT CHURCH "HUln( In The Flow" . I , The Christ College Irvine ·Irvine , CA . 85 1-91 44 SAINT MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Holy Communion -Sundays 8 & 10 a.m. Tuesday 7 a.m. Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. The Reverend John Rogers Davis, Rector " ._W3 P•clflc View Drive 7141944-0483 Corona del Mar 92825 .M .Boyd in~~r~; Daily PilDI BITT,RH1TI of Newport a .. ch • lrvlne (Reform) HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES at 1011 Camefbecll Roed (off Jemboffe) Newport 9Hch YOM KIPPUR Sun. Sept. 28 (Kol Nldre) ....................................... 8 p.m. Mon., Sept. 27 ............. .. . ..................................... 10 a.m. Children's Service ..... .. ... , ............................ 1:30 p.m. Afternoon. Yln or and Nellah (Closing) ..................................................... 3:30 p.m. 8en1oee oonduoted bf "9bbf Merle I . Miiier AHlatect bJ Cantot Ron-'d Ewan '°'die ...,..... ....... TioMee: 7~1- ~ South Coa s t Community Church Services 8:30 A .M. & 10 : 1 S A .M. CorCHto del Mor High School, 2101 foublvff Or Corono del Mo• "The Clean Slate Club'' Tim Timmons , S p e a k in g For Info: Call 644-1350 ~==O==. r==an==g==e ~===G~o;;:=as==t ;:;:;;:;::;:;;R:;::;:;::E;:::;::;L:;::=:;::l::;:=G===::;l~O---=-=-=-=U---S~;:::=:D===l==R==E:::;-i;:::C::::;:=T===O=====R===Y======_J ~'You've Tried the rest. NOW try the BEST!" CHRISTIAN SCIENCE A CORDtAL WELCM "ev. °'· 11eenor c. Jeckeon CHURCHES FROM n£ -;;;: ~~d;;-' ~r,~~~~~ UNITED CtUtCH OF C .. IST HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (~of Ctwtet) M011rYt"9et .... lallebef This Sunday Worship In 8T. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH eoo St. Andrews Road • Newport Beach • 1131·2830 CHRISTIAN CHURCH "REALITY" Sunday Servkle & Junior Church COIMJNITY CtUCH Or.,..,.. A. ......... ·~ --• ..... ..,., 15th & irvtne. Newport Beach s"nday, September 26, 1912 CONGREGATIONAL 1o-..ao A.M. Co•t• Meta -Flrat Church of Chrlat, e11 Heltotrope .... Morning Worship 10 ...... Worship Services-7:30-8:45 & 10: 15 AM "But Hove Not Love" Sclentlat corona del Mer "How frttinc Prospers You" -.._.Verde Df .. eo.u ..... ' 144-7400 Gene lwanaon, Mlnleter 0.. John A Hvffmon, p.eochin9 Church Office: 1929 Tu1tln. Coate MH• ~ • lundeJ hhool -10:00 A.M. DoMld w. Kuta. Mlnleter ~ ..... 10l2 OW.A: ........ Ml ttl• ......,_ "°°"" -MeM Verde Dr. 10 A.M. -hnday Wonttlp PROGRAMS 7.30 1 m -Infante Thru Kindergarten. Chlld Care 8 •5 a m. -Infants Thru Adult Classes ht CtUCH of RELIGIOUS SCDCE Of JOPORT BEACH ....... Olwdl lhtld Olwcll of ~ Science CILalNtATION Of UR . SIRYICI 1C>.OO A.M. ~fl.·~ s.,..4-y Sc'-1-CNW C-• 1: ~I "CltEATltG MOR£ TM "'" , ;; .. YOtlt LIFE'' -~ '"· lvdy Chile "1?'°l-An·ln1pnfhtn" -760-0504 1011 Come•adc, Newport leach ( .......... ._.., • MvNc Directer • Marie ....... 760-9474 Church of St. Matthew by the Ses (Traditional Eplecopel) HOLY COMMUNION -Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Bootit Of Comtnon Pra)W -19211) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev. Jamee Hohfeld -532-2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN COITA MEIA lley ltreet et OtMte Awenw 8:00 Holy Communion 10:00 Holy Eucharist 10:00 Sunday School NufM<Y Care llM "-•· Conred Nordqutel, Vlcer 548-2237 ST . JAMES EPISCOPAL Wfl.C<llES YOU 3209 Via Udo, Newport Buch •und9J e:oo A..M. ~.,. ._., ...., c...-... eon 1t1ncMJ t:oo A.M. C""-" loMoe Md A4Mt lftcetloft 8UTMMJ 10:00 A.M. P1ret ._.,, ~.,_ .._ ...., CeMMUltloft • ....,. IMI'..,._, HofJ IYWtet, ""e n t:oo a 10:00 A.M • ..._.,Care CHARllMAT1C MAii ,.,., ......, ., the ........ -7:00 , .... TueedeJ -10!00 A..M. Hotr luoMfiet ............ Wlttl Urtnt °"Of .... TM Rn . .loM '·......,I,,._.., -,._.. f7'l.e10 ftl'llULl~N AL W'"l'Uft_.. Acc ... ,. tlilt tfH ..... 9lf c-.....,.,. 18M2 Bushard, Fountain Volley 963-3801 llY. lfDl•e W ....... llCTOI HOL' coe ••UNION ................................... . MOI ... NATmt.CHUICH ICMOOL ••• , • , •. till A.M. ..01._.. NAWOl 6 HIMON .••.••...••••. 11 .. A,-... .w a'Wl: .....;·~, ,...... ,__ • .._......., f:ll ....... TL cMiJACH . ------------,<; I A.II • .-P.M. Moft, thnl lat. Chvrdl SdlOCll encl Nl,,..y c:ete Wed. 1·1:IO ,.M. -•t:to , .... lrvlne -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat 9'MCM ..,. .loequlft lnterntedlet9 aettoot 4811 fllllcftHIHn (Near Y•) ClKMdt a lundey IOhoof -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room, 4330 .. "enc• PllWJ., l ull• 14G llonehunt Plau 10 A.M. -4 ,.M. T--. thru lat. 10 A.M. -7 P.M. Tl'lundey CMd c.,. -3u..O•r & WICl-•Y Huntington Beach -Flrat Church of Chrlat, 8clent11t ltft 6 0..., Huntlngtofl 9Nc:h CfNrctl A luftdey lcMol -10:00 A.M. ,...... "°°"' -221 Mein It. Newpo;t Beech -Flr•t Church of Chrltt, Sclentl•t ~ VI• Lido, Newpott .. ech Church ft lund•J School -9:00 a 10:30 A.M, Reeding Room, 3315 Via Lido Mon. thru Sat. -t A.M.·5 P.M. Tuee. -7-9 P.M. CMd c ... P,0\1de(I T-•vw -g :IC). I ' 30 " 11'4 fOf SIUOr T ·- Newpott Beach -Second Church of Chrl•t, Sclentlat 1100 '9cfftc View Dr., Corona del Mer c""'°" a aunc1a, IOhoof -10:00 A.M. "MdenO Room -,._ ..... I . COMI Hwy .. CdM WED. IVENINQ TESTIMONY MEETINGS - I P.M. ALL CHURCHES All are COf'dially lnVlled 10 anend the church M<'Vleet and enjoy th• PflYileges of lhe Reeding Rooms Clllld Care Provided At All SERVICES C1'11d Care f'ro•lded AT AU UAVICl8 1 r---~~~~-~~-''--~~-~-~~--- I WESTMINSTER LUTHERAN c.-cH 1 .. 1 ........ ,. .... <*st lo._. Dteto '""·a W•lntlnater ahrd.) -WORSHt' Sl!RV1Cl!S - 8:30 a 10:00 A.M. ,.A.IT°" .ao.&. A. IW'tGOUM "90,_ .,..._ • fOPORT ~BOR LUTtDAN CtUCH 1" O..et Df. ..~T MACH .....1 .....,,, ..... , .... Oeot .. A. Miner, P•ter WORSHIP SERVICE ............... : ....... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 9: 15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. .. ~CAM AYALAIU W.LCOMI 1'· SERMON TOPIC: Sept. 26th 9:00 & 10:30 A.M . ' "BORN CREATIVE" CtUCH Of RnlGIOUS SCDC£ MM!ber of tM United CflUrdl Of Aellaloue ~ UACU'1' VILLAGE IUfTI •t, 2.223 ,..AIN I TAllT HUNTINGTON MACH, CA ttt4t AcMt9 I Jr. Ctlurotl '°' lnfonMtlon 10 a 10:.30 &:Je..&teo, ""''"' NEIHORHOOO CONGREGATIONAL CtUCH J40 SL Ml'1Pllct " """""'· L..-leldl 494·&061 JOHN ... ll£YllOl.DS MMG.MO NII RmlOtDS ,..,.,.. lO Ul.-s..y..._ Clwdl SdiMI ' ......, Attend The Church of Your Choice 10: 15 a.m. -Infants Thru 61h Grade & Adull Claues ABC Helpllne-Ms-2222 Community Pre1byterl•n Church •11 '°'"'A•• .. Lajuna llMctl .._nu Rev. Arthur J. Tank«lley Rev. Craig WIUlama Christian Education 9:00-10:00 A.M. Worahfp -10: 15 A.M. NURSERY CARE PROVIOEO OURING SERVICE PRESBYTERIAN CtUCH OF THE COVENANT ST. MARK PRe88YTERIAN CHURCH 2110 'etmew M .. CGeta ..... -M14MO l.eetbluff Dr. a .Mmbor .. , Newport 9Mcft 11rvce A. Kun1e, '••tor ""· WMMem McOuold ""· Tonr Woff9 "-tor .__..,._, .. tor Terry McCenne, Director of Youth Mlnlttlea Rodger Whitten, Mu1ic Director Howard Kiiiion, Director of Adult Mlnletrtee Church School & Adult Cle .... -8:00 a.m. Don Maddox, Director of Slnglel Mlnletrtee Wonhlp s.rvtc. -10:00 a.m. • ... _ ... _ w-""1p -.-a .-..... ===N="='"="=c=-=e=·=' =llot=h="°"="=='=°'='"='°=: =C=•'=I =141-=1='4=1~ I Chunm -k~ :c-;...,--;., ~ A'M. -... ... r I Nunery CM9 ......... -a:.• ........ . A Cordl•I Welcome from The v.....,.. -1:00 , ..... .___....U_~_IT_t~-~-... -M_E_T_H~O~D_IS~T~C_H_U_R_C_H~--i l ~~~-C-H~U-RC~H-O-F~C-H-A-IS-T~~~- F'R.T UNITED Huntington Beech 217 w. Wltaon, Coete ..... 1454111 FIRST UNITED We're A Going -Glowlng -Growing etwroh METHODIST METHODIST IUNDAY HRYICH CHURCH CHURCH 9'kl STUDY t A.M. WORIHll' 10 A.M. a I P.M. 1~~~& ~ :.:,d. w~..:~~~1!7.m. 10 A.M. -''The Kin& Of The Earth" -Pulm 47 Chart!~~~nleter c~-~. 6 P.M. -Sinrill aind felowship Peul Thomae, Mlnleter -Doug Cole, YCMIUt llllWltet Coeta M ... North Ml!IA VERDE Huntington Beech North ~:;?~~ ~~~~E: 1 ~ S~!~o~~l~~l\>T CHRIST CHURCH l:tO luncla1 loMoe 10:00 l:CJ 'r1der ,...,,,. 1:11 ,.M. •Y THE RA ..__ __ F_ou-nt_al_n_V ___ a.-, __ -4 q. a a A 2 n • a ,.,., fr1der °' ~"'"'°"~ 1:IO , .... ~Beach __ , t•OO VI. Balboa Blvd. FIRST UNITRD Rabbi Benwd P. King Jembor" & EutbMt Or • 1173-3&05 Ml!THODllT CHURCH Mullc: Arie Shlkter Newport a..ctl, C.llt, Rev. Robert Shepard Jr. 111225 ~ St. Educator : Nancy Levtn 'or tntonMtton oelt M4-l'IOI Wonftlp a Church loMoe ---All Vleolcn w.._,. t:to A.M. Or. Catroll E. Word. Mlnlt tlt' WlldeJ "'9'tohoo' Wonftlp a CIMntt loMot Der c... t:to A.M. flit A.ii. .. P.M. A..,..,_.. CfMICtt NaWPORT CINTIR UNl'TaD MITMODllT •1 ...... .., ....... c...... .. ..., M4-o?4' Worship & Church School -9:30 A.M. Rev. Ken McMlll•n You Wiii .. Weloomed -And Helpedl FIRIT • CHRllTIAN CHURCH ............................... IUNDAY1 c ..... _...,...A.M. ..................... ,.,,.. Mel"'9Y-~~ ....... ..... ,....,.,, ~o-':...i., .. ..._ ow•.,_ ..._,.,.,._,.,, Ooertell.O..~I TM ...... DIAL·A-OmYOnoN --1111 OWiet .:., ---°"Pl ......... CIWtll-... __. TEMPLE SHARON . -oAV (Con...V.t~) ¥ Pr•School -Hebrew & Sunday School Bar/Mltzvah Training Youth Group-Slttlfhood Servloet: Friday, 11:15 p.m. Sat. 8:15 a.m. Sun. 9:30 a.m. 817 WHt Hamllton, Coete MeM 1114192 BITT•RHm· OF ll'IPQlf.nllll ( ... ) f'trnlty ..,.... • 1•1 f'rldey of Month -7:$0 ~ lctlool, Adult I d,. Youtt\ Groupe. ~ • 1011 Ca......._, Newport..._,.,.,_.., .. , ....... CMter ........ l .,...•l••nllr ..... Y11t ...... • ... Surgery in 10 easy lessons Do-it-yourself handbook latest taFgets o · preppy parody NEW YORK (AP) -flnt there wu Mummy, Murty and the abtolutely-to-dle cr~w that made "The Preppy Handbook" a nationwide aucce11. Now the joke'a on everything from college lite to macho men to aex manuals and tax guides. Parody la in vogue. Publlahers who sa1, "the best humor is what la true ' are finding aucceas In books that poke fun at the familiar. You mJght call It 101 uaes for a pa1>4:rback book. Examples abound. for the h ome handy man, there's "Do-It-Yourself Brain Surgery & Other Home Skills." The "other skills" Include inventing a miracle drug, building an ocean liner, crocheting your own suspension bridge and cloning yourself. Stewart Cowley says his book is for anyone who thinks, "That's easy -I could do it myself." Before you start home cloning, the guide advises, "Wash your hands and put out you r cigarette." For braiA surgery. you nl"C.'d a ahQrp knife. a hand drill .and bolllnai water. To crochet your own brldlliti• you M~d 1,622 wna of 20-ply synthetic turn und 9tl0,000 large button•. To Invent a mlnacle drug, you need a Swiss bank account "to make provl1ion1 tor applied iwxlmllty ond Ylddl•h for acntlles. Thur •'a nlao Phyalct tor DllNwntea. Laundry Problems and Rcmt'<ilal Telt>vl1lon. Thl' entlrt' deterlptlon of one Er\allah count' reads: "( u en red lhl sntnce y en tak thl cors." For those who have trouble To crochet your own bridge, you need 1,622 toqs of synthetic yarn .•. your staggering profits", a pill- making machine and a gross of white mice. , Parody's resurgence began with "The Preppy Handbook.'' which has sold 1.3 million copies at $3.9:5 each and is In lt.s 24th printing. Several parodies already have risen to the top of the trade paperback sales lists and more than a dozen others are due out this fall. Two of Preppy's co-authors have written "Welcome to Mount Merry College," a college catalog that offers courses In small talk, recognizing members oC the opposite .ex. an illustrated .ex manual called "How To Do Sex Properly" might help. h has a chapter on "learning to kiss right," ••fumble-free undressing" and "it pays to advertise." The intimate details are illustrated with teddy bears. "The Original Up Your Income Tax" advises taxpayers with four spouses to "declare yourself a religious institution" and claim non-profit status. "Real Men Don't Eat Quiche.'' a spoof of the macho image, is No. :t <>n The Netw York Tlme1t hst of trade paperback•. In a almllar Vtlln 11 "The Manly thndbook.'' with a covt'r showing a mu1cutar. tattooed arm crushing a beer c•n. Rule No 1 tor belnf a manly mtln II: "Don't wear designer jf!anB.'' Fifth on the trade best-aeller list ia "The OUlclal MBA Handbook.'' Two re<,ient master's o f · bu11ne11 admlnlstralion graduates from Harvard dilJcUlfl such weighty matters u credit card etiquette ("when to flash the re.al power card") and the virtuea of a year-r ound tan ("recommended for sen ior managers only; too much color can be problematic tor junior execs"). "The best humor is what Is true. taking little pockets of society and demystifying them," says Sally Kovalchick, editor-In- chief of Workman Publishing, which published "Preppy." Publishers ·say the 'Parody appeals to the anU-establlshment generatJon of the 1960s . Teachers told, 'Get kids out of boxes' for "the betterment of the classes as a whole." Head to head TWENTYNINE PALMS (AP) -·Putting a kindergarten pupil in a box for disruptive behavior is an improper m ethod of classroom .disdpline, a school official says. Joe Boeckx. superintendent of the Morengo Unified School District, said he halted the prac ti ce after a paren t complained about the "isolation box" type of punishment at Palm Vista elementary school. Cardboard boxes about the · same dimensions as a four- drawer file cabinet were used to isolate pupils from other children in two classrooms '¥hen they disturbed other students, Boeckx said. " Palm Vista Principal Ray Garrett sdid the boxes. which were open at the top, were used to curb classroom misconduct and However, Boeckx said the boxes were an improper type of discipline and any teacher found using them "will be looking for a new job." Names of the teachers were not released. Acrobats Michel and Haymond Dionne of Quebec demonstrate their talents during a recent circus performance in Farmington, - N.M. Michel is the upside down one. HllllCIPI By SYDNEY OMARR Sanday Sept. %6 . ARIES (March 21-April 19): You'll be asked to present data whic h includes facts, figures and proposed format. Superior is willing to make room for you. to provide opportunity for greater self-expression . Locate ~ing papers, take notes and "collect thoughts.'' · TAURUS (/\pril 20-May 20): Accent on communication. long-distance calls. valid chance to retstore sense of direction. Spiritual values come into focus, e ducational pursuits are outlined and personal h o rizons expand. Gemini native plays significant role. GEMl~I (May 21 -June 20): Be aware of details, fine points, subtle trends and financial status of one who makes numerous claims. Dig beneath surface indicaUons, reject superficial explanations. Unorthodox procedure brings desired results. Watch Scorpio! CANCER (June 21-July 22): Lie low. get second wind, study Aries message. review legal documents. Gain indicated through reading, writing and by giving full play to intellectual curiosity. Member of o pposite sex pays "meaningful compliment." LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Attendance at meeting proves beneficial; get together with co-workers, persons who share basic interests and concerns. Accent on employment. basic chores. review of nutritional requirements and ability to finish what you start. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Define t.enns, see people as they are. avoid self-deception and imprint your own style. Be r eady for significant changes, unusual messages and news concerning childre n . Gemini, . Sagittarius and another Virgo figure prominently. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Your position is s tronger than originally anticipated. Individual who attempts to test or challenge is merely "feeling you out." Stand tall for rights, be positive of safety or security measures and this may mean a chan~e of locks. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Be open-minded, not gullible. Ideas-are plentiful, key is to be selective, to choose quality. Let go of past. take plunge into future. Relative will relinquish claim if you are flexible. Aries. Libra persons play key roles. SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Hlfhlight independence, origlnality. sel -confidence and detennlnation to begin new phase of life. Good money news is forthcoming -you've overcome adversity and now you'll feel renewal of strength. Leo is involved. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Personality sparkles -people comment on your appearance and · confidence is renewed. Family member provides ~ing data, aids in achieving. aspiretions. Success comes through personal appeals, direct approach and frank appraisal. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Look behind scenes. diversity. display versatility, humor and intellectual curiosity. Gemini, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. Visit to hospital results in "spiritual nourishment." You'll locate item that had been lost or stolen. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): By checking details, you help your own cause. Lunar focus on desires, wishes. friendships and romance. Utilize powers of persuasion -you'll become aware of "hidden assets." What seems a delay or setback will actually boomerang in your favor. Teacher, s ip.dent dates out VISTA (AP) -In a move to d iscourage teacher-student roman~. the Vista School District h as tentatively adopted a policy asking schoel employees to "refrain" from dating pupils. ~ The policy would aover all Vista School District employees. ·~ THE \. !!.,!:! All CIClta114J ... IOlAI WA.,. NIAT.-aAfHIOOM ...,..._ S. I< 111U1 a.me. Time 81Am .. y-Door ICall Sien ,__ v-AIMI OOtT• MBA 641 -1289 u2•..._,..,..,, MISSION VlllO 495..()401 2M't2 c...... c,,,, ...... ~ .... -,. .. ,._, ......,,, S,,.cl•I ~ Sept, 22 -<1tpt. 21. 1912 ,, ........ (Htc*ll): lt.'9 .. - L 11111 kq WitllOVI t doutJt Ille ...i m11111&111t of ... 1111 llfl' ~-llo4y, bf1lkantly vtllltd kl 11111.,... ., .... &1• ... _. lft ~I. ~ IM II .. ,,...,, ... Oft .... ._ IN title .. ._ Hltllt" lot odfr ltt9. ~ ..... !l ....... ee.. ...... .... j , MUSIC FOR MOP PITS HAS ARRIVID Al IL&ER MUSIC STUDIO • Kinder Keyboard Classe1 available for olt:Mr Beolnners. Call for a FREE mu1/c and pl1no readiness test for your ch/Id 111-2121 TODAY, A TRADITION BEGINS We aTe pleased to present Christmas, 1982, at ID4r ®rigittalQ14rtstmas §inrr Grand Opening! The most beautiful store in the world is nnw open in Newport Bea<:h. Eome-see! It's a ·wonderful, wondrous store, devoted in its entirety to the magic that is Christmas · SEE Our 198 2 Super Scene: "Oscar", a life-size animated elephant. Created expressly for The Original Christmas Store. $75,000 SEE Snow .White and the Seven Dwarfs, an animat- ed scene children (of all ages) will adore. $8,500. SEE Stained glass creations designed and created by artisans throughout this country. Many made ex- pressly for the Original Christmas Store. SEE 0 Id -·fas hi oned . books, ornaments" and icicles like Grandma used. I I SEE Our beautiful Baro- que Doll House. $2~,000 . SEE An animated scene from The ) SEE The fabulous col- lect ion of "teddy" bears from 'round the world ... there's even a teddy bear tree! SEE Bugs Bunny and fri e nds in happy animation. $7 ,500. SEE Over 50 ,000 pieces of mouthbown, hand-painted glass from eight countries. Wiza rd of Oz. $5,000. SEE A fanta sti c col- lec t ion of u n usu a I toys and games. , SEE More than 100,000 holiday ornaments from 60 countries of the world. SEE More than 8,000 DIFFERENT ornaments selected by us from more than 60 countries. SEE Hundreds of tradi- tional pyramids and nut- crackers and music boxes in a va riety of colors,sizes, styles. SEE Our enchanting assort- ment of Santas, from old- fashioned styles to straw. Just walk through the doors. You 'll feel transported to a land of enchantment ... a "fairyland'' of twinkling lights, happy holiday sounds and the scent of fresh pine. Over three mitlion people have visited out stores in Orange County and Beverly Hills. ID qr ®rigiU~i why. Q!Qri!!ID~~tnrr 1 ~ (Across from 8roo"5 Brothers) ALSO OPEN FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT An Original Christmas Store in L~ Ang~le . . 10250 Santa Monica Blvd. in Century City Shopping Centre . h AND OPENING SOON More i an A Store . . . The Cit Sho in Center Oran e A Unique Ex~rience. Open Mon ay thru Satur ay 10 'ti/ 6; Sunday.s 11 'ti/ 5 I ..... ... Orang• OOHI DAIL. v Pll.OT /Saturday. September 25, 1912 'Spoons,' 'Gloria' don't quite click • lh FRED ROTHENB£f\O ,.-,......._....., NEW YORK Ard11t• Bunkt•r'11 little 11trl la on her owl\ und lllcky Sch roder moves from films to o televlalon 11\rom. Unfortunott1ly for w~ekcnd v1ewcm1, S ully S trutht>ni can't J:JilrY a show wllhoul tht-bigot or the meathead. and llttlt> Ricky hm't 10 adorable or funny -on the srn~ll 1ereen. ,•lGJoria," beginning Sunday night on' CBS. la a sitcom aplnotf fot· Miss Struthers. Cast as a veterinarian's aJ!llstant, Gloria and her son have '1'G,Ved lo upstal(> New York after ~qsband Mike left for a commune with another woman. In NBC's "S ilver Spoons," S chroder, who was J on Volght's . huggable son in "The Champ," is a mature 12-year-old living witb his rich, nincompoop father. NBC hopes the kiddies who enjoy impish Gary Coleman in "Dif('rent Strokes'' will stay turned for Schroder an his series 'f¥ debut tonight. But, while Coleman ts convincing as a wise -beyo nd -his-year s k id . Schroder is not. The warmth he exudes in the movies isn 't transmitted in TV's intimate closeups. He's an adult in kids' clothing. but when th~ du'ld inside is called for, it doesn't cOme out. Nobody will believe he can really skin his knees. Joel Higgins, who starred last year iJl ABC's ''Best of thE' West,'' is the father who m a k es eve r y d ay Chr istmas, lik«.-Dudle y Moore in "~thur." Edward Stratton lll's I mansion 1s equipped with king-size trains ar\d wben he's not playing Casey Johes, he's acting like Casey Stengel. The best moments are when the childish F.dward plays with his toys. Pac-Man noises punctuate his feelings, anp railroad crossings are real hazards. You'll either love him or hat.e him. Some of his baby sitters are good, too: Erin Gray. model-turned-actress, 1s Edward's d e voted secre tary. Leonard Lightfoot is his lawyer. Thls is NBC's second new show to play father d oesn't know best. "Family Ties," about children of the '60s raising Reaganomics kids, is more sophisticated. But, for young audiences (>n Saturday nights, '1Sllver Spoons" isn't the worst thing around. "60 Minutes" and "Archie Bunker's Pl.a("'" un• bound tQ turn uudicm'etl ovt>r to "Ole>rla." lndul\ry analy1t1 aoy "Gloria" will b<> on1• of tho fow n 1w hlta, t'lpcclally alm't• lu. hour long comp Uuo n la hl'lf o vt>r wht>n ''Olorlu" •tarta. \ But the program'•~ won't be on m rll. It's not winy, and animal jokes went out with ra('COOn coats. Ju1t bccauae Arc hie'• minority brood ldcs work dOl'ln't mean joket1 about gay dogs will be funny. And Archlt:'a famous raspberry comes out very sour on Gloria. Miss Struthent mup too much .. Jor the cameras, turning Gloria Into a whining , s hrill woman . This overacting was less noticeable on "AU in the Family." Obviously, Miss Struthors misses Rob Reiner and Carroll O'Connor, but only Michael ls expected to show ~p. according to CBS. . In Sunday's episode, Burgess Meredith of "Rocky I-Ill" does well as Glor ia's ne w fa the r figure, Or. Willard Adams, the veterinarian who hired h er . He's crotchety, but has softened his edges since CBS set up "Gloria" on an episode of "Archie Bunker's Place" last season. Based on S,unday night's pilot, Meredith won't be the Coil for Miss Struthers. Instead, that adversariaJ role falls to a female vet, angling to take over Dr. Adams' practice, and an incompe te nt -but young and handsome -assistant vet. Al least Gloria's son (Christian Jac.'Obs) is cute -and he can act like a kid. Itliss Piggy to hog the TV special spotlight? "What makes it so funny is all the pain sh e ·is trying to hide," cr e ator sa ys '5 Piggy -.41 llOTillCTt D -·1·-·-~ .... _,..,_,._ TORONTO (AP) -Miss Piggy is thinking of returning to weekly television. the grind she left two years ago when "The Muppet Show" ended production. "Yes," she will admit between breaks in the taping of her new TV special, a wee'kty show "does sap one's strength." But, she adds, with a roll of her big blue eyes and a sigh, it's her duty, the price of stardom because "1t will be thrilling for my billions of fans to sec me every week. "And I also get to keep the wardrobe." Although the Uivlne Miss P believed her recent hour-long special on ABC was a prelude to a weekly stint, it wasn't. "She thought she was getting her own series," Piggy's alt.er ego, Frank Oz, says. • Oz -the creator of Piggy, F~ Bear, Animal. Cookie Monster, Sam and Grover over the years for the Muppet Show and Se~ Street - has nixed the idea or a series because "it's just too hard." The California native spent five years in London taplng the Muppet Show "going to work at 9 a.m. and getting back home at 9:30 at night, with time to eat. do some laundry and go to sleep. "I couldn't go back 10 that," says Oz who seemed remarkably sane and unflappable during a recent interview -even though he had just gulped a fast lunch, held a few hasty meetings ln p halJway and faced.a 12-hour-day of taping, a good deal of i't inside a tiny, curtained booth from where he brlnJs Miss Piggy to life. ''I m not a crazy person who eats breakfast with all my little characters," he says. "I want to enjoy H e (Oz) is tired of silly ''bacon jokes." my time and my wife and space out my work." For that reason Oz -"It's really 01onowich, but people can't pronounce it," is one of the few key Jim Hen.son Associates personnel not involved in Fraggle Rock. the Henson aeries with a completely new gang of characte rs ta ped this· summer in Toronto. It will be broadcast in January on Home Box Office. Inst.cad, Piggy -everyone refers to h er in the third person and crew members say such things as "You should have seen her yesterday, she was great," or "She'll be in the NOW PLAYING COSTA •U ht--•WllT-.TU l""•d' C-Ceftlff !.,..._ S--. AMC Oo-IUI !don •d> ~ w..i control room later with Kermit" - will do a Johnny Carson show, film a special ln Colorado witb John Denver and probably star in a third Muppet movie . And o f course, Pigg)' has found a new avenue -an album and book of aerobics, or as she prefers it, aerobiques. But Oz. who recenlly directed the new Henson movie "Dark Crystal," and still films segments for Sesame Street seve ral weeks ea ch year, promises "I'm not giving up on my characters. I'm just limiting them." While he'IJ admit he's tired of all "those llilly bacon ;.>kes and hammock jokes," Oz says he'll never lite of Piggy's character. "I c.-ould go on for hours and hours about her complexities, and that's what makes her int.cresting for me. "I'm really not a fan of puppets. So many of them are just cardboard cutouts. They doQ't interest me. But Piggy ls th~·dimenaional. She has all the fears. contradictions, peeves, pains and hurts as anyone else. ... "People may see her as someone who rides around in limousines and eats caviar," says Oz. who considers himself an actor-entertainer rather than a puppeteer. "But what makes it so funny is all the pain she is trying to hide." 111 4"1 '81 UH U 7 Ol<IO Ht HU ~ ---Clolr«M ("'•tltW-CIQeC-UAC"YC:--•!JI-~ 1 YOO MAY -A NIE.W AOlJ...S ROYCE •1 , ENTER THE ti . PlUS SI00.000 IN CASH OA ONE OF· (1i•llH IMO UI otU 13• ltll ,,...._.ACCt-"'-•'OI , • ..........,J -THE KIND OF LOVE STORY FOR WHICH THE PUBLIC'S BEEN THIRSTING. A SKIUAJLLY CRAFTED AOMANT1C DRAMA WITH HIGHLY CHARGED PEAFORMANCES." MISSION VIEJO Edwards Vieio Twin 830·6990 NEWPORT IUCH ORANGE Edwards Newport Cmema C1nedome 644 0760 634 2553 WHTMINSTElt Edwards Cinema West 891 3935 r "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!'.' -.--.,l'<'ON ~onov.t'CllV ~ . INCllON . ~THOUSANDS OF OTHER PRIZES ~ . ·, . .,,~ ..... -~-==--....... ,.,,, •' MILLION DOU.AR • ::."":"" ~-..::;:l':;o;::~:·.:::;;:- SWEEPSTAKES • --·-.. -· - casn•aa , .. __ ,_ 6)1 )~I cotn•u rw.~-c...~· ~· 11H NOW PLAYING llt-..._. __ 1 ... -~, U·--C.... )ti »to 41• uu •..r•re.--1 ... ___ C-0 c- .... ,.. U •UU ..... ..... r...--.c .... --.. ~)t OU) U' "" 1 ........ acc1••u•01, ... , ......... ,, 1Mta11a.-S110u.._ .. _.., ~))OU -·~Ta ~c... ....... "t >tU •PT-9d.n CDl&J0-1 Tight fit AP Wlreptiolo Erik Estrada, star of TV's "CHiPs," gets a kic k out o( h is image on a billboard, part of a n u pcoming segment o f the series, in Los Angeles. ••ARQAIN llATIN•Ea • ,Moltdey tllN let11rdey Atr ,erlormance• before 5:00 PM (i.,l ..... Elllll I 11 .... ......,.) "AN Ol'l'ICD MID A MNTUllAN" 1111 ----- .... ~1:1.:AU.•4111 ----~-·- LAKEWOOD CENTER WAllC IN ..... fl\.O'IDt ntS WALL• ... ·--------- "INCHON" ------ MAlllTYVLLIJI: THI '°981MION" llQ ----- Joc11lty OI Concl .. •OOCI 211/H1•tMO ..,... LA8T I "CLOCKWORK AmNCAN VIRGIN" ... OIUJ!IQll" ... ----------- -... -. ... _ ...... g ___ .... ''::r"!fl:.. ~~ £."Ji~l:.. ~1Ul11 CM.fll-·-... CM-cslaul-.... llfllOMICM-Mtll-~-- --.... 1•1111 Qll.ll--· ...... ........ v ANAHEIM 0 111\lf IN ,_ .... ~ .. 11'-fflO C.A-~~~~~~~~--.~~~~~~~~ .... l t.ntS~C I I CTIOll .. MT9 -""" ... l.ntSDIS ·~ ... C...A- ............. BUENA PARK r,, •t •H .._ ___ ........ llMOJO --...... LINCOLN 0111\lf IN \fftCOI" A,,. *•ti ot •Ntt't I 121~10 ..,. -.r unu wo•1a.,_ • ....,.... ... --n-..r ""' "TMI -.ef""' Ill -.._ P\.O'f'Dl-'"9 WALL.• flll ...... NM• 1111 "INUIDU" ft! Cllll •" -~ .. - .. UTTWAT ••·~ ......... •11- 1/1 HAHk'A •" " ~ --- 0 '1 t\ NG E {•111"1 ... C..·A- •AMTYft.La111 '"'l'Oee9-""' --.ATM ... r.1111 Ctll( A- "TMILMT ••ac.ue.....,.,. -~ ... ._,,. ....... ••-c-.e 6M-tM1 1 Ain't he sweet? AP Wlrephoto That's _Dustin Hoffman behind the wig and glasses, playing a fellow who finds life a r eal drag. Charles Durning makes a point during filming of the picture. -..... .._ -·- ( LUXURY THEATRES ) • \ ~ ltt Tw•t-. .. 1ep•rs2.11 ......... ..., 'W s 11•t.t44·».tW61~~ss1~-;:, J s * FOR FOOi EX<ITEmEITTI Vasrt * ARCADE of GAMES • . . . 1l-\ 1trl-;;-(#u rn l2:JO Z:JO 4::10 l :JO l :JO lo 10::10 70MM Eitum136121~ 9282/"g.~J q kc:. Rmmw I ET.THE EXTRA· @~el ' fitE rma•1t::a1!f!o~Ff.!off!~~ tz:SS J :I O 112071:101'41 ~ 101ZO 70mm/NO "91ws lil;l ij®1 ·'·'8"'6 l6J9 8770/~'&1:) SUl'9C-~l~Dlr.cl lOYourCorlOdloOt•ltlQ~l'lor~ uur•nc• ot•~ f,4fr f/11fr! l]D! AT •tOCl_,..T NICM 9 AllM» The Soleller ") ... u1 Z..ppeil (" The story of a weekend after a night at the opera. A Glorious Uproarious Love St~ . ........ ,.. ~,.. J 111111 rb m•n11••••m . , ... ,.. ......... . .... .,mJUll l U 11iltti llilll., ..... _ lllr1t•ll• ._.,.,.,JRJB11f11c ... ., .. 111t111t•NI ........ ,_.1tlflR•...,11WJW ~=-=~ A79t ............... ,...._ .......... i,. ~-... ·r:::;-:- NOW PLAYING AT THES£ SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRES ceen•u .._ Ed'#atds Town Ctt!t" 7t • 7S1 •114 tel 71 4 ---/;- Orange CoHt DAIL.V PILOT/Saturday, September 26, 1982 Ed Schmerler makes his With tlw humt•lfln•lch looinlna& uf' dt•ud uht•od v tc-ran trlviaddkt F.d &·hnwrlt•r pu lt'tl uht•od by onu IC1nath In thl• rat·o tor tht• 1 Oti<'lj thlx wt·t•k with um: of two pt!rfoct ICOn'11. Cobra 11 talJled lhu otheor P<'rfccto WI lhu 0v<'r the 11111 Gans milled one and dropped Into M'C.'Ond pothlon tAftt•r u Iona-running deadlock Now It nil bolls down to the unawcra to ltXl1Ay'1 column. lleod 'crn and wcur· folkll. Here '11 the lust lm·1 t•m<.-nt oC 'l'rlvla Bow XXVJI: TRIVIA BOWL XXVll STANDINGS 1 Ed Sc:hmetler I 111 t 16 2 01r1r thl Hill <hng (10) 114 3 SH•1Ch Mulci4ic:remp (9) 102 4 Cob<e 11 ( 1 I) 96'" 6 'Trecy Godfrey (3) 72 e The Blhr feclt I 70 7 N11nry PtlOf (5 84'" 8. ·rne Qroup (Ill G3 9 Alcil W.,net (3t 3 l 10 ·rile Olony11en1 p .. ,, 28'-t 11 Jeno Ru1Mtl 121 20 ·no en1ry received -nau ol laa1 tK:Otl IWlldod roth)' Gatley made a screen name for herself whom? 2. Oswald the a bbit had two sons. Name them. 3. The world's longest -running play opened in 1952 and is still being staged. Name It. 4. What camera was known for its slogan, "Blue dot for sure shot?" 5 "You know J love you. of oourse, make me know that you're the boss" are lyrics from what pop sonlo( of the Sixties'! 6. On what early TV show might you hear the son~. "Buckle Down, Winsockle?" POLTEAOEISt ........ IAT/auN.1 ...... MI T.~O•~· I'll.""' .. IAT/IUM. ... 1111. ,.,. ••T WHOMHOUW.., ........ IAT/IUM. ....... TRIVIA BY 1~1~ 7 Who, ut thl• point ln tune, holch th<' maj>t lcugul'I' all-t1tn1• rt~'<>rd tor •lrikf'Outa WI a batt«, ni>t ta plk'hcr? 8 ln whut atage play would you Clnd Bird! Bag try? II . In the mov1t> "Victory," nume (a) the approximate au.cndanc.-e al the 110CCer game and (l1) the scort.' al halfome. 10. The ac.:trcu was the apple o! the producer's eye. He coaxed her into a aea CJ"UiBe. but d idn't ~I her ubout thl• monkey business he had in mmd ln what movw? Last Week's Ao1wer1 l. Tom Drake (name change) 2. Hangman (Hogarth Hemp) 3. Gunther and Francis (Car 54) 4 F.P .. for "Fair Play" (Mad Bomber) 5. Cactus Motel (1'Last Picture Show") ; 6. "The In Crowd" (every minute C.'Ount) • .. 7 Cleveland's Ray Chapman (baseball fatality1 8 "The Haunting of Hall House " (Eleanbr Vance) 9. (a) Lompoc, (b) Black Pussycat (''The Bank~ Dick") : 10., "Pone With the Wind" (movie ridrUe) (SC'nd your answers to TRIVIA, clo the Daily Pilot, ·Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All entries mu.I be rect.>1ved by Wednesday, o therwise half tJ,e• player's last score will be awarded) Pll.11tl.1'111 IATllUN. .. .... ~- ET. ·~·~ ,....,.... .... TDUftalA&. ·~ ~ .............. IAT/IUN.1"" .. ....~-· Cl I rl .,, .. II •' r.I •II , 11 ~I ., .. • 1 )4 ( I J ~ I J •• Or•no• CoHt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, 89')tember 25, 1982 ( Save Big on every . Evans Black carpet of soil, stain and wear resistant Anso IV®· arns . • ®• ALLI ED CORP. NYLON Check usout. V"' Six Mo.nths Free Interest V"' Harlow's Ten Year Guarantee V"' Over 51 Years of Service .._ V"' Brand Name Pro~ucts V"' Custom Made Draperies V"' ~xperienced Salespeople V"' Quality lns.tallatlon V"' 9 Convenient Locations Carpet.~ And Installation For One 1'w Sale Price! This dense plush will stand up to the everyday wear-and-tear of family living. Easy care nylon fiber construction makes this carpet unmatched for wear and beauty. A rich, thick, plush crafted from Anso IV~yarns for years of outstanding performance. Many vibrant colors add to the desirability of this long-wearing carpet. The ultimate in a richly fashioned plush styled for your decorating needs. With so many sumptuous colors, this carpet will retain Its appearance over years of wear. ' OAf'DIN Qf'OVI 12802 Knott StrHI Clf'NTOI 11~ South Street . A vibrant cut and loop and rugged performance all wrapped up in one beautiful carpet. The An so IV~yarns assure quality that lasts. One of Harlow's best values. 1 A luxurious saxony plush, made of stain and soil resistant 100°/o n.ylon yarns-today's most durable carpet fiber. Its many fashion -colors make It easy to coordinate with your p~rticular decor. . . LONG llACH 3«> E. •t" St,_. fine c.-pet feank>na by ~)'matrong . , , '" ~o G11oe" O•o•~ ,,,.,, tACll.iH I~ tflt Clrt•IOt ~ IAcfOM ffOf" .... HUNTINGTON llACH . 15073 Qotoenwnt Clefl1ncl Doll JOH t I Coco ti Convenient Cred!t Terms Available (71 4~ ltl·Ml1 • (211) IM-Mll 'LACI NT IA 127 E Yorba Ltnda 11 I•• Wttl ot "'""'''' (114)NMH1 ' I • c21a-.... e11aaa.1a1 CORONA DIL MAf' 3831 E•t Collt Hlghw1y 1Ac•ou lrOf'll ,,,. Crowftt ,_..,.,,"'" (114t 11S.444J . . ' I (7t4t •s.111t • (l.11t .... 1 · LAGUNA HILLI 233&1 Avenldl tie la Carlott1 ( .. t__, (I fOfO & I.Ille llaf .. t ftltt) (7t4) 711-7• .., , STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. 9•m·5:30 pm Mon. & Fri. till 9 Garden Grove open Sund1y 12·5 Lagun1 Hiiia Mon.t"ru Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-5:30 Sun. 12·5 ... , 8ATUROAY, SEPT. 25, 1982 , TELEVISION COMICS CLASSIFIED 87 88 8 9 Unit d tat criterium~bicycle chun1pio11 hip today. 85. \ - Rams just playing the waiting game A little give and take could renJedy the • • s1tuat1on - -F erraga1no By JOHN SEV ANO Of Ille Deltr .....,. l teff Like the baseball players did a year ago,. football's walkou ts are ta king a w ait-and-see attitude. No future plans have been devised as yet. There has been no talk of scab teams, settlements or panic on the part of the players. "I'm anticipating a long strike, but I'm hoping for a short one." is h o w q u a rte r back Vince Ferragarno explained his feelings. "I don't know w hen the two sides will gt.>t back to the bargaining table. But whenever, they do, I hope the union considers the owners' next offer and rectifies this situation." In the mean time, most Rams players are going abo1,1t th1:ir business as us ual. There art! daily workouts, u su a ll y fo llo we d b y individual rehabilitation or weight programs. The only difference in their routin es is the absence or daily team meetings ancJ the watching of game films. Of c:ourse, the big omission is that of a Sunday game. "Apparen tly, Crom what I understand, the problems are at the negotiating table," Ferragamo says. "If they would just sit down a nd negotia te a point, and give and take a little. all this could be remedied." ''l really don't think it w iU last long," added defensive tackle Mike Fanning, a Huntington .Beach resident. "But to tell you the truth I don't know a whole lot about what's going on ... except that they're not meeting. which 1 think is ridiculous." As it stands now, both the players union and the owners are waiting for a phone call. from one another. In other words, each is waiting for the other to make the fi rst move. There's one theory being passed around that the owners are playing a waiting game, hoping a missed paycheck or two might cause a division within the union and send the players scurrying back. "Overall, I think the guys knew the strike might potentially be a Ion' one," said renter Doug Smith. "And I think they ve prepared them.8('1vcs for one. I'm prepared for It. • "All I know ii that In a strike situation nobqdy ever really wins. I'm definitely looking at thl1 aa a short tenn thing. 1 don't want it to last long. but r.rn a positive person. Potentially, I gueu it could gO a long time." And, the longer it goes, the more money both the players und owners loee. · ''I think playera have more money than die owners think they do," Fanning continued. "I hdpe they (the owners) are not trying to wait us <Alt because they're all millionaires a nd they could do that very easily. "I know I'm losing a lot of money in thiA thJOg &nd I'm not going to get any of it back." Fanning, making an estimated $160,000 tHis · yea r. stands to lose $10,000 on e yery garfle t•a nceled. S mith a t approximately $80,000 annua lly, ts out $5,000 per game. F erragamo. (See RAMS, Page 8 %) -Angels gFeedy, .10-l- R~~~!o~. ~.~~<~> :~~:,h~o lead still_!% ( _ Angels can be forgiven if they .. urld a b;t gre<dy. -? They clobbered the Texas Rangers 10-1 Friday nigh t. but after the game they complained that they didn't score more. ·"We had too many left on base tonight.'' said Manager Gene Mauch. "We had a lot of tw<'-Out hits. We had plenty of chances to put the game away early and we d idn't," "We h ad several opportunities to score a lot more than 10 runs," ch imed in shortstop Tim Foli. , "We came close to a big inning several times early tn the game.'..- Of course, the Angels are in a tight pennant race with the Kansas City Royals and know they cannot afford too many missed opportunities. The Royals kept pace with th~ Angels at 2 112 games behind by knocking off Oakland Friday, 7-4. Tne Angels left 10 runners on base, seven of them in the first five innings. But Foli and Bobby Clark each drove in a pair of r uns and Brice K ison scattered seven hits through eight innings to help the Angels preserve their lead. K.i9on, 10-5, walked two and• struck out eight before being relieved a t the start of the ninth inning by Luis Sanche2. The Ange la battered Te xas 1tarter Rick Honeycutt, 5-17, and two relievers for 14)\lts. The Angels IOOred smgle runs m the second, thlrd , fourth and fifth innings. Cl.ark drove in Don Baylor with a second inning groundout. Bob Boone scored on Rod Carew's third-toning sacrifice fly, The Angels' magic number: American League Wfft W L Pct. GB I Angel• 88 66 .571 Royals 85 68 .556 2'/t Friday'• ecorff Angel• 10, Texas 1 Kansas City 7. Oakland .t Today'• game• Ang• (Zahn 17-8) at Texas (Butcher 1-4), KMPC radio (710) at 5 p.m. Kansas City (Leonard 10-5) at Oakland (Kingman 3-11), Channel 4 at 1:15. Gem• Nm•lnlng ~ ANGeLS (8) -HOME (3): Oct. 1, 2, 3, 1 Texas. AWAY (5): Sept. 25, 26, Texas; Sept. 27. 28, 29. Kansas City. KANSAS CITY (9) -HOME (7): Sept. 27, 2 8. 29, Angels; Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2, 3, Oakland. AWAY (2): Sept. 25, 28, Oakland. Brian Downing doubled Foli home in the fourth and Clark again knocked in Baylor with a fifth-inning Royals wla 1116 single. o.., .... ,.__.., c....... • ..,., Marina's Bob Lee catches a pass from John White m a n a fter a fake Foli added a two-run single in the seventh, Baylor singled in a run In the eighth. followed by a three-run homer by Juan Benique2, h is third of the ye a r . Hostetler drove in the lone Ranger run with a The Royals snapped a seven-game }Oiiing streek as Hal McRae drove in three runs with a double and a homer bu t Kansas City's injury situation worsened. Two Royals' starters. center fielder Amos Otis and first baseman Lee May, left the game in the second inning after aggravating muscle pulls. punt. Defe nding i Foothill's Mike John on. second inning single. .-· Knights shut the lights out on Vikes GWC'SROWE RECOVERING ; Mistakes costly for Marina a~ Foothill holds on for 13-11 • w1n Golden West CoUege aasiat.ant football coach Don Ro we is resting comfortably in Pacifica C o mu u n i t y H oapi t al ln H untington Beach after auffering a mild heart attack during the Rustlers' opening football game with Saddleback last Saturday. By ROGER CARLSON OftM Deity Pl&ot I t.ff Foothill High's Krughts struck first behind the speed and power of tailback J ames L aird, then t oo k a d va n tag e o f M i k e J o h n so n 's t h ird quarter interception to score the clincher a nd held on to claim a 13-11 non -l eague footbal 1 vic tory Frid ay night, handing Marina High its first setback of the 1982 season. Before a crowd o f 4,800 at Orange Coast Col lege the Knights u tilized their bruising runn ing game to control t h e issue, then pu t fo rth a tough defense in the second half to hold off mistake-prone Marina. "We had our chances," said Marina Coach Dave Thompson, "but it wasn't the best coaching Job I've ever done, l'U t~I you that. "We didn't do a grea t job execu ting our offense and the p<ijuatmenta that had to be made weren't made." 1 T railing, 13-3.. the Vikes r.narched to the Foothill 24 before t wo penalties killed the drive Ely in the fourth period. and ortly thereafter another drive gged down aftet the Vlkes arched to the Foot hill three- ard line. Marifla got the ball again, but Ith just ~:13 le ft, tim~ waa g atfOrt. And, as they did the previously aborted march. h ey uaed a lot of t im e on g plays. Mike Crowley made an over- he-ahoulder cat.ch from seven ard1 out for the touchdown rom_ 9uarterback Blll Marler, nd ,Marler punched over the l ddle for the two -poi n t venlon to narrow the F(IC)thill to 13-11, but thet~ were bui , 61 seconds left and the Vikes had spent their final time ou t. An onsid e k ick a tte mp t was rovered by Foothill's Mik e Pe terman and the Knights ran out t he clock. to record their th ird straig h t vict or y over quality opposition. Foothill's running game was as solid as billed after three straight passing do wns at the outset failed to send any messages to the Vikings' de fense. Marina could do little in the first half o ffe ns i vely , a nd ·combined with a bad center snap and eventually two bad pitches, the Vi kings' "running game" netted 22 yards on 34 downs. Alth o ugh the Vikings ' offensive line appeared to l(et a surge, the Vikings' backs were effectively stymied by the tough Footh ill d e f e n se. l e d b y linebacker Peter Carter. The aerial game, however, was a bit be tter as e viden ced by Ma rle r 's 146 yards from 13 completions on 25 attempts. J o h n Whit e man a l s o connected. tossing to Bob Lee for a 19-yard pickup on fourth-and- seven in the second quarter. It failed to materialiie Into a scoring drive, but after Foothill assumed control, Marcel Weise intercepted and returned the ball 14 yards to Marina's 48 with 25 seconds left ih the half. Marler went to Eric Kannan for eight yards and then found receive r Marcello Motteai for 18 yards to get K arman within range of a field goal. The. 5..S junior banged home a 43-yard field goal with no time left in the half to nar row the Foothill lead to 6-3. Foo thi ll h ad tak e n a 6-0 lead on Laird's six-yard burst around his right a1de, displaying speed and power in bolting into the end 20ne. Lee blocked the PAT attempt. Foothill wu knocking on the door again ln the second period when John8on recovered a bad pitch on the Viking 12, but the Vikes escaped this bullet. Laird wu stopped cold at the five on a third-and-three with J o hn L o vely l ead i n g the defensive assault and a simple 2~-yard field goal effort went wide. So the V1kes wer e still rn It a~ halftime, trailing by a 6-3 margin despite showing little. But F oothill took over a t the Manna 44, then the Marina 43, and . the latter field position proved too good to pass up as the K nights w ent the d istance in four plays. the payoff a 28-yard · scamper by quarterback. Jason Schmid. Schm id swept the left side, crossed through the Marina secondar y and slipped over with 5:15 left in the third quarter. The remainder of the game found Ma rina controlling the offense with 31 offensive plays, (S~e MARINA, Pa1e B!) Rowe, 47, had complained of some discomfort earlier in t.be day and then suffered more pal.n during t he Rustlers-G auchos game. His wile, Marilyn, took him to the hospital around 4 a.m. Sunday, and the following day docto rs diagnosed the heart attack. • He is expected to remain in du~ hospital for 1 ~ weeks, accordiag to his wife. Rowe ia an oriJ[lnal member of the G olden West coachinl( staff. Dodgers' lead cut to 2 • • • and here come L OS ANGELES (AP) -Da r rell Evans cracked a two-out, run-scoring single in the eighth inning to snap a 2-2 tie and give San Francisco a 3~2 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers Friday night a t Dodge r Stadium, giving the Giants their third straight victory and 16th in 20 games. T he loss reduced the Dodgers' lead In the National League West to two games over the Atlan ta Braves and only three over San Franci8CO. T he Braves beat San Diego, 11 -5, Friday night. Al Holland. 7 -3. ea med the win with three perfect innings of relief. G reg Minton pitched the final two Innings for his 29th save. Starter Rich Gale, Holland and Minton combined to retire the lut 18 Dodgers to bat. Steve Howe , 7-5, the third Loa Angeles pitcher. took the lo.. Chill Devis 1tarted the Olant.e' rally with a one-out •Ingle to right. After JOf: Morgan popped out, Jack Cl.ark walked .. and Evans followed with his single to center to ICOre Davis. Los Angeles took a 1-0 lead In the lin t Inning on Steve Garvey'• sacrifice Oy. T he Dodgers mad e it 2-0 In the third. Bill Russell singled with one out, went to seoond when l>edro Guerrero walked and acored on Garvey's two-out tingle . The Olan\I tied the tc0re, 2-2, ln the fifth inning after being held to one hit by Los Angelea starter Bob Welch over four lnninp. Welch 1ave up a one-out single to J eff Leonard and, one out later, walked J ohnnie LeM-..ter a nd pl.nch- hitter Tom O'Malley to flll the bull. Davi.a then lined a two-run double, bare ly out o f t he g r aap of K e n Landreaux, to lie the pnw. After his clutch hit, Evana aald, "lt'a ln our hands. We don't need help from anyone.'' T h e O l anta have n lne 1 a mu remalnlna. all but two of them apinat the Dod1era a nd th Hcond ·place Braves. who trail Los Angeles by two. T he Giants k n ocke d out nemesis Welch , who had a 10-1 career record •&•inst them . "I was glad to see him out of t here." San Franclsco Manager Frank Robinson aald of Welch, who retired the first 11 Giants' batters. "It made things a lot euier." Fernando Valenzuela, 19-12. who has h ad some success in stopptn1 Dodger IOlling 1treaka this year, wiU try to halt a three-1ame skid that be gan In San 06e,o. Fonner An,el Jim Barr (4-3) wllJ be on the mound for the Giant.a . The two learnt close out the •~ries w l\h. a d ay aame Sunda y , with Cincinnati and Atlanta followln1 the · Olanta lnto Dodpr S\adlum next week. ,.,. The Dod1era a nd Giant• e nd th e 1ea1on w ith a weekend three·1am«l aerln at Candle1tlck Park be1lnnlng next Friday. Nation.a Lugue Wfft Dodger• Braves Giants w II 83 81 L Pct. •. Ill ~ 70 .542 i. .536 3 0...... ........... 0000111• -HOME <•>: s.ot. fj 28 , San Franclaco: Sept. 2~. 2 , Cincinnati; Sept. 2t, 30, Att.nta. AW (3): Oct. 1. 2, 3, San FrMCleoo~ ATLANTA (9) -HOM! ~Sept. , 26. San 069go. AWAY (7): t. 27, , San francitco; 8ept. 2t, 30, Oct. 1, 2. 3, San Otego. SAN FAANCtSCO (9) -HOME (7): S ept. 27, 28, Atlanta; Sept. 2t, ~~ Houlton; Oct. 1, 2, 3. D••11re. AWAT (2): Sept. 26, 28, Dlll11ra. ... .. 'USC , Bruin grab TV s potlight today There may not be any [iJ profeesional football on televlslon In 4. • tbe fore.eeable future, but college fans get a bonus today when both UCLA and the University of Southern Calltornha wiU be shown on the tube. The Bruins kick off the day (Channel 2, 10 a.m.) when they try to ext.end their record to 3·0 again.st the Unavermty of Michigan. USC and Oklahoma renew their rivalry in Norman at 11 :30 (Channel 7). UCLA has never beaten Michigan in five previous mee tings , which included a 33-14 Bluebonnet Bowl setback last December. In ihat game, Michigan held the Bruins to just 33 net ¥ards rushing but UCLA quarterback Tom R amsey passed for 162 yards and two touchdowns. The Wol,vennes are l · l this season. having lost at Notre Dame last Saturday night, 23-17 following a season -opening victory against Wisconsin, 20-9. UCLA beat Long Beach State, 41-10. then knocked off Wisconsin, 51 -26. Southern CaJ, ranked 18th, takes a 1-1 mark into Oklahoma foUowing last week's 28-7 victory over Indiana. Las t year's contest with the Sooners at the Coliseum was one of the most e xciting of the season as the Trojans raJlied with a pair of fourth-quart.er touchdowns to pull out a 28-24 decision. Oklahoma is also 1-1, losing to West Virginia. 41 -27, before topping Kentucky, 29-8. • Quote of the day ''We did som<'thing tba t I never believed would happen in a game. I never thought we'd play a game and not fumble-and lose the game." -Ba rry Switzer, coach of the University of Oklahoma football team. aft.er absorbing a shocking opening-day loss to West Virginia, 41-27. ,. ,: .. 'l ount spurs Brewers' win over Orioles ,.~~ ~?. Robin Yount drove in six runs Iii ~'itith h pair of home runs and a single ~~ power Milwaukee to a 15-6 victory ..... er Baltimore Friday night and boost ;~e Brewers' American League East to four ::~over the second-place Orioles. Don Sutton, ~!~1. was the winning pitcher for the Brewers, who stormed back from a 4-0 first-inning deficit .·with 18 h its for their eighth victory in nine games . . . Rudy Law belted a two-out double in the 13th inning, driving in Jay Lovlgllo to lift Chicago to a 3 -2 win over Minnesota . . . John Tudor, st,aked to the lead with a three-run third inning, scattered seven hit.s in pitching Boston to a 4-2 triumph over _New York . . Andre Tboraton and YOUNT Ron Hassey each had RBI doubles to back the combined six-hit pitching of Tom Brennan and Dan Splllner as Cleveland k nocked off De troit, 6-2. in the regularly- acheduled game. Ed Glynn wild-patched home the winning run to give the Tigers a 4-3. 16-inning win in the completion of an earlier suspended game . . . Rookie J ohn Moses' two-out double scored pinch-runner Al Cowens with the winning run in the bottom of the ninth as Seattle edged Toronto, 3-2. Wallach homere twice In Expos' win Tim Wallatlt drovt In hv~ runJ Iii with 'wo hom• run• and a ••n1le F'rldi.y 10 ll'•d tho Montn:ul ~KSXJI w " 6 ·4 vh:tory ov~r· Plh•bur gh Wellll<"h, a former Unlvf'ratty High, Sllddl bdck Collegf' and Cnl Suui• lo'ullttrton 1wndout, twlpt-d th Expo11 remain 6 ~ 11ames ~hind St Loula In tlw Nutlonul League• t<;u11t . . t;INl'Whl'r(l, Rafael Ramirel bt'lll"'<i 11 pulr or home rurw and 1_ drovt' In flw runa as Athinw C:,. 11nupl)l-d a thrt'\• gume IMln~ atreak with an 11-6 victory over Stin Diego. The Draves had to rally from a 6·2 d •tldt to rt.'<.'Ord th.-victory J obn StupM fired n four- hhtcr. and Keo Oberkfell collected an el11hth innlni single to curry St. Louis to o 3· I triumph over the Chlcago WALLACH Cubi. . Mike K rukow und Ron Reed teamed for an <'lght-hltter as Philadelphla posted a 2-1 verdict over the Ne w York Mets. The Ph ii lies remliln 4 1A games behind the Cardinals in lhtJ National League East . . . Cincinnati's Bruce Bereoyl, the National League's losmgest pitcher, scattered 10 h lt.s In shutting out Houston 2-0. Fought fights way to Southern lead John Fought, the 1979 rookJe of l!I the year who quit the tour earlier in frustration , fired a 4-vnder-par 66 Friday to take a one-stre>ke lead after the second round of the Southern Open golf tournament in Columbus. Ga. . • .. Kathy Whitworth leap-frogged nine players with a 5-under·par 67 and took a one-shot lead after the second round of an LPGA tournament in Kent, Wash. . . . J im Ferree shot a 4-under-par 68 to take a one-stroke lead over Bob Goalby and Gene Littler an the second round of the World Seniors Invitational at Quail Hollow Country Club in Charlotte, N.C. . . . Mark James of England. playlng in. a near monsoon. shot a 6--~hder-par 66 to take the lead at the midway point o{ the Bob Hope Classic in Rickmansworth. England. NFL nego tiators agree to meet J ack Donlan and Ed Garvey, the m c h ief negotiators for the National 4. • Football League owners' group and players' union, will meet this weekend in hopes of settling the four-day old strike. the Management Council said Friday. While both sides avoided being specific about when or where the meeting would be held, a source said the session was set for Sunday morning in New York. Donlan , executive director of the Management Council, and Garvey, his counterpart with the union, agreed in telephone conversations to meet. It was the first major development since the talks broke o(f - Sept. 17, three days before· the strike began . . . Meanwhile. the NCAA Council gave the go-ahead Friday for live telecasts of college foott>all on Sunday during the pro strike, but disagreement over details brought diacussions to a temporary halt. "We still d on't have the approval of all the partJes yet," Tom Han.ea, an ~istant executive director of the NCAA said late Friday. Renaults sweep front row at Grand Prix Turbocharged Renaults captu'red • the fron t row positions Friday In qualifyin~ for the Caesars Palace Grand Prue today, with Atala Prost wanning the pole position. Prost's fast lap around the twisting 2.26-mile. 14-turn course was clocked at 1:16.356 seconds, breaking the record of 1: 17 .821 set by Carlos Rentemann . . . J oe Ruttm a n l e d the qualifying runs at Martinsville Speedway as the 31-ur lineup was completed for Sunday's Old Dominion 500 Grand National stock car race . . . Fresno Stat.e's football program. placed on probation last year, will have some sanctions against it continued through 1984 because of new v iolations. i-4.rtists' • win wasn't • • art1st1c ut Laguna Beach will take 7 -6 victory ove r Elsinore y JIM CARNETT to ltle o.-, "9ot The Artists weren't exactly rtistic. but a win is a win, and a una Beach High football h Dennis Haryung will take I "It wasn't pretty, but I'm leased with it,'' the subdued guna coach said following the · ts' 7-6 victory over Elsinore gh Friday evening at Guyer eld on the Laguna campus. "We made a lot of mistakes, t we were tough when we had be." The contest was significant for veral reasons. First, the win ves the Artists a perfect 2-0 as they enter South Coast ague action next weekend. B*1l<2, the loss is Elsinore's first 1982. The Tigers entered the with a 2-0 mark. 'But most importantly. Friday's fair allowed the Artists the J>FlUnity to discover a flashy 1if r unning back in 5-10, 5-pound sophomore, Mark lper. Draper carried the ball cfrnes for 81 yards. Late in the test he broke oH a brilliant following the final gun. "He's a fine player. He had a couple of carries last week, but he really •. took advantage of hi s opportunity tonight. "He 's going to get a lot more chances from now on. The best thing about him is he's just a 10th grader.·• Draper alm06l single-handedly led the Artists to what could have be e n thei r second touchdown of the evening during the Cinal two minutes of play. With the ball at Laguna's 33 and just 1:50 to go, the Artists weren't content to sit on the pigskin and let the clock wind down. The eager Draper broke over left tackle, however, and raced 16 yards to the Laguna 49. He went one yard to the 50 on the next play. then rambled 41 yards on a pitch around the left side to set up a first and goaJ at the nine with just 25 secondB left. Haryung then elected to have his club stand in the huddle while the clock ticked off th~ final second.a. Laguna's defense performed well, particularly In the second half. The Artists gave up just 159 yards ln total offense. The Artists bottled u p Elsinore's Oashy senior tailback Steve Lewia. Lewi1, lut year's S unkiat League MVP, generated a mere 41 yards on rn carries. Lagu na's only touchdown of the evening came after a big defensive play. Late In the first half the Arusts were forced to punt to the Tigers from their own 48. Lewis took Adam J ohnson's soaring punt at the Tiger 15, but was hit hard by Laguna's Tony Walcher and fumbled the ball. Mike Flynn fell on the loose ball to give Laguna a first down at the 15. With a fourth and 10 on the 13, Haryung diadained a field goal try and elected to go for the first down. Quarterback Pete Kimball threw a perfect strik e to tight end Kevin McDennon, who was immediately tackled by a swarm of defenders at t.he four. Two plays later Kimball followed his center. Jeramy Jacobsen, up the middle Crom one yard out for the TD. l.Algune ltMch 7, !'lelnot'e t eo..i,,a--. £111"°'' o e o o -e L.aouna 8etctt 0 7 0 0 -7 e-Lewta t ""' 1111c11 wide> LB-Kimbell 1 rv.n IJoM_, lllcll) 0-1 ..... Uct E ll Flrll <1own1 8 11 Auene.yar<11 34·4& 32-102 PtMlng yarela 113 142 p-6-10.0 10-1&.0 Punt• 6-35 a-30 Fumbltt-lott 3-2 3-2 PeMltlM-yatO• 3-30 6-65 lndMdlHll """""' E -Ltwl9. 1·12; Ory, 4-mfnu1 18; L"'1ra. 3-3, A.tbb, 1-3. LB -Draper, 11-11, Ate~. 10·17; M11lno, 3-a, S.... 4-0; Klmbd, 4·mlnua 8 IMl\ft•llllllfl ...... e -Ory, e. 10.0. 113 L8 -Klmb11t, e.o..o. H : a.... 4·1-0, 47. ........ "'""""' E -Lame. 3-4t: Lewie, 2·19; 8tny, 1.1. LB -McOennon, 5-76: Ron, 2-24; Wtle:'*, 1-21. °'"*• 1-tO; Marino, 1 .. HIGH ICHOO'-'FOOTBALL AT rra IUT I Edlaon Chargers vs. Banning (Loi Angeles) LIVE/ TONIGHT 1:15 PM KWVE FM101 R M • • • From Page 81 mu1mwhll1•, with a P4Wl c:1tllln1t roa •~•~o.ooo In '82. forfeltt •21. 875 (or ovt'ry SWldlly that &OOI by. • Oc11piw the heavy tln11nc:l1l I~·•· though. Ferragamo aaret't that thf' playeni aro un1fil"d. "Number onl', the union I• stronger toduy tt)un t>ver been," the: Irvine rotildent polnu-d out. "We have the backln(I 'of the AFL-CIO and other unloh8 that will honor the etrlkc l think wh t w(''r<" doing ext>mpllflt'll thc f ct the union haa power. "St'<.'Ondly, if th~ owner• are c1061ng down, It would be hard for players to work out even 1( tM!y wanted to. "My main roncem IS for the w elfare of the other guys. Initially. I didn't want to strike, but that's what the majority decided. I was trying to look five weeks down the road, wh<'n players would be needing paychecks. I figured something would be better than nothing. "I could probably last the entire season. Lik~ the rest, I have bills to pay. they would just have to be paid at a later time." Ferragamo agrees that players like himself. Bert Jones, Jack Youngblbod and o thers commanding huge salaries are sacrificing a lot In order that the strike may beneCit oth<'rs in the long run. "That's the whole dilemma of the situation," said Ferragamo "There are a !ew guys who are sacrificing everything , their whole salaries, in order to help the majority of players. "Maybe it will help a player like me somewhere down the line. but the wage scale being taJked about certainly isn't going to help me out. It will others. though, and that's what 1 have to think of. "It would be easy for a guy like me to walk across and make money. But you can't be considered scab labor, can you? You have to do what's right for everyone else. "It's not In the union's handB, but management's to rectify the situation." Ano;-9nce the sHua:tion is resolved', Ferragamo hope~ it won't be too late. · "l h ope all this doesn't jeopardize the future of football. which it could," he said. "They (the players and owners) could easily find out that people don't need football. "The longer this thmg goes on. the more football will be hurt because of 1t." .,.., Ma rcel Weise o ( Marina returns an interception as Foothill's J e(( McElrath g ives c hase. , MARINA DEFEATED • • • From Page 8 1 as opposed to Foothill's nine plays (including two punts), but of those 31 ~naps Crom cent.er, the Vikes wE:nt to the ground 16 times, using precious time. Thompson admitted it was possible he went too much to t.he ground game , but then, Thompson wasn't too satisfied with any of his decisions Friday night. "Our failure to open things up al the start hurt," added Thompson. Foothill's constantly changing defensive alignment appeared to create problems. but it wasn't anything unexpected. "We just didn't block.,.1t well." said Thompson. Foothtll 11, MertM 11 ._. .,, °'*""' Foothllt 0 6 1 0-13 Mertne 0 3 0 II-11 F-Lllrd 6 run (IOcll blOc:ktd) M-Kannln 43 FG F-Sc:hmidt 21 run IRutkOWSlll klelt) M-Crowlty 7 pua from Mat1ef (Matter run) Antndanc:. -4,600 l•tltM,edl 0.-allldtllce " First downl 9 Au ....... y.,d• 39-157 Piualng ywda 17 p-3-5-2 Punta 4-21 F~ 1-0 P..it.....,.,ds 2-10 .. 12 34-2~ 165 14-26-1 3-35 3-2 8-35 llldlYldllel ,........ F-J Laird. 21-77, Schweppe. 2·111, Schmidt, ~8. Dabrow. 6-15, A. L.altd. t -1 M-l(armen, 9-t&. Patterson. t 3-43, Merltr. 1 t-ror·mlnu1 17. Bad c.nttr sl\ap mw-20. llftdMduel ........ Rustler polois-ts sweep F-0.btow. 3-4·t, t7, SchmSd. O-t-1 M-Marltr, t3-25-t. t46; WhllttNn. 1-1--0, 18. .............. D ........ F-W-. 1-10. R. l..Wd, 1..&, Aultr_..,I, 1-2 Sophomore Brett Del Valle scored five goals in two matches Friday to spark the Golden West College water polo team to a palr o f victories in the Cuesta Tournament in San Luis Obispo. The Rustlers, now 3·0 and working on a 33-game win streak. whipped Modesto 11-3, and then squeeted out an 8-7 decision over Fullerton. In a community college tourname nt closer t o home Orange Coast College settled for a 13-13 standoff with Citrus and then topped Pasadena 14-9 in the Mt. San Antonio tournament. Roy McCormick scored five goals in the win over Pasadena for the Pirates, while teammate St.eve Simmons poured in five in the lie with Citrus. OCC was scheduled to play Palomar at 9 a.m. today and is s till in the race for the tournament championship w hich will be decided at 2:30. Likewise, Golden West need.s only a vi<'tory over Saddleback in the Rustlers' first game today in order t o a dvan ce to th e c hampionship match against either Long Beach CC or West Valley On the high school front, both Newport Harbor and University split their two matches in the South Coast Tournament. The Saalon. whipped Los Altos 16-4 as Art Jeppe scored three goals. but then fell to Santa Clara 6-5. University was nipped by Sunny Hills 9-8 but rebounded for a 10-5 win over Downey. Rob Soloman had six goals for the Tro.)&ns in the two games. College football TOOAY'I GAMH .... Ullh St. et Cel State F\llltnon Atltont St et Cel Sen JoM St et ~ St 8olN St. et Ptelflc. n Ntved .. lae \/egu et Sen Oltgo St,, 11 0reoon •I Wllhlnaton T••-El Puo et ~ ........ n Cel Poly Pomona et UC O.vll. n Ce1 Stet• Nortllf1d0t et Slntt Cleta. n Sen Frencleoo SI " Wl\ltOtr ...... IOWa at Ariton• Afr FC)(CI 11 BVV Wyoming II CdottOo New ~wlco St at CdottCIO St Pottland St et ldtho, n C4ll Poly (SLO) 11 ICltho St .. n Norther!\ Artzone 11 Montana ....... UCLA 11 Mldllge<\ ICNMll t 11 10 t m ) USC el Ololehoma (CMMtl 1 el I t 30 1 m I Pitt .. lllnolt Sl'fecu• et lndlena. 11 Oflltt II IOWt St Wlchhl St. 11 K-St. WMhlngton St. at Minn.ate, n NortMm llllnol• et Nor1hwMtttn P\KdUI at Notre Derne Slanl0tO et Ofllo St. TOiedo II Wllconlln l~nt St. et 8ell 81 Vc>ungelown St. 111 ~Ill, n EMt ... n Mlcfllgen at Mfernl, O. Ml-St. et 8olltNm lltlnolt l<tftt St II W•tem MICfliOltl .... Vendl"bltt 11 Aletltl\'lt T_,..... Ill Aubufl\ WMttrn C.rolfna " c.neon Virginie 11 Dulle MINl191ppi St al Flor1dt Kiii ... II Kentucky Rice at LSV. n OklahOmt SI II Loul""Mt, n N~h CttOllne St. at MlfY\llnd Georgl• Tech at Mtmphll SI Michigan St at Miami, Flt Army et Nor1h Cerollnt Te.u-ArllnQ1on at NE Loultlena. n ~ 11 Sout11 Cerollna. n Florid• St. at Soutl'lem M~. n Cenlrel Flotldl at VMI WHllll'l'I a MllY II Virginie Ttcll AppalllCihlen St 11 Wellt F-t 1 ~ Mfululpe>l 11 Atk.,....._ n L.amat at Hout1on, n SW Louttlane et North Texu St. TCV et SMV, n MfltoUrl at ltl(U. n Loultlel't• Tech •t Tuu AIM. n BtytOt et T , ... T ec:n, n McHtMt SI et W•t Tuu St , n .... NebtMl\1 •I Penn 8t (Channel 2 at 12 45 p,M .) l.Aalne •t &oaton v .. n Rhode lllend ti Blown TOW90n St. et luctllltlt Lale)'91t• el Columbl• Co!Ott• at C«ntll Prino.lon et Otlaw.,a MUHC!lluMlte ei HltVlfcl O.rttnouth at Holy CtOM 8otton COiiege 11 Nevy Lehigh t1 Penn Aulg..-1 II T~, n Ncflmond at w..i 111rg1n1e ConMCtlotJt 11 Y• MM H•rlter llvtl., Celt• Me .. ...... M-Vlllra. 3-t9. Mott.i, 2-37, Alth. 2~ Crowtey. 2-24; Karman, 2-21, Patt"90n, 2-41; Let, 1-18 Christian takes scratch main Alan Christian of Hunungton Bea c h w i t h s too d -a b r le f challenge from Dubb Ferrell to capture the scratch main event at the weekly speedway motorcycle program at. the Orange County Fairgrounds b e fore 4, l 30 onlookers Friday night. Shawn McConnell of Brea was third, while Mike Bast w as disqualified for breaking the g.at.e. In the five-lap handicap main event, Danny Scopelitte of Huntington Beach emerged the victor over Dave Sims of Orange JOHNSON &SON presents .. COLLI GI ,. ......... ... Nebrasko OY9f' - Penn State * USC Ov.t' Ole lo homo * Ne-tr• Dame Oftf' Purclue * UCLA over Mkh6tan * •lth•m Youne •wr ' .. I Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Saturdav, September 25, 1882 Barons improve, hut can't stop .St.Paul, 13-12 By CRAIG RUSSELL ~ ...... OeMy~ NORWALK l''ounJllln Valley Cooch Mike Milner got the ireal)perlormanccil from a c.-ouple of rwwc.:omt'l'll In the 1t.arlln1 backfield, but the reaull.8 wert> the same aa the Barona la.t their thlrd straight game to a perennial CTF power This time defondlng liig lt'lvc C.:onfl•rt.m<:1• champion St Paul dad 1t to Fountain Valley, l:i-12, before 4,800 fans ut CcrrllQS College Friduy night. But uniike their f1nn two los.ses lO Mawr De1 and Foothill, the Barons could have (and probably should hove) won this one. Wath sophomore Dave Swigert gaining 106 yards on the ground and sehior Dale Frye throwing for 164 more on a 1~ for 23 night, Founwin Valley rallied from a 7·0 dt.'tlcll to 1eore 12 ttralaht point• btitort• lo11lnK tlw aom(ll wlwn St Poul'• Cullbock Seb A\wduc.·u ll'orcid on o otw yurd touchdown run w th jUJ(t 2::ilJ ldt • But It ll hudn't bt'l•n fur u WUJ)lc of Jo'ountain Vullc.•y ml1tak(•:J, tht' 13 point» St. Puul 8c:nrt•cl wuullfn't have bet>n t•nough "Twl,~· Wt' were In a plu~ 111tuatlon but we only came away with purt of it," 88ld Milner. Aher the Swordsmen drove 88 yarcts In 4!2 plays, 8 tlrivc that took over l:l minulel, for an t'arly 7-0 lead, the Baroru came right bw:k with a drive of their own With Frye connecting on four atralght paSSt'S, including o 11pcct.acular one-handed grab by Tom Thompson, Fountain Valley got to the St. Paul Cypress defeats OV, 24-12 By RICHARD DUNN ltMca.1 lo the Dallly Pllol yards rush mg I rom Todd Parker in the first half. oniy to come up empty handed on the scoreboard. C1P'ff8 2•, Oc:Mn v ... 12 Score by OUlftlf1 ocean v1-o o e Cl 12 Cypr"' 14 10 0 0 24 C Sherm11 113·yerd p111 lrom Auble (Frenk lllCk) C "enlon 2-yero run (frank klell) tJvc.• .vonJ Un • On ~muJ down i''ry~ trll'd to htt Chrl1 Lona In th<' comur uf tht! t•ndwrw, but thl• ••nlor wh.lt• r•~'t·lvl'r t'Ouldn't hhllli on to th~ ball 1t wuli tht> cmly blrmlsh on an otht•rwlrno brllllunt niiihl Cur Lon(( Ill' would tlnl1h up t'Ul<.'hhig 11hc pu 11 for 117 yurd. In auy 1•v1•11t, lht• Baron.'i hud tu 1wlllt• for thn't• U!f Chuck Smoot <.'Or)nt~kod on u 22 yllrd field ((oul. 1''ountmn Valley ttiok lht• 11t.oeond-half kkkoff und !l(.'Ort.od when Swlgl'rt wt•nl over from nlne- yords out to muke 1t 10-7 And then t·ume th<.• second crut.•1ul mistake.• Thanks t.o somt• tin<' holes <>JX'n<.'<i up by the Fount.am Valley offensive.• line for Swigert ond a fine third down r~~pllon by Jamie Craft, the Barons had It first and goal at the nine-yard lint• But an illegal block brought tht• baU out to the 28 where u &even-yard pass lo Swigert, an 18-yard · completion to Craft, and a one-yard run by &•ott Garrell left th~· Barons two yards short of the goal line and the ball went over to St. Paul. Fountain Valley did gN a safety when Kevin Empting got some penetration into the St Paul backfit•ld and stopped Tony Sarmiento in thC' end zone. , In till, Founta(n Valley jOt five polnta whetJ It 1hould hflvc <.'OfOO away with 14. AnywAy, onco the Sword.lmen 1ot lh ball buc.·k they marched 61 yardt In 11 play• to t.ekf' thl: lt'ad Th1t try for two point. failed. "Th<'y (thc> Barons) rbayed their heana out," Ku1d f1rat ·Y"" St Pau <:Oach James Walkor1 *** It. ,avl 1', '"'· V811eJ t2 ._.-.,o...n.n F011nleln V1"41y 0 3 7 2-12 St Plul 0 7 0 11-13 SP 81rmlento 2 PIH from Jlm-1 (Proque kleill FV Smoot 22 FO FV Swloett I run (Smoot lllClll FV 81fity (Emp11ng llClllMI Sermlento) In end zone SP Apodaca t run (run felled) A111nd1nce 4,llOO ("tlmlt.OI 0-11 ..... ~. F1ra1 down• Jlulllel-y1101 l>1t1lng y11d1 PHHI Punts "' 15 30·134 1114 Hl-23-0 2-80 ... 15 37-134 87 12-12-0 1-211 *** IMllll ..... ,.... FY-Frye, 15·23-0. 164 SP-JlmeN?, 12·12·0, 87 Mdtw1d1otll llleoelwlftt FV-Long, 6·117. Cretf, 2·47, Thompton, 2-14, Swlaart, 2-11, 8\i<rlS, 1-4, 0111911, 1-f. 8P -81rml1nto, ll ·:JO, CovorublH, 2-21: w11111. 2• HI. "c>Odec-. 1·~; Pia, 1·5. A big Cirst half for Cypress High proved to be enough as it went on lo defeat the visiting Ocean View Seahawks, 24-12, Friday night at Western High School. The Centurions opened th(• game scoring on the S{'COnd play from scrimmage. on n 83-yard touchdown pass to David Shermet from quarterback Darrin Ruble. Seahawk ·quarterback Chad Pariseau fired s ix intercepuons. but also completc.>d 12 passes for 175 yards. "Our quarterback was forced to throw a lot, he didn't.gel great protec tion , therefore the interceptions," said Colfesh. "I feel real good about the way we came back in the second half though." C -B1bcock 37-yero lntwcepllon return (Frank kicll) C Frank 52-ylrd llllld g04ll OV -P.erk1r 4 7'ylr0 run (Piii l1tted) Fullerton upsets OCC Despite a first pla<.·c finish by Lalo Terri4uez, the Orange Coast CoUegc men's c·ross country team was upse t by Fullerton Friday , 28 -29, in a double-dual mee t al Ce ntral Park an Huntington Beach. .. It's not whether you win or lose, It'• how you get to th• ga~e!' The Seahawks were s tunnt>d the entire first ha.If and we re unable to move the ball, losing two fumbles. Ruble completed all three of his passes in the half for 104 yards. "W e have a long way to go before we open up the Sunset League," said Seahawk Coach Steve ColCes h . "I know that wasn't our team that played in the first half. We'll get better. we have to." Ocean View managed 85 ya~ds passing, and receiving 57 Ocean View rallied in the second half, lead by Parker's running and the ann oC Pariseau, as jt outscored the Centurions. 12-0. Parker finis hed the night rambling for 137 yards, but inte rceptions ki l led the Seahawks. They t•onvertcd 14 first downs and gained 337 total yards The Centurions' workhorse was Todd Fenton, who managed 106 yards on 27 carries. OV• G111on 3-y1rd p.sa lrom Pariseau (put lliled) • Attendance -3.000 (e111ma1ec11 a-ltat1111c1 ov c Flrll downa 14 9 AulllH•yerds 21-137 37-121 Pullng y1rds 175 116 Pu-12-34-11 4· 12· I Punta 4·0 9-35 Fumblel·IOSI 2·2 0-0 Pena1t111-y11d1 e.eo S.55 lndlwldual lllu1ht119 ov -T. Parker. 21· f:f7. Mount: 2· 17 Hawryte. 2-4; Parl111u. 6-4; Gerton, 1·2, Burnllld•. 1-0, Jorden, 1-lor·mlnul 2 C -Fenton, 27-109, Wllll1meon. 11-12. 81110. 3-8. Auble. t-lor-mlmis C. lndMdullP...._ OV Pariseau, 12-34-8, 175 C Auble. 3·10·1. 104; 0111ow1y, 1·2·0, 12 lndMdual ~lnG OV S P1tk1<. 3·72. Glf1on 4·34, WllSll, 1·26, T Plf1te<. 1·21. C11roll, I· II, Mount, 1·6, Ste<r, 1·5 C Shermet. 2-87. Nelton. 1·17; Brown, 1·12 Fullerton and Orange Coast each defeated the host Rustlers in othe r ron rron ta tapns Mark ' M(·Ma ster finished fourth for the Pirates. In the women's meet, Orange Coast took the first five positions and had a perfec t score against both foes . 11AT ABC TV WE <H. 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DECORATOR CEDAR SHINGLES Each Bundle Covers 25 Sq. Ft. " 41418 DOUGLAS FIR Smooth -Con1truction Grode 11818 REDWOOD FEllCING 1•12xRllDOll LEllTHS ROUGH SUGAR PlllE Reg. 1559 Roll Reg. 1159 bundle Reg. 552 ea. Reg. 169 ea . Reg. 59c ft Kiln Dried -Grec1t for that natural loolc _..., ..... ..,.., # SALE 36~ SALE $99~ SALE $8!! SALE SALE , I ( ' J t ' .. I • \' J l v ( b c it ti I • F "1 p • c J 1 • 7. c • Orange Ooa1t OAll.Y PILOT/81turday, &eptembw 25, 1112 Vaqueros unbeaten, • remain 14-7 By 'HOWARD L. llANOV of'ltle Ollfr PM4lt ltell • Irvine High School took ~dvanwgo of c.wo big tW'novc.·1~ lO IK.'On:l a poir of touc:hdown11 in the liCCOnd pt•rh.>d1 had two others called back on pctulltiee, then held off the hoeJt Tustin TWera for a 14 -7 football victory lt'rlday night. The win was the third straight for the'Vaqueros thb1 season and It marks the first time m the school's history thal this has happened in football. Perhaps the best way to describe the Vaqueros is relentless. They kept coming back at the Tillers in the first half before scoring 14 points tn a span or 33 seconds a nd that was the difference "How can l not be happy with a team tha t is 3-0.'' Coach Terry Henigan asked aft.er the game? "It's a big 'thing for our football program. "We gave up a lot of yards tonight but somehow we managed to keep them out of the end zone. Neither team quit out there and I was happy witn the way our players stayed in the game to the end." It took a while for the Vaquerc;>s to gel untracked. They were handed a golden scoring opportunity early in the game when a bad center snap gave them the ball on the Tustin 21 but they were unable to score. Then on a fourth down punting situation at the Tiller 40 lat.er in the period, Chris Mandeville took the snap on a fake punt, went to his right and threw a strike to JeH Bielman for wh~t appeared to be a touchdown. But a penalty nullified the effort. "That hurt us. botp in not 900ring on that first chance and then having the touchdown called back," Henigan said. "We've been making a lot or mistakes lately but we've been able to hold the othe r team off." Robbie Zangl set up the first Irvine score when he recovered a loose ball ln!IM 14, TtMllft 1 •-ltfOIMll\ef• lrvlne o 14 o o -t4 Tullln 0 0 1 0 7 t NHI 311 P•H from Zorn (ChltbOwlkl ll~lcl lt -011cla H1 ln1t101p11on rt1urn (Chltbowalll ft.lckl T -Garcia 1 1un (Sulll11111 1110~1 A-:1,400 ("tlmllldl Otmt lllltltllct I Flrtl CIOWfla II Ru111t1-yard1 ll 1 t 15 PtHlng yerda GO p-2•00 Fumblff Iott 0.0 Ptnllltte .. y11C11 e.eC> T 10 0 ·144 22 6-16-1 3·2 7-6& lfldtvlduel flu1111119 1-Gercl•. I 1•48, 8 alln11, 12·80, Zorn, 4·h>r.mlnu1 10, Man<Nvllle, 1· 18, Mlflil, 2·3, OflYOll, 1·f0<·mlmu1 4 T -Plerot, 13-14, Etlte>, 21·113, AutlltOft, 6· 14, Hegar1y, 3-10; Meno ... 1-2, Tetm, 1.l0<-mlnu1 39. lftdlvtdul ,_..., I-Zorn, 2·5--0. 65 T -Heger I}'. 6-16-I, 22. lndMduel ""9Mng I-Neat. 1-311. Henigan. 1 27 T -Ptau•. 1-1or-mlnu1 4, Pierce. 2· 12. Eslep. 3·14 at the Vaqueros 43. Four plays later, Mike Zorn hi t Lance Neal on a 38-yard scoring pass. the first completion of the night for the Vaqs. and Dan ChlebowskJ kicked the extra point. On the next scrimmage play, Greg Garcia intercepted a Tustin pass at the Tiller 45 and returned it to the end zone for a score with Chlebowski making it 14 -0 in a matter of 33 seconds. After Tustin scored its lone tally on a 49-yard drive in 12 plays with quarterback Pat Hegarty going over from a yard out, the Vaqueros appeared to score again, this time on a 40-yard run by John Salinas. A holding penalty nullified this one. Irvine played well on defense when it had to, recovering two Tustin fumbles (Brian De Cair and Zangl) and making a pass in terception (Garcia). Woodbridge triumph passing fancy, 23-3 . c B~ANDY TIFT I I lo Ille Delly l'tlot oodbridge High combine d a higtpowered passing attack with a sw ming defense Friday n ight to eas y dispose of Orange. 23-3, at rvi ~e High in football action. V 'arrior quarterback Kevin Burke hoo ~ed up with his favorite receiver BiJl R~ll W times for 162 yards and two touchdowns and passed for 225 yan s overall. Included was a 61-yard tou hdown toss to Russell in the ecc hd quarter. Defensively . the Warriors cof\linually broke through the PanJhers' front lme to record seven sal. Tackles Bill Whiteside and Seo Saus. plus defensive end Sean M ffrey, led the aggressive Warrior cov age. their initial possession. the Watriors bulldozed over the Panther r-defenae for 16 plays covering 67 ya~s1 capped by Burke's 1-yard kee r for the touchdown. e Warrior defense then stopped Or~on three play§ (\nd,defensive ba Willie Coffey bto&ed the ens punt. Russell ntc>vered it for W ridge and carried the ball to t h e 27, setting up Tim Leach's 31-•fard field goal on the final play of he irst quarter. V ~odbridge made it 16-0 on Bun.e's 61 -yard pass to Russell during a d ive . which s panned all of 30 >eet rlds Leach converted the extra poir 0 ange could not penetrate into W ai Hor territory until less than three min ~tes remained in the first half. W o ~dbr idge did n ot allow the w~ 23, Or•nve 3 lcot•bJ-• Orenqe 0 o o 3 3 WOOObt~ II 7 O 1 -23 W-Burll• I run (klc;k felled) W·l teetl 31 FG W-Ruaull 61 peu from Buri.e 11.ic" Lucn1 O-P-35 FG W·AueNll 11 PIM lrom Butkt (~!di L-.ctil Atlendatlc»-1,000 (...-1*!1 ii-.latlettce 0 w Fttat Oown1 S 14 Au:attff..ylrela 23"10t ·tnonul 1 JO I I p~ retd• 411 225 P-4-IW , .. 29.3 Pvntl 8-35 2·34 Fumblel-'°91 0-4 2. 1 P....itiea-yerda I· IS 1· 15 ............. ..-.... 0 -Hid~. 1-14 Turi.. 1-tt>t monu1 SI P1te11, 1-2 Monl•t•no 8-ror n11nu1 26 $Npman .. ,2 w -FiglWoe. 1~30. S..... Sl-3 t, &u.ke s-18 Auflar, 1·2 lndWtdu4tl ......... o -Mont•l•no, 2-Sl-O ~S St11pm1n 2·11·2, 23. Tur ... 0-1· t , 0 w -&.fk•. 1 .. ~3. 225 lndMduel "'°"""" O -Turlt, 1·14, Beet<, t-15, Tumb4ee0n, t.10; Peiert, 1•9 w -Rutelll, 10· 162, '19uero• 3.42, Panthers a (non-penalty) first down until a minute later on their Cirst pass completion of the evening. In t h e second half, after a n Orange punt, Panther Russ Shipman had one of h is two interceptions to put tne Panthers in to Warrior territory again. Neither team, however, could capitalize on the other'• mistakes until Panther Bobby Anderson recovered a Warrior fumble in the fourth quarter to set up Phil Pierce's 35-yard field goal. Woodbridge closed out the scoring with a 9-yard pass from Burke to Russell and a Leach extra point to provide the final margin in last minute • wins T/ uchdown pass nips Hawks, 24-20 By llOBB MUNSON 9tlec .. 10 tlle Oelfr "°4 V )th only 53 seconds remaining in the game, University running back Mark Kem caught a John Baldikoaki pas:~and ran 44 yards for a touchdown to •ive the Trojans a come from bel Ind 24-20 non-league football vie ory over Laguna Hlllt Friday niJE •t. at Mu.ion Viejo Hlgh. l; u•rt.erback Baldikotkl sprinted left and Mt \.\P to throw, but pursuing Lai !\ma Hilla linemen forced h1m to tur 11 around and run. Kern, wbo s1a ed in to block on the play, threw up his arms to get Baldikoskl's attA ntion. Baldlkoski then passed the baJ to Kem just u the Hawk defense w ai closing in on him. I aguna HiU1 enter ed the game wit ll eliht 1COrelea quarters. But in the leCOlld quarter. the Hawks finally mu Jt.e.red a acore. It was a strange tu r '\ of events on the part of the Un veralty defense that helped the Ha ivies on their way. ' ~Ith • fourth down on hl1 own 21 fard line, Laguna Hilla punter St4 ..,e Preston kicked th beU. but off clal• c:alled a holdlna penalty ag.1 nat University. And then thingit go1 out of hand, u University wu aa]~ed for pe r tonal foul and URJ porumanllke conduct pen-1lJtt wt•"°"'' a eecond tkklna off the dock. 'l h1a put °"bell on th Unlve;::'f:z 38, mid aeven pa.ya later Laguna M< 'ltt (It'll acore o( the teuon u Lonny Reln•r ran r1ght from tlv 't Unlftralty 2.4, 1.atuna Htn. 20 teore br 011et1•t1 Unlvertlly 8 8 8 8-24 Legun• HHl1 0 7 1 8-.20 u-Zeldlv•r 24 run (klek lllled) LH-Aelrw 5 run (Prct1ton kldl) U-Beldlkotkl 3 run (klcll lellld) U-WtllOn 83 lnterc.pllon return (run llllled) LH-Romtn 99 kickoff return (klek OIOektdl LH-McOlld 10 peu from PltrMI (Pr"ton kick) U-Kef'n 44 p111 lrom B1ldlkoellt (ptte felled) Al1811C110041 -800 (Mllmaled) 0-ltettetlcl u flrl1 down• 8 ~lfde '7·109 Puting yard1 to P..... ..1M Punt• ~2 Fuml>let-lolt 2·2 Penell...,yeroa 10-110 ....... ............. u-Z•ldlvu, 21·92: l1nuu1. 10.:u. 911dlllo•tcl, 5 -lor•mlnu• •. P1lrtn o , Mot-mlnu• 1 LH-Attnet. 13-H, Roman. 11·11; TrtnlO, 12·3t. p...,,.i, 2·1or·mlflua 8, furgte)f\, 2· 1, Robin.on, 1 ·• ~,,,.,,_... U-8alel1llOl6tl, .. t5.0, to LH-Pten*, 4· 16-2, 43 ...... ........... wtllt U-Katn, M9: &~. 3·30, tenuut, 2• \ 1. Ll1 -Mo0ald, 2·11; Wllllam1, I• 12: ~.MO. yards out. Tht extra point made the 1COre 7 ~ ln favor of lhe Hawlo. Univ•rtSty countered with lwo atraJjhl CQuchdowna, th• eecon.d • 63-yatd Jeile Weston ln"9rcepUon re\urn. Then on the .,.wnc kJckoff, Laauna Hilla' Allan &man took \he ball a\ thtrOl'Ml'-yard line. and traveled the l e n1th of lhe field for a t.ouehdoWri. Ml.IC t«JflCE P\atC MOJICC MUC *lflCC YOU..,. 1111 DI'~' UNMlll • ~ -··· ,temiou1 eu.-11 DI• or TlllUaT DAHD MAt:i YOU 4M .=o=~T UMOtlll NA.Ml ITATIMl.NT NOTICE Ofl' D ATH Of \•t. UMUH YOU TAH AC A 0110 O' TflUIT DA TIO lhe lnllOWlllQ ~•Ofl• 8111 dctn{I MARIE J, BOSOMWORTll TO ~TICT VOUfl •111011PTY., HPTIMlllll H , IMO.' UNLll• t111•~•1t .. u IT .. .., N IOLD Al APUa&..IC YOUTAlll ACltto.TO ~TircT 1u1HLC llnAY co Jl211 AND 01' PETITION TO I A '-1 -I II YOU NI a D ut ~OUlll 1'1110,l'fT'r l f' MAT II hf1""4• 0.111• ~o.ie ........ CA AOMINI Tl':K 11'.STATE NO. UP\.ANATION o• TH.I NATU.I IOUJ AT A f'Ueuc'u u ., YOU tHlO A I 150U OP T .. ,._OCHDIMQ AOAINIT •ID AN lll"-ANATION Of T.. DAVID 0 OONNtlL V, I 1'&11 'r I ' YOU, YOU aHOUt.o CONTACT A NATUAI OP'"' '"OCllOINQ (JOO~•'-Bl roun111n Vlflly CA • 0 al ht-Int, bt•1wfl1·1on~. LAWVllll. OU •HO LO U10t l'ft!dl\ora und l'Ulltlnjl'llt NOTICIQPflllUITH'laALI AQAINaT YOU, y U 0 80nMt ~NN LINOROftl ('r1tdltor1 of Murte J T;e......... CONTACT A LAWYllt 3 1..e ... mud r>tiv. Costl MM "8.IC NOJIC£ flCfrTM>Ue ........ HAMllTAHMfNT ""' foll1111t11•0 P•rt•n •• 001ng 1.utinn• ... AUIOMAfCU DOOl<KUPINO ACC.OUNf avau;Ma &•CRVICtL ~OBJ f'rMtdenl 1'18cAJ. Cotta Meu CA 17627 DIANN E. Mil f" iou Piea•dll\I Pte._.. Coet• M•ttA CA U11'7 I lllt ""'61-It e;e)fle!UC:ltd by rift NOTIC rs .H AE8Y GIVEN. lhAI NOTICI °' TlllUITll'• I ALf CA 1128~0 • • Bo1omworth ond p..r•on• 0nrr1<1ey,l)(;IO~lll,19'2,11900 On0c~:Dll~·l:•7n:~wtrll 1000 lhl1but111eHll Conc:l~llllOyl whCJ muy bt• CJtht•rw1111· OttMr Mtlellt o'cl~il 1 m ot e11<1<1ey,1n 111e room o·,ioc;i.. ., 111 on ·1 uod•Y 11 Ill• o•nerll p11hww11p lnt•·~'lltt'l.I 111 thl• wJU 1111cJ/ur flue ••ll•tmtnl w.a 11..a wuh 1n. 111\!lvldull Ml •tld• !Of COllCluctlno Tf\lllM'• Chl&>m•n Avtnut enlrince 10 II•• Oellld U Donn111y l'lltilW County <;ltff~ 01 Or~ County Ol'I 1i.1. 1111llhln lht OlllCtl Of RCAL Civic Canl" Building 300 c .. 1 ft\11 •lllomtnt wu llltd wllh t™t A pNJtion ~JI hc,.,11 fll, ..J StOllhll>tl• 11 1(1e:;I j. l!ITATI! 1£!CURIT11!8 !.tRVICr, Cl1tPllll1t Avenut Oronge County Clerk ol 01011ge County on bh !o'runk M . Uo .. omworth tn '1t1-toc1t1d ., 2020 NOrlfl ... 010w1y, C1J1lor111e • btpltmbltf 111. 11112 Pu111t1h111J 011no11 COHI Diiiy Sul1120e. In lilt City ol 81ntt An1, wt 6 T f RN MU TU A." "'1 .. 7 t it• Supt•rlor <.:ourl of P1io1 Sept 1e 16, 0<.1 2, 11, IH2 Co11nty ol Ortnt•· Slate 01 <.;ORPORATION • C•lllornio Publl•h•d Or1ng" Co111 Oelly Or11nJ1' County rt-~Ut•lltln~ 4131·82 C alllo1n1a RE L ESlATI: • Pllol, Sopt 111 25 Oet 2 0, 1082 h k M n . ·------------tltCURITl£G SERVICI!. • C•lltoinli Co11>01•11on, 11 l1u1100, or • • · 4080,8~ l Ill r11n nc~mwort •· corporation. H duty eppoJnted tubtlltuled Tru•IM. undtt 1111 ""° ht• 11pp11111 ll•d 1111 1wr11cm11I MLIC NOTIC£ Jru1t1t undat Md ""rlUtnl 10 11\e ot Trull ntcutlid by WILLIAM n DlllllllC tlltlflCE r prt'1'tl\ti.tllW t <lmlnl w ,ICTt·T'"''• •ua-1• POWll ol Hit co;.;,,.d In ""' WHITE end JACOUILIN J , WtOTC.. ~-m.I c . . 0 II • •• ...... -cat111ln ~ ol Trutt t•ecutt<I by ll111ber1d lll)d w1l1 11 joint 1enonl11 MUNtC•AL COUlllT Of the \•Stll l<' o f Mu rl•• J HAMf ITATIMl'NT CATHERINE A. ME.Tl an unm•,,~ h••tln Ollltd T1ut101. recordta CALl,OflNIA Ros nm worth ( u ndc·r t h1• Tho 1011owtng 0111on 11 001ng women and CLAUDIN! A OAUMM October 10, 1080 .. ln11rumen1 No COUNTY°' OftANOI Jnd(•pc•ndt'nt A~l~llllllt ulum b1111i~~ ~~OUST RY SERlllCCS 1 Widow rec0tded June 6 1081 I~ 18307• 111 BOOll l378tl Pige 17111 01 WllT OlllANOI COU..TV of l!bum•i; A4·t) I ht• J)Nlllun 9681 Yermo Circle Girden 01C>Y1. Book 14oe11 ol 6tt1ei.t ~ord .. ol Ofllctel R.c0td• 0' 01111s;: Coumv. JUDICIAL DllTI .. CT ill 8t'l for ht•(lrillH Ill IX•pt Cl\ 92644 Hid County, 11 pege 69 Atoorder'• Celll0tnll, wtll Mtl aic,blG eucuoo • 1141 lltll •&. No 3 nt 700 C:iv"' ''t•ntt'r JOHN HOBERT COAK, 0681 l11111umen1 No 81311 by reason Of. IO the lll(lllll•I blCI •1 IOt Chll w .. 1111ln•tet, CA.., •• ... G CA brHCh or deltull in payment or payat>lt Ill llwlul Monty Of rne "-AINTWt'l LAMY TAISIU.. Or1Vt-, Wt'llt, in ltw <:tty uf ~~i:.o Ct1cte G11den rove. pertorm1nce ot 1h1 obllgellon• ~:11~1 811:•• 81 th!, 11,m• ~ .. ie. Of,l'NOANT! OA"Y MICHAIL San la An11, Cull fo r 11tu on Thi• wtineH i• conduct.CS by 1n HCu••d lflareby, lncludlng lhll • n .... COMiy 0 • now ITl,HIN•ON , TlllllllY DI Ocwber 13. 1982 UI ll :m ,t rn tridlvtduel breecll Or dtltult Notlee ol WhlCh lltld by Hid Tru•lect undt1 H id MA .. TIHO, Mtt(I HAllla, TlklllV n w•• iecordtd Ju'ne 22, 18112. 11 Dttd 01 Trull 1n lhe p1ope11y DI MAlllTINO end ..c• NAiii•, 8 IF YOU OBJEC."1' to the· JOhn n CM Recorder' I lnllrument No lltueted In Mid County •nd State Otnef-4 P1ttnettlllp tM1e llA .. I grantml( CJf tht' pc•llttcm, you c;:~~y·1~\:::"~tw~•f= ~:u~~ 82·214354. WILL SELL AT PU8llC defe•lbeO 81 AUfO CINfflll ANO LIA....0 end should t'lthcr appt•ur Jt Ulc Sec>ttMber 1 1982 AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST LOI 111 01 Trec:t No 10613• .. 00«1, ttlrougll 25, IMklelve. hearing and SlOtl' your f11M12 BIDDER FOR CASH, lawfut money 11\own on a map r9COfdec! tn Book IUllllMC*I OM Fllll•t C O 11 01 1111 United Statee, Ot 1 euhler'• 448, p1gH 45 46 and 47 ol AMl~O COWLAIN'f o bJecllons or hi<' wrtllC'n Puo1t111td Or•nt• 011t • Y Clleck d•1wn oo • at•te °'national M11c111aneou1 M•P•. recorC11 of c-No.~ ObJ1•c11oni. with th<' courl Piiot Sept 4 II 1 • 25, 1~~4·82 b1nk e 11111 01 ledertl credit Orenge County. ClltfOfnlo NOTICll Yov 111•• IMeft 1...cl. bt•fort• the twaring Your ------------ un1on' Of • 11118 Of ledtrll uYlngs Tiit 11reo1 llddres1 1nd/0t other The GOUrt mer dtcldt t9ein•t rov ,_ DIDllC 11111~r , and .Oin •uoc••llon domlciled In common detlgna11on. 11 1nv. 11 wttllovt JCMlr Mint Mllfd '*"'"• apptb'litarl<.'\' ntltolt)' ~in pt•rson rUUL nu11w. thl• itatt •If pay•bl• 11 the tlmct 01 purported 10 b• 3 t Ill Klondike yov rHpond wtlllln JO., ... fie.cl or y your o rncy K,., .. UICI llt r;gfll tltle and Interest held Avenue, Coata MHD Calll0tnl• Ille lnleflnellon below. i r y 0 u A R E A fteTmoul eua..-11 by it .. T;ustee In lhet rut Slid HI& Wiii be madtl WllhOYI II you 'NISll to -k lht odV1Gt ol CRl':OITOR or a conungcnt N.AMI ITATIMUlf P<QPtfly situate In Uk! County and wirranty 15 to lllle OOIHHton or en e11orney In 1hl1 ma1111. you crt.'<iit.or of the dc-ccllS<-d you The IOllOwtng persons ••• dOlng Stall described .. tollows encumbrenee,, 1°' tll• puipott 01 lhould do so PfOMOllY so that YOllf must hie your chum with lht• butinesa •• ' "EXHIBIT A," paying the Obflgauoos securlid by written tHP09ae. 11 any, may be COAST llOUIDA TORS. 3200 P"11CEL I. Unll 6. as shown Hid Deed ol T1u11, Including I.he IM fl~ on tlmt court or present 1t lCJ th<' H•tbor Blvd .. co111 Men. CA and tfltllned on that cettaln and ••c>en1ct ol llwi lruttte end 01 AVl lOI Ue led h• •l do personal rcp1 ebC'lltttllVe 92628 Condominium Plan recorded June 11141 lrus19 crealecl by eelCI Oiled 01 demend1do. I I l1lbun1I puede appo1nll'd by the court JOSEPH A FLYNN. 860 22 1978 In book 12727 P•get T1us1. advancee thereunder. wllh dacldlt conlr• Ud. •In •ud~ • within four mo1tlhs from the Ceda•wood Drlv1, La Habre. CA 1637 10 l670 Inclusive or' Olllcllt lnlerest es provldlld theietn, end the m-que Ucl reeponde dentro . 90631 Rec.o•d• 01 Ortnge County unpaid pr111c1pa1and1n1e1ea1 ol the dt ao din. Let la lnformaclon que date of (1rsl 1ssuunce o f IRWIN GREENWALD . ~63 C1lllornle, end re-recorCICld Auguai Nole(•) securatl by Hid Deed of •ltut. lett.ers as provided IO Secuon Soull> Rodeo D11ve. Bevetly Hills. 21. 1978 In book 12808, pages 1174 Tiu'1. lo·wll $48•922 30 SI Uated deaH tollcil111 el 700 of the Probate Code o f CA 90212 10 1207 lnclullve of Otttcl•I Rec:orda Dated September 13· 1982 con1eto de un obogado en esle Cali fornta The time for Thi• buatness 11 conduclld by • of Ot1ng1 Counly, Celllornla. W E S T E AN M U TU Al 1 t d b 1 1 a h o r 1 general pertnerahlp PARCEL 2: An undlvltd 1/44th CORP ,,.:~1.~iimen~•. d~ eale 11m;.:. ft~ng claims will not expire llwrenQO t lglOw, Ally tnlerett In end to Lot 4 of Tract No 700 S Tuatln Slrtet 111 retPUetll escrlla. st hay •loun•. prtor to [our months f~om Tl>I• atelemctnt was llleel with tile 10137 1111\own on 1 M•P rec0tC1od ~~a~ri:.f:r 1~~~~ Plied•"' regt1111de 111emoo the date o f the heurrng County Clllfl< ot Orange County on In book 426. PIOH 48 lo 50 ol As such Trulloe I TO THE 0EFENOANT' A cMI nollet.>d above, Sepl I, t982 Ml1ce111neou1 M1ps, record• of comp111n1 hH been llled by the YOU MAY EXAMINE F11112:2 0rlfl08 County, Celll0tnle, together By Vttglnla Ke~ plelnlllt •g•lnst you II you with 10 Publtshed Orange Coast OaJly with all lmprovtman11 thereon. Trupsl11t Soltts0 llletr C 0 defend thla lewsu!I You must within the Cale kept by the murt. U P1101, Sept 4 11 18. 26. 1982 I .. _ 1 c d 1 ubllahed r•noe oasl ••ly ·' , I 1 d the 3921 82 UC891 ng 1 ..... e rom on om ntum PtlOI Sept 18. 26. Oct 2 1g82 ao d1y1 11tar 1hlt aummons la you arc ntert·s e rn · Unlll I through u . Inclusive, 4 135 112 llltVed on you, Ille wllh th11 eourt • est.ale, you may !1IC' a request ------------ tocet;"ARlfltrCEeoLn 3 An exclust~e -•tten retPOOM to tht GOm9fllnt with the court to r<>c:e1ve PIAM.IC NOTICE • Unlel• you do eo. youf dtlaolt wm · I r h ------------e-t f0t parking end reteted PUBLIC NOTICE be en1tred on •Pollceuon of the s p e c 1 a n o t 1 c e o t e FICTtTIOU9 euetN.E99 PUrpoeH 09er that poruon ol Lot 4 plalnlltt, •nd thll court miy entllf • inventory of estate asi.ets NAME STATEMENT of Mk! Trect No 10137, ea thown NOTICE Of' TAU9TEE't 9ALE judgment 8Q8Hlll you tor tile relltlf and of the pelltions, accounts The tollow•no person '' do•ng oo Eltfllbll "A" 10 tht Oec:lara11on of Loan No. 001-1oonw demanded In tht compleint, wlllGh and reports describe d in t>ustness u AHlrlctlona lor· Tiie Springe T.9. No. 0-14702 could ruull tn gernl•hm•nl of . (A) KELLIE·s KLUB OF HAPPY Condom nlum. reconJed Aprll 21, TD SERVICE COMPANY H duly weget, liking ot money()( propeny s e (' t I~ n I 2 0 0 0 r l h e H EA Al s. CBI K EL o,EE . (C) 111711 In bOOk 12644, ~ 820 of 1ppo1n1eo Trull et under tht or o ther 11llet rtQuuted In the Cahforrua Probate Code KELLIE·s KOZY KASTLE S. t004S 0111c111 R1co1e11 and ••·recorded lollow1ng dttcrrbed dlMd 01 11u11 <:Omi>lalnt G r esham, Varner, Savage, Bay FrOl'lt. Balboa tatenc:t. CA 92662 M•y 3. 11178 In boolt 126e0, P80I Will SELL Al PUBLIC AUCTION Oiied Aprll 2, 1882 Nolan & Tiiden KELLIE McCANDLESS, 100115 578 of Offlclll Recotds of OranQe TO THE HIGHEST QI DOER FOR Netlatd '· Wadi, Cltf1I 398 W 'th St Bay Front. 81ft>oa l-1and. CA 92662 County, Celllorn11 (hereinafter CASH (pay1ble at llmct of Ml• tn L ..... frende o.tM!tr · " · th11business11 conducted by •n relerrtd 10 u "Oecl111llon") et 11..tul money of tht Unit.cl Slltff) LAW OfflCEI o, MU,.lllAY Sao Bernardino, CA 9t401 1n<11vw:1uaf eatp0r1 tpece 5. Said ttsement II all rtghl, Olle and lnterHI C00\18Ved ,AUT'Z (714) 884·% 171 Keltlt Mce.n<1tess fur1htr dtllntd elld clflcrlO.d Ill" ~o elld now ll04d by II undt< Mid 14120 ._.. etvd. Ne. to:J Pubhshed Orange Coast Th" 1telernent )lllU fJl«I wilh t Mtclee II end Ill of lht Declar1tlon. Deed ot T1us1 1n lhl prop111y W1tlntln1ter, CA aNS ~-Counly Clefk of Ore~ County oo PARCEL 4; A non-ucluslve 11tteln11ter dnc:111>td (714) ~ Daily Pilot, .:x-pl 18, 19, 25, Augu11 30 tS182 NMmenl '°'UM end enjoyment ot TAUSTOR DAVID GONZALES Published Or1no• Coest Dally 1982 ~ F1M311 lhe Common Ar.et CletlQnlled In lht JR end IAENE D GONZA\.ES, Pilot, Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct 2, 1882 4138-82 Pubhshed 011nge COHI Daily Decl1ratlon. Mid ..-nt benit)G. fluabend end wile 4027-82 PllOI. Sepl 18 25, Oc1 2. 9. 1982 further defined end deecrlbfl6/ In~ .BENEFICIARY MONT EB ELLO Pllll.IC NOTICE 41'1·82 Ar1Jclee II end 111 ol tht Oec:taietfon. 1 ~tDERAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN PUBLIC NOTICE EXCEPT THEREFROM 111 oil, ASSOCIATION. 1 corpor11Hon K-01133 g I•, m t n Ir a Is end o I h er AecotdeCI August 5, 1980 ea lntlr FICTITIOUS 8 USINIE8S FICTITIOU9 BUSINESS MLIC NOTICE hydrocafbonl. belOw 1 depth ol 500 No. '410 In b001t 13690, page 25 ot NAMI ITAlEMINT NAME STATEMENT flCTITIOUI 9U91NISI fHI, without tht rlgfll of surface Offlclel Aocord• 1n the olftce of the The lollOwlng persona are dOlng The following pe<aona 11e dotng NAME ITAT'f.lllENT entry, 11 retefVod In lnatrument1 of Recorder of Orange County, Hid butlneas IS business as The 1011ow1ng pe.sons .,. doing rec0td. deed ol trull ducrlbU tht INTERCEPT PROGRAM. 22762 CA l IF 0 AN I I\ SU AF bualneu as Tiie 11ree1 ldClreu or 011111 loltow1ng property Aai>en Pla.r.•. Sulll 202. El Toro. CA PRODUCTS, 21211 South Hathaway, AVANT!. 33962 8tue Lantern, common detlgnetlon ol tlle real llCtaff "A" 112630 Sant• Ana, CA 92704 Dine Point. CA 92629 pr098'1y n.elnebOVe dffCrlbed la Tl>OM 1)()(1lonl ot T1ect 6524, In WESTWORLD COMMUNll Y STREET HUSTLERS SKATES MODENA CORPORATION. a purported to Oe 5 Stre1mwood, the County o f Or1n91 5 1•11 of HEALTHCARE. INC . Stitt ol CORPORATION. I C 1lllorn1a Celll0tnla c;orporetJon. 33962 Blue lmnt. Catiloml• Clllf0tnla, u per m1p recorded 1n lncorpo11t1on C11llornl1, 22762 c:orporlllOn, 2129 Soulh Hett1aw1y, Lantern. Dena POlnl. CA 92629. T fie u nClerstg ned lltr e by bOOk 263, pagee 38 to 311 inelulM, Aapen Pla.u, Sutlt 202, El Toro. CA Senti Ana, CA 92704 Tiiie bull,_ 11 eonCIUC1ed by a dl•clelma 111 ll•blllty tor •ny MllClllAM"Ull Mac>t. In the oftlet 01 82630 Tt11s 1>vsineu I• conducild by • corporat!Of> 1nc0trectneu In llld street llddreu the count. ecotdtr of 18><1 county Thi• 1>v11neu 11 cond11C1ted by a corpor•hon Mooeria Cotporetoon or oti-common deslgnallOn detcr11>8d In Pere.I• .. lollowl c:orporellOn SltMI Huallert Sft.llet At>dOlllh Khole. ~-Slid 1&le wlU be m1de w.thOul PARCEL 1 Ltlt 105 ol lltd Wostworld Community Corp fhll llllllM'll WH filed wltll tht w1rr1nty. eaprtH or lmplltd. T1ec1. HealtnCer1. Inc Jaclc Hoklnton Pres County Clerk ot Or1n99 ~ty on 11g11dlng lllle, poueulon, or PARCEL 2 A non-uclua1ve 911beth J Crus. Corp Th<s 11a1emen1 wH hied wtlh llM Stc>temt>e< 8 t982 tncumt>r1ncn. to ullaly lht eaaem.rit over lht We&t•ly 3 00 Sec1y County Clerll ol 0r•llQ8 Count)' on Ft9711155 prlnclp•I bel1nce 01 tht Note or leet ot Lot 10.. ot UICI Tr.c:t. 11 tht T1111 ll•tement wlS tlled w111'1 the Aug 12. 1Sl82 coay N.. KEU.l:ll olhtr Obllg•llon MCur9d by H id ..,,,. is 1110wn on uhlbl1 A Ind liOt County Cten. OI Orange County on f11S2SS Al1omey et"- Died ot Y-11111. with tnleteat alld Ille purPOses .. , f0<th th.,e1n In Sept1moer 13, 1982 Pubhsfled Orange CoHI 01111) 115 T-n CeMef Or. No. IOO other 1um1 H p•ovlde<I tllereln; tllat c ertetn Dect1r11lon ol F111303 PllOI Sept 4 11, 18 25 1982 Cotta f1111eM. CA ma plu1 1dv1~1. ti any. unCltr 1111 E•tebltsflment ol E11emen1 Published Orange Coul Delly 3929-112 Publ11lled 0111111• Cout 0111y terma 11\er"t0f Ind lntereel on IUCl'I recorded Augull 2. 11112 in l>Ook P110t. Sept 18 2~. Oct 2 9 1982 ------------P110t Stpt 11 18. 25. Oct 2. 1982 adv1nc.. and plu1 f-. cflergeei 10254. page 812. OlllC•al Aec0tda 4148-82 P\&IC NOTICE ~2-82 ~.,,pen_ ol tht Truslte end ot of MICI County lht 1111111 cre•l9d by Uld Deed ot YOU AM IN DEFAULT UNO£ .. A Trull The 10181 amount of Hid DEED OF TlllUIT DA no 'ULY 21. obllglllOn, tnctudlng t8HOn1bly 1llO. UNL.111 YOU TAKI ACTION e1tlm1ted leu, Chlfges 1nd TO PlllOTICT YOUA PlllOPl.lllTY, e~ ol lht Trustee, II the time IT MAY II IOLD AT A PU•LIC oflnlllal publiclllon otlhls Nola,.. • A LI • If y 0 u .. I! I D A N S30.058 53 .-EXP\.ANATION Of ·THI N.ATUllll Deted: Stc>tember 23, 1982 Of ntl PlllOCllOINO AOAtNaT REAL ESTATE YOU, YOU 9HOULO CONTACT A SECURITIES SERVICE, LAWYllll. 1 C.Mfoml• corponillon, S7 Willow Trte Lane. lrv1n1. CA H 'truatet 112716 By 0 . J. Morger. "(II 1 llrtet 11dd1ns or common (SEAL) 111 PteslClent deargnallon 11 shown 1bov1, no Pllll.JC NOTICE flCTTTIOU9 eUtlNEH NAME ITATIEMIENT Ille IOllowlng l*'tonS .,. dotng butlnetl .. OCEAN PACIFIC PATIOS, 666 Sturgeon Drive, Coate Mtsa. CA 92828 • TONY M YBARRA CONST CO. 668 Sturpeon Otlve, Costa Men, CA 92828 Thia buslneas Is conClucled by en lndlVCdual Tony M Ybarra Const, 2020 N Broldw1y. Sulle warrenly 11 gtvtn at 10 111 completene11 or correct°"'' " Co 206, Sant• Ane. CA 92706 Telephone (714) 953--6810 Publllhed Or1no• COHI O•lly PllOI, Stell 24, Ind Oct 2. 9, 1982 424$-82 Tiie benellcltry under uld Deed of Tru1t. by reuon ol • t>r.actl or defeult tn Ille obllga11on1 MC\lted the<et>y , herttotort eaecuttd and deltvered to the und11s1gned • written DeclarettOn of Deteull 111C1 Oemllf\d tor Sele. and wrlllen not~ of t>reactl end ol etec:llon 10 c.tuM Tony M Yt>91r1 NILIC NOTICE Thi. ... ,_, W81 filed with the County.Cl«k 01 Orenge County oo Augu•t 3 I, 11182 f1N51t PubllsheCI Orange CoHt Delly Ptlot. Stpl 18, 26. Oct 2, 9. 1982 4146-82 IOPEllllOlll COUlllT OF 1he under11gned to 1111 11ld ------------ CALWONflA l>'l>Ptf1Y to u1111y Mid ob11getton1. ...-1c 11111TICE COUNTY OF Oft.ANOe and tlleretller the undersigned ____ r_UUL __ nv ____ _ F1cm1ous •u11Nus NAME 8lAT£MENT Pllll.IC NOTICE Tiit lollow•ng person5 ere doing K,.1135 business ea FICTITI04.ll 9UllHll8 PORTRAIT MUSIC 7378 NAMf aTATUltENT Orenge1110tpe Avenue. Bueno Park Tri. lollowtng pe•sons 1111 do4ng CA 80620 bu•1ne1s OJI RBG RECORDING, o Celtl0tn11 (Al RAINBOW MAN ; (Bl corporlllton, 777 Ouorl Circle. "RA INBOW VA N ... 907 Lombard Anaheim Htlls. CA 92807 Court, Cotti M .... CA 92626 Thll bullness II conCluCloCI by • ST RAIN. INC .• C11tlornle corpo101ton corpOr811on. 907 Lombard Court, RBG Recordtng Coll• Mesa. CA 92626 R1cha1d B 011mthaw. Tiii• buSlneu 11 conducted by e Pres corporation This statement was filed with the St Rain. Inc County Clerk of Ortngt County on Wllffem H Streln, Pres Septembet 13, 1982 Tiits 1111emen1 wu filed Will\ the KlllAY A aMfTH County Clerk ol Orat1Q8 County on! CetH1eetof1 et Lew Sep! 2, 1932 4400 MecArlllut 91M. llllte PO Newpofl lteedl, CA t29IO Pubtlsned Or•noe Coa11 Dell~ PtlOI, Sept 18 25 Oct 2 9 1982 4145·12 PlllllC NOTICE ffflln Publt•heCI Orengct CoHI Dilly Pilot, Stpt 4 I 1. 18. 25, 1882 39211-82 Nlltc *>TIC£ In ltlt .._...,of tlM Apflc•ltofl ceuMd 18111 notlCt ot breactl and of NOTICE of TAYlOlll JORDAN ~TPIMN eltcUon to be recorded June 7, YOU AM IN Dl!FAUL T UNOElll A f1CT1TIOUI IUatNlll ,.c._....,...._. 1U2ulnatrNO 82·1Sl3048ot .. io DllO OF TlllUIT, OATIO NA•ITATDllENT flCTITIOUa llUMtlU NAMI STATlmMT The followlng peraon 11 CIOll\g bUtlnell U . e ........ A•114Ml Olflclel Aeco<da 'ANUAflY 2, Ull. UnteH JOU Tiie lollow1ng person It doing ~TO IHOW CAUll S1ld HI• wlll be medt . but TAKI ACTION TO '"OTECT bu9111ff9 II ,()fl CHAMQa Of' NAm without coven1nt or werr1n1 YOUlll PlllO'l .. TY, IT MAY IE IOOOBOuAN~IESAt~tNNAoNCtl60AL ~ Mr en O Mr I W ILL I AM bl>'-°' Implied. rtgerdtng hi ... IOU> AT A PUeLJC IALE. If' YOU •• ·-• .•• -,,.,.. STFIATEMAN have 11~ • pttlllon In 00taess1on, or encumbre'ICll. lo NEID AN llCPL.4NATIOM OFT.-9Hc:ll. CA 112660 11111 coun lor 1n 01der allowing pay the rem11n1ng P<lnClpel tum ot NATUlllE OF THE PlllOCEEDINO CVRtl F KERTMAN. 2110 1 l)t1111ontt to Cl'lenQe 1111 name ftom Ille notel•I secured by Mid Oted ol AOAIHIT VOU, YOU 9HOULD Ctrob Slreet. Newpor1 Beach. CA 'T"AYLOR JORDAN STRATE.MAN 10 Trust, wlthintet .. 1 11 In uld note CONTACT A t.AWYllt. Sl2~ WYATT JORDAN STRATEMAN provided, 1dv1ncft, If any, under NOTICE Of' TIIUSlll!'S 9ALI TNa buslnesa 11 COflducted by 1n It II 1111eby ordered that 111 Ille 1erm1 of 11ld DMd ot Trull, T.a. No. 2•7M tlwll 1ndlYldulll "'eon• rnt«Hted In Ille miner lees, c11erge1 1n<1 upenM of tM On Octobef 12. 1982, 11 to oo CYfll F l<tr1m11.n tfOfeuld appeer before this QOOrt Trualte 1nd ol the 1rus11 crHlld by o'clock 1 m on Tueiday 11 the Thl1 11a1emen1 wu fllecl wllh IM (I\) CASH DISCOUNT CARD OF ORANOE COUNT'f'. (8) ACRO OF ORANGE COUNTY. 2e3t2 Pacato Drive, MIUIOll Viejo. CA 92691. GREGORY SCOTT IAWIN. 263112 Paca10 Ortw. Miiiion VlefO, CA 92891 Th•t bUlln•• 11 condllctld bY an Individual Grtg0ty S 1"""1 Tlllt 1111en1et\I WU flted w4th IM County Clerk ol OranQe County on Seotemt>et 8, 11182. In °"'llflrnent No. 3 11 700 Civic tald Deed 01 TNll Chapman Avenue ent••~ 10 the Count)' Cltfll of OrlllQ• County on Cen11r Orlve W11t. Santi Ana. Said Mle will be htld on Friday Civic Cenllr Bulldlng. 300 Eest Septmber 10, 11182 ,197117 C•lllO<l}ll on OCt. 20, 1H2. at 10:30 October 8. 1982 et 2·00Pm ,11 lht Chepmen Ave .. Orange, C A ,._....., a K--"'-o'clOCtr 8,M ., and then and lhert Chapm1n A11tnue lltltll"", 10 lht w E S T E A N M U T U A L -,.. •• a -· .. tllOw ceuM, II Illy 11\ty heve. Why Civic Center Building. 300 EHi CORPORATION 1 Calllornle 2081 htlntte Centet Otlwe, Hid pelltlon for Ch•no• of name Chepmen Avenue. In lht City of c 1 • T 1 lvtte 200, ,..,. .. - Put>lltfl•d 011nge Cotti Dell)' • Pllol, Sept 11, 111, 25. OCI. 2, tM2 3841-42 ... -·td not .... prentld, Oreng•. C11lll0tnl• orporll on, •• rut ee. or kYIM CA ta111 1111m• •c t11t1ftl'C .. IVV """ 111batltultcl Trullee, undllf the Deed • ruuu ""'~ 1tl1f11rtn.0tdetldtflatacopyol At t h• lime or th• lnllltl 01 Trull taeculed by WILLIA.MR Put>llshed Orange Co11t De11y ___ _..;:_..;:;._ _____ _ thll order t o thOw C8ult bt p11blteallon of this notice. lhe loltl WHITE ind JACQUELINE J. WHITE, PilOt, Stpl 11, 14, ~6. Oct 2. 1982 ftCTITIOUI ~II publllllltd In Coat• Mesi Diiiy PilOl, 1moun1 ol lhll unpllld bale"" of lhe fluibanCI and wlle •• Joint tenants. 40211·112 NAME aTATl•NT 1 ,_..,tafMll of gentrat Clrcutlllon, obllgelfon Hcured by the 1bov. hlllln celled Truator, rtcorded Tht lollowlng pe11on I• doing publl1hed In 11111 county et le111 dHCrlbed de1d of tru11 ind JltlultY30. l98I 11 tn1trumen1 No, 1WD1fC ..,,.Tl"t bu11neu H onol • wtelc f()( lour consecutive eatlmated COii•. U!>•n11•. •nd 38711, In Book 13933. Pege 1717 ot l"UIM. "" ~ HOLL Y'S GRAPHICS. 2617 w .. kl prior to the dey qt 11ld ldv1nc:ea IS $103,02081 Olfklll Records ot Olll\98 County, flCTITIOUI tlU ... ll Orange Avenue, No 4·8 . Coll• llMflllQ To dtlermlne lh• opening bid, Caltloml1. Wiii .... II put>ll<: euc:Uon NAMI IT.AnMl'NT MIN. CA 92827 Oltld. September 10, 1082. you mey cell (714) 937-C>He 10 1118 hlghHI b idder for c11h. The following per•on 11 Clolng HOLLY TERRELL. 2t1' Otenge frenk OomenlGhtnl, Judge or tht Date Stc>11mber 9, 1882 P~•t>lt In tiwtul money of 1111 bUllMN U ' Avenue No 4·8, Coall Mtea. CA Supertot Cout1 f j) SERVICE COMPANY _. S 1 tM U f Mle S12627 Publl1hltCI Or•not Co11t O•llY u Mid lrullee, ui. ;,.,::~ ~ ~...,..; 81,,!~~=~~c!1~2~d Tllla bustneaa a. GOl1due1td by an Pllol. &.c>I I I, II, 25, Oct 2, 11182 By ROM A GltCll. htld by 11ld TrUllM under Hid GEORGE Ml(ITAAIAN, 2433 1nd1Vldual ol001·82 Allllttlltlt Sec•e18ry Oeed ol Truet In tht p1opt1ty NewrldQ• Drive. Rancho P1lo1 Holly Tatrell I One City BIVd . West. 111111ted In Mkl Count)' and Stilt Ve<d•, CA SI02H. ThlS 1111ement wu ftlld With Ille -------Ortngt. CA 92968 .. ..._.. ---"' C~ntw Cler• of Ontnge CO\lflty on P\B.IC *>TICE r., 17141 93s-e2u 11tK .. .,... ••· ni11 bull,_ ._ ...,. ... uc1te1 by in , 91t --~--T--------.. ---,-.--Publllhed Or~~ Cout Oilly Loi 19 Of Tree• No 10513. II lndMdu•I September I, 1 , ..... ,.,.. .. ..,.... __ ...,,. lllown on I mll) rec0tcMd In 80011 0-ge Mkll9111n NAMI ITATIMINT PtlOI Seen 11• 2 I 2• I.-448, Jllgtl 45. 46 e nd H ot Thie ttllerntnl wu ltltd wtth U!e Put>llthtO Orenge Co .. I O.Uy T~ IOllowlng OtrlOOt .,. doing • 13.4-82 M11citll1neou• M•p• record• ol County Cle<lo. of Oranot County on Piiot, S9PI 4, 11 111. 28. 1M2 t>uelntM ... P\BtJC fl>TIC£ Otenge County, Cllllornle St91tm_,., 10, IH2. SISf.82 CAL'AY SYSTEMS. INC .• 3QOI 1--------------~----4 Tiie Street ldOt ... It purPOf't.cl 1<111111 ..,,.TIC[ MacArthur Blvd .. S111te 115, rteTmoua .U-91 10 ti. 3111 l<Jondt.ke A.,....ue. eo.t• Publl1lled Ortnit Counlv Dtll~ ____ Ml.IC~~-""--· ---.._. hecll CA 1128e0 NAm ITATl•MT M ... Clllfomle ' 8 ···-CAL I< R 0 SC H E W S I< 1 T1l9 totlOwlng Pfl'IOI\& 1.1• doing S•ld 81te win be meot wilhoul Pt!Ot, Seo! I I. 1 • 25· OCt lo~ f::.~,·A~=l;I ll!CTAONIC OMBH. 11elnrlcll l>llllMll ... werrtnty H 10 Ill .. ~ Of T , ............... ..__, ., • ._,no Krumm-Ill &, 8050 Olfanbtc:ll, ,.._ tAANS WOllll.O A 0 0CK, l3!! 81\WMbt111«11, for IM l)urpoM ctl blltl~.;';'.ft"'V .. ~~· ""' w .. 1 Qermany. .,..ngelhorPt Awnut. utlle •"" peylf\O tllt obt1g11toru Meurtel by •te fl>TIC( THE VIDl'.O OUTPOST. 4H1 l<A18ER a OR. DAMM QM8H, CA 80e20. Hid OttO Of Trust, lnc.ludlng the,.. ll Palma Avenue, i.. Palme. CA Gtrhlrl·H111p1m1nn•Str. 74, tl0&2 RBO RECOROrNO a CtlllOtnlll •nd eJU)enM ot tht Tru•tee •nd OI 'teTITIOU• .,...... OC>eU Muhlhtlm/M1l11, w .. 1 Qerminy corporation, 111 Quell ClrClt , the trutll ~Itel by 11ld o..d ot NAMI ITAH..,,,. OONAlD L. fORIUIT 5412 Thi• OUtllltff II conduc'led by • M•htlm Hiii•, CA 82807 Trull. ldVll\Ctt 111tr.under, INllll llle tollowlng per1on .. dOlnQ VetMt Oflv. LI PtllM. CA -3 eo<porttlon Tiii• t>u••~u •• conduc1tCI by I lnllfMI .. provt<ltd 111tre1n. Ind lllt but!,,... ••• . . OONNA. " l ORIEAf °' 12 Caley SytlMll, rnc COrpotllk>n. unpetd prtnClptt 1nd lnltr"t or lht 811l'l..L1·8AV~O, 4. H ewl>Of\ Verntr Dflw l• P•lma CA toeu. Alth1rd A Fll\n, Btcfy RIO llleoMdlnO Not• MOUf'td by MIO Pied°' 'fruit. 8lvd l~' 0 2103. t1111 11u11neu It ~ bt 1 Tiii• allltrntnl Wit llltel Wiii\ Int Rlch•rd 8 Orlm•tt•w, I0-11141• 12a.oe2 SI Al. A~ l:llCHA~ LAN •• .,. geMfll parlnerahlp • County Ollltk of OrlftQe Councy on PrM 01ttd Stpltn'lbtf 13, 1882 ~I llvd . htcll. CA Donna '· Tor11tn 1 September t 1tl2 Thi• •t•ltmenl WH llltd will\ Wit,_ .nuAL 9246) fl4ed tM ' . ,,.,.. the County Clerlt Of Or•• Counll COIW'CNIA'hOll fhll bllllltltll II oondueled by en Thi• 11•1"'*'' -Willi on HOW.,_, ~ • .ow. on s.t>•embtr 13, 1H2 ·-,.. .. helR k tnOMdUll COll!lll Cterlc of Ot9nO' ~ Al__,. .. Uw p,,,,_ ON11e1. CA -1 All8tl Ill lliteL_.. s.t. l"2 ,.,_ .... ~ .... KflAY • ...,,. (1Mfl1t.... Thll llltemttlt wee fllld wllll Ille Put>llthed Ot•no• Coeet Oett, ,,0 , ... _, c-ntu1 .. ..... TM .-i ~--~~,..!.~, °'1110,:lllOI County on PtlOI. s.p1 11 11, H , ~. 2. , .. ....,.,. ..... CA~ .__A,_ llN...... ,_... ll-=-· ....,_,,,... , • ,-40-..t ...... ....... ..... CA-........... -·-Pul>ll•~O Or1nge COHI 0111, ,11tllllhed Ora nQt Co1tt Otll) ' tl"ubll•lltd 0••1111• Co1~t Otlly Pvblt1lleO Orengt C::oHI Daltp PllOt. "" 'I, 11, 261 OC11 2, 1HI l'llot. ltot 11. 15. Oci t. 9, I"!. l'tlot ...... u Ocl. a. tea Pilot. ..,. •• 11, 11 u. 1112 40~2 4144 .. • • 1M-U HIO U Ftncl ltllhtl ~ou want In Dlll1 ""°' Ct ...... \ • . Orange Cout OAILY PILOTl8aturday. Sepletnb« 2&, 1912 I t's Edison vs. B a nning tonight at Big A BY l\OO J':ft CARLSON Oftlle DMty ........... - Th Ume hat \."Oml· hand held by lhu Banning Pllo&a -J'•rrqamo M)'• thlt tffm may ~ Jh beat he• hat ewer had. Convt1r1<1ly, tht> F.dl1<>n Exprftl, which rolled \.0 411 vlctorl In ~O atarta the paait thr~ yea.rs, hat bt-cn slowed con.aid rably with the c.ifttmw.• ahowlna lhtlo of put •xplolt1. Banning Hlah'• J>Uota, ahc-tlml" Los Angeles City champion•, and Edl1on Hitch'• Char&l"rl, Suiuel Leagur champions five of the put lij>< ycun and CJF Big Five Confcren~ kln~plna two of the put three yeara, are on the.-aame ffold ionight -at Anaheim Stadium, beginning at 7:30. eo.K-h Bill Workman'• Chargtini Ill'<' 2· l after auffcrlna their flrtt 1hutout (6·0 by Vlllw laat week) In 83 IArnC!S and &nr\ing cntcra at ll aoUd, nine· Point favorite. Banning Coach Chris Ferra1amo aay• "the timJng'a right," alluding to the lac.1 tht• Ansels, Brulna and Trojans are on the road, the Dodgers play in the afternoon and there ls no profeeslonal football, thus a crowd in excess of 25,000 Is anticipated. · The timing's also right in terms of the upper AddJng to Edllon'a prob! ms la the abae""" or defensive lineman Mark Wooch (kn<.-t•), guard Mike Polly (ankle), guard Jim Painter (for the aeuon), fullback·defcnalve end Leunard Simpson (broken leg), defenalve back Todd Leevey (<.'OUarbon ) and defensive end Scott Broderick (pinched nerve). "Thia hu been a w eird seuon for ua," aaya Cyclists compete in Mesa By HOWARD L. HANDY O("~ DeltJ "°' ..... United States n ational c hampionsh ips in criterium bicycle racing will be determined on four levels of compel& lion today and Sunday in the N ational Criterium Championship in Costa Mesa. The event is co-sponsored by the Harbor Boulevard of Cars from Costa Mesa and will find the women's. veteran's (over 35) and jun ior (16 ·18) titles Mi ke Wells determined today. The senior men's (18-35) race is Sunday. Dave Cad igan The women's race is over 13 laps (26 miles) and gets the two- day program under way at 9 this morning with Rebecca Twigg of SeattJe as the early favorite. Tars' defense does 10-3 At 10:15, the veteran's race over 16 laps (32 miles) will get under way with 67·year-old Phil Guamaccia of Brea among the early favorites in the {ield that includes riders almost half his age. Today's final event is the junior competition, a wide open Newport Harbor s tops Lions affair with more than 100 riders. By JOHN SEVANO OI IN Delly Piiot, autt The two-day extravaganza Newport Harbor High head concludes Sunday with 5K and Coach Mike Giddings wondered lOK foot races a l 8 in the morning and concluding with the out loud Friday night, prior to his 25 L (50 l e a m ' s m e e t i n g w i l h senior men's race over aps Westminster, whether his Sailors mJJes) starting at 10:40 wit ore had remembered what it was like than 80 riders in the f , any to . of national promine . ( win. A mong the favorites in the ~fter all, the Tars had •tarted men's race will be Davis p · ~ seuon 0-2 and had lost 12 of of CoJorado and Tom Schuler of theJJ' laat 13 games. Well, maybe lllinoia. Both are \op riders on a the Sailon did forget . . . for a national level in crlterium racing. brief moment. Spearheaded ~y a The Costa Mesa track is two tenaclou~ d~fense, the Sailors miles in length and includes eight w on ~heir first game of 1982, tight turns and a six-degree hill droppLng the hOB\ lJona by the o n Placentia Avenue near count of 10-3 In a nonleague Estanc ia High School. It is affair before an estimated.crowd regarded by many as one of the of 2,500 at Westminster Hieb·. most challenging cir cuits in A 43·yard field goal by teruor crit.erium racing. place-kicker Bud Coberly and a A criterium race is a closed 19·yard pass hookup fro~ course event (no cars allowed on quanerback Tony Wells "° split the street during· racing) and it is end Rich Power waa all the a points race in which the referee offense Newport need~ as ~e designates certain laps as point or defense k~pt Wes tmmst~r s bell laps. o~fense at ats e~d o~ the field The overaU winner is the rider virtually the entare mght. w it h the mos t points. not The o nly time the Lions necessarily the one who Cro6Se5 crossed into Newport territory the finish line first although that was late in the final period. And, rider does pick up 10 points for the d rive r es u 1 t e d in his \.Op finish. Westminster's only points of the In the Sunday 5K and lOK night. too. as senior Ray Berg races, more than 1.100 runners converted a 46-yard field goal are expected \.0 compete in the alt.empt. runs. The entry fee of $7 will assure each runner a pair of running shorts and a chance to win prizes including IO-speed bicycles. dinners and bicycle equipment. The 5K race lS a flat, 3.1-mile run through Fairview State hospital grounds and around the Costa Mesa Golf Course. The lOK run will take runners downhill for the first mile. up a six-degree grade for the second mile, through the Fairview State Hospital grounds and around the golf course for a 6.2·mile stretch. The rest of the game, however. it was messr s. Brett Kacura, Jason Savisaar, Frank R oa, Gavin Greely and Dave Cadigan who were in control. While tackles Kacura and Savisaar effectively closed down the Lions' running game up the middle, defensive ends Roa. Greely and Cadigan did their best to pressure quarterback Tim Hanson and Westminster's passing game. "It's the key to our season," said 91ddin~s of the Newport defense. "There's going \.0 come a time this season-where 1 hope our offense can control the tempo like our defense is doing now." The Lions managed only 105 yards in total offense and a paltry 39 yards on 31 carries in the rushing department. Han.son, who was continually pressured, was also sacked three times and completed but 5 of 13 pass attempts for 66 yards. Coberly'• field goal came with two seconds remaining before the half and culminated a drive which saw Newport move Crom it.a own 40 to the Westminster 24 in 20 seconds. The 19-yard touchdown came with 4:46 left In the third period. Gil Ward set up the drive when he returned a Westminster punt 20 yards to give Newport a first-and-10 at the Lion 28. Six plays lat.er Wells found Power for the TD. * ""''°" 10, w .. tmlnater a S-..bJO-W. Newport Herbof 0 3 7 0-10 WM1mln1ler 0 0 O 3-3 NH-Cobef'ly 43 FG NH-Power 111 P•IS from W911• (Co'*'ly kldl) W-Berg 41 FG AttendlnCe-2.500 ( .. tlmeted) 0-ltetletlcl .... Flrll down• 13 RulhM-y•rd1 '1·98 PHtlng y•rd1 1oe P-a 7·20·2 Punta 6-40 Fum~toat 3-2 Pen .. tlff.y1rO. 10. I 18 w 5 31·39 ee 5-13·1 10-38 2·1 11-92 114v!d!YI "UINne NH-GOOOll•ld, 5-for mlnut 13, Brown, 7~9. Brazat. 26-88, Truong, 1·for mlnut 3: Well&. 2·tor mlnua 3. W-H•neon, 6-for minus 6; AedmoNt. 8-4; Wood. 17-21; Cherron, 2-13. tftdlvttt• PNllftt NH-Goodlleld, 3-11· 1, 31. Wella. •·9· 1. 68 W-H11190n, 5·13-1, M. ............. "-oel ............. -:. .... NH-lOllM. 1·14. Bra111. 1-12. Power, 4·S3, GOM, 1·27 W-Ferrlt, HI; Redmond. 1-7; Va1en1Vt11. 2·48, C111rron, 1·5 Estancia belts Tritons, 30-15 S pies ( 183 yards, 3 TDs) sparks win over Tri tons By TERRY WHITE .,,_... ...... o.lr "°' Matt Spies scored three touchdown• while running for 183 yards to lead the F.atancla High Eagles \.0 a 30-15 football victo r y over the h ost San Clemente Tritons Friday night 1 before 2,200 fans. The Jou waa the fint for San Clemente thia eeuon and leaves it wtth a 2-1 reoord, the aame as the F.agles. S"'8 waa the catalyst for the Ea1lea, 1COrlng on runs of one and two yards, then catching a paaa from Scott Davia for 16 yard1 and a third score. He picked up 183 yards in 33 auempu for COftCh F.d Blanton's club. San Clemente had a fine performance from quarterback John Welaer, who drov• the- Trlt.ona 74 yardt ln 13 plays for a ICOl"'e with 6:16 left ln the tint quartet". WeU!er went over from four yarda ou\ to put San Clemente ln front, 7-0. Durlna th e drlve, Welter completed .,.-of 29 • and 30 yards with the latter completion coming on a fourth-and· 13 on the FAtancia 24. Dean Ames gathered in the ball at the four-yard line and t wo plays later, Weiser went ln to score. Spies catch waa for the third touchdown of the game for the Eagles and gave them a 21·7 edge with 58 seconds left in the first hall. Davis alao had a fine outing, completing 9-of-14 pu1e9 for 98 yards for the F.ag,Jea. In the fourth period Weiler got the Triton• rolling again, completina a 48-yard pu1 to Jeff Carr, who took the ball to the Eatancla four-yard line. Two play• later, Welter acored hi1 _ aecond touchdown of the iame on a four-yard quarter back keeper to cut the Eaalet' le.cl to a 23-1!1 wtth 9:08 left ln the 1ame. W elaer also played well defenalvely, mak i ng one quarterback sack and one tac.kle. Ht alao returned two kickoff•. Off enaively, Weiler led hit ieam in ru.thlna whh .:1.9 yarda on 10 carries, while compl tlne O of 12 pasaes for 111 yards. ''When you get beat 30· 15 there'• not a whole Jot you're plea.ed with," aaJd Schaff. * htanole .. ten c ......... 11 ..... ..,a-we Et19nele 1 13 3 7 -'° S1n Cllfnenle 1 0 0 I -16 I SC·We!Mf 4 run (McCormack kletll !-SP* 1 run {HodQe klek) E·Spi91 I run (kick 1>tocUd) E·Spiee 16 p-. !Yom o.vlt (H()OOt klelt) E·Hodge 1t '° se.w...., 4 run (Hetwy rvt1) l!•WOll 6 NII (Hodge lliclc) Attendenoe-2,200 ( .. lll'l\tt.,I .............. I IC Flr11 downa 20 11 ~)'llldll '1·210 llS.104 PlilelnO ytrdlt M 111 P..... t.14"0 .. ta.I P\f'ltt 2-30 W2 Fun'\~ 1-4 1·2 PenlH .... yerd. 3-25 .. 70 ~· .. ~ E -Solel, 33· 113; ~t. .. 11: Woit, t-16; O.vie, M3) 8C -W....,, 10.H, Anto, 1049; ,ietlllng, .. n . McConMdl, 1-11•. Hetwy 1.2. .... ,h•l'---1 -Devit ... 14-0i .. 8C -WelMt, .. li'•I, 111 ...... Ull RH ..... I -Mlkllllell, 2·'°· Cowy, 247. tptee, M t; Utmton, M3; a.no.a, t.e, I.~, 24. IC -c.tr, a.11, Amree, 1·12. l<tndall. H Workm11n, "In that ...,.,ry aamto we've-playt"CI hu bt"CTI llku a 1euon·o~nttr. W• know nothtna about our c>pponc.>nt, we're not prepared." behind an aare-ive front line that ch~ka oul •l 6·3~. 236 pounds from &.1cki.t to lilht end. Fetrrapmo uya hla aecondary la hla defeMe't bett a.wt, which would tend \.0 add to Bannina'•· advantall', aince the r>Htlna came hH bHn Ed.lion'• only ttuonably effective offe-nelve w pon throuah three ttarta. Tht• only lln up change for Edi.on th.la w k \a at tljht nd whllr Chria Sharon (6·0, 17~) hu emera('<f On tht• plwi aide tor tht• Chl&rQ\tni, the F.dlaon defenae ha.a llmltro three opponcnt.t t.o 51 yarda a game on the around and 84 through th air (averuae>. •nd therein llet Edi.Ion'• chances for a ma)or UJ)lel. "With the veer you have \.0 atop the fuU*k inaidc, the ~uurt.cr*k keept'r and the pitch," adds Workmuh. ·Th<' theory is you nm't.do lt all." Hll Pilotl are U.U!d at the 1taW-'• No. 1 raued team, while ltdlaon, which once enjoyed that reputation durlna the 1979·81 apan. la currently ranked No. 6 In Oranac-C.OUnty. lt't1 Banning'• season·o~n •r and the P iloll feature option quarterback Ronnie Barber with M pair or runn\ng backs with 4.6 apeed In the 40 E laewlaere toalpt: c.o.t.a MHa trieJ \.0 break ln\.O the winning column aa.ainat Lm Alamlt.oe (at.a 0·2) at Western Hlah. and'l.oe Anael• Clty power Canon (0-0) viaita Mluion Viejo (2·0), alto with 7:30 at.arta. From 0-7 to 27-7 Ca po tops Cd M with f o ur final quarter TDs By ED ZINTEL lpeclel ...... DeltJ ,.... Corona del Mar High football coach Dick Morris has every reason to believe that he haa a good team this year, despite an 0-3 start. Thal Is, Morris has three-quarters of a good team. F-0r some reason, unbeknownst \.0 Morris, his Sea KJngs have played extremely well until the last part of each game thus far. But then, something goes wrong. 1'~rida y night at Newport Harbor High, the Sea Kings battled h ead-to-head with Capistrano Valley, finally taking a 7-0 lead late in the third quarter on a 28·yard pass from t ailback Lance Marlin to Jeff Lasor. But Capo Valley rallied with four touchdowns In the fi nal quarter, winning, 27-7, and making a very close game look like a near rout. ''l know they're not 20 pointa ~tter than us," said Morris, "but I can't explain what happened \.0 us.•· early ln the fourth quaner. Capo Valley moved 77 Jarda for a touchdown, cappeo by a one· yard pau from Call to fullback Randy l.annam. All but aeven yard a of the drive were-by paaalng. . The turning point then came on a Corona del Mar fumble at the Sea King 8·yard line, tackle Bob Jenkins recovering for the Cougars, Halfback Walt DeCasas ran it in on the next play for the go ahead touchdown. Capo Valley scored twice more, both on loog interception returns by Jeff Prechel of 50 yards ~d Matt Keenan of 85 yards. "We simply Jet down," said Morris, "We've tried to work on conditioning but when we're forced to throw. w e run into trouble. Unfortunately, we can't rely on our tailback (Martin) to carry WL It was Martin who was again called on to more or less carry the Sea KJngs, but the big (average lineman size of 210) Cougars keyed on him, limiting him to just 59 yards on 24 carries. · quarter, it had been a auperb defensive game for both teams. For Coro Ra d e l M ar, linebackers Jeff Brown :md Eric Shaw were brilliant, aa was tackle Brad Driver and Martin a\ defensive back. * c.... v...., rr. C4llll 1 loof9i.,~ Ctpe> Vlllll)' 0 0 0 27-27 Corona del Mat 0 0 7 0-7 CdM-llllOr 21 PMe from Mlr11n (Hughes kick) • CV-l1nllam 11 PN8 from CIH (McClur1 kldc) cv-o.c-I run (run felled) cv .. o.c-6 run (¢ell run) CV -Keer\lrl 85 run with Interception (kletl f9'1ed) ,,_...,a, Atlendanel • 1,600~ed) 0-C.. CY Flr'tl.downt I 1 t Ru9hM-y1rdl '1-117 27·90 PUiing ywdl 62 92 p-5-17 3 6-17·1 Punll 6-38 • 34 F~ 1·1 20 P.nelt-..Y•dt 5-'50 4.eQ ... 11.d ......... CdM-C1rpen11r, 7·21 ; M1rtln, 24·59: Btown. 5-20; F•rato, 5-10. cv-c ... 4-13; Band•. 4-7; Lanham, "28. o.c-. 5-42. ..... ,,, .. hMMt CdM-CllJ*llOr, 4-t&-3, 34, Mlr1tn. 1 t 0. 28. CV-Clll, S.16-1, 92: KUM, 0. 1--0. 0. ......................... . CdM-M1rtln. 1·7; Pryor. 2·20: Slef1no. What happened was that Capo Valley came alive right after Corona del Mar took the lead. Behind junior quarterback Burt Call. the ColU(ara marched back UP" until Martin 's halfback option pass for the flnt ecore of the game l ate in the third t-1, '--· 1-'lt. • • More offense is main goal COMMUNIT Y COLLEGES with the way his Pirates held Palomar to a field goaJ and a meaningless safely in a 7 .5 vic\.Ory last week. Sophomore quarterback Clay T ucker, who ~ the opener, has worked out with the team this week and has shown no ill effects from a broken ankle he suffered several weeks ago. Tucker will probably be in the starting lineup against the Gaudos, but If he's not, freshman Greg Denham will get the call. Denham completed 9 of 20 passes againat Palomar, but the perfonnance was good for juat 48 yards. The OCC running game was worse. coming up with minus one yard on the evening. "I still feel we have a good offense. Besides Clay, we had two other starters out of action laa\ week due to injuries," Tucker says. ''Once w~et everyone healthy, I think we'll be OK" At Santa Ana, Coach Ray Shackleford'• Rusllen will be up against a team which waa humbled 38-0 In ita opener with powerful CV -OeC•11•. t -8 ; 8and1, 1·3, M1naukll1nl, 2-30; 81c11e. 2-34; L•nll1m, 2·11 • 111'1 IE •ISLUl ... SEE IS Fii ll•K 111 IYE PllCES I lnlTllDlll SEIYICEI ••••••••'IMAM• /.l•pt. 25 & 26 Sot. & Sun. luY -SELL -TRADE 250 TRADE TABLES FeetUting Guns -AntiQue & Modem A,frrmo -War Relles & Suri>lua Indian Artlf.a. -Ruos & Jew91ry -Coins Admlaalon 13.50 Chllctren Under 14 t 1.so· Fullerton. Shackleford la atill experimenting with hls l-:;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;::;::;::;::;;;;;;~ quarterbacks, so expect \.0 see both Adam Gragnano and Darryl Ducharme dlviding the time. Sports on TV TELEVISION 10 a.m. (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL UCLA at Michigan. 11:30 a.m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - USC at Oklahoma. l:t:46 p.m. (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - Nebruka at Penn State. 1:16 p.m. (4) -BASEBALL -K.anau City at Oakla.nd. • 4 p.m. (4) -AUTO RACING -The Caeun Palac9 Orancl Prix. the final race on the 1982 Grand Prix cil'c:ult, taped at LM Ve.au. RADIO Baleball -San J'rancleco at Dodcera. 1:16 p.m ., KABC (790); AJ\pll at Texas. 6 p.m., KMPC (710). Foothall -UCLA ai Mlchlpn, 10 a.m., KMPC (710); USC at Oklahoma. 11:30 a.m., KNX (1070): Nebratka at Penn State, 12:4~ p.m., KIEV (870); Utah 8'ate at Cal St.ate Fullerton, 11:40 p.m., KWVJ: (108 FM); 4 p.m . delay, KWRM (1370); UC O.vil I\ Cal Poly Pomona. 7 p.m .. KWRM (1370): Edlt0n at Bannt~k" KWVE 008 FM>: Oranp Collt a t , 11 p .m. delay, KSBR (88.5N). USE DIOAT SHOW s.,t.22·2' POWflAND SAILIOAT SHO W S.,C.29-0d.J futun"t the i;,..e eetKtton of uNd boats tWr ....,.w.d on the WHt to.t"· OWf 2S of th• Southl1"4't '°' yl<'ttt llif'olier• ftrMt wtl .. Oft hlftd to ditCVM )'OUr l»u~ Of ........ ...... Lltlo M9rl1M1 VIII .. •, New~rt 9eeCh ACMtllON1 AM• .. •1 C"""'-.. 12 U '8; ~ 6 '"° "°'1ftt W..W.o 11 O 111 le 711•111., .Mi It ,..R, 11 o Ill,• f 11>111 '.\lllllNC.1 , .......... ·-( ......... _, ...... ._. ...... ,_ ......... .. M41>- ., " Oreng• Coaet DAILY PILOT/8aturday, September 2~, 1882 ~------------------------------------:i:---:-----------------------.r------------------~~ ~ . ' .. " MAJO" LIAOUI ITANDINOI Ameflceft LNGU. WllTalltM DfVlta>N W L h t. Gii ~ ae M 571 Ken ... Cny 15 118 65e 2Y. CllbQO 11 72 521 I''\ S..ltle 7• 711 4'4 l)Y, Oektancl 64 88 • 11 231\ Texae 81 93 38e 27 Mlnnet~la 5 7 llG 30'A aAITIEllN OIVlllON MllwaukM 92 8 1 80 1 Bal11mor• II 85 575 4 Boelon 84 811 5411 8 Oelrot1 77 76 soe 14'J\ Clt1191alld 75 n 493 191,; New York H 711 484 11 Tornon10 11 82 464 21 ''lde1'1 lcCN .. A ...... 10, Texaa 1 CllleeQO 3. Mln~la 2 ( 13 lnnlngtl M11Weuk .. 1$, 8el1im0fe 6 Oe1r011 4·2. C-and 3·6 Boelon 4, New Yori< 2 s .. u1e 3 Toronlo 2 Kanaas C11y 7, Oaktano • Todey'1 0-. Ane• cz.i.n 11~1 a1T••u1eu1cnet l-41 New York (Ra wle y 9-91 a l Boalon (Eckenley 12· 121 MlnnHola (O'CoMor 8· 71 al C111cego (Hoy! 16-161 Cleveland (HHlon 0-11 a1 Oelrotl (Morr11 18-161 Balllmore (Palmer 14-4) a1 Mllwaukff (Vuckovlett 18·41 KtntH Clly (Leonard 10·61 al Oakland (Kingman 3·111 Toronlo (lHI 11-14) II S.tllle (Clatk 4·2). n Natlonat LMOU. WllTl'llN DIVJllON ~· Atlanta Sen Francieco San Diego Hou11on Clnclnnali W L flct. 08 85 118 556 83 70 542 2 82 71 536 3 17 76 !J03 ..... 72 81 471 13Y, 57 9fi .372 21V. IAITl'llN DMllON St Louil Phllaelelpttta Montr .. t Pitta burgh Chtc:ago New Vork 89 as 576 84 89 5411 .... 82 71 .538 11 ... 80 73 .523 ll'A 6ll as 04 20•,., 80 113 3112 211'h 'rklay'1 lcCN .. San Francisco 3. Oodgera 2 MonltHI 6. Pltllburgh 4 C1nc:1nnau 2. HOullon o A1tan1a 11, San Diego 6 PllltaOelpNa 2, -York I 61 Louie 3, ClllcaQo 1 T..,-10- San Franctaco (Barr 4-31 at Dod9et1 (VelenL\iela 19· 12) PNl.oelpnla (Camon 21-10 or Denny 0-11 II New York (Swan 10-71 t P11111>urg11 (Sarm-10 8·31 al Montraet (San.i.tlO<\ 11-121 ChtQQO INOlea 9· 121 at St Louil (Andujet 14·101 Houtton (l1Co11 5·5) at C1nctnnatl I Sette,,., O·O) San Otego (Eicr>ett>erget 6-121 at Atlanta IBogga 2·21. n AMERICAN LEAGUE Anget9 10 Rangen 1 CAU•OA .. A TEXAI .. , .. .,. .. , .. .,. 0ow"'9 " 5 1 2 1 Wright cf 4 0 I 0 Catew lb 6 0 0 1 SM\ple II 5 0 1 0 O.CinGel 3b S 1 2 0 Grubb dh 3 0 0 0 Kel-3b 0 0 0 0 p...,1111 11 4 0 0 0 Baylot dll 3 3 2 1 c.i>ra rt 0 0 0 0 Grk:ll 2b 3 t 1 0 SundlMl<g c 4 1 1 0 W~fong 2b 0000 Stetn lb 4 0 2 0 AeJ.Ckton 11 3 1 0 0 HostaU• 1 b 3 0 1 1 Bentq.-11 1 1 1 3 Riellardt 2b 4 0 0 0 R Clark Cf 3 0 1 2 Deni u 4 0 1 0 Lynn cl 1 0 I 0 FOii 11 4 1 2 2 Adams u 1000 8-c; 5120 Totata 40 10 14 tO Totals 35 1 7 I k«•bfl ........ Callforn!a o 11 110 240-10 re... 010 ooo ooo-1 E -FOi< G w .. glll 2 LOB -Cal1lor- 1 o. ra ... 10 2B -Groch OeCUICH OoM!lf'Q 3B -Sundl>efg HR -BenoQ.- (3) SB -HOSletlet C2L O.ClncM '71 6, Catew Teue • H llUMIO ~tt(L.5-171 4\11 I 4 4 3 2 ea..... 3 45530 Boitano t''> 1 1 1 o 3 Calffornla Kfaon(W, 10·5) II 1 I 0 2 II S11ne11«1 1 o o o o o HBP -Grubb (by Kt1on1 PB Suno-g, Boone T -2 48 A -11,330 Ro JllCl!aon Cat-o.c.nc. Lynn Oownlng Re JacklO<\ 8aytOr BeniQll&I GrlCh eoon. FOii F<etguaon Clatk Wiifong Kel141her &irllton Sconiet• Ad•~ Pet111 Total• Angel aYWtlgM IATTlNO A8 II H Hiii Ml Pct. 135 15 46 2 111 341 496 83 157 2 311 317 548 1111 1115 28 1M 301 4.47 15 132 18 82 295 596 104 168 28 12 212 504 88 131 35 112 274 5112 73 153 22 88 283 181 24 49 3 24 291 479 71 124 18 82 251 451 42 115 7 55 255 457 .. 115 3 54 2" 81 10 Ill 3 8 235 85 11 19 2 1 224 179 24 37 1 111 207 47 9 8 0 t 170 45 4 7 0 2 1$6 10 0 0 2 100 11 I 0 0 091 02 000000 5 262 774 1,4'1 172 721 274 l'ITC.-0 I~ H U IO W-1 DA 6~ 54 39 31 2-1 245 Huale< Kiton 5anGt>el Sletret ._ t3W. 113 43 112 10-5 2" Witt Foracn Zahn John GOIU A41nko Moreno Coro.it Tlet1t Cu<tla· Tailllll 88'• 88 33 54 7.3 3 25 21\'o 111 10 13 1-0 3 32 52 45 23 40 3.3 3 48 171 ... 170 46 81 ... 357 2231'> 217 57 73 1~10 3 62 214\'o 213 63 75 17·8 317 212.,, 227 37 63 13·12 3 77 7S'lt 75 28 40 8-4 4.42 152.... 162 50 78 11-0 4 56 4111,\ 55 23 22 3.7 4 74 711 71 35 51 1-9 509 ~ 38 8 30 2·2 5 78 12 17 3 10 0· 1 6 00 1 395 1,381 464 1192 H-418 3.81 • "Nloa4,YMll-2 New Y0<e. 011 000 000 2 7 0 eo.1on 003 100 00>.-4 7 o "°""811, ,.,_ (4) and Cerone. Tudor and ~ W-Tuclor 13-10 L-Howell 1·3 Hll--YOfk, Plnella 1111 A-32.077 .,_.. 11. Onotea • Bttltlmor• 400 002 000-8 11 2 Mlw-M 202 508 00.-15 18 2 Flanagan, Welchel (4). StanllouH (8). Gtlmaley (8) and Oenlpwy. Sulton, s1a1on (8), Ledd (9) and Stmmont W-Sutlon, 3· 1 l -Ftanagan, 111· 11 HR1-Bafllmore, L-lteln (24), Mllwauk ... Younl 2 (2tl. A-31,050 eUll'&NOl.O ClAMe r..,.. ........... , Cl a •al•nd 100 000 020 000 000 000-3 1 2 O a irolt 002 001 000 000 000 001-4 13 t 81•nna n. Splllmer (I). WhlllOn I 13) Anc1et90n ( 16). OlyM ~81 l!llCI H-.Y, ui-. ._.., (8~ ToD* 111 P UncNntoooa 118), p .. "n"* (II) and errltll, Woc;•enluH w -Pullnlo'-4°4. L-Ande11on. 3-1 Hfl-Clenleno. H•tr•h t 111 Oe\fofl. .,~ csk'~ A0~21:1 ......... ,....,..2 oi.w.tMld 000 12() 030 8 10 1 Otlrell 000 001 001-2 I I .,_,.,,, 8pillMt (8) tnd H-r. Ujdut, • ...., {I) 8nd Patrllfl. W llf.,,n111. 3•2 L-u14\i1. t -10. 8 -8111t1n•• l'O> Hll-o..11. i..-(17) A-7.221. ........... --.1 JIWOfM ~ 000 * 2 7 1 ..... 000 000 1'1-3 I I lldlNm• 0 .....,,~II) 11\d Wllltl, Ptll• • ,_,,_ v......, l'ti eno MerGNG, ....._ w-v~11. t-4 1.-0 t.Wrf•y. t-7 H"9-TOfOlllO, Olfd l (5), Upt111w (to) A-1'.071 WNt8 ... a, TwliMI MIMMOll 000 OOt 001 000 0 il 11 2 ~ 000 000 I tO 000 I 3 t) 2 A WltilM!a, '*ton ID). LllJlt (7). fl O.Vlt ti~ lktlt 11 t) end l~."\.aino. I.rte Cll. l'l•1n1u 1lh "'""'"'•• Ill end Flak W lruH t er , il 0 l 80111, 1·2 Hfl MW-Ola .. Jotlrwon ( 10) A 8,MO ,_.,ale 7, A'a t IC~-City 150 000 100 1 1 t 1 Oe111enc1 ooo ooo a 10-• 10 o Ou••· Oul1•nberty Ill ano W1t111n. Cpdltott, O'AcQ11t110 (2), Owc111n•o (4). H-(I). T Und«llWOOCI (IJ and K"'NY W 011<a, 11-11 I. Codlfotl, l·2 HAe- ICanMt Cit~, MGAN 1251. Ot11t1111CI, M Heeth (3~ .. Henclt<eon ( 10) " 18,111 NATIONAL LIAOU• O!Mll S, DodMtl I IAN PflAHCte<:O 1.'bt AN014fll.Lll •111111 ., C 0.1111 cl 4 1 2 2 l1nora er 0 0 Morgan 2b 4 o o o Aoenido. ct o o o Clari rl 3 0 I 0 Ru1Mll M 2 0 "'-)b 4 0 1 1 w .. " A Smtih lb 4 O 0 O Gue<rero rt 2 0 0 0 Bergt11an tb 0 0 0 0 Gaivey tb 3 0 I 2 l-d If 4 I I 0 C4IV 3b 4 0 0 0 Mty c 4 0 1 0 Sdoaeiill c 2 0 I 0 L1Malller N 3 1 0 0 YMOI< G I 0 0 0 Oale p 1000 MOf\day pll 1000 c Malley pn o o o o r11amu 2b 3 o I o Wellman pt o o o o 8roell pll t 0 0 0 HOllano p o o o o Welcll p 2 o o o Kulpef pll 1 0 0 0 Foralet r 0 0 0 0 Minton p 0 0 0 0 Matlll'ttl ph I 0 0 0 S How• p 0000 Totell 32 3 8 3 Totata 32 2 8 2 --· bJ lnnlfttl• San Franclaco 000 020 010 -3 Loe Angeles 101 000 000 -2 LOB-San Franc11co 5 lot Ang•IH 8 28-Ball• Clai~. C Davis Sl ·lltonetd I 1151 SF-Oat'4Y a.n ,,enci.co IP H .-al!NIO Gale 4 II 2 2 2 1 HOllanO(W 7 ·3) Mtnlon (5,291 3 00001 2 00001 LMA ...... • Welch For1ler S Howe(l,7-5) 4" 3 2 2 2 4 2''1 0 0 0 0 3 2 3 t I I 1 T ·2 411 A·S0.66e llede 2. Aeltoa 0 Hou11on ooo 000 000-0 10 o Cincinnati 000 200 OOx-2 9 0 J Nlekro and Pu1011. O.enyl and \Ian Gorder W -Bereny1, II· Ill L-J Nlekro. 1&.11 A-6,686. lapoe I, PlfalM 4 P1t11burglt 001 000 300-4 11 1 Montreal 300 110 O la-8 tO t O Robinson. Tunnell (1) and T Pena. letct>. Reardon (7). Fryman Ill end c:.r\• W-Urch 2·0 L-0 Roblnton, 15·12 S-Fryman (12) HR1-MonllMI, Wallach 2 (24J A-27.878 "-1111M2.Mlt• 1 PllllaelelpNa 000 101 000-2 I 0 New Yori< 000 000 001-1 I 1 Krukow. R RMCl 1111 ano B. Ofai; Tettell, LNC" (II) and Hodgea Wel<rullow. 13-11 l -Terrell, 0-2 S-R Reed (131 HR-New York, Howaro (t) A-7,11111 Cerdlnal• l. CulN 1 Cn"Cago 00 1 000 000-t 4 2 61 Louis 100 000 07•-3 I O Ripley, C.mpbelt (TJ, W H•nandez (7), Le Smith (81 and M0<elend. St~ and 0 PO<"tet W-Stuper, M L-Campbell, S-1 A-30,880 In•" 11,P .... I Sen 01eQo 222 000 000-II 10 1 Atlanta 110 023 401 -1 11 2 Otavecl<y. Grtlftn (51. Del.eon (II. Luca (Ill CntN• (71, Ha""'lnt (I) and Kanned)o, Swisher. Perez. Mahler (2). Dayley (5), BeorMtan 171 MO e.n.oict, Stnatro W-0 1y\e)I. 5-6 L-OrtNln. 0-1 S-ll«J(061en (11) HR-Atlanla. Ram1re22(11) A-25,a1g Top 10 (a...d on 421 .i Ml•) A•llJCAH LIAQUI W W1laon. KC Yount Mol E Murrey ~I CQOPef Mil Cat-. Angels Gata. TO< Herr ell, Cle McRae, KC Hro.11 Mtn Len1l0td. Ban 0 .... 128 553 82 147 5119 121 142 517 81 146 615 " 130 491 83 137 551 ~ 151 SIC> 100 153 5t4 IS 133 505 711 124 486 M .._""" " flct. 188 .336 191 331 1118 321 196 3111 157 317 175 314 1IO 310 182 .S10 164 305 142 306 G Tnomaa M11w-... 31, Wlnlleld, N.-YO<k, 38 lie. Jac:llaon, .,,...., *" OolMe. M•lwautcM. 32, T'llotnton. Cleveland. 31 "-llMtecl "' McRae. Kanu1 Ctly, 126. Cooper. MtlwlUkff, 1 IS, Thornton CloevelanO, 113, G Thomu Miiwaukee. 1l1. Yount. M~WIUkM 106 NATIONAL LIAGU. OI•-. t.411 Meclloek Pgh lo Sm<111 61L Ou<llam c,,. Bucknet Ch• ~ ~o.LA Hernanon Sil ...... u Knlglll. Htn Oew9on. Mii 0 .... " Pct. 151 5e3 M IN 336 ISO 564 82 1IO 319 147 570 118 178 308 142 516 75 159 30I 153 822 .. 191 307 ** ..... 153 557 78 1at 302 1•m n w.- 1s2 sa1 ee 119 300 1311 s 70 103 170 2tt .._,._ KingfNn New Yor\, 37 ~y. Atlanle, 35. Sc1tm1d1, Pllllaelelpnta. 34. Ho1n11. Atlanta 32. G---, Dodilen. )1. flvM .. tted lfl Oliver, MonlrHI, 108. Murphr. Atlanll, 1oe. Hendrfde. St Loul•. 102: Clant, San Fr...cttcO, 101; Bucltnet, Clllc:ago, 100 Pomofte felr RllOAY'S MeUL Tl (1ftll .. 1a.., -'Intl OUAll'Tt""°"MI 'lfllT llACI. 350 y91d1 Hesaohamp llonl<a) 3 80 2 80 2 40 LOOllln Fa< lo•• (Paut1ne1 4 00 3 20 Money Bao-Lu (Ar,,,.lrongl 4 00 A110 racec:I Tllrbo Thruat, Eal'f Lam. Mr Ebony Otums. How RICh. The RfnO Of Fite, OOll)' p .. ,.,,, • Time 17 17 II OACTA 111·11) PeK1 $38 50 M COfC> llA~ 350 yarCla Wat SIM Wrengler IH•fll 3 IO 2 IO 2 2 F1y1njj P1uum (Armatrongl 5 80 2 80 800Qle BillM (Mltellell} 2 :tO Alto racec:I Little Sugat Jel Jonn Mllo, F aalUfe Tn11 Roc:llelt On Time 11 s8 TMOllOUGHllMDI THIN> flACL 6 turtonga Ceremony (HanMn) 5 80 3 20 1.IO Lawdy By Gum (0<1egal 3 20 2 40 Deadline (Stbftlt) 3 40 A*> raucf SIM Clllffl Me. Mita Oulellle, Lulubet, simple ()ynHty Time 112 • UACT A 18· 1 I peld S31 00 aS APPALOOIAI '°"""" ltACt. 4'A luttonoe A· Twne T A01t (Ofigoetll) 2 ~ 2 20 2 10 8-8 1 o.-1 Wind IStalltt!Qa) 3 00 2 10 A·Ktltlwl (Frey) 2 20 2 20 2 10 Al90 rlC*I 8-Bolo ~lf1M. JoMaltlon'a Ma91Q, Double Dynamite. 0 J'a l•Hure, W~~l/5 • IJCACT A p -21 paid 118 00 TMOflOUOttllMDI nrTH flAC•. I fUtldnOI Oout>lt ,onune (81bllle) 13 20 8.40 & 40 lnOepllll(Nnl Melody (Ellrtela) 8 00 4 00 s11e11y1 c.,-1Men•I e eo AJto facecl Jetamo GI••· Orly Pon•. Som•wtier• In Tim•. MoOrlall l'rld•. Avandato Time 1 12 315 ltlCTH llACL (I f11<~1 llldldoon (No!ll*l t 80 S llO 3 00 HOI Tr.cb ($peneerl t 80 2 80 HtQh MemOty (Wlllt•) 4 to 1'1ao tl Ced Lomt 1 Knoc•oul. t el\Of .. OIOfl, MJ Hope, Mol1anO Ao.ad Tim. I 1 I 41$, • DACTA (6-1) pllkl au 00 uvtNTH RAC•. 8 lur!Oftgt 8tlftlvv (Mella) 14 20 100 4 20 A11et11 ~ (Of1eo•> o 40 a.40 81111o1 ror The Moon (Aoulld) 3.40 AllO '~: Oatllulat1. Don't Mtl!'mlWd, ._ ... .,1 Aoonty, ........ t.cll Time' 1;11 2/D UONnf llACL t IUllOl\OI ltvflle tllllle (M-) t .00 2 to 140 .._, Liiy ... llacle) .. 11.ao 1.00 1111 o.inn....-(Jifll 400 MIO t-a ,:!IP I Nlcllle, l.• lfWI Mo, HIOfl ll'ttCtnl, Tf*9e F!M, Olr• w_,. T1IM' 1 12 • lliCTA (1-41 palO l lOIOO "'' .... I llf to HO •to uo uo TtNTH H CI. e lu.11109t flC>tJ (ltllll..,11 Ill 40 II tQ II 00 KIHlllQ Ohl 10.14111111 • ro • ro t -Win lf\emlletl *tO AllO tN.0 l tnelay l UYI, lloell"'• l •Ill'. $ob'• .... , ICA r1ooc., 'H.itll H•POI•~ lH't .. t 1 II IJlACTA 1 t 31 ptkl l.ltJ 00 n•YllNTH h CI. I II te mllee O•anjll ()uqwM tlk~I e to 4 00 :I 00 w .. 1.,n e1111et (Stb'llel • 10 3 ro Tettl M•N IH-) 7 IO Al•O raced I aoy 1' .. pau Ille 1 1 lwope, Latk a BHt f'111 1 Maka Up Kii or..yle King THM 141 TWSllT" llAC• I 81 II tnllel Sir Be_ruca (SpenC•I 8 t0 I 00 4 40 w..,, • '"•' c011eo11 4 eo i ao OutdoOI Autet tO..g.OlllO) 1 1 eo AllO lllC4ICI 01¥41 HIM W1ooe. Mel•Nn'I MIHIQn. PrlnG.iy Ct1111Qet, O'A"oufka, F.o1t111' Q10¥e, Hallle4 Prince, Two tl0<n1 llme'o ~·4) • HACTA (7·10) pefd tt32 60 All9'1dll!Ce I t,:i70 IWtfW-4 Peril ""'°AY'I MIUUI , .... ll-flleM '*-_...., "*n uc•. 0ne m111 pace Callenle (Aubin) II 00 3 llO 3 20 Mont.,.,. HM1n.. c.....,oeonl 2 40 ' 20 Detlng Joe (Patktrl -3 20 Alt o 1acad Oogettar Jonn, Hunt••• lhldow, ~tidy kltlllte, Hot N Bolll«eel, Mon Ami M-llO, Mcty't TeeldJ, FuM JIQoet Time 2'00 )/5 a HACTA (4-1) paid S411 llO ACC*O llACa. One tnlle 9ace, l'tn Hiil>!) Too (81N1h) uo u q l ·l'! Wf'lfle Velvttl (Shetrenl I 20 2 40 TtlOCll MIH (Malet) 2 10 Alto •Keel Oelaoan. WlndemtHa, One For Oane Time I 611 415 nMO uca. 0ne rn11e pace JOVllll\I AfmllllUral 1A11cn1e1 15 eo 1 80 1 80 rm c.1e1n 1eainargeon1 12 80 12 40 Ofeam Time U (Kueblet) 8 40 Alt o raced WI•• lnveetmenl. While Lauo/11•. Un-•· Native Joy, GOIOJI Melt N, OantM Endeavof. Shady HIH Donna Time. 1.68 216. II HACTA (2·11paid126110 flOUllTM llACI. One mJle p-AHu Mac:l'ablf 1Aubl'1l 15,IO 1 50 4,IO 8wonetaCttrlt (Vellll\Cilno"-l 13.20 7 .20 Plnctt HU (Patketl 5.80 AJto laced Anllle Kerr Spur. Sly LU, J,J'a Pamela, LOlll• H•no-. Anaya Liiy, Ol- Mleflelle. CoMa ACltoe Time. 1 58 215 l9Tlf MCI. 0... mlle D-PeeldlebOerCl (CocNllandl 10 20 4 80 3 20 Ma<qull (Kueblet) 3 20 3 20 Flatly Frank IBallatqeonl 4 80 Alao racec:I King• NuQOet. Anclya Houno. Botti, C'Mon Hiiibiiiy. Prlmltlvll SlrHk, Froely Hunl•, Sporty OICl Al nm.. 1 59 U IXACTA ( 1·71 paid S4 t 70 •••TH llAC•. One mile PIO• lncllln s-11e (Kuebletl 5.40 2 80 2 80 Spinller Anna (Sherren) 2 80 2 20 BtHl<wtnd (WMlit111'1) 2 60 Aleo raGed. Little Alba Anne, 1-.na Skip. Kelly Viva, Anoeta Way Time 1 511 ~/5 • llXACTA 4-21pakl 121 00 AWlfTI4 llAC•. One mile p-Celeblue (Al'ICNraonl 6 oo 3 ao 3 oo Apollo Maoole (Bellllltgeonl 8 IO 5.IO '-"'e1et (Retchlordl 4 oo Alao raced Wejover RoM, Bonflle t..aaa N. Seng. Aoee. TOUCl1 of E~. No EAa.M N Time I 58 415 • IXACTA (2·3) patO 1140 50 •tOHTN RAC•. Ona mile ~ euna Hano-(B•)'le»I 4 oo 2 80 2 eo Happy Bride (Kuebler) 4 00 3 20 N•n• Hanover (OMomerl 4 00 Alec raoed Potranca Genlte Miu, Raven Cli.tlon. In lM Wino• Ttme· 1 511 2/S *'TI4 MCI. One mile p-S,,...y Pele !Ladt.YI 12 20 S llO 3 IO OHrl Point (GNl\Clyl 4 20 3~ B)"a 8)"8 VIC1or (Arioeraon) 4 40 Atao taceo Howoy Star AICl~merk, Andy'• Lloft Bubo. Haby, Cantettiury LM!e. Hllj)CI)' Viner, lf'911 Faelan Time 1.$(1 U UACTA C3·11paid173 20 S2 l'tClt ... (ll-1-4-2·7·3) paicl 13,5311 40 Wllh 10 wlnnlnO tlCICell Ill• hOf-1 $2 Ptci. Sia con1otallon paid 15• 10 with 218 ~ llekett (fl .. llC>f ... ) '-""" llACll. One mile plCle Tenandll\alt tAndet'°"I 8 llO 4 oo 2 80 Glen Mldby (Aub4n) 4 20 2 90 8lg Oebble (Croghanl S 00 Al.a rac.d Blacll Rogue. SJr Refit. Super Teo. Booy Cf'lec'•• A l Wffkt, Hutlhn Dude. Mr NM time 1 511 2/5 a IJCACTA l 1·91 Pa.1C1 ~ 80 Altl!f'denQI 8.315 ~ .... le0f9 WllQNf 37, Iona n =·~ ........... St Paul 13, F_.taln Valley 12 FootNll 13, MarlNI 11 ......._, Htort10< 10, W-1mlnltet 3 Cyp<-2•. ~ Vltw 12 Cepiatreno v..., 27, Cofone del Met 7 Eatanc:lll 30. SM Cletnente t S ltWle 14, TuslH't 1 Unlvetllty 24, L.aQuna Hiiia 20 Stlddlebecll 28, La Habra 27 El Toro 21, Valencla 0 L..aguna Beac:h 7, Elsinore I WOOdDrlog. 23. Ofeno-3 Sen Mlrc;oa 34, Dane Hiiia 8 Cenyon 8, Katella 8 Loera 33, Gatelen Grove e El Modena 34, Pac"lca 14 El Ooraelo 28, Sunny HIH1 0 E19et enu 14, LI Cl\tinta 0 s.ni. Ane van.y 14, l eullnQer 7 ~...ollnela 21, Sonora o Nw1t>e1m 1, Troy 0 8itllOP Amal le. o.n.... 21 St Jann 8oec:o 20, Ull...000 12 Serra 12, LA WMl'Mnglon 0 Loyola H , PtUe IC 0 c~~~-< .. C..• P_., ............... 8"ct\) ... Of-.. C-117, ~ WMt 4lt ,...,_,..ca...... .... ,, ,.,.._'DOfM91C_.. 1 lerrlQue& IOCC>. :!2 011 1 2 Clery (Fullerton). 22 14 0, 3 Ontlvero• (Full), 22· 15 o. 4 M,M .. tetl (OCC). n 17_0;.._s IAllllJ (Full). 22 21 0, 8 8 ACI-(~). 22)) 0; 1 81111 (f'ull.), 22.37.0 . t Hudd.C11on (OWC), 22·42 0, O Merrym1111 (OOC~ 22 42 O. 10. Hune1 (OCC), 22 4(1, WO.• 0r-. c-t ·~~=-• Of=-4tl. • ... .. , ... ~ .... . t Oe ttJa (OCC), 18 OS: t tlll• (OCC:), 1&.ot. 3 Ho ... (OCC). te 341, 4 J Dube COCCI II 00. 5 K Dube (OOC}, It. 1 I, I ICllllUlw• C'lo 1t .H , 'I Of"l)el (OWC), 1t H . e Oe Bont (OCCJ. 18 M. t ~ !Fl. 20 11. 10 Blalle IOWCI. 20 10 ... a.u•"-'"o"" c~.cr.. JllfHI r~ht 87 Of 13) Uo«iby Ctempetl H ·IO t34 GllOl"rt °"''II 81 18 1$1 Ttm~ M·H I)• Al>Cly °"" .. 87 13(1 We/it Atm11rono ... 10 1aa C111p he' H.&7 13t Lon Hlelte11 70·87 llH Mille McCullouQl't el-10 1)1 JOM COOi& N 71 lll7 Gary 111111.etu at.ea 1)1 Jim Tho!pe 70 17 13' Hel Suttbn ..... -1)7 H11bet1 OrMtl ea. TO-138 f'Olretl Fe•lef 81·70-1)8 Terty AntOll 811-119 tS8 Joe lnm•n H · 70-tll Lindy Mille! 68·70 131 Cnariet Krenktl 70 ti 131 L1noe TenB1oeek 8!M3-131 JOM Ad-• ,, .. 7 lat Leny Ml~• 70-tl-138 Hale lrwln 11•7:2-139 t.arry fllllke< tf-72-1311 Antonta c.roa 72·81-13' Lairy Nelaon 71-87-t311 Bill c1111.. ee-10-131 PhM Hancock 70·8'-138 Tllll Norlla 70-88-138 Vtnc;e Heafner ff•70-13t Owy Koci\ 72~7-139 Jim Stmona 10-10-140 JIM SOOfoe 88-71-140 S1mniy 11~1 71-88-140 Roo CurC 87-73-140 Tom Janet 118-71-t40 Kl lth fltrgul 12·88-140 F1111k con-10. 10-t40 Mllte Boolctr 70·7 I -141 RlcllarCl MUI 71-70-14 t Miik McNutly 71•70-141 Woody Blad.burn 64-75-141 JC StlNCI 11-70-141 Allen MIHet 12·80-141 Scot\ Hoch 611-72-1'1 G-ge Cadle 72-811-141 Biil a.tQtn 75-88-14 1 MICll ... Butke 73-118-141 Bobb)' COie 74-e7-141 Jim Neiford 73-81-14 1 Matk O'MHll 11-70-14 I Lou Ott/I-70-71-141 St-Melnyk 72-70-142 OM Pohl 70-72-142 00U0 Tewell 71°71-142 Cllll'IH CooCly 71-71-142 Tom Jenkin• --81-76-142 Grltt MOO<ly 89-73-142 Tarry Meuney 74-88-142 Geor09A1chet 71·71-142 Jerry HNIO 70-72-142 0.¥41 Elcllelt>ergei 74-118-142 Bobby Mltelletl 72·70-142 Tommy Armout 71-71-142 Kenny Knox 71·7'-142 BIN 8r1tlon 71-71-142 Clatence ROM 73-611-142 Tim Braucll 71-71-142 JOl>n Mlll'tattey 71-71-142 Jim Barber 70-73-143 Jack Newlon Jr 72-71-143 Pettr Ooetetl'tuta 73-70-143 Ronnie Btacll 71-72-143 MlchMI Brannan 118°75-143 Pat Llndtey 12·71-143 Beau Baugll 74-811-143 Bueldy Gardner 72-71 -143 Oouo Black 11.ee-t42 Jim bent 72·71-1"3 Bob Byman 74-89-143 M11<1 Suftlvan 73-70-143 Ed FIO<I 72·71-143 Matk Mc:Coml>ef 73-10-143 Howatd Twitty 72°71-143 Roget Calvin 72-71-143 Gaiy McCord 75·418-143 ~ c.,..... 71·12-143 Joe Haoet 72-71-143 Mille Qo.,. 'alled lo o.llfy Rik MNMl'Q ... 8ob Mutphy Mtek SOI• Matt< Pttil 00U0 Campbell Jolln Mc0ougll MIO NIGOletll BlllyBaulet Tommy Aatbn Ed Selaer Rober1T~ AOO Nuc:llolls a.,_, Thornoeon 81-~1 .. TommyV .... t- GtOOy Glbet1 Tim GuollMI Sl<IO Dunaway ~L~ Mii'\ Celcl-• St....., Liebler Gteg Powen Lyn LOU OaY!n Leven_, Brucie Fltl-M1k1 Smtt" Clyde Reoo Brian Chll'ter Mika Donald Jtll Sanders St-~ si. ... .,Keeth 71-73-144 73-71-144 73-71-144 71-73-144 11-73-144 73°71-1•4 73·71-144 71-73-144 73·72-145 70-75-145 72-73-14$ 71-74-145 68·71-14S 72-74-148 73-73-148 74-72-146 7$-71-148 74-12-148 72-74-148 71°75-148 70-78-146 14-72-148 13.74_ 147 77-70-147 73-74-147 72-75-147 75-72-147 77-70-147 72-75-147 72-7S-147 78-811-147 711-71 -147 75-72 147 73-74-147 Wot1d a-aor. tnYltadonel (M C ....... ...C.) Jtm Fetr... 72-81 140 Bob Goelby 72·69 -141 Ger>e Ulller 71-70 -141 Jadl Fltck 70-74 -144 Tom Nelporta 73°71 -144 Millet &.rber 74-71 -146 H~ Jollnaon 69·78 -146 AlllOl<I Palmet 72•73 -14.S Pel., Ttlomaon 72-73 -145 Art Well 71 -74 -145 RobettO 0. VfncentO 73.73 -148 Paul Hamey 72.74 -1411 Ctwtoe Sfll0<d 73-73 -146 Gay.,_ 73.74 -147 8tll .Jollnlton 75-72 -147 .. ,.., Barber 74-7• -148 II* Colina 72-78 -148 GatOnet Old.tneon 11-n -1ae Freel Hawllint 73°75 -141 Bob Toaltl 72-78 -148 Bon Ettc*aon 79-70 -148 Kel N90le 73-76 -149 Miki 5ouc11ak 71·71 -148 G\ly WOlltenholt'l\I 72· 71 -1411 Blfly Ceaper 73-17 -150 Lionel HeC>et1 17 • 73 -150 Ed Tutwltet 72°711 -150 Oat Fln•t-akl 1•·11 -151 Pel• HeMemer 79-72 -15 I Bitty Muwell 75-78 -15 t w.,.,~ COllllllWlillT V COt.UOI CWMiaT.W-t ~WMIH,..-..wl M041fll0 t 0 0 2 ) OOldenWWI 4 I J I II Ooicle<' w .. 1 llC<)tlllQ o.i v• 4 eaiyer 2 Wllaon I. 8ttC)llenton :l Hidy I lullon I Oeol4en Weet I,,.,,....,.,. 7 'lllllltOI\ 1 2 2 2 I OolClefl WMI ) 1 ) 1-1 QOM*\ W•I KOtlnQ Oe4 Vat.le t Salpt 2 .. Ill I Ora• t 3\epllenton I, Nldy 2 Ml, Ian A"IOflle T-"-1 °' ..... COH I ,,, Cltrw 1, Or1no• Coaei 1 6 8 1 13 ClttUI 3 ~ 4 3 13 Ora nge Oou t 1co11ng Drown '· Oronnlcne t McCorrnlc:~ 2 StmmonJ 6, Lawl1 I, 81!owronlltl I Or ..... CNll 1•. p • ......, •• OtMOe Coaa1 5 J 3 > 14 PatMM!ene 2 2 3 :l 9 Orano• COH I •COrlllO M1:.Co•mlCk I Orown :I. Simmon• 2 At•H t Lewi• I H•""'ln1 1 Set11et 1 Htah IChool touTH CO'llT 7QUMAMDfT .... ,.,. HattNN 11, Lee A!Me 4 Loe Atta. 0 2 2 0 4 Newj)Oft Harl>Or 2 6 8 3-111 N-por1 HMbor ICOflnQ .i.t>pe 3 8tani.y J O'Oonnell 2, Tnompaon 2, T111g11r 3. Devalle t, LaWIO<\ 2. 1111!1• Cl#a •. ltlw#potl Harbor I Santa 01•1e O 2 1 2 1-8 Newporl HtfbOr 2 0 2 t o-s Newpotl Htfbor acorlng Jac>pe '· O.Vrlel t, Lukoelty 2. Tl>Ompton 1 lllftny Hiiie I, Unl-f .. alty t Sunny Htfl1 • 2 2 3 2-8 Unlve ... Uy 3 • 0 3 2-1 Uni-lily KO<lng Soloman 2 Colwlci. 2, S WaallbOutne 2, 881\latl t Scllt.ctet t Unl•eralty 10. Downey I Oownty 1 0 0 4-s UntVettlly 1 5 I 3-10 Ul\l-tlty ICO<"t0 SOl0man 4, SctttbM 2, S Waallt>ourne 2. Banlett 1, Selllactet 1 0111M8c0t .. RIVll'•id• Poly 3, Loe Alto• 2 Bania Cleta 1, Alveratoe Po4y 1 Sanll 9arblta 8, Mleeion Vt.Jo 6 Tuetln 4, El Toro 3 LB Wiiton 7. Indio 4 Cotta M ... 7, CrewiorCl II El Toro II. lnolO 7 Tu1lfll 11, LB Wiiton 4 Footllltt II, Downey 2 Edlaon 8, Eatanc11 5 Sunny Hiii• 7, Foo111111 5 women•• v°'a.,a..11 COlUOtl 8YU ~tevlew Tour"""""'I Colorado St11e del UC trvtne. U 18. 1!1-13, 15-8. UC lrvlne def Houlton. 10-15. 15·3. 15·2 UC lfvlne def Uta/I Tac:ll. 1!1-7 15-4 COllJIMUNITY COLLIOtl QoWen w .. t T--1 "-'d"'*"' UCLA Fto111-Soph Cl•I Orange COHI. 15· 13 15-3, apitl With GOloen WMI 13-15, 1!1-• Clel OeAnu. 15·2. 15-11 QOlden West Ciel 0.An~•. 15-il 1S·G 11)411 w«n Oranoe Coa11. 12-15. 15-13 Or•"Q9 Coul tDt•I with O.Anu, 12·15, 1!1-12 Ftnal 1tan01ng1 1 UCLA frosn.Sopf'I, 5-I, 2 GOIOen W"I, 4-2. 3. Orange CoHI, 2-4, 4 O.Anza. 1·5 HIOH ICHOOl. Hawpor1 CMallMt Toutn-1 e ....... u.... 1emtt1na1e W11t1ttlef Ctv1a1tan def Ltber1y Cllrtlli&n 15.A tM woodcreat Chr11t11n Oel C1p11trano Vtlley CIWletlan IS-13. 15-11 c_,.._.,.. •••"'-.,... Ro11ry def Orano-Lutheran 16-I 1. 1!1-ll Newpot1 CIY•llan Oef Lin!-Cll<llhan, 15·8 17· IS TtenlalMftcan OP9fl , ...... ,,_ .. ) OU«Wf!NI ....... Jimmy Connota IU 5 ) del J.mnl) AllU (U S I 6-4 S.7 11-2 WCT C ... ek: (.t ....... ood) o-ietffNIMnllM Kevin Curten (South AtruJ Ciel Bu1c11 Walla (US). 6-4, 6-2. Van Wtnlla~y (U S I def Terry MOO< (US.). 1·6. 8-3. 11-4, WOllelt F•bt-(Po4and) def T•rv MOO< (Us). , .. 11·3, 11-4. Ivan Lendt IC~echollOvakta) Clef BulCll Waite (US ). 11-4. 3-$. 11-3 Ma'Hlnl Oo.n (al C-.-.a, lwlfnfleftd) Olllflerttnel ...... VllH Gerulllfl (U S I Oef Jllro Veluco (Colombia). 7-S. 8 -1. Mal• Wiiand•• (Sweden) 091 T,,..,ry Tut.-(France), e-4, (I I. TomH Sm10 tCzechoalovthla) del Cteud10 Panatta (llaly). 6-2 8-4, O.tntr l(eretlC (W"I Germany) Clel Jim Ourfetn (U S ). 8-4, 6-0 Ot.ncl Pr11t loumern.nt , ............. ,_, ~ ......... Diego Pe<ez 1Ecuedor) def Anor .. Gomei tEcueda<I. 6-4. 6-4. Hans OHOmettter tCNlel Oat Frernanoo lune (Sep11n), 8-1, 8·•. Pablo Array• (Peru) d•I lotc Courteau (France~ 8-4, 11-3, Chrtt i.-11 (New Zealand) del Htn• StmonalOl't (8weelen). 8-4, 5-7, 1-S Hltl'I echool women Lee-lleec" '" Le Oulnl• 4 ......... Jende (LBI 1011 10 Tolle. l ·I . de! Soren_, 6-t, O.C O....t. 11· 1, Wltlelle (LB) 1oe1. 2-1 won, 8-0. e-0. Brown ILB) io.1 ~-e. won.11-1 ~ ~ St11<m-s..ot (LB) IOll lo Jenklna-Schulu II· T Clel Nt1hlm1-Brandon 8 -0 Oel ForQu•O'Connell 6-0 Gootrey-Wallace (LB) won. 11-4 11-2. 6-0. Padt-Conltey tlBI won. • 2. •·•. 8-0 O-Hlh 1t.C..taMe .. I ......... Hanton (CMI foet to Rl!Ot•. 0-8. IOll to Sm1t11, )-ii, daf OtMn, 6-0, Btrmore ICM) IOll, 0-6. 0 6. won. 6-2. TUClket (CM) IOll, o.a. o-8. won 1-1 Dollblee Slmmone·Koga (CM) 1011 to Le wi H-1-I, Clef Tllf\lllC1·Mtllet. W . Cllll l(lrl!~tricAl•Y ..... 11-2, Johner-Huol!M (CM) IOtl 2·8 4·8 won, 9-3. Larson·BeneCllCI (CM) loe4. 0-f. 2-e, 2•8 eM7-138 117-70-137 68-19-137 88-e9-137 68-ell-137 11..e7-1311 67..e2-139 68°11-1311 71-11-140 68-72-140 70-70-140 '10·71-141 71-70-141 71-70-141 811°72-14 1 71-70-141 88-73-14 1 70-71-14 1 TWt-142 89°73-142 72·70-142 71-72-143 71-72-143 73-70-143 13·70-143 70.74-144 72-72-144 71·73-14.4 73-71-144 et-71-144 74°70-144 75-69-IU 73·72-145 72-73-145'--. 74-71-145 ~---,,...., •• ttanuotlofl• 74-71-145 ••lf•AU. 7~·72-145 ........ &MIW 73-72-1411 CINCINNATI REOS -Ae"ewed 1helt 12·1~ 145 -lllflO t01MIMlll wllll lht lftdlAllAll)Olll 11·7-145 lncliMt ol Ille Amer1Gan A-la11on tot the 74·71-145 IOU ...- 7)·73-148 73-73-146 72·74-1 ... 73-13-141 70.71-1 .. 7'-fJ-141 71·71 , ... 74.7~_, .. 71·76-148 74·71-141 73-7J-146 7).7~-I"' 71·76-147 74-73-14' 71-72 147 72·78-141 T .. 13-147 ., ... 7S-147 72.7 14? 1 .. ~-141 1 .. 12-1.41 Tl.,._14? 7•·73-147 1 addlebaek holds on, wins,28-27 peclal to tbe Dally Pilot .. Suddleback High '• R oa t.!runn er• go t threo t ouchdown puuc.-1 from quarwrback Rod Pt•k imd hc-kl on wllh three 1econd1 lt'h •• defenidve b•ck G Jen Halkett knocked away a two-point t'Onveralon attempt to pre.erv~ a 28.27 non -league victory at L3 Habra High Friday night. Pesak h oo ked up w i th tou<:hdown ~ ot 3 l, 3 and 24 ,_..,, yards and had the Roadrunners, now 3-0, in "' 28-21 lead in the fourth quarter before the Highlanden1 pulled tO within a point on a short run with lhree seconds rf!mai ning. The Highlanders went for the vict-Ory, however, and lhe two- point pass play was spoiled by Halkett and thua, the victorr was also by the margin of Peaak 1 toe. * Saddi.t>Mk 21, La HebH 'ZT • kOf• by OUMteu S1ddleb.llck 7 7 T 7-28 La Htbtl 0 T 14 1-27 S-Cage 31 p ... lrom P...it (PeNk Ille.kl 5 -Smilll 3 p ... lrom Puak (Peull klelll lH-KJeCn 8 run (Corrll kid!) LH-Kleln 30 run (Corral kletc) S-Aoblnaon 24 Pit• lrOM Petak (Peuk ktck) LH-Luul tumble ,.coverv In and zone (Correl kldt) S-8r1dley 15 run (P ... k klc;lo:) LH-Keln 2 1un (PIM fllleo) Attendenc:e -2,000 ("llmetectl Game llallellce I LH Flrat downs 13 9 Rulhing yardege 113 113 Pual11g yatelt 182 30 p._. 11·14-0 S·1~ Fumbles-1011 J.-3 2-0 Penatt .... yerCl1 M2 3_.S lndlwldueifl~ S-Wlttlama, 13-88, &ad~. 15-e6, Hldtett, 3·1; Pelak, M . Stldl, 1·5 LH-Kleln, 13·96, WHltl•flPOOI\, 11.eo. Cuiro, 1-7, Peppard, 8-lor-mlnua I . Luzzi, 1-e. lftdlwlduel PaMfflt S-Pesak, 8· 14.0, 192 LH-Peppard, 5-13..(), 30. IMMcluel "-!vino S-Cege, 4-104, Smith. 1·3, Olu . 1-15. Roblnaon. 1-24, Maldenado. 1·39 LH-Nul11111, 2· 13, K1411n. 2·3, PectuHe. I· 13 El Toro posts 21-0 • victory Special to tbt Dally Pilot El Toro High's rugged defense limited host Valencia ID just 132 yards total offense Friday night while the Chargers ground out 208 in rushing alone en route to a 21-0 non-league v ictor y a t Valencia High .. Coach Bob Johnson's Chargers, 2-1, broke open a soot-eless tie in the second quarter as running back Blak Fenne ll broke through the middle of the Valencia line for a 5-yard TD run. The play was set up when the Chargers' Paul Svitenko blocked a punt by Tom Ardent with 5' ~ minutes remaining in lhe half. E1 Toro went on top 14-0 m the third quarter following a nine· play, 56-yard drive which culminated with quar terback Mike Douglass hitting Bret Pat-On fron\ 11 yards out at 5:22. The Chargers' third score came on a two-yard plunge by Jerry Eldridge with 6:26 remairung m the contest. * El Tcwo 21, ValeftCla 0 ac-tiy~ El Toro O 7 7 7-21 Valendl 0 0 0 0 • ..() ET-Fennell 5 ri;n tW11llamt kldt) ET-PllOll 11 l>Ut lrom Oougtua (Wlll..,.,1 klcll) ET -Eldridge 2 run (Wtlllamt klek) Attendence -3,000 ca-ll•tlellce ET V Finl downs 15 9 RulMs-ylrela 41-208 30-78 Pauing yard• 87 54 PH-$-11-0 &-17-0 F'uml>lea ).() 0-0 Penlll11M-yll'dt Mii 6-74 lridMd~ "UIMftt ET-Eldridge, 12-88, F•nn•ll. 13·51, Ttlc:kell 7-40, l ewlt, 2-8, Glbbe. 1· 10, Oouglau. S-5, ~-1-.4 V-Veaque.r., 10-39, Ktieget 11-lot·minua I , Moltz S.10. Mc:Glnty. 2· 15, Buck, 3·5, KIOO, 1-3, OeAltlo, 1·3 lftdlwtduel """"' ET-DOllQIHt , 5-1~-o. 80, 8 w•••m1n. 1°1.(), 7 V-~. t -17-0, 54 lncltYlduel "-c•Nlllf ET -Woods, 3·511, Peton, 1·11,McCit.ln, 1-10; Devis. 1-7. v -Klem. 2· 19, Chemt>ett, 1· 18, Hood, 1· 11. AtCle<11. 1-7. Buck, 1·2, McOlnty, 1-2. AodH, 1·mll'IU$-1 Dana Hills falls, 34-6 SAN MARCOS -Dana Hilla High's Dolphins dropped their thlrd straight non-league football decision Friday night as Randy Davila rolled up 133 yard$ on 1utt. seven carries in padng hast San Mll.rC08 High to a 34-6 vict-Ory. Davila set the ataae for the runaw•y tn the first qua rt~r when he dashC!d 73 yardt for a touchdown on • foke punL Andy Fatmenao added a palr of tou chdo wn rune for the winners. who jumped lO a 21·6 halftime lead. * ~ .......... Dene .... ..... ..,au.-. Dene Hiiie 0 t 0 0-t 8'1' MllCOe ,.. 1 1 1-)4 IM 0.* 73 NII (httl11 IUOI I M-"""'9n00 9 run (e.ttlle k!Cll) ~-~I} NII (llldl felled) IM-l'lemlta H .,_ !Tom lolltOe (lelN lllet.) • IM-11~) NII, ....... lllolll IM-~ .. run llta tlllledJ -, ·\ I I ' KI H \' MOMINO 4:16lCl MOVt« *'I\ "Tha SpHI" { tllel) Jim 8.LOwn. DI"'-' C..roll Alter pulling oft • big rob· t>ety, • g11111 1111 trauble 01¥1dlng the~ 8:008 MOVIE • • 1.; "Splendor" f 19361 Miriam Hopkin•. Joe l McCrea. A WMllhy young man'• declalon to metry 1 glrl below hi• aoc:Jel level OIUMI mu<:ll upMI emong hit well·IO-do lrlendl 11'10 tamlly. m Ml$SION: IMPOISlll.f (Z)MOVIE • '.\ "Ollth Valley" ( t982) Paul LeMll, Peter 91111ngl· lay A New York younglllt ta Mnl to Arizona to Vltll hi• mother 1nO 1tumbl .. ICrOU t _... Of Qflaly muroera. 'A' · 5: tO CID COUNTRY MUSIC U.8.A. Roy Clarll hotll 1 routing c:ountry mulk: f .. tlvll trom hit llOmetown of Ind• pendenca. K1n111, •11111 lncluOH 1uc:h country· -tern orN ll 11 Marie H1gg1rd, Chatlle RICll. Johnny LM •nd Lacy J Dellon. 5'30 (l) 8TONEO Scott BelO atar• u en Introverted teenager who rlll0f11 to druga to mak• frltlldl. 0MOVll! • • ,,.. "Torch Song" (11153) Join Crawford, Mk:h181 Wiiding A Broad· w•y rt•• IOved aec;retly by a blind planlll lead• an empty ert<I un11t1aty1ng Iii•. 1:00 fJ CAPTAIN KANGAROO 0 SERENDIPITY U TEEHTAU( 'T-Tllk: On LNvlng Home" m 0000 DAY L.A. ., SATUAOAY MORN!~ OAAPEVINE (]) HEAL THBEA T 1:20(3NeWS 1:300 ™ArSCAT 8 PACESETTERS D THE OAOWINO YEARS U VOYAOE m ELEMENTARY NEWS SI CAPTIONED AIC NEWS (]) VOICEOF AGAICUL TUAE ®> 1rs YOUA BUSINE.88 IB NEWS (C)MOVIE * * "The Fifth MUll<et-" ( 19791 e..u Bt'ldges, Urtu· It Andresa. 0' Artagnen 111\d the ThrM Muaket-• become Involved In ano1h• er plan to btoc:k the •YN Intention• of the lllnlll• Cardlnal Rlci>llleu agalntl the Franch arlatoc:rac:y 'PG' (11) MOVIE * * ·~ "The Looney Loo-ney. Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" {198 t) Anlmlled. VOIUS by Me4 8t1nc: June Foiay. New m11er1a1 11 bi.t>Oed with Ole! In 11118 c;ompilat Ion Of Clulllc F rtu Freteng "Looney Tun." fHturlng Bugs. Daffy Duck, Por11y PiQ. YOMmhe Sam. T-ti. Pia and Olh· •r• from th• cartoon -ies. ·o· (%)MOVIE * *'-" "Chu Chu And The Philly Flat/I" ( 198 t) Alan Arkin. Cerol &lmall An lleoholic: I°"'* blMbell pt1yer and a kooky atteet 9'\tert a1net beGome pan- ,,.,. In • acheme to make money by returning 1 Iott tutlcaM 'PG 1:00 II SYLVESTER & lW£ETY I DAFFY & 8P££OY IJ Q! THE FUNTST~E FUNNt£8 8 BIO BLUE MAASLE D Im SUPEAf'AIEN06 G DAVEY AHO GOUATH tD LATl.N TEMPO ., FlMT PERSON m YOGA FOR HEAL Tl1 CJ) INTERNATIONAL HOtJA ($)MOVIE * * "Young And FrM" ( 1979) &lie Ler_,, Keith LarHn A young Mormon boy f-many tet11 .. he 1ppro1chea adulthood 'PG' C:') TAILOOY: Tl1AU Cl.A881C TALES The magic of Claymatlon brlong• th1M chlldren·a atortet to lilt •• "Rip Van Wlnkte:· ''Tiit l ltt11 Pnnca" ano "Marlin Thi Cobbler .. 1:$0 0 Q! THE SHIRT TALES I DA. 8NUQOL.f.8 9 PAC-MAN I UTT\.f AA8CAL8 I lllletitE NCt4 I DAVEY ANO OOUATH lW1CE A WOMAH • IMO ILUE MAML.E Cl) INTERNATIONAL HOUR t:OO 9 llUG8 IUHHY I ROAD ...,,...,. ·~· ** "Home In Wyomln' " On the beat William . hotner turs as HT.J . Hooker" and Adrian Zmed is his rookie partne r a s the series returns tonight at 18 on ABC, Channel 7. {1942) o-Autry. Sml..., ButAltll G-return• • 1,vor by helplng thl eon ot a !!lend WOik out hll PfOl>- leml U HOTFUOOE CD HOGAN'S HEAOE.8 g) SATURDAY MOlllHIHO ORAPEVIN£ S) AMERICAN SHORT STOAY CJ) 8P£ED BUOGY (}O MOVIE • • 'A "Clrc:lt Of Two" ( tll801 Alc:l'la10 Burton. Tatum O'NHI. Oespll1 atrong patental oppoeltion, e poton1n1 1om1nce Oevel· opa between • 60·.,e••·old 111111 1nd a pr.c:oc10u1 tMn·•g• Khoolglrt 'PG' 8:30 II (II) PAC-MAH CJ W1LO, WILD WOAlO OF ANIMALS m WELCOME BAOt<. KOTTEA CJ) 8U09 BUNNY I AOAQ RUNNER \C)MOVIE * • '"' "Tribute" ( 1980) J aclt Lemmon, Robby Benson. An lrresponstble B•o1dw1y pr•H ag1nt begin• 10 ragret hll wu1ed Ille 1nd 1111 19'\UOUI r•I•· llontlllP w1111 hi• Q!GWn son 'PG' MOVIE * •.' Ct"1w1y Went Thi· tawey" C t95 t) ~owerd Keel, Fred Mac:Murray When e former c:owbOy Idol'• lllma t>ecome PGOU· 111 on TV llld the 0<lglnat 11er c:an't be toc:ated, two lharp oparalorl try to 091 an 1mparaonator to kMP the c:r1n gotng. @MOVIE * .. Sttrc1Ull" ( 19711) Mat· IOI Gortnat. CM1topner Plummlt To PfOlec:t thl 1tinooom of the E"'9«0!. IP-heroine St..it Stat encl ec:e navtgltor Alt.ton comb tile g11uy In ... rc:h of evil Count Zll1h Arn't hidden !tit 'PG' (?)MOVIE • • "W1111eel Bebytltter" I 1978) Merta Schnlidet. Syelne Roma 9:00 II OU8TY'8 ~E U LEAVE IT TO BEAVER D @ NCAA FOOTBALL Sllnlord et Ohio Siiia D WILD, WILD WORLD OfAHIMAL8 IE EAHE8T ANGLEY «!) FOCUS~ SOCIETY t-.30 II KIOSWOALO D Q!THEGARY COLEMAN SHOW U OZZIE AHO HARRIET D WtU>. Wll.O WOAU> OF.ANIMALS &;) MUSEUM The Wallarl Ar1 Gallaty ln Balumore. Maryland 1s IM· tureel "' • took II Ille dllly actlVlllet ol an art mu ... um '1!> FOCUS ON SOCIETY (]) OILUOAH'S Pt.AH£T 10.001J NCAA FOOT8AlL UCLA at Mk:hlgan 0 \1! INCAEDl8l.E HUU< I AMAZIHO SPIOE~ 8 8HANANA U MOVIE • • "Godillle Vt. Ma\>llon" I t9781 K11tuhl· ko Sua1t1, Mort Milull • SIX MILLION oOLLAR MAH m eoe.K>HU fD TH18 OU> HOUSE Bob VIII lnal .. t Iha MW kltthen appllancae and Norm Abram l>lllld• • new ,.., patio IRl9 '1!> IEilC1"IOff 12 PAHOAMONIUM fH 1M810E THE NI'\. COl'IOlll Len O•wson and Nlc:k 9uonlconll Pf-I highliQhla Of the P'IVIOUI weak· a pro football ec:tlon anCI Int.,....... with pl•ye<• and CO.Chea. [j)MOVIE * * "LOOkll" ( 198 I) Albert Finney, JtmH Coburn Thi mytlltloua d11tlla of • .. , ... of beeu· tllul mod4llt lnVOIYed In • MW advertllllng projec;t at• blamed on the pl1111c: wigeon wtlO oPl'•t.o on them 'PO' OMOVte • • '-" "ThrM W8"tora" I 11117) Randy OutlO, Cher1el Wtllte e.Qll. A 1:J.. ye 1r-o IO lno11n boy, ,.,"''*' o1 bllnO racoo· n1ted .. • ..,nor, IMlnt to 11C>ptecl1te Illa het1111gt attar vt1111ng ht• •ICIC ~'""" ·o· 10'.30 II 8HA NA NA ., JOt4N "°81N80N Ill 80UAM FOOT GAAOIHING (]) MEAT8AlU & SPAOH!TTI (C)MOVIE * • • 'How ' Won The W1r'' ( tllM) MICllHI Crew· IOIO, John Lannon. During World War II, • group Of bungHng Brltltll IOICI ..... at• ulllgnlCI to build 111 tlhl•llC rleld behind enemy lines in Nortnern Africa ao thll the .OvlllClng Brltltll forcn will hav• • plac. to play Ctlc:llel (l)MOVll • * "All The Matb ..... ( t118 t) Pal., FIJk, Bur1 Young. A hu1tllng, wl ... crldllng m1negar pulhet 1111 two fem... wrNtllrt towaro the top. 'R' 11:00 0 Q! THE JETSONS 8 AMEltlCA'8 TOP TEN CD INCAEDltlle 'HUU< ., MOVIE •• • "Tomorrow 11 For· ever" 1 t1148) Ctauo.111 Colt>att, Orton Welt ... A women la reunited with hlr llutbend 20 .,..,. •11• tile bellevec! him dead. SI MICAOWAW COOKERY ~ OAOWINO YEARS (]) POPEYE & OUYE MOVIE • * '-' "l ion Of Th• OeMrt" {19811 Al'thony Quinn. Ollv., Read. A "arO·rld1ng e.douln leader rtllltt• ltlJy'• attempt• to occupy Libya tor 20 )'lllL 'PG' 11;~0 Qt~ GOAOOH • OAAHO PNX OF MJ, 8TAM Hlgtl ICtlOOI athllf.. enc! top Ollebtll ... c:ompat• fot lat>uloul prl?.el et Ille Grand Prl• All-Star Sportt Catltar In Celtfomla D NCAA FOOT8ALL use a1 oi. 11t1oma U WILD, Ytll.OWEST fJa MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING CD OA()WtHO YEANS Cl) STAR TREK AFTENK>ON 12:00 D FM£..+AU. 8 THME 8TOOOl8 • MOVIE •• "The Tattoo Connie:· tlon" C 19711) Jim Kelly. Chen Sing. A apec:lal d•ttc11ve mall• • torey Into Hong Kong'a O.C.. dent undarWortd tn hit -•Ch for t pt~U llOlen Cllamond. ti) PUCK'S AH4MAL8 (f) OF EARTH AHO WAH · Thi Earth· Chlld Of Tiii Sun" Qt TO IE AHHOUHCED (0) AOa< ON TV wow •• "HeertbMpt" (11181) Andy Kaufm1n, Berna· clett• Petara tn • *Ot1d Of the near future, two oom- merciet 1obola ••Plf\en<ll 1111 vte:1tt1ti>0ea of nrat IOve 'PG' 0MOVtl • • * • "Olgl" t tll581 M8'1r1Cl41 Cllevallet. l ... le Caton A !omboy bllng g•oomed by 11at aunt end granOmolher Mt• out on hlr own to c:alc:tl • men 1~IO 0 AAIOIR8 PLAYBOOK ''2 G MOVIE * t "The Truth" (11158) Cllyton Moore. Jey Sil· verhlela 91W1UGHT CRITEAIOM ai) OF EARTH AHO MAH "MIPC>ino Ellpiorin; Tiie Olobl" CJ) NCAA TOOAY MOV1l • • "The Flftll Mutkel-" ( 1979) 8-9r1doM. "'-I• And'"8 O'Ar1agnan and the Thraa Mulket-• t>«ome Involved In Ill°'~ ., plan to blOCk '"* 91111 1n1en11on1 of the llnlttar Ctidtntl Rlc:tlelllU l!Qllftll \I'll Franc:h erlllOCttey 'PO' CO) l'OCI< ON TV Cl)MO'M CHANNEL LISTINGS * * 1h "LIOll Of The o.-1" (IHI) Antllony Oulnn. OllYet A..o A herCl>f'kllnQ l.oOllln IMdar rlllat• Italy'• attempt• to ooc;upy llbye tor 20 YMA· 'PO' 12:4f fJ ()) HOM 'OOT9ALL Ntbt•tl!• al ~n St1I• • l(N~T tCBSI 0 9 KNBC INBCI 1 • KTLA llnd I " .KABC IABCI c e ti111Ma CCBSl 0 ICHJ fl/ Cine! I ,, e ICC$t IAOCI I • I( nv lln<I I • e l(COP TV Cln<I I • e KCtl' tPBSI • e l(QCE I P8SI On TV l T\I HBO 1C1""m.01 CWORI NY N Y (Wf U~I IF$PNI I 5'1ow11rntl SC>olllvnt t~bl• N11w~ Nelworkl D AMATIU .. IOJCING "U I A Vt 8clUlfl Amerl- Ct • ltom ColortdO i lngt. Colo. Hlll. .. MVllW 1:00 IAIDAU KenMI City ~alt et Oell ltncl A '1 • THI MUNITIM ~ MCtacly 00-10 --10 .. out the ,~. fl~ • *Ml • *... "CHlt McO•tl" ( 11111 .l•IMt Ga111er. Htlelll W«td Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/81turday, ptembet 2&. ,Q82 • OCIANUI MAW IJH't'l*ll .. IT GI MOVll • • • flle Q1ut O•t•b'l'" (1"41 .....,, "-OIOfO, Mia '•11ow ~ Monll aowtflOe OI till CM.to l'ld(tit t i Allllntt ""'"' ~ .. ,.,..,. tlM ti N9w Yoi-• Mete IOIMOVll • • • 'h "lllng1n11 Up 81by" ( 1ISll 1<1th111lne HepbUfn, C41fY Qr 1111 All 111chMOloOltt Mii out to rlll• I mlltlotl Ooll4n IOf 1111 muMl.ll'll, bvt end• up lnvotl/9d wttll 1 pretty llOCllJlt• 1;IO. II-""'°°' • NOVA ''Thi 8cience Qt Mu10et" 8Cltnll1tt, ltw tlll()f(;e· mem Pl~• ooc- •on encl con1110t.O mu1d· ....,, dllCKltl the 1MlltlM OI mu1det. (llllf;! ID OCllAHUe. MANHf IHVtf'OHMIHT ll) '-""-A·1"0N A c:°"*'l•n l'IO•I 11no tO\lr TUllDPPIRI ... NBC l4J 1;00 Bm1a•boll Thl' Km1~s City Royul try to l'Uleh tht.• Ant(t•li> In ..i Rllmf' with thl1 Ouklund A':i.. KCOP ( lJ) 6:00 "Th<• S u Chai\('." Jvhn Wuy1w and Lano Turn<>r 11tur in 11 tor y o f o Gl'rmnn l'Uptoln'11 c:ommand«'<.•ring o ship of fugitiws during World Wur 11. CBS (2) 10;00 -"The Treasurl' o( th~ Sierra Madre." Humphrey Bogart In a memorable performance as a down-and out Amt.•rican hunting gold in Mexico. ABC (7) 11 :4~ -''The Boston Strangler." Tony Curtis has one of his b<.-st roles in this dramatliatlon of a true story with Henry Fonda. c;omle cont•t1nl• wllO Ill THI l'QCI('°"° IOIO. JOl'ln Lennon. Ovnno ciomPtt• 1g1tn1t on• FILU WorlO Wlr II, • grovp ol enotNt' .,. fHtllred In 11111 CC) MOVtl l>llngllng 81llltll IOl<ller• Ulle*llOled "'4Ndy O•,... * * 'h "Trll>Utl" { 11190) tie HtiOMCI 10 l>Ulld Ill I/low. J1cik Lemmon, Robby 11111eoo field behind enemy :t:OO a OtlL.IOAH'I Ill.ANO a.neon An ltrMC>Ontlble u,_ In Nortn.tn Af11C:• to D WIDE. WON..D OI' 8ro10w1y prH I •o•nl that th• advancing Srltllll SPOATI begin• to regret hi• wuted toicn wlll hew • pleoe to Sehedule<I Coverege of Hie at\d hit tenUOUI rel• pl1y etlc:ket Ille 60\l11*n 600 Stock 11on1111p with hit grown 8;301 •CJ) 8 HIW8 Cer Recie (l1om OarNngton, eon 'PO' ~ NIWI s C.). GOll9ttge of Ille Cl )MOVll • PAVAM>mAT lntem1t1on1I OymnHllCI * * * • "Moacow Ooetn'I JUU,UAAO Ch1mplon1hlpt {from &ellevl In T-1" (1N0) Lucleno P1varottl WQtke Rome. ttaly). Vt1• Alentov1. Aluel with Tonio di Paolo, Ron11 G MOVle B1t11ov ThrM c;ountry l<llltky 1no Ro ... nn Del • *'" "The Unfoiglvtln" 01r11 with dlftarent goehl Oeorg•. who perform ( 1960) Audrey H•pt>urn, 1nd value• move to th• big .. iec:ttona by Oontulll. 8'11'1 lancutar city 10 pur-lhalf 111'11>1· Mozart Ind Balllnl (A) m MOVll t1on1. «!) SNEAK PA!VIEWS * • '-' "The Tin Stir" 9 MOVIE Neal G1blat 11>0 JettYey (11157) Henry Fond•, ••'A "To1c:h Song" Lyona took 11 Paul Mazur· ftll631 Joen Crawford. aky'• "T1mpHI" and Alllhony P.,klnl. A bOunly ,_ .. ..._. w Id""' • 8 __ .. "Te• .. (A) hunter and a young .,_itt M...,._ 1 ""' ,. ,.,..,. MO~ Vl"' wey 1tar IOwd Metetly .,., ... 1""' up 10 lllM the IOWll a bllno p11nltl 1 .. d• '" •• "H•ar1bMpa" (11181) ··~~A empty and un1at1afylng Andy l<autman. kn•· Ttl.EVl8IOH HISTORY tlfe. !!ell• P11er1. In • world Qf "Freedom: 1924· 111411" 4:30 D NFL MAGAZINE tl'll near futurt, two com- The Republlc; Of lrltand • MOM THAN A mercllll robote lltpet\lonce ••l•bll•hed i tter the clvll COHCElllT th• 1110l111tudel ot nrat Oevtd Froet narr1111 • tove ·po· ;~ ,:~•II through WorlO aocumentary proflle of the 1:46 (%) CHAAL.£8 CHAM,LIN 8i) AMERICA: THE N1lherland1 Wind Entern· TALKS WITH ... 8EC()HO Cf.NTURY ble "MltY St..-.burgen" rt:l'I H•-•-..... • ...,. fir!) WIUTINO FOR A 7:00 9 IN~ Of ... IOI ................ """" RIEASOH "The lllllt11>I•" TRACY "Raldl-AuOi.nc. And 0 FIGHT llACI< A poignant look i.11ken 11 P . D 7 ON Loe•~ th• on· 1nd olt-ecr-' ereon~ · "' "'" iomanc:e bit-~ 5:00 8 HAPPY DAYS AOAJH FHtureo • report on Tracy encl l<llharlne Hee>-Alchla and Pottle tneak Suanne Som~. 1-iOOI< burn out ot th• houM to watc:h at popular m ... 1tat• of ($)MOVIE F~ In an illegll Oreg 01y1lme ~ opatN. a ••• "Tribute To A Bed ·-· prollla ol the legendary Man" (195e) JlmM c.,g. D MOVIE George Burns, one of Iha ney. I<-Pap ... Two con-• *. ·~ "The Andarton world'• youngllt wetartkl· _ .. -•-Tapee" (111711 S-Con-ter. CMn ..... .......,... attempt to c -.TUE ............ IO .... I c:<><1lllnol • ranc:nar lo atop nery. Dyll\ annon ~~==· ''" kMll ,.... D MADAME'S Pl.ACE """"'' """'" 9 ~ ,.., ., 10UO OOlD MYITElffS • • "NoboOy'a ~I" ID OIAl<>OVe: JONAS Frank Ind Jot Ila..., to Ill (t981) Gabl Kaplin, Ale• 8AU< /Y£HUOI MENUHIN Atric:an game pr-to K1rr11. T1'11M unllkaty Or Jonu Silk Ind vlollnllt 1199 the me11.,m1nc1 of • her-Mt out to 11a1111 thl Yehudi Menuhin dlacu.. l'loge pcechlng oe>erlllOn. ed t d bu ~ 11'11 re4ttlontlllp bit....,, • MEM<>NES WITH 1 t •r: IA"'PO' r .c;y tciencl Ind Iha 111a. nutrl-LAWAENCI WEU< 0 city • • • ,.&, ~,.._.,& 2:JO 8 OIUJGAH'l 18lAHO lion Ind hMlth, Eattem ..._,,.....,.,..... Gllllg1n Olac:o119tt tllat he ciulture. Ind thalf genetk: COHOA!8SIOHAL h .. e doubtl on Ille illet>d Ind eoc:ill l>erltegM. ~ ID AMENCA: THI G WOOOWAIGKT"I lllD U.S. CHRONICLE llECONO CDfTUfl'V IHOP "High Schdol" HOw ..it (C) MOVIE "A Oo¥91111 By Hand" {R) adllCltad toOay'I lllgh ** * "Alt~I" (1N01 CJ) M 0 A08 °H tchool Q"90uttll rNlty 1t1 Ao~ Hl)'9, ,,._ HIOll'• Or~ and nlghtmw• II lllamlnld. •ty Altar .., alrlnar'• er.-plegue the ()119fWO(kad CJ) JACK AHOtMON f ti , ....... ...,.._,._,_ 4077th. COHFIOIEH'T\AL a I to """'......-•~.,,.I ~CONIUME.ANeWS 9 IOYOUTWIHKYOU narvout form. wtt C*Ot ta OOT TROUell8 PfllMd Into ~ Ind must contend wltl'I on-Ml'OftTa ~ Q!THE ~ bc>Ard hyttarla. a 81Cr9t1¥1 "Thi f'-*'O Fine S;tlow" 0-t· CMt1et ~ control tower Ind ~ Thia edition f~ on (0) FINAL ttllecl tnarnO<*-'PO' llHlttl-rMaled producta. COHFllWATION TEST a;00a MOVIE lnc:ludlng tow-aodlum MOVIE • • • "Monllaur a.tu· tood• Ind OWlr·lhe-<loUn-• * "AM The Mert)IM" '81f•" (1~81 9ob ~. terapoe1J1eaupprM1111t1. (11111) Peter F•. 8ur1 Joan Caulfield 8Med on (0) MOVIE Young. A huttllng, w1 ... the book by T.H Tlttdng-* * * ''The Or11t Muppet c:rec:Jilng manager puallll ton A batblf attemc>t• 10 C1pat" (11181) 'Cllarlel hll two female Wfllller• mlllnlaln Illa aJCltt~ In Grodin. O••n• Rigg toward the t09. 'A' the COUftt Of l(lng lc>uM xv Aepottera Keirml1, FozzJa 7:30 9 DANCE FEVlll of Frenc. Ind Oonao treoe 1 ftl>ll· 0 OLEN CAMP8IU • MOVll! toot llolen j9wel to Lon-GY.t: Rita Coolidge. ••'h "Pony bpr..... oon ·o· D EYEONL..A. (111531 Cheriton Helton, (%)MOVIE FHIUred • c:llMrlaedlng ROOnde Fleml A of •• 'It "ChU Chu And Thi camp: • took 11 ltle woman ng. pair of tklO tow, the 111 .. 1 hait cowboy her-help to Phllly Fl8ah"' (tN1) ~ entura that the m .. goaa Aikin. CMol 8urnett. M IUl'llons tht 11 llool'>ollc: lormer bueOeW fD PAE8IHTE tr,.~-• playe< Ind 1 kooky 1trMt "Ae419ion And Soclety In Qi) MOVIE .. v .. ...,. entertainer bee:oma Pllfl· Lalin Amertca" Two Clow-* • "The Piiot" ( 111801 ,..,.. In • tc:heme to mtlka mentlt"f tllrN -"\llalon Of Clift Roblflaon, Diana "'°"8Y by returning 1 IOlt Juuelro" and "El Uttlmo Beker A pllOt turM 10 tultc:aM. 'PO' Bella'!"-ate n1tTateCI In ClrlNllng to escaipe the 5'*> 9 NF\. WOK '" AIEVllW Spanll/I with Engllerl tubtl- • I of '"I • I.A VfllHE & SHIRLEY II .. un .. 1119-"I mat· ..,. ·MOTOAW£E( tlaga Ind the frutlftllon of I COfAPAH'f ())WI ~UT • .,.., hll ur-'PG' '---Ind Shlf1IV dream .. _... • __... (0) MOVIE about Ille In Ille herllfter QI EYE ON SAN DIEGO • * • "II To S" t 1llt0) alt., arguing about t91UtTt• Qt TH£ MUPPfT'8 Jlne Fond•. Dolly P.,-ton. Ing . cheGk from the phOM OUM!: Ben Vereen ThrM wo1klng women c:ompany (kl MOVIE rebel aoalntt thalf aubju-ID tQUAM FOOT •• \ .. "Thi Loonay. Loo- gtllon by 1 m ... CheWlnllt GAAOlHINO ney, LoontY Buga BuMy bou 'PG' Cl) HEALntel!AT Movie" {1Ntl Animated. 1:15{%)CHAN..ESCHAMPUH 0 WIOE~OF Volcll by Ml4 BllllC, June TALKS WITH... I~ Foray New matarlal t. "Mery Sl-bufgen" Sc:tleOullCI C-ege Of blendeCI with old In Wt 3;ao 8 TO IN! AHN01JHCEO tne Southlr'n 500 Stock compilation of clualc: Fr1tz C111 ~ (lrom Oarllngton, Fretang "Loonay Tunaa" ~~ON s C.). coverege of 1111 fHturtng 8ug1, 011fy ID SfW1HO ~ lnternat1on11 Gymnaetk:a Ouc:k. Poflty Pig, YOMmll• (Z)MOVIE Ch1mplon1hlpt (from Sam. T-tl• Pie ancS ot~ • ~ ··o..th v-ra.li' (lllHI AorM, Italy). ••• tr om the cartoon _, (fOMOVll --'G' PIUI L.eMet. Pater Bllhng.. ...-• CJ) w·· T -·.-v lay A......, Yort. 'fO\lllOl1at * •• "Tiie Thltty·Nlne .,_ -. .,.. la eant to Arizona to ¥!tit Step•" C 11711 Robef1 Pow· IS.aeon Pr«T!lete) "The hll mothlr Ind alumbletl ... 0.¥1d W1tner A men Apple Oumpllng Oeng llCrOH I ........ Of Q(ltly blcOfMI the querry of RIO.. "9aln" A pair Of murders. 'A' both the police Md a _,.,n outltwt trying to 3:40 0 IPO'TUOKT PMVIEW Met.. group of for.ion •Ilk Ille ttrllt Ind n1now Hoel Robert O•borne ~I• opera ting In Eno· are ml•tlkan for bank IOoka 11 the movlel and ltlld wflan he 11 frllM<I fOf robt>en: Tim Conwty Md epec1a1s coming up on • ttrenget'a """°" 'PG' Don Knott• tt111. CPart 11 soot1lgh1. • MOYIE a a DIF'F'"tHT **~ "MOf'l\mte DMl•I" IT'fllOKU 4:00 8 MOVW ( 19811 F•vw Ovn1w91, Die· Arnoto d ie cover a tl'l•t ••~ "Y111.,oey·a Child" ne Soatwld Forttea .,, tome Olrla wtll Ignore him C 1917) Slllrtay Jonte. tter JOll'I Crtw10rd ,..... ~ of Ille tflOft 11•1• Cl9udl Aklnt A -altlly her two t40pted dlllClrtn Uf•. (R) temlty It contronled by 1 111 a oom.tlc 1trnoepMre 8 ~ TAAX 17·'1M'-del girl *1lo dtlnll thlt vlt1M from lu•""°"8 Oueatt Koot & The Oano. 1111 I• lhelt oeughl• WflO c;omton to Mdl911C Clleal· Bitty Idol, Fred WllWO WU kld"->ped 14 )'Mrt ptlnl. 'PO' • 0 T.J, HOOKfll 11tller (S.l fOll Premtara) T J a a AUTo MCtNG "OOk" *-llWOIV911 COvtrege of the C....r'• ~ ~th an unaoMld UM l'f Patec.t Qrend Pflll. from covered .. • MtlCllM ~=-~ t:OO,~HIWI ;11:..nw. A l'lumorOUll IOOll II PfO ........... • •• "The RaYen" 11983) footbtll I• ... 10 CleNkl•I * • ~ . ....,. COlt'lt The Vlnelnl Prtc», .... ., Lor,. t1'11111c Tto-t" c 1171) ~ Lw.. In • 1&th.o1ntur; fngll•h I !!!!_MINT eolfl, hmenllle Qr-ey. c .. tie. 111,.. fNIOIOl"'8 .....,.,.,. • lltT ~........., compete fOO' po-00ter • • "CNIN Into larr0t" "'90&AL Md! otllet utlf'IO • DMutl• (1071) Ray Mlltend, HUOfl I ~T. llllWOr!IM .. tllllrp!Oy 0'8'ten, Tht ~ of _,... • M&fN QfWPIN t11 ~· MrcopMout ••• "The ... Cllale'' 0~11 lruoe PeMalt, tum• • CllllbblM PIM-111111 Jctlfl W1ynt. lMw ....._. 011tiert. Oreo 1on- eur1 CtulM Into • ftfOlll• Tumat leMd on tM new1 '*"· ,,.,. W•"'· """ llW9. by Andrw 0-A Ger· llllhl, HOWie MlllCMll. l.ucy I ~ ,AAA. IJ.t.A. 1 men c.ptel" OOfMllll• Webb, W M•ttle!A WNTIMO ~A defrt t ltllp of "'9ftl\IM • MOY1I MAIOH dutfnO Wond Wlr 11. • * "M.,,..W'' C 11731 "The Netur• Of~ I ~~ l•n Oe11era. t ller .. c:attone" -North TWo ~ "'6t· Cl) ITAA TW ~ tne • tttOW flOt'llt tel yr l90C* le ....._, lo 8 ~..wt llllOll Met I wllcl ltllfrltl fO!tlmltld 1 t1111tt1eort1n ('C') _.,._ OOfllPOUftCI .._. M lwl\· lnvM1'0ltlOn of • ........... * * • "How t WOii Tiie 1!Y ""'9 "' \IOO'I .,.,,, A Mall• Of /vlfllll ' A bl•O 11uoen1 wlln • ml~weQ notJOn Of tltlr worftl lit!IOll '""" '* la• cal- • "IA"..w.t.OI TO MICOA ICIMO'M • • • ··Retum Ot A .,..,, Cllleo HOtM ' I tt71J Rich· erd Ht1t1•. 0111 8on<lar· gaarO An (nglilh LOtO retu111e to Am«lc:e Whe!t he leltnt thal Ille 8IOll• lnOltnl Wf>O lnltt.llad htm Into their trlbl hi,... 1011 ''*' MO!letl prM«Ve to trai>pet• COJMOVtl •**''I ·1111 w e re' I 11117) Merk Hamill, Hltrl• ton '°'O A l'l\Olley CO!lec· llon OI r•blll lltlO <ObOll blf'<.I •ooetller 10 attack the l'lu9e ~ tori Of "" opprenl111 g111011c amplrt 'PO' Cl) MAAVIN HAMUICH: THIY'M PLAYING MY IONO Liii Mlnn•llt. JC>t\ftfty M1thla. Olady1 Knight end Carty Simon ting tome Of today'• grHIHf h it• including: "Thi Wey W• W.,e," "Whal I OIO 'or love" enc! "Nobody Ooat II Beller " 9M<>V1f **'A "Star Trell •• The Motion PIClur•" ( 1979) Wiiiiam Sh1tner, Leonerd Nlmoy Thi fOtmtt QOmo mend., of the U S 8 EntarprlM rN ... mblee hit old crew and Nit oft on 1 mlulOn to find the myaterl. oua 11•-• reapontlble tor the CletlNCllon Of numet• oua Flderlllon 1tar1111pt 'G' 1:30 0 CB SILVER IPOOHS (Premier•) A 12·Y••r·OIO genlu• ~ to Hve with 1111 wealthy, Immature ref her fir!) MOVIE * * Yt "Th•Y Midi Ma A Crlmlnll" (19311) JOlln Gar· , flelel. Ann Sheridan A fighter rune aw1y attar being maOe to blltave thlt he c;ommlltad "'urder white lnel>rllled t:OO I) CJ) MOVIE * • * "Revenge Of The Pink Ptnther" ( t11791 Pater Sellera. Oyen Cannon Thi bumbllng lnapec;tor Jacquet CIOUMIU cSont I v1r1ety of dlegul-In hit •ttempta to amul'I an underworlCI drug IMiddttno ring CAI 0 8 MOVIE "The Feela Of Life Goat To Parts" {Premiere) Char- lotte RH. LIN w~ Mrt Garrell end 11'11 glrtt t1om EH11&1'd get more '""' they t>trgatned tor when lhey epand their aummer vacation In P1rl1 8 EHTEATAIHMENT THl8WEIK Report• on the Emmy Awaros, the new llJI TV ae1ton. "The Empire S1rik" Bick" on rldlo. 11oma video ga,.... and bl1ck ac:tort In aoap •&·LOVE IOAT A mllllonW. gat'-9 all hit re1111vea on boero fo ennounc:e .,.. new w111. ano Ceptlln Slvtllng me.ta,,... dlUQl'lter of 1 woman he ~loveO (R)Q • GMt owu.a· A.U.r NONMHIE NITWOM HfW8 e OO't'IKY ''key lo Thi Land Of Sllanc;e" The ,,,.,.tarloul llletogtyph1 on Iha Egyp. llan monumer>lt prOYlde the key 10 ~lllldlng 111• In •nclent Egypt (Al Q ON LOCA T'IOH "Rlcfl Ltnta" The mut• Of mlmlc:ry give• 1111 lrnpr- lllOnt of Ronald Aeag.an end Alcherd Nl~on. among other•. ($)MOVIE • • "Looller" {198 ti Albert Finney JamH Coburn The mya1111toua llettha of 1 aerlH of beau· hfut moOeta involved In • new ldvat1la1ng project are blamed on Iha plaatlc; 111rgeon ..no operated on l""" 'PO' MOVIE * • •• "Lion 01 Tiit QaMft" (111811 Anthony dutnn, Ol1119t Reed A hlrO ·riding Bedouin IHClflt rflllall Italy'• •llem&>ll to occupy Libya ror 20 )'9tt'I. 'PG' t:aO ., LOVl. AMENCAN STYL.E "Love And The KIO· nlCIPfr" A klOnappar !alb on hit flret job, thl hul· band tel\ltM to pay! 10:00 I• NfW8 MOVIE * * * • "The TrNIUfl Of Thi Sierra Medie" ( 11148) Hur't'1pt11ey 8ogltt. Watter Huelon • SOUOOOL.D • .JAZZ; UVE AT MOHTMUX G MATIHP!ATM IUOU F1a1ur.o "The Cour1- 01ou1 Or Chrlatlan" 111140) •tatrlng Jelrl Her• lllOlt: a Ill~ cartoon: I 1945 llhOt1 llltring Franll Slnetr•: Md Chapter 5 of "Lott City Of The Jungle" (1~8).(R) ct)MOY!l * * * "AltfilaMI" C1NOI Aot>ar1 Heye, Julll Hagtr· ty Altar trl alt'Mnar'I CflW ,.... to food polaonlnf •• MrVOUI format -pilot la prllllld Into MrWllt encl mutt OOftttnd wtth on-- t>oet d ~trla, I llCtl'lw oontrot tower llld dlcN- fllleCI """"°''" 'PO' CQ)MCMI •• * "Outland" l 1 N 1) SH n Connery, Pe1a1 Boyte A ..,_ mtrthal in-ttoatM e raatl ol "'YI" taftout Otlltlll ""1tlln • ll'llnlf'IO COiony Oft one « Jupiter'• moona '"' 11>l18 Cff) MCMI * * ~ "LIO" Of Tiie OtMn" (1N1) Antl\Ony Quinn, Oii~ "-cl A 1\110.ndlllO ledoulrl ...,., tM1111 11.,Y't 111ampt1 to OCC1UPY LM>ye tor 20 )'llfl 'PO' 10:to • JAOIC ANOIMON: ·~ .MCMI ••• ••(Mtanct" 11M11 IHll Connerr. i"•l•r ~ A lf>aol t'llttaNI IM9at'9t1• I rMfl of ,.,,.. tertou• "81h• .itllln • "'-f tlfl-OI Juplt• • "'OOll• Ill 10·41 • IA TUlllOAV lflOfl'TI ,,... t1.ooeoe111oa NIWI • HOM '°°11AU. MTOllOll'I vt \JCV. • THI ITl'Vt UIU.V. M.HO The ~., roclt. b4lnd Dltfor '"' It\ GOnQll 1 ftwn Ill• Pl11e klloCI Am()hll'-. Ire In O.r0tt MJCNgan t1ong w1111 the C1n101an '~Wine • • • ''f'lytng f1ger1' 11e.21 JOl'ln Way,.., P-. I<...,. An Amar!Ctn ftlat Wlll'I 1 bid perf~mance recoiO 1'111 10 re6Mm hllnMll wtlf) 011e 111\el hetO· le IC1 l}TSZMN "ltrtp.0..0rtm" 11:30• THl~OM 'ILU D 8 IATU"OAY NIGHT uva (Seaton Prttnle!I) Hott Cllevy ChH• GuHU 0-G AICHEWI I!) MAIHT~ IHOP ILUU CJ) MOVIE * * • .. They Mlghl S. 011ntt" (t117tl Oeoroa C Sc:otl Joanne WOOCIWllld A preMnt-<ley HOime. •nel·Waleon IHm tr1Cl1t ciown en •• 1or11on nno 9 l<GI AOCt<S 10 CC1MOVll • *'h "Trlbl/11" (tll80) Jae-Lammon. Robby a.neon An lrretPOntlbl• Broaelway pre11 tgent l>eQln1 lo rag1et hl1 wuted Ufa and hll tenuoua re4•· llonlhlp •Ith hit grown eon 'PO' J ,MOVIE a :L "Str,anee 81Mvi0t" Strange txparlmanll c:<><I· clucted on children and • c•ued murderer turn a quiet mtaw.tarn COiiege town Into 1 frenzy. 'A' (%)MOVIE • • .. Wlntad Bebytl1l., .. (1978) Marte SCllnli01t, ~dneRome 11:48U MOVIE • *' • "The Botlon Sirin· gler" (111611 Tony Cunl1 Henry Fonda 12:00 (0) Pt.A YIOY OH THE Allll 12:30 II MOVIE • • '-" "Qne.Eyeel Jacka" { 11181) Miiion 8f'an<lo. Katl M•tOen. A.ti ••-<ion feign• fnenellhtp w1111 hi• 1>e111yer ao thlt he een cuetom. oetlgn hll revenge @)MOVIE * * ·~ ' The Nlgnt Stelk•" ( 11171) Detten" MCIOwv'ln, Ctllol lynlly A reportlt lnYMtlgllll t -les Of muroera committed by • man wtlOrn he ~ 10 bl• vampl11 0MOVll • "Starc:rUh" { 19711) Mar· 1oa Gortner. Chri.topher Plummer To protect thl kingdom ot thl Emperor, ~ heroine Stell1 St1t Ind ece l\llllQltor Aklon COOlb the ge!My In -ell Of e\111 Count ZMtn Am'• l'llOOen lei<. 'PO. 1:00 Q IVIHtNG AT THI "'"'°" .MOYIE • • "Conquered City" f 111651 OlvtCI N1-. Marlin Balaam e MOYIE * * "0..111 Smflll On A Murderer" (111731 Ewe Aulln, Klaue Klnllcl Q!MOVIE * • "Empire Of The Anti" c 11177) Joen eoiw.. Ao4*'t Lanting. 8Nld on I ltory by HG Welle (nlMOVE "Tttll Olr1y To Me" C1980J ·x· 1:06 ll11 MOVIE • •·~ "Student Bodlel" ( t1181 I l<tltten A1t11 Matthew Gotelaby A hMvy·bflltl'llng ~Oc kWler llllllt 11'11 f\m·lo\llng atudanll ot • 1yp1c;a1 Amer· tcan hl(lh ICflOOI 'R' 1:15 MOVIE * • "All The Mlrtllll" {198 t) Peter Falk, 9uf'1 Young A huslltng, w1 ... c;tec:klng maneger puthel hi• two lemeHt Wl'lltlen toward the top. 'R' 1:$0 8 MOVIE * • * "Guye And Dolt." {19551 Frank Slnatte. Jain Slmmon5 {{)MOVIE • • 11\ "Tiie Sc1tl1t emor_ .. {111341 Manana Olet11ch. Sim J1He A Aul· alan Grind Ouk• llU a atormy relttlontNp with Ille wtl•. ..no goee on to beGome known u C.t~ rlne the Ore11. 1:S5 (1:) MOVIE •~ "In PralM Of Ol6ar Women" I 1971) Tom Berenger, Karen Bled! A Hung1rtan tothl1to 1emln- iaue on hit put romantic c:onq.-11. from Ills f.ta\ at the age of 12 to hit Mduc:· lion of • hOUMWile et 30 'R. 2:00G 8HEWI 9 AeCNIWS 9 MOVll ..... "Momtnle Ollretl" 111111) Fa)'I OuMway. Ole• na Scarwld. 1:*11= • • "Panottma Blue" {11180) Jolln HolmH AerlM Boncl. A _.... of erotic •aodel probe the outer ltlngal of MXUll llCllvlt~. 2:16 MOWI * •'h "Clrc;ta Qt TW<>" ( 1910) RICl'lttd llif1on, T11um O'N .. I a.-oo • MOVll •• i' "T'wtl¥e CtO'#CMd Hours" f1t3t) llllchWCI DI•, LUG!le 811 • MOVll • • • • "Thi Inform.." ( lt3&) VIGIOt Md . .1$1111. HlllMr Angel It 10 MMWIN kMilUIOH: Tl41V'M fl\AYING MY IOHG 1.IU Mlnne lll, JOl'IM)' Ml"hla. Olld)'I 1<"4gtll Ind ~ ""'°" tl"O tome ol IOOty't gr,1t•t1 hlll tnctudlno. ••Tna Wf/y W• Wete," "Wtlet I Old '°' lO\'e'' and "NOOOdy Ooee ,,....., .. 9'.ll(C)*MI •• " "" u.... Aoaitl 111111 rredetlc ,.,_, l(aftlleln l.loyd OUllOler t\'etem Wflf" (tMll ~_c..._ ____ ... _:.'.:;ANfl:..=.:.°":;.;.;~"'.;.:\11;.:_ ___ _..:o;,i;i~;;;;o;~-_ _...._ ....... ,_.....,.., '------------------------------------------------~--....;_~--~--~~~------~ -· • I ----------......---~-----------~--·=-"'--=-----:---"'"'\'""'----•~~·.._. ...... .....,.._._..._. • .._. ..... ._...~~~--·~· ..... ·~·~,.. ........... ~.~••••a .. s .. ~a•a•s; .. .. . THE t'A" II.,. CIRCl'M 81G GEORGI: by Virg tl Partch (VIP) PE,.NIJTI by Charl11 M. Schulz HE ~T YERV WITTY, BOT ME WAS 5MAi.T by 811 Keane "Did you tff tht 1111 of that woodptektr?" MAMlES. MY L.'*6·LOST MOTHE~ttS c;a.\JN6 MERE ... I CAN' !ELIEVE IT ... MAR8t.ES ~S ALWAYS THE SMAn ONE IN M FAMILY ... IF YOO WANTED iO KNOW SOMETHING, 't'OlJ .JUST ~EC> MARBlES ... f ( 1 ; Tl:MBLE• £EDI e 1lf IS MON'Tli 1lu: CClVl?$P "-AC~ Ft:A'fHt:f\ 60ES 101MI #MIML OFOOR WAR CANOe ANV c~ewi~ 'THAI HU~l-COi.LiN' SCUU.. MUU..E~: ~SMM,INAMe~ 1Nl71AN OF 1lfE MON"m! • SHOt: ~eASHORe, SLJJ'l HOW WAS 'tt>UR VOVAGe? by Tom K. Ayan IF I HEAF\ \. A~eR CHORUS\ OF '1f'.OW. ACM: ROW~JO«rrN l'L.LSC~. by Jeff MacNelly ~AR'9ADL'Kt: by Brad Anderson Hank Ketchum "Other dogs have to eat 'Hamburger Helper', so spare us the dramatics!" Jl'DGt: Pi\RKt:R ~ ' CHECK WITH.Tl-IE HOSPITAL MEANWHILE 0. e. 7 THIS IS ANO FINO OUT IF DENNIS CHAfl.LEY 1 I'M DOWN IN THE PAseMOfl.E I5 A PATIENT L~Y' I GOT TO eEE VOU ... ANO WHAT HIS "l(',HT AWAY1 CONDITION IS• Gr\Rt'IELD LOOK AT ALL 1'HQS£ Tl NV ANT$ GOING-TO TME TINY BEACH TO PO SOME SWIMMINC:t OM·OM.ATINV MINNOW IS CRUISING IN TO EAT THE SWIMMERS ACROSS SO Safest FM>A Y'I 1 Stupid 52 Gang tnem· PUmE IOLYID 8 FlllaM: Miiiie bet 10 F<>nn« se 0ueen1y Yugutlev 5 7 Egos dictator 58 S...W 14 Abscond SO Whizzed 15 A bump on 83 F19qUently" 2wordt 18 Entrenc. 65 Blazlng 17 U.S llif man M Worl!· Prtfi• 11 OrdtNI num-87 -the Red bet 68~11 20 MiflCle 6t GoulUh • • 21 Tlllen apart 70 Sonow Z'l l(lnd of r.ttl· 71 Belief . ., H Typlll DOWN 25 Train Sting I Unheedtng I 27 llblicM COUil· 2 Or 19 lndllll d!Mcl 44 llktwiM try 2 WOfdt 3 A"'1. 21 AelnoYt gun1 48 PUii 30 Dielr.., '-" 2 word• 24 Sptllt 49 Griped 31 Pf!« 10 4 l~tlltent 26 Oic:letor 51 lottery 32 ~ $A~: Poet. 27 FtMJt 52 Agltlltl 3• H6etrlil e Artlllerymln 21 C1tout11 53 ()pell 10 view 3' Hotry 7 Smelly 2t Frvtt &4 CM~ wtNI AO Lqtfl unit I lndowtf 33 Allllllon SS Baell: Pr_,.ll 41 w..tern city t U S rodlttt 3S Attiatence $9 lime ltM 43 ce .. alfled 10 Leoe nllM H -Sleugllt• • 1 c.tt1c: 49 ~ .,_ 11 Eactlllnt 37 8lldl 1tu1t 12 Dirtc110n •7 ~ tound ti 0 .... ..., H ISA QtOUPt 14 "Ouchi" .. ~ P1r1 13 DIHlrtflt 41 Kltdltn IOOI 85 ... .,.... by Jim Davis OH·OH. TME MINNOW JOST OOT HARPOON£P ev AN ANi WMO eE.AAS A STRIKINC1 RESEM&LANCE TO R06ERl SMAW by Ernie Bushmiller I LOVE MY NEW DOLL NANCY---I THINK SHE'S RUNNING A'WAY \./MAT'S YOUR FROM HOME o..'ct\..\C~ DOLL DOING? \I 11 1 ~ . GORDO OOR TEAM 15 c.oMIN6 C#F 1ME FIELD I I SO aK>S MOTM~ 6M\E . I I ~I 'f~£. l)SOAl,.. .. ~~ eltt-.1 \i)()RKIN& IN ·ntE bAROCN ... <,RANOPA 15 H.8MOCK ~E.£.l.I~ ~u. ... WHY P 1YA SHAKE: .,.HeRMOMe1"'6RS SO FLJRIOLJSL.:y ee:- FORS YA use: 'eM ~ 'cAuse GE:RMS HAVe 1.,-1"'Y e>t1"'iY FINGE:RS.1 AN' -n-cA,.- MAK~S 1-r A~N\OS"f' IMPOSSlet..e: FOFt. 'e M 'f'O HANG ON.' by Gus Arnola A' Wlr9Ptt010 Flying high Tht• roller ('OU &l('r S k y Express, one of the main attractions ul tlw Oktoherf est in Munid1, takes visitors high obovt• tlw roof of thf' Havarinn capital. ~ -~ OCC slates business • seminars A sen cs of s1 x business manageme nt sC'manars will be presC'ntC'd by Orange Coast CollegC''s Business M an<1gemcnt Program. Tickets are pnccd at $5 each. Compl<'taon of any four of the s ix seminars ear n s a certificate. The opening seminar, t itled "Bu s tnC'ss M anagemC'nl: How to be' Succe ssf ul as a Manage r ." is slated Thursday. For information , p hone 556-5880. Relations talk topic PllJLIC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS SUPl.RIOA COUAT OF THe NAME STATEMUU STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOA Tl1e lotlow1ng persons •te dc>lng THE COUNTI OI' OAANOE business as , NO. A 114923 UNITED PHOTO LABS. 2813 OAOEA TO IHOW CAUSE Newpott Btvo Sulle • t26 Newport Fott CHANGE OF NAME Beacl1. Ca 92663 In the Maller ol the Apphcetlon o Free En1erp11se Inc ta New FRANCISCO BERENGUER LAST Jersey corporallon) 2092 Rt 9 end DAISY RUTH LASTRA, lo Howett New Jersey 0773 t Change ol ~ This business ts conducted by a WHEREAS. tl1e lppllcatlon o c:o<POrat1on FRANCISCO BERENGUER I.ASTRA FREE ENTERPRISE and DAISY RUTH LASTRA tor 1 W1ll1Atm w Jasper chenge ot Mln0t 0.ughtet's Name Vice President has boen duly lited with the clerk of Tl11s statement was ltled w1tn the tl11s Court and II ap~rlng from County Cletk ot Orange County on said appl1ca11on lhlt seld September 23. 1982 appllcanu desire 10 11ave f111tl8 Jf.1'4NIFER l£ANNE PRATHER's Pubhslled Orange Cont Oa11y name cl1anaed to the oroooaed Pilot Sept 2S, Oct 2. 9, t6. t982 name ot JENNIFER LEANNE •:> t6-8:> LASTRA -----------"'-NOW. THEREFORE. ti Is hereby PUBUC NOTICE 'ordered and directed tl1al ell FICTITIOUS BUSINESS . !persons Interested In 111e Hid NAME STATEMENT imattet ot change ol name appear Tl1a following person 15 doing before above entitled Court, In business as Department 3 thereof. located at F RAS E R H E A L T H A N O 700 Civic Center Or , Santa Ana, BEAUTY SERVICE. 297 Ogte-A. Ca on the 20th day ol Oct.Ober, Colla Mesa ca 92627 1982. at tile flour ot 10 30 o clock Helga ·Fraser 297 Ogle·A AM . tllen and there to show ceuM, Costa Mesa Ca 92S27 · 11 any they 11a .... wily tl1e appticallon Th a business 11 conoucteo by an tor change ot name ll'IOt.tlO not be 1 granted 1ndtvldual IT IS FURTHER ORDERED tl111 I Helga F•aMr or ttlla 0<0e< be published tn Thil 1t11eme<1t WH lded With lhe the ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT, Cou1nty C~k oft Or•noe County on • newspaper 01 e-tal cltc:ulatlon, Sep emt>e 23. 982· F111,41 printed and publ11hed 1n Orange Pubht11ed Orange Coast Oalfy <'o•.onty, Stele ot Calltornla once p s 9 •.ch WMlt t0t tour (4) auocesalye 1101 ept 25. Oct 2 .• t6, 1982 -a. D<IOt 10 the date aboYe Ml ----------'•.;:.268-=-=82 IO< ffie llee<ing OI -ci awlieatlOtl A r e I a l 1 o n s h t p Mt.IC NOTICE 011ec1 Septemt>et a. 1ea2 e n h a n c e m e n l a n d FRANK OOMENICHUM NOTICE OF Al't>UCA"fte* Judge of the enrichment workshop TO SELL Supert0t COUt1 for partners wall bl' ALCOHOLIC 8EVEAAOU Published Orange Coast Dally Presen l'"d by Orange ._,t-tt Pilot Sept 25. Oct 2 9 HS. 1ea2 '-To WllOm 11 May Conce<n 42~·92 c 0 a s t c 0 I I e g e • s DUDLEY & LORETT A RICH are ------------1 Community St'rvtce applying to tr11 Department o r Mt.IC NOTICE Alcoholic Beverage Control 10< a --.....,.~...,....,.--....,.,....,.-..,..--1 Office. . •2 ON-SALE BEER AND WINE FICTITIOUS 8UllNH9 T h e s e s s 1 o n 1 s (Publlc Premises) license to sell NAME STATEMENT S('hedul"d (or Friday 11co11011c beveregu at 2200-02 The totloWlng pereon1 are d<>lng '-Newpo11 Blvd Costa Mesa. Ca bustneas as • from 7:30 to 9:30 pm in 92627 LIFE PLUS 120 E 18th SI.. OCC's Science hecturC' Pu1>11sl1ed Orange Co111t Daily Costa Mesa, Ca 92627 P1101 Sept 25. 1982 He,mlne Ml<:helle Law. 245 Sen Hall 2. Admission is $5 4249-82 Joaquin. Laguna 8e1c11. Ca 92651 ------------1 Alanah H Rhone. 5 Highland Ml.IC NOTICE PlB.IC NOTICE View. IMne. Ca 92715 ------------l·------------1 This business Is conducted by en FICTITIOUS IUSINES8 ACTITIOUS IUSINE8S unlncoroor1ted auoclatlon other NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT 111an a partnersl11p 1he following persons ere doing Tl1e lollow1ng pe11on 11 doing Hermine M Lew bullnass es business 84 Tl111 Slatement was tiled w1111 tl1e 0 ANO M UNLIMITED, 590 I M M M MUSIC CO 875 W County Clerk of Orange County on Warner, Huntington Beacl1. Cl 15th St . Newport Beacll. Ce 92663 Sep1emt>e1 23 1992 926•9 Wlll81d May. I 195 Botse Wey. F1M1• Edward James Apodala •852 Cotti Mesa. Ca 92626 Published Orange Coast Dally Cabana Cir • 20S. Hull11ng1on T1111busmesa11 conducted by en P110t Sept 25. Oct 2. 9 16, 1982 Beach, Ce 112649 lndMduat 4217·82 Michael A Davis t60•' Willard May Sehrye< Ln Huntington Beacn Ce This Slllement was llfeo with 1"9 ~IC NOTICE 92649 County Clerk ot Orange County on ------------1 Tl1ts bustness ·•s conducted by • September 23 1982 FICTITIOUI itua .... aa gene<el partnership F111117 NAME aTATl!MtENT Michael A 011V1s Published Orenge Coast Delly The IOllowtng oe•M>f'S are doing T1>1s statement was ltl&d wtth 111e Pilot Sept 25 Oc\ 2 9 16. 1992 bu-s as County Clerit of Orange Covnty on 4262-82 ATLAS PLUMBING CO , INC . September 7. 1982 ------------3024 £111 LI Palma Avenue F1'"41 ,,,,.helm, Ce 92906 Pubhshed Orange Coast Cally ____ l't&. __ IC_NO_Tl_C_E___ Otenoe County Atlas Plumbing Pilot Sept 25 Oct 2 9. t6 1982 ic-01131 Co . tnc I• Cat1lornll corPotallon). 4258 82 NOTICE TO CAEOfTOttS 302• East LI Palma Avenue °" •u~K TRANSFER A11ahejm, Ca 92906 IALnlHGHOM SMITH & TUTHILL WHTCLIH' CH.AP'IL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9:171 P'lllC IE llOTHHS SM"HS' MOITU.AU 627 Main Sr HuntonQIOn &ach 536-6539 P'AClftC YllEW MIMO•t.ALP'AalC Cerre terv Mortuarv Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Ortve Newoort Beach 644·2700 McCOIMtal MOlTU.AllH LllQuna Beac h 494-9415 Laquna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Qlp1s1rano 495 1776 HAllOll UWN-MT. OLIYI Mottuarv • Ceme terv Cr•matorv 1825 Gisler Ave Costa MeH ~5554 ,_ClllOTHIU talllOADWAY MOITVAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mffa 642 91SO Notice is hereby given 10 T11ts ltvSlnffs ls conducted by e creditors ot the within named c0toor111on tran1feror 0111 1 bulk transfer 11 Orange County Atlas ebout 10 be made on p111onel Plumbing Co. Inc property he<e<n•tle< described George M Soe1t11n1. The names and buslnffS address President ot the Intended 1ransferor1 are Tl11s statement w11 filed with lhe WALTER V RACKER and JOYCE H. County Clerk ol Otenge County on RACKER, 100 McFadden Piece. Septembe< 23, 1982 NewPOrt Bffch. Ca The loeauon 1n Cahlornla ot the DONALD I EG"ETil ,1M1M chief executive olllu or p11ncipal " PfofHelonel Lew Cofp. bullneH oftlce t>I 111e intended 1aoo Oo•• "'"'i. lull• 200 111n1fer0f' 1s tOO McFadden Ptaoe. Newport 8each, c 1. t2MO N-pon Belich CA Published Orange Co11t Dally AU 01l1er bu'stness nemes end PtlOt Sept 25, Oct 2, 9, 16, 1982 addreues used by the 1nlended 4287-82 1ren1lero• within thrff years last pall 10 tar es known to the Mt.IC NOTICE Intended 111nsterM are the same. 1---------..,.---Tlle n1me1 and buSlness address Ftem1001 8UllNEll ot 111e Intended trenstareee are NAMe STATfMUfT p AT RIC K R KENNEDY end Tl1e followtng per1on II doing CARROL A KENNEDY. 257 Santi buSl-1 II Isabel Ave Coll• M .... CA c c SOFA SHOWCASE. loe:l 1 That the property pertinent Beech Blvd . Stanton. Ca 90e80 hereto La deSetibed 1n general as ell Robert Eert ~ttam1, 14187 t stoek 1n traele, llJttur ... equipment, Pelle lane. Munllllgton Harbour trade name end good wtll ol a Ce 92649 certain Teckle bu11neu end ta This buslneM •• conduc;ted bV an loceted 11 too McFadden Piece. Individual.,. E "d N9wpor1 Beec:n. CA nObetl erl " en11 The butlne11 name UMd by the TN• Slllemet\t WU filed With the aeld 1r1n1lero11 at H id toc1t1on County Clerk of Orange County on Is BALDY'S TACKLE September 23. 1982 Tha.L..alld bulk 1ran1ler 11 P'1M140 1n1ended to be conaummated 11 the Pubt11"8d Orange Co111 0111v office of BURROW ESCAOW co . Pltot hpt 25. Oct 2 ••• 18 1992 2070 N Tuttln A...,,.,., Se.n11 Ana. 4285-82 CA 92705 on °' alter October 13, 18:~11 bulk 11an1le• ta 1ubleot 10 ----~Ml---_l_C_NO_T~IC~E,,,.,...,..._ Cellfornl1 Un1torm Comme"111 FICTITIOUI 8Ul lNtll l Code Section 8108 NAM41 aTATl ... NT The name and •Odrau ol the 111t lollow1ng pe11on 11 OOll'IQ peraon with whom c:lalm1 may be buSlneH 11 filed 11 BURROW ESCROW CO, DATA IMAOH. 695 City Or1vt, 2010 N. Tuatln Ava .. Santa Ana, CA Sulla 203, OtlltlQt. CA 92888 92705. Ref· Etctow No. 37568F 1nd NORMA J£ANN( ftUACH. the lut o•y '°' 1111na c11111'11 by ttny 8488 O•llttOM Clrci.. H111'111~1on oredltor 111a11 be Oct. 12, 1982 O.•ch CA 9284$ wtllch .. the bl.HltMN dtty '*°'•tr.. Tl11• 0U&ln"9 .. eondUCIM by an con1ummet1on date IPtClfltd lod1111(f~ aboYe D•ttd &ap11mtier 3. 19n Plttlell A. IC91'1Md1 C_,,..A.K~ lft~T-fltMI PuOll•ned Ora11gt Coeet Dally Pilot :Hpt 25, 19'2 427&·12 Norma J •urth fht• lllltmenl •at llteo With the County Clerk ol Orange Count, on Sepltmbef 17 1982 """1• Pubt1111•0 Otano• co11t Daily P!IOI Sept 18 :1$ Oct ' 9, ltl' •130·12 Orange Coa11 DAILY PILOT /81h.1rd1y, September 26, 1982 119 ClAISlfllD A motl{I peopl• look•no Jor a rental. UY r read real H tate cla.,lfied ada. I , ~ l1u .. 11/bln•I/ t!!tt~.a!! •••..••• 1.~!f ~!l1.!Y!!~ .... 1.~~ ~.'.'l..f!!!'.'!. .... !.~~ '!!.'l..'!!!~'!. .... !.~l;f !'.'1..rt!~~'!. .... !.~'! 11 ••• ,. lllN I YIOll'I HllllllURH o.n111-cn11r11de. PIT AM, Man'e P11v1tt Club ~· UITAIUST ••••...•....•...•.•.•. ,,,.,, ... , PHOTO MOOILS 1"8 bell Job In town Call 911.P ADA, 4 dya pt wt! tockiw room attendant to Now ~ti, m•· rlghl away tlu•y Pl .... nl ottlce. Npt ~rite lhot thine ma· ... ".lr.!!?!!!l ... !~! ~ £SCOAT8/0ANCl:AS lla•l l l l Ctr 1140 OJQO o n• Neat, ablllly 10 tlOnl lor ay u PeA· OUT CAL.I. 1• HA.I OOH. plllmt OA811t!A & Lt~11or Store, Oalbo• IH·O!Ol 1 14-19 In hout hP•• Dl'NTAL ASSISTANT f0t dut w/peoptt, non· d•Y SAA waon Apply 11 and 122.000 mon1n rlanced •M:I t11ln111 Ortho olo. ch1lr1ldt , ••· 1mk1. rellable M;>n-''' In n11on btwn 3-6pm grOM 1110,000 PIUI In· nUO•d Job• Right Pt' prel. ROA Or •llgtble 7·9 AM. I 1'30·2PM, 33 81ylldt Ot NB ventorv Owner wlll Cltty *** Away 1717 C Lincoln, 979· 1400 6·7PM 7&2 7903 Atk for Al Plfl eT&-1407 aft & 30 Atl1nti1 P1rlor Anaheim '" tDIUVElllt --l&&.lt/Otaa•1t1H ---lltlll ··="' ,,.,, Open 24 tire a dey IAIYllTIH Ctn you ttart the beat Unique l•dy't c101htng 1 IOJS 7 day• a wMk I yaat Ol d ne•d• job• in O.C'I Cell rtght Scantv Panr~ now hlrt1 1tor1 Mtkt energetic ta "Gr•ndme" In my horn• for fllhlon t ow1 Exp' dte• with fltlr for ......•.••.•••••...... Jaounl, Sauna L.00111 away p1aJur1d 50-0444. IHlllona and mOdellng I.I. UnLll •• well a1 Tout1111. whlla Mommte work• 172-1111 CM IXPI heilul Apply In 1 ••rt~ec• 01. 1 ... BankAmerlcard. Amari· approx 28 11r• Ptr Wk Exper & train"' welco-can EXPIHI, Dlnera All 840-2240 Motel dHk clttkt. 13 76 per1on. lexta Natural I &Pi1Clal tlnY. In 111 & 2nd mt All •hlft 1 avail Faahlon• 200 •th St T0'1 1 nee 1948 welcome 7 141045·3433 NIHITIIR 17·110 hr Jobe Right pr hr Full time 3 l\IM 2 L•g~in• e.ach Robt Salller NH/CM 2112 Harbot Bl CM a yr old gltl ino 8 mo Old Away 1717 E. Lincoln. nltu, PI T I 1AM·3PM 1 A E Broker Bd Realtor• Retaxlng masaege by tan-•••ttr rMl«t 14lllable per An1118lm F" dally 957-30&3 ... • 842-2171 545-0611 nl1 pro1 lrom Lajune aon to care for them In ELECTRICIANS Mother'• Halper A IOvlng It's Exci~ WIDOW HAS $$$ tor TD'e S.ech Wayne or teva their Irvine home on OverHH and U S Many mature type 10 aulet RE Lotna. IOK Up No by appt 10-9PM Wad Sal 135 Call Del>-fob• available For lnlp mother 2 wkdy1 w/5 We need ul•• pie Credit Check, No Penal· 648-2817 ble 762·8123 (312) 888°4347 bl 309 mos boy In lrvlne home Open terrltorl•• your ty Dtnnleon & Auoo. Dano•11 lor Bachelor/ Rel• 85I·1138 own houra Earn BIG H&llTlltlllH ENGINEERS/TELE prollt• Sell 10 tlll• 873-7311 81chalor11te ParllH Needed X-Ray Tech and jw111 purChese Mortgages The !>Mt pleoe to work COMMUNICATIONS bllahed buyer• 730·8538 or 559·3638 Call right away OverMa1 and U S Meny bectt olflc• INletant IOt MIHPlft 1 or 2nd or 3rd TD'• White male 28 1eei.1 I 112-1111 Job• Available. For Into· Orthopedic Olllce with lto-lat (7141 975-0644 (312) 808-4347 Ext llmlled, 1toen11, PI T lneno 21 -35, butcll $80-$100 per thlll Pick E·310 831·2200 . 540· 1482 your hours Wiii train 1a1 .. 1••tt•1 rt. .. Htt•l•l1/ 0111t•• , .... !ri ,. ... Many opening• Job• •F111tl11 ...... ,..,. NurH. He'd, d11lre1 pvt Earn up to I 1500 per ,,,, ... 11; Right Away 17 I E Lin· The best job oller In the duty, full or p/tlme 14 mo Pan time Must be Converaallon 111 Barbi coin. Anaheim. FM yrs upr 831·9282 or mature 559-9043 Lnve L••I I IHd MC /VISA 2 4 paper Call rlgM away. Call An1w1r ad 723 Mellage 1~~;;;;;;,,~-;;;·si;;, il38-0701 • 8eaUI)' SllOn hH opening 772-8111 642-4300 24 hra Need approx 200 poopte lor heir llyllst Rental SALES Order detll for wa1 , ••••...••............. COEDS -Would love to 640-6023 HardwOf'kers can earn llllHY PlllH aull mlr Accurate typing Ital H la~rttfH party wtyou Call Su. or $500 WEEK TO START Full/lime Experienced & gd phone manner a 780·0 4 Kathy anytime (2 13) tlOlT CAPTAll .. ~o exper. Wiii train Jobs lk'ad1 Nunery, C.M. Call mutt Start Sal II 1780. 804-3233 Cen you start to wotk al Rlg111 Away 1717 E. Un-for appl, 845-5782 Call lor lntrvw, 642-1912 PUILIC INVITED Iha bHI In Calll right coin. Anaheim FM. l•rtH Ahltt M-F tPll ltHl lT lln•••l awav'I , ...... ,. v.u., Exper'd only tor Con11a-Salee FAMILY FITNESS 112-1111 ... ,.,~. o ..... , lescant Hospllal. New-CENTER 11n1c .. 9310 II••• S400 te HOO UEOmYI 1800 Adame, Cotta •••••...•............. Looking or 4-8 e11per. por1 Beach. Good work- Mesa. (next to po11 otll-AT HUii lllYIOE ••• 24 ..... , •lllff prolesalonals We ape-Ing condltlona Excellllflt IHllml Ct) Personal, qualllled com-Yea. 11'1 true Jobe Right c1allie In new programs. benefits Come end be a lor Eng & Tech. Mktg & Hl-4404 panlon drivers lor your Away 1717 E Lincoln, I e. GMP/ARM, GEM, 111 part of our team Salet, Accl'g & Finan. day to day errands. Anaheim Fee & 2nd TD'a 842-8044 Date Proc. Bnkg. Ina & Sal/Sun 9AM lo 8PM Shopping. doctor's Call John Cuaack OFFICE/GENERAL other araa1. Comple1e FrM fltneas letting and appts. church, ate. All Par~~k!!R~!ranl, 964-9090 Interesting po1ltlon for Training Provided Mem· '°"r. needs mer By hour or RESIDENTIAL an alert. Intelligent IP· bar Grp HI 1861 Call £.11 I IH•I 1300 day 494-5857 I MORTGAGE SERVICE pllcant MacGregor Jack Ehrhart. BUSINESS ....................•. houra, wages negot1ab1e Full and PIT. Boarding Yacht Corp , 1831 I•-& PROFESSIONAL ldHJI I Call tor appt MAC Kennel Work. In Leg NI-C8rllla. Costa Mesa AGENCY. Ntwport l•1lr•tli,. 1005 I 675·2566 guel. Muar be over 18, Beach. (7 14) 553-8191 llFIOE IWIH FOUND ADS •..................... Bookkeeper Neal. & dependable. 11 you ar• e "Ilk• .char-Salespersons w / PRE -SCHOOL/DAY 831·0660 'eaperlence In comm'I ARE FREE CARE General Olllce, typing, ge" peraon who can eccounta II you want Mepte Ave Chrl1t1an In Must be c1pabt1 ol handle a verlety ol office hendllng Gov1rnmanl ligM bkkg, Mature, Opp. tuk1. ranging lrom st• more lhan $30.000 • c M Registering 2-PraK quarterly re1urn1 and ty lor expanded position nography to tele end year ce.11 662-0337 betlWI CaU: Sm tndlv classes open compulerlzed payroll Submit resume 10: 1011 recp dutlel, apply In wrl· 6-7PM wtldya Oct 4th. 646-4334 Muat be axparlenced Brloso Drive Ste 111. ling lo Preeldtnt. Great SALES PIT. eJtc:luslva le-142-Mll !!'.r!!l!'!!~! ...••••••• Pleu• call lor appt C.M. 92627 American Media Inc. -lry boutique Days & 493-1546 8-5 dally IHEUL lfFICI 1225 E Balboa Blvd. nights Call lor IPPI Ciro Ju• w .. 1" 1015 CASHIER Sharp person tor front N.B 92601 Jewelry. 549-1542 Found young hlmele 8r•y Sheepdog mix so .... , ............•.... Fathlon talend retell 110-office Typing, llllnioct PAAT TIME POSITIONS, Sales Young marrlad man will Pkwy & 405 Fwy, M. V do general handy work re Position avallable for heavy phones 675-9 Mgh Income. Cell Mr RETIRED? Claim 11 0 C. Animal Call eves & wkend1, an executive ce1h1er, C1poblanco Q64-8111 Looking for ntra 1m:o· Shetter 972-9525. E'apr H bank teller or Genera OlTice PART .. TlllE llELP me? Try Part· Time Sales heed cashier E 0 E LOii M/Shap lib mill, Serious young lady deal-6'4-5070 Newport Beech CPA lltm $4·16thr No Exrc Nee et 111e PENNYSAVER. black hll dbl ~ C18W$, rH r~ & ba Nwpt In has Immediate opening All 1111 avail. Ort or stu-1660 Ptacent11 Ave, REWARD 897·3898 e11change lor houMkee-Cat Sitter lor permanent lull/time dents. Colle Meaa Ask for Mra Lost white female cat w/ I ping. 642-6149 Ive mag, Reap person 10 help w/ secretary to work 111 111-ilOIS I.I.A. While care grooming & love of slstant to secretary of yellow eyes. Brookhurst Liva In hakkpr/alda Full my long haired call partners as well as &e· 891-4818 lee IHlnUY ~E. & Spelnacker area H.B. time. Depend .. 11ardw -1 Some knowla<lge & ex· cretary to Accounllng Excerpta from list Pub. Secratarlel poalt on tn She la deel II lound king Loe rel 675-8999 per w/anlmeta hetplut, Services Department. PASTE UP Mutt be good dad or eltve please call Sal opn active Newpt>r1 Canter 984-4664. • lnlor (714) 549·7281 all Duties will Include typing, wllh detalle. FIT Tt mp Ree1tor'1 office. Front For m fir S U P E R I 0 R 3PM llllng. xeroxing, errands tl1ru Jan. Will train. Non-office po11t1on requires Found Tortoise shell kit-COURT Clerk seeks PIT CHAUFFEUR/LllO & other general ollice. amkr apply 10.2 . good telaphone voice. ten. Mesa Woods c M. employ. Tu.e thru Thur•. I Excellent aalary com· 540-0068 3303 Hert>Or typ.,. S.H. & appearan-979-9879 p r ef. In Lag Bch Up to $8/hr Wiii tralnl menau11te with expe-Blvd. Ste E5-E8, Com· ee. ••I u1a1e ••P•-Found Kitten. tiger alrl· 497·4718 ' Exciting Caraer Opply rlence & ability. Pleasent merce Park, Ct.A rlenca helplul but not ped. 4 wht paw1, blk Kind. Intelligent practical Earn more H yov learn. working etmospherw Peraonnel e11enllal Prater tcx:el COiiar. Vie 81')1 SI betwn Pick your hrt Great lor many positions avallabll rnldtnt. For Interview 13th & 14th, NB nurse. axpar peraonal Studenta In U.S. & av. ...... For c:aJ1 Mr.. Duhl care 720 -0779, JOIS U.S.A. Directory (312) 888-4347 momn 873-7565 675-3704 Eltt E-9 t IRltrlU • .... , •. "'* ... Found young German 991·4918 '" Aeattor-1 $44-4910 Companion, Chaulleur, Exee<pll lrotn llSI Pub. GRAPHICS ASST Detail 10< Eng & Tech, Mktg & St\eohet"d In Hunt. Beh. Nurse1' A lda for Dey ol r,roductlon & some Salea, Acct'g & Finan, 964·40S3 CHILD CARE ..... "' ... W0tk Cell 649--0373 Opar or typ ng. FIT Temp. thru Deta Proc. BMca. Ina & Found Male Boxer mix Mile, exp'd, dnlr• poll-other Mon thru Fri 4·5 Jan Non·amkr. apply other •rfft Comptata Nloe lrvlne ArM . $4 per Whitt . brn •Pots. 3 yr. lion as nu rs ea· aide/ hr1 day to help mot~ 10·2. 540-0688 3303 Training Provided. Mem· hour Call e11e nlngs ~2-7293 companion 957·3083 with 2 young cnlldran Harl>Or Blvd. Ste E5-EO, t>er GtJ> es1 1H t. Cell 1·2~152 Relt 642-9309 C~oe Park. CM. P•1 Ehrllart, BUSl~ESS Found Grey CAT BrOOk· X149 .. ,,.. ........ Child Care needed for 22 & PROFESSION AL hurst & Bushard. HB. Freelance Tour Director me> Old Pref E Side CM IWltlHSll A G ENCY. Newport ......... 968-6732 desires pt/time llve·ln are• 040-7350 Newportar Inn Seton Beach. (714)553-8181 Corona dat Mer. Part F0t.tnd Tom cat. gry/blk. position. hskpg. compa-Partial ft>llowlng pret'd. time -3 PM to 9 PM. Plastic whl feet Vic. SA H nlon or chlldeart OllOIUTtll &.40-4740 ll&Ollll lnUTllS Must have ~ ••-Frlendly 549· 1355 646-9136 10< voter raglatratlon drl-per Siert Immediately Found· huge turtle, cornet' j Bill. WHtH 1100 111 Pay• $50-$100 dafly. NAiil STYLIST Immediate opening• on 875-2276 PaJd twice weekl~ Motivated styllet needed graveyard ahlft for tral· of Broedwey & Santa ••• ••••••••••••• ••••• 750-1828 7 5584 10 Join progressive salon. neu or ••I*' Injection SERVICE PERSON "n•. 140 Megnoll• •8 AOMIN ASST to PrH of Salary, comm. & vac molding mad\lne oe>er•· Mll.&Ke person wltl1 g.-Nwpt Ad Agency, COSMETOLOGY tors. EJtcellant bentflls neral knowledge ol 91ec· 1111•••11 S350 5SWPM. develop olc Aeathallclana. exper. r&-Mgr. 54()...8889. Include· Paid Major Med, trlclly to perform outelde •• • • ••• ••• ••• • •••• • • • • prOGeOurea. xlnt pn 1kO-qui rad Skin car• & la· HEALTH CLUB IN· Dental. Liia Ina. ehlft Mrvlu In the pool & 19• MDDELlll Pl.II ta, Mktg/ Adv up er clale. Nall Tech L'Estret STRUCTOR M .V WO-bonua premium• end Industry We offer the 646-3048 helpful, mature. 1t1blt Beauty Cenrer. et Lido men's Club. 6AM· 1PM. 01edlt union prlvlltgea opportunity to grow with • WO(k hiSIOr)', 851·9780 Merine VIiiage, NB. M·F. $4/11r. 770-3200 Good, clean working e lest growing company ~ Administrative Au111an1/ 673-4552 ............. cond. Must be Engll•h In an exciting Industry apeaklng. CIMCO. 285 Sl1ould be re1pon1lble • Witness Assistance Pro-•Walter /Wattr111t with a good aenae or 8 1 Secretary Court Victim/ ctHllLtlll I Brlgil• Ava. C .M . gram Admlntatratlva du· Peoplt needed to treln You can believe It or not 648-4 60 humour 714/&4f.9664 I~ ties, direct cllant contact 1e Coun11lora to aid but call first Service Station Attendant. Xlnt clerteal & organaa-others In dfllreu Of with 112-1111 PAINTING-00 176 °l:'t PIT. App!y Mobil Station, . I i ~ carriages•tea carts•trikes rol ler skates • walker!> .oys •wagons•••• scooter s•hot rods•coupes• trailers•hard tops•convert· ibles•motor homes•1awn mowers•limos •corporate headquarter s •garden carts Model A's•••• • t ypingtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehicles•golf carts•mocte1 trains•bikes •pianos•cars r ef r ioerators •skates•••••• llonal skllla req'd 2 problems. Thia ntw tor, min 1 yr e11~ 60 years exper $ 1200 otv•t technique reau111 In 1 Start at $50-$85 ehllt hr. TPS, Inc. 2230 So 17th & Tustin, C.M. mo. Xtnt bef'lefltl Apply well and happy P8f'l<>n average s.....,.., persona Dupont Or • Anaheim Sewlnli Machlng Opera, via reauma by 5PM All welcome to apply needed to llart right 937..0531 E O.E tor. xperlenced. Facto-1()...4-82 to VSP Inc. 2803 Contact Olanetles Cant· away al nicest Orang• '"'""" ry Producilon Line. P~ Royal Palm Dr Coate •r 774·0121 between County lounge. Jobe Rat91 C M 842·9651 8:30 AM end 10 30 PM Rtghl Away 1717 E. Lin· Pacillng & handling he>-Mesa. Ca 92620 Mon thru Fil. Sat 9 30 coin, Anaheim. F ... elary Full tlmt Eng ... ,,./UllMH .. ,. ...... ., ... .,. AM 4 30 PM Hot Roolen wanted. Cati speaking pral erred T'Uml Experienced onty nH<I oe1m1 ,. .... Bob or Nevllle at Cty1111 Crt1 tlon1. Full time position a-...ua-apply 714~7S.8955 842-7222 831-5414 bte Newport Stalloners. AllHW. INPIT&l For dry cleanl~ plant lfflHPl·UYl·ll , /ff•• ... ,. •• ,. 979-3538. Mr Emmons Futt & pl/time Ill lrtln In C M needs lull time 30846 Cont Hwy. S Full e111ro• lot NB wa-~I your Income SHIPPING CLERK kennel peraon Mon thtu Laguna 499-1985 terlr1 hm. & Fam mull b)I doing 1n1eres11no t• Full or Part-time post-Fri. Call btwn 91m-6Pm. ctlPLE 1pk Eng . own ear. ref. lephone Hit• work on tlonl available M·F, 9·5. 548-3794 642·5001. behalf of national com-llartlng It $3 35 8ookl to malnteln emall Palm panles $4 hr guar plu1 On Tape. Inc. 711 C Appllcatlone now being Sprti: Molal No Hper Inter tor gardener, PIT, luc:ratlve bon141 lnoentt ... w •• , 1 7 I h c M taken for tun time olllc• nee ard work equate must have ex.p. WOf'klng program• s.1 .. ••pr 549-5525 per-sonnet, typing, 10 kay nice •ft plus a at w/lnterlor plantecapes. prev. but wlll train the & some light boolck"· 549-1442 Ttlephone SalH & llt• 875-958 tight peraon For lnltr· ping required. Paid me-view call M• Kruk et delivery w()(k Caah paid dlcal plan. vacation pay. OIHIT LOU IFFIOUI 54S.5770 dally A ply 779 W. 19th, Apply In peraon only. no oet•lllATl•S Aggraulvt Newport!-~------~----Ste H. goeta Mesa phone calla "Kirk Publlthlng firm nr JW B11ch firm 1eek1 motl· IUL llTlll IAUI TIUNtll Jewelere," 2300 Harbor'! Airport aeeke 8 bright vatad lndtvlduals. Terri-Need 2 axptt. people In •aa _1 Blvd Coeta Mese. lndlv to •ulst Credit Mor torln optn. Mu1t heva com mtrclet and lndu· ..., ... ,_ Apt Manager, H•!'dymanl w/eollectlona & gen olc RE lie. H1tbor·Peclllc 1trlal rMI Nlate for euc-Work Evenings In Ntw- & wife for Cotta t.Atu dutlH. Thia candidate 956-0073 oes111Jt and growing firm port Beech. last w .. k complH, oYer 40, apt should have a pleHanl MANAGEM ENT TRAt· Seat working condltlon1 our top person put In 24 lncld. 875-0447. phone vole•. accurate EE •• F .,275 ...... 118 In Ntwpor t Beach hours and brought home N • ,.../ • • w .. "'"' 714/840-5051 1395. Call 833-3740 alter A/R·OADEA ENTRY typing & • wllllngne11 to training. No Mlllng Work•----------1 PM learn Exper prel but <wlll at home. 073. 1790 .,_ Mfg need peraon with train Contact Deana .... 1auran1 The P )INvet >• ~ = :~P~~ .. :n~.~~,i:: _H_u_n_t_6_4_9-4_8_3_4___ Dou~~~:!"~ witn Sauce~~ mutt. ting ~~lcatlons tor lull to eompoter. Xlnt bene-Mntt4t1l/le11rlflt the moet profitable •ncl Poaltlon o n baeutlful time Hdar AO 111•: Ill a, OC Airport arta T..._ ...... ,, "'b Ilk• 11. l:ett aucce11ful markellng Mont-Penl--"·. a.-Apply PENNYSAVE • S ,,.. "" rv --• ,._ 1880 Placantla Ave. end resumt with pey right away company. Former Am-Nfllt lnduOe hMfth •n<I Coeta M ... •llP to 350 Lear Ave, CM lll-1111 wey Direct Dletrlbutor dental Q2828 111,000 ,.., ..... start now with Olde World• TV COMMERCIAL "' wilt eh ow you how Call Mlehtlte Sullivan CASTING COMPANY '''" .... '::~=· Set: \lc4l ~ -/!, ~tN~ .. ------...., ... ta•• • l>OllAot------ Take cherge people 831 -5008 THE MA As HALL Interviewing rtll•ble needed to •newer thl• o"'°UP peoptt for background. ad 8enaflfl gator•! Job• Management & Selea Pw.onnet 8eMea, tno non-1peaklng par11, IOf Alght Away 1717 E Lin· P.O A-1, OcMn & Ur\-commerctale euch u coin, Anahalm FM TUll/llW UllU COin potato chlp1, dHlgn11 CUSTOMEA SERVICE & Learn £xecut1111 Aecrul· c.rmtl, CA 93921 pante. twlmwart (good G•n•r•I Cterlcll lob 1 ting tor Eng a Tecfl. (408) 825-5700 tan) atc No txptf'ltnce op;en, with rioaplta l Mktg & Salta, Acx:t'9 & .. ,, .. to APl)lleanll" required By appt only =rul ml! Mutt htve flnen, Data Proc. 811kg, .,,,.-_1---.r-.... ------1 213/84e-tol3 I ln1 & oth« ., .. ,. Com· .,.. •v _., ---------phone P9f'IOl1a lty, "Ille ltalnlng r.rovldld. SOT. PEPPEROHl'S TYPIST I AECEPTIONIST Hperlel'IC• 11'1 flllnQ a ... ... .... 8TOA6 Ml"...-... ... ,,._... Id Call Oppty for .qua . rellr". ~ • " ·-• -,... PtftOll cons erabl• typing ·1 ·•·entr". a Otfltfl ma• Now fllrlng fOf !)alt-time to an..., ptlonee, htnd• 979· 7785. Atldor AMC. ' ' ., ~ t ...., 'Ion I CO t I king car••r ch•ng t . operi a ,.,..a, nMr • rrea. YPt var 011• .... U111f Memb•t Orp .. , tte t 0 C A Portl"Morntno a rep0tte. llllng, and nor• Don't believe thlt •d Call Jaclt or P•t Ehrhart, Altarnoon flourt Ideal mat frnl dMlt dut .... OC Don't call rlgnt away. BUSINESS & l>AOFES· ==i::~~.::. ~~!jf11 ~:l:~Tit • 772-8111 llONAL AGENCY, N.B. cttnll. Our progr•Hlvt PHOTO CO . 350 L .. r t o IH If 11'1 for rH I. 5&3 .. tel growlftO COf'llCNllY Offarl Ave OM Co~,. nttc11 appro11 lllft-..a.. .... ....-... 111ae for aovan· --------- 200 -..."""" to train. e. • "'"0 ' __..,..... ·-· WAml/WllTllll deorhrnd on a com· Ntwl>Ofter Inn. 04C>-<41•0 cem•nt bHld on your fob pertormanc• Plea. l40·HO •••rao• par ·~"' .. ":~'!.,~ :-i... ....... ·-....... -· I TAPREC I I I' I I I I I 8ESUA ., metclll Httling l>Oal Y• MA&EUSSU • G ood .ant WOtlttnu CCl'ldl1IOM-ntte l(lnl dlnntt hOllM • u ·••t ,t11Mwt•tD j't lt'a ttu•. tern bh'tttn •o rklno oond t . Oood Mull be ii and olftlr 1t111ra1 po11tton1 1vall 111 ,1,, 111 ,,:io•tl\ HO·UOO per • pey IAM·12 noon. 2112 APf>f)I 1n P9fl0tl t·S pm 1 Orwt Oppty Jobi Plletlt Awty 1117 I Harbor. Cotta M•H. 2300 . E. 9'1e\OI • ~!~:1~ ·~ , I L~. Anahllf1l 111tt (1141045-34» lwlt.e Ana ~t• Ml .U. I ;; __...._...._. Shop 11 nom. lt'a ea1y (Next to McOOneldt) ltl-4811 IM L llUll·LITI lnwtn la ............ .... -::wt:":;:'h :c::IU;:;ll;:llN:=;~::4;2·.;~.:;7::1=1:C=l=aaal=fltO=A=O::•::l4=2·=1:-:88::7:...L~equ::::;,;ll;;,,;0;;POOfl;;.,~\l=nt:::E:ty=C=m=pl:::l:=b=ow=p=ta=tr=om=lla=t=PU=b::. \ • ./ , I ---------•+•o GU BIO Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/81turd•V• 81plemb1r 25, tGH lessianal ·sm~ice Direct '!~t8•4A!e:OUDP~r 101 • 30 dey •0 In tht IAILY l'tLtT IHYIOI ~!.•~!'!!!r •.......... We beby•tt lull or Piii 11m1. Mon-Fri, lunch•• provided 2 yr• 6 up Call Cher 04 1-3198 ---M•lure llcen•td b1by11l ter ror Oly wo1kln11 MO· 1her1 only. Mon°Frl In 1&1111 10 3 yre '66 wllly 64,-0728 f '·'r..'. I!!!!!! ..•••.•. No StN11VNO Shampoo Stein &peclell1t , .. , dry r, ..... 1:19 1512 e.1<Cll1. CARPET CARE Jeck Buffington Own•rl optfllOr Cer1>4t, uptlol. art• rug cltanlng Work guar fr" Eet 046-1771 llHOTHY Caring Molhtf will beby-C ti II 111, In n•r nomt . Unoer 2 .! •. ! .• '··•••••••••••• 00 IT NOWI yr1 C.M 831·8788 CHAMPENOISE lilt fer l11•ra ikk I Fine Catering In tnt old Your Delly Pllol ~!!. •• !!f.~'•••••••••• world tredltlon 645-9868 8trvlc. ()lr901e>ry Ou•UIMM:I IJ\Clhlldual w1nt~ Ct•••t JCellltlfl ReprMentetlvt bookk .. plog, yoor ofc or •••••··'··•••••••••••• ml~ Btlly, 042-5080 Cement·Mesonry-Block ~·~·~2~·~·~·~11~·~·~·~·~· ~·~2~2~ NEED HELP? Analyzln9, Walla·Cuat worll Lie ..:.. orgenlzlng. boollket· •381057 Rob 547-2683 A l J C.111 ping, benklng, bills Orl11et-P1t1oe-W•lk1 .!! ... ~~!~ ..••••• -.t~••• 548·4955 NO J08 TOO SMALL Applied. re-epplltd. guar . l•li•tll lfmtll Free eat 53&-2807 lneurtd, llc'd 414691 •••••••••••••••••••••• Dosperetel Patio work 730-t900 free ettlmetu lltlSEO&ll Free dtalgn Lo prlcH As I $ / GP BualntU "Doctor" Xlnt refs 497-7354 ... ~'!!!.~f •• !fr.!!.... 800k1/ Dete/Word C'&./J' C.ltl !'!'~!!!!! ............. ~-t!.~ .. ~.f •••••••••••• ~~!!'.-~ ............. . *KATRINA'S LIV( IN •••111111 w•-tt DUMP JOBS n1kpre, datlv meld "'"· • -• & Sn1111 Molrlng Jobt olflo• clHnlng crpt Mowlno, .Ogll\Q, railing, Cati MIKF f-4t-130t clffnlng 83,..:z 110 IWHPrng rrH t11lm1 I tH 04~ ~737 HAULING OAAOINO !'!!!!!I. !!.1!!t! •...... IT YIH llRYIOI Poraonal, Qu•llfl•d drl vtr• fOf your Oty 10 day trrelld• Shopping, dr •PPtl, churc h, OICI All nHd• met By hour or d1y. 494-586 7 ~!~!! .• , .......... . DAYWALL/ACOUSTIC RtP•'''· 1mlJob •Ptc 1 t y11 exp Bu 652-11582 Wall 1011turts·Acouatlc Heng-Tep•StHI atud• Lie 38994<! t·S32·&549 telrlt1/ .••.•••.•....••....... f'INESTKINO Cl•"IOllllOn, CIHn Up GAAl)!NINO Cl .. n UPI, Conwtte & HM rtmov1I •m lendaoeplng, monthly Ou~ H•v 042 78311 1tlalnl Ntll 042 81911 PAO~ GFRVICE K&O L•nd!Kll)e M•fnt Heullng yrd clHn up RHldlComm. Ctoan-up Quick & clean FtH ott I.lie haullng 548·2"89 873 0648 C HAUi.iNG -1lude11\ hit LEANUP-HAULINO IQ8 lruck LOWHt rett. LANDSCAPING Prompt Call 759· 1976 Ooo 499-:MOf 1'henk you, John MAINT & DESIGN Obetlln Landac•pt Setv. Cl.EAN·UPS. OARAOES, ANYTHING! CALL Wrltlon egrMmtllt on AANOY 642-7047 mo meint 044 1248 --------- <!AROEN WORLD Haultno & yd ct .. n•up frt• trimming, gerage Full Service Gerdenlng ctean·up Bob 860-9844 lac Bernal 040-2922 ELECTRICIAN-PrlCtd a. •• ,,, l•rr/111 right. tree eaUm•t• on •••••••••••••••••••••• 1ergt or amen Joba. Neto worll done? Calf Lie 3118821 073·0359 Joel Pelnl, yd ctn-up, ~~~!!!!~~~!!I ....... . ROBIN'S CLEANING Servlco -• thoroughly cle•o house 540-0857 50•~ OFF FIRST MONTH Proceselng .:'.••••••••••••••••• •• Oependeble, efll>fdeb•o. 90 Min on-111e vlall Childcare wkdys, cred ELECTRICIAN eutntl81 Answering S50 e•ttl tltno $25hr teacher Orgenl1od acll-Sml lob1/R4tpalr1 Lie haullng, dellv. Refs De· pendable. 548-0338 Joan·• Cltenlog Service HOUIH·Apt1-Rentel1 1ervlce, secr•tarlel & (7141645 5979 c M 645 4657 233t08-C-10 548-5203 business services. malt • vtues · • ---------oox rentel, 111-ord proces· 11//,111 2 dedlceted pre-school LIC'O ELECTRICIAN sing Tele11·F1c1tmlte. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 teachers w/llc dey cert, NEEDS WORKI 01der entn1, pagets·leHe AEMOOEL/AEPAIA ., & lull day 645-2209 LIC 418968 642-8023 ., F1nl9h work & door !'.~~~(!'!~~ ........... . Carpentry -Mesonry Roofing -PJumblng Drywell -Stucco • Tiie Remodel J 8 . 648-9990 Ottlces 540-1287 TIRED OF HASSLES? Qualfly cleaning htlp 11 hefel Rel• 980-7452 Custom homo cloenlng & !!!.f!!! ••••.•.•••.•.. I ~t!!!~!!!! ...•.•....•. CetlllMKI Hou .. 5111111 8tHVICl & JU!PAIA 80110.0 11 lldty (tverv v111 Ol>C*I• 8ervtce Co 310 wk ""' el t 1234 138 406t r!~!!!!I.~!~{~ ••••••• CO'S Pl.AS l l!RINO Ntat pelChtl, IOtlt•t Re1tucco1 fl48 8208 PlASTER PATC~I~ Rt1tucco1 lnllt•I 30 Y" N .. t Paul 645·21177 7 DAY FULL Cl.EANINQ Cuetom wo111, 1111 8 t•t, GuerentHd Ree• Re· llc'd 20 y11 In eren, rel• II •l • ll•ble. Rof1 875-0941 Herb 621-8012 all 6 30 •• ~!! •• ~! ............ . ll-/ J • OUALt~Y WORK --nHt, ATLAS PLUMBING 8 .!.~!!!.1!.!r.. .. .....• "". honOlt Rais Lie •1eat111g, 1ptc1e11z1ng In Marrllld couple, prior tx-287107 Dave 984.,J045 ~tire 845· 1680 1>4r Xlnt rtfa Hou" or Lo;e11 rateal Prompt, (I ILL 141·'112' art. O'tt·Apr (6181 nHI proreuron1t1 15 Wate1 HHtllf Speclell 008-2088 y11 e~p 8•8-6684 24 hr ptum!Mlr etc t . HOUH Mouse for Aentl Caro 101 house & yard e~p'd Megen 6<15-8912 Jult•tl•I •••.•.•............... cu"WTOM PAINTING PLUMBING REPAIRS lnt/e~t Aesld/c;omm Aep1pe-Rtpt1c11 dre1n1 Free ell Uc 644-4796 Frte Ht AHs, rell•ble 15 yrs e•p NB/CdM I'm 045·28t1 Coile Mu.e 1mall, my prlct1 ere hi/ I ii smell! Aon 673·6477 •••• !.! .. ~'··••••••••• INT /f)(T PAINTING "'' ............•.••••.... TIL[ INSTALL!iO All Kinde Ouerant..O Aef I JOlln 8•0·0217 1<11<:1'1 beth• entll" c;u1tom II comm r1H .. , 040-2062 Cu1lom Ce,.mtc; Tlf• wO•k, lrtt ttl 075-5100 01 .&41-7283 Olen or Chuck ftH StlYltf ···•··•···••···••····· $LOW RATE&$ free trtmi remov. clean uP•. mowing 554· TO 17 r. .. ~ .. ,!~~ ............ . Mott WbjOC:l9, K· 14 Otyfovt $5 & S 10/hr Mr Morgen 045·6178 !!'!~!~.~!~~'!"····· "Ltl lhe Sun1hln• In" Cell Sunlhlne Window Complttt )anllorleJ Mrvl· ce1, tre1ned 11elf, bOn· ded & rn1 Untcleen Sy11em1 of Npt Bch aso-1200 !~!!~!r ............. . & WALLPAPERING Cuetom wl>fk Frff esl Rees St•ve 547 ·4281 Harbor Palnllng. qual work, free est cell •fl 8PM, 673·5166 ct .. n1no. Ltd 548-8853 •Hila• 2cw. Monthly Discount ••••••'••••••••••••••• 1Af'1ex1 R111d tcomm·t Huber Aoollng-ell IYPN J 0 Horn Aellnl1hlog AntlQuta. kit ca1>1net1, flM painting 645-0684 BRICKWORK Smell jOb• Newp9rt. Cott• MeH, lrvlno Reta 075-3175 New·recove,.docl<• Free est 20"/e monthly buy, desk apece rentel hanging. No job too big Child care "' collegt park '"''•/•• ANSWER NETWORK or small Mike 831-8371 area 2 yra & up $1 hr ••••••••-.•••••••••••• 760-7320 (esk for AV I Full or pt lime. Carolyr , TREES Carpentry -Cabinets Plumb -Drain Cleaning Eloetrlcal • Tiie ~~';;f1•81:or;::~d '%'~'~: v 1rlolt·lleolt·lt111 Unlclaan Sy1tem1 of Npt ALL TYPES MASONRY r~~,,~~ ............ . Farthing 1n1er1or Design Lie • 411802 64S-9734 _d_1_ac_ou_n_t _6_l_ .. _~_47_9_8 __ lllOOF PllllUll7 CRAIG CLEANING CO RHld/comm'I lntle•t Sc1eens, mirrors Lodder wor k Owner oper 846-3089 ~,~~~~·.'!! ........•... Art-Antiques-Jewelry Appra11e & Liquidate Mlchael Hein 953-07 17 ~!/.~~!~ ••............ Driveways. Parking Lot Repairs. Seelcoatlng S&S Asphll 631 -4 t99Ltc ~!!!!~!1.' •..•••.•••••• AUTO ACCIDENT? No recovery • No fee Att'y Koflruth 846-4375 .,,,,,.41,, •••••.•.............•• ~'!J.9e'.~ ........ !.'!!¥ *IOITMLf* AITIQUE FAIR Anllqua & Collec11bles FLEA MARKET N-·UMd Merch•ndlH .... lot. a, •. ,,. Los Alamt101 Aece Track Info 995-1234/995-7799 f !!l!.".~11. ••• ••• ••• ••• 646-7281 Topptd/rtmovlld Cleen Aemod & addition•. free up, lawn ronov 751-3476 design & .. t Qu1J & low rates S1e11e, 752-9556 CUSTOM wood patio CO· vora, docks & 1ences by RANDY 6<! 1·0622 Finish & rough carpentry, cabinets, rm additions 646-7228 Aefe Don 966-0149 Sch 850-1200 Lie 3411479 838-3612 Quality Hou1ecleenlng Cullom Breck-Stone w/a personer louc;h. CM, Block-Corftrete·Stucco ltv, NB Both 850-0933 I _A_•l_s_F_r1e_o_s_1_5_4_9_·_94_9_2 HOUSECLEANEA Good refs. NB & Irvine prtl Gladya 541-0702 B&M HOUHCleanlng Raasoneblo Call Bente Balboa Island 676-7498 Bachttor's H1ecleenlng & Laundry Serv Keren, 540-2616/850-0692 ~!!!~f .............. . * l · 1 llOYIH * Top quality Spec;IJI care In handling 25 yrs exp Competitive Aatts No overtime 730-1353 ·ABC MOVING· Quick, Careful Service Low rllH 552·04 10 HANGING/STRIPPING V1aa-MC Scotl 645-9325 ASA PAPERHANGING 7 yra local .. P Guar work Prices start at $8/roll Aloe 751-7027 E•Pert wallcov11r lng Installation Reas, prices Consultant Assignment 581-8590 Cont roroof. repelr •t traction of the coat Cell Lee 8$7·2890 ROOFING REPAIRS Small joba o k free Hll· meles Call Tom & Chuck 542-63112 lttH•I .•.••.......•.•....... ~!!~! •.•....•••.••••.. MOBILE SERVICE I Aescreens/New screens NB/CM only 642-95521 Solar Consulung, sy1tem1 -1---.------trouble shooting. pools, .~~~ .. !~~!~!....... not wtr. space hHtlng **BRYANT'•** Nature! gas. dereguletlon Paperhanging, stripping. palnllng alnl worl\, lg or 1ma11 jobs, reasonable ra'tes • Refs Free est Brtndan 968-7427 Wllllcoverlng Removal 1r. here Opllmlu your All 1ypes 642-t343 systems efficiency Also new inst elletlon• Lie CIHSIUed Ads 642·5678 405!>44 631 ·2•30 lfit'sgot wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot c lassified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad· viserwill help you turn your wheels Into cash. #i1t1llHHH IOIO lli1t1llH1 .. 1 IOIO •.•.•••••.........••......••••........•••••• DO A UTILE BUSINESS IN YOUR ESTATE SALE~ SEPT 27/28 /29 (As Per Court Or4er) Plal''-': 5 17 South Orange. Sant.a Ana Time: 8:JO AM to 3 PM. Antique furniture. Humml'ls. C.:onn Organ. Chackl•rang J , Grand Piano. 'China. dolls. Fig. 8 cloc:ks with calendar, primit1V('S. llricns and lot.s more' goodies MC or Visa OK. HUI IDllll HI I ~}!~~!... ... r,/f ... , ......... ~r fm.~'!f.l!.~~ .. ~f ~~·!..,,•l•fMu:.H ~'! •. ~ .... ~, T!l1.1Z!'!.'.1Jf~ ........ A•: A':.'::"1 ,~u:_. T.'!!l!. .......... I.~ ~,,'!!.l!!.'11. ... !.~!f ~~'!!1.1!!1!1!.~'I. .... .. Aeo'Cll"Cllonttchloa f\itt Puppy German lh• Dpldtno Oaterta IT01m ••• ":'!!.'!! •••••••• r • .,-:; oranCI ano 41 uom ,,.,.,., ..U .......... 11! •••• r••• royote It AMirM1 ltt1•1 WI llf •llW I."' ~ II t • Moll\O p • pllefd , , .. 10 11(1 hon\9 ti.II• wlt ••omon ,,,.. plale • lmmM) ·~ "" ••• , f/H1AUIO loo llllO . r•o ..... ,. "11 I UtlO OAl\O & tnVCl(I ':':':r. •••••••••••••••• 1500 b4t OflO• 7!1 I 11110 u •• Cl I •• I • 0 " ........ n•r Lo ,,,,,. to p1tn .................... ,.,-u...U •v A•Q c•m~er •h•ll HI u . COMt INOA CALL fO" 6!!tr ~Jml'\ wood ct11111e1 1110 )l " r r .. lh•PiiTrd m 111 :.~ ~f •' 1 •rte' heM ._ teo 6111 1Hord Cabo• Ctff•P«.l '"1 ob •oom•I U:J· 111 •UI AHUIUI. ~WLI" O/W rv 11& 1h II> lhM ~aung mil• OtHI wt PWflMil tor ;:;;~;:.i, ''" 1~ fl OU1 IOAf\D UIOO ~!ft~ fi~11' 4~1~11.~ 13 I·!_ to INGtAL PllOllAll COfm,. 0.LlllO t1a.. t31·110t kid• 541 •102 'ult tenoth wet 9'111 Wo-In•, or oor11110r1 rNQP,t ()(loe •~• _.,,,, ~ ,_., OI. tntercomt redlo, Real C1dlh11G wl,. ~111 ,.,_ '91 Je.p CJ'I 10 to OllYllf.IT Slllee·l tivtc..·L••lng a.., llltl\.ll !'ICY• .~femifa OIOlll "~ ~~~~· •. oi-.:::r .. ~t~~:· le• 0 AP1 LA"I N, Ou co11d Hlo17 I oimper jacka 6 wtl)Chtl,I fllt alt yHr•, lubo, OhOOH ltom. ll!Clud.. t17ll 8UClt DLVO rll l!_lf~~Ollfl;-rtl 1 high In 11 olevpo1 AKC ~AIF', e ""lie, tedl I 150 et2 2'41 att t 30 M1tr 81lf1lO<• Newoofl ii ti lt70 OLA&PAR 110 :I 1011 lll'OW t1re1, •leeo• IOC:lui e11.ery1t11111 req wlnC:h /lmt>OtA CllCklot HUNTINGTON HACH • '7' 2002, 4 epd 111/rt 180Hull•1011Ave CM bull 1 110 17211 Pfll""kd~ and...,.lldaall 1149 4-tlOO II/I) t.44ro. deplh llndef, & 131&0 tl711·80MtVM Nb ,!60 ... 11 ... , 111dmW:hmor• 14'-toll, 141-1111 (tt7PV8) 8 t2 ICornar 20th & 062 1440 ev d1y c1n11 ... tooded, 1r11i.r only o o 4 741 ..,.. SAVC THOU6AND8 -• 78 3~. 4 •pd 10.- FUti.<1on) --------IHI•, #•tlH t3500. e.•l.i37t i ·CA'M'PER '3~ iiour P"'O'i"tc'he ohromt NAiii NAil T D Ha dldl (llOXDHI Golden Retriever Pup• Complete W91Q111 Ml with L J H30 OOOO FOA WOAK OR rim•. ·NXIO, 10'16 &110/.lllP/IWl&.T op 0 r • ·eo &Ht, eulo , an/rl UWI VAOlll UOO A KC A•o Hu pup bench 1>1•t1 1.111 th•n ' ••• ~!~!,!......... 20· •••r•>' 1und111e .. , CAMPING ee1-t421 2624 H111b0t Otvd , CM Paid 1411670JJ or b•I olr. 041-2488 ;,~,0~S~2.C04 ' 1 7 6 Y' old. 1250 194·1947 AV!'hN A•d 8tlft dinghy 1078 8tp1 ti Shower. 645-»4• PORSCHE 11i4"i'N01NE 640 8023 041·7770 * 80 320!, 6 •Qd IO• __ McOregor Golf Club• w.1 mu mount• 1nd reroo. Ol>th t111der ••• I I'''-11 ,.0 30,000 mlle• $305 '°' You1 C•1t dldl C231lYA) SCRAM-LETS Hlmaleyllll mlxld kt11en1. Melched Ml, .. WOO<I•. 8 ::4~4~~ Iha.Pe sno ••O. bill 11nk, covert !!!~~!.'! .. !~!~ .... "!. 640 53:101640-0130 ·~~r.l-~.':'~~~;,'.T3~' _. ...... a ... * ·eo 633•CI. IO•d•d ~W.~.' s'J.'~[~i~ llrp ~.~~:e3: 12 o b" o Ir :!~:~hi~~.~:.••;,; IL~· ~ond1 Cf !'O'•· "'" new F orCi"3'i'1'C tunn~ 1·674·04 10 fl•lno•• Uutl1· .. r111ry I (65563411 ANSWERS Ntw, ,,...,., uMd extra lg Cotl Hwy 119•1 10 Rully 91 t 320. YI 1 .. 60 manlfold w/2 060'1 - -2821 H11bor 9tvd Hl·l1l1 C11tpel AbuM 8rll1ony Spa11le1, Fem , 3v. Maritn gall """h d•llMlh Pelican Shown Sel/Sun __ ~4148 12&0/oti 04e 4639 1111 T1ret1 ,.,, Cott• M"• 640·6630 201 W '"· Seura An• Brawl -Donkey yr1, purebr•d S60 llfH,11111111•1, hook a lln• 1 85 IO·S.C•H 646-4407 •02 Puch Mo Ped, 100 ---with c amper •h•ll CIOMCIS1moey SNACK BAR ~8-3984 ••• ~!•••••••••••~¥ 84&.4005 mllH 14&0 A•l•I l•111/• S1800 Fl1m 673-6618 pl::;~~/'~= car '79 BMW 5211, "epd, llhl 1 -• 10 • d11&11er mo· Free 10 good 11ome tov•·riquor llor• furniture for Mercury 40mdt 4hp, •Int It' ••ttl Ollllll 640·06020 •••••••••••••••••••••• ·11 Chev"' ion PU N-110,.100 or dorneatlcl BBS whla, Ilk• n..,., 112, V'• T .. e movie w•• • bl I ed b d ood oond 1366 -IMPORTANT NOTICE llrH .CWO PS PB I ..... "ill ' " 0 e m x ,.e · 0 •I I•. PI eat• c 111 ' •"50 648-3344 1900 VESPA 200 Pully TO READERS •ND Good' bu•v, ;_,.11 ltll l'I gcxx. COl\v on 800 or utume IN 1714) com.ay,lhedlHllllWll w/klda , 1 y r old '700-0121 848·2429 .., to•Cl•CI-3 moa " .,, .. ,,. S--tl&Flfetl • 6"4·832.5,859-6442 II Illa SNACK BAR 693 7703 . oto, AOV!ftTISERS lf300 "Betl 673-6828 · --• IHll l•w1 HIO •··t •-// a..o 11500, 037-3325 The prlc:e of llema •Cl· ' '70 5301. xtnl cond, '"· RABBIT FOR SALE· ',• rf ~'1•1 •••••'••••~••••••••••• ~.!1.~••••••••~• ver11Md by vehicle dH-'73 Ford pwr-dvmp 350 am/Im c .... 11 •. 1un1oot French Lop, Yo Chec:kll· lit/ ,,., "-'-'-" CllUIC tG L•P••:•k• 16' Hobie C•t. yellow w/ •• ,.,,,,, •• ; tert In·~ vahlcl• CIHll· IT, lllk• bad, 4 ·~· rbll Mull Hiii 170001080 red Glenl, s 10. 645-6468 BFAUT~u.:·;;.~·Rc;c; 8~~-3:~. ~:~e 16 ?'· ~~'!. ;2~~ 6;~·:ts~'.k• •• !!!!.!'.'.' ••••••• !!.!¥ ~::d::i'·~~no~uC:!u~~: ~~;-~58 v 8 • 3 0 0 . _1_1_0_.0_5_4_6_. ----- ... ,,.i ,.,,, .... ,. '"' ••.................... Abvulnlen Fem•le Kllren, lor TV. 2 yr wtnly. St48 w•-1 '78 YAMAHA ENDURO IPPllCllble IUM. 11C41nM, •t• M'•-• lllOO 1110 ... JNJ YAMAHA Bue Amp Rud~. Or"'1 Eyet. CFA Fr" Cletivery Open Sun -•5 16' T Cat wlutr, ire.de'°' 2&o0T, xtn1 cond trenafer IHI, llnence • -•• 12200 080 846.035e He•d wllh a double 15'' Reg 483 ·0415 or TV John'• 646•1766 13 It Botton Wh.,er In dory or wlndaurler HOO/obo 645-800I charge1, IMt for air pot· Mutl Mii 067·3584 '--------- PV apeeker c1bln11 All 961-2104 B/W rv good condlllon. 1213)634-2730 Ron lutlon control device reo TIJ. llll t•IOO '80 3201 5-•pd, blkll•n. ~nl.=.•ll•nt condtUon. 111•11 I Ort••• IOH opera1ec11"~1c & ballery , 213-441·5315 '69 Columbl• 26' Mkll e:!~'."~l~~~t ~o,n~acd~:-cert111ca11on1 or dHler Mull tell 89;·3564 ''""' "'''·' 1111 111.•1 ~~Y· :~e~~r':.'·4'~'·,::· l •t •111 1 ... •••• •••••••• ••••••••• 975-t 158 15 Fl•hlno boll & lllr, Lo•d•d In good condl-U95obo 631--0523 Clocumenllfy prlpare-HlghHI cath ltnmldlalei" •.., r • Conway Upright Plano. 4 0HP elec . x1re1 . lion $12,500 All 5PM · tlon charge1 unteu '69 Toyol• ' St l,800/0BO Pert ~~~~~·~~~~!I Exel cond 1495 Cull Roee...,ood stereo/ l8001btl ofr. 673.06"7 631-0848 '60 Kawasaki 1000, 7000 otherwlH epecllled by Pickup $450 1111 10' vour vihlcle Do· cond See lo llPPteci•I• BUNDY Flute with musle 111na. $165/make ofter. 840-1264 847·7017 ceb . w/du•t 1219 .59 ChllC1 1126. , , mt,Vetterlalrtng,+++.' lh•adverllter 213-402-3860 ~5~_18~18c5 or f o reign _a_7_3_.2_e_4_s ____ _ o .. I ft lit rl ohanoer Sep compart-$ .. m Renger 26 . w/40 New· $2700. Can't ride, mull •-/ / rll LIV TlllOI llOO '75 5301. Ilk• new, anrl. 4 S875 549.7272 tuner, & c1t• de<:k.1250 All 5PM 631-u948 Ore1t tn11u1 Call for I C ••I'll IS-Ml .. .,.... n & •• 2637 • I •••• mente for records. emp, ..;_ port mooring, xlnt letma. 1en. Mark 673·3149 ,..'1."' 6•5_3,... A•~•• l ,,.~ IP"(I, air 15700 trade Olbaon, Fender. Oulld, I le t dll•ll• 7 14-646· 7992 '78 Yemeha 126 Enduro .••••••• /~•••••••••••"!'! ••••• •••••••••••• ~.,.. Ro11nd. lblne?, Peavey, MOVING MUST SAC 5'8 64<>-0776 •r I ...,. I 1t75 ml. Ore11 oond llH&. ua"il V••• IS10 Al I ••H 1105 -.,-.-8-M-W-32-0-1.-m-ln_l_oon_d_ Y1mah1, Soni. Shure, 8etdwln 011nd Plano. t Color TV. 25" conaole, 20' elec Outtlekl, lmmlC I Mu• I 'e e S 6 7 5 . •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• S/8 alloy• u pnt AKO. Excel. gear Must yr old 675-95t0 Mike .11 Int con d S 1 4 5 . cond, Ilk• new. 5"8·6658 Sabol w/raelng u1ra1 559.5349 Sh•y replleH, pickup• & 1171 110 VA•lllll UAIE A 1112 18800 ·obo, 'a~'3-57'42 sell. 646-3804. Sr..1ti•1. '"'' 1014 5 .. 6-2429 all 1 IAM llHTIS ~;~o1Y:o:,s:~~o S300. '73 Honda XL250. good fr~u~1e(oO'e~e6~h~St~· HllHll vu ALIA HIH lrllH ·_1_60_-_0_11_6 _____ _ OVAT ION solld bo dy • ••••• •••••••••••••• To prime aportll$hlno In , cond Run• grHI $450 A3093) Pflcq 111rllng at Thia one 1• In excellent OllYllTllll '76 iMW 2002 alectrtc 11ereo guitar Custom McCov Suri· IHll I #iti•t this notebty trouble-Ira t6 HOBIE, trlr, cat box, 645-0177 &vff NLJ 11,1111 condition & la toadedl Mln1-toadld·mu11 NII S275, 714/673-925t board. 6 11 atngle lln, od L•/••••f 27' e fl Sii 1 S1400. Opt Iona In c lude Air $297 79 $8250 841-0368 s 65 557 08 o •••~••'\•••••••••••••• ay ner P Inc U· H.8 846-8548 Yamaha '81 SR185, mint cond .. pwr. 1teerlng, 1111 Full I Z vlolln, xlnt cond. cond 1 • • 1 a " IOJO ded II Marina on Lake cond 95 MPG $800 wheel. cruise control, I '78 3201. air, •mllm caaa. S150/b11 oiler. ORAllliE COUllTY .!!'.~'-•••••••••••••••• 1 Mead, 30 mlnutH from Cotumbla 28. Mull Mii 4 6-45-0400 . stereo cas1et1e, TWO per month ptue tax auto, •lloV wtll1, 55K m1, 646-9060 ••• a ......... ,.. 16 If llberglUI rowing Las Vegaa strip. Sleep• cyl •no s 11,900. I I . u n r 0 0 Is & m 0 r e I 48 month open end ieaae $8500 631-35&8 -dory. $500 962·"458 6, every llne IHlura In· 552-5133 250 Enduro Hodak•. Kini (OSJVUA) Prl. ply Al· on approved cred1I Cap ---------Olliff l•18il81• I SMIW olllGe. 952•6772 home · cludlng MererulHr PO· eond .. very llrono. 1350 king only 16500_ Call c o • t • $ I 3 , 1 5 O ; '76 2002, Kini eond. 50K L•l••••I IOIS s t 21 a Htll -$24.500. Ple&M call l1/JiH1l1 IOIS OBO. 646-1532 64&·2198, II no enawer, Realdual-$4300 & Cllll ml. IUIO, ees whla, ale:. ••~•""•••••••••••••• •• • '78 8riti•h Seagull Out-Owner. (702) 293-7381. •••••••••••••••••••••• .73 Yamaha Enduro PLEASE k.,..p trying •equlred -$931 65. 1011 of Hlrll. $6600 DESK gray, solid wood. Frt• I te I board Molor. Sliver New Magnum 370 wind· 7,, __ 1 S • -... (15528) I obo 631-2652 1 1 1 $4017 •·I T ... century 4y,HP. Xtnt 1981 8011on Whaler, aurler t1lnt>ow .. 11 Cott 1 "'""· o mlleege '53 Studeb•k« Ct111mplon MU T -.ELLI IUCH llPOllTS ormc•~· 6 .c l•r • ..,1 • rlwl cond. re cently lunad. t 3 v.', 4o HP, wllrtr·, S116S Mvtl Hit $650. S300 631-"489 5 P .. • cp• Nie• cu 1965 Ford Econo Van r.,.,; 1115 ·4 1 Featuring weapons of all 1350 831--08!4 $5400 080. 645-5918 673•3600 13750. 213/692-1792 848 Dove Slreet '1~1"••••••••••••••••••• 2 P k eras. Swords, coins, war Yamth• Maxim 550. 198 t, cam par, ai.:per clean, NEWPORT BEACH •73 Capri, anrf, AC, AM/ JC lcn ~·~ 0~~'.'"/ ,d;s5 · souvenirs, antiques and 14' alum. Semtvee, SHra S !800 Obo Call ltM •••H IH4t4 new eug., AIC S 1200. " FM, rads. Xlnl cond, 80 675-5090 wkdya Ill 5 thousands Of collectible largest. current l•o•. CHiii oun 22' ,.,,,, '"'' 963-957 t eves 1946 Ford Woody W•-646-3357 712-0100 over Sl750 642-7605 DESKS FOR SALE llema Orange Co Fair· 1350. 6-45·6079 e.,. Winier 1pectal. Laptlra· IJHk1 H10 •71 MNIA HI oon. $13,000 '69 ForcH200, a~10 trens, A•ll 1101•'78 "Blactt Cal" vs, sunrt, ~·-~rke'a't '!.<!..:;;i!!cph:~~ enle< gate 3A off Arllno· .11tnt cond, St25 ' canvas 160 hip tnbrd Sllp• avail CdM arH, 1475/obo. 646•8362 1929 Ford Model A Town sol a bed , V8, good 10 &.41 1000 T1tr~t S 2 6 0 0 . 6 4 0 • 0 0 2 0 , grounds, Costa Mesi, 110''\' Sevylor lnfl1tebl• k• hull, ell new paint, lull •••••••••••••••••••••• Runs grMI, musl Mii new ausp, Cpl' chalrt, ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• 111ere o , tlpe' clean' .. ,.., ....... "" ton SI 5 Hercu1e1englne, compl $9111. c all Cerri • Sldan.Sl0,000 cond 011\e r xtras 9632023 • :.~~~goo~c~~Lc;r;:~n~ Brand .new Pool Table 640· 3261645-0136 ~~;~ ~;e;oriu~,~~·~~~ ~-~4-955-2473. Wkdys ·a:!!.:~~~k.I ~:=~. s~~~~e 1963 Studebaker Av11111. s2150 642-9994 . ~~~<:,r·~~· ~~~~oa~:: D1~.. 1110 9-5pm M·F 833-8600 Xlnl Best offer IHll1 #1l•l••l•ff M u, 1 , e 11 AS A p . BOAT SLIPS Av•i• ABLE·. S l 9 5 15500 675•616 I, '81.CllaVy Custom Van new $ 13. 4 00 0 80 ••••• •••••. ••••••••••• 760· t977 Jtmt• H10 6 3-0 " "' " ~ 640 53261645-0 36 ern met/ten velour Int, 4 6 4 5 • 8 2 1 t E v • • • NCR Cl11s 5 Regltter can ---------•...................... 7 3" 1 Newpor1 Beach. 25'. 26'. • t '66 MUSTANG CONV. swlv. Mais, mini cond. 857-9684 daye be uHd as a casll re· SURFBOARD Boal Cabins cteenea. C•· 30'. 35'. 40', & 45' Can 1979 GS425 Suzuki, looks "Orovnd Up Realore-$14 900 642 2219 --------otster pluscan beutlllzed Robert Augutt 6'10"' ter for trtpa. A-1 rel'1. 16' boet wllll lraller. ball 642-464,. from 8-5 , & run• like new. Lo ml. lion" ' • A•1ll• B••l..,. 11H for m1nagemen1 report round pin, good cond, 642-30"7 or 646-4640. lank $800. AllO '77 65 Mon-Fri $1000. 842-1821 e eyt. Champion• 1n11. A•I•• W••IH ISIO •••••••••••• ••••••••• prlnl·OUll . S895. $150/obo 545-6558 ---------Mere ~ Sl400 Oreg, ember g 1 0 e • 1 r •••••• •••••••••••••••• II &.sfl1 ltalty 1000 Sharp Fu SF-501 Copy Marine Electrician 645-5153 Dock tPICe evalleble up For Ille, 1960 Honda 750, 7141686-2215_ WE aay Ptof restored, oorgeoue. mael11ne$695 Have something 10 sell? Oeslgn/lntlall/Repalr 10 36'. 111.50111. Ardell twn overhe•d cam , f""A Gar90ed In NB $9500. 646-7441 Classllled llds Clo 11 -11 Olly wO<k S49-2520 Ev Sell Idle Items 642·!>6711 642-5735 cl\opper. Full Htenaed 1959 T·BIRD. 1 owner. TOP DOLUR 944.0:,10 ,lll'9P!!""...,""' ... ~~'flltl I MARCUS CHANNEL· elde lork1, king/ queen IHI, PIS , P/8, orig. paint. ..,.. I ' _,.._ ___ ...... lie to 28 It; S 150; etso man Y x t r 1 • S 1 2 O O Orlvee Ilk• a dream & I FOR llEI ClllS aid• up 10 18 II S IOO. 631·8325 rHlly look• tharp PIP _lUJI ..... 673-8145 Molobecane, Elf cono. <71~ 552..()J07 hetme11. aid• bags, 2 ·e,. CORVAIR .. Cir AT, NITIA0/1111&11 Side Tl• Pier, Balboa iaatar 1 295 firm A&H radl•I• 1850 Ev.. 2480 Harbor Blvd. Island, 20·22' 1111 prel'CI. 752-6786 nl""I 71 .. ·536-7781 COSTA MESA Nr ocean S 175 per mo. ··• 141·4100 ,i~~~E~~ll~R~e~ta~rfeq~·~e1~&~7~3-~2~63~l;~1·•f., B•an, "'Vi ·69 Coupe DeVllte Con-141•1411 ~ll!!l!l .. _, ......... 111111"'!1!111 p~~11'~':r ~::~~r 4f .~~~: .!'.'!V.~!~!~! .... .'.~f ~.oo~e..~ ownr, WE IUY S " 5 0 P w r I S a I I . For Hie· '76 Lindy motor 4 WiHl Dtinl ISIO 673-248,. home, llps 6, r .. r bath, ••••• ••••• •••••••••••• OLEAI CARS tub, stereo, Hll cont 1982 Cllev Bluer Sho-All TllUCIS WANTED 11tp for 40' St2.500 857-5435 wroom new 10< whle .. le. trewler, 14'h' be•m. PP. 644· 1865, day Nl#pl. 642-0370 CIVI ' 631-2321, eve•. SLIPS AVA IL. Huntington '70 Toyoll Lend Crul-, Harb Our 8 I Y • ---=-===~:----wllh Chevy 283 Eng 7 1 4 • 8 4 0 • 5 5 4 5 . Trv·Tt1k1, Sit 109, M1ny 846-7769. 840-4087; extr ... Need• work. COHHf:ll CHEVIOUT .,._,,. q.,., t •• , H I "f'-1\\H·\ ~·~1 20 UUl·IHYICE &.WlH , 831-2040 485-4949 Estates ... 1980 Datsun 200SX, xlnl eond Orig owner. ~­ cepllng bid• Wkday• plelse call, 759-4229 '78 DAlSUN 280Z 46K mi, x1r11, l8SOO 548-1447 IUIUIAOI ••• -.80-D-al_IU_l\_3_1_0_G_X_S_epd_ 28402 Marguerite Pkwy 30,000 ml. Mull H t Ml1&lon Vlelo $5150. Bruce 546-8343 (Avery Exll orl 1·51 Open Sund1ye '76 8210 2 dr 4 spel, AJC 1---------1 35mpg. New'"" Clean 12950 9113-8365 CHOICE INVENTORY 213·431-3794, 6-9 PM S2250 obO 545-6298 --...-------VOLU&ALES 1•trlli f1J3 fitU llYH 1 ••• ..... ••• • ••1• -,;;.~·· Sllp evall. N""Pt ecn, up 10 RV a eo11 St0<ege, s 1 per 30'. rMI . or l>OM. PIT 11. Call Joe '78 CJS w/low mnea. x1ntl cond. -ur .. '5500 95t~80. Top Clolla11 for Sporle ....,., ' • Cu e, Bugs, Cempe11, I 0 I M L l 11 E I I •Y ..,,_IZD 910. Audre O FEIUll 'i:i l,..I 1 "" T!!!!!~ .. ~'. .. !!!.!.~~~ 1:~d~n;w ~~e~1·s~!;~ "*;,~ .uiti:R sa1e1·S•~! .. 11no IW.lllltrl •••••••••••••••••••••• HI Ft T11vel Traller Xlnl C $5500 951-6460 VILllWAlll 850 N Beach 8tvd 16' Avenger w/brand n-cond $1200. Shown Sat . HI., I~~-~ Johnton 115 08 4 hr. & Sun 8-5. 644-0526 rr•th ISIO 18711 8Mel1 Blvd L• Habra ~i:.'!9~~n;·~::~~~,~= ~~ •!i ~~~-=~~P S42001o1r flllltt~ UllJl'f. IJIO .·;5 .. G;;~·~;;;;c-;;·;;r• ' __ H_u_N_T_~_'f_J_~_~_Ooo_e_EA_c_H ____ o_~_2_!_·s_1u_an_~_!_Y_--1 M ~ main, 120 & 150 aenou & spinnaker Kenyon ---------"°{i•"i'.iiil.'TU'iu•R• erulH . new tlret. 'duai UM 976--3094 646-8730 anslrUJ1lrnll. Teak deck & inwnOf". Fast nt"W 1H11, lt•t••• IOH $200 •H •Mi• ttnks, alnt cono $3995 WAllTED'. t••••E Ollm,. 3t00 Wesl Coa51 Hwy ••••• ·····"'········· V""~~~~ 963-4058 ...... . • Newport Beecti BY OWNER "'·ton design by Eivmd Still, aet.tgner of Ult' ORY STORAGE Lat• model Toyotu. tLHIT 942·9405 F\nnhtt, h -ton world record holder. A rHl A •---' a Ranchero '73. MW plint. v,.,.,_ I"-" Pl & v1ns 1966 36 fl Grand Banks Vl immaculate 'Baby Balli<'' New dHler's ~offered It .,. -~tf, T•rll motor, iclnl $1950/080 .,, • ., ....... u · & fill ITIS condiuon Can be seen m Thl' Lido ~na Boat 11.lCrif~ prl~ Offen & trades ronslder'f!d. Monthly boat 11011~•· j Am1Htl•1 HIO Moving mus I ••I I Call us to.1eyf ••••• ••••••••• •••••••• Show through Sept 26. Financing avail Ownl'r See at Lido Marina Boat Show 9125 & 9126 any size. 24 hr MC4.lr ty, •••••••••••••••••••••• 669-9334 eves '72 Fill Spyder New tlr ... anxious. $59,500 contaC't Purcell YaC'hlii. NORD YACHTS lree l1unchlng PAINT & Ille bOdy work. lop, uph<>I, rblt ~-New 673-88~ • lfWPttT •H vP 10 50% olf Y<Nf body '72 Ford R1nchero w/ Salel-~LHliflO paint. S1650. 831-1597 3700 N.wpott llvd., 5ta. 303, N.wpen leoch 1111 lttk ltJ Ir. thop "' 8111 894--0332 shell Mull Hll S1200 TOTOTA-YOUO fY""tV CARVER "IOnL YACllTS tn-1111 ,714 673•1178 Mark 573.31,.9 1m .. ..-...-..& N ....11 111 Flat,,.,. ;~~~iiiii~~iiiii~~~~i~~i;;;;;;;iii~~~L-~~~·~·~~--1•Wh l ta B•l•m•g•.---------• ~~•cs ~~i~n·· 2 d ~ d . s I I c .. t. ..... ..... ~ ~ ''" i:.. 11\ • oor """an, llerao Ill 1""""0110 14~6", 6 lug Like new ELL Ide llams w lh a f 32 000 1 _. $80/blt olr 55g.,9349 Daily Pllol Cl11alfled Ad ~ Ul-tJOJ ., U O.U 61 ·~::• ~.' ,.:· ... .:::..• S~~o~,..73g.. m Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line our famous DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE Bring them or mail them wilh correct cash to Daily Piiot. 330 W Bay SI Colla Men CA 92626 • Each item must t;e p11ced w11h no llem over SSO 20c per hne -Sl 00 mon1mum • No hvestock. produce 01 planll • No commrrcial ads allowed DIMES-A-LINE PLACED BY 3 p .m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678. ext. 319. STERLING water cooled LAROE bookcase $50. CHROME & glue dining THOUSANDS ol UHd RABBIT OIHel Hrvlce PAINT all klnde over 100 TWO melchtng custom RATTAN Chair, newly re-STORAGE rack• end ca-SIX fool black frame Da· air conditioner s 15 (as Provincial l•bl• sso table $25. Folding wlc:tier melephyotc:et books, manuet 1877-1980 110. oallons and llVH $50 chairs, Med reuphol&le-lurbl1hed $ .. 8.50. Fol· bf nett s 10-$20 Work nlth sole, bl e ek and la). Sin oecllloSGOpe (works) Cystel s 10-150 Sliver dining chelre $10. AcryUc Spiritual. Chrtellan, In· Ohmlte Rheostat fOf tre-f o o I•. • q u IP m • n I ring, d own cu1hlon1. ding chaise lounge S2 2 beneh $15. Girl• Stlngrey white cuehlons $25 $15. Clock radio (as fighter $7 Mihogany deluxe 55 O•llon show dtan, Sell-help. Diet & In 13 Mens U larg e S5·150 Girt• ctolhH shepherd culera S30 wicker lampa 124 50 bike $15 Dining room metchlno ehelr, gold 111 $2 Tube tvpe FM mirror $50 Mahogany 11nk with lland I SO Un-Health, Chlldblrth, Pro-custom ctotlllng, excel-10c-13 Bunk beds $10 Heh 1 men etze time each or $45 Ml Wiier ch•lrt $10 20 gallon cu1htons s tO single tuner 88 to t08 MHZ bookcase $25 Ooebeta dergravel filler $10. Ma-sperlly, OrHma. Rein-tent condt11on SS-130. Pictures S1-S25 Micro· grNn chair, good COi\· bed frame, queen sire equarlvm end "nd $20 llaadt>oard. while plaellc SIO. AM auto radio $8 7 Blue Boy & Pink Lady rtMlana maxi pump lllter c:arnellon, Paychology, Sean 9arden cart, near ec:ope. book •nd cheml· dillon $40 548-0027 O< $50. Queen size weter vacuum oleanar S 10. ss. 846·56"5 Inell Mu111n Ian S7. Por-S35. Contemporary col-$20. Lile SS Uva rock, Parapaychology, Philo-new $20. Aluminum wtn. •try eet $25 Toys 835-7547 bed mellrass $50 Wiler TV'• SS-$25 Mirror --,lJ..-------- lable o E pllono $20 lee table sso Straw mal deco gravel, 1hells 18. 1ophy, Anthropology. 1 dow 4tl X 6tt $10 Boye 10C·S5. Baby buggy 110 bed healer 1nd 101 and 30X40 $15 Poot vecuvm ADJ STABLE dress form with record c hanger 6X7 Sl5 Maple 11oo1 $5 Huge hendm•CI• PllOod Archeeology, Teaching, white ehlrts. stie 7 15 Bullet $40 Chell with IF~:f ~ ~S~~ F;~ two Hit sheets 540 1na hose $20 963·2358 14 Artlf!Qal tlo~s. lelt Reellellc SA-101 Solid Ullllly stool S3 Small plant hanger S25. Chow· Poa!ry, Novels, Jewlth 361n llreplac. ec:reen $5. built In dMk 11\d booll· •• 1 • · 548-40&7 · colofl Sc each New grey Slete ttereo empllt1er milk boltles wllh caps. 6 blneh or pereon tablu Harllege. Aolrology, 'Aln 3600 Myler 3M rec-CAM 125. Orelllng llble Otty manilOld $50. HOiiy PORT O'crtb like new HEAVY duty dolly $25 wig With shampoo and S20. AM/FM lrenslstor for $5 Leather pYrse $2. by 8aumrllter $10. Chi· Science Fiction and ' ordlng tape $3 Heh. with mirror $12 Mayt-U ~~~· ~gve~ ~~~j rH~~i S35 Waring' food pro· Bed frame twin size (n-) ttand $3. Antique bolllff radio S6. Catculalor With Ory mop S 1 S t raw neM wood & parchment Fantuy. 25c:·S8. t976 Brue mllk 1c1te $25. wuher 110 Bukete distributor 125 Cal Te ceasor. llke new 150. SlO 675-7794 25c. Folding elngle ool pow« 1Uppty $6 8 inch broom $2 1 dozen Illes 4amp $8. Antique vanily Ster Trek puzzle lt5. Great while shark Jew 10c·S1 880 W. lllth ::11., 546-4639 V Trim-All nylon edgef, llke 191n black llld whllt TV. ~d s::t-:7. =ny ~-In wan box S7 13 6 deaser1 C1111W11 S3. 11001 StO. Ratlan & 724'h W. 18th. Aoro11 'Wlth 1Nlh, 121n opening Coot• l\A ... Set & Sun newSll'i Rlvaletockpot, excallent SSO Holldey Ovet mirror In wooden Cinvas carry bllQ• $2 & wicker oceaalonal Chair from Stater Broo. behind $25 12 vott tat• Chryllef 11·6 WNtl daye after 3pm OEl?P SN 11111 poles, rN11 4 quert. like n•w s 15 ''""• an wooa leble, 2 types 50c·S I. Some Wit.II hold« SS 15 t>oc»c1 on $5 Books s 1-S3. Floor S25. Spenl1h style up-lfQuor 11ore 548-0572 or Clf redto $7.SO 1853 TWO Authentic ~rave 15·S35 Tickle lurH To111 Muter 4 slice 1eavN $50, t<lng •In t>ed lftlllctel flow•"· Floral buslneea S15. Elec1ronlc lamp $10. Farberware hotstered ewlvel rocker. 919-5027. Republlc Ave., Coate made chair• s35 eec:h. 2Sc·S2 King alte head· electric 1ou1ar. S7.150 frame and box spring• vaaea 2oc. Colonl•I type booko S2 Heh Ne w btrbeque & grlll (new) IXC4111ent oondllton t 50. OAK rockln chelr with Mesa. 642•0862. A I t I h boerd S 10. 800kl, 855-2555. $40 King size carved ell b<an tamp & ah.a& $3 Reat111 1e AM Otgllet $40 Cookie far $2 Double tlep l1d0« SIO ume 110. °earrel beck GALVA NIZED pipe, lots -~=-~~1~U:r!~: magazine• 10c·50c S.1 wood headbo•rd $50. Tllleny llyte hanging L.E.O. cl°" radio $20 0em11 .. s cup & 1aucer Hard wood m~ 5 lhtlf wicker clletr s12 Ur~ for building eat port• 0 , Record player s5. Pro-9·4" 281 E. 18th St , TODAY ONLY. Tuppenow•· KlllO s ite bediprHdl lamp With wnll• bulb S2 Ola n vuee SI Deek $2·S3 Rabbit fur Jaekel bookcaH 120. M1pte 010 Chippendale hend fences or 7 Manr flllll\o• Jec;tC>f IS. e -treck pteyer Coste M... re ~5c-S3 50 Hal~ $10·120 Ne111e Miii• ~ & D bench grlnqer SIS. lamp S7. 6 lnc:ll 9'>41alter S25 Leather bOOls S25. chair SS. Sllndup v•· painted tole tray $8. Set too. Very cheap 12 111ell. 15. Ex•teiser 120. C1111 ENCYCLOPEDIAS c coetumes S 1 eeeh Suri· Bolton Rocker '25. End m~~k 1, P:.v~r ~~~~ h:1~- S5 pair. 2130 Doctors 979.4933 cuum 11teel'lrnenl1, com-01 • chair• SIO. Ivor" 2 piece• l"ll long $7 oml • board $20 Naw pule table with dre-r SIO. Cl 1 A 1 8 C Piel• NI,,...,., Md 110 .. , " magutnu 10c each. p1on1 pYbllthed by Br I· rick 1 '-Pool *"'"P & Cott• S30. Pur ... Uke re•· P · oat• u s& Mothef of Pearl lntayed each. Gelventzed pen for Skaleboerd $5. Porta 1 ntca . Current wllll leaf filler 1 10 Fltller Swlvel lebl• $5. Lemp new St etec:trlc ct\er·8· ....... 642-7589. 2 D78-t3 and 2 E78-14 on gi:.~·: 1~~ cigar box $0. LHtller flt~ rond I or furnllur0a potty II Elec1rle curlere year book• the 1875. Prloe ilrpor1 I S 2 pa.llM $15 GE delulle lout• que $ 7, Luge gt a u CRAFTSMAN 1001 111. vw mags S20. 3 650· 16 520 Pogo tUcil ts OOOd c.met ... , 13. Miik glue •Ir P ng, I kt ne"" en $3 Pallerna 20c. M••I I 5 O. 5 .c 8 • 1 5 2 5 o' 12 Hell 1819 S•mer Or • roven 120. Tren•1•1or•· frames 25c Cera tebles New Ml of Y• lnct'I drive Old Dodge rime and Ur• ten~lt ackell l l Klde lamp $1. Oto bolllu '"fn 120. Bird avl11y, oltoer 15 WC>Odel\ bead• 548·1437. West ol HerbOr off Bl· ud metal aeteclor 20. 75e·S1.25. 557-3044, eockell, set ol \1t drlva 130 all. Left high beck lrucka rm• ...... ool'-.,.I"•• louna on ouert 50c. tar . • beauty tor 125. 50o • bllQ, Movie 01mere Llfge rear vl•Ylr mirror 2573 OICford Ln .. Cool• aock•I• both 6 and 12 vw bug Mal 135. Righi S3-U. T~~ bed i's. Btenk•I 11ck $18. An· Air tne kennels, big 125. 110 Gl&1tc:hlmney175c. '!!~/!~~= ~·;:.~iu•2 . ker. .., 115 Cll•lra 12·110 M ... S.-5 Set & Sun. point Ml of ·~ Inch drive low back type 3 Mii S30 641•1549 nlverury clock 125. Ory cteenere c:llrome Record• 1 2. Moth•r brown bar etoolt 17 70CHEVY plck·uP rlghl !~~·~:,!~PF~~:!: FENCING, 4311 X 61t.125_ aoekell, \1t drive ratcllet, On• 10· 16 5 120 OM · Plent 11and 112. U an· karto for whetting cto-Eerth book• 75c 4 IS 4 5 door $45 '72 Bluet right y, drive retchel 145. 750118 on 8 tug rim $30 DODGER tiekell S15 pelr cyctqpedl• wllll eland lhH around or ? 110 S1n11 Ana Ave., Newport Mci\. 6 0-05 5 door S45 '53 Chevy welry 10<:-$1. U1.,,e111, Wiii llagp,I• 2 folding Cuh only. 897-3480. 670--15 18. 81 vw rtghi SCaHopea ptenter brick• 1· ./<'1 decio floor lamp Heh. Romeo Rom•o BHch. TWIN bed maUrHI, Hice pick· up tender $35 eec:h. dllll••· ceramic• tOo-ll. Pedded a mno c:halri I I door 125. 71 bu• rear 25o •loot. Whit• pore•-, .~bl.,_.& o•• .. w•r• Iron balcony, cute. $36. ~ t50 Kint a.ooritor Overlo•d eprlng• s35 S at & S ul!, 21th end •ach. 548-3663. TOOAY ONLY. Otrl'o bike hetch 145. 645-0136. l1tn belh oink """"' leu• C· L•ce l llnll\1 t3tl E. 19th St., Cotl• 2~8Ees~i~~·s~~.S~~ m•lal htllldboard. b•m· '73 Pinto 4 IPffd S50 28111. hm-6pm 407 LADIES beechorulMr bill• SSO. Clothel, booka 25e cell 120 8hullars Ill · 2 I Plclute prlnle l M... & Sun Dining labl• boo mollf UO 2 lhOwef '73 Cemaro r11r end Morning C.11y0n II Pe. $40 80y'o Schwinn MX HCll. Gem•• 25c-$1. GLASS Hrvlng traya rlou1 •lze• 13·18 pelr tram•• 00C·l 10 1622 COFFEE 1 bl $39 nd (wlllnul) 125. Double bid door 6 l r•m• 125 $50. R•ar bumper 135. elite Coaat HIQhwey, Co-201~ et1ng11y blk• 130 Playboy magutn•• SS 15·125. Odd• & ends PIHllC window bllnda, Monr via belWMll 16th 11....., ... n • L u d With fre-12._ Wrrfihl 644-4555. Sl•P bumper $30 388 rona a.I Mar. 84.C-8626. c 1 r 1 0 p c • r r 1 • r MCtl 1Mf. 2 -'no mt· drlnl.tng glaHH lrom varlouo elzH 12-14. • 111 2 .. tock•-•• of """,._ .,..,..,an ..... <>-.. ,Ak 1 • 120 tJon 130 642-7355 ,7 .,. ._~ chlnet, each 150. 1819 10c·2So Otu 1 etern ScrMn door end window Pt•c• •11._" Coat• Meu mirror 1 35. Twin b•CI lion •h•lt unll I 5 . DOLLS ll-i't5. eo peep '"'"' 9Y Vt ve cover • ' • ·""·th,.. tlree, '"" ... t • Samar Or .. Cool• M.... ware SOo-11.50 Ston•· KfMnl In wood,,.,,,.. SAT •om $25 Ooubl• bed S35 PANELING • Red...,OOd dOll• 12~ &o lndlan doll• 30 gallon off dl1penser WASHER and dryer uo lleW. vw 5.toX15'110 ---------1 ware lrom 25o·S2.50. verlOu$ elzes $10·$20'. ' • . ouMl\ bo• apr'lnQt and pl1nk1 75c HCll . ._.In lt4 50 Doll buke1I se. ll'ld pump 125 Wlllf.eitl Heh. DllhWHher 150, 1t58"·, 14 tedlal 17.50, DOUB&.E 0-1 of dr•-• Kllcllen a ppllancu Putll mowet IS Mirror lr•ml S20 . Crib and X41n X ltt Cedar etflC>I Bleck & Whtie hOfMt se. 126. Oefibnte1or t50 2$ Vacuum CIHn•r 125 P 1t5-7&A 14 radNtl N "°· MGA wheel• I~. S10.-l30 PerlOll•I ~ 4 91 n )( 2. In. I 1 0 HIOE·A.-8ED J.40. W•lher meltfHI 13&. Couch 17.60. (411 x Ill bundle) Ch••• or. Clr•wers S35 OallOl'I .. (\Ulll'IUm •nd 6C· Seturday 221 Flowtr$t., Wood crulChH 12.60. Hld••·bed couch 150. ry f1om 10o·S 5 0 , 549.4711 · 126. Aep1tte c1199, large su. E11d table 115. 1 Aall S f2.60 81rch ltO. Chelre 110.20 clown• ceuory• 125. Smell Cotta Meta. 6•~·383e 876-9510or49t-'4722. 540-0008, gl111 rront 110. Pr•· bunk bed 145, l•mpt Both 411 X Ill. 2 entry 11.120 2288 Cotumbl• atuden t d .. k $2 0 WAAOA08E 000tf:-;oo. BAA •toole. 2 .ooo and 1 CUSTOM EZ alder run· IOhoot end l<lndetgerten H ·S 10. Book 111etvH door• 110 a '25 Stereo Dr . eo.11 Meet Sat & SS4·71H Id 1 , cl•n. 1t1dlng 4 71X30, -~· llon $6 10 115 8ANDEA S22 Orlll $12. lllng board• w11h •Pluh lllPPllH 60c·l10 768 StO·IU. 1 bullk bed ~·· 135 pelt !Jee. 8vn. t-5 Bl!AUTll'UL floret IOI• For " nctlOfl .,. 841-4712 AM/PM et•ra'o r'idlo Oriti 110 Cet houoe QUAld 1111 13-02 C"9Vy, Center. Cotti MH•. SO. High ch•lr SU. trio buO kllter 136. New 135 T..o BMX dirt l>lke CMNt .. -aer model Cati I• Style 150 , OMO pick upeteo91uer ~1-4<41t. Biby beck ptclt H and UHd kltQhenwart ~Cl·A-WAY l)ed S7.6(). lre.m .. 15 ••ch Yellow Cal a 8C,.·tOO JSL S U . WrQl.lgtlt Iron lamp1 1-40 a11C1 Jimmy $45. CHh, Black and 't¥h111TV125, 60c·l5. Sllv•rware Htl End Tabtee 12-$5 Elee· IJl'Q 15 044-5185 176-7045 pair. Lady Schick hair 8t7·34H . HUNDA(O H•rl1qutn l C111 bed 110. 643-0154 tor I . 17·SH. Clotl\11, Irle Heeter 13. !lectric Daly Plot HAOME and DI ... ._ •• g«e SIO. 507 I lalbOI &Mt 973-tMO dryer 125. tl46·7010. OAS llova with ~flddi.. ottwlr paper l>OOl<e l6C Or t 5 3 • t 4 ti 7 o 1 ment, l•dlu , k ldt '1oor ac:rubber '5 CNld'I CHAISE I~ 13 3 Pl· 8AOWN Wwt IJC)tlotot•td Cllh «tty v:t cl••n Loo I '".. HCll O•k mUtlc CUP• •f7·1'09 50C·H All ...... NIC• anow '*' .. Snow dleft tlo Cl\l lfl 2·13 Lug· .wt\191 rociter l30. CaN ., board w1tt1 tMIYM. :l3ln r"tBllftlll candle 1arnpe tied• 12 eeeh 540-4.472 gage c:arrter 12 1814 11\VISQR Art )'Oii plaMlne • mcwt? .. MION FOA SALE: Large OOff .. w a i'NI ~ her• llftll, 18)(17 110. tH7 PATIO p101i1ne redlent 11.SO.ltO, ContlMl'lttl,COltaMasa. Nr Ctaeallled ectt w4ll point H.Ll Idle ltetri• with • ~=~ t~o. ~~k '',5: i>::· ~2~n~·.~~r::: ~u~~•rlo6' Av• .. 2~~:•: hHter I O, Propane crb 145 Chenglno~ TV aiactc •no 11r1111e. Sin ™AiAE e1ec1tlc 642-5671 r:i,rn~"r .. ~o~ ~ "'°' CltHlfled Ad 54._2113. wtltlt TV 125. 54 .. esoo '~°" orlltr =. .. '!!J2h regulelC>f 125. Ttble MO. luey bo.11 u . portable AC ... ·D_c.;;..o•_s ... o1~,~,o~ve~~l~•~ee~n~en!!1~c-on_d_•J· l:::::=:=~~~!j.~~~letd~~M~l.ae~~71~==~ '" 645-0720 _IM0.8472 _ _ Uon $30 842·7!50 - I ••• Or1nge Oo11t DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, 8eptemb9r a&, 1982 !A'!tl ••• ~ •••••••• ~1.'!!1.!11r..~'!i. .••••.•• ~'!', •.. ~~ ........ ~ .. ~ ~r.!! ......... 11.tr.1.~ •••••• ~.-.~'.~/!t!ntt~ ....... 9-'!lt.FIH. •••••••••• ~1.'f11.Pl!I. •••••••••• ~.~~· •• ~!~ ..•..•..•.•. nt1 ............. 1.~tt ¥.~~1 ........... 1.~~r !!~tttt,.~ .. 1.~ft !P. ............. !~if ht11~ ............ 1.~ff r.~ ..... 1!.tf 11.1t1. ........... "-~' 111.1Eft ......... 1!.u !!!!~'1 ......... m.. l!l~ .. ~81!1!1!11:1111s~ * I 'H ...... • .. 'tO 11.U llbl11• wl o1ay ,. CCIOV9fl.only I~· 11l'Ottc.l'le11H. Wl'll 70 vw C•m1>1111• tub· 11111 '13 CdV. mini oon• 17 Mu11anoOT f ,.NTASTIC * s1111e1 auto 11c. P• 11elo111 lntr 13,000 orig Oii IOI I K mll ... all blll Int, perleol cond btetop bf end new brlcl, for me latgeel •nd bell jYeilOw) I OWf\., MIChe "'""dee/\ * Fl•TS * "'"'" co111 11111tm 11e ml, OrlO ownet 111.IOO •llH, llllt new HOOO I 13.HO UO 1141 "'" motot 1 p11n1 lteo Hleollon Of new and 1 n •, I 2 1ta1 ob o , 176 6111 ( :,\ ( )11 .,141\(: " reu out •lltl under IOI qul<:ll ute 711 llOO 111 1011 "t1 Por~h• 111 11 ew r•hlO pro..-rie 1111, klllef ueed 11110111 In Orenge t4~ 1442 '11> Yellow Mu11ang, white tlJG( S(l(CT!Off we11 lmrn•c. 1173 0110 or !!2 111>71 _ • oo A, Cl Mo a, w I re clutch Aun• 0, .. 1 • ~tk '' "• o • 110 · 13 0 1: COIHll)' toclayt ·ea Cpe Cle vme. oomptel• 1e11hel lnletlor, t ic, amt CLC'ARANCE Nt-OHl:O ·10 81a11on Wg11, 3111< ml. ·u HOSI.. 111 orlQlnat, llkt whfflt, xln1 l)ond . ntw a.eoo &411-11132 83 t.7431 t_OOOO. ~ o v • r ha u 1, 17 o o. Im etereo canatta !:; nu Mich 11r ... oooo new. low ml, tfll,800 1t1r10. 119116 OH·3009. ·74 eug, n~ 111n1 I Ml· 831·9970 14500. <19'·1896 SALEf oond 12<11111 /080 11<1<1·9829 diyl 80 118011 Pvt ll•Hll l.11f chelln ll!H, Pioneer llt le C:•l'tf/ll fllO '711 Mu1tang -G-ht-.-, -pw-r-1, FIAT SPIDERS .. 076 3070 '7:1 Mtrotd•• 300 aeic Patt)' ••••••••••••••••• ••• rto lo ml lmmac 13200 •••••••••••••••••••••• •1110. •tr. AM/FM QUI, I Ji 111 11' 4 6 Sunroof. 1 owm 111•HI -1141 H llW llQILTI llr~ 044 Oo34 ' IH UI fllllTI inti, 10 ml 14700 FIAT X 1/9'1 ••'-•••••••••••••••••• M ini cond llllC ml •••"••••............. IO chooM lrom '7S converllblt yellow/ •t i.-0,.•ttC....., we l'ltve a ood .. 1eo. Oe7·7llllO. 831-08011 .,, .. ltlf 0H4. 65 I 0726 alt 3 1p1,1= ~~r:IOIM lo ml ~;ol,f'* U IOIO (Ht 1>111. 10200 • 2925 HarbOf 9t11d llOn ol N[~ & Ul!D 'H Mutt hardlop 289 3 '77 FIAT Mull ... 181100 '72 Mlle.cl .. 280Sf 4 6. 840·9738 The 111 new •93 Alll•~• _ HI 1140·9549 COSTA MC:SA CheVrotetel IC)d manual lllOO, Xl9's Ji•~;~2742 1146 ';;, ~~.··~:ol~t.~;1!m· 1111161 l1IO :i.~:r;~1~01, imm .. '8.7nywG~~~ ~~. 1~~~ lll-2IOO ca11133.1091 ~n~~·11;1~:(~59s:.f~; ...................... 11 2aose. brn. AIC, •II· .... ii1"i0Niiiii.... IUlll •UT ~ 1 1500, 530·11831 _ s....111e 011 79, •1n1 cond '~!w•:!~:: ~~~-~~- 11H .10111 reo, alloy• 114,600 PP 11• OHN AIO/.fllP/llllAILT '80 Vlnagon blue xlnl Spec llllere I ownr dlat0t 12.100 54t-Oll02 $3795 .ULIY •• &I.Tl. 7&0 1113 • d 111 ' ' $9,000/olr 775-7141, • Thlt one h" 11'1 AMl'M 2524 Hait>Ot BIYCI .. CM. con • H er ce 737-1679 '68 Hardlop wlrbll eng • Tht•oneleanardlollnd Claulc l970 MeroedH & 1, txlra clean 649-8023 845-7770 17600 760-1390 . 112001080 convertlble. (129NAI) 290SE conve1tlble Stick, (307MEF}. l1Jl1 l1n1 1111 '111 VW, r11n• good, nHdl 79 RIVIERA lmmtcutaltl '04 CORVAIR 4 dr AT 6-44-0541 t) O•LY 13111 1/0, mreo. S28.IOO, O•LY 11111 •••••••••••••••••••••• paint, all orig • cleen ~:~"ct1•e~~~~~r.:~f.:! R&H radlalL.$67~. Eve~ .7 .. Mulling. «Int ocmd. 1911 IUICk ILICHA HDAN (1BZC7t7) s9g95 1979 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (834042) '78 FIAT .II• IUllH 714/840-0291 .alM MAllM *I OCALER IN U.S.A ~~~~,•~I 1od1yr '925. car $7950 631·5300 nlnga (714) 536·7781 am/Im llereo ca11 X-19 YILllWAlll ·~~04~:olm ~!~11 1~·~~~ VILllWAlll ~CARVER ,119 AN 1 400 Guy '79 Chevelle Hlchbk 4-dr, ~111g:J:r;~7~,~~~ 1980 POID " IP. factory ato, 18711 Beach Blvd ml. ~ult eell b2.ooo 18711 Beach Bl¥d . ·IOtCE I NEWVE~J & C~UTCH 1980 Bulpk Skytark 4 dr, AIC, lo ml, auto tr1n1, rm • • • GRANADA SIDAN ttereo, I ape, rack, Huntington Beach PP. 548-6492 HunUngton Bffch 900..0520 18.000 ml. 1lnl economy, •3900 652"7182 '79 Onie. limited Ed lfloyt -43 K -A Real 142·2000 141-2000 loaded, $6300 8'44· .. 147 '73 Nova Cullom SS. 641K Cloth lop, AM/FM tepe. ( 1BPU180) S..uty (1BUC7071 75 2400 Nu tblt eng . ,.... -·•• • ,..,.. ~ ''" 'II 111, 11111 1100 ml, xlnl eng A1klng AC, xlnl cond lo ml. $5895 '10~995-- ·~~1~:~~-1~!i!0t:~ ~':,~~~<i ·~:1c :~:~ MEISTrR -:;;; ~;; ~: 8'45-3344 C•'1lut 1111 s1eoo 240.eo15 ~e":'irn •o aiiptec pp ~'nem Oller 8'42-0370 eva 759.9553 J. SILVER CLOUD I '68 B•l• Bug ····,·H··1··u··· .. ····1·s··,···· ·ee Chevy no Window Yan, . 1912 \.AU LAC '"' 113 POllSOME/llll Clean Run• good Trai-n-llrff -01'1•dll1 HSI CIMAllON SIDAN 6•t•••• ••i• 4 '71 260, xlnt orto. cond, 1 1959, left hand drl11e, In ler hitch Slereo lu""•· SELEOTIO• $795 548-1487 •••••••••••••••••••••• "AUTOMATIC TIANS •••••••••••••••••••••• ownr, record a l!l .. 00 13631 Harbor BIVd. 11lnl running order, need• •• '72 T01onado New llret, .. • • 1111 YILllWllEI 759-0650 1G•1rd•~?ro1ve co1me11ce s 14.500. ¥~5~~~~B~1'h111~~~:. ot 111ed~e1. low8 mllea· C•••I llZ1 ex cond $500 obo AND( lC·~~~5080f1 WIWll 1111 '72 280SE. like ,,_ In & I ... _n .. (213)710-6908 5•8-4333. ge Ca 1 a. In OUlhern ···~· •••••• ••••• ••••••• 720· I 101 """" L I " Calllornl I SH UI today! '71 omel 6 cyl, ale. s10 995 Thia one 11 a baby blue oul, many Ktru, QWner HI 11 leN 111Z ~AIEllS go cond., $850. rJ•to 1111 '79 FIAT X-19 5 ap. Factory ate, Stereo Cass, Rack. Magi, (13090) dl1mondl (15727) mu81 sell. 642-777ff 114 131-2333 •••••~~••••••••••••••• V1/r1 111Z Call 5<10·7361 . •••••••••••••••••••••• t DMLY $4411 Sate1-Servfoe-Leas~ng •••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Pf to clean a to ---" '10 MBZ 280SL·'11K Po11oh• '77 9 I 1S cpe, # 1 YtlH .... ., a DILUO c..11 ... 1.1 1130 good ~ .. ·ml. bri>Ou 'brn: 1900 CADILLAC .II• 1111110 SALE OR TRAOI!! S·R air cond )(Int ptlnt & l&llLllAll II lr1111 OtllfJI 2600 Harbor Blvd •••••••••••••••••••••• BHt otler 768-4117 ILDOIADO COUPE s5295 YOLllWAIEI 673-1833 lnl $12,500 for quick lllUI COSTA MESA '74 Mark IV Full pwr, 6.45-1037 . (917ZEM) 2 6 .. 7 •a 1 •o•o ••• •••• 1 •o 1880 lealhet. reg gas, lmmac 18711 Beach Blvd '62 MB 220SE. rl>lt eng & • • 1 • 6 4 • • I · •a • • ·• • UL.El, IEIYIOE • • cond 675-6974 '78 Wagon, p1, pb, Sp1 Hu,,llt)Qlon Beacn trans, n11 llrM. t·~· lth1 759-1600. fl ti ITIS All LWlll w1111. redlats. root rack SlJ,995 IU-2000 int Mk otr 871-01 3 '82 TARGA metalllc pew. ••~••••••••••••••••• OVERSEAS OEllVERV '80 Cpe de VIie. auume C11r1ll1 If.JI $2995 559-4209 '75 FIAT 124 70 Convertible. aln1 cond. MB 1982 300 CO-TO '"·Ian tntr, pollahed al-·77 Celle•. 5 •P<I coupe, EXPERTS ex1s11no tow monthly lea-:;••..;•••j••d•~t•••H... I &. IHO 1912 POID Sunrool, $30.900 loy•. Boae 11ereo, all iclnl cond , many KlrH se or f0t Hie V good 1 "· oa e • ye ow. 1 f?!111• Hkplneg1eS(5320003" ·3·2""" Cell 7141492-0890 option•. alatm, 3500 rnl. I 3 6 o o 6 3 1. 5 8 7 4 WLE llE cond , lo ml, loaded w/ fbea~f91f8u15~fsd make of-:;3 ·.;;,i:·1··· i,ii°ii•cy1•••5 MODIL A llPl.ICA SPID£R 5 1p, Stereo. Mags. Air, Very Snarp, 61 K (122NJN) s3995 '11 'FIAT 124 ) SPIDER 5 sp. Ok Green, Mini Condition, Stereo Cass (1ACP577) ~.. fTVV a,, um e tea 1 e p 1 u, 845-9442. extres 559-0769 er • n • " • 1 aoo11 T ~ YILYI new lltU, •Int body, '58 KARMANN GHIA 'I Ill $1000. 6 .. 1-8820 •75 Cellca. euto. AM/FM ·77 Cadtllec limo, color fl' · IHO 5575 548-4109 XLNTMECH $1995 Lo ml, aunrf, 11tn1 cond, 19759115PortctleTarga. oaH, very good cond. 19C680SHTe!~rESBl:d TV,bar,rearfronl&rear •• !••••••••••••••••••• ,73 S 11 1 CALL 831·7935 $29,500, 673·0417 or B I d $2500/0BO 673 6734 ,., ... ,., AC good cond S7 000 '71 FORD Maverick Good •1• le. IU 0· P•. ---i 832-9662 Choe rwn. • nt con ' . ,IJ11 · • Hl·laGI HO-Ull Cail LeRoy wkdys 1 only d 3 11 et· econ small v 9• •lo , look a & ,,.,,. 1131 --------1 lntlde & out. Rune per-Call evea wknda. 8 AM . 6 PM ( 7 1 4) ~o8n50. •94n~3w211' • . rune like new. 21 mpg. •••••••••••••••••••••• feet. Ask 113,000 Call CORONA OLUX '13 '68 white 4·dr 4 cyt, 1llck 549•0321 • " S975/obo 554-8062 Mr. Hammer, Mon-Fri, 8 S1k, radio •• radlals. xlnt shlll 125,000 ml. S 1400 'll Ftr4 lra1141 '69 vauanl MCI., reblt. V8. You can afford to am· 8 pm (714) 642-9470 cond. $1395. 846-1927 552-0579 'll Ehl• ll1rrlf1 New lire•. brakes. ball•· good body/uphol. AIC, buv vour Mercedes '80 SC Coupe, onl)' 1~ ·oo Tercel. AC, 40.000 ml, '78 VOLVO 28'4Gl Executive car lo11 ol ry, no dents. 12.250 AM/FM cut. Orig. ownr. • ., ml anrf. cruise, AC, P7 •· new 11rH S3995. (7 l41 loaded. aulo. 42K ml eiclras. new llrea. $5995 548-6602 $750 548-8437. Benz from 119. tthr. $27,900 (702) 979.1526 x1n1cond Steel It at Ca1tweek·d1y1onl)' $0 670-7185 Vegas PP $4500/obo 841-0181 892·55&6 Li•t1l• IHS l1•li1t IHS 70 911SC Targa, wh1te1 T!!~!'!I~ ••••••••• !~~? '78 CdV d'elegance Dark ·662""a";;~·;;;·;:;,;;;:. ."7°300a;;~·A~:tii•,;;:i,~i blk. full leathtr eporl ·73 TR8, lmmac, 2 1ope, A1t11'1 U1H green paint & velour muffler•. etaner. Iller· runs great Body. peln1 & Hats. 7 & 6 BOS whit. 11ereo ta e. $3900 '58 ••••• •••••••••••••••• Sharp Never damtged nalor, near new ~ & uphot Mini Buckel ... 11, 30.000 ml. S16,500. K & TR3, rar~ collCK:tor's ~!'.'.'.'.L •••••••• !!j! $5700. 760-8160 wkdvs. L and au 1 op . "g amlfm, full pwr. 1995 fOI YOUI , • '4U l MAZDA "' "LISS THAH 100 OllOINAL MILH" (1ACl.989) s9495 1912 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD llOUGHAM ( 1E.Al..5"5) sis,995 Oller Good Thru Monday. 9·27-32 SH US f-1 st•H & ............ fACILlffl Dow N E Distributors, 642-6971 Item. mull eeel Compl Come In & aee N-pOtl .75 Sed OeVllle, eho· $495/ofr 642-7033 848-()768 '60 911 SC. low ml. _All reatored, 14500 Beach'• lineal Mleclion wroom cond, leather, 1 ·77 Cont. Mrk V, ldd, ahrp, -19_7_8_F_IR_E_B_l_RO_F_O_,R_M_U...,· extraal Mini cond. PIP 851-9609 ot previously o wned options, Sier $1995 c ln. nu M lchellns, LA 2 bbl 305 V8, lo ml, NABERS LEA E $25,000/0BO. 557-44041 Poreche'1, Audi's and 642·0955 $5950/0BO. 631·1428 xtnt cond. many op1lon1. or 63 t-3839 Ron. V1lknr•11• 1110 Volkswagens. 7 1 4. 7 7 5 . 5 5 3 3 d y.. y • A . DI I I "'(' ' ~COIJITY'S Ol.DCST fACTOllY AIJTIQ12[1) flAT-LMCIA O(AUJ '11111.\lU SI com Wiii 111 lJll 11ll llX l '12 PORSCHE . ··1·,··,·o··v,·L·.·······,·,·1·.... m.... More famllles are gl'lllng ll11tarr llSO 714-631-4750 evs Lynn '·'' J JI~ • ..._.__ lhe camping "t1'c1g" lhta ••••;•.,,.•••••••••••••• '17 Grand Prl11. stereo, 2800 HARBOR ILVO. IOllllOOI 445 E Cout Hwy year. If you heve a cam· l1 Oa,,I .. II 1/c, everything nice. COSTA MESA DICK MILLER Sunrool, 5 speed, bre. lull sheeps Sliver S7. 000 857-9491 CUlllOLn Min Cond, Brighi Red with Blk top & Int A "MUST SEE TO APPRE· CIATE" vilffcle (1 358 4 ME) Thi• one ts ex1ra sharp! Newporl Beach pet I hat' a not ge11lng 52,995 Or bes1 otter. Xlnt 12600/obo a.tS-02 .. 8 54Q.18SQ (tAIE982). 673--0900 used. sell ll now wl1h a cond. 6 .. 8·5991 Ot 1---------""1 O•L y 11111 Classlhed Ad a.t5-0216 eves. Sell Idle Items 642-5678 ------- MOTORS l .'1• 'tt ~Jrntr -Yt 1974 Mazda Wagon Ra· dlo. healer aulo trans pvt party 968-2572 v":.= -~.".~'.'t.~!!! ••..•. !.~~ ~-.. ~·1.!~'! .•.... !.~~~ .. ~'.11 •.• ~'! ...... !.~~ ~ ... ~'!1.!~ ...... !J. •• ~ ... ~'!1.!~ ...... !.~~ \.rnl J A11 'J'J/ ?13Z '81 RX7 GS AM/Im can. SlllO 1871 t BMch Blvd Hunllnglon Beach HI-HOO 1 wllh eq_u allz11 A/C, Jj I sunrl, m'gs 17M ml, 5 yr = --------warr $9900 1·970-5297 s 'l1 •11IEIAI11.00 ¥.'~!~•••••••••··'·~~! ll1ttHll ... , 1140 1 IJIOllJ; Reblt eng, euto, new 11111& 11m11t 0 coii;&.ti:ili09'oiiii. ..,"'°''"" ~ ~ifi(;)Ti g;a~e:g.·~1!~1~;' 111n•. DICK MILLER MOTORS !.' rJ 'Ii 'Ii " ., A • v S 111!.1 A111 "'· . l !.' We can help! 8ef0te you • we'll show you over 100 1))1 cw• SI ~"°'1 llt.ott• buy. check our unbeala· 1 New & Uaed Mercedes· 1141133 tlOO 1131613 5000 1111 YILllWAUI ble aetecllon, savings Benz Come In & cons!-'75 911S, brn/lan, nu YAUlll aod Mrvlce todeyl der out lease arrenge· clulch. rl>lt eng. nu Urn. l•IYEllSln men1s or long 1erm fl. lowered, •h•:::_~';a9•1 4 (~11~·~.:h·~~;gof. IW. .E."'C nanclnn cvrs $ 12.500. I n E • 1 .. ,. 11·~z Hunllnglon Beach 2850 Hatl>Ot Blvd House ol Imports, Inc 1 ~!•••••••••••••••••~• ·77 911S Targa. al e. t i· 1•2·2000 COSTA MESA OIAl 213 or 71• 1lll .. IT loys. lo ml. m1n1 l--------637 ·2333 $15 900/obo Mull ••II '78 RABBIT 140-1140 This one h•• • eunroot & thl• 0weet1! Ned 548-7245 look• & Runa Greatl --------'81 380 SL 7000 mo Wire 1s c;tean• (1EBH094) I 0 •• '78 Honda Civic Sedan, wheels $38.000I OBO D•LY 12111 2 2 O / 0 b 0 "' 1 11 • mu1f Mii '70 VW Bus. 213-832-8979 For Classlfied Ad 631~615 clean Mull sell Bo1h 1 • .... ..... AOTION 'lJ Tiii .. 0 w n • r . 12 5 0 0 ea . 80 SLC Stblue wlgray YOLl•w••EI Cell a II 11Y 548 9852 v11lour lnlr 13,000 orig • -Cally Piiot N-eng. brakes, paln1, • ml, Ong owner $29.500 18711 Beach Blvd. AO-VISOR top end side windows. Have iomethlng 10 sell? tor quick sate 759· 1600 Huntington Beech 642-5678 640· .. 410 Claaalfled eds do It well. or 642-6971 U2-2000 A1t11 11• 1100 A11111 Ntrt 1100 A1111 ll1rt 1100 Aa111 lit• 1100 ••••• i ••••••••••••••••..••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• i ••••••••••••••••••••• i •••••••••••••••• mm~mm In San Juan Caplatrano uN'iELiEVAiNLE· ·tRADES ! UNHEARD OF DISCOUNTS! "£•£ tro~ CIVIC 1100 HATCHIACK HUGE NVENTORY CHOOSE FROM OVER 100 ACCORDS• PRELUDES • CIVICS TIADl.fNS WAmDI W111t crtcllt OK. 11111 s 14tS O& oMtt or rout ltadeoln 9Qlllv114"1t dt4~1 (Thlt lncklOH ~, 111 month• peylftlnl, cao '9dvcll0tl Md lictnM I TM" Ofll)I ., 191111H!ltlO lleYtNl'ta or 171 P1111 1n P« monlfl Ott0INI vtlve 1622.4, 1191 rffldllll UtfUi P~tt 10111 MOtt ~ !hri.1 l0:!!90a•I NEWEST MOST MODERN HONDA D£ALER IN THE WEIT TRADE A FEW EXTM MILES FOR A LOT OF EXTRA DOLLARS JUtJ Ca.mlnoC,plttrano. S.n fu•~Capkt,.no '-..!!..~~~......_ .. ..., _..,,. -·-,.. a N rl MIWI....._ '11 l•1 01n1rtl•l1 Better thtn new 18".400 . In llorage and mull be aeen . •PP1 only . 953·2100 lea.,.. messa-ano wtll return call '79 Bug conven . l>lk·wht, 19K ml, mini orig. PP. $8900 751·0111 , 731·7603 '80 Vanagon Westphalia Camper, 4 1pd stick, 11011•. relrlg, pop-top, air, AM/FM 1ape. $9850. PP. (714) 586·9492 '00 Sclrocco, au10, 1 OW· ner. fully equlp'd . Air cond 11ereo ee.1 otter. 644-1318, 851-6833 't2 .... '" very Ci.an. White. many eKtrH. BHI re11 oflr 0¥9r $2,000. 552· 7755 tiler 4 '80 l/W Rabbit dll. am/Im cau, enrf, AC, au11 tank, 2 dr $5895. OBO Must aell. 554.7795 57 vw, Panel Van, new 1600 motor. new svncro Irani, new brka, new 12 11011 eyllem. body very etralght, call aft 5, S2. 000 714·964-3972 1112 YtLll IN UllYEHlll A• new Ce. Registered '7500 711-553-0652 '07 Poptop Camper, Kini oond. N9"" radials & eng, 12500. 980·5029 I '71 Sqrbk, 4-1p, nu pelnt $2000. . 6't6· 1875 '74 Super Beetle, .. epd, rblt, look• like new. 12695 .. 94 -0t35 or 497-2388 '71 Super Bug. Kint c:ond low mlleage. Mu11 ... 1 12495 545-0022 '71 Super Beetle. $11195. Good cond. 9812 Sltv.r Strartd Or Hunt. BMch. '68 VW BUG. 11500. or bet ofr Call 111 8pm. 552-3818 '63 SQUAREBACK $850. Need• work. Rune good 720·2548 . Al1 5 · 559-1716 '88 Bug, gone 10 cotleg9 New lnl. eunrool, n- brallM, IOK on reblt eng $1600 1142·22111 'J 1 SUPER BEETLE Aew paint, xlnt Int,, & tno. """"'· elored 2 yre, 12410/0bo. 1175--01511 '70 Bug conv. ell11er, 12, 000 ml, mint. 16800. PIP Dane 517-3&3'4 '71 SUPER BEETl.E RUNS 0000 a12<>0. 1114-5"1 ••17 l ug, lllle MW, l lOClc cond , 11lnt, mwat , .. , SHaO. 40M&01 ClOSEOUTS O• ALL 1912' s HUGE DISCOUNTS $ UP TO ON EllTIRE lllYENIORY OF CARS, TRUCKS, VANS & VAii CONVERSIONS '71 DATSUN 200 SX ..affl ""° .. ~. -. '10 fAllMONT 4 DI. t•ffs l"'""''ln 11/)ltJI • '71 IANCHllO 14ffl •·• 1ttrto itJ).ll -• '10 MUDA IX·7 .. )l>.<•iii"1ii!s1 13'1 ARE HERE • , lore 11 the W11I .......... the Fall U11 u,1 Tiit 111111 lao• 11 '131 BW>AS ~·~ldchec* ..., .. deity Md report ... lft ... d11•t). TIM DAILY Nat __.. ..... .,for tM !ht lnconect ,,,...,..., ~. 642-5678 .• "9L .... '8NOT1CI: AM .......... a1' 1lllftWen1 IJIJI 11 ..... to .. , ...... fw HOUlllll/ld flA 1-wNdt ,..._I ..... ....... eny .............. , .......................... .. ,_, ookW, Nlglon, .... or~~ Ot WI lntlnlOn IO ..... .. .... .......... MMltelloft, 01 • lllllon." -------------a I •• •M11ftW.«1'lllf'I "'"* ... ,........ C.-M:•..1..~ellml1, ""°°"~on.._, .......... eo.. ...... C..-1 .... ' e County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 '! I, ..,.._._ ~ I l I I • l I ' ~ I l I I i Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 -3 I l ! ~ . I I -------, 4 -Orange County Real Estate/ An A~vertlslng Suppleme~t to the bAIL Y PILOT /Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 BARBARA HILLMAN Presents THREE HOMES • THREE LIFESTYLES These . three residences with '\ ' BARBARA HILLMAN : European charm off~r privacy- and a choice of moods. -You Own the .Land - "LAGUNIT A OCEANFRONT" on the sand with 5 bedrooms, 6 baths, 3 fireplaces, spa, full views, patios, decks and extensive handpainted custom detail throughout. This Spanish villa was featured in ORANGE COlJNTY HOME AND GARDEN. Now offE;'red at $2,900,000 THE BEACH ISLE OF RESIDENTS THE FRENCH NORMANDY RESIDENCE LOWER THREE ARCH BAY HOME with 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, dining room, family room, nice yarct and ocean views. A dramatic two story home that enjoys all the· amenities of this exclusive private, gate guarded community with private beach, tennis and recreation. $695,000. SAN JUAN CAPIS1RANO The City -The Country Now you can have both! To see these spectacular homes It's a buyer's market. Remember when the rates go down, the prices go up! Don't wait, make an offer on this Los Corrales 4 bedroom home with 3 baths, two fireplaces, family, room. Try just $30,000 down and seller will finance the rest. Reduced to $210,000 SELLER MAY TRADE FOR SMALL HOUSE OR CONDOll .,. -0 . 0 s r-- Orange County Real Eatatt!/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 -5 "EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MODEL "Estates" 3 bedroom, 2500 sq. ft. home with spectacular ocean and night light views. Convenient to pool and tennis. Terms with low down. $575,000. "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 200/e DOWNI Assume $564,500 at 11.75% on this 3 bedroom, 2'fl bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor. Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina. Harbor and city lights from large decks. $695,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMS! Seller wlll carry an AITD of $519,000 at 12.750/e for an extended term for a qualified buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms. 3'fl baths. large decks. 3 fireplaces and family room. Incredible views. $695,000. "DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25•/. fixed or seller will consider trade on this 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with 2 large decks, private yard. 2 fireplaces, atrium and panoramic oceari and city light views. Seller relocating. $775,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES Spectacular ocean and city light views from this 4 Bcfrrf\ 21n Bath. home with gated entry courtvard and spa. $525,000. Fully assumable 30 yr. 9%% 1st. CUSTOM HOME LOT Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. formal French home with no houses behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that wlll rival all others. Seller must liquidate but wlll consider 8 joint-venture agreem~nt. $1;500,000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCEI Located on an unusually large lot, this panoramic view home can be traded for residential or commercial property or seller will carr;y at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms. 7 baths. orolectlon room . wine cellar. family roor:n & large kitchen. $2.700,000. LUXURY VIEW CONDO Spacious with 4 bedrooms, family room and 3'n baths. Lg deck overlooks reservoir lake. $550,000. TRY LOW, LOW DOWN See and compare this "Dynasty" 2 Bdrm 2 Ba 2000 sq. ft . home with large redwood deck. fireplace and vaulted ceilings. $231,000 assumable long term financing at 10.38% fixed. $379,000. BREATHTAKING PANORAMIC VIEWS Premium location with to1al privacy plus 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, complete security plus long term financing. $1,385,000. Exquisite furnishings avallable. "CASABLANCA" MODEL WITH GREAT VIEWS A former model home, this 4 bedroom, 21n bath seldom-lived-In residence features designer upgrades and close proximity to tennis and pool/spa area. $520,000 EQUESTRIAN ESTATE WITH TENNIS COURT Rustic ranch home with over 1 acre plus panoramic views, 8 Bdrm, e11i Ba, pool, spa, tennis, and tab". $1,500.000. .. • CUSTOM VIEW LOT-BUILD TO SUIT Try a Joint venture on thlt .821 acre vtew lot with equeetrtan trail acces8. Setler will aubordlnate or trade for other residential or NEW'POTlT30S.AcH JUST LISTED IN BLUFF AREA Fee land, priced to sell with 4 Bdrms, 3 Baths, spa. patios, security. $269,000. • ELEGANT BAYF,RONT CONDO In the C~ve overlooking Balboa Island with 2 bedrooms + den. 2'n baths, ftreplace, private beach. $855,000. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCINGI Seller packing, looking for otter on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, fireplace, wet bar, several eating areas and views flt to kill. $495,000. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom, 41n bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa. a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft. of llVlng space. Slip and side tie for 60 ft. boat. Seller will help finance. $1 ,450,000. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE ·GOLF COURSE This rambling ranch home It Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms, 2'fl baths, country kitchen, room for • pool and reduced price of $163,000. Seller will carry with 15% d~n or will consider trade down. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME this well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city • and Catalina sunset views plus good &NUmable and seller financing. $465,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25% dow~. $225,000. • RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $235,000. HARBOR VIEW ESTATE One of the largest lots In Harbor View Homes with over 1h acre, gorgeous pool, spa, Kol pond, 6 bedroom, 4 bath home with 2 fireplaces. skylights and French doors. $495,oop. Fee. Open dally 1-5. Submit all otters. FAMILY.HOME IN BAYSHORES Charming and spacious on large corner lot, fee land with 3 Bdrms, family room, 3 Baths, wet bar, bay windows and French doors. $495,000. HARBOR VIEW FAMILY HOME Seller will assist buyer In financing this 4 bedroom, 3 bath home. $310,000 TRINIDAD ISLAND HOME W/BOATDOCK Dramatic executive 3 Bdrm home with gourmet kitchen, famlty room, fireplace, and wet bar. $399,950. ARBOR LAKE BRIARCUFF WITH TERMS Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 beth condo wtth den, flrepl11ee, dining room, mountain vtewa and complete eecurtty. $175,000 FEE. A-FRAME SWISS CHALET DUPLEX Probably one of the original S. Laguna "Otymplc VIiiage" houMtl dating back to 1932. Cozy unite with flrepleces. s.tr.r flexible. 1210.000 . NEWPORT GLEN-OWNER MUST &ELLI Light and airy townhome with 2 bedrooms plu1 den. many upgradee and amenlttea ptus relaxlng recreational tactlttles. Below martcet. 1120,000 , I I I I I ) I I I I f t l J r-6 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturda.y. Sept. 25. 1982 MACNAB IRVINE~ REALTY PllEllll LICITIH IEWPllT UY A Prime lido Bayfront, 85' on the water next to private beach. Pier & slip for lg yacht. Exceptional blend of traditional & contemporary design. Just under 8000 sq. ft. All wood vaulted celling. solid beams throughout. 4 BR Incl. lg master suite w/study & wonderful patio for bay viewing. Guest suite, maids qtrs & auxiliary BR. Plus 4-car garage. WE ARE PROUD TO OFFER THE ESTATE AT $6,600,000 Dona Chichester (Y 11) DCLISIYE Ulllll lllHE II IEWPllT IUCI Elegant French Manor home In guard gated community. Jus! completed In finest detail and craftsmanship. Magnificent views of Newport's Bays, islands. This home offers prestigious and elegant lifestyle. Call for financing. $1 ,695,000 Tom Allinson & Terry Hanes t' (Y 15) CALIFllllA SPlllll ESTATE Sophisticated living on lido Isle in this 16 room home on 3 lots -7 BRs & 6 baths! Opens to an expansive landscaped courtyard & lg. pool. Excellent financing -$1 .250,000. Call Tom Alllnson or Terry Hanes to see this one-of-a-kind homel (Y16) l&LIU ISUll HUI IHSE Custom built Rlverrock hOme on the water with dock to hold up to 20· boat. Almost finished two-story with upgrades throughout Including a roof garden with wet bar. $1,000,000 Gisela Jenkins (Y17) SPECTICIUll YIEWlln Spacious Irvine Terrace 3 or 4 BR surrounding Interior courtyard pool. Clean & ready for your personal decorator touches. Fabulous bay, ocean. and city light views. $795,000 incl. land. Martha Macnab (Y18) Ill CllYll -IEIT YIEW Magnificent high vista & view from this superb location In Big Canyon. This 3 BR. den. Deauvllle has a wonderful pool & spa for outdoor entertainment. $785,000. Terry Aune Hanes & Tom Alllnson (Y1 9) PllL-YIEW+OIUI A lovely Dover Shores home 4 BAS, formal living & dining rms plus a lg family rm w/wet bar & fireplace. Free form pool & spa. Extensive use of parquet flooring and skylights. Owner financing available. $750.000 Incl. land. Larry Oyer. (Y20) llllM 11111 -ICUI YIEW Interior Designer's Home -Huge master bedroom with retreat Including fireplace & built-In bookcases, 2 lg secondary bedrooms. 3 baths, fam rm w/flreplace & built-In bookcasea. custom wet bar. Assumable $296,000 loan $725,000. Fee. Maureen White & Martha Macnab (Y21) DlmYFID• "Lucerne" model w/gorgeous ocean/bay/night light views. Beautiful wood panelled fam. rm w/bullt-ln bookcases. Fountain & gas BBQ In atrium. Long term assumable flnancfrig. $695,000. Maureen White. (Y22) UUPE OM TUllTilllL" M UM llU 2'h year1 new. EJcqulstte detaJllngl 1 lot to beach w/a little b~y vt.w. 3 BR, 2'A BA, fam rm, 3 fpk:a. $685,000 w/ $299,000 usum. BofA 1st. Oona Chichester (Y23) · FmuT llYm TDllll •t•TIWTT This huge prime location offers outstanding bay & ocean ytews from 3 rooms & lg protected pool. Room to expand. Owner wants to carry 1st Trust Deed for wetl qualified buyer. $875,000 Incl. land. George Grupe (Y24) IOUll VIEW EITAn Custom built 4 BR, 3 bath home w/outstandlng views of surf, sand & city lights. A tremendous value w/assumable 1st. Submit your terms. Owner wlll carry lg 2nd. $599,900 Maxine Propp (Y25) W.111 ISWI Charming cottage w/huge master suite. Covered beams & tiles throughout -newly remodeled. New roof, new heating, copper plumbing. New kitchen & bath -Room to enlarge & build 2nd unit. 45' lot. Bay view. $600,000. Beverly Morphy (Y26) WITlllFllllT -SUP I PIEi '411,000 Just reduced!! Beautiful furnished 2 BR home. The quality atmosphere and elegance make this charmer desirable for entertaining throughout the year. Excellent financing. Mary Lou Marlon (Y27) Wiii 01 CllY II SllllEOUFF'I A fantastic family home w/lots of charm featuring 3 BR, tam rm with an extensive use of used brick & wood. This split level custom home has a separate master suite w/ooean view. $495,000 Incl. land. Sharon Smith (Y28) 30 YUi WllUILE LIU Best financing ever -Harbor Ridge -$75,000 will move you in "Rennaissance" Model In fantastic location. Be sure & see this one -$475,000. Anita Schandel (Y29) · aumFIL MYEll SINES Custom residence. approx. 'h acre with 20 by 40 pool & spa + separate fenced yard & patio. Formal llvlng ·rm. lg dining rm with beamed celling, tiled country style kitchen. Convertible den, 3 BR. 3 BA. Good assumable financing. $465,000 LH Cathy Schweickert (Y30) Ull llUll HLID •IE Lovely bright 5 BR formal dining rm, tam rm, wet bar, sunny patio! Tastefully decorated. Assumable 1st. T.O. $20,000 subsidy! Priced right at $455,000. Berit Mitchell (Y31) IEllW Ullm In Harbor Ridge. Casa Blanca Model 3 BR, 3 BA, with view of reservoir. Take over high first T.O. Professionally decorated throughout. Gisela Jenkins. Asking $450,000 (Y32) 1111111 11111 EITIBI 1111111 Reduced to $100,000 below appraisal! Owner's loss Is your gain. Beautiful "Miramar" plan wtth ocean & city lite views. Elegance for living & entertaining. 2 BR, gourmet kitchen & luxurious master suite. Now only $450,000. Anita Schandet (Y33) llYlllUI llUllTt Gate guarded oommunlty. Spacious fmly home on quiet street. Your decorating touch will add much charm to this lovely 3 BR. 3 BA. convertible den home. $449,SOO lnct. land. Dick Halderman (Y34) 411 -WYllW The "Port Royal" -Elegant two-level family home with 4 spacious BR .• lg tan:i rm w/2nd fireplace &. wet bar. formal dining & two balconies! Lovely garden & ocean view. $425,000 Belle Partch (Y36) Pl• IUllNI •Ill •• ·-lllW Fantastic oc:ean & ·canyon view 3 BR, 2 BA, dining area home Is situated on a very lg lot -room for expanl6on & poot $425,000. Fee hind OOnna GodlhaU (Y37) 1-WITI Pl• Custom built -for preMnt owners by Ivan Welts. Beautiful corner lot. High cetilngs, lg formal entry, formal din rm, lg country kitchen wlfplc & seating area. Sparking pool. $424,500. Incl. lands. Owner will finance. Barbara Aune (Y38) 144-1211 1-Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 -7 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY UIE I II NITIFlll llllL II Ill• VIEW Extra special & only a few built. This hlghly upgraded two story home shows just like a model. New carpet, modernized bathrooms, shutters throughout. $398,000 Incl. land Glsela Jenkins (Y39) .aASllllE OIEEI Gate-guarded community. 2 BR + den. Tastefully decorated. Close to pool & tennis. $395,000. Berlt Mitchell (Y40) UllEI ... 'Ill VIEW Fantastic panoramic ocean view & within walking distance of the three private beaches. Single story 4 BR, fem rm resld4'nce situated In Cameo Highlands. Great potential -close to shopping and schools. ONLY $369,900 including the land. Call Donna Godshall (Y41) 4 .. -..... YllW low, low priced 4 BR trl-level Broadmoor home w/vaulted ceilings, formal dining & separate tam rm. Beautifully landscaped garden looking greenbelt. A great family home. $369,500 Belle Partch (Y42) II -EY MWI 1004' FIUll09I TllnE ltll UllEI ... Model home 4 BR, 3 BA, spa, 2 covered patios, 2 fireplaces. microwave, community park. $329,000. Owner wlll finance 100-/o total cost to buyer $895.00 to close escrow. Barbara Callihan (Y43) SUll•E llYEITllEIT Ocean & Catalina views from this J.wo unit property one house from the sand. Upstairs unit -4 BR, 2 BA and sun deck. Downstairs unit 2 BR, 2 BA. Owner assisted financing. $325,000 LH. Tom Allinson & Terry Hanes {Y44) HSPEUTlll llLEI Lowest priced home In Harbor View Hiiis. Lusk Uullt Sandpiper model Includes the land. 4 BR. 3 BA, tam rm, 2 fireplaces, 3 car garage. Some TLC and creativity will put money In bank. $299,000 Sharon Smith (Y45) A IUT llY • UITIUfF Close to schools, shopping, churches, parks & tennis ctub. Only a few minutes from freeway and airport. All this along w/a great 3 BR floor plan. View. $279,000 Maxine Propp (Y4t) TllTLEI• -llD UI .. -Monteclto model featuring 3 BA, fem rm wlinterlor G•den Court, formal din rm. 2 fplc. & many upgrades. Great locatk>n on cul-de-sac· w/fantastlc view of mountains. Communtty pool & tennis. Excellent assumable financing. $267,500 Sharon Smith (Y47) "I" PUI II ILIFFS • lllllllLT With fully assumable loan, upgraded end unit, custom wallpapers, shutters, 3 BR, fam rm, patio, flretace, beamed celllngs. $265.000 Jan Young (Y48) IEu.m AT Lllll Harbor View Home -3 BR, 2 Ba Carmel model. Remodeled kitchen. Professionally decorated throughout. New carpet, paint and wallpaper. Automatic watering and llghtlng systems. Must sell fastl $249,000 Incl. land. Gisela Jenkins (Y49) • llPLD Owner wlll finance on this well located duplex. Cozy fireplace, open beams & traditionally styled exterior. Steps to beaches and shops $248,000 Coby Ward/Barbara Callihan (Y50) · MEUm• Piil Customized sparkling trl-level 4 or 5 BR home. Extensive use of oak throughoot. Huge butcher block counter top. Separate lower level BR & bath. Free form pool & spa with efflcfent solar heatl Owner will help with financing. $235,000 Barbara Callihan (Y51). IEWPNT IEmTI U Great buildable R2 lot w/2 separate houses. The front 2 BR w / warmth & char:-;-, & back house rs a separate bachelor w/yard between. Terry Hanes -Tom Alllnson $187,500 (Y54) UIOll IU ....... .PUT •IE View -llght & breezy -spacious 2 BR + den. Qufet cul-de-sac - flexlble financing. Owner Ms moved. Must sell. SUBMITU. $179,000 Fee Beverly Morphy (Y55) HPLD USTA MESA Great Eastslde location -2 BA each -Large corner lot. Great Investment at $170,000 Berlt Mitchell (Y56) ITAITEI -E Cute & comfortable 3 BR & 3 BA home. Quiet cul-de-sac locations adds to great family llvlng. 2 brick fireplaces, loads of charm. $169,500 Terry Aune Hanes & Tom Aillnson (Y57) • WllRllMECllll Charming ''Redwood" model -3 BR, 2'~ baths, dining area. professionally decorated In spring colors. lg patio -air conditioned. Community pool, tennis courts & lake. $155,000 Fee Donna Godshall (Y58) ll.IFFI Charming 4 bedrm home w/brand new gourmet kitchen & cozy family rm. Owners are ready to move. $149,000 LH. Anita Schandel I (Y59) UST lllTI lllA 11•1 2 BR, 21A BA, atrium large enclosed patio. Lots of privacy. 2 years ofd. Immaculate. Assumable loan $147.500 Berlt Mitchell (Y80) . 111 llUT IJllTD 11•11 In Northeast Costa Mesa. Brand new 3 BR, 3 BA wtth extra lg muter BR. Choose your carpet now. Lg fenced backyards. Seiler wtn help with financing. ~139,500 to $144,500 Gisela Jenkins (Y61) ,.. ....... . This 3 BR "Mesa Verde" home has It alll Wonderful financing Is available, cloee to freeways, shopping & culture too. A wonderful floor plan & yard for your growing famlly. $127,900 Tom Alllnson & Terry Hanes (Y62) IA .... •WSM,IM Plush & Immaculate upgraded, courtyard & fountain view. ClubhouM, pool & spa. Exceflent financing. "4,500 lncf. land. Dick Halderman (Y83) 844-1211 ~~ ~ . I ' I l I I I I . I I I ~ I . I I ' I t" I I B -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 25, ·1982 .' 760-8333 Ill CAIYOI ELEIUCE Prestige and security are found in this lovely .Dover model with 'dra m a tic city lights a nd bay v iew s .' E xcellent seller-assisted financing to qualified buyer. 2 bdr. and den. Expanded living room. $450,000. 760-8333 "' Ln •s In STlllTEI Here's your chance to invest in reaJ property with easy terms and a bargain pric.-e in t his nifty 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on a tree shaded lot in a nice residentiaJ location. $107,000. 760-8333 llLIOl CHARIER A ste p through the gate of the white picket fence and you'll be enchan ted with this charming 3 bedroom, 2 bath Peninsula home located in a quiet residential area just steps to the Bayfront and Oceanfront a nd w ith in walking distance to restaurants and shops. T his little dollhouse can be yours for $219.500 with terms. 675-6670 t•UOIUTE IAIFlllT Lush tropical plants and brick walkway leads to the entry of this large Bayfroot home located on a choice rorner lot. 4 spacious bedrooms, 2 ~ baths. separate family room plus Pier and slip. Owner may assist with financing and ls ottering this lovely home at $1,100,000. 67~70 • A Division of 3 CIVIC PLAZA # 170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA IEllTIAILE TElll Assumable 1st, 2nd. and 3rd. At low interest 9r submit. Loyely designers home with large pool and_ spa. 4 Bdr. 3 baths, family room, formal dining. A grea t opportunity to live in Big Canyon on terms you can afford. Asking $795,000. 760-8333 EIOEntOllL IEOlllEI 11111101 11111 3 Bdrm. 3 bath home on quiet cul-de-sac. End unit with ocean and night-light views. Wood floors, mirrored dining room wall Skylight, private patio with spa. $675,00(}. Of.fer your terms. 760-8333 011 CWI DAY , •• You can see forever from this top floor bayfront condo overlooking the courtyard. pool and beautiful Newport Bay. Full security building, 2 Spjcious bedrooms, 2 baths, built-in kitchen , front balcony overlooking the water and boat slip avaiJability. Owner offers this unit at $395,000 and will assist wit h financing. 675-6670 Liii iii.i Wiii IAmlW Newly remodeled, apadoua home on exceptional comer lot with "forever" view of the Bay. 4 large bedrooms, 3 baths including separate In-Law Suite, Formal Dining Room, Gourmet kitchen complete with gas BBQ, slate fireplace and tas tefu.l use of stained glass and designer wallpaper throughout. This is a remarkable value at $575,000. 675~6670 .r JACOBS REAL TY, .INC. 675-6670 29 19 Newport Bou .. vard Newport Beach, CA 92613 . ., ... , I ' I I I I ~ I I . '\ Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 -9 Udemuw PR()Pf.RTIES 760-8333 U .. FIOllT YIOTMIU EITITE Designed by an award winning architect. 5 Bdnns + guest quarters. Extensive use of oak throughout, 2 !rplcs, pool & jacuzzi . .Beautiful ocean & sunset views. Many more amenities including compl. security system, skylights, A/C, stained & beveled glas$ throughout plus the finest kitchen appliances. Offered at $995,000. 760-8333 UClllflll SALE Reduced price $50,000 to avoid foreclosure. 3 bdr. & den -6 -plan in delightful Jasmine Creek -partial ocean view - security gate, tennis,· pool. Fantastic buy at $319,500 w ith excellent financing. 760-8333 IHI ELllW IHM1 Remodeled Newport Heights home with 2 large bedrooms, fireplace, copper plumbing, super large lot, with room for boat or motor home. Plus, 3 car garage. Covered patio, sprinklers front a nd rear. Great location. Only $199,500 with terms available! 760-8333 wmFIL llYOlllT Large 4 bedroom home with pool. 3 Cireplaces, Immaculate move-in condition. Perfect location for family living -Priced right at $279,500. 760-8333 • A Division of 3 CIVIC PLAZA # 170 __ N~E_WPORT HACH, CA Lll81111 llYFlllT llTITE 60 ft. slip and side tie: Spacious marbJe entry with cathedraJ ceiling. Sunny patio, 5 bdnns, 5 baths, formal dining. Assume existing. 104Ji loan. Submit on down payment. Reduced to $1,200,000 for immediate sale. Will trade down. 760-8333 ILi --llft.D Completely remodeled -. 3 bdr. and 2 bdr -south of Highway. F.asy terms -104Ji down. Excellent buy at $285,000, 760-8333. .. OAIYM IOWI YllW One of the rare Big Canyon locations with ocean, bay and city lights view. Expanded Versailles -4 bdnns. family room, den, 4 ~ baths. Lovely pool and gardens. Owner has moved. Reduced to $725,000 for immediate sale. 760-8333 IPllTlllUI WMllWITD YllW From this 4 bedroom, 3 bath entertainment palace. Pool and spa are located in private courtyard. A stairway leads to a beautiful Cameo Shores Beach. $2,225,000. 760-8333 .r JACOBS REAL TY, INC. 675-6670 . . . . . -. -.. -,.- 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 , I 1o _ Orange Coun~y Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to tre DAILY PILO! /Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 Dalebout Bay • Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US TO ••• HllH tsllll HIVE ... A masterpiece of elegance and dignity. Five bedroom home on the Bayf ront ... a great combination of comfort and diversion. Pier and float for 48 foot boat. Cheerful view from six rooms. Huge dining room. library and games room. Separate master suite Ideal for guests. Sparkling pool and spa. Home built in 1980 ......... $2,350,000 Ill CAIYll • • . Exquisite home In a luxuriant setting. Exceptional feeling of warmth and comfort, fine quality and craftsmanship. Five spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Huge family room with wet bar and large built-In television screen. Custom pool and spa. Located on the 18th fairway of Big Canyon Golf Course ............................................ $1 .495.000 SPYIUIS llLL •.• Impressive English Tudor. Superbly crafted. Two story beamed celling living room. Formal dining room. Family room with wet bar. Five bedrooms. Spa and wet bar In master suite. Four fireplaces. Lovely mountain view . Four car garage. Seller extremely motivated. Submit any offer $1,395,000 HYH SHIES ..• Extraordinary home on the water. Huge living room. formal dining room and fully equipped library plus master bedr<>?m in the main building. Across the used brick patio is a separate two bedroom guest suite. The pier and float will accommodate a 55 foot boat ......... ... . .. .... .. ... .. .. .. .. . . .. . .............. $985,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ...... 308 Morning Star Lane llYllE THUCE •.• If you enjoy an ocean and b~y view you should see this fabulous home. Sixty eight feet of windows overlooking an everchanging marine view. Huge living room. Three spacious bedrooms . Large family/billiards room. Tremendous patio with custom spa and gazebo. You own the land - worth as much as total asking price. $985,000 Open Sun 1-5 ............... 1301 Dolphin Terrace HYH SIHU ••• Quality shows in most everything -particularly in a home such as this custom four bedroom by Valentine built with lath and plaster. Beautifully situated on a very private beach. You can step onto the stand from the family room patio. Master bedroom suite balcony overlooks beach and bay. In-law or maid's quarters. Security system $980,000 Open Sun 1-5 ............. 509 Evening Star Lane llHI lllUI .•• This exquisite four bedroom home Is a contest between luxurious materials used and the artistic finished product. Fabulous use of Italian fossilized marble, carved wood and black walnut. Huge llvlng room . Family room with wet bar and refrigerator. Sauna In garage. Solar heated pool. Fire ring and seating on view side of home. .... . .. ... .... .... ... ....... .............. ...... $895.000 Open Sun 1-5 .................... 1244 Potarls OrlVe Ill HIHI ... The much sought after "Versailles" model. Spacious four bedroom home. Four and one"ttalf batt]e. Custom decorating throughout. Extene\ve uee of t>eveled glass. Parquet floors. Comer lot. Very private and secluded. Superb view of golf course . .. . .......... ...... ..... . . ........... .... .. .. .. $850,000 o.,.,. Sun 1-5 ............................ 12 Rue Verte HHI llllH ... Outstanding waterfront location with pier and slip. Three spacious bedrooms. Dramatic bay and city lights view from living, dining, {jen -and master bedroom. Separate family room with wet bar and fireplace. Sixty feet on the water. Owner will carry substantlal seconl2ary financing. .................................................... Now $460,000 IPYIUSI llLL •.• This delightful four bedroom home reflects such an air of comfort and contentment that everyone feels the urge to sit down and relax. The feeling Is accented by the spectacular and everchanglng ocean view. This Is the highly desirable Capehorn model. ............................................................ $750,000 UM till ... All signals are "GO" on this lovely four bedroom home. Prestigious area. Top location on the widest street on lido. Just steps to private beach. Easy walk to tennis courts. Practical floor plan, built around large patio, reached through four sliding doors. Decor ... muted tones, ample room for self-expression. The land atone (three twenty foot lots) worth the asking price. ............. .................. ...... $695,000 Open Sun 1-5 .......................... 232 Via Genoa IPHUH llLL ... Exceptional value. This property takes the laurels for amenities and comforts, plus a dramatic front row view of ocean and city lights. Four bedrooms. Pool. Spa. liberal financing ............. ..... ..... $625,000 IRVllE TUIAIE •• , Fascinating split-level home. Nothing monotonous here. Beamed celling. French doors. Shutters and levelors. Three spacious bedrooms. Oen and family room. Property in top condition. Low maintenance yard. Bubbling black spa. Can be purchased .............. $575,000 Fee or $440,000 Leasehold Open Sat-Sun 1-5 .......... 711 K-Thanga Drive IHH SHIH .•. Owner will assist with financing. Impressive two story home. Lovefy bay view. Excellent bedroom arrangement with one downstairs and three up. Sparkling pool In front courtyard. Price reduced $150,000. Will consider lease/option ....................... $550,000 IAUM ...... Spectacular front row view of mountains, city lights and lake-like rea«voir. Three bedroom "Renaissance" floor plan. library/loft overlooks huge living room. Wet bar. Three view decks. Pools and tennis ............................................................ $510,000 .. , Um .•• Hlghly desirable locatio" with a "forever" view of the bay and ocean. Two story three bedroom home with Inviting brick patio PLUS complete guest unit over three car garage ............................................... $499,000 •WNP llUll •• , Water on front and s~ ~ _· • 118' of waterlrontl Three bedrooms. uaro- den or bonus room. Huge patio. Your own pier and slip ............................................. $479,000 WUTIUfF ••• Prestigious four bedroom home. Lavish use of trench doors and windows. Extenll..,. bullt-lns. Load• of storage Including attic. 90x132 pool ltze yard with gazebo Ind off-street parking for six cars. Liberal financing! ... : ........................................................ $475,000 Open Set.-Sun 1-5 ......... 1118 ·Som.Mt Lan. . . SPYIUH MILL • • . least expensive home In Spyglass. Three spacious bedrooms. Family room. Two baths. Two fireplaces. The much sought after "Portsmouth" model. Private courtyard with pool-ana spa. Property hlgflly upgraded throughout .................. ...... $450,000 UST IUFF •.• Enjoy the elegance and convenience of a rare Lusk "E" plan home. Superbly designed for the large family or people who like to entertain. Five spacious bedrooms. Large family room with fireplace. Bar and barbeque In the sheltered patio area. Very private backyard with pool and spa. Heat resistant decking . Minimum maintenance. Three car garage .............................. $389,500 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ...................... 222 Marigold Ill OHIO llL 1111 ••• Two bedroom cottage on great corner lot. Ocean view. Easy walk. to Big Corona Beach. Attractive owner financing ............................................................ $340,000 Open Sun 1-5 ............................... 222 Marigold WEIT llWNIT ••• Duplex. Two three bedroom units. Excellent location. Steps to sand. Ocean view from upper unit. Great financing. Submit on AITO. Just reduced $49,500 Now $299,500 llYOIHT ••• Wonderfully diverse three bedroom home. Designed tor easy entertaining -30 people, no problem! Huge living room with soaring beamed ceiling. Quality and Informality. Reduced $40,000 .... Now $299,000 UUll llUI 1•1 ••• Hlghly motivated seller. Wiii consider any reasonable offer. Tastefully decorated four bedroom home In lm"'-'late condition. Upstairs master bedroom retreat. Best buy In area ............ ........ ........... $270.000 W.UTOWF ••• NEW PRICE -NEW FINANCING! ~n abundance of reasons to buy. Conveniently located. Three bedrooms. Open floor plan. Pool and spa ....................... ........ .............. $255,000 •EU YUH •.• This sensational four bedroom dwelling has it all. Oversized yard. Pool. Spa. Multi-leveled used brick decks. Great for entertaJnlng. Price just reduced $34,000 . ....... ..... .... ...... ........ .... ... .. ........ .... Now $245,000 Open Sat 1-5 ................. 1944 Flamingo Drive Tll IUffl.,. The popular "Franciscan'.' model condo. Three spacious bedroom•. Two tiled patios and gas barbecue. Shows like a model ............................................................ $229,000 Open Sun 1-5 ....... ..... ..... ...... 886 Vista Bonita •1Ft11 llllT .•• Conveniently located condo. Three spacious bedrooms. Two and a half bath1. Rfftful peek-a-boo view from decks. Allume attractive financing .... ......... 1210,000 llftl _., •. Exceptional value In this lovefy four bedroom home. Located In an attractlw neighborhood .•• wetl ICfeened from stree1 activity. RMtful famlty room and format dl~lng room. Fuolnatlng upper bay vtew framed by two hug• ornamental trees. Motivated teller. Price reduced $40,000 ............. Now $209,500 OIST& .U (~). , , A condo with character . . . Thi• Intriguing trl-level, thr" bedroom dwelling 11 made warm and comfoftable wtth tM lavtlh uM of wood and UMd brick. Wiii trade °' nnance ................................ t1ea,ooo I . , Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 -11 WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO SELL A HOME IN 30 DAYS AND NOT. ''BUY THE FARM''?_ H•EHIH HltlE -Architects homel In Seavlew, 3 bdrm, view, dark room. loft and tasty touches throughout. Really speclall $425,000 ILIFn Ell tin -Exceptional end unit. quiet cul-de-~c. private with subtle colors. good loans. private patio. leasehold. $224,000. PllRCT TIWllHE -Mint condition in Harbor Ridge, view of lites, lake & mtns. 3 bdrm. den. din. room & lse opt. possible. Asking $475,000. WTSllE MITA IHI -2 bdrm home with 1 bdrm Income unit, 6500 sq.ft. lot, assume 1st loan under fo•t., excellent rental area (Broadway & Orange) $143,000. llY11E THI. PllOE llWI Sll,OOG -Fee land, 3 bdrm, mini view. 2 fireplaces, a large family · room, owners will carry 1st trust deed. $352.500. l IMI Hll -Immaculate! 3 bdrm 2 bath Irvine Terr., vacant with pool, shutters, spa and good financing, 'tasty at $369,000. •HLITY Piil lllH, .llST IHl,IOO -Bright Carmel, family ffoor plan, pool & spa. Financing Is reasonable; priced right at $249,500. FlllT UIE YO -Best from Irvine Terrace. 4 bdrms. pool and owner will finance. Only $600.000. Leasehold. HUI FlllT HCllSIH -Little corner of the local coastline: Surf. dramatic roc~s. exquisite 4 bdrm. pool and spa. Nothing else like ltl $2,500,000. YllY UYIHlll -Cottage nr. beach. country kitchen. wood floors. 3 bdrms, used .brick fireplace, patio. Financing $310,000 Leasehold. IMll a OIUlllS -Victorian on the Island! 3 bdrms, 3 baths. new and vacant. Beveled glass, rock fireplace and different! At $595,000. IUYfllllT, tltl,IOI, 1n. UI -Ttmnls. boat allp, flexible seller; 3 bdrm -3 ba~h owner may con~ld~ • lee. option easy to Me. ... 9"LD' ..... alTI -~eat! 1~/. nnenctng with 20% dn. Rents are eteady. Tree lined atreet convenient to library, 1hop1 & beech, s2as,500. I .a •• E X :\ ~t P L E S IPEI SAT Turtle Rock Super View 3 Br Woodsle Feeling $259,000 ....................... 67 Canyon Ridge, Irv. Vacant-Sparkles-Spa & Pool, Cleanest In/Out $369.000 ................. 1315 Santanella Ter. NB. On the Sand Duplex/West Nwpt, Invest In Land $550,000 ........................ 4611 Seashore. N.B. " OPEii SAT/Sii Large Lot In Harbor View HUis, Super Decor $395,000 ................................. 1205 Sand Key Spyglass, 5 Bdrm. View of Bay and Ocean. $850,000 ........................... 5 Point Loma. N.B. Best Harbor View. 4 Bdrm. Pool. Owner Loan $600,000 ...................... 1717 Bayadere, CdM. 4 Bdrm, Ownr Fin. Fee, Vacant, Anxious $429,000 ..................... 2706 Lighthouse, CdM Bayfront, Oeluxe Duplex. Showplace on Sand $1 , 195,000 ..................... 13 Beacon Bay. N.B. Newport. 5 Bdrm, Nlte View. Near High School, $275,000 .............................. 2531 Bunya, N.B. Back Bay Farmhouse. 'h Acre + Pool, Barn $465,000 ............. 445 E. 20th. Off Tust~n. CM IPEI Sii Large Fdmlly Home, Pool & Spa, 5. Bdrms. $349,500 ........................ 2406 Francisco.. N.B. Little Island, Boat Dock. Free/Clear $575,000 ..................... 210 Grand qanal, N.B. 4 Bdrm, View ot Harbor Lites, Spacious. $429,500 ....................... 2·515 Windover, CdM Balboa Isle. New and Vacant with Victorian $595,000 ................... 211 Optl, Balbo~ Island • Little Balboa lsle, · 4 Bdrm, Bay View, Real SleePer · ~9,500 ................... , ... 1811 B.iboa. Bal Ille iWW ft1 ..... • lllMllll -Harbor View HMta. Owner wtll carry 1250,000 @ 12% lnter .. t. No potrtt1 '°' 5 yra. Nr. comm. pool. 4 bdrm 3 bath 1429,000. IUHHE ... E PLIS &n. --3 bdrm with sunny kitchen & courtyard. Spacious 1 bdrm apt. 10% loans available with $150,000 down. ReaOstic at $449,500. ULNA ISllll 1111111 -Bay view! Half block to water, cl~ar shotl 2 story. fireplace, 3 bdrms. 2 . baths. owner finance. Only $375,000. Ill CHiii •c CUii -A 3 bdrm. 2 bath. townhome, security & financing. $259,000. HH•n 1n•1 IHFllP -3 bdrm remodeled In Beacon Bay, large master suite. 1 bdrm apt, must see to believe. Owner will help finance. $1, 195,000. • I IH•I llllll llUll -Looks cutsie, lives jumbo! 2 story near So. Bay beach. 5 bdrm + bonus room. $450,000. HAIHI UTE II llW11f -Beautiful 4 bdrm home in Northwood-Windstream. Mouldings, oak floors. French doors & spa. $375,000. IEWPllT'I EXOITlll H•ES -This one Is a • leader! 5 bdrms. 3 fireplaces. unlimited view from Spyglass. Sunny, cozy, exciting, practical. $850,000 with. $200,000 down. UGI UJ1 FU• ... H -'fl acre lot with adobe home, oak floors. pane windows. Large pool & 2 story barn. A klckl At $465,000. • ,._, .. • ..,., -Pool, spa, immac. decor, over 3500 sq. ft. with 5 bdrms on a quarter acre lot. Sellers flexible, Harbor HI District. $349',500 II TIE SAii -Duplex, good. Income, West Newport location with plans for new home, good financing. Asking $550,000 1111 IS Olll•llllt -3 bdrm In Harbor View Homes, perfect (;Ondltlon, good assumable loans. f4'4! \ltle. $219,500 Ill OAIYll, LtW PIJOE -Dover Inside Big Canyon. Priced to sell, llght & airy atmosphete , 2 bdrms 2 bath• with den great patio! Only $350,QOO. nlHH HI lllH YllW -' Hard to find Bro•dmoor; expanded 4 bdrms, gourmet kitchen, extra tatgtt muter suite, $429,5()(). LH Ull Ill,.._ -4 bdrm, 2~ baths, vacant wtth·30.yr • ._.Of $150,000. Arudoua. Reduced to sao.ooo. . . . . ' . . . J ' (_ 1 12 -Orange County Real Estate(An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES •WPMl lllUTS 1411 ... 5 plex prime corner location. 2 BR unfts wlth fireplace. Vacancy factor for this area Is almost non existent. Close to beaches, schools & shopping. Call for rents & expenses. UllMllU SHl,GIO Attention! Builders & investors. prime buildable R-1 view lot In the ex"cluslve & elegant community of Harbor Hill. Good financing is available. Call tor detailed info. Ullll VIEW l•ES 1121,llO Just listed! The new owner will enjoy the classic elegance & pride of ownership of this 4 BR home plus pool, spa & bonus rm. Extravagant uses of used brick. UYCllEST UH,000 Beautiful cus t om h o me. Remodeled , redecorated & ready to move Into. French doors enhance the brick & latticed patio. Family room, 3 BR. Owner highly motivated. UllM VIEW l•S $211,000 Rock bottom price on this lovely fee 5 BR Somerset model. Neutral, lmn)acutate decor. beautiful low maintenance landscaping. Great financing too! UllH llLL -LIT 1211,000 Reduced $45,000. Prestigious guarded gate community. Million dollar neighborhood. Build your dream home with a great view. Owner will consider trade. Very flexible. Watch this growl! UllH Y1fW l•ES 1211,GIO Outstanding "Monaco" on fee laRd. Just remodeled with over $25,000 In upgrades. Features 3 BR's, spectacular country kitchen. cathedral ceilings & a pool sized yard. A great buy! llEWPllll CREST 1212,000 Lowest price plan 5. 4 BR, clean, b[lght & cheerful. Near pool. spa & tennis courts. Owner will carry financing. Try 18% down. Move In condition. Call for more detailed Info. Ullll llllUMS S 1U,NO Beautifully priced 3 BR. 2 bath home on quiet Newport Beach street. Well maintained with nice floorplan and several large trees In private yard. Owner will cooperate with financing. lllffl tlll,M Don't miss this exceptional price! Cozy 2 BR split level condo. Deck overlooking wide greenbelt. Peaceful c onvenient area. Community pool & shopping nearby. . NEWPORT BEACH OFFIQ 2161 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ~AD ---11,1-. Discover newly built blutftop custom home with beach access & dramatic ocean view. Kitchen equipped for a gourmet. Two furnaces with dual thermostats & security system. ....... Outstanding view home. 4 BR's. Totally redecorated & in the best of taste. Large area for pool. Beautiful landscaping with automatic sprinklers. Community pool. SPYIWS Ull,GIO Front row & center! Spectacular viewl Modified Cape Horn. now 3 spacious bedrooms. Large formal dining room. Gorgeous pool & spa with Mexican paver patio. Owner w&J.t.£.arry 1st T.O. . CllHA HL llU Sltl,IOO Duplex -Bay/Ocean view. Large 3 BR owner unit plus 2 BR penthouse on Bayside Or . Surrounded by city owned green belt. 2 year old large assumable loan. A choice property at an excellent price -$595,000. 11Y• tt•IAIE un.• A light spacious 4 BR plus den home with poor and gorgeous view of entire harbor. Owner wlll carry with approximabely 20% down. Great potential for user or investor. 11111& Ill 1W1 1111,111 Sparking clean on wide greenbelt. 3 BR with large master suite. Plan 6. Earthtone decor. End unit. Priced to sellll UHM WllW llW Silt .... This 4 BR 2 BA home has a most agreeabte floor plan. It adapts to a variety of medium to large family requirements. It Is Ideally located close to schools & shopping. Owiw financing. CHIU HL 11&1 ta•• A pride of ownership duplex In the heart of Old Corona del Mar. Each unit has 3 good sized bedrooms, private patios & a feeling of spaciousness throughout. A-1 condition. UIHISMIU SHl,llO 3 BR FAM RM on one of the largest lots In Cameo Shores. Perlect for a couple or family. Unlimited add-on possibilities. Room for spa & pool. Walk to 3 prlvate beaches. 1111U 111. • un.-20•1. down will get you Into this beautiful 2 BR + Oen doll house. Charmer. Great location. condit. & terms. ..... llU ., ........ Fee land large bayfront home on gate guarded private island. Mooring for 3 large boats, across from tennis courts and private beach. You own the land & owner is offering excellent financing . iii 111 llAI 11,lM .... Sweeping ocean & jetty views from this COM ooeanfront home. Newly built. Oak floors. blk granite counters & security. Beach access. Water purifier. Seller will carry at better than market. PlllUIU NflT I 1,AH,000 Creative seller seeks buyer who needs a home for 55' boat. Besides charm, location. carefree maintenance security & sweeping views, you'll own a 3 BR Cape Cod charmer. Ulll& ISU 11,210,000 One of Newport's known personalities offers this lovely 3 BR 1 story home for sale -one of the few built on this prestigious island. Your boat can be kept right outside your door. Terms avallable. POllSIU 11,oll- 1Spacious b·ayfront, 5% 1st TO paid off in 8 years with payments less than present 30 year loan. Many amen ities. An elevator, guest apartment & extra wide slip. Prime location. Ull ISU U 11,111 Price reduced drastically for fast sale. Home has been remodeled in French Normandy style. Large 4 BR, den, format dining room. two garden patios. Perfect for entertaining. L.111 ISU 1412 ... This lovely 5 BR plus d~n gives the whole family their own space. Sunny south patio close to private beaches & tennis courts. Great famlly community. UY... 1411,111 Safe. Secure. Scrumptious describes this Immaculate 2 BR separate office on Fee land. Large secluded sunny patio + freshly decorated makes this an outstanding buy. Seller creative financing. WIST MWPllT I 1111 ... Duplex near the park & a short walk to the ocean. Easily rentable. Upper unit has 3 BR's with view of channel. Lower unit 2 BR's. Both have fireplaces. Good financing. RWNITtll.All 11 .... Live on an Island In this charming 2 BR cottage on fee land in Newport Beach for under $200,000. Owner wlll finance this unique propef!Y . CMOl M.UIOll EWllll .. JO CMOl. tuml ..... ,_~ ......... ... CMRIU cua.---tlliW lllCY-, U1IUDI llCllO OlMAa. VMm...U llltllfW lmJm-c:au ...... lftll CCIKTT .,.....sTCll llH=-:-.r ----l ft.Ell E-. •llfal.D um 11181 -om CMGUmn• ...... -=-.a.an -----LICY---..,~ UY .... mmM-. .. ,.. • I Orange County Real ES1ate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 -13 Many owners are offering substantial price reductions and terms. Some will ex~hange and ."cash speaks" - Lower than listed price, if you have cash Call for details and ~ubmit your offer llLIOI ISLllD '------•E_w_n_1_1_1_u_c_1 __ ] l'--____ 01_w_1_1_E• ____ __ BALBOA IS. CHARMER-REDUCEDr CIMft and cute 3 bedroom cottae-wfttt petto, bNme end penetng. You can ltYe •'-or eventuelty buMd MW."-'• for Caipe Cod ere Included wHh ..... ptlu of 1215,000. Drtve by 205 Topez and call. FANTASTIC BAL IS. DUPLEX French doon, bey window• end 3 c... pertllng with thl9 w-... property. Sold tumi.hed, .._,. .,. 2 bedroome In ••ch unit with lerge •Humebl• loen1. Submit. 1471,000. LOVELY HOME a INCOME A tumtehed yetlow home wtth 3 bedroonte. I btlthe t*1e • Orte bedroom ret1tel unit Het 8 2-cer gerege. fMtlr 1ummer/wlnter rented. U75,000 11t TD e t 12"9 ...umebte. Mwt ... 215 Sepphlre. *415,000. CORNER CAPE COD/LEASE/OPTION ....,_Ddllld end quint, juet OM hOUM "=.::r· OW HcNnee for 8 _..., hofM ..... Of In W tmla. Sold MtJ fumlehed tMI 2 .. tory, 3 bedroom hee 0tt-e1Mwe mo.tng ......... Ew.n hee • "8aJ" YUi tlM.000. awmtt ...... Of? COROll DEL '91R DISTRESS SALEI NOW $230,000 Greet pot9fttlel In 1Mne T~ ........ _,. .,.._. "pt rtd of tt." 11111111• ott.. on INI comer hofM with pool end 1P4L Drtwe br 1531 8ereMde Terrece end ceM. JASMINE CREEK-ELEGANT Quiet cul de uc bet*'d tMlded ...... ......,...... deCOf enhence9 3 bed. + deft A c:uetom epe. MDUCED TO Sl7$,000. VU HOME PLUS INCOME Acroee from ,.ti "' C«ONI del ........ View of Mr end oceen. Preeeftted .,, deeot ... In .......... wMh .....,_ etrtum, Frwfl doon end •"ldo•• ,._ 2 • .,--. Three bedroom• '*" r....w _. with 2 ,._ Dblecdr., ... -lf'IM.,.. 1511,000. 131-1400 NEW CAPE COO-EXTRA SPECIAL A lwend MW two-etory holM. DfM ~ 114 ..... ltd .·. Juel lhort btocb to C«ONI def ... ti II ~Ml. Ai .-ettf In INI s bedroom, temMr ,_ end fGrWMI ...,.. room. LAROE VIEW SUNDECK. Cell fOf ftfteMl"9 deteHe. 1111,llO I Lii••-I APPEALING-VIEW-LOCATION On COfW ~ peril with pmecy, ....,. obetructed ..... eftd bMutHulr melntelned-rou c... '"°" ,..... in. OtMt eppeel trom the 1tr"t end ln11de • 1pedoue 2-etory home with gtend ltvlng room, temttr room, hufe kitchen. bllllerd room, 3 bedroom1 pfu1 much more. Cell for deteffe. sao.ooo. ow...__. BAYSHORES-BRAND NEW l.er99 5 bedrOOM, femltr room. 4'11 ......_ 3 c... ..,.... Mtnl a., vtew front upper deck end fM8ter ...... Cu.tom Caipe Cod • .,,_~ llnilll deoor lMlde. '725,ooo. OFFER NOwt FOREVER VIEW-REDUCED! Tentflc loalton end .... home wtth for9"f vtew tor ontr ...... Oft ... fend. Or HcMftee tor......., home or Income ...,,.. In tNe --. LMge 2 .. eory, 3 bldroom ptue IM9e ~ room, ..-. "°°"' .-. I car.-.... Anumeble loen. Tenwtt flulbfit. OW ..... /option. LIDO ISLE°~ LOT New on mnet wtth wr aouu. petto end ,.... ad1l1d and.,... deeot. Herdwood "°°" ··~···· eorumet kHchen In tMe 2 bedroom '*'9 den. ......., mnet tor .......... A•...._ 1oen9 end OW help ftnence . ...... BAYCREST-LARGE HOME An on OM ..... wtth Jetd end ... ....,. D d1 .. d I b. droom home with .,.. room. New llltchen. OtMt ,....., --. 1325.000 .... WEEKEND SPECIAL-NEW CONDOSI GIANT PRICE REDUCTIONS No. 2 •• ta..000 -··---·-NOW -.000 No. a •• 1119.000 -·--·---·----·-NOW 1:111,ooo No. 4 •• -.000 --·· ... -.... NOW M7S,ooo No. 5 •• .. 11,000 -NOW ...... '4IJ OM ot ..... OWW ""'8t "'°" lmnu llle•tJ. W negottete on ,..... cerrled beck ...., coee.. 2211 REDLANDS REDUCSD T0114-.,. ON~ •LAND Ati••-:e..• ''*",.,... .......... Oww Mt of ... enc1 =., ......... -......... °""~ .................. BAYFRONT -BALBOA ISLAND VU Penor-* YM from tMe 2-etory home on WATER .. the tumtne ....... large 4 bed. home wtth pler/ettp fot 3 boeta + 1 bed ept. Cen be UMd • • llngle femttr home Of with rent .. unit. lu,.nt locetlon. 11.-,000. LINDA ISLE-WARM a WONDERFUL Owner need• to relocele. Wiii trede for commerctet, lnduetrtel Of home In ""eftr HMle. 8HUH ... I bedroom, ..,,...., tot boet up to 50'. 0n • .... euerded Wend. Aeallng 11,800,000. NEWPORT TWNHME W/DOCK Two 1tory 3 bdnn .• 2Y, be. In e quiet tocetton. GtNnbett wlew1 I low•t price In • weterfront community w/boet dock. Good .............. ftnanclng. ll20,000 • LINDA ISLE-10% CASH •••utlful corner propertr with the beet In decor lhrougftout I bedroom9 '*" el main entertelnlng roome. Pler/lllp fof I boetl. O* help ftnence et 11% wtth 10% c:aelt down perment. A lerge home tor temttJ ~ end edutt entenetntng. 11.-,000. 131-1400. BAYFRONT GRAND AND SPACIOUS ...... btlrtront locdon. pencwemk; ..... "°"' thll °"' 4,000 ..._ tt. n1ld1nce. Pier tor two 55' rec"t., a.a. end open t bed'""'• Meld'• quertera end SY. beth•, r..aad1l1d ~ deR -4 ....._ _.. """,,.._..., ~H• owe TD et 12"4 1nt. for • ,..,. with MI0,000 91,ne,-......... GRAND C.ANAL CONDOS Bur one ,_ MIO,ooo fK bottl tor 11,100,000. lpecloue 2-etory townhouee .,..... with a bedroom• In eect1 end vu of eo. ~l b6oY Wend tMne end heft inc.m. •t ................ ~. ... OCEANFRONT-CAPE COD At!P• .... ...._,,, cherm wMh .. the wenMtl of ttftone d•r•· 50' Oft beet h.ec:". I bedr .... 1, open Hem•, flf..,e.o. end much more. tl8o.ooo .... 131-1400. OCEANFRONT-LAGUNA BCH. E ..... 't::;Med 2 bed. 2 be. co-op unit rttttt on the beedl. ..... .. end ...._. V.W. AM elCtf• tor """"' llWtftt NCt .. Hon. Incl ..... ..oc>l.. ON WATER-FORMAL a LARGE ure-t ................. =. Ude ........ oondo , .... ~2-.............. ... ................ ,,..,._.... ... .._(_..Mlfi llldrll•J W9W.,.. .... Md Mf .. Miii ::tlll I .... •••ttbh ................................ .. oo•ertn11 1111• LMwe...,.. ••nleblll. 8AY8eD4E COY£ CONDO-VU ... .,.,. tu.,.._ onr .... 111 t e1 1 nlhl• ,..,... wtttt wotulerftlt VU et ••r. ~•• -4 """' Meht1. Sold COMpil••IJ IUrMehed fNe I b 1 ....... ....._ '*" den end dl"'"I. '' perfect fer t"• dl1crlmlnetln9. Thie WAft RONT .,........,.Jtr ....,_ boet lllp ......... end pool • ...., ,IOO. LINDA .... ......a.oweaT PNCa-A STEALI A~ 11 1VMUI ........ .__,..._....._°" ..,_ _, ... P•• ....... ;;::.r • ..,_ or CAIMI A• ••=II WAit ..._. .. tM ........ ...... ....... ............. .... ....... • .., ........... ,,. ••• + ........ hMa ,....... .... ..... .... ... 11J deWft lier Oft lM ...... , ..... ,... ' ..... ...,., Cell for ...... . ................................. ,.., .. .... ,...... WATERFRONT . . HOMES, INC. Sala. Rentals, Property M1megement 2436 W. Coasc Hwy. Newport Beach 631-1400 3 IS Marine Ave. Balboa Island 673-6900 1 / I I - ' l 14 -orange Gounty Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY Pl~OT/Saturday. Sept. 25, 1982 co1t nrntrr © mvrs 1nrn1 conrnnT ROOM FOR TENNIS COURT .._.., 1.1 llCNe of MCtudad pttwecy • ..._ • apllftllng pool Md ape Md a ........ ,_.. "-tN •Wl'ORT -.AC .. OWMt d trade Md tMf'9 le room fOf • .__.. OMrt. Good ............. ftNftcMe .. oww ........ Red. to 111f,000, OWMf Wtll trade. ' LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT R.cenur reduced SIOO,OOI, thla cuatom 5 bedroom teetur.. a Sl CMrtee kHcMrl few tM fuMAMt .,.urtMC cooft. ......, ..... YW'I modem ..... ._... Nflect9 _...,,..__, Mewpert ~ ......... A peer Md .. to accommodate • huge boet la Included, owner wtll trade. 11,115,GllD. ON THE 11th FAIRWAY o.w of ... c..,,_,, ftnMt, tNe 1 ti 1 d'1MMft cue9-wlttl • ........ 2M*C*W-d9neutteeftd....W1...-., .......... eectttdld pool .. , ........ percMd ..... Oft .... ,.... , .. .,. The ..,.., ........ """ .... "'* '"" Md d TMDE ._...., Pflp1t1J lfl ..... Or-.. C-ty ...... ced .. 11 ....... HIGHONAtaL v ..... ftfMI ... ....,......._.._ .... ,,,,, ... , •Vt ....... • ~ ,... _, -.a MID • ....._ GAZDO .. JOW lldftt W lw•lhtdlMc ..... ef tM My, ..................................... °"',_ ................ ··:r.---... ...,...._,.....,.The ................ .,....... OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1·5 ,..,5 OceM .... CdM ·-·······----·-· 11.-.-21512 Camino Trebol, Lil Poreet --···-··-~ 211 Vie Lido hud, Udo -····-····-··-·---11,IM.OIO • ............ ..,., ...... ·--·····--··-·-· 12.-..00 LIDO ISLE WITH POOL o.w of the beat .,. ...... Udo ........... .,,., .... the ....... wtth 4 ti •• ,_.., ... wtth .... ...,. betM Oft M Oftnlnd lot MID• dw'M cer ..... with R.V. perkfne. A-..,,__.,... pool Md .. - etf ad ..... t to tfte Lido tluMMl•M end ........ c:ouf1. tal.000 ...... ~ ... -•t• .... LIDO ISLE -8MAll VIEW Lowefr•tl•*--',lbetlt._...wttt.hoCNb..Se mini wlew of the beJ end beech from a .. ... _,.,..._,.. ....... '-· lxc:eMeftt ........ ti•• rlnendng Md tM -d DI 1ll1r.,..... •: MOIMr ........ flrloed te ..... -.- EAIT81DE C08TA MEIA Lowet, 2 atory eucuttw. hCMM ...._ ...._ el tM 9ectl ..,. F1" tladrooma Md•-.., pool_, M'• YecMl Md ~ lo "'"9 In. 0WMr le ....... ...... ... ...... Tt.le .... "°"" .... ..., .... .,.,. flrloed .. ---· NEWPORT HEIGHTS &TARTER Derlnt twotl1drtMM. ... _... .......... llMd atreet In d•llt"lful ., .. wit" poet. Terrific •"•"'•bl• flnaftclnt •ftd o•"•' wltt oerrr. ., ...... BACK BAY WITH POOL c...,....._..,......_.,....,,, .. ......_2~ be1M, • ........ ,._.Md WRY ... ••-•Nie er•· f'm ... Mtranoe W"" ......... AllW ... 81111 .............. I01 UDO • PRIMlllft ADDRaM Localed en the "" Heer ef lhe Meat ~e•tlefffa .......... t '*'''"' .............. ~ ee..e, ......... ...., _,. ....,.. a ,,,,.,,..., tY.I ...._ _.. '' "' , bey,aa...I..._. ........................ ~ I ,._ 9W1t •1 I FIHM lnl,IOt. ( ._ _____ _ LAKE FOftE8T • •WEL Executtve ....,. leYel 4 INlrftM tl•d ..,.., 2Ya betlt '-- with cuetom PoOf Md .,.._ New ......,. c:erpeie.. cue1oftt 1hutter• end lov•lr green "oua• window. Good eNU,,,... f'lnendftg. 1211,000. ESTATE SALE · ESTATE HOME Enter ttwu 1 22' etrtum Into • ~ 4 bedroom, I betlt home wtth few,_. ..... ,._. Md a VDY .... ,....., r«*ft. l..e(p pttw ... ape Md .......,. deGOr fMll• ... ......_ ....... , ..... ._... • '"" •• tno.000 ... betltnd • gu.ntad .... . FORECLOSURE SALE • BIG CANYON TNI lofttr(?) '--(M nMdl ~Md Pllint) •• recentlr recovered '" a torecfo1ure proceeding. FMturtftg 4 ti I droe•a Md e def! ~ e alt down bar "' the,....,,...,., tM y#d le to M r111d"d Md tM,... le = eiad. ................. "'•ldnt· ..... .... ,.ttoft Md l1ttla c--. ... 00..W ba .... ._... .. '°"'...,,... "''.,.,..,.... 1. '"°" '° ..... 1171,ooo.. OCEANFRONT AND 8ANDY llEACH c...,..... .................................. , ..... .. ......... _, ...... Let IM,.. ....... """ .... .... ta 1Hueted Oft • .... 1-~ate etrff~ trem the c:fOWdl. c.-..... "" loudlJ. 11 wtth OWMr tlMOOtftt oonald1F9d. • . Ya ACRE • OCEAN VIEW R1duc1d .. 1111,-, tNe C.... def lier a.11 ,._.. ....... ""'"'" ......................... ..., . ....., ....................... ,,..... dMta ........... . ~ ..... (VDY ~Md a froM,.... IMI toob .. ........... .... .. ..... (,..... ..... t.:: ''* ................................ ........ wlttt el fleW Cltl.,,... Md 111'1 DU 1111.- JAW CMEK • MDUCED TO tw.IGO Tiiie ....., a t11• ''"'· -... ...,, ...._ Wllh ..,.. • ....., ,...... ......... ·~ .............. Nllt .............. c..-.. lier, ... _, ... """"' -....... .,..... ,.. .......... """-Nie .... ...., .. c.-ry • .......... ._a ........... Y•,...,........... . ... (l"9 ••• "'' • lllJUJI -...... .., ~ ......... ..... , ......... LAGUNA mACH-aNCTACUl.Alt •ID1p11ec*l•M1•• ........ 4 ti•• urn a Miii !"it ...,.. wtllt ..... _,...,,. ..... _, ,. ...................... . on,_, OWft Ml•-.,.. .. IWffMft••• MI ..... .., ............................................. .. °" ...................................... ... ..,.,,.= ........................... ... ........ .. .. ,,... ........... ,. HAMOR M>Ga-MDUCD '2GO.OOO TNa ........................... .,...., ............ .... _.,, .. n ..................................... ... .... ~ ..... , ...... 'i\ ....... t....,,._ ..... 11.-.-et aeeu1uw • ,.,..... ... WOW1 oww .................... ,-. ' Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 -15 wtildowl, ft~places, •Uached two-car ..,...., va•lted celHnp, some atrlums lllMI 1k1"8•ts. Casltas Del Rio owners have a swlmmln1 pool and spa, grHn- bdtl and Joalna paths, all within • qu~t walled community. Our tt'n9'1 MaM II ._, le IR'•_..._ mMI-. bt:Mltd. •M -• llP I•,......_-~! 12~% 30 Year Fixed Townt Homts rrom $I 14,800- Jt.=1r!:1101139,900 S.-ellce-4 ....... ...., ................ . J61U ............. S.. Jwca,li!lrw 11MJ~wf1141MI~ I I ' I I ~ I I I ~ I t I I . I I 11 I: I . I : J l 2 I • I _.J I I • 16 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 .... *WATERFRONT HOME""& SLIP* Sensational executive home featuring 4 Br, enormous living & dining room, 2 fireplaces & room for 55' boat! Only $559,000. FEE with assumable financing. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *BUILDER CLOSEOUT* * 11 3 FINANCING* 103 Down Payment on this builder closeout!! Extremely spacious townhome featuring 2 master suites & attached garage. Priced to sell~ at $149,950. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details. *FORECLOSURE* Take advantage of excellent pricing on this 3 Br home w / 12 114 assumable loan. Bargain priced at $147,500 with VA tem\S available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *DOVER SHORES* This custom Ivan Wells designed home was built w /executave entertaining in mind. Quality thruout. from ~e solid oak paneled den to the mahogany panelled fmly rm. So~f the numerous features are: sensational view of Fashion Island an, black bottom pool & spa w/outside bar, 3 car garage, complete 'ty system & of course fonna.l dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence, call 759-1501 for private showing. $1,500,000 FEE! *EXQUISITE* Contractors own home!!! Smashing 3 Br home featuring used brick and wrought iron, skylites, atrium, shake roof, and extensive use of mexican pavers. Offered at $165,000 w /assumable financing! Call 714-759-1501 or 7141752-7373. *BAYCREST* 12 ¥. financing spacious executive ranch style home In prestige nrea. This home features 3 brs., fplc, large lot & fee land!! Lowest price al $260,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view. t NORTHWOODS* * SSUMAaLE LOAN* Beautiful executive home on large professionally landscaped comer lot. 4 large BR. bonus room & formal dining! Only $249,900!! Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *COMMERCIAL PROPERTY* 25 Yr. financing 2 br house & studio wned for art studio, gift shops. antiques, etc .... ! Owner will CMT'J financing for 25 years. Only $135,000. Call 759-1501 ar 752-7373. *' STAa PAK* $48,500 TOT AL PRICI For this smashing home ~ one of nicest parka in area. Two large bedrooms, formal dining & air conditioning. Call for detail!!! 759-1501 or 752-7373. *HARaOR HIGHLANDS* Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 br. home featuring swimming pool. bonus rm .. skylite. lush private courtyard, fplc .. & assunuible flnancing. Reduced to $280,000 fee. For quick sale ... call 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 10~ FINANCING* *CALIPORNIA HOMIS* · Completely remodeled 4 Br home. Feat.wina p-eenhouae window, J'rwh .... bllllt-U. ~ & parque\ Ooon!! Reduced to $137,500 fOIC quic* sale. Call 1~1-lSOl OI' 762-7313. ATTENTION FIRST TIME -BUYERS ONtY! !- If you have not owned a home in California In the past" three years you may be eligible for Orange County's Revenue Bond Program. Now for a limited time money Is being made available ONLY for first time buyers and ONLY in the city of Huntington Beach. The loans are a 30 YEAR FIXED RATE w ith payment~ and qualifying based on All lllTEREST UTE AS LOW AS 8.&%!! If you've been considering buying a ~ home but have held back because of high Interest rates, don't let t~ls opportunity pass you by. There ARE some price and income restrictions and the total funds available are limited so act now and call us for complete details: 556-7035 or if that line is busy, 963-5671 . Here's an example of one of the many properties that qualify under this program: 3 bedroom, 2 bath townhome with community pool, spa & tennis. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. Sales price: $95,000. Down payment: $4,950. First year prlnctpal & Interest payment is a low $700/month. NEWPORTIEACHOfflCf 2170 San Miguel Drive NewPOn hacll, CA l2MO (714) 759-1501 AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & ServJce Things That Service YoU.:' HUNTINITOl IEACH OfflCE I032AclGln1Aye. Hunttngtoft leocft, CA 12141 (714)111-10SI .I I .,. t J i t t I I I I t 4 I I ~ I .. IEWPOIT CIATUI" Back Bay view & only 10% ON on this spacious 3 Bdm Townhouse. End unit with new carpet, paint and private back yard. Vacant , move In now. llua Canel 631·1266 IEWPOltT ILIFFS IS PETE .10111101 Newport's Best Values: View. spa, cathedral ceilings. inside laundry room. $260,000 and you own the land. Gell Pete .ltltllH 631-1266 Bargain price on this 2,400 sq. ft . 4 br, tam rm, fireplace, wet bar. eating area in kitchen, formal DR. Now only $287 ,500 Fee. Call Ptt• ~ 631· 1266 CUii, IUCE, PlllYICY E. Side 3 BR 2 BA condo, pool & tennis crt. Only $159.000. lthrt lllllha 631 -1266 IEWPOltT NlllTS IAIUJIS! 1 BR FIXER .............................. $141,000 2 BR + UNIT ............................ $169,000 2 BR F.R. 2 BA ......................... $179,000 VIEW LOT ................................. $260,000 2 BR DEN VIEW ....................... $350,000 WITH FINANCING! Call HE llHHI 631· 1266 I . TISTll A real charmer. 3 BR, Estate size lot. Apple Pie condition. Quiet neighborhood. Reduced for quick sale to $199,000. By appointment larry Frt4erld 631-1266 Wilm STOL Gorgeous 3 BR home w/pvt. yard, putting green and many extras. Try 10% down. For details Patritk ''"" 631-1266 111,000 PlllCE IEMCTlll That's rightlll Prime Mesa Verde golf course home. 5 BR. Fam. RM. Bonus RM. pool & spa. Priced to sell quickly $510.000. Call ._. l1l•llM 631·1266 onEl'S LISS Ylll llll Investors say "Sell It." Rare opportunity In Newport Heights. Assume 10.5% V.l.R. Loan. Seller wlll assist financing. $295,000 Fee. Call ...., ....... , 631-1266 IEWPllT IUllTI lllT llY 2 houses on large lot. Total price $152,500. Excell. owner financing. Curt Herbert• II 631-1268 • -. ""--·· """ .. ,,.. ...... _ .. ..... ... ·' -·· --·- Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 -17 IEIA YEIH Beautiful 4 BR 3 BA 3 story home steps from the park. Assum jumbo 1st T.O.. @ 9114% and seller wlll finance balance @ 12% with 20°/o down. Price $1 99,900. ........... 631-1266 OIL-11·111 Prime Hunt. Beh. 4 Br + Bonus room. Spa, raised deck, covered patio. NEW LOW INTEREST LOAN AVAIL. .1..U. I••••• 631-1266 lllTI IEIA IUllll 3 BR, LG. Fam . Rm . w/flreplace. remodefed kitchen. Submit your termsll .............. 631-1266 I lllTS Eastside C.M. • Nice 5 unit building near 17th St. Some have fireplaces and yards. Seller wlll trade. "''" Waltz• 631-1266 Tiii IS ITU Corner lot with 4 BO w. BA $76,000 - 1st T.D. 10% V.A., no qualifying. Laguna Hiiis. Asking $117 ,000 -l•ll Y111hr 631-1266 lltUI I llmll • PLO Covington Style -under market -10 minutes from Orange County. Asking $132,500 -Bring an offer -... , .... ., 631-1266 Piil COUii By the pool, 3 Bdrm 1¥. Ba, on· quiet cul-de·sac. Beautiful neighborhood. Use your VA or assume 1st & 2nd. Make an offer. Asking S 117 ,900. ltll ltHhr 631-1266. IUT FlllPLD East C.M., pride of ownership, room to build two more. Assume 1st & 2nd. owe. Try 10% dwn. Asking $215 ,000. ••• , ..... , 631·1266. IWIU lllmlTEI Super location 3 BO, 2 BA. F.P. Approx. 3 yrs. new. $135,000. For fqll details call Patrie• tr FrH TtHl't 631-12&6. 631-2711 .,. ... Steps to sand. Pool and tennis court. Huge 3 Bedroom Home Call Tl• lllHt today. 631-1268. IEWPllT IUCI FllECLISllE Steps to the beach. Down payment negotiable. $179,000. Oarl, agent 759-1221. TUIE HUIE 1 IYHUI UIGll Trade Orange & Avocado Ranch. 78 ac. val. center, 4 sep. parcels. Sell or trade all or part for home In Npt., Laguna, Mlsslor'I Viejo, S 1,200,000. ltll er lnl• ltt• 759-1221 Ullll llME FIE•I lllTll Just reduced -$350,000. Must sell. Submit any offer on this 4 br. 5ba. with fam. rm .• library, huge master suite, 4 fireplaces. ocean & nlte view. Steal at S 1,500,000 or submit to ... ., hM 1..,, 759-1221. IUlllllME 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, highly upgraded, ltallan marble In l.r .• d.r., kit f.r .• 1tudy.-&.f.r. hu beaut. paneJJng & lhutter•~ Fab vu 2 lge. patio deck•. A must to see at $895,000 .... " ...... .., 759-12~1 . CAllEI 11111111 Fab. Ocean & coast line v~, 3 br. 3 ba. form. d.r ., f .r., study, lge. pool & courtyard, prl. bchs. $895,000. Fee. lell ., ..... ·"· 759-1221 IEW GllTll FltEICtl llltlWllY You must see to believe all this fine wkmnshp 4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 fp, oak cab. beaut. tlle, choice of crpt. Npt. Hgts. Only ...$l8&:000" $350,000. Sir, carry lge 1st at 13% .... ., ...... '"' 759-1221. UH PEITllllE 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avail. In Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/notlce. $525.000 .... .,'"" '"' 759-1221. llUIFHIT-E Just 2 years new, very contemporary, 3 br. 4 ba. corner loc. tab view. two kitchens. Best oceanfront buy today. Very motivated. $650,000. Submit any offer, seller needs .caSh fast. lell er htie 1.., 759-1221. ICUIFltllT -IOWFlllT Oonvert ex. lge duplex to your prl. res. & live on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11°/e. 2nd of $250,000 at 12%. Steal at $650,000. lell er hwte '"' 759-1221. IEWNIT IEllm 4 Bdrm 2lfl Ba w/gime room. Beaut. decor In every room. Over 1A ac. w/jac. Asking $340,000 Fee. Wiii trade for smaller home or condo .... er lffle 1.., 759-1221. UUll 11111 LOSE 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r .. study, beautifully dee. lge decks, tab. vu. Pri. grd. gate. pool & tennis. $2500 mo. Submit all offers. .. • ., ...... .., 759-1221. ......... Country antique, dlffe<ent. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba, highly upgraded kitchen, brick fplc, $295,000. Seller wlll fin. Must see. Submit any otter. ... ., ... , ... 759·1221. ............ AHumable 8'h% 1st T,O. plus owner financing 12% • Hurryl .. , Llute .,...,/...., 759-1221. -4 I i t l 1 -- I - .. 18 _Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. ~s. 1982 **31965 Coast Hwy, So. Laguna 494-1177 $995,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 1531 E. Ocean Blvd., Peninsula Pt. 673-1169 $530,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1218 Key West, HV Hills, CdM ~4-4910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-5 ._ ________ ..._ __________ .,. ... 747 Balboa Ave., Laguna Beach 499-1320 $299,000 Sun 10-4 This Weekend! lu, ttiit IMMdy directory witto r-ltlh wffti..-cl •• yw 90 hovt ........... •• ltM loc.tloat Nthd below -•Kribed ill ""-'"' •t9'1 lty ed'ferlfMMJ eftewllen lfl ... ,., DAILY "LOT WANT ADS. '•"'-• IMlwhtc) Gpft1 IMMIHI few 1$ cw r-+ _... ~ to Nd t«ll loot-"-"-.Wt c.._.. Mell Setw4ey ... ds.-y. HOUSES-FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM 624 W Wiison. Unit A-1 , C.M . 759-1501 $129.500 2 BEDROOM 2013 Miramar Or., Balboa Penin. Sat 2-6 544-1281 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 31 Wintergreen (Deerfield) Irv. 760-8333 $1 27,500 #2 Lago Sud. Irvine 644-7020 $159,000 289 Del Mar. Costa Mesa 631-3787 $127,500 Sat 1-5 Sat 2-5 Sun 1-5 101 Scholz Ptza #217(Versailles)NB 631-1400 $149,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 117 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island 631-1400 $254.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2001 Kings Rd .. Newport Beach 631-1400 $399,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631 -7300 $340,000 Sun 1-5 2 BA plus FAM AM or DEN * •3425 Ocean Blvd .. CdM 644-9060 $1.700,000 Sun 1-5 30, Rue Fontalnbleau, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $495,000 Sun 1-5 20 Rue Grand Ducat, Btg Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $399,500 Sun 1-5 :: 1 Pandora (Irvine Groves) Irv. 642-5200 $139.500 Sun 1-4 **633 Lido Park Dr (F-l)Lldo Pen. 631 -1400 $549.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •621 Lido Park Or(C-3)Lldo Pen. 631-1400 $560,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 992 Bayside Cove, Newport Beach 631-1400 $487,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •827 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, NB 673-7300 $1 ,850,000 Sun 1-5 1536 Serenade Terr. Irv. Terr, CdM 631-1400 $230.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 8 Baruna C.ourt, Newport Beach 751-3191 $215,000 Sa 11-4/Sn 12-4 1577 E. Ooean Bl., Bal Penln. Pt • 631-1400 $34~.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 19 Viejo, Rancho San Joaq .. Irv._ 644-6200 S 179,000 Sat 2-5 •461' Abbie Way (E/Slde) C.M. 63~-8011 ~ 179,500 Sat 1-5 2727 Oceen Blvd., Corona def Mar 675--6870 $1,275,000 Sat 12-4 * 19 Curl Dr .. Jasmine Crk~. CdM . ~1515/1:'728--5161 Sat/Sun 12-5 **2804 W. Oceanfront. N.B. 631-1400 $695,000 9072 Adelia, Huntington Beach 963-6787 $179,900 209-21~9th St, Peninsula, NB Sun 1-5 Sat 2-4 631-1400 $255,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 3335 Maryland (Mesa Verde No) CM 979-2390 S 158,000 Sat 1·5 11 Rue Verte, Big Cyn. Npt. Beach (213)470-2880 $499,000 Sa/Sn 11 -6 1543 Serenade Terr, Irv. Terr, CdM 644-4910 $320,00Q-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 109 Via Ensueno(Marlners Pt)SanClem 759-9100 $465,000 Sat 1-5 **1418 W. Bay, Penln Pt, ~B 675-6161 $1,200,000 Slit 1-5 •228 Amherst Ad .. College p;k, CM 979-7295 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 2221 Vista Dorado, NB Bluffs 640-4289 $210,000 Sun 1-6 19861 Potomac, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $125,000 Sa 12-5/Sn 12:30 616 Via Lido Soud, Udo Isl. NB 673-7300 $387.592 Sa 2-5/Sn 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $669.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •503 W. Edgewater, Penln Bayfront 631-1400 $1,750,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 113 Via Ravenna. Udo Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $349,500 Sat 11-2 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •204 Via Eboll, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $550,000 Sa 1-4/Sn 2-5 33 Malnsall. Corona det Mar 546-2313 $339,950 1108 Rldgecrett, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $162.000 458 Costa Mesa St., C.M. Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 759-1501 $146,SQO Sat/Sun .1-s **2233 Heather Ln, Back Bay. NB 548-3684 $360,000 Sat 1-5 3415 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 1-5 **6802 W. Oceanfront, N.B. ~5:M30 $625.00() . Sun 1-5 I. ....... °"'" Al'T. •4801 Bruce Creec:ent, Nwpt 8ch · 54&-ee77 t1•,100 Sat/Sun 12-4 , .... ,..,All ..... **38 e.lboa Cowl, Newport Boh 813-9187 ..... 59() . Daly 1..S . . .. **748 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl, NB ~-9060 Sun 1-5 616 Marigold, Corona del Mar 67-5-5511 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1036 °Polarls, Dover Shores, NB 646-0523 $899,000-Fee Sun 1-5 1903 Yacht Colina, Newport Beaeh 644-1017 $485,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 1940 Whittler, Costa Mesa 631-3213 $118,500 Sun 1-5 20 Rue Grand Vallee, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $675,000 Sun 1-5 **748 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl, NB · ~4-9060 $1,650,000 Sun 1-5 2001 Yacht Resolute (Seavu) NB 760-8333 ~9.000 Sat 1-5 2501 Harbor View Or(HrbrVuHls)N.B. 760-8333 $585,000 Sat 1-5 **301 North Star (Dover Shrs) NB 642-5200 $450,000-L/H Sun 1-5 •2320 La Linda Pl., Newport Bch 549-1400 $237 ,500 Sun 1-5 *445 E. 20th St. (E/Slde) CM 675-6000 $465,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Or. (Bayshores), N:B. * 14 72 Galaxy (Dover Shores) N.B. 642-2510 $695,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 4911 Seashore, Corona del Mar 759-1221 $650,000 870 Sandcastle, Corona el Mar . Sat 12-5 644-9060 $312,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 502 "I" St, Bal. Penln Pt .. NB 631-1400 $438,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 631-1 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2405 Cr.I Or .• Newport Heights 2298 R ands Dr.: Back Bay, NB . 631-1400 $248,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2301 Arana, E-Bluff, N.B. 644-6200 s 169,000 1301 Dolphin Terr, Irv. Terr .. NB Sat 1-5 631-7300 $985,000 Sun 1-5 * •308 Morning Star Ln, DovShrs. NB 631-7300 $985 .. oo _ Sat/Sun 1-5 •512 Rockford Pl.(Cameo Hlnds)CdM 631-7300 $199.900 Sat 1-5 1824 Port Sterling. Newport Bch 720-0505 $214,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 711 K-Thanga, Irv. Terrace, NB 631-7300 $575',000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1514 Ruth Ln., Newport Beach &44-9028 $234,900 Sat 1-5 262 22nd Street. Costa Mesa 631-4~8 s 165,900 4 BEDROOM 443 Fullerton Ave .. Newport Bch Sat 1-5 642-5140 ~5.000 . Open Wed-Sun 222 Coral, Balboa Island 875-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1717 Bayadere. Corona del Mar 875--6000 $600,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 594 Marquette ~rcle, Costa Mesa· 642-2178 $134,000 Sat/Sun 12·2 19 Hermltiage Ln., BIQ Cyn, N.B. e.«-9060 $749,760 Sun t-5 251a wavecf' .. t. t-tv H111a. ·CdM 844-90e0 $379,000 • • Sun 1-5 1142 Donet, Cotta Meta 031-7370 $128,900 154'1 E. ~ Bl. Bel Penlti. pt Sat 1~5 031-1400 "470,000 Set/Sun 1·5 ~.1 I ' • l i l l I l • I " I • I I I i I ! I I . .. 225 Via Orvleto, Lido Isle. NB 631-1400 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1024 E. Balboa Blvd., Bal Pen. 631-1400 $1,450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1606 Mariners, Newport Beach 644-6200 $239,000 507 Avocado, Corona del Mar Sat 2-5 546-2313 $350,000 Sun 12-5 4 BA ptue FAM AM or DEN 1007 Tiiier Way (Hrbr Vu His) CdM 759-1010 $329,000 Sun 1-5 133 Via Undlne, Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 Sun 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-4910 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18891 Antioch. Irvine 552-7500 $238,900 Sun 1-5 30422 N. Hampton(Chrtr Terr)Lag Nlg 494-1177 $235,000 Sun 1-4 3 15 Calle Oellcada, San Clemente 492-2100 $265,000 Sun 12-5 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Rd, Big Cyn. NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 118 Rue Villars, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $775,000 Sun 1-5 JI 1 Rue Blarrlta, Big Cyn, N.B 644-9060 $750,000 Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hills Ln, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $1,095,000 Sun 1-5 114 Via Ensueno(Marlner's Pt)SanClem 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1-5 **542 Harbor Isl Or (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * # 1 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 644-7020 $1,895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 # 17 Muir Beach Cr (Spyglass) CdM 631-2242 $2.8 million Sat/Sun 2pm on 1255 Somerset (Baycrest) NB 631-7370 $355,000 Sun 1:3().5 1112 Westcllff (Westcilff) NB 642-5200 $255,000 Sun 1-4 * 1837 Seadrift Or (Irv. Terr) CdM 640-5560 $478,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 510 Aliso. Newport Beach 759-1221 $350,000 Sun 12-5 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1222 Sussex (Wes1cllff) NB 642-5200 $237,000 Sun 1-5 2901 Harbor View Or. (HVHIS) CdM 673-7761 $550,000-fee Sa 2-5/S 1-5 1733 Port Barmouth (HVH) NB 673-7761 $265,000-fee Sun 1-S 424 Belvue Ln .. Bal. Penln Pl, NB 631-1400 $409,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 421 Pirate Rd .. Newport Hghts. NB 631-1400 $249,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 320 Seaward, Shorecllffs, NB 631·1400 S4 75,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •101 Via Florence, Lido Isle, NB 673-7.300 $595,000 Sun 2-5 222 Via Palermo, Udo Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $389,000 Sat 12-5 4931 Loriann, Calif. Homes, Irv. 759-1501 $137,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1501 Keel Dr .. Hbr Vu Hiiia, CdM 644-6200 $299,000-Fee Sat 2-5 226 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $575,000 Sat 2-5 760 Via Udo Soud, Newport Bch 675-6670 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 509 Ewnlng Ster l.n, Dover Sttra, NB 631-7300 $980,000 Sun 1-5 • 1244 Polatt• Drive. Dover Shre. NB 631-7300 $895,000 Sun 1·5 " ..... ~ ...... ·-·· _ .... # ..... --·- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 25. 1982 -19 12 Rue Verte, Big Canyon, NB 631-7300 $850,000 232 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N.B. 631-7300 $695,000 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 644-6200 $1,695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1944 Flamingo Or .. Mesa Verde, CM 631-7300 $245,000 Sat 1-5 1118 Somerset Lane, WestcllH, NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1805 Drake, Costa Mesa 646-7171 $142,900 Sat 10-2 1124 Dana (Plaza del Sol) C.M. 64~-0303 $285,000 Sat 3-6 2162 Port Durness, Newport Beach 675-7698/675-6870 Sal/Sun 1-5 •21512 Camino Trebol, Lk. Forest 760-1900 $216,000 Sun 1-5 434 Begonia, Corona del Mar 644-7211 $595,000 2 10 Via San Remo, Lido Isle, N.B. Sat 1-5 675-30481673-2556 Sal/Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM 5 Point Loma (Spyglass) CdM 675-6000 $850,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 * * 708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl, NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 2912 Carob (Eastblull) NB 644-1742 $249,000 L/H Sat/Sun 1·5 **4028 Channel Pl .. Nwpl Isl., NB 673--0202 $965,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 2531 Bunya, Newport Beach 675-6000 $275,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 #4 Winged Foot, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $795,000 Sun 1-5 **219 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, NB 760-1900 $1,995,000 Sat/Sun 11-4 5 BR plue FAM RM or DEN 1561 Pegasus, Santa Ana Heights 540-8062 $145,000 Sat/Suo 8-5 **401 N. Star, Dover Shra, N.B. 548-1188 $1,450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * *29 Beechwood (Wdbrldge) Irv 551-6829 $410,000 Sun 1-5 1930 Port Chelsea, Newport Beach 494-1840 Set/Sun 1-dafl( **618 Harbor Isl Or (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,350,000 Sat 1-5 * 12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760-8333 $1.~5.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 3 Muir Beach (Spygls) NB 760-8333 $1,995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 411 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar 76()..8333 $565,000 Sat 1-5 1885 Boa Vista Cr (Mesa Verde) CM 540-1151 $239,000 Sat/Sun 1 _. 901 Kings Road, Newport Beach 631-1400 Sat/Sun 1·5 **1038 W. Bay, Penln. Pt, NB s.«-9060 $ 1,050,000 Sun 2·5 * #2 Winged Foot ln, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $899,950 Sun 1-5 *7 Muir Beach Cr. (Spyglass) CdM 640-6259 Sat/Sun 2-6 1990 Port Nelson Pl, HVHomes, NB 759-1501 $285,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1818 Taneger (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 $280,000 Sat 1-4 *2201 Alta Vl•ta (The Bk.tffe) NB 631·7300 $389,!500 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 1800 J~ (Mesa Verde) CM 645-<>303 $428,900 Sun 1-4 * 1808 Geluy Or., Nftpor1 9ch 631-3~50 1849,900 Sat 1-6 *35 RldQellne Or, Harbor Ridge 79C)o.18b0 '2.M0.000 Sun 2-8 t BR ptue FAM RM or DEN 545 Windsor, Laguna Beach 494-1177 $599,000 Sun 1-4 41 Goleta, Spyglass, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM 61 Lake Pine (The Lakea) Irv. 540-1151 $118,900 Sun1-4 *300 Cagney Ln # 107(Versallles)NB 673-7300 $117,000 Sun 2-5 2 BEDROOM 1063 Dover Or .. Westcllff, N.B. 673-7300 $139,900 Sun 1-5 * 1738 Westclllf, Westclllf, NB 673-7300 $119,000 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 685 Vista Bonita. The Bluffs. NB 631 -7300 $229,000 Sun 1-5 3 BA ptue FAM AM or DEN 2645 Vista Ornada, Newport Sch 640-0020 $310,000 -Sat 1-5 2400 Vista Nobleza. Newport Sch 640-0020 $319,000 Sat 1-5 7 Rue Vlllars (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM Fairview & Avocado Rd .. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $129,950 Sat/Sun 11-5 1085 Stonebrook, Costa Mesa 645--0303 $134,900 Sat/Sun 1-4 a BEDROOM Fairview & Avocado, Coata Mesa 548-2239 $146,950 Sat/Sun 11-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 BR ptue 1 BR 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644·9060 $309,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 IBR .... 1 M * * 13 Beacon Bay. Newport Sch 675-6000 $1.195,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 S BR plus 2 llR 416/416',., Carnation, Corona def Mar 631-1400 ~9.000 Sat/Sun l-5 4 BR plue 1 BR ** 132 S. Bay Front, Balboa 111. 631-1400 $1 ,300,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 llR pt.,. 2 BR 116/ 116'A Crystal. tlalboa Island 631-1400 $578,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 S BRplue S M 509 Acacia (Oceanside of hwy). CdM 845-7043 $440,000 · Sat/Sun 1-5 HOUSE F~OSE 4 M ... PAM Of N 1939 Port w I 844-8053 ~ . Sat/Sun 1-6 CONDOMINIUM FOR RENT 2 MDROOlll •e aumm.w.lk, Npt Tetr., NB 837-2686 ~mo S.t/Su.n 11·3 . * Pool ** Waterfront * * * Wat.,.,,ont I Poot ' I ... -, -I -J ·- I 20 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 corr nrn1rr © mvrsrnrnr conrnm • BUY 2, GET 1-F:REE ' .. ..... ·---- BUY 2 ADJOINING LOTS AT S1 MILLION EACH, GET THE 3RD LOT FR.EE •.. That's right, 3 adjoining VIEW Jots totalling over 1 . 1 acre (the largest single piece of property in a gate-guarded re sidential community in all of Newport Beach) for only S2 million. There is nearly S 1 . 1 million of assumable financin§-at 14% interest and the owner is willing to listen to all offers (including exchanges). With this outstanding offering are plans for a 10,550 square foot ho me with custom pool and spa AND a north/south tennis court. Simply the most incred~le view of Newport Bay., the Pacific Ocean and Catalina beyond. Call Wiii/am F. Cote for more Information II •• IOUM. HOU9IHO Ol"l"OflTUNITY .................. All ,.... ••t• 9dv9ft.leed In thla newapeper 11 aublect to the Federal Fw Houalng Act of tMI wNcn mak• It Illegal to iCl\tettlM "any preferen-ce, llmltatlon 0< dllCflml- netlon bHed on race. color, rellglon, aex or nallona1 origin, or eny Intention lo meke any such prelerence, llmlta· tlon or dl1erlmlnatlon." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising lor real nta· te wnlcll Is 1n vlOlallon ot the lew _ .. Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 -21 ~ .. ~.'!!.~!. ...... ~!.~ff!.! .. '.!~.'! ....... !~!!!!.{ .. ~~'!. •••••• ~~!!!.~~'! ....... !~~ff!.!~~'! ....... ,.~~!!!.~·!~' .......•••••• ,,, 1.1, •••••··•·········•···· ~'.'I. ......... !.~·. ~!!.'l. ......... !.~I ~!!.'l. .....••.• !.~l ~~'.'I. ......... !.~. ~'!.'l. ..•...... !.~I ¥!! .. ~'I. ......... !.~. ,. • .,,, IOIZ ..••.................. BEST IN BLUFFS . Liii iii.i -· , lllNL..-... ...IN1-I Prime Udo Nord bayfront, 5 bdrm, 51h bath. HIT llT. Lovely 2000 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. 2~ Lge L.R .. 2 boat allpe $1,500,000. oaths. fam. rm .. wide greenbelt, near I --pool. L':1Jt $249,000. -.-111 Ull. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. nn WIU IPnll, By appt. I beam cei.lin{p. tumiahed, patioa. $420.000. wn 1-1 PElllSIU l•ES 2141 Ylsta lma4a I llf, titw, t•tal• 1HI Yhta ...... I llf, titw ..... 1•.11 W. Ill IPR UT 1·1 I 2111 Yhta .., ... 1 llf 2~ M ,_1111,MO •llllTDLY .. IF TIE lllTllYIUllM Immaculate "G" Plan on corner in newer Bluffs on FEE land. Private spa, & security system. near community pool, large balcony & pat106. Priced to sell below market at $269,900. Call Hallie Strock or Cindy Pelletier 644-7020 211•-....... Foreck>Md and the len- der 11ys Hll It quick! Reduced from $80.500 to 159,000. Gr"t •l•rl« home or good Invest· ment. New pelnl, rtew carpeca, many extras Call $48-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS Prize West Bay baytront. Slipe for 2 boats, IOI '"· o..,., 1 hi, 2 llf, ,. Ull- remodeled 3 bdnn, 3 bath $l, 2 00,000. HELEN ~ DOWD l 1101 1101 ESTATE -:'~!~~·Br Ocean & jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdnn, 3 llULTOllS, Ill, 144-0134 'W home. f amlly rm w/ bath. 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. walk·behlnd wet bar. I NII-clean Litton oven & lllll ISLE IAYFllOIT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark nn. den Boat slip. Now $1,000,000. l&YSllE PUCE Spect.ac·ular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up. 2 br 2 ba dn 2 boat spares!. Reduced -$1 ,500,000. FAllllUIS llUCll New 4 br. 4 11 ba, custom French Normandy Eltate 1.2 prune ac hilltop. $1.250.000. &YILll I Fee simple cottage on quiet Descanso St. (m Flats). $145,000. F.llECL.l.llE Have something you want Buying and selling at a microwave. Carefree Brand new homeltnhma. to sell? Claasllled ada do reasonable price·thal'• NomoneydWn0<lodWf>, Forced Mle on 3 prime It well I Call NOW, what classlfied ,5 all front yard Only $135· Agt. 836-7742, 24 hrt propertlH. For detalla 64:>·5878 about 642-5678 450. Seller motivated Ckrden Grove Twnhln call 754·1202 Agl. ~li'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-· i:~~g~en Heltwar111 S 10,000 down, take over The fHteat drew In th• e11l1t1ng VA 2 Bdrma, Wut. . a Dally Piiot 2ba Agt 891-8529 CIUllfled Ad. 642-5678 , $640 000 IMK" Hiil JU n IJ>AT. v11n .\ICU 'iHI':' ID Lill() \ll.IAI.~. J I \Rl;f' llt:UKOOMS, 21~ llATlt ltf.,IOfNltAl AfAl I S IAll '>IAVICI~ LOW IOWI Try $15,000 clwn on Chis 4 Bdr 2 Ba Mesa North F10me Asking $126,900 Make an otter. 631-7370 1111111 Adverti· sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I ate I y. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. CIRlllAll CAYS _ .. -------•I Coronado Island cwit. bayfront lot. 85' boat Tour Thi• \t11gnilit.,l'nl (:U~tom llomt1 UPF.:\ Tl ESOA Y thru Sll"IOA \ PllllSIU 10' l&YFHIT Probate salt• of $1.400.000 cash. Minimum ovt>rbtd $70,500. Court date 1017/82. 5 Bdrm home, separate lot, beach. dock for 70' boat. Marcia Bents. 644-9060 TRADITIO\,\L RL\l_'n 1:00-6.00 ...,.,ltlWt dock. Plana avail. Now $370,000 w/t.enns. .••.•..•.............. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR 603 36th STREET ~EWPORT BEACH llLl/L.Ull "'*' EASTBLUFF TERINA ._,,~,, tor rnut«' 111formatlOl'I t on1er1 IN NEWPORT CENTER CONDO. 3Br, 2'hBa. dshwslv. lrplc, dbl oven. comm pool 833·9167 d)'t. 759-1318 eves. ...................... ..,,., 1111 •••..•................ ~.: i::,,,.,\•cJ• ~· .t •• 9 e,,.) be CANNERY VILLAGE REALTY 644-9060 510 3Clth ~tr ... t \«'•p<'.lrt Br~ch, C. tl2C><> I I Ownert Agl. 3% Open HM Sal/Sun 2·5. (714) 673-3777 SIMPLY OUTSTANDING Charming Ayres-built home In Nonheut Anaheim. Nea.r shopping, IChoola. and a regional part<. Thr ... bedroom home with dellghttul floor plan. Excellent comer lot. You must see and compare. Call Carol King IOf a showing. BAYFRONT BARGAIN Only $895,000 leasehold. Prime location In gated community. Ouallly home with five bedrooms. pier and sllp, great views Try $1,996.600 fee. Good financing la available. Call Marltyn Twltc:hefl. OLDE CORONA DEL MAR On the bluffs overl<>c*tng t:>ay and oc.an. Cuatom-bullt home. Arc:tlltecturally designed. Megnllloent vlewa Beautiful woods. Handaome apPolntments. Abundant clotet and atOfage apace. 160 ft. frontage on Ocean Boulevatd. F0< mo<e details, call Cathryn Tennille. SPECTACULAR VIEW Two large three-bedroom homes. PLUS teen retreat. PLUS secluded atudlo ... ell on one bluff-top lot In Corona del Mar. Remarkable View of bay, ocean. and Catallna. Aaaumable tat T.D .. and teller wlll carry balance Pr!Qed at St,500,000. ca11 Sharon Cotllnt for detaMs. BEAUTIFUL POOL HOME Large four-bedrbom home with pool, ac>•. and a dellghtful view. HandtomelY landac:aped grounds provide matWloua feeling of privacy at the end of a quiet cukM-NC. 9-utlful ., .. of al(panilv9 hOmea In North Tuatln. A IUP«b family h<>me. Pric.c:t at 1595,000. PleUe can OIOn Sc:hmehr. SUB8T ANTI AL PRICE REDUCTION s.&ler 11 desperate. Absolutely muat tell. Deauvlll• model In exclutlve Big Canyon. Hendaome French doors through04.lt: high c:elllnga have all bMf'I plMtefed with smooth llnlth. lmpresalve two-ttory entrance and living room. oa.k-tloofed kitchen and famlly room. u.ixurloua muter MJlte, and large brick terr11ee. The home Is vK*!t. and waiting your final touc:tt. The price hu been reduced to '850.000, and the Miier wttl carry~. Call Trudy StubtHefleld, TREE LINED STREET Beautifully decorated three bedroom home with separate quarters for teenagers, mother-In-law. or guests. Terraced yard hU patJo. kol pond. a.nd waterfall. This home Is a "must &ee" fOf the family that wenta the Newport ntestyte. Call Joy Hotker for a showing. THE PRIVACY OF EMERALD BAY An urban sophlsUcatlon keyno1ea 0-.ia ocean view property In private Emerald Bay. The handsomely atyied three-bedroom home, plua convertible den, la ldHI for the busy profaaslonal couple. Asking $635,000 and with a subatantlal down payment, the Miier wtU asslat with financing. Furnishings negotlable Cell Joyc;e Oabolt. COUNTRY ROADS LNve the city behind. Two bedroom comlon with e fireplace, new llOOla, and new fencing. Wortc In the city If you must, t:>ut escape to Sllverado at the end of your day. This oak-$haded cottage features some very lntereatlng financing that might make It your perfect escape, Mary Richardt Is the person to can for detalls. MAKE US AN OFFER The telle< la motivated and re.dy to lltten. Newer four-bedroom home on a private quarte< acra, Jull a few blocka from the Old Plan In Orange. Features apa, family room, f0<mal dining room. C«ltral air; room fOf RV, pool. or?? wge exl1tlng firat T.D. Owner wlH ualst. Drutlc pra reduction le>< CASH TO LOANI CLOSE-IN TUSTIN CONDO Centrally located !~bedroom and den home Single story end unit In park-like setting. Larve assumable io.n. P<>Mlbta own«·Uliated ftnancing, a.nd GRi:.'T loc:.tlon. mat<• thta a S*fect starter home. Priced at only '98,500. can Clrol King tod~. AFFORDABLE HORSE PROPERTY Cozy two-bedroqm, neatled In the oaka at Sll~edo Canyon. Wond«f\11 UM of wood and wlllpeper. NeWgar11ge. Alto, an extra lot '°' hofM, mini-orchard, or PQMlbta new building? A""IMbta ttrat T .O .. tnC1 a wlltlng ..u.r. Mary Aldwda. Aat<lng St t0,000. The firm with the Beverly Hiii• /Palm Desert connection 759-9100 # 2 Corporate Plaza Newport Center ---------____.____.. ~-,. "\ . ~ . . .. . . ... . .. ' I I t·· ...... _ 22 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAIL y PILOT /Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 .------__.;;.~_;_~-r~~~--~-----r---------------..... --------------Ll H ISLE WITll . llY VIEW Imagine 6 bdrms, 4 baths, formal dining room, steps to Nord Beach & playground on best street. 3,650 sq. ft. of good living for only $575,000 with excellent financing. LllO ISLE This charming 3 bdrm beach home is in an excellent location, very close to the clubhouse activities, tennis & swimming. Features a unique circular fireplace. brick patio & lovely shade trees. Completely private 1 bdrm & 1 bath upstalrs wTih out side entrance. Priced at $349,500. Liii ISLE llYFIOIT • Prestigious Island, fantastic location, you've heard all the good words, now let us show you a waterfront home with 4 bdrms & 4 baths that has all the grace & charm of what you dream about "in old Cape Cod". $2,200,000. SEClllTY 01111 ~ lllT SLIP Security 2 bdrm furnished condo overloo k i ng turning basin. Lowest .rate in town on slip. Buy now .1-have the best view in town for the Christmas Boat Parad e . Financ ing available. Ull WllE LIT + Nil OPEi SAT 1-4; Sii 2-1 204 YIA UIU Walk to Lido Village. 3 bdrms, 3 baths . good assumable financing. Excellent buy. Price reduced to $550,000. Mil Tl-Mllllll MWI Hll•llllll Choice oversized Inside tot. Spacious home built around very private patio with spa. 6 bdrms includ ing maid's & 5 baths. Looking for new owner with wherewithal to update to mllllon dollar category. UM ISi.i IAYn111' FANTASTIC TERMS ... Owner will carry 1st Trust Deed. Priced to sell. Near Udo Clubhouse & tennis co urts . Wiii accommodate a large yacht. $1,300,000. -S Ull ISU UnlilT 40' lot. 5 bdrm, 5 baths. Watch the sunset from gigantic master suite. 4 car garage. Enjoy beautiful beach in front of your home. $1,750,000. llll llLI Large lot. 4 bdrms plus den. 3 car garage, spa, 2 lovely patios. Large master suite. Located on c entral corner strada. Generous owner financing. $650.000. IAYJlllT Ullll Spacious Lido Park Drive condo with sit-down view~ Security building. Boat slips. Owner will consider exchange for units. $525,000. Lido Realty 673-1300 \' l·.Sl I: 'i '..; 1\YLOR CO. l\L\LJ(>l\~ -.i11l\ l 'l·lli AOIEI I lllU If LISI llllmY Fii , ... PUAllll -AT • MST Expansive views overlooking plush country club grounds maintained by others al no expense to you. Truly a prestigious home located on a prime site overlooking Big Canyon Country Club. You have earned it-Now enjoy it. CALL P'OR OOLOR BROCHURE 644-4910 Li1tla 1111 P1rftctio1 New on market: 4 br, 3 'h bath, single story home on huge lot. May take up to 100 Coot yacht subject to approvals. Now has dock for 4 boats of 40 ft. Backyard with lawn and lush landscaping. Just I remode led by A.S .l.D. decorator. $995,000 with $175,000 down. I lllllU Alllll lllT MY • IM UllYll Unquestionably the best buy in Big Canyon. Four bednm. and family room. lmmaculate throughout. New carpet.a, drapes, marble entry & decor. Electronic security system. Wet bar, 2 fireplaces, 3 car garage. Artistic pool and spa. Priced right at $695,000. Gate guarded area Call 644-4910 for permission lo enter 1' ..._ TIU •· IHI .. 1·1 NW -L•E I lmn -IPYIUIS Two-story Nantucket 4 br. with beautiful Sun.set pool surrounded by 14, 000 red bricks. Tastefully decorated thro ughout with wallpapers and shutters. S hows like a m odel home! I Many upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 incl. land. ..,. IMlllm PAM a• Deta ch ed 3 br, 2 ~ ba . ho me on green belt near community tennis and pool. $114,000 ln assumable loans and you own the land. $140,000. .,. TllUll -Slftl fU "' Channing 3 bedroom home with lots of extras. You own the land. Grftlt family home. Price reduced $45,000. Beaudful large comer lot. Walk to the bay. Belboe Island, and Fas hion Island. Owner motivated. this oould be best buy ln the Terrace. $320.000. Financing available. 1141 'OOIM tm• -lat/M 1·1 ................ First.time liat«!d. Charming nr. new 2 S1y, architectural gem. 4 bdrms, fam, rm. Quallty design and decor throughout. Designed for guest quarters. Priced to selJ $595.000. Seller finance. No loan fee. 211 ...... '"' -, ... 2 llMll Tl mWNIT 1111 -U ..... Ch.armJng 4 Br & family room, 2 brick fireplaces, country kitchen, quiet residential area in young development by Buccola. lQll dn. Owner carry 10 yrs. _12,.__,..,.. .Earthtonee th.Nout, 4 br, 2 ~ be, funny rm. dining rm. 2,378 sq.ft. View of Pavilion, niQht ;.rts & Catalina. 1211~ l&TIM1-I ....... lli.u __ ,_ Quiet, park-like 1etting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac at. 3 bd.rms, lam. rm. $379.500. 1111 m wut, • .. • 1-1 IN FORECLOSURE GREAT STREET Dflff by 2048 Peloma. off 20th 8t. nM4' lrVIM Ave ..•. Mat door to Newpon. Greet potentlel -wee lot -room to Hpend thl• 3 bod. 2 be. A famll' ne(ghbomood. Celt for dotatta. Try S1M1 000. n8 3 HOMES ON LOE LOT Almoat now a nlcoly maintained. 0...,-. ,......,, IMt,000. 131·1400. \.\'AlfR~RO?'\T HOMl:!ot, '" 111 \I 11111" 2 ........ •. ,_..,t u~"' .............. ~ 131·1400 • .ui '4.,-,_. "'" .. _,.._. e7MIOO lLHHHl ll&lll llllllYl IPYIUH lllH Ill h ome w I pool, spa & 3-car garage. Huge cul-de-sac lot overlooking ocean & canyon. Seller assisted financ ing. $790,000. Anita Bradshaw. 752-1414 (Y64) lllHll 114,IM "Kensington" w/loft. SUPER plush, carpets, stained glass. spa in entry. Thi.a home has it all! Assumable loans + owner financing. Now only $595,000 Darle ne Herman 752-1414 (Y65) LIW MWI H U&.111 II Yll llY Beautifully decora ted 2 BR con do hom e on Balboa peninsula. Total security, easy parking, bayside pool w/owner & guest boat slip. Loans are assumable & seller wlJI carry 3rd. A must see at $247,000 Bill Wedmore 551-8700 (Y66) ,.._, -wm • • & poot Unique property & county area. 6 BR. 3 ~ BA. fam. nn. Separate kitchen. formal dining rm, 2 levels, pool w /deck opens off lanai & patio deck oft master BR. Good financing. $199,500. Marion Frizzell 551-8700 (Y67) 18"1 -NY Convenienc.ly loc.ated across from clubbou9e & pool. Close to shopping -2 story. 2 BR, condo with private patio. Owner buying another. Submit all offers. $89,500 Mack Hanson 551-8700 (Y68) NEW CONDOa -/11 11th at QMAT MDUCTION91 Ne.2 ... ----NOWe Ne.lw• ..... -NOW Ne.4.,..1111--NOW .... , ... ...__NOW ... , .... ., .... . ..... , ...... ..,,. ••••= _... • n1111b11 • _... _...... ............ WATERFRONT HOME .I'< Mt.\l It*" .................. ~ .. , ··--·· ,,,.,,, /11 S•lt H••••• 111 S1/1 ..•..•..........•................•.•.....•.. C.•1111 1002 C.a111l JOOZ ••••....•..................•.......•........ Coles worthy &Co. 2545 EASTBLUFF OR . NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 640-0020 lllfFS .... 3 Bdrm, 3 Bath, family nn, expansive view "E" Plan. Mint condition, security system, lrg assumabieloans. Open Sat 1-5. 2645 Vista Omada. $310,000. 3 Bdrm, 3 Bath, family rm, poolside "'G '' Plan. Designer's home. lrg living rm . You own the land. Open Today 1-5. 2400 Vista Nobleza. $319,000. UITllWFOIUllPWF Spacious Lusk-built 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home. Formal dining. full air, service porch. courtyard entry, quiet cul -d e -sac location. Move-in condition. $215,000. Appl. only. llUYWllTDI, 11 With over 20 yr•. experienee, Harry announced the opening ot hi• ~ firm In Janoa.ry. For the put 13 yn., Harry wea With The AMI Eata1ert as NloemM, ofe. mgr, & dtrec1or of tr•nlng & exec ~ Pret. In addltlOn to Instructing Real Estate at OC College, he 8'so la auth« of MV91'al of Its COUf'leO. A ltfotlme member of NB/CM board of MllllOn Dollw Club, he has won loP ..ie.man ol the )'9er ....,.da 6 w• on loCal & 1tato boatd commlttMI. Ho's a member of Nwpt/Hbr/CM, Hntg Bch/Fln Vly & IMne boarda now. Herry &tleo wcwtlecf In 8-*lna, &crow, Title Ina., Mmgage Banking (meklna 1HA & VA loans) & owned hl1 own REAL l:STATE Tu Sorv bualneaa. For real Mrvlee & • .,,.,1onco call 549--1400. couw ........ MM.TOM 1u1a.c.......,. e......i ... 11is.;11tt c1aealned A01 ero 111e w to a euaauef\11 .._.or~Mlellt'11 .._._.., ... more ,..,,... _,_,_TIMS 3 ltg 8drl'N. Faml!Y rm, country kltcnen. Oroa1 t*ghboftlood. Good fl· nanclng av.,lab.._ Full pr ice S13J .tOO 761-3191 PIMl.Tl-.U ..... atilt uemlml New 9100 111 •t•t• on 1.35 acre• wllh tonol1 court•, pool and 1p1 Appralaad at 14,000,000 • Wiii be aacrlllced for U ,100,000. Unbelleve- blo "~In • ttf9tlme .. find. C>MIOr wlll ~ trade tor ott.-P'OOOf· , ... and goma. . ..... , .•.•. .....111 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 -23 !~~!!! .{'.'. !.•.'!....... !'.'.!!!!.~'.'. !!.'!....... !'.'.~!!!.~'.t.!.•.l!.. ••• • • ~'.!!!! .~'.'.!!.'!....... !t.I!!!!.{~!!'!.. ..... !'.'.!!!!.!'.'.!.'.'!.. •• • •• !'.'.~!!! .~'.'. !.'.~' •.•• -... !'!.~!!! .~ .. '. !!.~ ....... . ~'.'.'. ......... !.~~ ~°" 1111 ~~~-~{!~~ •• !.~~ ~-~t~ .. !!.~ ~!~.!!!!i ...... !.~1 ~!~.l!!!! .••.•. !.~1 .. u,,.,, ... tUp. ~U •••••••••••••••••••••• Tr• ftW PNflrly Eud t.ade~!• .. M2~. ~ If .-a/I -.•• ~~~~ •••••• !.~~ •••~~!f. ••••••• l.~1 Cut• clMn, attatp 3 Br Own« of this completely own ,,.,_.. • .., • ..,, Appfo1t. 3200 eq ft, 3 ba, Man del Mar hom•. PE•llU PlllT 1·2 I l lftlllL Pl.All remodeled v1-home. dbl garage. Tip· Top 2 ear gar. Santa Ana WH ••y Hug41 lot on a cul-ct.MC I Flrst time otl«9d In CN« L"91J twe ••*1111, wlll oonlld« a trade for Shape. &43-0697 Hgll, aerou from Coun· .....,.. .,. st. GrNt loan. Call now 50 yHrsl 1..ovely old 2 ._.... ,..., N Cl ft your Income producing Open houH Sun. 12·5. try Club. 145K. 540-80$2 .... S.1. 1·1 on this <Aleta M ... cutle. story 4 Bdrm home In ·-r propwty or elngle famlty 138 Walnut. DollhouH ••• IEL MU 1 ... 1 11...tu hJ 831·7370 or 545-713e good condition. Hard-let, Jut ........ te ruldenee In Newnort E·slde. S10,000 teue .. G ood 11 d f 1 t"' It II L A o h "'s UnbelieY•ble t«mat uarded gate community in Huntington w oore, won er u •• tat , ar1e rea. p•n ou1e It option. 2 br. 2 ba, trple, H bo TR..\DI T 10\,\l. front P<Weh to tit on and ltrl••••·ll iarltl 12·4 PM . 2727 Oeaan fenced, brick entry, owe 1at. R9mod. 3 br. ar ur water view from practically aee the boata go by. .......... _ _. ....__ Mt Blvd Corona del Mar. wood deetl. ITI()(e. S139 1V. ba, lam rm Own« every room. Beach for back yard. 36' RL\i J' Plus, 2 MP¥ate bdrrN ,.._, ..... rw • S1 .275,000 COASTAL 9 O O 7 5 4 . 1 6 4 8 : needs a deal Probate boa dock L h o-3 ear gatage. 1334, ertal1•11f I ,nn.,. AREA PROPERTIES. S56--699e. 8kr, 120-1101 t . ge near new ome over 3200 500 1•2 1200 lff·ttr ... ,.,... fer ~;~W ~uehomet.J _EA_S_T_s-1oe-. cu-s,-1>1-1.-3-B-R-i. --.-1-0l--H-L_l_W---1 sq.Ct. Red tile roof. 4 BR (incl huge • • the tart,.......,., -. . 2 Ba. tam rm, worktllo9, :l BL Nu. ......, new master bdrm suite), 3 Ba, family rm, BRAND NEW "Haart ol Oranoe County" Town· homM -Luxury 3 bdrm homes beautllully de· lligMd. quality bullt • and I A PETE BARRE TI • .,'.rf a;., "'•If er C#f• lf.u , .... S189,500 20% awn, condo. Priced tor laat formal dining rm w/wetbar, 2 fptc's, spa ,., • •••••••••••••••••••••• owe •t 12% .. 47e: Walnut ++ L IY. Iner .., .... .... _ 1 IUIY Pl-. Open Sunday 2•5. sale. AMUme ioena. Agt . uxury living al its besL $775,000. . REALTY ... ,,_. Mll,IM. 11111 -Yll ... /llei 714·548-3374 _7_54_·_1_20_2 ____ --1 Seller motivated. Suggest $200K down. ,. ma YA·~ LtAI UllEL PT. IUL EITlll IY LIOU financing now that you ~~~~~~~~~ Just won't bellavel Call COZV 2 bd houae c:ION to now Brandywyne Pro· S pertlea 11 53l-9e70 beh . 275,000. Op•n ' · Sat/Sun. 1-5. S.4·1281. ue1111n11 $15,000 dwn. uaume low lntereat toana. Sharp 3 Bdrm"-· 1240.000 Fr9d TIH\Ofe, 831-1286, 831-2711. Agt. ... • 1'111 S.. Ft. ..... 1Jllk ft. .. &..t 11111ie. .,..,... * .al VOii On th• goll couree. Custom ~lfut 3 Bdrm home, many, many ex· tras. $278,500 with 10% down awn« wt• CMry •• 12141% lnt«M1 • ., ...... ,lltr. Ml-1121 MAGNflCENT COUNTRY a ... OUEI ,.,_,., Piii I . lar· , ... ...,.. ...... . ..... , ,.... .., ... .....,,..., ..... ...... 't-.: .. .., ..... ..... '"' •••• , .. 1 •• ••H, •IH t111ls ....... , ..... ... .... ..... ..,,.. ...., ....... / ..... ., •Ill ... ,. f111111. ............... , .......... haaLW.,h alter 141-llll 111-1111 MANSION MC-1111 3~~~n- SuP9fb eonltruGtlon • houM. Geted. Pool, tan- Hqulslte decorating. nla, jec., lfUM. ShOp- 8000 aqlft. 2 acru, ping. Mlnut• to bMetl. apacteo.iw ~ ~ You own land. 1240,000. ded l •mon Height• • Aaaurne 12% loan. By North Tuatln Hllta .... 1---------i--OMW __ • 7_80.:_38_7_6 __ _ aurround•d by olher CAMEO SHORES. by ow-... e&J 1-1 greet eat-. ,_, oc:eet1 vtew, 4 BA, 5 -,2 .,. 000 ba, den. pool, Jee •• 2 Ml Wll II ' 1...,, . ..._. __,, ....... .,.... wetbars ......... r.,.,., ct11· ~ pet. drap••· 1595,000. .Hi.a ~ RMltor/~ Buy•r aa1ume 111 at ._ 731-4444 731·5115 7~%. Down payment Immaculate 8dtm, 2 .... "'-' ,., $148,000. owe $400, batll • owner'• unit and 000 at 12% for 10 ~ apac;1ou9 1 bdtm '9tltel, 780-1734 bOth with loft.cf beem ...................... 1---------otlllftga. frplCI and a Y9ty Pflvet9 pool Located on Of'9 Of Cofona del Mar'a prettleat 1treet•. 4 blocks to Utt• C«ona 8-c:tl. IZtt.000. CHA .. MING REMOD. 3 9r+4oft Trad9/IM opt. tor ~ or unit. 813-8615 •••n rwo \#Itta nett be)'trom. owe. Red~ *40K11 $310,000. l'rlnc only 845-"22 Agt. BAYFAONT W/PtER N.-ly AeOullt LW!vryl Open Sat/Stn OCEAN VIEW ....1111 :~~.2e7.'0 ~ ~~ .. ~~ 4 br. 2 ba on quiet cul· 2 llTR lllTEI l1C-U1·""4 Bdrm f\ome, freshly de·He n r So Cout $13,000 dwn on thl1 painted In and out. T«· Plan. OWC 12% 2nd TD E.•ide Cape Cod town- rlfle loeatlon. Asking w/20% dn. S 134,000. By houH Dbl gar. spa & $147,000. For appoint· _owrl« __ ._&4_2·_2_17_8 __ ---4 pool OWC BHI buy. ment to aee , call *~ V«de 3 br, pool, C all Di ana Ca ppel ~1151 spa.S..ut.hc>fM,AI 831 -1268 or Pat eum. 139K 545-9904 n1--0e&O, aots 0pn HM Sunday 1-4 2520 Popla< l..n. ~HERITAGE , REALTORS Fill« uppe<. 38r, 1~ba lau It/al lllf on R2 lot. VK.en• SIP •••••••••••••••••••••• WTSllE STEAL S 105.000. Century 21 Trade one of our new Gold Co111 Rea1tor1. 3-5Br tiom.s for your1 . llL Y S 11,000 548-1168. 1 1'~% 30 years fixed . lft BY OWNER FINANCED, Price rror. 1220.000 to !~"!! ........... !.~~!~"!! .........•. !.~! lllT SELL LOCITIDI LMving country. S50.ooo 1 und« matket. P.aflee· LOCATIOI Turtlaroek. l..rg yrd~ 3 bdrm, 2 ba Plan 3 1n Centr. air. lormal Otning, the ChancetlM Homes. kltcnen nook. lrg utility OM-story. cCM11'9d P•· hot>by rm. Opn HM Sun tlo Parfact !Of the small 1·5. 5 Purple SeQe. Cell 1 11.. St47 000 agt for dln1etlons. Toni am., · · M orrl1 -layll eld . 559-9400 Auuma VA lot 191 01 S5,000 buys n In Coate S280.00 . Furnlahed S97,500 at 11.50% and M .... 4 BA 2 Ba, 13% & modelt QP9R, 49$-525-4 take over 2nd or new $137,000. Call Friend & fOf' mQ<e Info ----======-.... one. Lovely 4 8r plus fa. aot eo:~2-9797 !!!'.:!!~J~!!t;..!~1 mlty rm. Mint condition. --·-Job lorcea Iran.fer. Call _, .. now to .... Diana eap. LIW llTllllT Lit UllOTlll I pal, 831·1299 Own« wlfl help finance 4 n .. _. 3 b , ... "'~I MlpW 4 Bdnn •celant ...... ...... . • , .... .......... areal Only 1132,500 c.11 fam rm w/lrplc, formal now 979-5370 dining rm, apatkMng pool WllllllME Ollll •523 CAMlvsDl·IMIE. BY OWNER & apa. A r..i buy In e grall n•IQhborhood. .. URRYI Bkt. 848-4557 Deluxe condo. North· Counlry French c:tlarm. 2 wood 1 8'. 2 llry. A/C. Br 2 Bl. 2 ear-gm-. °'99t F/P, patio, utll rm. A$-loeatlon. S 139.500. Calf aoc. poo1 1enn1t Cleen 8'11T.-AI Toni Morrta-L-.ylleld, modern.' quiet.' happy .... Im.I ... ,,.,,.,, pltce. $110,000. $14,500 4 Bdrm, pvt courtyard. ,,_j IHI down. 552-5742. Warm country French LAUREL PT. TOWNHOU· •••••••••••••••••••••• T1rtlerett 1i4ce .cs.oor. Mklng 1174,500. SE BY OWNER 4 BR 4 Ba lrvlne Pacific Plan I. Br<*ar 846-0709 AslUfM '82.500 12% 30 hrne, ac>PfOll 2900 aq.h. --..... yr 111. '30,000 12% 2.nd. Nr. Meadowlark Oolf TURTLEROCK HILLS Hlgtlly upgraded 2Br ~"' If, 3 Br. 2\.\ ea.. many up-Cour ... l23IK, 11 \.\% 3 Br 2 Ba, comm. pool & 21>&. den. f0% down or 3 t>«m, 2 be. s.p, din gradaa. 1tln1 toe;. $132. loan avail up to S170t<. tennis. $30,000 dwn or I IN/opt. $268,500. rm. Covered patio. 000. Own« M$-310t, alto wltake back 2nd wtK lrllde. 97M866, agt Open 110 5 Sat/Sun Adame and Hatbof, ,_ 8'e-0450 27 ~ht ~ooo. mu ---.-111-,-1,--114100 llWI I _0wn1 __ Ao.;;...t_5_-_1000 __ Lowly 4 8A pool home. .... ,., ...... ,. GIST • llPll Bell •u.t In .... Orta 2 story, 2 bdrm 1·~ ba llYl llVllE Oii· • • 11&.1 ..... TlllTY OMW "'°""'O Nor1ll C.-b h C d ClauM In Int. freeiy u-Mary Jo, 145-118.1 or e•c • on ° c:o -op II sumable $183.000 loan 12IOO llftl 752-0911 Pool. aauna. weight Lov•ly upgraded 2 Br at 13'M.. Trade your~ ~oom , aub /8 '~lng. condo In Hnsatlonal MRI horM. Low down Of Yll II eean ano l•r law. wooded location. I.ow ??? Thia quallty home ts u.ted at s1eo,ooo. 115. 0 s &ltd« hu ctipffal gain ooo under market. All Interest, low paytMntl. the L WE T PRICED probleme, wilt le&M wt1h c:aatt or MW fin GrHt Amazlngty only $88,000. Turtlaroek Home w l option to pureNM Within opp'y for llOIMOM who Oall Peg or Wendy, POOi. & SPA at only 15 montha at TODAY'S can act faat. Agent 559-9400 S285,000. PRICE. New 2 or 3 Br, S 531.9100. Aak tor Jim OOLOEN PROPERTIES Ba Condo-ale * tux YI AHi WI RigNlmar. 752·15'9 amenlllea.OrMttoc.tlon -~-------1 nellt door to all shop-111.,. .... Tl ... ping, theatere l tr•n· Canyon vi...~ No money down, no eporta11on. •Pll .... ao. S•I• prlc• qual ifying own your 714-831-6065 or I 1 1 t , 5 O O. 0 w n r . horn• on our unlqu• 842·2000 8314213 aherad 8PP'aclatlon n. *.11~ .. /........... nanclng. Wa tlav• 5 2 _. ~ ~ In Hunt. Baaeh, 3 Br, 1 ba, dMn. WM 38R 2"M>a. 1900 to 2100 ~ 11241(. now l114K. K.ilY aq It. Paymenll from Two tndlYldual hou .... Own/Agt IS 1·1040 11200 to $1900 mo. Caill hlghly Ul)gfaded with... 141-1133 George Brooke. Mon parate yarda, on R-2 tot. thru Fri, 7141111-5558 <>wnara anxlOul and wlll '9lll c.lfY the 1at TD. ~Ing -•• .. IJ1111the Trw..,,.. 1145,000. c.11 ~1161 -N-listing ~!:.500 to Del\lxa ownert unit ti• a ---s 132,.ow 1oene.. 8drma. 2 bMt!e. ..,..,... G«g90\ll trl-lewl. 48r, c., •nd ancloMd y.,.d. Ag t • 957 ·16 O 7 or .;.,. HERITAGE RfALTORS Two 2 Bdrrn """9 com--963-9101 •• ~ l.91 ~ --------· --------• wnante hall) INlke Plr-• Bfl1..,.S1~°"'* llll.llE POI menta. Cell tod'Y mu1t aall now. 10381 ----- lly owner 1110,000 In .. .. Malltel. •·1037 ~ io.n.. 8Peo-... -taoul•r 11a,. •P•rlcllnJ IT mt poo1 a ..,. !Mk• ""' 8 ·~ ...--..... br, 2 ba. home • •ttflc y °"'*-.......... .. .._...., ,antllltlo flNn. ~ 3 bf, 2 .... be, 2 -v-• tr~ i CM git, IOftla ~· Wll not i.tt lono Iii own., lln. avail. 1171, .. l/~-~oo1 .• Or>ttn,,..~.,h!:" eoo. ey _,,.,., ........ Slaahed to 1 148,000 0-la~ate to NII thl1 dellOfl1NI Wei· mlngton COtlCfo w/2 huoe Bdrm• & Ba. Lovely QfMnbeh tocat.IOn badt- lng to gruey pane & the financing la a "10". L4t UI lhow you ltllt ~. AQ1. 552-7500 ·~.~ ... !!! Wll•~ G .. EAT OCN VIEW. 2, 000 eq "· 39', 28a. fem rrn wf'flfA bw, IQ ltV rrn w/bMirMd celllng/rrpte, ANXIOUS. 1$,000 dWn. 11550 mo. fOf 11 mo. 00£ANFAONT. 2Br, huoe dact(, wMt to boh, very pvt. 15,000 dwn. 11150 mo. for 38 mo. ANXIOUS. Ownertagt. ...... 1098 llft Sun. 'u mHllon. a---lllOW. Wiii dlecaM ..,,.. and Pfloe· Call f13.1833/875-4000 $550,000 FEE Custom, upgrllded, pro- r.aelonal daeOt In Hert>of View Hiiia. Huge tow ln1· ., .. t eaaumable lolln1. Ptlde of 0•11at•hlp. 4 8A, hlmlty rm. lormal dt- nlng. 3~ .............. ·-· 162.·1212/&M-6115 -~-=~.~-==,.=--i If ... VA fWPOlllU8IOH 4bf ltetlet HOIM 4 ldNM, Europ••n Cuti• on MESA VERDE home 49r, Sba PoOC lo ~ lo ctn' 2ba. 12~ Onan evall SpyglHI Hiii. OrHt 2ba. ctan wtwac w ... 1135.ooo Ao-"6-1739. V•t• can buy w/MOOO \t.l//1{/'1: awry Of OMata.. 113-77t1Of180-1397 ,. ter!N Offetad. tlo, bnln 810 1111.000 dn. Aft.,...,. OPIN IATl8UN 2~ I.ft.. ml -lacrtfloe 8ale 4 94,,..,1--------t 7 MUlr 8aedl Cr., CdM. 1141164-Mel 4 Id pool '-· 0.-tba. 't6 "''' tfOf'll botl a I" oondo, 111,IOO, •tm ll&n modwetld . ""* dMr\. 1~ "'*' awi1. Moh -n•r muat nll now. '40-82Mor975-0IOI PaaaltMa 1°'41 dn. •tM, co11 11da tad. Alt. 14171 Golden Qian . 000. t41 llH Aot "1-16l9 41MOCl7 .•• a....,.. ._.....,ca_ ..,. • 4"-1177 " I ,. - ~· 24 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 !~!!!!.{~~ .•.... ~.'!!.~ ........ !~!!!!.~~'! ...... ~!.!!!!.{~'.".'! .•..... '-~!!!!.{~'.~~· ..•.••. !~!!!!.{~'.~'! ....... !~!!!!.{~~~~' ....... ,OtMt ...i .,,,. ~l.~.~t .. ! ....... ~.~t .. !.~ ~~!!.~! .. !.~~ !'!.'!rffl.~! .. J.~! ~.~! .. }!~! ~!r.!!.~! .. !.~! ~.~{~~!! .... !!!f ·~;;;;j .......... .. EOIEITllAI WI Lq111 h1tlt A4141ress TllllEI COISIHIEI •o llTllll .. -B:~~~~ 3Ht= VERSAILLES ENGLISH •••• ~'!..~.~.}~ I I • with lncred. view In PENTHOUSE 1 bdr. prl-nlnnD ESTATE ..... Tll lllLTD l•EOLlllU lllllEIT IU Pf"llgiovt g•t• quNded me toe. $15,000 dn. Ow. IWUI\ fN llVllTIUl c o m u m n '. S 4 8 5 M . n • r wk n d a 1 • 5 P M Merlner'• Pt, drMtlc r.. S•n Ci.tnente pride of ......... View of ocean and city Ughts. 3 Bdrm, 2 'h ba plus office. 2 fireplaces. JodeUe I Model. 3 St. Tropez. CISTlll LIT H IWllH ••LL I Great view of ocean and city lights. Will subordinate -will build to suit. 842-n45 183 1 -5084, Mon-Fri ductlon 10 ~.modern Spe- Lm- -714-983-2529 1121,000 nlm style 4 unit •Pl __. • H5W houM with OCMn/hilts & hw M llalttt •lntlf llJllTI Ovw 5000 a.I. of ellqin. gott course vlelw. CIOM 5 Bdrm, 8 bath home «3 Fullerton AY9 t it• luxury, P•noramlc to everything, only 3 with f8ntutlc view. $ 3 3 5 , 0 0 0 . W 111 ocean view. Seiter nn.n-yeara old & thows llke Agent 631·1400 •xchang•·•ubmlt. 4Br, olng av•ll•bl•. Phon• NEWI N.-~ could Open S•lurd•Y 1·5 3B•. HP llvlng qt rt. Lingo 498-4950. Aatl tor oocupy 3 Bdrm .. 2 b•lh a •• ' .'E-..... 642·51"0 •nytlm• or •-J appllctble & rent the •• M""I 646-57S.. btwn 12 & 4 -• 118 other 3 apartmentt lor Reduced uo,ooo to l!.aal•lr .. • ll _income. -Seller ww help 901 King• Aoed 0 p • n W • d ·Sun . W•ll or Joy ~ city & ocean view ept. It $T99~00 Remolfefed, •••~•••••••••••••• finance & SAVE buyer IN IW.UY, IULTll H4 4411 pool, bHch. 5% down LEASE/OPTION 2 Br/pool, $909 total mo. thouHnda ol dollus• -----------------OWC 548·8677. pymt plut anoclttlon REDUCED aelllng price A••AalfE ._.. eted and locll In • 30 )'NI fl. du... ($73/mo) Clo.Ing of 1295 000 00 11 way .._ •• ~ Remod 3 Br. 2-A Ba. •ed 11• .. w, to•nl Ctll tor cost 8PPfOll $1700. A•· BELOW eurrent replece· HYEll lllllES Gorgeout 3 Br home w/ ~H~•ri::K"i.!2:!.;~: d•ltllt. Vernlll•• Pen· king $79.~. 493-2117 ment costfll Prlnclp•ls pvt yrd, putting grean tlon. 2611 Clrcle Or. thouae. lovely view, ... ,Ol/111 IHI 111111 ONL Ylll C•ll owner a l •nd mtn)' ulrH. Try 64"'8218 curlty g:te, pool, ~ ••••••u••••u••••••u (714) 10% dwn. For detallt ctll "" asking .129 000 ··-LJf • P • 1 r I ck T •nor•, IEIT M LIH motivated Meke oltef • _,,, ••H 142-8131 4 Br. Den, FormtJ Dining' 760-8702. Agt Rod l•r i.# II• Room. 2 Flr•placH, 3 Lg• new cu1tom home · 11....-••••••.;;=·;;~··•••• t. ..,_,.,. _, c•r gtrag• plus luge on 1 ·~ Iott. Open Sat/ ~ •• ~!.~:;r.;.a •••••• Hobby Room. Pool ti.zed Sun 1-5. 210 Via San ~ 24 x 64 with 7'X25' en· 2 Covington• plex ... lld• lot, beeut. ltndte•ped. Remo Ownef/agt. closed trH, tight Int•· by tide. So. Cat Pfau Owner wlll •Hitt at fl. 875.-30.a/873-2558 riors. l•l•nd kitchen. Great prtce, grMt tcwm• 14411 Gsltxy Drive n~ g:t~~~;~· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ....... wfftt Yltwf r;~~~~~~~~l~~~A~ge~540-~f-;'~9~3~f"~. ~· ~2~8~R~.i2 Bkr. 97M383 views Aoblneon: Realtor llftl ~ E.xecut,.... Portoftno. Ex· Sh811> 5 units. E·slde C.M ... -·1 Ett•t• tlnd lot. Thlt r• P•nd•d family rm W/ 0 n I y 2 . It y I n p •• m o.w c. Mak .. MnM •I Build your own Dream Estate on 4/5 acre -asking $175.000. OR, 3 1.4 acres - askrng $350 ,000. Owner financing ai 10% inte r est. Will cons ide r trades for impro v e d pro p e rt y . Ha s many Eucalyptus trees and restful pastoral tfehr; ltffit Mchraan 414-4174 ·~~~-~~-~~~~i ••dence cont•ln• 3 nrepl-. Encio.edentry. llm •-ES Spring•. 3 Bdrm 2 B• 15% dn. Bkr. 979-<4383 -----------------1.: Bdrmt, formal dining 3 bdrm plut bonu1 rm ....,. w/glHHd·ln addition. ----------·--room. kitchen with •nd Iott w/bath. Extr• llYFlllT lt't • dollhouH. Ouiet T .. 1 ...... LM PRIME HISTORICAL BEACH 2QO YARDS & VIEW LAGUNA BEACH North Laguna with curb appeal! Arched Spanish (Circa 1926). Courtyard entry, 2 BR, II 1h ba, dine /rm, French doors. P eriod w a llpa pe r . Lots of room to · expand. Assume 12% loan, easy to show! $347.000. Open Sun 2-5. Sept. 26 & Oct. 3 145 La Brea. ocean side of tughway. Bkr .. Hillie McCormack 494-4674 494-7551 --· 8-1 lful I ptttc clubhouM t!Mted 2310 Santa Ana Ave CM U&.111 NBllU ~:,*~8:.~1~g~e r.r~. ~ s.~~ I -• 4 l&ll poo'r. 1ac. S2°9 ,9so. 10 2 bdrm townllomN "you want~ at the cuttom dealgned lanal 1-5 2162 Port OumMS hMr Wll 1-32µ994 ~""-plut a 4 bdrm Rench lfont door • YoU wilt have wfth ape., flreplt, etc. Ell· JOANN AKERMAN leMUe. fr..... -•-l'louM. (9.4 X GfOM) /U-lt here. Sit In the IMng ~1 usumable flnan-Coeltel Aree Prop ------· sum• lo•n• or blend room In front of the rlr•1 clng •vellable.. S3" 500. 87s-687o. 67s-7898 PrlM li•itlM New mobile/modular <»-Price $630,000. Call. pl•ce and loolc out to-• ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil -der cottage. trple, on p'lt ..,_. IUl.n w•rtl C•t•lln• •nd the 1•2-1200 11 11~ bch. L ..... and $800 mo. 21• ·-11M thlpplng ltnet Fe>u< ~ IPflUll al. .... let/....., 1·1 t t '~% Int. $85,000. .--r droomt •nd two b•lht, N-llttlng. undw mkt ....... , ... , ........ 499-3818. l•undry room •nd two •8r Tradewlnd•. Teke •••1tt1 •••11111---------1 wtr ltN I.I• ZM Ctr gU8ge. Priced 10 0¥« S22e,620 io.n. at --~~~~~-~~~~'Newport, on Blufl, 2 bf, 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• Mii. One ol the outattn· $2498 Pl. Oodl•Y• of ::: b•. lrplc. 1 lOO sq ft. Ill '911 ding loll In lhe UH. upgrllCMll $.495,000. Agl. EASTBLUFF· 4 bd 3 ba, =d=l :~~;OOO By ••-•-Nice open home · perlect ~~~~~~~~ 951-6501, 983-9101 tp8, Open Sat. S213K. ' • . _. .. ,_ tor beach entertaining. -·9TI· '~~~~~~~~!, 2015 c...la. 720-0290 BV OWNER. Irvine "The I .. ,. matt LIT Good inveetment. Let UI ........ r----------1 a r 0 v.. .. b •• u 2 WITI ... WIW thew you lht. home and llElllTlll .... m YIEW ... bdrm/2ba, dble gv. Up-t.6 acr .. with large bull· work out the financing flDI OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 graded. $89,000. On d•bl• P•d. All cuatom for you. $875,000. Etquit~ ~dr~g:; Jry S2lll<-dn ·-SJ400/mo. Ler9• 3 8drm-3ba on GtHO!Mtt. I ! 1,000 dn _propertlH In J}{Clutlve W...... • gner n S 3 Br 2 b a . hug• Io I view t ide ol 321 King• 832·9199 area with vetue of ~ f) =·I::.~ F:=: ~~2Ag8!;,.1Prlnclptll Rd. $813,000 • after a Lovely Mob Horne ReM-11r50om $700,000. Priced 1eeo Port w~. 0pn ,_~_~_,._..., __ • _0_•___ down • Nllel' Wiii catry ,.. lrvtne Grova from .000 under market Sun 1·5. Joycie w.iu., 5 Br, comer lot •. next 10 balance. SUBMIT. Bkr. se'5 000 Antu Agt Assumeble tat & Selle< e31·12te grMnbelt, view, formal ,_M_S--::-:5::7:-:19::or::=84::-::5--::"=-50-·l...:5:..:5.:2_-4ate..:..:..;_ _____ •1 wlll subord . A eking f 0 S S I $125,000 BIRD d nlng. pn at/ un ICUlflllT ~I# i.» 1• 995-«>22 837·5519 1-d811t. 1930 Port Che!-By owner. 3 bdrm/2 b9. -:::::71. ................ . ~ -· 494-1840 W..t N9wpoft. M2S,OOO. Spectacul•r 380 degrM n ,_ lllAa'Cl9 _ By ~ lmmecutete 4 8802 w. Ooeenfront vl•w. 20 acr .. horH 1'At Iota In Huntington UUD Br. 2'A Ba. The Bluff Open Syn 1-6 fM~ r•nch S. Berb•r• Co. Beech CA on 21tl bet· 11.1 lllm -Condo, •Int 1chool1. l-li9imiii''iiiiiiiiil-10% lnterHt Owner. _, Pedftc COMt Hwy • Ill UITll Ex~ condo~...,,. :;~fS.~~.7~•k• offer. 3 bd~~~ 'r" t 1_99_7_--4434 _______ 1 ;,'!_~_241~ a I n u t . 0wMr M'fll Ml.I end he pott 8lufft Wiii t'"9tor1--------i S2t00/mo 840.=s a "T,,; Wfl 1•--------- will carry. OOod AITO on d•-t property, other IUYllW ..... -OllTA •sa lh• •ntlr• fln•nclng. retldenll•I o t lncom• 180 geg. vi-. •••ded •'1111 ... .... ............... Plw k•r••M Thr•• bedroom•. two prcpertv Oro .. equl:r. oia ... oak noora, out-....... ... 2 cemet.,y lots, Paclfl4: ,. and ontH\tlf beths, ,..._ ' door tlr_...t SBR "~Nt -Vllr#, S 1200 or best of. fer J4 ..... -.. eppro11 seo.ooo ca 1 ....... · ·.. 2 bd tu•ury condo ,., 844•7805. gr•d•d carpet• and P9t• Johnfon. 831•1zee hOme. By owner. a~ to $.450.000. 640-IMI05 C...an.J Permit• can be..._, In ..__., i-... l~I Jiii flooflng, belcon ... OYflf· bkra. $421 .ooo. S ml 45 daya. Some tubonSI· moduW ':":7 ....... -r.-.-::........ looking the canyon in • down 844-8699 WALi Tl 11111 n•llon avallable. Se75. ~ ~f~:!~·1~ ~ YILL~~~~llE ~=.•;:•::,,~ot:! 11. llE YEITI 2 BR. 2b9 &c"-'· a..u-... ~'L···;.··2!.~ ~· ~'.·~;::;, s eooimo I l 'A% Int OLD WORLD throughout. $325.000. iiiiiiiil•••••llliil • lllY• tllul oond. ommunlly .,... .,.. (will ~•t•I $85.000 4"-3819 TOWNHOMES Right of Ford Roed and pool. apa l tauna. Good Prime C.M. toe. 4000 aq By Howerd Merk Co. cJoae to pool and every-..... .... .... lat/ .. 11.. terrnt. S l39.000. fl t>ldg, 15,000 aq ft Pfop .... ,..,., ......,, •.;ACRE. oeean & mount 1rom $159,000 thing. Underground ... You own the land. a,ooo lovely 3 Bdrm, Z'At bethe .... Sit/ .. 1·1 11000/mo Inc. S./Aent ..,_, '"' •In view Country kit· 495-32« 78()-9355 curl1y park"'°. aq fl. 3Br. tam rm, 2'At hOme with many .,,,..,._ Corner Settc•P• and 9e().15N 7zo,..oeez •••••••••••••••••••••• chen. 2 trples, room tor UI ... Ba, wide Oretfl~. '*' tlet. A11um1ble U36K Tlcondefota, 9Mwlnd PALI SPlllll large upantlon. Vuy 1112.M e• pool Fat 1*0W mertiet (approx) •t ONLY t~. ~-. llfl 8 y Q W N ! A . New private S2•3,000. By "'"ume $512.00 on 2 12•5,000. Wiit ..... oP-Full prlCI UH.500. l11-111t WITlllmf Cullom b\1111 hOrM lor owner 494-5128 Bdrm, 2 b• 1400 sq. fl. tton. Bier. '44-01,. 0 w n • r I Bk'. Ce 11 ---------i V•oant tit• In Cannery ule, axctlange Of trade. I.I •••ml& I condo. Mutt aacrlllc• ~~~~~~~~~!21~3~/~47~0.~2~880~ ____ :1EACH HOMl!I 1\4 blook• VIiiage. Wiii t11(a eo· t.ocatad near Pl'eetlolou• ··'-·················· now, Ownt/Blcr 541-6492 BIRD .... -to the ..... 2 BA. needt boel. aeao.ooo. Call tor C•nyon Country Club PUNtm W.W ·~ .... llfl ......... Ill lllTUITlll m a Mttte .-.. but IOok et o.talll. ., .. In Palm Spring-. 3, 3 br, 1¥• ba, 8/c, upgta-•• -.';C';;;•••••••••••••• ~ Cutto.: .. ID I JI• the P'iee· 111UOO. Call 142•1111 400 ~'-'of luxury des. l110K. Hl-3201 lllAU'a9 "' .. n l 42•HH. Devin A .. I lfvlng with 3 bedroom• ..,.. ~ o'IOotllng pvt pool. Dr-tn.... ....,. Ind , ... betN. Pool Ind Cu1tom S Bdrm w•tet• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ::.=a::,~= ._ ~-IMrll .I ac u u I. front.._ w/...._ a....... --.. ... k~ • ......_, IOf ~ t.ocetM nr..vmm •• n-•~ "'75,000..f\ltnW!ed; 191 ·~·...,. ..-..... _.__ • ""''" In........,.....,_~ .. _, 11-1 ID of Jtff,000 It 1~ FEE. ~ 1,,125, t ldrm plua den wit kltdl ba. car.~ Two eeavmeble loana. Cell w .. lcda ya only: 0180"o. 000sec~~!..!!.._On11111 ~~~ vi.w~ 1>1t1. "9duoed to • '°' moret11foi111Mb1c.ll 1111111 l1l11tl ~~~~~~~~!t (7t4>4'0·IS3t. erok•r • ~·-• .., _ .. , --000. Ruth Laurr., Altr ~ ......_,._ (--..... 1: ............ end 2nd. Open houM wat• For.-or ...... 141 4SIO. -114/iiinH ...... iM'.;'oo w. IHI hf•r/ iiooopeiiiiiiiii...,iilii"m~iiiiil Sun 1·5. 1039 Pol•r1t. lncll.IOM ...,_, d"Jfll, --•••• -, l..oe tot whooltt '°' .... l\itAf•P f ,,. J•IM -fUlft -~~~~~~~~'-~9~48~05~23~-----relrio«ator. 1328,000. •1181 1---------I 2 lp'L "-""-tl'K "'-••••••••• 5°••••••••••• I NEW HOU1D In Like WANT ACTIOH? .... l'IGht to ..... IEAVIEW • et99ant l --.... on "*' .... 000 ...... eon.o ..... ...,,,. !llinot• an.ooo Md\. ~ •111~ 1-· ...... Calllor........ --..... --·----• • ....... CllMnNNl...,_ftle "-. ,_. 11·--. Cl8111'9d Adi 4M2·M78 ... ~ ._ ---.. -.. ~...-· .,.. -_...__ _.._ o-J/1c4 ...... ,. • • , ... ,.... ........, _...., •• ••••••••••••••••••• 142-1211 dll, --.. wtewe. • ~-i '; ;-; I tit.too ownrl•Ot tet TD• ....,,mo....,,. f~lll 6Al UNCH llJST SEU! · lUlUllOld llSW GnlDlll flome • Hrltop .. • 841 house. blc rOOlllS • lrll yerd • fMr-ar ... • Ho1se ~ • w "* 1C*f ..._ or m We will deal! $595,000. ........ MMTllll...,. •cor1r, ~ ~~ Pool llome. 2 aap. ..._. CiY.!.."...._111 ~~:. !'..!! "4-1219 ror tlOO -. ~ oen PoOI & _,... -Affuoed llOK .._. -,,_ be relNd ataoll "loll, 1415.000. Open Howe yerdt • '*-· ueted MI0,000. ~ caaslfbd M Aft ~111 ... /lun 12•6 1.oi Yedltl prlc~ 1!! .. qulclc •! .. · I ly owner HH.000. AOT10N -'-· ------- C6llr• tiW-10i7 ~~,...OW---= ... W• DID ~,:. r:-:a-[1-iiii"nll HM. ,,...: AO-v.o.. •ss• n t M ---------t to ..r,;1&" .... -;: '!;::,' ,C:':"C: ,:, eu.wr• K-;,:;·t4~;;u·c·.:;ci~:· • Have_,,,..,.. lo ... , II we ll I C•ll NOW, pountla l . Utt<. wka. llDt 4, .,...__ 114, Cl•sltled adl do " .... ..2·M71. &41 4MO, 4t4o0all 500 . .._ , ... ~ PEH ' BA RAFT I REALTY -·----· I I l I I I I I I _, I I I Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982 -25 ~!.'.~!.~{ !!.'~!! ..... ' •••l•I• B1•111 U•l•t•l1llH 1.,.,,, U•l•1•J1llH ! B1•111 V•lu•l1ttl B1•1n D.J•r•J1tH B1•1n U•l•t•i1tH B1•111 U•lru~li" , ,, c. •• ,, ······················ c~~~;;·1;i·;,·;;·1iiz1~~;;·•;;······;1;1 · ;;;;;i;·;;~··········· i:ri;;···········;-;44 -.;;.···,~·-..-;,··-;z;; i;····;;-;;;;;,···;11; ,,_..,,.,, JIN B•••n l•rlll••H •••• • •·••••••••••• ••• • •••••• ••••• •• •• ••• •••• ... S 1140 ••••••• .._. ••• •• • •• ••••• •••• r. ..... ···· · · ·· · · · • · !'!r.. •••• •••• ••••••• •••~••I'•••••••••••• i·•••1·.:.~ •. ·••••••••••••••• NIC41 2Br l'h ba In dpl1. 2 BR wlw carpet1, drp1, ••••••!_•••••••••••••• Condo. New 38', 8')pll1n-Lovely 4 Br 2 8a. ¢tpt, ll1 H&tbOr vi-Homes, Por· FILLBRQOK -Living rm wllrplc sun-relrlg, range. patio. wash Biil 3 BR 2 Ba FP Walk c1 hookup Pvt patio hlg, 2 C&t g&t, numerous tollno. 4 Br. 3 Ba gar-" 11•i•1•l• 31011 deck. gar, 10 ol 0 hwy rm cloeetobut&tho91,l to bah,p1rk1 ~hi BBQ Decorated Microwave, fruit tr1u, 1 blk from dener incld St2001mo xe 2500 sq It Cullom •••••••••••••••••••••• $650/mo. 323'n Lark-water & g.ardener paid.I pit. S850 Im pou. at e, $825. 760-8400, Cllll Or Gardener No Call alt 6PM 760-9589 1 22 Ith I Oceenlront l'louM. winlet apur 536-1453 wkdys $475 plus IHI plu1 M · .,.4•1094 857•9«7 "els s 1000/mo Aviu. ome on · ac w rental Furn Lge 2 t>r, 1 cumy No pet1 846-3563 -.. LIDO ISLE: 4 Br 3 Ba & vocados & views E•· ba. petlO. W/O, lr'plc, 500 Brand spanking ~...,... or 846-5282 HOMES FOR RENT 2 bdrm. 2'h bath, park ~15:;'~. ~~~~1;1• den, $1400 222 Via Pa- u31Ye Mono Hiii• ar .. w Qceanlront.635-5086 rywtlere 3 bdrm, 2'h ba.j 1 3 & 4 Bdrm, $725 to lront condo •;,mites lo lermo 675-7168. 25,000. °' 997.3970 Garage pallo $1,000 Redic 3 BR l 'h be, tge S800 Fenced yard• & UCI. No pets S900 mo Blufl1 3 br, 2'n ba, lam HARBOR VIEW HOMES mo 607 Iris Open Sat encl yard. range& relrtg, g1rlr'g11 Kids & pet• 846-2850 Bllr rm. greenbelt. pool wo commere1al Iota on 4 Bdrm, beytront wl dock and Sun 64 1-4868 or chlldren & pe1s OK wetgome 545 -2000 2 BR 2 B d _... $1400 mo A.gt 844-0134 3 Bdrm. expanded Car- usy at, 4 blks from S40001moyr1yorS300() 777-2233 $700. 878-TOWNE, Ageol no lee a,cpll, rpa,...... met1800"!~11 S\llewl200./Nmo-.cpCaltl. town $120,000 winter Avail. 10/1, 548-1295 · · gar. S750. No pets. 4 Bd,rm 2Y, ba in Irvine "' MISSION REALTY o1 I PllPllTY C11I• #n• 3ZZ4 Nr BCH aherp 2br 2ba wl 675·6606 Terrace. I year laaae Agt Gene Hiii 642-8079 ~7 E. Mission, Fallt>roc»t ;.._· • ._11 ... IT ••• • ••••••••••••• •• ••• 3 Bdrm 2ba. E'llde condo gar. patio. bit-Ins $.420 S 1500 mo Ask 10< Kalie , l 1 "'/l 2l .•"'10 -•n SUCH A DEAL 3rm wl all Qui et. x-loc, clean. QC-RENTALS 150-3314 WOODBRIDGE-4Br Roberti Untq\19 Homes 4 bd, 21-\ ba, view, com-• -111-1111 utll-pd cozy kltCh $325 s 74o 1 m 0 . Nan c ~ Adami Mdl· on slda 675.6000 'j munlty pool, tennis. an Luis Obispo County OC-REN'tALS 7~3314 497-2149 3 t>r, 2 ba, newly pelntlO/ atreel-f'erfeol cond No . ~u&rded gate, OMdenef, L-••• lf•d 3141 clean. fenced y&td, pe11 pets. Avall all Ocl 15. Harbor View Home, 2 Br., Sl5001mo 644-2145 .. C °':':7••••••••••••••••••• · OISTI MIU Mesa Verde. toe 4 br, 3 bl ok. Nr Magnolia & Gar-s1100 mo. den. 2 Be S 1100/mo , " Very Unique u91om Treasure Island I Br tral-•94tl ,,... .... exec. home, lam rm, 2 field $700(mo. lnct g&t· GOLDEN PROPERTIES 640-8169 ()( 831-3985. 2 BR I Ba hie, 2 ill blk• Ir lllew Home In the City ol tar $395 Ocean vu. lrplc1. lg• maater br. dener. 963-5796. 752 1589 beach, gar, relrlg & sto-San Luis Obispo. 4 bd•. I 2131433•9991 435•2678 Decorator perfect. IP&· s I IOOtmo. 540•3549 • Harbor Ridge tease 4 Br 1 ve. S700 rno. loclds all 13 be. S229 .000 with 1 • clous 2 bdrm, 2Y,ba, ~ 1Ju11 rlghll Nicely done 2 UNIVERSITY Pt<, 3Br, Ba, beau• decor. 3600 h utH No pets. Call Tom, ~LNT financing. Cell Jim• #IW'Mtl ""' Jiii Cape Cod. POOi. Jae, re-WHY PAY br nHr the beach Al-2•~Ba. lam rm, llv rm, pOOI, tennl1, guard g1t1 835-5445 Ga I k In , a gt . ( 8 OS) ••••""••••••••••••••••• 1 creallon area. pvt patio, r1ght lor l amlly Only ffP.IC, micro oven, 2 car S2500/mo Bob or Dovie Oc_e_a_n-vleW--3-B-r-. -3-B-ah_se_ •. 544·3918 or write for LIDO ISLE · 3 bdrm, lam balcony,wlnecellar&lge $400 llat. garage, lndry rm, relrlg. Koop, Agt, RE/MAX 51650 mo. brochure to P.O. Box rm, 4 Ba. $1700 mo. , garage. Decorator well •mt IULTY .... SIO lll-11IO Pool. fac. $1295 mo 759--1221 859•6653• 640•5100 3918, San Luis Oblapo. ---paper, draperies and BEST cost Open 1 days 552-8947 BAYFRONT CONDO, CA 93403 OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. more S 1050/mo. Call •ir•T llULn Sii Beach house, 2 Br, gar I Be S700 mo Bii i 548-2239. 10:30to5:30 -• ...... lll +Plll WOODBRIOGESltOO 2BR2Ba.unsurpassed $700/mo.3Br2Ba.gar BEACH PROPERTY Grundv, Rllr, 675~16t pm Spae. 4 br, 2'n ba, nicety vi-No Piii Sec bldg 58951 F Carlsbad's finest loci · ' · IC llllllLI SIO Flat S550. Kida & 1)111. S 1500 mo mo to mo reo "'-· I I' • ....... BEST c~t 53n5190 landaceped. lam rm, 0 SB Tenore. agt 631-1266, tlon. 1 blk to thesurl, .,.,.uutul home°' qua.-Checit ltout2br wl lg ., • .,... lrplc, patios Lake, poOI H l l l WOOORLTR. 831•2711 1800 • I. surf ul-. red-I tied ""tSOnS, graCIOUS It-I £ patio "" vd ··so • 0 3 1 615 8676 ----------• "v ' ""' ... I HITlLl-ll·ll .... SIO Choo11 this big 5 rm .. tennll 64 • 1 2 , • wood townhome 3 Br 3 Ying S25001m o lse. RENTALS 750-3314 I "O~I Pool. tool Sele for 55~·6188. otc 720-7373 HARBOR lllEW HOMES . Waterfront Condo-2Br Ba. rock lrptc. vaulted 875·1530 a I 2 I -kid• Flat $450 BEST ' .. .L ,.~, 38r 2Ba din rm lg kit 2B•. beauOlul baytront. be1m cell1ngs, deaks, Outstanding I • den. 2 r. •• TITIL S201 53" "'190 Cott ••••• «• ... . s' 95 • . security bldg S1025 mo ..... It I -"·-· .. FrplC, ran"", yard, gar•· 1 .. ...... ...... .,..., •• '•••••• ••••••••••••• 1 big yd. 0 mo Agt I 873 7205 • ., I 2482 ...,..,, aecur y. a........... Ba .... -"eek. r-· 1 ~ 2 "'v I H .. RBOR OC"'• FRONT 55 6 30 • "" • ,,_, d & ,_ OWC _,.., ~ ~ eoono pell Private Move In nowt Cute 2 br nr "' <J"N l · 1 ' """" yar pat..,. persona $750/mo lse I 10 TUM W. N 3200' I hm bl 11 2 2nd. $185,000 Agt yr, Lois Miiier. agt Imo 111. plus MC beech has bu11t-ln u WI' on u IWT YllW Nwpl H91S br home. Calvl-Shull~&A~ .,.,1_12,,,,,, onty 648 w t8th St fH lllY apple•. 1111ed at $470 180 deg. vu of harbor., I CapeCodcharmer.sa&5 1·t"'•·ll2I "" ""' 499-1817. , Kids linet lhls unit won't surf. mtns. 3bt, 3ba. se· Catalina & mts, Hunting-mo 548-4360. 494-0395 -F I I t BEST ~39 "190 t curlty 1aun1 IP'I Ion night Ill• New, d.--~~-~~----ul y lurn winter renta , Call on this 2br wllg $40 H I ~ -v COi $18001~ 4ge.7009 lu>te 2 br, 2 ba, aecur I Blulls 1pht-level 4 9dr, t..llln, Fu.., cl'l1rmlng 2 BR 1 Ba g11, bakers kltch $490 Meredith Gardens Eaec . I get•. brick trplc. yard pool, Sl200 MIM E&r1h-C,.,... Z1H collage, 2 house• to QC.RENTALS 750-3314 Home 4 Br. plus bonus, Old charmer. v1-. 3br. No Pitt Ideal lor ho-, tones Ruaty Guinther, •••••••••••••••••••••• ~;;~!'s..;nct porch. agt I' BR TRAILER Private, We hive 11111ng1 from all cul de sac, 1enn1s, near hrwd nrs, 1'1)1c, deck. Mr n1ymoonM1 S850 Seel agt 631-1266, 7~772 FIXEl·FAA• the servlcea 10< one low b •a ch S 8 5 O I mo. beach/ town S 1075. tat then call •B 103 •·-C.'' ~•1'~ yaro. no pet.a. Utlls paid 494-6930 ... 1Ml•I• ~11 • 9 plus acres Murrieta. Beautllully & completely s 4oot mo + security pr!Qel Datty upd1tM. 8 4 6 ·a 0 2 2 day•, • SUNSET BLUFFS, cor-•••••••••••••••••••••• lncld• 2,000 IQ.ft farm lurn secluded 2Br. 2.'llBI 499-1617 . I 988-9747 -· EMERALD BAY 3 br, 2 ner of \/lc10<ll & E Pa-2 BR Condo, 2 Ba, fple. house. 11rge barn, gar. Condo, pool, tennis, spa HlY AT 3 B 2 Ba condo dbl g&1 ba. 1600 IQ. 11. frpl. brick clllc Ave., Costa Mesa den, W41tbar, gar. Beaut S15,000down.S1846per incl ~any-$1200 QC.RENTALS .... NIUOATIHI $7~5 16871 canyon ui patio, with spa $1600 642·8808, 644-8722. surf view Stfl)I 10 bell mo. Total price S 175, mo yrly. Agt Aak for 1-5br's S200 to $2000 84g..1156, 87._5991 2131876-2255. 551-6822 $750 mo. 49:2·1619 000. 1'>2·452·8777 C on nie 846-8723 . 750-3314 open 7-daya c H TIE w1n1 ·--J··· 673-7300 IEastslde C.M. , & 2 bd 537 8970 3Br. 2Ba. 2 sly, frplc, 2 Br 1 Ba cottage, 1111 _. ---•- 1 E scrMnld patio, dlhwlhf, section, gu range, gar-Balboa Cove• executlv•1 C4•ill1'H 3111 .. , .. _ -••5 STEPS TO BEACH 3 Br & l'IOuaes, ncl yrds. lrom • auto aprlnklera. lawn d-. relr1g Avall 1018, l'lome, 2 & den or 3 ••••~•••••••••••••••• Ml IOIES 1lng1e 2131285-3507, S375tmo agt, 675-1642 aerv. 9441 PM1smouth. w 111 I ease S 8 7 6 . bdrm. A.II 011anlng to I bee hlllllde home, tge 4. Well located top quallt)' 360-5465, 617-3585. Clean 2 Br 1 ba, encl gar. IUltST RW $950 mo. 539-33111 494-0154. On bus tine. garden. patio ovarloo-br. 2'~ ba, 3 frptc1. grove planted in GraJ)9-, e>c.enlront 2Br Iba, gar, yard, no pela, SSOO mo. Condo. 3 bdrm, 2'n ba •••-tu Exec !amity home, ateps lllng water, 2 frplc's, gu beaut. Jae & yard. 11550 lruJt and Navels. Excel· patio, no pets. Includes 548-6880 Pool. epa. llr,,laoe $750 _. .. r to \/lclorla Bch. Dramatic llr• ring. spa, etc, etc. 681-7717 • lent produC11on history. ulll . untll Ju,,. S5751mo EASTSIDE Mo. Home 79-28118. 3 bdrm plua den, llr•· white water, coaet•I Maybe furnllhed, slip lor 48r, 28a, trptc, 2 car 01· Reaaonable water costa. 848-2510 2 B B 1 """" 8'40-5010. placa. 2 car Attached. view• 3 Br 3Ba den boat available. Only raga, bltna, iood toe Outstandlngtaxbenellta. r 1 a, car gar,...... $750 · ' ' ' 11995/mo. 75t·2787 ..c2•500,000. Manage-'-•'" H• u Jiii yard, $650. 673-0168 Clean. qu~ cheerlut 2 8r 760:1J:M gourmel kit. 11550 mo. days, 968•8103 11111 Avail Oct 1. 850 mo. all ble ••• •••••""'~••••••••••• reer home. Lge yard, gar 675-9702 dya, 4IM-0022 1 I p ._, Incl 11rdnr/w1r & 1ra1h. ment av a 2 bd. wilk to beach, .. UPI Ill S500/mo, dep Ownar Buu.,twl eves Bob. •• • ,.,.,.., ..._... 493·2«8 17141 671 .... 400 USO/mo. Oct..J~ '83, ..... Ir••.... 979•3227 • .,..., 1Z41 North Lagu"a ·Water· Glamouroua Baylront -,,-,.-,-,-A,,.-,---,-,,-, 121 JI ,2 .. 1121 Include• U tll'a (2 l3) Decorat0< perfeci, •P•· Nr So Cet Plaza. Sharp •••••••••••••••••••••• front 3 Br cottage, 2'h Condo Approx 2500 9q •••••••••••••••••••••• 999.2953 cloua 2Bdrm, 2'hba, Bach unll Ttnnlt. poola, 2 bdrm Broadmoor Con-Ba. lrple:, tundeeks. ga• It. 2 Br. + Den, 3 Ba. 5 )'fl,_: 3 Bdrm. W.ba. HARBOR .... ,, u.t.nJdH Pool, jao. recreation apa $385 Incl relrlg & dOI SfCurlly gate. rtge. 011 11r .. 1 panting. U"derground prkng, NC CIJl ·dl·ISC, kids Ok •••••••••••••••• •••••. area. p"1 patio, balcony I water. lmmed occup Acroea trom bl"4t Padllc S 2 2 O o I m o 1 •lavator Av111 Oct I. S685tmo. 11tllast S300 Cl•1t•I 311Z & toe garage Oecora10< 957-0222 From $900. P9Cff1C Moon 7141494-5945 Owner $1450/mo. yearty dep Avall 1011 Heidi •••••••••••••••••••••• wallpaper. draperles and Realty, a.&-2850 1 J Schwelcltll'I Realty 1179-2390 REALTY llEIT&LS more. s11501mo. Utlll-Sharpand dHn 4Br 2ba·w•u• GI.I ISi Call oa .... 845-91« --------ties paid. Call 548-2239 Gardener Inc USO/mo lm•I 3Z44 ••'••••••••••••••••••• f••ti• 3ZH Har~r ':rn'~~~~~~t Co j~e":'i~ty-Wlnter. 2. trom 10:30 to 5:30 pm j Ph 548-9950 ••••••;•;;;;S••l•l•••••• 1' 4 ~~~.F~:.~E~!me IN=~rktZ;:i~' & ~=· N~·.;·2·9;··c~~·;~·~;~; •&0011 llULn 2 Br I Ba. S575tmo. a. jEutalde condo, 3 br, 2 ~ $900. Fenoed y"1S .. O.,_ 4 BR 3ba, no pell. 1..M Ranch Mantel & Frwyt, " rage, fenced yard. 613 be,, den, trplc, 2 eat 11a-3 Bdrm detacn.d hornet rage. Kids & pet• W9lcO-$1100/mo Agt Carlene cathedral c1lllng1. PllP w. 191h. 646-7546, rage. $825 54~5 In all(llllent area. Avail•· rM 545-2000 AQll'lt. no 876-1771 wuherldryer, pool, ...i,.:::11 ZllO IWlllEIEIT 64M 255· E~::::ri~ :;50~:o'. ~~~ ~1~ :i•1d~: ~!.. ,... s ea View 3 Br 2'h Ba ~~•h•~S~;;~!'.~e::~ •••••••••'-~•••••••••• 111-1171 3~d· ~~BIA, ne2a1r,.!'~~ ... • IHt & .. e. 229 Santa Five othlfl to ehOOll '---• ·~-.J 11$1 delnt, falml llyh rm, ocean preferred. 544-178-4 d, Trade ~ 38', 28a ""' rv, ,_, "" .., trom W•'rt 1h9 on.. 10 -::r.-:: ••• :r.":.......... o Y II t 1 v I • w · 832·3134 n. home, Anaheim • com-•.11...... ner St. $800. 840-5010. Isabel. 6314283 calt IOf ...._ Adult QOmn'llJl'llty. 2 Br 2 $1550/mo 645-e685 --------- plate relurbllh tame -..-"-., •-1•1 ,,._ (g . e.a. den, dining rm, 2 W 1111 • 0 C.-'-'-1.., -r--'-i-'· 1111 2 BR 1 Ba duplex. pvt ~ •••• !:":· ••••••••• ~ ~i UJ. ..... brld .... 1 palloa, pool, Jae, ctul>· .. ~~a-33BBdrr ••• :71~.&.; ..__1 ... ,.., J~-te.nanOrt 10 yrasfo0r 1R11 •••• ~.~•••••••••• pallo. n-paint, 1545 "''"" -.-,760 pret.r tong .,,.,.., ·-· _ Q ... ·--,_ L,.., ange. . ego, 3 Bdr 2 Ba.. ywd, no nata, mo. 833-8162 llAll otn• a-II hc>IJM. Frlderldc agl 831 12M •••••••••••••••••••••• coastal areas $80 000 ,..... WITH FIREPLACE, 2 ""'' u lerm .... Ml--3830 • • ............. (714 ) 9ea.'2u6 o; avell lO/l . $lOOOlmo fAaf I II .. II bdrm, 2 ba. nooper mo. 551 3000 llJidu r~ 1111 UYflllT YUIU Lu11 2 bdrm.""· Prof 3415.5511 J,I, Pltflln Dl>t bath. taroa kitchen, Avall now. Call Peggy 1mllarra11u """"·'"'"~ •••••••••·".·1: ••••••••• Quiet ••eluded 5 Br dac'd. Lln1n1, dlahe1. E llAIAllllllT all the kids 81e OK. s.. 49&-6680 --•• 3 BR 2 ba, baaut, lg• uec home Spectacular King bed. Flreplac• Trecle my /":'/clear R. · lll-l1ll tl'lts at BEST 539-~190 Ch•rmlng 2 br ~rpti • ·~~-oondo, 111 amenlll••· view. fJ'1)4C, applnc., gar-VIEW. HC guard. Un· ~2::mdlmtr cott • v • • .--Children I P•ll OK. de'l,er. 12200/mo. wground gar Ldry rm. ---------"'" 4Br. MW pelnl, dbl drar,:. bit-Ina, vlulted 2 to 4 bdrm• .,.rtlno at 26582 Guedl1na $175. 675-7673. Walk to tiaaclll 19115. Trade 4 loll. 2 tote Ml.... garage S950 mo. Winter. llWNIT AIU Ult =~ n::;d~b~J,~';;;~':~ $800 to S1395 He-6432 BLVFFS-04x ser, 38•, lg 525-7405 • alon LakH cc .. Palm 8'45-8787 CloH to t>aach. Full 4 i....e. 4117-3511 ·~•--....a. •-1 den, formal din rm. -c,-,.-~-,--_-,,_-, .. -1--- Sprlnga arM plus mem-C.. ....,,,111 rma. Mull ... lodlY & •---------• ;.-;«"tt; -•-_., beretllp, 2 loll Cr•lllne •• '/.'!!!~!............ rent at tmmae. "•w 3 Br 2 Ba, ~ CALL.N°c)w·~i,;•;;.;;~ Sl&OO mo. 944"1905 f.Janld" 141S area overlooking L•k• HouH tor rent In Capt-111-tlff wallpapered, 1900/mo. petlO '"· 2Ba. ocean view ~ •••••••••••••••••• ... • Gregory for dwn pay-atrano Paliudel, 3 B<. 2 B£ST Open 7 da'/9 coat C9ll ~ 493-1812. JJ_., cozy kltc:h lg yd 1425 •ury dupfU. 1 houM to 3 8'. CondO Mil SO C. menl on he>uM, Newport, Ba. cttlldren & pet ok, Brin~ 1.._ kid• ,, rma',., • ,_,_ ... ,, /. .. ,. • 'C'-4. l.L..-. QC.RENTALS' 7$0-3314 bCh . w.ldbl get, rlfl1Q " Plua, <lrptng I blt·lns, C.M. area. 835-5011 1895 1 m 0 . M a r y ,.., -.. • « ,,..,_ r-..n ~ 'r}f trp6c, $1175 mo. 640-8?18 overlook• greenbelt. 4 9 3 . 0 2 0 2 . J . a" bal • ha• oat•~· Flat ;;;;;·;,·;~:~ic;.: All...Ab\ft OC-AENTAL.S ...... 841-teee ut 2232 pooi.. er:. ~ ~-:OS~; I= M1·4 188. ~~~go' ~t E 9 T Blt·lna, crcu •._;rapea. UtN'VflW 7~·:4'200 00:, ~ day. . M:J1·C.:i~f:!:f ~~ ~ Equtty se:>· e.n..t "1 llu ,JU I + I II SlJI ~"."a,.~~. 6. o.. EAST8lVff !Ji«. home ~ ~~'t9:.t ' wtcnda. ~. 00 aHumab 1 .Ait~;.;·;9;~39;,·j;;ic;'. Multl·famlly 1ltuatlon. •-:::-tt513('MWS~--3 br. 2 l>L den, lot'INll b trM. a31-2tM.,.... 1)(£--C-.-,.-ETA--f.A-T_ln_New-__ GOLDEN PROPERTIES 111dry rm, garage unit, Pet 11 Ot<. 1001 M\llt rem •1 dining, t frpll. gaNlen port ldl. 1 It ~ 752-1581 dOM to all. 11150 mo. aoonl BEST 539-8190 '"' patro. S 1110 M O 3 Ir 211•. 11000. 211• ... a.c.,,tty, pool, epa.. ---------l a• 7 5 II • 11 5 1 o 0 r cott ••• .. ••••••••-••••••• J bd Avallabta How Oat-142..()350, 111..ee21 Carob. Ifft~ ~up, 9 •1111 , • 4 t • t I t I , Wiii IUI. -OC<-'-NTALS deMJ. No,..., lt30/mo t 4 0 • 9 O 1 t , Et a f n • .....,."1 Beaoh area, wlfl 1r1de e73-4&eS 4 8 d rnba, alngl• lam 1.stlr't S200 tot2000 &31-1815: 48'-77M ••IM II 131..0U. -------"'-- Income P'oPerlY cteer 1n 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo. 2 cer ~ quiet ntlgl\bor· 750-3314 °"" 1-o.y. r=.... ""· t1no IM 11_ ._7 ,. ,.._,rtrl San lternadlno Co, garage, 2 block• to hoq_,d cto11 to achl•/ ·~ 2 IA QOndo 1 -. 8Uf'I' Mel.._3bt 2ba 't!.~a15o ... • I063 •r-• :r;;-•• -. •• -:::: .... - 11650/mo tncome, "°' ocean. w /d, refrlg•. :r3~~:.s.J7H 51 rn o "(811 t111nt, poo1, asio ~: ~J:rl:Lf ~~14 l.100 ""~ ""1! =~~"/:::;.~ ~Jll!fil. ••• l!!f ~~· Tc:J :!!.'::•· ""''"°· 840-5324· Call 540· 1161, aak for T oondo 1 IR 1 It. I 8a. UtlO/lftO. -; S:C, HU "'0, unt or J Ulllta, 3 •. t k OM on Tudor ':om.. c,,;-:.:;_ QUIET 1oc:at1on. 2 er. 2 ... a"wr..... DaYe ~ a., .., 9'1-3171, 175-~MO tum. L.,. mee tor ••l•r. 110001mo A me or add o•ah. ~ar 8h"·1'10b0100c111m~o Nt8CP1ualn8A,1460 Find what you wanl In u~oc ~oot. r:2a· H•b060 ........ 71 J4ld'IM'46-1171 HOO/mo. Av.II now 94-4682 or 823-4186. i:~M(, . mo. No pete. e.u.1 .. 1 ~ PllOl Ct•elflecla. t~1M W Idle 1tem1 141.een Ola...._, Adi Mt-6e71 7to.tt7T I • I .. I It u r " 26 -Orange County ReaJ E1tate/An Advertlling Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 26, 1982. ~.,.~ ~~!'!.,.~ • ........ , ........... ";"-.:::..., A"6,.l•ll ~II .,,_..,, -A,ut81811 ~~ ••• 1.~!f ~.P.!.~ .. !!.!! ~.'.'!P.!!.~A •• 1.~f. •····•····••·····•·•·• .•. 'l~~!P!~~.~....... . •. !~~~....... . .. !~~ .......... !~~!!~!!'. ...... . L~~. ~::;. ~~·~b:o THE ~~~ :':n~1:.-vO:. ff!tf.~ ...... H.¥. ~l~~i; .. ,e;11£ ~!~.!~ ...... !.~¥. •-;:r-"41 ~~-~ ... ~~ beach . I I 2 5 Imo clOH to· bHCh, avall. 153().'64(>/mo. 2 8r. 1 Be. iar Weattlde' N<> 'ptte, tmf 911A P1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Large StudlO with kitchen 675-5383 10/1-5/30. $800, unfum 1 8tory, lhag c:rpt, drpe, 25o mo eso:aeM Utca ,_, lga 1 bf, patio, 2 em bdrm t>Mch INlck, 7 dreulng room, 1 blk ._,..__ H~aaa 1780. 111, IHI a tac. ~."1*!.bMMadoel--. lrplc. ow. gar., 1475. blkalrompler.gu~wtr beach. 1425 /m o . -a 548-351• T'Sl"'encladgwage. 2 Br. Mau del Mar, each. wlfrptc, patio, tum.S400mo.53e-7833. _4_9_7_-1_95_5. ____ _ .. !.!!!!!~ ..... !!.!! OCEANFRONT Lga 3Br TS Mgmt, 842-1903 rr-~epece. "600/l'llO, 1400. Pool & 1pa. No 2 bdrm. 1 ba, mlnutee Studio, 'h bloctl to beach. Small 1 Br. cwpen. d,._ LIFE'' 2be 1975/mo. A.viii un-Nr 18th/PomoN1, 1 er 1 5-<l--0 • Pat 1. 2 8 5 0 Har I a . from bHch. CIOH 10 unlurn. 1375, 111. mo pee, retrlga, etove furn . e 7 3 -4 4 8 3 , ea. downttalr1, D/W, Trailer f0t rent 1 Br 1225 5"49-24<t7 tranep and lhopl. '485. only + 1500 dapo11t. 1425/mo. 67~ V.MMM>UMO fUN; 540-3773 carpon, _,.,pd, I child p1ua utll•. 1150 aac. dee>. Near Harbor Shopping, 720--0844, 720~1 LHH. 494-5419 or W R I 3 B ,Soc I al Activities •·-CJ ,. 1111 OK. no S*a '450. A.gt., No chlldran °' dOQll. 133 roomy, ctean 2 BR t Ba. 1 bd 3 bl k I _4_9_3-_7_1_3_7 ____ _ Blnate. r 1 ecnat•, "a rra. "le~. DI r •ct or• Free ~ ••• ~!!•••••••••• no 1 ... 545-2000 E. 16th St. Spi ca 42. beam•' no Pat•• .,.,,._!1!1• .,... oc.]2,.rom Laguna Clllt Dr, acroa et. • • C M btwn ..._.... Blvd •~ I ......,.., no ....,.e . ..,, "· 111 t s · c 2 1700/mo.Stape tot>ey,2 Sunday 2Br, n~Ba, blk to bch, STUNNING large 1 Br. as · !«,..,.._...,., . -15-425. TLS Mgmt, andlaat,l100dep.Avall rom hawt ove. t>r. blk• 10 beeetl. 301 Ed-Brunctt•BBO'•• vlaw. 225 La Paloma. Garden Apt, pool a rec uper · 842-1603: 642-1276 1011 Patio. g.,. I 7 5 O gewatar (Coronado at P&f'tlea•Plul 1525 mo. 837-7918 .,... 71~ w. 18th. St. Compl. redae. 2 bf, 2 t>a, SA35. 1 BA 1 ea apt, l's*. 898-3M2 _e_2_e.._2_1•_c1. _____ _ 8ayfronl). Robin eon ~ ~· Duplex, tatge 1 er. ,.,._ * 2er. lB&. ,..._So. C. U:le, ~ar., dl1p .• OW. tndry rm, alt bttne. cat· 2 BR & den, 2 ba, lplc, OcHn/Cyn vu. 1unny 3 Realt0t 548--5647 9' IC 9' I AT ION: eor111ed, 9aarage, walk Plaza. 8.A. lwwry eon-25. 6 5-0073 port . T LS Mgmt . lndry hllup, tennll a apa. BR. fplc, gat, yatd. Pvt Oceanfront & cloH to. Tann 1, •Fr e • to beach 1hop1. 1425. do, w/pool. S550. No M'NMI 842-11103: 842-9<112 Nr beectl. 2202 Heal Cf. road. 1895. •99-1997 Small 1 &. .2 Br. A.pit. Leeaona (pro & pro 213/378-3119. peb. 833-8974, 2 bdrm, 1 be. fir._ ..... l'ellll ,,. 714-980-3746. 1 Brdm. Apt Oen view. lg 135()..1750. Yrtf &. winter. •ho P) • 2 Ha• t th ...,,.,.,, 2 BR. 1 BA. Old houaa. no ¥;S· Fanoect• patio. Oplil. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br 1 ba, ml to t>ch.. • privacy. 1450 mo 675-5102. CH~bl•S8'ma• llahnldfl Sitt•. child OK. AK utll pd. 595/mo, lee. back• up 1 Br. gar1age. near13 .. 00CMn1 . newly painted. "600fmo. utll pd,;., N~ .. 1mkr. no Wlntar/yfty, xtra lga. 3 bf, 1vromuaage• •••••••••••••••••••••• • 16 Hamilton, 1535. to golf courte. Open very c aan. • mo. $36-1361.atf.8 pm ~·· 4..,,.1 ... ..., aft 6pm 2 ba. Stapt from bMch. Swlmm";e•Gotf ...,... 041-0763 houM Sat Sapt 25. 10 213/402-2657. Sae a.t I.a •JJh Jl"O OcMn & bey vt9w from ~~·:au rn U L 'nJallh Jlf AM -2 PM. 710 Joann. 2•882 Cordoba Dr. A.pl * * Sparkling 28r 1ba •• '#.~~•••••••••••••~• tundectl. Mutt aaaf le60 APAftTMI NTI : -~•••••••••••••••••• ...... -E/Slda duplex, 2 br. 1 ba.i-A_. -------·I ~b:,gar$~5=· 1 Br. I Ba. Buullful w In u r . I 9 5 0 yr I y. S 1 n 9 1 • 1 . 1 & 2 2 bdrm, ~be ,,.,.,., dphc. 2 Br. 2. S. 2 C8r IJ#&ge I lge pvt yard w/patlo a 2 BR 2 Ba, carport, mo-• y. · 1lraam1. 1annl1 courls. 675-520.i Bedroome•Fumllhed yfty. Mature non-em11,., ~/~ ~ =i gu 880, gat. $550/mo. dam. 1545. 542-3597 Ot 842"2897 pool, •P•· 1525/mo. Winter Rental a Unturnl1hed•No no ptt1. 1700 X 3 rp • tv i 11~15 548-eA95 73()..7165. No doge. LG 28r Trl-plex. garage, _83_1_·5_1_99 _____ _ 2 bdrm, 1 ba, duplex. Pet1•Modat1 Open 2l3n 99-<tt95, 257-9792 water all•. rom · E v '--1 •· _.._. t petlo. I SOO mo. 1209 Spacloua 1 Br condo °' 171,1 &73'-3988 862-1309. '•Ida 1 Br Iba, pool, ary n-.... ...,..., • ·• Florida. (at3) 493-1855 Oatage. 'h !Mk to Ocean dally9to8. laundry. No pall. yard. Rel• req'd. 1385 overloolltng tlream or Bay. No pelt, 1575. ......... • • • • 1 BR, yrly, uppar 1395/mo. 1 Br. 1 .8a. Apt. 13811/mo. 833-7890 or lnel. u111. 874-1456 Jll Miii._ m tr .... 1annla. pool. Jae 7 1 4 -8 7 5 • 4 1 • 2 . • unit. clean & Mfe, dectl C-pon. tndry rm. Sub-64&.1947 •5 S600. 831·511J9 213-793-0038 ..... w/ohannel vlaw. $515 mlt on ptt. balcony. c.tl I::-=~=.,..-=~.,.--3 bd, 2 ba, OCMn "'9'#, 8-ltllul a pertc Nita with a.. -... Incl utll. 0pan Sun. 1-5. lor 8'>91. 3 BA, "'1Wlla. 475 mo. lfllfWlrlr,~"""· tnOry terrtlCed pool. 2 bd, 1 be. pool, 11epa to ..... , 3302 Marc:ut. e73-tM3 TSL Mgmt 642-1803 Patio, garaoa. No pe11. rm. S850. •M-4179 •Private Patloe bay . b c h , & ferry . ...,.,. lt..Wlt. _..,.... 1e1 & lut. 842-83M -•• -•COWied Parking 1575/mo WINTER LE.A-880 lfVlne 18r. yrly w/gwage _,_, -••w •Speclout Apia ~7Ei~~-1871 eYH , (at 16th) ::~=2 ~=~r::~. ~j Wcatflcld =tcD:':ti.~~~ = :~ln~I (714) &45-1104 .... IH I Ind , .... , ..... """'"' 4 unlll. 2 8f w/d«I. •H Uk l(h....._ 2 br + gar. 1 btk from --..... /le. 2 Br. OCNn front yrly. Nd "" • ne, ry rm, cw-"'"7 oma • ... _.a bHc h Winter rant al. _..._, 11 bl 1 t b 1 pen, yard/l>*ony, llNll Beautllul garden apt1. No pet.I.. From '725/mo. 1 blk to Huntington S800Jmo 313 E. ,._A 1700 16th St. ra • 1• q,!'7•3 • u9e90n•n pet Ot<. Patloaldech. No pe11. 2 Call 861-644t Center, ttanapor1atlon a 673 21U!o2. "'7"8l_20, v. (Dover et 16th) c oup•· u ·v or TSL Mgmt. 642·1803 ctilldfan welcOtM. 1-.--~--------1 lrwy11. • ~ • u "" 873-3971. 2 Bdrm w. Bathe 1540 UJM'"" c.,. •• #J lfM ,111 (71;4) ~2-5113 C.,,U •I lfM 1f NEW BREED APTS. 2 Bdrm 2 Bathe 1545 IHlt 1141 •••••••••••••••••••••• Bach. & 1 Bdrm wlk>ft. 398 w. WM.eon ••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••• j OCEANSIDE OF HWY ;•a;:;~:·;;;,h·~••••• From 1385. Frplc, rec 631-5563 cw 842_.805 o.Muxe PoO'IMM att9 large Attract badl, 1375 IN. OCEANFRONT Dex 2_. Bf. way. Pvt entrance, .,.1to, room, pool, jacunl, gu 2br, 2 be. bttna, daWht, 1 8d8drm From H15 Avllil t0/1. 675-eOel c. ......... ~ & waler '*d. No pell, 2 Br. 1 Be. 3 .....,. old. 1~ mltel bMcltl. No patS. 2 rm ..,15 8'3-weak or mo nth. ~age ...... .,,....--. ,.q. 393 Hamilton. C .M. bft-lnt. Deyt 9117-2585, 1500/mo. 536-83e2 LA QUINTA HERMOSA C..t• #tu 11U i-8_7_8_73 _____ • __ 50_._e7_5-3448 ____ ..... 045--4411 955-2~ --162j 1 ~tide Ln, 1 btk ...................... Winter rental• 1 med 2 Br 2 Wiii' Ml W. of Beach, 3 bike S. CW ll .. now avallable. Call Utml• Wf 1395 • tBR. rafrlg, no m occ:upency. . Spao. 1 a 2 br. lovely of Edlnger .... 147-5441 UTILITIES PAID ....... IUl.n Rm w/bath, no 111t. No ptta. 2 adUlb Pf&f. 731.C Ba. 1575/mo. Children plnH & ltrHml, HO. WALK TO BEACH: B•-Al~ pate. Aef9. Poaelbla l\ltn. w. 18th. 873--na7. ~& i:,=.· = gatN, entry by phoM. chelor. •tova a rafrtga. Comptre before you ,_ •A•llml Opan Sal 12-4• Sun t ·Br. 1395. 2 Bdrm. '490 •Hher t1ove 5 play-lge rec araa lnol. gym, gaa a water p aid. rent. C11.1tom dHlgn 11M171 12-5. 515\oi Begonia mo. Crpt1, C1rp1, pool, groundi ~ llCIM-pool & apa. ~ti $300/mo. 53e-797g teaturel. Pool, bbq, OCE.AN~ONT large mo-(213) 355-1587 oar. No pall. 642-4<t70 tlaa. walk to~&. •'A I IU WILi WALK TO BEACH: I Br. cov'rd garage, aurroun· darn 3 &. 2 Be. No peb. ITDt Tl.. 1625. Vary Nloa. 2 bf. 2 ac:hoolt. comer o4 FIAt-Ltg 1 & 2 BR IO'lllMOuM wt.tow 1375/mo. ~~-~::CU:-land9Ca-Avail now to June 1'. Large 2 br. 2 bL 1rp1c. be. belc,· "1>1. beafn oal-view &. Adame. Open aptt, encl gar, lrplc, ~7971 1 Br. Furn 1515 1900. 873-eMO many amanltlM. vi-. Ing, bultt-lna. p , lndry M~ ~5. Sun 11-5. hook-up1. Haar Hunt. w•LK TO &'"'•CH· 2 .. . 365 W Wlleon 042-1971 WINTER RENTAL 2 & 3 1825/mo. Call AnthOlly lac, no peta. 540-e.338. 557_.7'5. Hrbr. from $475, Chll-" ..,, . ... . Bdrma, N_,_,, Penln· day• 8•2-5757, •vaa & 1Br. up11alre, no pate, Meaa Varda 2 &. 1 Ba. ~en Ot<. &40~1 •tove a ralrlga. Smell ptt .__ ... _ a.a. ·-,,...... .....nd• "'"1 -..... 11.. d ok. "50/mo. 53&-79111. __ .,...., •--.• ....,.. SUia. Playa Reel Estate. 1_ .. _ .. _ .... __ ,.........., __ . __ _.. evall Oct 1. 1370 mo. 352 garage, .. a n.-con · 3 Bdrm. 3 ea. Aptl A.¥911 1---------1 !'!!r.!!.~ ... 1!!! NO FEEi Apt. a Condo rentala. VIiia Aentall. 675--4812 Broker. PAP.K NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BE.A.CH A total environment apar1ment community on Iha Upper Bay. Pflllete clubhouH and health •Pa. 8 tannlt court•, 1 poola, C$OM to bualMas, airport, Faahlon teland Convenient 1hop1 on • •• UnfumlaMd ~ ten. 1 & 2 bdrm aptt and lownhouaaa. S540 -t 1000 S.V.al baclMlor• and 1 Bdrm unl11 ,..,UN fine d'"Jgn., furniture and accaaaortea. MOYe In to- dA!y Of ~ b IUm- m•r month1. Smartly turnl1~ modela open dally. Beautiful landecaped Jr. 873-1900 Vlc1or1a. 845-8181 M95/mo. 714/W·iatO lmmadlataly. 1eoo i. 3 br 2ba. garden apt. 2 1 bdrm with patto. Gu 1---------COrf 1 Br. tlOuae, frl>IC, se25 w 1 9ld 2 kid pvt pa1101, own w/d On J.,,tlof' .. Ad at and wtter paid. Large Yearly 1 Br. turn w/enclad pool •neat, arnpld non GARDEN RETREAT 2 Bt. Sharp 2 Br. houla, ttove, k F ~ .,d~ h · h 1 l'lkup 1 encl gar M 75 San Joaquin Hine Rd. recreation rm lnctuda1 x;~s:oe.o pet•. 1500. ~~fd~·1~~·1::.:.9~:.: ~~ 8:ocf.~& ~ Ct-"'311~ peta. $600. :·r~;:::·f::·5~:~0-0:l_0ae __ · ____ a.o. __ s_504_1 144-1111 g~eine:en': =.~ v:! -..----./.,.---' IUt. aec. 640-4999. brook, 111nt cond. No Large 2 Br. n .. paint. Agan . 1425. 1 BR . I Ba. .,.110, _2_Br_2_Be_f_rom--S5-25-.-No- ' .. 11 t I I t --. •-• ptt1. l550Jmo. 644-7452 cerpat 15211/mo 8tu Ou1e1 1 Bdrm apt, utU pd. lndry rm. all bllna. Mut1 ey ... a cour . ac poo . Out et anding 2 and 3 Lovely 2 Br 2 Ba. near °' t<ll-2MO 497 2338 OI 540-3iee ' blk9 from beach •a•. TL S Mg m I . peta. Acro11 from Npt Catt bdrm, 2 ba. ldry. frpc, t>Mc:h, turn. or unlurn. • ' $4()0/mo 207 Chicago. 042-1803 • 8c:te GOif Courw. Offtca 11'1-tlll bal. 2 gw. S800tmo. 11• 1700. &44-1t81 lmmadlata occupancy. 1 er. $425/mo. 1_985-4954 · hrl M. 545-4455 000 wlnttt 640-4704. o 3B Mee& Var'de ~ 2 8aotlelor S3e0/mo Stu • lh•• 1flat 3111 ulet r, bonu• rm. Br 2 Ba apt garage 540-3eee 497 .2338 2Br 28a coodo pool nr You don t need • gun to S··u::·,··,··a·r··,••e•a··. ·v·1·11·.·. llllT Tm 1950/mo IH. Gar1ga. lrplc blt~ln1 'no pate' or -bch ahopplng ·1~70 ~ "draw IHI" when you ,.... F .... b Great locetlon. 751J.11'3 S575imo. ~. · Nr. S.C. Plau. Ir" t Br ,,,7,,.·7 .. ,_ · · pl-an ad In the o.lly courtyatd, very prtv•ta. urn. rent-Y week or • • .,... "'• Pilot W I Adlf Calf No pell. 1450/mo. month.Agt67M170. 1brforalngle2blk1from13u B h II P•tloonatr~am.l.pool. /6' WI now baach. Frplc. wat bar ...... 5 2 :~ +·u~ .. '!~wE.. •7 P•. aeour . •450, Q...in.d Ade 042-5978 2-• __ 673-3313 ........ ,, ....... LH11a pd. t51s1mo. °'*' 21.1. c~M. 1nq18isD . ..,.....1_o-eo_55 ______ li~EEE~~~g~==~~s~s BHtl•f"" Houa.1 t9 39th, s bdrm, s.1. 87S-1153 04M519. 645-& 103 Eaatllde tr~•. 2 bd. 1 K bunk ? ...,. 1141 ~ ...... w ... "'~,,... -• ...._ 2 eR 1 ..... _·tm· .,., p . carpet. dr.-enne port. •••••••••••••••••••••• "'P' 1vvv . u.fboa. 2 ...-.. , V"...,.., n vim 1510/mo ..... 280I man Llml I bdrm 1850 . Dolly •••••••••••••••••••••• &. gar, no pelt. 475. Isn't that the boat Beaulllul park-1111• eur-&75-4630 541-t950 3 br, l'N 11•· dbl• ,.r. that won The America's Cup In '75? roundlng1. Terrace d 2 t>r, 2 ba, lrplc, M75 mo llleetiBM Lrg• 28r 114 ba. dl•h-~~~~/ 5· ~f'V"\~ pool. Sunken gH bbq. yearly Slape to beach & IPll1'mtl wa1har, gar, paUo. ..,;...... -'-=-.II "-1o.....::/" -.:..J s parkling lountaln1. Newport Pier. 2009 Baautlfully land.caped 11125/mo. Opan Dally Spaoloul 21Sr "35, aM I>'-If )IOU'rt not sure wtio (or wtllt) KennytNnkpon Spaclou1 room•. s..>1-Court Av. 1,1, laat & tac. gwden apta. Pool a. a,,.. 1H4 Anaheim Apt O. tint. upper or lower wu. oon't feel bld-yoo·re not •ION. rate dining .,.._ W~·in No Pft•. l213)912-2095/ Patloaldaeka. No pate. ~W22t 1"2 ~Pt. 842""912 ~ Is one of 14 ~~ =·~'c.'::a.'~!i:~~ ~ 130 8i:'°' ::=15 Flraplaca. pool. d l•h-MUO m dttfannt ~ment l'IOorplW ~ SNwines Vin• Huntington Center. Jun!« 1 &. Varsalltaa, on J 8dr:: ~ o=; r.pa:EJ'~ lfwl ii in l-illntlngtxln 8-h SNwind Vlhge IS ~ rW5Wt • 1 Bdrm-l\lm,1515 court I 5 4 5 /mo . 22&o Vanguard ....... 557_2.:.1• 1er.1270/mo. l*a ut:lla d ~ penonduqpro(e5$0NI ~ No peta. Utllltlea rr..1 2131817·3292 d1yt. 640-N2e Of t42.UOS -&. dlOOIH. Noveoency In The kind of 1ntnt1011 ~ .,...._ LA QUINTA HERMOSA 2131381-5900. -chlldr•n• HOiion. No . A perflct blend of nltUrt Mid Mno- t6211 Park tide l/I, 1 blk ......... 3 Bdml. 2 Betha "25 2 bdrm, 1 ba, din rm, Pftt. no .. *'*" ~50 natJec1 In • fOf'es with bMlbllng btOOka Ind quiet w. of Baach, 3 bike S. 4Br winter rental. 1800 181 E. 2111. !Ma-2408 Maaa Varda, Acron ~!!'..Port llvd. Coat• PotldS. CQClled by NltUrll OClilr\ l>rMU5. AOCI to ol Edl~ •.. 147·5441. mo. A.gt. O:S1·8011 8oedoua2 9r t 8a.t4H from acnt. Fenoad ~. 1 -WttennbQIU.U.$Wlmrnit19~a.JaC+u1aM '.:'O-ca_a_n~l-ro_n_t_S.,..t_u_d..,.,lo_A_p_t-.ll-Oldar--1=-9r-,-~-l>Mt--to-MM--. t Br.,,_. ta.1475: oar&;· Poot HU. Baautlful 2 Ir. 2 la 1con¥fnltntloQtlOnnelfshOpClinQlllO Pool. '416/mo. M30/mo rrtf. 875-5710 l•u'tJ911ac., pool. 831 • 831"5650 t~hOUM. Jrpto, petlO, ~1ttndyo1.t'wgoup1a~WOUICS Call ~t-t347 an 5. ~ t2-7PM. 1 IA. new p1lnt, cpt1, lndry rm. good loo .P"fJAdj a.II horne.(EWa l<ennytlunkpe>rtf) BAY TIM9EA8 drape•, d/w, no pet•. IMO/mo. TIL MorM. Ont tnd two bldrUom. one Ind two bllttl u........ 1141 WINTER RENTALS now ·------1 •-....... -t400/mo. 2215 Mlnet St. M2.e221 loU·1toS ::7 .. -;;:-............... .,,....,._ ..__ -.. _ -u a -"'**from ... lp~300n~ m:!! ~1':_• IPI. "II'' I I T---. 2 •. 1~ k , 1a - -2 Br. 1 .. PoOI .... ape, ' Avl Sept 15/0ct 1. ~rly 11ept fr beadl 2 BR 2 S.. 1750 mo. Call '°' IC)9t. 67S-0124 uk '°'Kat• ~ Block to beach, 2Br. bright &. airy. 1700 mo. yrly. IMl&-4263 LOVELY 2BR, 2BA.. Yt bit 10 bch, w/d, p . No pett. Yrtf 1700/mo. + utll. 116-1706. Walk ~o bMCtl. Yrty. Ctaen 2 br. t ba, U50. No ptt1 645-1819, WATER FRONT lrg a bd, 2 be. lrpl. entry, med. car ~·· lrg patio, arnal ~· 10 15'. Utile $960, 111. ..... MC. 175-22M. f'bdrm. 1 be, '675~. ~.o bMCf\, 1111 W. 213486-16'2 Stap1 lrom Beaoh, a bdrm, 2 ba, llraplaca. tUO. 202 21at St. ·~ .,.,... 3 bdf,. I ba. gar. _... 1oo. w'""' Luxury tt\ldlo, free H80, ......... ft a men. ... Mii t-217 U1fW - .... ..--., -••••• ""*'•pool,-......., Newly decor. GH pd, lndry rm. tlH•lna, No YllllOt V1ctOl'i. llMdl llflt, 1 bf, 11M111 ,., ... No ,,..... Avllll enot o•r. """· pool, ~·· C111 for •PPI. l•chalor, gt aat 100. 1500/mo. Incl. u1111. OCU.N""*1' htO 3 It"' now. 1111/MO. II '*t. "° PllL Ml.-IC>73, rat= "2·110ia l!llRJ5 ..,,_ -u,. ..., __ --CA ":::' .... • ••• ... (80!1)2at-12s1 one1M.•0now. '1M IMO,_. t er."' & ir. enoltd 0,1110 .._ ... _.(;.-;, ...... t'.._....,_,. --. _ - Sm atudlo, II oook. YleW. noo "'·· Wlftter. c.t• , •••• ----· up•t•lt•· Avali 10-1~ ':!::::°'t.1:,~ .... 2 l·-· .. :. Fnllll ow Siii DilllD =.,. nor9I on li'1ldl llO IAIT IWP' .... ., • Qlilat ampl non 1m111._a_1_&...a __ ,_, _____ 1 ,.., • _..,Ii e.!lllO. aat ~ -· tie. .,,,..,.,.,............_. drink. HO. l.aguna ..-.,....... Dr. e. ....... ~.,.~ :-... ..1 .... : lee. w-.-.-.Ni1 ... t11 ..,...,S--SYlllp w. •..-.:' .... ..., 4M-lt21 Wint Ma c.t ...... M-110ia ...... --.. !.!1*..~.,.s.!"!-~;::-::,-~IA~!!!!!il!!!!!!~!-!M!!! .. !!! ..... !!!!!!•!~!!!!!_,!!!l,!!O!!AM!!!•!!MR!!!!!!!!J.:M=•=•=m==~==""-· • Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Sept. 25, 19~2 _ 27 A,a1l•••ll 1 ... , IHI U.i.r.Jijftl •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,. .. !~.!!.91!!.~~ ,!.._! .. 1!.!!.f~H!!.~!! ~.~~ ..•• ~ ~-~!~ •••• !!.!! ~!'!!'!.'.!~W..!!.!f •••••••••••••••••••••• M/f w/kttchen prtv. 1220 • ..,,,.,, IHij Jiii & 'A utll. No drinker•, ··-·••••••• •••••••••••• CM. 8A5·5CMI n1mun WA11111 ~ale UCI grad llud•nt 1617 w .. tcllff, N.B. 258 II""'" ...... Xlnt H.B. loc. 1100 eq ft, 4 Profeealonel male 25-35, need a 2 rem. rmmta to 4000 eq. n. 1at. floor. For reue, 3 adjacent pvt otflcea. atOfage ., ... non-amoker 10 •hare 20·27 to anr beaut. 3 Bf Aoent 541·5032 Hecutlve aullea. Top lite & copier arH, pvt Deluxe 2 BA. Mecllterra-•--------- nean Newport, $500 mo. ........ ..... &42-4387 MaJe/Female 3 bdrm apt cloH to b•ach. YHrly leaN. S237.50 per mo. S 100 dee>. Avail Oc1 t "llke-new" 2 Bdrm 2 townhouae In untv. Ptk, 111m lfm-lloor Of pr .. t10Jou• ad· r .. troom. gym & uuna beth San Juen c.piit'ra Irv. 1275/mo. H . Daya * liii* dreu BHutlful view <¥' premlMa. All utlla Pd. no condo. Fl replace: 75~2878, -552-9310 From 1 room to 3 rooma. Hlghty. upgraded. Aecep: 80c/aq tt. 84'· 1358. pool, Jacuzzi & only ml· OCEAN SIDE of Balboa. =· ~ 1· 1i~ 91d1t. :.:,~ tlonl1t Service provided. _84_8-_1_9_8_5 ____ _ IOUIHllT YHrly 2Br, 2Ba. S750 mo. Agt. 831-8018 nutea to the btach & Blvd. 2nd 1tory houM. port« ::' 2172 ~Pont Suitt• avallabl• lndlvl-Two amall office tuh• w/ Dane Point Harbor. $235 mo. plua $14 ulll. Call AM 833-3223 · dually or H • group . .onw1 warenouae apaC. $290/month plu1 'A or Bob 875-1105. 12 to · ldMI lor Brancti omc. or Nwpt Bch near Hoag 2Br Iba. Frpk:, atec>• to Choice locatlon, pool, the utf!ltlel. Call Oerllard midnight. Alri>or1 arN • Exec. Sul-pertona In the Financial Hoap. 842·1822 631·2270 Steve ocn. 1850/mo. yrty. Aefl. bHutllul Bathe, Fem. •t (7 14) 831-2040 or Ra M/F 25 35 to ah tee. From 225-450 aq. ti. Field. Pl••N call (7141 842-7005, 1·337-9274 pref, all prlvll19H, (714)498-9751. ~ untu •2 br 2 ~ $1peteq.ft.Menyxtr ... 780·1818 NEWPORT CLOSE TO BCH. 2 br. 2 S250/mo. non-amkr. M• 35-45 "" 5br, 2be Promont::'y' Pt.' N.B. C.. 557-7010 _c_ENT __ E_R_ • ....; ______ _ 548-2733 h 8 c b a . ea r. tat, 1 .. 1. M nr • .Ptua/Frwy. s.oe> + 'A uttla. Lve meo 400-900 PLUS 1400 aq. n. WEITOUff I I $525mo. d•YI 831-3473, Quiet room, Bey St. C.M. Spa. 1225+.har• ulll•. AHaon 87M20-4. PtnthOUM Bayfront Sul-.-:...· • 845-4380 ewe. & Sun. Empl. petton, 1150 mo. 841 .... 913. ta. perking-, petto.. ,, __ Ind. uttta. &48-3e$3 ~=---------Ml~ roommele went*' to 17,_ 1003 -., .. Yearly, oceanfront 2 Br. •---------Roommate wanted M / ahar• 3 bdrm, 2 be dplx. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _....._ $710/mo. Irvin• furn rm, full hH a1rWgtlt, nc>41Tlk. S250 + In CdM. 4 blk1 to bNdl. From 200 all to 1400 alt. Delk IP8G4J, llGtry av•. All 01ter1 COfleidtre<I. t Br yearty $495/mo. prtv. 111 excnange fOf tight ·~ uUI. Oya &42~8. an s2ee. •,<; utll 7to-ee38 *1111'1 llA&.I* Broker 645-3883 housekeeping & af1 4PM 8PM &42-5820 Rmmate Wtd, M/F, to lhr O.C. AltpOft .,.._ Prof. FEELING CRAMPED? Xtra latge t Br ateps to ocean w/d, patio. rec rm $425. 675-3231. Older 2 Br. 'h blk to sand, S550tmo yrly Utll Incl 675-5710 att 5. chttd-eara. Muet hava L.ar~ 2 Br 2be In Corona bHut 3 bd townhm In environment, full ..me.. FOf Information cal) car Avail now 857 •4993 d Mar. So. of highway. • N.B. on the bay, blk/bdl ~ ll'l~ndMduel 1~ Stu or Roat Mstr bdrm wl bath, lulty S350 mo. 873-9102 $330/mo. 875-2529 eq f1 ~ 3500 aqap~. MO. 142-H14 furn. female. full kit prlv, Park Newport, 3 br twnh· $hr lux condo bMVtllulfy FREE. 759-8978 ---------- S 2 O O m 0 + u t 1 I ae, M/F, vu back bay. tum, aJt .,,_;lllel + 9.,, ~~~~~~~~~ WEmlUTEI 549-8677 pool, ttnnla, •P•· Jan nr 55/405. Pref. mature. -1111 .,.-.. Deluxe o lffct or 11ora N B.IBluHa, pV1 br & ba, 759-0048. non-emkr. very clean. -apace. 142801900 SQ It. e.....w ... w. 141! •••••••••••••••••••••• Comm't b•ach location apx 500 e.r .. t500/mo total. 848 8844 1150 lq ft. Euy Acceee. s.. dally. 8·5.' 1700/mo 1731 Superior. C.M. 842-24 3 4 . day1. 984·7294 eves. '•'••lrlll l1•l1l 4M .•.•••.....••••.....•• N.B. 3975 Birch 1000 aq. fl. MIA zone. Agent 541-5032. ) d • • • kit. & llldry prlv .. ger., Pl--llY Niil Sm42_0 mo 641·9402 Lv Attracttw ruelk: upetalrs 1430411200 aq f1 a..ct1 Compl. redec 2Br 2bl , uuts. Nr poot Nonamkr. ....., ..., Mltlng. We eupply deslt. 8lvd. Btwn 2 frwya, Civic $750 up. 2160 ft. lndu unusual lge rms. block to 1290 750-9717 Lux 2 br. 2 ba, lrplc, all apace, oopjer. You IUP-C.Oter Village Shopc)lng strtal . 01flee. 1810 t Re-~ bch Resp cple Yrly amenttlee, $3 42 + 'A F lhr 2brl2ba Woodbr1d· ply phOnt, & St! pr mo Center. prime locetlon $650.642-3912 I Rm 111 4 br. 2 ba house, ullls Non -emoker . geconc:to,chlldol!,S325. prdftk.Ctl1644-72'1. 979-8889 0f680--0t44 dolldo Circle •M & T EAST BLUFF TWNHSE • kit .. waehert dryer. etc. 675-9534. &40-6800, 552-3375 2000 sq ft w/500 aq 11 ----:"'.~~~"."'"""--~~~~~.ton : Beach. 3Br. ~Be. 2 car getage, $225 + '20 dep C M Aoomm•t• needad so. Shr beaut fum 3 br, 2'h storage. O.C Alrpor1 llWPlll ----------4 n o pets. S 7 5 0 m o. 842-4 172 Cit Plaza area. $235 & 'A be. 2 lly houN, lrvloe, are a $ 2 O O O I m o UY YO le.,.n·AlrJeft 6«~1010 .. Own br & b•, fum. condo u111a C8'POf1. 549-8289 jK. 1>91. 731·&830 851·8928 Otta IUtte on Newport 0 11 1c e/I11 dust r I a I Npt Ht1. bachelor plu1 next Io SC PI az a . eve. Prof. F lo sllr ramblll\g 2 SO. LAGUNA. 3 Arch o~. Harbor. Approx 1000 eq 4,000-14,000 aq fl. All (D ( $275/mo Judy 754-7796 Cdl .... 7 f1 714-645-7100 A/C H'V)' Pwr and Ught ulll Pre c lean quiet Fem to Shar• ,...B. Condo, br, 2 be cottage, M 2 Suttee avail. Gd Hwy ---------Ing. Xlnl lor R&D and low per.onS300.S~S.-4358 B•ttll #•lell 41• fullyfurnlahed, non· '425+1"utlla.Storage llltlbihty.497-2351 Execeuitew/AC,500aq r atta. 720 •0621 , OCEANFRONT ••••••'••••••••••••••• amkr • S250 + If utll. avail 720-0564 •2500 aq.11. lndua1rlal unh ft. w~~~ & g•r. S400 213-927~ Large 3Br2ba.S875/mo. SIAl.All MTll Av ail. lmmed. Don M/F to sllr condo. ocean wlth32Saq.f1.of ortk:t+ mo. 800 ~ Avail. turn. 873-4483, Wkly rantala now a11eU. 631-0815 view, amenltlea, S375 5000 ...... ft --~ .. alt COYe-Shere furn. executive offl· Automotive 5 car •P•c• .... .._.. • avail. Ptrlect ror mecn. 540-3773 $105 & up. Color TV. Fam 30 ihr toe la vi sh mo Incl utlls. &42-4691 red & ferlC*S yard ce, Npt Bctl, copy ~-b 0 d 'I & P •Int. 0 r Oc:4Mullront 1 br, winter, PhonH In room 227" twnhae w/reefl. working Newport luxury condo, •2400 •q ft. lnduatrlal ch 1 n • • $ 1 O OJ m 0 • upholtttry buelneH. S55b. 730-0 t04 11v1 a Newport Blvd. CM fem. unbtlleVeble rOC>m9, Atty, atralgtlt ah•r• wtth ullfl with 9000 aq,ft. Of 857-e3&3 Equipped with elr com· Wkndl; 833-3743 dye. 648-7445 OYertootllng brqolc & we-male non...arnolter. $550. U2POr0aded0 °1~· 1 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii prMaor, uuuu .. paid. terfall. Pool.A•c. lake, 752.M-42 da, 640-2'34 • 4 aq. 1. •nduatr et .... IP• $775/mo C.M. 14~74 tBr t blk to Bay & bch, 8 [ A C H A R [ A etc. NB/CM ar ... $275. unit with 1500 aq.1'1. of ay•• • _l,,MIT $435 mo. yr1y 873-6210 780-8045 Xtnt 2 BA 2 Ba apt, CM, up"redecl office. Have --· °' -673-2493 $84/ k good ar ... carport, lndry aub-ltiale ten.nl for 900 1568 aq. n., S2.774 mo. W Emp~ F. to ahare lo-$290 Incl utll. Bef ttAM. aq.n . of ottloe apace If 915 eq. 1'1. $599/mo. la CIMO,. Jl1f Ael..,_,alor-Mald·Pool vtly m. H.B llOme wt S48-8902 deal<ed. 525 eq. ft. "435/mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Btvd & WUeon same. Non·amoker & •Motivated owner 11 520 lq. ft 1399/rno l!!!!r! •••••••••• ,.~ff Storage GarfGe for Aenl In ~ta tHaa.. S&5 mo 338 e 20th. 831.()921 .. , M Tm -·~-,, muat Ilk• c:hik:tl'en. $275. Fem . OCQnvlew condo, d k 1 Aak fOf Newell or Giii. In Sett ClerMtlttl Near Costa M... 548-9755 848-2071 eve; 731-77t1 capo Bctl, nr Frwya; pvt ~I ~,~1:1~;~. ':>~~·----------~ :!,~B~r~ NEW 1 Bdrm. apt. with Pine Knot Motel on Cow days Jal'Mlt. 8 r & B • • 2 Po o I 1 . elpete only. -_, built-Ina, carpatlng, dr•· Hwy, NB. Step1 to Flnanclany""'reaponalbl• $280/mo I ncl utll. ._ ••-•-sfooC:,::i~·:::';;!, pee, teundry faciUty. un-ocea n Wkly ra1e1. Femele 25-39 year1 101_4_t&-_S4_36 _____ -4 --__ , der root carport• '°' 2 645-0440 allare luxury 2 Bdrm. Fun FEM TO SHA APT ON Exec. Sullee lnCI. tecept., ln1'11 WulH 4"' catl, public tertnla court• Promontory Pl. Town-BCH S250 mo. HC'Y HfVI, cont. rm.. Lido ealty ..•....•.............• & gofl course right be· IEED l PUOEI houae, overlook• pool. 875-1295 kit .. mall handlg. A•· 28 yr Old lllngle working hind propar1y. welktng AeHonabft rates KU-Trevel opportunlt•• SHARE CONDO apon1lve to your bual· 67J..7300 male need• r"aonabte dist~ to State Par11 & ~tea. phOnM, meld lncld Rert , background neu natda. Adi 405f~~~~~~~~~ one bdrm •Pt Non-beach close to every-1ervlce, z channel mo-req·a. Cell Allawar Ad Beaut ,_fully fum. En-Fwy In F.11. t11dlv. ofce.1: drlnktr & non-1moker. ~~~,:~111s~t~.!'ro~~".. vies. SANDPIPER MO-#74t, 642-4300 24 hra. =~:,Cd~· '=.pl.:~ ~:S from $325. l•mni lnl'1 ffSO ~:;~;:~rencea. Mike no pat1. Call owner at TEL. t9e7 Newport Blvd, °' write • PO. box 3s-B. be pleaeant, ttabla & •••••••••••••••••••••• 1-----------1 (714) 642-0138 CM 645-9137. Batbo• I a l and. Ca non-amkr. M/F $300 NEWPORT EXEC SUITES Retail ttore •I 2650 Avon, IDEAL TENANTS. 1 8', pvt deck, old wor1d charm. spectacular ocean vu, walk to beaCll $495 Contact Mgr at ept C 332 Ellclno L11 LMIU llAOI 92662. mo Carol S4&-eeo3 Full Mn/Ice, reuonable 1585 aq. It. plua 8 car Prof Cpfa seek• good, .. -t• Female 21·30 share my ratea. Xlnt loc. 752-8408 garage. &41-8777. low coat rent•I In NB/ ·-Fem, lmmac. non ll'Tlkr, lo ---------1 Irv/ CM/ So SA a1N. 1 Wkly rantals S95 up •P1 Non-ll'TIOker. Cotta enr 3 BA condo nr SCP. Coa1a Meta t or 2 room Hewpor1 Ottlce/Garage or 2 bd. Wiii help ~nt· Color Tll, free colle~~ ~ 1J· ~ r.;rt1 ;~· Over 25, aatabl. $250 aullu From $75/mo. ~eo:'~ ~: al11 prop Oal/ld or Kellle heated pool & etepa to 545-2591 • mo Incl utQ ~S-2575 Utll• ~· 779 W 19th 1285/month. 848-7&4 1 Kertt 548-5036 ocean. Kltell't avail. Mele 23-29 to ehr 28r 18• St. 851 8928 ;:========:.'....1"':-_-:-:-:-::-::-::-::-::-:-::-:-:-:-:~-• ....,, 40IO 985 N. Coast Hwy, Reap. quiet male for tg. CdM. hae. 1240 mo. + Newport Exec sultt 2 min •••••• • ••• • • •• • • •••••• Laguna Beach ... SM-6294 PetH'\ Pt apt 875-0328 utM Oct 18. &40-27 l5 from Airport l"I•• Ind ht s9o & up with kltchtn. Vi1u1"--._,, ••• f•"• all 8 wk day all day offlc•• In • luxurlou1 ::.':r54~front Mo-•••••• ~.~-~ •• ~~ weei<enda. M/F anr hM, $180 mo.+ antique lllled bualn••• ---------1LK. AAAOWHEAD·2ety Senior citizen wiahH Y. utll. ,..on amoker only. envlronmtnt equipped LMIU llAOI new 4Br + loft, 2B1. 2 Mme to llve In & share C.M ., .. 85()..()907 with Tix, W.P .. ana aerv .. MTll .. lrplet. 2 belconlea, ca-e 11 pen I a a. App r Ox. WUITll lrg conference rm, lotl Of Wkly rantal1 195 up lhedr9I celling, OOlor TV. $250lmo. &4f..58.43 2 M/F to tlV ocn llO(ll parking mo/fn9 °' ..... Color Tll. tree colfH, Sipe 14 North Shore. Single man w/'f" o4d eon 4"81', 3Ba home. Aefa a trom s3t 5• desk 9'>toe htated pool & atepe 10 l295t wtrnd. S3U&/wk. to ahr houM In CM. $200 muat. Avail. 10/ 1. Biii 1250· M0\19 In allowence ocean l<ltch'• avail. Sst5imo 522-8831 mo & atv utll. 848-1041 840-0944 _a_33-_te_7_9 ______ 1 985 N. Coast Hwy, Lake Tahoe on watw w/ SAH CLEM bch tlH, Nwpl apt on bch 28f. 18•, *'" 1111. """* Ulguna 8eaetl 494-5294 boat dock 48< 3be ••ec dec.k, frplc. Ctllld7 $270. pool, nr tennla crta. $315 881 Oovw OI". SUit• 14. Quiet N.B •rH. non-hm Oompl furn . Judl 492-7343,&41·3385 mo. Cr•"' 631·l495 or N•wpo r t B•aach . 552-2 t 15 or evaa '" 631-3851 amo kar. pref. mature 975-0311 Fem. 10 ltlr !>Ml.It. 4 br 873-0300 ----·-----• fem. $350 1~1. utll Ellecu1...,. Mt full 548-7652 PALM 0£8ERT CC NEW home, frpiC, patio, 8ICk Ammeta to atw 281' hM, ... Mr----------1 28' vu home, ape, mue Bey. $250. 54&-0155 H.B. $230 mo. + •.t ulll. Wie. ;ruti r~. no Kit prlv. Chrlallan Home, I a 11 r • v wk I wk n d • M/F to ahart furn., 2 br 2 1at & 1 .. 1 &48-8.483 IMM. 754 274 M '1r~ht, Nr Bch. LAio 586-8119 be •Pl, pool Jae. S375 Shr xtra lg ept. Mllr & btf 1l9' If. '~Bctl. ~~~,~~room2281wtt" MAUI KIHEI 1Br. OCHn lndcl uUla. 548-0929 bath. etra1911t, malt. nr 1100. '4$-7MS .... .,....., ,.,, " Hunt H41rbor, S325 mo. ---------• va1a bettl tor rent,,.., v 1 e w . I u x S 3 O d y . Fem 29 to ahr 2 BA 1.,. bt 840•8910 Office to ehor•. Pre1t1- beech. light llv. rm. & 873-8210 d'Ja, 873-2493 HB condo. 15 min fr beh, g1ous N9wport IOClltloril k i tc hen prlvlt•gH . ..,.. C:• i.e. Oya 546-8180: Shr 3Br Coate Meu li'nmed. ~.12711 $300/mo. Cell 1181-2951. H.B. OCEAN FRONT, a1pe bara. tv9. Me-M84 home, jac, etc. $350 mo mo, e:t.3·2Me. 2 bite• COM BEACHI 8, $350 wk. 873·8210, M/f< to ahr 3 br, i"A be + ... utlf. 141-ete& HOO .,, bHIC Ole w / Fum Of unfum, prtv be. eYea 873-2A93 Nwpl H,':8h:· 1210 mo. LIDO ISLE 3BR HSE 1t0f'fl09. 8y 0.0 AlrpOft. w/tel9phone. Full klldl lnl.Ji II IMn fJ# + utlla. 10 Non-emoker, S400 + IA I 1 5 0 0 I mo. To"'. prtv. Geraoe .-ce. $250 •••••••••••••••••••••• F/M to atw 2 bt apt, C.M., utttra. Ctrot t 7,.....e '51-tttl Mo. 720-tn5 EV Reap per90f'I to enr ocn all arnenltlea. '290 +.,. Me1ure. ,... ' eo w 2 ---1-.. --,.----u Maaa V•rd•. complete, ~ 1-.'=~~· 8~ uttll. 764-73At bt, 2 be H.8:.=, '215 + A1ty'1, CPA•• & l'rof. beaut. maetar Nte & ltv.1-----.,.--...--18hr2bt/2'ttba oondO, CM, lit utlla. '4l 22 NHr90rt C•ftter Exec ""· Ml bettl, tn-tew Cltrl. 8hr 3bt/2~ CdM, frplo, W/D. o•r. ,,., 12H + ....... "',_,... Sult••· lully •••ff•d, pvt ent., p1ef. p1ot. Of' '290 + utlla. Pfflf. 1011. utllle. Joen 841-9829 ::;~-.-.......... .-......-; Ntldle el~...,.. rt1ttteet ~ '*'°" wt 17~. 752·1038 ,...._...._ F ..,., ..... SIHOL! GAAAQ&. c.ntr91 Mede, ~ ofllaee. ref1. S450 Incl. utlf1. , to atv 2 bf, 1.,. be apt, "';;"' Inf;!,:.... Laouna. nHr Mein Mo/Mo. 144-11•. l5'-t033 t047 ~'· Walk to bf s ·~''"'°' (no :J ~ · t • ''"' 0 • Tl'te ,..._. •• "' .-SELL Idle llama wlttl • OOC. '237.50 +dee>. 1~t & IHt). Oot. 1. w .. t •• ,a o.Hy ~t Deity Piiot C1_..d Ad. Oct. 1. 148 41N '3s-llOll: 111-Jl'l'T Cl&AM9d Ac9 M;l·M71 QM 8'IW ./14, 141-1111. Classified works for you when you want to ~ I ---------·--·--------·~--·----'::' • • *(in ik spen' slvJ not high in price; reason- able cost; classified advertising. ~;.~7A!~ou ~, f()(. 30 di'/ ad In t1le .... , PUT --..... , 00 IT NOWI ... ,., .... y '1411 Delly Not &aMoe DINctory "-Pt.-nt•tiv. .., ... 11,111.m .. -------7 28 -Orange County Reet eefate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept:25, 1982 YESTERDAY IS A CANCELLED CHECK; TOMORROW IS A PROMISSORY NOTE; ONLY TODAY IS CASH SPEND IT LIKE CRAZY! NEWPORT BUCH/CDI IRYlllE EUCITIVE •IHL -Lush landscaping accentuates this lovely custom model located in beautiful Irvine. Formal living room with ankle d eep. plush pile, family room, crackli ng fireplace, hide-a-way master suite, separate childrens wing. Gourmet kitchen, breakfast room, sparkling pool. spa, etc., etc. Beautiful home great for entertaining. Call 546-2313 WALi Tl IUCI -From this beautiful 2 story condominium. Very quiet area, big living room with fireplace, spacious country kitchen. two patios. many extras. Call 546-23 13 .l&SllllE CIEEI, VIOAIT -Lovely 2 story 3 Bdrm home In fabulous Newport Beach's Jasmine C reek . Guarded gate community, with swimming pools. clubhouse guarded gate and more. Super buy at this price. Call 546-2313 JMl1HI; P•• -Dramatic Harbor View Homes, 4 Bdrm 21A bath, highly upgraded two story hornet Exceflent ueumable flnancfna and .....,. wtl carry! c.n now for detailll 846-7171. ll•HIM W. -Exquiefte 3 Bdrm 3 bath Irvine Terrace PG°' home on fM lllndf e.utlful views of OCMn, channel, bay Md ctty Mght1. Auume S506.000 at low rate and ...., wtH c.rryl Call nowt 646-7171 COSTA IESl/SAllTI 1111 STATELY HI-LEVEL -Beautiful Mesa Verde tri-level surrounded by towering trees. French country decor, one year new Champagne carpeti ng. Imported p aneling, tasteful decorator wallpaper. huge master with parents retreat, maid s quarters on 1s t floor. 2 fireplaces, space-age kitche n. Drysd ale covered pool. Etc., Etc. Much, much more. Call now for preview. 546-2313 Jltl~ 1211,IM -Country ciub estate. 4 Bdrm, 2 story! Impressive sunken famlly room, garden kitchen, built In llbraryl 2 fireplaces! Custon patio with beautiful landscaping. Assume low Interest loan! Call 963-6767 llHT UJllHllTI -Great home. near South Coast Plaza. This beautiful spacious home Is In Immaculate condition. Huge rooms throughout with 4 big bdrms and a giant bonus room. Almost new carpets, you must take advantage. Call 546-2313 PllOI HMOll -Huge Eastside 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, newly remodeled home with pool! $139,000. assumable at 13•1 •. Located near Flower and Irvine. Call for details! 646-7171 DIDTW&. Ulll• -2 Bdrm 2 bath Laurel Point townhome, upgraded throughout. Seller motivated and will conslde all offers. Priced below market at only $126,900. Call today! 646-7171 .. 111' ~ .. , LIT -Older 2 Bdrm home on i.ge tot. Minutes to beechel and lhopplng. Seller wlll carry financing. Well priced at 1131,500. Call nowt.648-7171. -• wml -8MuWul • Bdrm 2 bath home wtth walk In ltorage, eeparate dining, two fnpeleel, prtvate mpa eurrounded with wood dec*lnat Thll one epntea. Priced to Mii at 1142,900. c .. tOdayt "4e-7171 SAL!S: •ion Schoffman QOLLAR VOll{ME: Brian Schoffmon •, U~TINGS: Ctwi,, ·~ HUllTlll8TOI BUCH / FOUllTlll VALLEY l•UllU HAITIFIL -3 Bdrm Glen Mar home! Courtyard entry with Kol pond! Decorated to -perfectiont Large-yard! Only $-125.0001 Call 963-6767 111,HO, SlllLES PEITlllSE -Carefree living! Sensational balcony overlooking courtyard + fountain! Assume $63,500 loan @ 12~Wo, $699 mo., or try $6.000 down! 963-6767 HlllE ••• AHl•E -Beautiful S&S home! Brand new carpeting! Assume $86,000 loan at 11.5% payable, $864 mo. Shows like model, excellent location & financing! Only $151,900. Call 963-6767. 4 II + Nil, 1121,IOI -Beautiful home, not condo! Cozy fireplace! Excellent neighborhood! Assum-e $73,4.oO loan, 9'12%; $726 mo., or try $12,200 down! Call 963-6767 SIU.El WILL HISlllZE PAYllllTS -Immaculate 3 Bdrm home! Huge family room; beam celling; floor-to-ceiling fireplace! Brand new carpeting & fresh paintl Low interest loans available! Only $109.9001 Won't last ... call 963-6767 HLIPIHIA HlllLIW, 112,111 -3 Bdrml lmmacula'9 condition! Extra large lot! Fruit trees galore! Great FHA financing. Only $3500 down! Call 963-6767 -.i--$17 ,000 1 BR, Huntington Beach Moblle Estate $42,900 ............ 2 BR. Huntington By The·Sea $44,900 ..................... 2 BR, Bol .. Verde Park $59,000 ............ .... ............... 3 BR, 5 Star Park M1,900 ........................ 2 BA, Oomklguez HllJ1 11••ll l1M.m -Poeelble 2 on• tot! Home located In beech ., .. on double Iott Existing home II abeolulefy beMltlfutl AMulM tong term ftnancfng; no CIU8Mfytng. P9enty of room to buttd a '4ICOnd homet C8ff 963-6787 Mina O.heroff MincrOtheroff U..do A1oct